B M SOb m4 THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT TO THE LIST OF SERIALS IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES OFCHICAGO AND EVANSTON CORRKCn-.D TO APRII- iQo; vjm''"^T' CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDKK OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS iai^Biii GIFT OF THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT TO IHK LIST OF SERIALS IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES OF CHICAGO AND EVANSTON CORRECTED TO APRIL, 1903 « M • « 4 , 1 ' < « • CHICAGO PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS \ PREFACE WIicii the List of Serials in Public Libraries of Chicago and Eranston was published by the Chicago Library Clul) in iQOi the statement was made that The John Crerar Library proposed, if it proved to be of real service, to issue cumulative supplements. The present volume is the first of these supplements. The justification of its publication would seem to be ample because of the proved usefulness of the original not only for the purpose for which it was compiled, in giving a scholar information where a given volume of a serial can be consulted most conveniently, but also, and somewhat unexpectedly, as a convenience in the administration of the libraries. In one library, at least, the original has been referred to constantly as the most convenient source of infor- mation in regard to its own sets. If it has been so used in other libraries to any- thing like the same extent it has been no inconsiderable factor in the improve- ment of the sets which is noted in this supplement, and the Chicago Library Club may well be congratulated on the success of its undertaking. Another proof may be found in the readiness with which the libraries have furnished material for the supplement. Only one, St. Ignatius College, has not done so. It has been prevented by a change of librarians and the recataloguing of its library, and it hopes to be able to join in the next revision. On the other hand, the Chicago Historical Society, which was unable to furnish material for the original list, has done so for the supplement, thus materially enhancing its value and broadening its scope. This volume should be consulted first in all cases, even wlion reference to the desired title from an older form or from the society publishing it, or to the desired society from a place, is found only in the original list. For reprinted titles all the entries have been reprinted so that it is unnecessary to consult the original for a title in the supplement. On the other hand, no titles have been reprinted except to give additional information or to correct errors of some importance, so that the entries for one publication of a society may be found in the supplement and for another in the original list. The supplement, like the original list, is intended to include all serials not purely administrative, of which a library has (i) five volumes or years in sequence; (2) one-half of the set if less than ten volumes or years; (3) the first or last volume if not in any other library. There have been included, also, though somewhat incompletely, all state documents and the publications of all Chicago societies and institutions, whether administrative or not. One change in the method of entry has been made by unanimous consent of the larger libraries. The entry of foreign serials having individual titles under the society has proved so inconvenient that such serials arc now entered under the title, in accordance with the rule for American and English publications. Reference has been made from the societies in all cases where their agency is known. References are made also from the place of location of a society to the name of the society unless the reference occurs in the original list. The changes of form of entry are very few. One or two minor changes have been made to secure greater clearness, and the capitalization has been altered to agree with the practice of The John Crerar Library. There are in the suppUmcnt the titles of .},o6o seriaK and .\.\n references. (iii) 3 3^5-18 PREFACE Of the titles 1.870 occur in the original list, 210 having been reprinted to cor- r-e^t errors or •supply omissions in the original entries and 1,660 to give additional information. At least 500 of the latter record the completion of sets or the filling of gaps. Of the 4.060 serials 2,730, or 67 per cent, are received currently, as against 57 per cent in the original list ; 1,300, or 32 per cent, as against 36 per cent, are in languages other than English ; 2,140 or 53 per cent, as against 65 per cent, occur in one library only ; 740, or 18 per cent, the same percentage as in the original list, occur in two libraries only; 410, or 10 per cent, as against 9 per cent, are in three ; 760, or 19 per cent, as against 8 per cent, are in four or more. The largely increased percentage of the last class and the consequent diminution in the per- centage of those found in one library only are easily explained by the inclusion of state documents, which are received as gifts. Making due allowance for this and taking into account the small diminution in the percentage oi foreign titles, it would seem to be established that the libraries of the city are maintaining their policy of discrimination and division of the field, and the standard of their acquisitions. The total number of serials recorded in the original list and the supplement is 8,840. The supplement has been set with the linotype and the bars will be retained for future editions. While ats size makes the issue of annual editions appear unad- visable it is hoped that they may be issued every other year until the accumula- tion of titles warrants the publication of a second edition of the original work. (iv) DESCRIPTIVE LIST Ol- LllU^ARlES A. ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIliRARY, Armour AvciuR- and Thirty-third Street. Intended primarily for the students of ilic Institute, but open to the general public for reference use from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. during the school year, Sundays excepted, and during the evening session frum 7 to 9 P. M. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings. The Library consists of over 18,000 volumes, ancl is strongest in tech- nical works, especially mechanical and electrical engineering. General literature, education, history, and biography have also received attention. It contains many complete sets of literary and scientific periodicals, and is fully equipped with indexes for use in reference work. Librarian, Mrs. Julia Beveriuge. At. THE RYFRSON LH^ARY OF 'IMF .XRT INSTPrUTE, Michigan Avenue, opposite Adams Street. Open daily throughout the year, with the exception of Sundays and holidays, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.. to students of the art school and to members of the Institute, for reference and circulating use; practically made free for reference use to all serious students of art. During the months when school is in session the Library remains open Monday, Wednesday and Friday until 7 P. M. The Library of the Art Institute was founded in 1879, and occupied one of the large galleries of the Art Institute until October, 1901, when the new library building, the gift of Mr. Martin A. Ryerson, was com- pleted and presented to the Art Institute. The Library is now known as the Ryerson Library of the Art Institute. .Vpril, 1903, the library con- tained nearly 3,000 vols., 16,000 r>raun autotypes, and a miscellaneous col- lection of other photographs and engravings. The collection of autotypes was presented by Dr. D. K. Pearsons. A part of the reference library is the gift of Mrs. A. M. M. Ellis, and is called the Sumner Ellis Memorial Library, but is incorporated with the rest of the Library. The Library is almost exclusively devoted to works on fine art and is catalogued and classified in accordance with the Dewey classification. Jessie L. Forrester, Librarian. Ay. CHICAGO ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Matthew Laflin Memorial Build- ing, Lincoln Park, opposite Center Street. Primarily a reference library for the use of members of the Academy, but available to others. Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. each week day. On January ist, 1903, the Library contained 11,000 volumes. It is composed principally of the publications of the learned societies of all countries, and is particularly rich in the literature of geology and the allied sciences. Secretary, Willi a.m K. Higlev. Acting Librarian, Frank C. Baker. C. CHIC.VGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, Washington Street. Michigan Avenue, and Randolph Street. The circulating department, free to citizens of Chicago, is open week days from 9 .A. }k\. to 8:30 P. M.. Sundays and holidays from u M. to 6 P. M. The reference and reading rooms are open to the publac generally, week days from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., on Sundays and holidays from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. The Library contained, April ist, 1903. 282.925 volumes and about 50.000 unbound pamphlets. Of botuid periodicals the TJbrary possesses about 32,000 volumes, which may be consulted in the reference room but cannot be taken from the Library. There are sixty-eight delivery stations situated in various parts of the city at which books may be drawn from the central Library free of charge. Librarian. Frei»'k H. Hn.n. Secretary, W.m. B. Wickersham. (V) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES E. EVANSTON FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Ciy Hall. Evanston. The circulating department is free to residents of Evanston without limit of age, and is available to others upon the payment of $2.50 per annum or 50 cents a month. TTie Library is free to all for purposes of reference. It is open from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. on week days, and the read- ing room is open from 2 to 6 P. M. on Sundays and holidays. The num- ber of volumes on March 31, 1903, was 32,364. Librarian, Mary B. Lindsay. F. FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM LIBRARY, Jackson Park. Open to the public every week day from 9 A. M. to 4 :30 P. M. Any visitor can obtain books for use in the reading room bj- making application to the librarian or to the assistant. On April ist, 1903, the Library contained 13,677 volumes and 17,296 pamphlets, and receives 116 periodicals currently. The Library is entirely a scientific reference library, almost exclusively devoted to Anthropology, Botany. Geology and Zoology, and contains the Ayer collection of ornithological works, valued at some $30,000. Librarian, Elsie Lippincott. G. GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE LIBRARY, Memorial Hall, North- western University, Evanston. A reference librarj' of theological literature, designed especially for the use of the faculty and students of the Institute, open to the public during the school year (October to June) from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. The Library contained, April ist, 1903, 14.150 volumes, and receives currently the principal theological periodicals. Librarian, Milton S. Terry. H. (HAMMOND LIBRARY) CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY LIBRARY, Hammond Library Building, 43 Warren Avenue, corner Ash- land Boulevard. Primarily a reference library for the use of the faculty and students of the Seminary, but open to clergymen and others interested. A hmited circulation is permitted. During term time (September to May) open from 9 A. M. to 12 M. and i to 5 P. M., and (Saturdays excepted) 7 to 10 P. M. Closed on Sundays. April 1st, 1903, the Library contained 23,000 volumes, and receives 175 periodicals currently. It has a valuable collection of Egyptology and a specially strong department of Missionary Intelligence. Librarian, Herbert W. Gates. HL CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY, Dearborn Avenue and Ontario Street. A reference library of historical literature, consisting of 100,000 volumes and pamphlets. Open to the public every week day from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. The field of the Library as defined by the Constitution of the Society is historical in the broadest sense, including the materials and sources of history, particularly of Chicago and the Northwestern States, the most notable among these sources being extensive manuscript collections and early Illinois newspapers. The Library is supplemented by a collection of paintings and a Museum of relics illustrating tlie various historical periods in the exploration and development of the "Old Northwest." Librarian, Caroline McIlvaine. J. THE JOHN CRERAR LIBRARY, fifth and sixth floors Marshall Field & Company Building, entrance at 87 Wabash Avenue. A free reference library of scientific and technical literature, established in 1894 in accordance with the will of the late John Crerar. Open to the public from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M. every week day throughout the year. On April 1st, 1903, the Library contained 92.829 volumes and was in receipt of 1,747 periodicals, and about 3,000 other serials; additions are made at the rate of 10,000 volumes per annum. Its field, as determined by the Board of Directors, is that of the social, physical, and natural sciences, (vi) DESCRIFflVE LIST OF LIBRARIES and their applications. It is the purpose of the Directors to develop the Library as systematically as possible on these lines. The only important exception to the rule is the recent purchase of the Ely collection on American Social Movements. Librarian. Clement \V. Andrews. Assistant Librarian. Anderson II. Hopkins. L. LEWIS INSTITUTE LIURARY, West Madison and Robey Streets. Essentially a reference library for the use of the students of the Insti- tute. Open throughout the school year from 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M., during the session of the night school until 9:30 P. M., and during the summer school from 9 A. M. to i P. M. The Library contained April ist, 1903, 9,907 volumes, and about 1,800 volumes are added yearly. It has developed in directions required to satisfy the most pressing interests of the various departments of the school and at the same time to make the nucleus of a working library for the general student. Ihere arc special departmental libraries connected with the class rooms in natural science, engineering, and domestic economy. Librarian. Tina Mozelle Skeer. N. THE NKWRERRY LIBRARY, Walton Place, North Clark Street and Dearborn Avenue. A general library of reference free to the public, endowed by Walter L. Newberry, and established in 1887. Open daily frotn 9 A. M. to 10 P. M.. except Sundays, New Year's E)ay. Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve. Closed also during the first two weeks in August. The Library contained on April ist. 1903, 191,982 volumes and 68,760 pamphlets. Librarian. John Vance Cheney. Assistant Librarian. Alexander J. Rudolph. Nw. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Orrington Lunt Li- brarj' Building, University campus facing Sheridan Road, Evanston. Intended primarily for the faculty and students of the University, but open to the general public for reference use, excepting Sundays, from 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. ; in the summer vacation, from 10 to 12 A. M., Monday to Friday inclusive. The Northwestern University was chartered in 1851 and opened to students in 1855. The development of the Library has been a part of the history of the University. It contained on .A.pril 30th, 1903, 51,658 bound volumes and about 35,000 pamphlets. Some specialties are Greek and Latin classics, German literature, and United States and State docu- ments. Assistant Librarian, Lodilla Ambrose. S. ST. IGNATIUS COLLEGE LIBRARY, 41.^ West Twelfth Street, near Blue Island Avenue. Intended chiefly for the use of members of the faculty, but may be con- sulted upon applying to the Librarian between 8 .\. M. and 4 P. M. Re- sponsible persons may also obtain the loan of books by applying to the President of the College. The Library contained on April ist. 1903, about 20,000 volumes. Besides books relating to subjects usually taught in colleges, it has a valuable col- lection on Riblicil topics, and upon history, te.iching. and disciplino of the Church, especially of the early Christian writers. .\ branch containing 3,500 select volumes is conveniently connected with the college building and is intended for the exclusive use of the students of the college. Librarian. James J. O'Meara. S. J. U. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARY, Press Building. Ellis Avenue and iMtty-eighth Street. All members of the University are entitled to the privileges of the (vii) DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF LIBRARIES Library. Persons not members may obtain them upon payment of a fee of $2.50 per quarter. Complimentary library cards for a term of four weeks or less will be issued by the Librarian to properly accredited scholars. The general library is open from 8:30 A. AI. to 5:30 P. M. The Library of the University consists of the general library, eleven departmental libraries, five group libraries, two branch libraries, and the traveling libraries of the University Extension Division. The general library is both reference and circulating. The reading room is also a branch delivery station for the Chicago Public Library and is used freely by the general public. The departmental libraries are regarded as refer- ence libraries, and books are loaned from them only on special conditions. The number of volumes in the Library April. 1903, is estimated at 367,442, and the number of pamphlets 150,000. It contains several special collections, notably the American Bible Union Library, a collection of classics and the transactions of learned societies made by S. Calvarj% a file of dissertations submitted to various American and foreign universities for higher degrees, the Hengstenberg collection of Biblical literature and theology, the Edward Olson Library of Greek literature, and a pedagogical collection of representative text books. Librarian, Zella Allen Dixson. W. WESTERN SOCIETY OF ENGINEERS. Monadnock Block, Rooms 1734-1741. Intended primarily for the members of the Society, but open to the public (for reference use only) daily from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., except Sundays and national holidays, llie Library contained, December 31, 1902, 4.300 .volumes, and receives regularly about 200 serials. Of these a con- siderable number are given away at intervals to other libraries. The Library is chiefly works on engineering and on technical and allied sub- jects. It is also a depository for many U. S. Government publications. Secretary and Librarian, J. H. Warder. (viii) KXPLANATIONS AND ABBRHX'IATIONS A serial not published by a society or a public oftice is entered under the first word, not an article, of the latest form of the title. A serial published by a society, but having an individual title, is entered under the title with reference from the name of the society. The journals, transactions, proceedings, etc., of a society, are entered under the first word, not an article, of the latest form of the name of the society. Publications of an observatory are entered under the name of the place in which the observatory is situated or under the name of the university with which it is connected. Publications of a public office are entered under the name of the country, state or city. Reference is made from the name of a place to all societies which have their regular place of meeting there ; from earlier forms of a title to the latest form ; and in some cases from the name of the editor to the title of the serial. I f these references occur in the original list they are not repeated in this supple- ment. Capital letters indicate the libraries in which the serial can be found, as given in the "Descriptive List of libraries." Volume numbers and dates are inclusive in all cases and the dates are for the period covered by the serial, not those of publication. A dash between volume numbers or dates signifies "from and including the former to and including the latter." Volume numbers or dates in brackets signify that the set is incomplete; but if volume numbers are given, the dates are not put in brackets. A plus sign ( + ) indicates that the serial is currently received and that the set is complete from the last volume number given. Parallels (II) indicate that publication ceased with the preceding date or volume. An asterisk (*) indicates that the serial is currently received but that the file is not preserved. n. d. No date. n. s. New scries, ncue Folge, nouvcllc serie, etc. no. Number, Nummer. numero, etc. pt. Part, Heft or Lieferung, fascicule, etc. s. Series, Folge, serie, etc. V. Volume, Band, tome, etc. y. Year, Jahrgang, annee, etc. . . . Word or words omitted. Consult this supplement first for a desired title even if refer- ence to it is found only in the original list. (ix) LIST OP SERIALS SUPrLEMEXT, 1903 Abendblatt der Illinois Staats-Zeitung. Chicago. C. N. 1893-99II Abhandiungen fiir die Kuiide des Morgenlandes. (Deutsche morgenlaiulische Gcsellscliaft. ) Leipzig. \. i. 1S57+ Abhandiungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik. See Abhandiungen zur Ge- .Ncliichto der niathenialischen Wissenschaften niit Einschluss ihrer Anwen- dungen. Abhandiungen zur Geschichte der niatheniatisclicn \\'i->cnscliaftcn niit lunsclihiss ihrer Anwendungen. Leipzig. Continues Abhandiungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik. J. 1, 1877+ Abhandiungen zur Philosophic und ihrer Geschichte. Halle a. S. U. i. 1893+ Acadeniia nacional de ciencias de la Republica Argentina, Cordoba. Boletin. J. V. 16 no. 4, 1901 + Academia real das sciencias, Lisbon. See also Jornal de sciencias mathcmaticas, physicas e naturaes. Academic des sciences, Marseilles. Memoires. J. 1899+ Academie des sciences, inscriptions et belles-lettres, Toulouse. Bulletin. J. U. I. 1897+ Memoires. J. s. 2 v. i — s. 8 v. 10. s. 9 v. 2+, 1807+ ; U. s. 9 v. 8, 1896+ Academie imperiale. See Academic nationale. Academic nationale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres, Caen. Memoires. J. 1865-86 Academic nationale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts, Bordeaux. Actes. Ay. 1869+ Academic royale de medecine de Belgique, Brussels. Memoires. N. 1-5. 1848-60!! Memoires couronnes et autres memoires. N. 1-8, 1870-88 Academic royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique, Brussels. Biographic nationale. N. i. 1866+ Academy. London. See Academy and "Literature." Academy and "Literature." London. C. J. N. I. 1869+ : U. [2-44 1. 47+. 1870+ ; H. 25-30. 45+, 1884+ ; L. 56-62, 1899-1902 Academy architecture and architectural review. London. J. 19, 1901 + Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Annual report. See also Pro- ceedings. Ay. 1841-69. [71-89]. 90+; F. 1895+ : N. 1900+ Entomological Section. Transactions. J. i. i8()7+ Proceedings. J. F. I. 1841+; Ay. 1841-69. [71-89]. 90+; \V. 1852+ ; X\v. 18^9. 74+; U. 1893. 95+ Academy of Science, St. Louis. Transactions. J. I, 1856+; Ay. 3. 1868+ ; C. 3-6. 10+. 1868+ :F. U. 7. 1895+ — Archaelogical Section. Contributions to the archaeology of Missouri. J. pt. I. 1880 Acadiensis. St. John, N. B. N. i, IQ01 + Accountants' magazine. Edinburgh. T. i, 1807+ Actuarial Society of America. N. Y. Papers and transactions. J. 3, 18(93+ Addressbuch der deutschen Zeitschriften. (Sperling.) Stuttgart. J. 36. 1895+ ; N\v. 39, 18^)9+ Advancc. Chicago. A. HI. I. 1867+ ; H. 1-3. 5+. 1867+ ; C. 8-9. 20+. 1875+ ; U. 33- 1897+ : N. 7-13, 1874-89 Advocate of pe.Tcc. (.Nmcrican Peace Society.) Boston. Nw. 55, 1893+ : C. 56. 1894+ : U. 57. 1895+ : G. 59. 1897+ ; H. 58. 1896+ ; J. 62. 1900+ ; E. 63. 190 1 + Advocate of science, and annals of natural history. Phila. J. i, 1834-35II Ml LIST OF SERIALS Aeronautical annual. Boston. C J. 1-3, 1895-97II ; W. 2-3. 1896-97II Aerophile. Paris. J, II, 1903+ Aerztliches Intelligenz-Blatt. Munich. See Miinchener medicinische Wochen- schrift. Aerztliches Vereinsblalt fiir Deutschland. Leipzig. N. 4-6, 8-10, 16-17, 1877-88 Aesculap. (Beiblatt der Allegenieinen deutschen Universitats-Zeitung.) Berlin. N. r. 1902+ Age of steel. See Iron and machinery world. Agricultural College, Mich. See Michigan State Agricultural College Experi- ment Station ; — -Michigan Academy of Science. Agricultural experiment stations. See under names of states and institutions. Agricultural magazine. Supplement to Tropical agriculturalist. Colombo, Cey- lon. J. II, 1899+ Ainslee's magazine. N. Y. - C. 5, 1900+ Akademische Revue. Munich. Beilage. See Student. AJal)ama. Geological Survey. Bulletin. J. no. i pt. 1-2, 5; no. 2, 4. 1886-92 Railroad Commis.sioners. Aimual report. Nw. 10-18, 1890-98; J. 2, 6. 7, [9-16I. 1881-96 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion, Auburn. Bulletin. J. n. s. i, 2, 9, 12, 13, 15-47, 49+, 1888+ Alabama medical and surgical age. Anniston. N. 1-3, 5-12, 1888-1901 Alal)ama Medical Association. Montgomery. Transactions. N. 1873-78, 84. 86, 88. 90, 93-96, 1900; J. 1902+ Alaska Agricultural Experiment Stations, Sitka, Kenai and Rampart. See U. S. A., Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Albany law journal. U. I, 1870+ Album national du commerce et de I'industrie. Paris, C. 33, 1900+ Alemannia. Zeitschrift fiir Sprache, Kunst und Altertum. Bonn. N. U. I, 1871 + Alembic Club reprints. Edinburgh. J. I, 1893+ Alighieri. Rivista di cose dantesche. Continued as Giornale dantesco. C. N. 1-4, 1889-93II Alkaloid. Chicago. N. 1-2, 1891-93II Alkaloidal clinic. Chicago. N. i, 1894+ All the world's fighting ships. Boston, London. J, i, 1898+ Allgemeine Bibliographie. Leipzig. N. 1-15, 1856-70; U. 1-7, 1856-62; C. 18, 21-24, 32-33, 1873-88; J. 43. 1898+ Allgemeine deutsche Universitats-Zeitung. See also Aesculap. Allgemeine Ingenieur-Zeitung. Vormals : "Technische Rundschau." Continues Zeitschrift des Allgemeinen technischen Vereines "Technische Rundschau." Vienna. J. 4, 1900+ Allgemeine medicinische Central-Zeitung. Berlin. N. 42-44, 59+, 1873-f Allgemeine militararztliche Zeitung. See Wiener medizinische Presse (Beilage). Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums. Leipzig. N. 1-53, 56-60, 1837-96 Allgemeiner aerztlicher Verein von Thuringen, Weimar. Correspondenz-Blatter. N. 19-25, 1890-96 Allgemeiner deutscher Sprachverein, Berlin. Zeitschrift. Wisscnschaftlichc Beihefte. N. i, 1S01 + Allgemeiner technischer Verein, Vienna. Zeitschrift "Technische Rundschau." See Allgemeine Ingenieur-Zeitung. Allgcmeines Journal fiir medicinische und chirurgische Kenntnisse. Paris, Nu- rcmburg. (Translation of Journal des connaissances medico-chirurgicalcs, .1833.) N. 1. T834II Alliance. (Swing.) Chicago. HI. t-8, 1873-81 Alliance erf the Rockies. Denver. J. v. 11 no. 27^ 1903+ Almanach de Gotha. Gotha. N. 1770, 72. 76. 78-80, 82-1813. 15-89, 91+ ; C. i860, 71+ ; U. 1893+ ; Nw. 1900+ ; J. 1902+ Altdeutsche 'I'cxtbibliothck. Tlalle a. S. N. i, 1882-f Alte Orient. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft.) Berlin. H. i, 1899-f A!tfranz()sische Bibliotbek. Leipzig. N. T-15, 1879-97 Alton American. HI. i, 1833-34 Alton daily morning courier. HI. 1-2, 1852-54 Alton Horticultural Society. Transactions. N. does not have. Alton spectator. Til, i — n. s. 3, 1832-37 Alton telegraph, daily. HI. 1-3, 1852-55 (2) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Tri-weekly. 111. 1-2, 1851-52 Weekly. HI. 1-15. 18-20. uS^e-ss Alton weekly courier. 111. i, 1852-53 Amateur- PhotojfTMpli. Leipzig. J. 16, 1902+ Amateur work. Boston. E. I, 1901 + Amcrica, journal for Americans. Chicago. Continued in the Graphic. Chicago. C. N. 1-6, 1888-91II American. London, Liverpool. HI. 1-2, 1867-68 American. Phila. C. 3, 1882-I- .■\merican Aberdeen- Aifpus herd book. (.Xmerican .Aberdeen- Angus Rreeders' Association.) Davehport. U. 1, 1886+ .American .Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. Proceedings. J. I. 1846+ ; Ay. 7. 1866+ ; HI. 9, 1873+ ; F. 29. 1893+ : C. 1-4. 1846-60; N. 22-30, 1887-95 American .Academy of Medicine, r'aston. Pa Bulletin. N. 1, 1S01 + .American .Academy of Political and Social Science. Phila. .Annals. C. H. J. N. Nw. U. I. 1890+ ; W. 1901 + .American .Academy of Railway Surgeons, Chicago. Transactions. N. 7, 1900+ American agriculturist. N. Y. See also New England homestead ; — Orange Judd Farmer. C. 16. 1857+ ; J. [1-52]. 1845-9.3; Nw. 3-10. 1844-51; HI. 18-37. 1859-78: E. 30. 32-47. 49-53, 1871-94 .American almanac and repositorj' of useful knowledge. Boston. C. HI. J. N. 1-32. 1830-61II American almanac, year book, cyclopedia and atlas. (Hearst's Chicago .Ameri- can.) Chicago." HI. N. i, 1893+ .American ancestry. (Hughes.) .Albany. C. N. i. 1887-f ; III. i-ii, 1887-98 .American annual of photography and photographic times almanac. N. Y. J. I, 1887+ ; C. 7. 1893+ ; N. 4-10. 1890-96 American antiquarian and oriental journal. Chicago. C. F. J. N. U. I, 1878+ ; HI. 1-8. 1878-86 .American .Antiquarian Society, Worcester. Proceedings. X. IT. I, T812+; C. [1-9]. 11+. 1812+ ; HI. 1813+: F. II. 1898+ American .Anti-Slayery Society. See Emancipator. .American architect .nnd building news. Boston. International edition. C. N. i, 1876+ ; .At. J. 67, 1900+ .American art annual. N. Y. .At. C. N. I. 1898+ American art reyiew. Boston. At. C. 1-2. 1880-81 American .Association for the .Adyancement of Science. Proceedings. .Ay. C F. J. U. I. 1848-I-: Nw. 1-4. 64-, 1848+: HI 17-34. 1868-S5: W. 21-35, 1872-86; N. [21-34!. 1872-85; .A. 29-43, 1880-94 .American .Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Circular of information. J. i. i89i4- Report of the proceedings of the summer meeting. J. i, 2, 4. 5. 1891-96 .Sec also Association review. .American author. (Society of .American .Authors.) Dobbs Ferr\', N. Y. N. I, 1001 + American Baptist Home Mission Society. N. V. .Annual report. C. 64. 1896-+- .Amer'can Bapti.st year book. Phila. LI. 1868-72. 74. 75, 95+; C. 1901 + American Bar .Association. Reports of annual meetincs A. I. 1878+ : C. 5, 6. !9+, 18824- .American blacksmith. Buffalo. L. i, 1002-+- .American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston. Sermons at annual meeting. N. [15-83!. 864-, 18244- ; C. 78. 1887-f- American book-prices current. N. Y. C. E. J. N. LI. I. 1895+ ; HI. 1896-97. 99. 1901-f American Mtanical register. Washington. J. 1-3. 1825-30!! American botanist. Binghamton. J. i. 1901-f- .American T^rewing .Academy, Chicago. .Annals of the alumni. C. i, looi-r Proceedings of the anniversary reiuiion of the alumni. C. 10. looi-f- American building association news. Chicago. C. y. 11 no. 7-15. 17-+-. 1892-f- American Bureau of Geography. Winona, Minn. Bulletin. Continued in Totir- nal of geography. F. J. 1-2, 1900-01 R American Catholic historical researches. Phila. C. [1-4I. 5+. 1888+ : HI. 16. T0+. 1899+ (■■^) LIST OF SERIALS American Catholic Historical Society, Phila. Quarterly bulletin. N. V. I no. 1-4, 1892II Records. N. i, 1884+ ; HI. 2, 5+, 1886+ American Ceramic Society, Columbus, O. Transactions. J. i, 1899+ American Chemical Society, N. Y. Journal. Easton, Pa. J. I, 1879+ ; A. 12, 1890-I- ; U. 18, 1896+ ; L. 19, 1897+ See also Review of American chemrical research. American church almanac. N. Y. C. ']2, 1902+ American Climatological Association, Phila, Transactions. J. I, 1884+ ; N. 10-13, 16+, 1893+ American Clydesdale stud book. (American Clydesdale Association.) Spring- field, 111. U. I, 1882+ American colonial tracts. Rochester. (Publication suspended.) C. N. 1-18. 1897-98 American Colonization Society, Washington. See Liberia. American Dermatological Association, N. Y. Transactions. N. 1-4, 6+, 1878+ American Dialect Society, Norwood, Mass. See Dialect notes. American druggist and Pharmaceutical record. N. Y. Vols. 1-12 have the title New remedies. N. i, 1871 + American ecclesiastical review. See Ecclesiastical review. American Economic Association, N. Y. Economic studies. C. H. J. N. Nw. U. 1-4, 1896-99II American education. Albany. U. i, 1897+ American electric and automobile patents monthly. Washington. J. i, 1902+ Amcrican electrician. N. Y. J. i, 1889+ ; A. W. 4, 1893+ ; C. 13, 1901 + American Electrochemical Society, Phila. Transactions. J. W. i, 1902+ American electro-therapeutic and X-ray era. Chicago. J. N. i, 1901 + American engineer. Chicago. HI. 1-22, 1880-91; C. 3-23, 1 882-92 II ; W. 3-14, 17-20, 1882-90; J. 13-17, 1887-89. American engineer and railroad journal. N. Y. J. 1-2, 61-63, 66+, 1832+ ; C. 61, 1887+ ; A. 69, 1895+ ; U. 72, 1898+ ; W. 75, 1902+ American Entomological Society, Phila. Continues Entomological Society of Philadelphia. Transactions. J. i, 1867+ American entomologist. St. Louis; New York. J. 1-3, 1868-80II American farmer magazine. Chicago. C. i, 1897+ American federationist. New York ; Washington. J. I. 1894+ ; U. 5. 1898+ ; C. 7, 1900+ ; Nw. v. 9 no. 6, 1902+ American field. Chicago; New York. Continues Field and Stream and Chicago field. HI. 3-6, 12-35, 1875-91; C. y7- 1892+ American Forestry Association. Proceedings. C. 7-8. 10-12, 1891-97II ; J. 10-12, 1894-97II See also Forestry and irrigation. American Free Trade League, Boston. [Tariflf-trust] articles. N. i, 1901 + [TariflF-trustl letters. N. i, 1899+ See also Free trade almanac; — Free trader bulletin. American Galloway herd book. (American Galloway Breeders' Association.) Independence, Mo. U. i, 1883+ American gardening. N. Y. J. n. s. 22, 1901 + American Gas Light Association, N. Y. Proceedings. J. i, 1873+ American gaslight journal. N. Y. J. 60. 1894+ ; Nw. 70, 1899+ ; A. 74, 1901 + American Geographical Society, N. Y. Bulletin. (Formerly Journal.) J. I, 1859+; U. 3-6. 8+. 1872+ ; HI. 14, 1882+ ; W. 28, 1887+ ; F. 2,^. 1900+ : N. [1-24], 1859-92 American gynaecological and obstetrical journal. N. Y. N. 1-19. 1891-1901II American gynecology. N. Y. N. i, 1902+ American Hebrew Congregations. See Union of American Hebrew Congrega- tions. American heraldic journal. Columbus, O. N. i. 1901 + American herd-book. See American short-horn herd-book. Buffalo. American Hereford record and Hereford herd book. (American Hereford Cat- tle Breeders' Association.) Columbia, Mo. U. i, 1885+ American Historical Association, Washington. Annual report. HI. N. U. 1889+ ; C. 1890+ ; W. 1890, 97+ ; J. 1894+ (4) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Papers. Continued in Annual report. A. C. N. U. 1-5, 1886-91 II American historical magazine. Nashville. N. U. i, 1896+ ; HI. 7, 1902+ American historical review. N. Y. A. C. R. G. N Nw. U. I, 1895+ ; HI. L. 2. 1896+ American history leaflets : colonial and constitutional. N. Y. N. Nw. U. I. 1892+ American Home Finding Association, Chicago. See Our homes and our home- less. American homeopathist. N. Y. N. 2-6, 13+, 1878+ American homoeopathic review. N. Y. N. 1-6, i838-f)6ll American Institute of Architects, Washington. Proceedings of annual conven- tions. At. i-io, 13+. 1867+ ; C. hi; I, 19+. 1867+ ; N. 23, 1889+ ; U. 32. 1898+ Quarterly bulletin. C. J. N. U. 1, 1900+ .-Vmerican Institute of Electrical Engineers. N. Y. Transactions. A. J. W. I, 1884+ ; C. 1-2, 5-7. 1884-9U American Institute of lloma;opalhy, Phila. rransactions. N. 1869. 72-82, 86-91. 93+; F. 1898+ American Institute of Mining Engineers. N. Y. Transactions. C J. Nw. U. W. I, 1871+ ; F. 16. 1887+ American Institute of the City of New York. Annual report. (Transactions.) C. 1843, 47-51, 54, 59-60, 62-63. 67-72; J. 3, 5-32, 1843-72; HI. 1846-49. 51-54. 56-68 American inventor. Washington. J. 10, 1902+ American Irish Historical Society. Journal. Boston. N. 2, 1899+ Recorder. Boston. N. i, 1901-f American Iron and Steel Association, Phila. Bulletin. J. 29, 1895 -f; U. 14-28. 1R8094 American jeweler. Chicago. HI. 11, 1891-f ; J. 18. 1898-f American Jewish Historical Society, Baltimore. Publications. HI. N. I, 1893+ American Jewish yearbook. Phila. C. J. 3, 1901 + American journal and advertisers' index. Phila. J. 1-3, 1872-74 -American journal of anatomy. Baltimore. J. N. U. i, 1901-}- American journal of concholog>'. Philadelphia. Ay. J. 1-7. 1865-72II American journal of dental science. Phila. N. 1839-1900II American journal of dermatology and genito-urinary diseases. St. Louis. N. 1-2, 1897-98 American journal of education. Hartford. C. J. 1-32. 1855-82II; U. 1-26. 1855-76: N. i-io. 1855-61 .American journal of education and college review. N. Y. H. U. 1-3. 1855-57 American journal of nursing. Phila. N. i, 1900+ American journal of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. N. Y. N. I, 1868-I- American journal of ophthalmology. St. Louis. N. i. 1884+ American iournal of pharmacv. (Philadelphia College of Pharmacv.) Phila. N. 7. 18.^5+ : F. [51-59I, 66-f. 1879+ ; J. 7.1. 1901+ : U. |i6-57l. 1850-85 American journal of science. (Silliman.) New Haven. A. F. J. Nw. U. I. i8i8-f : N. I — s. 3 v. 34. 41, 43+, i8i8-f ; C. [i — s.2v. 50I. s. 3 v. s+. 1818+ ; Ay. 1822, 46-f , W. s. 4 v. i, 1806-f : L. s. 4 v. 3, 1897-f ; HI. 1-5. 9-21. 25-26, 1818-34; H. n. s. 35-42. iSC\7,-C^ American journal of surgery and gj'necology. St. Louis. N. 8-15. 1895-1902 .American journal of theolog>-. (University of Chicago.") Chicago. C. G. H. U. I. 1897+ : N. 2. 1898 -f American journalist. Phila. J. 1-3, 1S72-74 American jurist and law magazine. Boston. I'. 1-2S. 1829-43 .American kitchen maga/ine. Sec Home science magazine, with Motherhood. American lancet. Detroit. N. 2-3, 6, 9 — .s. 3 v. 19. 1867-95 American law magazine. Phila. U. \ 6. 1843-46 American law record. Cincinnati. U. I-15, 1872-87 American lawn tennis. See Golf and lawn tennis. American Library .Association. Publishing board. Printed catalog cards for articles in current periodicals and .society publications. C. J. N. 1898-f- American literan,' gazette and publishers' circular. Phila. Continued in Pub- lishers' weekly. C. J. i 18. 1863-72; N. i-io. 1863-69 (6) LIST OF SERIALS American lumberman. Chicago. Continues Northwestern lumberman and Timberman. HI. J. U. i. 1899+ ; W. 1901 + American machinist. N. Y. J. I, 1877+ ; A. 3. 1880+ ; C. W. 12, 1889+ ; L. 20, 1897+ ; Nw. 25, 1902+ American magazine of civics. N. Y. C. I — V. 9, no. 6, 1892-97II ; N. 4 — v. 9 no. 6. 1894-97II American manual of values. (McLean & Co.) N. Y. J. 1902+ American Medical Association, Chicago. Journal. N. i, 1883+ ; U. 30. 1898+ American medical compend. Attica, Toledo. N. 4-8, 10-17, 1889-igoi American medical quarterly. N. Y. N. i, 1900 American medical review. N. Y. N. 1-2, 1895-96 American Medical Temperance Association, Battle Creek. Mich. Bulletin. N. 2-6, 8, 1 894- 1 90 1 American medical times. N. Y. N. i — s. 4 v. 9, 1843-64II American medicine. Phila. N. i, 1901 + American Medico- Psychological Association. Proceedings. N. U. 2. 1895+ ; C. 2. 5+, 1895+ American medico-surgical bulletin. N. Y. Continued as Merck's archives of the materia medica and its uses. N. 1-12, 1888-98II American Microscopical Society. Continues American Society of Microscopists. Proceedings. See Transactions. Transactions. J. i, 1878+ ; N. [1-15]. 1878-92 American miller. Chicago. J. 25, 1897+ ; W. 1901 + American mines annual. N. Y. C. J. i, 1901 + American monthly magazine. Washington. C. 6. 1895+ ; E. N. 13, 1898+ American monthly magazine and critical review. N. Y. N. 1-4. 1817-19; C. 1-3, 1817-18 American monthly microscopical journal. Washington. C. 1-15, 1880-94; N. 1-8, 14-17, 1880-96; F. 9, 1888+ ; J. 18, 1897+ ; Nw. 7-20, 1887-99 American Museum of Natural History, N. Y. American Museum journal. F. J. I, 1900+ Annual report. Ay. 1870+ ; F. [1879-95], 96+ ; J. 5-10, 13, 24+, 1873+ Guide leaflet. Supplement to American Museum journal. J. i, 1901 + Memoirs. Ay. J. i, 1893+ Memoirs, anthropology. F. i, 1898+ American naturalist. Philadelphia; Boston. C. F. J. Nw. I. 1867+ ; Ay. 1-22, 35H-, 1867+ ; N. [1-19], 22+, 1867+ ; U. 28, 1894+ ; E. 5-32, 1871-98 American newspaper annual. (Ayer's.) Phila. C. 1881, 84. 88, 97, 99-H ; N. 1884. 93, 94, 96, 1900+ ; J. 1897+ American notes and queries. Phila. Continued in Searcher. C. I — V. 9 no. 10, 1888-92; N. 1-7, 1888-91 American Numismatic and Archaeological Society. N. Y. Proceedings and papers. F. [1882-93], 94+; N. 40, 1897+ American observer. Detroit. N. 1-21, 1864-85 II American ornithology for the home and school. Worcester, Mass. J. i, 1901 + American Park and Outdoor Art Association. Proceedings. Boston ; Roches- ter. N. Y. J. N. I. 1897+ Report. See Proceedings. American Pediatric Society. Transactions. N. 1-2. 8-13. 1888-1901 American Pharmaceutical Association, Philadelphia ; Boston. Proceedings. J. 1-7. 9+, 1852+ ; N. 1-4, 6-40. 42+, 1852+ ; U. 15-39, 1867-91 American Philosophical Society, Phila. Proceedings. Ay. U. 1838+; J. 2, 1841+; HI. 14, 1875-I-; N. 15. 1876+ ; F. 32. 1893+ Transactions. J. I. 1768+; U. I. 2, n. s. 7+. 1768+ ; C. 1-6, n. s. i. 1768-1818 American phonetic journal. Cincinnati. HI. i. 1855 American physical education review. Boston; Brooklyn. J. i, 1896+ American physician. N. Y. N. 2-6, 13-28, 1878-1902 American pioneer. Cincinnati. C. HI. N. 1-2, 1842-43 American Presbyterian and theological review. N. Y. Continued as American Presbyterian review. C. H. N. 1-6, 1863-68II ; E. 1-4, 6. 1863-68II American printer. N. Y. Continues Printer and bookmaker. J. I, 1885+ ; N. II, 1890+ ; HI. 24, 1897+ (6) SUPPLEMENT 1903 American Public Health Association. See also Lomb prize essays. Papers and reports. N. 1-4, 6, 20- -'3. -'5+. 1^73+ ; N\v. 2, 8+, 1874+ ; J- 1-17, 1873-91 ; HI. 5-19, 1879-93 American quarterly, continuing Poet-lore. Boston. C. N. I. 1889+ ; U. 5. 1893+ ; L. 9, 1897+ ; A. 6-11, 1894-99 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association, Chicago. Proceedings of the .Vninial Convention. J. i, 1900+ American register or general repository. Phila. N. 1-7, 1806-10; C. 1-3. 1806-07 American remembrancer. Phila. U. 1-3, 1795-96 American repertory of arts, sciences and manufactures. N. Y. C. 1-4, 1840-42 American review and literary journal. N. Y. C. 1-2, i8oi-02 American School for Oriental Study and Research in Palestine, Jerusalem. An- luial report. 1 In American journal of archaeologv, s. 2.) Nnr\vo')fi, M;i>;>^. At. C. H. L. N. Nw. U. I, 1900+ American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Annual report. Continued in American journal of archaeology, s. 2. 1897+. C. 1-3, 16+, 1881+; N. i,4+, i88i + Bulletin. N. i. 1883+ American School of Classical Studies in Rome. .Annual report. (In American ;..,!rnnl of archa-olc.cy, >. J, 1897 + .) .At. C. 11. L. N. Nw. U. I, 1895 + American Shetland Club stud book. (American Shetland Pony Club.) Colum- bia, Mo. U. I, 1893+ American short-horn herd-book. (Allen.) Buffalo. Ml. 2-20, 22-33, 1855-88 American short-horn herd-book. (American Shorthorn Breeders' Association.) Chicago. U. 2-4, 6-8, 14-31. 33+- 1877+ American short-horn record. Frankfort, Ky. HI. i-io, 1869-82 American Shropshire sheep record. (.American Shropshire Registry Association.) Springfield. 111. U. i. 1889+ American socialist. Oneida. HI. 1-6. 1876-79 American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour in the United States. Annual report. HI. 2-26, 34-68, 1819-85 American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, Phila. See Uni- versity extension bulletin, Phila. American Society of Church History, N. Y. Papers. Continued as Church His- tory Section of the .American Historical Association. N. 1-8, 1888-97II American Society of Civil Engineers, N. Y. Proceedings. J. \V. I. 1873+ ; C. 1-20. 1873-94 Transactions. C. J. W. I, 1867-f- : U. 23-32. 35+. 1890-f ; A. 31, 1894-f ; Ay. 3710, 1874-81 American Society of Microscopists, Indianapolis. See American Microscopical Society. .American Southdown record. (American Southdown Association.) Springfield, 111. U. I, 1884+ American Statistical Association, Boston. Publications. C. H. J. N. Nw. U. n. s. i. 1888+ American Street Railway Association. Chicago. Verbatim report of annual mcetini,', W. I. 1882-I- ; J. i. 3+, 1882+; C. IQ. IQOO-I- American Sunday School Union, Chicago. John Crerar Fund. .Annual report. N. I. 1804+ American Simday School I^iion. Phila. See Sunday school journal and advo- cate of Christian education. American swine and poultry journal. Cedar Rapids, la. HI. 1-3. 1874-75 American telephone journal. Chicago. VV. 1896+ American Temperance Society, Boston. Annual report. C. i, 2. 4-9. 1827-36 AnuTicaii Tract Society. N Y. See Christian almanac. American Unitarian Association, Boston. See also Unitarian year-book. .American university maea/ine. Omitted from original list ; holder not known ; not taken by C. J. N. U. .American weekly. Chicago. Continues Christian century H. 2. 1902-I- ; N.* American weekly mercury. (Colonial Society of Pennsylvania.) Phila. HI. 1-2. 1719-21 Ames. See Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. .Amherst. See Mas^.Tchusctts .Agricultural College; — Massachusetts State Ag- ricultural Experiment Station. (7) LIST OF SERIALS Amoenitates academicse, seu dissertationes varise physicse, medicse, botanicae, antehac seorsini editae, nunc coUecta: et auctae. Leyden; Stockholm N. U. 1-6, 1749-63 Analecta Bollandiana. Brucsels. U. i, 1882+ Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Proceedings. Sup- plement to Journal of anatomy and physiology. J. N. 1896+ Anatomische Gesellschaft, Jena. Verhandlungen. J. 2, 3. 5-9, ii-f. i888-h; N. 13, 1899+ ; U. 3-10, 1889-96 Ancestor, a quarterly review of county and family history, heraldry and an- tiquities. London. ' N. i, 1902+ Anecdota Oxoniensia. Oxford, Eng. Aryan series. N. i, 1881 + Classical series. N. i, 1882+ Mediaeval and modern series. N. i, 1882+ Semitic series. N. i, i882-f- Anglia. Zeitschrift fiir englische Philologie. Halle. N. U. I, 1878+ ; L. 19, 1896+ ; Nw. 26, 1903+ Anglo-American times. London. HI. Oct., 1865-Oct.. 1868 Anglo Sacsun. Boston. N. 1-2, 1847-48 Anglo-Saxon review. London. C. N. i-io. 1899-1901II Animals' defender. Boston. Nw. 6, 1901-+- Ann Arhor. See also Technic ; — University of Michigan. Anna. See Illinois Southern Hospital for the Insane. Annaes de sciencias naturaes. Oporto. J. 4-6. 1897-1900II Annalen der Naturphilosophie. Leipzig. J. U. i. 1902+ Annalen der Physik. (Gren, Gilbert, Poggendorff. Wiedemann.) Leipzig. J. N. I, 1799+ ; Nw. n. s. i. 1877+ ; U. 1-47, 49 — "• s. 33, 36+, I799+ ; A. n. s. 57, 1896+ ; L. n. s. 60, 1897-I- ; C. 148 — n. s. 14. 1873-81 Beiblatter. J. N. U. i. 1877+ ; Nw. 15, 1891 + Annalen fiir Gevverbe und Bauwesen. Berlin. Supplement. See Literaturblatt zu Glasers Annalen fiir Gewerbe und Bauwesen. Annales de geographic. Paris. J. 2, 1892+ ; C. 5. 1896+ Annales de la chirurgie frangaise et etrangere. Paris. N. 1-15, 1841-45II Annales de malacologie. Paris. J. 1-2, 1870-86 Annales de micrographie. Paris. U. 2, 4. 6-10, 1889-98II Annales de psychiatric et d'hypnologie. Paris. See Revue de psychiatric, Paris. Annales de psychologic zoologique. Paris. J. no. 1-2, 190T-02II Annales des chemins de fer et tramways. Paris. J. i, 1899+ Annales des mines. Lois, decrets. Paris. J. I, 1816-I- ; U. s. 5 V. 1-9, s. 9 V. 13+, 1852+ ; F. s. 9 v. 5, 1896+ Annales des ponts et chaussees. Paris. Lois, decrets. etc. J. I, 1831+ ; W. 1879, 1902+ Memoires et documents. J. i, 1831+; W. 1871, 79+ Annales du commerce exterieur. (France. Ministere du commerce, de I'indus- trie. des postes et des telegraphes.) Paris. J. 1897+ Annales du Musee et de I'ficole moderne des beaux-arts (Landon). Paris. N. 1808 — s. 2. 1815 Annales du Service des antiquites de I'Egypt. Cairo. U. i, 1899+ Annales politiques et litteraires. Paris. N. 10, 1892-I- ; Nw. 20, 1902+ Supplement. See Veillee. Annals and magazine of natural historv. London. J. I. 1838+ ; U. T-s.'6 V. 4, 13+. 1838+ ; F. s 7 v. i. 1898+ Annals of anatomy and physiology. Edinburgh. N. 1-3, 1850-53] | Annals of anatomy and surgery. Brooklyn. N. 1-8, 1878-83II Annals of Iowa. (Iowa, Historical Department.) HI. s. I V. 3-6; s. 3 V. 1+. 1865-I- ; N. U. s. 3 v. i, 1893+ ; Nw. s. 3 v. i no. 6, 1895+ Annals of ophthalmology. St. Louis. N. i, 1892+ Annals of ophthalmology and otolog^^ See Annals of ophthalmology. Annals of otology, rhinology and laryngology. See Annals of ophthalmology. Annals of science. Cleveland. HI. 1-2, 1852-54; J. i. 1852-53 Annee biologique. Paris. J. \J. i. 1895-!- Annee coloniale. Paris. J. i, 1899+ Annee epigraphique. Paris. U. 1888+ Annee philosophique. (F. Pillon.) Paris. C. U. i. iSqo-f- : J. 10. 1899+ Annee psychologique. Paris. C. J. U. i, 1894+ (8) SUPPLKMKXT 1903 Annee scientifique et industrielle. Paris. J. I. 1856+ ; C. 1-23, 25+, 1856+ ; U. 1-34. 1856-90 Annee sociologique. Paris. J. N\v. U. i, 1896+ Annotationes zoologies Japonenses. Tokyo. J. i. 1897+ : U. 3. 1899+ Annuairc-almanach. Paris. C. 65, 84, 100, loi, 103+, 1862+ Annuaire commercial et iiuUistriel de la savonnerie el de la parfiimene. Paris. J. does not have. Annuaire de lindustric frangaise et dii commerce d'exportation. Paris. N. 5. 7+, 1894+ Annuaire de la lihrairie francjaisc. Paris. J. i, 1894+ ; N. 8, 1001 + Annuaire des bibliotheques & dcs archives. Paris. J. i. 1886+ Annuaire des journaux. (Le Soudier.) Paris. J. 1891+; N\v. 1897+ ; N. 1889-92. 94 .\nnual Canadian catalogue of books. Toronto. J. N. i, 1896 Annual literary index. (Fletcher and Bowker.) N. V. Continues the Coop- erative index to periodicals. A. C. E. F. H. J. L. N. Nw. U. i, 1892+ Annual of scientific discovery. Boston. J. 1850-71II ; HI. 1-15. 1850-66; N. [i855-7i]ll Annual of the universal medical sciences. See also Satellite of the Annual of the universal medical sciences. Annual register. London. C. N. U. I. 1758+ ; J. 1897+ ; A. 1758-1899 ; HI. 1774-86 Annuario della stanipa italiana e della libreria. Milan. J. 4, 1898 Annuario statistico italiano. See Italy. Ministero di agricultura, industria e conmiercio. Dirczione generale della statistica. Anthony's photographic bulletin. N. Y. J. 2-4. 6-8, 28-33, 1871-1902II Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London. Sec also Man. Antiquarian and Historical Society of Illinois. Proceedings [and Addresses]. Edwardsville, Vandalia. HI. 1-2, 1827-28 Anton von Kerpely's Berichi iiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten-Technik. Leip- zig. ' J. 33, 1896+ Anuario Pillado. Buenos Ayres. J. 1900+ Anzeiger fiir deutsches Altertum und deutschc Littcratur. See Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Altertum und deutsche Litteratur (Beilage). .-\nzeiger fiir indogermanischc Sprach- und .•Mtertumskunde. Strasburg. See Indogermanische Fnrschungen (Beiblatt). Anzeiger iiberzahliger Eiscnbahn-Giiter und Gepackstiicke. Beilage zum Vcrein deutscher Eisenbahn-\'er\valtungen, Zeitung. I»erlin. J. 1897+ Apotheker-Zeitung. Berlin. J. J6, 1901 + Ajipeal to reason. Girard, Kan. J. 1903+ Appleton's annual cvclopsedia. N. Y. F. N. Nw.' U. I. 1861+; A. C. E. J. n. s. i. 1876+ : L. n. s. i. 1806+ •Applied arts book. Worcester, Mass. At. i, 1902+ .\rabian Mission. N. Y. Missionary letters and news. N. no. ID, 1894+ ; Nw. no. 37, !00i + .Arbeiter-Zeitung. St. Louis. J. 1903+ Archseologia Cantiana. (Kent Archjeological Society.) Maidstone. N. I. 1858+ Archsological Institute of America. Annual report. Continued in .American journal of archseology. s. 2 1897+. N. I, 1879-f : U. 10. 1880+ : C. 1-15, 1879-94; F. 2-4. 6-1 1. 1881-Q0: J. f7-r61, 1885-05; HI. 10-17, 1889-96 Papers. American series. N. I. 1881+: U. 2. 1883+ ; C. 1-4. 1881-92; HI. 3-5. 1890-92 See aNo .-Vmerican School of Classical Sftulics at .Athens. Archa?ological journal. (Royal Arch.Tological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.) London. C. N. i. 1844-I- .Archaenlogical review. London. Continued in Folk-lore. N. 1-4. 1883-00II Arche Club. Chicago (Manual.) N. 1894-5. 1896-7, 1898+; C. 1899+ Architects' and builders' magazine. N. Y. C. J. W. i. 1899+ Architectural reord. X. \. C. i. 1892+ ; E. J. 6, 1896+ ; At. 12. 1002+ .•\rcliitectural reprint. Washington. J. i, iooi4- .Architecturc aux salons. Paris. N. 18964- .Architektonische Rundschau. Stuttgart. C. l-io. 1885-94; J. 11. 1895+ Architektur des XX. Jahrhundcrts. Berlin. C. T. i. TO01 + (0) LIST OF SERIALS Archiv der Insectengeschichte. Zurich. J. i-8, 1781-86!! Archiv der Pharmazie. (Deutscher Apotheker-Verein.) Berlin. U. 3-8, 55-226, 1822-88; J. 239, 1901 + Archiv for mathematik og naturvidenskab. Christiania. J. i, 1876+ Archiv fiir Ruchbiiiderei und verwandte Geschaftszweige. Halle. J. I, 1901 + Archiv fiir Eisenbahnwesen. Berlin. J. I, 1878+ ; U. 4, 1881+; N. 13, 1890+ ; W. 19, 1896+ Archiv fiir Gesetzgebiuig und Statistik. (Austria. Kaiserlich-konigliches Han- delsministerium.) Vienna. Continued as Oesterreichisches wirthschaftspolit- isches Archiv. J. 49-92, 1897-1900!! Archiv fiir Handelsschule und Kontor. Beilage zur Zeitschrift fiir das gesammte kaufmannische Unterrichtswesen. Brunswick. J. i, 1900+ Archiv fiir Hygiene. Munich, Leipzig. J. N. i, 1883+ ; U. 15, 1892+ Archiv fiir Literatur und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters. Freiburg. N. U. I, 1885+ Archiv fiir Ohrenkunde. Wiirzburg, Leipzig. N. i, 1864+ ; U. 1-43, 1864-97 Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Leipzig. U. i, 1900+ Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde. Stuttgart. Continued as Archiv der Heil- kunde. N. i — s. 2 v. 3, 1842-59II Archiv fur practische Geologie. Vienna, Freiberg. J. 1-2, 1880-95!! Aichiv fiir Protistenkunde. Jena. J. U. I, 1902+ Archiv fiir Unfallheilkunde, Gewerbehygiene und Gewerbekrankheiten. Stutt- gart. J. 1-3. 1896-1901!! Archives commerciales a I'usage des consuls. Paris. N. 16. 1899+ Archives de I'electricite. Supplement a la Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Geneva. J. 1-5, 1841-45I! Archives de medecine navale et coloniale. Paris. N. 19-55. 58-63, 70-76, 1873-1900 Archives de parasitologic. Paris. U. i, 1898+ Archives de tocologie et de gynecologie. Paris. N. 1-23, 1874-96II Archives des missions scientifiques et litteraire's. Paris. Continued in Nou- velles archives. J. I — s. 3 V. 15, 1849-89II ; U. s. I V. 1-6, s. 2 V. I — s. 3 V. 15, 1849-89!! Archives diplomatiques. Paris. LT. I — s. 2 v. 68, 1861-98; N. I — s. 2 V. 44, 1861-92 Archives generales de medecine. Paris. N. I. 1823+ ; U. [s. 4 V. 4 — s. 6 V. 14], 1844-69 Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie. Ghent. U. i, 1895+ Archives of medicine. N. Y. N. 1-12. 1879-84IJ Archives .of neurology and psycho-pathology. Utica, N. Y. U. I — v. 3 no. 3, 1899-1900!! Archives provinciales de chirtirgie. Paris. N. 9, 1900+ Archivio glottologico italiano. Rome. N. U. i, 1873+ Archivio per I'antropologiia e la etnologia. (Societa italiana di antropologia, etnologia e psicologia comparata.) Florence. J. I, 1871+; N. 21, 1891+; U. 22, 1892+ ; F. 28, 1898+ Archivio per la zoologia, I'anatomia e la fisiologia. Genoa, Modena, Bologna. J. I — s. 2 v. T, 1861-69 Archivio per le scienze mediche. Turin. N. i, 1876-7711 Arena. Boston; N. Y. C. J. N. U. I, i889-f; E. 1-T9, 1889-98; H. 15-26, 1895-1901 Argentine Republic. Oficina meteorologica argentina. Cordova. Buenos Ayres. Anales. See also Cordova, Observatorio nacional argentino. Ay. J. I, 1878+ ; U. 1-3. 1878-82 Argosy. London. C. N. 1-75. 1865-1901II Argosy and the Junior Munsey. N. Y. C. 26, 1897+ ; E. 39. 1902+ Argus and rough-hewer. Albany. HI. i, 1841 Arizona. See University of Arizona. Arkansas. Geological Survey. Annual report. F. J. Nw. 1888+ ; N. 5, 1900+ Arkansas State Medical Society, Little Rock. Journal. N. i, 3-6. 8, 1890-97 Arkitektur och dekorativ konst. Stockholm. J. i, 190T + Armonr engineering journal. (Armour Institute of Technology.) Chicago. J. I, 1903+ Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago. Year book. N. 1896+ ; J. 1898+ Army and navy journal. N. Y. N. 1-2, 33+, 1863+ ; C. II, 17+. 1873+ ; J. 36, 1898+ Arnold's magazine of the fine arts. London. N. i-s. 3 v. i. 3-4. 1831-34 (10) sri'PLF.MENT 1903 Around the world. Boston. Nw. i, 1901 + Art amateur. N. Y. At. 3-4. 10. II. 14+. 1880+ ; N. 27, 1892+ ; C. 28, 1892+ ; E. Zi, 1895+ ; J- 36, 1897+ ; A. 29-42, 1893-1900. Art and decoration N. Y. Continues .Xrt education. J. 1-7, 1894-1901II; L. y-j, 1896-1901II; U. 5-7, 1898-1901II Art and letters. London. At. C. N. i-8. 1888-89 Art annual. London. N. 1886+ Art decoratif. Paris. At. 3, 1900+ ; J. v. 4 nn. 47, 1902+ Art education. N. Y. See Art and decoration. Art et decoration. Paris. N. i, 1897+ ; .'\t. 7, 1900+ .•\rt Institute, Chicago. Annual report. N. 4. 9+, 1883+ ; 111. 9. 11-13. 15 + . 1888+ ; C. 10-14, 16+. 1889+ Catalog of the annual exhibition of American oil paintings. N. 1-4. 7+, 1888+ ; C. 3. 4. 7+, i890-f Catalog of the annual exhibition of water colors and pastels by American artists. C. 3-9. 11+, 1891+; N. 4. 7, 9+. 1892+ Circular of instruction. N. 1892-96, 99+ Art journal. London. N. I. 1839+ ; C. s. 2 V. I. 1849+ : At. 1887+ ; J. 1899+ : U. [1849-77] ; HI. 1849-74 Art pour tons. Paris. C. i, 1861+ ; At. 1891 + Art review. N. Y. At. 1-2, 1886-7 .\rt, revue niensuelle illustree. Paris. N. I, 1875+ ; C. [i-s. 2 V. 3l. 1875-94; At. [24-53], 1881-92 Art sales of the year. (Slater.) London. C. i, 1901 + Art study. N. Y. J. i, 1901 + Art workers' quarterly. London. C. I, 1902+ Artist. London. C. 22 — n. s. i no. 3. i898-i902!l ; J. 24 — n. s. i no. 3, 1899-1902II Arts for America. Chicago. Continues .Arts. .\t. 2 — V. 9 no. 3. 1^3-190011 ; A. 3 — V. 9 no. 3, 1894-1900II ; C. N. 4 — v. 9 no. 3, 189^-190011 Asa Gray bulletin. N. Y. F. 4, 1896+ ; Ay. 5, 1897+ Asiatic Society of Japan, Yokohama. Transactions. N. I, 1874+ ; J. 22. 1894+ ; Ay. 1895+ .A.ssembly herald. (Presbyterian church.) N. Y. Continues Church at home and abroad. H. Nw. i, 1899+ -Association amicale des ingenieurs-electriciens, Office de renseignemeiits tech- niques, Paris. See Expose-sommaire des revues ou articles rediges, en langues frangaise et etrangeres, et des brevets pris dans difFerents pays sur I'electricite et les questions qui s'y rattachent. Bibliographic. Association beige des chimistes, Brussels. Bulletin. J. i, 1887+ Association catholique. Revue des questions .sociales & ouvrieres. Paris. J. 43. 1897+ ; U. 39-51. 1895-1901 Association des ingenieurs sortis des ecoles speciales de Gand. .\nnales. J. 20, 1896+ ; W. 1902+ Association of .American Anatomists, Washington. Proceedings. N. 1-3. 5+. 1888+ ; F. 51. 1893 + Association of American Medical Colleges, Easton, Pa. Proceedings. See Trans- actions. Transactions. C. N. 1, 1898+ ; J. 1900+ Association of Dominion Land Surveyors, Ottawa. Report of proceedings. W. 4. 1887+ ; J. 5-8. 1888-91 Association of Engineering Societies. Phila. Journal. J. W. I. 1881 4- : A. 18, 1807+ : F. 28. 1902+ The Journal contains the proceedings and papers of the following socie- ties: .Association of Engineers of Virginia, 1895-96; Boston Society of Civil Engineers, i88i-f ; Civil Engineers' Club of Cleveland. i88i-f-; Civil Ensrineers' Gub of St. Paul, 1885+ : Denver Society of Civil Engi- neers. 1S07: Detroit Engineering Society, 1897+ ; Engineers' Club of Kansas City. 1887-93; Engineers' Club of Minneapolis. 1885+; Engi- neers' Club of St. Louis, 1881+; Engineers' Society of Western New York. 1808+ ; Louisiana Engineering Society, i8o84- ; Montana Society of Civil Engineers, iS884- ; Technical Society of the Pacific Coast. 1805+ ; Western Society of Engineers. 1881-05; Wisconsin Polytechnic Society, 1892-93. (11) LIST OF SERIALS Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble- Minded Persons, Phila. Proceedings. N. i-io, 1876-86; U. 1887-92 Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, Carlisle, Pa. Journal. N. 2-4, 7, 10+, 1892+ Association of Officials of Bureaus of Labor Statistics of America. Proceedings of the annual convention. N. 17, 1901 + Association of Ontario Land Surveyor.s, Toronto. Proceedings. W. i, 1893+ Association review. (American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf.) Phila. J. i, 1899+ ; C. 2, 1900+ Association technique maritime, Paris. Bulletin. ' J- n, 1900+ Associazione tipografico-libraria italiana, Milan. See Bibliografia italiana. Astronomical papers prepared for the use of the American ephemeris and nautical almanac. See U. S. A., Navy Department, Nautical Almanac Office. Astronomische Abhandlungen. Ergiinzungshefte zu den Astronomischen Nach- richten. J. i. 1901 + Astronomische Gesellschaft, Leipzig. See also Astronomische Abhandlungen; — Astronomische Nachrichten. Astronomische Nachrichten. (Astronomische Gesellschaft, Leipzig.) Altona; Kiel. J. I. 1823+ ; U. [2-122], 138+, 1824+ ; Nw. 65-84, 95+. 1865 + Ephemeriden-Circular. J. i, 1901 + Ergiinzungshefte. See Astronomische Abhandlungen. Atelier des Photographen. Halle. Beiblatt. See Photographische Chronik. Athena, syngramma periodikon tes en Athenais epistemonikes hetaireias Athens. U. i, 1889+ : N. i, 3-8, 1889-96 Athenaium. London. J. I, 1828+ ; N. 1-77, 81+, 1828+ ; U. 6, 1833+ ; C. 1834+ ; H. 1884+ ; Nw. 1883. 85+; L. 1898+ ; HI. [1833-61]; A. 1890-1900 Athens. See also British School at Athens. Atlanta medical and surgical journal. Continued in Atlanta journal-record of medicine. N. 7, 11 — s. 3 v. 16, 186(3-991! Atlantic educational journal. Richmond. J. L^. 5, 1902+ Atlantic medical weekly. Providence. N. i-io, 1893-98 Atlantic monthly. Boston. A. C. E. N. Nw. U. I, 1837+ ; H. 3-40. 53+. 1859+ ; J- L. 79, 1897+ ; HI. 1-69, 73-75, 1857-95 Atlantic reporter. St. Paul. U. i, 1885+ Auburn, Ala. See Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College. Augustana College and Theological Seminar^', Rock Island. Augustana library publications. J. 1-2. 1898-1900 Ausgaben und Abhandlungen auf dem Gebiete der romanischen Philolosie. (Stengel.) Marburg. N. i, 1881 + Auskunftsbuch fiir die chemische Industrie. Wittenberg. J. t, 1902+ Austin. See University of Texas. Austin Flint medical journal. Mason City, la. N. 1-2, 1900-01II Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports. Ay. J. I. 1885+ Australian jurist. Melbourne. U. 1-5. 1871-75 Australian mining standard, electrical record and financial review. Melbourne, Sydney. U. 13, 1898+, J. 20. 1901 + Austria. Kaiserlich-koenigliches Ackerbauministerium. Bergwerks-Inspection in Osterreich. Berichte der kaiserlich-koeniglichen Bergbehorden iibcr ihre Thatigkeit. " J. i. 1892+ Statistisches Jahrbuch. J. 1896+ — ■ — Kaiserlich-koenigliches Eisenbahn-Ministerium. Statistiches Departement. Hauptergebnisse der osterreichischen Eisenbahn-Statistik. Continued as Statistik der . . . Locomotiv-Eisenbahnen. J. 1896-97!! Statistik der in den im Reichsrathe vertretcnen Konigreichen und Land- ern im Betriebe gcstandenen Locomotiv-Eisenbahnen. J. i. 1898+ - Kaiserlich-koenigliches Finanzministerium. Mittheilungcn. U. I, 1895+ ; J. 7, 1901 + -Kaiserlich-koenigliches Handelsministerium. Arbeitsstatistisches Amt. Mit- theilungcn. J. I. 1900+ Jahresberichte der Consulats-Behorden. J. 25-28, 1897-1900I! Monats- und Quartalsberichte der kaiserlichen und koenielichen tister- reichisch-ungarischen Consular-Aemter. J. 17, 1902+ (12) SUPPLEMENT 1U()3 Statistisches Department. Xachrichten iiber Industrie, Handel inid Ver- kehr. J. 64, 1897+ Statistik des auswartigen Handels des osterreichisch-ungarischen Zollgebiets. J. i, 1894+ Statistische Uebersichten belretlend den auswartigen Handel des oster- reichisch-ungarischen Zollgebiets. J. 64, 1897 + Zwischenverkehrsstatistisches Amt. Monatliche Xachwcisc des Zwischen- verkehres zwischeii den ini Reichsrallic vertretencn Konigreichen und Limd- ern uiul tleii Landern dor ungarischen Krone. J. 1902+ - Kaiserlich-koenigliches hyilrographisches Central-Bureau. Hydrographischer Dienst in Osterreich. Beitriige zur Hydrographie Osterreichs. J. i, 1896+ - Kaiserlich-koenigliches militar-geograpisches Institut in Wien. Astro- nomisch-gcodatische Arbeiten. ( Publicationen fiir die intcrnationalc Erd- messung.) J. i, 1871 + - Kaiserlich-koenigliches Patentann. Illuslrirtes osterreichisch-ungarisches Patentblatt. J. 19-21, 1896-98II Oesterreichisches Patentblatt. J. i, 1899+ Austria. See also Archiv fiir Gesetzgebung und Statistik; — Kaiserlich-koenig- liche geologische Reichsanstalt ; — Oesterreichisches wirthschaftspolitisches Archiv; — Sociale Rundschau. Author. Boston. C. 1-3, 1889-93II Author. London. N. i, 1890+ ; C. 9. 1898+ Authors' Club. N. V. Manual. N. 1894+ Author's yearbook. N. Y. J. i, 1902 Automobile review and automobile news. Chicago. F. 4, 1901 + ; J. 6. 1902+ Automobile topics. N. Y. HI. 1902+ ; A.* Automobilen-Industrie. Supplement to Technik. Berlin. Continued in Zeit- schrift fiir Automobilen-Industrie und Motorenbau. J. 1899-1900II Automotor and horseless vehicle journal. See Automotor journal. Automotor journal. London. J. 2, 1897+ ; W.* Babylonian & oriental record. London. U. I — v. 9 no. 3, 1886-1901 Bacteriological world. Columbia, Mo. N. i. 1891II Baer & co.. Joseph. Frankfort-on-the-Main. See Frankfurter Biicherfreund. Bakers' helper. Chicago. J. 17, 1903+ Balance and Columbian repository. Hudson, N. Y. HI. i, 1802 Baltimore. Park Commission. Annual report. Nw. 21-32, 35+, 1880+ Baltimore. See also Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland. Bankers' .Association of the State of Illinois. Proceedings of the annual meet- ing. Springfield. N. i, 1891+; J. 6. 1896+ Bankers' directory and collection guide. New York. J. 1896 Bankers encyclopedia. Chicago. J. 7, 1901 + Bankers', insurance managers' and agents' magazine. London. C. U I. 1844+ ; N. 1-60. 1844-96; Nw. 67. 1899+ : J. 1-70. 7i-\-, 1844+ Bankers' monthly. See Rand-McNally bankers' monthly. Banner of gold. Chicago. C. 1-16. 1892-1901II; J. Nw. i-io. 1892-96; U. 1-6. 1892-94; HI. N. 3-10. 1893-96 Baptist home mission monthly. (American baptist home missionary society.) U. 2-12, IS+. 1880+; H. II, 1889+ Easel. Spital zu Basel. Jahresbericht dcr medicinische .\btheilung. N. 1871-72. 74 Jahresbericht uber die chirurgische Abteilung und die chirurgischc Poli- klinik. N. 1871-95, 97-98 Bauinterresscnt. Supplement to Wiener Bauindustrie-Zeitung. Vienna. J. 14. 1896+ Baumeister. Berlin. N. i, 1902+ Bavaria. Kocnigliches Staatsministerium des Tnnern. .Abtheilung fiir Land- wirtlischaft, Gewerbe und Handel. Jahresl>crichte der knniglich bayerischcn Fabriken-und Gcwerbe-Inspektoren dann den koniglich-bayerischen Berpl>e- horden. Munich. J. 1897+ Statistisches Bureau. General-Bericht iiber die Sanitats-Verwaltimg im Konigreiche Baycrn. J. 28, 1806+ Bayerischc \\'irtgratia cspanola. Madrid. Bibliografia historyi Polskiej. (Finkel.) Bibliografia italiana. Milan. Biblii>grafo espanol e cstrancrero. espafiol por Dionisio Hidalgo. Bibliographe moderne. Paris P>il'lii>graphcr. N. V. Bibliographia anatomica. Zurich. Bibliographia bibliographica. Brussels. (Card index.) Bibliographia biolitgica-microscopica. Zurich. (Card index.) Bibliographia mcdica. Paris. J. N. Bibliographia physiologica. Paris. J. i. 1893+ ; N. n Bibliographia sociologica. Brussels. U. 3, 1899II N. I, 1899+ N. 1, 1901 + N. I. 1891 + N. I — n. s. 2, 1835-46 as Bolctin bibliografico N. 1-3. 1857-59II C. J. N. I, 1897+ U. J. J. J. U. s. J. J. N. Bibliographia zoologica. Diario Zoologischer Anzeiger adnexa. Leipzig. 1902+ 1897 + 1897+ 1902+ 1900+ I, 1897+ 5. 1895II Bibliographical Society, London Transactions. J. I, 1898+ I. 1902+ ■31, 1897-1901II und Univor- J. J. U. T. 1896+ ; N. 4, 1899+ Illustrated monographs. J. N. I, 1894+ ; C. 7. i9tx)+ C. J. N. I, 1892+ Bibliographical Society of Chicago. Year book. C. J. N. U. i, 1899+ Bibliographie anatomiquc. Paris. J. i, 1893+ Bibliographic der dcutschcn naturwissenschaftlichcn Litteratur. Jena. J. I. 1901 + Bibliographie der deutschen Rezensionen niit Rinschluss von Referaten und Selbstanzeigen. Supplement zur Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitsschiftcn- Litteratur. Leipzig. C. J. H. N. Nvv. U. i, 1900+ Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur. Leipzig. C. H. J. N. Nw. U. I. 1896+ Supplement band. See Bibliographic der deutschen Rezensionen. See also Woechentliches Verzeichnis der Aufzatze. Bibliographic des questions sociales et economiques. Paris. Bibliographic scientifique frangaise. Paris. Bibliographic und litterarische Chronik der Schweiz. Basel. J. 27 Bibliographischer ^^onat.sbericht uber neu erschienene Schul- sitatsschriften. Leipzig. U. 3, 1891+; J. 9. 1897+ Bibliographisches Bulletin der Schweiz. (Schweizerische Landesbibliothek.) Berne. J. i. 1901 + Bibliography of books reviewed in leading periodicals. Bloomington, Tnd. E. J. N. U. I. 1902+ Bibliotcca nacional, Buenos .'Kyres. Anales. J. i. 1900+ Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Bollettino delle publicazioni italiane ricevute per diritto di stampa. Ay. C. N. i. 1886+ ; J 16. 1901 + Bibliotheca geographica. (Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde.) Berlin. C. J. N. I. 1891 + Bibliotheca historico-naturalis, physico-chemica et mathematica. Gottingen LT. 1-9. 14-29. 1851-79: N Bibliotheca nacional, Rio de Janeiro. ,\nnaes. Bibliotheca oriontalis. Leipzig. N. Bibliotheca philologica classica. Berlin. Bibliotheca zoologica. IL Leipzig. Continues Bibliotheca zoologica. T. F. J. N. U I. Bibliothek der nngelsachsischen Prosa. Cassel. U. i, Bibliothek fiir Socialwisscnschaft. Leipzig. L^. I, Bibliothcque de bibliographies critiques. (Societe des etudes historiqucs.) J'- Bibliothcque franqaise dti moyen age. Paris. N. i. Bibliothcque nationale. Paris. Catalogue general des livrcs imprimes J. N. U. I. Bibliothcque photographique. Formulaire-classeur du Photo-club de Paris J. I, 1892+ (l->) :^5-^7. 1885-87II X. i;. 1S87+ U. 1-8. N. U. I, 1876-83 1874+ 1861 + 1872+ 1805+ Paris. 1899+ T8R1 + 1897+ LIST OF SERIALS Bibliotheque universelle de Geneve. Supplement. See Archives de I'electricite. Bildungs-Verein. Berlin. Beiblatt. See Volks-Bibliothek. Biltmore botanical studies. J. i, 1901 + Biochemisches Centralblatt. Berlin. J. i, 1902+ Biographische Blatter; Jahrbuch fiir lebensgeschichtliche Kunst und Forschung. Berlin. Continued as Biographisches Jahrbuch und deutscher Nekrolog. N. 1-2, 1895-96II Biological bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Boston. J. U. i, 1899+ Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings. C F. J. I, 1880+ ; Ay, 3, 1884+ ; U. 11, 1897+ Biometrika. Cambridge, Eng. J. U. I. 1901 + Birds and nature in natural colors. Chicago. Ay. C. E. F. J. i, 1897+ Black diamond. Chicago. F. 17, 1895+ Blaetter fiir Volksl)il)liotheken und Lesehallen. Beiblatt zum Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Leipzig. C. J. N. Nw. i, 1900+ Blakely sun and Alabama advertiser. HI. v. i no. 1-47, 1818-19 Bloomfield, N. J. See New Jersey Association for the Study of Children and Youths. Bloomiiigton, 111. See Illinois Natural History Society; — McLean County His- torical Society. Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory. Milton, Mass. Bulletin. Continued in Harvard University, Astronomical Observatory Annals. J. 1-7, 1898-1900II Board of trade journal of tariff and trade notices. See Great Britain, Board of trade. Bohemia. Statistisches Landesamt. Mittheilungen. Deutsche Ausgabe. J. I. 1899+ Bologna. See also Collegiio degli architetti e degli ingegneri ; — Institute delle scienze ed arti liberali. Bonner Beitrilge zur Anglistik. U. i. 1898+ Book buyer. N. Y. J. 1-9, 1867-76; C. 9, n. s. i+, 1875+ ; Nw. n. s. i, 1884+ ; A. U. n. s. 11. 1894+ ; E. n. s. 1-9, 20+, 1884+ Book reviews. N. Y. Nw. 1-9, 1893-1901II; N. U. 2-9, 1894-1901II; Ay. C. J. L. 4-9, 1 896-1901 II ; G. H. 5-9, 1897-1901II Book-lover. San Francisco; N. Y. C. N. i, 1899+ Bookman. N. Y. A. C. E. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1895+ ; H. 4-1 1, 1896-1900 Bookseller. Chicago. J. v. 5 no. 2, 1900+ ; HI. 7. 1902+ Bookseller. London. C. N. 1858+ ; A. 1898+ ; J. 1901 + Bordeaux. See also Universite de Bordeaux. Boston, Mass. Executive Department. Annual report. J. 1890, 92+ Public Library. Annual list of new and important books. C. F. J. N. U. 1896+ Annual report of the trustees. J. I, 1852+ ; C. 2, 1853+ ; N. [1-41I, 43+. 1852+ ; U. 16. 1868+ ; Nw. 4-18. 20-26, 28+, 1856+ ; F. 44, 1896+ ; L. 46, 1897+ Bibliographies of special subiects. N. i, 1883+ Monthly bulletin. C. J. N. "Nw. U. i, 1896+ ; L. 3, 1898+ ; F. 5, 1906+ Superintendent. Monthly report. J. 39-81. 1873-77 Record Commissioners. Report. N. i, 1876+ ; C. [i-n]. 1876-84 Statistics Department. Monthly bulletin. J. Nw. i, 1899+ Special publications. J. i, 1898+ Transit Commission. Annual report. J. N. Nw. W. i. 1895+ Boston. Mass. See also American Free Trade League ; — American Temperance Society; — Colonial Society of Massachusetts; — Hills Family Genealogical and Historical Association. Boston architectural club. Year book. J. 1902+ Boston almanac and business directory. N. 5-34, 1840-69; HI. [1840-72]; U. [21-35], 39. 1856-74 Boston daily advertiser. Hi. 2, 1813-79 Boston evening transcript. HI. v. i no. i, 1830; N. Mar., 1864-Dec. 65 [Genealogical column.] N. 1898+ Boston journal of commerce. U. 49, 1897+ ; W. 55, 1902+ Boston medical and surgical journal. N. i, 1828+ ; U. 146. 1902-t- Boston Society of Medical Sciences. See Journal of medical research. (IG) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Boston Society of Natural History. Occasional papers. J. I. 1869+ ; Ay. 1873+ Proceedings. F. J. U. 1. 1841+ ; N\v. 9, 18O5+ ; Ay. 1870+ Boston spectator. HI. i, 1814 Bostoniaii Society. Proceedings N. 2. 1883+ ; C. 5. 14, 15, 17+, 1886+ Botanicai gazette. Crawford.sv ille. Rlooniington, Ind., Cliicago. C. F. J. N\v. 1. 1875+ ; U. II. 18S6+; N. 5. 17-21. 1880-96 Botanisches Ccntralblatt. Cassel. J. N\v. U. I, 1880+ ; N. 1-42. 49+, 1880+ Beihefte. J. N\v. U. i. 1891 + Botanisches Museum, Hamburg. Mitteilungen. J. i, 1892+ Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Association of Alumni. Obituary record of graduates. N. s. 2, 1890+ ; J. s. 3 v. i, 1899+ Bradshaw's railway manual. London. J. 29-36, 50+, 1877+ Brains. N. Y. See Retailer and advertiser. Brazil. Miiiisterio das rela(;oes cxteriores. Relatorios consulares, serie annual. N. I, 1900+ Brazil-medico; revista semanal dc niedicena e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro. N. 7-13, 15. 1893-if^i Breeders' gazette. Chicago. HI. i-io, 1881-86; C. 15-16, 18+, 1889+ Bremen. Gesundheit.srath. Jahresbericht. N. 1-5, 1872-78 Brennerei-Berufsgenossenschaft. Berlin. Jahrbuch. J. i, 1901 + Breslau. See also Koeniglichc Universitat. Brick. Chicago. J. i, 1894+ ; F. 2, 1895+; Ay. 12. 1900+ ; A. 16. 1902+ Bristol medico-chirurgical journal. (Bristol Mcdico-Chirurgical Society.) N. 1, 1883+ British almanac and companion. London. C. N. 1, 1828+ ; Nw. 1900+ ; HI. 1829-32, 34-64, 77-79 British and foreign medico-chirurgical review. (American reprint.) N. Y. N. i-io, 12-21. 23-24, 27, 51-54, 60. 1848-7711 British Archaeological Association, London. Journal N. 1. 1845+ British Association for the Advancement of Science, London. Report. C. J. \w. U. I, 1831+ ; F. 1-62, 67+, 1831+ ; A. i^i, 1831-92; N. [46-59], 63+. 1876; Ay. 1883-92 British .Association of Gas Managers. See Incorporated Gas Institute. British Association, of Water Works Engineers. London and New York. Trans- actions. W. I, 1896-1- British Fire Prevention Committee. London. (Publications.) C. J. i. 1898+ British journal of nursing. London. N. 20, 1898+ British journal of photography. London. Supplement. See Lantern. British medical journal. London. N. 1873 (v. 2) + ; C. [1873-781,80+; U. 1901 + British Museum, London. Catalogue of printed books, accessions. C. N. n. s. I, 1880+ ; J. n. s. 130. 1885+ British School at Athens. .Annual. London. LI. i, i894-|- British weekly. London. N. 19, 1896+ ; H. 1000+ ; U. 27. 1900+ Brochure series of architectural illustration. Boston. At. \. I, 1895+ ; C. J. 2, 1896+ ; E. 4. 1898+ Brockton. Mass. Public Library. Quarterly Bulletin. J. i, 1899+ Brooklyn. Board of Education. Superintendent of Public Instruction. .Annual report. J. 29-31, 33-39, 42, 1883-96 Department of City Works. .Annual report. J \Sj2-7'i. 77-93, 96 Department of Heahh. Report. X. 1873-78, 83-85. 93-94 Public Library and Pratt Institute. Co-operative bulletin. C. 1, 1902+ Brooklyn daily eagle almanac. J. 1-13, 1886-98 Brooklyn Engineers' Club. Proceedings. J. W. i, 1897+ Brooklyn Entomological Society. See Entomologica .Americana. Brooklyn Institute of .Arts and Sciences. Museum. Science bulletin. J. I, 1901 + Brotherhood of Boiler Makers. Kansas City. Journal. U. does not have Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Cleveland, O. Journal. J. 1-7. [I.V34]. .15+. 1867+ ; U. .u. 1808+ Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen's magazine. Peoria. J. ,^2. 1002+ Brown LTniversity. Providence. Historical Seminary. Papers. N. LT. 1, 1894+ Brussels. Observatoire royal. Annuaire astronomique. U. 1-56, 1834-89; Nw. 47-54, 188087: J. 1901 + (17) LIST OF SERIALS Annuaire meteorologique. J. 1901 + Brussels. See also Societe beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d'hydrologie. Bryologist. Brooklyn. J. i. i8g8+ Budapest. Statisztikai hivatal. Budapest szekes lovaros statisztikai hivatalanak kozlemenyei. Nemet forditas. Publicationen des statistischen Bureaus der Haupt- und Residenzstadt P)udapcst. Berlin. J. 30, 1900+ Buenos Ayres. See also Biblioteca nacional. Buffalo. Department of health. Monthly report. J. 1-3, v. 5 no. 8+, 1893+ Park Commissioners. Annual report. Nw. 28, 31+, 1898+ Buffalo Historical Society. Annual report and Proceedings. HI. 1885-92, 94+; N. 1887+ ; C. 1885-94 Publications. HI. N. i, 1879+ Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin. Ay. F. J. i, 1873+ Builder. St. Louis. J. 10, 1903+ Bukharest. See Societe des Sciences de Bucarest. Bukowina. Statistisches Amt. Mittheilungen. J. i, 1892+ P>ullctin aholitionniste. Geneva. J. n. s. i, 1902+ Bulletin consulaire frangais. See France, Ministere du commerce, de I'industrie et des colonies, Direction du commerce exterieur. Bulletin de geographic historique et descriptive. (France, Ministere de I'instruc- tion publique, des beaux-arts et des cultes.) Paris. J. i, 1886+ Bulletin des cours et conferences. Paris. J. i, 1894-95II Bulletin du bibliophile et du bibliothecaire. Paris. N. i, 1834+ ; J. 18^98+ Bulletin medical. Paris. N. 1-2, 4, 7+, 1887+ Bulletin mensuel de la librairie frangaise. Paris. N. 35, 1893+ Bulletin missionnaire. Lausanne. See Mission romande au sud de I'Afrique. Bulletin of bibliography. Boston. C. E. H. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1897+ Bulletin of pharmacy. Detroit. F. ID. 1896+ ; J. 16, 1902+ ; N. 2-3, 6. 1888-92 Bulletins of American paleontology, Ithaca. F. i, 1895+ ; U. 1-2. 4+, 1895+ Bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Rome. Continued as Nnovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. N. 1-29. 1863-94!!; U. [1-25], 1863-89 Bunker Hill Monument Association, Boston. Proceedings. HI. 1861-91, 93+: C. [1862-91], 94+; N. [1862-97] Bureau of American Republics. See International Bureau of the American Re- publics. Bureau of Economic Research, N. Y. Quarterly bulletin. J. i, 1900II Bureau of Justice, Chicago. (A private society.) Annual report. N. 1-9. 1888-96: J. 5, 1898+ Burke, Sir John Bernard. A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage. London. N. 1855. 74. 88, 95. 1900 ; C. 1883, 89, 92, 97 ; Nw. 1900 Business. N. Y. See Business world. Business world. N. Y. J. 18, 1898+ Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain. See Harvard University. Caen. See Academic nationale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres ; — Societe linne- enne de Normandie. Cairo. See also Institut frangais d'archeologie orientale. California. Board of Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. Nw. 1886-92II; J. [1884-92] li '- Biennial report. Nw. 1892+ ; J. 1892-96 Bureau of Labor Statistics. Biennial report. J. 5. 7+, 1891 + Insurance Commissioners. Report. Nw. 4, 14-18, 21, 23-26, 28-29, 31-33, 1871 + State Board of Prison Directors. Report. Nw. 3-15. 1882-1896 State Library. Quarterly bulletin. j. i, 1899+ Special bulletin. J. i, 1899+ State Mining Bureau. Biennial report of the state mineralogist. Av. 1886+ ; W. 1886-06 Bulletin. J. 1-3, 21-22, 25+, 1888+ California. See also Library Association of California. California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. Proceedings. Ay. I, 1854+ ; J. 1-2, 4+, 1854+ ; F. U. s. 2 v. i, 1888+ California Agricultural Experiment Station. See University of California. California bankers' magazine. San Francisco. N. 1-17 no. 4. 1890-98 (IS) SUPPLEMENT 1903 California Historic-Genealogical Society, San PVancisco. Publication. N. I, 1900+ California socialist. San Francisco. J. i, 1902+ California State Agricultural Society. Transactions. Sacranu-nto. J. [1861-1900.J Cambrian Institute, Tenljv, Wales. See Cambrian journal. Cambrian journal. London. N. i-n. s. 7, 1854-65II Cambridge, Mass. Public Library. Cambridge Public Library bulletin. J. I. 1896+ Cambridge miscellany of mathematics, physics, and astronomy. Boston. J. 4. 1843II Cambridge (Eng.) Philological Society Proceedings. X. 1. 1882+ ; U. y. 1 — y. 3 pt. 3 Transactions. N. U. 1872+ Cambridge (Eng.) Philosophical Society. Proceedings. U. 1-5, i84.v8<) Transactions. J. i. 1822+ Cambridge (Eng.) review; a journal of university life and thought. N. i, 1879+ Camden Society, London. Publications. [Revived as] 3d series. N. U. 1, 1900+ Camera Club of New York. Proceedings. See Camera notes. Camera notes and Proceedings of the Camera Club of Ne\y York. J. i, 1897+ Camera %vork. N. Y. J. i, 1903+ Canada. Department of .\griculture. Census Office. Fourth Census of Canada. Bulletin. J. 2, 1902+ Statistical year-book. U. 2, 1886+ : N. 6, 1890+; J. 2-8, 13+. 1886+ Department of Labour. See Labour gazette. Ottawa. Department of Marine and Fisheries. List of lights and fog-signals. N. 1898+ Geological Survey. Annual report. Nw. 1866+ ; U. n. s. i. 1885+ ; J. n. s. i. 7+. 1885+; F. 1843-66. 76-84. 85-93; Ay. 1884+ Catalogue of Canadian plants. Nw. i, 1883+ ; F. Ay. 1-6, 1883-92 Contributions to Canadian palaeontology. Ay. Nw. i, 1885+ Parliament. House of Commons. Journals. N. 1867-88 Legislative Assembly. Journals. N. 1841-66 Legislative Council. Journals. N. 1841-66 Sessional papers. See Parliament. Sessional papers. Librarj'. .\nnual supplement to the catalogue. N. 1890+ Senate. Journals. N. 1867-88 Sessional papers. N. 1852-88 Report on Canadian archives. Ottawa. N. 1873-74, 81+ ; C. Hi. i88i-f-; E. 1882-90. 92+ Canada lancet. Toronto. N. 3-4, 7+, 1870-I- Canada law journal. Toronto. U. i. 1855+ Canada medical and surgical journal. Montreal. See Montreal medical journal. Canada medical journal and monthly record of medical and surgical science. Montreal. N. i, 1852-53II Canadian engineer. Toronto. J. v. 2 no. 9. 1895 + Canadian entomologist. (Entomological Society of Ontario.) London. Ont. J. 1-29. 31-I-. 1869+ ; Ay. 1871 + Canadian Institute. Toronto. Proceedings. V. J. i, 1879+ ; Ay. 1900+ Transactions. F. J. i, 1889+ ; Ay. igoo-h Canadian journal of medicine and surgery. Toronto. N. 1-6, 8-10, 1897-1901 Canadian law times. Toronto. V. i, 1881 + Canadian magazine of politics, science, art and literature. Toronto. C. N. I. 1893+ Canadian Mining Institute, Ottawa. Continues Federated Canadian Mining Institute. Journal. \V. 1-2, 4. 1898-1901 Canadian mining manual and mining companies' yearbook. Ottawa. C. 8, 1898+ Canadian mining review. Ottawa. J. 17. 1898+ ; W. 20, 1901 + Canadian naturalist an' geologist. Montreal. Continued in Ginadian record of science. -Xy. 1857-65: J. 18. 1857-63; N. n. s. 1-4. 1864-69 Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, Montreal. Transactions. J. W. i. 1887-!- Canadiaii yearbook. Toronto. C. 1900-f- ; N. 1901+; J. 5. 1902+ Cap and gown. (University of Chicago.) N. i, 1895 Cape of Good Hope. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Observa- tions. J. I, 1841-46 (10) LIST OF SEEIALS Royal Observatory. Results of meridian observations. Nw. 1856, 57, 59. 71-76, 79+; J. 1861-65. 79+ Cape Town. See South African Philosophical Society. Car interchange manual. Cleveland. J. 1901 + Carbondale. See Southern Illinois State Normal University. Carlisle, Pa. See Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Carlsruhe. Grossherzogliche Sternwarte. Veroffentlichungen. J. Nw. 1-5, 1884-96II See also Heidelberg. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Bulletin. J. 5, 1900+ Carpentry and building. N. Y. J. 1-13. 20+, 1879+ ; A. 19, 1897+ ; C. 20, 1898-I- Cassier's magazine. N. Y. J. I, 1891+; C. 5, 1893+ ; A. W. 6, 1894+ ; L. 11, 1896+ ; E. 13. 1897+ ; U. 15. 1898+ ; Nw. 21, 1901 + Catalogue annuel de la librairie frangaise. (Reinwald.) Paris. N. i-ii, 1858-68 Catalogue general de la librairie frangaise. (Lorenz; Jordell.) Paris. C. J. N. Nw. 1840+ Catalogue of scientific papers. (Royal Society of London.) Ay. C. J. N. U. I, 1862+ Catalogue tarif a prix forts et nets des journaux, revues et publications perio- (liques parus a Paris. See Annuaire des journaux. Catholic director}', almanac and clergy list. Milwaukee. C. 6, 14, 15+, 1891+; N. 12, 1897+ Catholic directory, ecclesiastical register and almanac. London. C. 52, 53, 55. 65+. 1889+ ; N. 1889. 93. 95+ Catholic University of America, Washington. Bulletin. F. N. i, 1895 + Catholic world. N. Y. C. N. S. i. 1865+ ; U. 72, 1901 + Caxton magazine. London. Continued in Caxton magazine and the press. J. 1-3 (nos. 1-16), 1901-02!! Caxton magazine and the press. London. J. 4, 1902+ Cayuga County Historical Society, Auburn. Collections. N. r-ii, 1879-94; HI. 3-11, 1884-94 Cedar Rapids, la. See Freemasons, Grand lodge of Iowa ; — Iowa Masonic Library. Cellule. Lierre, etc. U. i, 1884+ ; J. 12, 1897+ Cement. N. Y. J. W. i, 1900+ Cement & engineering news. Chicago. W. 10, 1901 + Ccment and slate. Allentown, Pa. J. i. 1900+ Centralblatt. See also Zentralblatt. Centralblatt fiir Accumulatoren-, Elementen- und Accumobilen-Kunde. Halle a. S. J. I. 1900+ Centralblatt fiir Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgeschichte. See Internation- ales Centralblatt fiir Anthropologic und verwandte Wissenschaften. Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Leipzig. Beiblatt. See Blaetter fiir Volks- bililiotheken und Lesehallen. Centralblatt fiir die gesamte Therapie. Vienna. N. 21, 1903+ Centralblatt fiir die Grenzgebiete der Medizin und Chirurgie. Jena. N. i, 1897+ Centralblatt fiir die Krankheiten der Harn-und Sexual-Organe. Leipzig. N. i; 1889+ Centralblatt fiir Kinderheilkunde. Leipzig. N. i, 1896+ Centralblatt fiir klinische Medizin. See Zentralblatt fiir innere Aledizin. Centralblatt fiir Mincralogie. Geologic und Palaeontologie. Stuttgart. (Sup- plement to Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie.) F. J. U. i. 1900+ ; Nw. 1901 + Centralblatt fiir Stoffwcchsel-und Vcrdauungs-Krankheiten. Gottingen. N. I, 1900+ Centralblatt fiir Volksbildungswesen. See Zentralblatt fiir Volksbildungswesen. Centralstelle fiir Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungcn, Berlin. Schriften. J. U. I. 1892+ See also Concordia ; — Zeitschrift fiir das Armenwesen. Centralstelle fiir Vorbereitung von Handelsvertragen. Berlin. Schriften. T. U. I. 1808+ Century. N. Y. HI. 1-2, 1858-60; C. n. s. i. March-Sepi., i860 Century illustrated monthlv magazine. N. Y. New series of Scribner's monthlv. A. At. C. E. H. J. N.'Nw. U. i. 1881+ ; L. 7. 1884+ ; HI. 1-47. 49-50, 1881-95 Cesky katalog bibliograficky za rok. Prague. N. 1889+ ; C. 1889-93 (20) SUPPLEMENT I'JOa Ceskv lid, sbornik venovany studiu liilii ceskeho y Cechach. na Morave, etc Prague. U. i, 1892+ Chambre de commerce, Lyons. Laboratoire d'etudes de la soie. Rapport. J. 3, 1886+ Chap-book. Chicago. C. N. 1-9 no. 4, 1894-98II ; HI. 1-5. 1894-96 Charities. X. V. (Charitv Organization Society of the City of New York.) H. I. 1897+ ; C. J.'N. Nw. 6,'i90i+; U. 7. iQOi-f [Leaflets]. N. [1-69], 1882-97 Charities review. (Charity Organization Society of the City of New York.) Continued in Charities. C. J. N. U. i-io. 1891-1901II; H. 3-J0. 1893-1901II ; Nw. 4-10. 1894-1901II Charity Organization Society, N. Y. Annual report. See also Charities review ; —Charities. ' N. 2, 1884+ ; U. 1897+ Charleston, 111. See Eastern Illinois State Normal School. Charleston. S. C. Year book. N. 1880+ "Chat." Chicago. J. 2 — y. 5 no. 5, 1900-02II Chaucer Society. London. Publications. N. U. i. 1868+ ; C. s. 2 y. i, 1868+ Chautauquan. (Chatauqua Literary and Scientific Circle.) Meadville; Cleve- land. C. 11. J. N. Nw. I, 1880+ ; U. 4. 1883+ ; E. 14, 1891+; G. 25, 1897+ Chemical Society, London. Journal. J. N. U' I. 1847+ ; A. 50. 66, 79+. 1889+ ; L. 71. 1897+ : Nw. ■]■], 1900+ Chemiker-Kalender. Berlin. J. 21, 1900+ Chemisch-technisches Repertorium. Berlin. J. 35-40. 1896-1901II Cheniische Zoitsohrift. Leipzig. J. U. I, 1901-+- Chemist ; or, Reporter of chemical discoveries and improvements. London. J. I — s, 3 V. 5, 1840-58; U. 1-5, 184044 Cherokee phoenix. New Echota, L T. HI. 1-4, 1828-34 Chester See Illinois, Southern Illinois Penitentiary; — Illinois Asylum for Insane Criminals. Chicago. .Xnnual reports of the various departments. C. 1880-89. 92-96II; J. 1881-96II ;Nw. 1884. 86-96II; HI. 1880-88. 91. 92; N. 1885-06' : W. 1884-92. 96II Board of Education. .Annual report. HI. 1-41, 45+, 1854+ ; c. I, 3-16. 18-41, 4.^+. i8^4+; J- 6. 1859+ ; u. 13. iS+. 1&S7+; N. [5-16]. 18-i-. 1859+ ; Nw. [8-18]. 19+. '862+ Chicago Board of Education bulletin. J. N. i. 1902+ Municipal studies. J. i, 1901 + Proceedings. C. J. 1871+; N. 1871. n, 75+; HI. 1867-93; U. T871-75. 88-93 Board of Health. Continued as Department of Health. Report. N. 1867-75II; HI. 1867-69 Board of Police. See also General Superintendent of Police. HI. 1869-70 Board of Public Works. Annual report. Continued as Chicago. Depart- ment of Public Works. 111. C. J. N. 1-15, 1862-75:!; W. 4-15. 1865-75:': N^v. [6-15I. 1867-75!! City Council. .Appropriation ordinance. J. 1901 + Proceedings. J. 1861-f : C. 1864+ : U. 1870+ : N. 1874-77. 79+; Nw. i87r-72. 87+; HI. 1858-61, [65-95] ; W. 1880-95 City Marshall. See General Superintendent of Police. Civil Service Commission. .Annual report. J. X. i. 1896-f Commissioners of Lincoln Park. Annual report. Nw. 1879+ ; HI. [1879-97]; .1 27. 1894+ Department of Electricity. .Annual report. J. 4. looo-l- Department of Finance. .Annual statement. N. 20. 22-25. 28-42. 44+. 1876+ ; J. 31. 3.V39. 41-42, 44+. 1887+ ; HI. 14, 1869-70 Departmental and comptroller's estimates. N. 1001 + DepartMutit of Health. P.iennial report. J. 1867-77. 81-85. 87 -f ; N. 1876+ Monthly btilletin. N. i8o6-f : J. Nov. 1897+ State of Chicago's health. Bulletin of the Health Department. 1-44 published only in the Chicago record-herald. J. N. 45, 1902+ Department of Public Works. Annual report. C. I. X. W. I. 1876+ ; U. 2, 1877+ ; Nw. 1, 4. 12+. 1876+ ; HI. [1-20], 23-f. 1876+ (21) LIST OF SERIALS - Fire Department. Report. HI. 1869-70 -General Superintendent of Police. Report to Common Council. (No report printed for 1873.) HI. 1872-78; N. 1885 + - House of Correction. Annual reports of the Inspectors. HI. [i]-i3, 1872-84; X. [3-11], 14+, 1874+ - Municipal Library and Bureau of Statistics. City of Chicago statistics. HI. J. N. Nw. I, 1901 + Special bullclm. C. J. N. i, 1901 + - Public Library. Finding lists and bulletins. C. F. J. L. N. U. i, 1887+ Report. C. J. N. Nw. U. i. 1873+ ; E. 22. 1894+ ; HI. [i-i81, 29+; 1873+ -Reform School. Board of Guardians. Annual report. 111. 1-16, 1855-62 Superintendent. See Board of Guardians. South Park Commissioners. Report. Nw. I, 1871-76, 79+; HI. I, 1871-90; J. 1872, 73-76, T]^; W. 1873-79. 82+ Superintendent of Schools. See Board of Education. West Chicago Park Commissioners. Annual report. Nw. 1-27, 31+, 1870+ ; HI. 1-9, 14. 1870-83; J. 1-4, 6-15, 18+, 1870+ Chicago. See also American Academy of Railway Surgeons; — American Brew- dng Academy ; — American Medical Association ; — American Home Finding Association ; — American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association ; — American Sunday School Union ; — Armour Institute of Technology; — City Missionary Society; — Civil Engineers' Cluh of the North- west; — Cook County Hospital: — Deutsch-amerikanische historische Gesell- schaft von Illinois; — Holland Society; — Home of the Friendless; — Hyde Park Protective Association; — Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; — Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society; — Illinois Humane Society; — Illi- nois Industrial Home for the Blind; — Illinois Masonic Home for the Aged; — International Folk-Lore Association ; — Jewish Charity Association ; — John Crerar Library; — Lewis Institute; — Newberry Library; — Patent Law Asso- ciation ; — Women's Christian Temperance Union. Chicago Academy of Sciences. Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulle- tin. Ay. E. F. HI. J. L. N. Nw. i, 1896+ Special publications. C. J. N. i, 1902+ — -Transactions. HI. J. Nw. i, 1867-69 Chicago alliance. See Alliance. Chicago American. HI. 1-7, 1835-42II ; N. 1839-42II See also Daily Chicago American. Chicago American. (Hearst.) See American almanac, year book, cyclopedia and atlas. Chicago Architects' Business Association. See Handbook for architects and builders. Chicago architectural annual. (Chicago Architectural Club.) J. 7, 1894+ Chicago Architectural Club. Catalogue of exhibitions. J. N. 7, 9+, 1894+ ; C. 10. 12+. 1897+ See also Chicago architectural annual. Chicago Astronomical Society. Report [including Report of the Director of the Dearborn Observatory]. HI. N. 1880-86, 90; Nw. 1880-86 Chicago Board of Trade. Annual report. C. 1-6. 14+, 1858+ ; N. 2-4, 6-9, 11+. 1859+ ; J. Nw. W. 14, 1871+; HI. 1-6, 14-38, 1871-95 Chicago chronicle. C. HI. 1895+ Chicago citizen. HI. 2, 1883+ Chicago Citizens' Association. Bulletin. J. 2, 1901 + Chicago Civic Federation. Annual report. J. i, 7+. 1894+ Chicago daily journal. N. 1844+ ; C. 1873+ ; HI. 1844-53. 71-87 Chicago daily law bulletin. HI. 1884-97 Chicago daily news (evening issue). HI. 1877+; N. 1877-1901 ; C. 1895+ Chicago dailj' news (morning issue). Continued as Chicago news record. N. 1877-92II; C. 1885-Q2II Chicago Daily News Fresh Air Fund. Story of its stewardship. N. 2, 1888+ Chicago daily republican. N. 1865-72; FIl. 1-5, 1865-68 Chicago daily telegraph. See Chicago morning herald. Chicago daily tribune. HI. 12, 1858+ ; C. i86i-Apr. 1870. Mav 1871+; N. 1862-66. 68+ Chicago democrat. HI. [v. i no. i — v. 25]. 1833-61 Chicago democrat and dispatch. Continues Chicago dispatch. C. Sept. 1898-1900II (22) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Chicago directory. (Title varies.) Continued as Lakeside city directory. HI. 1839 U^'print), 44-73II; C. [i839-73]ll; J. 1856-73II ; N. 1839 (reprint), 1844 (reprint), 51, 58, 60, 62-65, 67-73 II Chicago dispatch. Continued as Chicago democrat and dispatch. C. 1892-Aug. 98II Chicago evening mail. Continued as Chicago post and mail. HI. 1-4, Aug. iS. 1870-Jan. 10, 1874II Chicago evening post. HI. i867-i873;C. 1890-+- Chicago field. See American field. Chicago herald. Continued as Chicago times-herald. 111. 1881-89; C. 1886-95II Chicago Historical Society. Addresses. 111. [1868-1880] Biennial report to the Governor. HI. i, 1863II Collections. C. HI. N. U. 1-4. 1882-90 Report of meetings. HI. N. 1888+ Chicago law journal. N. n. s. 2. 1891+ ; C. n. s. 9, 1900+ Chicago legal news. Nw. I. iSw-f- ; HI. 4. 1871+; C. 4-15, 17+, 1871+; N. 4-17, 19+, 1871 + Chicago Literary Club. Memorials. J. 1890+ — -Yearbook. N. 1874-76, 78+; J. 1881 + Chicago Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary. Annual report. J. N. i, 1895+ Chicago magazine. C. HI. v. i no. 1-5, 1857II Chicago magazine of fashion, music, and home reading. HI. [1-6], 1870-75 Chicago morning herald. HI. nos. 2-1091, 1878-81 Chicago musical journal. C. i, 1900+ Chicago musical times. Chicago. A.* Chicago news. (Weekly.) HI. 1885-90, 93 Chicago news record. Continued as Chicago record. C. N. 1892-93II Chicago Normal School. Department of Municipal studies. J. i, 1901 + Chicago Orchestral Association. Chicago orchestra, program analysis. C. N. I (season 6), 1896+ Chicago Pathological Society. Transactions. N. U. i. 1894+ Chicago photo. HI. [1-2], 1882-84 Chicago post and mail. C. 1874-78: HI. 1874-77 Chicago railway review. HI. 15-126, 1877-86 Chicago Real Estate Board. Call board bulletin. HI. J. 13, 1899+ Chicago record. Continued in Chicago record-herald. C. HI. 1893-1901II Chicago record; a journal devoted to the church, to literature and to the arts. C. HI. 1-5, 1857-62II Chicago record-herald. Continues Chicago record and Chicago times-herald. E. 1900+ ; C. HI. N. 1901 + Chicago Society for University Extension. See University extension bulletin. Chicago Sonntags-Zeitung. (Sunday issue of the Illinois Staats-Zeitung. ) N. 1862-67 Chicago sun. HI. nos. 1-283. 1885-88 Chicago teacher. HI. 1-2, 1873-74 Chicago times. Continued as Chicago times-herald. N. 1850. 57-60. 63-91, 93-95'l ; C. 1861-95II ; HI. i. 1852-53. 72-87 Chicago times-herald. Continued in Chicago record-herald. C. N. 1895-1901II Chicagoer freie Presse. Abendpresse. C. 1891+; N. 1800-98 Mittagsblatt. N. 1883-84. 86-89 Morgcnblatt. N. 1872-98 Wochen Ausgabe. N. 1879-85, 91-98 Chicagoer freie Presse und Chicagoer Haus-Freund. Vereinigtcs .\bendblatt. See Chicago freie Presse, Abendpresse. Children's home finder. Chicago. G. 6. 1897+ : Nw. 8. 1901 + Childrcn's missionary. Nashville, Tenn. Nw. 7, 1901 + Child-studv monthly. Chicago. See Review of education. China decorator. N. Y. J. 17-2-. 1895-1901!) China's millions. London. H. 8. 1883+ ; Nw. 1886-88. 90-02. 95+ Chiron. Nuremberg and Suhbach. N. 1-3. 180S-13II Choix de brevets pris en France et a I'etranger sur les arts chimiques. parus dans Le Moniteur scientifiquc. Supplement to Moniteur scientifique. Paris. J. 1897+ Christian advocate. N. Y. HI. 3-4. i?20: G. 7, 1833+ : U. 72. 1807+ Christian almanac, (.'\merican Tract Society.) N. Y. HI. 1829-34. 46-74 Christian century. Chicago. Continues Christian oracle. U. 15. 1898+ (23) LIST OF SERIALS Christian century. Chicago. Continued as American weekly. H. i, 1901II Christian citizen. Worcester, Mass. HI. Feb. 1844-May 1857 Christian disciple and theological review. Boston. Continued as Christian examiner. HI. i — n. s. i, 1813-17; C. N. n. s. 1-5, 1819-23II Christian index. Atlanta. U.* Christian intelligencer. N. Y. U.* Christian leader. Boston. U.* Christian messenger. Toronto. U.* Christian news. Glasgow. U.* Christian observer. London. V. 21 never published. N. 1-77, 1802-77; C. 1-73. 1802-73; HI. 1-49, 1802-49; H. 1-26, 1802-26 Christian oracle. Chicago. See Christian century. Christian pioneer. Glasgow, Scotland. HI. 1-2, 5, 1826-31 Christian register. Boston. H. 75, 1896+ ; U.* Christian science. Chicago. C. 1-3, 1888-9111 Christian science sentinel. Boston. E. 2, 1900+ Christian Social Union, Boston. Publications. H. i, 1895+ ; G. 1897+ ; U.* Christian socialist. London. J. 7-9, 1889-91 II Christian student. N. Y. Nw. i, 1900+ Christian work and evangelist. N. Y. U.* Christiania. See also Norsk boghandlerforening ; — Norske medicinske selskab. Chronicle fire tables. N. Y. J. 1875-1900+ Chronique de France. (Coubertin.) [Auxerre.] C. N. i, 1900 Chronique des arts et de la curiosite. Supplement a la Gazette des beaux-arts. Paris. N. i, 1889+ ; At. 1895+; C. J. 1897+ Church economist. H. i, 1897+ ; U.* Church review. N. Y. V. 61-62 not published. N. 1-31, [33-63], 1848-91; C. 11-30, 32-63, 1859-91 Cincinnati. City Council. Annual reports of city departments. J. 1861-75, 77-87, 89, 91-97 Commissioners of Waterworks. Annual report. J. i, 1897+ Health Department. Annual report. N. 6-9, 12-13, 15-19, 31, 1872-97 Water Department. Annual report. J. 61, 1900-f- Cincinnati. See also Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica. Cincinnati enquirer almanac. See Enquirer almanac. Cincinnati lancet-clinic. N. I, "-f. 1843+ Cincinnati observer. HI. i. 1840-41 Cincinnati price current. J. 60, 1903-)- Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Journal. Ay. J. I. 1878-f ; U. 9. i886-f ; F. 17. 1894+ Circular. (Oneida and Wallingford communities.) Brooklyn; Mt. Tom; Oneida. HI. 1-3, 6 — n. s. 13. 1851-76 City Missionary Society, Chicago. Annual report. HI. 1-118, 1884-1901 Civil Engineers 'Club of the Northwest, Chicago. Proceedings. J. i, 4, 1872-79 Civil service record. Boston. C. i-ii. 1881-91!! Clay worker. Indianapolis. F. 24, 1895-1- ", J- 27, 1897+ ; W. 37, 1902+ Cleveland. Annual report of the departments. J. 1878-84, 86-90, 94-96; N. 1888, 98-1900 Board of Education. Annual report. J. [1886-96] Public Library. See also Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals. Cleveland citizen. J. 13. 1903+ Cleveland journal of medicine. N. 1-6, 1896-1901!! Cleveland medical gazette. N. i, 3-17. 1886-1901II Cleveland medical journal. N. i, 1902+ Climat. St. Petersburg. J. 3, 1902+ Clinic. Cincinnati. N. 3-14, 1872-78II Clinical excerpts. N. Y. N. 1-6, 1895-1901 Clinical journal. London. N. 2-15, 17-19. 1893-1902 Clinical Society of London. Transactions. N. i. 1868 -H Coal trade, by F. E. Saward. N. Y. J. 2, 12-13, 18-22. 27+, 1875+ Cobden Club, London. Essays. _ C. J. N. 1-3. 1870-76 Coleccion de documentos ineditos del archivio de Indias. Madrid. See Coleccion de documentos ineditos relatives al descubrimiento. conquista . • • espanolas. Coleccion de documentos ineditos para la historia de Espafia. Madrid. U. I, 18424- (24) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Colleccioii de documentos ineditos relatives al descubrimiento, conquista. . .espa- iiolas ... Madrid. U. i, 1864+ ; N. 1-42. 1864-84 Collectii'ii de documents inedits sur I'liistoirc de France. (France, Ministere de rinstruction publique, des beaux-arts et des cultes. ) Paris. N. U. 1, 1835+ Collections historical and miscellaneous and monthly literary journal. Concord. H. 1-2, 1823-24; HI. 3. 1824 Collector. A current record of art, bibliography, antiquarianisni, etc. N. Y. N. 1-8, 1889-97II; At. 1-3, 1889-92 College Hill, N. C. See University of North Carolina. College of Physicians in London. Medical transactions. N. 1-6, 1785-1820II College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Transactions. N. 1,2, n. s. i-f, 1793+ Collegio degli architetti e degli ingegncri in Bologna. Atti. J. 19, 1900-h Collegio degli ingegneri e degli architetti nella provincia di Novara, Novara. Atti. J. I. 1898+ Collier's weekly. N. Y. C. 1898+ ; U. 1899+ Colliery guardian. London. J. 71, 1896+ ; U. "ji, 1897+; W. 84. 1902+ Colmar. See Societe d'histoire natuielle. Cologne. Stadtbibliothek. Veroffentlichuiigen. J. 1-6, 1886-94 Colonial Society of ^L1ssachusetts, Boston. Publications, transactions. N. U. I, 1892+ Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, Phila. See American weekly mercury. Colorado. Railroad Commissioner. Annual report. J. i, 1884-5 State Board of Agriculture and State Agricultural College, .\nnual report. J. 12, IS, 17-18, 20+, ii^4- State Board of Horticulture. Annual report. J. 1-2, 6-7, 11+, 1882+ State Engineer. Biennial reports. Denver. W. 2-5. 7. 9+, 1883+ ; J. 2. 3. /. 10+. 1883+ ; U. 8, 1895+ Treasurer. Biennial report. Nw. 1891 + Colorado. See also State Agricultural College; — State School of Mines. Colorado law reporter. Denver. U. 1-4, 1880-84 Colorado medical journal. Denver. N. 1-5, 1894-99 Colorado State Medical Society, Denver. Transactions, N. 2-4, 6-8. ID, II, 13. 14. 17-21. 23-27, 31+, 1872+ Columbia, Mo. See University of Missouri. Columbia. Berlin. J. i, 1901 + Columbia Universitv, N. Y. Astronomical Observatory. Contributions. J. 3, 6-8. 11+, 1892+ Biological series. J. i, 1895+ Columbia University bulletin. Continued as Columbia University quarterly. J. Nw. U. 1-20, 1890-98II Columbia University quarterly. F. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1898+ Germanic studies. N. i, 1900+ Library. Publications. J. i, 1897+ School of Mines. Engineering Society of the School of Mines. Columbia engineer. J. 1898-99 School of Mines quarterly. J. 4. 1882+ ; F. 6. 7. 12. 14+. 1885+ ; W. 12, 1891+: C. 13, 1892+ ; U. 15. 1893+ ; A. 4-21, 1882-1900 University Faculty of Political Science. Studies in history, economics, and public law. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1891 + Columbian phcnix and Boston review. Boston. Continued as Monthly anthology' and Boston review. HI. C. i, 1800 Columbian sentinel. Boston. Til. Jan. 1806 — Feb. 1815 Columbus, O. !^ee also .\mcrican Ceramic Society ; — Ohio Society of Surveyors and Civil Engineers ; — Ohio State University. Columbus medical journal. Columbus. N. i, 1876+ Comenius-Gesellschaft. Berlin. Vortrage und Aufsatze. J. 4, 1897+ Coming nation. Rich Hill, Mo. J. 9. 1O03+ Comittj international des poids et mesures. Paris. Travaux et memoires dii Bu- reau international des poids et mesures. J. i, 1881+: N. U. 1-8. 1881-93 Commerce. London. J. 19. 1902+ Commercial and financial chronicle. N. Y. Continues Merchants* magazine. U. I, 18654- : Nw 10. 1870+ ; N. 23-61, 75-f. 1876+: J. 62. 1896+ ; HI. 16-33. 1873-81 Commercial poultry. Chicago. J. 12, 1903+ (25) LIST OF SERIALS Commercial West. Minneapolis. J. i. 1901 + Commercial year book. N. Y. C. J. N. 1-6, 1896-1901II Commission meteorologique de la Gironde, Bordeaux. Observations pluvio- metriques et thermometriques. Ay. 1882-t- ; N. 1883-I- Conmiission penitentiaire internationale, Rome. Bulletin. U. 1-4, 1880-88 Commoner. Lincoln. Neb. C. i, 1901 + Commons. Chicago. J. H. N. i. 1896+ ; U. 2, 1897+ ; Nw. 3, 1898-I- Compagnie des chemins de fer de Paris a la Mediterranee. Service special pour combattre le phylloxera. Rapport. Marseilles. J. 1-7, 1876-82 Compass. N. Y. W i, 1899+ Compressed air. X. Y. J. W. i, 1896+ ; A. 3. 1898+ Conchologists' exchange. See Nautilus. Concilium bibliographicum, Zurich. See Bibliographia anatomica ; — Biblio- graphia biologica-microscopica ; — Bibliographia zoologica. Concordia. Mayence. Continued in Concordia, Zeitschrift der Centralstelle fiir Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen. J. 19-23, 1897-1901II Concordia. Zeitschrift der Centralstelle fiir Arbeiter-Wohlfahrtseinrichtungen. Berlin. J. 4, 1897+ Conference examiner. Minneapolis. U. 1-2. 1897-99 Conference for Good City Government. Proceedings. Phila. H. J. N. Nw. I, 1894-t- Congregational year-book. Boston. Not published 1860-78; for these years set Ccngregational quarterly. H. 1854-59, 79+ ; C. 1880, 84, 87, 1901+ ; N. 1887+ Congres generale du parti socialiste franqais. Compte rendu officiel. J. I. 1901 + Congres international de chimie appliquee. Compte-rendu. J. 1-2, 1894-96 Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. Transactions. N. i, 1889+ Conkey's home journal. Chicago. HI. 1897-1901 Connecticut. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report. New Haven. J. 8-10, 12-18, 20+, 1885+ Bulletin. J. [108-121], 125+, 1891 + Board of Agriculture. Annual report. Nw. 13, 1879+ ; F. 1884-86, 88+ Insurance Commission. Report. Nw. 27-29, 31+, 1891 + Labor statistics. Hartford. (None published 1875-84.) J. I, 1874+ ; N. U. s. 2 V. I. 1885+ ; Nw. s. 2 v. 2, 1886+ Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. W. 17-29, 31-32. 34+, 1869+ ; J. [25-32], 35+, 1877+ ; N. [26-40], 42+, 1878+ ; Nw. 31. 1883+ State Board of Health. Annual report. N. i-io, 14+, 1878+ ; J. 4. 1880+ ; Nw. 6, 1883+ ; W. 6-8, 11+. 18S3+ Connecticut. See also Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, New Haven. Transactions. _F. J. I, 1866+ ; Ay. [2-4I, 5+, 1870+ ; Nw. 4. 1882+ ; U. 1-9. 1866-95 Connecticut Civil Engineers and Surveyors Association. Proceedings. J. 2-4, 6+, 1886+ ; W. 1885-1902 Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford. Annual report. Reports and papers. N. 1890+ ; J. 1901+; HI. 1892-98 Collections. HI. N. i, 1860+ ; C. U. 2, 1870-I- Papers and reports. See Annual report. Connecticut Medical Society, Hartford ; New Haven. Proceedings. N. 1848-49, 64-65, 67-92. 94-96, 98-99 Connecticut Valley Historical Society, Hartford. Papers and Proceedings. C. N. 1876-81 Connoisseur. London. C. i. 1901 + Supplement. See Sale prices. Conservative review. Washington. C. J. 1-5. 189Q-IQ01II Conservatoire des arts et metiers, Paris. Annales. J. i, 1861+; W.* Constitutional yearbook. London. C. 14, 1898+ Construction news. Chicago. J. 5. 1897+ : W. 1900+ Continent. N. Y. C. 1-5. 1882-84II Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium. (U. S. A Agriculture; Smith- sonian Institution.) Washington. F. J. N. Nw. I, 1890+ Contributions to North American ethnology. CU. S. Department of the Interior. Geographical and Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region.) Vol. 8 was not published. Ay. C. F. HI. J. N. 1-9, 1877-93II ; E. i, 3-9, 1877-93II ; Nw. W. 1-6, 1877-90 (26) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Contributions to the arts and sciences. Phila. See Maclurian Lj-ceum. Cook County, III. Board of Commissioners. Official proceedings. HI. 1871-84. 88+ ; J. 1871-74, 84-85. 86+ Cook County Hospital. Chicago. Medical and surgical reports. N. 1890II Co-opcratioii. (Hureau of Charities.) Chicago. H. J. N. Nw. I, 1901 + Copper handbook. Houghton. J. I, 1900+ Cordage trade journal. N. V. J. 10, 1895+ ; \V.' Cordoba. Sec also Academia nacional de ciencias de la Repultlica Argentina. Cornell University, Ithaca. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report. J. 2-?. 7+. 1888+ Bulletin. I. I-15, 26. 28. 30-55. 57+, 1888+ Cornell studies in classical philolog)'. X\v. i. 1S87+ ; N. 3. 5+, 1894+ Cornell studies in philosophy. J. N. U. i, 1900+ New York State College of Forestry. Bulletin N. i. 1898+ ; J. 4. 1902+ Corpuscle, a monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Chicago. N. i-io, 1891-1901 Correct English. Evanston. 111. i, 1S99+ Corriere bibliografico. Supplement to Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi. Florence. J. N. I, 1897+ Cosmopolitan, N. Y. C. I. 1886+ : N. 1-5. 8+. 1886+ ; U. 8, 1889+ ; E. 21, 1896+ ; 111. 7-18, 1 889-95 Country gentleman. Albany. J. 67. 1Q02+ Country life. London. C. i. 1897+ Country life in America. N. Y. C. E. J. N. i. 1901 + Country practitioner. Beverly, X. Y. N. 1-3. 1879-81II County Surveyors and Civil Engineers of Indiana. See Indiana Engineering Society. Courrier des bihliotheques et des amateurs de livrcs. Paris. J. i. T901I! Courrier des £tats-Unis. N. Y. III. 21-39, 1862-67 Course of study. See Elementary school teacher and Course of study. Craftsman. Eastwood, N. Y. At. j. i, 1901 + Cramer's Pittsburgh almanac. HI. [1807-27I Credit man. St. Louis; New York. J. 1-2, 1900-02II Criterion. N. Y. C. n. s. i, 1900+ Critic. N. Y. A. J. I. 1881+; N. 2, 1882+ ; C. 3. 1883+ ; Nw. 21-24, 34+. 1894+ : ^^- 22, 1893+ : E. 26, 1895+ ; L. 27, 1897+ ; H. 27-39. 1897-1901 Croquis d'architecture. Paris. J. 25, 1898II Cuba. Memoria anual sobre las esculas publicas. Nw. i, 1900+ Cultivator. (New York State Agricultural Society.) Albany. HI. I -10, 1834-43 Cumulative book index. Minneapolis. See Monthly cumulative book index. Cumulative index to a selected list of periodicals. (Cleveland Public Library.) A. C E. J. N. Nw. U. I. 1896+ ; II. L. 2. 1897+: F. 7. 1002+ Current. Chicago. C. i-io. 1883-88!!: HI. 1-6. 1883-86 Current advertising. N. Y. J. 2— v. 12, no. 7, 1897-1903II Current encyclopedia. See World to-day. Current history and Modern culture. Buffalo; Boston. Continued in Current literature. .•\. C. N. 1-12, 1891-1903II; H. 1-7, 1891-97; L. 6-12, 1896-1903II; J. 11-12, 1901-1903!! Current literature. N. Y. N. 2. 19+ : 1889+ : C. 4. 1890+ ; U. 21, 1897+ ; J. 34. 1903+ Cut gems. Troy. N. Y. H. 1-4. }?f)S-on Cycle age and trade review. Chicago. Continued in Motor ace. C. J. 20 — V. 28 no. I, 1 897-1901 II Cycling life. Chicago. Continued in Cycle age. C. 4-5- 1804-95II Cvmnirodor. (Cymmrodnrinn Society.) London. LT. I, 1877+ Cvmmrodorion Society. London. See Cvnuiirodor. D'aheim. Chicago. ' N. 1872-08 Daily Bloomington (III.) bulletin. HI. i. 1881 Daily Chicago American. HI. 2-4. Apr. 1840-Oct 1842 Daily Columbian. Chicapo. C. HI. J. N. 1-158. 1893'! Daily democratic press. Chicago. Continued in Chicago dailv tribune. HI. I -12. 1852 58 ' : C. i854-58n (27) LIST OF SERIALS Daily Maroon. (University of Chicago.) Continues University of Chicago Weekly. C. L. U. i, 1902+ Daily news almanac. Chicago. C. HI. N. I, 1885+ ; U. 1-12, 14+, 1885+ ; E. 12, 1896+ ; L. 13, 1897+ ; J. 9, 14+, 1893+'; Nw. 16, 1900+ Daily real estate reporter. Chicago. HI. i-ii, 1890-91 Dakota. Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. J. 3-5, 1886-89II See also North Dakota; — South Dakota. Daniel's Texas medical journal. Austin. See Texas medical journal. Dansk bogfortegiicl.se. (Fabricius. Vahl.) Copenhagen. X. [1-4], 1841-92 Dansk bogfortegnelse. Copenhagen. N. 8-19, 1858-69; J. 52, 1902+ Dante Society, Cambridge, Mass. Annual report. C. I, 1882+ ; N. 1-5, 7-11, 13+, 1882+ Dartmouth. Hanover, N. H. HI. s. 4 v. i, 1879-85; L. 23, 1901 + Daughters of the American Revolution. Lineage book. C. N. i, 1890+ [Publications of the national society and local chapters.] N. See also American monthly magazine. Dawn. Boston. J. i — v. 4 no. 5, 1889-92 Deerfield, Mass. See Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association. Defender. N. Y. (American Protective Tariff League.) N. 1-54, 1890-92; Nw. [1-62] De Kalb. See Illinois, Northern Illinois State Normal School. Delaware. General Assembly. Senate. Journal. J. 1837-43 State Board of Health. Bacteriological and Pathological Laboratory. Bulletin. J. i, 1899+ Delaw^are. See also Historical Society of Delaware. Democracy in religion, education, art, industry and politics. London. See Ethics. Democratic review^ Washington ; New York. Continues U. S. magazine and democratic review ; U. S. review ; U. S. democratic review. C. N. 1-38. 40-43, 1837-59II; Nw. 1-31, 40-42, 1837-58; HI. 1-29, "T837-51 ; U. [1-31], 42, 43, 1837-59II Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Bulktin of the scientific laboratories. F. J. U. I, 1885+ ; N. 1-5, 1885-90 Denkschriften und Briefe zur Characteristik der Welt und Litteratur. Berlin. C. Nw. 1-5, 1838-41 Denmark. Commission for ledelsen af de geologiske og geographiske unders^- gelser i GrpJnland. Meddelelser om Gr^nland. N. i, 1879+ ; U. 1-3, 1879-80 Geologiske undersogelse. Danmarks geologiske undersolgelse. J. i, 1890+ Dental cosmos. Phila. N. s. i v. i-io, s. 2 v. 1-15. 17-33. 35+. 1847+ Dental register. Cincinnati. N. 23-26, 29+, 1869+ Dental summary. Toledo. N. i, 1881 + Dermatologische Zeitschrift. Berlin. N. i. 1894+ Dermatologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig. N. 1-3, 1897-1900 Description des machines et precedes pour lesquels des brevets d'invcntion ont ete pris. See France, Ministere du commerce, de I'industrie, des postes et des telegraphes. Descriptive index of current engineering literature. See Engineering index. Detroit. Board of Park Commissioners. Continued in Commissioners of Parks and Boulevards. Annual report. J. 7, 1888II Commissioners of Parks and Boulevards. Annual report. J. 1-3, 5-6, 13+' 1889+ ; Nw. 3, 5-8. lo-^, 1892-h Common Council. Annual reports of officials and . . . departments. J. 1869-74, 75-85. 86-87, 88+ Detroit Museum of Art. Annual report. Ay. 1891-f ; F. 1892+ Deutsch-'amerikanische GeschichtsblJitter. [Deutsch-.amerikanische historische Gesellschaft von Illinois.] Chicago. HI. i, 1901 + Deutsch-nmerikanische historische Gesellschaft von Illinois. Chicago. See Deutsch-amerikanische GeschichtsblJitter. Deutsch-amerikanische Zeitschrift fiir Theologie und Kirche. Warrenton. Mo. U. does not have Deutsch-amerikanischer Techniker-Verband, N. Y, Mitteilungen. See Tech- nologist. Deutsch-oesterreichisch-ungarischer Verband fiir Binnenschiffahrt, Berlin. Ver- bands-Schriften. J. i. 1897-I- Deutsche "Bibliographic der Arbeiter-Versorgung. Berlin. J. 1901 + Deutsche Buchhandelsblatter. Naumburg; Erfurt. J. i, 1900+ (28) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft fiir angewandte physikalische Chemie. Continues Deutsche elektrochemische Gesellschaft. See Zcitschrift fiir Elektroche- mie. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft. Berlin. Berichte. J. N. U. I. 1868+ ; Nw. 19. 1886+ ; A. 18-26. 1885-93 Deutsche elektrochemische Gesellschaft, Halle. Continued as Deutsche Bunsen- Gesellschaft fiir angewandte physikalische Chemie. See Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie. Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Gyniikologie, Leipzig. Vcrhandlungen. N. i, 1886+ Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik und Optik, Berlin. See Deutsche Mechani- ker-Zeitung. Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Ahteilung Berlin-Charlottenburg. Vcrhand- lungen. J. I, 189*)+ Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration. Darmstadt. At. J. i, i8oo+ Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. (Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Mechanik und Optik.) Berlin. J. 1898+ ; A.* Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift. Leipzig; Berlin. N. I, 1875+ ; U. [18-23]. 27+. 1892+ Deutsche morgenliindische Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Sec Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. I")cutsche Xational-Litteratur. (Kuerschner.) Berlin. N. U. 1-163, 1882-99II Deutsche odontologische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Vcrhandlungen. N. 3, 1891 + Deutsche pathologische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Vcrhandlungen. N. i, 1898+ Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Continues Physikalische Gesell- schaft. X'erhandlungen. Brunswick. J. I, 1899+ See also Fortschritte der Physik. Deutsche Seewarte, Hamburg. Aus dem Archiv der Deutschen Seewarte. J. 21, 1898+ Jahresbericht iiber die Tliatigkeit. J. 19. 1896+ Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Weimar, Berlin. Jahrbuch. C. N. I, 1865+ ; U. 1-6. 8+, 1865+ Deutsche Topfer- und Ziegler-Zeitung. Berlin. J. 32, 1901 + Supplement. See Keramische Monatshefte. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir offentliche Gcsundheitspflege. Brunswick. N. I, 1869+ Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir auslandischcs Unterrichtswesen. Leipzig. J. 1-6, 1805-1901II : U. V. 3 no. 2 — V. 6, 1898-1901II Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Vcrhandlungen. U. i, 1891 + See also Bibliographia zoologica; — Zoologischcr Anzeiger. Deutschen Mundarten ; eine Monatsschrift fiir Dichtung, Forschung und Kritik. Nuremberg. U. 1-7, 1854-77 ; N. 1-6. 1854-59 Deutscher Apothekerverein. Gottingen. See Archiv der Pharmazie ; — Jahres- bericht der Pharmacie. Deutscher Journal-Katalog. (Gracklauer.) Leipzig. J. 31. 1895+ ; N. 31. 35+. 1895+ ; Nw. 36. 1900+ Deutscher Litteratur-Kalender. CKiirschner.) Berlin; Stuttgart. Continues Allgemeiner deutscher Litteratur-Kalender. J. N. I. 1879+ : C. 5. 1883+ ; L. 19. 1897-f ; U. 23, 1901 + Deutscher Palaestina Verein, Leipzig. Mittheiluiigen und Xachrichtcn. C. F. H. N. U. I. 1805 + Zeitschrift. C. N. i. 1878+ ; F. H. 7. 1884+ : U. 17. 1894+ Deutscher \'erband fiir das kaufmrinnische Unterrichtswesen. WTofTcntlichunucn. Brunswick. J. i. 1807 + Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medicin. Leipzig. N. i, 1865+ ; U. 72, 1902+ Deutschcs Handels-Archiv. Berlin. J. 1846-I- ; \J. 1847-91 Dcutschland gooijnostisch-gcolngisch dargcstellt. See Teutschland . . . Devon notes and queries. Exeter. Eng. X. i. 1900+ Dial. Chicago. C. E. HI. J. X. Xw. U. I. 1880+ ; A. 14. 1893+ ; F. 20. 1896+ ; L. 22, 1897+ Dialect notes. (.American Dialect Society ) Norwood, Mass. N. i. 1806+ District of Columbia. Health Department. Report. N. 1872+ Documente des Socialismus. Berlin; Stuttgart. J. I. 1901 + Documents statistiques sur Ic commerce dc la France. See France. Ministere des finances, .'\dministration des douanes. Dolgeville herald Dolgeville, N. Y. U. 8-10. T897-99II (29) LIST OF SERIALS Dollar monthly and old settlers memorial. Hamilton. See Dollar Rural Messen- ger. Dollar rural messenger. Hamilton, 111. HI. 1-5, 1873-77 Domestic engineering. Chicago. J. 23, 1902+ Domestic engineering and ironmongers' journal. Liverpool. W. 12, 1901 + Dresden. See also Koenigliche sachsische Gesellschaft fiir Botanik und Gar- tenbau. Druggist's circular and chemical gazette. N. Y. N. 20, 23+, 1876+ ; J. 21-28, 46+, 1877+ ; C. 36, 1892+ ; U. 4-28, 30. 1860-86 Drugs and medicines of North America. Cincinnati. J. N. I — V. 2 no. 5, 1884-87II Dublin. See also Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Dublin. Dublin hospital reports and communications in medicine and surgery. N. 1-5. i8i8-3o!l Dun's review. N. Y. J. i_ 1893+ Dwight's journal of music. Boston. N. 1-41. 1852-81 II; HI. 1-22. 1852-63; C. 33, 35-41, 1875-81II East Tennessee record of medicine and surgery. Knoxville. Continued in Southern journal of the medical and physical sciences. N. i, 1852-53II Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston. Report. J. i, 1895 + Eastern reporter. Albany. U. i-ii, 1885-87 Ecclesiastical History Society. Cambridge, Eng. (Publications.) N. 1847-52 Ecclesiastical review. N. Y. S. i, 1889+ ; U. 18. 1898+ Echo medical du nord. Lille. N. 1-4, 1S97-1900 Eclairage electrique. Paris. C. J. I, 1894+; L. II. 1897+ ; U. 32, 1902+ ; A. 1-17. 1894-98 Eclectic magazine of foreign literature. Continues Eclectic museum of foreign literature. C. N. I, 1844+; G. [1-42], 1844-57; Nw. [1-54], 1844-61; H. 46-51, 54, 61-89, 1859-77; E. 76-133. 1871-99 Eclectic medical journal. Cincinnati. N. 11, 14. 24+. 1852+ Ecole des chartes, Paris. Bibliotheque. Revue d'erudition consacree speciale- ment a I'etude du moyen age. U. i, 1839+ ; N. 29, 1868+ ; J. 59, 1898 4- Ecole des hautes etudes, Paris. Bibliotheque. Section des sciences naturelles. J. 1-37, 1869-90 Ecole normale superieure. Paris. Annales scientifiques. Publiees sous les aus- pices du ministere de I'instruction publique. J. U. i, 1864 i- Economic journal. (British Economic Association.) London. H. J. Nw. U. I, 1891-f ; C. 6. 1896+; N. 8. 1898+ Economic tracts. N. Y. N. i, 4, 5, 7-31, 1881-90; C. 2, 4-31. 1881-90 Economist. Chicago. C. 3. 1890-t-; N. 5, 1891-I-; J. U. 17. 1897-I- ; HI. v. I no. 5 — v. 26, 1888-1901 Eddy Towji-Record Fund. [Vital records of the towns of Massachusetts.] (New England Historic-Genealogical Society.) Boston. N. 1902-I- Edinburgh, Royal Observatory. Astronomical observations. J. 1-15, 1834-86II; C. [I-I51. 1834-86!! Edinburgh. See also Medico-Chirurgical Society; — Scottish Historical Society; — Wodrow Society. Edinburgh journal of natural history and the physical sciences. J. 12. 1835-40!! Edinburgh medical journal. N. i. 1856+ ; U. n. s. 11. 1902-}- Edinburgh new philosophical journal. Continues Edinburgh philosophical jour- nal. Continued in Quarterly journal of science. C. J. N. I — n. s. 19, 1826-64II ; U. 1-52, n. s. 1-17, 1826-63 Edinburgh philosophical journal. Continued as Edinburgh new philosophical journal. C. J. N. 1-14, 1819-26II ; U. i-io, 12-14, 1819-26II Edinburgh review. A. C. N. Nw. U. I, 1802+ ; J. 1-78. i85-f, 1802+ ; E. 1-162, 1802-85; H. [21-181], 1813-95; S. 121-146. 1865-77 Education. Boston. C. J. N. Nw. I, 1880+ ; U. [3-14]. 16+, 1882+ ; L. 20. 18994- ; H. 22. 1902^- Education. London. Continued as Educational review and science and art gazette. C. 1-2, 1890-91!! Education libertaire. Paris. J. i, 1900-f (30) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Educational review. X. V. A. C. II. J. L. N. Nw. S. U. I. 1891+ ; E. 11. 1896+ Educational review and science and art gazette. London. Continues Education. C. I — n. s. 3, 1891-1901II; J. 13 — " s- 3. 1896-1901II; U. 15 — n. s. 3. 1898-1901II Educational weekly. 111.1-2,6-8.1877-80 }uluc;iliir-ioMr!!al. Imiianapolis. J. U. I, 1900+ Edwardsville (111.) spectator. HI. 1-6. 1820-25 Egypt. See also Annales du Service des antiquitcs de rEi^rypic. Egypt Exploration Fund. London. Archrcological report. E. N. 1892+ ; 11. fi8c)2-96]. 97+; C. U. 1897+ Archrcological survey. 11. X. i, 1890+ ; C. 1894+ ; U. 1897+ Gr.-vco- Roman branch. Publications. H. N. 1897+ ; C. 1898+ Memoirs. C. E. H. N. i, 1883+ ; F. 1885-94 Report. N. 1890+ ; U. i894-95- ^+ ". U. 1897+ Electrical age. X. Y. J. 19, 21-23, i897-99; W.* Electrical engineer. London. A. 23-24, 31+, 1890+ ; J. 24. 1S96+; L. 25, 1897+ ; W. 1900+ Electrical engineer. X. V. Continued in Electrical world and engineer. A. C. 1-27. 1882-99!!: J. 2-4. 8-27. 1883-99!!; L. 23-27, 1897-99!!; F. [9-17], 1890-94 Electrical review. London. J. 1-18, 28+, 1872+ ; A. 34, 1894+ ; W.* Electrical review. N. Y. .\. J. iSS.r'- : r. .V7. or, iPR^-f ; J. Xw. 13. 1888+ ; W. 22, 24, 25+. 1893+ Electrical world and engineer. N. Y. A. I, 1883+ ; J. 3. 1884+ ; C. 5. 1885+ ; U. 20, 1892+ ; L. 29, 1897+ ; W. 13-20, 1889-92; Nw. 21-28, 1893-96 Electricien. Revue Internationale de I'electricite et de ses applications. Paris. J. s. 2 v. I, 1891-f ; L. s. 2 v. 13. 1807+ ; A. s. 2 v. 19. 1900+ Electricity. X. Y. J. i. 1891+; L. 12. 1897+ ; A. 1-18. i8<)i 1900 Electricity and electrical engineering. London. J. 5, 10, 12, 1893-98 Electrochemical industry. Phila. J. i, 1902+ Electro-chemist and metallurgist and metallurgical review. London. J I, 1901 + Electro-Techniker. Vienna. J. 21, 1902+ Electro-therapeutic and X-ray era. See American electro-therapeutic and X-ray era. Electrotype. Chicago. J. 1-5. no. 4. 1873-77 EleJvtrochcmische Zeitschrift. Berlin. J. i, 1894+ Elektrotechnische Mitteilungen. Halle. J. i — v. 2 no. 6, 1901-02II Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. ( Elektrotechnischer Verein.) Berlin. T. r. i8Sr,-f : A. 14. 1893+; U. 1-9. n. 1880-90; L. 18-23. 1897-1902 Elektrotechnischer Rathgeber. Supplement to Zeitschrift fiir Maschinenbau und Schlosserei. Berlin. .T. 1900+ Elektrotechnischer Verein. Berlin. Sec Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift. Elektrotechnischer Verein, Vienna. See Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik. Elektrotechnisches Echo. Magdeburg. Eleineinary school record. Chicago. Elementary school teacher and Course of study. (University Chicago. J. Elgin. See Illinois Northern Hospital for the Insane. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, Chapel Hill. N. C. Journal. F. J. I, 1883+; Ay. f3-7l. 8+, 1885+ Elite. Chicago. C 1.VT4. 189.^-97 Elliott's magazine, including L. .\. W. bulletin and Good roads. Boston. See Good roads magazine. Emancipator. (. American .Anti-Slavery Society.) N. Y. HI. 1839-47 Empire review. London. J X. i. looi-f Encvclopedie d'architecture. revue mensuelle des travaux publics et particniicrs. 'Paris X. s. 2 V. 1-=;. 1872-76 Engineer. X Y. ; Cleveland. J. n. s. 7-8. ^3+. 1884+ ; A.* Engineering. London, ."^ee aNo Traction and transmission. Engineering and mining journal. N. Y. W. 8-17, 32. 50+. 1869+ ; C. 15-17. 20+. 1873+ ; l^ T8-48. 62+. 1874+; J. 21-30. 43-47. 49+, 1876-I-; F. [44-51]. 53+. 1887+ ; Nw. 73. 1902+ ; A. 55-63. 1893-97 (.-^1) J. Q. 1896 -h J • I- . I9OOII of Ch icago.) U. T. looo-t- LIST OF SERIALS Engineering Association of New South Wales, Sydney. Minutes of proceedings. J. I, 1885+ ; W. i-ii, 1885-96 Engineering Association of the South. Proceedings. J. 7-8, 1896-97; W. 8. 1897+ Engineering index. Chicago; New York. j. 1-3, 1892-1901 Engineering magazine. N. Y. C. F. J. W. I, 1891+; U. 5, 1893+ ; A. 7. 1894-I-; E. 18, 1900+ ; Nw. 22, 1901+; Ay. 1-7, 1891-94 Engineering mechanics. Phila. L. 16, 1897+ ; A. 17. 1896+ ; J. 12 — v. 18 no. 3, 1890-99; W.* Engineering news and American railway journal. Chicago; New York. J. 2, 1875+ ; C. 3, 1876+ ; W. 4, 1877+ ; A. 21, 1889+ ; L. ::^7. 1897+ Engineermg review. N. Y. J. 4, 1894+ ; A. 10, 1900+ ; W. 12, 1902+ Engineers' Club. Phila. Proceedings. J. W. i, 1878+ Engineers' gazette annual. (Leask.) London. J. 9-1 1, 13+. 1897+ Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania. Pittsburg. Transactions. W. I, 4, 8, 11+, 1880+ ; J. I. 1880-82 Englische Studien. lieilbronn. N. U. i, 1877+ ; Nw. 1903+ English catalogue of books. Monthly parts. London. H. N. 1-4, 1897-1900II ; L. 1898-1900II ; Nw. T89Q-1000II Entomologica Americana. (Erooklyn Entomological Societj'.) J. 1-6, 1885-90II Entomological Society of Ontario, London. Annual reports. See also Cana- dian entomologist. Ay. 1871-95; F. 22. 1892-I- ; J. 1871. 82. 98, 1900+ Entomologische Litteraturblaetter. Berlin. J. i, 1901 + Entomologist. London. C. 5-12, 1870-79 ; J. 35. 1902+ Ephemeriden-Circular. See Astronomische Nachrichten. Epoch. N. Y. C. T-io. 1887-92II Era. Phila. Continues Literary era. E. i, 1894; C. 8, 1901 + Erdbebenwarte. Laibach. J. i, 1901 + Beilage. See N^ueste Erdbeben-Nachrichten. Ergebnisse der Physiologic. Wiesbaden. N. i. 1902+ Erlanger Beitrage zur englischen Philologie. Erlangen und Leipzig. N. i-ii. 13. 1889-92 Erythea. (University of California.) Berkeley. J. 1-7, 1893-99II; F. 2-7. 1894-99II; U. 4-7, 1896-99II Escuela medico-dental, Havana. Revista quincenal de medicina y cirujia den- taria. N. i. 1895 Essex Institute, Salem. Bulletin. Ay. J. N. I. 1869+ ; F. 1-8, 14+, 1869-I- : C. 1-26, 1869-92; U. 1898-t- Historical collections. C. N. i, 1859+ ; F. 30. 1893+ ; HI. 1-34. 1859-98 Proceedings. Ay. C. j. N. 1-6, 1848-68 Essex register. Salem, Mass. HI. i-io, 1S07-10 Ethical addresses. Phila. J. i, 1895+ ; U. 1897+ Ethical world. See Ethics. Ethics. London. J. i, 1898+ ; U. 2, 1899+ Ethnological Societv of London. Transactions. J. U. n. s. 1-7. 1861-69II European architecture. Chicago. J. 1-9. 1892-1901II Evangelical. Harrisburg, Pa. FT. 11-13, 1898- 1900 Evangelist. N. Y. Continued in Christian work and* evangelist. HI. 1861-63; H. 66-73. 1895-1902II; U. 68-73, 1897-1902II Examiner. London. HI. 1811-16, 18-19, 22-31 Ex-libris Verein zu Berlin. See Zeitschrift fiir Biicherzeichen-, Bibliotheken- kunde und Gelehrtengeschichte. Experiment. See Georgia, Agricultural Experiment Station. Exponent. Saginaw. J. 8, 1903+ Export review and international trades advertiser. Stuttgart. J. i. IQ01 + Exports declared for the LTnited States. See U. S. A., State Department. Expose-sommaire des revues ou articles rediges en langues frangaise et etran- geres et dc-^ lirevets pris dans differents pays sur I'electricite et les questions qui s'y rattachent. (Association amicale des ingenieurs-electriciens.) Paris. J. I, i902-f- Expositor. [Biblical.] London. G. H. U. I. 1875+; C. 1-12, s. 3 v. 9+. 1875+ ; N. s. 3 v. i-io. s. 5 v. 9+, 1885+ (32) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Expository times. Edinburgh. G. U. i. 1889+ ; H. 4, 1892+ ; C. 7, 1896+ Fabian Society, London. Fabian tracts. (No. 2-4, 6 were withdrawn.) J. I, 5. 7+, 1884+ ; U. I, 5, 7, 10, 12-17, 19-51, 1884-94 Fackel. (Sonntagsblatt der Chicagoer Arbeitcr-Zeitung. ) Chicago. N. 1879-84. 86-89; C. 1889-93; U. 1897+ Facts about the Filipinos. See Philippine review. Faculte des lettres de Bordeau.x. See Universite de Bordeaux. Family visitor. Cleveland. HI. 1-3, 1850-53; H. 1-2, 1850-52 Farmer's almanack. (Thomas.) Boston. 111. 1807-73 Farmers monthly visitor. Concord, N. H. Ml. 1-4, 1839-42 Farmer's review. Chicago. HI. 4. 1880+ ; C. 8-12, 14-f , 1882-+- Farmer's voice. Chicago. C. 13, 1900-f- Federal reporter. St. Paul. U. i. i88o-f- Federated Canadian Mining Institute, Ottawa. Continued as Canadian Mining Institute. Journal. W. i89<>98ll Fergus historical series. Chicago. N. 1-27, 29, 1876-88; C. 1-19, 31-34, 1876-96II Field and forest. (Potomac-Side Naturalists' Club.) Washington. J. 1-3. 1875-78II Field and stream. Chicago. See Chicago field. Field and stream. X. Y. C. N. 5, 1900+ Field Columbian Museum, Chicago. Publications. Ay. C. E. F. J. N. Nw. U. i. 1804+ Field naturalist's quarterly. Edinburgh, London. J. i. 1902+ Field. turf. farm. X. Y. HI. 1-5. 1865-67 Filson Club, Louisville. Publications. C. X. U. i. 1884+ Financial half-year. London. J. I, 1900+ Financial review and American building association news. Cincinnati. See American building association news. Finska votcnskaps societeten, Helsingfors. Acta. J. i. 1839+ Flint. See Michigan Dairj-men's Association. Flora. Ratisbon: Marburg. J. i, i8i8-|- ; U. [1802-86], 1892-f ; Nw. 75. 1892-I- Literaturberichte. J. i-ii. 1831-41 Floral life. Phila. Continues Meehan's monthly. J. n. s. i, 1903+ Flnrcnce. Sec also Societa fotografica italiana. Florida. Agricultural Experiment Station, Lake City. .Annual report. J. 1889-90, 93, 95-98, IQ01 + Bulletin. J. 2, 4. 10-13, I5. I7. 19. 22, 24-34, 36-43. 45. 46. 48-f, 1890+ Commissioner of .Agriculture. Report. J. i8o9"l" State Board of Health. .Annual report. J. 11. 1901-f Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial report Nw. 1892-f Folk-lore. London. (Folk-lore Society.) Continues Archreological review and Folk-lore journal. Contains the Transactions of the society. C. N. U. I. 1890-f : J 9. 1898+ Folk-lore Socict>', London. Publications. C. i. 1878+ : N. 1-14. 16+. 1878-f Food and health. Supplement to Sanitary record. London. J. N. 1-63, 1897-1902II Foreign mail. X. Y. Nw. 8. 1901-I- Foreign mission journal. (Southern Baptist.) Richmond. U. V. 48 no. 7, 1898-f ; Nw. 51. I90i-f Foreign missionary tidings. Toronto Nw. 17. looi-l- Forester (Gifford; American Forestry Association). Princeton, N. J.; Wash- ington. See Forestry and irrigation. Forestrj' and irrigation. (.American Forestry .Association. National Irrigation Association.) Mays Landing, X. J.; Princeton; Washington. J. N. I. 1895+ : F. 3. 1897+ : C. U. 4. i8o8-f Forestry quarterly. (New York State College of Forestry.) Ithaca. J. 1. 1902-f Formulaire de mathematiques. Supplement a la Revue de Mathematinues. Turin. Paris. J. I. 1895 + Formulaire-classeur du Photo-club de Paris. Paris. See Bihliothcque phmo- graphique. Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte. (Koeniglich-hayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Historischc Commission.) Munich N. U. 1-26. 1862-86 Forschungen zur deutschen I^andcs- und \'nlkskuiide. Stuttgart. T. i. l886-f Fort Collins, Colo. See State .Agricultural College. (.33) LIST OF SERIALS Fortnightly review. London. A. C. E. J. N. N\v. U. i. 1865+ : L. 67, 1897+ Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Architektur. Darmstadt, Stuttgart. J. I. 1894+ Erganzungsheft. J. i. 1900+ Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgenstrahlen. Hamburg. J. N. i, 1897+ Fortschritte der Medicin. Berlin. N. i, 1883+ ; U. 20. 1902+ Fortschritte der Physik. (Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft.) Brunswick. J. U. I, 1845+ ; N. [1-51], 1845-95 Halbmonatliches Litteraturverzeichniss. Brunswick. J. i, 1902+ Forum. Baltimore and N. Y. U. 1-3, 1874-75 Foundry. Detroit ; Cleveland. A. I, 1892+ ; J. ID, 12+, 1897+ ; W. 17, 1900+ ; L. 22, 1902+ Four-track news. (N. Y. Central and Hudson River R. R) N. Y. HI. J. 2, 1902+ France. Agents diplomatiques et consulaires. Rapports commerciaux. J. I, 1901 + Almanach national. J. 199, 1897+ ; C. 200, 1898+ Bureau central meteorologique. Annales. J. i, 1877+ Ministere de I'instruction publique, des beaux-arts et des cultes. Commis- sion des monuments historiques. Archives. N. i, [1898] + See also Bulletin de geographic historique et descriptive; — Collection de documents inedits sur I'histoire de France; — Revue des societes savantes. Ministere de I'interieur. Situation financiere des communes de France et d'Algerie. ^ J. i, 1878+ Ministere des finances. Direction generale des douanes. Tableau decennal du commerce de la France avec ses colonies. N. 1877+ — — Tableau general du commerce de la France avec ses colonies. N. 1880+ Tableau general du commerce et de la navigation. J. 1896- - Ministere des travaux publics. Direction des chemins de fer. Statis- tique des chemins de fer franqais. J. 1890+ Direction des routes, de la navigation et des mines. Division des mines. Statistique de I'industrie minerale et des appareils a vapeur en France et en Algerie. J. 1897+ -Ministere du commerce, de I'industrie. des postes et des telegraphes. An- nuaire des svndicats professionels industriels commerciaux et agricoles. U. 1-8. 1889-96 Annuaire statistique de la France. U. 1-14. 17+, 1878+ ; J. 15. 1892+ Description des machines et procedes pour lesquels des brevets d'in- vention ont ete pris. J. n. s. 95, 1895+ Direction du commerce exterieur. Bulletin consulaire frangais. J. 1-22, 1877-91 Moniteur officiel du commerce. Supplement. See Table des rapports et depeches des agents diplomatiques et consulaires de France. Office national du commerce exterieur. Monographies industriellcs et commerciales. J. i. 1899+ Statistique generale de la France. J. i, 18354- Frankfort on the Main. Statistisches Amt. Beitrage zur Statistik. J. n. s. I, i8q2-1- Frankfort on the Main. See also Freiherrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche offent- liche Bibliothek. Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa. Obituary record. J. N. i, 1897-!- Franklin Institute, Phila. Journal. A. J. I, 1826+ ; C. [i-ii4l. 117+, 1826+ ; U. 129. 1890-f ; F. 141. 1896+ ; W. fI-I4.^^1. 145+. 1826+ ; N. [1-144]. 1826-97 Franzoesische Studien. Heilbronn. N. i — n. s. pt. 2, 1881-97II ; U. 1-8, 1881-93 Frauenbewegung. Berlin. Supplement. See Parlamentarische Angelegenhciten und Gesetzgebung. Free trade almanac. (American Free Trade League.) Boston. N. 1902+ Free trader bulletin, (American Free Trade League.) Boston. N. I. 1902+ Free West. (Anti-slavery.) Chicago. HI. v. i no. i, 1853-July, 1855 Freemasons. Grand Lodge of Iowa, Cedar Rapids. Annals. N. 13, 1892-4- Freeville, N. Y. See George Junior Republic. Freie Presse. Chicago. See Chicagoer neue freie Presse. (34) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Freilierrlich Carl von Rothschild'sche ofTentliche Bibliothck, Frankfort on the Main. Verzeichnis von Biicher. J. N. i, 1892+ Friend. A religious and literarv journal. (Richardson.) Phila. HI. 1-3. 5-13. 16-19. 21-28, 39-53. 1827^; C. 53. 1880+ Friend or advocate of truth. Phihuleiphia. N. i — n. s. i, 1828-32 Friends' intelligencer and journal. Phila. C. ID. 1853+ ; N. 45. 48+. 1888+ ; HI. 10-43. 54. 1853-97 Friends' library. Phila. HI. 1-4, 6-8, 1837-44 Friends' review. Phila. HI. 12-27, 35-36. 38. 1859-65 Fronunel's Jahresbericht. Sec jahrcsbcricht iiber die Fortschritlc auf deni Gebicte der Geburtsliilfe unci Gynakologic. Gael. N. Y. U. n. s. 20. 1901 + Galaxy. N. Y. N. 1-25, 1866-78; C. 111. 1-24. 1866-77 Galena (111.) advertiser. HI. v. I no. I, July 1829-May 1830 Galenian. Continues Miners' journal. HI. i, 1832-33 Galveston medical journal. N. 1-5, 1866-7 ill Gartenflora. Not taken. Gas engine. Cincinnati. J. i. 1898+ Gas Institute. See Incorporated Gas Institute. Gaz. Paris. J. 44, 1900-f Gazette de Leyde. See Journal politique. Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Paris. N. i, 1853+ Gazette medicale de I'Algerie. Algiers. N. 1-2. 4-7. 9. II. '4-15. 17. 22-28, 30-33. 38-40, 1856-95 Gazette medicale de Paris. N. s. 2 V. 8-10. s. 3 v. T, s. 4 v. 2, 4. s. 7 v. 2-5, s. 8 V. 2, s. 9 v. 13. s. 10 V. I, s. II V. 1-3, 1840- 1900 Gazzetta chimica italiana. Palermo: Rome. J. i. 1871-f ; U. i. 2. 22-f-, 1871-!- Gazzctta musicalc di Milano. See Musica e musicisti. Gegenbaurs morphologi?ches Jahrbuch. Leipzig. N. I. 1S75+ : U. 19. 1893+ ; Nw. 22. 1895+ ; J. 25. 1896+ Gem of the prairie. Chicago. HI. 4-8. 1847-52 Genealogical advertiser. Cambridge, Mass. N. 1-4. 1898-1901II Genealogical quarterly magazine. Salem, Mass. C. N. i. 1900+ Genealogical queries and memoranda. London. N. 1-2 no. 17. 1896-1900II Genealogical Society of Peim.sylvania. Phila. Publications. N. i. 1895+ Genealogisches Taschenbuch der adeligen Hauser. Briinn. See also Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der adeligen Hauser. Genealogist. London. C. N. i. 1877-!- General Federation of Women's Clubs. Biennial. T. 3. 18964- General practitioner. St. Louis. N. 1-2. 1895-56II General repository and review. Cambridge, Mass. C. N. 1-4, 1812-13; HI. T-3, 1812-13 Geneva. See also Societes de la croix-rouge. Geneva. 111. See Illinois State Home for Juvenile Female Offenders. Genie civil. Revue des industries. Paris. J. i. i88o4- Genius of liberty. (Anti-slaverj'.) Continued as Western Citizen. Lowell, 111. HI. V. I no. I, Dec. i840-.\nr. 1842 Genoa. Museo civico di storia naturale. .\nnali. J. 1-39. 1870-99 Gentleman farmer. Chicago. Sec .Xmcrican farmer magazine. Gentleman's magazine library. London. C. Geographic Society of Chicago. Bulletin. Ay. C. J. Geogrnphische Gesellschaft. Vienna. Abhandlungen. Gcographische Zeitschrift. Leipzig. C. Geographischer .\nzeiger. Gotha. J. Geographischer Litterntur-P.cricht. Supplement to Pctermann's Mitteihmgen .tus Justus Perthes' geographischer Anstalt. Gotha. J. t8864- Gcolngical Society of South .-Vfrica. Johannesburg. Transactions.^ J. 4. 18984- Gtologische und palaenntologische .Vbhandlungcn. ('Dame'=: und Keyser.") Berlin; Jena. J. I. 1882+ U. n. s. 5. 1001 + Geologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig. J. Nw. i, looi-f George Junior Republic. Freeville, N. Y. Annual reports. J. 1899+ See al<:o Junior Republic citizen. Georgia. Agricultural Experiment Station. Experiment. Annunl report. J. 6-0, I24-. i8o3-f- Bulletin. J. i, 9. 10. 12I2, 13. 19-51. 57+, 1888+ (.3.5) N. 1. i88i4- U. I, 1899+ J. I, 1809+ J. I. 1805-H N. 1, 1900-f- LIST OF SERIALS Geological Survey. Bulletin. J. Nw. i, 1894+ ; F. 1-2, 1894 Report. Nw. 1891+; J. 1894+ ; F. 1894-95 Railroad Commission. Report. J. 3-9, [11-23], 25+, 1880+ ; Nw. 6, 9-13. 17-26, 1882-98 Georgia Historical Society, Savannah. Collections. N. 1-3, 1840-48; U. 1-2, 1840-42; C. HI. 2-4, 1842-78 Georgia State Horticultural Society. Proceedings. J. 21, 1897-i- German export review. See Export review and international trades advertiser. Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg. Anzeiger. N. 1-2, 1884-89 Germany. Kaiserliche Normal-Aichungs-Kommission. Wissenschaftliche Ab- handlungen. J. i, 1895+ Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt, Berlin. Arbeiten. J. U. I, 1885+; N. 10, 1896+ — Ausziige aus gerichtlichen Entscheidungen. betreffend den Verkehr niit Nahrungsmitteln, Genussmitteln und Gebrauchsgegenstanden. J. 5, 1902+ Sammlung gerichtlicher Entscheidungen auf dem Gcbiete der oflfentliclien Gesundheitspflege. J. 2, 1897+ Kaiserliches Patentamt. See also Repertorium der technischen Journal- Literatur. Reichsamt des Innern. Handbuch fiir das Deutsche Reich. J. 23, 1898+ ; C. 24. 1899+ Reichs-Eisenbahn-Amt. Statistik der im Betriebe befindlichen Eisenbahnen Deutschlands nach den Angaben der Eisenbahn-Verwaltungen bearbeitet im Reichs-Eisenbahn-Amt. J. 20, 1899+ Gesamte Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesen in den Landern deutscher Zunge. (Gesellschaft fiir deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte.) Berlin. J. I, 1896+ Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Deutschland. Neuere Zeit. (Koeniglich-bay- erische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Historische Commission.) Munich. C. J. N. I, 1864+ Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte. Verhandlungen. Leipzig. J. 71, 1899+ Gesellschaft fiir altere deutsche Geschichtskunde, Hanover. Neues Archiv. N. U. I, 1876+ Gesellschaft fiir deutsche Erziehungs- und Schulgeschichte, Berlin. See Gesamte Erziehungs- und Unterrichtswesen in den Landern deutsqher Zunge. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde, Berlin. Verhandlungen. Continued in Zeitschrift. U. 1-17, 20-28, 1874-1901II; J. 25-28, 1898-190111 See also Bibliotheca geographica. Gesellschaft fiir Morphologic und Physiologic, Munich. Sitzungsberichte. N. I, 1885+; J. 17. 1901 + Gesellschaft fiir vergleichende Rechts-und Staatswissenschaft zu Berlin. Mit- theilungen. See Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Rechts-und Staatswissenschaft. Gesellschaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst, Vienna. Mittheilungen. Beilage zur Zeitschrift fiir bildende Kunst. N. 1872-78 See also Graphischen Kiinste. Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe der Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich, Vienna. Publicationen. N. i, 1894+ Gewerbegericht. (Verband deutscher Gewerbegerichte.) Berlin. J. I, 1896+ ; C. 1-4. 1896-99 Gewerbegerichtliche Entscheidungen. (Supplement to Sociale Rundschau.) Vienna. J. i, 1900+ Gewerblich-technischer Rathgeber. Berlin. J. i, 1901 + Ghent. College des bourgmestre et echevins. Rapport sur Tadministration dcs affaires de la ville. N. 1892-95 Giornale dantcsco. Venice. Contines I'Alighieri. C. i, 1894+ Giornale veneto di scienze mediche. Continued in Sperimentale. N. s. 3 v. 24 — s. 4 V. I, 1876-79!! Glasgow. See also Philosophical Society; — West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute. Globus. Illustrierte Zeitschrift fiir Lander-und Volkerkunde. Hilburghausen, Brunswick. J. N. i. 1862+ ; C. 4, 1863+ ; U. 40, 1881+; F. 59. 1891 + Goettingen. See also Deutscher Apothekerverein. Golden, Colo. See State School of Mines. Golf and lawn tennis. Boston. Continues Official lawn tennis bulletin. U. 1-4. 1898-1901II (36) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Good government. (National Civil Service Reform League.) Washington and N. Y. Nw. 13, 1893+ ; C. J. U. 16. 1S97+ Good roads magazine. N. Y. Continues L. A. W. magazine. C. 21. 1S95+; J. 23, 25+, 1896+ Gorges Society, Portland, ALiine. Publications. C. N. U. 1-5, 1884-93 Gotcborgs hogskola. Arsskrift. J. i, 1895+ Gothaischer genealogischer Hof-Kalender. Gotha. U. 1816-94 Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch dcr adeligen Hiiuser. Gotha. N. I. 1900+ Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch dcr freihcrrlichen Hauser. Gotha. N. 33, 1889+ ; C. 34, 39. 46+, 1890+ Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der grallichen Hiiuser. Gotha N. 62. 1889+ ; C. 63. 68, 75+, 1890+ Granite monthly. Concord, N. H. C. N. i, 1877+ ; HI. 3-9, 1879-86 Graphic. London. C. i, 1869+ ; N. 1-6, 25+, 1869-^ ; U. 61, 1900+ Great Britain. Board of Trade. Board of Trade journal of tariff and trade notices. C. 20. 1896+ ; T. 24, 1898+ Labour Department. Report. Nw. 1886+ ; J. 1895+ See also Labour gazette. Commissioners of Patents. Patent Office Library scries. J. i, 1899-H Trade marks journal. C. i, 1876+ ; J. 22, 1897-i- Corps of Royal Engineers. Profes.sional papers. Chatham. J. I, 1877+ ; W. 24, 1899+ ; N. 1-21. 1877-95 India Office. Reports on sanitary measures in India. N. 1867-89 Local Government Board. Annual report. N. i, 23+, 1871-f ; J. 1896+ Meteorological Council. Hourly readings from the self-recording instru- ments at seven observatories under the Meteorological Council. J. 1881-93 Meteorological Office. Meteorological observations at stations of the second order. J. 1878-97 Monthly weather report. J. 1S84-87 Quarterly weather report. J. 1869-80 Parliament. History and proceedings. Continued as Parliamentary register. U. 1-13, 1660-1743; N. 1743-74II Parliamentary register. Continues History and proceedings. N. 1774-1801; U. 1774-1800 House of Commons. Journal. U. i, 1547+ ; N. 1547-1885; C. 1547-1859 House of Lords. Journal. N. 1509-1881; C. 1509-1859 Manuscripts of the House of Lords. C. i. 1693+ Public Record Office. Calendar/of state papers. N. 1856+ Quarterly list of official and parliamcntarv publications. N. 1889+ ; J. 1897+ Registrar General of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Annual report of births, marriages and deaths in England. London. N. i, 1837+ Grece medicale. Syra. N. 1-2, 1898-1900 Green bag. Boston. C. N. U. i, 1889+ Grenztrasrcii de-; Xerven- und Seelenlebens. Wiesbaden. J. i, 1900+ Grosvenor Library, Buffalo. Bulletin. J. i, 1901 + Guardian. Chicago. HI. 1-4, 1875-79 Guide du carrossier et les equipages a Paris. J. 43, 1901 + Gulf States historical magazine. Montgomery, .\la. N. i, 1902+ Gutenherg-Gescllschaft. Mayence. Jahrcsbcricht. J. N. i, 1002+ Veroffcntlichungcn. J. N. i, 1901 + Half-yearly abstract of the medical sciences. London. N. 1-58, 1845-73II Halle on the Saale. See also Verein deutscher Verblendstein- und Terrakotten- fabrikanten. Hall's journal of health. N. Y. C. 20-21, 25-31, 33-40. 1873-93II Hamburg. Modicinalrath ueber die medicinische Statistik des hamhurgischcn Staates. Bericht. N. 1884-86. 06+ Statistisches Bureau der Steuer-Deputation. Statistik des hamburgischen Staates. J. i. 1866+ Hamburg. See also Botanisches Museum; — Naturhistorisches Museum. Hamburg's Handel (Handelskammer). J. 1900+ Hamilton Club. Chicago. Hamiltonian. HI. i. 1900+ Serial Publications. HI. nos. 1-2, 4-7, 9-13. 15-16. 1898-1901 Handbook for architects and builders (Chicago .'\rchitects* Business As'^oria- tion). (Chicago. C. I, 1898+ (37) LIST OF SERIALS Handbuch der musikalischen Literatur (Hofmeister). Leipzig. See also Ver- zeichniss der erscliienenen Alusikalien. N. i, 1884+ Handel und VVandel. Berlin. J. igoo-f Handels-Archiv. See Deutschcs Handelsarchiv. Handelshochschule, Leipzig. Jahresbericht. J. 2. 1899+ Handels-Museum. (Kaiserlich-koenigliches oesterreichisches Handels-Museiim.) Vienna. J. 17, 1902+ Handicraft. Boston. At. C. E. J. i, 1902+ Hanserd Knollys Society, London. Publications. U. 1846-54 Harbor lights. N. Y. N. 1-3. i898-i90oll[?l Hardwood. Chicago. _ F. [5-11], 1894-18981I Harleian Society, London. Register section. C. N. i, 1877+ Harmonic, eine Monalsschrift. Chicago. C. i, 1900+ Harper's bazar. N. Y. N. I, 1867+ ; C. 6, 28+. 1873+ ; E. 29. 1896+ ; A.*; HI. 1-19, 1867-84 Harper's monthly magazine. N. Y. A. C. E. L. N. Nw. U. I, 1850+ ; H. [35-55], 60+, 1867+ ; At. 76, 1887+ ; HI. 1-96, 1850-98 Harper's weekly. N. Y. C. 1. 1857+ ; N. [5-27]. 32+, 1861+; E. 15, 1871+; U. 1-9, 37+, 1857+ ; L. 41, 1897+ : Nw. 1875-96. 99+; HI. 1-32, 1857-88; A. 4-9, 1860-68 Harvard University, Cambridge. Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain. Bulletin. F. J. V. I pt. 2, 1874+ Harvard historical studies. C. N. U. i, 1896+ Harvard oriental series. C. i, 1891 + Medical school. Harvard Medical Alumni Association, Boston. Bulletin. N. I, 1891+; J. i-io, 1891-97; C. 1-6, 1891-94 Museum of Comparative Zoology. Annual report of curator. J. 1861+ ; Ay. 1862+ ; F. 189S+ ; HI. i86t-8i Bulletin. Ay. J. i, 1863+ ; F. [7-22]. 27+, 1880+ Memoirs. Ay. J. i, 1864+ Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology. Archasological and ethnological papers. Ay. C. F. J. i, 1888+ Memoirs. Ay. C. J. i, 1896+ Rcporls. C. F. J. I, 1868+ ; Ay. 1872-87, 97+ ; N. 1-24. 1868-91 Psychological Laboratory. Harvard psychological studies. (In Psycholo- gical review, Monograph supplements.) N. Y. J. i, 1903+ Studies and notes in philology and literature. (Modern language depart- ments.) C. N. U. I, 1892+ Harvard law review. Cambridge. U. i, 1887+ Harvard studies in classical philolo.gv'. Boston. C. N. Nw. U. i, 1890+ Hatch Experiment Station. See Massachusetts Agricultural College. Hauptergebnisse der osterreichischen Eisenbahn-Statistik. See Austrin. Kai.'^er- lich-koenigliches Eisenbahn-Ministerium, Statistisches Departement. Haverhill Public Library. Bulletin. C. i, 1902 Hawaii. Board of Health, Honolulu. Biennial report. N. 1884-92. 96-97 Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station. See U. S. A., Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. Hayden's annual cyclopedia (Insurance). Hartford. J. 1900+ Health ; a journal of medicine, surgery, diet and sanitary science. London. N. 27-34. 1896- 1900 Health monitor. Chicago. N. 1-7, 1891-97 Heidelberg. Grossherzogliche Sternwarte. Veroflfentlichungen. J. i. 1900+ Helena, Mont. See Historical Society of Montana. Helfenberger Annalen. Berlin. J. i. 1886+ Helping hand. Boston. U. 26, 1899+ ; Nw. 27, 1900+ Herbier Boissier, Geneva. Bulletin. F. 4. 1896+ ; U. 5, 1897+ ; J. s. 2 v. i, 1901 + Memoires. J. i, 1900+ Herington, Kan. See Kansas Bankers' Association. Hermes. Zeitschrift fiir classische Philologie. Berlin. N. Nw. I, 1866+ ; U. 1-7. 9+, 1866-f- Hibbert journal, a quarterly review of religion, theology and philosophy. Lon- don. G. I, 1002+ Hildebrand's Jahresbericht. See Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chirurgie. Wiesbaden. (38) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Hildesheim. See Roemer-Museum. Hills Familv Genealogical and Historical Association, Boston. Annual report of the directors. N. I, 1895 + Hinrichs' Halbjahrs-Katalog der im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher, Zeitschriftcn. Landkarten, etc. Leipzig. C 147, 170+, 1871+; N. 170, 1883+ ; L. 184-195, 202+. 1890+ ; Nw. 188, 1S92+ ; J. 190. 1893+ ; U. 196. 1896+ Historic quarterly. (.ALinchester Historical Association.) Manchester, N. H. N. 2, 1901+; HI. V. 2 no. 3, July. 1901 + Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Liverpool. Proceedings and papers. See Transactions. Transactions. C. N. i, 1848+ ; HI. i-io, n. s. i-io, 1848-70 Historical and genealogical researches and recorder of passing events of .\lerr - mack Valley. Haverhill. N. I. 1857-58II Historical and philosophical society of Ohio. Journal. Columbus. HI. i, 1838II Transactions. See Journal, part second. Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Transactions. J. 57. 1901-f Historical magazine (Dawson). Boston; New York; Morrisana. C. H. N. U. 1-23, 1857-75II: HI. 1-19, 21-23. 1857-75II Historical notes relating to the Pennsylvania Reformed Church. Phila. C. May, 1899-ApriI, 1900II Historical record of Wyoming valley. Wilkes-Barrc. Pa. N. i, i886-|- Historical register. Harrisburg. See also Notes and queries. Historical Societv of Delaware. Wilmington. Papers. C. I, 1879+ : N. 5. 7; 9+, 1884+ ; HI. 1-8. 1879-88 Historical Society of Montana, Helena. Contributions. HI. 1-3, 1876-1900; N. U. I. 1876 Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Phila. Memoirs. See also Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. U. 1. 1826+ ; C. I, 2 (no. 2)-i2, 1826-76; N. 1-13. 1826 (i864)-9i; HI. 8-14, 1867-95 Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles. Annual publication. N. 2, 1891-f Publications. N. 2. 1891 + Historisch genootschap, Utrecht. Bijdragen en mededeelingen. U. i, 1877-f- Werken. (V. i w-as never published.) L'. 2, 1846+ Historisch-kritisch onderzoek. Leydcn. U. 1-3 pt. i. 1887-93 Historische Gesellschaft, Berlin, jahresberichtc der Geschichtswissenschaft. N. 1, 1878-f-; C. 1-18, 1878-95 Historische Viertel.iahrsschrift. Leipzig. C. N. i, 1889+; U. n. s. i. 1898-f Historisches Taschenbnch. Leipzig. C. U. i — s. 6. v. 12, 1830-92 Hobart, Tasmania. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Observations. J. 1-3. 1841-46 Hochschul-Nachrichten. Munich. J. U. 8, 1897-I- HofFmann's Catholic directory, almanac and clergy list. See Catholic directory, almanac, and clergy list. Holland Society. Chicago. Yearbook. N. 189S+; C. 1897+ Holland Society of New York. Collections. N. i, 3+. 1891 + Yearbook. N. 1887-I- Holstein herd-book. (Holstein Breeders' Association of America.) U. 1-9, 1883-85 Holstcin-Friesian herd-book. (Holstein-Friesian Association of America.) U. I. 1886+ Home of the Friendless, Chicago, .^nnual report. Ml. 12 (ist formal V 2t, !86.i-7o Home science magazine, with Motherhood. Boston. Continues .\merican kitchen magazine. J. i. 1894-I- ; L. 1-3. 6-i-. iSo4-r Home study. Detroit. J. I, 1900+ Homeopathic world. London. N. 3-14. 16-20. 23+. 1868-I- Homiletic review. N. Y. Continues Homilctic monthly. U. 3. 1878-}- : H. 5, 1880-f : G. Nw. 9. 1885+ ; C. 20. 1895+ : N. 35. i8o8-f Homme; journal illustre des sciences anthropologiques. Paris. U. 1-4. 1884-87 Homoeopathic recorder. Phila. N. 1-4. 6-8, 11-13. 1886-98 (39) LIST OF SERIALS Homoeopathic sun. N. Y. N. i, 1869II Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Cheniie. Berlin. J. N. U. I, 1877+ ; L. 23-36, 1897- 1902 Horen. Tubingen. N. 1-5, 1795-97II Horseless age. N. Y. J. i, 1895+ ; A. 8, 1901 + Hospital life. Chicago. N. i, 1898II House and garden. Phila. At. J. 2, 1902+ House beautiful. Chicago. At. N. I. 1896+ ; Nw. 3, 1897+ ; C. 7, 1899+ ; E. 9, 1901+; J. v. 11 no. 4, 1902+ Huguenot Society of London. Proceedings. N. i, 1885+ Publications. N. i, 1887+ Huguenot Society of South Carolina, Charleston. Transactions. N. i. 1885+ Hulsean lectures. London. N. 1820+ Human faculty. Chicago. HI April, 1901 + Humane review. London. J. i, 1900+ Humanitarian. N. Y. and London. C. 1-2, 12-19, 1892-1901II Hungary. Koenigliche geologische Anstalt. Jahresbericht. J. i, 1882+ Kooniclichcs ungari'^ches Handclsministerium. Statistisches Centralamt. Ungarisches statistisches Jahrbuch. J. n. s. 7, 1899+ Hyde Park Protective Association, Chicago. Report of the president. N. 1893-95. 98+ Hygienische Rundschau. Berlin. N. U. i, 1891-h Ibis. A journal of ornithology. London. F. J. i. 1859+ Ice and refrigeration. Chicago. J. I, 1891+; N. 12, 1897+ ; A. 13, 1897+; W. 2r. 1001 + Idaho socialist. Idaho Falls. J. v. i no. 36, 1903+ Illinois. Adjutant General. Report. HI. 1861-66, 73-78. 81-88, 95+ ; U. 1861-66, 7V74. 81-82, 87+ : C. 1877-78. 89+: N. 1861-66, 89-f ; E. 1861^6, 75-76; Nw. 1861-66, 85-86; J. 1861-66. 90. 92 -f Appellate Court. Reports. U. i, 1877+ Attornev General. Biennial report. Nw. 1876, 78. 88-1- : U. 1876, 88+; HI. [1876-90], 98+; N. 1892, 9/+; C. 1896+ Auditor of Public Accounts. Biennial report. J. 1838-41, 50-68. 72-74, -jeA-; N. 1850-52, 60-62, [62-74!, 78+: C. 1861-88, 92+ ; U. 1874+ ; Nw. 1880+ Board of Examiners of Architects. Biennial report. J. I, 1897+ ; HI. IQ01 + Board of Managers of the Illinois State Reformatory (at Pontiac). Bien- nial report. J. N. Nw. i. 1891 + Board of State Commissioners of Public Charities. Biennial report. N. Nw. U. I. 1870+ ; C. 1-4, 6+, 1870+ : J. 3. 1872+ ; HI. r-12. 14+ , 1870+ ; E. 1874-82 Board of State Fish Commissioners. Report. N. 1879-82, 84+ ; J. 1879-82, 84-93, 97+ Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual coal report. N. 1-2, 6, 14+. 1882+ ; Nw. 3, 9+. 1885+ ; J. 4, 6. 12-14. 16+. 1885+ ; HI. 9. 15+. 1891+; U. 12, 1893+ Canal Commissioners. Report. C. 1872. [75-92I. 94+; Nw. 1872, 87+'; N. 1874, T7, 87-92, 94-97. 99+; HI. 1870, 72. [74-92I. 94+: U. 1875-76, 89+; J. 1884+ Commissioners of State Penitentiary at joliet. Annual report. Nw. 1872-73 — Biennial report. _ N. [1871-89]. 92+; Nw. 1884+ ; J. 1896+ Department of Agriculture. Transactions. C. J. I, 1853+ ; N. 1-18, 20+, 1853+ ; Nw. [1-23]. 26+. 1853+ ; LT. [1-16], 20+, 1853+ ; HI. 1-28, ^yyj, 1853-79 Department of Public Instruction. Biennial report. Nw. 2, 1857+ ; J. 4, 1860+ ; N. 3, ii. 12, 14+, 1859+ ; U. [2-7], 9+, 1857+ : C. 9-17. 21+. 1872+ ; HI. [1875-82], 85+ Executive Department. Biennial message of the Governor. N. 1863, 65, 69. 71-75. 79. 91+ ; Nw. 1867, 71-81, 93-I- ; U. 1879+ ; J. 1897-!- Inaugural address of the Governor. J. 40, 1897+ Farniers' Institute. Annual report. J. N. Nw. U. i. 1896^- Game Commissioner. Annual report. J. i, 1899+ (40) SUPPLEMENT 1003 General Assembly. House journal. HI. 1818. -M--'8. 32+ ; C. 1834-59. 03+ ; N. 1834-43. 46-59, 63+ ; Nw. 1836-!- ; U. [i835-fK)I. (62-80]. 8-'-}-; J. [1832-77]. 87+ — Public and general statute laws. X. 1810+ ; U. 1819+ ; HI. 1821. 30, 34-1- ; Nw. 1890-f- ; J. 1898-^ — Reports to the General Assembly. V. 1838-97 : HI. 1838-89, 9711 ; N. [1838-85I. 87-9711 ; J. [1838-97III Senate journal. Hi. i8_'o. 20-30. 34-f; C. 1826. 34+: N. 1826, 34-59, 63+; Nw. 1839-f- ; U. 1820. J7. l.?5-8o], 82+.; J. [1826-79]. 83+ Geological Survey. Geology and paleontology of Illinois. Ay. F. HI. J. N. Nw. 1-8, 1866-90; E. 3-9; 1S68-90 Inspector of Factories and Workshops. Annual report of the factory in- spectors. C. J. N. Nw. U. 1. 1893+ ; HI. 4-5, 8+, 1896-f Insurance Department. Annual report. N. 3-9, 11+. 1870+; U. 4. 1872+ ; Nw. 4^20, 22-I-. 1872+ lJ. [1-26]. 29-I-, 1871-f; HI. [4-26]. 1872-93 Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Annual report. Nw. W. I. 1870-1-; N. 1-16. i8-f , 1870-f ; C. 1-16, 18-19, 21-f. 1870-f ; J. 2-11. 13-16. 18-23, 2S-f, 1871+; HI. [1-30I, 1870-1900 — Sanitary Bureau. Report of transactions. HI. Dec. 1862-Sept. 1863 See also Sanitary Commission. -Sanitary Commission, .\nnual report. HI. 12. 1863-65 - Secretary of State. Biennial report. Hi. 1870-84. 88-92. 96, 1900-I- ; N. 1872. 74, 78. 86+ - Southern Illinois Penitentiary. Chester. Report. N. 1884. 88. 92, 94. 98+ ; J. 1896+ - State Board of Agriculture. Statistical report. J. 1900+ - State Board of Arbitration. Annual report. J. I, 1895+ ; N. 3. 1897+ ; HI. 4. 1899+ - State Board of Dental Examiners. N. I. 3-5, 7, 9. 13, 16+. 1882+ ; J. 9, 16-f. 1890+ ; HI. 16. 1897+ -State Board of Education. Proceedings of meetings. HI. 185782 - State Board of Equalization. Proceedings. Nw. 1869+ ; U. 1869-71, 74-92. 94+ ; C. 1869, 71, 75+ ; N. 1871, 74-77, 80+ ; J. [1861-93]. 95+ -State Board of Labor Commissioners. Free Employment Offices, .\niiual report. J. N. i, 1899+ - State Board of Live Stock Commissioners. Annual report. J. 3-8, 11+. 1887+ - State Board of Pharmacy. Annual report. Nw. I. 1882+ ; U. 2. 1881+; HI. 1-4. n+. 1884+ ; N. 4. 1885+ ; J. n, 1894+ - State Entomologist. Report on the noxious and beneficial insects of the State of Illinois. Av. 2. 1872-1-; J. 1-4, 6-18. 20+, 1871+ ; N. 2. 4, 6+. 1872+ ; Nw. 3, 12-13. 15+. 187.^+: F. 4. 17+. 1874-f : C. [4-18]. 1874-94 - State Food Commission. Annual report. T. 1899+ -State Historical Library. Biennial report. N. i, 1889+ ; J. 1-2, 4-r. 1889+ Publications. HI. J. N. i, 1899+ State Laboratory of Natural History. Biennial report. j. 1892-94. 96+ State Treasurer. Biennial report. HI. [1852-1900]: X. 1852. 6264. 68. 72-74. 84. 88-f ; Xw. 1868, 72. 82+; C 187080. 8r-82. 92+; J. 1838-42. 50-60. 62-68 Superintendent of Public Instruction. Biennial report. N. 3, 11-12. 14-I-. 1859+ ; HI. I. 6-8, 10-17, 21-23. 1854-1900 Supreme Court. Reports of cases at common law and in chancery. U. T-113. 1810-85 Illinois. Sec also Antiquarian and Historical Society; — Northern Illinois State Normal School; — Society of Colonial \N'ars in the State of Illinois; — South- ern Illinois State Normal University. Illinois advocate and state register. Edwardsville; \'andnlia. HI. V. I no. 2, Feb. i83i-.'\ug. 1832, Jan. T833-Junc 1835 Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. See University of Illinois. Illinois Association of the Deaf. Proceedings of the triennial convention. J. 5. 1897+ (41) LIST OF SERIALS Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children, Lincoln. Biennial report. J. i6, i8+, 1896+ lUinois Asylum for Incurable Insane, Peoria. Biennial report. HI. J. 2, 1895+ Illinois Asylum for Insane Criminals, Chester. Biennial report. HI. I, 1890+ ; J. 2, 1892+ Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane, Jacksonville. Biennial report. HI. i-ii, 25+, 1847+ ; N. 1-8, 12-15, 17, 21-22, 24+, 1847+ ; J. 25, 1894-I- Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmar}^ Chicago. Annual report. N. 1-17, 1858-74 — — Biennial report. N. 10. 1876-h ; J. 14, iS+, 1882-f Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, Chicago. Annual report. J. 18, 1900+ Illinois Conference of Charities and Corrections. Proceedings. J. N. I. 3, 1S96-98 Illinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane at Kankakee. Biennial report. N. 2, 1880+ ; HI. J. 10, 1898+ Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. Annual announcement. HI. 6, 1889+ Illinois Gallaudet Union. See Illinois Association of the Deaf. Illinois Humane Society, Chicago. Annual report. J. 14, 25, 28+, 1884+ ; N. 16. 20, 22-+-, 1886+ : HI. 24-28, 30+, 1893-I- Illinois Industrial Home for the Blind. Chicago. Annual report. T,i- ...... ^, J- N. I, 3, 5, 1894-98 Illmois Institution for the Education of the Blind. Jack.sonville. Biennial report. N. 6, II, 15. 21, 25-+-, 1861+; J. 26. 1898-p Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, Jacksonville. Bi- ennial report. N. 25, 27+, 1890+ Illinois Masonic Home for the Aged, Chicago. Annual report. „,. . ,, J- I. 1897+ ; N. 2-3, 5+, 1898+ lllinois monthly magazine. Vandalia. Continued as Western monthlv maga- zine. HI. N. 1-2. '1831-32II Illinois Natural History Society, Bloomington. Transactions. N. i, 1861 Illinois Northern Hospital for the Insane, at Elgin. Biennial report. N. 2-6, 9-f . i8-2-f ; HI. J. 14, 1894-h Illinois Society for Child Study, Chicago. Transactions. . H. J. U. I, 1894; Nw. i-s, 1894-1900 Illinois Society of Engineers and Surveyors. Annual report. J. W. I, 1886-f ; N. 14. 1899+ Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, Quincy. Biennial report. N. I, 1886+ ; J. 8, 1898+ Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal. Biennial report. N. II. 14-f-. 1890-1-; J. 14. 1894 -f Illinois Soldiers' Widows' Home. Wilmington. Biennial report. J. N. i, 1896+ Illinois Southern Hospital for the Insane, at Anna. Biennial report. T„. . ^ ^ . ^ . N. 3, 5-6, 9, 12+. 1878+ ; HI. J. 12, 1894+ llnnois Staats-Zeitung. Chicago. C. Jan.-June. 1873, Apr. 1874-I- ; N. 1861-64. 66-1901; HI. 30-40. 1877-87 Abendblatt. X. 1S93-99 Wochentliche Ausgabe. N. 1862-70, 72-84, 86-99 — 7- See also Chicago Sonntags-Zeitung; — Westen. Illinois State Bar Association. Proceedings. N. 2-3. 5-17, 19-}-. iS7g+\ C. 4-8. 1881-84 Illinois State Dairymen's Association. Proceedings. Elgin. HI, 1875-84, 87 Illinois State Dental Society, Springfield, etc. Transactions. N. no. 1-5, 7+, 1865; C. 34. 1898-h: HI. 1871-84 Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield. Transactions. HI. J. N. Nw. I, 1900-H Illinois State Home for Juvenile Female Oflfenders. Geneva. Biennial report J. 2. 1894+ Illinois State Horticultural Societv. Transactions. C. 2-27, 1869-94; J. [6-36], 1863-92; N. [n. s. S-15], 20-t-, 1871+; HI. n. s. 5-27, 1871-93 Illinois state journal. Springfield. HI. 8-25. 1835-73; N. 1864-65 Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane, at Watertown. Biennial report. HI. J. N. I, 1898+ Illustrated graphic news. Chicago. HI. 1-8. 1886-87 Illustrated journal. Chicago. HI. 1-2. 1872-74 (42) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Illustrated London news. London. C. N. I. 1842+ ; Nw. 55, 1869+ ; E. 116, iqoo4- ; HI. 1-54. 56-61, 1812-77 N. Y. A. 20. 1897+ ; L. 20-31. 1897-1902; E. 20-25, 1897-99 Illustrirte Zeitung. Leipzig. C. 11-55], 57+. 1843+; N. 1-94, 98+, 1843+ ; A.* Iniperatorskaja akadeniiya nauk, St. Petersburg. Bulletin de I'Acadcmie impcriale des sciences. .\y. C. J. 1. 1860+ ; N. i-;,2, s, 5 v. 1-3, 1860-95; U. 1-32, i860 87 Imperatorskii botanicheskii sad, St. Petersburg. Bulletin du Jardin imperial bo- tanique. J. i, 1901 + Imperatorskii Moskovski univcrsitct. rsikhologhlckoe obshchestvo. See Voprosui filosfii i psikhologhil. Imperial and Asiatic quarterly review. Woking. C. N. I. 1886+ ; U. s. 3 V. I, 1896+ ; H. s. 2 v. 5 — s. 3 v. 6, 1893-98 Improvement bulletin. Minneapolis. N. 5, 1895-t- ; J. 23, i900-t- Incorporated Gas Institute, London. Transactions. J. i, 1864-I- Independent. N. Y. H. 1-4. 10-22, 26-f. 1848+ ; N. I, 13-17, 43-f, 1848-I-; C. 25, 1873-f ; U. [25- 35l+. 1873-^; G. L. 49, 1897-I-; E. 51, 1899-f ; J. 54, 1902-I- ; HI. 1-23, 25-36. 1873-84. Independent chronicle and Boston patriot. HI. 27-52, 1795- 1820 Independent practitioner. See International dental journal, N. Y. Index and review, all about government publications. Washington, D. C. J. N. I, 1901-f Index bibliographiquc. See Repertoire des ventes publiques cataloguccs. Inde.x biblio-iconographiquc. See Repertoire des ventes publiques cataloguees. Index mcdicus. Washington. (Not published 1899-1902.) N. 1-21. 1879-99; J. 21, 1898-f Index medicus novus. Vienna. J. 1-2 no 3. 1899-100011 Index to the periodicals of the world. (Review of reviews.) London. A. C J. Nw. I, 1890+ ; N. 1-2, 4-6, 8-f. 1890-f ; U. 1-5, 1890-94 Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States army, Washington. See War Department, Surgeon-General's Office. Index- catalogue. India. Geological Survey. Trigonometrical Branch. Account of operations of the great trigonometrical survey. C. i, 1870+ ; J. i-io, 14, 1870-90 Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India, Calcutta. Annual re- port. " N. 16, 23-25, 27-30, 32+, 1881-I- Indian and eastern engineer. Calcutta. J. 28. 1897-+- Indian engineering. Calcutta. J. 21, 1897-}-; W.* Indian lancet. Calcutta. N. 8-12, 1896-98 Indian medical record. Calcutta. N. 5-18, 1893-1900 Indian medico-chirurgical review. Bombay. N. 1-4, 1893-96 Indian Rights Association. Phila. Reports. (From 1892 in Tracts.) N. 2. 4-^, 1884+ ; C. [3-9]. 11+. 1885-f ; Nw. 4. 1886+ ; U. 2. 4-13, 15+, 1884+ Tracts. N. i — s. 2 no. 18, 20-34. 36-t- Indiana. Board of State Charities. .-Xnnual report. J. 2, 3, io-|-. 1890-I" Department of Geologv and Natural llistorv. Annual report. F. J. Nw. U. I, 1869-f ; W. fi-iil, IS+, 1869+ ; Ay. 1870+ Department of Public Instruction. Report. J. II. 16, 17. 20-I-, 186.3+: U. I, 18. [28-39I, 1852-92; Nw. 38. 1890+ Department of Statistics. Biennial report. J. I, i87Q-f ; Nw. 2. 1887-f ; N. 3-5. 8-|-. 1887+ Labor Commission. Biennial report. J. i, 1807-f Public Library Commission. Biennial report. J. i, 1899+ State Board of Agriculture. .^Ilnual report. J. 1-.38, 40+, 1851+; Nw. I. 3-4, II. 13+, 1851 + State Board of Forestry. Bulletin. J. i, 1001 + State Board of Health. Annual report. Nw. I, 1881+: W. 2. 6. Q+, 1883-f ; J. [2-13I. 15+. 1882+ ; N. 1-6, 19, 18S1-1900; U. 17, 1897-f- Indiana Academv of Science, Indianapolis. Proceedings. .'\y. F. 1891+: U. i8qi. 93+ : J. N. 1899+ Indiana .Xgriculturnl Experiment .'station. See Purdue University. Indiana Baptist outlook. Indianapolis. U.* (43) LIST OF SERIALS Indiana bulletin of charities and correction. Indianapolis. J, 1-7, 9-21, 23+, 1890+ Indiana Engineering Society. Proceedings. J. 2, 4+, 1882+ ; W. 11, 1891 + Indiana journal of medicine. Indianapolis. N. 2-6, 1871-75II Indiana Society of Civil Engineers. See Indiana Engineering Society. Indiana State Medical Society, Indianapolis. Transactions. N. 1-8, 21, 23-24, 27, 29-32. 35. 40, 44, 46, 49. 1850-98; C. 49, 1898+ Indogermanische Forschungen. Strassburg. U. I, 1892+ ; N. 9, 1898+ ; Nw. 12, 1901 + Industrie electrique. Paris. J. i, 1892+ ; L. 6-11, 1897-1902 Ingenieur. Orgaan van het Koninklijk instiluut van ingenieurs — van der Ve- reeniging van delftsche ingenieurs. The Hague. J. W. 17. 1902+ Inland architect and news record. Chicago. N. I, 1883+ ; C. 7, 1886+ ; At. 13, 1889+ ; W. 17, 1891+; J. 29, 1897+ ; A. 33, 1899+ Inland educator and Indiana school journal. See Educator-journal. Inland printer. Chicago. HI. J. i, 1883+ ; C. 2, 7+, 1884+ ; F. 16, 1895 + Insect life. (U. S. Department of Agriculture.) F. J. U. 1-7, 1888-95II : N. 1-3, 5-7, 1888-95II Institut de France, Paris. Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus des seances. U. I — n. s. v. 7, s. 4 v. 1-5, 7, 24+, 1857+ ; H. s. 4 v. 22. 1894+ Notices et extraits. N. 1-23, 1787-1877; U. [10-25], i8i8-75 Academic royale des sciences. Memoires. J. U. i-ii, 1666-99 Annuaire. J. 1833-36. 39-42. 44-46. 55 + Institut des sciences sociales, Brussels. Annales. N. U. 1-6, 1894-19001! Notes €t memoires. N. i, 1903+ Tn<;titnt francnis d'archeologie orientale, Cairo. Bulletin. U. i, 1901 + Institut fiir Meereskunde und das geographische Institut an der Universitat, Ber- lin. Veroffentlichungen. J. i. 1901 + Institut fiir oesterreichische Geschichtsforschung, Vienna. Mittheilungen. N. U. I. 1880+ Institut international de bibliographic. Brussels. Bulletin. J. N. i, 1895-f Institut royal grand-ducal de Luxembourg. Section des sciences naturelles et mathematiques. Publications. Ay. 1881-82, 86-87, 93+; N. 15-20, 22, 26, 1875-1901 Institut superieur de philosophic de Louvain. Sommaire ideologique des ouv- rages et des revues de philosophic (Supplement a la Revue neo-scolastique). N. J. I. i8Q5-f Institute of Bankers, London. Journal. J. N. i, 1879+ Institute tie. Chicago. (Moody Bible Institute.) N. n. s. 1-2. 1900-02 Institution of Electrical Engineers, London. Journal. J. I. 1872+ ; W. 24. 1895+ ; A. 32. 1900-I- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Glasgow. Transactions. J. I, 1857+ ; C. 1-14, 16-23, 1857-80 Institution of Mining Engineers, Newcastle. Transactions. J. W. i, 1889+ Institution of Naval Architects, London. Transactions. N. I. i86o-f; J. 39, 1897+ ; W. 42, 1900-I- Instituto de injenieros de Chile, Santiago. Anales. W. i, 1901 + Instituto fisico-geografico y Museo nacional de Costa Rica, San Jo.se. Anales. F. 3. 1892+ Instituto geografico argentine, Buenos Aires. Boletin. Ay. 17, 1896-f ; F. 19. i8o8-f Instituto geologico de Mexico, City of Mexico. Boletin. J. 7, 1897+ Instruction primaire. Paris. U. does not have Insurance engineering. N. Y. W. i, 1901 + Insurance year book. N. Y. C. 1874, 78, 80, 81-94; J- 29, 1901-+- Intelligence. N. Y. See Metaphysical magazine. Intelligence. Oak Park, 111. HI. 1887-92; J. 17. 1897+ ; U. 18. 1898+ Intercollegian. N. Y. Continues Student volunteer. H. 21, 1898-f ; Nw. 24, 1901 + Intercollegiate medical journal. Chicago. N. 1-2. 1897-98 Intercolonial medical journal of Australasia. Melbourne. N. 1-4, 1896-99 Interieur. Vienna. At. i, 1900+ Interior. Chicago. HI. 8, 1877+ ; C. 23, 1892+ ; H. 24, 1893+ ; L. 28, 1897+ ; U. 30, 1899+ (44) SrPPT.EMFXT 1903 International. Chicago. E. i — v. ii no. i, 1896-1901II; U. 2-5, 1897-98 International Association for Promoting the Study of Quarternions and Allied Systems of Mathematics. Report. J. 1899+ Internalional Association of Machinists, Chicago. Monthly journal. U. does not have International Bureau of American Republics. Annual report. C. J. N. i, 1891-t- liulk-tin. F. J. I. 1891+ ; N. I1-75I. 88+, 1891+; C. [3-(^7]. 18QI-94 Monthly bulletin. F. 111. J. N. U. x, 1893 + International catalogue of scientific literature. London. C. J. U. i, 1901 + International Congress of Americanists. Compte rendu. N. 1, 1875-t- International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. Transactions. N. I, 2, 5-7, 1876-91 International Congress of Orientalists. Proceedings. N. U. I, 1873 + International Congress of Zoology. Compte- rendu. J. 1-4, 1889-99 International dental journal. N. V. N. i. 1880+ International directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. (Clegg.) Roch- dale, Eng. N. [2], 1888+ International Folk Lore Association, Chicago. Archives. J. i, 1898+ International good templar. Milwaukee. C. 13, 1900+ International journal of ethics. Phila. Continues the Ethical record. C. E. H. J. N. Nw. U. I. 1890+ ; L. 8-13, 1897-1902 International Medical Congress. Transactions, session. N. 7-10, 12+, 1881 + International monthly. Burlington, Vt. See International quarterly. International Ophthalmological Congress. Report. N. 1-3, 5, 1857-76 International Otological Society. N. Y. Congress. N. I. 1876 International quarterly. Burlington, Vt. E. H. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1900+ International Railway Congress. Bulletin. (English edition.) Brussels. J. [10-13], 16+. 1896+ International School of Social Economy, Kansas City. See Socialist teacher. International studio. N. Y. N. i. 1897+ ; E. 6-10, 1898-1900 International yearbook, a compendium of the world's progress. N. Y. J. N. Nw. U. 1898+ ; C. 1899+ Internationale Bibliographic der Kunstwissenschaft. (Jcllinek.) Berlin. N. I, 1902+ Internationaler Verhand der Dampfkes.'^l-Ueberwachungs-Verein. Protokoll der Delegirten- und Ingenieur-Versammlung. J. 1901 + Internationales .Arbcitsamt. Jena. Bulletin. J. I, 1902+ Internationales Centralblatt fiir Anthropologic und vcrwandtc Wisscnschaften. Breslau, Jena, Griefswald. J. N. U. I, 1896+ ; F. 4, 1899+ Internatioiiak's Centralblatt fiir die Physiologic und Pathologic der liarii-und Sexual-Organe. Hamburg. See Centralblatt fiir die Krankhciten der llarn- und Sexual-Organe. Leipzig. Inter-ocean. Chicago. HI. July 1876+ C. Jan.-July, 1873; Julv. 1874+ ; N. 1871-72, 74+; HI. Nov. 1870+ nVeekly.^ " HI. July 1876+ Investigator. Chicago. J. 16, 17, 30+, 1887+ Investors' review. London. J. U. I. 1892+ ; C. 7. 1807+ ; U. 1-9. 1892-97 Iowa. Board of Control of State Institutions. Bulletin of Iowa institutions. J. I. 1900+ Board of Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. J. N. Nw. W. I, 1877+ : U. 3. 1879+ Bureau of Labor Statistics. Biennial report. J. 2. 1885+ ; N. Nw. U 5. 1802+ Commission of Pharmacy. Biennial report. J. i, 1880+ Custodian of Pul)lic Buildings and Property. Report. J. i886-i- Department of Public Instruction. Biennial report. Nw. 15. 1860+ ; J. 15, 17-22, 24+, 1869+ ; U. 1871-75, 91 + Geological .Snrvov. Annual report. Ay. F. J. Nw. U. W. i. 1892+: N. 7. 1897+ Bulletin. J. N. i, 1901 + Historical Department. See Annals of Iowa. Inspectors of Oils. Biennial report. Continued in the report of the Secre- tary of State. J. 1-8. 1883-98II Legislative documents submitted to the General assembly. J 1895 + Secretary of State. Report of the transactions of the Land Department. J. 1865+ (45) LIST OF SERIALS State Board of Dental Examiners. Annual report. N. 1-2, 4, 1883-86; J. 1-3, 7-10, 1883-93 State Board of Health. Biennial report. J. N. Nw. I, 1880+ Iowa health bulletin. N. 1-3, 9, 11+, 1887+ ; J. [1-14], 15+, 1887+ ; Nw. 10, 1897+ State Dairy Commissioner. Annual report. J. 3, 5. 10+, 1889+ State Library. Report. Nw. 1862, 66, 69, 71, 75+; N. 1880-85, 91-95 State Library Commission. Quarterly. J. i, I90i4- State Mine Inspectors. Biennial report. J. I, 3, 5+, 1880+ Iowa Academy of Sciences, Des Moines. Proceedings. Ay. F. J. Nw. I, 1887+ ; N. U. 3.. 1895+ Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. See Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Iowa City. See Iowa State Historical Society; — State University of Iowa. Iowa engineer. Ames. W. i, 1901+ Iowa historical record. CState Historical Society of Iowa.) Iowa Citv. HI. N. 1-18, 1885-1902II Iowa Improved Stock Breeders' Association. Annual meeting. J. 8, 10-12, 14-18, 20+, 1881 + lowa journal of history and politics. Iowa City. HI. N. i, 1903+ Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. Quarterly bulletin. C. J. F. i, 1898+ lowa socialist. Dubuque. J. i, 1902+ Iowa Society of Civil Engineers and Surveyors. Proceedings. W. 2-1 1, 1889-99 Iowa State Agricultural Society, Des Moines. Annual report. J. 7-46, 1860-99II ; Nw. 27-43, 1880-96 Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Ames. Biennial report. J. 2-5, 7-1 1, 13-17. n- s. i+, 1867+ Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. 1-38, 41, 44-53, 55-57, 59-6o, 62+, 1888+ ; N. 21, 27-38. 62,+, 189S+ Iowa State Dairy Association. Proceedings. J. 19-23, 1895-99 Iowa State Historical Society, Iowa City. Biennial report. HI. 1865-87, J. 6-22, 1866-99 Documentary material. N. i, 1895-f ; HI. 1-12, 1895-98 Iowa State Horticultural Society. Report. J. 2, 6-9, II, 13-25, 27-29, 31 -f, 1867-!: Iowa State Medical Society. Transactions. N. 1-9, 11, 14+, 1871 + lowa State Normal School, Cedar Falls. Biennial report. J. 1-5, 7, 10+, 1876+ Bulletin. J. i, 1900+ Iowa State University. See State University of Iowa. Iowa yearbook of agriculture. Des Moines. T. iQoo-f- Irische Texte mit Uebersetzungen und Worterbuch (Stokes and Windisch). Leipzig. N. I. 1880+ Irish textile journal. Belfast. J. n. s. 16, 1901 + Irish Texts Society, London. Publications. U. i. 1899+ Iron age. N. Y. J. 34-37, 39+. 1884+ ; C. 43. 1889+ ; W. 47, 1891+ ; A. 48-49. 70+ , 1881+ ; U. 59. 1897+ ; W.* Iron and coal trades review. London. J. 54. 1897+ ; U. 56, 1898+ ; W. 1902+ Iron and machinery world. St. Louis, Chicago. Continues Age of steel and Iron and steel. J. y^^ 74, 81+, 1893+ ; W.* Iron and steel. Chicago. Continued in Iron and machinery world. J. 4 — V. 81 no. 23, 1866-92II Iron and Steel Institute, London. Journal. J. U. ;, 1871+; C. 1879+ ; A. 1875-90 Iron and steel trades journal and mining engineer. London. J. 60. 1897+ ; W. 1902+ Iron trade review. Cleveland. J. 28, 1895+ ; U. 31, 1898+ ; W. 1902+ Istituto delle scienze ed arti liberali, Bologna. Alemorie. J. I — s. 2 v. 6, 1847-66 Italia. Chicago. HI. Dec, 1895+ Italy. Ministero delle finanze. Annuario. J. 39, 1900+ Ministero di agricolturo, Industrie c commercio. Direzione srenerale dellri agricoltura. Corpo reale delle miniere. Revista del servizio minerario. J. 1898+ (46) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Statistica delle societa cooperative di lavoro. Rome. J. 1894-95 Direzione generale della statistica. Annuario statistico italiano. J. 1900+ Divisione credito e previdenza. Casse di risparmio. Rendiconti. J. II, 1898+ Reale ufficio geologico. Mcniorie descrittive della carta geologica d'ltalia. J. I. 1886+ Ithaca, N. Y. See Cornell University. Jacksonville. See Illinois Central Hospital for the Insane; — Illinois Institution for the Education of the Blind; — Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb. Jahrbuch der deutschen Bibliotheken. (Verein deutscher BiI)liothckarc.) Leipzig. J. I, 1902+ Jahrbuch der Edelmctall-Industric. Vienna. J. 1898II Jahrbuch der Elektrochcmie. Halle a. S. J. i, 1894+ Jahrhiich der Erfuulunpon unerichte. J. N\v. 1-20, 1836-55II ; U. i-io, 12-20, 18.16-S5II ; N. i, 16-20, 1836-55II Corpus inscriptionum Latmarum. N. U. i, 1863+ Mathcmatische Abhandlungcn. (Also as part of Abhandluiigen. ) J. 1804+ ; N. [1826-95] Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Mittheilungcn. N. 1882-96; U. 1896 Memoircs. J. 1 786- 1 804 II ; U. 1786-97. 98-1802. 04II Monatsbericht. Continued as Sitzungsbcrichtc. J. U. 1856-81 II; Nw. 1856-68; N. 1866-81 II Nouveaux momoires. J. 1770-86II ; U. 1770-85 PhilosopiiisclK- und historische Abhandlungcn. (Also as part of Abhand- lungcn.) J. 1804 -f; N. 1849-95 Physikalische Abhandlungcn. (Also as part of Abhandlungcn. ) J. 1804-f ; X. [1826-95] Sammlung der deutschen Abhandlungcn. J. 1788-1803 Sitzungsberichte. J. N. U. i882-f ; Ay. 1882-95 Kocniglich-preussische geologische Landesanstalt, Berlin. Abhandlungcn. J. I. 1889+ Koeniglich-preussisches geodiitisches Institut, Berlin. Astronomisch-geodatische Arbciten. J. 1877-84 Koeniglich-rhcinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat, Bonn. Chronik. J. does not have Sternwarte. Astronomische Beobachtungen. J. 1-7, 1846-69; Nw. 1-5, 1846-62 Koeniglich-saechsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leipzig. Mathematisch- physische Classe. Abhandlungcn. J. U. i. 1849+ : N. 24. 1898+ Bcrichte. J. U. i, 1849+ Philologisch-historischc Classe. Abliandlungcn. U. i, 1850+; N. 18, 1897+ Berichte. U. i. 1849+ Koeniglichc .\kadcmie gemeinnutzigcr Wissenschaften, Erfurt. Jahrbiichcr. Nw. n. s. 1-5, 1860-66; Ay. n. s. 6. 10, 24-f, 1870+ : J. n. s. 26. 1900-I- Koenigliche Bibliothck. Berlin. Verzeichniss der aus der neu erschicnencn Litteratur erworbenen Druckschriftcn. J. 1892+ Koeniglichc Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Gottingen. Nachrichten von der Koeniglichcn Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-.-Vugusts Uni- versitat. N. 1862-93 II ; Ay. 1870-92; U. [1853-72I. 75-931' Koeniglichc Museen, Berlin Mittheilungcn aus den orientalischen Sammlungen. N. I. 1889+ Koenigliches Museum fiir Volkerkunde. Ethnologisches Notizblatt. J. I. 1894+ : F. 2. 1895-f Koeniglichc Priifungsanstalt fiir Wasscrversorgung und Abwasscrbcscitig- ung. Berlin. Mittheilungcn J. i, 1902+ Koeniglichc sacchsischc Gesellschaft fiir Botanik und Gartcnbau. Dresden. Sit- zungsberichte und Abhandlungcn. J. n. s. i. 1896+ Koenigliche technische Versuchsanstalt, Berlin. Mittheilungcn. J. I. 1883+ : W. T900+ Kocnigliche Universitat, Breslau. Sternwarte. Mitteilungen. J. t. 1001 + Koenigliche zootomische Anstalt zu Wucrzburg. Berichte. Leipzig. U. 1-2. 1824-48 Koenigliches zoologisches und anthropnlntjisch-cthnogrnphischcs Museum, Dres- den. Publicationcn aus dem Koniglichcn cthnographiscluii Museum zu Dresden. J. i. 4+. i88i-f Kongciig dansk Imf- og stats-knlcndcr. Copenhagen. J. i'm + Kongelige nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab. Copenhagen. Momoires. N. i, 1836-f Kongliga svcnska vctenskapsakademien, Stockholm. Bergianska stiftel.sen. .Vcta horti Bcrgiani. J. i, i8oi-f TIandlingar. J. I. 1739+ ; Ay. n. s. 7-9, 20+. 1868+; N. n. s. 20. iS«i-f Lefnadsteckningar. J. 1-4. 1869-99 (0I) LIST OF SERIALS Kongliga universitetet, Upsala. Meteorologiska observatoriet. Bulletin mensuel. „, J- 32, 1900+ Observatoire. Bulletin meteorologique. N\v. 1-7. 1869-75; J- 32, 1900+ -; — Upsala universitets arsskrift. J. 1868, 72, 75, 83-85. 95. 98+; U. 1898+ Kongliga vitterhets, historic ocli antiquitets akademien, Stockholm. Manadsblad. N. I. 1872+ ; U. 1-17, 1872-88; HI. 16-20, 1886-91 Koninklijk instituut van ingenieurs, The Hague. See also Ingenieur. Koninklijke akademie van wctenschappen. Amsterdam. Continues Koninklijk- nedcrlandsch instituut van wctenschappen, letterkunde en schoone kunsten. Afdeeling natuurkunde. Verslagen van de gewone vergadering. ^ . J- N. I, 1892+ Overzicht van de boeken, kaarten, penningen enz. ingekomen. N. 1857-60, 63-64, 68-70, 73-91 Kurkee and Central Indian Hill Mission, London. Circular leaflet. N. 46, 1897+ Kvartalskatalog over norsk litteratur. (Norsk boghanderforening.) Christiania. ,^ , J. I. 1893+ Kyoto, Japan. See Kansai bunko kyokai. L. A. W. magazine. Boston. Continued in Good roads magazine. C. n. s. I, 1900-01 II La Plata. Observatorio. Anuario. Nw. i, 1887+ ; J. 12, 1898+ Labour annual. Manchester and London. See Reformers' year book. Labour gazette. (Great Britain. Board of Trade.) London. _ , ^ J. I. 1893+ ; u. 3. 1895+ Labour gazette. (Canada. Department of Labour.) Ottawa. J. i, 1900+ Ladies' wreath. N. Y. HI. 1-3, 1846-50 Lady's realm. London. C. i, 1896+ Lafayette, Ind. See Purdue University. Lafayette. (Lafayette College.) Easton. N. i, 1875+ ; J- i-5. 8+. 1875 + Lake City See Florida, Agricultural Experiment Station. Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration. Report of annual meeting. J. U. i. 1895+ ; Nw. 2. 1896+ ; C. 2, 4+, 1896+ ; N. 4, 1898+ Lakeside city directory. Chicago. Continues Chicago directory. C. HI. J. N. 1874+ Lakeside monthly. Chicago. C. l-ii, 1869-74; HI. 1-6,8-10. 1869-73 Lancashire and Cheshire. See Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Lancaster County Historical Society, Lancaster, Pa. Historical papers and ad- dresses. " N. I, 1896+ Land and water. London. C. 17-46, 1874-881I Land owner. Chicago. HI. v. i no. i, 1872-74 Land values record and real estate directory. Chicago. HI. 1901 + Lands plantcntuin. Ruitenzorg. See Buitenzorg. Landwirtschaftliche Jahrbiicher. Berlin. J. 29, 1900+ Erganzungsband. J. 29, 1900+ Landwirtschaftliche Versuchs-Stationen. Berlin. J. 40-42. 48+ ; 1892+ Landwirthschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. See Switzerland. Landwirthschafts- departement. Langdale's lancet. Kansas City. N. 1-3, 1896-98 Lansing. See also Michigan State Agricultural Society; — Michigan State Horti- cultural Society. Lantern. Supplement to British journal of photography. London. 1897-1901II Law. _ Chicago. N. U. i — v. 2 no. 2, 1889-90!!; C. I, 1889-90 Law journal. London. U. i — n. s. v. 57, 1823-88 Law library. Phila. U. t — n. s. 20. 1833-42 Law register. Chicago. C. 21, 1880+ ; N. 30. 1891+; HI. 31, 1891 + Law reporter. Boston. L^. 1-27, 1839-66 Law times; the journal and record of the law and the lawyers. London. U. I, 1843+ Law times reports. London. U. n. s. i, 1850+ Law-ccntral. Washington. U. i. 1881 Lawrence. See University of Kansas. Laws Observatory. See L^nivcrsity of the State of Missouri. League of American Municipalities. Proceedings of the annual convention. Des Moines, J. 4. 1000+ Leather manufacturer. Boston. J. 4, 1894+ ; C. 9, 1898+ (52) Z' SUPPLEMENT l'J03 Leeds, Eng. Sanitary Committee. Annual report N. i, 5, 9, 1891-98 Leeds, Eng. See also Thoresby Society. Legal news. Montreal. U. l, 1878+ Legal observer and solicitors' journal. London. U. 1-52, 1830-56 Leipzig. See also Handelshochscliule ; — Verband der Laboratoriiuns-Vorstande an deutschen llochschulen. Leipziger populiire Zeitschrift fiir Homoopathie. , N. 22, 1891 + Leisure moments. Oquauka. HI. v. i no. l, 3, 5-1 1, 1870-71 Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. Publications. Contributions to biology from the Hopkins seaside laboratory. C. F. J. N. I. 1895+ ; Nw. 1-4. 10+, 1895+ ; .-Vy. U. 10. 1897+ Lcwis Institute, Chicago. Annual register. J. L. N. i. 1897+ Leyden. See also Rijks ethnographisch museum. Liberia. (American Colonization Society.) Washington, D. C. H. 1-15, 1802-99 Librarians' Convention, N. Y. Proceedings. (In Norton's literary and educa- tional register.) C. N. i, 1853II Library. London. C. J. N. 1, 1889+ : U. 1-5, 7+. 1889+ ; Nw. 6. 1894+ ; L. 9, 1897+ ; F- n. s. 2, 1901 + Library Association of California. Publications. San Francisco. J. i, 1897+ Library journal. (American Library Association.) N. Y. A. C. E. HI. J. L. Nw. I, 1876+ ; N. 1-2, 4+, 1876+ ; U. [1-19], 21 + . 1876+; F. 20. 1895+ ; At. H. 25, 1900+ Library news. See Newark Free Public Library. Library news letter. See Osterhout Free Library, Wilkcs-Barrc. Library of the fine arts. London. See Arnold's magazine of the fine arts. Library record. See Jersey City. Free Public Library. Library record of Australasia. Melbourne. J. i, IQOI + Library world. London. J. N. U. I, 1898+ Life and light for women. Boston. N. I, 1869+ ; H. 12-16, 21+, 1882+ ; Nw. 30, 1901 + Life illustrated. N. Y. HI. 2-8. 1856-59 Light. N. Y. J. 2. 1902+ Lincoln, 111. See Illinois Asylum for Feeble-Minded Children. Lincoln, Neb. See also Nebraska Engineering Society: — University of Nebraska. Linguist and educational review. London. N. 1-2, 1874-76 Linnean Society, London. Transactions. J. U. 1-30. 1791-1875'! Transactions. Botany. J. N. U. i, 1880+ Transactions. Zoology. J. N. U. i. 1879+ Linnrcan Society of New York, .\bstract of proceedings. \\. 1883+ Transactions. Ay. i, 1882+ Lippincott's magazine. Phila. C. N. I. 1868+ ; E. 15-56. 1875-96; U. 54. 1804+ List of lights of the world. See U. S. A.. Navy Department. Hydrographic Office. List, with priced and postage affixed, of official (and parliamentary) publications issued by H. ^L Stationery Office. London. N. 1889+ Litcrarisches Centralblatt fiir Deutschland. Beilage. See Schoene Literatur. Literary budget. Chicago. HI. 1-3, 1853-53 Literary collector. Greenwich, Conn, and N. Y. J. i, 1900+ Literary digest. N. Y. E. U. I. 1890+ ; G. H. 16. 1898+ ; J. 22, 1901+; W. 25. 1902+ ; F. 1-6, 1890-93 Liurary gazette. London. N. 1817-49; S. 1818-45, 49-52, 53-54". HI- f 181 7-55] Literary news. N. Y. C. 1-2, 4-f , 1880-I- : E. ;. 1884-f : N. n. s. 7. 9-f . i886-f : U. n. s. 8. 1887-r ; Nw. n. s. 15. 1894-f ; HI. J. n. s. 16. 1895-f ; L. n. s. 18. 1897+ : A.* Literary register supplement : and Ceylon "notes and queries." Supplement to Tropical agricuituri<;t. Colombo, Ceylon. J. 1899-I- Literary world. Boston. U. 4. 1873+ ; C. 5. 1874+ ; N. IT-17, 21-f. 1880+ ; J. 27, 1896-f ; A. 25-30. 1894-90 Literaturblatt zu Glasers Annalen fiir Gewerbc und Bauwescn. Supplement to .-\nnalen fiir Gewerbc und Bauwesen. Berlin. J. i. 1S80+ Live stock journal. Chicago. J. 36, 19024- (■'>3) LIST OF SERIALS Liverpool. See also Victoria University. Liverpool Biological Society. Proceedings and transactions. F. U. I, 1886+ ; J. II. 1S96+ Liverpool medical and surgical reports. N. 1-2, 1867-68 Living church. Chicago. HI. 1-8, 1878-86; U. 21. 1898+ Livre moderne. Paris. Continued as I'Art et I'idee. C. N. 1-4, 1890-91 II Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy and Materia Medica, Cincinnati. Bulletin. Reproduction series. J. i, 1900+ Lloyd's clerical directory. Hamilton, O. C. i, 1898+ Lodi. See Reale stazione sperimentale di caseificio. Lomb prize essays. (American Public Health Association.) Concord, N. H. C. J. 1-4, 1886 London. See also Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland; — British Association of Water Works Engineers ; — Cymmrodorion Society ; — Hanserd Knollys Society; — Huguenot Society; — Incorporated Gas Institute; — Insti- tute of Bankers; — Irish Texts Society; — Junior Engineering Society; — Kur- kee and Central India Hfill Mission; — Mineralogical Society; — Museums As- sociation; — Palestine Pilgrims Text Society ;— Parish Register Society; — Philobiblon Society; — Selden Society; — Society of Comparative Legislation; • — Sydenham Society. London American. " HI. Dec. i86i-Mar. 1863 London magazine, or Gentlemen's monthly intelligencer. HI. 28- [32], 1759-63 London society. C. 1-74, 1862-98II ; N. 1-66, 1862-94 Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn. Memoirs. HI. N. U. 1-4, 1867-89 Proceedings of annual meeting. HI. 1-6, 14-20, 1864-83 Long Island traveler. Southold. N. Y. [Genealogical column.] N. 1800+ Longmans, Green & Co. See Notes on books. Lord's power and machinery magazine. See Engineers' and power users' maga- zine. Los Angeles. Public Library. Monthly bulletin. J. i, 1891 + Los Angeles. See also Historical Society of Southern California. Los Angeles socialist. J. v. i no. 64. 1903+ Louisiana. Bureau of Agriculture and Immigration. Bulletin of the experiment stations. J. s. 2 no. 3-4, 6-13. 15-38. 40-41, 43+. 1890+ State Board of Health. Annual report. N. 1871-75, 77-80. 82-84II ^^-- Biennial report. N. 1890+; j. 1890-93. 96+ Louisiana planter and sugar manufacturer. New Orleans. J. 1-7, [9-25]. 26+, 1888+ Louisville. See also National Saddle Horse Breeders' Association. Louisville medical monthly. N. 1-6, 1894-99II Louisville Water Company. Annual report. W. 1861-65, 67+ Lowell. Water Board and Commission. Report. W. 3. 1873-74, 92-1901 Lower Canada jurist. Montreal. U. 1-35, 1856-91 Low;er Norfolk County. Virginia, antiquary. Baltimore. N. U. i, 1897+ Lucifer. London. See Theosophical review. Ludgate. London. Continued in Universal and Ludgate magazine. C. I — n. s. II, 1891-1901II Lundy's Lane Historical Society, Niagara Falls South, Ont. [Publications.] N. 1891 + Luzern. See Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Lyceum of Natural Historv of New York. Annals. Ay. U. i-ii, 1823-76II; J. 2-11. 1828-76II Lynn. Mass. Park Commissioners. Annual report. Nw. i, 1889+ Lyon medical. Lyons. N. 21-71. 87+, 1876+ Lyons. Observatoire astronomique et meteorologique. Travaux. J. 1-2, 1888-92 McClure's magazine. N. Y. _ A. C. N. U. I, 1893+; Nw. 3-4. T3-I-, 1894+ ; E. 6, 1896+ : H. 8. 1896+ McGill University, Montreal. Papers from the Department of Zoology. J. I. 1901 + Machinery. N. Y. J. 2, 4+, 1895-!- ; A. 6, 1899+ ; C. 7. 1901+; W.* McLean & Co., N. Y. See American manual of values. McLean County Historical Society, Bloomington. 111. Transactions. N. i, 1899+ Maclurian Lyceum, Phila. Contributions to the arts and sciences. J. V. I no. 1-3. 1827-29II (54) /' SUPPLEMENT 1903 Madison. See also Wisconsin Agricultural Society. Magazin fiir die Liebhaber der Entoniologic. Zuricli. J. 1-2, 1778-79 Magazine of American history, with notes and queries. N. Y. C. H. HI. N. U. 1-30 no. 3, 1877-93II ; A. 1-24, 1877-90; E. 25-29, 1891-93 Magazine of art. London. A. C. N. I, 1878+ Magazine of medicine. Atlanta. N. 1-2, 1890-97 Mahin's magazine. Chicago. J. N. I, 1902+ Maine. Library Commission. Report. J, i, 1900+ Railroad Commissioners. Report. J. 29, 31. 32, 36-39. 43 + . 1887+ ; U. 38. 1896+ State Board of Health. Annual report; Biennial report. J. Nw. I, 1885+ ; W. 2, 1886+ ; U. 9. 1894+ ; N. i-ii. 1885-99 Maine .Agricultural K.xpcrimeni Station. .Viuuial repi^rt. I. 1888-97. iaj-i- -Bulletin. J. i, 2. 4-78, 80-82, 85+, 1892+ Maine Historical Society, Portland. Collections. C. N. U. 1-9. 1865-87II; HI. 8-0. 1881-8711 Collections. 2d scries: Documentarj' history of Maine. C. HI. N. U. i, 1869+ Collections and proceedings. C. HI. N. U. s. 2 v. i-io, 1890-99II Maine Music Festival. Official souvenir programme. N. i, 1897-I- Maine State Pomological Society. Annual report. J. 1-3, 1873-75 Man. (.Anthropological Institute of Grc.ii Rriiain and Ireland.') London. J. N. U. 1. 1001 + Manchester, Eng. See also Record Society for the Publication of Original Docu- ments Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire. Manchester (N. H.) Historic .Association. Collections. N. 1, 1896+ See also Historic quarterly. Manchester (N. H.) Institute of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings. W. i, 1899+ Manchester (Eng.) Literary and Philosophical Society. Memoirs and proceed- ings. U. I. 1785+.: C. 26 [s. 3, V. 6], 1879+ ; J- 42, 1897+ ; W. 44. 1899+ ; N. 36-40, 1891-96 Proceedings. Continued in Memoirs and proceedings. U. 1-26, 1857-87:1; C. 16-26. 1877-87II Manhattan, Kan. See Kansas State Agricultural College. Manhattan. N. Y. N. 1-3, 1883-84; C. 2-3. 1883-84 Manifesto. [Shakers.] Canterbury. N. H. C. 16-29. 1886-99 Manitoba. See Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba. Mansill's almanac of planetary meteorology, . . . ; and new system of science. Rock Island. 111. J. 1878. 86-00. 94. c/)-99 Manual training magazine. (University of Chicago.) C. J. L. i. iSqg-f- Manufacturer and builder. N. Y. C. 2, 5-26, 1870-94; HI. 3, 1871 Manufacturer's record. Baltimore. C. 30, 1896+; J. 24, 26-31, 3^+, 1893+ ; W. 42. 1902+ Manuscript. N. Y J. i — v. 2 no. 2, 1901-02II Marine Biological Laborator>'. Wood's Holl, Mass. See also Biological bulletin. Marine engineer. London. J. 13-16. 19+, 1891 + Marine engineering. N. Y. J. i. 18974- Marine record. Cleveland. Continued in Marine review. V. 20-25, 1897-1902II Marine review and marine record. Cleveland. J. 7, 1893+; U. 15. 1897+ ; C. 23, 1001+; W. 25, 1902+ Marques internationales. Supplement to Propriete industricllc. Borne. N. 3. 1895+ ; J- 4. 1896+ Marseilles. See also Academic des sciences; — Musee d'histoire naturelle. Maryland. Bureau of .*^tatistics anrl Information. .Annual report. N. 11, 1902+ Geological Surv'ey. Marvland geological survey. 'Ay. F. J. Nw. U. I. 1897+ State Board of Health. .Annual report. 1. N. 1808-+- Biennial report. N. 2-6, 8-12. 1876-97!!; J. 12, 1896-97!! Man,-land .Agricultural Experiment Station, College Park. .Annual report. J. 3. 4. 7+. 1800+ Bulletin. J. 2. 5-10. 13-16, 18. 2x4-. 1888+ Marvland Historical Society, Baltimore. Archives of Marvland. C. HI N. U. I. 1883+ Fund publications. U. I, 1867+ ; HI. 16, 1880+ ; N. 1-34. 1867-94; C. [1-21!. 1867-85 (55) LIST OF SERIALS Maryland medical journal. Baltimore. N. i, 1877+ Massachusetts. Adjutant-general. Annual report. N. 1861-70; J. 1863+ Attorney-General. Annual report. J. 1861, 66, 70-71, -/yjT, 80, 82-83, 90, 92+ Board of Commissioners of Prisons. Report. J. 3, 6-8, 12-14, 16, 20-25, 27+, 1874+ Board of Education. Annual report. J. Nw. I, 1837+ ; U. [15-58], 60+, 1851+; N. 1-43, 45-46, 1837-82 Board of Gas and Electric Light Commissioners. Annual report. J. W. I, 1885+ ; Nw. 7-8, 10+, 1891 + Board of Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. U. 1-4, 16+, 1869+ ; W. 2, 1870-t-; J. 2-14, 16-17, 19+, i870-f-; N. [2-24], 1871-73; Nw. 17, 1886-I- — Board of State Charities. Annual report. J. N. 1-15, 1864-78 Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Annual statistics of manufactures. J. N. Nw. U. I, 1886+ Cattle Commissioners. Annual report. J. 1894-I- Chief of District Police. Report. Nw. 1885+ ; J. 1890-95, 97+ Civil Service Commissioners. Annual report. J. 1-15. 1865-78!!; I, 1884+ ; Nw. 3. 1886+ ; N. 5, 1889+ Commissioner of Insurance. Report. Nw. 15. 21, 23, 26, 34+, 1870+ Pt. I, Fire and Marine. J. 2-3, 5+, 18564- Pt. 2, Life. J. 8-9, 11-21, 2yz^, 34+. 1862+ Commissioner of Public Records. Report on the custody and condition of the public records of parishes, towns and counties. _ J. I, i888-f; N. i-io, i2-f. 1888+ Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game. Report. N, 1-2-, 29-32, 35-I-. 1866+ ; Nw. 3-11, 13+, 1868+ ; J. [2-20], 23-f, 1867-f Commissioners of Savings Banks. Annual report. J. i. i88i-|- Free Public Library Commission. Report. J. N. U. I. 1891+; Nw. 2, i892-f General Superintendent of Prisons. Report. N\y. I. 2, 4-11, 12+, i888-f; J. i, 3-8, 11-14, 1888-I- Harbor and Land Commissioners. Annual report. J. 1879, 81-82. 84-89. 90-92, 04+; N. 1-2, 1879-80 Harbor Commission. Continued as Harbor and Land Commissioners. An- nual report. N. 1-12, 1867-78II Highway Commission. Annual report. J. i, 1893-I- Metropolitan Park Commissioners. Annual report. J. I, 1893+ Metropolitan Sewerage Commission. Annual report. J. 3, 1891 + Metropolitan Water Board. Annual report. J. I, 1895-t- Secretary of the Commonwealth. Annual report. J. i, 1892+ Report of births, marriages and deaths. J. 1-14. 16-34, 39+- 1841 + State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation. Report. Nw. U. I, 1886+ ; J. 2-4. 6-14. 16+, 1887-h State Board of Charity. J. I. 1879+ ; N. 2. 4. 7-h,, 1880+ ; Nw. 3, 9, 13-f-, 1881 + State Board of Health. Annual report. J. I. 1869-I-; C. 1-28. 1869-96: Nw. 2. 1871+: N. 1-21. 23. 27+. 1869+ ; U. [2-25], 28+. 1871+; W. [2-18], 20+, 1871 + State Topographical Survey. Report. Nw. 1886-96: J. 1894-98. 1900-f- ■Tax Commissioners. J. 1877-80, 83-85. 87, 89+ Massachusetts. See also Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst. Annual report. J. 4-14. 16+, 1867-f: N. 36. 1899+ Hatch experiment Station. Annual report. J. 2. 4-I-, 1890+ ; N. 8. 18964- Bulletin. J. 3, 1889+ ; N. 27, 1894+ Meteorological Observatory. Bulletin. J. 1-4. 6, 11-13. 17, 20-21. 23-30, 32-72. ^7, 1889-96; N. 73. 1898-1- Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health. Journal. Boston. J. 3. 1893+ Massachusetts Highway Association. Journal. Boston, J. W. t-2. 1896-97II Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Collections. H. N. U. I. 1792+ ; C. s. I V. I — s. 3 v. 8. s. 4 v. 2+, 1792-f ; HI. s. 4 V. 5, i86i-f Proceedings. C. H. N. U. i, 1791-I- : HI. 1-2, 5-f. 1791 + (56) /' SUPPLEMENT 1903 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. See also Technology review. Massachusetts manual; or. Political historical register; and almanac. Boston. HI. no. I, Jan. i, 1814; v. i. June. 1814-June, 1815 Massachusetts Medical Society, Boston. Medical communications. N. 1-2, 4. 6+, 1790+ Massachusetts reg^ister and United States calendar. Boston. III. 1801-OJ, 07, OQ-ii, 13. 15-47 Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station, Amherst. .Annual report. J. i-i_'. 1883-94 Masters in art, a series of illustrated monographs. Boston. C. N. 1, 1900+ Mathematical gazette. London. U. no. 4. 1895+ Mathematical review. Worcester. J. 1-2, 1896-97II NLithematische .Vhhandiimjien aus dcm Verlage mathematischer Modelle von Martin Schilling. Halle. J. n. s. i, 1899+ ^Lathematische und naturwissenschaftlichc Berichtc aus Ungarn. Berlin; Buda- pest. ^ J. U. I. 1882-1- Maumec Walley Pioneer Association. Addresses, memorials and sketches for the aimual reunion. N. 1897-I- Mayence. See Gutenburg-ricsellsch.ift. Mechanical engineer. Manchester, Eng. J. i, 1898+ ; W.* Mechanical review. London. J. i, 1895+ ; W. II, 1900+ Mechanical world and metal trades journal. Manchester. C. 5, 1889+ ; J. 19, 1896+ ; W. 31, 1002+ Mechanics' Institute. San Francisco. Library luilletin. J. 3. 1899+ Mechanics' magazine. London. Continued as Iron. C. J. I — n. s. 28. 1823-72II ; W. 1-51, 1823-49; U. 1-9. II. 12, 1823-30 Meddelelser om Gr^nland. Copenhagen. See Denmark, Commission for ledel- sen af de geologiske og geographiske unders^gelser i Grdnland. Mcdford historical register. N. I. 1898+ Medical and Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. See Medico-chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. Medical and surgical bulletin. Nashville. N. 2-4, 1897- 1900 Medical and surgical directory of the state of Iowa. N. 1-5, 1876-86 Medical and surgical monitor. Indianapolis. N. 1-2, 1S08-99 Medical arena. Kansas City. N. 2-3. 5-6, 1893-97 Medical chronicle. Baltimore. N. 1-3, 1882-85II Medical council. Phila. N. 1-4, 1896-99 Medical coimselor. Detroit. N. i, 7-8, 11-13. 15. 1879-96 Medical dial. Minneapolis. N. I, 1898-99 Medical examiner. N. Y. Sec Medical examiner and practitioner. Medical examiner and practitioner. N. Y. N. i. 1891-I- Medical fortnightly. St. Louis. N. i, 1802-f- Medical herald. St. Joseph. N. 4. 1S86+ Medical libraries. Denver. J. N. i. 1898-t- Medical monograph. Topeka. N. i, 1897-99II Medical record. N. Y. N. I, i866-f ; HI. 6-40. 1871-91 Medical register. Richmond. N. 1-3. 1897-1900 Medical Society of the State of California. Transactions. N. I- 14. 19. 21. 23, 24. 26, 28, 1870-98 Medical Society of the State of Kansas, Lawrence Transactions. N. I. II, 13-15.. 29. 32, 1859-98 Medical Society- of the State of New York, .-Mbaiiy. Transactions. N. 1807-31. .^-4.3. 45- 50-51. 53+ Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila. Transactions. N. 4-5. 9-17. 19-22. 26-27. 1870-96II Medical Society of the State of Tennessee, Na.shvillc. Transactions. N. 42, 45-47. 49-54.. 5^»-62. 60. 1875- 1902 Medical Society of the State of Washington. Tran.sactions of the annual meeting. N. 1-2, 5. 7, 12. 1889- 1901 Medical times. N. Y. N. i. 1873+ Medicinische Rl.atter. .See Wiener medicinische Blatter. Medicinischc Reform. Berlin. N. 1848-49II Mcdico-Chirurpical Society of Edinburgh Transactions. N. n. s. i. 18S1 + Meehan's monthly. Devoted to general gardening and wild flowers. German- town. C. J. I- 12, 1891-1902!! ; U. S^i2, 1898-1902II (.57) LIST OF SERIALS Melusine; recueil de mythologie, litterature populaire. Paris. C. N. U. i-io, 1878-1901II Memorabilien. Ileilbronn. N. 20-33, 37-4^, 1875-99 Memorial de I'artillerie de la marine. Paris. J. 2-8, 21, 22, 1874-94 Memorie romane di antichita e di belle arti. Rome. N. 1-4, 1824-27II Mercantile adjuster and the Lawyer and credit man. St. Louis. J. V. 14 no. 5, 1899-f Mercantile Library Company of Philadelphia. Bulletin. J. I — V. 3 no. 13, 1882-1901II; C. 1-2, 1882-97 Merchants" association bulletin. N. Y. J. Nw. i, 1901 + Merchants' association review. San Francisco. J. 6. 1902-!- Merchants' magazine and commercial review. N. Y. Continued in Commercial and financial chronicle. C. J. N. Nw. i-b3, 1839-70II ; U. [1-63], 1839-70II ; HI. 1-12, 21-27, 1839-52 Merck's report. N. Y. N. 8-9, 1899-1900; J. 11, 1902+ Mercure scientifique. Supplement to Moniteur scientifique. Paris. J. 1897+ Mercury and New England Palladium. See New England Palladium. Mesilla Park, N. M. See New Mexico, College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Metal worker. N. Y. J. 27-33, 45- 47+, 1887+ ; W. 58, 1902+ Metallographist. Boston. F. J. i, 1898+ ; W. 5. 1902+ Metaphysical magazine. N. Y. C. i-l6, 1895-1902II Mews' annual digest. London. U. 1898+ Mexico. Miuistcrio de fomento, colonizacion e industria. Anales. N. i, 1877 Anuario estadistico de la Republica mexicana. J. 2-4, 6+, 1894+ ; Ay. 1896 Boletin. J. i, 1901 + — Boletin de agricultura, mineria e industrias. J. 7-10, 1897-1901II • — — — Boletin semestral de la estadistica de la Republica mexicana. J. 3-10, 1889-92; Ay. 1896+ Estadistica general. J. 3. 5-9, 1882-94 Mexico City. Observatorio meteorologico central. Boletin mensual. See also Tacubaya, Observatorio astronomico nacional. Ay. 1896+ Mexico City. See also Instituto geologico de Mexico. Meyer Brothers' druggist. St. Louis. N. 9-12, 14+, 1888+ Michigan. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. Lansing. Report. Nw. I, 1883+ ; U. 2. 10+, 1884+ ; J. i, 4, 15+, 1883+ ; N. 16, 1899+ Commissioner of Insurance. Report. N. T-T9, 21-23, 25-27, 29+, 1871+'; HI. 1-20, 23, 1870-93; Nw. 6. 7, 12-26, 1876-95 Commissioner of Railroads. Annual report. N. I, 3-4. 6-23, 2S+, 1872+ ; J. 3, 1874+ ; W. 4-7, 9. 11+ , 1875+ ; U. 4, 17, 18, 23+, 1875-f-; Nw. 12, 1884+ ; HI. 6-17, 1877-94 Commissioner of the Banking Department. Report. Nw. l-ii, 1889-99 Department of Public Instruction. Annual report. N. 21, 1855+ ; Nw. 23, 1859-t-; U. 28, 29, 54, 55, 59+, 1864-f-; HI. 1852-53, 55-57. 59-85 Department of State. Annual report of the Secretary relating to farms and farm products. J. 1-3, 7-1 1, 1878-89; N. 18, T895-f- Annual report relating to the registry and return of births, mariages and deaths. _ N. i. 1868+ : Nw. 2, i868-f ; J. 30. 1896+ - Geological Survey, Lansing. Publications. Ay. F. J. Nw. U. W. i, 1869+ : N. 6, 1803+ - — Reports. F. J. Nw. i, i860 Legislature. Joint documents. N. 1842-44, 49. 51, 52. 54-91 House. Journal. N. 1850-85, 91, 99+ Senate. Journal. N. 1835-37, 50-55, 58-87. 91-92, 99-)- Official directory and legislative manual. Biennial. N. 1881+; HI. 1877-91; Nw. 1881-91 State Board of Agriculture. Annual report. J. 3, 5+, 1864+ ; U. [6-27], 32-^. 1867+ ; Nw. 23. 1883+ ; N. [25-37I. 39+. 1885+ ; HI. 3-30, 1864-9T State Board of Health. Annual report. N. Nw. U. I, 1873+ ; W. 5. 9-n. i4+> 1899+ ; J- [i-ii], 15+, 1873+ ; HI. 1-16, 1873-88 (58) SUPPLEMENT 1903 - — General Conference of the Health Officers in Michigan. Proceedings and addresses. J. N. 2, 1894+ Sanitary conventions. Proceedings. N. 1880+; Nw. 1883+ ; J. [1883-99] Teachers' sanitary bulletin. J. 2, 1899+; VV. 4, 1901 + State Board of Library Commissioners. .Viinual report. N. i, looo-|- State Farmers' Institutes. Institute bulletin. N. 7, 1901 + State Inspector of Illuminating Oils. Annual report. J. i-io. 12, 1877-88; N. 23, 1899+ Michigan Academy of Science, Agricultural College. Report. N. i, 1899+ Michi^an Dairymen's .\ssociation, Flint. Annual report. N. 16, 1900+ Michigan engineers' annual. J. i, 3+, 1880+; W. 1891 + Michigan medical news. Detroit. N. 1-5, 1878-82II Michigan State Agricultural College. Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. 1-159, 168-173. 1884-98; N. [100-161]. 186+, 1893+ Michigan State .-Vgricultural Societ>'. Lansing. Transactions. N. 3-11, 1851-59; HI. 4-10, 1852-58 Michigan State Horticultural Society, Lansing, .\nnual report. J. 1-20, 1871-90; N. 28. \Sg&+ Microscopical bulletin and science news. Phila. J. [i-i5|, 16-18. 1883-1901II Milan. See also Societa chimica ; — Societa italiana di scienze nnturali e Museo civico di storia naturale. Military Historical Society of Massachusetts, Boston. Papers. C. U. I, 1881-95+ Militarv' Service Institution of the United States, Governor's Island. N. Y. Journal. N. 12. 1891+; J. 20, 1897-f ; W. 1901 + Millennial star. See Latter-Day Saints' millennial star. Milling. Indianapolis. ' T. i-.^. 1^2-93 Milwaukee, Wis. Board of Public Works, .\nnual report. W. [1873-89], 91 + Health Department. Annual report. N. 5, 10-14, 18+, 1871-I- Park Commissioners. Annual report. J. 1-4. 1892-95 ; Nw. 2-9, 1893-99 Pulilic library. Quarterly list of additions. N. 1-8. 1886-1000; J. 6, 1896+ Milwaukce medical journal. N. 2-8. 1804-TOOO Mind and b'xiy. Milwaukee. N. i. 1894-f : U. 3. 1896+ ; J. 5. 1898-^ Mineral collector. N. Y. F. i, 1894+ : Nw. 8, 1902+ Mineral industry. N. Y. F. J. I, 1892+ ; C. i, 3+. 1892-f- ; N%y. 9. 1900+ Mineralogical Society. London. Proceedings. Supplement to Mineralogical magazine. J. 1876-+- Miners" journal. Galena. Continued as Galcnian. HI. July 1828-Sept. 1829 Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Strassburg. C. J. N. Nw. U. I, 1891+; A. 1-2, 4+. 1801+; H. 5. 1895+ Mines and minerals. Scranton. F. J. 8, 1887+ ; N. 16. 1895+ ; C. U. 18. 1897+ : W. 21. 1901 + Mining and metallurEn,'. N. V. J. 24, 1901!! Mining and scientific press. San Francisco. C. 7:^, 18964- ; J. 74. 1807-f- ; W. 84. 1902+ Mining industry and review. Denver. Continued in Mining reporter. C. 8-21. 1891-98II Mining industn,' and tradesman. Denver. See Mining industry and review. Mining journal, railway and commercial gazette. London. C. 62, 1892; J. 67. 1897-f ; W. 72, IQ02+ Mining manual. (Skinner.) London. J. 11, 1897+ Mining reporter. Denver. Continues Mining industry and review. C. 38. 1898+ ; J. 45. i002-f- Mining year-book. London. J. i, 1901 Minneapolis. Minn. Annual reports of the various city officers. C. 1889-96; N. 1889, 91 + Board of Park Commissioners. Annual report. J. I. 1S84+: Nw. — — Public Librar>'. Quarterly list of additions. N. Minneapolis tribune. Minne.'^ota. Fish Commission. Annual report. Geological and Natural History Survey. St. Paul Ay. F. Minnesota botanical studies. Reports Botanical series, (59) 2-6. 8-10. 12, 14 + . l8S;-^ 1-8, 1886 -1900; J. 6. 1806+ HI. [1881-87! J. I-; ;. 1875-70 Annua il report. J. Nw. U. 1-24, 1872-98II F. J. Nw. I. 1894+ J. T, 1892 + LIST OF SERIALS State Geologist. Report. F. i, 1892; J. 1-2, 1892-94 Insurance Commissioner. Report. Nw. 1887, 91, 93-95, 98+ Railroad Commissioner. Report. N. 1-3, 14, 1871-84 State Board of Health and Vital Statistics. Biennial (v. 1-8 annual) report. J. 2-3, 6-11, 13+, 1873+ ; N. 2-3, 6-12, 1873-88 Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences, Minneapolis. Bulletin. (Proceedings and papers.) Ay. i, 1873+ ; J. v. 2 no. 2, v. 3+. 1881 + Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. 28, 41+, 1893+ Minnesota Historical Society, Minneapolis. Collections. HI. N. I. 1850+ ; C. V. 1-2 pt. 3. V. z-7, 1860-94; F. 8, 1895+ Transactions. HI. 1874-80 Mirror of typography. N. Y. J. does not have Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. London. N. n. s. i, 1874+ Mission field. London. N. 6, 1893+ ; H. 42, 1897+ ; Nw. 45. 1900+ Mission field. (Reformed church.) N. Y. Nw. 11. 1900+ Mission gleaner. (Reformed Church in America.) N. Y. N. 11, 1893+ Mission romande au sud dc I'Afrique, Lausanne. Bulletin missionaire. N. I, 1872+ Mission studies. Chicago. H. Nw. i, 1883+ Missionary herald. (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.) Boston. H. N. I, 1805+ ; C. 18, 1822+ ; G. 43-51, 66+, 1874+ 1 Nw. 88, 1892+ ; HI. 17-19, 21-47, 1821-51 Missionary intelligencer. (Foreign Christian Missionary Society.) Cincinnati. N. 6, 1893+ ; Nw. 13, 1900+ Missionary link. N. Y. N. 24, 1893+ ; Nw. 31, 1900+ Missionary record. St. Louis. Nw. 26, 1901 + Missionary tidings. Chicago. Nw. 5, 1901 + Mississippi Historical Society, Oxford Publications. U. i, 1898+ Missoula, Mont. See University of Montana. Missouri. Board of Railroad Commissioners. Report. N. 9-10, 12, 21+, 1883+ ; Nw. 16, 1890+ Geological Survey. Publications. F. i, 1891+; J. i. 4+, 1891 + Insurance Department. Report. Nw. 22,, 1891 + Railroad and Ware-House (Tommissioners. Annual report. J. 4-8, 10-12. 14-22, 1878-97 State Board of Agriculture. Annual report. J. 1901 + State Entomologist. Annual report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects. N. 1-7, 9, 1868-77; J. 1-9, 1868-77 Missouri. See also Universitv of the State of Missouri. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. Annual report. F. J. N. Nw. 1, 1890+ : U. I, 3+. 1890+ Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis. Collections (Publications). N. I no. 2, 1880+ ; F. v. i no. 2-7. v. 10+. 1880+ Missouri State Agricultural College Farm. Bulletins. J. 1-8, ID. 14. 30-34. 1883-1888 Missouri State Horticultural Society. Annual report. J. 15. 20. 25-29, 31-33, T,6-\-, 1873+ Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Botanik. Leipzig. U. 1-2 pt. I, 1874-75 Mittheilungen aus der Praxis des Dampfkessel- und Danipfmaschinenbetriebes sowic des Feuerungs-, Elektro- und allgemcinen motorischen Bctriebes. Berlin. J. 21, 1898+ ; W.* Mittheilungen iiber Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens. insbesondere der technischen Hochschulen. (Verein deutschcr Ingenieure.) Berlin. T. i, 1901 + Model engineer and electrician. London. j. 4. 1901 + Modern culture. Cleveland. O. Continues Self culture. Continued as Current history and Modern culture. N. 1-14, 1895-1902II ; C. 6-14. 1897-IQ02II Modern language quarterly. London. V. v. i no. i, v. 2+, 1898+ ; Nw. 1903+ Modern machinery. Chicago. C. 2, 1897+ ; W. 10. T001+: J. 11, TQ02-f Modern medicine and bacteriological review. Battle Creek, Mich. Title varies. ' N. 1-9. i8gi-iooo Modern quarterly of language and literature. See Modern language quarterly. Modes. Paris. ' C. :, 1901 + (60) X SUPPLEMENT 1003 Monatliche Nachweise des Zwischenverkehres zwischen den im Reiclisrathe ver- tretenen Konigreichen und Landern und den Landern der ungarischen Krone. See Austria, Kaiserlich-kociiigliches HaiKlclsminisleriuni. Zwischcnverkehrs- statistisches Amt. Monatshefte fvir Cheniie und verwandte Theilc anderer Wissenschaften. Vienna. U. I, 1880-f Monatsheftc fiir Lithograpliio und das gesamte graphische Kunstgewerbc. Ber- lin. J. I, 1902+ Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. Berlin. N. 1-34, 1853-69II Monist. Chicago. C. G. H. J. N. Nw. U. I. 1890+ ; F. (6-9]. 10+, 1895+ ; W. 11, 1901 + Moniteur des arcliitectes. Paris. J. 32-34. 1898-1900II Moniteur industriel. Paris. J. 29, 1902+ Moniteur scientifique. See also Choix de brevets pris en France et a I'etranger sur les arts chimiques; — Mercure scientifique. Monograpliicn iiber angewandte Elektrocheniie. Halle. J. i, 1902+ Monographies industrielles et comnierciales. See France, Ministere du com- merce. Office national du commerce exterieur. Monster for konstindustri och slojd. (Svenska slojdforeningen") Stockholm, J. I, i873-f- Montana. Bureau of Agriculture. Labor and Industry. Annual report. J. I. i8q3+ Montana. See also Historical Society of Montana; — University of Montana. Montana Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment Station, .'\nnual report J. 3. 1806+ Bulletin. J. 1-4, 13-26, 28, 30+, 1894-I- Monthly cumulative book index. Minneapolis. II. E. J. N. V i, i8()S-f Monthly gazette of English literature. London. Nw. 1901 + See also Bookseller. Monthlv guide to periodical literature. LimuIoii. J. v. i no. 1-5. 1900II Monthly illustrator. N. Y. C. J. 1-5, 1893-95; At. 3-5. i894-95 Monthly review. London. C. I — s. 2 V. 165, 1749-1844; N. I — s. 2 v. 108. i749-j:82S; HI. i — s. 2 v. 60, I 749- 1809 Monthly summary of commerce and finance of the United States. See U. S. A., Treasury Department. Bureau of Statistics. Monumenta Germaniae historica. Berlin. N. LT. i, 1826-t- Monumenta Germaniae paedagogica. Berlin. N. i. 1886-+- Monumental news. Chicago. At. 9, 1897-t- Monumental records. See Records of the past. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. See Institute tie. Moody's magazine of medicine. See Magazine of medicine. .Atlanta. Moody's manual of corporation securities. N. Y. J. N. l. 1000+ Moody's manual of industrial and miscellaneous securities. See Moody's manual of corporation securities. Morang's annual register of Canadian affairs. Toronto. T N. i. loor-f- Moravian. Bethlehem. HI. 20-31, 1875-86 Morning star and dial. London. HI. Dec. i8'')i-Dcc. 1865 Morphologischos Jahrbuch. See Gegenbaurs morphologisches Tahrbuch. Motor age. Chicago. C. J. n. s. I, 1902-f Mt. Sinai Hospital. N. Y. Reports. N. 1-2. 1808- 1900 Mouvement social. Paris. Supplement to Science .sociale and continued in it. U. 1-4. 1802-95 : J. 6-8. 1897-99II Moyen age. Paris. N. i, i888-f ; U. s. 2 v. 2. i8o8-f ; Nw. 5. 100T + Muencbener geographische Studion. J. I, 1896-I- Munich. Statistischcs .Amt. Mitteiltmgcn. J 17. looo-f Municipal affairs. N. Y. H. J. L. N. Nw. U. 1, 1897-f ; E. 6. 1902+ Municipal engineering. Indianapolis. J. I. 1890+ ; C. 3. 1892-1-; \y. 4. 1803-f : A. 20. iQoi-l- Municipal record and sanitarv journal. Glasgow. Edinburgh. X. i. 1902-^- Municipal year book. N. Y. J. i. 1002+ Mun.sey's magazine. N. Y. C. 7. i8o2-f- : E. 13. iSo54- ; X. 13-14. I7+. 1805-f- Muse; a continuation of The Philharmonic, Werner's magazine. Music and Four o'clock. Chicago. C. E. HI. N. i. i90i-f- (fil) LIST OF SERIALS Musee d'histoire naturelle, Marseilles. Annales. J. 1-5, 1883-99 s. 2. Bulletin. J. v. i pt. i, 1898 Musee du Congo, Tervueren. Annales. Botanique. F. J. i, 1898-I- — Zoologie. F. J. I, 1898+ Musee royal d'histoire naturelle de Belgique, Brussels. Bulletin. J. 1-5 no. I, 1882-87 Museo de La Plata. Anales. J. 1-3, 1891-94 Revista. F. i, 1889+ ; J. 10, 1902+ ; Ay. 1889-95 Museo industriale italiano, Turin. Annuario. J. 27- 1898+ Museum d'histoire naturelle, Paris. Annales. Continued as !Memoires. J. 1-21, 1 802-27 II ; U. [1-18]. 1802-11 Archives. Continued as Nouvelles archives. J. i-io. 1839-61 II Bulletin. J. i, 1895+ Mt-moires. Continued as Nouvelles annales. J. U. 1-20, 1815-32II Nouvelles annales. Continued as Archives. J. 1-4, 1832-35 Nouvelles archives. J. i, 1865+ Museum der Naturgeschichte, Vienna. See Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte. Museum fiir Geschichte der osterreichischen Arbeit, Vienna. Monographien. J. I, 1891 + Museum fiir Naturkunde, Berlin. Mitteilungen aus der zoologischen Sammhmg. T. I. 1898+ Museums Association, London. Report of proceedings. J. i. 1890+ Museums journal. London. j. i, 1901 + Music. Chicago. Continued in Muse. C. E. N. 1-22, 1891-1902II ; U. 1-9, 1891-96 Music review. Chicago. N. i — v. 4 no. 3. 1891-94II Musica e musicisti (gazzetta musicale di Alilano). N. 47, 1892-I- Musikalische Rundschau. Vienna. N. 6-9, 1891-94II Nachrichten iiber deutsche Alterthumsfunde. Erganzungsblatter zur Zeit- schrift fiir Ethnologie. J. i. 1890+ ; N. 2, 1891-I- Nachrichten iiber Industrie, Handel und Verkehr. See Austria, Kaiserlich-koe- nigliches Handelsministerium, Statistisches Departement. Nantes. See Societe des sciences naturelles de Touest de la France. Narragansett Club, Providence. Publications. N. U. s. i v. 1-6, 1866-74 Nation. N. Y. A. C. J. N. I. 1865+ ; Nw. 1-4. 6+. 1866+ ; E. 1-2. 10+, 1865+ ; U. 5, 1867+ ; H. 8-12. 14-15, 64+, 1868+ ; L. 14-24, 64+. 1872+ National Academy of Sciences, Washington. Biographical memoirs. J. N. I, 1877+ ; Nw. 2, 1886+ ; U. i, 2. 1877-86 Memoirs. C. F. J. N. U. i, 1866+ ; Nw. 2. 1883+ ■ Report. _ _ Nw. 1863-65. 67. 79+ ; J. 1887-88. 95+ National Association of Manufacturers of the United States of America. Pro- ceedings of the annual convention. J. 2. 1897+ National Association of Officials of Bureaus o^Labor Statistics. Proceedings. J. 3. 1885+ ; N. 4-14, 16+, T886+; Nw. 11, 1895+ : C. 14, 1898+ National Association of State Librarians. Proceedings and addresses. (1-4 published only in Library Journal.) J. 5, 1902+ National Association of Wool Manufacturers. Boston. Bulletin. J. I, 1869+ ; U. I, 5+, 1869+ ; Nw. 9. 1879+ ; N. 26, 1896+ Transactions. J. 1865-73 National banner. Chicago. HI. v. i no. 1-9, May, 1862 National builder. Chicago. C. 20, 1896+ ; J. 34, 1902+ ; W.* National Civil Service Reform League, N. Y. Proceedines. J. 1884+ ; Nw. 1884-87, 89+: C. 1882,^84-87. 89+; N. 1894+ National Conference for Good City Government. See Conference for Good City Government. National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings. H. J. Nw. I, 1874+ ; C. 7, 1880+ ; U. 8. 1881+; N. 23. 1896+ ; E. [6-23], 1879-96 National Congress of Mothers. Quarterly report. Washington. J. i. 1900+ National Convention of Railroad Commissioners. Proceedings. Washington. J. 1-9. 1889-97 National cyclopaedia of American biography. New York. C. J. N. i, 1892+ National Dental Association, Phila. : Chicago. Transactions. C. I, 1897+; N. 1-2, 4+, 1897+ : J- 5. 1901 + National Divorce Reform League. See National League for the Protection of the Family. (62) / SUPPLEMENT 1903 National druggist. St. Louis. N. 5-18, 23-29, 1884-99 National Educational .Association. Journal of proceedings and addresses. C. 1865, 66. 69-82, 84+; N. 1865-66, 67-71. 73+; U. 1865-66, 69-77, 79-93. 95+ : J. 6-7. 9. 13+. 1865+ ; Nw. 1873-82. 84+ Department of Superintendence. Proceedings. Washington. N. 1879-84, 86-89. 99+ ; C. J. 1899+ National Electric Light Association. Proceedings. J. 1-2, 4-6, 13, 16, 21+. 1885-+- National engineer. Chicago. J. i, 1897+ ; C. 2, 1898+ ; \\'.* National era. Washington. HI. 1-7, 1847-53; H. 1-6, 1847-52; N\v. 2-5. 1848-51; N. 4-8. 1850-54 National geographic mat^azine. (National Geographic Society.) Washington. Nw. U. I, 1889+ ; F. 1-3, 5+. 1889+ ; J. 3. 1891+; L. 7-13, 1896-1902 National Herbart Society. Yearbook. Normal, 111. : Chicago. Continued as Na- tional Society for the Scientific Study of Education. J. U. 1-5, 1895-99II National intelligencer. Washington. HI. 9-13, 1808-12; C. 1838-54 National League for the Protection of the Family. Report. N. 1886-87. 90-97, 99+; J. Nw. II, 1890+ National live stock journal. Chicago. C. 1-19. 1870-88; HI. 6-11, 17-20, 1875-89 National magazine. N. Y. Continues Magazine of western history. C. E. N. 1-19. 1884-94; HI. 1-14, 1884-91 National medical review. Washington. N. 2-9, 1893- 1900 National Municipal League. Proceedings. (In Conference for Good City ^^lov- ernnient. Proceedings.) H. J. N. Nw. i, 1895+ National Prison Association, N. Y. Proceedings. U. 1883+ ; J. 1884-92, 95+ ; N. 1874. 86+ ; C. 1884-85, 87-94 National review. London. C. 1855-64II National review. London. C. J. N. i, 1883+ National rural and American family magazine. Chicago. HI. 13-32. 1873-94; C. 23-32. 53+, 1885+ National Saddle Horse Breeders' Association, Louisville. Register. U. I. 1892+ National Society for the Scientific Study of Education. Yearbook. Chicago. J. V. I, 1001 + National teacher. Columbus, O. C. i, 1871 ; HI. 5. 1875 National teachers' monthly. N. Y. HI. i, 1874-75 National Zeitung. Chicago. C. 1-2, 1891-92II Nationalokonomik technischer Anlagen und Einrichtungen. Leipzig. J. 1-3, 1898-99 Natur. Halle. Continued in Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift. J. 1-51 no. 3, 1852-1902II; C. 22, 25-51 no. 3. 1873-1902II Natur und Schule. Leipzig. J. i. 1002+ Naturalists' directory. (Cassino.) Boston. N. 1878, 80-83. 85, 88, on, 92 Nature. Paris. J. i, 1873+ Naturforschende Gesellschatt, Halle. Abhandlungen. J. I. 1853+ ; Ay. [i2-l61. 17+, 1871 + Naturforschende Gesellschaft. Luzern. INIitteilungen. J. i, 1805+ Naturhistorischer Vcrein der preussischcn Rheinlande, Westfalens und des Rcg.- Bczirks Osnabriick, Bonn. Verhandlungen. J. 1-38. 53+. 1844+ ; U. 1-48. 1844-91 Naturhistorische*; Museum. Hamburg. Mittcilungcn. Beiheft zum Jahrbuch der hamburgischen wisscnschaftlichen .\nstalten. J. il, 1893+ Naturhistori<:k tidsskrift. Copenhagen. T. i — s. 2 v. 2. 1837-49 Naturwissenschaftliche Wochenschrift. Berlin; Jena. Continues Natur. N. 3-7. 1888-92; J. 17, igoi+; C. n. s. i, 1902+ Naturvvissenschaftlicher Verein fiir den Rcg.-Bez. Frankfurt, Frankfort on the Oder. See Socictatum litterae. Berlin. Naturwissenschaftlicher \'ercin fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen, Halle. See also Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaftcn. Nautilus. Phila. J. i. 1886+ ; .\y. ^. 1889+ ; F. 8. 1894+ Nauvoo neighbor. III. 1-2, 1843-45 Nebraska. Board of Transportation. Report. Nw. I. 18.86+ : J. I. 3-4. 6-Ti, 1886-97 Nebraska .Agriciiltural Experiment Station. Sec University of Nebraska. Nebraska Engineering Society, Lincoln. Transactions. J. T, no. i. 1897 (63) LIST OF SERIALS Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Proceedings. J. i, 1899 Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln. Proceedings and collections. HI. I, s. 2 V. 2, 4+, 1894+ ; N. s. 2 V. 2, 1898+ Transactions and reports. N\v. I, 1885+ ; HI. 1-5, 1885-93; N. 1-2, 1885-87 Ncderlandsche Zendelinggenootschap, Rotterdam. Mededeelingen. II. 40, 1896-r Nelson's American lancet. Pittsburg. N. 4-9, 1851-54 Neudrucke deutscher Liltcraturwerke des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts. Halle a. S. N. U. I, 1876+ Neue Jahrbiicher fiir Philologie und Paedagogik. Leipzig. Continues Jahr- biicher fiir Philologie und Paedagogik. U. 1-102, 105-156, 1831-97II : Nw. 63-156, 1851-97II Neue kirchliche Zeitschrift. Erlangen, Leipzig. H. i, 1890-t- ; tj. 5, 1894+ Neue wiener Musik-Zeitung. Continued as Musikalische Rundschau. N. 1-2. 1889-91 II Neue Zeitschrift fiir Musik. Leipzig. C. 69, 71+, 1873-f ; N. 87, 1891 + Neue Zeitschrift fiir Riibenzucker-Industrie. Berlin. J. 1-25, 27-31, 1878-93 Neues Adressbuch des dcutschen Ruchhandels und dcr verwandten Geschiifts- zweige. Leipzig. J. 5, 19004- Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologic und Palaeontologie. (Leonhard und Bronn.) Stuttgart. Continues Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Miner- alogie. J. 1830+ ; U. 1830-86. 95+; F. 1894-I- ; Nw. 1901-f- Beilage. J. i. 1881-I-; U. 1-4, 11+, i88i-f ; F. 10, 1894+ ; Nw. 1901-h See also Centralblatt fiir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Neueste Erdbcben-Nachrichten. Beilage zur Erdbebenwarte. Laibach. J. I, IQOI-f Neueste Erfindungen und Erfahrungen aus den Gcbietcn der praktischen Tech- nik, Elektrotechnik, der Gewerbe, Industrie, Chemie, Land- und Hauswirth- schaft. Vienna. ' J. 23, i8q6-|- Nevada. State Weather Service. Annual report. J. i, 1888-H Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. 4. 6. 8, lo-ii. 15-18, 20-23, 25-t- t88'?+ New Bedford, Mass. Free Public Library. IMonthly bulletin. J. i, no. 11, 1902-}- Park Commission. Annual report. Nw. 1-5, 7-1-. 18044- New Brunswick Historical Society, Saint John. Collections. N. i, 1S94+ New century. N. Y. ; Point Loma, Cal. HI. 2, 1899+ ; C. 3, 1899+ New century review. London. C. U. 1-8, 1897-1900II ; N. 5-8. 1899-IQ00II New church review. Boston. H. 8, 1901-+- New cycle. See Metaphysical magazine. New England bibliopolist. (New England Historic-Genealogical Society.) N. i-ii no. 5, 1880-1901II New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, Boston. Proceedings ; Trans- actions. J. T, 1866+ ; W. 5Q. 18054- New England farmer. (Fessenden.) Boston. HI. 4, 7-19, 1825-41 New England Free Trade League, Boston. See American Free Trade League. New England historical and genealogical register. (New England Historic- Genealogical Society.) Boston. HI. N. I, 18474- ; C. [r-19]. 2o4-. 18474;-: E. 51. ^^97+ New England Historic-Genealogical Society, Boston. Proceedinss. N. i87i4-;_Hl. 1867, 72-90 See also Eddy Town-Record Fund; — New England bibliopolist; — New Eng- land historical and genealogical register. New England kitchen magazine. See Home science magazine, with Motherhood. New England magazine. Boston. Continues Bav state monthlv. C.^N. I, 18844- ; E. 7, 18894- ; U. [8-13]. i9-f, 1890-f : J. 21. 18964- ; HI. 1-9, 1 1- 1 7, 1884-95 New England Palladium. Boston. HI. 21-40, 1803-12 New England Society in the Citv of Brooklvn. Annual report N. 1-12, 14+, i88o4- New Ensrland Societv in the Citv of New York. Anniversarv celebration. N. 58." 60-70. 1863-75: HI. 61-78, 8i'-87. 89-90, 1866-95 New England Water Works .Association. Journal. New London. J. I, 18864- ; W. 2, 18874- Now Hampshire. Annual reports. J. i, tRoo4- Bureau of Labor. Annual report. J. 1-2, 1893-94 (64) X SUPPLEMENT 1903 Department of Health. Annual report. J. 1-15, 1881-98 Forestry Commission. Biennial report. J. 1-4, 1893-99 Geological Survey. Annual report. J. i. 1841 Insurance Commissioners. Report. Nw. 21, 1890+ ; J. 13-30, 1881-99 Library Commissioners. Report. C. J. Nw. i, 1892-r- Railroad Commissioners. Report. (i8i5-!;6 never published.) J. [6-36I. 38+. 1848+ ; X\v. 48. iSoj-^ Registrar of Vital Statistics. Annual report relating to births, marriages, divorces and deaths. J. 1,4-12, 15. 1879-95 State Board of Health. .Annual report. J. I, 1881+ ; X I -14. 1881-96; Nw. 3, 1884+ Superintendent of Public Instruction. Report. J- 10, 27, 30-31, 36-50, 1855-98 New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. P>ullctin. J. 2-9, 11-12, 14, 16-42, 44-46, 48+, 1888+ New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord. Collections. N. U. i-io, 1824-93; C. 1-9. 1824 S'^ Proceedings. U. i, 1872+ ; HI. 1872-73, 74-97 New Hampshire patriot and state gazette. HI. [2-19I, 1827-30 New Haven Colony Historical Society. Xew Haven. Papers. N. U. I. 1865+ : HI. 1-6. 1865-1900; C. 1-4. 1865-88 New Jersey. Adjutant- General. Report. N. 1861, 63-65, 67-68, 88-92; Nw. 1885+ .Vrchives. See Documents relating to the . . . history of the state. Board of Commissioners of Pilotage. Report. Nw. 1885-96 Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction. Annual report. Nw. 1885+; N. 1886-92 Board of Health. Annual report. Nw. 8. 1883+ ; J. 23, 1898+ ; N. 4-8, [10-22], 1879-98 Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Report. J. I, 1878+ : Nw. 8, 1885+; U. 17. 1894+ ; N. 3. 10-15. 1880-92 Commissioner of Banking and Insurance. Annual bank report. Nw. 1883+ ; J. 1899+ ; N. 1887-96 Insurance Department. Report. Nw. 1879+ Comptroller of the Treasury. Report. "* Nw. 1885+ ; N. 1886+ ; J. 1894. 96+ Dairy Commissioner. Report. Nw. i, 1886+ : J. 2-7, 10-12. 14+, 1887+ Documents relating to the . . . historv of the state. (.Archives.) N. I, 1880+; U. 1-6, 1880-82 Geological Survey. .Annual report. J. 1854-56. i863-6q. 67, 69+; N. 1855. 69-70, 73-74. 834-; F. 1869. 70. 72+; \y. 1878-f ; U. '18794^ ; Nw. 1885+ Public Library Commission. .Annual report. J. i. looo-l- Public Record Commission. Report. N. i, 1809-f- Quarter-Master General. Report. Nw. 1885+ Railroad and Canal Companies. Annual statements. W. 1883-f ; Nw. 1885-f : N. i8<96-l- Riparian Commissioners. Report. Nw. 1885-96 State Board of Agriculture. .Annual report. J. 12-20. 22-I-, 1884-I-: Nw. 13. 18854- State Board of Assessors. Report. J. I, 1884-f ; N. 1-14. 16+. i884-f: Nw. 1-13. 1884-9^1 State Board of Pharmacy. Report. Nw. 1886-96 State Bo.ird of Taxation. .Annual report. T i. i8oi4- State Librarian. Report. Nw. 1884-95 ; J- 18894- State Prisons. Report. N. 18874- ; Xw. 1885-95 Weather Service. Annual report. J. i. 1890-f ; Nw. 2. 1891 + New Jer'^ev .Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report. J. I, 5, 8-16, 1880-95 Bulletin. J. II, 14, 20. 23. 30-32. 39. 41-49. 51-55. 57-58. 65-74, 80. 83-85, 87-89, 93-94 107-112, 116-142, 14s. 1474-, 1881-I- New Jersey .Association for the Study of Children and Youths, Bloomficld. Papers. J. i, 18994- New Jersey Historical Society. Newark. Collections. U. 1-7. 1846-75; C. N. 1-2, 4-7. 1846-75: HI. 1-5. 1846-58 (65) LIST OF SERI.ILS Proceedings. X. U. i, 1845+ ; HI. [r — s. 3 v. 2], 1845-97 New Jersey Sanitary Association, Trenton. Proceedings. W. 21-22, 24+, 1895+ New liberal review. London. C. i, 1901+ New London County Historical Society, New London, Conn. Collections. N. I, 1901 + Records and papers. N. i, 1890+ New jMexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Agricultural Experi- ment Station, MesiUa Park. Bulletin. J. 1-13, 21, 22. 25-27. 1890-98 New occasions. Chicago. Continued in New time. C. 4-5, 1897II New Orleans Academy of Sciences. Papers. J. v. i no. 1-2, 1886-88 New Shakespeare Society, London. Papers at meetings. N. 14-18, 21-22, 24-27, s. 2 no. 1-3. 7-14. 1882-90 Publications. C. U. s. 1-8. 1874-84 New Shakespeariana. Westerfield, N. J. N. i, 1901 + New South Wales. Department of Mines and Agriculture. Annual report. Ay. 1875+ ; F. 1890+ ; J. [1875-92]. 94+ Geological Survey. Mineral resources. Ay. J. 2, 1898+ Department of Public Instruction. Meteorology of New South Wales. Re- sults of rain, river and evaporation observations. J. 1878-99 Parliament. Standing Committee on Public Works. General report. J. I, 1888+ New South Wales weekly notes. Sydney. U. i, 1884+ New time. Chicago. Continues New occasions. C. 1-3, 1897-98 New time. Spokane. J. i, 1902+ New world. Review of religion, ethics and theology'. Boston ; iMeadville, Pa. C. G. N. U. 1-9, 1892-190011 ; H. 4-9, 1895-1900!! New York. city. Board of Education. Annual report. N. 14, 18-25. 31-32. 1855-73; J- 15. 21-22, 28-55, 1856-96 Citv record. J. i — 19 pt. 3. 28 pt. 2-^. iS~3 + Supplement. J. 3-19, 1875-91 Corporation manual. (Valentine.) N. 184T-66; HI 1842-66 Department of Education. Annual report of the City Superintendent of Schools. N. 2. 1899-I- New York, city. See also Actuarial Society of America; — American Baptist Home Missionary Society ; — American Gas Light Association ; — Am.erican Tract Society; — Arabian Mission; — Camera Club: — Deutscher-amcrikan- ischer Techniker-Verband ; — Holland Society ; — Mt. Sinai Hospital ; — Pres- b>-terian Hospital ; — Scientific Alliance. New York, state. Adjutant General. Annual report. J. 1857. 61-64, 65 pt. I, 66-71. 73. 75-78. 80-84. 86-87. 91-92. 94 pt. 1-2. 4-5, 95-96. Banking Department. Annual report. J. 1855-59. 62-65. 70, 71. 73. 75-76, 79, 83, 85, 87-96, 1900+ - — ■ — Annual report . . .relative to savings banks. J. t8;7. 63. 65. 67-69, -jz, 75. 77-78, 80-82, 85-86, 88, 90. 92, 95. 97-99 : Nw. 1880, 82, 85-1900 Board of Agriculture. Annual report. J. 1-6, 1893-98 Memoirs. J. 1-3. 1821-26 Board of Mediation and Arbitration. Annual report. Nw. I. i886-f; U. 5, 1891+; N. 14, 1900-f ; J. 2-7, 1887-93 Board of Railroad Commissioners. Report. W. I, 1882+ ; J. 2. 1883-f- ; Nw. 3. 1884-!- ; N. 1-6, 8, 10^14. 1882-96 Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Annual report. J. I, 1883-f; N. [3-10]. i3-f. 1885+ ; Nw. 5, 1887-f ; U. 9. 1891+ Quarterly bulletin. N. i. 1899+ : Nw. 2. 1899+ Commissioners of Fisheries, Game and Forests. See Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Department of Labor. Annual report of the Commissioner of Labor and anniial report on factory inspection. N. I, T901 + Department of Public Instruction. Annual report of the State Superin- tendent. J. 21, 1880+ ; U. 41, 1894+ Factory Inspector. Report. Nw. I, 1886+ ; N. 15, 1900+ ; J. [1-12I, 1886-97 Forest Commission. Nw. i, 1885-I- ; J. [1-9], 1885-04 Forest, Fish and Game Commission. Annual report. J. N. I, 1895+ ; F. I, 4+, 1895+ (66) / SUPFLEMENT 1903 Insurance Department. Annual report. J. 1-22, 24, 26-35, 37+. 1859+ ; N"'. [2-25], 34, 36-38. 40+, 1860+ Meteorological lUircau and Weather Service, Ithaca. See U. S. A., Agri- culture, Weather Bureau. Metropolitan Board of Health. Annual report. J. 1-3. 1866-68 Secret.iry of State. Manual fur use of Legislature. 111. [1852-77] State Board of Chanties. Annual report. X. 2. 5 + , iS(kS+; Xw. 10, 13, 16+, 1877+ ; J. [2-28]. 1868-93 Quarterly record; a review of charitable work in New York state. N. Nw. I, 1900II State Board of Health. Annual report. J. I. 1880+ ; Nw. 3. 1883+ ; W. 4-5. S+, 1884+ ; N. [1-20], 1881-99; U. II, 1890+ Monthly bulletin. Nw. 14, 1897+ State Botanist, .\nnual report. J. 1869+ ; Xw. 1888-92 State Civil Service Commission. Annual report. J. 1-2. 4, 7, 9, 14, 17-f, 1883+ ; Nw. 3, 4, 6, 9-1 1. 13+, 1886+ State Engineer and Surveyor. Annual report on canals. J. 1856-57, 61-65. 67-72, 73-74. 75-89 Annual report on railroads. J. 1859-62. 64-69, 71-82, 90. 93-94: \V. 1865, 67-72, 74-79. 88. 90+ State Historian. .Vnunal report. J. N. i, 180? + • State Reservation at Niagara. Annual report. Nw. 1-3. 6+. 1884+ Topographical Survey of the Adirondack Region. Annual report. J. 1-7, 1872-79; Nw. 3-7. 1874-79 New York, state. See also Street Railway Association of the State of New York. New York .^cademv of Sciences .Annals. F. J. i, 1877+; .Vy. 1879-83 New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. Annual report of the Board of Control. J. 1-2, 4, 6+, 1882+ Bulletin. J. 68, 70-72, 80, 84-85, 87-89. 93-94, 96-iOT, 103-106, 108-100. 111+. 1894-I- New York Agricultural E.xperiment Station,, Ithaca. See Cornell University. New York Botanical Garden. Bulletin. J. i, 1896-I- ; U. v. i no. 3, 1898+ Memoirs. J. i, 1900+ New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Sec Four track news. New York education, devoted to New York .sta'e educational work and interests. Albany. See American education. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society-. Collections. N. i, 1890+ New York herald. [Originally weekly edition of the Evening post.] N. 1811-19 New York herald. ' N. 1855- 1900 [Genealogical column.] N. 1902+ New York Historical Society. Collections. X. I — s. 2 v. 4. 1809-591',; C. U. 1-4. s. 2 V. I. 3 pt. I, 1809-57; HI. 1-3. s. 2 V. I, 1809-41 Collections ; fund publications. N. I. 1868+ ; 111. 1-27. 1868-94: V. 1-24. i8»>8-9i; C. 1-5, 186872 New York Hospital. See Society of the New York Hospital. New York lancet. Continued in Journal of advanced therapeutics. N. 1-7, 1895-190111 New York mail and express [genealogical column]. N. 1897+ New York medical and physical journal. N. 2, 6-8, 1823-20 New York medical journal. N. 1-2, 1830-31 1! New York medical times. See Medical times. New York monthly law bulletin. U. 1-5, 1878-83 New York observer (weeklv). H. 5-n. 1827-1;; HI. 1831-38, 41-50; N. 1840-50, 56-60, 62, 65, 69. 70. 72; C 184.V5.3: U. 75. 1897+ New York Obstetrical Society. Transactions. N. i. 1876, 98-99 New Y'ork polyclinic. N. 2. 1893-H New York Public Library, .\stor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations. Bulletin. C J. N. Nw. U. I. 1897+ : F. 4. 1900+ New York spectator. HI. 1813, 4^-49 New York State Agricultural Society. See Cultivator. New York State College of Forestry. See Cornell University ; — Forestry quar- terly. (67) IJS'I' (»!• SI,I!IAI,H New Yolk Miiliiih iiinil. M. I'.nil. II i. iKKK | Nrw V«.il( limrv C, 1HSO-5K, J;iii |mir, iK;.}; July, iKKf, I ; N. iKsi yK, Hi i^) ' — — (Siiliinlnv iMHiK*, I N. \V*ti}\' Now Yi.il< liilHiiir. N iH'.K^I, 7H Hf., iji-l-,; C, | rWiJ W.| ; Iv 1^1164 ISniii wi-cldv i(.Mi.|. Ill iK.|7r,K; 11, iKsjfK); N. \H'\'A 72 I WccMv idilioiil 111, iH.|.! (y2 ■ IllilrH, N iHx'i. 77, H(i, H,< r/i, rjK ()i), iijiii | ; Nw. lKi>(i| Nrw York I iiiivci'uly, N, Y. Iti wrrkly hiiilrliii, T I. lyoi h NfW Ynrk /ooloKit'iil Socirly, Aiiiiiuil ir|iot|. | 1, iKi/) |- — — Nrwfi liiillrliiiM. I I, |M()7 I Nrw Z,, kjoi |- Nrwiil'k, l'n<- I'llMif l.ililiiiy l.iliiaiy lirwn, .|. v. onn H, iKijM h Nrwlirliy l.iln.iiv, ( 'liicano. Uc|i(iil of llic liiiMlrr-t, J, N. |l|, 1KK7 |- Nrwlirriy l.iju.iiv < Viiiii- ul Mnuci ily I' v Ichmi iii, < liiciiKi), Svll;il)nsi*'t lnr crpiii •.(••, Nil ';, iKiji i)\ Nrwrii'-.jlr ill Iviii'- Si'f Ndilli Si.iIImi d ini i- Inliinic df Mii .,| !• ii(.'iii(ii 'i & Sllilil)llllj;. I 1, ii)(ni ! Noi(.M\ '.l.il •ili;driidci ( III I.I i;ini,i |. 1, Mjiii I Noriiiiil. Src lllinoi?) Soldinn' ( li iiiini .' IIohm Nm I. Ill i(^di.iiiillri III! ciiiii^', ( III f.i i.iiii.i ! .(T I', v.ii l.i I I. .iI.iIdk nvn iioi'ik lillri" .iliii Niii'.iii- iiii'dii iir.Kr M-l'.K.di, • Im ii.iin.i I' mi li.i iidliiiKci'. N iK7,|M,(, M7J- Norlli AiiHTiiiiii iiimii:i| ul Im ii|i.illiv N. N' N, I l.l. K, 17, 10 .'\. .'<) I , iHSI I Noilli Aimiii;iii irvlcw. N. V. <' I N Nw, I, iHi'i I ; n. 10, iH.M. I ; I I |., m 1 1. n'-' I . i«i') I ; I'' n .• 1 1 >;, 11/ I , 1H71 I ; A.' i.|7, iKHH I ; L. i,|g, iKM.| I ; Ml | m 1 i: |. iS,'o MK Nnilli l',iili.!i iivii-w N V II (<',--. iJv|0 ;(., !, | | (lO, lK(/)-7I Nol'lll ( .lliillll.l llo.llij mI Mi. dill, K'.di'lidl r.lriini.ll |i|>M|l .1. Nw. W, T. iR«i I- ( 'iili.lil.il .Hid l.ilr iniiid'; ' N U. I, lfif)-'| ; ('. I If), 1^)02 177^ ( irip|ii>.;n .il .Silivrv. ItiiMilii.d Irpoll I I, iHijI J l'.nllilni_ _ ,1, Nw. I. iMin I , M, I, ;, I . iHo.i I ; I'. |i w] \ . iKo.H' Kiiilro.'id CoiiiiiiiiisioiiriM. Aiiiiiiiil report. I 1 fi, iKiji illic;ist ( u.isl liisiiiiilKm 1)1 iMiKHicriN Si ShiplMiildtTH, Ncwcaiill*' iipniiTyne. I ciii^aitKJiii, W I J, iH<;s + Norllica-itcrii itporlrr. Si. I'aiil. I' i. iHH; I NorlliiTii IlliiKiis Stale iNoniial ScIiocjI, Uc Kail), itniiin.il i<> i Noillu-iii IiKJiaiia llistoiirul Society, Soiilli H< ml I'lihln .kh.ii | i, iK"/; I Noillit III wall liiiiaii. iiDy, N. Y. Ill i -', iH,ti» ,JJ Nortli-wcHt Railway (liili, Miiiiicapulirt. Ollnial piui iciIiiik'^ J. I, iM'JS i ; VV, 7. I'^oi ♦■ Northwestern. F.vaniil(jii. Nw. i, iKHi f-; E. ii>, iHi/)\ NortllSVi'.Irl II < III I'llWlll ailvDi.llr * llU.lU') (;. .». iKso f ; III. -',{ M. -"' I . "X?.*; ( . 11 u. !«'/»+; C, 4.S, iK'>7+; U. 46, |K<>H t NorlliwcHttTii I'Jntiiral AssDiiiiiioii loiiiii.il of pi m i ( ilin(/s of tin- aiiiiiial convcfitioii. Milwaukee, J. Q, I'X'iH" Nortliweiileni IiiimIhi in.iii ( \>\i .xya < nnimiiiil m Mill I II .111 liinilirrinaii. III. iH7.j<>HII; J. iK-M (>KII ; U, iK<>KI| NdiiIum- I'lii iiiuiillily. l.iiK'ilii II, K V, HI iKi, 4, iHi)/ iM)\\ Northwchlcni reporter. St, I'aiil I', i, \H-;t)^- Nortoii'M literary almanac. Sec Nortou'M literary ami eiliicitional reuislcr. Norluii ^ lilcr.iry ami rdiic.iiii.n.il rrji;i'.li * " ^ < , N, iHs.^ S-l'l NorlonD literary letter. N. Y, <.". no i, n n, no. j, lKS7 f)Oll Norvvav. r.ilriill4 ♦- See also IliHtorical reKistrr. NotCM critiques. .Sciences sociah-,, I'aiii .) i. i'y^^/)+ Nouvellc- reviir ntrospcclive. I'arin. ConlinucH Revue r<''lroHpcctive. N. I, li'oi \ Nouvelles archives frohstrlririm- «i di- i/,\iu'-c(i\im\<-. I'aris, N, J lo, 1KK7 (^jjl Nova Scotia. I)epar(nieiit of Mims, Annual rrpori J-,»H75 77. '««" ^>. '^>' •>«. !'>""+ Nova Scotia Historical Society, Halifax, (■ollcctioiis, U, /. 1K7K I ; N. I 0, |K>KKH Nova Si'oliaii liislitiile of Natural Srinicc, Halifax J'roi iciliiij^s ami Trans actions F. 2-7, n, «. l+, iHtX)-]- ; Ay. U 6|, 7+, iHtxj] ; W, iK«>i I Novara, See ColIeKio de^li inKej^iuri c 4-f NumiDmatic ami Anli(|iiarian Society, I'liila. I'loi «', 7<>*Ji} N. iHtifi, i^t, Kia cristiana. N, I, iH^^j I NursitiK rcioid and tin- llo^pltal woild London. See Hritish journal of nursing. Niittall (JrnitlioIoKiral Tliil*, f 'aniluidKf. I'.iilhliii, (■ontiiiiird as Ank, r Iv J, 18, 1876 H.jll OI»rrheHnivhe fjenellschaft fiir Natiir iind Hfilkiinde, (iir .11 I'.erirlil, Ay \V, 2.\, .\i I, 1K70 f- ; N, \z ^h. Jl-.^i, 1H67-06 Olvrlin CollrBe, LalK)ratory bulletin. J 1 -/. 4-.S, 7'^. iH'J2+ Ohslrlrirs N. Y. ^. I .t, iH*/^ I'Xil'l Ocddriit CJiidaisni,) (.'liicaKo HI, v, ii + Public. Chicago. C. 2, 1901 + Public health. Red Wing, Minn. N. 1-4. 1885-88 Public ledger almanac. Phila. J. 1-8. lo-ii, 13-27, 1870-96 Public libraries. Chicago. A. Ay. C. E. H. J. L. N. Nw V. i, 1896+ : F. .^. 1808+ ; At. 4, 1900+ Public library bulletin, an illustrated monthly magazine. Boston. J. N. I — V. 2 no. I. 1901-02II Public opinion. N. Y. C. U. 3. 1887+ ; Nw. 8. 1889+ : H. 17. 1894+ ; N. 21, 1896+ ; L. 22. 1897+; T. 23. 1897+ : E. 28, 1900+ ; W. 32, 1902+ ; A. 14-28. 1892-1000 Public policy. Chicago. Nw. 2, 1900+ : J 7, 1902+ Publishers' circular. London. J. 64. 1896+ ; H. 66-71. 1897-99; U. 66. 1897+ : ^^w. 70. 1899+ ; C. i-io, 1837-47 Publishers' weekly. The .American book trade journal. N. Y. Continues .American litcrarv gazette. J. I. 1872+ ; C. 1-5. 7+. 18724- ; N. [2-30]. 33+. 1872+ ; Nw. 41, 1892+ ; F. 47, 1895+ ; E. U. 49. 1896+: H. L. t;T. 1897+: A* Puck. N. Y. " C. T. 1877+ : HI. 7-16. 188085 Pulkowa. Nikolaevskaya ghlavnaya astronomichcskaya observaforiya. Publica- tion-; de I'nbservafoire central Nicolas. J. 1-14. s. 2 v. 1-2, 5. 11, 1869-98 Punch. London. A C. N. T, 184T+; A. i-iiS. 184T-1900; E. [1-67]. 1841-74; HI. 1841-70 Purdue University, Lafayette. Indiana .Agricultural Experiment Station. Bul- letin. J. 5, 25, 29, 36-43. 47-53. 55-58. 60-64. 66. 68-81. 1885-99 Society of Civil Engineering. Pmcccdings. J. 3. 1808+ Puritan. N. Y. Continued in Junior Munsey. C. i-o. 1897-1901II (75) LIST OF SERIALS Putnam's monthly historical magazine. Salem. Continues Salem press his- torical and genealogical register. Continued as Genealogical quarterly maga- zine. C. N. 1-9, 1892-99II Quarterly bibliography of books reviewed in leading American periodicals, cumulative. See Bibliography of books reviewed . . . Quarterly compendium of medical science. Phila. N. s. 4 v. i, 1883-89II Quarterly journal of economics. (Harvard university.) Boston. C. J. N. Nw. U. I, 1886+ ; H. 7, 1892+ ; A. 12, 1897+ Quarterly review. London. N. Nw. I. 1809+ ; C. 1-180, i82-f, 1809-I-; J. 1-109, 185+, 1809-f-; U. 182, 1895+ ; HI. 1-135, 1809-73; H. [1-178], 1809-94; G. 1-96, 1809-55 Quebec. Parliament. Legislative Council. Journal. N. 15. i88i-h Quebec law reports. U. 1-17, 1875-91 Queen's quarterly. Kingston, Canada. U. v. 4, no. 3, 1897+ ; W. 8. 1900+ Queensland. Hydraulic Engineer on Water Supply, Brisbane. Report. W. 1887-93, 95, 97+ Quinabaug Historical Society, Southbridge, Mass. Leaflets. N. i, 1901 + Quincy. Sec Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Railroad digest. N. Y. J. 3, 5, y+, 1892+ ; W.* Railroad men. N. Y. . J. 12, 1898+ ; W.* Railroad trainmen's journal. Peoria. tj. 14-17, 1897-1900 Railway advertising bulletin. Chicago. HI. v. i no. i-ioo, 1879 Railway age and Northwestern railroader. Chicago. J. I, 1876+ ; C. 14. 1889+ ; U. 20. 1895+ ; W. 2-8. 16-20, 1887-95; HI. 6-11, 1881-86; A. 17-25, 1892-98 Railway and corporation law journal. N. Y. U. 1-12, 1887-92 Railway and engineering review. Chicago. C. 14, 1877+ ; HI. 27, 1887+ ; U. 30, 31, 35+, 1890+ ; W. 32. 1892+ ; J. 32- 35, 37+, 1892+ ; F. 35, 1895+ ; A.*; W.* Railway and locomotive engineering. N. Y. A. J. i, 1888+ ; W. 15, 1902+ Railway employees' journal. San Francisco. J. 4. 1903+ Railway engineer. London. J. 13, 1892-}- ; W.* Railway master mechanic. Chicago. J. 12. 1889+ ; A. W. 25. 1001 + Railway review. See Railway and engineering review. Railway world. Phila. LT. does not have Kand-McNally bankers' directory. J. 1900+ ; HI. 1876-79. 86-88 Rand-McNally bankers' monthly. Chicago. " HI. i, 1884+ Ray Society, London. Publications. J. 1844+ ; C. 185 1 + Readers' guide to periodical literature. Minneapolis. J. i, 1901 + Real estate and building journal. Chicago. HI. 1872-96; C. 29-39, 1887-971! Reale accademia dei lincei, Rome. Monumenti antichi. Milan. U. i, i8qo-H Reale istituto d'incoraggiamento alle scienze natural!, economiche e technologiche. Naples. Atti. U. 1-9, 1811-61 ; J. s. 5 v. 3, 1902+ Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Milan. Memorie. Rendiconti. _ N. 11-19, 1878-86 Reale stazione sperimentale di caseificio, Lodi. Annuario. J. 1899+ Record of Christian work. Chicago. Nw. 10-20, 189T-1901 ; TI. 16, 1897-!- Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire, Manchester, Eng. N. i. 1879-!- Records of the past. London. N. U. i — n. s. 6, 1873-9211 Records of the past. Washington. D. C. N. i. 1902+ Recreative science. London. Continued as Intellectual observer. A. C. N. 1-3. 1860-62I! Recueil d'ophthalmologic. Paris. N. s. 2 v. 3, 1876+ Reference catalogue of current literature. London. J. I. 1874-f ; N. 1885-f- ; Nw. 1891 + Reform. Teschen. J. i, 1899+ Reformers' year book. London. Continues Labour annual. J. i, 1895 + Regia univcrsita di Genova. Atti. J. 15, 1900+ Register of Pennsylvania. Phila. HI. t-8. 1828-32 Relief and Aid Society, Chicago. Annual report to the Common Council. HI. 14. 1871+; N. [14-25], 27+. 1871 + Religious intelligencer. New Haven. HI. T-13, 15-16. 1816-32; H. 1-13, 1816-29 Rennes. See Societe scientifique et mcdicale de TOuest. Repertoire bibliographique de la librairie francaise. Paris. L. 1899+ ; J. Nw. 1900+ (76) X SUPPLEMENT 1903 Repertoire bibliogranhique des principales revues fran<;aises (Jordell). Paris. C.J. N. Nw. U. 1. 1897+ Repertoire des ventes publiques catalogiiees. Index bibliographiquc. (Dauze.) Paris. J. I, ,1894+ Repertoire general de cliiniio pure et appliquce. Supplement a la Revue generale de chimie pure et appliquee. Pans. J. i, 1901 + Rcperturiiim tur Expcrinicnlaiphysik. See Repertorium der Physik, Munich. Repertorium fiir Photographie. Supplement zur Wochenbcilage der Photo- graphischcn Kunst. Munich. J. i. 1002+ Repertory. Boston. HI. [1-12], 1804-15 Reports of patent, design and trade mark cases. See Great Britain. Commis- sioners of Patents. Representation proportionelle ; revue mensuelle. Brussels. U. i, 1882+ Retailer and advertiser, formerly Brains. N. Y. J. 10, 1897-I- Retrospect of practical medicine and surgery. N. Y. N. 1-123, 1840-1901II Retrospective review. London. C. N. U. 1-14, s. 2 v. 1-2. s. 3 v. 1-2, 1820-54II Review of American chemical research. Supplement to Technology quarterly and Proceedings of the Society of .\rts, and to American Chemical Society, Journal. Easton. J. i, 1895-I- Review of education and educational review of reviews. Chicago. Continues Child-study monthly and Journal of adolescence. J. N. U. 1-7, 1895-I901II Review of historical publications relating to Canada. (University of Toronto.) Toronto. J. N. i, 1896+ Revicw of missions. Nashville. N. 14, 1893+ ; H. 17, 1896+ ; Nw. 21, 1901 + Review of reviews. London. See also American monthly review of reviews. C. I, 18904-1; U. 1-2, 7+, 1890+ ; N. 1-2, 17+, 1890+ ; A. E. IT. J. L. Nw. 1-2. 1890 Revista chilena de hijiene. Santiago de Chile. N. 1-5. 1894-1900 Revista de archivos, bibliotecas y museos. Madrid. U. s. 3 v. i, 1897-f- Revista de bibliografia catalana. Barcelona. J. i, 1901 + Revista de construcciones y agrimensura. Havana J. 3, 1901 + Revista de obras publicas. Madrid. J. 43, 1896-t- Revista lusitaiia. archivo de estudos philologicos e ethnologicos relativos a Portu- gal. Lisbon. U. 1-3. 1887-95; N. 5, 1897+ Revue. Paris. N. 28, 1899+ ; U. 30, 1899+ Revue bibliographiquc beige. Brussels. J. 3, 1891+; U. 10, 1898+ Revue biographique. See Societe malacologique de France. Revue britannique. Paris. N. y. 67-77, 1891-1901II Revue critique de legislation et de jurisprudence du Canada. Montreal. U. 1-3, 1871-75 Revue d'assistance. (Societe intemationale pour I'etude des questions d'assist- ance.) Paris. J. 8-12, 1897-1901II Revue d'histoire modcrne et contemporaine. Paris. U. i. 1899+ Rcvue de legislation et de jurisprudence. Quebec. U. 1-3, 1845-7 Revue de niathematiqucs. CRivi<;ta di matematica.) Turin. J. I, 1891 + Supplement. See Formulaire de mathematiques. Revue (le mei.Tphysiquc ct de morale. Paris. J. U. i, 1893+ ; Nw. 8, 1900+ Revuc de philologie fran<;aise et de litterature. Paris. N. i. i887-f Revue de phi!olo2;ie fran^aise et provengale. See Revue de philologie frangaise et de litterature. Revue de philosophic. Paris. T. i. i'X)0+ Revue de photographie. Paris. J. i, 1003+ Rcvue de thcrapeutique medico-chirurgicale. Paris. N. 1833+ Revue des arts decoratifs. Paris. J. 19-22, 1809-1902II Revue des cours et des conferences. Paris. J. N. i, 1892+ Revue des deux mondes. Paris. J. 1829+ ; C. N. I. 1831+ ; Nw. s. 2 v. 73 — s. 3 v. 42, s. 3 v. 74-f-. 1868+ ; r. s. 4 V. 115, t8o3+ : L. «;. 4 V. 130. 1897+ ; A. s. 4 v. 121-132, 1894-95; At. s. 4 v. I45-H9. 1898 Revue des maladies canccrcu.scs. Paris. N. 1-6, 1895-19011! Revue des patois. (Cledat.) See Revue de philologie franqaise et de littera- ture. Revue des patois gallo-romans. Paris. N. \J. 1-5. 1887-92!! Revue des qucstioiT^ hi*torique~. Pari- l^. T. ^9/)f>-\- : N. t-.ji. ^5+. t8/Vi4- Revue des question's socialcs et ouvri^res. See Association cathoHque, revue des questions sociales et ouvrieres. (77) LIST OF SERIALS Revue des sciences medicales. Paris. N. 1-52, 1873-98II ; U. 43-52, 1894-981! Revue des sciences naturelles appliquees. See Societe nationale d'acclimatation, Paris. Bulletin. Revue des sciences naturelles de I'Ouest. Paris. J. 1-5, 1891-95!! Revue des societes savantes. (France, Ministere de I'instruction publique et des beaux-arts.) _ Paris. J. i — s. 3 v. 3, 1861-80II Revue des traditions populaires. (Societe des traditions populaires.) Paris. C U. I, 1886+ Revue des transports parisiens. See Revue generale des transports. Revue du droit public et de la science politique. Paris. N. i, i894-f Revue encyclopedique. Paris. N. 1-61. 1819-351! Revue et revue des revues. See Revue. Revue generale de chimie pure et appliquee. Paris. Supplement. See Reper- toire general de chimie pure et appliquee. Revue generale des sciences pures et appliquees. Paris. J. U. I, 1890+ ; F. 7, 18964- Revue generale des transports. Paris. J. i, 1897+ Revue geographique internationale. Paris. J. does not have Revue hispanique. Paris. U. I, 1894+ ; N. 5, i898-f Revue historique. Paris. C. N. U. i, 1876-I- ; L. 69, 1899+ ; Nw. 7^,, 1903+ Revue internationale des archives, des bibliotheques et des musees. Paris. A. J. N. U. I, 1895-96!! Revue internationale des falsifications. Paris. J. 13, 1900-h Revue legale. Montreal. U. i, 1869-t- Revue medicale. Montreal. N. 1-2, 1897-99 Revue municipale. Paris. J. i, 1897-I- Revue neo-scolastique. (Societe philosophique de Louvain.) J. I, 1894-t-; N. 2, 1895+ Revue philanthropique. Paris. J. i, 1897-f Revue philosophique de la France et de I'etranger. Paris. N. 1876-I- ; U. 29, 1890-f ; J. 45, 1898+ Revue politique et litteraire. Revue bleue. Paris. N. 42, i888-f ; C. 49, 1892-I- ; Nv^^. 51, 1893-t- ; L. s. 4 v. 13-18, 1900-02 Revue politique et parlementaire. Paris. U. 6, 1895+ ; N. 15. 18984- ; C. 1-22. 1894-99 Revue pratique de I'electricite. Paris. J. s. 2 v. 7, 18974- ; W.* Revue retrospective. Continued as Nouvelle revue retrospective. N. ID — n. s. 9, 1889-94II Revue Suisse de photographic. Lausanne, Paris. J. 14, 1902+ Revue technique et Annales des travaux publics. Paris. J. 18. 1897+ ; W.* Revue universelle. (Larousse.) Paris. C. J. i, 1891-f ; Nw. 13. 1903-t- Revyen. Chicago. J. 10, 19034- Rhode Island. Commissioner of Industrial Statistics. Annual report. Nw. 3, 18894- ; U. 4. 6-f . iSgo-h • Insurance Commissioner. Report. Nw. 18934- Office of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics. Annual report. N. lo-ii, 27-31, 41, 1863-94 Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. J. 1890-96 Rhode Island almanac. Newport. HI. 1802, 04-05, 15-30, 32-36, 38, 40, 42-43. 48-57 Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence. Addresses. HI. 1836-78; N. ri8.v,-72l. 82 Collections. N. U. 1-9, 1827-97 ; C. 1-6, 1827-67 Proceedings. Continued in the Publications. HI. N. U. 1872-92I! Publications. Contains the Proceedings of the Societv. HI. N. U. n. s. 1-8, 1893-1901!! Rhode Island historical tracts. Providence. N. LT. I. 18774- ; C. I — s. 2 no. 5. 1877-97 Rhodora. Boston. F. J. U. i. i8gQ4- Richmond, Va. City Engineer. Annual reports. Nw. 1879-99 Richmond journal of practice. N. i, 1886-I- Rijks ethnographisch museum, Leyden. Veroffentlichungen. J. s. 2 no. i. I90i4- Rijksmuseum van natuurlijke historic, Leyden. Notes from the Levden Museum. ■ J. I, 18794- Rio de Janeiro. See also Bibliotheca nacional. (78) /" SUPPLEMENT 1903 Rivista critica del socialismo. Rome. U. does not have Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi. See also Corriere bibliografico. Rivista di matematica. See Revue de mathematiques, Turin. Rivista di patologia nervosa e nientalc Florence. N. 3, 1898+ Rivista italiana di sociologia. Rome. J. N. U. i, 1897+ Rivista scientifica del diritto. Rome. V. 1-3, 1897-99 Roadmaster and foreman. Chicago J. 12, 1897+ ; W.* Roadmasters' Association of America. Annual proceedings. W. 5-8. 10+, 1883+ Robotnik. Chicago. J. 7. i% almanac and clergy list. St. Helena. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Observations. J. 1-2. 1840-49 St. John. N. B. See also New Brunswick Historical Society. St. Louis Architectural Club. Catalogue of an architectural exhibition. C. 1899-+- ; N i9oo4- St. Louis periscope and clinical review. N. 7-9. 1884-86II St. Nicholas. N. Y. C. E. I. 1873+ ; L. 24. 1896-f ; N. 1-15, 1873 88: A. 20-29. 1802- looi St. Paul pioneer press. HI. Mar. 1879-Nov. 1901 (79) LIST OF SERIALS St Paul's. London. C. 1-18, 1894-98!! St. Petersburg. Glavnaj^a fizitcheska>-a observatoriya. Lyetopisi, Annalen, An- nale.>. (Text in Russian. German and French.) J. 24. 1870+ ; N. 1885-94 St. Petersburg. See also Imperatorskii botanicheskii sad. Sale prices. (.Supplement to the Connoisseur.) London. C. i, 1901 + Salem, Mass. Public Library. Bulletin. J. i, 4+, 1891+; N. 1-4, 1891-99 Salem press historical and genealogical record. Salem. Continued as Put- nam's historical monthly magazine. N. 1-2, 1890-92II Salem register. HI. 4-8. 1803-07 Salvation. N. Y. Nw. i, 1899+ ; C. 1900+ Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Berlin. C. J. N. i, 1887+ Sammlung franzosischer Neudrucke. (Vollmoller.) Heilbronn. N. 1-9, 1881-88 Sammlung gemeinverstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortnige. (Virchow und Holzendorff.) Berlin and Hamburg. C. J. N. I — n. s. 15, (Heft 1-360), 1866-1900II Sammlung von Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiele der piidagogischen Psycholo- gic und Physiologic. Berlin. J. U. i, 1897+ Sammlung von Abhandlungen, Gutachten und Vortragen iiber Stadtereinigung und Vervi^erthung stadtischen Abfallstoffe fiir die Landwirthschaft. Halle, Leipzig. J. I, 1897+ San Francisco. Free Public Library. Monthly bulletin. J. 6, 1900+ Health Department. Annual report. N. 1871-75, 78-82, 85-88, 96-98 San Francisco. See also California Historic-Genealogical Society; — ^Mechanics' Institute. Sanitarian. N. Y. N. i, 1873+ ; J. U. 36, 1896+ ; L. 40-49, 1898-1902 Sanitary news. Chicago. N. 1-19, 1882-92; HI. 1-6. 1882-85 Sanitary record. London. Supplement. See Food and health. Santiago de Chile. Casa de orates. Memoria. N. 1897+ Moyimento. N. 1897+ ; J. 1899+ Consejo superior de hijiene piiblica. Sesiones. N. 1896+ Instituto de hijiene. Boletin. N. i, 1898+ Santiago de Chile. See also Instituto de injem'eros de Chile. Satellite of the annual of the universal medical sciences. Phila. N. 1-6, 1887-92II Saturday evening herald. Chicago. HI. 7, 1879+ ; N. 43. 1896+ Saturday evening post. N. Y. A.* Saturday evening post. Phila. E. 173, 1900+ Saturday review. London. C. J. N. i, 1855+; Nw. 93. 1902+ Scalpel. Chicago. N. v. i no. 1-3, 1892II Scalpel. London. N. 1-2, 1896-97 Scalpel. N. Y. _ ^ ... N. 9-12, 1857-60 Scelta di curiosita letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo 13 al 17. Boloena. N.^U. I. 1861 + Scherz und Ernst. Chicago. C. 1895-1900II Schilling, Martin. See Mathematische Abhandlungen aus dem Verlage mathe- matischer Modelle von Martin Schilling. Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterlandische Cultur, Breslau. Jahresbericht. U. 40. 41. 44, 45. 53-55, 1862-77; Ay. 48-51. 53-62. 73+. 1870+ ; N. 53-63. 65-67. 69+. 1875+ Schleswig-Holstein. Landwirtschaftskammer. Versuchsstation fiir Molke- reiwesen. Arbeiten. J. i, 1901 + Schmidt's Jahrbiicher der in- und auslandischen gesammten Medicin. Leipzig. N. I. 1834+ ; U. 1-228. 269+, 1834+ Schoene Literatur. Beilage zum Literarischcn Centralblatt fiir Deutschland. Leipzig. Vol. i & 2 not published separately. J. N. 3, 1902+ School herald. Chicago. HI. 1-4, 1881-84 School of Practical Science, Toronto. Papers read before the Engineering Society. W. i. 1887^- ; J. 2. 6-9. ii-f. 1S82+ School science. Chicago. J. i, 1901-!- Mathcmatic.-il supplement J. i. 1903-1- Schoolmaster. Bloomington. HI. 3-9. 1870-76 Schweizerische Bauzcitung. Zurich. J. 39. 1902-I- Schweizerische Blatter fiir Wirthschafts- und Socialpolitik. Beilage. See So- cialpnlitisches Archiv. Schweizerische botanische Gesellschaft. See Societe botanique Suisse. (80) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Berne. See Bibliographisches Bulletin der Schweiz. Schweizerische palaeontologische Gesellschaft, Zurich. Abhandlungcn. J-. u.. 1, 1874+ Schweizerische statistische Gesellschaft. See Zeitsclirift fur scliweizerischc Sta- tistik. Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Cliemie und Pharmacie. Zurich. J, 39, 1901 + Science abstracts. (Institution of electrical engineers and Physical society of London.) London. C. J. U. i, 1898+ ; \V. 3, iyoo+ ; Xw. 0, 1903-i- Science and industry. Scranton. J. i, 1896+ ; W. 7, 1902+ Science illustree. Paris. J. 31, i<)03+ Science work. Manchester, Eng. J. i, 1898-991! Science-gossip. London. J. i, 1865+ ; C. 1-36, 1865-1901 ; A. i 28. 1S65-93 Scientia. Paris. J. i, 1899+ Scientific American. N.•^Y. A. C. I, 1845+ ; E. I — n. s. 59, 61+. 1845+ ; J. N. 2, 1846+ ; \V. n. s. 10-25, 40+, 1864+ ; S. n. s. 28, 1873+ ; F. n. s. 66-67, 70+, 1892+ ; L. n. s. 76, 1897+ ; HI. I— n. s. 59, 1845-88; U. [n. s. 4-57]. 1861-87 Building monthly. C. J. I, 1885+ ; E. 25, 1898+ Scientific memoirs. N. Y. J. i, 1898+ Scioto gazette. Chillicothe, O. Continues Supporter and Scioto gazette. HI. V. 4 no. 6 — n. s. (s. 3) v. i, 1818-28 Scotch-Irish Society of America. Proceedings. C. E. N. I, 1889+ ; HI. 1-7. 1889-0^ Scots law times. Edinburgh. U. i, 1893+ Scottish American journal. N. Y. HI. 1861-65 Scottish anti(|uary. or Xorlhcrn notes and queries. Edinburjrh. N. i, iSSd-r Scottish geographical magazine. (Roval Scottish Geographical Society.) Edin- burgh. C. J. N. U. T. 188;+: F. 10. 1894+ ; I' T\ T«o7^ Scottish History Society, Edinburgh. Publications. U. I, 1887+ Scottish jurist. Edininirgh. U. 1-46, 1829-73 Scottish law journal and sheriff court record. Glasgow. Continued as Scottish law magazine. U. 1-3, 1859-61 II Scottish law magazine. Glasgow. Continues Scottish law journal and sheriff court record. Continued in Journal of jurisprudence. U. 1-6, 1862-67II Scottish law reporter. Edinburgh. U. i, 1865+ Scottish law review and sheriff court reports. Glasgow. U. i, 1885+ Scranton, Pa. Public Library. Bulletin. C. i, 1894+ ; J. 6. 1896+ Scribner's magazine. N. Y. A. C. E. N. Nw. U. I. 1887+ ; At. 1=;. 1894+; L. 21. 1897+ : HI. i 15. 17. 1887-95 Scribner's monthly. N. Y. Continued by the Century. '.A.. At. C. E. HI. J. N. Nw. U. 1-22, 1870-81'! ; H. [1-22. 1870.81! ^Search light. Dayton, O. 11. i. 1895-!-; Nw. 6, 1900-r Searcher. an .American "Notes and queries.'" Phila. C. N. n. s. i. i8o?-o6'l Sei-i-Kwai medical journal. Tokio. N. 5-7, 10-13, 18+, 1886+ Sclden Society. London. Publications. U. i, 1887+ Self culture. Chicago; .'\kron, O. See Modern culture. Semur. See Societe des sciences historiques et naturelles. Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft. Frankfort on the Main. Be- richt. Ay. 1869+; J. 1897+ ; F. 1899+ Serapcum. Leipzig. C. J. N. 1-31. 1840-70II Seydel's Fiihrer durch die neuere deutsche technische Litteratur. Berlin. J. I. 1898+ Shakespeare Society, London. (Publications.") C. N. Nw. U. 1841-53 Sh.nkespeariana. Phila. ; N. Y. See also New Shakespeariana. C. N. i-io. 1883-93II Shepherd's voice. Tokyo. V. docs not have Shoe and leather reporter. X, Y, J. 63-64. 67-68, 74+. 1897+ Shoe and leather review. See Shoe trade journal. Shi^o rt.tr'ilcr. Clrr-ieo J. 2, 1809-IOOO Shoe trade journal. Chicago. J.* Shoe trade journal and Shoe and leather review. See .Shoe trade journal. Shop talk. Boston. Chicago, X. Y. Continued in Iron trade review. J. I — V. 3 no. 2, IQ01-03II (81) LIST OF SERIALS Shorthand advocate. Downers Grove, III. J. i, IQOI"^ Shorthand star. London. J. i, 1888-89 Short-horn record. See American short-horn record. Sibley journal of engineering. (Cornell university.) Ithaca. A. ID, 1895+; J. L. II, 1896+ ; W. 15, 1900+ Silk Association of America, N. Y. Annual report. C. 28, 1900+ Silk culturist and farmer's manual. Hartford, Conn. HI. 1-2, 1835-37 Situation financiere des communes de France et d'Algerie. See France, Minis- tere de I'interieur. Skandinaven. Chicago. U. does not have Sketch book. Chicago. At. HI. i, 1901+ Sloan's garden city. Chicago. HI. 1-3, 1853-55 Slovansky katalog bibliograiicky. See Spolek ceskoslovanskych knihkupeckych ucetnich. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Annual report. (Also m Congressional documents.) J. I, 1846+ ; N. 1846-49, 53+; F. 1847+ ; Ay. Nw. 1849+ ; C. 1849, 51-93. 95+ ; HI. U. 8, 1854+ ; A. i8S4-57. 64+ ; E. 1863+ Astrophysical Observatory. Annals, J. N. i, 1900+ Bureau of American Ethnology. Annual report. Ay. C. F. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1879+ ; HI. 1-12, 1879-91; A. 1-9, 1879-88; E. 2- II, 1880-90 Bulletin. N. 1-19, 1887-94; J- 26, 1901 + Contributions to knowledge. Ay. C. J. N. Nw. I. 1848-^-; F. 2, 1851-f ; U. 3-27, 29+, 1852+ ; HI. 19-26, 28, 30-32, 1874-95 Miscellaneous collections. Ay. C. T. N. Nw. I. I862-F; U. 1-27, 29-33, 35+, 1862-+- ; HI. 10-34, 36, 42+, 1S73+; F. 13, 1878+ United States National Museum. Annual report. See also Smithsonian Institution, Annual report. Ay. E. F. J. N. Nw. 1884+ ; U. 1884-94, 96+; HI. 1896-}- See also Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium. Soap gazette and perfumer. N. Y. J. v. 2 no. 9, i900-f- Social democratic herald. Milwaukee. J. .S, 1903-^ Social Science Association, Phila. Papers. U. 1871-89; N. 1871-85 Social thought. Rich Hill. Mo. J. no. 156, 1902-H Social tidskrift. Stockholm. J. 1901-+- Sociale Rundschau. (Austria, Kaiserlich-koenigliches Handelsministerium. Ar- beitsstatistisches Amt.) Vienna. J. I, 1900-I- Supplement. See Gewerbegerichtliche Entscheidungen. Socialist spirit. Chicago. HI. J. Nw. i, igoi + Socialist teacher. (International School of Social Economy.) Kansas City.. . J. I, 1903-I- Socialistische Monatshefte. Berlin. J. 5, 1901 + Socialistischcr Akademiker. See Socialistische Monatshefte. Socialpolitisches Archiv. Beilage zur Schweizerischen Blatter fur Wirtschafts- und Socialpolitik. Berne. J. i, 1899-!- Sociedad geografica de Lima. Boletin. J. i, 1891-J-; F. 10, 1900-!- Societa bibliografica itaHana, Milan. Bollettino. Continued in Rivista delle biblioteche. J. N. 1-2, 1898-99II Societa chimica di Milano. Annuario. J. I, 1895+ Societa degli ingegneri e degli architetti italiani, Rome. Annali. Bullettino. J. 10, 1902+ Memorie tecnologiche e scientifiche. J. li, 18964- Societa fotografica italiana, Florence. Bullettino mensile. J. 14, 19024- Societa italiana di antropologia, etnologia e psicologia comparata, Florence. See Archivio per I'antropologia e la etnologia. Societa italiana di scienze naturali e Museo civico di storia naturale in Milano. Atti. J. 40, 19014- Societatum litterac. (NaturwissenschafWicher Verein fiir den Reg.-Bez. Frank- furt.^ Berlin. F. J. N. 1-14, 1887-1900II Societe beige de geologie de paleontologie et d'hydrologie, Brussels. Bulletin. J- 15, 19014- Societe botanique de France, Paris. Bulletin. u. 1-13. 17-26, 1854-79; J- 48, 19014- (82) ^ SUPPLEMENT 1903 Societe botanique Suisse, Basel and Geneva, Berne. Bulletin. J. 2. 1892+ Societe centralc des ingenieurs civils. See Societe des ingenieurs civils dc France. Societe chimique de Paris. Legons de chimie. J. 1862-69 Societe d'anthropologie de Paris. Bulletins et memoires. U. 1, iS5y-r ; N. 1 — >. _• v. 12, s. 3 v. i-io, s. 4 v. i + , 1859+ ; J. 2 — s. 3 v. II, s. 4 V. 8+, 1861 + Mcmoires. Continued in Bulletins et memoires. U. I — s. 3 V. 2, 1859-1902II ; J. I — s. 2 V. 3, s. 3 V. 2. 1859-190211 Societe d'economie politique, Paris. Bulletin. J. i, 1888+ Societe d'ctudc des scicncis iKiturclles dc Xinies. Bulletin. J. 11-26, 1883-98 Societe d'histoire diplomatique, Paris. Revue d'histoire diplomatique. U. I. 1887+ Societe d'histoire naturelle, Colmar. Bulletin. J. I, 1860+ Societc d'histoire naturcllo. Toulouse. Bulletin. J. [1-27], 1866-93 ; Ay. <). I''^74T" Societe d'obstetrique de Paris. Bulletin. N. 2, 1899+ Societe de geographic, Paris. Bulletin. Continued in Geographic. C. J. N. I — s. 7 V. 20, i82i-(xj I ; U. s. 2 v. 17 — s. 3 v. 14, 1842-50 Comptes rendus. Continued in Geographic. C. J. N. 1882-99II Geographic, bulletin de la Societe de geographic. C. J. N. 1900+ Societe de mcdecine, Rouen. Bulletin. N. 3-6, 11, 26, 27, 30-37, 1864-99 Societe de pharmacie de Bordeaux, Bulletin des travau.x. N. 18-20. 22-28, 33-41. 1878-1901 Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle, Geneva. Memoires. U. 1-3. 1821-26; J. 33. 1898+ Societe de speleolog^e, Paris. Memoires. Continued in Spelunca, bulletin et memoires. J. 1-4 no. 24, 1896-1900II Societe de therapeutique, Paris. Bulletin general de therapcutiquc. N. i, 1831 + Bulletins et memoires. N. 8-10, 13, 14, 17-22, 1881-95 Societe des ancicns textes francjais, Paris. Bulletin. N. U. 1875-'- Publications. N. U. i, 1875+ Societe des etudes historiques, Paris. See Bibliotheque de bibliographies cri- tiques. J. I, 1899+ Societe des sciences de Bucarest. Bulletin. J 11, 1902+ Societe des sciences historiques et naturelles, Semur. Bulletin. J. 2 — s. 3 no. T. 1865-98 Societe des sciences naturelles. Neuchatcl. Bulletin. .\y. 0. 1870+ Societe des sciences naturelles de I'ouest de la France, Nantes. Bulletin. J. 1-9, 1891-99 Societe des sciences naturelles de Saone-et-Loire. Bulletin. Ay. I, 1875+ ; J. 1-4. n. s. 1-6, 1875-1900 Memoires. .Ky. i, 1878+; J. 1-7 pt. 2, 1878-90 Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles, Bordeaux. Memoires. Ay. s. I V. [1-2], 5+, 1854+ ; N. s. 3. 1884+ Proces verbaux des :;cances. N. 1894+ Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles, Toulouse. Bulletin. J. 1-2, 1872-74 Societe des traditions populaires. Paris See Revue des traditions populairi"^. Societe entomologique de France, Paris. Armales. J. 1-68. 70+, 1832+ Bulletin. J. 1806-09. 1001 + Societe frangaise de mineralogie, Paris. Bulletin. J. 1-20. 1878-07 Societe frangaise de philosophic. Paris. Bulletin. J. i, 1901 + Societe franqaise de photographic, Paris. Bulletin. J. s. 2 v. 18, 1902+ Societe indMstrielle dc Mulhouse. Bulletin. J. i. 1827+ : W.* Resume des seances. J. 1877+ Socictc iutcniationalc des electriciens. Paris. Bulletin. J. i. 1884+ : W. 17. 1000+ Societe internationale pour I'etude des questions d'assistance. Paris. Sec Revue d'assistance. Societe linnpcnne. Bordeaux. .Xctcs. Av. i82<)+ ; J. 28. 33-53. 1871-98 Societe linneenne de Normandie, Caen. Bulletin. J. s. 3 V. 10 — s. 5 v. 2. 1885-98 Societe linneenne de Paris. Bulletin mcnsuel. J. i. 1874-+- Socictc malncolncinnc de France. Paris. Bulletins. J. 1-7, 1883-OO Revue biographique. J. 1-2. 1885-86 Societe medicale des hopitaux, Paris. Bulletins et memoires. N. s. 2 V. 12, 1875+ (83) LIST OF SERIALS Societe mineralogique de France. See Societe frangaise de mineralogie. Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France, Paris. Bulletin. ( Kevno d'»« sciences naturelles appliquees.) J. i, 1843+ Societe nationale des antiquaires de France, Paris. Bullciin. N. 1857+ Memoires. N. i, 1817+ ; U. 1-31, 1817-69 Societe nationale des sciences naturelles et mathematiques. Cherbourg. Ale- moires. N. 21-25, 1877-85; J. 26. 1889+ Societe normande de geographie, Rouen. Bulletin. ' N. 1-18, 1879-96 Societe philomatique, Paris. Bulletin. J. i, 1791+; Ay. 1873+ ; U. 1836-63 l-^xiraiis des proces verl)aux des seances. See Bulletin. Societe philosophique de Louvain. See Institut sup6rieur de philosophie de Louvain ;■ — Revue neo-scolastique. Societe pour la conservation des monuments historiques d'Alsace, Strasburg. Bulletin. N. i, 1856+ Societe scientifiquc du Chili. Santiago. Actes. J. i-io. 1891-1900; Ay. 2, 1892+ Societe scientifiquc et medicale de I'Ouest, Rennes. Bulletin. U. I, 1892+ Societc zoologique dc France, Paris. Bulletin. J. U. i, 1876+ ; F. 5. 1880+ -Memoires. J. U. i. 1888+ Societes de la croix-rouge, Geneva. Bulletin international. N. i, 1869+ Society for Psychical Research, London. Journal. H. I, 1884+ ; J. 1-9, 1884-1900 Proceedings. C. H. J. N. N\v. U. i, 1882+ ; F. 1-8. 1882-92 Socict}' for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, London. Journal of the Society of Arts. J. I, iS52-f : F. 45. 1897+ ; W. 1902+ : C. T-41. 18^3-03 : N. 41-45, 1893-97 Society for the History of the Germans in Maryland, Baltimore. Annual re- port. C. 1887+ Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. Transactions. ! N. 2-4. 1896-90; U. 1897-99 Society of American Authors, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Bulletin. Continued as American author. N. 4-6, 1899-1901II Society of Biblical Archaeology, London. Proceedings. C. N. I. 1878+ : U. 1-15. 17+. 1878+ Transactions. C. G. N. 1-9. 1872-93; U. 1-8. 1872-85 Society of Colonial Wars. [Publications of the national and local societies.] N. Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois. Publications. C. i, 1895-96 Society of Comparative Legislation, London. Journal. J. n. s. 9, 1902+ Society of Engineers, London. Transactions. C. J. 1860+ ; W. 1896+ ; U. 1867-90; A. [1869-90] Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Reunion. Cincinnati. HI. I, 3-11. i.5;i7, 1868-84; N. I, 3-8, 10, 1868-76 Society of the Army of the Potomac. Proceedings. C. 1880, 83, 88, 90+ ; N. 14-19, 26-30, 32+. 1883+ Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Annual report of proceedings. Cin- cinnati. C. T. 1866+ ; N. 1-2, 4-7. 13, 1866-79 Society of the New York Hospital. Annual report. N. 123, 1893+ Society of Western Artists, Chicago. .Xiiiunl exhibition. C. N. i. 1896+ Sons of the American Revolution. [Publications of the national and local societies.] C. N. Sons of the Revolution. [Publications of the national and local societies.] C. N. Sound currency. N. Y. _ J. I, 1891+: N. 2, 1894+ ; U. 3. 1895+ : N^v. 3, s+. 1895+ .^outh Afri'-nn mining ioumnl. Johannesburg. U. does not have South African Philosophical Society, Cape Town. Transactions. J. i, 1877+ .'^nnili American missinnary maga7:ine. London. IT. 30, 1896+ ; Nw. 35. 1901 + South Bend. See Northern Indiana Historical Society. South Carolina. Railroad Commissioners, Annual report. N. 2. 5-7, [o-t81, t88o-o6; J. 5. o. tt-to r.qs-^-o- State Board of Health. Annual report. J. 15. 18-19. 21 4-, 1894+ South Carolina historical and genealogical magazine. Charleston. C. N. I, 1900+ South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, Collections. C. X. V. i. 1S57-}- South Carolina Medical Association. Charleston. Transactions. N. 20, 22, 24-32. 34-38. 40-42, 44, 47-49. 1870-99 South Dakota. Railroad Commissioners. Annual report. J. 1-3, 1889-92 (S4) X SUPPLEMENT 1903 Southbridge, Mass. See Quinabaug Historical Society. Southeastern reporter. St. Paul. U. i, 1887+ Southern California Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles. Bulletin. J. I, 1902+ Southern Educational Association. Journal of proceedings and addresses. Knoxville. J. 9, 1899+ Southern educational journal. Atlanta. U. does not have Southern History Association, Washington. Publication^;. C. N. U. I, 1897+ Southern Illinois Medical Association, Cairo. Proceedings. N. 5-6, 8, 1879-83 Southern lUuiois State Normal University. Carbondale. Biennial report. J. 9, 1888+ ; X. 9. 11+, 1888+ Southern law review. St. Louis. Southern reporter. St. Paul. Southern workman and Hampton school record. u. i-ii. 1872-83 U. I. 1S87+ ord. Hampton. H. 22, 24+ , 1893+ ; J. 31. 1002 + N. 1-2, 1887-88II U. I. 1886 + C. J. I, 1892+ ; N. 7, 1897+ Schnifteii. J. 3, 1902-f N. 13-31. 1875-93 Southwestern medical gazette. Nashville. Sontluve-itcrn reporter. St. Paul. Soziale Praxis. Berlin. So/ialwis^cn^cluiftlichcr Verein in Berlin. Spallanzani. Rome. Spectator. London. N. I. 1828+ ; C 47, 1874+ ; J. 49. 1876-i- ; E. [46-56], 81+, 1873+ ; J- 76. 1896+ Spectator. (Insurance.] N. Y. C. 1-3. .1868-69; J. 66, 1901 + Spelunca. Bulletin et memoires de la Societe de speleologie. Paris. J. V. 4 no. 25, 1901 + Sphinx. Cliicajio. HI. i, 1902-!- Spiritual record. Chicago. HI. I, 1879 Spolck ceskoslovanskvch knihkupeckych ucetnicli. Prague. Slovansky katalog bibliograficky. N. 1-5, 1877-81 Sportsman's review. Cincinnati. C. 17, 1900-I- Springtield. Mass. City Library. Bulletin. N. 1-17. 1887-98; C. 18. iS<>S+ Staats-, Hof-und Kommunal-Handbuch des [Deutschen] Reichs und der Ein- zelstaaten. Leipzig. J. 17, 190^+ Staats- und sociahvissenschaftlicho I'orschunRcii. Leipzig;. J. X. l'. i. 1S7S-H Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar zu Jena. Abhandlungen. J. i, 1901+ Stahl und Eisen. Erganzungsband. See Jahrlnich fiir das Eiscnhiittenwesen. Standard. Chicago. Continues Watchman of the prairies and Christian times. HI. 1-6, 22-34, 1849-87; U. 22, 23, 264-, 1875+ ; G. 43. 1895+ Staiulard Poland-China record. Maryvillc, Mo. (Standard Poland-China Record Association.) U. i, 1887+ .*^tar chnmhcr hcnid. Cliicajio. HI. i. 1902+ State .Agricultural College, Fort Collins. Colo. .Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Bulletin. J. no. 5, 13-14, 16-21, 23-69, 72+, 1898+ See also Colorado, State Board of Agriculture. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison. Annual report. See Collec- tions ; — Proceedings. Collections. C. HI. N. I, 1854+ ; F. 2. 3. 10+, 1856+ ; Nw. [i-io], 13+, 1854+ : l^- ". 1888+ Proceedings. C. 21. 1875+ ; HI. 25-40. 42-45, 49-f . 1879+ ; N. :ii. 1886+ ; Nw. 41. 1893+ ; J. 42. 44+ . 1804+ Statc Medical Society of Delaware. Proceedings. N. 187S-85, 88, 96 State Medical Society of Wi^con^iin. Madison. 'rran<;actions. N. 3. i86q-|- State normal monthly. Emporia, Kan. U. docs not have State register. Springfield, III. HI. v. i no. 1-36, 1847 State School of Mines, Golden, Colo. Technical and Engineering Society. Bul- letin J. V. I no. 3 1901 + State Society of Labor and Industry. (Kansas.) Proceedings. J. i. 1899-f State I'niversity of Iowa. Iowa City. IBulletin from the laboratories of natural histor}-. J. I. Historical monographs. Studies in sociology, economics, politics and histor>-. University of Iowa studies in psychology. (S5) I8S8 1 -r ; C. 4. !><■/• + N. 1-2. 1 891 -92 J. I. 1899+ J. I. , 1897 + LIST OF SERIALS States duty. St. Louis. U. does not have Statesman's vear book. American edition. N. Y. J. N. U. 36, 1899II (allpublished) Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Dublin. Journal. J. i, 1855+ Statistik der Trabrennen in Oesterreich. Vienna. J. 1899+ Statistik des auswartigen Handels des osterreichisch-ungarischen Zollgebiets. Sec Austria, Kaiserlich-koenigliches Handelsministerium, Statistisches De- partcment. Statistique de I'industrie minerale et des appareils a vapeur en France et en Algerie. See France, Ministere des travaux publics, Direction des routes, de la navigation et des mines, Division des mines. Statistique des chemins de fer frangais. See France, Ministere des travaux pub- lics, Direction des chemins de fer. Statistische Nachrichten von den Eisenbahnen. (Verein deutscher Eisenbahn- Verwaltungen.) Berlin. J. 49, 1898-f Statistische Tabelle iiber alle Staaten der Erde. Vienna. J. N. i, 1893+ Statistisk tidskrift. (Sweden, Kongliga statistiska central byran.) Stockholm. J. 1860+ Stavanger museum. Aarshefte. N. 3, 1892+ Steam engineerino-. X. Y. Vol. 1-2 numbered v. lO-ii (of Engineers' and power users' magazine.) Continues also Live steam. C. i, 1899+ ; J. 2, 1900+ Stevtns Institute indicator. Hoboken. J. 4, 1887+ ; W. 13, 1896+ ; A. 14, 1897+ Stockholm. See also Svenska slojdforeningen. Stone Chicago. J. 2, tS86+ ; F. 2, 4+, 1888+ ; W. 3, 1890+ Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, Storrs, Conn. Annual report. J. I, 1888+ Bulletin. J. 1-19, 21+, 1888+ Stray feathers. Calcutta. J. 1-12, 1872-88I! Street Railway Association of the State of New York. Report of the annual meeting. J. i, 3-14, 1883-97 Street railway journal. N. _Y. J. 6, 7, 9+, 1890+ ; A. 15, 1899+ ; W.* Street railway review. Chicago. C. 2. 1892+ ; N. 3, 1893+ ; J. [2-6], 7+, 1892+ ; U. 6. 1896+ ; A. 8. 1898+ ; W.* Student. Phila. HI. 1-7, 1880-87 Student. Standige Beilage zu der Academische Revue. . Munich. J. 1-12. 1896II Student volunteer. Chicago. Continued in Intercollegian. Nw. 1-6, 1893-98!! Student's journal. N. Y. " J. 31, 1902+ Students' journal and hospital gazette. London. See Hospital gazette and stu- dents' journal. Studi di filologia romanza. Rome. N. U. i, 1885+ Studi e documenti di storia e diritto. Rome. U. 1-8, 1880-87 •Studia sinaitica. London. N. U. i, 1894-i- Studien fiir vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Berlin. U. i. 1902+ Studien zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Kirche. Leipzig. H. i, 1897+ Studies in education. (Barnes.) Stanford University. J. i. 1896+ Studio. London. C. J. T. 1893+ ; At. 5. 1895+ Subject index of literature of agricultural experiment stations and kindred institutions. See U. S. A., Agriculture, Oftice of Experiment Stations. Success. N. Y. A.* Sugar beet. Phila. J. 23, 1902+ Suggestion. Chicago. C. 6, 1901 + Susrgestive therapeutics. Chicago. N. 1-3, 6-9. 1896-1000II Summary of medical science. N. Y. ' N. I, 1861II Sunday school journal and advocate of Christian education. Phila. (American Sunday School Union.) III. 1-2, 1831-32 Sunset. San Francisco. Nw. =;. IQ00+ Sunsct Club, Chicago. ^Meetings. C. J. N. Nw. 1891-1901II Supporter and Scioto gazette. See Scioto gazette. Surtccs Society, Durham. Publications. C. N. i. 1835+ Survcyors' Institution. London. Transactions. T. i. 1868 -^ Svensk bok-katalog jemte musikforteckning. Stockholm. N. i, 1866+ Svenska liikare-sallskapet, Stockholm. Porhandlingar. N. 1874-81. 90-1901 Svenska slojdforeningen, Stockholm. See Monster for konstindustri och slojd. Sweden. Kongliga statistiska central byran. See Statistisk tidskrift. (86) / SUPPLEMEN'l l'J03 Sveriges officiela statistik i sammandrag. Stockholm. In Statistisk tid- skrift. J. 18/1 + Switzerland. BundesversammUinp. Uebcrsicht der Verhandlungen. Supple- ment to Bundesblatt der schweizerischen Eidgcnosscnschaft. J. 17, 1896+ Departement des Innern. Statistisches Bureau. See also Zeitschrift fiir schuci/crische Statistik. Eidgenossisches topographiches Bureau. Ergebnisse der Triangulation der Schweiz. J. r, 1896-t- Eiscnliahndopartcnicnt. l'ul)likationsorgan fiir das Transport- und Tarif- wesen der Eisenbahnen und Dampfschiffuntcrncimiungcn auf dcm Gcbicte der schweizerischen Eidgentissenschaft. Supplement to Bundesblatt der schwoi- zerischen Eidgenossenschaft. J. 1897+ Zusammenstellung der auf den schweizerischen Eisenbahnen beforderten Ziige und dcrcn N'erspatungen. Supplement to Bundesblatt der schweize^ rischen Eidgenossenschaft. Landwirtschaftsdepartcment. Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch J. 1897 + do r .S( :lnveiz. J. 14. 1900+ J. 35. 1898+ Metoorologische Central-Anstalt. .\nnalen. Switzerland. See also Societe botanique Suisse. Sydenhain Society, London. Publications. N. 1844-57II Sydney. X. S. W. Grovcrnment Observatory. Results of meteorological observa- tions. Nw. 1880+ ; J. 1876, ■]■], 79. 86-90. 98 Results of rain and river observations. J. 1878-}-; Nw. 1881 + Table des rapports et dtl-peches des agents diplomatiques et consulaires de France. Supplement to Moniteur ofhciel du commerce. Paris. J. 1897+ Tableau decennal du conmierce de la France avec scs colonies. See France. Min- istere des finances. Direction generale des douanes. Tableau general du commerce de la France avec ses colonies. See France, Ministcre des finances. Direction generale des douanes. Tableau general du commerce et de la navigation. See France, Ministere des finances. Direction generale des douanes. Tablettes statistiques. Paris. J. 22. 1897+ Tacubava, Observatorio astronomico nacional. Anuario. J. I. 1881+; Nw. 5-7, 10. 12+. 1885+ Boletin. Ay. J. Nw. i, 1890+ Tait's Edinburgh magazine. C. i — n. s. 25. 183258: HI. 6-18. 1839-5T Taschenbuch der deutschen und der fremden Kriegsflotten. Munich. J. I, 1900+ Taxpayer. Chicago T. i. 1901 + Teachers' college recojd. N. Y. Nw. 3, 1902+ Teachers' sanitary bulletin. Lansing. See Michigan, State Board of TTealth. Technic. (Engineering Society of the Universitv of Michigan.) Ann Arbor. J. 3. 1890+ Technik. Berlin. Supplement. See Automobilen-Industrie. Techniker. (Deutsch-amerikanischer Tcchniker-Verbund.) N. Y . Phila. J. 14-17. 1891-95 Technische Rundschau. Vienna. See Allgemeine Tngenieur-Zeitung. Technograph. (University of Illinois.) Champaign. J. \V. 5. 1800+ ; C. 15. 1001 + Technologist. Mitteilungen des Deutsch-amerikanischen Techniker- Verbandcs. X. Y. J. I. 1896+ Technolog>' quarterly, and Proceedings of the Society of .'Krts. (Massachu- setts Institute of Technology'.) Boston. J. I. 1887-f : \.'\-.\. 64-. T887-J- : F. o. 180^.+ : \V. 7-1.^. 1804-1900 See also Review of American chemical research. Technology review. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology.) Boston. 'A. J. N\v. I. 1890+ Teikoku Daigaku, Tokin. Medicinische Facultat. Mittoilungon. N. i. 18874- Teknisk tidskrift. Stockholm. J. 27. 1807-f- ; W. m, 1901-f Teknisk ugeblad. Christiania. See also Norway, Patentknmmissionen, Bekiendt- gidrelser. Telegrapher. \. Y. C. 5-1.I. 1868-77: Til. 7-13, 1870-77 Telephone nincr.izine. Chiragri A. C J. \V. i, 1893-!-; E. 15, 1900-f Tenby, Wales. See Cambrian Institute. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity. Chicago T. r iSo64- Texas. Geological and .Agricultural Survey. .Annual report. J. T. 1874 (S7) LIST OF SERIALS Railroad Commissioner. Annual report. J. 2. 1893+ ; W. 1-3, 1892-94; U. 3, 1894+ ; Nw. 4. 1895+ Secretary of State. Biennial report. J. 1895+ Stare Engineer. Report. * N. 1-3, 1883-84 State Health Officer. Biennial report. J. 1898+ Treasurj' Department. Annual report of the Treasurer. J. 1899+ Texas. See also University of Texas. Texas Academy of Science, Austin. Transactions. Ay. F. I, 1892+ ; J. 3, 1899+ Texas medical journal. (Daniel.) Austin. N. i, 1885+ Texas medical journal. Galveston. N. 2-3, 5-8, 1874-79 Texas State Historical Association. Quarterly. Austin. N. U. I, 1897+ ; Nw. 2. 1898+ ; III. 1-4. 1897-1901 Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur. Leipzig. G. N. U. I. 1882+ Textile industries for spinners, manufacturers, etc. Bradford, Eng. J. 31, 1897+ Texts and studies. (Robinson.) Cambridge. H. N. i, 1891 + Theatre. N. Y. C. i, 1901 + Theatre. Paris. C. i, 1898+ Theosophical review. London. C. i, 1887+ Therapeutic monthly. Phila. N. 1-2, 1901-02II Therapeutic notes. Detroit. N. 1-2, 1894-95 Therapeutische Wochenschrift. See Klinisch-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Thinker. A magazine of Christian literature, etc. London. U. 1-8, 1892-95 II : N. 3-8. 1893-9511 Thompson Yates Laboratories. See Victoria University. University College, Liverpool. Thonindustrie-Zeitung. See Tonindustrie-Zeitung und Fachblatt der Cement-. Beton-. Gips-. Kalk-, und Kunststeinindustrie. Thoresby Society, Leeds. Publications. N. i, 1891 + Times. London. Weekly edition. A. 17, pt. 2, 1893+ ; J. 25, 1901+; L. 21-26, 1897-1902 Times and seasons. Commerce, 111. HI. [1-6], Dec. 1839-Jan. 1844 Times law reports. London. U. i, 1884+ Tin and terne and the metal world. Pittsburg. Continued in American metal market. J. v. 3 no. 8 — v. 11, 1894-1902II Toheki. Kyoto. See Kansai bunko kyokai. Toiler. Terre Haute. J. 5, 1903+ Toner lectures. Washington. C. J. i, 1873+ Tonindustrie-Zeitung und Fachblatt der Cement-, Beton-. Gips-. Kalk-. und Kunststeinindustrie. Berlin. J. 17 — 18, 20+, 1893+ ; W.* Topical architecture. Boston. C. J. i, 1900+ Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Mass. Historical collections. N. I. 1895+ Toronto. Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory. Observations. J. 1-3, 1840-48 Toronto. Sec also Ontario Historical Society; — Pathological Society; — Victoria Universitv. Torrey Botanical Club, N. Y. Memoirs. F. J. U. i. 1889+ Torreya. N. Y. F. J. i, 1901 + Toulouse. See also Societe des sciences physiques et naturelles ; — Universite de Toulouse. Tour du monde. Paris. C. N. t. 1860+ Traction and transmission. A monthly supplement to "Engineering." London. J. I, 1001 + Trade journals' review. See Mechanical review. Trade marks journal. See Great Britain. Commissioners of Patents. Trades Union Congress. Report of proceedings. J. 30. 1897+ Tradesman. Chattanooga. J. 35. 37+. 1897+ ; W. 46. 1901 + Tramway and railway world. London. J. 10, 1901 + Transallegheny historical magazine. Morgantown, W. Va. HI. i, 1901 + Transit. (University of Iowa.) Iowa City. J. W. 1-6. 18190-98 Transport. London. J. 20, 1902+ Travelers' record. Hartford. G. 1897+ ; V. 1898+ ; Nw. 1000+ Travelling Engineers' Association. Annual meeting. J. i, 1893+ (88) •^ SUPPLEMENT 1903 Treasury of religious thought. N. Y. Continues Pulpit treasury. G. I, 1883+ ; H. 1-18, 1883-1901; U. 14, 1896+ ; N. i. 3-8. 1883-89 Treatment. London. N. i, 1897 Trenton. See also New Jersey Sanitary Association. Tresor. Vienna. J. 34, 1897+ Tribuiia iiicdica. Rio de Janeiro. X. 1-3, 1895-97 Tribune almanac and political register. N. Y. r. J. X. iS.^S-t- ; L'. 1S38-Q4. 1902-1- ; Nw. 1S76+.: A. 1893-I- ; HI. 1856-81 Tropical agriculturist. Colombo, Ceylon. J. 19, 1899+ See also Literary register supplement and Ceylon "notes and queries." Troy review, or Religious and musical repository. Troy, N. Y. HI. i, 1826 Tucson. See University of Arizona. Turin. See also Museo industriale italiano. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. 1, 1898-f- Twenticth century. Boston. J. i — v. 4 no. 5. 1891-94 Twentieth century. London. C. i, 1901 + Type founder. Chicago. J. 15, 1900+ Typewriter and phonographic world. N. Y. J. 20, 1902+ Typojirapliical journal. Indianapolis. T. 9, 12-14, 1896-99; U. 10. 1897-}- Uebersicht iiber die auf dem Gebiete der englischen Philologie erschienenen Biicher Schriften und Aufsiitze. See Anglia. Ungarischc^ siatistisches Jahrbuch. See Hungary', Koenigliches ungarisches Handelsministerium. Union medicale et scientifique du Nord-Est. Reims. N. 1-16. 1877-92 Union of .-Vmerican Hebrew Congregations. Annual report. N. i, 1873+ Proceedings. See Annual report. Union signal. (Women's Christian Temperance Union.) Chicago. HI. 1893-+- Unitarian. Cambridge; Boston. HI. i, 1834 Unitarian review. Boston. C. H. N. 1-36, 1874-91II; HI. 1-24. 1874-85; G. 27-35. 1887-91 Unitarian year-book. (American Unitarian Association.) Boston. N. 1885, 88-96, 1901 + United Hebrew Charities of Chicago. Annual report. HI. i-ii. 1888-99; N. 1-4, 6-f. 1888+ ; J. 9. 1896+ (89) IJST OF SERIALS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The following list of the publications of the United States Government is but partial. As a rule administrative reports and serials contained in the set of Congressional Documents are not given. Of these C. HI. J. N. Nw. S. U. and W. are "designated depositories," and have large collections. That of the University of Chicago is especially noteworthy for early documents. Agriculture, Department of. (Card index to publications.) J. Nw. i, 1899+ Farmers" bulletins. Nw. U. I, 1889+ ; N. 1-7, 9, 11+, 1889+ ; J. [1-18], 20+. 1889+ ; F. [1-25I, 28+, 1889+ ; C. [1-35], 2,7+, 1889+ ; A. 1-15. 1889-94 Miscellaneous circular. J. Nw. I. 1896+ Year book. E. J. N. Nw. U. 1894+ ; A. Ay. F. 1895+ ; W. 1894-99 Bureau of Animal Industry. Circular of information. J. N. [i-ii], 17+. 1895+. U. [1-18], 21+, 1895+ ; Nw. 1-8, 17+. 1895+; F. 3, 5, 11+, 1895+ lUireau of Plant Industry. Bulletin. J. N. U. i, I90i-f Division of Biological Survey. Bulletin. F. Nw. I. 1888+ ; U. I, 4-+-, 1888-I-; N. 1-3, 6-f, i888-|- ; J. i, 5+, 1888+ Circular. N. 17, 28-(-, 1896-^ ; J. 17, 28-29, 31+, 1896-I- Division of Botany. Bulletin. J. I, 3, 6+, 1886+ ; C. [i-ii], 14+, 1886-F ; N. [1-6], ii-f, 1886+ ; F. [3-8], 12+, 1887+ ; Nw. 4, 1888+ Circular. J. N. Nw. i, 1894-t- ; F. 6, 1896-f- Inventory. Continued as Section of seed and plant introduction, Circular. J. Nw. 1-8. 1899-1901II; N. [1-8], 1899-1901II Section of Seed and Plant Introduction. Circular. J. N. Nw. i, 1900+ Division of Chemistry. Circular. J. Nw. U. i, 1894-I- ; N. 1-3, 5, 7+, 1894+ Division of Entomology. Circular. F. J. Nw. s. 2 no. I. 1891+ ; N. [s. 2 no. 2-32], 34+. 1891+; C. [s. 2 no. 2-13], 16+, 18914-; U. [s. 2 no. 2-22], 24-f, i89i-i- Division of Forestry. Bulletin. Nw. I, 1887-f; C. [1-12]. 14+, 1887+ ; J. [1-22]. 24+, 1887 -K: N. 1-22. 24-I-. 1887+ ; U. 2, 1888-f F. 3. 1889+ Division of Pomology. Circular. F. N. U. i, 1896-f ; Nw. 3, 1898-!- Division of Publications. Bulletin. J. N. i, 1896-I- ; U. 2. 1897-f Circular. J. N. i, igoi-f Division of Soils. Bulletin. F. J. N. Nw. U. i. i895-f Circular. N. Nw. 3, i%gg+ \ J. 3-6. 8+. 1899-t- Division of Statistics. Circular. F. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1896-+- Miscellaneous bulletin. N. Nw. i, 1890+ ; J. 9. 1895-f ; F. 10. 1896+ Division of Vea:etable Physiology and Pathology. Bulletin. F. J. N. Nw. I. 1891 + Circular. N. 10. 15, 17-I-. 1891-f ; J. 5, 10, i6-|-, 1891+; Nw. 18. 1898+ Entomological Commission. Bulletin. C. N. Nw. 1-7, 1877-81 Report. C. J. 1-5. 1877-87II: N. Nw. 1-4. 1877-85 Office of Experiment Stations. Alaska agricultural experiment stations, Sitka, Kenai and Rampart. Bulletin. J. N. i. i902-(- Circular. F. Nw. i. iSSg-f ; J. [7-27!. 31-f, i^g+ \ N. [7-25], 27-t-, 1889-f- Experiment station bulletin. F. J. Nw. I. 1889+ : N. I-II, 14-49, SI+. 1889-I-; C. [1-26!, 28-f-. 1889-f ; U. [1-24]. 35+. 1889+ Experiment station work. J. N. i, 1902-f- Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, Hawaii. Bulletin. T. N. U. I. 190T + Porto Rico Agricultural Ex])eriment .Station. Bulletin. N. i. 1902-f Oflfice of Irrigation Inquiry. Bulletin. J. N. i, 1893 Office of Road Inquiry. Bulletin. N. I, 1894-I- ; U. 2. 1894-f ; C. 2, 4+, 1894-f ; Nw. 4, 1894+ ; J. i. 3-13, 15+. 1894+ ; F. 1-9. 20-I-, 1894+ (90) X SUPPLEMENT 1903 Circular. Nw. 14, 1894+ ; U. 14-25. 27+, 1894+ ; J. N. 14-15, 17+. 1894+ ; F. 19, 1896+ - Section of Foreign Markets. Bulletin. Nw. I. 1895+ ; F. 1-2, 4+, 1895+ ; J. 1-8, 10+. 1895+ ; U. I, 4+» 1895+ ; N. I. 5+, 1895+ - — Circular. N. Nw. i. 1895+ ; J- i-3. 5+. 1895+ ; U. 2. 1896+ - Weather Bureau. Bulletin. Ay. Nw. I, 1892+ ; N. 1-22. 28+, 1892+ ; U. 2-19, 2i + , 1892+ ; J. 3-6, lO-H, 1892+ Climate and iicalth. .\y J. X. 1 — v. 2 no. .^ 1895-Q6II Indiana Section of the Climate and Crop service. Report . . . and annual summary. J. 1900+ Weekly Crop Bulletin. J. i. i, 1893+ ; Nw. 1S95+ ; HI. 1897+ : W. 1901+; A.* Coast and Geodetic Survey. Bulletin. J. Nw. I, 1888+ ; N. [1-29], 36+, 1888+ : W. 1894+ Special publication. J. N. 2. 1898+ Tide tables for the year. J. 1900+ ; N. 1902+ Commissioners of Internal Revenue. Compilation of decisions. J. N. U. I, 1898+ Life-Saving Service. Annual report. C. Nw. 1876+ ; J. 1876+ ; U. 1876. 77- 79+ ; N. 1876-77, 80+ ; E. 1876-90. 92, 94+ Light House Board. Annual report. C. 1852-60, 63-77; Nw. 1872+ ; U. 1852. 72+; J. 1872-80. 81+ : N. [1872- 92], 95+. Marine Hospital Service. Annual report. (t87!;-6 not published.) J. 1-2. 4-6. 19-24. 26+. 1871+; N. 1872+ ; C. 1872-95; Nw. [1872-74]. 88+ War Department. Official army register. N. 1838, 48. 52, 62+; C. 1863+ ; J. 1870-92, 94, 97+; E. 1877+ ; U. [1873- 95], 97+; Nw. 1880+ Adjutant-General's Office. Military Information Division. Publications. N. 7, 9-12. 14, 17+, 1896+ ; J. 9, 17+, 1896+ Engineers. Professional papers. N. 3, 6, 8, 13, 15. 16. 18, 20. 24+. 1854+ ; Nw. 23+ Geographical Surveys West of the looth Meridian. Report. Ay. J. N. Nw. U. 1-7. 1875-89II ; F. 2-7, 1877-89II Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel. Reports. Ay. F. N. 1-7, 18-0-80II; Nw. 1-5, 7. 1870-80II ; J. W. [1-7I, 1870-80II Insular affairs. Monthly summary of commerce of the island of Cuba. J. N. Nw. U. 1899-1902II Monthly summary of commerce of the island of Porto Rico. J. N. Nw. U. i-io, 1899-1900II (92) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Monthly summary of commerce of the Philippine Islands. J. N. Nw. U. I, 1899+ Surgeon Generars Office. Index-catalogue to the library. J. N. U. I, 1889+ ; Nw. [l-io], 12+, 1880+ Uiiited States army and navy journal. See .\rmy and navy journal. United States law intelligencer and review. Providence. U. 1-3, 1829-31 United States medical investigator. Chicago. Continues United States medical and surgical journal and Medical investigator. N. n. s. 1-3, S — s. 3. V. 23, 1865-87II United States Naval Observator>'. Washington. Observations. J. I. 3-6. S+, 1845+ ; Ay. 1847+ ; Nw. [1851-64], 67+; N. 1881, 84-89; U. iS84-«)o Publications. Second series. J. i. i90i'| Unity. Chicago. C. 4, 1879+ ; HI. 10. 11, 17+, 1883+ Universa! and Ludgate magazine. London, C. 3, 1901 + I'uiversal Brotherhood path. Loma, Cal. HI. 14, 1899+ Universalist register and almanac. Boston. N. 183^). 39-f L^niver'iidad central, Madrid. Discorso Icido ... en la solemne inaugura- cion del curso academico. N. 1882, 86, 91, 93, 95-97. 99. 1901 + Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Anales. Nw. [55, 1893+] Universite de Besangon. Observatoire astronomique. chronometnquc ct nieteo- rologique. Bulletin astronomique. J. i-ii, 1886-96 Bulletin chronometrique. Nw. 3, 1891 + Bulletin meteorologique. Nw. i, 1800+ Universitc- do Bordeaux. Facultc dcs lettro>. Bulletin hispanique. U. I, 1899+ Universite de Liege. Institut botanique. Archives. U. I, ^897+ Universite de Toulouse. Facultc dcs sciences, .\iinale-~. J. U. i, 1886+ University College. Liverpool. See Victoria University. University extension. Phila. C. N. Nw. 1-4, 1891-94II ; U. 1-3. 1891-94 University extension bulletin. (Chicago Society for University Extension.) Chicago. N. v. i no. i, 1892II University extension bulletin, t Wmerican Society for the Extension of Uni- versity Teaching.) Phila. Continued in the Citizen. N. I —V. 2 no. 3, 1893-951I University extension journal. London. C. 1-5, i8go-95ll ", N. 3-5. 1892-95II LTniversitv extension journal. Westminster. N. i, 1895+ University medical magazine. Phila. See Univ. of Penna. medical bulletin. University of Arizona. Tucson. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report. J- 9. 11 + . 1898+ Bulletin. J. [10-29], 31 + . 1893+ University of California, Berkeley. Bulletin. N. 1-12, 14-31. 33-37. 1874-92; J. n. s. 4. 1002+ College of Agriculture. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. [80-110], 113+, i888-f; N. in. t8q6+ Report of the viticultural work. J. 1883-93; U. 1887-93 Report of work. J. 1888-90, 94+; N'- i89^+ Seed bulletin. N. 1898+ Library. Bulletin. J- i. 18.^-'+ Lick Observatory. Publications. J '. 18874- Publications. Botany. J. i. 1902+ ZnoIog>'. J- I, 1902+ University chronicle. F- U- '• 1808+ University of Cambridge. Astronomical Observatory. Astronomical observa- tions. J. T. 1828+ University of Chicago. Annual register. HI. U. 1892+ ; N. 1892-94. 96+ ; J. 1894+ : Ay. 1896+ Contributions to education. ^ y '. iooi-|- Contributions to philosophy. J. Nw. U. i. 1896+ Official bulletin. N. Nw. U. nos. 1-6. 1891-92II Studies in classical philology. Nw U. i. 1805+ Walker Museum. Contributions. J- i. 1001 + Weekly calendar. N. i, 1896+ : J. 6. TOOI + Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay. Wis. Bulletin. U. I. 1896+ ; J. 1-2. 4+. 1896+ See also Cap and Gown;— Daily maroon; — Elementarj' school teacher. m) LIST OF SERLILS University of Chicago weekly. Continued as Daily maroon. U. i-io, 1892-1902II; C. 4-10. 1896-1902II ; L. 8-10, 1899-1902II University of Dublin. Dunsink Observatory. Astronomical observations and researches. J. i. 1870+ University of Illinois. Champaign and Urbana. Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. Annual report. J. i, 1887+ Bulletins. J. N. i, 1888+ ; HI. 1-48, 1888-97 Astronomical Observatory. Bulletin. J. i, 1898+ Board of Trustees. Report. J. N. I, 1867+ ; HI. 2, 12+. 1868+ : E. 3-7. 14, 16+, 1870+ Chemical survey of the water supplies of Illinois. Report. J. W. i, 1897+ Press bulletin. E. J. i, 1900+ Reports and publications. HI. 1867-1882 University studies. J. N. i, 1900+ University of Kansas, Lawrence. Geological Survev. University geological sur .vey. ' J. 2. 1897+ University of Michigan. See also Technic. University of Minnesota. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report J. 3. 1894+ University of Montana, Missoula. Bulletin. Biological series. J. i, 1901 + University of Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station. Annual report of the U. S. Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska. J. 2-13. 1888-99 Bulletin. J. 16-21. 25. 29, 31-32, 34-36, 1891-94 Botanical Laboratory. Contributions. J. n. s. i, 1892+ Graduate bulletin. J. i, 1900+ Library. Bibliographical contributions. J. i, 1900+ University bulletins. J. s. I no. 3, s. 4 no. 8, s. 6 no. 3-5. s. 7 no. 13+, 1897+ Zoological Laboratory. Studies. J. [1-2]. 3+, 1894+ University of North Carolina, College Hill. See James Sprunt historical mono- graphs. University of Pennsylvania, Phila. Department of History. State documents on federal relations. N. j, 1900+ Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history. N. I. 1894+ ; C. 5. 1898+ Free Museum of Science and Art. Bulletin. N. i, 1897+ ; C. J. 1-4, 1897-98 Publications. Astronomy. J. i, 1899+ Philology, literature and archaeology. C. N. I, i89i4- Philosophy. j j^ 3+^ j8go_|_ Political economy and public law series. J. V. I, no. 2, 1887+ ; N. Nw. 2-4. 7-8, 10+, 1888+ Universitv bulletin. J. N. 1-4. 1893-1900II ; H. U. 2-4. 1898-1900 ^Univ. of Penna. medical bulletin. Phila. N. i, 1888+ University of Texas, Austin. Mineral survey bulletin. J. i, 1901 + University of the State of Missouri. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. I 6, 10-12 14-16. 18-25. 27, 29-30, 33-37, 39-40, 42-43, 45, 47-48. 50-52, 56+, 1883+ 'Laws Observatory. Bulletin. J. i, 1902+ 7 Studies. J. N. i^ 1901-I- University of the State of New York, Albanv. Annual report. C. 53, 1840+ ; Nw. 70, 1857+ ; N. 98-99, 101+. 1884+ : J. 90. 1885+; U. 105, 1891 + College Department. Annual report. C. J. N. Nw. U. i. 1898+ ^^ Bulletin. C. U. i, 1899+ ; J. 19, 1902+ High School Department. Continues Examination Department. High School Section. Annual report. N. 2. 1894+ ; U. 6, 1898+ ; J. 1900+ Bulletin. j. ,8. 1902+ Home Education Department. Bulletin. Continues Extension bulletin. N. U. I, 1891+; C. 1-4. 9+, 1891 + New York State Museum. Annua] report. Ay. J. U. I. 1848+ ; F. 3, 1853+ ; Nw. 7, 8, 12+. 1853+ ; C. 1867-78, 80+ : N. 48, 1894+ Bulletin. Ay. C. F. J. Nw. U. i. 1887+ : N. 16. 1897+ - — Memoirs. Ay. F. U. v. r no. i. 1889+; j. no. 2. 1898+ State Library. Bulletin. Bibliography. C. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1895+ (94) /" SUPPLEMENT 1903 — History. C. J. N. N\v. U. i, 1898+ — Legislation. C. N. U. i. i8gi4-; J. 1-4, 15+, 1891 + — Library School. C. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1891 + Traveling libraries and collections. J. 2, 1901 + Regents" bulletin. (Also in annual report.) N. \u. U. I, 1890+ ; J. [2-29]. 57+. 1890+ Regents" extension bulletin. See Home education department. University of Toronto. Studies. Anatomical series. F. J. 1, iyoo+ Biological series. F. J. Nw. U. I, 1898+ Geological series. J. i, 1900+ History and economics. J. N. U. I, 1897+ History series. J. N. i, 1902+ Physiological series. F. J. Nw. U. I, 1900+ Psychological series. F. J. Nw. U. i, 1898+ University of Wisconsin. Madison. Rulletiu. Economics, political science, and history series. C. F. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1894+ Engineering series. C. l'. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1894+ Philologj' and literature series. C. J. N. U. 1. 1898+ Science series. C. F. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1894+ University of Wyoming. Agricultural College and Agricultural Experiment Station, .-\nnual report. J i. i8i)i + Bulletin. J. i. 1891 + Universo. Milan. U. does not have Universum. Leipzig. C. 14. i8')H+ LTrquell. Leyden. U. 1-2, 1890-98II Utrecht. See also Historisch genootschap. \ alcmine's manual. See New York city. Corporation manual. Valley magazine. St. Louis. HI. i, 1902+ Van Nostrand's engineering magazine. N. Y. C. J. 1-35. 1869-86II; A. 1-23. 1869-80: W. [1-27], 1869-82 Vanguard. Green Bay. J. i, 1902+ Vassar College, Poughkeepsic. Observatorj'. Publications. J. i, 1900+ \'eilk-e. supplement aux Annales politiques et litteraires. Paris. N. I. 1902+ Ver Sacrum. Vienna. At. i. 1808 VerlKind dcr Laboratoriuras-Vorstande an deutschen Hochschulen, Leipzig. Berichte. J. i. i898-f- \'erhaiier die Dauer der Schienen. J. 1879+ See also Statistische Nachrichten von den Eisenbahncn. Verein deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin. Zeilschrift. J. I. 1857-^-; A. ,39, 1895-f ; W. 46, 1902+ See also Mittheilungen iiber Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwcsens, insbesondere der technischen ilf>chschulen. Verein deutscher Revisions-lngenicure, Berlin. .Schriften. J. i, 1899+ Vereiti deutscher Verblcndstein- und Terrakottenfabrikanten, Halle on the Saalc. Vcrhandlungen. Supplement to Kerami^^clic MonatslHtic. J. looi-l- Verein fiir die Forderung des Local- imd Strassenbahnwesens, Vienna. Mit- theilungen. J. 4, 1896+ \'erein fiir Erdkunde. Leipzig. Mitteilungcn. Ay. 1872-87 ; J. 1900+ Wissenschaftliche Veroffcntlichungen. J. i. 1891 + (05) LIST OF SERIALS Verein fur Naturkunde. Cassel. Bericht. Ay. 1880+ Verein fiir Volkskunde, Berlin. Zeitschrift. C. N. U. I, 1891+; F. 4, 1894+ ; C. 1-5, 1891-95 Verein fiir wissenschaftliche Heilkunde, Gottingen, Marburg, Leipzig. Archiv. N. I — s. 2 V. 3, 1854-66II Vereins-Mittheilungen. Beilage zur Oesterreichischen Zeitschrift fiir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. Vienna. J. i, 1882+ Vermont. Board of Library Commissioners. Biennial report. J. i. 1899+ Insurance Commissioners. Annual report. N\v. 1887. 89, 90. 92-97. 99+ State Board of Health. Report. J. 1-4, 6-12, 1887-99 Vermont antiquarian. Burlington. X. i, 1902+ Vermont free press. Fayetteville. HI. v. I no. 1-37, 1834-35 Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier. Collections. C. HI. N. U. 1-2, 1870-71 Proceedings of meetings. N. 1860-62, 69, 70, 72, 78. 80. 94, 96. 98+ Vermont watchman. Montpelier. HI. Aug. 1877-Sept. 1895 Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. Verhandlungen. Leipzig. U. 1-6. 8-10, 12+, 1838+ ; J. 44. 1897+ Verzeichnis der im deutschen Buchhandel neu erschienencn und neu aufgelegten Biicher, Landkarten, Zeitschriften, etc. See Hinrichs" Halbjahrs-Katalog der im deutschen Buchhandel erschienenen Biicher. Zeitschriften, Landkarten, etc. Verzeichniss der erschienenen Musikalien, etc. (F. Hofmeister.) Leipzig. See also Handbuch der musikalischen Literatur. Verzeichniss von Abhandlungen aus der angewandten Mathematik die ... in technischen Zeitschriften erschienen sind. Supplement to Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik. Leipzig. J. i, 1897+ Veterinariaii. London. Continued in Journal of comparative pathology and ther- apeutics. N. 1-75. 1828-1902II Victoria. Department of Agriculture. Annual report. J. 1899+ Victoria Institute, or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, London. Journal of the transactions. C. U. i, 1867+ ; J. i-io, 14, 15, 1866-82 Victoria University. University College, Liverpool. Thompson Yates Labora- tories. Report. J. U. i, 1898+ Victoria University, Toronto. Publication. N. i, 1899+ \^ienna. Hauptvoranschlag. J. igoi + Magistrat. Gemeinde-Verwaltung der kaiserlich- koeniglichen Reichshaupt- und Residenzstadt Wien. U. 1867+ ; J. 1898+ Vienna. See also Allgemeiner technischer Verein; — Geographische Gesellschaft ; — Gesellscliaft fiir vervielfaltigende Kunst ; — Gesellschaft zur llerausgabe der Denkmjiler der Tonkunst in Oesterreich ; — Kaiserlich-konigliches Han- dels-Museum; — Aluseum fiir Geschichte der osterreichischen Arbeit; — Ver- ein fiir die Forderung des Local- und Strassenbahnwesens ; — Wiener Mu- seum der Naturgeschichte. Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. See Germany, Kaiserliches statistisches Amt Vierteljahrsschrift fur die praktische Heilkunde. Prague. N. 1-136. 141, 142. 1844-79II Viking Club or Orkney, Shetland and Northern Society, London. [Publications.] N. 1893+ Saga-book. N. i, 1895 + Translation series. N. i, 1902-I- Virginia. Railroad Commission. Report. J. 13-20, 1889-96; Nw. 14-22. 1890-98 Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. 12-45, 47- 50-96, 1892-99 \ irginia historical register and literary adviser. Richmond. N. 1-6, 1848-53!! Virginia historical reporter. (Virginia Historical Society.) Richmond. HI. I, 1854 Virginia Historical Society, Richmond. Collections. C. N. U. n. s. I- 1 1, 1882-92; HI. n. s. i-io. 1882-91 Publications. N. n. s. i. 1874 See also Virginia historical register and literary adviser; — Virginia histori- cal reporter. Virginia law journal. Richmond. U. 1-17. 1877-93 Virginia medical journal. Richmond. Continues Stethoscope and Virginia medi- cal and surgical journal. N. 1-13, 1851-59II Vitality. Chicago. HI. i. 1901-I- (96) SUPPLEMENT 1903 Voice. N. Y. C. 1-5, 1884-88; N. 2-5. 1885-88 Voice of the Fair. Chicago. (Northwestern Sanitary Fair.) C. HI. i, 1865 Volks-Ribliothek. Reiblatt 7um Bildungs-Verein. Berlin. J- 20. 1800+ Volkswirtschaftliche Abhandlungcu dcr badischeii Hochschulen. Freiburg i. B., Tubingen, Karlsrulic J. 1, 1897+ Vorderasiatische Gesellschafi, Berlin. See Alte Orient. Vo.\ urbis. Rome. L. 1-5, 1898- 1902 Voyenno-medilzinski zhurnal. St. Petersburg. N. 106-120, 1869-74 Vratcli. St. Petersburg. X. 8-9. 20-22. iSSj-k^jiIi See also Russki vratch. Wage worker. Detroit. J- 3. 1903+ Waldie's portfolio. Phila. HI. pt. i no. i — pt. 2 no. 13, 1835 Waldie's select circulating library. Phila. HI. pt. 2 no. 1-26. 1835 W ;ilker Museum. See I'niversily of Cliicago. Warren Countv Library and Reading Room Association, Monmouth, 111. War- ren Co. Library bulletin. J. 13. 1901 + Washington, D. C. See also American Colonization Society. W'a^liiiiu'ton, state, (uolntrical .^urvev. Annual rrport. J. I, I0OI + Washington Agricultural College. Experiment Station. Bulletin. J. x-8, lo-u, 1892-94 Washington book chronicle and bulletin of government publications. N. 1-2, 1889-99; J- 2, 1896+ Washingtonian. Chicago. HI. 1876-93 Wasp. Nauvoo. Continued in Nauvoo neighbor. HI. 1842II Watchman of the prairies. See Standard. Chicago. Watertown. See Illinois Western Hospital for the Insane. Weekly chronotype. Boston. HI. 1-2. 1846-48 Weltall. Berlin! J. i, 1900+ Werner's magazine. N. Y. Continued in Muse. H. 19-27. 1897-1901 Wesleyan Methodist magazine. London. N. I, 1778+ ; G. i-iio. 1778-1889; C. 1-94. 1778- 1871 West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, Glasgow. Journal. W. 9, 1901 + West Virginia. State .Auditor. Biennial report. N\v. 1872-80 West Virginia Agricultural E.xperiment Station. Bulletin. J. 24, 31, 33-36. 30-44. 1892-96 West Virginia historical magazine. Charleston. HI. i, 1901 + Westen. Chicago. N. 1868- 1901 [Country edition.] N. 1881-84 Donnerstags-.Ausgabe. N. 1887-95 Montags-Ausgabe. N. 1896-99 Western agriculturist. Columbus. C. 1, 1851 ; HI. 1878-98 Western agriculturist and live stock journal. Chicago. Quincy. C. 7. 1875-!- Wcstern antiquary. Plymouth. N. i — v. 12 no. 3. 1881-93!] Western .Australia. Geological Survey. Annual progress report. J. 29, 1900+ Bulletin. J. 1-2.0+. iSoS-f- Western Christian. Elgin. HI. 1-6. 1846-49 Western citizen. Chicago. HI. r-ii. 1842-53 Western clinical recorder. Chicago. N. i. 1899 Western druggist. Chicago. N. 3. 1881+ ; J. 24, 1902+ Western herald. Chicago. HI. i. 1846-47 Western journal and civilian. St. Louis. C. 1-14. 1848-55; HI. fl-n]. 1848-54 Western magazine. Chicago. HI. i, 3-5. 1845-81 Western manufacturer. Chicago. HI. [1874-86] Western messenger. Louisville. HI. i, 1835-36 Western monthly magazine. Cincinnati. Continues Illinois monthly magazine. HI. 1-5. 1833-36; C. 1-4. 183.V35; N. 1-3. 1833-35 Western monthly review. Cincinnati. C. HI. 1-3, 1827-30II ; N. i. 3. 1827-30!! Western philatelist. Chicago. C. 1-2, 1887-88 Western railroad gazette. Chicago. HI. 1-4. 7- 1856-64 Western Railway Club. Chicago. Proceedings. J. 10. 1897+: W. 14. 1901-+- Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society. Cleveland. Tracts. N. 1-89. 1877-99; C. 1-32. 73-84. 1870-92; HI. 1870-92 Western rural and .American stockman. Chicago. Sec National rural. Western Society of Engineers. Chicago. Journal. A. J. W. I. 1806+ : L. 2, 1807^ Western star. Jacksonville. HI. [i. 1845] CJT) LIST OF SERIALS Westminster review. London. C. N. U. I, 1824+ ; Nw. 59, 1854+ ; J. 147. 1897+ ; H. [22-142], 183S-94; S. 83-108, 1865-77 What to eat. Minneapolis ; Chicago. C. HI. J. i, 1896+ Whitaker's almanack. London. J. I, 1869+; N. 2. 1870+ ; L. Nw. 32, 1900+ ; C. [1872-94] Who's who. London. N. 41, 49+, 1889+ ; C. E. Nw. 49, 1897+ ; J. 50. 1898+ ; L. 52, 1900+ ; U. S3, 1901+ Who's who in America. Ciiicago. C. Hi. J. N. Nw. U. i, 1899+ Wide awake. Boston. Continued in St. Nicholas. C. E. 18-37. 1883-93 Wiener Bauindustrie-Zeitung. Supplement. See Bauinterressent. Wiener klinische Rundschau. N. 1-2, 7-14, 1887-1900 Wiener Museum der Naturgeschichte. Vienna. Annalen. N 1-2, 1836- 39II See also Kaiserlich-koenigliches naturhistorisches Hof-Museum. Wilkes-Barre. See also Osterhout Free Library. William and Mary College quarterly historical magazine. Williamsburg. C. N. U. I, 1892+ Willing's British and Irish press guide. London. J. 1882, 95+ ; N. 1883. 99+ ; L. 1897. 1900+ ; Nw. 1899+ : C. 1891 Wilmington. Del. Board of Park Commissioners. Annual report. Nw. 1895+ Wilmington, Del. See also Historical Society of Delaware. Wilmington, III. See Illinois Soldiers' Widows' Home. Wilshire's magazine. Toronto. J. no. 54. 1903+ Winnipeg. See Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba. Winona. Minn. See American Bureau of Geography. Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsstudien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung Bayerns. Erlangen, Leipzig. J. i. 1884+ Wisconsin. Bureau of Labor, Census and Industrial Statistics. Biennial re- port. Nw. I T883+; N. U. 2, 1885+ ; J. 2, 3. 5+. 1885+ Department of State. Blue Book. N. 7. 14, 16-18. 23-26, 28+. 1868+ Free Library Commission. Bibliography bulletin. J. N. i. 1901 + Suggestions for bulletins for birthdays and anniversaries and library notis. J. Nw. 1900-i- Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin. Economic series. J. Nw. I. 1898+ Educational series. J. Nw. i. 1900+ Scientific series. J. Nw. i, 1898+ Geological Survey. Annual report. J. Nw. i. 1854 Railroad Commissioner. Annual report. N. 1-4, 6-8, 1874-81 ; J. 2-4. 7, 1875-80 — -Biennial report. Nw. 1-4. 6. 8. 1882-1898: J. I, 5-7, 1882-96; N. 1-2. 4. 6-7. 1883-86 State Board of Health. Biennial report. N. I, 1876+ ; Nw. 2. 1877+ ; J. 2, 9. 11+. 1877+ ; W. [2-12], 14+, 1877+ Superintendent of Public Instruction. Reports. Nw. 184Q, 57. 82. 88+; N. 1853. 54, 56, 58, 60-69; U. 1869-70, 78. 80-82, 87-90. 95-96, 98+ Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Madison. Transactions. Ay. J. I, 1870+ ; F. 3. 1876+ ; Nw. 4. 1877+ ; C. 1-5. 1872-82 Wisconsin Agricultural Society, Madison. Transactions. J. 2-3, 7, 12-25. V-2,2. 34. 1852-96 Wisconsin agriculturist. Racine. C. 23. i8qo+ Wodrow Society, Edinburgh. Publications. U. 1842-50 Woechentliches Verzeichnis der erschienenen imd der vorbereiteten Neuigkcitcn des deutschen Buchhandels. Leipzig. U. 1-7, 56+, 1836+ ; N. 54, 1895+ ; Nw. 59. 1900+ ; J.* See also Hinrichs. Woechentliches Verzeichnis der in deutschen Zeitschriften und Zietungen erschie- nenen Auf.satze. Leipzig. J. N. v. i no. i. 1902II See also Bibliographic der deutschen Zeitschriften-Litteratur. Woman's Board of Missions of the Congregational Church. Boston. Annual report. Nw. i. 1869+ Woman's home missions. N. Y. Nw. 14. 1897+ Woman's journal. Boston. HI. 1-2, 1879-81 ; C. 20. 1889+ ; J. 28. 1897+ (98) / SUPPLEMENT 1903 Woman's medical journal. Toledo. N. i, 1893+ Woman's Relief Corps (G. A. R.)- Journal of the annual convention. C. 5. t887+ Woman's work on the mission field. London. Nw. no. 5, 1900+ Worcester County Horticultural Society, Worcester, Mass. Transactions. J- 1852, 53. 55. 57-64, 77-80. 82-86 Worcester (Mass.) Polytechnic Institute. Journal. J. U. i, 1897+ Worcester (Mass.) Society of Antiquity. Colleclicms. See Proceedings. Proceedings. X. i, 1877+ Word on the waters. London. N. 190. 1891 + Worker. N. V. J. 12, 1902+ World. N. Y. HI. 1860-62; N. Jan.-Sept. 1863. 1864-65, 69-78; C. Jan. -June. 1873, July. 1885-86 World almanac and encvclopredia. N. Y. 'C. 1870-73. 93+; J. 1892, 94+; U. 1893+ ; N. 1869-74 World review. Chicago. J. Nw. i — v. 2 no. 23, 1901-02II World to-dav. Chicago. C. J. i. 1001 + Worlds work. .\. Y. C. E. H. J. N. U. i. 1900-f Wuertemberg. Koenigliches statistisches Landesamt. See Wuerttembergische Jahrbiicher fur Statistik uiid Landeskuiidc. Kommission fiir die international Erdmessung. VerofTentlichungen. J. I, 1901 + Wuerttembergische Jahrbiicher fiir Statistik und Landeskunde. (Wuertem- berg. Koenigliches statistisches Landesamt. ) J. 1900+ Wuerzburg. See also Koenigliche zootomische Anstalt. Wyoming, state. See University of Wyoming. Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. See University of Wyoming. Wyoming Historical and Geological Society Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Proceedings. HI. I. 1881-83 Proceedings and collections. N. i. 1858+ ; F. 2, 1886+ ; HI. 1-4. 1858-99 Yale alumni weekly. New Haven. L. Nw. 10. 1900+ Yale scientific monthly. (Yale University.) New Haven. J. V. 2, V. 3 no. S+, 189=; + Yale studies in English. N. Y. N. i, 1898+ Yarmouth (X. S.) telegram. N. 14-16. 1899-1900II Year-book for colorists and dyers. N. Y J. i. 1808+ Year-book of surgery. N. Y. N. 1883II Year-book of the nose, throat and ear. Chicago. N. iqoo Year-book of therapeutics. N. Y. N. 1883II Year-book of therapeutics, pharmacy, and the allied sciences. X. Y. X. 1872- 73 il Year's art. London. C. 2. 1881+; At. fi-iol. 14+. iSSo-H Young men of India. Calcutta. Xw. 2. I00i4" Young Men's Association of Chicago. Annual report of the Executive Com- mittee. HI. 14-17, 19-22, 24-25, 27, 1855-68 Young Men's Christian Association. Railroad Department. International con- ference. C. 9. 1894-1- Youth's companion. Boston. C. 41. 1869-I- ; E. 70. i8g6+ : L. 71. 1897+ Zcitlexikon. Stuttgart. J. N. 1-2. iqot'! Zeitschrift fiir allgemeine Physiologie. Jena. J. i, 1902+ Zeitschrift fiir analytischc Chemie. Wiesbaden. C. J. N. U. I. 1862+ Zeitschrift fiir bildendc Kunst. Leipzig. See also Gescellschaft fiir vcrvielfal- tigende Kunst; — Kunstchronik. C. N. i. 1866+ ; J. n. s. 9, 1897+ Zeitschrift fiir Biichcrfrcundc. Bielefeld. C. J. N. i. 1897+ Zeitschrift fiir Biicherzcichen-, Bibliothekenkunde und Gelehrtcngeschichte. (Ex- libris Verein zu Berlin.) Gorlitz. J. lo, T900-I- Zeitschrift fiir Calcinmcarbid-Fabrikation und Acetylcn- und Klein-Belcuch- tung. Berlin. J. i, 1897+ Zeitschrift fiir ccltische Philolngie. Halle a. S. N. U. T. 1896+ Zeitschrift fur comprimirte unrl fliissigc Gasc. Sec Zeitschrift fiir knmpriniirte und fliissige Case sowie fiir die Pressluft-Industrie. Zeitschrift fiir das .Armenwesen (Centralstelle fiir Arheiter-Wohlfahrts- einrichtungen.) Berlin. J. i. 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir das gesammtc kaufm.Hnnischc Unterrichtswesen. Brunswick; Leipzig. J. U. T. i.^8-f (90) LIST OF SERIALS Zeitschrift fiir deutsche Sprache. Hamburg, Leipzig. N. 1-2, 1887-89 Zeitschrift fiir deutsche W'ortforschung. blrassburg. Nw. i, 1901 + Zeitschrift fiir diiitetische und physikalische 'i'herapie. Leipzig. N. 2, 1899+ Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. (Stade.) Giessen. N. U. I, 1881+; G. 7, 1887+ ; H. 14, 1894+ — -Beihefte. H. N. i, 1896+ Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staattswissenschaft. Tiibingen. Ergauzungsheft. J. I, 1901-I- Zeitschrift fiir die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft. Giessen. H. i, 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir Electrotherapie und iirztliche Electrotechnik. Coblenz, Leipzig. See Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotherapie und die verwandten physikaHschen Heil- methoden. Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie. (Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft fiir angewandte physikalische Chcmie.) Halle. Continues in part Zeitschrift fiir Elek- trotechnik und Elektrochemie. J. i, 1894+ ; U. 2, 1895+ Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik. (Elektrotechnischer Verein.) Vienna. J. I, 1883+ Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie. See Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotechnik and Zeitschrift fiir Elektrochemie. Zeitschrift fiir Elektrotherapie und die verwandten physikaHschen Heilmethoden (Phototherapie, Radiotherapie, Thermotherapie) auf Grundlage dcr Elektro- technik. Berlin, Leipzig. N. i, 1899+ Zeitschrift fiir Ethnologic. (Berliner Gesellschaft fiir Anthropologic. Ethnologic und Urgeschichte.) C. J. N. U. i. 1869-I- ; F. 26, 1894+ Ergiinzungsblatter. See Nachrichten iiber deutsche Alterthumsfunde. Zeitschrift fiir Farben- und Textil-Chemie. Brunswick. J. i, 1902+ Zeitschrift fiir franzosische Sprache und Litteratur. Berlin. N. U. i, 1879+ Zeitschrift fiir Heizung, Liiftung und Beleuchtung. Halle. J. i, 1896+ Zeilschrift fiir Hypnoiismus, Psychotherapie, sowie andcre psychophysiologische und psychopathologische Forschungen. Berlin; Leipzig. Continued as Jour- nal fiir Psychologic und Neurologic. J. i-io. 1892-1901II Zeitschrift fiir Instrumentenkunde. Berlin. A. J. I, 1881+; U. ID, 1890+ ; Nw. 23, 1903+ See also Deutsche Mechaniker-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fiir komprimierte imd flussige Gase sowie fiir die Pressluft-Industrie. Weimar. J. i, 1897+ Zeitschrift fiir Landwirthschaft und technischen Fortschritt der landwirthschaft- hchen Gewerbe. Vienna. J. 19-25, 1881-87 Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt und Pliysik der Atmosohare. Berlin. J. 18-19, 1899-1900II Zeitschrift fiir Maschinenbau und Schlosserei. Berlin. J. 6. 1889+ See also Elektrotechnischer Rathgeber. Zeitschrift fiir Mathematik und Physik. See also Verzeichniss von Abhand- lun.ecn ans dcr angewandten Mathematik. Zeitschrift fiir Naturw'ssenschaften. (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fiir Sachsen und Thiiringen.) Halle. U. 1-62. 1853-89; J. 61. 1888+ Zeitschrift fiir orthopadische Chirurgie. Stuttgart. N. 1-7. 9, 1891-1901 Zeitschrift fiir piidagogische Psychologic und Pathologic. Berlin. Nw. 3. 1001 + Zeitschrift fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten. Stuttgart. J. i, 1891 + Zeitschrift fiir practische Heilkunde und Medicinalwesen. Hannover. N. 1-4. 1864-67II Zeitschrift fiir psychische Aerzte. Leipzig. Continued as Zeitschrift fiir die Anthropologic N. 1-5, T818-22II Zeitschrift fiir Psychologic und Physiologic der .Sinnt^sorgane. Erganzungs- band. Leipzig. J. i, 1900+ Zeitschrift fiir schweizerische Statistik. (Schweizerische statistische Gesell- schaft und Eidgenossisches statistisches Bureau.) Berne. J. yj, 1901 + Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissenschaft. Berlin. J. LT. i, 1898+ ; Nw. 2. 1899+ Zeitschrift fiir systcmatische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie. Teschendorf bei Stargard in Mecklenburg. J. i, 1901 + Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin und vcrglcichende Pathologic. Leipzig. U. 1-3, 1897-99 Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Berlin. U. n. s. T. 1887-f : N. n. s. 12. 1898+ Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft. Berlin. J. 1-2. 1895-97 (100) / SUPPLEMENT 1903 Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Sprachforschung. Berlin ; Giitersloh. U. I, 1852-I-; N. 1-30, 1852-90; Nw. 1-7, 1852-58 Zeitschrift und Anzeiger fiir deutschcs Aliertum und deutsche Literaiur. Berlin. Nw. 1903+ Zentralblatt dcr Bauverwaltung. Berlin. J. i, i88l4- Zentralblatt fiir Chirurgie. Berlin. N. i, 1874+ ; U. 20, 1893+ Zentralblatt fiir die gesamtc Unterrichts-Verwaltung in Preussen. Berlin. U. 1853-63- 65-81, 83-90; J. 1897 + Zentralblatt fiir Gynakologie. Leipzig. N. i, 1877+ Zciuralblatt fiir iiinere Medizin. Leipzig. Continues Centralblatt fiir klinische Medicin. X. 0, IS^vS-r ; l'. 15. 1894-t- Zentraiblalt fiir Volksbildungsucsen. Leipzig. J. i, 1900+ Zoological magazine. (Zoological society of Tokio.) Not taken Zouloijical Society, London. Transactions. J. U. I, 1833+ ; F. 11, 1S85+ Zoologfische Gesellschaft, Frankfort on the Main. Zoologischer Garten. U. I, 1860+ ; Ay. 10, 1869+ ; J. 38. .1897+ Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abtheilung fiir Systematik, Geographic und Biologic der Thiere. Supplement. J. 4, 1898+ Zoologische Station zu Xeapel. Mittheilungen. U. I, 1879+ ; Nw. II, 1895+ ; J- I5. 1901+; N. 1-12, 1879-96 Zoologfischer Anzeiger. (Deutsche zoologische Gesellschaft.) Leipzig. J. Nw. U. I, 1878+ ; F. 20, 1897+ See also Bibliographia zoologica. Zoolog^sches Institut der L^niversitat in Wien und Zoologische Station in Triest. \rl>ciicn. 1 Clans. I N'icnna. U. i-io, 1 878-93 ; J. 14, 1902+ Zoologisches Museum, Berlin. Mitteilungen. J. i, 1898+ Zurich. See also Concilium bibliographicum. Zwingliana. Zurich. U. does not have : : .\ : • • • V' • • • . » • •- • • • • •« (ini) *1 <>■ •> *■ '■■' ■" * -J tl / YD 071 .?n,S548 >^ K^ UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY V