c THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW GIFT OF Rollin I!. Perkins ^ THE LAW OF BUSINESS PAPER AND SECURITIES A Treatment of the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Act for the Lawyer, the Student and the Business Man, With Ex- planations of the Law and Citations to Decisions Interpreting the Act and Others Upon Which Its Provisions Were Based TOGETHER WITH A Brief Synopsis of the Law of Collections and of the Acts Governing Bills of Lading, Warehouse Receipts and the Transfer of Certificates of Stock. By CHARLES F. DOLLE (Of the Cincinnati Bar) 1920 T. H. FLOOD & COMPANY Publishers Chicago, Illinois Copyright 1920 By CHARLES F. DOLLE. 0>> PREFACE. I have sought, in the following pages, to set out in concise form a simple and, as far as the nature of the subjects would permit, a non-technical treatment of the Uniform Acts which govern our business instruments. Men occupied in business and in finance ma}' find it interesting and useful. The book is offered to business men and to young men get- ting an education in business and in the law, and to lawyers too, although the members of the bar already have at their disposal technical works upon the same subjects written by eminent authors. Perhaps I should have resisted more strongly, and even declined altogether, the request of the publishers to address this volume to lawyers as well as to business men and to young men getting a business education and an education in the law, if I had not read a statement by the author of a treatise on the law of commercial paper that his three large volumes on this subject might never have been written if the Uniform Nego- tiable Instruments Law had been enacted before their publi- cation. This is a tribute to the authors of the Act which surely justifies the unselfish labor spent by them in reducing to a few pages the law of more than ten thousand cases. I shall not hope that the specialist, or even the mature lawyer, will find of much benefit the explanations I have offered at each section of the Act. These may be unnecessary to his understanding of the law. But he will find in them many cross-references that will help him to visualize at one time all of its provisions (some in widely separated sections), upon any question into which he may be inquiring, and if he will read the book he may not find it uninteresting. For the student and the business man without training in the law, the explanations will be an aid. They will help him to better understand the Act, although I frankly confess that it has sometimes seemed futile and quite unnecessary to try to explain its already clearly expressed provisions. He will find these explanations stated in a narrative-expository style that is designed to hold his interest and in language more simple than is customarily used in the treatment of technical subjects. For study use the book will present fcAver difficulties and dis- tractions than are commonly met with when the subjects are pursued by the case method, or in a book wholly designed for men already learned in the law. iii iv PREFACE The plan of the book, its arrangement and its scope are stated in the historical and introductory chapters at the be- ginning of each of the two main Divisions of the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law, and it will be profitable to read these before engaging upon the study of the sections of the Act which follow them. The Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law which forms the main subject of the book, is now effective in all of the States. The book is therefore adaptable to all, such changes as have been made by any of them being shown by marginal refer- ences and given in full in the Appendix. A merely synoptical treatment of the other subjects is given, it is not offered as anything more. Charles F. Dolle. Cincinnati, April 17, 1920. CONTENTS. Page THE UNIFORM NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW. INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL 1 TITLE I. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS IN GENERAL. SUBDIVISION I. FORM AND INTERPRETATION 14 II. CONSIDERATION 62 III. NEGOTIATION 71 IV. RIGHTS OP THE HOLDER 93 V. LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 109 VI. PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 124 VIL NOTICE OF DISHONOR 150 VIII. DISCHARGE OF NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS 176 TITLE II. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. SUBDIVISION I. FORM AND INTERPRETATION 205 II. ACCEPTANCE 212 III. PRESENTMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE 228 rV. PROTEST 239 V. ACCEPTANCE FOR HONOR 250 VL PAYMENT FOR HONOR 258 VIL BILLS IN A SET 265 TITLE III. PROMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS. SUBDIVISION I. PROMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS DE- FINED, ETC 270 TITLE IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS. SUBDIVISION I. TITLE OP ACT AND DEFINITIONS 299 SYNOPSIS OP THE LAW GOVERNING THE COLLECTION OF CHECKS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS 300 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS 304 EXPLANATIONS OF THE UNIFORM BILLS OP LADING ACT. . . 305 EXPLANATIONS OF THE UNIFORM WAREHOUSE RECEIPT ACT 318 DIGEST OP THE LAW OP TRANSFER OP CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 336 APPENDIX. Wherein will be found such changes in the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law as have been made in some of the states 365 INDEX 394 HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY. If there is one branch of the law with which the lawyer and the business man ought to make himself familiar it is that upon the subject of commercial paper. To know all the law is not the province of any man, not even the lawyer, but every man ought to be familiar with the rules which govern the use of his business instruments and the rights and duties of the parties upon this kind of paper. We are all called upon to si{ni our names to promissory notes, bills of exchange and checks, and it is very much worth while to know by what. laws our rights and our duties in respect to these are fixed. When we know where we stand in regard to the negotiable instruioents which we sign and give out or which we re- ceive in the course of our trade transactions we enjoy a sense of security which it is agreeable to feel, and this Dook is intended to be an aid to that useful knowledge. Every negotiable promissory note, check, or draft, which we issue or indorse is really a promise to perform an obligation to the person to whom we give it and to all othprs to whom it may be assigned. Commercial paper is the medium by which we settle most of our business transactions and the fundamental principles upon which its negotiable character rests are alike all over the world. It is by reason of its negotiability that it has come to be so extensively used in place of actual money as the means of settling our business obligations. 2 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW Meaning of Negotiability means not only that the negotiability. note, check, or bill of exchange which we issue may be assigned by one person to another by delivery or indorsement, but it also means that the transferee who becomes the holder of the instrument so transferred will take it free from defenses avail- able to the original and to prior parties among them- selves, may sue upon it in his own name, and that his rights, and the rights and obligations of all parties whose names are upon the instrument, will be deter- mined and enforced according to the well established rules of the Law Merchant. The Law Merchant is a branch of the Common Law comprising all those princi- ples and rulefj of mercantile transactions, not alone con- cerning commercial paper, but the equally well estab- lished rules of Factorage, Brokerage and, in part, of In- surance, which have been in immemorial use and have thereby become universally established and recognized as binding custom and, by sanction of the courts, ob- tained the force of law. The unwritten customs of merchants Chancellor j^^^^ ^^^^ defined by Chancellor Kent in Kent s definition -^ of the law his "Commentaries" on the law, quoting merchant. from Lord Mansfield, as *'a system of law which does not rest essentially on the positive institutions and local customs of any particular country, but consists of certain principles of equity and usages of trade, which g-eneral convenience and a common sense of justice have established to regulate the dealings of merchants and mariners in all the commercial countries of the civilized world." Writers agree that the earliest history of the customs of merchants is obscure. The use of Bills of Exchange, ^hich had their commercial origin in this branch of the HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY 3 law, and were the lirst form of commercial paper to be ^ . . , , used, caunot be traced to its beginning, Origin and early history of Bills but perhaps bills are oi such antiquity of Exchange. ^^.^^ ^j^^^ ^^^j.^ ^j.g^ introduced by that merchant said to be mentioned by Isocrates (400 J3. C.) who came to Athens with cargoes of corn and gave an order upon a banker in a town upon the Euxine with whom he had a credit. It is said of Cicero, tnree hundred years later, that he paid the tuition of his son at Athens by an order from a merchant in Rome drawn upon his debtor in the Greek city and perhaps we may believe that in his time ^100 B. C.) bills of exchange, the earliest form of commercial paper, first came into use as a means of making credits available for the payment of the obliga- tions of merchants and traders residing in different dis- tant cities. It would indeed be interesting to know their very first use, but however and whenever that may have been the idea proved too good to be lost and, accordingly, at the end of the twelfth century they were well estab- lished among the merchants of Italy. Then, as now and always, convenience and safety in the transportation and transfer of money inspired their use. Bills later came lo be used in France nnd from thence were introduced into England where their earliest recorded use, so far as may he found in the reports of early cases, is in one de- cided in 1603. They were not at that time employed in England by merchants in theij- domestic transactions, but their use seems to liave been confined to foreign bills drawn by or on foreign merchants. Later, bills drav>Ti by domestic merchants and finally, still later, bills dra-wn by or upon persons not merchants or traders came to be governed by the already well understood and well established rules of the customs of merchants upon which all negotiable instruments codes, and all decisions. 4 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW upon the subject, have since been based. At an early period it was disputed in England whether or not the rules of the law merchant applied to promissory notes as well as to bills of exchange but the negotiability of the former was afterward, in 1705, settled by statute. These customs of merchants and mariners based, you will ob- serve, upon the general convenience and a common sense of justice, and recognized as law more than seven cen- turies ago, have since become the public law of every civilized country in the world. T, 1' 4. j-««« The French were the first to syste- Earliest codifica- tions of the law matically arrange the rules of the Law mere ant. Merchant, in so far as they relate to com- mercial paper and, in the 17th Century, codified them in what was kno^\ai as ''The Commercial Code of France." This Code, it is said, formed the basis of all continental codes. Later they were collected and codi- fied in Spain, in 1829, and in Germany in 1848. No gen- eral codification took place in England until 1882. In the United States there had been no attempt to codify the laws relating to commercial paper as established by usage, until 1872 when California did so, in a way, in its ** Civil Code" adopted that year. Prior to 1882, in England and in all The need for the United States, with the exception of England and the California, the law upon the subject of United States commercial paper consisted in part of and the British B. of E. act. statutory enactment, but more largely of judicial decisions interpreting the estab- lished customs of the banking and business communities. Up to that time there had not been, with the exception referred to, any codification of these decisions and es- tablished rules into written, enacted law in either coun- try. Of course, in this state of the law, varying inter- HISTORICAL AND IxNTRODUCTORY 5 pretations of many of the important rules of the law merchant confronted the lawyer in England and in our own country, more particularly in the United States, where there were then, as now, about fifty courts of final resort. Bewildering complications and contradictions resulted from their conflicting decisions and the solu- tion of the perplexing problems which arose out of con- tradictory interpretation of this branch of business law involved, for the lawyer, the laborious examination of a multitude of decisions seldom, even then, providing a clear and uniform rule for the interpretation of the rights and duties of parties to commercial paper, and presented to the business man justifiable occasion for dispute and litigation. In England the need for codification was met by the enactment by Parliament in 1882 of the "Bills of Ex- change Act" and this became the first general codifica- tion of the laws relating to commercial paper in any of the English speaking countries. It was designed to codify, as nearly as possible, all the existing law upon the subject in that country. That Act is thoroughly com- prehensive and covers the entire field of commercial paper. Since our system of law is based upon ^ZJ^e^i^r^^' the jurisprudence of England it was, of ments law. course, a very logical consequence that upon this important subject the business community of our 0A\Ti country looked for guidance to the codification of the law merchant in Great Britain when the need for revision was proposed at the annual conference of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws at their meeting in 1895. In that year, in response to this very general need and urgent demand, which had already engaged the earnest attention of the Uniform Laws Committee of the 6 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW American Bankers ' Association, the annual conference of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws appointed a committee to draft an act which would meet our business needs. The committee to which this work was intrusted was instructed to prepare a bill to be based upon the British Act which had then been in use for nearly four- teen years. This committee was not limited, however, to the consideration of that Act alone but it was instructed to prepare and present a report which should have re- gard also to information to be obtained from whatever other source it might see fit to consult. Therefore, while the British Act forms the basis of our Uniform Nego- tiable Instruments Law, and while the continental codes were all consulted by its authors, the committee, never- theless, did not hesitate to depart from any prior acts whenever they were found to be in conflict with the set- tled law of this country. There is a marked difference in the forms of the Brit- ish Act and our own, due very probably to the more com- mon use of bills of exchange in England than in the United States. This difference, is, however, mainly in the structure of the law our own Act being equally as comprehensive as the British Act, and amply providing for an equally general use of bills of exchange in our do- mestic and foreign commerce, which we shall presently see when what seems to be the real business purpose of our new currency legislation is fully taken advantage of by the banks and merchants of this country. Bills are expected then to exercise the same influence upon the movement of trade and the investment of funds in this country as they now do in the countries of Europe where they are so extensively employed. Discounts will in all probability greatly increase and since it is expected that accounts will become available discount items by means HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY 7 of time acceptances in lieu of, or as an addition to the present method of obtaining credit by promissory notes, which prevails in most parts of this country, there seems now to be even greater reason than ever before that men engaged in business, and those seeking a business educa- tion, shall make themselves familiar with the law upon the subject of commercial paper and that the lawyer shall have a ready means of reference to the statute when his aid is sought. The committee to which the work of drafting a suitable act was intrusted prepared and submitted to the Com- mission at the next Conference in Saratoga, N. Y., held there in 1896, a draft of what is now known as the Uni- form Negotiable Instruments Law. After some amend- ments had been made by the Conference, most of which, the author of the Act says, were such changes in the ex- isting law as he had not felt at liberty to incorporate in his draft of the proposed bill, the Act was agreed upon and prepared for submission to the legislatures of all the States with the recommendation of the Conference for its adoption. At this Conference representatives of four- teen States were present and participated. Its commit- tee had the assistance of an able expert upon the law of commercial paper and during the year of its preparation the draft of the proposed Act was submitted to many of the most eminent American and English authorities upon the subject for their approval and criticism. It was later submitted to the members of tlie committee on Uniform Laws of the American Bankers' Association who, deeming the Act so complete and satisfactory and so much better than any which it could frame, reported it favorably and recommended to the State Associations that they present the Uniform Act to their respective state legislatures and urge its adoption in all the States. 8 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW States in which it ^^^ adoption proceeded slowly but now, is in effect. after twenty-one years, the statute has been enacted in every State but Georgia and Texas and in the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Alaska and the Philippine Islands, in most, without change, and in all substantially in the form in which it was recommended by the commission. It is, perhaps, to be regretted the legislatures of some have seen fit to change any of the provisions of this Act. Such small ambiguities, discrep- ancies or obscurities as might appear in it can better be cleared away by judicial interpretation, and this seems to have been the conclusion of all subsequent Conferences of the commissioners for, though many amendments to the Act have been proposed, none have been adopted by that body. However, in such States as have altered the law in any material respect, the changes will be indicated in this book by marginal notes. These will refer the reader to an Appendix where they will be found. j^^^ jjg^ The words of the statute are given con- controlling effect trolling effect wherever they are in con- flict with the law as it previously existed either by stat- utory enactment or by judicial interpretation of the com- mon law. The Act was intended to be a code of all the laws relating to the use of commercial paper. Its style and language have been said to be better, in some re- spects, than the British Act. It is also said to be simpler, less technical and more easily intelligible than that Act, and it has been commended by the courts and by eminent English authority because of these qualities. The purpose of the Act being to clear purp^s'^roflhe up. whatever conflict existed in the law of act. negotiable instruments in this country and to establish certainty and uniformity in their con- struction and effect in all the States, in order that the HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY 9 business man may more readily understand his rights and his duties in regard to the commercial paper which he issues or accepts or to which he otherwise becomes a party in the course of his business dealings, the Act will be set forth in this volume with such explanations as might be helpful to him. The arrangement of the book The arrangement ^^'^^^ present each section of the Act in the of the book. form in which it is in effect in those States where no changes have been made, following these with the explanations which seem necessary to make it intelli- gible to the man of ordinary comprehension and by ref- erences to related sections. Attention will be directed, as has been said, by marginal notes, to such States as have made changes in the Act and what they are. These will be found to be comparatively few and not seriously to impair its essential characteristic of uniformity. Citations will be used and these will either illustrate the cases upon which is based the provision in the Act to which they refer, or they will be of cases in which it has been interpreted. The courts of all the States will, of course, be guided by the interpretations of other courts of their own States where they have passed upon the Act, but when they have no precedent decision of their own they will freely accept, with the same authority as their own, the decisions of the courts of other States interpret- ing identical provisions of this Act. This fortunate dis- position toward uniformity in interpretation has made it possible for me to use cases in the citations which aptly well illustrate the conclusions stated in the text, when they are not obviously sustained by the Act itself, with- out cumbering the volume with the multitude of cumula- tive decisions that are available and may be found in the various digests of the law. 10 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW Although it is applicable to all forms of negotiable in- struments, the Act has particular reference to promis- sory notes, bills of exchange and checks these being the principal forms of commercial paper and the three with which business men most frequently meet in their daily transactions, and perhaps the reader will be enabled to approach, apply and better understand the provisions of the first title of the Act if he is here made familiar with the definition of each of these instruments as it is con- tained in the law. Accordingly, a negotiable promissory note is defined as follows : Definition of * < A negotiable promissory note with- promissory note, j^^ ^g-^ jy^EANiNG OP this act is an uncon- ditional promise in writing made by one person to another signed by the maker engaging to pay on de- mand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to order or to bearer. Where a note is drawn to the maker^'s own order, it is not complete until indorsed by him.'' Not all promissory notes are negotiable, and a written promise to pay money or other thing of value may be re- garded as a promissory note even if it is not negotiable. Its interpretation, however, and the interpretation of the rights and liabilities of its parties are not governed by this Act if it is not a negotiable instrument. This sec- tion contains the definition of a ''negotiable promissory note," and, as it will be seen by reference to Sec. 1 of the Act, the definition incorporates all of the requirements of that section in regard to the form which such an instru- ment must have in order that it may be considered to be a negotiable promissory note. The second class of negotiable instruments particu- larly embraced within the Act is bills of exchange, and these are defined as follows: HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY 11 Bill of exchange "A bill of exchange is an uncondi- defined. tional order in writing addressed by one PERSON TO another, SIGNED BY THE PERSON GIVING IT, REQUIR- ING THE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED TO PAY ON DEMAND OR AT A FIXED OR DETERMINABLE FUTURE TIME A SUM CER- TAIN IN MONEY TO ORDER OR TO BEARER. ' ' A bill of exchange is more commonly known as a ''draft," ''bill," "acceptance" and "trade acceptance," the designation newly applied to bills drawn and accepted by merchants in order to distinguish them from ' ' Bank- ers ' Bills ' ' which are at present used only in transactions growing out of our foreign trade. A bill is usually, though not necessarily, drawn by one person upon an- other with whom he has a credit or who is indebted to him. It directs the person upon whom it is drawn to pay the money due upon the drawer's credit, either immedi- ately upon presentment of the instrument or at a future time, to some other person whom he names. Wlien such an order is to be issued certain requisites of form must be observed. These are fixed in this Act and while, as in other negotiable instruments, the Act does not desig- nate the exact lang-uage to be used in drawing a bill, the substance of the law must be complied with and is suffi- ciently so in the forms with which we are all familiar and can readily obtain. In the introduction to the second title, the provisions of which are applicable to bills of exchange, I have used the occasion to outline the principal business features of the new Federal Reserve Bank Act which was designed to permit and encourage the acceptance business by national banks, and to establish a rediscount market in this country similar to those of the financial centers of Europe, based, to a very large extent, upon bankers ' bills. The third form of familiar commercial paper to which the law applies is a check, and this is defined in the Act as follows: 12 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW A check defined. ' ' A check is a bill of exchange dkawn ox A bank payable ox demaxd. Except as hereix other- A^iSE provided, the peovisioxs of this act applicable to A BILL OF EXCHAXGE PAYABLE OX DEMAXD APPLY TO A check/' A check dra^m upon a bank is, therefore, considered to be and is in fact a bill of exchange payable upon de- mand. Every provision of this Act which governs the interpretation and enforcement of the liabilities and rights of parties to a bill of exchange payable upon de- mand, or at sight, is, by this section, made applicable to a check unless by the Act itself it is otherwise provided. All of its provisions in regard to notice of non-paj^ment and in regard to protest, if the check is upon its face a foreign bill, that is to say, a bill drawn in one State and payable in another, must be complied with. The manner in which checks and other instruments are handled for collection and some of the duties and respon- sibilities of banks and collecting agents will be described and explained, with reference to applicable sections of the Act, at the conclusion of the treatment of Title 3. Certificates of deposit and bonds and Certificates of v • 4? n +• 1.1 • deposit and their coupons, being fully negotiable m- ^onds. struments, being in effect, and in fact but promissory notns, while they are not specially treated in the Act or in the explanations, are wholly governed by its provisions. At the beginning of Title 3, a short division of the Act, the provisions of which are applicable to prom- issory notes and checks, I shall very briefly mention again that their negotiation and interpretation are gov- erned by the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law and will state a few of the most important provisions of the law by which their use is governed. ^. , , In addition to the three forms of com- Quasi-negotiable • j j instruments. mercial paper mentioned and to certifi- HISTORICAL AND INTRODUCTORY 13 cates of deposit and bonds and their coupons, which are regulated wholly by the Law Merchant, others, consid- ered as quasi-negotiable, that is, having some of the features of negotiable instruments and governed in part by the same or similar laws, are bills of lading, ware- house receipts and certificates of stock. These are made the subject of other Uniform Acts proposed by the Commissioners on Uniformity of State Laws notably warehouse receipts, and these, in forty-one States, the District of Columbia, Alaska and the Philip- pine Islands, are now governed by the Uniform Act pre- pared and recommended by the Commissioners for their interpretation. Aside from that Act, however, the other Uniform Acts have not yet met \vith a generous approval from the legis- latures of the States. The Bills of Lading Act has been enacted in only twenty-one and the Uniform Stock Trans- fer Act in only twelve States. The principles of the laws which they are designed to partially codify are, how- ever, interpreted to very much the same effect in nearly all. I shall, therefore, attempt to state these general principles in relation to each under the title ''Quasi- Negotiable Instruments." Being impressed, now, with the real purpose of the Act, namely, to make uniform the law of negotiable in- strum.ents in all of the States, in order that the business man may readily know and understand what are, every- where, his rights and his duties upon his ordinary com- mercial paper, and repeating that it was prepared and enacted particularly for the benefit of men in business, the reader will, perhaps, with this brief introduction and explanation of its history, be more interested and better prepared to proceed with the examination of the Act itself. 14 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 1 TITLE I. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS IN GENERAL. SUBDIVISION I . Form and Interpretation. Section Section 1 Fomi of negotiable instru- 13 AVhen date may be inserted. ments. 14 Blanks; when may be filled. 2 Certainty as to sum — what 15 Incomplete instrument not constitutes. delivered. 3 When promise is uncondi- 16 Delivery; when effectual; tional. when presumed. 4 Detenninable future time; 17 Ambiguous instrument. what constitutes. 18 Liability of persons signing 4 Additional provisions affect- in trade or assumed name. ing negotiability. 19 Signature by agent; author- 6 Omissions; seal; particular ity; how shown. money. 20 Liability of persons signing 7 AVhen payable on demand. as agent, etc. 8 When payable to order. 21 Signature by procuration; 9 When payable to bearer. effect of. 10 Terms — when sufficient. 22 Effect of indorsement of in- 11 Date; presumption as to. fa"t or corporation. 12 Antedated and postdated. 23 Forged signature; effect of. ''Sec. 1. An- instrument to be negotiable ml^st con- form to the following requirements : Form of negoti- 1- It must be in writing and signed able instrument, by the maker or drawer ; '^Wisconsin. 2. Must contain an unconditional promise or order to pay a sum certain in money ; 3. Must be pay'able on demand, or at a fixed or de- terminable FUTURE time; 4. Must be payable to order or to bearer; and, 5. Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, HE must be XAIMED OR OTHERWISE INDICATED THEREIN WITH reasonable CERTAINTY. ' '* The opening section of the law provides what shall be formal requisites of a negotiable instrument. If any are lacking-, the instrument, although it may be a valid note § 1 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 15 or bill, is not negotiable and its interpretation and the rights and liabilities of its parties are not governed by the Act.^ Observe that the instrument must, first of all, be in writing and signed by the person who issues it. He must either himself sign it or his name nmst have been placed upon it by some one whom he has authorized to do it. (Sec. 19.) Writing includes print (Sec. 191) and the instrument may be written in pencil or in ink and the signature made by mark.- It may be written or printed on material other than paper or parchment, though unusual forms of material ought to be avoided as raising a suspicion of irregularity. By "maker" is meant the person who makes and is- sues a promissory note. By ''drawer" is meant the per- son who makes and issues bill of exchange or draft, or a check and it must, likewise, be signed. Of course, two or more persons may join in making a promissory note or drawing a bill or a check. The drawer of a check is not the person who presents it at the bank upon Avhich it is issued and draws the money upon it, but is the person who signs and issues it. The second requirement of this section is explained in the next two sections of the Act. The instrument must be payable in money, except in those States where by other statutes instruments pay- able in anything besides money are declared to be ne- gotiable. The third subsection of this section is amplified in sec- tions 4 and 7 and sections 8 and 9 define the terms 1. Windsor Cement Co. vs. Thompson, 86 Conn. 511. 2. Gear\- vs. Phvsic, 5 Barn. & Cress. 234. Brown vs. Biitchcrs & Drovers Bank, 6 Hill (N. Y.) 443. 41 Am. Dec. 755. Baker vs. Dening, 8 Adol & Ellis, 94. Reed vs. Roark, 14 Tex. 329, 65 Am. Dec. 127. Closson vs. Steams, 4 Vt. 11, 23 Am. Dec. 245. 16 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 2 ** order" and ''bearer." If the instrument is neither expressly payable to "order" or "bearer," it is not negotiable unless, without the use of these words, negoti- ability may clearly be inferred from other words em- ployed. (Sec. 10.) The fifth sub-section requires that the drawee of a draft or bill of exchange, that is, the person, firm or cor- poration upon whom it is drawn, must be named or de- scribed with sufficient certainty and clearness to enable the holder to know to whom and where the bill shall be presented. But if the bill, at its inception, names no drawee but designates a place where it is to be presented for payment, its acceptance by any one at that place will be deemed to be an acknowledgment that he is the per- son to whom it was intended the bill should be presented and that he was intended as the drawee.^ Certainty as to "Sec. 2. The sum payable is a SUM sum ; what certaiist within the meaning of this act constitutes. although it is to be paid : 1. With interest ; or 2. By stated installments; or ^Wyoming, Idaho, 3. By stated installments, with a Iowa, N. Caro- provision that upon default in payment ^i^^- OF ANY installment OR OF INTEREST,'^ THE ^Nebraska whole shall become due; or N. Carolina, 4. With exchange, whether at a fixed S. Dakota. rate or at the current rate ; or 5. With costs of collection or ax attorney's fee, in CASE payment shall NOT BE MADE AT MATURITY."^ When an insti*ument is payable with interest the sum payable is not an uncertain amount for it can be as- certained -with exact certainty what sum is payable up- on its maturity. The word "installments" used in this 3. Blackman vs. Lehman, 63 Ala. 547. Gray vs. Milner. 8 Taunt. 739. Walton vs. Williams, 44 Ala. 347. Wheeler vs. Webster, 1 E. D. Smith (N. T.) 1. §2 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 17 section means, as in ordinary' usage, partial payments, and when a bill or note is drawn or given to become pay- able in this manner the amount and time when each in- stallment is to be paid must be named; therefore, the word ''stated" is used, meaning, mentioned in or deter- minable from the instrument with certainty as to both time and amount. A negotiable instrument which is payable in stated in- stallments,, or in which the interest is payable at stated periods, may contain the provision that if any of these installments or if the interest is not paid when due the whole amount of the instrument shall become payable at once.* It may also contain a provision that the person upon whom a bill is drawn must in addition to the amount named in it pay ''exchange" which is the premium or charge to be collected by reason of the difference in the value of the same amount of money in different countries, or the disparity in the value of the use of the same amount of money in different parts of the same country.'^ Such an instrument usually has written or printed on its face the words "with exchange" and it may fix a definite rate or state that the "exchange" shall be made at the rate prevailing on the date when it is payable and in that event the words "at the current rate," or words of similar import, are usually employed. A promissory note or bill of exchange may also con- tain a provision that if it is not paid when due the person obliged to pay it shall pay attorney's fees and other costs of collection in addition to the sum promised. Such a provision is enforceable unless, as is the case in some 4. Markey vs. Casey, 108 Mich. 184. Hodsre vs. Wallace, 129 Wise. 84. Bright vs. Offield, 81 Wash. 442. 5. riagg vs. School Dist., 4 N. D. 30. Whittle vs. Fond du Lac Natl Bk. (Tex.), 26 S. W. 1106. 18 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 2 States, it is made illegal either by express statute or is held to be so by the courts as. in conflict with the laws of usury.^ In that event, however, the insertion of this provision in the instrument does not destroy its negoti- ability.'' If a draft is presented to the drawee which contains any provisions requiring him to pay exchange, costs or fees of any kind, he should, if he is unwilling to pay them, refuse to accept it. If he does accept it, he will be liable to pay a holder for value strictly in ac- cordance with the terms of the bill, unless other laws of that State under which such an acceptance is to be en- forced negative any provision on the instrument requir- ing him to do so. When an instrument is payable in installments, either of principal or interest, and it contains a provision that upon default in the payment of any all shall become due, and one or more of the installments is past due and unpaid, one who takes it afterward with notice of the default will not be considered to be a holder in due course but he will take the instrument subject to all the rights existing between its original parties.* A holder who takes the instrument after a known or appar- ent default in the payment of any installment is charge- able with notice that the party obliged to pay the in- strument may have some good defense available against 6. Miller vs. Gardner, 49 la. 235. Tyler vs. Walker, 101 Tenn. 306. 7. Miller vs. Kyle, 85 Ohio St. 186. Oppenheimer vs. Fanners & Merch. Bk., 97 Tenn. 19. Montgomery vs. Crossthwaite, 90 Ala. 553. Stapleton vs. Louisville Bankor. Co., 95 Ga. 802, Dorsey vs. Wolff, 142 111., 589. Stoneman vs. Pyle, 35 Ind. 103. 8. Hodge vs. Wallace, 129 Wis. 84. Vette vs. La Barge, 64 Mo. A. 179. Natl. Bk. of N. A. vs. Kirby, 108 Mass. 497. Waverly First Natl. Bk. vs. Forsyth, 67 Minn. 257, § 3 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 19 it in the hands of the original payee, and consequently in the hands of any subsequent holder who takes it after any known or apparent default in the payment of an installment of principal or interest.'^ If the instrument does not contain a provision making all installments ma- ture upon default in the payment of any one, or if it is provided that the subsequent installments shall mature at the option of the holder, what I have just said will not apph ', and one taking such an instrument under these circumstances will take it in due course, if he takes the instrument before the holder exercises his election,^** unless he is otherwise disqualified. Also see Sec. 52. Uncertainty in the sum payable will not be imputed when there is an obvious omission or the amount is misspelt.^ ^ Wlien promise is "Sec. 3. An unqualified order or unconditional. promise to pay is unconditional within THE MEANING OF THIS ACT THOUGH COUPLED WITH : 1. An INDICATION OF A PARTICULAR FUND OUT OF WHICH reimbursement is to be made, or a particular account to be debited with the amount; or 2. a statement of the transaction which gives rise to the instrument. But an order or promise to pay out of particular FUND is not unconditional.^^ This section means that a promise or an order to pay, otherwise unqualified, meets the requirement of sub- section 2 of section 1 and is to be considered uncondi- tional, although the instrument contains a reference to a particular fund out of which the person who is to pay it shall reimburse himself.^- It is also unconditional if it 9. McCorkle vs. Miller, 64 Mo. A. 153, 156. Vette vp. La Barge, 64 Mo. A. 179. 10. Battle Creek Nat. Bk. vs. Dean. 86 Iowa. 656, 53 N. W. 338. Morgan vs. U. S., 113 U. S. 476. 11. McCov vs. Gilmore, 7 Ohio, 268. Beardslev vs. Hill, 61 111. 354. Ohm vs. Yung, 63 Ind. 432. 12. Schmittler vs. Simon, 101 N. Y. 554. 20 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 3 directs the payment to be charged to a particular ac- count. If it contains a ' ' statement, ' ' meaning an indica- tion or description of the nature of the transaction which gives rise to, that is, causes the instrument to be made and issued, it is not to be considered a conditional prom- ise or order and its negotiability is not affected by such a statement.'^ But if the instrument is so drawn that it directs or promises the payment to be made out of a particular fund, it is not unconditional and therefore not a negotiable instrument, for its payment then de- pends upon the sufficiency of the particular fimd out of which it is to be paid. Municipal warrants which are so draAvn, and all usually are, are therefore not negoti- able.^* An order or promissory note drawn to be so pay- able would not be governed by the provisions of this Act and the rights and liabilities of parties to such an in- strument would not be the same as upon a negotiable bill or note. Negotiability, however, is not essential to the validity of a bill or note,^-^ and while an instrument which is non- negotiable may be transferred from one person to an- other by indorsement and delivery^® it is, in the hands of any holder, subject to all of the defenses which the maker or other primary party could interpose to prevent its pa^Tnent if still in the hands of the original payee. ^'^ The assignee of such an instrument takes no greater right or title than that of his predecessor. This is not true of 13. Schmidt vs. Pegg, 172 Mich. 159. 14. Read vs. Buffalo, 67 Barb. (N. Y.) 526. Beverqne vs. San Francisco, 1 Me All (U. S.) 175, 2 Fed. Cas. No. 1137. 15. Roads vs. Webb, 91 Me. 406, nt 410, 41 Atl. 128. 16. Richards vs. Warring, 39 Barb (N. Y.) 42. 17. Warren vs. Scott, 32 Iowa. 22. Ravmond vs. Middleton, 29 Pa. St. 529. Roads vs. Webb, 91 Maine, 406, at 411. § 4 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 21 negotiable instruments and forms their principal distin- guishing feature. Determinable "Sec. 4. An instrument is payable future time; -'^'^ ^ determinable future time, within what constitutes, the meaning of this .\ct, which is ex- "Wisconsin. pressed to be payable 1. At a fixed period after date or sight ; or 2. On or before a fixed or determinable future time specified therein; or 3. On or at a fixed period after the occurrence op A SPECIFIED event, WHICH IS CERTAIN TO HAPPEN, THOUGH THE TIME OF HAPPENING IS UNCERTAIN. "An INSTRUMENT PAYABLE UPON A CONTINGENCY IS NOT NEGOTIABLE, AND THE HAPPENING OF THE EVENT DOES NOT CURE THE DEFECT." The first sub-section of this section embraces a note or bill payable a certain number of days, months, or years after date or after sight. The second embraces such as are payable on or before a fixed date, and in this would be included such as may be payable '*on or by" a fixed time, the w^ord *'by" be- ing regarded as the equivalent of ** before. "^^ It also embraces one payable on or before a determinable fu- ture time which can be known and determined from the language used in the instrument itself. The third embraces such as are payable at a fixed per- iod (number of days, months or years, o?i demand, or at a fixed date) after the happening of a named event which must be certain to happen although the time when it vdW happen may be uncertain. The most common illustra- tion of an instrument payable after the happening of an event certain to happen is of one payable after the death of a person whom it names but, of course, such certainty as this is not always required. A certificate of deposit, for example, may be made payable ''upon re- 18. Preston vs. Dunham, 52 Ala. 217. Massie vs. Bolford, 68 111. 290. 22 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 5 turn of this certificate ' ' and this has been held to be suffi- ciently certain to meet this requirement and not impair its negotiability, these words being the equivalent of a promise to pay ''on demand. "^^ (See Sec. 17.) This section also provides that an instrument pay- able upon a contingency, that is, an uncertainty, is not negotiable, and even though the uncertainty upon which it depends does happen, it does not thereby become negotiable. This so distinctly states the rule that no further explanation seems necessary.^" Examples are to be found in the cases cited. * ' Sec. 5. An instkument which contains an order or PROMISE to do any ACT IN ADDITION TO THE PAYMENT OF MONEY IS NOT NEGOTIABLE." BuT THE NEGOTIABLE CHARAC- Additional "^^^ ^^ -^^" instrument otherwise negoti- provisions not able is not affected by a provision affecting nego- which — tiability. ^ Authorizes the S4LE of collateral ^Illinois. securities in case the instrument be ^N. Carolina. not paid at maturity; or ^Kentucky. £. ^Authorizes a confession of judg- <^Wisconsin. „ _ ment" if the instrument be not paid at maturity; or 3. 'Waives the benefit of any law intended for the advantage or protection of the obligor; or 4. Gives the holder an election to require some- thing to be done in lieu of payment of money. But nothing in this section shall validate any pro- vision or stipulation otherwise illegal.'"^ The first paragraph of this section is readily under- stood and, except as it may be otherwise provided in the Act, an instrument which requires the maker or acceptor to perform some act in addition to the payment of money cannot be negotiated in the sense in which that term is used in the Act. Such an instrument would have merely 19. Citizens Bank vs. Brown, 45 0. S. 39. Miller vs. Austin, 13 How. (U. S.) 218. 20. Hibemia Bk. & Tr. Co. vs. Dresser, 132 La. 532. Tisdale Lbr. Co. vs. Piquet. 153 App. Div. (N. Y.) 266. § 5 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 23 the force and legal effect of a simple contract, would be interpreted under the rules of law which apply to simple contractual relations, and would be assignable as such.^^ There are, however, four exceptions given to this rule which are declared not to affect the negoti- ability of the instrument and either or all of these may appear in it without destroying its negotiable character. The first is usually found in that form of promissory note used when a loan is made upon collateral, such as stocks, bonds, etc., which are pledged to secure it. In such an instrument the holder is given pov/er to sell the security pledged. The negotiability of such an instru- ment will not be impaired by a provision requiring addi- tional collateral or authorizing the surrender of the whole or part of the pledge upon the complete or partial performance of the promise,^- but a provision in a mort- gage note accellerating its maturity if the mortgagor shall do anything to impair the security of the pledge will destroy its negotiability.-^ The second is of instruments Avhich authorize some one to admit the maker's indebtedness and confess judg- ment upon the obligation if it is not paid at maturity. The instrument may not, however, contain a provision authorizing the confession of judgment before maturity for such a provision would destroy its negotiability.^-* A promissory note of this kind usually contains a waiver of notice and of other benefits which the maker would otherwise be entitled to enjoy and the third sub-section 21. Reed vs. Murphy, 1 Ga. 236. 22. Kennedy vs. Broderiok, 216 Fed. 137. 166 C. C. A. 381. Finlev vs. Smith, 16.5 Kv. 445. Il?ley vs. Smedes, 15 Dalv (N. Y.) 488, 8 N. Y. Suppl. 470, 29 N. Y. St. 417. Gross vs. Emerson, 23 N. H. 38. 23. Bright vs. Offield, 81 Wash. 442. 24. Wis. Yearlv Meetff. of F. Baptists vs. Babler, 115 Wise. 289. First Nat'l" Bank, Elgin, vs. Rasscll, 124 Tenn. 618. 24 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 5 provides that this waiver, as well as a waiver of any of his other rights and benefits by the person obliged to pay the instrument, secured to him by laws intended for his protection, may be contained in the instrument and, notwithstanding this provision, the instrument will con- tinue to be negotiable.^^ The fourth means, as it says, that the instrument may be payable in money and provide as well that the holder, who is the person lawfully having it in his possession, may have the election, that is, the choice, of requiring the person obliged to pay it to make payment in money or, in the alternative, to perform some act instead, as, for example, in lieu thereof to deliver certain property or securities, or perform certain services, which must be set forth in the instrument. ^^ But, observe, that if the instrument itself contains a direction to the person obliged to pay it or contains his promise to do any act in addition to the pajniient of money, it is not negotiable. Another section of the Act (Sec. 132) provides that the acceptance of a bill of exchange may not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money. Yet, the negotiability of the instrument would not be affected by an acceptance which agrees to pay the instrument in money but pro- vides also that the holder may, at his election, require something to be done instead. If, however, the instrument contains any illegal pro- vision, or stipulation, such a provision or stipulation is not made lawful by this section. There are in all States laws which define what are illegal acts and this section is not intended to make legal any which would otherwise be unlawful. What are unlawful provisions differ in the 25. Hughitt vs. Johnson, 28 Fed. 865. 26. Hostetter vs. ^^ilson, 36 Barb. (N. Y.) 307. § 6 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 25 several States and to know them the statutes of each State must be examined. Very generally stated they are such as violate positive law, the laws of religion or morality or such as are distinctly opposed to public policy. Omissions; seal; ''Sec. 6. The validity and negotiable particular character of an instrument are not af- money. fected by the fact that^ — "Illinois. "1^^ j^ jg -^Q^ dated; or 2. Does not specify the value given, or that any value has been given therefor; or 3. Does not specify the place where it is drawn or the place where it is payable ; or 4. Bears a seal; or 5. "Designates a particular kind of current money in which payment is to be made. But NOTHING IN THIS SECTION SHALL ALTER OR REPEAL ANY STATUTE REQUIRING IN CERTAIN CASES THE NATURE OF THE CONSIDERATION TO BE STATED IN THE INSTBUMENT. '' The negotiable character of an instrument, otherwise negotiable, is not destroyed nor is its negotiabilitj^ af- fected by the fact that it is not dated or that the words "value" or "value received" are omitted or it does not specify what value was given for it. Nor is a note or a bill bearing a seal thereby rendered the less negotiable. An investment bond of a municipal or other corporation bearing a seal is negotiable, as are its interest coupons. (See Sec. 184.) The instrument is negotiable if it does not appear to have been drawn or made payable at any specified place. Such an instrument is deemed to have been drawn at the place where it is issued and if no place of payment is named, it is payable at the given address of the person who is to pay it; and if this has also l)een omitted then at his residence or place of business. (Sec. 73.) A promissory note, bill of exchange, or other nego- tiable instrument may designate payment to be made 26 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 7 in a particular kind of money in common and general use at the place where it is payable, and receivable and passing by law as money, without destroying or affecting its negotiability.^'^ In some of the States there are laws requiring that in certain cases the nature of the consid- eration must be expressed in the instrument, as, in cer- tain States, that a note given for some kinds of cropping seeds must so state, and this section is not intended to alter or rejDeal such laws. Therefore it is provided gen- erally that if the nature of the consideration upon which it is based is expressed in the instrument its negotiability is not affected by such a provision. When payable ' ' Sec. 7. An instrument is payable on on demand. demand— 1. Where it is expressed to be payable on demand, or at sight, or on presentation ; or 2. In which no time for payment is expressed. Where an instrument is issued, accepted, or indorsed when overdue, it is, as regards the person so issuing, accepting or indorsing it, payable on demand. '^ A promissory note Avhich by its terms is payable upon demand, or a draft or bill of exchange payable at sight or upon presentation, or a note or other negotiable in- strument in which no time for payment is fixed, must be paid by the person who is obliged to pay it, whenever the holder presents it to him and demands its payment. And it is so payable even if it is payable with interest and contains a provision that the interest shall be pay- able annually or at other fixed periods after its date.^^ Such a provision is not regarded as an indication that the holder is not expected to present the instrument for payment until the time at which the interest is payable 27. Hatch vs. First Nat'l Bank, 94 Me. 348, SO Am. St. Rep. 401. 28. Header vs. Dollar Savg. Bk., 56 Ga. 605. Converse vs. Johnson, 146 Mass. 20, 14 N. E. 925. Shaw vs. Shaw, 43 N. H. 170. Knight vs. Braswell, 70 N. C. 709. § 7 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 27 and not at all to be understood to require liim to with- hold demand until that time. An instrument which is issued, accepted, or which is transferred from one person to another by indorsement after it is past due, is, as to the person so issuing, accept- ing or indorsing it and, of course, as to all prior parties, payable at once. In order to hold the indorser indorsing such an instrument after maturity the holder must pre- sent it for payment within a reasonable time after its negotiation to him, although it has previously been dis- honored, and if it is not then paid must give notice of dishonor to his transferers^ if his liability had not already been fixed by notice upon its previous dishonor.^^* The holder of an instrument payable on demand has the right to demand payment immediately after its issue or negotiation to him.^*^ He may, if he desires, wait a reasonable time before doing so, but what is a reasonable time is a question w^hich will permit of varying con- struction (see sees. 53, 71, 144 & 193) and it is proper, if the instrument bears indorsements, to make demand at once unless a delay has been agreed upon, and then proceed as required under Sees. 89 to 118 inclusive. Of course, it is unusual to do this when the instrument is a promissory note but not at all unusual in this country in the case of bills of exchange payable on demand. In- deed, when the instrument is a check, its detention for a very few days without presenting it for payment has been held to be an unreasonable delay.^^ It is not rec- 29. Smith vs. Caro & Baum, 9 Oregon, 278. Colt vs. Barnard, 18 Pick. 260. Libbey vs. Pierce, 47 N. H. 309, 314. Beer vs. Clifton, 98 Cal. 323. 29a. Libbey vs. Pierce, 47 N. H. 309, 314. 30. Merritt vs. Todd, 23 N. Y. 28. 31. Nat'l State Bk. vs. Weil, 141 Pa. St. 457; 21 A. 667. 28 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 8 ommended, however, that immediate demand be made for the payment of a bill or note which has been issued or drawn to be used as a credit instrument.^^ After demand and notice to the indorsers, the holder may sue upon the instrument at his pleasure and he is limited as to the length of time he may wait before doing so only by the statute of limitations governing such instruments in the State in which they are to be enforced. More will be said upon this subject under the sections above referred to. The maker of a demand note has, of course, the right to pay it at any time after its issue unless a delay has been agreed upon.^^ When payable to ''Sec. 8. The instrument is payable PJ,*??^- . TO ORDER where IT IS DRAWN PAYABLE TO "Illinois. THE ORDER OF A SPECIFIED PERSON OR TO HIM OR TO HIS ORDER. It MAY BE DRAWN PAYABLE TO THE ORDER OF 1. a payee who is not maker, drawer, or drawee; or 2. The drawer or maker ; or 3. The drawee; or 4. Two or more PAYEES JOINTLY; OR 5. One or some of several payees ; or 6. The holder of an office for the time being." Where the instrument is payable to order the payee must be named or otherwise indicated therein with reasonable certainty,'' An instrument payable to order requires indorsement to pass the title or ownership. To be payable to order the payee must either be named in it or described suffi- ciently so that his identity can be easily ascertained,^* (Sec. 1) and the instrument must state that it is pay- able to the order of the person named or described as the payee. If these words are not used and negotiability 32. Columbian Banking- Co. vs. Bowen, 134 Wise. 218. Nutting vs. Burked, 48 Mich. 241, 12 N. W. 184. 33. Stover vs. Hamilton, 21 Gratt (Va.) 273. 34. United States vs. White, 2 Hill, 59. Blackman vs. Lehman, 63 Ala. 547. § 8 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 29 cannot clearly be inferred from other language employed in the instrument it will not be negotiable.^'' It is payable to order and must be transferred by indorsement, when it is payable to one's own self or order or, if a bill of exchange, when it is payable to the person upon whom it is drawn or to his order. It is also pay- able to order if it is payable to the order of a person who is not the maker, drawer or drawee. That person is then called the ''payee." The instrument may be made or drawn payable to several persons jointly, or a person and a corporation jointly, a corporation being, by a fiction of the law, an artificial person having a dis- tinct existence as such. It may also be made or drawn payable in the alternative to one or more of several per- sons whose names may be mentioned or who may be described in the instrument. The holder of an office need not be designated by name.36 An instrument payable to the holder of an office whose name it does not mention may be presented for payment when due by or to whatever person holds the office designated, and such a presentment is good and the instrument may be negotiated by the indorsement of the person holding the office named. (See Sec. 42.) The de- scription of the officer, as for example, "Pay the Treas- urer of Blank Company," would designate the payee with the certainty required by Section 1, Sub-section 5. So also is a payment made to the holder of the office designated in the instrument or indorsement as the payee good, even if it is not made at the office named. And if a person is named and described as the holder of an office and he has relinquished his office, presentment or payment to, or suit to enforce the instrument by his successor is 35. Putnam vs. Cryines, 1 McMul. (S. C.) 9, 36 Am. Dec. 250. 36, McBroom vs. Treas. Lebanon Co., 31 Ind. 268 30 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 8 proper,^" unless the instrument is his own property and the designation of the office he holds is used only for description. However, care must be exercised to see that the proper person accepts the instrument or that pajTiient is made to the proper person when the drawee or payee is the holder of an office and is not mentioned by name, or if he is mentioned by name together with a description of the office he holds, and payment should never be made unless the instrument is at once surren- dered. (Sees. 88, 119.) Even if the instrument is surren- dered, payment to the wrong person will not always dis- charge the obligation. Exceeding great care must be exercised when there is any uncertainty in this regard. Reasonable certainty in describing the drawee or payee is required if he is not designated by name for the reason, as has already been stated, that it must appear to whom and Avhere the instrument is to be presented, and in order that it shall indicate clearly by whose indorsement it may be negotiated and to whom payment is to be made. (Sec. 1.) It has been held that an instrument payable to a '* Trustee" is not commercial paper and there are diffi- culties in the way of the transfer of such paper by in- dorsement which very well deserve careful inquiry.^^ (See Sec. 42.) If an instrument is payable to a named person but not to his order, and if it is not payable to bearer as is pro- vided in the next section, it is not negotiable, unless from the use of other words negotiability is clearly to be in- ferred. But an instrument which is negotiable at its origin continues to be so until it has been restrictively 37. McDonald vs. McLaudilin, 74 Me. 480. Tainter vs. Winter, 53 Me. 348. Davis vs. Gore, 6 N. Y. 124. 38. National Citv Bk. vs. Bankers Trust Co., 37 App. (D. C), 533. Third Nat '1 Bk. vs. Lana:e, 51 Md. 138, 34 Am. R. 304. Sturtevant vs. Jacques, 14 Allen (Mass.) 523. § 9 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 31 indorsed or is discharged by payment (sec. 47) and if, during its negotiation, the instrument obtains an in- dorsement from which words are absent wliich imply the power to further negotiate it, that is, which merely omits such words, it continues to be negotiable notwithstand- ing their omission. (Sec. 36.) When payable ''Sec. 9. The instrument is payable to bearer. r^^ bearer "Illinois. I When it is expressed to be so pay- able; OR 2. AVhen it is payable to a person named therein or bearer; or 3. "^When it is payable to the order of a fictitious OR non-existing person, and such fact was known to the person making it so payable; or 4. When the name of the payee does not purport TO BE the name OF ANY PERSON; OR 5. "When the only or last indorsement is an in- dorsement IN blank." An instrument is payable to and negotiable by the person who has it in his possession when it is written *'pay to bearer," these w^ords meaning that the person who has the instrument in his possession and presents it for payment, is the proper person to receive the money due upon it. (Sec. 51. )• Words of similar import may be employed. Payment to the bearer at the maturity of the instrument is good even though the person receiv- ing payment does so without authority of the owner of the instrument, provided the person paying had at the time of payment no knowledge, or was not charged with any duty to know that the holder acted fraudulently in presenting the instrument and receiving the payment. (Sec. 88.) An instrument which is made payable to a named person whose name is followed by the words *'or bearer" is payable to any one who has it in his posses- sion and can be negotiated by him even if it does not bear the indorsement of the payee whose name appears 32 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 9 upon its face as the person to whom it is payable, for the obvious reason that such an instrument is to be paid either to the person named or to anybody else who bears it. When an instrument is payable to a fictitious person, that is, one who is not real, but a pretended person, or if real, one who has no interest in the instrument and whose name is used merely for the purpose of decep- tion, ^^^ and the person making the instrument knows at the time of issuing it that the payee is fictitious, it is payable to bearer. The obvious intention of this sub- section is that such an instrument shall not require in- dorsement since no person capable of or interested in in- dorsing it exists. Quite obviously also, an instrument payable to the assumed, trade name under which one may be doing business would not become payable to bearer because the instrument was not made payable to the fic- titious name for the purpose of deception.^^ (See Sec. 18.) If the instrument is so written that the words used to indicate to whom it is to he paid do not appear to be the name of any person, for example, a check payable to ^'Cash," or if it does not describe any one with the certainty required, (See Sec. 1) it is then, in either case, also payable to bearer. But the instrument is probably not payable to bearer if the person making it knowingly makes it payable to a person who is dead. Such an in- strument would recjuire the indorsement of the repre- sentatives of the decedent's estate. ^^ 39. Snvder vs. Corn Exchange Natl. Bk., 221 Pa. 599, 12S Am. S. R. 780. Shipman vs. Bank of K Y., 126 N. Y. .318. 40. Edgerton vs. Preston, 15 111. A. 23. Jones vs. Home Furnishing Co., 9 App. Div. 103, 41 N. Y. S. 71. Biyant vs. Eastman, 7 Cnsh. (Mass.) 111. 41. Lewisohn vs. The Kent & Stanley Co., 87 Hun 257. § 10 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 33 A negotiable instrument made payable to order, as mider Sec. 8, becomes payable to bearer and can be passed by mere delivery when the only or the last in- dorsement upon it is in blank. An indorsement in blank is made by writing one's name upon the back of the in- strument without any words indicating another to whom it is to be paid. (Sec. 34.) An instrument which is made payable to bearer or be- comes so may be transferred by mere delivery. (Sec. 30.) It does not require indorsement by the holder to transfer the title. However, no person is liable upon the instrument, except as is otherwise provided in this act (Sees. 18, 19, 20), unless he has placed his signature upon it, and an instrument negotiated by mere delivery does not accumulate the security which added indorse- ments give to one negotiated by indorsement. Terms when *'Sec. 10. The instrument need not sufficient. follow the language of this act, but "Wisconsin. ^^^ tebms aee sufficient which clearly indicate an intention to conform to the requirements HEREOF. ' '" The Negotiable Instruments Act was not intended to make invalid instruments which are not written in the language of this law. Any language, English or for- eign,^ ^ jjiay be used in drawing a bill, note or check which will show clearly that the parties to the instrument in- tended to make such an instrument as will substantially conform to the provisions of the Act. Doubt and uncer- tainty, confusion and delay, expensive litigation and dis- pute will be avoided, however, if instruments ordering or promising the payment of money and which are in- tended for negotiation, that is, for transfer by delivery or indorsement from one person to another in the regu- lar course of trade, are so writte n that there can be no 42. Debebian vs. Gala, 64 Md. 262, 265. 34 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 11 doubt of their character. Forms are readily obtainable, differing not very materially in their language from those employed since the fourteenth century, and wher- ever practicable they should be used. If language is used in an instrument which by long es- tablished custom has obtained a special meaning or sig- nificance different from its ordinary meaning, it will be interpreted according to its special significance unless to do so would ])e clearly inconsistent with the purpose of the instrument.*^ The provisions of this Act definitely fix the rights, liabilities and duties of all the parties to commercial paper. Its provisions cover every require- ment of the commercial relationships between business men and an instrument executed in conformity with this Act will have the same interpretation in every State in which it has been adopted. Informal instruments which clearly indicate by the terms used that they are intended to be negotiable and which are not lacking in any of the essential require- ments of this Act will be construed to be, and are, in ef- fect, negotiable instruments.** Date; presump- "Sec. 11. Where the instrument or tion as to. ^^^ acceptance or any indorsement thereon is dated, such date is deemed prima facie to be the true date of the making, drawing, acceptance or indorsement as the case may be." This section means that when an instrument or an acceptance upon a draft or bill of exchange is dated, the date given is presumed to be the date when it was made or given. Likewise when an indorsement is dated. But if the date is an impossible one, then the nearest or prob- 43. Pilmer vs. Branch of State Bank, 16 Iowa, 321. 44 Owen vs. Blackburn, 161 App. Div. (N. Y.) 827. Kerr vs. Smith, 156 App. Div. (N. Y.) 807. Westberg vs. Chicago Lbr. Co.. 117 Wise. 589. Gilley vs. Harrell, 118 Tenn. 115. § 12 FOKM AND INTERPRETATION 35 able one will be adopted. (April 31st may be April 30th, or May 1st, probably the latter.)"*^ Of course, if the date given is not really the date upon which the act was done, the person disputing it will be permitted to show that it is not the true date and if the question arises in an action upon the instrument he must offer some evidence to sup- port his contention. If he does not, the presumption in its favor mil prevail and the date upon the instrument, acceptance, or indorsement will be taken to be its true date.''^ Antedated and "Sec. 12. The instrument is not in- postdated. valid for the reason only that it is an- tedated or postdated, provided this is not done for an illegal or fraudulent purpose, the person to whom an instrument so dated is delivered acquires the titlk thereto as of the date of delivery." If an instrument is dated before (antedated) or later than the real date of its issue (postdated) or an indorse- ment or acceptance is so dated, it is not thereby made in- valid, unless the antedating or postdating is done for an unlawful or a fraudulent purpose. A postdated instru- ment is regarded very much the same as a bill payable so many days after sight, and the person to whom an instru- ment so dated is delivered or transferred acquires title to it, that is, he becomes its owner, upon the day when it is delivered or transferred to him and he may nego- tiate it immediately. It is not necessary that he hold it until the day it is dated before transferring it to an- other.^' An instrument so dated, if payable at a given time after its date, does not become due earlier because issued before its date. The fact that it is postdated is not sufficient to put the indorsee upon notice of irregu- 45. Wa^er vs. Kenncr, 2 Rob. (La.) 120. 46. Mobley vs. Ryan, 14 111. 51. 47. Brewster vs. McArdle, 8 Wend. 478. Passmore vs. North, 13 East, 517, 104 Reprint, 471. 36 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 13 larity or fraud,^^ (Sec. 56) and the person who executes and delivers a postdated instrument cannot, in the ab- sence of any agreement to the contrary, recall the in- strument by reason of the fact that it is dated later than the date of its issue. He can, it is true, countermand payment of such an instrument, as he can of one not postdated, but the effect of this would be merely to pre- vent its pajTiient when presented. His countermand would not release him from his obligation to the holder. ^-^ Even if the death of one of the parties to a postdated instrument occurs before the day of its date, this will not render the instrument invalid and will not, in all cases, amount to a revocation.'^" An antedated instru- ment can, of course, be put in issue by its maker at any time after its date. If it is payable at a given time the time of maturity is not postponed by the fact that it was delivered later than its date and if it is issued or nego- tiated after its maturity it is, by the provisions of Sec. 7, payable upon demand. When date may '*Sec. 13. Where a^ instrument ex- be inserted. pressed to be payable at a fixed period AFTER DATE IS ISSUED UNDATED, OR WHERE THE ACCEPTANCE OF AN INSTRUMENT PAYABLE AT A FIXED PERIOD AFTER SIGHT IS UNDATED, ANY HOLDER MAY INSERT THEREIN THE TRUE DATE OF ISSUE OR ACCEPTANCE AND THE INSTRUMENT SHALL BE PAYABLE ACCORDINGLY. ThE INSERTION OF A WRONG DATE DOES NOT AVOID THE INSTRUMENT IN THE HANDS OF A SUB- SEQUENT HOLDER IN DUE COURSE ; BUT AS TO HIM, THE DATE SO INSERTED IS TO BE REGARDED AS THE TRUE DATE." If an instrument or an acceptance is payable at a fixed period after date or sight and it is issued or delivered 48. Albers vs. Hoffman, 64 Misc. (N. Y.) 87. 49. Usher vs. A. S. Tucker Co., 217 Mass. 441, 105 N. E 360 50. Passmore vs. North, 13 East. 517, 104 Reprint, 471. Cutts vs. Perkins, 12 Mass. 206. Nassano vs. Tuolumne County Nat. Bk., 20 Cal. A. 603, 130 P. 29. §14 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 37 without bearing a date, the holder may insert the true date of its issue or acceptance for a date is then neces- sary to fix its maturity. If he inserts a wrong date and the instrument in due course, meaning, by a regular transaction and for value before maturity, passes into the hands of another, the date inserted, even though wrong, is, as to this holder in due course, considered to be its true date. As between the maker of the instru- ment or acceptance and the holder who has knowingly inserted a wrong date, and any holder taking with notice of the insertion of the wrong date, it has been held that the instrument is thereby avoided and is not enforce- able.^^ And, it seems, this might be true even though he has made the insertion in good faith believing it to- be the true date. Section 6 provides that if the date is omitted alto- gether the instrument is not thereby invalidated and this section gives the holder the right to insert the true date. It follows, therefore, that if the holder of an undated instrument or acceptance does not know its true date he ought not to insert any without the consent of the parties to whom he looks for payment. -,, , , "Sec. 14. "Where the instrument is Blanks; wnen may be filed. wanting in any material, particular, the "Wisconsin. person in possession thereof has a prima ''Illinois. FACIE AUTHORITY TO COMPLETE IT^ BY FILIr- '^So. Dakota. ^^^ ^,p ^^j, blajtks therein. And a sig- nature ON a blank PAPER DELIVERED BY THE PERSON :MAK- ING THE SIGNATURE IN ORDER THAT THE PAPER MAY BE CON- VERTED INTO A NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT OPERATES AS A PRIMA FACIE" AUTHORITY TO FILL IT UP AS SUCH FOR ANY AMOUNT. In ORDER, HOWEVER, THAT ANY SUCH INSTRUMENT WHEN COMPLETED MAY BE ENFORCED AGAINST ANY PERSON WHO BE-. CAME A PARTY THERETO PRIOR TO ITS COMPLETION, IT MUST BE FILLED UP STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORITY GIVEN AND WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME. BUT IF ANY >^rCU 51. Houston Bank vs. Day, 145 Mo. A. 410, 122 S. W. 756. 38 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 14 INSTRUMENT, AFTER COMPLETION, IS NEGOTIATED TO A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE, IT IS VALID AND EEFECTUAL FOR ALL PURPOSES IN HIS HANDS, AND HE MAY ENFORCE IT AS IF IT HAD BEEN FILLED UP STRICTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORITY GIVEN AND WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME/' This section grants to the person in possession of the instrument the right to sujjply any material thing which may have been omitted when it was executed. Observe that this right is prima facie, that is to say, he is pre- sumed to have authority to do so and this presumption continues until the person who is affected by what he does disputes it and is able to show by some evidence that he either had not this authority, or if he had, that it has not been properly exercised. If the omissions are correctly supplied and not made contrary to the terms of the transaction out of which the instrument arose, the right to make them will have been properly exercised.'^ This section also provides that when a paper which is intended to be used as a negotiable instrument, and it is important that it must have been so intended, ^^ is signed in blank, that is, without having been filled out as to the date, amount, to whom, and the time when it is payable, or in one or some of these particulars, or even if a blank piece of paper is signed by any person and delivered to another in order that it may be converted into and used as a negotiable instrument, the one to whom it is given has the right to supply the omissions or to write over the blank signature words which will con- vert the blank paper into a negotiable instrument for any amount. The person who thus supplies omissions or fills up such a paper cannot himself enforce its payment 52. Younc: vs. Baker, 29 Ind. A. 130. 64 X. E. 54. Marshall vs. Drescher, 68 Ind. 359. Weyerhauser vs. Dunn, 100 N. Y. 150. 53. Iowa St. Bank vs. Claypool, 91 Kas. at 251. Richards vs. Day, 137 N. Y. 183. §14 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 39 by the one who signed it in blank, unless he has filled it up strictly in accordance with the authority which the signer gave him to do so, and unless he has done it within a reasonable time after its delivery to him. Nor can any one who is not a holder in due course enforce it, unless it was so done. And if one transfers such an instru- ment to another without first completing it in accord- ance with his authority, his transferee will not be deemed a holder in due course and cannot recover upon it.^^ But if after completion by any one the instrument is negotiated in due course, that is, transferred before its maturity in a regular transaction for a valuable con- sideration to some other person Avho had no knowledge and is not in law chargeable with notice or any duty to know that it was incomplete when delivered, and not afterward completed in strict accordance with the au- thority given within a reasonable time after being signed in blank, such a holder and subsequent holders for value can enforce it against the signers in blank even if the person who filled up the blanks or converted into a nego- tiable instrument the signed blank piece of paper, did not do so in strict accordance with his authority, and within a reasonable time after it was so signed. Signers in blank cannot resist payment of an instrument in the hands of a holder in due course, even if it has not been filled up and issued in accordance with the authority under which it was given. The particular circumstances of each case in which the question of the proper exercise of authority to fill in blank instruments arises will be inquired into and if there is doubt about the authority of the person who fills 54. Stone vs. Sargent, 220 Mass. 445. Tower vs. Stanley, 220 Mass. 429. Hartington Bk. vs. Rreslin, 88 Neb. 47. Boston Steel & Iron Co. vs. Steuer, 183 Mass. 140. 40 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 14 it up, either of his right to do it or his right to fix the amount of the instrument, the one to whom such paper is offered may be put upon inquiry if any suspicious cir- cumstances appear from the instrument itself ; and if he is chargeable with notice, he cannot recover upon the instrument if the person who filled it up exceeded his authority in doing so. Notice is defined in Sec. 56. The authority given by this section to fill up blank spaces in the instrument extends to the person in posses- sion the right to fill up such blanks as are obviously and intentionally left unfilled, but the section is not intended to and does not grant the right to fill in any spaces upon the instrument which are not occupied by written or printed words, by writing additional words or figures upon it when the instrument is not signed in blank and is otherwise complete. Numerous decisions are to be found in the reports of all of the States upon this subject, the courts expressing widely diverging views. These cases have nearly always grown out of instruments upon which blank spaces have not been filled up by lining them out when the Avords or figures written in the instrument do not fully occupy the spaces intended for their inser- tion. Because of the opportunity thus given to alter the instrument, dishonest persons have been enabled to change its amount without in any way indicating that a fraudulent change has been effected. Of course, an obli- gation rests upon every signer of a negotiable instru- ment to so prepare it, or to see that at the time he at- taches his signature to the instrument it is made out in such a way that it cannot readily be changed by fraud in- tending persons into any different contract from that which, on its face, it purports to be. But he is not bound to so prepare it that it is impossible to change it.''^ 55. Otis El. Co. vs. First Nat. Bk., 163 Cal. 31, 124 P. 704, 41 L. R. A. (N. S.) 529 and Note §14 FOKM AND INTERPRETATION 41 The strong presumption exists that all men are honest, and if an instrument which is complete when delivered, even though it is so filled out that it is possi))le to change its amount by inserting additional words and figures in it, and it is so altered, this, of itself, is not sufficient to make liable for the altered sum the person whose ob- ligation it is. For example, if a promissory note is writ- ten for seventy-five dollars and these words and figures are written into it, but in such a manner that a space is left before the first word and figure, and such an instru- ment is afterward fraudulently raised by adding the words ''one hundred" before "seventy-five" and the figure 1 before 75, thereby changing it to a note for one hundred and seventy-five dollars, the alteration will be considered material alteration and the instrument un- enforceable in the raised amount. On such a note the parties, except those who became parties after the altera- tion, would be liable only in the original amount.^^ (Sec. 125.) Aside from the instrument, however, they might be liable to a holder in due course for the full amount of the altered sum as damages, if their carelessness was responsible for the fraud and his injury, and they would be if their negligence amounted to an estoppel."'^ But- this is a different subject and it is only referred to in order to illustrate the importance of properly making out a negotiable instrument. When the written words and figures do not completely fill the blank spaces, draw Garrard vs. Hadden, 67 Pa. St. 82. Yocum vs. Smith, 63 111. 321. Scotland Co. Nat. Bk. vs. O'Connell, 23 Mo. App. 165. Hacket vs. First Nat. Bk. of Louisville, 114 Ky. 193. 56. Greenfield Savgs. Bk. vs. Gray, 123 Mass. 196. Nat. Exchange Bk. vs. Lester, 194 N. Y. 461, 87 N. E. 771,. 21 L. R. A. (N. S.) 402, where cases are reviewed. 57. Holmes vs. Tnimper, 22 Mich. 427. Otis El. Co. vs. First Natl. Bk., 163 Cal. 31, 41 L. R. A. (N. S.) 529, 124 S. 704. 42 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 15 a line through the unoccupied parts. Consult section 6 for the right to supply omissions, section 23 for what constitutes a forgery and sections 124 and 125 for what are material alterations and their effect upon the instru- ment. Incomplete ''Sec. 15. Where an incomplete in- instrument not strument has not been delivered it will delivered. :soT, if completed and negotiated, with- "Wisconsin. ' OUT authority, be a valid contract in THE hands of any HOLDER, AS AGAINST ANY PERSON WHOSE signature WAS PLACED THEREON BEFORE DELIVERY.'"" An initial delivery is essential to the validity of an incomjDlete negotiable instrument. Now, if a bill, note, check, or other negotiable instru- ment is incomplete on its face, or is signed in blank, but not voluntarily delivered by the person whose obligation it is to become after it has been lawfully completed and has had a valid initial delivery, and such an instrument is negotiated without authority, it does not bind any one whose signature was placed upon it before its unlawful negotiation, even if it is presented in the hands of a holder in due course. ^^ And when an instrument which is apparently complete but is not so because it lacks the signature of additional parties who are to sign it has been delivered under an agreement that it is not to take effect until the additional signatures are obtained, such an instrument is not a valid instrument between the original parties or a subsequent holder taking with notice. ^^ (See Sec. 55.) But persons who become parties to an incomplete undelivered instrument after it has been wrongfully com- pleted and negotiated will be liable upon it to a subse- quent holder in due course, because the contract is theirs 58. Linick vs. Nuttino:, 140 App. Div. 2G5. 267, 12.5 N. Y. S. 93. Nance vs. Laiy, 5 Ala. 370. 59. Hodge vs. Smith, 130 Wis. 326. §16 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 43 in the rorm in which they signed it. The next section will inform you when and under what circumstances an instrument is deemed to be incomplete. (Also see Sees. 55 and 184.) Delivery; when ''Sec. 1(3. Every conieact on a nego- effectual; when ^j^^le instrument is incomplete and Sorth^^c'arolina. RI^vocable until delivery of the instru- ftKansas. * ment for the purpose of giving effect S. Dakota. . thereto. As between immediate parties, AND AS REGARDS A REMOTE PARTY OTHER THAN A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE, THE DELIVERY, IN ORDER TO BE EFFECTUAL, MUST BE MADE EITHER BY OR UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE PARTY MAKING, DRAWING, ACCEPTING" OR ENDORSING, AS THE CASE MAY BE ; AND IN SUCH CASE THE DELIVERY MAY BE SHOWN TO HAVE BEEN CONDITIONAL, OR FOR A SPECIAL PURPOSE ONLY, AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSFERRING THE PROPERTY IN THE INSTRUMENT.'' BuT WHERE THE INSTRUMENT IS IN THE HANDS OF A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE, A VALID DELIVERY THEREOF BY ALL PARTIES PRIOR TO HIM SO AS TO MAKE THEM LIABLE TO HIM IS CONCLUSIVELY PRESUMED. AnD WHERE THE INSTRUMENT IS NO LONGER IN THE POSSESSION OF A PARTY WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS THEREON, A VALID AND INTEN- TIONAL DELIVERY BY HIM IS PRESUMED UNTIL THE CONTRARY IS PROVED.'' Like other contracts, a negotiable instrument has no valid inception until it has been delivered by the maker or drawer for the purpose of giving effect to it. The contract of indorsement is incomplete until the indorser delivers the instrument to his transferee for the pur- pose of giving effect to his indorsement, and the contract of the acceptor is incomplete until he returns the ac- cepted instrument to the holder for the purpose of giving effect to his acceptance or notifies him of the accept- ance. (Sec. 191.) In every case the contract is revocable until it is delivered for the purpose of giving effect to it ;"« and as to all parties except a holder in due 60. Burson vs. Huntincrton, 21 Mich. 410, 431. Burr vs. Beckler, 264 111., 230. 44 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 16 course, the delivery is not effectual, that is completed and binding unless it is made by the party who issues, accepts or indorses the instrument or by his authority. x\nd, except when the instrument is in the hands of a holder in due course, it can in every case be shown that the delivery was not for the purpose of giving effect to instrument or transferring its ownership, if it is a fact that its effective delivery was not intended. But if one's signature appears anywhere upon a nego'tiable instru- ment and the instrument is no longer in his possession an intentional and valid delivery by him to any one who holds it will be presumed until he is able to show that he did not deliver or intend to deliver the instrument to the holder, or any other prior party, for the purpose of transferring the ownership of the instrument.^^ But now observe that when an instrument which is complete in every other respect except delivery, comes into the hands of a holder in due course, (see sec. 53 for definition) a valid delivery by all persons whose signatures appear upon it when it reaches him is con- clusively presumed, that is to say, the contrary cannot be shown, as to him, even if it is true. All parties upon the instrument are liable to this holder in due course not- withstanding any rights or defenses they may have among themselves.*^^ By reason of this section a holder in due course of a negotiable instrument which at its inception was com- plete in every other respect except delivery*^^ can enforce it against all parties, and all parties are liable thereon to him if the instrument, after completion, was lost by 61. Hill vs. Hall, 191 Mass. 253. Niblock vs. Sprague, 200 N. Y. 390. Hodge vs. Smith, 130 Wise. 326. 62. Buzell vs. Tobin, 201 Mass. 1. 63. Schaefifer vs. Marsh, 90 Misc. (N. Y.) 307. §17 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 45 or stolen from them, or any of them, or from some one not a party to it, or its issue was obtained by fraud."^ However, the hohler of a stok'ii instrument has the bur- den of proving that he is a holder in due course. But this is sufficiently established if he shows that he derives his title from a holder in due course when he does not him- self ))ossess the necessary qualifications.^^. (Sees. 57 and 58.) _,, , „ " Sec. 1 7. Where the language of the When language of instrument is instrument is ambiguous or there are ambiguous. omissions therein, the following rules «N. Carolina. of construction apply: ''Wisconsin. ^ Where the sum payable is ex- pressed IN WORDS and also IN FIGURES AND THERE IS A DIS- crepancy between the two, the sum denoted by the words is the sum payable: but if the words are am- biguous or uncertain, reference may be had to the fig- ures to fix the amount ; 2. "Where the instrument provides for the payment OF interest, without specifying the date from which interest is to run, the interest runs from the date of the instrument, and if the instrument is undated, from .the issue thereof ; 3. Where the instrument is not dated, it will be considered to be dated as of the time it was issued ; 4. Where there is a conflict between the written and printed provisions of the instrument, the written provisions prevail ; 5. Where the instrument is so ambiguous that there IS doubt whether it is a bill or note, the holder may treat it as either, at his election. 6. Where a signature is so placed upon the instru- ment THAT it is not CLEAR IN WHAT CAPACITY THE PERSON MAKING THE SAME INTENDED TO SIGN, HE IS TO BE DEEMED AN indorser; ^___ 64. Massachusetts Natl. Bk. vs. Snow, 187 Mass. 160. Jefferson Bk. vs. Cliainnan, 122 Tenn. 415. City of Adrian vs. Whitney Center Nat. Bk.. 180 IMich. 171, 179. 65. Nortliamiitoti Natl. Bk. vs. Kidder, 106 N. Y. 221. Hinkley vs. Merch. Bank, 131 Mass. 147. 46 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 17 7. Where an instrument containing the words ''I PROMISE TO PAY'^ IS SIGNED BY TWO OR MORE PERSONS, THEY are deemed to be jointly and severally liable there- on/'* When the meaning of the instrument or of any words or terms used in it is not clear the seven rules given in this section govern in its construction. They cover the ambiguities most frequently met with in negotiable in- struments. The first fixes the written words which express the sum payable as determining the amount to be paid upon the instrument. Of course, an effort must be made to recon- cile the words and figures and they ought to be consid- ered together but, strictly speaking, the marginal figures form no part of the instrument; the words control. To such an extent is this true, that the holder may with im- punity change the marginal figures to make them agree with the body of the instrument.^^ The second establishes that an instrument payable with interest bears interest from its date, unless it clearly specified that it does not begin to run until a later time. If it is not dated and its true date is not supplied and inserted by the holder, as he has a right to do under Sees. 13 and 14, then interest commences from the date of the delivery of the instrument to the first person who received it from the maker or drawer. If the instru- ment does not expressly declare that it bears interest, and unless it expressly provides that it shall not, it will draw interest from the date of its maturity until paid, at the legal rate in effect at its maturity. The Act does not itself contain a provision to this effect, but such is the universal law and in this case interest is considered 66. Smith vs. Smith, 1 R. I. 398, 53 Am. D. 652. Shreyer vs. Hawkes, 22 Ohio St. 308. Nonv'ich Bk. vs. Hyde, 13 Conn. 281. § 17 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 47 to be in the nature of damages for the failure to pay the debt on the date when, by its terms, the instrument ought to have been paid.^^ The third supposes that the date omitted has not been supplied by any holder and in that event the instrument is considered to bear the date of the day when it was issued by the maker or drawer. The fourth establishes in respect to the whole instru- ment that when there is a difference or conflict between its Avritten and printed parts the written parts prevail, that is, they are considered to express the true meaning of the instrument, regardless of any contradiction which may appear in its printed portions, if the two cannot be reconciled/"- The tilth permits the holder of an instrument which, by reason of ambiguity in the words employed in draw- ing it, may be either a promissory note or a draft, to consider it as either, whichever he may choose. How- ever, if he once elects to consider the instrument a note, and treats it accordingly, he cannot later change his mind and treat it as a bill of exchange, or just the other way.^* By the sixth, it is established that if one places his signature anywhere upon the instrument in such a way that it is not clear in what capacity he intended to be bound by it, he is considered an indorser, entitled to an indorser's rights and liable only as such.'^" (See sections 63 and 64.) If two or more persons sign a promissory note upon its face and it contains a promise in the singular num- 67. O'Brien vs. Young, 95 N. Y. 428. 68. Miller vs. Hannibal, Etc., R. R. Co., 90 N. Y. 430. 69. Dennett vs. Codman, 16S Mass. 468, 47 N. E. 131. Arch. Stone Co. vs. St. Louis, 138 Mo. 608, 39 S. W. 467. Terr>- vs. Munger, 121 N. Y. 161, 169. 70. Germania Natl. Bk. vs. Mariner, 129 Wis. 544, 100 N. W. 574. 48 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAY §18 ber, "I," then each is severally liable, that is, each is liable to the holder for the full sum promised, and all are as well jointly liable, that is, liable together, for the debt. The importance of the distinction between the joint or several liability of the parties is a matter more particularly for consideration when it becomes neces- sary to bring an action upon the instrument, and then, of course, parties jointly liable must be joined in the suit.'^^ If the liability of the parties upon the instrument is joint and several, separate actions may be maintained against each or they may be joined in one.'^^ ''Sec. 18. No person is liable on the Only persons instrument whose signature does not ap- sigmng liab e-— -p^j^^ thereon, except as herein other- liability of per- ' „ -r, sons signing in ^^^^^ expressly'' provided. But one who trade or assumed signs in a trade or assumed name will be name. liable to the same extent as if he signed -Wyoming. ^^ ^jg own name/' While this section provides that no person whose sig- nature does not appear upon the instrument is liable upon it, it is not to be inferred that he must himself have signed it. There is an exception to this rule as will ap- pear in the next two sections. When any person conducts his business under a trade name, or any one assumes a name not his own for busi- ness purposes, or for a particular transaction as a substi- tute for his own, and places his trade name, or the name Avhich he has assumed upon a negotiable instrument, he is liable in the same manner and to the same extent as he would be if he had signed his o^^m. The holder of an instrument signed in this manner may present it to the person thus signing it and all notices required by other sections of this Act may be given to him in either his 71. Foster vs. Collner, 107 Pa. 305. Erwin vs. Scotten, 40 Ind. 389. 72. Hodgens vs. Jennings, 148 App. Div. 879, 133 N. Y. S. 584. §19 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 49 trade or assumed name, or in his real name, if it is known. '3 It is not necessary that they be given in both, but it is good practice to do so. He may be sued in his trade name or his real name.'^* An instrument which is made payable to a person under his assumed, business name, does not, by the effect of Section 9, Sub-section 3, become payable to bearer, although that name is, strictly speaking, the name of a fictitious person.*^^ Signature by ' ' Sec. 19. "The signature of any party agent; authority, may be made by a duly authorized agent. how shown. ^o particular form of appointment is "Kentucky. xecessary for this purpose ; and the au- thority OF the agent may be established as in other CASES OF agency." One need not himself sign his name to the instru- ment. He may authorize another to do it for him. The one signing for him is called his agent, and his authority may be either oral or in writing, or it may even be im- plied. It is implied when one person has knowingly per- mitted another to do this for him a sufiScient number of times to amount to a practice'^*' and it has become gen- erally knoAvn,' ' or if he has stood by without objection, in apparent acquiescence, when it was done in his pres- ence, or does not repudiate it when notice of the fact is given him in such a manner and under such circum- stances as require him to speak.'^^ If this can be shown the person whose name is signed upon the instrument 73. Union Brewing Co. vs. State Bank, 240 HI. 454. 74. Bresee vs. Snyder, 94 Nebr. 3S4. 143 N. W. 219. Alabama Coal Min. Co. vs. Brainard, 35 Ala. 476. 75. Jones vs. Home Furn. Co., 9 App. Div. 103. 41 N. Y. S. 71. 76. Crocker vs. Cohvell, 46 N. Y. 212. DeWitt vs. Walton, 9 N. Y. 571. 77. Mfrs. & Meroh. Bk. vs. FoUett, 11 R. I. 92. 78. R. R. Co. vs. Cowell, 28 Pa. St. 329. Cornerstone Bk. vs. Rliodes. 5 Ind. T. 256. 260. 82 S. W. 739, 67 L. R. A. 812. 50 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 20 by another is liable upon it. When the signature is made by a person who appears to be acting in the capacity of a kno\Mi agent and assumes to sign another's name to an instrument, in the absence of express authority, the transaction of which the instrument forms a part must be of the same general character as others in which the principal has permitted the agent to act, and if there is such a substantial difference, either in the character of the transaction or the amount involved as would place an ordinarily prudent man upon his guard and make him suspicious of the agent's right to sign his principal's name, the one to whom such an instrument is oft'ered ought not to accept it without first satisfying himself that the agent has acted by the authority of the person for whom he claims to act, and within the limits of the authority which he appears to have. The authority, or the lack of it, may be established as in other cases of agency and it is a familiar doctrine of the law of agency that general authority given by one person to another to conduct his business, implies the authority to borrow money in his name for the needs of the business and the power to execute or indorse commercial paper for that purpose. ^'■' The duty to inquire into the actual authority of an agent who signs by virtue of written power is dis- cussed under Section 21. Liability of '*Sec. 20. Where the instrument persons signing contains Or a person adds to his sicna- as agent, etc. ture words indicating that he signs for "Virginia. ^^ ^^^ behalf of a principal, or in a rep- resentative CAPACITY,'* HE IS NOT LIABLE ON THE INSTRU- MENT IF HE WAS DULY AUTHORIZED ; BUT THE MERE ADDITION OF WORDS DESCRIBING HIM AS AN AGENT, OR AS FILLING A REPRESENTATIVE CHARACTER, WITHOUT DISCLOSING HIS PRINCIPAL, DOES NOT EXEMPT HIM FROM PERSONAL LIA- BILITY". ' ' 79. Valequette vs. Clark Bros. Coal Min. Co., S3 Vt. 53S. §20 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 51 An agent who signs his name to an instrument in such a manner that his signature shows or the instrument it- self upon its face, or anywhere, contains words which show that in making, indorsing or accepting it he is act- ing in behalf of another and for whom, is not himself liable upon it and cannot be held to pay it.^<> He must, of course, act mthin his authority otherwise he is liable as though he were acting for himself.^^ If he has acted by and within the limits of the authority granted to him by his principal and the instrument discloses the name of his principal, the latter, and not the agent, will be bound upon it. (Sec. 19.) But if he merely describes himself as an agent, and the instrument contains words which show that he is acting for another without disclosing the name or identity of the person or persons for whom he is acting, he will not be relieved of personal liability to the holder unless the latter knows the nature and the object of the instrument and takes it with knowledge that the agent is authorized and acting in a representa- tive capacity and knows the name of the person foi whom he is acting and that he does not intend to be in- dividually bound upon it.^^ 80. Hitchcock vs. Buchannan, 105 U. S. 416, 26 L. Ed. 1078. Continental Natl. Bk. vs. Heilman, 81 Fed. 36 (Aff. 86 Fed. 514). Germania Natl Bk. vs. Mariner, 129 Wis. 544, 546, 100 N. W. 574. Chipman vs. Foster, 119 Mass. 189. Carpenter vs. Famsworth, 106 Mass. 561, 8 Am. St. R. 360. 81. Tuttle vs. Greenfield First Nat. Bk., 187 Mass. 533, 105 Am. S. R. 563. Bank vs. Loonev, 99 Tenn. 278. 82. Metcalf vs. Williams, 104 U. S. 93, 98. Kirbv vs. Ruej^amer, 107 App. Div. 491. 95 N. Y. Supp. 408. Merch. Natl. Bk. vs. Clark, 139 N. Y. 314, 34 N. E. 910, 36 Am. S. R. 710. Casco Natl Bk. vs. Clark, 139 N. Y. 307, 34 N. E. 910, 36 Am. S. R. 705. Keidan vs. Winegar, 95 Mich. 430, 54 N. W. 901, 20 L. R. A 705. Ne\Ai)ort vs. Smith, 61 Minn. 277. 52 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 20 The holder of such an instrument may recover from the agent or from his principal when he learns for whom he aeted.*^ He must, within a reasonable time after the principal's name becomes known, elect, that is, choose which one, the agent or the principal, he will hold and will be bound by his election.^' If he chooses to hold the principal, he may recover from him upon the original consideration for the instrument but not upon the in- strument itself,^^ for only those persons are liable upon the instrument whose names appear upon it. (Sec. 18.) If the agent signs the instrument without authority he is personally liable whether it discloses the name of his pretended principal or does not.^*' Whatever conflict of authority has heretofore existed as to the agent's liability upon the instrument, and there have been decisions on both sides of this question here and in England, is settled by this section. In some jurisdictions it has been held that an agent signing without authority or failing to disclose his principal, is not liable upon the instrument, for the reason that the contract is not his.^'^ He was, therefore, in some jurisdictions, held liable, not on the in- strument itself, but for the damage resulting from his unlawful or unauthorized act.^^ In others, his liability was held to be upon the instrument.^*^ Now, however, he 83. Kavton vs. Bamett, 116 N. Y. 625, 23 N. E. 24. Chemical Natl. Bk. vs. City Bank, 156 III. 149, 40 N. E. 328. Lovell vs. Williams, 125 Mass. 439. 84. Meehem Agency, Sec. 173 and Notes. 85. Coalino' Co. vs. Howard, 130 Ga. 807, 21 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1051. Harper vs. Tiffin Nat. Bk., 54 Oh. St. 425. 44 X. E. 97. 86. Meehem Agency, Sec. 1374. 87. Coaling Co. vs. Howard, 130 Ga. 807, 21 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1051. Meehem Agencv, See. 1397. Ogden vs. Raymond, 22 Conn. 379, 385, 58 Am. Dec. 429. 88. Meehem Agency. Sec. 1398. Noyes vs. Loring, 55 Me. 408. 89. Meehem Agencv, See. 1395. Weare vs. Gove. 44 N. H. 196. §21 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 53 is everywhere liable upon the instrument, and though in theory this may not be correct, the rule ''will" as a writer upon the subject has said, ''tend to increase nego- tiability, and in addition to that has the excellent advan- tage of settling all conflict of authority upon the sub- ject." Section 69 provides the manner in which and to what extent an agent or broker is liable who negotiates an instrument by delivery without indorsement. Signature by "Sec. 21. A signature by "procura- procuration; tion'' operates as notice that the agent effect of. ^^g g^^ ^ LIMITED authority to sign, and the principal is bound only in case the AGENT IN SO signing acted within the actual limits of his au- thority. ' ' In this section the technical legal term "by procura- tion" means, in or on behalf of another, acting under his written authority, and it has of course, to do with the doctrine of agency. More definitely, the term means one person's signature attached to an instrument, not i]i his own behalf, and as his own act, but in behalf of some other named person from whom he has express authority to do it, usually in the way of written power of attorne}^ and as whose act it is to be considered. This form of signature is uncommon here and very infre- quently employed upon negotiable instruments of the kind which are used in ordinary commercial transac- tions. Where it is found it is usually abbreviated thus "per. proc." or merely "p. p." or the signature is fol- lowed by the words "attorney in fact," when the agent is acting for an individual. The section would, however, seem to be equally applicable to corporation officers or representatives signing in a representative capacity. Whenever a name is so signed all persons taking the in- strument are by that fact alone notified to be on their guard, and to satisfy themselves positively that the per- 54 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 21 son who so signs the instrument is acting by proper authorization of his principal, and not only that, but to satisfy themselves that he is acting within the actual limits of the authority given him to execute or indorse the instrument. When the instrument discloses that the agent signed per power of attorney or formal appointment it cannot be shown that his ostensible authority was greater than that granted in the written authorization. Par- ties dealing with an agent known by them to be acting under an express grant, whether the author- ity ])e general or special, are bound to take notice of the extent of the authority conferred. They must be regarded as dealing with him with that grant before them, and are bound, at their peril, to notice the limita- tions thereto prescribed either by its own terms, or by construction of the law.^^ Thus a signature "per. proc." or made by someone known to be acting under formal au- thorization carries with it a more solemn warning to the person to whom it is offered and puts upon him a graver burden to inquire into the authority of the person who uses it than does the signature by one who is acting under some general authority from his principal, derived from written or oral authorization, or implied from an author- ized course of dealing. One who does not make this in- quiry when chargeable with the duty to do so must bear any loss he may suffer, if the agent signing by procuration exceeds the actual limits of his authority.''^ 90. Mechem Agency, Sec. 707. Mt. Morris Bk. vs. Gorham, 169 Mass. 519. Fereuson vs. Davis, 118 N. C 946. 91. Mt. Morris Bk. vs. Gorham, 169 Mass. 519. §22 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 55 Effect of indorse- "Sec. 22. The indorsement or assign- ment by infant ment of the instrument by a corpora- or corporation. jios or by an infant" passes the prop- Oarolina. ].:kxy therein, notwithstanding that FROM want of capacity THE CORPORATION OR INFANT" :MAY incur no liability THEREON." Infants, that is, persons who have not yet attained le- gal ago, are not considered in the law to have full capac- ity to enter into business obligations. Any business act which they perform while under legal age, except one by which they provide themselves with their necessaries, is voidable by them when they reach full age. The time at which they attain full age is not alike in all the States. But, in regard to negotiable instruments, while they can- not make or indorse a note, or accept or indorse a bill dur- ing minority which they could not repudiate after coming of age, unless it is one for necessaries, — when a note or bill passes through the hands of an infant, his indorse- ment of his signature upon it transfers the title to the in- strument to the next holder and it may be negotiated by him, and by subsequent holders, as though the infant were under no disability, and may be enforced against all other parties. The section does not deprive an infant of his right to repudiate acts performed during his disability by minority, including the act of passing his title to a negotiable instrument by his indorsement. It seems never to have been specifically decided that he has this right, but if he has, he is not deprived of it by this sec- tion.^- A corporation has only such powers as are granted to it in its charter or are incident or necessary to the business in which it is engaged. It cannot be held for acts of its officers which are not properly within the scope of its powers, but, like an infant, its indorsement 92. Roach vs. Woodhall, 91 Tenn. 206. 56 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 23 upon a negotiable instrument, even though made in a transaction not authorized by its charter, or not incident or necessary to the conduct of its business, will, never- theless, though it may impose no liability upon the cor- poration, operate to pass the title to the next holder who may continue the negotiation. v^^^^A r,i ''Sec. 23. Where a signature is forged Forged signa- ture; effect of. ^^ MADE WITHOUT AUTHORITY" OF THE PER- «Illinois. SON whose signature it purports TO BE, IT IS WHOLLY INOPERATIVE, AND NO RIGHT TO RETAIN THE INSTRUMENT, OR TO GIVE A DISCHARGE THEREFOR, OR TO EN- FORCE PAYMENT THEREOF AGAINST ANY PARTY THERETO, CAN BE ACQUIRED THROUGH OR UNDER SUCH SIGNATURE, UNLESS THE PARTY AGAINST WHOM IT IS SOUGHT TO ENFORCE SUCH RIGHT IS PRECLUDED FROM SETTING UP THE FORGERY OR WANT OF AUTHORITY." A forged signature or indorsement does not create any liability on the part of the person whose signature it appears to be. One who holds an instrument upon which any signature has been forged and who has obtained title by or through the forged signature or indorsement, has no right to retain the instrument, to receive payment upon it or enforce it against any party, even if the holder is an innocent holder for value. ^^ If the person whose sig- nature is forged pays the instrument, unless he does so voluntarily, knowing its character, he can recover the money he pays upon it,^^ although this right is some- times denied him when innocent persons have suffered loss by reason of his mistake. 93. Beem vs. Farrell, 135 la. 670, 677. Hovorka vs. Hemma, 108 111. A. 443. Stein vs. Empire Trust Co., 148 App. Div. (N. Y.) 850. (^amp vs. Caii^cnter, 52 Mich. 375. 94. Meyer vs. Rosenheim, 115 Ky. 409. Cobum vs. Neal, 94 Me. 541, 48 A. 178. Jones vs. Miners Bk., 144 Mo. A. 428, 128 S. W. 129. Hefner vs. Dawson, 63 111. 403, 14 Am. R. 123. Coi-\vith First St. Bk. vs. Williams, 143 la. 177, 121 N. W. 702, 136 Am. St. R. 759, 23 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1234 and Note. §23 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 57 When the fraud affects only individual interests and is not a crime"-'' he may, however, be prevented by some act of his own from avoiding the instrument, or recover- ing a payment made by mistake if his signature is forged or made without authority. Such laws as apply to these circumstances are not alike and are not interpreted alike in all States, and they must be examined in each par- ticular transaction of this character in the State where the forged instrument or signature has been executed, or where it is sought to be enforced. When the doctrine of estoppel has been recognized in regard to forged or fraudulent instruments, it is based upon such conduct as would preclude the person asserting it from setting up the forgery or want of authority, and must be a con- duct from which an admission would be implied that he intended to be bound l)y the alleged fraudulent misuse of his name;^^ or the person to be charged may be estopped by an express ratification of his signature. ^^ One of the principal applications of this section is to the payment by a bank of checks or other instruments upon which a signature has been forged or fraudulently made. AVhen a bank has certified a check to which the drawer's name has been forged, or which has been raised, and it is at, or after certification, in the hands of a holder in due course he can compel its payment.^^ And, 95. B. & L. Assn. vs. Walton, 181 Pa. St. 201. Sliisler vs. Van Dyke, 92 Pa. St. 447. Greenfield Bk. vs. Crafts, 4 Allen (Mass.) 447. 96. Teny vs. Bissell, 26 Conn. 41. Pettyjohn vs. Natl. Exchsr. Bk., 101 Va. 111. 15. & L. Assn. vs. Walton. 181 Pa. St. 201. 97. Owsley vs. Philips, 78 Ky. 517, 521. Shinew vs. Bowlinir Green 1st Nat. Bk., 84 Ohio St. 497, 36 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1006 and Note. Ann. Cases. 1912 C. 587. 98. Espv vs. Bank of Cinti., 18 Wall. (U. S.) 604. Adani vs. Mfrs. Nat. Bk., 63 Misc. (N. Y.) 403, 404 (116 N. Y. S. 595). Tmst Co. of Am. vs. Hamilton Bk., 127 App. Div. (N. Y.) 515. 58 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 23 again, if a bank pays to a holder in due course a check drawn upon it to which the drawer's name has been forged it cannot recover from him unless he has con- tributed to the forgery, fraud, or deception by a greater degree of negligence than that of the paying bank, by which I mean that his own negligence must have been responsible for the loss.^^ The rule by which it must be determined whether or not recovery may be had when an indorsement is forged upon an otherwise regular instrument not payable to bearer or made in fact to the person entitled thereto^ is, however, quite different. The drawee is presumed to know the drawer's signature (Sec. 62), but no such pre- sumption, is applied to the signature of the indorser. The presenter who receives payment of an instrument upon which an indorsement has been forged or made without authority, wdll be obliged to refund the pa^^ment to the drawee^ unless, by reason of culpable delay in the dis- covery and giving notice of the fraud, his condition has so changed that to require him to do so would be unjust.^ Should he be required to refund, however, he may then recover from prior indorsers who indorsed the instru- ment subsequent to the forgery and who will be held to their warranties as is provided in Sees. 65 and 66, and each of these may in turn recover of his immediate in- dorser, back to the time when the forgery occurred. Prior parties are not affected by the forgery.^ 99. Comml. Nat. Bk. vs. First Natl. Bk., 30 Md. 11. Woods vs. Colonv Bk., 114 Ga. 683. State Bk of Chicago vs. First Nat. Bk., S7 Nebr. 351 First Nat. Bk. vs.^Nor. Western Nat. Bk.. 152 111., 296, 306. 1. Bartlett vs. First Nat. Bk.. 247 111. 490, 93 N. E. 337. 2. Bartlett vs. First Natl. Bk., 247 111. 490, 93 N. E. 337. Gallo vs. Brooklyn Sav. Bk., 119 N. Y. 222, 92 N. E. 633. Ti-ust Co. of Amer. vs. Hamilton Bk., 127 App. Div. 515, 112 N. Y. S. 84. 3. Yatesville Banking Co. vs. Fourth Natl. Bk., 10 Ga. A. 1, 72 S. E. 528. 4. Beem vs. Farrell, 135 Iowa, 670. §23 FORM AND INTERPRETATION 59 One for whose account a bank has paid or certified a forged or fraudulent instrument owes a duty to the bank to notify it of the fraud immediately upon its dis- covery, and if his negligence or undue delay in giving notice cause the bank to lose an opportunity to indem- nify itself the loss upon the instrument will fall upon him.^ Still another distinction exists. When the presenter receives ])ayment as the agent of another for collection, he will be required to refund, unless the instrument dis- closes the name of his principal, thus carrying on its face notice that the presenter is acting merely as agent, and he has actually paid over the amount to his prin- cipal before notice." If instead of being a forgery, the signature is made without authority the instrument is, likewise, not en- forceable against the person whose fraudulent signature is placed upon it by some one who pretends to act as his agent but acts without his authority. Such a signature or indorsement does not convey to the transferee the title of the instrument or the right to receive payment, and does not create any obligations on the part of the person whose signature it purports to be. But in this case also the person whose name is so used may become liable and be held to pay the instrument if he has done some act, or omitted to perform some duty in respect to the instrument, which will preclude him from making this defense.'^ (See Sec. 19.) 5. Leather IVHis. Bk. vs. Morc:aii, 117 U. S. 9(3. Traders Natl. Bk. vs. Ko-ers, 167 Mass. 315. States vs. First Nat. Bk., 203 Pa. 69, 74. 6. Natl. Park Bk. vs. Seaboard Bk.. 114 N. Y. 28. 20 N. E. 612. Natl. City Bk. vs. Westoott. 118 N. Y. 468, 28 N. E. 900. 16 Am. S." R. 771. Springs vs. Hanover Natl. Bk., 145 App. Div. (N. Y.) 188. 7. Terrv vs. Blssell, 26 Conn. 23. Pettvjohn vs. Natl. E. Bk., 101 Va. 111. Jett vs. Standafer, 143 Ky. 787. 60 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 23 There are certain other circumstances out of which a puzzling difficulty has sometimes arisen which is to be determined by the application of this section. I refer to that situation in which one fraudulently impersonating another has procured a bona fide instrument, usually a check, to be issued to him by the drawer who acts in the honest belief that he is issuing the instrument to an en- tirely different person with whom he supposes himself to be dealing. When the instrument which is so pro- cured has been paid by the bank upon which it is drawn or has been negotiated to a holder in due course, the courts have usually held that the drawer must bear the loss -occasioned, notwithstanding that its issue was ob- tained by fraud or misrepresentation.^ Indeed, a deci- sion to the contrary, rendered since the passage of the Act, has been very severely criticised as holding what the learned judge who rendered it thought the law ought to be rather than what it is.^ This criticism is, however, unmerited, for in Ohio, for example, his decision would be regarded as in accord -wdth those of its Supreme Court,^^ although in that State a more recent decision is in conformity with the rather generally accepted view stated above.^^ The decisions establishing the rule as I have stated it above are usually based upon the theory that the per- son who issued the instrument intended that it should be paid to the one to whom he delivered it and when that has been accomplished, they hold that the paying bank 8. Anderson vs. Dundee St. Bk.. 66 Hun (N. Y.) 613. 9. Tolman vs. Am. Exchg. Natl. Bk., 22 R I. 462, 48 Atl. 480. 10. Dodge vs. Bank, 20 Ohio St. 234. Armstrong vs. Pomeroy Bk., 46 Ohio State 512. 11. McHenn^ vs. Nat'l Bk., 85 Ohio State 203, 97 N. E. 395, 38 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1111 and Note. §23 FORM AND INTERPKETATJON 61 has carried out the drawer's intention.^ ^ And yet that is not altogether correct for, to arrive at such a con- chision, these courts must disregard the fact the imper- sonator was not actually the person the drawer had in mind and with whom he supposed himself to be dealing when he delivered the instrument. Although the jjreponderance of opinion is as I have stated, yet, it ought not, by any means, to be regarded as a settled doctrine that when a check is delivered and paid to one who fraudulently impersonates another, the drawer must invariably bear the loss. But it is settled that a situation is then presented which requires the court to determine by w4iose" direct negligence the loss was occasioned, that of the drawer by his failure to dis- cover the fraudulent impersonation, or that of the pay- ing bank, for its duty requires it to see to it, at its peril, that it pays the check according to the drawer 's order to the party to whom, by its terms, it is payable. To be re- lieved from this responsibility, the bank must have made the usual inquiries respecting the identity of the pre- senter^^ and have used that degree of care and prudence which its relation to its depositor demands, a conclusion which is clearly indicated in all of the cases cited under this section. But where it appears that one of two inno- cent persons must suffer loss by the fraud or misconduct of a third, the loss must be borne by that one of them who first reposes confidence in the Avrongdoer and commits the first oversight.^* 12. Land Title & Trust Co. vs. Xoi-tlnvostern Nat. Bk.. 196 Pa. 230. State vs. First Natl. Bk. of Montrose. 17 Pa. Super. 256, AfE. 203 Pa. 69. 13. Miners, Etc.. Bk. vs. St. Louis Smeltiner Co. (Mo. A.). 178 S. W. 211, 212. 14 Morse, Banks & Banking, Vol. 2, See. 474. p. 115 and cases. 62 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 24 SUBDIVISION II, Consideration. Section Section 24 Presumption of considera- 27 When lien on instrument tion, constitutes holder for 25 Consideration; what consti- value. tutes. 28 Effect of want of considera- 26 What constitutes holder for tion. value. 29 Liability of accommodation party. Unlike any other simple contract, a negotiable instru- ment implies a consideration. This is because negoti- able instruments are so important as a medium for car- rying on business. They take the place of actual money, and bills, checks and notes are used as a means of set- tling commercial transactions between men much more frequently and to a greater extent than is actual money. Having many of the attributes of money they are safe- guarded in every way consistent with their character and purpose in order that they may readily pass from hand to hand. Therefore, they are deemed to have been issued for a valuable consideration and this presump- tion continues until the contrary is made to appear. The provisions in the Act upon the subject are as follows : Presumption of ''Sec. 24. Every negotiable instru- consideration. ment is deemed, prima facie, to have been issued for a valuable consideration : AND every person whose signature appears thereon to have be- come A PARTY thereto FOR VALUE." The consideration is the thing of value which is given for the instrument. It does not necessarily mean money or goods, although these are most frequently the consid- eration for such instruments. It may in addition to these be anything of value, including a promise. §24 CONSIDERATION 6:j Consideration is usually stated to be either a thing given for a thing, a thing given for a promise, a prom- ise given for a thing or a promise given for a promise, or instead of a ''thing" there may be an act. (Also see Sec. 25.) It is always presumed, that is supposed and • believed to be true without requiring proof, that a ne- gotiable instrument has been issued for a valuable con- sideration. Any party to the instrument will be permit- ted to show that this presumption is not correct but un- til he does, it is deemed, prima facie, that is, taken for granted without proof, that it has been so issued; and likewise every person who has signed the instrument in any capacity is deemed, until the contrary is shown, to have done so for value. In an action upon the instru- ment it is not necessary that the person seeking to en- force it shall allege and prove that it is supported by a valuable consideration, or that all signatures were placed upon it for value. ^ The production of the instrument sufficiently supports that presumption in its favor. The person denying consideration must set up this plea in his answer to the suit and must prove it or at least offer evidence which tends to prove it,^ w^hereupon his proof must be met and overcome by the person seeking to en- force the instrument, who is aided by this presumption in his favor.^ If the testimony is evenly balanced, the presumption will prevail.^ In the hands of any holder, the instrument will be presumed to have been issued or 1. First Natl. Bk. vs. Stallo, 160 App. Div. (N. Y.) 702. 2. Hudson vs. Moon, 42 Utah, 377, 130 P. 774. Dawson vs. Womblos, 123 Mo. App. 340. 3. Huntinui;on vs. Sluite, 180 Mass. 371, 02 N. E. 380. 91 Am. S. R. 309. Ginn vs. Dulan, 81 Oli. S(. 121, <)0 N. E. 380, 91 Am. S. K. 309. Lombard vs. Byrne, 194 Mass. 236, 238. 4. Star Mills vs. Bailcv, 140 Kv. 194. 201. 130 S. W. 1077, 140 A. S. R. 370. 64 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 25 negotiated for value by every person whose name ap- pears upon it. Where the term "value" is used in the Act it means a valuable consideration (Sec. 191), and what constitutes a valuable consideration is defined in the next section. Consideration; ''Sec. 25. Value is any considera- what constitutes, tion sufficient to support a simple "Wisconsin. contract. An antecedent or pre-exist- niinois. ING DEBT CONSTITUTES VALUE; AND IS deemed SUCH WHETHER THE INSTRUMENT IS PAYABI,E ON DEMAND OR AT A FUTURE TIME. ' '"^ The amount and kind of consideration which must be given to support a promise upon a negotiable instru- ment is neither defined nor restricted by the Act. Any consideration which will support a simple contract will be sufficient to support a negotiable instrument. *' Value" is by Sec. 191 declared to mean "valuable con- sideration" and this is understood in the law to be any benefit to the promisor of direct or indirect advantage gained by him, or any loss, detriment or inconvenience Buffered by promisee.-^ It is not necessary that the con- sideration should pass from the person to whom the promise is given to the person who makes the promise, it being quite sufficient if it passes to another in whom the promisor is beneficially interested.^ A merely nom- inal consideration is, however, usually insufficient to sup- port the contract.''^ 5. Brooklyn Union Bk. vs. Sullivan, 214 N. Y. 332, 108 N. E. 558. Dalrymple vs. Wvker, 60 Ohio State, 108, 112, 53 N. E. 713. Fink vs. Fanners Bank. 178 Pa. 154, 35 A. 636. Bingham vs. Kimball, 33 Ind. 184. 6. Brooklyn Union Bk. vs. Sullivan, 214 N. Y. 332, 108 N. E. 558. Carter vs. Lons:, 125 Ala. 280, 28 S. 74. Cobb vs. Heron, 180 111. 49, 54 X. E. 189. Am. Boiler Co. vs. Foutham, 50 N. Y. Supp. 351. 7. Hogg vs. Thurman. 90 Ark. 93, 117 S. W. 1070. 17 .\nn. Cas. 383 and note. Proctor vs. Cole. 104 Ind. 373, 3 N. E. 106, 4 N. E. 303. § 25 CONSIDERATION 65 Although insufficiency or failure of consideration raay avoid a contract and may be a defense between imme- diate parties to a negotiable instrument, it will never avoid the instrument in the hands of a holder for value. It is therefore most important, if a note or bill is given out by the maker or acceptor which is not given for a full consideration, that is, if there is something yet to be given or done by the person to whom it is delivered or is payable, or if it is not to be fully paid at maturity, that this fact be clearly stated upon the instrument. (See Sec. 28.) And if an indorser places his name upon the instrument for any special purpose, or does not wish by his endorsement to make himself liable for the uncon- ditional payment of the instrument, he must indicate that fact by appropriate words, so that all subsequent holders may be notified of his intention. (Sec. 38.) An antecedent debt is declared by this section to con- stitute value. Such a debt is one which exists at the time when the negotiable instrument or indorsement is made, of which it forms the consideration and, in the sense in which it is used in the Act, it is intended to distinguish a debt which had been created before the time at which the instrument or indorsement of which it forms the consideration is made, even if it does not grow out of the same transaction, from one contracted immediately at the time of the issue or transfer of the instrument.^ Thus it happens frequently that a bank will take a prom- issory'' note in settlement of an overdraft or, in a trade transaction, that an account, sometimes a very old ac- count, one otherwise unenforceable, ^v\\\ be settled or ex- tinguished by the giving or transfer of a promissory 8. Murchison Nat. Bk. vs. Dunn Oil Mills, 150 N. C. 718. Israel vs. Gale, 174 U. S. 391. Ward vs. City Trust Co., 117 App. Div^ (N. Y.) 130. Mehlinger vs. Harriman, 185 Mass. 245. 66 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 2G note or bill. In such a transaction the pre-existing debt upon the overdraft or the account will form the valid consideration for the instrument issued or transferred b}' the debtor to his creditor and it is good. An instrument given in renewal of another which re- mains unpaid at maturity may be said to be based upon such a consideration and that it is good, is too obvious to require further comment or citation to authority. If an instrument is given in payment of or to secure the debt of another, it is supported by a valid consideration, pro- vided the third person actually owes the debt'' and the person making or transferring the instrument is bene- ficially interested in its payment or settlement. ^"^ And when checks or other instruments are exchanged with- out other consideration the one forms a valid consid- eration for the other.^^ What constitutes **Sec. 26. Where value has at any holder for value, r^j^^ been given for the instrument, the holder is deemed a holder for value in respect to all parties who become such prior to that time." The holder of an instrument is a "holder for value" if he gives value or if value has been given for the instru- ment by any party prior to the time he became its holder. He is such as against all persons who became parties to the instrument before the negotiation at which value was given. Of course, any one claiming through him like^\ise becomes a holder for value, as against persons whose names were placed upon the instrument before value was given for it. (Sec. 58.) This section, therefore, means that if an instrument was issued without consideration 9. First Nat. Bk. vs. Hix (Tex. Civ. App.), 164 S. W. 1035. 10. Ajrricultural Bk. vs. Robinson, 24 Me. 374, 41 Am. D. 385. 11. Matlock vs. Scheucrman, 51 Or. 49. Miller vs. Marks (Utah), 148 P. 412, 417. Rice vs. Grander, 131 N. Y. 149. Franklvn Bk. vs. Roberts. 168 N. C. 473. § 2Z CONSIDERATION 67 and passed through several hands without value having been given for it, while it is not enforceable in the hands of any holder if value has never been given, one giving value, or any one taking it after or through the one who gave value for it, whether for value or not, may en- force it against every person who became a party to the instrument before the transfer at which value was given. When lien on *'Sec. 27. Wheke the holder has a instrument lien on the instrument, arising either constitutes FROM contract or by implication of law, holder for value. HE is deemed a holder FOR VALUE TO THE extent of his lien. ' ' A lien, in law, is a legal claim or hold on property as security for a debt. A negotiable instrument is, of course, property and one who holds it as collateral se- curity for a debt or liability owing to him, while not be- ing its o\\Tier, has a claim against the instrument and is considered to be a holder for value to the amount of his claim. He can enforce the instrument for the payment of his claim regardless of rights and duties of the par- ties among themselves and to each other, and even if value had not previously been given by any party, his lien constitutes value, and this is so even if the instru- ment was pledged for an antecedent debt.^^ (Sec. 25.) The lien arising by contract needs no explanation. Its effect will be as expressed in the contract by which it is created. In the absence of an express contract a lien arises by implication of law out of those principles of right and justice w^hich lie at the bottom of equitable jurisprudence as applied to the relations of the parties and the circumstances surrounding their dealings. It will arise from any just inference that by reason of advances or services, or other benefit rendered by one person to 12. Brewster vs. Schrader, 26 Misc. (N. Y.) 480. 68 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 28 another, it was intended that a lien upon the instrument or its proceeds in his possession should be created. A bank advancing money to any one dealing with it is en- titled to a lien upon all of his securities which it holds, and upon any general balance in its possession which may belong to him when these are not held or deposited for some distinct other purpose, or affected by some par- ticular agreement inconsistent with this right. ^^. Effect of want of ''Sec. 28. Absence or failure of con- consideration. sideration is a matter of defense as AGAINST ANY PERSON NOT A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE: AND PARTIAL FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION IS A DEFENSE PRO TANTO, WHETHER THE FAILURE IS AN ASCERTAINED AND LIQUIDATED AMOUNT OR OTHERWISE.'' If no consideration whatever was given for the in- strument, or if the consideration given was represented to be valuable at the time the instrument Avas made or transferred, but afterward proved to be substantially different and of less value than represented,^^ or if it should appear that an agreement upon which the instru- ment was based was not carried out,^^ or if the consid- eration for which the instrument was issued was not given,^^ or for any other reason there is a total absence or failure of consideration, the person aifected bj^ the failure of consideration may set this up as a matter of defense against any party not a holder in due course in an action upon the instrument and avoid its pajnnent. And if there is a partial absence or failure of considera- tion he may set it up and be relieved ''pro ianto," mean- 13. Knapp vs. Cowell, 77 Iowa, 528. 42 N. W. 434. Morse Banks & Banking, Sec. 324. Talapoosa Co. Bk. vs. Wynn, 173 Ala. 272, 55 So. 1011. Commonwealth vs. Wathen, 126 Ky. 573, 104 S. W. 364. 14. Shoe, Etc., Natl. Bk. vs. Wood, 142 Mass. 563, 8 N. E. 753. Ferguson vs. Netter, 141 App. Div. (N. Y.) 274. 15. Brenneman vs. Fumiss, 90 Pa. St. 186. 16. Agnew vs. Walden, 84 Ala. 502, 4 S. 672. § 29 CONSIDERATION 69 ing, for as much of the consideration as is absent or has failed. The partial absence or failure of consideration need not be ascertained and liquidated, which means known and positively determined, but, of course, it must be determinable. Neither of these defenses can, however, be used to defeat the instrument if it is in the hands of a holder in due course, nor do they affect the negotiability of the instrument.^' It must be paid to such a holder re- gardless of the total or partial absence or failure of the consideration. Liability of "8ec. 29. An accommodatiox party accommodation is ONE WHO HAS SIGNED THE IxVSTRU- ^'i^y^y*. MKXT AS MAKER, DRAWKR, ACCEPTOR, OR IN- «Illinois. « DOBSEB,*' WITHOUT EECEIVING VALUE THERE- FOR, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LENDING HIS NAME TO SOME OTHER PERSON. SuCH A PERSON IS LIABLE ON THE INSTRU- MENT TO A HOLDER FOR VALUE, NOTWITHSTANDING SUCH HOLDER AT THE TIME OF TAKING THE INSTRUMENT KNEW HIM TO BE ONLY AN ACCOMMODATION PARTY.'"* One who, for the benefit of another, signs his name to a negotiable instrument in any capacity mentioned in this section, and who receives nothing of value for or from the instrument, becomes an accommodation party.^^ Such a person will be deemed an accommodation party even if he is paid for the use of his name.^"-' He has loaned his name and credit to the instrument to accom- modate, that is, to aid some other persons and he may do so either as maker, drawer, acceptor or indorser. (See also Sec. 64.) In whatever capacity he may have become an accommodation party he is liable to any holder who has given value for the instrument even if that holder knew at the time of taking it that the maker, drawer, ac- 17. Dingman vs. Amsink, 77 Pa. St. 114. IS. Grcenwav vs. Wm. D. Orthwein Grain Co., 85 Fed. 536. Yoiuiu' vs. Exchi-. Bk., 152 Ky. 293, 153 S. W. 444, Ann. Cas. 1915, B. 148. " 19. Morris County Brick Co. vs. Austin. 79 N. J. L. 273, 75 A. 550. 70 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 29 ceptor, or indorser placed his name upon the instrument as an accommodation party. But an accommodation party is liable upon the accommodation instrument to no person or party other than a holder for value. (See Sees. 26 and 27 for what constitutes holder for value.) While this section fixes the liability of accommodation parties to the holder of the instrument, it is pertinent to say something, at this place, about the liability of accom- modation parties to each other. In every case they are liable in the manner in which they agreed among them- selves to be bound upon the instrument, or have among themselves an understanding amounting to an agree- ment.^" If the accommodation parties are indorsers their liability, in the absence of an express agreement to the contrary, and unless they are joint indorsers, is in the order in which their names appear upon the in- strument. They are liable in the successive order in which they indorsed and the doctrine of contribution does not apply.-^ Thus all are liable to the last, each is liable to those who signed after him and the first is liable to them all. (See Sec. 68.) The section is not applic- able to corporations, which, as a rule, have not the power to execute accommodation paper.^^ The power to exe- cute acceptances based upon the import and export of goods, newly created by the Federal Reserve Bank Act, will be explained in the introduction to Title II. 20. Law vs. Stewart, 15 Fed. Cas. No. 8130, 3 Cranch. (C. C.) 411. Noble vs. Beeman S. & Co.. 65 Oregon 93 ; 131 Pac. 1006 ; 46 L. R. A. (N. S.) 162. 21. In re MeCord, 174 Fed. 72, 75. MeCune vs. Belt, 45 Mo. 174, 178. Barnet vs. Youno-. 29 Ohio St. 7. Porter vs. Hnic. 04 Ark. 333, 335; 126 S. W. 1069, 28 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1039. 22. Jacobus vs. Jamestown Mantel Co., 211 N. Y. 154. Owen & Co. vs. Storms, 78 N. J. L. 154. § 30 NEGOTIATION 71 SUBDIVISION III Negotiation. Section Section 30 What constitutes negotiation. 42 Effect of an instrument 31 Indorsement ; how made. drawn or indorsed to a i)er- 32 Indorsement must be of en- son as cashier, etc. tire instrument. 43 Indorsement where name is 33 Kinds of indorsement. misspelled, etc. 34 Special indorsement — in- 44 Indorsement in representa- dorsement in blank. five capacity. 35 Blank indorsement changed 45 Time of indorsement; i)re- to special indorsement. sumption as to. 36 When iudoi-sement restric- 46 Place of indorsement; pre- tive. sumption as to. 37 Effect of resti-icting indorse- 47 Continuation of negotiable ment; rights of indorsee. character. 38 Qualified indorsement. 48 Striking out indorsement. 39 Conditional indorsement. 49 Transfer without indorse- 40 Indorsement of instrument ment; effect of. payable to bearer. 50 When prior party may ncgo- 41 Indorsement where payable tiate instioiment. to two or more persons. What constitutes "Sec. 30. Ax instrument is negoti- negotiation. ated when it is transferred from one PERSON to another IN SUCH MANNER AS TO CONSTITUTE THE TRANSFEREE THE HOLDER THEREOF. If PAYABLE TO BEARER, IT IS NEGOTIATED BY DELIVERY; IF PAYABLE TO ORDER IT IS NEGOTIATED BY THE INDORSEMENT OF THE HOLDER COMPLETED BY DELIVERY." To negotiate the instrument means to issue it or trans- fer it after it has been issued, and by this section it is provided that to constitute a negotiation, the issue or transfer must have been made in such a manner as to make the transferee the holder of the instrument.^ One becomes the holder of an instrument by the fact alone that it has been given into his possession by indorse- Bank of Commerce vp. Farmers & Merch. Bk.. 87 Nebr. 841, 843. Aurora St. Bk. vs. Hayes, Eames El. Co., 88 Nebr. 187. Scotland Co. Bk. vs. Hohn, 146 Mo. App. 699. 72 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 31 ment and delivery, or delivery alone at its incep- tion, or when indorsement is not required. The delivery must be made for the purpose of giving the in- strument, together with all its incidents into the right- ful possession of the transferee (Sec. 15 and Sec. 191), either as owner or as the authorized representative of its owTier, or in order to secure a debt or liability omng to him. In the latter case he is more than the represen- tative of its o^vner. He has an interest in the instru- ment to the amount of his lien (see Sec. 27). A transfer which does not meet these requirements is not a negotiation, does not pass the title to the instrument, and does not constitute the person who has taken the instrument without these qualifications a holder within the meaning of this Act. If the instrument is payable to bearer, the mere delivery by one holder to another without indorsement constitutes its negotiation. If it is payable to order the holder must write his name upon the back of instrument thereby in- dorsing it, and he must complete the negotiation by de- livery. How the indorsement must be made is pre- scribed by the next section. If a holder in possession of the instrument has in- dorsed it but does not complete the negotiation by deliv- ery, he may erase his name ; and if an instrument is found in the hands of one who had made an indorsement upon it which, if accompanied by delivery, would have amounted to a negotiation, it vnll be presumed that the ne- gotiation was never completed.^ Indorsement; *'Sec. 31. The indorsement must be how made. written on the instrument itsei^f, or "Illinois. UPON a paper attached thereto. The signature of the indorser, without additional words, IS A sufficient indorsement."'' 2. Richards vs. Darst, 51 111. 140. McCormick vs. Eckland, 11 Ind. 293. §32 NEGOTIATION 78 The place for an indorser's signature is upon the back of the instrument. If there is no room there a piece of paper may be securely attached to it and the indorse- ment made upon that. This is called an "allonge.'" It may be made upon the face of the instrument, but if a signature is placed there the indorser must use words at his signature which clearly manifest his intention to transfer the instrument,'' otherwise he msLj be mistaken for and hold to be liable upon the instrument as a pri- mary party. The rights of the primary parties, as the maker of a promissory note, and an indorser are very different, as is their liability upon the instruments they sign, and too great care cannot be exercised to distin- guish plainly the manner in which one who signs the in- strument elsewhere than upon its back or an attached piece of paper, intends to be bound by his signature. One who intends to assume no greater liability than as in- dorser or does not intend to limit his liability as such, need only write or stamp his name upon the back of the instrument or an attached paper to become an indorser within the meaning of this Act, the contract of indorse- ment being as fully expressed by the signature alone as it would be if it had been written out in full upon the instrument. Indorsement ''Sec. 32. The indorsement must be must be of entire j^-^ indorsement of the entire instru- instrument. ment. An indorsement, which purports to transfer to the indorsee a part only of the amount payable, or which purports to transfer the instrument TO two or more indorsees severally, does not operate as a negotiation of the instrument. But where the instrument has been paid in part, it may be indorsed AS TO THE residue. ' ' 3. Farmers Trust Co. vs. Schenuit, 83 111. A. 267. Walton vs. Williams, 44 Ala. 347 : Perry vs. Bray, 68 Ga. 293. Com. vs. Biitterick. 100 Mass. 12. 74 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 33, 34 The holder of a negotiable instrument cannot transfer a part only of it by indorsement. If he attempts to do so, or if he attempts to transfer the whole instrument by making part payable to one person and part to another, in order that each may own and have a right to receive a separate part of the amount due, this will not operate as a negotiation and has been held to destroy the negoti- ability of the instrument.^ Such an indorsement will only operate to enable the persons to whom the indorser so transfers the instrument to hold it as security for the amounts they are to receive out of its payment but it does not constitute either of them a ''holder" within the meaning of this Act. The indorsement, to amount to a negotiation, must be of the entire instrument.-^ But if there has been partial payment made, the instrument may be indorsed as to the balance remaining due and this would be an entire and complete indorsement and negotiation if followed by delivery. Kinds of "Sec. 33. An indoksbment may be indorsement. either special or in blank; and it may also be either restrictive or qualified, or conditional.'' Two kinds of indorsement are named in this Act, a special indorsement, which is defined in Sec. 34, and an indorsement in blank which is defined in Sees. 34 and 35. These indorsements may be either restrictive, as is ex- plained in Sees. 36 and 37, qualified, as defined in Sec. 38, or conditional, as explained in Sec. 39. Each has its distinct effect upon the instrument and serves a partic- ular purpose. > Special indorse- "Sec. 34. A special indorsement ment; indorse- specifies the person to whom, or to ment in blank. whose order, the instrument is to be" "Wyoming. payable,- a nd the indorsement of such 4. Goldman vs. Blum, 58 Tex. 630. Lind-av vs. Price. 33 Tex. 280, 282. 5. Barkley vs. Muller. 164 App. Div. 381, 149 N. Y. S. 620. Erwin vs. Lynn, 16 Oh. St. 539. §34 NEGOTIATION 75 INDORSEE IS NECESSARY TO THE FURTHER NEGOTIATION OF THE INSTRUMENT, An INDORSEMENT IN BLANK SPECIFIES NO INDORSEE, AND AN INSTRUMENT SO INDORSED IS PAYABLE TO BEARER, AND MAY BE NEGOTIATED BY DELIVERY." The special indorsement, sometimes called a ''full in- dorsement" is an order, written on the instrument over his signature by the indorser, directing it to be paid to a person whom he names, or to his order. It is not neces- sary that the words ' ' or order ' ' be used in order to con- stitute the person named in a special indorsement a ''full indorsee," qnd unless words are used prohibiting further negotiation he will take the instrument with all its inci- dents including full negotiability and may transfer it to another by indorsement.^ But it is necessary that the person to whom the instrument is to be transferred by the indorsement shall be named in it. If he is not designated, the indorsement is not special, although it may have been written thus: "Pay to the order of "^ When a special indorsement is used the instrument is payable to the person named in the in- dorsement or some one to be named by him. If he de- sires the instrument to be paid to another he must him- self indorse it or authorize some one to do so for him, unless the instrument is, upon its face, payable to the bearer (Sec. 40), whereupon he becomes a party to the instrument in the capacity of indorser. An indorsement in blank differs from this. This in- dorsement is made by the holder by merely writing his name upon the instrument mthout designating anyone to whom he desires it to be paid. By that act he assumes the same liability as by special indorsement (See Sec. 66), but if the instrument is one originally payable to 6. Fawcott vs. Natl. L. Ins. Co., 97 111. 11, 37 Am. R. 95. Hodj^es vs. Adams. 19 Vt. 74, 46 Am. D. 181. 7. State vs. Hinton, 56 Ore. 428, 109 Pac. 24. Adams vs. Smith, 35 Me. 324. 76 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 35 order it then becomes payable to bearer and may be negotiated by delivery from one subsequent holder to another wdthout indorsement, until it again becomes specially indorsed. Since only those persons whose names appear upon the instrument are liable upon it (Sec. 18), it is desirable, by reason of the additional security which will be given to the instrument, that the transferee, that is the person who is taking it, require the person who is transferring it to him to indorse the instrument. Section 49 of the Act gives to the holder the right to require the indorse- ment of his transferrer if the instrument is one payable to order. One who transfers an instrument by mere de- livery incurs no liability except to the extent of the war- ranties which by Sec. 65 are implied from a negotiation by delivery. gj^jj^ '^Sec. 35. The holder may convert a indorsement blank indorsement into a special in- changed to dorsement by writing over the signa- special ture of the indorser in blank any con- indorsement. tract consistent with the character of THE indorsement." If an indorser has made a blank indorsement (Sec. 34) upon the instrument, whoever has it as holder, may write over the signature of the indorser in blank the name of any person to whom, or to whose order, he desires the instrument to be paid. He then need not indorse it him- self but by this act, followed by delivery, he will have transferred the instrument to the person he has named without making himself a party to the transfer^ and, unless the instrument was originally payable to bearer, he thereby changes its character from one payable to bearer to an instrument payable to order. (See Sec. 40.) In accomplishing this the holder may write over the 8. Evans vs. Gee, 31 Pot. (U. S.) 78. S3. § 36 NEGOTIATION / 1 blank indorsement any words consistent with the charac- ter of the indorsement and which express the real agree- ment of the blank indorser, but he may not write any words that will change the character of the indorser 's liability or impair or take away any of his legal rights or defenses.^ It has also been held, however, that if the words written over the blank indorsement are made to express a contract different from that which was in- tended, it may be reformed.^" When ' ' Sec. 36. An indoksement is restrict- indorsement -j^e which either — restrictive. -^ Prohibits the further negotiation or the instrument; or 2. Constitutes the indorsee the agent of the in- dorser, OR 3. Vests the title in the indorsee in trust for or TO the use of some other person. But the mere absence of words implying power to negotiate does not make an indorsement restrictive." A restrictive indorsement is one which forbids the further negotiation of the instrument or restricts the manner of its tranfer. One form of this indorsement is accomplished by the indorser by Avriting over his signa- ture words which direct pajTnent to a person named and to him only. The person named has then no right to negotiate the instrument further and no other person will be entitled to receive pa^Tnent upon it. Such an in- dorsement implies a promise by the indorser that he will pay the instrument if the maker or acceptor does not and if he is called upon to do so, but that he w^ill be liable and will pay it only to the person named in his indorse- ment. 9. roltimhia Finnnoe Co. vs. Pnrcell, 140 Fed. 85. Hood vs. bobbins. OS Ala. 484, 13 S. 574. Jordan vs. Lonsr, 100 Ala. 414. 19 S. 447. 10. Newton vs. Bramlett, 55 111. A. 661. Sylvester vs. Downer, 20 Yt. 355, 49 Am. D. 786. 78 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 36 The most common use of the restrictive indorsement however, and the one chiefly contemplated by the con- vention which framed the Act, is that which makes im- possible the further negotiation of instruments indorsed for collection. If an indorser writes over his signature an order to pay the instrument to some person whom he names as his agent as, for example, if he indorses the instrument to a bank for collection and credit to his ac- count, such an indorsement indicates that the person or bank taking the instrument through it does so in the name of and acting on behalf of the restrictive indor- ser who does not intend to part with his title to the in- strument.^^ Under this form of indorsement the o"svner of the instrument will be able to control it or its pro- ceeds until it is returned to him or paid and may inter- cept the proceeds in the hands of an intermediate agent.^^ This form of restrictive indorsement does not entirely destro}' the negotiable character of the instrument, but affects it in the manner described in Sec. 37. An indorsement which names one person to take the title in trust for another or for another's use or benefit, is likewise restrictive and it, likewise, does not entirely destroy the further transferability of the instrument. In each form proper language must be used to show that the indorsement is restrictive, for the fact alone that an indorser omits words which give to or imply in the in- dorsee the power to negotiate the instrument further, does not make it so. Thus, if the indorsement is special 11. Chicago First Nat. Bk. vs. Reno County Bk., 3 Fed. 257. Butchers & Drovers Bk. vs. Hubbell, 117 N. Y. 384. Freeman's Bk. vs. Natl. Tube Wks., 151 Mass. 413. 12. Bank of America vs. Waydell, 187 N, Y. 115. Where indorse- ment in blank accompanied by letter stating draft had been sent for collection. Manufacturers Natl. Bk. vs. Continental Bk., 148 Mass. 553. First Natl. Bk. vs. First Natl. Bk., 76 Ind. 561. §37 NEGOTIATION 79 aud the words "or order" are omitted the indorsee may nevertheless negotiate the instrument. (See Sees. 34 and 47.) „^ ^ . "Sec. 37. A restrictive indorsement Effect of restricting confers upon the indorsee the right — indorsement; 1- To Receive payment of the instru- rights of ment; indorsee. 2. To bring any action thereon that "Illinois. ^jjj, jjjDORSER COULD BRING." 3. To transfer HIS RIGHTS AS SUCH INDORSEE/ WHERE THE form OF THE INDORSEMENT AUTHORIZES HIM TO DO SO. But all subsequent indorsees acquire only the title of the first indorsee under the restrictive indorse- MENT."* The indorsee who holds under a restrictive indorse- ment has the right to receive payment of the instrument and consequently has the right to compel its paj'"ment, and a discharge given by him for payment will be good. He has the right to bring any action upon the instrument which the indorser w^ho made the restrictive indorse- ment might bring and he can transfer his rights as such indorsee unless the form of the instrument or the re- strictive indorsement prohibits it.^^ But, while he can transfer such rights as are given him by the indorse- ment, all indorsees coming after him take from and through him only such title in the instrument and its pro- ceeds as he acquired under the restrictive indorsement and the form of the indorsement by which the instru- ment was transferred to him is notice to all subsequent indorsees of the limited right of the restrictive indorsee to negotiate the instrument. One who receives an in- strument indorsed to him for collection has therefore no 13. Smith vs. Bayer, 4(5 Ore. 143. Schmidt vs. Fcgg, 172 Midi. 160. Craig vs. Palo Alto Stock Farm, 10 Idaho, 701. Gleason vs. Thayer, 87 Conn. 248. 80 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 38 power to sell it and cannot convey a good title if he does.^* Sub-section 2, it has been said, is unjust in that if a person talking the instrument in trust for another under that form of restrictive indorsement does so for value, he does not secure the right to bring an action upon it against his immediate indorser. However, since his in- dorser had the right to bring an action against all per- sons who preceded him upon the instrument and trans- ferred this right to his transferee, he must be regarded as having thereby included himself as one against whom the holder by restrictive indorsement may bring an ac- tion to enforce the instrument if he fails to qualify his indorsement, since by no other form of indorsement can he make himself a mere assignor of the title, as ^^dll be seen from the following section. Qualified "Sec. 38. A qualified indorsement indorsement. constitutes the indorsee a mere assignob OF THE TITLE TO THE INSTRUMENT. It MAY BE MADE BY ADDING TO THE INDORSER 's SIGNATURE THE WORDS '' WITH- OUT recourse/' or any WORDS OF SIMIL.AR IMPORT. SuCH AN INDORSEMENT DOES NOT IMPAIR THE NEGOTIABLE CHAB- ACTER OF THE INSTRUMENT." When a person indorses a negotiable instrument and writes over or under, before or after his signature the words ''\sithout recourse" or "without recourse on me" he makes what is called a qualified indorsement. He is not required to use these words but may use others which mean the same thing or have the same effect. Or he may, if he chooses, write over his signature words of any qualification or limitation that he may wish to im- pose, and his liability to subsequent holders will be no greater or less than that which he ass umes or to which 14 Peoples & Drovers Bk. vs. Crais:. 63 Oh. St. 374, 59 N. E. 102, 81 Am. S. Kep. 639, 52 L. R. A. 872. § 39 NEGOTIATION 81 he limits himself by his words of qualification.^^' These must be words which clearly indicate that he intends to limit his liability. He may also qualify his liability by enlarging its limits, as he does when he adds a waiver of the usual requirements of demand and notice of non- payment.^^ (See Sees. 5, 82, 109, 110.) The place where the qualification is written upon the instrument is not of importance and it will operate if it can be clearly identified w4th the indorser's signature.^^ Each indorser must himself write the qualifying words at his o^\^l sig- nature in order that there can be no doubt of their ap- plication to him. When one indorser has qualified his signature, subsequent indorsers placing theirs under his cannot claim that they signed the instrument subject to the same qualification, unless when signing they clearly indicate their intention to do so by appropriate words. ^'^ A qualified indorsement upon the instrument does not interfere w^ith its negotiation. The indorser who limits his indorsement by the qualifying words 'S\dthout re- course" merely transfers the title to the instrument as it w^as when it came to him, and he does not become liable to his transferee, or any subsequent holder, except to the extent of the w^arranties \Yhich by Section 65 are im- plied from this form of indorsement. (See Sec. 65.) Conditional "Sec. 39. Where an indorsement is indorsement. conditional, a party required to pay the INSTRUMENT MAY DISREGARD THE CONDITION AND MAKE PAY- MENT TO THE INDORSEE OR HIS TRA NSFEREE, WHETHER THE 15. Fassin vs. Hubbard. 55 N. Y. 465, 470. Markley vs. Corey, 108 Mich. 184. 16. Allen vs. Ri^htmire, 20 Johns, 365, 11 Am. D. 2SS. Hatcher vs. Chambersburo- Bank, 79 Ga. 542, o S. E. 109. 17. Doom vs. Shei-win, 20 Colo. 2.34, 38 P. 56. Fitchbur^r Bk. vs. Greenwood, 2 Allen (Mass.) 434. Corbett vs. Fetzer, 47 Nebr. 269, 66 N. W. 417. Goolrick vs. Wallace. 154 Ky. 596, 157 S. W. 920, 49 L. R. A. N. S. 789. 18. Doom vs. Shel•^\•in. 20 Colo. 234, 38 P. 56. 82 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 40 COXDITIOX HAS BEEN FULFILLED OK NOT. BuT ANY PERSON TO WHOM AN INSTRUMENT SO INDORSED IS NEGOTIATED, WILLi HOLD THE SAME, OR THE PROCEEDS THEREOF, SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF THE PERSON INDORSING CONDITIONALLY." While the instrument must contain the unconditional promise or order of the person who originally issues it to pay it (Sec. 1), the holder may transfer it by indorse- ment so that it shall become payable to the indorsee only upon the happening- of some condition which he names. The indorser may do this by indicating at his signature the condition upon which it is to become payable to the person to whom he negotiates it. One taking an instru- ment which is indorsed in this manner may in turn transfer it to another, but when the instrument is paid, the holder W'ho receives payment must hold the proceeds subject to the rights of that party who made the condi- tional indorsement. But the one who is required to ])a.y the instrument is not bound by the condition imposed by the indorser, whether it is fulfilled or not. He may disre- gard the condition and pay the instrument to the holder at maturity and his payment will discharge his obliga- tion. He is not bound by the conditional indorsement to see that the proceeds of the instrument are applied in accordance with the condition imposed by the indorser. It will be the duty of the person to whom he pays the instrument to see to that. Indorsement of "Sec. 40. Where an instrument," instrument paya- payable to bearer, is indorsed specially, ble to bearer. ^^^ nevertheless be further nego- "Illinois. TIATED BY DELIVERY; BUT THE PERSON IN- DORSING specially IS LIABLE AS INDORSER TO ONLY SUCH HOLDERS AS MAKE TITLE THROUGH HIS INDORSEMENT." If an instrument which is upon its face expressly made payable to bearer becomes specially indorsed during its negotiation, that is, if it obtains an indorsement which specifies the person to whom or to whose order it is to §40 NEGOTIATION 83 be payable, it may, nevertheless, be transferred by de- livery. In other words, it is not necessary that such an instrument shall be indorsed by the person named in the special indorsement. That person or any subsequent holder may transfer it without indorsement if the trans- feree will accept it so. But the person who indorsed it specially will enjoy a certain immunity from liability, that is, he will be liable upon the instrument only to those persons w^ho make title, which means who constitute some other person the owner of the instrument, through his special indorsement. This, of course, means the one named in the special indorsement and those subsequent holders to whom that one indorses the instrument and who in turn make title to others through their own in- dorsements, and does not include persons who obtain the title to the instrument by mere delivery without the indorsement of the person named in his special indorse- ment. (Also see Sec. 67.) The effect of this section is, therefore, that an instru- ment originally payable to bearer which becomes special- ly indorsed may continue to be negotiated without further indorsement, but the liability of the special indorser is transmitted only to such person or persons who made title through his indorsement. It follows from this sec- tion that a restrictive indorsement upon an instrument originally payable to bearer would not be effective. But if such an instrument so indorsed is negotiated in breach of faith by the indorsee, the restrictive indorsement would be deemed to be notice of a defect in the holder's title. (Sees. 55 and 56.) A distinction is made in this section between an in- strument which is originally payable to bearer and one originally payable to order which becomes payable to bearer by blank indorsement. The first, though it may 84 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 41 become specially indorsed, does not require a blank in- dorsement to again become an instrument payable to bearer. It continues to be such notwithstanding the special indorsement. But the second, originally payable to order becomes payable to bearer when the only or last indorsement upon it is an indorsement in blank (Sec. 9-5), and does require to again be specially indorsed in order to resume its former character as an order instru- ment after it has been changed by blank indorsement to one payable to bearer. (See Sec. 34.) Indorsement *'Sec. 41. Where an ixstrument is where payable to payable TO THE oeder of two or more two or more payees, or" indorsees who are not part- persons. ners, all must indorse, unless the one "Wisconsin. indorsing has authority to indorse for THE others," When an instrument is expressly made payable to two or more persons who are not partners all who are named as payees must indorse in order to negotiate it, unless one who does it for all acts by the authority of the oth- ers. This authority need not be expressly given but may be implied from the circumstances under which the in- strument was issued or transferred. It has been held, for example, that where two persons sign upon its face an instrument which recites that it is payable to "myself" or order, the one having signed for the accommodation of the other, and it was intended that the latter alone should receive the proceeds of the instrument, a transfer upon his indorsement alone mil vest the holder with title enforceable against both.^^ Wlien the instrument is made payable by indorsement to two or more persons who are not partners, all must indorse it unless one has authority to act for all, but if two or more persons named as payees or indorsees are partners in a trading part- 19. First Katl. Bank vs. Fowler, 36 Ohio St. 524. §42 NEGOTIATION 85 nersliip any partner has the right, m a partnership transaction, even in the absence of express authority, to indorse the instrument in the name of the partnership and all partners will be bound by his act.^° ^ . , ''Sec. 42. AVhere an instrument is Effect of instru- ment drawn or ^^^^^N OR indorsed to a terson as indorsed to a ''cashier'' or other fiscal officer of a person as bank or corporation, it is deemed prima cashier. facie to be payable to the bank or cor- «So. Dakota poration of which he is such officer, AND MAY BE NEGOTIATED BY EITHER* THE INDORSEMENT OF THE BANK OR CORPORATION, OR THE INDORSEMENT OF THE OFFICER." If an instrument is dra^^aI or is indorsed so that it is payable to a cashier or other "fiscal officer of a bank or corporation" it is taken to be payable to the bank or corporation of which he is such officer, until the contrary is shown. A fiscal officer is one w^hose duties pertain to the finances of the bank or corporation of which he is an officer. Such an instrument is payable to the bank or corporation of which the person named is an officer and may be negotiated by the indorsement of the bank or corporation though made upon it by another of its duly authorized officers, or it may be negotiated by the in- dorsement of the officer named in the instrument. In either case, the indorsement, if made by another by au- thority of the bank or corporation, or if made by such officer, is considered to be the act of the bank or corpora- tion named and is good. The indorsement for transfer by a public officer of an instrument which carries notice upon its face that it is the property of the corporation, will not convey the title to the instrument if the officer 20. Drexler vs. Smitli, 30 Fed. 754. Fulton vs. Loualilin, 118 Ind. 286, 20 K E. 796 Moorehead vs Gilmore, 77 Pa. St. 118, 18 Am. Hep. 435. Gansevoort vs. Williams. 14 Wendell (N. Y.) 138. 86 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 43 negotiates it for his private use.-^ As to transfer by or payment to officers of other corporations or public offi- cers, see Sec. 8, Sub-sec. 6, and Sec. 21, • Indorsement "Sec. 43. Where the name of a payee where name is or indorsee is wrongly designated or misspelled, misspelled, he may indorse the instru- fit C fit 61*3. ME NT AS THEREIN DESCRIBED, ADDING, IF HE THINK FIT, HIS PROPER SIGNATURE." If the nanie of the payee or indorsee is misspelled or he is incorrectly designated or described, he may in- dorse the instrument in the manner in which his name is misspelled or by his w-rong designation.-^ He is not obliged to but he may, in addition thereto, indorse it by his proper name or proper designation, if he think fit, and this is usually done. Indorsement by the i^erson named in his proper name or by his proper designation is, of course, good although he neglects to indorse by the misspelled name or improper designation or descrip- tion. If one does business in the name of a company and the instrument is made payable to the company name, in- dorsement in his o\^^l name ^\ill be sufficient to transfer the title.^^ Indorsement ''Sec. 44. Whef^e any person is under in representative obligation to indorse in a representa- capacity. ^^^^ capacity, he may indorse in such TERMS as to negative PERSONAL LIABILITY." When an instrument requires the indorsement of a person who is not a party to it except as the representa- tive of another, he may indorse it in any way he desires in order to show that he does it in his representative capacity, and that he does not intend to assume any personal liability upon the instrument. No particu- 21. Quincv Mut. Firp Ins. Co. vs. International Trust Co., 217 Mass. 370. 22. Hunt vs. Stewart, 7 Ala. 525. 23. Brj^ant vs. Eastman, 7 Gushing (Mass.) 111. § 45, 46 NEGOTIATION 87 lar form of words is required. Any which will convey his meaning will be sufficient.-^ Time of *'Sec. 45. Except where an indorse- indorsement ; ment bears date after the maturity of presumption. ^^^ instrument, every negotiation is deemed prima facie to have been effected before the instrument was overdue." The date which an indorsement bears is presumed to be the date when it was made. Every undated indorse- ment is presumed, until the contrary appears, to have been made and every negotiation to have been effected before the instrument became past due. This presump- tion may be overcome and, in a controversy, the true date shouni by proof.-^ The rights and liabilities of in- dorsers before and after maturity differ in very impor- tant respects and if an indorsement is placed upon an instrument after its maturity, it ought to be dated, for a date often becomes very important in determining the rights of the interested parties. (See Sec. 52.) Place of "Sec. 46. Except -where the contrary indorsement; appears, every indorsement is presum]':d presumption. prima facie to have been made at the PLACE where the INSTRUMENT IS DATED." The place where an indorsement is made sometimes becomes important in fixing the rights or the liability of the indorser, for the reason that each negotiation is re- garded as a distinct and new contract upon the terms of the instrument or upon such modifications as may have been imposed at any negotiation.-^ If the indorsement is made at a place other than that where the instrument is dated, particularly if made in another State whose laws may yet be different from those of the State where the 24. Chelsea Exchg. Bk. vs. First U. P. ChiTrch, 89 Misc. (In^. Y.) 616, 620. 25 Cedar Rapids Natl. Bk. vs. Bashara, 39 Okla. 4,S2. 26. Smith vs. Caro & Brown, 9 Orej^on. 278. Freese vs. Browncll, 35 N. J. L. 285. 88 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 47, 48 instrument was made, it ouglit to indicate that fact.-^ All indorsements are presumed to have been made at the place where the instrument is dated unless the con- trary appears or is showm. This presumption is con- clusive in favor of any holder in due course who had no notice to the contrary before taking the instrument and the contrary cannot be showTi as to him even if true, but it has been held, as to others, that an undated indorse- ment is to be regarded as having been made at the place of residence of the indorser.^^ Continuation of "Sec. 47. An instrument negotiable negotiable j>^- jr^j, origin continues to be negotiable until it has been restrictively indorsed or dtsch.^rged by payment or otherwise." An instrument which is negotiable when first issued continues to be so until it has been restrictively indorsed or until it has been discharged. It continues to be nego- tiable even after maturity.^^ The only form of restric- tive indorsement which entirely destroys its negotiable character is that which forbids its further negotiation. (Sec. 36.) A restrictive indorsement is made in the manner described in Section 36 and confers upon the holder such rights as are set forth in Section 37. The discharge of the instrument may be effected by payment or in any of the ways enumerated under Sec. 119. Striking out **Sec. 48. The holder* may at any indorsement. time strike out any indorsement which "Kentucky. ^^ ^^^ necessary to his title. The in- DORSER whose INDORSEMENT IS STRUCK OUT. AND ALL IN- DORSERS SUBSEQUENT TO HIM, ARE THEREBY RELIEVED EROM LIABILITY ON THE INSTRUMENT." The holder, whether he be or be not himself an in- dorser, mav strike out any indorsement upon the instru- 27. Cliemical Natl. Bk. vs. Kello^s, 183 N. Y. 92, 75 N. E. 1103, 111 Am. S. R. 717, 2 L. R. A. N. S. 299, 5 Ann. Cas. 158. Mackintosh vs. Gibbs (N. J.). 74 Atl. 708. 28. Simpson vs. White, 40 N. H. 540. 29. Oakdale Mf-. Co. vs. Clarke, 29 R. I. 192, 199, 69 Atl. 681. § 48 NEGOTIATION 89 ment which is not necessary to prove his ownership of the instrument. Those indorsements necessary to a holder's title are the indorsements of the payee and of subsequent special indorsers and persons named in any special indorsements through whom the holder must trace his ownership.^'^ The indorsement of the payee should never be struck out, and, unless the payee has in- dorsed in blank, the indorsement of all persons named in special indorsements will be necessary to prove the holder's title. But when a blank indorsement appears upon the instrument, whether it be the indorsement of the payee or any subsequent indorser, the holder may strike out all subsequent indorsements and show title under that blank indorsement.^^ And he may do this be- fore or at the trial of an action upon the instrument.^- Such indorsements as are necessary to show how the holder could or did acquire title to the instrument are usually readily ascertainable from the manner in which they are made upon the instrument but the holder must exercise considerable care in striking out the names of those persons upon whom he does not intend to rely. Parties whose names are struck out cease to be liable up- on the instrument as do all those who indorsed subse- quent to that one or those Avhose names are thus elimi- nated. The indorsements of all persons named in special indorsements may be necessary in order to show the hold- er's title to the instrument,^^ and will be necessary if there is no blank indorsement upon it. The occasion for strik- ing out indorsements does not usually arise un- til the instrument has been re-negotiated to a party who 30. Porter vs. Cushman, 19 111. 572. 31. Vanarsdale vs. Hax, 107 Fed. 878. New Haven Mfg. Co.. vs. New Haven Pulp & Board Co., 76 Conn. 126. Ensign vs. Fogg, 177 Mich. 317. 32. Carter vs. Butler, 264 Mo.' 306. 90 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 49 has previously negotiated it, or it returns to the holder after an ineffectual attempt to collect it during which it has obtained indorsements which are in no way neces- sary to establish his relationship to the parties against whom he seeks to enforce it. (See Sec. 121.) The hold- er may then strike out his own indorsement even though it be restrictive.^^ Transfer ' ' Sec. 1:9. Wheke the holdee of an in- without stkument payable to his order transfers indorsement; jrj, ^^^ value without indorsing it, the effect of. TRANSFER VESTS IN THE TRANSFEREE SUCH "Illinois, „^^T^^ Missouri. TITLE as the transferor had THEREIN, ^Colorado, and the transferee acquires, in addi- Alabama. tion, the right" to have the indorse- fWisconsin. ment of the transferor.'' But for the purpose of determining whether the transferee is a holder in due course, the negotiation takes effect as OF THE time when THE INDORSEMENT IS ACTUALLY MADE."" The transfer of an instrument payable to order with- out the indorsement of the payee or the indorsee named in the special indorsement will convey the title to the holder but it is not a negotiation. While the transferee acquires title to the instrument by such a transfer and may bring an action upon it, he does not acquire with its possession the status of a holder in due course (Sec. 59) until he secures the indorsement of his transferor. When, upon the transfer of such an instrument, the transferor neglects to indorse it before its transfer, he should be required to do so as quickly as possible if his indorsement was contemplated. Until it is obtained the transferee will hold the instrument subject to all the de- fenses existing between its other parties^* and subject to the same defenses as if the inst rument were non-nego- 33. Jerman vs. Edwards, 29 App. C. (U. C.) 535. 34. Martz vs. State Natl. Bk., 147 App. Div. (N. Y.) 250. Goodsell vs. McElrov Bros. Co., 86 Conn. 402. 85 A. 509. Cantrell vs. Davidson. 180 Mo. A. 410, 168 S. W. 271. Kiefer vs. Tolbert, 128 Minn. 519, 151 N. W. 529. § 50 NEGOTIATION 91 tiable, unless it is one which was originally payable to bearer. Such an instrument is transferable by mere de- livery even after it has become specially indorsed. (Sec. 30.) This section gives the person to whom an instru- ment is so transferred the right to require his transferor to indorse it and he may be compelled to do so by means of an action in equity if he will not do it voluntarily. The Act does not provide that any holder subsequent to the transferee has this right but it is undoubted in the transferee and he can compel the transferor to in- dorse the instrument. However, equity will also inter- vene in behalf of subsequent holders and any such could, in a proper proceeding in equity, compel its indorsement. If the indorsement is made later than the date of the transfer of the instrument and it is questioned whether or not the transferee is a holder in due course the nego- tiation is considered to have taken effect upon the date when the indorsement is actually made, and not the date when the instrument was transferred to the holder. If in the interval the transferee without indorsement re- ceives notice of a defect in the instrument, or the title to it, he will be bound by such notice even if he has paid full consideration.^^ When prior party ''Sec. 50. Where an instrument is may negotiate xegotiated back to a prior party, SUCH instrument. party may, subject to the provisions of THis Act, re-issue and further negotiate the same. But HE IS not entitled TO ENFORCE PAYMENT THEREOF AGAIXST ANY INTERVENING PARTY TO WHOM HE WAS PERSONALLY LIABLE." A negotiable instrument may be re-issued or re-nego- tiated by a party who has once before had it, if in its course it returns to him, and it is then subject to all of 35. Benson vs. Abbott. 95 Ga. 69. Weber vs. Orton, 91 Mo. 677. Thompson-Houston El. Co. vs. Capitol El. Co., 56 Fed. 849. 92 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 50 the provisions of this Act as upon its first issue. If, how- ever, any party to the instrument does again receive it and indorses and negotiates it a second time, he cannot enforce its payment against any person to whom he him- self was personally liable on its first negotiation. This includes parties who became such between his first nego- tiation of the instrument and its return to him.^^ One who indorsed the instrument without recourse is, there- fore, not subject to this limitation.^'^ As to others, and new parties the instrument is treated as if it were upon its first issue and negotiation. If the instrument has re- turned to the drawer or maker and it is re-issued by him, the fact that it is in his hands is notice that it has run its course^® but if he re-issues it before maturity, it pro- ceeds as upon a new negotiation and in some jurisdictions it is held that no party to its first negotiation, except himself, is then liable to anyone who takes the instru- ment upon its second issue. In others, it is held, upon what seems to be the better reasoning, that all secondary parties remain liable upon their contracts of endorse- ment until the maturity of the instrument. ^^^ (See also Sees. 119 and 121.) 36. Adrian vs. McCaskiU, 103 N. C. 182. 37. Froiieh vs. Barney, 23 N. C. 219. 38. Quinibv vs. Varnum, 190 Mass. 231, 76 N. E. 671. Downinc; vs. Neeley (Tex. Civ. App.), 129 S. W. 1192. First Nat. Bk. vs. Harris, 7 Wash. 139. Aurora St. Bk. vs. Hayes-Eames El. Co., 88 Nebr. 187. 38a. See Note L. R. A. 1918 E. 170. §51 RIGHTS OF HOLDER ^'-^ SUBDIVISION IV, Eights of Holder. Section 1 Section ' \ 51 Right of holder to sue — 56 What constitutes notice of payment. defect. 52 AYhat constitutes a holder in 57 Riohts of holder in due due course. course. 53 When person not deemed to 58 When subject to original de- be a holder in due course. fenses. 54 Notice before full amount 59 Who deemed holder in due paid. course. 55 When title defective. The person who is in lawful possession of the instru- ment as payee, indorsee, or bearer (Sec. 191), is the holder and he is entitled to recover its proceeds and may bring an action upon the instrument in his own name, even if it is the property of another. In this respect, a negotiable instrument differs from a simple contract for the payment of money for of the latter, in States w^here the real party in interest is required to bring an action in his o\\m name, no assignment can be made for the mere purpose of collection which will en- able the assignee to sue upon the contract in his own name. The holder of a negotiable instrument, however, has sufficient title for the purpose of suit even if he is not a holder for value or in due course, or has no inter- est in the instrument or its proceeds. The Court will never inquire whether he brings the action in his own behalf or for another, and will not inquire into his right of possession unless the question is raised as a matter of defense upon an allegation of fraud or bad f aith.^ Right of holder "Sec. 51. The holder of a negotl\ble to sue; payment, instrument may sue thereox in his own NAME ; AND PAYMENT TO HIM IN DUE COURSE DISCHARGES THE I NSTRUMENT.''^ _^____ 1. Lowell vs. Bickford. 201 Mass. 543. 94 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §52 If the person who is obliged to pay the instrument pays a holder at or after its maturity even though he be not the owner, he will have discharged the obligation completely unless he knows or not knowing, is chargeable with the duty to know that the holder has no authority to receive the payment. The subject of payment will be treated further under Section 88. -^^^^ *'SeC. 52. A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE IS A constitutes a holder who has taken the instrument holder in due under the following conditions: course. 1. That it is complete and regular •Wisconsin. ^.p^^. ^^^ ^^^^. 2. That he became the holder of it before it was overdue, and without notice that it had been previ- ously dishonored, if such was the fact ; 3. That he took it in good faith and for value ; 4. That at the time it was negotiated to him he had no notice of any infirmity in the instrument or defect in the title of the person negotiating it.""" This section defines the term '4iolder in due course" which has been so frequently used up to this time. To become entitled to the protection of the provisions of this Act in favor of a holder in due course, every person who takes a negotiable instrument must see to it that he does so with the necessary qualifications. One becomes a holder in due course if the instrument he holds and seeks to enforce is first of all complete and regular upon its face. This general statement would seem to mean that the instrument must have been com- plete when issued and negotiated in accordance with the provisions of this Act and must not, on its face, show that it has been altered,- and these essential requisites to 2. Manussicr vs. Wriyht, 158 111. A. 214. Barton Sav2:s. Bk. Co. vs. Stephenson, 87 Vt. 433, 89 A. 639. Holbart vs. Lauretson," 34 S. D. 267. Marion Natl. Bk. vs. Russell. 14 Kv. L. 368. Critten vs. Chemical Bk.. 171 N. Y. 219, 231. In re Philpot's Est., 151 N. W. (Iowa) 825. §52 EIGHTS OF HOLDER 95 his title will appear with appropriate explanations at their proper places. If there are such ambiguities or contradictions in the instrument that they are irrecon- cilable, or they indicate that either one of two interpreta- tions may be applied with equal certainty or uncertainty, this would constitute an irregularity which would destroy its negotiability if they affect the sum payable or the place where, time when, or the parties to whom the in- strument is payable. (Subd'n 1.) The holder must be prepared to show that he acquired the instrument before it matured and if it had previously been dishonored or re- pudiated, he must be prepared to show that he had no notice of its dishonor. He is not obliged to prove these qualifications unless challenged, but if a lack of them is alleged against him, and some proof offered to sustain the allegation, he will have the burden of proving that he is a holder in due course. If an instrument which is payable on demand is offered for negotiation an unreasonable length of time after its issue, the person who takes it will not be considered a holder in due course. The term ''due course" supposes that the instrument has passed in a single transaction, or passes steadily and regularly from one person to another in a series of regular business transactions, and is trans- ferred under the usual customs and usages of business, thus including any purchase in good faith for value of a note or bill before maturity.^ If such an instrument stops in its course for an unreasonable length of time in the possession of one holder or continues to be negotiated for an unreasonable length of time after its issue, without presentment and demand for pay ment, a suspicion arises 3. Tischer vs. Merea, 138 Ind. 586, 21 N. E. 316. Kellogs; vs. Curtis, 69 Me. 212, 31 Am. R. 273. First Natl. Bk. vs. Flath, 10 N. D. 281, 286, 86 N. W. 867. Kimbro vs. Lytle, 10 Yerger (Tenn.), 417, 31 Am. D. 585. 96 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 52 of irregularity, or that some infirmity may have caused the delay in presenting or negotiating it when it is again offered for negotiation. The rigidity with which the Act is applied to the enforcement of the duties of maker, drawer, acceptor, and indorser of a negotiable instrument is not relaxed when its provisions, by which his standing is to be determined, are applied to the holder. If the holder is a "holder in due course" he will hold the in- strument free from all defenses Avhich prior parties might have among themselves (Sec. 57) and a familiarity with the provisions of this subdivision is of the utmost importance. The holder must also have taken the instrument in good faith and for value. Value here does not mean full value, but he must have given some consideration for its trans- fer, or have acquired the instrument through some one who did, and that consideration must have been suffi- cient to sustain his right to recover upon the instrument. (For definition of value see Sees. 25 and 191.) The discount of negotiable paper by a bank will not constitute the bank a holder in due course, under this section, when it is shown that the proceeds have been placed to the credit of its customer and remain in the bank.* Nor does the mere crediting of a check if the customer's account continues to hold sufficient money to pay it if it is dishonored,^ or the item is credited for collection.^ But if the customer checks against the dis- count or deposit, or the bank incurs a liability upon the items, it then becomes a holder for value. '^ Likewise if 4. Albany Co. Bank vs. Ice Co., 92 App. Div. (N. Y.) 47. Merchants Bk. vs. Santa Maria Sue:ar Co., 162 App. Div. (N. Y.) 248. Miller vs. Norton, 114 Va. 610. McKniii^ht vs. Parsons, 136 la. 390. 5. Citizens Bk. vs. Cowles, 180 N. Y. 346. 6. Bank of America vs. Waydell, 187 N. Y. 115. 7. Montrose Savgs. Bk. vs. Claussen, 137 Iowa, 73. §52 RIGHTS OF HOLDER 97 the proceeds are appropriated by the bank to the de- positor's indebtedness to it before receiving notice of any infirmity in the instrmnent or title of its transferor,^ or the bank lends its own credit for the customer's benefit.^ Payment of draft with bill of lading attached by crediting the drawer's checking account will constitute the bank a holder in due course, whether or not the drawer had checks against the deposit at time of the credit.^" And, lastly, the holder must not have had notice at the time it was negotiated to him, or before that time, that the instrument is not all right and just what it purports to be, or that the person negotiating it had not a good title to it. The provisions of Section 55 determine when the title is defective. What is to be regarded as notice will be determined by Sec. 56. If none of the defects enumerated in those two sections exist in the title of the holder, and he has not acquired the instrument contrary to the provisions of the next section, he will be deemed a "holder in due course" and can require payment regard- less of any infirmities or defects in the instrument or its prior negotiation and recover against all prior in- dorsers as well as against the persons primarily liable upon it, except those whose signatures have been forged or such as have qualified their liability. To hold the in- dorsers he will be required to observe the provisions re- specting presentment, demand and notice given under Sees. 70 to 118. The extent to w^hich the execution and delivery or the negotiation of an instrument on Sunday is affected by the fact that it is done on that day and its effect upon the rights of the holder, will depend altogether upon 8. City Dep. Bk. vs. Green, 130, Iowa, 384. 9. Elgin Banking Co. vs. Hall, 199 Tenn. 548 ; 108 S. "W. 1068. 10. Tapee vs. Varley, 184 Mo. App. 470; 171 S. W. 19. 98 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 53, 54 other statutory enactment. If by statute in the State where the transaction occurs it is made unlawful to transact business on Sunday, then the execution or ne- gotiation of the instrument, if completed on that day, will be illegal and void as between the parties. To affect subsequent holders, however, this infirmity must be ap- parent from the instrument itself. ^^ A promissory note providing that default in payment of any installment of the principal or interest shall cause the whole note to become due is overdue upon the fail- ure to pay the matured installment, and one taking it after such default with notice, or if it is apparent upon the face of the instrument, will not be a holder in due course.^^ (See Sec. 2.) When person not ' ' Sec. 53. Where an instrument pay- deemed holder in ^ble qn demand is negotiated an unrea- due course sonabi^e length of time after its issue, the holder is not deemed a holder in due course. ' ' What is an unreasonable length of time is not estab- lished by this act at any fixed period nor has any defi- nite rule applicable to all cases been laid down by the courts. In determining what is a reasonable or an unrea- sonable delay the particular circumstances of each case must be taken into account. (Sec. 193.) Parties to the instrument, other than those primarily liable, will be discharged by any unreasonable delay in presenting and demanding payment of an instrument payable on demand. See Sections 7-71-144 and 193 for more on this subject. Notice hefore "Sec. 54. When the transferee re- full amount paid. cei^t:s notice of any infirmity in the in- strument OR defect in the title of the person nego- tiating the same before he has paid the full amount^ agreed to be paid t herefor, he will be deemed a holder 11. Gilman vs. Berry, 59 N. H. 62. 12 Hodge vs. Wallace, 129 Wis. 84; 108 N. W. 212; 116 A. S. R. 938. §55 RIGHTS OF HOLDER 99 IN DUE COURSE ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF THE AMOUNT THERE- TOFORE PAID BY HIM." It has already been said, under Sec. 52, that to become a holder in due course, one must have acquired the instrument without notice of any defects or infirmities in its title. If it should happen, as it sometimes does, that the transferee has already paid a part of the con- sideration for its transfer to him before becoming aware of the defect which exists in the instrument or in the title of the person who negotiates it to him, he will then be considered a holder in due course only to the extent of the amount he paid before the defect or infirmity became known to him. If after having made a partial payment on account of the transfer of the instrument, he learns of its imperfection, and notwithstanding that fact pays the balance agreed to be paid for the instrument he mil not be in the position of a holder in due course as to the amount he pays after notice, but he is such only to the amount of his payment before notice. ^^ But knowledge alone is not necessarily notice, and what is deemed to be ''notice" is to be determined by the application of the provisions of Sec. 56. When title ''Sec. 55. The title of a person who defective. negotiates an instrument is defective «Wiscoiisiii. within the meaning of this act when he obtained the instrument, or any signatures thereto, by FRAUD, duress, OR FORCE AND FEAR, OR OTHER UNLAWFUL MEANS, OR FOR AN ILLEGAL CONSIDERATION, OR WHEN HE NE- GOTIATES IT IN BREACH OF FAITH, OR UNDER SUCH CIRCUM- STANCES AS AMOUNT TO A FRAUD. ' ' " When the instrument is obtained or negotiated, or any signature upon it is obtained in the manner indicated in this section, the title of the person who so procured the instrument or signature is defective. Any person who 14. Dresser vs. Missouri, etc R. R. Cons. Co., 93 U. S. 93. 100 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 55 takes the instrument with notice that these defects or any of them exist is also affected by them and will not be considered a holder in due course. The existence of any of them will defeat his right to recover upon the instru- ment against any person who became a party under such circumstances, if it is shown that he knew of them at the time or before he acquired the instrument or if, not knowing of their existence, he is chargeable in law with a duty to know. (See Sec. 56.) Fraud consists of any wilful deception by which the execution, indorsement, or negotiation of the instrument is obtained. Whether the fraud is a positive fraud, con- structive fraud, a fraud in law, or the circumstances are such as amount to fraud, must be determined in each par- ticular case, but the following essential elements must exist in it : To be the subject of an action, the general rule is that the person chargeable with the fraud must have made a material false representation;^^ he must have known when he made it that it was false, or have made it reck- lessly as a positive assertion, without any knowledge of or in wilful disregard of its truth or falsity.^^ He must have made the false or reckless representation with the intention that it should be acted upon by the person whom he expected to influence by it and the fraudulent representation must actually have been acted upon by 15. Hall vs. Grayson Co. Natl. Bk., 36 Tex. Civ. App. 317, 81 S. W. 762. Peden vs. Birkle, 27 Colo. A. 323, 148 P. 913. 16. Hale vs. Citizens Bank, 111 Ark. 258, 163 S. W. 775. Bank vs. Hale, 104 Ark. 388, 149 S. W. 845. Hodgens vs. Jennings, 148 App. Div. (N. Y.) 879, 133 N. Y. S. 584. §55 RIGHTS OF HOLDER 101 the party using this defense/' who must thereby have suffered loss or injury.^^ The concealment of any material fact which it is a duty to disclose will have the same effect as, and be equiv- alent to a positive misrepresentation. Thus, when one obtains or procures the execution or indorsement of a negotiable instrument, or induces or procures any one to become a party to it without disclosing all material facts in relation to the instrument M^hich he owes a duty to disclose to him, he will have perpetrated a fraud upon him and if he thereby obtains title to the instrument his title will be defective. ^^ Duress is a condition which exists when one is induced or compelled by the unlawful act of another to make a contract or to do or forego some act under circumstances which overcome the mind and will of a person of ordi- nary^ firmness and deprive him of its free exercise. ^*^ If a signature to a negotiable instrument is procured under unlawful threats of bodily harm or of harm to business^_ reputation and standing, or other serious harm or loss, either to the signer or to some other person, a member of his family or near kinsman, and the one signing is thereby actually put in fear of the threatened danger and for that, and no other reason, makes the signature or indorsement, not otherwise being obliged to do so, 17. Champion Foundry, etc., Co. vs. Heskett, 125 Mo. A. 516, 102 S. W. 1050. Hurst vs. Lee, 143 App. Div. (N. Y.) 614, 127 N. Y. S. 1040. Bank vs. Hale, 104 Ark. 388, 149 S. W. 845. 18. Keller vs. Johnson, 11 Ind. 337, 71 Am. D. 355. Strickland vs. Parlin. etc., Co., 118 Ga. 213, 44 S. E. 997. Bank of Commerce vs. Brayles, 16 N. M. 414, 120 P. 670. 19. In re Lawrence, 166 Fed., 239, 92 C. C. C. A. 251. Hodge vs. Smith, 130 Wise. 326, 110 N. W. 192. 20. Cribbs vs. Sowle, 87 Mich. 340, 49 N. W. 587. 102 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 55 such force and fear constitute duress^^ and the title of a person taking the instrument under these circum- stances, or with notice of their existence, is defective. And if the instrument or any signature upon it is ob- tained by other unlawful means, the title of any holder chargeable with notice of the unla^^'ful means by which the instrument or signature was obtained, is defective. If the consideration for the instrument or its negotia- tion is illegal, that is, one not lawful, the person obtain- ing the instrument for such unlawful consideration does not obtain a good title to it. Eead what is said under Section 5 in regard to illegal provisions in the instru- ment. No person has a right to negotiate the instrument in breach of faith; which means, that when one has the in- strument for a specific purpose, he has no right, without permission, to divert it to a different use. And if any one obtains the instrument, or procures it to be indorsed, or negotiates it under such circumstances as amount to fraud, he cannot obtain or convey a good title to the transferee who is chargeable with notice of its fraudu- lent procurement or negotiation. ^^ The defense of want of title cannot be used to defeat the enforcement of the instrument in the hands of one who would otherwise be a holder in due course, unless it 21. Bush vs. Brown, 149 Ind. 573, 19 Am. Rep. 695. Swear vs. Carr, 76 Ga. 322, 2 A. S. R. 44. Com. vs. Reffitt, 149 Ky. 300, 148 S. W. 48, 42 L. R. A. (N. S.) 329 and note. Burton vs. McMillan, 52 Fla. 469, 42 So. 849. Fire Ins. Co. vs. Hull, 51 Oh. St. 270, 37 N. E. 1116. Hodge vs. Wallace, 129 Wis. 84, 108 N. W. 212, 116 A. S. R. 938. AYiliiamson, Halsell, Frazier Co. vs. Ackerman, 77 Kas. 502. Fountain vs. Bigliam, 2.35 Pa. St. 35. 84 Atl. 131. 22. Gardner vs. Beacon Tiaist Co., 190 Mass. 27, 76 N. E. 445, 112 A. M. S. R. 443, 2 L. R. A. (N. S.) 767, 5 Ann. Cas. 581 and note Larapman vs. Lampman, 118 Iowa, 140. 143, 91 N. W. 1042. §56 RIGHTS OF HOLDER 103 is shown that he had knowledge of it and the next section Ijrovides wliat shall constitute notice. What constitutes "Sec. 56. To constitute notice of an notice of defect, usteikmity in the instrument ob defect IN the title of the person negotiating the same, the person to whom it is negotiated must have had actual knowledge of the infirmity or defect, or knowledge of such facts that his action in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith. ' ' A mere suspicion of the existence of an infirmity in an instrument or in the holder's title is not notice that such infirmity exists. Nor is mere rumor, though it has come to be heard by the person who is about to take the in- strument, before doing so. And if the suspicion and rumors which attend the instrument are such as would place any ordinarily prudent man on his g-uard, or any other circumstances surrounding the transaction are such as Avould warn him, or any peculiarity about the bill itself or the parties to it is such as would put an ordi- narily prudent man upon guard against fraud or irregTi- larity, these are not sufficient, of themselves, to defeat the holder's right of recovery upon the instrument. Such things are not considered to be the equivalent of actual notice of infirmity in the instrument or the hold- er's right to negotiate it. Unless he has actual know4- edge of the infirmity or defect in the title of the person from whom he takes the instrument, or unless the defect in the instrument is so cogent and obvious that his ac- tion in taking it, notwithstanding the obvious infirmity in it or defect in the holder's title, amounts to bad faith, the transferee is not chargeable with notice.^^ But if he 23. Fillebrown vs. Havward, 190 Mass. 472. 77 N. E. 4o. Goodman vs. Simonds, 20 How. 343, 15 L. Ed. 934. Youni? vs. Lowry, 192 Fed. 825, 113 C. C. A. 149. Eoillv vs. McKinnon. 159 Fed. 78. „ ^ ^ * .-.t Union Natl. Bk. vs. Neill, 149 Fed. 711, '9 C. C A. 417. Natl. Bk. vs. Weston, 172 N. Y. 250, 64 N. E. 949. 104 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 57 has reason to suspeet fraud or irregularity and he fails to investigate for fear his suspicions will be confirmed, or his investigation disclose a defense to the instrument, he will not be a purchaser in good faith if he then takes it.^^ "Sec. 57. A holder in due couese Rights of holder holds the instrument free from any in due course. defects of title of prior parties, and fl TllT nmR. ^Wisconsin free from defenses available to prior parties, among themselves,* and may en- force payment of the instrument for the full amount against all parties liable thereon. ^'^ Having become a holder in due course, the person who has actual or constructive possession of the instrument has the absolute right to enforce it against all persons liable upon it. He is not concerned with any defects or imperfections in the instrument or in the manner of its procurement which may amount to matters of defense among the parties themselves and all parties are liable to him for the full amount of the instrument, regardless of their rights and defenses against each other. His title and possession are absolute and he can require pay- ment from all persons whose names are upon the instru- ment except those who have qualified their indorsements by the words "without recourse," or words of equiva- lent meaning (Sec. 38), and those whose names upon it were forged or made mthout authority, or unless the in- strument was void at its inception because made in vio- Canajoharie Natl. Bk. vs. Defendorf, 123 N. Y. 191, 25 N. E. 402, 10 L. R. A. 676 and note. Kitchen vs. Loudenback, 48 Oh. St. 377, 26 N. E. 979, 29 Am. S. R. 540. Johnson vs. Way, 27 Oh. St. 374. Kavanagh vs. Bk. of America, 239 111. 404, 88 N. E. 171. 24. L3i;le vs. Lansing, 147 U. S. 59, 71, 13 S. Ct. 254, 37 L. Ed. 78. In re Stanford Clothing Co.. 187 Fed. 172. In re Hopper-Morgan Co., 156 Fed., 525, 19 Am. Bankr. R. 518. §58 RIGHTS OF HOLDER 105 lation of statute law, a (iiiestion upon which, however, tne decisions are conflicting.^^ (Sec. 23.) Wten subject to "Sec. 58. In the hands of any hold- original defenses. ^^ other than a holder in due course, a "Illinois, Wis- negotiable instrument is subject to the bA^^lf' same defenses AS IF IT WERE NON-NEGO- Alabama. tiable. But a holder who derives his TITLE through A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE, AND WHO IS NOT HIMSELF A PARTY TO ANY FRAUD" OR ILLEGALITY AFFECTING THE INSTRUMENT, HAS ALL THE RIGHTS OF SUCH'' FORMER HOLDER IN RESPECT OF ALL PARTIES PRIOR TO THE LATTER". ' ' The defenses which the original parties to an instru- ment, as the maker and payee of a promissory note, can make among themselves are called "original defenses" and a negotiable instrument is always subject to these while in the hands of the original parties, to the same ex- tent that an instrument would be which is not negotiable. Any holder other than a holder in due course, also takes the instrument subject to these defenses. But a holder who is not a holder in due course, having acquired his title through a holder in due course and not himself a party to any fraud or any of the other infirmities which affect the instrument as provided in Sees. 55 and 56, ob- tains with the transfer to him through the holder in due course, all the rights which that holder had against par- ties who signed the instrument before he became a party to it. By the transfer to a holder in due course the char- acter of the instrument as an available security became established. The subsequent transferee, therefore, even though he purchase with notice, acquires all the rights of the holder in due course and is himself so considered. He can stand on that holde r's title and enforce the in- 25. Alexander vs. Hazelrigsc, 123 K3^ 677. ^ Citizens Bk. vs. Crittenden Record Press. loO Ky. t)34. Sabine vs. Paine, 166 App. Div. (N. Y.) 9. Schlessinger vs. Kelly, 114 App. Div. (N. Y.) 546. Schlesinger vs. Lehmeier, 191 N. Y. 69. 106 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAV § 59 strument against all parties who became parties prior to that holder in due course through whom he acquired his title.-« Who deemed ''Sec. 59. Every holdee is deemed holder in due prima facie to be a holder in due course; ^^^'^^^^ BUT WHEN IT IS SHOWN THAT THE TITLE OF ANY PERSON W^HO HAS NEGOTIATED THE INSTRUMENT WAS DE- FECTIVE, THE BURDEN IS ON THE HOLDER TO PROVE THAT HE OR SOME PERSON UNDER WHOM HE CLAIMS ACQUIRED THE TITLE AS A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE. BuT THE LAST MEN- TIONED RULE DOES NOT APPLY IN FAVOR OF A PARTY WHO BE- CAME BOUND ON THE INSTRUMENT PRIOR TO THE ACQUISI- TION OF SUCH DEFECTIVE TITLE." Every holder of an instrument is considered to be a holder in due course until the contrary is shown to be true. And when it is sho^\Ti that the title was defective in the hands of any person who negotiated the instru- ment it is made the duty of that one seeking its enforce- ment to meet and overcome the proof offered and to show that either he himself or some other person under whom he claims became a holder in due course, that is, acquired the instrument under the circumstances and free from the imperfections affecting the title which are enumer- ated in Sec. 55. The holder cannot be required to furnish this proof and his position cannot be assailed, however, by any one who became a party to the instrument before the alleged defect in the title occurred. Such person is not concerned with imperfections occurring after he be- came a party to the instrument and cannot take advan- tage of them. A\Tien the instrument concerning which inquiry is made to determine the holder's qualification as a holder 26. Comstock vs. Buckley, 141 Wis. 228. 233, 123 S. W. 415, 135 Am. S. R. 34. Cover vs. Mvers. 75 Md. 406. Black vs. 1st Natl. Bk. Westminister. 96 Md. 399. McMuiTav vs. McMun-av, 258 Mo. 405, 417. Horan vs. Mason, 141 App. Div. (N. Y.) 89. §59 RIGHTS OF HOLDER 107 in due course is one payable on demand, another ele- ment which, however, does not concern title, must be con- sidered. It is as to the time at which the holder ac- quired the instrument and if it is shown that he ac- quired it an unreasonable length of time after its issue, or last negotiation, if a bill, he will not be considered to be a holder in due course. (Sec. 53.) Upon tlie question whether or not the payee is ever to be considered a holder in due course it has not been pos- sible to determine with any degree of assurance from the decisions interpreting the Act, whether he is or is not to be regarded as such a holder. Perhaps it may be best said that he is not in all cases, but it seems to be reason- ably well established that the payee of an instrument is- sued to him as the creditor of a person to whom the maker is indebted is to be regarded as a bona fide pur- chaser, holder in due course, and that the instrument in his hands is not subject to defenses ordinarily available between original parties. In the cases, this conclusion is reached by regarding him in the position he Avould oc- cupy if he had received the instrument b;v indorsement from the creditor.^" An examination of the cases cited will reveal that the question of the payee's status as a holder in due course always arises upon instruments on which there are either plural primary parties, or such as have been indorsed for accommodation. Upon such instruments it has been urged with success in some jurisdictions that the payee can never be a holder in due course and take the instru- 27. Lamson vs. Beard. fl4 Fed. 30, 39, 36 C. C. A. 56, 45 L. R. A. 822. So. Boston Iron Co. vs. Brown, 63 Me. 139. Cagle vs. Lane, 49 Ark. 465, 5 S. W. 790. City of Adrian vs. Whitney Center Natl. Bk., 180 Mich. 171. Regester's Sons Co. vs. Reed, 185 Mass. 226. 108 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 59 ment free from the original defenses. ^^ In others it is held, and it seems to me with the better reason, that if the payee takes the instrument at its initial delivery with- out any notice of equities existing between its other par- ties he is, by virtue of this section and of Section 55 a holder in due course.^^ 28. St. Charles Savgs. Bk. vs. Edwards, 243 Mo. 553. Builders Lime & Ceni. Co. vs. Weimer, 170 Iowa, 444, 161 N. W. 100. 29. Liberty Trust Co. vs. Tilton, 217 Mass. 462. Brown vs. Rowan, 154 N. Y. S. 1098. Ex Parte Goldberg & L., 191 Ala. 356, 67 So. 839, L. R. A. 1915 F. 1159. 60 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 109 SUBDIVISION V, Liabilities of Parties. Sect: Lou Sect ion 60 Liability of maker. 65 Warranty where negotiation 61 Liability of drawer. 66 by delivery, etc. Liability of general indorser. 62 Liability of acceptor. 67 Liability of general indorser 63 When person deemed in- where paper is negotiable dorser. by deliverj^ (iS Order in which indorsers are 64 Liability of in-egular in- liable. dorser. 69 Liability of agent or broker. The parties to a negotiable instrument, to whom lia- bility attaches, are classified as the maker, the drawer, the acceptor and the indorser. All persons Avho assume a liability upon the instrument become parties as one of these, unless by words of special qualification they as- sume a different liability upon it. Their liability is in the nature of a contract and like any other contract it is to be interpreted in accordance with the language used in the instrument (see Sec. 10). Whether expressed or not, however, certain liabilities attach to the parties to a ne- gotiable instrument and what these are and what admis- sions are deemed to be implied from their signatures are provided in this and the following nine sections of the Act. Liability of ''Sec. 60. The maker of a negotiable maker. instrument by making it engages that HE WILL PAY IT ACCORDING TO ITS TENOR, AND ADMITS THE EXISTENCE OF THE PAYEE AND HIS THEN CAPACITY TO INDORSE. The maker of a promissory note agrees that he will pay the instrument according to its tenor, that is, ac- cording to the manner in which he states in the instru- ment that he will do so. By placing his signature upon 110 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 61 the instrument payable to a named payee or his order he admits, by that act alone, that the payee whom he names has a legal existence^ and then has the right and the legal capacity to indorse it, which means that he is not under any legal disability that would render him incompetent to indorse the instrument,^ and, if the instrument is ne- gotiated into the hands of a holder for value, the maker cannot afterward deny either of these admissions (Sec. 57). He usually signs the instrument upon its face but if his signature appears elsewhere with identifying words, or if it can be determined from the context of the instru- ment that he intended to sign as an original promisor, he will be liable as maker.^ Liability of ,.g g-^ rpjjj, DRA^vER BY DRAWING THE drawer. ^Illinois INSTRUMENT ADMITS THE EXISTENCE OF THE Colorado. PAYEE AND HIS THEN CAPACITY TO INDORSE; AND ENGAGES THAT ON DUE PRESENTMENT THE INSTRUMENT WILL BE ACCEPTED AND PAID, OR BOTH, ACCORDING TO ITS TENOR, AND THAT IF IT BE DISHONORED, AND THE NECESSARY PROCEEDINGS ON DISHONOR BE DULY TAKEN, HE WILL PAY THE AMOUNT THEREOF TO THE HOLDER, OR TO ANY SUBSEQUENT^ INDORSER WHO MAY BE COMPELLED TO PAY IT, BUT THE DRAW- ER MAY INSERT IN THE INSTRUMENT AN EXPRESS STIPULATION NEGATIVING OR LIMITING HIS OWN LIABILITY TO THE HOLDER. The drawer of a bill of exchange by the act of draw- ing and issuing the bill, like the maker of a promissory note, (Sec. 60), impliedly admits that the payee he names exists and at the time of the delivery of the bill to him has the right to indorse it and is under no legal disability which would prevent him from doing so. He also en- gages by the act of drawing the bill that the person upon whom he draws will either accept or pay the instrument according to its terms and effect, or do both, when it is 1. Mex. Asph. Pav. Co. vs. Love, 73 111. A. 250. 2. Bank of Commerce vs. Rogers, 23 Ont. L. (Canada) 109. Smith vs. Marsaek, 6 C. B. (Eng.) 486. 3. White vs. HoAvland, 9 Mass. 314, 6 Am. Dec. 71. § 62 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 111 duly presented to him. In addition to this, lie agrees by the act of drawing that if the bill is not accepted or paid by the drawee and it thereby becomes dishonored, and if the necessary proceedings to charge him are taken as re- quired by other provisions of this Act (Sees. 89 to 118), upon its dishonor, he will then himself pay the amount called for by the bill to the holder, or to any indorser who may have been ol)liged to pay it. This promise is termed an implied promise for the reason that it is understood and agreed to by the drawer by the act of drawing and issuing the bill quite as effect- ually as though it were expressed in the language of the instrument. Though there is no provision in this sec- tion or elsewhere in the Act to the effect that the drawer of a bill or check, by the act of drawing, admits his in- debtedness to the payee in at least the sum for which the bill is drawn, the fact that he does so is firmly estab- lished.'^ The drawer may write upon the bill any words indicat- ing that he does not undertake or agree to the promises which are implied from the nature of the instrument he signs and if he does so, or writes other words which lim- it or qualify his liability to the holder, he cannot be held to any greater liability than that to which he limits him- self. Liability of ''SeO. 62. The ACCEPTOR BY ACCEPTING acceptor. ^^^^ instrument engages that he will Missouri, pay tt according to the tenor of his ac- ceptance AND ADMITS : 1 . The existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his signature, and his CAPACITY'' AND AUTHORITY TO DRAW the instrument and 2. The existence of the payee and his'' then ca- pacity to indorse. 4. McKenzie vs. Barrett. 148 111. A. 414. 112 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 62 The person who is named in the bill as the one upon whom it is drawn and who is to indicate when it is pre- sented to him whether or not he will pay it at its matur- ity is, before acceptance, called the drawee. Upon ac- ceptance of the instrument he becomes the acceptor. By his acceptance he admits everything essential to the va- lidity of the bill,^ and promises to pay it according to its terms and according to the purport and effect of his ac- ceptance, even if he has no funds of the drawer in his hands at its maturity.*^ If the bill is payable at a time after sight and the drawee intends to pay it, he is re- quired to write his acceptance and sign it and he usually does this by writing his name upon the instrument with words above it indicating that he assents to the drawer's order. (Sec. 132, 133.) By this act he promises and agrees just as fully as though it were expressed in words in the language of the bill, that he will pay the instrument according to the tenor of his acceptance on the day when it becomes due. The act of accepting is also his admission that the drawer exists, that the latter had the right and the power to draw the instrument, and is an admission that the person named as the payee, to whom the instrument is to be paid, exists and has the right and the power to indorse the bill. The acceptor cannot afterward deny the things which his acceptance expressly or impliedly admits if the bill is in the hands of a holder for value or in due course."^ (Sec. 570 5. Ragsdale vs. Gresham, 141 Ala. 308, 37 S. 367. 6. Jarvis vs. Wilson, 46 Conn. 90, 33 Am. R. 18. 7. Smith vs. Marsack, 6 C. B. 486. Natl. Bank of Commerce vs. Amn. Natl. Bank, 148 Mo. A. 1,. 127 S. W. 429. Rallo Natl. Bank vs. First Nat. Bank, 141 Mo. A. 719, 125 S, W. 513. Meuer vs. Phenix Nat. Bank, 94 App. Div. (N. T.) 331, 88 N. Y. S. 83, 183 N. Y. 511, 76 N. E. 1100. § 63 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 113 This section, therefore, in some jurisdictions, effects a very substantial change in the law in one important re- spect. In these, if a bank certifies a check which was fraudulently issued or at the time of its certification had ibeen fraudulently raised, it now is obliged to pay it to a subsequent holder in due course in the amount for which it certified, regardless of the amount for which the check was originally drawn or the manner in which it was ob- tained. (Sec. 14.) Its certification is by Section 187 made equivalent to an acceptance which it is by this section required to pay ac- cording to its tenor. And, of course, if the drawee of a bill accepts a fraudulent bill, or accepts it in a raised amount, he must likewise pay a subsequent holder in due course the amount for which he accepted the bill,* with- out regard to the amount for which it was originally drawn (Sec. 14). The kinds of acceptances which may be made and their effect upon the instrument are described in subdivision 2 of Title II, Sees. 132 to 142 inclusive. When person ' ' Sec 63. A person placing his signa- deemed indorser. ^^rj^g upon an instrument otherwise THAN 4S MAKER, DRAWER OR ACCEPTOR, IS DEEMED TO BE AN indorser, U^^LESS he clearly INDICATES BY APPROPRIATE WORDS HIS INTENTION TO BE BOUND IN SOME OTHER CA- PACITY. ' ' Every person who places his signature upon an instru- ment otherA\dse than as maker, drawer, or acceptor, is an indorser and he is liable upon the instrument only as such unless he writes at his signature words which show that he intends to assume some other liability and be bound in some other capacity, as, for example, maker, surety or guarantor. Parol evidence is not admissible to show a different int ention.^ 8. Espy vs. Bank of Cinti., 18 Wall. (U. S.) 604. 9. Lio-ntner vs. Roach, 95 Atl. (Md.) 62. 114 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 64 All indorser ma}' qualify his indorsement in the man- ner provided in Sec. 38, and he may assume any greater or lesser liability than that of indorser by using Avords clearly indicating that which he assumes, or he may in- dorse merely for identification, in which case he incurs no other liability upon the instrument if he indicates at his signature that he signs only for the purpose of iden- tifying the presenter.^" The liability of an indorser whose signature is not required in the orderly course of the negotiation of the instrument is fixed in the next sec- tion. If any person intending to become an indorser places his name upon .the face of the instrument it is nec- essary that he use words indicating that he signs as an indorser or he may thereby assume the obligation of a primary party, (See Sec. 31.) Liability of ''Sec. 64. Wheee a person, not other- irregular a\'ISe a party to ax instrument, places indorser. thereon his signature in blank before "Illinois. delivery, he is liable as indorsee in ac- cordance WITH THE FOLLOWING RULES: 1. "If the INSTRUMENT IS PAYABLE TO THE ORDER OF A THIRD PERSON, HE IS LIABLE TO THE PAYEE AND TO ALL SUB- SEQUENT PARTIES. 2. "If the INSTRUMENT IS PAYABLE TO THE ORDER OF THE MAKER OR DRAWER, OR IS PAYABLE TO BEARER, HE IS LIABLE TO ALL PARTIES SUBSEQUENT TO THE MAKER OR DRAWER. 3. If HE SIGNS FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PAYEE, HE IS LIABLE TO ALL P.ARTIES SUBSEQUENT TO THE PAYEE. There is one kind of indorser, called an "irregular in- dorser," who, not otherwise being a party to an instru- ment, places his signature upon it in blank before it is delivered. The section refers, of course, to the delivery at the inception of the instrument, or, if the instrument is a bill to its delivery at that time or at the delivery of 10. American Bank vs. Macondray, 4 Philippine, 695. §64 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 115 the acceptance. ^^ This indorser is referred to in the ex- planation of the preceding section as the indorser whose signature is not necessary to the orderly negotiation of the instrument, and he is known also as an accommoda- tion indorser. (See Sec. 29.) His liability upon the instrument is as follows: If he places his signature upon an instrument payable to the order of a third person, he is liable to the payee and to all parties who take the instrument after him. If he places his name upon an instrument payable to bearer or payable to the maker's or the drawer's own order, he is liable to all parties who subsequently take the instrument, but not to the maker or drawer. If the irregular indorser signs the instrument for the accom- modation of the person named as payee, he is not liable to the payee but he is liable to all parties who take the instrument after that party. Attention is directed to the fact that by the literal in- teri^retation of Sub-section 3 one who indorses for the ac- commodation of the acceptor of a bill payable to the drawer's own order, is liable only to holders subsequent to the drawer-payee and not to the drawer. And this is so notwithstanding the fact that he became a party to the instrument entirely for the drawer's security. But the courts have permitted it to be shown, under these cir- cumstances, by other evidence, aside from the instrument itself, that the accommodation indorser signed for the benefit of the drawer-payee and, though not warranted by the language of the sub-section, they hold that one who indorses for the accommodation of the acceptor is 11. Kolm vs. Consolidated Butter, etc., Co., 30 Misc. 725, 63 N. y. S. 265. Shelmerdine vs. Duft'y, 4 Mart. N. S. (La.) 34. Wilson vs. Hendee, 74 N. J. LaAv, 640, 66 Atl. 413. 116 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 65 liable to the drawer-payee as well as subsequent parties.^^ (See Sec. 68.) The irregular indorser becomes a party to the instru- ment for the purpose of lending his credit and worth to the value of the instrument to which he would not other- wise have been a party. It is not at all material, how- ever, for what purpose he indorses the instrument, if he does so, and if he would not otherwise have been a party to it, his liability is as fixed in this section.^ ^ It applies to all irregular indorsers, whether for accommodation or otherwise, and it includes any indorsement in blank of any person whose signature is not required in the due and regular negotiation of the instrument, and all those who become parties before deliver}^ and have heretofore been variously held to be, maker, surety, guarantor or indorser. x\n irregular indorser who signs as surety or guarantor, naming the person for whom he is surety or guarantor, and with other words descriptive of the ca- pacity in which he becomes bound, is held in whatever obligation he assumes (Sec. 63). In the absence of words upon the instrument indicating any other capacity in which he is to be charged he will, however, be held to the liability of an irregular indorser and it may not be shown by extrinsic evidence, except as to his immediate parties^ that he intended to bind himself in any other. Warranty where "^^C' ^^- ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ negotiating negotiation by ^^ instrument by delivery or by a quali- delivery, etc. fied indorsement warrants: 1. That the instrument is genuine and in all re- spects what it purports to be; 2. That he has a good title to it; 12. Haddock B. & Co. vs. Haddock, 192 N. Y. 499, 19 L. R. A. (N. S.) 136 and note. 13. Holland Trust Co. vs. Waddell, 75 Hun. 104, 2G N. Y. S. 980, 151 N. Y. S. 666, 46 N. E. 1148. Chicago Title, etc., Co. vs. Brady, 165 Mo. 197, 65 S. W. 303. §65 LIABILITIES OF PAKTIES 117 3. That all prioe pabties had capacity to conteact ; 4. That he has no knowledge of any fact which would impair the validitit of the instrument or ren- der it valueless. But WHEN THE NEGOTIATION IS BY DELI\T:RY ONLY, THE warranty extends in favor of no holder other than the imjmediate transferee. The pbiOvisions of paragraph numbered three of this SECTION do not APPLY TO PERSONS NEGOTIATING PUBLIC OR CORPORATE SECURITIES, OTHER THAN BILLS AND NOTES." A warranty is a representation either expressed or im- plied that the thing warranted is really what it appears and is represented to be, and a person who negotiates an instrument by delivery w^ithout indorsement or by quali- fied indorsement (without recourse see Sec. 38), is held to the warranties expressed in this section. While not liable upon the instrument as one Avould be who indorses without qualification, the person negotiating the instru- ment by delivery or this form of indorsement can be held for any failure of his warranty, and he may be sued for its breach independently of any action upon the instru- ment. He warrants by his qualified indorsement, or by deliv- ery, that his title to the instrument is good, and if it proves to be defective he will be required to make good any loss which may result from its failure. He also war- rants by delivery or by this form of indorsement that all parties to the instrument who became parties prior to himself had the legal capacity to and were able lawfully to become parties to be bound upon the contract in the manner in which -they signed it.^^ He does not warrant that the instrument is a valid and subsisting contract, as one does who indorses without qualification, but war- 14. Leonard vs. Draper, 187 Mass. 536, 73 N. E. 644. ^ ^^ ^ Glidden vs. Chamberlin, 167 Mass. 486, 46 N. E. 103, 57 Am. S. Rep. 479 and note. 118 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 66 rants merely that he does not know of any fact or thing which would make the instrument less valid than it ap- pears to be, or which would make it of no value. Thus it has been held that the transferee of a note may recover from the seller the consideration paid for the instrument if the latter knew at the time of the transfer that the parties to it were actually insolvent and concealed that fact from him.^^ One w^ho negotiates the instrument by qualified indorsement warrants also that the instrument and all prior signatures are genuine, that is, that it is not a forged instruments^ and that all parties who signed it prior to its negotiation by him were capable of enter- ing into a legal and enforceable contract. A qualified indorser impliedly makes these warranties to all persons who become parties to the instrument after his indorsement, but one who transfers the instrument by mere delivery without indorsement, can be held to them only by the person to whom he has transferred it. The warranty that all prior parties had the capacity to contract upon the instrument applies only to the negotia- tion of bills of exchange, promissory notes and checks of corporations but does not apply to public or corpora- tion bonds or other securities. You will observe from the next section that the liability of general indorsers differs very materially from that of parties who negotiate by qualified indorsement or by mere delivery. Liability of ''Sec. 66. Eveky indorser" m^ho in- general indorser. dorses without qualification, warrants "Illinois. to all subsequent holders in due course : 1. The matters and things mentioned in paragraphs numbered one, two and three of the next preceding sec- tion ; and 15. Leonard vs. Draper, 187 Mass. 536, 73 N. E. 044. Bursfess vs. Chapin. 5 R. I. 225. Gordon vs. Irvine, 105 Ga. 144. 3 S. E. 151. 16. Lennon vs. Gnnicr, 159 N. Y. 433, 54 N. E. 11. Farmers Natl. Bank vs. Farmers, etc., Bank, 159 Kv. 141, 166 S. W. 986. §66 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 119 2. That the instrument is at the time of his in- dorsement VALID AND SUBSISTING. And, in addition, he engages that on due present- ment, IT shall, be accepted or paid, or both, as the case MAY be, according TO ITS TENOR, AND THAT IF IT BE DIS- HONORED, AND THE NECESSARY PROCEEDINGS ON DISHONOR BE DULY TAKEN, HE WILL PAY THE AMOUNT THEREOF TO THE HOLDER, OR TO ANY SUBSEQUENT INDORSER WHO MAY BE COM- PELLED TO PAY IT." General indorsers are all who indorse without qualifi- cation (Sec. 38), including those who indorse restric- tively, as for collection. They are bound to subsequent holders in due course by the warranties prescribed in Sub-sections 1, 2 and 3 of the preceding section, and more. Their warranty as to the validity of the instru- ment is broader than the warranty of one who qualifies his indorsement, or that of a person not an indorser who negotiates the instrument by delivery, for they warrant not only that the instrument is what it purports to be, and not only that they do not know of anything affecting its validity and that all prior parties had the capacity to enter into a legal and enforceable contract, but warrant that the instrument which they indorse is valid and in force and has effect as .a legal and enforceable nego- tiable instrument at the time they indorse it.^*^ Except in such States as have changed this section in respect to accommodation parties, every accommodation indorser engages in the same warranties as a general indorser. It has been held that these warranties, by the accommo- dation indorser do not extend to the party who first dis- counts the accommodation instruments^ but he is in- cluded in their engagement to pay the instrument if it is dishonored. 17. Crosby vs. Wright, 70 Minn. 251. 18. Bouck vs. Lambeck, 63 Misc. (N. Y.) 117, 118 N. Y. S. 494. 120 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 66 A collecting bank which endorses the instrument for collection is bound by these warranties and is in all re- spects liable as an indorser unless it uses words of qual- ification Avhich negative this liability. In this respect this section of the Act was intended to and does effect an important change in the law as it was formerly inter- preted in some States^ '^ and now makes unnecessary the written guaranty of prior indorsements which banks usually stamp upon these items when they forward them for collection to their correspondents, or which are to be collected through the clearing house. This warranty is now implied from their indorsement for collection with- out additional words. 19rt Besides engaging in the warranties set forth in this and in the preceding section, a general indorser, includ- ing an accommodation indorser, and one indorsing re- strictively, imj)liedly promises and agrees by his act of indorsing the instrument that upon presentment in due and proper time to the right person, at the right place, it will be accepted or paid in accordance with its pur- port and effect. He further engages that if it is not so accepted or paid, or both, and if all necessary steps are taken by the holder in proceedings upon dishonor to charge him, as is provided in this Act (Sections 70 to 118, inclusive), he will immediately pay the amount of the instrument to the holder or to any indorser subse- quent to himself who may be obliged to pay it. It is by reason of this engagement that the holder is not required 19. First Nat. Bk. of Belmont vs. First Nat. Bk. of Barnesville. 58 0. S. 207. United States vs. Am. Exclianije Natl. Bank, 70 Fed. 232. Natl. Park Bank vs. Seaboard Bank, 114 N. Y. 28, 20 N. E 632, 11 Am. S. R. 612. Northwestern! Natl. Bank vs. Kansas Citv Bank of Conunerct 107 Mo. 402, 17 S. W. 982, 15 L. R. A. 102. 19a. Interstate Trust Co. vs. U. S. Natl. Bank (Colo.), 185 Pac. 260. §67,68 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 121 upon dishonor to first resort to the parties primarily lia- ble upon the instrument. T. ,.,-4™ * "Sec. 67. Where a person places his Liability of indorser where ixdoesement on an instrument negotia- paper negotiable ble by delivery he incurs all the liabili- by delivery. ties of an indorser." A negotiable instrument payable to bearer, being transferable by mere delivery, requires no indorsement, but any person who does indorse such an instrument as- sumes and incurs all of the liabilities of an indorser and, according to the character of his indorsement, his liabil- ity will be as fixed in the two preceding sections. Upon dishonor of a bearer instrument which has been indorsed, the same proceedings must be observed in or- der to charge an indorser as are required upon an instru- ment payable to order bearing indorsements. These will be found in the next subdivision of the Act. If he has indorsed specially his liability is limited, however, to only such holders as make title through his indorsement. (Sec. 40.) Order in which "Sec. 68. As respects one another, indorsers are indorsers are liable prima facie in the liable. order in which they indorse; but e\t:- oHlinois. dence is admissible to show that as be- tween OR among themselves they ha^'te agreed other- wise. Joint payees or joint indorsees who indorse are deemed to indorse JOINTLY' AND SEVERALLY'."" An instrument which passes from one person to an- other, receives indorsement at different times from the holders who negotiate it. Their names appear upon the instrument in the order in which it was held. Upon en- forcement of the indorser 's liability they are all liable to the holder but in their relation to one another, they are liable in the order in which they signed the instru- ment. This is the prima facie order of their liability, but they are permitted to show that as between or among themselves they have agreed to be otherwise bound. The 122 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 68 instrument usually shows in what order the indorsers are to be held among themselves and it is important and proper that each place his name immediately after the name of the person from whom he acquired it in order that his position in the order of liability may be readily ascertained, unless, by agreement, the order of his lia- bility is to be fixed by a different position upon the paper. The position of an indorser's name or the order in which he signed does not in the least affect the holder's right of action against liim upon dishonor of the instrument, but is of importance to determine the liability of the in- dorsers to each other. The holder may sue any indorser or all and by statutory provision may join primary and secondary parties in one action upon the instruments*^ including the personal representative of any who may have died. Payees and indorsers who place their names upon an instrument at the same time with the intention of making themselves joint indorsers are severally as well as jointly liable to a subsequent holder.-^ This liability is called joint and several. Between themselves they are equally liable and one paying for all may have contribution from the others, that is, he can recover from the others the part which each ought to pay unless a different liability is fixed by agreement. (See Accommodation In- dorser.) This need not be shown by an express agree- ment but may be made to appear or be inferred from the circumstances of the occasion for their endorsements and it may be shown by parol evidence. ^^ 20. Bnrdette vs. Bartlett, 95 U. S. 637, 24 L. Ed. 534. Knoxvillc Bank & Tn;st Co. vs. Mershon, 152 Ky. 169. Maddox vs. Duncan, 143 Mo. 613, 45 S. W. 688. Curtis vs. Davidson, 215 N. Y. 395, 109 N. E. 481. 21. Trejro vs. Cunninghman, 267 111. 367, 108 N. E. 350. 22. Goldman vs. Goldberger, 208 Fed. 877. § 69 LIABILITIES OF PARTIES 123 Liability of an "Sec. 69. ''Wheee a broker or other agent or broker, agent negotiates an instrument without "Illinois. indorsement, he incurs all the liabili- ties PRESCRIBED BY SECTION 66 OF THIS ACT, UNLESS HE DIS- CLOSES THE NAME OF HIS PRINCIPAL, AND THE FACT THAT HE IS ACTING ONLY AS AN AGENT.'' This section determines the liability of an agent who negotiates an instrument without indorsement. Sections 19, 20 and 21 fix his liability when he negotiates the in- strument by indorsement and Section 44 prescribes the manner in which one who is under obligation to indorse an instrument in any representative capacity may do so if he does not intend to assume personal liability upon it. The liabilities prescribed by Section 65 are those which attach to a party who negotiates the instrument by de- livery or qualified indorsement, and one who negotiates the instrument in that manner impliedly warrants that the instrument is genuine, that all prior parties had ca- pacity to contract and that he knows of nothing which would impair or destroy its validity. To the extent pre- scribed in that section, an agent or broker who negoti- ates by delivery or qualified indorsement also becomes liable upon the instrument, unless he discloses the name of his principal and the fact that he is acting only as an agent. 124 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 70 SUBDIVISION VI, Peesentment for Payment. Section Section 70 Effect of want of demand on 80 Wlien presentment need not principal debtor. be made to cliarge indorser. 71 Presentment where instru- g^ ^jien delav in making pre- ment is not payable on de- sentment is excused. mand and where payable on ttti a i. i. 1 -, ^ '' 82 When presentment may be on demand. -,. j -ii TO TTi t A -J. 4- re • J. dispensed with. 72 \\ hat constitutes suincient ^ presentment. ^^ When instrument dishonored 73 Place of presentment. by non-pa}Tnent. 74 Instrument must be exhibited. 84 Liability of person secondar- 75 Presentment where instru- ily liable when instrument ment payable at bank. is dishonored. 76 Presentment Avhere principal 85 Time of maturity. ^- ^ is dead. ,.,,86 Time; how computed. 1 1 Presentment to persons liable o- t^ i , as partners °' nule where instrument paya- 78 Presentment to joint debtors. ^^^ ^* b^^^- 79 When presentment need not 88 Wliat constitutes payment in be made to chaise drawer. due course. The object of presentment for payment is to give the person primarily liable upon the instrument the oppor- tunity to perform his part of the contract to which his signature binds him and, if he does not pay it, to enable the holder to give notice of its dishonor to secondary parties. The secondary parties have impliedly promised to pay only if those primarily liable upon the instrument should fail to do so. "Primary" parties are those who by the terms of the instrument are absolutely required to pay it; all others are "secondarily" liable. (Sec. 192.) These cannot be held to this promise unless the instru- ment is duly and properly presented and pa^onent is de- manded of the person whose primary obligation it is and unless notice of its dishonor is at once given to them. Each secondary party has the right to expect that the in- §70 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 125 strument will be paid at maturity and if it becomes dis- honored he is entitled, except in certain cases which will be afterward mentioned, to immediate notice of its dis- honor in order that he may protect himself against loss by whatever means may lie in his power. A holder who fails to use all necessary care in this re- gard is deemed to be guilty of negligence and it fre- quently happens that secondary parties are released from liability by reason of his carelessness. But as the first section of this subdivision provides, the party pri- marily liable upon the instrument, such as the maker of a note or acceptor of a bill, is not entitled to presentment and notice because it is his duty to remember his obli- gation and pay it when it becomes due and Ms sig^la- ture upon the instrument imports an absolute promise to pay it. Effect of want of ' ' Sec. 70. Presentment for payment demand on prin- jg -^Qrj, necessary in order to charge the cipal debtor. person primarily liable on the instru- Wisconsin. ment;'' but if the instrument is, by its ''Kansas, New terms, payable at a special place, and he York, Ohio. jg able and willing to pay it there at ma- turity,^ SUCH ability and willingness are equivalent to a tender of payment on HIS part. But except as herein otherwise provided, presentment, for payment, is neces- sary IN order to charge the drawer and indorsers." The person primarily liable upon a promissory note is the maker and presentment for payment is not neces- sary to charge him. Upon a bill of exchange it is the ac- ceptor and his liability is not affected by the holder's failure to present the instrument for payment. The drawer and indorSer of the bill and the indorser of a note, being secondary parties w^hose liability does not be- come fixed until the person primarily liable upon the in- strument fails to pay it, presentment for payment must be made in order to charge them. 126 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 71 If the bill or note is payable at a place named therein, and if the person obliged to pay it is able and willing to pay it there at maturity he is not required to go else- where to make payment. The fact that the maker or acceptor has provided sufficient funds at that place and is able and willing to pay it there, is, of itself, considered to be the equivalent of an offer by him to do so. The next section provides upon what day presentment for payment must be made. wrolSLent "Sec. 71. Wheee the instrument ,s is not payable on ^'^^T payable on demand, presentment demand and must be made on the day it fali^ due. where payable on Where it is payable on demand, present- •^t"^^ 1 ment must be made within a reasonable "Nebraska. New Hampshire time after its issue/ except that in the "So. Dakota. case of a bill of exchange, presentment ^Vermont. for payment will be sufficient if made WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME AFTER'' THE LAST NEGOTIATION THEREOF. '^ Unless presentment for payment is dispensed with in the manner provided in this Act or delay in presenting the instrument is excused (Sees. 81 and 82), it must be made upon the very day w-hen it falls due. This applies to instruments payable at a definite and fixed or a deter- minable time after date or acceptance,^ and not to instru- ments payable on demand. The latter are payable at any time the holder may wish to demand payment. If a series of notes contains a provision that in default of payment of one of them at maturity those maturing sub- sequently shall become due at once, and one is dishon- ored, the others need not be presented for pajTuent on the day of the dishonor of the one upon which the maker defaults. They may be presented within a reasonable time after the dishonor of that one of the series which is not paid at maturity.^ 1. Creteau vs. Foote, etc., Glass Co., 40 App. Div. (N. Y.) 215, 57 N. Y. S. 1103. §71 PKESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 127 It is provided by this section, however, that if the instrument is payable on demand it must be presented within a reasonable time after its issue if it is a promis- sory note, or after its last negotiation, if it is a bill. The holder of a promissory note which is payable upon de- mand and bears indorsements, cannot carry the note an indefinite and long time in security without presenting it, making demand for its payment and, if it is not paid, giving notice of its dishonor to the indorsers in the man- ner provided in this Act. But, having made the present- ment and given due notice of its dishonor, he may wait as long as he likes for its payment, the time for enforcing payment then being limited only by the statute of limita- tions applicable to such instruments in the State in which their enforcement is sought. Before the adoption of this Act a promissory note bearing indorsements, payable upon demand without in- terest, was held to require presentment, demand and no- tice to indorsers immediately, on the day of or the day after its issue, in order to charge the indorsers. Such a note bearing interest was, however, held to contemplate a continuing loan, and presentment and demand, it was held, might be made and notice given at any time after its issue, within the statute of limitations, of course. But now this Act is interpreted to mean that this distinction does not exist. This section negatives all such decisions in States where a contrary rule prevailed and a promis- sory note bearing indorsements and w^hich is payable on demand, whether it bears interest or does not, must be presented for payment and payment demanded within a reasonable time after its issue.- If it is not paid, no- tice of its dishonor must be given to each indorser in the manner provided in this Act or he will be discharged. 2. Commercial Nat'l Bank vs. Zimmerman, 185 N. Y. 210, 77 N. E. 1020. 128 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 71 What is a reasonable time for presentment is not es- tablished by the Act or by any interpretation of the Act in such a manner as will permit a fixed rule to be given. As short a period as four months has been held to be un- reasonable.2 The New Hampshire Act fixes sixty days, for demand notes. Decisions by courts are uniform that a delay of more than three years to demand payment upon a promissory note payable upon demand is unrea- sonable. This Act provides (Sec. 193) what shall be con- sidered in determining what is a "reasonable" or an "unreasonable" time, but regardless of circumstances, it is thought entirely unsafe to delay presentment and de- mand upon such an instrument longer than four months after its issue. Under certain circumstances delay for a much shorter period might be considered unreasonable. The utmost precaution should be exercised in this regard by the holder and when a demand note contemplates a long time loan indorsers ought to be required to waive presentment, demand, and notice of non-payment, or de- mand should be made and notice given within a short period, not to exceed, in ordinary cases, four months after the note is issued. This being done, if the instru- ment is not replaced by another it may be permitted to run indefinitely, subject to the statute of limitations which fixes the time at which it will be barred. In the case of a bill of exchange which is payable on demand, and this includes a check, the demand must be made within a reasonable time after its issue or last ne- gotiation and all that is here said in regard to promis- sory notes applies with equal force to such an instru- ment, except that, it seems to the writer, a delay of four months or even one month, as these instruments are now used, would be regarded as an unreasonable length of 3. Frazer vs. Plienix Nat. Bank, 161 Ky. 175, 170 S. W. 532. §71 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 129 time to delay presentment or to interrupt the negotia- tion without making presentment. This statement is subject to the qualification that if bills of exchange shall come into more extensive use as the means of discount and investment rather than as collection items, which seems now to be their present most general use in this country, custom will order that the same rules of delay as are now applied to promissory notes shall apply to bills of exchange. Checks require even more prompt presentment, par- ticularly when they have been deposited for collection by a bank. I shall present in considerable detail in another part of this book the requirements of the law as they are applicable to the presentment of checks by a bank. While they continue to be negotiated and until they are de- posited in bank, there does not seem to be any good rea- son why checks need be presented with any greater dis- patch than other bills of exchange payable on demand, that is, in so far as the liability of indorsers may be af- fected by the length of time they continue to be negoti- ated. But checks which are not intended for negotiation must be presented at once, the day of or the day after their issue or deposit if they are banked at the place of payment, or they must be forwarded by direct route within that time by the collecting bank for presentment to the bank upon which they are drawn if they are pay- able elsewhere.'* This Act provides elsewhere (Sec. 186), that if a check is not presented for payment within a reasonable time after its issue the drawer will be released from liability to the extent of any loss he may suffer by reason of the 4. Plover Savings Bank vs. Moodie, 135 Iowa, 685, 110 N. W. 29^ 113 N. W. 476. Columbian Banking Co. vs. Bowen, 134 Wise. 218. 130 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 71 delay. This is, of course, intended as a protection to him in case the drawee bank should fail before his check is presented. There is no similar provision in favor of indorsers and if it shall be held that they are also re- leased by delay in making presentment of a check it must be because of banking custom and the need of most men for the immediate use of money, supply the other two elements to be taken into account in determining what is or is not a reasonable delay. (Sec. 193.) Read in con- nection with this explanation what has already been said under Sections 7 and 53, and see Sees. 144 and 193, and the synopsis of the law applicable to the collection of checks at the conclusion of Title III. When a time instrument is payable in installments sep- arate demand must be made at the maturity of each and upon dishonor, notice must be given in the manner pro- vided in Sees. 89 to 118 as in other cases, unless the in- strument contains a provision that in default in the pay- ment of any installment all shall become due. In that case the presentment and demand at the maturity of the first installment at which default is made effects the dis- honor of the whole instrument if it is not paid and no further presentment or demand need be made. If the later installments are to mature at the option of the holder, demand may be postponed until the last install- ment falls due and then made.^ When the instrument contains a provision that the whole sum shall mature and be payable upon default in the payment of any in- stallment of interest, demand must be made and notice e-iven at the first default in order to hold the in- dorsers,^ unless the accelerated maturity is optional with the holder. (See Sees. 2 and 52.) 5. Eastman vs. Thurman. 24 Cal. 379. 6. Mallon vs. Stevens, 6 Ohio Dec. Reprint, 1042, 9 Am. L. B. 702, 6 Cinti. Law Bui. 69. §72 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 131 What constitutes ' ' Sec. 72. Pkesentment for payment, sufficient TO be sufficient, must be made : presentment, ^ j3y the holdek ok by some pebson AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE PAYMENT ON HIS BEHALF ; 2. At a REASONABLE HOUR ON A BUSINESS DAY; 3. At a PROPER PLACE AS HEREIN DEFINED; 4. To THE PERSON PRIMARILY LIABLE ON THE INSTRU- MENT, OR IF HE IS ABSENT OR INACCESSIBLE, TO ANY PERSON FOUND AT THE PLACE WHERE THE PRESENTMENT IS MADE. Presentment for payment must be made in the manner prescribed in this section and to be made in a manner that will charge the drawer and indorsers, it must be made at a reasonable hour on a business day by the hold- er or by some person acting for him to whom he has giv- en authority to receive payment upon the instrument. Some one must be sent with the instrument who is au- thorized to receive the money upon it.'^ Therefore, if the person who takes the instrument for the purpose of pre- senting it for pajTiient to the party obliged to pay it when it becomes due, is not authorized by the holder to collect it and surrender the instrument upon payment, or goes merely to notify him that the holder has the in- strument and makes only an informal request, this wdll not be a sufficient presentment.^ The mere possession of an instrmnent payable to bearer is sufficient evidence of authority to present it for payment but would not be sufficient if the instrument is payable to order.^ Something more is required of such an instrument and, while the authority to make present- ment and receive payment need not be in writing, it must be shown by satisfactory proof, when required, that the person making presentment did so by authority of the 7. Foss vs. Norris, 70 Me. 117. Fowler Paper Co. vs. Jones Sales Bk. Co., 183 111. A. 310. 8. St. of N. Y. Natl. Bank vs. Kennedy, 145 App Div. (N.Y.) 669. 9. Doubleday vs. Kress, 50 N. Y. 410. 132 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 72 holder, if his indorsement does not appear upon the in- strument.^" If the instrument is payable at the place of business the party who is to pay it, it must be presented there during business hours on a business day and if sent or taken there too long before the beginning or too long after the close of business hours, the presentment will not have been properly made.^^ All days of the year are business days except Sundays and such holidays as are established by statute or by proclamation in the various States. The person who makes presentment must go to the proper place, and he must have the instrument with him in order that he may be prepared to exhibit or surren- der it if it becomes necessary to do so. (Sec. 74.) What is the proper place is defined in the next section. (Sec. 73.) Arriving at the proper place at the proper time, he must make the presentment in the manner required by Sec. 74 to the person who is to pay the instrument. If that person is absent or access to him is refused or cannot be had, presentment may be made to any one found at the place where presentment is to be made. Although the person fouund there may have no connection with the party primarily liable upon the instrument, presentment to him is good. If the instrument is presented to any person other than the party primarily liable to pay it, diligent inquiry ought to be made by the presenter to learn whether he has any authority to pay the instru- ment and whether or not he has any business connection with the party obliged to pay it. If payment is refused a careful record should be made upon the instrument, or in some other manner if the instrument is lost or mis- 10. Watt vs. Potter, 29 Fed. Cas. 17,291. Robertson vs. Crane. 27 Miss. 362, 61 Am. D. 520. 11. Waring vs. Betts, 90 Va. 46, 53, §73 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 133 placed, of the date and hour and the person to whom it was presented and of the reason given for the refusal. Presentment and demand for payment by letter or by telephone may not be made and if attempted will not charge an indorser.^^ ^ waiver of presentment by tele- phone is good, however. (Sec. 82.) Place of "Sec. 73. Pkesentment foe payment presentment. is made at the peoper place. 1. Wheee a place of payment is specified ]n the in- steitment and it is tpieee peesented ; 2. Where no place of payment is specified, but the addeess of the peeson to make payment is given in the insteument and it is theee presented; 3. Wheee no place of payment is specified and no ad- dress IS GIVEN AND THE INSTEUMENT" IS PEESENTED AT THE USUAL PLACE OF BUSINESS OE EESIDENCE OF THE PEESON TO MAKE PAYMENT; 4. In ANY OTHEE CASE IF PEESENTED TO THE PERSON TO MAKE PAYMENT WHEEEVEE HE CAN BE FOUND, OE IF PEE- SENTED AT HIS LAST KNOWN PLACE OF BUSINESS OE RESI- DENCE." The holder is deemed to have made a sufficient present- ment if he has presented the instrument in the manner described in the preceding section, or has caused it to be done, at the place named in it as the place where pre- sentment is to be made. This is true even if the place named is neither the residence nor place of business of the person who is to pay the instrument and he is known to be elsewhere, and not at that place, at the time of presentment, although in that case it would seem to be proper, even if it is not the duty of the presentei', to de- mand payment of the person who is to paj^ the instru- ment at the place where he is known to be if there is no one who is authorized to pay or refuse payment at the place named in the instrument.^^ But, notwithstanding 12. Gilpin vs. Savaj^e, 201 N. Y. 167. 13. Snlzbacher vs. Bank of Charleston, 86 Tenn. 201. Pierce vs. Stnatliers, 27 Pa. 249. 134 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 73 former decisions to the contrary, or decisions which in- timate that an attempt ought to be made to find the per- son who is to pay the instrument if he is not at the place named in it and that place has been abandoned by him, the statute does not require this and it need not be done. It is the duty of the person primarily liable upon the instrument to provide the funds for its payment and have them ready at the place of payment in the hands of someone at that place who is authorized to pay the in- strument, and it is equally the duty of the holder of the instrument to present it for payment at that place.^^ If no place is mentioned but the address is given of the person who is to pay the instrument, it must be presented at that address. If both are given the place of payment mentioned in the body of the instrument is the place where it must be presented even if it conflicts with the address of the person who is to make paj'^ment. If the instrument is payable at a designated branch of a bank or Trust Company it must be presented at the branch designated, if it is in existence at the maturity of the in- strument. Presentment at the principal office will not, in that case be good.^^ If the branch has been discon- tinued and is no longer doing business at the maturity of the instrument, presentment at the main bank will be proper. ^^ When the instrument mentions no place of payment and does not give the address of the person who is to pay it, it may be presented at either his usual place of business or residence. 14. Ironclad Mfg. Co. vs. Saekin, 129 App. Div. (N. Y.) 555, 114 N. Y. S. 42. 15. Ironclad Mfg. Co. vs. Saekin, 129 App. Div. (N. Y.) 555, 114 N. Y. St. 42. 16. Nashville Bank vs. Henderson, 5 Yerg. (Tenn.) 104, 26 Am. D. 257. §74 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 135 In any other case, presentment may be made to the per- son obliged to pay the instrument at the place where he was last known to have been engaged in business or to have lived, or it may be made to him personally wher- ever he can be found if the instrument cannot be pre- sented for payment in accordance with the other require- ments of this section. Instrument must "Sec. 74. The instrument must be be exhibited. exhibited to the person from whom pay- ment IS demanded, and when it is paid must be delivered UP to the party paying it." The person who makes presentment of the instrument must have it in his possession and, if requested to do so, must show it to the person of whom payment is de- manded. When it is paid he must deliver it up to the party who pays it. If it is secured by collateral he must be prepared to produce and deliver up the collateral.^' He has no right to reijuire payment unless he is prepared to deliver up the instrument immediately upon its pay- ment. If the instrument is lost or destroyed, present- ment and demand for payment without the bill or note must be made on the day of maturity and while the per- son who is to pay it might properly refuse to do so, if his refusal is not for that reason, notice of its dishonor must be given immediately.^^ If the lost instrument is a bill of exchange and protest is necessary (see Sec. 152), it must be made in the manner described in Sec. 153 upon a copy or written particulars. (Sec. 160.) Wlien the instru- ment or a copy is produced, it might be well to again pre- sent it for payment and if .payment is then refused pro- ceed in the same manner as if it had been dishonored upon the day of its maturity. The loss or destruction of the instrument will occasion complications in determin- 17. Ocean iS^at '1 Bank vs. Fant, 50 K Y. 474. 18. Hinsdale vs. Miles, 5 Conn. 331. Klots vs. Silver, 118 N. Y. S. 1090. 136 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 75 ing the liability of the secondary parties the solution of which must depend upon the circumstances of each par- ticular case. Presentment ''Sec. 75. Where the instrument is where instrnment payable at a bank, presentment for pay- payable at bank, ment must be made during banking "Nebraska. hours/ unless the person to make pay- ment HAS NO FUNDS THERE TO MEET IT AT ANY TIME DURING THE DAY, IN WHICH CASE PRESENTMENT AT ANY HOUR BEFORE THE BANK IS CLOSED ON THAT DAY IS SUFFICIENT. ' ' If an instrument is to be paid at a bank, it must be presented during banking hours unless the person who is to pay it has not at any time during the day on which it is presented for payment, sufficient money at the bank named with which to pay it. In that case it may be presented at the bank after banking hours but before the bank is closed for the day. Banking hours are those hours during which the bank is open for business of re- ceiving and paying out money, but this may depend up- on local custom and in some localities a presentment at any time while the bank remains open for business is deemed to be sufficient.^^'' Ordinarily, pa^mient at a bank ought to be demanded near the close of banking hours, for if the demand is made early in the day and payment is not obtained, and the person who is to pay the instru- ment later deposits sufficient money to pay it, the early demand will be considered premature.^'' The early pre- sentment is sufficient to charge secondary parties, but the person obliged to pay the instrument would not be chargeable with fees and costs on protest after the pre- ISa. Columbian Bk. vs. Bowen. 134 Wis. 218. Columbia-Knickerbocker Tr. Co. vs. Miller, 156 App. Div. (N. Y.) 810. Citizens Central Bk. vs. Xew Amsterdam Nat. Bk., 128 App. Div. (N. Y.) 554. 19. German- American Bank vs. Milliman. 31 Misc. (N. Y.) 87, 65 N. Y. S. 242. §76 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 137 mature presentment if it is shown that he had sufficient funds at bank to pay the instrument before the close of banking hours on that day. Observe that by Section 2 of Section 72 the present- ment must be made at a "reasonable hour." If it is not convenient to present the instrument at a reasonable hour at the bank at which it is payable, it is the custom to send the instrument to the bank where it is to be paid and leave it there until the close of business of the day on which it is payable. (Also see Sec. 87.) 'Presentment "Sec. 76. Where the person primar- where ily liable on the instrument is dead, and principal is dead, ^tq place of payment is specified, pre- sentment FOR PAYMENT MUST BE MADE TO HIS PERSONAL representative, IF SUCH THERE BE, AND IF WITH THE EXER- CISE OF REASONABLE DILIGENCE, HE CAN BE FOUND." If the person who is first of all liable to pay the in- strument is dead at the time pa\Tnent becomes due and there is no place of payment specified, its presentment for payment must be made to his personal representa- tive. The personal representative of a dead person is the executor or administrator of his estate, acting by ap- pointment of some court. To ascertain who is the proper person to whom presentment should be made when the person primarily liable upon the instrument is dead, the holder is required to use reasonable diligence, which means, he is required to make such active inquiry and effort to learn who he is and where he is to be found as an ordinarily prudent man would make under similar cir- cumstances to protect his own interests. ^^^ If there are two or more executors or administrators of the decedent's estate, presentment to one of them is sufficient. If the personal representative of the deceased party prove to be one who is himself a party to the bill, 19a. Reed vs. Spear, 107 App. Div. (N. Y.) 144. 138 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 77 presentment to him in his representative capacity is nevertheless required.^^' If it cannot be determined who is the proper personal representative of the deceased person or where he may be found, the presentment should be made at the dece- dent's late place of residence.-^ If no pernonal representa- tive of the deceased person can be found, the holder may make presentment to the widow or other member of the family of the deceased at his residence and if the in- strument is not paid he must proceed with the steps nec- essary upon dishonor.2- Presentment "Sec. 77. Where the persons primar- to persons liable ILY liable on the instrument are liable as partners. as partners, and no place of payment is specified, presentment for payment may be made to any ONE of them, even THOUGH THERE HAS BEEN A DISSOLUTION OF THE FIRM." If persons who are partners are primarily liable upon the instrument, or if having become liable as partners, their partnership has been dissolved before the time when presentment must be made and no place of pay- ment is named in the instrument, it may be presented to either of them, notwithstanding the fact that the part- nership has been dissolved. Presentment to one of sev- eral partners or former partners is sufficient and it may be made in the manner prescribed in Section 73. If a place is named in the instrument as the place where it is to be presented for payment, a presentment at that place is a proper presentment even though the partnership has dissolved or ceased to do business there. -^ Presentment to "Sec. 78. Where there are several joint debtors. persons, not partners, primarily liable on the instrument, and no place of payment is spbci- fied, presentment must be made to them all." 20. Ma,e:nKler vs. Union Bank, 3 Pet. (U. S.) 87, 87 L. Ed. 612. 21. Washinj^ton Bank vs. Reynolds, 2 Fed. Cas. No. 954. 22. Washington Bank vs. Reynolds, 2 Fed. Cas. (U. S.) 954. Reed vs. Spear, 107 App. Div. (N. Y.) 144, 94 N Y. S. 1007. 23. Cox vs. New York St. Bank, 100 U. S. 704, 25 L Ed. 739. §79 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 139 Several persons may join in the execution of the in- strument and thus all become primarily liable but not as partners. These are called joint makers or acceptors, as the case may be, and in order to be sufficient to charge the indorsers upon their instrument, presentment must be made to each of them if no place of payment is named in the instrument. If they reside in different cities this cannot, of course, be done. In that case the saving clause of Sec. 82 will dispense with presentment to those to whom it cannot be made. If a place of payment is named, presentment must be made there and it is good even if none of the joint makers or acceptors are found at that place. And if only one is found there, presentment to him is sufficient. (Sec. 72.) When present- ' ' ^^^- ^^- Presentment for payment ment not re- is not required in order to charge the quired to charge drawee where he has no right to expect the drawer. q-^ require that the drawee or acceptor WILL PAY the instrument." Unlike the maker of a promissory note, the drawer of a draft or bill of exchange is entitled to have the instru- ment presented for pajTnent for he is a secondary party, liable to pay only if the drawee or acceptor does not. If the instrument remains unpaid at maturity he will be discharged from liability by the holder's failure to make presentment and demand and give him the notice to which he is entitled. (Sec. 89.) However, if it should appear that the drawer has no right to expect the drawee or acceptor to pay the instrument, or no right to require him to do so, as, for example, when he draws the bill for his own accommodation and, having agreed to do so, he does not put the acceptor in funds with which to pay it when due, he is not then entitled to notice of its dishonor. The failure of the holder to present the instrument and give him notice of its dishonor will not, under these cir- 140 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 80 cumstances, release him from liability. But the fact alone that the drawer had no fmids in the hands of the drawee when he drew the bill is not sufficient to dispense with presentment of the bill for payment,-^ unless he drew^ with the understanding that he would provide the ac- ceptor with funds to pay it at maturity and failed to do so. When present- ''Sec. 80. Presentment for payment ment not re- is not required in order to charge an in- quirecl to charge dorser where the instrument was made the indorser. q^ accepted for his accommodation" and ''Illinois HE HAS NO REASON TO EXPECT THAT THE IN- STRUMENT WILIj be paid if PRESENTED." This section effects a very important change in the law in respect to the right of an indorser who is himself the accommodated party to require presentment for pay- ment. Lentil its enactment such a party was held not to be discharged from liability upon the instrument under any circumstances, by the failure of the holder to prop- erly present it for payment at maturity. But there is now a ver^^ important qualifying clause in the section which considerably modifies this old and well established rule, so that now, if it can be sho-wm that the accommo- dated indorser had any reason to expect the maker to pay the instrument if presented, he w^ill be discharged by the failure of the holder to make presentment.^^ None of the cases cited directly decides the point as I have stated it and I have not been able to find any that does, but they hold, inf erentially, that if an accommodated indorser has any reason to expect that the instrument will be paid if presented, a failure to present it will discharge him. The 24. Life Insurance Co. vs. Pendleton, 112 U. S. 696, 708. Welch vs. B. C. Taylor Co., 82 111. 579, 581. 25. McDonald vs. Luckenbach, 170 Fed. 434 ; 95 C. C. A. 60A. Belch vs. Roberts (Mo.), 177 S. W. 1062. Murray vs. Third Nat T Bk., 234 Fed. 481, 148 C. C. A. 247. §81 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 141 section now makes applicable to a promissory note or an acceptance which is made for the accommodation of an indorser, a rule similar to that enunciated in Sec. 79 which is applicable to the drawer of a bill, and it seems to provide, by logical inference, that the instniment must be presented for payment in order to charge the accommodated indorser, if he has any reason to expect the maker or acceptor to pay it, as, for example, if he has put into his hands, or under his control, the money with which to pay the instrument at maturity. Except in such States as have omitted the words ''and he has no reason to expect that the instrument will be paid if presented" it is now necessary to present the instrument for pay- ment in order to charge an indorser for whose accommo- dation it was made or accepted, unless it is kno\ra, and can be shown, that he had no reason to expect it to be paid if presented. Section 115, wherein it is provided that notice of dishonor need not be given an indorser for whose accommodation the instrument was made or ac- cepted, does not contain a similar qualification. men delay in ''Sec. 81. Delay in making present-- making present- ment for payment is excused when the ment is excused, delay is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the holder, and not imputable to his DEFAULT, misconduct, OR NEGLIGENCE. AVhEN THE CAUSE OF DELAY CEASES TO OPERATE, PRESENTMENT MUST BE MADE WITH REASONABLE DILIGENCE." While by Sec. 71 the instrument, if payable upon a day certain, must be presented upon the day when it falls due, delay in making the presentment is excused when it is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the holder, including a sudden and severe sickness, and not charge- able to his failure to perform a duty which he is himself obliged to perform, or to his own wrongful act, care- 142 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 82 lessness or neglect.^^ The holder owes to all parties to the instrument the duty to act promptly, in good faith and carefuUy, in presenting the instrument for payment, and if he does so and yet, by some circumstances beyond his control, it is not possible for him to present the in- strument for payment upon the day when presentment ought to be made, the delay will be excused. The cases cited enumerate some of the circumstances which do and others which do not dispense with presentment or ex- cuse delay in making it. Upon the removal of the cause of the delay the holder must make the presentment and he must proceed with reasonable diligence. The cir- cumstances which are relied upon by the holder as an ex- cuse for presentment at the proper time, must be alleged and proved by him in any action which he may bring upon the instrument to charge any of the parties liable upon it who are entitled to notice of its proper and timely presentment and dishonor. ■y^ljen ''Sec. 82. Presentment for payment presentment may is dispensed with : be dispensed ^ Where, after the exercise oi' rea- ^i*^- sonable diligence presentment as re- quired BY this act can NOT BE MADE; 2. Where the drawee is a fictitious person ; 3. By waiver of presentment, express or implied." Presentment for payment need not be made at all if after the exercise of reasonable diligence it cannot be made in the manner required in this Act. It need not be made of a bill of exchange, or even attempted, if the holder learns that the drawee is a fictitious person, that is, one who is not real or does not exist, or, as the Act 26. Young vs. Exchange Bank," 152 Ky. 293, 153 S. W. 444, Ann. Cas. 1915 B 148. Aebi vs. Bank of Evansville, 124 Wise. 73, 102 N. W. 329, 68 L. R. A. 964, 109 Am. St. Rep. 925. Wilson vs. Senier, 14 Wis. 380. §82 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 143 has been interpreted to mean, one who though living and real has no interest in the instrument. (Sec. 9.) It is also dispensed with by waiver. The waiver may be expressed, w^hich is usually done by incor- porating the waiver in the body of the instrument before its issue, or the person waiving presentment may write words at his signature, or may utter spoken words at the time of transfer which expressly declare that he does not require presentment. The waiver may also be im- plied from his words or conduct. The express waiver may be made before, at or after the maturity of the in- strument. It need not be in writing but it is obvious that when an indorser expresses his willingness to waive pre- sentment for payment, and he writes upon the instrument, at his signature, words expressing that he does so, this will settle all question of his intention. But if .the waiver is expressed in a separate writing, by letter or telegram^T or in spoken words^^ it is equally bind- ing although, of course, in that case, the proof is more difficult. No consideration need be given for the waiver, whether made before or at,-^ or after the ma- turity of the instrument.20 It need not be made by the party himself but may be made by his authorized agent.^^ A waiver of presentment for payment and notice of non-payment may be implied from any words or acts of the person it is sought to c harge, or from any one who 27. Bankers State Bank vs. Mason Hand Lathe Co., 121 Iowa, 570, 97 N. W. 70. Corner vs. Pratt. 138 Mass. 446. 28. Churchill vs. Ycat man-Gray Groc. Co., Ill Ark. 529, 164 S. W. 283. 29. Neal vs. Wood, 23 Ind. 523. Robinson vs. Barnett, 19 Fla. 670, 45 Am. R. 24. Uhler vs. Farmers Nat. Bank, 64 Pa. 406. 30. Bur-ettstown Nat. Bank vs. Nill, 213 Pa. 456 63 A. 186, 3 L. R. A. N. S. 1079-Note, 5 Ann. Cas. 476 & Note. 31. Fowler vs. Fleming, 1 McMul. (S. C. L.) 282. 144 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 82 speaks or acts by liis authority in the matter before, at, or after the maturity of the instrument, if the words or acts are of such character as will satisfy any reasonable person that a waiver was intended, or if they are such as will justify him in believing that the drawer or in- dorser intended to dispense with presentment of the in- strument for payment.32 A waiver is also implied if the words or acts are uttered or done in such a manner as will justify the holder in believing that they are intended to induce him to forego the usual proceedings necessary to fix the liability of the drawer and indorser.^^ A waiver will not be inferred from doubtful language or acts, and if the words^* or acts proceed from any per- son other than the one to be bound by them, his authority to waive must be clear and without doubt or it will not bind the person for whom he assumes to act. (Also see Sees. 109, 110 and 111.) Of course, a waiver binds no one except that person who either expressly makes or authorizes it or against whom, by reason of his words or acts, it is implied (Sec. 110) ; and where there are several parties to the instru- ment who are entitled to presentment and notice, a waiver by one will not operate against the others. The language or acts relied upon to sustain a waiver by implication will be strictly construed and will not be interpreted beyond the fair. meaning of the terms used.=^^ 32. Maj^er & Bros. Appeal, 87 Pa. 129. 33. Sigerson vs. Matthews, 20 How. (U. S.) 496, 15 L. Ed. 989. Boyd vs. Bank of Toledo, 32 Ohio St. 526. AVorley vs. Johnson, 60 Fla. 295. 34. Ross vs. Hurd, 71 N. Y. 14. Worley vs. Johnson, 60 Fla. 295. 35. Glidden vs. Chamberlain, 167 Mass. 486, 46 N. E. 103, 57 Am. S. R. 477. Lititz Nat Bank vs. Siple, 145 Pa. 49, 22 A. 208. §83,84 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 145 When instrument ''Sec. 83. The instrument is dishon- dishonored by ored by non-payment when, non-payment. -j^ j^ ^^ ^^^^ presented for PAYMENT AND PAYMENT IS REFUSED OR CANNOT BE OBTAINED; OR 2. PllESENTMENT IS EXCUSED AND THE INSTRUMENT IS OVERDUE AND UNPAID.'' The dishonor of the instrument fixes the liability of its parties and the holder may proceed upon the dishonor if he has properly presented the instrument for pay- ment and payment is refused, or if he cannot obtain payment at the place where it is to be made. A neglect to pay the instrument after presentment and demand is equivalent to a refusal to do so. The instrument is also dishonored when it is overdue and remains unpaid and presentment is excused. The use of the word ''excused" in this section would seem to be unfortunate and it properly means "dis- pensed with." That term would have been more ap- propriate, although it is sometimes used as a synonym for the former. The Act nowhere "excuses" present- ment. Delay in presentment is "excused" by Sec. 81, but that section also provides that when the cause for delay ceases to operate, presentment "must" be made with reasonable diligence. It seems, therefore, that this section must be under- stood to mean that an instrument is dishonored when it is overdue and unpaid and presentment has been dis- pensed with in accordance with Section 82. Liability of ''Sec. 84. Subject to the provisions person OF this act, when the instrument is dis- secondarily liable honored by non-payment an immediate when instrument right of recourse to all. parties second- dishonored. arily liable thereon accrues to the holder, ' ' The person or persons who by the terms or the nature of the instrument are required to pay it are the persons 146 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 85 primarily liable and all other parties are secondarily liable (Sec. 192). The parties secondarily liable are, therefore, not required to pay the instniment until it has become dishonored by reason of the failure of the person primarily liable to do so. When the instrument .has be- come dishonored, however, all parties secondarily liable are immediately liable to the holder who can not be required to look to a primary party for payment, but may proceed at once against all the parties, subject only to the provisions of this Act. He may proceed against them separately until full satisfaction is obtained, or join them all in one action upon the instrument.^*^ *'Sec. 85. Every negotiable instru- Time of maturity, ment* is payable at the time fixed "Massachusetts, t^ereix without grace." When the day New Hampshire, c« N. Carolina ^^^ maturity falls upon Sunday, or a Iowa. holiday, the instrument is payable on ''Arizona, the next succeeding business day.** In- Colorado, struments falling due*" on Saturday are Kentucky, ^^ ^^ presented for payment on the next •^Delaware SUCCEEDING business day, except that in- Kansas, STRUMENTS PAYABLE ON DEMAND MAY, AT Massachusetts, the option of the holder, be presented New York. ^^^ payment BEFORE twelve 'clock NOON "Iowa. oi eRhode Island ^^ Saturday when that entire day is NOT A HOLIDAY.''*^ Every negotial)le instrument matures and must be paid on the day when it is expressed to be due if a fixed or determinable date of maturity is mentioned in the in- strument, and it must be presented for payment on that day unless a delay is excused. There are no days of grace except in tliose states indicated in the marginal note. If the instrument falls due on Sunday or upon a holiday, or upon a Saturday if it is not a demand instrument, it must be presented on the next succeeding l)usiness day. 36. Moore vs. Rogers, 19 111. 347. Morrison vs. Fisliell. 64 Ind. 177. §86,87 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 147 An instrument payable on demand may be presented for payment on Saturday when that day is not an entire holiday if the presentment is made before twelve o'clock noon and it need not again be presented on the next succeeding business day. To make presentment of a de- mand instrument on Saturday or to wait until the next succeeding business day is at the option of the holder, but if the presentment is made on Saturday and the instrument is dishonored, the notice of dishonor must be given on that day or the next business day. (Sec. 194.) Time; how "Sec. 86. Where the instrument is computed. payable at a fixed period after date, AFTER SIGHT, OR AFTER THE HAPPENING OF A SPECIFIED EVENT, THE TIME OF PAYMENT IS DETERMINED BY EXCLUDING THE DAY FROM WHICH THE TIME IS TO BEGIN TO RUN, AND BY IN- CLUDING THE DATE OF PAYMENT.'' To deteiTQine when an instrument must be paid if it is payable at a fixed number of days after date, sight. or the happening of an event which it names, the day of its date, sight, or of the happening of the event is not included but the last day of the period for which it is to run is included and becomes the day upon which pre- sentment for payment must be made, unless it is excus- ably delayed, or unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or a holi- day. (Sec. 85.) "Sec. 87. "Where the instrument is Rule where ^ixde payable at a bank,^ it is equivalent pTyable^at bank. TO an order to the bank to PAY the same "Illinois, for the account of the principal debtor Nebraska, thereon . ' '" mSxiesoU. When an instrument is made payable ^Missouri. at a bank the effect of making it so pay- able is the same as if an order had been given to the bank to pay it, and when such an instrument is presented to the bank named it is obliged to pay it for the account of the principal debtor out of any suflacient funds he may 148 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 88 have to the credit of his general account on the day of its maturity Avhich are not specially applicable to another purpose.^" An instrument so made payable becomes the equivalent of a check.^^ Therefore, if an instrument thus payable is not charged to the account of the party making it payable at a bank and who has available funds there to pay it at maturity, a collecting bank, if it has the instrument for collection, would be liable to the owner of the instrument in damages if a loss afterward result from its neglect. If the bank at which such an instru- ment is payable has the instrument as holder, for its own account, its failure to obtain payment out of the funds appropriable for that purpose will discharge parties sec- ondarily liable upon it.^^^ A lesser sum than the full amount due upon the instrument need not be appropri- ated. What constitutes *'Sec. 88. Payment is made in dub pasnnent in due course when it is made at or after the course MATURITY OF THE INSTRUMENT TO THB holder thereof in good FAITH AND WITHOUT NOTICE THAT HIS TITLE IS DEFECTIVE.'' Payment in due course discharges the instrument and relieves the person making payment from all further obligation upon it. (Sec. 119.) It is made in due course if it is made at the time or after the instrument becomes due and payable and is made to the holder or to some per- son authorized by him to receive pa^nnent.^^ Such a pay- ment will discharge the person obliged to pay the instru- 37. Commercial Bank vs. Hennincer, 105 Pa. St. 496. Bedford Bank vs. Aeoain. 125 Ind. 584. German Natl. Bank vs. Foreman, 138 Pa. St. 474. 38. Baldwin's Bank vs. Smith, 215 N. Y. 76. Aetna Natl. Bank vs. Fourth Natl. Bank, 46 N. Y. 82, 88. 38a. Mechanics & Trader's Bk. vs. Seitz, 150 Pa. St. 632. 39. Madison vs. Cabalek, 86 111. A. 450. Marling' vs. Nommensen, 127 Wise. 363, 106 N. W. 844, 115 Am. S. R. 1017, 5 L. R. A. N. S. 412, 7 Ann. Cas. 364. §88 PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT 149 ment even if made to the wrong person or to one who had no title to the instrument, if it is made in good faith and without notice of any deception, or defect in the holder's title.^o But payment made before the instrument becomes due is not payment in due course and, if made to the wrong person or to one whose title to the instrument is de- fective, the person paying it is not discharged from lia- bility to the real owner of the instrument, notwithstand- ing that the person asking payment has the instrument in his possession and presents it for payment. A pay- ment before maturity is no defense against a bona fide holder and the payer will make it at his own risk.^^ It binds only t.he party receiving the pa>Tnent. It follows, therefore, that one liable to pay an instru- ment should not do so before maturity unless he has satisfied himself positively that the person asking pay- ment is entitled to receive it. You will please refer to Subdivision 8 for the general subject of discharge of the instrument and discharge of parties. 40. Bambridge vs. Louisville, 83 Ky. 285, 4 Am. S. R. 153. 41. Williams vs. Keyes, 90 Mich. 290. 51 N. W. 520, 30 Am. S. R. 438. Watson vs. Wyman, 161 Mass. 96. 99 150 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §89 SUBDIVISION VII, Notice of Dishonor. Section I Section 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 To whom notice of dishonor must be given. By whom given. Notice given by agent. Effect of notice given on be- half of holder. Effect where notice is given by party entitled thereto. 109 When agent may give no- hq tiee. When notice sufficient. Form of notice. To whom notice mav be 106 107 108 111 112 113 given. Notice where party is dead. Notice to partners. Notice to persons jointly li- able. Notice to bankrupt. Time within which notice must be given. Where parties reside in same ^^ place. Where pai'ties reside in dif- 118 ferent places. 114 115 116 When sender deemed to have given due notice. Deposit in post office; wL''t constitutes. Notice by subsequent party ; time of giving. Where notice must be sent. Waiver of notice. Who bound by waiver. Waiver of protest. When notice dispensed with. Delay in giving notice. How excused. When notice need not be given to drawer. When notice need not be given to indorser. Notice of non-payment where acceptance refused. Effect of omission to give notice of non-acceptance. Protest; when need not be made ; when must be made. In order to charge the parties secondarily liable upon a negotiable instrument they must be given notice of its •dishonor by non-payment or non-acceptance unless, by reason of the exceptions provided in the Act, the notice may be dispensed with. The giving of notice is made an important duty and any oversight or omission to give it promptly, upon dishonor of the instrument, or a neglect to observe the necessary formalities in giving it within the time provided in this Act, will release the parties en- §89 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 151 titled to notice and they cannot again be made liable upon the instrument except by their own voluntary act.^ The following sections of the Act prescribe the manner in which, the time at which, and the parties to whom the notice must be given, as well as by whom, and every holder is obliged to observe carefully all of their provi- sions upon this subject if he would save his rights upon the instrument. He is required to act with promptness and dispatch when called upon by default in the accept- ance or payment of the instrument to convey the infor- mation of its dishonor to the secondary parties to whom he looks for its payment, unless the giving of the notice is dispensed with or delay in giving it is excused. Tt is ap- parent, therefore, that a knowledge of how to proceed upon dishonor of the instrument is very essential to his safety. The general rule in regard to notice applicable to the three forms of negotiable instruments to which this Act particularly applies, may be understood to be this. The holder in whose hands the instrument is dishonored is required to give notice to every party whom he intends to hold. He may give it to all or select only those to whom he looks for payment, even if they be quite remote. The notice he gives will fix the liability of the parties to whom it is given to him and to persons claiming through him or to whom he is liable, and to all parties prior to the holder who have a right of recourse against the parties notified. Intermediate and prior secondary parties to whom notice is not given will be discharged. Therefore, when an indorser receives notice of the dishonor of the in- strument he ought, for his own protection, himself to give 1. Aebi vs. Bank of Evansville, 124 Wise. 73, 102 N. W. 329. Smith vs. Rowland, 18 Ala. 665. 152 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 89, 90 notice to the parties to whom he looks for payment. The provisions of the Act in respect to notice are as follows : To whom notice ' ' Sec. 89. Except as herein otherwise of dishonor must provided, when a negotiable instrument be given. ^^^^ been dishonored by non-acceptance OR non-payment, notice of dishonor must be given to THE DRAWER AND TO EACH INDORSER, AND ANY DRAWER OR IN- DORSER TO WHOM SUCH NOTICE IS NOT GIVEN IS DISCHARGED." If the instrument which becomes dishonored by non- acceptance or non-payment is a bill of exchange notice of its dishonor must be given to the drawer and to each in- dorser. If the dishonor is of a promissory note, the no- tice is required to be given to each indorser. The maker is not entitled to notice. By whom given. ' ' Sec 90. The notice may be given by OR ON behalf of THE HOLDER, OR BY OR ON BEHALF OF ANY PARTY TO THE INSTRUMENT WHO MIGHT BE COMPELLED TO PAY IT TO THE HOLDER, AND WHO, UPON TAKING IT UP, WOULD HAVE A RIGHT TO REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE PARTY TO WHOM THE NOTICE IS GRTEN. " The person who ought to, and who usually does give the notice of dishonor, is the holder of the instrument at the time of its dishonor, or it is given by an agent act- ing for him. The agent's authority need not be in writ- ing.- The notice may be given by any party or by any person on behalf of any party who is liable upon the in- strument and who might be compelled to pay it to the holder and would thereupon have a right to recover from the party to whom the notice is given. And a party need not wait until he himself receives notice before giv- ing notice of dishonor to other parties whom he desires to hold. He may give the notice as soon as he becomes aware of the dishonor of the instrument, no matter what his source or means of information. When he receives notice of the dishonor of the instrument, however, he 2. Utica Bank vs. Smitli, IS Johns. (K Y.) 230. §91 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 153 must give notice to other parties to whom he looks for payment within the time prescribed in this Act unless he has already done so or has knowledge that the holder at the time of dishonor has already given the notice to them. This section may therefore be understood to mean that all parties to the instrument, except those primarily liable and those not entitled to receive notice, such as one for whose acconmiodation the instrument is made, may give notice of dishonor^ but it may not be given by a stranger. A stranger is one who is neither a party nor the representative of a party to the instrument, and this definition includes a drawee who has refused to accept and a party who has been discharged.^ Notice given by "Sec. 91. Notice of dishonor may be ^S^^^- GIVEN BY AN AGENT EITHER IN HIS OWN NAME OR IN THE NAME OF ANY PARTY ENTITLED TO GIVE NOTICE, WHETHER THAT PARTY BE HIS PRINCIPAL OR NOT." When the notice is given by one person as the agent of another, he may give it in his own name or he may give it in the name of the person for whom he is acting. He may give the notice in the name of any other party who is entitled to give notice even if the party in whose name he gives it is not the person for whom he is acting as agent, but if given in a wrong name it is not a sufficient notice.^ As already stated, his authority need not be in writing.^ 3. Traders Natl. Bank vs. Jones, 104 App. Div. 433, 93 N. Y. Supp. 768. 4. Rrailsford vs. Williams, 15 Md. 150, 74 Am. D. 559. Lawrence vs. Miller, 16 N. Y. 235. Payne vs. Patrick, 21 Tex. 680. Harrison vs. Rnscoe, 15 L. J. Exchg. 110, 15 M. & W. 231. Stanton vs. Blossom, 14 Mass. 116. 5. Cabot Bank vs. Warner, 92 Mass. 522. 6. Utica Bank vs. Smith, IS Johns. (N. Y.) 230. 154 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTKUMENTS LAW § 92-94 Effect of notice ' ' Sec. 92. Wheke notice is given by ok given on behalf qn behalf of the holder., it enures for of holder. ^^^ benefit of all subsequent holders AND .\LL PRIOR PARTIES WHO HAVE A RIGHT OF RECOURSE AGAINST THE PARTY TO WHOM IT IS GHT^N." If the notice of dishonor is given by the holder, or by someone for him, it operates for his benefit and for the benefit of all persons who aftenvard become holders of the instrument. It operates also for the benefit of all parties before the holder giving notice who have a right to enforce the instrument against the parties to whom the notice is given. In other words, when the holder has given notice of dishonor to all the parties to whom it is required to be given it is not necessary that any other party give it. The notice by the holder operates for the benefit of all,*^ but he is bound only to give it to his im- mediate indorser if he looks to him alone for recourse.* Effect where ' ' Sec. 93. Where notice is given by or notice is given ON BEHALF OF a PARTY' entitled to give no- by party entitled ^ice, it enures for the benefit of the thereto. holder and all parties subsequent to the PARTY TO WHOM NOTICE IS GIVEN." If the notice is given by a party to the instrument who is not the holder but who is entitled to give notice, or if it is given by someone for him, the notice operates for the benefit of the holder of the instrument as well as for all who became parties after that one to whom the notice is given. It thus fixes the liability to them of the party to whom the notice is given and fixes it as well to that party from whom he receives the notice. When agent may ''Sec 94. Where the instrument has give notice. been dishonored in the hands of an AGENT, HE MAY EITHER HIMSELF GIVE NOTICE TO THE PARTIES LIABL E THEREON, OR HE MAY GIVE NOTICE TO HIS PRINCIPAL. 7. Ti-aders Natl. Bank vs. Jones, 104 App. Div. 433, 93 N. Y. Supp. 768. 8. West River Bank vs. Taylor, 34 N. Y. 128, 131. Linn vs. Horton, 17 Wise. 157. §95 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 155 If he give notice to his principal, he must do so within THE SAME time AS IF HE WERE THE HOLDER, AND THE PRIN- CIPAL, UPON THE RECEIPT OF SUCH NOTICE, HAS HIMSELF THE SAME TIME FOR GIVING NOTICE AS IF THE AGENT HAD BEEN AN INDEPENDENT HOLDER." If the instrument is in the hands of an agent at the time of its dishonor, a collecting bank for example, the agent may give notice of its dishonor to the parties liable upon it or he may give the notice to his principal alone.^ If the agent gives the notice he must do it within the time fixed in Sections 103 and 104. If he fails to give his principal notice within the time in which it is required to be given his neglect will be imputable to his principal and will destroy his principal's right to give notice, not- withstanding that after receiving notice from his agent, the principal may give or attempt to give the notice to his prior parties within the time prescribed in this Act.^*^ A collecting bank will be liable to its customer if it fails in this respect.^ ^ A collecting agent ought not to take anything but money in payment of the instrument, but if it receives a check which afterward proves to be worth- less, it must at once proceed to give notice of dishonor and it must do this within the time required in this sub- division of the Act,^- Upon receiving the notice, the principal, that is, the person for whom it is acting, must in turn give the notice within the prescribed time after receiving notice from his agent. When notice "Sec. 95. A written notice* need not sufficient. ^^ signed, and an insufficient written' "Kentucky. notice may be supplemented and vali- dated BY verbal communication. A misdescription of 9. Gleason vs. Thayer, 87 Conn. 248. Shea vs. Vahev, 215 Mass. 80. 10. Rosson vs. Carroll, 90 Tenn. 90. Sampson vs. Turnev, 5 Hump. (Tenn.), 419, 42 Am. D. 443. 11. Brill vs. Jefferson Bank, 159 App. Div. (N. Y.) 461. 12. Young vs. Exchanije Bank, 152 Ky. 293, 153 S. W. 444, Ann. Cas. 1915 B. 148. 156 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 95, 96 THE INSTRUMENT DOES NOT VITIATE THE NOTICE UNLESS THE PARTY TO WHOM THE NOTICE IS GIVEN IS IN FACT MISLED THEKEBi'/' The person giving written notice of dishonor need not sign it. If he fails to do so and the notice contains all the requirements of the next section, it is nevertheless good. If a written notice omits any of the requirements of the next section they may be supplied by verbal com- munication and this will make good a notice which would otherwise be invalid. If the notice incorrectly describes the instrument dishonored it is not, for that reason, in- valid unless the party to whom it is given is actually misled by the mistake. Form of notice. '*Sec. 96. The notice may be in weit- "Kentucky. ^^^ q^ merely oral*^ and may be gi\'en in any terms which sufficiently identify the instrument, and indicate that it has been dishonored by non-ac- CEPTANCE OR NON-PAYMENT. It MAY IN ALL CASES BE GIVEN BY DELIVERING IT PERSONALLY OR THROUGH THE MAILS." Notwithstanding that the preceding section will permit the correction of any mistake in the written notice if the party, receiving it has not been misled by the mistake, care must be used in preparing the notice, and it should correctly describe the date, amount and nature of the instrument, by whom made or accepted and indorsed, and distinctly state the fact that it was presented for payment or acceptance, as the case may be, and that pajTnent or acceptance was demanded and was refused. It should also show by whom the notice is given, state where the dishonored instrument is held and the names of all parties to whom notice of its dishonor has been given. However, the terms of the notice are not pre- scribed by the Act in any particular. Any words may be written or spoken to the party to be notified which de- scribe the instrument well enough to enable him to iden- §97 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 157 tify it and clearly make him understand that the instru- ment has not been accepted or paid upon presentment, as the case may be, and that the holder looks to him for pajanent.^^ The reasons given by the party refusing to accept or pay the instrument need not be stated in it but they may be for the information of the party notified. If the instrument is protested, however, the cause of protest and the reason given for non-payment or non- acceptance must be stated in the protest. (See Sec. 153.) The notice may be given personally or sent through the mails and when the addresses of all parties to be notified are known to the holder, he will encounter no difficulty in sending the notices promptly and properly. When the parties or their addresses are unknown to the holder it is the very general custom to make out as many copies of the notice as there are separate parties to be notified and send them all to the immediate party froin whom the holder obtained title. He in turn will forward the notices to the next before him and so on back to the party who originally negotiated the instrument. It is entirely proper to do this.^^ Each party who receives notice is entitled under Sec. 107, to the same time for giv- ing notice to parties liable to him as the holder .has in whose hands the instrument meets with dishonor. A notice given by telephone is good if it is clearly shown that the party to be notified was communicated with.^^ To whom notice *'Sec. 97. Notice of dishonor may be may be given. given either to the party himself or to HIS agent in that behalf.'^ The notice of dishonor may be given to the party to be notified or to an agent who has authority from him to 13. Zollner vs. Moffitt, 222 Pa. 644, 72 Atl. 235. 14. Oaklev vs. Carr, 66 Nebr. 751, 92 N. W. 1000, 103 Am. S. R. 739, 60 L. R. A. 431. 15. American Nat'l Bank vs. Fertilizer Co., 125 Tenn. 328, 337, 143 S. W. 597. 158 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 97 receive it. The words ' ' his agent in that behalf ' ' do not permit that notice of the dishonor of the instrument be given to a party by communicating the fact of its dis- honor to some person who is a mere employe or one who is his agent in other matters unless the agent acts for him in such a capacity as w^ill justify the person gi\^ng the notice in believing that the agent is authorized to act for his principal in the matter of the dishonored instrument. Thus, a notice to an agent who is clothed with general authority to conduct his principal's busi- ness would be proper and sufficient.^*' Ordinarily the words ''in that behalf" mean "for that purpose" and if the person giving notice of the dishonor of a negotiable instrument does not know and has not sufficient reason to think that the agent to whom ,he contemplates giving the notice has authority to act for hi's principal in behalf of the dishonored instrument, or if an ordinarily prudent man would have reason to doubt his authority, the notice should not be given to the agent but should be given to the principal, either personally or by mail. Notice given to an attorney or to a ser\^ant is usually insufficient unless it is shown that the attorney or servant was expressly or impliedly authorized to re- ceive it by the person sought to be charged/" but it has been held that a notice given to an agent who has author- ity to indorse negotiable paper will be sufficient.^® Avoid giving notice of dishonor to an agent unless satisfied that he is authorized by the party to be notified to act for him in regard to the dishonored instrument. Costly delay may ensue, and remember that although a second- 16. Kinc: vs. Grisri^s, 82 Minn. 387, 85 N. W. 162. 17. Amer. Natl. Bank vs. Fertilizer Co., 125 Tenn. 328, 143 S. W. 597. N. Y., etc., Contr. Co. vs. Selma Savings Bank, 51 Ala. 305. 18. N. Y., etc.. Contr. Co. vs. Selma Savin^t address xo his signature, notice of DISHONOR must BE SENT TO THAT ADDRESS; BUT IF HE HAS not given such address, then the notice must be sent as follows : 1. Either to the postoffice nearest to his place of residence, or to the postoffice where he is accustomed TO RECEI\T: HIS LETTERS ; OR, 2. If HE LIVE IN OKE PLAGE, AND HAVE HIS PLACE OF BUSI- NESS IN ANOTHER, NOTICE MAY BE SENT TO EITHER PLACE ; OR, 3. If HE IS SOJOLTRNING IN ANOTHER PLACE, NOTICE MAY BE SENT TO THE PLACE WHERE HE IS SO SOJOURNING. But WHERE THE NOTICE IS ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY THE PARTY WITHIN THE TIME SPECIFIED IN THIS ACT, IT WILL BE SUFFICIENT, THOUGH NOT SENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION." The place to which the notice must be sent is of the utmost importance. When the party to be notified has 27. Crawford's Ann. Neg-. Inst's Law, 4th Edn. p. 180, Note to Sec. 106. 166 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 108 added an address to his signature, the notice must be sent to or given at that address even though he may not be there to receive it, or it is not the address at which he usually receives his mail.^* If he has given no address a reasonable effort must be made to find him, that is to say, the holder must make diligent effort to learn his place of residence or usual place of business by making inquiry among persons most likely to know it,^^ and if the notice is sent by mail, it must be addressed to the postoffice at the place where he lives or does business or the one nearest that place, or to the postoffice at which he usually gets his mail, if it is known. If the party lives at one town and has his usual place of business at another, each of which is a postoffice, the notice may be sent to either place. If he is temporarily absent from his usual place of business or residence at the time the notice is to be given and the person who is to give it knows his temporary address, the notice may be addressed and sent to him at that place.^^ But, ordinarily, this should not be done. The notice ought to be addressed and sent to the party at his usual place of business or residence although the holder knows his temporary address and knows that the notice would be delivered at the temporary address. If a notice sent to one at the place where he is temporarily sojourning is not received by him it is good if sent in time, but it is not considered that one engaged in business who is absent from his usual place of business is ordinar- ily as well able to attend to the affaii's of business at his place of temporary sojourn as he would be at his usual 28. Lankofsky vs. Raymond, 217 Mass. 98. 104 N. E. 489. 29. Dupont Towder Co. vs. Roonev. 63 Misc. 344. 117 N. Y. S. 220. Albany Tr. Co. vs. Frothiuoham, 50 Misc. 598, 99 N. Y. S. 343. Hazlett vs. Bragdon, 7 Pa. Super. 581. 30. Lowell Trust Co vs. Pratt, 183 Mass. 379. 381, 67 N. E. 363. §109 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 167 place of business or residence, it being, besides, more rea- sonable to suppose that lie will leave someone in town to attend to his business. -^^ The notice ought not, therefore, to be sent to the place where the party to be notified is sojourning unless the sender has made diligent inquiry to learn his temporary address and is sure of its ijrompt delivery there, or unless requested by the party to do so. Actual notice received by the party to be charged is good and will bind him if he receives it within the time provided in this Act, although it may not have been sent in accordance with the above section, and this is so not- withstanding that the section seems to be mandatory in its specific provisions. Waiver of notice. ' ' Sec. 109. Notice of dishonor may be WAIVED, EITHER BEFORE THE TIME OF GIVING NOTICE HAS AR- RIVED, OR AFTER THE OMISSION TO GIVE DUE NOTICE, AND THE WAIVER MAY BE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. ' ' A party who would otherwise be entitled to receive no- tice may waive this right at the time he becomes a party to the instrument or at any other time before, at, or after the time for giving notice has arrived. Even after the time provided in this Act for giving notice, a party may waive, although by the omission to give it he would have been discharged from liability upon the instrument. It should then appear, however, that at the time of the v^aiver the party waiving must have knowledge that the holder was in default,^- although it makes no difference that knowing the facts, he was ignorant of the legal effect of the hold- er's omission to give the notice.^^ He may waive notice either expressly, in writing or orally, or it may he im- 31. Stewart vs. Eden, 2 Caines (N. Y. C. L.) 119. 32. Aebi vs. Bank of Evansville, 124 Wis. 73, 81, 102 N. W. 329. 33. Toole vs. Crafts, 193 Mass. 110. 168 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 110 plied if he does or says anything which may reasonably be interpreted to mean a waiver. (See Sec. 82.) If the person otherwise liable upon the instrument, but who claims discharge by reason of no notice, or im- proi3er or insufficient notice of non-payment, has said or done anything which ought fairly to be construed to mean a waiver of notice in favor of the person seeking to en- force the instrument against him, a waiver will be implied and he will be held to his obligation to pay the instru- ment. As has been said under Section 82, the acts or words from which it is sought to imply a waiver must be interpreted according to their fair meaning and the facts and circumstances of each particular case must be taken into account, but doubtful or equivocal acts or language willnot imply a waiver.^^" Who bound by ''Sec. 110. Where the waiver is em- waiver. BODIED IN THE INSTRUMENT ITSELF, IT IS BINDING UPON ALL PARTIES ; BUT WHERE IT IS WRITTEN ABO\T) THE SIGNATURE OF AN INDORSER, IT BINDS HIM ONLY." A negotiable instrument may be so drawn that all per- sons who become parties are required to waive present- ment for acceptance or payment and waive notice of its dishonor. Wlien words of waiver are employed in the body of the instrument, making this a condition of its negotiation, all persons who become parties to such an in- strument are bound by the waiver and none are entitled to notice. If it is not embodied in the instrument itself the waiver may be written upon the instrument by an in- dorser and if it is, it binds him only. It does not affect the other parties who became such either before or after him and who do not themselves waive. (See also Sections 82, 109 and 111.) 33a. Ross vs. Hurd, 71 N. Y. 14. Turnbull vs. Maddox, 68 Md. 579. §111-113 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 169 Waiver of "Sec. 111. A waiver of protest, protest. whether in the case of a foreign bill of exchange or other negotiable instrument, is deemed to BE A waiver not ONLY OF A FORMAL PROTEST, BUT ALSO OF PRESENTMENT AND NOTICE OF DISHONOR." If the words employed in the waiver are a waiver of protest, they are considered to be a waiver of present- ment and notice of dishonor as well as of formal protest. Except in the case of a foreign bill of exchange, protest is not required upon dishonor of a negotiable instrument (Sec. 118), but it may be made and if the waiver is em- bodied in an instrument which does not require protest it is, nevertheless, deemed to be a waiver of present- ment, demand and notice of dishonor as w^ell. (Also see Sees. 82, 109, 110.) When notice "Sec. 112. Notice of dishonor is dis- dispensed with, pe^sed with when, after the exercise of REASONABLE DILIGENCE, IT CANNOT BE GIVEN TO OR DOES NOT REACH THE PARTIES SOUGHT TO BE CHARGED." Notice of dishonor need not be given if, after every reasonable and diligent effort to give the notice to the party entitled thereto, it cannot be given. It is also dis- pensed with if the party obliged to give the notice has at- tempted with reasonable diligence to give it within the time and in the manner provided in this Act and the no- tice sent does not reach the person for whom it is in- tended. Reasonable diligence is, as it has been defined under Sec. 98, that degree of diligence which men of or- dinary intelligence and prudence usually exercise when their own interests depend upon obtaining correct infor- mation or upon prompt, careful action. Delay in giving "Sec 113. Delay in giving notice of notice; how dishonor is excused when the delay is excused. caused by circumstances beyond the con- trol OF THE HOLDER, AND NOT IMPUTABLE TO HIS DEFAULT, MISCONDUCT, OR NEGLIGENCE. WhEN THE CAUSE OF DELAY CEASES TO OPERATE, NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN WITH REASONABLE DILIOGNCE. ' ' 170 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 114 While notice must be given at the time and in the man- ner required in Sections 103 and 104 if it can be done, a delay caused by circumstances beyond the control of the person whose duty it is to give the notice, and not caused by his fault, his wrongful act, or due to his negligence, will excuse its omission. The notice must be given promptly and properly, however, when the circumstances which cause the delay no longer interfere or prevent it being done. When notice *'Sec. 114. Notice of dishoxor is not need not be required to be given to the drawer in given to drawer. either of the following cases: 1. Where the drawer and drawee are the same person ; '2. Where the drawee is a fictitious person or a per- son not having capacity to contract; 3. Where the drawer is the person to whom the in- strument IS presented for payment; 4. Where the drawer has no right to expect or re- quire THAT THE DRAWEE OR ACCEPTOR WILL HONOR THE IN- strument ; 5. Where the drawer has countermanded payment." The drawer of a bill, being a party secondarily liable upon the instrument, is entitled to notice of its dishonor, and it must be given to him in the same manner as it is required to be given in order to charge an indorser. However, when one draws the bill upon himself or it is drawn upon him by his agent or branch house (Sec. 130), he is not then entitled to notice of its dishonor, since he himself causes the dishonor by his own failure to accept or pay it, and is fully aware of it without notice. Being then primarily liable upon the instrument and having the same liability as that of the maker of a promissory note, he is not affected by a failure to give him notice, (Sec. 130.) §114 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 171 If he has drawn the bill upon a fictitious person, that is, as has already been explained, one who does not exist, or if existing, has no interest in the instrument and whose name is used for the purpose of deception (Sec. 9), he is not entitled to notice. Neither is he en- titled to notice if he has drawm the bill upon a person who, from want of capacity to contract, cannot be made to pay the instrument if he does accept it. This seems to be so even if in the last two cases the drawer has issued the bill without knowledge of the fictitious charac- ter of the drawee or without knowledge of his want of capacity to contract. If the drawer is the person to whom the instrument is presented for payment, though he may not be named in it as the drawee, he is not entitled to notice upon his own default in its acceptance or payment. When the drawer of a bill has no right to expect that the person upon whom it is drawn will honor it by acceptance and pajmient he is not then entitled to notice if the drawee fails to do either and the bill becomes dishonored. A drawer who countermands payment, that is, who notifies the acceptor not to pay the bill, or gives a stop pajmient order and prevents payment of his check at bank, thereby becomes himself responsible for its dis- honor and is not thereafter entitled to notice of its non- payment. If instead of giving notice of countermand he withdraws all of his funds available in the hands of the drawee for the payment of the bill, mthout any expecta- tion of replacing them for the purpose of paying the in- strument, this act is, in effect, a countermand and upon dishonor of the bill he is not entitled to notice.^^ 34. Valk vs. Simmons, 28 Fed. Cas. No. 16,815, 4 Mason 113. Spangler vs. McDaniel, 3 Ind. 275. 172 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 115 When notice need ''Sec. 115. Notice of dishonor is not not be given to required to BE GIVEN TO AN INDORSEE IN inciorser. either of the following cases : 1. Where the drawee is a fictitious person or a per- son NOT having capacity TO CONTRACT, AND THE INDORSER was aware of the fact at the time he indorsed the in- strument ; 2. Where the indorser is the person to whom the instrument is presented for payment ; 3. Where the instrument w^as made or accepted for his accommodation." In every case except when dispensed with by this sec- tion, and unless it has been waived, notice of dishonor must be given to the indorsers upon a negotiable instru- ment. The first exception covers that situation in which the indorser upon a bill of exchange knew at the time he indorsed the instrument that the person upon w^hom it was drawn was a fictitious person, or that it was drawn upon one who had not the power to enter into a valid and enforceable contract. (See Sec. 9.) The second is that in which the indorser is himself the person to whom the instrument is presented for payment. Under these circumstances the indorser, being the person who refuses payment, need not be given notice of what he already knows. The third provides that when the instrument is made or accepted for the accommodation of the indorser, notice of its dishonor need not then be given to him and it is apparent why he is not affected by lack of notice of its non-payment or non-acceptance, for he is himself liable for the payment of the debt evidenced by the instrument and ought to have provided funds to pay it. Examine Sec. 80 of the Act wherein it is provided that presentment for pa^onent is not required in order to charge an accom- modated indorser unless he has no reason to expect that the instrument will be paid if presented. § 116 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 173 It is recommended that notice of dishonor be given to each person to be charged upon the instrument notwith- standing that the instiTiment may have been made or ac- cepted for the benefit of any or all of them, even though this may sometimes appear to be an excess of precaution. Observe that by the provisions of Sub-section 1 of this section, the indorser upon a bill of exchange drawn upon a fictitious person or one not having capacity to contract is entitled to and must be given notice of dishonor, unless he was aware of the fictitious character of the drawee or of his want of capacity to contract at the time he indorsed the instrument and that in this respect it ditfers from the provision of Sub-section 2 of Sec. 114 which dis- penses with notice to the drawer under similar circum- stances. Notice of non- "Sec. 116. Where due notice of dis- payment where honor by non-acceptance has been given, acceptance notice of a subsequent dishonor by non- refused. payment is not necessary, unless in the meantime the instrument has been accepted." If an instrument requiring acceptance becomes dis- honored and notice of its dishonor by non-acceptance has been given, no further notice need be given when the date arrives upon which the instrument ought to have been paid and it is again dishonored, this time by non-pay- ment. The notice of dishonor by non-acceptance is suffi- cient to charge all parties, unless the instrument has been accepted in the meantime. If this should occur it will be necessary to give notice again upon dishonor by non- payment in order to charge its parties, even though they were properly notified of the dishonor by non-acceptance. The reason for the rule is, of course, that the drawee's refusal to accept the bill implies a refusal to pay it when due and therefore the bill need not be presented for pay- ment, but if it is, notice of non-payment upon its further 174 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §117,118 dishonor at maturity is not required unless, in the mean- time, the bill has been accepted. -gggp^ qj ''Sec. 117. An omission to give no- omission to give tice of dishonor by non-acceptance does notice of non- not prejudice the rights of a holder in acceptance. j^^je course subsequent to the omis- "Wisconsin. siON "" A holder who acquires the instrument in due course after dishonor by non-acceptance, is not affected by an omission to give notice of the dishonor. This situation may arise when a bill requiring acceptance, for example, a bill payable at a fixed period after sight, has been pre- sented for acceptance and refused and it is afterward ne- gotiated into the hands of a holder in due course by the holder who failed to give notice of its dishonor. The in- strument itself may not disclose the fact that it has al- ready been dishonored before its transfer to one who be- came its holder subsequent to its dishonor by non-accep- tance. The holder in due course who now presents the instrument for acceptance, unaware of its previous dis- honor and not chargeable with any duty to know it, is not prejudiced by the failure of his transferer or any former holder to give notice of its previous dishonor. He may proceed to give notice of its refusal when dishonored upon his presentment and he can hold all of the parties who are liable upon the instrument in the same manner and to the same extent as though the bill had not previ- ously met with dishonor, if he does so in the manner and mthin the time prescribed in this subdivision. When protest ''Sec 118. Where any negotiable in- need not be strument has been dishonored it may be made; when protested for non-acceptance or non- mnst be made. payment, as the case may be; but the PROTEST IS not REQUIRED EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF FOREIGN BILLS OF EXCHANGE. ' ' §118 NOTICE OF DISHONOR 175 Pi otest is not required to charge the parties to a ne- gotiable instrument upon its dishonor except upon dis- honor of a foreign bill of exchange, or before presentment for payment to the acceptor for honor or referee in case of need. (Sec. 167.) Section 129 defines a foreign bill to be any bill other than one "which is, or on its face pur- ports to be, both drawn and payable within the same State," and it also i3rovides that ''unless the contrary appears on the face of the bill, the holder may treat it as an inland bill." Inland bills of exchange are also defined in Section 129 and are such as are, or which, upon the face purport to be, both drawn and payable within the same State. Promissory notes and inland bills of exchange may be protested by the holder if he desires to do it and if at- tempted, the protest must be made as required in Sections 152 to 160 of the Act. 176 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 119 SUBDIVISION VIII, Discharge of Negotiable Instruments. Section Section 119 Instmment ; liow discharged. 123 Cancellation ; unintentional ; 120 When person secondarily li- burden of proof. able discharged. 124 Alteration of instrument; 121 Rights of pai-ty who dis- effect of. charges instrument. 125 What constitutes a material 122 Renunciation by holder. alteration. Under the provisions of the two preceding subdivisions of the Act which fix the manner and time for presentment for payment and of giving notice of dishonor, the dis- charge of secondary parties to a negotiate instrument is effected by the failure of the liolder to perform any of the important duties which they prescribe or by his negligence in their performance. In this subdi\'ision, however, the Act makes provision for the discharge of the instrument itself and the manner in which a secondary party will be discharged by positive acts of other parties to the instrument. Its provisions are exclusive, and a valid negotiable instrument cannot be discharged in any other different manner.^ Instrument: how "Sec. 119. A negotiable instrument discharged. jg discharged: '^Illinois. -( -o 1. By payment in due course by or on behalf of the principal debtor; 2. By payment in due course by the party accommo- dated, WHERE THE INSTRUMENT IS MADE OR ACCEPTED FOR accommodation. 3. By the intentional cancellation thereof by the HOLDER ; 4. "By any other act which will discharge a simple contract for the payment of money; 1. Vanderford vs. Farmers, etc., Natl. Bank, 105 Md. 164, 168, 68 A. 47, 10 L. R. A. (N. S.) 99. § 119 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 177 5. When the principal debtor becomes the holder OF the instrument at or after maturity in his own RIGHT. ' ' The complete discharge of the instrument itself is effected when the obligation of the parties primarily liable upon it is performed or extinguished. This oc- curs as a matter of course when the principal debtor pays the instrument in full in lawful funds or some one so pays it for him in the manner described in Section 88, or when it is paid in that manner by the party, or one of several parties, for w^hose accommodation it is made or accepted, if it is an accommodation instrument. If any- thing other than money is offered and received as, for example, a renewal note, check, draft, property, or goods, it must appear that when given and received, the thing offered was intended to be in extinguishment of the note or other instrument which it was given to pay.^ Discharge also occurs when any holder who holds in his own right, cancels the instrument with the intention of discharging it or when one who holds it as the agent of another intentionally cancels it by authority of his prin- cipal. The motive which prompts its cancellation is im- material, and the instrument will be considered to be cancelled if it is intentionally marked so or is mutilated in such a manner as will indicate an intention to cancel it,^ provided there is no fraud, mistake, or duress in the procurement of its cancellation.^ An unintentional can- cellation is not operative, however, as you will observe from Section 123. 2. romstock vs. Buckley, 141 Wise. 228. Tvler vs. Hyde, SO 111. A. 123. In re Utica Natl. Br. Co., 154 N. Y. 268. 3. Montgomeiy vs. Schwald, 177 Mo. App. 75. 4. Kester vs. Kecter, 38 Ore?:on, 10, 62 P. 635. Liesemcr vs. Bunr. 106 Mich. 124, 63 N. W. 999. Findley vs. Cowles, 93 Iowa, 389. 61 N. W. 998. 178 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS hX\\ § 120 The discharge in the manner mentioned in the fourth sub-section of tliis section embraces every voluntary- act which would relieve the person obliged to pay money under the terms of a simple contract from the duty to do so. The act which is relied upon to discharge the in- strument under this sub-section must, however, be one Avhich is engaged in and performed between the right- ful holder and the party primarily liable upon the instru- ment Avhose duty it is to pay it, and it must be of such a nature that it will relieve him of his obligation to pay the instrument to the holder.^ The instrument is also discharged when the person who by its terms is required to pay it, and who appears, therefore, to be the principal debtor, or when one for whose accommodation the instrument was made and who is, therefore, in fact the principal debtor, becomes its owner at or after its maturity. To have this effect he must have acquired it in his own right as its absolute owner, free from the rights of all other persons and not in any representative capacity.^ If he becomes the owner of the instrument before maturity he may then re-negotiate it. It is so provided in Section 50. *'SeC. 120. A PERSON SECONDARILY LIA- When person ^^^ ^^ ^^^ instrument is discharged : secondarily liable -, y^ on, discharged. . ^- ^^^ ^^^ ^^'^ which discharges the "Illinois. INSTRUMENT ; ^'Wisconsin. 2. By the intentional cancellation l^aryland, ^p jjjg signature by the holder; ^'Missouri ^- "^^' '^^^ discharge of a prior party f 4. By a valid tender of payment made by a prior party ;^ 5. In re Metallic Specialty Co., 210 Fed. 663. Crawford vs. Moore, 28 Fed. 824. 6. Schwartzman vs. Post, 94 App. Div. (N. Y.) 474, 477. Korkemas vs. Macksoud, 131 App. Div. (X. Y.) 728. § 120 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 179 5. By A RELEASE OF THE PRINCIPAL DEBTOR, UNLESS THE holder's right of RECOURSE AGAINST THE PARTY SECOND- arily liable is expressly reserved;* 6. By any" agreement* binding upon the holder to extend the time of payment, or to postpone the holder's right to ENFORCE THE INSTRUMENT,'' UNLESS MADE WITH THE ASSENT OF THE PARTY SECONDARILY LIABLE, OR^ UNLESS" THE RIGHT OF RECOURSE AGAINST SUCH PARTY IS EXPRESSLY RESERVED. ' '* Parties other than those primarily liable on the in- strument are discharged in the manner provided in this section and, as has already been stated, by the failure of the holder to make proper presentment and to give due notice of dishonor in strict accordance with the pro- visions of subdivisions 6 and 7 of this Title of the Act and the provisions to the same effect in Title 2 relating particularly to bills of exchange. Any act whereby the instrument itself is discharged as provided in Section 119, discharges the secondary parties, as a matter of course. A secondary party is also discharged when his signature is intentionally can- celled by the holder. The valid discharge by the holder of a prior party, w^iether primarily or secondarily liable upon the instrument, Avill discharge all subsequent sec- ondary parties. This, however, does not contemplate relief from his obligation upon the instrument obtained by a party in any other manner than by the positive act of another subsequent party to w^iom he is liable. Each sec- ondary party to the instrument engages separately with each subsequent holder that he will pay the instrument if the primary party does not. His engagement is trans- mitted by the negotiation of the instrument to subse- quent holders and his liability extends from one to an- other as the instrument is acquired by them. It may happen that this liability to the holder at maturity will be discharged by the latter 's omission to give him notice 180 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 120 of the dishonor of the instrument but if he is duly noti- fied by an intervening party to whom his liability has been transmitted, he continues to be liable to that intermedi- ate party J You will see, therefore, that although the liability of a secondary party may be completely dis- charged as to one or some other secondary parties, it is not necessarily discharged as to all. There are appro- priate other sections of the Act which govern tlie man-. ner by which secondary parties are discharged under particular circumstances, as by failure to make proper presentment and give notice of dishonor, and these will be found fully indexed. A secondary jjarty is also discharged when any prior party offers to pay the instrument and makes a good tender of payment which is refused by the -holder. A valid tender of payment, therefore, operates in favor of all parties subsequent to the one making it, and if it is refused, all such parties are discharged. Such a tender is made, not by the mere expression of a willingness to pay the instrument, but by the actual offer to do so ac- companied by the exact amount of money due upon it.^ When a release is granted by the holder to the prin- cipal debtor, that is, the person whose primary obligation the instrument is, secondary parties will be discharged unless the holder reserves his right of recourse against them. If he expressly reserve his right of recourse against them, however, they will not be discharged. Un- der these circumstances the rights of parties secondar- ily liable to recover against the principal debtor are, notwithstanding his release by the holder, impliedly re- served to them, and they may proceed against him upon 7. West River Bank vs. Taylor, 34 N. Y. 128, 131. 8. Holmes vs. Holmes, 12 Barbour (N. Y.) 137. § 121 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 181 taking up the instrument.^ Therefore, whenever the holder agrees to release the principal debtor from his obligation upon the instrument, he must indorse upon it a declaration or state in the release that he reserves his right of recovery against the parties secondarily liable to him, if he intends to look to them for payment. Secondary parties will also be discharged if the holder enters into enforceable agreement with any party by which the time of payment of the instrument is ex- tended, unless the agreement is made with their consent or unless, at the time of making it, the holder expressly reserves his right to proceed against them in the mean- time. If the secondary parties are dissatisfied, their remedy is to take up the instrument and proceed upon it against the principal debtor and prior parties.^^ It must be understood that this express reservation of the right of recourse against secondary parties does not dispense with the necessity of presentment, demand, and notice of dishonor, and of protest in the case of a foreign bill of exchange, for if these are omitted when, at its maturity, the instrument is not paid, the second- ary parties cease to be liable and the holder will have no right of recourse against them. (See subdivisions 6 and 7.) Rights of party "Sec. 121. Wheee the instrument is who discharges p^iD by a party secondarily liable there- instniment. ^^^ ^^ jg ^^^ discharged; but the party so paying it is remitted to his former rights as regards ALL PRIOR parties, AND HE MAY STRIKE OUT HIS OWN AND ALL SUBSEQUENT INDORSEMENTS, AND AGAIN NEGOTIATE THE INSTRUMENT, EXCEPT : 9. Sec. Natl. Bank vs. Graham, 246 Pa. St. 256. Torabeckbe Bank vs. Stratton, 7 Wend. (N. Y.) 429. Stewart vs. Eden, 2 Cai. 121. 10. Natl. Park Bank vs. Koehler, 204 N. Y. 174. Rilbe vs. Austin, 155 App. Div. (N. Y.) 207. 182 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 121 1. Where it is payable to the order of a third pek- son, and has been paid by the drawer; and 2. Where it was made or accepted for accommoda- tion AND HAS BEEN PAID BY THE PARTY ACCOMMODATED." By any of the acts set forth in Section 119, the in- strument itself becomes discharged and it cannot again be negotiated upon being discharged in the manner de- scribed in that section at or after its maturity. But when an instrument is negotiated back to a prior party, even to the principal debtor, before maturity, he may again reissue and negotiate it. (Sec. 50.) If he does, no party can be held to his signature placed upon the in- strument prior to its reissue. And now, you will observe, it is provided in this sec- tion that when a party secondarily liable takes up the instrument by payment to any holder, either before or after maturity, it is not discharged as to any party upon it except the one to whom the payment is made and those parties subsequent to the indorser who pays it, to whom he would himself ])e liable.^ ^ The party paying is again in the position which he occupied when he first negotiated the instrument and he may strike out his own signature and the signatures of all who became par- ties after him, and negotiate it again as by a new in- dorsement. The instrument remains in effect as before payment by him (Sec. 50) against all parties who placed their signatures upon it prior that of the party who pays it. This cannot be done, however, if the instrument is a bill of exchange payable to a person other than the drawer or the drawee and the drawer himself pays it, or if the instrument is paid by the party for whose ac- commodation it was made. When such a bill is in the hands of the drawer that fact is, of itself, notice that it 11. Quimby vs. Vanuiin, 190 Mass. 211, 214. § 122 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 183 has run its course and is sufficient to cause any ordinar- ily prudent person to make inquiry to learn whether it has not already been paid.^- And when the bill is paid by the accommodated indorser it is extinguished.^^ For the effect of striking out indorsements and what signa- tures may be necessary to show holder's title, see Sec. 48. Renunciation "by *'Sec. 122. The holder may expressly holder. renounce his rights against any party TO THE INSTRUMENT, BEFORE, AT OR AFTER ITS MATURITY. An absolute and unconditional renunciation of his rights against the principal debtor made at or after the maturity of the instrument discharges the instru- MENT. But a renunciation does not affect the rights OF A holder in due COURSE WITHOUT NOTICE. A RENUN- CIATION MUST BE IN WRITING, UNLESS THE INSTRUMENT IS DELIVERED UP TO THE PERSON PRIMARILY LIABLE THEREON." The holder may at any time renounce, that is, volun- tarily give up, release, or abandon all of his rights under the instrument including his right to payment, without transferring them to someone else.^-^ He usually does this without consideration but a renunciation may be made in compromise, or in exchange for something else which the holder accepts in place of the instrument and the section is applicable where the renunciation is executed for a consideration.^^' The renunciation must be in writing unless the instrument is delivered up to the person obliged to pay it. It must be absolute and unconditional.^^ If the party intending to renounce his rights delivers up the instrument before, at or after its maturity to the person primarily liable upon it w^ith the intention of renouncing his interest in it and his rights 12. First Natl. Bank vs. Harris, 7 Wash. 139. 13. Qiumby vs. Varnum, 190 Mass. 211. 14. Pitt vs. Little, 58 Wash. 355, 108 P. 941. 15. Whiteomb vs. Natl. Exchange Bank, 123 Md. 612. 16. Leask vs. Dew, 102 App. Div. (N. Y.) 529. 184 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 123 to it, the instrnment is completely discharged; he can- not afterward recover from any party to it. But if the renunciation is made before maturity, in writing, and the instrument is retained by the person giving it and he afterwards negotiates the instrument to a holder in due course, or if he has previously done so, this holder in due course is not bound by the renunciation and can en- force the instrument, unless he had notice of it. And if one to whom the instrument is payable but who no longer holds it, executes a renunciation, this will not affect a holder of the instrument who is a holder in due course without notice. It is obvious then, that if the person primarily liable upon an instrument desires a renun- ciation he must obtain it from the holder and if the in- strument is not delivered to him, its absence must be satisfactorily accounted for or the renunciation may not prove to be an effective discharge. When made in favor of the principal debtor the renunciation discharges the whole instrument, but if made in favor of a secondary party it discharges only that party in whose favor it is made and those parties subsequent to him who w^ould have a right of recourse against him if called upon to pay the instrument. (Sec. 120-3.) Cancellation; "Sec. 123. A cancellation made un- unintentional ; intentionally, oe under a mistake, or burden of uroof. ^ without authority of the holder, is in- operative; BUT where an instrument OR ANY' SIGNATURE THEREON APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN CANCELLED THE BURDEN OF PROOF LIES ON THE PARTY WHO ALLEGES THAT THE CANCELLA- TION WAS MADE UNINTENTIONALLY, OR UNDER A MISTAKE OR WITHOUT AUTHORITY. ' ' If the cancellation of tlie instrument, or of any sig- nature upon it is made by mistake or without authority of the holder, it is not operative. It does not cancel the instrument or the signature of the party and when any signature upon the instrument or the instrument itself § 124 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 185 appears to have been cancelled, the person seeking to enforce the instrument may show that the cancellation was made unintentionally or without authority. But he must prove this to be so by evidence sufficient to overcome any evidence offered by the opposing party in support of his claim that the cancellation was made in- tentionally. "Sec. 124. "Where a negotiable ix- strumext is ''materially altered* with- Alteration of instrument ; effect of. OUT THE ASSENT OF ALL PARTIES LIABLE "Illinois. THEREON, IT IS AVOIDED, EXCEPT AS AGAINST ^So. Dakota. ^ party who has himself made, author- cWisconsin. ized, or assented" to the alteratiox, axd subsequext ixdorsers. But when an instrument has been" materially al- tered'' axd is in the hands of a holder in due course, not a party to the alteration, he may enforce payment thereof according to its original tenor." The changes and insertions which may be made in the instrument by the holder without the consent of par- ties are to be found in Sections 13, 14 and 48. Certain material alterations may not be made, however, after the instrument has been issued, without the consent of all parties liable upon it. What these are will appear from the next section. If any material alteration which is prohibited by that section is made without the con- sent of all parties the instrument will be avoided as against all except those who made, authorized or con- sented to the alteration and except those indorsers who, without notice, indorse the instrument after the ma- terial alteration had already been made. When any in- strument Avhich has been materially altered w^ithout the assent of parties is in the hands of a holder in due course, meaning one who took it with the qualifications pre- scribed by Sec. 52, and without notice of the alteration, and he is not a party to the unauthorized 186 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 124 material alteration, lie may enforce it according to its original tenor, meaning that lie may recover upon the instrument in the original amount and according to its original terms against all parties, or he may enforce it according to its altered effect against the parties who made, authorized or consented to the alteration. In this respect, this section effects a change in the law. Hereto- fore it has been almost universally held that an instru- ment which has been materially altered is thereby com- pletely avoided and is unenforceable either in its altered effect or according to its original tenor. Upon the general subject of alteration it may be well to explain that in determining its effect upon the instrument a controlling regard will be had to the time when the alteration was made, and whether or not the contract in the form in which it is sought to be enforced is the identical contract upon which the minds of the parties met.^'^ In order to avoid an instrument upon the technical ground of material alteration, it is im- portant that the instrument must have had at the time it was altered an actual, legal existence as a negotiable instrument.^^ The instrument obtains this effect when there has been a valid initial delivery and therefore, except under special circumstances, any alteration made before the inception of the instrument would not avoid it. Even if made after the instrument has been negotiated a change in its language or form which does not disturb its legal effect or in any way im- 17. Wicker vs. Jones, 159 N. C. 102, 107, 74 S. E. 801. Levi vs. Arons, 81 Misc. (N. Y.) 165. 18. Builders Lime & Cement Co. vs. Weimer (Iowa), 151 N. W. 100. Bingham vs. Reddy, 3 Fed. Cas. No. 1414, at p. 404. Matson vs. Jarvis (Tex. Civ. App.), 133 S. W. 941, 943. Tliaip vs. Jameson, 154 la. 77. 134 N. W. 583, 39 L. R. A. (N. S.) 100. Zander vs. Com., 102 Pa. 434, 439. § 125 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 187 pair the obligations of the parties or their rights, or change their identity or the identity of the instrument, will not avoid it or discharge its parties. ^^ Since the next section defines what are material al- terations further observations upon their effect upon the instrument will be made there. What constitutes ''Sec. 125. Any alteration which a material changes : alteration. 1^ The date; 2. The sum payable, either for principal or interest; 3. The time or place of payment; 4. The number or the relations of the parties; 5. The medium or currency in which payment is to BE made; or which adds a place of payment where no PLACE OF payment IS SPECIFIED, OR ANY OTHER CHANGE OR addition WHICH ALTERS THE EFFECT OF THE INSTRUMENT IN ANY RESPECT, IS A MATERIAL ALTERATION." Any of the material alterations enumerated in this section, if made without authority of all parties to the instrument, even though they may appear to be to the advantage of the person who is to pay the instrument, will avoid it as to any party whose authority to make them has not first been obtained or who does not give assent to them after they have been made. The sum payable may not be changed, not even less- ened f^ the rate of interest increased or diminished f^ or the instrument made payable with interest when none was contemplated.^^ 19. Pitt vs. Little, 58 Wash. 355, 108 P. 941. Crowe vs. Beem, 36 Ind. A. 207, 75 N. E. 302. Sanford vs. Cairo Citv Nat. Bank, 15 Ky. L. 607. Kronskup vs. Sliontz. 51 Wise, 204, 8 N. W. 241, 37 Am. R. 817. 20. Hewins vs. Car^ill, 67 Me. 554. Batchelder vs. White, 80 Va. 103. 21. N. Y. Life Ins. Co. vs. Martindale, 75 Kan. 142, 146, 88 P. 559, 121 Am. S. R. 362, 21 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1045, 12 Ann. Cas. 677. 22. Broadway Nat. Bank vs. Hefferman, 220 Mass. 247. Columbia Dist. Co. vs. Rech, 151 App. Div. (N. Y.) 128. Comm'l Bank vs. Maguire, 89 Minn. 394, 95 N. W. 212. 188 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 125 A place of payment ma^^ not be inserted without con- sent when the instrument is payable generally,^^ but if the place designated is a bank which is afterward succeeded by another that continues to occupy the premises formerly occupied by the bank designated, the substitution of the name of the successor bank would not be a material alteration.^* The time at which the instrument is payable may not be changed^^ and the number of its parties or their re- lation to each other may not be altered Avithout the con- sent of all. If, after a promissory note is executed and delivered, one should add his name as maker, this, it has been held in some jurisdictions, will avoid the in- strument as to those parties who do not consent to the addition of his signature. Such an alteration would de- stroy the identity of the instrument and has very fre- quently been held, before the passage of the Act, to be a material alteration both on this ground and because, in the case of a joint instrument, it confuses the evi- dence of the debt and affects the right of contribution between the parties.^*^ Greater difficulty has been en- countered, however, when a genuine name has been in- tentionally added as maker to an instrument upon Avhich the liabilitv of the makers is several, and the new name 23. Wilkes-Barre 1st Nat. Bank vs. Barnum, 160 Fed. 245. Pelton vs. San Jacinto Lbr. Co., 113 Cal. 21, 45 P. 12. 24. Melton vs. Pensacola Bank, 190 Fed. 126, 111 C. C. A. 166. 25. Pensacola State Bank vs. Melton, 210 Fed. 57. 26. Baker vs. Lehman, etc., Co. (Ala.), 65 S. 321. Brown vs. Johnson, 127 Ala. 292, 28 S. 579. Soaps vs. Eichbore;, 42 111. A. 375. Houck vs. Graham, 106 Ind. 195, 6 N. E. 594. Browning vs. Gosnell, 91 la. 448. Handsaker vs. Pedersen, 71 Wash. 218. Wallace vs. Jewell, 21 Ohio St. 163 (holding also that if a new party signs on the face of note, by mistake, this is not a material alteration, and that his true relation to the instrument may be shown). § 125 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 189 has been added as additional security after the instru- ment has been issued and negotiated. ^'^ But sub-section 4 of this section seems to have changed the law on this subject and one can now reach no other conclusion than that the addition of another name to the instrument as maker is a material alteration, for this sub-section expressly provides that any alteration which changes the number or the relation of the parties to the instrument is a material alteration, and will avoid the instrument and I think that the decisions abundantly support it, although there is great conflict of authority upon this question. It has even been held that if the additional name is a forgery, the instrument is avoided. ^^ If the instrument is payable upon named conditions these may not be changed without consent. The kind of money in which it is payable may not be changed nor may any other alteration be made, without consent, which would change the effect of the instrument in any material respect. Under certain circumstances, as, for example, where a note has been taken in extinguishment of a debt, one who alters it in a material respect and thereby avoids it, can have no recovery on the original debt, for that was merged in the note.^'' This is true even if there is an en- tire absence of fraudulent intent in making the altera- tion, unless, perhaps, the alteration was made by a stranger. Where one fraudulently alters the instrument he cannot, of course, recover upon either the instrument or the consideration.^^ 27. McCauu-hey vs. Smith, 27 N. Y. 39. Brownell vs. Winnie, 29 N. Y. 400. Mersman vs. Weracs, 112 U. S. 139, 141. 28. Beem vs. Farrell (Iowa), 108 N. W. 1044. 29. Weston vs. Wilev, 78 Ind. 54. 30. Columbia Dist. Co. vs. Rech, 151 App. Div. (N. Y.) 128. Harvesting Mach. Co. vs. Blair, 146 Mo. App. 374, 386. 190 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 125 The literal interpretation of Sections 124 and 125 must now, however, include alterations made by stran- gers as well as by parties to the instrument. But it had long been held to be the law in this country, prior to the enactment of this section and Section 124 of this Act, that a material alteration made by a stranger to the in- strument, that is, by any person not having a beneficial interest in it, was a mere spoliation of the instrument and that the instrument could be enforced by the holder in its original form.^^ As to a holder in due course this is still the law, since by Section 124 a holder in due course, not a party to the alteration, may enforce the in- strmnent according to its original tenor, no matter by whom the alteration was made. As to the original par- ties themselves, however, a material alteration avoids the instrument even though it was made by a stranger. This interpretation will probably find opposition and doubtless the courts will reluctantly substitute the English rule for that so universally recognized in our o\^^l decisions. These, however, upon examination, will be found to be based upon previous statutes, differing from this section, which declare that a material alteration made by a party or by some one acting with his knowl- edge, consent, or approval, will avoid the instniment. It appears to have been clearly intended to adopt the rule that alteration by a stranger will avoid the instrument and a material alteration by a stranger cannot now, in States where this Act is in effect, be regarded, between original parties to an instrument, as a mere spoliation. Unless this section is changed, its language will not jus- tify any other interpretation. If the instrument has not been altered with fraudulent intent, there may always be a recovery on the original consideration.^^ 31. Kingan & Co. vs. Silvers, 13 Ind. A. 80. 32. Harvesting Mach. Co. vs. Blair, 146 Mo. App. 374, 386. § 125 DISCHARGE OF NEG. INSTRUMENTS 191 Whenever the matter of intent in making a material al- teration enters into its consideration at all, fraudulent in- tent will be presumed if the material alteration is bene- ficial to the person making it.^^ Alteration by cutting off a part of the paper on which the instrument is w^ritten, in such a manner as to change its etfect, is material and will avoid it.^^ The alterations contemplated in this and the preceding section are physical alterations of the instrument itself, and these sections are not to be aijplied to determine the effect of any agreement or understanding between or among the parties to a negotiable instrument by which its terms, or by which their liability upon it is to be changed. Do not alter the instrument in any respect without first obtaining the consent of all parties, except in the manner expressly permitted by Sections 13 and 14. If payment has been made on an altered instrument under a mistake of fact, in ignorance of the alteration. by a party who had been discharged by the alteration, he may recover it if no negligence is imputable to him.^^ But if the payment is made under a mistaken knowledge or impression of the legal effect of the alteration upon the rights of the party paying, he cannot then recover it, this being the rule applicable to any payment made under a mist-ake of law.^*' 33. Dove vs. Fansler, 132 Mo. App. 669, 672, 112 S. W. 1009. 34. Wicker vs. Jones, 159 N. C. 102, 109. 35. Sheridan vs. Carpenter, 61 Me. 83. 36. Tabor vs. New Bedford, 177 Mass. 197. Flvnn vs. Howard, 118 N. Y. 19, 22 N. E. 1109. 192 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW INTRODUCTORY. TO TITLE II. WITH AN OUTLINE OF THE BUSINESS FEATURE OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK ACT. BILLS OF EXCHANGE. The provisions of the Act embraced in this second Title relate to bills of exchange. They define a bill, de- clare what its form shall be, how presentment for ac- ceptance must be made, the rights of parties to bills drawn in a set, the manner of accepting and paying for honor and how protest must be made when it is required. Its provisions in regard to protest are, of course, ap- plicable to negotiable instruments other than bills of ex- change when it is to be made. The First Title of the Act, Sections 1 to 125 inclusive, applies to all negotiable instruments and its provisions are applicable alike to bills of exchange and promissory notes. As has already been said, while the use of bills of ex- change is at present comparatively less extensive in this country than in England and on the Continent it is never- theless of great advantage to know the law applicable to the interpretation of the rights and duties of the parties to a bill. This is particularly true in view of the declared purpose of the Federal Reserve Bank Act the principal business feature of which is intended to promote their use in this country as a means of discount. These instruments are expected to become a considerable part of the re- sources of banks and that Act being designed to encourage their use, if it is successful in its endeavor it is expected that it will entirelv transform the conditions under which INTRODUCTOKY TO TITLE U 193 commercial paper is bought and sold, loans effected be- tween banks, and funds transferred from one part of the country to another. It is the theory of those who have advocated this change in our banking laws that if a dis- count market is created in this country similar to and as wide reaching as those of the principal financial centers of Europe, with a controlling influence to be ex- ercised by the Federal Reserve Board and Banks, in most respects like that exercised by the great central banks of England, Germany and France, the discount of commercial paper between banks will become one of the principal functions of the business banks and not a mere incident to the business of banking, as at present. In each of the twelve Federal Reserve Cities in which Federal Reserve Banks have been established the bank- ing activities of the district which each is to sen-e will be centered. These banks are to be primarily banks of re- discount, that is, they will deal only with their member banks, and they are intended to supply the varying need for money in their districts, and in the country generally, by sending to one place any abnormal supply which may be required when local facilities are inadequate to meet the local demand, and withdrawing afterward whatever surplus may exist whenever these extraordinary require- ments have been met and normal business conditions again prevail. The method by which local business banks will be able to obtain funds to supply their customers needs when their own supply is inadequate is altogether by re-discount with the Federal Reserve Banks of the commercial paper in which their own funds are invested. What it is hoped to accomplish and the manner in which it is to be done are best set forth in the report of the Banking and Currency Committee which accompanied the bill and from which I quote the following: 194 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW "In Section 14 (which is Section 13 in The business ^j^g j^j^ ^g enacted) is set forth the funda- section of the ' new banking mental business purpose of the bill in and currency providing for re-discount operations. The Federal Reserve Banks are at the outset authorized to receive current deposits from their stock- holders or from the Government or from other Federal Reserve Banks in so far as the latter may need to keep funds with them for exchange purposes. "The fundamental requirement throughout all of the discount section of the proposed bill is that antecedent to the performance of a service by a Federal Reserve Bank for a member bank which applies therefor the mem- ber bank shall indorse or guarantee the obligations whicli it offers for discount. Subject to this requirement, the proposed bill first of all provides that notes and bills hav- ing a maturity of not over 90 days and drawn for agri- cultural, industrial or commercial purposes or the pro- ceeds of which have been used for such purposes shall be admitted to re-discount. The meaning of this provi- sion is, briefly, that any paper drawn for a legitimate business purpose of any kind may be re-discoimted when within 90 days of maturity. It does not mean that the paper thus re-discounted shall have been originally made for 90 days bnt that it shall have at the time of being re- discounted 90 days more to nm. Thus a paper drawn for 120 days originally could be re-discounted when it was 30 days old. In view of the great difficulty of defin- ing 'commercial paper' the actual definition of the same has been left to the Federal Reserve Board in order that it may adjust the definition to the practices prevailing in ditf erent parts of the country in regard to the transac- tion of business and the making of paper. For obvious reasons it is forbidden that any such paper shall be ad- INTRODUCTORY TO TITLE II 195 niitted to re-discouiit if made for the purpose of carry- ing stocks or bonds. (As enacted the bill excludes notes and bonds of the United States from this prohibition.) "It was felt that in some parts of the country the per- mission to re-discount paper having a maturity of 90 days might not fulfill all of the requirements imposed by the business practice of those regions, and therefore it is provided in the third paragraph of Section 14 (Sec- tion 13 in the bill as enacted) whenever the reserve of any Federal -Reserve Bank is reasonably above its- re- quired minimum (such excess margin to be determined by the Federal Eeserve Board), the reserve bank may re-discount commercial paper having a maturity of not more than 120 days, provided that not more than one- half of it shall have a maturity exceeding 90 days. This is intended to fulfill the requirements of portions of the country with an extremely long term of credit, but it is clear that no reserve bank should be allowed to put its funds into a form in which thej will be ^ tied up ' to such an extent, unless such a bank has a reserve perfectly adequate to take care of any necessities that are like- ly to present themselves in the meantime, regard'ti''''''' '"^ ^he fourth paragraph of Section 14 (Sec- acceptance by tion 13 in the bill as enacted) grants per- mission to reserve banks to re-discount acceptances of member banks which are based on the ex- portation or importation of goods, run not more than six months, and bear the signature of one member bank in addition to that of the acceptor, the total of such re- discounts not to exceed one-half the capital of the bank for which the re-discounts are made. In the sixth para- graph, national banks are authorized to accept drafts or bills of exchange drawn upon it to an amount not ex- ceeding one-half its capital. The acceptance business, 196 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW which it is thus proposed to authorize, is a new form of business heretofore forbidden to national banks, by rea- son of the provisions and interpretations of the national banking act, which have forbidden them to lend their credit or to incur contingent liabilities thereby. The ac- ceptance form of loan is, however, very common in Europe, and has been found exceedingly serviceable. It is the opinion of expert bankers that it could be ap- plied in the United States to excellent advantage. The following extract from a discussion of acceptances by Lawrence Merton Jacobs explains the method and pur- poses of the acceptance business : '' 'The fundamental difference between European and American banking has its origin in the dissimilarity be- tween the evidences of indebtedness which lie behind the item of loans and discounts. It is most strikingly evi- denced in the fact that time bills of exchange form a considerable proportion of the resources of the great banks of London, Paris and Berlin, whereas the assets of leading New York banks are largely based on stocks and bonds. "Bankers' Bills" " ' ^^^ *^® ^^^^^ ^^ exchange in which are in Europe. employed, either through loans or dis- counts, the funds of European banks, an essential part consists of what are known as bankers' bills— that is, bills drawn on bankers and accepted by them on behalf of customers in accordance with arrangement previously made. They are bills in exchange for which, by sale to a broker or by discounting at a bank, bankers' customers or those to whom they are indebted may secure immediate credit. In some instances it is arranged that the cus- tomers themselves shall draw the bills and in others that the bills shall be drawn by third parties for their account. In granting the accommodation the obligation that the INTRODUCTORY TO TITLE II 197 bankers take upon themselves is that they will accept the bills upon presentation. This acceptance consists in the bankers writing across the face of the drafts the word '' Accepted," adding their signature and the date. It is in the nature of a certification that the bills will be paid at maturity — that is, a specified number of days or months from the date appearing in the acceptance, or three days later if grace is allowed, as in England. When a banker grants accommodation to a customer by means of an acceptance, he may secure himself in various ways. Ordinarily, a banker accepts a customer's draft merely upon his general responsibility, the banker's risk being much the same as if he had discounted the customer's note running a certain length of time. Where the cus- tomer is an importer the banker ordinarily accepts the drafts upon the delivery to him of the documents cover- ing the shipment, which documents he then turns over to his customer against a trust receipt. When a credit of this kind is opened the usual practice is for the banker to require the signature of a form containing an agree- ment to hold him harmless for accepting the bills, to* place him in funds sufficient to pay off the bills three days prior to their maturity, and to pay him a commis- sion on the transaction, this commission varying accord- ing to the length of time the bills are to run and the financial standing of the customer. The cost of the ac- commodation to the customer is this commission plus the prevailing rate of discount for bankers' bills. '' 'In the United States the national- The discount • i i i. 4. system in the bank act does not permit banks to accept United States. ^-j-^-^^ ]j-||g drawn on them. Although the act does not specifically prohibit such acceptances, the courts have decided that national banks have no power to make them. This restriction has had a very consid- 198 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW erable influence upon the development of banking in this country. For some time after the passage of the na- tional-bank act, merchants and manufacturers provided themselves with funds by discounting their promissory notes with their local banker. G-radually, however, many concerns finding that their needs were outstripping the banking accommodation which they could secure in their immediate vicinity, came to place their notes in the hands of brokers who in turn disposed of them to such bankers as possessed greater surplusses than they could satis- factorily invest at home. It is this method of borrowing which is now largely employed. In other words, the pro- hibition of bank acceptances has led to the creation of a vast amount of promissory notes instead of time bills of exchange. ^ „. ,. . " 'The difference between these two A pubhc discount market will be classes of instruments accounts to a great W u/on tS extent for the difference between Euro- transactions. pean and American banking. In the case of the time bills of exchange drawn on and accepted by prime banks and bankers there is practical uniformity of security. In the case of our promissory notes or com- mercial paper there is no such uniformity, the strength of the paper depending on the standing of miscellaneous mercantile and industrial concerns. " 'It is this uniformity of security on the one hand which makes possible a public discount market ; it is the lack of it in single-name paper which makes such a mar- ket impossible. As a result, Ave have great discount markets in London, Paris and Berlin and none in New York. In European centers the discount rate is the rate upon which the eyes of the financial community are fixed. In New York it is the rate for day-to-day loans on the stock exchange.' " INTRODUCTORY TO TITLE II 199 To what extent and how rapidly the new form of credit which tlie bill is so admittedly designed to encourage will supplant the present method by which the industries of our country supply themselves with funds will depend vei-y largely upon the si)irit in which the banks accept the proposed change. A variety of opinion exists. Some of the most prominent bankers, whose expressions upon the subject are regarded as profound authority, have expressed the belief that it will be impossible to replace, to any great extent, the firmly established method of making loans on promissory notes bearing one or more individual or firm names, maturing on time or demand and taken either directly from the individual seeking funds or purchased from note brokers whose facilities enable them to place their instruments in markets wher- ever a surplus of funds is known to be seeking invest- ment. These instruments, they believe, bearing bank in- dorsements, will form the largest part of the re-discount operations of the Federal Reserve Banks. In the Eu- ropean markets the acceptances given by lianks are, on the other hand, by far more predominant and these are of two principal kinds of bills : the Documentary Bill and the Commercial Credit Bill. ^, ^ . ^ The first form is that of a bill to which The documentary ,, i j t* till. shipping documents are attached, it, under this form of credit, when it shall come into use here the American merchant desires to make purchases abroad he will first arrange with his bank to accept drafts for his account drawn upon his bank or its foreign representative to which shall be attached the documents covering the shipment of his purchases. The foreign merchant from Avhom he makes his purchases, having first been assured in some satisfactory way that his draft will be accepted, usually by being shown the bank's 200 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW agreement to accept, will find a ready sale to his local banker for the bill which he will draw for the account of his American customer. In due time his bill with invoice and document of shipment attached will be for- warded for acceptance to the American bank upon which it is drawn and upon its acceptance the shipping docu- ments will be released to the American merchant. This bill now bearing the acceptance of the American bank, whose primary obligation it now is, is prepared to enter the discount market which is to be created here or those already established in Europe upon an equal credit foot- ing with the acceptances of foreign banks. The effect of this transaction is that the American merchant, by the payment of a small commission, has availed himself of the credit of his bank to pay his obligation abroad, and will be expected to conclude his part of the agreement by placing the bank whose credit he has used in funds to pay the bill a few days prior to its maturity. "When a bill is to be drawn by an American exporter the pro- cedure, long established, is just the same, the bill being then drawn upon the American representative of the foreign bank, principall}^ because few of our own banks are engaged in this kind of operations. The commercial The second form of bank acceptances, credit bill. the Commercial Credit Bill, is that bill which, to every practical purpose, is the equivalent of a loan by the bank to its customer upon his promissory note with the important difference, however, that instead of being a loan of cash it is, like the one above described, a loan of its credit by the bank to its customer. It means that the bank permits its customer to draw on it at some agreed maturity upon the understanding that the cus- tomer Avill supply the accepting bank with funds to pay the bill before it falls due. The bank is then not re- INTKODUCTORY TO TITLE II 201 quired to advance any of its own cash but merely to give its signature to an acceptance which its customer is en- abled readily to discount at some other bank, or with a broker or to individuals wiio will, without doubt, be attracted to this form of investment, and tank is enabled to use the cash thus realize^ acceptances. ^^ j^jg bijginess. To the customer, there is a distinct advantage in this type of credit and to th^ bank an equally marked gain. In those countries where this system of credit is employed the rate of interest for a cash advance is very much higher than the discount rate for acceptances and it is, as a rule, more advan- tageous to the customer to draw on the banker and pay the charges for acceptance and discount rather than to pay the higher interest rate for a cash advance. To the banker, having no available loanable cash, the accept- ance business enables him to sell his bank's credit with profit. Another form of bill of exchange much Customer's bills . -r^ , • -, r. (trade m use m JtLiuropean countries and lor- acceptances) . merly extensively employed in our own, is the time bill drawn by the merchant or manufacturer upon his customer and accepted by him. Long ago, in certain parts of this country, the use of this bill began to be discontinued as our industries gradually -assumed a cash basis, obtaining the money needed to carry on their business operations by direct loans or loans obtained through note brokers, by means of their own promissory notes placed with banks having loanable funds. Drafts drawn by the merchant or manufacturer upon his cus- tomer now rarely appear here except in their limited use as instruments of value only for the purpose of col- lecting outstanding accounts. 202 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW Inasmuch as it has heretofore been the Bills based on • n n actual custom of banks to carry practically all commercial ^^ their customers' paper, it bein^ even transactions . desirable as regarded suspiciously as a circumstance avaUaSe^for affecting their solvency if any do not, the re-discount. evidences of the banks' investments in the form of promissory notes have not been available for the investment of funds of other banks except in the restricted vicinity and among the correspondents of some of the banks in the larger cities which have had the courage to undertake re-discount operations. It has been thought entirely unwise that the credit operations of banks shall be thus limited or that they must dejDend to such a great degree upon the facilities of note brokers for placing desirable credit instruments in markets where idle funds often await investment without any demand for them. It is, therefore, one of the main purposes of the Federal Reserve Bank Act to promote the use of bills of exchange between merchants, manufacturers and per- sons engaged in agricultural pursuits, and their custom- ers, and the return of these instruments as proper and de- sirable items of bank discounts is expected to result as one of the important consequences of the business fea- tures of the bill. It may also be expected that the revival of their use in domestic transactions, as distinguished from bills "arising out of the import and export of goods, will not, at first, meet with the hearty co-operation of the banks for the reason that our industries are now regarded as unchangeably established upon a cash basis. But those who have advocated the renewal of the former and the best use of these instruments are hopeful that the bill will meet with success in , re-establishing this form of credit. They believe that offerings of these bills bearing bank indorsement will freely appear wherever INTRODUCTORY TO TITLE II 203 loanable money can be located and that they will even attract the surplus funds of Federal Reserve Banks whenever they shall engage in open market operations. The concluding paragraph of the Committee report on the business feature of the bill carries the insinuation that, after the banks of this country become more familiar with the proper use of acceptances, the restriction which limits acceptances by national banks to bills growing out of export and import operations will be removed. It may be hoped, therefore, that eventually, and at no very dis- tant date, bills drawn upon and accepted by banks for actual commercial transactions not limited to export and import operations will also appear for investment and will largely replace bills drawn by the merchant or manu- facturer upon his customer. I have given this outline of the business feature of the Banking and Currency Bill in order to illustrate the importance of a practical knowledge of the provisions of this Second Title of the Uniform Negotiable Instru- ments Law" relating to Bills of Exchange. As has been said in the introduction to the First Title there is now, it seems to many men, a greater need than ever before that men interpreting the law, men learning the law as well as men engaged in business, shall become familiar with the provisions of this Act. Our Commercial • • , t i j i , paper as the commercial paper is intended to be not basis for future ^j^jy ^j^g ^f ^j^g principal resources of the currency issues. banks of this country, as it already is, but, by another provision of the Federal Reserve Bank Act, it is made now the partial and is ultimately to be- conae the sole basis of the future note issues of national banks. These will, in the future, be made only by Fed- eral Reserve Banks, and will replace the present note issues of the business banks based upon the security of 204 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW Government and in time of wider need, upon State and Municipal Bonds. In the firm belief that a currency which will automatically expand and contract with the immediate business needs of this country is to be thus provided, the Government is committed by the Act to a guaranty of its soundness. The bank notes which will be issued against a segregated deposit of selected commer- cial paper and bear the Government's guaranty of their redemption in gold, require as an indemnity that an equivalent amount of re-discounted commercial paper bearing the indorsement of one or more member banKb shall be set aside from the assets of the Federal Reserve Bank which issues them, and that there shall also be set aside from its general funds 40 per cent of the amount of the notes in gold or lawful money. With this dignity added to the already grave importance of this class of our business obligations a better knowledge of the laws which govern our commercial paper may very properly be regarded as a duty. To that end, the provisions of this Second Title of the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law, relating especially to the one form of commercial paper with which business men are not so familiar as with promissory notes and checks, deserve careful study and in this, I trust, the explanations will prove to be an aid. §126 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 205 TITLE II BILLS OF EXCHANGE. SUBDIVISION I . FORM AND INTERPRETATION. Section Section 126 A bill of exchange defined. 129 Inland and foreign bills of 127 Bill not an assignment of exchange. funds in hands of drawee. 130 When bill may be treated as 128 Bill addressed to more than promissory note. one drawee. 131 Referee in case of need. A bill of "Sec. 126. A bill of exchange is an exchange unconditional order in writing addressed defined. BY one person to another, signed by the PERSON giving IT, REQUIRING THE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS addressed TO PAY ON DEMAND OR AT A FIXED OR DETERMIN- ABLE FUTURE TIME A SUM CERTAIN IN MONEY TO ORDER OR TO BEARER. ' ' A bill of exchange is more commonly known, in this country, as a draft and it is usually, though not neces- sarily, drawn by one person upon another who is in- debted to him or with whom he has established a credit. There is no presumption, except in the case of a check, that a bill of exchange, used as a credit instrument, is drawn against an existing fund.^ It directs the person upon whom it is drawn to pay the money due upon the drawer 's account, or available to his credit, to some other person whom he names. When such an order is to be issued certain requisites of form must be observed. These are fixed in this Act (Title I, Subdivision 1) and while, as in other negotiable instruments, the exact language to 1. Morrison vs. Bailey, 5 Oh. St. 13, 18, 64 Am. D. 632. Champion vs. Gordon. 70 Pa. 474, 10 Am. R. 681. 206 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 127 be used in drawing a bill is not prescribed, the substance of the law must be complied with. (See Sec. 10.) The bill must, of course, be in writing, signed by the person who draws it and must name the person upon whom it is drawn, and who is to pay it, with the degree of certainty required by Section 1 of Title I. It must mention the sum of money to be paid and the time when it is to be paid, with the certainty required by Sections 1 and 2. The time may be stated to be on demand, usu- ally in a bill of exchange termed ' ' at sight, ' ' or it may be fixed at a stated period after date, sight or demand. As a rule bills of exchange are not dra^vn for a longer matur- ity than six months and domestic bills rarely for that long. The bill may also be drawn to become payable at a given time after the happening of an event which is certain to happen or its maturity may be fixed in any of the ways mentioned in Section 1 of this Act. A bill which is not dra%vn substantially in the manner described in this Act will not be regarded as a negotiable bill of exchange. (See Sec. 10.) Bill not an "Sec. 127. A bill of itself does not assignment of operate as an assignment of the funds funds in hands in the hands of the drawee available drawer. -pQ-^ rpg-E PAYMENT THEREOF; AND THE DRAWEE IS NOT LIABLE ON THE BILL UNLESS AND UNTIL HE ACCEPTS THE SAME." The bill of itself, even if drawn against existing funds, does not operate as an assignment of the money in the hands of the person upon whom it is drawn and who has funds of, or is indebted to the person who draws it and which are to be applied to its payment. The drawer may withdraw his funds or direct the drawee to apply them in some other way if he does so before the bill is pre- sented and accepted. The relation of the drawee to the drawer of the bill does not change and the drawee does §127 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 207 not become liable upon the bill unless he accepts it. The drawee's acceptance of the instrument, however, creates an obligation from him to the holder and all other parties to the instrument, and he must then pay the money due upon the bill at its maturity. When the drawee acceiJts the ))ill he is thereupon entitled immediately to appro- priate sufficient of the drawer's funds to enable him to pay it if the bill was issued against a deposit. This section has its most frequent application in the determination of the liability of a bank to the holder of a check upon which the drawer has stopped payment. Applied in its simple sense its language leaves the bank under no uncertainty as to its position in such a situa- tion. The bank is not liable to the holder of a check upon which payment has been stopped unless it has certified or accepted the check. Its certification is by Section 187 made the equivalent of an acceptance and after certifica- tion the check must be paid to a holder in due course. It does not then matter whether the certification was given before or after receipt of the stop-pa^mient order, or was given by other mistake.- The payee of a check certified by mistake cannot enforce it against the certify- ing bank because his position has not been altered to his injury or prejudice by the mistake,^ but anyone who takes it from him without notice, may recover upon it. The nature and extent of the acceptor's engagement up- on acceptance or certification are explained in Section 62. 2. Union Trust Co. vs. Preston Nat'l Bank, 136 Mich. 460, 99 N. W. 399. Baldinger, etc, Mfsi'. Co. vs. Mfrs. & Citizen's Trust Co., 156 N. Y. S. 445. 3. Baldino-er, etc., Mfg-. Co. vs. Mfrs. & Citizen's Tmst Co., 156 N. Y. S. ^45. 208 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 128 Bill addressed to ' ' ^^^- l^^- ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ addressed to more than one two or more drawees jointly, whether drawer. they are partners or not ; but not to two "Wisconsin. q^ more drawees in the alternative* or IN SUCCESSION." A bill, meaning a negotiable bill of exchange, may be drawn upon two or more persons jointly, even though they are not partners, but a negotiable bill may not be drawn upon one person or another so that the holder may or is required to present it to one or the other ; and it may not be drawn upon two or more persons in a man- ner which requires presentment first to one and then to another in successive order. Inland and ''Sec. 129. An inland bill of ex- foreign bills of change is a bill which is, or on its face exchange. purports to be, both drawn and payable WITHIN THE SAME STATE. AnY OTHER BILL IS A FOREIGN bill. Unless the contrary appears on the face of the bill, the holder may treat it as an inland bill." Any bill which appears upon its face to be drawn and payable at a place (not necessarily the same place) with- in the same State is called an ''inland bill." All others are foreign bills, and in these are included, of course, bills drawn in foreign countries to be payable in our o\vn^ and checks issued in one State and drawn upon a bank in another.^ But if the bill is so drawn that it is not apparent upon its face, that is, if it cannot be deter- mined from the face of the instrument alone, without the aid of anything else, that it is payable outside of the State in which it was drawn the holder may treat it as an inland bill. The distinction between inland and for- eign bills is of importance upon dishonor, for it is pro- vided in the Act that while the former may be pro- 4. Amsinck vs. Rogers, 189 N. Y. 252. Casker vs. Kuhne, 159 App. Div. (N. Y.) 389. 5. Mankey vs. Hoyt, 27 S. D. 561. § 130 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 209 tested upon dishonor tlie latter must be, in order to fix the liability of secondary parties. (Section 152.) When biU may ''^^c. 130. Where in a bill deawer be treated as and dr-^wee are the same person, or promissory note, where the drawer is a fictitious person,* "Wisconsin. q^ ^ person not having capacity to con- tract; the holder may treat the instrument, at his option, either as a bill of exchange or a promissory NOTE." The holder of the bill may treat it as a promissory note if the drawer and drawee are the same person, that is, if a partner draws on his firm,*^ if one makes a draft upon himself, or the bill is drawn upon him by or by him upon his agent or his branch house.'^ Likewise, if the per- son upon w^hom it is draw^n is a fictitious person meaning, as has already been said (Sec. 9), one who does not exist, or if existing, is a person who has not and was not intend- ed to have any interest in the instrument and whose name is used merely for the purpose of deception. If the drawee has no capacity to contract, as a person under some legal disability, for example, a person not of legal age, a person of unsound mind, one the subject of a guardianship, or an officer of a corporation who has no legal authority to bind the corporation by contract, the holder may then treat the bill as the promissory note of the drawer. AVhen any of these conditions exist the right to treat the instrument as a promissory note or as a bill of exchange is optional with the holder. He has this option also if the instrument is so ambiguous that there is doubt whether it is a bill or a note. (See Sec. 17.) If he elects to treat it as a promissory note, the rights, duties and liabilities of the parties to the bill are like those of 6. New York, etc., Co. vs. Selma Savgs. Bk., 51 Ala. 305. New York, etc., Co. vs. Meyer, 51 Ala. 325. Porthouse vs| Parker. 1 Camp (Eng.) 82. 7. First Nat'l Bk. vs. Home Ins. Co., 16 N. M. 66. Clemens vs. Staunton Co., 61 Wash. 419. 210 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 131 maker, indorser and payee of a note and it is governed by appropriate provisions of this Act other than those especially applicable to bills of exchange. of need. "Sec. 131. The de\wer of a bill and Referee in case any indoeser may insert thereon the NAME of a person TO WHOM THE HOLDER MAY EE„SORT IN CASE OF NEED, THAT IS TO SAY, IX CASE TFTE BILL IS DISHON- ORED BY NON-ACCEPTANCE OR NON-PAYMENT. SuCH PERSON IS CALLED THE REFEREE IN CASE OF NEED. It IS IN THE OP- TION OF THE HOLDER TO RESORT TO THE REFEREE IN CASE OF NEED OR NOT, AS HE MAY SEE FIT." A referee in case of need is sometimes named in the bill when the drawer or indorser has doubt of the will- ingness or ability of the person upon whom it is drawn to either accept or pay the instrmnent, or both, and does not desire to have the bill meet mth dishonor. He there- fore refers the holder to a person other than the drawer whom he expects to accept or pay it, if tlie one upon whom the instrument is drawn fails or refuses to do so. Any indorser may insert the name of a referee at his in- dorsement or at any other place on the bill. The reference in case of need is not usuallly employed unless it is of the utmost importance to the drawer or in- dorser that the bill shall be accepted and paid, as when it is drawn at a considerable distance, or under special cir- cumstances and then as a rule, only when it is desirable to provide against damages and costs on re-exchange or when the circumstances seem to the drawer or indorser to warrant this precaution in order to preserve his credit. The referee in case of need usually pays the bill after pro- test upon its dishonor by the drawer but he may become the acceptor for honor and if he does it will be necessary to observe the requirements of subdivision 5 of this Title in order to preserve his liability. In foreigii bills drawn" in foreign countries the reference is indicated by the French words : ''Au hesoin, ches M. " and the thing § 131 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 211 to do when a bill is dishonored which contains these words is to protest it and present it to the person indi- cated who will very likely accept or pay it for the honor of the party who inserted the reference in the bill. If he pays the bill for honor the provisions of subdivision 6 of this Title will determine his rights and his duties, and they prescribe the manner in which the payment for honor must be made. You will observe that the holder is not required to resort to the referee in case of need but mav do so if he think fit. 212 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAV § 132 SUBDIVISION II. Acceptance. Section Section 132 Acceptance, how made, etc. 137 Liability of drawee retain- 133 Holder entitled to accept- i"g ^r destroying bill. ance on bill. ^^^ Acceptance ot nicomplete 134 Acceptance by separate in- ^39 ^^^^^^ ^^ acceptances. stiiament. -^^^ ^yj^^^ constitutes a general 135 Promise to accept; when acceptance. equivalent to acceptance. 141 Qualified acceptance. 136 Time allowed drawee to ac- 142 Rights of parties as to qual- cept. ified acceptance. Acceptance, how ''Sec. 132. The acceptance of a buAj made, etc. is the signification by the drawee of his ASSENT TO THE ORDER OF THE DRAWER. ThE ACCEPTANCE MUST BE IN WRITING AND SIGNED BY THE DRAWEE. It MUST NOT EXPRESS THAT THE DRAWEE WILL PERFORM HIS PROMISE BY ANY OTHER MEANS THAN THE PAYMENT OF MONEY. AVlien the person upon whom a bill is drawn which requires presentment intends to pay it (see Sec. 1-43 for the kind which do), he expresses his intention by "ac- cepting" the bill when it is exhibited and presented to him. He must do this by writing appropriate words upon the bill, or upon a separate paper (Sec. 134) and he must sign it. The drawee usually writes the word "accepted" across the face of the bill, and signs his name underneath. Indeed, you will see that by the next sec- tion the holder is given the right to require the accept- ance to be written on the bill. If the drawee dates his acceptance, and he must do it if a date is necessary to fix the maturity of the bill, he ought to date it as of the day when the presentment was made. (Sec. 136.) K the date is omitted and one is necessary to fix the ma- § 133 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 213 turity of the bill, any liolder may insert its true date. (Sec. 13.) The drawee's acceptance is his promise to pay the bill when it becomes due and he is not permitted to express any other means of payment than payment in money. He may, however, state in the acceptance that the holder may have the option to require him either to pay the bill in money or do something in lieu thereof (Sec. 5), but if the acceptance attempts to put any obligation upon the holder to receive any other means of pa^nnent than money, it is no acceptance at all and the holder must treat the bill as dishonored. The acceptance becomes effective only by delivery or notification (Sec. 191) to the holder and until it is delivered it is incomplete and it may be revoked (Sec. 16), unless notice of the acceptance has been given to the holder.^ Holder entitled ''Sec. 133. The holder of a bill pre- to acceptance senting the same foe ACCEPTAisrcE may be- on the bill. quiee that the acceptance be written on THE bill, and, if SUCH REQUEST IS REFUSED, MAY TREAT THE BILL AS DISHONORED.'' The person who holds the bill and presents it for ac- ceptance has the right to require the drawee to write his acceptance upon the bill itself. If the drawee refuses to do this the holder may treat the bill as dishonored. By universal custom the proper place for the acceptance is across the face of the bill but an acceptance written anywhere on the instrument has been held to be suffi- cient.2 Any words which will indicate the intention of the drawee to comply with the order of the drawer and 1. First Nat'l Bk. of Murfreesboro vs. First Natl Bk. of Nash- ville, 154 S. W. (Tenn.) 965. Donavan vs. Flvnn, 118 Mass. 537. First Nat'l Bk.'vs. Clark, 61 Md. 400, 48 Am. R. 114. Ilsley vs. Jones, 12 Gray (Mass.), 260. 2. First Nat'l Bk. vs. Trognitz, 14 Cal. A. 176, 111 P. 402. Brannin vs. Henderson, 12 B. Mon. (Ky.) 61. 214 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 134 pay the instrument at its maturity, will be regarded as an acceptance^ but the simplest, best manner in which it can be done is by writing the word "accepted" on the face of the bill above the signature of the acceptor. It has even been held that the mere signature of the ac- ceptor upon the face of the bill is sufficient.* While the section now seems to require something more than that, the signature of the drawee appearing across the face of the bill has repeatedly been held to import a full assent to the order of the drawer and that parol evidence is not admissible to prove a ditferent intention, but when there is ambiguity parol proof is admissible to make the intention of the signer clear.^ The effect of an accept- ance written upon a paper other than the bill itself and of a promise to accept will appear from the next two sections. , ''Sec. 134. Where an acceptance is Acceptance by separate written on a paper other than the biu. instrument. itself, it does not bind the acceptor ex- °IUinois cEPT in favor of a person" to whom it is So. Dakota. shown and who, on the faith thereof, received the bill for value.'' You will observe from the above section that the ac- ceptance may be made on a separate paper. If the bill is to be negotiated by the holder an acceptance upon a separate paper, as for example, by letter or telegram, is not desirable and ought not be taken if it can be avoided, although, as this section provides, and the custom of mer- chants sanctioned for the convenience of mercantile af- 3. O'Donnell vs. Smith, 2 E. D. Smith (N. Y.), 124. Whilden vs. Merch. Nat'l Bk., 64 Ala. 1, 32, 38 Am. R. 1. 4. Fowler vs. Gate City Nat '1 Bk., 88 Ga. 29. Schwartz vs. Barrinoer, 20 La. Ann. 419. Wheeler vs. Webster, 1 E. D. Smith (N. Y.), 1. Haines vs. Nance, 52 111. A. 406. Steele vs. McKinley, 2 App. Cas. 754. 5. Cook vs. Baldwin, 120 Mass. 317, 21 Am. R. 517. Murrell vs. Edwards (Tex. Civ. App.), 179 S. W. 532. § 135 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 215 fairs, an acceptance on a separate paper may be made.^ Present the bill, even if it is inconvenient to do so, and insist upon the acceptance being written across its face. A separate written acceptance will bind the acceptor in favor of any one .who receives the bill for value after its acceptance in that manner, but only if the subsequent holder has been shown the separate acceptance before taking the bill and receives the bill for value in reliance upon it.'^ The language of this section is explicit and excludes liability of the acceptor to persons other than those who receive the bill for value from the holder after having been shown the separate acceptance and who so receive it upon the faith of the separate acceptance. This would seem to create no liability upon the acceptor to pay the bill to the holder to whom he gives the separate accept- ance, and who already had the bill before the separate acceptance was given, but this section must be interpreted in connection with Section 68 to preclude such a conclu- sion. There it is provided that the acceptor, by accept- ing the instrument, engages that he will pay it according to the tenor of his acceptance, and this section permits a separate acceptance to be taken. Now, of course, the acceptor's engagement, when he accepts on a separate paper, is his promise to the holder who already has the bill and it must be kept. However, all dispute and delay in the enforcement of the instrument will be avoided 6. Clark vs. Cook, 4 East (Eng.), 57, 102 Eeprint, 751. Wells vs. W. U. Tel. Co., 144 la. 605, 619. First Nat'l Bk. vs. Comm'l Savsis. Bk.. 74 Kas. 606, 87 P. 746, 8 L. R. A. N. S. 1148. 11 Ann. Cas. 281 First Nat'l Bk. vs. Muskoi^ee Pipe Line Co., 40 Okl. 603, 139 P. 1136. 7. Eakin vs. Citizen's St. Bk., 67 Kan. 338, 72 P. 874. First Nat'l Bk. vs. Muskogee Pipe Line Co., 40 Okl. 603, 13» P. 1136. Lehnhard vs. Sedway, 160 Mo. App. 83. 216 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 135 if the acceptance is obtained in the proper manner, in its proper place upon the bill, and this should be insisted upon whenever practicable. Promise to "Sec. 135. An unconditional promise'' accept; when in writing to accept a bill before it is ecLuivalent to drawn IS deemed an actual acceptance in acceptance. favor of every person who, upon the ^Illinois. FAITH thereof, RECEIVES THE BILL FOR value. ' ' A promise to accept a bill is not always to be deemed an acceptance of the instrument even though it be made in writing. However, when an unconditional promise to accept is made in writing within a reasonable time before the bill is drawn, it is regarded as the equivalent of and is considered to be in effect an actual acceptance in conformity with this Act in so far as those persons are concerned who receive the bill for value upon the faith of the written promise to accept it when it shall be drawn.^ In this case it is not necessary that one who receives the bill must be shown the written promise to accept as in the last preceding section. It is only required that he take the bill for value upon the strength of the promise, that is, he must have been influenced to take the bill by a knowledge of the written promise that it will be accepted Avhen it is drawn.'^ In order to give to the agreement to accept the effect of a valid acceptance the 6. Coolidge vs. Payson, 2 Wheat (U. S.), 66, 4 L. Ed. 185 (in which will be found a full review of this subject). Morgantown Bk. vs. Hay, 143 N. C. 326, 55 S. E. 81. Woodward vs. Griffiths-Marshal Co., 43 Minn. 260, 45 N. W. 433. Smith vs. Ledyard, 49 Ala. 279. James vs. E. G. Lyons Co., 134 Cal. 189, 66 P. 210. 9. Smith vs. Ledyard. 49 Ala. 279. Woodward vs. Griffiths-Marshall Co., 43 Minn. 260, 45 N. W. 433. Mich. Bk. vs. Ely, 17 Wend. (N. Y.) 508. § 186 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 217 bill must be drawn in strict accordance with its terms. ^" But if the bill drawn does not conform to the agreement to accept, another conforming to its terms may be drawn within a reasonable time after the date of the agreement, and if it is, this will bind the drawee.^ ^ By the Law Merchant, which governs when it is not otherwise provided in this Act (Sec. 196), authority to draw a bill implies an agreement to accept it when it is drawn, if the authority to draw is known to and relied upon by the person taking the bill.^^ This authority is usually granted in the form of a letter of credit which is given for the purpose of being shown to third parties by the person to whom it is issued, and it imposes upon the person who issues it a binding obligation to accept any bill drawn under its authority when drawn in accord- ance with its conditions. Letters of Credit are of two forms : open and special. The open letter is addressed to any one to whom it may be presented; the special letter to a specified person, requesting him to make ad- vances or extent credit to the person described in the letter and in that case no other person is authorized to make advances or extent credit under its authority. The letter, of either character, is usually limited both as to time and amount and it is the duty of the person making advances to satisfy himself that the authority to draw has not been exceeded in either particular. Time allowed ''Sec. 136. The drawee is allowed drawee to accept, twenty-four hours after presentment, IN WHICH to decide WHETHER OR NOT HE WILL ACCEPT THE bill; but the acceptance, IF GIVEN, DATES A-S OF THE DAY OF PRESENTATION,"' 10. Hodges vs. Iowa Barb. Steel Co., 80 Iowa, 65, 45 N. W. 541. Brinkman vs. Hunter, 73 Mo. 172, 39 Am. R. 492. Saiilsburj' vs. Blandy, 53 Ga. 665. 11. Johnson Vs. Clark, 39 N. Y. 216. 12. Coolid^e vs. Pavson. 2 Wheat (U. S.), 66, 4 L. Ed. 185. Ruiz vs. Renauld, 100 N. Y. 256, 261, 3 N. E. 182. 218 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LA\Y § 137 This section must not be understood to grant twenty- four hours for the payment of a bill payable at sight or on demand, for such do not require presentment for acceptance except when drawn to be payable as is pro- vided in Sec. 143, Sub-sec. 3, and are payable at once. But if a bill payable upon demand which requires ac- ceptance or one payable at a fixed time is presented to the drawee for acceptance, he is allowed twenty-four hours from his first sight of the bill within which to ex- amine the state of his accounts with the drawer and determine whether or not he will accept it. If the bill is not left with him and, availing himself of this provision, the drawee does not accept the instrument at once, the holder ought again to request its acceptance within the time he has allowed the drawee for its examination/' and if the drawee signifies his intention of accepting it and it has not been left with him, the holder will, of course, take the bill to him again. Whether the bill has or has not been left with the drawee, if he does not give the acceptance within twenty-four hours, unless a longer time has been granted, the holder must treat the bill as dishonored. (Sec. 150.) "Sec. 137.'' Where a drawee to whom Liability of ^ ^^^^ ^^ delivered for acceptance de- retaining or stroys the same, or refuses withix twen- destroying bill, ty-four hours after such delivery or "Illinois. WITHIN such other period as the holder S. Dakota. ^^^^. allow, to return the bill accepted ^-Wisconsin. ^^^ non-accepted to the holder he wiix BE deemed to have ACCEPTED THE SAME.'"' When the holder leaves the bill with the drawee it be- comes his duty to again call upon him at the end of twenty-four hours, or such further time as he may have 13. Case vs. Burt, 15 Mich. 82. Ovei-man vs. Hoboken Citv Bk.. 31 X. J. L. 563, 56o. Montoonieiv Citv Bk. vs. Albany City Bk., S Barb. (N. Y.) 396. AVesfberg vs. Chicago Lbr. Co., 117 Wis. 589, 94 N.W. 572. § 137 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 219 granted foi its consideration, and request the drawee return it, either accepted or non-accepted. If the drawee refuses to return the bill or if he destroys it he will be deemed to have accepted it and will be required to pay it. Section 150 provides that if the bill has been duly presented and is not accepted within the prescribed time, the holder must treat it as dishonored. You then see that a mere neglect unaccompanied by any signification of the drawee's intention to accept the bill is regarded as a dishonor and the holder must treat it as such. It would seem, therefore, that it would be an unwise prac- tice accompanied by considerable risk to grant a request for further time for consideration of the bill if the request for additional time is made later than the day after the last day originally granted. Of course, a bill may be ac- cepted by the drawee after its dishonor by non-accept- ance and thus restored to credit (Sec. 138), but its subse- quent acceptance will not revive the holder's right of recourse against the drawer and indorsers if he lost it by failure to give them notice of dishonor in the manner and within the time prescribed in Subdivision 7, Sees. 89 to 118, inclusive, Title I, if the drawee failed to ac- cept within that time. His failure to do so will have effected their discharge (Sec. 50) and they cannot again be made liable upon the instrument except by their o\m voluntary act.^^" It seems to be perfectly proper and safe-, however, to grant a succession of extensions, up to the limit of a reasonable time, when each successive ex- tension is granted before the expiration of the one that went immediately before it, and if this is done the bill need not be treated as dishonored by the drawee's fail- 13a. Aebi vs. Bank of Evansville, 124 Wise. 73, 102 X. W. 329. Smith vs. Rowland, 18 Ala. 665. 220 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 137 ure to accept it unless it remains unaccepted at the ex- piration of the last extension.^^ (See Sec. 150.) It seems, therefore, that the mere failure of the drawee to return the bill if it has been left with him is not, of itself, equivalent to and to be treated as an ac- ceptance but is, on the contrary, a dishonor of the in- strument.15 (Sec. 150.) There must be a positive re- fusal to return the instrument or a destruction of it by the drawee before he is deemed to have accepted it.^^ This conclusion is considered to be in accordance with the best decisions on this question and in accordance with the plain meaning of the Act, although there are authori- ties which hold that the drawee's mere failure to return the bill either accepted or non-accepted within the period allowed him for its consideration and examination shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the instrument ;^^ and some of these decisions have been rendered since the adoption of the Act in States where it is in effect. The drawee's refusal to return the instrument or his destruction of it being considered an acceptance, the in- strument is not thereby dishonored and no notice need be given to the drawer or indorsers. If the instrument is a foreign bill it need not be protested as for non-accept- ance. Such circumstances being unusual, however, should be communicated to all parties to the instrument imme- diately 'and upon the maturity of the bill, its pa\^nent must be demanded. If it is then refused, the usual pro- 14. Ingram vs. Foster, 2 Smith K. B. (Enc;.) 242. Westbero' vs. Chicago Lumber Co., 117 Wis. 589, 94 X. W. 572. 15. St. Louis & S. W. Ry. Co. vs. James, 78 Ark. 490, 493, 95 S. W. 804, 8 Ann. Cas. 611 and note. Rousch vs. Duff, 35 Mo. 312. Foley vs. New York Savg's Bk., 79 Misc. 220, 139 N. Y. S. 915. 16. Westburg vs. Chicago Lbr. Co., 117 Wis. 589, 94 N. W. 572. 17. Wisner vs. First Nat'l Bk., 220 Pa. 21, 68 A. 955, 17 Am S. R. 955. 17 L. R. A. N. S. 1266 and note. § 138, 139 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 221 ceedings upon dishonor must be taken to charge the drawer and indorsers. Acceptance of ' ' Sec. 138. A bill may be accepted be- incomplete bill, foee it has been signed by the drawer. OR while otherwise incomplete, or when it is overdue, OR after it has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept, or by non-payment. But when a bill payable after sight is dishonored by non-acceptance and the DRAWEE subsequently ACCEPTS IT, THE HOLDER, IN THE AB- SENCE of any different agreement, IS ENTITLED TO HAVE THE BILL ACCEPTED AS OF THE DATE OF THE FIRST PRESENT- MENT." It is not necessary that the bill shall be complete and be sig7ied by the drawer before it is accepted. The acceptor may place his acceptance upon it before it is signed by the drawer or while it is yet incomplete in any other re- spect. If it is overdue or has previously been refused by the drawee and dishonored by non-acceptance or by non-payment, he may nevertheless accept it and thus re- store it to credit. But if the instrument is one payable at a period after sight and therefore requires that the acceptance be dated in order to fix its maturity, and if it has been dishonored by non-acceptance and the drawee afterward accepts it, the holder may require him to date his acceptance as of the date when the bill was first presented to him. By agreement, however, between the holder and the accept- or, the acceptance may be given any other different date. Attention is called to the fact, however, that an instru- ment is payable on demand when it is negotiated after maturity. (Sec. 7.) Kinds of *'Sec. 139. An acceptance is either acceptances. general or qualified. A general accept- ance ASSENTS WITHOUT QUALIFICATION TO THE ORDER OF THE DRAWER. A QUALIFIED ACCEPTANCE IN EXPRESS TERMS VARIES THE EFFECT OF THE BILL AS DRAWN." 222 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 140 By accepting the bill generally the acceptor agrees fully to the order of the drawer, agrees to pay the instru- ment in exactly the manner, terms and amount and at the time and place named by the drawer in the bill, to the person to whom the bill directs him to pay it or to the holder. By a qualified acceptance the acceptor promises to pay it subject to the terms which he himself im- poses at his acceptance and such an acceptance changes the effect of the bill to the extent that the qualification imposed by the acceptor may vary the terms expressed by the drawer when he drew the bill. A qualified ac- ceptance is in effect a new offer which in turn requires the consent of the parties already liable on the bill be- fore it will become a binding contract.^* The intention to qualify must be clear and unmistakable and the lan- guage used by the acceptor will be taken most strongly against himself. ^^ Tf it does not distinctly vary the terms of the bill the acceptance will be regarded as general.^" Continue now to the next section and then read these two in connection with Section 62 and what is said there upon the liability of the acceptor. What constitutes "Sec. 140. An acceptance to pay at a general a particular place is a general accept- acceptance. ance, unless it expressly states that the BILL IS to be paid THERE ONLY AND NOT ELSEWHERE." A general acceptance has already been partially de- fined in the preceding section. This section is intended to lay down the rule that an acceptance in which the only condition named by the acceptor is that he will pay the instrument at a particular place, without expressly 18. Stotesburg vs. Massengale, 13 Mo. App. 221. 226. Mvers vs. Standai-t, 11 Oh. St. 29. 37. 19. Sylvester vs. Staples, 44 Me. 496. 20. Mvers vs. Standart, 11 Oh. St. 29. Clark vs. Gordon, 37 S. C. L. 311, 45 Am. D. 768. Todd vs. State Bk., 3 Bush (Kv.), 626. Citv Bk. vs. Lauman. 19 X. Y. 477. § 141 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 223 stating that he will pay it there only, and not elsewhere, is not a qualified acceptance, but that, notwithstanding the imposition of this condition, such an acceptance is considered to ))e a general one. The holder is not bound to present the instrument for payment at the place named by the acceptor if he does not see fit to do so. An instru- ment accepted in this manner must nevertheless be pre- sented for payment at the place of payment named in the bill itself if one is designated, but if none is designated it may be presented at the acceptor's residence or usual place of business. But, of course, as a matter of accom- modation and convenience the bill ought to be presented at the place designated by the acceptor in his acceptance if the instrument does not require presentment else- where. But now see the next section for the effect of an acceptance which designates that the acceptor will pay at a particular place and there only. Qualified '^Sec. 141. An acceptance is quau- acceptance. fied which is : 1. Conditional, that is to say, which makes payment BY the acceptor DEPENDENT ON THE FULFILLMENT OF A condition therein stated; 2. Partial, that is to say, an acceptance to pay part ONLY OF the amount FOR WHICH THE BILL IS DRAWN ; 3. Local, that is to say, an acceptance to pay only at a particular place ; 4. Qualified as to time ; 5. The acceptance of some one or more of the drawees, but not of all." Section 62 provides that the accej)tor engages, that is, he promises and agrees to pay the bill, only in accord- ance w4th the terms of his acceptance and the holder can not require payment upon any other than the terms of his qualification if he takes such an acceptance. The next section declares that the holder may refuse to take a qualified acceptance. Tf he does take it he will have 224 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 141 to abide by its terms and the burden of proving compli- ance with the qualification or condition imposed by the acceptor in his acceptance rests upon the holder.^^ The acceptance is qualified when the acceptor prom- ises to pay the instrument only upon the happening or fulfillment of some condition which he names, or the happening of some independent event. This is fre- quently done in such bills as are accompanied by docu- ments of shipment as, for example, when the acceptance is given to become payable only upon the actual arrival of the shipment to pay which it is drawn, or surrender of bill of lading,^^ or upon completion of work in prog- ress of construction. 22 Another frequent use of this form of qualified acceptance is the acceptance of the bill payable "when in funds," which means that the ac- ceptor will pay only when the person for whose account the bill is dra^vTi shall have provided him with the money with which to do so. Such a condition is fulfilled only when the draw^er puts the acceptor in possession or control of actual funds for the purpose of paying the bill.-^ The possession of securities, goods, or property, although of a value more than sufficient to pay the bill, does not fulfill the condition.^^ If the acceptor agrees to pay only a part of the amount called for by the bill, his acceptance is qualified and he becomes liable only for the amount for which he ac- 21. Coloradc Nat. Bk. vs. Boettcbcr, 5 Colo. 185, 191, 40 Am. Rep. 142. Ford vs. Angelrodt, 37 Mo. 50, 55, 88 Am. Dee. 174. 22. Lamon vs. French, 25 Wis. 37. 40. 23. Hogan vs. Globe Mut. Bldg. Assn., 140 Cal. 610, 74 P. 153. Burns Lbr. Co. vs. Doyle,^ 71 Conn. 742, 43 A. 483, 71 Am. S R 235 Cook vs. Wolfendale, 105 Mass. 401. 24. Wallace vs. Douglas, 116 N. C. 659, 21 S. E. 387. 25. Campbell vs. Petteugill, 7 Me. 126, 129, 20 Am. D. 349. . Carlisle vs. Hooks, 58 Tex. 420. § 142 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 225 cepted.^^ The drawee's acceptance is also qualified when he engages to pay the instrument only at a particular place in a city which he names and that place is not the place named in the bill, or if he states in it that he will pay it only at a particular time which is not the time named in the bill, or he intentionally restricts or modifies the time of payment named in the bill in any way. An acceptance is also qualified if it is made by one or more of the drawees but not by all who, by the terms of the instrument, are required to accept it, unless the one accepting has authority to accept for all. (Sec. 145.) If the acceptor attempts to qualify his acceptance by promising performance by any other means than by the payment of money it does not amount to even a qual- ified acceptance and the instrument must be treated as dishonored. (Sec. 132.) But if his acceptance, in addi- tion to promising payment in money as required in the bill, gives the holder the option to require something to be done in lieu thereof, it is not qualified. (Sees. 5 and 132.) Rights of parties ''Sec. 142, The holder may eefuse to as to qualified take a qualified acceptance, and if he acceptance. j^Q^g ^^^^ obtain an unqualified accept- ance, HE MAY TREAT THE BILL AS DISHONORED BY NON-AC- CEPTANCE. Where a qualified acceptance is taken, the DRAWER AND INDORSERS ARE DISCHARGED FROM LIABILITY ON THE BILL, UNLESS THEY HAVE EXPRESSLY OR IMPLIEDLY AU- THORIZED THE HOLDER TO TAKE A QUALIFIED ACCEPTANCE, OR SUBSEQUENTLY ASSENT THERETO. WhEN THE DRAWER OR AN INDORSER RECEIVES NOTICE OF A QUALIFIED ACCEPTANCE, HE MUST, WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME, EXPRESS HIS DISSENT TO THE HOLDER, OR HE WILL BE DEEMED TO HAVE ASSENTED THERETO.'' 26. Ray vs. Faulkner, 73 111. 469. 27. Fanshawe vs. Peet, 2 H. & N. 1, 4 E. R. C. 243. Myers vs. Standart, 11 Oh. St. 29. Niagara Dist. Bk. vs. Fairman Maeh. Tool Co., 31 Barb. 403. 226 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 142 When a qualified acceptance is made or offered the holder may refuse to take it. He is entitled to have a general acceptance and if he does not obtain it he im- perils his right of recourse upon the drawer and in- dorsers of the bill. If he suft'ers loss by reason of having taken a qualified acceptance he cannot recover from the parties secondarily liable upon the instrument unless, before he takes it, he obtains authority from each of them to do so, or, having taken it and notified them, they assent to it. Their assent as well as their authority may be either expressly given or it may be implied from their words or conduct in regard to the matter. (See Sec. 82 for explanation of the express waiver and of waiver by implication.) Upon receiving notice that a qualified acceptance is offered ])y the drawee, or has been taken, the drawer and indorsers must, within a reasonable time, express their dissent, that is, their refusal to consent that the holder may take it, and anyone who does not express dissent is considered to have assented thereto. What is considered a reasonable time must be determined from Section 193. That section provides that the particular facts and cir- cumstances of each case and the customs of a particular place and business must be taken into consideration. In general a qualified accei^tance should be refused by the holder and the instrument proceeded upon as upon dishonor unless the acceptance offered fully protects the rights of all parties to the bill. It has already been seen that an instrument once dishonored by non-accept- ance or even by non-payment may afterward be accepted and restored to credit. (Sec. 138.) By giving notice of dishonor to the drawer and all indorsers, the holder will preserve his rights pending an unqualified, general ac- ceptance, or until such time as the drawer and indorsers § 142 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, ACCEPTANCE 227 shall expressly authorize him to take the qualified ac- ceptance offered by the drawee ; but, of course, the holder must use sound judgment in such a matter as this and not hand over the bill for dishonor and protest unless his own interests and the rights of other parties re- quire it. Section 148 When presentment is ex- cused. 149 When dishonored by non- 150 acceptance. Duty of holder where bill 151 not accepted. Rights of holder where bill not accepted. 228 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 143 SUBDIVISION III. PRESENTMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE. Section 143 When presentment for ac- ceptance must be made. 144 Wlien failure to present re- leases drawer and in- dorser. 345 Presentment; how made. 146 On what days presentment 151 may be made. 147 Presentment when time is insuflScient. "V^en *'Sec. 143. Presentment for accept- presentment for ance must be made : acceptance must 1, Where the bill is payable after be made. sight, or in any other case, where pre- sentment FOR acceptance IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO FIX the maturity of the instrument; or, 2. Where the bill expressly stipulates that it shall. BE presented for ACCEPTANCE; OR, 3. Where the bill is drawn payable elsewhere than AT the residence OR PLACE OF BUSINESS OF THE DRAWEE. In no OTHER CASE IS PRESENTMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE NEC- ESSARY IN ORDER TO RENDER ANY PARTY TO THE BILL LIABLE.'' Presentment for acceptance must not be confused with presentment for payment, the provisions applicable to which are to be found in Sections 76 to 89 of Title I. Presentment for payment is always required in order to charge the drawer and indorsers on the instrument, except as it is otherwise provided in this Act, while the instrument need not be presented for acceptance unless this section expressly requires that it shall be done. This section of the Act designates when presentment for acceptance must be made, and in no other case is it necessary. § U;3 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 229 Whether the instrument is an inland or a foreign bill, if it is payable at a fixed period after sight or demand, or if it is subject to any condition requiring acceptance in order to fix its maturity, it must be pre- sented for acceptance. It must be presented, of course, if it expressly provides that it shall be. The third sub-section which requires presentment when the bill is payable elsewhere than at the drawee's resi- dence or usual place of business effects a change in the . law in some States. It has been held that a bill of exchange payable upon a day certain or at sight, or on demand after date, need not be presented for acceptance even though the place of payment which it names is not the drawee's usual place of business or residence; that presentment for payment alone is necessary to charge the drawer and indorsers upon such a bill. Sub-section 3 nullifies all these decisions and a bill of exchange pay- able at a designated certain time, or at sight, or on demand after its date at any place other than the resi- dence or usual place of business of the drawee, must first be presented to the drawee for acceptance before being presented to him for payment. If it is not pre- sented for acceptance the drawer and all indorsers will be discharged. It is no longer sufficient or proper to await the maturity of a bill so drawn and present it for payment. It must be first presented for acceptance. Since a bill may be presented for payment at the residence or usual place of business of the drawee if it specifies no other place of payment (Sec. 73), such an instrument need not be presented for acceptance because of the provision of Sub-section 3, but if its presentment for acceptance is required for some other reason it must be made. If such a bill is presented for acceptance on the day of its maturity and acceptance is refused it 230 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 144 need not again be presented for payment,^ but in such a case the delay to make presentment must be satisfac- torily accounted for. (See next section and Sec. 147.) It must not be understood from the provisions of this section that instruments which do not require accept- ances may not be presented. On the contrary, it is usual and best if the bill is intended for further negotiation, to present it for acceptance even when it is payable at a certain future day, for it cannot otherwise be known whether or not the instrument will be paid, nor can the drawee's liability upon the instrument be fixed in any other way.2 Wlien failure to ''Sec. 144. Except as heeein other- present releases wise provided, the holder of a bill which drawer and is required by the next preceding sec- indorser. tion to be presented for acceptance must either present it for acceptance or negotiate it within A reasonable time. If he fail to do so, the drawer and all inporsers are discharged." So long as a bill which requires presentment continues to be negotiated it need not be presented for acceptance, but its negotiation may not be delayed for an un- reasonable length of time. The holder to whom such an instrument is transferred may pass it on in the usual course of business by indorsement or delivery, according to the character of the bill, and it may thus circulate from one person to another for an indefinite length of time, if payable on demand, or until the day of its ma- turity if payable at a fixed time, but it must not stop too long in its course without further negotiation. One who does not intend to negotiate the instrument further should at once present it to the drawee for acceptance 1. Plate vs. Reynolds, 27 N. Y. 586. 2. Nat'l Park Bk. vs. Saitta, 127 App. Div. (N. Y.) 624, 628, 111 N. Y. 8. 927, 89 N. E. 1106. § 144 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 231 and if the instrument is in the hands of an agent, for collection, he is required to do so.^ What is an unreasonable delay will be determined in accordance with Section 193. In this connection Section 71 and what is there said is referred to and should be read. The custom of merchants and banks differs in regard to presentment of notes and of bills and what would be considered a reasonable delay as to the first, might be and, in their present use, probably would be regarded unreasonable as to the other. Drafts or bills as they are now used in this country, contemplate more prompt negotiation and presentment both for acceptance and payment than do promissory notes and it would be entirely unsafe to delay presentment of a bill for acceptance for the same length of time for which one might safely delay the presentment of a note for pay- ment. Either negotiate the bill within a short time after its receipt or present it to the drawee for his accept- ance. No rule of delay can be given, for the facts of each particular case and the custom of each community or l)usiness are to be regarded. (Sec. 193.) The failure of the holder to present the bill for acceptance or to negotiate it within a reasonable time will release the drawer and all indorsers who became parties prior to that one who is chargeable with the delay, no matter where his position may be in the chain of title, or at what time in the negotiation of the bill the unreasonable delay occurs, and their release will relieve them of all liability to him and to the endorsers subsequent to him. (See Sees. 7, 53, 71.) Of course, you have observed the provision in Sec. 127, by which the drawee does not become liable upon the bill unless and until he accepts it. A bill, therefore, which 3. Allen vs. Snydam, 17 Wend. 368, see note in 34 Am. Dec. 310. 232 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 145 continues to be negotiated without acceptance remains merely an order upon the drawee to pay the sum it men- tions, but does not become his obligation to pay until it obtains his acceptance. Presentment; "Sec. 145. Presentment for accept- how made. ance must be made by or on behalf of THE HOLDER AT A REASONABLE HOUR, ON A BUSINESS DAY AND before the bill is OVERDUE, TO THE DRAWEE OR SOME PER- son authorized to accept or refuse acceptance on his behalf; and: 1. Where a bill is addressed to two or more drawees WHO are not partners, presentment must be made to them all, unless one HAS AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT OR REFUSE ACCEPTANCE FOR ALL, IN WHICH CASE PRESENTMENT MAY BE made TO HIM ONLY; 2. Where the drawee is dead, presentment may be made to his PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE ; 3. Where the drawee has been adjudged a bankrupt or an insolvent or has made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, presentment may be made to him or to his trustee or assignee.'' The manner of making the presentment is prescribed in this section. When presentment for acceptance is required it must be made before the instrument is over- due, by the holder or some one acting for him, and it must be made to the person named in the bill as the drawee or to some one to whom he has given authority to accept or refuse the bill in his behalf. If an accept- ance is taken from or the presentment is made to any person other than the drawee, it is the holder's duty to satisfy himself that the person who accepts on behalf of the drawee is authorized to so do or, if no acceptance is obtained, to satisfy himself that the person who re- fuses the bill is likewise acting by the drawee's author- ity,^ and the holder may require the agent to show the 4. Wiseman vs. Chiapella, 23 How. (U. S.) 368, 16 L. Ed. 466. Sharp vs. Drew, 9 Ind. 281. Sehuchardt vs. Hale, 36 Md. 5901, 11 Am. R. 514. §145 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 233 nature and extent of the authority he claims to have This authority may have been expressly given or it may be implied from the relations between the drawee and the person who acts for him. The principles of the law of agency from which it can be determined whether the person accepting or refusing to accept the instrument on behalf of his principal are discussed at Section 19, Title I. The presentment must be made at a reasonable hour on a business day. In this connection, read Sections 72 and 85 and what is there said in regard to presentment for pay- ment. The requirements of those two sections and of this one are alike and it will not be necessary to repeat the explanations here. The provisions of Sub-sections 1 and 3 of this section are similar to those in regard to giving notice of dis- honor when the bill is addressed to two or more drawees who are not partners, or when the drawee, or one of the drawees, is a bankrupt or an insolvent. If one of several drawees or one of a firm accepts the instrument, he will be bound by his acceptance.^ Presentment should then be made or attempted in the manner explained in the treat- ment of the provisions of the Act in regard to giving no- tice of dishonor under similar circumstances. (See Sees. 100 and 101.) If the drawee is dead, presentment for acceptance to his personal representative need not be attempted. It is excused and the bill may be treated as dishonored by non- acceptance (Sec. 148), but the holder may waive this provision in his favor and present the bill to the per- sonal representative of the deceased drawee if he desires to do so. If the bill is not addressed to anybody but is payable at a designated place, its acceptance by anyone 5. Smith vs. Melton, 133 Mass. 369, 371. 234 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 146 at that place will be deemed to be an admission that he was intended as the drawee. (Sec. 1, Sub-section 5.) The Act does not attempt to designate the place where presentment for acceptance must be made. Where a place of payment is designated in the instrument present- ment there is regarded as sufficient if the residence or place of business of the drawee is unknown to the holder and cannot be ascertained with reasonable diligence; but where the drawee's residence or place of business is known, or can be ascertained with reasonable diligence, it is required that the presentment be made to him at either the one place or the other.""* And remember that when a bill is payable elsewhere than at the residence or usual place of business of the drawee it must ))e pre- sented for acceptance to the drawee at his residence or place of business or wherever he may be found before it is jH-esented for payment at the place where it is payable. (Sec. 143.) V * ^„«- *'SeC. 146. A BILL MAY BE PRESENTED On what days presentment may ^'^^^ acceptance on any day on which ne- be made. gotiable instruments may be presented "Colorado, for payment under the provisions of sec- Kentucky, tions seventy-two (72) and eighty-five Arizona ^^' ^^'^^ ^^ ^"^^ ^^^- "When Saturday is not otherwise a holiday, presentment for acceptance MAY' BE MADE BEFORE TWELVE o'CLOCK, NOON, ON THAT DAY\" In connection with this section read what has already been said in explanation of Sections 72 and 85. Those two sections are expressly made applicable to this one. While under Section 85 presentment for payment of a bill falling due on Saturday should not be made until the next business day, a bill may be presented for acceptance upon that day if the presentment is made before twelve o'clock,^ noon. 5a. Mason vs. Donsay, 35 111. 424, 85 Am. Dec. 368. § 147, 148 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 235 Presentment "Sec. 147. Where the holder of a when time is bill drawn payable elsewhere than at insufficient. rj.^^, place of business or the residence OF THE drawee HAS NOT TIME WITH THE EXERCISE OF REA- SONABLE DILIGENCE TO PRESENT THE BILL FOR ACCEPTANCE BEFORE PRESENTING IT FOR PAYMENT ON THE DAY THAT IT FALLS DUE, THE DELAY CAUSED BY PRESENTING THE BILL FOR ACCEPTANCE BEFORE PRESENTING IT FOR PAYMENT IS EXCUSED, AND DOES NOT DISCHARGE THE DRAWER AND INDORSERS/' When a time bill which requires presentment for ac- ceptance by reason of Sub-section 3 of Section 143, be- cause it is payable at a place other than the residence or usual place of business of the drawee, comes into the possession of the holder too late to permit its present- ment for acceptance before presenting it for payment at the place where payment must be demanded on the day that it falls due, any necessary delay caused by first pre- senting it for acceptance is excused. The holder of a bill drawn in that manner is required to present it for ac- ceptance to the draw^ee at his residence or his place of business or w^herever he can be found, and if he has used reasonable diligence in attempting to do so and yet is not al)le to present it for pajmient at the place of pay- ment on the day when it becomes due, the delay caused by presenting the bill for acceptance will excuse the de- lay in presenting it for payment. The drawer and in- dorsers will not be discharged by the failure of the holder to present the instrument for pajanent upon the day of its maturity if the delay is caused by the time consumed in the endeavor to first present the bill for acceptance. The holder must, however, present the bill for pa>nnent at the place where it is drawn to be payable as soon as possible, the delay, not presentment for payment, being excused. When ''Sec, 148. Presentment for accept- presentment is ance is excused, and a bill may'' be excused. treated as dishonored by non-accept- ance, IN either of the following cases : 236 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAV §148 1. Where the drawee is dead, or has absconded, or is fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract by bill; 2. Where, after the exercise of reasonable dili- gence, PRESENTMENT CANNOT BE MADE ; 3. Where, although presentment has been irregu- lar, ACCEPTANCE HAS BEEN REFUSED ON SOME OTHER GROUND." Presentment for acceptance need not be made or at- tempted if the drawee is dead, or if he has absconded, that is, if he has departed secretly or is in hiding to es- cape paying his debts or to escape arrest, and the bill need not be presented if the drawee is a fictitious person. The term, ''fictitious person" is used here as elsew^here in this Act in its very broadest sense. It means a non- existing person, or if an existing person, one who is not a party to and who is not interested in the instrument in connection witli whicli his name is used by some other person but w^hose name is employed for the purpose of deception.*^ (Sec. 9.) Presentment for acceptance is also excused if the drawee is a person who has not the power to contract by bill, that is, one who has not the capacity to enter into an acceptance to which he can be held in law, as an infant, or person under other legal disability. And if, after at- tempting presentment with reasonable diligence, that is, after making such efforts to present the bill as an ordi- narily prudent and careful person would make under the same or similar circumstances,''' the holder can not do so, its presentment is then also excused. If the presentment has been made in an improper man- ner and the bill is refused by the drawee, but his refusal is stated to be upon some other ground, and not by rea- 6. Phillips vs. Mercantile Nat'l Bk., 140 N. Y. 556, 35 N. E. 982, 37 A. S. R. 596. 7. Sulsbacker vs. Bank of Charleston, 86 Tenn. 201. § 149. 150 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 237 son of the improper presentment, its proper presentment for acceptance is, under these circumstances, excused. When presentment for acceptance is excused the drawer and indorsers of the bill are not discharged by the fail- ure of the holder to present it. When dishonored "Sec. 149. A bilt, is dishonored by by non- non-acceptance : acceptance. 1^ When it is duly peesented foe ac-" CEPTAXCE, and SUCH AN ACCEPTANCE AS IS PRESCRIBED BY THIS Act is refused or cannot be obtained; or, 2. When presentment for acceptance is excused, AND the BILL IS NOT ACCEPTED. ' ' The bill becomes dishonored by non-acceptance when it is presented and the kind of acceptance that is either • required or permitted under this Act is refused or can- not be obtained, or when its presentment is excused by the preceding section and the bill is not accepted by the drawee. As upon a dishonor by the refusal of the drawee to accept the bill notice must then be given in accord- ance with the provisions of Sections 89 to 118 of Title I, Sub-division 8, and it must be given to all parties whose liability the holder desires to fix. Duty of holder "Sec 150. Where a bill is duly pre- where bill not sented for acceptance and is not ac- accepted. cepted within the prescribed time, the person presenting it must treat the bill as dishonored BY non-acceptance OR HE LOSES THE RIGHT OF RECOURSE AGAINST THE DRAWER AND INDORSERS. ' ' When the holder has presented the bill for acceptance and it is not accepted by the drawee within the time pro- vided in Sec. 136 and in the manner provided in Sec. 137 he must treat it as dishonored by non-acceptance. If he does not at once proceed upon its dishonor and give notice of dishonor to the drawer and all indorsers whom he desires to hold in the manner provided in Sections 89 to 118 inclusive, he w^ll lose his right of recovery against 238 THE XEGOTIABLE Ds'STEUMEXTS LAW § 151 them. If the bill appears npon its face to be a foreign bill (see Sec. 129 for definitioii) it must be protested. (Sec. 152.) The provisions of the Act in regard to pro- test will be fonnd in the next Snb-division. Rights of holder ' ' ''*^^*^- I'^l- ^ hex a biul is dishoxobed whete hill aok by xox-acceptaxce. ax immediate right aeeefiied. of recoubse agatxst the drawer axd ix- DORSEBS ACCRUES TO THE HOLDER AXD XO PRESEXTilEXT FOR PATMEXT IS XECCESSARY." The holder of a bill which has become dishonornd by non-acceptance is not required to proceed against the person upon whom it is drawn to enforce and coUect it, and he is not required to present it for payment after its dishonor by non-acceptance, unless, with his consent, it is subsequently accepted. He has the right to at once proceed against the drawer and indorsers and they must pay the bill regardless of the solvency of the drawee and his ability to pay. ^Vs upon a promissory note which has become dishonored by non-payment, the indorsers upon the bill are each liable to the holder and each is liable to all parties to the instrument subsequent to him- self who may take it up and pay it. The drawer is. of course, liable to all. Their liability among themselves is determined bv Section 68, Title I, Sub-divi5?ion 5. § 1.52 BILLS OF EXCHANGE. PROTEST 239 8rBr)ivisir)X IV. Peotest. Section Section 1.52 In what cases necessaiy. 158 Protest before niaturilhr (for 153 How made, ' better security) , 1.54 By whom made. 159 When protest dispensed 155 When to be made. with. 156 ^Vhere made. 160 Protest where bill is lost. 157 Protest both for non-accept- ance and non-payment. In its Strict technical sense the term protest, \rhen nsed in reference to commercial paper, means only the foiTQal declaration of dishonor drawn np and signed by the person making the protest. In its broader, more popular sense and as used among banks and men in business, it includes all of the steps necessary to charge the parties secondarily liable upon the instrument pro- tested as well as the formal declaration of dishonor called protest, and if the protest is to be exclusively relied upon to prove the liability of the parties to be charged iipon dishonor it must show that a demand was made and that all the necessary steps were taken to fix their liability.^ These steps are the presentment for acceptance or payment at maturity and the usual pro- ceedings upon dishonor, and the provisions of this Act bv which these are governed will be found in Sections 70 to lis. iuclusive. The protesting officer must be familiar with these as well as the provisions of Sub- division 3 of this Title upon the subject of presentment for acceptance. 1. Peoples Bank vs. Broc'ke. 31 Mvl. 7. ^ Mason vs. Kilconrse. 71 X. J. Law 4«2. 240 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 152 In what cases "Sec. 152. Where a foreign bill ap- protest FEARING ON ITS FACE TO BE SUCH IS DISHON- necessary. ored by non-acceptance it must be duly PROTESTED FOR NON-ACCEPTANCE, AND WHERE SUCH A BILL, WHICH HAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BEEN DISHONORED BY NON- ACCEPTANCE IS DISHONORED BY NON-PAYMENT IT MUST BE DULY PROTESTED FOR NON-PAYMENT. If IT IS NOT SO PRO- TESTED, THE DRAWER AND INDORSERS ARE DISCHARGED. AVhERE A BILL DOES NOT APPEAR ON ITS FACE TO BE A FOREIGN BILL, PROTEST THEREOF IN CASE OF DISHONOR IS UNNECESSARY.^' While promissory notes and inland bills of exchange may be protested, protest is not necessarj^ in order to charge any party upon them except in the case of an inland bill of exchange when it contains a reference in case of need and the holder desires to resort to the ref- eree for acceptance (Sec. 167), or if the instrument is a bill which has been accepted for honor supra protest. (Sec. 167.) Upon the dishonor of a foreign bill of ex- change, that is, a bill, including a check, which originated outside and is payable within the United States,^ and, as defined in Sec. 129, one which is not or does not from its face appear to be both drawn and payable in the same State, protest is necessary and it is equally neces- sary whether the dishonor is by non-acceptance or non- payment. The section referred to also provides that "unless the contrary appears on the face of the bill the holder may treat it as an inland bill." A bill, then, which by Sec. 129 may be treated as an inland bill, al- though it is actually drawn in one State and payable in another does not require protest. If the holder neglects to make protest of a bill which requires it he will lose all right of recourse upon the drawer and indorsers. They are discharged. Protest for non-acceptance and for non-payment are made in the same manner and differ only in the statement of the cause for protest. 2. Mankey vs. Hoyt, 27 S. D. 561, 132 N. W. 230. § 153 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PROTEST 241 Protest: how ''Sec. 153. The protest must be an- made. NEXED TO the bill, or must contain a COPY THEREOF, AND MUST BE UNDER THE HAND AND SEAL OF THE NOTARY MAKING IT, AND MUST SPECIFY, 1. The TIME AND PLACE OF PRESENTMENT; 2. The fact that presentment was made, and the manner thereof ; 3. The cause or reason for protesting the bill; 4. The demand made, and the answer given, if any, or the fact that the drawee or acceptor could not be FOUND.'' The protest is a writing by the person making it, signed by him, containing a copy of the instrument pro- tested, or to which the instrument itself is attached, and a statement that the instrument was presented to the person obliged to pay or accept it, and that its pay- ment or acceptance "was refused. The protest must specify the time and place of presentment and recite that the instrument was presented to the drawee or acceptor or to some other person authorized by him to accept, pay, or refuse it, and that payment or accept- ance was demanded, as the case may be, and was refused. If no person w^as found at the place of presentment and protest, or no one was found upon whom proper demand could be made, the protest must so state. If anyone was found upon whom demand was made, the writing must state what demand was made and what answer, if any, was given, and if any reason was given for the refusal to pay or accept the instrument by the person of whom the demand was made, that reason must be stated in the protest. If the protest is made by a Notary Public he must sign it in his official capacity and attach his notarial seal. If it is made by a person other than a Notary a seal is not required, although it is usual to attest the solemnity of the act of protest by making upon the paper, at his signature, a scroll seal, this being a circle 242 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAV § 154 or bracket made with the pen within which tlie word *'seal" is written. If the instrument which is to be pro- tested is lost, or the person entitled to hold it cannot obtain it or has no copy, it is provided in Sec. 155 that the protest shall contain written particulars thereof. What are written particulars will be explained under that section. Protest: by "Sec. 154. Protest may be made by: whom made. ^ j^ Notary Public; or 2. By any respectable resident of the place where. THE bill is dishonored, IN THE PRESENCE OF TWO OR MORE credible witnesses. ' ' The protest may be and usually is made by a Notary Public but it need not necessarily be made by a Notary. Any respectable resident of the place where the bill is dishonored may make the protest. A resident is a per- son w4io has his place of residence, that is, one who lives at the place where the instrument is dishonored, and a respectable resident is one who is in good stand- ing in the community in which he lives and who enjoys the respect of his neighbors and associates. The protest is a personal act and cannot be made by one person in another's name, unless this is permitted by statute or firmly established and sanctioned by the custom of a particular place.^ If protest is made by a resident, he must make it and sign it in the presence of two credible witnesses or acknowledge to them that he did so. Cred- ible witnesses are such persons whose testimony would be accepted or whose statement of any fact would be believed by other persons in the community in which they live, and who are generally known to be truthful persons. It is not necessary that they accompany the person making protest when he presents the instrmnent 3. Coinmeroial Bank vs. Varnum, 49 N. Y. 269. 275. Ocean Nafl Bk. vs. ^Yil!iams, 102 Mass. Ml. § 154 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PROTEST 243 to the drawee and makes demand, their presence being required only at the execution and signing of the protest by the person making it, and they must attest the protest as witnesses. One w^ho cannot write his name may sign by mark. AVhile it is best that the protest be made by a disinter- ested person the Act does not require it and expressly provides that any person possessing the qualifications which it prescribes may make it. It is not usual that any- one who is a party to the instrument shall make the pro- test but if it is done, and the protesting officer possesses the qualifications of this section, it would not appear to be invalid for that reason'' unless made so by other statute. There is always considerable uncertainty and con- fusion, though there need not be, about the right of an officer of a bank to legally protest paper belonging to his bank or in which his bank is interested. In the ab- sence of some prohibitive statute or regulation in the banking laws there is no legal objection to the protest being made by a notary who is also a bank officer,^ even if he is a stockholder in the bank,*'' and it has been held that an officer of a bank who is a notary may protest his own note." But the practice is not recommended. The protest is never made until after the instrument has been dishonored except when it is protested for bet- ter security under Section 158. The person making the protest must take the instrument, if it has not been lost, destroyed or wrongfully detained, to the party who is to 4. Dyknian vs. Northbrid^e. 1 App. Div. 26, 28, 36 N. Y. S. 962. 5. Nelson vs. First Nat'l Bk., 69 Fed. 798, 29 U. S. App. 554. 6. Moreland's Assignee vs. Citizen's Svgs. Bk., 97 Ky. 211. Patton vs. Bk. of Lafayette, 124 Ga. 965, 53 S. E. 664, 4 Ann. Cas. 639, 5 L. R. A. N. S. 592. 7. Dvknian vs. Northbridoe, 1 App. Div. (N. Y.) 26, 36 N Y. S. "962. 244 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 155 pay or accept it, at the place where it is to be paid or accepted, even if it has already been presented by the holder and payment or acceptance has been refused. Such refusal does not dispense with the formality of presentment and demand by the protesting officer at the place where protest is to be made, except as it is pro- vided in Section 156. Protest: when to ''Sec. 155. When a bill is protested, be made. such peotest must be made ox the day of its dishonor, unless delay is excused as herein pro- vided. When a bill has been duly noted, the protest MAY BE subsequently EXTENDED AS OF THE DAY OF THE NOTING.'" The officer must protest the instrument upon the very day of its dishonor unless delay is excused by reason of the provisions of Section 159. When the cause of the delay no longer prevents it being done, the protest must be made with reasonable diligence. The same degree of diligence is required as is ncessary in presenting an in- strument for payment (see Sec. 81) or in giving notice of dishonor. (Sec. 113.) The protest usually proceeds in two steps. After pre- senting the instrument, which has already been dishon- ored, making demand and after failure to obtain pay- ment, or acceptance, as the case may be, the person pro- testing the instrument must declare that he does protest the instrument and must write upon it, and in his regis- ter, a memorandum of that fact, the reasons for the protest, the month, date and year when it w^as done, the demand made and the answer given, and such other information as he may think necessary to enable him afterward to make out the formal protest, and sign this memorandum upon the instrument either by name or by his initials. This is called *' noting" and it is done to serve as a truthful reminder which will enable the person § 156 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PROTEST 245 making the protest to later make out his formal cer- tificate. Upon this being done the protest may be made at any subsequent date, even after action has been begun on the instrument, and it may be done as of the date of the noting. This is '* extending the protest." When the protest is extended the protesting officer will issue to the holder a certificate of protest. This certificate is de- scribed in Section 153. Notice of dishonor must, of course, be given upon dishonor of the instrument in the manner and at the time required by Sections 89 to 118, inclusive, and if the notice is given by the protesting officer the protest usually recites that such notice was given and to whom. It is customary, too, that it de- scribe the manner of giving the notice although it is not necessary that the certificate recite that notice was given or state what notice was given, how, or to whom,^ unless, as I have already stated, and now repeat for emphasis, the protest is relied upon exclusively as proof that a demand was made and all necessary steps taken in order to fix the liability of the secondary parties.^ Persons who make protest of negotiable instruments must make themselves familiar with the provisions of Sub-division VII, Title I, of the Act, which governs the manner of giving notice of dishonor. Protest: where "Sec. 156. A bill must be protested made. ^^ -jhe place where it is dishonored, ex- cept THAT WHEN" A BILL DRAWN PAYABLE AT THE PLACE OF business, or residence of some person other than THE DRAWEE, HAS BEEN DISHONORED BY NON-ACCEPTANCE, IT MUST BE PROTESTED FOR NON-PAYMENT AT THE PLACE WHERE IT IS EXPRESSED TO BE PAYABLE, AND NO FURTHER PRESENTMENT FOR PAYMENT TO, OR DEMAND ON, THE DRAAVEE IS NECESSARY.^' 8. Martin vs. Brown, 75 Ala. 442. 9. Peoples Bank vs. Brooke, 31 Md. 7. Mason vs. Kilcourse, 71 N. J. Law, 472. 246 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 157 Demand or sight bills, or a bill payable at a fixed period after sight, or one payable at a designated ma- turity are often made payable at a place other than the residence or usual place of business of the drawee and these require presentment for acceptance before being presented for payment. (Sec. 143, Sub-sec. 3.) ''Place" as used in this section may be understood to mean any place in the same city, town or business community other than that at which the drawer lives or where he conducts his business and it may mean another city, town or busi- ness community other than that one in which he lives or does business. When a bill is so drawn it requires presentment for acceptance before being presented for payment, in order that the drawee may have an oppor- tunity to examine the instrument and the state of his accounts with the drawer. If such an instrument is a foreign bill and is dishonored by non-acceptance it would seem that it is necessary to protest it upon its dishonor by non-acceptance (Sec. 152), but the protest must be made at the place where the instrument is expressed to be payable. Xo further demand need be made upon the drawee, whose duty it seems then to ])e, since he has been apprised of the presence of the instrument by its presentment to him for acceptance, to provide funds with which to pay it at the place where it is pay- able if he intends to do so.^*^ Protest both for ''^EC. 157. A bill which has been non-acceptance protested for non-acceptai^ce may be and non- subsequently protested for non-pay- payment. mext. " AMiile protest upon dishonor of the instrument by non- payment after it has already been protested upon non- acceptance, need not be made, except when required by 10. Mitchell vs. Barino-, 10 Barn & C. 4. Mason vs. Franklin, 3 Johns (N. Y.), 202. § 158 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PROTEST 247 the preceding section, it may be done if desired, and if in the meantime the instrument (a foreign bill) has been accepted, it must be done. If notice of its dishonor by non-acceptance has al- ready been given, notice of its subsequent dishonor by non-payment is not required (Sec. 116) and no further protest need be made in order to charge drawer and in- dorsers unless the instrument requiring protest has, in the meantime, been accepted or unless, as is provided in the preceding section, the bill has been dishonored by non-acceptance at the drawee's place of business or resi- dence, or elsewhere, and it is payable at the place of business or residence of some person other than the drawee. Protest before "Sec. 158. Where the acceptor has maturity where been adjudged a bankrupt or an insolv- acceptor is ^^^^ ^^ -^^^ made an assignment for the BENEFIT OF CREDITORS, BEFORE THE BILL, MA- TURES, THE HOLDER MAY CAUSE THE BILL TO BE PROTESTED FOR BETTER SECURITY AGAINST THE DRAWER AND INDORSERS.'^ When a bill has been accepted and afterward, before its maturity, the acceptor becomes insolvent or a bank- rupt or if he has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors and the holder has reason to fear that the bill will not be paid at maturity, he may protest it for better securit}^ This protest does not hasten the maturity of the bill or dispense with its protest at maturity if protest is then required by the nature of the instrument. Its ordinary effect is to bring about an acceptance for honor and it usually prepares the way for such an acceptance. The manner in which such an acceptance is to be made and the formalities which attend it are prescribed and de- scribed in Sections 161 and 170. This protest does not give the holder an immediate right of recourse against 248 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §159,160 drawer and indorsers as upon dishonor and he cannot sue them upon the bill before its maturity. When protest ' ' Sec. 159. Protest is dispensed with dispensed with, by any circumstances which would dis- pense with notice of dishonor. Delay in noting or protesting is excused when delay is caused by circum- stances BEYOND THE CONTROL OF THE HOLDER AND NOT IM- putable to his default, misconduct or negligence, When the cause of delay ceases to operate, the bill MUST BE noted OR PROTESTED WITH REASONABLE DILIGENCE.'' The circumstances which dispense with the necessity of giving notice of dishonor will be found in Sections 109 to 118, inclusive, Title I. Protest may also be dis- pensed with by waiver. (Sec. 111.) The provision in this section regarding delay in noting or protesting is the same as in Section 113, by which delaj" is excused in giving notice of the dishonor of the instrument by non- payment. After the cause of the delay has been removed, the noting must be done or the protest made promptly. Protest where *'Sec. 160. Where a bill is lost or bill is lost. destroyed or is wrongly detained from the person entitled to hold it, protest may be made on a copy or written particulars thereof." If the instrument which is to be protested is lost or destroyed or if it is wrongfully detained from the per- son who is entitled to hold it at the time when protest must be made, the protest may be made upon a copy of the bill if one can be obtained. If a copy cannot be pro- cured a written description of the instrument must be drawn up, with particulars showing its date, amount, w^hen and to whom payable, the names of the drawer and indorsers, or of all whose names can be obtained, and all endeavor used to be correct and exact which the particular circumstances wall permit. This may be sub- stituted for the instrument to be protested if the instru- ment itself cannot be produced by reason of its loss, § 160 BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PKOTEST 249 destruction or wrongful detention from the holder and the protest must then be made as though the instrument were actually in the possession of the holder.^^ The holder must himself be without fault in his failure to produce the instrument and if its detention is not wrong- ful, its production is not excused. If he has himself de- liberately and intentionally destroyed the bill he cannot protest on written particulars. His intentional destruc- tion of the instrument will be deemed a cancellation and the instrument discharged. (Sec. 119.) 11. Hinsdale vs. Miles, 5 Conn. 331. 250 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 161 SUBDIVISION V. Acceptance for Honor. Section 161 When bill may be accepted for honor. 162 Acceptance for honor; how made. 163 When deemed to be an ac- ceptance for honor of drawer. 164 Liability of acceptor for honor. 165 Engagement of acceptor for honor. Section 166 Maturity of bill payable after sight accepted for honor. 167 Protest of bill accepted for honor, etc. 168 Presentment for payment to acceptor for honor; how made. 169 When delay in making pre- sentment is excused. 170 Dislionor by acceptor for honor. When bill may ''Sec. 161, Where a bill of exchange be accepted for has been protested for dishonor by non- ^onoT. acceptance or protested for better se- curity, AND IS not overdue, ANY PERSON NOT BEING A PARTY already liable thereon MAY, WITH THE CONSENT OF THE HOLDER, INTERVENE AND ACCEPT THE BILL SUpi'tt PROTEST FOR THE HONOR OF ANY PARTY LIABLE THEREON, OR FOR THE HONOR OF THE PERSON FOR WHOSE ACCOUNT THE BILL IS DRAWN. The acceptance for HONOR MAY BE FOR PART ONLY OF THE SUM FOR WHICH THE BILL IS DRAWN ; AND WHERE THERE HAS BEEN AN ACCEPTANCE FOR HONOR FOR ONE PARTY, THERE MAY BE A FURTHER ACCEPTANCE BY A DIFFER- ENT PERSON FOR THE HONOR OF ANOTHER PARTY." 'Wl\q\\ the drawee has refused to accept the bill as drawii, any person not already a party liable upon it may intervene and, with the consent of the holder, may at any time before maturity accept it for honor after it has been protested for non-acceptance or if, after acceptance by the drawee, the bill is protested before maturity for better security. This acceptance is called an acceptance "Supra protest" for the reason that it can be made only after the bill has been protested. It is an acceptance by a person, a stranger, §161 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 251 or tlio drawee, if he is not already a party liable upon the instrument, made in order to save the credit and the honor of the drawer or any other party who is liable upon the bill, or of- that one for Avhose account it has been drawai. The drawee, then, if he is unwilling to accept the bill generally and is not bound in good faith to do so, may accept it for honor and if he does, his ac- ceptance will take the distinctive character of this pecu- liar and very unusual kind.^ The acceptance for honor may be made only with the consent of the holder and if the holder permits the bill to be accepted for honor he has then the right to enforce it against the acceptor for honor as well as all other parties, if it is not paid at ma- turity. He must, however, properly present the l)ill to the drawee at maturity and protest it again if the drawee persists in his determination to allow the bill to go to dishonor and it is not then paid. The holder cannot otherwise require the acceptor for honor to pay the bill. (Sec. 167.) When an acceptance for honor is obtained by the holder by reason of its protest before maturity for better security, he is obliged to await maturity of the bill before he can enforce his right of recourse against the acceptor for honor and those parties to the instru- ment for whose honor it was accepted, this form of ac- ceptance creating a conditional obligation to pay the bill only if the drawee does not pay it at maturity.^ The acceptance for honor may be for all or a part of the sum for which the bill is drawn and there may be more than one such acceptance for one or more than one party. 1. Scliimmelpennicli vs. Bavard, 1 Pet. (U. S.) 264. 7 L. Ed. 138. Swope vs. Ross, 40 Pa. 186. 80 Am. D. 567. See note 92 Am. Dec. 579, 7 L. R. A. 209 Note. 2. Walton vs. Williams, 44 Ala. 347. Baring vs. Clark, 19 Pick (Mass.) 220. 252 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 162 While there is no provision in the Act which seems to require it, it is the dnty of the acceptor for honor to immediately give notice of the fact of his acceptance to the party for whose honor he accepts the bill. If he fails to do so the omission, in so far as it can be de- termined from the Act, does not seem to affect injur- iously his right to recover upon the bill if he is required to pay it at maturity. But it has been considered essen- tial to his right of recovery if he pays the bill that he give immediate notice of his intervention, for the reason that the rights of other parties to the bill are thereby suspended and may be injuriously affected by it.* AYhen an acceptance for honor is made for the honor of one party other acceptances may be subsequeiitly made for the honor of other parties liable upon the bill, but it seems there cannot be a series of acceptances of separate parts of the sum for the honor of the same party.^ If any acceptor for honor is required to pay the bill his rights are as fixed by Sections 175 and 177. Acceptances for "Sec. 162. An acceptance for honor honor: how supra protest must be in writing, and in- made. dicate that it is an acceptance for honor, and must be signed by the acceptor for honor/ ^ Such an acceptance must be in writing. It is usually made upon the bill and the words generally employed are ''Accepted Supra Protest" or "Accepted for the honor of , " or in their abbreviated form ' ' Ac- cepted S. P. " If the acceptance does not expressly state that it is an acceptance for honor its language must in- dicate that it is and any of the above forms do that suffi- ciently. It must be signed by the acceptor for honor. By the law of agency any one can do b^^ another that 3. Wood vs. Pui?h, 7 Ohio (Pt. 2) 156. Story on Bills, Sec. 259. 4. Jackson vs. Hudson, 2 Camp. (Eng.) 447. § 163, 164 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 253 wliicli lie can himself do and an acceptance for honor by any person which is made and signed by his agent, duly authorized for that purpose, is valid and enforceable. When deemed to * ' Sec. 163. Where an acceptance for be an acceptanci honor does not expressly state for whose for honor of the drawer. honor it is made, it is deemed to be an ac- ceptance FOR the honor of THE DRAWER." If the acceptor for honor does not expressly state in his acceptance for whose honor he accepts the bill his acceptance is deemed to be for the honor of the drawer, and in the absence of words positively and clearly stat- ing that the acceptance for honor was made for the honor of some other party to the bill this cannot be shown even if it be a fact, upon the familiar doctrine that a written contract cannot be varied by parol proof. It is therefore most important that the acceptor for honor state clearly for whose honor he accepts the instrument, for his liability is affected thereby as will appear from. the next section, and if his acceptance is deemed to be for the honor of the drawer he will have no right of re- course against the indorsers after payment, for none of these are liable to the drawer.^ Liability of the ' ' ^^^- ^^'^- ^^^ acceptor for honor is acceptor for liable to the holder and to all parties honor. TO the bill subsequent to the party for whose honor he has accepted." One who accepts in this manner is liable to the holder of the bill to whom he gives the acceptance, of course, and he is liable to all parties after that party for whose honor he accepts it. It is apparent, therefore, that if he does not state for whose honor he accepts the bill, his liability extends to all parties subsequent to the drawer. 5. Gazzam vs. Armstrong, 3 Dana (Ky.) 554, 557. 254 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §165,166 Engagement of ''Sec. 165. The acceptor for honor, acceptor for gy such acceptance engages that he honor. WILL, ON DUE presentment, PAY THE BILL ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF HIS ACCEPTANCE, PROVIDED IT SHALL NOT HAVE BEEN PAID BY THE DRAWEE, AND PROVIDED ALSO, THAT IT SHALL HAVE BEEN DULY PRESENTED FOR PAY- MENT AND PROTESTED FOR NON-PAYMENT AND NOTICE OF DIS- HONOR GIVEN TO HIM." His acceptance like any other is in the nature of an agreement that he will pay the bill. While he is a volun- tary party to the instrument and may himself have no interest in the bill or its proceeds, he is bound by his agreement and must pay, but only after the holder has duly presented the bill to the drawee and demanded pay- ment and thereupon duly protests it for non-pa>anent if the drawee does not then pay it.^ Ordinarily when a bill has been dishonored and protested for non-acceptance and due notice given the drawer and indorsers they are not discharged by failure to protest it again for non- payment, or by a failure to give notice of dishonor by non-payment. But in this respect the liability of an ac- ceptor for honor and his rights differ from theirs. He will be discharged if the holder fails to protest the bill upon dishonor by non-pa>anent and to give him due no- tice of the dishonor, although protest had already been made prior to his acceptance for honor and notice of the dishonor of the bill by non-acceptance had already been given. Maturity of bill "Sec. 166. Where a bill payable after payable after sight is accepted for honor, its matur- sight, accepted jxy is calculated from the date of the for honor. noting for non-acceptance and not from the date of the acceptance for honor." A bill payable after sight requires presentment for acceptance to fix its maturity. (Sec. 143.) When such 6. Schofield vs. Bayard, 3 Wend. (N. Y.) 488. Lenox vs. Leverett, 10 Mass. 1, 6 Am. Dec. 97. §167,168 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 255 a bill is dishonored by non-acceptance, and is noted or protested and notice of dishonor is given, and it is after- ward accepted for honor, the date when it is to become due is calculated from and determined by the date when noted upon its dishonor by non-acceptance. Its due date is not to be determined or affected by the date of the ac- ceptance for honor. The act of ''noting" the protest is defined and explained in Sec. 155. Protest of bill "Sec. 167. Where a dishonored bill accepted for jj^g been accepted for honor supra pro- nonor, etc. '^ TEST OR CONTAINS A REFERENCE IN CASE OF NEED, IT MUST BE PROTESTED FOR NON-PAYMENT BEFORE IT IS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT TO THE ACCEPTOR FOR HONOR OR REFEREE IN CASE OF NEED." While it is provided in Section 152 that bills other than those appearing upon the face to be foreign bills do not require protest, yet certain bills, inland or foreign, whether they appear upon the face to be such or do not so appear, must be protested for non-payment under cer- tain circumstances. These are bills which have been pro- tested for better security and are then accepted for honor supra protest in accordance with this subdivision and a bill which contains a reference in case of need. The for- mer are described under Section 158 and the latter in Sec- tions 161 and 165. Such bills must be protested upon dis- honor by non-payment before being presented for pay- ment to the acceptor for honor or the referee in case of need and failure to do so will release the acceptor for honor from liability. Presentment for ''Sec 168. Presentment for payment payment to to the acceptor for honor must be made acceptor for as follows: honor: how -^ j^, j^ jg ^^ ^j, presented in the place made. where the protest for non-payment was made, it must be presented not later than the day fol- low^ing its maturity. 256 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §168 2. IF IT IS TO BE PRESENTED IN SOME OTHER PLACE THAN THE PLACE WHERE IT WAS PROTESTED, THEN IT MUST BE FOR- WARDED WITHIN THE TIME SPECIFIED IN SECTION ONE HUN- DRED AND FOUR." The acceptor for honor is entitled to have the bill pre- sented to him for payment and presentment must be made to him within the time provided in this section. If the bill is to be presented to him in the place where it was protested for non-payment it must be presented not later than the day following its maturity. "Place" here means city or village, or business community as defined under Section 103, and attention is directed to Section 85 fixing the maturity of instruments which fall due on Saturday, Sunday or any holiday. When the bill is not to be presented to the acceptor for honor in the place where it was protested it must be forwarded within the time provided in Section 104 for giving notice of dis- honor by non-payment. The instrument need not and should not be forwarded to the acceptor for honor but should be sent to some other person or a bank at that place, and that person or bank authorized to present the bill to him and demand its payment. The present- ment must be made at the place named in the bill, if a place of payment is specified, or at the usual place of business or residence of the acceptor for honor unless a different place of presentment is designated in his accept- ance. (See Sec. 73.) If the acceptor for honor does not pay the bill the instrument must again be protested at the place where it is presented to him (Sec. 170) and notice of its non-payment must be given to all parties who are to be charged upon the dishonored instrument, in the man- ner and within the time required by the provisions of Sections 89 to 118, inclusive. § 169, 170 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 257 When delay in '*Sec. 169. The provisions of Section making Eighty-one apply wheee there is delay presentment is in making presentment to the acceptor excused. p^P honor or referee in case of need." Any of the circumstances which will excuse delay in making presentment of any negotiable instrument for payment as provided in Section 81 will excuse delay in making presentment for pajTnent to the acceptor for honor or to the referee in case of need. But when the causes of the delay no longer prevent it the presentment must be made with the same degree of diligence as is re- quired by that section in other cases. Dishonor of bill "Sec. 170. When the bill is dishon- by acceptor for ored by the acceptor for honor it must honor. , , be protested for non-pay^ment by him. Upon dishonor of the bill by the failure or refusal of the acceptor for honor to pay it when called upon to do so at its presentment in accordance with Section 168, it must be again protested. Thus, such a bill may re- quire three protests: First, upon its dishonor for non- acceptance by the drawee, next, upon dishonor by his non-payment, and lastly, by dishonor by non-payment by the acceptor for honor if he fails to pay the bill at ma- turity, and upon each protest notice of dishonor is re- quired to be given the drawer and all indorsers who are to be held upon the instrument. The certificate of pro- test usually states that notice of dishonor was duly and properly given upon dishonor of the instrmnent and when it does, that recital is prima facie evidence that it was done.' When there are several acceptors for honor either of the whole or parts of the sum called for by the bill, it would, it seems, be necessary to make protest upon the dishonor of each. 7. Zollner vs. Moffitt, 222 Pa. 644, 72 A. 285. 258: THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 171 SUBDIVISION VI. Payment for Honor Supra Protest. Section 171 Who may make payment for honor. 172 Pa3'ment for honor; how made. 173 Declaration before payment for honor. 174 Preference of parties offer- ing to pay for honor. Section 175 Effect on subsequent parties where bill is paid for honor. 176 Effect of refusal of holder to receive payment for honor. 177 Rights of paj^er for honor. The general rule of law that a stranger cannot vol- untarily pay the debt of another without his knowledge and consent and acquire the right of re-imbursement, is subject to the exception that in the case of bills of ex- change, after protest for non-payment, any person, whether he be a stranger or one already a party to the bill, may intervene and pay it for the honor of some other party. The payment is made in this manner when it is desired to protect the credit of the bill generally, or of the particular party for whose honor it is made. Of course the obviously easy way to accomplish the same purpose is for the person who desires to take up the bill to take it by transfer from the holder. There are no difficulties in the way of accomplishing this if the bill is one payable to bearer or is indorsed in blank and it will not then require the indorsement of the holder. (Sec. 30.) If it requires his indorsement he may transfer the bill without himself incurring any liability upon it by indors- ing without recourse (Sec. 38), if he is unwilling to add his name to the security of the instrument. If ho will not consent to any form of transfer, the payment for honor must be resorted to. The exception is applicable § 171, 172 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 259 only to bills of exchange and it is not extended even to negotiable notes. The following sections prescribe the manner in which the pajTnent for honor must be made and the rights of the payer for honor and the liability to him of the parties upon the instrument. Who may make ''Sec. 171. Where a bill has been pko- payment for tested for non-payment, any person may honor. ' intervene and pay it supra protest for THE honor of any PERSON LIABLE THEREON OR FOR THE HONOR OF THE PERSON FOR WHOSE ACCOUNT IT WAS DRAWN.'* Payment for honor may be made by any person, whether an acceptor for honor or not, or whether or not he is already a party to the bill, after the bill has been protested for non-payment. His payment is called a payment "Supra Protest," that is, he pays it after the protest, for the honor of some person liable upon the bill, or for the one for whose account it was drawn. He is thereupon entitled to receive the bill as is provided in Sec. 177. If it is made in strict accordance with the pro- vision of this subdivision of the Act, such a pajTuent is not deemed to be a voluntary pajanent made by a third person, a stranger (Sec. 172), and does not discharge the instrument when it is made in the manner described in the next section although made by a party, even the drawee, unless the bill is drawn against funds of the drawer in his hands and he is bound to pay it.^ Payment for ''Sec. 172. The payment for honor honor: how supra protest in order to operate as SUCH, AND not AS A MERE VOLUNTARY PAY- MENT, MUST BE ATTESTED BY A NOTARIAL ACT OF HONOR WHICH MAY BE APPENDED TO THE PROTEST OR FORM AN EX- TENSION TO IT. " 1. Konig vs. Bayard, 1 Pet. (U. S.) 250, 261, 7 L. Ed. 132. Note in 92 Am. Dec. 579. 260 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 172 Considerable formality accompanies a pajment for honor. This is in order that it may be distinguished from a mere voluntary payment. The latter discharges the bill as upon payment by a primary party, while a payment for honor discharges from liability only certain parties to the instrument and constitutes the payer for honor a purchaser of the bill with all the rights of the holder to whom he makes the payment (Sec. 175). It must there- fore be attended and attested by a notarial act of honor which must be executed upon or attached to the protest, or so identified with it that it can readily be perceived to be an extension of it, that is, following after and conse- quent upon the protest. The notarial act of honor is de- scribed in the next section. Ordinarily when a third person takes up the instru- ment after maturity without the formality incident to a payment for honor, his act is presumed to be a purchase rather than a payment. ^ A\niether it is to be so regarded, how^ever, will depend upon the intention of the parties, and this is to be determined from the acts and declara- tions of the parties themselves and the circumstances surrounding the transaction.^ Whatever inconveniences and difficulties such a payer may encounter when he comes to recover his outlay upon the bill can all be avoided if he will declare his intention to pay for honor and execute it in accordance with the requirements of this subdivision. 2. Johnson vs. Schnabaum, 86 Ark. 82, 86, 109 S. W. 1163. Mfrs. Natl Bk. vs. Thompson, 129 Mass. 438, 37 Am. R. 376. Irving Bk. vs. Wrtherald, 36 N. Y. 335. Cantrel vs. Davidson. 180 Mo. A. 410, 168 S. W. 271. 3. Wood vs. Guarantee Tr. Co., 128 U. S. 416, 32 L. Ed. 472. Prather vs. HairgTove, 214 Mo. 142, 112 S. W. 552. People's Bk. vs. Craig, 63 Oh. St. 374, 59 N. E. 102, 81 Am. S. R. 639, 52 L. R. A. 872. § IT.S, 174 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 261 Declaration "8ec. 173. The notarial act of honor before payment -^jj^rj^ jgE founded on a declaration made for honor. BY THE PAYER FOR HONOR OR BY' HIS AGENT IN THAT BEHALF DECLARING HIS INTENTION TO PAY THE BILL FOR HONOR AND FOR WHOSE HONOR HE PAYS." The notarial act to be written upon the protest or ap- pended to it, or which must be identified with it, must contain a statement that the payer for honor or his agent, who is authorized to act for him in that particular mat- ter and for that purpose, has declared his intention to pay the bill for honor. It must also state for whose honor the jjayment is made. It does not require the sig- nature of the payer for honor or his agent, it being suf- ficient that he or his agent declare his intention to the notary who thereupon, over his own signature and seal, writes out the declaration of honor. He then makes a record of the declaration in the protest, or appends it to the protest, or having already written out the pro- test, writes out a separate declaration for honor and identifies it with the protest by reference to it, thus com- pleting the notarial act of honor. Preference of ''Seo. 174. Where two or more persons parties offering offer to pay a bill for, the honor of dif- to pay for honor, j^gjjg^^rj, parties, the person whose pay- ment WILL discharge MOST PARTIES TO THE BILL IS TO BE GIVEN THE PREFERENCE." This section does not seem to require exx3laiiation. No very good reason can be conceived why a holder should want to prefer one offer to pay for honor over an- other and he is directed by this section to accept that one -which will discharge the most parties to the bill. It is within the possibilities, of course, that the holder might fail to give preference to that offer which would dis- charge the most parties and in that case it is also quite possible that complications will arise. The payer for honor whose payment he accepts will receive the bill and 262 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 175 be subrogated for and succeed to all the rights and du- ties of the holder. (Next section.) Perhaps, in view of Section 120, Sub-section 4, Title I, wherein it is pro- vided that secondary parties are discharged by a valid tender of payment made by a prior party, those par- ties will be discharged who stand between that one on whose behalf a tender was made and the one on whose behalf the offer to pay for honor was accepted. Perhaps Section 176 may be regarded as adding cumulative force to the suggestion that they might be, for you will ob- serve it provides that the holder loses his right of re- covery against any party who Avould have been dis- charged by such payment. If the holder lost this right by his failure to accept the tendered payment he can- not transmit it to the payer for honor whose payment for honor he accepts. I am not aware that this question has ever been raised or decided and there seems to be little probability that it ever will be, if the holder is acquainted with his duty to give preference to that offer to pay for honor which will discharge the most parties liable upon the instrument and of the penalty prescribed by Section 176 for his failure to do so. *'Sec. 175. Wheee a bill has been paid subsequent FOR HONOR, all parties subsequent to the parties where party for whose honor it is paid are bill is paid for discharged, but the payer for honor is lionor. subrogated for, and succeeds to, both the rights and duties of the holder as regards the party for whose honor he pays and all parties liable to the latter." Upon payment for honor having been made all par- ties whose liability upon the bill is subsequent to that one for whose honor the payment Avas made, are dis- charged. The payer for honor is regarded as a pur- chaser of the bill who takes it as by indorsement from the holder and is invested with all his rights as against § 176 BILLS OF EXCHANGE 263 the person for whose honor the payment was made and all parties liable to that person. If the holder is a holder in due course, the payer for honor becomes so notwith- standing the fact that he acquires the bill after matur- ity (Sec. 58). He is also charged with all the duties of the holder and is obliged to take all steps required of the holder in order to charge the party for whose honor the instrument is paid and to charge all other parties liable to such person. He is, therefore, not excused from giv- ing notice of dishonor if none had been given by the holder previous to his payment for honor* and, in some States, it has been held that he must himself, within a reasonable time, give notice of his payment for honor or cause it to be given. ^ . . "Sec. 176. Where the holder of a bill of holder to ^^ REFUSES TO RECEIVE PAYMENT Slipra PRO- receive payment test, he loses his right of recourse for honor. against any party who would have been DISCHARGED BY SUCH PAYMENT." The section above states the law in such obviously plain language that no explanation is necessary. It is difficult to conceive of any reason w^hy a holder should refuse payment when it is offered to him but if he does, the section declares that he cannot recover from any party who would have been discharged by the payment. The offer must, of course, be accompanied by a valid ten- der, and what is considered to be such a tender is defined in Section 120. See observations under Section 174. Rights of payer "Sec. 177. The payer for honor, on for honor. paying to the holder the amount of the BILL AND THE NOTARIAL EXPENSES INCIDENTAL TO ITS DIS- HONOR, IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE BOTH THE BILL ITSELF AND THE PROTEST. ' ' 4. Lenox vs. Leverett, 10 Mass. 1, 6 Am. Dec. 97. 5. Wood vs. Pugh, 7 Ohio (Part 2) 501. Gazzam vs. Armstrong, 3 Dana (Ky.) 554. 264 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 177 The payer for honor must pay the amount due upon the bill, including interest if it is so payable. If it is not payable with interest and is not expressly payable with- out interest, he will be required to pay interest from the date of maturity to the date of his pajTnent. In addition thereto he must pay all notarial expenses caused by the dishonor and protest. Upon doing this the bill and pro- test must be given to him. He then has the right to en- force it against the party for whose honor he paid it and against all parties who are liable to that one. § 178 BILLS IN A SET 265 SUBDIVISION VII, Bills in a Set. Section Section 178 Bills in sets constitute one igl Acceptance of bills drawn . in sets. 179 Rights of holders where dif- ferent parts are nego- 182 Payment by acceptor of tiated. bills drawn in sets. 180 Liability of holder who in- ^^o t7i«- 2. ^ j- -u • j: -, -^ . . 183 Effect of discharginiT one of dorses two or more parts ° ^ of a set to different per- ^ set. sons. Bills in a set are such of which an original and one or more duplicate parts are drawn and issued at the same time. Their most common use is in the form of foreign exchange issued in or upon foreign countries. Such bills, of no matter how many parts they may consist, consti- tute but one bill when each part contains a reference to the other part or parts and each is separately numbered. They are usually drawn in three and sometimes as many as four parts. The separate numbering and reference to the other parts contained in each is, of course, intended to be and operates as a notice to every party and to the drawee, that the bill has been issued in several parts. A foreign bill is so issued in order to avoid delay and in- convenience which may result from the loss or miscar- riage of the bill and to facilitate its transmission for ac- ceptance or payment, and to accomplish this the separate parts are usually sent by different means or at different times, or one part sent directly to the drawee for ac- ceptance and the others negotiated.^ 1. Byles on Bills. 387. Caras vs. Thalmann, 138 App. Div. (N. Y.) 297. 266 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTEUMENTS LAW §178,179 Bills in sets ''Sec. 178. Where a bill is drawn in a constitute one g^^ each part of the set being num- bill. BERED AND CONTAINING A REFERENCE TO THE OTHER PARTS, THE WHOLE OF THE PARTS CONSTITUTES ONE BILL. ' ' A bill issued and marked as is provided in this section is notice to every person that its parts, other than that one exhibited to him, exist, and when more than one part of a bill drawn in a set is negotiated the holders' rights and the liability of one who indorses tw^o or more parts to different persons, and their manner of acceptance and payment are provided for in the five succeeding sections. Rights of ' ' Sec. 179. Where two or more parts of holders where a set are negotiated to different hold- different parts ^^^ ^^ p^,^, bourse, the holder whose are negotiated. ' TITLE FIRST ACCRUES IS AS BETWEEN SUCH holders THE TRUE OWNER OF THE BILL. BUT NOTHING IN THIS SECTION AFFECTS THE RIGHTS OF A PERSON WHO, IN DUE COURSE, ACCEPTS OR PAYS THE PART FIRST PRESENTED TO HIM." The bill is issued in parts only in order to avoid delay and inconvenience which may result from the miscar- riage or loss of the bill and it is not expected that its parts will be separately negotiated. They separate only when they are forwarded for acceptance or payment. If they should be separately negotiated, however, it be- comes necessarj^ to determine who is the owner of the bill. A holder who is not a "holder in due course" yet holds one part of the bill, would not be the owner of the bill as against one in possession of another part who is a holder in due course. (As to who is a holder in due course see Section 52.) But two or more persons may each be a holder in due course of a separate part of the bill, and it then becomes necessary to determine who is the true owner of the bill. In that case, that one whose title first accrues is the real owner. His title "accrues" at the § 180 BILLS IN A SET 267 time he becomes the owner with the qualifications re- quired by Section 52 of the part of the bill which he holds and therefore, and at that time, he becomes entitled to all the other parts of the bill. Anyone taking less than the whole number of parts of the bill, being advised that other parts exist, does so at his own peril.^ But if the person upon whom the bill is drawn accepts or pays in good faith in due course any other part of the bill which is presented to him, be- fore the presentment of that part held by another per- son whose title has first accrued, his rights are not af- fected by this section. He cannot be required to accept or pay any other part, although the right of some person other than the one whose part of the bill is accepted or paid has first accrued. Payment in ''due course" re- member, requires that he have no notice that a prior right to payment has accrued to some one other than the one whose part of the bill he has accepted or paid. The term is defined in Section 88. . "Sec. 180. Where the holder of a set holder who indorses two or more parts to different indorses two or persons he is liable on every such part, more parts of a and every indorser subsequent to him is set to different li^bl^ on the part he has himself in- persons. dorsed, as if such parts were separate bills." A holder of a set of bills, however, w^ho indorses two or more parts to different persons is liable upon all. And each indorser is liable upon that part which he has in- dorsed. Since only one part of a bill drawn in a set will be accepted, and paid, all other parts which have been separately negotiated will return to and must be taken up by that holder who negotiated the m separately. The in- 2. Lans vs. Smith, 7 Bing. 284, 294. Holdsworth vs. Hunter, 10 C. B. (Eng.) 449. Byles on Bills, 389. 268 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §181,182 dorsers' liability is the same as though the parts were separate bills. The parts of a bill which are dishonored by non-acceptance or non-payment must be proceeded upon by the holder^, that is, notice of dishonor must be given or they must be protested, if protest is required, in the same manner as though they were separate bills. Acceptance of "Sec. 181. The acceptance may, be bills drawn in written on any pabt and it must be wkit- ^®*^' ten on one part only. If the drawee accepts more than one part, and such accepted parts are negotiated to different holders in due course, he IS liable on every such part as if it were a separate BILL. ' ' Any part, but only one, of the set of bills may be ac- cepted or paid. If the holder should present more than one part of the bill to the drawee, and he usually presents them all, or if more than one part is presented by sepa- rate holders and the drawee accepts more than one, he will, however, be liable upon each acceptance to its holder and if the accepted parts are negotiated to differ- ent holders in due course, the acceptor is liable upon each even if the acceptances were all given to the holder who presented the several parts of the bill. The acceptor's liability is to each holder in due course upon the ac- cepted part which he holds, and it is the same as if each were a separate bill. Upon presentment of the separate parts to the drawee it is proper for him to take up and retain all but that part upon which he places his accept- ance. This he returns to the holder. Payment by "Sec. 182. When the acceptor of a acceptor of bills ^jll drawn IN a SET PAYS IT WITHOUT BE- in sets. quiring the part bearing his acceptance TO be delivered up to him, and that part at maturity is outstanding in the hands of a holder in due course, he is liable to the holder thereon. ' ' 3. Downes & Co. vs. Church, 13 Peters (U. S.) 205. Walsh vs. Blatchford, 6 Wis. 422. 425. § 183 BILLS IX A SET 269 Upon paying- a bill drawn in a set the acceptor must re- quire that part of the bill which bears his acceptance to be surrendered to him. If he neglects to do so and it is or has been negotiated and at its maturity is still outstand- ing against him, he is liable to a holder in due course upon such outstanding part bearing his acceptance and must pay that also notwithstanding his payment of any other part of the bill. '*Sec. 183. Except as herein^ otherwise Effect of provided, where any one part of a bill discharging one drawn IN A SET IS discharged by payment of a set. Qj^ otherwise, the whole bill is dis- "Wisconsm. , , ' CHARGED. ' ' Pa^Tuont of one part, or the discharge in any other manner (as provided in Sections 119 to 125) of one part of the bill, discharges the wdiole set.^ This is not so, how- ever, when, as provided in the preceding section, the part of the set bearing his acceptance is not delivered to the acceptor, but has been negotiated and remains outstand- ing in the hands of a holder in due course. (See Section 182.) 4. Caras vs. Thalmaun, 13S App. Div. (N. Y.) 297. 270 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW .^ 184 TITLE III, Promissory Notes and Checks. Forms and Interpretation. Section 184 Promissory note defined; certificates of deposit ; bonds and their coupons. 185 A cheek defined. 186 Within what time a check must be presented :. memo- randum check. 187 Certification of check; ef- fect of. Section • 188 Effect where holder of check procures it to be certified. 189 When check operates as an assignment. Statement of the duties and liabilities of banks and other agents in the col- lection of commercial pa- per. Page 280. In this brief title, after defining a promissory note, the distinction between a check and an ordinary bill is pointed out. This distinction exists principally in the consequences which follow upon, and the legal etfect of the failure of the holder to present the check for payment within a reasonable time after its issue, of his failure to give the drawer notice of its dishonor and of its certifica- tion when procured by the holder, but another distinctive characteristic of a bank check is that it is always sup- posed to be drawn upon a fund which exists at its date to the credit of the drawer. The drawer is regarded some- what the same as a maker of a promissory note, that is, he is, from the inception of the check, the principal debtor, and while prompt presentment for payment after its issue or last negotiation is required to charge indorsers upon a check, the failure of the holder to present the check for pa}^nent within a reasonable time after its is- sue and notify the drawer of its dishonor if it is not paid by the bank upon which it is drawn, will release him only if he has suffered a loss through its extended negotia- tion or through a delay or neglect of the holder to pre- §184 PKOMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS 271 sent it promptly for payment. The loss contemplated is a loss which may occur by the failure of the bank upon which the check is drawn, a risk which the law im- poses upon the drawer for a reasonable length of time after its issue. After a reasonable time, however, his risk terminates and is transferred to the holder. At another place (Section 186) something will be said about the degree of diligence required of the holder and about the effect of the certification of the check w^hen procured by the holder. (Sec. 188.) Promissory note ''Sec. 184. A negotiable promissory note denned. WITHIN THE MEANING OF THIS ACT IS AN unconditional, promise in WRITING MADE BY ONE PERSON TO ANOTHER, SIGNED BY THE MAKER ENGAGING TO PAY ON DE- MAND, OR AT A FIXED OR DETERMINABLE FUTURE TIME, A SUM CERTAIN IN MONEY TO ORDER OR TO BEARER. WhERE A NOTE IS DRAWN TO THE MAKER 's OWN ORDER, IT IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL INDORSED BY HIM." As has already been stated in the introduction to the first Title and at Section 3 in that Title, not all promis- sory notes are negotiable and a written promise to pay money may be regarded as a promissory note although it is not negotiable. Its interpretation and enforcement, however, are not governed by this Act if it is not a ne- gotiable instrument. This section contains the definition of a ''negotiable promissory note" and as it will be seen by reference to Section 1 of Title I, the definition in- corporates all of the requirements of such an instru- ment in order to constitute it a negotiable promissory note. That section and its explanations are referred to without further observation. By Section 30 the nego- tiation of an instrument payable to order is accomplished by its indorsement and delivery by the holder to his transferee. This section is related to Section 30 and to Sections 15 and 16 in that it provides that a promissory note, when payable to the maker's own order, is incom- 272 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 184 plete until it is indorsed by him. When such an instru- ment is negotiated without the indorsement of the maker it will not bind him unless the transfer was made under such circumstances as will entitle the holder by reason of the provisions of Section 49, to require him to in- dorse it. You will find no special provision in the Act upon the subject of certificates of deposits or Bonds and their Coupons. These two forms of negotiable instrmnents are in effect and in fact promissory notes. ^ Certificates of The first, a Certificate of Deposit, is the deposit. w^ritten acknowledgment of a bank that it has received from the person to whom it is issued the sum of money it mentions, and it contains the promise of the bank to repay the amount upon demand or at a future specified date upon surrender of the certifica:te. Therefore it contains all the elements of, and is in fact, the promissory note of a bank.^ It is fully negotiable if it contains words of negotiability and otherwise meets the requirements of the first Title of the Act (Sections 1 to 23). The only important distinction between a certificate of deposit and a promissory note may be said to lie in the fact that, by judicial interpretation of the rules of the Law Merchant, (which are yet applicable in the absence of express provision in this Act to the contrary) demand for payiuent is necessary before action to recover from 1. Forest vs. Safety Bks:. & Tr. Co., 174 Fed. 345. Jensen vs. Wilself, 36 Nev. 37. Curran vs. Witter, 68 Wis. 16. Maxwell vs. Agnew, 21 Fla. 154. Blackman vs. Lehman, Durr & Co., 63 Ala. 547, 35 Am. R. 57, also see Note 4. 2. Pierce vs. State Nat'l Bk., 215 Mass. 18. Citizens Nat'l Bk. vs. Brown, 45 Oh. St. 39, 11 N. E. 799, 4 A. S. R. 526. Brummagin vs. Tallant, 29 Calif. 503, 89 Am. Dec. 61. § 184 PROMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS 273 the maker of the certificate.^ The decisions are by no means uniform to this effect, but those so holding are re- garded as based upon the sounder principle. As a con- sequence a division of opinion likewise exists as to the application of the statute of limitations, some courts holding that it begins to run from the date of the certifi- cate, others from the date of demand. The view that the statute begins to run from the date of the certificate would seem to be supported also by Section 70 of the Act which seems to dispense with the necessity for demand, particularly when the certificate has been outstanding long enough to raise a presumption that it is past due,^ although it is probably correct to conclude that certifi- cates of deposit were not contemplated when the section was written. In the presence of conflict in regard to the time M'hen the statute of limitations does begin to run and the necessity for demand, it is perhaps better for the holder to adopt the first view and thus preserve his rights beyond the possibility of mistake. Bonds, if they contain words of negotiability, are like- wise regarded as, and are in fact the promissory notes Bonds and their *^f ^^^^ person, corporation or the depart- coupons. ment of government which issues them.' Their negotiability is not aiTected by the fact that they bear a seal. (Section 6, Title I.) Their coupons, so named from the French word "con per" meaning '*to cut," express the amount of in- 3. Hillsinger vs. Georpa R.' Bk.. 108 Ga. 357, 33 S. E. 985, 75 Am. S. R. and note. Elliott vs. Cap. City St. Bk., 128 Iowa 275, 103 N. W. 777, 111 Am. S. R. 198, 1 L. R. A. N. S. 1130 and note. Cottle vs. Buffalo Mar. Bk., 166 N. Y. 53, 59 N. E. 736. 4. Auten vs. Crahan, 81 111. A. 502. See 64 Am. Dec. 428, note; 1 L. R. A. 299 note. Also see Note 1. 5. Gould vs. Venice, 29 Barb. (N. Y.) 442. Brainerd vs. N. Y., etc., R. R. Co., 25 N. Y. 496, 500. 274 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAV § 184 terest payable and the time at which each installment will be due and, as the date of its maturity approaches, the maturing interest coupon is cut off and presented for payment at the place where it is payable on the date when it is due. The coupons are designed to be the cenvenient instruments for the collection of the interest installments upon the principal obligation, the bond, as they mature and they enable the holder of the bond to dispense with the necessity of presenting it for the purpose of cred- iting upon it the interest payments as they are made. Anything which affects the validity of the bond like- wise affects its coupons but they are so far regarded as separate instruments after maturity that they w^U then bear interest if the maker of the bond defaults in the in- terest payments and when detached have all the attri- butes of negotiable instruments and recovery upon them may be had in a separate action when they are them- selves payable to order or to bearer.® The bond, of course, must bear the seal of its maker and be signed by its issuing officers, but no seal is re- quired upon the coupons and the signatures upon them are usually a printed or lithographed fac-simile of the signatures upon the bond. It is no objection to the negotiability of the bond that it contains a statement of the transaction out of which it arises (Sec. 3), is payable in a particular kind of current money (Sec. 6), that it contains a provision allowing its registry or gives the holder a choice to require something to be done in lieu of its pa\Tnent in money, for example, the privilege to exchange it for securities of a different kind. (Sec. 4.) ^ 6. Thompson vs. Perrinc, 106 U. S., 589, 27 L. Ed. 29S. Kas. City, etc., R. R. Co. vs. Cobb, 100 Ala. 228, 13 S. 938. Trustees of the I. I. Fund vs. Lewis, 34 Fla. 424. § 185, 186 PROMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS 275 Upon registry the bond is transferable in somewhat the same manner as certificates of stock are transferred, then requiring indorsement and the entry of each transfer upon the register of the corporation. Bonds are usually payable to the bearer, and, containing a promise for the unconditional payment of money at a definite and fixed time, or on demand after date, they are in reality the sealed promissorj^ notes of their makers. A check defined. '*Sec. 185. A check is a bill of ex- change DRAWN ON A BANK PAYABLE ON DEMAND. ExCEPT AS HEREIN OTHERWISE PROVIDED, THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ACT APPLICABLE TO A BILL OF EXCHANGE PAYABLE ON DEMAND APPLY TO A CHECK." A check drawn upon a bank or a banker is considered to be a bill of exchange payable upon demand, unless it is upon its face made payable at a specific date.'^ Every provision of this Act which governs the interpretation and enforcement of the liabilities and rights of parties to a bill payable upon demand, or at sight, is, by this section, made applicable to a check unless by the Act itself it is otherwise provided. All of its provisions in regard to notice of non-payment and in regard to pro- test, if the check is upon its face a foreign bill (Sec. 129) must be complied with in order to charge indorsers. Failure to do so will discharge them as upon failure to give notice or make protest of a bill of exchange. But in their effect upon the drawer the provisions of the Act, in this respect, are greatly modified by the next section. Wth" what "Sec 186. A check must be presented time a check FO^ payment within a reasonable time must be after its issue" or the drawer will be presented. discharged feom liability THERfeoN to the "Illinois. EXTENT OF the loss caused by the delay." 7. Riddle vs. Bk. of Montreal, 145 App. Div. (N. Y.) 207. 276 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW § 186 A check ought not to be held an unreasonable length of time either by the payee or by any indorsee. Unless it is the check of a bank and was intended for negotia- tion, there is no good reason why it ought not to be pre- sented at once, after its receipt. A check differs from other bills of exchange payable upon demand in that it is presumed to have been intended for immediate pay- ment and it must be presented for payment within a reasonable time after its issue and not, as is the case with an ordinary bill, after its last negotiation, in order to preserve the liability of the drawer if a loss is sustained through no fault of his. While a check may continue in negotiation for any reasonable length of time after its issue without presentment for payment at the bank upon which it is drawn, yet if it is so delayed and loss is sus- tained, the drawer will be released from liability to the extent of the loss he may have suffered by the delay. Thus, if the bank upon which a check is drawn which has not been presented for payment within a reasonable time were to fail, and its failure cause the loss of the money called for by the check, the drawer will be released from liability upon it. If the check has been transferred from one holder to another without having paused an unrea- sonable length of time in the possession of any one of them, the indorsers will not ])e discharged.^ But if it is detained for an unreasonably long time at any negotia- tion then such indorsers as are not responsible for the delay will be released from liability by its unreasonable detention. (Sections 7 and 71.) Upon this subject it is desirable to distinguish more clearly the duty which the holder owes to the drawer and other parties to a check to present the same for pay- 8. Columbian Banking Co. vs. Bowen, 134 Wis. 218, 114 X. W. 45L Plover Svi-s. Bk. vs. Moodie, 135 la. 685, 110 X. W. 29. 113 N. W. 476. § 186 PROMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS 277 ment with the utmost dispatch, when it is no longer to be negotiated. The authorities are quite uniform that the payee or indorsee of a check, or a bank receiving it for deposit or collection, ow^es to every other party to the instrument the duty to present it and obtain the money due upon it immediately. The time for its presentment is usually the day of and never later than the day after its. receipt when a check is deposited in bank, and the established and known custom of the bank in regard to the collection of checks, unless it transcends reasonable limits or is contrary to law% will prevail to determine w^hether or not it has been negligent in the performance of its duty. When out of town checks are deposited with a bank for collection it owes to its depositor the duty to pre- sent them by the most practical and direct method and if it or its banking connections, through which it makes such collections, unduly and unnecessarily delay their presentment and collection and loss is thereby sustained, whether by the failure of the bank upon which the check is drawn or by its dishonor for Avant of funds, any loss occasioned by its delay must, as between the depositor and the bank, be borne by the bank. At the end of this Title I shall describe more fully the duty of banks in the collection of checks and the methods employed. You will remember that upon the question of what is or is not a reasonable time the nature of the instrument, w^hatever usage of trade there may be in regard to such instruments, and the facts of each particular case will be taken into consideration. (Sees. 7, 71, 193.) When the immediate presentment of the check is not intended by the parties this is usually indicated by writ- ing the word "Memorandum" across its Memorandum ® , . i • i check. face. While such a check must be paid whenever it is presented, unless it fixes a date when it is 278 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW §187,188 payable, the delay in presenting it being altogether con- templated by the parties and expressed by the Jiature of the instrument itself, cannot affect their liability upon the instrument/* Such a check is issued as an evidence of an indebtedness owing by the drawer to the person to whom it is issued and to the extent that its immediate presentment is thereby waived by the drawer and all parties, the application of the Act in respect to its im- mediate presentment is thereby modified. In all other respects a memorandum check is governed by its pro- visions. Certification of ''Sec. 187. Where a check is certified check: effect of. ^^ the bank on which it is drawn, the CERTIFICATION IS EQUIVALENT TO AN ACCEPTANCE." The certification of a check by the bank upon which it is drawn is the same as an acceptance of a bill of ex- change and its effect is to make the bank the principal debtor upon the instrument. It does not relieve the holder of the duty to present the check for payment with- in a reasonable time, or in any other way alter the rights and duties of the drawer and indorsers, unless the holder himself procures its certification. Inasmuch as certifica- tion of a check has the effect of making the liank which certifies it the principal debtor, the check is thereby se- cured to the extent that the strength and worth and abil- ity of the bank to pay its obligations are considered se- curity. The liability which the acceptor assumes by cer- tification is discussed under Section 62. ,^ '*Sec. 188. Where the holder of a Effect where the _ ^^ ^^ w.^.irr.'nrn np ri?T? holder of check check procures it to be accepted or cer- procures it to be tified, the drawer and all indorsers are certified. discharged from liability thereon." 9. Franklin Bk. vs. Freeniou, 16 Pick. (Mass.) 535. Cushing- vs. Gore, 15 Mass. 69. Dvkers vs. Leather Mfrs. Bk., 11 Paige (N. Y.) 612. §189 PROMISSORY NOTES AND CHECKS 279 Now, when the holder of the check himself procures its certification by the bank he thus, in effect, substitutes the bank as the only party to whom he looks for payment and the drawer and all parties who indorsed the check before certification are discharged from liability upon it. This does not occur, however, when the draw^er procures the certification before delivery, even if it is done at the holder's request.^*^ When check "Sec. 189. A check of itself does not operates as an operate as an assignment of any paet of assignment. the funds to the credit of the drawer WITH the bank, and THE BANK IS NOT LIABLE TO THE HOLDER, UNLESS AND UNTIL IT ACCEPTS OR CERTIFIES THE CHECK." A check is merely an order upon the bank upon which it is drawn directing that upon presentation the bank shall pay the amount of money for which it is written to the person whom it names or to his order, or directing that it be paid to the bearer. It is not of itself an assign- ment, that is, a setting apart from the rest of the money to the drawer's credit in bank, of the amount for which it calls. This section makes this express provision and thereby repudiates all decisions to the contrary. When the bank upon which the check is draw^n accepts it or certifies it, however, it does then operate as an as- signment of so much of the drawer's deposit as is re- quired to pay it and the money to pay the check upon presentation is then immediately, by operation of law, set aside out of the drawer's account for that purpose. ^^ If the l)ank permits the drawer to withdraw his funds required for its payment or to use them for any other 10. Randolph Nat. Bk. vs. Hoinblower, 160 Mass. 401. 11. Blake vs. Hamilton, etc., Bk., 79 Oh. St. 189, 87 N. E. 73. Wright vs. MeCarthv, 92 111. A. 120. Poess vs. Twelfth Ward Bk., 43 Misc. 45, 86 N. Y. S. 857, 14 Ann. Cas. 439. 280 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW purpose, it will, nevertheless, be obliged to pay the check so accepted by certification whenever it is presented for payment, I shall next indicate the principal duties of banks and other collecting agencies in regard to the collection of checks and other commercial paper. A Brief Statement of the Law Relating to the Prin- cipal Duties and Liabilities Assumed by Banks and Other Agents in the Collection of Commercial Paper, and the Methods Employed. The deposit of commercial paper with a bank for col- lection constitutes the bank the agent of the holder to collect it and it owes to its customer that degree of care in the performance of this duty which it would use to protect its own interests. When the instrument is left for collection at the bank at which it is payable, the bank becomes the agent of the Paper payable holder to receive payment. Its duty re- counting banJc. q^^ires the collecting bank to charge such an instrument to any sufficient deposit M^iich the debtor may have there to the credit of his general account on the day of its maturity, but the bank is not required to appropriate any partial sum belonging to him if it is in- sufficient to pay the w^hole amount of the instrument or to appropriate any special deposit for that purpose. If the instrument is made payable at a bank the fact that it is so made payable is equivalent to an order on the bank to pay it for the account of the principal debtor. (See Sec. 87 of Title I.) If the debtor at the date of its maturity deposits the money required to pay the instru- RELATING TO COLLECTIONS 281 ment, for the purpose of paying it, and the instrument is not presented at the bank where it is payable, his readi- ness and ability to pay there will relieve him of the pay- ment of interest and costs if the instrument is not pre- sented there. (Sec. 70.) If the bank at which it is payable fail after that date, his ability to pay the in- strument there at its maturity would, in many cases, effect his discharge, and if the instrument is afterwards dishonored secondary parties will be released by the failure of the holder to make proper presentment. (Sec. 70, 120.) It is quite immaterial whether or not the bank receives compensation for the service it renders in collecting the instrument and the degree of care which it is required to exercise in the performance of its duty is the same whether it is or is not paid for doing so.^ It is very well recognized that banks frequently, in fact almost always engage in this service without compensation, principally with a view to the advantage they will thereby gain in patronage, or to the profits which they expect to derive because of the chance that they may be allowed to use the proceeds of their collections. The authority to collect continues after the maturity of the paper, if it remains unpaid and in the possession of the bank, and in the absence of notice that its agency to collect has terminated, the debtor may safely pay the instrument to the collecting bank at any time after ma- turity.^ If the instrument is in the possession of the bank at or after maturity its possession is prima facie evi- dence of its right to receive payment and, as to the par- ties to the instrument, payment at the collecting bank will 1. Exdianoe Bk. vs. Tlurd Nafl Bk., 112 U. S. 276, 288, 28 U. S. (L. Ed.) 722. Bailie vs. Augiista Syc^s. Bk., 95 Ga. 277, 284, 21 S. E. 717. 2. Alley vs. Rogers, 19 Gratt (60 Va.) 366, 383. 282 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAAV then discharge the instriinient even it" it is not sur- rendered.3 (Sees. 88, 119 of Title I.) The usual The restrictive form of indorsement, method of indorsing the wliich is explained in Sections 36 and 37 of instrmnent for rpj^j^ j -^ ugnally employed when an in- coliection and its j i » effect. strument, particularly a check, is depos- ited with a hank, but on bills and notes left for collection the special or blank indorsement described in Section 36 of Title I is most frequently used. The restrictive indorsement, as is explained in the sec- tions referred to, constitutes the indorsee the agent of the indorser and does not transfer to the indorsee the in- dorser's ownership in the funds represented by the in- strument. (Sec. 37.) Its language is usually ''Pay to (name of bank) for collec- tion and credit to the account of (signature of depositor)." This form of indorsement is a notice to subsequent holders that the instrument may be transferred only for the purpose indicated in the indorsement. One taking the instrument under this form of indorsement, although it is sufficient to enable him to bring an action upon it in his own name, acquires no ownership in the instru- ment or its proceeds except in his representative ca- pacity as the agent of the indorser. This form of in- dorsement is also regarded as notice to the person who is obliged to pay the instrument that if he pays it to any person other than the one named, or his representative, he does so at his own peril. (Sec. 36.) Duties in general If specific instructions are given as to bank. ^^^^ method to be pursued in collecting the instrument these must be strictly observed by the 3. Bliss vs. Cutter, 19 Barb. (N. Y.) 9. RELATING TO COLLECTIONS 283 collecting bank,^ and its sub-agents, to whom it must transmit them/"^ In the absence of such instructions, however, the bank is required to perform the various duties which are embraced in the business of col- lections in accordance with its established method, its proper regulations and the law relating to such mat- ters, of which it is presumed to have such a knowledge as is usually possessed by men engaged in that business.^ Its established usage in such cases, unless they are un- reasonable or contrary to law, will have much influence in determining whether or not it has properly performed its duty. A knowledge of these customs will be imputed to its customer even though he did not in fact know of their existence or application, and it will be presumed that he intended the bank to act in accordance with themJ Usage can only No matter what usage may prevail in re- collection, gard to the collection of the instrument it will not excuse the performance by the collecting bank of those proceedings which it is obliged to take for the immediate fulfillment of its duty to collect it and to properly protect its customers' rights.® It is only the method of their performance which will be af- fected by custom or usage. No usage will justify its omission to jDerform any substantial or material duty which the collecting bank is required by law to perform, 4. Milwaukee Nat'l Bk. vs. Citv Bk. of Oswego, 103 U. S. 6(i8, 26 U. S. (L. Ed.) 417. 5. See Note in 34 Am. Dec. 309, 77 A. S. R. 627. 6. Morris vs. Union Nat'l Bk., 13 S. D. 329, 332, 83 N. W. 252, 50 L. R. A. 182. 7. Hilsinffer vs. Ti-ickott, 86 Oh. St. 286, 99 N. E. 305, Ann. Cas. 1913 D. 421. Fanners Bk. vs. Newland, 97 Ky. 464. 8. Farley Nat'l Bk. vs. Pollock, 145 Ala. 321, 39 S. 612, 8 Ann. Cas. 370, 117 Am. S. R. 44, 2 L. R. A. N. S. 194. Nat '1 Bk. of Commerce vs. Amer. Exch. Bk., 151 Mo. 320. 332, 52 S. W. 265, 74 Am. S. R. 527. 284 THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW nor will any usage justify the substitution of any other act as its equivalent. The important and material pro- ceedings to be observed in this business of collection are the presentment and demand for acceptance and pay- ment, notice of dishonor and protest of the instru- ment if it is not paid. The manner in which they are re- quired to be done under the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Law is explained in appropriate places in the preceding pages, g-jjg If the instrument which is received for accompanied by collection is a time bill of exchange re- documents of . . , 1 • 11 shipment or ,, „ r Uniformity in the statute law govern- Tne Uniform • ^ Stock Transfer ing stock transfers is very much to be ^ ■ desired and an Act prepared by the Uni- form Laws Commission by which it is hoped to accom- plish that result is effective now in twelve States; Con- necticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Wisconsin. Its provisions in re- spect to the transfer of shares are effective, however, in one form or another, in most of the other States so that it may be said to be declaratory of the law as it exists in nearly all. In this explanation of the law on the subject of the transfer of shares I will cite the pro- visions of that Act whenever it is applicable, using its language as freely as possible and employing the ab- breviated title thus, U. S. T. A. Sec , for reference. In sup])ort of those statements of the law upon this sub- ject which, though outside the scope of the Uniform Act, nevertheless are of importance to a general knowledge of the law governing the transfer of shares, I will cite the reader Avho may desire to pursue the subject more thoroughly to approved decisions by the aid of which a very complete understanding of the law may be ob- tained. 1. .Tohnson vs. Laflin. 303 U. S. 800, 804, 26 U. S. (L. Ed.) 532. O'Neil vs. Walcott Min. Co.. 174 Fed. 527, 98 C. C. A. 309, 27 L. R. A., N. S. 200. Cullodeu Bk. vs. Forsvtli Bk., 120 Ga. 575. 48 S. E. 220, 102 A. S. R. 115. Gemmell vs. Davis, 75 Md. 546, 23 Atl. 1032. 338 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS Methods of Upon examination of the blank form effecting transfer. ^^^ transfer which will be found upon the back of every stock certificate it will be observed that it provides for the appointment of someone to act as the attorney or agent of the person in whose name the cer- tificate is issued and gives him authority to transfer the shares on the books of the corporation. It is not necessary that this form alone be used or that it be executed in the negotiation of the certificate, for a trans- fer of the shares may be procured by a separate power of attorney (U. S. T. A., Sec. lb), and where shares are used as collateral to a loan or deposited as security for any other purpose a separate power of attorney is usu- ally employed. This is done for the reason that since the immediate transfer of the shares is often not con- templated, it is not at all desirable to have the certificate continue to bear a blank indorsement. There are, then, these two methods of accomplishing the transfer of the shares. In each it is customary upon desiring an actual transfer upon the books of the corporation that the holder of the certificate, or the person authorized to do so by the separate power of attorney, insert in the trans- fer the name of the person to whom he desires the new stock certificate to issue. He need not designate the name of the person to make the actual transfer on the company's stock register, although a space is provided in the form on the back of the certificate for the inser- tion of his name. The secretary of the company or its transfer clerk or agent usually inserts his own name and proceeds to make the transfer upon surrender of the certificate. Pending the actual transfer conflicting transfer conveys claims to the ownership of or an interest legal title. jn the stock frequently arise. They usu- TRANSFER OP CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 339 ally grow out of claims of creditors of the transferer. In those States in which the Unif oral Stock Transfer Act is in effect, and in nearly all others, it is not requisite to the complete ownership of the shares that they must be transferred of record on the company's books, even though its regulations or the certificates themselves, or the law of the State under which the company is incor- porated seems to require it. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 1.) Such regulatory provision is intended as a protection to the corporation, its members and its creditors, and not for the creditors of the stockholder.- (See note one.) ^. ^.,., . However, in the absence of statutory Liabihty of ' registered owner provision to the contrary, the person continues until ^y\-^Q^(, name is registered on the com- registered. pany's books as the owner of the shares will, as between himself and the company, be held liable for calls and assessments upon the shares^ and payment by the company to him of dividends will be a bar to a claim to them by the holder of the certificate to whom it has been transferred^ (U. S. T. A., Sec. 3b), unless the company have valid, binding notice that the stock- holder of record has ceased to be the owner of the shares. An ordinary notice either verbal or in writing that one has acquired the shares of another in the company is usually regarded as sufficient if it is accompanied by an attempt to obtain their transfer upon the company's books.^ In that case, if the transfer is refused or unduly delayed by the company, the notice and attempt to trans- 2 Mai)leton Bk. vs. Stanvod, S Idaho, 740, 71 Pac. 119. State Bank'g & Tr. Co. vs. Taylor, 25 S. D. 577, 127 N. \V. 590. 29 L. R. A., N. S. 523. 3. American Alkali Co. vs. Campbell, 113 Fed. 398. 4. Gemmell vs. Davis, 75 Md. 546, 23 Atl. 1032, 32 A. S. R. 412. Brisbane vs. Del. River, etc., Ry. Co., 25 Hun (N. Y.), 438. 5. Real Est. Tr. Co. vs. Bird, 90 Md. 229. 243. 44 Atl. 1048. Guarantv Co. of N. A. vs. E. Rome Town Co., 96 Ga. 511, 23 S. E. 503, 51 A. S. R. 150. 340 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS fer has the same effect as an actual transfer as to the company and all except its creditors.^ As to these, if the vendor has requested the company to make the trans- fer and honestly believes he has done everything neces- sary to make the transfer effective that a prudent and careful business man would do, the authorities are in conflict as to whether or not he will be relieved of future liability as a shareholder/ The company too, in the absence of notice, may recog- nize the exclusive right of the owner registered on its books to vote the shares standing there in his name at the meetings of its stockholders.^ (U. S. T. A., Sec. 3 a.) And when there is additional liability upon the stock, imposed by statute for the protection of the creditors of the corporation, the stockholder whose name appears of record is not relieved of this liability until the transfer is actually recorded upon the transfer books of the cor- poration. Even if the corporation has recognized the new holder of the certificates and paid him dividends, or permitted him to vote the shares at its meetings, the shareholder who appears of record to own the shares will continue to be liable to the company's creditors, preserv- ing, of course, his right to reimbursement from his trans- feree.*^ He can only completely sever his connection with the corporation by insisting upon his right to have his transfer of the shares recorded upon the company's transfer book.^*^ 6. Weber vs. Bullock, 19 Colo. 214. 7. Bracken vs. Nicol, 124 Ky. 628. 99 S. W. 920, 14 Am. Cas. S96. 11 R. A. N. S. 818. Contra, Harpold vs. Stobart, 46 Oh. St. 397, 21 N. E. 637. 8. Roval Cons. Min. Co. vs. Royal Cons. Mines Co.. 157 Calif. 737, 757, 110 Pac. 123. 9. Man vs. Bovkin, 79 S. C. 1, 60 S. E. 17, 128 A. S. R. 830. 10. Richmond vs. Irons, 121 U. S. 27, 7 S. Ct. 788. Visalia, etc., R. R. Co. vs. Hyde, 110 Calif., 632, 636, 43 Pac. 10, 52 Am. S. Rep. 136. Giesen vs. London, etc., Mi^. Co., 102 Fed. 584, 42 C. C. A. 515. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK :i41 Subject to the right to reclaim it which havhig ^possession ^^'^^^ ^^^ afterward explained, the delivery of certificates. of a certificate is effective to transfer title between the vendor and vendee when it is made by one having possession of the certificate if there is upon it a ])roperly executed assignment, or if it is accompanied by a properly executed document containing a written as- signment or power of attorney to sell, assign or transfer the certificate or the shares it represents. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 4.) This is so even if the person delivering the cer- tificate has no right to its possession, is not the person named in the document or power as the- one who is au- thorized to transfer it from its owner, or is not the per- son who appears to be transferring the title to the cer- tificate. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 5.) And, subiect to the same right, the in- Effect of indorse- ^ ' . ^-i ^--c x ■■ ^i, ment of dorsement of the certmcate by the person certificate. appearing in it to be its owner is effectual even if the indorser or transferer was induced by fraud, duress or mistake to make the transfer, or if he has al- ready revoked the delivery of the certificate or the au- thority given by the indorsement or delivery of the cer- tificate, or has died, or become legally incapacitated after having made the indorsement, whether before or after the delivery of the certificate, or received no considera- tion for it. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 6.) In every such case, however, the pos- ulently ^procured " session of the certificate may be reclaimed as above may be j^^jj its transfer rescinded unless it has been transferred to a purchaser for value, in good faith, without notice of any facts making the transfer wrongful, or unless the injured party has elected to waive the injury, or has been guilty of neglect or 342 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS undue delay in endeavoring to enforce his rights. ^^ (U. S. T. A., Sec. 7.) The injured person may have the aid of a court of proper jurisdiction to enforce specifically his right to reclaim possession of his certificate from one who so obtained its delivery or to rescind its trans- fer if the certificate has already been transferred on the company's books, and he may require it to be surren- dered according to the court's order to be held impounded pending the determination of his action to reclaim it, or have an order enjoining its further transfer. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 7.) But pending all of these remedies, and Transferee of • . certificate so even if the transfer of the certificate or procured obtains ^j^g shares which it represents has already indefeasible title. . . been rescmded, or set aside, nevertheless, if the transferee has possession of the certificate or of a new^ certificate, representing part or all of the same shares, a subsequent transfer of such certificate by him, directly or indirectly to a purchaser for value who takes in good faith, without notice of any facts making the transfer wrongful, will give this purchaser and subse- quent purchasers a right to the certificate and the shares it represents which nothing and nobody can defeat.^^ In this stock certificates obtain their second important char- acteristic of negotiability. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 8.) The rule is otherwise, however, when an indorsed certificate has been lost or stolen, as I shall afterward explain. Transfer by "^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ *^^^ ^^^ ^^ agency apply agent of owner, to the indorsement and transfer of cer- tificates of stock and since the principle upon which that law is based is that one can do by another anything 11. Dunbar vs. Ainer. Tel., etc., Co., 224 111. 9, 33, 79 N. E. 423, 8 Ann. Cas. 57. 12. Machinist's Natl. Bank vs. Field, 126 Mass. 345. Mandelbaum vs. No. Amer. Mining Co., 4 Mich. 465. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 343 which lie can himself do, the indorsement of the owner's name upon the certificate by one acting under his au- thority will bind him as effectually as though he had him- self made the signature. (U. 8. T. A., Sec. 18.) If the signature is unauthorized the doctrine of ratification will apply if by his express acts or conduct, or by implication, the principal brings himself fairly within its operation. ^^ And, in that provision of the law under which I have just shown that one taking for value and without notice a certificate duly indorsed by its owner and obtained, or upon which the indorsement was obtained by fraud, duress or mistake, or other unlawful means, and nego- tiated by one appearing to be in lawful possession of it, obtains an indefeasible title to the shares it represents, his right to the certificate is based upon the doctrine of estoppel which imposes upon one who clothes another with power to do an act not wrong in itself, but wrong only because it violates a trust, as between himself and an innocent partj^ to the transaction, who might other- wise suffer thereby, the duty to bear the loss.^'* If one who appears to be its owner de- compel indorse- livers the certificate with intent to trans- °^®"*' fer it but without the indorsement neces- sary to transfer the shares it represents, he may be compelled to execute the necessary transfer unless there is an agreement to the contrary; and the holder entitled to the transfer may invoke the aid of a court to secure it. Tl » transfer, however, will take effect only at the date when it is actually made. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 9.) A valid agreement to transfer may, likewise, be specifically en- forced and an attempted transfer without deliver}^ of the 13. See Note Ann. Cas. 1913 E. 1177. 14. Penn R. Co.'s Appeal, 86 Pa. St. 80. Supply Ditch Co. vs. Elliott, 10 Colo. 327, 333, 15 Pae. 691, 3 Am. St. Rep. 586. 344 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS certificate is the equivalent of a promise to transfer, the obligation to perform which must be determined by the law governing the formation and performance of con- tracts. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 10.) Warranties by ^^^^ who, for value, transfers a certifi- ^ansfer. cate, including one who assigns for value Holder demand- /. *, , ^.^ \ ing payment not ^ dami secured by a certificate, warrants, a guarantor. unless the contrary appears, that the cer- tificate is genuine, that he has a legal right to transfer it and that he has no knowledge of any fact which would impair its validity.^^^ (U. S. T. A., Sec. 11.) The lia- bility upon this warranty of one who, holding the cer- tificate as security for a claim, transfers it, will not ex- ceed the amount of the claim to secure which it was pledged, and if one who holds the certificate as mortgagee, pledgee, or as security in any other capacity, demands and receives payment of the debt for Avhich it is security he is not deemed to warrant the genuineness of the cer- tificate or the value of the shares it represents upon transfer of the pledged certificate. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 12.) Attachment of Certificates of stock, being property, certificate; levy, are subject to attachment, the levy of ex- w en va id. ecution or other process of law for the enforcement and collection of debts by which a lien or preference is secured by the creditor invoking its aid against the debtor's interest in the shares which the cer- tificate represents. Unless the certificate is surrendered to the corporation or its transfer enjoined, process of this kind served upon the corporation or anyone in pos- session of the certificate is not valid or effective if the officer making the levy or serving the attachment has not actually seized physical possession of the certificate. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 13.) An equitable proceeding in the 15. Note 53 L. R. A. 153, 10 Ann. Cas. 168. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 345 nature of a creditor's bill is provided by law, however, by which the interest of a stockholder debtor may be reached without actual seizure of the certificate, and a creditor whose debtor is the owner of a certificate will be entitled to the aid of the court, by injunction or other- wise, to satisfy his claim by whatever other extraordi- nary remedies in his favor ma}^ be provided by law for his l)enefit when the certificate or the debtor's interest in it or in the corporation cannot be reached by ordinary process of law. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 14.) In most States the corporation will Corporation lien j^^ve no valid lien upon its shares repre- against its snares. ^ sented by a certificate which it issues and can impose no restriction upon their transfer by reason of any by-law or otherwise, unless the right to the lien or the restriction upon its transfer is stated upon the certificate. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 15.) You will remember, of course, that such a provision is intended as a protec- tion to the stockholder and the corporation and its cred- itors and that, as has already been stated, no restriction or by-law of the corporation or provision in its charter or articles of incorporation which provides that the shares represented by the certificate shall be transferable only on the books of the corporation, or registered by a registrar, or transferred by a transfer agent, will make less effective and valid the right to a transfer of the title to a certificate, otherwise complete, to a vendee or pledgee of a stockholder, except in those States where the courts yet hold contrary to the trend of usual author- ity. And upon compliance with the company's regula- tions the holder can compel the transfer of the cer- tificate.^*' 16. Mundt vs. Comnri Nat'I Bank, 35 Utah, 90, 99 P. 454. See Note 136 A. S. R. 1023. 346 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS j^^ A corporation cannot, except where the certificate. certificate has been lost or destroyed, be compelled to issue a new one until the old certificate is .surrendered to it. Where a certificate has been lost or destroyed a court of competent jurisdiction may order the issue of a new one upon notice to the corporation of the application therefor and reasonable notice to all in- terested persons by publication or in any other manner in which the court may direct notice of the application to be given. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 17.) Upon satisfactory proof of the loss or destruction of the certificate and upon giv- ing bond with sufficient sureties to be approved by the court, conditioned to protect the corporation or any per- son injured from any liability or loss by the issue of the new certificate, or expense which it or they may incur by reason of the original certificate remaining outstanding^ the court will usually order the new certificate to be issued. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 17.) The court may also, in its discretion, order the payment of the corporation's rea- sonable costs and counsel fees. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 17.) The issue of a new certificate under an order of a court will not relieve the corporation from liability in dam- ages to a person to whom the original certificate has been before, or shall be thereafter transferred for value, without notice of the proceedings or of the issue of the new certificate. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 17.) Transf h "^^^^ transfer of shares by or to a per- infant or person son wanting in full legal capacity, or their cSadt^ ^^ purchase or sale by an infant, like any other contract made during disability by minority or incapacity except one by which the infant supplies himself with necessaries, is voidable by him upon attaining full age or when the disability is removed. His repudiation must be prompt upon attaining his ma- TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK -Ul jority or the removal of the disability, or a ratification will be presumed. The corporation may not refuse to register the transfer of shares by a minor if at the time of application for transfer it has had no notice of re- pudiation by him.^"^ The power of guardians, executors, ad- Transfer by • • J. i. i x guardians ministrators, trustees or persons occupy- executors or ing other fiduciary relations toward the administrators. ^ , , t o I.^ owners or shares, to dispose oi them is not usually regulated by statute and as a rule they have power to transfer title without having first obtained express authority to do so from the court which con- trols their appointment and the administration of the es- tates which they serve. It is incumbent, however, upon one who would acquire title from or through an executor, administrator, guardian, trustee or other fiduciarj^ to carefully scrutinize his authority to sell and most desir- able that he do so. I will presently explain this more fully. Alteration of Certificates of stock are not affected by certificates. alteration whether fraudulently made or not, and the owner of the altered certificate is not there- by deprived of his title to the shares of which it is the evidence. The transfer of an altered certificate will convey to the tranferee a good title to the certificate and to the shares originally represented by it. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 16.) Pledge of When a debtor delivers stock to his ^ °^ • creditor to be held by him as security for the payment of his debt it is a pledge. The immediate transfer of the certificate is not then contemplated, for the debtor expects to discharge his obligation to his cred- itor and reclaim the shares. It is made by the delivery of 17. Smith vs. Nashville, etc., R. Co., 91 Tenn. 221, 18 S. W. 54(5. 348 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS the certificate indorsed in blank or, more usually, the cer- tificate unindorsed is accompanied by the power of attor- ney previously described, and a description of the certifi- cate and a statement of the fact that is pledged as secur- ity is incorporated in the memorandum, agreement, or promissory note which is the evidence of the debt. The pledgee has the right, however, to franfferT/ ^^^' surrender the certificate to the corpora- certificate, tion for transfer and obtain a new one in his own name or in the name of another, but if he does, he will assume all the habilities of a stockholder unless there is statutory provision to the contrary.^^ It is held in some States that the pledgee has not the right to transfer the shares before the maturity of the debt which they secure^ ^ but where a transfer is per- mitted it is proper for the corporation, if it have notice that the stock is held by the transferee merely as a pledge, to describe the person to whom the new certifi- cate is issued as "pledgee" or to insert in the certificate after his name a statement that it is held as collateral, and if this is done the pledgee will not ordinarily be liable as a stockholder.^** Pledgee may The pledgee will then, after its trans- collect dividends, fer, be entitled to receive dividends on the shares during the continuance of the pledge of which he must, of course, account to the pledgor by proper 18. See notes 10 Ann. Cas. 783, 19 L. R. A., N. S. 249. Pullman vs! Upton, 96 U. S. 328, 24 U. S. (L. Ed.), 818. Tieiney vs. Ledden, 143 la. 286 , 121 N. W. 1050 , 21 Ann. Cas. 105 and Note. Marshall Field & Co. vs. Evans, .Johnson, Sloan & Co., 106 Minn. 85, 118 N. W. .55, 19 L. R. A., N. S. 249 and Note. 19. Sprcckles vs. Nevada Bank, 113 Calif. 272, 45 Pae. 329 , 54 A. S. R. 348, 33 L. R. A. 459. State vs. Smith, 15 Oreg:on, 98, 14 Pac. 814. 20. Pauly vs. State L. & T. Co., 165 U. S. 606, 17 U. S. S. C. 465. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 849 credit upon his dcl)t.^^ Even if he has not secured a transfer of the stock from the name of its registered owner the pledgee may, by giving notice of the pledge to the corporation, require it to pay the dividends to him.^- _,, , If he secures the transfer of the certifi- Pledgee may c^ote pledged cate to himself the pledgee may vote the ^ ^^®^' pledged shares unless the right to vote is reserved by the ])ledgor,2^ and when his interests or the interests of the corporation are materially affected by the manner in which the shares may be voted, the owner of the shares, tlie pledgor, may require that the pledgee vote them in accordance with his directions and, if nec- essary, he may invoke the aid of a court of equity to reciuire him to do so or to obtain authority to vote them himself. ^^ Pledge must be "^'^^ pledgee must retain the stock dur- retained. ing the continuance of the pledge. He need not retain actual physical possession of the iden- tical certificates pledged to him, since one share is the equivalent of another, but he must have in his possession always the number of shares pledged.^^ He cannot sepa- rate the pledge from the debt, or lawfully sell or repledge 21. Guaranty Co. of N. A. vs. East Rome Town Co., 96 Ga. 511, 23 S. E. 503. Gemmcll & Sinclair vs. Davis & Co., 75 Md. 546. 22. Guaranty Co. of N. A. vs. East Koine Town Co.. 96 Ga. 511, 23 S. E. 503. • 23. Comni. vs. Dalzell, 152 Pa. 217, 25 Atl. 535, 35 Am. St. Rep. 040. Franklin Bk. vs. Commercial Bk., 30 Oh. St. 351, 355. 24. In re Arcus Printing- Co., 1 N. D. 434, 48 N. W. 347. Hoppin vs. Buffum, 9 R. I. 513, 11 Am. Rep. 291. Notes in 121 A. S. R. 196; Ann. Cas. 1912 A. 207. ^Ventworth Co. vs. French, 176 Mass. 442, 57 N. E. 789. 25. Atkins vs. Gamble, 42 Calif. 86, 101 ; 10 Am. Rep. 282. Berlin vs. Eddy, 33 Mo. 426. 350 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS the shares during- the continuance of the pledge to any one with notice. ^"^ Pledge may be ^^ ^^^Jy however, assign the principal assigned. debt and the pledge with it, provided al- ways that he do it in such a manner that the pledgor will not be deprived of his right to redeem. If he does re- pledge the shares one who takes the certificates, if they have been indorsed, from the pledgee without notice of the pledge will be fully protected.^' In that case the owner of the shares can recover them only upon paying the re-pledgee the amount of his advancement on the stock even if this exceeds the amount for which the shares were originally pledged.^^ Pledge bv ^^^ executor or administrator has the executor, etc. power to pledge stock belonging to the estate Avhich he represents but one taking from an ex- ecutor or administrator for his own debt a pledge of stock which belongs to the estate he represents will ac- quire no right to hold it even if he has secured a transfer of the shares upon the company's books. A trustee, however, has no implied power to pledge shares held in trust and even if the instrument creating the trust grants the power to sell, no power to pledge is thereby implied.-^ Upon maturitv of the debt, if it is not Pledgee's reme- dies when debt paid, the pledgee may proceed to sell the is not paid. shares pledged to secure it. He may 26. Lawrence vs. Maxwell. 53 N. Y. 19. Dykers vs. Allen, 7 Hill (N. Y.), 497, 42 Ann. Dec. 87. Van Eaman vs. Stanchfield, 13 Minn. 75. Easton vs. Hodges, 18 Fed. 677, 683. 27. Wood's Appeal, 92 Pa. St. 379, 37 Am. Rep. 694. Coit vs Humbei-t, 5 Calif. 260, 63 Am. Dec. 128. 28. Wood's Appeal, 92 Pa. St. 379, 37 Am. Rep. 694. Shattuck vs. Am. Cement Co., 205 Pa. St. 197, 54 Atl. 785, 97 A. S. R. 735. McNeil vs. Tenth Nat '1 Bank, 46 N. Y. 325, 7 A in. Rep. .341. 29. Patterson Fir^t Nat'l Bank vs. Nat'l Broadwav Bk., 156 N. Y. 459, 51 N E. 398, 42 L. R. A. 139. . TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK .'^')1 either proceed in equity to foreclose his lien and sell the pledge^" or he may give notice to the pledgor of his in- tention to sell the shares and proceed to sell without any judicial proceedings.^^ The latter course is usually pursued but the pledgee need not do either and if he does not, and the value of the securities pledged declines, he is not liable to their owner by reason of their deprecia- tion. His third remedy is to proceed upon the debt as a creditor of the pledgor and when it is reduced to judg- ment he may cause the pledge to be sold upon execution or attachment and apply the proceeds to the satisfaction of his claim.^^ Pledgor entitled ^^ ^^ determines to pursue the second to notice of sale, method and sell the pledge without pro- ceedings in a court, the pledgee must give the pledgor personal notice of his intention to sell and of the time and place at which the pledge will be sold and the manner in which it will be offered. It must be offered at public sale unless a private sale is expressly authorized by the pledgor. By an express agreement the pledgor may waive notice of the sale. Except by express agreement the sale may not be made upon any stock exchange at which the right to bid is limited to its members.^^ ^, , ^ In the absence of express authority Pledgee may not ^ -' buy at his own from the pledgor the pledgee may not ^^^®' purchase the shares at his own sale under this form of procedure to sell the pledge. This rule is based upon the principle that to permit the pledgee to do so would afford him an opportunity to use his posi- tion to his own advantage by so conducting the sale that he might be enabled to purchase the shares at a price 30. Note, 121 A. S. R. 205. 31. Note in 121 A. S. R. 200. 32. Note 121 A. S. R. 204. 33. Brass vs. Worth, 40 Barb. (N. Y.) 648, 654. 352 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS below their real value.^^ Such a sale will be very care- fully scrutinized and though the purchase, either directly or indirectly, by the pledgee at his own sale is not void, it is voidable by the pledgor.^^ The risk in "^^^^ subject which I have been endeav- purchasing stock, oring to explain is almost inexhaustible by reason of the varied complications Avhich may arise in the transfer of certificates of stock and by reason of conflicting laws and decisions interpreting their applica- tion, but those essentials to a valid negotiation which men purchasing and selling validly issued stocks, or dealing in them as pledges, ought to know, can be briefly discussed as follows: „ - . One of two or more joint owners cannot Purchase from '' partners. sell or pledge stock standing in their joint names, in the absence of express authority of the others ; but one partner in a trading co-partnership, including one formed for trading in stocks, can sell or pledge stock appearing to be in the partnership name. The contrary is the rule when the partners are associated together in a non-trading co-partnership.^*' A director or officer of a corporation PiiToTiJi^G from • officer or director i^i^ij tleal in its stock and information or of corporation, knowledge of its value which he has by reason of his familiarity with the affairs of the company he represents will not affect the validity of the trans- action ; and if he makes no misrepresentation to or does not actively mislead the person from whom he buys, or to whom he sells, the transaction cannot be attacked for fraud even though he may gain some advantage by rea- son of his superior knowledge or position. ^'^ 34. Note 121 A. S. R. 203. 35. Note 121 A. S. R. 203. 36. Moynahan vs. Prentiss, 10 Colo. App. 295, 51 Pac 94. 37. Crowell vs. Jackson, 53 N. J. L. 656. Krumbhaar vs. Griffiths. 151 Pa. St. 223. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK :}53 One who purchases stock at a sale by sheriff, assignee the sheriff under execution or attachment, or bankrupt sale. qj. purchases at an assignee's sale, or a sale in bankruptcy, is exposed to the risk that the legal title to the shares may be in another unless the certifi- cates themselves are produced at the sale. I have pointed out previously tliat it is under such circumstances and at such sales that the convict between claimants to shares which have been sold m' pledged but not trans- ferred on the records of the company usually occur. Since most courts now hold that shares are not held under attachment or execution by the sheriff unless he seize actual physical possession of the certificates, or the laws of most States so provide, (U. S. T. A., Sec. 13) much of the danger of purchasing at such sales has been eliminated. An assignee or trustee in bankruptcy can convey a good title if he delivers the certificates to the purchaser at his sale but there is risk, if the certificates are not in his possession, that they may have been al- ready pledged or sold by the assignor or bankrupt to another who would take a better title than the purchaser at such a sale. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 4.) The sale of pledged stock by the pledgee Purchase from i , • i /? 7 pledgee or taking conveys a good title 10 a bona fide pur- repiedge. chaser for value, free from the claims of the pledgor and of creditors even if the transfer to the pledgee is not recorded on the company's books. ^^ But if the purchaser knows that the stock he purchases is held by his vendor merely as a pledge he will not be a bona fide purchaser, unless he purchases at a sale made to satisfy the conditions of the pledge.^® If one take 38. Coit vs. Humbert, 5 Calif. 260. 63 Ann. Dec. 128. McNeil vs. Tenth Nat. Bank, 46 N. Y. 325. Westino'house vs. German, etc.. Bank, 196 Pa. St. 249. 39. Westine;liouse vs. German, etc., Bank, 188 Pa. St. 630. Ryman'vs. Gerlach, 153 Pa. St. 197. 354 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS from another as a pledge stock which he knows has been pledged to him by its owner he will not obtain its legal title but will hold it subject to the right of its owner to reclaim it.^*^ The right to reclaim the stock exists in its owner in either of these cases if he could originally reclaim it from the one to whom he pledged it. However, the owner would be obliged to pay the repledgee or the purchaser from the original pledgee, purchasing with knowledge of the pledge, the amount of his obligation upon the original pledge before becoming entitled to re- claim the shares.^ ^ The rules which govern the transfer of stock as they are given in this treatment of the sub- ject are all applical)le to its transfer by one who holds it in pledge but one dealing with an agent or trustee know- ing him to be employed to sell shares belonging to an- other cannot lawfully accept such shares in pledge from him, although a sale by the agent would convey the title.*- One of the first duties of an executor or Purchase from . . ,. i i , executor or administrator oi a deceased person's es- administrator. ^^^g j^g f^^ convert the personal property in his charge into money. He therefore has a right to sell shares of stock belonging to the estate wiiich he has been appointed to administer. The laws governing the administration of estates provide in what manner the personal property in the hands of the executor adminis- trator must or may be sold and although it is asserted, and rightly, except where it may be otherwise provided by statute, that an order of court is unnecessary to em- power an administrator or executor to sell shares be- 40. Gorman Sav. Bk. vs. Renshaw, 78 Md. 475. 41. Chamberlain vs. Greenleaf, 4 Abb. N. Cas. 178, 182. 42. Patterson First Nat'l Bank vs. Nat'l Broadway Bk., 156 N. Y. 459, 51 N. E. 398, 42 L. R. A. 139. Loring: vs. Brodie, 134 Mass. 45;'. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 355 longing to his decedent's estate/^ the purchaser will ex- ercise a wise precaution to insist that such authority shall be obtained and that he be provided with a certified copy of the order and the letters of appointment of the executor or administrator, in order to facilitate the trans- fer of tlie shares upon the books of the corporation. Purchase from '^^^^ duties of guardians in respect to Guardian. the sale of shares belonging to their wards and their right to sell and transfer the certificates which they hold in a representative capacity is likewise regu- lated by statute. As in the case of executors and adminis- trators one purchasing from a guardian, to be fully pro- tected and to assist in protecting the interests of the es- tate, ought, as a rule, to accept a transfer only when the sale has been made after proper authorization by the court which controls the administration of the estate which he serves, and to require the production of the order under which the sale is directed and a certified copy of the appointment, although there is ample and good authority to support the right of a guardian to sell without it.^^ Purchase from < ^^^^ purchasing from a trustee stock trustee. which he knows the vendor holds as a part of the trust estate is obliged to ascertain whether the trustee is given power to sell by the instrument creating the trust.^^' In the absence of knowledge or notice that the stock offered is trust estate stock the buyer will, however, be regarded as a bona fide purchaser and entitled to its 43. See Note 45 L. R. A.. N. S. 1079. Leitch vs. Wells, 48 N. Y. 585. Prall vs. Tilt, 27 N. J. Eq. 393. Wood's Appeal, 92 Pa. St. 379. 44. Lamar vs. Micou, 112 U. S. 452, 475. Bank of Virpnia vs. Craig, G Leigh (Va.), 399, 432. > Gardner vs. Beacon Trust Co., 190 Mass., 27. i 45. Patterson First Nat. Bk. vs. Broadway Bk., 156 N. Y. 499. 356 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS transfer.^'^ Notice is actual knowledge of or a duty to know any facts which would cause an ordinarily prudent and intelligent man to make inquiry to learn whether the stock belongs to a trust estate, and to learn whether a power to sell is granted by the instr anient creating the trust. The fact that the certificate is made out in the name of a person as ' ' trustee, ' ' or if other words are used which indicate an ownership in a trust capacity, will be re- garded as notice.^^ If there is more than one trustee all must sign the transfer and, as a rule, the corporation will require that the instrument creating the trust shall be exhibited. It ought to, for its own protection."*^ One purchasing lost or stolen certifi- Purchase of lost ^ . ■ ^ ^ i J^^ • j. c or stolen cer- cates acquires no right to their transfer tificates. if they are unindorsed, and even if they are indorsed in blank; nor does any one who purchases from or acquires through him these identical certifi- cates.-"^ (U. S. T. A., Sec. 7.) In this respect certificates of stock lack one of the most marked qualities of negotiable paper for, under similar circumstances, anyone taking for value and with- out notice a bill, note or check, complete in every other respect except delivery, would own and could enforce it. But, you see, that quality of negotiability is not imparted to certificates of stock and no purchaser, even for value without notice, could acquire title to the lost or stolen certificate. However, if one has procured the transfer of a certificate ^^ hich, bearing a blank indorsement, had been 4(i. Hushes vs. Drovers, etc., Bk. (Md.), 38 Atl. 936. 47. See Notes 45 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1078; 15 L. R. A. 643. Gevser-Marion Gold Min. Co. vs. Stark, 106 Fed. 558, 45 C. C. A. 467, 53 L. R. A. 684. Marbury vs. Ehlen, 72 Md. 206, 19 Atl. 648, 20 A. S. R. 467. 48 Bayard vs. Farmers, etc., Bk., 52 Pa. St. 232. 49. East Birmingham Land Co. vs. Dennis, 85 Ala. 565. Knox vs. Eden Mus., etc., Co., 148 X. Y. 441. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK :Jo7 lost or stolen, and receives a new certificate in its place, whether he be the finder or thief, or some one who pur- chased from the finder or thief, and transfers this new certificate for value to a bona fide transferee without notice of the manner in which it was obtained, his trans- feree and subsequent transferees acquire the legal and indefeasible title to the shares represented in the new certificate.^" (U. S. T. A., Sec. 8.) Since, as you have observed, the holder of certificates which have been assigned to him or to another whom he represents, and the transferer likewise, has the right to require the corporation to transfer the shares upon its books, some inquiry seems fitting into the duty of the corporation to make the transfer and to determine what are the rights of the company in respect to the changes in its membership by the barter and sale of its shares. The corporation may refuse transfer except upon com- pliance with its rules for transfer, unless these are con- refuse transfer, trary to law, but it cannot justify a re- Corporation may "^"-'^''^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ transfer on the ground that it has been requested to refuse transfer by a for- mer owner of the shares. ^^ Unless its charter or the statutes under which it is incorporated give it that right, the corporation may not refuse transfer for the reason that a part of the subscription price remains unpaid or that a call for an assessment or part of the subscription is due and has been made upon the shares and the pay- ment called remains unpaid/''- The transferer remains 50. Machinists Nat. Bk. vs. Field, 126 Mass. 345. Mandelbaiim vs. North Am. Min. Co., 4 Mich. 465. 51. 'Neil vs. Wolcott Min. Co., 174 Fed. 527, 98 C. C. A. 309. 27 L. R. A., N. S. 200 and Note. Bond vs. Mt. Hope Iron Co., 99 Mass. 505, 97 Am. Dec. 49. Mundt vs. Commercial Nat. Bk., 35 Utah 90. 99 Pac. 454, 136 A. S. R. 1023. 52. Crai^: vs. Hesperia Land Etc. Co., 113 Cal. 7, 45 Pac. 10, 54 A. S. R. 316. 35 L. R. A. 306 358 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS liable for payments called before the transfer but is not, as a rule, liable upon those called afterward. The cor- poration may refuse transfer of its shares if, on the eve of insolvency, a . shareholder presents his shares for transfer with a view to escape liability to its creditors, and may refuse transfer to protect itself from fraud.^* It may also refuse transfer to or by infants or per- sons under other legal disability unless made in the name of the duly appointed guardian, and may Transfers to or require the application for transfer to be by infants or per- , „ „ sons under accompanied by a certmed copy oi the disability. guardian's appointment, but a sale by a minor not being void but voidable only, it has also been held that the corporation must make the transfer upon an assignment of shares by an infant unless at the date of the application it had already been repudiated by him.^'"' Similarly, transfers by executors or administrators may be refused by the corporation unless accompanied by a certified copy of appointment. The Transfers by transfer of the shares from the deceased administrators owner may be made to the executor or and guardians. administrator as such, or it may be made directly to one who has purchased from him when his qualification is shown. The corporation is not required to look into the necessity to sell the shares in order to pay the debts of the decedent's estate^^ nor to look to the ap- plication to be made by the executor or administrator of the proceeds of their sale.^« It cannot require the pro- 53. Note, 136 A. S. R. 1030, 1031, 1033. 54. Smith vs. Nashville Etc. R. R. Co., 91 Teun. 221, 18 S. W. 546. 55. Bayard vs. Farmers Bk., 52 Pa. St. 232. Peck vs. Providence Gas Co., 17 R. I. 275. 56. Hutchins vs. State Bank, 12 Mete. (Mass.) 421. Leiteli vs. Wells, 48 N. Y. 585. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 359 duction of the order to sell, for none is required. But if the corporation have actual knowledge through its of- ficers, that a breach of trust of misuse of the stock or its proceeds is contemplated by the executor or adminis- trator it is its duty to refuse the transfer. If it never- theless permit the transfer it will be liable to the estate for any loss it may sustain.^' If the executor apply for transfer of stock which the corporation knows has been specifically bequeathed it must allow the transfer, since the proceeds of the shares might be required to pay the decedent's debts. However, such knowledge might very well be regarded as sufficient justification to require the production of an order of court for the sale or transfer of the shares and to excite the inquisitorial activities sometimes required of the corporation to investigate the authority to transfer when the rights of claimants seem to conflict, and would authorize the corporation to delay transfer for such reasonable time as it may require to determine its duty in the matter. The foregoing applies equally to sales by guardians who, however, more fre- quently than do executors and administrators, obtain and present authority of court for the sale of shares which they hold for their wards. ^^ It is the duty of the corporation to refuse transfer by a trustee unless it knows that the transfer is authorized Transfer by ^^7 ^^^^ instrument creating the trust and trustees. has been executed by all the trustees whose signatures it requires.^"' If it permit the transfer of trust stock by one who has no right to make it or whose right is not complete, the corporation w411 be liable to the 57. Lowry vs. Conuuercial & Farmers Bank, 15 Fed. Cas. No. 8581. Stewart vs. Fireman's Ins. Co., 53 Md. 564. 576. 58. Gardner vs. Beacon Trust Co., 190 Mass. 27. 59. Note, 15 L. K. A. {)43, 45 L. R. A., N. 8. 1078, Ann. Cas. 1913, E. 1175 360 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS trust estate and may be compelled to replace the stock or respond in damages when the transfer has been made by the trustee in breach of his trust, and its negligence is the cause of any loss sustained by the person for whose benefit the shares are held in trust.^° It should, there- fore, require always that the certificates presented for transfer be accompanied by the instrument creating the trust or that it be exhibited to the transfer officer.®^ It is negligence on the part of the corporation to al- low a transfer without a surrender of the certificate for CorForation the shares properly indorsed or accom- surrender of panied by proper authority to make the certificate. transfer. If this breach of its duty result in damage to one who is a bona fide holder of the old cer- tificate it will be liable to him and obliged to respond to him for his loss.^- Even if a new certificate has been issued under an order duly made by a court after a bona fide contest by the corporation, to replace one which has been lost or stolen, the corporation is not relieved of lia- bility to the holder of the old certificate. Its interests and those of a subsequent bona fide purchaser of the lost or stolen certificate are usually protected by a bond of in- demnity ordinarily required by the court to be given by the person sviio invokes its aid to obtain a new certificate in place of one which has been lost. (U. S. T. A., Sec. 17.) And if one fraudulently procures the issue of a new cer- tificate, dishonestly claiming to have lost or destroyed the old one which it replaces, when in fact he has sold 60. Note, 45 L. R. A.. N. S. 1079. Citizens Bk. vs. Robbins, 128 Iiul. 449, 26 N. E. 116. Marbiuy vs. Ehlen. 72 Md. 206, 19 Atl. 648. Wooten vs. Wilminoton & W. R. Co., 128 N. C. 119: 38 S. E. 298. 61. Bayard vs. Farmers, etc., Bank, 52 Pa. St. 232. 62. Factors Ins. Co. vs. Marine, etc.. Co., 31 La. Ann. 149. Snpplv Ditch Co. vs. Elliot, 10 Colo., 327, 15 Pac. 691, 3 Am. St. Rep. 166, 11 L. R. A. 125. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK 361 it, the owner of the old certificate, if he is without notice of the proceedings, is then entitled to the transfer to him of the shares which he holds and the corporation is required to look to the bond for its indemnity.^^ A court's decree in an action wherein it has the power to order the issue of a new certificate or the cancellation of one issued by the corporation, must, 'Py'o jicf OT" ijY order of court in other of course, be obeyed. Ordinarily a court '^^ses. y^j[\i jjQ^ enter a decree by which the cor- poration may be exposed to the danger of loss or injury without providing at the same time for its adequate in- demnity. Where there are rival claimants to a certifi- cate the laws of all states provide that the corporation, if it is unable to determine to whom the certificate ought to be issued, or by whom it ought to be transferred, may invoke the aid of a court in an action of interpleader and require the claimants to submit their contention to the court for adjudication if there is a reasonable doubt as to which one is entitled to the shares. A corporation which undertakes to determine the rights of rival claim- ants without interpleader voluntarily assumes a respon- sibility it is not required to take. If by a mistaken con- clusion or opinion of the law its disposition of the rights of the contending claimants to the shares is not sustain- able in law, one w^ho is thereby injuriously affected may compel it to respond in damages. A forged signature or one made without authority is inoperative. It conveys no right to the certificate or the ««. i. * +^o«e shares it represents. Even if the trans- Effect of trans- ^ fer on forged fer has been made upon an assignment ignature. ^^f ^^^ shares to which the signature has been forged the new certificate does not replace the old one. 63. Cleveland, etcc, R. R. Co. vs; Robbins, 35 0. S. 483. Brisbane vs. Delaw, etc., R. R. Co., 94 N.,Y. 204. 362 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS The corporation is obliged to know the genuineness of the signature of its stockholders and if it is not certain that the signature presented is genuine it has the right to require the person applying for transfer to produce satisfactory proof that the signature is what it purports to be.''^ If, notwithstanding this adequate means of protecting itself, the corporation permits a registry upon a forged transfer it not only does not deprive the real owner of his shares but it cannot cancel the registration of the new certificate if it has passed into the possession of a transferee who took it mediately or immediately, Avithout notice, in good faith and for value, from the holder who procured its transfer. In that situation the owner of the shares may require the corporation to replace those transferred upon his forged signature, even requiring that it enter the market, if necessary, and buy others if the original shares cannot be restored.*^^ He usually prays for alternative relief in damages, however, and it is damages, as a rule, that the corporation is required to pay. For a general understanding of the incidents of stock ownership and transfer the explanations I have given of the law will usually suffice for ordinary necessities. This subject, like those which precede it, has been treated for the benefit of persons who are interested in obtaining a salutary knowledge of the important provisions of the law upon these business instruments, and I hope the book will enable many to free themselves from uneasy doubts upon the certainty and safety of their possession 64. Telegraph Co. vs. Davenport, 97 U. S. 369. 65 Machinists Nat. Bank vs. Fiekl, 126 Mass. 345. Pratt vs. Boston, etc., K. R. Co., 126 Mass. 443. Pratt vs. Machinists Nat. Bk., 123 Mass. 110. Boston, etc., R. R. Co. vs. Richardsdon, 135 Mass. 473. TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES OF STOCK -363 and titles to the business paper and securities which they hold. Now, in conclusion, the writer expresses the hope that this volume will be of use to business men, and to young men getting a business education. Whatever may be the merit of the explanations which have been offered of these laws, particularly of the Uniform Negotiable In- struments Law, that Act may be regarded as the most remarkable statute ever enacted and it ought to be fa- miliar to every man. The best legal talent was freely expended, gratuitously, in its preparation. It has been in force in some of the States for nearly twenty years. During that time suggestions for its amendment were made at more than one annual Conference of the Commissioner on Uniform State Laws, made up now of representatives of nearly all of the States, but the amend- ments proposed and freely discussed at these Confer- ences were not deemed desirable and were not made. The courts have very generally recognized its inten- tion to make uniform the law upon its subject and, w^ith few exceptions, whenever there has been conflict between its provisions and prior judicial interpretation of the common law they have not hesitated to interpret the Act without reference to the state of the law as it was before its enactment. Most of the needs of the business man for legal ad- vice upon his commercial paper and most of his doubts concerning his rights and duties upon such contracts can be readily answered by reference to the Act itself and technical skill is not now so much as formerly re- quired of the lawyer in giving advice upon this sub- ject since the law has been so admirably written. The subtleties of the many questions which will con- tinue to arise to confound the business man, and the 364 QUASI-NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS lawyer as well, will not allow that any volume upon the subject can or will be written which will provide a ready answer for every difficulty it may become necessary to meet. But if the book is used for frequent reieixnce to the law, with which every business man ought xo make himself thoroughly familiar, his knowledge of what to do in order to prevent loss upon his commercial paper and of when and how to do it will suffice for most of his ordinary needs and dispense with much unsatisfactory conflict and litigation now so frequent from a lack of this knowledge. The brief analyses of the principles of the laws governing Bills of Lading, Warehouse Receipts and the transfer of Certificates of Stock are designed, likewise, to enable men who handle or deal in these in- struments to better understand their nature and the principal provisions of the laws which govern their in- terpretation and the rights and liabilities of their parties. APPENDIX 365 APPENDIX. Wherein Will Be Found the Changes in the Law Made BY Some of the States, Alabama. Sec. 4-9. The words "said holder" are substituted for '' transfer er" at the end of the first sentence. At the end of the section these words are added: ''for the purpose of transferring title only." Sec. 58. All of the last sentence between the words ''such" and "latter" are omitted from the second sen- tence of this section. ApiZONA. Sec. 85. The last sentence, beginning with the words, "instruments falling due," is omitted from the Act. Sec. 146. The last sentence relating to Saturday when not a holiday is omitted. Sec. 195. The Act omits this section. Arkansas. Sec. 98. In the last sentence the words, "must he sent by mail," are substituted for "may he sent." Colorado. Sec. 49. The Act adds these words to the first sen- tence, "if omitted hy mistake, accident or fraud." Sec. 61. The Act omits the word " suh sequent" be- fore "indorser" near the end of the first sentence. Sec. 85. The third sentence, beginning "instrmnents 366 APPENDIX falling due" is omitted from the Act in this State and this substituted: ''instruments falling due on any day, in any place where any part of such day is a holiday, are to be presented for payment on the next succeeding busi- ness day, except that su^h instruments payable on de- mand may, at the option of the holder, be presented for payment during reasonable hours of the part of such day which is not a holiday." Sec. 146. The last sentence is omitted and this sub- stituted: "When any day is in part a holiday present- ment for acceptance may be made during reasonable hours of the part of such day which is not a holiday." Delawaee. Sec. 85. The words "or becoming payable" are in- serted in parentheses near the beginning of the third sentence after the words "instruments falling due." Idaho. Sec. 2. In Sub-section 3 the words "or of interest" are omitted. Illinois. Sec. 5. The Act adds "under this Act" after the last word of the first sentence; it also omits all of Sub-section 2 following the word "judgment." Sec. 6. At the beginning of Sub-section 5 before the word "designates" these are added: ''Is payable in currency or current funds: or" and it omits the last paragraph. Sec. 8. The Act adds the following as additional bub- section: "7. An instrumeyit payable to the estate of a deceased person shall be deemed payable to the order of the administrator or executor of his estate." Sec. 9. Sub-sections 3 and 5 are omitted and these APPENDIX 367 substituted: "3. When it is payable to the order of a person knotvn by the drawer or Quaker to be fictitious or non-existent, or of a living person not intended to have any interest in it." "5. When, althouqh originally pay- able to order, it is indorsed in blank by the payee or a 'subsequent indorsee." Sec. 14. The Act inserts these words, "issued or," between the words "is" and "negotiated" near the be- ginning of the last sentence of this section. Sec. 23. The Act omits the words "of the person whose signature it purports to be" near the beginning of the first sentence. Sec. 25. The last sentence has been changed to read as follows: "An antecedent or pre-existing claim, ivhether for money or not, constitutes value where an instrument is taken either in satisfaction therefor or as security therefor, and is deemed such, whether the in- strument is payable on demand or at a future time." Sec. 29. The words "ivithout receiving value there- for" are omitted from the first sentence; at the end of the section these are added, "and in case a transfer after maturity was intended by the accommodating party not- withstanding such holder acquired title after maturity. Sec. 31. These words are added: "And the addition of ivords of assignment or guaranty shall not negative the additional effect of the signature as an indorsement, unless otherivise expressly stated." Sec. 37. The Act adds to Sub-section 2, "or except in the case of a restrictive indorsement specified in Section $6, Sub-section 2, any action against the indorser or any prior party that a special indorsee ivould he entitled to bring." It also substitutes for the words ''/*/6' rights as such an indorsee" in Sub-section 3 the words "the i)fstru- ment" and at the end of the last paragraph adds the fol- 368 APPENDIX lowing: "Specified in Section 36, Sub-section i, and as against the principal or cestui qui trust only the title of the first indorsee under the restrictive indorsement speci- fied in Section 36, Sub-sections 2 and 3, respectively." Sec. 40. The words, '^ payable to bearer," are omitted and these substituted: "originally payable to or indorsed specially to bearer." Sec, 49. The last seven words of the first sentence fol- lowing the word "right" are omitted and these substi- tuted, "to enforce the instrument against one who signed for the accommodation of his transferer, and the right to have the indorsement of the transferer, if omitted by accident or mistake." Sec. 57. The Act inserts after the word "themselves" a reference to a statute making certain defenses real defenses. Sec. 58. In this section the Act inserts the word "duress" after "fraud" near the end of the section and for the last two words, "the latter," substitutes "such holder." Sec. 61. The Act omits the word "subsequent" before "indorser" near the end of the first sentence. Sec. 64. Sub-sections 1 and 2 are omitted and these substituted: "1 — If the instrument is a note or bill pay- able to the order of a third person, or an accepted bill, payable to the order of the draiver, he is liable to the payee and all subsequent parties." "2 — // the instrip- ment is a note or unaccepted bill payable to the order of the maker or drawer, or is payable to bearer, he is liable to all parties subsequent to the maker or drawer." Sec. 66. The Act inserts after "indorser" at the be- ginning of the section the words, "not an accommodating party." It also inserts "and four" after the word "three" in Sub-section 1 and substitutes, "every in- APPENDIX 360 dorser" for "he" near the beginning of the last sentence after the words "in addition." Sec. 68. The last sentence of this section is omitted and the following snl)stituted : "All parties jointly lior- hle on a negotiable instrument are deemed to be jointly and severally liable." Sec. 69. The following is added to this section: "Sec. 69a. Whenever any bill of exchange drawn or in- dorsed within this State and payable without this Si ate >s duly protested for non-acceptance or non-payment, the draiver or indorser thereof, due notice being given of such non-acceptance or non-payment, shall pay such bill at the current rate of exchange and with legal interest from the time such bill ought to have been paid imtil paid, together with the costs and charges of protest, and on bills payable in the United States in case siiit has to be brought thereon and on bills payable without the United States with or without suit, five per cent damages in addition." Sec. 70. The section adds the words "except in the case of bank notes" after the word "instrument" where it is first used in the first sentence. Sec. 80. The Act omits all following the words, "for his accommodation. ' ' Sec. 87. This section is omitted from the Act in this State. Sec. 119. Sub-section -i is omitted from th(^ Act in this State. Sec. 120. The Act omits Sub-section 3 and Sub-section 4 of the Act is given as Sub-section 3. Sub-section 5 then becomes Sub-section 4 in this State and contains these additional words: "or unless the principal debtor be an accommodating party." Sub-section 6 is numbered 5 in this State and changed 370 APPENDIX in the following manner: The second word "any'' is changed to "an" and after "agreement" the words "in favor of the principal debtor" are inserted. Between the words "assent" and "of," which occur at about the middle of the sub-section, the words "prior or subse- quent" are inserted and at the end these words are added: "Or unless the principal debtor be an accom- modating party." Sec. 124. The w^ords, "fraudulently or," are inserted before "materially" where it first occurs, near the be- ginning of the first sentence and after the word "al- tered" which follows it, the Act inserts "by the holder." Sec. 134. The words "to whom it is shown and" to- ward the end of the section are omitted. Sec. 135. The words "or after" are inserted between the words "before" and "it is." Sec. 137. This section is omitted from the Act. Sec. 186. The Act inserts the following after the words "its issue": "and notice of dishonor given to the drawer as provided for in the case of bills of exchange." loWA. Sec. 2. In Sub-section 3 the words "or of interest" are omitted. Sec. 85. The following has been added to this section : "A demand made on any one of the three days folloiving the day of maturity of the instrument, except on Sundo.y or a holiday, shall be as effectual as though made on the day on which demand may be made under the provisions of this Act, and the provisions of this Act, as to notice of non-payment, non-acceptance and as to protest shall be applicable with reference to such demand as though the demand were made in accordance with the terms of this Act; but the provisions of this section shall not be APPENDIX 371 construed as authorizing demand on any day after the third day from that on which the instrument falls due according to its face." Kansas. Sec. 16. The Act omits the third sentence of this sec- tion. Sec. 70. Near the end of the first sentence after the word "maturity" the statute inserts these words, "and has funds there available for that purpose." Sec. 85. The words "or becoming payable" are in- serted near the beginning of the third sentence, after the words "instruments falling due." Sec. 192. The last sentence is omitted from the Act in this State. Kentucky. Sec. 5. The Act omits Sub-section 3. Sec. 19. This section is omitted and the following sub- stituted: "19. The signature of any party may be made by an agent duly authorized in ivriting." Sec. 48. The word " oimer" is substituted for "holder" in the first sentence. Sec. 85. The third sentence beginning with the words "instruments falling due" is omitted. Sec. 95. The Act substitutes the word "must" for ''need not" near the beginning of the first sentence and substitutes "written" for "verbal" at the end of that sentence. Sec. 96. The words "merely oral" are omitted from this section. Sec. 146. The last sentence, relating to Saturday when not a holiday, is omitted. Sec. 196. The Act omits this section. 372 APPENDIX Maryland. Sec. 120. The Act omits from Sub- section the words '' unless made ivitJi the assent of the party secoridarihi liable." Massachusetts. Sec. 85. The Act, on the subject of grace, contains this provision: "On all draffs and bills of exchange made payable within this commonwealth at sight, three days of grace shall be alloived, unless there is an express stipu- lation therefor to the contrary." After the words "fall- ing due" near the beginning of the sentence the words "or payable" are inserted, and the following provision is added at the end of the section: "Provided also, that the same shall be duly presented for payment or accept- ance or collection on the next succeeding business day." Minnesota. Sec. 87. The word "not" has been inserted between the word "is" and "equivalent" and the provision of this section thus completely negatived. Mississippi. Sec. 49. The last seven words of the first sentence, following the w^ord "right" are omitted and these sub- stituted: "To enforce the instrument against one ivho signed for the accommodation of transferer, and the right to have the indorsement of the transferer if omitted by accident or mistake." Missouri. Sec. 49. In the first sentence, the last seven words fol- lowing the word "right" are omitted and these sub- stituted: "To enforce the instrument against one who APPENDIX 373 sigtu'd for the accommodation of his transferer, and the rif/Jit to have the indorsement of the transferer, if omitted by accident or mistake." Sec. 62. The word "then" before "capacity" in sub- section 2 is omitted. Sec. 85. The words "or becoming payable" are in- serted near the beginning of the third sentence after the words "instruments falling due." Sec. 87. The foUomng words have been added at the end of this section: "But where the instrument is made payable at a fixed or determinable future time, the order to the bank is limited to the day of maturity only." Sec. 120. The Act adds to Sub-section 3 the words "except when such discharge is had in bankruptcy pro- ceedings." Nebraska. Sec. 2. The Act adds after Sub-section 5: "Provided that nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any court to include in any judgment on am instrum.ent made in this state any sum for attorney's fees or other costs not allowable in other cases." Sec. 71. All of this section after the words "within a reasonable time after its issue" is omitted from the Act. Sec. 75. The Act omits all of the section following the words "during banking hours." Sec. 87. This section is omitted from the Act in this state. New Hampshir. Sec. 71. The Act adds the following provision defining a reasonable delay: "Upon a promissory note payable on demand, a demand made at the expiration of sixty 374 APPENDIX days from the date thereof, ivithout grace, or at any time within that term shall he deemed to he made at a reason- ahle time; and any act, neglect or other thing which hy the provisions of this Act is deemed equivalent to a pre- sentment and demand on a note payahle at a fixed time or which would dispense with such presentment and de- mand, if it occurs at or within the sixty days shall he a dishonor thereof, and shall authorise the holder of the note to give notice of the dishonor to the indorser as upon presentment to the promisor, and his neglect or refusal to pay the same. No presentment of the note to the promisor and demand for payment shall charge the indorser unless made on or hefore the last day of the sixty days." Sec. 85. The Act contains this additional provision: "On all drafts and bills of exchange made payahlp unthin this commonwealth at sight, three days of grace shall he allowed, unless there is an express stipulation there- for to the contrary." The words "or payahle" are in- serted after the words "instruments falling due" which begin the third sentence. New York. Sec. 70. The statute inserts the words "and has funds there available for that purpose" near the end of the first sentence between the words "maturity" and "such." Sec. 85. The words "or becoming payahle" are in- serted near the beginning of the third sentence after the words "instruments falling due." Sec. 120. The act omits from Sub-section 6 the words "unless made with the assent of the party secondarily liable, or". APPENDIX 375 North Carouna. Sec. 2. In Sub-section 3 the words "or of interest" are omitted and the following is added at the end of the section: "Nothing in this chapter shall authorize the enforcement of an authorization to confess judgment or a waiver of homestead and personal property/ exemp- tions or a provision to pay counsel fees for collection incorporated in any of the instruments jnentioned- in this chapter: hut the mention of ea-ch provision in such instruments shall not affect the other terms of such in- struments or the negotiability thereof." Sec. 5. Sub-section 2 is atTected and qualified, by the change in Section 2 given above. Sec. 16. The words ''accepting or" in the second sen- tence are omitted. Sec. 17. Sub-section 2 is omitted. Sec. 22. The words ''or married woman" are inserted after the word "infant" in this section. Sec. 85. Upon the subject of days of grace, the Act provides an exception as follows: "All bills of exchange payable within the state, at sight, in ivhich there is an express stipulation to that effect, and not othencise, shall be entitled to days of grace as the same are allowed by the customs of merchants in foreign bills of exchange, payable at the expiration of a certain period after date or sight; provided, that no days of grace shall be allowed on any bill of exchange, promissory note or draft payable on demand." Sec. 194. The section is omitted in this state. Ohio. Sec. 70. The Act inserts the words "and has funds there available for that purpose" near the end of the 376 APPENDIX first sentence between the words ''maturity" and "such." Pennsylvania. Sec. 137. By amendment the following has been added to this section: "Provided, that the mere retention of such bill by the drawee, unless its return has been de- manded, will not amount to an acceptance; and provided further thai the provisions of this section shall not apply to checks." Rhode Island. Sec. 85. The words "except sight drafts" are added after the words "every negotiable instrument" in the first sentence. Sec. 103. In Sub-section 2 the last nine words are omitted and these substituted: "ten o'clock in the even- ing of the day folloiving". South Dakota. Sec. 2. The following provision is substituted for Sub- section 5. "Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize any court to include in any judgment on an instrument made in this state any sum for attorney's fees or other costs not now taxable by laiv." Sec. 14. The section is omitted from the Act and the following substituted: ''Sec. 14. One who makes him- self a party to an instrument intended to be negotiable, but which is left ivholly or partly blank, for the purpose of filling afterwards, is liable upon the instruynent to an indorser thereof in due course, in whatever manner and at whatever time it may be filled so long as it remains negotiable in form." Sec. 16. The sentence beginning with the word "hit" APPENDIX 377 and ending with the word ''presumed" has been omitted and the following substituted: "An indorsee of a nego- tiable in^rument in due course, acquires an absolute title thereto, so that it is valid in his hands, notwithstand- ing any provision of latv making it generally void or void- able, and notwithstanding any defect in the title of the person from whom he acquired it." Sec. 42. The words "the indorsement of" before the words "the bank" near the end of the section, are omitted. Sec. 71. See under Sec. 193 below. Sec. 87. The section is omitted. Sec. 124. The words "by the holder" are inserted after the words "materially altered" in the first sentence of this section. Sec. 134. The words, "to ivhom it is shoum" are omit- ted from the section as enacted in this state. Sec. 137. This section is omitted. Sec. 193. The act contains the following additional sections upon this subject : "Sec. 192 A. The apparent maturity of a bill of ex- change payable on sight, or on demand, is: 1. If it bears interest, one year after its date; or, 2. If it does not bear interest, ten days after its date, in addition to the time which ivould suffice, with ordinary diligence, to forward it for acceptance. Sec. 192B. The apparent maturity of a promissory note, payable at sight, or on demand, is: 1. If it bears interest, one year after its date; or, 2. If it does not bear interest, six months after its date," 378 APPENDIX Vermont. Sec. 71. The words ''its issue in order to charge the Draiver" are substituted for 'Uhe last negotiation there- of" at the end of the section. Sec. 118. The following provision has been added to this section: "But this provision shall not be held to dispense with demand and notice of dishonor as pro- vided by sections 71 and 90." Virginia. Sec. 20. After the w^ord "capacity" in this section the act inserts the words "tvitliout disclosing his princi- pal" Wisconsin. Sec. 1. The Act adds after sub-section 5 ^^biit no order drawn upon or accepted by the treasurer of any county^ toivn, city, village or school district, whether drawn by any officer thereof or any other person, and no obliga- tion nor instrument made by any such corporation or any officer thereof, unless expressly authorized by law to be made negotiable shall be, or shall be deemed to be, negotiable according to the custom of merchants in whatever form they may be drawn or made. Warehouse receipts, bills of lading and railroad receipts upon the 'Qce of which the words 'not negotiable' shall not be plainly written, printed or stamped, shall be negotiable as provided in Sections 1676 of the Wisconsin Statutes of 1878, and in Sections 4194 and 4425 of these statutes, as the sa^ne have been construed by the supreme court." Sec. 4. The last paragraph is omitted and this sub- stituted: "4 — At a fixed period after the date or sight, though payable before then on a contingency. An instru- ment payable upon a contingency is not negotiable, and APPENDIX 379 the happening of the event does not cure the defect ex- cept as herein provided." Sec, 5. The Act adds after the last word, "illegal,'' these, ''or authorize the waiver of exemptions from exe- cution." See. 10. The Act adds to this section ^'memoranda upon the face or hack of the instrument, whether signed or not, material to the contract, if made at the time of delivery, are part of the instrument and parol evidence is admissible to show the circumstances under which they were made." Sec. 14. The Act inserts the words ''prior to nego- tiation" before the words "hy filling" near the end of the first sentence. The words "a prima facie" near the end of the second sentence are omitted and it reads *' operates as an authority." Section 17. An additional sub-section is added as fol- lows: "8 — Where several writings are executed at about the same time, as parts of the same transactions, intended to accomplish the same object they may be con- strued as one and the same instrument as to all parties having notice thereof." Sec. 25. After the word "debt" in the second sen- tence these words are inserted "discharged extin- guished or extended" and these are added to the section; "But the indorsement or delivery of negotiable paper as collateral security for a pre-existing debt, without other consideration, and not in pursuance of an agree- ment at the time of delivery by the maker, does not con- stitute value." Sec. 41. The Act inserts the word "joint" before the word indorsees." Sec. 49. This sentence is added to the section "when the indorsement was omitted by mistake, or there was an 380 APPENDIX agreement to indorse made at the time of the transfer, the indorsement, when made relates back to the time of the transfer." Sec. 52. Another sub-section is added, as follows: "5 — That he took it in the usual course of business." Sec. 55. That Act adds the following to this section: ''And the title of such person is absolutely void ivhen such instrument or signature was so procured from a person who did not knoiv the nature of the instrument and could not have obtained such knowledge by the use of ordinary care." Sec. 57. The following is added to this section: ^'Ex- cept as provided in Sections 1944 and 1945 of these stat- utes, relating to insura^ice premiums; and also on cases ivhere the title of the person negotiating such instrument is void under the provisions of Sec. 55 of this Act." Sec. 58. In this section the Act inserts the word ''duress" after ''fraud" near the end of the section and for the last two words "the latter" substitutes "such holder." Sec. 70. All of the first sentence after the words "on the instrument" is omitted from the Act. Sec. 85. The Act omits the last sentence beginning with the words "instruments falling due." Sec. 117. The Act adds this provision: "But this shall not be construed to revive any liability discharged by such omission." iSec. 120. A new sub-section is added, as follows: "4a. By giving up or applying to other purposes col- lateral security applicable to the debt, or, there being in the holder* s hands or within his control the means of complete or partial satisfaction, the same are applied to other purposes." Where the word "assent" occurs at about the middle APPENDIX 381 of Sub-section 6 the Act inserts, immediately following it, the words ^^ prior or subsequent" and at the end of this sub-section adds '^'or unless he is fully indemnified." Sec. 124. "Where the word '^assented" occurs near the end of the first sentence it is followed by the words *' orally or in ivriting" which the Act inserts there. Sec. 128. The Act omits the last three words "or in succession." See. 130. The words "or person" which precede the words "iiot capacity" are omitted. Sec. 137. The Act adds: "Mere retention of the hill is not acceptance." Sec. 146. The last sentence, relating to Saturday when not a holiday, is omitted. Sec. 183. The Act contains two additional sections here, as follows: "Sec. 1682. Whenever any hill of ex- change drawn or indorsed within this State and payahle without the limits of the United States shall he duly protested for non-acceptance or non-payment, the party liable for the contents of such hill shall, on due notice and demand thereof, pay the same at the current rate of ex- change at the time of the demand and damages at the rate of five per cent upon the contents thereof, together with interest on the said contents to he computed from the date of the protest; and said amount of contents, damages and interest shall he in fidl of all damages, charges and expenses. Sec. 1683. If any hill of ex- change drawn upon any person or corporation out of this State, hut within some State or Territory of the United States, for the payment of money shall he dull/ presented for acceptance or payment and protested for non-accept- ance or non-payment, the drawer or indorser thereof, due notice heing given of such non-acceptance or non-pay- ment shall pay said hill with legal interest according to 382 APPENDIX its tenor and five per cent damages, together with costs and charges of protest/' Wyoming. Sec. 2. The words "or of interest" in sub-section 3 are omitted. Sec. 18. The yvoid'^ expressly" in the first sentence is omitted. Sec. 34. The word "made" is inserted between the words "to he" and "payable" in the first clause of the first sentence of this section. TABLE OF CASES. The references Adam v. Mfr's. Natl. Bk 57 Adams v. Wright 162 Adams v. Smith 75 Adrian v. M'cCaskill 92 Aebi V. Bk. of Evansville 142, 151, 167, 219 Aetna Nt. Bk. v. Fourth Nat. Bk 148 Agnew V. Walden 68 Agricultural Bk. v. Robinson.. 66 Alabama Coal Mining Co. v. Brainard 49 Albany Tr. Co. v. Frothingham.166 Albers v. Hoffman 36 Albany Co. v. Ice Co 96 Alexander v. Hazelrigg 105 Allen V. Suydam 231 Allen V. Rightmire 81 Alley V. Rogers 281 American Bk. v. Macondrey. . .114 Amer. Boiler Co. v. FOutham.. 64 Amer. Nat. Bk. v. Fertilizer Co. ■ 157, 158 Amer. Exchg. Bk. v. Metropoli- tan Bk 291 Amer. Alkali Co. v. Campbell. .339 Amsinck v. Rogers 208 Anderson v. Dundee St. Bk 60 Arch. Stone Co. v. St. Louis 47 Argus Printing Co., In re 349 Armstrong v. Pomeroy Bk 60 Atkins V. Gamble 349 Aurora St. Bk. v. Haynes Fames El. Co 71, 92 Auten V. Manistee Nat, Bk 290 Auten V. Crahan 273 B. Bailie v. Augusta Savgs. Bk :i81, 297 Baker v. Dening 15 are to pages. Baker v. Lehman 188 Baldinger, etc., Mfg. Co. v. Citi- zens Tr. Co 207 Baldwin's Bk. v. Smith 148 Bambridge v. Louisville 149 Bk. of Amer. v. Waydell 78, 96 Bank v. Looney 51 Bank v. Hale 100, 101 Bk. of Commerce v. Farm. & Merch. Bk 71 Bk. of Commerce v. Brayles. . .101 Bk. of Commerce v. Rogers 110 Bank v. Miller 164 Bank v. Friar 288 Bank v. Union Tr. Co 296 Bank of Virginia v. Craig 355 Bankers St. Bk. v. Mason Hand Lathe Co 143 Baring v. Clark 251 Barkley v. Muller 74 Barnet v. Young 70 Bartlett v. First Nat. Bk 58 Barton Savings Bk. v, Stephen- son . 94 Batcheller v. White 187 Battle Creek Nat'l Bk. v. Dean. 19 Bayard v. Farmers & Merch. Bk ..356, 358, 366 Beardsley v. Hill 19 Beem v. Farrell 56, 58, 189 Beer v. Clifton 27 Bedford Bk. v. Acoam 148 Belch V. Roberts 140 Benson v. Abbott 91 Berlin v. Eddy 349 Beyerque v. San Francisco 20 Bingham v. Kimball 64 Bingham v. Reddy 186 Black V. First Nat'l Bk. of West- minster 106 Blake v. Hamilton, etc., Bk 279 Blackman v. Lehman, Durr & Co 16, 28, 272 384 TABLE OF CASES Bliss V. Cutter 282 Bond V. Mt. Hope Min'g Co 357 Borup V. Mininger 291 Boston, etc., R. R. Co. v. Rich- ardson 362 Boston Steel & Iron Co. v. Stever 39 Boyd V. Bank of Toledo 144 Bracken v. Nicol 340 Brailsfbrd .V. Williams 153 Brainerd v. N. Y.. etc., R. R. Co 273 Brannin v. Henderson 213 Brass v. Worth 351 Breese v. Snyder 49 Brenneman v. Furniss 68 Brewster v. McArdle 35 Brewster v. Schrader 67 Bright V. Offield 17, 23 Brill V. Jefferson Bk 155 Brinkman v. Hunter 217 Brisbane v. Delaw. Riv., Etc., R. R- Co 339, 361 Broadway Nat'l. Bk. v. Heffer- man 187 Brooklyn Union Bk. v. Sullivan b4 Brown v. Butchers & Drovers Bk 15 Brown v. Peoples Sav. Bk 290 Brown v. Rowan 108 Brown v. Johnson 188 Brownell v. Winnie 189 Browning v. Gosnell 188 Brunnagin v. Tallant 2/2 Bryant v. Eastman 32, 86 Bouck v. Lambeck 119 Builders L. & C. Co. v. Weimer 108, 186 Buildg. & Loan Ass'n v. Walton 57 Burdette v. Bartlett 122 Burgess v. Chapin 118 Burgettstown Nat. Bk. v. Nill..l43 Burns Lbr. Co. v. Doyle 224 Burr v. Beckler 43 Burson v. Huntington 43 Burton v. McMillan 102 Bush V. Brown 102 Butchers & Drovers Bk. v. Hub- bell 78 Buzell V. Tobin 44 C. Cabot Bk. v. Warner 153 Cagle V. Lane 107 Camp V. Carpenter 56 Campbell v. Pettingill 224 Canajoharie Natl. Bk. v. Defen- dorf 104 Cantrell v. Davidson 90, 260 Caras v. Thalmann 265, 269 Carlisle v. Hooks 224 Carpenter v. Farmsworth 51 Carter v. Butler 89 Carter v. Long 64 Casco Nat'l Bk. v. Clark 51 Casker v. Kuhne ' 208 Case V. Burt 218 Cedar Rapids Nat. Bk. v. Ba- shara . . 87 Chamberlain v. Greenleaf 354 Champion v. Gordon 205 Champion F'dry, etc., Co. v. Heskett 101 Chelsea Exch'g Bk. v. First U. P. Ch 87 Chemical Nat. Bk. v. City Bank 52 Chemical Nat. Bk. v. Kellogg. . 88 Chicago First Nat. Bk. v. Reno Co. Bk 78 Chicago Title, etc., Co. v. Brady 116 Chipman v. Foster 51 Churchill v. Yeatman 143 Citizens Bk. v. Brown 22, 272 Citizens Bk. v. Cowles 96 Citiz. Bk. V. Crittenden Rec. Press 105 Citiz. Bank v. Robbins 360 Citiz. Cent. Bk. v. New Amster- dam N. Bk 136 City of Adrian v. Whitney Cntr. Nat. Bk 45, 107 City Dep. Bk. v. Green 97 City Bk. V. Lauman 222 TABLE OF CASES 385 Clark V. Cook. 215 Clark V. Gordon 222 Clemens v. Staunton 209 Cleveland, etc., R. R. Co. v. Robbins 361 Closson V. Stearns 15 Coaling Co. v. Howard 52 Cobb V. Heron 64 Coburn v. Neale 56 Coit V. Humbert 353 Colt V. Barnard 27 Columbian Bkg. Co. v. Bowen.. 28, 129, 136, 276 Columbia Dist. Co. v. Rech.187, 189 Columbia Finance Co. v. Pur- cell 77 Columbia Knickerbocker Tr. Co. V. Miller 136 Columbia Second Nat. Bk. v. Cummings 296, 297 Colo. Nat. Bk. v. Boettcher 224 Commercial Bk. of Pa. v. Arm- strong 298 Commercial Bk. v. Chicago, etc., R. R. Co 284 Commercial Nat'l Bk. v. First Nat. Bk 58 Commercial Bk. v. Henninger. ,148 Commerical Bk. v. McGuire. . . .187 Commercial Bk. v. Varnum. . . .242 Commercial Nat. Bk. v. Zimmer- man 127 Comm V. Dalzell 349 Commonwealth v. Butterick. . . 73 Commonwealth v. Wathen 68 Commonwealth v. Reffitt 102 Comstock V. Buckley 106, 177 Continental Nat. Bk. v. Heil- man 51 Converse v. .Johnson 26 Cook v. Baldwin 214 Cook V. Wolfendale 224 Corbett v. Fetzer 81 Coolidge V. Payson 216, 217 Corner v. Pratt 143 Cornerstone Bk. v. Rhodes 49 Corwith First St. Bk. v. Wil- liams 56 Cottle V. Buffalo Marine Bk 273 Count V. Thompson 159 Cover V. Myers 106 Cox V. N. Y. St. Bk 138 Craig V. Hesperia Land, etc., Co 357 Craig V. Palo Alto Stock Farm. 79 Crawford v. Moore 178 Creteau v. Foote, etc.. Glass Co. Cribbs v. Sowle 101 Critten v. Chemical Bk 94 Crocker v. Colwell 49 Crosby v. Wright 119 Crowe v. Beem 187 Crowell V. .Jackson 352 Culloden Bk. v. Forsyth 337 Curren v. Witter 272 Curtis V. Davidson 122 Cushing V. Gore 278 Cutts V. Perkins 36 D. Dalrymple v. Wyker 64 Davis V. Gore 30 Dawson v. Wombles 63 Debebian v. Gala 33 Dennett v. Codman 47 DeWitt V. Walton 49 Dingman v. Amsinck 69 Dodge V. Bank 60 Donovan v. Flynn 213 Doom v. Sherwin 81 Dorsey v. Wolff 18 Doubleday v. Kress 131 Dove V. Fansler 191 Downes & Co. v. Church 268 Downing v. Neeley 92 Dresser v. Mo. R. R. Cons. Co. . . 99 Drexler v. Smith 85 Dunbar v. Amer. Tel., etc., Co. .342 Dupont Powder Co. v. Rooney..l66 Dykers v. Allen 350 Dykers v. Leather Mfrs. Bk...278 Dykman v. Northbridge 243 E. E. Birmingham Land Co. v. Den- nis 356 Eastman v. Thurman :^30 Eakin v. citizens St. Bk 215 386 TABLE OF CASES Easton v. Hodges 350 Edgerton v. Preston 32 Elgin Bkg. Co. v. Hall 97 Ellicott V. Martin Elliott V. Cap. City St. Bk 273 Ensign v. Fogg 89 Erwin v. Lynn 74 Erwin v. Scotten 48 Espy V. Bank of Cincinnati. .57, 113 Evans v. Gee 76 Exchg. Bk. V. Third Nat. Bk 281, 285, 297 Ex parte Goldberg F. Factors' Ins. Co. v. Marine Ins. Co 360 Fanshaw v. Peet 225 Farmers' Bk. v. Newland 283 Farmers' Nat. Bk. v. Farmers' etc.. Bank 118 Farmers' Tr. Co. v. Schenuit... 73 Farley Nat. Bk. v. Pollock 283 Fassin v. Hubbard 81 Fawcett v. Nat. Life Ins. Co 75 Ferguson v. Davis 54 Ferguson v. Netter 68 Fillebrown v. Hayward 103 Finch V. Karste 295 Findlay v. Cowles 177 Fink V. Farmers' Bk 64 Finley v. Smith 23 Fire Ins. Co. v. Hull 102 First Nat. Bk. v. Hix 66 First Nat. Bk. v. Stallo 63 First Nat. Bk. of Elgin v. Rus- sell 23 First Nat. Bk. v. First Nat. Bk. 78 First Nat. Bk. v. Fowler 84 First Nat. Bk. v. Harris 92, 183 First Nat. Bk. v. Home Ins. Co. 209 First Nat. Bk. v. Flath 95 First Nat. Bk. of Belmont v. First Nat. Bk. of Barnesville. .120 First Nat'l. Bk. v. Trognitz 213 First Nat. Bk. of Murfreesboro V. First Nat. Bk. of Nashville. 213 First Nat. Bk. .v. ClarK 213 Ffrst Nat. Bk. v. Comm'l Sav. Bk 215 First Nat. Bk. v. Muskogee Pipe L. Co 215 First Nat. Bk. v. Fourth Nat. Bk. (U. S.) 291 First Nat. Bk. v. Fourth Nat. Bk. (N. Y.) 295 First Nat. Bk. Chicago v. Bk. of Whittier 297 First Nat. Bk. v. Nor'west'n Nat. Bk 58 Flagg V. School Dist 17 Fitchburg Bk. v. Greenwood.... 81 Flynn v. Howard 191 Foland v. Boyd 160 Foley V. N. Y. Sav. Bk 220 Ford V. Angelrodt 224 Forest v. Safety Bkg. & Tr. Co. .272 Foss V. Norris 131 Foster v. Collner 48 Fountain v. Bigham 102 Fowler v. Fleming 143 Fowler v. Gate City Nat. Bk....214 Fowler Paper Co. v. Jones Sales Bk. Co 131 Franklin Bk. v. Freeman 278 Franklyn Bk. v. Roberts 66 Franklyn Bk. v. Comm'l Bk 349 Frazer v. Phenix Nat. Bk 128 Freeman's Bk. v. Nat. Tube Wks. 78 Freese v. Brownell 87 French v. Barney ■. 92 Froth V. Thrush 158 Fulton V. Loughlin 85 •G. Gallo V. Brooklyn Sav. Bk 58 Gansevobrt v. Williams 85 Gardner v. Beacon Tr. Co 102, 355, 359 Garrard v. Hadden 41 Gate City Nat. Bk. v. Schmidt.. 303 Gazzan v. Armstrong 253, 263 Geary v. Physic 15 Gemmell v. Davis 337, 339, 349 Georgia Nat. Bk. v. Henderson . , 286, 289 German-Amer. Bk. v. Milliman.136 German Nat. Bk. v. Foreman. . . .148 German Sav. Bk. v. Renshaw. . .354 TABLE OF CASES 387 Germania Nat. Bk. v. Mariner.. 47, 51 Geyser-Marion Gold Min'g Co. v. Stark 356 Giesen v. London, etc., Mfg. Co. .340 Gilley v. Harrell 34 Oilman v. Berry ., 98 Gilpin V. Savage. 133 Ginn v. Dolan 63 Gleason v. 1 uayer 79, 155 Glidden v. Chamberlain. .. .117, 144 Goldberg, Ex parte 108 Goldman v. Blum 74 Goldman v. Goldberger 122 Goodman v. Simonds 103 Goodnow V. Warren 159 Goodsell V. McElroy Bros 90 Goolrick v. Wallace 81 Gordon v. Irvine 118 Gould V. Venice ". 273 Gray v. Milner 15 Greenfield Bk. v. Crafts 57 Greenfield Sav. Bk. v. Gray 41 Greenway v. Wm. D. Orthwine Grain Co 69 Gross V. Emerson 23 Guaranty Co. of N. A. v. East Rome Town Site Co 339, 349 H. Racket v. First Nat. Bk. of Lou- isville 41 Haddock Blanchard & Co. v. Had- dock 116 Haines v. Nance 214 Hale V. Citizens Bk 100 Hall V. Grayson . .100 Handsacker v. Pedersen 188 Harper v. Tiffin Nat. Bk 52 Harpold v. Stobart 340 Harrison v. Ruscoe 153 Hartington Bk. v. Breslin.. 39 Harvesting Mach. Co. v. Blair.. 189, 190 Harvesting Mach. Co. v. Yank- ton Sav. Bk 288 Hatcher v. Chambersburg Bk... 81 Hatch V. First Nat. Bk 26 Hazlett V. Bragdon 166 Hazlett V. Connell Bk 296 Hefner v. Dawson 56 Hewins v. Cargill 187 Hibernia Bk. & Tr. Co. v. Dres- ser 22 Hill V. Hall 44 Hilsinger v. Georgia R. Bk 273 Hilsinger v. Trickett 283 Hinkley v. Merchants Bk 45 Hinsdale v. Miles 135, 249 Hitchcock V. Buchanan 51 Hodge V. Smith 42,44,101 Hodge V. Wallace 17, 18, 98, 102 Hodgens v. Jennings 48, 100 Hodges V. Adams 75 Hodges V. Iowa Barb. Steel Co.. 217 Hogan V. Globe Mut. Biug. Assn. 224 Hogg V. Thurman 64 Holbart v. Lauretson 94 Holdsworth v. Hunter 267 Holland Tr. Co. v. Waddell. 116 Holmes v. Holmes 180 Hood V. Robbins 77 Holmes v. Trumper 41 Hopper-Morgan Co., In re 104 Hoppin v. Buff um 349 Horan v. Mason 106 Hostetter v. Wilson 24 Houck V. Graham 188 Houston Bk. v. Day 37 Hovorka v. Hemma 56 Hudson V. Moon 63 Hughes V. Drovers, etc., Bk....356 Hughitt V. Johnson 24 Hurst V. Lee .101 Hunt V. Stewart 86 Huntington v. Shute 63 Hutchins v. State Bk 358 I. Ilsley V. Jones 213 Ilsley V Smedes 23 Ingram v. Foster 220 Iowa St. Bk. V. Claypool 38 Ironclad Mfg. Co. v. Sackin. . . .134 Irving V. Wetherald 260 Irwin V. Reeves Pulley Co 290 Israel v. Gale 65 388 TABLE OF OASES J. Jackson v. Hudson 252 Jacobus V. Jamestown Mantel Co. 70 James v. E. G. Lyon Co 216 Jarvis v. Wilson 112 Jefferson Bk. v. Chapman 45 Jensen v. Wilself 272 Jerman v. Edwards 90 Jett V. Standafer 59 Johnson v. Clark 217 Johnson v. Laflln 337 Johnson v. Schnabaum 260 Johnson v. Way 104 Jones V. Home Furn. Co 32, 49 Jones V. Miners' Bk 56 Jordon v. Long 77 Jurgens v. Wickman 163 K. Kansas City, etc., R. R. Co. v. Cobb 274 Kavanagh v. Bk. of America. . .104 Kayton v. Barnett 52 Keidan v. Winegar 51 Keller v. Johnson 101 Kellogg V. Curtis 95 Kennedy v. Broderick 23 Kerr v. Smith 34 Kester v. Kester 177 Kiefer v. Tolbert 90 Kimbro v. Lytle 95 King V. Griggs 158 Kingan & Co. v. Silvers 190 Kirby v. Ruegamer 51 Kitchen v. Laudenback 104 Klotz V. Silver 135 Knapp V. Cowell 68 Knight V. Braswell 26 Knox V. Eden Musee, etc., Co.. 356 Knoxville Bk. & Tr. Co. v. Mer- shon 121i Kohn V. Consolidated Butter, etc., Co 115 Konig V. Bayard 259 Korkemas v. Macksoud 178 Krouskop V. Shontz 187 Krumbhaar v. Griffiths 352 L. Lamar v. Micou 355 Lamon v. French 224 Lampman v. Lampman 102 Lamson v. Beard 107 Land Title & Tr. Co. v. North- western Nat. Bk 61 Lang V. Smith 267 Lankofsky v. Raymond 166 Law v. Stewart 70 Lawrence, In re 101 Lawrence v. Miller 153 Lawrence v. Maxwell 350 Leask v. Dew 183 Leather Mfrs. Bk. v. Morgan... 59 Lehnhard v. Sedway 215 Leitch V. Wells 355, 358 Lennon v. Gruner 118 Lenox v. Leverett 254, 263 Leonard v. Draper 117, 118 Levy V. Arons 186 Lewisohn v. The Kent & Stanley Co 32 Liberty Tr. Co. v. Tilton 108 Libby v. Pierce 27 Liesemer v. Burg 177 Life Ins. Co. v. Pendleton 140 Lightner v. Roach 113 Lindeman's Bxtr. v. Guildin. . . .159 Lindsay v. Price 74 Linick v. Nutting 42 Linn v. Horton 154 Lititz Nat. Bk. v. Siple 144 Lombard v. Byrne 63 Lord V. Hingham Nat. Bk 295 Loring v. Brodie 354 Louisville Bkg. Co. v. Asher 286, 290 Lovell V. Williams 52 Lowell V. Bickford 93 Lowell Tr. Co. v. Pratt 166 Lowrey v. Comm'l & Farmer's Bk 359 Lytle v. Lansing 104 . M. McBroom v. Treas. Lebanon County 29 McCaughey v. Smith 189 TABLE OF CASES 389 McCord, In re 70 McCorkle v. Miller 19 McCormick v. Eckland (2 McCoy V. Gilmore 15^ McCune v. Belt "'0 McDonald v. Luckenbach 140 McDonald v. Mclaughlin 30 McHenry v. Nat. Bk 60^ McKenzie v. Barrett Ill McKnight v. Parsons 96 MIcMurray v. McMurray 106 McNeil V. Tenth Nat. Bk..350, 353 Machinists Nat. Bk. v. Field... 342, 357 Mackintosh v. Gibbs 88, 303 Madison v. Cabelek 148 Maddox v. Duncan 122 Magruder v. Union Bk 138 Mallon V. Stevens 130 Man V. Boykin 340 Mandelbaum v. N. Amer. Mng. Co 342, 357 Mankey v. Hoyt 208, 240 Mnfrs. Nat. Bk. v. Continental Bk 78 Mnfrs. & Merch. Bk. v. Follett.. 49 Mutrs. Nat. Bk. v. Thompson. . .260 Manussier v. Wright 94 Mapleton Bk. v. Stanrod 339 Marbury v. Ehlen 356, 360 Marion Nat. Bk. v. Russell 94 Markey v. Casey 17 Markley v. Corey 81 Marling v. Mommensen 148 Marshall Field & Co. v. Evans, Johnson, Sloan Co 348 Martin v. Brown 245 Martz V. St. Nat. Bk 90 Mason v. Dousey 234 Mason v. Franklin 246 Mason v. Kilcourse 239, 245 Massachusetts Nat. Bk. v. Snow 45 Massie v. Belford 21 Matlock V. Scheuerman 66 Matson v. Jarvis 186 Maxwell v. Agnew 272 Mayer & Bros. Appeal 144 Mechanics & Traders' Bk. v. Seitz 148 Meader v. Dollar Savg. Bk 26 Mehlinger v. Harriman 65 Melton V. Pensacola Bk 188 Merch. Nat. Bk. v. Clark 51 Merch. Bk. v. Santa Maria Sug. Co 95 Merritt v. Todd 27 Mersman v. Werges 189 Metallic Specialty Co., In re 178 Metcalfe v. Williams 51 Meuer v. Phenix Nat. Bk 112 Meyer v. Rosenheim 56 Mexican Asph. Pav. Co. v. Love. 110 Michigan Bk. v. Ely 216 Miller v. Austin 22 Miller v. Gardner 18 Miller v. Hannibal, etc.,' R. R. Co 47 Miller v. Kyle 18 Miller v. Marks 66 Miller v. Norton 96 Milwaukee Nat. Bk. v. City Bk. of Oswego 283 Miners, etc., Bk. v. St. Louis Smelting Co 61 Mitchell V. Baring 246 Mobley v. Ryan 35 Monongahela Nat. Bk. v. First Nat. Bk 296 Montgomery City Bk. v. Albany City Bk 218 Montgomery v. Crossthwait 18 Montgomery v. Schwald 177 Montrose Sav. Bk. v. Claussen. 96 Moore v. Rogers 146 Moorhead v. Gilmore 85 Morelahd's Assignee v. Citizens Savings Bk 243 Morgan v. U. S 19 Morgantown Bk. v. Hay 216 Morris v. Union Nat. Bk 283 Morris Co. Br. Co. v. Austin 69 Morrison v. Bailey 205 Morrison v. Fishell Mount Morris. Bk. v. Gorham... 54 Moynahan v. Prentiss ..352 Mundt V. Comm'l. Nat. Bk, .345, 357 A.urchison Nat. Bk. v. Dunn Oil Mills 65 Murray v. Third Natl Bk 140 390 TABLE OF CASES Murrell v. Edwards 214 Myers v. Standart 222, 225 N. Nance v. Lary 42 Nashville Bk. v. Henderson 134 Nassano 1. Tuolumne Co. Bk... 36 Nat. Bk. V. Weston 1^3 Nat. Bk. of N. Amer. v. Kirby.. IS Nat. Bk. of Commerce v. Amer. Nat. Bk 112 Natl. Bk. of Commerce v. Amer. Ex. Bk 283 Nat. Bk. of Commerce v. Merch. Nat. Bk 284 Nat. City Bk. v. Bkrs' Tr. Co.. . . 30 Nat. City Bk. v. Westcott .. 59 Nat. Exchg. Bk. v. Lester 41 Nat. Park Bk. v. Koehler 181 Nat. Park Bk. v. Saitta 230 Nat. Park Bk. v. Seaboard Bk. 59, 120 Nat. St. Bk. V. Weil 27 Neal V. Wood 143 Nelson v. First Nat. Bk 248 New Haven Mfg. Co. v. New Haven Pulp & Board Co 89 Newport v. Smith 51 Newton v. Bramlett 77 New York, etc., Contr. Co. v. Selma Savgs. Bk 158, 209 New York, etc., Co. v. Meyer 209 N. Y. Life Ins. Co. v. Martindale 187 Niagara Dist. Bk. v. Fairman Mach. Tool Co 225 Niblock v. Sprague 44 Noble v. Beeman S. & Co 70 North Car. Corp. Comm. v. Merch. & Farmers Bk 298 Northampton Nat. Bk. v. Kidder 45 Northwestern Nat. Bk. v. Kan- sas City Bk. of Commerce 120 Norwich Bk. v. Hyde 46 Noyes v. Loring 52 Nutting V. Burked 28 O. Oakdale Mfg. Co. v. Clarke 88 Oakley v. Carr 157 O'Brien v. Young 47 Ocean Nat. Bk. v. Fant 135 Ocean Nat. Bk. v. Williams 242 O'Donnell v. Smith 214 Ogden v. Raymond 52 Ohm V. Yung 19 O'Neil V. Walcott Min. Co.. .337, 357 Oppenheimer v. Farmers & Merch. Bk 18 Otis Elevator Co. v. First Nat. Bk 40, 41 Overman v. Hoboken City Bk..218 Owen V. Blackburn 34 Owen & Co. v. Storms 70 Owsley V. Phillips 57 P. Passmore v. North 35, o6 Patterson First Nat. Bk. v. Nat. Broadway Bk 350, 354, 355 Patton V. Bk. of Lafayette 243 Pauley v. State Life & Tr. Co... 348 Payne v. Patrick 153 Peck V. Providence Gas Co 358 Peden v. Birkle 100 Pelton V. San Jacinto Lbr. Co.. 188 Penn. R. R. Co.'s Appeal 343 Pensacola Bk. v. Melton 188 Peoples Bk. v. Brooke 239, 245 Peoples and Drovers Bk. v. Craig 80, Z60 Perry v. Bray 73 Pettyjohn v. Nat. Exchg. Bk.57, 59 Phillips V. Mercantile Nat. Bk..236 Philpot's Est., In re 94 Pierce v. State Nat. Bk 272 Pierce v. Struthers 133 Pilmer v. Branch of St. Bk 34 Pinkney v. Kanawha Valley Bk.295 Pitt v. Little 183, 187 Planters Mercantile Co. v. Ar- mour Pkg. Co 291 Plate V. Reynolds 230 Plover Sav. Bk. v. Moodie..l29, 276 Poess V. Twelfth Ward Bk 279 Porter v. Cushman 89 Porter v. Huie 70 Porthouse v. Parker 209 Prall V. Tilt 355 TABLE OF CASES 391 Prather v. Hairgrove 260 Pratt V. Boston, etc., R. R. Co.. 362 Pratt V. Mach. Nat. Bk 362 Preston v. Dunham 21 Proctor V. Cole 64 Pullman v. Upton 348 Putnam v. Crymes 29 Q. Qulmby v. Varnum 92, 182, 183 Quincy Mut. Fire Ins. Co. v. In- ternal. Tr. Co 86 R. Ragsdale v. Gresham 112 Railroad Co. v. Cowell 49 Rallo Nat. Bk. v. First Nat. Bk..ll2 Randolph Nat. Bk. v. Hornblow- er 279 Ray V. Faulkner 225 Raymond v. Middleton 20 Read v. Buffalo 20 Real Est. Tr. Co. v. Bird 339 Reed v. Murphy 23 Reed v. Roark 15 Reed v. Spear 137, 138 Regester's Sons v. Reea 107 Reilly v. McKinnon 103 Rice V. Granger 66 Richards v. Darst ■... 72 Richards v. Day 38 Richards v. Warring 20 Richmond v. Irons 340 Riddle v. Bk. of Montreal 275 Rilbe V. Austin 181 Roach V. Woodhall 55 Roads V. Webb 20 Robertson v. Crane 132 Robinson v. Barnett 143 Ross V. Hurd 144, 168 Rosson V. Carroll 155 Rousch V. Duff 220 Royal Cons. Min. Co. v. Royal Cons. Mines Co 340 Ruiz V. Renauld 217 Ryman v. Gerlach 353 S. Sabine v. Payne 105 Sampson v. Turney 155 Sanford v. Cairo City Nat. Bk..l87 Saulsbury v. Blandy 217 Schaefer v. Marsh 44 Schimmelpennick v. Bayard. .. .251 Schlessinger v. Kelly 105 Schlessinger v. Lehmeier. 105 Schmidt v. Pegg 20, 79 Schmittler v. Simon 19 bchofield V. Bayard 254 Schwartz v. Barringer 214 Schwartzman v. Post 178 Schuchardt v. Hale 232 Scotland Co. Bk. v. Hohn 71 Scotland Co. Nat. Bk v. O'Con- nell 41 Second Nat. Bk. v. Bk. of Alma. 295 Second Nat. Bk. v. Cummings. . .284 Second Nat. Bk. v. Graham 181 Second Nat. Bk. v. Merch. Nat. Bk 291, 297 Sharp V. Drew 232 Shattuck V. Amer. Cement Co. . .350 Shaw V. Shaw 26 Shea V. Vahey 155 Shelmerdine v. Duffy 115 Sheridan v. Carpenter 191 Shinew v. Bowling Green First Nat. Bk 57 Shipman v. Bk. of N. Y 32 Shipsey v. Bowery Nat. Bk 291 Shisler v. Van Dyke 57 Shoe, etc., Nat. Bk. v. Wood 68 Shreyer v. Hawkes 46 Sigerson v. Matthews 144 Simpson v. White 88 Smith V. Bayer 79 Smith V. Caro & Brown 27, 87 Smith V. Ledyard 216 Smith V. Marsack 110, 112 Smith V. Melton 233 Smith V. Nashville, etc., R. R. Co 347, 358 Smith V. Poillon '.163 Smith V. Rowland 151, 219 Smith V. Smith 46 Snyder v. Corn Exchg. Bk 32 Soaps V. Eichberg 188 So. Boston Iron Co. v. Brown... 107 Spangler v. McDaniel 171 392 TABLE OF CASES Spreckles v. Nevada Bk 348 Springs v. Hanover Nat. Bk. . . . 5» Stanford Cloth'g Co., hi re 104 Steele v. McKinley 214 Stanton v. Blossom 153 Stapleton v. Louisville Bkg. Co. 18 Star Mills v. Bailey 63 State v. First Nat. Bk. of Mont- rose " State v. Hinton "75 State V. Smith 348 State Bk. of Chicago v. First Nat. Bk 5^ State Bkg. & Tr. Co. v. Taylor.. 339 State of N. Y. Nat. Bk. v. Kenne- dy 131 States V. First Nat. Bk 59 Steele v. McKinley 214 Stern v. Empire Tr. Co 56 Stewart v. Eden 167,181 Stewart v. Firemans' Ins. Co... 359 St. Nicholas Bk. v. Farmers' Nat. Bk 297 St. Louis & S. W. Ry. Co. v. James 220 St. Charles Sav. Bk. v. Edwards. 108 Stone V. Sargent 39 Stoneman v. Py\e 18 Stotesburg v. Massingale 222 Stover V. Hamilton 28 Strickland v. Parlln, etc., Co... 101 Sturtevant v. Jacques 30 Sulzbacher v. Bk. of Charleston li;3, 236 Supply Ditch Co. v. Elliott. .343, 360 Swear v. Carr 102 Swope V. Ross 251 Sylvester v. Downer 77 Sylvester v. Staples 222 T. Tabpr v. New Bedford 191 Tainter v. Winter 30 Talapoosa Co. Bk. v. Wynn 68 Tapee v. Farley 97 Telegraph Co. v. Davenport. .. .362 Terry v. Bissell 57, 59 Terry v. Munger 47 Tharp v. Jameson 186 Third Nat. Bk. v. Lange 30 Thompson Houston El Co. v. Capitol El. Co 91 Thompson v. Perrine 274 Tierney v. Ledden 348 Tischer v. Merea 95 Tisdale Lbr. Co. v. Piquet 22 Todd V. State Bk 222 Tolman v. Amer. Exchg. Nat. Bk. 60 Tombeckbe Bk. v. Stratton 181 Toole v. Crafts 167 Tower v. Stanley 39 Townsend v. Auld 164 Traders Nat. Bk. v. Jones.. 153, 154 Traders' Nat. Bk. v. Rogers.... 59 Trego v. Cunningham 122 Trust Co. of Amer. v. Hamilton Bk 57, 58 Trustees of the I. I. Fund v. Lewis 274 Turnbull v. Maddox '. . . 168 Tuttle v. Greenfield First Nat. Bk 51 Tyler v. Hyde 177 Tyler v. Walker 18 U. Uhler V. Farm. Nat. Bk 143 Union Bk. v. Johnson 288 Union Nat. Bk. v. Neill 103 Union Br. Co. v. State Bk 49 Union Tr. Co. v. Preston Nat. Bk 207 U. S. v. Am. Exchg. Nat. Bk 120 U. S. V. White 28 Usher v. Tucker 36 Utica Nat. Br. Co., In re 177 Utica Bk. v. Smith 152, 153 V. Valequette v. Clark Bros Coal Min. Co 50 Valk v. Simmons 171 Vanarsdale v. Hax 89 Vanderford v. Farmers', etc., Nat. Bk 176 Van Eaman v. Stanchfield 350 Vette V. La Barge 18, 19 Visalia, etc., R. R. Co. v. Hyde. .340 TABLE OF CASES 393 w. Wagner v. Kenner 35 Wallace v. Jewell 188 Wallace v. Douglas 224 Walsh V. Blatchford 268 Walton V. Williams 16, 73, 251 Ward V. City Tr. Co 65 Waring v. Betts 132 Warren v. Scott 20 Washington Nat. Bk. v. Reyn- olds 138 Watson V. Wyman 149 Watt V. Potter 132 Waverly First Nat. Bk. v. For- syth 18 Weare v. Gove 52 Weber v. Bullock 340 Weber v. Orton 91 Welch V. B. C. Taylor Co 140 Wells V. West. Union Tel. Co , 140, 215 Wentworth Co. v. French 349 West River Bk. v. Taylor.. 154, 180 Westberg v. Chicago Lbr. Co 34, 218, 220 Westinghouse v. German, etc., Bk 353 Weston V. Wiley 189 Weyerhauser v. Dunn 38 Wheeler v. Maillott 160 Wheeler v. Webster 16, 214 Whilden v. Merch, Nat. Bak...214 Whitcombe v. Nat. Exchg. Bk. .183 White V. Rowland 110 "V^Tiittle V. Fond du Lac Nat. Bk 17 Wicker v. Jones 186, 191 Wilkesbarre 1st Nat. Bk. v. Bar- num 188 Williams v. Keyes 149 Williams v. Paintsville Nat. Bk. 160 Williamson, Halsell, Frazier Co. V. Ackerman 102 Wilson V. Hendee 115 Wilson V. Peck 162, 164 Wilson V. Senier 142 Wilson V. Carlinville Nat. Bk... 290, 297 Windsor Cement Co. v. Thomp- son 15 Wisconsin Y'rly Meet'g, etc., v. Babbler 23 Wiseman v. Chiapella 232 Wisner v. First Nat. Bk 220 Wood V. Guaranty Tr. Co 260 Wood V. Pugh 252, 263 Wood's Appeal 350, 355 Woods V. Colony Bk 58 Woodward v. Griffith-Marshall Co 216 Wooten v. Wilmington, etc., R. R. Co 360 Worley v. Johnson 144 Wright V. McCarthy 279 X. Xander v. Comm 186 Y. Yatesville Bnkg. Co. v. Fourth Nat. Bk 58 Yocum v. Smith 41 Young v. Baker 38 Young V. Exchange Bk 142, 155 Young V. Lowry 103 Z. Zollner v. Moffitt 157, 257 INDEX. Except where otherwise stated, the references are to the Section num- bers of the Uniform Negotiable Instruments Act. A. Acceptance (See also "Acceptor")— Section Drawee not liable on bill unless and until he accepts it 127 What it is and what promise it implies 132 Meaning of term 191 When incomplete 16. 191 May not express performance by any means other than the payment of money 132 How made 132, 133 Must be signed by drawee 132 Holder entitled to on face of instrument 133 How and where to be made on bill 133 Must be in writing 132, 133 If refused, holder may treat bill as dishonored 133 By separate instrument 134 By separate instrument does not bind acceptor, when 134 Promise to accept bill, virtual acceptance, when deemed an acceptance 135 Promise to accept bill must be unconditional and in writing. . 135 Promise to accept bill is implied when 135 Time allowed drawee to accept bill 136 If not given within 24 hours bill must be treated as dishon- ored 136, 150 Dates as of day of presentation if given later 136 Drawee deemed to have accepted bill if he refuses to return the bill within 24 hours or destroys it 137 Bill may be accepted while incomplete or unsigned 138 Or when overdue 138 Or after previous refusal to accept 138 Or after dishonor by non-payment 138 Holder, in absence of any different agreement, entitled to have acceptance dated as of day of first presentation 138 But it may be given any other different date 138 When date may be inserted 13 Certification of check by bank is 187 Of bills in a set 181 General acceptance, what is 139, 140 Qualified acceptance, what is 139, 141 Conditional acceptance, what is 141 Acceptance to pay at a particular place, is general when 140 INDEX 395 Section Acceptance to pay only at a particular place is qualified 141 Acceptance to pay part only of amount of bill, is qualified.. 141 Acceptance which is qualified as to time 141 Acceptance by one of several drawees 141, 145 Acceptance to pay upon fulfillment of a condition therein stated, is qualified 141 Holder may refuse to take qualified acceptance 142 When unqualified acceptance is refused he may treat bill as dishonored 142 Where qualified acceptance is taken, drawer and indorsers are released unless then assent 142 When drawer and indorsers are deemed to assent to quali- fied acceptance 142 Acceptance by Banks (See introduction to Title II) — Acceptance, Presentment for (See Presentment for Acceptance) — Acceptance for Honor 161-170 When may be made 161 By whom may be made 161, 162 For whose honor may be made 161 May be made for more than one party 161 May be made for whole bill or part only 161 May be more than one acceptance for honor 161 Can only be made after protest 161 How made, and by whom 161, 162 Must be in writing 162 Must be signed by acceptor for honor 162 Is deemed to be made for honor of drawer unless it expressly states for whose honor it is made 163 When bill payable after sight matures if accepted for honor. 166 Protest of bill accepted for honor 167 Liability of acceptor for honor 164, 165 Agreement of acceptance for honor. 164, 165 Delay in making presentment to acceptor for honor excused, when 169 Protest upon failure or refusal of acceptor for honor to pay.. 170 Acceptor for honor discharged, when 165 How presentment for payment must be made to acceptor for honor and when 168 Bill must be protested upon dishonor by acceptor for honor.. 170 Acceptor, Admissions of and promise implied from acceptance.. 62 Liability of 62 Admits that drawer exists and has capacity and authority to draw the instrument 62 Admits that payee exists and has capacity and authority to indorse the instrument 62 Cannot afterward deny the things which his acceptance admits 62 396 INDEX Section Engages to pay the instrument according to the tenor of his acceptance 62 Liable to holder in due course for amount of his acceptance even though amount of bill raised 62 Bank certifying raised check is liable for amount certified, when 62 Presentment for payment not necessary to charge acceptor. . . 70 Not released from liability by holder's failure to present in- strument for payment 70 Is a primary party "^0 (See also Acceptance, Drawee) — Accomodation Indorser (See also "Irregular Indorser") — Liability of 29 Accommodation Instrument — Discharged when paid by party accommodated 119 May not be re-issued when paid by accommodated party 121 Liability of accommodation party 29 Accommodation party deemed such even though he is paid for use of his name 29 Accommodation party is liable only to holder for value 29 And is liable to him notwithstanding at the time of taking the instrument he knew him to be only an accommodation party. 29 Action (See Indorser) — Meaning of term 191 Includes counterclaim and setoff 191 Holder may bring in his own name 51 Holder may proceed by, against secondary parties immediately upon dishonor of instrument 84, 151 Addition of parties or words — Is material alteration, when 124 Administrator or Executor — Signature by 20, 44 Presentment to 76, 145 Notice to 98 Admissions implied from signatures of parties, (See "War- ranty") 60, 61, 62 Agent — Signature by 19 Authority of, when implied 19 Ratification of signature by principal 19, 23 Authority need not be in writing 19 When principal's failure to repudiate agent's unauthorized act may be deemed a ratification . . . , 19 Liability of persons signing by agent 20 Not exempted from personal liability, when 20, 69 Liability of agent when principal's name not disclosed 20, 69 Effect of signataure "by procuration" 21 INDEX 397 Section Agent signing "by procuration" must have written authority from principal 21 And must act within the actual limits of his authority or prin- cipal not bound 21 A signature "by procuration" is notice to everybody that agent has only limited authority 21 Indorsement, by ^^ Indorsement by, unauthorized (See Forgery). Liability of, when instrument is negotiated by agent without authority or "for collection" 36, 37 Notice of dishonor by (See Notice of Dishonor). Alteration of Instrument 124, 125 Effect of material 124 Effect of material upon rights of holder in due course 124 Effect of alteration by stranger, spoliation 125 What alterations are material 125 Physical alterations in instrument itself are meant 125 Fraudulent intent presumed, when 125 Payment made by mistake on altered instrument may be re- covered 125 Alternative Drawees, bill may not be drawn upon one or another. 128 Alternative Payees, Instrument may be so payable 8 Ambiguous Instrument, how construed 17 Amount, certainty as to 1. 2 When there is discrepancy between words and figures, words control 17 Antecedent Debt, constitutes value 25 What is 25 Antedated or Post-Dated Instrument, is not, for that reason in- valid 12 Of what date holder acquires title 12 Time of maturity not postponed 12 May be negotiated at any time after its delivery 12 Assignment, bill is not, of itself, an assignment of drawer's funds. 127 Check is not, of itself, an assignment of drawer's funds. . . .127, 189 Assumed Name, Liability of person signing in 18 Attorney's Fee — Negotiable instrument may contain provision for payment of. 2 Such a provision enforceable unless, by other laws, it is made illegal 2 In that event it does not effect negotiable character of instru- ment 2 B. Bank, acceptance by, (See Introduction to Title III) — Meaning of 191 Banking hours, what are 75 398 INDEX Section Indorsement to or by "for collection" 36 Warranty by, under indorsement "for collection" 66 Certifying check is liable for amount certified 62 Is liable, though check has been raised 62 Making instrument payable at, is equivalent to an order on bank to pay it 87 Duty of bank to pay such an instrument and liability for fail- ure 87 Presentment of instrument payable at 75 When deposit constitutes bank holder for value 52 Presentment of instrument payable at branch bank 75 Time when instrument so payable must be presented 75 Certification of check is equivalent to an acceptance by 187 Not liable on check unless it accepts or certifies it 189 Certification of check by, operates as assignment of drawer's funds, (See Checks: Collection of Checks) 189 Bankers' Bills (See Introduction to Title II) — Banking hours, what are "75 Bankrupt or Insolvent presentment to 72 For acceptance 145 Notice of dishonor to 101 Bearer, meaning of • 191 Instrument is payable to, when 9 Negotiation of instrument payable to 30 Effect of special indorsement of instrument, payable to 40 Instrument originally payable to order becomes payable to bearer by blank indorsement, when 34 Instrument originally payable to, may be transferred by deliv- ery even though specially indorsed 40 Better Security, bill may be protested for, when 158 Bill, meaning of 127, 191 Bill of Exchange, defined, (Historical reference to early use will be found in the Introduction to Title I) 126 "Bill" in act, means bill of exchange 127, 191 Commonly known as "draft" 1. 126 Ambiguous instrument may be treated as bill or note 17 Bill payable to drawer's own order may be treated as a promis- sory note ISO Inland bill defined 129 Foreign bill defined 129 Is not, of itself, an assignment of drawer's funds 127 Protest of (See Protest). When may be treated as promissory note 17, 130 General Provisions as to form and interpretation 126-131 General provisions as to acceptance 132-142 General provisions as to presentment for acceptance 143-151 General provisions as to protest 152-160 INDEX 399 Section Bills in a set, what are ^'^^ Constitute one bill ^'^^ Rights of holders when different parts negotiated 179 Effect of discharge of one part of set 183 Payment of one part of set 182, 183 Liability of acceptor who pays one part without requiring surrender of part bearing his acceptance 182 Acceptance must be written on one part only 181 Liability of acceptor if more than one part accepted 181 Liability of holder who indorses two or more parts 180 Rights of holders where different parts are negotiated 179 Discharge by material alteration of one part 183 Bills of Lading (See Quasi-Negotiable Instruments). Blanks, what may be filled in and by whom 13, 14 When true date may be inserted 13 Instrument is avoided if holder inserts wrong date 13 Effect of insertion of wrong date if instrument is in hands of a holder in due course 13 Blank paper, signed, may be converted into a negotiable in- strument, when 1^ But it must be done strictly in accordance with the authority given by party making the signature 14 And within a reasonable time 14 Rights of holder in due course in such case if authority not properly exercised 1^ Omissions may be supplied 6 (See Alteration; Incomplete Instrument; Omissions) — Blank Indorsement (See Indorsement) — Bonds, are negotiable 6. 184 Interest coupons of, are negotiable 6 Persons negotiating bonds of public or private corporations, by delivery, do not warrant certain things 65 Broker, liability of, negotiating instrument, (See Agent) 69 Business Day, what is 194 Instrument must be presented on, at reasonable hour 72 Business Hours, what are, at bank 75 C. Cancellation, as discharge of instrument 119 Must be by holder in his own right 119 Of signature, effect of 120 Unintential, is inoperative 123 By mistake is inoperative 123 Without authority is inoperative 123 Capacity — To indorse, admissions as to by maker 60 By drawer ^^ 400 INDEX Section By acceptor 62 Warranty as to (See Warranty). "Cash" instrument drawn payable to, is payable to bearer 9 Cashier — How instrument payable to may be negotiated 42 Instrument payable to, is deemed, prima facie, payable to bank or corporation of which he is officer 42 Certainty — As to sum, what constitutes 2 Drawee must be named or described with 1 Certificate of Deposit, as negotiable instruments 184 Certification (See Check) — Check (A statement of the law of collection of checks, etc., and of the principal duties of banks and collecting agents will be found at 280-299 Is subject to all provisions of this Act applicable to bills of exchange payable on demand 185 Exchange of checks as consideration 25 Within what time must be presented for payment 186 Effect of unreasonable delay to present for payment 186 Upon its dishonor, like proceedings must be had as upon a '^'°" bill of exchange 185 Certification of, is equivalent to acceptance 187 Effect of certification procured by holder 188 Bank is not liable upon, until it accepts or certifies 189 Does not, of itself, operate as assignment of any part of drawer's funds 189 Certification of check does so operate 189 Liability of bank upon certification or payment of forged or raised check 23, 62 Collateral Securities — ■ Negotiable instrument may contain provision for sale of . . . . 5 Holder making presentment for payment must be prepared to deliver up 74 Collection — ■ Provision in instrument for costs of, does not render sum uncertain 2 Indorsement of instrument for, by restrictive indorsement.. 36 Collection of Checks, etc., a statement of the law of collections and duties of banks and collecting agents will be found at.. 280-299 Complete, holder may, by filling up blanks in instrument 14 When contract on instrument is deemed not 16 When instrument is complete and regular 52 Conditional Acceptance (See Qualified Acceptance) — Conditional Indorsement, may be made 39 But may be disregarded by party required to pay instrument. 39 Holder takes instrument, or its proceeds, subject to rights of person making 39 INDEX 401 Section Confession of Judgment, negotiable instrument may contain provi- sion authorizing 5 Conflict in terms of instrument or discrepancy between words and figures, rule as to 17 Consideration, generally 24-29 What is 24, 25 Presumption as to 24 What constitutes 25 Exchange of checks as 25 When absence or failure of is a defense 28 Partial failure is a defense "pro tanto" 28 What consideration sufficient to support instrument 25 When lien constitutes value 27 Antecedent debt as value 25 (See Value). Contingency, instrument payable on is not negotiable 4 Even if contingency does happen 4 Corporation, included in designation "person" 191 Officer of, how instrument payable to may be negotiated 22 Fiscal officer of, as payee, how instrument negotiable by and to whom payable 42 Warranties implied by negotiation not applicable to bonds of. 65 Countermand of Payment by drawer dispenses with notice to him of dishonor of instrument 137 Withdrawal of funds as 137 Current Money or Funds negotiable instrument may designate kind in which it is payable 6 Custom, and usage of business or trade to be regarded in determin- ing what is or is not a reasonable time 193 And usage of business as affecting interpretation of language of instrument , 60 Custom of Merchants (See Law Merchant) — D. Date, omission of does not affect negotiability 6 Omission of may be supplied 13 Of instrument is prima facie true date 11 Instrument may be antedated or post-dated 12 True date may be inserted , 13 Effect of insertion of wrong date 13 Of instrument, presumption as to 11 Of indorsement, presumption as to 45 If antedated or post-dated, person to whom instrument is de- livered acquires title as of date of delivery 12 From which interest is calculated if not specified in instru- ment 17 Alteration of 125 402 INDEX Section Days of Grace, there are none, (exceptions in certain states) 85 Death of Party, effect on presentment and notice of dishonor 76, 98, 145, 148 Defect, what is, in title of person negotiating instrument 55 What constitutes notice of 56 Defenses, wlien instrument subject to original 58 In hands of transferee without indorsement 49 Not available against holder in due course 58 Or one who derives title through a holder in due course 59 (See Equities). Definitions, of terms used in the Act 191 Delay in presentment for payment, when excused 81 When cause of is removed, presentment must be made 81 In giving notice of dishonor; how excused 113 In presenting check releases drawer, to what extent 186 Effect of delay for an unreasonable time to present bill for acceptance 144 For unreasonable time to demand payment of instrument pay- able on demand, effect of .7, 53, 71, 193 Delivery, meaning of 191 Necessary to complete every contract upon a negotiable in- strument 16 When effectual and -when presumed 16 Every instrument incomplete and revocable without 16 Effect of negotiation of instrument incomplete for want of delivery 15 Valid delivery conclusively presumed, when and as to whom., 16 Is presumed, when 16 When conditional delivery may be shown 16 Is necessary to complete negotiation of instrument payable to order 30 Instrument payable to bearer is negotiable by 30 Instrument payable to bearer which has been specially in- dorsed may, nevertheless, be negotiated by 40 Warranty of person negotiating instrument by 65 Instrument payable to order may be negotiated by, when 34 Of bill for acceptance 137 Effect of its destruction by drawee 137 Or of his refusal to return it 137 Holder must call for it and demand its acceptance or return. . 137 Acceptance not complete without delivery or notification. .16, 191 Of instrument upon payment 74 Of instrument without indorsement, effect of 49 Demand, when instrument payable on 1, 7 When instrument payable on, is negotiated an unreasonable length of time after issue, effect 53 Effect on such an instrument of unreasonable delay. . .7, 53, 71, 193 INDEX 403 Section When presentment and demand for payment of instrument payable on demand must be made 71 Destruction of Bill, intentional, when considered acceptance.... 137 Protest of lost or destroyed bill 160 lieterminable Future Time, instrument may be payable at 1 What is 4 Diligence required in making presentment for acceptance 144 Required in making demand for payment of instrument pay- able on demand 7, 53, 71, 193 Discharge of Instrument and Parties 119-125 By payment, by principal debtor 119 By payment by party accommodated 119 By cancellation of instrument by the holder 119 By any act which will discharge a simple contract for pay- ment of money 119 When principal debtor becomes owner after maturity 119 By material alteration 124 By renunciation by holder 122 Of party secondarily liable 120 By discharge of the instrument 120 By intentional cancellation of his signature 120 By discharge of a prior party 120 By tender of payment made by prior party 120 By release of principal debtor 120 , By agreement to extend time of payment 120 Rights of party who discharges instrument 121 Right to re-negotiate instrument 121 Unintentional cancellation, or one made by mistake, or without authority, does not 123 Party claiming mistake has burden of proof 123 Instrument is discharged by material alteration unless made with assent of all parties, except as against those making, authorizing or assenting, See "Alteration" 124 Of one of a set of bills, (See also Drawer, Indorser) 183 Dishonor of Instrument (See also Notice of Dishonor, Protest) — By non-payment 83 Liability of parties secondarily liable upon 84 Engagement of drawer upon 61 Rights of holder upon 84 Effect of dishonor by non-payment 84 Protest upon (See Protest). Acceptance after dishonor 138 By non-acceptance 149 Duty of holder upon 150 Rights of holder upon 151 Presentment for payment unnecessary, when 15t (See also Protest, Payment for Honor, Acceptance for Honor) 404 INDEX Section Drawee, meaning of ^ Must be named, or described with reasonable certainty 1 Instrument may be payable to 8 May be payee ° Not liable on bill unless he accepts 127, 189 128 But not in alternative 12S May be two or more. Or in succession. 128 Admissions by, upon acceptance 62 And drawer same person 130 Bill may then be treated as a promissory note 130 When is fictitious person or person not having capacity to contract, holder may treat bill as. promissory note 130 What time allowed to accept 136 Refusal to surrender or destruction of bill by, is considered an acceptance 137 Mere retention of bill by, unaccompanied by refusal to sur- render, is not an acceptance 137 Acceptance by, how made 132 Must sign acceptance 132 Acceptance by one or more, effect of 141 (See also Acceptance, Acceptor). Drawer — Bill may be payable to 8 What signature of admits 61 Liability of 61 May limit his liability to holder 61 Entitled to notice of dishonor, when 89 When not entitled to notice of dishonor 114 When notice of dishonor to is dispensed with 112 Bill may be treated as promissory note when drawer and drawee are same person 130 Or when drawee is fictitious person, or one not having capac- ity to contract 130 Existence of and authority of to draw admitted by acceptance. 62 When presentment for acceptance is necessary to charge 143 When failure to present for acceptance releases 144 When failure to negotiate bill within a reasonable time dis- charges 144, and see 7, 53, 71, 193 When presentment for payment is necessary to charge 70 When presentment for payment is not necessary to charge. ... 79 Time when liability of, accrues 84, 151 When notice of dishonor required to charge 89, 150 When not 112, 114 Liability upon dishonor by non-acceptance 151 When protest necessary to charge 152 When failure to present check discharges 186 TNDEX 405 Section To what extent 186 Discharged when holder procures certification of check 188 Due Course, meaning of 53 (See Holder in Due Course). Due Diligence (See Diligence) — Duress, what is 55 Effect on title when instrument or signature obtained by. . . . 55 E. Election, effect of provision In bill giving holder 5 Right to treat instrument as either bill or note 17, 130 Equities, when instrument subject to 58 What constitutes notice of 56 Rights of holder when part of consideration paid before no- tice of 54 (See Defenses). Exchange, meaning of 2 Instrument may contain provision for payment of 2 Bill may prescribe rate of 2 Executor or Administrator, signature by 20, 44 Presentment and notice to 76, 98, 145, 148 Exhibition of Instrument, instrument must be exhibited when pay- ment is demanded 74 And upon payment, must be delivered up 74 Extension of Time, effect of granting, as release of secondary par- ties 120 (See Discharge of Instrument and Parties). F. Facts, nature of instrument, and trade usages and customs to be regarded in determining reasonable or unreasonable time 193 Failure of Consideration (See Consideration) — Fear, instrument or signature obtained by, effect on title 55 Fictitious Person, who is 82, 130 Instrument knowingly made payable to is payable to bearer.. 9 Assumed or trade name is not name of 18 When drawee is, bill may be treated as a promissory note... 130 Presentment dispensed with when drawee is 82 Notice of dishonor need not be given drawer when drawee is. 114 Notice of dishonor need not be given indorser if aware of fictitious character of drawee 115 Figures, words in instrument govern when there is conflict or ambiguity 17 Fiscal Officer, of bank or corporation, how instrument may be negotiated or indorsed by 42 Force, instrument or signature obtained by, effect on title 55 Foreign Bill, what is 129 406 INDEX Section Must be protested 118, 152 Forgery of Signature, effect of 23 Warranties as to, by parties who negotiate instrument 65, 66 Fraud, wliat is 55 When presumed 55, 125 Instrument or signature obtained by, effect upon title 55 Form and Interpretation of Negotiable Instruments 1-23 G. General Indorser, liability of 66, 67, 68 (See Indorser). Genuineness, of instrument, warranty of, where negotiated by delivery or qualified indorsement 65 Warranty as to, by general indorser 66 Of signature of drawer, acceptor admits 62 (See Warranty). Grace, days of, none allowed 85 H. Holder, meaning of 191 Rights of, in general 51-59 Payment to, discharges instrument 51, 119 Cancellation of instrument by 119 Unintentional cancellation by, is inoperative ,.... 123 May sue in his own name 51 Even though instrument does not belong to him 51 Effect of release of principal debtor by 120 May renounce his rights when and effect of 122 Alteration of instrument by 124 May fill up and convert signed blank piece of paper into a negotiable instrument 14 May fill up blanks in instrument 14 May insert true date in instrument or acceptance 13 Effect of insertion of wrong date by 13 When incomplete instrument not valid contract in hands of . . 15 When instrument subject to equities in hands of 58 Every holder deemed, prima facie, a holder in due course.... 59 Rights of, upon dishonor by non-payment 84 Rights of upon dishonor by non-acceptance 151 Duty of demand payment within reasonable time, of certain instruments 53, 71 Effect of refusal by, to accept payment "supra protest" 176 Holder for Value, who is 26, 27 To extent of lien held 27 (See Value). Holder in Due Course, who is 52, 59 Payee as 59 When holder not, of instrument payable on demand 53 INDEX 407 Section When for only part of amount of consideration paid 54 How determined when instrument transferred without indorse- ment ^^ When title of transferrer defective 55 What constitutes notice of defect 56 Title of, and right to enforce instrument 57 Rights of one not such a holder but who claims under a 58 Every holder deemed, prima facie, to be 59 How proved when it is shown that title of any prior holder was defective 59 Person who became party and was bound prior to defect in title cannot take advantage of it against 59 Warranties of parties in favor of 65, 66 Rights of, on altered instrument 124 Rights of, on instrument filled up or negotiated without au- thority 14 When delivery presumed as to 16 Holder of Office, how must be described when named as payee.. 8 How instrument negotiated or indorsed when payee is cashier or fiscal officer of a bank or corporation 42 Holiday, maturity of instrument falling due on 85 Wlien day on which act is required to be done is, when must be done 194 Honor, (See Acceptance for Honor, Payment for Honor, Referee in Case of Need). I. "I" — when construed as "we" 17 Illegal Stipulation, not validated by section affecting additional provisions in instrument 5 Illegality, of consideration, how affects title of person negotiating instrument 55 Effect on title of subsequent holders, if instrument obtained through fraud or 58 Immediate Parties, delivery necessary as to 16 Impersonator, fraudulent, determination of responsibility for loss when instrument issued or paid to 23 Incomplete Instrument, what blanks may be filled 13, 14 Not valid contract if not delivered 15 Acceptance of 138 (See Blanks; Complete). Indorsees, Joint, indorsement by 41, 68 Indorsement, meaning of 191 Anomalous 64 Note payable to maker's own order not complete without 184 By corporation or infant 22 Necessary to negotiation of instrument payable to order 30 Transfer of instrument without, effect of 49 Transferee has right to require 49 408 INDEX I Section Time at which negotiation takes effect when obtained after transfer, without 49 Must be upon instrument, or upon attached piece of paper... 31 How made 31 Kinds of 33 Must be of entire instrument or entire unpaid part 32 Special indorsement, what is 34 In blank, what is 34 In blank, makes instrument payable to bearer 9 In blank, how changed to special indorsement 36 Restrictive, what is 36 Restrictive, effect of 37 Restrictive, rights of indorsee under 37 Qualified, what is 38 Qualified, effect of 38 Qualified, how made 38 Conditional, right of party required to pay instrument to dis- regard condition .39 Effect of special, upon instrument payable to bearer 40 When instrument payable to two or more separate persons or as partners 41 When instrument drawn or payable to a person as cashier or other fiscal officer 42 Where name is misspelled, etc 43 Where indorsee or payee is wrongly designated 43 By person in representative capacity 44 (See Agent, Broker). Presumption as to time of 45 Presumption as to place of 46 Striking out, effect of 48 (See Indorser, Negotiation, Warranty). Indorser, when person signing instrument deemed to be 17, 63 Anomalous or irregular 64 Discharged, when, by positive act of another party.. 120, 122, 124 By failure to make presentment for payment 70 By failure to give notice of dishonor 89 When holder takes qualified acceptance without his assent... 142 By failure to negotiate or present bill for acceptance 144 By failure to make protest 152 By failure of holder to receive payment for honor 176 By discharge of one of a set of bills 183 When holder procures certification of check 188 Irregular, or accommodation 64 Liability of irregular or accommodation 64 Warranty of, when instrument negotiated by qualified in- dorsement 65 Liability of general 66 INDEX 409 Section Liability of person who indorses an instrument which is nego- tiable by delivery 67 Order in which indorsers are held 68 Liability of joint indorsers 68 Presentment for payment is necessary to charge 70 When not necessary 80 Released if instrument payable on demand is not presented within reasonable time 73 Liability of, upon dishonor of instrument 84, 151 When notice of dishonor required to charge 89 When notice of dishonor not required to charge 112, 115 Waiver of notice by 109 Payment of instrument by, effect of 121 When discharged by renunciation by holder 122 Discharged by alteration of instrument 124 ■\\Tien discharged if holder takes qualified acceptance 142 When discharged by failure of holder to negotiate or present bill for acceptance 144 "V\nien discharged by failure to protest bill 152 Liability of, of parts of bills in a set 180 Infant, effect of indorsement by 22 Infirmity, in instrument (See Title). Informal Instrument, interpretation of 10 Inland Bill, what is 129 Protest not required 118 Insolvency, how presentment must be made and notice of dis- honor given in case of 101, 145 Of drawer or acceptor, protesting instrument for better secur- ity 158 Installments, instrument payable in is negotiable 2 Holder who takes with notice after default in payment of is not holder in due course 2, 52 Separate demand must be made at maturity of each 71 Instrument, interpretation of , 10 Meaning of 191 Nature of to be regarded in determining reasonable or unrea- sonable time 193 Interest, date from which it runs, when instrument ambiguous.. 17 Sum not uncertain when instrument payable with 2 May be payable in installments 2 Holder who takes after default in payment of installment not holder in due course 2 Default in payment of may hasten maturity of instrument 2 When not reserved in instrument, is payable after maturity . . 2 Alteration of instrument as to 125 Irregular Indorser, who is and liability of 64 (See Accommodation Indorser). Issue, meaning of 191 410 INDEX J. Section Joint and Several Parties, who are 17 As indorsers 68 Payees, how must indorse 41 Joint Debtors, presentment to 78 Notice of dishonor to 100 L. Language of Instrument, ambiguity in, rules for construction.... 17 Need not follow Act 10 Law Merchant, definition and brief history of codification of rules in regard to Negotiable Instruments will be found in Introduc- tion to Title I — Rules of, govern in any case not provided for in Act 196 Laws, in conflict with Act are superceded 191 Liabilities of Parties 60-69 Of maker 60 Of drawer 61 Of acceptor 62 Of irregular or accommodation indorser 64 Indorser may indicate in what other capacity he intends to be bound 63 Warrant by delivery or qualified indorsement 65 Warranty of general indorser 66 Of person who indorses paper negotiable by delivery 67 Order in which indorsers are liable 68 Of agent or broker 69 Of person signing in trade or assumed name 18 (See Signature, Warranty). Lien, what is 27 When lien on instrument constitutes holder for value 27 Lien of bank on customer's deposits and securities 27 Local Acceptance, what is, how may be made and effect of 141 Lost Instruments, presentment, protest and notice when instru- ment lost 74, 160 M. Mail, notice of dishonor may be given by 96 Within what time notice must be given by 103, 104 When parties reside in same place 103 When party giving and parties to receive notice reside in different places 104 When sender deemed to have given due notice by 105 ElTect of miscarriage of 105 Deposit in post office, what constitutes 106 (See Notice). Maker, who is 1 May be payee 8 INDEX 411 Section Joint, deemed joint and several, when 17 note paj'able to order of, incomplete until indorsed 184 Admissions and liabilities of 60 Not discharged by failure to present instrument for payment. . 70 Not entitled to notice of dishonor 89 Marginal Figures, effect to be given to, when they conflict with words 17 Material, instrument may be written or printed upon any kind of. 1 Material Alteration, (See Alteration). Memorandum Check, what it is and effect of 186 Misspelling, indorsement where name wrongly spelled 43 Money, instrument must be payable in 1, 6, 132 Instrument may designate paj'ment in particular kind 6 Effect of alteration of sum payable 124, 125 Instrument may contain provision giving holder election to require something in lieu of payment in 5 Municipal Securities, negotiability of 6, 184 Liability of persons negotiating 65 Municipal Warrants, payable out of particular fund, not negotiable. 3 Maturity, time of, how computed 85 Instrument may be payable "on or before" a fixed or determ- inable future time 4 Not affected by post-dating or ante-dating instrument 12 N. Name, liability of persons signing in trade or assumed 18 Indorsement where misspelled 43 National Banks, provisions of Federal Reserve Act concerning acceptance by, will be found in the Introduction to Title II. Negotiability, meaning of, is given in introduction to Title I — what provisions in instrument impair or destroy 3, 4, 5 what provisions do not affect 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Effect of omission of words of, from indorsement 34, 36 Of instrument, negotiable in its origin, continues until paid or restrictively indorsed 47 Negotiable Instrument, meaning of term 191 General provisions as to Form and Interpretation 1-23 General provisions as to Consideration 24-29 General provisions as to Negotiation 30-50 General provisions as to Rights of Holder 50-59 General provisions as to Liabilities of Parties 60-69 General provisions as to Presentment for Payment 61-88 General provisions as to Notice of Dishonor, of 89-118 General provisions as to Discharge of 119-125 Negotiable Instruments Law, brief history of, in introduction to Title I— Title known by 190 412 INDEX Section Does not apply to instruments made and delivered prior to the taking effect thereof 195 Rule for interpretation and application of 191 Negotiation 30-50 What constitutes 30 Transfer without indorsement 49 When prior party may negotiate instrument 50 After payment by party secondarily liable 121 Of different parts of a set of bills, rights of holder 179 (See Indorsement, Indorser). Non-existing Person, (See Fictitious Person). Non-Negotiable Instruments, distinguished 3 Notary Public, protest by 154 (See Protest). Note, meaning of 191 (See Promissory Note). Notice, signature "by procuration"" is of itself notice of limited authority of agent so signing 21 What constitutes notice of defect in instrument or title 56 Notice of Dishonor 89-118 To whom must be given , . . 89 By whom, given 90 Given by agent 91, 94 Effect of notice given on behalf of holder 92 Effect where given by party entitled thereto 93 Agent may give notice to his principal 94 Principal has then same time from its receipt himself to give notice to other parties 94 When notice sufficient 95 Effect of misdescription of instrument 95 Written notice may be supplemented by verbal communication. 95 Form of 96 May be in writing or merely oral 96 May be delivered personally or by mail 96 To whom may be given 97 How given to partners 99 How given where party dead 98 How given to persons jointly liable 100 How given to bankrupt or insolvent 101 Time within which must be given 102 Time within which must be given, where parties reside in same place 103 Time within which must be given when parties reside in differ- ent places 104 When sender deemed to have given due notice 105 Effect of miscarriage in the mails 105 What constitutes deposit in post office 106 INDEX 413 Section Within what time party receiving notice must give notice to prior parties 107 Where must be sent 108 Where must be sent if address added to signature 108 Where must be sent if no address given 108 Where must be sent if party live in one place and has place of business at another 108 Where must be sent if party is sojourning at temporary place of residence 108 Is sufficient wherever sent if actually received by party within time specified in Act 108 May be waived 82, 110 When waiver implied 82 Waiver of protest includes Ill When dispensed with 112, 114, 115 When delay in giving excused 113 When need not be given drawer 114 When need not be given indorser 115 When need not be given after instrument has been dishonored by non-acceptance 116 Effect of omission to give notice of non-acceptance 117 Notice of Equities, what constitutes 56 Rights of holder when part consideration paid before 54 Noting for Protest, what is and effect of 155 (See Protest.) O. Office, instrument may be payable to holder of, without designa- tion by name 8 Instrument payable to holder of, is payable to order 8 How such an instrument negotiable and to whom payment may be made 8 Officer, of bank or corporation, negotiation and indorsement by.. 42 Omissions, what and when do not affect validity and negotiable character of instrument 6 Of time at which payable, effect of 7 Of date, presumption in that case 17 Right to fill in blanks 14 (See Blanks). Option, to require payment "on or before" 4 Or election by holder to require something to be done in lieu of payment in money, instrument may contain such a provi- sion 5 To declare instrument due on failure to pay interest or in- stallment 2, 52 To treat instrument as bill or note 17, 130 Order, when instrument payable to 1, 8 414 INDEX Section Overdue, when instrument is, upon default in payment of in- stallment 2, 52 When demand instrument is 7, 52, 53, 71, 144, 193 Partial Acceptance, what is, how may be made and effect of 141 (See Acceptance). Particular Facts, and nature of instrument to be regarded in de- termining what is reasonable or unreasonable time 193 Parties, to instrument 1, 60 Liabilities of 60-69 (See Liabilities of Parties). Alteration of instrument by change in number or relation of. 125 (See Alteration of Instrument). Partners, indorsement of instrument by 41 Presentment to persons liable as 77, 145 Notice to 99 Payee, who may be 8 As holder in due course 59 Must be named or described with certainty 8 When holder of oflBce, negotiation by 8 Effect of making instrument payable to fictitious or non-ex- isting person 9 Effect when name of payee does not purport to be name of any person 9 How instrument must be indorsed when two or more are named who are not partners , 41 Existence of, and capacity to indorse admitted by signature of maker gO Same, by signature of drawer 61 Same, by signature of acceptor 62 Presumption when instrument is indorsed by joint payees 68 Liability of accommodation indorser to 64 Payment, time of maturity, how computed 86 In due course, what is 88 Discharge by 51, 119 By accommodated party, effect of 119, 121 Tender of, discharges person secondarily liable 120 Effect of alteration of medium of 125 (See Alteration of Instruments). Of bill in a set 182, 183 (See Presentment for Payment). Payment for Honor, 171-177 What is, when, by whom and for whom it may be made 171 How made 172, 173 To whom preference must be given when more than one offer. 174 Rights of person making 175, 177 INDEX 415 Section Effect on subsequent parties 175 Effect of refusal to receive 176 Person, meaning of 191 Fictitious or non-existing as payee 9 Fictitious, as drawee, bill may be treated as promissory note. 130 Indorsing instrument negotiable by delivery, liability of 67 Person Primarily Liable, who is 70, 192 Presentment for payment not necessary to charge 70 Exception 70 Person Secondarily Liable, who is 192 Liability of, when instrument dishonored 84 Discharge of 120 Recourse against 84, 151 (See Notice of Dishonor). Personal Representative, who is, of deceased person, presentment for payment to 76 Notice of dishonor to 98 Presentment for acceptance to 144 Place, omission to specify where drawn or payable, does not affect validity or negotiability 6 Presumption in that case 6 Of indorsement, presumption as to 46 Of presentment for payment 72, 73 Of presentment for acceptance 143, 145, 147 Alteration which changes, is material 125 Demand, when instrument payable at special 70 Effect of acceptance to pay at a particular 140, 141 Post-Dated or Antedated Instrument, is not invalid 12 Of what date holder acquires title 12 Time of maturity not postponed 12 May be negotiated at any time after delivery 12 Not notice of irregularity or fraud 12, 56 Post Office, what constitutes deposit in 106 Effect of miscarriage of mails 105 Pre-Existing, or antecedent debt, what is 25 Constitutes value 25 Presentation, instrument payable on, is payable on demand 7 Presentment for Acceptance, provisions respecting 143-151 When must be made 143 When failure to present releases drawer and indorsers 144 When failure to negotiate bill or present it releases drawer and indorsers 144 How made 145 On what days may be made 146 When time is insufficient 147 When excused 148 416 INDEX Section Presentment for Payment, provisions respecting 70-88 Effect of failure to make demand on principal debtor 70 Whien must be made if instrument is payable on demand and wlien not payable on demand 71 When must be made of bill of exchange payable on demand. 71 What is reasonable time within which to make 71 No distinction between demand instruments payable with or without interest 71 When instrument payable in installments 71 What constitutes sufficient 72 By whom where, at what time, and to whom must be made.. 72 What is proper place for 73 Instrimient must be exhibited 74 Of instrument payable at a bank 75 Where principal debtor is dead 76 To persons liable as partners 77 To joint debtors 78 When not required to charge drawer 79 When not required to charge indorsers 80 When delay in making is excused 81 Must be made promptly when cause of delay is removed 81 When dispensed with 82 When to be made if instrument matures on Saturday, Sunday or a holiday 85 Time of, how computed , 86 How made to acceptor for honor 168 When delay in presenting to acceptor for honor excused 169 Of certificate of deposit 184 Of check, within what time must be made 186 Of check, effect of failure to make 186 To what extent drawer is released by failure to make 186 Presumption, of consideration, (See Consideration) — As to date H As to right to fill up blanks 14 As to delivery 16 As to time when indorsement was made 45 As to negotiation 45 As to place of indorsement 46 As to holder in due course 59 As to order in which indorsers are liable 68 As to arrival of notice of dishonor duly addressed and depos- ited in post office 105 Primary Party, (See Persons Primarily Liable). Principal, signature of may be made by authorized agent 18, 19 Authority of agent, how shown 19 (See Agent). Liability of persons signing by agent 20 INDEX 417 Section Signature by "procuration," effect of ^ 21 (See Agent). Procuration, signature by, and effect of 21 (See Agent). Promissory Note, defined 184, 191 Payable to makers own order not complete until indorsed by him 184 When bill of exchange may be treated as 17, 130 Protest 152-160 When need not be made 118 In what cases must be made 118, 152 How made 153 What must specify 153 By whom made 154 If made by person other than a notary must be attested by witnesses 154 When to be made 155 Where to be made 156 May be made both for non-acceptance and non-payment 157 When may be made for better security 158 When delay in making excused 159 How made where instrument is lost, destroyed or wrongly detained 160 Waiver of, what includes HI Of bill accepted for honor 167 Upon dishonor by acceptor for honor 170 Provisions of Instrument, ambiguity or conflict in, what rules of construction govern 17 Q. Qualified Acceptance, what is, how may be made and effect of 141 (See Acceptance). Qualified Indorsement, what is, how made and effect of 38 Warranty of person negotiating instrument by 65 Quasi-Negotiable Instruments; Bills of Lading; Warehouse Re- ceipts; Certificates of Stock) — (The References Here Are to Pages) Bills of Lading — Negotiable Bill of Lading— Page Definition and form of 305 What must contain 306 May not be issued in sets, excepting to Alaska. 307 Negotiation by indorsement or delivery 308 When negotiable 308 Duplicate bills must be plainly stamped "Duplicate".. 316 Liability of carrier for failure to so mark them 316 When carrier bound to deliver goods 309 418 INDEX Page Carrier not required to deliver unless bill Is sur- rendered 309 Liability of carrier for wrongful delivery 309 Duty of carrier to take up and cancel bill 310 Duty of carrier when only partial delivery 310 Delivery, how obtained when bill lost 310 Duty of carrier when rival claimants to goods 311 Liability of carrier when negotiable bill issued with- out receipt of goods or for failure of goods to coi-- respond to description in bill 311 Exception when "shipper's load and count" 312 Transfer of Bill- Title acquired by transfer 312 Right to require indorsement 313 Warranty of indorser implied by indorsement 313 Indorser not. liable for obligations of previous in- dorser 314 Rights of holder without notice of fraud, etc 314 What bill indicates as to ownership of goods 315 Draft with Bill of Lading Attached — "When bill must be surrendered 315 Non-negotiable or "straight bill" must be so marked 317 Warehouse Receipts — Definition of warehouse receipt 318, 319 Negotiable and non-negotiable receipts 320, 321 Duplicate receipts must be so marked 321 Duty of warehouseman to deliver goods 321 Lien of warehouseman 322 Loss of lien 322 Enforcement of lien 323 Demand and notice of intention to satisfy lien 323 Auction sale of goods to satisfy lien 324 Disposal of proceeds of sale 325 Sale of perishable goods 325 Obligation to deliver ceases upon sale of goods 325 Proper and improper delivery of goods 326 Liability of warehouseman for failure to cancel receipt... 326 Lost receipt 327 Warehouseman cannot claim title to goods in himself.... 327 Right to interplead adverse claimants 328 Liability of warehouseman for non-existence of goods or failure to correspond to description 328 Duty to keep goods of each depositor separate 329 Except fungible goods, as grain, iron, etc 329 Alteration of receipt, effect of 329 Negotiation of receipt 330 By whom negotiable 331 INDEX 419 Page Rights of holder ^^^ Right to require indorsement 332 Warranty of transferer 332 Liability of indorser, pledgee or mortgagee 333 Negotiation in breach of duty or by mistake 333 By what laws interpretation of warehouse receipts are 004 governed Penalties for fraud 334 Certificates of Stock- Transfer — . Methods of effecting transfer 338 Unregistered transfer conveys legal title 338 Liability of registered owner after sale of shares 339 Transfer of certificate by anyone having possession.. 341 Effect of indorsement of certificate 341 Right of owner to reclaim certificate fraudulently pro- cured • ^^^ Title obtained by transferee of certificate so procured. 342 Transfer by agent of owner 342 Right of purchaser to compel indorsement 343 Warranties implied from transfer 344 Attachment of certificate; levy of execution, when valid 344 Lien of corporation on shares 345 Lost certificate 346 Transfer by infant or other person under disability or wanting in capacity 346 Transfer by executor, administrator or guardian 347 Alteration of certificate ; 347 Pledge of Stock; nature of 347 Right of pledgee to obtain transfer 348 Right of pledgee to collect dividends 348 Duty to retain pledge 349 Right of pledgee to vote shares 349 Right to assign pledge 350 Pledge by executor, etc. 350 Remedies of pledgee when debt unpaid 350 Sale of pledge 351 Pledgor entitled to notice of sale 351 Pledgee may not buy at own sale 351 Risk in purchasing stock; purchase from co-partners 352 Purchase from officer or director of corporation 352 Purchase at sheriff, assignee or bankrupt sale 353 Purchase from pledgee or taking re-pledge 353 Purchase from executor, administrator, or guar- dian 354, 355 Purchase from trustee 355 420 INDEX Page Purchase of lost or stolen certificates 356 Refusal of corporation; to transfer shares; right to refuse transfer 357 Refusal of transfers to or from infants or other per- sons under disability 358 Refusal of transfers by executors, etc 358 Refusals of transfers by trustees 359 May refuse transfer unless certificate surrendered.... 360 Transfer by order of court 361 Transfer on forged signature 361 R. (The References are again to Section Numbers) Section Ratification of Unauthorized Signature 19, 23 Reasonable Diligence, what is ''6 (See Diligence). Reasonable Time, what constitutes and how determined. .. .53, 71, 193 As affected by usage of trade 193 No fixed rule given "71 For presentment of demand note 71 Effect of failure to make presentment within 144 For presentment of bill of exchange 71 For presentment of check 186 Effect of delay to present or negotiate instrument payable upon demand beyond 53 Recourse, indorsement "without recourse" 38 Warranty of person negotiating instrument by qualified in- dorsement 65 Holder's right of, upon dishonor of instrument 84, 151 Referee in Case of Need, defined, and purpose of reference 131 Bill obtaining reference must be protested before presenting to. 167 Holder may disregard reference 131 Refusal, to return bill, effect of 137 Re-issue and Re-negotiation of Instrument, when party may 50 Instrument is not enforceable against certain parties, upon re-issue 50 By secondary party who pays instrument 121 Release of Parties, (See Discharge). Renunciation, of rights by holder, how made and effect of 122 When does not affect rights of holder in due course 122 Must be in writing or instrument must be delivered to person primarily liable thereon 122 Effect of, upon parties secondarily liable upon instru- ment 119, 120, 122 Restrictive Indorsement, what is, how made and effect of 36 Rights acquired by indorsee under 37 Destroys negotiable character of instrument, when 37, 47 INDEX 421 S. Section Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, when instrument falling due on must be presented for payment 85 Presentment for acceptance on 146 How time computed when last day for doing any act falls on.. 194 Seal, negotiable instrument may bear 6 Secondary Parties, who are 192 (See Person Secondarily Liable). Securities, warranty as to public or corporation, negotiation of, other than bills and notes 65 Bonds and interest coupons are negotiable 6, 184 Separate Paper, acceptance upon, is valid 134 Indorsement written upon must be attached to instrument.... 31 Sight, instrument is payable on demand if payable at 7 Instrument is payable at, if issued, accepted or indorsed when overdue, as to whom 7 Bill payable after sight must be presented for acceptance to fix maturity 143 Instrument payable elsewhere than residence or usual place of business of drawee, must be presented for acceptance be- fore being presented for payment 143 Signature, no person liable upon instrument unless it bears his. ... 18 By trade or assumed name, liability of person so signing 18 By agent 18 Authority of agent, how shown 18 Liability of persons signing by agent 19 How interpreted when effect uncertain 17 By "procuration," effect of 21 Of person as agent, or in representative capacity 20 (See Agent, Procuration). Of infant or corporation . -. 22 Forged, effect of 23 Made without authority, effect of 23 (For Warranties and admissions implied by Signature, see under Warranty). Spoliation, of instrument, effect of alteration by stranger 125 Striking Out, indorsement, effect of 48, 121 Sum, certainty as to, what constitutes 2 Sunday, Saturday or Holiday, instrument made on 52 W^hen instrument falling due on must be presented for pay- ment 85 Presentment for acceptance on 146 How time computed when last day for doing any act falls on. . 194 T. Tender, what is valid 120 As discharge of party secondarily liable 120 When ability and willingness to pay at a special place operates as 70 422 INDEX Section Of payment for honor, effect of refusal to receive 176 Terms of Instrument, and language used, need not follow act 10 Informal instruments are negotiable, when 10 Time, of indorsement, presumption as to 45 Of negotiation, presumption as to 45 Of maturitj% provisions as to 85 How computed 86 When Act takes effect and instruments to which it is applic- able 195 Title, when passes if instrument requiring indorsement is trans- fered without indorsement 49 When defective 55 What constitutes notice of defect in 54, 56 (See Equities, Notice). Notice of defect before full amount paid ■ . 54 Rights of holder in due course when title defective 57 Of person who acquires through holder in due course 58 Burden of proof when title of any person is shown to be defec- tive 59 Exception 59 Acquired by subsequent indorsees after restrictive indorsement. 37 Of Act 190 Trade Name, liability of person signing by 18 Transfer, without indorsement, effect of 49 By broker, without indorsement, liability of broker 65, 69 (See Delivery, Indorser). Trust, effect of restrictive indorsement creating ; 36 Trustee, instrument payable to not commercial paper 8 Notice of trust capacity carried by instrument payable to officer of corporation 42 U. Unconditional, when promise or order is 3 Undisclosed Principal, liability of agent who signs without disclos- ing name of 20 (See Agent). Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law, brief history of, will be found in Introduction to Title I. Usage of Business, or trade, to be regarded in determining what is or is not reasonable time 193 V. Validity of Instrument, provisions which do not affect 6 Value, meaning of 191 Instrument need not contain words "value" or "value re- ceived" '• 6 What constitutes 25 INDEX 423 Section Antecedent or pre-existing debt as 25 Holder for, what constitutes 26 Holder who has a lien upon instrument deemed holder for. ... 27 Accommodation party liable although he receives no 29 (See Consideration). W. Waiver, of benefit of any law for protection of obligor does not impair validity or negotiability of instrument 5 Presentment for payment dispensed with by 82 How expressed 82 Of notice of dishonor 109 Time of 109 Contained in instrument, binds all parties 110 Written above signature of indorser, binds him only 82, 110 Of protest deemed to be waiver of presentment and notice of dishonor also Ill Warehouse Receipts, (See Quasi-Negotiable Instruments). Warrant, Municipal, payable out of particular fund not negotiable instrument 3 Warranty, where instrument negotiated by delivery or qualified indorsement 65 Upon sale of securities of public or private corporation 65 Of general indorser 66 And liability of person indorsing an instrument which is ne- gotiable by delivery 67 Engaged in by broker or agent who negotiates without indorse- ment 69 "Without Recourse," effect of such indorsement and how made 38 Writing, what includes 191 Renunciation must be in, unless instrument surrendered 122 Acceptance must be in 132 Written Parts, of instrument prevail over printed parts if there is conflict 17 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 802 120