USB LIBRARY MILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING; COMPRISING THE BREEDS, BREEDING, AND MANAGEMENT, IN HEALTH AND DISEASE, OF DAIRY AND OTHER STOCK i THE SELECTION OF MILCH COWS, WITH A FULL EXPLANATION OF GUENON'S METHOD i THE CULTURE OF FORAGE PLANTS, AND THE PRODUCTION OF MILK, BUTTER, AND CHEESE: EMBODYING THE MOST RECENT IMPROVEMENTS, AND ADAPTED TO FARMING IN THE UNITED STATES AND BRITISH PROVINCES. WITH A TREATISE UPON THE DAIRY HUSBANDRY OF HOLLAND; TO WHICH IS ADDED HORSFALL'S SYSTEM OF DAIRY MANAGEMENT. BY CHARLES L. FLINT, SBCKETART OF THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE ; AUTHOR OF " A TREA- TISE OS GKAS3ES AND FORAOB PLANTS," ETC. LIBERALLY ILLUSTRATED. BOSTON: PHILLIPS, SAMPSON AND COMPANY, 13 WINTER STREET. 1859. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by CHARLES L. FLINT, In the Clerk'* Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Btmoopnl br ROBART * BOBBINS, H*m KM!*** Typ. ud gunoljp* PnDdw?, PUI.NTKD BY R, M. EDWARDS. (T o THE MASS. STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, THE MASS. SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF AGRICULTURE, AND TUB VARIOUS AGRICULTURAL, SOCIETIES OF THE UNITED STATES, WHOSE EFFORTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED SO LARGELY TO IMPROVE THI DAIHY STOCK OF OTJK COUNTBY DESIGNED TO ADVANCE THAT HIGHLY IMPORTANT INTEREST. IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THIS work is designed to embody the most recent information on the subject of dairy farming. My aim has been to make a practically useful book. With this view, I havo treated of the several breeds of stock, the diseases to which they are subject, the established principles of breeding, the feeding and management of milch cows, the raising of calves intended for the dairy, and the culture of grasses and plants to be used as fodder. For the chapter on the diseases of stock, I am largely indebted to Dr. C. M. Wood, Professor of the Theory and Practice of Veterinary Medicine, and to Dr. Geo. H. Dadd, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, both of the Boston Veterinary Institute. If this chapter contributes anything to promote a more humane and judicious treatment of cattle when suffering- from dis- ease, I shall feel amply repaid for the labor bestowed upon the whole work. The chapter on the Dutch dairy, which I have trans- lated from the German, will be found to be of great practical value, as suggesting much that is applicable to our American dairies. This chapter has never before, to my knowledge, appeared in English. The full and complete explanation of Guenon's method of judging and selecting milch cows, a method origin- ally regarded as theoretical, but now generally admitted to be very useful in practice, I have translated from the last edition of the treatise of M. Magne, a very sensible French writer, who has done good service to the agricultural public by the clearness and simplicity with which he has freed that system from its compli- cated details. VIII PREFACE. The work will be found to contain an account of the most enlightened practice in this country, in the state- ments 'of those actually engaged in dairy farming ; the details of the dairy husbandry of Holland, where this branch of industry is made a specialty to greater extent, and is consequently carried to a higher degree of per- fection, than in any other part of the world ; and the most recent and productive modes of management in English dairy farming, embracing a large amount of practical and scientific information, not hitherto pre- sented to the American public in an available form. Nothing need be said of the usefulness of a treatise on the dairy. The number of milch cows in the coun- try, forming so large a part of our material wealth, and serving as a basis for the future increase and improve- ment of every class of neat stock, on which the pros- perity of our agriculture mainly depends ; the intrinsic value of milk as an article of internal commerce, and as a most healthy and nutritious food ; the vast quantity of it made into butter and cheese, and used in every family ; the endless details of the management, feeding, and treatment, of dairy stock, and the care and atten- tion requisite to obtain from this branch of farming the highest profit, all concur to make the want of such a treatise, adapted to our climate and circumstances, felt not only by practical farmers, but by a large class of consumers, who can appreciate every improvement which may be made in preparing the products of the dairy for their use. The writer has had some years of practical experi- ence in the care of a cheese and butter dairy, to whirh has been added a wide range of observation in some of the best dairy districts of the country ; and it is hoped that the work now submitted to the public will meet that degree of favor usually accorded to an earnest effort to do something to advance the cause of agricul- ture. DAIRY FARMING CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. THE VARIOUS RACES OF PURE- BRED CATTLE IN THE UNITED STATES. THE milking qualities of our domestic cows are, to some extent, artificial, the result of care and breeding. In the natural or wild state, the cow yields only enough tc nourish her offspring for a few weeks, and then goes dry for several months, or during the greater part of the year. There is, therefore, a constant tend- ency to revert to that condition, which is prevented only by judicious treatment, designed to develop and increase the miking qualities so valuable to the human race. If this judicious treatment is continued through several generations of the same family or race of ani- mals, the qualities which it is calculated to develop become more or less fixed, and capable of transmission. Instead of being exceptional, or peculiar to an indi- vidual, they becomt the permanent characteristics of a breed. Hence the origin of a great variety of breeds or races, the characteristics of each being due to local circumstances such as climate, soil, and the special objects of the ireeder, which may be the pro- duction of milk, butter xnd cheese, or the raising of beef or working cattle. \ A knowledge of the his\ory of different breeds, and 10 INTRODUCTION. especially of the dairy breeds, is of manifest import- ance. Though very excellent milkers will sometimes be found in all of them, and of a great variety of forms, the most desirable dairy qualities will generally be found to have become fixed and permanent character- istics of Borne to a greater extent than of others ; but it does not follow that a race whose milking qualities have not been developed is of less value for other pur- poses, and for qualities which have been brought out with greater care. A brief sketch of the principal breeds of American cattle, as well as of the grades or the common stock of the country, will aid the farmer, perhaps, in making an intelligent selection with refer- ence to the special object of pursuit, whether ii be the dairy, the production of beef, or the raising of cattle for work. In a subsequent chapter on the selection of milch cows, the standard of perfection will be dscussed in detail, and the characteristics of each of tie races will naturally be measured by that. In this coinection, and as preliminary to the following sketches, it may be stated that, whatever breed may be selected, a full sup- ply of food and proper shelter are absolutely essential to the maintenance of any milking stock, the food of which goes to supply not only the rrdinary waste of the system common to all animals, but also the milk secretions, which are greater in seme than in others. A large animal on a poor pasture has to travel much further to fill itself than a snwll one. A small or medium-sized cow would return more milk in propor- tion to the food consumed, unrer such circumstances, than a large one. In selecting any breed, therefore, regard should be had to the circumstances of 'he farmer, and the oliject to be pursued. The cow nust profitable for the milk- THE AYRSHIRES. 11 dairy may be very unprofitable in the butter and cheese dairy, as well as for the production of beef; while for either of the latter objects the cow which gave the largest quantity of milk might prove very unprofitable. It is desirable to secure a union and harmony of all good qualities, so far as possible ; and the farmer wants a cow that will milk well for some years, and then, when dry, fatten readily, and sell to the butcher for the highest price. These qualities, though often supposed to be incompatible, will be found to be united in some breeds to a greater extent than in others ; while some pecu- liarities of form have been found, by observation, to be better adapted to the production of milk and beef than others. This will appear in the following pages. Pig. 1. Ayrshire Cow, imported and owned by Dr. Geo. B. Loring, Salem, Mass. THE AYRSHIRES are justly celebrated throughout Great Britain and this country for their excellent dairy qualities. Though the most recent in their origin, they are pretty distinct from the other Scotch and English races In color, the pure Ayrshires are generally red 12 POINTS. ORIGIN. and white, spotted or mottled, not roan like many of the short-horns, but often presenting a bright contrast of colors. They are sometimes, though rarely, nearly or quite all red, and sometimes black and white ; but the favorite color is red and white brightly contrasted, and by some, strawberry-color is preferred. The head is small, fine, and clean ; the face long, and narrow at the muzzle, with a sprightly yet generally mild expression ; eye small, smart, a'nd lively ; the horns short, fine, and slightly twisted upwards, set wide apart at the roots ; the neck thin ; body enlarging from fore to hind quar- ters ; the back straight and narrow, but broad across the loin ; joints rather loose and open ; ribs rather flat ; hind quarters rather thin ; bone fine ; tail long, fine and bushy at the end ; hair generally thin and soft ; udder light color and capacious, extending well forward under the belly ; teats of the cow of medium size, generally set regularly and wide apart ; milk-veins prominent and well developed. The carcass of the pure-bred Ayrshire is light, particularly the fore quarters, which is consid- ered by good judges as an index of great milking qual- ities ; but the pelvis is capacious and wide over the hips. On the whole, the Ayrshire is good-looking, but wants some of the symmetry and aptitude to fatten which characterize the short-horn, which is supposed to have contributed to build up this valuable breed on the basis of the original stock of the county of Ayr; a county extending along the eastern shore of the Frith of Clyde, in the south-western part of Scotland, and divided into three districts, known as Carrick, Cunningham, and Kyle : the first famous as the lordship of Robert Bruce, the last for the produc- tion of this, one of the most remarkable dairy breeds of cows in the world. The original stock of this county, which undoubtedly formed the basis of the HISTORY. EARLY STOCK OF AYR. 13 present Ayrshire breed, are described by Aiton, in his Treatise on the Dairy Breed of Cows, as of a diminu- tive size, ill fed, ill shaped, and yielding but a scanty return in milk. They were mostly of a black color, with large stripes of white along the chine and ridge of their backs, about the flanks, and on their faces. Their horns were high and crooked, having deep ringlets at the root, the plainest proof that the cattle were but scantily fed ; the chine of their backs stood up high and narrow; their sides were lank, short, and thin; their hides thick, and adhering to their bones ; their pile was coarse and open ; and few of them yielded more than six or eight quarts of milk a day when in their best plight, or weighed when fat more than from twelve to sixteen or twenty stones avoirdupois, at eight pounds the stone, sinking offal. " It was impossible," he continues, " that these cattle, fed as they then were, could be of great weight, well shaped, or yield much milk. Their only food in winter and spring was oat-straw, and what they could pick up in the fields, to which they were turned out almost every day, with a mash of weak corn and chaff daily for a few days after calving ; and their pasture in summer was of the very worst quality, and eaten so bare that the cattle were half starved, and had the aspect of starvelings. A wonderful change has since been made in the condition, aspect, and qualities, of the Ayrshire dairy stock. They are not now the meagre, unshapely animals they were about forty years ago ; but havo completely changed into something as different from what they were then as any two breeds in the island can be from each other. They are almost double the size, and yield about four times the quantity of milk that the Ayrshire cows then yielded. They were not of any specific breed, nor uniformity of shapes or color ; 2 14 AITON'S RECOLLECTIONS. neither was there any fixed standard by which they could be judged." Aiton wrote in 1815, and even then the Ayrshire cat- tle had been completely changed from what they were in 1770, and had, to a considerable extent, at least, set- tled down into a breed with fixed characteristics, distin- guished especially for an abundant flow and a rich qual- ity of milk. A large part of the improvement then manifested was due to better feeding and care, but much, no doubt, to judicious crossing. Strange as it may seem, considering the modern origin of this breed, " all that is certainly known is that a century ago there was no such breed as Cunningham or Ayrshire in Scot- land. Did the Ayrshire cattle arise entirely from a careful selection of the best native breed ? If they did, it is a circumstance unparalleled in the history of agri- culture. The native breed may be ameliorated by care- ful selection ; its value may be incalculably increased ; some good qualities, some of its best qualities, may be for the first time developed ; but yet there will be some resemblance to the original stock, and the more we examine the animal the more clearly we can trace out the characteristic points of the ancestor, although every one of them is improved." Aiton remembered well the time when some short- horn or Dutch cattle, as they were then called, were procured by some gentlemen in Scotland, and particu- larly by one John Dunlop, of Cunningham, who brought some Dutch cows doubtless short-horns to his byres soon after the year 1760. As they were tnen provided with the best of pasture, and the dairy was the chief object of the neighborhood, these cattle soon excited attention, and the small farmers began to raise up crosses from them. This was in Cunningham, one of the districts of Ayrshire, and Mr. Dunlop's were, THE TEESWATER. DUTCH. 15 without doubt, among the first of the stranger bieed that reached that region. About 1750, a little previous to the above date, the Earl of Marchmont bought of the Bishop of Durham several cows and a bull of the Tees- water breed, all of a brown color spotted with white, and kept them some time at his seat in Berwickshire. His lordship had extensive estates in Kyle, another dis- trict of Ayrshire, and thither his factor, Bruce Camp- bell, took some of the Teeswater breed and kept them for some time, and their progeny spread over various parts of Ayrshire. A bull, after serving many cows of the estates already mentioned, was sold to a Mr. Hamil- ton, in another quarter of Ayrshire, and raised a numer- ous offspring. About the year 1767, also, John Orr sent from Glas- gow to his estate in Ayrshire some fine milch cows, of a much larger size than any then in that region. One of them cost six pounds, which was more than twice the price of the best cow in that quarter. These cows were well fed, and of course yielded a large return of milk ; and the farmers, for miles around, were eager to get their calves to raise. About the same time, also, a few other noblemen and gentlemen, stimulated by example, bought cattle of the same appearance, in color brown spotted with white, all of them larger than the native cattle of the county, and when well fed yielding much larger quantities of milk, and their calves were all raised. Bulls of their breed and color were preferred to all others. From the description given of these cattle, there is no doubt that they were the old Teeswater, or Dutch ; the foundation, also, according to the best authorities, of the modern improved short-horns. With them and the crosses obtained from them the whole county gradu- ally became stocked, and supplied the neighboring 16 EFFECT OF INJUDICIOUS CROSSING. counties, by degrees, till at present the whole region, comprising the counties of Ayr, Renfrew, Lanark, Dum- barton, and Stirling, and more than a fourth part of the whole population of Scotland, a large proportion of which is engaged in manufactures and commercial or mechanical pursuits, furnishing a ready market for milk and butter, is almost exclusively stocked with Ayrshires. The cross with larger cattle and the natives of Ayr- shire produced, for many years, an ugly-looking beast, and the farmers were long in finding out that they had violated one of the plain principles of breeding in coupling a large and small breed so indiscriminately together, especially in the use of bulls proportionately larger than the cows to which they were put. They did not then understand that no crosses could be made in that way to increase the size of a race, without a corresponding increase in the feed ; and many very ill-shaped animals were the consequence of ignorance of a natural law. They made large bones, but they were never strong and vigorous in proportion to their size. Trying to keep large animals on poor pasture produced the same effect. The results of first crosses were therefore very unsatisfactory ; but gradually bet- ter feeding and a reduction in size came to their aid, while in the course of years more enlightened views of farming led to higher cultivation, and consequently to higher and better care and attention to stock. The effect of crosses with the larger Teeswater or short- horn was not so disastrous in Ayrshire as in some of the mountain breeds, whose feed was far less, while their exposure on high and short pastures was greater. The climate of Ayrshire is moist and mild, and the soil rich, clayey, and well adapted to pastur;i-v, but difficult to till. The cattle are naturally hardy and active, and capable of enduring severe winters, and IMPROVEMENTS. FORM OF THE BULL. 17 of easily regaining condition with the return of spring and good feed. The pasture-land of the county is devoted to dairy stock, chiefly for making butter and cheese, a small part only being used for fattening cows when too old to keep for the dairy. The breed has undergone very marked improvements since Aiton wrote, in 1815. The local demand for fresh dairy prod- ucts has very naturally taxed the skill and judgment of the farmers and dairy-men to the utmost, through a long course of years ; and thus the remarkable milking qualities of the Ayrshires have been developed to such a degree that they may be said to produce a larger quan- tity of rich milk and butter in proportion to the food consumed, or the cost of production, than any other of the pure-bred races. The owners of dairies in the county of Ayr and the neighborhood were generally small tenants, who took charge of their stock them- selves, saving and breeding from the offspring of good milkers, and drying off and feeding such as were found to be unprofitable for milk, for the butcher; and thus the production of milk and butter has for many years been the leading object with the owners of this breed, and symmetry of form and perfection of points for any other object have been very much disregarded, or, if regarded at all, only from this one point of view the produc- tion of the greatest quantity of rich milk. The manner in which this result has been brought about may further be seen in a remark of Aiton, who says that the Ayrshire farmers prefer their dairy bulls according to the feminine aspect of their heads and necks, and wish them not round behind, but broad at the hook-bones and hips, and full in the flanks. This was more than forty years ago, and under such circum- stances, and with such care in the selection of bulls and cows with reference to one specific object, it is not 2* 2 18 YIELD. QUANTITY. QUALITY. surprising that we find a breed now wholly unsurpassed when the quantity and quality of their produce is con- sidered with reference to their proportional size and Fig. 2. Ayrshire Bull "ALBERT," Imported and owned by the Mats. Soc. for Promoting Agriculture. the food they consume. The Ayrshire cow has been known to produce over ten imperial gallons of good milk a day. A cow-feeder in Glasgow, selling fresh milk, is said to have realized two hundred and fifty dollars in seven months from one good cow ; and it is stated, on high authority, that a dollar a day for six months of the year is no uncommon income from good cows under similar circumstances, and that seventy-five cents a day is be- low the average. But this implies high and judicious feeding, of course : the average yield, on ordinary feed, would be considerably less. Youatt estimates the daily yield of an Ayrshire cow, for the first two or three months after calving, at five gallons a day, on an average ; for the next three months, at three gallons ; and for the next four months, at one gallon and a half. This would be 850 gallons as the YIELD INFLUENCED BY CLIMATE. 19 annual average of a cow ; but, allowing for some unpro- ductive cows, he estimates the average of a dairy at 600 gallons per annum for each cow. Three gallons and a half of the Ayrshire cow's milk will yield one and a half pounds of butter. He therefore reckons 257 pounds of butter, or 514 pounds of cheese, at the rate of 24 pounds to 28 gallons of milk, as the yield of every cow, at a fair and perhaps rather low average, in an Ayrshire dairy, during the year. Aiton sets the yield much higher, saying that " thousands of the best Ayr- shire dairy-cows, when in prime condition and well fed, produce 1000 gallons of milk per annum ; that in gene- ral three and three quarters to four gallons of their milk will yield a pound and a half of butter ; and that 27^ gallons of their milk will make 21 pounds of full-milk cheese." Mr. Rankin puts it lower at about 650 to 700 gallons to each cow ; on his own farm of inferior soil, his dairy produced an average of 550 gallons only. One of the four cows originally imported into this country by John P. Gushing, Esq., of Massachusetts, gave in one year 3864 quarts, beer measure, or about 966 gallons, at ten pounds to the gallon, being an aver- age of over ten and a half beer quarts a day for the whole year. It is asserted, on good authority, that the first Ayrshire cow imported by the Massachusetts Soci- ety for the Promotion of Agriculture, in 1837, yielded sixteen pounds of butter a week, for several weeks in succession, on grass feed only. These yields are not so large as those stated by Aiton ; but it should, per- haps, be recollected that our climate is less favorable to the production of milk than that of England and Scot- Ian d, and that no cow imported after arriving at matur- ity could be expected to yield as much, under the same circumstances, as one bred on the spot where the trial is made, and perfectly acclimated. 20 COMPARATIVE TRIALS. HARLEY. In a series of experiments on the Earl of Chester- field's dairy farm, at Bradley Hall, interesting as giving positive data on which to form a judgment as to the yield, it was found that, in the height of the season, the Holderness cows gave 7 gallons 1 quart per diem ; the long-horns and Alderneys, 4 gallons 3 quarts ; the Dev- ons, 4 gallons 1 quart ; and that, when made into butter, the above quantities gave, respectively, 38 ounces, 28 ounces, and 25 ounces. The Ayrshire, a cow far smaller than the Holderness, at 5 gallons of milk and 34 ounces of butter per day, gives a fair average as to yield of milk, and an enor- mous production of butter, giving within 4 ounces as much from her 5 gallons as the Holderness from her 7 gallons 1 quart ; her rate being nearly 7 ounces to the gallon, while that of the Holderness is considerably under 6 ounces. The evidence of a large and practical dairyman is cer- tainly of the highest value ; and in this connection it may be stated that Mr. Harley, the author of the Harle- ian Dairy System, who established the celebrated Wil- lowbank Dairy, in Glasgow, and who kept, at times, from two hundred and sixty to three hundred cows, always using the utmost care in selection, says that he had cows, by way of experiment, from different parts of the united kingdom. He purchased ten at one Edin- burgh market, of the large short-horned breed, at twenty pounds each, but these did not give more milk, nor better in quality, than Ayrshire cows that were bought at the same period for thirteen pounds a head ; and, on comparison, it was found that the latter were much cheaper kept, and that they improved much more in beef and fat in proportion to their size, than the high-priced cows. A decided preference was therefore given to the improved Ayrshire breed, from seven to BUYING. HARLEY'S RULES. 21 ten years old, and from eight to twenty pounds a head. Prime young cows were too high-priced for stall feed- ing ; old cows were generally the most profitable in the long run, especially if they were not previously in good keeping. The cows were generally bought when near calving, which prevented the barbarous practice called hafting, or allowing the milk to remain upon the cow for a considerable time before she is brought to the market. This base and cruel custom is always perni- cious to the cow, and in consequence of it she seldom recovers her milk for the season. The middling and large sizes of cows were preferred, such as weighed from thirty-five to fifty stone, or from five hundred to eight hundred pounds. According to Mr. Harley, the most approved shape and marks of a good dairy cow are as follows : Head small, long, and narrow towards the muzzle ; horns small, clear, bent, and placed at considerable distance from each other ; eyes not large, but brisk and lively ; neck slender and long, tapering towards the head, with a little loose skin below ; shoulders and fore quarters light and thin; hind quarters large and broad; back straight, and joints slack and open ; carcass deep in the rib ; tail small and long, reaching to the heels ; legs small and short, with firm joints ; udder square, but a little oblong, stretching forward, thin-skinned and capa- cious, but not low hung ; teats or paps small, pointing outwards, and at a considerable distance from each other ; milk-veins capacious and prominent ; skin loose, thin, and soft like a glove ; hair short, soft, and woolly ; general figure, when in flesh, handsome and well pro- portioned. If this description of the Ayrshire cow be correct, it will be seen that her head and neck are remarkably clean and fine, the latter swelling gradually towards the 22 DOCILITY. TREATMENT. shoulders, both parts being unincumbered with superflu- ous flesh. .The same general form extends backwards, the fore quarters being light, the shoulders thin, and the carcass swelling out towards the hind quarters, so that standing in front of her it has the form of a blunted wedge. Such a structure indicates very fully devel- oped digestive organs, which exert a powerful influence on the exercise of all the functions of the body, and especially on the secretion of the milky glands, accom- panied with milk- veins and udder partaking of the same character as the stomach and viscera, being large and capacious, while the external skin and interior walls of the milk-glands are thin and elastic, and all parts arranged in a manner especially calculated for the pro- duction of milk. A cow with these marks will generally be of a quiet and docile temper, which greatly enhances her value. A cow that is of a quiet and contented disposition feeds at ease, is milked with ease, and yields more than one of an opposite temperament; while after she is past her usefulness as a milker she will easily take on fat, and make fine beef and a good quantity of tallow, because she feeds freely, and when dry the food which went to make milk is converted into fat and flesh. But there is no breed of cows with which gentleness of treatment is so indispensable as with the Ayrshire, on account of her naturally nervous temperament. If she receive other than kind and gentle treatment, she will often resent it with angry looks and gestures, and withhold her milk ; and if such treatment is long continued, will dry up ; but she willingly and easily yields it to the hand that fondles her, and all her looks and movements towards her friends are quiet and mild. As already remarked, the Ayrshires in their native country are generally bred for the dairy, and no other CROSSES. FATTENING QUALITIES. 23 object ; and the cows have obtained a just and world- wide reputation for this quality. The oxen are, however, very fair as working cattle, though they cannot be said to excel other breeds in this respect. The Ayrshire steer may be fed and turned at three years old, but for feeding purposes the Ayrshires are greatly improved by a cross with the short-horns, provided regard is had to the size of the animals. It is the opinion of good breeders that a high-bred short-horn bull and a large- sized Ayrshire cow will produce a calf which will come to maturity 'earlier, and attain greater weight, and sell for more money, than a pure-bred Ayrshire. This cross, with feeding from the start, may be sold fat at two or three years old, the improvement being especially seen in the earlier maturity and the size. Even Youatt, who maintains that the fattening properties of the Ayr- shires have been somewhat exaggerated, admits that they will fatten kindly and profitably, and that their meat will be good; while he also asserts that they unite, perhaps, to a greater degree than any other breed, the supposed incompatible qualities of yielding a great deal of milk and beef. In the cross with the short-horn, the form becomes ordinarily more symmetrical, while there is, perhaps, little risk of lessening the milking qualities of the off- spring, if sufficient regard is paid to the selection of the individual animals to breed from. It is thought by some that in the breeding of animals it is the male which gives the external form, or the bony and muscu- lar system of the young, while the female imparts the respiratory organs, the circulation of the blood, the mucous membranes, the organs of secretion, . Eighteen mouths. Fig. 24. Two years past grown to the surface, with the third pair just percep- tible. These changes require time ; and at two years past the jaw will usually appear as in Fig. 24, where THE UNCEETAIN PERIOD. 85 four of the permanent central incisors are seen. After this the other milk-teeth decrease rapidly, but are slow to disappear ; and at three years old the third pair of permanent teeth are but formed, as in Fig. 25 ; and at four years the last pair of incisors will be up, as in Fig. 26 ; but the outside ones are not yet fully grown, Fig. 25. Three years past. Fig. 26. Four years past. and the beast can hardly be said to be full-mouthed till the age of five years. But before this age, or at the age of four years, the two inner pairs of permanent teeth are beginning to wear at the edges, as shown in Fig. 26, while at five years old the whole set becomes some- what worn down at the top, and on the two centre ones a darker line appears in the middle, along a line of harder bone, as appears in Fig. 27. Now will come a year or two, and sometimes three, when the teeth do not so clearly indicate the exact age, and the judgment must be guided by the extent to which the dark middle lines are worn. This will de- pend somewhat upon the exposure and feeding of the animal ; but at seven years these lines extend over all the teeth. At eight years another change begins, 8 86 SOUNDNESS OF CONSTITUTION. which cannot be mistaken. A kind of absorption begins with the two central incisors, slow, at first, but percep- tible, and these two teeth become smaller than the rest, while the dark lines are worn into one in all but the Fig. 27. Five years past. fig. 28. Ten years past. corner teeth, till at ten years four of the central incisors have become smaller in size, with- a smaller and fainter mark, as seen in Fig. 28. At eleven the six inner teeth are smaller than the corner ones ; and at twelve all become smaller than they were, while the dark lines are nearly gone, except in the corner teeth, and the inner edge is worn to the gum. After being satisfied with regard to the age of a cow, we should examine her with reference to her soundness of constitution. A good constitution is indicated by large lungs, which are found in a deep, broad, and promi- nent chest, broad and well-spread ribs, a respiration some- what slow and regular, a good appetite, and if in milk a strong inclination to drink, which a large secretion of milk almost invariably stimulates. In such cows the digestive organs are active and energetic, and they make an abundance of good blood, which in turn stimulates UNION TO BE RELIED ON. 87 the activity of the nervous system, and furnishes the milky glands with the means of abundant secretion. Such cows, when dry, readily take on fat. When activ- ity of the milk-glands is found united with close ribs, small and feeble lungs, and a slow appetite, often attended by great thirst, the cow will generally possess only a weak and feeble constitution; and if the milk is plentiful, it will generally be of bad quality, while the animal, if she does not die of diseased lungs, will not take on fat readily when dry and fed. Other external marks of great milkers have already been given in part. They should be found united, as far as possible ; for, though no one of them, however well developed, can be taken as a sure indication of extraordinary milking powers, several of them united may, as a general rule, be implicitly relied on. In order to have no superfluous flesh, the cow should have a small, clean, and rather long head, tapering tow- ards the muzzle. A cow with a large, coarse head will seldom fatten readily, or give a large quantity of milk. A coarse head increases the proportion of weight of the least valuable parts, while it is a sure indication that the whole bony structure is too heavy. The mouth should be large and broad ; the eye bright and sparkling, but of a peculiar placidness of expression, with no indica- tion of wildness, but rather a mild and feminine look. These points will indicate gentleness of disposition Such cows seem to like to be milked, are fond of being caressed, and often return caresses. The horns should be small, short, tapering, yellowish, and glisten- ing. The neck should be small, thin, and tapering tow- ards the head, but thickening when it approaches the shoulder ; the dewlaps small. The fore quarters should be rather small when compared with the hind quarters. The form of the barrel will be large, and each rib 88 GOOD SIGNS. THE MILK-VEINS. should project further than the preceding one, up to the loins. She should be well formed across the hips and in the rump. The spine or back-bone should be straight and long, rather loosely hung, or open along the middle part, the result of the distance between the dorsal vertebrae, which sometimes causes a slight depression, or sway back. By some good judges this mark is regarded as of great importance, especially when the bones of the hind quarters are also rather loosely put together, leav- ing the rump of great, width, and the pelvis large, and the organs and milk-vessels lodged in the cavities largely developed. The skin over the rump should be loose and flexible. This point is of great importance ; and as, when the cow is in low condition, or very poor, it will appear somewhat harder and closer than it other- wise would, some practice and close observation are required to judge well of this mark. The skin, indeed, all over the body, should be soft and mellow to the touch, with soft and glossy hair. The tail, if thick at the setting on, should taper and be fine below. But the udder is of special importance. It should be large in proportion to the size of the animal, and the skin thin, with soft, loose folds extending well back, capable of great distension when filled, but shrinking to a small compass when entirely empty. It must be free from lumps in every part, and provided with four teats set well apart, and of medium size. Nor are the milk-veins less important to be carefully observed. The principal ones under the belly should be large and prominent, and extend forward to the navel, losing themselves, ap- parently, in the very best milkers, in a large cavity in the flesh, into which the end of the finger can be insert- ed; but, when the cow is not in full milk, the milk- vein, at other times very prominent, is not so distinctly THE NETWORK OF VEINS. 89 traced ; and hence, to judge of its size when the cow ia dry, or nearly so, this vein may be pressed near its eud, or at its entrance into the body, when it will immedi- ately fill up to its full size. This vein does not carry the milk to the udder, as some suppose, but is the chan- nel by which the blood returns ; and its contents ccnsist of the refuse of the secretion, or what has not been taken up in forming milk. There are, also, veins in the udder, and the perineum, or the space above the udder, and between that and the buttocks, which it is, of spe- cial importance to observe. These veins should be largely developed, and irregular or knotted, especially those of the udder. They may be seen in Figs. 29, 30, 31, &c. They are largest in great milkers. The knotted veins of the perineum, extending from above downwards in a winding line, are not readily seen in young heifers, and are very difficult to find in poor cows, or cows of only a medium quality. They are easily found in very good milkers, and, if not at first apparent, they are made so by pressing upon them at the base of the perineum, when they swell up, and send the blood back towards the vulva. They form a kind of thick network under the skin of the perineum, raising it up somewhat, in some cases near the vulva, in others lower down and nearer to the udder. It is important to look for these veins, as they often fo~m a very important guide, and by some they would be con- sidered as furnishing the surest indications of the milk- ing qualities of the cow. Their full development almost always indicates an abundant secretion of milk; but they are far better developed after the cow has had two or three calves, when two or three years' milking has given full activity to the milky glands, and attracted a large flow of blood. The larger and more prominent these veins, the better. It is needless to say that in 8* 90 GUENON'S METHOD. observing them some regard should be had to the con- dition of the cow, the thickness of skin and fat by which they may be surrounded, and the general activity and food of the animal. Food calculated to stimulate the greatest flow of milk will naturally increase these veins, and give them more than usual prominence. AVe come now to an examination of the system of (ruenon, whose discovery, whatever may be said of it, lias proved of immense importance to agriculture. Gue- non wa^s a man of remarkable practical sagacity, a close observer of stock, and an excellent judge. This gave him a great advantage in securing the respect of those with whom he came in contact, and assisted him vastly in introducing his ideas to the knowledge of intelligent men. Born in France, in the vicinity of Bordeaux, in humble circumstances, he early had the care of cows, and spent his whole life with them. His discovery, for which a gold medal was awarded by the agricultural society of Bordeaux, on the 4th of July, 1837, consisted in the connection between the milking qualities of the cow and certain external marks on the udder, and on the space above it, called the perineum, extending to the buttocks. To these marks he gave the name of milk-mirror, or escutcheon, which consists in certain perceptible spots rising up from the udder in different directions, forms, and sizes, on which the hair grows upwards, whilst the hair on other parts of the body grows downwards. To these spots various names have Leen given, according to their size and position, as tufts, fringes, figures or escutcheons, which last is the most common term used. The reduction of these marks into a system, explaining the value of particular forms and sizes of the milk-mirror, belongs, so far as I know, ex- clusively to Guenon, though the connection of the milk- ing qualities of the cow and the size of the ovals with PROVING TOO MUCH. 91 downward-growing hair on the back part of the udder above the teats was observed and known in Massachu- setts more than forty years ago, and some of the old farmers of that day were accustomed to say that when these spots were large and well developed the cow would be a good milker. Guenon divided the milk-mirror into eight classes, and each class into eight orders, making in all no less than sixty-four divisions, which he afterwards increased by sub-divisions, making the whole system complicated in the extreme, especially as he professed to be able to judge with accuracy, by means of the milk-mirror, not only of the exact quantity a cow would give, but also the quality of the milk and the length of time it would continue. He tried to prove too much, and the conse- quence was that he was himself frequently at fault, notwithstanding his excellent knowledge of other gene- ral characteristics of milch cows, while others, of less knowledge, and far more liable to err in judgment, were inclined to view the whole system with distrust. My own attention was called to Guenon's method of judging of cows some eight or ten years ago, and since that time I have examined many hundreds, with a view to ascertain the correctness of its main features, inquiring, at the same time, after the views and opinions of the best breeders and judges of stock, with regard to their experience and judgment of its merits; and the result of my observation has been, that cows with the most perfectly-developed milk-mirrors, or escutcheons, are, with rare exceptions, the best milkers of their breed, and that cows with small and slightly-developed mirrors are, in the majority of cases, bad milkers. I say the best milkers of their breed ; for I do not believe that precisely the same sized and formed milk- mirrors on a Hereford or a Devon, and an Ayrshire or a 92 REGARD TO THE BREED. EXCEPTIONS. native, will indicate anything like the same or equal milking properties. It will not do, in my opinion, to disregard the general and well-known characteristics of the breed, and rely wholly on the milk-mirror. But I think it may be safely said that, as a general rulo the best-marked Hereford will turn out to be the best milker among the Herefords, all of which are poor milkers ; the best-marked Devon the best among the Devons, and the best-marked Ayrshire the best among the Ayrshires ; that is, it will not do to compare two animals of entirely distinct breeds, by the milk-mirrors alone, without regard to the fixed habits and education, so to speak, of the breed or family to which they belong. There are cows with very small mirrors, which are, nevertheless, very fair in the yield of milk ; and among those with middling quality of mirrors instances of rather more than ordinary milkers often occur, while at the same time it is true that now and then cases occur where the very best marked and developed mirrors are found on very poor milkers. I once owned a cow of most extraordinary marks, the milk-mirror extending out broadly upon the thighs, and rising broad and very distinctly marked to the buttocks, giving every indica- tion, to good judges, of being as great a milker as ever stood over a pail ; and yet, when she calved, the calf was feeble and half nourished, and she actually gave too little to feed it. But I believe that this exception, and most others which appear to be direct contradictions, could be clearly explained by the fact, of which I was not aware at the time, that she had been largely over- fed before she came into my possession. I mention this case simply to show how impossible it is to esti- mate with mathematical accuracy either the quantity, the quality, or the duration of the milk, since it is APPARENT CONTRADICTION. 93 affected by so many chance circumstances, which cannot always be known or estimated by even the most skilful judge; as the food, the treatment, the temperament, accidental diseases, inflammation of the udder, premature calving, the climate and season, the manner in which she has been milked, and a thousand other things which interrupt or influence the flow of milk, without materi- ally changing the size or the shape of the milk-mirror. M. Magne, who appears to me to have simplified and explained the system of Guenon, and to have freed it from many of the useless details with which it is en- cumbered in the original work, while he has preserved all that is of practical value, very justly observes that we often see cows, equally well formed, with precisely the same milk-mirror, and kept in the same circum- stances, yet giving neither equal quantities nor similar qualities of milk. Nor could it be otherwise; for, assuming a particular tuft on two cows to be of equal value at birth, it could not be the same in the course of years, since innumerable circumstances occur to change the activity of the milky glands without chang- ing the form or size of the tuft ; or, in other words, the action of the organs depends not merely on their size and form, but, to a great extent, on the general con- dition of each individual. To give a more distinct idea of the milk-mirror, it will be necessary to refer to the figures, and the explana- tions of these I translate literally from the little work already referred to, the Choix des Vaclies Latieres, or, the Choice of Milch Cows. The different forms of milk-mirrors are represented by the shaded part of figures 29, 30, 31, etc.; but it is necessary to premise that upon the cows themselves they are always partly concealed by the thighs, the udder, and the folds of the skin, which are not shown, 94 VARIATION IN SIZE. and so they are not always so uniform in nature as they appear in the cuts. Their size varies as the skin is more or less folded or stretched, while we have supposed in the figures that the skin is uniform or free from folds, but not stretched out. In order to understand the differences which the milk-mirrors present in respect to size, according to the state of the skin, the milk-mirror is shown in two ways in Figs. 52 and 53. In Fig. 53 the proportions are preserved the same as in the other mirrors represented, but an effort is made to represent the folds of the skin ; while in Fig. 52 the mirror is just as it would have been had the folds of the udder been smoothed out, and the skin between the udder and the thighs stretched out ; or, in other words, as if the skin, covered with up- growing hair, had been fully extended. This mirror, but little developed, just as shown in Fig. 53, was observed on a very large Norman cow. It is usually very easy to distinguish the milk-mirrors by the upward direction of the hair which forms them. They are sometimes marked by a line of bristly hair growing in the opposite direction, which surrounds them, forming a sort of outline by the upward and downward growing hair. Yet, when the hair is very fine and short, mixed with longer hairs, and the skin much folded, and the udder voluminous and pressed by the thighs, it is necessary, in order to distinguish the part enclosed between the udder and the legs, and examine the full size of the mirrors, to observe them attentively, and to place the legs wide apart, and to smooth out the skin, in order to avoid the folds. The mirrors may also be observed by holding the back of the hand against the perineum, and drawing it from above downwards, when the nails rubbing against GUENON EXPLAINED. 95 (.he up-growing hair, make the parts covered by it very perceptible. As the hair of the milk-mirror has not the same direc- tion as the hair which surrounds it, it may often be dis- tinguished by a difference in the shade reflected by it. It is then sufficient to place it properly to the light to see the difference in shade, and to make out the part covered by the upward-growing hair. Most frequently, however, the hair of the milk-mirror is thin and fine, and the color of the skin can easily be seen. If we trust alone to the eye, we shall often be deceived. Thus, in Figs. 52 and 53, the shaded part, which extends from the vulva to the mirror E, represents a strip of hair of a brownish tint, which covered the peri- neum, and which might easily have been taken for a part of the milk-mirror. In some countries cattle-dealers shave the back part of the cows. Just after this operation the mirrors can neither be seen nor felt ; but this inconvenience ceases in a few days. It may be added that the shaving, designed, as the dealers say, to beautify the cow, is generally intended simply to destroy the milk-mirror, and to deprive buyers of one means of judging of the milking qualities of the cows. It is not necessary to add that the cows most care- fully shaven are those which are badly marked, and that it is prudent to take it for granted that cows so shorn, are bad milkers. Milk-mirrors vary in position, extent, and the figure they represent. They may be divided, according to their position, into mirrors or escutcheons, properly so called, or into lower and upper tufts, or escutcheons. The latter are very small in comparison with the former, and are situated in close proximity to the vulva, as seen at S in Figs. 38, 39, 40, etc. They are very common on cows 96 GUENON EXPLAINED. of bad milking races, but are very rarely seen on the best milch cows. They consist of one or two ovals, or small bands of up-growing hair, arid serve to indicate the continuance of the flow of milk. The period is short in proportion as the tufts are large. They must not be confounded with the escutcheon proper, which is often extended up to the vulva. They are separated from it by bands of hair, more or less large, as in Figs. 40, 42, &c. The mirrors shown in Figs. 38 to 42, and 29 to 35, ^ >.^ C^ CM O O 1 10 O 1 CM SM 00 OOO * e o M 50 05 10 o o I o o ' CM ' co co to o i i -t* i- to | | t- oo i o | "* . p o c^ iO O CM i 1 o oo n ,S5i *M a =5 O 1 o o 1 1 o o >o irj >o ^ o t- iO C O Wa i . CO 1 C*4 CM eo .ss|g8, .sssas THEORETICAL VALUES. BOCSSIXGArLT. | FRESENICS. ^-SUi a ' OS s g '3S ' l-H i 1 * * CO 522 . CO 00 00 890uv)sqns paziuaaoa^iu -iii .u o] paziua3 oniii jo non ' ' oo o o 1 1 o o CM oo o oo r- 1 o o CM o ic -* o o t- 3 -*J -w _o _o 3 ^ ^ 333 ^su a i6 L L- 00 5 ' O CO CO CO stssss ssss aoiiBisqns paupunjoE]Jud 001 ui u.iriiijii"^ * g H-^. CM oo rH | 000^0 rH H. H- ^ " - 1 >0 CO rH CM PH paijp jo siuKd 001 Uj uailojjifj ^,go .O'-o^eo ."OOOCOOOOCMCM^O Biaud 001 "! Jainji OOrHOt-0050 W9esoOeOO>^i5 1 0'* Jj ^ O 00 O i 1 CM t S ' >n t >/5 to OO 00 t- t- t- CO OO CM CO CM Ml ARTICLES OF FOOD. jf C" . g. 8 . .'S. /-N Tc ? .ed Clover-hay, ed Clover (gree ye-straw, . . at-straw, . . arrot-leaves (to 'c 'z Q S3 O * cj a. S cf^.> :::! . . .a WINTER FOOD FOR COWS. 127 The reader will find no difficulty in making this table of practical value in deciding upon the proper course of feeding to be pursued. In winter the best food for cows in milk will be good sweet meadow hay, a part of which should be cut a~d moistened with water, as all inferior hay or straw should be, with an addition of root-crops, such as turnips, car- rots, parsnips, potatoes, mangold wurzel, with shorts, oil-cake, Indian-meal, or bean-meal. It is the opinion of most successful dairymen that the feeding of moist food cannot be too highly recom- mended for cows in milk, especially to those who desire to obtain the largest quantity. Hay cut and thoroughly moistened becomes more succulent and nutritive, and partakes more of the nature of green grass. As a substitute for the oil-cake, hitherto known as an exceedingly valuable article for feeding stock, there is probably nothing better than cotton-seed meal, now to be had in large quantities in the market. This is an article whose economic value has been but recently made known, but which, from practical trials already made, has proved eminently successful as food for milch cows. An average specimen of this was submitted for analysis to Professor Johnson, who reported that its composition is not inferior to that of the best flax-seed cake, and that in some respects its agricultural value surpasses that of any other kind of oil-cake, as is shown in the following table, containing in column first the analysis of cotton-seed meal made by himself; in column second, some of the results obtained by Dr. C. T. Jack- son on cake prepared by himself from hulled cotton-seed; in column third, an analysis of cotton-seed cake, made by Dr. Anderson, of Edinburgh ; in column fourth, the aver- age composition of eight samples of American linseed- cake ; and in column fifth, an analysis of meadow hay. 128 ON WHAT THE VALUE OF FOOD DEPENDS. obtained by Dr. Wolff in Saxony, given as a means of comparison. it. in. iv. v. Water, 6.82 11.19 9.23 16.94 Oil, 1647 9.08 12.96 Albuminous bodies, 44.41 48.82 25.16 28.28 10.69 Mucilaginous and Saccha- rine matters, .... } 12.74 48.93 34.22 40.11 Fibre, 11.76 9.00 27.16 Ash, . 7.80 8.96 5.64 6.21 5.04 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 7.05 7.75 3.95 4.47 Phosphoric acid in ash, . 2.36 2.45 - Sand. . .94 _ 1.32 _ _ Johnson also remarks, in this connection, that the great value of linseed-cake, as an adjunct to hay for fat cattle and milch cows, has long been recognized ; and is undeniably traceable in the main to three ingredients of the seeds of the oil-yielding plants. The value of food depends upon the quantity of matters it contains which may be appropriated by the animal which con- sumes the food. Now, it is proved that the fat of ani- mals is derivable from the starch, gum, and sugar, and more directly and easily from the oil of the food. These four substances are, then, the fat-formers. The muscles, nerves, and tendons of animals, the fibrine of their blood, and the curd of their milk, are almost iden- tical in composition, and strongly similar in many of their properties with matters found in all vegetables, but chiefly in such as form the most concentrated food. These blood (and muscle) formers are characterized by containing about fifteen and a half per cent, of nitrogen ; and hence are called nitrogenous substances. They are also often designated as the albuminous bodies. The bony framework of the animal owes its solidity to phosphate of lime, and this substance must be fur- COTTON-SEED CAKE. 129 nished by the food. A perfect food must supply the animal with these three classes of bodies, and in proper proportions. The addition of a small quantity of a food rich in oil and albuminous substances to the ordinary kinds of feed, which contain a large quantity of vegeta- ble fibre or woody matter, more or less indigestible, but nevertheless indispensable to the herbivorous animals, their digestive organs being adapted to a bulky food, has been found highly advantageous in practice. Nei- ther hay alone nor concentrated food alone gives the best results. A certain combination of the two pre- sents the most advantages. A Bavarian farmer has recently announced that heif- ers fed, for three months before calying, with a little linseed-cake, in addition to their other fodder, acquire a larger development of the milk-vessels, and yield more milk afterwards, than similar animals fed as usual. Cotton-seed cake must have an equally good effect. Some of those who have used cotton-seed cake have found difficulty in inducing cattle to eat it. By giving it at first in small doses, mixed with other palatable food, they soon learn to eat it with relish. On comparing the analyses II. and I. with the aver- age composition of linseed-cake IV., it will be seen that the cotton-seed cake is much richer in oil and albumi- nous matters than the linseed-cake. A correspondingly less quantity will therefore be required. Three pounds of this cotton-seed cake are equivalent to four of linseed- cake of average quality. During the winter season, as already remarked, a fre- quent change of food is especially necessary, both as contributing to the general health of animals, and as a means of stimulating the digestive organs, and thus increasing the secretion of milk. A mixture used as cut feed, and well moistened, is now especially benefi- 9 130 BULK AS AN ELEMENT OF FOOD. cial, since concentrated food, which would otherwise be given in small quantities, may be united with larger quantities of coarser and less nutritive food, and the complete assimilation of the whole be better secured. On this subject Dr. Voelcker truly observes that the most nutritious kinds of food produce little or no effect when they are not digested by the stomach, or if the digested food is not absorbed by the lymphatic vessels, and not assimilated by the various parts of the body. Now, the normal functions of the digestive organs not only depend on the composition of the food, but also on its volume. The volume or bulk of the food con- tributes to the healthy activity of the digestive organs, by exercising a stimulating effect on the nerves which govern them. Thus the whole organization of ruminat- ing animals necessitates the supply of bulky food, to keep the animal in good condition. Feed sweet and nutritious food, therefore, regu- larly, frequently, and in small quantities, and change it often, and the best results may be confidently expected. If the cows are not in milk, but are to come in in the spring, the difference in feeding should be rather in the quantity than the quality, if the highest yield is to be expected from them the coming season. The most common feeding is hay alone, and oftentimes very poor hay, at that. The main point is to keep the animal in a healthy and thriving condition, and not to suffer her to fail in flesh ; and with this object some change and variety of food is highly important. And here it may be remarked that cows in calf should not, as a general rule, be milked the last month or six weeks before calving, and many prefer to have them run dry as many as eight or ten weeks. The yield of milk is better the coming season, and holds out better, than if they are milked up to the time of calving. PARTURITION OF THE COW. 131 There are exceptions, however, and it is often very difficult to dry off a cow sufficiently to make it judicious to cease milking much, if any, before the time of calving. Some even prefer to milk quite up to this time ; but the weight of authority among the best practical farmers is so decidedly against it, that there can be no question of its bad economy. Towards the close of winter, a herd of cows will begin to come in, or approach their time of calving. Care should then be taken not to feed too rich or stimulating food for the last week or two before this event, as it is often attended with ill conse- quences. A plenty of hay, a few potatoes or shorts, and pure water, will be sufficient. As the time of calving approaches, the cow should be removed from the rest of the herd, to a pen with a level floor, by herself. Nothing is needed, usually, but to supply her regularly with food and drink, and leave her quietly to herself. In most cases the parturition will be natural and easy, and the less the cow is disturbed or meddled with, the better. She will do better with- out help than with ; but she should be watched, in order to see that no difficulty occurs which may require aid and attention. In cases of difficult parturition the aid of a skilful veterinary surgeon may be required. For those who may desire to make themselves familiar with the details of such cases so far as to be able to act for themselves,'s "Practical Treatise on the Parturition of the Cow, or the Extraction of the Calf," an elaborate work, published in London in 1844, will be an important guide. In spring the best feeding for dairy cows will be much the same as that for winter ; the roots in store over winter, such as carrots, mangold wurzel, turnips, and parsnips, furnishing very valuable aid in increasing the quantity and improving the quality of milk. Tow- 132 FEEDING FOR QUANTITY. ards the close of this season, and before the grass of the pastures is sufficiently grown to make it judicious to turn out the cows, the best dairymen provide a sup- ply of green fodder in the shape of winter rye, which, if cut while it is tender and succulent, and before it is half grown, will be greatly relished. Unless cut young, however, its stalk soon becomes hard and unpalatable. Having stated briefly the general principles of feed- ing cows for the dairy, it is proper to give the state- ments of successful practical dairymen, both as corrob- orating what has already been said, and as shoAving the difference in practice in feeding and managing with reference to the specific objects of dairy farming. And first, a farmer of Massachusetts, supplying milk for the Boston market, and feeding for that object, says : " For thirty cows, cut with a machine thirty bushels for one feed ; one third common English hay, one third salt hay, and one third rye or barley straw ; add thirty quarts of wheat bran or shorts, and ten quarts of oat and corn meal moistened with water. One bushel of this mixture is given to each cow in the morning, and the same quantity at noon and in the evening. In addition to this, a peck of mangold wurzel is given to each cow per day. This mode of feeding has been found to pro- duce nearly as much milk as the best grass feed in sum- mer. When no wheat-bran or any kind of meal is given, the hay is fed without cutting." Another excellent farmer, of the western part of tne same state, devoting his attention to the manufacture of cheese, and the successful competitor for the first prize of the state society for dairies, says of his feeding: '' My pastures are upland, and yield sweet feed. I fed, in the month of June, all the whey from the milk made into cheese, without any meal. In September, my pas- tures being very much dried up, I fed all the whey, FEEDING FOR QUALITY. 133 with one quart of meal to each cow, and also ten pounds of corn fodder to each cow per day. " I commence feeding my cows in the spring, before calving, with three quarts of meal each per day, until the feed in the pasture is good. " I consider the best mixture of grain, ground into meal, for milk, is equal quantities of rye, buckwheat, and oats. For the last ten years I have not made less than five hundred pounds of cheese and twenty pounds of butter to each cow ; and one year I made six hundred and forty pounds of cheese and twenty pounds of butter to each cow. " A cow will give more milk on good fresh grass than any other feed. When the grass begins to fail, I make up the deficiency by extra feed of meal and corn fodder. I feed all my whey to my cows. I let them run dry four months, and during this time I give them no extra feed, always keeping salt before them." Another, with one of the best butter dairies in the same state, explains his mode of management of cows in the stall as follows : " In the management of my stock the utmost gentleness is observed, and exact regularity in the hours of feeding while confined to the stable, and of milking throughout the year. " The stock is fed regularly three times a day. " In the morning, as soon as the milking is over, each cow (having been previously fed, and her bag cleaned by washing, if necessary) is thoroughly cleaned and groomed, if the expression may be used, with a curry- comb, from head to foot, and, when cleaned, turned out to drink. The stable is now cleaned out, the mangers swept, and the floors sprinkled with plaster ; and as the cows return, which they do as soon as inclined, they are tied up and left undisturbed until the next hour of feeding, which is at noon. 12 134 A PRACTICAL STATEMENT. "The cattle at this time are again turned out to drink, and, after being tied up on their return again, fed. Of course the stable is at this time again thor- oughly cleansed. And so again at night the same course is pursued. At this time a good bedding is spread for each cow, and, after all are in, they are fed. " At six o'clock the milking commences, and at its termination, after removing from the floor whatever manure may have been dropped, the stable is closed for the night. If carrots are fed, which is the only root allowed to my cows in milk, they are given at the time of the evening milking. " Whatever material is taken for bedding (as corn- stalks, husks, &c.) is passed through a cutting-machine, and composes the noon feed, such portions as are not consumed by the cows being used for bedding. The additional labor of cutting up is amply compensated by the reduced amount of labor in working (loading) and ploughing under the manure. " While I consider it highly desirable that the cows, during the period they are stabled, should be kept warm and dry, I regard it as indispensable that they should be perfectly clean ; and, although the stock is stabled the whole time, care is taken that there is a sufficient degree of ventilation." In Herkimer county, New York, one of the best dairy districts in the country, a dairy farmer who kept twenty- five cows for the manufacture of cheese, making in ono year nearly seven hundred pounds per cow, states his mode of feeding as follows : " When the ground is set- tled, and grass is grown so that cows can get their fill without too much toil, they are allowed to graze an hour, only, the first day ; the second day a little longer, and so on, till they get accustomed to the change of feed before they are allowed to have full range of pas- CHANGE OF PASTURE. CORN FODDER. 135 ture. Shift of pasture is frequently made to keep feed fresh and a good bite. About one acre per cow affords plenty of feed till the first of August. If enough land ^ was turned to pasture to feed the cows through the season, it would get a start of them about this time, and be hard and dry the balance of the season. To avoid turning on my meadows in the fall, I take one acre to every ten cows, plough and prepare it the fore part of June for sowing ; I commence sowing corn broadcast, about 'half an acre at a time (for twenty-five cows), so that it may grow eighty or ninety days before it is cut and fed. I have found, by experiment, that it then con tains the most saccharine juice, and will produce the most milk. If the ground is strong, I sow two bushels per acre ; more if the ground is not manured. " The common yield is from fifteen to twenty tons (of green feed) per acre. About the first of August, when heat and flies are too oppressive for cows to feed quietly in the day-time, I commence feeding them with what corn they will eat in the morning, daily, which is cut up with a grass-scythe, and drawn on a sled or wagon to the milk-barn and fed to them in the stalls, which is one hour's work for a man at each feeding. When thus plentifully fed, my cows have their knitting-work on hand for the day, which they can do up by lying quietly under artificial shades, erected in such places as need manuring most, and are most airy, by setting posts and putting poles and bushes on top, the sides being left open. These shades may be made and removed annu- ally, to enrich other portions of soil, if desired, at the small expense of one dollar for each ten cows. At evening, my cows are fed whey only, because they can feed more quietly, with less rambling, and will give more milk by feeding most when the dew is on the grass. 136 AIR AND WARMTH. " The capacity of cows for giving milk is varied much by habit. In fall, after the season of feeding is past, I feed four quarts of wheat bran or shorts made into slop with whey, or a peck of roots to ea?h cow, till milking season closes (about the first of December). When confined in stables and fed hay and milked, they are fed each one pail full of thin slop at morning before foddering, and also at evening, to render their food more succulent, and they will not drink so much cold water when let out in the middle of the day. In cold weather cows are kept well attended in warm stables. No foddering is done on the ground. Thus a supply of milk is kept up, and the cows get in good flesh, while their blood and bags are left in a healthy con- dition when dried off. " This flesh they hold till milk season in spring, with- out other feed than good hay. They will not get fleshy bags, but come into milk at once. About the first of April they are carded daily, till they are turned to grass. Wheat-bran in milk or whey, slops, or roots, are daily fed, as they are found best adapted to the nature of different cows, and most likely to estab- lish a regular flow of rnilk till grass comes." All practical dairymen concur in saying that a warm and well-ventilated barn is indispensable to the promo- tion of the highest yield of milk in winter ; and most agree that cows in milk should not be turned out even to drink in cold weather, all exposure to cold tending to lessen the yield of milk. In the London dairies, where, of course, the cows are fed so as to produce the largest flow of milk, the treatment is as follows : The cows are kept at night in stalls. About three A. M. each has half a bushel of grains. When milking is finished, each receives a bushel of turnips (or mangolds), and shortly afterwards THE WILLOWBANK DAIRY. 137 one tenth of a truss of hay of the best quality. This feeding occurs before eight A. M., when the animals are turned into the yard. Four hours after, they are again tied up in their stalls, and have another feed of grains. When the afternoon milking is over (about three P. M.) ; they are fed with a bushel of turnips, and after the lapse of an hour, hay is given them as before. This mode of feeding usually continues throughout the root season, or from November to March. During the remaining months they are fed with grains, tares, and cabbages, and a proportion of rowen or second-cut hay. They are supplied regularly until they are turned out to grass, when they pass the whole of the night in the field. The yield is about six hundred and fifty gallons a year for each cow. Mr. Harley, whose admirable dairy establishment has been already alluded to, as erected for the purpose of supplying the city of Glasgow with a good quality of milk, and which contributed more than anything else to improve the quality of milk furnished to all the cities of Great Britain, adopted the following system of feed- ing with the greatest profit: In the early part of summer, young grass and green barley, the first cut- ting especially, mixed with a large proportion of old hay or straw, and a good quantity of salt to prevent swelling, were used. As summer advanced less hay and straw were given, and as the grass approached ripeness they were discontinued altogether, but young and wet clover was never given without an admixture of dry provender. When grass became scarce, young turnips and turnip-leaves were steamed with hay, and formed a good substitute. As grass decreased the turnips were increased, and at length became a com- plete substitute. As the season advanced a large pro- portion of distillers' grains and wash was given with 12* 138 MR. HORSFALL'S COURSE OF FEEDING. other food, but these were found to be apt to make the cattle grain-sick ; and if this feeding were long con- tinued, the health of the cows became affected. Boiled linseed and short-cut wheat-straw mixed with the grains were found to prevent the cows from turning sick. As spring approached, Swedish turnips, when cheap, were substituted for yellow turnips. These two roots, steamed with hay and other mixtures, aiforded soft food till grass was again in season. When any of the cows were surfeited, the food was withheld till the apr.etite returned, when a small quantity was given, and increased gradually to the full allowance. But the most elaborate and valuable experiments in the feeding and management of milch cows are those recently made by Mr. T. Horsfall, of England, and pub- lished in the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society. His practice, though adapted, perhaps, more especially to his own section, is nevertheless of such general application and importance as to be worthy of attention. By his course of treatment he found that he could pro- duce as much and as rich butter in winter as in summer. His first object was to afford a full supply of the ele- ments of food adapted to the maintenance and also to the produce of the animal ; and this could not be effected by the ordinary food and methods of feeding, since it is impossible to induce a cow to consume a quantity of hay requisite to supply the waste of the system, and keep up, at the same time, a full yield of the best quality of milk. He used, to some extent, cabbages, kohl rabi, mangolds, shorts, and other substances, rich in the constituents of cheese and butter. " My food for milch cows," says he, " after having undergone various modifications, has for two seasons consisted of rape-cake five pounds and bran two pounds, for each cow, mixed A NEW KIND OF FOOD. 139 with a sufficient quantity of bean-straw, oat-straw, and shells of oats, in equal proportions, to supply them three times a day with as much as they will eat. The whole of the materials are moistened and blended together, and, after being well steamed, are given to the animals in a warm state. The attendant is allowed one pound to one and a half pounds per cow, according to circumstances, of bean-meal, which he is charged to give to each cow in proportion to the yield of milk ; those in full milk getting two pounds each per day, others but little. It is dry, and mixed with the steamed food on its being dealt out separately. When this is eaten up, green food is given, consisting of cabbages from October to December, kohl rabi till February, and mangold till grass time. With a view to nicety of flavor, I limit the supply of green food to thirty or thirty-five pounds per day for each. After each feed, four pounds of meadow hay, or twelve pounds per day, is given to each cow. They are allowed water twice a day to the extent they will drink." Bean-straw uncooked being found to be hard and unpalatable, it was steamed to make it soft and pulpy, when it possessed an agreeable odor, and imparted its flavor to the whole mess. It was cut for this purpose just before ripening, but after the bean was fully grown, and in this state was found to possess nearly double the amount of albuminous matter, so valuable to milch cows, of good meadow or upland hay. Bean or shorts is also vastly improved by steaming or soaking with hot water, when its nutriment is more readily assimilated. It contains about fourteen per cent, of albumen, and is rich in phosphoric acid. Rape-cake was found to be exceedingly valuable. Linseed and cotton- seed cake may probably be substituted for it in this country. Mr. Horsfall is accustomed to turn his cows STIMULATING THE APPETITE. in May into a rich pasture, housing them at night, and giving them a mess of the steamed mixture and some hay morning and night; and from June to October they have cut grass in the stall, besides what they get in the pasture, and two feeds of the steamed mixture a day. After the beginning of October the cows are kept housed. With such management, his cows generally yield from twelve to sixteen quarts of milk (wine measure) a day, for about eight months after calving, when they fall off in milk, but gain in flesh, up to calv- ing-time. In this course of treatment the manure is far better than the average, and his pastures are con- stantly improved. The average amount of butter from every sixteen quarts of milk is twenty-five ounces, a proportion far larger than the average. His investi- gations are very full and complete. See Appendix. How widely does this course of practice differ from that of most farmers ! The object with many seems to be to see with how little food they can keep the cow alive. Now, it appears to me that the milch cow should be regarded as an instrument of transformation. With so much hay, so much grain, so many roots, how can the most milk, or butter, or cheese, be made ? The conduct of a manufacturer who owned good machinery, and an abundance of raw material, and had the labor at hand, would be considered as very absurd, if he hesi- tated to supply the material, and keep the machinery at work at least so long as he could run it with profit. Stimulate the appetite, then, and induce the cow to eat, by a frequent change of diet, not merely enough to supply the constant waste of her system, but enough and to spare, of a food adapted to the production of milk of the quality desired. SOILING. Of the advantages of soiling milch cows, or feeding exclusively in the barn, there are still many THE SOILING SYSTEM. 141 conflicting opinions. As to its economy of land and feed there is no question, it being generally admitted that a given number of animals may be abundantly fed on a less space ; nor is there much question as to the increased quantity of milk yielded in stall feeding. Its economy in this country turns rather upon the cost of labor and land ; and the question asked by the dairy man is whether it will pay whether its advantages are sufficient to balance the extra expense of cutting and feeding over and above cropping on the pasture. The importance of this subject has been strongly im- pressed upon the attention of farmers in many sections of the country, by a growing conviction that something must be done to improve the pastures, or that they must be abandoned altogether. Thousands of acres of neglected pasture-land in the older states are so poor and worn out that from four to eight acres furnish but a miserable subsistence for a good-sized cow. No animal can flourish under such cir- cumstances. The labor and exertion of feeding is too great, to say nothing of the vastly inferior quality of the grasses in such pastures to those on more recently seeded lands. True economy would dictate that such pastures should either be allowed to run up to wood, or be devoted to sheep-walks, or ploughed and improved. Cows, to be able to yield well, must have plenty of food of a sweet and nutritious quality ; and unless they find it, they- wander over a large space, if at liberty, and deprive themselves of rest. If a farmer or dairyman is the unfortunate owner of such pastures, there can be no question that, as a mat- ter of real economy, he had better resort to the soiling system for his milch cows, by which means he will largely increase his annual supply of good manure, and thus have the means of improving, and bringing hi3 142 THE TRUE TEST. land to a higher state of cultivation. A very success ful instance of this management occurs in the report of the visiting committee of an agricultural society in Massachusetts, in which they say : " We have now in mind a farmer in this county who keeps seven or eight cows in the stable through the summer, and feeds them on green fodder, chiefly Indian-corn. We asked him the reasons for it. His answer was : 1. That he gets more milk than he can by any other method. 2. That he gets more manure, especially liquid manure. 3. That he saves it all, by keeping a supply of mould or mud under the stable, to be taken out and renewed as often as necessary. 4. That it is less troublesome than to drive his cows to pasture ; that they are less vexed by flies, and have equally good health. 5. That his mowing-land is every year growing more productive, without the expense of artificial manure. He estimates that on an acre of good land twenty tons of green fod- der may be raised. That which is dried is cut fine, and mixed with meal or shorts, and fed with profit. He believes that a reduced and partially worn-out farm supposing the land to be naturally good could be brought into prime order in five years, without extra outlay of money for manure, by the use of green fod- der in connection with the raising and keeping of pigs; not fattening them, but selling at the age of four or five months." He keeps most of his land in grass, improv- ing its quality and productiveness by means of top- dressing, and putting money in his pocket, which is, after all, the true test both for theory and practice. Another practical case in hand on this point is that of a gentleman in the same state, who had four cows, but not a rod of land to pasture them on. They were, therefore, never out of the barn, or, at least, not out of the yard, and were fed with grass, regularly ECONOMY OF LAND. 143 mown for them ; with green Indian-corn fodder, which had been sown broadcast for the purpose ; and with about three pints of meal a day. Their produce in but- ter was kept for thirteen weeks. Two of them were but two years old, having calved the same spring. All the milk of one of them was taken by her calf six weeks out of the thirteen, and some of the milk of the other was taken for family use, the quantity of which was not measured. These heifers could not be esti- mated, therefore, as more than equal to one cow in full milk. And yet from these cows no less than three hundred and eighty-nine pounds of butter were made in the thirteen weeks. Another pound would have made an average of thirty pounds a week for the whole time. It appears from these, and other similar instances of successful soiling, or stall-feeding in summer on green crops cut for the purpose, that the largely increased quantity of the yield fully counterbalances the slightly deteriorated quality. And not only is the quantity yielded by each cow increased, but the same extent of land, under good culture, will carry double or treble the number of ordinary pastures, and keep them in better condition. There is also a saving of manure. But with us the economy of soiling is the exception, and not the rule. In adopting this system of feeding, regularity is required as much as in any other, and a proper variety of food. A succession of green crops should be provided, as near as convenient to the stable. The first will naturally be winter rye, in the Northern States, as that shoots up with great luxuriance. Win- ter rape would probably be an exceedingly valuable addition to the plants usually cultivated for soiling in this country, in sections where it withstands the severity of the winter. Cabbages kept in the cellar, or 144 STILL-SLOPS. SWILL-MILK. pit, and transplanted early, will also come in here to advantage, and clover will very soon follow them ; oats, millet, and green Indian-corn, as the season ad- vances : and, a little later still, perhaps, the Chinese sugar-cane, which should not be cut till headed out. These plants, in addition to other cultivated grasses, will furnish an unfailing succession of succulent and tender fodder; while the addition of a little Indian, linseed, or cotton-seed meal will be found economical. In the vicinity of large towns and cities, where the object is too often to feed for the largest quantity, without reference to quality, an article known as dis- tillers' swill, or still-slop, is extensively used. This, if properly fed in limited quantities, in combination with other and more bulky food, may be a valuable article for the dairyman ; but, if given, as it too often is, with- out the addition of other kinds of food, it soon affects the health and constitution of the animals fed on it. This swill contains a considerable quantity of water, some nitrogenous compounds, and some inorganic mat- ter, in the shape of phosphates and alkaline salts found in the different kinds of grain of which it is made up, as Indian corn, wheat, barley, rye, &c. Where this forms the principal food of milch cows, the milk is of a very poor quality blue in color, and requiring the addition of coloring substances to make it salable. It contains, often, less than one per cent, of butter, and seldom over one and three tenths or one and a half per cent., while good, salable milk ought to contain from three to five per cent. It will not coagulate, it is said, in less than five or six hours, while good milk will invariably coagulate in one hour or less, under the same conditions. Its effect on the system of young children is therefore very destructive, causing diseases of various kinds, and, if continued, certain death. STRUCTURE OF THE UDDER. 145 MILKING. The manner of milking exerts a more powerful and lasting influence on the productiveness of the cow than most farmers are aware of. That a slow and careless milker soon dries up the best of cows, every practical farmer and dairyman knows ; but a care- ful examination of the beautiful structure of the udder will serve further to explain the proper mode of milking, to obtain and keep up the largest yield. " The udder of a cow," says a writer in the Rural Cyclopasdia, " is a unique mass, composed of two symmetrical parts, simply united to each other by a cellular tissue, lax, and very abundant ; and each of these parts comprises two divisions or quarters, which consist of many small granules, and are connected together by a compact laminous tissue; and from each quarter proceed systems of ducts, which form successive unions and confluences, somewhat in the manner of the many affluents of a large river, until they terminate in one grand excretory canal, which passes down through the elongated mam- millary body called the teat. Its lactiferous or milk tubes, however, do not, as might be supposed, proceed exactly from smaller to larger ducts by a gradual and regular enlargement, because it would not have been proper that the secretion of milk should escape as it was formed; and therefore we find an apparatus adapted for the purpose of retaining it for a proper time. This apparatus is to be found both in the teat and in the in- ternal construction of the udder. The teat resembles a funnel in shape, and somewhat in office ; and it is pos- sessed of a considerable degree of elasticity. It seems formed principally of the cutis, with some muscular fibres, and it is covered on the outside by cuticle, like every other part of the body ; but the cuticle here not only covers the exterior, but also turns upwards, and lines the inside of the extremity of the teat, as far as it 13 10 146 MANNER OF MILKING. is contracted, and there terminates by a frilled edge, the rest of the interior of the teats and ducts being lined by mucous membrane. But, as the udder in most animals is attached in a pendulous manner to the body, and as the weight of the column of fluid would press with a force which would, in every case, overcome the resistance of the contractions of the extremity, or prove oppressive to the teat, there is in the internal arrangement of the udder a provision made to obviate this difficulty. The various ducts, as they are united, do not become gradually enlarged so as to admit the ready flow of milk in a continual stream to the teat, but are so arranged as to take off, in a great measure, the extreme pressure to which the teat would be other- wise exposed. Each main duct, as it enters into another, has a contraction produced, by which a kind of valvular apparatus is formed in such a manner as to become pouches or sacks, capable of containing the great body of the milk. In consequence of this arrangement, it is necessary that a kind of movement upwards, or lift, should be given to the udder before the teat is drawn, to force out the milk ; and by this lift the milk is dis- placed from these pouches, and escapes into the teat, and is then easily squeezed out ; while the contractions, or pouches, at the same time resist, in a certain degree, the return or reflux of the displaced milk." The first requisite of a good milker is, of course, the utmost cleanliness. Without this, the milk is unen- durable. The udder should, therefore, be carefully cleaned before the milking commences. The milker may begin gradually and gently, but should steadily increase the rapidity of the operation till the udder is emptied, using a pail sufficiently large to hold all, with- out the necessity of changing. Cows are very sensi- tive, and the pail cannot be changed, nor can the EFFECT OF CARELESS MILKING. 147 milker stop or rise during the process of milking, with- out leading the cow more or less to withhold her milk. The utmost care should be taken to strip to the last drop, and to do it rapidly, and not in a slow and negligent manner, which is sure to have its effect on the yield of the cow. If any milk is left, it is reabsorbed into the system, or else becomes caked, and diminishes the tend- ency to secrete a full quantity afterwards. Milking as dry as possible is especially necessary with young cows with their first calf, as the mode of milking, and the length of time to which they can be made to hold out, will have very much to do with their milking qualities as long as they live. At the age of two or three years the milky glands have not become fully developed, and their largest development will depend very greatly upon the man- agement after the first calf. Cows should have, therefore, the most milk-producing food ; be treated with constant gentleness ; never struck, or spoken harshly to, but coaxed and caressed ; and in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred they will grow up gentle and quiet. But harshness is worse than useless. Nothing does so much to dry a cow up, especially a young cow. The longer the young cow, with her first and sec- ond calf, can be made to hold out, the more surely will this habit be fixed upon her. Stop milking her four months before the next calf, and it will be dif- ficult to make her hold out to within four or six weeks of the time of calving afterwards. Induce her, if possible, by moist and succulent food, and by care- ful milking, to hold out even up to the time of calv- ing, if you desire to milk her so long, and this habit will be likely to be fixed upon her for life. But do not expect to obtain the full yield of a cow the first year after calving. Some of the very best cows aro 148 GENTLE TREATMENT. slow to develop their best qualities ; and DO cow readies her prime till the age of five or six years. The extreme importance of care and attention to these points cannot be over-estimated. The wild cows grazing on the plains of South America are said to give only about three or four quarts a day at the height of the flow ; and many an owner of large herds in Texas, it is said, has too little milk for family use, and sometimes receives his supply of butter from the New York market. There is, therefore, a constant tendency to dry up in milch cows ; and it must be guarded against with special care, till the habit of yielding a large quantity, and yielding it long, becomes fixed in the young animal, when, with proper care, it may easily be kept up. If gentle and mild treatment is observed and perse- vered in, the operation of milking appears to be one of pleasure to the animal, as it undoubtedly is ; but if an opposite course is pursued, if, at every restless move- ment, caused, perhaps, by pressing a sore teat, the animal is harshly spoken to, she will be likely to learn to kick as a habit, and it will be difficult to overcome it ever afterwards. To induce quiet and readiness to give down the milk freely, it is better that the cow should be fed at milking-time with cut feed, or roots, placed within her easy reach. I have never practised milking more than twice a day, because in spring and summer other farm-work was too pressing to allow of it ; but there is no doubt that, for some weeks after calving, and in the height of the flow, the cows ought, if possible, to be milked regularly three times a day at early morning, noon, and night. Every practical dairyman knows that cows thus milked give a larger quantity of milk than if milked only twice, though it may not be quite so rich ; and in young, cows, no doubt, it has a tendency to promote the DAIRY-MAIDS. -^WARM BARN. 149 development of the udder and milk-veins. A frequent milking stimulates an increased secretion, therefore, and ought never to be neglected in the milk-dairy, either in the case of young cows or very large milkers, at the height of the flow, which will ordinarily be for two or three months after calving. The charge of this branch of the dairy should gen- erally be intrusted to women. They are more gentle and winning than men. The same person should milk the same cow regularly, and not change from one to another, unless there are special reasons for it. There being a wide difference in the quality as well as in the quantity of milk of different cows, no dairy- man should neglect to test the milk of each new addi- tion to his dairy stock, whether it be an animal of his own raising or one brought from abroad. A lactometer is a very convenient instrument here ; but any one can set the milk of each cow separately at first, and give it a fair and full trial, when the difference will be found to be great. Economy will dictate that the cows least adapted to the purpose should be disposed of, and their place supplied by better ones. THE BARN. The management of dairy stock requires a warm and well-ventilated barn or cow-room, in latitudes where it becomes necessary to stall-feed during several months of the year. This should be arranged in a manner suitable to keeping hay and other fodder dry and sweet, and with reference to the comfort and health of animals, and the economy of labor and manure. The size and finish will, of course, depend on the wants and means of the farmer or dairyman ; but many little con- veniences can be added at trifling cost. The cow-room, Fig. 56, is given as an illustration merely of a convenient arrangement for a medium-sized dairy, and not as adapted to all circumstances or situ- 13* 150 DESCRIPTION OP PLAN. ations. The barn stands, we will suppose, upon a side hill, or an inclined surface, where it is easy to have a cellar, if it is desired ; and the cow-room, as shown in the figure, is in the second story, or directly over the cellar, the bottom of which should be somewhat dished, or lower in the middle than around the outer sides, and carefully paved or laid in cement. The cow-room, as shown in the figure, is drawn on a scale of twenty feet to the inch. On the outside is represented an open shed, m. for carts and wagons to remain under cover, thirty feet by fifteen, while llllll are bins for vegetables, to be filled through scuttles from the floor of the story above, and surrounded by solid walls. The area of this whole floor equals one hundred feet by fifty-seven, k, open space, and nearly on a level with the cow-chamber, through the door p. 8, stairs to third story and to the cellar, d d d, passage next to the walls, five feet wide, and nine inches above the dung-pit, e e e, dung-pit, two feet wide, and seven inches below the floor where the cattle stand. The manure drops from this pit into the cellar below, five feet from the walls, and quite round the cellar, c c c, plank floor for cows, four feet six inches long, bib, stalls for three yoke of oxen, on a platform five feet six inches long, n n, calf-pens, which may be used also for cows in calving, r r, feeding-troughs for calves. The feeding-boxes are made in the form of trays, with partitions between them. Water comes in by a pipe, to cistern a. This cistern is regulated by a cock and ball, and the water flows by dotted lines, o o o, to the boxes, and each box is connected by lead pipes well secured from frost, so that, if desired, each animal can be watered without leaving the stall, or water can be kept constantly before it. A scuttle by which sweep- ings, etc., may be put through into the cellar, is seen PLAN OF COW-ROOM. 151 s* a 3CL lt_ rf at/, gr is a bin receiving cut hay from third story, or hay-room, h h h h h h, bins for grain-feed. * is a tunnel to conduct manure or muck from the hay-floor to the cellar, jj, sliding doors on wheels. The cows all face towards the open area in the centre. 152 DESCRIPTION OF PLAN. This cow-room may be furnished with a thermom- eter, clock, etc., and should always be well ventilated by sliding windows, which at the same time admit the light. ft 1 U c a* 1 1 L3*! Fig. 67. Fig. 57 is a transverse section of the cow-room, Fig. 56, a being a walk behind the cows, five feet wide ; b, dung-pit; c, cattle-stand; d, feeding-trough, with a bottom on a level with the platform where the cattle stand ; k, open area, forty-three feet by fifty-six. The story above the cow-room, Fig. 58, is one hun- dred feet by forty-two, the bays for hay, ten on each side, being ten feet front and fifteen feet deep, and the open space, p, for the entrance of wagons, carts, etc., twelve feet wide, b, hay-scales, c, scale-beam, m mm m m m, ladders reaching almost to the roof. 1 1 I, 3 seed of the cotton-plant, which extracts the oil, when the cake is crushed or ground into meal, which has been found to be a very valuable article for feeding stock An analysis has been given on a preceding page, which shows it to be equal or superior to linseed meal. Prac tical experiments are needed to establish it. It is pre 17* 198 MANURES ON THE FARM. pared chiefly in Providence, R. I., and is for sale in the market at a very reasonable price. The MANURES used in this country in the culture of the plants mentioned above are mostly such as are made on the farm, consisting chiefly of barn-yard com- posts of various kinds, with often a large admixture of prat-mud. There are few farms that do not contain substances which, if properly husbanded, would add very greatly to the amount of manure ordinarily made. The best of the concentrated manures, which it is some- times necessary to use, for want of time and labor to prepare enough on the farm, is, unquestionably, Peru- vian guano. The results of this, when properly ap- plied, are well known and reliable, which can hardly be said of any other artificial manure offered for the farm- er's notice. The chief objection to depending on man- ures made off the farm is, in the first place, their great expense ; and in the second, which is equally important, the fact that, though they may be made valuable, and produce at one time the best results, a want of care in the manufacture, or designed fraud, may make them almost worthless, with the impossibility of detecting the imposition, without a chemical analysis, till it be- comes too late, and the crop is lost. It is, therefore, safest to rely mainly upon the home manufacture of manure. The extra expense of soiling cattle, saving and applying the liquid manure, and thus bringing the land to a higher state of cultivation, when it will be capable of keeping more stock, and of furnishing more manure, would offer a surer road to suc- cess than a constant outlay for concentrated fertilizers. The various articles used for top-dressing grass lands, and the management of grass and pasture lands, have been treated of in detail in the work already alluded to, on the CULTURE OF GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS. CHAPTER VII. MILK. MILK, as the first and natural food of man, has been used from the remotest antiquity of the human race. It is produced by the females of that class of ani- mals known as the mammalia, and was designed by nature as the nounshment of their young; but the richest and most abundant secretions in common use are those of the cow, the camel, the mare, and the goat. The use of camel's milk is confined chiefly to Africa and to China, that of mares to Tartary and Siberia, and that of goats to Italy and Spain. The milk of the cow is universally esteemed. Milk is an opaque fluid, generally white in color, having a sweet and agreeable taste, and is composed of a fatty substance, which forms butter, a caseous sub- stance, which forms cheese, and a watery residuum, known as serum, or whey, in cheese-making. The fatty or butyraceous matter in pure milk varies usually from two and a half to six and a half per cent. ; the caseous or cheesy matter, from three to ten per cent. ; and the serous matter, or whey, from eighty to ninety per cent. To the naked eye milk appears to be of the same character and consistence throughout; but under the microscope a myriad of little globules of varied forms, but mostly round or ovoid, and of very unequal sizes, 200 COMPOSITION OF MILK. appear to float in the watery matter. On more minute examination, these butter-globules are seen to be enclosed in a thin film of caseous matter. They are so minute that they filter through the finest paper. Milk readily assimilates with water and other sweet and unfermented liquids, though it weighs four per cent, more than water. Cold condenses, heat liquefies it. The elements of which it is composed, not being similar in character or specific gravity, undergo rapid changes when at rest. The oily particles, being lighter than the rest, soon begin to separate from them, and rise to the surface in the form of a yellowish semi-liquid cream, while the greater specific gravity of the serous matter, or whey, carries it to the bottom. A high temperature very soon develops acidity, and hastens the separation of the cheesy matter, or curd, from the whey. And so the three principal elements are easily distinguished. But the oily or butyraceous matter, in rising to the surface, brings up along with it many cheesy particles, which mechanically adhere to it, and give it more or less of a white instead of a yellow color ; and many watery or serous particles, which make it thinner, or more liquid, than it otherwise would be. If it rose up free from the adhesion of the other elements, it would appear in the form of pure butter, and would not need to undergo the process of churning to separate it from other substances. The time may come when some means will be devised, either mechanical or chemical, to separate the butter particles from the rest instan- taneously and completely, and thus avoid the often long and tedious process of churning. The coagulation, or collecting together of the cheesy particles, by which the curd becomes separated from the whey, sometimes takes place so rapidly, from the CAUGHT IN THE CURD. FERMENTATION. 201 effect of great heat, or sudden changes in the atmos- phere, that there is not time for the butter particles to rise to the surface, and they remain mixed up with the curd. Nor does the serous or watery matter remain dis- tinct or free from the mixture of particles of the cheesy and buttery matters. It also holds in suspension some alkaline salts and sugar of milk, to the extent of from three to four per cent, of its weight. We have, then, (Butter. frt (Butter. 1 Cream. | B utter-milk.} Wat <*- t- ~i -iv /Curd. ISkimmed milk.{ Whey> Sur of milk. It may be stated, in other words, that milk is com- posed chiefly of caseine, or curd, which gives it its strength, and from which cheese is made ; a btityra- ceous or oily substance, which gives it its richness ; a sugar of milk, to which it owes its sweetness, and a watery substance, which makes it refreshing as a beve- rage ; together with traces of alkaline salts, from whence are derived its flavor and medicinal properties ; and that these constituents appear in proportions which vary in different specimens, according to the breed of the animal, the food, the length of time after parturi- tion, etc. Milk becomes sour, on standing exposed to a warm atmosphere, by the change of its sugar of milk into an acid known as lactic acid ; and it is owing to this sugar, and the chemical changes to which it gives rise, that milk is susceptible of undergoing all degrees of fermenta- tion, and of being made into a fermented and palatable but intoxicating liquor, which, by distillation, produces pure alcohol. This liquor is extensively used in some 202 MILK-WINE. THE UDDER. countries. The arrack of the Arabs is sometimes made from camel's milk. The Tartars make most of their spirituous liquors from milk ; and for this purpose they prefer mare's milk, on account of its larger percentage of sugar, which causes a greater and more active fermentation. ' The liquor made from it is termed milk-wine, or khoumese. It resembles beer, and has intoxicating qualities. The process of manufacture is very simple. The milk, being allowed first to turn sour, is then heated to the proper temperature, when it begins to ferment ; and in a day in summer, or two or three days in winter, the process is completed, and the liquor may be kept several weeks without losing its good qualities. The admirable though complicated organization of the udder and teats of the cow has already been explained, in speaking of the manner of milking. But it may be said, in general, that the number of stomachs or powerful digestive organs of the ruminants is won- derfully adapted to promote the largest secretions of every kind. The udder of the cow, the more immediate and important receptacle of milk, and in which other milk- vessels terminate, is divided into two sections, and each of these sections is subdivided into two others, mak- ing four divisions, each constituting in itself, to some extent, an organ of secretion. But it is well known that, as a general thing, the lateral section, comprising the two hind teats, usually secretes larger quantities of milk than the front section, and that its development, both external and internal, is usually the greatest. Milk is exceedingly sensitive to numerous influences, m:my of which are not well understood. It is probably true that the milk of each of the divisions of the udder differs to some extent from that of the others in the FEEDING. WINTER MILK. 203 same animal; and it is well known that the milk of dif- ferent cows, fed on the same food, has marked differ- ences in quality and composition. But food, no doubt, has a more powerful and immediate effect than any- thing else, as we should naturally suppose from the fact that it goes directly to supply all the secretions of the body. Feeding exclusively on dry food, for instance, produces a thicker, more buttery and cheesy milk, though less abundant in quantity, than feeding on moist and succulent food. The former will be more nutritive than the latter. Cows in winter will usually give a milk much richer in butter and less cheesy than in summer, for the same reason ; while in summer their milk is richer in cheese and less buttery than in winter. As already intimated, the frequency of milking has its effect on the quality. Milking but once a day would give a more condensed and buttery milk than milking twice or three times. The separation of the different constitu- ents of milk begins, undoubtedly, before it leaves the udder ; and hence we find that the milk first drawn from the cow at a milking is far more watery than that drawn later, the last drawn, commonly called the strip- pings, being the richest of all, and containing from six to twelve times as much butter as the first. Many other influences affect the milk of cows, both in quantity and quality, as the length of time after calving, the age and health of the cow, the season of the year, etc. Milk is whiter in color in winter than in summer, even when the feeding is precisely the same. At certain seasons the milk of the same cow is bluer than at others. This is often observable in dog-days. The specific gravity of milk is greater than that of water, that of the latter being one thousand, and that of the former one thousand and thirty-one on an average, 204 PERCENTAGE OF CREAM. though it varies greatly as it comes from different cows, and even at different times from the same cow. A feed- ing of salt given to the cow will, in a few hours, cause the specific gravity of her milk to vary from one to three per cent. Milk will ordinarily produce from ten to fifteen per cent, of its own volume in cream.; or, on an average, not far from twelve and a half per cent. Eight quarts of milk will, therefore, make about one quart of cream. But the milk of cows that are fed so as to produce the richest milk and butter will often very far exceed this, sometimes giving over twenty per cent, of cream, and in very rare instances twenty-five or twenty-six per cent. The product of milk in cream is more regular than the product of cream in butter. A very rich milk is lighter than milk of a poor quality, for the reason that cream is lighter than skim-milk. Of the different constituents of milk, caseine is that which most resembles animal matter, and hence the intrinsic value of cheese as a nutritive article of food. Hence, also, the nutritive qualities of skimmed milk, or milk from which the cream only has been removed, while the milk is still sweet. The oily or fatty parts of milk furnish heat to the animal system ; but this is easily supplied by other substances. From the peculiar nature of milk, and its extreme sensitiveness to external influences, the importance of the utmost care in its management must be apparent : and this care must begin from the moment when it leaves the udder, especially if it is to be made into butter. In this case it would be better, if it were con- venient, to keep the different kinds of milk of the same milking by itself that which comes first from the udder, and that which is drawn last ; and if the first third could be set by itself, and the second and the third parts DIFFERENT QUALITIES AS THEY RISE. 203 by themselves, the time required to raise the cream of each part would doubtless be considerably less than it is where the different elements of the milk are so inti- mately mixed together in the process of milking, after being once partially separated, as they are before they leave the udder. After milking, as little time as possible should elapse before the milk is brought to rest in the pan. The remarks of Dr. Anderson on the treatment of milk are pertinent in this connection. " If milk," says he, " be put into a dish and allowed to stand until it throws up cream, the portion of cream rising first to the surface is richer in quality and equal in quantity to that which rises in a second equal space of time ; and the cream which rises in a second interval of time is greater in quantity and richer in quality than that which rises in a third equal space of time. That of the third is greater than that of the fourth, and so of the rest; the cream that rises continuing progressively to decrease in quantity and quality, so long as any rises to the surface. " Thick milk always throws up a much smaller pro- portion of the cream which it actually contains than milk that is thinner, but the cream is of a richer qual- ity ; and if water be added to that thick milk, it will afford a considerably greater quantity of cream, and consequently more butter, than it would have done if allowed to remain pure ; but its quality at the same time is greatly deteriorated. " Milk which is put into a bucket or other proper vessel, and carried in it to a considerable distance, so as to be much agitated and in part cooled before it be put into the milk-pans to settle for cream, never throws up so much or so rich a cream as if the same milk had been put into the milk-pans, without agitation, directly after it was milked." 18 206 TEMPERATURE OF THE BEST DAIRIES. Milk as it comes from the cow is about blood-heat, or 98 Fah. It should be cooled off as little as possible before coming to rest. With this object in view, the pails may be rinsed with hot water before milking, and the distance from the place of milking to the milk-room should be as short as possible ; but, even with all these precautions, the fall in temperature will be considerable. From what has already been said with regard to the manner in which the cream or oily particles of the milk rise to the surface, and the difficulty of rising through a great space, on account of their intimate entanglement with the cheesy and other matters, the importance of using shallow pans must be sufficiently obvious. To facilitate and hasten the rising of the butter or oily particles, the importance of keeping the milk- room at a uniform and pretty high temperature will be equally obvious. The greatest density of milk is at or near the temperature of 41 Fah. ; and at this point the butter particles will, of course, rise with the great- est difficulty and slowness, and bring up a far greater amount of cheese particles than under more favorable circumstances. These caseous and watery matters, as has been already stated, cause the cream or the butter to look white, and to ferment and become rancid. To avoid this, the temperature is generally kept, in the best butter-dairies, as high as from 58 to 62. Some recom- mend keeping the milk at over 70, and from that to 80, at which temperature the cream, they say, rises very rap- idly, especially if the depth through which it has to rise is but slight. But that, in the opinion of most practical dairymen, is too high. To obtain the greatest amount of cream from a given quantity of milk, the depth in the pan should, it seems to me, never exceed two inches. A high temperature and shallow depth, as they liquefy the milk and facilitate MOIST CLIMATES. CLEANLINESS. 207 the rising of the particles, tend to secure a cream free from the cheesy matter, and such cream will make a quality of butter both more delicate to the taste, and less likely to become rancid, than any other. It has already been intimated, in another connection, that neither the largest quantity nor the best quality of milk is given by the cow till after she has had two or three calves, or has arrived at the age of five or six years. It may also be said, what cannot fail to have attracted the attention of observing dairymen, that in very dry seasons the quantity of milk yielded will gen- erally be less, though the quality will be richer, than in moist and mild seasons. Hence it may be inferred that moist climates are much more favorable to the production of milk than dry ones ; and this also has been frequently observed and admitted to be a well-known fact. From these facts it may be stated that dry and warm weather increases the quantity of butter, but it is also true that cooler weather produces a greater amount of cheese. A state of pregnancy, it is obvious, must reduce the quality of the milk, and cause it to yield less cream than before. In the treatment of milk the utmost cleanliness is es- pecially requisite. The pails, the strainers, the pans, the milk-room, and, in short, everything connected with the dairy, must be kept neat and clean to an extent which few but the very best dairy-women can appreciate. The smallest portion of old milk left to sour in the strainers or pans will be sure to taint them, and impart their bad flavor to the new milk put into them. Every one is familiar with the fact that an exceedingly small quantity of yeast causes an active fermentation. The process is a chemical one, and another familiar instance of it is in the distillation of liquors and the brewing of beer, where f he malt creates a very active fermentation. la 208 ADULTERATIONS. SWILL MILK. a similar manner the smallest particle of sour milk will taint a large quantity of sweet. The milk-room should be removed from dampness, and all gases which might be injurious to the milk by infecting the atmosphere. If the state of the atmos- phere and the temperature, as has been stated, affect it, all contact with foreign substances to which it is liable in careless and slovenly milking, and all air rendered impure by vegetables and innumerable other things kept in a house-cellar, will be much more liable to taint and injure it. Milk appears to absorb odors from ob- jects near it, to such an extent that a piece of catnip lying near the pan has been known to impart its flavor to it. Milk, as sold in most large cities, is often adulterated to a great extent, but most frequently with water. Not unfrequently, too, a part of the cream is first taken off, and water afterwards added ; in which case the use of burnt sugar is very common for coloring the milk, the blueness of which would otherwise lead to detection. The adulteration of pure milk from the healthy cow by water, though dishonest, and objectionable in the high- est degree, is far less iniquitous in its consequences than the nefarious traffic in "swill-milk," or milk pro- duced from cows fed entirely on " still-slops;" from which they soon become diseased, after which the milk contains a subtle poison, which is as difficult of detec- tion by any known process of chemistry as the miasma of an atmosphere tainted with yellow fever or the chol- era. The simple fact is sufficiently palpable, that no pure and healthy milk can be produced by an unhealthy and diseased animal ; and that no animal can long remain healthy that is fed on an unnatural food, and treated in the manner too common around the distilleries of many large cities. THE SPECIFIC-GRAVITY TEST. 209 It is evident, from the well-known influence which " still-slops " and other exceedingly succulent food have in increasing the amount of water in the milk, that adul- teration may be effected by means of the food, as well as by addition of water to the milk itself. It is evident, too, on a moment's reflection, that the specific gravity of pure milk must vary exceedingly, as it comes from different cows, or from the same cow at different times. This variation reached to the extent of twenty-three degrees in the milk of forty-two different cows, or from one thousand and eight to one thousand and thirty-one ; but so great a variation is very rare, and not to be expected. No reliable conclusion, as to whether a particular specimen of milk has been adulterated or not, can there- fore be drawn from the differences in specific gravity alone. A radical difficulty attending this test arises from the fact that the specific gravity both of water and cream is less than that of pure milk. If, therefore, the hydrometer sinks deeper into the fluid than would be expected in ordinary pure milk, how is it possible, unless the variation is very large, to tell whether it is due to the richness of the milk in cream, or to the water? I have, for instance, two instruments, each labelled " Lactometer," but both of which are simple hydrometers (Fig. 71), or specific gravity testers, one of which is graduated with the water-mark and that of pure milk 20 ; the water-mark of the other being 0, like the first, and that of pure milk 100. Both are the same in principle, the only difference being in the graduation. On the former, graduated for pure milk at 20, it is difficult to tell with accuracy the small variations in Fig. 71. lg * 14 210 VARIATION IN SPECIFIC GRAVITY. the percentage of water or cream, the divisions on the scale are so minute, while the latter marks them so that they can be read off with greater ease and pre- cision. For the purpose of showing the difference in the spe- cific gravity in different specimens of pure milk, taken from the cows in the morning, and allowed to cool down to about 60, 1 used the latter instrument with the fol- lowing results : The first pint drawn from a native cow stood at 101, the scale being graduated at 100 for pure milk. The last pint of the same milking, being the strip- pings of the same cow, stood at 86. The mixture of the two pints stood at about 93^. The milk of a pure-bred Jersey stood at 95, that of an Ayrshire at 100, that of a Hereford at 106, that of a Devon at 111, while a thin cream stood at 66. All these specimens of milk were pure, and milked at the same time in the morning, carefully labelled in separate vessels, and set upon the same shelf to cool off; and yet the variations of specific gravity amounted to 25, or, taking the average quality of the native cows' milk at 93, the variations amounted to 17 j. But, knowing the specific gravity, at the outset, of any specimen of milk, the hydrometer would show the amount of water added. This cheap and simple instru- ment is therefore of frequent service. The lactometer is a very different instrument, and measures the comparative richness of different speci- mens of milk. It is of very great service both in the butter and cheese dairy, for testing the comparative value of different cows for the purposes for which they are kept. This instrument is very simple and cheap and the practical dairyman can tell by it what cows he can best part with without detriment to his business. THE LACTOMETER. 211 No cow should be admitted to a herd kept for butter- making without knowing her qualities in this respect. Many would find, on examination, that some of their cows, though giving a good quantity, were compara- tively worthless to them. Such was the experience of John Holbert, of Chemung, New York, who, in his statement to the state agricultural society, says : " I find, by churning the milk of each cow separately, that one of my best cows will make as much butter as three of my poorest, giving the same quantity of milk. I have kept a dairy for twenty years, but I never until the past season knew that there was so much difference in cows." Fig. 72. Lactometer. The simplest form of the lactometer is a series of graduated glass tubes (Fig. 72), or vials, of equal diam- eter; generally a third of an inch inside, and about eleven inches long. The tubes are filled to an equal height, each one with the milk of a different cow, and allowed to stand for the cream to rise. The difference in thickness of the column of cream will be very per- ceptible, and it will be greater than most people imag- ine. The effect of different kinds of food for the pro- duction of butter may be studied in the same way. 212 MODES OF PRESERVING MILK. This form of the lactometer was invented by Sir Joseph Banks. Various means are used for the preservation of milk. One of these is by concentrating it by boiling. Where this is followed, as it is by some dairymen, as a regular business, the milk is poured, as it comes from the dairy, into long, shallow, copper pans, and heated to a temper- ature of a hundred and ten degrees, Fahrenheit. A lit- tle sugar is then mixed in, and the whole body of milk is kept in motion by stirring for some three or four hours. The water is evaporated, leaving the milk about one fourth of its original bulk. It is now put into tin cans, the covers of which are soldered on, when the cans are lowered into boiling water. After remaining a while, they are taken out and hermetically sealed, in which condition the milk will keep for months. Con- centrated milk may thus be taken to sea or elsewhere. Another form is that of solidified milk, in which state it is easily and perfectly soluble in water ; and when so dissolved with a proper proportion of water, it assumes its original form of milk, and may be made into butter. A statement by Dr. Doremus, in the New York Medical Journal, explains the process, as follows : To one hundred and twelve pounds of milk twenty eight pounds of Stuart's white sugar were added, and a trivial portion of bicarbonate of soda, a teaspoonful, merely enough to insure the neutralizing of any acid- ity, which, in the summer season, is exhibited even a few minutes after milking, although inappreciable to the organs of taste. The sweet milk was poured into evaporating pans of enamelled iron, imbedded in warm water heated by steam. A thermometer was immersed in each of these water-baths, that, by frequent inspec- tion, the temperature might not rise above the point which years of experience have shown advisable. To SOLIDIFIED MILK. 213 facilitate the evaporation, by means of blowers and other ingenious apparatus a current of air is established between the covers of the pans and the solidifying milk. Connected with the steam-engine is an arrange- ment of stirrers, for agitating the milk slightly, while evaporating, and so gently as not to churn it. In about three hours the milk and sugar assumed a pasty con- sistency, and delighted the palates of all present. By constant manipulation and warming, it was reduced to a rich, creamy-looking powder, then exposed to the air to cool, weighed into parcels of a pound each, and by a press, with the force of a ton or two, made to assume the compact form of a tablet (the size of a small brick), in which shape, covered with tin-foil, it is presented to the public. " Some of the solidified milk which had been grated and dissolved in water the previous evening was found covered with a rich cream ; this, skimmed off, was soon converted into excellent butter. Another solution was speedily converted into wine-whey by a treatment pre- cisely similar to that employed in using ordinary milk. It fully equalled the expectations of all ; so that solidi- fied milk will hereafter rank among the necessary appendages to the sick room. In fine, this article makes paps, custards, puddings, and cakes, equal to the best milk ; and one may be sure it is an unadulterated article, obtained from well-pastured cattle, and not the produce of distillery slops ; neither can it be watered. For our steamships, our packets, for those travelling by land or by sea, for hotel purposes, or use in private families, for young or old, we recommend it cordially as a sub- stitute for fresh milk." A pound of this solidified milk, it is said, will make five pints when dissolved in water. Another favorite form in which milk is used is that 214 HOW TO MAKE ICE-CREAM. known as ice-cream, a cheap and healthy luxury during the summer months. It is frozen in a simple machine made for the purpose, in the best form of which the time of the operation is from six to ten minutes. The richest quality of ice-cream is made from cream, in the following manner: To one quart of cream use the yolks of three eggs. Put the cream over the fire till it boils, during which time the eggs are beaten up with half a pound of white sugar, powdered fine ; and when the cream boils stir it upon the eggs and sugar, then let it stand till quite cold, then add the juice of three or four lemons. It is then ready to put into the freezer. The heat of the cream partially cooks the eggs, and the stirring must be continued to prevent their cooking too much. A somewhat simpler receipt, given by the confec- tioners, is the following : To half a pound of powdered sugar add the juice of three lemons. Mix the sugar and lemon together, and then add one quart of cream. This is less rich and delicate than the preceding, but is quite rich enough for common use, and some trouble is saved. The following receipt makes a very good ice-cream. Two quarts of good rich milk ; four fresh eggs ; three quarters of a pound of white sugar ; six teaspoons of Bermuda arrow-root. Rub the arrow-root smooth in a little cold milk, beat the eggs and sugar together, bring the milk to the boiling point, then stir in the arrow-root ; remove it then from the fire, and immedi- ately add the eggs and sugar, stirring briskly, to keep the eggs from cooking, then set aside to cool. If flavored with extracts, let it be done just before putting it in the freezer. If the vanilla bean is used, it must be boiled in the milk. The preparation must be thoroughly cooled before the freezing is proceeded with. The ice-cream by this receipt-may be produced at a MILK OF SPAYED COWS. 215 cost not exceeding twenty-five cents a quart, calling the milk five cents a quart, and the eggs a cent apiece, and including the cost of labor. It is quite equal to that commonly furnished by the confectioners at seventy- five cents a quart. The arrow-root may be dispensed with. The freezer is a cheap and simple machine. After the cream has frozen in the machine, it should stand an hour or two to harden before it is used. To secure a more uniform flow and a richer quality of milk, cows are sometimes spayed, or castrated. The milk of spayed cows is pretty uniform in quantity, and this quantity will be, on an average, a little more than before the operation was performed. But few instances have come under my observation, and those few have resulted satisfactorily, the quality of the milk having been greatly improved, the yield becoming regular for some years, and varying only by the differ- ence in the succulence of the food. The proper time for spaying is about five or six weeks after calving, or at the time when the largest quantity of milk is given. There seem to be some advantages in spaying for milk and butter dairies, where the raising of stock is not attended to. The cows are more quiet, never being liable to returns of seasons of heat, which always more or less affect the milk both in quantity and quality. They give milk nearly uniform in these respects, for several years, provided the food is uniformly succulent and nutritious. Their milk is influenced like that of other cows, though to less extent, by the quality and quantity of food ; so that in winter, unless the animal is properly attended to, the yield will decrease somewhat, but will rise again as good feed returns. This uniform- ity for the milk-dairy is of immense advantage. Besides, the cow, when old, and inclined to dry up, takes on fat 216 ANALYSES OF MILK. with greater rapidity, and produces a juicy and tender beef, superior, at the same age, to that of the ox. The operation of spaying is simple, und may be performed by any veterinary surgeon, without much risk of injury. The milk of the cow has often been analyzed. It was found by Haidlen to consist of Water, 873. Butter, 30. Caseine, 48.2 Sugar of milk, . . . 43.9 Phosphate of lime, . . 2.31 Magnesia, 42 Iron, 47 Chloride of Potassium, . . 1.44 Sodium and Soda, ... .66 1000. But its composition, as already intimated, varies exceedingly with the food of the animal, and is influenced by an infinite variety of circumstances. Skim-milk is much more watery than whole milk. It was found by one analysis to contain about 97 per cent, of water and 3 per cent, of caseine. Swill-milk, or milk from cows fed on " still-slops," in New York, was found by analysis to contain less than 1.5 per cent, of butter, some specimens having even less than one per cent. The colostrum, or milk of the cow just after calving, contains a large proportion of cheesy matter. Its amount of caseine was found by careful analysis to be 15.1 per cent., of butter 2.6, mucous matter 2, and water 80.3, there being only a trace of sugar of milk. The measures for milk in common use in this country are those used for wine and beer. The wine quart is about one fifth less than the beer quart, and is that most commonly used in England. It is to be regretted that no uniform standard has been adopted throughout the country. CHAPTER VIII. BUTTER AND THE BUTTER-DAIRY. " Slow rolls the churn its load of clogging cream At once foregoes its quality and name. From knotty particles first floating wide, Congealing butter 's dashed from side to side." BUTTER, as we have seen, is the oily or fatty con- stituent of all good milk, mechanically united or held in suspension by the solution of caseine or cheesy matter in water. It is already formed in the udder of the cow, and the operations required after it leaves the udder, to produce it, effect merely the separation, more or less complete, of the butter from the cheese and the whey. This being the case, it is natural to suppose that butter was known at an early date. The wandering tribes, accustomed to take on their journeys a supply of milk in skins, would find it formed by the agitation of travelling, and thus would be suggested the first rude and simple process of churning. But it is not probable that the Jews possessed a knowledge of it ; and it is pretty well settled, at the present time, that the passages in our English version of the Old Testament in which it is used are errone- ously translated, and that wherever the word butter occurs the word milk, or sour, thick milk, or cream, should be substituted. And so in Isaiah, " Milk and honey shall he eat," instead of " butter ; " and in Job (29 : 6), " When I washed my feet in milk," instead of 19 218 HISTORY. CREAM THAT RISES FIRST. "butter." And the expression in Prov. (30: 33), '' Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth butter," would be better translated, according to the best critics, "the pressing of the milker bringeth forth milk,*' or the " pressing of milk bringeth forth cheese." In the oldest Greek writers milk and cheese are spoken of, but there is no evidence that butter was known to them. The Greeks obtained their knowledge of it from the Scythians or the Thracians, and the Romans obtained theirs from the Germans. In the time of Christ it was used chiefly as an oint- ment in the baths, and as a medicine. In warm lati- tudes, as in the southern part of Europe, even at the present day, its use is comparatively limited, the deli- cious oil of the olive supplying its place. I have already stated that all good milk of the cow contained butter enclosed in little round globules held in suspension, or floating in the other substances. As soon as the milk comes to rest after leaving the udder, these round particles, being lighter than the mass of cheesy and watery materials by which they are sur- rounded, begin to rise and work their way to the sur- face. The largest globules, being comparatively the lightest, rise first, and form the first layer of cream, which is the best, since it is less filled with caseine. The next smaller, rising a little slower, are more entangled with other substances, and bring more of them to the surface ; and the smallest rise the slowest and the last, and come up loaded with foreign sub- stances, and produce an inferior quality of cream and butter. The most delicate cream, as well as the sweet- est and most fragrant butter, is that obtained by a first skimming, only a few hours after the milk is set. Of three skimmings, at six, twelve, and eighteen hours after the milk is strained into the pan, that first obtained MILK AND WATER. 219 will make more and richer butter than the second, and that next obtained richer than the third, and so on. The last quart of milk drawn at a milking, for reasons already stated, will make a more delicious and savory butter than the first ; and if the last quart or two of a milking is set by itself, and the first cream that rises taken from it after standing only five or six hours, it will produce the richest and highest-flavored butter the cow is capable of giving, under like circumstances as to season and feed. The separation of the butter particles from the others is slower and more difficult in proportion to the thick- ness and richness of the milk. Hence in winter, on dry feeding, the milk being richer and more buttery, the cream or particles of butter are slower and longer in rising. But, as heat liquefies milk, the difficulty is over- come in part by elevating the temperature. The same effect is produced by mixing a little water into the milk when it is set. It aids the separation, and consequently more cream will rise in the same space of time, from the same amount of rich milk, with a little water in it, than without. Water slightly warm, if in cold weather, will produce the most perceptible effect. The quantity of butter will be greater from milk treated in this way; the quality, slightly deteriorated. It must be apparent, from what has been said, that butter may be produced by agitating the whole body of the milk, and thus breaking up the filmy coatings of the globules, as well as by letting it stand for the cream to rise. This course is preferred by many practical dairymen, and is the general practice in some of the countries most celebrated for superior butter. The general treatment of milk and the management of cream have been already alluded to in a former chap- ter. It has been seen that the first requisites to sue- 220 CLEANLINESS. GOOD BUTTER. cessful dairy husbandry are good cows, and abundant and good feeding, adapted to the special object of the dairy, whether it be milk, butter, or cheese ; and that, with both these conditions, an absolute cleanliness in every process, from the milking of the cow to bringirg the butter upon the table, is indispensably necessary. Cleanliness may, indeed, with propriety be regarded as the chief requisite in the manufacture of good but- ter ; for the least suspicion of a want of it turns the appetite at once, while both milk and cream are so ex- ceedingly sensitive to the slightest taint in the air, in everything with which they come in contact, as to impart the unmistakable evidence of any negligence, in the taste and flavor of the butter. It is safe to say, therefore, that good butter depends more upon the manufacture than upon any other one thing, and perhaps than all others put together. So im- portant is this point, that a judicious writer remarks that " in every district where good butter is made it is univer- sally attributed to the richness of the pastures, though it is a well-known fact that, take a skilful dairymaid from that district into another, where good butter is not usually made, and where, of course, the pastures are deemed very unfavorable, she will make butter as good as she used to do. And bring one from this last district into the other, and she will find that she cannot make better butter there than she did before, unless she takes lessons from the servants, or others whom she finds there ; " and a French writer very justly observes that " the particular nature of Bretagne butter, whose color, flavor, and consistence, are so much prized, depends neither on the pasture nor on the particular species of cow, but on the mode of making ; " and this will hold, to a considerable extent, in every country where but- ter is made. THE DAIRY-ROOM. 221 Many things, indeed, concur to produce the best re- sults, and it would be useless to underrate the import- ance of any but, with the best of cows to impart the proper color and consistency to butter, the sweetest feed and the purest water to secure a delicate flavor, the utmost care must still be bestowed by the dairymaid upon every process of manufacture, or else the best of milk and cream will be spoiled, or produce an article which will bring only a low price in the market, when, with greater skill, it might have obtained the highest. From what has been said of the care requisite to pre- serve the milk from taint, it may be inferred that atten- tion to the milk and dairy room is of no small importance. In very large butter-dairies, a building is devoted ex- clusively to this department. This should be at a short distance from the yard, or place of milking, but no further than is necessary to be removed from all impur- ities in the air arising from it, and from all low, damp places, subject to disagreeable exhalations. This is of the utmost importance. It should be well ventilated, and kept constantly clean and sweet, by the use of pure water; and especially, if milk is spilled, it should bo washed up immediately, with fresh water. No matter if it is but a single drop; if allowed to soak into the floor and sour, it cannot easily be removed, and it is sufficient to taint the air and the milk in the room, though it may not be perceptible to the senses. In smaller dairies, economy dictates the use of a room in the house ; and this, in warm climates, should be on the north side, and used exclusively for this purpose. I have known many to use a room in the cellar as a milk-room ; but very few cellars are at all suitable. Most are filled with a great variety of articles which never fail to infect the air. But, if a house-cellar is so built as to make it a suita- 19* 222 PURE AIR. THE MILK-STAND. ble place to set the milk, as where a large dry and airy room, sufficiently isolated from the rest, can be used, a greater uniformity of temperature can usually be se- cured than on the floor above. The room, in this case, should have a gravel or loamy bottom, unceinented, but dry and porous. The soil is a powerful absorbent of the noxious gases which are apt to infect the atmos- phere near the bottom of the cellar. Milk should never be set on the bottom of a cellar, if the object is to raise the cream. The cream will rise in time, but rarely or never so quickly or so completely as on shelves from five to eight feet from the bottom, around which a free circulation of pure air can be had from the latticed windows. It is, perhaps, safe to say that as great an amount of better cream will rise from the same milk in twelve hours on suitable shelves, six Fig. 73. Milk-stand. feet from the bottom, as would be obtained directly ou the bottom of the same cellar in twenty-four hours. THE PANS. THE SKIMMER. 223 One of the most convenient forms for shelves in a dairy-room designed for butter-making is represented in Fig. 73, made of light and seasoned wood, in an oc- tagonal form, and capable of holding one hundred and seventy-six pans of the ordinary form and size. It is so simple and easily constructed, and so economizes space, that it may readily be adapted to other and smaller rooms for a similar purpose. If the dairy-house is near a spring of pure and running water, a small stream can be led in by one channel and taken out by another, and thus keep a constant circulation under the milk-stand, which may be so constructed' as to turn easily on the central post, so as often to save many footsteps. The pans designed for milk are generally made of tin. That is found, after long experience, to be, on the whole, the best and most economical, and subject to fewer objections than most other materials. Glazed earthen ware is often used, the chief objection to it being its liability to break, and its weight. It is easily kept clean, however, and is next in value to tin, if not, indeed, equal to it. A tin" skimmer is commonly used, some- what in the form of the bowl of a spoon, and pierced with holes, to remove the cream. In some sections of the country, a large white clam-shell is very commonly used instead of a skimmer made for the purpose, the chief objection to it being that the cream is not quite so carefully separated from the milk. A mode of avoiding the necessity of skimming has long been used to some extent in England, by which the milk is drawn off through a hole in the bottom of the pan. This plan is recommended by Unwerth, a German agriculturist, who proposes a pan represented in Fig. 74, made of block tin, oblong in shape, and hav- ing the inside corners carefully rounded. The pan is only two inches in depth, and is made large enough to 224 THE SHALLOW DEPTH IN THE PAN. hold six or eight quarts of milk at the depth of one and a half inches. This shallowness greatly facilitates Fig. 74. Milk-pan. the rapid separation of the cream, especially at a tem- perature somewhat elevated. A. strainer is shown in Pig. 75, pierced with holes, the centre half an inch lower than the rim, to which hooks are fixed to hold it to the top of the pan. On this a coarse linen cloth Fig. 75. is laid, the milk being strained through both the cloth and the strainer, thus serving to separate all foreign substances in a thorough manner. In the bottom of the milk-pan, near one end, is an opening, a, through which the milk is drawn, after the cream is all risen or separated from it, by raising a brass pin, b. The opening is lined with brass, and is three fourths of an inch in diameter. Fig. 76 represents the tin cylinder magnified. This is pierced, to the height of an inch, with many small holes, diminishing in size towards the top. The cream is all risen in twenty- CHURNING BY HOESE POWER. 225 four hours. The pin is then drawn from the cylinder, and the milk flows out, leaving the thick cream, which is prevented from flowing out by the smallness of the holes in the cylinder. With the form of pans in most common use in this country, which are circular, three or four inches deep, this shallow depth of milk causes a little more trouble in skimming ; but, if the principle is correct, the form and depth of the pan will be easily adapted to it. After the cream is removed, it is put into stone or earthen jars, and kept in a cool place till a sufficient quantity is accumulated to make it convenient to churn. If a sufficient number of cows is kept, it is far better to churn every day; but in ordinary circumstances that may be oftener than is practicable. The more frequently the better ; and the advantages of frequent churning are so great that cream should never be kept longer than three or four days, where it is possible to churn so often. The mode of churning in one of the many good dairies in Pennsylvania, that of Mr. J. Comfort, of Montgomery county, is as follows : He uses a large barrel-shaped churn, of the size of about two hogsheads, hung on journals supported by a framework in an adjoin- ing building. It is worked by machinery in a rotatory motion, by a horse travelling around in a circle. The churning commerrjes about four o'clock in the morn- ing in summer, the cream being poured into the churn and the horse started. When the butter has come, a part of the butter-milk is removed by a vent-hole in the churn. Then, without beating the mass together, as is usual, a portion of the butter and its butter-milk is taken out by the spatula and placed in the bottom of a tub covered with fine salt, and spread out equally to a proper depth ; then the surface of this butter is cov- 15 226 FORMS OF THE CHURN. ered with salt, and another portion of butter and butter-milk taken from the churn and spread over the salted surface in the same manner, and salted as before, thus making a succession of layers, till the tub is full. The whole is then covered with a white cloth, and allowed to stand a while. A part of this butter, say eight or ten pounds, is then taken from the tub and laid on a marble table (Fig. 80), grooved around the edges, and slightly inclined, with a place in the groove for the butter-milk and whey to escape. It is then worked by a butter-worker or brake, turning on a swivel-joint, which perfectly arid completely removes the butter-milk, and flattens out the butter into a thin mass ; then the surface is wiped by a cloth laid over it, and the working and wiping repeated till the cloth adheres to tlie butter, which indicates that the butter is dry enough, when it is separated into pound lumps, weighed and stamped, ready for market. The rest of the butter in the tub is treated in the same way. It will be seen that this method avoids the ordinary washing with water, not a drop of water being used, from beginning to the end. It avoids also the working by hand, which in warm weather has a tendency to soften the butter. In the space of about an hour a hundred pounds are thus made, and its beautiful color and fragrance preserved. If it happens to come from the churn soft, it hardens by standing a little longer in the brine. The most common form of the churn in small dairies is the upright or dash- rig. 77. churn, Fig. 77 ; but many other forms MODE OF CHURNING. 227 are in extensive use, each possessing, doubtless, more or less merit peculiar to itself. The cylinder churn, Fig. 78, is very simply constructed, and capable of being easily cleaned. Some prefer the thermometer churn, Fig. 79, having an attachment for indicating the temperature of the cream. As already stated, there are two modes of practice with regard to the pro- cess of churning, each of which has its advantages. The milk itself may be churned, or it may be set in the milk-room for the cream to rise, which is to be Fig. 78. Fig. 79. churned by itself. The former is the practice of a successful dairyman of New York, who, in his state- ment, says: " I take care to have my cellar thoroughly cleansed and whitewashed early every spring. I keep 228 CHURNING MILK. SQUARE BOX CHURN. milk in one cellar, and butter in another. Too much care cannot be taken by dairymen to observe the time of churning. I usually churn from one hour to one hour and a half, putting from one to two pails of cold water in each churn. When the butter has come, I take it out, wash it through one water, set it in the cellar and salt it, then work it from three to five times before packing. Butter should not be made quite salt enough until the last working. Then add a little salt, which makes a brine that keeps the butter sweet. One ounce of salt to a pound of butter is about the quantity I use. I pack the first day, if the weather is cool ; if warm, the second. If the milk is too warm when churned, the quantity of butter will be less, and the quality and flavor not so good as when it is at a a proper temperature, which, for churning milk, is from 60 to 65." But, whichever course it is thought best to adopt, whether the milk or cream is churned, it is the concus- sion, rather than the motion, which serves to bring the butter. This may be produced in the simple square box as well as by the dasher churn ; and it is the opinion of a scientific gentleman with whom I have conversed on the subject, that the perfect square is the best form of the churn ever invented. The cream or milk in this churn has a peculiar compound motion, and the concus- sion on the corners and right-angled sides is very great, and causes the butter to come as rapidly as it is judi- cious to have it. This churn consists of a simple square box, which any one who can handle a saw and plane can make, hung on axles turned by a crank somewhat like the barrel churn. No dasher is required. If any one is inclined to doubt the superiority of this form over all others, he can easily try it and satisfy himself. It costs but little. CHUENING THE CREAM. 229 In some sections the milk is churned soon after milk- ing; in others, the night's and morning's milk are mixed together, and churned at noon ; in others, the cream is allowed to rise, when the milk is curdled, and cream, curd, and whey, are all churned together. A successful instance of churning only the cream is found in the statement of Mr. Lincoln, who received the first dairy premium of the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. He says : " The cream, as it is skimmed, is poured into stone pots, which in warm weather are kept in a refrigerator, and during the winter stand in the milk-room. The times of churning depend upon the quantity of cream. " The time usually occupied in churning is from fifty minutes upwards. This is deemed a matter of import- ance. We consider it much better to bring the cream to the degree of temperature necessary to the forma- tion of butter by a steady, moderate agitation, than to use artificial heat to take it to that point before com- mencing to churn. By such moderate, long-continued agitations, we think the butter has a firmer, more waxy consistence than it can have by more rapid churning. The churn used is ' Gait's.' Numerous trials have been made with many of the other kinds of churns in com- parison with this, and the result has been uniformly favorable to this patent. " When the butter has come, the butter-milk is drawn off, and the butter, after being thoroughly worked, is salted with from one half to three fourths ounces of salt to the pound. It is now set away for twenty-four hours, when it is again worked over thoroughly, and made into pound lumps with wooden ' spatters.' After standing another twenty-four hours, it is sent into market. In ' working ' butter we use a table over which a fluted roller is made to pass (Fig. 80), rolling 20 230 PHILADELPHIA BUTTER. out the butter into a thin sheet, and completely and entirely depriving it of butter-milk. " From many years' experience, the observation is warranted, that by no other process of manufacture can the butter-milk be so completely extracted. I am aware of the truth of the objection made that the shrinkage occasioned by its use is too great : yet there is, in fact, a difference in the worth of the butter made upon it, over that manufactured in the ordinary way, quite equal to the loss in weight occasioned by it." The high reputation of Philadelphia butter being so well known, I was desirous of ascertaining the opinions of practical men as to what this was due, whether to any peculiar richness of the pasturage, or to the careful mode of manufacture. In reply to my inquiries, I have received satisfactory statements from several sources, and among them the following communication from one of the most successful of the butter-makers who supply that market. " The high reputation of Philadelphia but- ter," he says, "is owing to the manner of its manufacture, though I would not say that the sweet-scented vernal and other natural grasses do not add to the fine quality of well-made butter. "In proof of what I say, I would refer to the experi- ence of my brother, who is the owner of two farms. His tenant, an excellent butter-maker, lived on one farm, and made a very fine article, which brought the highest prices. He moved to the other farm, where the former tenant had never made good butter, and had ascribed his want of success to the spring-house. On this farm he succeeded in establishing a higher repu- tation than he ever had before. The tenant who fol- lowed him on the first farm never succeeded in gaining a reputation for good butter, his inability arising from his ignorance of the proper mode of manufacture, and MODE OF MAKING. 231 his unwillingness to improve by the experience of others. " Only a part of the information as to the best mode of manufacture can be given, so much depends on the judgment and experience of the operator. The first thing required is to provide a suitable place. This should be, for the summer months, a well-ventilated house, over a good spring of water. The second requisite will be proper vessels to hold the milk and cream, and for churning. A table is needed which shall not be used for any other purpose than for working and printing the butter on. I have always used a lever in connection with the table (Fig. 80). A large sponge, with a linen cloth to cover it, with which the milk can be removed from the butter, is another important article ; and then a skimmer, either of wood or tin, or both, as may be necessary in the different states of the milk ; a thermometer, and a boiler convenient for heating water for cleansing the vessels. No person can expect to make good butter without the greatest attention to the cleanliness of the vessels used for the milk and cream, and care in exposing them to the sun and air. " After the milk has been brought from the yard or stable, strain it immediately into the pans, in which has been put a little sour milk from which the cream has been removed, the quantity varying from a tablespoon- ful to half a common teacupful, according to the state of the weather. In very warm weather the smallei quantity is sufficient. But the rule for warm weather will not always hold good ; for, from the electrical state of the atmosphere, the milk may sour either too slow or too fast. " The pans containing the milk should then be set into the water, if the weather be hot: and here is a point where the operator should exercise his or her judgment ; for 232 USE OP THE SPONGE. even in warm weather it may be necessary to draw off the water from the milk, if the spring be cold. The milk should remain there, under no circumstances, longer than the fourth meal, or forty-eight hours ; but thirty- six hours is much to be preferred, if the milk has become thick, or the cream sufficiently raised, when it should be taken off carefully, so as not to take any sour milk with it, and put in the cream-pot. When the cream-pot is full, sprinkle a small handful of fine salt over the top of the cream, and let it remain. Our custom has been, when making butter but once a week, to pour the cream into a clean vessel at the end of three days, keeping back any milk that might have been taken up with the cream, which is found at the bottom of the jar. " I would mention that it is essential, in making a fine article, to keep the cream clear of milk. The next ope- ration will be preparatory to churning, by straining the cream, and reducing the temperature of the churn by the use of the cold spring-water. The operation of churning should neither be protracted nor hastened too much. After the butter has made its appearance of the size of a small pea, draw off the milk, and throw in a small amount of cold water, and gather it. After the butter has been taken from the churn, it is placed upon the table, worked over by the lever, and salted ; then worked again with the lever, in connection with the sponge and cloth, a pan of cold water being at hand, with a piece of ice in it in summer, into which you throw the cloth and sponge frequently, and wring out dry before again using it. These, as well as every other article which will come into contact with the butter, must be scalded, and afterward, as well as the hands, placed in cold water. I would here add that the use ^f the sponge is one of the important points in mak- THE WINTER DAIRY. 233 ing butter to keep well; for by it you can remove almost every particle of butter-milk, which is the great agent in the destruction of its sweetness and solidity. For the winter dairy a room in which is placed a stove should be provided, which can be made warm, and also well ventilated. I prefer the use of coal, on account of keeping the fire through the night. My dairy-room is adjoining the spring-house, and connects with it, which I consider important. This room should be used for no other purpose, as cream and butter are the greatest absorbents of effluvia with which I am acquainted. I have known good butter to be spoiled by being placed over night in a close closet. " The thermometer should always accompany the winter dairy. There is one thing very important in the winter dairy, which, perhaps, I should have placed first, and that is the food of the cows; for, without something else than hay, you will not make very fine butter. Mill-feed and corn-meal I consider about the best for yield and quality, although there are many other articles of food which will be useful, and con- tribute to the appetite and health of the cattle. " The process for the winter dairy is similar to that of the summer, with the exception of the regulation as to the temperature of room, etc., which is as follows : " Particular care should be taken not to let the milk get cold before placing it in the dairy-room; for, should it be completely chilled, the cream will not rise well. Add about a gill of warm water to the sour milk for each pan, before straining into it, which will greatly facilitate the rising of the cream. Keep the tempera- ture of the room as near fifty-eight degrees, Fahrenheit, as possible, and guard against the air being dry by having a small vessel of water upon the stove, or else a dry coat will form on the surface of the cream. The 20* 234 THE GREAT SECRET. cream should be kept in a colder place than the dairy- room until the night before churning, when it might be placed in the warm room, so that its temperature shall be about 58. "The churn may be prepared by scalding it, and then reduced to the same temperature as the cream by cold water, using the thermometer as a test. " This regulation of temperature is of the greatest importance : for, should it be too low, you will be a long time churning, and have poor, tasteless butter ; if too high, the butter will be soft and white." What is especially noticeable in the above statement is the use of the sponge, and the thorough and complete removal of all the butter-milk. Here is probably the secret of success, after all. I have given the statement in full, notwithstanding its length, on account of the well-known excellence of the butter produced by the process, as well as for the suggestions with regard to the dairy-rooms, and not because I can recommend all its details for the imitation of others. The use of sour milk in the pans is based, I suppose, on the idea that the cream does not begin to rise till acidity commences in the milk, an idea which was once pretty generally entertained ; but the process of souring undoubtedly commences, though imperceptible to the senses, very soon after the milk comes to rest in the pan. At any rate, there is no doubt that the separation of the butter from the other substances commences at once, and without the addition of any foreign substance to the milk. Nor do I believe there is any necessity for the milk to stand over twenty-four hours in any case ; for I have no 'doubt that all the best of the cream rises within the first twelve hours, under favorable circumstances, and I am inclined to think that whatever is added to the THE TIME TO EISE. 235 quantity of cream after twenty-four hours, detracts from the quality of the butter to an extent which more than counterbalances the whole of the quantity. Many good dairy-women make an exceedingly fine article, in spite of the defects of some parts of the pro- cess of manufacture. This does not show that they would not make still better butter if they remedied these defects. The more we can retard the development of acidity in the milk, within certain limits, the more cream may we expect to get ; and hence some use artificial means for this purpose, mixing in the milk a little crystallized soda, dissolved in twice its volume of water, which corrects the acidity as soon as it forms. It is a perfectly harmless addition, and increases the product of the butter, and improves its quality. But under ordinarily favorable circumstances, from twelve to eighteen hours will be sufficient to raise all the cream in summer, and from twenty to thirty hours in winter. Fig. 80. Butter-worker. The butter-worker, Fig. 80, with its marble top, used by the writer of the statement above, is an ira- 236 CREAM IN A WELL. portant addition to the implements of the dairy. It effects the complete removal of the but*er- milk, without the rc- cessity of bringing the hands in contact with it. Another form of the rig 81 lever butter-worker is seen in Fig. 81. To keep the cream properly after it is placed away in pots or jars, it should stand in a cool place, and whenever additions of fresh cream are made, they should be stirred in. Many keep the cream, as well as the butter, in the well, in hot weather. This is the practice of Mr. Horsfall, whose experiments have been alluded to. Finding his butter inclined to be soft, he lowered a thermometer twenty-eight feet into the well, and found it indicated 43, the temperature of the sur- face being 70. He then let down the butter, and found it somewhat improved ; and soon after began to lower down the cream, by means of a movable windlass and a rope, the cream-jar being placed in a basket hung on the rope. The cream was let down on the evening previous to churning, and drawn up in the morning and immediately churned. The time of churning the cream at this temperature would be as long as in winter, and the butter was found to have the same consistency. The same object is effected in this country by the use of ice in many sections ; but, if the butter remains too long on ice, or in an ice-house, it is apt to become bleached, and lose its natural and delicate straw-color. The time of churning is by no means an unimportant matter. Various contrivances have been made to short- en this operation ; but the opinions of the best and most successful dairymen concur that it cannot be too MODE OF PACKING. 237 much hastened without injuring the fine quality and consistency of the butter. The time required depends much on the temperature of the cream; and this can be regulated at convenience, as indicated above. The temperature of the dairy-room should be as uniform as possible. The practice of the best and most successful dairymen differs in respect to the degree to which it should be kept ; but the range is from 52 to 62 Fahr., and I am inclined to think from 58 to 60 the best. At 60, with a current of fresh, pure air passing over it, the cream will rise very rapidly and abundantly. The greatest density of milk is at about 41, and cream rises with great difficulty and slowness as the temperature falls below 50 towards that point. A practical butter dealer of New York gives the fol- lowing as the best mode of packing butter, or putting it up for a distant market. The greatest care, he says, should be taken to free the butter entirely from milk, by working it and washing it after churning at a tem- perature so low as to prevent it from losing its granular character and becoming greasy. The character of the product depends in a great measure on the temperature of churning and working, which should be between sixty and seventy degrees Fahr. If free from milk, eight ounces of Ashton salt is sufficient for ten pounds. Western salt should never be used, as it injures the flavor. While packing, the contents of the firkin should be kept from the air by being covered with saturated brine. No undissolved salt should be put in the bottom of the firkin. Goshen butter is reputed best, though much is put up in imitation of it, and sold at the same price. Great care should be taken to have the firkins neat and clean. They should be of white oak, with hickory hoops, and should hold about eighty pounds. Wood excludes air 238 FIRKINS. LUMP BUTTER. better than stone, and consequently keeps butter bet- ter. Tubs are better than pots. Western butter comes in coarse, ugly packages; even flour and pork barrels are sometimes used. Much of it must be worked over and re-packed here before it will sell. It generally contains a good deal of milk, and if not re-worked soon becomes rancid. Improper pack- ing, in kegs too large and soiled on the outside, makes at least three cents a pound difference. Whatever the size of the firkin, it must be perfectly tight and quite full of butter, so that when opened the brine, though present, will not be found on the top. Until the middle of May, dairymen should pack in quarter firkins or tubs, with white oak covers, and send directly to market as fresh butter. From this time until the fall frost there is but little change in color and flavor with the same dairy, and it may be packed in whole firkins, and kept in a cool place. The fall butter should also be packed separately in tubs. To prepare new butter-boxes for use in the shortest time, dissolve common, or bicarbonate of soda in boiling water, as much as the water will dissolve, and water enough to fill the boxes ; about a pound of soda will be required to be put into a thirty-two pound box, and the water should be poured upon it. Let it stand over night, and the box may be safely used next day. This mode is chep and expeditious, and, if adopted, would often save great losses. Potash has a like effect. As already seen, in the statements of practical dairy- men, the greatest care is required in the salting or sea- soning. Over-salted butter is not only less palatable to the taste, but less healthy than fresh, sweet butter. The same degree of care is needed with respect to the box in which it ; s packed. I have often seen the best and richest-flavored butter spoilt by sending it to the exhibi- A NEW PROCESS. 239 tion or to market in new and improper boxes. A new pine-wood box should always be avoided. Butter that has been thoroughly worked, and per- fectly freed from butter-milk, is of a firm and waxy con- sistence, so as scarcely to dim the polish of the blade of a knife thrust into it, leaving upon it only a slight dew as it is withdrawn. If it is soft in texture, and leaves greasy streaks of butter-milk upon the knife that cuts it, or upon the cut surface after the blade is with- draAvn, it shows an imperfect and defective process of manufacture, and is of poor quality, and will be liable to become rancid. An exceedingly delicate and fine-flavored butter may be made by wrapping the cream in a napkin or clean cloth, and burying it, a foot deep or more, in the earth, from twelve to twenty hours. This experiment I have repeatedly tried with complete success, and have never tasted butter superior to that produced by this method. It requires to be salted to the taste as much as butter made by any other process. A tenacious subsoil loam would seem to be best. After putting the cream into a clean cloth, the whole should be surrounded by a coarse towel. The butter thus produced is white instead of yellow or straw-color. Butter has been analyzed by Prof. Way, with the fol- lowing result : Pure fat, or oil, 82.70 Caseine, or curd, 2.45 Water, with a little salt, 14.85 = 100 The fat or oil peculiar to butter is in winter more solid than in summer, and known as margarine fat, while that of summer is known as liquid or oleine fat. The proportions in which these are found in ordinary 240 THE FAT OF BUTTER. ICE. butter have been stated by Prof. Thomson, ae follows : Summer. Winter. Solid or margarine fat 40 65 Liquid or oleine fat 60 35 100 100 Winter butter appears to be rich and fine in propor- tion as the oleine fat increases. The proportion is undoubtedly dependent on the. food. A more general attention to the details of butter- making, and to the best modes of preserving its good qualities, would add many thousands of dollars to the aggregate profits of our American dairies. In the management of the dairy, an ice-house and a good quantity of ice for summer use are not only very convenient for regulating the temperature of the dairy- room, and for keeping butter at the proper consistence, and preserving it, but are also profitable in other respects. And now, when ice-houses are so easily constructed, and ice is so readily procured, no well-ordered dairy should be without a liberal supply of it. It is housed at a time when other i'arm-work is not pressing, and ponds are so distributed over the country that it may be generally pro- cured without difficulty; but where ponds or streams are at too great a distance from the dairy-house, an artificial pond can be easily made, by damming up the outlet of some spring in the neighborhood. Where this is done, the utmost care should be taken to keep the water per- fectly clean when the ice is forming. The ice-house should be above ground, and in a dry, airy place. The top of a dry knoll is better than a low, damp shade. The ice may be packed in tan, sawdust, shavings, or other non-conductors, and when wanted for use it should be taken off the top. CHAPTER IX. THE CHEESE-DAIRY. " Streams of new milk through flowing coolers stray, And snow-white curds abound, and wholesome whey." MILK, if allowed to become sour, will eventually curdle, when the whey is easily separated: and this simple mode was probably the universal method of making cheese in ancient times. Cheese, as already explained, is made from caseine, an ingredient of milk held in solution by means of an alkali, which it re- quires the presence of an acid to neutralize. This, in modern manufacture, is artificially added to form the curd ; but the acidity of milk, after standing, acts in the same manner to produce coagulation. This is due to the change of the milk-sugar into lactic acid. Cheese has been made and used as an article of food from a very early date. It was well known to the early Jewish patriarchs, and is frequently mentioned in the earliest Hebrew records. " Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?" says Job ; and David was sent to " carry ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand in the camp." Most of the ancient nations, indeed, barbarous as well as civilized, made it a prominent article of food. But cheese, as made by the ancients, was found to be hard and brittle, and not well flavored, and means were devised to produce the same effect while the milk still remained sweet. It was 21 16 242 CHEESE. ITS RICHNESS. observed that acids of various kinds would answer, and vinegar was used ; and cream of tartar, muriatic acid, and sour milk, added to sweet, produced a rapid coagulation. In Sweden, Norway, and other countries, a handful of the plant known as butter\vort(Pingmcula vulgaris)\s some- times mixed with the food of the cow, to cause the milk to coagulate readily. A few hours after milking, the curd is formed without the addition of an acid. Milk taken into the stomach of the calf was found to curdle rapidly, even while sweet ; and hence the use of rennet, which is simply the stomach of the calf, prepared by washing, salting, and drying, for preservation. This acts the most surely, and, if properly prepared and preserved, is the least objectionable, of any article now known ; and is, in fact, the natural mode of curdling the milk as it enters the stomach, preparatory to the process of diges- tion. Besides this, it is generally the cheapest and most available for the farmer. The richness of cheese depends very much upon the amount of butter or oily matter it contains. It may be made entirely of cream, or from whole or unskimmed milk, to which the cream of other milk is added, or from milk from which a part of its cream has been taken, or from ordinary skim-milk, or from milk that has been skimmed three or four times, so as to remove nearly every particle of cream, or from butter-milk. The acid used in curdling milk acts upon the caseine alone, and not upon the butter particles, which are imbedded in the curd as it hardens, and thus increase its richness and flavor without adding to its con- sistency, which is due to the caseine. It is evident, therefore, that cheese made entirely of cream cannot have the firmness and consistence of ordinary cheese. It is only made for immediate use, and cannot be long kept. It is, in fact, little more than PROCESS OF MAKING. 243 thick, dried, sweet cream, from which all the milk has been pressed. On the other hand, skim-milk cheese has the opposite fault of being too hard and tough, and destitute of flavor and richness. The best quality of cheese is made from full milk, or from milk to which some extra cream is added, as in the English Stilton renowned for its richness and flavor. The Gloucester, Cheshire, Cheddar, Dunlop, and the Dutch Gouda, are made of whole milk, as are the best qualities made in this country. The process of making cheese is both chemical and mechanical. The heating of the milk at the time of adding the acid or rennet hastens the chemical action, and facilitates the separation of the whey ; at the same time great nicety is required, for, if over-heated, the oily particles will run off with the whey. On the complete separation of the whey from the curd, and the amount of butter particles retained in the latter, the taste or flavor and keeping qualities of the cheese depend. If properly made, the taste improves by keeping, but the chemical changes effected by age are not very well understood. The practical process of manufacture most common in the best dairies of this country will appear in the fol- lowing statements of successful competitors at agricul- tural exhibitions. The first was made, by request, to the New York State Agricultural Society, and appeared in its transactions, by A. L. Fish, of Herkimer county, one of the finest dairy regions of that state. The value of his statement is enhanced by the fact that his cows averaged seven hundred pounds of the first quality of cheese each in 1844, and seven hundred and seventy-five pounds each in 1845. In his mode of manufacture, " the evening's and morning's milk is com- monly used to make one cheese. The evening's is 244 AMERICAN CHEESE. strained into a tub or pans, and coo.ed to prevent souring. The proper mode of cooling is to strain the milk into the tin tub set in a wooden vat, described in the dairy-house, and cool by filling the wooden vat with ice-water from the ice-house, or ice in small lumps, and water from the pump. The little cream that rises over night is taken off in the morning, and kept till the morning and evening milk are put together, and the cream is warmed to receive the rennet. It is mixed with about twice its quantity of new milk, and warm water added to raise its temperature to ninety-eight degrees : stir it till perfectly limpid, put in rennet enough to curdle the milk in forty minutes, and mix it with the mass of milk by thorough stirring; the milk having been previously raised to eighty-eight or ninety degrees, by passing steam from the steam generator to the water in the wooden vat. In case no double vat is to be had, the milk may be safely heated to the right temperature, by setting a tin pail of hot water into the milk in the tubs. It may be cooled in like manner by filling the pail with ice-water, or cold spring-water where ice is not to be had. It is not safe to heat milk in a kettle exposed directly to the fire, as a slight scorching will communicate its taint to the whole cheese and spoil it. If milk is curdled below eighty- four degrees, the cream is more liable to work off with the whey. An extreme of heat will have a like effect. The curdling heat is varied with the temperature of the air, or the liability of the milk to cool after adding rennet. The thermometer is the only safe guide in determining the temperature ; for, if the dairyman depends upon the sensation of the hand, a great liability to error will render the operation uncertain. If, for instance, the hands have previously been immersed in cold water, the milk will feel warmer than it really is ; PRACTICAL DETAILS. 245 if, on the contrary, they have recently been n warm water, the milk will feel colder than it really is. To satisfy the reader how much this circumstance alone will affect the sensation of the hand, let him immerse one hand in warm water, and at the same time keep the other in a vessel of cold water, for a few moments ; then pour the water in the two dishes together, and immerse both hands in the mixture. The hand that was previously in the warm water will feel cold, and the other quite warm, showing that the sense of feeling is not a test of temperature worthy of being relied upon. A fine cloth spread over the tub while the milk is curd- ling will prevent the surface from being cooled by cir- culation of air. No jarring of the milk, by walking upon a springy floor, or otherwise, should be allowed while it is curdling, as it will prevent a perfect cohesion of the particles. " When milk is curdled so as to appear like a solid, it is divided into small particles to aid the separation of the whey from the curd. This is often too speedily done to facilitate the work, but at a sacrifice of quality and quantity" To effect the fine division of the curd for the easy separation of the whey, Mr. Fish uses a wire network, made to fit into the tub, the meshes of fine wire being about a half-inch square, and the outer rim of coarse and stronger material. A cheese-knife is also used, about half as long as the diameter of the tub, and firmly fastened to the lower end of a long screw which passes through one end of the blade as it lies horizontally, leaving the blade at right angles with the screw, which has a coarse thread, and passes through a piece of wood on the top of the tub, held firm by notches at the ends laid on the edges of the tub. By turning a crank, the knife passes down through the curd in revolutions, 21* 246 HOW TO MAKE SAGE CHEESE. cutting it into layers of the thickness of the threads of the screw. The following is the statement of Mrs. Williams, of Windsor, Massachusetts, who received the first premium at the Franklin County Fair, in 1857, for exceedingly rich, fine, and delicately-flavored cheeses of seventy-five pounds each. Her method, which is the result of her own experience and observation, corresponds almost exactly, as the committee remark, with the English mode of making the famous Cheddar cheese, which is much the same as the Cheshire. Mrs. Williams says : " My cheese is made from one day's milk of twenty- nine cows. I strain the night's milk into a tub, skim it in the morning, and melt the cream in the morning's milk : I warm the night's milk, so that with the morn- ing's milk, when mixed together, it will be at the tem- perature of ninety-six degrees ; then add rennet suffi- cient to turn it in thirty minutes. Let it stand about half or three quarters of an hour; then cross it off and let it stand about thirty minutes, working upon it very care- fully with a skimmer. When the curd begins to settle, dip off the whey, and heat it up and pour it on again at the temperature of one hundred and two degrees. After draining off and cutting up, add a teacup of salt to four- teen pounds. "The process of making sage cheese is the same as the other, except adding the juice of the sage in a small quantity of milk." Another successful competitor in the same state says: " We usually make but one curd in a day. The night's milk is strained into pans till morning, when the cream that will have risen is taken off, and the milk waimed to blood heat, when the cream is again returned to the milk and thoroughly mixed. This prevents the melt- ing of the cream that would otherwise run off with PRACTICAL STATEMENT. RENNET. 247 the whey. The whole is then immediately laded into a tub with the morning's milk, and set for the cheese, with rennet sufficient to form the curd in about thirty min- utes ; and here much care is thought to be necessary in cutting and crossing the curd, and much moderation in dipping and draining the whey from it, that the white whey (so called) may not exude from it. "When sufficiently drained, it is taken and cut with a sharp knife to about the size and form of dice, when it is salted with about one pound of fine salt to twenty- five of curd. It is then subjected to a moderate press- ure at first, gradually increasing it for two days, in the mean time turning it twice a day, and substituting dry cloths. It is then taken from the press and dressed all over with hot melted butter, and covered with thin cot- ton cloth, and this saturated with the melted butter. It is then placed upon the shelf, and turned and rubbed daily with the dressing until ripe for use." One of the most important processes in the manufac- ture of good cheese is the preparation of the rennet. This is made of the inner lining or mucous membrane of the stomach of the young sucking calf, sometimes called the bag or maw; and the use of it was undoubt- edly suggested, originally, by observing the complete and rapid coagulation or curdling of milk in the stom- ach of a calf newly killed. "Coagulation is the first pro- cess of digestion in the fourth stomach of the calf. There are numerous glands scattered in and about the stomach that secrete a fluid which readily and almost immedi- ately accomplishes this coagulation. They are always full of it ; even after the animal is dead they remain filled with it ; and if the stomach is preserved from putrefaction, this fluid retains its coagulating quality for a considerable period; therefore dairy-women usually take care o c the maw or stomach of the calf, and pre- 248 RENNET IN THE SCOTCH DAIRIES. serve it by salting it, and then, by steeping it, or por- tions of it, in warm water, they prepare what they call a rennet. After the maw has been salted a certain time, it may be taken out and dried, and then it will retain the same property for an indefinite period. A small piece of the maw thus dried is steeped over night in a few teaspoonfuls of warm water, and this water will turn the milk of three or four cows." It is important that rennet enough should be pre- pared at once for the whole season, in order to secure as great a uniformity in strength as possible. The object should be to produce a prompt, complete, and firm or compact coagulation of all the cheesy matter. Mr. Aiton, in his admirable treatise on the Dairy Hus- bandry of Scotland, gives the simple method of prepar- ing the rennet in the dairy districts, as follows : " When the stomach or bag usually termed the yirning is taken from the calf's body, its contents are examined, and if any straw or other food is found among the curdled milk, such impurity is carefully removed ; but all the curdled milk found in the bag is carefully pre- served, and no part of the chyle is washed out. A considerable quantity of salt at least two handfuls is put into and outside the bag, which is then rolled up and hung near a fire to dry. It is always allowed to hang until it is well dried, and is understood to be improved by hanging a year or longer before being infused. " When rennet is wanted, the yirning with its contents is cut small, and put into a jar with a handful or two of salt ; and a quantity of soft water that has been boiled and cooled to sixty-five degrees, or of new whey taken off the curd, is poured into it. The quantity of water or whey necessary is more or less, according to the quality of the yirning: if it is that of a new-dropped RENNET IN AMERICAN DAIRIES. 249 calf, a Scotch chop pin, or at most three English pints, will be enough ; but if the calf has been fed four or five weeks, two quarts or more may be used ; the yirn- ing of a calf four weeks old yields more rennet than that of one twice that age. When the infusion has remained in the jar from one to three days, the liquid is drawn off and strained, after which it is bottled for use ; and if a dram-glass of any ardent spirit is put into each bottle, the infusion may either be used immediately, or kept as long as may be convenient." The mode of preparing rennet in the dairy districts of this country is various ; but that adopted by Mr. Fish, of Herkimer, New York, already quoted, is simple and easy of application. He says : " Various opinions exist as to the best mode of saving rennet, and that is generally adopted which, it is supposed, will curdle the most milk. I have no objection to any mode that will preserve its strength and flavor so that it will be smelled and tasted with good relish when put into the milk. Any composition not thus kept I deem unfit for use, as the coagulator is an essential agent in cheesing the curd, and sure to impart its own flavor. " The rennet never should be taken from the calf till the excrement shows the animal to be in perfect health. It should be emptied of its contents, salted, and dried, without any scraping or rinsing, and kept dry for one year, when it will be fit for use. It should not be allowed to gather Dampness, or its strength will evap- orate. To prepare it for use, into ten gallons of water, blood warm, put ten rennets ; churn or rub them often for twenty-four hours ; then rub and press them to get the strength ; stretch, salt, and dry them, as before. They will gain strength for a second use. Make the liquor as salt as it can be made, strain and settle it, sep. arate it from the sediment, if any, and it is fit for use. 250 ANNATTO FOR COLORING. Six lemons, two ounces of cloves, two ounces of cinna- mon, and two ounces of common sage, are sometimes added to the liquor, to preserve its flavor and quicken its action. If kept cool in a stone jar, it will keep sweet any length of time desired, and a uniform strength is secured while it lasts. Stir it before dipping off. To set milk, take of it enough to curdle milk firm in forty minutes ; squeeze or rub through a rag annatto enough to make the curd a cream color, and stir it in with the rennet." It will be seen that he adopts the practice of removing the contents of the stomach. This, it appears to me, is the best calculated to promote cleanliness and purity, so important in making a good-flavored cheese. But in Cheshire, so celebrated for its superior cheese, the contents of the stomach are frequently salted by themselves, and after being a short time exposed to the air are fit for use ; while the well-known and highly- esteemed Limburg cheese is mostly made with rennet prepared as in Ayrshire, the curd being left in the stomach, and both dried together. The general opinion is that rennet, as usually prepared, is not fit to use till nearly a year old. Perhaps the plan of making a liquid rennet from new and fresh stomachs, and keeping it in bottles corked tight till wanted for use, would tend still further to secure this end. The use of annatto to color the cheese artificially is somewhat common in this country, though probably not so much so as in many other countries. Annatto, or annotto, is made from the red pulp of the seeds of an evergreen tree of the same name, found in the West Indies and in Brazil, by bruising and obtaining a precip- itate. A variety is made in Cayenne, which comes into the market in cakes of two or three pounds. It is bright yellow, rather soft to the touch, but of considerable THE CHEESE-PRESS. 251 solidity. The quantity used is rarely more than an ounce to one hundred pounds, and the effect is simply to give the high coloring so common to the Gloucester and Cheshire cheeses, and to many made in this coun- try. This artificial coloring is continued from an idle prejudice, somewhat troublesome to the dairyman, expensive to the consumer, and adding nothing to the taste or flavor of the article. The annatto itself is so universally and so largely adulterated, often by poison- ous substances, such as lead and mercury, that the prac- tice of using it by the cheese-maker, and of requiring the high coloring by the consumer, might well be discon- tinued. The common mode of application is to dissolve it Fig. 82. Cheese-press. in hot milk, and add at the time of putting in the rennet, or to put it upon the outside, in the manner of paint. The cheese-presses in most common use are very dif- 252 THERMOMETER. TEMPERATURE. ferent in construction, and each possesses, doubtless, some peculiar merits. The self-acting press, Fig. 82, is the favorite of some. Another form of this is seen in Fig. 83. Fig. 83. Self-acting cheese-press. One of the most extensive and experienced dealers in cheese, in one of the largest dairy districts of New York, Mr. Harry Burrill, of Little Falls, has placed in my hands the following simple directions for cheese- making. The cheese-tub should be so graduated that it may be correctly known what quantity of milk is used. This is requisite, in order that the proper proportions, both of coloring matter and rennet, may be used. The tem- perature should be ascertained by the thermometer. Experience proves that when the dairy has been at PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS. 253 seventy degrees the best temperature at which to run the milk will be eighty-four degrees; but, as the temperature of the dairy at different times of the year will be found to vary above or below seventy degrees, the temperature of the milk must be proportionally regulated by the simple addition of cold water, to lower it ; but, to in- crease the temperature, heat the milk in the usual man- ner, although it is absolutely necessary to avoid heating it beyond one hundred and twenty degrees. After having brought the milk to the required tempera- ture, and added the coloring, for every quarter hundred weight of cheese mix one pint of new sour whey with the requisite proportion of rennet ; and, having arrived at the formation of a good curd, which will be the invari- able result of a strict adhesion to the foregoing rules, let it be carefully cut up with three-bladed knives, as fine as possible ; then dip off half the whey, and heat a portion of it to the temperature of ninety-five degrees, and return it to the whey and curds; then, after stirring it for five minutes, allow the curd to sink, and as quickly as possible dip off the whey. Having done this, press the curd by placing on it a board weighted with from three to five fifty-pound weights, which will gradually and effectually press the remainder of the whey out. When the whey is dipped off, put the curd into white twig basket-vats, made the shape and size of a turned vat, which would contain the sixth of a hundred weight (about three inches deep, and two feet in diameter). It will be necessary to have boards about one inch thick, and two feet four inches in diameter, to go between each of these twig vats, to prevent the whey running from one vat into the other. When it has been pressed, return it again into the cheese-tub, cut it into small pieces, put it into the vats again in dry cloths, press it and return it to the tub again, cutting it into small 22 254 FINE COAT. VARIETIES. pieces, and to every hundred weight of curd add one and one quarter pounds of salt ; grind it twice, and stir it so that it shall be properly mixed with the salt ; then put it into well-perforated turned vats, taking care to press it thoroughly whilst the vats are filling, to prevent the accumulation of air, to the presence of which is to be attributed the honeycomb appearance so often ob- served in cheese when cut. When the cheese is put into the press let the press- ure gradually upon it. After it has been in press one and a half hours, take it out and examine it, and, should there be any curd pressed over, cut it round and put it into the middle of the cheese, carefully break- ing it up in the middle. Wash the ends of the cloths out in a bowl of warm water, squeeze them, and cover the cheese up, and, if there should be any not sufficiently full, it will be necessary either to put a follower upon it, or to put it into a smaller vat ; in the evening let them be dry clothed. The following morning salt them all over and dry cloth them, and repeat this three suc- cessive mornings ; after which, put them in vats, placed one on the other, and allow them to stand, if possible, a fortnight, occasionally wiping them. The cheese will get matured much sooner by these means, and the tendency to cracking and bulging be prevented. The way to get a fine coat upon cheese, after the first coat has been washed and scraped off, is to put the cheese on shelves, nail thick sheeting to the ceiling from one of the shelves to the other, and let it drop closely to the floor. If put over the floor, cover them over with thick sheeting, or rugs. The varieties of cheese are almost infinite in num- ber, and are often dependent on very minute details of practice. The general principles involved are the same in all ; but it would be next to impossible to find any TO WHAT VARIETIES ARE OWIJsG. 255 one variety of cheese possessing uniformity through- out, in point of texture, consistency, taste, flavor, and keeping qualities ; and it is rare, with the present guess- work in many of the operations of cheese-making, to find a lot of cheese made in the same dairy, from the same cows, on the same pastures and by the same hands, which can be considered a fair sample of what is generally produced. These great differences are due to feeding and treatment of the cows in part, but especially to the temperature of the milk at the time of curding, which is again in part dependent on the quality and strength of the rennet employed. Nothing is more susceptible to external influences, as has been remarked elsewhere, than milk and cream, both of which are liable to taint from the food of the cows, from impurities derived from careless milking, from exposure to foul or impure air in the cellar or milk-room, and from sudden changes in the atmosphere. The most scrupulous cleanliness is, therefore, required to produce a first quality of cheese, even under favor- able circumstances. And when it is considered that it is necessary to observe minutely the temperature of the milk, and that slight differences at the time of forming the curd may make the difference of mellow- ness or toughness in the ripened cheese, and that the proper temperature is affected by the time taken to bring the curd, which depends on the strength and quality of the rennet, some of which will act in fifteen or twenty minutes, while the same quantity of others requires even two or three hours to produce the same effect, the infinite variety in the qualities of cheese will scarcely be a matter of surprise. A brief statement of the mode of making some of the more important and well-known varieties will be suf- ficient in this connection. The details of cheese-making 256 CHESHIRE CHEESE. in some of the best of the dairies of New England and New York correspond in a remarkable degree with the mode of making Cheddar and Cheshire cheese, both celebrated for their richness and popularity in the mar- ket. Of the latter there are made, it is said, over twelve thousand tons annually; Cheshire taking the lead in cheese-making, and keeping about forty thousand cows. CHESHIRE CHEESE is remarkable for its uniformity, being, in dairies of the best repute, made by fixed rules, and usually by the same persons. If the number of cows is sufficient to make a cheese from one meal, that amount is used ; if not, two meals are united. The cows are milked at six o'clock, morning and evening; are kept on rich pastures, and never driven far, great care being taken that nothing shall interfere with the regularity with which every operation connected with this chief source of the wealth and prosperity of the Cheshire farmer is conducted. The milk is brought in large wooden pails into the milk-house, which it is gen- erally contrived shall have a cool north aspect, and immediately strained into pans, and placed upon the floor of the dairy. Each pan is about six inches in depth, and usually made of block-tin. This substance is objected to by some because it is liable, like every other metal, although, perhaps, in a less degree than either zinc or lead, to be acted upon by the lactic acid, and so produce compounds of a deleterious char- acter. At six o'clock in the morning the cheese-ladder is put on the cheese-tub, the whole of the night's milk is again passed through the sieve, and the morning's milk is then poured upon it, and well agitated to equal- ize the temperature ; in cold weather a pan of hot water is previously put into the tub, to increase the temper ature of the previous night's meal. DETAILS OF MAKING. 257 The rennet is next applied, care being taken that the heat of the whole quantity of the milk is about seventy-four degrees ; and, almost simultaneously with the rennet, the annatto, about a quarter of an ounce is sufficient for a cheese of sixty-four pounds, both of which, in all well-regulated dairies, are strained through a piece of silk or fine cloth. The rennet :'s generally made on the previous evening, by a piece of the dried skin about the size of a crown-piece being immersed in hot water, and allowed to stand all night. After the rennet and coloring matter have been thor- oughly mixed with the milk, it is covered with the lid of the cheese-tub, and in cold weather with a cloth in addition, to preserve the temperature of the mass until the curd has formed. It is then left undisturbed for about an hour, and frequently longer, to allow the coag- ulation of the milk. After that time a curd-breaker is passed up and down it for about five minutes, and again it is allowed to settle for another half-hour. The whey is then taken out by means of a dish or bowl, the curd being gathered to one side of the tub, and gently pressed by the hand, to allow the whey to separate from it more easily. It is then pressed by a weight of about fifty pounds ; afterwards the curd is taken out of the tub and put into a basket, the inside of which is cov- ered with a coarse square cheese-cloth. The four ends of the cloth are then folded over the curd, a tin hoop being put around the upper edge of the cheese, and within the sides of the vat, upon which a board is placed bearing a weight of about one hundred pounds, varying, of course, with the size of the cheese. This process is repeated two or three times, the curd being slightly broken at each operation. It is next taken out of the basket for salting or curing, and either broken down small by hand or in a curd-mill. A certain quantity of 22* 17 258 CHESHIRE CHEESE. salt is then carefully and intimately mixed with the curd, according to the experience, taste, and custom, of the dairymaid. It is then put into the cheese-vat in a coarse cloth, pressed lightly at first for an hour ; then taken out and turned, and the pressure increased until the proper degree of consistence is attained. After- wards it is turned every twelve hours for three or four days, remaining in the vat until the curd becomes so dry as not to moisten the cloth. During this time skewers are passed through holes made in the sides of the vat into the body of the cheese, the more effect- ually to aid the expression of the whey, the pressure being still continued. When they are withdrawn, the whey flows through these miniature tunnels, which are in a few moments obliterated by the superincumbent weight. It is the practice of some dairymaids in this county to take the cheese to a cool salting-house, leaving it there for a week or ten days, turning it daily, and rub- bing salt on the upper surface. Others immerse the cheese in a brine almost sufficiently strong to float it, with occasional turning ; others, again, after taking the cheese from the press, place it in a furnace at a mod- erate heat, and keep it closed therein fora night; while some run a hot iron over the whole, or over the edges. The binder a cloth of three or four inches in breadth is then passed tightly round the cheese, and secured by pins, when it is removed to the cheese-room, and placed on a kind of grass, which in Cheshire is called sniggle, the newest or latest-made cheese being put in the warmest situation. Here it remains, being turned over three times a week while it is new, and less often as it becomes matured, care being taken to keep each one of the cheeses separate from all the others. The room selected for a store is always that which can be STILTON CHEESE. 259 best protected from the light, and any sudden changes of temperature. The best Cheshire cheese is seldom ripe for the market under one or two years. The STILTON CHEESE is by far the richest of the English dairies. This originated in a small town of that name, in Leicestershire. It possesses " a peculiar deli- cacy of flavor, a delicious mellowness, and a great apt- ness to acquire a species of artificial decay ; without which, to the somewhat vitiated taste of lovers of Stilton cheese, as now eaten, it is not considered of prime account. To be in good order, according to the present standard of taste, it must be decayed, blue, and moist." To suit this taste, an artificial mode is adopted, old and decayed cheese being introduced into the new, or port wine or ale added by means of tasters, or caulking-pins are stuck into them, and left till they rust and produce an appearance of decay in the cheese. " It is commonly made by putting the night's cream to the milk of the following morning with the rennet, great care being taken that the milk and the cream are thoroughly mixed together, and that they both have the proper temperature. TJie rennet should also be very pure and sweet. As soon as the milk is curdled, the whole of it is taken out, put into a sieve gradually to drain, and moderately pressed. It is then put into a case or box, of the form that it is intended to be ; for, on account of its richness, it would separate and fall to pieces were not this precaution adopted. Afterwards it is turned every day on dry boards, cloth-binders being tied around it, which are gradually tightened as occasion requires. After it is removed from the box or hoop, the cheese must be closely bound with cloths and changed daily, until it becomes sufficiently compact to support itself. "When these cloths are taken away, each cheese has to be rubbed over with a brush once every day. If 2GO ACORN FORM. GLOUCESTER CHEESE. the weather is moist or damp, this is done twice a day during two or three months. It is occasionally pow- dered with flour, and plunged into hot water. This hardens the outer coat and favors the internal ferment- ation, and thus produces what is called the ripening of the cheese. Sometimes it is made in a net like a cabbage-net, which gives it the form of an acorn." The maturity of Stilton cheeses is sometimes has tened by putting them in a bucket, and covering them over with horse-dung. GLOUCESTER CHEESE is likewise quite celebrated for its richness, piquancy, and delicacy of flavor, and justly commands a high price in the market. The manage- ment of the milk up to the time of curding is similar to that of Cheshire ; a cheese, often being made of one meal, requires no additional heat to raise it to a proper temperature. After the curd is cut into small squares, the whey is carefully drained off through a hair strainer. The cutting is repeated every thirty minutes till the whey is removed, when it is put into vats and covered with dry cloths, and placed in the press. After remain- ing a sufficient length of time, it is put into a curd-mill and cut or ground into small pieces, when it is again packed in fine canvas cloth, and put in the cheese-vat. Hot water or whey is poured over the cloth, to harden the rind and prevent its cracking. " The curd is next turned out of the vat into the cloth, and, the inside of the vat being washed with whey, the inverted curd with the cloth is returned to the vat. The cloth is then folded over, and the vat put into the press for two hours, when it is taken out, and dry cloths applied dur- ing the course of the day. It is then replaced in the press until salted, which operation is generally performed about twenty-four hours after it is made. In salting the cheese, it is rubbed with finely-powdered salt, and this CHEDDAR AND DUNLOP CHEESE. 261 is thought to make the cheese more smooth and solid than when the salting process is performed upon the curd. The cheese is after this returned to the vat, and put under the press, in which several are placed, the newest at the bottom and the oldest on the top. The salting is repeated three times, twenty-four hours being allowed to intervene between each ; and the cheese is finally taken from the press to the cheese-room in the course of five days. In the cheese-room it is turned over every day for a month, when it is cleaned of all scurf, and rubbed over with a woollen cloth dipped in a paint made of Indian red or Spanish brown and small beer. As soon as the paint is dry, the cheese is rubbed once a week with a cloth. The quantity of salt employed is about three and a half pounds ; and one pound of annatto is sufficient to color half a ton of cheese." CHEDDAR CHEESE is another variety in 'high repute for its richness, and commands a high price in the mar- ket. It is made of new milk only, and contains more fat than the egg. It is, indeed, too rich for ordinary consumption. The milk is set with rennet while yet warm, and allowed to stand still about two hours. The whey first taken off is heated and poured back upon the curd, and, after turning off the remainder, that is also heated and poured back in the same manner, where it stands about half an hour. The curd is then put into the press, and treated very much as the Cheshire up to the time of ripeness. The DUNLOP CHEESE, the most celebrated of Scot land, had its origin in Ayrshire, from which it was sent to the Glasgow market, and from which the manufacture soon spread to Lanark, Renfrew, and other adjoining counties. It is manufactured, according to Aiton, in the following manner : When the cows on a farm are not 262 MODE OF MAKING DUXLOP CHEESE. so numerous as to yield milk sufficient to make a cheese every time they are milked, the milk is stored about six or eight inches deep in the coolers, and placed in the milk-house until as much is collected as will form a cheese of a proper size. When the cheese is to be made, the cream is skimmed from the milk in the cool- ers, and, without being heated, is, with the milk that is drawn from the cows at the time, passed through the sieve into the curd-vat. The cold milk from which the cream has been taken is heated so as to raise the temperature of the whole mass to near blood heat ; and the whole is coagulated by the means of rennet care- fully mixed with the milk. The cream is put into the curd-vat, that its oily parts may not be melted, and the skimmed milk is heated sufficient to raise the whole to near animal heat. It may be said that the utmost care is always taken to keep the milk, in all stages of the operation, free not only from every admixture or impurity, but also from being hurt by foul air arising from acidity in any milky substance, putrid water, the stench of the barn, dunghill, or any other substance ; and likewise to prevent the milk from becoming sour, which, when it happens, greatly injures the cheese. Great care is taken to prevent any of the butyraceous or oily matter in the cream from being melted in any stage of the process. To cool the milk, and to facilitate the separation or rising of the cream, a small quantity of clean cold water is generally mixed with the milk in each cooler. The coagulum is formed in from ten to fifteen minutes, and nobody would use rennet twice that required more than twenty minutes or half an hour to form a curd. Whenever the milk is completely coagulated the curd is broken, in order to let the serum or whey be sep- arated and taken off. Some break the curd slightly at MR. AITON'S STATEMENT. 263 first, by making cross-scores with a knife or a thin piece of wood, at about one or two inches distant, and inter- secting each other at right angles ; and these are renewed still more closely after some of the whey has been discharged. Others break the whole curd more minutely at once with the hand or the skimmer. After the curd has been broken, the whey ought to be taken off as speedily as it can be done, and with as little further breaking or handling the curd as possible. It is necessary, however, to turn the curd, cut it with a knife, or break it gently with the hand. When the curd has consolidated a little, it is cut with the cheese-knife, slightly at first, and more mi- nutely as it hardens, so as to bring off the whey. When the greater part of the whey has been extracted, the curd is taken up from the curd-boyn, and, being cut into pieces of about two inches in thickness, it is placed in a sort of vat or sieve with many holes. A lid is placed upon it, and a slight pressure, say from three to four stone avoirdupois ; and the curd is turned up arid cut small every ten or fifteen minutes, and occasionally pressed with the hand so long as it continues to dis- charge serum. When no more whey can be drawn off by these means, the curd is cut as small as possible with the knife, the proper quantity of salt minutely mixed into it in the curd-boyn, and placed in the chessart within a shift of thin canvas, and put under the press. All these operations ought to be carried on and com- pleted with the least possible delay, and yet without precipitation. The sooner the whey is removed after the coagulation of the milk, so much the better. But, if the curd is soft, from being set too cold, it requires more time, and to be more gently dealt with, as other- wise much of the curd and of the fat would go off with the whey ; and when the curd has been formed too hot, UG4 CHEESE IN THE SCOTCH DAIRIES. the same caution is necessary. Precipitation, or hand- ling the curd too roughly, would add to its toughness, and expel still more of the oily matter ; and, as has been already mentioned, hot water or whey should be put on the curd when it is soft and cold, and cold water when the curd is set too hot. Undue delay, however, in any of these operations, from the time the milk is taken out of the coolers until the curd is under the press in the shape of a cheese, is most improper, as the curd in all these stages is, when neglected for even a few minutes, very apt to become ill-flavored. If it is allowed to remain too long in the curd-vat, or in the dripper over it, before the whey is completely extracted, the curd becomes too cold, and acquires a pungent or acrid taste ; or, it softens so much that the cheese is not sufficiently adhe- sive, and does not easily part with the serum. Whenever the curd is completely set, the whey should be taken off without delay ; and the dairymaid should never leave the curd-boyn until the curd is ready for the dripper or cheese-vat. The salt is mixed into the curd. After the cheese is put into the press, it remains for the first time about an hour, or less than two hours, until it is taken out, turned upside down in the cheese- vat, and a new cloth put around it every four or six hours until the cheese is completed, which is generally in the course of a day and a half, two, or at most in three days after it was first put under the press. Some have shortened the process of pressing by placing the cheese after it has been under the press for two hours or so for the first time into water heated to about one hundred or one hundred and ten degrees, and allowing the cheese to remain in the water about the space of half an hour, and thereafter drying it with a '/loth, and putting it again under the press. THE STORE-ROOM. 265 When taken from the press, generally after two or three days from the time they were first placed under it, they are exposed for a week or so to the warmth and heat of the farmer's kitchen, not to excite sweating, hut merely tc dry them a little before they are placed in the store, where a small proportion of heat is admitted. While they remain in the kitchen they are turned over three or four times every day ; and, when- ever they begin to harden a little on the outside, they are laid up on the shelves of the store, where they are turned over once a day or once in two days for a week or so, until they are dry, and twice every week afterwards. The store-houses for cheese in Scotland are in pro- portion to the size of the dairy, generally a small place adjoining the milk-house, or in the end of the barn or other buildings, where racks are placed, with as many shelves as can hold the cheeses made in the season. When no particular place is prepared, the racks are placed in the barn, which is generally empty during summer ; or some lay the cheeses on the floor of a garret over some part of their dwelling-house. Wherever the cheeses are stored, they are not sweated or put into a warm place, but kept cool, in a place in a medium state, between damp and dry, with- out the sun being allowed to shine on them, or yet a great current of air admitted. Too much air, or the rays of the sun, would dry the cheeses too fast, diminish their weight, and make them crack ; and heat would make them sweat or perspire, which extracts the fat, and tends to induce hooving. But when they are kept in a temperature nearly similar to that of a barn, the doors of which are not much open, and but a moderate current of air admitted, the cheeses are kept in a proper shape, neither so dry as to rend the skin, nor so 23 266 DUTCH AND PARMESAN CHEESE. damp as to render them mouldy on the outside ; ai.d no partial fermentation is excited, but the cheese is pre- served sound and good. DUTCH CHEESE. The most celebrated of the Dutch cheeses is the Edam, of North Holland, and the Gouda. The manufacture of these and other varieties will be described in a subsequent chapter, on Dairy Husbandry in Holland. The PARMESAN is an Italian cheese, made of one meal of milk, allowed to stand sixteen hours, to which is added another which has stood eight hours. The cream being taken from both, the skim-milk is heated an hour over a slow fire, and constantly stirred till it reaches about eighty-two degrees, when the rennet is put in and an hour allowed to form the curd. The curd is thoroughly broken- or cut, after which a part of the whey is removed, and the curd is then heated nearly up to the boiling point, when a little saffron is added to color it. It then stands over the fire about half an hour, when it is taken off, and nearly all the rest of the whey removed, cold water being added, till the curd is cool enough to handle. It is then surrounded with a cloth, and, after being partially dried, is put into a hoop and remains there two days. It is then sprinkled with salt for thirty days in summer, or about forty in winter. One cheese is then laid above another to allow them to take the salt ; after which they are scraped and cleansed every day, and rubbed with lin- seed-oil to preserve them from the attack of insects, and they are ready for sale at the age of six months. AMERICAN CHEESE, as it is called in the English markets, whither large quantities are shipped for sale, is made of almost every conceivable variety and quality, from the richest Cheddar or Cheshire to the poorest skim-milk cheese. The statements of some of the best AMERICAN CHEESE. 267 dairymen have already been given. As a further illus- tration of the mode pursued in other sections of the country, the statement of C. G. Taylor, a successful competitor for the premiums offered by the Illinois State Agricultural Society, may be given as follows : " As the milk is drawn from the cows, it is immedi- ately strained into a vat. This vat is a new patent, and is better than any I have ever seen for cheese-making. It is double, a space being left between the two parts. Into the upper vat the milk is strained, and cold water is applied between it and the lower one. Thus the ani- mal heat is soon expelled, and the milk is prevented from souring before morning. The morning milk is added. Under the lower vat a copper boiler is arranged. The water in the boiler is in perfect con- nection with that remaining all around the upper or milk vat, connected with three copper pipes. With a little wood the water is warmed. Thus the tempera- ture of the milk is soon brought to the desired point to receive the rennet, which is about ninety to ninety- five degrees. Sufficient rennet is applied to the milk to cause it to curdle or coagulate in from thirty to forty minutes. Then the curd is carefully cut, each way, into slices of about one inch square. Soon the temperature is slowly increased. In about twenty minutes the curd is carefully broken up with the hand, increasing the heat, and stirring often. When the curd is sufficiently hard, so as to "squeal" when you bite it, it is scalded. By this time the temperature is up to about one hundred and thirty or one hundred and forty. " There are hinges placed in the legs of one end of the vat, which is easily tipped, and through the curd- strainer and whey-gate the whe} r is soon run off. The curd is then dipped into a sink, over which is placed a 268 COMPOSITION OF CHEESE. coarse strainer, and allowed to drain quite dry. It is then broken up fine, and one teacup of ground solar salt added to curd to make twenty pounds of cheese, and well worked in. After the curd is quite cool, it is placed in the hoop, and a light pressure is applied. In a few minutes more power is needed. After remaining in press about six hours, it is taken out of the hoop, wholly covered with strong muslin, finely sewed on, and then reversed and replaced in the hoop and press. It is allowed to remain until the next day, when it has to give place for another. " After pressing thus twenty-four hours, the cheese is placed upon the shelf, and allowed to stand until the cloth is dry. Then a preparation, made from annatto and butter-oil, is applied sufficiently to fill all the interstices of the cloth. It must be turned and thor- oughly rubbed three times a week, until ripe for use. " I use the self-acting press. I know of none in use that is better, the weight of the cheese being the power." The statements of skilful and practical dairymen, in different parts of the country, are sufficient to show that good cheese can be produced ; but it is believed that a more general attention to all the details of the dairy would add many thousand dollars a year to the wealth of the people, and enable us to compete suc- cessfully with the best dairy countries in the world. The composition of cheese will, of course, differ widely in nutritive value, according to the mode of manufacture, age, etc. A specimen of good cheese was found to contain about 31.02 per cent, of flesh-forming substances, 25.30 per cent, of heat-producing sub- stances, 4.90 per cent, of mineral matter, and 38.78 per cent, of water. The analyses of several varieties will serve as a com- CHEESE AS FOOD. 269 parison of cheese with other kinds of food. The Ched- dar was a rich cheese two years old, the double Glou- cester one year old, the Dunlop one year old, the skim- milk one year. Cheddar. Dbl. Glo'ster. Dunlop. Skim-milk. Water, .... Caseine, .... Fat, 30.04 28.98 30.40 35.81 37.96 21 97 38.46 25.87 31.86 43.82 45.04 5.98 Ash. 4.58 4.25 8.81 5.18 Professor Johnston gives a table of comparison of Cheddar and skim-milk cheese in a dried state, and milk, beef, and eggs, also in a dried state, as follows : Caseine (curd), . Milk. Cheddar cheese, dried. Skim-milk cheese, dried. Beef. Eggs. 55 35 45 80 89 Fat (butter), . . 24 48 11 7 40 Sugar, .... 37 Mineral matter, . 4 7 9 4 5 100 100 100 100 100 A full-milk cheese differs but little from pure milk, except in the absence of sugar, which, as already seen, is held in solution, and goes off in the whey. The dif- ference becomes greater in proportion as the cream is removed from the milk before curding, and the nutritive qualities thereby diminished. Cheese is used both as a regular article of food, for which the ordinary kinds of full-milk cheeses are admirably fitted, and as a condiment or digester, in con- nection with other articles of food; and for this purpose the stronger varieties, such as are partially decayed and mouldy, are best. "When the curd of milk is exposed to the air in a moist state, for a few days, at a moderate temperature, it begins gradually to decay, to emit a disagreeable odor, and to ferment. When in 23* 270 DIGESTIVE QUALITY OF CHEESE. this state, it possesses the property, in certain circum- stances, of inducing a species of chemical change and fermentation in other moist substances with which it is mixed, or is brought into contact. It acts after the same manner as sour leaven does when mixed with sweet dough. Now, old and partially decayed cheese acts in a similar way when introduced into the stomach. It causes chemical changes gradually to commence among the particles of the food which has previously been eaten, and thus facilitates the dissolution which necessarily precedes digestion. It is only some kinds of cheese, however, which will effect this purpose. Those are generally considered the best in which some kind of cheese-mould has established itself. Hence, the mere eating of a morsel of cheese after dinner does not necessarily promote digestion. If too new, or of improper quality, it will only add to the quantity of food with which the stomach is probably already over- loaded, arid will have to await its turn for digestion by the ordinary processes." This mouldiness and tendency to decay, with its flavor and digestive quality, are often communicated to new cheese by inoculation, or insertion of a small portion of the old into the interior of the new by means of the cheese-taster. In studying attentively the practice of the most suc- cessful cheese-makers, I think it will be observed that they are particularly careful about the preparation of the rennet, and equally so about the details of pressing. In my opinion, the point in which many American cheese-makers fail of success is in hurrying the press- ing. I think it will be found that the best cheese is pressed two days, at least, and in many cases still longer. CHAPTER X. THE DISEASES OP DAIRY STOCK. DAIRY STOCK, properly fed and managed, is liable to few diseases in this country, notwithstanding the sudden changes to which our climate is subject. If pure air, pure water, a dry barn or pasture, and a fre- quent but gradual change of diet, when kept in the stall, are provided for milch cows, nature will generally remedy any derangements of the system which may occur, far better than art. Common sense is especially requisite in the treatment of stock, and that will very rarely dictate a resort to bleeding, boring the horns, cutting off the tail, and a thousand other equally absurd practices, too common even within the memory of men still living. The diseases most to be dreaded are garget, puer- peral or milk fever, and idiopathic or common fever, commonly called " horn ail," and often " tail ail." GARGET is an inflammation of the internal substance of the udder. One or more of the teats, or whole sec- tions of the udder, become enlarged and thickened, hot, tender, and painful. The milk coagulates in the bag, and causes inflammation where it is deposited, which is accompanied by fever. It most commonly occurs in young cows after calving, especially when in too high condition. The secretion of milk is very much lessened, and, in very bad cases, stopped altogether. Sometimes 272 GARGET. SYMPTOMS. TREATMENT. the milk is thick, and mixed with blood. Often, also, in severe cases, the hind extremities, as the hip-joint, hock, or fetlock, are swollen and inflamed to such an extent that the animal cannot rise. The simplest remedy, in mild cases, is to put the calf to its mother several times a day. This will remove the flow of milk, and often dispel the congestion.' Sometimes the udder is so much swollen that the cow will not permit the calf to suck. If the fever increases, the appetite declines, and rumination ceases. In this stage of the complaint, the advice of a scientific veter- inary practitioner is required. A dose of purging medicine and frequent washing of the udder, in mild cases, are usually successful. The physic should con- sist of Epsom salts one pound, ginger half an ounce, nitrate of potassa half an ounce ; dissolved in a quart of boiling water ; then add a gill of molasses, and give to the cow lukewarm. Diet moderate ; that is, on bran, or if in summer green food. There are various medicines for the different forms and stages of garget, which, if the above medicine fails, can be properly prescribed only by a skilful veterinary practitioner. It is important that the udder should be frequently examined, as matter may be forming, which should be immediately released. Various causes are assigned for this disease, such as exposure to cold and wet, or the want of proper care or attention in parturition. An able writer, Mr. Youatt, says that hasty drying up a cow often gives rise to inflammation and indura- tions of the udder, difficult of removal. Sometimes a cow lies down upon and bruises the udder, and this is another cause. But a very frequent source, and one for which there can be no excuse, is the failure to milk a cow clean. The calf should be allowed to suck often, and the cow should be milked at least twice a day j,of Suipszf fo dpotu jsoq 3^f si jvyai puo 'a mio ji^'jia Co SUIUDIU din J,ofv3inf isso auv sjoiu PREVENTION CHEAPER THAN CURE. 273 as clean as possible, while suffering from this com- plaint. If the udder is hot and feverish, a wash may be used, consisting of eight ounces of vinegar and two ounces of camphoretted spirit; the whole well and thoroughly mixed, and applied just after milking, to be washed off in warm water before milking again. In very bad cases, iodine has often been found most effectual. An iodine ointment may be prepared by taking one drachm of hydriodate of potash and an ounce of lard, and mixing them well together. A small portion of the mixture, from the size of a pigeon's egg, in limited inflammations, to twice that amount, is to be well rubbed into the swollen part, morning and night. When milk forms in the bag before parturition, so as to cause a swelling of the udder, it should be milked away ; and a neglect of this precaution often leads to violent attacks of garget. Prevention is always better than cure. The reason most commonly given for letting the cow run dry for a month or two before calving is that after a long period of milking her system requires rest, and that she will give more milk and do better the coming season than if milked up to the time of calving. This is all true, and a reason sufficient in itself for drying off the cow some weeks before parturition; but there is another important reason for the practice, which is that the mixture of the old milk with the new secre- tion is liable to end in an obstinate case of garget. To prevent any ill effects from calving, the cow should not be suffered to get too fat, which high feed- ing after drying off might induce. The period of gestation is about two hundred and eighty-four or two hundred and eighty-five days. But cows sometimes overrun their time, and have been 18 GARGET IN COWS. % MESSRS. EDITORS : At the solicitation of a friend, who hag saved a valuable cow from the hands of the butcher, I am induced to make known through your columns a remedy for the Garget Some years since, I met with a fine imported Dur- ham cow, on the way to the butcher, the owner parting with her in consequence of her bein- aiHicted with the garget. The owner had tried all the usual modes of eradicating the disease, af- ter which he put her under charge of a distin- guished Veterinarian, who, after a six-months' attendance, discharged her as incurable. Deeming her a good subject for a treatment with iodine, and not knowing whether it had been used in the case, I purchased her at what she was worth for beef. At that time she gave but a few drops of milk at a time from one teat, the other three having ceased to yield any the udder and teats were swollen and hard. I detor- to make use of iodine in the form of hydrio- date of potash, being solvent in water, and if it failed to exhilut its effects on the system, I wouHJ resort to an ointment, (20 grs. i.Ylin t.j ] 02 hogs lard,) applied externally, to thv udder and teats. I commenced by giving 10 grs. of hyd. potash in a table spoonful of water, three times a day, mixed in a mash of shorts or meal ; and though the dose was unusually small for a cow, still as it was giving unmistakable signs of effect,* I did not increase the dose. In seven days she gave milk freely from each teat, and in three weeks she was discharged as cured. The result in the foregoing case was so favorable, that I ad- vised my neighbors, who had cows afflicted with the garget, to make trial of the same remedy. I have known of its trial in at least forty cases, and in every one the cure has been effected with even the above-named small dose. A larger quan- tity could be used at a dose with safety. Any one acquainted with the effect of iodine on the human system, knows its tendency to pro- duce an absorption of the mammo3. Dr. R. Coats, Philadelphia, reports a case in the "Medi- al Examiner," of the complete absorption of the female breast from iodine ; but the inammce recov- Ted their original developments after the lapse of ' i year. Iodine is principally employed in diseases f the absorbents and glandular systems. (See U. S. Dispensatory.) Hydriodate of potash can be procured of any pothecary, and dissolved so as to allow 10-gra. . j each spoonful of water, increasing tho dos3S ill it gives effect on testing the urine. DuUiatn, 1854. EBEN \\ T IGUT. * Ilydrlfcdato of Potash passes quickly into the secretions, es- .-cially the urine. It may h deti.-ctt.-sl in the latter by first ad- \\\% to the cold secretion a portion if starch, and then a few drop* r nitric acid, when a blue color will bo produced. Boston Cultivator . 27-4 GESTATION. SLINKING. CALVING. known to go three hundred and thirteen days, and even more ; while they now and then fall short of it, and have been known to calve in two hundred and twenty days. If they go much over the average time, the calf will generally be a male. But cows are sometimes liable to slink their calves; and this usually takes place about the middle of their pregnancy. To avoid the evil con- sequences, so far as possible, they should be watched ; and, if a cow is found to be uneasy and feverish, or wandering about away from the rest of the herd, and apparently longing for something she cannot get, she ought to be taken away from the others. If a cow slinks her calf while in the pasture with others, they will be liable to be affected in the same way. In many cases, physicking will quiet the cow's excite- ment in the condition above described, and prove of es- sential benefit. A dose of one pound of Epsom or Glau- ber's salts, and one ounce of ginger, mixed in a pint of thick gruel, should be given first, to be immediately followed by the salts, in a little thinner gruel. When a cow once slinks her calf, there is great risk in breeding from her. She is liable to do the same again. But when the slinking is caused by sudden fright or over-exertion, or any offensive matter, such as blood or the dead carcasses of animals, this result is not so much to be feared. But the cow, when about to calve, ought not to be disturbed by too constant watching. The natural pre- sentation of the foetus is with the head lying upon the fore legs. If in this position, nature will generally do all. But, if the presentation is unnatural, and the labor has been long and ineffectual, some assistance is required. The hand, well greased, may be introduced, and the position of the calf changed ; and, when in a proper position, a cord should be tied round the fore FALSE PRESENTATIONS. MILK FEVER. 275 legs, just above the hoofs ; but no effort should be made to draw out the calf till the natural throes are re- peated. If the nostril of the calf has protruded, and the position is then found to be unnatural, the head cannot be thrust back without destroying the life of the calf. The false position most usually presented is that of the head first, with the legs doubled under the belly. A cord is then fixed around the lower jaw, when it is pushed back, to give an opportunity to adjust the fore legs, if possible. The object must now be to save the life of the cow. But the cases of false presentation, though compara- tively rare, are so varied that no directions could be given which would be applicable in all cases. After calving the cow will require but little care, if she is in the barn, and protected from changes of weather. A warm bran mash is usually given, and the state of the udder examined. PUERPERAL OR MILK FEVER. Calving is often at- tended with feverish excitement. The change of power- ful action from the womb to the udder causes much constitutional disturbance and local inflammation. A cow is subject to nervousness in such circumstances, which sometimes extends to the whole system, and causes puerperal fever. This complaint is called dropping after calving, because it succeeds that process. The prominent symptom is a loss of power over the motion of the hind extremities, and inability to stand ; some- times loss of sensibility in these parts, so that a deep puncture with a pin, or other sharp instrument, is unfelt. This disease is much to be dreaded by the farmer, on account of the high state of excitement and the local inflammation. Either from neglect or ignorance, the mal- ady is not discovered until the manageable symptoms have passed, and extreme debility has appeared. The 276 MILK FEVER. SYMPTOMS. animal is often first seen lying down, unable to rise ; prostration of strength and violent fever are brought on by inflammation of the womb. But soon a general inflammatory action succeeds, rapid and violent, with complete prostration of all the vital forces, bidding defiance to the best-selected remedies. Cows in very high condition, and cattle removed from low keeping to high feeding, are the most liable to puerperal fever. It occurs most frequently during the hot weather of summer, and then it is most dangerous. When it occurs in winter, cows sometimes recover. In hot weather they usually die. Milk fever may be induced by the hot drinks often given after calving. A young cow at her first calving is rarely attacked with it. Great milkers are most com- monly subject to it ; but all cows have generally more or less fever at calving. A little addition to it, by im- proper treatment or neglect, will prevent the secretion of milk ; and thus the milk, being thrown back into the system, will increase the inflammation. This disease sometimes shows itself in the short space of two or three hours after calving, but often not under two or three days. If four or five days have passed, the cow may generally be considered safe. The earliest symptoms of this disease are as follows : The animal is restless, frequently shifting her posi- tion; occasionally pawing and heaving at the flanks. Muzzle hot and dry, the mouth open, and tongue out at one side ; countenance wild ; eyes staring. She moans often, and soon becomes very irritable. Delirium follows; she grates her teeth, foams at the mouth, tosses her head about, and frequently injures herself. From the first, the udder is hot, enlarged, and tender ; and if this swelling is attended by a suspension of milk, the cause is clear. As the case is inflammatory, its BLEEDING RARELY NECESSARY. 277 treatment must be in accordance ; and it is usually subdued without much difficulty. Mr. Youatt says, " The animal should be bled, and the quantity regulated by the impression made upon the circulation, from six to ten quarts often before the desired effect is pro- duced." He wrote at a time when bleeding was adopted as the universal cure, and before the general reasoning and treatment of diseases of the human sys- tem was applied to similar diseases of animals. The cases are very rare, indeed, where the physician of the present day finds it necessary to bleed in diseases of the human subject ; and they are equally rare, I appre- hend, where it is really necessary or judicious to bleed for the diseases of animals. A more humane and equally effectual course will be the following : A pound to one and a half pounds of Epsom or Glau- ber's salts, according to the size and condition of the animal, should be given, dissolved in a quart of boiling water ; and, when dissolved, add pulv. red pepper a quarter of an ounce, caraway do. do., ginger do. do. ; mix, and add a gill of molasses, and give lukewarm. If this medicine does not act on the bowels, the quantity of ginger, capsicum, and caraway, must be doubled. The insensible stomach must be roused. When purg- ing in an early stage is begun, the fever will more readily subside. After the operation of the medicine, sedatives may be given, if necessary. The digestive function first fails, when the secondary or low state of fever comes on. The food undis- charged ferments; the stomach and intestines are inflated with gas, and swell rapidly. The nervous system is also attacked, and the poor beast staggers. The hind extremities show the weakness; the cow falls, and cannot rise ; her head is turned on one side, where it rests; her limbs are palsied. The treatment 24 278 THE PULSE. PRESCRIPTION. in this stage must depend on the existence and degree of fever. The pulse will be the only true guide. If it is weak, wavering, and irregular, we must avoid deplet- ing, purgative agents. The blood flows through the ai t cries, impelled by the action of the heart, and its pulsations can be very distinctly felt by pressing the finger upon almost any of these arteries that is not too thickly covered by fat or the cellular tissues of the skin, especially where it can be pressed upon some hard or bony substance beneath it. The most conve- nient place is directly at the back part of the lower jaw, where a large artery passes over the edge of the jaw- bone to ramify on the face. The natural pulse of a full- grown ox will vary from about forty-eight to fifty-five beats a minute ; that of a cow is rather quicker, especially near the time of calving; and that of a calf is quicker than that of a cow. But a very much quicker rate than that indicated will show a feverish state, or inflammation ; and a much slower pulsation indicates debility of some kind. Next in importance, as we have already stated, is the physic. The bowels must be opened, or the ani- mal will fall a victim to the disease. All medicines should be of an active character, and in sufficient quantity ; and stimulants should always be added to the purgative medicines, to insure their operation. Ginger, gentian, caraway, or red pepper in powder, may be given with each dose of physic. Some give a power- ful purgative, by means of Epsom salts one pound, flour of sulphur four ounces, powdered ginger a quarter of an ounce, all dissolved in a quart of cold water, and one half given twice a day till the bowels are opened. The digestive organs are deranged in most forms of milk fever, and the third stomach is loaded with hard, indigestible food. When the medicine has operated, PROPER NURSING. SIMPLE FEVER. 279 and the fever is subdued, little is required but good nursing to restore the patient. No powerful medicines should be used without dis- cretion ; for in the milder forms of the disease, as the simple palsy of the hind extremities, the treatment, though of a similar character, should be less powerful, and every effort should be made for the comfort of the cow, by providing a thick bed of straw, and raising the fore quarters to assist the efforts of nature, while all filth should be promptly and carefully removed. She may be covered with a warm cloth, and warm gruel should be frequently offered to her, and light mashes. An attempt should be made several times a day to bring milk from the teats. The return of milk is an indication of speedy recovery. Milch cows in too high condition appear to have a constitutional tendency to this complaint, and one attack of it predisposes them to another. SIMPLE FEVER. This may be considered as increased arterial action, with or without any local affection ; or it may be the consequence of the sympathy of the sys- tem with the morbid condition of some particular part. The first is pure or idiopathic fever ; the other, symptom- atic fever. Pure fever is of frequent occurrence in cattle. Symptoms as follows : muzzle dry ; rumination slow or entirely suspended ; respiration slightly accelerated ; the horn at the root hot, and its other extremity fre- quently cold ; pulse quick ; bowels constipated ; coat staring, and the cow is usually seen separated from the rest of the herd. In slight attacks, a cathartic of salts, sulphur, and ginger, is sufficient. But, if the common fever is neglected, or improperly treated, it may assume, after a time, a local determination, as pleurisy, or inflammation of the lungs or bowels. In such cases the above remedy would be insufficient, and a veterinary 280 SYMPTOMATIC FEVER. surgeon, to manage the case, would be necessary. Symptomatic fever is more dangerous, and is commonly the result of injury, the neighboring parts sympathizing with the injured part. Cattle become unwell, are stinted in their feed, have a dose of physic, and in a few days are well ; still, a fever may terminate in some local affection. But in both cases pure fever is the primary disease. A more dangerous form of fever is that known as symptomatic. As we have said, cattle are not only subject to fever of common intensity, but to symp- tomatic fever, and thousands die annually from its effects. But the young and the most thriving are its victims. There are few premonitory symptoms of symp- tomatic fever. It often appears without any previous indications of illness. The animal stands with her neck extended, her eyes protruding and red, muzzle dry, nostrils expanded, breath hot, base of the horn hot, mouth open, pulse full, breathing quick. She is often moaning ; rumination and appetite are suspended ; she soon becomes more uneasy; changes her position often. Unless these symptoms are speedily removed, she dies in a few hours. The name of the ailment, inflam- matory or symptomatic fever, shows the treatment necessary, which must commence with purging. Salts here, as in most inflammatory diseases, are the most reliable. From a pound to a pound and a half, with ginger and sulphur, is a dose, dissolved in warm water or thin gruel. If this does not operate in twelve hours, give half the dose, and repeat once in twelve hours, until the bowels are freed. After the operation of the medicine the animal is relieved. Then sedative medi- cines may be given. Sal ammoniac one drachm, pow- dered nitre two drachms, should be administered in thin gruel, two or three times a day, if required. ASSISTING NATURE. PURGATIVES. 281 Typhus fever, common in some countries, is little known here among cattle. TYPHOID FEVER sometimes follows intense inflamma- tory action, and is considered the second stage of it. This form of fever is usually attended with diarrhoea. It is a debilitating complaint, and is sometimes followed by diseases known as black tongue, black leg, or quarter evil. The cause of typhoid fever is involved in obscur- ity. It may be proper to say that copious drinks of oat-meal gruel, with tincture of red pepper, a diet of bran, warmth to the body, and pure air, are great essentials in the treatment of this disease. The barbarous practices of boring the horns, cutting the tail, and others equally absurd, should at once and forever be discarded by every farmer and dairyman. Alternate heat or coldness of the horn is only a symptom of this and other fevers, and has nothing to do with their cause. The horns are not diseased any further than a determination of blood to the head causes a sympathetic heat, while an unnatural distribution of blood, from exposure or other cause, may make them cold. In all cases of this kind, if anything is done, it should be an effort to assist nature to regulate the animal sys- tem, by rousing the digestive organs to their natural action, by a light food, or, if necessary, a mild purga- tive medicine, followed by light stimulants. The principal purgative medicines in use for neat cattle are Epsom salts, linseed-oil, and sulphur. A pound of salts will ordinarily be sufficient to purge a full-grown cow. A slight purgative drink is often very useful for cows soon after calving, particularly if feverish, and in cases of over-feeding, when the animal will often appear dull and feverish ; but when the surfeiting is attended 24* 282 THE HOOVES. by loss of appetite, it can generally be cured by wit i holding food at first, and then feeding but slightly till the system is renovated by dieting. Purgative drinks will often cure cases of red water, if taken in season. A purgative is often necessary for cows after being turned into a fresh and luxuriant pasture, when they are apt to become bound from over-feeding ; but con- stipation does not so often follow a change from dry to green food in spring, as from a poor pasture in summer to one where they obtain much better feed. The HOOVE or HOVEN is brought on by a derange- ment of the digestive organs, occasioned by over-feed- ing on green and luxuriant clover, or other luxuriant food. It is simply the distension of the first stom- ach by carbonic acid gas. In later stages, after fer- mentation of the contents of the stomach has com- menced, hydrogen gas is also found. The green food, being gathered very greedily after the animal has been kept on dry and perhaps unpalatable hay, is not sent forward so rapidly as it is received, and remains to overload and clog the stomach, till this organ ceases or loses the power to act upon it. Here it becomes moist and heated, begins to ferment, and produces a gas which distends the paunch of the animal, which often swells up enormously. The cow is in great pain, breath- ing with difficulty, as if nearly suffocating. Then the body grows cold, and, unless relief is at hand, the cow dies. Prevention is both cheaper and safer than cure ; but if by neglect, or want of proper precaution, the animal is found in this suffering condition, relief must be afforded as soon as possible, or the result will be fatal. A hollow flexible tube, introduced into the gullet, will sometimes afford a temporary relief till other means can be had, by allowing a part of the gas to escape ; CHOKING. REMOVAL. 283 but the cause is not removed either by this means or by puncturing the paunch, which is often dangerous. In the early stage of the disease the gas may be neu- tralized by ammonia, which is usually near at hand. Two ounces of liquid ammonia, in a quart of distilled or rain water, given every quarter of an hour, will prove beneficial. A little tincture of ginger, essence of anise-seed, or some other cordial, may be added, with- out lessening the effect of the ammonia. If the case has assumed an alarming character, the flexible tube, or probang, may be introduced, and after- wards take three drachms either of the chloride of lime or the chloride of soda, dissolve in a pint of water, and pour it down the throat. Lime-water, pot- ash, and sulphuric ether, are often used with effect. In desperate cases it may be found necessary to make an incision through the paunch ; but the chloride of lime will, in most cases, give relief at once, by neutralizing the gas. CHOKING is often produced by feeding on roots, par- ticularly round and uncut roots, like the potato. The animal slavers at the mouth, tries to raise the obstruction from the throat, often groans, and appears to be in great pain. Then the belly begins to swell, from the amount of gases in the paunch. The obstruction, if not too large, can sometimes be thrust forward by introducing a flexible rod, or tube, into the throat. This method, if adopted, should be attended with great care and patience, or the tender parts will be injured. If the obstruction is low down, and a tube is to be inserted, a pint of olive or linseed oil first turned down will so lubricate the parts as to aid the operation, and the power applied must be steady. If the gullet is torn by the carelessness of the operator, or the roughness of the instrument, a rupture generally 284 FOUL IN THE FOOT. CUKE. results in serious consequences. A hollow tube is best, and if the object is passed on into the paunch, the tube should remain a short time, to permit the gas to escape. In case the animal is very badly swelled, the dose of chloride of lime, or ammonia, should be given, as for the hoove, after the obstruction is removed. Care should be taken, after the obstruction n removed, to allow no solid food for some days. FOUL IN THE FOOT. Cows and other stock, when fed in low, wet pastures, will often suffer from ulcers or sores, generally appearing first between the claws. This is commonly called foul in the foot, and is analo- gous to foot-rot in sheep. It is often very painful, causing severe lameness and loss of flesh, and dis- charges a putrid matter, or pus. Sometimes it first appears in the form of a swelling near the top of the hoof, which breaks and discharges foul matter. The rough and common practice among farmers is to fasten the foot in the same manner as the foot of an ox is fastened in shoeing, and draw a rough rope back and forth over the ulcerated parts, so as to produce a clean, fresh wound, and then dress it with tar or other similar substance. This is often an unnecessarily cruel operation. The loose matter may easily be removed by a knife, and then carefully wiped off with with a moist sponge. The ani- mal should then be removed at once to a warm, dry pasture, or kept in the barn. If the case has been neglected till the pasterns become swollen and tender, the sore may be thoroughly cleansed out, and dressed with an ointment of sul- phate of iron one ounce, molasses four ounces, sim- mered over a slow fire till well mixed. Apply on a piece of cotton batting, and secure upon the parts. If an} morbid growth or fungus appear, use equal parts RED WATER. TREATMENT. 285 of powdered blood-root and alum sprinkled on the sore, and this will usually effect a cure. Some also give a dose of flour of sulphur half an ounce, powdered sassafras-bark one ounce, and bur- dock two ounces, the whole steeped in a quart of boil- ing water, and strained when cool ; and, if the matter still continues to flow from the sore, wash it morning and night with chloride of soda one ounce, or a table- spoonful of common salt dissolved in a pint of water. Foul in the foot causes very serious trouble, if not taken in season. The health of cows is injured to a great extent. I have seen, during the present season, many instances of foul in the foot in dairy stock arising from the wetness of the pastures. No lameness in cattle should be neglected. RED WATER is so called from the high color of the urine. It is rather a symptom of some derangement of the digestive organs than a disease of itself, and the cause is most frequently to be found in the quality of the food. It is peculiar to certain localities, and is of very rare occurrence in New England. In the early stage of the difficulty the bowels are loose, but soon constipation ensues, and the appetite is affected, the milk decreases, and the urine becomes either very red or sometimes black. The case demands treatment, for it is apt to prey upon the health of the cow. Purgatives are usually employed with most success. Take a pound of Epsom salts, half an ounce of ginger, and half an ounce of car- bonate of ammonia. Pour a quart of boiling water on the salts and ginger, stir thoroughly, and, when cold, add the ammonia. If this fails to act on the bowels, repeat a quarter part of it every six or eight hours till it succeeds. Then a nutritious diet should be used till the appetite is fully restored. 286 HOOSE. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. If a cow is once affected in this way, the difficulty will be liable to return, and she had better be dis- posed of. HOOSE is a cold or cough to which stock are subjec t when exposed to wet weather and damp pastures. The cold may not be bad at first, or may be so slight as not to attract attention ; but it often leads to worse complaints, and ought, when observed, to be attended to at once, by keeping the animal in a dry and warm barn a few days, and feeding with mashes, and, if it continues, take an ounce of sweet spirits of nitre in a pint of ginger tea ; mix, and give in a quart of thick gruel. No prudent farmer will neglect to observe approach- ing symptoms of disease in his stock. The cheapest way to keep animals healthy is to treat them properly in time, and before disease is seated upon them. Hoose often ends in consumption and death. INFLAMMATION OF THE GLANDS often occurs in hoose, catarrh, etc., but they resume their natural state when these complaints are removed. The animal cannot swal- low without pain sometimes, and soft food should be given. Remove the cause, and the inflammation ceases. Some make a relaxing poultice of marsh-mallows, or similar substances ; and rub the throat with a mixture of olive or goose oil one gill, spirit of camphor one ounce, oil of cedar one ounce, and half a gill of vinegar. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. Common catarrh or hoose sometimes leads to inflammation of the lungs, which is indicated by dulness and sore cough. The ears, the roots of the horns, and legs, are sometimes cold. The breath is hot, as well as the mouth ; and the animal rarely lies down, and is reluctant to move, or change its position. Warm water and mashes, or gruel, may b given, and the animal kept in a dry DIARRHCEA. TREATMENT. 287 place. The cause of the complaint, should be removed, and the trouble will generally soon cease. The treat- ment is much the same as for fever; but where the surface of the body is cold, as is generally the case, give sweet spirits of nitre two ounces, liquor acetate of ammonia four ounces, in a pint of water, two or three times a day. DIARRHOEA is brought on by too sudden change of food, especially from dry to green and succulent food ; sometimes by poisonous plants or bad water. If slight, the farmer may not be anxious to check it. It may show simply an effort of nature to throw off some injurious substances from the body, and so it may exist when the animal is quite healthy. But, if it continues too long, and is likely to debilitate the system, a mild purgative may be given to assist rather than check the operation of nature. Half a pound of Epsom salts, with a little ginger and gentian, will do for a medium-sized animal in this case ; but a purgative may be followed in a day or two by an astringent medicine. Take prepared chalk two ounces, powdered oak-bark one ounce, powdered catechu two drachms, powdered opium one drachm, and four drachms powdered ginger. Mix these together, and give in a quart of warm gruel. Sometimes a few ounces of pulverized charcoal will arrest the diarrhoea. Common diarrhoea may be distinguished from dysentery by a too abundant discharge of dung in too fluid a form, or in a full, almost liquid stream, sometimes very offen sive to the smell, and now and then bloody. In dysen- tery, the dung is often mixed with mucus and blood, and is not unfrequently attended by a hard straining. The quantity of dung is less than in diarrhoea, but more offensive. Diarrhoea may occur at any season of the year, and sometimes leads to dysentery, which more frequently appears in the spring and fall. 288 DYSENTERY. MANGE. SYMPTOMS. DYSENTERY, or scouring rot, is a dangerous and trouble- some malady when it becomes seated. The cow suffers from painful efforts to pass the dnng, which is thin, slimy, olive-colored, and offensive, and after it falls rises up in little bubbles, with a slimy sub- stance upon it. She is restless, lying down and soon rising again, and appears to be in great distress. The hair seems to stand out stiff from the body, and this stage of the malady indicates an obstinate and fatal disease. It is often brought on by a simple cold at the time of calving, exposure to sudden changes, and by poor keep- ing, which exhausts the system, especially in winter. A dry, warm barn, and careful nursing, will do much ; and dry, sweet food, as hay, oat-meal, boiled potatoes, gruel, y Professor Way shows a percentage of Moisture, 14.47 Albuminous mater, . . 16.38 Oil or fatty matter, . . 2.23 Woody fibre, .... 25 84 Starch, gum, etc., . . . 31.63 Mineral matters, . . . 9.45 Total, 100.00 In albuminous matter, which is especially valuable for milch cows, it has nearly double the proportion con- tained in meadow hay. Bran also undergoes a great OIL-CAKE. WEIGHING COWS. 369 improvement in its flavor by steaming, and it is prob- ably improved in its convertibility as food. It contains about fourteen per cent, of albumen, and is peculiarly rich in phosphoric acid, nearly three per cent, of its whole substance being of this material. The properties of rape-cake are well known: the published analyses give it a large proportion (nearly thirty per cent.) of albumen ; it is rich in phosphates, and also in oil. This is of the unctuous class of vegetable oils, and it is to this property that I call particular attention. Chemistry will assign to this material, which has hitherto been comparatively neglected for feeding, a first place for the purpose of which I am treating. If objection should occur on account of its flavor, I have no diffi- culty in stating that by the preparation I have described I have quite overcome this. I can easily persuade my cattle (of which sixty to eighty pass through my stalls in a year), without exception, to eat the requisite quantity. Nor is the flavor of the cake in the least perceptible in the milk or butter. During May, my cows are turned out on a rich pas- ture near the homestead ; towards evening they are again housed for the night, when they are supplied with a mess of the steamed mixture and a little hay each morning and evening. During June, when the grasses are better grown, mown grass is given to them instead of hay, and they are also allowed two feeds of steamed mixture. This treatment is continued till October, when they are again wholly housed. The results which I now proceed to relate are de- rived from observations made with the view of enabling me to understand and regulate my own proceedings. GAIN OR Loss OF CONDITION ASCERTAINED BY WEIGH- ING CATTLE PERIODICALLY. For some years back I have regularly weighed my feeding stock, a practice from which I am enabled to ascertain their doings with greater accuracy than I could previously. In January, 1854, I commenced weighing my milch cows. It has been shown, by what 1 have premised, that no accurate estimate can be formed of the eifect of the food on the 24 370 APPENDIX. HORSFALL'S SYSTEM. production of milk, without ascertaining its effect on the condition of the cows. I have continued the prac- tice once a month, almost without omission, up to this date. The weighings take place early in the morning, and before the cows are supplied with food. The weights are registered, and the length of time (fifteen months) during which I have observed this practice enables me to speak with confidence of the results. The cows in full milk, yielding twelve to sixteen quarts each per day, vary but little ; some losing, others gaining, slightly ; the balance in the month's weighing of this class being rather to gain. It is com- mon for a cow to continue a yield from six to eight months before she gives below twelve quarts per day, at which time she has usually, if not invariably, gained weight. The cows giving less than twelve quarts and down to five quarts per day are found, when free from ail- ment, to gain, without exception. This gain, with an average yield of nearly eight quarts per day, is at the rate of seven pounds to eight pounds per week each. My cows in calf I weigh only in the incipient stages ; but they gain perceptibly in condition, and consequently in value. They are milked till within four weeks to five weeks previous to calving. I give the weights of three of these, and also of one heifer, which calved in March, 1855: No. | 1834. 1855. | Gain 1 2 4 Bought and weighed, it , 7 I " beef of the, 36, 42, 43 Simple fever, symptoms and treatment, 27'->, 280 Size of animals, relative, 10, 70, 111 Skim-milk cheese, 243, 266, 331, 860 Slinking the calf, 274 Soiling, plants for, 132,135,142,143, 14 1 " advantages of, 141, 142, 14:J Sponge and cloth, use of the, 231,232,234,358 Spring, treatment of cows in, 181,133,137 Square box the best churn, 228 Stamping of butter, 323, 359 Stilton cheese, mode of making 259, 260 Stock, improvement of, 57,58,60,63,71,168 " selection of, 10, 58, 60, 64, 66, 71 , st> " age of, 80, 81 Suffolk swine, crosses with, 362, 363 Surfeited cows, treatment of, 138, 2'.)0 Swill-milk, how produced, 144,208,209,216 Swine, the kind of wanted, 362, 363 " treatment of, 364 Symptomatic fever, treatment of, 280 Teeth, indicative of age, 81,83,85,86 The piggery 361, 364 Time a cow should run dry 130,131,273 " of calving, 131,272,273 Treatment of dairy stock, 56, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 138, 140, 148, 168 Typhoid fever, treatment of, 281 Udder, attention to the 43, 88, 89, 104, 108, 272 " structure of the . 145,146,202 Vegetable oils, 379, 389, 409 Virginia, importation of cattle to, 35,50 Warbles, injure the hide, 290 Warmth and ventilation requisite 136, 149 Whey, use of the, 344, :;">! Willowbank dairy, 20, 137 Winter food for cows 127,131,134,136,139 Wood for butter casks and firkins, S24 Yorkshire cattle, notice of, 30, 32, 35, 74 Touatt's opinion, 18, 47, 272, 277 UCSB A 000 790 591 2 J7'/ HI