Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/friendshipsofferOOhervrich ^ feipo\l^ FRIENDSHIP'S OFFERING. S A LITERAKY ALBUM. KOITRD BY THOMAS K. HERVEY. £aeh minstrel's tributary lay Paid homage to the festal day. >p THK Isles. 'Uiri7BESIT7l LUPTON RELFE, 13, CORNHILL. 1826. 917 H579 LONDON ( Printed by D. S, Maurice, Fenchureh-street. TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, 'Wbi% Folume 18, WITH PERMISSION, HUMBLY INSCRIBED. PKEFACE. The present Volume of the " Friendship's Offering" is presented to the public, under cir- cumstances which render a few observations neces- sary. It has, very recently, come into its present Editor's hands, with a view to an entire change in its character and plan ; and, under the disadvantage of that fact, he has, of course, found it impossible to avail himself of all those sources which he has reason to believe are open to him, next year, for giving interest to its pages. The difficulties of his situation have, however, been greatly relieved, by the kind- ness and promptitude with which assistance has been given to him, in almost every quarter in which the limited time permitted an application : — and, whilst he has thus been enabled to present to the public, on the present occasion, a very splendid assemblage VI PREFACE. of names and talent, — the promises Which he has re- ceived of continued and additional assistance, next year, ajQTord reason to hope that it will have still increased claims to popularity. The readers of the " Friendship's Offering'* will perceive that the alterations in its plan consist in the removal of all those features which marked it as more peculiarly adapted for one season of the year than another ; and m the dismissal of its more toy-like attributes, for the purpose of combining, with the increased beauty of its embellishments, a high literary character. Whilst acknowledging his obligations to the many friends who have given him the use of their names and talents, the Editor may escape the imputation of personal vanity, in expressing his confidence that the Work has attained the character at which it aimed ; because little merit can be due to him, for the moral or literary excellence of a miscellany, which has been fortunate enough to obtain such contributions as those which fill the pages of this Volume. The Editor must not omit a more particular ex- pression of his obligations to one or two individuals,. PREFACE. Vll to whom he is indebted for peculiar exertions of kindness, in the compilation of the work. To Miss Edgeworth, (although circumstances have, for the present year, deprived him of the aid of her high talents,) for the sketch from the pen of her late Father; and for her steady and persevering kind- ness, in promoting the interests of the Publication. To Mr. Washington Irving, for the Stanzas at page 102, from the pen of the late Lord Byron, extracted by that gentleman from the Album of Captain Medwin ; and, with the omission of a single stanza, inserted here, (though evidently a very hasty production of their Author,) — because the spirit which breathes through them cannot, now, give pain to any one to whom they may be supposed to allude, — and because the high value which death has stamped upon every unpublished line from his Lordship's pen, leaves its possessor scarcely at liberty to with- hold it from the eye of the public. There are some other Poems, from the pen of his Lordship, bearing the same date with these Stanzas ; which are, of course, familiar to our readers. To Lady Caroline Lamb, for the verses at page Vlll PREFACE. 230 ; taken from the note-book of her Ladjship, and addressed to her, by Lord Byron, sixteen years ago. They form a singular contrast to the memorable and bitter lines preserved by Captain Medwin, in his recent publication. To Lady Caroi.ine Lamb the Editor is, also, indebted for a beautrfixl mini- ature drawing of his Lordship, taken by herself, about the same time ; which has been engraved in Meazotint, by Turner, and will be published, in a few days, by the publisher of this work. The very splendid and characteristic Ode, on the death of Lord Byron, from the pen of the Rev. C. C. Col TON, has been lately printed, and privately circulated by the author, in Paris ; and may, there- fore, have heea seen by some of our readers. It is translated into these pages, jfrom one of the printed copies, received from Mr. Colton himself. The following stanza has, since, been added by Mr. CoLTO», for insertion betwixt the ninth and tenth verses. What was thy talent ? not the beam That gilds and glads the sky ; But the dim curtain's fiery gleam. When storms and wrecks are nigh. phepace. IX Shrouded in darkness,— like the red right arm That cleaves the vault of Heaven, Engendered but to dazzle and alarm, Brief, brilliant torch for bright destruction given, But not to guide to good, or refuge point from harm ! It is right to add that the Fragment, at page 138, from the pen of Barry Cornwall, was not fur- nished to this Work by its author, but transferred from the Album of a friend. The Editor is in possession of some other lines, by the late Mr. Maturin, derived from the saffie source as those printed at page 148 ; which will, in all probability, form part of the next year's volume. The four original Poems by Tho3ison, the au- thor of " The Seasons," have been long in the pos- session of the Earl of Buchan ; from whose custody they passed into the hands of the gentleman who has communicated them to this Work. They are in the hand writing of the Poet, — the productions of his very early years, — and are printed here, in strict adherence to the MSS. They are inserted, for their curiosity. The Editor has only to add, that there are a few individuals who have afforded him the use of their y^ OF THK^'n^- [UiriVERSlT talents, withholding, (from particular circumstances, which will not operate next year,) that of their names. They are fully included in his acknowledg- ments of obligation ; and would, in one or two in- stances, be entitled to more particular notice, if the absence of their names did not prevent individual mention. London, 10th Nov. 1825. CONTENTS. Prepack iii. A Monarch's Death-bed, by F. H • i An Adventure among the Alps, by the Author of " Gilbert Earle" 3 The Parting, by T. K. Hbrvey 23 Hindoo Girl, by an Um, — from a Group, by Westmacott, by L. E. L 25 Timanthe: a Dramatic Scene, by Laurkncb Young, Esq. 28 Song.—" Here's to thee, my Scottish Lassie !" by John Moultrie, Esq 32 Stage Coach Physiognomists, by the late Richard Lovell Edgkworth, Esq 36 Old Lithuanian Song, translated by John Bowring, Esq. • . 45 " Am I, too, in Arcadia ?" by Bernard Barton 47 The Dream : a Tale, by Miss Roberts 49 Questionsand Answers, by James Montgomery, Esq 60 XU CONTENTS. P«ge. Discretion the better part of Valour, by Hobatio Smith, Esq. one of the Authors of the " Rejected Addresses." • ■ 62 Glastonbury Abbey and Wells Cathedral, by the Rev. W. L. BowLKS 64 A Woman's Pride, by Mona 66 To the Departed, by the Rev. Thomas Dalb 67 Stanzas to a Lady, by T. K. Hkrvby 69 Raphael's Death-bed, by L. E. L 73 The Idiot Boy : a Mountain Adventure, by Mona 76 The Comet, by Henry Nkklb, Esq. 85 From the German, by P 86 A Mother's Grief, by the Rev. Thomas Dai