UC-NRLF EM 273 ' ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. CATALOGUE OF CONCLUDED MEAN EIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES,} FOE 1855, JANUARY 1, OF STARS OBSERVED IN THE YEAR 1855, WITH THE ANNUAL VAEIATIONS : (The North Polar Distances being corrected for Discordance of Direct and Reflexion-Observations, and for Flexure of Telescope of the Transit-Circle :) ALSO, NEW CONSTANTS FOR STARS INCLUDED IN THE CATALOGUE, NOT OBSERVED IN PRECEDING YEARS. ... ERVATORY, GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. /^^^ ^ ^/M^^ 4 B MEAN RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND MEAN NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF STARS CATALOGUE OF THE CONCLUDED MEAN RIGUT ASCENSIONS AND MEAN NORTH POLAR DISTANCES, FOR JAN. i, i855, or STARS OBSERVED IN THE YEAR 1 855 ; WITH THE ANNUAL VARIATIONS. (The N.P.D.'s are corrected for Discordance of Direct and Reflexion Observations, and for Flexure of Telescope of the Transit-Circle.) No. Star's Name. Number of Obs. of K. A. Fraction of Year for Mean of Obs. Mean R. A. jSjj.Jan. i. Annual V;iri:ition in 11. A. Xuniln ofN D. r of Obs .P.D. R. MeanN.P 1855, Jan. D. D. i. R. Whole Number of Obs. of N.P.D. Fraction of Year for Mean of Obs. Concluded Seconds of N.P.D. Annual Variation in N.P.D. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 i3 H 15 16 >7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 3i 32 33 3 4 35 36 37 38 3 9 40 4i 42 4 3 44 4 5 a. Andromeda? 6 3 II 4 5 i 8 2 4 10 i 7 10 2 2 3 5 i 8 i 2 3 no 2 3 2 9 I I 2 I 5 2 6 2 5 4 4 3 i 2 4 5 4 0-43 o-83 0-8 1 0-6 1 o-85 077 0-80 0-66 077 0-87 79 072 0-87 0-87 0-89 o-85 072 o - 6o 0-8 1 073 0-92 o - 5o 0-60 0-48 0-88 0-48 0-62 o-85 0-82 077 0-82 075 0-97 0-91 0-94 o-85 0-8 1 0-89 o-65 O'go 0-97 o-gi 0-46 O'g3 0-82 h m B o. o. 54"o3 o. i. 27-92 o. 5.46-38 o. 1 1. 4-42 o. 16. 49^46 o. 17. 58'24 o. 22.38-34 0.27.47-09 o. 28. 54-50 o. 3o. 54-1 1 0.32. 11-12 o. 32. 18-24 o. 36. 1 8-53 o. 3g. 39-57 0.39.53-82 o. 47. 59-47 o. 48. 43-16 o. 54. 34-64 o. 55. 25-27 i. 0.54-20 i. 1.37-60 i. 6. 5-53 i. 6.3o-86 i. 7.25-14 i. 9.33-73 i. 10. i g-36 i. 16. 46-56 i. 18. 26-70 i. 18. 52-o8 i. 22. 35-43 1.23. 0-23 i. 23. 43-82 i. 24.46-08 1.28. 1-57 1.28. 4-37 i. 29. 24-98 1.29.57-95 1.31.51-76 i. 33.53-34 1.37. i-o5 4.37.44-52 1.44.48-29 1.46.38-21 i. 5i. 33-22 1.55. 0-99 s + 3-084 3-i5i 3-o8 1 3-i35 3-253 3-075 3-o63 3-o85 3-229 3-i55 3-347 3-354 3"oi3 3-170 3-097 3-55 1 3-3o2 3-II2 3-114 3-o83 3-337 17-988 18-212 3-o56 3-o66 3-090 2-996 3-217 3-226 3-i37 3-o88 3-201 2-784 3-197 3-232 3-172 3-190 3-223 3-117 3-261 3-162 4-531 3-298 3-320 + 3-646 7 3 10 2 2 6 i 6 2 3 2 9 I 5 2 9 2 2 4 3 7 i 2 2 2 65 68 2 4 2 9 i i 2 2 5 2 6 2 5 i 4 5 3 i 2 4 5 3 i I I 2 3 i 3 i Q i II 61. 42.36-87 3i. 3g. i'25 75. 37. 22'5g 47. o. 52-17 49-41 28.58. 22-37 88. 51.49-88 94. 45. 33" 1 3 94. 23. 31-07 46. 1 8. 42-91 42-04 61. 28. 34-59 34. 1 5. 30-75 34. i5. 3i*oi 3i-g3 108. 46. 5g-3o 66. di. 20-69 84. 3. 4-25 3o. 4. 10-82 52. 17. 17-18 82 5o // 24-18 4I'3o 34-64 11-77 48-88 49-10 10-76 7 3 10 2 7 i 6 2 4 ii i 7 9 2 2 7 3 7 i 2 4 i3 7 2 4 2 9 I I 2 2 6 2 6 2 5 I 4 5 3 i 2 4 5 3 o-38 0-86 0-8 1 0-89 0-86 0-77 0-8 1 0-66 0-86 0-84 0-79 o'6o 0-84 0-87 0-89 o-83 0-80 o-85 0-73 0-92 0-53 0-48 0-48 o-go 0-48 o-55 o-85 0-82 0-77 0-84 o- 7 5 o- 9 7 o-gi 0-94 o-85 0-8 1 o-8g 0-67 o-go '97 o-gi 0-46 o-g3 o-g5 // 36-87 1-25 22-5g 52-17 22-63 4g-88 33-i3 3 1 -07 42-5i 34-60 3o'75 3i-i6 5g-3o 20-69 4-20 n-23 17-18 2g-65 7 - 7 5 59-76 4-57 48-89 3-82 24-94 1-34 58-36 3-o3 45-55 17-50 4 5-3g 1 1-46 5-53 53-84 36-88 6-86 45-75 54-83 51-42 34-37 25-22 47-go 10-23 52-35 6-41 n - 19-90 I9-89 2O'03 2o-o5 20-OI 20-00 ig-g5 19-88 19-91 19-67 19-86 19-82 ig-83 19-69 19-76 19-64 ig-68 ig-5o 19-17 19-27 ig-23 19-22 19-41 19-06 19-12 18-72 i8-g5 18-87 1 8-5g 18-75 18-75 18-70 18-61 18-66 18-63 18-53 18-46 18-37 18-21 i8-3o 17-98 17-81 17-62 - I7-55 ,3 Cassiopeia) v Pc^usi. 26 Andromeda .... 26 Andromeda? S.P. 12 Cassiopeiaj 44 Piscium 1 2 Ceti i3 Ceti B. A. C. i52 B.A. C. i52 S.P. .. t Andromeda? Oeltz. Arg. 5gg .... a. Cassiopeia? S.P. . . j3 Ceti 5 Andromeda? y Cassiopeia? p. Andromedre 70 Piscium t Piscium 82. 53. 2g-65 85. 7. 77 5 55. 8. 59-76 1.28. 3-88 5-25 i. 27.48-78 49-00 91.45. 3-82 9 3. 2.24-94 87. q. 1-34 g8. 55. 58-36 71.35. 3-o3 71. 3o. 45-55 84.36. 17-50 87. 5i. 45'3g 75. 24. 1 1 -60 120.44. 5-53 76. 4. 53-84 73. 18.36-88 78.36. 6-86 78. 3g. 45-75 74. 19. 54-83 85. 14. 5 1-42 70. 38. 34-37 81.34. 25-22 22. 1.47-90 6y. 64. 10-23 69. 38. 52-35 48. 22. 6-41 5-i8 e Piscium (3 Andromeda? a 1 Ursa? Minoris . . . a' Ursa? Minoris S.P. Polaris Polaris S.P 38 Ceti 40 Ceti y* Piscium 6 Ceti p Piscium 94 Piscium /* Piscium * i] Piscium B. A. C. 458.... 101 Piseium .... B. A. C.4.77.. B. A. C. 490 . io5 Piscium Piscium 109 Piscium o Piscium 46 Cassiopeia? ... (3 Arietis B.A. C. 607 -/' Andromeda?. . . . 7 1 Andromedte S.P. 31. This was observed for one of Mr. Hind's variable stars. It is of the ioi magnitude. ASTRONOMY WlL. OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR CATALOGUE OF THE CONCLUDED MEAN R. A. AND MEAN N. P. D. continued. No. Star's Name. Number of Obs. of E.A. Fraction of Tear for Mean of Obs. Mean R. A. 1855, Jan. i. Annual Variation in R.A. Numbe ofN D. of Obs. P.D. R. Mean N. P.] 1855, Jan. i D. 3. R. Whole Number of Obs. of N.P.I). Fraction of Year for Mean of Obs. Concluded Seconds of N.P.D. Annual Variation in N.P.D. 46 47 48 49 5o Si 52 53 5 4 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7i 72 73 74 7 5 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9 9' 92 9 3 y2 Andromeda^ 3 3 9 2 4 9 2 6 4 2 10 6 i 7 I 2 II 2 2 I 3 10 I 2 7 I 3 i I 2 2 3 I 2 2 I 3 . i I 7 i I 3 4 2 o-g5 0-gi 0-66 074 0-49 o-6g 0-87 o'97 O'52 o-g5 0-66 0-8 1 O'll 0-80 0-82 0-48 0-76 0-52 O'52 o'o5 o-56 073 o-g5 0-97 O'52 O'll o-38 0-04 o-g5 o-gi o-53 o-38 '97 o-5 1 o'5g O'll o-36 0-04 O-I I o-32 o-g5 O'll O'lO o-33 0-06 h m s 1.55. i-85 i. 55. 45-85 i.5g. 0-44 2. 5. ig-i6 2. g. 45-20 2. 2O. 27-25 2. 24. 20'g2 2.28. 8-17 2. 28.43-76 2.32. 24'8g 2. 3 4 . ( 4 0.) 2. 35. 47-45 2.37. 3-88 2. 40. 24-67 2. 43. 2g'6i 2. 5o. 55-54 2. 54. ig-32 2. 54. 42-17 2. 55. 84-00 2. 55. 5g-g7 2. 5g. 16-24 2. 5g. 44-04 3. 3. 20-66 3. 8. 24'g6 3. 12. 5r8i 3. 1 3. 5g-5o 3. 1 5.42-50 3. 1 5. 44-56 3. 17. o-g8 3. I 7 . (22.) 3. ig. ig-o3 3. ig. ig'72 3. 22. (16.) 3. 22. 52'4I 3. 26. 6-02 3. 2g. 36-58 3.32. 7'ig 3. 35. I4'ig 3. 35. 5i-5i 3.36. i6-3o 3. 36. 38-3g 3.37.3i-8i 3. 38. 52-34 3. 40. 26 - 4g 3. 41. 36-34 3.48. 18-41 3. 5i. 15-94 3. 52. 3g-o5 -r- 3-642 3-283 3-363 3'i6g 2-g88 3-182 5'5 1 g 3-276 3-260 5 - o3o 3-100 3-260 3-35o 3'3oo 3-4I9 4^99 3-126 3-817 2-643 3-363 4-011 3-419 3-3o3 3-450 4-241 4-242 4-243 3-222 3-243 3-2g3 3'3o5 2-826 5-12 I 3-56g 3-734 2-861 3-549 2-864 3-o56 3-55o 3-271 3-602 3-532 2-794 + 3-3:5 3 3 9 2 4 ii 2 6 4 4 i 10 6 2 7 i 2 II 2 2 I I 2 9 2 7 i i 3 2 I I 2 I 5 3 2 3 2 I 3 i II i 2 3 6 2 I 2 I I I I I I I I 1 II 48.22. 1-78 72. 26. 45-41 67. i3. 3i-73 8i.5o. 8-10 97. 5.32-87 82. II. 32-52 17. 49. I 2 - o6 83.48. 27-22 78.11. 2-3i 22. 47.45-11 46. ig. 21-04 87. 22. 40-32 78. 10. 177 72. lg.23'94 75. 3i. 5-52 69. 14. 33-08 37. 3.55-87 86. 28. 54-30 5i. 43. 3o-gi 114. n. 43-14 72. 40. 58- 1 5 45. 41. 45-01 44-84 70. 49. 3o"22 76. 41. i6-56 69. 22. 43-73 40. 3g. 33-14 33-3 1 40. 43. 3-45 40. 46. 16-40 81.29. 479 3o. 34. 10-26 80. 46. 35'4g 77. 46. 28-08 77. 35. 52-36 77. 33. 48-og gg. 57. 6'o6 27. i5. 32-20 65. 8. 36-20 58. 10. 2g-go 100. 58. 16-20 66. 20. 47-00 100. 57. .... n 1 6-55 4474 7-04 29'94 9'4 52-25 49^2 31-44 36-70 46-81 3 3 9 2 4 1 1 3 6 4 6 10 6 2 8 I 2 II 2 2 I I IO I 2 8 I 3 2 2 I 2 2 6 3 3 4 2 I 3 i 12 I 2 3 6 2 o-g5 o-gi 0-64 0-74 0-53 0-82 o-go 0-97 o-52 o-g5 0-79 0-66 0-81 0-45 o-85 0-82 '49 0-75 0-52 o-52 o*o5 0-80 0-57 o-g5 '97 o-56 O'll o-38 0-06 O'g6 o-g5 o-gg o-g7 0-64 o-38 0-37 0-74 o'5g O'll o-55 O'll 0-44 o-g5 O'12 O'lO 0-40 0-06 it 1 7 8 40-41 3r73 8-10 32-87 32-52 13-56 27-22 2-3 1 44-95 21-04 40-32 177 23-94 5-71 33-08 55-87 54-30 3o-gi 43-14 58-15 45-01 3o-iq 16-56 4 3 7 3 33- 1 5 3-46 16-40 479 9-84 35'49 28-08 52-3i 48-40 6-06 3rg5 36-33 2g-go 16-20 47-55 2I'OO 4g-56 10-36 43-94 37-32 26-g2 2.3-73 // 17-58 B. A. C. 632 I7-59 17-26 I7-II 16-81 16-41 16-22 17-32 i5-g3 i5-74 1 5-63 15-42 1 5-46 15-41 i5.i3 14-73 14-53 i 4 -3g 14-35 14-35 14-22 14-07 i3-g8 13-65 1 3-3 1 13-24 i3-i8 i3-i8 i3-o3 i3-io i2-go 12-94 12-74 12-70 12-41 12-32 12-01 11-87 II-80 U'74 11-64 11-52 11-47 11-14 10-76 10-07 io-5g i Ceti 67 Ceti 2 Ceti B. A. C. 777. . B. A. C. 703.. 3 1 Arietis B. A. C. 814 y Ceti 38 Arietis . . . . . 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 io3 104 io5 1 06 107 108 109 no i ii 112 ii3 114 n5 116 117 118 119 1 20 121 122 123 I2 4 125 126 127 128 129 i3o i3i 132 1 33 1 34 1 35 1 36 i3 7 i38 i3g 140 141 142 al Tauri I 3 i i 8 4 8 5 i 3 i 6 i >4 18 i 2 6 2 8 4 i i 3 i 2 16 ii 2 7 8 i 6 2 6 i i i i 2 I 2 5 2 4 i i5 '99 0- 97 0'97 '99 0'32 O'll o-36 o-3 1 0-14 0-67 0-67 0'12 0-98 0-41 0-43 0-97 0-99 o-i3 o-og 0'32 o-33 0-07 '99 0-41 o-o5 0-57 o'5o o-35 O'lO 0-24 0-40 o-go 0-27 0-08 0-43 0-14 0-98 0-17 0-99 0-16 0-17 O'lO o-3o o-g3 o-i5 0-18 o-3 1 h m > 4. 0.43-33 4. 2. 18-6 1 4. 2. 25-24 4. 5. 44-80 4. 8.35-86 4. ii. 26-58 4. 11.32-74 4. i3. 45-84 4. 1 3. 46-48 4. 14.34-69 4. 1 5. 44-50 4. 1 6. 43-gg 4. 1 8. 33-43 4. 20. 9-26 4. 23. (i3.) 4. 27. 36-26 4. 29. 55*oo 4.34.18-77 4-38. i5-25 4. 3g. 38-g8 4.47.33-42 4. 49. o'oo 4. 54. 25-88 4. 56. 21-24 4. 58. 44*75 4. 5g. 13-73 4. 5g. 19-43 5. 5. 5g'o2 5. 7 .(3 4 .) 5. 7.34-28 5. 10. 22-98 5. 12.53-78 5.i 7 . 77 3 5. 18.55-66 5.22. 2-01 5.23. 17-57 5. 24. 36-o3 5. 25. 49-2 1 5. 25. 55-i8 5. 26. 20-20 5. 26. 35-87 5. 27. 9-2.3 5.28. 5-55 5. 28. 20-39 5. 28. 51-42 5. 28.58-8g 5. 34. 23-gg 5.41.59-44 5. 47. ig-36 + 3-485 3-221 7-65 4 3-223 2-763 3-674 3-407 3-641 3-636 3-451 3-452 3-56o 3-483 3- 49 5 3-434 2-333 3-276 3'ooi 5-gio 3-896 3-462 3-58i 4-196 9-682 3-5 47 2-538 4'4i9 2-880 3- 1 06 2-764 3-788 3-602 2-572 3-go5 3-064 3-732 3-741 2-646 3-663 3-3o2 2-g3i 2-g36 3-041 3-585 2-177 5-366 + 3-247 I 3 4 i 7 4 8 5 i 3 i 6 i 17 i i? i 2 4 3 9 4 i i 4 i 3 10 5 I ii 2 7 10 i 4 2 6 i i i i 2 I 3 5 2 4 ii 4 2 I 2 I 4 1 II jo. 46. 40-55 82. 41. 10-12 14. i5. 37-98 82.39. 27-38 g7- 52.55-44 63. o. i-36 74. 43. 34-89 64. 43. 1-71 64. 42. 43-gg 72.48. 5-74 72. 53. 44-56 68. 2.32-So 71. 12. 23'4g 71. 8.43-64 47. 1 5. 5-37 73.47. 11-44 120. 5i. 45*11 80. 38. 45-32 g3. 3i. 26-85 23. 54. 38-g4 57. 4. 5-88 73. 4.41-51 68.37. i8-56 48.58. i-5g 10.56. 5i-86 69. 46. 37 - g3 112.34. 8 '^7 44. g. 18-92 18-16 98. 22. 32-34 98. 22. 22-46 88. 25. 40-43 io3. 19. 48-41 61. 3i. irgg 68. n.3o-i8 no. 52. 42-82 57.55. 1 3- 1 8 90. 24. 37-32 63. 25. 50-24 63. 7.40-17 107. 55. 47-22 66. 3. 42-75 80. 10. 1-57 96. 1.35-76 96. o.3ri5 qi. 17. 54-56 68.57. 2-27 124. 9. i6'63 ii 38-20 3978 6-37 53-74 1877 ii -60 I 3 8 i 7 4 8 5 i 3 i 6 i 17 i 17 i 2 4 5 10 4 I i 6 i 3 n I ii 2 7 H i 4 2 6 i i i i 2 I 3 5 2 4 1 1 '99 '97 o- 7 5 '99 o-35 O'll 0-37 o-3 1 0-14 0-67 0-67 0-12 0-98 0-45 0-gg 0-40 0-97 0-gg o-i3 0-08 0-29 o-32 0-07 '99 0-54 o-o5 0-44 o-58 o - 99 o-35 O'lO 0-24 o-33 o-go 0-16 0-08 0-42 0-14 o-g8 0-17 '99 0-16 0-17 o-38 o-3o o-g3 o-i5 0'23 ii 4O-55 IO-I2 38-og 27-38 55-44 i-36 34-89 1-71 43-99 5-74 44-56 32-8o 23-49 43-64 5-37 11-44 40-11 45-32 26-85 39-28 5-g3 4i-5i 18-56 i'5g 52- 4 g 37'g3 8-67 i8-gi 32-34 22-46 40-43 48-41 n-88 3o-i8 42-82 i3-i8 37-32 50-24 40-17 47-22 42-75 i -5 7 35-76 3i-i5 5 4 -56 2-27 1 6-63 27 n 9'92 g-85 9-84 9'6o 5-92 9-11 9-12 8-g3 8-97 8-89 8-81 8-69 8-5g 8- 4 5 8-22 7'6g 7-65 7-32 7-01 6-gi 6'22 6-1 1 5'62 5-45 5-35 5-21 5'20 4'25 4-55 4-53 4-3 1 4-07 3-53 3-6o 3-23 3-24 3-o5 2-98 2-97 2-94 2-8g 2-83 2-78 2- 7 5 2-70 2-68 2-23 no W. B. IV. 2 1 B. A. C. 1280 46 Tauri - Eridani f Tauri v 1 Tauri . v 2 Tauri . S 1 Tauri S'- 2 Tauri ' Tauri Lalande 8336 t Tauri m Persei A debaran v 7 Eridani Lalande 8840 w Eridani 9 Camelopardali . . . i Aurlsas . . B. A. C. i526 i Tauri' ij Aurigae B. A. C. i565 / Tauri Capella S.P Gr. Cat. 1 85o355. Rigel # 8 Tauri o Tauri /3 Leporis S Orionis Gr. Cat. i85o 3go. * a Lcporis . . . 121 Tauri * Tauri a Columbse 3 1 Camelopardali . . 82.37. 2 7'49 124. Of the 9-1 oth magnitude. 131. Of the icth magnitude. 136. Of the Qth magnitude. OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. CATALOGUE OF THE CONCLUDED MEAN R. A. AND MEAN N. P. D. continued. No. Star's Name. Number of Obs. of R.A. Fraction of Year for Mean ofObs. Mean R. A. 1855, Jan. i. Annual Variation in 11.A. Numbc of N D. rofObs. P.D. R. Mean N. P. r ; jS, Jan. D. D. I. B. Whole Number of Obs. of N.P.D. Fraction of Year for Mean of Obs. Concluded Seconds of N.P.D. Annual Variation in N.P.D. 143 144 146 146 H7 148 149 i5o i5i 1 52 1 53 184 1 55 1 56 i5 7 1 58 i5g 1 60 161 162 1 63 ,64 1 65 1 66 167 1 68 169 170 I/' 172 1 7 3 '74 I 7 5 .76 '77 178 179 1 80 181 182 1 83 184 i85 1 86 187 1 88 189 190 3 I 7 2 2 2 2 9 I I I 5 4 i i 2 I 2 I 3 2 I H 2 3 2 15 I 3 4 5 3 7 i i 3 6 4 5 I 8 2 I 4 5 4 10 0-16 O'o5 0-26 o-i5 0-17 0-08 O'lO C'25 o-i8 0*04 0-18 0-14 0-41 0-18 0-14 o-i5 0-90 0-19 0-14 0-17 0-19 0-14 0-47 0-64 0-18 0-18 0'32 o-65 0-16 0-18 0-16 0'2I 0-18 o-3o 0-19 o-ig 0-18 0-16 0-16 o-65 0-44 0-17 0'23 o-ig o-ig 0-17 0-41 h m i 5. 48. 53-77 5. 49. 5o'O2 5. 55. 1 8-44 5. 58. 26-80 5. 5g. 28-52 5. 5g. 39-97 6. o. 55-72 6. 6. 7-59 6. 6. 8-38 6. ii.36-5i 6. ii. 59-78 6. 12.43-82 6. 14. ii -34 6. 14. 44-92 6. 1 5. 47-81 6. 16. 18-98 6. 20. 21'23 6. 23. 17-06 6. 24. 37'5i 6.26. 4-12 6. 29. 2o'i5 6. 2g. 25'g2 6.3i. 6-56 6. 32. 5g-65 6. 33. 38-og 6. 35. 34-06 6. 38. 45'4g 6. 40. 3o*52 6.41. 28-96 6. 42.61-54 6. 46. 23-55 6. 47. 27-24 6. 52. 55-68 6. 55. 30-49 6. 56. 58-20 6. 57. 11-92 7. 2.29-79 7. 3.37-57 7. 6.53-67 7- 7-57-04 7. ii. 27-68 7 .12 7. 12. i-35 7. 16.43-08 7.19.17-19 7. 20. I 8-20 7. 20. 47-43 7. 25. 20- 1 o + 4'44 4-092 3-648 3-724 3-723 3-726 3-648 3-624 3-828 2731 2-731 2-8g3 3-632 2-304 3-697 2-643 3-566 3-455 3-186 3-784 3-469 3-677 3o-528 3-3io 3-078 3-8 10 2-646 4-248 3-459 3-607 3-696 2791 2-358 3-567 2-507 2-718 2-441 3-657 3-758 4-190 3-5 9 3 2-141 3-741 3-261 3-752 3-746 + 3-856 3 2 6 2 2 2 I 10 I I 4 7 i I 2 I 2 I 2 3 i 8 If 2 3 2 16 I 3 4 5 5 7 i i 3 5 4 5 i 8 i 3 I 3 4 4 7 I I 1 II 45. 4. 24-26 52. 48. io'25 66. 44. 1-70 63. 57. 40-14 64. i. 9-09 63. 54. 55-2g 66. 52. 4-60 67. 27. 21-40 60. 27. 12-44 IO4-. 17.. II 2O-25 5g-g5 3 2 6 2 2 2 I II I I 4 8 I i 2 I 2 I 2 3 I 26 2 3 2 16 3 5 5 7 i i 3 5 4 5 8 i 3 i 3 4 4 7 0-16 o-n o-i5 o-i3 0-17 0-08 o*o5 0-24 0-18 0-18 o'i5 0-54 0-18 0-14 o-i5 o-go o-ig 0-14 0-16 o-i5 0*14 0-47 0-54 0-18 0-18 0-37 0-16 0-18 0-16 o-33 0-18 o-3o 0-19 o-ig 0-28 0-16 0-16 0-43 0-90 o - i5 O'23 0-16 O-20 0-17 o-33 II 24-26 IO'25 1-70 40-14 9-09 55-2g 4-60 2i-3o 12-44 22-64 57-60 60-27 779 4774 i6-52 3-28 5g-32 37-88 io-3g 53-go 44-67 5i-5i 28-17 24-97 l3'22 12-61 I2'3l 21-55 52-21 37-77 39-78 17-17 29-76 20-55 57-78 o-85 1879 18-73 26-60 22-67 5-36 21-21 1 5-0 1 21-70 56-28 // 0-94 0-78 o - 3o 0-14 o-o5 o - o3 + o-io o"55 o-83 i-o5 rog l-3 7 1-32 1-48 i- 4 3 1-81 2 - o3 2-25 2-3o 2-5g 2-5 7 2-82 2 - g6 3-oo 3-i3 4-60 3-55 3-75 4'o3 4-16 4-60 4-83 4-93 4-98 5-38 5-5 1 6-78 6-17 6-20 6-18 6-68 6-85 6-92 6'94 + 7'3o 9 AurigaB * * * \V. B. VL 334 W. B. VI. 348 104. 18. 22-64 97. 45. 57-60 67. 24. 6o-3i 1 20. o. 7-79 64. 52. 47-74 107. 53. 1 6-52 69. 42. 3-28 70. 5g. 5g-32 85. 2.37-88 61. 52. io-3g 73. 28.53-go 65. 25. 44*67 2.44. 5i-i7 5i-66 79-58. 28-17 89. 22. 24-97 60. 53. 1 3-2 2 106. 3i. 12-61 48. 3. 10-94 73.38. i2-3i 68. 4.21-55 64. 26. 52-21 101. 5i. 37-77 1 1 8. 46. 3g'78 6g. i3. 17-17 n3. 37. 29-76 io5. 25. 2O-55 1 1 6. 9.57-78 65.38. o-85 6i.5i. 18-79 48. 5i. 42-51 67.45. 18-73 67. 45. 26-60 ? Canis Majoris. . . . B. A. C. 2o58 ]3 Canis Majoris . . . v Geminorum 1 9 Geininorum .... 1 2 Monocerotis .... 4.Q AuriffEe . . y Geminorum ..... * Cephei 5i Hev Cephei 5i Hev. S.P. 1 5 Moncerotis B. A. C. 2 1 89 28 Geminorum .... Sirius 58 Auri<*ae S.P.. .. 33 Geminorum .... d Geminorum 37 Geminorum .... 9 Canis Majoris. . . . t Canis Majoris .... Geminorum o 2 Canis Majoris . . . 7 Canis Majoris. . . . 8 Canis Majoris .... 48 Geminorum .... 53 Geminorum .... 64 Aurigas S.P S Geminorum * Geminorum 6i.55. 5-36 8l. 25. 21-21 61. 35. i5-oi 61.47. 21-70 57. 47. 56-28 $ Canis Minoris . . . i 1 Geminorum .... i 2 Geminorum a 1 Geminorum 146. Of the nth magnitude. 148. Of the yth magnitude. MEAN RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND MEAN NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF STARS CATALOGUE OF THE CONCLUDED MEAN R. A. AND MEAN N. P. D. continued. -So. Star's Name. Number of Obs. of K.A. Fraet ion of Year for Mt>ai ofOljs. Mean E. A. 1853, Jan. i. Annual Variation in B.A. Numb of N D. >rofObs .P.D. R. Mean N. P iSjj, Jan. D. D. i. E, Whole Number of Obs. of N.P.D. Fraction of Year for Mean of Obs. Concluded Seeonds of N.P.D. Animal Variation iu N.P.D. igi 192 1 9 3 194 190 196 '97 198 99 200 201 2O2 203 204 2O5 206 207 208 209 21O 211 212 213 2I 4 215 216 217 218 2I 9 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 22 7 228 22 9 23o 23l 232 233 23 4 235 236 23 7 238 Castor i5 20 20 6 6 4 10 6 i 4 2 6 i 4 ii 5 7 7 2 I I 5 7 i 5 2 I 5 10 9 i 4 5 3 7 10 9 i i5 I i 3 i 2 O-37 o-35 0-34 0'20 O'2O o'ig O'20 o-3o 0-24 O'2O 0-68 0-17 0-18 o-33 0'25 0-67 o-58 O'2I 0-68 O'OI OM7 O'2I O'_22 0-16 0-24 0-22 0-25 0'25 o-25 0-61 o-3 1 O'22 0-24 O'2I 0-27 o-25 0-24 '99 o-33 0-16 O'20 O'2g 0- 7 3 0-27 h m a 7. 25. 2o-5o 7. 3i. 42-65 7. 36. 26-29 7. 42. ( 4 5.) 7.43. n-83 7. 52. g-i5 7. 54. 36-38 8. i. 22-17 8. 8. 3g-oo 8. 10. 3r68 8. n. 14-98 8. 12.53-70 8. 24. 19-06 8. 29. (32.) 8. 33. 56-og 8. 34. 53-38 8.3g. 5-66 8. 42. I2'02 8. 49. 15-67 8. 5o. 33-21 8. 5i. 12-65 8. 54. 1 5-2 2 8. 57. 33-54 8. 57.34-22 8. 5g. 53-45 9. i. 0-91 9. 5. 19-98 9. 7. 1 3-32 9. 10. 3-8o 9. 10. 53'oi 9. 20. (3.) 9. 20. 27-72 9. 23. 8-06 9. 23. 26-5i 9 .a 9 . (i 8.) 9. 29. 3i-62 9. 33. 24-55 9. 35. 49-86 9. 37. 36-82 9- 44- 3o-57 9. 52.32-88 9. 5g. 25-29 10. 0.38-76 10. 3. 5o-o2 10. 4.32-48 10. 7.26-19 10. 8. 20-22 10. 8. 2I-Q4 + 3-844 3-i 4 5 3-682 2'527 3-645 3-70I 2 "555 3-263 3-262 3-665 4-1-39 3-485 9 -36 7 3-487 3-i85 4-060 4' '47 3-292 3-929 3-524 5-403 5-400 3-261 3- 4 65 3-446 3-324 3-370 3-36o 2-948 4-060 3-440 3-462 3-227 3-279 3-422 3-427 3-i8i 3-284 3-2o3 3-241 3-298 3-670 3-657 + 3-284 H '9 22 2 6 5 7 10 6 i 4 2 7 i i 6 ii 5 2 5 8 3 i i 5 6 i 5 2 7 2 7 2 6 i 2 4 5 3 7 9 7 i 4 i i 3 i 2 2 2 I I I 2 2 I 1 11 57. 47. 53-96 84. 24. 20-43 61.37. 40-03 1 5. 42. 11-37 114. 29. 55-70 64. 12.51-34 6 1. 48. 1 1-57 ii3. 53. 21-75 80. 22. I7-32 80. 24. 7-25 62. 19. o-25 46.21. 9-69 69. 4. 12-14 9. 28. 14-50 9. 26. 24-87 68. o. 48-92 83. 3. 8-g3 45. 44. 1 6- 1 1 41. 23. 34-66 34-42 77.35. 2-49 47. 38. 54-39 64. 58. 48-68 22. 1 6. 53-43 22. l6. 54'99 78.45. 4-5 1 67. 22. l6'II 68. 7. 20-67 74.27.35-91 71-4 71. 40. 57-20 26. 1 8. 28-5o 98. 1.56-87 37. 3g. 53-26 52-5i 66. 23. 43-40 49- 6.45-94 64. 40. 5 1 -08 79.27. 1-73 75. 19. 2- 1 8 65. 33. 38-46 63. 18. 45-22 8 1. 1 5. 44-30 72.31.56-65 77. ig. 33-go 75. 55. 52-88 70. 36. 50-75 46. 28. 54-75 46. 21. 53-65 71. 32. 24-41 ii irgi 12-54 12-08 1-68 55-54 56-24 28-52 175 H 19 22 4 6 5 9 10 6 i 4 7 2 I 6 ii 2 9 I I 6 6 i 5 2 9 4 7 8 i 4 6 3 7 9 7 I H i i 3 2 o-38 o-35 o-36 0-17 O'2O o'ig o-ig O'2O o'3o 0*24 O'20 0-17 0-24 0-18 0-27 0-24 0-21 O'lg O'OI 0-17 O'23 0-23 0-16 0*24 0-22 0-23 0-19 0-25 o-65 o-3 1 0'22 0-22 0-21 0-27 0-24 O-22 0-gg o-32 0-16 O'20 0-28 0-27 53-96 25-43 40-03 1 1-64 55-70 5l-34 H'79 21-75 17-32 7-25 O'25 12-14 i3'2g 24-87 48-92 8-g3 34-66 2 '40 48-68 53-43 55-08 4'5 1 16-11 20-67 35-gi 56-gg 28-5i 56-87 52-8i 43-40 5ro8 i- 7 3 2-18 38-46 45-22 44 -3o 56-65 33-go 52-88 5o'75 54-75 24-41 // + 7^7 8-85 8-25 8-69 8-72 9'4 9-68 10-07 10-74 ic-8i 11-24 11-84 12-17 12-48 I2'52 12-87 I3-78 13-62 i3-8g 14-03 14-13 I4'i5 14-23 14-52 14-60 i5 - oo 15-32 15-36 16-10 io'6o io-g5 16-14 i6-25 i6-33 16-71 17-06 17-34 i7'3g 17-64 17-55 17-68 + 17-72 Procyon Pollux B. A. C. 25 9 6 Navis 1 5 Argus W. B. VIII. 262 ... Y Cancri. . 3 1 Lyncis S.P ij Cancri Groombridge 1452 . B. A. C. 2g3o y Cancri t Hydras 35 Lyncis S. P. .... i Ursse Majoris .... i Ursos Majoris S.P. . a Cancri 10 Ursas Majoris . . . 10 Ursae MajorisS.P. v Cancri a 2 Ursse Maj. (ist Star) a 3 Ursae Maj. ( 2 d Star) Cancri B. A. C. 3i38 IT Cancri * 83 Cancri h Ursse Majoris .... 6 Ursae Majoris .... 6 Ursae Majoris S.P. . A Lconis 42 Lyncis S.P o Lconis 4- Leonis e Leonis ij Lconis 34 Leonis * Groombridge 1626 . x Ursse Majoris S.P. B. A. C. 35o6 205. The resulting N.P.D. appears to be several seconds in error, by companion with the Greenwich Catalogue of 1576 Stars for 1850. OBSERVED AT THE KOTAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. CATALOGUE OF THE CONCLUDED MEAN R. A. AND MEAN N. P. D. continued. No. Star's Name. Number of Obs. of E.A. Fraction of Year for Mean of Obs. Mean R.A. 1855, Jan. i. Annual Variation inR,.A. Numbei ofN. D. of Obs. P.D. R. Mean N. P.] 1855, Jan. i D. ). E. Whole Number of Obs. of N.P.D. Fraction of Year fur Mean of Obs. Concluded Seconds of N.P.D. Annual Variation in N.P.D. 23g 240 241 242 243 244 240 246 247 248 249 25o *5i 252 253 254 255 256 25; 258 25g 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 2 7 3 274 2 7 5 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Gr. Cat. i85o 703. I 6 3 i i 5 2 i3 2 10 I IO 12 II 7 9 4 2 5 5 8 3 2 2 2 2 i3 3 6 5 i 7 i i 4 i ii 2 6 2 4 6 i i i 2 ' 2 9 0-27 0'26 0-26 0-73 o-3o 0-19 o-3 1 0-27 o-33 '99 0-26 O'25 o-53 0-28 o-3g o*3o O'2O 0-29 0-29 o - 3o 0'5 1 0-29 o-i3 0'32 0-32 0-29 0'25 o*3o 0-29 0-28 o-3 1 o-3o 0*32 0-28 o-3 1 o-33 o-33 0-28 0-48 o-3 1 0*40 0-99 o-33 o-33 o-35 h in a 10. ii. 07-23 10. ii. 58-38 10. 1 1. 58'6g 10. i3. 37-23 10. 1 3. 40-66 10. 20. 3i-35 10. 24. 27-15 10. 25. 10-40 10. 3i. (26.) 10. 04. 14-43 10.35. 8-i3 10.38.32-54 10.41.37-97 10. 53. 4-26 10. 54. 44-64 I0.57-32-I3 Ii. 6.23-49 ii. 6.26-42 11. 6.37-61 ii. 10. 26-17 1 1. 10. 26-01 ii. 12. 5-63 ii. 13.39-48 ii. 16. 11-70 1 1. 16. 21-82 n. 19. 24-86 ii. 19. 26-00 1 1. 20. 28-78 ii. 20. 29-74 1 1. 25. 52-72 ii. 26. 56-6g u. 27. 27-30 ii. 29. 3i-5i u. 34. 20-5 1 u.38. 24-38 11.40. 27-84 1 1. 40. 3o - 2o 11.41. 3g-68 11.44. 36-58 u. 45. 35-66 II. 46. H'22 n.5i. 16-45 n. 53. 26-54 11.57.49-37 11.58. 8-83 n. 5g. 48-01 12. 2.40-41 + 3 8 -333 3-321 3-299 4'439 3'6i3 2-736 3-2i6 3-171 4-597 3-io5 3-i32 3- 1 63 3-104 3-778 3-io3 3-204 3-087 3-i6o 3-222 3-222 2*994 3-099 2-906 3-i37 3-o36 3-087 3'ogi 3-oS6 2-942 3-076 2-897 3-074 3-426 3-og3 3-092 3 - io6 3-o65 3-487 3-o 1 5 0-196 3'I I 2 3*079 3-064 3 - o6i 3-071 + 3-078 I 6 3 i i 5 2 16 i 2 8 i ii 12 I I 3 7 u 4 2 4 4 8 4 3 2 2 2 16 2 6 5 i 7 3 I 5 2 12 2 6 2 4 6 i i i 2 I 3 i 2 I o t ti 66. 46. 4-84 69. 25. 36-83 69. 25. 38-35 23. 42. io - o3 47. 46. 26-g2 120. 19. 5i-i8 75. 7. i3-i6 79. 56. 56-33 20.48. 4-71 1 7. 43. 40-64 85. 3g. 38-07 82. 5i. 52 - 8o 78. 41. 2o-3o 85.36. i8-5o 27.28. 3-27 2-81 81. 52. 52-71 68. 40. 58-12 86. 56.3o-22 73. 46. 44'og 67. 3g. ig-go 57. 3g. 2 1 -go io3. 5g. 3g - 74 83. 10.36-55 125. 22. i2-gg 78. 40. 2i-3g 86. ii. 4g-3g 86. 12. 14-34 86. 20. 44*94 86. 22. 17-57 121. 3. 18-92 86. 8. 5-o8 122. 3. 5o-i3 90. i. 24-88 22. 27. U'28 82. 3g. 30-42 80. 56. 56-67 68.58.3r37 74. 37. 3-55 5i. 14.30-67 123. 6. 6-07 35. 29. 57-96 5i. 19. 0-07 82. 34. 37-94 80. 27. 41-57 g5. g. 58'i6 g5. 16. 41-22 111.48.47-77 11 2-73 2 - o5 57-46 8-89 32-53 I 6 3 i 5 2 16 2 2 8 I II 12 17 7 12 4 2 4 4 8 4 3 2 2 2 16 2 6 5 i 5 i 5 3 12 2 6 2 4 6 i i i 2 O'29 0-27 0-26 O-26 o-3o 0-19 o-38 0-18 0-27 0-27 "99 0-26 0-26 0-45 0-28 o-36 o-3o 0-20 o-3o o-3o o-3o 0-47 0-28 o-i3 o-32 o-32 o-38 o-3o o-3o 0-29 0-28 0-29 0-26 0-32 0-28 0-29 o-3 1 0-32 0-28 0-48 0-3 1 o*53 '99 o-33 o-33 o'35 4-84 36-83 38-35 io-o3 5ri8 i3-i6 56-33 3-72 40-64 38-07 52-8o 2o-3o i8-5o 2-98 52-71 58-07 30-22 44-9 19-9 21-90 39-74 36-55 12-99 2i-3g 49'3g 14-34 44'94 17-57 i8-g2 5-o8 5o-i3 24-88 10-32 30-42 56-67 31-76 3-55 30-67 6-07 57*96 0-07 37'94 41-57 58-i6 41-22 4777 + 1 7 -85 18-02 17-87 17-99 18-25 18-38 18-40 18-55 18-67 18-71 18-80 i8'8g ig-26 19-34 19-40 19-66 ig-52 ig-55 20-16 20-16 19-44 19-66 19-90 19-75 ig-58 J974 19-78 19-76 19-86 19-97 ig*o3 19-87 19*88 20-16 2O'OO 19-98 20-09 25-71 20-04 20-02 20-04 2O-IO 2o-o5 2O'O5 20-06 + 2o-o3 B A C 353i /* TJrsse Majoris S.P. B. A C. 3645 Gr. Cat. i85o 721. 34 Sextantis 37 Sextantis d 1/eonis a, Ursce Majoris. . . . a Ursae Majoris S.P. v Leonis . . B. A. C. 3836 | l Ursre Majoria . . . 3 Ursic Majoris . . . S Crateris j Virinis B. A. C. 4208 8 Corvi ,3 Corvi y Virginis (s one mass) go. 3g. 14-88 96. 42. 8-64 86. g. 12-42 92. 45. 62-61 67. 57. 57-45 85. 48. 4g-36 50.64. 5-12 5o. 53. 62-34 23. 46. 26-34 g3. 1.44-62 94. 45. 48-g5 100. 24. 11*12 g5. 3o. 20-40 10. 36. 24-36 102. 28. 16-62 89. 5i. 11-28 52. 4. 24-75 io5. 26. 5i-g3 122. 18. 2g-g5 71-49- 8-27 3g. 67. 41-21 122. 16. i5'3~ 122. l6. 24-41 70. 52. 26-72 87. 45. 6-48 io5.36. 53-26 gg. 35. 47*04 107.31. 17-32 70. 3. 38-6o 102.42. 4-83 58. 5g. 24-28 5g. 37. 22-21 26. 4. . 37 Vir8i 82 83 84 5 85 86 387 388 ^89 390 192 394 5g5 396 697 5g8 5gg 600 X Aquarii 1 5 Lacertoe 1 5 Lacertee S.P. 74 Aquarii 8 Aquarii Fomalhaut 8 1 Aquarii 82 Aquarii o Andromedas o Andromeda S.P. a Pegasi B. A. C. 8094 . 70. 37' J B. A. C. 35o6 B. A. C.353i B. A. C. 36 4 5 8g Leonis 3 Draconis 16 NEW CONSTANTS FOE STARS OBSERVED NEW CONSTANTS FOR STARS IN THE CATALOGUE NOT PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED. *n "a i *l U2<2 .ss |f 6 Star's Name. Logarithms of Value of 1 Logarithms of Value of 1' e f g h e' f e' h' 283 284 2g3 294 298 3o5 3o6 3io 3u 3i5 322 324 333 334 335 338 342 3 49 355 358 368 3 7 2 374 376 382 335 3ga 3g6 407 410 419 422 4 23 432 433 4 3 4 436 4 3 7 440 44' 401 4 53 461 472 477 /R.A. iih.58 m .(9'.)... \ \ N. P. D. g5. 10' ( 0*05426 0*05426 0*05446 0*05439 0*05447 0*0 1 633 0*06497 g*q3552 o*o555g 0*05572 0*06708 0-06712 0*06966 o*oi38g o*o58g3 0*06674 0*06028 0*06866 0*062 1 5 0*06378 0*06646 o*o663g 0*06716 0*06667 o*o6go3 0*06807 0*07120 0*07123 0*07370 0*07480 0*07901 0*08021 o*o8o32 o*o8ig7 0*08202 0-08210 0*08376 o*o845g 0-08609 o*o86og 0*09023 0*08843 0*09210 o*ogi6i o*og3 1 6 0*07938 0*07921 0*07610 0*07684 0*07666 0*066 1 5 0-07372 0*02 83o 0-06996 0*06884 0*0662 1 o*o6565 0*06236 0-02243 0-06134 0*06700 0*060 1 1 o*o533 1 0*06610 o*o5556 0*06637 0-06548 0*06607 0-06265 0-06464 o-o5i56 o-o53o2 o*o53o3 0*05164 0*04996 o*o5o83 0*06121 0*06379 0*04634 0*06206 0-06203 0*06276 o*o4ggo 0*04682 0*04682 o*o46g2 0-06292 0*04813 o*o5585 o*o5535 1*44823 1*44826 1*44848 1*44862 1*44862 1*43806 1*44861 1-40677 '44994 1-46057 i*45n8 1*46167 1*46241 1*40240 i '4543 1 1*43621 1*46457 1*43379 1*43717 1*46763 1-46684 1*46604 1*45616 i'436i3 1*46680 1*46072 1*46730 1*46726 1*46890 1*46108 i -46933 1*46869 1*46272 I '42 go i 1-46737 1-46744 1*46643 1*43474 1*42916 i*42gi5 1*42966 1-46815 I *43o55 1-46640 1*46733 0*08 136 0*08140 0*08128 0*08217 0*08196 0*02201 0*08041 9-93842 0-0841 1 0*08622 0*08493 0*08660 0*08479 0-01711 0*08717 0*0643 1 0*08647 0-06672 o*o6ggg o*o863g 0*08006 0-08416 0*08376 0*07242 0*082 8g 0-086 1 g o-o824g 0*08247 0*08174 0-08162 o*o7g26 0*07872 o*o78g4 0*08107 0-07802 o*077g8 0*07746 0-08216 o*o8388 o*o8388 0*08677 0*07488 o*o87g5 '7449 0-07268 87*826 87*833 88*026 8 7 * 97 5 88*002 g5*726 88*212 iog'525 88*069 87*999 88-069 88*008 88-060 101*648 87-869 91*317 87-881 91-465 90-664 87*711 87770 87*823 87*820 90*349 87-816 87-623 87*676 87*678 87*628 87-397 87-348 87-328 87-609 89*700 87*300 87-294 87*249 88*721 89*176 89*176 88*074 86-g4g 88*2i3 86776 86-678 g-8848o 9*88614 g-8gi37 g*8g56g g*8g558 g*gi85g g-8gi20 g*88i42 g*g3238 9*94955 9*g6335 g*g752o 9'9942 g*644i6 o*o3o56 9-62948 o*o35o7 g*553g i 9*5g3g2 0*08682 0-07466 0*06074 0*06273 9*64192 o-o5633 0*12963 0*08196 0*08128 0*10609 0*13498 0*1 1233 o*io336 9^9476 9*31723 o-o83oo 0-08426 0*06737 9*47640 9*33846 9*33846 g-38o5o 0-09606 9*41724 0-04949 0*08224 0*04630 0*04460 0*04667 o*o3ig7 0-03646 o*32ioo o*o6o32 o*3253o 9'9999 g-g8io2 g*g8623 9'975i8 9'9 8 97 3 0*28266 9*96166 0*22146 g'g64O2 0-20744 0*18072 9*971 13 9*99112 0*00410 0*00902 o* 1 566 1 0*02394 9*gg6o 4 o-o3i3g 0-03172 0-04387 0-04849 0-0781 1 o-o8537 0*08276 0-06774 0-09484 o-og535 0*10266 0*04014 0*02367 0*02367 9'986i3 0*13287 g-g68i3 o*i3g7g 0*15864 1-65374 1*65374 1*66218 r65igi 1*66160 i*64g22 1-64878 1*64016 r63g87 1-63655 1*62682 1-62376 1*60402 1-60286 1-60261 1*69720 1*69232 1*67423 i *56397 1*55655 1*64635 i -53g34 i*532i5 i*5275g 1*51628 i-5i33i I'4go87 i*4go66 1*46247 1*44807 1*40007 1-38466 1*38142 1*36700 1*36870 1*36764 i -33 1 63 1*32667 i*3i6gi i*3i6gi 1-26022 1*26751 i*22g36 1*18372 1*16216 0*08207 o*o7g45 o*o3o8o 0-02661 0-02171 9'99 3 77 9*9 8 9H 9-92147 9'9'9 3 9 9-89860 g-83883 9-82818 9-70764 9-73269 g*73i23 979- ? 9 9-68970 9-62170 9-68622 9-66181 9*62663 9*60866 9*48816 9*47544 9-44382 9-43880 9-38967 9-38918 9-34264 g-32568 q - 3oio3 9'3o253 9*3o353 9-30893 g-3 1 33 1 9-31427 9-33398 9*3385o 9-34784 9-34784 9' 4 i363 9*41688 9*4533o 9-61272 9-64046 ii 78-811 79-029 81-987 83*o 1 6 83-i35 68-771 83*g8o 64-834 90-478 92-004 g4'854 g5'486 gg*2 4 8 89*467 99-296 97*448 100-714 io5'258 108-673 103-737 106-294 106-400 107*034 117-531 108-868 104*537 109*646 iog - 6g6 1 10*1 18 io8.g7i 1 12-647 113.746 1 2 1 * 1 43 143-226 116*082 1 1 6*0 1 3 118-000 144*182 147-687 147-687 i5i*455 i i6-6g5 162-786 121-029 117*666 W. B. XI. ioi3 B. A. C. 4527 B. A. C. 453i 83 Virini3 B. A. C. 4700 B. A. C. 4722 B. A. C. 4896 6 Ursae Minor-is 40 Bootis B. A. C. 4084 . v 1 Bootis a Coronte f R.A.'i5 h . 46. (35.).. 1 * IN. P.O. 1 1 8. 45'.. B. A. C. 5347 ^ f R. A. l6 h . 5 m . (2I 1 .). .. 1 \N. P. D. Il3. 24' } % f H. A. l6 h . I2 m . (38 9 .) . 1 \N. P. D. Il3. 2l' ,...] 23 Herculis ^ TR. A. i6 h . 2g m . (o<.) .. "1 \ N. P. D. II 1. 48' J f R. A. i6 h . 3o m . (47 s .) . "1 1 N. P. D. 123. 27'. . B. A. C. 5700... 26 Ophiuchi B. A. C. 5g25 B. A.C. 6127 B. A. C. 6194 f R. A. l8 h . I0 m . (41'.) . 1 \N. P. D. 102. l6' J Groombridge 2563 25 Sagittarii ^ f R. A. 1 8". 40 m . (36'.). . "1 | N. P. D. II 2. 5'. ... J (R. A. i8 h . 43 m . (28'.) . 1 \ N. P. D. 56. 48'. . J Groombridge 2700.. . Groombridge 2701 . ... B. A. C. 6656 B. A. C 6666 HCvcrni. . B. A. C. 6889 B. A. C. 6047 . , AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855, 17 NEW CONSTANTS FOB STARS IN THE CATALOGUE NOT PREVIOUSLY OBSERVED, 03 S o Star's Name. Logarithms of Value of 1 Logarithms of Value of 1' 479 482 490 49 2 604 5o6 5o8 5n 5i3 814 521 534,535 536 55o 55 1 555 55y 558 55g 56i 563 565 566 56g 570 573 5 74 577 58i 58 9 5gi 5g2 5g3 (40'.). 21'.. G-roombridge 3o88 . 4 Capricorni 13. A. C. 7049 ( R. A. 20 h . 23 m , \N. P. D. Il5 B. A. C. 7077 B. A. C. 7237 20 Capricorni 2 1 Capricorni B. A. C. 7312 A Capricorni {R. A. 20''. 58 m . (5o s .). N. P. D. 9. 5g' f Capricorni 75 Cygni.... 44 Capricorni e 2 Aquarii B. A. C. 7737 45 Aquarii B. A. C. 7803 5o Aquarii 26 Cepbei 58 Aquarii 1 1 Lacertte 67 Aquarii 70 Aquarii 1 5 Lacertae 74 Aquarii 8 1 Aquarii 82 Aquarii B. A. C. 8094 JR. A. 23 b . u m . (i5 s .). \N.P. D. 96. 25' ig Piscium 21 Piscium 22 Piscium B. A. C. 83i4 o'og63g 0-09290 0^0940 1 0*0946 1 0*096 1 g 0-16748 0-10478 o - 1 oo i g o-io685 0*10075 0-10785 O-IO1O2 O-I272O O'lOI 12 o'logoS O'IOl32 0-10174 o- log 1 3 o-ioigg O'loig2 o-loig3 0-10214 O'IO22g o-io2og o-io25g 0*10263 O'i56g8 o-o5o36 o - o5656 0-05728 0-05702 0*05700 0-05874 o - o5gg6 0-06023 0-06061 o-o5g6g g-g66 9 4 0-06108 0-05927 0-06413 o'o66go 0-06298 0-06763 0-06443 0-06817 0-05548 o-o6go2 0-06680 0-07030 0*07074 0*06857 0-07123 0-07217 0-07404 0-07726 0-07752 0-07454 i -43 1 65 I-45535 I-45533 1-45612 1-45614 1-45526 1*45363 i -453 1 6 i*452g8 1-45526 r3555i 1-45373 1-43682 1*45154 1*45046 i*438g5 1*45062 1-43968 i*45o55 I '43004 i*45ooo 1*44100 i'44g66 1-44213 i '4497 1*44907 i - 44goi 1*44860 1-44874 1*44816 1*44825 1*44820 1*44444 o*ogog6 0-07387 0-07327 0-07242 0-07238 0-07195 0-07330 0*07376 0-07377 0-07099 0-16626 0-07228 0-09668 0*07391 0-07457 0-09804 0*07378 o*og8g3 0-07362 0-12271 0-07460 O'ogggS 0-07611 0-07460 o - ogg6i 0-07412 0-07617 0-07740 0-07652 o - o8o2g 0-08006 o- 1 5407 87-467 86-684 86-601 86-573 86-573 86'43g 86-3g7 86-387 86-356 86-348 86-igg 86-283 85-480 86-o52 85-8io 84-824 85-761 84-533 83-723 82-622 85-635 84-106 85-486 85'4g8 33-924 85-477 85-340 85-323 85-i5g 85-174 84-739 84779 84-710 7-5-397 9*4853o 0*04871 0*04844 0-06236 0-06290 0*04743 0-01602 0-00626 0-00242 0-04778 9-62318 0-01874 9' 6 7994 9-97080 g-g4 4 68 974 '44 9-94949 g'76545 g-g48o8 g-g3322 g-8oi3o 9-91307 9-9 2 497 g-82ig8 9'9 26 74 g-go8o3 g-go6ig g-8g4 4 8 9-88206 9-88405 9-88297 o-o logo 9-92264 0-14690 o- 1 5352 0-16171 0-16210 0-16753 0-15471 o-i4ggo 0-17700 9'7o5ig o-i6563 0-14166 g'78558 o'i5io2 9-76912 o-i52go 0-14136 9*74794 0-12244 0-14147 9-74806 0-14727 0-12422 OM2l63 0-10491 0*11694 0*062 1 5 0*07766 0*06576 9*38408 i5562 12862 12174 i 2 log *o5623 o52g8 04295 *o3823 1*03706 1*01654 0*94762 0*94616 0-87608 0*87375 0*85565 0*84426 0*84244 0-82866 o*8253g 0*80212 0*78799 0-77832 0-77769 0-76210 0-75977 0-73728 0-73180 0-70148 0-69949 O'6g82g 0-69668 9-54989 g-58282 g-5gi2o 9-59186 9-64928 9-66822 9-67198 g-683og 9-68824 g-68g56 9-71193 9-78265 9-78412 g-85n8 g-85338 g-88og6 g-88263 g-8g563 9-89881 9-92081 9-92335 9"9 3 47 3 9"944 36 9*94494 g-g6iog g-g6338 9^8875 9-99562 0-04428 0-04945 o-o5366 o-o5gi6 I20'g65 120-746 119-226 iig-i66 I2o - oo3 I23'o57 124-023 124-257 119-211 i6r3gg 121-946 i55-85g 125-572 i26-58o 154-147 !25-ig3 1 53-35 1 124-838 i56'7g2 126-114 i5i'745 127-857 125-464 i5o - 2i4 1 24-574 i26-6g6 I26'8g7 127-648 126-255 128-381 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. 4D ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DIAMETERS AND RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF THE SUN, MOON, AND PLANETS, (The Right Ascensions of the Sun, Moon, and Planets corrected for Personal Equation ; and the North Polar Distances corrected for Discordance of Direct and Reflexion Results, and for Flexure of the Telescope of the Transit-Circle,) DEDUCED FROM THE OBSERVATIONS, AND COMPARED WITH THE NAUTICAL ALMANAC: WITH THE INFERRED POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC ; THE GEOCENTRIC ERRORS OF THE SUN, MOON, AND PLANETS, IN LONGITUDE AND ECLIPTIC POLAR DISTANCE ; AND THE EQUATIONS BETWEEN THE GEOCENTRIC ERRORS OF THE PLANETS AND THE HELIOCENTRIC ERRORS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETS, IN LONGITUDE AND ECLIPTIC POLAR DISTANCE. 1855. 4D 2 20 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DIAMETERS OP THE SUN, MOON, AND PLANETS, SIDEREAL TIMES occupied by the TRANSIT of the SUN'S DIAMETER ; and VERTICAL DIAMETERS of the SUN, corrected for Refraction and Parallax : compared with those of the Nautical Almanac. DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical DAT. Observed Duration of Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. 1 855. m s 1 1 II li n 1 855. m i 1 I ; ;; // II Jan. 5 2. 2 1 '42 21-76 + 0-34 32. 27 - g5 36-40 ( + 8- 4 5 July 1 3 3l. 3o'O2 32-40 + 2-38 27 2. 17-64 1772 + 0-08 32. 34-83 33-oo 1-83 H 2. 16-27 I6-22 o-o5 3i. 3o'oi 32'6o + 2-5g 18 2. 15-64 15-66 + 0-02 3i. 3o - q2 33-oo + 2-08 Feb. 10 32. 29-28 28-60 0-68 20 2. l5'34 i5-34 o-oo 3i.3o-82 33-40 -!- 2-58 12 2. i3-g5 14-06 + O'l I 32. 30-27 27-80 2*47 23 2. 14-25 14-88 ( + 0-63) 3i. 32-48 33-8o + r32 15 2. 13-14 13-42 + 0-28 32. 23-75 26-60 + 2-85 16 2. i3-3i l3'22 o-oq 32. 22-67 26-20 + 3-53 Aug. i 3i.3r6o 35-8o + 4' 20 20 2. 12-36 12-42 + 0*06 32. 24-37 24-60 + o-23 2 2. l3'I4 i3-i6 + 0-02 31.35-53 36-oo + 0-47 21 2. I2'l6 12-22 + 0-06 32. 26-82 24-00 2-82 3 2. I2-g3 1 3-00 + O-O/ 3i.36-6o 36-20 0-40 22 2. 12-22 12-04 0-18 32. 27-60 23-6o 4-00 10 2. i i-6g li -80 + o-ii 31.37-26 38-20 + o-g4 24 2. 1 1 '60 11-68 + 0-08 32. 24'og 22-80 1-29 13 01.39-14 3g-2O + 0-06 16 2. 10-72 10-84 + 0-12 3i.38-o7 40-40 + 2-33 Mar. i 2. II-03 10-88 -o-i5 32. 17-91 20-40 + 2'49 18 2. io-3g 10-54 + o-i5 3i.38-g2 41-20 + 2-28 5 2. ZO'ig IO-32 + o-i3 32. l5'22 18-40 + 3'i8 21 2. 10' 10 I O'lO O'OO 3i. 40-29 42-40 + 2-11 6 32. 22-79 18-00 -479 22 2. g-82 9-98 + 0-16 3i. 43.65 42-80 0-85 7 32.17-78 17-40 0-38 20 3 1 . 43-3o 44-00 + 7 8 2. 9-91 9-96 + o-o5 32. 20-32 17-00 3-32 28 2. g-o 7 9 -2 4 + 0-17 3i. 44-38 45-20 + 0-82 9 2. 9-80 9-84 + 0-04 32. i3-o3 16-40 + 3-37 29 2. g-o6 9*H + 0-08 3i. 42-86 45-80 + 2-94 3o 2. 8-go 9'4 + 0-14 3i. 44-65 46-20 + 1-55 April 2 2. 8-99 g-OO + O'Ol 32. o-58 3-40 + 2-82 3i 2. 8-71 8'94 + 0-23 3i. 43-73 46-60 + 2-87 5 3i. Sg-gS 6 1 -60 + 1-65 7 3i.58-5q 60-40 + 1-81 Sept. 5 2. 8-33 8-52 + o*'9 3i.44-g8 49*00 + 4'02 JO 2. 9-35 9'4 6 + OMI 31.58-25 58-8o + o-55 8 2. 7-72 8-34 ( + 0-62) 3i. 50-70 50-40 o-3o ii 2. g-32 9' 5 4 + O-22 1 1 2. 8'08 8-20 + 0'I2 3i. 51-47 5 1 -80 + o-33 12 2. 9-43 9-62 + o-ig 31.56-73 57-80 + 1-07 20 2. 8-i3 8-12 O'OI 3i, 54-31 56-6o + 2-2g H 2. g-83 9-82 O'O I 21 2. 7-g5 8-14 + o-iq 3i. 56-o3 57-00 + 0-97 16 2. 9-90 IO-02 + O'12 3i. 55-o8 55-6o + 0-52 22 2. 7-63 8-16 + 0-53 7 2. lO'IO 10-12 + 0-02 3i. 56-3i 55-OO i-3i 25 2. 8'3q 8-28 O'll 3i. 5g'42 5g'4O O'O2 18 3i. 58-17 54-60 - 3-5 7 26 2. 8-32 8-34 + 0'02 3i.5g-58 60*00 + 0-42 19 2. 10-46 10-36 o-io 31.55-72 54-00 172 27 2. 8-24 8-40 + 0-l6 3i. 5g'78 60-60 + 0-82 20 2. 10-47 10-48 + O'OI 23 2. ii'og 10-88 0-21 3i. 55-24 52"OO 3-24 Oct. 2 3i. 5g-85 63-20 + 3-35 24 2. 10-63 II'OO + 0-37 3i. 5o-38 5 1-60 + 1-22 4 2. 8' 94 8-96 + 0-02 32. 2-54 4-40 + 1-86 26 2. ir36 11-28 0-08 3i. 52-5i 5o*6o - rgi 5 2. g-o3 9-06 + o-o3 27 2. Il'5l 11-44 0-07 3i. 5i-8o 5o - oo 1-80 6 2. g-07 9-18 + O'll 32. 3-34 5-40 + 2-06 28 2. 11-46 n-58 + 0-12 3i. 48-32 49-60 + 1-28 10 32. 5-17 7-60 + 2- 4 3 13 2." 9'98 10-10 + O'I2 32. 9-11 9'2O + o-og May 2 2. I2'3o 12-20 o-io 3i. 4 7 -56 47-60 + 0-04 i5 32. i-3i 10-40 ( + 9-09) 3 2. 12-23 12-36 -f o-i3 3i. 45-61 47-20 + i'5g 17 2. 10-62 10-76 + 0-14 32. 9-49 11-40 + rgi 5 2. 12-72 12-68 0-04 31.52-17 46-20 5 '97 18 2. Il - o3 10-94 O'oq 32. II-85 12-00 + o-io 10 3 i. 41-41 44-00 + 2-09 20 2. II'O2 ir3o + 0-28 32. 3-07 13-20 (-1- io'i3) 17 2. 14-62 14-64 + O'12 3 I. 3g-8q 41-20 + i'3i 24 2. l5'6o 15-72 + O'12 3i. 38-56 38-8o 4 0-24 Nov. i 32. i8-o3 19*40 + r37 26 2. i5-g8 i6 - co + O'02 3i. 42-93 38-20 -4- 7 3 6 2. 14-78 14-98 -I- 0-20 32. 2I-6l 21-80 + o-iq 15 2. i6-g8 17-12 + 0-14 32. 21-97 20-80 + 3-83 June 8 2. 17-26 '7'44 + 0-18 26 2. ig-55 ig-58 + o-o3 32.28-87 3o'2O -f 1-33 li 2. 1777 17-64 o-i3 3 1. 35-33 34*00 1-33 27 2. ig-54 1978 -I- 0-24 32. 27-1 1 30-40 + 3-29 20 2. 17-94 17-94 o-oo 3i. 3o - 7g 3 2 -60 + 1-81 21 2. 18-16 17*94 O-22 3i. 35-5i 32-6o 2-91 Dec. 5 2. 20-88 21-18 + o-3o 32. 33-43 32-8o 0-63 22 2. i8-o3 17-92 0-1 1 3i.35-27 32-40 -2-87 6 2. 21-22 21-34 + 0-12 27 2. 1772 17-80 + 0-08 3i.33-66 32-20 1-46 i3 32.3o-28 34-60 + 4*32 28 2. 17-43 17-76 + o-33 3i. 27-98 32'CO + 4'02 18 2. 22'5q 22-48 O'll 32. 2q'48 35-40 + 5-92 29 2. 17-69 17-70 + o-oi 3i. 2g-3g 32"OO + 2-61 19 2. 22-83 22-52 o-3 1 32.33-10 35-6o + 2'5o 3o 2.1771 17-64 0-07 3i. 30-17 32-00 + i-83 21 32. 42-66 35-8o -6-86 24 2. 22'5l 22-58 + 0-07 32. 36-65 36-20 0-45 July 3 2. I7'2O 17-42 + O'22 31.30-48 32"OO + 1-52 28 2. 22-44 22-46 + 0-02 32.36-24 36-40 + 0-16 5 2. 17-21 17-26 + o-o5. 3i. 3i-37 32-00 + 0-63 29 2. 22-27 22-40 + o-i3 10 3i. 28-37 32'2O + 3-83 OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 21 SIDEREAL TIMES occupied by the TRANSIT of the MOON'S DIAMETER ; and VERTICAL DIAMETERS of the MOON : compared with those of the Nautical Almanac. DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Xautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparen Error oi Nautical Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. 1 855. m 8 E s + 0-17 / n n 1 855. m s 8 t / // 11 Jan. 4 2 9 . 2 7 -g5 28-58 + o-63 June 27 32. 5-82 8-68 4- 2-86 28 32. 40-00 34-74 -5-26 Mar. 3 2. 4-73 4'9 29.4775 46-12 i-63 3o 33. 6-82 5'52 i-3o 4 29. 55-6o 57-04 + 1- 44 July 28 2. 33-57 3376 + 0-19 April 7 3i.49-go 5i-g2 4- 2-02 Sept. 25 2. I8-I7 1 8-08 0-09 33. 14*64 1 5-66 + 1-02 May 5 32. 14-62 II-2O 3-42 Nov. 26 3o. 29-41 32-48 4- 0-07 June 2 32.38-86 38-66 0'20 VERTICAL DIAMETERS of VENUS, compared with those of the Nautical Almanac. DAY. Observed Seconds of Apparent Error of DAY. Observed Sec ds Apparent Error of Vertical Diameter. Nautical Almanac. Nautical Almanac. Vertical Diameter. Nautical Almanac. Nautical Almanac. 1 855. n i855. n n April 1 2 1 no n-8o + 0-70 September 8 51-78 47-20 4-58 20 14-25 12-00 2'25 October 5 56-5o 58'6o + 2'IO May 3 12-38 12-60 4- O'22 H 19 56-55 54-60 53-og 5i-oo rg5 2-og June 6 15-41 10-60 + 0-ig November 8 38-8 1 37-60 I -2 1 28 19-67 18-40 1-27 H 36*5i 34-20 2'3l 29 17-30 1 8-60 + r3o 15 35-o8 33-6o 1-48 16 33-g5 33-20 0-75 July 3 21-65 19-20 2-45 20 29-77 29-60 - 0-I 7 4 18-77 19-40 + o-63 6 23-75 19-80 - 3- 9 5 December 2 30-14 27-00 3-I4 6 26-97 25-8o - IM7 August 4 26-56 27-60 4- 1-04 18 24-67 22-60 - 2-07 9 3o-35 29-40 o-q5 19 24-20 22-40 1-80 18 34-46 33-6o 0-86 23 23*36 21-40 1-96 25 39-70 37-80 1-90 27 22'02 20-6o 1-42 SIDEREAL TIMES occupied by the TRANSIT of the DIAMETER of JUPITER ; and VERTICAL DLVMETERS of JUPITER : compared with those of the Nautical Almanac. DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Nautical Apparent Lrror of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. 1855. 3 . n n // 1 855. a 6 a n n n July 4 48-23 42-80 5-43 Aug. 24 3' 33 3-42 4-o-og 47-53 46-20 1-33 13 44-64 44-00 0-64 28 3- 32 3-40 + 0-08 46-85 46-00 -o-85 20 3- 28 3-26 O-02 47-16 44-60 2-56 29 3 54 3-40 0*14 49 -I 4 46-00 3-14 3o 3- 40 3-40 O'OO 47-64 46-00 -1-64 Aug. 3 49' ' 4 45-60 -3-54 3i 2' 95 3-40 +0-45 52-20 46-00 6'20 9 3- o3 3-38 + 0-35 52-02 46-00 6-02 10 3- '9 3-38 4-o-ig 4579 46-00 + 0-21 Sept. i 3- 5o 3-40 O'lO 46-53 46-00 0-58 i3 3- 53 3-38 o-i5 47'6g 46-00 -'69 3 3. 5o 3-38 0'12 46-04 45-80 0*24 i5 3- 5i 3-40 O'l I 46-20 2'3o 6 3. 3o 3-38 + 0-08 49' 1 7 40-60 3-57 16 47-56 46-20 1-36 7 3- 5o 3-38 0-12 47-76 45-6o 2-16 17 3- 40 3-32 0-08 50-44 46*20 4-24 8 3- 28 3-38 + O-IQ 20 3- 40 3-5o 4-Q'IO 5o-g6 46 2O -4-76 10 3- 40 3'36 0*04 46-53 45-40 1-18 21 3- 42 3-40 0-02 47-81 46-20 -1-61 1 1 3- 29 3-36 4-0-07 48-15 45-40 2-75 22 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DIAMETERS OF PLANETS, AND K.A. AND N.P.t). OF THE SUN, SIDEREAL TIMES occupied by the TRANSIT of the DIAMETER of JUPITER ; and VERTICAL DIAMETERS of JUPITER: compared with those of the Nautical Almanac concluded. DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Xautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical DAY. Observed Duration of Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Observed Vertical Seconds of Nautical Apparent Error of Nautical Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. Transit. Almanac. Almanac. Diameter. Almanac. Almanac. 1855. s s s n " 1 855. s s s " n n Sept. 12 3-46 3-34 0'12 48-19 45-20 2 '99 Oct. 1 8 2- 94 3-08 + 0-14 42-84 41-60 1-24 i3 3-08 3-34 + O-26 47-26 45-20 2-06 !9 3-12 3-06 O'o6 42-25 41-40 0-85 19 3-40 3-3o O'lO 45-68 44-60 1-08 24 2-8g 3-O2 -t-o-i3 42 % 32 40-60 1-72 20 3.44 3'3o O-I4 45-5g 44- 60 -o-99 27 2 -g5 3'OO -j-o-o5 42-59 40-40 -2-19 21 3-29 3'3o -f o-o i 44-60 i -09 22 2-75 3-3o + 0-55 48-74 44-60 -4-14 Nov. 6 2-56 2 -go +0-34 24 3-24 3-28 + 0-04 5o-63 44-40 -6-23 10 2.90 2-84 0-06 3g-g8 38-40 1-58 25 3-34 3-28 0-06 i5 2 '69 2-82 + o-i3 40-53 37-80 2-73 26 3-28 3-28 O'OO 48-38 44-20 4-18 22 2 "79 2-74 o-o5 3g-5i 37-00 2'5l 28 2-67 2'68 -f o-o i 3g-8i 36-40 3-41 Oct. i 3'3i 3-22 O'og 45-63 43-6o 2-o3 3o 2-70 2-66 o - O4 36-gi 36-20 -0-71 2 3-o8 3-22 + 0-14 45 p go 43-40 2'5o 4 3'3i 3'20 o-ii 44-20 43-2O POO Dec. 5 2'5o 2-64 + 0-14 38-23 35-6o 2-63 6 3-i5 3-20 + o-o5 46-44 43-OO -3-44 6 2-62 2-64 + O'O2 3 7 -5g 35-6o -i'99 8 3-12 3-i6 + 0-04 44-3i 42-60 1-71 7 2 "3o 2-62 + 0-32 36-41 35-40 POI 10 3-00 3-14 + 0-14 42-60 42-40 0'20 8 2-64 2-62 O'O2 38-34 35-40 - 2 '94 SIDEREAL TIMES occupied by the TRANSIT of the DIAMETER of SATURN, compared with those of the Nautical Almanac. Jan. 10 46 1-38 0-08 Mar. 3 3i 26 o-o5 i5 37 1-38 + 0-01 7 37 26 O'l I '7 '49 1-36 o-i3 8 37 26 O'l I 19 39 1-36 o-o3 Oct 2 3i 3o O'OI Feb. 10 43 P3o o-i3 Dec. 5 52 '44 0-08 '4 3o i-3o O'OO 6 63 '44 o'l 9 i5 '44 i-3o 0-14 12 '52 '44 0-08 16 P3o o-io i3 4 3 '44 + 0-OI 17 3 7 i-3o 0-07 19 40 '44 +0-04 20 '44 i-3o 0-14 21 46 '44 O'O2 22 36 1-28 0-08 24 64 '44 O'2O 23 39 1-28 O'l I 28 '44 O-O7 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the SUN'S CENTER. Mean Solar Time of B. A. from Seconds Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular Kit A. of Tables in B.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N. P. D. 1855. "Km, h m , / // -, Jan. 5. o. 1.38-5 ig. 3. 38-76 38-67 O'Og 112. 3g. 12-22 11-40 0-82 1 8. o. 10.38-7 ig. 5g. 5g*2o 5g*o6 0-14 110.35.56-84 56-5o 0-34 27. o. i3. PI 20. 37. 5o-g8 50-77 0'2I 108. 3i. 25-07 25-3o + o-23 Feb. 10. o. 14. 3pi 21.34. 32-g8 32-72 0-26 104. 25. 47-70 47-70 O'OO 12. o. 14. 3i-i 21.42.26-11 26-o3 0'08 io3. 46. 26-27 25"IO 1-17 i5. o. 14. 26-2 21. 54. io-gi zo-36 o-55 102. 45. 3775 3g-go + 2-i5 1 6. o. 14. 22-7 21.58. 3-g6 3-67 0-29 102. 24. 5g-i8 5g-6o + 0-42 20. o. 14. 2-8 22. i3. 30*14 29'79 - o-35 101. o. ig-83 23-3o + 3-47 21. o. i3. SS-g 22. 17. 19-96 19-60 o-36 100. 38. 45-10 47-70 + 2-60 22. O. l3. 48-6 22.21. g-io 8-74 o-36 100. 16. 5g-88 62-40 + 2-52 24. o. i3. 32-i 22. 28. 45-57 45*07 o-5o 99.33. 1-79 4-20 + 2-41 March i. o. i2.3g-5 22.47.35-72 35-37 - o-35 97. 40. 44-56 47-10 + 2-54 5. o. ii. 48*2 6. o. 11.34-1 23. 2. 30-42 3o-o8 23. 6. i2-8g 12-62 0-34 96. 8. 54-80 g5. 45. 45-81 57-70 46-80 + 2-90 + o-gg 7. o. ii. 19-9 23. 9. 55-i5 54-75 0-40 g5. 22. 3rai 3l'20 O'O I 8. o. 1 1 . 5-i g. o. ib. 5o*o 23. i3. 36-92 36-5o 23. 17. 18-26 17-87 0-42 o-3g 94.59. 11-92 94. 35. 44-32 I T20 47-3o 0-72 + 2-98 OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 23 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the SUN'S CENTER continued. Mean Solar Time of R. A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D.from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1855. d h m ' h m i > i 1 II (/ II March 3o. o. 4. 40-9 0.33.55-81 55-54 0-27 .... ... ... 3i. o. 4.22-6 o. 37. 33-gg 33-5g 0-40 85. 56. 5g-g6 5g*io 0-86 April 2. o. 3. 46-8 o. 44. 5o'25 49'9 6 0*29 85. 10. 41-18 4i'3o + 0-12 5. 0. 2.52-1 o. 55. 45-g8 4 5 '49 0-49 84. i. 53-79 54-00 + 0-21 7. o. 2. 16-8 i. 3. 3-75 3-43 O'32 83. 1 6.3o-86 32-5o + 1-64 10. 0. I. 26 - 1.14. 2-47 2*10 0-37 82. g. 20-63 21-60 4- o- 9 7 ii. o. i. g-6 .17.42-57 42-2I o-36 81. 47. 12-46 i3-io + 0-64 12. 0. D.53'2 . 21. 22-63 22-62 O'OI 81. 25. 11-48 12-60 + I'I2 14. 0. 0. 22-0 . 28. 44-45 44'38 0-07 80.41. 37-63 37-40 0-23 i5. 23/5g. 5i-g .36. 7-64 7 -5i o-i3 7g. 58. 38-94 38-8o 0-14 1 6. 23. 5g. 37-9 39- 49'94 4 9 -63 - o-3 1 79.37. 22-81 24-20 + i-3g 17. 23. 5g. 23'8 . 43. 32-37 32-u 0-26 79. 16. 20-62 19-80 0-82 1 8. 23. 5g. 10-2 . 47. i5-25 '4'99 0-26 78. 55. 26-02 26-10 + 0-08 19. 23.58.56-8 . 5o. 58-42 58-27 o-i5 78. 34. 42-56 43-3o + 074 20. 23. 58. 44-4 . 54. 42-52 4i-g5 0-57 78. 14. ii'Sg 1 1 -80 '9 22. 23. 58. 19-7 2. 2. 10-82 io-5g o'23 77. 33. 42-63 44-20 + f57 23. 23. 58. 8-4 2. 5. 56-o5 55-56 - '49 77. 1 3. 47- 4 g 48-80 + i-3i 25. 23. 57. 467 2. i3. 27-11 26-87 - 0-24 76. 34. 34-33 36-20 + 1-37 26. 23. 57. 36-4 2. 17. i3-6i 13-24 0-37 76. 1 5. 1 8-06 ig-8o + 174 27. 23. 57. 26-7 2.21. 0-48 o-io o-38 75. 56. i6-g5 i6'go o - o5 May i. 23. 56. 53-i 2. 36. i2-gg 12-65 0-34 74. 42. 25-75 27-60 + r85 2. 23. 56. 45-9 2. 40. 2-34 2-i3 0-21 74. 24. 36-76 37-3o + 0-54 4. 23. 56. 33-6 2. 47. 43-08 42-78 o-3o 73. 4 g.(48- 9 i) 42-90 (- 6-01) 6. 23. 56. 23-2 2. 55. 25-87 25-74 o-i3 7. 23. 56. ig-2 2. 5g. 1 8-33 18-09 0-24 72. 5g. 18-54 21*80 + 3-26 8. 23.56. i5-2 3. 3. io-g5 u-o3 + 0-08 * . * g. 23. 56. 12-3 .... * 72.27. g-64 ii-5o + 1-86 16. 23. 56. 7-9 3. 34. 36-o8 35-85 o-23 70.44. 0-72 i-5o + 0-78 1 8. 23. 56. 1 1-7 3. 42. 32-g5 32-8o o*i5 ... 23. 23. 56. 3o-8 4. 2. 34-87 34-52 - o-35 6g. 1 6. 48-g7 497 + 0-73 25. 23. 56. 42- 1 4. 10. 3g-23 38-75 0-48 68. 55.(i3'4o) 3-70 (- 97) June 5. 23. 58. 14-5 4.55.34-I5 33-84 o-3 1 67. 22. 3-o5 o-5o 2-55 7. 23. 58. 36-3 5. 3. 49'og 48-85 0-24 .... * * 10. 23. 5g. 1 1-2 5. 16. 13-82 13-58 0-24 66. 55. i7 - g7 17-80 0-17 20. o. i. 5-6 5. 53. 37-54 37-41 o-i3 66. 32. 5o-g2 62-60 + 1-68 21. o. i. 18-7 5. 67. 47-20 47-04 0-16 66. 32. 27-62 27-00 0-62 22. o. i.3i-6 6. 1.56-73 56-63 O'lO 66. 32. 26-23 26-3o + 0-07 27. o. 2. 35-4 6. 22. 43-43 43-28 o-i5 66. 38. 34-86 34'3o o-56 28. o. 2. 47-6 6. 26. 52-27 52-20 0-07 66.41. 2-08 i -go 0-18 2g. o. 2. 5g-g 6. 3i. 1-12 o-g3 0-19 66. 43. 54- 1 g 64-10 o-og 3o. o. 3. 1 1 -8 6. 35. g-67 9'47 0-20 66.47. H'i6 10-60 o-56 July 2. o. 3. 35-2 6. 43. 26-22 25-86 o-36 66. 54. 5g-3i 56-8o 2'5l 3. o. 3. 46-3 6. 47. 33-go 33-69 0-21 66. 5g. 27 - g5 26-10 1-85 5. o. 4. 7-9 6. 55. 48-73 48-5i 0-22 67. g. 36-26 36-go + 0-64 6. o. 4. 1 8- 1 6. 5g. 55-52 55-47 o-o5 .... ... * 10. o. 4-56-5 7. 1 6. 20-18 19-84 0-34 67. 41. 6i-o5 58-8o 2-25 i3. o. 5. 20-9 7. 28.34-41 33-96 0-45 68. 6. 4-02 2'5o 1-52 14. o. 5. 28*1 7-32.38-i3 37-76 0-37 68. 14. 5o-56 4g-io 1-46 18. o. 5. 5r8 7.48.48-15 47'97 0-18 68. 53. 37-84 36-go - '94 20. o. 6. 0-9 7. 56. 50-41 49-85 o-56 6g. i5. u-3i 10-40 o-gi 21. o. 6. 4-2 8. o. 5o-28 49'95 o-33 6g. 26. 29-75 28-70 i-o5 23. o. 6. io - o 8. 8.49-18 48-37 (- 0-81) 69. 5o. 8-i5 7-10 i-o5 28. o. 6. 1 2- 1 8. 28.34-03 33-97 0-06 70. 55. o-go 1-40 + o-5o Aug. i. o. 6. 3-8 8.44. u-gg n-63 o-36 71.62.34-32 37-90 + 3-58 2. O. 6. O'O 8. 48. 4-70 4-54 0-16 72. 7. 4g-44 47-10 2-34 3. o. 5. 55-g 8. 5i. 57-13 56-88 O'25 72. 23. 14-70 14-00 0-70 8. o. 5. 26-0 .... . . . ... 73. 44. 45-75 41-20 - 4-55 10. o. 5. 10-2 9.18.47-19 46'99 0'20 74. ig. g-84 8-go - '94 i3. o. 4.41-9 g. 3o. 8-55 8-5o o-o5 75. 12. 45'2g 43-5o - 179 1 6. o. 4. 8-9 9.41.25-15 25-O2 o-i3 76. 8. 2g - 4O 25-70 3-70 EIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF THE SUN AND MOON, RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the SUN'S CENTER concluded. Moan Solar Time of R. A. from Seconds of Apparent Krrur N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1 855. d h m s h m s s s o / // II n Aug. 1 8. o. 3.44*2 g. 48. 53-4I 53-33 0'08 76. 46. 40-67 40-40 0-27 21. 0. 3. 3'4 io. o. 2-17 pg2 o-25 77- 45- 37-75 35-40 2-35 22. 0. 2.48-6 10. 3. 43'go 43-80 o-io 78. 5. 3g-33 37-30 2-o3 20. 0. 2. 2'0 io. 14. 46*83 46-66 - 0-17 79. 6. 5o-2o 48-80 1-40 28. o. i. 1 1 - 6 io. 25. 40-97 45-76 O"21 80. g. 35- 1 3 33-00 2-i3 29. o. o. 53-g io. 29. 24*83 2470 o-i3 80. 3o. 48-51 46'go - 1-61 3o. o. o. 36-o 10.33. 3-38 3-3o 0-08 8o.52. 11-48 g-go i-58 3i. o. o. 17-9 io. 36. 41-81 41-57 - 0-24 81.13.43-66 41-70 1-96 Sept. 4. 23. 58. 1.2-4 io. 54. 48-76 48-72 0*04 83. 3. 23-56 22-30 - 1-26 7. 23. 57. 41*5 1 1. 5. 38-41 38-26 o-i5 84. io. 38-79 36-6o 2-19 10. 23. 56. 40*9 ii. 16. 26-33 26 - 2g 0-04 85. 18.46-02 44'3o 2'22 I I. 23. 56. 2O"2 .... .... 85.41.37-54 37-10 0-44 >8. 23. 53. 52-8 n. 45. 10-18 10-22 4 0-04 .... . . . .... 19. 23. 53. 3pg 11. 48. 45-78 40*60 0-18 88. 46. 54-02 52-40 - P62 20. 23. 53. 10-7 1 1. 52. 21-07 2i-o3 0*04 89. io. 14-03 l3'20 o-83 21. 23. 52. 49-6 1 1. 55. 56-40 56-52 4 O'I2 89. 35. 33-63 35-3o 4 P6; 24. 23. 5i. 47-4 12. 6.43-73 43-60 o-i3 go. 43. 46*17 46-90 4 o- 7 3 25. 23. 5i. 26-8 12. 10. 19-67 ig-58 o-og 91. 7. i3'ii 1 1-40 - 1-71 26. 23. 5i. 6-5 gi. 3o. 35'27 35-49 4 0-22 Oct. 12.32. 0-67 O'lO o-5 7 g3. 27. 23-84 23-10 0-74 3. 23.48. 5r3 12. 3g. 1 6- 1 1 15-94 0-17 94. i3. 55-3 1 53-20 2-11 4. 23.48.33-1 12. 42. 54'43 54-39 0-04 94.37. 4-43 4-20 o-23 5. 23. 48. i5-5 12.46. 33-38 33-22 0-16 g5. o. 12-17 Il-8o 0-37 9. 23. 47. 8-8 i3. i. 12-71 12-71 O'OO g6. 32. 6-78 2-5o 4-28 12. 23. 46. 23'9 i3. 12. 17-34 I7'i5 o'lg 97. 40. 5-24 2-40 2-84 14. 23. 45. 55-6 i3. ig. (42-09) 42-64 (+ o-55) g8. 24. 55-45 5o-go 4-55 1 6. 23. 45. 3o-8 1 3. 27. 10-33 I o-3 1 0-02 gg. g. 10-54 1 0-60 4 0-06 17. 23. 45. 19-2 1 3. 3o. 55-ig 55'oo o-ig gg. 3l. g-32 8-70 0-62 18.23.45. 7-9 1 3. 34. 40-45 40-28 - 0-17 gg. 52. 57-90 58-40 4 o'5o 19. 23. 44. 57-0 i3. 38. 26-08 26-16 + 0-08 100. 14. 3g-6g 09-20 '49 3 1. 23. 43.43-2 14. 24. 30-73 3o - 6o o-i3 104.21. 8'5i 8-20 o-3 1 Nov. 4. 23. 43. 43-3 14. 40. 17-01 16-98 o-o3 .... ... .... 5. 23. 43. 45-5 14. 44. i5-8i 15-68 o-i3 io5. 54. 49'65 45-00 4*65 8. 23. 43. 57-0 14. 56. i6-g5 16-86 0-09 106. 47- 4 8 '43 48-30 o'i3 14. 23. 44. 42-5 1 5. 20. 41-99 42-07 + 0-08 108. 26. 2-04 1-20 1-34 25. 23. 47. 22-9 16. 6.44-95 44-87 0-08 i io. 54. 37-69 36-5o - 1-19 26. 23. 47. 42-0 1 6. ii. 0-64 0-72 4 0-08 in. 5. 53-g3 52-go po3 Dec. 4. 23. 5o. 40-8 1 6. 45. 32-6 1 32-72 + o- 1 1 112. 21. 2I-g5 23-8o 4 P85 5.23.51. 6-3 1 6. 49. 54-52 54-55 + o-o3 112. 28. 55-g7 55-70 0-27 12. 23. 54. 16-1 17.20.40-79 40-82 4 o-o3 1 1 3. 9. 10-48 8-60 1-88 17. 23.56. 41-8 i7.42.4 9 -65 49-58 0-07 113.24. 4-09 5'io 4 i'oi 18. 23.57. U'3 17.47. i5-8o 15-88 4 0-08 Ii3. 25.41-31 40-20 PII 17. 01.42-04 42-30 4 0-26 .... . . . .... 20. 23. 58. iro . ... .... Ii3. 27. 25-i6 25-6o 4 0-44 23. z3. 5g. 40-9 1 8. g. 28'4g 28-48 O'OI ii3. 26. 3o-i3 3i'6o 4 P47 28. o. 1.39-8 1 8. 27. 14-02 i3-g8 0-04 1 1 3. 1 8. 44-98 44'3o 0-68 29. o. 2. 9-7 1 8. 3i. (40-62) 40-02 (- 0-60) ii3. i5. 38-79 37-10 1-69 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of the MOON. Jan. 3. 12. 3g. 44-9 7. 32. o-o3 0-47 + '44 63. 46. 48-66 45-70 2-96 4. i3. 29. i3-o 8.25.32-84 33-35 + o-5 1 65.46. 3-42 2-40 i -02 27. 8. 3. 3-g 4. 2g. 1 1 -02 11-29 + 0-27 66. 24. 26-54 2O'20 6-34 Feb. 3. 1 3. 42. 1 9-6 10.36.58-38 68-70 4 '32 76. 8.37-84 4i-5o 4 3-66 9. 1 8. o. 54-3 1 5. 19. 54-83 55-i5 + o-32 108. 52. 57-55 60*20 4 2-65 20. 3.32.30-7 i. 32. 30-70 3pi4 + '44 82. 19. 36-3g 32'OQ - 4-39 22. 5. 8.26-4 3. 16.35-27 35-45 4- 0-18 71. 17. 20-54 14-60 - 5-94 23. 5. 57. 49-3 4- 10. 2-7 9 3-i5 + o-36 67. 1 5. 63-47 5g-8o 3-67 2o. 7.39.53-1 .... 63. 0.31-64 27-00 - 4-34 OBSERVED AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 25 KIGIIT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of the MOON continued. Mean Solar Time of R. A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N. P. D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables ill R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1 855. <1 h m h m t , > 1 II n /; March i. 10. 56. 3o-o 9. 33. 1 1 -g5 ii-58 0-37 70. g. 40-58 3g-3o 1-28 2. 1 1. 40. 35" I 10. 21. 20'7g 2o-3g 0-40 74-33. 1 8-56 18-00 0'56 3. 12. 22. 53-2 n. 7. 42'4g 42-37 0-12 79. 36. 47'6g 46-90 79 4. 1 3. 4. 6-0 1 1. 02. 5g-28 59-48 + 0-20 85. 7.56-12 5g-6o + 3-48 5.13.45. 8-5 12.38. 4-33 4-57 + 0-24 go. 54. 43'gi 49'9 + 5-gg 6. 14. 26.58-3 13. 23. 57-53 58-i5 + 0-62 96. 44. 36'go 44-80 + 7'9 8. i5. 57. 27-7 i5. 2.34-98 35-66 + 0-68 107. 36. ig'65 26-80 + 7'i5 25. 6. 24. 24-3 6. 34. 58-83 5g-6o + 0-77 62. 34. 35'gi 32-go 3-oi 26. 7. 1 5. 47-6 7. 3o. 27-15 28-07 + 0-92 63. 21. 40*91 38-8o 2'I1 3o. 10. 20. 3-2 10. 5o. 5g-i8 5g-o5 o-i3 77.38. 4-99 5-go + 0-gi 3i. 1 1. i. 41-9 n. 36. 41-29 41-07 0-22 83. 4. 2-20 3-5o -f 1-25 April i. ii. 42. 5g-2 12.22. 1-92 1-70 0-22 88.51.37-21 3g-oo + 179 4. 1 3. 54. 48-8 14.46. 2-88 3-38 + o-5o 106. 8.44-37 52-8o + 8-43 7. 16. 37. 10-8 17. 40. 41-15 4i'99 + 0-84 116.56.33-27 37-30 + 4'3 20. 3. 20. 3o-g 5. 1 3. 5-62 5'97 + o-35 . . 21. 4. 14. 1 1-8 6. 10. 5 1 -85 52-10 + o-25 .... . . ... 22. 5. 7. 3-i 7- 7-48-41 4 8- 99 + o-58 62. 45. 3o-og 27-20 2-89 23. 5. 57. 58-g 8. 2.49-18 4g-67 + '49 64. 20. 38-76 38-io 0-66 25. 7-32. O'O 9- 44- 58-79 5g'43 + 0-64 70. 55. 3 1 -5 1 34-30 + 279 27. 8.57.14-9 n. 18. 20-83 21-08 + 0-25 80.45. 1 8-85 18-00 o-85 May i. ii. 48. 56-g 14. 26. 17-25 17-60 4- o-35 104. 6. 25-38 29-00 + 3-62 2. 12. 38. 26-5 1 5. 19. 5r54 5rg3 + '3g log. 18. 3o-5i 36-00 + 5-49 4. 14. 3o. 30-7 17.20. 7-28 8-06 + 0-78 116. 25. i6-i3 22-40 + 6-27 5. i5. 31.41-8 1 8. 25. 24-98 26-12 f 1-14 117. 32. 36-14 40-00 + 3-86 8. 18. 3o. 2g-2 21. 36. 31-40 32-47 + i '07 log. 47. 64-22 5g-6o 4-62 23. 6. g. 56-g 10. i3. 5-78 6-o5 + 0-27 73. 34. 1 6-36 20-80 + 4'44 25. 7.32.58-1 1 1. 44. 13-70 14-14 + '44 83. 5g. 13-47 ig-6o + 6-i3 26. 8. 13.49-5 12.29. 8-40 8-73 -f o-33 89. 46. 3 1 -63 4O'5o + 8-87 June i. 1 3. 20. 3*8 17.59.52-38 53- 1 8 + 0-80 117. 17. 32-43 35-20 + 277 2. 14. 23. 46-7 ig. 7. 42-00 43-54 + 1-24 117. 11.41-47 42-40 + '93 5. 17. 20. 27-3 22. 16.41-58 42-44 + 0-86 106. 0.41-62 34-40 7-22 9. 20. 32. i3'7 1.44.45-73 45-39 0-34 80. 34. 45-72 36-go 8-82 I g. 4. 4. 55-6 g. 5 4 . io- 97 11-27 + o-3o .... 20. 4.47.32-2 10. 40. 51-14 5 1-44 + o-3o 76. 37. 22-70 26-10 + 3-40 21. 5.28.24-8 ii. 25. 47-01 47-21 + 0-20 8 1. 5i.3o-64 34-10 + 3-46 24. 7. 3i.3o-3 13.41. 2-48 2 7 5 + 0-27 99. 4. i6 - 5o 26-20 + 97 26. g. 6.387 i5. 24. ig'Sg 19-80 + O'2I 109.46. 779 iS'oo + 7'2I 27. 10. i. 44" i 1 6. 23. 3o-6o 3o-83 + o-23 n3. 54. 55-88 64-40 + 8-52 28. n. 2. 10-6 17.28. 3-55 4-25 + 0-70 ii 6. 37. 44-86 54-20 + 9'34 3o. 1 3. n. 33-2 ig. 45. 40-51 41-87 + i-36 116. g.iS-56 19-40 + 0-84 July 4. 16. 56. 32-i 23. 47. 2-68 3-40 + 0-72 g5. 23. 15-72 10-40 5-32 g. 20. 55. 53-5 4. 6. 46- 1 8 46-10 0-08 * * ig. 4. 5. 40^3 * i 85.32.32-84 36-oo + 3-66 20. 4. 45. 22-8 . . * . . 91. i3. 1 1*24 1 5-8o + 4'56 25. 8. 43. 28-4 16.55.25-63 26-43 + 0-80 n5. 37. 53-gi 64-10 + io-ig 26. g. 45. 23-1 18. 1.27-14 28-09 + o-g5 I 17. 22. (54-98) 5i-8o ( 3-i8) 27. 10. 5o. 22-3 19. 10.33-56 5 4'99 + 1-43 117. 6.3r57 37-40 + 5-83 28. u.55. i5-8 20. 19. 34-23 35-76 + i-53 114. 41. 2g-8i 32 -5o + 2-69 3 1. 14. 48. i-o 23. 24. 37-46 38-67 + 1-21 97. 57. 60-34 54-90 5-44 Aug. 2. 16. 26.28-3 i. ii. 14-1 1 H74 + o-63 84. i5. 5-37 5-20 0-17 4. 18. 2. 53-i 2.55.47-88 48-40 + o-52 72. 26. 56-27 49'9 6-37 1 8. 4. 5. 26-9 1 3. 5 1. 1 5-8g i6-g3 + '04 100. 4g. 26-8g 3i-go + 5"o i 21. 6. 3o. 1 4-6 1 6. 28. 17-00 18-17 + -17 114. 34. 5roi 58-10 + 7'9 25. io.36.58-8 20. 5i . 27*97 2g-38 + -41 112. 53. 22-48 2TOO 1-48 26. 1 1. 36. 48-5 21. 55. 24-05 25-5o + '45 107. 44. 14-30 g-go 4-40 27. 12. 32. 5i"6 22. 55. 32-85 34-27 + '42 101. 20. 65'6g 58-10 7'5g 28. i3. 25. 37-0 23. 52. 23-49 24'99 + -So 94. 18.27-42 17 oo 10-42 29. 14. 16. -11-8 o. 47. 3-20 4-43 + -23 87. 8.52-38 44'9 - 7H8 3o. i5. 5. 52-4 i* 40. 48'4g 49-26 + 077 80. 20. 25-14 i6-3o 8-84 3i. 1 5. 55. 46-9 74. 1 5. 39-42 35-oo 4-42 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. 4 E 26 RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF THE CENTER OF THE MOON AND PLANETS, RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of the MOON concluded. Mean Solar Time of K A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1855. d " h m " h m B 1 3 o / // n ii Sept. 1. 1 6. 46. 44-8 3. 29. 5o - 62 5l'20 + o-58 69. I 2. 53-35 48-30 5-o5 2. 17.39. 47 4. 26. i5'62 i6-i5 + o-53 65. 25. 63-24 5770 5-54 5. 20. 18. 3i'4 7. 17.58-16 58-87 + 0-71 .... . . . 6.21. 8.56-0 8. 12. 27-59 28-36 + 0-77 64.49. 4'4 7-90 + 3'5o 20. 7. 1 8. 3 1 - 5 19. 14. 53-45 5g-63 + 1-18 117. 19. 3g-o6 36-oo 3-o6 21. 8. 19. 54-3 20. 20. 27-85 28-g2 + 1-07 114.52. 5-65 2-60 - 3-o5 22. 9. 19. 25-2 21.24. 5-16 6-08 + o-g2 110.35. 2g-63 26-10 3-53 23. 10. 1 6. o'4 22. 24. 46-14 46-99 + o-85 104. 5o. 34-09 26-20 - 7-89 24.11. 9.42-4 23. 22. 33-52 34-41 + 0-89 98. 5.40-11 31-70 8-41 25. 12. I. 2O'0 o. 18. i6-i3 17-11 + 0-98 go. 52. 16-42 5-3o iri2 26. 12. 52. i '6 i. i3. 2-69 3-79 + I'lO 83. 40. 69-74 57-20 12-54 Oct. 2. 1 8. 12. 20-4 6. 5 7. 53-3g 54-25 + 0-86 .... . ... 5. 20.38.57-1 9. 36. 43-88 44*65 + 0-77 70. 25. 55-42 60-00 + 4 >5 8 16. 4. ii. 12-6 17. 49. 3g-2o 3g-8i + 0-6 1 . . ... . . . 18. 6. 10. 29-2 19.57. 8-47 8-87 + 0-40 116. 4. ig'58 1 6-60 2'98 19. 7. 8.44-7 20. 5g. 3o-i5 3o-8o + o-65 112. 33. 23-97 20-80 - 3-i 7 24. n. 28. 10-1 i.3g. 20-87 22-46 + i -59 80. 22. 36-65 27-50 g-i5 26. 1 3. i3. 1 5-4 3.32.36-52 - 3 7 - 4 3 + 0-91 68. 46. 41-36 3i-5o - g-86 3i. 17. 46. 32-4 8. 26. 21-28 21-72 + 0-44 65. 20. 49- 1 5 5o - 5o + 1-35 Nov. 3. 20. o. 1*9 1O. 52. 2'32 2-89 + 0-57 78. 9. 2-79 6-60 + 3-8 1 1 5. 5. 3. 5o - 4 20. 40. 42-32 42-95 + o-63 n3. 46. 29-36 26-40 2-96 16. 5. 5g. 17-9 21. 40. l5'48 i5-g8 + o-5o 109. i5. 42-45 38-20 - 4-25 20. 9. 17. 56-g i. i5.(i3-5o) 13-44 (- 0-06) 83. 23. 12-58 6-40 6-18 22. 10.59. 7' 2 3. 4-33-38 33-63 + o-25 71. 10. 42-30 34-00 8-3o 25. 1 3. 47. 1-4 6. 4.44-78 45-49 + 0-71 62. 8.44-19 40-00 - 4'i9 26. 14. 43. 9-9 7. 4. 5g-o8 5g-86 + 0-78 62. 25. 44-58 44-00 o-58 29. 17. 12. i5'3 9. 46. 1 8-65 18-69 + 0-04 71. 21. 15-94 17-70 + 1-76 Dec. 2. 19. 1 5. 20-4 12. 1.33-67 33-94 + 0-27 86. 5g. 5rgo 56-So + 4'9 18. 8. 1.52-6 i. 49. 20-17 20-63 + 0-46 7g. i. 45-38 36-go 8-48 19. 8. 5i.i5'7 2. 42. 47-94 48-46 + 0-52 73. 9.67-27 58-3o - 8-97 20. 9. 43. 9-3 3.38.47-77 47'95 + 0-18 68. i5. 68-12 56-70 i 1-42 21. 10.37.43-4 4. 37. 26-26 26-29 + o-o3 64. 3g. 9-57 7-20 2-37 24. i3. 25.30-0 7. 37. 3o-g5 3r6i + 0-66 63. 23. ii-38 7-80 - 3-58 26. 1 5. 5. 5'i g. 25. 14-68 14-90 + 0-22 69. 42. 21-58 23-5o + i'9 2 27. 1 5. 49. 25'g 10. i3. 3g-32 3g-58 + O-26 74. 14.45-57 44-50 1-07 28. 16. 3o.58'5 10. 5g. i5-26 15-72 + 0-46 ... 29. 17. 10.44-2 11.43. 4-08 4-28 + O'2O 84. 5o. 4-70 8-3o + 3-6o 3o. 17.49.50-9 12. 26. 13-79 13-64 o-i5 go. 3o. 49-10 51-40 + 2-3o EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of MERCUEY. Feb. 20. i. 18. 7-0 23.17.44-94 44-28 - 0-66 92. 43. 40*64 37-9 - 2-74 April 18. 22. 3g. 26-9 o. 27. 18-82 18-71 O'l I 89. 53. 23-go 28-00 + 4'io 19. 22. 41. i5'4 o. 33. 4-22 4'39 + 0-17 89. 14.36-89 3g-8o + 2-91 May i. 23. u. 24-8 i. 5o. 37-21 37'ig 0'02 80. 20. 8-58 7-80 0-78 2. 23. 14. 43-7 1.57.53-25 53-38 + o-i3 7g.3i.3o-59 28-00 2-5g June 6. i. 37. 14-2 6. 34. 5o-o8 5o-ig + O'll 64. 47.52-87 52'IO o'77 ii. 1.45.20-8 7. 2. 40-80 4'99 + 0'ig 65.49. Si'42 53-6o + 2-18 20. 1.43. 21-7 7.36. 10-45 io-56 + O'll 68. 3o. 24-23 2g-5o + 5-27 22. 1.39.44-5 7. 40. 25-77 25-8o + o-o3 69. 8. 32-og 38-20 + 6-1 1 Aug. 3. 22. 46. 45-7 7. 36. 3o-53 3o-88 + o-35 69. 22. 58-g5 57'5o 1-45 17. 23. 32. 29-5 g. 17.33-64 34-13 + 0-49 72. 37. 44-23 40*60 3-63 Sept. 26. i. 8.57-2 i3. 28. 2-80 2-70 O'lO 100. 3g. 45-69 5i'2o + 5-5 1 OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 27 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of VENUS. Mean Solar Time of R. A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D.from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in B.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1 855. <1 li m s h in s s s i li li ;/ Jan. 1 8. 0.47.40-2 20. 37. 6'8o 6-62. 0-18 109. 55. 1-70 1-20 o-5o March 7. . 26. 42-9 o. 25. 3o'4g 3o-52 + o-o3 88. 21. 11-75 6-80 4'95 8. .27.16-3 o. 3o. 0*62 0-68 + 0-06 87. 5o. 3-73 o-go 2-83 3i. .41.35-8 2. i5. 3-ig 3'3o + O'll ... April 2. .43. 6'i 2. 2 4 . 26-77 27-06 4- 0-29 75. 37. 18-44 iS'io 3-34 12. . 5i.35-o 3. 12. 22-68 22-78 + O'lO 71. 34. 20-81 i6-5o - 4-3 1 1 6. .55. 26-9 3.32. 1*64 iog o-o5 70. g. 33-64 32-10 1-54 17. . 56. 28-4 3. 36. 58-6o 58-87 + 0-27 6g. 4g. 3g*23 36-6o 2-63 1 8. .57.29-0 3. 41. 56 - g6 57-16 + 0'20 6g. 3o. 17-00 1270 4'3o 19. .58. 3 1 -4 3. 46. 56 - o8 56-45 4- 0-37 6g. 1 1. 21-47 21-10 0-37 20. . 5g. 35-2 3.5i.56-58 56-73 + o-i5 68. 53. 4-95 2-40 2-55 21. 2. o. 3g P 7 3.56.57-8I 57-96 + o-i5 68. 35. 20-33 I7'3o - 3-o3 23. 2. 2. 5l'2 4. 7. 2-84 3-21 + 0-37 68. i.3i-2i 3o-5o 0-71 26. 2. 6. 1 5-8 ... ... 67. i5. 20-33 17-30 3-o3 May 2. 2. i3- 24-3 4.53. 6-62 6-84 + 0-22 65. 5g. 47-50 45-00 2-5o 3. 2. 14. 38-i 4. 58. 17-20 17-20 o-oo 65. 4g. 2g-84 26-40 - 3-44 8. 2. 20. 52'4 5. 24. 1 5-32 1 5'5o + 0-18 65. 8. 0-73 i -go + ri7 June 6. 2.54. 38'3 7. 52. 26-90 26-68 0'22 66. 48. 43-g7 44-60 + o-63 8. 2.56.25-6 8. 2. 7 -5g 7-38 O'2I 67. 1 5. 5n6 5i-8o + 0-64 n. 2.58.54-5 8. 16.26-58 26-5o O'o8 68. o. 46-73 46-40 o-33 20. 3. 4. 48-4 .... . . . 70. 43. i3-go 14-40 4- o-5o 28. 3. 7.06-5 9. 32. 3i'o4 3i-28 0-26 73.37. 9-89 1 0-80 + 0-91 29. 3. 8. in g. 36. 42-81 42-62 o-ig 74. o. 32-48 32-40 0-08 3o. 3. 8. 23-g g. 40. 52'2o 52-01 o-ig 74. 24. 14-26 l3'20 i -06 July 3. 3. 8. 5o-6 g. 53. 8-63 8-42 O'2I 75.37. 2-94 2-go 0*04 4. 3. 8. 55-5 g. 67. io- 1 1 9'99 O'I2 76. i.53-3o 52-70 0-60 6. 3. 8. 5g-g 10. 5. 7-65 7-27 - o-38 76. 52, 17-50 18-20 + 0-70 13. 3. 8. i3-3 io. 3i. 56-84 56'43 0-41 7g. 55. 4ro5 34-60 6- 4 5 Aug. 2. 2. 56. 45-6 n. 3g. i8-3g 1 8-08 o-3 1 8g. 5. 26-40 23-go 2'5o 4- 2.54.45-9 .... . . . 8g. 5g. 53-i6 50-70 2-46 q. 2. 49. O'2 . . 92. i3. 37-63 3r8o 5-83 10. 2.38.45-I 12. 16. 26-66 26-10 o-56 g5. 1 1. 63-92 58-10 5-82 1 8. 2.35. 16-4 12. 20. 5o'5l 5o-i i 0-40 96. o. 26-76 22-00 47<5 25. 2. 20. 46-7 12. 33. 54'2g 53-71 o-58 g8. 37. ig-22 io - 6o 8-62 3o. 2. 7. 46-6 12. 40. 34 - g2 34-20 0-67 .... . . . ... 3l. 2. 4-52-3 12. 4i.36'6g 35-gi 0-78 100. 3o. 66*67 5g'7 6-97 Sept. 8. 1.37.23-7 12. 45. 35-g8 34-85 - ri3 IO2. 2O. 43-62 3g'4o - 4-22 20. o. 40. 23-7 12.35. 45-28 43-84 1-44 .... ... 22. O. 2g. 9-4 12. 32. 22'l8 20-52 - 1-66 1 02. 37. 64-43 47-80 i 6-63 25. o. 1 1. 38-o 12. 26. 37-62 35-g4 1-68 102. 5. 4g-22 33-go i 5-32 26. o. 5. 39-4 12. 24. 34-92 33-21 1-71 101. 52. 17-76 3-20 14-56 26. 23. 69. 38-8 101. 37. 31-87 1 5-oo 16-87 Oct. 5.23. 5. 5i'7 12. 4. 2'58 o-63 rg5 g8. 41.3474 i3-8o -20-94 7. 22. 54- 35'4 12. 0.37-55 35-63 1-92 ... n. 57. 3g'i3 37-3i - 1-82 .... ... i . 14. 22. 1 8. 5g-2 1 1. 52.31-36 30-07 1-29 g5. 28. 7g-33 56-OO -23-33 ig. 21. 57. 5r2 II. 5i. 2-70 i-5 7 - ri3 g4- 3. 38'3o 2i-5o -16-80 Nov. 8. 21. 6. 12-9 12. 18. 6-96 6-06 o-go g2. 3o. 64-76 55-40 9'36 14. 20. 58. 12-5 12. 33. 44-63 44-10 - o-53 g3. 12. 62-07 64-20 - 7-87 i5. 20. 57. 6-g 12.36. 35-38 34-41 - o- 9 7 g3. 22. 22-54 18-00 - 4'54 1 6. 20. 56. 4'3 12. 3g. 2g-i2 28-32 0-80 g3. 32. 25-71 ig-io - 6-6 1 25. 20. 4g. 4-9 1 3. 7.57-60 56-82 0-78 g5. 26. 48-37 44 - 3o 4'7 Dec. 2. 20. 46. 8-4 i3. 32. 36-5i 35-56 o-go 97. 19. 5-70 3-6o 2'10 6. 20. 40. 1 5-8 1 3. 47. 30-04 29-41 o-63 g8. 2g. 20-08 18-40 r68 18. 20. 45. 41-0 14. 35. i3'73 12-92 0-8 1 102. 12. 7-02 5-70 1-32 19. 20. 45. 54-0 14. 3g. 23-66 23-01 o-65 102. 3o. 5o'3i 4g-oo r3i 23.20.47. 5-i 14. 56. 21-12 20-34 0-78 io3. 44. 6o - 38 5g-6o 0-78 27. 20. 48. 42-8 i5. i3. 45-29 44-42 0-87 104. 57. 17-22 i5-oo 2'22 4 E 2 23 RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF PLANETS, RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of MAHS. Mean Solar Time of Observation. E. A. from Observation. Seconds of Tabular R.A. Apparent Lrror of Tables in R.A. N.P.D.from Observation. Seconds of Tabular N. P. D. Apparent Error of Tables in N.P.D. 1 855. d h m Dec. 12. 18.36. 8-8 1 8. 1 8. 23. g-g 19. 1 8. 20. 57-5 20. 1 8. 18. 44-7 3o. 17. 55. 54-5 h m > 11.43. 678 12. I.41-I5 12. 12. 19-49 12. 14. 3-28 12. 1 5. 46-73 12.32. 18-37 6-47 40-85 9'*4 3-, 4 46-44 17-86 O'3i o - 3o o-35 0-14 0-29 o-5 1 i n 86. 4. 17-00 87. 57. 2o-gg 89. 1.49-62 89. 12. 15-17 89.22.37-97 gi. i. i6 - 8o it 1 I'20 l5'40 4370 i i'5o 34-10 10-90 II 5-80 5-5g 5-g2 3-67 3-87 5-go EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of FLORA. March 16. 10. 28.53-5 3o. 9. 26. 46-1 10. 4. 38-34 9. 57. 33-3; ... 70. 3i. 58-49 70. 4. 22-65 ... ::: April 4. 9. 6. 0-9 17. 8. 1 5.3o-3 18. 8. 11.48-9 19. 8. 8. 9-4 9. 56. 27-65 9.57. 3'8o 9.57. 1 8-32 9- 5 7- 3479 . . . ... 70. 4. 24-01 70. 25. 32-85 70.28. 18-75 70. 3i. 14-46 * RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of MELPOMENE. April 4. 14. 18. 27-4 16. 1 3. 23- 14-6 18. i3. 13.46-2 20. i3. 4. 14-6 21. 12. 5g. 27-6 23. 12.49. (5i.) 25. 12. 40. 11'7 i5. 9.45-34 i5. 1.42-06 14. 5g. 60-28 14. 58. 25-i8 14. 57. 33-94 14. 53. 6ri3 36-41 5 97 8 19-48 28-08 55'5o -'s-65 5-5o 5-70 5-86 's-63 g3. 3o. 24-84 92. 3. 42-g3 91.49.25-51 gi. 35. 44-89 91. 28. 27-18 gi. 14. 5o-54 gi. i.3o-oi * 23-41 8-67 5-84 9'9 3ro3 11*98 ig-52 16-84 ( 3g-o5) 17-28 ig-5i i 8-08 May 2. 12. 6. in 12. ii. 17. 29-6 25. 10. 1 5. 27*1 26. 10. 10.47-3 14.47.3077 14.38. 6-83 14. 27. g-38 14. 26. 25-43 25-04 1-07 4-07 i * 5-73 5-76 5-3 1 4 90. 17. 72-26 8g. 28. 20-07 88.50.48-77 88.49. 20-21 54-98 rig 32-3o 17-28 18-88 -16-47 June 2. 9.38.41-3 14. 21. 5o-o8 ... 88. 44. 43-88 * RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NOETH POLAR DISTANCES of EUTERPE. April 20. i3. 9. 26-3 23. 12. 54. (5i) 25. 12. 45. 4-1 i5. 3.37-71 14. 58. 54-35 31-94 48-21 - 5-77 6-14 io5. i i.36-3o 104. 5g. 74-20 104. 5i. 84-34 9-54 44'35 54-01 26-76 2g-85 3o-33 May 2. 12. 10. 36-1 4. 12. o. 37-9 12. II. 21. 22'I 23. 10. 28. 21-9 25. 10. 18.57-3 14. 5i. 56-55 14. 41. 5g-g6 14. 32. i3-22 14. 3o. 40-24 50-74 54-07 7-60 3 4 -55 5-8i 5-8g 5-62 5-69 104. 23. 66-68 104. 1 5. 5g-38 io3. 43. 58-23 io3. 4. 7g-33 102. 58. 84-77 36-24 25-6 1 23-02 45-05 49-22 30-44 -33-77 35-21 34-28 -35-55 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of VESTA. July 20. 14. 6. 56-8 22. o. 4-46 9 -3 9 + 4'93 1 08. 49. 36-46 8-5o -27-96 Aug. 3. 1 3. i. 5g-8 9. 12. 33. 5-8 1 3. 12. 1 3. 40-0 i5. 12. 3. 56'2 2i.5o. 8-52 21.44.49-14 21.41. 6-42 21. 3g. I4'cg 12-47 53-34 io-5g 18-24 + 3-g5 + 4' 20 + 4-i7 + 4'i5 110.45. 44-80 in. 34. 64-00 112. 5.80-37 112. 20. 75-I4 i5-2o 38-70 53-8o 47-5o 2g-6o 25-3o 26-57 -27-64 OBSERVED AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 29 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of VESTA concluded. Mean Solar Time of R. A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular II. A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1855. * k " h m s i 3 1 II // /; Aug. 1 6. 11. 5g. 4-4 21. 38. i8-o5 22'l3 + 4'o8 112. 28. 27-46 I -60 25-86 17. 11. 54. 12-7 21. 37. 22-o5 26-I8 + 4'i3 1 12. 35. 33-96 6-60 27-36 21. II. 34. 49- 1 21. 33. 41*54 45-67 + 4'i3 1 1 3. i. 71-49 46-go 24-59 29. 10. 56. 34-0 21. 26. 52-57 56-6i + 4'4 1 13. 46. 28'gg 3-oo 25-gg 3o. 10. 5 1. 5 1 *5 21.26. 5-88 g-85 + 3-97 n3. 5o. 62-58 3g-5o 23-o8 Sept. i. 10. 42. 3o-o 21. 24. 35-go 39-91 + 4-01 Ii3. 5g. 35-og i3-go 21-19 3. 10.33. 1 3-6 21. 23. II-I4 i5-i6 + 4-02 114. 6.74-33 56-3o i8-o3 4. 10. 28. 37-6 21. 22.3o-8g 34-86 + 3- 97 114. 10. 47-62 27-80 19-82 5. 10. 24. 2'g 21. 21. 52'05 56-01 + 3- 9 6 1 14. i3. 66-38 46-20 20-18 6. 10. 19. 29-8 21. 21. 1474 18-67 + 3-g3 114. 16. 72-52 5i - 5o 2 1 -O2 7. 10. 14. 58-3 21. 20. 3g-o5 42-88 + 3-83 114. 19. 64-99 43-60 2r3g 11. 9.67. 8-3 21. 1 8. 32-34 36-O2 + 3-68 1 14. 29. 21-55 i -60 '9'9 5 12. 9.52.44-9 21. 1 8. 4-75 8-57 + 3-82 114.30.68-67 48-80 - I9-87 19. g. 22. 527 21. i5. 43-5i 46-96 + 3- 4 5 114. 37. 46-06 27-40 18-66 20. 9. 1 8. 44-0 21. i5. 3o-68 34-13 + 3- 4 5 114. 37. 52-24 35-8o 16-44 22. 9. 10.32-2 21. 1 5. 10-62 14-08 + 3-46 114.37.33-10 i7'9o l5'2O 24. 9. 2. 28-0 21. 14. 58-20 6i-49 + 3-2 9 114. 36. 29-08 14-80 14-28 25. 8.58.28-6 21. 14. 04-69 57-98 + 3-29 1 14. 35. 41*60 26-80 14-80 26. 8.54.31-1 21. 14. 53-12 56-33 + 3-21 114. 34. 43-86 28-10 15-76 28. 8.46.41-5 21. 14. 55-37 58-54 + 3-17 114. 3i. 72-43 5g-io 13-33 Oct. i. 8.35.10-8 21. i5. 12-43 1 5-49 + 3-o6 114. 26. 74-92 59-40 - 15-52 2. 8.3I.24-I 21. i5. 21-67 24-73 + 3-o6 114. 24. 72-85 5g-8o i3-o5 4. 8. 23. 56-o 21. 1 5. 45-45 48-54 + 3-og 114. 20. 43-94 3rgo 12-04 6. 8. 16. 35-o 21. 16. 16-32 19-34 + 3-02 1 14. 1 5. 40-39 26-70 i3-6g 10. 8. 2. i3'3 21. 17.38-55 4 ' '49 + 2-g4 114. 3.39-72 28-go 10-82 1 8. 7.34.47-9 21. 21. 40-99 43-47 + 2-48 ii3. 32.64-71 54'5o 10-21 24. 7. i5. i5-5 21. 25.44-78 46-98 + 2'2O 1 1 3. 4. 5o - 66 42-10 8-56 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of IRIS. Dec. 6. i3. 2. 14-9 6. 3. 1 3-o6 ir3o - - 7 6 67. 3. 43-66 48-23 + 4'S; 12. 12. 32. 267 5. 56. 5g-34 57-55 79 67. 3i. 21-96 28-09 + 6-i3 i3. 12. 27. 26-2 5. 55. 5 4 -63 52-78 -85 67.36. 1-54 7-43 + 5-8g I 8. 12. 2. 20-5 5. 5o. 27-59 25-84 - 75 67. 5g. 20-45 24-30 + 3-85 21. I I. 47- ig-3 5. 47. 13-57 u-58 - '99 68. i3. i3'02 14-60 4- 1-58 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of METIS. Mar. 6. i3. 40. 12-9 12.37. 4-50 84. 34. 21-71 3i. ii. 3g. o-5 12. 14. 6'02 5-47 -' o'-55 82. 22. 26-00 25'5o o-5o April g. 10. 55. 41-6 12. 6. 8-96 8i.53. 6-44 ... 14. 10. 32. in 12. 2. 17-42 . . . 8 1. 43. 1 6-58 t 17. 10. 18. 20-0 12. o. i3-65 . . . 81. 39.39-57 18. 10. 13.45-5 u. 5g. 35'ci 8i.38. 51-97 20. 10. 4. (42) .... * 8 1. 37. 49-48 t . . 21. 10. o. 10-8 11.57.47-73 81.37.37-05 * 23. g. 5i. iS'i u. 56. 43-56 * 81.37. 45-34 * 25. 9.42.25-6 u.55. 45-81 ... ... 81.38.42-84 ... May 2. q. 12. 20-8 11. 53. u-g5 ... 81.47.53-24 ... 8. 8.47.35-6 u.52. 2-04 ... 82. 2. 3g-i6 30 RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NOKTH POLAR DISTANCES OF PLANETS, EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of MASSILIA. Mean Solar Time of R-A-from Seconds of Apparent Error X.P.D.from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1 855. d h m s h m s 8 8 o / // ii // June 9. 14. 1 6. 1 6-8 19.27.47-08 ... .... . . . 28. 12.45.37-6 19. II.47-59 82-66 + 35-07 ii i. 22. 55'3o 10-67 44'63 July 20. 10. 57. 4-4 1 8. 49. 40-78 75-20 + 34-42 i ii. 54. 46-16 19-07 - 27-09 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of HEBE. Aug. 9. 1 3. 3. 45-3 22. i5. 33-66 29-68 3-98 io3. 46. 26-53 28-28 + I-75. 1 5. 12. 36. 25-5 22. II. 48-67 44-58 4-09 io5. 17. 48-82 46-82 2-OO 16. 12. 3i. (49.) io5. 33. 1 5'57 17-10 + r53 17. 12. 27. 11-9 22. 10. 26-74 22-69 4-05 io5. 48.5i-25 49' 5 9 - 1-66 20. 12. i3. 17-4 22. 8. 19-64 15-46 4-18 1 06. 35. 32*o5 30-77 1-28 21.12. 8.38-3 22. 7. 36'3o 32-22 4-08 106. 5i. 2-10 2-48 + o-38 29. n. 3i. 22-8 22. 1.47'lS 4279 4-36 108. 52. 19-82 i8-g5 - 0-87 Sept. 21. 59.39-97 35-68 4-29 iog.35. 25-74 26-66 + 0-92 6. 10. 54.30-9 21. 56. 21-57 17-40 4-17 110.43. 1-43 o'6i 0-82 7. 10.49. 58-i 21. 55. 44-61 . . . no. 55. 47-67 10. 10. 36. 27-1 2 1 . 54. I -00 . . . I I 1.32. 24'3l 12. 10. 27. 32'9 21. 52. 58-46 . . . 1 1 1. 55. i5-i6 19. 9.67. i3'2 2i.5o. 9-67 . . . * n3. 5.15-84 20. 9. 53. o-i 21. 49. 52'44 . . . u3. 13.53-28 24. 9.36.27-1 21.49. 2-95 . Il3.45. 2'2I . . . 26. 9.28.23-1 21. 48.49-98 ... 113.58.35-36 ... Oct. 4. 8. 67. 23-g 21. 49. 18-84 ... ... 114.39. g-58 ... 6. 8. 49. 5g-8 21. 49. 46-60 . 114.46. i'52 8. 8. 42. 44-1 21. 5o. 22-84 114.5.1. 36-g4 . . . 19. 8. 5. io 4 5 21.56. 5-i6 1 1 5. 0.40-55 Nov. 8. 7. 5. 56-4 22. l5. 32'5o ... ... 10. 7. 0.33-3 22. 18. i-56 ... 113.45. 26-41 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of LUTETIA. June n. n. 25. 3'8 1 6. 43. 59-04 60-97 + i-93 in. 5i.53-i8 57-86 + 4-68 i3. ii. i5. 9-0 16. 41. 55-73 57-90 + 2-17 i ii. 5i. 37-38 44 - 9i + 7'53 19. 10. 45. 42-0 16. 36. 3-23 5-33 + 2-10 ui.Si. 4'58 8'99 + 4-4I 20. 10. 40. 50-7 1 6. 35. 7-74 9'89 + 2'l5 iii.Si. 2-44 4'99 + 2-55 26. 10. 12. lo-i 16. 3o. 1-72 * ni.Si. 2-99 . . . . . . 3o. g.53.32-6 16.27. 7-42 * in. 5i. 42-06 . . RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAK DISTANCES of FOBTDNA. April 25. 1 3. 40. 5 1 -5 1 5. 54. 5o-88 109. 3i. 20-52 June ii. 9.54.36-0 i5. i3. 16-41 * * * 1 06. 46. 7-34 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAK DISTANCES of PARTHENOPE. Nov. i. 12.43.53-9 3. 1 2. 34. (8.) 3. 26.49-57 48-80 > 0-77 * 78. 58. 33-35 79. 6. 2-35 34-96 7-5 4 + 1-61 + 5-ig Dec. 12. 9.27.47-5 2. 5i. 49-87 * * 80. 21. 3g-oi . . 1 5. 9. 14. 40-5 2.5o. 3o-37 80. ig. 2-5o . 18. 9. 1.49-6 2. 49. 26-98 80. i5. 12-42 ... 19. 8.57.35-0 2.49. 8-29 ... 80. 1 3. 32-12 . . . OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 31 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of AMPHITRITE. Mean Solar Time of Observation. R. A. from Observation. Seconds of Tabular R.A. Apparent trror of Tables in B.A. N.P.D. from Observation. Seconds of Tabular N. P. D. Apparent Error of Tables in N.P.D. 1855. d h m ' h m a 8 8 1 II ;/ // July 20. 12. I. 5o-i ig. 54. 37'i3 ig-88 I7'25 119.40. 6-28 1 3g-n +32-83 Aug. 2. 10. 57. 32-8 21. 9. 28. 48'! 19. 41. 24-53 19.27. 19-82 7'3 4 3-2 7 -I7-I9 l6-55 ug. 47. 34-08 119. 21. 0-92 6l'I2 27-43 + 27-04 + 26-5i RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAB DISTANCES of ASTE^EA. March 17. i3. 58. 17-5 3i. 12. 53. 45-0 i3. 38. 34-10 i3. 29. 2-82 3171 0-62 2'44 2'20 92.42. 975 3-oo - 6- 7 5 April 4. 12. 34. 47 - 6 9. 12. 10. 58'4 16. 11.37.39-9 18. n. 28. 12-5 20. II. I 8. (48.) 25. 10. 55. 3o - 5 i3. 25. 48-44 i3. 2i.38-i3 1 3. 1 5. 5o-o5 i3. 14. 14-18 i3. 9. 274 46-62 36-2g 48-33 I2'52 1-29 1-82 - I-8 4 172 - 1-66 1-45 go. 33. 60-28 90. o. 12-72 [89. 17. 40-65 8g. 6. 47'65 88. 56. 46-04 88. 34-5r65 5 4 - 7 6 5- 7 3 35- 97 49'4 44-13 5rig 5-52 6-gg - 4-68 + i -3 9 - ,-9 1 0-46 May i. 10. 28. 9-0 2. 10. 23. 3g7 4. 10. 14. 45-4 5. IO. 1O. 2O'2 8. 9.57. 12-8 1 3. 5. 1 6-06 i3. 4.42-61 i3. 3.39-87 1 3. 3. 10-57 1 3. 1.50-71 I4-83 41-40 38-55 9'i5 * - 1-23 I-2I - 1-32 - I- 4 2 88. i5. 22-25 88. 12. 52-44 88. 8. 27-40 88. 6. 37-93 88. 1.47-06 20-84 50-45 28-21 36-56 - 1-41 - i'99 + 0-8 1 - i-3 7 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of IRENE. April 1 3. i3. 14. 40-5 1 8. 12. 5o. 49*4 20. 12. 41. i ro 21. 12. 36. 21'5 23. 12. 26. (40.) 25. 12. 16. 5j'8 14.41. 16-94 14.37. 4-67 14.35. 18-33 14. 34. 24-09 14. 3o. 43-36 7-34 20-81 26-64 45-83 + 2-67 + 2-48 + 2-55 + 2-47 91. 29. 5r82 91. 17. 59-64 91. 14. 8-47 gi. 12. 23-66 gi. g. 20-98 91. 6.5i'5i 74-66 22-08 37-61 33-g3 65-56 + 1 5-02 + i3-6i + i3-g8 + i2-g5 + 14-05 May 2. ii. 42. 57-5 4. n. 33. 16-9 1 8. 10. 26. 5q-o 23. 10. 4. i5'4 25. 9. 55. 20-4 14. 24. i3-3g 14. 22. 24-27 14. ii. 7-36 14. 8. 2-73 14. 6. 59-42 15-84 26-62 g-82 4'9 2 + 2-45 + 2-35 + 2-46 + 2-19 gi. 3. ig-85 91. 3.52-88 91. 28. 54-04 91. 46. 46-06 91. 55. i5-g2 33-8i 67-42 63- 1 6 58-oi + i3-g6 + 14-54 + 9-12 + ii-g5 RIGHT ASCENSION and NORTH POLAR DISTANCE of FIDES. Nov. 10. 8.32.53-8 23. 5o. 37-27 ... ... go. 13.38-53 ... RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of PROSERPINE. Dec. 6. ii. 3o. 47-1 19. 10. 27. 16-4 4. 3i. 3o-3i 4. ig. 4-35 5o-2i ig-g3 + 19-90 + i5-58 65.42. 55- 1 5 65. 5g. ioo-gi r88 52-8i 53-27 48-10 RIGHT ASCENSION and NORTH POLAR DISTANCE of CIRCE. April 1 8. ii. 44. 17-3 1 3. 3o. 2i-5g ... ... g6. 2.5172 ... 32 RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NOKTH POLAR DISTANCES OF PLANETS, RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of JUNO. Mean Solar Time of R.A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. Of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1 855. " " m ' h m A s s O t ft it // April 1 3. 14. 64. g-g 16. 21. 2-64 7-06 + 4-42 g5. 5g. 57-27 57-IO - 0-I 7 17. 14. 36. 46-3 16. 19. 22-45 26-91 + 4'4<5 95.37. 4-22 7'5o + 3-28 18. 14. 32. 22-6 1 6. 1 8. 54-55 58-g6 + 4'4i g5. 3i. 21-64 25-00 + 3-36 20. 14. 23. 3r3 1 6. 17. 54'.g5 5g-66 + 47' .... . . . . . . 21. 14. ig. 4*1 1 6. 17. 23-63 28-37 + 474 g5. 14. 17-10 2o-3o + 3-20 25. 14. i. 5-6 16. 1 5. 8-33 12-76 + 4'4-3 94.51.47-38 49-40 + 2'02 May 2. i3. 29. ri 1 6. 10. 34-39 39-26 + 4-87 94. 1 3. 42-38 45-10 + 2-72 4. i3. 19. 44-2 16. g. g*i3 i3- 77 + 4 <6 4 94. 3. 17-87 19-40 + 1-53 14. 12. 32. 42-6 1 6. i.25-3o 30-07 + 477 g3. 1 5. 33-66 34-80 + 1-14 28. n. 26. 11-4 1 5. 49. 55-o"5 5g - g3 + 4-88 g2. 26. 5'ig 5'2O + O'OI June 2. 11. 2. 34-5 i5.45. 57-07 61-72 + 4'65 92. 14. 30-73 30-40 o-33 n. 10. 20. 37-5 i5. 3g. 22-19 26-64 + 4-45 92. 2. 33-i5 02-40 0-75 i3. 10. ii. 26-0 i5. 38. 2-25 6-75 + 4'5o 92. i. 26-53 27-80 + 1-27 19. 9. 44. 1 3-o 1 5. 34. 24-17 28-48 + 4'3 1 92. 1.42-01 40-10 - rgi 20. g. 3g. 44-2 i5. 33. 5ri7 55-48 + 4-3 1 92. 2. 14-61 1 1-60 3-oi EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of CERES. Sept. 25. 14.41. 12-6 2. 58. 35-oo 5i-gg + 16-99 85. 5. 157-27 45-60 111-67 26. 14. 36. 55-5 2. 58. i3-8i 31-04 + 17-23 85. 8. 141-69 25-40 116-29 Oct. i5. i3. n. (18.) .... ... ... 86. 3. 1 62-65 42-80 iig-85 26. 12. 1 8. 5r8 2. 38. 4'o3 23-14 + 19-11 86.32. 181-06 57-30 123-76 Nov. i. 11.49. 5o'7 2. 32.37'So 56-5i + 19-01 84. 45. 1 50-43 26-00 124-43 6. u. 25. 37-2 2. 28. 2-79 21-84 + ig-o5 86. 53. 132-52 8-60 123-92 lo.n. 6. (18.) .... 86.57. 135-62 12-80 122-82 3o. 9. 32. 32'i 2. g. 26-53 44-07 + 17-54 86. 44. i3roo 17-20 n3-8o Dec. 6. 9. 6. 6*4 2. 6. 25-77 42-72 + i6- 9 5 86. 29. 1 1 1-67 i -80 iog-87 8. 8.57.26-1 2. 5.37-19 53-5o + i6-3i 86. 22. 160-17 47-80 112-37 12. 8.40.21-8 2. 4. 16-34 32-67 + I6-33 86. 8. 144-62 3g-5o i o5- 1 2 18. 8. i5. 3o-g 2. 3. 0-68 1 6-33 + 1 5-65 85. 43. 132-73 28-60 1 04" 1 3 19. 8. n. 27-7 2. 2.53-35 68-87 + I5-52 85.38. 154-45 5o - 5o io3-g5 20. 8. 7. 25-g 2. 2.47-52 62-90 + 15-38 85. 34. io8-56 5-3o io3-26 21. 8. 3.25-8 2. 2. 43-28 58- 4 3 + i5-i5 85. 29. 114-35 i3-oo 101-35 22. 7. 5g. 27-0 2. 2. 40-43 55-44 + i5'oi 85. 24. ii2-i5 i3-go g8-25 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of PALLAS. Aug. 9. 14. 3o. 55-o 23. 42. 57-66 58-o3 + 0-37 84. 5g. 70-85 42-80 28-o5 i3. 14. i3. 39-7 23.41. 25-83 26-28 + 0-45 85. 35. 36-73 8-80 27'g3 i5. 14. 4. 55-7 23. 40. 33-45 33-87 + 0-42 85.54.38-83 9'9 28-g3 16. 14. 0.32-1 23. 40. 5-74 6-og + 0-35 86. 3. 8g-o3 5g-6o 2 9'4^ 17. i3. 56. 7-4 23. 3g. 36-86 37-28 + 0-42 86. 14. 29-33 2-00 27-33 21. i3. 38. 19-0 23.37. 5l 7-5 32-20 + 0-47 86.56. 41-75 i3-6o 28-i5 24. i3. 24. 48-1 23.35. 48-23 48-72 + 0-49 87. 29. 84-61 55-10 2g-5i 28. 1 3. 6.35-3 23.33. 18-71 ig-i8 + 0-47 88. 17. 4g-g2 20-70 29-22 Sept. i. 12. 48. 1 1-2 23.30.37-78 38-14 + o-36 89. 7. 48-53 20-10 28-43 7. 12. 20. 18-2 23.26. ig-53 ig-g6 + 0-43 go. 26. 43-94 I4'qo 29-04 10. 12. 6. i6'6 23. 24. 5-26 5- 7 8 + 0-52 91. 7.32-63 1-80 3o-83 12. n. 56. 54-5 23. 22. 34-77 35-27 + o'5o g i. 34. 63-71 33"io 3o-6i 19. 11. 24. 6-7 23. 17. 17-42 17-88 + 0-46 g3. 11. 79-34 48-3o 3 1-04 20. II. ig. 26-I 23. 16. 32-62 33-12 + o-5o g3. 25. 72-38 4i-5o 3o-88 22. II. 10. 6'O 23. 1 5. 4-08 4-47 + o-3g g3.53 48-28 22*00 26-28 24. II. 0.47-3 23. i3. 37-00 37-3o + o-3o 94. 20. 78-79 5l'20 -27'5g OBSERVED AT THE KoYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 33 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of PALLAS concluded. Mean Solar Time of Observation. R. A. from Observation. Seconds of Tabular R.A. Apparent ibrrorj of Tables in E.A. N.P.D. from Observation. Seconds of Tabular! N.P.D. Apparent lirror of Tables ia N.P.D. 1 855. d 1' m 3 Oct. 4. 10. 14. 47-3 1 8. g. 12. 52-8 24. 8. 47. 3o-8 27. 8.35. 7'3 Nov. 10. 7. 3g. 54' i i5. 7.21. i3-3 h s 23. 6. 54-98 23. o. 2-09 22. 58. i5-23 22. 57. 3g-3o 22.57.28-85 22.58.2778 i 55-46 2-3 7 i5-58 3g"56 29*11 28-18 s + 0-48 + 0-28 + o-35 4- 0-26 + 0-26 + 0-40 / // 96. 33. 38-5g 99- 1-3. 78-74 100. n. 29-88 100. 36. 73-08 102. u.38-8g 102.35. 23-8 1 it 8-3o 50-40 2'OO 40-80 14-70 o-io // 3o-2g 28-34 27-88 27-28 -24-19 23-71 EIGHT ASCENSION and NORTH POLAK DISTANCE of BELLONA. June 3o. n. 28. 8-8 18. i.5g*i6 47-29 11-87 102. 35. 45'o5 34-47 1O-58 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of CALLIOPE. Juno n. ii. o. 49-6 i3. 10. 5i. 11-8 16. ig. 40-85 1 6. 17. 54-62 35-55 49^9 5-3o 5-13 n3. 6.62-35 n 3. 8.94-55 28-g3 43-69 33-42 48-86 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of PSYCHE. Dec. i5. 10. i3. 29-8 1 8. 9. 5g. 49-6 21. .9.46. 21-6 3. 49. 29-33 3. 47. 36'55 3. 45. 55-94 ... 74.42. 8-64 74. 44. 28-99 74.46. 5-27 . EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of HTGEIA. April 1 8. 1 3. 34. 45-3 20. i3. 25.38-6 21. i3. 21. 3-8 25. 1 3. 2. 35-o May 2. 12. 2g. 47-4 4. 12. 20. 2 I '5 24. 10. 46. 8-6 25. 10. 41. 3r2 i5. 21. 7-81 i5. ig. 52-74 i5. ig. 13-71 i5. 1 6. 28-11 i5. 11. 11-02 i5. g. 36-68 14. 53. 5g*4O 14.53. 17-83 77 3 5z-56 i3-o3 27 - 94 10-88 35-8g 5g-i4 I7'5i 0-08 0-18 - 0-68 0-17 0-14 o-7g 0-26 0-32 Ii3. 3g. 26-02 Ii3.35.32-g2 Ii3. 33. 23-33 u3. 23. 5i-oi u3. 3. 4-18 1 12. 56. 17-94 in. 35. 27-57 iu.3i. g-oo 24-65 3o-56 21-87 48-11 2-91 16-48 24-70 6-82 - i -3 7 - 2-36 1-46 2'go - 1-27 1-46 2-87 2-18 EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of JUPITER. July 4. 1 5. 28. 32-5 i3. 14. 5i. 19-0 20. 14. 21. 44-2 Aug. 3. i3. 21. 147 9. 12. 54. 53 7 10. 12. 5o. 29-1 22. 18.48-55 22. 16. 58-O2 22. 14. 54-20 22. 6.40-62 22. 6. u-83 49'34 58-43 55-o5 41-og 12-37 + 079 + 0-41 + o'85 + '47 + 0-54 101. 3g. i6 - 5o 101. 52. irg7 102. 5.47'4g 102. 3g. 26-55 102. 55.44-74 102. 58.35-31 i5'3o 17-70 44'90 24-20 43-20 3o-3o 1-20 + 5- 7 3 2-09 2-35 1-54 5-oi GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. 4 F RIGHT ASCENSIONS AND NORTH POLAR DISTANCES OF PLANETS, RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of JUPITER -concluded. Mean Solar Time of RA. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Error Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.P.D. 1855. fc " * h 111 a S S O f // ii " Aug. i3. 12.37. 14-1 22. 4.44-34 44.81 + '47 io3. 6. 57-50 55'7O I -80 l5. 12. 28. 23'I 22. 3. 44-96 45-5O + 0-54 io3. 12. 3g-86 34'go 4*96 16. 12. 23. 57-4 22. 3. l5'I4 1 5-63 + '49 io3. i5. 25-77 24-70 1-07 17. 12. 19. 3i-6 22. 2.45-16 45-64 + 0-48 io3. 18. 17-13 14-60 2-53 20. 12. 6. 13-7 22. I. 1477 i5'25 + 0-48 io3. 26. 45'5o 42-go 2-60 21. 12. i. 47-7 22. O. 44-54 45-04 + o-5o io3. 29. 33-gg 3r5o 2 '49 24. u. 48. 29-8 21. 5g. 14-10 14-50 + 0-40 io3. 37.57-81 53'oc - 4-8 1 28. n.3o. 46-7 21. 57. I4-32 14-81 + '49 io3. 48. 5o-gg 47-40 3-5g 29. n. 26. 21-4 21. 56. 44-91 45-20 + 0-29 io3. 5i. 2g-8i 27-70 2'II 3o. 11. 21. 56-i 21. 56. 1 5-44 15-78 + 0-34 io3. 54. 8-40 6-40 2'OO 3i. ii. 17. 3ri 21. 55. 46-24 46-54 + o-3o io3. 56. 44-57 43-60 '97 Sept. i. n. i3. 6-1 21. 55. 17-11 17-51 + 0-40 io3. 5g. ig-2o ig-oo O'2O 3. n. 4. 17-1 21. 54. 19-76 20-19 + o'43 104. 4. 23-67 24-20 + o-53 6. 10. 5i. 5-7 21.52.55-83 56-35 + 0-52 104. u. 47-62 46-30 1-32 7. 10. 46. 42-7 21. 52. 28-69 2g-o5 + o-36 104. 14. 1 1-16 g-io 2-06 8. IO. 42. 20-2 21.52. I 'go 2-II + o-i5 104. 1 6. 25-6o 29-40 + 3-80 10. 10. 33. 35-5 21. 5i. 8-g7 9'4i + '44 104.21. 5-85 2-40 3-45 1 1. 10. 29. 14-0 21. 5o. 43-30 43-68 + o-38 104. 23. 1 6-1 2 14-80 r32 12. 10. 24. 52-g 21. 5o. 17'gg 18-40 + 0-41 104. 25. 25-35 24-50 o-85 1 3. 10. 20. 32-3 21. 4g. 53-23 53-5g + o-36 104. 27. 32 -g4 3i-2o 174 19. 9.54.39-0 2 1 . 47. 35-04 35-38 + 0-34 104.39. 8-76 6-40 2-36 20. 9. 5o. 22-0 21. 47. i3-g3 14-28 + o-35 104. 40. 5l'22 00-70 O'52 21. 9.46. 5'7 21.46. 53-41 53-76 + o-35 104. 42. 33-i8 31-70 1-48 22. 9.41.49-9 21.46. 33-5 1 33-86 + o-35 104.44. g-go g-io 0-80 24. 9. 33. 20-3 21. 45. 55-64 55-go + 0-26 104. 47. i3-5 l3'20 o - 65 25. 9. 29. 6-3 21. 45. 37'5i 37-88 + 0-37 * * * . . 26. 9. 24. 53-2 21. 45. 20-25 20-5 1 + 0-26 104. 5o. 5-56 2-go - 2-66 Oct. i. 9. 3.57-0 21.44. 3-41 3-77 + o-36 104. 56. 2-85 2"OO o-85 2. 8. 5g. 5i-o 21. 43. 5o-26 5o-5o + 0-24 104. 57. 3-26 2'OO 0-76 4. 8. 5i.3i-g 21. 43. 25-86 26-12 + 0-26 104. 58. 52-47 51-70 77 6. 8.43. 1 8-5 21.43. 4-27 4 - 6g + 0-42 io5. o. 27-27 25-3o i'97 8. 8. 35. 8-6 21. 42. 46-07 46-26 + o-ig io5. i-42-8g 42-go + o-oi 10. 8. 27. 1-4 21. 42. 3o-68 30-87 + 0-19 io5. 2. 47-55 44-5o 3-o5 1 8. 7. 55. 3-g 21.42. O'37 0-47 + o-io io5. 4. g-66 870 o-g6 ig. 7.5i. 77 21.42. 0-02 0'2I + o-ig io5. 4. 2-i5 o-go 1-25 24. 7.3i.38'5 21. 42. 10-46 10-69 + o-23 io5. 2. 21-67 2i-5o 0-17 27. 7. 20. 6-5 21. 42. 26-2I 26-34 + o-i3 io5. 0.35-48 34-00 1-48 Nov. 6. 6. 42. 28.8 21.44. 7'9^ 8-28 + o-35 10. 6.27.46-9 21.45. 9-78 9'9 8 4- 0-20 1 04. 44. 3 1 I o 29-80 i-3o 1 5. 6. 9. 40-4 21. 46. 43-06 43-25 + o-ig 104. 35. 46-75 45-go o-85 22. 5. 44. 47-8 21. 49. 22-28 22-42 + 0-14 104. 21. 2 -06 1-80 0-26 28. 5.23.53-1 21.52. 3-52 3-63 + o-ii 104. 6. io'86 11-00 + 0-14 3o. 5. 1 6. 5g-6 21.53. 2'OI 2-18 + 0-17 104. 0.48*50 47'9 0-60 Dec. 5. 4. 5g. 56-o 21.55.38-36 38-52 + 0-16 103.46. 24-61 24-30 o-3 1 6. 4. 56. 32-g 21.56. ii-32 11-44 + 0-12 io3. 43. 23-27 22-20 - 1-07 7. 4.53.10-5 21. 56. 44-93 44'9 o-o3 io3. 40. 17-56 17-00 - o-56 8. 4. 4g. 48-4 21.57. l8 ' 8 ' i8-8g + 0-08 103.37. g'5o 8-70 0-80 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of SATURN. Jan. 10. 9. i3. 5g-5 i5. 8.53. 18-9 17. 8.45. 5-4 19. 8.36.53-5 4.33.16-82 4-32. 15-54 4. 3i. 53-82 4.31.33-72 17-29 15-84 54-09 34-02 + '47 + o-3o + 0-27 + o-3o 69. 45. 40*07 69. 46. 3g-q2 69. 46. 55*6 1 69. 47. i2-o3 30-70 32'5o 5o-8o 5'2o - 9-37 4-81 6-83 Feb. 10. 7. 8. 42-5 4. 29. 52-48 52-85 + 0-37 69. 45. 22-19 i2-5o - 9-69 14. 6.53. 5-i 1 5. 6.49. 1 1 -8 4. 29. 58-70 4. 3o. i -34 58-89 1-60 + 0-26 6g. 43. 65-34 6g. 43. 43-23 57-80 36-6o 7'54 - 6-63 OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 35 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of the CENTER of SATURN concluded. Mean Solar Time of R. A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Lrror Observation. Observation. Tabular R.A. of Tables in R.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables in N.PJ). 1 855. d h m s h ra s s s o in It u Feb. 1 6. 6. 45. 1 9' i 4. 3o. 4-58 4-78 + O'2O 6g. 43. 21-72 I4'3o - 7-42 17. 6.41.26-8 4. 3o. 8-17 8-44 + 0-27 6g. 42.58-80 5roo 7-80 20. 6. 29. 52'8 4. 3o. 21-89 22-26 + o-3 7 6g. 41. 41-34 35-20 6-14 22. 6. 22. I2'6 4. 3o. 33-55 33-83 + 0-28 6g. 40. 47-55 3g-70 - 7-35 23. 6. 18. 23-i 4. 3o. 39-97 40-3i + 0-34 69. 40. 17-23 io-5o - 6- 7 3 March 3. 5.48. 4-1 4. 3i. 48-42 48-62 + O'2O 69. 35. 5o-88 44-60 - 6-28 7. 5.33. 5-i 4. 32.33-iy 33-44 + 0-27 69.33. i8-3g n-3o 7'9 8. 5.29.21-4 4. 32. 45-46 45-72 + 0-26 6g. 32. 36-o5 3roo - 5-o5 Oct. 2. 17. 14. 26-7 5. 09. 5o-ig 5o-52 + o-33 67. 46. 11-57 8-go - 2-67 Dec. 5. 12. 52.40-8 5.49. 40-88 41-38 + o-5o 67.48. 4-72 2-5o 2-22 6. 12. 48. 24-4 5. 49. 20-37 2O-g5 + o-58 67. 48. g-26 4-00 5-26 12. 12. 22. 44-0 5. 47. 1 5-o6 15-71 + o-65 67.48. i5-82 13-40 - 2-42 i3. 12. 18. 27-0 5. 46. 53-88 54'5i + o-63 67. 48. 21-91 .iS'oo 6-gi 18. 11.57. rl 5. 45. 7-25 7-85 + 0-60 67. 48. 26-g8 23-40 3-58 ig. 11. 52. 43-8 5. 44. 45-81 46-47 + 0-66 67. 48. 2g-6g 25-10 4'5g 21. I I. 44. 9'5 5. 44. 3-23 3-78 + o-55 67. 48. 33-74 28-60 5-14 24. n.3i. 18-2 5. 42. 5g-52 60-06 + 0-54 67.48.37-75 33-70 4-05 26. n. 22. 44-2 5. 42. 17-24 17-93 + 0-69 67. 48. 40-37 37-10 3-27 27. n. 18. 27-0 5. 41. 56-3g 57-01 + 0-62 67. 48. 44-10 38-70 5-40 28. u. 14. io-g 5. 41.35-62 36- 1 g + 0-57 67. 48. 45-g5 40-30 5-65 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of URANUS. Jan. 17. 6.54.06-4 2. 41. 26-73 3g-22 + 12-49 74.40. 6g-g5 14-60 -55-35 19. 6.47. 3-3 2. 41. 25-6o 38-21 + 12-61 74.40. 74-31 iS'go -58-41 Sept. 26. 14, 55. 3-i 3. 12. 27-78 41-41 + 1 3-63 72. 25. io3-8g 5o-io -53-79 26. 14. 5i. 5-o 3. 12. 22-20 35-62 + 13-42 72. 26. 70-64 i3-2o -57-44 Oct. io. 1 3. 34. 0-7 3. io. 3- 1 g 17-11 + i3-g2 72.35. 8rg8 25'IQ -56-88 19. i3. 17. 42-4 3. 9. 28-3g 42-17 + 13-78 72.37. 100-62 44-70 55-92 20. i3. 13.37-6 3. g. ig-6o 33-ig + i3-5g 72.38. 74-04 20-60 53 44 26. 12. 49. 6-5 3. 8.23-68 37-57 + i3-8g 72.42. 59-75 3-oo -56- 7 5 Nov. 3. 7. 25-65 3g-53 + 13-88 72. 45. 113-72 55-8o -57-92 3. 12. 16. 21-7 .... . . . 72.47. 72-66 i5-oo -57-66 6. 12. 4. 4'2 3. 6. 36-og 49'93 + 13-84 72.49. 74-09 1 5-oo 5g-og 8. 11.55. 52-3 3. 6. iS-gg 29-91 + i3- 9 2 72. 5o. 91-91 35-6o 56-31 3o. io. 25. 47-6 3. 2.40-74 54-48 + 1 3-74 y3. 5. 62-96 5*go 57-06 Dec. 6. io. i. 18-7 3. 1.47-18 60-78 + 1 3-6o 73. 8. 100-68 43-40 57-28 12. 9. 36. 53-5 3. o. 57-35 70-93 + I3-58 73. 12. 63-34 5-2O 58-14 1 3. 9.32.49-9 3. o. 49-55 63-o5 + i3-5o 73. 12. g3-8g 37-10 56'7g 1 5. 9. 24.. 42-7 3. 0.34- 1 5 47' 6 9 + 1 3-54 73. i3. 97-05 3g-io -57-95 18. g. 12. 33-i 3. o. 12-27 25-72 + I3-45 y3. 1 5. 65-57 7-70 -57-87 19. 9. 8. 3o-2 3. o. 5'22 1 8-68 + 13-46 73.15. 93-47 36-oo -57-47 20. 9. 4.27-4 2. 5g. 58-36 71-80 + 1 3-44 73. 16. 59-87 3-70 56-17 22. 8.56.22-3 2. 5g. 45-08 58-So + 13-42 73. 16. 114-28 57-20 57-08 27. 8.36.12-4 2. 5g. 14-64 28-og + 13-45 70. 18. 116-62 58-8o -57-82 3i. 8. 20. 7-6 2. 58. 53-45 66-85 + 13-40 73.20. 79-92 23-10 56-82 RIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of NEPTUNE. July 3i. 14. 40. io-5 23. 16. 45-72 45-96 + 0-24 g5. 49. 53-92 58- 4 4 0-48 Aug. 3. 14. 28. 9-6 23. 16.32-49 32-77 + 0-28 g5. 5i. 3o-36 28-52 1-84 9. 14. 4. 5-8 23. 1 6. 4-09 4-25 + 0-16 g5. 04. 41-61 41-12 0-49 13.13.48. 1-8 23. 1 5. 43-68 43-85 + 0-17 g5. 56. 57-45 5 7'49 + 0-04 4 F 2 B.A. AND N.P.D. OF PLANETS, AND INVESTIGATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC, EIGHT ASCENSIONS and NORTH POLAR DISTANCES of NEPTUNE concluded. Mean Solar Time of E.A. from Seconds of Apparent Error N.P.D. from Seconds of Apparent Krror Observation. Observation. Tabular E.A. of Tables in ll.A. Observation. Tabular N.P.D. of Tables iu N.P.D. 1 855. d h m s h m s s 5 O 1 It It // Aug. 1 5. 1 3. 3q. 59-4 23. 1 5.33-o3 33-29 + O-26 g5. 58. 8-23 7- 7 8 0-45 1 6. 1 3. 35. 58-3 23. i5. 27-89 27-91 + 0-02 g5. 58. 44-75 43-44 - i-3i 17. i3. 3i.56-8 23. 1 5. 22'3o 22-48 + 0-18 g5. 5g. 20-84 19-40 1-44 21. 1 3. 1 5. 5 ro 23. 1 5. o-o3 0-24 + O'2I 96. 1.46-10 45-88 O-22 24. i3. 3. 46-3 23. 14.42-96 43-12 + 0-16 96. 3.39-87 38-ig 1-68 28. 12.47.39-4 23. 14. 19-66 '974 + 0-08 96. 6.11-68 10-82 0-86 3o. 12.39.35-7 23. 14. 7-81 7-86 + o - o5 96. 7. 2g-8o 28-04 - 176 Sept. i. i2.3i.3rg 23. I3.55-78 55-89 4- o-n 96. 8. 46-08 45-66 0-42 3. 12. 23. 28-0 23. 13.40-63 43-83 4- 0'20 g6. 10. 6-ig 3-72 2-47 6. 12. II. 22'3 23. i3. 20-60 25-63 + o - o3 g6. ii. 5g-o3 6ro3 + 2'OO 7. 12. 7. 20-3 23. i3. ig-5i ig-53 + 0-02 96. 12. 3g - 54 40-34 f 0-80 8.12. 3.17-5 23. i3. i3-5q 13-43 0-16 g6. i3. 16-49 19-46 + 2-97 10. ii. 55. 14-5 23. 1 3. i-33 1-24 0-09 96. 14. 38-g3 3 7 -5 7 - i-36 1 1. ii. 5i. 12-5 23. 12. 55-22 55-12 O'lO 96. 1 5. 18-42 16-68 1-74 12. ii. 47. 10-3 23. 12. 48-95 4Q-o3 + 0-08 96. i5. 55'65 55'5g 0-06 19. ii. 18. 56'7 23. 12. 6'58 6-6 1 + o-o3 96. 20. 26-68 25-25 1-43 20. ii. 14. 54-7 23. 12. 0-48 0-64 4- 0-16 96. 21. 3'5g 3-07 o-52 24. 10. 58. 47-6 23. 1 1. 36-gg 36-g6 o-o3 96. 23. 28-89 32-32 + 3-43 25. 10. 54. 40*9 20. 11.31-14 3ri3 O'OI 96. 24. 6'63 8'94 4- 2-3 1 Oct. 4. 10. 1 8. 32-2 23. 10. 40-49 40-42 0-07 96. 29. 25-48 25'3i 0-17 18. 9.22.20-6 23. 9. 3i-3g 3i-o3 - o-36 96. 36. 2q'7g 3i-oi 4- I'22 19. g. 18. 2o - i 23. g. 26-78 26-67 o-n 96.36.55-87 57-39 4- 1-52 24. 8.58.20-1 23. g. 6-2g 6-n 0-18 96. 3g. 0-68 0-89 4- 0-21 27. 8.46.21-2 23. 8. 55-o3 54-86 - 0-17 96. 40. 5'5o 7-82 4- 2-32 Nov. 10. 7. 5o. 38-5 23. 8. I4'g8 14-77 0-21 96.43. 58-gi 58-70 0-21 1 5. 7. 3o. 5o-i 23. 8. 6-16 5-go O-26 g6. 44. 44-37 46-02 4- i-65 22. 7. 3. i r3 23. 7.58-72 58-56 0-16 g6. 45. 17-95 19-73 4- 178 28. 6.39.34-5 23. 7. 57-38 57-20 0-18 96.45. 15-87 1 6-83 4- 0-96 3o. 6.3I.43-3 23. 7. 58-oo 57-71 0-29 96.45. 8-83 10-45 4- 1-62 Dec. 7. 6. 4. 17-8 23. 8. 3-85 3-73 0-12 96.44.17-75 i9'5g 4- 1-84 12. 5.44.46-2 23. 8.11-84 11-79 o-o5 96. 43. 18-70 19-88 4- ri8 - FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. INVESTIGATION of the POSITION of the ECLIPTIC, from the OBSERVATIONS of the SCN. Mean Tabular Errors of the Sun in R.A. and N.P.D. ; and Errors in Ecliptic Polar Distance, deduced from the Formula, Error in Ecliptic North Polar Distance = R X Error in R.A. + S X Error in N.P.D. Extent of Group. Mean Day, '855- Error in E.A. Number of Obs. Error in N.P.D. Number of Obs. Error in Ecliptic N.P.D. t /; ii January 5 to January 27 January 1 7 o'i5 3 0'3l 3 - '79 February 10 to March i February 1 9 0-34 9 + 1-66 9 0-214 March 5 to April 7 March 20 o-36 10 + 0-81 9 I'^od April 10 to April 27 April 1 9 0-28 i5 + 0-64 i5 0-869 May i to May 26 May 11 0*24 IO + i -So 6 + o'Szg June 5 to June 3o June 20 0-18 10 o-33 9 0-357 July 2 to July 28 July 1 3 0-28 II - ri3 ii 0-538 August i to August 3 1 August 1 8 - 0-17 H - 1-58 i5 o-65g September 4 to September 26 September 1 7 0-06 9 - '77 10 o-35z October i to October 3i October i3 o'i4 11 r33 12 - 0-442 November 4 to December 5 November 2 1 O'OO 8 - 0-97 7 0-946 December 1 2 to December 29 December 20 + 0-04 6 o-35 7 - o-358 * 38 INVESTIGATION OF THE POSITION OF THE ECLIPTIC, AND PLANETARY GEOCENTRIC ERRORS, Equations formed by assuming the Error in Ecliptic Polar Distance to be represented by the Formula, x X cos Sun's longitude + y X sin Sun's longitude + z, and altering the number of observations so as to make the assumed weights of opposite parts of the year equal : = + 0-8769 x + 0-4826 y + z + 0-6401 x + 0-7683 y + z + 0-0266 x + 0-9997 y + z 0-709 = + 0-4622 x 0-8919 V 0-214 = + 868g x 0-4960 y 1-406 = + o-gggg x 0-0116 y f 0-869 = Summer < + o-52g = t o-357 = f O-538 = 0-3497 x + o-g36g y + z Autumn < 0-669 = o'8i85 x + 0-6746 y + z {_ 0-362 = 0-9946 x + 0-1042 y + z f 0-442 = 0-9422 x O-3352 y + z Winter ^ 0-946 = o-52o3 x 0-8640 y + z (_ O-358 = o'o332 x 0-9996 y + z + z Weight 7 12 + z ii 16 6 9 13 9 8 Solution of Equations for the Investigation of the Position of the Ecliptic, 1 855. Equations multiplied by the Weights. f 4-963 = + 3-1664 x 6-2433 y + 7 z Spring < 2-668 = + 10-4268 x 6x5400 y + 12 z [_ 16-466 = +io-gg8g x 0-1276 y +11 z f i3-o35 = +i3-i385 x + 7-2376 y +i5 z Summer ^ + 3-174 = + 3-8406 x + 4'6og8 y + 6 z (_ 3-2 1 3 = + 0-2304 x + 8-gg73 y + 9 z f 4-304 = 2-7976 x + 7-4962 y + 8 z Autumn 1 7'Qo8 = 9-8220 x + 6-8940 y + 12 z (_ 3-620 = 9*9460 x + 1-0420 y +10 z f 6-746 = 12-2486 x 4-3676 y + Winter <. 8-614 = 4-6827 x 7-6860 y + {_ 2-864 = 0-2666 x 7*9960 y + 4-3676 y +i3 z 9 z 9960 y + 8 z New Equations formed by adding and subtracting those above, as indicated below : Spring + Summer + Autumn + Winter 68"-g27 = + 2-o38i x + 3-9263 y + 120 z Spring + Summer Autumn Winter 3"-2i5 = + 8i-563i x + 13-1421 y Spring Summer Autumn + Winter n"-3i5 = +12-7603 x 68-6263 y Solution of these Equations : x = 0-064 y = + o-i53 z = 0-678 The first term indicates that, at the first point of Aries, the error of the tabular Ecliptic N. P. D. is negative, or the assumed Ecliptic is north of the Sun's true path, by o"'o64; and therefore that the right ascensions of all stars ought to be o s '064 diminished by -= : -^r- -, = -oi i J i5 x sm 23. 28 The second term indicates that the obliquity assumed in the calculations of the Nautical Almanac ought to be increased by o"-i53. The third term indicates that the obliquity deduced from the southern solstice is greater than that deduced from the northern solstice by i"-i56. FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 39 MEAN EEROHS of the TABULAR GEOCENTRIC PLACES of the SUN and PLANETS. THE SUN. Extent of Group. Number of Obs. of K.A. Number of Obs. of N.P.D. Mean Day, 1855- Mean Error in R.A. Mean Error in N.P.D. Error in Longitude. Error in E.P.D. Jan. 5 to Jan. 27 3 3 January 1 7 o-i5 ii o-3 1 // 2'OO // 0-71 Feb. 10 to Mar. i 9 9 February 1 9 0-34 + 1-66 - 5-2 7 O'2I March 5 to April 7 10 9 March 20 o-36 + 0-81 5-28 - 1-41 April 10 to April 27 15 15 April 1 9 0-28 + 0-64 4-08 0-87 May i to May 25 10 6 May ii 0-24 + i-5o 3-70 + o-53 June 5 to June 3o IO 9 June 20 0-18 o-33 2-47 o-36 July 2 to July 28 II ii July 1 3 0-28 - i-i3 4'O2 0-54 Aug. i to Aug. 3 1 '4 i5 August 1 8 - 0-17 i-58 2-87 0-66 Sept. 4 to Sept. 26 9 10 September 1 7 0-06 - 0'77 i-i3 o-35 Oct. i to Oct. 3 1 it 12 October i3 0-14 1-33 2-43 - '44 Nov. 4 to Dec. 5 8 7 November 2 1 o-oo - 0'97 0-21 o-g5 Dec. 12 to Dec. 29 6 7 December 20 + 0-04 - o-35 + o-55 o-36 MERCURY. February 20 i i February 20 - 0-66 - 274 8-o3 6-39 April 1 8 to April 19 2 2 April 19 + o - o3 + 3-5 1 0-98 + 3-41 May i to May 2 2 2 May 2 + 0-06 - 1-69 + i-43 - 1-27 June 6 to June 22 4 4 June i 5 + O-II + 3-20 + ''94 + 2-96 Aug. 3 to Aug. 17 2 2 August 1 1 + 0-42 - 2-54 + 5-i8 3-84 September 26 I I September 26 o-io + 5-5i + 0-67 f 5-66 VENUS. January 18 I I January 1 8 0-18 o - 5o - 2-33 I'I2 March 7 to April 2 4 3 March 1 8 + 0'12 - 3- 7 i + 3-o6 2-76 April 12 to April 26 8 9 April 1 9 + O'2O 2'5o + 3-29 - 1-83 May 2 to May 8 3 3 May 4 + o-i3 i-5g + 1-93 - 1-41 June 6 to June 3o 6 7 June i 9 0-19 + 0-17 2-54 + 0-90 July 3 to July i3 4 4 July 7 0-2? r6o 4'4 0-06 Aug. 2 to Aug. 3 1 6 7 August 1 8 - o-55 5-28 g-65 i-Sg Sept. 8 to Sept. 26 5 5 September 20 - r52 13-52 25-96 3-55 Oct. 5 to Oct. 19 5 3 October 1 2 - 1-62 20-36 3o-5i 8-98 Nov. 8 to Nov. 25 5 5 November 1 7 0-80 - 6-49 13-58 1-28 Dec. 2 to Dec. 27 6 6 December 1 7 0-78 - i -5 7 11-37 + 2-16 MEAN ERRORS OF THE TABULAR GEOCENTRIC PLACES OF THE PLANETS, MAES. Extent of Group. Number of Obs. of K.A. Number of Obs. of N.P.D. Mean Day, l855- Mean Error in K.A. Mean Error in N.P.D. Error in Longitude. Error in E.P.D. Dec. 2 to Dec. oo 6 6 December 1 8 a o-32 // 5-i3 // - 6-46 // 2-8o VESTA. July 20 to Aug. 21 7 8 August 1 2 + 4' 12 -26-86 + 63-48 6-25 Aug. 29 to Sept. 12 10 10 September 5 + 3-92 2ro5 + 58-i3 3-40 Sept. 19 to Oct. 10 12 12 September 2 8 + 3-21 -14-46 + 46-65 o-52 Oct. 18 to Oct 24 2 2 October 2 1 + 2-34 - 9--39 + 33-85 + I-I2 JUNO. April 1 3 to April 25 6 5 April 20 + 4'53 + 2-34 + 69-60 974 May 2 to May 14 3 3 May 8 + 47^ + r8o + 73-32 I2'3l May 28 to June 2 2 2 May 3 1 + 477 0-16 + 72-84 i6-3g June ii to June 20 4 4 June 1 6 + 4--39 no + 66-39 17-10 CERES. Sept. 25 to Oct. i5 2 3 September 3o + 17-11 -115-94 + 284-34 36-42 Oct. 26 to Nov. 10 3 4 November 2 + 19-06 123-73 + 3i6-o5 26-04 Nov. 3o to Dec. 22 9 9 December 1 4 + 1 5-98 io5'79 + 2 63-3 1 16-88 PALLAS. August 9 to Sept. i 9 9 August 20 + 0-42 28-55 + 17-21 - 23-79 Sept. 7 to Oct. 4 8 8 September 19 + 0-45 -29-57 + 17-80 24-63 Oct. 1 8 to Nov. 1 5 5 5 October 3i + o-3i 26-28 + I4-37 21-90 FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 41 JUPITEK. Extent of Group. Number of Obs. of R.A. Number of Obs. of N. P. D. Mean Day, 1855- Mean Error in K.A. Mean Error in N.P.D. Error in Longitude. Error in E. P. D. 3 n ir // July 4 to July 20 3 3 July 1 3 + 0-68 + o-65 + 9'9 + 4-18 Aug. 3 to Sept. 3 1 5 16 AugUSt 22 + '44 2-34 + 6-84 + 0-02 Sept. 6 to Sept. 26 H i3 September 16 + o-35 1-17 + 5-i8 + 0-60 Oct. i to Oct. 27 10 10 October 1 2 + o-23 ri3 + 3-02 + o'o3 Nov. 6 to Nov. 3o 6 5 November 20 + 0-19 0-57 + 2-79 + o-38 Dec. 5 to Dec. 8 4 4 December 7 + 0-08 0-69 + r33 0-25, SATURN. Jan. 10 to Jan. 19 4 4 January i 5 + 0-34 - 7'" + 5-Si 6-32 Feb. 10 to Feb. 23 8 8 February 17 + 0-29 - 7H8 + 5-ig - 6-77 Mar. 3 to Mar. 8 3 3 March 6 + 0-24 - 6-14 + 4'26 5-57 Oct. 2 i i October 3 + o-33 - 2-67 + 4-08 - 2-67 Dec. 5 to Dec. 28 ii ii December 1 8 + o - 6o - 4-41 + 8-44 4-20 URANUS. Jan. 17 to Jan. 19 2 2 January 1 8 + 12-55 56-88 + 190-29 + 1-07 Sept, 25 to Oct. 26 6 6 October i3 + 13-71 55-70 + 203-83 - 0-86 Nov. i to Nov. 3o 4 5 November 1 1 + 13-85 - 57-61 + 206-70 o-85 Dec. 6 to Dec. 3i 10 10 December 1 8 + 13-48 07-34 + 201-92 o-53 NEPTUNE. July 3 1 to Sept. 3 i3 i3 August 20 + 0-16 ro3 + 2'6o O'O2 Sept. 6 to Oct. 4 ii ii September 1 6 O'Ol + 0-57 o'36 + '47 Oct. 1 8 to Nov. 10 5 5 October 26 O'2I + I'OI - 3-28 0-29 Nov. 10 to Dec. 12 6 6 November 29 O'i8 + r5i 3-o6 + o-35 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. 4 G- 12 ERRORS OF THE TABULAR HELIOCENTRIC PLACES OF THE PLANETS, ERRORS of the TABULAE HELIOCENTRIC PLACES of the PLANETS. MERCURY. Day, 1855. Error of Tables of the Planet in Geocentric Longitude, expressed in terras of Error of Heliocentric Longitude of Planet (8 L\ of Error of Projection of Radius Vector of Planet (5 f), of Error of Earth's Longitude (5 /), and of Error of Earth's Radius Vector (5 ;). (JS f and 8 r are expressed in terms of the Earth's mean Distance from the Sun.) Error of Tables in Hel. E.P.D. // // /; February 20 8*o3 = 0-062 &+ 228815 8/1 + 1-062 ll 7128787- - 18-33 April 19 0-98 = + o'i6g i655g2 + o-83i + 70327 + 8-86 May 2 + 1-43 = + 0-227 96614 + 0-773 + 34434 4-48 June i 5 + 1-94 = 0-137 + 245352 + 1-137 io5365 + 5-5o August 1 1 + 5-i8 = + 0-141 154423 + o-85g + 46799 - 14-19 September 26 + 0-67 = + o-236 + 132740 4- 0-764 61674 + 14-81 VENUS. January i 8 2-33 = + 0-423 S L + 24817 S f + 0-577 8 1 18299 8 T- 2-5g March 1 8 + 3-o6 = + 0-401 + 71054 + 0-601 5ig3g - 5-85 April 19 + 3-29 = + 0-370 + 105245 + o-63o 75216 - 3-5 1 May 4 + rg3 = + o-34g + 124267 + o'65i 88378 2-54 June 1 9 2-54 = + 0-225 + 203751 + 0-775 144550 + I'20 July 7 4-40 = 4- 0-123 + 248290 + 0-877 176738 0-O7 August 1 8 g-65 = o-535 + 392817 4- 1-533 282190 1-07 September 20 25-g6 = 2'25i + 268715 + 3-237 ig3go5 - i- 4 5 October 1 2 3o-5i = 2-258 283715 + 3-24g +205220 - 3-64 November 1 7 i 3-58 = 0-434 396980 + 1-434 +288900 0-88 December 17 11-37 = + 0-061 286120 + o-g38 +208565 + 2-16 MARS. December 1 8 6-46 = + 0-929 S L 83684 8/j + 0-071 SZ +141535 Sr 2-44 VESTA. August 1 2 + 63-48 = + 1-808 ZL 1869 8/> , 3-45 + 5466 s f September 5 + 58-i3 = + 1-670 + 3o658 3-o3 + 5715 September 28 + 4 6-65 = + 1-408 + 45224 - rg5 + 5014 October 2 1 + 33-85 = + 1-173 + 46162 0-67 + 3703 FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. Juxo. Day, 1855. Error of Tables of the Planet in Geocentric Longitude, expressed in terms of Error of Heliocentric Longitude of Planet (8 Z), of Error of Projection of Radius Vector of Planet (8 p), of Error of Earth's Longitude (8 /), and of Error of Earth's Radius Vector (8 r). (8 p and 8 r are expressed in terms of the Earth's mean Distance from the Sun.) Error of Tables in Hel.E.P.D. n n n April 2O + 69-60 = + 1-348 I L 14656 S f 9-76 4832 8 f May 8 + 73-32 = + 1-43 1 6240 10-00 5549 May 3 1 + 72-84 = + 1-432 + 6868 10-81 572g June i 6 + 66-3g = + 1-364 + 14605 10-53 5324 CERES. September 3o + 284-34 = + 1-410 8 L 22099 8 p -17*24 + 4857 Sp November 2 + 3i6-o5 = + 1-544 + 1912 17-91 + 5o28 December 1 4 + 263-3i = + 1-296 + 27660 20*57 + 3i2g PALLAS. August 20 + 17-21 = + i-3g5 8i 14646 8p 17-09 1818 8 p September 19 + 17-80 = + 1-475 + 383o 16-69 57 October 3i + 14-37 = + 1-235 + 24152 17-31 + 1271 JUPITER. July i3 + 9-09 = + nSi 8 L 6520 8 p 0-181 8 I + 323og 8 r + 3-5 1 August 22 + 6-84 = + t-252 + 240 0-252 1168 + O'O2 September 16 + 5-i8 = + i-2i5 + 4800 0-2 15 - 23997 + 0-49 October ' 1 2 + 3-5o = + 1-128 + 7739 _ 0-128 - 38g55 + o-o3 November 20 + 2-79 = + 0-992 + 8245 + 0-008 - 41741 + o-38 December 7 + i-33 = + 0-941 + 7401 + o-o5g - 37558 0*26 SATURN. January 1 5 + 5-8i = + ro83 Si +19118? 0-08 3 8 I 176458 r - 5-82 February 17 + 5-19 = + 1-021 + 2520 O-O2I 23o55 - 6-5g March 6 + 4-26 = + 0-989 + 2475 + o-oii 22616 - 5-6o October 3 + 4-58 = + 1-019 256i 0*019 + 23125 2-60 December 1 8 + 8-44 + 1*122 3o o-i23 + 23g 3-74 44 ERRORS OF THE TABULAR HELIOCENTRIC PLACES OF THE PLANETS, AND OF THE MOON'S TABULAR PLACE, URANUS. Error of Tables of the Planet in Geocentric Longitude, expressed in terms of Error of Day, 1855. Heliocentric Longitude of Planet (8 Z), of Error of Projection of Radius Vector of Planet Error of Tables in (5 p), of Error of Earth's Longitude (5 /), and of Error of Earth's Radius Vector (8 r). IT 1 T? p 11 (8 p and 5 r are expressed in terms of the Earth's mean Distance from the Sun.) ' January i 8 + 190-75 = + roi3 & L + 5n S p o-oi3 S I 10288 r + 'i -06 October 1 3 + 203-83 = + 1-046 285 0-046 + 5574 '82 November 1 1 + 206-70 = + ro53 3 o-o53 + 6 1 o'8i December 1 8 + 201-92 = + 1-041 + 341 0-041 6832 o - 5i NEPTUNE. August 20 + 2-60 = + ro33 IL 83 & p o-o33 &/ + 2492 8r 0-02 September 1 6 o-36 = + i -034 +29 o - o35 799 + 0-45 October 26 3-28 = + roz3 + 170 0-023 5148 0-28 November 29 3"o6 = + i-oo5 + 226 o - oo5 6855 + o - 35 ERRORS of the MOON'S TABULAR PLACE in LONGITUDE and ECLIPTIC NORTH POLAR DISTANCE. Srrors from Observation with ij Errors from Observation with >rors from Observation with Errors from Observation with A Day, 1855. Transit Circle. E Altazimuth. f Day, 1855. Transit Circle. 1 Altazimuth. I In In s In In B In In I In In j Longitude. E.N.P.D. o Longitude. E.N.P.D. 1 Longitude. E.N.P.D. 5 Longitude. E.N.P.D. o it tt // // Jan. 3 + 5-40 3-85 II + 8-35 ~ 7^9 T March 6 + H-53 + 3-89 E + 4 -56 + 4-84 H 4 + 6-56 2~65 D + 9-00 + 0-89 E 7 + 3-o 7 + 1-98 M 6 + 0-44 I'2g D 8 + 11-32 + 4 -I 7 E + 2'5l + 6-3 7 D 9 + 47i + 1-04 D 23 + 6-60 4-13 C 12 + 6-85 + r6o II 25 + 10-07 3-63 D + 9'88 4'49 I) 13 + 1-73 + i-83 D 26 + 11-90 3-96 C + 10-75 0-09 E 23 + 4-87 3 '94 n 27 + 7'4 o"53 II 26 -f- 7*oO 7' 6 4 E 28 + 3-go + 2-14 C 27 + 4-65 _ 5-69 D + 6-70 10-16 n 29 + 4-46 r O"3 1 X 28 + 3-58 8-56 E 3o - 1-42 + 1-57 C + 2'3g + 5-8 1 E 29 + 0-76 6-i5 D 3i 2'5l + 2-45 AL c-og + 2-42 n Feb. I o-i3 + i '49 E April I 2 2-33 + 2-96 E + 0-64 + 5-g8 + 4'2i + 3-86 E M 3 9 + 5-07 i-35 + 1-40 E D + 3-o3 + 7-87 4 -I 9 + 0-34 D H 4 6 + 9-40 + 5-89 AL + 6-94 + 13-42 -h 4'47 + 8-17 C C 10 18 20 + 7-70 1-69 D + g-oa + 7-96 + 12-06 + 4-35 o-63 + 1-80 E II II 7 q 18 + 11-37 + 3-66 M + 9-73 + 1 3-34 + 5-go + 8-84 3-23 M E 51 21 + 4-18 i-ii T + 7'63 4 -36 E 22 23 + 4-02 + 5-58 5-07 2-69 H T + 8-08 3-23 - 4-90 D E 20 21 + H'44 + 12-00 - 2-63 6-28 C II 28 + 2-64 i '89 E 22 + 7-37 3-78 C -t- 1 1-76 7 '34 C 23 + 6-37 2"OO E + q'l3 279 H March i 5-38 + 0-46 II 5-78 3-57 T 24 + 6-78 + r32 C 2 5-6i + i'57 E 6-46 + o-58 D 25 + 9-53 o-38 AL + g-83 + o-52 II 3 i -g5 0-04 A L 2-89 0-04 II 26 + 3*o5 + 4-04 E 4 + 4' '4 + 2-00 E ri5 + 0-37 E 27 + 3-o8 - 2-24 n + 9-08 + 4-27 M 5 + 5-69 + 4-10 D + 171 - 0-97 L 3o + 0-89 + 3-8g E FROM OBSERVATIONS AT THE EOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 45 ERRORS of the MOON'S TABULAR PLACE continued. Errors from Observation Errors from Observation Errors from Observation Errors from Observation with |2 with j with tJ with . Day, 1855. Transit Circle. 0) > h Altazimuth. > Cay, 1855. Transit Circle. I Altazimuth. i > ! In In i In In i In In Q In In 1 Longitude. E.N.P.D. 8 Longitude. E.N.P.D. 5 Longitude. E.N.P.D. ,0 o Longitude. E.N.P.D. JS o // ;/ // n H n // ii May i + S-gS + r8o H + 4'62 + 1-76 M Aug. 20 + l5'20 + 2-6g H 2 + 675 + 3-8 9 E + 0-76 + 2' 7 3 C 21 + 16-91 + 4' 5z C + I7-8I + i-65 D 4 + 10-91 + 5-53 C + 6-62 + 4-68 E 22 + 22-54 + 3-32 H 5 + l5'02 + 4'52 E + 6- 7 3 + 5-o3 H 23 + 19-91 + 3-64 C 8 + I5-85 + o - 5o HT + 9+4 o-i3 E 24 + i5-o5 + 3-37 E 18 + 3-74 3-3g D 25 + 19-23 + 3-85 C + 16-94 + 1-98 D 19 + 5-49 r53 C 26 + 2I'05 + 2-94 H + 17-76 + 0-82 E 22 + 7'23 + 1-97 H 27 + 22-27 + I'OO D + I9'3g 0-41 C 23 + 5-24 + 2-77 D + 7'95 + 2-53 C 28 +24-78 o-63 AL + 24-15 6-43 E 24 + 8-04 + 2-68 E 29 + 19-91 + 0-29 C + 20-28 8'3g D 25 + 8-5o + 3-oi C + 11-74 + 3-35 D 3o + i3-8o 4'H AL + 17-58 8-55 E 26 + 8-09 + 6-21 E + 12-18 + 1-27 H 3i + io-3g 9'2o D 28 + 5*55 + 6-75 E 29 + 6-79 + 3-53 H Sept. i + 9-12 2-g3 AL + 7'94 1 1 -42 E 2 + 8-o3 4'33 C + 5-78 1 1-20 D June i + 10-69 + 2-77 D + 10-17 + 1-84 E 3 + 11-42 9-64 M 2 + 16-37 + 2-86 C + 1 3-og + 3-36 AL 4 + 9-8o 5'ig E 5 + 14-23 2-29 C + 10-24 - 6-57 D 5 + 6-60 io-o3 C 7 + 14-10 - 4-9i M 6 + iroi + 1-14 C + 4-70 5-42 D 8 + 9-14 5-75 C 7 + 4-20 4-00 sr 9 1-54 io'o3 H + 0-67 11-07 D '9 + HH7 + ro6 M '9 + 6-92 + 4-95 H 20 + 16-04 1-02 D + 12-96 i-3o H 20 + 5-35 + r5o D + 5-07 + 4-20 C 21 + 14-93 + o-36 AL + 18-49 0-68 C 21 + 4"io + 2-01 II + 4-54 + 10-44 E 22 + 13-43 + 0-66 T + 13-41 0-92 D 23 + 5-91 + 9-43 H 23 + 14-41 2-84 C + i5-i5 + 0-66 C 2 4 + 7'23 + 7'6i C + 6-62 + 6-48 C 24 + 1 5-49 2-53 D + ig-85 4-20 M 25 + io-o3 + 7-21 E 25 + i 7 - 9 6 4-3 8 C + i8-5i 7-56 n 26 + 4-69 + 6-24 C + 9-62 + 6-99 II 26 + 19-95 5-43 AL + i5-88 1 1*26 D 27 + 4-52 + 7-89 E + 10-75 + 8-18 D 28 + 15-33 11-21 M 28 + 9'9> + 8-81 UT + 14-83 + 6-71 C 29 + 15-04 IO-62 C 29 + 14-86 + 6-36 E 3o + 10- 1 5 6 "99 H 3o + I7-94 + 4' 6 C + 17-59 + 7-57 H i Oct. i + 11-43 - 6-36 M July 3 + 1078 + o-3 1 D 2 + 8-75 8-40 D 4 + 12-02 0-6 1 D + 13-56 4"97 AL 3 + 17-65 + 3- 4 7 AL 5 + 9-18 3-45 E 4 + 8-53 - 9-33 E 6 + 8- 4 3 8-07 C 5 + U-83 + 0-8 1 E 18 + 6-3 9 + 3-55 C 6 + 8-04 2'II D '9 + 3-i 7 + 3'20 E 7 + 10-40 6 "49 C 20 + 4'3 + 2- 9 5 AL 16 + 77i O'lO M 21 + 12-09 + 6-5g II 18 + 5-go - 1-87 AB + 6-85 - 1-86 D 22 + 10-47 + 5-48 C 19 + 9-57 o'5 1 E + 8-25 + o-g3 JI 25 + II-92 + 8- 9 3 E + 11-45 + 9-06 V 20 + 10-12 o-i3 M 26 (+12-69) (- 3-i6) 'T + i3- 7 6 + io-3g C 22 + 9-57 + 0-16 AL 27 + i8-3i + 8-08 D + l5'20 + 7-04 E 23 + 3- 9 2 5-04 E 28 + 19-75 + 7'36 C + 18-61 + 5-02 AL 24 + 25-24 O'O2 HT + io-o3 7-92 C 29 + 2 I 'GO + 4'25 E 25 + I3-52 - 7-52 JI 3l + 18-68 + 2-08 E + i8-3g - ri3 JM 26 + 14-72 - 6-5 4 C 27 + 8- 4 3 10-67 E Aug. i + 1 5-3 7 + P20 AL 28 + lO'OI 7-85 C 2 + 877 + 3- 4 i E + 11-89 4"O2 H 3i + 5-53 - 274 E + 3-i 8 o-83 M 3 + 14-11 4"o5 AB 4 + 8- 9 5 3-g7 JI Nov. 3 + 9-21 + o-33 E + 1-22 1-66 E 5 + 4-90 - 7-i4 E 5 + 6-41 i -08 E 7 + 3-85 4'4 AB i5 + 9-16 0-64 HB + 6-07 1-28 C 9 + 4'i3 4-35 E 16 + 8-u - 170 D 16 + '9'g3 0-86 C 20 + i-5i - 6-06 I1B + 6'6o 6-29 D '7 + 18-04 0-84 D 22 + 5- 7 3 6-99 D + 8-u 7'49 IIB 18 + 16-11 0-70 C 23 + 3-6i - 7-76 C 46 EREOES or THE MOON'S TABULAE PLACE. ERRORS of the MOOK'S TABULAR PLACE concluded. Day, 1855. Nov. 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o Dec. 4 5 6 12 13 i5 Errors from Observation with Transit Circle. In Longitude. + 10-26 + ri3 + 5-6 7 In E.K.P.D. 4-25 I 7 3 i '47 + 2-88 Errors from Observation with Altazimuth. In Longitude. + 6-46 -f I I'02 + 8-23 7-96 274 4'99 i-53 + 4'97 + 5-36 + 3-48 + 7'29 + 25-07 + 13-45 + 10-62 In E.N.P.D. 4-88 4-82 - i -5 7 + o-og o-38 0-88 + 3-i 4 + i-83 + 5-45 + 13-47 3-40 5- 7 5 D C E C D HB E D D E HB AB D D Day, 1855. Dec. 17 18 '9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o Errors from Observation with Transit Circle. In Longitude. + 9-34 + g-83 + 5-07 + 0-74 + 8-17 + 3-55 + 3-i3 ri6 In E.N.P.D. 5-53 6-32 1O-55 2-29 4'99 + 0-86 2-34 - 4'49 + 3-oi c D HT AB Errors from Observation with Altazimuth. In Longitude. 10-78 - 9'85 - 6- 4 3 - 8-41 - 3-34 - 2-43 - 0-08 - 3-04 - 4-87 - 3-3g - o-33 - 0-41 - 1*92 In E. N. P. D. + i-33 10-72 10-67 13'20 -10-99 - 779 3-87 2-44 + o-56 - 1-62 O'OI + 3-56 + 8-19 D IIB AT, C D C r> E C AL 51 r> c ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. OBSEEYATIONS OF y DKACONIS WITH THE REFLEX ZENITH TUBE; AND REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS. 1855. 48 OBSERVATIONS OF DRACONIS WITH THE REFLEX ZENITH TUBE, AND REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS, OBSERVATIONS of y DRACONIS with the Reflex Zenith Tube, and REDUCTION of the OBSERVATIONS. Day anil Hour of Observation, 18SS. Observer. Position of Mie. A. Wire used. Micrometer Readings. Level Readings. Equi- valent for Level. Sum of Equivalents for Wire, for Micrometer- Readings, and for Level Readings. Assumed In- strumental Constant. Star's Z.D. North from Observation. Correction to Mean Z.D. North for i8<$, Jan. i. Mean /enith Distance North, 1855, Jan. i. A B r r div. div- II n // /; Ft // d li March 26. 1 8 >j )' C Left Right 16 i5 28-2I8 3r372 48-884 48-884 25'o II'2 89-9 76-0 0-74 0-57 + 337-63 - 172-67 254-95 82-68 82-28 + 26-53 lOg-21 108-81 April 17. 1 6 C Left Right 16 i5 32'5l4 35-33g 44-710 44-710 27-6 IO'9 88-5 72-0 0-75 0-54 + 33g-70 169-16 84-70 8579 + 24-17 108-92 109-96 April 19. 1 6 AL Left Right 16 i5 35-233 38-162 42-O25 42-025 25-0 12-6 86-0 74-2 0-72 o-56 + 340-23 I7I-50 85-28 83-45 + 23-85 iog-i3 107-30 April 20. 1 6 E Left Right 16 i5 38-100 49-826 39-196 39-196 26-5 n-8 88-2 74-3 0-74 o-56 + 34O'8Q 168-73 85-94 86-22 + 23-6g iog-63 1 09-9 1 April 26. 1 6 > C Left Right 16 i5 40-376 43-o56 36-973 36-973 24-3 i3- 7 87-0 76-4 0-72 o-58 + 34I-75 168-87 86-80 86-08 + 22-69 109-49 108-77 May 2. 1 5 AL Left 16 28-838 48-527 22-0 85-o 0-69 + 34I-99 87-04 + 21-18 108-22 May 8. 1 5 C Left Right 16 i5 28-974 3i-373 48-563 48-563 20-8 17-7 82-6 79-6 0-67 o-63 + 344-86 167-35 89-91 87-60 + 19-68 iog-5g 107-28 June i.i3 D Left Right 16 i5 34-120 35-568 43-8i5 43-8i5 16-0 22-5 78-5 84-7 0-6 1 0-69 + 35 1 -47 i58-i3 96-52 96-82 + 12-61 iog-i3 109-43 June 2. i3 C Left Right 16 i5 40-979 42-183 37-i53 37-i53 17-0 23-9 76-7 83-5 o'6i 0-69 + 354-78 157-34 99-83 97-61 + 12-29 I 12-12 log-go June 5. 1 3 AL Left Right 16 i5 42-200 43'5o3 35-858 35'858 20-5 22-5 78-5 8o-5 0-64 0-67 + 353-5 7 ' 157-75 98-62 97-20 + H-33 log-gS io8-53 June 9. i3 HT Left Right 16 i5 43-840 44-935 34-098 34-098 19-5 27-0 77-0 79-0 0-62 0-69 + 35i-53 152-26 g6-58 102-69 + io-o5 io6-63 112-74 June 19. 12 Right Left i5 16 44-902 44-902 34-198 33-334 24-5 14-3 83-8 74-2 0-70 o-58 153-40 + 356-84 ior55 101-89 + 6-85 108-40 108-74 June 20. 12 D Left Right 16 i5 44-902 45-590 33-471 33-471 i3-5 25-o 74-2 86-0 0-57 0-72 + 358-79 - 152-77 103-84 102-18 + 6-53 110-37 108-71 June 21. 12 ?> j H Right Left i5 16 46-092 46-092 32-948 32-245 24-8 i3-6 85-o 7 3-4 0-71 o-56 1 52-40 + 358-17 102-55 I03'22 + 6-21 108-76 109-43 June 27. 12 j E Left Right 16 i5 45-576 45-895 32-926 32-926 1 5-o 29-2 70-5 84-8 o-55 0-74 + 36o-g3 148-76 105-98 106-19 + 4-29 1 10-27 110-48 June 28.11 > HT Left Right 16 i5 45-897 46-202 32-690 32-690 1 5-5 28-5 7 i-5 85-o o-56 073 + 362-37 H9'9 3 107-42 io5'O2 + 3-97 111-39 108-99 The numerical value of the Sum of Equivalents in column 10, = w + (sura of Micrometer Readings - 7 o) x i6"-jr8o + sum of Level Readings xo"- 00646; where w, for wire 15, = o, and, for -wire 16, = 3'. 37"- 72. The sign is positive when Micrometer A is fc/V, and negative when it is right. March 26. Very tremulous. April 19. Tremulous. April 25. Good ; the star steady. May 2. The mercury agitated by wind ; a very bad observation. The reading of A was set down 30' -8.38. June 5. Cloudy ; the observation bad. Jnue 9. The star very tremulous and flickering. June 2 1. Right. The reading of B was set down 24"948. AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATOBY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. OBSERVATIONS of y DRACONIS with the Eeflex Zenith Tube, and Reduction of the Observations continued. Day and Hour of Observation, 1855. Observer. Position of Mic. A. Wire used. Micrometer Readings. Level Readings. Equi- valent for Level. Sum of Equivalents for Wire, for Micrometer- Headings, and for Level Readings Assumed In- strumental Constant. Star's Z.D. North from Observation Correction to Mean Z.D. North for i8jj, Jan. i. Mean Zenith Distance North, 1855, Jan. i. A B r r div. div. n n II ;/ // n d h June 3o. 1 1 > C Left Right 16 i5 45-383 45-747 33-o3i 33-o3 1 14-0 28-8 69-9 85-o O-54 0-73 + 359^5 I48-03 254-95 I04'5o 106-92 + 3-33 I07-83 UO'25 July 4. ii )! C Left Right 16 i5 45-450 45-541 33-179 33-179 13-2 28-0 70-5 85-5 0-04 0-73 + 363-o6 147-06 108-1 1 107-89 + 2'l3 1 10-24 I IO'O2 July 5. n j) D Right Left i5 16 45-982 45-982 32-756 32-542 3i-5 12-4 86-3 68-2 0*76 O"52 147-38 + 36i-28 107-57 I06-33 + i-83 109-40 108-16 July 12. ii )> H Right Left i5 16 46-725 46-725 31-970 3i-g86 3o-5 9-0 86-2 65-2 0-76 0-48 146-66 + 364-38 108-29 109-43 0-23 108-06 109-20 July 1 3. 10 AB Left Right 16 i5 46-723 46-858 31792 31-792 14-2 3o-o 69-4 85-5 0-54 0-75 + 361-14 145-90 io6'ig iog-o5 o-5 1 io5-68 108-54 July 14. 10 D Left Right 16 i5 46-85o 46-748 3rgo8 3i-go8 14-3 3o - o 70-2 86-0 0-55 o- 7 5 + 365-23 146-00 110-28 io8-g5 079 109-49 108-16 July 19. 10 j> )> H Left Right 16 i5 46-748 46-218 32-220 32-220 iro 3o-8 68-2 88-0 o-5 1 0-77 + 36871 142-35 113-76 1 1 2'6o 2-19 111-57 110-41 July 21. I o B Left Right 16 i5 46-230 45-867 32-592 32-5g2 II'O 32-4 66-7 89-0 o - 5o 078 + 366-25 142-72 1 1 1 -3o 112-23 - 272 108-58 iog - 5i July 28. 10 C Left 16 46'i5o 32-gio 9 -5 66-0 0-49 + 370-24 ii5-2g 4'47 110-82 July 3i. 9 j) E Right Left i5 16 45-388 45-388 32-gii 33-566 32-5 10-4 88-8 66-6 0-78 o-5o 140-04 + 368-47 114-91 1 1 3-52 5-i8 109-73 108-34 Aug. 9. 9 >9 AL Left Right 16 i5 45-434 44-374 33-749 33-749 8-5 33-o 65-5 89-5 0-48 079 + 372-29 137-10 117-34 117-85 - 7'7 110-27 110-78 Aug. i3. 8 j> C Left Right 16 i5 44- 1 60 43-290 34-910 34-910 9-0 33-3 66-1 90-4 0-48 0-80 + 370-40 138-40 115-45 ii6-55 - 775 107-70 108-80 Aug. 1 5. 8 ?) > D Right Left i5 16 42-449 42-449 35-622 06-690 3r8 77 88-2 64-2 0-78 0-47 136-22 + 371-54 1 1 8-73 n6-5g 8-09 1 10-64 io8-5o Aug. 1 6. 8 AB Left Right 16 i5 42-414 41-338 36-8o2 36-802 12-5 28-4 69-0 84-0 o-53 0-73 4- 372-go 137-32 117-95 117-63 - 8-26 109-69 109-37 Aug. 20. 8 3* E Right Left i5 16 41-279 41-279 36-858 37-916 3i-3 12-3 87-2 68-0 0-76 o-52 i37'3o + 372-53 117-65 117-53 8-90 108-75 108-68 Aug. 26. 8 >5 C Left Right 16 i5 41-280 40- 1 55 3 7'947 3 7 -t H7 11-9 3 4 -o 68-3 go-S 0-52 0-81 + 373-08 136-76 Ii8-i3 1 18-19 g-55 io8-58 108-64 The numerical value of the Sum of Equivalents in column 10, = w + (sum of Micrometer Readings 70) x i6"-/8o + sum of Level Readings xo"-oo646; where w, for wire 15, = o, and, for wire 1 6, =3'. 3 7" 7 2. The sign, is positive when Micrometer A is left, and negative when it is right. June 30. Very tremulous. July 4. The image very bad ; the observer disturbed by noise. July 13. Exceedingly faint; seen through cirrus cloud. July 28. Cloudy for observation Riyht. July 3 1. Left ; the bisection with micrometer B rather uncertain. August 1 6. Scarcely visible ; seen through thin clouds. GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. 4H 50 OBSERVATIONS OF y DBACONIS WITH THE REFLEX ZENITH TUBE, AND REDUCTION OF THE OBSERVATIONS. OBSERVATIONS of y DKACONIS with the Reflex Zenith Tube, and Reduction of the Observations concluded. Day and Hour of Observation, i8js- Observer. Position of Mic. A. Wire used. Micrometer Readings. Level Readings. Equi- valent for Level. Sum of Equivalents for AVire, for Micrometer- Readings, and for Level Readings. Assumed In- strumental Constant. Star's Z.D. North from Observation. Correction to Mean Z.D. North for 1855, Jan. i. Mean Zenith Distance North, 1855, Jan. i. A B r r div div- ii /; n it ii n d Ii August 27. 8 D Right Left i5 16 39789 39789 38-25o 39-470 29-8 1 1-8 86-5 68-2 0-75 O'52 I35-64 + 373-6I 254-95 iig-3i 118-66 9-81 log-So io8-85 August 28. 7 i AL Left Right 16 i5 3q-323 38735 39-427 39-427 I2'0 3ro 68-1 87-0 O'52 0-76 (+ 365-07) I3 7 7I (110-12) 117-24 - 9'94 (100-18) 107-30 August 29. 7 j> ) C Left Right 16 i5 38-8oo 37-500 40-499 40-499 1 1-5 34-0 67-5 90-2 o-5 1 0-80 + 374^7 i35'02 i ig-32 119-93 10-07 iog-25 109-86 August 3o. 7 AL Left Right 16 i5 37-436 36-274 41-879 41-879 11-7 3ro 68-0 87-2 O'52 0-76 + 374-54 - i3 7 -5 7 iig-Sg 117-38 10-16 109-43 107-22 August 3 1. 7 Ali Left Right 16 i5 36'igo 35-i3g 42-994 42-994 io-5 3o-o 67-0 86-8 o-5o 0-75 + 372-33 137-22 1 1 7'38 117-73 IQ'25 107-13 107-48 September i. 7 C Left Right 16 i5 35'2io 33-827 44-187 44-187 I2'0 3r5 69-5 90-0 o-53 0-79 + 374-57 i35'27 119-62 1 19-68 10-34 109-28 109-34 September 3. 7 > )> C Left Right 16 15 34*001 32-620 45-36o 45-36o IO'O * 35-o 67-5 g3-o o-5o o-83 + 375-3o 134-73 120-35 120-22 IO-52 iog-83 109-70 September 7. 7 !) C Left Right 16 i5 32-173 30-907 47-080 47-080 8-4 32-5 67-0 91*0 0-48 0-80 + 373-47 134-82 ii8'52 I2o-i3 10-88 107-64 iog-25 September 12.6 ;> E Right Left i5 16 16 i5 29-172 29-172 48-739 5o-228 3r5 6-7 89-0 64-2 0-78 0-45 133-53 + 375-90 I 2 I -42 I2o-g5 ii-i3 110-29 109-82 September 25. 6 C Left Right 42-660 41-180 36-746 36-746 7-5 35-o 66-2 g3-5 0-48 0-82 + 374-35 133-82 1 19-40 I2I-I3 n'23 108-17 log-go September 26. 6 AL Left Right 16 i5 41-180 39-708 38-217 38-217 8-0 33-o 67-3 92*0 '49 0-8 1 + 375-89 133-79 120-94 I2I'l6 U'21 10973 log-gS The numerical value of the Sum of Equivalents in column 10, w + (sum of Micrometer Readings 70) x i6"'78o + sum of Level Readings x o"-oo646; where 10, for -wire 15, = o, and, for -wire 16, = 3'. 37"- 73. The sign is positive when Micrometer A is left, and negative when it is right. August 28. Very bad ; the mercury was agitated by the shutting of the entrance-gate as the star came into the field. August 29. Unsteady. August 30. The star steady and well denned. September i. Very unsteady. September 3. Very tremulous ; cloudy. September 25. Extremely tremulous ; the observation not good. On October 9, the instrument was taken to pieces previously to being mounted in a new situation. ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. ECLIPSES, OCCULTATIONS, AND TRANSITS OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES, COMPARED WITH THE NAUTICAL ALMANAC: AND OCCULTATIONS OF STARS BY THE MOON; WITH THE EQUATIONS DEDUCED FROM THE OCCULTATIONS. 1855. 52 ECLIPSES, OCCULTATIONS, AND TRANSITS OF JUPITER'S SATELLITES, ECLIPSES, OCCULTATIONS, and TRANSITS of JUPITER'S SATELLITES. Day of Obser- vation, 1855- Satellite. Phenomenon. Phase of Phenomenon. Observer, Instru- ment. Clock or Chrono- meter. Time Noted. Time by Transit Clock. Sidereal Time. Mean Solar Time. Mean Time of Nautical Almanac. Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac. h m s h m e h m s h m a h m s m g July i I (a) Eel. disap C E.Eq. Earn. 20. 27. 38-5 20. 27. 3-i 2O. 27.42-04 1 3. 37. 44-16 i3. 37. 43-20 o-g6 July2O I ([>) Eel. disap C E.Eq. Earn. 19. 46. 52-o ig. 47. 3 1 -6 19.47.47-32 11.55. J-37 II. 54. 5g-20 2-17 July 2 8 Aug. 4 I II (c) Ingress . . Ingress Central bis Total ingr . C C C E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. Earn. Earn. Earn. 20. 5. 53-o 20. 6. lO'O 1 8. 47. 24-0 20. 5. 44-0 20. 6. ro 1 8. 47. 29-55 20. 6. 12-34 20. 6. 29-34 18.47.59-24 II. 41. 56-o8 11. 42. 13-04 9. 56. 24-42 1 1 . 40. g. 56. o-oo - 24-42 Eel. disap. . . Aug. 1 3 Aug. 1 3 Aug. 2 I I I I Ingress First cont. Central bis Total ingr. Central bis. Last cont. . First cont. Central bis. Total imm. C C C C C c IIT HT E.Eq. E.Eq E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. N.Eq. N.Eq. Earn. Earn. Earn. Earn. Earn. Earn. Al Al 1 8. 5g. 32-o ig. 0.20-0 19. i. 9-0 21. lS.35'0 21. ig. 38-o 20. 46. 27-0 20. 47. 43-0 20. 49. 8-0 1 8. 58. 58-g 1 8. 5g. 46-9 ig. 0.35-9 21.18. 1-9 21. ig. 4-9 20.46. 1 1 -55 20. 47. 44-0 20. 49. 9*0 18. 5g. 32-14 19. o. 20-14 19. i. 9-14 21. 18.35-J8 21. 19. 38-i8 20. 46. 47-92 20.48. 20-37 20. 49. 45-37 g. 32. 32-23 g. 33. 20- 10 9.04. 8-97 11. 5i. I2'4g U.52. i5-33 10.48. 3-i6 10. 49. 35-36 10. 5i. o-i3 g. 33. H.53. 10. 48. (d) Ingress . . Ingress Egress Egress Occult, im . . . Occult, im. . . Occult, im. . . Aug.28 I (e) Occult, em. Occult, em . . Occult, em . . First em.. . Central bis. Last cont. . AL AL AL E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. Earn. Earn. Earn. 20. 36. 34-0 20. 37. 2g'o 20. 38. 46-0 20. 35. 55'25 20. 36. 5o-25 20.38. 7-25 20. 36. 13-79 20.38. 8-79 20. 3g. 25-79 10. g. 59-40 10. ii. 54-08 10. i3. 10-88 10. 12. Aug.28 I (f) Eel. reap. AL E.Eq. Earn. 23. 8. 5-o 23. 7. 26-25 23. 8. 44-88 12.42. 5*5i 12. 42. i5-8o + IO'2g Aug.29 Aug.29 Aug^g III I II (gOEcl. reap. ETCSS. . Central bis. Last cont. . D C C D Altaz. E.Eq. E.Eq. Altaz. Gi Earn. Earn. Gi ig. 40. 55-o 20. 14. 7-0 20. i5. 16-0 20. 17.20-0 19. 41. 32'4 20. 14. 3o'4 20. i5. 3g'4 20.17.57-4 19. 41. 5i'88 20. 14. 49'go 20. i5. 58-go 20. 18. i6-go g. ii. 5o - 49 9.44.43-11 g. 45. 5rg2 9.48. 9-54 g. I2.3o'3o 9-4<5. 9.47. 46-4 + 3g-8i 23-14 Egress Eel. reap. . . . Aug^g II (A) Eel. reap. C E.Eq. Earn. 20. 17. 6-0 20. 17. 29-4 20. 17. 48-90 9.47.41-63 9- 47- 46-4 + 477 Sept. 5 Sept. 1 2 Sept i 2 Sept. 1 2 II III I I II ^0 Eel. reap. Eel. reap. . . . Ingress First cont. . Central bis. Total ingr. Total ingr. First cont. Central bis. Total imm . C C E E E HT E E E E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. N.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. E.Eq. Earn. Earn Earn. Earn. Earn. A 1 Earn. Earn. Earn. 23. 19. 28-0 o. 9. 33'o 22. 1 8. 0-0 22.21. 0-0 22. 24. 3o - 22. 24.32-O 22. 2O. 3o - O 22. 22. 30'0 22. 25. 0-0 23. 20. 8-0 0. 10. I 3'O 22. 17. 54'o 22. 20. 54-0 22. 24. 24-0 22. 24. 17-0 22. 2O. 24'O 22. 22. 24*0 22. 24. 54-0 23. 20. 34-08 o. 10. 3g-ii 22. 18. 26-27 22. 21. 26-27 22. 24. 56'27 22.24.49-27 22. 20. 56-27 22. 22. 56-27 22. 25. 26-27 12. 22. 25'5o 13. 12. 22-33 10. 52. 56-02 10. 55. 56-o3 10. 5g. 25-46 10. 5g. 18-48 10. 55. 26-11 10. 57. 25-79 10. 5g. 55-37 12. 22. 49'I i3. 14. 4'5 10. 54. 10. 54 10. 58. + 23-6o + 1.42-17 Ingress Ingress Ingress Occult, im. . . Occult, im. . . Occult, im. . . Sept. 1 2 III Occult, im. . . Occult, im. . . Occult, im. . . First cont . Central bis. Total imm . E E E E.Eq. E. Eq. E.Eq. Earn. Earn. Earn. 22.42. o-o 22. 45. 3O'0 22.49. ' 22. 41. 54-O 22. 45. 24-0 22. 48. 54-0 22. 42. 26-28 22. 45. 56-28 22. 4g. 26-28 ii. 1 6. 52'6o I I. 2O. 22-O3 ii. 23. 5i'45 II. 22. (a) Very good ; the planet steady and well defined. (V) The observer suspected that at 19''. 45. 3o s . clock-time, the brightness of the satellite began to diminish, (c) Very bad ; the planet clouded and exceedingly tremulous. (d) The central bisection very doubtful ; the planet very unsteady and undulating. (e) The planet very tremulous ; the observation not good. (/*) The planet very steady ; the observation good. (g) Cloudy ; the observation not good. (A) and (i) Good. OBSERVED AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 53 ECLIPSES, OCCULTATIONS, and TRANSITS of JDPITER'S SATELLITES concluded. Day of Obser- vation, 855- Satellite. Phenomenon. Phase of Phenomenon. Observer. Instru- ment. Clock or Chrono- meter. Time Noted. Time by Transit Clock. Sidereal Time. Mean Solar Time. Mean Time of Nautical Almanac. Apparent Error of Nautical Almanac. h m s h m s h m s h m s h m s m > Sept. 1 2 Ill Occult, im. . . First cont.. IIT N.Eq. A 1 22.43. o-o 22.42.45-0 22.43. 17-28 II. 17. 43-46 Occult, im. . . Central bis. IIT N.Eq. A 1 22.45. o-o 22. 44. 45-O 22. 45. 17-28 II. I9.43-I3 II. 22. Occult, im. . . Total imm . IIT N.Eq. A 1 22. 47. 2O'0 22.47. 5-o 22.47.37-28 11.22. 2-75 Sept. 20 I Eel. reap. . . . D E.Eq. Earn. o. 53. 45*0 o. 53. 5o-g o. 54.32-27 12.57. 9'68 12. 56. 59*70 - 9-98 Sept-2 1 I (a) Ingress. . First cont. C E. Eq. Earn. 19. 5. 3-c 19. 5. 10-2 ig. 5. 5rg7 7. 5. 3o-6o Ingress Central bis. C E.Eq. Earn. iq. 6.38-0 IQ. 6. 45-2 IQ. 7. 26*07 7. 7. 5-33 7. 6. IllTCSS Total ingr. C E. Eq. Earn. .7 IQ. 8. 3o - o J ~ ig. 8.37-2 ;? / ~ ;?/ IQ. Q. l8'Q7 / / 7. 8. 57'OA / Sept.2 1 II (i) Ingress . . O First cont. c 1 E.Eq. Earn. y ig. 55. 53-c J I 19. 56. 0-2 3 y m yt ig. 56. 42-00 / " **P T^ 7-56. i2-3i Ingress Central bis c E. Eq. Earn. IQ. 56.48*0 ig. 56. 55'2 IQ. 57. 37-00 7. 57. 7*i5 7. 5q. Ingress Total ingr. c E. Eq. Earn. ,J i IQ. 58. 4-0 ig. 58. n-2 ;/// ig. 58. 53-00 it t 7. 58. 22-Q4 / j Sept.2 1 I (c) Egress. . . First appear. c I E.Eq. Earn. .7 T 21. 21. 58-o ,} 21.22. 5'5 21. 22. 47*35 / ' ;7T g. 22. 3-55 Central bis. c E.Eq. Earn. 21. 23. 2I'O 21. 23. 28-5 21. 24. io"35 g. 23. 26-32 Q. 26. Egress . Last cont.. c .-. j E. Eq. Earn. 21. 24. 4O'O 21. 24. 47'5 21. 25. 2g-35 Q. 24. 45"IO J Sept.2 1 II (d) Egress . . First appear. c 1 E.Eq. Earn. T T 22. 5o. 2-0 r TV 22. 5o. g-5 22. 5o. 51-40 y **ir" T^ * 10. 4g. 53-17 ETCSS. . Central bis. c E.Eq. Pjarn. 22. 5i. 38-o 22. 5i. 45-5 22. 52. 27*40 10. 5i. 28'go 10. 55. ETCSS. . Last cont.. c E.Eq. Earn. 22. 52. 58'O 22.53. 5-5 22. 53. 47-40 10. 52. 48*69 Sept.2 2 I Eel. reap .... D T Altaz. G' ig. 3o. 2-0 ig. 2g. 28-3 \ 1 \ ig. 3o. 11*00 7. 20. 4974 7. 2o. 55-40 + 5-66 Sept-2 5 IV (e) Occult.im. Total imm. C E.Eq. Earn. 21. 48. 53-o 21.49. 6-4 21.49.51*99 g. 33. 20-12 g.33. Oct. 1 6 II ETCSS .... Central bis. D E.Eq. Earn. 20. 54. + 20. 54. + 20. 54. + 7 i5 + 7. 20. ETBSS Last cont.. D E.Eq. Earn. 20.56. 20.56. 20.56. + 7. 17. + / Oct. 1 8 III (/)Ecl.disap. D 1 E.Eq. Earn. 23.38.40-0 23. 3g. 14-0 23.39.28*66 it - g. 52. 12-90 9. 53. 55-70 + 1.42*75 Oct. 1 8 III (g) Eel. disap. AB Altaz. G 1 23. 3g. 25-o 23. 3g. 3g-o 23. 3g. 53-66 9.52.37-88 9. 53. 55-70 + 1.17-82 Oct. 20 IV (h) Ingress . . Total ingr. HT E. Eq. Earn. 1. 14. o'o I. 14. 34-0 i. 14.51*17 u. 19. 28*02 n. 1 6. Nbv.3o I (i) Eel. reap . D E. Eq. Earn. o. 5o. 28-0 o. 5o. 27-0 o. 5i. 25'ii 8. 14.53*46 8. 13.57-40 56-o6 Dec. 1 8 IV Occult, em . . Last cont. . C E.Eq. Arn. 82 O. 6. 2O'O o. 6. 53-4 o. 6. 57-89 6. 19.47*10 6. 21. Dec. 1 8 III Eerress . First appear. C E. Eq. Arn. 82 o. 5o. io'o o. 5o. 45-3 o. 5o. 49*81 7. 3.3r83 ETCSS . Central bis. C E.Eq. Arn. 82 o. 5i. 47-0 0. 52. 22-3 o. 52. 26-81 7. 5. 8-56 7. 4. Last cont. . c E. Eq. Arn. 82 o. 53. 5o - o o. 54. 25 - 3 O. 54. 2Q'8l 7. 7. n*23 / T Dec. i g II (k) Egress . . Last cont.. D 1 E.Eq. Arn. 82 o. 54. o-o o. 54. 14-2 T J o. 54. 19-71 7. 3. 5*24 7. I. (a) Doubtful ; the planet exceedingly tremulous. (It) Pretty good. (c) Good. (d) Tolerably good ; the air was foggy and the satellite faint. (e) Very doubtful ; the satellite seen only by glimpses, Jupiter being tremulous and ill defined. (/) Good. ( lt or Time Time by Sidereal Mean meter noted. Transit Clock. Time. Solar Time. '33- W hma li m h m e li m a ^S r Star rginiS } Disappearance Bright D E. Equ at. Earn. 9. i3. 38 9.13.25-80 9. i3. 5i-55 10.21.29-16 ' N c/ 1 ^" \ Disappearance Bright D E. Equ it. Earn. 9.13.45 9. 10. 32'8o 9. i3. 58'55 10.21.36-14 Apr. i 3 Sagittarii .... Reappearance Dark M Altaz G 1 17. 4.21-0 17. 4.20-00 17. 5.12-93 1 6. 1.48-37 Apr. 23 (c) A Cancri .... Disappearance Dark E Altaz G 1 12.57.33-8 12.58.25-10 12.58.33-21 10.52.54-53 (d) A Cancri .... Disappearance Dark AL E. Equ at. Earn. 12.57.52-6 12. 58. 25' 10 12. 58. 33-21 10. 52. 54 4 53 Aug. 3o (e) o Piscium . . . Disappearance Bright AL E. Equ (f) o Piscium . . . Reappearance Dark AL E. Equ at. Earn. 23. 6.46-8 23. 7.12-80 23. 7.33-37 12.33. 2-3- at. Earn. 0.14.14-5 0.14.40-50 o. i5. ru 13.40.19-07 Oct. 24 o Piscium.... Disappearance Dark C E. Equa t. Earn. 23.56.17-4 23. 56. 55'i5 23.57.17-96 9.46.23-87 (a) (6) The South Star disappeared first, but from the Moon's Limb being so tremulous, it was exceedingly difficult to note the exact time of disappearnce of either star, and the observation is therefore probably incorrect to a few seconds. Just before the occultation, the stars were lost several seconds in the glare of the Moon, and then re-appeared again. (c) Instantaneous ; the unilluminated limb of the Moon was distinctly visible. (d) Instantaneous ; observation good. (e) (f) Good. OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 55 Disappearance of y Virginia (South Star), 1855, March 5 d . 10". 21 m . 29'-16 + V, Greenwich Mean Solar Time. O I II II II Right Ascension of Zenith in arc i38. 27. 53'25 + i5-o X t Moon's Eight Ascension in arc 187.57.47-85 + x + 0-4878 X t Moon's N.P.D 90. 6.40-18 + y + 0-2362 X t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax 55. 10-60 X ( i + m -\ \ IOOO/ Moon's Semidiameter i5. 4-14 x ( i -\ ) V looo' Star's Eight Ascension in arc 188. 34. 54-15 + e' Star's N.P.D 90. 3g. 21-76 + / Geocentric E. A. of corresponding point in arc .... 188. 8.28-73 + e + 0-0934 X t 1-5804 X Geocentric N.P.D. of corresponding point 89.66. 8-62 + / 0-0016 X t 2-5g3i X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, 14. 59-78 + 0-7124 X 0-7020 X + 0-7020 X + e x 0-3644 X t 1-5864 X / 0-0016 x t 2-5g3i X n| y + 0-2362 X 1 1 Final Equation. + 4-36 = + 0-7124 X e 0-7020 X / 07124 X * + 0-7020 X y 0-0927 X t + 0-6910 X m 0-9041 X n Disappearance of y Virginia (North Star), 1855, March 5 d . 10 h . 21 ra . 36 > 14! + f, Greenwich Mean Solar Time. Oil, Eight Ascension of Zenith in arc i38. 29. 38-25 -f i5'o X t Moon's Eight Ascension in arc 187.57.51-00 + x + 0-4678 X t Moon's N.P.D 90. 6. 41-83 + y + 0-22,62 X t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax 55. 1 0-60 X / i -J } \ looo/ Moon's Semidiameter i5. 4/i5 X ( i + n ) \ looo' Star's Eight Ascension in arc 1 88. 34. 67-00 + e" Star's N.P.D 90.39. 18-84 +/ Geocentric E.A. of corresponding point in arc .. 188. 8.32-24 + e + 0-0934 X t 1-5848 X Geocentric N.P.D. of corresponding point 89.66. 6-71 + / 0-0016 X t 2-5g3i X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, ' " " r 1 i5. 3-24 + o- 7 ogg X [ + e - x - 0-3644 -X t - 1-6848 X m j 0-7042 X { / 0-0016 X t 2-5g3i X m I + 0-7042 X | y + Q'2362 X t | Final Equation. 0-91 = + 0-7099 y. e 0-7042 X/ o'70gg X x + 07042 X y O'ogi3 X t + 0-7010 X m 0-9042 X n 56 CALCULATION OF THE OCCULTATIONS Keappearance of 3 Sagittarii, 1855, April 7 d . 1 6 h . l m . 48 S> 37 + P, Greenwich Mean Solar Time. o i it n ii Right Ascension of Zenith in arc 256. 18. i3'g5 + i5 - o X t Moon's Right Ascension in arc 264.47.54-15 + a; + o-638i X t Moon's N. P. D 1 1 6. 54. 33-33 + y + o-o5g3 X t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax 58. ig-8l X ( i + I ooo' Moon's Semidiameter i5. 55'77 X ( 1 + -^ v i ooo' Star's Right Ascension in arc 264. 36. 38-40 + e" Star's N.P.D 117. 46. 19-80 +/ Geocentric R. A. of corresponding point in arc 264.30.44-82 + c + 0-1707 X t o-3536 X m Geocentric N.P.D. of corresponding point 1 16. 49. 21-14 + / o-oioo X t 3-4187 X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, 1 6. g-85 + 0-8445 X I e + x + 0-4674 X t + o-3536 X m j o-323o x | / o-oioo X t 3-4187 X m j + 0-3208 x | y + o-oogS X t | Final Equation. 14-08 = 0-8445 X e o-323o X / + 0-8445 X x + 0-3208 X y + 0-4169 X t + 1-4028 X m O'g558 X n Disappearance of X Cancri, 1855, April 23 d . 10". 52 ra . 54"53 + t 1 , Greenwich Mean Solar Time. a I II n II Right Ascension of Zenith in arc 194. 38. i8-i5 + i5-o X t Moon's Right Ascension in arc 123.21.21-45 + x + c-5362 X t Moon's N.P.D 64. 48. 24-67 + y + 0-0991 x t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax 54. 2 1 -35 X I i + m } \ 1000' Moon's Scraidiameter 14.50-62 X ( i + n \ \ i ooo' Star's Right Ascension in arc 122.58. 39-90 + c" Star's N.P.D 65. 3i. 22-80 + / Geocentric R.A. of corresponding point in arc 123.34.12-38 + e + 0-0483 X t + 2-io25 X m Geocentric N.P.D. of corresponding point 64.57.20-82 +/ o-o565 X t 2-0420 X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, i n n 14.40-17 + 0-7180 X | + e x 0-4879 X t + 2-1325 X m j + 0-6098 X { / o-o565 X t 2-0420 X 0-6086 X | y + 0-0991 X t j Final Equation. -f 10-45 = + 0-7180 X c + 0-6098 x/ 0-7180 X x 0-6086 Xy 0-4450 X t + o-285gX nt 0-8906 X OBSERVED AT THE ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEAR 1855. 57 Disappearance of o Piscium, 1855, August 30 d . 12 h . 33 m . 2 ! '37 + P, Greenwich Mean Solar Time. O I ff II Right Ascension of Zenith in arc 346.53.20-55 + i5-o x t Moon's Right Ascension in arc 23.49.41-25 + x + 0-5405 X t Moon's N.P.D 81. o. 3o-88 + y 0-2643 X t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax 5g. 3 1-21 X (i + IOOO Moon's Scmidiameter 16. 15-26 X (i + -^ \ V iooo/ Star's Right Ascension in arc 24. 26. 41-40 + e" Star's N. P. D 81. 34. 8-40 + / Geocentric E. A. of corresponding point in arc 24. 3.45-52 + e + 0-1265 X t I'SySg X m Geocentric N. P. D. of corresponding point 80. 52. 3yi6 + f + o-oi38 X t 2-4912 X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, io. 5 8 'g3 + 0-8587 X { + e x 0-4140 X t 1-3759 X m j 0-4937 x < / + o-oi38 X t 2-4912 x m I + 0-4943 x < y 0-2643 X t I Final Equation. i6-33 = + c-8587 X e 0-4937 X / 0-8587 x x + 0-4943 X y 0-4930 X t + 0-0484 X m 0-9753 X n Reappearance of o Piscium, 1855, August 30 d . 13 h . 40 m . 19 !> 07 + V, Greenwich Mean Solar Time. o i n n n Right Ascension of Zenith in arc 3. 45. 1 6-65 + i5-o X t Moon's Right Ascension in arc 24.26. 3-i5 + x + 0-5406 x t Moon's N.P.D 80.42.44-71 + y o-263i x t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax . 5q. 28-65 X ( i + ) \ iooo/ Moon's Semidiameter 16.14-56 x (i + \ iooo] Star's Right Ascension in arc 24. 26. 41*40 + e" Star's N.P.D 81.34. 8-40+7 Geocentric R. A. of corresponding point in arc .... 24.13.24-48 + e + 0-1493 X t 0-7969 X m Geocentric N. P. D. of corresponding point 80. 53. 25- 1 o + / + 0-0080 X t 2-4433 X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, 16. 25-38 + 07504 X | e + x + o-3gi3 X t + 0-7969 X m j + o-65oo x < f + 0-0080 x t 2-4433 X m \ 0-6496 X < y o-263i X t j- Final Equation. 10-82 = 0-7504 x e + o-65oo x / -f 0-7504 x x 0-6496 x y + 0-4697 x t 0-9902 X m 0-9746 X n GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS, 1855. 4 I 58 CALCULATION OF THE OCCULTATIONS. Disappearance of a Piscium, 1855, October, 2-1' 1 . 9\ 46 m . 23'-87 + t', Greenwich Mean Solar Time. o / // // It Right Ascension of Zenith in arc ................ 35g. 19. 29-40 + i5 - o X t Moon's Right Ascension in arc ................ 23. 64. 3 1 '35 + x + O'55o7 X t Moon's N. P. D ............................... 80. 5o. 3-i3 + y 0-2717 X t Moon's Horizontal Equatoreal Parallax ........... 5g. 56-8o X (i + Moon's Semidiameter .......................... 16. 22-28 X [l + ) 1000 / Star's Right Ascension in arc ................... 24. 26. 64-00 + e" Star's N. P. D ................................. 81. 3 4 . 4-00 + / , ; Geocentric R. A. of corresponding point in arc ..... 24.10.48-76 + e + 0-1454 X t 0-9602 X m Geocentric N. P. D. of corresponding point ........ 80. 52. 5r66 +/ + 0-0098 X t 2-4723 X m Geocentric distance of center from corresponding point, i n a f "| 16. 19-60 + 0-9728 X s + e x 0-4053 X t o-g652 X m *> + 0-1725 X < f + 0-0098 X t 2-4723 X m \ 0-1717 x I y 0-2717 x t \ Final Equation. + 2-68 = + 0-9728 X e + 0-1725 X/ 0-9728 X x 0-1717 X y 0-3459 X t 1-3654 X 0-9823 X n ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. MEASURES OF DISTANCE AND ANGLE OF POSITION OP THE COMPONENTS OF v YIRGINIS; AND OF THE RINGS OF SATURN; MADE WITH A DOUBLE-IMAGE MICROMETER UPON THE EAST EQUATOREAL. 1855. 41 2 60 MEASURES OF DISTANCE OP y VIRCINIS, AND OF THE DIMENSIONS OF THE RINGS OF SATURN, RESULTS of MEASURES of DISTANCE and ANGLE of POSITION, for each Day's Observations of the COMPONENTS of 7 VIRGINIS, made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, with a Double-Image Micrometer on the East Equatoreal. Day and Mean Solar Hour. Method of Observation. Observed Num f ber Distance. Mea ures Observed Angle Observer. REMAKES. of Position. 1855 d May 1 8. 8 Equal Distanc :es ..... // 3-40 10 174 M May 26. 8 Equal Distances 3 '49 IO 173 M MEASURES of the Axis MAJOB and Axis MINOR of the EXTERIOR EDGE of the OUTER BRIGHT RING of SATURN, made with the DOUBLE-IMAGE MICHOMETER. Day and Mean Solar Hour. Part Measured. Num- ber of Mea- sures. Observed Value in Arc. Approximate Angle of Position of measured Part. Observer. REMARKS. 1 855. " b Nov.3o. 12 Axis 1 Axis I 6 8 rt 47-20 20 -96 o 84 74 M M Dec. 5. 1 1 Axis 5 Axis I lajor 12 8 46-86 20-44 84 74 SI 31 The sky was splendidly clear, and the definition of images sen- sibly perfect. The observations worthy of great confidence. flinor Dec. 6. 10 Axis IV Axis I lajor 12 8 4 6 79 20 -99 84 '74 M M A beautiful night ; the planet was quite as well seen as on last night. The observations are perhaps better. rlinor Dec. 12. 9 Axis J Axis I lajor IO 10 46-71 20 -91 85 I 7 5 M SI The planet well seen. linor Dec. 1 8. 8 Axis I Axis I IO IO 4.6-8 20-88 85 I 7 5 SI 11 The images not quite so steady as usual. Some of the measures were, nowever, very gooU. Minor Dec. 2 2. 9 Axis I Axis 1 lajor 8 IO 46-81 20-86 84 '74 M M For an hour the sky was bright, but it clouded suddenly, and interrupted the observations. Minor 1 856. Jan. 10. 8 Axis 1 Axis 1 Major 10 10 46-14 20 -53 85 I 7 5 M M The planet was seen with great distinctness. Minor Jan. 14. 8 Axis 1 Axis ] Major 10 10 46 -21 20 -46 85 I 7 5 M 31 The images at first were confused and tremulous, but they became better afterwards. Minor Jan. 1 5. 8 Axis ] Major 10 46 -i5 85 M Ditto, ditto. Clouds suddenly put an end to the observations. Jan. 26. 7 Axis ] Axis ] Mai or. . 10 10 45-78 20 -58 85 I 7 5 M M Minor Feb. 1 4. 1 1 Axis ] Axis ] Major 8 10 43-98 20 -01 85 1 7 5 SI M The sky became hazy, and the images were tremulous during the observations. Minor Apr. 1 9. 8 Axis ] Axis i 8 10 3g -06 i8-i5 84 i?4 H K Minor MADE AT THE RoTAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, IN THE YEARS 1855 AND 1856. 61 MEASURES for determining the BREADTH of the WHOLE SYSTEM of BRIGHT RINGS ; the BREADTH of the DARK SPACE between the BRIGHT RINGS and the BALL ; and the DIAMETER of the BALL of SATURN. THE observations which follow in tabular arrangement wore made by placing successively the moveable Image of the Extreme Edge East or West of the Outer Ring on the fixed Image of the Edges West or East of the Exterior Portions of the Bright Rings 5 of the Inner Portions of the Bright Rings ; and of the Ball. When the inoveable Image is West the micrometer-readings corresponding to the contacts explained above, arc denoted in the tabular arrangement by the numbers 1, 2, 3 ; and when the moveable Image is East by the numbers 4, 5, 6. The numbers ], 2, 3, denote therefore measures of the Western Portions of the Rings, and the numbers 4, 5, 6, denote measures of the Eastern Portions. The differences between the successive measures 1-2, 2-3, and 4-5, 5-6, give plainly the values of the Breadth of the System of Bright Rings and of the Dark Space between the Ball and the Bright Rings ; and the differences 1-3, 4-6, give ia like manner the whole space between the Extreme Edge of the Outer Ring and the Edge of the Ball on the West side and the East side respectively. If then the value of this latter space be obtained from all the observations East and West in one evening, and if double this value be subtracted from the value of the Axis Major of the Outer Ring obtained from all the observations of the evening, the difference will plainly be the value of the Equatoreal Diameter of the Ball. The daily values of the Semidiametcr of Ball thus found are reduced to the mean distance log. "'0-9790 of the Planet from the Earth, for comparison with Mr. Main's definitive value of this element, namely, 8" - 75; and the results are given in the column " Deduced Semidiameter of Ball at Mean Distance." Day and Mean Solar Hour. Numbers denoting Parts measured. Micrometer Readings. Breadth of Rings iu Revolutions. Breadth of Dark Space in Revolutions. Mean Breadth of Rings in Revolutions. Mean Breadth of Dark Space in Revolutions Mean Breadth of Rings in Arc. Mean Breadth of Dark Space in Arc. Deduced Semidtametcr of Ball at Mean Distance 1 855. d h r r r r r H H December 5 1 1 4 5 17-049 16-240 0-809 roo5 0-906 0-966 6'55 6-98 8-36 6 i5 - 235 i 4-116 0-823 * 2 4*939 3 6-022 ro83 4 5 I7-09I 0-874 6 i5-2o3 1-014 i 2 4' '49 4-963 0-814 3 5-990 1-027 4 5 17-121 16-088 i-o33 6 i5'2oo 0-888 i 2 4-161 4-983 0-822 3 6-oo3 1-020 4 5 17-081 16-172 0-909 0-983 6 15-189 62 MEASURES OF THE DIMENSIONS OF THE RINGS OF SATURN Day and Mean Solar Hour. Numbers denoting Part measured. Micn<. Readings. Breadtli of Rings in Revolutions Breadth of Dark Space i Revolutions Mean Breadt of Rings in Revolutions Meau Breadtli of Dark Space in Revolutions Mean Bruadt of Rings in Arc. Mean Breadt ofDarkSpac in Arc. Deduced Scmidiametcr of Ball at Mean Distance 1 855. d " December 5. 1 1 1 2 3 r 4-I28 5'oy2 5-991 r 0*944 O-ggi r 0-9I9 0798 0-917 0-889 i-o53 r r // // n 4 5 6 lyoSi 16-060 15-262 i 2 3 4-o33 5-070 5-987 ro37 4 5 6 17-034 16-100 l5'2II 0-934 0-886 i 2 3 4-041 4^27 5-980 December 6. 10 4 5 6 17-223 i6-3o5 15-354 0-918 0-848 '939 0-804 0-942 0-890 0-8.37 0-858 o-83o o-83i 0-894 o-gS i o-g3i 0-901 ro35 0-834 0-963 1-004 o-g52 1-022 1-069 0-933 0'8 77 0-97I 6-34 7'O2 8' 47 i 2 3 4" 1 77 5-025 5-g56 4 5 6 17-094 i6-i55 i5-254 i 2 3 4- 1 53 4'957 5-992 4 5 6 17-075 i6-i33 15-299 i 2 3 4-146 5-o36 5 '999 4 5 6 17-014 16-177 15-173 i 2 3 4- 1 35 4^93 5-945 4 5 6 16-995 i6-i65 15-143 2 3 4-092 4-923 5-992 4 5 6 17-029 i6-i35 l5'2O2 MADE AT THE KOYAL OBSERVATORY, CrBEENWICHj IN THE YEARS 1835 AND 1856, 63 Day and Mean Solar Hour. Numbers denoting Parts measured. Micrometer Headings. Breadth of Rings in Revolutions. Breadth of Dark Space in Revolutions. Mean Breadth of Rings in Revolutions. Mean Brea