SlMILA OUTLINES THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES WALTER A,. HALL, f *n I v / WELL, MASS. SIMILAR OUTLINES A Thesaurus of Classified Phonographic Outlines that resemble each other, designed to aid shorthand writers in translating reporting notes By WILLIAM HICKOX Principal of The Hickox Shorthand School of Boston, Massachusetts PRICE ONE DOLLAR Copyright by William Hiclcox, 1911 PREFACE. V) b There would be little reason for this book if, in practice, shorthand writers were given time enough to draw each character. But as the main purpose of phonography is to admit of verbatim writing, the reporter, in his endeavor to keep up with a rapid speaker, makes many of the charac- ters if not incorrectly at least so hurriedly as to lose accurate resemblance to their original form. Not infrequently some of them are made wrong quite unlike what he would have made had he not been in a hurry. So it is that the real measure of stenographic skill lies more in the ability to read bad notes than in writing good ones; or if they can not be read, the expert, by the exercise of good judgment in reconstruction or substitution, can generally produce a satisfactory transcript. But the inexpert, when "stuck," is often helpless, and ignominiously fails. The purpose of this book is to enable shorthand writers to read badly written notes. By the method here used of classifying outlines that look alike, and translating them into all probable English words into which they can be translated, the reporter should be able to find, under the appropriate head, the character he intended to make and the word it stands for. The working vocabulary of the ordinary speaker consits of less than 2000 words. This book contains approximately 13,000 words, represented by about 3200 outlines. I have endeavored to avoid cumbering this list with words in the past tense requiring merely halving of the stem to add final t or d; or with plural forms (requiring only the addition of s), unless the outlines represent other words, as, "ticket," the outline for which would likewise be the past tense of "talk" and "tuck"; "reduce," the outline for which would also represent the plural forms of "road," "rod," etc. For reasons that will be obvious to the experienced reporter no at- tempt has been made to place the outlines in "position." Line position, like shading, affords a slight aid in translation: the chief dependence of the stenographer must always be in outline and in context. And this book is designed for practical reporters, not for mere learners or phonog- raphic draftsmen. While sufficient allowance has been made for the possibility of writing slightly wrong forms under pressure of high speed (see the words and letters in parentheses), it is yet assumed that the writer knows the fundamentals of his system and writes by some sort of rule. This book can hardly be expected to aid in tracing an outline "beginning with hook-r when the writer has made hook-/, or has written .-a circle on the wrong side of a straight letter. But if the character is fundamentally right, it should be easily traced, and the required word iound. Thus the possibilities of a character that looks like p n-hook is .^exhausted in the nineteen outlines pn, pnt, pntr, pshn, bn, bnd, bndr, tn, tint, tntr, dn, dnd, dndr, dshn, rn, rnt, sn, snt, sshn, representing more than a hundred words. Of course I have aimed at perfection, but am conscious that I have not achieved it in this first attempt at gathering Similar Outlines. Still an experience of more than thirty years as a shorthand teacher and reporter justifies me in offering to the profession this fruit of my experi- ence, imperfect tho it may be. Boston, January 1, 1911. WILLIAM HICKOX. CONTENTS Page Page P-B 7 Fr-Vr, (reverse) ) Thr-Shr \ Nr-Nl, Ngr T-D 14 91 93 Ch T 22 Kri 29 Mr 75 F V Th TH 36 Wl-Whl 83 S-Z, Sh-Zh, R . . 42 Additional Ontlines Sp-Sb, St-Sd ) Spl-Sbl \ . . ... 13, 35, 90 94 M-Mp . . . 53 N No- 58 L 46 Stl-Sdl ) Sch-Sj 75 Ray 49 W-Wh .... 65 Sf-Sv, Sth 98 27 Y 68 Ss- Sz, Ssh Sr . . . 24 H 57 Sm Smp 27 Pr-Br 71 Sn Sng 25 Zr-Dr .. 84 SI 81 Kr-Gr 78 Sray 99 Chr-Jr 97 Spr-Sbr,-Str-Sdr . 96 P1-B1 76 Skr Sgr 100 T1-D1 . ..- 82 1 r>i K1-G1, Kw . . . . 86 Rules for Phrasing .108 Fr-Vr, F1-V1 . . . 88 "Iftfi KEY 1. Can not be misinterpreted by writers of the Hickox Vocabulary. 2. Benn Pitman or Graham form (or one of their modifications). 3. Wrong form. 4. Hickox Vocabulary. Words in parentheses approximate forms. Con or Com italics require the dot to complete the word. P-Bndr Pnn-Ptt P-B \ happy, ape, up, paw, pa, pew, \_^ opinion 4, pinion, pennon, pie, pea. companion. \ apt, pat, pot, pate, pout, put 2, pit, peet, compute (join \*^ happening, opening, paining. ) compete, (to-of). \ Abe, ebb, abbey, obey, bay, bough, bow, beau, be, to \ opponent, poignant, pennant, ' component. be, by, buy. \ abode, abide, obeyed, bide, bad, bade, bode, Boyd, bowed (join ow), bead, bed, \ t ^ l , appointing, panting, painting, pointing, compounding. , bid, (of-all-to). ., \ Papa, pipe, pope, pop, pip, > pup, popular i, peep. ^ pantry, (wr). \ public-sh. y^ b-oundary, bindery. \ baby, Bobby, booby, bub, bib. i)undle. \ happen, open, upon^ opine, v (sn), pan, pen, pain, pun, * puff, pave. pin. happened, paint, punt, point, ^ opened, pained, pound, compound, compend, (or ^ above, buff, beef, before 2. not, around, earned.) V Eben, combine, bun bone, J bane, been, bean, boon, V option. ban, Ben, bin. \ abound, band, bend, bent, combined, bind, bound, be not 2. \ publication. ^ passion, compassion, potion. J piety, poet, petty, putty, pity. \upon there, pointer, painter, pander, panther, pippin, ponder. ^> pad, paid, pod, pied. \been there, bounder, bender, bobbin, binder, banter. ^ appetite, petite, (competed, computed). Ptt-Bft Bv-Brd | potato, (today, to do). abet, abate, abut, Abbot, bat, bate, bite, bought, boat. bait, bit, beet, beauty, boot. bet, butt, beat, combat, booty. body. > patch, pitch, poach, pouch, peach. > batch, botch, by which, beach, beech, bitch. page, pudgy. object, budge, (bijou) badge. \ epoch, opaque, peculiar-ly- ity, pike, pack, pock, peck, . poke, pick, peek, pique. \-_ pocket, picket, packet, com- pact. , nicture. (educator, conduc- tor). V___|a-back, bake, buck, beak, book, balk, bouquet. > bucket. V bag, bog, bug, beg, big. \_ puffy. N behalf 4, beefy, before 2. N^ befit, buffet, obviate 3. \ ^S bevy, (although, by them 3). apathy, path, pith-y. bath, both, booth. bathe. appalled, appealed, upheld- hold, palled, paled, pallid 3, piled, polled, peeled, compiled, compelled. bawled, boiled, bailed, bowled, billed. bowel. pious, pussy, bias. busy. push, Pasha. bush. happier, appear, par, pyre, pair, pare, per 4, pore, purr, pear, power, poor, payer, compare, peer, pier. by your, bar, buyer, bare, bore, burr, bier, beer, boor. 3 S s \ \ appeared, poured, compared, peered. pared, Bayard, byword, bared, bored, bird, beard. Prtr-Plnt Prnt-Brbd >-v porter, (to your, to order). \/> apparent, parent, (burnt). . *!N ba ^ er> border > b y orden S/* pattern, (better than). (by your). epicure (Esquire). NX 7 apportion, portion, Persian. 1 V a PP eal ; appal, pall, pawl, barn, barren, born, borne, Paul, pail, peal, peel, pail, v bourn, burn, pill, pillow, pull, compel, compile, pile. >. Y^ ball bawl bail, bale, bell, V abortion. bellow, bill, below, Bailey, Beal, Boyle, boil, bull-y. \ ^ bile , bowl, by-law. \ /*> * appellate, palette, palliate, ^< palace, police, pulse (by- pelt, polite, pullet. laws). \~ belt, billet, bolt, built, bul- \^ upholster, pilaster (bolster). \p* politely, palatial \ / V opera, parry, pure. \ ^! , .. . v . operate, pirate, part, par- ;tle< \r rot, pert, comport, port. ^ / V pillory. \f operator, uproar, porter 3. * paltry. \/ Barry, barrow, borrow, bor- ough, burrow, berry, bury, . /y bureau. X opaline, Pauline, pollen. \/ Barrett, Burt, (by the). appellation, pollution, com- / pilation, compulsion. V better 4, (to our, of our, I). ^Sion. b ul!ion ' bullion> V barrier, borrower. ablution, abolition, ebula- \ /\ tion, oblation. V parapet, perpetual-ly-ate. upland. \/ barbed. 9 Prt-Prsd \S j upright, uproot, party, par- ity, purity (berate). Prf-Bmp perform-ed-ance, purify, (purvey, petrify). \X] parody, parried, period. Vl operative (abortive). N/l borrowed, burrowed, buried. \xl parted 4. berth birth, Bertha, (on earth). apparel, pearl, pay-roll, puer- ile. operated 4. parch, perch, porch. V/ barouche, birch. Vy porridge (outrage, portage). \/\, apparatus, parties. .-7 -~^f Paradise, periods. *^ \fl porpoise, purpose. apparition, operation, Paris- ian. aberration. * bereft (derived). Vf parasite, porosity. M upraised, parricide, perused 3, pursued 3. V* ^<\ ^-A v^> \-> v"> barrel. portal. V*r\e?, purely. partly, portly. barley, burly, barely 3. P a ^ b j e ' "^Parable, (terri- portable, comportable. opium, poem. pumped. pomp > pump ' bum, beam, bomb, boom, by me-my. bump. 10 Pmnt-Bntion Ppr-Bkr v V pauper, paper, pepper, piper, V payment. V (upbraid). vi patter, Peter, Potter, pouter, Vo appointment, (I am-may not, 1 competitor, patriot, putrid. human, humane, Pitman). s v, batter, better i, beater, bit- \ company, penny, peony, pi- .. ^-^ ano, pony, (if, after, if ter> b there, future). v powder, padre. ere, . v v> ebony, Eben, Bowen, bon- ny, bony, (have) . ^9 pitcher, poacher. being, (however 2) bang.bung. / benefit. butcher ' V. benevolent-benevolence 2. "j bad * er V_v beneath, (banal). \ \ ,. peanut, appointee (tonight, ^ if it). papal, people, pupil, pebble, payable (I believe). C babble, bauble, Bible, bibble. Bennett, benight, bonnet. >^ . \ be able to. \ paunch, punch, pinch (.in \ ^ which). k f compatible, computable. V_y bench, bunch, (being the). \ \ . packer, poker, pucker, picker, ^r panic (punk, pink). V backer, baker, bicker, Beck- er, Bowker (bigger), bank, bunk. pension, (option, donation). VJ7 combination. 11 Bkl-Bjtion * - pickle, (peculate). _ buckle. > -_-j boggle, bugle. l/^ upward. Pekin, pecan (piquant). Ps-Psjr \- y pagan. > . bacon, beckon, beacon, begin, begun, began. obtain, button, beaten. ^** patent, potent, competent. j obedient. \ pageant. I \ , competitive. \ combative. X V ^S computation, competition, ly. (potation, petition). \. objection. oppose, appease, ho;> puts, pause, pass, pus, pose, poise, compose, peace, piece, pease, compass, pass, (of-to his, of -to us). abase, abuse, base, boss, bass, by us-his, business, buzz. past, passed, pest, post, com- post, paste, (fst). boast, best, baste, bust, beast, boost (vst). boaster, buster. pastor, poster. \ apposite, opposite, upset, past, composite (posted). upside, episode. opposed, paused, posed, composed, poised. beset, bestow. abused, beside, bay-side. posted, pasted. basted, "busted," bestowed, bested. piston. Boston, combustion. pastry, compositor, pasture 3. passenger. Psj-Psn Additional Outlines V, beseech, by such. \o besiege. ^ _ bask. \ basket, biscuit. Paisley, puzzle, postal. absolute, obsolete. oN opossum (composer). v compensation, (possessed). V pacify. ? \o pacific. \p passive, (possessive). > puzzled. V opposition, possession, posi- tion, composition. ^ peasant (absent) . *V . poison, (of his own). 13 T-Dtion Tft-Tb T-D at, ought, ate, oat, eat, iota, et, tie, it, out, toe, tea, committee, commit, con- mute, comity, toy. committed (on, but). tight, taught, taut, tote tat- too. audit, conduit, debt, date, duty, commodity, dot, diet, oddity. eddy, had, add, ado, ad, aid, owed, odd, do, different- ence, die, dough, due, adieu (join ) day. died, dad, dead, did, deed, doubt (join ow). I out of it, taffata, Tophet, M outfit 3. L devote, defeat, davit, de- votee, devout, deviate 3. U divide, devoid, David. \j-~ t advocate, defect. l^i advert, divert 3, deferred. bv^ ^J> adventure, defender. \ attain attune, atone, eaten, I Dauphin, divine, define, deaf- contain, tan, tone, tun, IA * en di varK ton, tine, tune, town, tin, twine. at hand, attend, contend, taunt, taint, concomitant, tent, tend, tint. Eden, iodine, condone, con- dign, deign, don, dawn, dine, done, dun, Dane, down, dean, din, dune. had not, do not, did not, daunt, dint. out of, whatever 2, tough, tiff. advent, definite, defiant 3. defined, divined, defend. toughen, Tiffany, typhoon. deficiency. J, type, tap, top, tape, {, Taft, tuft, but have a. atop, \ tip. I. advantage i, difficult-y, doff, I dive, deaf, dove, Dave. S, te P ld > teapot, tappet. I tab, tub, taboo, tube, Toby. addition, edition, condition. 14 Dp-Dkd Ddktd-Dvstd ! V depot, deep, dupe. ^ adept, adopt, adapt, depute. I ^ deepen. "-i I depend. attack, attic, talk, tack, tuck, take, took, tick, teak, Tokay. {_. tact ticket, etiquette, con- \ __ if outgo, tag, tug, toga. Ldock, deck, decay, decoy, duck, duke, dike. L. I deducted, dedicated. * attach, touch, teach. Dutch, ditch (adage, dodge, Doge). edify, defy, deify, Duffy. I , , 1 deafen 3, define 3. ^ devotion, division, deviation 3. < tooth, teeth. 1 Edith, death, doth, doeth. r \ 1 \^ d ^ e - defies diffuse, de- vice i (:f there is). I ^i educator, conductor. I- , dignity i, dog, dug, dig. ' > taken (it can not) token. I j, addiction, diction Lj decant. ^ dictate (educated, conducted, ). addicted). \ _ decayed, decoyed, decade. 15 advise, devise i. I dubious, daubs, debase. l debits, debates. deposit. l^ I deficit. advisable, divisable, devis- able. divested. Tz-Tmtbl __ Tn-Tlj SI Etna, tonneau, tiny, con- V - x tinue (join M) (company). v. daisy, dizzy. !_' Edna, deny, duenna, downy. J,. . . 1 A tonight, continuity, tenet, tissue (join ). ^ tenuity. J dash, dish. ^ continued. Uatom, autumn, item, atomy, t time, tome, contemn, tame, ^-H dandy, Dundee, denied. team, teem, Tom, it may. U.. attempt, contempt, tempt, \^^ contingency, tinge, tonnage 3, tamped. ^7 twinge. I ---- v tempter. 1 -5 attention, tension, conten- ' tion, continuation 3. U v tamper, temper, timber \^ donation . (chamber). U- -v 'iameter l/"~ outlay, outlaw, tall, tallow, K ^ - iamiter - y ton, tally, tile, toll, tale, tail, tool, commital, till, Uat law, towel 3. timed, timid, tamed, teemed, ..-,,. -u teamed . outlet, toilet, tilt. U\s"~ ocdly, doll, delay, doiley, admit, dumped. ^j d ; 11; dull> dole> dahlia, deal, duly, dele, UAdam, Edam, odium, con- I /fj 016 ,'- ,. demn, damn, dam, dome, \T adult, daylight, delight, dealt, , , dilate, dolt, delete. u I "h lame, dumb, deem, dim, 4 loom, demi, demy, dum- I _ deadly. ny. } tumble. \\ delta . contemplate. ' ' Adelaide, delayed, delude. k? contemptible. / tillage. 16 Dlj-Tr Trr-Drt ^7" delu 8 e - \/ terror. I/- N atelier, taller, tailor, toiler, , teller, tiller. I/ dairy, diary, dowry, diaer- rhoea. dollar, duller, dealer. ^ dart> d - (had the> de . light). Thomas, (James). I/ 7 torn, turn, tureen, uterine (adorn, darn). \ l/> torrent, turned, tyrant. K . Adams, demise (Dickens). \ y r tariff, turf. details. l^ derive- attainment, atonement, it |^P adoration, duration, derision. may not. \^ contentment. \s deterioration. L . domain, demesne, demean, . ., demon. IXj outright, outroot (upright). 1O admission. J[/j torrid, tirade, outride. V-3 adamant, diamond, demand, V/> turbid, turbot. condiment. ^ -s^_p dominion. \/^ torpid. d dTmfaSn, d To n mfn n ati C oS; V UtreaCh ' tOrCh ' diminution. tart, turret, tort, cowtort \/\ dirty, Doherty. (at the, which the, chart). 17 Drd-Tthr ^_ Dprkt-Dplst I/I deride. *\ deprecate. terrify. n detract. f dearth (derail). ^ teacher - delightful-ly 4. ^ d dger> danger ' terrible. 1^ damage> dooma S e - adorable, durable. I outcr y- talker ' taker ' ticker ' { - decry, decree, decker, dicker. L toper, taper. dapper, diaper, deeper, di V Edgar, dagger, digger, de- per, (depart). I . degrade. , L I I deprive, deprave. depression, depreciation 3- V-* decrease, decrees. L I depredation. {-& di 8 ress - degrees. adaptation, deputation. J to PP le > li PP le - wmmutator. tatter, tutor. ^ eatable> table ' tableaU ' auditor, daughter, debtor. \ deplete, dappled. editor 3- \ I audito edit I r> ^-* edible, audible, dabble, dou- U Detroit. J bk( (adv e r tise). \ tether. S C? . duplictiy. r 18 Dvrst-Tnr Tnrt-Dsp J adversity, diversity 3. T **--" at any rate. (J, adversely diversely 3. ^L-S tunnel (channel). |l tattle, total, title, tittle. c ^ tinker. J toddle, toodle. C s dinner, (joiner). J . tackle, tickle. CL.-' Daniel. g-_. toggle. S adore, commodore, dire, dare, door, dyer, deer, dower, doer. jJ adequate. ! Edward. J declare. (.j it is, itself, contuse, tease. L declaim. X adduce, conduce, odious 3, ** dice, dose, does, douse, V deuce. deplore. 1 tedious. J differ. I attest, contest, tossed taste, toast. , test, J advertise-d-ment. t\ adduced, dust, dosed U ter). (dus- J advert, divert i. J at once, tense (contents). rj devil, develop i. audience, condense, ". dense, dunce. dance, r-1 doubtful. J it is to be. L tanner, tenor, tenure 3, tuner. \ despatch-ed. 19 Dspt-Dst Dsd-Dskr J dissipate, dispute (join ) ^. despite. J disappoint, despond. J disband. ^ * - J dispose, despise. J disabuse, disobeys. A disciple, display. A disable. outside, Tu L destin , Tuesday. e (Boston). distant. \ iisparage. tacit, tasty, testy, outset 3 (contested). audacity, deceit, dusty (des- titute). V) disdain. \> disjoin. L discharge-d. V) disadvantage. J _ . task, tusk. desk, dusk-y, disc, (dissect, *o desicate). J^ desert. 4T deserve. desertion. j ... discussion, dissection, desic- d cation. j __ description I, descry (ad- here). Dskrt-Dsnr Dstion-Bstrkt tr- desecrate, discreet. decision. \r disagree. & ' dazzle, disallow, docile, discourse. d desolate, dissolute. ,. 1-^ December i dismay (deci- disgrace. e^ mate) /f discern. tr \ describe. . j. ,., A~^ desolation, dissolution. fc rt discredit. discourage. a~~3 decimation, dismission. * is impossible. Lt) A dismiss. it is not. does not, dissent, descent, "] outstripped. decent, disunite 3. t, "] U^ L^ designed, descend, conde- ff\ distribute, distu scend. L \bf Edison, Addison, dozen, de- o) district, distract. sign, disown. I ,. , 7n obstruct (J^y dishonor. rbed \. , abstract. L. 21 Ch-Chb _ Jb-Chm Ch-J / much, which, each, etch, itch, chew. J a b, 8 lbe . Job, jib. 7 Cha ' at> Chit> / a * ed ' J ade ' ^ chatty. j/ chain, chin. / chide, chewed, chid. / chant, "chinned." / L chalk, chock, chuck, check, choke, cheek, chick. (/ Eugene, John, general-ly i, /_ _ jack, jockey, joke. join, Jane, religion i , gin, June. (J gentleman-men, joint. j_, eject, jacket. / /J jointly, gentle 3, genteel 3, / gentlemanly 3. S agent. /_ conjecture. which was. (/ Jove, Jeff. / c har, chair 3, chore, cheer 3. (s generation i (January). / a jar, adjure, jar, conjure, ) jeer. / chap, chop, chapter i, chip, A. large order - ^' cheap. A / / / chub-by. / X^. ' ^i much more, chime, chum. Chmp-Jrn Chrt-Chtl -^ champ, chump. A' x charity. jam, gem, Jim. r\- cherub (which will be). jum. > ' China champion. x n7,' zlL*' - - v, chamber. C chan S e ' A" which will, chill-y. <^ giant - /. agile, largely, jolly, jaU, / agency, Genesee (Chauncy). jelly, Julia. j f~ Joliet, Juliet, jolt, jilt. ^^ Chinese. / jewel, Joel, congeal. ^_j, genius, genus. / chilled. / chopper, chipper. / ; chart, chariot, (which the). -/ chatter ' cheater " /^ Jerry, jury. / chowder. , j urat / much pleasure. Is churn (which are not). / chapel. adjourn. '' chattel. 23 Chvr-Dstion Chsst-Swsh J whichever, (each other, who- / V^_ ever). \ choicest. (V joyful, (jovial 3). / v^__ fc just such. ff .. joiner, junior ( J esus - Ss-Sws-Sr-Swr / chest, chased. \ J concise, cease 3. / adjust, largest, joist, just, c\ congest, gist. J consist. <\ which is to be. / size, seize, says 3. r chastity. J sister. / f Y Jesuit. _^ selfish-ness 4, sash. (/ adjusted, congested, jested. J as usual. A condensation. --/ swas ' 1 ' as we wish-shall, swish. 24 Sr-Srln Strls-Snb } sire, Sir, sore, soar, sour, ' sear, seer, sewer 3 (). <*) swart 3, concert 3. ) as we were 4, sware, swore. ) stare, stir, store, steer. J starch. J search, surge, serge. I sward, sword (seemed). j concern. J sworn (as we were not). J stern 3. sorrel, surly, serial, cereal, seraglio. sterile. starlight. r-?> surmount. y~* sirloin, cerulean. ""V 'sterilize. t^~j> swarms. Sn consign, sign, sawn, sun, son, sown, snow, scene, seine, sin, soon. centre, sender, sounder. Q^ consent sent, scent, cent, saint. . as we know, swine, swain, *-S swoon. stain 3, stone, stein. consigned, signed, sand, send, sound. , swung, swing. ' stung, sting. sang, song, sung, sing. ^s singer. \ snap, snipe, snip. \ snob, snub. 25 Snt-Sngl Sndl-Smk sanity, sonata. sandy, Sunday, synod. i snatch. stanch, stench. snack, scenic, cynic, snake, sneak. q^ sank, sunk, sink. ^/ syndicate. ^_^r singular (snag, snug). ^ sinuous. <* f sunset. "^ snare, snore, senior, sneer. (f snail, snell. senile. *_^ sunlight. f St. Louis. <*Y scintilate. ^ singly. 7 sandal, soundly. / { swindle. "V. snuff, sniff. V. Santa Fe. Sam, psalm, sum, some, semi, same, seem, seam, consume, consomme. sas a matter 4, smatter, some other somewhat, smite, consum- mate, smut, smote. as we may, swam, swim. swamp. summed, consumed, seemed. stem, steam. stamp, stump. some one, simian, Simon, summon, salmon, examine 2. consummation, consumption. sumach, smack, smock, smoke. 26 Smg-Stmpd Smpl-Sfk Ismug. \ sample, simple. stomach. \ , , , . , ,, ,, . symbol, cymbal (syllable). somewhere 4, summary, sum- mer g. I summer, smear. smart. ) swimmer. Samuel, smile, simile, small, ^~^\ ' smell. ' stammer, steamer. s* 0~-/ smelter. ) smother, smoother (sulpher). ff~S~ simulate, smelt. at stimulate. f sofa, safe, Sophia. stimulant. , ^ soft, sift. stimulation. \^ as if there, softer, sifter. C Smith. ^^ several other i. **} P Savoy, conceive, several, k sympathy. V^. seive> savC) , WM> V smooth. *s- as we have, suave. ( similar i. swift. lf ( smiled (scrawled). ^v swifter. I stampede. V _ Suffolk. 27 Sfr-Sfn Swfnt-Svlsd suffer, safer. savor, sever. civil. ^L. staff, stuff, stiff. Xs. stave, stove/ Steve, d south. Q[_ as we think, swath. V swathe. as we think there. c s V^ suavi safety. ty. swivel (as we feel). savage. ^? suffrage. C civility (supplied). soften. ^-- as we find. vj stiffen (Stephen). \-^, souvenir (speculate). ^_^ Southerner 3. ^/j spheroid. >^ | severity. S cipher, safer, sapphire, sphere, suffer 3. >^ severe, savor, Savior, sever. \y^ saffron. \*/ sovereign. Southern. \jy as follows, suffice, suffuse. Vo safest, sufficed. V_p suffused, (as we have said). \p supposed (subsi Vj> civiliz bside). ized. K-Ktionr Knrd-Kption K can come, ache, oak, echo, eke, Ike, coy, caw, cow, cue (join u), Co. 2. act, connect, cat, caught, cot, could, cut, coat, kit, cute (join M), quite 2, coot. . cock, caulk, cake, cook, kick. ago, egg, ague (join w), go, give-n, gay, guy. God, guide, gad, goad, good, Aiken, oaken, can 2, ques- tion 2, coin 3, con, cane, cone, coon, keen, kin. cannot, count, (gaunt), ac- count. candor, counter, kinder, co- coon. gander. canard, Cunard, Kennard. ignored. canary, cannery. X country. calf, cough, cuff, cove, cave, Keefe. occasion, caution, cushion. gaff, gave, guff, gyve. v occupy, copy, cap, cope, \ cape, cup, keep, kip, coop. action, auction, connection. again, Egan, gone, gain, gun, gown. ?. can be 2 (actionable). \. can not be (would be). "S canner, coiner 3 (gunner, gainer). ^ captain, kept. capture ' captor ' \ \ can be, cab, cub, cube. cabin. ^ occupant. \ occupation. 29 Gt-Ktl Klr-Kltion agate, got, get, gout, gate, gut (Kitty, Cato). cad-dy, cud, Cady, cowed, keyed. I acted, coated, connected. \ copy of. \) caption. (/ caitiff, active 3. v accommodation. / catch, couch. 7 acknowledge-d-ment, cage, cafe, coffee (and if). can have, covey. V; could have (and have). ^ govern-ed-ment. \ Catholic 2, kith. I kale, coal, cowl, coil, kill, cull, cool, keel. Tactual-ly, cattle 3, kettle 3. and think-they (hid). collar, cooler, killer, Kellar, Keeler. coiled, killed, cooled, culled, etc. chaos (cosey). cash (ktion). "gosh," gash, gush. car, corps, core, cur, Kerr, cowef, cure. gore, gear. card, kurd, cord, cured, cow- ard. ; cork, kirk. , cargo. collie, Ackley, cooley (acute- ly, cutlet.) collate, cult, colt, kilt (re- late). ugly, gall, gale, gaily, gully, goal, guile, ghoul, gill. gullet, guilt, gilt. Godly, goodly. coalition, collation, collusion, collision. 30 Gln-Kng Ktng-Grt gallon, galleon. J^ gallant. acting, connecting, cutting, coating, kiting. augean, agony, guinea. acme, oakum, cam, calir cameo, comma, coma comb, came. comet, commute 3, camped. gang, gong, going, giving. canopy. calmed, combed. camper, cumber (kmbr). county. Canada, candy, Kennedy. commotion, commission (acu " s -*'l candid, men). campaign. 1 camel, Camille, calmly, come- ly, Campbell. _r~*f accumulate, cumulate. zimlet. ' o commissary. , commiserate. coin, canny, canoe, cayenne, Coney, Kenny. Connaught, Kennett, key- note. aching, king, kingdom I. candidate, acknowledge i. Hi coincide. -la cancel, consul, counsel, coun- 7 cil. carry, curry, Cairo, Corey, (cookery). career, carrier, courier, cur- ator. accurate, cart, caret, carrot, curt, curate. augury, gory, Gary. garret, girt. 31 Krn-Kvr Gthr-Kstr corn, Koran, carrion, cairn, Curran. concurrent, current. f carpet, corrupt. /\ curb, carboy 3 (Corbett). 'I carried, curried, corrode. I carriage, courage 3. garage. capper, copper, caper, keep- er, cooper, Cowper. / \ October. - actor, cotter, cutter, cater, I accoutre i . goitre, gaiter, gutter, getter, guitar 3. / catcher, coacher. / codger. coffer, coiffure 3. gather. ~2 cashier. commercial, calmer, comber, comer. ' camper, cumber. c_^- O'Connor, canner, cunner, coiner 3. ^^ canker, conqnor 3. < ^/ O'Connell, cannel, canal. ~~\ couple. ^ cobble, cable, cattle, kettle. T caudle, cuddle. ~J~ cudgel, cajole 3. ax. ox, ex, ekes (caucus), because, cause, case, kiss, "cuss," keys. axis, excess, causes, cases. accost, cast, cost, coast, kissed. caster, coaster. 32 Gs-Kstntion _ Kst-Kstrt gas, gauze, goes, gaze, gives, _ _, guess, guise, goose, geese. ~ exit, excite. __-, against (canst). exhaust, exist. Q Kansas. . p accede, oxide, exceed, ac- next ^y^ - ^ accept, except. gasp, gossip. ~~C becaus e they. S as P^ 6 - \ excitation (gustation). _ o , - p excitant, extant, extend, ex- ^ explain. J tent (incipient). 5 expound, expand. J accident, Occident. acceptor. ~P J oxygen (exigent). \ exception, expiation, explo- p O sion. \J exhaustion. exhibition. ~f existent (insistent) . expletive. ~\ exceptional . -\ expectation, exploitation. f accidental> occ ; d ental. ^ expedition. ^3 incidental (instantly). ~\j5 explanation, expansion. \, expert, export. {_-) extension. , extort. Ksjrt-Ksprtion _ , exaggerate. expiration, exploration. l^ extortion 2. t^ exaggeration. \p explicit. r - f exquisite. \_ expire, explore, Casper. Kstrf-Ksmt L P exporter. custard. gazeteer. expel. accessible. >f gospel. ghastly, ghostly. because it will, Castile, tail. extravagant-ce. extradition. 6\ expert 3. ''I Exeter, extra. extract, extricate. __ gastric. I > extr \J erne (rostrum). .executor. cask, cusk, Cossack, execute (join u), exact. xx, excuse, casks, exacts, executes. excretion, execration, ex- cursion. examination. axiom, exhume, eczema, ex- ample i, custom, costume 3, chasm. exempt, (casement). 34 Ksmn-Kslrt Gsl-Kstion ghastly, ghostly, gazelle, guzzle. exemption, exhumation. axle, exhale, excel, exile, costly, casual, castle. exult, exalt. exhort, exert. 'customer, costumer 3, cus- tomary. auxiliary. accelerate, exhilarate. gaslight. gasoline. < g* excellent. 6 exhalation. ,,oxen, cousin, casino. ,- accent. accusation, accession, causa- tion. ADDITIONAL OUTLINES 35 F-Fntr Vntr-Fb L. c off, oaf, half, if, fie, foe, fee, few. after, aft, oft, afoot, effete, fat, fought, fight, fact 2, fete, fate, foot, fit, if it 2. if there, feature, future, father, fitter, fatter. eve, ave, avow, vie, via, con- vey, connive, have, vow, view, halve, however. avid, ovid, evade, avowed, avoid, void, viewed. have there, voter. oath, hath, thank, think, youth, thigh, thaw. V thought. think there, theatre. though, thy, them, they, thee, thou. that, without i. often, fan, fine, fawn, con- fine, fain, fen, feign, phonography, fun, fin. fashion confession, confu- sion, fusion. offend, find, fond, font, found, fund, faint, fiend, confound. offender, founder, fainter. ^-k 36 s venture, vendor. oven, even, Heaven i, van, vain, vein, vine, have been 2, convene. ovation, evasion, vision. event, convent, vent, vend, convened, have not 2. thin. than, then, thine, within. thunder (than their) . vindicate (venerate). authentic (phonographic). finish. vanish. fineness, finance, (fondness). evenness, convenience. fop. fob, fib, February. Fd-Vpr Vbrt-Fnt Sfad, fade, fed, food, feed, confide, feud. ^-"V vibrate. 7 fetch, Fitch. I n / V --A half price. > effigy, fudge. / v_rv fibres, fibrous. V avouch, vouch (voyage). ( , , ,. r . _ V_n federation, confederation. Svat, vote, veto, have it (if ( jA v/v vibration. S affect, effect, fact, facto. i , . , r .., ^-r fatal 3, futile 3- fiddle, fuddle, feudal. affection, faction, confection, I affable, effable, foible, fable, fiction. ^ feeble. eviction, avocation, evacua- i firionrf" tion, vacation, vocation, ^i ' convocation, conviction. J efficacious, factious. ^ avoidance, evidence 3- I factitious, fictitious. ^r fig" 1 " 6 - avis, eaves, vice, voice, vase. W- forward 2, foreword a. ^ avast, vast, voiced, vest. <- afterward. C, thanks, thinks, youths. M variety. (> those, this, these, thus, self. thy- M varied. < that is-his (with us-his) &1 authority. 6 1 themselves, this is. vesta, visit, vista. N2 vested, visited. ( vaseline. vaccilation. this day (this date, they said). this city (vicissitude). withstood (this state 3). if such (visage). physic, physique, fiasco. officer, confessor (viceroy, visor, viscera, vizier). fasten (fascinate, pheasant). Co nhvsician (_ thousand (lessened, lesson, ^-^ listen, this thing). , . that is not. jo ( this will (thistle). this letter. vastly (vac- / I vassal, vessel, /^ cilate). f evasive, vis-a-vis (effusive, have received 4). this line. this will not. C C v_ L ^ t 1 ^ t^ feasible, fusible. visible - awful ^ fal , fi]e> fell, full, fill, feel, fowl, , , fou1 ' /V^ 1 ^'S 1 , 11 M)> fooh falter, folder, filter. fuller i, fowler, feeler. foiled, failed, fold, felled, filed, field, filled, fooled. ava J 1 ', avowal s ova .V evil - 1 ' vial, vowel, vile, vale, vail, veal. fallen- convulsion. falsity, falsetto (in this city). falsehood. 41 S-Shn Shnt-Stb S-Z, Sh, R assay, essay, ice (join ass, us, use, saw, sigh, _ so, say, sew, sow, sue (join u) see. East, asset, est, sat, sot, sought, set, sate, suit, (join M), sight, sit, cite, seat, conceit. oyster, Easter, suiter (join u). owes, ease, easy, ooze, was, whose, use. used, eased, oozed. JAsia, wash, ash, shy, pshaw, show, shoe, she, wish, . shall, shalt. J shot, shut, shoot sheet. J j usual-ly. arrow, array, ire (join t), ere, err, era, o'er, ore, your, year, our 2, here 2. art, aright 3. award, arid 3, erred, ward, word, yard. order, ardor, or there, Ar- thur. assign. session, cession, concession. ascent, assent, ascend, as- signed. ashen, ocean, shine, shown, shone, shun, shin, sheen. \ Arab, orb. ^^ erupt. ,v shop, chapeau, shape, ship, \ sheep. ^ shall be (shall have). ""N orbit (or two). astute, estate, acetate. ) \ acid, aside, assayed, es- sayed. P ousted, cited, sighted, sated, \ suited, seated, conceited. i establish-ed-ment (would be). 42 Shd-Str Rr-Rnt issued, wash-day, shad, shied, *v shed, shadow, shade, "' arrear, error (your order). showed, shoddy. ,2 _ shack, shako, shock, shake, \^-\ arm, army, aroma, warm, shook. room. 1 . ark, irk, work. ~\ --- N armature, your matter. l_ erect. i N assume, Siam, assemble I. ~^__ argue, (join u) irregular-ly, \_^ esteem. ergo. ~* - Arctic 4. Xx estimate. 2 ask, askew (join w), Esquire Xs esteemed. * eradicate. \ \ -*v ashamed. Is assert, assort. *" shirt. ^ assured, shared, showered, sheared. artery, oratory (Aurora, war), bindery. * i arcade, Arcadia, work-a-day. ~N | \-s armed. ' | architect (erected). "\ / sheaf (shaft, shift). ' j arrogate, irrigate. V \assayist, er, essayist (easiest, ^ shave, shove, shall have, Sayre, Sawyer, seer, ^*- sheave, (user). ~N arrive. assure, ashore, share, shire, y,^, shower, usher 3. ) assayist, essayist (easiest, Xx arena ' iron y O'oin i). easier). S astir austere, suitor i, set- ""X ter, (eastward). O. aeronaut, ornate, Orient. 43 Rdnt-Stmtion Smnt-Zthrfr X, ardent 4, ordinate. A, assignment 4 (easement). <_^ ordain 4. \*> ascertain. ^ __ astonish-ed-ment (stng, would \^, asserting (assertive). not). l__ was not. U associate, satiate. ~V^_p remittance 4. O shall not (Cheyenne). \/ Astoria, Austria, estuary (war). <_^, assignee, essential-ly (sng). N - *^ Ezra, zero. ^ ___ , wasn't there (asunder, as- senter). J^, sherry, showery (shirt). **-& erroneously 3, earnestly. \ J so far 4. ^~P conscientiously. l__., organ, organize-d i, Oregon. O' X, argand, arrogant. ^ chauffeur. } your account. Q^ shovel, cheval. """l erection. x P^ arrival. *~>w X your fa L irrigation. V, r^ assumption. V ) v vor 4. Q_^ ordinary. artful. estimation (woman). was therefore (so there- fore). 44 Smbl-Shrn Ss-Sstntion assemble. imable. i- >. esti C ^ A erroneous (earnest 3). y ur irgency. shaker. sugar. shawl, shell, shoal, shallow shelter, shoulder 3. shopper, shaper, shipper. o) assess, oasis, assize, sauce, concise, says, cease, souse. <) assessed, ceased, (arrest, erased) . zest, easiest 3. so to speak 4, suspect-sus- picious 4. so as to be, assessable. so as to (cessation, seces- sion) . society, assisted. } '} s( shepherd. -/ shatter 3, shutter 3, shouter 3 suicide. * T aristocrat-ic-y, your city. q arrested. 4 shedder, shudder. a aroused. \0 assertion. 5 assistant, sustained. ol suspend. suspension. Ir Eastern (warrant, warm, re- turn 2). \ \J> Austrian 4, (Australian). _ o) sustenation. ^> Sharon, shorn. 45 L-Ltrj Lk-Lmp f ., allow, alloy,. awl ail, ell ill, - , eel, oil (join ), owl (join ( ow), law, low, lay, lieu, lee, Lord 2, lie. Eliot, alight, elite, lot, light, /*"" ' let, late, loot, lit, lout. alter 3, letter, lighter, later, S\ latter, loiter. v " ailed, oiled, old. r, , T _ x*l line, lawn, loan lone, Lynn, f \^ hen 3, lean, loon, loin. r allusi9n, elation, illusion, elision, lotion, lesion. lender, later than 4. I \ if land, lent, lend, will not 2. V n n /? lap, lope, lop, lip, loop, leap, i (also). alibi, elbow, lobe, Libby, lob- by, will be 2. alto, Letty, laity. allied, aloud, lad, laud, laid, load, lode, led, lady, lewd, lid, lead, loud. latch, leech. allege, Elija, ullage, lodge, liege. literage, lethergy. /* / lack , ock l;k lak , uck look ^ k ' H k ' Luke /> lag, leg, lug, league. alpha, elf, laugh, luff, loaf, life, lief, leaf. aloft, loft, left, lift. alive, olive, lave, love, live, leave (remove, may have). elevate 3, levied, livid. lath, loth. lathe, loathe. lateral-ly, literal-ly, latterly. lisle, loyal, loll, lull, lowly, little, lately, location (mention). legation. lamb, lime, lame. loam, i oom> i; m b. lamp, lump, limp. Lmbr-Lngd Lft-Lthr f^~~^* lumber 3, limber. ^-, Lafayette, lofty. / ) also, Elsie, lessee, lasso. f^~\ lifted- f~) Eliza, Louise, Lizzie, lazy, _. alleviate, elevate, levity. lousy. i V-- allure, lower, lore, lawyer, ^ elfin> (elephant, will find 2). liar, leer, lure. < V> literary. /~l leaven, eleven. / alert, lowered. C\\ alleviation, elevation. lord, lard, leered. ( J Latin, lighten. lurch (march). /~l latent. (^ lion, lien, looney, Leon. --, Alden, Aldine, laden, leaden. /^>~-" allowing, lying, long, lung, laying. f~7 Elgin, legion. longer, linger. (^) legend. l en i ty> (**** labored, Albert 3 (lumber). landeau (landed). (~*^ Alfred. launch, lunch, lynch. ^ Oliver J ' lover ' liver ' lever ' S~*~4* I lunge, lounge. /^l loafer. longed. /"""') leather, lather. 47 Lzhr-Lsrt Lsr-Ltm leisure (measure). ^O^ ulcer> last year> , essor> [es . ser, loser, elsewhere i. " local-ly (recall-article). let us hear. legal-ly (regal). ^ ) let us see (say). locality. XO lastly, La Salic, Leslie, loose- ly. legality. f election, allocation, elocu- O tion (kwn). <~\ liquid (liquidate). C^ allegation . library (embroidery). f t-5 elegant (acquaint, quaint). liberal, lubberly, (umbrella). " elem ent, ailment, aliment, illumined. Albert, elaborate, liberate. / v^T* alderman. r\ lisp (mishap). C. Allen, alien, align, alone, Ellen, Eohan. /A. . , X" ailing, along (while, a Ion- X let us hope (must be). *' ge r). I \ elicit, illicit, lusty (listed, Allison, lesson, listen, loosen lassitude). ^* *" 3. f* 1 illustrate (mistreat). ^ losing 3> lacing 3 . f\ lucid (message). / lessened> listened( i oosened 3 , ^^ (thousand). Alaska, last week. / L-* limit-ed (alum). f*. ulcerate, lacerate. ^ ^.^ (ultimate) . 48 R-Rpsd Ray Rpst-Rmp railroad, are, rye, raw, row, roe, ray, rue, our, (and, should). rather, writer, rare, roar, rear. ./ ran, run, rain, reign, roan, XI wren, Rhine, ruin 3. ^ = S^ ranter, rather than, render, rounder. repast, reposed. robust. refused. revised. X rant, rend, rent, rind, round, runt, are not 2. ^? rough, reef, rave, rife, rove, arrive 2, relative to 4, roof. .- ration, Russian. rainy, renew (join n). ruin, rang, wrung, wrong, ring, wring. ruined, renewed (join M), (are not). represent-ed, rap, wrap, rape, rep, ripe, rope, reap, rip, repay. rapid, repeat, repute (join Rabbi, rob, rub, robe, ruby, rib, Rube (should be). rabid, rabbit 3. rapidity (repeated, reputed). repudiate, rapacity. rhapsody. X" remand, remind, raiment, remount. remainder, reminder. ram, rhyme, roam, Rome, rum, ream, room, rheum, rim. remote, remit i . romp, rhomb, rump. 49 Rt-Rknt Rgn-Rbf aright, errata, rat, wrought, / /1 rut, rate, wrote, rote, / regain, writ, root, rout, route, write, right, riot. X] arid arrayed, rod, road, /\ reo pen, rapine, repine, ripen, raid, red, read, reed, rude, rid, ride, ready, ruddy. erudite, irradiate, S 3 reappoint, repent, redate. r I aridity prnHit* irfnHiat** ' I , radiate, ' " / wrote " 1 " fate> reWfite> re ' representation. roared, reared, reread. S\^ robin, ribbon, Reuben (should o have been). xl irritate, righted, rotate, rated, S* rebound, rebind. routed. rattan, rotten, routine, re- >v ^\ rattan, rotten, re r V repaired, reappeared. ' J tain, written 3. /\ x^O ardent 3, redound. r L retard, retired. Richard. *\i origin rejoin, region. ^ urgent, regent, arch, wretch, retch, roach, ^ reach, rich (rl, rth). urge, orgy, original-ly, ra /^s repetition, reputation, jah, rage, ridge (rigid) (^ rack, rock, wreck, rake, /^V repudiation, ruck, rick, reck, rook (rector). rag, rug, rogue, regular-ly, /I reduction (redemption, read- rig (rugged). ~ mission). reaction, ruction. S[ rejection. /"^ >/\. representative. / recount, reckoned. * v X /V rebuff. 50 Rttion-Rrl Rmpl-Rsp S\J artesian, irritation, rotation' ^ rumple, re-employ. X\, erudition, irradiation, radia- " / ~\ ramble, rumble (remove), tion. ruffian, roughen 3, refine, r \ remodel (remedy), (and find). ^XU ^ relief. X refined, refound. jt ^ relieve. X\o raven, ravine, riven. refill, rifle 3, raffle 3. ruffle 3- rival, ravel, revel, revile, reveal. / * -c fi \ ~^7^ re-elect. reform (and if -after). L- XV reverend, review (join u), -*^ reject (recheck). revenue i, arrive 3 (and *~~ have). rivet, reviewed (join M). --^o reprint. refute (join M), refit. X^ refrain. earth, wroth, wraith, ruth, *^\ refract (retract). wreath. ^f f roll, role, rail, rule, real, reel, rowel, royal, rill. reflect. revocation (reflection 3). ^T roller, ruler. ^xf rolled, ruled, railed, reeled.rf re-election. ^Xl ^^ rasp, recipe, respect-ed-ful-ly ^ our rule, re-roll, rural. \ (respite). 51 Rst-Rstrkt Rsv-Rsm ^---P rusty, rosette, roseate, rus- set, reseat, recite, reset, receipt, (resist). .^f rheostat, rusted, reseated, receipted. ^\ raised, razed, roused, reside, recede, residue (join ). *^W respire. **lL restore, residuum. ^ reception. respond, recipient. ***tT resident (resistant). -i resistance. residence, respiration. restoration, reciprocate. _ restrict. X X s~ wrestled, rustled, re-sold, (wrestler). raisin, reason, resign, resin, risen. recent, resent, re-sent, re- sonate. resigned, resound, reasoned, rescind. raising, rising, racing, rous- ing. resonator. risk, rescue (join u), rusk. razor, racer, rouser, rosary, resurrection 2 (which he). resort. racial, rustle, re-sell, Rus- sell. result, resolute. resume, resume 3. 52 M-Mdtt Mtf-Mtht M - \ am, aim, Amy, ohm, my, . -. maw, him, may, mow, |, amative, motive, mew, me. > .<"" xam there, matter, motor, , ^ metre, may there, mother, [^ imitation, mutation, mutter. .-x emit, omit, might, mat, ^ ^ mate, met, moat, meet, & maddist, modist, modiste, meat, mit, mute. ^ aimed, amid, mad, Maud, ^-^ mode, mud, meed, imme- (, impetus diate 2. ^^\ amber, ember, umber, emp- ^-^ tor (important-ce, im- 1 madden, maiden (mutton, prove-d-ment i). mitten). ' ^ amen, omen, man, mine, men, main, mane, moon, mean. ' ^5 emotion, omission, emission, mission, motion. '""^^ ambition. *~ -) amount, amend, almond, mined, mind, may not, meant, mend, mount, mint, mound. \ map, mop, mope. \ mob, may be. empty, amity, mighty, mot- to, moiety. J muddy, meadow, middy (em- 1 ' ^ methodical-ly. body, impede). - > mouth, moth, myth, mathe- j mediate (impute, impiety). (^ matic-s-al, Matthew. ) meditate. " > C method, methought. 53 Mld-Mmn Mmnt-Mprttion * ^ * mauled, mild, mould, mailed, f v-j moment. mulled, milled. impelled, impaled. masse, massy, mossy, Mes- siah, messy. O _, J *" _^ ambush, impish. mash, mush. ' *~f Mack, mock, Mike, mica, Mackay, make, muck, meek. Omega, mag, mug, muggy, ' magazine 2. ammonia, manna, many, money, minnie, minnow, mania. among, aiming. ominous, immense, minus, menace, moneys. monster, minister (amongst). monastery, ministry, ministrate. amnesty, immensity, emancipate. Mammon. memorandum-a, ma'am, mam- ma, maim, mum, mummy. immediate. emery, marry, marrow, mor- row, Murray, miry, mer- ry, Mary, Maria. commemorate, mart, merit, muriate. impart, import, moderate (you are). embark. " America, morocco, murky, marquee (market, Mar- quette, marked i). maturity i, maturate. maturity 4. married, myriad, maraud. march. ' / emerge, marriage, rrerge. S~^/\j imperative. f^/\j importation. 54 Mrtf-Mr Mpr-Mmr mortify. importune (importunate, Martin 3). ampere, empower, empire, impair. emperor. ' v l mortal, marital (moral, mural, morale). ^"^M imperial, imperil. x~ Emily, maul, mile, male, x v mail, mole, mull, Malay, mellow, melee, mule, meal, mill. s**>{ impel, ample, impale. emulate, malt, mulct, mullet, malt, melt, millet. mutual, motley, mettle, metal, mutely, mightily 3. mutilate. middle, muddle, medal 3, model 3, medial. umbrella 3. material. immured, marred, moored. amateur 3, mature, meteor (you were). manner, miner, minor, man- or. ^ ' mountain, maintain 3. (amounting). /* ' * morn, morning 4, marine, maroon. Moran. /> ^r modern (moderation 3, you are not 2). Emeline, malign, melon, mul- lion, million, mullen, mel- ancholy. f / emulation. s muddle 3. ' ' v mandatory. f X employees. ^-^ meantime. " f , \ employer, implore. ^_^^ alms, amass, amuse, amaze, monitor, minature. ^ myself, himself, moose (Moses). 50 Mps-Msjr Msf-Nhrt impossible, improvements i, impose, imbues. *"""'~ > ^ embarrass, embers. /-*"~<0 amassed, mast, moist, most, must, mist, missed. \mishap. Q^ Mississippi. ^~\ Mrs. misuse (masseur, J miser;. I musty, misty. " ^ misstate. amazed, amused, imifcd ^ misdeed. *~\ . \ imposed. "I mastery, mystery (iinposlm misfortune 4. massive, missive. s muscle, mussel, mist,iie, mostly, may as well. imbecile, imposition, musician, miasma, museum. most important, my dear Sir. mistake, mosaic, rnos _ / _ in fact, enact, uncut, com- municate. \~> ink. v/ antique, antic (antagonist-m). W~~ undergo, indigo 3, indignant 4. W indicate, induct 3. VD infuse, in reference-to. invoice, novice, envious. investor. infest, infused. invest, invoiced. anent, anoint. *o in this-these. ^ _., analyze, unless, annals, ^ aneals, annuls, enlace, un- loose (analysis). unable, enable, noble, nibble, V u ji knowable (nipple). (, handles, endless, needless 3- unable to, enabled. v ~l uneven, in vain, in heaven 2. \ o invasion, innovation. notable 3. commendable. infusion. noddle, needle, noodle. C now and tllen - neighbor (inebriate, inbred). N -x, invent. Nrtf-Ntfd Nvt-Ndtbl narrative (Northern 4). ^j invite ' naivete, innovate. *-! infant, unfeigned, unfound. > anvll > un avail, novel, naval. infinite (indefinite, incon- f individual, venient). > in full, unfortunate 4. ( x entitle, in effect, infect, in fact 3. notable, unaffected. . . endeavor, navigate. ^_ ^-i TJ needful. v_ invaded 3, unavoided 3. v > v i cf enjoyable. S unfitted. \ ^^ indi notified. ^ indictable. 59 Ntrds-Nld Nlr-Nn introduce. interpose (interrupts). i introduction, interdiction. *v - 1 t_ interjection. " \,s notary, commentary. interior, anterior. IX commendatory. unduly (entail, intaglio, un- dulate). Z^ injury. \s in tort. Y r r v_-* V_A enough, inform-ed, knife, v_^~ nephew unfit, neophyte, in fact 2. in future. inveigh, envy, envoy, naive, nave, navy, never. interview. natural, neutral (join M). invade. notify, native 3. ( any other 4. ^~f annuled, nailed, annealed, kneeled. annular, nailer. annual, annul, only, inlay, commonly, null, nail, knoll, newly (join ), nil, knell, Nile. handle, needle 3. annihilate, inlet, unlet, knelt. until i, neatly, nightly, net- tle, natural 4. ensue, MM*, unsay, Nassau. unset, insight, inset, un- sought, knewest, newest, unseat. gnash, niche, unusual. uneasy, noisy, newsy, unused. commoner, inure, in you:, newer, ne'er. inured, unheard, neared. owning, anything, awning, nothing 4, knowing. Indiana. ending, commending. intent. intend (indent). income, uncommon. 60 Npmnt-Npljd Nvbl-Nlnt ^~1 o *"U ) ' in payment (Napoleon). endowment (enjoyment), indictment. Andrew, hundred, ^interpret (neighbor). V. enviable (individual). ' W unavoidable, inevitable 3. untenable 3. \^f undeniable. s ^" I integrity, ingrate, (unguard- ed, in regard to it). / encroach. increase (intercourse). v *^~7 , , I encourage, (anchorage 3). V^ V. engross, negress. enclose (in the case), nu- cleus 3. includes, unequal-ed. uncalled, include, knuckled, nickeled. neglect-ed (uncle, ankle, an- gle). inequality, iniquity, inability, nobility, unpledged. infection (infliction 3, in- flection 3). invocation, navigation. v -^ notification. nothing 4 (handling). any-no longer 4. in relation-to (in addition- to, now and then). English, v inland, unlined (analine). 61 Ntr-Ntrdkt Ntrjkt-Nds ^ _ n I ^-~\ * entry, untrue. entreat, untried, intrude, untoward 3, unuttered, nitrate. unhappy, nap, nape, nip (inapt, inept). nab, knob, nub, nib. in point, unpinned. unbind, unbound, unbent, unbend. J indent, need not (Indian, undone, anodyne) / engine (unchain) . b native. annotation, natation, nota- tion. ~\j in addition-to (in relation- to). "\J| interruption. >^ Aunty, unto, into, annuity, I in it, untie, unity 3, nat- ty, knotty, naughty, com- ^^^ munity. ^\ endow, undo, undue, endue, knead 4, need 4. handy 4, commended, com- manded. | entered. interdict (induct). interject (inject). "* "\ indeed, unaided (annotate), no doubt (join ow). "j indict. *-] indicted, indebted-ness, un- doubted 3. "1 in date, undated 4, nudity, commendate. J antidote, antedate. J untidy, untied (entity). '^7 inch, Commanche, notch, ' niche, in which. *~7 enjoy, nudge, knowledge. *"*!_ endowment, commandment. ^~J enjoyment. s 1 any time, anatomy, intimate. into the matter. "^-1 in its, entice, notice. n induce, Andes, lades, now- a-days. 62 Nrp-Nsst Nsd-Nspnt WA unrepresented. ^ indde, unsaid, nrf.jd,, M uns steady. narrowed. ^f in receipt> enrage (enrich). /^ Ingersoll. influence, anise, ounce, anus, onus, noise, nose, nice, Tr . niece, noose, in his 3, ' IC ' commence. United States, 4. unsafe . (interest 2). youngest (youngster). ^"-^ in spite of 3. ^-J} f instead of. N m respect-to. v ~-^ j n SD it e > *- s l inception (explain, excep- ^ tion). ^ anticipate 4. >k anticipation. v_p honesty, nicety, nasty, (in- H* institution. stead), incite 3, insight 3, onset 3. (J *-f \*D insistent, inconsistent. anxiety. t interest. ^f incident. .,, v_P instant, unstained. T understood. v-P ^-R incipient. T necessity (interstate), insist 3. 63 Ndstnt-Nflktion Nthsktion-Nvrs ^f understand. *~^ in this section. \_ji_ next week 4 (insect). l^ investigation. ^fl_ insignificant-ce. *-* inthiscity (New York City 2). i c^ answered, insert, co:nmen- v_* surate, (nicer, officer). Aj> mvest-ed-ment (unvisited). cessary. ^~1 Vo in this respect 4. nestly, install, instil, un- v_, settle ^ invisible. vvl "'' inadvisable, indivisible. \ unsaddle (because they *^r, inconsiderate (exaggerate). *&) initial (insure 3). V* unseal, nasal, nozzle, nicely, ( final f unne i ( ve nal). noisily, honestly 3. Q^ ^ undersell. \^j official (fisher). ^a insult, insulate ( (incision), ^^ onslaught (nestled). ^. unhesitatingly 4. ^^ (nestled). ^. unhesitatin C insulation (in relation-to). ^~^ inordinately. enmity, animate, inmate. L_ infraction. > - '""""I intermediate. l-^ inflection, infliction. ^1 " fJes)"' ^^^ (i " tei " v^y V. universe. 64 W-Wrp Whp-Wshr W-Wh away, way, weigh, woe, we, wee, woo (c/in). ^ ^ whop, whip. await, watt, wot, wait, weight, wet, wit. " ^ web. why, whether, whey, whither 4. s/ ^ whereby. wore, wary, wear, ware, c/\ worry, weary. weighty 4, witty A. where, wherry, whir. /v'* " whereat. wine, wan, won, one, wane, A wen, win, wean. *^| wide, wad, wade, wed, weighed, weed, wood, , , widow, wooed, we do-had, want, wand, went, wend, ^ wont, wind, wound. waited, weighted. whine, whin. ,* / watch, witch. wander, wonder-ed-ful-ly, worn, warn 3, warren 3. 6^7 / wage, wedge. wife, wave, waif, wove, e .^\ weave, woof. I wider, wader. whiff - CX whopper, whipper. fs? waft, weft. X \ Weber, Webber. C^ wharf. ">) I water. *^\ wipe, weep, we hope. / / watcher. cs ' warp .3, we are happy. ^ .^x washer. Wthr-Whpl Wrblt-Whsk weather, wither. ix^ we ar e able to. awake, awoke, walk, wake, x^f woke, week, wick, weak, | whittle. we can 2 (wicket). wag, wig. wanted, wonted. awaken, waken, weaken, we cX 1 "" | window, windy (wounded, can 2. winded, we entered). wagon. wench, winch. whack. with regard-to. ' Whittaker . Whitmore, Whittemore. wafer. waver, weaver, waggle, wiggle, we are glad, we believe. Whipple. worse, wearies, wiers. whereas. tr waste, west, waist. c^ Worcester, waster. ->s warn, warren. ")/* warrant. ^\ with respect-to. e ^t we said, wayside. ~^~ " Wisconsin 4 (waistcoat). whiskey, whisk. 66 Wsr-Wv Hl-Hmp we are sorry. we received. we send, West End. whistled. West Point. waistband, west bound. C/ whereof, wherever. C/ * wherewith. vinter, 4, one another 4, enter. we are not. wherein. we know, winnow. we note. Whitney. we have, wavy. Tick-H ^ hall 4, haul, hollow, hello, halo, hull, hale, hail, hull, whole, hell, hole, heel, heal, hill, howl (highly, isle, I will). v~ halt, holt, hilt, Hallet, islet, eyelet. halter, holder i (hlk). .V Helen. Holland, highland, island (I will not). human, humane, Hymen. 3 Hammond (I am-may not). ~\ help. 7 health-y. ^ -> helm. helmet. ' ham, hame, hum, home, hem, whom, hymn. humped. hemmed, humid. hemp, hump. 67 Hmpr-Hrth hamper. heart, hart, hurt. hard, heard, hoard, hired 4, heH ~"\ hire 4, higher 4, hair, her, hare, hoar, here, hear. *) hiss (hst). < haze, hazy, huzzy, Hosea, j he was 2. homily, homely, hamlet, humiliate. Hmstd-Yntd i homestead. \ homicide. \ hopper, Hooper. > hybrid, Hubbard, Hibbard. 1 1 harm, harem, hurl, Harlow, Hurley, i hermit. ^ herein, hernia. J ^ harden. ^__ hereunder. | hereof. \ hatter, hotter, hater, hau- teur, hitter, heater. hydra, hydro, header (idea, I do-had). x hither, heather. Y (I. Pitman) O ye (wl, which if). hop, hope, heap, hoop, / Ohio, ahoy, ha! high 4, X whoop, hip. hew, hoe, hay, hew (join g M), hue (join u), he. / hack, hock, hawk, huck, ,<^\ t, u i, t. t. ^ hook, hockey, he can. ^ hob-by, hub. / hag, hog, hug, Hague. f$^ habit. /_ he can not. at haughty. . ^\ head-y, hide, hewed, heed, he may not. <5 I hid. he may. ^>^ ' Harriet, hearty 3. O Q s^l harried, horrid, hardy, He- r 'he will, hall 4. O rod, hurried. hat, hot, height, hate, hut, rf* hurriedly. hit, hoot, heat, Hoyt. hen. d^V^ haughtily. hunter, hinder, Huron, he- ^ i, ,O hosiery, hawser, P hasten, Hosanna. <5~ housing, hazing 3. Hussar. hating, hitting, heating, hoot- 6\ household, ing. heightened. v ^ \probe, probable-ility. <\ \ ,' brow, brew, liberty 4, cv ember, remember, num- X r. > bribed. probed. f\ b b abroad, abrade, brad, broad, ride, braid bread, bred, V brat bri ht brought, brute. reed, brood. J ^ apron, prone, prune, preen. r\ \ approach, preach. print. <\ \ prejudice. *\ bran, brawn, brine, brown, brain. *\ broach, breech. *\ brand, brant, brunt. <\ \ abridge, bridge. V approve, prove, proof. ^ _ practice-d-ical-ly, prick. *\ . oppression, Prussion, com- ^ pression. \_ protect. V> brave, breve, brief. \ break, brake, broke, brook, brick. V abrasion. bracket, briquette. V. pretty, Prouty. rv V. bragged, brigade, abrogate. 71 Prvd-Prl Prtl-Prvtion \ Pe pIra d t e i've) Pr Vide 3 (cOm ' particularly. profit, prophet, per foot. ** broadly, Bradley (brl). breath, birth 3 (bravo), breadth. f ]> broiled. prime, prim. mote, permeate. Y^ primed, pyramid. perfect, provoked, prefect. preferred, proffered 3, per- vert 3, perforate. \. appertain 3, opportune 3, " pertain 3, per ton. ^*i pretend, portent 3. 'X V^> Abraham, brougham, brim, ^"X. n ru dent broom. J V> prompt, primate, permit, pro- c^ | brighten, Briton, Britain, J Brighton. x I broaden, burden 3. ^ predict, predicate, product. \ project. \ perjury. ^Sx predatory. >^ profound (prevent 3). Xprofession-al, profusion, (par- rafine 3). per year. 'X V- 1 ^ primp. ^ X prompter, promoter. ^^ prior, prayer, ^ per yard. V>. brier, brewer. v ) broader, braider. V April, prowl, Parliament, , , o. parley 3, pearl 3. 7 provision, privation, pr >O vision. 12 Prtntion-Prpr S pretension. v\ C_D J \ *\ x - -i branch (drench, trench). ^0 Prtr-Prvl portray, prater. portrait, portrayed, protrude. per hundred 4 (apprehend V Dreache (brochure) comprehend, trinity, To- / Ire; ' ronto). profane, proven. profound, profaned. prem- * 6 promise, compromise, ise (premises). *\ V-|) prompts, permits, promote paralyze (paralysis). ^founder'. PrVenter> P' V April (7*1). proficiency. ( \(~ prelate. N. ,-.. ... V^~ broil, brawl. private, profit 3, privity. M provide, perfidy, pervade 3. ^~t preamble (triumph). \ brevity (briefly). V> bramble. rovocation, perfection 3 . \ pre face, profess. "A > progression, (paragraph). prepared. appropriate 4. X \ bravest. A perverse. V proper. ^ approval (travel, 1 rifle). 73 Prtvl-Prmtion Prtmnt-Brsk Q^ comparatively (dreadful). NO apartment, compartment. \ v^p perversity. \ ( previously (profusely). 7 X X appraise, apprise, oppress, comprise, price, prize, press, prose, praise, abrase, brass, brace, braize, remembers, browse, bruise, numbers, breeze. csf {y. profile. \ perhaps, propose (probabil- ities). S \^ prevail (trivial). J proffer, prefer 3. \ oppressed, pressed, com- pressed, priest. abreast, breast, braced. \v pervert. \ prospect-us. ^3\ braver, briefer. \ precept (participate). v\ pressure. \ Presbyterian 4. ^ abrasure. ^ presto. \\ brother. Y persist. v tS primary. y presage. V-s^ peremptory. "V appraised, apprised, prized, preside, precede, proceed. V>/ promptly (per mile). Vp abrased, braized, bruised. ^^^ promontory. V- prussic, prosaic. v^5 permission, promotion. V- brusque, brisk. 74 Prskt-Prssnt Sch-Mrg \_ prosecute. ^ _ brisket. n f such. \oppressive, compressive, per- f~> ccive / sa e e > sedge, seige, suggest- ed-tion i. Y proceeding, preceding, pre- p siding. f stitch. presume, prism. p f stage. VN appraisal, apprisal, parasol, /D , ) pressor, presser, purser 3, / switch, is-as such. pressure 3. "\ brazier, bruiser, bursar 3. such as. ft appraisal, apprisal, parasol, /* parcel 3. / suggest. () precisely. suggestive, person, prison. f suggestion. present, per cent, personate Mr . personator. precision, procession more, mere, Mr. V., v murder, persuade. * \ ^^ mark, America 2, market 3. y president, precedent (Chris- tian). persistent. , mortgage. 75 P1-B1 Plj-Plr Pl-Bl \ \ apply, apple, comply, com- pel 3, ply, play, plea, plow. plat, plot, plight, plate, pleat, complete. able, ably, blow, blue, blew, believe, belief 4. able to, build, blade, blood, planter, plunder, blunder, blinder, blunter, plan, plain, complain, plane. plant, plaint, pliant 3, com- plaint 3, planed, com- plained, plaintiff 2. completion. ^ blown. ^ blind, bland, blend. Apellate 3, Plato, plateau, Pluto. applaud, compiled, plaid, plod, plied, played, plead, pled, ploughed. plotted, plaited, plated, com- pleted. ability, blight, bloat, blot, bleat. s 5 5 S pledge, apology 3. blotch, bleach, oblige, plagiary. bleachery. applique, applicable-bility 4, placque, pluck, compli- cate). politic. Baltic. plague, plug. oblique, black, block, bleak. application, complexion 3, complication. obligation 4. plash, plush. blush, bluish, abolish 3. plier, player. 76 Plz-Pltr Pd-Bsng plaza. S abler, Blair, blare, blur, blower, bluer, blear. ^^ builder, bladder, bolder 3. V plum, plumb, plume (plum- met, playmate). V ^ plump. V-^ blame, bloom. Sr- plodder, pleader. blotter, bloater. plutocrat. blackguard. Blucher, Bleeker. applause, plies, place, plus, please, pleas. ablaze, blaze, bless, blouse, bliss. VN plumber. \> placed, (plaster). V- bloomer. v ablest, blest (blister) . V Plaisted, please state. ^* N Baltimore 4. '<-^ i complicity. ) planet, plenty. ^ placid, pleased. > plunge. V blessed, blazed. > blanch, blench. ^ pleasant, complaisant, com- placent. I plaintiff. V please send. V.T- ;)lank, plunk. V- placing, pleasing. V.- blank i, blink (blanket). V pleasanter. 'j platter, plotter, palter 3, ^p ^ altr oultr . paltry 3, poultry 3. blessing, blazing. 77 Kr-Grft Krs-Krdtr Kr acre, accrue, occur, ochre, cray, cry, crow, care, con- cur, conquor, crew, Chris- tian-ity 4. accord, concord, cart, court, crate, concrete, according- to - O 'character, crack, crock, croak, c *-' crisis, Crcesus. crook, creek, crick. across, accurse, crass, cross, cress, curse, course, coarse, cruise, cruse, crease. Christ, crossed, crest, crust, cursed. 1 greater 4, grog-gy, grig, Gregg (Greek). auger, agree, ogre, eager, gray, grow, grew. crop, crap, crape, creep, croup. crept, carpet 3, corrupt 3. agreed, guard, great, grade, * V cra b, crib, curb 3. greed. Akron, crane, crown, corn 3. crabbed, groin, groan, gram, green, grin. I create greater than i, grander, grinder, grounder, gran- e | accrued, cried, crowed, crude, deur 3, grantor 4. grant, grana, grunt, ground, grind. care of, curve. <_ ' > aggrieve, gruff, grave, grove, grieve, grief. c ") accretion, creation, concre- 1 tion. creed, crowd. accredit, credit. I crated, carted, courted. I correct, cracked, croaked. crooked. aggregation, congregation. craft, croft, graft. * 1 K creature, creator 3, courtier. J creditor. 78 Krts-Grddl Krjl-Grtlt / cordial-ly 4. A courtesy, courteous, curtsy. / couragous. J credible, credibly. creditable, creditably. J grateful-ly. c *\ corporate 3. I creator, crater. f acreage, courage, garage 3 (crutch, crouch). / grouch. ^/ crash, crush. j crazy. grape, grope, group, grip. c t careful-ly 4. ^ growth, girth 3. ~^ gratify. Vw^ aggravate, gravity. L gravitate. c j^ crawled. <- ( growled, grilled. r '^Vcram, crime, crumb, cream. : ^^ cremate, cramped, crimped. cramp, crimp. * v grime, grimy, groom, grim. [ grate, groat, greet, grouty. [ crawl i, cruel i, curl 3, creel i . I guarded, graded. y~ gradual-ly. |^" great deal, guardedly. accordingly, cartel, courtly, greatly. congratulate. 79 Grl-Krnj Grnj-Grtstion eagerly, girl, grail i, growl i, grill i, gruel i. Ackerman, carmine. S reement, garment, gour- \ ^\ ag ~f -f -t. <-t. mand. crumble, (crumple). grumble. e r> achromatic, chromatic. ^>> grammatic. c \_. corporate. c \-, corroborate. c-f^ ... , ... ,. , , slut, conciliate, slit, sleet. 6 ' solitude, salted, slighted, consulted. ft* swallow, swell, as we will, xn . , ... , ,., ,., sw ill $ j salad, sallied, solid, slide, sled, slid, slued. psalte slate r, slaughter, slig'hter, (f~\ r. solidity, consolidate. swelter - (f~ stall, style, stile, stole, stale, s~7 steel, steal, stool, still. , 6 ' sledge. stolen. -5 \j consultation. <7^ constellation. ^P \j consolidation. saline, saloon, salon, slain, / sulk-y, silk-y, slack, slake, sullen. slick, sleek. silent, salient, slant. slag, slug. x7 solution, consolation, con- ___ , 6 ciliation 3. ( &^ self, slough, sylph. f. ciliation 3. cylinder, slander, slender. .f^, sulphate> su i p hite. Q swollen. T^. saliva, salvo, Sylvia, solve, slave, sleeve. slept. 6> solvent. 81 Slvtion-Slmbr Sll-Dlkt g~*^ solely, slyly, slowly. tP slightly (hotel). (>^ salary, celery. salvation, salivation. lf"7 sloth, sleuth. told me. <\ \ A teller. Delaware 4. told us. r \ utilize 4. utilizing. utilization. ,/s_$ telephones. P Uvfl at all events. Jx^ delirious 3. C/ deleterious 4, adulterous 3. ^X tolerate 4. |x adulterate 4. \/ obliterate 4. Wl-Whl X~ wallow, willow, wall, wily, wail, well, wale, wile, will, wool-ly. wallet, welt, wilt. (s awhile, while, whale, wheel. f Walter, wilder, welter, will " there. while there. 6 \ wallop (will be). C/ \ whelp. 6 j will say. f) Walsh. C willing, wailing, wallowing. 6 whiling, whaling, wheeling. C walnut, will not. will find. well known. 83 Tr-Drp Trbd-Jrm Tr-Dr 1 attar, otter, utter, eater, ^ outer, try, Troy, tray, I trow, tree, true. attribute, tribute, contribute. 1 attrite, trite, contrite, trot, . tried, trait, trade, toward, treat, trout (join ow). track, truck, trachea, troche, trek, Turk-ey, trick. 1 adder, aider, udder, eider, - oder, doctor, draw, dry, dray, dear, during. attract, tract, contract. 1 treat 4. dark, drake, dirk. ] drought. L_ direct. 1 dried, dread. ' director. 3 tram. 1 contractor. J drawn, drain, drone, drown. '\____ protector. 1 trough, contrive. [_ attraction, traction, contrac- tion. 1 attrition, contrition. "\_ protection. I drive, drove. * ^ direction (darken). i draft, drift. ^ tram, term, trim. \ trap, tripe, troop, trip. tramp, trump. \ tribe. *7 charm. \ drop, drape, droop, drip. [^^ germ. 84 Trmpl-Trskt ^~? trample. t > tremble (preamble). Trnsm-Drs transom, truism. triumph. trifle (approval) . c/-> transmit, transmute. 1 O) transition. 1 Wv trans travel, trivial 3, (controvert). transaction. ] ^ transgression. ^/A trustworthy. ^Q ./v praiseworthy. 1 persuasive. tryst, contrast, traced, trust, trussed. I > atrocity, trusty, trustee. addressed, dressed, dearest. L contrasted. trice, trace, tress, truss, f truce. 1 ._ transact. n address, oderous 3, dross, O dress, drowse. 85 Kl-Klp Klb-Kltvt Kl call, cloy, clay, clew, equal- ly 2, difficult-y 2. -o'clock, clock, clack, cloak, cluck, click, cleek, clique. occult 3, called, conclude 2. quack, quake, quick. aqua equal-ly. ogle, eagle, glow, glee, glue. glad, glide, glade, gold. Kline, clan, clown, clean. queen, Quinn. acquaint, quaint, quint. conclusion. collection, collocation 3. cleff, clove, cleave, cliff, conclave. glove, gulf, cleft clap, clip. *y s 1 n ^ *i *7 "7 "7 *\ 1 ^ club. equip, quip. globe, glebe, glib, quality 4. Euclid, clad, clawed, cloud, cloud-y, conclude. eaglet, gloat, glut, gleet. equity, quite, quota, quote, quiet, quit. quod, quid. clutch. college. gulch. qualify 4, California 4. cloth (clothe). quoth. cultivate. 86 Klvr-Glm Kln-Klsst clever, clover, cleaver, cul- ver 3. quaver, quiver. culprit. clatter, culture 3. 1 glitter. I equator, quitter (quarter 3). ^ clear, color 3. ^j acquire, choir, quire, queer. ) acquiesce. _^ clash, (inertia, nourish). ' < '""^ acclaim, clam, climb, claim, column 3. <= ^ climate. j~~^ qualm. f. *> clamp, clump. e ^^ clamber. / _f-^ glum, gleam, gloom. colony. clang, clung, cling (clinker). client. ^ quench. ^ quantity. Clara, cholera 3. claret, cholrate. <- f equarry, quarry, query, (quackery). ^. j quart, quirt. glory, gallery 3 (gladly). clarity. Colorado, chloride. quest, conquest. \ clasp. T closet. | closed. cJD I closest ; V? classify. every other 4, converter. V. author, ether. \ either, other. for it (for which, for the). S afraid, Friday, fraud, fried, Fred, frayed, freed. every day 3, overhead. 88 Flt-Flkr Frm-Vrrt , afloat, flight, flat, float, flout, ^-^ v for me-my. fleet, flit (all 4). S Philadelphia 4, fled, flayed, flowed, fluid. Vc~^v former. i ^ frighten, fortune 4. \_^_ phlegm, flim-flam, flame, flume. v i flatten (flotation). f V ^~~N evermore. > for which. C ^\ for your. <> flitch, filch 3 (fledge). ^N flyer, flare, floor, flower, > flour (fleecy). ^ average (overjoyed). ^-x^/ offering. *> village 4. ^-\^ y furniture 4. fortify. ^->^ fortunate 4, frightened 3. \ forth 4 (for them). ^-^ forward, foreword 3. I forever, fervor. C affluent, fluent, confluent, flint 4. ^ forfeit. V_ everything, overhang, over- ^ >> ~ - ' hung. \ fervid (for that). ^^^ every way, (over-weight). S. villify. C ^S everywhere. ( s. velvet (valve). *Q_^ flash > flesh > flush. philosophy. Vjx conversant. V^ conversation i. L, authorization. J^ utilization. 90 Fr-Shrp Shrb-Frsh Fr-Vr, Shr ' affray, fry, fray, from, fro, \ shrub, free. * affright, fright, fraught, f shr , ed > . shroud, shrewed freight, fret, fruit (join (surety). ), from it. ^\ y Africa, frock, freak (from ) from there, further, freight- tlle )' er, fritter. , from ^ that). 5 threat, throat, third, thread 3. / therewith. frame, from me-my, con- firm 4 (prm). a they are the. -Irs Freeman. ^ there are (surely). "X Fremont, ferment 3. \ thereupon. "X Vermont. \ there have been. *v virulent. < sharpen. ^ frequent ( fragrant) . L therein, their own. % fraction, friction (African). 1 they are not. 1 there can not. 1 thereunder. \ there may not. L. throwing. ** Sherman. V thrash, thresh, thrush. 7 French. L threatened. ? fringe. ^ shortened, shorthand. 1 frenzy. 92 Frnsh-Shrtmg _ Nr-Nrthn c>. c __ ' honor, owner, inner, nor, i3 furnish. near. c^ in order-to 2. y> friendship 4. ^ -- -'"in order-to 4. <; _ s anger, anchor, younger. J from us, frieze, phrase, . froze, freeze. ^~1 ' enrich 4, Norwich (nearly). fj thrice, throes, throws. c 7 / energy. c/ there is. ^^ ' anchorage. J there is to be (transporta- ^ "^ tion 4). onerous. <\ ^ of thirsty (frosty). x nourish, inertia. J Thursday. nearer. t nerve, nervy. fresco, frisk-y. "V., enervate. ^^fi frazzle, frizzle (conversely). c_^, **\ North. V verv sorr y. CL^ nullify> *V>^->^ from time to time. c ^ f nearly. __r ^. thermometer. C t +~^ ** \^ nervine. A - thermatic. C ~\3 enervation. 2^ short time ago. c_- -f (^ Northern 4. 93 Sp-Stt Std-Ssdnt S-St-Sw on P-B, T-D 9 sap, sop sup, soap, soup, f st d staid t d t d seep, Spa, spy sip, spew s { eed gtoo ' d _ (join ), speak, special- 9 statute. , I \ spite, spat, spot, spit, spout (join ow). V as we hope, swipe, swap, sweep, swoop. < stop, step, steep, stoop. \ sob, sub, subj'ect, is to be. \^ swab. \ stab, stub-by. supine, span, spawn, spine, spun, spoon, spin. sapient, spent, spend. conception. constipation. Sabine, has been . f> satg, constitute 4 (as-has f Satan> satin> siain> stone 3 . satiety, situate. q spider. \ supply, supple, splay. j/ ^. split (suffered). \S \ sable. I settle, subtle (satchel). P I saddle, sidle. ^v) supposed. V) subside, subsidy. Vj substitute (join u). >J^ subsist. I s i superior, supporter 3, con- spirator, separator 3. support, supperate, spurt, ^ ort ; spir f t p 3 . sybarite. spoil, spell, spill, spiel, spool. spoilt, spelt, spilt, spoilate. sublet. saturate, start. statuary. statutory. spar, spire, conspire, spur, spare, spear (spicy). supporter. subject to your. subject matter. September. submit (is to be made). 95 Sstm-Spsfk Sbstn-Sttr P V-^ system 2. V^^ sublime 3. \{ sublimate. stopple, staple, steeple, stip- ple. stable, constable, stubble, suitable 3. speculate, speckled (sou- venir). *rj conspiracy. sub rosa. \-. as it is important. p ,i. as it seemed. as it seems spr ; ng . s - strong, strung, string. U strife, strive, strove. V% strum, stream (he may). [j consideration. \^ x consider the matter. ^separation, supperation 3- "^ structure, stricture, stricter, constructor. L ;trike, struck, stroke, streak. I strict, construct, constrict. | separate. ' (X 1 spread, superadd. ^ sobriety. <\ J stretch. ; strategy. " sprawl (spiritual, sprightly). stronger. supernal. sprinkle. strangle. Chr-Jr ' 7 / / as per letter. . / ^ / George, x^^x supreme, sperm, as per my. / Jersey 7 . larger order. I 97 etcher, chair, cheer, larger. . . church. charge. as per your. as per order. Girard. Sk-Skch Skl-Skmr S-St-Sw on K-G G sac, sack, sock, soak, suck, o_^ sake, seek, sick, sky, scow, f scale, skull, scull, scowl, skew. skill > sickly 3. o_ socket, sect, Sackett, scat, a, Scott, skate, skit, scout. ( secular, scholar, sealer, scul- ler. . as we can. -f suckeled) scaldj sco ld, scaled, schooled, skilled. O swag, swig, as we go. &* ( scathe. ^v . stack, stock, stuck, stake, f _ , stick, Comstock. \ scupper, skipper. \ secure, scar, scare, score, scour, skewer. second, scant, scanned, skin- square, squire. <, second, scant, scanned, skin- Q ned. ^ /") as we can' not, consequent, Q ^ squint. ^} S q U ash. o signification. Ci__s-\ succumb, scum, skim, scheme. \ scape, scope, skip, scoop. a x^ scamp, skimp. Q- \ as we can be, squab, squib, a / "x scarn P er - / Scotch, sketch. Or" sycamore, skimmer, schemer. 98 Skfr-Skssv Sksn-Srch Q ~~ C> ) scoffer. -^-^ Saxon - sickly, scaly, school 3. C C skylight, skillet. segregation. \ scrap, scrape, scrip. \ scribe, scrub, scarab. I sacred, screed, screwed. / scratch. \ scruple. J \ scrabble, scribble. certain. surface. service, surveys. certifies, certificates. surplus. circle. circulate. 3 circulation. ^ circular. 100 Phrases. you can not (you can you may not. r/~* you will not i. r*S> you are not i. *f~ I will. v ' N I am-may, of my-me. I made. x. I have, ivy. ^ I think. ) I see. ' I was, eyes. I shall-wish. \ I hope. V \ * I remember. \ \ I probably. v I believe. I told. I iota. I I had-do, idea. 1 p I can 2. I can not. I mean. I am-may not. ^" I will not i, island, Hol- land, Highland. I must. almost. I know. I note. and in (and not). t x ~- and if. 101 Phrases. X and have. I represent. * * that such. x and after. I repeat. ^ with such. T and think-thank. I write. r this month. V to have. \/\ ' all right. ., * this letter. V/J I / x of-to them. already. ) this will. t of-to that. ^ about. (j r this line. f hold, held. *** that you will. ( 6 < this will not. ? Butler 4. that you may. j V less than. * with-when the. that you are. l^> it is in-no. * that the. M ^ if you are. * ; t ; s not . c . withold, witheld. \J^ voluntary. 4_^ which is in-no. and yet. O~y~ family. *^S we believe. y\ J two or three. L it can be. we are able to. ^ to their. U^ . t may be _ ^ this subject. V before. ^\ it will be. Y this date - ^) Bedford. ^^ U twdvel 13 ^' I this day ' 102 Rules for Phrasing 1. The first word of a phrase should begin in its normal position to the line of writing. 2. Phrase only words that have a natural connection, i. e., that occur frequently together in speech. 3. Phrase only words that admit of a sharp angle at the point of joining, or can be easily distinguished by shading, or by curves running in opposite directions. 4. Medially and finally words that are phrased in the present tense should not be phrased in the past when the forms for both are alike; as I can, not I could (unless followed by not) ; I may, not I might; I find, not I found; I think, not I thought; I send, not I sent; I don't, not I didn't. Many words having the same outline can be translated by the fact of phrasing or not. For example, if the reporter, fol- lowing the above rule, phrase words in the present tense and never in the past, when the outlines are similar, then by neg- ative inference he can translate them when phrased or written separately. Only by long experience can the reporter be certain that words that make a good joining occur together with sufficient frequency to justify phrasing. When in doubt, do not phrase. It is better not to phrase enough than to phrase too much. The following list of words to phrase or not to phrase will be found helpful : 103 PHRASE DO NOT PHRASE To do To it At last Of whom Or less In spite of (It conflicts with "instead of" ) In time-no time No one In excess Say (following " can not," or "do not") In the course (unless the is omitted and other words follow, as "in ( the ) course of a few days," As if, alone Him (except in "I told him") Much medially, (except in "as much as possible" and " inasmuch as ") State (after "your" and 'this") Of one (It conflicts with "between") At least To 'whom Or else Spite of Any time Any one In case See In the case By which ( the-tick is made up) As we have Me-my Which City (after "your" and "this") He-stroke medially or finally, only after "which" 104 PHRASE DO NOT PHRASE This-these, Will, Every- for. Of finally only in "at the end of," "by reason of" and "on account of" Each with "month", "year" and f-hook only, "as each of them " Those, except when "who" follows Thus, except when fol- lowed by "far" Well, except in "as well as" and phrases ending with "be well," as "it may be well," "it would be well" etc. Over, except in "over the country," "over the mat- ter," "over (the) world," and "overhead" (over-d) And initially or the -tick finally when there is a possibility of conflict with an initial or final hook, as ''and it" or "can the" Not initially when it con- flicts with un prefix, as "not able to" (unable to) "not necessary" (unnec- essary) As-has-is-not alone Should not alone On with words of-to are phrased with Do on words be is phrased with 105 Vocalizing, and the Affix "Fulness' Dot-tn<7 should be written after contractions whose con- sonant forms would be so changed by writing stroke-in^ as to conflict with other words, as advertising, railroading, coming. Half-length straight letters (not grammalogues) without hooks or circles should generally be voweled, as pit, bad, dead, act, caught, goad, etched, aged. Always vowel aid, age, defence, devise-ce (e), expand, expansion (e). They conflict with do, large, advise-ce, ex- plained, explanation. Vowel "field" not "ville" as the terminal of towns. Vowel uncommon words whose outlines are not distinctive. Only the first vowel is usually needed. Disjoin ns for final "fulness," as in usefulness, thought- (not thank) fulness, faithfulness, bashfulness, fruitfulness (join u), fretfulness, truthfulness, playfulness, artfulness, cheerful- ness, forgetfulness, watchfulness, wakefulness, youthfulness. After half-length p-b, t-d, ns is disjoined only for "ness," as aptness, badness, straightness. 10fi The Records Show That the principal demand is for REMINGTON operators ; That the best positions go to Remington operators, and That the Remington Typewriter Employment Depart- mentsdothe principal work \n.placing operators. That Explains Why pupils prefer to learn on the Remington ; Why commercial educators find it to their interest to teach the Rem- ington, and Why instruction on the Remington Typewriter is the mark of the best and most successful schools. Remington Typewriter Company (Incorporated,) New York Everywhere "A BOOK THAT SHOULD BE IN EVERY OFFICE" The Correspondent's Manual FOR STENOGRAPHERS, TYPEWRITER OPERATORS, AND CLERKS / Published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. Comprising Practical Information on Letter Taking and Letter Writing Hints How to Do It and How Not to Do It Departments of Business Terms, including Law-, Insurance, Railroad and Finance Right and Wrong Uses of Words Principal Business Streets and Buildings of Peculiar Spelling Leading Railroads Words Often Misspelt Words of Different Meaning Pronounced Alike Foreign Words and Phrases Abbreviations, etc. By WILLIAM HICKOX Revised and Enlarged Edition, I6mo., Cloth, 224 pp. PRICE FIFTY CENTS This book, a standard in its original edition, has been nearly doubled in size by the addition of very valuable new matter without increase in price. It is built up entirely from what a veteran trainer of secretaries and clerks has found actually to be needed. All busi- ness and other information has been verified by the highest business and professional authority. Sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Hickox School, Pierce Building, Copley Square, Boston. HICKOX'S HANDBOOK OF PHONOGRAPHY Containing the Seven Rules of Phonography, and the Sixteen Memoranda, embodying all the Exceptions to Rule, Prefixes and Affixes, Speed Expedients, Directions for Phrasing, the Rule of Line Position, Directions for Practice, and undoubtedly the most modern, up-to-date Vocabulary ever published. This book has never before been sold excepting to the pupils of The Hickox School. It is now, in revised form, offered to the general public at the regular price of FIFTY CENTS Aside from the elementary book, the Teacher, this is the only text-book required by the learner. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. SEP 2 9 IS62 Form L9-10m-3,'48(A7920) 444 UNIVERSITY of C AT LOS ANGELES A 000 571 391 2 Z56 H585s