z: * /Ci W XOHTH-WEST VIEW OF ^ WESTMIN8TE ER ABBEY. PRINTED FOR THE VKKGKRt; IN THE ABBEY. 1878. le One Shilling Entered at 8tatioi.era' Hall. «SB tmMm WeSTMlNSTtR ABBEY. pistarical gtscrigtian OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY; ITS I~^T \ " f T 1 1 f I " I ! 1 1 1 ririiMfr/ffff/iiKfHMfiii'i"'"^ PRINTED FOR TH'E ■ VERGERS * Ilsf THE " ABBEY, ■i BY /A3. TIIDSCOTT AND SON, SUFFOLK LAN€, CANNON SPEEfiT, CITt. OF ADMISSIOlf. The North and West doors are open to Visitors. Guides are in attendance, from nine until six every day, except Sunday, Christmas Day, and Good Friday. The Abbey is not open to Visitors after the Afternoon Service during the Winter Months. THE SERYICES. On Sunday the entrance to the Abbey is by the North and South Transepts. Divine Service at 8 a.m., at 10 a.m., and at 3 P.M. ; and from Easter to the end of July, at 7 p.m. At the usual Sunday Services, and on Saint and Holy Days, at 10 A.M., there is a Sermon. The Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday in the month, at the 10 a.m. Service, and on other Sundays (except when otherwise ordered) at 8 A.M. The names of the several Chapels, beginning from the south cross, and so passing round to the north cross, are in order as follows: — 1. St. Benedict; 2. St. Edmund; 3. St. Nicholas; 4. Henry VII. ; 5. St. Paul; 6. St. Edward the Confessor; 7. St. John ; 8. Islip's Chapel, dedicated to St. John the Baptist ; 9. St. John, St. Michael, and St. Andrew^ The three last are now laid together. The Chapel of Edward the Confessor stands, as it were, in the centre, and is enclosed in the body of the Church. Keep on your right, and the Chapel of St. Benedict is adjoining the Tombs-gate, in which Chapel several Deans were buried. Dean Ireland was buried in front of Camden's monument, in the same grave with Mr. Gifford, his associate through life. *;»• Several men intercept all persons as they approach the Abbey, to show them the Courts of Law, Westminster Hall, &c., which are open all day ; persons attending to them are oft-times prevented from seeing the Church for that day, as tlie hours of service Intervene. WESTMMSTEE ABBEr. M tjiB jFfliiEhtinu nf liiB Slihii. *%^^^^i^#^F the Founding of an Abbey on Thoniey ^mmi^mmm^f island, where that of Westminster now stands, ^H^^I^^ii^ there are so many miraculous stories related eg^^ l(l"l^x ^^ ^y monkish writers, that the recital of them ^^ Tz^/al^^ ^^""^ would hardly be endured. Even the rela- ^M^^iM^ tions of ancient historians have been questioned dKW$?w5??* ^y ^"* Christopher Wren, who was employed **'***'*"*'** to survey the present edifice, and Avho, upon the nicest examination, found nothing to countenance the gene- ral belief, "that it was erected on the ruins of a Pagan " Temple." No fragments of Roman workmanship were dis- covered in any part of the building, many of which must un- doubtedly have been intermixed among the materials, if a Roman temple had existed before on the same spot. Nor is the dedication of the first Abbey less involved in mystery than the founding of it. The legend says that Sebert, King of the East Saxons, who died in 616, ordered Melitus, then Bishop of London, to perform the ceremony ; but that St. Peter himself was beforehand with him, and consecrated it in the night pre- ceding the day appointed by his Majesty for that purpose, accom- panied by angels, and surrounded by a glorious appearance of burning lights. That this legend continued to be believed after the building itself was destroyed, will appear by a charter which we shall have occasion to mention hereafter ; and though nothing can with certainty be concluded from these fictions, yet it may be presumed, that both the ancient church dedicated to St. Paul, in London, and this dedicated to St. Peter, in Westminster, were among the earliest works of the first converts to Christianity in Britain. With their new religion, they introduced a new manner of building ; and their great aim seems to have been, by affecting loftiness and ornament, to bring the plain simplicity of the Pagan architects into contempt. Historians, agreeable to the legend, have fixed the era of the first Abbey in the sixth century, and ascribed to Sebert the honour of conducting the work, and completing that part of it, at least, which now forms the east angle, which probably was all that was included in the original plan. After the death of that pious Prince, his sons, relapsing into Paganism, totally deserted the church which then- father had been so zealous to erect and endow ; nor was it long before the Danes destroyed what the Saxons had thus contemptuously neglected. From this period to the reign of Edward the Confessor, the first Abbey remained a monument of the sacrilegious fury of the limes ; but, by the prevailing influence of Christianity in that reign, the ruins of the ancient building were cleared away, and 3G5855 4 OF THE FOUNDATION. a most magrificeEi; structure, for that age, erected in their place. In its ffj-rm it bore the figure of a cross, which afterwards became a pattern for cathedral-building throughout the kingdom. That politic Prince, to ingratiate himself with his clergy, not only confirmed all former endowments, but granted a new charter, in which he recited the account of St. Peter's consecration, the ravages of the Danes, and the motives which prompted him to restore the sacred edifice to its former splendour, and endow it with more ample powers and privileges. This charter concluded with solemn imprecations against all who should in time to come, dare to deface or to demolish any part of the building, or to infringe the rights of its priesthood. Henry III. not only pulled down and enlarged the plan of this ancient Abbey, but added a Chapel, which he dedicated to the Blessed Virgin ; but it was not till the reign of Henry VII. that the stately and magnificent Chapel now known by his name was planned and executed. Of this Chapel, the first stone was laid on the 24th January, 1502, and when completed was dedicated, like the former Chapel, to the Blessed Virgin. Henry, designing this as a burying-place for himself and his successors, expressly enjoined by his will, that none but those of the blood-royal should be inhumed therein. From the death of Henry VII. till the reign of William and Mary, no care was taken to repair or preserve the ancient church. By the robberies made upon it by Henry VIII., and the ravages it sustained during the unhappy civil conmiotions, its ancient beauty was in a great measure destroyed j nor did their Majesties go about to restore it, till it became an object of parliamentary attention, and till a considerable sum was voted for that purpose only.. This vote being passed. Sir Christopher Wren was em- ployed to decorate it and give it a thorough repaii', which that able architect so skilfully and faithfully executed, that the building is thought at this day to want none of its original strength, and to have even acquired additional majesty by two new towers. In 1803 the lantern of the Abbey was destroyed by fire, owing to the negligence of the plumbers, who were employed in repair- ing the lead flat. This part being the junction of four long timber roofs, it was a merciful providence the whole of this much- esteemed, august, and venerable pile, had not been utterly con- sumed. The young gentlemen of Westminster School highly distinguished themselves by their exertions for the preservation of the church. The room is handsomely finished, and more suit- able with the rest of the building than the old one. General Admeasurements of the Interior of the Abbey, Ft. In. Length from East to West 375 Breadth from North to South 200 Do. of Nave and Aisles 75 Height from Pavement to Inner Roof 101 Do. do. to the Koof of the Lantern ... 140 OF THE FOUISTDATION. 5 The new Choir, designed by Mr. Blore, Architect to the Abbey, 18 in the style of architecture which prevailed during the reign of Edward the Third ; and executed by Mr. Ruddle, of Peterborough, in 1848. The Dean and Sub-dean's stalls are on either side of the arch, and are alike in general design, but that of the Dean being more elaborate in ornamental detail. They are octagonal in ])lan,and have projecting groined canopies, with pediments springing from moulded shafts with carved caps; above the canopies rise an octagonal turret with a spire. The arch is enclosed under a tri- angular pediment, the space between the pediment and the arch being filled with tracery ; the centre of which is a cinque foil •enclosing a shield bearing the arms of Edward the Confessor ; the ground of this is carved, and the hollows of the pediment and arch mouldings are filled with four-leaved flower peculiar to the style. The Canons' stalls have groined canopies with pediments, and 'the space between the pediment and canopy filled with open vtracery ; the canopies spring from slender moulded shafts with 'Carved capitals, and are separated by buttresses terminating in .pinnacles between the pediments. The pew fronts are worked in tracery with deep mouldings, and the panels are divided into compartments by buttresses de- corated with tracery, crockets, and finials. The caps and poppy-heads of the desk ends, and the ornamental accessories of the stall work and pews, are carved to represent the foliage of ivy, maple, oak, willow, hop, vine, &c. Tlie car\ing •and tracery exhibit a great variety of design, and are entirely the ■production of hand labour; the total number of stalls is fifty-two. The Organ, which fomnerly stood in the centre, and conse- quently obstructed the view from west to east, was, in 1848, entirely rebuilt by Mr. Hill, New Road, London. It is placed on the north, south, east, and west sides of the screen, and has three cases. The two principal cases, viz., those under the north and ^outh arches, contain, respectively, the "great" and "swell": the " solo" and part of the "pedal " organs being placed on the west side, and the small case on the east side of the screen facing the choir contains the " choir " organ. The organist sits behind ■the latter organ, where the manuals, or key boards, are placed. It may easily be imagined, that to connect these distinct organs with the manuals and pedals, and thus bring them under the -command of the perfonner, was an undertaking of no ordinary •difficulty. It has, however, been successfully accomplished by Mr. Hill, who has, by means of a nice mechanical adjustment, succeeded in producing a perfectly easy and light touch. The instrument is now considered one of the finest, as regards tone and construction, in the kingdom. Number of stops, fifty-five, the majority of the pedal stops, being on the great organ sound board. The marble pavement of the choir was given by Dr. Busby, who svaa buried beneath it in 1 695. The length of the choir, from iron-gate to altar-rail, is one htindred and sixteen feet six inches ; sacrarium, twenty-four feet 6 OF THE T'OUNDATION. six inches; altar, fourteen feet six inches; full length, from iron- gate to altar screen, one hundred and fifty-five feet six inches; breadth, thirty-five feet six inches. f IjB Mm %mim. The Reredos, which is recently put up, is chiefly of white and coloured alabaster from Staffordshire, but combined with a reddish spar from Cornwall : the latter material being adopted from its hardness to give greater strength to the more prominent parts, and from its deeper tone to give a A'ariety of colour to some of the features of the work, which, if it had been made wholly of one material, would have appeared monotonous. It consists of a facade occupying the whole space between two' main pillars, having two doors, one on each side of the altar, giving access to the shrine behind. The doorw^ays are arched and richly moulded, and the hollows are filled with bold carving deeply undercut. On either side of each door is a large canopied niche with pedestal, in which are figures of Moses, St. Peter, St. Paul, and David ; and on the inner side of each large niche are two smaller ones placed vertically. These niches are all most elaborately wrought with tabernacle work, richly groined and surrounded with pierced tracery, carved bratishing, and com- plexly terminated with pinnacles, flying buttresses, and spires, all profusely crocketed and finialed. The whole is surmounted with a carved and sculptured cornice of bold proportions. The sculpture, which lies in a large and deep hoUoAV moulding, contains, like the side towards the shrine, fourteen subjects, but they are all scriptural. They are as follow : — 1. The An- nunciation ; 2. The Birth; 3. The Adoration ; 4. The Baptism ; 5. The First Miracle ; 6. Preaching to the Multitude ; 7. Gathering the Fragments; 8. Raising of Lazarus ; 9. Triumphal Entry ; 10. Agony in the Garden ; 11. The Crucifixion ; 12. The Resurrection ; 13. The Ascension ; 14. The Gift of Tongues. Among these are interspersed on shields in trefoils the following monograms and emblems : — Alpha and Omega, Agnus Dei, The Chalice, I.H.C., Instruments of the Passion, A Glorified Cross, The Descending Dove. Above the sculpture is a hollow moulding filled with richly carved foliage deeply undercut, and above all is a rich course of carved strawbeny-leaf bratishing. In the space between the inner niches and above the table is a recess wherein is placed an elaborate and minutely finished picture of the Last Supper, in Venetian glass mosaic. It is of large size, and is admirably designed and executed. The table, which is composed of black and green marble, stands on an elaborately wrought frame of cedar wood. Besides five sculptured panels, and figures of the Evangelists between pillars, it is otherwise richly carved and studded with inlays. The subjects are ; — 1, Adam and Eve in Paradise ; 2. Their Expulsion ; 3. The Crucifixion ; 4. The Resurrection ; 5. The Ascension. To complete the altar table, there has recently been added a super-altar or shelf of cedar wood, embellished with panels of OF THE FOUNDATION. 7 foliage and monograms, richly carved and gilt. And to com- plete tlie Reredos and the mosaic picture, there has been added rich surroundings of cedar wood. Below is a base containing seven zigzag panels of eight points, filled with pictures in mosaic and enamel, and studded with gems. The pictures are, the Annunciation in the centre, and portraits of holy women of Scripture : Ruth, Anna, Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene, Martha, and Dorcas. On this base are pilasters at the ends of similar work, and between are two slender detached pillars, all sup- porting seven canopies of rich tabernacle work, the central one over the principal figure being the largest. All are profusely gilt. The floor in front of the reredos is wholly new. That of the upper dais is composed of pleasing patterns of inlaid marble work combined with gold glass. That of the lower dais, and of the dais of the sedilia, is composed of rich and varied patterns of red, green, grey, and buff patterns, in every tone of those colours ; the three large circular discs are of purple porphyry, rosso antico, similar to the slabs which decorate the shrine and the tomb of Henry the Third. The steps and bands which sur- round the patterns are all of Purbeck marble. The stone seat on the soutli side, which was lately hidden, has now been restored to its original state and use, and the old wood canopies^ all forming the sedilia, have been lowered on to the seat of stone and made complete. Viewed as a whole, the rich colours of the alabaster and spar, with its delicate and intricate tabernacle work, the interesting sculpture, the glorious mosaic picture, the richly wrought table below, and the elaborate inlaid marble floor in front, all combine to give an impression of the greatest grandeur, the utmost durability, and the highest art. The whole was executed under the direction and superintendence of G. G. Scott, Esq., R.A. The mosaic picture Avas designed by Mr. Clayton, and executed at Venice by Dr. Salviati. The table was executed by Messr. Farmer and Brinley, the sculpture of the cornice by Mr. Armstead, and the alabaster and marble work by the Abbey masons, Henry Poole and Sons. It may not be uninteresting here to add that, in the exploration to which this work gave opportunity, there were discovered on the north side of the sacrarera and lower dais, about three feet below the pavement, the bases of three piers which were left here of the old Abbey of the Confessor. They are of early Norman character, and, from their position, shew that that early structure was nearly equal in size to the present structure of Henry the Third. They possess such great interest that means have been adopted so to cover them with the pavement that they can be uncoA^ered and exposed to view. On the sides of the altar are the curious and ancient monuments of King Sebert; Ann of Cleves, Henry the Eighth's wife"; Aveling, Countess of Lancaster; Aymerde Valence; and Edmund Crouchback. The mosaic pavement was done by Richard de Ware, Abbot of Westminster .in the year 1260, who brought 8 OF THE FOUNDATION. from Rome the stones, and workmen to set them; it is much ad- mired; and there were letters round it in brass, which composed Latin words. The design of the figures that were in it was to represent the time the world Avas to last, or the primum mobile, according to the Ptolemaic system then in vogue, and was given :a some verses, foiTnerly to be read on the pavement, relating to those figures. The following explanation is given of them : — If the reader will probably revolve all these things in his mind, he will find them plainly refer to the end of the world. The threefold hedge is put for three years, the time a dry hedge usually stood ; a dog, for three times that s])ace, or nine yeai's, it oeing taken for the time that creature usually lives ; a horse, in like manner, for twenty-seven ; a man, eighty-one ; a hart, two hundred and forty-three ; a raven, seven hundred and twenty- nine ; an eagle, two thousand one hundred and eighty-seven ; a great wliale, six thousand five hundred and sixty-one ; the world, nineteen thousand six hundred and eighty-three; each succeeding figure giving a term of years imagined to be the time of their continuance, three times as much as that before it. In the last four verses, the time when the work was performed, and the parties concerned in it, are expressed ; that Henry III. was at the charge; that the stones were purchased at Home; that one Oderick was the master workman ; and that the Abbot ot Westminster, who procured the materials, had the care of the work. The solemn offices of crowning and enthroning the sovereigns of England takes place in the centre of the sacrarium, and be- neath the lantern is erected the throne at which the peers do homage. When the crowns are put on, the peers and peeresses put on their coronets, and a signal is given from the top of the Abbey for the Tower guns to fire at the same instant. To take an advantageous view of the inside, you must go to the west door, between the towers ; and the whole body of the church - opens itself at once to your eye, which cannot but fill the mind of every beholder with the awful solemnity of the place, caused 1)y the loftiness of the roof, and the happy disposition of the lights and of that noble range of pillars, by which the whole building is supported. The pillars terminate towards the east by a sweep, thereby enclosing the Chapel of Edward the Confessor in a kind of semicircle, and excluding all the rest. On the arches of the pillars are galleries of double columns, fifteen feet wide, covering the side aisles, and lighted by a middle range of windows, over Avhich there is an upper range of larger windows : by these and the under range, with the four capital windows, the whole fabric is so admirably lighted, that the spectator is never incounnoded i)y darkness, nor dazzled with glare. PAINTED GLASS. 9 [-ITHIN the last five years twenty-two windows have Y been enriched with stained glass : eight in the Lantern m or Central Tower ; six in the South Clerestory of the Nave ; one in the Apse ; seven in the North Transept. The object has been to lay the foundation of a general design illustrative of a portion of the " Te Deum." The eight windows in the Lantern or Central Tower represent angels, and round the sustaining arches is inscribed, — " To Thee " all angels cry aloud, the heavens and all the powers therein ; *' To Thee ch'erubin and seraphin continually do cry : Holy, " holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth, heaven and earth are full of " the'majesty of Thy glory." The six windows in the South Clerestory, west of the Tran- septs, represent Prophets, in illustration of that verse in the " Te Deum:" — "' The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise Thee." It is hoped that this commencement may lead not only to the completion of what has been begun, but also to the enrichment of the corresponding windows on the north side of the Nave, in illustration of the " Noble Army of Martyrs." The Clerestory windows eastward of the Transepts offer the means of representing the " Glorious Company of the Apostles." In the east window in the Apse, below the Clerestory, are the figures of St. Peter and St. Paul. This window was enriched to the " Glory of God's House," and as a token of respect and affection for the Venerable William H. E. Bkntinck, M.A., Archdeacon of Westminster, who, in 1859, completed his fiftieth year as a dignitary of this Collegiate Church. The next thing observable is the stained glass in the three windows at the east end, containing each two figures. In the left window, the first figure represents our Saviour ; the second, the Virgin Mary ; the third, Edward the Confes.^or ; the fourth, Henry III. ; the fifth, St. Augustine ; the sixth, Melitus, the Bishop of London, in the right hand window. The window of stained glass in Henry V.'s Chantry, was at Dean Ireland's expense, by Willemont ; the arms are those of Edward the Confessor, Henry III., Henry V., Dean Ireland's, and the Abbacy of Westminster. 10 CHAPEL OF ST. BENEDICT. I.— CljHpl Bf It. lnijiiirt» 3 1 1 « y 2 5 6 1 1. Archbishop Laneham, ir!76. 2. Countess of Hertford, 1598. 3. Dr. Ooodman, Uean of Westminster, died 1601. 4. Son of Dr. Sprat, 1683, Under the Monuments of Deans Go.idi Cranfield, Earl and Countess ot Mid- dlesex, 1615. Dr. Hill, first Dean under Q. Elizabeth, 1561. and Sprat, was interred (Dean Vincent), the late Dean, 1815. ^N the Chapel of St. Benedict is an ancient tomb of stone, having formerly a canopy of wood, on which lies the effigy of Archbishop Langhasf, wlio, as the Latin epitaph round his tomb sets forth, " was Monk, *' Prior, and Abbot of this Abbey ; afterwards elected Bishop " of London ; but Ely being then also vacant, he made choice " of that see ; that he was Primate and Chancellor of England ; " Priest-Cardinal, afterwards Bishop-Cardinal, of Prcneste, and *' Nuncio from the Pope ; and that he died on the Feast of St. "Mary Magdalen, in the year 1376, on whose soul God have " mercy, and grant him the joys of heaven for the merits of *' Christ." On the east, where stood the altir of St. Benedict, is a fine monument to the memory of Lady Frances, Countess of Hert- ford. The Latin inscription sets forth, "that she was wife to *' the noble Earl of Hertford, son to the renowned Prince *' Edward, Duke of Somerset, Earl of Hertford, Viscount Bcau- " champ, and Baron Seymour ; that she was daughter to the " noble Lord William, Baron Howard of Effingham, Knight of " the Garter, High Admiral to Queen Mary, and Lord Chamber- ^' lain and Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth, &c. ; that, for her ^' many graces, both of mind and body, slie was highly favoured " by her gracious Sovereign, and dearly loved by her noble Lord, " who, in testimony of his inviolate affiiction, consecrated to her " memory this monument. She died in the forty-fourth year of « her age. May 14, 1598." On the south side is a monument to the memory of Dr. Gabriel Goodman. The Latin inscription intimates, " that he was the " fifth Dean of this Church, over which he presided for forty years " with much applause ; that he founded an hospital, and insti- ** tuted a school at Ruthin, in Denbighshire, where he was born ; *' that he was a man of regular and devout life, and that he died ^' in 1601, aged seventy-three." CHAPEL OF ST. BENEDICT. 11 O.' the same side is a monument to the memory of George Sprat, second son of Dr. Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of Westminster, by his wife Helena, descended from the ancient and honourable family of the Wolseleys, in StaiFord shire, who lies interred in the Chapel of St. Nicholas. He died an infant of a year old, in 1683. In the centre is a monument erected in memory of Lionel Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, by his relict, Lady Ann. The Latin inscription on this monument is to this effect ; — " Sacred to *' the memory of Lionel Lord Cranfield, Earl of Middlesex, who " by that discerning prince, King James I., being called to court, " was for his excellent parts bountifully rewarded, both with " honours and fortune ; being made Master of the Requests, and " of the Wardrobe, President of the Court of Wards, and Privj' " Councillor. The new and illustrious, as well as difficult pro- " vince of Lord Treasurer of England, he filled, which services ** how indefatigably he underwent, his title of Knight, Baron " Cranfield, and, lastly. Earl of Middlesex, with various other ** honours, abundantly testify. He died the 6th of August, 1645, *' aged about seventy. He was twice married. By his first wife " he had three daughters ; Elizabeth, Countess of Mulgrave ; •' Martha, Countess of Monmouth ; and Mary, who died unmar- *' ried. By the second, who survived him, he had three sons, and *' two daughters ; James, heir to the honours of Earl of ^liddiesex, " Lyonel, and Edward; Frances, Lady Buckhurst ; and Susannah, " who died an infant." Near Bishop Langham's tomb, is a table monument, inlaid with a brass plate, designed for Dr. William Bill, Dean of Westminster, Master of Eton College, Head of Trinity in Cam- bridge, and Chief Almoner to Queen Elizabeth, as appears by his inscription. He died July .5, 1561. On a bras.s plate are some Latin verses, settiiig forth " that he was a good ai.d leiirned man, " and a friend to those that were so; that he was just and cha- *' ritable ; and that the poor, as well as the tliree CoUeues over ** which he presiiled, sustained an irreparable loss by his death." Besides those above recited, there lie interred in tliis Chapel, Cathehixe, daughter of Dr. Dolben, Bishop O' Rochester, Dean of Westminster, and afterwards Archbishop of York ; a Countess of Kildare, in Ireland ; and Dr. John Spotswooo, Lord Arch- bishop of St. Andrew's, Primate and Lord Chancellor of Scotland, who died in 1640. On the left of the gate of entrance to the Chapels, is the ancient monument to Sebekt, King of the East Saxons, who first built a church nearly on this site, and died July, 616; also of Athel- •GODA, his Queen, who died September 13, 615. It may here be observed, and to some will no doubt be inte- resting, that as the date of King Sebert is the earliest known respecting the Abliey, George II. was also the last King buried in Westminster, including in all thirteen English Sovereigns whose remains repose Avithin these venerable Avails (and fointeen Queens, that is, once reigning sovereigns, or the consorts of kings) embracing a period of more than tAvelve hundred years. 12 CHAPEL OF ST. BENEDICT. The Kings buried in the Abbey — Sebert, Edward the Confessor, Henry HI., Edward I., Edward HI., Richard II., Henry V., Edward V., Henry VII., Edward VL, James I., Charles II., William III., George II., all of which can of course be ascertained by a careful perusal of this guide book. Over the tomb of Sebert, enclosed under glass, is an elaborate work (measuring about eleven feet in length, and three feet in height), which appears to have originally formed part of an altar decoration of the fourteenth century; the ground-work is oak ; over the joinings, and on the surface of some mouldings, strips of parchment were glued. On this framework, covered with a gesso ground, various ornamental compartments and architectural enrichments are completed in relief. The work is divided into two similar portions ; in the centre is a figure which appears to be intended for Christ, holding the globe, and in the act of blessing j an angel with a palm branch is on each side. The single figure on the left is St. Peter ; the figure that should correspond on the right, and all the scripture subjects on that side, are gone. In the compartments to the left, portions of three subjects remain ; one represents the Adoration of the Kings ; another, apparently the Raising of Lazarus ; the subject of the third is doubtful, though some figures remain ; the fourth is destroyed. The small com« partmerits in the architectural enrichments are filled with va- riously-coloured pieces of glass inlaid on tinfoil, and have still a brilliant effect. The compartments not occupied by figures were adorned with a deep blue glass resembling lapis lazuli, with gold lines of foliage executed on it. The smaller spaces and mould- ings were enriched with cameos and gems ; some of which still remain. This interesting work of art lay neglected in a Chapel near the North Transept, till Mr. Blore, with the permission of the Dean and Chapter, had it placed for security in the case in which it is now seen. It is supposed to Have originally formed part of the decoration of the high altar. Its date may be fixed at the close of the thirteenth or beginning of the fourteenth century. Between this Chapel and the next, is a monument of Mosaic work, erected for the children of Henry III. and Edward I. This certainly was once a rich and costly monument ; for in the re- cords of the Tower, there is the King's order for erecting such a one in this place, and for allowing Master Simon de Wells five marks and a half to defray his expenses in bringing from the city a certain brass image to set upon the tomb of his daughter Catherine, and for paying to Simon de Gloucester, the King's goldsmith, seventy marks, for a silver image for the like purpose. On the left, before you enter the Chapel of St. Edmund, is a large stone, once plated with brass, under which was interred Sir John Galofre; he was famous in the reign of Richard XL, for his wisdom and valoiir, and was prosecuted by the discon- tented Lords. He died at Wallingford, in Berkshire, in 1396. The tombstone, with inscription on a brass plate of Dr. Bill- son, is seen on the floor, next that of Sir John Galofre. He died in 1616. CHAPEL OF ST. EDMUND. 13 UJl Hand. 1. John of Eltham, Son of Edward II. 1334. 2. Karlof Stafford, 17B2. 3. Monck, Bishop of Hereforrl. 1661. 4. Children of Edward III., 1350, 5. Duchess of Suffolk, ^f>eZ. 6. Holies, Son of Earl Clare, 1662. 7. Lady Jane Sevmour, 1560. 8. Lady Katharine KnoHys, 1568. 9. Ladv Flizaheth Russel, 1601. 10. Lord John Ru^srl, 1584. 11. Sir Bernard Brocas, 1339. 12. Sir Humphrey Bourgchier, 14"1. 13. Sir Richard Pecksall, 1571. 14. Talbot, Earl of Shr»»sbury, 1617. 15. Earl of Pembroke, 1296. 16. Robert de Waldeb>. 1397. 17. Duchess of Gloucester, 1399. 18. Countess of Stafford. 169?. 19. Dr. Feme, Bishop of Chester, 166V. 20. Above the Duchess of Suffolk's Mo- nument is one to Marv Countess of Stafford and her Son, 1719. N the left as you enter is a monument sacred to the memory of John of Eltham, second son of Edward II., t and so called from Eltham, in Kent, the place of his ' nativity, where our Enfrlish Kings had once a palace. His statue is of alabaster, the head encircled in a coronet of large and small leaves, remarkable for its being the first of the kind. His habit is that of an armed Knight. He died in Scotland, in 1334, at the age of nineteen, unmarried, though three different matches had been proposed to him ; the last of which, to Mary, daughter of Ferdinand, King of Spain, he accepted, but lived not to consummate it. At the foot of this is a monument with the following inscrip- tion : — "In this Chapel lies interred all that was mortal of the " most ilhistrious and most benevolent John Paul Howard, " Earl of Stafford, who in 1738 married Elizabeth, daughter of " A. Ewens, of the county of Somerset, Esq. His heart was as " truly great and noble as his high descent. Faithful to his God. " A lover of his country. A relation to relations. A detester of " detraction. A friend to mankind. Naturally generous and " compassionate, his liberality and his charity to the poor were " without bounds. Being snatched away suddenly by death, " which he had long meditated and expected with constancy, he " went to a better life the 1st of April, 1762, having lived sixty- " one years nine months and six days." The figures round the inscription are the ancient badges of honour belonging to the Stafford family, who descended by ten different marriages from. 14 CHAPEL OF ST. EDjVIUND. the royal blood of England and France. — Invented and stained by Chambers, Next to this is a small table monument, on which lie the figures of William of Windsor, sixth son of Edward III., who died in his infancy ; and of Blanch of the Tower, sister to William, who likewise died young, having obtained their sur- names from the places of their nativity. About 1350. Against the wall is a monument of Nicholas Monck, Provost of Eton, Bishop of Hereford, and brother of George Monck, Duke of Albemarle, &c. He died December 11, 1661, aged fifty. — Woodman, sculptor. On an altar tomb lies the eflSgy of Lady Frances, Duchess of Suffolk. She was the daughter of the famous Charles Brandon, by Mary, the French Queen, daughter to Henry VII., and became herself Duchess of Suffolk, by marrying Henry Grey, then Mar- quis of Dorset, but upon her father's decease created Duke of Suffolk, and afterwards beheaded for being concerned in de- throning Queen Mary. She died in 1558-9. Against the wall above is a monument to the memory of Mary, Countess of Stafford, and of Henry, Earl of Stafford, her son, who died abroad in 1719, and was buried in this Chapel. The next, representing a youth in Grecian armour sitting on a Greek altar, to the memory of Francis Holles, by John, Earl of Clare his afflicted father. This brave youth, after returning home from a campaign in Flanders, died August 12, 1622, aged eighteen. His epitaph is thus written : — " What so thou hast of nature or of arts, Youth, beauty, strength, or what excelling parts Of mind and body, letters, arms, and worth. His eighteen years beyond his years brought forth ; Then stand and read thyself within this glass, IIow soon these perish, and thyself may pass : ]Man's life is measured by the work, not days ; Not aged fcloth, but active youth, hath praise." — N. Stone, sculptor. Next are two tablets, one to the memory of the Right Honour- able the Lady Katherine Knollys, chief Lady of the Bedcham- ber to Queen Elizabeth, and wife to Sir Francis Knollys, Knt., Treasurer of her Highness's household. She died January the 15th, 1568. This Lady Knollys and Lord Hunsdon, her brother, were the only children of William Carey, Esq., by Lady Mary, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Thomas BuUeyne, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, and sister to Anne Bulleyne, Queen of England, wife to Henry VIII., father and mother to Queen Eliza- beth. What is farther remarkable. Lady Knollys' only daughter was mother of the favourite Earl of Essex. The other to Lady Jane Seymour, daughter of Edward, Duke of Somerset, who died March 19, 1560, aged nineteen. On an altar sits, in a sleeping posture, the figure of Lady Elizabeth Uussel, daughter of Lord John Russel, in alabaster. She pricked her finger Avith a needle, which is supposed to have caused a lock-jaw, and occasioned her death. On the plinth of CHAPEL OF ST. EDMUND. 15 the pedestal is—" Dormit, non mortua est'^ — (She is not dead, but sleepeth). Died 1601. liord John Russel, second son of Francis, second Earl of Bedford, and his son Francis, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Anthony Cook, Knt., and widow of Sir Thomas Holjy, Knt. He died in 1584. He is represented in a cumbent posture, habited in his coronation robes, with his infant son at his feet. His lady was esteemed the Sappho of her age, being well versed in the learned languages, and an excellent poet ; five of the epitaphs on this tomb are of her composition, of which three are in Latin, one in Greek, and the other in English, which is here transcribed as a specimen, the rest being to the same purport : — " Right noble twice, by virtue and by birlli. Of lieaven lov'd, and honour'd on the earth. His country's hope, his liindred's chief delight, ^ly husband dear, more than this world's light, Death hath me reft. But I from death will take His memory, to whom this tomb I make. John was his name (ah, was ! wTetch, must I say ?) Lord Russel once, now my tear-thtrsty clay." Next is a very ancient monument, representing a Gothic chapel, and in it the figure of a Knight in armour, in a cumbent posture, with his feet resting on a lion's back. This was erected for Sir Bernard Brocas, of Baurepaire, in the county of Hants, Chamberlain to Ann, Queen of Kichard H. But this Princess dying, and Eichard falling under the displeasure of his people, who deposed him, Sir Bernard still adhered to his Royal master in his misfortunes, which cost him his life. He was publicly beheaded on Tower Hill, January, 1399, and here buried. In front of this is a low altar tomb, on which has been, in plated brass, the figure of a Knight in armour, his head reclining upon his helmet, and one of his feet placed upon a leopard, the other on an eagle. By the Latin inscription this Knight was Humphrey Bourgchier, son and heir to John Bourgchier, Lord Berners, who espousing the cause of Edward IV. against the Earl of Warwick, was slain in the battle of Barnet Field, on Easter-day, 1471. Next is the monument of Sir Richard Pecksall, Knt., Master of the Buckhounds to Queen Elizabeth ; first married to Alianer, the daughter of William Paulett, Marquis of Winchester, by whom he had four daughters ; and afterwards to Al ianer, daughter of John Cot grave. On the bases of thy pillars are Latin verses thus translated : — " Death can't disjoin whom Christ hath joined in love ; Life leads to death, and death to life above. In heaven's a happier place ; frail things despise: Live well to gain in future life a prize." He died 1571. The next is a most magnificent monument to the memory of Edward Talbot, eighth Earl of Slirewsbury, and his lady, Jane, eldest daughter and co-heness of Cuthbert, Baron Ogle, 16 CHAPEL OF ST. EDMUND. whose eflSgies in their robes lie on a black marble table, sup- ported by a pedestal of alabaster. He died February 8, 1617, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. In front of this is the gravestone to the memory of Edward, Lord Herbert, Baron of Cherbury, in England, and of Castle- Ireland, in Ireland, who died December 9, 1678, aged forty-six. On the right is the aneient monument of William de Va- lence, Earl of Pembroke, lying in a cumbent posture on a chest of wainscot, placed upon a tomb of freestone ; the figure is wood, covered originally with copper gilt, as was the chest on which it lies. In the year 1296, he was slain at Bayonne treacherously. His body was afterwards brought to England, and honourably buried in this Chapel, and an indulgence of one hundred days granted to all devout people who should offer up prayers for his soul. On the floor is a tomb to Mart, Countess of Stafford, wife to the unfortunate Viscount Stafford, beheaded in the reign of Charles IL, on Tower Hill, Dec, 29, 1680. She was lineally de- scended from the Barons and Earls of Stafford, and Avas daughter and heiress to the noble house of Buckingham. She died Jan. 1 693. The next is a tomb on which is a lady in a widow's dress, with a barb and veil, cut in brass, round which is an inscription in old French, importing that Alianer de Bohun, daughter and heiress of Sir Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hertford, Essex, and Northampton, and wife to the mighty and noble Prince of Wood- stock, Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Essex and Buckingham, son of Edward HI., lies interred here. This lady, who was the greatest heiress in England, was deprived of her husband by the cruelty of his nephew, Richard II., who, jealous of his popularity, most treacherously betrayed him by a show of friendship ; for coming to visit him at Plashy, a pleasant seat of his in Essex, and staying supper, in duty he thought to attend his Majesty to town ; but at Sti-atford was suddenly surrounded by an ambush of armed men, who privately hurried him on board a ship, and carried him to Calais, where, by the King's order, he was stifled between feather beds in 1397. After this melancholy circum- stance, his lady spent the rest of her days in the nunnery at Barking, and died October 3, 1399 ; from whence her remains were brought and here interred. There is also an Archbishop buried here, as appears by a very antique figure in a mass habit, engraven on a brass plate, and placed on a flat stone in the pavement, over the remains of Robert de Waldeby, who, as appears by the inscription, was first an Augustine monk, and attended Edward the Black Prince into France, where, being young, he prosecuted his studies, and made a surprising progress in natural and moral philosophy, physic, the languages, and in the canon law ; and, being like- wise an elegant preacher and sound divine, was made Divinity Professor in the University of Toulouse, where he continued till called by Richard II. to the Bishopric of Man ; from whence he was removed to the Archbishopric of Dublin ; but not liking that country, upon the first vacancy he was recalled, and ad- CHAPEL OF ST. EDMUND. 17 vanced to the see of Chichester, and afterwards to the Arch- bishopric of York. Such is the history of this great man, who died May 29, 1397, as gathered from an inscription formerly very legible, but now almost obliterated. At the foot of VValdeby is a blue marble slab, which covers the remains of Dr. Henry Ferne, inlaid with five shields in brass, surrounded with an inscription. He was Chaplain Extraordinary to Charles 1. ; by Charles II. made Bishop of Chester, which he lived to enjoy about five weeks, dying March 16, 1661. Also a black marble slab which covers the remains of Edward George Earle Lttton Bdlwer Lyttox. Born 25th May, 1803; died 18th January, 1873. 1831— 1841, Member of Par- liament lor St. Ives.and for Lincoln; 183"*, Baronet of the United Kingdom; 1852—1856, Knight of the Shire of the County of Hertford; 1858, one of her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, Knight Grand Cross of St. Michael and George ; 1866, Baron Lytton of Knebworth. Laborious and distinguished in all fields of intellectual activity, indefatigable and ardent in the cultivation and love of letters. His genius as an author was dis- played in the most varied forms, which have connected indis- .solubly with every department of the literature of his time the name of Edward Bulwer Lytton. In this Chapel lies interred Abbot Crokeslet, who died July 18, 1258. On the rioht, on leaving this Chapel, is a fine bust of Richard TuFTON, third son of Sir John Tufton, Bart., and brother of Nicholas E. Thanet. He died October 4, 1631. 18 III.—, ^^^l nf It. licljnte. Begin on your Lefl. Lady Cecil, 1591. Lady Clifford, 1679. Countess of Beverley, 1812. Duchess of Somerset, 1687. Westmoreland Family, 1618. Baron Carew, 1470. Nicholas Bagenall, 1688. Lady Burleigh, 1589, and the Countess Oxford, 1588, Dudley, Bishop of Durham, 1483, and Lady St, John, 1614, 10. D.iu?hter of Christopher Harley, Ambassador of France : her heart in the Urn, 1665. 11. Lady Ross, 1.591. 12. Marchioness of Winchester, 1586. 13. Duchess of Northumberland, 1776,- 14. Philippa, Duchess of York, 1433. 15. Sir Georee Villiers. and his lady. Countess of Buckingham, 1605 and 1632. 16. Sir Humphrey Stanley, 1505. ^N the left, as you enter this Chapel, is a monument ri]) erected for Ladt Cecil, a Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Elizabeth, and daughter of Lord Cobham, who having married Sir Robert Cecil, son of William Lord Burleigh, Treasurer of England, died in childbed two years after, viz. in 1591. Next is a monument on which a long inscription in English is fairly written, setting forth the descent and marriage of Lady Jane Clifford, youngest daughter of the Duke of Somerset, and wife of Charles, Lord Clifford and Dungarvon, who died Nov. 23, 1679, aged forty-two. On a small tablet is this inscription, with the motto — " Espe- " ranee de Dieu. Isabella Susannah, wife of Algernon Percy, "Earl of Beverley, died Jan. 24, 1812, aged sixty-one." On a gravestone in front of this monument, engraved on brass, is the figure of Sir Humphrey Stanley, knighted by Henry VII., for his gallant behaviour under his cousin, Lord Stanley, at the battle of Bosworth Field. He died March 22, 1505. Near this is the monument of Ann, Duchess of Somerset, wife of Edward, Duke of Somerset, brother of Henry VHI.'s third wife, Queen Jane Seymour, and uncle to Edward VI., and some- time Regent during his minority, but afterwards disgraced ; ac- cused of treasonable and felonious practices against the King and Council, tried by his Peers, acquitted of treason, but con- demned of felony in levying armed men contrary to law, for which crime he was sentenced to be hanged ; but, in respect to CHAPEL OF ST. NICHOLAS. 19 his quality, was beheaded on Tower Hill, Jan. 22, 1551. She died April 16, 1587, at Hanworth, aged ninety. On the right, Sir George and Lady Elizabeth Eane, who are represented kneeling on each side a desk. She was the daughter of Robert, Baron Spencer, of Wormleighton, and wife of Sir George Fane, of Buston, in Kent, remarkable, says her inscription, for her ancient descent, but more for her own virtues. She died in 1618, aged twenty-eight. Beneath this is an ancient monument placed over Nicholas, Baron Carew, and the Lady Margaret, his wife, daughter of Lord John Dinham, and, it is thought, mother of Sir Nicholas Carew, beheaded in Henry VHL's time, for holding a corre- spondence with Cardinal de la Pole. He died December 6, 1470, she December 13, the same year. In the front of this is a pyramid erected to the memory of Nicholas Bagenall, a child of two months old, overlaid by his nurse, the 7th of March, 1688. Next to this is one of the most magnificent monuments in the Abbey, erected by the great Lord Burleigh to the memory of Mildred, his wife, and their daughter Lady Ann, Countess of Oxford. On this tomb is a Latin inscription, explaining the figures, and setting forth their respective virtues and accomplish- ments, particularly those of Lady Burleigh, who, says the in- scription, "was well versed in the sacred writers, and those " chiefly of the Greeks, as Basil the Great, Chrysostom, Gregory, " Nazianzen, &c." She gave a scholarship to St. John's College, in Oxford, legacies to the poor of Eomford, where she was bom, and to those of Cheshunt, where she lived, and left money at both places to be distributed every year to poor tradesmen. She died, after being forty years married, April 4, 1589, aged sixty-three. Her daughter Ann married, at fifteen, Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford, and died June 5, 1588, seventeen years after, leaving three daughters. Next to this is a monument to the memory of William de Dudley, alias Sutton, son of John, Lord Dudley ; he was Arch- deacon of Middlesex, Dean of Windsor, and, in 1476, Lord Bishop of Durham. On the tomb was inlaid a brass figure, in episcopal vestments. He died in 1483. The effigy of Lady St. John lies in this recess. She was daughter of Sir WiUiam Dormer, and widow of John, Lord St. John, of Bletsoe. She died on the 23rd of March, 1614. Near this is a pyramid to the memory of Anna Sophia Harlet, a child of a year old, daughter of the Hon. Christopher Harley, Ambassador from the French King, whose heart, as ap- pears by the inscription, he caused to be enclosed in a cup, and placed upon the top of the pyramid. She died in 1601. The next is a monument to the memory of Lady Winifred, married first to Sir Richard Sackville, Knt., and afterwards to John Paulet, Marquis of Winchester. The Latin epitaph im- ports, that she was descended of illustrious parents, and married first a gentleman of an ancient house, whose ancestors were re- nowned before the Conqueror's time ; that her second husband 20 CHAPEL OF ST. NICHOLAS. was of noble blood ; and that being severed from both by death, her soul will rejoice in Christ for ever. She died in 1586. Above is an ancient monument to the memory of Lady Ross, daughter of Edward, Earl of Rutland. She died April 11, 1591. Next to this is a monument to the memory of the late Duchess of Northumberland. The figures on each side are Faith and Hope ; and those above are two weeping Genii over her urn, mourning for her loss. The inscription, after reciting her Grace's illustrious descent and titles, concludes with her character, who, " having lived long an ornament of courts, an honour to her " country, a pattern to the great, a protectress to the poor, ever *' distinguished for the most tender affection for her family and *' friends, she died December 5, 1776, aged sixty, universally be- " loved, revered, and lamented. The Duke of Northumberland, ** inconsolable for the loss of the best of wives, hath erected this *' monument to her beloved memory." — Read, sculptor. Against the screen is a Gothic monument with the effigy of a lady in robes, very antique. The lady, by the inscription, ap- pears to be Philippa, second daughter and co-heiress of John, Lord Mohun, of Dunstar ; married first to Sir Walter Fitzwalter, Knt., secondly to Sir John Galofre, Knt, and lastly to Edward Plantagenet, Duke of York, who was slain in the battle of Agin- court, 25th of October, 1415. She died in 1431, without issue. In the middle of the Chapel is a fine monument to the memory of Sir George Villiers, who died Jan. 4, 1605, and his lady, Mart Beaumont, created Countess of Buckingham in 1618. She died on April 19, 1632, aged sixty-two, whose son, by the favour of James I., was advanced to the dignity of the Duke of Buckingham. — Stone, sculptor. Katharine Valois, Queen of Henry V., who died at Ber- mondsey Abbey, Southwark, in January, 1437, was buried in the Chapel of our Lady at the east end of the Abbey, where she remained till her grandson, Henry VII., built his chapel, when her remains were placed near to her husband in a chest, and finally deposited under Sir George Villiers' tomb in 1776. In this Chapel lies interred, Thomas Sprat, Bishop of Rochester, and Dean of Westminster, who died May 20, 1713. Also his son, Thomas Sprat, Archdeacon of Rochester, who died May 10, 1720, aged forty-one. Also many other persons of distinction, of the Percy, Seymour, and Burleigh families, which we have not space to insert. At the door of this Chapel was buried that ^eat and learned antiquary, Sir Henry Spelman, who died in 1641. On leaving this Chapel, opposite to you, there is affixed to the corner of Henry V.'s Chantry, a bust with Latin inscription, to the memory of Sir Robert Aiton, Knt., who, in the reign of James I., was in great reputation for his writings, especially in poetry. He died in 1638. On the right, against the screen of the Chapel of St. Nicholas, is a monument erected to the memory of Sir Thomas Inoram, Knt., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Privy Coun- cillor to Charles II. He died February 13, 1671. C£iriK£, HBNEY VIl's CHAPEL, 21 ly^—Zl)^ti nf Mm^ tte pmntlj. Villiers, Duke of Buck- insham, 1628. Sheffield, Duk« of Buck- ingham, I "20. The Duke de Montpensier, 1807 An Urn cnntainina the heart of Esme Stuart, Son of the Duke of Richmond, 1661. I,odnwick Stuart. Duke of Richmond- 1623. Henrv VII. and Queen, 1503 and 1509 The Royal Vault of (ieor^e II., 1760. Augusta Elizabeth Frede- rica, 5th daushter rC Thoma.s Brucp, 7th Earl of Elgin and Kincardine. The beloved wife of Arthur Pen- rhyn Stanley. De.in of this Col- legiate Church. For thirty ye^is the devo'ed servant of Queen Vic- toria and the Queen'* mother and children ; fi.r tw< Ive years the unwearied frien 1 of the people •<{ Westminster and the inseparable partner of her husband's toils and hopes, uniting many hearts from many lands, and drawinar all to thinsfs ab we. i9. 5. EUwarithe Third, 1377, 6. Mar^'arft Woodville, Daughter of Edward the Fourth, on which is placed a Sword and Shield iif >iate, cnrried be- fore Edrt ard the Third, 1316, 7. Richard the Second and Queen, 1399. 1394. 8. Coronation Chair of Edward the First, 12y7. 9. Coron*tion Chair made for Marv, Wife of William the Third. Tomb of Edward the 1307. First, ard the Con- Shrine of Fdv fessor, 10!;5. Thomis of Woodstock, Duke of (iloucpster, 1397. JohH of Waltham, Bishop of Salisbury, 1388. Pavement laid down in 1260. Q H «^IIE first curiosity that commands your reverence is the '^t II Jl^' ancient venerable slirme of St. Edward, once the glory ^T^ Jr-^ of England, but now defaced and robbed of its beauty, '^^^^^^' by the devotees of this extreme pious man, all of whom were proud to possess some stone or dust from his tomb. This 34 CHAPEL OF ST. EDWARD. shrine was erected by Henry III. in 1269, to receive the remains of St. Edward, upon his translation from the shrine built by Henry II., upon the canonization of Edward, King of England (third of that name, and the last of the Saxon race), by Pope Alexander III., in 1163, who caused his name to be placed in the catalogue ot saints, and issued his bull to the Abbot Laurentius, and tlie Con- vent of Westminster, enjoining, "That his body be honoured ** here on earth, as his soul is glorified in heaven." He died in 1065. How costly the shrine, &c., was, appears by a record in the Tower.— ParZ. Roll. 5lst of Henry III. " Henry HI., with " consent of the Abbot and Convent of Westminster, pledged the " jewels belonging to the body and shrine of Edward the Con- " fessor to foreigners, being necessitated on account of heavy " emergencies ; the value of the said jewels amounted to " £2,557. 4s. 8f/." On the south side of the shrine, Editiia, daughter of Good- wyn. Earl of Kent, and Queen of St. Edward, lies interred. The writers of those times commended her for beauty, learning, pru- dent economy, gentle manners, and inimitable skill in needle- work, having wrought with her own hands the curious and magnificent robes the King used to wear on his collar days. She died at Winchester, Jan. 15, 1073. Part of a Latin epitaph on this excellent Princess has been handed down, and is to this effect : — •• Success ne'er sat exulting in her eye, Nor disappointment heaved the troubled sigh ; ., Prosperity ne'er sadden'd o'er her brow, While glad in trouble she enjoyed her woe : Beauty ne'er made her vain, nor sceptres proud, * Nor titles taught to scorn the meaner crowd. Supreme humility was awful grace, And her cliief charm a bashfulness of face." Near this was buried Matilda, Queen of England, daughter of Malcolm, King of Scots, and wife to Henry I, She died May 1, 1118. This Queen would, every day in Lent, walk from her palace to this church barefoot, and wearing a garment of hair. No verse or stone to mark the place of interment are to be found. On the north side of this Chapel is an ancient tomb of admirable workmanship and materials, the panels being of polished por- phyry, and the Mosaic work round them of gold and scarlet ; at the corners of the table are twisted pillars, gilt and enamelled, and the ejffigy of Henry III. upon it is of gilt brass, finely executed. He died in 1272, after a troublesome reign of fifty-six , years, aged sixty-five, and was buried by the Knights Templars, of whose order his father was the founder, with such splendour, that Wykes, the Monk, says, he made a more magjiificent figure when dead, than he had done while living. — CavaUni. Near that of Henry III. is a small monument in memory of Elizabeth Tudor, second daughter of Henry VH., who died at Eltham, in Kent, Sept. 14th, 1495, aged three years, from whence she was removed in great funeral pomp, and here btu'ied, At the feet of Henry III. is an ancient monument of Eleanor. Qneen of Edward I. On the sides of this monument are engraven CHAPEL OF ST. EDWARD. 35 the arms of Castile and Leon, quarterly, and those of Fontheiu, hanging on vines and oak leaves ; and round the copper verge is embossed this inscription, in Saxon characters : "Ici gist Alianor " iadis Reyne de Engletere femme al Rey Edeward Fiz (lerey " Henry efy lie alreydeespaygne econtassede)puntif del alme deli " Deu pur sa pite eyt merci. Amen." Translation : — Here lies Eleanor, formerly Queen of England, wife to King Edward son of King Henry, daughter of the King of Spain, and Countess oj Ponthieu; upon whose soul may God for His pity have mercy. Amen. The upper line is visible on the south side, the words within brackets are concealed under the tomb of King Henry V., the remainder is on the north side. It is remarkable, the body only of this Queen lies here interred, and her heart in the choir of the Friars Predicants in London, She died Dec. 27, 1290. — Cavalini. The chantry of Henry V. is next, on each side of Avhich are images as large as life, guarding, as it were, the staircases ascending to it. Beneath is the tomb of that glorious and war- like Prince, Henry of Monmouth (so called from the place of his nativity). On the upper slab lies a headless and other- wise mutilated figure of the King, carved in oak, which was ori- ginally covered with silver ; the head appears to have been cast in silver ; but this, Camden says, " was gone when he wrote his " Britannica, in the reign of Elizabeth." This Prince was guilty of great extravagances in his youth, and is said, with Sir John Falstaff, to have belonged to a gang of sharpers : yet, upon his advancement to the crown made a most excellent King, and, by the memorable battle of Agincourt, acquired to himself and the English nation immortal glory. He died in France, Aug. 31, 1422, in the thirty-fourth year of his age, and the tenth of his reign. In the chantry above, is the saddle, helmet, and shield, supposed to have been used at Agincourt, brought here at his interment. — John Anderne, sculptor. The next is an ancient tomb to the memory of Phillippa, third daughter of William, Earl of Hainault, and Queen of Ed- ward III., with whom she lived forty-two years, and bore him fourteen children. Harding tells us, that when an embassy was sent to choose one of the Earl's daughters, a certain English Bishop advised to choose the lady with the largest hips, as pro- mising a numerous progeny. She died August 15, 1369 ; and the King, her husband, bestowed a profusion of expense in per- forming her exequies and erecting her tomb, roimd which were placed as ornaments the brazen statues of no less than thirty kings, princes, and noble personages, her relations. Adjoining to this is the tomb of Edwabd HI., which is likewise covered with a Gothic canopy. On a table of grey marble lies the effigy of this Prince, though his corpse was deposited in the same grave with the Queen's, according to her request on her death-bed. This tomb was surrounded, like the former, with statues, par- ticularly those of his children, six of which remain on the south side of the tomb; viz., Edward, Joan-de-la-Tour, Lionel, Edmund, Mary, and William. He died June 21, 1377, aged sixty-four. 36 CHAPEL OF ST. EDWARD. Here is likewise a monument in memory of Margaret, daughter of Edward IV., by Elizabeth Woodville, his Queen, which had once an inscription npon it, showing her name, quality , and age, being only nine months. She died April 19, 1472. Between tiie Chairs are placed the shield and sword carried before Edward IIT., in France. The sword is seven feet long, and weighs eighteen pounds. Under a large stone, once finely plated with brass, lies the great Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester ; he was brother to the Blaclc Prince, and sixth and youngest son of Ed- ward HI. He was murdered at Calais, Sept. 8, 1397. Next adjoining to this is a tomb, erected to the memory of Richard 11. and his Queen ; over which is a canopy of wood, remarkable for a curious painting of the Virgin Mary and our Saviour still visible upon it. This Richard was son of Edward the Black Prince, and graTidson of Edward IH., whom he suc- ceeded at eleven years of age. He was murdered on St. Valen- tine's day, 1399. In the same tomb lies his Queen, Anne, daughter of Charles IV., and sister of Wenceslaus, Emperor and King of Bohemia, who brought him neither dowry nor issue. She died at Shene, June 7, 1394, after being married twelve years. The Coronation Chairs. — The most ancient of them was made to enclose tiie stone (which is reported to be Jacob's Pillar), brought with regalia from Scotland, by Edward I., and offered to St. Edward's shrine, in the year 1297 (after he had overcome John Baliol, King of Scots, in several battles). In this chair all the reigning Sovereigns have been crowned since Ed- ward I. The other chair was made for Queen Mary II. At the coronation, one or both of them are covered with gold tissue, and placed before the altar, behind which they now stand, surrounded by several monarchs, who seem to guard them even in death. Above those chairs, along tlie frieze of the screen of this Chapel, are fourteen leffendary sculptures, respecting the Confessor. The first is the trial of Queen Emma; the next the birth of Edward ; another is his coronation ; the fourth tells us how our saint was frightened into the abolition of the Dean-gelt, by his seeing the devil dance upon the money casks ; the fifth is the story of his winking at the thief, who was robbing his treasure ; the sixth is meant to relate the appearance of our Saviour to him ; the seventh shows how the invasion of England was frustrated by the drowning of the Danish King ; in the eighth is seen the quarrel between the boys Totsi and Harold, predicting their respective fates; in the ninth sculpture is the Confessor's vision of the seven sleepers ; the tenth, how he met St. John the Evan- gelist in the guise of a p Igrim ; the eleventh, how the blind were cured by their eyes being washed in his dirty water ; the twelfth, how St.' John delivers to the pilgrims a ring; in the thirteenth they deliver the ring to the King, which he had unknowingly given to St. John as an alms, when he met him in the form of a pilgrim ; this was attended with a message from the saint, fore- telling the death of the King; and the fourteenth shows the consequential haste made by him to complete his pious foundation. CHAPEL OF ST. EDWARD. 87 Before leaving this Chapel you will observe a large plain tomb, composed of five slabs of grey marble ; two make the sides, two the ends, and one the cover. This rough unpolished tomb •enclosed the body of the glorious King Edward L, of whom we have just been speaking. He was son of Henry III., and born at Westminster, June 17, 1239, named Edward, in honour of St. Ed- ward, his father's patron and predecessor, and afterwards Long- fihanks, from his tall and slender body. He is called Edward I., •because he was the first of that name after the Conquest. He died July 7, 1307, after a reign of thirty-four years, and a life of «ixty-eight. This tomb was opened in 1774, by permission of Dr. Thomas, then Dean of Westminster, granted to the Society of Antiquaries, a deputation of whom, with the Dean, attended the process. The body was perfect, having on two robes, one of gold and silver tissue, and the other of crimson velvet ; a sceptre Ih •each hand, measuring near five feet ; a crown on his head, and many jewels ; he measured six feet two inches. Near this tomb is a large stone, plated with brass, to the memory of John of Waltham, the twenty-sixth Bishop of Salis- bury, anno 1388. He was master of the Rolls in 1382, then Keeper of the Privy Seal, in the year 1391, and died Lord High Treasurer of England to Richard II., in 1395. In this Chapel was interred the heart of Henry d'Almade, sou of Richard, King of the Romans, brother of Henry III. He was sacrilegiously assassinated in the Church of St. Silvester, at Viterbo, as he was performing his devotions before the high altar. Simon and Guido Montford, sons of Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester, were the assassins, in revenge for their father's death, who, with their brother Henry, was slain in the battle of Evesham, in fighting against their lawful sovereign. The picture of this murder the inhabitants had painted, and hung up in the church, where we are told it still remains. This murder happened in 1270, and in the year after the body of Henry was brought to England, and buried in the monastery of St. Helen's ; but his heart was put in a cup, and placed near St. Edward's shrine, of the removal of which we have no account. Upon a careful perusal of the guide-book to this portion of the Abbey, it will not be uninteresting to observe that the bodies of •six kings, five queens, two princesses, a duke, and a bishop are deposited in this remarkable receptacle of the dead. Before entering the Chapel of St. John, on the right or east side of the door, is a monument erected to the memory of Jane, daughter and co-heiress of Sir John Pulteney, and wife of Sir Clippesby Crewe, Knt. She died Dec. 2, 1639, aged twenty-nine. On the left, or west side of the door, is a monument to the memory of Juliana, only daughter of Sir Randolph Crewe, Knt., Lord Chief Justice cf England. She died unmarried April 22,1621. Over the door is the monument of the Right Rev. Dr. Bar- nard, Lord Bishop of Londonderry, who died in London, January 10, 1768, aged seventy-two, and was here buried. 33 viL-CliHpl nf |i 3nl)ii, Begin on your Left, 1, Sir Thomas Vaughan. 2, Colonel Popham, 1661. 3. Carey, Son of the Earl of Monmouth, 1648. 4. Hugh de Bohun, and Mary his Sister, grandchildren of Edw«rd" the First. 6. Carey, Baron of Hunsdon, \h9&. 6, Countess of Mexborough, 1821. 7. William of Colchester, Abbot oJ Westminster, 1420. 8. O. Ruthall, Bishop of Durham, 1524, 9. Thomas Millyng, Bishop of Hereford, 10. Abbot Fascet, 1500. [1492. 11. Mrs. Mary Kendall, 12. Cecil, Earl of Exeter, 1622, and Lady, ^N the left, in this Chapel, is an ancient monument to J)j the memory of Sir Thomas Vaughan, Knight, Cham- berlain to Edward, Prince of Wales, and Treasurer of Edward IV. On the top are the mutilated remains of a brass plate of the Knight. In the recess of this tomb is a bust to the memory of Frederick Denison Maurice. Born August 29th, 1805 ; died April 1st, 1872 ; buried at Highgate. " God is Light." " He was sent to "bear witness of that Light." — T. Woolner, B.A. Next to this, proceeding on your left hand, is a monument to the memory of Colonel Edward Popham, an officer in Oliver Cromwell's army, and his Lady. The inscription on this monu- ment was erased at the Restoration, othenvise it would have been i removed. He died at Dover, August 19, 1651. A tablet to the memory of Thomas Caret, second son of the ; Earl of Monmouth. He was gentleman of the Bedchamber to i Charles I. ; and is said to have died of grief, in 1648, at the age of thirty-three, for the unhappy fate of his Royal Master. Under this is a tombstone of grey marble, to the memory of Hugh de Bohun, and Mart, his sister, grandchildren to Ed- ward I. The next monument is to the memory of Henrt Caret, first cousin to Queen Elizabeth, created Baron of Hunsdon, in Hert- fordshire, in 1558; was some time Governor of Berwick, Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth, Privy Councillor and Knight of the Garter ; but not being preferred as he expected, he laid the disappointment so much to heart, that he languished for a long time on a sick bed; at vfh\"\i the Queen being moved too CHAPEL OF ST. JOHN. 39 late, created him an Earl, and ordered the patent and robes to be laid before him, but without effect. He died July 23, 1596, aged seventy-two. In the middle of the Chapel is the tomb of Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter, Baron Burleigh, Knight of the Garter, aud Privy Councillor to James T. ; whereon is his effigy, with a lady on his right side, and a vacant space on his left for another. He died JFebruary 7, 1622. The lady on his right side is Dorothy Nevil, his first wife, daughter and co-heiress of the Noble Lord Latimer, who died May 22, 1608 ; and the vacant space was left for his second wife, Frances Bridget, of the noble family of Chandos ; but as the right side was taken up, she gave express orders, by her will, not to place her effigy on his left; notwithstanding which, they are all buried together in one vault, as the inscription ex- presses. She died in 1663. In the corner to the left is a tablet : — " Sacred to the memory *' of the Right Hon. Elizabeth, Countess of Mexborough, who " departed this life June 7, in the year of our Lord 1821, aged *' fifty-nine. Her afflicted husband, John, Earl of Mexborough, ' *' hath erected this monument to her memoiy, in token of his " deep sorrow for her loss, and of his sincere love and affection." William of Colchester, Abbot of Westminster, who died in the year 1420, has also an ancient stone monument in this chapel, whereon lies his effigy, properly habited, the head supported by an angel, the feet by a lamb. Thomas Ruthall, made Bishop of Durham by Henry VIII. He had been a Secretary of State to Henry VII., and was by Henry VIII. made a Privy Councillor, and sent on several em- bassies abroad. He died, immensely rich, in 1524. A third is that of George Fascet, Abbot of Westminster, in the time of Henry VII., of whom we can find nothing ma- terial. He died in the year 1500. On this monument stands the stone coffin of Thomas ^Iilly>'g, Bishop of Hereford, some time Abbot of Westminster, and Privy Councillor to Edward IV., who died in 1492. Facing you is a monument to the memory of Mrs. Mart Ken- dall, daughter of Thomas Kendall, Esq., and of Mrs. Mary Hallett, his wife, of Killigarth, in Cornwall, who died in her thirty-third year. Her many virtues, as her epitaph sets forth, " rendered her every way worthy of that close union and friend- " ship in which she lived with Lady Catherine Jones ; and in " testimony of which, she desired that even their ashes, after death, " might not be divided, and therefore ordered herself here to be " inteiTcd, where she knew that excellent lady designed one day " to rest near the grave of her beloved and rehgious mother " Elizabeth, Countess of Ranelagh. She was born at Westminster " November 8, 1677, and died at Epsom, March 4, 1710." Above is a monument to Esther de la Tour de Gouvernet, the Lord Eland's lady. The inscription is in Latin and English, and contains an encomium on her many excellent virtues. She died in 1 694, aged twenty-eight. — Nadand, sculptor. D2 40 VIII.— cjiaiiBl nf Ml^, ni^nmm $mi M^n l^r iaptist. ^N the middle of this Chapel formerly stood the monu- ment of Abbot IsLiP ; it consisted of a ground plinth, or basement, on which was an alabaster statue of the Abbot, who was represented as a skeleton in a shroud or winding sheet. Over this was a canopy, on which was an- ciently a fine painting of our Saviour on the Cross, destroyed by the Puritans in Cromwell's time, who were enemies to every- tl)ing that favoured Popish idolatry, though ever so masterly. Islip was a great favourite with Henry VIL, and was employed by him in decorating his new chapel, and in repairing and beautifying the whole Abbey. He dedicated his own chapel to St, John the Baptist, and died May 12, 1532, and was buried in his own chapel. On the right is the tomb of Sir Christopher Hatton, and his Lady, in reclining attitudes on cushions. Sir Christopher died September 10, 1619 ; and his widow erected this memorial of his virtues and of their own affectionate union. On the left, opposite the Chapel of Islip, are two very ancient flionuments of Knights Templars. The first, that of Edmund Ckouchback, son of Henry III., so called, as some afiirm, from the deformity of his person ; but according to others from his attending his brother in the holy wars, where they wore a crouch jov cross on their shoulders as a badge of Christianity. From this Prince the House of Lancaster claimed their right to the crown. On the base, towards the area, are the remains of ten knights, armed, with banners, surcoats of armour and cross-belted, repre- senting, undoubtedly, his ex pedition to the Holy Land, the number exactly corresponding with what Matthew Paris reports, namely, Edward and his brother, four Earls, and four Knights, of whom some are still discoverable, particularly the Lord Roger Clifford, as were formerly, in Waverley's time, William de Valence, and Thomas de Clare. The next ancient monument is to the memory of Aymer de Valence, second and last Earl of Pembroke of this family ; he ^vas third son of William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, "whom *' he succeeded in his estates and honours. He was employed in ^' the Scottish wars in the reigns of Edward I. and II. Edward II., ■*' in 1314, appointed him general of all his forces from the Trent *' to Roxborough. He was appointed to attend Isabel, the Queen *^ Mother, to France, and there murdered, on June 23rd, 1323." The Countess of Lancaster's tomb is seen from the choir, but from this part is hid by the monument of Lord Ligonier; it is canopied with an ancient Gothic arch, the sides of which were decorated with vine branches in relief, the roof within springing into many angles, under which lay the image of a lady, in an antique dress, her feet resting upon lions, and her head on pillars, supported by angels on each side. This monument covered the remains of Avelinb, Countess of Lancaster, daughter of William de Fortibus, Earl of Albemarle and Holdernesse, by Isabella CHAPEL OF ISLIP. 41 daughter and heiress of Baldwin, Earl of Devon. This lady married Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, son of Henry HI., but died the very year of her marriage, Nov. 4, 1293. On the right is a monument to the memory of General Wolfe, who was killed at the siege of Quebec, 1759. He is represented falling into the arms of a grenadier, with his right hand over the mortal wound : the grenadier is pointing to Glory in the form of an angel in the clouds, holding forth a wreath ready to crown him, whilst a Highland sergeant looks sorrowfully on : two lions watch at his feet. The inscription as follows : — " To the memory " of James Wolfe, Major General and Commander-in-Chief of ** the British Land Forces on an expedition against Quebec, who, " after surmounting, by ability and valour, all obstacles of art " and nature, was slain in the moment of victory, on the 13th of " September, 1759, the King and the Parliament of Great Britain " dedicate this monument." — Wilton, sculptor. On the right hand wall, side of Wolfe, is a monument to the memory of Bishop Duppa, tutor to Charles II., a man of such exemplary piety, lively conversation, and excess of good nature, that when Charles I. was a prisoner in Carisbrooke Castle, he thought himself happy in the company of so good a man. He was bom at Greenwich, and educated first at Westminster School, and then at Christ Church College, Oxford, of which he was afterwards Dean ; and being selected for the Preceptor to the then Prince of Wales, was first made Bishop of Chichester, from thence translated to Salisbury, nnd after the Restoration to the See of Winchester. He died March 26, 1 622, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. — Burman, sculptor. Beneath is a tablet, " Sacred to the memory of John Theo- " PHiLus Beresford, cldcst son of Marcus Beresford, and the " Lady Frances, his wife, Lieutenant in the eighty-eighth regi- " ment of foot, who died in the twenty-first year of his age, at " Villa Formosa, in Spain, of wounds re-ceived from the exploding " of a powder magazine, at Ciudad Rodrigo, after he had passed " unhurt through eight days of voluntary service, of the greatest " danger during the siege, for which he received the thanks of " the Commander-in-Chief. Brave and zealous in his mihtary " duties, animated by a strong feeling of piety to God, and dis- " tinguished by his ardent filial affection and duty towards a " widowed mother, he has left to her the recollection of his " rising virtues as her only consolation under the irreparable " loss she has sustained by his death. Born, Jan. 16, 1792, and " died Jan. 29, 1812 ; interred with military honours, in the fort *• of Almeida. — ' Yea, speedily was he taken away, lest thatwicked- *' ness should alter his understanding, or deceit beguile his soul.* — " Wisdom of Solomon, chap, iv., verse 1 1." — Westniacott, sculptor. Next to this is a tablet to the memory of Sir James Adol- PHUS OiroHTON, Commander-in-Chief of his Majesty's forces in North Britain. The inscription is a recital of his military em- ployments, and a record of his death, which took place April 14, 1780, in the sixty-first year of his age. — Hayward, sculptor. On the floor is the image of an Abbot in his mass habit 42 CHAPELS OF ST. JOHN, curiously engraved on brass, representing John de Eastney, who died March 4, 1498. By the records of the Church he appears to have been a great benefactor to it ; he ornamented the grand west window with some noble paintings on glass of which some little still remains. He gave the screen to the Chapel, and presented two images gilt for the altar of St. Peter and St. Paul, and one for the chapter house. He paid the King 1,000/. on account of the merchants, and 3,700/. to the Court of Eome, due for the confirmation of abbots. A little to the left, on another gravestone, plated with brass, is the figure of an armed Knight, resting his feet on a lion, and his head on a greyhound, which, as the register informs us, represents Sir John Harpedon, Knight, who died in 1457. Adjoining this is a gravestone, on which have been the figures, in brass, of Thomas Browne and Humphrey Egberts, two monks of this Church, who died in 1508. On the right as you enter the Chapel is another gravestone, on which has been the effigy of Sir Thomas Parry, Knight, Trea- surer of the Household, Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries to Queen Elizabeth. He died December 15, 1560. IX. -Cljapls nf it. SnIiH Wjt fengclist, it. Inirnu, fiii^ it. IHirlj ari. 1 10 1 1 11 1 12 13 1 — D 14 6 CHAPELS OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, '5 ST. ANDREW, ST". [VIICHAEL, j_ e NOW ONE OHAPEL 16 3 3 3 J L 20 17 m L n9-j I «8 1 1. General Villettes, 1608. 2. General Sir Charles Stuart, 1801. 3. Two Sons of General Forbes, 1791 and 1799. f— 4. Admiral Kompenfclt, 1782. 5. Earl and Countess of Mouulra til, 1751 and 1766. 6. Admiral Totty, 1802. 7. Earl and Countess of Kerry, 1518. 8. Mr. Telford, 1831. 9. Dr. Baillie, 1623. 10. Miss Davidson, 1767. 11. Dr. Young, 1829. 12. Lord and Lady Norrls and Family, 1601. 13. Mrs. Ann Kirtou, 1C03. 14. Sarah, Duchess of Somerset , 1692. 15. Nightingale Family, 1734 and 16. Admiral Sir George Pocock, 1792. 17. Sir George Holle», son of Sir Francis V*re, 1626. 18. Captain Edward Cook, 17t9 19. Sii- Humphry Davy, 1829. 20. Sir Francis Ve.-o, 1608. Begin on the left. ST. ANDREW, AND ST. ^UCHAEL. 43 ^URNING round on your right is an unique monument ' to the memory of Sir Francis Verb, a gentleman of the first reputation, both for learning and amis, "one '"'^ " of the most accomph'shed soldiers of Queen Elizabeth's ** reign, having the command of the auxiliary troops in the " Dutch service, nearly twenty years." He died August 28, 1608, in the fifty-fourtli year of his age. Loose armour is repre- sented being supported by four armed knights. On the back of General Wolfe's monument is a tablet to the memory of Sir Humphrey Davy, Bart., distinguished throughout the world " by his discoveries in chemical science ; President of " the Royal Society; Member of the National Institute of France. " Born 17th December, 1778, at Penzance. Died 29th May, 1829, *' at Geneva, where his remains are interred." A monument is here erected, by the East India Company, as a grateful testimony to the value and eminent services of Captain Edward Cooke, Commander of his Majesty's ship Sybille, who on the 1st of March, 1799, after a long and well-contested en- gagement, captured La Forte, a French frigate of very superior force, in the Bay of Bengal ; an event not more splendid in its achievement, than important in its result to the British trade in India. He died in consequence of the severe wounds he received in this memorable action, on the 23rd of May, 1799, aged twenty- seven. — Bacon, sculptor. The next is a monument to the memory of Sir George Holles, nephew of Sir Francis Vere, and a Major-General under him. He died May, 1626, aged fifty. This monument was erected by John, Earl of Clare. — Nicholas Stone, sculptor. Adjoining is a monument to the memory of Sir George Po- COCK, KB., Admiral of the Blue, who distinguished himself at the taking of Geriah, and in leading the attack at the reduction of Chandernagore ; afterwards, with an inferior force, he defeated the Frencli Fleet under M. D'Ache in three several engagements; returning from his successful career in the East, he was appointed to command the fleet upon the expedition against the Havannah, by his united effbrts in the conquest of which, he added fresh laurels to his own brow, and a valuable possession to this king- dom. A life so honourable to himself, and so endeared to his friends and his family, was Iiappily extended to the age of eighty- six, and resigned, in the year 1793, Avith the same tranqiail and serene mind which peculiarly marked and adorned the whole course of it. — Bacon, sculptor. A monument to the memory of Joseph Gascoigne Nightin- gale, and his Lady. The lady is represented expiring in the arras of her husband ; beneath, slyly creeping from a tomb, tlie King of Terrors presents his grim visage, pointing his unerring dart to the dying figure, at which sight the husband, suddenly struck with astonishment, horror, and despair, seems to clasp her to his bosom to defend her from the fatal stroke. Inscription : — " Here rest the ashes of Joseph Ga«coigne Nightingale, of Mam- ** head, in the county of Devon, Esq., who died July 20, 1752, ** aged fifty-six ; and of Lady Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and 44 CHAPELS OF ST. JOHN, " co-heiress of Washington, Earl of Ferrars, who died August 17, " 1734, aged twenty-seven. Their only son, Washington Gas- " coigne Nightingale, Esq., in memory of their virtues, did by his " last will, order this monument to be erected." — Rouhiliac. Next to this is a monument of note, sacred to the memory of Sarah, Duchess of Somerset, relict of John Seymour, Duke of Somerset, daughter of Sir Edward Alston, Knt. On the base of this monument are two charity boys, one on each side, bewail- ing the death of their benefactress, who is represented in a modem dress, resting upon her arm, under a canopy of state, and looking earnestly up at a group of cherubims issuing from the clouds above her. Underneath is a Latin inscription to this effect : — " Here lies the late illustrious Duchess of Somerset, celebrated " for charity and benevolence, who erected a grammar school for " boys at Tottenham, in Middlesex, enlarged the income of the " Green-coat Hospital at Westminster, largely endowed Brazenose " College, in Oxford, and St. John's, in Cambridge, for the " education and instruction of youth in good piety and literature. " She was likewise an encourager of trade and handicrafts, and *' had a tender regard to old age, by erecting an almshouse at " Froxfield, in Wiltshire, for thirty widows. She was very " charitable to the poor of St. Margaret's, Westminster, where she " instituted a lecture, and gave many stately ornaments to the " Church." She died October 25, 1692. Against the east wall is a tablet erected to the memory of Ann, wife of James Kirton, of Castle Carey, Somersetshire, Gent. She died September 7, 1603. Sir Henry Norris, his Lady, and six sons. He was ancestor of the present Earl of Abingdon, and for his valour in the Low Countries, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, was created Lord Norris of Ricot. He died in 1601. His six sons are represented kneeling round the tomb ; viz., William, John, and Thomas, on the south side ; Henry, Edward, and Maximilian, on the north side. On the south side of the canopy in alto-relievo is repre- sented the march of an army of horse, with an encampment in the back ground, together with the standard of the Belgic States, and a soldier bearing a shield, with the Norris's arms. On the summit is a small statue of Fame. Up against the wall is a tablet to the learned Dr. Young, M.D. The inscription sets forth that he was eminent in every depart- ment of human learning ; and that, by abstruse investigation of letters and science, he at length unveiled the obscurity which had rested upon the hieroglyphics of Egypt. Died May 10, 1829, in the fifty-sixth year of his age. — Chantrey, sculptor. Next is a full length statue of Mrs. Siddons, a celebrated actress, as Lady Macbeth, in the Night Scene. Erected by sub- scription. — Thomas Campbell, sculptor. Contiguous is the statue of her brother John Kemble, in the character of Cato, by Flaxman. Bom at Prescott, Feb. 1, 1757 ; died at Lausanne, Feb. 26, 1823. Here is also a very neat monument to the memory of Susanna Jane Davidson, only daughter of William Davidson, of Rotter- ST. ANDREW, AND ST. MICHAEL. 45- dam, merchant, whom it pleased the Almighty to visit in the bloom of life with a lingering disease, of which she died at Paris, January 1, 1767, aged twenty.— JIayward, sculptor. " Matthew Baillie, Fellow of the Royal College of London " and Edinburgh (born at Lanark, in Sco'tland), of the Literary " Institutions of Oxford and Glasgow, Professor of Anatomy; of " great medical skill, of strict integrity, of sincere mind, and *' liberal simplicity. This bust was put up by his medical asso- " ciates. Died 9th of Oct., 1823, aged 62."—Chantre7j, scidptor. A colossal figure of " Thomas Telford, President of the ** Institution of Civil Engineers, born at Glendinning, in Eskdale, "Dumfriesshire, in 1757; died in London, 1834. The orphan " son of a shepherd, self educated, he raised himself by his extra- " ordinary talents, and integrity, from the humble condition of an " operative mason, and became one of the most eminent Civil " Engineers of the age. This marble has been erected near the " spot where his remains are deposited, by the friends who revered " his virtues; but his noblest monuments are to be found amongst " the great public works of this country." — Baily, sculptor Near this is a marble tomb, which encloses the body, and has a tablet over it decorated with a coronet, and curtains festooned,. on which is the following inscription : — " To the affectionately- " beloved and honoured memory of Anastatia, Countess of " Kerry, daughter of the late Peter Daly, Esq., of Quansbery, in> " the county of Galway, in Ireland, who departed this life on the. " 9th, and was deposited here on the 18th day of April, 1799. "Francis Thomas, Earl of Kerry, died July 4, 1818, aged " seventy-eight. His remains, according to his wish, are here •* deposited in the same tomb with his affectionately-beloved " Anastatia, whose loss he long and deservedly deplored." — JSiickham, sculptor. The next is a neat monument, representing a ship at sea, firing minute guns at the death of Thomas Tottt, of Cornist, in thcr county of Flint, Esq., Rear- Admiral in his Majesty's Navy, who having, on the 17th November, 1801, been appointed Commander- in-Chief on the Leeward Island station, was, soon after his ar- rival at Martinique, severely attacked by the malignant fever peculiar to that climate, and expired at sea, on the 2nd of June, 1802, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. — Bacon, jun., sculptor. On the floor is the stone of Abbot Kirton, which had several labels in black letter all round the portrait, which stood upon eagles crowned, alluding, perhaps, to his high descent from the ancient and illustrious family of Codilbic. He appears to have been a person of great eminence. He died October 3, 1466. The next monument is to the Earl and Countess of MouN- trath. The figures represent an angel lifting the lady up to a vacant seat by the side of her husband, surrounded with cherubs,. &c. The inscription is in Latin, thus translated : — " Sacred to the " memory of Algernon, Earl of Mountrath,and Diana, his Countess,. " who, surviving him, caused this monument to be erected in 1771- " Thus while on earth, who Joy in mutual love. Beyond the grave shall find their joys improve." — Wiltorif sculptor. 46 CHAPELS OF ST. JOHN, ETC. The next is to the memory of Richard Kempenfelt, Esq., Rear- Admiral of the Blue, who was lost in his Majesty's ship Royal George, which overset and sunk at Spithead, on the 29th August, 1782, by which fatal event about nine huiidred persons were launched into eternity, and liis king and country deprived of the services of a great and meritorious officer, in the sixty-fourth year of his age. This monument was erected pursuant to the will of his brother, Gustavus Adolphus Kempenfelt, Esq., who died at his seat. Lady-place, Hurley, Berkshire, on the 14th of March, 1808, aged eighty-seven, of whose philanthropy and humanity, his liberal subscriptions and bequests to most of the charitable institutions in this country, will be lasting records. — Bacon, jun.y sculptor. The next consists of a delicate female figure, mourning over two urns, holding a scroll, on which is expressed — " I shall go *' to them, but they shall not return to me. — 2 Sam. xii. 23." Benjamin John Forbes, late Lieutenant in his Majesty's seventy- fourth regiment of foot; and Richard Gordon Forbes, late Lieutenant in the first regiment of Foot Guards, the eldest sons of Lieutenant-General Gordon Forbes, Colonel of the twenty-ninth regiment of foot, and Margaret, his wife, eldest daughter of the late Benjamin Sullivan, Esq., of Dromenagh, in the county of Cork ; both of whom fell in the service of their king and country, deeply regretted by their regiments and the detachments of the army in which they served. The former at the assault of Kist- nagherry, in the East Indies, 12th November, 1791, aged nineteen years ; the latter near Alkmaar, in North Holland, the 19 th of September, 1799, aged twenty years. This monument, no less a tri- bute of justice to exemplary merit, than a record of the tenderest parental sense of filial piety, is erected and dedicated a.d. 1803. — Bacon, jun., sculptor. A third, to the memory of General Stuart, having a fine medallion of him ; the Latin inscription is to the following pur- port : — " In memory of a man truly noble, the Honourable Sir " Charles Stuart, Knight of the Bath, fourth son of John, Earl " of Bute, who began his military career in America ; and was *• afterwards sent, during the raging of the war with France, " Commander-in-Chief against Corsica and Minorca, both which " he happily subdued. He was again called forth, agreeably to " the wishes of all good men, and already destined, by the favour " of his Sovereign, to greater appointments, but died at Richmond, " in the year of our Lord 1801, aged forty-seven, leaving the " public, as well as his friends, to deplore, and that deeply, the loss " of so great a man, on whose extraordinary talents, military con- *' duct, and approved valour, whether dangers were to be averted, *' or her wrongs avenged, his country could at all times rely with " the greatest security and confidence." — Nollekeus, sculptor. The last in this Chapel is one to the memory of Lieutenant- General William Anne Villettes, second son of Arthur Villettes, Esq., his late Majesty's Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Turin, and 'Helvetic Cantons, who died near Port An- tonio, on the 13th July^ 1808, aged fifty-four years. NORTH TRANSEPT. 47 " The sculptured marble shall dissolve in dust, And fame, and wealth, and honour pass away Not such the triumphs of the good and just, Not such the glories of eternal day." W, Cart Wright, T. Bowdler, J. Cazenove, have erected tliis tablet as a tribute of friendship. — Sir Richard Westmacott, sculptor. At the north end of this Chapel is an elegant painted windov.-, representing St. Cecilia playing upon an organ, accompanied by three angels, in memory of Mr. Vincent Novello, by Lavers and Barraud. Born 1781 ; died 1861. Opposite to you, on leaving this Chapel, is the monument to the memory of Field-Marshal Lord Ligonier, which has a striking likeness of his Lordship, in profile, and the medallions of Queen Anne, George L, IL, and III., under whom his Lordship served. The inscription is only a recital of his titles and places, his age ninety-two, and his death the 28th of April, 1770. On the scroll held by History, is the following list of battles : — Schel- lenberg, Blenheim, Ramilies, Oudinarde, Taniere, Malplaquet, Dettingen, Fountenoy, Rocoux, and LafFeldt. — Moore, sculptor. j^ ASSING through the gate, immediately on your right is jt a pedestal of rich grey marble, on which is placed a statue of the late Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel, Bart., represented in the costume of a Roman Orator, in the act of addressing the Commons House of Parliament, where he had so greatly distinguished himself for a period of more than thirty years ; and although past the middle age of lite, the death of this great statesman may be considered as premature, he having been thrown from his horse while riding up Constitn- tion-hill, which caused his death in a few days afterwards, viz., on the 2nd day of July, 1850. — Sculptured bi/GiOson, at Home. Sir Gilbert Lort. — This monument is chiefly ornamented with cherubs and family arms, and is inscribed to the memory of Sir Gilbert Lort, of Stockpole, in Pembrokeshire, Bart., by his sister. Dame Elizabeth Campbell, relict of Sir Alexander Camp- bell, of Calder, in Scotland, Bart. Sir Gilbert died Sept. 19, 1698, in his twenty-eighth year. She died Sept. 28, 1714, in her forty- ninth year. Above is a small monument, consisting of a bust and naval ornaments, to the memory of John Storr, Esq., of Hilston, in the count of York, Rear-Admiral of the Red Squadron of his Majesty's Fleet. He was born Aug. 18, 1709; died Jan. 10, 1783, and interred near this place. — Tyler, sculptor. A small tablet, up high, with an inscription in Latin to the following effect ;—" William Vincent, D.D., Dean of this Col- " legiate Church, caused this tablet to be erected a perpetual " monument of his affection. Sacred to the memory of Hannah, " his most beloved wife ; the fondest and most prudent mother, " handsome without pride, pleasant without levity, a good Chris- " tian without superstition ; descended from a respectable family 48 NORTH TRANSEPT. " of the Wyatts, of Whichwood, in Oxfordshire, daughter of " George Wyatt and Hannah Wood. Born August 3, 1735 ; "married August 15, 1771; died Feb. 17, 1807."— Gaj^/er*, sculptor. Admiral Sir Peter Warren.— The back ground is a large flag spreading in natural folds behind the whole monument; before it is a fine figure of Hercules, placing Sir Peter's bust on its pedestal ; and on the other side is the figure of Navigation, with a laurel wreath in her hand, gazing on the bust with a look of melancholy, mixed with admiration. Behind her a cornucopia pours out fruit, corn, &c., and by it a cannon, an anchor, and other decorations. The inscription is as follows : — " Sacred to the " memory of Sir Peter Warren, Knight of the Bath, Vice-Admiral " of the Red Squadron of the British Fleet, and Member of Par- " liament for the city and liberty of Westminster. He derived his " descent from an ancient family in Ireland ; his fame and honours " from his virtues and abilities. How eminently these were dis- " played, with what vigilance and spirit they were executed, in the " various services wherein he had the honour to command, and " the happiness to conquer, will be more properly recorded in the " annals of Great Britain. On this tablet. Affection with truth " must say, that, deservedly esteemed in private life, and uni- *' versally renowned for his public conduct, the judicious and " gallant officer possessed all the amiable qualities of the friend, " the gentleman, and Christian ; but the Almighty, whom alone " he feared, and whose gracious protection he had often expe- " rienced, was pleased to remove him from a life of honour to an " eternity of happiness, on the 29th of July, 1752, in the forty- " ninth year of his age." — Rouhiliac, sculptor. Grace Scott. — Affixed to the adjoining pillar is a neat tablet, on which is this inscription : — " Grace, eldest daughter of Sir " Thomas Mauleverer, of Alterton Mauleverer, in Yorkshire, Bart., " born 1622, married to Colonel Scott, a member of the Honour- " able House of Commons, 1644, and died February 24, 1645 : " He that -will give my Grace bat what is hers, M ust say her death has not Made only her dear Scott, But Virtue, Worth, and Sweetness, widowers." Above, is a little tablet to the memory of Clement Saun- ders, Esq., Carver in ordinary to Charles H., James II., and William III., son of Sir W. Saunders, Knight, of the county of Northampton. Died August 10, 1695, aged eighty-four. Sir John Malcolm. — His figure is in full uniform, on a pedestal. — "In memory of Major-General Sir John Malcolm, " G.C.B., &c., born at Burnfoot of Eske, Dumfriesshire, 1769, died " in London, 1833, employed confidentially in those important " wars and negociations which established British supremacy in " India. By the indefatigable and well directed exertions of those '^ extraordinary mental and physical powers with which Provi- " dence had endowed him, he became alike distinguished as a " statesman, a warrior, and a man of letters; disinterested, liberal, " and hospitable ; warm in his affections, and frank in his man- NORTH TRANSEPT. 49 •* ners ; tlie admirer and patron of merit. No less zealous during ■*' the whole of his arduous and eventful career, for the welfare of ■" the natives of the East, than for the services of his own country, " his memory is cherished by grateful millions ; his fame lives in *' the history of nations. This statue has been erected by the *' friends whom he had acquired by his splendid talents, eminent " public services, and private rirti\es."-r-Chantrei/, sculptor. William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle. — This monument is a stately piece of architecture. Under a rich canopy of state, lie in a cumbent posture, on a double mat, "the loyal Duke of New- " castle (as the inscription beneath sets forth), and his Duchess, ^' his second wife, by whom he had no issue ; her name was Mar- " garet Lucas, youngest sister of Lord Lucas, of Colchester, a **• noble family ; for all the brothers were valiant, and all the sisters " virtuous. This Duchess was a wise, witty, and learned lady, ■" which her many books do well testify ; she was a most virtuous, ** loving, and careful wife, and was with her Lord all the time of *' his banishment and miseries ; and when he came home, never " parted from him in his solitary retirements." — So far the English inscription. The Latin shows farther, "that he was Knight of *' the Bath and Baron Ogle in right of his mother ; Viscount ** Mansfield, and Baron Cavendish of Bolsover, Earl of Ogle, Earl, ■'* Marquis, and Duke of'Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Lord Lieutenant ■** of the counties of Nottingham and Northumberland, First Lord *' of the Bedchamber to King James L, Guardian to Prince *^ Charles, Privy Councillor, and Knight of the most Noble Order " of the Garter ; that for his fidelity to the King, he was made ^' Captain-General of the forces raised for his service in the North, ■" fought many battles, and generally came ofi" victorious ; that •" when the rebels prevailed (being one of the first designed a " sacrifice) he left his estate, and endured a long exile. By his ^' first wife, Elizabeth, daughter and heiress to W. Basset, of Staf- " fordshire, Esq., he had two sons and three daughters ; Charles, *' who died without issue, and Henry, heir to his honours ; Jane, *' married to C. Cheyne, of Chesham, Bucks ; Elizabeth, to John, " Earl of Bridgewater ; and Frances, to Oliver, Earl of Boling- •" broke. He died December 25, 1676, aged eighty-four." A statue of Earl Canking, Viceroy of India, son of George Canning Foley, On the left is one to the memory of George Canning, bom April 11, 1770; died August 8, 1827 : — "Endowed with a rare *' combination of talents, an eminent statesman, an accomplished *' scholar, an orator, surpassed by none, he united the most bril- ** liant and lofty qualities of the mind, with the warmest affections ■*' of the heart ; raised by his own merit, he successfully filled *' important offices in the state, and finally became first minister ■" of the Crown. In the full enjoyment of his sovereign's favour, *' and of the confidence of the people, he was prematurely cut ofi", " when pursuing a wise and large course of policy, which had for ^' its object the prosperity and greatness of his own country, while *' it comprehendel the welfare and commanded the admiration of *' foreign nations " This monument was erected by his friends 50 NORTH TRANSEPT. and coantrymen. The figure is on a pedestal, and represents him speaking in the House of Parliament. — Chantrey, sculptor. The next is a magnificent monument to John Holles, Duke of Newcastle, whose Q^^ rests upon a sarcophagus of darkish- coloured marble, having in his right hand a general's staff, and in his left a ducal coronet. On one side of the base stands the statue of Wisdom ; on the other of Sincerity. On the angles of the upper compartment sit angels in no very meaning attitude ; and on the ascending sides of the pediment sit cherubs, one with an hour glass, alluding to the admeasurement of man's life by grains of sand ; the other pointing upwards, where his life shall be no longer measured by duration. On the base of this monu- ment is this inscription : — " John Holles, Duke of Newcastle, " Marquis and Earl of Clare, Baron Haughton, of Haughton, and " Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, " whose body is here deposited under the same roof with many of " his noble ancestors and relations of the families of Vere, Caven- '* dish, and Holies, whose eminent virtues he inherited, and was " particularly distinguished for his courage, love to his country, " and constancy in friendship, which qualities he exerted with " great zeal and readiness, whenever the cause of religion, his " country, or friends, required. In the reign of Queen Anne he " filled with great capacity and honour, the several employments " of Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal and Privy Councillor ; Lord " Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of Middlesex and Notting- " ham, and of the county of the town of Nottingham, and of tlie " East and North Ridings of the county of York ; Lord Chief " Justice in Eyre, north of Trent, and Governor of the town and " fort of Kingston-upon-Hull ; to all which titles and honours his *' personal merit gave a lustre, that needed not the addition of " the great wealth which he possessed. He was born January 9, " 1661-2, and died, July 15, 1711. He married the Lady Mar- " garet, third daughter and heiress of Henry Cavendish, Duke of " Newcastle, by whom he left issue only one child, the Lady " Henrietta Cavendish Holles Harley, who caused this memorial " of him to be here erected in 1723." — Bird, sculptor. Admiral Vernon. — On a pedestal is a bust of that gallant Admiral, with a fine figure of Fame crowning him with laurels. This monument is elegantly ornamented with naval trophies. Beneath is the following inscription : — " Sacred to the memory ot " Edward Vernon, Admiral of the White Squadron of the British " Fleet. He was the second son of James Vernon, wlio was " Secretary of State to King William IH., and whose abilities and " integrity were equally conspicuous. In his youth, he sensed " under the Admirals Shovell and Rook. By their example he " learned to conquer ; by his own merit he rose to command. In " the war with Spain of 1739, he took the fort of Porto Bello with " six ships — a force which was thought unequal to the attempt. " For this he received the thanks of both houses of Parliament. " He subdued Chagre, and at Carthagena conquered as far as " naval force could carry victory. After these services he retired, " without place or title, from the exercise of public, to the enjoy- NORTH TRANSEPT. 51 " ment of private virtue. The testimony of a good conscience " was his reward — the love and esteem of all good men his glory. " In battle, though calm, he was active, and though intrepid, " prudent ; successful, yet not ostentatious, ascribing the glory to '' God ; in the senate, he was disinterested, vigilant, and steady. " On the 30th day of October, 1757, he died as he had lived, the " friend of man, the lover of his country, and the father of the poor, " aged seventy -three. As a memorial of his own gratitude, and " the virtues of his benefactor, this monument was erected by his " nephew, Francis, Lord Orwell, in 1763." — Rysbrack, sculptor. Sir Charles Wager. — On this elegant monument, the prin- cipal figure is that of Fame, holding a portrait of the deceased in relief, which is supported by an infant Hercules. The enrichments are naval trophies, instruments of war, navigation, &c., and on the base, in relief, is the representation of the destroying and taking the Spanish galleons in 170S : — " To the memory of Sir Charles '* Wager, Knight, Admiral of the White, First Commissioner of " the Admiralty, and Privy Councillor: a man of great natural " talents, who bore the highest commands, and passed through " the greatest employments, with credit to himself, and honour to " his country. He was in his private life himaane, temperate, " just, and bountiful : in public station, valiant, prudent, wise, " and honest ; easy of access to all ; plain and unaffected in his " manner, steady and resolute in his conduct ; so remarkably •* happy in his presence of mind, that no danger ever discomposed *' him. Esteemed and favoured by his King, beloved and " honoured by his country, he died May 24, 1743, aged seventy- *' seven." — Scheemakers, sculptor. Lord Palmerstox.— A magnificent statue, representing the distinguished statesman in the robes of a Knight of the Garter. — Erected by authority of Parliament to Viscount Palmerston, in testimony"^ of the public admiration and attachment and heavy loss which the country sustained by his death. — R. Jackson. The Right Hon. William Pitt, First Earl of Chatham, He is represented as speaking in the Houses of Parliament. At his feet are figures of Prudence and Fortitude ; below is a figure of Britan- nia, with the trident supported by Earth and Ocean. On the base is the following inscription: — "Erected by the King and Parlia- ment as a testimony to the virtues and ability of William Pitt, Earl " of Chatham, during whose administration, in the reigns of Geo. *' n. and HI., Divine Providence exalted Great Britain to a height " of prosperity and glory unknown to any former age. Bom " November 15, 1708. Died May 11, 1778." — Bacon, sculptor. Lord Robert ^Iaxxers, aged 24 ; Captain William BAn^E, aged 50: Captain William Blair, aged 41. Upon a rostral column decorated with the hulks of three seventy-four gun ships, Genius has hung three medallions, containing the portraits of the Captains. Neptune is sitting upon a sea-horse, pointing them out as examples for posterity to emulate, and worthy of being recorded in the annals of their country, to Britannia, whose majestic figure, accompanied with a resemblance of a lion, supporting a shield of the arms of Great Britain, is standing on the opposite side 52 NOKTH TRANSEPT. "beholding them with a fixed countenance, expressive of sorrow; ■while Fame is standing upon the top of the column, with a wreath of laurel to crown Lord Robert Manners, Captains Bayne and Blair, who were mortally wounded in the course of the naval en- gagements under the command of Admiral Sir George Brydges Ilodney, on the 9th and 12th of April, 1782. In memory of their services, the King and Parliament of Great Britain caused this monument to be erected. The basement is adorned with different naval implements, the whole highly executed by Mr. Nollekens. In front of this monument is a highly polished slab under which lie the remains of Lord Palmerston. Died Oct. 18, 1865, aged 61. And Lady Palmerston. Died Sept. 11, 1869. Near this spot lie the remains of the Marquis of Londonderry, Pitt, Wilberforce, Canning, Fox, and Grattan. The next monument consists of a fine statue, full life size : in ■one hand is placed a scroll, on which is inscribed, "Peace of " Paris, 1814;" the other supporting the Robes of the Garter. The pedestal bears the following inscription : — " This statue is ^' erected to the memory of Robert, second Marquis of Londpn- ^' derrj and Viscount Castlereagh, K.G. Born a,d. 1769 ; died '' Aug. 12th, 1822. History will record the success and splen- *' dour of his public career during a period of unexampled diffi- *' culty in the annals of Europe, in which he successively filled *' the highest offices under the Crown ; and Ireland will never *' forget the statesman of the Legislative Union. This tribute to " the best of brothers and friends is placed in Westminster Abbey ** by Charles William Vane, third Marquis of Londonderry." — unlTersally 84 SOUTH AISLE. respected by the Bishops and clergy, that Archbishop Tillotson, and several other Prelates, with a vast body of clergy, the choir and King's scholars, all in solemn procession, attended his funeral, and joined in the anthems composed on this occasion by the great Purcell. Above this tablet of "Wharton is a gallery, used by the Royal Family to see the procession of the Knights of the Bath : they enter at Poets' Corner door, and proceed round the West end, and up the North Aisle, into Henry VII.'s Chapel, where the installation takes place. In an oval frame is a half-length marble portrait of William CoNGRKVE, Esq., placed on a pedestal of the finest Egyptian marble, and enriched with emblematical figures alluding to the •drama. Underneath is this inscription in English : — " Mr. Wil- *' liam Congreve, died January 19, 1728, aged fifty-six, and was ** buried near this place, to whose most valuable memory this *' monument is set up by Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough, as ** a mark how dearly she remembers the happiness she enjoyed in " the sincere friendship of so worthy and honest a man, whose *' virtue, candour, and wit, gained him the love and esteem of the " present age, and whose writings will be the admiration of the ** future." — Bird, senlptor. A bust of John Friend, M.D,, on a pedestal of fine white veined marble ; and beneath is a long Latin inscription, set- ting forth his great and distinguished acquirements. He was a physician of the first rank for knowledge and experience ; was no less successful in his practice than ingenious in his writings. He was first educated at Westminster School, and afterwards at Christ Church College, Oxford, where his learning soon made him conspicuous. On his leaving the University, and adopting the profession of physic, he was chosen a member of the College of Physicians in London, and soon after a Fellow of the Royal Society. His writings are lasting monuments of his extensive genius. He died July 26, 1728. — Bi/sbrack, sculptor. Sir LuMLEY Robinson, Baronet. — This monument is neatly designed and ornamented; the columns are supported by Death's heads, and the arms upon the base by a cherub. On the top was a vase, and, rising to the pediments, enrichments of laurel branches, &c. The inscription has nothing remarkable. He was of Kentwall Hall, in Suffolk, and died August 6, 1684, aged thirty-six. — Settle, sculptor. Thomas Sprat, D.D. — This monument seems to have been designed principally for the sake of the inscriptions, which are in Latin, Underneath are the arms of the deceased, and on the top his arms, with those of the see of Rochester, quarterly, between enrichments of books, &c. . The first inscription informs you, — ** That Dr. Sprat was the son of a clergyman in Dorsetshire ; and " that he was educated at Wadhara College, Oxford ; that he " first applied himself to poetry, but quitted that study to pursue " the beauties of prose, and polish the English language ; that he *' was early made known to George, Duke of Buckingham, and •* by him recommended to Charles I., who made him a Preben- SOUTH AISLE. 85 •* darj of Westminster, and of Windsor ; from which preferments *' he soon rose to be Dean of Westminster, and Bishop of Eoches- *'ter; but at length, fi-om his firm integrity to the Church and •' Monarchy, was brought in danger of his life. He died in 1713, *' aged seventy-seven." The second inscriptivjn shows — " That "the remains of Thomas Sprat, A.M. (son of the Bishop), "Archdeacon of llochester, and Prebendary of the Churches of ** Rochester, Winchester, and Westminster, lie near those of his "father. He died May 10, 1720, aged foity-one." The third inscription imports — " That John Friend, j\I.D., to show his re- " spect for those two worthy personages, hud caused this monu- " ment to be erected jointly to their memoi ies." — Bird, sculptor. Dr. Joseph Willcocks. — Two angels holding a scroll, mitre, collegiate cap, &c., bas-relief, exterior view of Westminster Abbey. On each side are two beautiful figures of Faith and Hope. This Rev, Prelate was Chaplain to the British 1 actory at Lisbon, after- wards Preceptor to the Princess, and Pr. bendary of this Church ; in 1721, consecrated Lord Bishop of Gloucester ; in 1721, trans- lated to Rochester, also made Dean of this Church, and of the most Honourable Order of the Bath. He died March 9, 1756, aged eighty-three, and is buried in a >'ault in the Ecclesiastical Court, with his wife Jane, daughter of Jolm ]Milner, Esq., Consul at Lisbon. She died March 27, 1725, aged twenty-eight; with Ann, their daughter, who died in her infancy. — Cheere, sculptor. Above is a curious monument, sacred to the memory of Richard Tyrrell, Esq., who was descended from an ancient family of L-eland, and died Rear-Admiral of the Wliite, 26th June, 1766. Devoted from his youth to the naval service of his country, and being formed under tho discipline, and animated by the example of his renowned uncle. Sir Peter Warren, he dis- tinguished himself as an able and experienced officer in many gallant actions, particularly on the 20th of November, 1758, when commanding the Buckingham, of sixty-six guns, and one hundred and seventy-five men, he attacked and defeated three French ships of war ; one of them was the Florin, of seventy-four guns, and seven hundred men ; but the Buckingham being too much disabled to take possession of iier, after she ha I struck, the enemy, under cover of the night, escaped ; during the action he received several wounds, and lost three fingers of his right hand. Dying on his return to England from the Leeward Islands, where he had for three years commanded a squadron of his Majesty's ships, his body was, by his own desire, committed to the sea, with the proper honours and ceremonies. On a piece of rock — " Ike sea " shall give up her dead, and every one shall be rewarded according " to his works." The figures History, Navigation, and Hibernia, are well cut ; they are represented among the rocks, with the sea above their heads, the Admiral himself ascending amidst heavy clouds. — Nathaniel Read, sculptor. On a pedestal stands the bust of Dr. Zachary Pearce. The features bear a striking resemblance to those of the original. On each side are the ensigns of his prelatical dignities ; and un- derneath is a Latin inscription, of which the following is a trans- G 86 SOUTH AISLE. lation : — " Sacred to the memory of the most Reverend Zachary ** Pearce, S.T.P., Bishop of Rochester, Dean of this Church, and " of the most Ilonourable Order of the Bath. The seeds of "learning, which were early sown at Westminster School, he " cultivated to maturity at Cambridge : how rich the produce,. " both as a critic and divine, his works, already printed and " published, will abundantly show. At length, growing fond of "retirement, and earnestly desirous of leisure for elucidating " the Scriptures, he resigned the Deanery of Westminster, as he " wished to have done that of his Bishoprick, could it have been " permitted. Having lived to finish what was the wish of his " heart, — his Commentary on the Holy Evangelists and the Acts "of the Aj)OStles, — he rested from his labours, June 29, 1774, " aged eighty-four.*' — Tyler, sculptor. *' In memory of the Very Rev. William Buckland, D.D., " F.R.S., Dean of Westminster, and of the Most Honourable " Order of the Bath, formerly Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, " Trustee of the British Museum, First Professor of Geology and " Mineralogy in the University of Oxford ; founder of the Museum " of Geology, which he bequeathed to that University. Endued " with superior intellect, he applied the powers of his mind to the " honour and glory of God, the advancement of science, and the " welfare of mankind. Born March 12, 1784 ; died August 14, " 1856, aged seventy-two. ' For the Lord giveth wisdom, out of " ' his mouth cometh knoAvledge and understanding.' — Prov. xi. " ver. 6. Erected bv his children." — H. Weekes, A.R.A., sculptox, 1859. The next is a bust, highly finished, and emblems of sacred offices. The Latin inscription is to the following purport : — " Sacred to the memory of the Reverend John Thomas, LL.D., " Bishop of Rochester, Dean of this Collegiate Church, and of "the most Honourable Order of the Bath. Having passed *' through the school at Carlisle with reputation, he proceeded to " Oxford, to gather a more abundant harvest of knowledge, " where he became both the ornament and patron of genius, " good morals, and of polite, as well as of profound learning. " With increasing fame everywhere spreading itself, he did " honour to dignities by his merit, improved riches by bestowing " them, presided over the Church with wisdom, defended it by " his authority, regulated it by his example; ever active in duties, " and unwearied in attentions, added to the strictest economy ; " till, after a well-spent life, himself exhausted, but not his " patience, by a long and painful illness, he resigned his soul to " God, August 20, 1793, aged eighty-one years. His nephew, '* G.A.T., A.M., to whose lot it fell to perform it, offers this " unavailing tribute, as a testimony, though small, of Duty and " Affection."— ^Ms< by Nollekens. Katharine Bovey. — The principal figures here are Faith, with her book closed, and Wisdom, lamenting the death of her patroness ; between which is a lady's head in an amulet of black marble, curiously veined. Over it is an English inscription, giving a character of the deceased, who died January 21, 1727, SOUTH AISLE. 87 in the fifty-seventh year of her age. Mrs. Mary Pope, who lived with her near forty years in perfect friendship, erected this monu- ment to her memor}'. — Gibhs, sculptor. Lord Viscount Howe. — The emblematic representation on this monument is a figure of the Genius of the Province of Massa- chuset's Bay, in a mournful posture, lamenting the fall of this hero, and the family arms, ornamented with miiitary trophies. Beneath is the following inscription, in large characters : — " The '• Province of Massachuset's Bay, in New England, by an order " of the Great and General Court, bearing date February 1, 1759, " caused this monument to be erected to the memory of George, " Lord Viscount Howe, Brigadier-General of his Majesty's " Forces in North America, who was slain, July 6, 1758, on the " march of Ticonderoga, in the thirty-fourth year of his age ; in " testimony of the sense they had of his services and military " virtues, and of the affection their officers and soldiers bore to " his command." He lived respected and beloved : the public regretted his loss : to his family it is irreparable. Beneath is a bust to the memory of John Ireland, D.D. — The Latin inscription sets forth, that he was a native of Ashburton, Devon. Having pursued his studies at Oriel College, in the University of Oxford, he was, in 1802, enrolled amongst the Prebendaries of this Church ; and aftei*wards, in 1816, raised to the Deanery of the same. Deeply sensible of the benefits that were divinely showered upon him in early life, he sought in after years to prove that he was not unmindful of them. Whilst still among the living, he annually gave liberal prizes for the en- couragement of youthful studies, both at Oxford and in the Royal School at Westminster. He also, by his last will, bequeathed a munificent pecuniary legacy, partly to endow a Professorship of Theology at Oxford, partly towards the support of needy students of Oriet College, and partly that some assistance might be fur- nished for rightly educating his townsmen of Ashburton. He died September 2, 1842, aged eighty. — Titrnouth, sculptor. A neat tablet erected to the memor}'- of Dr. Robert Cannon, Dean of Lincoln, and Prebendary of this Church, who died March 28, 1 722, aged fifty-nine. Over the We.;t Cloisters door is a most stately monument to the memory of General George Wade. In the centre is a beautiful marble pillar, enriched with military trophies highly finished. The principal figures represent Fame preventing Time from defacing his military honours. The whole is finely executed, and cannot be too much admired. The General's head is in a medallion ; and the inscription runs thus : — " To " the memory of George Wade, Field Marshal of his Majesty's " Forces, Lieutenant- General of the Ordnance, Colonel of his '* Majesty's Third Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Governor of " Fort William, Fort Augustus, and Fort George, and one of his " Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. He died March 14, " 1748, aged seventy-five." — Foubiliac, sculptor, A monument of General Sir James Outram, -^rith the following inscription : — " To the memory of Lieutenant- General Sir James 'G2 88 SOUTH AISLE. " Oikxakm, G.CLBw» K-S.I.» &c^ a soldier of the East India Coo ,ti^Q^4uu^ asenrkeoif 40 years in war and in council, by . of lacaiTeKj and devolton, by an unselfish life, by bcnevo- rSever v«iur7 of wdl-d(Kug, sustaiueii the honour of the wca tke love of his comrades, and promoted the "'telipiiiesac^ the piec^pleof laduk This monument is erected by *^ Oe Secrakttt7 of State for ladki in Cooncil. Bom January- 29, ** iSOS ; £ed Maid^k II, ISU. Intanredsa this Abbey at the public ^ ooiMfuchtS, 1863.* UBdertholMBtisiqpresentett in high relief tmiVafaaalm aeo^ptare of Latd Gfyde umL Oatnm diakkig hands, mdi Gcoenl Bavdoek betwem Aen and oth»' fixtures in the iMRl^fOBDd; mad ««eaf^adetiio%anesof the Scinde and Bibil tliba^ *■>— — ^^ Ae d««& of tbeir '^ gnat triend.''— iV o^'/e, sculp . o€ Trtf"*"* Mid WesfaBUMtei^ died April 3, IS 19, in the seventy- ioaitA jent of las age^ So andi was he respected, that the imneai loBowed iamt toUbegracve vift filial reverence ; and as a ostii^ tnUite of koMiar to kb mtsBoorr, raised this record dt kis Tntoes and Hitkt mStdiaL. Tbe monument consists of a teat* astatODg gMWtfcMaacog oa tlie base is represented a female, OBI bates, as tike cifcf of London, over whom a warrior is a abiidd ; hj him ataods )u& horse, which he seems ready to m tm ak for d^aee. — C l b al r tf, tetdpiar. C?*iwp-^ Hikssnrr. — This too^ has two learned inscriptions wfurn. iky oaa in Hebrew, Ae admtx ir. ^— v : -nd was erected to of tiie w^ of Sir Sa: :id. Baronet, who ,of ho'SfectMftdson, '_ , iT-t, in the twenty- jear of her age. The inscripdomi are thus translated : — be the £ord, my wife was precious ! Blessed be thy * remembrance, oh, Tirtuoas wonan ! " Thus far the Hebrew. The Greek thus : — ^ When I tttiak ect the resorrecticKi of thoee who in Christ." — Stantem, aaUptor. A liiaalifiil monument tt> Joss Smith, Esq. The design is a aikar, on which sits a lady ¥eOed, moumftd, and dis- :her right arm on a fine bast in reliel On the lorth. his descent from the Saitti'a in LifotanhTre : and issaa, viz., two daughters. Ann, the ^dest, fcs* ■aiiiid to Hemry Parker, Estj., siwi <' T it of yoot, who, having served forty-four years a com- ■BaaoBed officer, died March 17, 1750, aged sixty -eight. At the top of a beautiful pyramid of marble, is a medallion of this "at iht base of which are the figures of Minerva and OBftofed in binding the emblems of Wistiom. Pro- SOUTH AISLE. 39 dence, and Valour together, as characteristics of the hero. The decorations are military trophies. — Rouhiliac, sculptor. Ann Fil ding.— This tomb, on which are two very learned inscriptions, one in Hebrew, the other in Ethiopic, is erected to the memory of the second wife of Sir Samuel Morland, Baronet. The Hebrew inscription is to this effect : — " Oh, thou fairest " among women ! oh ! virtuous woman ! the hand of the Lord " hath done this ! the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, " and blessed be the name of the Lord." The Ethiopic inscrip- tion is thus translated : — " Come, lament o'er this monument " with a beloved husband, for thee; but in certain hope that thori " art united with Christ. This lady was truly religious, virtuous, " faithful, mild as a dove, and chaste; while she continued m " life, she was honoured, and is happy, tlirough mercy, in *' death." This is one of Mr. Addison's modest inscriptions, that has not, perhaps, been three times read in more than threescore years. Under the Ethiopic is this inscription : — " Ann, daughter " of George Eliding, Esq., and Mary, his wife, the truly lo\ing (and " as truly beloved) wife of Samuel Morland, Knight and Baronet, " died February 20, 167|j, setatis nineteen."— 5^un ton, sculptor. Diana Temple. — This old-fashioned moniunent seems to have been designed not for one person, but for all Sir William Temple's family, as appears by the inscription, written by Sir William him- self, in which is mentioned Diana Temple, who died at fourteen ; Dorothy Osbom, probably Sir William's lady, aged sixty-six; William Temple, aged seventy; and Martha Gitfard, called Lady Giffard, Sir William's sister, aged eighty-four. Sir Charles Harbord, Knight, and Clement Cottrell, Esq. — On the base of this double monument is represented in relief, a dreadful sea-fight ; and on the top, in a wreath of laurel, this inscription : — '* To preser^'c and unite the harmony of two " faithful fi-iends who lost their lives at sea together, May 28, " 1672." These two young gentlemen, of the most promising expectations, both perished in the Royal James, with the Earl of Sandwich, who commanded in her as Vice-Admiral against the Dutch, in that memorable fight off the coast of Sussex, in Charles the Second's time. The Royal James bemg set on fire, Sir Charles Harbord, First Lieutenant, though he might have saved himself by swimming, yet out of pure affection to his worthy Commander, chose to die with him. Young Cottrell was a volunteer; and having returned to his ship unwounded, from being the first man that had boarded a Dutchman of seventy guns, and pulled down the ensigns of her with his own hands, perished also with his friends. This gentleman understood seven languages, though but twenty-two years of age. This moving story is recited at large on the monument, but too long to copy. Above is the monument of Williasi Hargrave, Esq., Lieutenant-General of his Majesty's forces, Colonel of the Royal English Fusileers, and Governor of Gibraltar, who having been fifty-seven years a commissioned officer, died 2 1st January, 1750, aged seventy- nine. The figure of Time is represented to have overcome Death ; he is breaking the dart of Death across his 90 SOUTH AISLE. knee; the pyramid is destroyed at the sound of the trumpet, th dead rising, and the crown of Death is fallen to the ground. — Designed and executed by lioubiliac. A fine bust to Sidney, Earl Godolphin, with a rich cravat. In 1661, he was Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles II.; 1679, Commissioner of the Treasury ; in 1684, Secretary of State, and the same year created Baron of Rlalton, in Cornwall, by James II. After the Revolution he was made First Commissioner of the Treasury, and soon after Lord High Treasm-er, which office, as his inscription shows, together with that of Chief Minister, he held during the first nine glorious years of Queen Anne's reign. He died Sept. 15, 1712, aged sixty-seven. — Bird, sculptor. Colonel Roger Townshend. — Here is a sarcophagus, sup- ported by two Indians, on the front of which is represented in bas-relief, the fall of this great commander, with his officers attending him in his dying moments. This monument is deco- rated with military trophies, and beneath is the following inscrip- tion . — ••' This monument was erected by a disconsolate parent, '' the Lady Vicountess Townshend, to the memoiy of her fifth " son, the Honourable Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Townshend, who " was killed by a cannon-ball, July 25, 1759, in the twenty- *' eighth year of his age, as he was reconnoitring the French lines " at Ticonderagoe, in Nortli America. From the parent, the " brother, and the friend, his social and amiable manners, his " enterprising bravery, and the integrity of his heart, may claim " the tribute of affection. Yet, stranger, weep not ! for though " premature his death, his life was glorious, enrolling him with " the names of those immortal Statesmen and Commanders, " whose wisdom and intrepidity, in the course of this compre- " hensive and successful war, have extended the commerce, en- " larged the dominion, and upheld the majesty of these kingdoms, :■ beyond the idea of any former age." — Eckstein, sculptor. Above is a tablet to Mrs. Bridget Radlet, wife of Charles Radley, Esq., Gentleman Usher and Daily Waiter of James II., who erected this monument to her memory. She died Novem- ber 20, 1769. A monument to Sir John Chardin, Bart., and is very emblematical, alluding to the travels of this gentleman, by which, as his motto expresses, " he acquired his fame." The globe, round which a number of geographical instruments are represented, exhibits a view of the different countries through which he travelled ; and the motto beneath refers to the dangers he providentially escaped, for which he ascribes to God the glory. A journal of his travels into the Eastern countries he has pub- lished — a book in high esteem. — Henry Cheere, sculptor. Beneath is a mommient with this inscription : — " Sacred to " the immortal memory of Sir Palmes Fairborne, Knight, " Governor of Tangier, in the execution ot which command he " was mortally wounded by a shot from the Moors then besieging " the town, in the forty -sixth year of his age, October 24, 1680." The following is the epitaph, written by Mr. Dryden : — "Ye sacred rellques which our marble keep Here, undisturb'd by wars, in quiet sleep, SOUTH AISLE. 91 Discharge the trust which (when it was below) Fairborne's undaunted soul did undergo. And be the town's Palladium from the foe 1 Alive and dead, these walls he did defend: Oreat actions great examples must attend. The Candian siege his early value knew. Where Turkish blood did his young hands imbrue; From thence returning, with deserv'd applause, Against the Moors his well-flesh'd sword he draws, The same the courage, and the same the cause. His youth and age, his life and death combine, As in some great and regular design. All of a piece throughout, and all divine. Still nearer heaven, his virtues shone more bright : Like rising flames expanding in their height. The martyr's glory crowns the soldier's flight. More bravely liritish Gen'ral never fell, Hot Gen'ral's death was e'er reveng'd so well, Which his pleas'd eyes beheld before their close, Follow'd by thousand victims of his foes. To his lamented lo^s, for times to come, His pious widow consecrates this tomb." On a lofty dome is the deceased's arms, with this motto, " Tutis " si Fortis.'' Over it a Turk's head on a dagger, by way of crest, which he won by his valour in fighting against that people in the German war, — Busknall, sculptor. Major Andre. — On a moulded panelled base and plinth stands a sarcophagus, on the panel of which is inscribed: — " Sacred to " the memory of Major John Andre, who, raised by his merit, at " an early period of life, to the rank of Adjutant-General of the " British Forces in America, and employed in an important, but ■" hazardous enterprise, fell a sacrifice to his zeal for his King and " coimtry, on the 2nd October, 1780, aged twenty-nine, univer- ** sally beloved and esteemed by the army in which he served, " and lamented even by his foes. His gracious Sovereign, King ** George IH., has caused this monument to be erected ;" and on the plinth — " The remains of the said Major Andre were depo- ** sited on the 28th November, 1821, in a grave near this monu- " ment." This is the third head now placed on General Washing- ton's figure ; several others are new, the originals, being so well executed, were too great a temptation for the curious pilferer to withstand. The projecting figures : one of them (with a flag of truce) is presenting to General Washington a letter, which Andre had addressed to his Excellency the night previous to his execu- tion, worded thus : — " Sir, buoyed above the ten-or of death, by " the consciousness of a life devoted to honourable purposes, and " stained with no action which can give me remorse, I trust that " the request which I make to your Excellency at this serious " period, and which is to soften my last moments, will not be " rejected ; sympathy towards a soldier will surely induce your " Excellency, and a military tribunal, to adapt the mode of my " death to the feelings of a man of honour ; let me hope, Sir, *^ that if aught in my character impresses you with esteem to- " wards me, — if aught in my misfortunes mark me as the victim " of policy and not of resentment,— I shall experience the opera- " tions of those feelings in your breast, by being informed I am *' not to die on a gibbet. I have the honour to be, your Ex- 92 SOUTH AISLE. " cellency, John Andre, Adjutant of the British Forces in " America." — Van Gelder, sculptor. Against the organ gallery is the monument to Thomas Thtnne, Esq. — The principal figure is represented in a dying posture, and at his feet a cherub weeping. It has this inscrip- tion : — " Thomas Thynne, of Longleate, in Co. Wilts, Esq., who " was barbarously murdered on Sunday, the 12th February, 1682 ;" which murder was conspired by Count Koningsmarck, and exe- cuted by three assassins, hired for that purpose, who shot him in Pail-Mall, in his own coach. The motive was to obtain the rich heiress of Northumberland in marriage, who, in her infancy, had been betrothed to the Earl of Ogle, but left a widow, and after- wards married to Mr. Thynne. — Quellin, sculptor. Opposite, is a tablet of fine marble to General Strode, deco- rated with militar}' trophies, and bearing this inscription : — " Near " this place lie the remains of William Strode, Esq., Lieutenant- " General of his jSIajesty's Forces, and Colonel of the sixty-second " Regiment of Foot. He departed this life, January 14, 1776, in " the seventy-eighth year of his age, who constantly attended his " duty both at home and abroad, during a course of sixty years* •' service. He was a strenuous asserter of both civil and religious " liberty, as eL-tal)lislied at the glorious Revolution of William HI. " Military reader! go thou and do likewise." — Hay ward, scidptor^ Above is a tablet to Captain William Julius, who commanded the Colchester man-of-war, and died Oct. 3, 1698, aged thirty- three. George Churchill, second son of Sir Winston Churchill, of Dorsetshire, Knight, and brother of John, Duke of Marlborough. He was early trained to military affairs, and served with great honour by sea and land under Charles II., James II., William and Anne. He was Captain in the English fleet, at burning the French at La Hogue in William the Third's reign ; and for his bravery there made one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. In the succeeding reign he was made Admiral- in-Chief He died May 8, 1710, aged fifty-eight. An oval tablet to the memory of Major Richard Creed, enriched with military trophies; and on it there is this inscrip- tion : — " To the memory of the honoured Major Richard Creed, " who attended William III. in all his wars, everywhere signal- " izing himself, and never more himself than when he looked an " enemy in the face. At the glorious battle of Blenheim, 1704, " he commanded one of those squadrons that began the attack ; ** in two several charges he remained unhurt, but in the third, " after many wounds received, still valiantly fighting, he was " shot through the liead. His dead body was brought off by his " brother at the hazard of his own life, and buried tliere. To his " memory, his sorrowful mother erects this monument, placing it ** near another, which her son, when living, used to look upon " with pleasure, for the worthy mention it makes of that great " man, Edward, Earl of Sandwich, to whom he had the honour " to be related, and whose heroic virtue he was ambitious to " imitate. He was the eldest son of John Creed, of Oundell, SOUTH AISLE. 93 " Esq., and Elizabeth, his wife, only daughter of Sir Gilbert " Pickering, Bart., of Titmarsh, in Northamptonshire." Also a tablet in memory of Lieutenant Richard Creed, of the Bombay Artillery, who was killed in Upper Scinde, on the 20th of Februaiy, 1841, whilst fighting at the head of a party of volunteers from his troop, whom he had gallantly led to the as- sault of the fort Hujjack ; thus prematurely closing, in the twelfth year of his services in India, and the twenty-eighth of his age, a career of high credit and brightest promise, throughout which, his ability, prudence, and devotion to duty, secured not less the esteem of his superiors, than his uniform kindness and concilia- tory demeanour won the confidence and marked attachment of his humbler companions in arms. This tablet was erected by the officers of his regiment, to whom his generous nature, amiable deportment, and Christian virtues have, in no common degree, endeared his memory. — Thomas, sculptor. Above, on a plain marble stone, is an English inscription, re- citing the military glories of Sir Richard Bingham, who was of the ancient family of the Binghams, of Bingham Melcomb, in Dorsetshire ; and served in the reign of Queen Alary, at St. Quintin's ; in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, at Leith, in Scotland ; in the Isle of Candy, under the Venetians ; at Cabo Chrio, and in the famous battle of Lepanto, against the Turks ; in the civil wars of France in the Netherlands, at Smerwick. After this he was made Governor of Connaught, in Ireland, where he overthrew the Irish Scots, expelled the traitor O'Rourke, suppressed the rebellion, and was finally made Mai'shal of Ireland, and Governor of Leinster. He died at Dublin, January 19, 1598, aged seventy ; from whence he was brought, and here interred, by John Bingley, some time his servant. Above is a monument erected to the memory of Martin Folkes, of Hillington, in the county of Norfolk, Esq., who, under the auspices of Newton, happily employed his talents, industry, and time, in the study of sublime philosophy. He was chosen Presi- dent of the Royal Society in 1741, and calmly submitted to the common lot of man on the 28th June, 1754, at the age of sixty- three. He is represented sitting, with his hands resting on a book, shut, as if contemplating ; above is an urn, covered with drapery, that a boy holds up ; there are two more boys, one of whom seems much surprised, from looking through a microscope, while the other, with a pair of compasses, is measuring the globe. — Ashton, sculptor. Opposite, on your left, is a monument — " Sacred to the " memory of General Sir Thomas Trigge, Knight of the most " Honourable Order of the Bath, Lieutenant- General of the " Ordnance, and Colonel of the forty-fourth Regiment of Foot ; " who spent a long life in active ser^dce, and enjoyed the uniform " approbation of his sovereign and of his country to his latest " hour. He begun his career as Ensign in the twelfth Regiment ; " served during the seven years' war in Germany ; was present " at the battles of Minden, Fellinghausen, Williamsdahl, and " others : he commanded the same regiment during the whole of U SOUTPI AISLE. " the memorable defence of Gibraltar, and was afterwards many " years Lieutenant-Governor of that fortress. While Com* " mander-in-chief in the West Indies, he captured Surinam, and " various islands ; and for his services was made K.B. He lived " respected and beloved, and departed this life in his seventy- " second year, on the 11th January, 1814." — Bacon, sculptor. Thomas Owen, Esq. — On this monument is a fine figure of a Judge in his robes, leaning on his right arm, and over him an inscription, showing that he was the son of Richard Owen, by Mary, daughter and heiress of Thomas Otley, of Shropshire, Esq. ; that from his youth he had applied himself to the study of the laws, and was first made Serjeant temp, to Queen Elizabeth, and afterwards a Justice of the Common Pleas. He died Dec. 21, 1598. Pasquale de Paoli. — A bust strongly resembling the deceased, with the following inscription under it : — " To the memory of Pasquale de Paoli, one of the most eminent " and most illustrious characters of the age in which he lived. " He was bom at Rostino, in Corsica, April 5, 1725 ; was unani- " mously chosen, at the age of thirty. Supreme Head of that " island, and died in this metropolis, February 5, 1807, aged "eighty-two years. The early and better part of his life he ** devoted to the cause of liberty, nobly maintaining it against ** the usurpation of Genoese and French tyranny. By his many " -splendid achievements, his useful and benevolent institutions, ** ^is patriotic and public zeal, manifested upon every occasion, " he amongst the few who have merited so glorious a title, most " justly descrv^es to be hailed the father of his country. Being *' obliged by the superior force of his enemies, to retire from *' Corsica, he sought refuge in this land of liberty, and was here *' most graciously received, amidst the general applause of a ■" magnanimous nation, into the protection of his Majesty, King " George III., by whose fostering hand and munificence he not " only obtained a safe and honourable asylum, but was enabled, " during the remainder of his days to enjoy the society of his " friends and faithful followers in affluent and dignified retire- ^* ment. He expressed to the last moment of his life the most " grateful sense of his Majesty's paternal goodness towards him, " praying for the preservation of his sacred person, and the *' prosperity of his dominions." — Flaxman, sculptor. Against the pillar is an oval tablet to James Kendall, Esq., supported by a Death's head. He was chosen a member of the last Parliament of James II., and served in several Parliaments afterwards in the reign of William HI., by whom he was made Governor of Barbadoes, and one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty. He died July 10, 1708, aged sixty. Then turning yourself, you see opposite — A little monument of white marble, erected to the memory of Dr. Isaac Watts. It is divided by a fascia, over which a bust of that eminent divine is exhibited, supported by Genii, who seem pleased with the office to which they are allotted. Underneath, in a circle, is a fine figure of the Doctor sitting on a stool, in the SOUTH AISLE. 95 attitude of deep contemplation, which is finely expressed by an Angel opening to him the wonders of creation, while in one hand he holds a pen, and with the other points to a celestial globe. ' His name, the dates of his birth and death, are inscribed on the plinth :—" Isaac Watts, D.D., bom July 17, 1674. Died No- ** vember 25, 1748." — Banks, sculptor. George Stepkey, Esq., descended from the Stepneys of Pen- dergraft, in Pembrokeshire, but bom at Westminster, 1663, elected into the College of St. Peter's, at Westminster, 1676, and entered of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1682. In 1692 he was sentEnvoy to the Elector of Brandenburgh ; in 1696 and 1697, to the Electors of Mentz, Triers, Cologne, Palatine, Landgrave of Hesse, and to the Congi'css of Frankfort, on his return from which he was made Commissioner of Trade; in 1698, was sent a second time Envoy to the Elector of Brandenburgh ; in 1699, in the same quality to Poland ; in 1701, a second time to the Emperor; and lastly, in 1 706, to the States General. All these several embassies he conducted Avith such integrity, application, and ease, that he generally exceeded the expectations of his sovereigns, William and Anne, by whom he was employed. He died at Chelsea, 1707. Above is a monument erected to the memory of John Me- THUEN, Es(i., who died in the service of his country, in Portugal, July. 13, 1706, and was here interred, September 17, 1708. — Rysbrack, sculptor. Also to that of his son, the Riglit Hon. Sir Paitl Methuen, of Bishop's Canning, Wilts, one of his Maiestv's roost Honourable Privy Council, and Knighr of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, who died April 11, 1767, aged eighty-five. Beneath is a bust — " To the memory of Charles Burnet, ** LL.D., L.D., F.S.A., et U.S., in the Royal Academy, London, " Professor of Greek and Latin, Chaplain in Ordinary to his " Majesty George III., Prebendary of the Church of Lincoln, ■" Rector of Cliff, and of St. Paul, Deptford, in the county of Kent, ■** eighteen years master of Greenwich School. He died on the •" 28th Jan. 1818, in his sixty-first year, and was buried at Dept- ^' ford." The Latin inscription sets forth, that " he was a man of ■*' various and deep learning, of a judgment of critical nicety and "" elegance of style, polished by unremitting exercise, and in solving " difficulties in metrical composition, of exquisite skill. His •' pupils, from a collection raised amongst themselves, caused this ■" monument to be erected." — Gahagan, sculptor. John Wesley, M.A. Born June 17, 1703 ; died March 2, 1791. Charles Wesley, M.A. Bora December 13, 1708 ; died March 29, 1788. " The best of all is, God is with us." " I look upon all the world as my parish." " God buries His workmen, but canicaoii His work." Thomas Knipe, S.T.P. — This monument was erected by Alice, second wife of this learned man, who, for fifty years, was employed in Westminster School, sixteen whereof as Head Master. He was also a Prebendary of this Cathedral. The long Latin inscription contains nothing more than a laboured recital 96 SOUTH AISLE. of a good man's virtues, and that he died August 8, 1711, aged seventy-three. At his feet is the grave of his affectionate scholar, William King, LL.D., without any inscription. Here hath been lately added an inscription in memory of two brothers, who both died in the service of their country : Captain John Knife, 90th regiment, at Gibraltar, October 25, 1798, in the twenty- second year of his age ; Captain Robert Knife, 14th Light Dragoons, at Villa Formosa, May 17, 1811, aged thirty-two. Opposite, on your left, is the monument to Dame Grace Gethin. — This lady, married to Sir Richard Gethin Grot, in Ireland, was famed for exemplary piety, and wrote a book of devotion, which Mr. Congreve complimented with a poem. She died October 11, 1697, aged twenty-one. Elizabeth and Judith Freke. — A long inscription, setting forth the descent and marriage of these two ladies, whose busts in relief ornament the sides. They were, as the inscription says, the daughters of Ralph Freke, of Hannington, in Wilts, Esq. Elizabeth was married to Percy Freke, of West Belney, in Norfolk, and died April 7, 1714, aged sixty-nine. Judith married Robert Austin, of Tenterden, in Kent, and died May 19, 1716, aged sixty-four. They were both great examples to their sex; the best of daughters, the best of wives, and the best of mothers. Opposite is a monument to William Wragg, Esq. : in the centre of which is represented the fatal accident that happened to the ship in which he was embarked, Avhen he, with many more, was drowned, September 3, 1777. His son, who accompanied him, was miraculously saved on a package, supported by a black slave, till he was cast on shore, on the coast of Holland. "Sir Cloudbslt Shovell, Knight, Rear- Admiral of Great " Britain, and Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet, " the just rewards of his long and faithful services. He was de- " servedly beloved of his country, and esteemed, though dreaded, " by the enemy, who had often experienced his conduct and cou- " rage. Being shipwrecked on the rocks of Scilly, in his voyage "from Toulon, October 22, 1707, at night, in the fifty-seventh " year of his age, his fate was lamented by all, but especially " by the seafaring part of the nation, to whom he was a generous " patron, and a worthy example. His body was flung on the " shore, and buried with others, on the sand ; but being soon " after taken up, was placed under this monument, which his " Royal Mistress had caused to be erected, to commemorate " his steady loyalty and extraordinary virtues." A recumbent figure of the Admiral lies under a tent ; beneath, in bas-relief, is the wreck of the Association. — Bird, sculptor. Above is a monument to Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bart., under a canopy of state, the curtains whereof are finely gilt, and tied up with gold strings ; and on each side of the l)ust is a weeping cherub, one resting on a medallion of his lady, the other pointing to Sir Godfrey. On the pedestal is a Latin inscription, sig- nifying that Sir Godfrey Kneller, Knt., who lies interred here, was painter to Charles tl., James II., William III., Anne, and George H. Bora in 1646, died in 1723, aged seventy-seven. SOUTH AISLE. 97 He was kniglited March 3, 1691, and created a baronet May 24, 1715. Among his most excellent works are the "Beauties of '' the Court of Charles I." This monument was designed by Sir Godfrey himself. Bust by Rysbrack. Underneath is his epitaph, written by Mr. Pope : — " Kneller, by Heaven, and not a master, tauglit. Whose art was nature, and whose pictures thought — When now two ages he had snatched from fate Whate'er was beauteous, or whate'er was great — Rests, crowned with princes' honours, poets' lays, Due to his merit and brave tliirst of praise: Living, great Nature fear'd he might outvie Her worlvs; and dyhig, fears herseif may die." Sir John Bcrland, Knt., LL.D.— One of the Barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer ; as a man, valued and beloved ; as a judge, honoured and revered. He died suddenly, on the 29th of February, 1776, aged fifty-one years. On a pyramid of black marble is represented his profile in a medallion of statuary marble, decorated with emblems alluding to the qualities for which he was eminent, particularly the caduceus, denoting his eloquence, and the scales, expressive of justice. On the left is a neat tablet, which contains the following in- scription : — " To the memory of Williaji Ualrymple, Midship- " man, eldest son of Sir John Dalrymple, Bart., one of the Barons " of Exchequer in Scotland, and of Elizabeth Hamilton Macgill, '* representatives of the Viscounts of Oxford ; who, though heir of " ample estates, preferred to a life of indolence and pleasure the *' toilsome and perilous profession of a seaman when his country " was in danger. At the age of eighteen, he was killed, oflthe " coast of Virginia, in a desperate engagement, in wliich Captain '' Saker, in the Santa Margaretta, took the Amazone, a French " ship of superior force, almost in sight of the enemy's fleet ; *' receiving in the public despatches of his skihul and generous " Commander, the honourable testimony that he was a worthy " and deserving youth, who, had he lived, would have been an " ornament to his profession ; and leaving to his once happy " parents, in whose fond eyes he appeared to promise whatever " could 1)6 expected from genius, spirit, and the best gift of God, " a kind and melting heart, the endearing remembrance of his " virtues. Father of all! grant to the prayers of a father and " mother, that their surviving children may inherit the qualities " of such a brother, and that there may never be wanting to the " British youth, the spirit to pursue that line of public honour " which he marked out for himself and for them. Obit 29th " July, 1782." An'oval tablet, thus inscribed .- — *' Near these steps lies the body '' of Mrs. Ann Wemtss, daughter of Dr. Lodowick Wemyss, some " time Prebendary of this Cathedral, and of Mrs. Jane Bargrave, " his wife, who departed this life, December 19, 1698, in hei ** sixty-seventh year." Sophia Fairholm. — This lady, her monumental inscription informs us, was born in Scotland, and was mother to the Marquis of Annandale, who, as a mark of his duty and gratitude, caused 98 SOUTH AISLE. this monument to be erected to her memory. It is the repre- sentation of an ancient sepulchre, over which a stately edifice is raised, ornamented at top with the family arms. She died December 13, 1716, aged forty-nine. Above are inscriptions to the memory of Rear- Admiral John Harrison, who was Captain of the Namur, under Sir George Pocock, in several successful engagements with the French Fleet, commanded by Monsieur D'Ache, in one of which he was wounded. He conducted, under the same British Admiral, the armament against the Havannah, and brought the fleet and treasure safe to England. In consequence of excessive fatigue, soon after his return, he lost the use of one side by a paralytic stroke, and remained helpless twenty-eight years. He was firm in action, prudent in conduct, polished in society, generous and humane in a profession, and upon an element, where human virtue is of the most rigid kind, and human nature is most severely tried ; his modesty was equal to his virtues. He died October 15, 1791, aged sixty-nine years. Above and below are expressed, in Latin, the following words : — " God is my port and refuge : God hath " shown His wonders in the deep." Opposite, on your left, is the monument to Sir Thomas Richardson. — There is an effigy, in brass, of a Judge in his robes, with a collar of SS., representing Sir Thomas Richardson, Knight, " Speaker of the House of Commons in the twenty- " first and twenty-second year of James I., Chief Justice of the " Common Pleas ; and, lastly, by Charles I., made L.C.J, of " England. He died in 1634, in his sixty-sixth year." So far the inscription. This is that Judge Richardson who first issued out an order against the ancient custom of wakes, and caused every minister to read it in his church, which the Bishop of Bath and Wells opposing, complaint was made against the order in the Council-chamber, where Richardson was so severely repri- manded, that he came out in a rage, saying — he had been almost choked with a pair of lawn sleeves. — Suber le Seur, sculptor. An ancient monument of marble and alabaster, gilt, on which lies a warrior at full length, representing William Thynne, of Botterville, Esq., a polite gentleman,'"a great traveller, and a brave soldier. In 1546 he was, by Henry VIII., made receiver of the marches, and fought against the Scots at Musselburgh. But his latter days were spent in retirement and devotion in this Church, to which he constantly repaired, morning and evening. His brother was Sir John Thynne, Secretary to the Duke of Somerset, from whom descended that unhappy gentleman whose story we have already related. He died March 14, 1584. Rev. Dr. Andrew Bell, LL.D., Prebendary of this Church, the eminent founder of the Madras, now the National System of Education, throughout the British dominions. He is represented examining the boys under his system. Died 27th January, 1832. — Behnes, sculptor. Here you pass through the gate; the monument of Garrick is on your right. SOUTH TRANSEPT, ETC. 99 gnutji fransB^; nr, fnrts' Cnriur. BUST of George Grote, Historian of Greece. Born 17th November, 1794; died 18th June, 1871. " To the memory of David Garrick, who died " in the year 1779, at the age of sixty-three. " To paint fair Nature, by Divine command — Her magic pencil in liis glowing hand — A Shakspeare rose ; then, to expand his fame. Wide o'er this ' breathing world,' a Garrick came. Though sunk in death the forms the Poet drew. The Actor's genius bade them breathe anew ; Though, like the bard liimself, in night they lay. Immortal Garrick call'd them back to day; And till eternity, with power sublime. Shall mark the mortal hour of hoary Time, Shakspeare and Garrick like twin stars shall shine, And earth irradiate with a beam divine." — Pratt. "This monument, the tribute of a friend, was 'erected in 1797.** — Webber, fecit. Garrick's throwing aside the curtain, which discovers the medallion, is meant to represent his superior power to unveil the beauties of Shakspeare. Tragedy and Comedy are assembled with their respective attributes, to witness and approve the scene. John Ernest Grabe : a curious figure, large as life, represent- ing him sitting upon a marble tomb, contemplating the sorrows of death, and the sorrows of the grave. He was a man deeply skilled in Oriental learning. He died Nov. 3, 1711, aged forty- six, and was buried at Pancras, near London. — Bird, sculptor. Sir Robert Taylor, Knight, who was a famous architect. He died on the 26th of September, 1788, aged seventy years. WiLLiA]vi Camden, the great recorder of our antiquities, who is represented in a half length, in the dress of his time, with his left hand holding a book, and in his right his gloves, resting on an altar, on the body of which is a Latin inscription, setting forth his " indefatigable industry in illustrating the British " Antiquities, and his candour, sincerity, and pleasant good- " humour in private life." He was son to Samson Camden, citizen of London, and paper-stainer; was born in the Old Bailey, May 2, 1551, and received the first rudiments of his education at Christ Churcli Hospital. In 1566, he entered himself of Magdalen College, Oxford, but afterwards removed to Pembroke, where he became acquainted with Dr. Goodman, Dean of Westminster, by whose recommendation, in 1575, he was made second master of "Westminster School, and began the glorious work of his Anti- quities, encouraged thereto and assisted by his patron, Dr. Good- man. In August, 1622, he fell from his chair, at his house, in Chiselhurst, in Kent, and never recovered, but lingered till Nov. 9, 1623, and then died, aged seventy-four. This monument was repaired and beautified at the charge and ex])euse of the University of Oxford. In front of Camden's monument lie the remains of John Ireland, Dean of Westminster, and in the same grave those of his friend, William Gifford, a distinguished critic, satirist, and 100 SOUTH TRANSEPT; dramatic annotator. In private life Mr, Gifford was modest and unassuming, and amongst the numerous parties, poetical, political, or religious, none of them ever ventured to recriminate by attack- ing the moral character of the Editor of the Quarterly Review. He was born at Ashburton, in 1757, and died 1826. Isaac Casaubon, — This monument was erected by the learned Dr. Moreton, Bishop of Dm-ham, to the memory of that profound scholar and critic, whose name is inscribed upon it, and who, though a native of France, and in his younger years Royal Library Keeper of Paris, yet was so dissatisfied with the cere- monial part of the Romish worship, that upon the murder of his great patron, Henry IV., he willingly quitted his native country, and at the earnest entreaty of James I., settled in England, where, for uncommon knowledge, he became the admiration of all men of learning. He died, 1614, in the fifty-sixth year of his age. The monument to Casaubon is not without interest to the mind of the curious, as upon close inspection may be seen the initials and date of "good old Izaak Walton" (1. W., 1658), Author of " The Complete Angler." This renowed piscator has somewhere said that he went into Westminster Abbey to visit the tomb of his departed friend, Casaubon, and while there, in con- templation before his monument, he ventured to scratch his own initials and date upon it. Sir Richard Coxe, who was taster to Queen Elizabeth and James I., and to the latter, Steward of the Household ; a man eommended in his epitaph for his religion, humanity, chastity, temperance, friendship, beneficence, charity, vigilance, and self- denial. He was third son of Thomas Coxe, of Beymonds, in Hert- fordshire, and died a bachelor, in the sixty-ninth year of his age, December 13, 1623. A small tablet to the memory of James Wyat, Esq., who was architect of this church, and Surveyor-General of His Majesty's Board of Works. Departed this life on the 4th day of Sept., 1813. Above is a monument to Sir John Pringle, Bart. The in- scription sets forth that he was Physician to the Army, the Prin- cess of Wales, and their Majesties ; President of the Royal Society. He was bom in Scotland, in April, 1707 ; and died in London, in January, 1782. Edward Wetenhall, M.D., an eminent Physician, who died August 29, 1733. His father was Dr. Edward Wetenhall, who was first advanced to the See of Cork, in Ireland, but was after- wards translated from thence to Kilmore and Ross. He died November 12, 1713, aged seventy-eight. Dr. Stephen Hales. — Here are two beautiful figures in relief, Religion and Botany ; the latter holds a medallion of this great explorer of nature to public view; Religion is deploring the loss of the divine ; and at the feet of Botany, the winds are displayed on a globe, which allude to his invention of the ventilator. The Latin inscription is to the folio fvdng effect : — " To the memory of " Stephen Hales, Doctor of Divinity, Augusta, the mother of that " best of Kings, George the Third, has placed tliis monument, " who chose him, when living, to officiate as her chaplain; and OR, POl/i'S'. CORNER. 101 " after he died, which was on the 4th of January, 1T61, in the " eighty-fourth year of his ag3, honoured hin* vrich cbis marble. "About the tomb of Haies, whose fair design And polish great Augusta caus'd to sliine, Religion, hoary Faith, and Virtue wait, And shed perpetual tears in mournful state. But of the preacher, render'd to his clay. The voice of Wisdom still hath this to say — He was a man to hear affliction's cry, And trace his Maker's works with curious eye. O Hales ! thy |)raises not the latest age Shall e'er diminish, or shall blot thy page ; England, so proud of Newton, shall agree She had a son of equal rank in thee." — Wilton, sculptor. Thomas Triplett, D.D., who was born near Oxford, and edu- cated at Christ Chiu-ch, where he was esteemed a wit, a good Grecian, and a poet. In 1 645, he was made Prebendary of Preston, in the Church of Sarum, and had also a living, which being seques- tered in the Rebellion, he fled to Ireland, and taught school in Dublin, where he was when Charles I. was beheaded. Not liking Ireland, he returned to England, and taught school at Hayes, in Middlesex, till the Restoration, when he was made Prebendary of Westminster, and of Fenton in the Chm-ch of York. He died at a good old age, July 18, 1670, mitch beloved and lamented. A bust of Dr. Isaac Barrow, representing this truly great man, wlio, as the inscription shows, was Chaplain to Charles IL, Head of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Geometrical Professor of Gresham College, in London, and of Greek and Mathematics at Cambridge. His works have been said to be the foundation of all the divinity that has been written since his time. He died May 4, 1677, aged 47. Above this monument the arch is plastered and painted with the figure of a stag, which was done by order of Ricliard II.; the following motto was on the collar ; — " When Julius Csesar first came In, About my neck he put this ring ; Whosoever doth me take, Use me well for Caesar's sake." It is said he lived three or four hundred years, William Outram, D.D. — The Latin inscription sets forth that he was bom in Derbyshire, fellow of Trinity and Christ Church Colleges in Cambridge, Canon of this Abbey, and Archdeacon of Leicester; an accomplished di-snne, a nervous and accurate writer, an excellent and diligent preacher, first in Lincolnshire, afterwards in London, and lastly at St. Margaret's, Westminster, where he finished his life with great applause, August 23, 1679, aged fifty- four. The inscription on the pedestal shows farther, that after a long and religious life, and forty-two years of widowhood, Jane, his wife, died Oct. 4, 1721. A fine figure of Joseph Addisox, Esq., on a circular basement, about which are small figures of the nine muses. The Latin inscription is to the following purport : — " Whoever " thou art, venerate the memory of Joseph Addison, in whom " Christian faith, virtue, and good morals, found a continual *^ ]:»atron ; whose genius was shown in verse, and every exquisite u 102 SOUTH Tii4NyEPT; " kind of writing ; who gave to postei:ity the best examples of " pure Iai,"igu»ge;, and .th^ best rules ior living well, which remain, " and ever will remain sacred 4 whose v^'cight of argument was " tempered with wit, and accurate judgment with politeness, so " that he encouraged the good, and reformed the improvident, " tamed the wicked, and in some degree made them in love with " virtue. He was bom in the year 1672, and his fortune being " increased gradually, arrived at length to public honours. Died " in the forty-eighth year of his age, the honour and delight of " the British nation." — He was buried in front of Lord Halifax's monument, north aisle of Henry the Seventh's Chapel. — Sir Richard Westmacott, sculptor. Lord Macaulay. — The body of this eminent historian is de- posited close to the statue of Addison. Born October 25th, 1800 ; died December 28th, 1859. Near the statute of Addison are two fine busts, one on each side, of Lord Macaulay, by Burnard ; and Thackeray, by Marrochetti. George Frederick Handel. — This is the last monument which that eminent statuary, Roubiliac, lived to finish. It is affirmed that he first became conspicious, and afterwards finished the exercise of his art, with a figure of this extraordinary man. The first was erected in the gardens at Vauxhall, therefore well known to the public. The last figure is very elegant, and the face is a strong likeness of its original. The left arm is resting on a group of musical instruments, and the attitude is very ex- pressive of great attention to the harmony of an angel playing on a harp in the clouds, over his head. Eefore it lies the cele- brated Messiah, with that part open, where is the much-admired air, — " / know that my Redeemer liveth.'^ Beneath, only this in- scription : — "George Frederick Handel, Esq., born Feb. 23, 1684. " Died April 14, 1759." Sacred to the memory of Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell, Knight of the Bath, M.P., Colonel of the seventy- fourth Regiment of Foot, Hereditary Usher of the White Rod for Scotland, late Governor of Jamaica, Governor of Fort St. George, and Commander-in-Chief of the Forces on the coast of Coromandel, in the East Indies. He died equally regretted and admired for his eminent civil and military services to his country; possessed of distinguished endowments of mind, dignified man- ners, inflexible integrity, unfeigned benevolence, with every social and amiable virtue. He departed this life March 31, a.d. 1791, aged fifty-two. " Alas, piety! alas, fidelity! like that of old, and "warlike courage! when shall you have his equal?" — Wilton, sculptor. Here also lies the body of his nephew, Lieutenant-General Sir James Campbell, Bart., G.C.H., and CSS., F.M., who served during the whole of the last war in many distinguished situations ; was Commander of the Forces in the Ionian Islands at the general peace of 1814, and died at London upon the 6th of June, 1819, aged fifty -four. On a tablet is the following inscription :— *' To the memory of POET'S COEITBB, P- lOJi. OR, POETS' CORNER. 103 ^* Mart Hope, who died at Brockhall, in the county of North- ," ampton, on the 25th of June, 1767, aged twenty-five, and ** whose remains lie in the neighbouring church at Norton, this *• stone, an unavailing tribute of affliction, is by her husband "erected and inscribed. She was the only daughter of Eliab " Breton, of Forty Hill, Middlesex, Esq., and was married to " John Hope, of London, Merchant, to whom she left three " infant sons, Charles, John, and William. "Tlio' low in earth, her beauteous form decay'd, My faithful wife, my lov'd Maria's laid. In sad remembrance, the afflicted raise No pompous tomb Inscrib'd with venal praise. To statesmen, warriors, and to kings, belong The trnphied sculpture, and the poet's song ; And the--e the proud expiring often claim, Their wealth bequeuthinj,' to record their name. But humble virtue, stealing to the dust, Heeds not our lays, or monumental bust. To name her virtues iil befits my grief — What was my bliss can now give no relief; A Imsband nourns— the rest let friendship tell ; Fame, spread her worth ! a husband knew it well !" Sir Thomas and Lady Robinson. — This monument to the memory of the Dowager Baroness Lechmere, eldest daughter of Charles Howard, third Earl of Carlisle, and widow of Nicholas Lord Lechmere, afterwards married Sir Thomas Robinson, of Rookby Park, in the county of York, Baronet, on October 28, 1728, and died April 10, 1739, aged forty-four. Sir Thomas, after enjoying many honourable and lucrative employments in the State, spent the latter part of his life in retirement, dying March 3, 1777, aged seventy-six. — Walsh, sculptor. Edward Atkyns and his ancestors. The first was Sir Edward Atkyns, one of the Baronsof the Exchequer in the reigns of Charles Land II., and of such loyalty as to resist the most splendid offers of the Oliverian pnrty. He died in 1 669, aged eighty-two. The second,. Sir Robert Atkyns, was created Knight of the Bath at the coro- nation of Charles 11. ; was afterwards L.C.B. of the Exchequer under William III., and Speaker of the House of Lords in several Parliaments ; a person of eminent learning, as his writings abun- dantly prove. He died in 1709, aged eighty-eight. — The third^ Sir Edwaixl Atkyns, Avas L.C.B. of the Exchequer at the time of the Revolution ; but not approving that measure, he retired from public business to his seat in Norfolk, where his chief employment was healing breaches among his neighbours, which he decided with such exemplary justice, that none refused his refei*ence, nor did the most litigious men appeal from his award. He died in 1698, aged sixty-eight. — The fourth, Sir Robert Atkyns, was versed in the Antiquities of his country, of which his History of Gloucester was a proof. He died in 1711, aged sixty-five years. — The inscription sets forth, that in memory of his ancestors, who have so lionourably presided in "Westminster Hall, Edward Atkyns, Esq., late of Kettringham, in Norfolk, second son of thc- last-named Sir Edward, caused this monument to be erected. He died Jan. 20, 1 7 50, aged seventy-nine years. — Cheer e, sculptor, H 2 104 SOUTH TRANSEPT; A medrtllion and inscription — " To the memory of the Right "Honourable Jambs Stuart Mackenzie, Lord Privy Seal "of Scotland, a man whose virtues did honour to humanity. " He cultiva'^ed and encouraged science ; and during a long "life, was genero«iis without ostentation, secretly charitable, " friendly, hospitable, and ever ready to oblige. He was beloved " and revered by all : he had many friends, and not one enemy. ** He died the 6th of April, 1800, in the eighty-second year of his " age. He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of John, Duke of " Argyle and Greenwich, his uncle." — NoUekens, sculptor. John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich. — On one side of the base is the figure of Minerva, and on the other of Eloquence ; done by Roubiliac, particularly expressive. Above is the figure of History, with one hand holding a book, with the other writing on a pyramid the titles of the hero, Avhose actions are supposed to be contained in the book, on the cover of which, in letters of gold, are inscribed the date of his Grace's birth, Oct. 10, 1680, and time of his death, Oct. 4, 1743. The principal figure is spirited, even to the verge of life. On the pyramid is this epitaph, said to be written by Paul Whitehead, Esq. : — " Briton ! behold, If patriot worth be dear, A shrine that claims a tributary tear; Silent that tongue admiring senates heard, Nerveless that arm opposing legions foar'd. Nor less, Campbell ! thine the power to please, And givo to grandeur all the grace of ease. Long from thj' life let kindred heroes trace Arts which ennoble still the noblest race ; Others may owe their future fame to me, 1 borrow immorlality from thee." Underneath this, in great letters, is written — " John, duke of *' argyle and gr — " at which point the pen of History rests. On the base of the monument is this inscription : — " In memory " of an honest man, a constant friend, John, the great Duke of " Argyle and Greenwich, a General and Orator, exceeded by ■" none in the age he lived, Sir Henry Fermer, Bart., by his last *' will, left the sum of .500Z. towards erecting this monument, and " recommended the above inscription." Over the door of the Chapel of St. Faith, is the monument of f)LrvER Goldsmith, M.D., representing the portrait of the Doctor in profile. A festoon curtain, olive branches, and books, are the chief ornamxnts. Underneath is a Latin inscription, of which the following is the import : — " That he was eminent as a " Poet, Philosopher, and Historian ; that he scarcely left any "species of writing unattempted, and none that he attempted, ^'unimproved; that he was master of the softer passions, and ^' could at pleasure command tears, or provoke laughter ; but in ^' everything he said or did. good nature was predominant ; that " he was witty, sublime, spirited, and facetious; in speech pom- " pons ; in conversation elegant and graceful ; that the love of " his associates, fidelity of his friends, and the veneration of his " readers, had raised this monument to his memory. He was born " in Ireland, November 29, 1731, educated at DubUn.and died at OR, POETS' CORNER. 105 "London, April 4, 1774, and was buried in the Temple burial " ground." — NoUekens, sculptor. Near to the door of ihe Chapel of St. Faith is a black marble slab, which covers the remains of Charles Dickens, bom Feb. 7th, 1812, died J une 9ih, 1 870. And near to him are the remains of Handel, Cumberland. Macaulay, Sheridan, Garrick, Samuel Johnson, and Thomas Parr, of the county of Salop, born 1483, Avho lived in the reign of ten Princes: vIb., Edward IV., Edward v., Richard III., Henry VIL, Henr}- VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. He died Nov. 15th, 1635, at the age of 152. A monument erected to the memory of John Gat, by the bounty and favour of the Duke and Duchess of Queensberry, who were the great encouragers of his genius. The masks, tragedy, dagger, and instruments of music, which are blended together in a group are emblematical devices, alluding to the various ways of writing in which he excelled : namely, farce, satire, fable, and pastoral. The short epitaph on the front was written by himself. It is censured by some for its levity, — " Life is a jest, and all things show it : I thought so once, but now I know it." Underneath are these verses, by Mr. Pope, who lived always in great friendship with Mr. Gay : " Of manners gentle, of affections mild ; In wit a man, simplicity a child ; With native humour temp'rng virtuous rage, Form'd to delight at once and lash the age ; Above temptation in a low estate, And uncorrupted e'en among the great ; A safe companion and an easy friend, Unblamed through life, lamented in thy end ; These are tliy honours ; not that here thy bust Is mix'd with heroes, or with Kings tliy dust; But that the worthy and the good shall say, Striijing their pensive bosoms — Here lies Gay 1 " He died December 4, 1732, aged forty -five. — Byshrack, sculptor. Nicholas Rowe, Esq., and his only daughter. On the front of the pedestal is this inscription : — " To the memory of Nicholas ** Rowe, Esq., who died in 1718, aged forty-five ; and of Char- " LOTTE, his only daughter, wife of Henry Fane, Esq., who, in- " heriting her father's spirit, and amiable in her own innocence " and beauty, died in the twenty-second year of her age, 1739." "Underneath, upon the front of the altar, is this epitaph : — " Thy reliques, Rowe I to this sad shrine we trust, And near thy Shaltspeare place thy honour'd bust. Oh ! next him skill'd to draw the tender tear, For never heart felt passion more sincere; To nobler sentiment to fire the brave. For never Briton more disdained a slave; Peace to thy geiilie shade, and endless rest, Blest in thy genius, in thy love, too, blest! And blest, that timely from our scene remov'd, Thy soul eiijoj's that liberty it lov'd! To these so mourn'd in death, so loved in life, The cliildless parent and the widow'd wife, With tears inscribed this monumental stone. That hold their ashes, and expects her own." 106 SOUTH TRANSEPT; Mr. Rowc was Poet Laureate, and author of several fine tragedies j and, just before his death, had finished a translation of Lucan's Pharsalia. — Ttyshrack, sculptor. Jabies Thomson, author of the Seasons, and other Poetical Works. The figure of Mr. Thomson leans its left arm upon a pedes- tal, holding a book in one band, and the Cap of Liberty in the other. Upon the pedestal, in bas-relief, are the Seasons ; to which a boy points, offering him a laurel crown, as the reward of his genius. At the feet of the figure is the tragic mask and the ancient harp. The Avhole is supported by a projecting pedestal, and in a panel is the following inscription : — *' James Thomson, '■ Mtatis 48, out 27 August, 1748. Tutored by thee, sweet " Poetry exalts her voice to ages, and informs the page with " music, image, sentiment, and thought, never to die !" Erected 1762. — Spang, sculptor. William Shakspeare. — Both the design and workmanship of this monument are extremely elegant. The figure of Shaks- peare, and his attitude, his dress, his sliape, his genteel air, and fine composure, all so delicately expressed h}^ the sculptor, cannot be sufiiciently admired; and those beautiful lines of his that -appear on the scroll are very happily chosen : — " The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorp:eous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inheiit, shall dissolve. And, like the baseless fabric of a vision, Leave not a wreck behind."— 7%^ Tempest. The heads on the pedestal, representing Hemy V., Richard IIL, and Queen Elizabeth (three principal characters in his plays), are likewise proper ornaments to grace his tomb. In short, the taste that is here shown does honour to those great names under whose direction, by the public favour, it was so elegantly con- structed : namely, the Earl of Burlington, Dr. Mead, Mr. Pope, and Mr. Martin. It was designed by Kent, executed by Scliee- makers, and the expense defrayed by the grateful contributions of the public, 125 years after his death. He died April 24, 1617, in his .53rd year, and was buried in the great church at Stratford. In front of this monument are buried Dr. John.son, Garrick, Henderson, Sheridan, Campbell, and Cary. " To the memory of Mrs. Pritchakd, this tablet is here " placed by a voluntary subscription of those who admired and "esteemed her. She retired from the stage, of which she had "long been the ornament, in the month of April, 1768, and died " at I3ath in the month of August following, in the fifty-seventh "** year of her age. " Her comic vein had every charm to please, 'Twas nature's dictates breathed with nature's case; E'en when her powers sustuin'd the tragic load. Full, clear, and just, the harmonious accents flow'd; And the big passions of her f( eling heart Burst freely forth and shamed the mimic art. Oft on the scene, with colours not her own. She painted Vice, and taught us what to shun; One virtuous track her real life pursu'd, That nobler part was uiiiforml.v good; OR, POETS' CORNER. 107 Each duty there to such perfection wrought. That, if the precepts fail'd, ilie example taught." Hayivard, sculptor. W. ^Vhitehead, P.L. Above is a bust to Robert Southet (Poet Laureate) ; born August 12, 1774 ; died March 21, 1843. — Weekes, sculptor. Thomas Campbell, LL.D., Author of " The Pleasures of Hope," thrice Lord-Rector of the University of Glasgow, founder of the Polish Association, &c. He was bom July, 27, 1777; died at Boulogne, June 15, 1844; and was buried with great public solemnity, near this spot, on the 3rd of July following. As a classic poet, a warm philanthropist, a staunch friend of literary- men, he possessed the highest qualities of mind and heart. His Patriotic Lyrics breathe the very spirit of British freedom and independence; while his other poems — all models of composi- tion — are richly imbued with the spirit of moral and religious sentiment. This statue, from the classic chisel of W. C. Marshall, R.A., was erected on the 1st of May, 1855. The pedestal as it now stands, was the gift of a lady (sister-in-law of Dr. Beattie, the Poet's physician and biograper). Tlje highly appropriate Lines inscribed upon it are taken from " The Last Man :" — " This spirit shall return to Him Who gave its heavenlj* spark ; Yet think not, sun, ii shall be dim When thou thjself art dark ! No— it sha'l live again, and shine la bliss unknown to beams of thine, By Him recall'd to breath "Who captive led capti^ity. Who robbed the Grave of Victory, And took the sting from Death !" The statue represents the Poet in his academic robes of Lord- Rector : and the relieved figure, with the torch, the triumph of immortal Hope, as described in the following lines: — " Etenial Hope! when yonder spheres sublime Peal'd their first notes to sound the march of Time, Thy joyous youth began, but shall not fade. — When all the sister planets have decayed, "When wrapped in fire, the realms uf ether glow, And Heaven's last thunder shakes tl e world below, Thou, undismayed, shall o'er the ruins smile, And light thy torch at Nature's funeral pile ! " " Pleasures of Hope." [For these and the preceding lines, sec Campbell's Poems.] Affixed to the pillar is a tablet—" Sacred to the memory of ** Christopher Anstey, Esq., fonnerly a scholar at Eton, and " fellow of Trinity College, in Cambridge: a very elegant poet, ^' who held a distinguished pre-eminence, even among those who " excelled in the same kinds of his art. About the year 1770, he " exchanged his residence in Cambridgeshire for Bath, a place " above all that he had long delighted in. The celebrated poem " that he wrote, under the title of the Bath Guide, is a sufficient " testimony ; and after having lived there thirty-six years, died " in the vear 1805, aged eighty-one, and was buried in Walcot ^' Church, Bath."— Horwell, sculptor. A tablet with a fine medallion, — " Sacred to the memory of 108 SOUTH TliANSEPT; " Granville Sharp, ninth son of Dr. Thomas Sharp, Pre- " bendary of the Cathedrals and Collegiate Churches of Yark, " Durham, and Southwell, and grandson of Dr. John Sharp, " Archbishop of York. Bom and educated in the bosom of the " Church of England, he ever cherished for her institutions the " most unshaken regard, whilst his whole soul was in harmony " with the sacred strain — ' Glory to God in the highest, on earth " ' peace, good will towards men ;' on which his life presented " one beautiful comment of glowing piety aud unwearied bene- *' ficence. Freed by competence from the necessity, and by con- " tent from the desire, of lucrative occupation, he was incessant " in his labours to improve the condition of mankind. Founding " public liappiness on public virtue, he aimed to rescue his native " country from the guilt and inconsistency of employing the ami " of Freedom to rivet the fetters of Bondage, and established for " the Negro Race, in the person of Somerset (his servant), the " long disputed rights of human nature. Having, in this glorious " cause, triumphed over the combined resistance of Literest, *' Prejudice, and Pride, he took his post amongst the foremost of " the honourable band associated to deliver Africa from the " rapacity of Europe, by the abolition of the Slave Trade ; nor " was death permitted to interrupt his career of usefulness, till " he had witnessed that Act of the British Parliament by which " ' The Abolition ' was decreed. In his private relations he was " equally exemplary ; and having exhibited through life a model " of disinterested virtue, he resigned his pious spirit into the " hands of his Creator, in the exercise of Charity, and Faith, and " Hope, on the 6th day of July, a.d. 1813, in the seventy-eighth " year of his age. Reader, if on perusing this tribute to a private " individual, thou shouldest be disposed to suspect it as partial, " or censure it as diffuse, know that it is not panegyric, but " history. — Erected by the African Institution of London, a.d. " 1816." — Chantrey, sculptor. Above is a bust of Charles de St. Denis, Lord of St. Evre- mond. — This gentleman was of a noble family in Normandy, and was employed in the army of France, in which he rose to the rank of Marshal ; but retiring to Holland, he was from thence invited by Charles II. into England, where he lived in the greatest inti- macy with the King and principal nobility, more particularly with the Duchess of Mazarine. He had a very sprightly turn both in conversation and writing. He lived to the age of ninety, and was carried off at last by a violent fit of the stranguary, September 9, 1703. Though he left France, as it may be imagined, on account of religion, yet in his will he left twenty pounds to poor Roman Catholics, and twenty pounds to poor French refugees; besides other legacies to be disposed of to those in distress, of what religion soever they might be. Matthew Prior. — The bust was done by order of the King of France. On one side of the pedestal stands the figure of Thalia, one of the nine Muses, with a flute in her hand ; and on the other, History, with her book shut ; between both is the bust of the deceased, upon a raised altar of fine marble ; on the OR, POETS' CORNER. 109 outennost side of which is a Latin inscription, importing that while he was busied in writing the history of his own times, Death interposed, and broke both the thread of his discourse and of his life, Sept. 18, 1721, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. Over the bust is a pediment, on the ascending sides of which are two boys, one with an hour glass in his hand, run out, the other holding a torch reversed ; on the apex of the pediment is an urn, and on the base of the monument a long inscription, re- citing the principal employments in which he had been engaged; particularly that, by order of King William and Queen Mary; he assisted at the Congress of the Confederate Powers of the Hague, in 1690 ; in 1697 was one of the Plenipotentiaries of the Peace of Ryswick : and in the following year was of the embassy to France and also Secretary of State in Ireland. In 1700, he was made one of the Board of Trade ; in 1711, First Commissioner of the Customs ; and lastly, in the same year, was sent by Queen Ann* to Louis XIV. of France, with proposals of peace. All these trusts he executed with uncommon address and abilities, and had retired from public business, when a violent cholic, occasioned by a cold, carried him off; by which the world was deprived of an invaluable treasure, which he was preparing to lay before the public. — Rysbrack, sculptor. Bust by Coizevox. " Sacred to the best of men, William Mason, A.M., a Poet, " if any, elegant, correct, and pious. Died 7th of April, 1797, " aged seventy-two." — It is a neat piece of sculpture. A medal- lion of the deceased is held up by a figure of Poetry, bemoaning the loss. — Bacon, sculptor. Thomas Shadwell. — This monument was erected by Dr. John Shadwell, to the memory of his deceased father. The in- scription sets forth that he was descended from an ancient family in Staffordshire, was Poet Laureate and Historiographer in the reign of Wilham IH., and died November 20, 1692, in the fifty- fifth year of his age. He was author of several plays, and was satirized by Dryden, under the character of Ogg, in the second part of Absalom and Architophel. He died at Chelsea, by taking opium, and was there buried. — Bird, sculptor. John Milton. — He was a great polemical and political writer, and Latin Secretary to Oliver Cromwell ; but what has immortalized his name, are those two inimitable pieces. Paradise Lost and Regained. He was born in London in 1604, and died at Bunhill (perhaps the same as Bunhill Fields) in 1674, leaving three daughters behind him unprovided for, and was buried at St. GUes's, Cripplegate. In 1737, Mr. Auditor Benson erected this monument to his memory. — Rysbrack, sculptor. Under Milton is an elegant monument erected to the memory of Mr. Gray. This monument seems expressive of the compli- ment contained in the epitaph, where the Lyric Muse, in alt-relief, is holding a medallion of the Poet, and at the same time pointing the finger up to the bust of Milton, which is directly over it. " No more the Grecian muse unrival'd reigns ; To Britain let the nations homage pay : She felt a Homer's fire in Milton's strains, A Pindar'8 rapture in the Ijre of Gray." 110 SOUTH TRANSEPT; Died July 30, 1771, aged fifty- four, and was buried at Stoke. — John Bacon, sculptor. Samdel Butler. — This tomb, as by the inscription appears, was erected by John Barber, Esq., Lord Mayor of London, that he who was destitute of all things when alive, might not want a monument when dead. He was author of Hudibras, and was a man of consummate learning, wit, and pleasantry, peculiarly happy in his writings, though he reaped small advantages from them, and suffered great distress by reason of his narrow circum- stances. He lived, however, to a good old age, and was buried at the expense of Mr. Longueville, in the churchyard of St. Paul, Covent Garden. He was born at Strencham, in Worcestershire, in 1612, and died in London, 1680. Edmund Spencer. — Beneath Mr. Butler's, there was a rough decayed tomb of Purbeck stone, to the memory of Mr. Edmund Spencer, one of the best English poets, which being much decayed, a subscription was set on foot, by the liberality of Mr. Mason, in 1778, to restore it. The subscription succeeded, and the monu- ment was restored as nearly as possible to the old form, but in statuary marble. His works abound with innumerable beauties and such a variety of imagery, as is scarce to be found in any other writer, ancient or modern. On this monument is this in- scription: — "Here lies (expecting the second coming of our " Saviour Christ Jesus) the body of Edmund Spencer, the Prince " of Poets in his time, whose divine spirit needs no otlier witness " than the works which he left behind him. He was born in " London in 1553, and died in 1598." Ben Jonson. — This monument is of fine marble, and is very neatly ornamented with emblematical figures, alluding, perhaps, to the malice and envy of his contemporaries. His epitaph — " O Bare Ben Jonson ! " — is cut in the pavement where he is buried in the North Aisle. He was Poet Laureate to James I., and contemporary with Shakspeare, to whose writings, when living, he was no friend, though, when dead, he wrote a Poem prefixed to his Plays, which does him the amplest justice. His father was a clergyman, and he was educated at Westminster School while Mr. Garden was Master ; but after his father's death, his mother marrying a bricklayer, he was forced from school, and made to lay bricks. There is a story told of him, that at the build- ing of Lincoln's Inn, he worked with his trowel in one hand, and Horace in the other ; but Mr. Garden, regarding his parts, re- commended him to Sir Walter Raleigh, whose son he attended in his travels, and upon his return entered himself at Gambridge. He died the 16th of August, 1637, aged sixty -three. — Bysbrack, sculptor. On the left is a monument to Michael Draiton. The inscription and epitaph were formerly in letters of gold, but now almost obliterated, and therefore are here preserved: — "Michael " Draiton, Esq., a memorable Poet of his age, exchanged his " laurel for a Crown of Glory, anno 1631. " 1)0, pious marble, let thy readers know What they, and what their children, owe ■jag-PO ETS i^CORNER.i'y WECTMI NSTER»ABBEY^«bJ OR, POETS' CORNER. Ill To Draiton's name, whose sacred dust We recommend unto tliy trust: Protect his niem'o", and preserve his etorj"; Remain a lasting monument of his glory ; And when thj' ruins sliall disclaim To be the treasure of his name. His name, that cannot fade, shall be An everlasting monument to tliee." This gentleman was both an excellent poet and a learned anti- quarian. Over the monument to Ben Jonson is a window given by Dr. Rogers ; it represents David and St. John, the poets of the Old and NcAV Testaments. — Clayton and Bell. Barton Booth, Esq., elegantly designed and well executed. His bust is placed between two cherubs, one holding a wreath over his liead in the act of crowning him : the other in a very pensive attitude, holding a scroll, on which is inscribed his descent from an ancient family in Lancashire, his admission into Westminster School, under Dr. Busby, his qualifications as an actor, which procured him both the royal patronage and the public applause. He died in 1733, in the fifty-fourth year of his age ; and this monument was erected by his surviving widow in 1772. — W. Tyler, sculptor. Mr. John Phillips.— The bust of this gentleman, in relief, is here represented as in an arbourinterwovcn with laurel branches and apple trees ; and o^er it is this motto — " Honos erat kuic '' quoque Porno;" alluding to the high qualities ascribed to the apple, in that excellent poem of his called Cider. He was son of Stephen Phillips, D.D., Archdeacon of Salop ; was born at Bampton, in Oxfordshire, December 30. 1676, and died at Here- ford, Feb. 15, 1708, of a consumption, in the prime of life. Geoffrey Chaucer. — This has been a very beautiful monu- ment in the Gothic style, but is now much defaced, and is eene- rally passed over with a superficial glance, except 'by those who never sutler anything curious to escape their notice. Geoffrey Chaucer, to whose name it is sacred is called the Father of English Poets, and flourished in the fourteenth century. He was son of Sir John Chaucer, a citizen of London, and employed by Edward III. in negociations abroad relating to trade. He was a great favourite at court, and married the great John of Gaunt's wife's sister. He was born in 1328, and died Oct. 25, 1400. This monument was erected by Nicholas Bingham, of Oxford, in 1556. The memorial window to Chaucer, immediately over his tomb, is intended to embody his intellectual labour, and his position amongst his contemporaries. At the base are the Canterbury Pilgrims, showing the setting out from London, and the arrival at Canterbury. The medallions above represent Chaucer receiving a commission, wuth others, in 1372, from King Edward IH. to the Doge of Genoa, and his reception by the latter. At the apex, the subjects are taken from the moral poem entitled "The Floure and the Leafe." " As they which honour the Flower, a thing *' fading with every blast, are such as look after beauty and worldly *' pleasure ; but they that honour the Leaf, which abideth with 112 SOUTH TKANSEPT; *' the root, notwithstanding the frost and winter storms, are they' " which follow virtue and during qualities, without regard to " worldly respects." On the dexter side, dressed in white, is the Lady of the Leafe, and attendants ; on the sinister side is the Lady of the Floure, dressed in green. In the spandrils adjoining are the Arms of Chaucer, On the dexter side, and on the sinister, Chaucer impaling these of (Roet) his wife. In the tracery above, the portrait of Chaucer occupies the centre, between that of Edward III. and Philippa his wife; below them Gower and John of Gaunt, and above are WicklifFe and Strode, his contemporaries. In the borders are disposed the following arms, alternately : England, France, Hainhault, Lancaster, Castile, and Leon. At the base of the window is the name Geoffrey Chaucer, died a.d. 1400, and four lines selected from the poem entitled, " Balade of Gode Coun- " saile." " Flee fro the prees, and dwell with soth fastnesse, Sufflse unto thy good though it be small ;" * * * * • ♦* That thee is sent receyve in buxomnesse; The wrastling for this world aslceth a fall." This window was designed by Mr. J. G.Waller, and executed by Messrs. Thomas Baillie, and George Mayer, 118, Wardour Street, London, 1868. Explanation of the Subjects. — The Pilgrims are arranged in the follow- ing manner :— The Departure from the Tabard, thus : 1.2. 3.4. 5.6.7. 8.9. 1. The Reve. j 4. The Knight. I 7. The Serjeant of Law. 2. The Manciple. 5. The Yeoman. 8. The Shipmanne. 3. Chaucer. ! 6. The Squire. \ 9. The Doctor of Physick. The Arrival at Canterbuny, thus: 10.11.12. 13.14.15. 16. 17.18. TO. The Somptnour. I 18. The Monk. I 16, The Frankelein. 11. The Pardoner, 14. The Prioress. 17. The Plowman. 12. The Parson. ( 15. The Nun. I 18. The Clerk of Oxenforde, Arrangement of Portraits in Tracery. Wicklifle. Strode. Edward III. Chaucer. Philippa. Gower, John of Gaunt, Above is a neat monument to the memory of John Roberts, Esq,, the very faithful Secretary of the Eight Honourable Henry Pelham, Minister of State to George II, This marble was erected by his three surviving sisters, in 1776. — Hayward, sculptor. Abraham Cowley. — This monument, though apparently plain, is very expressive ; the chaplet of laurel that begirts his urn, and the fire issuing from the mouth of the urn, are fine emblem?^ of the glory he acquired by the spirit of his writings. The Latin inscription and epitaph on ihe pedestal is thus translated into- English : — " Near this place lies Abraham Cowley, the Pindar, " Horace, and Virgil of England ; and the delight, ornament, " and admiration of his age ; — " While, Sacred Bai-d, far worlds thy works proclaim. And j'ou survive in an immortal fame, Here may you, bless'd in pleasant quiet, lie ! To guard thy urn may hoary Faith stand by I And all thy fav'rite tuneful Nine repair To watch thy dust with a perpetual care 1 OR, POETS' CORNER. 113 Sacred for ever may this place be made, And may no desp'rate hand presume t' invade With touch unhallow'd this religious room, Or dare affront thy venerable tomb ! Unmov'd and undisturb'd, till time shall end, May Cowley's dust this marble slirine defend ! " ** So wishes, and desires that wish may be sacred to posterity, " George, Duke of Buckingham, who erected this monument to " that incomparable man. He died in the forty-ninth year of his " age, and was carried from Buckingham House, with honourable " pomp, his exequies being attended by persons of illustrious " characters of all degrees, and buried August 3, 1667." His grave is just before the monument, as appears by a blue stone, on which is engraven his name. — John BushneU, sculptor. Affixed to the pillar, on the left, is a tablet to the memory of Mrs. Martha Birch, who was daughter of Samuel Viner, Esq., and first married to Francis Millington, Esq., afterwards to Peter Birch, Prebendary of this Abbey. She died May 25, 1703, in the fiftieth year of her age. The next monument Avas erected to the memory of Mr. John Drtden, by the late Duke of Buckingham, who valued his writings so much that he thought no inscription necessary to spread his fame.—" J. Dryden, born 1632, died May 1, 1700. " John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, erected this monument, " 1720." — Scheemakers, sculptor. Against the screen of the Choir, is the monument of Robert South, D.D., who is represented in a cumbent pos- ture, in his canonical habit, with his arm resting on a cushion, and his riirht hand on a Death's head. In his left he holds a book, with his finger between the leaves, as if just closed from reading ; and over his head is a group of cherubs issued from a mantling, beneath which is a long Latin inscription, showing that he was scholar to Busby, and student at Christ Church, Oxford, and Public Orator of that University ; that, by the patronage of Lord Clarendon, he was made Prebendary both of Westminster and Christ's, and afterwards Rector of Islip. where he rebuilt the parson age -house, and founded and endowed a school. His ser- mons have a peculiar turn, and are still much admired. He died July 8, 1716, aged eighty -two. — Bird, sculptor. Between this and Dr. Busby, a small portion of AxNof Clevks' monument is to be perceived. She Avas sister of the Duke of Cleves, was contracted in marriage to Henry VIII., and received with great pomp on Blackheath, January 3, 1.539, married to the king on the 9th, and in July following divorced, with liberty to marry airain ; but being sensibly touched with the indignity puc upon her, she lived retired in England, with the title of Lady Ann, of Cleves, and saw the rival Avho su]iplanted her suffer a worse fate. She survived the King four years, and died in 1557. A still more unfortunate Queen lies near this last, without a monument ; viz., Anne, Queen of Richard III., and daughter of Nevil, the great Earl of Warwick. This lady was poisoned by that monster of cruelty, her husband, to make way for his raar- 114 SOUTH TRANSEPT ; riage with Elizabeth, daughter of his brother, Edward IV., and sister of the unhappy youths he liad caused to be murdered in the Tower, which marriage he never lived to consummate, being slain at the battle of Bosworth Field. Above is a tablet to Dr. Vincent, with the inscription thus translated : — " Here rests whatever is mortal of William Vin- " CENT, who having received his education in this College, " returned to it when he had completed his academical studies, " and from the situation of Junior Usher, arose to that of Head " Master ; he was at length exalted to the office of Dean of the " Chm'ch, for which he entertained the greatest affection : on " the subject of liis life, his literary attainments, and his moral " character, let this monumental stone be silent. He owes his " origin to the respectable family of the Vincents, of Shepy, in " the county of Leicester ; he was born in London, 2nd Novem- '* ber, 1739, and died on the 21st December, 1815." Doctor Richard Busby. — On this fine monument is the effigy of this learned grammarian in his gown, looking earnestly at the inscription. In his right hand he holds a pen, and in his left a book open. Underneath, upon the pedestal, are a variety of books, and at the top are his family arms. The inscription is very elegantly WTitten, and highly to his praise ; intimating that whatever fame the school of Westminster boasts, and whatever advantage mankind shall reap from thence in times to come, are all principally owing to the wise institutions of this great man. He was bom at Luttoii, in Lincolnshire, September 22, 1606 ; made Master of Westminster College, December 23, 1640 ; elected Prebendary of Westminster, July 5th, 1660, and Treasurer of Wells, August 11th, the same year; and died April 5th, 1695. — Bird, sculptor. Affixed to the pillars in this cross are two tablets ; one to the memory of Dr. Anthony Horneck, who was born at Wetten- burgh, in Zealand, but educated at Queen's College, Oxford; was King's Divinity Professor and Chaplain, a Prebendary of this Church, and Preacher at the Savoy. He died of the stone, January 31, 1696, aged fifty-six. The other to the memory of Dr. Samuel Barton, a Prebendary of this Church, and a person of ad- mirable genius and learning. He died September 1715, aged sixty-eight. In front of Dr. Barrow's monument, lies the remains of that once celebrated poet. Sir William Davenant, who, upon the death of Ben Jonson, succeeded him as Poet Laureate lo Charles I., but having lost his nose by an accident, was cruelly bantered by the wits of the succeeding reign. He Avas a vintner's son at Oxford, whose wife, being a woman of admirable wit and sprightly conversation, drew the politest men of that age to their house, among whom Shakspeare was said to be a frequent visitor. His education was at Lincoln College, where he became acquainted with Endimion Porter, Henry Jermain, and Sir John Suckling. He died in 1668, aged sixty-three. Not far from Davenant lies Sir Robert Murray, a great Mathematician, and one of the founders of the Royal Society, of OR, POETS' CORNER. 115 which he was the first President, and while he lived the veiy soul of that body. He died suddenly, July 4, 1673, in the garden at Whitehall, and was buried at the King's expense. In front of Dryden's monument, is an ancient ston^, on which, by the marks indented, has been the image of a man in armour. This covers the body of Robert Haule, w^ho, at the battle of Najara, in Spain, in Richard II.'s time, together with John Shakel, his comrade, took the Earl of Denia prisoner, who, under pretence of raising money for his ransom, obtained his liberty, leaving his son as a hostage in their hands. Upon their coming to England, the Duke of Lancaster demanded him for the King ; but they refused to deliver him up without the ransom, and were therefore both committed to the Tower, from whence escaping, they took sanctuary in this Abbey. Sir Ralp Ferreris and Alan Buxal, the one Governor, the other Captain of the Tower, with fifty men, pursued them, and having, by fair promises, gained over Sliakel, they attempted to seize Haule by force, who made a desperate defence, but being overpowered by numbers, was slain, August 11, 1378, in the choir before the prior's stall, commending himself to God, the avenger of wrongs. A servant of the Abbey fell with him. Shakel they threw into prison, but afterwards set him at liberty, and the King and Council agreed to pay the ransom of his prisoner, .500 marks, and 100 marks a-year. Some years afterwards Shakel died, and was buried here in 1396. Under the pavement, near Dryden's tomb, lie the remains of Erancis Beaumont, the dramatic writer, who died in London in 1628, and was buried here, March 9, without tomb or inscription. The new stained glass windows at the south end of the Tran- sept of the Abbey were executed by Messrs. Thomas Ward and J. H. Nixon, 1847 : description as follows : — In the centre of the Rose Window, the name "Jehovah;" in the circle sun-ounding the figures of angels. In the large circle of surrounding lights are thirty -two separate subjects taken from the principal incidents, miracles, and events in the life and sufferings of our blessed Redeemer. The height of the figures are nearly three feet. The subjects selected for this circle are as follows : 11. The pool of Betliesda.— /oAn v. 4,&c. 12. The Centurion's faith.— Jt/a«.vlil. 8, &c. 13. John's disciples sent to Christ. — Matt. xi. 2, &c, 14. The Magdalen anointing the feet of Christ.— John xii. 3. 15. The Si'rophenician woman. — Matt. XV. 15, 16. The feeding of the multitude.— 1. The nativity of Jesus Christ.— Luke ii. 7, &c. 2. Simeon's prophec}'. — Luke ii. 25. 3. Jesus reasoning Avith the doctors. —Luke ii. 46. 4. The baptism of St. John the Baptist.— Ara«. iii. IS. 5. The preacliing on the Mount. —Matt. V. 1 , &c. 6. "Water made wine. — John ii. 4. 7. The money changers expelled from the Tem\,le.— Matt. xxi. 12. j Matt. xiv. 15. 8. The woman of Samaria. —Jb^n I 17. The lunatic boy cured.— Matt. iv. 7. xvii. 14, &c. 9. Walking on the sea.— Matt. xiv. 18. Peter, the fish, and Temple tribute. 29. —Malt. xvii. 27. 10. Kalsing of Jalrus' daughter.— I 19. The blind man healed.— i/ar A .' J/ariv. 41. \ vlii. 25. SOUTH TRANSEPT, ETC. I 27. Jesus Christ captive before Pilate. — jl/a«. xxvii. 1, 2, &c. I 28. Jesus Christ shown to the people. j — John xix. 5. 29, The Crucifixion.— /oAn xix. 25, I &c. ! 30. The Resurrection.— i»/a«. xxvlii. l,&c. 81. Appearance to Mary Magdalen.— John XX. 11, 32. The Ascension.— .4ce«. 28, 1C28, yEiat. 29. CLOISTERS. 121 A tablet to the Rev. George Preston, A.M., who was several years Under-Master of Westminster School. He died September 8, 1841, aged fifty-two. Near to this is a tablet lately erected to the memory of William Markham, D.D., Archbishop of York, -who died November, 1807, aged eighty-eight, and was buried near this spot On your left is a tablet to the memory of Edward Augustus Webber, a King's scholar, son of James Webber, D.D., Dean of Ripon, and Canon of this Church ; who was drowned in the River Thames, June 11, 1833, aged seventeen, and buried near this spot. The inscription is as follows : — '* H.S.M. Edoardus " Augustus Webber, Jacobi Webber, S.T.P., ecclesas Riponen- " sis Decani, et hujusce Prajbendarii filius natu secundus in amne " Thamesi, eversa turbine navicula e quatuor mersis adolicenti- " bus unus periit die 1 1 Junii, 1833, anum agent 17 mo. Alumno *' suavissimo desideratissimo, id quod parentes miseri perferre " nequibant, prseceptores condiscipulique tranquam fratrem lu- " gertes ademptum pro more ac pietate Westmonasteriensi exe- " quias reddideiTint." The last worthy of note in this Walk is that to the memory of William PLgerton Gell, Esq., who, after a long and severe affliction, departed this life on the 17th of May, 1838, aged fifty- six years ; in him many will have to deplore the loss of a generous and kind-hearted friend. " Comfort the soul of thy servant, for " unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul." — Cundy, sculptor. WEST WALK. On the left door of the Abbey is a monument, erected by John English Dolben, Esq., " To the memory of Edward Wortlet " Montague, who was cast away, on his return to England, in " 1777, from the East Indies, in the twenty-seventh year of his " age. In memory of their friendship, which commenced at " Westminster School, continued for some time at Oxford, not " diminished by the greatest distance, scarcely dissolved by " death, and if it ])lease God, to be renewed in heaven. — J. E. D., " to whom the deceased bequeathed his books (and appointed " joint residuaiy legatee), erected this monument." Francis Smedlet. — Adjoining the Godolphin monument is a neat tablet to the memory of the above, who was High Bailiff of Westminster for twenty-two years. Born September 15, 1791 j died February 2.5, 1859. The next is a monument that deserves particular attention, as it commemorates a charity, which otherwise might, in time, like many others, be perverted or forgotten. The inscription is as follows: — "Here rest, in hope of a blessed resurrection, Charles " Godolphin, Esq., brother of the Right Honourable Sydney, " Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, who "died July 16, 1720, aged sixty-nine; and Mrs. Godolphin, " his wife, who died July 29, 1726, aged sixty-three ; whose " excellent qualities and endowments can never be forgotten, " particularly the public- spirited zeal with which he served his 122 CLOISTERS. *' country in Parliament, and the indefatigable application, great •' skill, and nice integrity, with which he discharged the trust of a " Commissioner of Customs for many years. Nor was she less " eminent for her ingenuity, with sincere love of her friends, and " constancy in religious worship. But as charity and benevo- *' lence were the distinguishing parts of their characters, so were " they most conspicuously displayed by the last act of their ** lives ; a pious and charitable institution, by him designed and " ordered, and by the completed to the glory of God, and for a ** bright example to mankind ; the endowment whereof is a rent- " charge of one hundred and eighty pounds a-year, issuing out of ** lands in Somersetshire, and of which, one hundred and sixty " pounds a year are to be ever applied, from 24th June, 1726, " to the educating eight young gentlewomen, who are so bom, " and whose parents are of the Church of England, whose '• parents or friends will undertake to provide them with decent " apparel ; and after the death of the said Mrs. Godolphin, and " William Godolphin, Esq., her nephew, such as have neither *' father or mother ; which said young gentlewomen are not to be " admitted before they are eight years old, nor to be continued " after the age of nineteen, and are to be brought up in the city of *' New Sarum, or some other town in the county of Wilts, under *' the care of some prudent governess or schoolmistress, a com- " municant of the Church of England ; and the overplus, after an " allowance of £5. a-year for collecting the said rent-charge, is *' to be applied to binding out one or more poor children appren- " tices, whose parents are of the Church of England. In perpetual " memory whereof Mrs. Frances Hall, executrix to her aunt, " Mrs. Godolphin, has, according to her will, and by her order, " caused this inscription to be engraven on their monument, 1772." The next is a neat tablet, in memory of the Rev. Edward Smedley, A.m., Rector of Powderham, and of North Bovey, in the county of Devon, and from 1774 to 1820, one of the Ushers of Westminster School ; born Nov. 5, 1750, died August 6, 1825. Also of Hannah, his wife, daughter of George Bellas, Esq. ; born August 21, 1754, died October 17, 1824. This tablet is erected t)y their surviving children. " To you, dear names, these filial thanks we give, For more than life, for knowledge how to live— For many a rule with holy wisdom fraught, And works embodying the creed you taught ; For faith triumphant, tho' the lips which told Its glowing lessons, now, alas ! are cold ; Faith, which proclaiming that the dead but sleep, Invites us home to those whom here we weep." — Westmacott,jun., sculptor. On the left is a tablet with a coat of arms over, and a music- book under it : — " Near this place are deposited the remains of " Benjamin Cooke, Doctor in Music of the Universities of " Oxford and Cambridge, and Organist and Master of the " Choristers of this Collegiate Church for above thirty years. " He departed this life on the 14th of September, 1793, and in '* the fifty-ninth year of his age." CLOISTERS. 123 Enoch Hawkins, Esq., Gentleman of her Majesty's Chapel Royal, and Vicar Choral of this Collegiate Church, who died on the 9th January, 1847, aged fifty. Upon a tablet that has emblems of music, — " To the memory " of James Bartleman, formerly a Chorister and Lay -Clerk of *' Westminster Abbey, and Gentleman of his Majesty's Royal " Chapel. He was boni the 19th of September, 1769, died the " 15th of April, 1821, and was buried in this Cloister, near his ** beloved master, Dr. Cooke.*' In this walk is erected a monument to W. Buchan, M.D., author of the Domestic Medicine, who died in 1805. A tablet with inscriptions, to Mr. John Broughton, and his wife Elizabeth; she died in 1714, and himself in 1789. Also R. Monk, Esq., died in 1831 ; his wife Catherine, 1832. " William Woollett, born August 22, 1735, died May 22, " 1785." The genius of engraving is represented handing down to posterity the works of painting, sculpture, and architecture. A monument with his bust on the top. Near to this will be seen a tablet in memory of Elizabeth Woodfall, younger daughter of the late Henry Sampson Woodfall, having lived many years in Dean's Yard, contiguous to the Abbey, and died 12th February, 1862, at the age of ninety-three. Having exceeded the bounds at first intended, we shall con- clude in the words of an ingenious writer on the subject of this Abbey : — " I have wandered," says he, "with pleasure into the " most gloomy recesses of this last resort of grandeur, to contem- *• plate human life, and trace mankind through all the wilderness " of their frailties and misfortunes, from their cradles to their " graves. I have reflected on the shortness of our duration here, " and that I was but one of the millions who had been employed " in the same manner, in ruminating on the trophies of mortality " before me ; that I must moulder to dust in the same manner, " and quit the scene to a new generation, without leaving the *' shadow of my existence behind me ; that this huge fabric, the " sacred depository of fame and grandeur, would only be the " stage for the same performances ; would receive new accessions " of noble dust ; would be adorned with other sepulchres of cost " and magnificence ; would be crowded with successive admirers ; " and, at last, by the unavoidable decays of time, bury the whole " collection of antiquities in general obscurity, and be the monu- ** ment of its own ruin." l^'l THE CHAPTER HOUSE. t^il^l^N the left as you enter the Chapter House is a stone coflBn 2111 W^ ^^^^^ '^^'^s found on the removal of the accumulated j^jPyj earth and rubbish which for many years had hidden the '^ lower parts of the buttresses of the north side of the building; some ancient walls of considerable extent were dis- covered, and about five or six feet below the surface an ancient stone coffin was brought to light. It possesses great interest from its being the only Eoman remains yet discovered. One side of it is beautifully wrought, with a sunk panel, having at each end the conventional Roman ornament called the Amazon shield, while the panel itself is occupied with the following inscription, in the best style of the old Roman lettering — memoriae. valer.aman dini.valerI.svperven TOR-ET-MARCELLVS-PATRl-FEeR. from which it appears to show that it is in memory of one Valerius Amandinus, and that his two sons made it to his honour. The lid is wrought with a slight cope, having a Maltese cross, termi- nating at the foot with a trefoil. There can be no doubt that the coffin once contained the body of this Valerius, which was after- wards displaced for the reception of an ecclesiastic, when the old lid was made in its present shape. The date of the first interment may be ascribed to the 3rd century, while the latter may belong to the 12th century. The skeleton within the coffin is in good preservation, considering the great lapse of time. There was nothing to indicate the rank of the ecclesiastic, for such he pro- bably was ; but he must have been a tall man, of great vigour, and barely of middle age. The Chapter House of Westminster was built in 1250, by Henry III., on the site of the earlier Chapter House belonging to the Abbey, as founded by Edward the Confessor. It was, from its beauty, called " The Incomparable Chapter House." It has been used for three purposes. I. It was the chamber in which the Abbot and Monks, in the times of the ancient monastery, held their "Chapter," or meeting for discussion and business ; their meetings were held once a week. The Abbot and the four chief officers of the convent sat in the ornamented stalls opposite the entrance. The Monks sat on the stone seats round. The culprits, if there were any, knelt to receive their judgment before the Abbot's seat, and were scourged before the central pillar. II. Almost from the time of its first erection, it was used for the sittings of the House of Commons. The House of Commons came into existence in 126.5, and at first sat in Westminster Hall with the House of Lords ; but in 1282 they parted, and from that time for nearly 300 years its meetings were held in the THE CHAPTER HOUSE. 125 precincts of "Westminster Refectory (now destroyed), but usually in the Chapter House, which was lent to the Commons by the Abbot for that purpose. The Speaker probably sat in the Abbot's stall, and the Members of Parliament in the seats of the Monks, and on the floor of the house. To the central pillar were attached placards and notices relating to the business or the conduct of the Members. Here were the debates on all the Acts of Parliament, passed from the time of Edward I. till the Reformation. There also were, from time to tiriiC, convened other assemblies for special purposes. Henry V., in 1421, sum- moned a meeting of 60 Abbots and Priors, and 300 Monks to discuss the reform of the Benedictine order ; and TVolsey, as Cardinal Legate, in 1523, summoned the convocations of Canter- bury and York, in order to be on a spot beyond the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Canterbury. The last Parliament which is known to have sat here was that which was assembled on the last day of the reign of Henry VHI, It will be seen that this building, from having for three centuries been the seat of the House of Commons, has been the scene of the chief acts which laid the foundation of civil and religious liberty of England, and was the cradle of representative and constitutional government, of Parliament, Legislative Chambers, and Congress throughout the world. HI. On the dissolution of the Ancient Monastery in 1540, the Chapter House passed into the possession of the Crown ; from that time the Dean and Chapter of Westminster have held their meetings in the Jerusalem Chamber. In 1547, the first year of Edward VI., the House of Commons was transferred to the Chapel of St. Stephen in the Palace of "Westminster, in which they remained till it was burned down in 1834. From that time till 1863 the Chapter House was used as the depository of the public records. During this period it was fitted up with book- shelves, which disfigured and concealed its beauties ; its roof was taken down ; its windows were filled up ; and it was divided into two stories. In 1865, after the removal of the records to the Rolls House, in the 800th anniversary of the foundation of the Chapter House, in the 600th anniversary of the House of Com- mons, which it had so long sheltered, its restoration was under- taken at the request of the Society of Antiquaries, by Mr. Gladstone, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, and by Mr. Cowper Temple, as First Commissioner of Works, and the requisite sum granted by Parliament for the repairs, which, under Mr. Gilbert Scott, have restored it as nearly as possible to its original state. The roof has been entirely rebuilt. The paintings, which were concealed by the book-shelves, are now disclosed ; those at the east end, over the stalls of the Abbot and his four chief oflScers, are of the 14th century, and represent seraphs round the Throne of the Saviour. Those round the walls were painted in the 15th century, by one of the monks of the convent, named John of Northampton, and represent scenes from the Revelation of St. John, with pictures of fishes, birds, and beasts underneath. The figures on each side of the entrance, representing the Angel and i26 THE CHAPTER HOUSE. the Virgin Mary, are ancient. The central figure is modem, but represents what was formerly there. The tiles on the floor, covered with curious heraldic emblems, are also now seen for the first time. The tracery of the windows has been restored after the model of the one which had been left uninjured on the north- west side. It still remains for them to be filled with stained glass, according to the original design. INDEX. Page Abbey founded 3 • rebuilt and endowed .... 4 pulled down and enlarged 4 Admission, Hours, &c. of 2 Aberdeen, Earl of 54 Addison, Joseph 28, 101 Agar, Doctor 69 Alton, Sir Robert 20 Albemarle, Dukes of 24,30 Duchess of 24 Alfred, Prince 25 Altar Decoration 12 Amelia, Princess ^ 25 Andrfe, Major 91 Anne, Queen, JamesII.'sDaughter 24 Princess 25 Queen of James 1 27 Queen of Richard II 86 Queen of Richard III. ..113 Anstey, Christopher 107 Argyle, Duke of 28, 104 Arnold, Dr. Samuel 64 Athelgoda, Queen of King Sebert 1 T Atkyns, Edward, and Sons .... 103 Bagenall, Nicholas 19 Baillie, Dr. Matthew 45 Baker, John 71 Balchen, Admiral 59 Banks, Thomas 73 Bankes, Cornet W. G, Hawtrey . 63 Barnard, Bishop 87 Major-Gen. Sir H. W. . 53 Barrow, Isaac, D.D 101 Barry, Sir Charles 80 Bartleman, James 123 Barton, Samuel, D.D 114 Bath, Earl of 82 Beauclerk, Lord 61 Beaufoy, Mrs 73 Beaumont, Francis 115 Belasyse, Sir Henry 80 Bell, Dr. Andrew 98 Bentall, Harriet 120 Bentinck, Archdeacon 9 Beresford, Lieutenant 41 Beverley, Countess of 18 BUI, Dr. WUliam 11 BUlson, Dr 12 Bingham, Sir Richard 93 Birch, Martha 113 Blackwood, Sir Henry 55 Blair and Bayne, Captains 51 Blanch of the Tower 14 Blois, Gervasius de 118 Blow, John, Doc. M us 65 Page Bohun, Hugh de, and Mary, Grandchildren to Edward I. .. 88 Booth, Barton Ill Boulter, Archbishop 82 Bourchier, Lord 82 Bourgchier, Sir Humphrey .... 16 Bovey, Katherine 86 Bradford, Bishop 62 Bringfield, Colonel 73 Brocas, Sir Bernard 15 Bromley, Sir Thomas 81 Brou^hton, John, and Wife .... 123 Browne, Thomas 42 Brunei,!. K 78 Bryan, Captain 65 Buchan, Dr 128 Buckingham, Countess of 20 Dukes of 27 Duchess of 27 Buckland, Very Rev, W., D.D. . 86 Buller, Risht Hon. C 56 Burland, Sir John 97 Burleigh, Lady 19 Buniey, Dr, Chnrles, LL.D 96 Chas. Mus. 1) 64 Busby, Richard, D.D 114 Butler, Samuel 110 Buxton, Sir Thomas Powell .... 63 By rcheston. Abbot 119 Campbell, Sir Archibald 102 Sir James 102 Thomas, LL. D 107 Camden, William 99 Canning, George 49 Canning, Lord 49 Cannon, Robert, D.D 87 Carew, Baron, and Lady 19 Carey, Thomas 88 Henry, Baron of Hunsdon 38 Caroline, Queen 25 Princess 25 Carteret, Philip 70 Edward de 70 Elizabeth, Lady 68 Casaubon, Isaac 100 Catling, John 120 Cecil.Lady 18 Chamberlain, Hugh, M.D 63 Chapel of St. Benedict 10 St. Edmund 13 St. Nicholas 18 Henry VII 21, 117 St. Paul 80 St. Edward (& Shrine) 83 ' St. John 40 128 INDEX. Chapel of lelip, Abbot 40 ■ • St. John the Evangelist. 42 St. Andrew 42 St. Michael 42 Chardin, Sir John 90 Charles II 24 Chatham, Earl of 51 Chaucer, Geoffrey Ill Cherbury, Baron of 16 12 ,5 71 92 7.5 28 Children of Henry III. & i:dw. I. Choir, New Cholmoiideley, Viscount & Sons.. Chu rchill, Georee Clanrickard, Countess of Claypole, Klizabeth ClevHS, Ann of 113 Clifford, Lady 18 Clyde, Lord ". 80 Cobden. Richard 57 Colchester, William of 39 Conduit, John 81 Cons^rove, William 84 Cook; Benjamin, Doc. M us 122 Cooke, Captain i-^dward 43 Cooper. Ensign Lovick Emilius . .53 Coote, Sir Eyre 55 Cornewall, Captain 82 Coronation Chairs , 36 Cottinsrton, Lord ard Lady .... .S2 Cottrell, Clement 89 Courayer, Peter Francis 118 Courcy, Almcricus de 66 Cowley, Abraham 112 Coxe, Sir Richard 100 Craffss, Secretary 83 Creed, Richard. Mnjor 92 Richard, Lieutenant .... 93 Crowe, Lady Juliana 37 Jane ,S7 Crispinus, Geslebertiis 118 Croft, William, Doc. Mus 65 Crokesley, Abbot 17 Crouchback, Edmund 40 Cumberland, Dukes of 25 D' Almade, Henry 37 Dalrymple, William 97 Daubeny, Lord, and Lady 31 Davenant, Sir William 114 Davidson, Susannah Jane 44 Davis, Colonel 75 Davy, Sir Humphrey 43 Denham, Sir James Stewart .... 70 Dickens, Charles 105 Dimensions 4, 22, 1 18 Dodd, James William 119 Dorchester, Viscount 82 Douglas, Lady Margaret » 22 Draiton, Michael 110 Dry den, John 113 Dudley, William de 19 Dunbar, Viscount 69 Duppa, Bishop 41 Sir Thomas 87 Duroure, Scipio and Alexander.. 120 Eastney, Abbot 41 Pagp Editha,Qn. to Edward the Confessor 34 Edward the Confessor 33 1 37 III., and Children 35 V 29 VI 26,28 Edwardes, Sir H. . 58 Egerton, James 76 Penelope 75 Eland, Lady 39 Eleanor, Queen to Edwiird 1 34 Elizabeth, Queen 29 Princess 25 of Bohemia 23 Eliham, Jol-n of 13 Essex, Countess of 32 Evremond, Lord of St 108 Exeter, Earl of 89 Fairborn?, Sir Palmes 90 Fairholm, Sophia 97 Fane, Sir George, and Lady .... 19 Fascet, Abbot 39 Feme, Bishop 17 Filding, Ann Fire Fleming, .Tames Fletcher, Lieutenunt-Colonel .. Fnlkes. Martin Follett, Sir William Webb Forbes, Benjamin and Richard.. Fox, Right Hon. Chiirles J.mies Frederick William, Prince 25 Freke, Elizabeth and Jiiditli 96 Friend, John, M.D 84 FuHerton, Sir James, and Lady. . 31 Galofre, Sir John 12 Garrick, David 99 Gav, John 105 Geil, William Egerton 121 George II 25 Prince 24 Gethin, Grace 96 (Afford, William 99 Gloucester, Duke of 23, 36 16 90 Godolphin, Earl Charles, and Wife .. 121 Goldsmith, Oliver. M. D 104 Goodman, Gabriel, O.D 10 Grabe, John Ernest 99 Gray, Tliomas 109 Grote, Geonie 99 Guest, General £9 Hales, Stephen, D. D 100 Halifax, Earls of 28, 58 Marquis of 29 Handel, George Frederick 102 Hanway, Jonas 57 Harbord, Sir Charles 89 Hardy, Sir Thomas 81 Hargrave, General 89 Harley, Anna Sophia 19 Harpedon, Sir John 42 Harrison, John, Rear Admiral . . 98 Ilarsnet, Carola . 88 INDEX. Page Hastings, Warren 66 Hatton, Sir Christopher 40 Haule, Robert, slain in the Choir 115 Hawkes, Walter 120 Hawkins, Enoch 123 Henry III 34 VII. and his Queen .... 25 of Monmouth 85 Prince of Wales 23 Herbert, Ed ward 72 Herries, Charles 88 Hertford, Countess of 10 Hervey and Hutt, Captains .... 75 Heskett, Sir Thomas, and Lady . . 63 Heylin, Peter, D.D 6ft Hill,Jane 72 Holland, Baron 77 Holies, Francis -... 14 Holies, Sir George 43 Holmes, Admiral 83 Hope, Admiral Sir G 77 Brigadier the Hon. Adrian 53 General 57 Mary 108 Horneck, Dr 114 . William 78 Horner, Francis 56 Howe, Lord Viscount 87 Hunter. John 73 Hyde, Ann, Wife of James II. .. 23 Ingram, Sir Thomas 20 Ireland, Dean 87, 99 Islip, Abbot 40 James 1 27 James, Dame Mary ., 63 Johnstone, George Lindsay .... 69 Jonson, Ben 110 Julius, Captain William 92 Kane, Richard 62 Keble, John 83 Kemble, John 44 Kempenfelt, Admiral 46 Kendall, Mrs 89 James .: 94 Kerry, Earl and Countess of. . . . 45 Kild are, Countess of 11 Killigrew, Robert 73 King, William 9ii Kirk, Percy 62 Kirton, Abbot 45 Ann 43 Kneller, Sir Godfrey 96 Knights of the Bath, installation of 24 Knipe, Thomas 95 ■■ Captains John and Robert 96 Knollys, l.ady 14 Lake, Colonel 77 Lancaster, Countess of 40 Langham, Archbishop 10 Laurence, William 120 Laurentius, Abbot 118 Lawrence, General 75 Legendary Sculptures 86 Le Neve, Riclisrd 68 Levinz, William 74 129 PaL'e . 55 Lewis, Sir George Cornewall.. Ligonier, Field-Marshal Lord . . 47 Livingston", Doctor 80 Locke, Joseph, R. A 70 Londonderry. Marquis of 52 Londonderry, Lady 120 Lort, Sir Gilbert 47 Loten, John Gideon 72 Louisa, Princess 25 Lytton, Edward Bulwer 17 Macaulay, Lord 102 Zachary 78 Macintosh, Sir J 76 Mackenzie, Hon. James Stuart.. 104 Macleod, Lieutenant-Colonel .. 80 Malcolm, Sir John 48 Manner-, Lord 51 Manningham, General Coote. ... 58 Mansell, Thomas 72 Edward 72 Mansfield, William, Karl 52 Margaret, Edward IV. 's Daugliter 36 Markham, William 121 Mary I ., Queen 29 II 24 Queen of Scots 28 Mary, Daughter of James 1 29 Mason, William 109 Matilda, Queen of England .... 84 Maurice, F/ederick Denison .... 38 Mead, Richard, M.D 71 Meihuen, John 95 Sir Paul 95 Mexborough. Countess of 89 M iddlesex. p:arl of 11 Millyng, Bisliop 39 , Milton, John 109 I Miserere, description of 24 I Monck, Bishop 14 I Monk, Bishop 66 j R., and Wife 123 I Montague, Captain 76 j Edward Wortley 121 : Montpensier, Duke of 27 ; Moorsom, Capt. William Robert 63 j Morgan, William 72 I Mountrath, Earl and Countess of 45 Murray, Sir Robert 114 Newcastle, Dukes of 49, 60 Newton, Sir Isaac 78 Nightingale, J. GafiCoigne,& Lady 4-3 Norris, Lord 44 North Ai;le 63 Transept 47 North-west 'lower 76 Northumberland, Duchess of. . . . 20 Novello, Vincent 47 Octavius, Prince 25 Organ 5 Oughton, Sir James 41 Outram, William, D.D 101 General 87 Owen, Thomas 94 Oxford, Countess of 19 Painted Glass 9, 53, "8, 115 130 INDEX. Page Palmerston, Lord 51, 52 Paoli, Pasquale de 94 Parry, Sir Thomas 42 Pearce, Bishop 85 Pecksall, Sir Richard 15 Peel, Right Hon. Sir R 47 Pembroke, Earl of 16, 40 Perceval, Right Hon. Spencer .. 71 Phillippa, Queen , 85 Phillips, John Ill Pitt, Right Hon. William 51, 81 Plenderleath, Dr. John «7 Poconk, Sir George 43 Pollock, Sir George RO Popham, Colonel 88 Preston, George 121 Price, Martha 75 Prideaux, Sir Edmund, and Wife 68 Priestman, Henry 71 Pringle, Sir Jolm 100 Prior, Matthew 108 Pritchard, Mrs 106 Puckering, Sir John 31 Pulpit 80 Puiteney, Daniel 118 Purcell, Henry 65 Pym, John 33 Radley, Bridget 90 Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford . . 65 Rennell, Major 78 Reredos, New 6 Richard II 36 Richardson, Sir Thomas 98 Richmond, Duke of 26 Dachess of 26 Countess of 23 Roberts, Humphrey 42 John 112 Robinson, Sir Thomas and Lady . 103 Robinson, Sir Lumley 84 Ross, Lady 20 Rowe, Nicholas and Daughter . . 105 Rupert, Prince 23 Russel, Lady 14 Lord, and Son 15 Ruthall, Bishop 89 St. John, Lady 19 Sandwich, Earl of 30 Sanderson, Sir William 59 Saunders, Clement 48 Sausmarez, Captain Philip de .. 64 Scott, Grace 48 Screen at the back of the Organ 78 Sebert, King 11 Seymour, Lady Jane 14 Shad well, Thomas 1 09 Shakspeare 106 Sharp, Granville 108 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley 96 Shrewsbury, Earl of, and Lady.. 15 Siddons, Mrs 44 Smedley, Rev. Edward and Wife 122 Francis 121 Smith, John 88 Somerset, Duchess of 18, 44 Page Sophia, Daughter of James I. . . 2» South Aisle 83 — Transept 9& South, Robert, D.D 113 Southey, Robert 107 Spelman, Sir Henry 20 Spencer, Edmund no Spotswood, Archbishop 11 Sprat, Bishop 20,84 Archdeacon 20, 85 George 1 1 Stafford, Earls of 13, 14 Countess of 14, 16 Stag, Motto on a 101 Stained Glass Windows fiS Stanhope, Earls of 79 Charles Banks 78 Stanley, Lady Augusta 21 Stanley, Sir Humphrey 18 Staunton, Sir George 67 Stephenson, Robert 70, 80 Stepney, George 95 Stewart Arabella 23 Captain John 72 Storr, Admiral 47 Strode, General 92 Stuart, Hon. Sir Charles 46 Esme, heart of 26 Suffolk, Duchess of 14 Sussex, Countess of 32 Sutton, Rev. E. L 67 Sword and Shield 35 Taylor, Sir Robert 99 Telford, Thomas 4.0 Temple, Diana S9 Teviot, Viscount 69 Thackeray, W 102 Thomas, Bishop 86 Thomson, James 106 Thornburgh, Gilbert 71 Thynne, Capt. William Frederick 53 Thomas, murdered.,.. 92 Thynne, William gg Tierney, George 77 Tompion and Graham 80 Totty, Admiral 45 Townshend, Colonel 90 Trigge, General Sir Thomas .... 93 Triplett, Thomas, D. D 101 Tudor, Elizabeth .34 Tufton, Richard \ 17 Twysden, Heneage 74 Tyrrell, Admiral 85 Ushpr, Archbishop 33 Valence, William de 16 Valois, Katharine 2<) Vaughan, Sir Thomas 38 Vaults, Royal 25, 26 Vere, Sir Francis 43 Vernon, Admiral 50 Vialls, Thomas I19 Villettes, Lieutenant-General.... 46 Villiers, Sir George 20 Vincent, Hnnnah 47 William 114 INDEX 131 Page Vitalis, Abbot 118 Wade, General 87 Wager, Admiral 61 Waldeby, Robert de 10 Wales, Prince and Princess of .. 25 Walpole, Lady 24 Walsh, General 119 Waltham, Bishop 37 Warren, Sir Peter 48 Bishop, and Lady ....54, 60 Watson, Admiral 59 Watt, James 81 Watts, Isaac, D.D 94 Webber, Edward Augustus .... 121 Wemyss, Ann 97 Wesley, John and Charles 95 West, Admiral 68 West End of the Nave 78 Westmoreland, Countess of .... 69 Wetenhall, Edward, M.D 100 Wharton, Henry 83 Page Whytell, Ann 72 Wilberforce, William 66 "Willcocks, Bishop 85 William III 24 Williams, Charles 69 Wilson, Sir A. and Lady 73 Winchester, Marchioness of ... . 19 Windsor, William of 14 John of 88 Wintringham, Sir Clifton 57 Wolfe, General 41 Woodfall, Elizabeth 123 Woodford, Lieut. -Col. Charles J. 53 Woodward, John, M.D 74 Woollett, William 123 Wordsworth, William 83 Wragg, William 96 Wyat, James 100 York, Dukeof 25 Duchess of 20 Young, Dr 44 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNI BERKELEY Return to desk from which b This book is DUE on the last date i iOV 4:1953UA REC'D LD WAY 3 1951 23]ur84DV' REC'D ..O ll25'64-llMftl D 21-100to-7,'52(A2528£16)476 CDSll^El7^ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. M- 1 5 !m 4l RFrr^vED o ?r>T .4 PM P - PT. ^4+ 7PM p^-5 1 ^