nppm] tiatu EXCHANGE ^iJJS?* UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DIRECTORY LISTING THE 35,000 PERSONS WHO HAVE EVER BEEN CONNECTED WITH THE URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEPARTMENTS INCLUDING OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION AND 1397 DECEASED EDITED BY VERGIL V. PHELPS, D.B.,Ph.D. 1916 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1916 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA - CHAMPAIGN $Q?, FOREWORD BY EDMUND JANES JAMES To the Students, Past and Present, of the University of Illinois — GREETINGS : You are a great army, more than thirty thousand strong, scattered over the whole surface of the earth, in every country and under every clime. The role is contained in the pages of this book. It is a long and honorable one and you may well be proud that your name is in the list. No one could have anticipated in 1868 that such an institution as this has become would be the result of less than fifty years' growth. Not even Doctor Gregory, the first president, that man of wondrous vision and power, who saw by faith the ultimate outcome, would have dared to expect such an achievement so soon. The grain of mustard seed planted by the Bone Yard stream in 1867 has indeed become a great tree. When the ground first parted and the bud of promise appeared on that famous eleventh of March, 1868, when the University was opened, two professors and a head farmer, and two non-resident lecturers made up the faculty, and fifty-seven pupils the student body. The former has grown to over 600, (in the present year, — 1916,) the latter to 6,500. It is truly the Lord 's doing and marvelous in our eyes. It is also plain that we have only just begun our real growth as a world university, and the next fifty years will see as remarkable changes as have the last fifty. If we can only grow in truth and grace at the same rate as in num- bers and resources ! Everyone who has been privileged to contribute to its growth, either as student, member of the faculty, trustee, member of the legislature, governor of the state, or tax-payer and benefactor, may well be proud of the opportunity to be a part of such an institution. We shall be able to wax great and strong just in proportion as through our alumni and faculties we can extend and deepen our service to our day and generation. You can each of you help us who are in immediate charge of the University to measure up to our responsibilities, not only by performing your own services ever more fully to your fellowmen directly about you, but also by helping the University itself do its great work in a more nearly perfect way : — 1. By keeping the University and its work on your mind and in your heart, informing yourself as to what it is doing and then thinking VI and talking about its achievements to others, thus helping to "create an atmosphere." 2. By visiting the institution as often as you can, especially on great days like Commencement, thus renewing your own youth and in- creasing your enthusiasm and stimulating that of your fellow alumni. 3. By turning in our direction the best youth of your acquaint- ance to swell the student body, for our service to humanity will depend in the long run largely, perhaps more than on any other one thing, on the brains and character of our alumni. 4. By contributing of your means, large or small, to the support of the institution. We need twice as much money as we have or, so far as one can see, are likely to get in the near future from the Legislature. We can use pennies and dollars and thousands of dollars and hundreds of thousands. An alumnus sent us not long ago a pamphlet for which he had paid ten cents, and which filled up a serious gap in the files of an important publication. A former trustee gave us the other day seven hundred acres of land to provide a fund for erecting a music building. If you have a dollar or a million dollars to give away let us tell you for what we need it most. If you have a rare book or a valu- able print or coin or a beautiful picture which you wish to place where it will do the most good, give it to the University library or museum. 5. By calling the attention of other public-spirited citizens, wheth- er or not they be former students of the University of Illinois, to the opportunity of erecting here upon this campus memorials in the form of buildings or collections, in honor of wife or husband or children, which will bear the name of a loved one on into the flowing years, as long as our civilization shall endure, for this University is already one of the great institutions of learning in this country, and is destined to be rec- ognized ere long as one of the great historic centers of sweetness and light of all time and all countries. Urbana- Champaign will ultimately be ranked with Bologna and Prague and Leipzig and Halle and Berlin and Paris and Vienna and Leiden and Oxford and Cambridge and Edin- burgh as a home of all that makes for the advancement of the human spirit. Come up and help us realize this in our day and generation ! 6. By helping to present in person or by letter to members of the Legislature and to the press and voters of the state the claims of the University to an ever-larger support, based upon an ever-increasing serv- ice to the Commonwealth. To sum it up, keep alive and quick your Own personal interest in this great undertaking. Do not let your interest evaporate in futile wishes for the prosperity of Alma Mater, but make it real by doing something, no matter how small, for her welfare and prosperity. Faithfully yours, EDMUND JANES JAMES. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DIRECTORY PEEFACE The Trustees of the University of Illinois have authorized the print- ing of this edition of the University of Illinois Directory. It has taken much more time and work and involved much more expense than was anticipated at the beginning. In order to secure accurate and compre- hensive information the original plan for the Directory was modified. The names of students in the Academy, 5080 in number, were added, in order to include in the Directory the names of all persons who have ever been associated with the Urbana- Champaign departments. Data at hand have been carefully checked and verified in so far as possible. The University registration cards have been double checked and re-checked with the annual registers, and supplemented by names of persons omitted where reliable information has been obtained. In sending communications to former students it has been necessary to use their last addresses while students at the University. During the past year cards of information have been sent to all academy students, former faculty members, administrative officers, and trustees. Return postal cards have been sent to persons about whom the information was incomplete within the last three months. In order to locate lost students, complete "lost" lists, arranged by four-year periods, have at two differ- ent times been mailed to all former students. City clerks have been called upon for information. City papers have been appealed to, and several present faculty members who have been connected with the Uni- versity for the last thirty years or more have gone over the complete lost lists and at least part of the manuscript. In addition, proof of the book has been posted in the different colleges of the University and sent to some of the leading alumni organizations. Every former student has received at least four communications in which he has been urged to keep the University informed of any change in his address. The book is doubtless full of errors. The editor of the 1913 Uni- versity of Illinois Directory estimated the errors in that publication at a maximum of ten million. With six times as many names in the present publication, we do not even venture to estimate the number of mistakes. It has been impossible to secure any information at all about some per- sons other than that contained in their record of admission or dismissal from the University, and even the present addresses of two former trus- tees have not been secured, although we have published requests for in- formation about them in the local papers where they last lived. Com- munications have been sent to the friends of lost persons who were at the University at the same time as they. Many former students who might have supplied data about themselves or their friends have ignored repeated requests to do so. In some cases, therefore, the in- formation given in this book is limited to the entries in the official rec- VIII ords of the University, supplemented by whatever information might be available. Many mistakes are inexcusable and ridiculous, such as that which appeared in the record of a distinguished professor and dean of a neigh- boring institution : ■ ' Nothing is known of his career subsequent to grad- uation from college or his present whereabouts," although he occupied at the time of the publication of the Directory an office next to that of the editor of the Directory. It has been impossible in many instances to decipher the chirog- raphy or to identify and classify occupations clearly. Some persons still alive we, or a local postmaster, have relegated to their final reward, and some long dead we have compelled to prolong their mundane existence. We have preferred, however, to record as lost all persons about whom we have not secured positive information, even when a postmaster has stamped "Deceased" on the returned letters. Regarding these blunders we can only cry "Peccavi, peccavi," re- iterate that we have done the best we could, and beg the pardon of all persons misrecorded. Any special merit of the book is due to the inter- est and constant encouragement of President James, to the co-operation of many Illini who have desired to perpetuate accurate facts about the University and to the alertness of the young women who have assisted in the preparation of the book. Time and tide will test our work. In the meantime we earnestly re- quest that every person who detects a blunder will kindly forward the fact to the President's Office, where the information will be recorded in our permanent card file. In this way only can we hope to eliminate the errors from subsequent editions. The Directory contains the names of the thirty-five thousand per- sons who have been connected with the Champaign-Urbana departments. Such officers of administration are included as are listed in the Annual Registers. The Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy in Chicago, with a former student body of about ten thousand, have been omitted but will appear in a proposed Directory for the Chi- cago departments. The information about each person includes his full name as re- corded at registration; years of attendance at the University; degrees received ; institutions attended ; occupation and present address. A resi- dence address or a permanent address at which the person can always be reached is recorded in parentheses following the business or present address. The principal positions held by faculty members have been specified. There is a cross file of married names and of men's names that have been altered since leaving the University although the registration name also has always been given. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS The germ from which the University of Illinois has developed may be found in the clause of the famous ordinance of 1787, "Religion, morality and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." This provision, a half century before the appearance of our public school system and seventy-five years before the Land Grant Act of 1862 providing for state uni- versities was merely the ideal from which ideas might continually arise until sud- denly a complete state educational system emerged in our national life. It was well into the fifties before public schools began to spread in Illinois and even in the eighties high schools were regarded as questionable necessities. President James re- lates that when he was principal of the high school at Evanston, Illinois in 1878 that the question was presented annually to the voters of this period, not whether the principal or superintendent of schools should leave, but whether the people of a given locality desired to continue their high school. However higher education was provided for as early as 1804, when Congress made three districts in Indiana Territory and directed the Secretary of the Treasury to locate one township of land in each district for the use of a seminary of learning. At this time Illinois belonged to Indiana Territory. Later, in 1818, when Illinois became a state, a second township was given for the endowment of a seminary, and also one-sixth of 3% of the net proceeds of government lands sold after January 1, 1819. 1 This latter donation to the state was to be "exclusively bestowed upon a col- lege or university." The people of Illinois, however, made no attempt to establish an institution of learning with these funds as a foundation until 1833. In that year a bill was intro- duced- to incorporate an institution to be called ' ' Illinois University. ' \ The bill met with strong opposition, as Springfield was named for the location. Through jealousy, Vandalia stirred up the opposition of other neighboring cities. Friends of the infant colleges of McKendree, Shurtleff, and Illinois looked with alarm upon the establish- ment of such a state-endowed university; and, in addition, the men in control of state affairs, in order to avoid taxation, had already used all moneys received for the col- lege fund and from the sale of the seminary lands for the current expenses of the government. And any proposition to cut off the use, in a similar way, of further receipts from the same source was decidedly unpopular. Furthermore, they would have had to resort to taxation in order to restore the trust funds already misappropriated. Fortunately perhaps for them, the bill met with defeat, and for several years after this the efforts made to establish a state institution of higher learning were wholly unorganized. The people took little interest in the matter and attempts were even ^ee Papers of the Amer. Hist. Soc. V. 1, No. 3, W. L. Pillsbury, p. 36 ; 111. School Report, 1887-8, p. CXVII. X UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS made from time to time to divide up the college and seminary funds among the col- leges of the state. 1 Again, in 1851, the senate passed "An Act to Establish a State University/' but upon re-consideration the bill was laid upon the table. An examination of this bill shows that the proposed university was to be a board of men to distribute the income of the college and seminary funds to the several colleges of the state, upon conditions named, for the purpose of educating teachers for the common schools. After this failure, however, a movement arose to establish an institution of a rather different character. The Buel Institute, an agricultural society of Put- nam County, at its fair in September, determined to hold a farmers' convention at Granville in November ' ' to take into consideration such measures as might be deemed expedient to further the interests of the agricultural community, and particularly to take steps toward the establishment of an agricultural university." Professor Jonathan Baldwin Turner of Jacksonville was invited to be present and address the convention. The attitude of the leaders of this convention toward higher education and what they sought to obtain through their proposed university may be shown by quoting the resolutions presented by a committee, of which Professor Turner was chairman. * 'RESOLVED, That we greatly rejoice in the degree of perfection to which our various institutions for the education of our brethren engaged in professional, scien- tific, and literary pursuits, have already attained, and in the mental and moral eleva- tion which those institutions have given them, and in their consequent preparation and capacity for the great duties in the spheres of life in which they are engaged; and that we will aid, in all ways consistent, for the still greater perfection of such institutions. ' ' RESOLVED, That, as the representatives of the industrial classes, including all cultivators of the soil, artisans, mechanics, and merchants, we desire the same privileges and advantages for ourselves, our fellows, and our posterity in each of the several callings, as our professional brethren enjoy in theirs; and we admit that it is our own fault that we do not also enjoy them. "RESOLVED, That, in our opinion, the institutions originally and primarily designed to meet the wants of the professional classes, as such, cannot, in the nature of things, meet ours, no more than the institutions we desire to establish for ourselves could meet theirs. Therefore, "RESOLVED, That we take immediate measures for the establishment of a university in the State of Illinois expressly to meet those felt wants of each and all the industrial classes of our State; that we recommend the foundation of High Schools, Lyceums, Institutes, etc., in each of our counties, on similar principles, so soon as they may find it practicable so to do. "RESOLVED, That, in our opinion, such institutions can never impede, but must greatly promote, the best interests of all those existing institutions. ' ' The prominence which this convention holds may be attributed largely to the bold and vigorous way in which Professor Turner discussed the questions, ' ' What do the industrial classes want" and "How can that want be supplied." His answer to the first question was, "They want, and they ought to have, the same facilities for understanding the true philosophy — the science and the art of their several pur- suits, their life business — and of efficiently applying existing knowledge thereto and widening its domain, which the professional classes have long enjoyed in their pur- ree 111. School Rep., 1887-8, p. CXIX. HISTORICAL SKETCH XI suits." Replying to the second question, his belief was that the want neither could, nor should, be supplied by existing institutions which were designed to educate the professional classes, and whose spirit was literary and intellectual as distinguished from the industrial and practical. He said the need was for a "university for the industrial classes in each of the states" and presented his "plan for the state uni- versity. } > This plan was quite elaborate. It was insisted upon that such a university would, of right, receive the college or university fund which the state held from the general government, and it was doubtless intended to claim also the seminary fund, though this is not stated distinctly. The address greatly aroused the convention, a report of which, including the ad- dress in full, was published and widely circulated. The Report of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture and the United States Patent office report of 1851 reproduced it ; the New York Tribune and the New York Horticulturist noticed it with approval ; the attention of the National Agricultural Association was called to it; the Phila- delphia North American gave it editorial approval; etc., etc. 1 Acceding to the re- quest of the convention, the Governor, in summoning an extra session of the legisla- ture to meete June 7, 1852, laid before that body the subject of industrial education as presented at the Granville meeting. At a second convention, held at Springfield, June 8, 1852, representatives and friends of some of the colleges attended and claimed that their institutions, rather than the proposed new university, legitimately should receive the college fund. They made a bid for the seminary fund, agreeing to establish teachers' departments if it were bestowed upon them. A discussion, sharp and angry, took place and the quar- rel was transferred to the legislature. The convention presented its land grant mem- orial and enlarged the plan for a university by adding a normal school, to be co- ordinate with the industrial department, 2 in order to meet the demand that the sem- inary fund be used in training teachers for the common schools. The convention also urged in its memorial that a beginning be made at once to carry into effect either the original plan or some modification of it which the General Assembly might think preferable, "and if possible, on a sufficiently extensive scale honorably to justify a successful appeal to congress in conjunction with eminent citizens and statesmen in other states, who have expressed their readiness to co-operate with us for an appro- priation of public lands in each state in the Union for the appropriate endowment of universities for the liberal education of the industrial classes in their several pur- suits in each state in the Union. ' ' In the legislature, the House referred the whole subject to its committee on edu- cation, and the college men won at first by securing from it a bill to divide both funds among the existing colleges. But the result was a drawn battle; for the bill was laid upon the table, and as if to be rid of a troublesome contest, both Houses joined in a resolution asking authority from Congress to add both the college and seminary funds to the common school fund, so that the income from them might be forever given to the support of the public schools. A third convention was held in Chicago in November, 1852, at which the Indus- trial League of the State of Illinois, with Professor Turner for chief director, was organized, — the purpose being to promote the interests of the industrial classes. This ^niv. Studies V. IV, No. 1, Nov., 1910, The Origin of the Land Grant Act of 1862 by Edmund J. James, p. 21. 2 I11 School Rep., 1887-8, p. CXXI. XII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS convention published an address to the people of the state, prepared a memorial to the Legislature, and arranged for petitions both to the legislature and to Congress. At a fourth convention held in Springfield, January 4, 1853, again the request for an industrial university was set forth and the legislature was urged to memorial- ize Congress, asking for each state an appropriation of public lands, of a value not less than $500,000 for the liberal endowment of an industrial university. In 1854 Governor Matteson proposed the subject of industrial education to the legislature for consideration at its special session. In the following January, 1855, the Industrial League held a fifth convention in Springfield and a bill was introduced in the legislature for "An Act to Incorporate the Trustees of the Illinois Univer- sity. ' ' The trustees were to locate the university and to receive from the state the college and seminary funds for its endowment, on condition that they raised a like amount from other sources. They were also to receive any grants which Congress might make for industrial education. The plan of the proposed institution was broad and liberal as it appears in the bill, which did not, however, obtain any definite ac- tion from either House. There was little apparent sympathy in Congress with this subject, which was arousing such widespread interest, perhaps due to the fact that in 1854 President Pierce had vetoed a bill proposing land grants to the states for establishing asylums for the indigent insane, and in this veto had used language which showed clearly that his action would be the same toward a bill providing land grants to the states for colleges of agriculture and science. With the coming of a new president in 1857, friends of industrial education again bestirred themselves, and their measure was House Bill No. 2 introduced by Justin S. Morrill of Vermont, a man from one of the older states that had not thus far benefited by the land grant of the federal government. It met with strong oppo- sition, and the bill was finally defeated at the hands of President Buchanan who interposed his veto, largely upon constitutional grounds, 1 and it was considered use- less to seek for further action by Congress while Buchanan was president. The bill provided for a grant to the several states of 20,000 acres for each member of Con- gress from the state, according to the apportionment to be made after the census of 1860. The states were to establish within five years not less than one college, where the leading object should be to teach agriculture and the mechanic arts, without the exclusion of other scientific and classical studies. Again early in December, 1861, Mr. Morrill renewed the agitation in favor of a national grant of land to each state in the Union for the promotion of education in agriculture and the mechanic arts, and secured the passage of the so-called Morrill bill by both houses. It was approved by President Lincoln July 2, 1862. The act was substantially the same as the previous bill. The chief differences were a grant of 30,000 acres of land for each member of Congress instead of 20,000 ; the exclusion of states in rebellion; and the requirements of acceptance by the states within two years instead of five, and that instruction be given in military science. The grant was to constitute a perpetual fund, the income of which was to be ' ' inviolably appro- priated" by the state "to the endowment, support, and maintenance of, at least, one college, where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legisla- tures of the states may respectively prescribe in order to promote the liberal and *Cong. Gl., 1st Session, 35th Cong. 1412. HISTOKICAL SKETCH XIII practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life. ' n The results of this movement may reasonably be looked upon with satisfaction and pride, and great honor is surely due to Professor Turner. In a study by President James entitled ' ' The Origin of the Land Grant Act of 1862 ' ' may be found conclusive evidence that to \ ' Jonathan B. Turner, the Illinois professor and farmer, belongs the credit of having first formu- lated clearly the plan of a national grant of land to each state in the Union for the promotion of edu- cation in agriculture and mechanic arts, and of hav- ing inaugurated the agitation that made possible the passage of the so-called Morrill Act. To his mem- ory should be raised a monument in each of the sixty- JONATHAN B. TURNER eight institutiong which have grown out of his effort or whose power and usefulness have been increased by these appropriations. \ ' It is well within the rules of propriety that Illinoisans congratulate themselves that the movement so full of good to the nation, to labor, and to youth everywhere, had its inception here in Illinois; that from Illinois came the demand upon the fed- eral government; that to an Illinois senator is due the first movement in its favor in Congress; and that an Illinois president gave it life by affixing his signature. On February 14, 1863, the legislature formally accepted the provisions made by Congress and in due time the land scrip for the 480,000 acres, to which Illinois was entitled, was sent to the governor. But even after the passage of the bill there was much controversy over the funds thus made available for educational purposes. Some wished to divide the fund among several agricultural colleges; while others preferred one college and favored having it made a part of an already existing institution. Questions of this nature caused much bitter strife. Those who had struggled for the passage of this bill had sought to establish one institution and to make it unlike the existing colleges of the state, and entirely separate from them. Naturally, they deprecated any attempt to divide the fund or to use it in establishing departments in existing colleges. The views of this party were embodied in a bill, drafted by a committee of which Jonathan B. Turner was chairman, and substantially similar to the charter finally granted in 1867. Eesolutions were adopted by the State Agricultural and the State Horticultural Soci- eties insisting upon one institution, and opposing an effort to divide the fund, or to use it in establishing departments in existing colleges. They proposed that the location should be made, after the consideration of bids, at that place which seemed to offer the greatest facilities. The General Assembly of 1867 passed a bill giving any county, city, township, or incorporated town, power to vote bonds and to make proposals for securing the location of the University. The people of Champaign were early alert to the idea of securing the institution and put forth every effort to obtain the prize. Nor were the opposing counties by any means idle. In their efforts to defeat this county, the latter sent out warnings and appeals through circulars and newspaper articles to the people of the state, in which ridicule and derision of the claims of Champaign Coun- ty formed the burden. The seminary property, a large brick building which formed a part of the offer of Champaign County, received the label "The Champaign Ele- a Text in Laws of the U. S. and the State of Illinois Concerning the Univ. of 111. XIV UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS pliant, ' n and this epithet was well kept before the people of the state ; certain Chi- cago papers lending ready and nimble hands in the propagation of this and other like derogatory attacks. Champaign County, on the other hand, lost no opportunity to gain influence and to make friends for its cause. After a not altogether credit- able contest among the several competing counties — Champaign, Logan, McLean, and Morgan, — the legislature accepted the offer of Champaign County, and, subject to certain conditions, located the University at Urbana. Governor Oglesby approved the act incorporating the Illinois Industrial Univer- sity, February 28th, 1867. This act provided that five trustees were to be appointed from each of the three grand judicial! districts of the state, and one trustee from each of the thirteen congressional districts, who with the governor, superintendent of public instruction, president of the State Agricultural Society, and the Regent, when elected, as ex-officio members, should constitute the Board of Trustees. In pursuance of the law, the Board met for the first time in the Representatives Hall in Spring- field on March 12th, 1867. Governor Oglesby, the temporary president of the Board, prescribed the oath to each member, according to the constitution of 1848, then in force. This oath, among other things, solemnly pledged each man not to engage in dueling during his term of office, and declared that each had not been guilty of duel- ing since the adoption of that constitution. Under the law, the first business to be transacted was the election of the Regent, or President, of the University. The Board chose Reverend John Milton Gregory, a man of broad and enlightened views, who at the time was President of Kalamazoo College, Michigan. Therefore as the act provided that one-third should serve for a term of two years, one-third for a term of four years, and one-third for a term of six years, 2 the trustees drew for their terms of office. At the first meeting the Board also passed the following resolution: "Resolved, That sensible of our dependence on the Divine blessing in the great work in which we are engaged it should be a standing order of this Board to commence each day's proceedings by the Word of God and Prayer." The motion carried unanimously. 3 The new Board of Trustees, including Regent Gregory, was largely chosen from the laity and clergy of the Baptist church, and for some time fear was entertained that the new university would become largely a denominational school. 3 However, the first fear was groundless, as the bias in the actions of the Board, which many looked for, did not appear, and in Dr. Gregory's long administration it would be difficult to point out anything in his action tending in that direction, and the second fear was refuted by the daily compulsory chapel service and Sunday afternoon Ves- per services at which Dr. Gregory preached. His acceptance of the position as Regent of the University did not occur until after he had made a trip to Chicago and Champaign. He said -that in both these places only one opinion was expressed to him, and that was, that this new institution Jonathan Stoughton had promoted the erection of this building which was financed by the sale of adjoining lots. The building was to be used for a higher institution of learning. The Civil War interfered with the scheme but there is little doubt that if the building had not been already in existence that the Legislature would never have voted to locate the institution in Urbana-Champaign. Clark R. Griggs was largely instrumental in securing the University, since he travelled over the entire state before the legislature met and sacrified the Speakership of the House for the chairmanship of the committee on the location of the University. He skillfully manoeuvered the vote for the rival communities first and then when all were voted down there was nothing left but to locate the institution in Urbana. 2 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1868, pp. 16, 19. *The popular accusations brought against the University in these early days were para- doxical charges that it was a Baptist Nursery, and a School for Infidelity. HISTORICAL SKETCH XV was to be "the grandest university on the American continent." He accepted the election and become the first Regent, of what was then the Illinois Industrial Univer- sity, serving as its executive head from April 1, 1867, a year before the institution was formally opened, until 1880. John Milton Gregory was born at Sand Lake, New York, July 6, 1822. He was a graduate of Union College, and a pupil of Eliphalet Nott, one of the greatest edu- cators of his day. He studied law from 1836 to 1848, and later, after some time spent in the study of theology, he entered the Baptist ministry. For a time he taught in a secondary school in Michigan, and in 1858 was elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction of that state. He held this position until 1863, when he was elected to the presidency of Kalamazoo College. After serving this College four years, he entered upon the duties of Regent of the University. Dr. Gregory was a man of high ideals and broad sympathies, with great vigor and considerable oratorical ability and his general plan of university organization has continued to the present day. His personal influence upon the student body was marked. His vision of what an institution such as a State University should be was far reaching. During the year following his election to the regency, and previous to the open- ing of the University, not only were the plans for the institution pushed forward at the seat of the proposed university, but Dr. Gregory also travelled the state, seeking to interest young men everywhere in securing a higher education. Many of the addresses which he made were delivered from the rear end of a farmer's wagon at a county fair. To many young men who afterwards came to the University and who have since been of great value to their state, the appeal came from the lips of this college president on some such occasion. 1 One of the first great tasks of Dr. Gregory was to prepare an outline of the general aims of the new university, and a course of study. This he did, as chairman of a committee appointed by the Board. The following departments and courses of study were suggested to be developed as soon as practicable. I. The Agricultural Department, embracing — 1. The course in Agriculture proper 2. The course in Horticulture and Landscape Gardening II. The Polytechnic Department, embracing — 1. The course in Mechanical Science and Art 2. The course in Civil Engineering 3. The course in Mining and Metallurgy 4. The course in Architecture and Fine Arts III. The Military Department, embracing — 1. The course in Military Engineering 2. The. course in Tactics IV. The Department of Chemistry and Natural Science V. The Department of Trade and Commerce VI. The Department of General Science and Literature, embracing — 1. The course in Mathematics 2. The course in National History, Chemistry, etc. Alumni Quarterly, V. IV, Makers of the University, by Henry Mahan Beardsley, '79, 5. XVI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 3. The course in English Language and Literature 4. The course in Modern Language and Literature 5. The course in Ancient Language and Literature 6. The course in History and Social Science 7. The course in Philosophy, Intellectual and Moral 1 The report of this course of study committee caused considerable excitement among the people. The idea of teaching ' ' English Literature ' ' and ' ' Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures," proved as the red flag to the infuriated bull of the story. The institution was denounced as no more than one of the "old col- leges" and the question was derisively asked, "Why add, by a public grant of lands, to these old institutions, of which the people already have too many?" It is probably due to the warfare aroused by this course of study that only 57 were en- rolled at the opening of the University on March 11, 1868, and of these, 45 were from Champaign County. Untrue and sensational tales were told and believed, greatly- to the discredit of the new University. Many demanded that the classics should be excluded from the course of study; others that they should be tolerated, but not cherished. By some it was claimed that the students of belle-lettres would constitute an aristocratic class in that institution and that the students of agriculture and mechanic arts would be looked upon as inferiors. The dissatisfaction showed itself in newspaper articles and in public addresses. Dissensions took place in the Board of Trustees. Finally, in 1870, a convention of delegates from the several county agricultural societies met at Bloomington to consider the past, present, and future condition of the Illinois Industrial University. Dr. Gregory attended this convention and delivered an address. He explained at length the act creating the University and the course of study, answered some reasonable questions, and as a result very much improved the existing feeling. They appointed a committee to visit and investigate the institution and report thereon. This committee 's report served greatly to strengthen the University. 2 The subjects actually taught at the opening of the University were algebra, geometry, natural philosophy, history, rhetoric, and Latin, and the work was carried on in the brick building which was the donation of Champaign County. This build- ing also served as a dormitory and came to be known as the Old Dormitory building. Owing to the belief that it is the separation of the theoretical and practical which renders so much education mere "book learning," the Board of Trustees decided that a manual labor system should be thoroughly tried, and all students, not excused for physical disability, were required to labor from one to three hours a day. The students went out in squads, under their military officers, and under the general supervision of members of the faculty. The maximum compensation of such labor was eight cents an hour. Many students worked voluntarily over hours, and received for such over-work twelve and a half cents an hour. In a short time, how- ever, labor was made wholly voluntary, except as it was a part of some course of study, as the shop practice in the course of mechanical science and art. In matters of discipline Dr. Gregory believed in treating the students as men, and in appealing to their manhootl for the maintenance of good order. His love of freedom showed itself in the establishment of the Student's Government system, first tried in 1870. By permission of the faculty, the general assembly of the students was organized, and a constitution adopting providing for the election of a president, 1 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1868, p. 50. 2 See p. 47, footnote for quotation. HISTORICAL SKETCH XVII vice-president, secretary, and marshal. There was also a senate of 21 members and a court, consisting of a chief justice and two associate judges. Under this constitu- tion, the senate enacted laws, which became valid only when approved by the Eegent of the University. All offenses against these laws were tried before the students' court, and punished by fines according to the claims of offence. Cases requiring the severer penalties of suspension or expulsion from the University were referred to the faculty, and students refusing to pay the fines imposed by the students' govern- ment were suspended from University privileges. For a time this system of govern- ment worked admirably, but later politics crept in and perverted justice, and the system was abandoned in 1883. The faculty for the first term consisted of the Regent, two instructors, a head farmer, and two non-resident lecturers. A decided contrast in numbers with our faculty of today! The two towns likewise presented a very different appearance. Street pavements were laid some twenty years later than this; the buildings, for the most part, were of the cheaper grade of scantling frames; and the streets them- selves were more often adorned by wood piles than by sidewalks. Stock of all kinds ran at large in both towns and in the country, so that all houses were securely fenced to keep out the predatory town cows and hogs. Women were not at first admitted to the University. In 1869 the question of their admission was raised, and after a lengthy discussion, upon the motion of Mr. John S. Johnson, 2 it was settled in the affirmative in March, 1870. The story is told that a group of boys, much interested in the outcome of the discussion, listened to the deliberations of the trustees through a friendly stove-pipe hole, and when the rote was, finally taken, and announced as favorable to the young women, an approv- ing shout was heard from the gallant fellows above. 3 Girls ever since have been thus kindly received, and their presence has come to be viewed as a matter of course. In the first year, twenty-two were registered; while during the year 1915-16, their at- tendance has increased to 1,535, out of the total number of 6,298, or nearly one-fifth of the whole enrollment of the University of Illinois. Thus their early kindly recep- tion seems to have been appreciated. In spite of the prominence of agriculture in the state and the important part which the farmers took in the industrial movement, the agricultural department languished. The proportion of agricultural students during the first decade was in- significant. Meanwhile the engineering courses developed rapidly. Stillman W. Robinson, elected to the professorship of Mechanical Engineering in 1869, may be regarded as the real founder of the College of Engineering. He appreciated the educational pos- sibilities of shop work and made it a part of the engineering instruction. In January, 1870, a mechanical shop was fitted up with tools and machinery. Dr. Peabody, in speaking of it, says, "It is probable that tool or machine instruction was first given in America at the Worcester Free Institute, which was formally inaugurated in Nov- ember, 1868, six months after the inauguration of this University. I have not been able to find that Professor Robinson's practice shop had any other predecessor in this country." In the summer of 1871 the mechanical building and drill hall (burned on June 9, 1909) were erected and equipped for students' shop work in both wood and iron, and for military drill. x Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1869, p. 62. 2 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1870, p. 84. 'Facts for Freshmen Concerning the Univ. of 111. by T. A. Clark, p. 7. XVIII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS The legislature, in its session the same year, authorized the construction of the main University building, according to the plans and estimates, laid before it, at a cost of $150,000. They appropriated $75,000, and provided that the $75,000 addi- tional should be appropriated at the next meeting. Work on the building was com- menced, but the legislature failed to make the expected additional appropriation. A broad, white streak on the west wall remains the indelible record of the time when the work could go no further. It was deemed advisable to provide temporarily for the continuance of the work by the sale of the Champaign County bonds. This was done, and the work was resumed. Every effort was made that this money should be repaid by the State, but such efforts were unavailing. The building was finished and dedicated December 10, 1873. 1 The other of the larger buildings erected during this period was the Chemical Laboratory, which was authorized by the legislature of 1877 and dedicated at the commencement in 1878. Its cost, when fitted and furnished, was $40,000. There were other smaller appropriations made during the period, which were used in the construction of a house and barn on the horticultural grounds, a gardener's house, a greenhouse, and a barn for the agricultural department. A re -organization of the Board of Trustees occurred in 1873. The number of members was reduced from 31 to 11 — the Goveror and the President of the State Board of Agriculture, ex officio, and nine others, who were still appointed by the Governor. 2 Beginning at this time also, the President of the Board was chosen by the members from among their own number for a term of one year. At the meeting held July 10, 1873, Emory Cobb was elected the new president. He gave much time and attention to the affairs of the University for more than a quarter of a century. At the end of the first five years the organization of the University consisted of four colleges — the College of Agriculture, of Engineering, of Natural Science, and of Literature and Science. These were sub -divided as follows: The College of Agriculture embraced the Schools of Agriculture and Horticulture. The College of Engineering included the four Schools of Mechanical, Civil, and Mining Engineering and Architecture. The College of Natural Science included the School of Chemistry and the School of Natural History. The College of Literature and Arts and Science embraced the School of Modern Lan- guage and Literature and the School of Ancient Language and Literature. Besides these, there were the Schools of Commercial Science, the School of Mili- tary Science, and a School of Domestic Economy. The instruction in the last named school began with the college year 1872- '73. The full course in the beginning em- braced general literary work while in the second and third years lectures on topics of domestic economy took the place of the mathematical studies. This was the first School of Domestic Economy of high grade, arid with a complete course, organized in the United States, if not the first in the world. Admission requirements at first were very low in all departments ; but fewer than half the student of the earlier years were able to meet them, and members of the faculty found themselves overloaded with elementary work to the detriment of high- er instruction. In accordance with Dr. Gregory's views, the entrance requirements were gradually advanced, and in 1875 a preparatory year was instituted which later developed into the Academy. Candidates in the preparatory classes had to be fifteen years of age and be able to pass satisfactory examinations in arithmetic, geography, JRep. of Univ. of 111. 1888, Hist. Address by Selim H. Peabody, p. 207. 2 Laws of the U. S. & State of 111. Concerning the Univ. of 111., p. 37. HISTORICAL SKETCH XIX English grammar, and United State history. Like other institutions of the Middle West, Illinois, after some experiments, adopted the "accredited school 7 ' system. The first school so accredited was the Princeton High School, and by 1880 the number had increased to twenty-two. 1 In the early days of the institution, the elective system predominated. Although liberty had its risks, it was "not thought useful or right to attempt to urge every student, without regard to his capacity, tastes, or practical wants, to take some lengthened curriculum. 2 But gradually this system of complete freedom was modi- fied, and students who desired to ' ' graduate, ' ' were required to complete some one of the courses outlined in the catalog. The introduction of academic degrees at the commencement in 1878 strengthend this tendency. Distinct courses were then defined, to each of which a degree was given. According to the original state law, the usual diplomas and degrees could not be given by the University. Certificates showing the studies pursued and the attain- ments in each were given instead. But this was a new dispensation which the great world was unwilling to accept. The graduates found their paper not current in the market. The name of the institution was persistently misinterpreted. The Regent had to be at all times prepared to show that he was not only a trustee of the people but also their servant. It is a matter of record that when the earlier professors went to the State Teachers' Association and sought admission to the college section, it was denied them because an institution that gave no degrees had no rightful claim to call itself a college. 3 In 1877 the alumni petitioned the legislature to give the University authority to grant degrees. The authority was given, and a fee of $5.00 required for each diploma. 4 Graduation with a certificate was still permitted to those who had obtained the requisite number of term credits, but not in subjects prescribed ror any particu- lar degree. The social life during this period, was, in the main, simple and democratic. A number of student organizations were formed, many of which are still in existence. The earliest literary societies were the Adelphic and Philomathean organized in March, 1869. Two years later the women of the University organized the Alethenai. In the same year (1871) the University band furnished its first music for commence- ment. The first student publication appeared in November, 1871, and was known as The Student and published monthly. The paper two years later .changed its name to The Illini. The Young Men's Christian Association and the Agricultural Society date back to the same year. In 1874, ther was organized an association for the advancement of telegraph, known as the Illinois Industrial University Telegraphic Association. Instruments on the line numbered twenty-five, and the central offices were open for practice all hour3 of the day. In the fall of 1868 Professor Samuel Walker Shattuck came to the University as Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Instructor in Military Tactics. Three years later, he became Professor of Mathematics and continued to serve the University in this department to Sept. 1, 1912. He also filled various other positions. He was Professor of Civil Engineering for the year 1869-70. He was Acting President for iRep. of the Univ. of 111., 1880, p. 44. 2 Fourth Annual Circular, pp. 25-7. 8 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1888, Hist. Address by Selim H. Peabody, p. 207. 4 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1878, p. 86. XX • UNIVEKSITY OE ILLINOIS six months in 1873, and served as the first Vice President from 1889 to 1894. He became the financial manager in 1873. A high sense of honor and true loyalty in service have been embodied in his career, and the University very appropriately showed its appreciation of him by conferring upon him in June, 1912, the highest honor it can bestow, the degree of LL. D. No sketch of the University would be complete without the mention of Edward Snyder, who was appointed at the same November meeting in 1868 as Professor Shattuck. His primary interest was in modern languages, but the exigencies of the time compelled him to teach a great variety of subjects as remote as bookkeeping and military tactics. He was a most sympathetic adviser and friend of the students. He continually gave or lent them money; and in 1890, three years after his retirement from active service, he gave to the University $12,000, to be loaned to need students. He died in 1903. Professor Nathan Clifford Bicker began his work as Instructor in Architecture in the University in March, 1873. He has twice acted as Dean of the College of Engineering. Many of the University buildings have been constructed after plans drawn by him. Professor Ira Osborn Baker came to the University as Assistant in Civil Engineering and Physics in September 1874 after having graduated the spring before. Thus two of the present faculty have been connected with the institu- tion approximately forty years. The period of Dr. Gregory's administration is not marked as one of the great prosperity financially. The University was the owner of 480,000 acres of land scrip. The Board of Trustees proposed at first to locate 50,000 acres of its land scrip, and to sell the rest; but the pressure for funds was so great that it located but 25,000 acres, about 9,000 being in the state of Nebraska and 16,000 in the state of Minne- sota. The large amount of land scrip thrown upon the market by this and other land grant universities had greatly depreciated its value, 1 and the 455,000 acres sold brought but $319,178.87, or seventy cents an acre. As fast as the cash was received it was invested in such securities as law de- manded, and the rate of interest then current in the state, eight to ten per cent, yielded from $25,000 to $30,000 per annum and was utilized for the payment of current expenses of instruction. The money panic of 1873 did not seriously affect the finances of the University until about 1877, when debtors began to refund their loans at lower rates of interest. In this way, the income of the University was largely diminished. During the year 1878 the expenditures were found to be $3,500 in excess of the income. No surplus funds were on hand and there was no prospect of increas- ing the interest on the endowment fund. Something had to be done. So it seemed best to reduce somewhat the salaries of the teaching force. Dr. Gregory suggested that the reduction should begin with himself, not because his salary was the largest, but rather because he would prefer to se his own compensation reduced 20 or 25 per cent than the already too meager salaries of his associates lessened. The reduction of $3,500 was made by taking small amounts from the various salaries and depart- ments, and at the request of the Eegent $400 from his own salary. Places which became vacant were left so. Certain departments were cut off — those of mining com- merce, and domestic economy. The fees of students were raised. Economy in its most rigid form was practiced everywhere. Ull. School Rep., 1887-8, p. CXLIII. HISTORICAL SKETCH XXI Meanwhile the internal condition of affairs became gloomy. The cordial agree- ment which had existed between the students and the Kegent and faculty became strained, and finally open rebellion occurred. Under these discouraging circumstances Dr. Gregory submitted his resignation at the June commencement 1880 and it was immediately accepted by the Board. He spent the remainder of his life in Washington, D. C. where he served on the com- mission of education, for a time and from 1895-7 was Acting President of Pennsyl- vania State College. He died in Washington October 19, 1898. On Sunday, the 23d of October of that year^ a memorial convocation was held in the old University Chapel, and his body was laid to rest in ground just west of University Hall. In speaking of him, the alumni of the University, gathered in Chicago, expressed them- selves as follows: "Full of years and honor, like a shock of ripened corn in an abundant year, our beloved instructor and friend, Dr. John M. Gregory, the founder and first Kegent (President) of our Alma Mater, has been gathered to his fathers." 1 Dr. Gregory served the University for thirteen long and hard years, at a time when wisdom, foresight, promptness, enthusiasm, and courage — all the characteristics of a competent leader — were in most urgent demand, and in none of these respects was he found wanting. Upon his resignation the Board appointed Dr. Selim Hobart Peabody, formerly Professor of Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Regent pro tempore. Dr. Peabody was born at Rockingham, Vermont, August 20, 1829. He spent one year in the Public Latin School of Boston, but owing to his father's death, circumstances com- pelled him to leave school and help earn a livelihood for himself and others. After working five years he entered the University of Vermont at the age of nineteen and graduated in 1852. The next two years were spent, first as principal of the high school at Burlington, Vt., and then as teacher in the Collegiate Institute at Fairfax, Vt. In 1854 he became Professor of Mathematics and Physics in the Polytechnic College of Philadelphia. Three years later he accepted the position of Chief Clerk in the United States land office at Eau Claire, Wisconsin. In 1859 he took charge of the city school at Fond du Lac, and in 1862 he became superintendent of schools at Racine, Wis. Three years later he became an instructor in the City high school. On March 11, 1868 — Inauguration Day — he was offered the professorship of mechan- ical science and engineering in the Illinois Industrial University. This he declined, but in 1871 he went to the Massachusetts Agricultural College at Amherst as Pro- fessor of Physics and Civil Engineering, where he remained three years, and then returned to his old position in Chicago. In 1877 he received the degree of doctor of philosophy from the University of Vermont. On the 10th of October, 1878, he ac- cepted the appointment of Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Fnysics in Illi- nois Industrial University and served in this capacity until the close of March, 1880, when he resigned to accept the work of editor-in-chief of what later became the Inter- national Cyclopedia. On July 27th, of this year, he was reappointed to the same professorship and made Regent pro tempore, assuming the new duties on August 15th. The following March, 1881, he was elected Regent of the University and con- tinued as such until he presented his resignation June 10, 1891.* Almost all of his adult life, to the time of his election to the regency, had been spent in teaching and accompanying activities. It is said that at the time of his 1 Alumni Quarterly, V. IV, Jan., 1910, p. 11. 2 Alumni Quarterly, V. V. July, 1910, Makers of the Univ., by Thomas J. Burrill, p. 203ff. XXII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS appointment he could have taught successfully any subject offered in the curriculum of the institution. Dr. Peabody encountered numerous annoyances and difficulties during his regime. In the beginning, many of the students assumed a questioning attitude toward him. The seniors were said to have held a meeting to determine whether they would return or not, but kindly consented to give the new man a trial. 1 The first serious hitch came from a clash between certain secret fraternities and the court of the organized students' government. As a result, the Regent recommended, and the trustees ap- proved, a ruling that no student could enter the University until he had pledged himself not to join a fraternity, and that no student should be graduated until he certified that he had not belonged to any fraternity while in the University. The adoption of these rules disclosed the existence of four such organizations. Their members petitioned the faculty to repeal the rules, but the faculty only turned their petitions over to the Board, which recommended that their requests be refused. The rule was strenuous, and was not repealed until September 189 1. 2 From the time of the passage of the rule, more or less antagonism existed, directed chiefly toward the Regent, whose duty it was to execute the mandate. Unfortunately for him, he was a man sufficiently sensitive to criticism to find it discomforting. Another occurrence, trivial in itself, also inflicted no little injury. One of the cadet captains in the military organization failed to receive an examination grade sufficient to permit him to continue in his official position. His brother officers under- took to compel his re-instatement by entering upon what we w r ould call a strike. Dis- satisfied students were allowed to take their grievances to the Board of Trustees, and it in turn sat as a sort of high court, and in effect, put the faculty upon trial. In this case, a matter which should have been adjusted without great difficulty, became unnecessarily burdensome. President Peabody systematized administrative affairs, instituted improved book- keeping and gathered up loose ends everywhere. He personally attended to numerous details. Dr. T. J. Burrill, in writing of his work, said that ' ' throughout his admini- stration he had no stenographer. The University did not own during his time a typewriting machine. The official correspondence was mainly conducted in his own handwriting. There was no registrar. At the beginning of each term he personally issued class permits and at the close recorded class grades. Aside from his headship in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Physics, he taught classes (during different terms) in Mechanics and Hydraulics and Mental Science, the latter subject being required of all seniors. It is little wonder that there was not much time for effective campaigning outside or for dreaming of future greatness. ' ' But in spite of many obstacles, and in spite of the fact that these were days of small things educationally, progress was made during this administration. In 1879- 80 there were 434 students (reduced in 1880-81 to 379), and 26 teachers of all grades, of whom 15 were of professional rank; in 1890-91, there were 519 students and 40 instructors, 24 of whom were of professional rank. Thus there was a gain in stu- dents of 19.6 per cent and in the corps of instruction of 53.9 per cent, and for those having professional rank, 60 per cent. For the first named year the total in- come from all sources was about $60,650; for the last named, $124,600, or 146 per cent gain. The total legislative appropriation for the session of 1879 was $25,500; that for the session of 1891 was $147,200. This latter figure included $70,000 for ^ep. of Univ. of 111., 1888, Hist. Address by Pres. Teabody, p. 210. 2 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1892, p. 151. HISTORICAL SKETCH XXIII the Natural History Building, but excluding this, the gain was $51,700, or 203 per cent. 1 Before President Peabody's administration, all state appropriations had been clearly for specified purposes and exclusive salaries for instruction. At the legisla- tive session of 1881, the trustees resolved to ask in addition to the usual sums, for an appropriation for the current expenses of instruction. The legislature granted the sum of $11,400 to help cover the amount of the loss suffered by the University because of the reduction in the interest on its investments. 2 The next legislature was asked for $14,000, for the same purpose, and the grant was made. During the bien- nial periods which followed, the sums of $24,000, $32,000, 3 and $40,000 were allowed, respectively. Appropriations for buildings were small, and were slow in coming. After much persuasion and political wire pulling on the part of the Regent and his local aids, $10,000 was secured for a Drill Hall in 1889. This caused great rejoicing. During the year the students purchased and placed in the Drill Hall $125 worth of gymnastic apparatus, the money being for the most part the proceeds of an athletic entertain- ment given the year before in Champaign. Those who at that time wished to prac- tice in the gymnasium paid 50 cts. a term for a ticket, and with the money so se- cured, instructors were employed from among the students. At the next General Assembly, Regent Peabody, almost unaided by others connected with the University, succeeded in winning sufficiently the good will of the legislators to cause the passage of a bill carrying $70,000 for a new Natural History building. In 1887, a law was passed making membership in the Board of Trustees elective, at a general state election, and restoring the Superintendent of Public Instruction as an ex officio member, thus there are today three ex-officio and nine elective mem- bers of the Board. The change in the manner of election helped materially to bring the institution before the people of the state. It also made it possible for women to serve on the Board. None became members, however, until November, 1904, when Mrs. Lucy L. Flower was elected. It is interested to note that she received many times the number of votes that have been cast for any other woman as a candidate for office in this state. 4 While she was the first woman regularly elected a member of the Board, Mrs. Julia Holmes Smith really served a short time before her, having been appointed by the Governor to fill an unexpired term. In 1884 the opportunity seemed favorable to begin the sale of tne 9,000 acres of land located in Nebraska, and by judicious management the endowment fund was thus raised from about $320,000 to upwards of $450,000. 5 The sale of this land stretched out over a period of twenty-five years, the last being sold only in 1909. The sale of the land in Minnesota began at a somewhat later date, and all is now sold. The total endowment fund received by the University up to June 1, 1916, from the sale of its land scrip amounted to $649,012. 91. The pressing need for runds and the dislike for paying taxes upon this land caused much of it to be sold at a very low price. In 1887 the federal government again took up the work it had Degun in 1862. By the passage of the Hatch Act, approved March 12, of that year, the national government appropriated $15,000 per annum to each state for the purpose of estab- 1 Alumni Quarterly, Vol. V, No. 3, July, 1910, Makers of the Univ., by T. J. Burrill, 2 Rep. of Univ. of 111. 1882, p. 182. 8 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1888, p. 211. 4 Minutes of Education of Chicago, June 28, 1911. 5 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1888, p. 211. XXIV UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS lishing and maintaining, in connection with the colleges founded upon congressional act of 1862, agricultural experiment station "to aid in acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful and practical information to subjects connected with agriculture, and to promote scientific investigation and experiment respecting the principles and application of agricultural science." President Pea- body took a prominent part in the discussion of the convention which led to the pass- age of this act. Under its provision, the Agricultural Experiment Station of Illi- nois was founded in 1888 and placed under the direction of the trustees of the uni- versity, and a part of the University farm, with buildings, was assigned for its use. State appropriations have been added to the federal grants to the Station, until its revenues have become the largest of those of similar institutions throughout the world. 1 In 1890, by another measure known as the Morrill College Aid Act, 2 the Congress of the United States made further appropriations for the land grant colleges. Under this enactment each such college or university received the first year $15,000, the second $16,000, and thereafter $1,000 a year additional to the amount of the preced- ing year, until the amount reached $25,000, which sum was to be paid yearly. The use of this fund, although restricted, made possible indirectly a considerable develop- ment in the humanities as well as in the natural sciences. As the institution developed, the name ' ' Illinois Industrial University ' ' was felt to be a serious handicap. It was never understood in the sense oroginally intended. The promoters had meant to establish an institution in which a liberal education should be offered, and one which should be particularly suited to those engaged in industrial pursuits, in distinction to the profession as they were then recognized. But the prevailing impression gained for the name was than manual labor was a promin- ent feature. The name came to be considered a serious obstacle to the institution, and a bill was introduced in the legislature of 1885 for its change. The application for a change of name met with bitter opposition, especially in the senate, many of the opponents contending that the change would be detrimental to the "industrial ideas of the early advocates. But on June 19 1885, Governor Oglesby approved the bill changing the name to ' - The University of Illinois. } ' In this same year the State Laboratory of Natural History was transferred to the University from Normal. This laboratory was created for the purpose of making a natural history survey of the state, publishing the results, and furnishing specimens to the public schools and to the state museums. These collections amounted to 75,000 specimens, in round numbers, besides 15,000 bottles, vials, and other packages, the contents of which were largely unclassified. The apparatus transferred with this ma- terial consisted chiefly of a very full outfit of collecting apparatus for both terres- trial and aquatic work and a considerable amount of microscopic materials and ap- paratus. During the regime of Dr. Peabody, knowledge of the University was spread among the people of the state principally by means of addresses and exhibits. It has been estimated that during 1888 alone over 100 gatherings were attended by members of the faculty and more than 200 addresses were delivered. The most not- able of the technical exhibitions were kept on display, as follows: six months at the State House in Springfield, sixteen months at the expositions at New Orleans; at the iTJniv. of Register, 19.11-12, p. 449. 2 Act approved Aug. 30, 1890. in Laws of U. S. & State of 111., Concerning the Univ. of 111 HISTORICAL SKETCH XXV great educational displays at Madison, Wisconsin, and Chicago; and at the state fairs. 1 Many things conspired to make Dr. Peabody's office a hard one to administer. Matters of dicipline, disturbances in the cadet battalion and a radical change in the personnel of the Board were circumstances which so strengthened the opposition to the Kegent as to defeat his re-election in 1891 for the next biennial period. In June he offered his resignation, which was at once accepted. That he succeeded as well as he did is evidence of great personal and professional power among men and of exalted devotion to the cause he espoused. Upon his resignation the Board temporarily appointed a man who had made his life a part of the University and who through the varying fortunes of the institution had filled many important and critical gaps, Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill. He first came to the University as a special assistant to teach algebra, on the agreement that as soon as botany could be provided for, he should have charge of it. Three months after his first connection with the institution, T. J. Burrill became Assistant Profes- sor of Natural History, which at that time included botany. He became full Pro- fessor of Botany and Horticulture in 1871. His professorship began at "sun up" and lasted indefinitely and included anything that needed doing. He taught most of the day, planted with his own hands or saw to the planting of most of the trees on the campus, wrote reports, lectured here and there, served on innumerable commit- tees, collected specimens up and down the state, and was even charged at one time by the Board with the sale of a pair of mules, whose labors on the South Farm showed that they were not so able to stand the strenuous life as he was. After the founding of the Agricultural Experiment Station in 1888, Professor Burrill became its horticulturist. In 1875 Dr. Burrill became the corresponding secretary of the Board of Trustees, a position he held for thirteen years. In 1878, he was appointed Dean of the College of Science, and for a brief time was Acting Regent. When the Regency changed in 1880, he filled the place temporarily. Four years later when the head of the Univer- sity was absent for a brief time on University business he was made presiding officer. Upon the resignation of Dr. Peabody in 1891, Dr. Burrill began an indefinite inter- regnum. Almost his first undertaking was to organize the military department, which had caused a great deal of trouble in preceding years. He effected such an organ- ization that it has never caused any trouble since. Students were allowed greater freedom and responded with greater sanity of conduct. Everywhere a better spirit grew up. The old fixed courses of study were abolished and substantially our present system evolved. In September, 1891, the Board passed the following resolution with regard to fraternities : "Resolved, That the pledge hitherto required for candidates for entry to the University in regard to college fraternities be omitted, and that the subject of these fraternities be referred to the committee on rules. ' \ During Dr. Burrill 's administration, the attendance rapidly increased. Student organizations were stimulated. We find the first University Glee Club organized in October, 1891. The first annual concert of the Illinois Military Band was given in February, 1892. Besides there were organized the Mandolin Club, Chemistry Club, Art Club, Students' Assembly for "Social and Intellectual Purposes, " etc. But perhaps the point of greatest triumph in his administration was the finances. The Board had been accustomed to ask support for the University in a most modest way, and the result was that it had, been doled out to them in fifty-cent pieces. Dr. Burrill advocated asking for everything wanted, leaving the legislature to cut down Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1888, p. 221. XXVI UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS the request if it saw fit. From the appeal to the legislature in 1893 came the appro- priation for the engineering building, and greatly increased sums for other expenses. The total appropriation rose from $147,000 to $295,000. 1 Several new courses of study had their origin in this period, such as the Grad- uate School, as well as the School of Philosophy and Pedagogy, included in the Col- lege of Literature and Arts ; the department of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering and Architectural Engineering were likewise created. In January, 1893, the agri- cultural short course was offered. The office of Registrar was created August 16th of the same year, and the appointment of W. L. Pillsbury was made. In 1894 an appropriation of $1,800 was made for a biological station at Havana and $1,200 for a summer school at the University. The first summer session began the following June and continued four weeks; thirty-eight persons were enrolled, twenty-six of whom were teachers from over the state. Members of the regular faculty gave the instruction and the full resources of the University, laboratories, libraries, and ap- paratus made available for the work. Although the preparatory class served as an important feeder for the University it was not the intention of the governing boards that this class should be largely increased. In March, 1894, however, the Board established a two years' course in the preparatory school. Preparatory classes had been taught almost from the begin- ning of the institution, but with the anticipation that the time would soon come when such instruction might be wholly left to the high schools. If it had seemed possible, the University authorities would gladly have abandoned the preparatory work, but if, as it appeared, it must be continued, better provision had to be made for it. Hence, a principal was appointed, teachers were employed, and a course of instruction mapped out. While the faculty confined itself in the main to undergraduate instruction, the graduate department was slowly taking shape. The first fellowships were instituted in 1892, and in 1894 the faculty was authorized to define the requirements for doc- tors' degrees. The University gradually extended. its relations with the public school system of the state through its accredited schools, and also by the aid of the county superin- tendents who conducted examinations for scholarships, and by its course of Univer- sity extension lectures. A great change came over the state in its attitude toward the University. Dr. Burrill 's policy was one of open discussion, friendly co-operation with all educational and other interests of the state, and had much to do with allay- ing opposition on all sides. Forty-four years is a long time to serve an institution, and when that service had been rendered with faithfulness, kindly benevolence, and utter unselfishness, the insti- tution should certainly honor the man. Accordingly at the 41st commencement the University conferred upon Dr. Burrill the highest honor that it can give — the honor- ary degree of doctor of laws. Although Dr. Burrill retired from active duty Sept. 1, 1912, he retained his office in the Natural History Building to the time of his death, the institution having still the benefit of the counsel of this superior man whose visions were not even then, of the past University, but of the future. Various causes delayed the action in electing a new Eegent, but it was felt that the important thing was to find the right man, no matter how much time it might require. Finally after three years of inquiry and discussion, the Board tendered the appointment, April 13, 1894, to Andrew Sloan Draper of New York. The title of Regent as applied to the chief executive of a collegiate institution was found to be 1 Alamni Quarterly, V. II, Oct., 1908, Makers of the Univ., by C. M. Moss, p. 229. HISTORICAL SKETCH XXVII confusing since the term was generally used for a member of the board of control — a trustee. The legislative enactment founding the University designated the execu- tive by this name and it was so used from that time up to the appointment of Dr. Draper. With his appointment the Board of Trustees gave authority for the title "President" to be used instead of the title "Regent" as given in the University charter. The time fixed for the beginning of Dr. Draper's services was August 1, 1894, and upon that date he assumed the duties of this office. The third president of the University was of sturdy New England stock. He was born June 21, 1848, at Westford, New York. He was educated for the profession of law in the Albany Law School of Union College, graduating in 1871. For nearly a dozen years after his graduation in law, he practiced his profession. He was a member of the New York state legislature in 1881, a Judge of the United States Court of Alabama Claims from 1884 to 1886, and State Superintendent of Public Instruc-. tion from 1886 to 1892. He received the honorary degree of laws from Colgate in 1889, from Columbia in 1903 and from the University of Illinois in 1905. 1 For two years previous to his coming to the University he was superintendent of the public schools of Cleveland, Ohio. President Draper did not aspire to the presidency of the University. He was sought out by the Board. He says, ' ' I had serious misgivings about the advisability of accepting the post. I doubted my adaptability to it. ' ' The fact that he was not a university man caused him to hesitate. While for a long time he had followed educational thought, he had not concerned himself much about college and uni- versity work. But his wide experience with men, in politics and educational work, and his ability as an organizer, aided greatly in his management of Univer- sity affairs. President Draper early sided with the many friends of the University who felt that, while the institution was organized primarily to educate people for industrial vocations, it was not doing its whole duty as long as its efforts were confined within these limits. Conferences were held with the trustees and faculties as to the best means of beginning departments of law, medicine, and teaching. The result of this activity was that during his administration the University organized and established a number of new schools and departments. The first new school was that of Pharmacy. The Chicago College of Pharmacy made a proposition to turn over and donate its school and property to the University on the provision that it be maintained as a part of the University of Illinois. The Board accepted the proposition at its April meeting, 1896,' and on May 1, this College became the School of Pharmacy. Negotiations looking toward the affiliation of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Chicago with the University, which had been going on for several years, were concluded by the Board of Trustees March 9, 1897.* On April 21, 1897, it became the -School of Medicine of the University of Illinois. It had been one of the foremost of such schools of the Middle West. Its buildings were substantially constructed and its location directly opposite the Cook County Hos- pital, and in the very center of opportunities for medical research, gave the students unusual clinical privileges. The first year there were 409 registered at this medical college. The organization of a School of Law was a matter which had long been in the minds of the authorities, and nearly two years previous to the opening of the School, 1 Who's Who in America, 1908-9, V. 5, p. 530. 2 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1898, p. 238. 3 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1898, p. 74. XXVIII UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS the Board of Trustees bad determined that the step should be taken. Pursuant to their action of Dec. 8, 1896, 1 the School of Law was organized and instruction began September 13, 1897. The formal opening was through a public meeting held in the chapel of the University, which was addressed by Justice Jacob W. Wilkin of the Supreme Court of the state. The faculty of the School of Law has been composed from the beginning of professors devoting their entire time to instruction, and of other professors who taught related subjects in the University, such as constitutional law, the history of jurisprudence, and non-resident lecturers. The course of study at first covered two years, but a very short time later it was re-arranged on the three- year basis. On February 9, 1900, the School of Law became the College of Law; and on the same date the School of Medicine became the College of Medicine. 2 In 1897, the School of Library Economy which had been established in 1893 at •the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago was transferred to the University; the Director of that, school was appointed librarian of the University Library; and the State Library School was opened. There were but two other such schools in the country and no other west of the Allegheny Mountains. Admission to the school was placed upon the same basis as admission to other departments of the University. From time to time some slight provision had been made for musical instruction and in 1895 the work had been reorganized and enlarged. By vote of the trustees on June 9, 1897, the department became the School of Music with a separate faculty and organization. 3 Instruction was given in violin, piano, and voice, and a course was offered leading to the degree of bachelor of music. The adequate supervision of social interests was felt to require distinct admin- istrative attention, and at the March meeting, 1897, the Board of Trustees created a. Dean of Women's department and appointed a Dean in the person of Dr. Violet D. Jayne of Minneapolis, Minnesota. 4 Events proved the selection to be a wise one. In 1901, a similar measure Avas adopted with reference to male students, by the ap- pointment of Professor Thomas Arkle Clark, Dean of Undergraduates, who served in this capacity until 1909, when be became Dean of Men. In 1899 some additional courses were offered in railway engineering. Two years before this the Big Four Eailway Company had built a dynamometer car for the use of the University upon its system, and in 1900 the Illinois Central Railroad did the same thing, and decided improvements were made upon the first car offered. In the summer of 1899 the University made an earnest effort to establish the summer session. Some such efforts had been made years before, but without much success. It secured the attendance of 148 students during a term of nine weeks. The work was satisfactorily initiated and the results were considered quite substantial. The work offered was largely of a character which would appeal to teachers in the high schools of the state, and persons of this class responded in considerable num- bers. Students were allowed to do work which might count towards a University de- gree, and many availed themselves of the privilege. The work of the State Entomologist's office had been done at the University of Illinois since January, 1885. By legislative enactment in 1899 it became permanently established at the University, the trustees of which are required by that act to pro- vide for the Entomologist and his assistants such office and laboratory rooms as may be necessary to the performance of their duties. On March 12, 1901, 5 a College of Dentistry was organized as a department in 1 Rej>. of Univ. 111., 1898, p. 44. 2 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1900, p. 254. 3 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1898, pp. 124-5. 4 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1898, p. 65. 5 Rep. of Univ. of 111., 1902, p. 54ff. HISTOEICAL SKETCH XXIX the College of Medicine. In the following fall the school opened with an enrollment of 134 students. The General Assembly in 1900 made an appropriation for the establishment of courses of training for business, and, in accordance with that action, the trustees approved the organization of the Courses in Business Administration (frequently given elsewhere under the name of School of Commerce). The department opened in 1902 with two new professors, one called from Yale, and the other from Tome Institute. One year later the special appropriation by Congress to the state made possible the founding of the Engineering Experiment Station. Within its scope were em- braced several problems connected with architecture, and civil, electrical, mechanical, and sanitary engineering. The quarters were in the University buildings and shops. President Draper managed in a large degree to put the University in a more favorable light before the people of the state, who in many cases had looked upon it with disfavor or with indifference. One of the menaces of the University's power to do good was the claim often made through the secular newspapers of the state that there was little religious spirit in the University. President Draper early began placing the facts before the people to show that this was untrue. Statistics from the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations refuted these charges; greater efforts were made by the several church denominations; and near the end of his administration the percentage of men and women who were parties to the great Student Volunteer Movement for Christian Missions was shown to be greater than in any other state institution. President Draper overcame much of the opposition which had existed in a meas- ure between the University and other colleges of the state by showing in addresses and papers that all of these colleges and the state 's big school were needed to do the work which should be done. The increase in attendance at the University during the decade from 1894 to 1904 was marvelous. The attendance at Urbana increased from 750 in 1893-4 to 3,100 in 1902-3, and during the latter year there were about 900 in the Chicago de- partments. The number of instructors increased proportionately. Especially strik- ing was the growth of the College of Agriculture. In the early nineties the attend- ance of regularly matriculated students had almost reached the vanishing point, a result due partly to defective equipment and partly to the prevailing skepticism among the farmers themselves with regard to the possibilities of scientific instruction in agriculture. During this period new interest sprang up, the appropriations in- creased, and in 1903, for the first time, there came to the University a substantial number of agricultural students. Not only were the appropriations increased for the College of Agriculture, but there was also a general increase throughout the University. For the biennium com- mencing July 1, 1895, the appropriation for the general current expense was $180,000, and for the following two-year periods, respectively, $220,000; $270,000; $350,000; and $500,000; making a total in ten years of $1,520,000. 1 In addition to these in- creased appropriations for current expenses, there were large appropriations for buildings. The Library building, dedicated at commencement in 1897, was occupied in the September following. It was both designed and constructed by graduates of the University of Illinois. The interior decorations were made by Newton A. Wells, and it is said that they present the best example of a pure Byzantine style to be found 1 Alumni Quarterly, V. IV, Apr., 1910, p. 99. XXX UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS in the United States. The architects were Professors N. Clifford Ricker and James M. White. A new astronomical observatory was completed, equipped, and occupied. Under the dome a fine twelve-inch telescope was erected by the foremost telescope builders in the United States. Another important addition to the group of Univer- sity buildings was the electrical engineering building located just north of Engineer- ing Hall; and the Central Heating Plant located to the east of the Electrical build- ing — both designed by professors in the department of Architecture. All the Univer- sity buildings are heated by the Central Heating Plant. The pipes are carried in brick tunnels a third of a mile in length and large enough to enable a person walk- ing erectly to pass through them. At the close of the year 1900, the main group of agricultural buildings was com- pleted on the South Campus, from an appropriation of $150,000. This was the first time the state had expended any considerable amount of money to provide an agri- cultural plant. Other buildings erected during President Draper's administration were a new wood shop on the site of the old one which had been burned, a President's house, a splendid gymnasium, an excellent building for applied mechanics, a testing labora- tory, and University water station. South of the Science building a substantial and capacious chemical laboratory was constructed. The old chemical laboratory was re- modeled and given over to the College of Law. The building of the College of Medi- cine in Chicago was largely reconstructed, and the West Division high school prop- erty was also acquired and put into excellent condition. In 1897 a new gymnasium was installed on the upper floor of the old mechanical building. It was not ideal in appearance, but was adequately equipped and well suited for practical use. It was provided with a very satisfactory equipment of lockers, and also with reasonable toilet and bathing accommodations. Illinois field was considerably enlarged and much improved in appearance. The unsightly board fence was removed and a hand- some iron one put in its place. The running track was enlarged so as to be a full third of a mile in length. The legislature of 1903 made provision for the establishment of the Woman's building, three agricultural buildings, a foundry, and a steam laboratory. A new green house was constructed and occupied opposite the new electrical building, and added an attractive feature to the University grounds. In connection with the Electrical building and the Central Heating Plant there was installed and put into operation an electric lighting plant. It supplied arc lights upon the campus and also incandescent lights in the buildings which are wired for the purpose. Lightning struck the chemical building in August, 1896. The roof and prac- tically the whole of the interior of the building were destroyed. Nothing remained but the four walls. Steps were at once taken to renew the roof and the interior was replaced in a very hasty, rough and unsubstantial manner because of lack of time and funds to do the work properly. A year later, in June, 1897, the Natural History build- ing was struck by lightning. The results were not so serious as with the chemical laboratory, but fire followed and not only the roof but also the upper portions of the interior, and the building and its contents, were seriously injured by water. The damage to the latter building was repaired in time to prevent any interruption of University work. On June 9, 1900, the oldest building on the campus, which accommodated the wood shops, testing laboratory, hydraulic laboratory, repair shops, and gymnasium was totally destroyed by fire. The building was an old one, yet substantial and ex- ceedingly useful, and housed important interests. HISTORICAL SKETCH XXXI Perhaps the event which caused the most concern on the part of the administra- tion was the defalcation of the Treasurer in February, 1897. All the cash balances of the several funds were involved. All the appropriations had been collected from the State Treasurer to the end of the year, and there were no means which could be applied to salaries and other expenses. Fortunately the legislature was in session and official notice was brought to the attention of that body, which came to the relief of the University by assuming charge of the whole matter and restoring the funds completely. President Draper showed the keenest personal interest in students and student activities. The united action of the students in all important measures to be ad- vanced, the kindly and frank treatment of each other in their personal and class re- lations, and the hearty and loyal support of all University interests were immense factors in the control and enlargement of the institution. The adoption of orange and blue as the University colors by the general assembly of students within a month after the beginning of the administration was a step in this direction. Encourage- ment was given to athletics by the employment of coaches and instructors in the de- partment, and were made more popular by the President 's attendance upon the games. The grounds were beautified and made attractive by making open spaces for sward, the paving of walks and drives, and the planting of a colony of squirrels upon the campus. "While President Draper stood for what furnished students social and physical enjoyment, at the same time he was a rigid disciplinarian. The enforcement of au- thority has been made easier down to the present time because of President Draper's successful stand 'in administering justice after a certain class riot, which occasioned considerable difficulty. Dr. Draper resigned in March, 1904, his resignation taking effect after two months ' leave of absence, thus practically rounding out ten years of service. They were a splendid ten years for the University of Illinois. Things were favorable when he began. The excellent opportunity for the chief executive was turned to the best account. He quickly appreciated the situation and with abundant forcefulness and admirable generalship, carried the institution forward in its remarkable career. Hav- ing been elected to the -newly created office of Commissioner of Education in the state of New York, he gave up his work in Illinois with abundantly demonstrated evidences of its success during the ten years of his presidency. On November 5, 1904, Dr. Edmund Janes James, the fourth president of the University, assumed the duties of that office. His formal installation, took place in October of the following year. On this occasion delegates were present from a large number of American and foreign universities, making the exercises of unusual in- terest. Perhaps one of the most stiking features was a series of conferences on vari- ous questions of educational policy. President James is the first native of Illinois to be elected to the presidency of its state university. Moreover, he has served the two other great universities of the state, having presided over Northwestern for a time and having been for six years a professor in the University of Chicago. He was born May 24, 1855, at Jacksonville, 111., and is a descendant of a pioneer Methodist minister. He prepared for college in the Model Department of the Illinois State Normal School and in the fall follow- ing his graduation there, became a student at Northwestern University. After spend- ing one year at this institution and one year at Harvard, he entered the University of Halle in 1875, where two years later, at the age of twenty-two, he received his doctor's degree. He first taught as principal of the high school at Evanston, going XXXII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS from there to accept a similar position in the High School Department of the Illinois Normal University. In 1883 he became Professor of Public Administration in the University of Pennsylvania. While there he was for a time secretary of the graduate faculty and organized the instruction in this department. He was also Director of the Wharton School of Finance and Economy. In 1896 he accepted a position as Professor of Public Administration and Direc- tor of the University Extension Division in the University of Chicago. Six years later he resigned this position to become President of Northwestern University, and in 1904 he again resigned his position in order to accept a similar one at the Univer- sity of Illinois. He received the honorary degree LL.D. from Cornell College (Iowa) in 1902, from Wesleyan, 1903, Queen's College, 1903, Harvard, 1909, and Michigan and North- western in 1914. The progress of the University during the last few years has been rapid and un- interrupted. Opportunities for advanced work in nearly every department of the University have been materially increased. Perhaps the organization of the Graduate School as a separate administrative body was a step which aided most greatly along this line. The legislatures of 1907 and 1909 appropriated for the work of the school a sum of $50,000 a year. This was a step unprecedented in the history of state uni- versities and the act was warmly welcomed by educational authorities. Hand in hand with graduate work goes the necessity for a strong library. While not yet all that can be desired, the University library has grown rapidly. The num- ber of volumes- in 1904 was 63,724, and the number of pamphlets, 14,512 ; while on May 1, 1916, the general University library contained 330,895 volumes, and 39,760 pamphlets, 3,853 pieces of sheet music, 1,829 maps, 20,000 catalogs and a file of photographs. The courses in Business Administration were established in a modest way in 1900. Five years later an effort was made to put the work on a better basis, and the legislature gave the School an annual income of $25,000. Since that time it has become one of the strongest in the country. The legislature recognized the import- ance to the state of this department in the substantial way of making an appropria- tion for a Commerce building, the corner-stone of which was Jaid Mar 21, 1912. The department of Household Science assumed a notable position when in 1910, for the first time in any university, it offered a complete four-year course in house- hold management, as distinguished from Household Science. The College of Literature and Arts and the College of Science were consolidated July 1, 1913, thus eliminating unnecessary duplications and increasing exceedingly the efficiency of these departments. The new college is making a definite effort not only for the promotion of research, but also toward the uplifting of secondary edu- cation by giving to prospective teachers opportunities for higher work and better preparation. During the year 1905, the Trustees created a School of Education. In some re- spects this was a grouping of the courses in the University which pertained most directly to the future work of the teacher. All instructors who offer courses primar- ily for prospective teachers are on the faculty of this school. In framing its organ- ization, the presidents of the normal schools of the state were consulted, and their advice has proved most helpful on many important points. The legislature in 1905 made the small appropriation of $5,000 for the estab- lishment of courses in ceramics, in response to a request from the various ceramic societies of the state, who asked that the University give thorough and reliable in- struction in the geology of clay working materials, their origin, classification, phy- HISTORICAL SKETCH XXXIII sical and chemical properties, and their behavior under such influences as are met with during the processes of manufacture. Courses in ceramics and ceramic engineer- ing, supplemented by a course in cement making, were organized and have become regular four-year courses in the College of Science. It is a School which has proved itself of much benefit to the people of the state in a number of ways. It has found a method of making high grade brick and tile from material before regarded as worthless. It has shown, in the manufacture of enamel brick, that Illinois clays may be used more profitably than those of other states. It has compounded a white and cheaper grade of stoneware. It has given to the people formulae for compounding crystalline and fritted glazes which heretofore had been kept secret. 1 In the same year the State Geological Survey and the State Water Survey be- came scientific departments connected with the University. The legislature created the State Geological Survey as a bureau of the University, with the objects and duties usual to such surveys. The University has furnished suitable quarters for the offices of this survey, and it has found in the laboratories of the University a most valuable assistance in the prosecution of its work. The presence in the University of men of the scientific standing of those engaged in the Survey has been of very substantial, though indirect value to the scientific advance in these various subjects. The State Water Survey had for its purpose the study of the water supply of the state in all its aspects. Its work has been both in the field and in the laboratories. The College of Agriculture and the Experiment Station have produced a pro- found influence upon the farming practice of the state in the last ten years. The main contribution of the College of Engineering, in the same period, as distinguished from what it has done hitherto, probably lies in the stimulus given to industrial research through the Engineering Experiment Station. As the work and purposes of the Station have become better understood in the state, the officers in charge have been flooded with applications for help. On January 30, 1906, the Board of Trustees created a department of Railway Engineering. One year later, supplementing that action, the School of Railway En- gineering and Administration was established. This School offers courses in railway, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering as well as in management. A Mine Rescue Station was established at the University in 1909. It is in co- operation with the State Geological Survey and the College of Engineering of the University. Its purpose is to demonstrate to mine operators and others the value of oxygen helmets and resuscitation apparatus in connection with rescue work in mines, as an aid to fighting mine fires, and in the opening of mines which have been sealed on account of fires. The Station not only gives demonstration but also undertakes to train men in the use of such apparatus, the service being given gratuitously. June 13, 1911, a bill was passed providing for a one mill tax on the assessed valuation of all the property of the state for the support of the University. On the present taxing basis, the law should yield about two and one-quarter million dollars a year. This sum is not automatically appropriated to University uses, al- though it can be used for no other purpose ; however, only such a sum will be appro- priated biennially from it as the General Assembly is convinced is needed by the institution for which it is collected. This means that the ambitious interests within the University will reach an agreement on the campus; the budget will be made here; and the united requests, within the sum available, can be presented as a unit to the legislative committee. The one mill tax puts the regular support of the Uni- versity upon a safer foundation, and assures a regular income. No other event in the history of the institution is more important than the passage of this bill. XXXIV UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS The Chicago departments of the University have undergone a considerable im- provement and reorganization in the past few years. Because of failure to receive appropriations for the operation of its medical department, the University was com- pelled to close it June 30, 1912. The College of Physicians and Surgeons again opened a school on the same site. This caused such consternation among medical alumni and friends of medical education in Illinois that they proceeded to secure the capital stock of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and then presented it to the Trustees of the University. The College of Medicine was then re-opened March 6, 1913. A vigorous policy of expansion and development followed. The equipment has been perfected and brought down to date, and the entrance require- ments have been raised to a par with those of the best medical schools of the United States. Since 1904 the College of Medicine has graduated 2,826 students and en- rolled a total of 10,266. The dental department, which was closed at the same time as the medical department and for the same reasons, was re-opened October 1, 1913, The College of Dentistry has also undergone considerable development within the last few years, as well as the School o£ Pharmacy. The College of Agriculture is now organized with the following departments: Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Horticulture, Veterinary Science and Household Science. The following table gives the registration of students and the size of the faculty since 1890. Students Students Year Registered Faculty Year Registered Faculty 1890-91 7 3 1903-04 339 37 1891-92 6 3 1904-05 406 37 1892-93 13 3 1905-06 430 44 1893-94 5 3 1906-07 462 50 1894-95 9 3 1907-08 528 61 1895-96 14 3 1908-09 531 63 1896-97 17 6 1909-10 660 74 1897-98 19 8 1910-11 729 74 1898-99 25 9 1911-12 829 100 1899-00 90 16 1912-13 905 120 1900-01 159 17 1913-14 1,014 137 1901-02 232 23 1914-15 1,184 149 1902-03 284 27 1915-16 1,255 153 The military department of the University has developed in harmony with the spirit of the Lang Grant Act of 1862 until today the University has the largest stu- dent enrollment in military of any college in the United States and probably in the world. October 30, 1915, the Trustees authorized the creation of a battery of field artillery, which has already become well organized. All freshmen and sophomores are required to take the work. The Cadet Brigade consists of two regiments of infantry (24 companies), a foot battery of field artillery, signal corps, engineer company and hospital company (consisting of sophomores). There are 2,140 cadets including the band of 165 men and 114 commissioned officers. By virtue of his position the Presi- dent of the University is the Colonel of the Cadet Brigade. The Library School was transferred to the University of Illinois from Armour Institute, Chicago, in September, 1897, two years of college work being required for entrance; in 1903 this requirement was raised to three years, and in 1911, to four years of college work. Two hundred and forty-five students have completed the two years of work and have received the degree of Bachelor of Library Science ; two hundred and sixty-eight HISTORICAL SKETCH XXXV others have completed the first year's work. About four hundred are now engaged in library work. Although for many years the University of Illinois has offered advanced students facilities for study and research in various lines, graduate work was undertaken under the name of the Graduate School for the first time in 1892. In 1894 the administra- tion of the school was vested in the Council of Administration, and the vice-president of the University became dean of the school. In 1906 the Graduate School was or- ganized as a separate faculty, consisting of a dean and members of the University faculty assigned to this duty by the President. No means of support were provided, however, separate from those provided for undergraduate work. In the winter of 1906-07 the Forty-fifth General Assembly of the State passed an act appropriating $50,000 per year for the support of a Graduate School of Fine Arts and Sciences in the State University. This is the first time in history when a state legislature has made a specified appropriation for such a purpose, and the act is noteworthy as committing a democratic government definitely to the promotion of advanced schol- arship and research in lines which are not primarily practical. This appropriation has been continued by succeeding legislatures, and has enabled the University to carry on valuable investigations for the state and promote the world's knowledge thereby bettering the quality of instruction and establishing the reputation of the University in the world of scholarship. 1 One of the strongest evidences of educa- tional progress of any university lies in the increased estimation in which she is held by her sister institutions throughout the country. Dean Kinley, in writing of this, said, ' ' Our admission to the Association of American Universities and . the conse- quent recognition of our graduate work by foreign universities, expressions of opinion in the newspapers and magazines and personally by distinguished educators, are all cumulative evidence that we have advanced to a higher educational plane in the opinion of those most able to judge. At the present time the School of Pharmacy is the only department of the Uni- versity which does not require full standard high school preparation for admission to the University. After September 1, 1916, by action of the Board of Trustees, the College of Pharmacy will require the usual fifteen high school units. 8 With the increased appropriations and the increased attendance has also come a material strengthening of the teaching force. Salaries of men of professional rank 1 Alumni Quarterly, Vol. Ill, No. 3, July, 1909, Progress of the Univ. in Five Years by David Kinley. 2 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS, 1904-1916. Units Required for Admission. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 I1909-J1910-I1911-I1912-1913- 1914- 1915- 10 11 r_» la 14 15 1* Literature, Arts and Science Engineering. . Agriculture. . . Music Law Library Medicine Dentistry. . . . Pharmacy — Ph.G Ph.C 13% 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 13% 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 13% 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 13% 13% 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 * 15 * 15 * 15 tl3% tl4 tl4 tl4 t t t t t t t 13% 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 § **1 **2 ** 4 ** 4 tt 15 15 15 15 15 15 a **2 **4 **4 **1 15 15 15 15 15 **2 tt 15 15 15 15 15 tt * One year college. t Ninety-eight hours college credits. t Bachelor's degree. § Two year college. **Years of high school. ttAccredited high school. |+ Grammar school. XXXVI UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS have been increased fifty per cent, 1 and distinguished scholars have been brought to the University from all over the world. The standing today consequently of the faculty of the University of Illinois is indicated by the fact that in the 1903 edition of Who's Who in America there were 34 names of members of the faculty of the University of Illinois, while the edition of 1914-15 gives a list of 102, a gain of about two hundred per cent. Similarly in the 1906 edition of the American Men of Science there were 6 members of the faculty of the University of Illinois among the one thousand greatest scholars of the country, while in 1910 the number had in- creased to 17. With the growth and variety of University interests, the problem of administra- tion became more and more complicated. While in the early days matters of disci- pline were settler by the faculty, and if unsatisfactory, carried to the Board of Trus- tees, at the present time the Council of Administrations, which is made up of the President, Vice President, and the deans, has complete control of discipline. The General Faculty has given way to the University Senate consisting of the members of the Council and all full professors; although each college maintains its separate faculty, whose action in important matters requires the ratification of the Senate or the Council. Naturally the increased attendance has meant increased activity in all kinds of student life. Fraternities and sororities have almost doubled in number. The in- stallation of a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, and other hon- orary organizations is a tribute of the esteem which sister institutions in the country hold for Illinois. Interest has developed in debate and oratory and at the same time a record has been maintained in athletics of which Illinoisans may be proud. One of the most comprehensive organizations within the University perhaps is the Illinois Union. It came into existence at a mass meeting of the students on March 3, 1909. The Union is an organization of all Illinois men, whether graduate, undergraduate, or faculty, whose purpose is to develop good fellowship among the students and to promote Illinois spirit by all possible means. It is hoped that a club building may be ereeted at an early date and greater co-operation will be established among the alumni outgoing student. SALARIES OF FACULTY 1903-4 and 1913-14 Salary. President, vice- president, deans, profes- sors, associate professors, assistant professors. Associates instructors, assistants, etc. 1903-4 1913-14 1903- 1913-14 Over $6,000 1 2 2 19 1 10 31 33 15 36 25 12 $6,000 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 to $3,750 2 3,000 to 3,300 3 4 12 26 23 12 *4 *107 2,600 to 2,900 2,250 to 2,500 5 2,000 to 2,200 21 1,500 to 1,900 1 9 27 123 94 1,200 to 1,400 79 1 OOOto 1,100 *7 *74 55 Less than $1,000 237 Total 191 267 493 * These gave instruction "on part time" in the colleges of Medicine and Dentistry and the School of Pharmacy. HISTORICAL SKETCH XXXVII One of the sources of strength to any institution is the good will and co-opera- tion of its former students. The interest and pride of the alumni of the University of Illinois in its work seem steadily and plainly to increase. The Alumni Record made its first appearance in 1906 and contained an account of the life and work of each graduate of the institution up to that time, as well as similar accounts of the faculty and trustees. The 1913 publication was an attempt to continue the work, expanding and correcting the biographies, the University of Illinois Directory of 1916 is an attempt to locate all persons who have ever been connected with the Urbana-Champaign departments. The University has grown from 3 teachers and 77 students in 1868 to 762 teach- ers, 55 administrative officers, a library staff of 48, and 6427 students in 1916. The most striking development has occurred within the last 20 years. More degrees were conferred annually by the Chicago departments, from the time of their addition to the University up to the year 1907, than by the Urbana departments. In 1903 there were 301 degrees conferred by the Chicago departments, but only 181 in 1904, because of the raising of the standards of the school, while the Urbana departments have increased from 183 in 1902 to 848 in 1914, in spite of the increase of entrance requirements. More degrees were conferred by the university in 1914 than were con- ferred in all the years from 1868 to 1895, twelve times as many as in 1902, and over twice as many as in 1908. Altogether since its foundation the University has con- ferred 7,998 degrees in the Urbana departments and in all its departments 12,477 degrees. On June 14, 1916, the University will confer over 1,100 additional degrees, (the figures as compiled June 6, 1916, were 935 for the Urbana departments and 180 for the Chicago departments, making a total of 1,117). The total number of degrees conferred by the University in 1914 represents a larger number than the total at- tendance at the University of Illinois in any single year prior to 1896, and the num- ber of degrees conferred since 1908 exceeds the number of degrees conferred in the entire previous history of the University of Illinois. 1 Today the University of Illinois has one of the largest undergraduate depart- ments in America and also has one of the largest enrollments of men students. There are 4,662 undergraduates of whom 3,623 are men. The total attendance in all depart- ments of the University is 4,763 men and 1,535 women. All of these except about 500 are nine month students and this fact should be emphasized in all comparative college statistics, where night and Saturday and three month students are included in the college enrollment. The rapid growth of the University of Illinois especially during the past decade is seen especially in the size of its student body and faculty which have more than doubled, by its land holdings, value of buildings and size of the library which have nearly trebled. The following table will perhaps present a useful summary : Attendance Land Biennial Library Important Faculty Urbana Chicago Acres Buildings Income Volumes Buildings 1903-4 351 2674 1042 641 $1,127,500 $1,814,863.78 67,040 12 1915-16 mmm 6298 549 2483 3,180,635 5,622,928.87 330,895 47 7(5 1898-9 Sept. — Application of Illinois School of Dentistry for Affiliation with University. Military Department vacant on account of Spanish War. Oct. 10 — Watcheka League organized. Oct. 19 — Death of Dr. John M. Gregory, first regent of the University Engineering Laboratory opened. Dec. 7 — Department of Oratory added, and consolidated with Department of Rhetoric. Board of Trustees decided to elect Deans annually. Jan. — College year divided into two semesters instead of three terms as form- erly. Jan. 11 — Death of Professor Jonathan B. Turner. Jan. 27 — Athletic As- sociation Benefit cleared $1,000.00 debt of Association. Jan. 28 — Installation of Illinois Beta of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. March — Professor Snyder gave $12,000 to establish a fund for needy students. Departments of Household Economics and Railroad Engineering established. April 21 — Illinois-Wisconsin debate won by Wisconsin. Illinois-Indiana debate won by Illinois. Apr. 24 — Supposed burning in effigy of Governor Tanner for vetoing appropriation bill of University disavowed by students. Apr. 28 — Beta Lambda of Kappa Kappa Gamma established. May 1 — Comic opera "Patience" given by Opera Club. May 4-5 — First May Festival by old Oratorical Society, now named Choral Society. Board of Trustees decided to erect Agricultural Building. Illini to be published henceforth as news- paper. University Bulletins also to be published. May 6 — ' ' Le Medecin Malgre Lui ' ' produced by Le Cercle Francais. May 20 — Preliminary organization at University of State Historical Society. May 28 — Local Sorority of Gamma Sigma organized. June — Prof. Tompkins resigned to become President of Normal University. Board of Trustees decided not to establish College of Teachers. Plan of Agricultural Scholarships adopted. 1899 : 1900 Sept. — Opening of Christian Association House. Case system adopted in Law School. Sept 20 — First issue of Illini as newspaper, published tri-weekly. Oct. 7 — Visit to the University of Don Ignacio Marical, Vice President of Mex- ico, and party. Oct. 14 — Sunday School for teachers organized. Dec. — Organization of Oratorical Association. Tablet to the memory of Pro- fessor Turned to be placed in Agricultural Building. Dec. 8 — Installation of Iota chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Jan. — Adoption by the University of limited reformed spelling in its publica- tions. Jan. 19 — Formation of Western Inter-Collegiate Baseball League. Feb. 9 — Affiliation of College of Physicians and Surgeons completed. Illinois- Indiana debate won by Illinois. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day; Address by Hon. Paul Selby. Feb. 28 — German Club organized. ANNALS LXI March 13 — Unveiling of Library mural paintings. Department of Domestic Science established. March 26 — Death of Former Dean George Espy Morrow, of the College of Agriculture. April 3 — Morrow Memorial Meeting. Apr. 4 — Presentation of "The Mikado" by the Men's and Women's Glee Clubs. Apr. 8 — Inter-Fraternity Baseball League organized. Apr. 20 — University Minstrel Show Benefit for Athletic Association. April 27 — Grant Day Convocation. Apr. 29 — Bolter Collection of Insects donated to University. May 2 — "La Poudre aux Yeux" given by Le Cercle Francais. May 4 — First Open- Air Concert by University Band on President's Porch. May 8-9-10 — May Festival. May 16 — Inter-Fraternity Baseball Series won by Phi Gamma Delta. May 22 — Maypole Dance by Women's Physical Training classes. May 23 — "Einer Muss Heiraten" presented by Der Deutsche Verein. May 25 — Inter-Collegiate Oratorical League Contest (Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Cornell, and Ohio Wesleyan) won by Ohio Wesleyan, Illinois second. May 30 — Illinois wins Western Championship. June 1 — Celebration of victory on return of team, by faculty, students, citizens, band, battery, and battalion. Dinner given to team by President Draper. June 9 — Wood Shops totally destroyed by fire; loss $60,000.00. June 13 — Commencement Address by Hon. Bird S. Coler. Honorary degree of Doctor of Architecture con- ferred on Dean N. C. Eicker. Board of Trustees granted Dean Kinley one year's leave of absence. Prof. T. A. Clark appointed Acting Dean of the College of Litera- ture and Arts during Kinley 's absence. Installation of Omicron Chapter by Chi Omega. Installation of Morrow Chapter of Alpha Zeta. m 1900-1 Sept. — Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Kappa Kappa Gamma installed in chapter houses. Gymnasium moved back into Military Hall on account of loss of Wood Shops. Sept. 10 — Opening of University Dining Hall. Organization of Department of Pedagogy and of School of Household Science. Opening of Agricultural Building. Sept. 29 — Phi Delta Theta chapter compelled to abandon chapter house on account of epidemic of typhoid fever. Oct. 16 — Mathematical Club was organized. Oct. 22 — Beading of James Whit- comb Riley, assisted by students. Oct. 23 — Authentication of Lincoln Ox Yoke. Oct, 26 — First issue of Student's Democrat to run through the campaign. Organization of Orange and Blue Club. Nov. 9 — Purchase of West Division High School building for the College of Medicine. Board of Trustees voted to place a memorial tablet for Professor Morrow in Agricultural Building. Nov. 21 — Major Fechet gave a lecture on his Sitting Bull campaign. Nov. 26 — First meeting of Illinois Fortnightly Club. Nov. 27 — First meeting of Illinois Electrical Association at the University. Organization of Big Nine College Conference. Organization by Pedagogical Library and Museum. Dec. 10 — Inter-Collegiate Student Stock Judging contest held in Chicago; eight colleges represented; won by Illinois. Political Science Club organized. Dec. 20 — Dramatic Club organized. Jan. 14 — Regiment attends inauguration of Governor Yates. Jan. 17 — "Hiawa- tha's Wedding Feast" given by the Choral Society. Jan. 23 — Board of Trustees decided to establish School of Dentistry. Jan. 25 — Illinois-Indiana Debate won by Indiana. L,XII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Feb. 4 — John Marshall Convocation. Address by President Draper. March 5 — Glee Club makes trip to Florida. March 12 — School of Music reor- ganized. Committee of Board of Trustees reported in favor of buying Illinois School of Dentistry. March 13 — Der Deutsche Verein presents ' ' Gunstige Vorzeichen. ' ' Seniors decide to wear caps and gowns at commencement exercises. March 27 — Presentation of ' ' The Rivals ' ' by Dramatic Club. Adoption of rules enforcing scholarship standing of athletics. Faculty adopted caps and gowns for commencement exercises. April 1 — Chicago National Baseball Team established training quarters at University. April 8 — ' ' Pirates of Penzance ' ' presented by Glee Club. April 23 — University Song Book published. May 1 — Conference of State University Presidents at Illinois. May 6 — Affilia- tion of Chicago Shool of Dentistry with the University of Illinois. May 10-11 — May Festival with Boston Festival Orchestra; Presentation of "Samson and Delilah." May 15 — Student riot at Pan-American circus; several injured. May 21 — Dedica- tion of Agricultural Building. June 1 — Adoption of Inter-Sorority Rushinf Compact. June 11 — Office of Dean of Undergraduates created and Professor T. A. Clark oppointed to the position. June 12 — Commencement address by Luther Laflin Mills. July — Board of Trustees voted to oppose the granting of any parole or pardon to Charles W Spaulding. 1901-2 Sept. 14 — University Senate created. Sept. 19 — Memorial Exercises for Presi- dent McKinley; address by President Draper. Oct. 3 — School of Dentistry opened as department of University. Oct. 12 — Be- ginning of work on new Chemistry Building. Oct. 16 — Squirrels imported for cam- pus. Oct. 21 — Monster celebration of victory over Chicago. Nov. 4 — Death of Major Dinwiddie, first University Commandant. Nov. 18 — Illinois Live Stock Breeders met at University. Dec. 9 — Illinois Horticultural Society met at University. Dec. 19 — Sigma Chi and Sigma Delta houses partly burned. Dec. 26-27-28— Modern Language Associa lion meeting at University. Jan. 10 — Illinois Club composed of chapters of Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, and Sigma Delta (afterwards Beta Theta Pi) organized. Art Gallery in Library Building opened. Jan. 25— First Concert of University Orchestra. Feb. 1 — Indiana-Illinois Debate won by Indiana. Gymnasium Team organized. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day address by Honorable Clark Carr. Feb. 16 — First University Vesper Service. Feb. 27— Organization of John Marshall Debating Club by Law students. Feb. 28— Installation of Sigma Rho Chapter of Beta Theta Pi. March — School of Commerce organized. Old Chemistry Building turned over to Law School. Board decided that A. B. degree be given for usual course in College of Science. University water works plant completed. Board decided to establish a University postoffice. Council of Administration refused petition of freshmen asking to be allowed to hold a social. April 6 — President Draper injured in accident while driving. Apr. 8— Presenta- tion of "Iolanthe" by Opera Club. Apr. 9 — Dr. Senn amputated President Draper's leg. April 23 — Class of 1902 decided to leave memorial fountain. April 25-26 — Province Convention of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at University of Illinois. April 25— Illinois-Missouri debate won by Missouri. ANNALS LXIII May 9 — "Minna von Barnhelm" given by Der Deutsche Verein. May 21 — Baseball Team leaves for the North and East. May 22 — "School for Scandal" given by Dramatic Club. 1902-3 Sept. — Illini published five days a week. New Chemistry building opened. College of Law in old Chemistry building. Sept. 19 — Installation of Gamma Nu chapter of Sigma Nu. Sept. 20 — Woman 's Gymnasium moved to Testing Laboratory. Oct. 1 — Keturn of President Draper to University. Oct. 15 — Federation of Women 's Clubs met at University. Nov. 3 — First issue of Illinois Magazine. Domestic Science Club organized. Nov. 10 — Organization of local sorority Alpha Delta Gamma. Nov. 27 — Organiza- tion of Theta Kappa Nu. Dec. — Board of Trustees decided to give degrees A. B. and B. L. S. in Library School. Dec. 6 — Installation of Rho Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma. Dec. 8 — Illinois Grange met at University. Council of Administration refused to allow freshman social. Dec. 13 — Reorganization of Political Science Club on honorary basis. Jan. 16 — Illinois-Iowa debate won by Illinois. March 6 — Indiana-Illinois debate won by Indiana. March 13 — President Draper re-elected. Board of Trustees voted to abolish University Dining Hall. Board decided not to abolish fees. April 8 — "Pinafore" presented by Opera Club. April 21 — First Out Door ' ' Sing. ' ' April 24 — Illinois-Missouri Debate won by Missouri. May 6-7-8 — May Festival. Presentation of "Elijah." May 20 — Central Ora- torical League won by Indiana; Illinois Second. May 26 — Death of former Regent Peabody. June 1 — f ' Honors ' ' consisting of letters " IA " granted to women for gymna- sium work. June 8 — Resignation of Dean Scott of College of Law. Commencement address by President Charles Thwing of Western Reserve University. LL. D. degree conferred on Hon. Joseph G. Cannon. June 11 — Columbia University conferred de- gree of LL. D. on President Draper. 1903-4 Sept. 13 — Death of Professor Edward Snyder. Sept. 19 — Agreement to affiliate Chicago College of Dental Surgery adopted by the Board of Trustees. Oct. 9 — Organization of Harvard Club. Oct. 20 — Six students suspended for hazing. Oct. 22 — Organization of Kansas City Alumni Association. Nov. 4 — Memorial Mass Meeting for Purdue Wreck. Dec. 8 — Organization of Engineering Experiment Station. Name of prepara- tory department changed to "The Academy of the University of Illinois." Dec. 17 — Christmas Concert by Choral Society. Jan. 8 — Wisconsin threatened to sever athletic relations on account of trouble over the proceeds of the forfeited baseball game. Organization of Illiola Literary Society. Dec. 15 — Illinois-Iowa Debate won by Illinois. Jan. 16 — Illinois-Wiscon- sin trouble settled by agreement of Illinois to pay disputed fund over to Purdue Memorial Fund. Jan. 18 — Illinois Domestic Science Association met at University. Jan. 20 — Illinois Society of Engineers met at University. Jan. 26 — President Draper allowed by Board of Trustees to resign in order to accept the position of Commis- sioner of Education of the State of New York. Board adopted plans of McKim, Mead, and White for the Woman's Building. L,XIV UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS Feb. 3 — Athletic Board of Control adopted graduate system of coaching. Death of Prof. A. W. Palmer. Feb. 4 — Eeorganization of Dramatic Club. Feb. 7 — Chicago College of Dental Surgery withdrew from University. Feb. 16 — Inter-fraternity tournament organized. Feb. 22 — Organization of chapter of Sigma Xi. March 4 — Indiana-Illinois Debate won by Illinois. March 11 — Organization of Macgruder chapter of Phi Alpha Delta. March 15 — Beta Theta Pi house quarantined on account of scarlet fever. March 25 — Electrical Engineering Society organized. April 1 — Work begun on Woman's Building. April 5 — "Miss Hobbs" pre- sented by Dramatic Club. April 12 — "Erminie" presented by Opera Club. April 13 — Tennis Club organized. April 28 — Trustees voted to establish professorship of Political Science. April 29 — Missouri-Illinois Debate won by Missouri. May 4 — "Twelfth Night" presented by English Club. May 26 — University Eegiment went into camp at the World 's Fair in St. Louis. June 3 — Hahnemann Medical College applied for affiliation. June 5 — Baccalau- reate. President Draper's farewell. June 7 — Commencement address by Charles W. Fairbanks. Trustees decided not to affiliate Hahnemann Medical College. Aug. 19 — ^Resignation of Miss Jayne, Dean of Women. Aug. 23 — Election of Edmund Janes James of Northwestern University to Presidency. 1904-5 Sept. — Music School moved down to rooms in basement of University Hall. Sept. 24 — Chemistry Department reorganized. Sept. 26 — Six men suspended for haz- ing. Department of Forestry and Landscape Gardening established. Oct. 7 — Organization of Mechanical Engineering Society. Oct. 8 — University of Illinois Day at World's Fair. Oct. 25 — Commercial Club organized. Nov. 5 — President James assumed charge. Nov. 18 — Installation of Illinois Delta of Phi Kappa Psi. Nov. 19 — Visit of Chicago Press Club to University. Agri- cultural School won Grand Prize for Live Stock exhibit at World 's Fair. Suspension of publication of Illinois Magazine. Nov. 24 — Adoption of Conference rule barring freshmen from athletic teams. Dec. 3 — Organization of Illinois Alumni Association in New York City. Dec. 8 — Slight lire in Agricultural Building. Dec. 14 — Organization of Students' -Co- operative Association. Jan. 9 — Eegiment attended inauguration of Governor Deneen. Jan. 10 — Ralph O. Eoberts, captain of baseball team, killed in wreck on Big Four; several other students returning from holidays injured. Jan. 11 — Illinois Magazine resumed pub- lication. March 28 — "Gloriana" presented by Dramatic Club. April 7 — First annual Law School dance. April 28 — Illinois-Missouri debate won by Illinois. May 8 — Presentation of "Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay" by English Club. May 25 — Watcheka League dissolved and new Woman's League formed. June 7 — Commencement address by Hon. George B. Cortelyou, Postmaster Gen- eral. June 8— Eesignation of Deans Forbes, Eicker, and Burrill. Professor Town- send appointed Acting Dean College of Science; Professor White, Acting Dean Col- lege of Engineering. Miss Kyle appointed Assistant Dean of Undergraduates. 1905-6 Sept. — Adoption of Daily Absence rule under which no absences are excused. Opening of Insectory, six days a week. Sept. 29— Organization of School of Edu- ANNALS L,XV cation. Sept. 30 — Two students suspended for hazing. Oct. 4 — Organization of tri- angular debating league by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Oct. 16-19 — Installation of President James. National Conference of College and University Trustees; Confer- ence on Eeligious Education in State Universities; Conference on Commercial Educa- tion. Oct. 16 — Dedication of Woman's Building. Four students suspended for hazing. Oct. 17 — Presentation of ' ' Frier Bacon and Frier Bungay, ' ' by English Club. Parade of Illinois Students. Oct. 20 — Location of Auditorium by Board of Trustees. Dec. — Appointment of student advisers from Faculty. Dec. 1 — Organization of Western Inter-collegiate Basket Ball League. Dec. 8— Organization of Hawkeye Club by Iowa students. Dec. 10 — Department of Ceramics established. Dec. 16 — Student Carnival for benefit of Athletic Association. Dec. 20 — Christmas Concert by Choral Society. Carnival Committee reported Association debt as paid. Dec. 21 — Installation of chapter of Delta Upsilon. Jan. 11 — Hamilton Club Contest at Chicago: Wisconsin first, Jacob Cantlin, Illinois, second. Jan. 14 — Memorial Exercises for President Harper of University of Chicago. Feb. 3 — Prof. E. B. Greene made Acting Dean of the College of Literature and Arts. Plans of C. H. Blackall of Boston, for new Auditorium accepted by Trustees. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day address by Hon. J. S. Stevens of Peoria. Feb. 20 — President James called meeting of fraternities to discuss advisability of holding conference of college fraternities. Feb. 22 — Installation of chapter of Sigma Kappa. "One Night Only ' ? given by Players ? Club. March 3 — Chapter of Delta Rho Sigma organized in College of Agriculture. March 9 — Ohio-Illinois debate won by Illinois. Indiana-Illinois debate won by Indiana. March 14 — Anniversary of founding of University celebrated ; address by Vice-President Burrill. April 2 — First game of baseball training season with Chicago National League. Work begun on Auditorium. Apr. 7 — Dean of Undergraduates ordered second Illio election on account of charges of illegal voting. Apr. 14 — Ionian Literary Society organized. Apr. 20 — Faculty of Literature and Arts presented to David Kinley, retiring Dean, a gold watch. Water Polo: Illinois 2, Chicago 1; which gave Illi- nois the Western Intercollegiate Water Polo championship. Apr. 22 — First Junior smoker. Apr. 24 — Athenian Literary Society organized. Apr. 24 — Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the United States Treasury, spoke on the "Evolution of Self- Government. ' ' May 9 — Company K won the company competitive Drill; Jose G. San Victores won the Hazelton Prize medal. May 12-13 — May Festival. May 26 — Women's number of the Illinois Magazine. May 18 — Annual Maypole dance on Illi- nois field. Dean Clark wrote a letter to the freshmen on hazing. May 20 — Inter- scholastic Athletic contest: Wendell Phillips and West Aurora tied for first place. First interscholastic circus in gymnasium. Baseball: Illinois 8, Chicago 7. Phenix, new senior society, established. May 22 — 1907 Illio issued. Tennis: Illinois 4, Iowa State 2. May 23 — Water Polo team gave exhibition for University gymnasium girls. May 24 — Tennis: Illinois 3, Chicago 3. May 29 — University Memorial Day; E. Benjamin Andrews, Chancellor of the University of Nebraska, delivered address on General Grant. Reception to General Nelson A. Miles. May 30 — General Nelson A. Miles reviewed University regiment and spoke on "The Military Training of the I^XVI UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS Citizen Soldier." Corner-stone of new Auditorium laid. General Miles gave Decor- oration Day address. June 1 — Philomathean and Alethenai societies gave Shirley's "The Oppor- tunity" on the south campus. June 10 — President James delivered Baccalaureate sermon. June 12 — Class of 1901 formed first, permanent class organization among the Alumni. June 13 — Commencement address by Baron Herman von rspeck-Stern- burg, Ambassador from Germany to the United States. 1906-7 Sept. 19 — Large room in Burnham Hospital set aside as a Student Ward. Sept. 26 — First Convocation of the year held in the Armory at 4:00 p. m. Principal speakers, President James, Mr. Samuel A. Bullard, and Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander. Oct. 2 — Freshman class organized. Oct. 28 — Cosmopolitan Club organized. Nov. 3 — Fall Handicap won by Freshmen. Senior Class election. Nov. 5 — Inter-Society Declamation Contest under auspices of Oratorical Association. J. C. Herbstman won first place. Nov. 21 — Annual color rush won by the freshmen. Nov. 26 — Gustav E. Karsten, newly elected head of Department of Modern Languages, gave his inaugural address, Aims and Scope of German Philosophy. Dec. 1 — Athletic Conference of the Big Nine, held in the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago, made a number of rules governing athletics, football, etc. Dec. 3 — Convo- cation held in the Armory to celebrate the 88th anniversary of Illinois as a state; address by Hon. Lawrence Y. Sherman, Lieutenant Governor of Illinois, on The Importance of State Sovereignty to the Commonwealth. Senate took action materially affecting the policy and work of the various colleges, changing entrance requirements, graduation requirements, etc. Dec. 10 — Dr. Guy Stanton Ford, newly elected Pro- fessor of Modern European History, gave his inaugural address on Eise of Prussia to her Present Greatness. Dec. 11 — Dr. W. A. Noyes of the U. S. Bureau of Stand- ards, made head of Department of Chemistry and Director of the Chemical Labora- tory, to begin September 1, 1907. Board of Trustees decided that the University Library should be open every Sunday aftrnoon from 2:00 to 6:00 o'clock. Dec. 11 — Council of Administration consented to the organization of the Scribblers' Club. Dec. 18 — Annual concert by the Choral Society and Orchestra in the Armory, closing with the ' ' Hallelujah Chorus ' ' from the ' ' Messiah. ' ' Jan. — The Students' Cooperative Association was dissolved. Jan. 9 — Governor Deneen, in his message to the legislature, took occasion to call attention to the graduate work of the University, mentioning especially the Graduate School, the Engineering Experiment Station, the State Water Survey, and the Departments of Ceramics and Applied Chemistry, and strongly approved the requests of the University. Jan. 12 — Conference of representatives of the Big Nine Colleges held in Chicago. Jan. 23 — Urbana Commercial Club gave banquet to President James and the members of the Board of Trustees. Jan. 28-Feb. 1 — Five lectures on the general subject of Loy- alty as a General Principle, by Prof. Josiah Eoyce of Harvard University. Feb. 4 — Senate voted that after Sept., 1908, requirements for entrance to the University should be raised from 14 to 15 units. Feb. 5 — Ladies Glee Club gave con- cert in chapel. Feb. 8 — Legislative party of 125 members visited University. Con- vocation at 10:30 a. m. President James presented some of the needs of the insti- tution. A number of legislators made speeches. March 1-2 — Electrical Engineering Show. March 4-9 — Five lectures under the auspices of the School of Education by Dr. E. A. Winship of Boston, editor of the Journal of Education. March 4 — Contest to select a representative in the State ANNALS LXVII Equal Suffrage Oratorical contest. J. H. Zearing won. March 11 — Convocation held in Armory at 4:00 p. m. in honor of the founding of the University. Mr. Henry M. Beardsley, '79, of Kansas City, gave the address on The Viewpoint of the Gradu^ ate. March 12 — Albert V. Bleininger appointed Assistant Professor of ceramics, to begin work September 1, 1907. Board of Trustees established a labora- tory of Physiological Chemistry in the Dept. of Animal Husbandry. Samuel A. Bullard, '78, retired from the Board of Trustees. L. H. Kerrick elected President of Board. Trustees gave permission to build a baseball grandstand on Illinois Field. March 14 — Senator LaFollette gave the concluding number of the Star Lecture Course. March 15-16 — Players Club presented Goldsmith's ''She Stoops to Conquer" at Morrow Hall. March 20 — W. L. Abbott elected President of the Board of Trustees. March 26-28 — Series of lectures by Prof. Edward Channing of Harvard University, in commemoration of the three hundreth anniversary of the founding of the colony of Jamestown. March 30 — Ben Tomlison appointed Rhodes Scholar from Illinois. April 1 — Katherine L. Sharp resigned her position as Head Librarian and Director of the Library School. April 24 — Class of 1882 celebrated silver anniver- sary of their graduation. Twelve members present. April 30-May 2 — Dr. Julius Goebel of Harvard lectured before the students of the University of Illinois on Deutsche Volkslieder, Faust, and Longfellow. Director of the Library School. Baseball: April 17 — Illinois 13, Wabash 0; April 20 — Chicago 0, Illinois) 10; April 24 — Illinois 4, Notre Dame 6; April 27 — Chicago 5, Illinois 6. April 24 — Class of 1882 celebrated silver anniversary of their gradua- tion. Twelve members present. April 30-May 1-2 — Dr. Julius Goebel of Harvard lectured before the students of the University of Illinois on Deutsche Volkslieder, Faust, and Longfellow. May — Campus Sings. May 2 — A cash gift of $175 a year for five years to the Oratorical Association by Congressman W. B. McKinley, to be offered in prizes to intercollegiate debaters and orators. May 4 — J. H. Zearing, representing the University of Illinois, won the hundred-dollar prize in the State Equal Suffrage Con- test in Chicago. May 6-11 — Series of six lectures on the general subject of nutrition, by Prof. Russell H. Chittenden of Yales. May 8 — Varsity ' ' I 's " voted members of the Polo Team. May 10-11 — Second meeting of the National Commission for the Investigation of Nutrition Problems, held at the University. May 14 — Dramatic Club "Mask and Bauble" presented Carton's "Liberty Hall," at the Walker Opera House. May 15 — Competitive Military Drill by the University regiment. May 16 — Maypole Dance on Illinois Field. May 18 — Last saloon in the Twin Cities closed. John Farson of Oak Park gave a recep- tion to Illinois alumni in Chicago. May 20-21 — Annual May festival by the Choral Society. May 27 — General Assembly approved the bill appropriating to tne University for the next biennium the sum of $710,845 per annum for general expenses, $51,100 for additions to the plant; $250,000 for the erection of a Physics Laboratory, and $150,000 for an addition to Natural History building. May 30 — Memorial Day Con- vocation and Regimental Parade. Gen. William C. Carter delivered an address on Our Military Obligations. June 4 — Board of Trustees created the position of Supervising Archi- tect and appointed Professor J. M. White to the position. Chester N. Greenough of Harvard University was elected Professor of English. June 9 — Baccalaureate sermon by Bishop Samuel Fallows. June 10 — Class day address by W. P. Trent on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Class of 1907 presented to the University a marble bust of Henry W. Longfellow. June 11 — Alumni Day, address LXVIII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS by Lorado Taft on Old Time Ideas. June 12 — Commencement address by Hon. James Bryce on History and Good Citizenship. Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws conferred on Mr. Bryce. June 17 — Summer Session opened. June 28 — Dr. Ernest B. Dewsnup of the University of Chicago appointed Professor of Railway Administration. Professor W. F. M. Goss appointed Dean of the College of Engineer- ing. June 3 — Professor Edwin G. Dexter resigned as Professor of Education and Director of School of Education, to become Commissioner of Education in Porto Rico. Board of Trustees voted to give him leave of absence from the University to accept this position. July 20 — Dr. Edward C. Hayes of Miami University, appointed Professor of Sociology. 1907-8 Sept. — Name of the lllmi changed to The Daily Illini, and the size of the paper changed from a four-page, five-column paper to an eight-page, four-column. Sept. 10 — The Board of Trustees made an appropriation for the purchase of the Dittenberger Library. Professor Floyd R. Watson appointed Assistant to the Dean of the College of Engineering. Sept. 25 — First University Convocation in the new Auditorium. Newly elected members of the faculty, Ernest R. Dewsnup, Barrie Gilbert, Chester N. Greenough, Edward C. Hayes, and William A. Noyes, introduced. Oct. 1 — Ground was broken for the erection of the building for the University Club. Oct. 11 — Death of Trustee Alexander McLean. Oct. 15 — Inaugural exercises in honor of Professor William A. Noyes, recently chosen head of the Department of Chemistry. Oct. 16 — Lecture before the members of the Library School by Dr. Arthur Bostwick. Oct. 19 — Board of Trustees voted an appropriation for the purchase of band instruments. Board of Trustees adopted certain rules regulating the attend- ance upon University classes by persons not regularly registered as students. Oct. 20— First Assembly of the Graduate School. Oct. 24-26— Prof. William Bateson of Cambridge, England, gave course of three lectures on Heredity. Oct. 30 — Engineer- ing College gave a reception to Dean W. F. M. Goss on his arrival at the University. Nov. 4—5 — New Auditorium dedicated with a series of concerts and other exer- cises in honor of Edward McDowell. Addresses by the Architect of the building, Clarence H. Blackall, and Professor Newton A. Wells, the designer of the memorial tablet, and by President Edmund J. James. The chief address of the occasion was delivered by Hamlin Garland, who was an intimate friend of McDowell. Nov. 11 — Illinois Gamma chapter of Phi Beta Kappa installed by Professor E. A. Grosvenor of Amherst. No. 20 — Students of Phillips Exeter and Phillips Andover Academies organized a Phillips Club. Nov. 21-23 — High School Conference. Nov. 22 — Concert of the Illinois Glee and Mandolin Club in Springfield. Nov. 27 — Lecture on Alternat- ing Current Railway Motors by Dr. Charles P. Steinmetz of Union College. Dec. 3 — Annual exercises in commemoration of the admission of Illinois into the Union. Speaker, President Harry Pratt Judson of Chicago University. Dec. 6 — President and Mrs James gave a reception in the parlors of the Woman's Building, in honor of Hon. and Mrs. Samuel A. Bullard, and the members of the faculty. Dec. 7— State Academy of Sciences organized at Decatur, Illinois. Forty-four of the eighty people present were from the University of Illinois. ' Dec. 9-13— Series of lec- tures on the general subject of The Relation of Types of Philosophy to Types of Educational Theory by Professor John Dewey of Columbia University. Dec. 10 — The Board of Trustees decided that the Senate Room in the Library should house the Dittenberger Library; that the offices of the President, the Registrar, the Comptroller, ANNALS LXIX the Purchasing Agent, and the Dean of Undergraduates, should be provided for in one of the new buildings to be erected, and that the Library School should be pro- vided for in the rooms thus vacated. Dec. 10 — The Board of Trustees accepted a gas engine presented to the College of Engineering by Charles E. Sargent. Dec. 14 — The Woman's League held a bazar in the parlors of the Woman's Building for the benefit of the loan fund for needy girls. Dec. 16 — Annual Choral Society concert. Dec. 16-18 — Series of three lectures before the School of Education on The Relation Between Teaching Methods and Subject Matter, by Dr. M. F. Libbey, Professor of Philosophy and Education at the University of Colorado. Dec. 17 — George Enos Gardner, first professor of law in the University of Illinois, died at his home in Worcester, New York. Dec. 18 — President James was the guest of the University of Illinois Club at Kansas City, Missouri. Celebration of the Scandinavian Jule-fest. Dec. 19 — Mr. Allan H. McGlaughlin, for eleven years janitor at the Men's Gymna- sium, died suddenly of paralysis. At a public meeting in the Auditorium, the Athletic Association presented Varsity ' ' I 's. ' ' German Club Weinachtsf est ; members of the Club presented ' * Einer Muss Heiraten. ' ' Dec. 21 — Chapter house of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity badly damaged by fire. Holiday recess begins. Dec. 27-28 — Third meet- ing of the National Commission for the Investigation of Nutrition Problems* held at the University of Illinois. Jan. 4 — Big Nine Conference. Michigan withdrew from the Conference. Short course in agriculture — 552 men and 53 women registered. Jan. 7 — The English Club, under whose auspices the Illinois Magazine had been published for the last six years, formally suspended its publication. The University of Illinois was elected to mem- bership in the Association of American Universities. Jan. 17 — Mabel Gridley, repre- senting the Illiola Literary Society, won the second annual declamation contest of the literary societies. Jan. 20 — President James called a student mass meeting for the purpose of giving the students a chance to present their views on the question of whether there should be five or seven Conference football games. Jan. 25 — The Board of Trustees decided to send Professor Herbert W. Mumford to the Argentine Republic to investigate present conditions and future prospects of the beef interests there. Jan. 29 — Dr. Gustav E. Karsten, Head of the Department of Modern Languages, died of pneumonia. Feb. 1 — Annual banquet of the University Club of the East, held at the rooms of the Aldine Association, New York City. The name of the club was changed to The University of Illinois Club of New York. Feb. 2 — Second semester opened. Feb. 3-7 — Series of five lectures on Five Centuries of Western Paganism by Pro- fessor Clifford H. Moore of Harvard University. Feb. 4-5 — Formal opening of the reorganized Graduate School, and installation of Dr. W. F. M. Goss as Dean of the College of Engineering. Feb. 10-15 — Six lectures under the auspices of the College of Science on The Successive Geologic Condition of North America by Professor Bai- ley Willis of the United States Geological Survey. Feb. 12 — Lincoln Day Convoca- tion in the Auditorium. Norman Hapgood, editor of Collier's Weekly, delivered the address of the day. Twenty-two former students of the University of Illinois held a meeting and banquet at the Adams Hotel in Denver, Colorado, and, perfected the University of Illinois Club. Sixth annual dinner of the University Club of St. Louis held at Leppe's Hotel, St. Louis. Feb. 17-19 — Professor Frederick E. Bolton, Direc- tor of Education at the University of Iowa, gave a series of lectures before the School of Education. Feb. 20 — State Board of Health ordered general vaccination of all University students, because of the prevalence of smallpox in Urbana and Champaign. Professor Keyser of Columbia University spoke on The Meaning and Scope of L,XX UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS Mathematics before the College of Science. Feb. 21 — Mr. Hamilton Holt, managing editor of The Independent, spoke to the newspaper classes on Making a Magazine. Feb. 24— First election of undergraduates to the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. Feb. 24-29 — Seed and Soil Special, in charge of Agricultural College Professors, was run over the C. & E. I. from Bismarck to Joppa. March 10 — Student convocation held in the Auditorium. President James gave a twenty-minute talk on Ideals and Successes. Dr. William C. Bagley appointed Pro- fessor of Education. W. L. Abbott was re-elected president of the Board of Trustees. March 16-21 — Prof. Hans Gadow, an English scientist, lectured at the University on the general subject of "The Coloration of Animals." March 18 — Special Convoca- tion held in the auditorium in honor of Ex-President Andrew S. Draper. Alexander Dana Noyes of the New York Evening Post lectured to the business and newspaper students on How News is Gathered in Wall Street. March 23 — Mr. Rudolph Ley- poldt of Hartford, Connecticut, lectured before the Library School. March 24 — Prof. R. Leonard of the University of Breslau lectured before the students of the College of Law on German Ideals of Private Law. March 25-27 — Electrical Engi- neering show. March 27 — Esperanto Club organized. March 30 — Prof. Elmer T. Merrill -of Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, 'spoke to the students of history and classics on The Roman Prince as Magistrate. March 31 — Prof. Albert F. Kuer- steiner of Indiana University spoke to students of Modern Languages on Balzac. April 1 — Ex-Governor Hoard of Wisconsin addressed the students of the College of Agriculture on The Development of the Dairy Industry in Wisconsin. April 3 — Amherst Dramatic Club presented "The Taming of the Shrew" in the Auditorium, under the auspices of the Star Lecture Course. The Trustees voted that the Journal of English and Germanic Philology, which had been conducted by the late Professor Gus- tav E. Karsten, should be taken over by the University. April 5-6 — President Charles W. Eliot of Harvard University, accompanied by Mrs. Eliot, were the guests of Presi- dent and Mrs. James and the University of Illinois. On April 5, Vesper Services were held in the Auditorium at which President Eliot Spoke. Monday noon, April 6, President and Mrs James gave a luncheon at the President 's House to the Deans and their wives, in honor of President and Mrs Eliot. At 3:30 President Eliot reviewed the University Regiment, and at 4:00 o'clock spoke before a General University Con- vocation. At 6:30 p. m. the Harvard Club entertained President and Mrs. Eliot at a luncheon in the Household Science wing of the Woman's Building. At 8:00 p. m. President and Mrs James gave a reception for President and Mrs Eliot in the Wom- an's Building. April 6-11 — Mr. Hammond Lamont, editor of The Nation, New York, lectured daily to the classes in newspaper writing. On April 11 he gave a general lecture on The Daily in a Democracy. April 13 — James Park Slade, Trustee of the University from 1869-73, died at his home in East St. Louis. April 16 — Easter re- cess begins. April 21 — Instruction begins after Easter recess. April 23 — Forty-sev- enth commencement of the School of Pharmacy. April 30 — Fortieth anniversary of the opening of the University celebrated by a Convocation in the Auditorium. Pro- fessor Charles M. Moss delivered the address, which took the form of a eulogy of Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill. May 2 — Resignation of Dr. George T. Kemp accepted. Dr. Raymond Weeks of the University of Missouri, appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Ro- mance Languages. Dr. Julius Goebel appointed Professor of German and Head of the Department of Germanics. Charles H. Mills appointed Director of the School of Music. The appointment of an Assistant Dean of Undergraduates authorized. Board of Trustees voted to furnish water, heat, and electricity for the new Young Men's ANNALS L,XXI Christian Association Building, at the cost of this service to the University. May 4 — The Senate voted to discontinue the teacher's certificate of qualification to teach. May 7 — Formal opening of the University Club House. May 11 — Madam Schumann- Heink gave a concert in the Auditorium. May 12-13 — Choral Society concerts. May 14 — Maypole dance. Death of Horatio C. Burchard, a member of the first Board of Trustees. May 18 — A mock national Eepublican convention was held in the Audi- torium. May 19-22 — Miss Helen Scott Hay, head of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, lectured before the Household Science department on Home Care for the Sick. May 26 — Annual Military Drill. May 27 — The Illio made its appearance. Beta chap- ter of Alpha Chi Sigma, the national chemical fraternity, was established at Illinois. F. P. Downing of the University of Wisconsin, and W. B. Jadden of Indiana Univer- sity conducted the installation exercises. An exhibit of paintings by George E. Barse, Jr., in the University Auditorium. The McKinley prize of $175 a year for five years was distributed in the form of watch fobs for the members of Delta Sigma Rho. June — Y. M. C. A. Building completed and ready for use by Commencement time. June 6 — Military Band Promenade Concert in the Armory. June 7 — Baccalaureate address in the Auditorium at 10:00 a. m. by President Edmund J. James. The key- note of the address was ' ' Courage and Fortitude in the Struggle of Life. ' ' June 8 — Class day exercises: Auditorium, 9:30 a. m. Military Band Concert on the lawn at 1:30 p. m. In Morrow Hall at 4:00 p. m. Professor Frederick J. Turner of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin delivered a lecture before the first joint meeting of Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi on The Development of American Society. Initiation of newly elected alumni and graduating members in the Phi Beta Kappa society, held in Mor- row Hall at 5:00 p. m. Senior Ball in the armory at 8:00 p. m. June 10 — Thirty- seventh annual commencement address by Hon. Wu Ting Fang, Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from China on Why China and America Should Be Friends. Honorary degree of Doctor of Laws conferred upon Hon. Wu Ting Fang. Second annual senior breakfast served on the lawn before the Woman's Building at 8:00 a. m. June 20 — Professor James H. Pettit granted leave of absence for the year 1908-9. Professor George H. Meyer appointed Assistant Dean of the College of Literature and Arts. Board of Trustees granted permission to the Dairy Department to take up an investigation of tuberculosis among dairy animals, and the effect of its presence upon human beings. June 24 — President Edmund J. James sailed for Europe on a tour of investigation of the veterinary schools of Europe. July — Paving of John and Daniel streets under way. July 3 — Board of Trustees appropriated $200 to be divided into twelve prizes (together with $100 contributed by the Oratorical Association) for the men chosen to represent the University in the four intercollegiate debates for the coming year. They also vote I that a $75 prize, a $50 prize, and a $25 prize should be awarded to the contestants for the Northern Oratorical League, to take the place of the same sum heretofore provided for The Hamilton contest, which had been discontinued. July 3 — The Board of Trustees awarded contracts on the new Physics Building and the addition to the Natural His- tory Building to Jobst & Son of Peoria. July 9-12 — State Convention of the Chris- tian Endeavor Society held at the University. Main meetings in the Auditorium, general headquarters at the Y. M. C. A. Building. Summer 1908 — Gov. Charles S. Deneen appointed Mr. Arthur Meeker of Chicago and Mr. A. P. Grout of Winchester, Illinois, to fill the vacancies on the board of Trustees caused by the deaths of L. H. Kerrick and Alexander McLean. I^XXII UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS 1908-9 Sept. — The Council of Administration published a request that all student gatherings should close not later than twelve o'clock. The Athletic Association an- nounced that Illinois Field would be lighted in the evening by electricity. The Christian Association House, formerly occupied by the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations, was given over to the exclusive use of the women. The Daily lllini was expanded to eight pages of five columns each. Sept. 19 — Pres- ident James arrived in New York from his tour of investigation of the veterinary schools of Europe. Sept. 20-21 — The American Mathematical Society held its meet- ing at the University. Sept. 29 — The Board of Trustees approved President James' appointment of Dr. Thomas J. Burrill, Dr. Ward J. MacNeal, and Mr. Cassius C. Hayden as delegates to the International Tuberculosis Congress in Washington, D. C. Fred D. Crawshaw was appointed Assistant to the Dean of the College of Engineer- ing. Sept. 30 — The University of Illinois Eepublican Club received a visit from Congressman J. S. Sherman, candidate for Vice-President, and Congressman Nicholas Longworth. Oct. — The Agricultural Experiment Stations of Illinois and Wisconsin decided to co-operate in a series of investigations on tuberculous cows. The senior class estab- lished a precedent by awarding sweaters to the girls who earn places on the basket ball team. Push ball contest took the place of the old-time color rush between soph- omores and freshmen. Oct. 4 — Dedication of the new Y. M. C. A. Building. Oct. 8 — The Law Students presented to the University a portrait of Dean Oliver A. Harker. Oct. 9 — Dr. Geo. T. Kemp, formerly of the University of Illinois, made an attack in Science on the administration of the University of Illinois. At 10:30 p. m. fire broke out in the top floor of University Hall. No serious damage was done. Oet. 11 — The first Convocation of the year was held in the Auditorium. President James presided. Short talks were given by Vice-President Burrill, Deans Kinley, Harker, Greene, Goss, Townsend, and Davenport. Four new members of the Faculty were introduced: Professors Julius Goebel, William C. Bagley, Charles H. Mills, and Raymond Weeks. Oct. 12-16— Prof. J. A. Loos, Director of the State School of Political and Social Science and Commerce at the University of Iowa, delivered a series of lectures on social problems. Oct. 13 — The University held a convention for the discussion of animal tuberculosis. The convention appointed a permanent commission to study the condition of herds in the state, and to recommend legisla- tion. Oct. 15 — The Senate passed resolutions declaring its confidence in the Univer- sity administration, and denying that academic freedom is suppressed. Oct. 16-17 — The Eastern Illinois Teachers' Association helds its meeting at the University of Illinois. Oct. 29 — President James spoke before the Chicago Association of Com- merce at the Great Northern Hotel on The Function of the University for Increasing Domestic and Foreign Commerce. Nov. 7 — Noisy celebration of the football victory over Iowa. Nov. 11-13 — Three lectures before the School of Education by Prof. Ernest H. Lindley of the depart- ment of Philosophy of Indiana University, on Psychology. Nov. 19-21 — Annual High School Conference. Dec. — The Illinois Traction System laid the third track on the University grounds, connecting the new Oregon street line with the John and Wright street lines. Dec. 3 — University of Illinois Club of New York gave a dinner in honor of Dean F. M. Goss and Professor Lester P. Breckenridge. University of Illinois Club of Chicago entertained coaches Arthur R, Hall and Justa M. Lindgren at the Boston ANNALS LXXIII Oyster House. Illinois Day, address by Professor James W. Garner. Dec. 8 — The Board of Trustees adopted a revision of their by-laws. The Board of Trustees adopted the following regulations in regard to rebate of students' fees: If a student withdraws from a course or college within ten days from the beginning of a semester, all his fees for the work dropped shall be refunded; after ten days, and before the middle of the semester, a rebate of one-half of the fees shall be made; after the middle of the semester, no rebate shall be allowed. Dec. 9 — L. & A. Assembly commemorating the birth of John Milton. Dec. 11— Illinois defeated Minnesota in a debate, and lost to Nebraska. Dec. 12 — Junior promenade in the Armory. Dec. 14 — The Commission on Country Life held a session at the University of Illinois. Dec. 18 — The second annual presentation of football "IV in the Audi- torium. The Illinois State Horticultural Society held its 53d annual convention at the University of Illinois. Dec. 28 — The Board of Trustees adopted a revision of the University Statutes. Dec. 29-30 — The American Society of Agricultural Engineers held its second annual meeting at the University. Jan. — Seven hundred and fifty-five students registered in the short course in agriculture. Jan. 4 — Second Annual Banquet of the University of Illinois Club of Pittsburg was held at the Rittenhouse Hotel in Pittsburg. Jan. 7-8 — Dean David Kinley represented the University of Illinois at the meeting of the Association of American Universities held at Cornell University. Jan. 11-15 — Professor Graham Taylor delivered a series of lectures on the general subject of Civic Renaissance. Jan. 15 — Professor Stephen A. Forbes resigned his position as Professor of Zoology and Head of the Department of Zoology, on account of the increasing press of work in connection with the offices of State Entomologist and Director of the State Labor- atory of Natural History. Jan. 18-19 — Exhibit of the researches in progress in the chemical laboratory. Jan. 19 — Exercises in commemoration of the hundreth anniver- sary of the birth of Edgar Allen Poe. Professor Chester N. Greenough presided. Addresses by Professor Raymond Weeks, Professor Julius Goebel, and Assistant Professor Harry G. Paul. Jan. 19-22 — The Twenty-first annual meeting of the Illi- nois Clay Workers' Association and the Illinois Clay Workers' Institute. Jan. 22 — A Conference of the Presidents of the Colleges of Illinois with the President of the University and the Dean of the Graduate School. Jan. 23 — Norman Hackett, the actor, gave a lecture before the students of the University of Illinois, on "Dramatic Activities in American Universities." Jan. 25-27 — Professor Jagadis Chunder Bose of the Presidency College, Calcutta, gave a series of three lectures of special value to students of physics and physiology. Feb. 1 — Mr. Ralph C. Wilson of the Bankers' National Bank of Chicago gave a series of three lectures before the business students of the University. Feb. 6 — Sophomore Cotillion in the Armory. Feb. 7 — Third Annual Post-Exam. Jubilee in the Auditorium. Feb. 8 — The regulation of the Council of Administration, prohibit- ing students who are on probation from serving on the staff of any student publica- tion during the period of probation, went into effect. The hundreth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln was observed by exercises occupying one or two hours a day for four days. These exercises included a general University Convocation, an exhibit of books, pictures, and other Lincolniana, and addresses on several aspects of Lincoln's service to the country. Feb. 10 — The Fifty-sixty General Assembly passed a joint resolution endorsing the request of the University to be put on the list of institutions to the members of whose faculties retiring allowances will be granted by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Feb. 15 — L,XXIV UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Prof. Geo. E. Woodberry, formerly of Columbia University, gave a series of lectures on literary subjects. Feb. 19— The annual Military Ball. Feb. 20— The Illinois State Academy of Science met in Springfield. A large delegation attended from the University of Illinois. Twenty-five members of the Alumni Association of Colo- rado, with their wives and friends, held a banquet at the Hotel Boulderado at Boulder, Colorado. Feb. 23 — The Illini Club was organized in Chicago with 290 members. Feb. 25-26 — The biennial visit of the legislative committee to the University. The party consisted of one hundred men and twenty-five women. Regimental Review at 10:30 a. m. General University Convocation. March — The Council of Administration, appointed two committees on discipline, one for men, of which the Dean of Men is ex efficio chairman, and one for women, of which the Dean of Women is ex officio chairman. March 1 — The Phi Beta Kappa Society held its mid-year meeting for the election of members. March 3 — Scabbard and Blade, a military social fraternity, was organized. A meeting was held to organize the Students' Union. About five hundred men joined at this time. Marct 7 — The nine Chinese students in the University of Illinois gave an entertainment in Morrow Hall. March 9 — The Board of Trustees appointed Mr. Phineas L. Windsor, Librarian at the University of Texas, to be Librarian and Director of the Library School. Prof. L. P. Breckenridge, presented his resignation as Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, to accept a professorship at Sheffield Scientific Institute. The Board of Trustees elected officers. William L. Abbott was again chosen President of the Board. March 11 — A mine explosion and rescue station was established at the College of Engineering by the United States Geological Survey. March 12 — The University of Illinois Association of Southern California held its annual banquet at the Nadroj Cafe in Los Angeles. March 20 — Glee and Mandolin Club gave a concert and minstrel show in the Illinois Theater. March 22-27 — Prof. E. Bradford Tichener of the Cornell University gave a series of lectures on phychological subjects. The Southwestern Alumni Association of the University of Illinois held its annual banquet in Kansas City at the Ormond. Dean William F. M. Goss was a guest of the Association. March 26 — The fifth annual dance of the College of Law in the Armory. March 29-April 3 — Dr. George Howard Parker, Professor of Zoology at Harvard University, gave a series of lectures on zoological subjects. April — The Department of Household Science conducted a series of experiments in its experimental house at the corner of Wright and Daniel streets. April 3 — The Filipino students at the University gave an entertainment at Morrow Hall. President James was a guest of honor at the sixth annual banquet of the Illinois University alumni of New York at the Hotel Manhattan. The name of the organization was changed to the University of Illinois Alumni Association of New York. April 7 — The Forty-sixth General Assembly of Illinois adopted a resolution approving a policy of paying the salaries necessary in order * ' to attract to and retain in the service of the University and the State the best available ability of this and other countries. " April 19-24 — A conference on public health was held at the University under the auspices of the University and the State Board of Health. April 24 — Three thousand students under the direction of the Illinois Union gave a "Spring Celebration." April 29 — Forty-ninth annual commencement of the School of Pharmacy. May — The members of the newspaper classes conducted the Daily Illini during the first week in May. May 6 — First election of officers of the Illinois Union. May 7 — National Convention of the Delta Sigma Rho, oratorical fraternity. May 10— The corner-stone of Osborne Hall was laid by Bishop Edward W. Osborne. Annual ANNALS L,XXV May Festival. Monday evening the Choral and Orchestral Societies of the University gave Gounod's "Mors et Vita." On Tuesday afternoon the New York Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Mr. Walter Damrosch gave a Tchaikowski and Wagner pro- gram. On Wednesday evening the University Chorus, the New York Symphony Orchestra, and soloists gave a program celebrating the Mendelssohn centenary. May 17 — Mr. Helge A. Haugan, treasurer of the University of Illinois, died at his home in Chicago. The University of Illinois Association was organized in Portland, Ore- gon. May 19 — Company C of the second battalion won the University Competitive Drill. The New University Medal for individual work was given to G. K. Tracy, a sophomore in agriculture. The Hazelton prize was awarded to F. D. Dunn, a fresh- man in engineering. May 21 — Mask and Bauble presented in the Auditorium, "Two Strikes," written by Thacher H. Guild. May 29 — Annual "Peanut Banquet" at the College of Agriculture. June — The University purchased the entire library of 5,200 volumes of the late Professor Moritz Heyne, of the University of Gottingen, on German literature and philology. June 4 — The Trustees adopted a minute expressing appreciation of the serv- ices of Professor Lester Paige Breckenridge. June 5 — Illinois won the Conference Ath- letic Meet at Marshall Field. Twenty-seventh annual commencement of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois. June 8 — The legislature passed an act authorizing and directing the establishment of a department of mining engineering at the University of Illinois, for which it made an appropriation of $7,500 per annum. June 9-14 — The General Assembly voted to the University a total of $2,288,500 for the biennium, including building appropriation, agricultural appropriation, mining engineering bill, and general appropriation bill, $250,000 of this amount being for a new University Hall. June 13 — Baccalaureate address by President Edmund J. James, who spoke on Love of Our Fellowman as the greatest Force in Advancing Society to an Ideal State. June 14 — Class day exercises, Senior Ball. June 15 — Alumni Day. President's Reception in the Audi- torium. Alumni Association adopted a resolution requesting the Board of Trustees in planning for the future of the University, to preserve old University Hall. June 16 — Thirty-eighth annual commencement address by Baron Kogoro Takahira, His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Ambassador to the United States, on Influence of Amer- ican Education in the Far East. June 21 — Summer session began. Illinois members of the Western Society of Engineers gave a dinner at the City Club of Chicago in honor of Prof. Lester Paige Breckenridge. June 24 — Dr. Henry B. Ward of the University of Nebraska was appointed Professor of Zoology at the University of Illinois. Mr. Henry Alexander Haugan, Vice President of the State Bank of Chicago, was elected Treasurer of the University of Illinois. The Trustees approved the granting of the degree of J. D. (Juris Doctor), Doctor of Law. July 5-6 — The Coburn Players presented Percy Mackaye 's ' * Canterbury Pilgrims ' ' and Shakespeare's "As You Like It" and "Twelfth Night," under the auspices of the Summer Session. July 5 — Mrs. Carrie T. Alexander, member of the Board of Trustees, was married to Dr. William Bahrenburg of Belleville. July 14 — Dean William F. M. Goss was appointed Director of the Engineering Experiment Station in place of Professor Lester P. Breckenridge, resigned. July 14 — The Trustees ap- proved the location of the New University Hall south of the Woman's Building. July 21 — The Trustees decided to charge a fee of $24 a year to students engaged in graduate study in absentia. Previously no fees were charged them. July 21 — The Trustees authorized publication of the results of the investigations of the Nutrition Commission. L,XXVI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Aug. — The administration offices were removed from the Library building to the new addition in the Natural History Building. Aug. 20 — Summer session closed. 1909-10 Sept. — The lectures in Personal Hygiene required of all men of the freshmen class, given this year by Dean Thomas A. Clark. Rule 41 for the Guidance of Undergraduates, that a student having grades below 75 in subjects aggregating twenty-five per cent of his entire work shall not be graduated, became operative. Dr. Raymond Weeks was called to Barnard College Columbia University. Sept 2 — The article on the University of Illinois by Edwin E. Slosson appeared in the Independent Magazine. Sept. 20-21 — Registration days. Sept. 21 — The Trustees appointed Harry H. Stoek (editor of Mines and Minerals) professor of Mining Engineering in the University, in charge of the department. Sept. 30 — First general convocation of the year held in the Auditorium. The speakers were President James, Professor Albert P. Carman of the Physics Department, and Dr. Henry B. Ward, new Professor of Zoology. Oct. — Illinois Magazine again revived. Oct. 6 — At the inauguration of Dr. Abbott Lawrence Lowell as President of Harvard University, the honorary degree of Doctor of Law was conferred upon President Edmund J. James. The Boston Tran- script, in recording the event, spoke of President James as "the man under whose inspiring touch the University of Illinois has risen to the front rank among American Universities." Oct. 19 — The first meeting of the University of Illinois section of the American Chemical Society. Oct. 27 — Second annual pushball contest between the sophomores and freshmen on Illinois. The sophomores won by a score of 15 to 0. Nov. 13 — President James issued a letter to the student body strongly condemn- ing the actions of the student mob on Saturday night, November 6th. Nov. 13— Cherry (111.) mine explosion. Mr. R. Y. Williams, Director of the Mine Rescue Station at the University, did excellent work. He and Professor Harry H. Stoek, newly appointed head of the Department of Mining Engineering, were prominently mentioned in all press despatches. Nov. 18-20 — Annual High School Conference. Nov. 26 — Dr. Ernest Julius Berg appointed Professor of Electrical Engineering and Head of the Department. The Trustees voted to exempt from tuition in the Graduate School all members of the staffs of auxiliary bureaus and scientific stations connected with the University who might be enrolled as regular students in the Graduate School. The Trustees decided to locate the New University Hall south of the Woman's Build- ing and west of Burrill avenue; also that the name "Abraham Lincoln Hall" should be given to the building. Nov. 26-27 — Formal dedication of the new Physics Lab- oratory. Go?. Charles S. Deneen was present and presented the building to the Uni- versity. President James delivered the charge to Professor A. P. Carman, Head of the Physics Department. President Henry S. Pritchett, of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching delivered the main address. Dec. 3 — Professor Arthur G. Webster of Clark University gave a series of lec- tures on scientific subjects. Professor Harry H. Stoek was appointed by Gov. Charles S. Deneen as a member of the Illinois State Mining Commission. The Commission is to formulate desirable legislation for the control of mining, and to recommend such legislation to the Governor of the state. Professor H. S. Grindley of Physical Chemistry in the Department of Animal Husbandry, and Dr. Ward J. Mac- Neal, bacteriologist in the laboratory, were appointed by Gov. Charles S. Deneen as members of the commission to investigate the cause and na- ANNALS IvXXVII ture of pellagra. Dec. 6-18 — The College of Agriculture, at the National Corn Exhibition at Omaha, displayed an exhibit showing how to manage the soil to prevent agricultural bankruptcy. Dec. 10 — Junior Promenade in the Armory. Dec. 11 — The University Glee Club and Mandolin Club appeared in the Walker Opera House in their nineteenth annual home concert. Matinee and evening con- certs were given. Dec. 13-18 — Professor Joseph Bedier of the University of Paris, France, delivered a series of six lectures at the University under the auspices of the Eomance Language Department, dealing with subjects from mediaeval and modern French literature. Dec. 14 — Annual Christmas concert of the Choral and Orchestral societies. The Trustees authorized the President of the University to accept from the Commission of the Illinois Farmers' Hall of Fame, a picture of Cyrus Hall Mc- Cormick. The Trustees accepted a donation of $100 from Dr. Otto L. Schmidt of Chicago, for the purchase of books for the University Library, which may be recommended by the Department of German. The Trustees voted that beginning with September 1, 1910, two units of German were to be required of students who desired to enter the course in Chemical Engineering. Dec. 15 — The name of Cyrus Hall McCormick was enrolled in the Illinois Farmers ' Hall of Fame. Exercises were held in the University Auditorium. Hon. Albert P. Grout, chairman of the Illinois Farmers' Hall of Fame and member of the University Board of Trustees, presided. Governor Charles S. Deneen spoke. President James spoke on behalf of the Univer- sity. Miss Muriel McCormick, granddaughter of the inventor, unveiled the portrait which was hung under an American flag at the back of the stage. Later in the afternoon a reception was given to the out-of-town guests in the Woman's Building. Dec. 16 — Eighteen players on the 1909 Varsity Eleven were awarded "I's" at a mass meeting held in the Auditorium. Dec. 17 — President and Mrs. James held a reception in the Woman's Building in honor of Professor Joseph Bedier. Dec. 22 — The new rule of the Council of Administration with regard to absence before and after vacations went into effect. Jan. — Nine hundred and eight persons registered in the short course in agricul- ture. Jan. 4 — The intermission period between class hours was changed from five to ten minutes. Jan. 11 — L. & A. Assembly in memory of Carl Schurz. Jan. 15 — Illinois Union banquet in the Armory. Jan. 18 — The Illini Club of Chicago held its annual meeting in the University Club of that city. Feb. 3 — The Trustees voted to raise the standard of entrance to the Medical School. Feb. 4 — Annual Sophomore Cotillion. Feb. 11 — The third annual electrical engineering show. The annual meeting of the Illini Club of Colorado was held at the Auditorium Hotel in Denver. Feb. 17 — Bobert B. Fizzell, representing the Philo- mathean Literary Society, won the inter-literary society declamation contest. Feb. 18-19 — Third annual convention of the Illinois State Academy of Science was held at the University. Feb. 18-25 — An exhibition of paintings and etchings from the Albert Bouiller Studio of Chicago was held in the foyer of the Auditorium. Feb. 19 — Track coach, Harry Gill, was presented with a watch at the annual in-door track meet with Chicago, funds for which were raised by popular subscription under the direction of Phenix, an honorary senior society. Feb. 22 — University convocation held in the Auditorium. Professor C. M. Van Tyne, Head of the Department of History at Michigan, spoke on "Political Thinking of Washington's Time." Feb. 24-25 — The Players Club presented ' ' The Bivals ' ' in Morrow Hall. Feb. 25 — Presi- dent James, as chairman of the legislative committee of the National Association of State Universities, presented to the Senate of the United States a petition signed by thirty-six presidents of independent agricultural and mechanical arts colleges, LrXXVIII UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS and ninety-seven presidents of normal schools, protesting against the bill permitting George Washington University to receive $45,000 a year from the government as an agricultural college, under the provision of the Morrill act of July 2, 1862. Feb. 25 — Annual Military Ball. March 8 — William L. Abbott was re-elected President of the Board of Trustees for the ensuing year. March 8-9 — Second annual meeting of the Illinois Water Supply Association was held at the University. March 9-15 — Eduard Meyer, Pro- fessor of Ancient History of the University of Berlin, and 1909 Exchange Professor at Harvard University, gave a series of six lectures at the University of Illinois on Political Institutions and Ideals of Ancient Greece. March 11 — The University of Illinois Alumni Association of Southern California held its annual banquet on the 11th floor of the Wright & Callender Building, Long Beach, California. March 12 — Illinois won the debates with Ohio and Indiana Universities. March 15 — The third floor of the Cosmopolitan Club House was badly damaged by fire 1 . March 21-23 — President Charles Blanchard of Wheaton College delivered three lectures before the School of Education. March 24-25 — Deans of the colleges of liberal arts of a dozen middle western state universities held their second annual meeting at the University of Illinois. April — A petition was presented to the Council of Administration by Shield and Trident and Phenix, honorary senior societies, asking that official recognition be given to the movement to establish an annual Illinois Home Coming. President James resigned as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State Historical Library, to which position he had been appointed in 1897 by Governor Tanner, reappointed by Governor Eichard Yates, and continued by Governor Charles S. Deneen. Governor Deneen appointed Dean Evarts B. Greene chairman of the Board in place of Presi- dent James. April 2 — The annual dinner and business meeting of the University of Illinois Club of Washington, D. C, was held at the Teacup Inn. April 3 — Miss Irma Voigt was chosen to represent the University of Illinois at the annual Northern Oratorical contest to be held in Minneapolis in May. April 4 — Meeting of the University Senate. April 8 — Professor Edward Lee Thorndike of Columbia Univer- sity delivered a series of five lectures under the joint auspices of the College of Liter- ature and Arts and the School of Education on Individual Differences and Their Causes. April 12 — The last of the year's series of Assemblies given by the College of Literature and Arts was held in the chapel. An address was given by Mr. George F. Schwartz of the Music School. The Trustees granted the request of Professor Nathan Clifford Bicker to be relieved of the administration duties connected with the headship of the Department of Architecture. Professor Chester N. Greenough, head of the Department of English, resigned to accept a call to Harvard University. April 14 — Mr. Emory Cobb, for twenty years a member of the University Board of Trus- tees, died at his home in Kankakee. April 19 — The students of the Classical Depart- ment presented Aristophanes' " Clouds" in the Auditorium. April 25 — Edwin E. Slosson, literary editor of The Independent, began a series of lectures on journalism before the newspaper students. He also delivered a course of lectures before the School of Education on the Tendency and Needs of University Education. April 27 — The Varsity Soccer team played its first game in competition with Christian Brothers College on Illinois Field. Illinois was defeated by a score of 9 to 2. April 29 — George Mygatt Fisk, Professor of Commerce at the University of Illinois from 1902-8, met death by drowning at Madison, Wisconsin. May — Professor James W. Garner was made editor of the new publication, the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. May 2-4 — Annual May Festival. Madame ANNALS hXXlX Eosa Olitzka of the Boston Concert Company gave a concert on the evening of the 2nd. The Chorus sang "King Olaf" and "Hiawatha" on Tuesday and Wednes- day evenings, accompanied by the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra with Emil Ober- hoffer conducting. May 4 — Bryant Bannister was elected President of the Illinois Students' Union. May 8-9 — The Argos Club became Deuteron chapter of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. May 10 — Professor Thomas W. Hughes resigned as Pro- fessor of Law. May 19 — Dr. Theobald Smith of the Harvard Medical School lec- tured at the University on The Eelation of Bovine to Human Tuberculosis. Twelfth annual Maypole Pageant on Illinois Field. May 20 — Eichard Price Morgan, member of the University Board of Trustees from 1891-7, died at his home in Dwight, Illinois. Frederick O. Sylvester of St. Louis displayed over a hundred of his views of land- scape in the foyer of the Auditorium. May 20-21 — The National Nutrition Com- mission met in the University chemistry laboratories. May 28 — The Aztec Club became the Omicron Chapter of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. June — The Chicago & Northwestern Ey. Company presented to the University of Illinois a locomotive testing plant. The Illini played a total of four- teen intercollegiate games and won them all. The University Athletic Associa- tion presented each of the players a solid souvenir Illinois watch fob. June 1 — Annual initiation of Sigma Xi. June 4 — John Mills Pearson, a former Trustee, died. June 6 — President James spoke at the annual banquet of the Alumni of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the gold room of the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago. June 12 — Eev. W. S. Plumer Bryan gave the baccalaureate sermon on The Problems of Eeligion. June 13 — Dedication of the memorial urn presented by the gradu- ating class; class day exercises in the Auditorium at 9:30; military band concert on the lawn at 1:30 p. m.; Senior Ball in the Armory at 8:00 p. m. Trustees approved a recommendation that, beginning with September, 1911, a college degree should be required for admission to the Library School. The Trustees appointed Frederick M. Mann Professor of Architecture and Head of the Department. Colonel Edmund G. Fechet requested to be relieved from duty as Military Command- ant and Professor of Military Science, as soon as his successor could be found. Major Benjamin C. Morse was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna- tion of Colonel Fechet. Charles M. McConn was chosen to be Assistant Eegistrar of the University, and, Eegistrar from October 1, 1910. June 14 — Alumni Day: Ee- unions of the followin gclasses were held: 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, anU 1905. President and Mrs. James gave their annual reception to the graduates and their parents and friends in the University Auditorium. June 15 — The thirty-ninth annual commencement was held in the Auditorium. Address by President James on The Fellowship of College Men. The honorary degree of LL. D. was conferred on Mrs. Ella Flagg Young. The honorary degree of Doctor of Engineer was conferred upon Professor Lester Paige Breckenridge, and Hon. Isham Eandolph of Chicago. Dean David Kinley sailed for Buenos Ayres, Argentine Eepublic, to represent the United States at the Fourth Pan-American Congress. He was accompanied by Mr. Herman G. James, his private secretary. June 28 — Mrs. Mary E. Fawcett was appointed Acting Dean of Women in the University of Illinois. July 4 — The Library School Alumni Association met at the Grand Hotel, Mack- inac Island, in conjuncture with the annual conference of the American Library Association. July 25 — Thirty-four alumni from New York and vicinity enjoyed a clambake at Coney Island. July 29 — The Trustees accepted the gift of a collection of the various editions of Evans' Map of the American Colonies, dated 1755, L,XXX UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS presented by Dr. Otto L. Schmidt of Chicago to the University Library. July 29 — William Low Pillsbury, Eegistrar of the University of Illinois since 1893, and Sec- retary of the Board since July 1, 1888, resigned, to take effect October 1, 1910. August 10 — The corner-stone of Lincoln Hall was laid. President W. L. Abbott of the Board of Trustees presided; Dean E. J. Townsend spoke for President James, and Dr. Charles Davison, a Trustee, laid the cornerstone. 1910-11 Sept. 17 — President James was guest of honor at the annual banquet of the Illini Club of Peoria at the Creve Coeur Club. Sept. 19 — Registration day. Sept. 20 — C. M. McConn was elected Secretary of the Board of Trustees from October 1, 1910. The Daily Illini began its tenth year of publication. Sept. 21 — A thousand freshmen attended the first convocation in the University Auditorium. President James welcomed them. Dean Thomas A. Clark and Mr. Ray Warnock, Assistant Dean, spoke briefly. Sept. 26 — Military drill began under the new Commandant, Major Benjamin C. Morse. Sept. 29 — President James gave the principal address at the installation of Dr. Frank McVey as President of the University of North Dakota. Oct. — The 1909 Memorial Fountain, between the Men's Gymnasium and the Armory, completed. By special action of the Carnegie Foundation Board, Mr. Wil- liam L. Pillsbury was given a retiring allowance. Oct. 3-15 — Dr. Josef Redlich, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Vienna, gave a series of lec- tures. Oct. 14-15 — The First Annual Homecoming at the University occurred. The weather was warm and fair; the Twin Cities were decorated with Illinois colors in honor of the occasion. The main features of the Homecoming were the Alumni- Varsity baseball game; the pushball contest; the mass meeting on the bleachers; class reunions; the football game with Chicago, won by Illinois by a score of 3 to 0. At the mass meeting President James announced that Francis J. Plym, class of 1897, had established a traveling fellowship in architecture of the annual value of one thousand dollars. Oct. 15 — The first regular meeting of the University of Illinois Alumni in St. Paul and Minneapolis held in the Commercial Club rooms in the Radisson Hotel in Minneapolis. Nov. 4 — U. S. Congressman David J. Foster spoke at a University Convocation on the new peace movement. Nov. 10 — The first annual dinner of the University of Illinois Club of Springfield was held at the Colonial Cafe in Springfield with Professor James M. White as guest of honor. Nov. 12-17 — Dr. William Morris Davis, Professor of Geography at Harvard University, gave a course of six lectures on Geography as a Subject for University Study. Nov. 16 — Colonial Edmond Gustave Fechet, for ten years Commandant of the University of Illinois Regiment, died at the Burnham hospital in Champaign. Nov. 17 — The funeral of Colonel Fechet was held in the University Auditorium. Nov. 17-19— Annual High School Conference. Dec. — Seventy-six members of the Illinois Faculty at Urbana were listed in the new American Men of Science. Seventeen of this number were included in the starred list of a thousand most eminent men of sci- ence in America. Dec. 9 — Junior Promenade in the Armory. Dec. 10 — The Annual concert of the Glee and Mandolin Club. Matinee and evening con- certs were given in the Auditorium. Dec. 15 — Professor Charles F. Moore of Purdue University lectured before the College of Engineering. His talk on Blasting Powder ANNALS LXXXI was given as the first of a series in exchange between Purdue and Illinois. Dec. 28 — The Illinois State Teachers' Association at its meeting in Chicago December 28th, passed a resolution favoring the appropriation of the money asked for by the University of Illinois for the erection of a building for the School of Education at the University of Illinois. Dec. 30 — The Illini Club at Peoria held a meeting at the Creve Cceur Club. Fifty graduates and students of the University of Illinois held their annual reunion at Bockford, Illinois. Jan. 4 — Governor Charles S. Deneen, in his biennial message to the legislature, presented ^ e ry fully the work and the needs of the University of Illinois and its allied bureaus. Jan. 3 — Irma E. Voigt, representing the Illiola Literary Society, won the inter-literary society declamatory contest. Jan. 13-14 — The Illinois Union pre- sented a musical comedy, "The Maid of the Moon," written by George Morris, and his brother Paul Morris, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin. Jan. 16 — For two weeks beginning January 16th, the School for Housekeepers was held in the Woman's Biuilding. Jan. 16-28 — Nearly a thousand students attended the Agricul- tural Short Course. Jan. 17 — The Trustees granted permission to the Corps of Cadets to wear a dark flannel shirt in place of the cadet blouse, "at such exercises as may be prescribed by the Military Commandant. ' *■ Jan. 25 — The name of James Nicholas Brown was enrolled in the Illinois Farmers' Hall of Fame, being the second man to receive this honor. Jan. 30-Feb. 8 — The Illinois Horticultural Institute was held at the University. Feb. — The University of Illinois Alumni Association of India was organized with a membership of six. Feb. 3 — Sophomore Cotillion in the Armory. Feb. 7 — Post-Exam. Jubilee was held in the Auditorium under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. Feb. 7 — The Council of Administration adopted a plan for the reorganization of The Daily Illini. The Illini hereafter to be controlled by a board of six trustees, three from the faculty and three from undergraduate students. The Fiftieth Annual Convention of the Illinois State Horticultural Society held Feb. 8-10. Feb. 11— President William Howard Taft visited the University for the purpose of reviewing the Cadet Begiment. He arrived over the Wabash Bailroad at 8:50 a. m., and was met by a committee, and driven to Illinois; reviewed the Begi- ment ; saw the University grounds ; made a five minute address to citizens of the Twin Cities at the Illinois Central Station, and left for Springfield, all in less than an hour. Feb. 12-14 — Dr. Charles M. Sheldon of Topeka, Kansas, was the guest of the University. He addressed the Assembly of the College of Literature and Arts and spoke to students of sociology and of journalism on The Ethics of Newspaper Mak- ing. Feb. 13 — I. N. Bead of Urbana presented the University with a cane made from an oak door post in Lincoln's home in Old Salem, Illinois. The cane was presented in the name of Mr. Bead's daughter, Mrs. Nellie Boss, '01. The Military Band gave a concert at the State Armory in Springfield, under the auspices of the University of Illinois Club of Springfield. Feb. 15-16 — Biennial visit of the General Assembly to the University. More than one hundred members were present, thirty of whom were accompanied by their wives. Feb. 24 — Annual Military Ball in the Armory. Feb. 27 — President James, for the University Senate, appointed a com- mittee to consider the question of the present organization of the University from the standpoint of efficiency, and to summarize the results of their deliberations in the form of a constitution for the University, to be considered later by the Council and Senate and Trustees of the University. Feb. 28 — A series of meetings was held in the interest of the Young Men's Christian Association. Dr. Clarence A. Barbour of New York, "Dad" Elliott, and other assisted. The annual dinner and business LXXXII UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS meeting of the University of Illinois Club of Washington, D. C, was held at the Teacup Inn. Twenty-four were present. Dr. Eaymond M. Alden of Leland Stan- ford University was elected Professor of English in the University of Illinois," to begin service September 1, 1911. March 4 — The second annual conference of the Presidents of the smaller colleges of Illinois was held at the University. The purpose of the meetings is to bring each of the colleges in the state into closer touch with the others, and to effect a closer relationship with the University. March 7 — Dr. C. P. Steinmetz addressed the stu- dents of the College of Engineering on Electric Energy. March 9 — C. H. Cartlidge, Bridge Engineer of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, gave an illustrated lecture on Reinforced Concrete Pile and Trestle Bridges. March 9-10 — Col. William Nathan McChesney delivered two lectures before the College of Law. on Uniform State Laws. March 11 — Celebrating the anniversary of Founders' Day, the Puget Sound Association of the Alumni of the University of Illinois met for their annual reunion and banquet at the Tacoma Hotel. The University of Illinois Alumni Assoc- iation of Southern California banqueted at the University Club of Los Angeles. The attendance was almost double that of any previous banquet of the Association. March 14 — B. R. Rickards was appointed Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Dairying in the University of Illinois. March 14 — Miss Lutie E. Stearns, Chief of the Traveling Department of the Wisconsin Free Library Commission, began a series of three lec- tures before the Library School and staff. March 20-21 — Dr. Arthur E. Bostwick, Librarian of the St. Louis Library, lectured before the Library School. March 21 — Mr. Herbert R. Cross, gave a series of lectures on art before the University, con- tinuing through six weeks. March 23 — President Frank L. McVey of the University of North Dakota gave an address on Sticking Points in Taxation. March 27-31 — Mr. Paul E. Moore, Editor of the Nation, gave a series of five lectures on Types of Romanticism. March 28 — Mr. Charles F. Scott, Chief Consulting Engineer of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, lectured on The Young Engineer and Modern Industrial Conditions. March 31 — The eleventh annual dinner of the Southwestern Alumni Association was held at the Coates House, Kansas City, Mo. Dean Thomas A. Clark was present from the University. April — Late in April the new Illini Board of Control announced the appoint- ment of H. H. Herbert, Editor; C. M. Sullivan, Manager; and F. X. McGrath, Bookkeeper of the paper for 1911-12. April 7-8 — The Players 7 Club presented "Our Boys" on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon, in Morrow Hall. April 8 — The Seventh Annual Dinner of the New York Alumni Association was held at the Hotel Manhattan, one hundred and fifteen persons were present. Ex-President Andrew Sloan Draper and Dean Thomas Arkle Clark were guests of honor. April 18 — Mr. Oswald Garrison Villard, editorial writer on the New York Evening Post and President of the Evening Post Company, addressed an assembly of the College of Lit- erature and Arts on The Problem of Independent Journalism. April 9 — Orin R. Wakefield brought suit against the University to compel the granting of his diploma. His contention involved the rule which permits the University to withhold the grant- ing of a degree when a student has twenty-five percent of his work below the grade of 75 percent. The case was decided in favor of the University. May — The Lincoln League, a student organization organized, constitution adopted and temporary officers chosen. May 2 — Baron d'Estournelles de Constant spoke at a University Convocation on International Peace. He also spoke on the peace movement at a dinner given in his honor in the evening. May 3 — Students' Union election. ANNALS LXXXIII May 17 — Maypole Dance on Illinois Field. May 18-20 — The Nineteenth Illinois Inter- scholastic meet. May 20 — Interscholastic circus on Illinois Field. June — The graduating class presented to the University as a class memorial two trophy cases to be placed in the entrance of the Men's Gymnasium. June 10 — The 47th General Assembly of Illinois appropriated to the University $3,489,300 for oper- ating expenses, buildings, etc., and also $30,000 for the support of the School of Ceramics. The 47th General Assembly passed a bill providing for a mill tax for the support of the University beginning with the year 1912; also an act putting employees of the University of Illinois under civil service regulations. June 11 — The Eight Rev- erend Edward W. Osborne, Bishop of Springfield, delivered the baccalaureate address. His text was ' ' They watched him. ' ' June 12 — Class Day. Annual address before the Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi societies was delivered by John M. Coulter, Professor of Botany at the University of Chicago on Contributions of Germany to Education. Senior ball in the Armory. June 13 — Alumni Day. A bronze memorial tablet to the late Professor Arthur W. Palmer was unveiled. The Trustees appointed Dr. Jean Beck of Vienna, Austria, Assistant Professor of Eomance Languages. The Trustees authorized Dean Thomas A. Clark to publish "Facts for Freshmen," to be presented to each freshman upon his admission to the University. Mr. Donald Graham, 1907, who won in the competition for the Plym fellowship in architecture, was appointed to the fellowship for the year 1911-12. June 14 — The Commencement address was given by President James. His address was an appeal to the graduates to make careers object lessons in the defense of academic education. The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred on William E. Curtis; the degree of Doctor of Engineering on Ralph Modjeski. June 27 — The beginning of the six weeks' course given in the Summer Session in the Library School. Summer Session opened with an enrollment of nearly seven hundred. July 11 — Miss Isabel Bevier delivered the president's ad- dress at the opening session of the American Home Economics Association, meeting with the National Education Association at San Francisco. Her topic was "The Home Economics Movement." June 14 — The Trustees voted to close the Calif oniia avenue and John street entrances to the campus; to close Burrill avenue south of tho Auditorium, and to post notices barring automobiles and motorcycles, at the entrance of Burrill avenue on the south side of Green street. August 27 — Alfred Bayliss, from 1899 to 1907 ex officio a member of the Board of Trustees, died at his home at Woodbine, Ohio. 1911-12 September — The roadway which formerly curved about the northeast corner of University Hall, changed during the summer to run directly east to the Law Building, and thence south. A broad cement walk built in front of University Hall, directly east to the Law Building. The opening of Lincoln Hall and the new Power Plant necessitated a readjustment of class rooms and offices in University Hall and in the Electrical Engineering Building. The department of Classics, and the graduate and upper class work in Modern Languages, English, and the Social Sciences, formerly located in University Hall, were removed to Lincoln Hall, as were also Seminar libra- ries and many books of value to these departments. September 29 — Professor Eugene Meyer of Germany, head of the Reich- Anstaldt, or Calibration Laboratory, and Pro- fessor of Engineering at Charlottenburg University, on a tour of investigation of foreign engineering institutions, made a visit to the University. October 6 — The Marquis of Queensberry, then on the sporting staff of the Chicago Tribune, visited the University for the Illinois-Millikin football game on LXXXIV UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Oct. 7, and spoke at a mass meet in the Auditorium. October 14 — At the first gen- eral convocation of the year, held in the Auditorium, President James spoke briefly upon the growth of the University, and introduced the three new members of the Senate, Professor Raymond M. Alden of the English department, Professor Charles E. Richards of the department of Mechanical Engineering, and Professor Chester G. Vernier of the Law School, each of whom made a short speech. Preliminary honors as granted in the various colleges were announced. October 21-24 — The State Conference of Charities and Corrections met at the University. Professor E. C. Hayes elected President for the following year. November 1 — Registration in all departments of the University was 4,929. as compared with 4,659 on Nov. 1, 1910. November 7 — The Choral Society presented a miscellaneous program in the Auditorium. November 11 — President James sailed for Europe from New York on the Steamer "Abraham Lincoln," Hamburg- American Line. Napoleon B. Morrison, a former Trustee of the University, died at his home in Odin. November 14 — Dr. J. M. McCormack, of the American Medical Association, lectured on health .conditions, under the auspices of the Anti-Tuberculosis Society. Professor Thomas E. Oliver gave an illustrated lecture on Paris at the L. & L. Assem- bly. November 17 — First annual Agricultural Dance held in the Armory. Vice Pres- ident and Mrs. Burrill, in the absence of President and Mrs. James, gave a reception for the new members of the faculty in the Woman 's Building. November 18 — Thirty members of the Southern Illinois Editorial Association, who were guests of Congress- man William B. McKinley of Champaign, visited the University. November 20 — At 4:00 p. m., the first Assembly of the College of Science was held in the Natural His- tory Lecture room. Vice President T. J. Burrill delivered a lecture on A Vacation in New Mexico. Professor Josiah Royce of Harvard University lectured at 11 :00 a. m., on Some Psychological Problems Suggested by Pragmatism; at 7:30 p. m., on The Prob- lem of Religious Instruction in Modern Academic Education. November 21 — Thomas Liggitt of the United States Sherardizing Company, delivered an illustrated lecture in the Chemistry lecture room on Sherardizing. November 23 — The Art Department gave a tea in their rooms in University Hall. November 23-25 — Annual High School Conference at the University. November 24-26 — Second Annual Fall Homecoming was even a greater success than the first. November 24 — The corner-stone of the George McKinley Memorial University Presbytrian Church was laid. The chief address was given by Rev. John Balcolm Shaw of Chicago. Hon. William B. McKinley, principal donor of the church, made the presentation address. Rev. Martin F. Anderson, student pastor of the church, laid the corner-stone. November 24-25 — Mask & Bauble pre- sented "The Lion Rampant' ' at the Illinois Theater. November 25 — The annual dinner of the Harvard Club was given at the University Club. November 27 — C. B. Hatch & J. M. Kaufman of Champaign, gave their seventh annual complimentary ban- quet to the football team. Sixteen men were awarded the official football " I. " December 3 — An automatic freight and passenger elevator was installed in Lincoln Hall. December 4-9 — Dr. E. G. Cdoley of Chicago gave a series of five lectures before the School of Education, on Industrial and Vocational Education in Germany. De- cember 9 — The twenty-first annual Glee Club concert, matinee and evening, was given in the Auditorium. December 6 — Illinois Day, which falls on Dec. 3, was celebrated by a general convocation held in the Auditorium. Hon. Clark E. Carr of Galesburg gave the address. His subject was Illinois. December 8 — Illinois won the debates with Iowa and Wisconsin. Junior Promenade in the Armory. December 9 — Fire damaged the Dental Building in Chicago to the amount of about two thousand dollars. Dr. Henry S. Curtis of Clark University lectured before the College of Literature and ANNALS LXXXV Arts on The Playground as a Social Factor. December 11-16 — The 56th annual convention of the Illinois State Horticultural Society was held at the University. De- cember 12 — The Choral Society sang "The Messiah" at its Christmas concert. De- cember 14-17 John R. Mott conducted a series of evangelistic meetings at the Univer- sity under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. A general Uni- versity convocation was held in the Auditorium on Friday, Dec. 15, at 4:00 p. m., at which Mr. Mott spoke on Students in Russia. , On Saturday afternoon Mr. Mott spoke to the women of the University and the community, on Religion as a Matter of the Will. A series of meetings was held during the same time under the auspices of the Young Women's Christian Association, conducted by Mrs. Harriet E. Monroe of Washington, D. C. December 19 — The United Charities Association of Champaign and Urbana was organized. January 6 — Eva Mitchell, representing the Illiola Literary Society, won the inter- literary society declamatory contest. January 15 — The Corn Growers' and Stock- men's Convention held their annual Farmers' Short Course at the College of Agricul- ture, continuing for two weeks. Professor Joseph Barrell of Yale University began a series of lectures on geological subjects. January 16 — The Council of Administra- tion granted permission to organize "The Fourth Estate," an honorary journalistic fraternity composed of men from the junior and senior classes. January 18 — The College of Engineering held an Assembly in the Auditorium at 4:00 p. m. Addresses were given by H. M. Byllesby of Chicago, J. C. Gableman, President of Illinois So- ciety of Engineers and Surveyors, and Dean William F. M. Goss. January 22 — Pro- fessor J. McKean Cattell of Columbia University addressed the University Senate on Problems of University Administration. January 23 — D. H. V. Hess Of the Libbey Cut Glass Company of Toledo, Ohio, spoke before the Chemistry Club on the manu- facture of glass. February 2 — Annual sophomore cotillion. February 6 — Post-Exam. Jubilee. The contract for the Ceramics and Mining Engineering Laboratory was let to A. W. Stool- man, for $22,019.12, not including the chimney. February 7 — Dr. Guenther Jacoby of Germany was appointed Lecturer in the department of Germanic Languages for the second semester, his general topic being The Philosophy of the German Classical Poets. President Livingston C. Lord of the Eastern Illinois State Normal School, lectured before Kappa Delta Pi, the honorary educational fraternity, on "The Ethics of Kipling." February 8 — W. A. McKnight, Y. M. C. A. Secretary, resigned to accept a similar position in Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. Dr. J. How- ard Mathews of the University of Wisconsin delivered an illustrated lecture on Color Photography and Some of its Commercial Applications, in the Chemistry Lec- ture Room, under the auspices of Alpha Chi Sigma, the professional chemical fra- ternity. February 12 — Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, Professor of History at Har- vard University, delivered the address at a Convocation in the Auditorium in honor of the birth of Abraham Lincoln at 7:30 p. m. The subject was Lincoln and Gov- ernment. February 15 — Dean David Kinley lectured before the third College of Sci- ence Assembly on ' ' Socialism. ' ' February 21 — A severe blizzard raged all day. Street car traffic was stopped and trains were so delayed that there was only one mail deliv- ery in the Twin Cities. February 23 — Military Ball in the Armory. February 19-23 — Dr. Casper Rene Gregory of the University of Leipzig gave a series of five lectures on Five Centuries of Science at Leipzig. February 25 — Miss Catherine McCallum Mc- Intyre, for twenty-three years Secretary of the College of Agriculture, died at the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Champaign. February 26— Prof. W. L. Johannsen, Pro- fessor of Plant Physiology in the University of Copenhagen, delivered a series of lee- IyXXXVI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS tures on ' ' Modern Problems of Heredity. *■ ' February 26-27-28 — The University Mili- tary Band of sixty-five pieces, accompanied by a special harpist, made its second an- nual state tour, playing in Bloomington, Peoria, Decatur, and Springfield. February 29 — Vice President and Mrs. Burrill tendered a reception to the faculty in the Wom- an 's Building in honor of President James on his return from Europe. March 2 — Annual band concert in the Auditorium. March 4-9 — Prof. W. L. Kue- Jienthal of the University of Breslau. gave a series a lectures on The Principle of Con- vergence as Illustrated in the Whale. March 12 — The girls of the University began a campaign to secure funds for a new Young Women 's Christian Association building and dormitory, for which Congressman William B. McKinley pledged twenty thousand dollars. March 13 — A students' mass meeting, called by President James, was held in the Auditorium, to discuss the Western Conference Athletic situation. Seven lectures on public health were arranged for, to be given by health experts from different universities and bureaus throughout the country. The first lecture was given by Dr. Henry B. Favil of Rush Medical College, his subject being Sociological Aspects of Public Health. March 18-23— Prof. F. E. Schelling, head of the department of English at the University of Pennsylvania, gave a series of lectures on * ' The English Drama. ' ' March 19 — The presidents of the universities in the *■ ' Big Eight ' ' confer- ence met in Chicago to discuss conference rules. March 21 — At the annual meeting of Trustees in Chicago, officers were elected for the ensuing year. W. L. Abbott was again chosen president. The Board of Trustees decided on the location of the new Armory, the Stock Judging Pavilion, and the new horticultural building, all to be erected on the south campus. April 1 — Dr. Inazo Nitobe, of the first higher college at Tokyo, gave a series of lectures under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Some Characteristics of the Land and People of Japan. Professor William A. Noyes, Director of the Chemistry department, was given a leave of absenee of a few months from April 1, to attend the International Council of representatives of chemical so- cieties at Berlin, as the accredited representative of the American Chemical Society. April 2 — The city election in Champaign to decide the ' ' wet ' ' and ' ' dry ' -' issue re- sulted in a victory for the "dry" element, with a majority of -179. Student voters were generally challenged at the polls, and notaries public were kept busy swearing out affidavits. April 3 — Dr. John A. Lomax of the University of Texas and President of the American Folk Lore Society, lectured on ' ' The Songs of the Cowboy. ' ■ April 4-6 — The central section of the American Society of Zoologists met at the University of Illinois. April 9 — Colonel Theodore Roosevelt visited Champaign and spoko in the City Park at 1:30 p. m. April 10 — A chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, the national honorary journalistic fraternity, was granted to Fourth Estate, the local journalistic fraternity. The Trustees voted to close their medical and dental work conducted in the city of Chicago in the plant owned by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, on the expiration of the lease on June 30, 1912. April 12 — Professor Wilhelm Paskow- ski of the University of Berlin delivered a series of lectures at the University on The German Theater and Drama. April 30 — Following a petition of the Pan-Hellenic Council, the Council of Administration passed a rule that no student may become a member of any national or local fraternity until he has successfully passed eleven hours of work. May 16 — Annual Maypole dance on Illinois Field. The weather was cold and a drizzling rain fell. May 17-18 — Annual Interscholastic week. May 21 — The cere- monies connected with the laying of the corner-stone of the Commerce building were held at 4:00 p. m. W. L. Abbott,, President of Board of Trustees, presided. Ad- ANNALS L,XXXVII dresses were -given in the Auditorium by Dean David Kinley and Francis G. Blair. President James performed the ceremony of laying the corner-stone. Short addresses were given by B. F. Harris of Champaign, President of the Illinois Bankers' Associa- tion, and W. Carbys Zimmerman, the State Architect. May 21 — The Military band serenaded President James, in honor of his birthday. May 22 — At 4:30 p. m., the First Annual formal ' ' President 's Review ' ' of the Regiment was held on Illinois Field. The President presented the commissions to the commissioned officers of the regiment. May 25 — E. R. Ludwig of the class of 1911, was selected for the Plym Fellowship for the year 1912-13. June 9 — Baccalaureate address in Auditorium delivered by the Rev. William I. McElveen, Pastor of the Evanston Congregational Church. Subject, Social Service as a Part of a Useful Career. June 10-.— Class Day exercises, 9:30 a. m.; Senior Ball, 8:00 p. m., in the Armory. June 11 — Alumni Day. About one hundred early matricu- lants from 1868 to 1872 held a reunion. June 12 — Commencement address de- livered by President Edmund J. James on The Life and Labors of Jonathan Baldwin Turner. One feature of the commencement program was the unveiling of the portrait of Jonathan Baldwin Turner to be placed in the Illinois Farmers' Hall of Fame. The portrait was the gift of Mrs. Mary Turner Carrel, a daughter of Jonathan Bald- win Turner. A. P. Grout, President of the Commission of the Illinois Farmers' Hall of Fame, made the presentation speech. Portrait unveiled by Mrs Leslie McPherson and Miss Mary Louise Turner, granddaughters of Professor Turner. The honorary degree of LL.D conferred on Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, Vice President of the University of Illinois, and Professor Samuel Walker Shattuck, Comptroller of the Uni- versity, in recognition of their long and excellent service. Both men retired from ac- tive service in the University on September 1, 1912, and accepted retiring allowances from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. June 30 — Lease of the property of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Chicago to the University of Illinois, expired. Lease was not renewed. 1912-13 September 16-17 — Registration, 4,050 students, increase of about ten per cent. Transportation buiding and Mining and Ceramics laboratories open for regular work. Beta Theta Pi fraternity installed in new chapter house. September 17 — Ground bro- ken for new Armory — initial Legislative appropriation of $100,000 made. Septem- ber 18 — Coach R. R. Jones came from Purdue to take charge of basketball work. September 19 — Trustees voted to take over College of Physicians and Surgeons in Chicago as nucleus for College of Medicine. Dr. Madison Bentley took charge of Department of Psychology. September 20 — 1912 Senior Ball committee turned over its surplus to student loan fund. September 26 — Professor E. C. Schmidt, head of Department of Railway Engineering, given commission by Imperial Government of Japan to assist in important railway construction work. September 28 — Sorority pledge day caused usual excitement, especially on John street. October 1 — Pan-Hellenic Council of national fraternities and sororities went on record against hazing. Agricultural Experiment Station staff began gigantic task of compiling soil reports of Illinois counties. October 4 — Enthusiastic mass meeting preceded first football game of season. October 6 — Hon. W. B. McKinley announced gift of $13,000 to student loan fund, one of reasons for this generous gift being that he had never lost a penny through student dishonesty in the many private loans he had made. Dr. C. C. Wang, Ph.D. '11, English Secretary to President of Chinese Re- public, visited University. Republican, Democratic and Progressive political clubs IvXXXVIII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS active as national and state campaigns progressed. October 8 — Freshman Batallion held first drill. Regiment membership 1,775, increase of 20.0 over any previous year. October 10 — Approval by Board of Trustees of plan for consolidation of College of Literature and Arts and College of Science into College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. October 11 — Star Lecture Course season opened with appearance of Albert Spalding, world-famous violinist. At meeting of representatives of various student dancing clubs drastic rules made regarding conduct of dances, barring "new dances ; ' in favor of waltz and two-step. October 12 — Frenshmen carried off honors in inter-class track meet. Jake Stahl a hero once more in eyes of all Mini after his Boston Americans won championship in World Baseball series. Tie vote for President in first Senior class election necessitated second election — Charles J. Craigmile winner. October 16 — First general convocation of year; special honor paid to Dr. T. J. Burrill and Dr. S. W. Shattuck; Senate ordered gold medals struck containing their portraits in honor of their forty-four years of University service. At annual convention of Presbyterian Synod of Illinois, formal dedication of new McKinley Memorial church occurred ; the church was erected by Hon. W. B. McKinley in honor of his father, Rev. George Mc- Kinley. October 18 — Sophomores won. annual pushball contest in which members of both classes suffered many minor injuries. October 20 — Judge Spurgin, in decision in regard to illegal student voting in spring wet and dry elections, ruled Champaign dry; 55 of 80 students examined were illegal voters, his claim being that a student must be self-supporting to be a legal voter. Football victory over Indiana by score of 13-7 aroused such spirit in student body that Walker Opera House was raided, per- formance of musical comedy stopped, and riot ended only after an impassioned plea by "G" Huff that such demonstrations would kill football. October 25 — Student mass meeting held in which students gave pledge to end such ruffianism. October 29 — Dr. J. C. Steinmetz, foremost electrical engineer in the world, addressed joint meet- ing of American Institute of Electrical Engineers and University Society. P. L. Windsor elected President of the State Library Association at their St. Louis meet- ing. October 30 — Professor I. O. Baker and 52 senior civil engineers started on an- nual inspection trip to Chicago. Champaign City Council rejected student petition for Sunday performances of ' ' movies. • ; November 1 — Y. M. C. A. entered upon aggressive membership campaign. Second annual Architectural Club dinner. November 2 — Organization of Rho chapter of Zeta Beta Tau — only national Jewish fraternity. Wilhelm Miller, formerly editor of "Country Life in America," assumed duties as head of department of Landscape Gardening. November 5 — Election returns caused great excitement, celebrations over victory of Wilson and Dunne. November 8 — Opening of Archeological Museum in Lincoln Hall. One thousand rooters accompanied football team to Purdue. Ag stu- dents danced in Armory. November 13 — A. H. Ogle, editor of Illini, arrested for contempt of court because of his editorial, "A Mock Tribunal," discussing grand jury investigation of student riot. John M. Glenn, Secretary of Illinois Manufacturers' Association, addressed Commercial Club. Diphtheria epidemic threatened Twin Cities. Y. W. C. A. Pageant in Morrow Hall. November 15-16 — Home-coming Celebration. Program included Hobo Band, class football game, mass meeting, alumni smoker and reunion, Chicago football game, Mask and Bauble production of ' ' The County Chair- man ' * etc. Despite defeat by Chicago celebration was huge success. November 20 — Agitation begun for honor system, entire issue of Illini devoted to discussion by prom- inent faculty and student representatives. President James elected president of Na- tional Association of State Universities at Washington meeting. November 21-23 — High School Conference. Attendance revealed rapid growth and interest in meetings. ANNALS L,XXXIX Professor E. L. Thomdike of Columbia began series of lectures on social and educa- tional problems. November 23 — Strickland Gillihan, famous humorist, Star Course attraction. Editor Ogle forced to pay fine and costs of his trial for contempt of court. Seven students, one faculty member and one citizen, arrested in connection with illegal voting charges, gave bond in Judge Philbrick's court. November 24 — Electrical en- gineers on inspection trip to Keokuk power dam and Chicago electrical concerns. No- vember 25 — At annual Hatch-Kaufman football banquet Enos Rowe, '13, elected cap- tain of team. November 26 — Class numerals awarded to football and basketball men by Board of Interclass Athletics. November 27 — Thanksgiving recess began. December 3 — Desire expressed by editors of Conference dailies for return of Michigan to Conference. System of time-service clocks installed throughout Univer- sity by Western Union. Twenty candidates out for basketball team. Sophomores ar- ranged for suitable times to carry class canes which had been chosen early in year. Methodists of state launch plans for Wesley Foundation. December 6 — Junior smoker. December 7 — Exhibition swimming meet by Coach Manley's men. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, noted chemist and pure-food expert, addressed packed audience in Auditorium on ' f Pure Food. ' ? December 9 — Contract awarded for erection of Y. W. C. A. Rab- inrath Tagore, famous Hindu poet and philosopher, visited University. December 10-13 — Horticultural Society held 57th annual meeting at University. December- 11 — Open meeting of Sigma Xi addressed by Dr. Casey A. Wood of Chicago. W. Elmer Ekblaw of department of Geology announced decision to accompany Crocker Land Expedition on hazardous exploration trip in far North. December 13 — Annual Junior Promenade. Minnesota won Intercollegiate Debate. December 14 — Annual Glee and Mandolin Club concert. December 15 — Robert C. Zuppke of Oak Park High School announced as new football coach. December 17 — Choral Society, assisted by Univer- sity Orchestra, gave Handel's " Messiah' ' in Christmas concert. December 18 — Sim- plified spelling adopted by Senate. December 21-January G — Christmas holidays. January 8 — First appearance of Fortnightly Notes, new alumni publication, edited by Professor Frank Scott. January 11 — Three hundred in attendance at Senior smoker. January 13 — Opening of short courses in Agriculture and Household Science, and convention of Corn Growers and Stockmen. Eight hundred and sixty-five reg- istered. January 14 — Series of historical lectures begun by Professor James T. Shot- well of Columbia. January 15 — George E. Frazer of University of Wisconsin, ap- pointed Comptroller and Professor of Accountancy. Senior petition for exemption from examinations rejected by Council. January 22 — Name of Isaac Funk, successful farmer and breeder of early days, admitted to Illinois Farmers ' Hall of Fame. Jan- uary 23-30 — Semester examinations. January 31 — Sophomore Cotillion. February 3-4 — Registration days, made interesting by student vote on honor sys- tem; favored by 75 per cent of students. February 4 — Post-Exam Jubilee in Audi- torium won by Kappa Sigma. February 5 — Formal opening of Commerce building. President James, for Board of Trustees, accepted property of College of Physicians and Surgeons, whose alumni had bought up outstanding stock amounting to $39,000 ; $100,000 indebtedness assumed by Trustees. February 6 — Opening of Museum of European Culture, with address by Dr. Kuno Francke of Harvard. Annual Electrical Engineering show, with sixty distinctive exhibits. February 12 — Formal dedication of Lincoln Hall, devoted to graduate work, participated in by Governor E. F. Dunne, Bishop William F. McDowell, President James, the state architect, R P. Zimmerman, and the President of the Board of Trustees, W. L. Abbott. Other speakers were Pro- fessor J. E. Woodbridge of Columbia, Bliss Perry of Harvard, and Albert Shaw, editor of the Review of Reviews. February 13 — Y. M, C. A. mid-winter religious meetings XC UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS opened by Dr. Hugh Black of Union Theological Seminary. February ]6 — Series of Public Health lectures opened by Dr. William E. Qnine of Chicago. February 18 — Try-outs held for ' t The Prodigal Prince, ' ' Student Union opera to be presented in spring. February 19 — Address before Science assembly by W. E. Ekblaw on plans for Crocker Land Expedition. February 20 — Litigation in wet and dry elections of preceding spring and illegal voting ended by judge's decision to quash indictment held against twelve students. February 21 — Annual military ball, opened with booms of cannons. Players ' Club gave three Irish plays to delighted audience in Morrow Hall. February 22 — Chicago Athletic Association team defeated Illini men on local floor. February 23 — Opening of exhibit of paintings of Philadelphia Water Color Club in Auditorium. February 27 — Phi Beta Kappa elections announced. February 28 — Second performance of ''Pharaoh's Palace," historical play given by Architec- tural Club. March 1 — Military Band gave spring concert before packed house. Sealed ver- dict given by jurors acquitted students of riot charge, escapade at Walker Theater. Pi Phis announced as winners in Illio Eoast Contest. March 3 — Professor Felix Kreu- ger of University of Halle opened series of lectures on development of Psychology. Library School made annual inspection trip to Chicago. March 5 — Dean T. A. Clark attended organization meeting of Western Illinois Illini Association at Monmouth. March 6 — Law Club held annual "smoke fest" at College Hall. Dr. Charles B. Gib- son, '77, gave two lectures based on his personal experiences in Turkey. March 7 — Illio elections with Ray I. Shawl editor of '15 book and F. S. Wells business man- ager. Fifth annual Ag Round-up held. March 11 — At annual meeting of Trustees in Urbana, new trustees, Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin, Miss Florence Watson and Mr. John R. Trevett, assumed duties. March 12 — Margaret Sawyer chosen president of Wom- an 's League in annual election. March 14 — Alfred Noyes, famous English poet, given two enthusiastic receptions in talks on "The Great Green Table of the World," an argument against world armament, and "The Future of Poetry." March 16 — Hon- orary musical fraternity, Mu Kappa Alpha, formed by music students. March 17 — St. Patrick's Day banquet of Irish Brotherhood. March 18 — L. A. Boettiger re- elected president of Y. M. C. A. Baseball team work-out begun, and team for south- ern trip chosen. Yoxan, senior-junior fraternity, ordered to disband by Council be- cause of many violations of rules. March 22 — Major B. C. Morse notified by War De- partment of advancement to rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. March 27 — Official legisla- tive inspection of University made by state representatives and families, about 200 in all. Reception, review of regiment and other entertainments given in their honor. March 28 — Announcement of resignation of Professor E. J. Berg as head of depart- ment of Electrical Engineering. April 2 — Dr. K. C. Babcock, specialist in higher education in U. S. Department of Education, chosen Dean of College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, to assume duties September 1. Jake Stahl and champion Boston "Red Sox" arrived to spend week at University, winning over baseball team in three games, played before big crowds. April 3 — Bruno Steindel, 'cellist, appeared on program of spring concert of Choral and Orchestra Societies. April 4 — Engineers had fourth annual dance. April 5 — Ad- dress by George H. Hempl of Leland Stanford, one of foremost American philogists, on Etruscan runes. April 8 — Professor Guy S. Ford of Department of Modern Euro- pean History called to Minnesota as Dean of Graduate School. Robber entered cloth- ing store of R. E. Zombro, held up proprietor and escaped with cash. At basketball dinner given by Coach Ralph Jones, Robert Hoffman chosen captain for coming year. M. O. Nathan appointed editor of Dope Sheet. April 11 — Appointment of Dr. Wil- ANNALS XCI liam Trelease, Director of Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, as professor of Botany, to succeed Dr. T. J. Burrill. "The Prodigal Prince," Student Union opera, gave three performances, clearing $300. April 12 — First locomotive installed in new Locomotive Testing Laboratory. Seven members of State Water Survey staff went to southern Illinois to take charge of situation in flooded districts. Appeals made for relief of flood victims throughout middle west. April 16 — Opening of new cafeteria in Woman's building, primarily for experience it would give prospective cafeteria managers in Household Science courses. April 17 — Formal dedication of new Com- merce building held in connection with Conference on Commercial Education and Busi- ness Progress. Addresses by Harry A. Wheeler, President of U. S. Chamber of Com- merce, Dr. Frederick Cleaveland and other noted workers in business world. April 19 — Woman's League annual "costume party" held in armory. Le Gercle Francais presented two clever comedies. April 22 — Military band gave first twilight concert of spring on Library steps. Alumni Eecord placed on sale. April 25 — Informal open- ing of new quarters for Household Science department in north wing of Women's building. ' ' A Curious Mishap, ' ' Adelphic-Illiola play, given. April 26 — Illinois Re- lay team won American championship in Philadelphia meet. April 29 — -Announcement received of death in Albany, New York, of Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, President of the University from 1894-1904. Farewell concert given in Illinois Theater by Mr. and Mrs. McElroy Johnston, vocal teachers in Music School. T. N. E. discussion more heated as result of article in Alumni Quarterly by Dean Clark condemning this secret political fraternity. Inspection of Regiment by Captain J. P. Robinson of General Staff of U. S. Army. April 30 — Dr. Washington Gladden of Columbus, Ohio, speaker in last convocation of year. May 2 — E. S. Wates and B. P. Hall chosen to guide "Illinois Agriculturist" for coming year. May 3 — As result of first annual Water Carnival over $100 turned over to Hospital Association. Deutsche Verein celebrated centennial of Wars of Liberation with ' ' Koerner-Feier ' ' festival. May 4 — One thousand dollar gift made Y. W. C. A. by Mrs. J. S. Hall of Urbana in memory of her daughter, Grace. May 5 — Series of ten addresses begun by Professor A. F. Pollard of University of London. Student Union election resulted in choice of E. H. Berry as president. May 9 — Transportation building dedicated with addresses by Samuel Insull, president of Commonwealth Edi- son Company, and other men prominent in field. Mining and Railway Show held in connection with dedication. Concert by Madame Johanne Gadski. Visit of all-Chinese baseball team for games with University Ineligibles. May 10 — First live stock judg- ing contest held under auspices of Hoof and Horn Club. May 15 — Distribution of Illio revealed excellent work done by W. C. Ropiequet and staff. Appearance of Dope Sheet at same time caused double anguish in some quarters. May 16-17 — Inter- scholastic Stunt Show honors went to Delta Gamma; Millikin Glee Club assisted Uni- versity organizations in concert; May-pole dances given successfully; Oratorical con- test won by New Trier High School ; Illinois teams victors over Wisconsin in baseball and track; Harvard won in tennis; Oak Park athletes won title in "prep" track events; Alpha Sigma Phi presented best stunt in big three-ring circus. May 17 — Fifteen names, posted on large arrow head on tree in front of University Hall, re- vealed results of election to ' ' Ma-Wan-Da. ' ' May 19 — Regiment participated in com- petitive drills. May 21 — E. B. Hopkins elected president of Athletic Association and various team managers chosen by Board of Athletic Control. Co-eds petitioned for permission to establish self-government association. May 22 — Organization of Illinois Artie Club as compliment to W. E. Ekblaw, '11, and M. C. Tanquary, '07, of Crocker Land Expedition party. May 24: — Presentation of "The Passing of Third Floor XCII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Back" by Mask and Bauble received enthusiastically. Installation of Gamma Phi Beta, charter of which had been granted to local Phi Beta sorority. May 27 — 1913 Senior Memorial, gateway to south campus back of Lincoln Hall, under construction. May 29 — "Iphigenia of Taurus" presented by Coburn Players. May 30 — Military Day. Beginning of custom of presentation of sabers and belts worn by them to cadet senior officers. May 29-June 5 — Semester examinations. Active construction work in progress on Stock Pavilion, Armory, and glass houses and service buildings near for- estry. Appropriation made by Legislature of entire proceeds of one mill tax for Uni- versity needs, amounting to $4,500,000 for biennium. June 8 — Baccalaureate Sunday; address at four o'clock by Albert B. Storms, pastor of Central Avenue Church, Indianapolis. June 9 — Variety of class day exer- cises, ending in Senior Ball. June 10 — Alumni day; class reunions and dinner. Mask and Bauble play repeated. President's reception. June 11 — Forty-second annual com- mencement, address by President James. Eight hundred and forty-eight degrees granted. 1913-14 September 23 — Registration showed increase in enrollment. Trustees voted financial backing for orchestral concerts. Phi Kappa Sigma and Kappa Kappa Gamma in new chapter houses. September 25 — First number of Illinois Agriculturist for the year. September 26 — Major Frank D. Webster appointed to succeed Colonel B. C. Morse as Military Commandant. October 9 — Frank P. Stockbridge managing editor of "Popular Mechanics," addressed Ben Franklin Club. University women addressed for first time by Pres- ident James. Aletheni Literary Society celebrated its forty-second year, many old alumni present. October 11 — Dr. C. G. Hopkins granted leave of absence to aid Southern Settlement and Development Association in their work. October 13 — Photography added to University curriculum; A. G. Eldredge, eastern photographer of wide reputation, appointed head of department. Council abolished pushball con- test between Freshmen and Sophomores. October 14 — Professor Charles M. Robin- son took charge of chair of Civic Design in College of Agriculture, first of its kind in United States. October 15 — Committee, appointed by President James for pur- chase of new pipe organ for Auditorium. Address by Dr. Sakuro Tanabe, dis- tinguished Japanese engineer. October 17 — Class election under new rules prove successful, Karl Raug chosen President by Seniors. October 18 — Prominent faculty men addressed Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraternity, at opening meeting. Sack rush voted to succeed pushball. October 21 — Vahlen and Aaron German libraries purchased by University. October 22 — Council expelled three men for hazing. Dean Kinley lectured before Commercial Club on "Essentials in Business." New organi- zation of L 'Alliance Francaise with Dr. J. P. Beck as President. October 23 — Address by W. J. Humphreys of U. S. Weather Bureau to engineering students. Mrs. J. A. Todd addressed Y. W. C. A. on "Methods and Nature of the Work of the Associated Charities", resulting in student pledges of funds and offer of volun- teer work. October 24 — Annual stag party of Mechanical engineers at Y. M. C. A. Address by P. A. Conard, '01, Secretary of International Committee of Y. M. C. A. October 25 — Reception to faculty by President and Mrs. James, in Woman's build- ing. October 29 — University assured of rifle club, promoted by Major Webster, afe part of Military department. October 30 — Rooters accompanying football team to Chi- cago entertained by Illini Club of Chicago. October 31 — Ohio legislators and trustees ANNALS XCIII of Ohio University visited Illinois to study methods of organization, expressing en- thusiasm for good management and government. Alpha Xi Delta sorority opened national convention at local chapter house. November 4 — President James H. Baker of University of Colorado arrived for week's inspection of University. Dinner given for Professor N. C. Kicker, founder of Architectural department, by department heads in College of Engineering in honor of forty years of service. November 7 — Opening Conference of Association of American Universities, attended by educators from eighteen institutions. Address by Bishop Hankow on ''The Chinese Revolution. ' ' November 8 — Professor Eicker honored by convocation, at which prominent bishops spoke. November 9 — Dedicatory services of $60,000 Y. W. C. A. build- ing held in Auditorium. November 14-15 — Home-coming. Attractions included class football games, Russian Symphony orchestral concerts, alumni smoker and council meeting, sack rush (won by Freshmen, 18-0). Football game with Purdue in which neither side scored. November 18 — First issue of Vol. 28, of ' ' Techno- graph", quarterly engineering publication. November 20 — First report of Univer- sity finances. Address to citizens of state, submitted by Comptroller George E. Frazer. November 21 — Annual High School Conference. November 22 — Mask and Bauble presented ' * The Gentleman from Mississippi ' '. November 26 — President James and Professors E. B. Greene and James W. Garner appointed by Legislature as Committee to arrange for State Centennial Celebration. November 26-December 1 — Thanksgiving recess December 2 — Illinois Day. December 6 — Senior smoker. December 10 — Tango barred at University dances by Women's Pan-Hellenic at request of Council. Inocu- lation chamber installed in Bacteriology laboratory. December 12 — Junior Promen- ade in Armory, strict enforcement of new danco restrictions. Tango censors soon adopted. December 13 — Illinois debaters defeated by Wisconsin and Iowa. Decem- ber 16-19 — State Horticultural Convention at Agricultural building. Illinois Mag- azine issued by co-eds. December 18 — Sixth annual law smoker. Banquet in honor of appointment of Dean David Kinley as Vice-President of University. December 19-January 5 — Christmas holidays. January 7 — University entered state poultry exhibit. January 9 — Ben Greet Players, Star Course attraction. January 10 — First weekly calendar of University. Professor H. H. Stoek head of Department of Mining Engineerings, elected vice- chairman of committee on junior members and affiliated student societies of Amer- ican Institute of Mining Engineers. First sophomore smoker at Armory. Close of first girls' bowling tournament at Y. W. C. A. January 14 — Professor H. W. Mum- ford appointed by Secretary of Agriculture on committee on conditions of meat packing in U. S. January 16 — "London Assurance" presented by Players' Club. January 19 — Agricultural Short Course opened. Good Roads course introduced. Jan- uary 22 — $3,000,000 budget, appropriation for year, approved by Trustees. Pan- Hellenic council prohibited pledging of men until after registration; rescinded action on tango. January 24 — Illinois defeated Wisconsin in initial Conference swimming meet. January 29 — February 6 — Semester examinations. February 6 — Sophomore cotillion. February 9 — Registration held under revised and improved system. Post-exam Jubilee in Auditorium in which Phi Sigma Kappa won first and Tau Kappa Epsilon second. President James given vote of confidence by faculty. February 11 — Address by Arthur B. Farwell, social worker. February 12 — Mary Seebach, former co-ed, brought unusual suit against Trustees because of her expulsion for failure to pass required amount of work. February 17 — Address by Professor M. H. Robinson in favor of trust commission. February 18 — Illinois XCIV UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Association of Literary Societies formed; movement begun by Ionian Society. February 19 — Installation of Sigma Tau, professional and honorary engineering fraternity. February 20 — Military ball. February 28 — Student volunteers cleaned walks to prevent spread of scarlet fever. Sigma Tau, national engineering frater- nity installed. March 1 — President James appointed member of committee to create federal university. Dean Kingley delegate to Philadelphia meeting of Academy of Political and Social Science. March 4 — Illinois Kifle team champions in Class C after de- feating Missouri. Phi Delta Psi authorized as honorary senior society for women, similar to Ma-Wan-Da. Alpha Chi Omega won Illio Roast contest, receiving cup. In senior class election chimes chosen as class memorial. March 10 — At annual Trustee meeting many building improvements authorized. March 13 — Victory over Indiana debaters. March 17 — Constitution adopted by "I" men as organization. March 20 — Madame Schumann-Heink gave concert at Auditorium. March 22 — Illi- nois won Conference indoor track meet. Student Union activities curtailed by Coun- cil as result of absences due to scaTlet fever. Phi Beta Kappa pledges announced. Gleen and Mandolin Clubs banquet at Beardsley. Professor S. N. Gilman of Wis- consin addressed engineers. March 27 — First Women's Vocational Conference. Mask and Bauble presented "Higher Up," by T. H. Guild of English department. March 31 — Dean Babcock addressed first of noonday lenten meetings. Permanent class day officers chosen by Seniors. April 1 — National Rifle Association awarded medals to ten men on 1000% team. University women voted in local option election. April 3 — Insurance con- ference opened in Commerce building, address by John A. Brashear, on photographic telescopes. April 5 — Dean Shailer Mathews of University of Chicago Divinity School spoke on " Militant Idealism". April 9 — Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary ad- vertising fraternity, installed. Easter recess began. April 14 — First of series of addresses by Dr. Shosuke Soto. Military Band returned from annual spring tour. April 17 — Duetsche Verein presented "Der Zerbrochene Krug". April 18 — Military Band concert. April 19 — Relay teams took several honors at annual Drake games; two-mile record broken. Inter-company rifle competition instituted. April 21 — Law Club held first national assizes. April 22 — Players' Club turned over portion of proceeds to local charities. Inter-fraternity bowling championship won by Theta Delta Chi. April 26 — Professor C. W. Alvord of department of History appointee! managing editor of "Mississippi Valley Historical Review". Grand Council of Delta Gamma sorority entertained by local chapter. April 28 — First of weekly band concerts. April 29 — Initiation held by Delta Sigma Rho, honorary oratorical frater- nity. April 30 — Convocation addressed by Dean C. R. Brown of Yale Divinity School. May 1— "Newly Married and "Mr. Steinman's Corner" presented by Adelphia- Illiola Literary societies at Morrow Hall. A. V. Essington won first place in Northern Oratorical League. May 2 — Organization of Lambkin Club for purpose of enter- tainment. May 5 — Cosmopolitan Club entertained in honor of poet Rabinrath Ta- gore. May 6 — Siren elections: R. L. Barlow editor and Harry Webber business manager. Initiation held by Order of Coif, honorary law fraternity. May 7 — Minne- apolis Symphony orchestra appeared as last number on concert program. Lecture before School of Education by Dr. J. J. Findley, founder of Fielding Demonstration School of Manchester, England. May 8— New members elected to Sigma Xi. Joint stag party given by Adelphic, Ionian and Philomathean societies. Annual inspection of University regiment. George Fitch, author of Siwash stories, guest of Ben Franklin club. May 9 — Senior Illinae entertained by Juniors. ' ' The Portrait ' ' ANNALS XCV and "Ryland" presented by Player's Club. Rifle Team promoted from Class C to Class A. May 12 — Council voted to award degrees to former students holding cer- tificates. May. 13 — Arthur Odell chosen president at Student Union elections. May 14 — Election of Illini Publishing Company Trustees. May 14-15 — Interscholastic festivities, begun with girls' May fete, followed by Girls' Stunt Show in which Gamma Phi Beta won first and Chi Omega second. Prep track meet won by Univer- sity High and LaGrange teams; Oratorical contest by.Urbana and Freeport; Confer- ence baseball and track ; gayety ending in Circus, in which Beta Theta Pi was awarded first prize. "Dope Sheet" appeared. Ma- Wan-Da elections added 21 names to list. May 18 — Address by President Ira Remsen of Johns Hopkins University. May 19 — Leland Stanford tennis team winners in local tournament. Professor J. D. Fitz-Ger- ald of Spanish department chosen as representative of American Association for International Conciliation on South American, trip. At election of athletic managers and assistants, H. B. Eogers was chosen president of Association. May 21 — Tag day for hospital fund. Formal installation of Alpha Rho Chi, architectural fraternity. May 25 — Annual military competitive drills. May 26 — Compromise effected between Illio roast editor and N. McK. Kneisley, who threatens injunction restraining Tllio's publication. Staff of Agriculturist appointed. Council forbade attendance of co-eds at week-night faculty dances. May 28 — Concert by University orchestra. May 29 — Recital by Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, world foremost woman pianist. Reception given faculty and seniors of college of L. A. & S. by Dean Babcock in Woman's building. Address on Martial Law before Order of Coif by Professor Henry J. Ballantine. May 30 — Memorial Day observance; medals to win- ners in competitive drills presented by girls. June 1 — Resolutions adopted by Senate favoring organization of College of Commerce. June 3 — N. C. Seiderberg announced as editor of Illini staff. Illios placed on sale. June 4 — Semester examinations. June 13 — Band Promenade in Armory. June 14 — Baccalaureate address by Rev. Charles M. Stuart, President of Garrett Biblical Institute. June 15 — ' ' The Great Galeoto ' ' presented by Mask and Bauble. Alumni lawn festival and other alumni activities. June 16 — Unveiling of tablet at grave of John Milton Gregory, first president of University. June 17 — Commencement address by Count Johann von Bernsdorff, German ambassador to United States; degrees conferred, in addition to those conferred upon holders of cer- tificates. Honorary L. L. D. conferred upon President James by Northwestern and University of Michigan. 1914-15 September 23 — Freshman convocation. September 26 — Professor J. Lawrence Erb announced as new Director of School of Music, succeeding Charles H. Mills. September 27 — First Military drill. A. Davis McConoughey, expelled student, brought suit against University. Fraternity averages published. Address on Con- servation of our Mineral Resources by Dr. Rutledge of U. S. Bureau of Mines. October 2 — Football mass meeting held in Armory. October 4 — Student Union membership campaign inaugurated. Preliminary honors awarded by Senate. O. H. Glimstedt assumed duties as athletic . trainer, . successor to McGill. October 9 — Pri- maries held for all four class elections. Laying of corner stone of addition to Chem- istry building. League formed between College of Agriculture and U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. October 10 — President James addressed assembly of Univer- sity women. October 13 — Discussion of plans for $2,000,000 Library begun. Stu- dents chosen for 1916 Illio staff. Improvement in steam tabulation made by Pro- XCVI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS fessor G. A. Goodenough of Engineering staff. October 15 — Illinois Municipal League convened at University. Final tryout for Mask and Bauble play. October 16 — Class elections. Seniors voted to continue chimes fund as their class memorial contribution. Armory used for first time for football practice. October 17 — Fresh- men won interclass track meet. Players Club passed resolutions in memory of T. H. Guild, whose sudden death occurred July 21. October 20 — First convocation of year held in remodelled Auditorium. October 21 — Appearance of Madame Louise Homer as first number on Star Course. Library faculty and number of students attended Library Association meeting in Springfield. October 23 — Mechanical engineers held first annual open house. Condemnation suit against H. L. Rietz, C. W. Walcott and Mrs. Emma Walton for Nevada street lots won by University. October 25 — Organi- zation planned by academy alumni. October 27 — Registration of 500 student voters for fall elections. Initiation in Phi Delta Phi, honorary law fraternity. October 30 — Illinois "Booster meeting" in Auditorium addressed by President James. October 31 — Opening of Acacia home with informal reception. November 1 — Address before Y. M. C. A. by F. H. Rindge, Jr., secretary of Industrial Service movement. Christmas ship services in new Armory. ' ' For Good Old Illinois ' ' made official University song. November 1- — Illinois reporters chosen. Uni- versity team won cross country races from Indiana. November 10 — Series of lec- tures on ' ' Anthropology and Social Evolution ' ' begun by Professor Felix von Luschen of University of Berlin. November 11 — Installation of mining and railway engineering libraries in Transportation building. November 13 — Tag day for Bel- gian sufferers. November 13-14 — Homecoming. "Our Wives" was Mask and Bauble play. Illinois victory over Chicago by score of 21-7 caused big demonstration. Death of Mrs. Margaret Lange James, wife of the President, after prolonged ill- ness. November 14 — Opening of National Catholic convention. November 16 — Funeral of Mrs. James in Auditorium. Number of books on European War "added to Library. November 19 — First session of High School Conference. Kappa Alpha Theta house damaged by fire, — loss $2,500. November 20 — University band accom- panied football team to Wisconsin game. November 23 — St. Louis Symphony orches- tra opened concert season. November 24 — Vesper Organ recital given by Professor Erb. December 1 — Senator La Follette lecturer on Star course platform. December 2 — Dedication of pipe organ by Charles Heinroth, distinguished Pittsburgh organ- ist. December 3 — Illinois Day; military review by Governor Dunne; corner stone laying of Administration building. Basketball practice begun. December 5 — ReS Cross benefit in Armory, proceeds going to war sufferers. Organization of "Innes of Court", professional law society. December 6 — Address on labor movements by Willard Beahon, railroad expert and social worker. December 8 — Council refused student petition to extend holiday recess. Col. Nathan MeChesney, member of Amer- ican Bar Association, addressed law students. Illinois lost debate to Iowa. Decem- ber 11 — Junior Prom. December 12 — Glee and Mandolin Club concert in Auditor- ium. December 15 — Handel ; s ' ' Messiah ' ' presented by Choral and Orchestra society. Fruit Growers' Association convened in Morrow Hall. December 16 — Convocation and banquet in honor of Bishop F. J. McCdnnell, of the Methodist Episcopal church. December 17 — Visit to local Association of Miss Leslie Blanchard, National Y. M. C. A. Secretary. December 18 — Sophomore smoker in old Armory. Two plays by T. H. Guild, "The Power of a God" and "The Higher Good", presented by Players' Club. December 22 — Glee and Mandolin Club left on Christmas tour, seven ANNALS XCVII •concerts given. Hon. William B. MeKinley gave Y. W. C. A. $14,000 worth of bonds on loan as Christmas gift. New ecological laboratory opened. December 22-January 4 — Christmas vacation. January 7 — "Associated University Players", national collegiate dramatic fra- ternity, organized at Northwestern; local societies represented. President James announced his gift of $5,000 to establish "Margaret Lange James Student Loan Fund". January 8 — Sophomore Cotillion. January 9 — "Promenade Band Con- cert", first of its kind, in Armory. Besignation of O. E. Staples as bursar of University because of ill health. January 10 — Vesper organ recitals instituted by Professor Erb as weekly Sunday events. January 12 — Editorial staffs of student publications organized journalistic club, later named Graphomen. January 13 — Illio roast cups awarded to Pi Beta Phi and Phi Kappa. January 14 — First L. A. & S. assembly held, addressed by Dr. Ozora S. Davis, president of Chicago Theological Seminary. January 14 — President James presided at meeting of Navy League of United States. Martin Drescher of Chicago addressed ' ' Der Deutsche Verein ' ' on Ibsen and Scandinavian dramatists. January 18 — Opening of Short Course in Household Science and "model cottage", suite of rooms in Woman's building de- voted to practical problems of department. Address by President H. S. Drinker of Lehigh University on conservation of national resources. January 19 — Foster North, known as "rebel of class 1885" among alumni, whose diploma had been granted him in 1914 after much discussion, returned same because of objection to some of commencement exercises. New York Symphony orchestra concert well received. New Armory opened to track and baseball practice. Council reversed decision favor- ing semi-weekly military drill, postponing change until coming year. January 20 — Household Science short course began. Talk on automobiles by J. C. Thorpe one of features of farmers' short course. January 22 — Alma Gluck, as Star Course attrac- tion, sang to record crowd. January 23 — Elaborate University exhibits for San Francisco Exposition, including model of campus and specimens of work done in experiment stations, dispatched to coast. January 26 — Organization of Keramos, first Ceramics fraternity in United States; fourteen charter members. January 27 — Ben Greet Players appear again in ' ' Twelfth Night ' '. Illinois Dramatic Federa- tion organized to further plans for campus theater. January 27-February 5 — Semes- ter examinations. February 9 — Post-Exam jubilee, honors going to Phi Sigma Kappa. Semester registration under new system caused such congestion that football tactics were adopted by some; more changes necessary. Olive drab authorized by Trustees as color for future cadet uniforms. Council adopted 75% as probation grade. Sud- den death of Nathanial Hay, purchasing agent for many years. Successful business short course concluded, with registration of 213. Creamery short course of three weeks instituted. Jane Addams of Hull House addressed L. A. & S. Assembly on ' ' Civic and Social Service in its Professional Aspects ' '. Announcement made of Council discipline of fifteen students for dishonesty. February 12 — Junior smoker. February 13 — Death of Professor Samuel W. Shattuck, for forty-one year's con- nected with University. February 15 — Professor Shattuck 's funeral; University representatives took important part in services. Valentine party given to co-eds by Woman's League. February 17 — Military Information Bureau, with J. N. Green as head, authorized by Trustees. Kneisel String Quartette in concert. "Illinois Club" organized by alumni in Japan. February 19 — Eighteenth annual Military Ball. Besignation of George E. Frazer as comptroller of University, because ap- XCVIII UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS proaching marriage to daughter of President James would violate precedent regard- ing employment by more than one member of family on University staff. February 22 — Convocation in honor of Washington's birthday. Opening session of Women's Vocational Conference, with address by Graham Taylor, Chicago social worker and associate editor of ' ' Survey ' ', as special feature. February 23— Eecent War Poetry read by Professor Frank W. Scott as one of programs presented by English depart- ment. February 24 — Dr. Graham Taylor speaker at Convocation. Council turned over control of Illinois Magazine to Illini Publishing Company Board. February 25 — Weekly Bible study discussions by faculty men at fraternity houses instituted. "A Maid and a Myth", Student Union opera, approved by Council. Architects' Club addressed by Seth J. Temple, formerly of Engineering faculty, now a practicing architect in Davenport, Iowa. February 28 — Fraternity averages showed Beta Theta Pi in lead of fraternities, and Gamma Phi Beta of sororities. February 29 — School of Eeligion of which Dr. V. V. Phelps is Dean, opened series of meetings at T. M. C. A. March 2 — Forty-eighth anniversary of founding of university observed. March 4 — John W. Euskin, noted Arctic explorer, gave illustrated lecture. March 5 — La j pat Eai, of India, spoke on Hindu civilization. In class elections, Benjamin Wham chosen senior leader and decision made to grant "L" in minor sports. March 6 — Twenty-fifth Anniversary concert given by Military Band. Annual Pan-Hellenic party to non- sorority girls. March 9 — Annual inspection of University Brigade by Governor Dunne and Trustees. Illinois Magazine staff highest in activity scholarship list. At Trustee meeting erection of Education and Ceramics buildings authorized and officers elected. Last of series of English readings given by Dean Babcock. March 11 — Phi Beta Kappa elections announced, thirty seniors and five juniors chosen. March 12 — Inter- society debating contest won by Nell Barnes, Gregorian representative. Class com- mittees appointed by B. F. Wham, senior president. Senior women entertained by Association of Collegiate Alumnae. March 18 — President James, Dean Clark, Regis- trar McConn and Dean Babcock University representatives at North Central Associa- tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Lecture-recital by Mrs. Edward MacDowell on life and compositions of her husband. Announcement of resignation of Lloyd C. Douglas as secretary of Y. M. C. A. March 19 — Annual Pan-Hellenic Smoker. March 20— Beginning of second annual series of Lenten meetings at Y. M. C. A. March 23 — Thomas Orchestra concert. March 25 — First annual banquet of Illini Board and staff. March 26 — Illinois debaters won over Wisconsin, lost to Michigan. March 27— Mo- liere's "Le Medecin Malgre Lui" presented by Le Cercle Francaise. March 28 — Palm Sunday observed with address by Dr. Ozoro Davis of Chicago. March 31 — Eeport on Student Union convention at Wisconsin by Arthur Odell, local president. Council re- jected petition requiring all students to join Student Union. April 8 — Electrical engineering show. Der Deutsche Verein presented "Flachs- mann als Erzieher. " April 13 — Phi Beta Kappa initiation. R. E. Thomas elected editor and P. W. Freark business manager of Technograph. April 14 — H. E. Fer- guson chosen as Illio editor and F. M. Judson business manager; Donald Glover and K. G. Brown as Illini heads. April 15 — E. Glenn Hersman announced as new Secretary of Y. M. C. A. First twilight concert by Military band. April 16 — Second biennial convention of Beta Gamma Sigma, honorary commercial fraternity. April 17 — Junior Illinae reception to men of class in Woman 's building. April 19 — Jack Miller chosen as Siren editor and Paul Amsbary as business manager. April 21 — Council authorized formation of Student Union Council to control all undergraduate activities formerly left to Student Union. April 22 — Student Union election ; W. K. McCracken president. ANNALS XCIX J. K. Barker editor of Illinois Magazine for coming year; E. A. Burton business man- ager. April 23 — Production of Student Union Opera, ' ' A Maid and a Myth. ' ' April 24 — Annual Philo-Adelphic debate won by latter. April 29 — First concert of Univer- sity Choristers in Auditorium. Illini staff awarded buttons as rewards of year 's serv- ice. April 30 — Phi Delta Psi, women's honorary junior-senior society, held initiation Announcement of resignation of Professor Ira O. Baker as head of Civil Engineering department, to be succeeded by Dr. F. H. Newell, consulting engineer of U. S. Reclam- ation Service. May 2 — W. B. Castenholz of Peoria appointed Comptroller. May 4 — Campus Scoup booklet placed on sale. Sigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa addressed at annual joint meeting by Dr. G. O. Smith, Director of U. S. Geological Survey. May 5 — Dis- tribution of Illios. May 7 — Jenkin Lloyd James, noted speaker, gave peace ad- dress at Auditorium. Cadet inspection by Captain Eobinson of U. S. Army staff. May 8 — One-act play and Latin music program given by Spanish Club. May 12 — Election of Jack Crebs as president of Student Council, also other members; and members of Board of Oratory. Appearance of Dope Sheet. May 12-14 — Interschol- astic. Seventeenth annual May Festival. Sorority Stunt Show won by Alpha Delta Pi. Oak Park team won high school meet. Glee and Mandolin Club concert and visit of 125 legislators and families. New members of Ma- Wan-Da announced. May 17 — Annual competitive drill won by Company C of Second Regiment. May 19 — Athletic managers chosen. May 20 — Trolley day, street car conductors gave place to co-eds — funds turned over to Hospital Association. May 25 — R. F. Vansaul chosen Glee Club manager and R. E. Denz president. Dr. Kenneth McKenzie of Yale University an- nounced as new head of Romance Languages department. May 29 — Legislative Ap- propriations Committee favorable to appropriation of proceeds of mill tax to Univer- sity, about $5,000,000 for biennium. Parade replaced proposed sham battle at Crystal Lake park. May 31 — Military Day; regiments reviewed by Major General Leonard Wood, officer of highest rank in U. S. Army. June 1 — Announcement received of $125,000 appropriation for organization of Battery of 171 members. Illini staff appointed. June 3 — Final examinations begun. June 10 — Band men guests of honor at banquet given by University Commercial Association. June 12 — Band promenade concert in Armory. June 13 — Baccalaureate Sunday; address by Rev. J. W. Cochran of Philadelphia. June 14 — Class Day; band concert and lawn festival; dedication of Fechet Memorial tablet. " Milestones ' ' given by Mask and Bauble. Senior Ball. June 15 — Alumni convocation and dinner. President 's reception in Woman 's building. June 16 — Senior breakfast. Forty- fourth commencement; address by Romulo Naon, Argentine Ambassador to United States. New Armory used for this purpose for first time. 1915-16 September 20-21 — Occupation of new Administration building by President, Reg- istrar, Comptroller, Dean of Men, Supervising Architect, Information Office, and other administrative departments. College of Commerce opened with Professor N.. A. Weston as Acting Dean. Additions to faculty included Kenneth McKenzie as pro- fessor of Romance Languages, A. V. Bleininger as head of Ceramics, Miss Louise Freer as head of Physical Training for Women, H. F. Harrington in charge of courses in Journalism, W. M. Hekking as associate professor of Architecture, Doctor Allene Gregory as instructor in English, and many others. Dr. H. V. Canter was appointed assistant dean of College of Liberal Arts and Science, succeeding Profes- sor G. H. Meyer who died July 27. Dean W. F. M. Goss of College of Engineering C UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS returned after two years of research in Chicago. Delta chapter of Beta Phi installed. Launching of campaign for Student Union building and club house. Miss Elizabeth Wilson new Secretary of Y. W. C. A. September 28 — Corner stone of new Ceramics building laid with appropriate exercises, preceded by convocation. Farmhouse, new agricultural fraternity, installed. October 5 — Delta Tau Delta fraternity house robbed of $500, first of number of daring robberies in fraternity districts. October 10 — First of new all-University services, auspices of Christian Associations. October 16 — Freshmen and Sophomores voted for continuance of sack rush. Mechanical Engineering show. Mme. Olive Fremstadt first number on Star Course. October 22 — Death of Albert P. Grout of Winchester, former University Trustee. October 29 — Address of President James before convention of American College of Surgeons at Boston. October 29-30 — Home-coming; 11,000 visitors. Mask and Bauble production of "Green Stockings" at Illinois Theater, sack rush (won by Freshmen). Minnesota tie football game. Many reunions and smaller events. Ring Lardner of Tribune one of interesting guests. November 2-3 — Sessions of Illinois Municipal League at University. November 3-4 — Visit of Vachel Lindsay, Illinois poet, who gave readings from his own com- positions. November 6 — Cadets' appearance in $15,000 worth of olive drab uniform. First Illinois Union dance. November 7 — Chrysanthemum show in Hort buildings visited by thousands. November 10 — Concert of U. S. Marine Band. Organization of Battery F among faculty and students as part of Illinois National Guard. Novem- ber 11 — Voynich collection of rare books displayed in Lincoln Hall. November 13 — Kite-flying contest for boys of Twin Cities, in which President James offered prizes for best kites. November 14 — ' f Illinois Chemist, ' ' new magazine added to campus periodicals. November 15 — Kneisel quartette concert under auspices of Music School. November 17 — Ben Greet Players on Star Course program. November 18-20 — High School Conference. November 19 — Appearance of Demonstration car, equipped by Household Science department, for use in extension work in State. Two thousand rooters on special train to Chicago for biggest football game of season. November 22 — St. Louis Orchestra in first symphony concert of year. Dean Clark in attendance at Interfraternity Conference in New York. At Hatch-Kaufman football banquet Bart Macomber, '17, elected captain of team. December 1 — Invitations received by Carl Haessler of Philosophy department, and S. D. Harwood, managing editor of Illini, to join Ford Peace party. Dean Goss presented report on smoke abatement in Chicago, result of his two years of research. December 3 — Convocation in honor of Illinois Day; addresses by Dean Babcock and Professor C. W. Alvord. December 5 — C. V. Easum, student in College of Agricul- ture, graduate of Knox College, chosen as Rhodes Scholar from Illinois to Oxford University. December 9 — Lorado Taft, '79, famous sculptor of Chicago, lectured before L. A. & S. Assembly. Six-year dental course established by Senate vote. Junior promenade in Gymn annex, new name for old Armory. November 14 — John Ott, '17, brigade lieutenant, received mysterious invitation to join Canadian bat- talion for over-seas service; letter subject of military investigation as violation of neutrality. November 14 — Major R. W. Mearns of 12th Infantry appointed Military Commandant to succeed Major Webster. Glee and Mandolin Club accepted Governor Dunne's invitation to sing at New Year's reception at executive mansion. December 15 — Five men expelled for ticket scalping at Chicago game. December 17 — Conven- tion of University Registrars entertained by Mr. McConn. Opening of swimming season. December 21-January 3 — Holiday recess. December 26-28 — Hindustan Asso- ANNALS CI ciation of America held convention at University. Chi Psi house damaged by fire during vacation, loss $2,500. January 3 — Alpha Eho Chi, professional architectural fraternity, entertained by local chapter. January 4 — Council abolished freshman-sophomore scrap. Alpha Tau Omega house another victim of fraternity robbers — $145 taken. January 7 — Phar- macy School site purchased in Chicago. January 10-22 — Short course in Highway engineering. January 11 — Opening of Ceramics short course. January 12 — Dr. T. C. Pease of History department received Adams prize of American Historical Associa- tion. January 13 — A. W. Douglas, prominent St. Louis business man, gave second talk before Liberal Arts Assembly. January 17-29 — Short course in Household Sci- ence. January 17 — Fire completely destroyed Co-Op corner, $75,000 loss. January 18 — Robert Peary, Arctic explorer, lecturer on Star Course. January 22 — Final review of Brigade by Major Webster who was presented a saber by Cadets. Address on Military Education and National Preparedness by Carl Yrooman, assistant secretary of Agri- culture. January 23 — President James, whose name had been suggested as Repub- lican presidential candidate, issued statement expressing desire not to leave Illinois but showing appreciation of honor. Wesley Foundation movement advanced by Ur- bana citizens' contribution of $21,000 toward purchase of site. January 27-February 3 — Semester examinations. January 31-February 4 — Business short course. February 7-8 — Registration. Cosmopolitan Club winner in Post-Exam Jubilee. Professor T. E. Oliver, engaged in Belgian relief work in Europe, given extension of leave of absence to September, 1916. February 7-12 — Library School students made annual inspection trip to Decatur, Springfield and St. Louis. February 11 — President James addressed Military Committee of House of Representatives on Land Grant Col- leges as Centers of Military Training. Resignation announced of Prof. C. W. Rolfe, '72, as head of Geology department. Dr. Eliot Blackwelder of University of Wiscon- sin announced as successor. Scarlet fever epidemic. February 12 — Fritz Kreisler, world-famous violinist, attraction offered by Star Course. February 14 — John Mase- field, noted English poer, gave readings. February 1(3 — James Hay, Jr., Washington free-lance journalist, lectured before journalism students. G. Sherwood Eddy, Y. M. C. A. worker of international reputation, opened week 's religious campaign. Profes- sor T. V. Yensen, '07, announced discovery of electrical l .ethod of making pure iron. February 16-17 — Conference of college presidents of state, at invitation of President James. February 18 — Players' Club gave decennial production by Shaw, "You Never Can Tell" at Belvoir theater. February 18-19 — Ninth annual meeting of Illi- nois Academy of Science; Professor William Trelease elected president. February 21 — Washington's birthday celebrated with convocation addressed by Norman Angell, representative of American League for International Conciliation. February 24 — - New Vivarium building opened to courses in zoology, ecology and entomology. Feb- ruary 25 — Military Ball. February 27 — First meeting of Sunday Evening Club, for religious study. February 29 — Military band concert at Madison. Senior contribu- tions to chimes fund solicited. March 2 — Chicago team victors in swimming meet. Military Band gave twenty- sixth home concert, matinee and night. Construction begun on student Baptist church at Daniel and Fourth streets. March 7-12 — Series of lectures before law students by Dr. James Brown Scott, formerly Dean of Law School, now Secretary of Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. March 8-11 — Conference on Reclamation under auspices of Professor F. H. Newell of Civil Engineering department. March 8 — Moving pictures of activities in huge publishing house shown before journalistic students and public. Six hundred horsepower steam engine and generator presented CII UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS to Engineering department by Commonwealth Edison Company. March 9 — Lecture before Landscape architectural students by George E. Burnap, government architect. March 10 — Annual Ag Round-up; launching of new Agricultural building campaign. Liberal Arts Assembly addressed by Dean H. M. Bates of Michigan Law School. March 11 — Forbes-Robertson and company in ''The Passing of Third Floor Back" and "Hamlet," under auspices of English department as part of Shakesperean Ter- centennary celebration. Cincinnati swimmers defeated in aquatic meet. March 18 — Illini won annual indoor conference track meet. T'au Beta Pi initiated eighteen mem- bers. March 19 — Dr. Paul W. Harrison, Student Volunteer worker and missionary, addressed all-University service. March 22 — New York Symphony Concert. March 29 — First of series of weekly lectures by Lorado Taft on development of sculpture. March 31 — Championship of Girls' Basketball League won by Juniors. Presentation of * ' The Mob ' ' by Mask and Bauble. April 1 — Baseball squad left for southern trip, accompanied by ' ■ G " Huff. Series of lectures begun by Professor Kuno Meyer, greatest living authority on Celtic languages. April 3 — Plans for $3,000,000 library approved by Senate. James Scher- merhorn, editor of Detroit Times, addressed fifth L, & A. assembly. Julia Claussen, noted contralto, soloist on Star Course. April 5 — Students participated in Champaign celebration of Gala Week. Decision of Scribblers' Club to aid Illinois Centennial Commission by writing historical sketches, for newspaper use. April 6-8 — Conference of Newspaper editors. April 7 — Lecture by Professor Henry S. Canby of Yale Uni- versity in interests of English department. April 10 — New York Philharmonic Or- chestra third number on Symphony program. April 11 — Senior mechanical engineers banqueted at Beardsley. April 12 — Choral Society presented ' ' Tales of Old Japan. ' ' April 14 — Sudden death of Dr. T. J. Burrill, who had been connected with University since its beginning. Funeral held on Sunday at Auditorium. April 14-15 — "I'm Neutral, ' ' Student Union opera, given three times at Illinois theater. Law students dance. Harry Darby chosen as president of Student Union. Illinae elections resulted in Edith Middleton for senior president, Fern Shapland for junior, and Florence Lindahl for sophomore. April 18-21 — Fifty-second annual convention of American Chemical Society; 500 visitors. Feature of meeting was dedication of $360,000 addi- tion to Chemistry laboratory, with addresses by Professor Alexander Smith of Colum- bia and Dr. W. R. Whitney of Naval Advisory Board, f ' Ham ' ' Alwood elected bas- ketball captain. April 27 — Milton Silver chosen as Illini editor, E. S. Nichol as business manager; L. M. Winters -and R. S. White as Illio officials; H. M. Page and H. L. Albaugh as Illinois Magazine representatives. April 28 — Annual play of Le Cercle Francais. E. C. Hopkins chosen president of Student Council. April 29 — Annual engineering dance in Gymn annex. May 1 — Appearance of Illio. E. C. Wilson of Yale chosen as new Y. M. C. A. Secretary. Resignation of W. B. Castenholz as comptroller. May 4 — Organization of branch of Navy League by W. M. Lewis, western field secretary of national organ- ization. Gridiron banquet instituted by Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic fraternity, to take place of Dope Sheet; 200 faculty and students attended. Spanish Club fete. May 6 — Annual Sophomore picnic at Homer Park. May 9 — Lecture on Pan-Amer- icanism by John Barrett, director general of Pan- American Union. May 10— Minne- apolis Symphony Orchestra concluded symphony series. May 12-14 — Interscholastic. "May Day in Stratford" presented by gymnasium classes. Alpha Xi Delta and Alpha Omicron Pi won prizes in Stunt Show. Freeport High School orators won, and Joliet, Harrisburg and Evanston in track. Phi Kappa Psi was prize winner in Circus. Chapter of Alpha Chi Rho granted to Chi Delta; chapter of Theta Chi to Pi ANNALS CIII Omicron. May 16 — Annual state military review held by Adjutant General F. S. Dickson. Chicago tennis team lost to Illinois players. Athletic managers elected; W. A. Behel president of Association. May 21 — Final all-University service ad- dressed by Dean W. W. Fenn of Harvard Divinity School. May 25 — Dancing clubs abolished by Council action — university dances to be given by larger organizations. May 26 — "As You Like It" presented by local players under auspices of Adelphic and Illiola societies. Brigade participated in Champaign County Preparedness pa- rade. May 30 — Military day and final review of regiments. May 31-June 8 — Final examinations. June 3 — 1,200 members of Brigade participated in Chicago's prepar- edness parade. June 10 — Promenade Band Concert. June 11 — Baccalaureate Sun- day; address by Eev. Charles F. Wishart, pastor of Second Presbyterian church in Chicago. June 12 — Class Day exercises, ending in Senior Ball. June 13 — Alumni Day; special alumni convocation in honor of Dr. Burrill. June 14 — Commencement exercises, addressed by President James. CIV DISTRIBUTION OF NAMES OF LIVING ILLINI BY STATES Alabama 69 Arizona . 87 Arkansas 138 California 873 Colorado ' 276 Connecticut 41 Delaware 3 District of Columbia. .. 181 Florida 85 Georgia 48 Hawaii T 26 Idaho 94 Illinois 20, 615 Indiana 1097 Iowa 1934 Kansas 365 Kentucky 131 Africa 17 Argentine 21 Armenia 2 Australia 4 Austria 2 Belgium 2 Brazil 19 Bulgaria 3 9 Canada 141 Chili 3 China 162 Columbia 2 Cuba 11 Denmark 3 DISTRIBUTION OF Towns in Illinois Abington 25 Alton 74 Amboy 26 Anna 34 Areola 43 Atlanta 40 Aurora 144 Batavia 38 Beardstown 41 Belleville 92 Belvidere 44 Benton 34 Bloomington 164 Blue Island 25 Cairo 62 Canton 63 Carbondale 48 Carlinville 35 Carrollton 30 Carthage 36 Centralia 44 Champaign 1508 Charleston 62 Chicago 3542 Chicago Hgts 36 Clinton 71 Danville 226 Decatur 266 DeKalb 45 Delavan 46 Dixon 69 Duquoin 36 Dwight 28 Easton 99 Edwardsville 36 Elgin 128 Elmwood 33 Evanston 116 Fairfield 26 Farmer City 51 Freeport 69 Galva 28 Geneseo 42 Gibson City 50 Louisiana 89 Maine 17 Maryland 43 Massachusetts 227 Michigan 445 Minnesota 388 Mississippi 76 Missouri 842 Montana 165 Nebraska 196 Nevada 14 New Hampshire 14 New Jersey 129 New Mexico 79 New York 576 North Carolina 30 North Dakota 110 Ohio 620 FOREIGN COUNTRIES Ecuador l England 21 France 3 Germany 12 Greece 1 Holland 2 India 43 Italy 4 Jamaica 3 Japan 68 Korea 3 Malay States 1 Manchuria 1 Mexico 66 NAMES OF LIVING ILLINI BY (Over 25 in a Town) Granite City 30 Greenville 36 Hammond 28 Harrisburg 48 Harvard 30 Harvey 48 Havana 30 Henry 26 Highland 27 Highland Park 27 Hillsboro 35 Hinsdale 31 Homer 53 Hoopeston 42 Jacksonville 66 Joliet 105 Kankakee 70 Kewanee 60 La Grange 83 LaSalle 62 Lenzburg 28 Lincoln 56 Lockport 27 Lovington 26 Macomb 68 Marion 44 Mason City 32 Mattoon 117 Maywood 38 Mazon 26 Milford 29 Moline 130 Monticella 70 Morris 29 Morrison 36 Mt. Carmel 47 Mt. Carroll 31 Mt. Vernon 57 Moweiqua 26 Murphysboro 40 Newman 40 JNew Memphis 26 Normal 50 Oakland 30 Oak Park 171 Oklahoma 215' Oregon 177 Pennsylvania 345- Philippines 106 Porto Rico • 11 Rhode Island 16 South Carolina 19 South Dakota 151 Tennessee 97 Texas 298 TJtah 58- Vermont 17 Virginia 53 Washington 365' West Virginia 25- Wisconsin 412 Wyoming . . .• . . 48 Nicaragua 2 - Norway 5. Paraguay 1 Persia 4 Peru 8- Poland 1 Roumania 2" Russia 7 Spain 1 Syria 5- Turkey 11 Uruguay 7" West Indies 7 TOWNS IN STATES Olney 40 Ottawa 82 Pana 37" Paris 107 Paxton . 54 Pekin 66 Peoria 322 Peru 25 Petersburg 28 Philo 30 Pittsfield 43 Plainfield 26 Polo 25 Pontiac 48 Princeton 52 Quincy 135 Rantoul 51 River Forest 29 Robinson 46 Rochelle 30 Rockford 202 Rock Island 101 Rushville 25 St. Joseph 37 Saiem 31 Shelbyville 36 Sidney 32 Springfield 325 Sterling 59 Streator 66 Sullivan 58 Sycamore 41 Taylorville 61 Tiskilwa 31 Tolona 47 Tuscola 64 Urbana 1732 Vienna 30 Virginia 30 Washington . 30 Watseka 40 Waukegan 27 Wheaton 35 Wilmette 35 Woodstalk ?3 lV Birmingham, Ala 25 Little Rock, Ark 28 Berkeley, Calif 58 Long Beach, Calif 26 Los Angeles, Calif 205 Pasadena, Calif 29 San Diego, Calif 42 San Francisco 72 Boulder, Colo 25 Denver, Colo 83 Washington 181 Anderson, Ind 30 Evansville, Ind 34 Fort Wayne, Ind 31 Gary, Ind 32 Indianapolis, Ind 179 LaFayette, Ind 32 South Bend, Ind 35 Terre Haute, Ind 46 Vincennes, Ind 27 Ames, la 3' TOWNS IN OTHER STATES Cedar Rapids, la 29 Davenport, la 70 Des Moines, la 56 Keokuk, la 33 Sioux City, la 29 Lawrence, Kan 31 Manhattan, Kan 29 Topeka, Kan 34 Wichita, Kan 34 Louisville, Ky 30 Boston, Mass 46 Ann Arbor, Mich 28 Detroit, Mich 107 Minneapolis, Minn 136 St. Paul, Minn 44 Kansas City, Mo 183 St. Louis, Mo 383 Lincoln, Neb 34 Omaha, Neb 42 Brooklyn, N. Y 58 Buffalo, N. Y 33 Ithaca, N. Y 29 New York 209 Schenectady, N. Y 37 Cincinnati, 58 Cleveland, 97 Columbus, 68 Oklahoma City 47 Portland, Ore 73 Philadelphia, Pa 62 Pittsburg, Pa 89> Manila, P. 1 34 Memphis, Tenn 38 Dallas, Texas 26 Salt Lake City 42 Seattle 159 Spokane 42 Tacoma 34 Madison, Wis 65 Milwaukee, Wis 94 Shanghai, China 34 VOCATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE DIRECTORY Accountant . 277 Advertising 65 Agriculture 2621 Architect 538 Army 43 Art 48 Bank & Fin 303 Baseball 8 Broker 48 Ceramics 31 Chemistry 126 Chem. Engineer 24 Christian Sc. Prac , 3 Civil Engineer 381 Government 244 Clerk, Bkpr., Stenog 456 Contractor 316 Dentistry 45 Diplomatic Service 5 Dietician 13 Draft 15 Ed (Public Schools) 3021 Ed (University) 1654 Elect. Engineer 350 Elect 74 Engineer 913 Floriculture 4 Forestry 13 Geology 14 Home (Married) 5042 Insurance 223 Journalism 291 Judge '. 310 Land Arch 64 Law 813 Lecture 7 Library 393 Machinist 47 Manufacturing 282 Mech. Engineer 309 Medicine 347 Merchant 1592 Metallic Engineer 13 Mining Engineer 67 Minister 83 Missionary 6 Music 87 Navy 9 Nurse 27 Pharmacy 45 Photography 10 Post Master 2 Public Utilities 8 Real Estate, etc 289 Research 89 Retired 60 Sales 561 Secretary 290 Senator 1 Social Serv 39 Struc Engineer 15 Student 5392 Surveyor 8 Transportation 210 Trustee 13 Veterinary Medicine 27 Miscellaneous 1174 Total occupations recorded 29,404 Duplicates 1 492 Duplicates 2 16 Total 508 Total number of men 25,671 Total number of women 7414 (a) Married 5,042 (b) Unmarried 2,372 Total 7,414 Total names in Book 35,065, Duplicates 1980, Deceased 1397, Lost 1938. DIRECTORY OF ALUMNI CLUBS OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION President, William A. Heath, '83, Live Stock exchange national bank, Chicago; Secretary and Treasurer, Frank W. Scott, '01, Station A, Champaign. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE W. A. Heath, '83, president of the Association, chairman Ex-Ofido H. H. Hadsall, '97, 5492 Everett Ave., Chicago 1919 J. N. Chester, '91, Union Bank Building, Pittsburg, Pa 1918 R. R. Conklin, '80, 1 Wall street, New York 1917 H. J. Bubt, '96, 1400 Monroe Building, Chicago. ., . 1916 H. J. Graham, '00, 1802 South 6th St., Springfield 1916 BRAZIL The Illini Club of Brazil. CALIFORNIA Golden Gate alumni association of the University of Illinois. Pres., Stella Bennett, '03, 2530 Chilton Way, Berkeley; Sec'y-Treas., Ella Barber, '84, 2121 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley. Southern California alumni association. Pres., Frank L. Drew, 1154 North Mentor Ave., Pasadena; Sec'y., Ernest T. Ingold, '09, 335 S. Hill St., Los Angeles. COLORADO University of Illinois club of Colorado. Pres., Frank L. Birney, '81, 309 Ideal Block Denver; Sec'y-Treas., Dr. T. J. Fenton, '06, Denver. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA University of Illinois club of Washington. Sec'y., W. O. Gordon, '11, Bureau of Chemistry, Dep't. of Agriculture, Washington. IDAHO Illini club of Idaho. Pres., C. F. Pike; Sec'y., F. N. Ropp, '08. ILLINOIS Aurora Illini club. Pres., M. A. Kendall, '07, 715 Garfield Blvd.; Sec'y-Treas., W. B. Greene, '08, care of Stephens-Adamson Co. Belleville, Illini club of. Pres. L. N. Perrin, '07, Penn Bldg. ; Sec'y., C. R. Ogle, 617 E. B. St. Centralia Illini club. Pres., Charles Wham, '12. Champaign county Illini club. Pres., L. U. Everhart, '09, 901 Vk W. California Ave., Urbana; Sec'y., R. F. Little, '07, 606 Chalmers St., Champaign. Chicago Illini club of. Pres., G. T. Donaghue, '06, 523 Oakdale Ave., Lakeview, Chicago; Sec'y., R. N. Erskine, '09, 517 Harris Trust Bldg., Chicago. Chicago, University of Illinois alumnae association of. Pres., Mabel Hopkins Hub- bard, '01, 1409 Iowa St., Oak Park; Sec'y-Treas., Carrie Norton Laemmle, '07, 6121 Drexel Ave., Chicago. College of Dentistry, alumni association of. Pres., Dr. C. M. Loescher, '04; Sec'y., Dr. Louis Miller, '06. College of Medicine, alumni association of. Pres., Dr. F. D. Moore, '99, 30 N. Michi- gan Ave., Chicago; Sec'y., Dr. C. H. Phifer, '02, 4500 Indiana Ave., Chicago. Decatur Illini club. Pres., W. J. Carey, '06, 718 W. Marietta St.; Sec'y-Treas., J. L. McLaughlin, '09, 502 Powers Bldg. Freeport Illini club.. Pres., George Schmelzle, ex-'lO, 447 Lincoln Ave.; Sec'y., R. M. Seeley, ex-' 16, 44 Lincoln Ave. La Salle county Illini club. Pres., D. G. Cairns, '02, 633 Congress St., Ottawa; Sec'y., J. R. Fornof, '10, 804 S. Park St., Streator. Library School, alumni association of. Pres., Adam Strohm, '00, Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Mich.; Sec'y-Treas., Jennie A. Craig, '06, 613 W. Springfield Ave., Champaign. Peoria, University of Illinois club of. Pres., Irwin Fuller, '10, 415 Woolner Bldg., Sec'y., E. V. Champion, '12, 549 Woolner Bldg. Rockford, University of Illinois club of. Pres., E. G. Brands, '11, care of Rockford Morning Star; Sec'y., J. G. Fillmore, '09, 411 W. State St. School of Pharmacy, alumni association of. Pres., George P. Mills, '84, Evanston; Sec'y-Treas., Claude E. Tilton. Springfield Illini club. Vicepres., E. D. Poston, ex-' 11, 409 N. 5th St.; Sec'y., E. K. Stuart, '10. Vermilion county Illini club. Pres., J. E. Noon, '14, Y. M. C. A., Danville; Sec'y., Mable Bredehoft, '09, 309 Walnut St. Western Illinois Illini association. Pres., William E. Whiteside, Moline; Sec'y.-Tr«as., James Johnson, Moline. CVII INDIA University of Illinois alumni association of Ind. Pres., George C. Hewes, '83, M. E. Mission, Sitapur, Oudh; Sec'y., Agnes G. Hill, '92, Y. W. C. A., Luckno\r. INDIANA Indianapolis Illini club. Pres. and acting Sec'y., C. E. Sargent, '86, 2272 N. Meridian St. IOWA Des Moines Illini club. Pres. and Acting Sec'y., L. S. Ross, '89, 1308 27th St. JAPAN University of Illinois club of Japan. Pres., S. Shiga, '93, Tokyo Technical School, Tokyo; Sec'y., G. Fujimura, '11, Agr. Experiment Station, Taihoku, Formosa. MASSACHUSETTS New England Illini club. Pres., C. H. Blackall, '77, 20 Beacon St., Boston; Sec'y., L. T. Fairhall, '11, Boylston Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge. MICHIGAN University of Illinois alumni association of Detroit. Pres., O. C. F. Randolph, '13. 21 Rowena St., Sec'y-Treas., Roy G. Bluth, '15, 832 Second Ave. MINNESOTA Illini club of the Northwest. Pres., G. W. Rathpens, '10, 163 W. Robie St., St. Paul; Sec'y., E. O. Korsmo, '11, Y. M. C. A.„ St. Paul. MISSOURI Illini club of St. Louis. Pres., C. C. Willmore, '11, 5736 Page Blvd.; Sec'y. -Treas., R. P. Hoffman, '14, 3635 Blaine Ave. University of Illinois Southwestern alumni association. Pres., A. G. Higgins, '93, 2315 Flora Ave., Kansas City; Sec'y., D. C. Ketchum, '99, 518 New York Life Bldg., Kansas City. NEW YORK University of Illinois alumni association of New York. Pres. S. T. Henry, '04, 239 W. 39th St., New York; Sec'y., E. C. Prouty, 14, 239 W. 39th St., New York. Schnectady, Illini club of, Pres., O. E. Shirley, '10, 706 South Ave.; Sec'y-Treas., D. R. Lagerstrom, '11, Box 810. NORTH DAKOTA Fargo Illinois club. Pres., E. S. Keene, '90, 1028 Seventh St., North, Fargo; Sec'y.- Treas., Frank White, '80, Valley City. OHIO Cincinnati Illini club. Pres., F. L. Swanberg, 03; Sec'y., C. M. Kennan, '12, Y. M. C. A., Seventh and Walnut St. Illini club of Cleveland. Pres., H. S. Greene, '05, care of Nungesser Carbon and Bat- tery Works; Sec'y., L. C. Kent, '13, 79 Belmore Road. OREGON University of Illinois alumni association of Portland. PENNSYLVANIA University of Illinois club of Pittsburgh. Pres., I. B. Stiefel, '12, 600 Mulberry St.: Sec'y. -Treas., L. F. Hamilton, '97, care of National tube co. TENNESSEE Memphis Illini club. Pres., D. M. Crawford, 05, Builders' Exchange; Sec'y., L. D. Knapp, '15, 839 Rayner St, TEXAS The Gulf Coast alumni club of the University of Illinois. Pres. and Acting Sec'y., Mary Williamson Elder, '87, Palacios. Houston Illini club. Pres., H. E. Ratcliffe, ex-03, 520 Beatty Bldg.; Sec'y. -Treas., F. W. Weston, '10, Houston Structural Steel Co. UTAH Inter- mountain alumni association of the University of Illinois. Pres., Wesley E. King, 16 U St., Salt Lake City; Sec'y-, W. H. Gregory, 406 Utah Savings and Trust Bldg., Salt Lake City. WASHINGTON Puget Sound association of alumni and former students of the University of Illinois. Pres., S. F. Bullard, '86, 622 Provident Bldg., Tacoma ; Sec'y., Roy Mason, '10, 1209 Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Ore. WISCONSIN University of Illinois club of Madison. Pres., G. R. Bascom, '05, care of U. of Wis- consin; Sec'y., Sidney D. Morris, '05, care of U. of Wisconsin. University of Illinois association of Milwaukee. Pres., C. L. Hall, 186 13th St. ; Sec'y., E. O. Finkenbinder, '10, 1115 Maryland Ave. THE OLDEST LIVING ALUMNI OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Class of 1872 Milo B. Burwash, born Dec. 3, '49 Charles W. Rolfe, born Apr. 17, '50 John J. Davis, born Nov. 4, '52 Charles W. Silver, born Apr. 25, '52 Miles F. Hatch, born Apr. 17, '47 Jacob N. Wharton, born 1846 Calvin E. Parker, born Sept. 7, '50 Reuben O. Wood, born Nov. 30, '45 Willie A. Reiss, born Mar. 31, '53 Thomas E. Rickard, born July 2, '50 E. A. Robinson '75 is the oldest alumnus of the Universitv, being born Decem- ber 15. 1839. CVIII ATHLETIC SCORES (Illinois scores mentioned first) Chicago Indiana Iowa NW Notr Dm Mich 1892 Baseball Football Track Baseball Football Track Baseball Football Track .... 13-8; 5-1 16-16 0-18 4-4; 20-12 1893 3-2; 0-6 13-6 5-3 15-8 0-0 5-6; 3-10 1894 18-17 6-10 8-12 66-0 1895 Baseball . . Football. . Track 6-10 10-8; 14-3 2-7; 8-6 38-4 7-8 9-0(Forfeit)2-ll 1896 Baseball. . Football. . Track .... 6-9; 4-10 19-3 16-2; 20-9 4-10 22-7 3-5; 3-20 1897 Baseball. . Football . . Track Baseball. . Football. . 7-6; 9-5; 5-9 12-18 9-12; 5-6; 4-13; 1-2 9-8 3-1; 5-6; 3-0 1898 30-7; 8-4; 3-5 6-5 ' ' 3-4; 3-0; 3-0 5-11 38-90 7-3; 1-2; 3-4; 2-4 0-5 Track Baseball . . Football. . 54-74 1899 0-5 0-58 13-9: 9-3 0-15 Track .... 1900 Baseball . . Football . . . 11-1; 4-1; 9-4; 10-3 17-0 4-3 0-0 3-7;12-6;3-7;6-5 0-12 0-0 Track Baseball. . Football. .. Track .... 38-90 14-3; 17-6; 8-7; 5-2 24-0 1901 34-4 18-0 4-3 27-0 2-6; 10-0 11-17 11-3 17-0 5-2; 7-10 8-9; 6-7; 3-4 1902 Baseball . . Football. .. Track Baseball . . Football . . Track . Baseball . . Football . . Track Baseball. . Football . . . Track Basketball. Baseball. . Football . . . Track .... Basketball . Baseball. . Football . . . Track Basketball Baseball. . Football. . Track Basketball. Baseball. . Football. .. Track Basketball. Baseball. . Football . . . Track Basketball . Baseball. . Football . . Track Basketball Baseball. . Football . . Track Basketball. Baseball. . Football . . Track Basketball Baseball . . Football . Track .... Basketball. Baseball. . Football . . Track .... Basketball. 5-6; 10-1; 2-3; 7-3; 15-1 61-65 4-3; 9-5; 9-0 6-18 7-6; 2-1; 11-0; 11-15 26-50; 38-48; 46-79 11-9; 0-2; 11-8 0-44 14-49; 24-21 3-0; 8-2; 8-7; 2-0 0-63 45-40; 61-25; 75-51 20-53; 20-35 10-0; 6-2; 6-5; 8-7; 3-0 6-42 43-43; 48-48; 78-48 21-35; 17-42 6-11 52-34; 31-55; 6714-58% 10-23; 15-17 1-3; 0-2; 7-2; 5-1 8-14 11-21; 24-15 3-0 53-33; 53%-32% ; 67-59 17-23; 18-19 0-24 56-36; 39-47 21-22; 14-17 5-4; 7-3; 3-6; 7-6 0-10 58-28; 52%-32% . 93.33 12-19-; 16-21 7-28 59-27; 79% -46% 11-12 3-4; 4-3 21-7 70% -55% 20-12; 19-18 4-1; 2-2 10-0 51-71 30-17; 31-13 7-3; 2-0; 7-6 6-52 8-2; 9-2; 14-10 1903 14-0 0-17 10-0;12-12;29-2 11-12 8-5; 4-2 0-12 10-6; 7-1 1904 io-'o 29-0 20-0; 7-2 6-12 2-1; 1-0 1905 5-0; 8-1 24-0 1-3; 0-1; 1-2; 7-3 0-33 27-24; 7-38 22-3; 2-0 12-9 7-8; 3-2; 8-4; 0-7 9-28 100-26 1907 12-5 10-6 12-25 190? 39-12 10-0 67%-l% 30-2; 2-20 9-1; 8-1 6-5 36-46 22-0 18-13 64-8 35-4 1909 35-0 30-26 3-0 27-12 1910 27-0 15-19 5-4; 12-1 0-0 32-22 10-2; 12-2 26-15 8-0; 8-7 27-13 1911 24-25 8-4; 4-3 13-7 34-14 1-1; 4-4 24-10; 30-19 8-0; 14-6 0-6 1912 29-12; 23-17 10-0 32-9 23-22; 18-20 3-4; 5-2 37-0 1913 35-6; 31-15 2-13 51-0 35-15 5-4; 7-0 33-0 1914 34-14; 20-4 6-0 1915 4-1; 1-3 36-6 62-23 21-23; 17-25 4-1; 5-1 71% -14 V* 1916 1-2; 8-0 49-32 Track 9034-*4 l 4 CIX ATHLETIC SCORES (Illinois scores mentioned first) CONFERENCE TRACK MEETS Minn ! Ohio Purdue Wabash Wisconsin i 1 1891 — 11143; NW27; Wash 25 (Field Day) 0-12 15-5 26-26 16-0; 14-6 60-6 1893 — No Record 1894—111 71; Rose Poly 27 Wash 27 9-5 2-22 14-2 36-6 20-16 (Field Day) 8-V ' ' 2-6 5-0;' i 2 -Y ' 48-0 1895 — Cal35; Mich 17 la Coll 16; 111 13 (Field Day) 10-10 1896 — 111 4th ! 4-4 (Field Day) ! 13-2 81-39 2-5; 4-6; 7-6 1897 — 1898 — Mich 70 ; Chicago 41 11-10 1899 — Notre Dame 36 81-47 15-4 0-5 87-41 5-4 17-5 104-18 Chicago 28 ; 111 25 6-0; 13-4; 12-5 56-72 12-0 0-27 63%-64% (Triangular Meet) 1900 — Chicago 45; Notre Dame 31; 111 19 8-3 (Triangular Meet) 1901 — Notre Dame 43 Chicago 37; 11128 (Triangular Meet) Won by Mich 111 6tb 0-16 0-4 28-6 37-78 1-2 29-6 1902 — Won by Michigan 54-58 111 7 th 10-2 24-0 0-32 1903 — Won by Michigan 111 5th 50-72 4-5 8-3; 6-3; 17-5 6-5 : 5-4 6-8 24-6 71-55 5-1 30-24 84-41 25-19; 22-48 23-2 1904 — Won by Michigan 111 6th 47-79 6-0 84-42 32-35 1905 — Won by Chicago 19-32; 25-27 111 5th 5-0 97-29 27-32; 18-45 9-5; 2-1 21-4 24-23; 36-15 3-2; 0-3 15-6 87-39 24-18; 20-30 3-4; 5-0 24-6 80-46 33-17; 10-27 5-4; 7-2 11-0 50%-35% ;96-30 29-32; 25-15 5-0; 3-5 12-3 69%-47%;71%-54% 20-35; 14-28 3-1 9-9 70-16; 99-18 9-1; 7-2 70-16; 86-31 26-20; 30-25 9-6; 7-0 0-0 6-16 1906 — Won by Michigan 111 5th 3-42; 29-36 16-22; 13-49 1907— Won by 111 31 pts 14-4 16-15; 23-20 1-2; 16-0 20-28; 14-27 14-3; 9-3 1908 — Won by Chicago 111 4th 68-58 28-19; 10-20 6-4; 2-1 1909 — Won by 111 11-2; 15-0 38 pts 77-49 16-28; 34-14 4-1 1910 — Won by Notre Dame 111 4th 9-22 5-2 61-65 17-20; 21-18 6-5; 9-5 1911— (Indoor 111 1st) 18-17; 22-12 Won by Mo 111 4th 1912 — (Indoor 69-57 11-26; 15-33 11-1; 2-7 111 1st 31 pts) 16-22; 11-8 Won by Cal 111 3rd 0-13 1913 — (Indoor Wis 33^ 11133 111 1st 47 1-5 pts) 1914 — (Indoor 111 1st 80-46 15-16; 13-8 4-8; 9-0 12-3 74-52 25-26; 16-29 2-1; 2-5 24-9 76% -49% 39-19; 19-17 6-1; 5-4 17-3 55-71 27-20; 14-34 4-0; 4-3 42-44; 72-63 36 pts) 18-16; 27-11 Won by 111 4-3 45 7-12 pts 6-5 3-3 1915 — (Indoor Chgo 37% 95-22 27-8; 22-15 2-1; 5-3 11125%) 10-6 4-0 ' ' Won by Wis 111 4th 6-6 1916 — (Indoor 111 1st 47% pts) Wis49;I1135% Chgo20%;Mo20% Cal 12 3-0; 4-0 4-3 13-4 MINOR ATHLETIC SCORES 1877 — Intercollegiate baseball — At Monmouth, Oct. 18: Knox, 1st; N.W., 2nd; 111., 3rd. 1880 — Baseball — Knox 14-8, 111. Coll. 12-5, Tolono 0-0. 1881 — Baseball — Champaign-Urbana 19-18. 1883 — Baseball — Knox 14-9, Covington 16-13, Monmouth 21-5. 1886 — Baseball — 111. Coll. 17-11, 111. Wesleyan 20-17, 111. Coll. 18-12. 1887 — May Baseball — 111. Wesleyan 19-13, 111. Coll. 13-16, 111. Coll. 13-6. Oct. Baseball — Clippers 4-11, Clippers 13-6, Monmouth 9-14, Blackburn 13-14. 1888— Baseball— 111. Coll. 13-12, 111. Coll. 22-8, 111. Coll. 15-7. 1889 — First Intercollegiate at Galesburg won by Illinois. 1890 — May Baseball — 111. Coll. 18-11, Effingham 0-5. Oct. Baseball — Knox 11-3, 111. Coll. 9-4. Football (Oct. 3) — 111. Wesleyan 0-16, (Nov. 24) 111. Wesleyan 12-6. 1891 — Baseball — (May) Wabash 14-10, 111. Wesleyan 5-4, Danville 16-0; Baseball (Oct.) Knox 11-3, 111. Coll. 9-4. Football — Eureka 42-0, Knox 12-0, Boomington 20-12, 111. Wesleyan 48-4. 1892 — Baseball — Beloit 6-9, 111. Coll. 15-0, 111. Wes. 3-1 & 11-2, Lake Forest 5-10 & 5-0, Monmouth 7-6. Football — Baker 28-12, DePauw 34-4, Doane 20-0, Englewood H. S. 38-0, Kansas 4-24, Kansas City A. A. 48-0, Nebraska 0-6, Wash. U. 22-0. 1893 — Baseball — Cleveland A. C. 15-17, Detroit A. C. 3-5, DePauw 7-5, Grinnel 3-2, London A. C. 4-3. Oberlin 11-7 & 8-11, St. Louis Hudsons 4-2. Football — Chicago Ath. Club 4-19, DePauw 14-4, Lake Forest 10-10, Oberlin 14-34, Pastime Ath. Club 18-16. 1894 — Baseball — Alerts 12-10, Detroit A. C. 4-8, Norwalk A. C. 8-5, Oberlin 5-11, 1-13 & 5-11; St. Louis Hudsons 8-18. Football — Chicago Ath. Club 0-14, Indianapolis Light Artillery 14-18, Lake Forest 54-6, Pastime Ath. Club 10-0. Track — Intercollegiate Meet — 111. 35, Wis. 21. 1895 — Baseball — Grinnell 9-0 & 13-6, Hyde Park 12-3, Iowa St. 26-16, Peoria League 6-7. Football— Chicago A. C. 0-8, 111. Coll. 79-0, Rush 38-0. Track— Dual Meet: Cal. 43, 111. 55. 1896 — Baseball — Beloit 8-7, Grinnell 18-3, Terre Haute 20-5, 12-11 & 14-13. Football — Knox 70-4, Lake Forest 38-0, Missouri 10-0, Oberlin 22-6. 1897 — Baseball — Alumni 13-10, Neb. 16-9, Oberlin 4-7. Football — Carlisle Indians 6-23, Eureka 26-0, Knox 64-0, Lake Forest 36-0, P. & S. 6-0. Track — Western Intercollegiate Meet: Illinois 5th. 1898 — Baseball— All Chicago H. S. 10-3, DePauw 19-0, Oak Park 4-5, Oberlin 5-10 & 7-1. Football — Alumni 10-6 & 17-23, Carlisle Indians 0-11, DePauw 16-0, 111. Wes. 23-0, P. & S. 6-10. 1899 — Baseball — Beloit 0-6, Oberlin 5-0. Football— 111. Wes. 6-0, Knox 5-0, St. Louis 29-0. 1900 — Baseball — Beloit 11-1. Football — DePauw 63-0, 111. Wes. 21-0, Knox 16-0, P. & S. 6-0, Rose Poly. 26-0. 1901 — Baseball — Beloit 1-4 & 2-1, Knox 24-4. Football — Englewood H. S. 38-0, Marian Sims 52-0, P. & S. 23-0, Washington 21-0. ±902 — Baseball — Harvard 1-2, Pa. 11-7, Princeton 3-1, West Point 6-5, Yale 10-4„ Football — Englewood H. S. 45-0, Haskell Indians 24-0, Monmouth 33-0, Osteopaths 22-0, Wash. U. 44-0. 1903 — Baseball — Chicago Nationals 5-15, Nebraska 7-3, Oberlin 20-3. Football — Dentists 54-0, Englewood H. S. 45-5, Knox 29-5, Lombard 43-0, Nebraska 0-16, Oste- opaths 36-0, Rush 64-0. 1904— Baseball — Armour Inst. 10-0 & 13-4, Beloit 8-4, Knox 14-6, Oberlin 14-2 & 12-3, Ohio Wes. 10-2, P. & S. 10-0, West Va. 9-5 & 1-0. Football — Knox 11-0, Nebraska 10-16, N. W. Coll. 11-0, P. & S. 26-0, Wash. U. 31-0. 1905 — Baseball — Armour Inst. 9-3. Football — Knox 6-0, Nebraska 6-24, N.W. Coll 24-0, P. & S. 30-0, St. Louis 12-6. 1906 — Baseball — Amherst 13-0. 1907 — Baseball — Williams 3-2. 1908 — Football — Marquette 6-6, Monmouth 17-0. 1909 — Baseball — Arkansas 3-2, Millikin 22-0. Football — Kentucky 2-6, Millikin 23-0, Syracuse 17-8. 1910 — Baseball — Arkansas 6-4, 7-0 & 27-3. Football — Drake 24-0, Millikin 11-0, Syracuse 3-0. 1911 — Baseball — Arkansas 6-6, 3-4, 4-2 & 2-0. Football — Millikin 31-0, St. Louis 9-0. 1912 — Baseball — Arkansas 6-11 & 4-2, Tennessee 2-1 & 4-0. Football — Illinois Wesleyan 83-3, Washington U. 13-0. 1913 — Baseball — Alabama 2-1, Arkansas 5-3, Boston Amer. 0-10 & 0-2, Miss. A. & M. Coll. 6-5 & 7-7, Mississippi 1-3. Football — Kentucky St. 21-0, Missouri 24-7. 1914 — Baseball — Alabama 9-5, Ga. Tech. 2-5 & 2-3, Georgia 1-2, Kentucky 2-14, Millikin 8-5, Tennessee 1-1, Texas 3-2 & 7-3. Football — Christian Bros. 37-0. 1915 — Baseball — Alabama 7-0, Bethany 13-0, Miss. A. & M. 13-2 & 9-4, Tulane 16-1 & 9-0. Football— Haskell 36-0, Rolla 75-7. 1916 — Baseball — Marshall 4-2, Waseda 6-0. ABBREVIATIONS ?r=Lost (letter returned) t=Address presumably correct (letter not returned) *=Dead Kesidence address or an address at which a person can always be reached is given in parenthesis Small letter indicates department of study Black type (James E J)=rTrustees and Presidents Large capitals (BABCOCK K G)z= Faculty (never a student) Small capitals, with small initial letter (abe Mikishi)=Advanced and Honor- ary degrees Italics (Abdill H B)— Persons in Academy only Small capitals, with large initial capitals Scott F W)=Alumni even if also on Faculty acad Academy Acct Accountant a&d Art & Design Adv Advertising Ag Agriculture Ag Exp Sta . .Agricultural Experiment Station Agron Agronomy Amer American A n Husb Animal Husbandry Ap Mech Applied Mechanic Arch Architect Arch Eng .... Architectural Engineer Art Artist Astron Astronomy Athl Athletics Auto Automobile business Bacteriol Bacteriologist Biol Biology Blc Bank Bkpr Bookkeeper Bnk Banker Bot Botany Bur Bureau CZ .'Canal Zone Cash Cashier Catg Cataloger C Eng Civil Engineer Cer Ceramist Cer Eng Ceramic Engineering Chem Chemistry Chem Eng Chemical Engineering Chge Charge Clk Clerk Coll College com College of Commerce Comm Commission Conserv Conservatory Constr Construction work or Engineer Contr Contractor Corresp . : Correspondent Ct Court Dairy Husb ...Dairy Husbandry Dent Dentist Dep Deputy Dipl Diplomatic service Dir Director Dr Drive Draft Draftsman Econ Economics ed School of Education Edit Editor Effic Eng Efficiency Engineering E Eng Electrical Engineering Electr Electrician eng Engineering Engl English Entom Entomology Exten Extension Fin Financier Flor Floriculture Forest serv . . . Forestry Service g Graduate School Gar Garage Gen Work . . . Miscellaneous Work Geol Geology Ger German Hist History Hort Horticulture H Sc Household Science H Sch High School Indus Industrial Ins Insurance Agent Insp Inspector Inst r Instructor Jour Journalist Jud Judge Prob Probate Supr Supreme Circ Circuit Kinderg Kindergarten I College of Law fo College of liberal Arts Sciences to com Courses in Commerce Land Arch Landscape architect GXII ABBREVIATIONS Law Lawyer Led Lecturer lib Library School Libr Librarian Lit Letters, man of Mach Machinist Math Mathematics Med . . Physician & Surgeon M Eng Mechanical Engineer Mech Mechanic Merc Merchant, Business, etc meteor Meteorology Memb Member Mil Serv Military Service lift Mining Min Eng Mining Engineering Mintr Minister Mortg & L . . . .Mortgage & Loan Mun Eng . . . .Municipal & Sanitary Engineering mus School of Music Mus Musician Navy Serv Navy Service Neivs Rep .... Newspaper reporter Opr Operator Opt Optician Osteop Osteopath Phar Pharamicist Philos Philosophy Photog Photography Physiol Physiology Phys Tr Physical Training Plcy Parkway Pol Sc Political Science Poly Polytechnic Pomol Pomology Prin Principal Prob Ofc Probation Officer Phychol Psychology Pull Publisher & Printer Pub Speak . . . .Public Speaking Eepr Representative Ees Research B Est & L Real Estate & Loans Bet Retired Bhet Rhetoric Bom Lang . . . .Romance Languages BB Eng Railway Engineer Prop Proprietor Sales Salesman sc College of Science Scan Scandinavian Sec Secretary Sen Senator Serv Service Soc Sociology Soc Sen Social Service Sp Special St State Stu Student U of 111 Stu Coll or U . .Student at institution specified su Summer Session Supervision Surv Surveyor t&am . Theoretical & applied mechanics Tel Telegraph or telephone Trans Transportation Trav Sales . . . .Traveling Salesman U University Vet Veterinarian Visit Visitor Zool Zoology State omitted from the following cities: Baltimore Boston Buffalo Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Denver Detroit Indianapolis Jersey City Los Angeles Milwaukee Minneapolis New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Philadelphia Pittsburg Salt Lake City San Francisco Seattle St Louis Washington TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS HEXROTIN TREVETT ALPHABETICAL LIST Aagaard Arthur Hildeman (m eng 1910-14 BS) Instr Steam & Gas Eng U Wis 27 W Dayton St Madison Wis Aaron Philip Judy (acad 1893-4 e eng 1894-8 BS) E Eng 560 First Av S Seattle Aaron Samuel Arthur (m eng 1915- ) Stu 5745 Indiana Av Chicago Aarvig Truman Obet (c eng 1909-10 '15- ) Stu 1220 N Main St Pon- tiac 111 tAbbot James Lloyd (m eng 1906-7) 1700 S Arch St Little Eock Ark Abbott Alfred Nalle (acad 1905-6 c ■ eng 1906-11 BS) C Eng Ry Constr Santa Marto Columbia S A (Saltil- lo Coahuila Mex) Abbott Alfred Noyes (ag 1882-5 BS '12) Ag Morrison 111 Abbott Alice (Mrs C S Hudson) (sp a&d 1902-5) Home Hyattsville Md Abbott Alice Asbury (Trustee 1898- 1905 Studied Lit and Sociol in Ger- many 1866-7) Home "The Victoria" 14th St NW Washington Abbott Allie M (sp law 1899-1900) Merc College Springs la Abbott Anna Rose (Mrs J I Hardy) (acad 1906-7 sc 1907-9 AB(Kan) '11) Home Knoxville Tenn Abbott Arthur William (ag 1908-12 BS Also Lewis Inst) Ag Downer's Grove HI Abbott Bayard Taylor (acad 1905-6 ag 1906-11 BS) Ag R7 Morrison 111 •Abbott Byron David (c eng 1873-4) d July 1 1903 Mahomet 111 f Abbott Cary Lorin (acad 1901-2 sp 1902-4 m eng 1906-7) Leverett 111 Abbott Constance B (su 1910) Stu Pomona Coll 129 E Sixth St Clare- mont Cal Abbott Edward Douglas (e eng 1907- 10 su 1911) Teach Martinsville 111 (511 W Morrell St Streator 111) Abbott Edward Lorenzo (c eng 1878- 83 BS) RR Valuation 1423 R St NW Washington Abbott Edwin Fletcher (la 1868-9 LL B (Mich) '73) Law Lane Kan Abbott Edwin Irving (ag 1914-15) Stock Florence Mont c/o Bitter Root Inn (6926 34th St Berwyn 111) Abbott Edwina Eunice (Mrs A M Cowan) (la 1903^8 AB g 1908-9 AM PhD(Chgo) '13 Asst Psychol U 111 su 1909) Home 523 Beacon Bldg Wichita Kan Abbott Elizabeth Mabelle (Mrs F E Wright) (lib 1904-8) Home 1047 S Grand Av Los Angeles Abbott Frances Dorcas (sc 1906-10 AB Asst Chem St Soil Surv U 111 1910-11) Teach 709 N Center St Clinton 111 (Morrison HI) , Abbott Helen (la 1909-13 AB) At home 4616 Beacon St Chicago Abbott Howard Green (ag 1914- ) Stu Morrison 111 ^Abbott Ira Wilson (acad 1898-9) Danvers 111 Abbott Leland Tracy (m eng 1912-13) Acct Box 423 Kenmare ND Abbott Louis Asa (ag 1910-14 BS '15) Ag Morrison 111 Abbott Ralph Wesley (1 1909-11 Also NW U 1911-12) Ins 5427 Univer- sity Av Chicago Abbott Robert Edward (la 1914- Also 'Lewis Inst) Stu 4616 Beacon St Chicago Abbott Ruth (lib 1899-1903 BLS) Asst Libr Sch Ed U Chgo 5426 Uni- versity Av Chicago Abbott Sara (sp arch 1904-6 lib 1906- 7) Libr "The Victoria" Washing- ton Abbott Seth David (ag 1908-13 BS) Ag Malaga N Mex (Sheridan 111) Abbott Theodora Sarah (la 1907-11 AB) Teach Roanoke Va (Saltillo Coahuila Mex) Abbott Theodore Sperry (min eng 1873-7 BS'78 CE'll) C Eng & Contr Saltillo Coahuila Mex (via Laredo Tex) Abbott Walter Clarence (ag 1909-10 BS( Auburn) '09) Teach Stonewall La Abbott William L (m eng 1879-84 Cert ME '04 Trustee 1905- Wun- der & Abbott Illuminating Co 1886-7 Pres & Mgr Nat Elec Constr Co 1888-94) Eng Commonwealth Edison Co 1895- 4616 Beacon St Chi- cago *Abdill Glenn Franklin (arch 1908-9 Also U la) d Aug 31 1909 New Boston 111 Abdill Harold Blakely (acad 1895-6) Dept Mgr Chicago Flexible Shaft Co 610-2 N LaSalle St Chicago abe Mikishi (g c eng 1911-14 PhD BS Tohoku Imperial) '05) Ichinoseki Ja- pan (22 Shimo Takanawa Shibaku Tokyo) ABEL Clara L (Spec Lect U 111 su 1911&'12) Libr Lincoln Lib Spring- field 111 Abel George William (e eng 1908-10 Also Armour Inst 1907) Mill Fore- man 111 Steel Co 7352 Bond Av Chicago ABELL— ADAMS Abell Ealph Elliott (arch 1900-4 BS MS (Cor) '05) Arch Elgin 111 Abend Hallett Edward (acad 1900-1) News Rep c/o Honolulu Star Bulletin Box 336 Honolulu Hawaii lAberly John (acad 1908-9) Chicago Abernathy Sherman Carter (acad 1903-4 sp chem 1904-6) 321 Robin- eon St Danville 111 Abney Bertram (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Galatia 111 (213 N Webster St Har- risburg 111) Abney M D (sc 1909-12 AB Also Ewing Coll) Teach Shelby ville 111 (Harrisburg 111) Abraham Arthur Leonard (acad 1890- 1) Merc & Bnk Watson 111 Abraham Mrs A L (see Gladson Edythe L) Abraham Erne Gale (lib 1914-15 AB (Miami '13)) Libr Miami U' 22 E Walnut St Oxford O (817 W Main St Muncie Ind) Abraham Sane Frye (sp arch 1908-9 arch 1909-10 Also Wabash Coll) Arch 512 Sherer Bldg Detroit (817 W Main St Muncie Ind) Abrahamsen Fred (ag 1913-14 Also Lake Forrest Coll) Corresp 5220 W Race Av Chicago Abrams Duff A (c eng 1901-5 BS CE '09 Also Lewis Inst Asst Eng Exp Stu U 111 1905-7 Assoc T&AM do 1907-14) Res Lewis Inst & Labr Uni- versal Portland Cement Co Chicago Abrams Ella (la h sc 1915- Also TJ Chgo) Stu 2313 Iowa St Chicago Abrams Mrs Hannah Goldberg (Mrs Samuel Abrams) (acad 1901-2 sp mus 1902-3 '06-7) Home 410 W High Urbana 111 Abrams Mrs Leone Gertrude (Mrs D A) (see also Cronkhite Leone Ger- trude la 1908-9) Abrams Samuel (sp ag 1907-9 ag 1909-10) Typewriter Agt 612 E Green St Champaign 111 *Abry Bertrand B (c eng 1899-1900 BS Also U Neb) d Oct 31 1904 Wilkinsburg Pa Abt Burl Raymond (m eng 1915- ) Stu 5307 Indiana Av Chicago Acer Donald Winchester (la com 1910- 14 AB) Mfg 223 W Center St Medina NY Acer Herbert Augustus (acad 1907-8 la com 1909-12 AB) Mfg 223 W Center St Medina NY Acer Katharine Edith (la 1910-14 AB) At home 508 Ohio St Me- dina NY Acer Victor Adna (ag 1913-14 Also -Cor U) Sales Spencer Kellog Sons Buf- falo NY (77 Johnson Pk) Ach Frank von (mun eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1618 Park Av Davenport la Ackemann Henry Conrad (c eng 1906-9 BS Also Beloit Coll) Merc 110 Hill St Elgin 111 tAckerburg Harry Albert (m eng 1909) 1413 Hood Av Chicago Ackerburg Harrv Emanuel Jr (1 1909- 11 Also NW U) Law 738 Fullerton Av Chicago Ackerman Joseph Ferdinand (ag 1911- 12 Also Howe Sch) Trav Sales Ligonier Ind tAckermann William Herman (sc 1909- 10) 52 Creighton Av Elgin 111 Ackerson Esther Mae (la h sc 1913- ) Stu R28 (64) Westfield Ind Ackert Alice No well (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu 1223 Third St Dixon 111 Ackert Harris Leroy (ag 1915- ) Stu 212 E Boyd St Dixon 111 Ackert James Edward (sc 1907-9 AB g 1904-11 AM '11-13 PhD Also N 111 St Nor Asst Zool U 111 1909-11) Asst Prof Zool Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan Ackert Mrs J E (see Tanner Flor- ence M) Ackroyd Henry Skilbeck (sp c eng 1904-6) C Eng Field Supt c/o Saw- yer & Moulton 120 Exchange St Portland Me Acorn Owen Huber (sp 1905-6 ag 1906-7) Ag Stowell Tex Acorn William Henry (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Findlay 111 Acton Artie Carlyle (c eng 1907-9) Steel Insp Decatur Bridge Co 363 W Olive St Decatur 111 %Acton William M (acad 1891-2) Hig- gins ville 111 Adair Howard (la 1904-5 AB (Til Wes) '11 STB (Boston) '14) Mintr c/o Thos Adair Lebanon Ind Adair James Wade (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Lebanon Ind t Adams Albert Clark (e eng 1911-12 '13-14) Indianapolis ! Adams Alfred C (su 1895) Urbana HI Adams Allan Madison (ag 1913- ) Stu 410 E John St Champaign 111 Adams Allyn Stanley (e eng 1908-9 Also Rose Poly) Fruit & Ranch Al- bany Ore Adams Alonzo Tilson (acad 1885-6) Merc Carrollton Mo (Marseilles 111) * Adams Arthur Grant (sc 1881-2) d June 18 1912 Sidney HI ADAMS— ADELSBEEGEE Adams Augustus Earl (sp ag 1908-10 Also Eureka Coll) Ag Atlanta 111 f Adams C F (sc 1877-8) Urbana 111 Adams Charles Christopher (g 1897- 8 BS(IU Wes)'95 MS(Harv)'99 PhD (Chgo) '08 Asst Biol 111 Wes U 1895-6 Curator U Mich 1903-6 Assoc An Ecol . U 111 1908-14) Asst Prof Forestry Zool Syr U 928 Lan- caster Av Syracuse NY * Adams Charles Francis (ag 1881-7) d May 20 1893 Adams Clara Louise (Mrs E S Hall) (sc 1890-1) Home 3230 W Monroe St Chicago ? Adams Clarence G (ag 1875-6) Champaign 111 * Adams Edward Langford (e eng 1892-6 BS) d Jan 31 1902 Chi cago Adams Edwin Bert (c eng 1904-8 BS) Asst City Eng 1415 Bemis St Grand Eapids Mich Adams Mrs E B (see Young Grace Sadie) - Adams Edwin F (acad 1879-80) Dwight 111 Adams Eli David (acad 1907-8) PO Clk 224 N Banker St Effing- ham 111 Adams Elisha Brown (m eng 1897-8 Also 111 Coll) 1415 Bemis St Grand Eapids Mich Adams Ethel Irene (mus 1914- Also Virginia Coll) Stu Buffalo Wyo Adams Eugene Franklin (arch eng 1911-14 BS Also Washburn Coll) Arch Eng Box 524 Ashland Neb ? Adams Flora May (sp mus 1899- 1900) Cerro Gordo 111 * Adams Frank E (la 1875-7) d Champaign 111 Adams Frank E (acad 1897-8) Baker 540 E Orchard St Decatur 111 Adams George Clarence (sc 1870-5) 1335 E Weber Av Stockton Cal Adams Glen Lloyd (la 1905-6) Bnk Moweaqua 111 Adams Harold Wallace (arch 1904-7) Arch 706% Third Av Seattle ADAMS John (MA (Glasgow) BSc (do) LL D FCP Prof Ed U 111 su 1913 Prin London Day Train Coll) Prof Ed U London 1902- 23 Tanza Ed Hempstead NW Eng ADAMS John Quincy (BL(Mich)'94 LL B(do)'98 Also U Ky 1900-1 & Pa St Coll 1901-2 & Franklin & Mar- shall Coll 1902-3 Instr Ehet U 111 1903-5) Prof Pub Speak La St U Baton Eouge La t Adams Joseph James (cer eng 1912- 13 Also Ind U) Ag Stuttgart Ark Adams Leason Heberling (sc 1902-6 BS) Ees Carnegie Inst Washington Adams Leota Valentine (la 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Prince ville HI ? Adams M D (sp 1872-3) Hainesville 111 Adams Mary Olena (la 1914-15 AB Also Forest Park U) Teach Forest Park U St Louis (Tipton Mo) Adams Maud (Mrs A F Kampert) (sp 1895-6 sc 1896-7) Home Fair- mount Minn Adams Minnie Wood Eoss (su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U) Asst Sec United Charities 406 W Green St Cham- paign 111 Adams Nettie (Mrs W B Wilson) (la 1873-7 BL) Home 630 Ferry St Lafayette Ind * Adams Otto C (1 1897-1900 LL B) d June 5 1909 Decatur 111 Adams Owen Dallas (ag 1915- ) Stu Salem 111 Adams Pauline Hopkins (sp mus 1912- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 1575 Wealthy Av Grand Eapids Mich Adams Sidney William (la 1915) Ag E2 Eossville 111 Adams Warren David (eng 1915- ) Stu Scales Mound 111 Adams Mrs Will H (see Strehlow Cornelia E) ADAMS William Alexander (AB (Harv) '98 LL B(Mich) '03 Instr Ehet U 111 1899-1901 (Prof Law do 1903-6) Law 15 Tacoma Bldg Chicago Adams William Calvin (chem eng 1909-10 la 1911-14 BS'15) Wat- seka 111 Adams William Clarence (c eng 1915) Private Sec 2009 N Sycamore St Alton 111 ?Adams William Clyde (m eng 1910- 13) 6411 Green st Chicago Adams William E (acad 1889-90) Law 1219 Monroe St Charleston 111 ?adams William Sylvester (g 1909-10 AM AB( Green ville) '07) Cuba Kan ?Adams William W (ag 1870-3) Ur- bana 111 Adamson Clarence Herbert (sp ag 1911-12) Stu Carnegie Inst Tech 426 Downer PI Aurora 111 Addis Eussell (acad 1901-2) Sales 1024 S 60th St Philadelphia (57 N Fifth St Canton 111) Ade John Otis Jr (ag 1910-12) Ag Kentland Ind Adelsberger Bransford Louis (sc 1914- ) ADER— AITKEN Stu Waterloo 111 Ader Mrs Annie Payne (ag 1915- Also De Pauw U) Stu 256 W Hill St Wabash Ind Adkisson Leah Agnes (Mrs, A S Kaz- marck) (la 1908-10) Home 1250 Che- meketa St Salem Ore Adler Eugene Max (com 1915- ) Stu 2705 Western Av Mattoon 111 adler Frederick Henry (g 1910-11 AM '11-13 PhD AB(Ohio St) '09) Instr Ger Dartmouth Coll Hanover NH (1833 Patterson Av Chicago) Adler Leon (chem eng 1913- ) Stu 2818 Gamble St St Louis Adolph John Peter (acad 1894-5 m eng 1895-7) M Eng 1405 Camp Av Rockford 111 Adolph Milton Arthur (ag 1915- ) Stu San Jose 111 Adriance Rhoda Gilmour (Mrs D N Hitch) (la 1909-12 AB Also Wilson Coll) Home Hobson Mont Adsit Bertram Wilson (la 1897-8 law 1898-1901 LL B Also Knox Coll 1896- 7) Law Pontiae 111 Adsit Lois Cornelia (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Wellington 111 Aeberly John (acad 1908) C Eng 2023 Eastwood Av Chicago Agana Bernardo (la 1906-7 Also Pur U) Ag Tarlac Tarlac PI Agate Mrs Ralph H (see Rice Char- lotte K) Agee Mrs Nellie (ag 1915- ) Stu 4247a Finney Av St Louis Agee Polk Watkins (arch 1912-13 Also Armour Inst) Arch. 1027 Pe- can St Helena Ark Agg Rachel (la 1907-8 lib 1913-14 PhB(Pa)'ll) Libr The Stratford Evansville Ind Agg Sarah (ag 1913-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 920 W Illinois St Urbana 111 AGG Tansy Radford (BS(Ia Ag) '05 Instr GED U 111 1905-6 do T&AM 1906-9) Assoc Prof Highway Eng la St Coll Ames la Agnew Beulah Irene (la 1913- ) Stu Villa Grove 111 Agnew Harry Lee (sp ag 1904-6 Al- so U Mo) Ag Mason City 111 ? Agnew Leslie Vaughan (c eng 1903- 5) Bridge Erection Chesaning Mich Agnew Ralph (c eng 1903-5 BS Al- so Albion Coll) Ag Chesaning Mich Agnew Viola Blanche (Mrs Morse) (acad 1906-7 la 1907-8) 1432 65th PI Chicago fAguilera Rodrigo (acad 1884-5 c eng 1885-7) Parral Mex ?Aguirra Mathias (acad 1905-8 c eng 1908-10) Saltillo Coahuila Mex Aherin Thomas (acad 1879-81 la 1881-2) Farmerville 111 Ahem Mary Agnes (Mrs J C Bow- man) (acad 1904-5) Home 205 N Randolph St Champaign 111 Ahlers Ophelia (la 1915- ) Stu Staunton 111 Ahlgrim Fred Hector (sp arch 1906- 9) Arch 1719 E Michigan St Michigan City Ind Ahlrich Augusta (sp mus 1897-9) At home 109 S Lynn St Urbana 111 Ahlswede Arthur Charles (ag 1900-1) Mfg 836 Stratford St South Pas- adena Cal *Ahrens Anna Wilhelmina (Mrs W Diven) (1896-1902 AB) d March 22 1912 Tucson Ariz Ahrens August (su 1906 Also Harv U) Teach Box 105 Weehawken NJ Aid Harry (e eng 1915- ) Stu Gallatin Mo Aikin Arthur Lewis (sc 1897-8) Merc San Diego Cal Aikman Arthur Bartley (c eng 1905- 6) Asst Bk Cash 501 S Market St Marion 111 tAiney David Carlyle (m eng 1911- 12 Also Lehigh U) Montrose Pa Ainsworth Frances Lois (Mrs Sam Boyden)(sp 1899-1900) Home Green- ville Miss Ainsworth Harry Francis (ag 1911- 15 BS) Ag 257 N Michigan Av Greensburg Ind Ainsworth Harry G (ag 1910-15 BS) Lumber Merc Mason City 111 Ainsworth Joseph Homer (ag 1914- ) Stu 403 E Market St Havana 111 Ainsworth Madalane Zelomia (la Feb 1915 Feb 1916- Also NW U) Stu 5041 Grand Blvd Chicago Ainsworth Nellie Elizabeth (Mrs Chas H Spears) (sp mus 1897-9) Home 403 W University Av Champaign 111 Ainsworth Walter Wilford (la com 1909-12 AB Also 111 Coll) Sales Mgr Wm R Compton Co 408 Olive St St Louis (Chandlerville 111) Ainsworth William Howard (ag 1913- ) Stu Mason City 111 Ainsworth William Pemberton (acad 1895-6) Teach Mus Paxton 111 * Ainsworth William Thomas Arthur (sp ag 1903-4) d Dec 1908 Saidora 111 Aitken Alice (acad 1910-11) Teach Fulton 111 Aitken Isabel (acad 1910-11 Also 111 AKERS— ALDEN St Nor U) Teach c/o R S James Morrison 111 (Fulton 111) Akers Deborah Chase (Mrs S M Trav- ers)(la 1907-8 AB Also Millikin U) Home 905 Magnolia St Long Beach Cal Akers Milton Kent (e eng 1901-5 BS 1905-7 EE Instr E Eng U 111 1905- 7) Assoc Prof E Eng Wash State Coll 1907- Pullman Wash Akers Nellie (Mrs N G McHugh) (acad 1902-5) Home 508 NY Block Seattle Akers Ora Mabyn (arch 1904-5 Also Chgo Tech Inst) Mere Shaunavon Sask Can Akester Jessie Evalyn (Mrs. G J Bow- er) (sp la 1907-8 Also Art Inst Chgo) Home & Art Farina HI Akin Elva Veola (h sc 1911-12 BS (Kan Ag) '05) Teach 423 Fremont St Manhattan Kan akin Ida Emily (g 1910-11 AM'12 AB(Ind) '08 Asst Bot U 111 1910-11) Teach 429 E Seventh St Blooming- ton Ind ?Alarco Jose Maria (c eng 1895-1900 BS) R Est Box 2015 Mexico City Mex Alband Laura Anna (h sc 1912-15 AB Also U Colo) Dietician Michael Reese Hospital Chicago (215 S Bloomington St Streator 111) Alband Lillian May (la 1912-13 AB Also Beloit Coll) Prob Ofc 215 S Bloomington St Streator HI ?Albaugh Forrest Plato (ag 1911-12) 1526 Albany Av Chicago Albaugh Hazen Lowell (la com 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Edmore Mich Albaugh Kathryn Rebecca (ag 1915- Also Mich St Nor) Stu 34th & Maple Sts Berwyn 111 \Albayda Gandencio Alejandro (acad 1903-4) Stog Negros PI Albee Chester Leon ( ag 1913-15 Feb 1916- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 205 W California Av Urbana 111 Albert Harry D (la 1913-15 Also Millikin U) Stu Gem City Bus Coll Mansfield 111 Alberts Dorothy Alvena (acad 1907-9) Stu Champaign H Sch 505 S Neil St Champaign HI Alberts Henry William (acad 1895-6) Merc Emden 111 Albertson Edwin Ellsworth (la 1902-4 Also Morgan Park Acad) Jour 4219 Terrace St Oakland Cal Albertson Robert Wesley (acad 1900- 1) Electr 106 N Fourth St Pekin 111 (714 N Capitol St) Albin Harold Cornelius (acad 1910-11 ag 1911-13 '14-15 BS Also Pa St Coll) Res Food Research Lab 22 Jackson PI Indianapolis Albin John Morris (ag 1912-13) Trav Geneva 111 Albin Russell H (la 1908-12) Clk Geneva 111 Albin Wilma (la 1914-15) At home 3711 Ward St Chicago Albrecht Arthur Joseph (la 1907-12 AB g 1912-13) Law Kenosha Wis Albrecht Charles A (sp sc 1897-9 MD (U 111 Coll Med) '99) Med 1818 S Halsted St Chicago Albrecht Daniel Arthur (sc 1913- Also Cent Mennonite Coll) Stu 709 S First St Champaign HI * Albrecht Edward Unzicker (acad 1900-1) d June 4 1915 Sheffield 111 Albrecht Harry Woolf (sp m eng 1900- 3) Ag Monmouth Kan Albrecht William Albert (la 1907-11 AB g agron 1912-14 BS '14-15 MS '15- ) Stu 709 S First St Cham- paign 111 Albrecht William Butler (sp 1900-1) Ag Rl Tiskilwa 111 Albright Mrs (see Grisson Ruth L) ALBRIGHT Charles Clinton (BS (Pur) '03 CE(Pur)'08 Instr C Eng U 111 1908-9) Assoc Prof C Eng Pur U 638 N Eighth St Lafayette Ind t Albright Chester Ware (acad 1906- 7) Osteop 904 220 S State St Chi- cago (7037 Vernon St) Albright Joseph Clarence (m eng 1913- 15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Attica Ind Albright Raymond Bean (la 1910-14 AB) Minier HI Albright Roscoe Harrison (c eng 1908-13 BS) RR Eng Division Ofc Penn RR Co 742 Brooklyn Av New Castle Pa Alcazar Candido Mauricio (su 1905 AB(Silliman Inst) '14 Also Millikin U 1904-5 & U la 1905-7) Prin Prov Trade Sch c/o Bur Ed Manila P I (Dumaguete PI) Alcock Warren Joseph (m eng 1914- ) Stu 5229 Greenwood Av Chicago Alcott Guy Fisher (sp ag 1905-8) Ag Fail view 111 Alcott Leonard Curtis (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Fairview 111 ALDEN Earle Stanley (g engl 1914- AB(Colo)'09 AM(Harv)'13 Instr Colo Coll 1910-11 Instr Earlham Coll 1913-14) Instr Engl U 111 1914- 611 W California Av Urbana 111 (1322 E 17th St Los Angeles) Alden Frederick Stanton (g 1896-7 CE ALDEN— ALGER (Cor) '99) Asst City Eng 1540 Washington Av Cedar Rapids la ALDEN" George Henry (BS(Carleton) '91 AB(Harv)'93 PhD (Wis) '96 Asst Prof Hist U 111 1896-7 Asst Prof do U Wash 1903-5 Assoc Prof do 1905-9) Dean & Act Pres Wil- liamette U Salem O Alden John Leslie (m eng 1909-14 BS) c/o Internat Harvester Co 318 W 57th St New York ALDEN Raymond Macdonald (AB (Pa) '94 AM(Harv)'96 PhD(Pa) '98 Lit D( Rollins) '10. Instr Engl U Pa 1899-1901 Asst Prof Engl LeStan U 1901-11 Prof Engl & Chm Dept U 111 1911-14) Prof Engl LeStan U 1914- Stanford University Cal Aldrich Alonzo (m eng 1877-8) M Eng c/o Beloit Iron Wks Beloit Wis Aldrich Blanche (Mrs O J Jarrett) (la 1901-4 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Home 502 E Front St Blooming- ton 111 Aldrich Eleanor Purdy (Mrs J G Sponsel) (ag h se 1909-11) Home 445 Jefferson St Gary Ind Aldrich Harry Glen (arch 1910-13 BS Also Knox Coll) Arch 543 W North St Galesburg HI *Aldrieh Joshua W (gen 1869-72) d Jan 26 1909 ?Aldrich Lloyd (acad 1905-6 c eng 1906-7) C Eng Hollywood Cal ALDRICH Morton A (AB(Harv)'95 PhD (Halle) '97 Prof Econ IJ 111 su 1909) Dean Coll Com & Bus Admin Tul U New Orleans Aldrich Robert Dewar (acad 1903-4) Tampico 111 ALDRICH William Sleeper (ME (Stev- ens Tech) '84 Also J Hopk U 1889-91 Prof E Eng & Head Dept U 111 1899- 1901 Dir Clarkson Sch Tech 1901-11 Act Prof M&E Eng U Ariz 1913-14) Assoc Prof E Eng Colo Ag Coll 1914- Fort Collins Colo Alesen Lewis Albert (la 1915- Also U Colo) Stu 201 W 15th PI Chi- cago Heights 111 Aleshire Margaret (la h sc Feb 1916- ) Stu 6519 Woodlawn Av Chicago Aleshire Merlin Clay (c eng 1907-11) Constr 6519 Woodlawn Av Chicago Aleshire Sarah Louise (ag h sc 1910- 14 BS) Teach 6519 Woodlawn Av Chicago Alexander Alfred (arch 1906-9) Arch 5138 Cornell Av Chicago Alexander Archie M (ag 1906-7) Ag R4 Bloomington 111 t Alexander Catherine Caroline (lib 1912-13 Also U Mich) 831 Stephen- son Av Iron Mountain Mich tAlexander Elizabeth Walton (lib 1901- 2 Also Col U) 301 W Green St Ithaca NY Alexander Ernest A (ag 1904-5) Ag Box 20 Edinburg 111 Alexander Grace Elizabeth (la 1911- 13 '14-15 Also Chgo Teach Coll) Teach 2054 N Kostner Av Chicago Alexander Hazel Johnson (sp la 1914- 15 Also Teach Coll Col U) Dir Kin- derg 870 W Pratt St Indianapolis ? Alexander Henry O (la 1878-9) Ur- bana 111 Alexander James Greenleaf (la 1907-8 '11-13) Bond Dept Cent 111 Trust Co 125 W Monroe St Chicago Alexander Mrs James G A (see Jones Winifred E) Alexander John Alva (sc 1909-12 '15- Also Ind St Nor) Stu 808 E Oregon St Urbana 111 Alexander John Fielden (c eng 1904- 7) RR Signal 616 Jefferson St To- peka Kan Alexander John T (sp 1868-9) Live- stock Com Merc Union Stock Yards Chicago (Alexander Station 111) Alexander Laurence H (ag 1911-12) Ag Emden 111 ALEXANDER Lilla M (Catg Asst Lib U 111 1911-15) Catg Asst U Chgo 1915- 5902 S Park Av Chicago Alexander Louis Jessup (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 2161 American Av Long Beach Cal Alexander Lucie Belle (la 1910-12 Also U N Mex) Teach Rushville 111 Alexander Philip E (su 1911) Mt Vernon 111 Alexander Robert P (com 1914- Al- so McKendree Coll) Stu R6 Belle- ville 111 Alexander William Harrison (ag 1905- 7) Emden 111 Alexander William Henry (sc 1910-11 Also U Chgo) Proof-reader Lumber- man Staff 1551 N Tripp Av Chi- cago Alford Irving Samuel (sp ag 1900-2 Also Toronto Vet Coll) Vet Paxton 111 Alford William Davis (acad, 1904-5) Mach 740 E 13th St Davenport la ?Alfred Benton (sp 1868-70 '73-4) Urbana 111 ALGER Archie Reed (BS(MichAg) '04 CE(do)'ll Instr Mich Ag Coll 1904-7 Instr Case Sch Ap Sc 1907-8 Instr C Eng U 111 1909-13) Checker ALIMULLAH— ALLEN on Structural Steel c/o Whitehead & Kale Beecher Av & MC Ry Detroit (1410 14th Av) Alimullah Mohamed (la 1915- Also Valparaiso U') Stu V Chak Ameer Po Narot Dist Gurdaspur India tAlison John W (la 1879-81) Bis- mark 111 lAlUre Arthur D wight (acad 1898-9) Urbana 111 1 Alkire Grace Ethel (acad 1898-9) 808 W Green St Urbana 111 Alkire Hazel Ellen (sc 1906-12 AB) Prin H Sch Greenview 111 ? Alkire Henry Haven (acad 1899- 1900) 1109 Springfield Av Urbana 111 Allaben Everett (ag 1915- ) Stu 974 N Court St Eockford HI Allais Eugenie (la 1914- Also De Pauw U) Stu 114 N Washington St Duquoin 111 Allan Alexander McMillan (sp la 1880- 2 arch eng 1882-4) Gen Contr Mon- terey Cal Allan Carlisle Visscher (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 817 S 37th St Omaha Neb Allan Robert Howard (ag 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Winchester 111 Allan William Selby (c eng 1908-11 BS Also Lewis Inst) C & Gen Eng 648 Cornelia Av Chicago tAllard Charles Edward (la 1868-9) Roseclare 111 Allard Hazel Bentley (la 1914-15 Also Cor Coll) Teach 1508 Ken- tucky St Quincy 111 Allard Maurine (mus 1914-15 Also Cor Coll) 1508 Kentucky St Quincv 111 ALLEE Warder Clyde (BS( Earlham) '08 MS(Chgo)'10 PhD(Chgo)'12 Instr Zool U Chgo 1910-12 Instr Bot U 111 1912-13 Instr Zool Williams Coll 1913-14) Asst Prof Zool U Okla 1914- Norman Okla Allen Mrs (see Ives Floy) Allen Albert (la com 1904-8 AB) 113 12th St' Mt Vernon 111 Allen Albert Miller (arch 1897-1901 BS) Arch 20 E Broad St Colum- bus O Allen Mrs AM (see Kuhl Cora) Allen Alice Alexandria (la h sc 1911- ) Stu 1107 W Oregon St Urbana HI ? Allen Aleck M (arch 1881-3) Cham- paign HI Allen Arthur C (arch 1875-6) Build- er 1216 Gaines St Davenport la Allen Arthur William (acad 1899- 1900 arch eng 1900-4 BS) Contr 752 Moss Av Peoria 111 Allen Mrs A W (see Stedman Ange- line J) ? Allen Basil Louis (sp 1894-5) Cham- paign HI Allen Bessie (su 1905) Head Mission Sch Teheran Persia (Somerville Tenn) Allen Cecil Violet (la 1915- Also 111 Worn Coll) Instr Union Pacific Sch Omaha Neb (Broadlands HI) * Allen Charles Wesley (gen 1872-6 BL) d July 8 1880 " Harristown 111 allen Chester Harmon (g chem 1912- 14 AM AB (Lawrence) '12) Res Chem Rockefeller Inst Med Res 66th St & Av A New York Allen Clyde Harlan (com 1915) Clk & Bkpr Rockford Elec Co Rbckford 111 (Winnebago 111) Allen Mrs Clyde J (see Pitkin Frances C) *Allen Darwin (ag 1869-71) d Hamp- shire 111 Allen David Hammond (sp ag 1889- 91) Ag Delavan 111 Allen Edith Louise (sc 1898-1903 AB su 1913) Lect Dom Econ Exten Dept U Tex Austin Tex Allen Edward Dewalt (sc 1907-11 AB '12 MD(NW)'14) Interne St Luke's Hosp Chicago (567 Stephenson St Freeport 111) Allen Edward Riley (ag 1902-6 BS PhD (Cor) '13) Asst Dept Soils Ohio Ag Exp Sta Wooster O (652 N Beaver St) Allen Edwin Wright (acad 1879-80 ag 1880-4) Ag Harristown 111 tAllen Emory Adams (c eng 1871-4) 519 Main St Cincinnati (Sheffield HI) Allen Ernest Victor (m eng 1911-13 min eng 1913- ) Stu R3 Pana 111 Allen Frank Gilbert (acad 1895-6 m eng 1896-8 '99-1901 BS Also la St Coll) Instr Eng Drawing U Colo 1912- Boulder Colo Allen Mrs F G (see Crathorne Flor- ence) Allen Frank Oscar (sc 1912-13 la 1915- Also 111 Wes U) Stu 905 W Clay St Clinton 111 Allen Frank Phoenix (su 1906 &'07 &'08) Prin H Sch New Windsor 111 Allen Fred Eaton (ag 1902-7 BS) Ranch Sand Springs Mont Allen Fred Starbuck (sp ag 1890-1) Ag & Stock Delavan 111 Allen George Adams (ag 1905-6) Pres Allen Keppel Rubber Co 206 N Jeff- erson St Richmond Va Allen George Albert (la 1914- ) Stu s ALLEN— ALLEN 905 W Clay St Clinton 111 Allen George B (m eng 1907-11 BS) Mach 235 Belvidere Av Detroit Allen Grace Matilda (la 1903-5 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 370 E Pearl St Pomono Cal ALLEN Hamilton Ford (AB (Wil- liams) '88 PhD (Chgo) '05 Also U Berlin & U Leipsic & McCormick Theol Sem 1897-1902 Prof Latin Prin U 1905-6 Assoc Classics U 111 1907-9) Instr Classics Wash & Jeff Coll Wash- ington Pa Allen Harriet Ethel (su 1915 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Waverly 111 Allen Harriet Horton (ag h sc 1913- 15) At home Delavan 111 Allen Henry Clay (ag 1872-4) Ret Ag S Hamilton St Georgetown Ky Allen Hester Ada (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu Delavan 111 Allen Ira Wilder (la 1910-11 Also U Chgo) Clk 257 E Villa St Pasa- dena Cal (1001 S Third St Cham- paign 111) I Allen James Adolphus (c eng 1873-5) Creston 111 Allen James Charles (sp arch eng 1892-3 arch eng 1893-4) Trav 1436 Blaisdell St Rockford 111 t Allen John L (acad 1892-3 m eng 1897-9) Roodhouse 111 Allen John Newell (acad 1897-1900 sp law 1900-2) Deputy Co Treas Court House Danville 111 Allen Jonas A (la 1877-81) Judge Superior Court Visalia Cal * Allen Jonathan Bowers (ag 1905-6) d Feb 25 1906 Champaign 111 Allen Josiah Graham (ag 1913-14) Farm Mgr Washington Ind Allen Laurie Lee (sc 1907-10 AB MD (NW)'IS Also Ober Coll) Med Muirdale Sanitarium Wauwatosa Wis (Charlottesville Va) Allen Lawrence Thompson (1 1900-5 LL B Also U Chgo) Co Jud 607 Baum Bldg Danville 111 (1130 Log- an Av) Allen Mrs L T (see Trevett Bessie H) Allen Layton (sp arch 1897-8) Arch 44 Lombard Bldg Indianapolis * Allen Lemuel (Trustee 1867-71 Supt Sch Tazewell Co) d 1905 Pekin 111 Allen Lewis Richard (ag 1894-6) Hort Murphysboro 111 Allen Louis (la 1909-13 AB g 1913- 15 AM '15- ) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1002 W California Av Urbana 111 (905 W Clay St Clinton 111) ALLEN Louise Catherine (Mrs John Milton Gregory) (Hon MS 1892 Grad (111 St Nor U)'71 Also Harv U su 1875 Instr Dom Sc U 111 1875-7) Home 616 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Allen Lucille Marie (su 1915) Stu Miami U 1423 Goodfellow Av St Louis Allen Lucy Elizabeth (ag 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Delavan 111 Allen Lura Edna \su 1915 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Waverly 111 Allen Mae Louise (Mrs W M Tul- lock)(la 1899-1903 AB) Stenog 111 Grain Dealers' Assn 908 W Green St Urbana 111 Allen Mary Elizabeth (la 1903-5 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 370 E Pearl St Pomono Cal (Wenona 111) t ALLEN Mary Stickney (g zool 1911- 12 BS (Chgo) '09 Asst Zool U 111 1911-12) 867 Shepard Av Milwau- Allen Moffet Barrows (ag 1914- ) Stu Harristown 111 t Allen Norwin Louis (acad 1907-8) Paducah Ky Allen Otho William (la 1910-12 '13- 15 AB g french '15- ) Stu R7 Clinton 111 Allen Paschal (ag 1900-5 BS) Ag Green Valley 111 Allen Mrs Paschal (see Hatch Edith I) Allen Paul Charles Burdett (m eng 1908-10) M Eng 131 Hinkley St Rockford 111 Allen Paul Glen (la 1911- ) Stu 6539 Yale Av Chicago ALLEN Paul William (g dairy bac- terid 1914- BS(St Lawrence) '10 MS(Cor)'14 Also Hobart Coll 1902- 3) Asst Dairy Bact U 111 1914- 806 S Third St Champaign 111 Allen Pulaski Kossuth (la 1872-3) RR PO Clk 4519 Magnolia Av Ravenswood Chicago allen Ralph (ag 1873-6 MS '94) Ag Delavan 111 Allen Mrs Ralph (see Eaton Ada) Allen Ralph Jr (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Delavan 111 Allen Ray Clifford (la 1907-11 AB) Clk 634 York PI Chicago Allen Reuben Winfield (g chem 1914- MS(Ga)'13) Stu Thomastown Ga Allen Robert Chandler (la 1875-6 '77- 81 Also Union Coll Law) Ret Gil- man 111 t Allen Roy Orville (sc 1909-10) 1745 E Eldorado St Decatur 111 * Allen Roy Skillman (acad 1895-7) d Nov 8 1915 San Diego Cal ALLEN— ALMY tALLEN Ruben G (ag 1912-14 BS Al- so U Wis) Montfort Wis Allen Ruby Letitia (la 1911-13 AB) Teach Box 193 Monticello 111 (Car- lyle 111) Allen William Alvis (acad 1908-9) Mach 331 N Alabama St Indianap- olis ALLEN William Fitch (AB( Stan- ford) '00 AM (do) '02 Asst U Cal 1907-10 Instr Zool U 111 1910-11) Instr Histol & Embryol U Minn 1911- Minneapolis Allen William Robert (eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 409 Knoxville Av Peoria 111 fAllen Wynfred Emory (g zool 1910- 11 AM(Lawrence) '04) Box 35 New- berg Ore ? Alley Mary (la 1906-9 Also N 111 St Nor) 5832 Blackstone Av Chicago Alley William Edwin (acad 1899-1901 sp eng 1901-4) Lab Asst & Mech U 1111914- 111 W Washington St Cham- paign 111 tAllhands Cash Lyle (ag 1911-14) Watseka 111 Allin Eugenia (lib 1900-3 BLS Or- ganizer 111 Lib Exten Comm) Libr Millikin U 124 N Edward St Deca- tur 111 Ailing Carlos A K (la 1914-15) c/o Darling & Co Fertilizers Chicago (5140 Kenwood Av) Ailing Charles A (c eng 1879-82) Pres Darling Co 5140 Kenwood Av Chicago Allinson May (la 1903-6 AB g 1906- 7 AM '07-8 Also Col U & 111 St Nor U) Assoc Dir Dept Res Worn Ed Industrial Union Boston (205 Rawson Rd Brookline Mass) Allinson Ora (acad 1902-3) 211 E Green St Champaign 111 Allis Fayette Henry (arch 1911-13) Arch 333 Paxton Blk Omaha Neb (Florence Neb) Allison Carl Walter (sc 1908-13 AB) Teach Hibbing Minn Allison Mrs C W(see Mitchell Janet) Allison Fred Gray (ag 1904-6 BS g 1910-11 Also Knox Coll) Ag Fill- more Sask Can Allison Mrs Fred Gray ( see Kerr Josephine) Allison Harry Orson (ag 1901-3 '05-6 BS g 1909-10 '12-13 MS Instr An Husb U 111 1906-10) Ed & Res U Mo Columbia Mo Allison Ira Dent (ag 1903-6 BS Also Knox Coll) Assoc Hort U 111 1914- 804 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Allison Mrs ID (see Hoff Edna D) *Allison James G (acad 1877-8 la 1878-81 Cert) d Apr 21 1891 Texas Allison Jay Malcom (la com 1912- ) Stu Downer's Grove 111 tAllison John W (la 1879-80) Bis- marck 111 Allison Lester Thomas (acad 1885-6 la 1886-8) Squab Dealer Arlington Heights 111 Allison Lorena Adella (su 1907 Also Cook Co Nor) Teach 641 Lorel Av Chicago Allison Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs Jack Mar- tin) (la 1911-15) Home Mason City la (Kirkland 111) Allison Theodore Mason (la 1911-13 Also De Pauw U) Asst Co Eng Grundy Center la Allison Waite Fisher (acad 1891-2) RR Eng 121 12th St SE Washington (c/o Jos Allison IIS Pension Dept) * Allison William B (acad 1882-3) d Macomb 111 Allison Worth Arthur (ag 1913- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 16 W Har- rison St Charleston 111 Allman John Claude (c eng 1915- ) Stu 158 N Main St Crown Point Ind Allyn Albert Merrell (arch 1910-14) Eng J L Simmons Co Chicago (650 W Main St Decatur 111) Allyn Hester Anne (la h sc 1913- ) Stu Modesto 111 Allyn Howard Oliver (sp ag 1908-9 Also Eureka Coll 1905-6) Ag Mo- desto 111 Allyn Norman (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 452 W S Grand Av Springfield Allyn Orr Milton (acad 1906-7 ag 1907-12 BS AsstAgron U 111 1912- 15) Instr Crop Prod U 111 1915- 1105 W California Av Urbana 111 Allyn Mrs Orr M (see Gilkerson Frances E) ?Alm Gerhard John (ag 1913-14) 1140 Indiana Av Chicago Almond Harry Havens (arch 1912-14 la com 1914- ) Stu 1521 Noble St Anderson Ind *ALMY Arthur Leroy (ME (Cor) '95 Instr E Eng U 111 1895-6) d Jan 19 1900 Auburn NY Almy Lloyd Huber (chem eng 1905-9 BS) Res Chem 20 Mintwood Apt Washington Almy William Herbert (acad 1903-4 m eng 1904-11 BS) Dir Man Tr 15601 Turlington Av Harvey 111 Almy Mrs W H (see Baird Florence) 10 ALPINER— AMELL Alpiner Agatha Hart (Mrs Sam Reu- ler)(mus 1904-5 Also U Chgo 1910- 12) Home 35 Lexington St St Paul Minn Alpiner Amelia Darling (Mrs A L Stern) (la 1893-6 AB Also U Berlin 1899-1900) Home 909 W University Av Champaign 111 Alsbury Mary Elizabeth (su 1907) Teach Maroa 111 Alsf elder Ferd (acad 1906-9) Draft 3514 Reading Rd Cincinnati O (604 W Elm St Urbana 111)- Alsip Albert A (m eng 1903-5) St James Hotel Denver Colo Alspach Fred Albert (c eng 1898- 1902 BS) Asst Tax & Contr Agt Pac E Ry Co 325 Halstead St Tropi- co Cal Alspach George Daniel (eng 1902-3) R Est 325; Halstead St Tropico Cal Alssid Lazare B (g french Feb 1916- AB (Alleghany '15) Stu Pittsburgh Pa Alt Frank Henry Jr (ag 1914-15) 1528 Farwell Av Chicago Altekruse Ira Blair (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-10 BS) R Est 715-7 Re- serve Bk Bldg Kansas City Mo (3730 College Av) *Altgeld John Peter (Trustee 1893-7) Jud Supreme Court 1886-91 Gov 111 1893-7) d March 12 1902 Joliet 111 Altman Cary Oscar (su 1906 AB (Otterbein) '06 AM(Ohio) '12) Head Dept Engl Yankton Coll Yankton SD Altpeter "Walter George (m eng 1911- 14) Draft 2405 Ogden Av Chicago Alumbaugh Harry Til ford (la 1902-3) Merc & Mfg Carlisle Ind Alverson Alfred G (sp ag 1884-5 Also Ontario Vet Coll & McKillip Vet Coll) Vet Bloomington 111 Alverson Eva Luella (Mrs W G Eck- hardt)(acad 1901-2 la 1902-6 AB) Home 215 S Fourth St DeKalb 111 * Alverson Grace Margaret (acad 1901-2 mus 1902-10 B Mus) d Aug 11 1915 Asheville NC Alverson Maude Lena (la 1905-9 AB) Teach 705 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Alverson Ruth Amelia (la 1914- ) Stu 705 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Alverson Shirley George (min eng 1910-11) Stenog Fulton Ky Alverson Verna May (la 1913-14) At home 705 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Alvis Bennett Young (su 1908&09 Also S 111 St Nor 1901-8) Stu St Louis U Med Coll Kell 111 Alvis Harry J (su 1902) Prin H Sch 611 32nd St E St Louis 111 (Mt Vernon 111) % Alvis Julian Weems (acad 1908-9) Durant Miss * Alvis William Worth (1870-1) d Rural Retreat 111 alvord Clarence Walworth (g 1905-8 PhD AB( Williams) '91 Also Freid- rich-Wilhelm U 1893-5 & U Chgo 1895- 6 Instr Acad U 111 1897-1901 Instr Hist U 111 1901-6 Assoc do 1906-7 Asst Prof do 1907-8 Assoc Prof do 1909-13) Prof Hist U 111 1913- 1005 California Av Urbana 111 Alvord Genevieve Raymond (acad 1908-10 la 1912- ) Stu 1005 California Av Urbana 111 Alvord Mrs Idress Head (Mrs C W) (g 1914-15 Also Howard-Payne Coll) Home 1005 California Av Urbana 111 Alvord Wilbur Clinton (la 1868-9) Stock-broker 1619 Fair Oaks Av Glendale Cal Alward Carrie Louise (acad 1894-5) Home Rl (17) Canton 111 Alwood Clyde Gobel (ag 1913- ) Stu 609 E Johnson St Clinton 111 Alyea Mrs Clarence J (see Van Meter Helen J) Alyea Erma Nannie (sp mus 1903-4) At home 1005 W University Av Ur- bana 111 Alyea Melvil Carlyle (ag 1913-15 Also U Wis) Sales Earlville III Alyea Norma Jenness (sc 1913-14 Also la St Teach Coll) At home Earlville 111 Alyea Thomas Ellwood (arch 1912-14 Also la St Teach Coll) Earlville 111 Amacker Arthur John (c eng 1906-7) PO Clk 1215 Iowa St Oak Park 111 Amana Alfred (la 1915- ) Stu 432 N School St Honolulu Hawaii Ambler Sarah (lib 1898-1900 BLS MS (la Wes) '85) Libr Ofc Supt Doc 1360 Otis PI NW Washington Amborn Louise (la 1912- ) Stu 915 Fourth St Ft Madison la Ambrose Arthur Samuel (ag 1909-14 BS) Dairy Dept St Ag Coll Durham NH (Virden 111) Ambrose Harry Fulton (e eng 1909- 10) Ag Stewicke Nova Scotia Ambroz Ambrose Otto (sp la 1914 ) Adv Mgr 615 E Av West Cedar Rapids la Ambruster John Rea (ag 1913- ) Stu 4546 Greenview Av Chicago tAmell J Bruce (1 1905-6) 129 Ga- lena St Aurora 111 AMERMAN— ANDERSON 11 Amerman Howard (acad 1905-7) Auto Sales 206 E Main St Urbana HI Ames Albert Carder (ag 1913-14 la 1915- Also U Wis) Stu River- side 111 Ames Albert Wilson (m eng 1905-9 BS e eng 1909-11 BS) City Elec Insp 435 Lakeside Av Seattle Ames Benjamin Hazen (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Kaneville 111 Ames Harvey Nelson (sp ag 1900-1) Ag Mattoon 111 Ames James Albert (ag 1910-11) Ag Oblong HI tAmes Miner Thomas (1 1911-12) Roosevelt Ky Ames Waldo Boynton (la com 1914- Also Amherst Coll) Stu 331 N Harvey Av Oak Park 111 Amidon James William (acad 1910- 11) Ag Herscher 111 Amiott C N (su 1915 Also Harv TJ) Teach Fitchburg Mass Ammann Stella Alice (mus 1903-5) At home Highland 111 tAMMERMAN Charles (la 1896-7 AM) Greencastle Ind Amos Douglas Jacques (ag 1910- ,) Stu 511 14th St Cairo 111 Amos Georgia W (la 1909-10 Also W Coll Worn ) Teach Dom Sc Rushville Ind Amrine Thomas Hamer (acad 19G1-2 e eng 1902-6 BS g 1906-8 EE Also W 111 St Nor Asst E Eng U 111 1906-7 1st Asst E Eng do 1907-9 Assoc do 1909-10) E Eng Gen Elect Co 157 S Grove St East Orange NJ Amsbary Harlow Aydelott (sp mus 1907-8 m eng 1910-14 BS) Constr Eng 512 W Park Av Champaign 111 Amsbary Harriet Cordelia (sp mus 1908-9 Also Capen's Sch) At home 512 W Park Av Champaign 111 Amsbary Helen Adelia (Mrs A J Johnstone) (sp mus 1908-9 Also Knox- ville Sem) Home Bloomington 111 Amsbary Paul Donald (arch 1912- ) Stu 706 W Green St Urbana 111 Amsterdam Harry (g philos 1915- AB(Lake Forest) '15) Stu War- saw Poland Anastassiades Ernest (c eng 1914- ) Stu Kirk-Kilisse Turkey Anderle Emil Joseph (cer 1910-14 BS) Cer 1125 Wisconsin Blvd Day- ton O (1220 S Avers Av Chicago) Anderman William Fred (sp ag 1892- 3) Ag Rl Hinsdale 111 Anders Edwin (la 1900-5 AB) Teach 241 E 52nd St Portland Ore Anders Ellen Permill (Mrs Albeit Peterson) (sp 1900-1) Home Rl New- ark HI Anders Joseph Olai (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Newark 111 ANDERS Paul (Instr J Hopk U & Instr Catholic U) Asst Glass Blowing U 111 1914- 708 W High St Ur- bana 111 Anderson Adams Hamilton (sp ag 1908-10) Ag New Light La tAnderson Albert (ag 1907-8) Hom- er 111 Anderson Albert Franklin (sp ag 1907-8 '10-11) Ag R41 Pleasant Plain 111 Anderson Almor Severin (su 1901&'06 &'ll Also N Ind St Nor) Supt Schs Mt Carmel 111 Anderson Mrs Almor Severin (su 1902- 3) Home Mt Carmel 111 Anderson Alphon Lester (1 1907-10 LL B) Law 205 German Fire Ins Bldg Peoria 111 (226 Ayers Av) Anderson Andrew John Albert (c eng 1913-15 BS MS(UI11)'15 BS(Lewis Inst) '13 g t&am 1915- ) Stu 913 Irving Park Blvd Chicago Anderson Mrs Annie Laurie (su 1910 Also Normal & Roger Williams U) Teach 113 N Maple St Duquoin 111 Anderson Arthur F (1 1907-8) Asst Purchasing Agt M&StL RR 410 Penn Av N Minneapolis Anderson Arvid Robert (e eng 1907- 11 BS g 1911-12 MS) E Eng Jef- frey Mfg Co Columbus O (239 E 19th Av) Anderson Augusta (lib 1905-6 AB Also U Neb) Libr 432 Summit Av N Seattle (St Paul Neb) Anderson Benjamin David (m eng 1909-10) Clk 10060 Av L Chicago Anderson Benjamin Franklin (1 1912- 15 LL B Also E 111 St Nor) Law Madison St Charleston 111 anderson Benjamin M Jr (g econ 1909-10 AM AB(Wis)'06) Asst Prof Econ Harv U Cambridge Mass Anderson Bert Allen (acad 1910-11 c eng 1911-12) Ag Glass Range Mont Anderson Mrs B A (see Kendall Flor- ence F) Anderson Burt Thompson (e eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Signal Eng AT& SF RR 223 Burnett St East Orange NJ Anderson Mrs Burt T (see Bradley Tirzah O) ANDERSON CB (SB(Wash)'12 Also U Neb 1908-11 & U Chgo 1912-15) Asst Geol St Geol Surv U 111 1915- 804 S Busey Av Urbana 111 (Ne- ANDERSON— ANDERSON braska City Neb) Anderson Carl L (su 1915 Also Grin- nell Coll) Dir Athl H Sch 4503 Ninth Av Rock Island 111 Anderson Carl Leonard (arch eng 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 1309 Third St Hudson Wis Anderson Charles Edward (sp m eng 1900-1) Ag Henry 111 Anderson Charles Patrick (la com 1914- ) Stu 1612 Prairie Av Chi- cago Anderson Charles Thomas (e eng 1907- 11 BS g 1911-12 MS) E Eng Gen Elect Co Pittsfield Mass (628 E Franklin St Taylorville 111) Anderson Charles Wesley (cer 1913-15 sc 1915- ) Stu 402 N Galena Av Dixon 111 ? Anderson Claire Ellmore (e eng 1907-11 BS g 1911-13 MS) Elec Sales Harrison NJ Anderson Clarence (e eng 1914- ) Stu 628 E Franklin St Taylorville 111 Anderson Clarence Felix (la 1910-13 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch 447 North K St Muskogee Okla (Houghton Mich) Anderson Clarence Joseph (la com 1911-15 AB) 23 N Pleasant St Prince- ton 111 Anderson Clarence Scott (ag 1910-14 BS) Teach Polo 111 Anderson Clark Godfrey (acad 1894- 5 c eng 1897-8 BS Also Augustana Coll) Asst Gen Mgr Tri-City Bldg Co 2105 15th St Moline 111 Anderson Clyde Maxwell (sc 1908-9 '12-13 Also la U & Medico Chirurgi- cal Coll) Med Camp Point 111 t Anderson David Philip (la 1910-11) 139 McKee St Batavia 111 Anderson Earl Wing (acad 1908-10 cer 1911-12) Sales Eng Nat X Ray Reflector Co 5900 S Park Av Chi- cago (605 W Green St Urbana 111) t Anderson Edgar Mauritz (1 1908-11) 139 McKee St Batavia 111 Anderson Mrs Electa Wallace (Mrs C M)(sp la 1912-13) Home Clayton 111 "Anderson Ella J (la 1871-4) d Cham- paign 111 Anderson Elma Myrtle (Mrs E F Gil- strap) (sp mus 1906-9) Home Car- lock 111 t Anderson Elsie Gertrude (sp 1901-2) Macon 111 Anderson Emile Ephraim (sp 1899- 1900) Ag Paxton 111 Anderson Eulalia (su 1908 Also Knox Coll) Teach 224 Lake St Galesburg 111 Anderson Florence Elizabeth (h sc 1905-9 BS) At Home 806 W Ne- vada St Urbana 111 Anderson Florence Marion (Mrs W A Morey) (sp mus 1899-1904) Home 1337 Rosedale Av Chicago Anderson Frank Andrew (sp ag 1914- 15) Ag RFD Smithshire 111 ANDERSON Frank Maloy (AB (Minn) '94 AM(do) '96 Instr Hist U Minn 1895-7 Asst Prof do 1898-1905 Prof do 1905-14 Prof do U 111 su 1911) Prof Hist Dart Coll 1914- 23 N Main St Hanover NJ Anderson Frank Oscar Albin (e eng 1902-4) Mail Carrier 511 E Oak St Paxton 111 Anderson George Forbes (c eng 1893- 7 BS) Supt Bridges Bldgs & Water Serv AT&SF & SFP&P RR 114 S Summit St Prescott Ariz Anderson George Herbert (la 1904-8 AB) Oil & Gas Producer Tulsa Okla \Anderson George Perry (acad 1902- 3) Ohio 111 * Anderson George Theodore (sp ag 1901-2) d June 15 1904 Sibley 111 Anderson George W (ag 1873-4) Mfg Ladoga Ind ?Anderson Georgia Victoria (sp 1908- 9 h sc 1909-10) 2908 Washington Av Cairo 111 ? Anderson Gertrude A (sp mus 1901- 2) Mahomet 111 Anderson Glenn Davis (see Miller Glen Anderson) Anderson Grace May (sp mus 1907-8) At home Oak Cliff Tex Anderson Guy Vernon (ag 1908-12 BS) Sales 510 15th St Denver Anderson Harold Brother (c eng 1906-10 BS) Viaduct Insp City Hall Chicago (4012 Sheridan Rd) \Anderson Harry (acad 1902-4) Chi- cago Anderson Harry Clifford (c eng 1906- 7 Also Armour Inst) 545 Jefferson St Gary Ind Anderson Harry F (e eng 1895-9 BS) Div Supt Plant Pacific Tel & Tel Co Los Angeles ANDERSON Harry Warren (g bot 1911-12 AB(Wabash)'07 AM(do)'10 Instr Hort U 111 1911-12) Prof Bot Wabash Coll 1912- 414 Crawford St Crawfordsville Ind t Anderson Hervey Henry (sp ag 1900- 1) Chicago Anderson Howard Fraser (arch eng 1905-9 BS Also Knox Coll) Lumber Yard Clearfield la ?Anderson Ida V (la 1879-80) 504 ANDERSON— ANDERSON 13 E Eighth St Topeka Kan Anderson Irving (acad 1905-6 sp 1906-7 mun eng 1909-11 '13-15 BS) Asst Eng AT&SF RR 1019 W Tenth St Topeka Kan Anderson Isabella (la 1911-13 AB g classics 1913-14 AM Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Prairie du Rocher 111 Anderson Jacob Wallas (m eng 1873- 6) Maeh R5 Crawfordsville Ind Anderson Jennie (la 1915- Also U Okla) Stu 1009 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Anderson John Edward (1 1900-4 AB) Paxton 111 Anderson John Henning (acad 1910- II sp 1911-12 c eng 1912-14 BS) Asst Eng Univ Portland Cement Co 532 Frick Bldg Pittsburg Anderson John Simen (acad 1906-7) Barber Box 322 Metropolis 111 Anderson John William (acad 1898-9) Ag Huntley 111 Anderson Joshua Clayton (acad 1909- 10 sp ag 1910-12 ag 1912- Also . Nat Nor) Stu Williamsport Ind Anderson Josie Annette (Mrs F C Geg- enheimer) (la 1905-7) Home 535 Cleveland Av Marion O Anderson Laura Morris (Mrs J R Greenhalgh) (la 1871-5 BL'95) Home 217 E 12th St Oak Cliff Dallas Tex Anderson Leslie Lee (ag 1901-5 BS) Ag Summer Hill 111 ANDERSON Lewis Flint (AB( Toron- to) '93 AM(do)'02 PhD(Clark)'07 Also U Leipzig 1897-9 Tearh N Mich St Nor Sch 1899-1900 Prof Ed II III 1909-14) Prof Ed Ohio St U 107 Page Hall Columbus O Anderson Lewis Holmes (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-9) Garage & Auto Sales Co Buda 111 Anderson Lillian Jean G (Mrs W E Dick)(sp mus 1912-13 Also U Wis) c/o Mrs T F Granley 3934 W Worth Av Chicago Anderson Mrs Louise Crenshaw (la 1909-10 Also Mo St Nor) Spring- field Mo Anderson Lucille (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 890 E Harrison St Martins- ville Ind *Anderson Lucy (la 1871-3) d Cham- paign 111 Anderson Martin Joel (m eng 1905-9 BS) Gov Mech Draft 1820 16th St Moline 111 Anderson Mary (la 1899-1903 AB g 1903-4 AM Also U Chgo) Prof Math 111 Worn Coll Jacksonville 111 Anderson Mary Frances (Mrs H H Lucke) (su 1908 Also Denver Nor Sch) PO & Teach -Dayton Wyo tAnderson Milton Kensey (ag 1906- 7) Mt Pulaski 111 Anderson Nelson Russell (sp ag 1908- 9) Ag R2 Granville 111 Anderson Olive Matilda (ag h sr 1913- .) Stu 6840 Union Av Chi- cago Anderson Owen (m eng 1912- ) - Stu 216 Le Claire Av Chicago Anderson Paul Alex (la 1915- ) Stu 2337 W 108th PI Chicago Anderson Perry John (la com 1914- ) Stu 806 Nevada St Urbana 111 Anderson Randall (sp ag 1908-9 Also Kenyon Coll) Sales Mgr Kennedy Mfg Oo 14 E Jackson Blvd Chicago Anderson . Ray Holton (sp c eng 1903- 4 c eng 1904-5 Also Lewis Inst) V- Pres Triangle Oil Co 2430 W 26th St Chicago (4331 N Lincoln St) Anderson Rena (la h sc 1910-14 AB Also 111 Wes U) Teach Newman 111 Anderson Robert Paul (acad 1902-3 c eng 1904-6) C Eng Santiago Chile SA (Onarga HI) Anderson Roy B (ag Feb 1915- Al- so U Mich) Stu Winnebago 111 Anderson Roy William (ag 1512-13 '15- ) Stu 5700 Aberdeen St Chi- cago ANDERSON Rufus (BME(CorV73 ME (Cor) '82 Instr Iron Wk & Supt Eng Shops U 111 1892-3) Designer & M Eng Hartford Conn (Southamp- ton Mass) Anderson Russell Adams McCurdv (arch 1906-11 BS) Arch & Eng 6539 Normal Blvd Chicago anderson Samuel Herbert (g physics 1910-12 PhD AB (Park) '02 AM (do) '03 Asst Physics U 111 su 1912) Instr Physics U Wash Seattle t Anderson Stella Bertha (acad 1900- 1) Toledo 111 t Anderson Thomas Nickel (acad 1902 3) Ohio 111 ♦Anderson William B (Trustee 1870-3 Brig Gen US Army) d, Aug 28 1901 Edgewater 111 * Anderson Mrs W K (see Dillon Jes- sie M) Anderson Walker Whitcomb (arch 1911-15 BS) Arch 1922 Davenport St Omaha Neb Anderson Walter Seigfreid (acad 1910- 11 c eng 1911-14 BS) Asst Eng Portland Cement Co 208 La Salle St Chicago (1025 14th St Rock Island 111) Anderson Wilfred Mitchell (sp ag 1908- 14 ANDERSON— ANDREWS 9 Also Cor U 1910) Ag Turtle Point Farm Saratoga Springs NY Anderson William French (ag 1911- 15 BS) Repr College Shop 900 Mar- shall Field Annex 4351 Prairie Av Chicago ? Anderson William N (acad 1876-7 la 1877-9) Champaign 111 Anderson William Wilson (ag 1914- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu Ohio 111 Andert Fred (su 1915 Also U Minn) Supt Schs Paynesville Minn Ando Ikutaro (la 1913-14) Japanese YMCA 2330 Calumet Av Chicago (Kagawaken Japan) Andrade Donato (sp ag 1908-9 Also Coll Law Sao Paulo Brazil 1906) Ag & Gov Lavras Minas-Geraes Brazil SA \Andrain Frederick Manar (acad 1908- 9) Roswell N Mex Andreas Lewis Peter (com 1915- ) Stu 106 Seventh Av Sterling 111 Andree John William (e eng 1903-7 BS) E Eng S Cal Edison Co 320 San Fernando Bldg Los Angeles (1562 Pioneer Dr Glendale Cal) Andresen Hans Henry Louis (arch 1910-15 BS) Arch 643 Barry Av Chicago Andresen Herman John (acad 1907-8) Sales Cor Kinzie & N State St Chi- cago Andresen Marie Ottillie K (la 1911-12 Also NW U) At Home 643 Barry Av Chicago Andrew Charles Edward (c eng 1902- 6 BS) Contr Eng 814 Lewis Bldg Portland Ore Andrew Mrs C E (see Taylor Clemmer) Andrew Eddy Glen (acad 1900-1) Oregon 111 Andrews Mrs (see Boner Faerie V) Andrews Mrs (see Crandall Mary W) Andrews Alfred Allen (sp ag 1909-12) Ag Geneseo 111 Andrews Charles E (sp 1873-4) 203% Richmond St St Johns Ore Andrews Chauncv Bliss (ag 1910-14 BS) Land Arch 12406 Yale Av Chicago Andrews Edwin Willard (sc 1911-13) Chem Alleghany Coal & Coke Produce Co Glassport Pa (119 S Eastern St Joliet 111) Andrews Elizabeth (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 706 W Elm St Urbana 111 Andrews Elsie Venner (lib 1904-5 Al- so Mich St Nor) Ref Libr Mich St Nor Coll 113 Normal St Ypsilanti Mich Andrews Eugene L (la 1882-3) Trav 313 Eighth St Lincoln 111 Andrews Harriet Beatrix (Mrs H W Hopkins) (la 1909-11) Home 656 E 60th St N Portland Ore Andrews Harry Lee (la 1913-15 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch 203 S Third St Monmouth 111 Andrews Herbert F (sc 1889-90) Plasa 111 Andrews Hubert Franklin (sc 1889- 93 BS MD(P&S)'99) Med San Ber- nardino Cal Andrews James Burton (sp ag 1908- 9 ag 1910-13 BS g an husb 1915- ) Instr An Husb U 111 1914- 706 W Elm St Urbana 111 (Walnut 111) Andrews John Asa (ag 1911-15 BS) Walnut 111 Andrews John Harley (com 1915- } Stu 503 N Randolph St Champaign 111 Andrews Leonard Elmer (la 1914-15 com Feb 1916- ) Stu 308 S East Av Oak Park 111 Andrews Margaret Effie (Mrs C E Stewart) (la 1906-8 Also Lebanon O Nor U) Home Marietta Okla tAndrews Mark (ag 1912-13 Also Wes U) 1346 S 19th St Birming- ham Ala Andrews Mary Alberta (la 1914- ) Stu 211 E Third St Pana 111 Andrews Nellie Eulalie (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu Hebron 111 ANDREWS Orrel Marie (AB (Fair- mount) Also U Kan Sc Artist U 111 1912-14) Sc Art 3057 E Douglas Av Wichita Kan Andrews Mrs P H (see Boner Faerie V) Andrews Peach Helen (la 1909-13 AB) Teach Macon 111 Andrews' Robert Eugene (ag 1914- ) Stu 76 W Monroe St Chicago Andrews Robert Homer (sp ag 1910- 11) Grain Deal Walker 111 Andrews Roscoe Crum (la 1912- ) Stu 1212 Lafayette Av Mattoon 111 Andrews Ruth Helen (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 706 W Elm St Ur- bana 111 Andrews Samuel Washington Jr (su 1908 Also Greenville Coll) Pres & Mgr Model Glove Co 416 Wyatt St Greenville 111 Andrews Thomas Carr (la com 1914- 15) Clk & Bkpr Harvard 111 Andrews Will (e eng 1903-4) Lino- type Operator 425 Smith St Spring- field 111 Andrews William Edward (su 1912 Also Blackburn Coll & Harv U) Teach 211 E Third St Pana 111 Andrews William Orus (c eng 1909- ANDREWS— APPELGRAN 15 13 BS) Teach C Eng 320 Maple Av Oak Park 111 ? Andrews William Taylor (acad 1879- 80 arch eng 1880-1) Williamsport Pa t Andrews Willis Grover (sp ag 1904- 5) Piper City 111 Andrist Victor Rudolph (com Feb 1916- ) Stu West Concord Minn ajstdronescu Demetrius Ion (g agron 1913-14 MS '14-15 PhD AB(Rou- mania Coll Ag) Res Agron U Buker- est Bukerest Roumania ANDROS Stephen Osgood (g min eng 1914- AB (Bowdoin) '97 BS (Mich Mines) '02 EM(do)'03 Also U Pitt 1911 Field Asst Co-op Min U 111 1911-15 Assoc Min Eng do 1913-15) Asst Prof Min Res U 111 1915) Bnk & Hardware Merc Albuquerque N Mex Andrus Dora A (Mrs J C Griffith) (la 1878-82 BL) Home Ashton 111 Anfinsen Lyda Delia (acad 1909-10) At home Leland 111 Angarola Michael Louis (sp c eng 1908-9 c eng 1909-11 '13-15 BS Also St Ignatius Coll) 4932 Winthrop Av Chicago tAngell Arnold Arthur (sp arch eng 1908-10 Also Armour Inst) 2191 Van Buren St Chicago Angell George H (sp 1879-80) C Eng Denver Angerstein George William (acad 1908- 10 sp law 1910-11) Stu NW Law Sch 145 E Ontario St Chicago (Don- nellson 111) Angerstein Thomas Chester (1 1907- 10 LL B Also 111 Coll) Law 1300 Harvester Bldg Chicago (606 S Michigan Av) •Angle Kate S (sp 1871-2) d Cham- paign 111 Angle William Ray (sp ag 1901-4 Al- so N 111 Coll) Ag Dakota 111 Angove Beverly Joseph (m eng 1904- 5) Trav Sales 1025 Iowa Av Butte Mont Angus Gaylord Benton (c eng 1915- ) Stu 3127 Shulds Av Chicago Anicker George Albert (sp 1901-3) RR Constr c/o Porter Bros RR Contr Portland Ore Anker Ibsina Charles (ag 1906-7 MD(P&S)'94) Med Modesta Cal Ankersen Helen V (su 1915) 5010 W Superior St Chicago Annable Neil Edwin (ry c eng 1910- 12) Ry C Eng 819 S Mill St Pon- tiac 111 (Galva 111) *Anno E W (la com 1876-9) d Topeka 111 Anshicks Carl Ernest (m eng 1910-12) M Eng 6649 Justine St Chicago Anschicks David Paul (ag 1913-14) Bkpr 6649 Justine St Chicago Antensen Harry George (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 663 East Av Ham- ilton O Anthony Anna Florence (la 1910-11 AB(Oskaloosa) BCS( Greenville) '08) Teach Com & Engl St Nor Wayne Neb (Greenville 111) \ Anthony Arthur (acad 1902-3) Tis- kilwa 111 Anthony Charles Henry (su 1907-8 BS (Greenville) '07) c/o Baker Mfg Co Evansville Wis (Greenville 111) Anthony Charles Richard Becht (arch eng 1910-14 BS) Arch Draft 2920 Burling St Chicago Anthony Elizabeth Virginia (mus 1913- 15) Teach Polo 111 (Spring Road Elmhurst 111) Anthony George Alfred (Trustee 1911- 13 PhG (Memphis Hosp Med Coll) '82 Pres 111 State Bd Ag 1911-12) Bnk & Drug Kewanee 111 •Anthony Joseph R J (sp 1871-2) d Sept 8 1911 Princeton 111 anthony Mamie Elizabeth (g ed 1910- 11 AM'15 AB( Greenville) '07) Teach H Sch 1008 W California Av Ur- bana 111 (S Madison St Evansville Wis) Anthony William Cornelison (m eng 1907-11 BS Also Tul U) Sales The White Co Chicago (Streator 111) Antonisen Arthur (su 1910 Also Lew- is Inst & Chgo Kent Coll Law) Bonds & Mort 3826 N Kostner Av Chi- cago Antoszewski Robert Horatius (ag 1914- Also Wheaton Coll) Stu 608 Bluff St Glencoe 111 Apgar Leo Mahlon (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13 MS) Sales Stocks & Bonds John Burnham & Co Chicago (319 W Chicago St Elgin 111) Apken Harry Ben (la com 1906-7) Retail Lumber Merc Petersburg 111 Apken Mrs H B (see Shipley Pearl E) Aplington William James (la 1910-12) Law 636 Hennepin St La Salle 111 Apostol Silverio (la 1905-7 BS'08 Also Pur U) Ag Insp c/o Insular Bur Ag Manila PI (Iba Zambales PI) App Charles Max (acad 1903-4 sc 1904-6) Ins c/o Forest City Life Ins Co Rockford 111 Appel Henry Louis (acad 1893-6) Contr 179 W Washington St Chi- cago Appelgran Clarence Oliver (ag 1913- ) Stu 1414 Balmoral Av Chicago 16 APPELL— ARENDS Appell Conrad George (su 1909 Also 111 St Nor U) Stu U 111 Coll Med Mt Carroll 111 Appelquist Jerome G (c eng 1896- 1900 BS) Ry C Eng 1620 Third Av Rock Island 111 Apperson Mrs (see Beggs Dora A) Apple Charles E (c eng 1899-1903 BS) Supt Bridges & Bldg SA&AP RR Yoa- kum Tex Apple Charles Henry (c eng 1911-14 BS Also Bradley Poly) Jr Eng 111 Highway Comm R2 Peoria 111 Apple Essa Violette (Mrs O C Keister) (la 1910-11) Home Shattuc 111 (Carlyle 111) Apple John Emerson (sp ag 1901-4) Ag Raywood Tex Apple Merri Ghloe (la 1901-7 AB) At home Palestine 111 Apple Russell Evans (ag 1914- ) Stu R6 Robinson 111 Appleby Mrs C W (see Hughey Mary L) Applegate Albert Angelo (la 1909-14 AB su 1915) Atlanta 111 Applegate Alpheus Miller (la 1896- 1901) Acct Deloitte & Co 49 Wall St New York Applegate Annie Mary (la 1905-8 AB g 1908-9 AM '09-10 su '14) Teach French Hiram Coll Hiram O (At- lanta 111) Applegate Archie Bleigh (ag 1900- 1) Grain Merc Atlanta 111 Applegate Arthur Leslie (ag 1905-8) Ag Atlanta 111 Applegate Clyde Freeman (ag 1911- 13) Wholesale Prod Shipper 242 W North St Greenburg Ind Applegate Frank G (la 1902-6 AB Also Julian Acad Paris & Acad Fine Arts Philadelphia) Sculptor Teach Art Sch Trenton NJ (Morris Heights Morrisville Pa) Applegate Fred Owen (sp ag 1904-5 Also McKendree Coll) Ag Pinkstaff 111 Applegate George Evert (ag 1915- ) Stu 609 Madison Av Anderson Ind Applegate Ruth Pauline (h sc 1912-13 su 1915) Teach Atlanta 111 Applegate Verne Linn (sc 1907-11 AB) Ag Atlanta 111 Aquilar Rafael Hipolito (su 1910 Al- so U Mich & U Mo) Landholder & Ag Candaba Pampanga PI Aram Harold Beamont (m eng 1909- 10) Teach 434 19th Av Moline 111 Aranda Ezequiel (acad 1887-8 m eng 1888-93) Allende Mex c/o A B Saw- yer Tolono 111) Arbeitee George John (acad 1888-9 law 1889-93 BL LL B(Mich) '95) Law 102 Woodworth Av Joliet 111 Arber Florence V (Mrs D H John- son) (su 1909) Home Brimfield 111 Arber Frederick Yerne (la 1913- Al- so Knox Coll) Stu Brimfield 111 Arbogast Fred Lester (sc 1905-7) Clk Farmer City 111 Arboleda Jose Alcala (acad 1906-7 Al- so U Cin) Recorder Prov Bd Albay Albay PI Arbuckle Grover Samuel (acad 1906- 7 m eng 1908-12 BS) M Eng 835 Lawrence Av Chicago (4802 Sheri- dan Rd) Arbuckle Mrs J H (see Western Mrs L M) Arbuckle Leon (ag 1912- ) Stu Broc- ton 111 Arbuckle Philip Hickman (la 1903-5 PhB(Chgo)'09) Dir Athl Rice Inst Houston Tex Archambeault Evalain Elaine (su 1914) Teach 104 Melchoir PI Joliet 111 (Peshtigo Wis) Archambeault Geraldine Muriel (ag 1913-14) Stu 111 St Nor U 104 Mel- choir PI Joliet 111 (Peshtigo Wis) Archbold Harold Herbert (e eng 1915- ) Stu 337 Oak Av Brook- field 111 Archer Arthur Ward (arch 1903-7 BS) Supt Constr US Public Bldgs US Treas Dept McCook Neb Archer Charles Lehman (la 1902-6 AB) Complaint Adjust Utah Light & Ry Co 518 East St Salt Lake City Archer Elmer Theodore (e eng 1903-4 Also U Ark) Consult Eng 406-7 New England Bldg Kansas City Mo ? Archer Frank Lehman (la 1902-3) Carmi 111 Archer Olin Wellington (la 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 1221 Main St Peoria 111 Archer Robert Linn (su 1914) Teach Prosperity Pa tArchibald Charity (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) Freeburg 111 ; Archibald Myrtle Rebecca (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) Freeburg 111 \Arden Harry Hayes (acad 1902-3) Homer 111 Arends Annis Lilian (la 1913- ) Stu 507 John St Champaign 111 Arends Arthur (ag 1913- ) Stu Mel- vin 111 Arends Fred George (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Melvin 111 Arends Homer Albertus (acad 1890-2 la 1892-3) Co Reg Deeds Caddo ARENTZ— ARMSTRONG M Anadorka Okla Arentz Elizabeth (la 1915- ) Stu 627 Western Av Joliet 111 Argenbright Glennon Forrest (ag 1906- 9) Ag Blandinsville 111 Argo David (e eng 1915- Also Ind St Nor) Stu R9 Fowler Ind Argraves Arlow J (c eng 1903-7 BS Also Lewis Inst) Ag Bryant Ark Arguelles Angel Severe (ag 1906-9 BS Also Lewis Inst) So c/o Bur Science Manila PI (Bantangas Ban- tanga PI) Arias Fenelon (c eng 1913-15) Cor- doka 198 Salta Salta Argentina ?Arizpe Jesug de Valle (e eng 1902-6 BS) Saltillo Coahuila Mex Armeling Carl Elmer (la 1900-4 AB g la 1907-8 AM) Ag Basin Wyo Armeling Henry Richard (c eng 1902- 6 BS) Ag Basin Wyo Armington Clara Grace (mus 1914- ) Stu 717 Hennepin Av Dixon 111 Armington Dorothy Maude (la 1911- 15 AB) Teach H Sch 717 Hennepin Av Dixon 111 t Armington Maude Allen (la 1899- 1900) Lincoln 111 Armistead Ambrose Harvey Lindsay (ag 1913-15) Ag a03 Court St Portsmouth Va (c/o J F Benson Brooke Av Norfolk Va) Armitage James Howard (la 1900-1 AB) Teach Rosebud Tex Armold Clarence Scarborough (acad 1896-7 sp 1897-8 m eng 1898-1900 Also Colo, Sch Mines 1904-6) C Eng Blaine Ore Armour Phillips F (la 1913-15 AB) R Est S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 (1232 N Church St Rockford 111) *Arms Franklin Davis (acad 1889-90 arch 1890-3) d Aug 8 1913 Chicago Arms Herbert Clarke (arch eng 1891- 5 BS) Mfg 33 Crescent PI Wil- mette 111 Arms Jessie Louise (lib 1909-11 BLS PhB( Lawrence) '04) Libr U la 519 E Jefferson St Iowa City la (Ran- dolph Wis) Armstrong Alice Jane (Mrs Hunt) ^sp mus 1896-7 1901-2) Home Orange Cal h Armstrong Alice Nona (la 1915- Al- so Oxford Coll) Stu Tolono 111 Armstrong Arlo James W (la 1915- ) Stu 4125 Hyde Park Av Kansas City Mo Armstrong Cecil Everett (sc 1895-7) Ag RFD Carbondale 111 Armstrong Charles Edward (e eng 1901-5 BS) E&M Eng 535 College St Peoria 111 t Armstrong Charles Elmer (sp 1909- 10) Rockford 111 Armstrong Charles G (se 1879-81) 292 W 92nd St New York (Seneca 111) Armstrong Charles Henry (chem eng 1909-10) RR Statis Wk 10638 Pros- pect Av Chicago Armstrong Clifford Oakley (m eng 1912-13 sc 1913- Also 111 Wes U) Stu R2 Bloomington 111 Armstrong Delia Estelle (la 1911-15 AB) Teach Highland Park Des Moines la (709 W Third St Newton la) Armstrong Donald Alfonso (la 1914- ) Stu RFD Metropolis 111 Armstrong Edna May (sp a&d 1892-3) Santa Monica Cal Armstrong Elizabeth Emily (la 1914- ) Stu 208 E John St Champaign 111 Armstrong Emilie Edith (Mrs G M Hiller) (la 1896-8) Home Orange Cal tArmstrong Ernest Bain (sp ag 1908- 9) Hume HI Armstrong Florence Azella (acad 1900- 3) 292 W 92nd St New York (At- lantic Highland NJ) Armstrong Frank Hall (m eng 1895- 9 BS) M&E Eng Vulvan Mich Armstrong George Washington (ag 1909-10) Ag & Stock Somers la Armstrong Mrs G W (see Mulliken Maude E) Armstrong George Wilbur (su 1908) Ag Bondville HI Armstrong Grace Clark (ag h sc 1908- 9 '10-11 Also U Chgo) Jr Bacteriol Chicago Health Dept Lab 10638 Prospect Av Chicago Armstrong Hazel Emily (la 1909-10 Also Ind St Nor) Libr 410 N Cen- ter St Terre Haute Ind Armstrong Hazel Irene (mus 1915- ) Stu 108 Armory Av Champaign 111 Armstrong Horace (la com 1914- ) Stu 284 Franklin Av River Forest 111 Armstrong lone (lib 1909-11 Also Le Stan U Asst Lib U 111 su 1912} Libr c/o Pub Lib Council Bluffs la Armstrong James E (acad 1876-7 sc 1877-81 BS AM '05 Also J Hopk U Instr Nat Sc U HI 1881-2 Trustee 1893-9) Prin Englewood H Sch 10638 Prospect Av Chicago Armstrong Mrs J E (see Clark Clara A) Armstrong James Ellis (acad 1893-4 la 1894-7 AB ag 1901-3 BS) Ag Claremont HI ? Armstrong James Loudon (acad 1887- 8 la 1888-90) • Ret 709 S Fourth 18 ARMSTRONG— ARNOLD St Champaign 111 Armstrong James Wadsworth (arch eng 1893-5) C Eng Lake Montebello Hil- len Rd Baltimore Armstrong James William (acad 1888- 9 m eng 1889-93) Mfg 1822 30th St Rock Island 111 Armstrong Jay Lattrell (acad 1897-8 sc 1898-1900 MD(P&S)'04) Med 775 S State St Chicago Armstrong Jennie R (Mrs AJW Sel- lards)(acad 1882-3) Home 307 Da- vidson PI Champaign 111 Armstrong Jessie Eva (Mrs J W Crill) (acad 1900-1 la 1901-6) Home Ana- heim Cal Armstrong Jessie Fay (Mrs C F Cros- by) (la 1909-12) Home 9(T3 Tenth St St Francis Hotel Sacramento Cal Armstrong John Adams (acad 1888-90 m eng 1890-4) Mach 7638 Evans Av Chicago Armstrong John Harold (ag 1913- ) Stu 208 E John St Champaign 111 Armstrong John Walter (acad 1891-3 la 1893-5) R Est 408 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica Cal Armstrong Mrs J W (see Cary Phoebe K) t Armstrong Joseph Arthur (sp ag 1902-3) Bondville 111 Armstrong Lennox Francois (m eng 1912-15 BS Also U Notre Dame) M Eng 284 Franklin Av River Forest 111 Armstrong Louise Christabel (la 1910- 12 AB Also Cent St Nor Mich) Teach Fenton Mich Armstrong Maude Agnes (sp mus 1902- 3) Santa Monica Cal (Champaign 111) *Armstrong Maude Gertrude (la 1901- 2 '03-4 '05-7 AB) d March 3 1916 Santa Monica Cal \Armstrong Neal Holland (acad 1900- 2) 910 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Armstrong Oliver Milton (m eng 1915- ) Stu 4125 Hyde Park Av Kansas City Mo Armstrong Paul Leo (la 1914- ) Stu 284 Franklin Av River Forest 111 Armstrong Paul Wood (c eng 1906-8) Erection Steel Bldgs 281 W Prairie Av Decatur 111 Armstrong Robert (c eng 1905-6 Also Millikin U) C Eng Montevideo Ura- guay SA (c/o J A. Strain Reno 111) Armstrong Robert Morton (sp ag 1900- 2) Ag Hearne Sask Can Armstrong Thomas Hunter (la 1915- ) Stu Mound City 111 (ag 1911-15 Chicago (arch eng 709 SW Teach Stu Erie tArmstrong Thomas Parks (sp ag 1905-6) R2 Milan 111 Armstrong W Scott (sp 1908-9 Also Armour Inst & U Kan) Arch & Indus Eng W Armstrong & Co CRSB Bldg Chicago Armstrong -Walter Clark BS) 1416 Farwell Av Armstrong Wayne Covert 1910-12) Mech Draft Third St Newton la Arndt John August (su 1913) Erie 111 Arndt Paul Jr (ag 1914- Also Mil- likin U) Stu St Charles Mo ? Arnett Mrs Agnes Leona (sp mus 1899-1900) Champaign 111 Arnett Anna Ruth (la 1915- ) 4245 W Belle St St Louis Arnett Leslie G (acad 1907-8) III Arnfield Fremont (1 1909-10 LL B (Notre Dame) '12) Law 570 Spring St Elgin 111 Arnold Andrew H (acad 1887-9) Buy- er Vaughn & Bushnell Mfg Co 422 S Elm wood Av Oak Park 111 t Arnold Arthur Jewell (1 1910-11 Al- so Ohio N U) c/o Security Bk Bldg Sioux City la Arnold Benjamin A (acad 1899-90 sc 1890-2 MD (Rush) '95) Med 85 N Galena Av Freeport 111 ? Arnold Charles M H F (e eng 1882- 3) Utah 111 Arnold Charles Nathan (e eng 1907- 11 BS) Trouble Wk Gen Elec Co 1709 Ridge Av Evanston 111 Arnold Forest Jackson (sp e eng 1899- 1902) Eng Commonwealth Edison Co Edison Bldg 120 Adams St Chicago * ARNOLD George Dagley (Attended Miami U 1900-2 Asst Phys Tr U 111 1902-3) d Arnold Gold Elsie (Mrs A E Boles) (sp la 1908-9) Home Red Cloud Neb Arnold Howard Clinton (cer 1910-14 BS) Sec Cer Supply Co 280 N Front St Columbus O (8824 S Morgan St Chicago) Arnold Howard Shaver (ag 1913- ) Stu 433 Pearl St Ottawa 111 Arnold Jay B (acad 1883-4) Chi- cago Arnold Jay Jennings (sc 1894-8 BS) R Est 221 N 35th Av N Seattle tArnold John Williams Jr (c eng 1892- 4) Lockport 111 Arnold. Lillian Belle (lib 1900-2 BLS Also 111 Wes U) Libr 148 17th St Dubuque la * Arnold Mary Edna (la 1890-3 AB) ARNOLD— ASHBECK 19 d Jan 2 1898 Cambridge 111 Arnold Noble (mun eng 1908-13) Eng Lab Asst 8613 Lowe Av Austin Pk Sta Chicago Arnold Orville Dayton (la 1915- ) Stu Browning 111 Arnold Ralph (arch 1907-11 BS Also S 111 St Nor) Arch 610 Security Bldg Sioux City la Arnold Ross Harper (aead 1903-4 e eng 1904-9 BS) E & M Eng Draft 1602 Maumee Av Fort Wayne Ind Arnold Rufus Earl (acad 1908-11) Ag Beach ND Arnold Sarah R (sp 1873-4) At home 1020 Church St Champaign 111 Arnold Willard (acad 1890-1 sc 1891- 2 MD(Rush)'95) Med 8 14th Av Spokane Wash Arnold William Henry Jr (ag 1908- 10 BS Also Cor U) Teach R5 Clyde NY (Escondido Cal) Arnold William Price (sp law 1908- 12) Dep Co Treas Beach ND Arnold William Wright (la 1899-1901 LLB) Law 703 W Main St Rob- inson 111 Arnold Mrs WW (see Busey Kate W) \Arnott LeRoy (acad 1899-1900) Pax- ton 111 Arntzen Inga Irene (la 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 355 Grant St Sycamore 111 Arozian Channes Aaron (g chem 1911- 12 BS(NH)'ll) Instr Chem & Phys- ics Sanasarian Coll Sivaz Turkey Asia. Arps George Frederick (acad 1896-8 su 1903 AB(LeStan)'04 AM (Ind) '05 PhD (Leipzig) '08 Also Berlin U 1905-6 Instr Ind U 1909-10 Instr Psychol U 111^1910-12) Prof Psychol Ohio St U 1912- 216 E Lane Av Columbus O Arps Mrs G F (see Black Alice M) Arreza Lino (su 1905 Also St Vin- cent's Coll) Teach Cantilan Surigao PI (c/o W A Sutherland 33 War Dept Washington) Arter Eugenia Jenkins (la 1915- ) Stu 905 Sherman Av Danville 111 Arter Mrs J M (see Wall Maggie M) Arterburn Marion Waldo (sp ag 1909- 11) Ag R6 Mattoon 111 * Arthur Charles Alvin (aead 1896-7 m eng 1897-8) d Champaign 111 Arthur Cora Minnie (Mrs F W Gleim) (sp a&d 1896-7) Larned Kan Arthur James Merritt (ag 1912-13) Stu DePauw U 1104 Windsor St Indianapolis *Arthur John Geiger (acad 1895-6) d Aledo IU Arthur Mildred Sylvester (su 1914) Streator 111 Arthur Robert Stuart (c eng 1904-8 BS) C Eng 5442 Cornell Av Chicago Arthur Ross Conklin (acad 1907-9) Grocer 301 E Main St Streator HI Artz David (acad 1894-5) Augusta 111 • Artz Harry Belmont (e eng 1914-15) Elec Contr 3 E Main St Augusta 111 tArvedson Raymond Peter (c eng 1907- 8) Carpentersville 111 tAsada Kenkichi (ag 1909-10 Also Waseda U) 48 Shimosokuhanchio Ka- li imachku Tokio Japan *Asada Toichi James (c eng 1912-14 Also Armour Inst) d Dec 1914 Japan Asai Seiji (la 1914- ) Stu Kyoto Japan Asay Joseph E (acad 1886-7 MD(Cin Coll Med & Surg) '92) Med 1123 16th St Rock Island HI Asbury John William (su 1902 AB & BPd( Valparaiso) '98) Teach St Pet- ersburg Fla (Coconut Grove Fla) Aschauer Frank Henry (acad 1908-11 e eng 1911-13) 529 N Sixth St Springfield 111 Aschenbrenner Mrs E L (see Leake Mabel E) Aschermann Roy Oral (m eng 1909-11) Ag R3 Lovington 111 Aschermann Vade Earl (e eng 1913- 15) Lovington 111 Ash Alan Newton (ag 1910-13) Ag McNabb 111 Ash Charles Hinchman (su 1905) Ag R2 Butler 111 Ash Mrs Dora Hamilton (su 1906 Al- so Marshall Coll) Stu Ohio U 25 Elmwood PI Athens O Ash Ian Henry (ag 1915- ) Stu Oneida 111 Ash Isaac Emery (su 1906 MA (Wis) '12 PhD(do)'13 Also WVa Wes U) Asst Psychol U Wis 1913- 312^ Wil- son St Madison Wis Ash James Laudreth (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 1203 N 25th St Philadelphia Ash Joseph (acad 1891-2) Ag At- lanta 111 ASH Percy (BS(Pa) '86 Also Amer Acad Rome) Asst Prof Arch Design U 111 1913- * 904 S Busey Av Ur- bana 111 Ash Robert Edwin (la 1904-7) Fruit Grower Otis Orchards Wash Ashbeck William Louis (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 2712 Mildred Av Chi- 20 ASHBROOK— ATKINSON eago Ashbrook Chester Daniel (c eng 1903- 5) c/o Foley Bros Sudbury Ont Canada (704 Charleston Av Mat- toon 111) Ashburn Clarence Marcellus (sc 1913- 14 AB Also U WVa) Prin H Sch Reader WVa (West Union WVa) ?Ashby Charles W (m eng 1869-71) Battle Creek Mich * Ashby Lida M (Mrs C L Richards) (la 1879-83 BS) d Sept 1 1888 Colo- rado Springs Colo Ashby Raymond Clarke (arch eng 1907-10) Agt Tea Import Asheville NC t Ashby Wilbert Bond (arch 1906-10) Berwyn 111 Ashby William Martinus (la 1882-4) Merc Fairfield Neb Ashdown Edward Harry (mun eng 1905-9 BS) Asst Eng City Hall Chi- cago Heights 111 (30 W 21st St) Asher Henry Tourner (g engl 1915- AB(Ind)'14) Stu Bellaire O ^Ashley Burton Floid (acad 1898- 1900) Sibley 111 Ashley Edith Winifred (la 1905-6) At home Bluffs 111 Ashley George Edwin (la 1898-9 Al- so Chgo Teach Coll) Teach Austin H Sch' Chicago (411 W 69th St) *Ashley Harriet E (la 1887-9 '98- 1900 AB) d July 11 1904 Chicago ashley June Maud (Mrs M C Elmer) (g zool 1912-13 AM AB (Colo) '12 Also U Mich Asst Zool U 111 1912-13) Home 385 Eighth Av S Fargo ND Ashley Laurin S (1 1911-13) Teach Sibley 111 Ashley Leon Eaton Cummins (arch eng 1905-10 BS) Asst Mgr Chgo Mir- ror & Art Glass Co 706 Grace St Chicago Ashley Richard Jason (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-3) Ag R14 Tonica 111 Ashman Oscar Harold (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 208 Dexter Av El- gin 111 Ashmore Harold Harrison (m eng 1908- 9 Also U La) Template Maker The Burr Co 510 W Beardsley Av Cham- paign 111 (Roseland La) Ashmore Mrs J G (see Howell Lemyra) Ashmore James Newton (sp la 1901-3) Athl Dir U Colo 751 11th St Bould- er Colo Ashton Harold Lewis (ag J909-10) Ag RFD Deerfield 111 (4756 N Herm- itage Av Chicago) Ashton Pearl Winifred (Mrs B A Strauch) (h sc 1910-12 AB Also Mich W St Nor) Home 907 W Main St Urbana HI tAshwill Raymond Morris (acad 1910- 11 la com 1911-13) Toledo 111 Ashwood Paul Ellsworth (fe eng 1911- 12) Acct 408 13th St Moline 111 (Rushville 111) Ashworth Oscar Burkitt (sp ag 1906- 7) Ag R4 (69) Mattoon 111 Askins Adolphine Edward (c eng 1901-4 BS AB( Austin) '01) Ag Haviland Kan Asp Norman Henry (e eng 1901-2) Trans 4116 S Nomandie Av Los An- geles Aspern Helen (sp a&d 1891-2) At home 3733 Wilton Av Chicago Aston Arthur (su 1914) Mintr Re- lay Ind Atchison O'Hal (ag 1909-10) Ag Lov- ington 111 \Aten Harry Evart (acad 1906-7) Vermont 111 * Atherton Byron J (la 1874-6) d Villa Ridge 111 Atherton Elmer (ag 1913) 807 W Macon St Decatur HI * Atherton George Henry (1890-4) d April 11 1908 Streator 111 Atherton George Henry (gen 1890-4) d April 11 1908 Streator 111 * ATHERTON George Washington (AB &AM(Yale)'63 LL D (Franklin & Marshall) '83 Prof Hist & Latin Al- bany Boy's Acad 1863-7 Prof St John's Coll 1867-8 Prof Hist & Soc Sc & Latin IT 111 1868-9 Prof Pol Econ Rutgers Coll 1869-82 Pres Pa St Coll 1882-1906) d July 24 1906 State College Pa ?Atkin Millicent (su 1913) Cam- bridgeshire Eng Atkins Bessie May (h sc 1911-12 su '13 h sc 1915- ) Stu 734 Adams Av Evansville Ind Atkins Edward Laurence (ag 1913-15 BS) Ag Smithshire 111 (Rock Falls 111) Atkins Herbert (sp ag 1892-3) Ag R 3 Tobias Neb Atkins Marshall Harry Grant (la 1912- 13) Teach Broadlands IP Atkins Millicent (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 734 Adams Av Evansville Ind Atkins Thomas O (la 1872-3) Car- bondale 111 Atkinson Albert King (sc 1909-13) With Oliver Typewriter Co 5542 Dorchester Av Chicago ATKINSON Charles Evelyn (Supt Grounds IT 111 1907- 1305 W Clark St Urbana 111 Atkinson Donald Samuel Peabody (la com 1914- ) Stu 128 W Univer- ATKINSON— AUGUSTUS 21 sity Av Champaign Til ATKINSON Elizabeth Elliott (Mrs Wm E Lunt)(acad 1901-4 Asst Instr Phys Tr U 111 1904-7 do U Wis 1907- 10) Home 210 Thurston Av Ithaca NY Atkinson Ethel (mus 1905-6) At home Paswegin Sask Can Atkinson Frank (acad 1903-4) Ag Paswegin Sask Can ?Atkinson Frank E (c eng 1879-81) Harrison 111 ATKINSON Fred (Supt Grounds U 111 1901-2) Ag Paswegin Sask Can t Atkinson Frederick Mortimer Jr (la 1909-13 AB) 2600 Hampden Ct Chi- cago Atkinson George R (sp 1870-1) Pres Minn Glass Co 228 Boston Blk Min- neapolis Atkinson Harry James (sc 1904-8 AB) Teach 803 Ohio St Joliet HI Atkinson Helen Marie (la 1901-6 AB Also U Wis) Asst to Pres Kent St Nor Sch Kent O t Atkinson Jesse Campbell (c eng 1901- 3 BS(SD Ag) '96 Also U Minn) Ag Rl . Allegan Mich "Atkinson John Thomas (m eng 1891- 5) d March 9 1895 Ochlochnee Ga Atkinson Oloff (arch 1888-90) Mfg 2414 12th St Rock Island 111 (3038 Tenth Av) ♦Atkinson Mrs Rena (sp a&d 1884-5) d June 1893 Champaign 111 Atkinson Sheridan Knox (c eng 1908- 9 Also U Wis & Armour Inst) C Eng & Contr 624 Overland Bldg Boise Id (801 E Jefferson Sf) Atkinson William Dent (g 1894-5 BL ( Hedding)'93) PhD ( Richmond ) '04 LL B(Chgo Corresp Sch Law) '12 Law Culbertson Mont Atlass Goldie May (la 1901-3) 132 S College St Decatur 111 Attebery Charles William (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Hillsboro 111 Attebery Clara Mabel (ag h sc 1908- 13 BS) Teach Herrin 111 (R4 Hills- boro 111) Attebery Hazel (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Hillsboro 111 , Attebery Homer Franklin (ag 1912- ) Stu Hillsboro 111 Attebery Jesse Stephen (e eng 1905-6) Moweaqua 111 \ Attebery Osbert Holbrook (acad 1896- 7) Urbanalll f AT WATER Charles Ogden (Instr Man Tr U 111 su 1907) Indianapolis At water Allen Russell (sc cer 1913-14 Also Mass Tech 1909-12) Asst Tech Mgr National Tile Co Anderson Ind At well Bernice Elizabeth (Mrs A H Blocher)(la 1908-10) Home 4223 Oak St Kansas City Mo ATWELL Clarence A (g e eng 1915- BS(Neb) '14 Also Neb Wes U) Instr Gen Eng Draw U 111 1915- 610 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (2009 R St University PI Neb) Atwell Donald Burgess (la 1915- ) Stu 4846 N Irving Av Chicago ATWELL Ruth Sarah (Mrs J A Det ]efsen)(g bot 1912-13 BS(NW)'ll Also'NWU 1913-14 Asst Bot U 111 1912-13) Home 916 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Atwood Charles Austin (ag 1910-13 BS) Ag R29 Alta 111 * Atwood Frank Howard (sp 1897-9 su 1903) d Dwight HI Atwood Harold (sc 1908-11 Also Sch Phar 1912-13) Mgr Harwood Labs 323 S Fourth St Aurora HI Atwood James Thomas (m eng 1899- 1903 BS) Mfg Atwood Vacuum Cleaner Co 1245 Garrison Av Rock- ford 111 Atwood John Roy (ag 1897-9 Also Beloit Coll & U Wis) Ag Roscoe 111 Atwood Levi Patten (c eng 1890-4 BS) Div Eng c/o RR Comm Madi- son Wis Atwood Paul Wiley (ag 1904-8 BS) Hort Rl Wenatchee Wash Aufcere Pearl Laura (Mrs B L McFad- den) (su 1901) Home Havana 111 lAubery James M Jr (acad 1884-5) Chicago Au Buchon Joseph Montgomerv (e eng 1914- ) Stu 220 Clinton Av Oak Park HI \Audrain Frederick Manar (acad 1907- 8) Roswell N Mex tAuer Edgar Leslie (c eng 1905 Also Millikin U) 978 N Union St Decatur 111 Auer Lucile (mus 1913-14) At home Staunton 111 •Auer Ronald Stanley (ag 1908-9) d Dec 2 1912 Buffalo NY Aughey Edmond Joseph (sp ag 1902- 3) Ag Ohio 111 Augustinus Paul (e eng 1902-6 BS) E Eng & Mfg 400 S Fifth Av La Grange 111 Augustus Earl Kirkwood (ag 1910- 14 BS g an husb 1915- ) Asst An Husb U 111 1915- 1306 S Orchard St 22 AUGUSTUS— AYERS Urbana 111 Augustus Lalah Marie (ag h se 1912- ) Stu 508 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Augustus Ralph Edgar (ag 1911-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 508 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Auld Ernest Roland (ag 1914- ) Stu Martinsville 111 Aumer Joseph Paul (sc 1901-8 BS) Assoc Chem U 111 1908- 502 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (1212 Glen- dale Av Peoria 111) AUST Franz August (BS(St Sch ND) '04 MS (Minn) '11 Asst Land Design U 111 1913-15) Asst Prof Land De- sign U Wis 1915- 1728 Van Hise Av Madison Wis (1298 Raymond Av St Paul Minn) Austill Luella (la h se 1914-15) 802 N New Jersey St Indianapolis Austin Alice Louise (Mrs S P Far- well) (g 1913-14 AM AB (Monmouth) '10) Home Springfield 111 Austin Barton Slade Jr (ag 1911-15 BS) Land arch c/o Austin-Ferguson Landscape Arch & Eng Aurora 111 Austin Clem C (sc 1903-7 BS m eng 1912-13 ME) Sales c/o Amer Hoist & Derrick Co St Paul Minn (609 Wasson St Streator 111) Austin Mrs C C (see Mackey Sarah D) ? Austin George LeRoy (acad 1899- 1900) Metropolis 111 tAustin Hallie (acad 1910-11 ag h sc 1911-12) Norris City 111 Austin Harold Emery (m eng 1911- 15 BS) Draft 6323 Peoria St Chi- cago * Austin James (c eng 1880-5 Cert '84) d April 1 1904 La Crosse Mich Austin Milton (ag 1915- ) Stu 410 S Willow St Effingham 111 Austin Nola Gertrude (su 1914) Teach Tallula 111 tAustin Sewall Everett (arch 1908- 10) 1005 Olive St Kansas City Mo ? Austin Thomas W (la 1871-2) Louis- ville 111 Austin Vida Almeda (la 1909-11 AM BS(NW)'08) Teach 565 Jefferson St Gary Ind (Woodstock 111) Auten John Thompson (ag 1912- ) Stu White Hall 111 \Auth Verne J (acad 1910-11) Ives- dale 111 Averhill William Armitage (c eng 1906-7 AB(Chgo)'02 Also U Berlin 1909) Effic Expert Bur Mun Res 261 Broadway St Rochester NY (207 Magee Av) Avery Guy Thomas (m eng 1913- ) Stu 222 West St Three Rivers Mich Avery John Madison (su 1909 & '10 &'11&'12 sc 1913-14 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Hillsboro 111 Avery Kittie C (acad 1877-8 se 1878- 82 BL) At home 4102 Davenport St Omaha Neb Avery Minnehaha (acad 1880-2) Ag & Hort R3 Council Bluffs la Avery Rowland Alonzo (ag 1910-11 '15- Also Colo Ag Coll 1912) Stu Box 281 Santa Fe N Mex Avey Daniel Manning (c eng 1906-10 BS '12-13) Bnk 3336 Prairie Av Mattoon 111 Avey Mrs DM (see Newcomb Jessie R) \Avey Fred (acad 1910-11) LeRoy 111 Avey Helen (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 1416 Charleston Av Mattoon HI tAvison Clayton Coleride (arch eng 1913-14 Also Hamllne U) 1393 Hewett Av St Paul Minn Awsumb George (arch 1902-6 BS Al- so U Wis) Arch 1609 E Jackson Blvd Chicago Axelson Alice Grace (Mrs G J Lane) (sc 1910-15 AB) Home 5945a Min- erva Av St Louis Axelson Alphyld Josephine (la 1909- 11 AB Also Augustana Coll) Teach 2722 Gaines St Little Rock Ark (RFD Moline 111) Axline Edward Springer (la com 1913- ) Stu Wenona 111 tAxtell Lee Reugen (arch eng 1909- 12) Elizabeth 111 AYER Thomas Parker (lib 1913-14 AB (Brown) '09 Asst Lib V 111 1913- 14) Ref Libr Brown U Providence RI (430 W 118th St New York) ? Ayers Charlotte (la 1871-2) Urbana 111 tAyers Clarence Otto (acad 1890-1 sc 1891-5) Nashville 111 Ayers George Lincoln (c eng 1911-13) Painter & Decorator 19 W State St St Charles 111 Ayers Grace (Mrs W A Powers) (acad 1888-9 la 1889-93 BL) Home 1020 Western Av Topeka Kan *Ayers Grover Jr (c eng 1873-7) d Springfield 111 ?Ayers Judson F (acad 1879-80 sc 1880-5 Cert) Urbana 111 Ayers Laura Belle (la 1882-6 BL Al- so Art Inst & Col U) Art Supt Art Dept Bd Ed Chicago Ayers Lois Sigourney (la 1877-8 sp 'a&d 1895-7) Art Decorator 704 W AYEES— BACON 23 Oregon St Urbana HI Ayers Kussell E (la com 1911-12) Painter Newman 111 Aylward Frank Eichard (sp ag 1911- 13 Also U Notre Dame) Cattle Feed- ing 108 Sherman Av Peoria 111 Ayres Annetta (Mrs C B Saunders) (la 1880-4 BL g 1884-5 '87-88 (Nat & Hering Med) Med 919 La Salle Av Chicago ? Ayres Blanche A (acad 1876-7 la 1877-80) Champaign HI Ayres Edward Burge (m eng 1913-15) Stu Pur U 819 S Douglas Av Spring- field 111 AYEES Leonard P (PhD (Boston) '10 Prof Ed U 111 su 1913) Dir Div Ed Eussell Sage Foundation 130 E 22nd St New York Ayres Lester George (e eng 1912-13 la com 1914-15) Photog 410 S Michi- gan Av Chicago (Eiver Forest 111) •Ayres Lettie (la 1871-6) d 1876 Urbana 111 ayers Zelda Maud (Mrs J W Schell- ing)(g 1909-10 AM AB(Lake Forest) '09) Home 8 Eevell St Annapo- lis Md tAzarraga Francisco (ag 1912-13 Also Coll Atewes de Marish) Calivo Capiz PI •Azbill Ethel Wolcott (sp la 1898-1902) d 1912 Indianapolis Babb Alice (Mrs D L Bardwell) (sp a&d 1879-80) Home New Brighton Long Island NY \Babb Charles (acad 1907-8) Eantoul 111 (Cissna Park HI) Bab b George J (acad 1888-9) Eet Ag 512 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Babb Mrs. Harry (see Goodman Lulu) Babb Nellie E (Mrs. T. Stephenson) (acad 1879-80) Home 412 W Green St Champaign 111 Babb Mrs Thomas (see Connett Ella) babbitt Albert (g math 1914-15 AM AB(Pa St) '14) Asst Math U Minn 126 Folwell Hall U Minn Minneap- olis (1724 S Seventh St Philadel- phia) Babbitt Eleanor Hall (la 1913-15 Al- so Southern Sem) At home 1309 Lunt Av Eogers Park Chicago BABBITT Harold Eaton (g mun eng 1914-15 BS(Mass Tech) '11) Instr Mun Eng U 111 1913- 907 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Babcock Basil Philip (m eng 1913-15) 15329 Center Av Harvey 111 Babcock Clyde Leslie (c eng 1890-4 BS) Grain & Lumber Merc 240 Omaha Nat Bk Bldg Omaha Neb Babcock Dan (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 1322 Fletcher St Anderson Ind Babcock Frank Eoy (la com 1913-15) Adv Mgr Serv Dept Badford Publ 1827 Prairie Av Chicago (4438 Mol- den Av) (219 Irving Av Eockford 111) tBabcock Fred Hayes (arch 1903-5 Also U Chgo) 44 E 62nd St Chi- cago •Babcock Guy H (ag 1880-4 Cert) d Eidott HI Babcock Jennie May (la 1912- ) Stu 110 Eobinson St Danville HI BABCOCK Kendric Charles (B Litt (Minn) '89 AM(Harv) '95 PhD(do) '96 LL D(Eoanoke)'14 Instr Engl & Hist U Minn 1890-4 Instr & Asst Prof Hist U Cal 1896-1903 Pres & Prof Pol Econ UAriz 1903-10 Spe- cialist Higher Ed US Bur Ed 1910- 13) Dean Coll LA&S U 111 1913- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Babcock William Arthur (acad 1881-2 la 1882-6 BL) Law Twin Falls Id Babcock Mrs. William F (see Bone Eleanor M) Babel Mrs Geo (see Oard Jessie M) \Baber Earl Armetige (acad 1900-2) Sadorus HI (Valparaiso Chile SA) Bach Bernice (la Feb 1915 Feb 1916- Also U Chgo) Stu 6005 La Salle St Chicago Bach Beulah Winifred (Mrs P M Faucett) (acad 1905-6 la 1906-12 AB) Home 906 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Bach Irwin Woodward (sc 1904-8 AB g 1908-9 AM MD (Eush) '12 Also U Chgo) Med St Luke's Hosp Chi- cago Bacher Eugene Denby (ag 1913-14) Ag Bronxville NY Bacher Holland Eobert (sc 1912-15 BS Also Col U) Cer Eng Bronxville NY Bachman Alta Marie (mus 1915- ) Stu Tiskilwa 111 tBachman Jacob (su 1899) Mas- coutah 111 Bachmann Frank (sc 1907-10 BS Al- so Benssalaer Poly) Act Bacteriol St Water Survey 39th St Pumping Sta Chicago Bachmann Mrs Frank (see Wells Min- nie O) •Bachrach Louis L (m eng 1910-11) d March 19 1913 Decatur 111 Back Eobert (cer eng 1908-13 BS) Merc Tailoring 16 W Jackson Blvd Chicago (823 Sheridan Eoad) Back Mrs Eobert (see Thielke Maud B) Bacon Bruce (acad 1905-6) Peoria HI 24 BACON— BAGLEY Bacon Carl Alfonso (m eng 1915- ) Stu 2156 Sedgewick St Chicago Bacon Cecil Harry (sc 1888-90) Merc & Trans c/o Galbraith & Co Seattle *Bacon Ernest (c eng 1873-4) d Oct 1914 Princeton 111 Bacon Francis Miller (su 1908 AB (Mich) '02) Cash Jordan Valley Ore (1331 Hill St Ann Arbor Mich) *Bacon George Fisher (c eng 1883-4) d 1884 Washington Bacon George Hunt (la 1880-3) R Est 2001 Eldridge Av Bellingham Wash Bacon Gertrude Auld (Mrs J L Chaf- fee) (g entom 1914-15 ■ AB (Pomona) '13 AM(do)'14) Home Amenia ND Bacon Gilbert Kyle (acad 1909-11) Clk 3625 Pine Grove Av Chicago Bacon Grace Martha (Mrs C A Pur- cell) (la 1909-12) Home Areola La Bacon Harlow (c eng 1889-93 BS) Gov Draft Coast & Geodetic Surv Washington Bacon Henry Jr (arch 1884-5) Arch 101 Park Av New York Bacon Katherine I (la 1876-80 BL) At home 1811 Eldridge Av Bell- ingham Wash Bacon Lewis Frank (acad 1899-1901 m eng 1901-6 BS) Asst Master Mech Gwinn Mich Bacon Maud Alice (Mrs C B Nolte) (la 1905-8) Home 1114 E 65th St Chicago Bacon Oliver Greene (ag Feb 1915- Also la St Coll) Stu 1603 S Tenth St Harlan la Bacon Mrs Paul T (see Derrough Blanche) Bacon Eobert Hamilton (e eng 19.10- 13 '15- ) Stu 1333 N El Molino St Pasadena Cal Bacon Theodore H (c eng 1878-82) Lo- cating Eng Alaskan Eng Comm An- chorage Alaska Baddeley Mrs C H (see Wellman Viola M) Bade Charles Henry (arch eng 1913- 15 BS) 118 Ninth St S Fargo ND (Ledgenwood ND) bade Courtland Walter (g e eng 1914- 15 MS) Mgr c/o Eiter Tail Power Co Sisselton SD Bader Clarence Virgil (sp ag 1903-4) RR Fireman 408 E Third St Beardstown 111 Bader Howard Orland (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Baders 111 Bader Iras Lucile (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 1702 Grand Av Kansas City Mo Bader Opal Virginia (su 1912 Also W 111 St Nor) At home Browning 111 Bader Will John (sc 1899-1902 BS) 1644 Vermont St Quincy HI Badger Carroll John (ag 1914- Al- so Ewing Nor) Stu Maury City Tenn Badger Eunice Louise (la 1914- ) Stu Riverside 111 Badger Henry Stillman (e eng 1908- 13 BS) Bus Dept Columbus By P&L Co 374 14th Av Columbus O (790 Union St Appleton Wis) Badiug Mrs OF (see Moffett Josie C) Badollet Marion Smith (la 1915- Also Vincennes U) Stu 517 Buntin Vincennes Ind Baechler Matilda May (ag h sc 1913- 15 Also N 111 St Nor) At home Momence 111 BAECHTOLD Elsie Louise (lib 1913- AB(Ia Coll) '11) Catg Libr U 111 1914- 806 W California Av Urbana 111 (Box 74 Talladega Ala) Baelz George (la 1882-3) Stenog 1669 Hague Av St Paul Minn (Met- amora 111) Baer Mrs Benj J (see Eichberg Emma) Baer David Arthur (e eng 1900-4 BS) E Eng 28 N Market St Chicago (2234 Greenleaf Av) Baer Mrs DA (see Donders Charlotte M) Baer Frederick Eugene (la 1907-11 AB) c/o Daily Press Philadelphia (107 E "D" St Belleville 111) Baer Paul Wendell (ag 1914-15 Also Miami U) Ag 131 E Spring St Ox- ford O Baer Sanford Joseph (la 1915- ) Stu 315 N 14th St Murphy sboro 111 Bagby Francis Cyrus (c eng 1903-7 BS) Dist Mgr Corrugated Bar Co 610 David Whitney Bldg Detroit (26 Alfred St) Bagby John Scripps (la 1872-4) Bnk Rushville 111 *Bagby John Walker (la 1899-1900). d Oct 30 1904 Tipton Mo BAGG Rufus Mather (g c eng 1910-11 AB( Amherst) '91 PhD(JHopk) '95 Also N Mex Sch Mines 1903-4 Instr Geol U 111 1907-11) Prof Geol Law- rence Coll 466 Alton St Appleton Wis Bagley Glen David (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13 MS) Asst Prof E Eng U Pitt (215 Standish St Elgin 111) Bagley Helen Antoinette (lib 1902-5) Libr 439 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Bagley Ruth Gertrude (su 1909 &'10 AB(Mich)'93 AM (Cal) '05) Teach Engl St Nor Sch Oshkosh Wis BAGLEY William Chandler (BS(Mieh BAGOTT— BAIN 25 Ag)'95 MS(Wis)'98 PhD(Cor)'00 Asst Psych Cor U 1900-1 Prof Psych Mont St Nor Coll 1902-6 Supt Train- ing NY St Nor Sch 1906-8) Prof Ed & Dir Sch Ed U 111 1908- 611 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Bagott Pauline G (su 1914) Teach Kinmundy 111 Bagshaw William Leroy (acad 1893-4 arch eng 1894-5) Ins Winchester 111 Bagusin Alexis Matthew (sc 1912-15 AB) Stu Harv Med Sch Quincy 111 Bahe Dorothy Virginia (la 1915- ) Stu 519 S Third Av Maywood 111 \Bahlmann Harry Fred (acad 1909- 10) Goodenow HI Bahr Mildred Greta (la 1914-15) Teach Alvin 111 (Ridgefarm HI) Bahrensburg Carrie Thomas Alexander (Trustee 1900-13) Home 223 E Main St Belleville 111 \Baie Arthur A (acad 1910-11) Hinck- ley HI Bailey Mrs (see Carey Alice) Bailey Mrs Albert B (see Shinker Lillian R) Bailey Albert Williams (la 1902-3 AB (Austin) '00) Teach Moorcroft Wyo Bailey Algernon Rankin (sp c eng 1990-1) Bkpr 6120 Prarie Av Chi- cago (Rantoul 111) Bailey Ange (acad 1901-2) At home 606 W Church St Champaign HI Bailey Belle (sp mus 1899-1900) At home 606 W Church St Champaign 111 Bailey Charles Wilbur Jr (la 1909-13) Mgr Lloyde 's Univ Store Champaign 111 *Bailey David (la 1868-9) d Mar 5 1916 Tuscola 111 *Bailey Donald Herbert (la 1897-1901 AB) d Aug 28 1905 Rantoul 111 Bailey Earl Martin (ry eng 1908-9) Electr 646 S 11th St Pekin 111 (Fairbury 111) Bailey Earl Willis (la 1914- ) Stu Boody 111 Bailey Ernest Henning (e eng 1905-10 BS) E Eng c/o Gen Elec Co Mon- adnock Bldg Chicago (1446 W Jackson Blvd) bailey Ernest Winfield (g ag 1908-9 MS g 1915- BS(Mass Ag) '08 BS Boston) Mass Ag Coll 1908-9 Asst Plant Breed U 111 1909-10 Instr & Assoc do 1910-11 Assoc & 1st Asst do 1911-13 Assoc Pomol & Plant Breed 1913-15) Asst Prof Pomol & Asst Chf Plant Breeding Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 605 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Wailey Frank A (acad 1882-3) Mon- mouth 111 Bailey Fred Sumner (sc 1889-90) Bnk 715 W University Av Champaign 111 Bailey Gertrude H (Mrs Morse) (acad 1894-5) Tuscola 111 Bailey Henry D (g 1910-11 BS(Mass Ag) '08) Thermatology Worcester Mass Bailey John Willard (arch eng 1910- 15 BS) Arch Draft 904 W Hlinois St Urbana 111 Bailey LaForce (arch eng 1911-15 BS g arch 1915- ) Stu Wilming- ton 111 Bailey Leonard Lionel (acad 1891-2 la 1892-6) Dist Superv Art Chgo Pub Schs 321 N Humphrey Av Oak Park 111 Bailey Linus McCowan (m eng 1913- 15) 14 Cole Blk Peru Ind bailey Margaret Lewis (g ger 1909- 10 AM '10-12 PhD AB(Cor)'03) Instr Smith Coll 1914- 3 Queen St Wellsboro Pa Bailey Otis Carson (su 1906 AB (West- field) '08 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt City Schs Effingham 111 Bailey Ozias (sp 1872-3) Trader Tus- cola III Bailey Mrs Ralph Abbot (see Lindsay Florence B) Bailey Roscoe Edward (e eng 1909- 13 BS) Com Eng Effingham HI *Bailey Samuel G Jr (sc 1879-82 BS) d May 13 1901 Chicago t Bailey Thomas Chester (acad 1896-7) Makanda 111 fBailey Thomas Marshall (m eng 1907-9) Box 51 Madison Ala Bailey Thomas Stanley (sc 1900-5 AB) Mgr Mining Property Assayer & Chem Wall Street Colo Bailey Mrs T S (see Hoagland Jen- nie M) Bailey Walter Thomas (arch 1900-4 BS M Arch '10) Arch 358 Beal Av Memphis Tenn fBailey William J (la 1875-6) Argo 111 bailey Willis Joshua (ag 1872-5 '78- 9 LL D'04) Bnk Atchinson Kan Wailhache Adaline (acad 1879-80) Washington Bailie Robert Mills (arch eng 1910- 14 BS) Arch 229 Cayugua St Storm Lake la \Bailiff Lucius Fremont (acad 1897- 8) Ag Covington Ind Baily Earl Martin (ry e eng 1907-9) Electr Cent 111 Light Co 646 S 11th St Pekin 111 BAIN Harry Foster (BS(Moores Hill) '90 MS(do)'94 PhD(Chgo) , 97 Asst St Geol la 1893-1900 Dir St Geol Surv 26 BAIN— BAKER U 111 1905-9) Edit Mining Mag Sal- isbury House London EC Eng Bain Mrs Mary Wright (Mrs H F) (sp la 1906-8 AB(Wis)'02) Home Salisbury House London EC Eng Bain Wallace Bothwell (ag 1914- Also Ind U) Stu Martinsville Ind BAIN Walter Gelvin (AB (Mich) '03 MD(NWMed)'05 Bacteriol St Wat- er Surv U 111 1906-8 Bacteriol St Bd Health Springfield 1908-10) Pathol David Prince Sanitarium 1910- West Grand PI Springfield 111 Bainer John David (la com 1909-10 Also Oberlin Acad) Bk Examiner Marysville O Baines Alice Elizabeth (h sc 1910-14 AB) Teach 916 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Baines Osear Roland (acad 1908-9 la com 1909-12 AB) Merc Wall & Mad- ison Sts Janesville Wis Bainum Curtis S (arch eng 1888-90) Arch 6142 Victoria Av St Louis Bainum Glenn Cliffe (la 1905-10 '12- 13 AB) Dir Mus S 111 St Nor Car- bondale HI (Paxton 111) Bair Arthur Archie (acad 1910-11 sc 1911-12) Gar Hinckley 111 Bair Joseph Henderson (e eng 1907-9) Clk 1364 Clara Av St Louis bair William Harry (g la 1911-14 MS BS(OhioN) '08 Instr Physics Kan St Ag Coll 1914- 831 Leavenworth St Manhattan Kan (Ruffsdale Pa) Baird Mrs (see Wenrick Harriet) Baird Mrs Bertha Salsich (Mrs J F) (lib 1906-11 BLS) Libr 117 N Adams St Mason City la Baird Deforest Elliott (ag 1908-9 Al- so Millikin U) Ag R2 Bethany 111 Baird Ellen Melville (acad 1906-7) Nurse 608 Mathews Av Urbana 111 Baird Ernest (ag Feb 1916- Also Kan Ag Coll) Stu Minneapolis Kan Baird Ethel May (Mrs Lana Weaver) (sp mus 1906-9 h sc 1909-13 AB) Home 119 S Vine St Harrisburg HI Baird Florence (Mrs W H Almy) (la 1907-11 AB) Home 15601 Turling- ton Av Harvey HI Baird Garth (Mrs A L Enger) (sp mus 1906-7) Home Tucson Ariz Baird Grace Jean (sc 1904-6 AB su '15 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch 5605 Dorchester Av Chicago (608 S Mathews Av Urbana 111) Baird Helen (su 1913) Indianola 111 *Baird Jay C (ag 1877-9) d Ster- ling 111 Baird John Henry (ag 1905-9 BS) Supt Dairy Farm Gates Mills O Baird John McCawley (1 1905-8 LL B) Law 403 Morgan St Olney HI BAIRD John Wallace (AB (Toronto) '97 PhD (Cor) '02 Instr Cor U 1902- 3 Instr J Hopk U 1904-6 Instr Psych U 111 1906-7 Asst Prof do 1907-10) Prof Psych Clark U 1910- 801 Pleasant St Worcester Mass Bahid Leo Preston (la 1905-7 AB Al- so Hedding Coll) Ins & R Est 486 Adams St Abingdon 111 ?Baird Milton (c eng 1869-70) War- ren HI Baird Mont Kersey (su 1914) Law 4355 Lake Park Av Chicago (24 Colorado Av Indianapolis) Baird Pearl Browning (Mrs Ernest Jones) (acad 1903-4) Home Dan- ville 111 Baird Roy Wilson (sp ag 1907-8) Mor- rison 111 Baird Stacey Phillip (sp ag 1911-13) Lumber Merc Peotone 111 Baird Thomas (su 1909 Also N HI St Nor ) Expert Heating & Vent 1204 S Washington Av Kankakee HI ?Baird Walter Hays (la 1892-3 1901- 2 su 1903) Normal 111 Baird Walter M (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-7) Law 53 Metropolitan Blk Chicago Baird William (sp a&d 1900-1) Phys Dir c/o Hamline U St. Paul Minn Baker Mrs (see Rickey Madge A) Baker Adeline Maitland (lib 1900-2 BLS) Libr 1325 Judson Av Evans- ton 111 Baker Albert H (acad 1887-9) Still- man Valley HI Baker Alfred Michael Mack Jr (ag 1911-15 BS) Mgr Stock Farm Neth- erlands Mo Baker Alice Alma (Mrs Forrest File) (sc 1901-3 AB( Millikin) '05) Home 413 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Baker Alwyn John (sp ag 1904-5 Al- so N 111 St Nor U) 3531 Cottage Grove Av Chicago Baker Amelia West (la 1911-14 AB) Teach Evanston 111 (Batavia 111) Baker Carroll (ag 1872-6) Manhattan Kan Baker Cecil Earle (sp law 1912-13) Law & Ins 212 W Fifth Av Pine Bluffs Ark Baker Cecil Franklin (la 1901-4 AB '07 BS (Mass Tech) '07 MS(do) '09) Arch 5456 Harper Av Chicago (829 Michigan Blvd) Baker Mrs OF (see Gibbs Charlotte) WaTcer Charles Francis (acad 1898-9 BAKER— BAKER 27 Also 111 St Nor U) Melrose 111 Baker Charlotte Phelps (la 1907-11 AB su '15 Also Millikin IT) Teach H Sch 1807 Harrison St Sullivan 111 Baker Clarence Everett (ag 1915- ) Stu 303 E Green St Champaign 111 baker Clarence James (g chem 1909- 10 MS '11 AB (Denver) '07 Asst Chem U 111 1910-12) Teach H Sch Taylor- ville 111 Baker Mrs Clarence J (see Osborn Lela G) Baker Earl Boggess (cer eng 1915- ) Stu Fairmount 111 Baker Edward J (ag 1874-8 BS) Ret 312 W Clark St Champaign HI tBaker Edward W (sc 1884-5) St Clair 111 Baker Edwin Ernest (sp ag 1909-10 Also 111 Wes U) Ag R4 Clinton 111 Baker Eleanor Mary (Mrs H I Blue) (la 1902-6 AB See al*o Blue Mrs Eleanor M) Home Salem 111 Baker Ellen M (Mrs J F Willard) (sp 1870-3) Home 123 E 43rd Av Los Angeles Baker Elmer Jerome (la 1881-2) Publ 701 Masonic Temple Chicago Baker Elmer Jerome Jr (la & law 1906-11 AB) Publ 949 Oakdale Av Chicago (Kenil worth HI) Baker Ernest Monroe (su 1915) Stu Greenville Coll 317 W Embargo St Rome NY Baker Erwin Frank (sp m eng 1914- 15 Also Colo St Sch Mines) Eng 3221 Franklin St Denver Baker Feme (la 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu McLean 111 Baker Frank Delos (acad 1884-5 m eng 1885-8) M Eng Chf Eng AS&R Co 3221 Franklin St Denver Baker Frank S (la 1871-3) Ret 2105 Peabody Av Memphis Tenn Baker Fred Phelps (la 1914- ) Stu 3221 Franklin St Denver Colo tBaker Genevieve (Mrs Ed Lynch) (la 1871-2) Home Oakland Cal Baker George Willard (sp ag 1907-9 Also Valparaiso U) Ag Goodenow HI Baker Gera.ld Clifford (chem eng 1912- 14 '15- ) Stu 917 W Green St Ur- bana 111 (Bement 111) Baker Mrs G H (see Marriott Jennie D) Baker Geraldine Louise (Mrs G W Johnson) (la 1903-7) Home 3815 39th Av SW Seattle . Baker Harry James (sc 1912-15) Asst Cash Bk Worthington Ind Baker Harry Torsey (AB (Wes) '00 AM (do) '02 Asst Engl Wes U 1900-4 Instr do Harv U 1905-6) Instr Engl U 111 Feb 1916- University Club Ur- bana 111 (10 Franklin St Rockland Me) Baker Mrs H T (see Beall Mat tie I) Baker Helen White (ag 1913-14) 1229 E 53rd St Chicago Baker Mrs Horace (see Boner Glenna M) Baker Horatio F (c eng 1871-5) Edit Redding Cal *Baker Horatio Weber (acad 1896-7 c eng 1897-1901 BS) d Jul 8 1915 San Francisco Baker Howard Newell (sc 1899-1903 AB'07 Also Hahnemann Med Coll 1905) Med Floris la Baker Hugh Clark (sp ag 1903-4) RR Postal Clk Manhattan 111 Baker Imo Estella (Mrs C H Bent) (la 1900-5 AB) Home 430 S Sixth Av La Grange HI Baker Ira Osborn (c eng 1871-4 BS g 1877-8 CE D Eng '03 Asst C Eng & Phys U 111 1874-8 Instr C Eng 1878-9 Asst Prof do 1879-80) Prof C Eng U 111 1880- 1106 W California St Ur- bana 111 Baker Ira Webster (la 1901-5 AB) R Est 322 Euclid Av Cleveland O Baker James Chamberlain (su 1908 g philos 1914- AB(H1 Wes) '98 STB (Boston) '05) Mintr 1005 W Green St Urbana 111 Baker Jennie (su 1873-4) Champaign 111 Baker John J (su 1911 Also Cent Nor Coll) Law Shelbyville 111 ?Baker John Phoenix (acad 1887-8 c eng 1888-91) Parkersburg la Baker Joseph John (ag 1914-15 Also Christian Bros Coll) Draft 4192 Farlin Av St Louis Baker Julian M (la 1871-4 BS(NC) '77 MD(Md)'79) Med Tarboro NC fBaker Kate F (sp a&d 1886-7) Champaign HI *Baker Kittie M (Mrs J G Wads- worth) (acad 1876-7 la 1877-81 Teach Mus U 111 1883-6) d Nov 25 1899 Council Bluffs la Baker Laura Minerva (la 1908-12 AB) At home White Hall 111 Baker Mrs Lena (Mrs J C) (mus 1913- 15 Also Mo Wes U) Home 1005 W Green St Urbana HI Baker Leon Joseph (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 428 Old Fort PI Ft Wayne Ind Baker Loraine Earl (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Rl(48) Plainville 111 Baker Lou (Mrs Dwight Woodruff) 28 BAKER— BALDWIN (la 1901-3 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Home Grants Pass Ore Baker Mary Ellen (lib 1906-7 AB (Lincoln) '00 BLS(NY St Lib Sch) '08) Libr U Mo Columbia Mo Baker Nettie S (Mrs A R Johnston) (lib 1899-1901) Home 337 S Ken- sington Av La Grange 111 Baker Orrin Hugh (m eng 1903-7 BS) Steel Sales 417 Barry Av Chicago (1628 Diversey Bvd) Baker Otto Charles (la 1913-14) Day- ton Ind Baker Pearl Rawson (sp ag 1907-9) Ag Irving 111 Baker Ray Churchill (sp ag 1907-9) Ag Rl (21) Jerome Id Baker Ray Luzerne (m eng 1903-7 BS) Eng Commonwealth Edison Co 120th & Morgan Sts Chicago (12040 Stewart Av) baker Robert Earl (g chem 1912-14 AM AB(Okla)'12) 1677 Waverly PI Memphis Tenn (Norman Okla) Baker Roy Mason (acad 1898) Fur- niture & Undertaking Dwight 111 Baker Russell Parks (la com 1911- ) Stu Dayton Ind Baker Ruth Marsh (Mrs Chas Henry Leonard) (la 1904-9 AB) Home 1428 15th St Santa Monica Cal *Baker Selby S (arch 1876-7) d Mar 6 1913 Chicago 111 Baker Walter Earl (sc 1912- ) Stu Bement 111 Walter Walter Edward (acad 1900-2) Pilot 111 fBaker William Alfred (sp 1890-1) Champaign 111 Baker William Allan (sp ag 1910-12) Lumber Mere 913 S Sixth St Spring- field 111 Baker William Arthur (ag 1869-70) Land Arch 117 Hinsdall PI Elgin 111 t Baker William Hargrave (su 1912) S Main St Altamont 111 * BAKER William Melville (Attended Bowdoin Coll 3 yrs Chaplain 97th 111 Vols 1861-4 Asst Supt Pub Instr 111 1865-8 Prof Engl U 111 1868-73) d Apr 16 1873 Baker William Sherwood (ag 1871-3) Ag Whitaker NC Baker Zion Frost (1 1897-1900 LLB) Law Sullivan 111 Bakhski Sarva Rupa (ry c eng 1914- Also U la) Stu Seinagar Kashmir India Balbach Nyle Jacob (la 1914-15 com 1915- Also Ober Coll) Stu Chenoa 111 Balch Eva (Mrs Roscoe Farrar) (la 1905-7 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Home Humboldt 111 Balch Nellie Allison (ag 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Lerna 111 Balch Harriet Isabel (Mrs E A Gris- wold) (sp mus 1901-2) Home Cerro Gordo 111 Balcom Elma Pearle (Mrs V R Pome- roy) (sp h sc 1906-7) Home Ohjo 111 Balcom Henry Clarke (ag 1907-10 BS Also Pur U & Mass Tech) Land Arch 1023 Park Av Indianapolis Balcom Stephen Francis (c eng 1871- 4) Asst Engr LE&W RR 1023 Park Av Indianapolis Balcom William Arthur (arch 1875-8) Div Eng D&RG RR 317 E Evans Av Pueblo Colo Balderson Ted Albert (arch eng 1913- 15 la 1915- )Stu Wilber Neb Balding James Palmer (sp arch 1893- 5) Ins c/o Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co Milwaukee Baldwin Ada Lillian (Mrs H S Hyde) (h sc 1908-11 BS Also U Wis 1907) Home 1935 Bryant Av S Minne- apolis Baldwin Aneta (la 1897-1901 AB) Teach Ottawa 111 (Paris 111) Baldwin Boyd (sp ag 1886-7) Vet Insp Bur Animal Indus 405 S Third St Rockford 111 BALDWIN Edward Chauncey (AB (Yale) '95 PhD(do)'98 Instr Engl Adelbert Coll 1899-1900) Asst Prof Engl Lit U 111 1901- 1002 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Baldwin Ernest Robert (ag 1911-12 BS .Also Mich Ag Coll) Sales 117 N Canal St Chicago (Bad Axe Mich) BALDWIN Francis Marsh (g zool 1915- AB(Clark)'06 AM(do) '07) Asst Zool U 111 1915- 806 S Third St Champaign 111 (West Upton Baldwin Frank Boyd (c eng 1905-9 BS) Draft c/o Chf Engr Ofc GC&SL RR Galveston Tex (405 S Third St Rockford 111) Baldwin Frank D (ag 1901-6 AB) Ag Ipava 111 Baldwin George Howard (g cer 1911- 12 BS (Rutgers) '11) Mfg 3 Beech St East Orange NJ Baldwin George W (acad 1888-9) Cash Bk 523 S Second St DeKalb 111 tBaldwin Helen Ruby- (la h sc 1904 7) 202 E Madison St Paris 111 Baldwin Janet Christine (la 1909-12 '15- ) Stu 202 E Madison St Paris 111 BALDWIN— BALLEW 29 Baldwin Jesse A (ag 1873-4) Law 711 County Bldg Chicago (341 Pleasant St Oak Park 111) Baldwin Jessie Emma (Mrs H M Turner) (sc 1902-3 '04-6 '07-8 AB g 1909-10 '11-12 AM Asst Bot U 111 1908-12) Home 719 Erie St SE Minneapolis Baldwin Leo Starr (arch eng & gen sc 1911- Also 111 Coll) Stu 193 Van Buren St Freeport 111 Baldwin Leonard Leslie (com 1915- ) Stu Bridgeport 111 Baldwin Leslie Weaver (1 1904-6) Ins R Est & Fin Lena 111 Baldwin Lewis Freeman (sp ag 1904- 5) Ag Ipava 111 Baldwin Mamie Anna (Mrs F M Simp- son) (la h sc 1907-12 AB) Home 1701 Park Rd Washington (405 S Third St Rockford 111) Baldwin Margaret Helen (la 1914- Also U Minn) Stu Ottawa 111 Baldwin Milton Ford (la 1915- ) Stu 26 Carmel St New Haven Conn BALDWIN Walter John (BS (Mich) '90 ME (do) '94 Instr Mich Coll Mines 1890-1 Prof Min Eng U 111 1891-7) Teach Math Man Tr Sch 253 Carlton Av Brooklyn NY Baldwin William Frazier (arch eng 1911-13 Also Va Mil Inst 1909-11) Mfg Alexandria Va ^Baldwin William H (sp ag 1889-90) Delavan 111 BALKE Clarence William (AB(Ober) '02 PhD (Pa) '05 Act Prof Chem & Physics Kenyon Coll 1903-4 Instr Chem Pa 1906-7 Assoc Chem U 111 1907-10 Asst Prof Chem U 111 1910- 13) Prof Inorg Chem U 111 1913-16 411 Indiana St Urbana 111 Balkema Salome Rose (la 1912-13 '14-) Stu 3920 Lake Park Av Chicago Balis William Henry (ag 1905-10 BS) Teach 25 Bungalow Lane Baton Rouge La (St Charles 111) Balis Mrs Wm H (see Lohman Flor- ence) Balkmann Harry Fred (acad 1909-10) Goodenow 111 Ball Albert Newton (e eng 1904-6) Merc 312 E North St Danville 111 Ball Elizabeth Browning (la 1902-3 Also 111 Coll Med) Med 648 Ohio . St Quincy HI *Ball Elmer Newton (acad 1891-3 arch 1893-5) d June 1908 Mitchellsville la Ball Frederick Dunham (la 1913- ) Stu 319 S Madison St Clinton 111 Ball George Waldo (e eng 1911-13) Clk 6601 Olmstead Av Edison Park 111 Wall Harry Braucher (acad 1896-7) Clinton 111 Ball Jay Hamilton (acad 1904-6) To- luca 111 Ball John Dudley (m eng 1903-7 BS g '14-15 EE) E Eng c/o Consult Dept Gen Electric Co 401 Av A Schnectady NY tBall Jonas Hamilton (sp 1906-9 ag 1909-11) Toluca HI Ball Mary Elsie (la 1914- Also Ind U) Stu Rossville Ind Ball Roseoe Lawrence (ag 1906-8 BS AB( Eureka) '06) Ag Wenona 111 Ball Ross Everett (acad 1899-1900) Mach 928 Rile St Bushnell 111 ball Theodore Roily (g chem 1913-14 MS 1915- BS (Drake) '08 Asst Chem U 111 1913-15) 2625 Cottage Grove Av Des Moines la ballans Anna Mabel (la 1909-10AM AB(Knox)'09) At home Neponset 111 Ballantyne George Horton (c eng 1903-7 BS) Div Eng W-P RR Elko Nev (808 N Seventh St Burling- ton la) •Ballard Charles K (arch 1874-8 BS) d May 1 1895 Oak Park 111 \Ballard Charles Roy (acad 1901-3) New Boston 111 Ballard David Page (m eng 1896-8) Purchasing Agt Wellman Leaver Co 10316 Parkgate Av Cleveland Ballard Frank Edward (arch 1874-6) R Est 308 S Fifth Av Chicago (600 Fair Oaks Av Oak Park 111) *Ballard Hortense (sp mus 1899-1900) d June 6 1906 New Boston 111 Ballard Jeannette P (Mrs R H Dicks) (sp 1902-4) Home Roan Lodge Oak- wood Av Dayton O \ Sailor d John Blaine (acad 1899-1902) Xew Boston 111 Ballard Mrs Louise Myers (sU 1915) Asst Libr Box 139 Chenoa 111 ?Ballard Pearl Lena (su 1900 Also 111 St Nor U) Normal 111 Ballard Sanford Elmer (su 1907 Also S 111 St Nor 1903) RR PO Clk Mar- issa 111 Ballard William Salisbury (sc 1900-4 AB Asst Bot U 111 1904-6) Plant Pathol c/o Bur Plant Indus Wash- ington ballew Margaret Esther (g la 1909-10 AM AB(Hedding)'09) Teach Tou- lon 111 (Knoxville 111) M) BALLINGER— -BANTUG Ballinger Emma Matilda (Mrs William Cafe) (la 1913- Also Shurtleff Coll) Stu Rl (89) Upper Alton 111 Ballinger lone Fredericka (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Chenoa 111 *Ballinger Ralph Adams (m eng 1900- 4 BS) d Feb 3 1905 El Paso Tex *Ballou Edward Lull (ag 1871-6 Cert BS'95) d Oct 1 1911 Igo Cal Ballou Frederick Herbert (e eng 1900- 4) Ranch Tempe Ariz Ballou Mrs F H (see Young Rose J) Ballou Joseph Ladd (m eng 1910-14 BS) Rodman 215 N Cross St Wheaton 111 Ballou Mary Ellen (Mrs H C Storm) (la 1903-5) Home Maquoketa la Balthrope Elizabeth Margaret (su 1915) Teach 134 S 12th St Quincy 111 Baltzer Earle Clingman (acad 1907-8 ag 1908-11) Sporting Edit Decatur Herald 128 W William St Decatur 111 Baltzer Harold Keith (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Dakota 111 Baluyut Sotero (su 1905 Also U la) C Eng S Fernando Pampanga PI (Ilogan Isahela PI) balzer George John (g 1908-9 AM AB (Mich) '02) Prin Washington H Sch Milwaukee Balzerit Edward (eng 1913-14) 1434 5 Union St Chicago Bamberger George Washington (ag 1898-9) Med 302 E 51st St Chi- cago Bame Robert William (eng Feb 1916- Also U Mich) Stu 1011 Elmwood Av Buffalo NY Bamesberger Velda Christena (la 1914- ) Stu 402 Daniel St Cham- paign 111 Bamford Thomas (ag 1915- Also Cor U) Stu 34 Kent St Barrow-in- Furness Lancashire England Ban Ching-ling (m eng 1913- ) Stu Shanghai China Ban Siezo (min eng 1913-15) 22 Yocho Machi Ushigome Ku Tokyo Japan Bancroft Anna Dewey (la 1915- ) Stu 505 N Second St Maywood 111 t Bandy Claude W (acad 1901-3 Also U Notre Dame) 207 W Harrison St Danville 111 Bandy Harold James (la 1907-10) Law 19th & E St Granite City 111 Bandy Lorenson (m eng 1915- ) Stu Lake City 111 Bandy William Albert (su 1914) Teach Westfield 111 Bane Frank Milton (ag 1911-15 BS) Instr & Dir An Husb St Charles Sch for Boys St Charles 111 Bane Geneva Mae (h sc 1909-12 BS Also Millikin U) Teach H Sc Tellu- ride Colo (1004 N Chicago St Pon- tiac 111) Bane Juliet Lita (ag h sc 1909-12 BS Also Millikin U) Asst Prof Home Econ Wash St Coll 1722 B St Pull man Wash tBane Roy Arrowsmith (sp ag 1910- 11) Arrowsmith 111 Barter Frank A (acad 1879-80) Min Elk City Id Bangert Clarence John (ag 1915- ) Stu 6704 Lafayette Av Chicago Banks George S (e eng 1904-7) Fruit Ag R2 Rockford 111 Banks John Stuart (la 1902-5 Also • Shawville & St Stephens Coll) Mintr Bellefontaine O ?Banks William Stephen (la 1905-6) Milan 111 Banning Sarah Louise (la 1909-11) At home 4514 Lake Park Av Chi- cago Bannister Bryant (m eng 1907-11 BS Also Mass Tech 1911-12) M Eng & E Eng Nat Tube Co Pittsburg (Ke- wanee 111) Bannister Ernest Martin (la com 1904- 5) Mgr Chicago Hgts Works Inland Steel Co 1105 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chi- cago (120 S Taylor Av Oak Park 111) Bannister George Steele (arch 1882- 6 BS) Mfg Arch Agt Bldg Special ties 116 S Dearborn St Chicago Bannister John Howard (ag 1914- ) Stu 519 S Tremont St Kewanee 111 Bannister Julian Clyde (c eng 1907- ■ 11 BS) Asst City Bldg Insp 903 N Mariposa Av Los Angeles Bannister Kimball (sc 1907-11 AB MD(NW)'14) Interne c/o Cook Co Hospital Chicago (519 S Tremont St Kewanee 111) Bannon James Leo (c eng 1902-6 BS) Contr Eng 701 Broadway St Joliet 111 Bannon Robert Joseph (m eng 1906-8) Mgr 701 N Broadway Joliet 111 Bannon Winifred (la 1903 -8 AB) Teach 701 N Broadway Joliet III Banschbach Edward Aaron (e eng 1892-5) Effic Eng Sales Mgr & Exec 112 S Michigan Av Chicago (7612 Garrison Av Rogers Park 111) Banschbach Litta Celia (Mrs G R Bascom)(lib 1904-6 AB lib 1906-7 BLS Also NW U) Home 1728 Van Hise Av Madison Wis Bantug Jose Policarpio (sc 1905-6 BANTZ— BARD WELL 31 PhG(NW) '09 Also Santa Clara Coll) Med San Isidor NE Luzon PI \ Bants Oscar Elvan (acad 1899-1900) Muncie 111 Barackman Guy Bernard (c eng 1898- 1902 BS) Asst Eng DLavis Ma- rietta); Beardsley Henry Scovell (ag 1913- ) Stu 3643 Walnut St Kansas City Mo Beardsley John W (la 1886-90 BL) Farm Loans 201 Pearl St Council Bluffs la Beardsley Mrs J W (see Stave Edith) Beasley Abel Harwood (acad 1891-2 sc 1892-5) Ag Idaho Falls Id Beasley D Edythe (Mrs L W Goben) (la 1894-8 AB g 1898-9) 9258 110 Av Edmonton Can Beasley Fred Edward (e eng 1901-4) BEASLEY— BECK 43 Chem 4507 N 42nd St Tacoma Wash Beasley Harrison Eaton (c eng 1890- 4 BS) C Eng 1315 Perry Av Peoria HI *Beasley Joseph T (sp 1868-72) d 1895 Champaign 111 * Beasley Eobert Lee (acad 1892-3) d 1910 Champaign HI Beasley Sally Louise (Mrs H H Law- son) (acad 1894-5 '96-8) Home 123 N St Salt Lake City Beaton Matthew Angus Jr (arch eng 1912-13 Also NW U & U Cal) Print 445 Plymouth PI Chicago (1317 Pratt Av) ?Beattie Carroll E (sp 1892-3) Cham- paign 111 Beattie George Wilson (g ed 1909-12 ag 1913-14 BS g 1914-15 AM AB (Eipon)'Ol) Teach Ag St Nor Coll Bowling Green O (S Hartford NY) Beattie Harry James (g chem 1915- AB(Denver)'14 AM(do) '15) Stu 909 S Clarkson St Denver beatty Albert James (su 1908 g ed 1914-15 AM >15- AB(Knox)'OO) Stu 512 W High St Urbana 111 (Geneseo 111) Beatty Earle Jacob (la 1907-9 Also Dart Coll) Bus Mgr Mfg 80 Clif- ford St Providence EI Beatty Edward Corbyn Obert (la 1912- ) Stu 609 Sycamore St Quincy HI Beatty Edwin Morris (ag 1906-8) Ag E3 Taylorville 111 Beatty George Shelley (e eng 1903-4) C Eng Barview Ore Beatty Joe Earle (acad 1906-7 la com 1908-10) Ag Eaymond HI Beatty John Wirts (la 1894-8) Ag & R Est New Canton 111 BEATTY Mary Esther (Mrs M S Ketchum)(g 1902-3 BL(Ia St Ag) '98 BS( Teach Coll Col) '01 Instr H Sc U 111 1901-3) Home 1146 12th St Boulder Colo Beatty Owen Chauncey (ag 1914- ) Stu 707 W Hlinois St Urbana 111 Beatty Wilbur Moffit (eng 1886 MD (Starling Med) '90 LL B (Lincoln & Jeff) '11) 1st Asst Exam Patent Ofc 4027 Georgia Av NW Washington Beaty Francis Marion (la 1901-3 AB) Teach Iloilo PI Beaubien Warren Piatt (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 300 La Porte Av Whiting Ind Beauchamp Pearl Edith (la Feb 1916- Also HI St Nor) Stu Arenzville HI Beauford May Alice (Mrs H L Deal) (la 1901-6 AB ) Home E4 Mor- risonville HI Beaumont George Stanley (ag 1910- 13 BS) c/o U 111 Dairy Dept 1226 Fullerton Av Chicago Beavers Harrison Bruce (com 1915- ) Stu 1752 Columbia Ed Washington Bebb Edwin (la 1878-9) Law 1652 W 102nd St Chicago Bebb Edwin Adams (ag 1912- ) Stu 1652 W 102nd St Chicago Bebb Forrest (ag 1912- ) Stu 1119 Fremont Av Muskogee Okla Bebb Herbert (la 1907-10 AB Also U Chgo) Law 1652 W 102nd St Chicago Bebb Kenneth (ag 1908-12 BS) Dairy Farm Mgr E2 Willoughby O (1652 W 102nd St Chicago Bebb Mrs Kenneth (see Corlett Ger- trude) Bebb Mabel Florence (Mrs R S Pot- ter) (h sc 1908-12 AB) Home 202 Eussell Av Ames la Bebb Maurice Eobert (ag 1909-13 BS) Com Flor 1119 Fremont Av Musko- gee Okla BECHT Frank Christian (BS(Chgo) '06 PhD (do) '09 Also Bradley Poly Asst Physiol U Chgo 1907-9 Assoc do U Chgo 1909-10 Asst Prof Physiol U HI 1911-12) Asst Prof Pharmacol- ogy U Chgo 1914- 5511 Drexel Av Chicago Bechtold Edmond (acad 1909-10 sc 1910-11 Also Wash U Med Sch) Med 108 E First St Belleville HI *Beck Charles (m eng 1902-5 BS) d Nov 25 1909 Harvey HI BECK Clyde Byron (g engl 1914- AB(Earlham) '06 Teach Kan Ag 1912- 13) Asst Engl U 111 1914- 506 W Elm St Urbana 111 (221 S 14th St Bichmond Ind) Beck Donald Wright (sp ag 1908-10) E Est 112 S Michigan Av Chi- cago (157 E 51st St) Beck Florence Maria (Mrs T L Mc- Glachlin) (lib 1898-1900 BLS Also Platteville Wis St Nor Libr 111 St Nor U 1904-5 Asst Prof Lib Econ U 111 1905-6) Home Stevens Point Wis Beck Mrs Fred (see Dolson Neva E) Beck Gerald Eugene (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1955 E Second St Long Beach Cal Beck Hans Frederick (arch eng 1905-8 Also Beloit Coll) Bldg Contr 15613 Lexington Av Harvey HI Beck Herbert Clinton (c eng 1907-11 BS) Chgo Viaduct Insp 139 W H BECK— BECKMAN 70th St Chicago (6440 University Av) Beck James Peter (la 1903-7 AB) Mgr Portland Cement Assn 111 W Wash- ington St Chicago University Club) BECK Jean Baptiste (AB (Paris) '00 PhD(Strassburg)'07 Prof Ecole Al- sacienne Paris 1899-1901 & U Vienna 1907 Asst Prof Eom Lang U 111 1911- 14) Prof French Bryn Mawr Coll 1914- Bryn Mawr Pa Beck Mrs Jean (see Goebel Louise K) Beck Louisa (su 1915) Governess 4632 Maryland Av St Louis (311 S Fourth St Pekin 111) Beck Martha Selma (la 1913-15 AB Also Butler Coll) Teach 1019 N West St Indianapolis beck Mary Lavenia (g hist 1914-15 AM BS(Coe)'08) Teach H Sch Somersett Ky (Morning Sun la) Beck Maurice Phillip (arch eng 1908- 9) Mfg 1221 W Lake St Chi- cago (1608 S Sawyer Av) Beck Ealph Osborne (ry c eng 1905-9 BS) Pres R O Beck Co 526 David- son Bldg Sioux City la (3016 Nebraska St) Beck Ruth Marie (la 1914- ) Stu 206 W Green St Champaign 111 Beckemeyer Harry John (sc 1909-10 su 1912 Also S 111 St Nor & Ind U) Supt Schs Hillsboro 111 (Becke- meyer 111) Beckemeyer Herman Jacob Christ (sp law 1902-4 Also McKendree Coll) Law Carlyle 111 Beckemeyer John George (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Beckemeyer 111 Beckemeyer Mary Brown (Mrs H J) (su 1914) Home Hillsboro 111 Beckemeyer Oscar William (la com 1904-7 AB) Merc Beckemeyer 111 Becker Aaron Joseph (sc 1913-14 Also Wofford Coll & Clemson Coll) 154 S Church St Spartanburg SC t Becker Adam (acad 1902-3) Urbana 111 becker Albert John (su 1912 g 1914- 15 PhD BS(Mich)'03 ME(do) ; 07) Prof Ap Math U ND 915 Bel- mont Av Grand Forks ND Becker Arthur Bristow (c eng 1906- 8 Also Bradley Poly) Asst Eng Univ Portland Cement Co 1151 N Shore Av Chicago (208 LaSalle St) Becker Carl Valentine (eng 1913-14) Pattern Maker 405 N Sixth St Springfield 111 Becker Cornelius Adolph (e eng 1900- 3) Elec Contr 4118 N Keystone Av Chicago Becker Coulton Meldron (su 1909 CE (Mo) '10) C Eng 5870 Cabanne St St Louis BECKER Francis Chester (AB(Wes) '05 Also U Col 1906-8 Asst Philos Col U 1907-8 Instr Philos U 111 1908-10 Instr Philos U Cal 1910-12) Lect Philos Col U 1912- New York Becker Georgia (sp ag 1914-15) Sec 511 E Mulberry St Bloomington 111 Becker Harry Francis (sp ag 1913- Also Lombard Coll) Stu Knoxville 111 Becker Harry Trimmer (sc 1906-7) Bus Mgr 303 Russell St Peoria 111 Becker John Greenleaf (su 1915) Asst Prin H Sch Cardwell Mo ( Campbell Mo) Becker Lewis Michael (m eng 1912- Stu 1435 State St Quincy 111 Becker Morris Louis (c eng 1909-13) Asst Supt Guggenheim Mine Ranca- gua Chili (953 N Ashland Av Chi- cago) Becker Oswald Rupert Fred (arch eng 1909-10 Auto Mach 7 Buchanan St Danville HI Becker Paul (in eng 1913- ) Stu 3540 Harold Av Berwyn III Becker Walter Charles (acad 1907-8) Asst Supt Dept Line & Transmission Surface Lines 78th & Vincennes Sts Chicago (73 E 60th St) Becker Walter Henry (la com 1913-15 com 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 6701 Union Av Chicago Becker Wayne Augustus (su 1908) M Eng 605 Franklin Av Brooklyn NY Beckerley Gwavas Foster (c eng 1895- 9 BS) Pres Advance Terra Cotta Co 29 S LaSalle St Chicago (3841 W Adams St) *Beckett Harry Oscar (sp ag 1912-13) d Stronghurst 111 Beckett Henry Lewis (su 1908) Teach Smithshire 111 (Springdale Ky) Beckett Mrs H L (see Simonson Anna R) Beckett Joe Rand (arch eng 1910-13) Law 120 E Market St Indianapolis (3228 Washington Blvd) Beckett John Ralph (ag 1909-11) Ag Blue Mound HI Beckington Olive Ruth (la 1911-12 AB Also San Jose Cal St Nor U) Teach May wood 111 (Belvidere 111) Beckman Albert Gustav (ag 1905-6) Ag R2 Clayton 111 Beckman Charles Louis (m eng 1906- 8) Struct Draft Chatsworth 111 Beckman Henry Joseph (sp law 1905- 7) Ag Tulare Cal Beckman John Philip (1 1901-3 LL B) Publ Carthage 111 Beckman William Henry (acad 1893- BECKWTTH— BEIDELMAN 4S 4 la 1894-5 LL B(Kent) '97) Law 69 W Washington St Chicago Beckwith Allen Eugene (ag 1915- ) Stu 614 N 32nd St E St Louis HI Beckwith Carl Fonner (cer 1911-12 Also Ohio St U) Supt Ceramics Lim Calgary Alta Can (1603 Hunter Av Columbus O) Beckwith Chester A (la 1903-4) 6222 Ingleside Av Chicago Beckwith Frank (c eng 1887-92 BS) C Eng Chf Amer Section Hu Kuang EE 2 Chang Hupeho China (527 N Eighth St Quincy 111) Beckwith James Lafayette (acad 1905- 7) E Est 639 Grace St Chicago Bedell Mrs H B (see Grater Marie) Bedford Clayton Wing (c eng 1904-5 Also Wheaton Coll) Ees Chem Good- year Co Akron O 319 Vaniman St E Akron Sta O (Eives Junction Mich) Bedwell Walter Leroy (acad 1902-3 sp ag 1903-4) Ag Hannover ND Bee Winifred Marion (la 1915- Al- so U Chgo) Stu 3817 Flournoy St Chicago Beebe Charles David (m eng 1893-7 BS) Purchasing Agt & Cost Acct 811 University PI Evanston 111 Beebe Christopher Keeney (chem eng 1910-14 BS) Chem 4315 Dearborn St Chicago (1441 Farewell Av) Beebe Florence Jennie (Mrs Harry McCarthy) (acad 1896-7 la 1897-1902 AB) Home 600 E Prospect St Ke- wanee 111 Beebe Fred Leonard (acad 1901-2 sp 1902-3) Baseball c/o Buffalo Base- ball Club Buffalo NY Beebe Frederick Albert (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-5 BS) Foundry Expert Sears Eoebuck & Co 3357 Warren Av Chicago Beebe Horace Newell (c eng 1915- ) Stu 6547 Kimbark Av Chicago Beebe Kenneth John (arch eng 1911- 13 Also U Chgo) Adv 318 W 57th St New York (6045 Woodlawn Av Chicago) Beebe Mrs L C (see Butler Beatrice M) Beebe Nathaniel Whitman (la 1870-1) Bnk & Lumber Forreston 111 Beebe Wilma Ester (Mrs V E Dud- man) (la 1903-5) Home 5096 Evans Av Chicago (321 Evergreen Av Kankakee 111) Beeby Frank Fairwell (c eng 1905-9) Struct Eng 607 E 62nd St Chicago Beeby Mrs F F (see Hall Ethel L) Beeby Euth Alice (la 1912-14 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 930 W Green St Urbana HI Beecher Howard Benjamin (la 1904- 10 AB'll Also U la 1883-4 & U Mich 1889-91) Prin Douglas Sch 408 Frye Av Peoria 111 Beedle Herbert Spencer (ag 1906-7) Ag Greenville 111 Beekley John Sherman (g math 1915- AB (Miami) '15) Stu West Chester O Beekman Jonathan Colby (acad 1893- 4 c eng 1894-6) Ag Petersburg 111 Beekman William Todd (arch 1910-11) Mail Clk Petersburg 111 Beem Cash C (la 1913-14 Also U la) Anamosa la Beem Fred Clarkson (arch 1893-8 BS) Mgr Tel Co Ottawa 111 *Beeman Marion Nelson (acad 1890- 1 su 1906 & '12 Also E 111 St Nor) d Marshall HI Beemer Alexander William (chem eng 1906-10 BS) Chem 567 N Long Av Chicago (Compton 111) Beers Cyrenius Jr (ag 1909-12 BS) Ag Charlevoix Mich (Knox Ind) ?Beers Harley Minard (sp e eng 1902- 4) 5464 Jefferson Av Chicago Beers Harry Charles (ag 1907-10 BS '12 Also Utah Ag Coll) 1215 W Park Av Champaign 111 Beers Kenneth Fitch (sp 1899-1900 '02-3) Publ c/o Beers Printing Co South Bend Ind Beers LeEoy Fitch (m eng 1898-1903 BS) Suburban Eng 711 Powers Bldg Eochester NY Beers Otis Edward (m eng 1914- ) Stu 524 Middlebury St Elkhart Ind Begeman George Wesley (sp ag 1900- 3 ) Lumber & Coal Arlington Hgts 111 Beggs Alfonso Franklin (sp ag 1914- 15) Dongola HI Beggs Dora A (Mrs. Walter Apper- son) (acad 1877-8) Home Areola 111 Begole Josiah Franklin (m eng 1892- 6 BS) E&M Eng 1329 Temple PI St Louis Behel Vernon Wilbur (arch 1912-15) Lake Bluff 111 Behel Wesley Arthur (arch eDg 1913- ) Stu Lake Bluff 111 Behr Herbert Eichard (e eng 1913- Also U Wis) Stu 1622 Sherwin Av Chicago Behrens Martin Albert (la 1915- ) Stu Herman St Crete 111 Behrensmeyer George Philip (acad 1888-9 arch 1889-93 BS) Arch 430 V 2 Maine St Quincy 111 Behrensmeyer Helen (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 1325 State St Quin- cy HI Beidelman Jennings Clyde (arch eng 46 BEIDLER— BELL. 1914- ) Stu Naperville 111 Beidler Gertrude Lou (Mrs F H Cor- nell) (mus 1890-3 1900-1) Home 1036 Ashland Av Wilmette 111 Beidler Herbert Bishop (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 108 North St Auburn Ind * Beidler Louis Henry (gen 1868-9) d Sept 1874 Champaign 111 Beifuss Edwin Louis (ag 1913-15 BS g 1915- ) Stu 5805 W Ohio St Chi- cago Beilin David Solomon (la 1913-15) Stu U 111 Coll Med 1166 Wilmette Av Wilmette 111 Beindorf Paul Albert (m eng 1912-15) Foreman Machine Shops 723 E Ry- der St Litchfield 111 Beinlich Bernard August (la 1904-5 '09-10 AB su 1899 & '00 & '06 & '08) Teach Oakmont Pa (Barrington 111) Beitner Robert Louis (la 1911-12) Merc 403 Michigan Av South Bend Ind \Belden Earle Bertrand (acad 1898- 9) Prairie Hall 111 Belden Edgar Stanton (arch 1888y90) Arch Geo A Fuller Co 50 E 55th St Kansas City Mo Belknap Clarence Herbert (sc 1909-11) Med Stu Grace Hospital Detroit ?Belknap Henry Wales (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1900) Genoa 111 Bell Ainslie James (ag 1906-7) Sales The Rookery Chicago (Wilmette 111) Bell Arthur Timothy (la 1898-1901 AB g 1901-2 AM Also U Chgo) Teach 617 W 43d PI Chicago Bell Carroll M (acad 1886-7) Ag & Mach Chivington Colo Bell Cecile Mary (la 1915- ) Stu West York 111 Bell Charles Edward (acad 1906-7 BS (NO) '11) Chem 532 N Wilmington St Raleigh NC Bell Charles Jackson (e eng 1905-11) E Eng Foreman U&C Ry Gas & Elec Co 1210 N Hickory St Champaign 111 Bell Charles Manley (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng 584 Blvd East Weehaw- kenNJ Bell Clement Henry (e eng 1901-2 '04-6 Also Cin U 1902-4) E Eng Supt Watertown Light & Power Co Water- town SD Bell Edgar Deforest (m eng 1897- 19.01 BS) Gen Supt Madison L & P Co & St Louis Elec Tel R W Co & St Loui« Elec Bridge Co 3725 N Broad- way St Louis Bell Emerson Dewitt (e eng 1909-12 '14-15 BS) E Eng 908 Clark St Evanston 111 (Areola 111) ?Bell Fred Armstrong (sp ag 1902-3) Ottawa 111 Bell George A (acad 1883-5) Mgr W P Wesler & Co Illmo Mo Bell Harrington Alexander (ag Feb 1915 com 1915- Also U Mich) Stu 333 N Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 Bell Harry (su 1915 Also Drake U) De Soto la Bell Herbert Eugene (e eng 1905-10 BS) Merc 805 Av B Sterling 111 *Bell James Arthur (acad 1891-2) d June 3 1893 Chicago Bell James Brown (su 1908 Also Mc- Kendree Coll) Supt Schs Sumner 111 bell James Edgar (g sc 1911-13 PhD BS(Chgo) '05 Asst Chem IT 111 1911- 13) Instr Chem U Wash Bagley Hall Seattle Bell Mrs J E (see Retz Rosalie M) Bell James Forrest (acad 1907-8) Jour Salem 111 Bell John Haslett (c eng 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Rushville 111 Bell Kenneth Corwin (la 1913-15 com 1915- Also Pur U) Stu 705 W Walnut St Robinson 111 Bell Leo Richard (min eng 1910-14 BS) Min Eng Casilla 270 La Paz Bolivia (167 McKeon St Stapleton NY) Bell Marion Cinderella (Mrs F E Fleck) (lib 1904-6 BLS AB(Neb)'04) Home Box 65 Rosemont Pa Bell Mary Aurelia (la 1914-15 AB Also Denver U) Teach H Sch 820 S Marion St Carbondale 111 BELL Needham Eric (mus 1906-7 BS(NC Ag)'06 Also Ala Inst 1907-10 Asst Ag Chem U 111 1906-7) c/o Commissioner Agriculture Montgomery Ala Bell Neva Frances (Mrs L F Swartz) (acad 1908-9 sc 1913-14) Home Matthews Mo (1012 California Av Urbana 111 Bell Norma Elizabeth (la 1913- ) Stu West York 111 Bell Oscar Clifford (la 1900-2) Law Biggsville 111 Bell Rodney Linton (acad 1904-5 c eng 1905-9 BS g 1914-15 CE) Div Eng St Highway Dept West York 111 Bell Roscoe Thomas (math 1901-2) Supt Overhead Constr CP&E RR Willoughby O Bell Thomas Allen (su 1901) Ag Atwood 111 Bell William McFadden (ag 1914-15 Also Pa St Coll) Beuna Vista Pa BELLAMY— BENJAMIN 47 Bellamy Albert (acad 1876-7 chem 1877-81 BS) R Est & L Girard 111 Bellamy John William (arch eng 1915- ) Stu Sandoval 111 bellangee James (arch 1869-70 MS g 1870-2 BS (Mich) '67 Instr M Eng U 111 1869-73 Prof Math Neb St Nor) Ret Arch Fairhope Ala *Bellangee John L (sp 1871-2) d 1904 Dover 111 Bellersheim Kathryn Hermine (la 1908-9 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 1044 Fayette Av Springfield 111 Bellett Vladimir Tanee (ag 1915- Also Ober Coll) Stu Stroumitza Bul- garia Belnap Nuel Dinsmore (la 1910-14 BS law 1912- ) Stu 100 W St NW Washington Belshaw Charles Franklin (m eng 1912- ) Stu 414 N First St Rock- ford 111 ?Belsley Benjamin Rudolph (acad 1906-7 sc 1907-12 AB) Land Arch 113 N Maplewood Av Peoria 111 (Roanoke 111) Belt Jefferson Hall (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1913-15 MS ) E Eng 524 Kearns Bldg Salt Lake City (Say- brook 111) Belting Charles Henry (ag 1909-12 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Kan St Nor 526 Union St Emporia Kan Belting Flora Pearl Mabel (la 1902- 5 AB) Teach 26 Granville Apts Du- luth Minn Belting John Theodore (sc 1911-12 Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 526 Union St Emporia Kan (Charleston 111) Belting Lucretia Jane (su 1906 Also Eureka Coll) Teach 26 Granville Apts Duluth Minn Belting Paul Everett (la 1910-12 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch 1008A Av E Oskaloosa la Belts Claude (la 1906-7 AB Also U Mich) Supt Schs Lewistown 111 Beltz John Shafer (eng 1914- Also Millikin U) Stu Gardner 111 Bemi3 Thomas Jr (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1716 Broadway Indianapolis Bemisderfer Mary Katherine (su 1913) Teach 6159 Eberhart Av Chi cago Bench Alfred Rittscher (m eng 1902- 6 BS Instr M Eng U 111 1906-10) Sales Eng Taylor- Wharton Iron & Steel Co High Bridge NJ (401 Broadway St Galena 111) Bench Stella Louise (la 1913-14 su '15) Teach H Sch 401 Broadway St Galena 111 Bender John R (su 1915 Also St Louis U) Dir Athl Kan Ag Coll Manhattan Kan Bendixen Mrs P A (see Shuler Jane E) BENEDICT Bruce Willet (BS(Neb) '01) Dir Shop Lab U 111 1911- 1011 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Benedict Emerson (la 1872-3) Pav- ing Contr 3520 Dodge St Omaha Neb Benedict Herbert Bernard (sp c eng 1903-5) Rl Fullerton Cal Benedict Irving Charles (com 1915- ) Stu 212 Main St Savanna 111 Benedict John Downing (acad 1876- 7) Rest 1123 Elgin Av Musgokee Okla Benedict Ralph Preston (com 1915- ) Stu 566 S 35th St Omaha Neb Benedict Vivian Irene (la 1910-11) Mus 118 Jefferson St Savanna 111 Bene ft el Edeline (Mrs Charles Hart- ley) (acad 1910-11) Home 11% Key- ser Ct Salt Lake City Benefiel Eva Marion (h sc 1906-9 BS) Dir Home Improv Assn Kankakee 111 Benefiel Wenona Epps (Mrs W H Cocking) (sc 1899-1901 '05-6) Home 310 W North St Jacksonville HI (426 Cajon St Redlands Cal) Bengel George Adam (c eng 1905-9) C Eng Springfield Consol RR 808 S Fourth St Springfield HI Bengston Pearle Elsie (Mrs G H Mor- ris) (h sc 1907-8) Home R36 Peoria HI Benham Cassius Earl (m eng 1894- 6) Eng NY Cent Ry 505 Garfield Av Elkhart Ind *Benham Fred Henry (acad 1893-4) d May 4 1903 Des Moines la Benham Norman Beach (la 1914- ) Stu Crothersville Ind Benitz Frank Allyn (sp ag 1911-13 Also Malvern Coll England) La Cali- fornia Las Rosas T C C A Argentine Benitz William Agar (sp ag 1907-9) Estancicro La California F C C A Argentine SA Benjamin Fred Parker (la 1903-8 AB 1 '08-10 LL B) Law Watseka III Benjamin Harry Webb (sc 1910-14 BS) Stu U 111 Coll Med 102 S Ro- mine St Urbana HI Benjamin Louise Pearl (Mrs B C English) (mus 1906-8) Home 1540 Franklin St Danville HI Benjamin Merrill Glen (m eng 1910- 14 BS Also Lewis Inst) M Eng 168 Lina Av St Paul Minn Benjamin Mrs R B (see Erskine Nel- lie T) 48 BENKERT— BENNETT Benkert Ambrose William (su 1907 Also Ind U) Bond Sales c/o Har- ris Trust & Sav Bk Chicago Benner Arthur Jacob (la 1911-15 AB cer eng 1915- ) Stu 5532 Lakewood Av Chicago Benner William Jacob (sc 1911-15 AB eng 1915- ) Stu 6032 Win- throp Av Chicago \ Benner William John (acad 1896-7) Woodburn 111 Bennerschiedt Frederick Augustus (e eng 1910-12 Also Natchez Inst) E Eng Vicksburg Miss tBennet Charles Marion (m eng 1905- 6) Struct Drafts 1371 W Cerro Gor- do St Decatur 111 Bennet Clarence Summerbell (la 1911-12 AB MA (Union Christian Coll) '14) Mintr St Joseph 111 (Jef- fersonville O) Bennett Arthur Norton (chem eng 1903-7 BS g 1914-15 MS '15- ) Asst Chem St Water Surv 1914- 307 Armory Av Champaign 111 Bennett Basil (ag 1914- ) Stu R12 Dudley 111 *Bennett Charles (Trustee 1879-91 AB(Bowdoin) '64 Co Jud Coles Co) d Jan 1 1891 Mattoon 111 •Bennett Charles Gerrish (la 1891-2) d Nov 10 1892 Mattoon 111 Bennett Mrs Chas R (see Hannum Myrtle N) Bennett Claudius Edmund ( e eng 1910-12 MS BS(Neb) '09) E Eng Utah Power & Light Co 423 Kearns Bldg Salt Lake City Bennett Mrs C E (see Fee Josephine I) Bennett Cleaves (1 1885-9 BL'90 ML '93 MD(P&S)'96 Asst Libr U 111) Med 1st Nat Bk Bldg Cham- paign 111 Bennett Mrs Cleaves (see Hodges Frances E) \Bennett Earl Leslie (acad 1904-5) Hanover 111 Bennett Edith Page (la 1898-1900 AB Also Carlton Coll) Teach 2717 34th Av S Seattle ^Bennett Edward Martin (acad 1909- 11) 5440 Michigan Av Chicago bennett Elizabeth Ruth (Mrs Grennan) (g math 1907-8 AM '08-10 PhD AB (Ohio) '03) Instr U Neb Lincoln Neb (East Stroudsburg Pa) Bennett Emil Cline (ag 1914-15) Teach R15 Kansas 111 Bennett Frank Luvern (ag 1914- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu Cortland 111 Bennett Frank Myer (c eng 1905-6 m eng 1907-8) M Eng De Laval Dairy Sup Co San Francisco (2339 McGee Av Berkeley Cal) Bennett Mrs F M (see Barber Alice M) Bennett Frederick Marsh (acad 1884- 5 law 1885-9 BL AM(Harv) '95) Mintr 1411 Elm St Youngstown O t Bennett George (acad 1906-9) 1104 Springfield Av Urbana 111 Bennett George Horace (arch 1910- 11 Also Beloit Coll) Geneva 111 Bennett Georgia E (la 1892-6 BS Also U Chgo) Teach 1375 E 57th St Chicago fBennett Granville J (ag 1875-6) Argo 111 Bennett Harrie Ewin (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-8) C Eng Edinburg Tex Bennett Harvey Childs (sc 1905-9 BS) Chem Los Angeles Soap Co 723 S Boyle Av Los Angeles Bennett Hazel Marguerite (la 1912- ) Stu Washington 111 Bennett Hazel May (Mrs H A Flan- ders) (la 1908-10) Home 52 N Pine St Hinsdale 111 Bennett Helen Prentiss (Mrs R A Stephens ) ( lib 1899-1900 ) Home Charleston 111 Bennett Horace Chisholm (arch 1910-11 Also Beloit Coll) R Est See 1003 Jefferson Co Bk Bldg Birmingham Ala Bennett Jay S (la 1895-6) Florist Paw Paw HI Bennett Jennie May (Mrs Seymour Williams) (sp 1899-1901) Home Shel- ton Wash Bennett John Lewis (la 1899-1901) Law 501 Min Exch Bldg Colorado Springs Colo fBennett Lynn C (ag 1874-7) Po'n- tiac HI Bennett Marie (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 408 E Green St Champaign HI Bennett Mrs Myron E (see Wheeler Mary M) Bennett Nancy Louise (sp mus 1907- 8 la 1910-14 AB) Clk U 111 1104 Springfield Av Urbana 111 Bennett Nelly Augusta (la 1884-5) Stenog 201 Channing St Worcester Mass Bennett Nelson (ag 1909-10 Also U Chgo & Stetson U) Stock R5 Vin cennes Ind Bennett Nettie (h sc 1908-9) Sc Belvidere HI Bennett Orpha A (Mrs M L Hoblit) (acad 1893-4) Home Coronado Cal BENNETT— BENTON 49 \Bennett Orris (acad 1901-2) Lint- ner 111 Bennett Parker W (la 1915- ) Stu Metcalfe 111 Bennett Kalph (e eng 1895-9 BS) Constr E & C Eng 1325 Washington Bldg Los Angeles (136 Witmer St) ?Bennett Eolland Harold (m eng 1902-5 '06-7) 409 Alma St Aus- tin Sta Chicago Bennett Euth (Mrs L S Morgan) (la 1895-9 AB MD(JHopk) '04) Med Missionary Hai Chow via Chinkiang China Bennett Samuel Augustus (sp ag 1899-1901) Ag El Belvidere 111 Bennett Sarah (Mrs J M F Erwin) (la 1888-92 BL) Home 592 Frank- lin Av Astoria Ore Bennett Simon Addison (la 1911-12 AB Also Union Christian Coll & Wit- tenburg Coll) Mintr Eifle Colo Bennett Stella (lib 1899-1903 BLS AB'08 Asst Lib U HI 1904-9) Libr U Cal 2629 Haste St Berke- ley Cal Bennett William Harrison (sc 1910- 15 AB) Contr Dept Bell Tel Co Chicago (52 Pine St Hinsdale 111) Bennett William Lee (acad 1897-8 la 1898-1902 AB) Sc Asst Plant Breed Ag Exp Sta U HI 402 S Vine St Urbana 111 tBennett William Paden (ag 1906-7) Coal City 111 Bennett William Wirt (sp ag 1888-9) Law & Mayor 1112 N Main St Eock- ford 111 Bennitt Ealph Anderson (c eng 1907- 9 '11-13) C Eng 6124 S Park Av Chicago Bennitt Mrs E A (see Brooks Clara M) Benson Arthur Chapman (la 1900-5 AB) Ag Anna HI Benson Arthur E (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) Draft 5676 Eidge Av Chi- cago Benson Arnold Seigfried (sc 1912-15) Stu NW U 201 McKee St Batavia 111 *Benson Bertha Eudora (la 1906-10) d Feb 17 1913 Moline HI Benson Earl Willard (c eng 1908-9) Gen Mgr Benson Bros Sand Co 121% Main St Ottawa 111 *Benson Edward Mills (acad 1885- 6 BS'90) d 1894 Ames la Benson Emil J (la 1909-10) Dep Prob Clk 7 Jefferson St Batavia 111 Benson Eugene Le Eoy (c eng 1915- ) Stu 140 McKee St Batavia HI Benson Mrs E W (see Smith Hazel) Benson Glenn Eobert (acad 1904-5 '07-8 ) Ag Sinton Tex Benson James Eussell (la 1903-4 AB Also HI Wes U) Teach 6131 Mag- nolia Av St Louis Benson Joe Pope (la 1907-11 AB) Asst Cash City Nat Bk Herrin 111 Benson Keith William (com 1915- ) Stu 1007 Locust St Sterling HI Benson Lois Pope (la 1910-12) Teach 303 S Twelfth St Herrin 111 Benson Merrill Manning (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1007 Lo- cust St Sterling 111 fBenson Oliver Newkirk (acad 1889- 90 sp 1890-3) Champaign 111 tBenson Oliver Eichard (e eng 1908- 9) 3414 Wabash Av Chicago lib 1913- AB(Mo Wes) '09) Loan Asst Lib U 111 Le Clebe Mo Benson Sylvia I (Mrs J P Lindley) (la 1872-3) Home 703 N McLean St Bloomington 111 Benson T C (acad 1877-8) Teach & Mintr Auburn Ind Bensyl Kate Grace (Mrs C U Boss) (sp mus 1902-4) Home 111% W Eeno Av Oklahoma City Okla Bent Charles Howard (m eng 1903- 7 BS) Piano Mfg Asst Sec George P Bent Co 214 S Wabash Av Chi- cago (430 S Sixth Av La Grange 111) Bent Mrs C H (see Baker Imo E) Bent George Mannington (c eng 1909- 10) Acct Morrison HI Benthien Arnold (m eng 1888-91) Acct 210% Harrison St Davenport la Bentley Beulah Beatrice (la 1913-14) Teach 520 W Adams St Clinton HI BENTLEY Isaac Madison (BS(Neb) '95 PhD (Cor) '98 Instr Psych Cor U 1897-1902 Asst Prof do 1902-12) Prof Psych U 111 1912- 708 S Goodwin Av Urbana HI Bentley Eobert Lewis (ag 1911-14 BS AB(Wheaton)'ll) Ag Martins- ville Ind ?Bentley William W (la com 1872-4) Eockton 111 ?Benton Alfred (gen 1868-9) Ur- bana 111 Benton Eldredge Merritt (ag 1907-9 Also Bradley Poly BS(IaAg)'12) Ag 223 Crescent Av Peoria 111 Benton Frank Washington (su 1915) Teach H Sch Bellevue Pa (Worth- ington Pa) Benton Fred Stanton (ry c eng 50 BENTZ— BERN ER 1909-11 BS) Ry C Eng 1524 E 61st St Chicago Bentz Clarence Louis (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 4415 West End Av Chicago Bentz George William (acad 1905-7 c eng 1907-10) Ry C Eng 4415 West End Av Chicago tBenzin Basil (su 1909 Also U Minn) Babuson St 5 Petrograd Russia tBercetche Firmo Jr (sp eng 1911- 12 Also U Mo) La Plata Argen- tine Berens Helmut (la 1902-3 g 1907- 10 AB(Chgo)'06) Instr Lewis Inst 175 Kenilworth Av Elmhurst 111 Beresford Merle (Mrs R M Brum- field)(mus 1907-8) Home Roseburg Ore Berfield Clyde (la 1898-1900 Also Rush Med Coll) Med Toulon 111 Berg Ben Conrad (la 1910- ) Stu Crystal Lake 111 BERG Ernst Julius (ME (Royal Poly Stockholm) '92 ScD (Union) '09 Prof Chge E Eng Dept U 111 1909-14) Prof E Eng Union Coll 1914- Schenectady NY Berg Fred Leonard (com 1915- Also Augustana Coll) Stu 829 17th Av Moline HI Berg Mrs Gwendolyn (sp la 1909-10) Home 30 Lowell Rd Schenectady NY tBerg Hazel Hodge (h sc 1907-9 Also 111 Wes U) 614 E Chestnut St Bloom- ington 111" ?Berg Oliver J (sc 1909-11) 6222 Randolph St Oak Park 111 Berge Maurice Aurelius (acad 1909- 11 sc 1911-13) Stu U 111 Coll Med Ransom 111 Bergeim Olaf (sc 1910-12 BS(SD Ag) '08 PhD (Jefferson) Teach Jeffer- son Med Coll Philadelphia (Brook- ings SD) Bergen Lavinia E (Mrs A O Page) (sp 1873-6) R3 Olympia Wash Berger Adda Elizabeth (Mrs W S Gentry) (la 1906-11 AB) Home > 2908 Charlotte St Kansas City Mo Berger Cora (la 1914- ) Stu 626 Brown St Davenport la *Berger Donald Forbes (1898-1900 Also Earlham Coll) d Anna 111 Berger Frances Irene (la 1913-14) At home Cor Ninth & Fairfax Sts Carlyle 111 Berger Frederick Edward (arch eng 1908-13) Arch Draft 626 Brown St Davenport la Berger Irene Mae (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu South Holland 111 Berger John Milton (sc 1900-3 AB MD(P&S)'08) Med 4005 W Madi- son St Chicago Berger Wallace (acad 1908-9 arch eng 1909-13 BS) Arch Eng 4654 N Robey St Chicago Berger William Lewis (la 1896-8) Chf Elect 111 St Capitol Bldg Spring- field 111 (436% N Fifth St) Bergert Henry Amos (e eng 1902-6 BS) M Eng Minn & StL RR 416 11th St Moline III Bergerson John Birger (sp arch 1904-5) Arch Supt 2877 E 77th St Chicago Bergeson Ernest Darwin (sp ag Feb 1915- ) Stu R41 Earlville 111 Bergeson J Melvin (la 1908-11) Bldg Contr Earlville 111 Bergland Floyd Harrison (ag 1910- 14 BS) Ag Wasco 111 bergman Carl Joseph (g la 1910-11 AM AB( Augustana) '10) Teach H Sch 624 Seminary St Rockford 111 Bergmann Adolph ( m eng 1910-14 BS) Estimator 2040 Stave St Chicago Bergmann Frank (arch eng 1912-15 BS) Draft 2040 Stave St Chicago Bergner Nils John Andrew Jr (e eng 1915- ) Stu 816 Crescent PI Chi- cago tBering Horace Lee (m eng 1909- 10) Decatur 111 Berkema Ira John (la 1906-10 BS g 1914-15 AM) Onarga 111 Berkemeyer Walter Charles (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Struct Eng 218 Dwight Bldg Kansas City Mo (4209 Vir- ginia St) Berlin Ethel Mary (la com 1910-13) Sales Mgr 614 1st Sav Bk Bldg Oakland Cal (626 31st St) Berlin Marie Valentine (la 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu 4500 N Ashland Av Chicago Berlin Robert C (arch 1871-2) Arch 19 S La Salle St Chicago Berlin Sven N (sp arch 1883-4) Bldg Contr 907 N Main St Kewanee 111 Berlin Mildred Lee (ag Feb 1916- ) Stu White Hall 111 Berline Henry Lee (ag 1913- ) Stu White Hall 111 Bernard Barney (Leslie Coshy) (arch eng 1909-14 BS) Draft U 111 412 Hill St Champaign 111 Bernard Clifford Shaffer (arch eng 1915- Also U la) Stu Wellman la Berner. Johannes Jacob (sp ag 1912- 13) Stu Burgauf Fehmarn Ger- many BERNER— BESHSHUR 51 Berner Louis Rolland (la 1914- ) Stu 3420 Broadway St Indianapolis tBERNEUTER Walter (sc 1907-10 AB BS(Cen Wes) '06 St Water Surv IT 111 1910-12) Mt Olive 111 Bernhard Susanna Sybil (Mrs H M Coombe) (sp ag 1899-1901) Ag Tus- cola 111 Bernhardi Carl Oscar (la 1897-8 MD (Rush) '02) Med 506 18th St Rock Island 111 Bernhardt Caroline (la 1904-6) 1426 S Millard Av Chicago Bernhardt Josephine Elizabeth (la 1912- ) Stu Collinsville 111 Bernhardt Pearl Anna Maria (h sc 1911-15 BS) Teach H Sc H Sch Ridgefarm 111 (Collinsville 111) Berning Augustus Frederick (su 1907) Trav Sales 4238 De Soto St St Louis Berninger Harriett Josephine (su 1908 & '09 & '12 & '13 & '14 la 1913-15 AB g 1915- Also Ind St Nor U) Asst Ed U 111 1915- 1010y 2 Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 (Mt Carmel 111) Berns Max Arnold (c eng 1906-10 BS) Portland Cement Co 4308 N Kesler Av Chicago Bernstein Charles (e eng 1915- ) Stu Oglesby 111 *Bernstein Joanna (sp 1873-4) d Champaign 111 Bernstein Louis Stewart (c eng 1907- 11 BS) C Eng 402 City Hall Chi- cago (3425 Douglas Blvd) t Bernstein Martin (eng 1915- ) Stu 4030 W 12th St Chicago \Bemstein Simon Lewis (acad 1910- 12) 3121 W 14th PI Chicago Berolzheimer Clarence Philip (ag 1909- 11) Sales 89 W 15th St Chicago Hgts (48 Illinois St) Berolzheimer Hannah Beulah ('la 1906-10 AB) Teach 7341 Union Av Chicago Berolzheimer Solomon Milton (m eng 1904-8 BS) Eng 48 Illinois St Chicago Berolzheimer Teresa Ruth (sc 1902- 8 BS Also Chgo Sch Civics) Supt Orphans' Sch 5228 Ellis Av Chicago t Berry A Lincoln (acad 1885-6) Daw- son 111 Berry Alvis Kenneth (sp ag 1906-7 Also S 111 St Nor) Ag R4 Harris- burg 111 Berry Mrs Ben (see Johnston MaryE) \Berry Charles Jenkins (acad 1892- 3) Guthrie Center la Berry Charles Stephen (sp e eng 1901-2) Ins Solicitor Rochelle 111 Berry Claude (e eng 1897-8 CE(Wis) '01) Contr Eng El Paso 111 Werry Edna May (acad 1893-5) Ur- bana 111 Berry Edwards Hall (e eng 1910- 14 BS) RR Supplies c/o R H Quayle & Co 20 W Jackson Blvd Chicago (316 Oak Park Av Oak Park HI) t Berry Elmer Knight (m eng 1910- 12) Warwick NY Berry Erwin Howard (sc 1894-8 BS) Asst Chem US Dept Ag Chicago Food & Drug Lab 207 N Howard Av Chicago t Berry Floy Elaine (acad 1893-5) Champaign 111 Berry Frank Stuart (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Pleasant Hill 111 Berry Glenn Lee (la 1904-5) Chf Clk Gen Supt NYLB RR Long Branch NJ (Beardstown HI) berry Howard Brown (ag 1906-7 MS BS(Wash Ag) '06) Supt Day Lumber Farm Co Big Lake Wash Berry John Worth (ag 1911-12) Merc Herrin 111 Berry Oren J (acad 1889-90) Ag R4 Wichita Kan Berry Parker Noble (arch eng 1907- 8) Arch 5601 Blackstone Av Chi- cago Berry Ray Chamberlain (la 1908-10 AB Also la St Coll) Asst Mgr Sales c/o Peck & Hills Furniture Co Los Angeles Berryman Paul Ruytter (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Downer's Grove HI Berschbach Clarence Frederick (m eng 1909-11 Also U Mich) Draft Kewanee Boiler Co 411 S Chestnut St Kewanee 111 tBerthel Charles Hugh (e eng 1902- 3) Plainfield HI Berthold Lewis Ralph (sp ag 1907-8 Also Sacred Hal Coll & U Wis & U Notre Dame) Ranch Hardin Mont Berwald Charles Harry (e eng 1911-15 BS) E Eng 11210 Mich- igan Av Chicago (1202 Canton St Dallas Tex) \Besele Edward Lewis (acad 1902- 3) Glen Carbon 111 Beshers Paul Carlyle (la 1915- Also Eureka Coll) Stu El Paso 111 Beshoar Frank (m eng 1911-12 Also Pur U) Poultry Burnetts Creek Ind Beshshur Ishir Michael (ag 1913- Also S P Coll Beirut) Stu Burg Soffita Beirut Syria •S3 BESLEY— BEYER Besley Mrs (see Burt Myra E) Besorb Hazel (Mrs G C McCann) (la 1904-8 AB) Home 125 Gilbert St Danville 111 *Besore Ida May (Mrs T A Burt) (sp a&d 1891-3) d May 16 1908 Urbana 111 Besore Jesse (Mrs T A Burt) (sp 1898-9) Home Urbana 111 Besore Nellie (Mrs W E Sears) (la 1892-6 AB) Home 508 W Green St Urbana 111 Bess Dudley Chestnut (su 1910) Clk Tower Hill 111 Bess Stanley John (m eng 1913- ) Stu Rosamond 111 Bessems Josephine Louise (h se 1909- 11) Sec 6215 Greenwood Av Chi- cago Best Bruce Philip (la 1910-12) Bkpr 439 W Madison St Paris 111 Best Floyd Ellsworth (sc 1906-7) Med Wells Minn Best Mrs Harry (see Williamson Flo- rence ) Best John Henry (c eng 1900-2) Law 238 S Twelfth St Quincy 111 Best Lawson Chester (eng 1915- ) Stu Boswell Ind Best Leon Henson (eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Box 359 Galva 111 Best Wesley Erasmus (la com 1874-6 Also US Naval Acad 1876-7) Min Zinc Mines Galena Kan (Columbus Kan) Bestor Horace Anderson (c eng 1905-7 Also Bradley Poly) Stock Exch W H Rosencrans Eng Co Stock Exch Bldg Chicago (719 St James St Peoria 111) Bethell Charles Hugh (e eng 1902- 3 '04-7 BS) Electr Plainfield 111 ?Betts David Roy (m eng 1901-5 BS) 1100 S 13th St Springfield 111 Betzelberger George J (sp ag 1901-4) Ag R2 Delavan 111 Betzelberger Harry Roy (ag 1911-12 Also Bradley Poly) Ag R2 Dela- van 111 Betzelberger John* Logan (sp ag 1903-6) Ag Kilbourne HI tBeum Winfred Rayburn (sp e eng 1906-7) Tekama Neb Beust Carl (ag 1915- Also La Crosse St Nor) Stu 508 S Fifth St La Crosse Wis Beust Max Charles (arch eng 1911- 13 Also U Cal 1913) Stu 508 S Fifth St La Crosse Wis Bevan Mrs C J (see Chestnut Jean- ette S) Bevans Mary Matilda (lib 1902-4 AB & BLS Also U Cal 1901-2 '11 12) Ag Oxnard Cal Bevans Thomas Murray (e eng 1895-9 BS) Teach Man Tr 253 W 60th PI Chicago Beveridge Charles Eden (c eng 1906-10 Also Rose Poly) RR Constr & PM Spring Valley Wyo Beveridge Glen Leroy (1 1903-5) Theatrical Producer Litchfield 111 *Beveridge John Lourie (Trustee 1873-7 Lieut Gov 111 1872 Gov 111 1873-8 Sheriff Cook Co 1866 St Sen 1871 Asst Treas US 1881) d 1910 Hollywood Los Angeles Beverlin Gladys Loreen (Mrs E R Coolidge)(h sc 1911-12) Home 704 W University Av Urbana III Beverlin Mayme Helen (la 1911-12) At home 704 W University Av Ur- bana 111 Beverly Mrs Roy (see Thurston Isa- bel C) BEVIER Isabel (PhB(Wooster) '85 PhM(do) '88 Prof Nat Sc Pa Coll Women 1889-97 Prof Chem Lake Erie Coll 1899-1900) Prof H Sc U 111 1900- 805 S Lincoln Av Ur- bana 111 Better Ralph Caleb (acad 1909-10) Stu Chgo Sch Vet RFD Shelby O Bevington Mrs MR (see Hemphill Ethel) BEVIS Albon (arch 1888-92 '06- 10 '11-12 Supt Repairs U 111 1913-15) Insp Bldg Constr U III 1915- 707 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Bevis Mrs Albon (see Floyd Mary E) Bevis Albon Ledru (la com 1912- ) Stu 5510 Cates Av St Louis Bevis Dalley George (c eng 1904-9 BS) Mgr c/o Edward R Bacon Co 328 E Third St Los Angeles Bevis Grace (sp mus 1896-7) Ca- teress Urbana 111 Bevis Harry Roscoe (chem eng 1908- 9 Also NW U) Merc Van Nuys Cal Bevis Philemon (acad 1885-6 arch 1886-9) Metrop Gen Sec YMCA St Louis (Virginia HI) Beyer Amelia (Mrs O C Scudder) sp 1873-4) Home 2015 Cambridge St Los Angeles Beyer Arthur George (sc 1908-9 Also Pur U) Med 318 Bush St Red Wing Minn Beyer Charles Anthony (su 1915 Also Lawrence Coll) Teach H Sch 903 N Court St Rockford 111 Beyer Elizabeth Gunder (h sc 1911- BEYER— BIG ELOW 53 12 '13- ) Stu Logansport Ind Beyer Frank W (acad 1907 la 1908) Asst Cash Farmer 's Nat Bk Pekin 111 Beyer George Frederick (acad 1902- 3 gen sc 1903-7 BS) Chf Chem Ar- mour 's Co Omaha Branch House 3560 Poppleton Av Omaha Neb BEYER Otto Sternoff Jr (ME (Stevens Inst) '07 ) First Asst Eng Exp Sta Ry Eng U 111 1915- University club Urbana 111 (Horton Kan) Beyer Vera (jour 1910-13 la 1914- 15 AB) Stenog 1110 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Beyer Verne Charles (e eng 1914- ) Stu 22 Park Av Princeton 111 Beyrer William Herbert (arch 1905-9 BS) Arch 507 Lyceum Bldg Duluth Minn (714 Harrison Av South Bend Ind) Bialeschki Mayme Marie Johanna (acad 1909-10) Teach 316 N Main St Decatur 111 (Pesotum 111) Bianchi Jose (su 1909 Also U Mo) Teach Muskogee Okla Bianchi Mrs Jose (See Grimm Min- nie) Bibler Adda D (acad 1891-2) Grad Nurse 3558 Ellis Av Chicago Bibler Anna L (acad 1891-2) Grad Nurse 3558 Ellis Av Chicago Bice Lulu May (lib 1910-11 Also Kan St Nor) Libr St Nor Hays Kan Bickel Mrs (see Cole Mary I) Bickel John Joseph Jr (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 9925 Prospect Av Chicago Bickel Mary Andrews (Mrs F M White) (la 1905-9 AB) Home 1615 Summit Av Madison Wis Bickel William Rolland (sp mus 1902-6) Sing Evang & Mus De Land 111 Bickell Mrs R T (see Fisher Grace E) Bickenbach Frederick Robert (sp ag 1909-11) Clk 51 Lincoln Av Free- port 111 Bickerdike Margaret Daisy (Mrs A E Sneeden) (su 1904) Home Pittsfield 111 Bicket Mrs H S (see McClure Eliza- beth D) Bickford Mrs Levi F (see Patchin Charlotte E) Bickley Ernest Angelo (sp c eng 1902-4) C Eng 605 Nicolaus Bldg Sacramento Cal fBicknell Fannie Ruth (la 1904-5) 402 W Clark St Champaign 111 Bicknell Fay Helen (h sc 1909-14 BS Also W Coll Worn) At home Loving- ten 111 BICKNELL Percy F (AB (Williams) '84 AM (do) '87 Instr Classics Wil- liams Coll 1885-6 Asst Libr U 111 1894-1907) Jour 524 Highland Av Maiden Mass tBidamon Charles Arthur (sp ag 1903- 4) Nauvoo HI Biddle Harry Clarence (su 1912 & '13 AB( Wabash) '09) AM(Ohio)'12) Teach Chem Glenville H Sen Cleve- land (Kenton O) Biddle Helen Lucile . (la 1914-15) Stu Ward-Belmont Sen 624 N De- troit St Kenton O Biddlecombe Thomas Meade (su 1908) Teach H Sch 1117 E 31st St Min- neapolis (Macomb HI) Bidwell Carlyle Dickerman (e eng 1898-1901) M Eng Internat Harv Co 324 Parkwood Av Akron O Biebelle Walter Risdon (la 1907-12 Also Wash & Lee U) Ag Rl Belle- ville 111 Biebinger Harry Eugene (c eng 1904- 5 CE(Cin)'09) M Eng 1117 Beacon St E Chicago Ind Biebinger Isaac Newton (la 1895-7) Ag Milmine 111 Biebinger Marguerite (acad 1898-9 sp la 1899-1900) Ag Milmine HI BIEGLER Philip Sheridan (g e eng 1913-15 BS(Wis)'05 Assoc E Eng U 111 1913-15) Assoc Prof E Eng U 111 1915- 1105 S Coler Av Urbana 111 Bierbaum Elmer Alfred (ag 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 1501 Central Av Alton 111 Bierce Fred Nelson (m eng 1895-6) Mach Hamilton O t Bier field Sidney (acad 1908-9) 105 S La Salle St Chicago (4708 Drex- el Blvd) Biester Alice (h sc 1908-12 AB g 1912-13 AM Instr H Sc U 111 su '13) Asst Prof Nutrition U Minn 2134 Knapp St St Paul Minn Bigel William Jr (ag 1912-13 '15- ) Stu 8409 Kerfoot Av Chicago tBigelow Charles Albert (m eng 1899- 1901) Peoria 111 tBigelow Charles Miller (m eng 1904- 5 Abo U Wis) c/o N Eng Tel & Tel Co Boston Bigelow Emma L (su 1906 Also U Chgo) Teach 717 W 51st St Los Angeles Bigelow Janet Victoria (Mrs H H Hudson) (la 1903-6) , Home Galva 111 Bigelow Lorene E M (sp mus Feb 1916- Also Westfield Coll) Stu Westfield HI Bigelow Lucile Lovena (sp mus Feb 54 BIGELOW— BIECHARD 1916- Also Westfield Coll) Stu Westfield 111 Bigelow Mary Constance (la 1895-9 AB lib 1908-10 BLS) Libr 324 N Horsman St Rockford 111 t Bigelow Oliver Marlon (acad 1909-11) Albany 111 Bigelow Roy St Lawrence (ry c eng 1913- ) Stu 4628 Lake Park Av Chicago Biggar Charles Howatt (sp arch 1903-4 Als© U Mich) Arch 511 Wright-Callender Bldg Los Angeles Biggers Le Roy (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Rockford 111 Biggs Charles Ervin (sc 1906-8) Musical Mgr 510 E 62nd St Chi- cago (Lexington 111) t Biggs Elias Dutton (su 1907 Also Pur U) W Lebanon Ind Biggs Helen Cecile (Mrs Edward Schroeder) (la 1911 Also Westfield Coll) Home Albion 111 Biggs John David (1 1907-11 LL B Also Greenville Coll) Law Green- ville 111 Bigham John Ross (acad 1891-2) Ag Culver Ore Bigler Harry Edward (la com 1911- 15 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Sales c/o Packard Motor Co 5602 Drexel Av Chicago (Sigel 111) Bilderbach Byron (la 1913- ) Stu 312 Prospect Av Champaign 111 Bilhorn Walter" Edward (c eng 1909- 11 '13-14 BS) Instrument man CB&Q RR Prairie du Chien Wis Bilik Samuel (sp la 1915- Also Mc- Fadden Coll & Amer Coll Phys Educ) Stu Franklin Park NJ Bill Edgar Luther (sp ag 1910-12) Ag & Writer Bloomington 111 Billerbeek August (ag 1909-10) Ag Cullom 111 Billings Mrs (see Fletcher Mabel E) Billings Ralph E (su 1915 Also Yankton Coll) Supt Schs Hurley SD (R3 Geddes SD.) Billings Walter Emerson (m eng 1903-9 BS) Eng Sales 806 Reed Ct Third Flat Chicago Billingsley Mary Prudence (lib 1906-8 BLS AB(Kan)'02 Catg Asst U 111 1908-9) Libr 1224 Lin- wood Blvd Kansas City Mo (Belle- ville Kan) Billion Mary Isabel (Mrs Parley Mon- roy) (la 1910-11) Home Gabino Bar- redo St N 56 Mexico City Mex (Sioux Falls SD) Billman Dale (la 1915- ) Stu Edgemouth Sta E St Louis HI Billman De Witt (la 1907-12 LL B Also Wash StL U) Law 250-3 Ar- cade Bldg E St Louis 111 (Hills- side Edgemont Sta) Billman Elliott (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu Edgemont Sta E St Louis 111 Billman Harry Carl (su 1915 Also Bradley Poly) R4 Dayton O Bills Charles Jacob (la 1876-80 1904-5 AB) Bnk & R Est 1503 H St Lincoln Neb Bills Mrs C J (see Lewis Camilla F) Bills Frank L (acad 1879-80 la 1880-1) R Est & Bnk Melbourne Fla Binder Albert Augustus (e eng 1910- 12) Stu Col U 133 S Fourth St Aurora 111 Binder Mrs Frank H (see Moore Jennie E) Binder George Frederick (ag 1914- ) Stu 133 S Fourth St Aurora 111 BINDING Leo Ross (sp ag 1912-13 BS(Mich Ag) '12 Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta U IU 1912-151) Ag Chem Inter- nat Corresp Sch Scranton Pa 1915- (1003 N Monroe Av Danville Mich) Bing Benjamin (acad 1883-4 sc 1884- 8 BS MS '91) Merc Urbana 111 Bing Bertha Helen (la 1914- ) Stu 105 N Orchard St Urbana 111 *Bing Edward W (acad 1888-9) d July 29 1892 Urbana HI Bing Louis S (acad 1879-80) Tailor 105 N Orchard St Urbana 111 Bingham Arthur Barnes (ag 1911- 15 BS) Ag R5 Champaign 111 Bingham Charles Lathrop (la 1914-15 com 1915) Sec & T'reas Peterson Garage Co 5538 Harper Av Chicago Bingham William Frederick (su 1915 Also Friends U) Prin H Sch New Kirk Okla Binnie Edwin Robert (la 1904-5) Ag & Stock Dundee 111 Binns Florence O (su 1911) Teach Pub Sp H Sch 60 W Muskegon Av Pittsfield 111 Binyou Mrs Josephine Armstrong (mus 1915 Also Chgo Mus Coll) Home 201 W Washington St Urbana 111 tBiosSAT Harry Armand (1 1900-3 LL B) 153 La Salle St Chicago Birch Robert F (la 1912-13) Mfg Third St Geneva 111 Birch Stephen Meserve (sc 1913-15 com 1915 ) 102 Logan Av Dan- ville 111 Birchard John Wesley (cer eng 1913- ) Stu 1201 W Clark St Urbana 111 Birchard Leola Mary (ag 1914- ) BIRD— BLACK 55 Stu 1201 W Clark St Urbana HI *Bird Albert J (e eng 1872-3) d May 12 1902 Bochelle IU Bird Frederick Joel (ry eng 1897-1901 BS) M Eng c/o Link Belt Co 4629 Champlain Av Chicago (Citronelle Ala) Bird Mrs Fred J (see Hartrick D Clara) *Bird John J (Trustee 1872-5 Organiz 6 Supt first free school system for ne- groes Mail Serv PO Dept 1881-1912) d June 1 1912 Springfield 111 Birdick Arthur Almon (su 1906 Also U Colo 1908-10) Prop Home Cafe Durango Colo fBirdsall Grace Lenore (su 1909 & '10 Also W 111 St Nor) Swan Creek 111 Birdsall Jessie Marie (mus 1912-13 Also Lenod Hall St Louis) Mus Stu Daws la birdsall Lewis Isaac (g sc 1907-9 AM AB( Williams) '07 Asst Chem St Wa- ter Surv U 111 1908-9) Supt Filtr Filtration Plant Minneapolis Birdsall Lloyd Burton (ag 1914- ) Stu Sterling HI Birdsall Ralph James (sc 1911-12) Ag Swan Creek 111 Birdsell Eva Louise (la 1909-10) Bkpr & Stenog 2,01 S Wright St Champaign HI Birdzell Luther Earle (1 1900-3 LL B Prof Law U 111 su 1909) Law Chm St Tax Comm Bismarck ND Birely Cassia Maude (Mrs W S Hart- ford) (acad 1901-2 sp 1902-3) Home 610 W Elm St Urbana 111 \Bireley Frank (acad 1897) Urbana HI Birely Everett Manning (la 1909-10) Ins Billings Mont BirTcel Lloyd Otto (acad 1908-9) Mach 735 15th St Rock Island 111 Birkenbeuel Clarence Edward (e eng 1912-13) Draft c/o Budd House Stockton Cal (628 Putnam St Peru 111) \BirTcet William Edmund (acad 1899- 1900) Peoria 111 fBirkett John (sp 1872-3) Todd's Point 111 Birkhoff Mrs George D (see Grafius Margaret E) tBirks George Raymond (sp ag 1906- 7 Also Millikin U) Cornland 111 Birks John Milton (ag 1914- ) Stu Cornland HI Birks William Alfred (acad 1908-9) Ag Rl (86) Highland Park Mich Birney Frank L (acad 1876-8 la 1879-81 cert) Med 1524 Gaylord St Denver Birney Thomas Milton (la 1910-11 AB su 1912 & '13 Also U Cngo) Supt Schs 307 N Johnson St Macomb 111 Birong Helen Margaret (su 1915 Also Chgo Nor Coll) Teach 7013 Stewart Av Chicago Bishop David M (la 1875-6) R Est L & Ins 2205 D St Granite City IU Bishop George William (sc 1901-5 AB) Teach Soldan H Sen St Louis (Box 113 Charleston 111) t Bishop James F (acad 1891-2) Le Roy 111 Bishop Jessie Elizabeth (lib 1914- AB (Smith) '11) Stu 1726 Ridge Av Evanston 111 *Bishop John Franklin (arch 1882-5) d Aug 11 1904 Champaign HI fBishop Mahlon Lyle (gen 1899-1900) LeRoy 111 Bishop Mildred Catherine (g hist 1913- 15 AB (Brown) '12) At home 14 Grant St N Attleboro Mass Bishop Walter Giles (arch eng 1915- ) Stu '701 S Van Buren St Auburn Ind Bishops Mrs (see Parsons Nora E) Bissekumer Roger Martin (sc 1911-12) Stu Marquette Med Sch 1136 Crosby St Rockf ord HI Bissell Don Warren (g chem 1914- BS(NH) '14) Asst Chem U HI 1915- 917 W Green St Urbana 111 (284 Water St Keene NH) *Bissell Frank (acad 1890-1) d July 1893 Farmer City HI Bissell George Francis (sc 1910-15 BS) Chgo Retort & Fire Brick Co Ottawa 111 (800 Lincoln Av Winnetka HI) Bissell Sanford Faulkner (la 1912-13) Ins 39 S La Salle St Chicago (800 Lincoln Av Winnetka HI) Witner John E (acad 1887-8) Rose- field 111 Bixby Alice Persis (lib 1895-1900 AB'13 Also U Mich) Libr c/o U Mich Gen Lib 1306 Washtenaw Av Ann Arbor Mich ?Bixby Guy Masson (gen 1897-8) St Louis Bixby Madeline (g chem Feb 1916- BS(Tufts)'16 Stu North Andover Mass Bjelland Harold Gerhard (ag 1914- ) Stu Leland 111 Bjork David Theodore (c eng 1900-1 CE(Mich) '05) Arch & C Eng & Mfg 5240 N Sawyer Av Chicago Black Alice Mary (Mrs V G Arps) (acad 1895-7 la 1897-1901 AB & AM Also Berlin U & Leipzig U) Home. 216 Elane Av Columbus O 56 BLACK— BLACKBURN Black Anna Eliza (sp 1896-8) Home Bloomington Ind Black Beryl A (su 1915 Also Rose Poly) Teach H Sch 302 E Edgar St Paris 111 Black Charles Day (e eng 1906-11 BS g 1911-12 MS Also Christian Col) E Eng 239 Second St Pittsfield Mass (R2 (51) Plymouth 111) Black Charles Ray (ag 1914) Motor- man St RR 509 E College St Jack- sonville 111 BLACK Charles Willard (Attended Cin- cinnati Tech & Cor U Instr Eng Draw U 111 1906-7) Eighth & Elm Sts Cin- cinnati Black Clara Blanche (Mrs P G Busey) (sp mus 1905-6 '08-9 ) Home 911 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Black Mrs E T (see McCain Myrtle) Black Ernest Glenn (la 1915- ) Stu Rushville 111 Black George McCall (acad 1895-6 m eng 1896-8) Electr 1618 W Fifth St Glendale Cal IBlack George W (acad 1899-100 ag 1900-3 AB) 1105 N Perry Av Peoria 111 Black George William (sp ag 1912-13) Ag Oakland 111 Black Grace Josephine (Mrs C C Wil- liams) (acad 1901-3 la 1903-10 AB) Home 820 Missouri St Lawrence Kan t Black Henry Angstein (la 1913-14 Also W 111 St Nor) 927 E Washington St Macomb 111 Black Howard Benjamin (su 1914 BS (Baldwin) '11 Also Wooster U) 709 Duncan St Massillon O Black Hugh Ray (m eng 1912-13 Also Hobart Coll) Ag Hall NY Black James Hamilton Jr (la 1914-15) Drugs 1108 S Sixth St Terre Haute Ind Black John Earl (m eng 1910-14 BS) Box 325 Moscow Id (504 W Sixth St Mendota 111) Black Laura Louise (Mrs L W Zart- man) (acad 1895-8 la 1898-1901 AB) Home 2098 Indiana Av Columbus Black Lee McKnight (la 1907-9) Wholesale Druggist 1108 S Sixth St Terre Haute Ind Black Lois Frances (su 1911 sc 1912- 15) At home Oakland 111 t Black Lucian Robert (acad 1899-1901) Purcell Okla Black Mary Ellice (su 1901 Also Lom- bard Coll) Teach Avon 111 Black Robert Overton (acad 1906-7 la 1909-12 AB) Paints & Oils 412 N Neil St Champaign 111 (Redlands Cal) Black Robert Quincy (sp ag 1907-9) Ag Oran Mo Black Robert Sommerville (m eng 1912- ) Stu 504 E Sixth St Men- dota 111 Wlack Walter Robert (acad 1902-3) Champaign 111 Black Ward Norris (la 1914-15) Prin H Sch Greenup 111 (Palestine 111) Black William (m eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Prof M Eng U Wis 126 E Day- ton St Madison Wis Black William Allison (eng 1913-14) 7614 Saginaw Av Chicago Black William Harold (sc 1911-12 SB (Chgo) '13) Stu U Chgo Plymouth 111 Black William Wesley (la 1896-8 AB AM '99) Dean Sch Ed Ind U 914 Atwater Av Bloomington Ind Black William Zachariah (acad 1901- 4 ag 1904-8 BS) Ag St Joseph 111 Black Mrs W Z (see Leas Mildred) tBlackall Alfred Harris (su 1912 & '15) 1649 Estes Av Chicago Blackall Clarence Howard (arch 1873- 7 BS MA '80 Also Ecole des Beaux Arts Paris) Arch 20 Beacon St Boston *Blackburn Alexander (Trustee 1867- 73 Ag Teach & Writer) d July 31 1897 Macomb 111 Blackburn Earl Franklin (ag 1912-13) Ag Hillsboro 111 fBlackburn Etta (su 1904) Nurse 402 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Blackburn Frederick Jackson (ag 1910-14 BS) Asst Home Econ Exten U 111 1915- 603 E White St Cham- paign 111 *Blackburn Harry Edmund (sc 1908- 10) d Oct 14 1910 Princeton 111 *Blackburn Hiram P (sp 1868-70) d Rossville 111 *Blackburn Mrs H P (see Romine Mary) Blackburn Infelice (Mrs F T Thomp- son) (1902-3) Milliner 406 E Park St Champaign 111 Wlackbum James M (acad 1884-6) Ag Corsicana Tex Blackburn Mrs J M (see Wright Min- nie E) t Blackburn James Wright (acad 1895) 406 E Park St Champaign 111 Blackburn Joe Romine (m eng 1899- 1901) R Est 307 CPR Bldg Ed- monton Alta Can Blackburn John C (su 1915 Also Col Theol Sem) Dir Phys Tr U SC 1105 Laurel St Columbia SC Blackburn Luella Sarah (su 1915 Also BLACKBURN— BLAISDELL 57 111 St Nor U) Teach 283 Sandusky St Jacksonville 111 tBlackburn M Elizabeth (su 1910 Also U Wooster) 628 Green St Greensburg Pa \BlacTcburn Milton A (aead 1878-80) Humble Tex tBlackburn Ralph (la 1909-10 Also U Wis) 22 N Liberty St Elgin 111 Blackburn Robert Edwin (ag 1909-13 BSA & MSA(U Ga) '15) Planter R4 La Fayette Ga (1407 N Eighth St Quincy 111) Blackburn Roy Jabez (c eng 1900-4 BS) C Eng c/o Prendegrast Constr Co 1909d Lawrence Av St Louis Blackburn William (acad 1877-8 eng 1878-80) C Eng Paris 111 t Blackford Alice Ann (sp sc 1902-3) Grayville 111 Blackford James Allen (sp sc 1909-11) Merc Potomac 111 \Blaclcmun Ora (acad 1909-10) Wynd- mere ND Blackstone Abraham (c eng 1915- Also NW U) Stu 1301 N Hoyne Av Chicago + Blackstone Marguerite Elizabeth (sp 1902-3) 580 Power's Lane Decatur 111 Black well Mary Lovey (su 1913) Catg Typist U 111 1914- 805 W Illinois St Urbana 111 tBlackwell Maude Gwendolyn (la 1914- 15 Also NW U) Atwood 111 Blackwell Michael Joseph (sp ag 1912- 13 ag 1913-15) Memphis Tenn (Wil- son Ark) Blackwell Ralph Vergil (acad 1906-7 ry e eng 1908-9) Elec Contr Atwood 111 Blackwood Leslie Winslow (la Feb 1915- Also Ober Coll) Stu 9128 Baltimore Av S Chicago tBlaener Anna Agnes (su 1909) Car- linville 111 tBlaener Mary Georgia (su 1909) Car- linville 111 Blagden A Dexter (la com 1872-3 MD (Bennett) '86) Med Sycamore 111 Blain James M (acad 1880-1) Ret Ag Champaign 111 Blaine Boyd Scott (eng 1888 sp 1905- 6) Circuit Clk Urbana 111 (17 Da- vidson PI Champaign 111) Blaine Charles Edmund (1 1907-10 LLB Also Park Coll) Law Delta Colo Blaine Mrs T E (see Haines Mary M) t Blaine Nelle Griff eth (Mrs B S) (Mus 1905-6 su '14 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 17 Davidson PI Champaign Blaine Walter Charles (sc 1888-91 MD (Pa) '95) Med Tuscola 111 Blair Alice Ledlie (lib 1905-10 AB & BLS) Libr Barry HI Blair Clarence Eugene (sp ag 1912-13) Ag R3 Danville 111 Blair Daniel Augustus (la 1915- Also Christian Bros Coll) Stu Mur- physboro 111 tBlair Earl Raymond (sp la 1902-3) Art 2248 Euclid Av Cleveland (1708 Glenmont Rd Euclid Hgts) \Blair Edgar (acad 1887-8) Plymouth 111 Blair Edgar Theron (sc 1913- ) Stu Chandlerville 111 \Blair Eugene Kenneth Jr (acad 1902- 3) Waverly 111 Blair Eva Lena (sc 1908-12 BS) Teach 502 S Market St Marion 111 (Sullivan HI) Blair Francis Grant (Trustee 1906- BS(Swarthmore)'97 LL D(Colgate) '73 Fellow Col U 1899 Supt Train Dept 111 St Nor U 1899-1906) St Supt Pub Instr 1906- 629 3 Second St Springfield 111 Blair Franklin Irving (c eng 1901-5 BS Also N 111 St Nor) C Eng & Ag R2 (1) Normal 111 Blair Mrs F I (see Dillon Mertie M) Blair Hattie Mary (su 1909 & '10 & '12 & '15 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach 607 W Main St Salem HI BLAIR Joseph Cullen (MSA (Cor) '06 Also Provincial Coll Ag Truro NS 1890-1 Instr & Asst Hort U 111 1896-8 Asst Prof & Asst Chf do 1898-1902) Prof Hort U 111 1902- 601 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Blair Mrs J C (see Van Home Sada) Blair Joseph Leroy (c eng 1906-7) Electr 106 Lexington Av Kewanee 111 Blair Josephine Lyons (Mrs L C Yant) (acad 1904-6 ag 1906-7) Home Louisville Neb Blair Mittie (sp h sc 1909-10 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Sullivan 111 Blair Orland Vance (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Wyoming 111 Blair Sara Lilian (Mrs A W Bryant) (acad 1900-2 h sc 1902-3) Home Princeton HI Blair Thomas Hart (m eng 1901-3) Mgr c/o Boss Mfg Co Peoria 111 (106 Lexington Av Kewanee 111) BLAISDELL Daisy Launa (g ger 1906-9 AB (Smith) '88 AM (do) '93 Also Berlin Royal U 1899-1900 Teach Ober Acad 1898-9) Instr Ger U 111 1900- 908 Nevada St Urbana 111 Blaisdell Edward Brown (sc 1908-12 58 BLAISDELL— BLATHERWICK AB) c/o RR Donnelley & Sons Co 21st & Calumet Av Chicago (4200 Drexel Blvd) Blaisdell Irwin B (acad 1887-8) Cham- paign 111 Blaisdell Luola Geneva (sp mus 1901- 2) Champaign 111 *Blake Arthur Eugene (e eng 1872-4) d Mendota 111 Blake Benjamin Harrison (ag 1910- 12) Ag Fairdale 111 ]Blake Burton Aaron (acad 1892-4) Tiskilwa 111 Blake Clarence Sidney (su 1915 Also Olivet Coll) Teach & Coach Athl 312 Ninth Av Duluth Minn Blake Charles Lewis (c eng 1904-6) Co Surv 610 E Lincoln Av Watseka 111 Blake Edmund J (su .1894) R Est & Invest Watseka 111 Blake Edward Lewis (su 1901) Teach Grand Tower 111 (Carbondale 111) Blake Frank Edmund (la 1902-4) Phar Watseka 111 Blake George Washington (c eng 1911-15 BS) Appraiser 217 S Sev- enth Av May wood 111 t Blake James Frederick (gen 1869) Mount 111 *Blake Jay Neely (la com 1873-4) d Mt Carroll 111 *Blake Jesse Harold (la 1915- ) d Feb 12 1916 Chicago Blake John Bidwell (m eng 1883-7 BS) M Eng Lombard 111 (1400 Monroe Bldg Chicago) Blake John Dullman (la 1915) Mfg 404 Elm St Rockford 111 Blake Katherine May (Mrs C H Har- kins)(la 1905-9 AB) Home 601 E Lincoln Av Watseka 111 Blake Winifred (h sc 1910-15) At home 3313 Walnut St Chicago Blakely Jane (Mrs K B Hunter) (lib 1905-6 Also Ind U) Home 316 S York St Wheeling W Va *Blakeslee A Harley (acad 1888-9 la 1889-90) d Nov 22 1896 Duquoin 111 Blakeslee Clarence Eugene (acad 1879- 82 m eng 1882-3) Mfg Duquoin 111 Blakeslee Eli T (m eng 1875-7) Sec & Treas Blakeslee Mfg Co Duquoin ni Blakeslee Elmer Frederick (mun eng 1907-11 BS) C Eng 75 Massachusetts Av Cambridge Mass (Lockport 111) Blakeslee Frank A (acad 1884-5) M Eng 1233 Prospect Av Kansas City Mo Blakeslee George F (la 1875-7) Mfg 4025 Chestnut St Kansas City Mo (1233 Prospect Av) Blakeslee George Robert (la com 1902- 4) Mfg 132 S Wiola Av La Grange 111 Blakeslee James Woodberry (acad 1892-3 la 1892-6 AB) Stocks & Bonds Burbank Cal Blakeslee Walter Arthur (m eng 1909-13 BS) Eng 1233 Prospect Av Kansas City Mo Blakesley George Webster (m eng 1889-93 BS) Mfg 3240 Windsor Av Kansas City Mo Blanchard Bert (sp m eng 1900-1) Sales Mgr Emerson Brantingham Im- plement Co Billings Mont Blanchard Helen (sp a&d 1885-6) St Joseph Mo Blanchard Herbert J (sp arch eng 1883- 4) Arch Draft 2332 Whittemore PI St Louis Blanchard Nathaniel Pearce (acad 1898-9 arch 1899-1901) Ins Mutual Life Ins Co Terre Haute Ind (Ur- bana 111 c/o C W Alvord) Blanchflower J Roy (e eng 1904-7) Acct O W R & N Co Walla Walla Wash 19 Union Depot (Portland Ore) Bland Eugene (1 1907-10 LL B) Law 823 Chamber Com Bldg Portland Ore t Bland Mattie (acad 1885-6) Todd's Point 111 . Bland Rose (la 1904-9 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 227 N Locust St Fayetteville Ark Blandy Douglas Chapman (la 1882-3) Trav 1035 Velp Av Green Bay Wis BLANEY Herbert Wordwell (BS(Mass Ag)'ll MLA(Harv)'14 Instr Land Arch U 111 1914-15) Land Arch 305 W Monroe St Bloomington 111 Blank Warren Moffet (acad 1896-7) Ag Granger 111 Blankenbeker Homer Francher (sp ag 1905-6) Ag R3 Martinsville 111 Blankenship Jesse (sp ag 1910-11 Also S 111 St Nor) Ag Cartter 111 Blankley Alfred Robinson (sp e eng 1904-5) Mail Carrier 717 E Ryder St Litchfield 111 Blasdell Maria L (Mrs M L Wood) (la 1871-4) Home Indians Mound Pk Rl Hannibal Mo Blatchley Ralph Fordyce (ag 1907-8 AB(Ind)'lO) Mfg Jackson Tenn BLATCHLEY Raymond S (AB(Ind) J 08 Also Ohio St U Asst Geol St Geol Surv U 111 1908-14) Bus 802 W Park Av Champaign 111 BLATHERWICK Norman Robert (sc 1910- 11 MS'12 BS(Grinnell) , 09 Asst BLATHERWICK— BLONDHEIM 5S> Physiol Chem U 111 1910-14) Chem c/o US Dept Ag Bur Animal Indus (Montefiore Home NY) Blatherwick Wilfred Francis (arch eng 1909-13 BS) Arch Draft YMCA Seventh & Walnut Sts Cincinnati (533 Cherry St Springfield Mo) Blaydes Mrs (see Webber Grace) Blaylock Mrs F M (see Cadwell Eliza A) fBlaylock Robert Earl (arch eng 1910- 12) Murphy sboro 111 blayney Lillian (g hist 1913-14 AM AB( Monmouth) '13) Teach H Sch Sullivan 111 (Monmouth 111) BLEININGER Albert Victor ( BS (Ohio St) '01 Asst Prof Ohio St U 1904-6 Assoc Prof do 1906-7 Asst Prof Cer U 111 1907-8 Prof do 1910- 12 Prof Cer Eng & Head Dept U 111 1915) Asst Prof Bur Standards 40th & Butler Sts Pittsburgh (1720 Baltimore St Beechview Pittsburgh) Bleisch Selmar Anton (1 1913- Also Valparaiso U) Stu Alhambra 111 fBlenkinsopp Joseph William (su 1906) Sherrard 111 Bleuel Marie Teresa (la 1911-13 '15- ) Stu Norwood Pk Chicago Bleuer Bernard Fred (ag 1914-15) Ag & Fruit Foley Ala (1702 Second Av Rock Island 111) Bley John Cornelius (m eng 1876-80 BS) Bridge Design Eng 5046 Wash- ington Pk Ct Chicago Blim Charles Hewes (acad 1907-8 law 1909-10) Stu U Chgo Crete 111 Blim John Ferguson (sc 1909-10 BS (NMex Ag)'06 MS(do) '11 MD (Mich) '15) Med 3421 Montana St El Paso Tex Blim Warren Caldwell (acad 1907-9 la com 1909-10) Stu U 111 Coll Med Crete 111 Blish Frank M (acad 1883-4) Dist Mgr c/o RR Dun & Co Kansas City Mo Bliss Abel Jr (c eng 1872-4) Ag & R Est 902 Robinson PI Shreveport La Bliss Anson Lee (su 1899 & 1902 AB (Austin) '95) R Est 2121 Fifth Av Los Angeles bliss Charles King (g pol sc 1908-9 AM AB (Chgo) '97) Teach 10 W Blaine St Seattle Bliss Mrs C K (see Clendenin Lillie A) bliss Frank Walter (sc 1908-9 MS BS (Mich) '08) Instr Chem U Minn 1016 17th Av SE Minneap>lis Bliss Frank Wilbur (sp 1873 Also Philadelphia Dent Coll) Dent Santa Cruz Cal *BUss George W (acad 1881-2) d Dec 22 1910 Nokomis 111 Bliss Helen Eva (la 1907-11 AB) Teach 902 Robinson PI Shreveport La (Lexington Mass) Bliss Stanley Waters (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 804 Fourth Av Hope Ark *BLISS WillardFlagg (AB(Harv)>55 Prof Latin Wash U 1856-60 Prof Ag U 111 1868-70 Record Sec Bd Trust 1869-70) d Oct 8 1915 Leesburg Va Blix Einar Thomas (arch eng 1915- Also ND Ag Coll) Stu 620 Tenth Av Fargo ND Blizzard Samuel Earl (e eng 1908-9 Also Pur U) Mech & Elec Drafts Franklin Ind Blocher Mrs A H ( see AtweJl Bernice E) Blocher John Douglas (la 1901-4 AB) Clk Acct 214 S P Bldg Houston Tex Wlock Benjamin (acad 1883-4) Rock Island 111 Block Edgar William (acad 1897-8 c eng 1899-1903 BS) C Eng 7100 Prai- rie Av Chicago Block Edward Stevenson Stu 4856 Champlain Av Block Elmer Royal (la Audit Dept CB&Q RR Bldg Chicago (308 Champaign 111) Block Frieda Emma Alvina (la 1906- 11 mus 1914- ) Stu 308 N State St Champaign 111 Block Jesse Le Roy (prep med 1913- 15) Stu U Ore 695 Lovejoy St Portland Ore Block Lenora Agnes (Mrs Roy E Zenke) (sp mus 1904-6) Mus Indi- anola 111 (505 N Springfield Av Champaign 111) Block Richard Arthur (acad 1892-3 arch 1893-4) Bnk Indianola 111 Block Walter Robert (acad 1901-2 ag 1903-7 BS g 1912-13) Seedsman 437 Jefferson Av Evansville 111 Block Mrs W R (see McCulloch Helen) Block William Harris (arch eng 1908- 10) Merc 300 Main St Kenosha Wis Wlodgett Delbert (acad 1880-1) Wes- tern Springs 111 Blodgett Mrs F H (see Pickard Ethel M) Bloebaum Benjamin Harrison (1 1910- 13) Law St Charles Mo Blohm George Charles (la 1914- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 1249 N Paulina St Chicago I Blohm Lee Ross (la 1904-8 AB) Supt Schs Beardstown 111 (Hey worth 111) BLONDHEIM David Simon (AB(J Hopk ) '06 PhD ( Baltimore City ) '10 (agl912- ) Chicago 1907-12 AB) 373 Garfield N State St 60 BLOOD— BOCKHOFF Instr Rom Lang U 111 1910-12) Asst Prof Eom Lang U 111 1912- Uni- versity Club Urbana 111 Blood Alan St Clair (ag 1915- Also McKendree Coll) Stu Grayville 111 Blood Charles Reader (c eng 1909-10 BS(Cal)'13 Also U Mo) Bus Mgr 1420 LeRoy Av Berkeley Cal Blood Lyle Albert (sp arch 1905-7) Arch Big Horn Wyo Blood Mrs L A (see Clarke Carrie L) Blood Paul Revere (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-8) Sand & Gravel Grayville 111 Blood Walter Warren (sp e eng 1906-7 Also Bradley Poly) Treas 2256 Blen- don PI St Louis Bloodgood Wylie (eng 1915- ) Stu 222 Benton St Aurora 111 Bloom Carl Wilfred (acad 1910-11 c eng 1911-13) Granite Mfg 918 S 33rd St Omaha Neb tBloom Einer Bernhardt (e eng 1911- 12) 6734 Wabash Av Chicago tBloom Elmer Jacques (la 1910-11) 213 North St Peoria 111 tBloom Frederick Eller (la com 1912- 13) 213 North St Peoria 111 Bloom Peter Earl (ag 1911-12 '15- ) Stu Caddo Okla Bloomfeldt Allen Axel (m eng 1905- 10 BS) Mach Mfg & Ventilation 108 N Jefferson St Chicago (6523 Perry St) Bloomfield Mrs Alice (Mrs L Bloom- field) (su 1915) Home 804 Oregon St Urbana 111 Bloomfield Matt (acad 1905-6 sc 1906- 8 su '05) Toledo 111 BLOOMFIELD Leonard (AB(Harv) '06 PhD(Chgo) '09 Also U Wis 1906- 8 Asst Ger U Wis 1906-8 do U Chgo 1908-9 Instr Ger U 111 1910-13) Asst Prof Comp Philol & Ger U 111 1913- 804 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Bloomfield Mrs L (see Bloomfield Mrs Alice Bloomingdale Paul Harold (su 1915 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Shabbona Grove 111 Bloompat Henry (sp c eng 1900-2) C Eng 200 Rebecca PI Peoria 111 Blossom Mrs Alden (see Sargent Agnes L) Blough Earl Blaine (c eng 1911-14 BS Also Armour Inst 1910) Mov Picture Opr Petrolia 111 (Camp Grove 111) Blough Heber R (jour 1911-12) Fur- niture Mfg 618 S Sixth St Goshen Ind Blount John Darwin (la com 1904-6) Sec Meacham & Wright Brick Co 3318 Van Buren St Chicago Blue Mrs (see Claybourn Grace M) Blue Edna (acad 1903-4) Asst Sec 3516 Wrightwood Av Chicago Blue Eleanor Baker (see also Baker Eleanor) Blue Harry Jay (su 1912 & '15 Also Ind U) Supt Schs 307 S Washington Av Salem 111 Blue Mrs H J (see Baker Eleanor M) Bluer Bernard Fred (ag 1914-15) 1702 Second Av Rock Island 111 Bluestein Irving Jerome (ag 1915- ) Stu 837 W 14th St Chicago Bluhm Harold John (la 1914- ) Stu 1419 Winona Av Chicago Blum Ethyl May (lib 1913-14 AB (Mich) '07) 520 Thompson St Ann Arbor Mich Blum Harry John (com 1915- ) Stu 2522 N Rockwell St Chicago Blum Walter Joseph (e eng 1910-14 BS) Eng Western Elec Co 2522 N Rockwell St Chicago Blume Bernardine Caroline (Mrs C G Wiese)(la 1907-10 Also U Chgo) Home 442 E 45th PI Chicago ?Blunk Sanford Milton (su 1905 Also Austin Coll) St Joseph 111 Blunt Mrs Harry (see Gay Mary L) Bluth Roy Grenville (arch 1911-12) Sec 832 Second Av Detroit *Blythe Willis J (acad 1876-7) d Apr 30 1909 Centralia 111 Boal Tracy Edward (acad 1891-3) Retail Drug Merc Buda 111 Board Ferdinana Allen (sc 1913 Also la Ag Coll) Employee Purity Oats Co 707 Franklin St Keokuk la Board Harold Edward (m eng 1903-4) Adv Mfg 640 Hinman Av Evanston HI Boardman Curtis Love (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 425 Second Av Hoopes- ton 111 Boardman Harry Clow (c eng 1905-10 BS) Chf Draft Chicago Bridge & Iron Wks 2010 W 101st PI Chicago (105th & Throop StS) Boardman Vinson Runyan (ag 1913- 15) Ag R2 (33) Hoopeston 111 Bobilva Louis Jerome (la 1913-15) Sales 22 Bk Bldg Ft Wayne Ind (1307 Ewing St) Bock Bertha (Mrs C W Johnson) (la 1906-7) Home Hampshire 111 tBock Harry Obee (ag 1909-10) High- land Park 111 Bock Paul Theodore (c eng 1909-13 BS) Shield Insp East River 123rd St YMCA New York ' Bockhoff Harry William (eng 1915- Also U Ariz) Stu 36 S 19th St Rich- BOGKEMOHLE— BOGGS 61 mond Ind Bockemohle Clinton L A (arch eng 1913- Also U Kan) Stu Ellinwood Kan Bocock Clarence Edgar (la 1894-9 AB Also U Chgo su 1905 & '07) Dean St Nor Sen Albion Id Boeock Clyde Logan (la 1913-15) Eep 166 Fredonia Av Peoria 111 Bocquet Julius C (acad 1884-5) E Est 6 Ins Mascoutah 111 *Boda Henry (sp 1870-1) d Nauvoo 111 Boddy James Purey (ag 1913-15 Also U Mo 1912-13) Ranch Golden Okla (Henrietta Tex) BODE Boyd Henry (AB(Penn Coll) '96 AB(Mich)'97 PhD(Cor)'00 Asst Prof Philos U Wis 1900-9) Prof Philos U 111 1909- 910 W Califor- nia Av Urbana 111 Boden Joseph King (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-10 Also YMCA Tech Sch Los Angeles) Auto Electr & Vulcan Rl (48) Lodi Cal Bodenschatz Arthur Harold (la 1915- ) Stu 6610 Woodlawn Av Chicago t Bodenschatz Frank Nicholas (m eng 1908-11) 1417 Kimball Av Chicago Bodman Winifred E (acad 1884-5) Ins Agt Morrison Hotel Chicago *Bodwell Frank Lyman (c eng 1903- 7 BS) d April 4 1914 Lyndon Wis tBody Elmer Isaac (sp e eng 1901-2) Morrison 111 Boecklin Werner Jr (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-7) Land Arch Kew Gardens Richmond Hill NY Boecklin Mrs Werner (see Couse Delia F) Boehm Minnie Caroline (su 1910 Also Chgo Tr Coll) Teach 3839 N Avers Av Chicago Boerckel Samuel (acad 1886-8) R Est & L 717 Thrush Av Peoria 111 Boerner Eugene Sonnenberg (ag 1914- Also U Wis) Stu Port Washington Wis Boers Otto William (sp e eng 1901-2) C Eng Sanitary Dist 1231 N Clark St Chicago (Chillicothe 111) Boeschenstein Harold (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 230 N Kansas St Ed- wardsville 111 Boettiger Louis Angelo (la 1909-14 AB) Teach Beirut Syria (2422 Smalley St Chicago) Bogardus Charles Eugene (sc 1879-83 BS) Assay Chem 90 Columbia St Seattle (323 14th Av N) Bogardus Mrs C E (see Brumbach Lu- cia R) Bogardus Edward F (sp 1878-82) Ret 1519 W Av Hollywood Cal Bogardus Eva (Mrs T S Price) (la 1873-7 BL) Home 191 S Second St Brooklyn NY Bogardus Frank Smith (la 1903-4 AB Also U Chgo) Teach Terre Haute Ind (Normal 111) Bogardus George Whitfield (e eng 1901-2) Sales Kewanee 111 BOGART Ernest Ludlow (AB(Prin) '90 AM(do)'96 PhD(Halle) '97 Prof Econ Ind U 1898-1900 do Ober Coll 1900-5 do Prin U 1905-9 Assoc Prof Econ U 111 1909-12) Prof Econ U 111 1912- 806 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Bogart Mrs Stella M (Mrs E L) (g 1914-15 Also Ober Coll) Home 806 W Oregon St Urbana HI Boger Henry Hall (la 1907-9 Also U Wis & Ohio St U) Teach 228 Clain St Aurora 111 Boger James Fred (eng 1889-90) Ins Golden 111 Boger Thomas Abram (se 1907-9 Al- so P&S & Marquette U) Med 228 Clain St Aurora HI Boggess Arthur Clinton (la 1901-2 AB Also U Wis 1902-4 PhD(Penn) >06) Missionary Prof Hist & Pol Econ c/o Reid Christian Coll Lucknow India Boggess Edith Elliott (ag h sc 1913- . 15 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Missionary c/o Isabella Thoburn Coll Lucknow India (Catlin 111) Boggess Homer Harrison (ag 1913-14) Ag R3 Georgetown 111 Boggess Leaton McCallister (sp law 1897-8 '03-4) Law Peoria 111 Boggess Thomas Ellsworth (sp ag 1903- 4) Georgetown HI Boggs Arclissa Florence (Mrs D John- ston) (la 1890-2 '95-6 Also N Eng Conserv Mus) Home Stanford Uni- versity Cal Boggs Cassandra Armstrong (Mrs G A Miller) (la 1888-92 BL su 1915) Home 1103 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Boggs Elma (Mrs G W Wilson) (la 1877-8) Home R9 Los Angeles Boggs Estelle (Mrs F H Prunk) (la 1882-3) Home 3746 N Illinois St Indianapolis Boggs Fortune Stanley (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-3 mus 1902-6) R Est 606 W Lincoln St Urbana 111 Bogqs Franklin H (acad 1887-8) Judge & Law 111 W Main St Ur- bana 111 (801 W Illinois St) Boggs Mrs Grace Lindley (sp la 1901- , 62 BOGGS— BOLLMAN 5) Home 801 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Boggs Harriet M (Mrs S F Love) (la 1877-83 AB AM>91) Home 1214 N Vermilion St Danville HI Boggs Harry Hurd (1 1899-1902 AB (Knox) '99) Law 610 NY Life Bldg Kansas City Mo Boggs Hsi-Fan (la com 1913- Also Tsing Hwa Coll Peking) Stu Shang- hai China (2006 Columbia Ed Wash- ington) Boggs Lucinda Pearl (acad 1890-1 la 1891 AB PhD (Halle) ) Teach 811 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Boggs Mary Lawrence (Mrs E M East) (lib 1901-3 BLS'05 Also Welles Coll) Home Eobinson Av Jamai- ca Plain Boston Boggs Oliver Carter (acad 1893-5 la & law 1894-1902 AB & LL B) Law. Medford Ore Boghosian Melton Horsep (eng 1914- 15 Also Carnegie Tech) Stu Teh- eran Persia Bogue Arthur Eeuben (sc 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Savanna 111 Bohn Elizabeth Hallam (h sc 1908-9 Also DePauw U) Dir Home Econ Ohio U Athens O (211 S Syca- more St Centralia 111) *Bohn Jacob (sc 1873-4) d Monti- cello 111 Bohn John Edward (g pomol 1915- BS (Mo) '12) Stu 3015 Eads Av St Louis Bohn Paul (acad 1892-3) Chicago Bohnert Lottie Mae (Mrs W P Purvi- ance) (acad 1896-7) Home Pleasant Plains 111 Bohnsen Mrs (see Montgomery Anne B) Bohrer William LeEoy (com 1915- ) Stu 311 W 15th St Falls City Neb Bohrn Earl Edward (la 1913-14) c/o Armour & Co 6417 Ingleside Av Chicago *Boice Elmer Ulysses (acad 1895-6) d Aug 30 1910 Levenworth Wash Boice Mrs Harriet Eliza (Mrs L A) (sp mus 1904-5) Home 1009 S Wright St Champaign 111 BOICE Levi Augustus (sp mus 1905-7) Eecorder U 111 1895- 1009 S Wright St Champaign 111 Boiselle Eay (acad 1910-11 ry c eng 1911-12 Also Kan Ag Coll 1908-10) Eng Dept Westinghouse Air Brake Co 232 W Swissvale Av Pittsburgh Bokern Edward Frank (la com 1911- 12) E Est c/o E A Bokern E Est Co 1015 Chestnut St St Louis (2931 Allen Av) ?Boland Mary Anna (la 1907-8) Michigan Av Kansas City Mo Bolander Harold Benjamin (e eng 1910-14 BS) Design Automatic Tel Co Chicago (Glen Ellyn 111) tBoldt Augustus Herbert (chem eng 1909-11) 470 Prospect St Elgin 111 bole Simeon James (g 1910-12 AM '12-13 '15- AB (Mich) '06 Instr Pomol & Asst Plant Breed U 111 1912-13) Assoc Pomol U 111 1913- 1005 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Bolen Eric James (sp mus Feb 1915- ) Stu Main St Mound City 111 Bolen Mabel Helen (la 1914- ) Stu 807 E 40th St Kansas City Mo Bolend Eex George (sp la 1908-9 Al- so U Okla) Med Oklahoma City Boles Mrs A E (see Arnold Gold E) Boles Ewing Thomas (su 1915 Also Central U) E4 Williamstown Ky Boles Frank (la com 1871-2) Ag E2 Vienna 111 Boles Stanley Atwood (su 1915 Also UTa) Williamstown Ky Boley Arthur William (su 1911 Also 111 St Nor U 1913) Teach E6 Olney 111 # Boley Eoy Edward (acad 1909-11 law 1908-12 LLB (111 Wes) '13) Law E6 Olney 111 Boleyn Charles John (ag 1914- ) Stu 114 S Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111 Bolin William Kineson (ag 1903-5) Ag Sullivan 111 Bolin William Walter (e eng 1904-5) Mech Draft & Stat Eng 1622 S Tur- ner Av Chicago Bolinger Emerson Franklin (e eng 1913- Also Lincoln Coll) Stu New Holland 111 Bollan Loris Ernestine (la 1909-10) Bus Mgr Public Ofc Havana 111 Bollard Clemma Edith (la 1914-15) 1419 College Av Topeka Kan ?Boller Chester Edwin (acad 1879-80 arch 1880-3) Lexington 111 Bolles Mrs J A (see McMillan Nelle A) Boiling Eobert Hill (ag 1914- ) Stu 7248 Euclid Av Chicago Bollinger William Nicholas (c eng 1907-11 BS) Struct Draft 1218 Bellfontaine St Indianapolis (224 S Maple St Sycamore 111) Bollman Arthur Henry (la 1912-13) Merc Waterloo la (Tuscola 111) Bollman Irene Lucile (mus 1915- Al- so Lasell Sem) Stu Tuscola 111 Bollman Jesse Louis (sc 1913-14 '15- Also US Naval Acad) Stu 907 N Ninth St Springfield 111 BOLLMAN— BONNER 63 Bollman Marie Christine (su 1915 Al- so HI St Nor U) Teach 203 Armory Av Champaign 111 Bollman Minnie Joanna (la 1906-10 AB lib 1912 '14-15 BLS) Catg Asst Lib U 111 1913- 203 Armory Av Champaign 111 Bolster Nicholas John (eng 1912-13 Al- so Mercedes Nor Sch) Trav YMCA Sec New York tBolt Denny (sp c eng 1900-1) Van- dalia 111 Boltenstern Nellie Marie (sp mus Feb 1915) At home Cambridge 111 Boltenstern William Samuel (ag 1914- 15) Ag Cambridge HI Bolton Ralph Waldo (su 1899 eng 1913- Also HI St Nor U) Stu 512 E Springfield Av Champaign HI Bolton Wyman Jesse (eng 1914- ) Stu Nauvoo HI Bonar Daisy May (Mrs J M Snod- grass) (h sc 1902-3) Home 306 Dav- idson St Champaign 111 Bond Anna Louise (acad 1899-1900 la 1900-3 AB AM '06 Also Leipzig 1908- 10 & Maison d 'Etudes (Paris) ) Teach 1204 Central Av Connersville Ind (215 S Tenth St Mt Vernon 111) Bond Augusta Eleanor (Mrs R G Smith) (la 1907-12 AB) Home 3932 Connecticut St St Louis (1008 W California Av Urbana 111) Bond Austin (arch 1900-3 BS) Arch Carmel Ind Bond Bertha Julia (Mrs F S Putney) (la 1900-4 AB BLS '05 Asst Loan Lib U 111 1906-7) Home 234 Pugh St State College Pa Bond Bessie Edwina (sp lib 1905-6 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Liberty- ville 111 Bond Claude Hollett (e eng 1902-5) E Eng Tel Cable Repairman 10226 Par- nell Av Chicago (Geneva NY) \Bond Dixon John (acad 1894-6) 210 W Clark St Champaign 111 Bond Ethel (lib 1902-3 '04-7 AB '07- 8 BLS Instr NW U 1908-9 & Ohio Wes 1909-12 su 1915) Instr Lib Sch U 111 1912- 603 E Healy St Cham- paign 111 Bond George Thomas (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Charleston Mo Bond Harry Lee (ag 1908-10) Ag & R Est Charleston Mo bond John David (g math 1913-15 AM AB(Tenn)'09) Instr Math Tex A& M Coll College Station Tex Bond John Marshall (acad 1899-1900) Roberts 111 Bond John Myron (acad 1899-1901 m eng 1901-5 BS) Ranch R3 Modesto Cal ?Bond Joseph Edward (m eng 1888- 92) Tolono 111 Bond Luella Mabel (acad 1903-4 sp h sc 1901-3 sp 1908-9) Teach 603 E Healy St Champaign 111 Bond Lyda (h sc 1902-6 BS '15- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 1008 W Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 ♦Bond Osnick S (la 1873) d Monti- cello HI ?Bond Richard Henry (c eng 1887-8) Jacksonville 111 Bon Durant Walter Hentoon (la 1913- 15) 521 Lafayette St South Bend Ind tBone Eleanor May (la 1903-4) Dan- forth 111 (Loda 111) Bone Hugh Alvin (acad 1893-4) Also Ober Coll & U Chgo) Supt Schs Ba- tavia 111 Bone Maurice Oberlin (ag 1914-15) Draft Batavia 111 Boner Faerie Virginia (Mrs P H An- drews) (la 1905-6) Home El Paso 111 Boner Glenna Mildred (Mrs Baker) (acad 1900-1 la 1905-6 Also 111 Wes Coll Mus 1903) Home El Paso 111 Boner Halbert Evans (acad 1900-1 m eng 1901-5 BS g 1905-6 ME) Eng Test Union Oil Co 1360 Green St San Francisco Bonfield Thos Eastman (acad 1876-7) Jour Kankakee 111 \Bonham Frank Vernam (acad 1906- 7) Teheran 111 Bonham Martha Elizabeth (la 1909-13 AB) Teach H Sch Delavan 111 (Watseka 111) Bonham Winne Martin (c eng 1904-6) 111 Highway Comm Spring"field 111 \Bonnell C M (acad 1877-8) Jersey- ville 111 Bonnell Clarence (su 1905 Also HI St Nor U) Teach Harrisburg 111 Bonnell Everett Shannon (acad 1895- 6 m eng 1899-1905 BS) M Eng US Dredge Fleet Box 1017 Memphis Tenn Bonnell Mrs E S (see Lloyd Jennie M) Bonnell Marvin Young (m eng 1908-9) Sec c/o H J Straight Ins Co 1225 Edison Bldg Chicago (5447 Ful- ton St) fBonnell William Lee (sp ag 1899- 1901) Elondale HI Bonnen Clarence Alfred (ag 1915- ) Stu Gibson City 111 Bonner Arthur Lee (eng 1914- ) Stu 702 W University Av Champaign 111 64 BONNER— BOOTH Bonner John Gordon (sp ag 1901-3) Ag Lake Villa 111 Wonner Kate Porter Harper (acad 1890-2) Champaign 111 Bonner Ray Fisher (sp ag 1912-13) Ag R3 Canton 111 Bonnett Mrs (see Crumbaugh Bertha V) Bonser Frederick Gordon (sc 1895-7 '99-1901 BS g 1901-2 MS PhD (Col) '10 Asst Psych U 111 1900-2) Prof Fndus Arts Teach Coll Col U 525 W 120th St New York tBonsib Louis William (la 1913-14) 1330 N Second St Vincennes Ind Boodel John Cullen (sc 1908-9 MD (NW)>13) Med Harvard 111 Booe Genevieve (la 1911-12) At home Kingman Ind Booker Helen Ethel (la 1899-1904 AB) Teach Chrisman 111 t Booker Jean Aldrich (la 1910-12 Also Rockford Coll) Augusta 111 Booker Lucile Alice (Mrs C B Wat- kins) (la 1894-9 AB) Home 3 Chest- nut St Cloquett Minn Booker Lucy Hannah (la 1872-3) Mis- sionary Palmur Janumpet PO Se- eundirabad Deccon S India Bookw alter Robert R (1 1904-9 LL B Also U Mich) Law 406 Daniel Bldg Danville 111 (1012 N Ver- milion St) fBoom Allen (acad 1892-3 m eng 1893-4) Chrisman 111 Boomer Cincinnatus (su 1911 _Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Buncombe 111 Boomer De Etta (Mrs Johnston) (acad 1887-8) Home 301 E Healy St Champaign 111 Boomer Ruth Lillian (su 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Tolono 111 Boomer Simeon E (sc 1908-9 AB g 1909-11 AM '13 Also S 111 St Nor Tnstr Math Acad IT 111 1909-11) Head Dept Math S 111 St Nor 1911- Car- bondale 111 boomsliter George Paul (g c eng 1909- 14 MS BS(Mich Ag) '06 Instr T&AM TT 111 1909-15) Assoc T&AM V II] 1915- 608 W Indiana Av Urbana 111 Boon Harry Lehre (acad 1896-7 la 1897-8 1900-3 AB LLB'05) Law Tucumari N Mex IBoon Hugh Thomas (ag 1903-7 BS) Armstrong 111 (602 W Oregon St Urbana 111) ?Boon Thomas J (c eng 1871-2) Sid- ney 111 Boon William Guthrie (acad 1890-1 c eng 1891-5 BS) C Eng Burlington Bldg Chicago (Downer's Grove 111) Boone Bonnie Ellyn (Mrs H W) (sp mus Feb 1915- ) Stu 1107 W Church St Champaign 111 * Boone Charles Edwin (acad 1890-1) d Chrisman 111 Boone Charles Guthrie (acad 1901-2 m eng 1902-6 BS) Fruit Grower R2 (148) N Yakima Wash Boone Elvin Edwards (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng & Sales East Pittsburg Pa (Chrisman 111) Boone George Ingels (ag 1910-14 BS) Sales Dept B F Goodrich Rubber Co 6238 Kimbark Av Chicago Boone Grace Guthrie (Mrs W W Max- well) (acad 1903-4 sp h sc 1904-7 su 1900) Home 3719 Galena St Mil- waukee Boone Homer Thornton (e eng 1904-7) Constr Eng c/o Des Moines Bridge & Iron Co Des Moines la (Shelby- ville 111) Boone Odis Vern (su 1915 Also Grove City Coll) Teach & Coach Athl 514 N Mercer St New Castle Pa t Boone Thomas Chester (la 1905-11) 110 N West St Urbana HI t Boone Walter Guthrie (acad 1902-3) Chrisman 111 Boonstra Samuel P (sp arch eng 1910-12 arch Brown Paul Maurice (c erfg 1915- ) Stu Spruce & Union St Nokomis 111 Brown Pembroke Holcomb (la 1911- 15 AB g econ 1915- ) Stu 115 Oakwood Av Rockford 111 BROWN— BRONELL 83 Brown Prentiss Marsh (g 1911-12 AB (Albion) '11) Law First Nat Bk Bldg St Ignace Mich Brown Mrs Ralph (see-Riggen Hat- tie E) Brown Ralph Edgar (cer 1907-11 BS) Cer 740 Pearl St Ottawa 111 t Brown Ralph Emerson (sp sc 1905- 6 sc 1907-8) 604 W Green St Ur- bana 111 brown Ralph Lee (la 1871-5 ML) Bnk 402 S Kline St Aberdeen SD Brown Ralph Powers (c eng 1913- ) Stu 5827 Race Av Chicago Brown Ray Manlius (c eng 1907-8) Valparaiso Ind t Brown Reuben Springer (sp ag 1908- 9) Divernon 111 ?Brown Richard Alva (su 1899) Loo- gootee Ind Brown Robert Allan (ag 1908-10) Ag Walnut Meadow Farm Bigelow Mo Brown Robert Ellsworth (sc 1908-10 AB Also Taylor U) Stu U Mich 603 W Fairchild St Danville 111 Brown Robert Rea (e eng 1912-13 com 1913- ) Stu 605 W Oregon St Urbana 111 brown Robert Wesley (sc 1912-13 MS 1914-15 BS(NW)'ll) 38 Lorel Av Chicago Brown Roberta Margaret (la h sc 1910-12 AB Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Harrisburg IJ1 (Ashton 111) Brown Roger I (su 1914 Also U Mo) Ag Hardin Mo Brown Mis Roland O (see Turner Ida E) Brown Ross Manlius (sp c eng 1908-9 Also Pur U) Ag Valparaiso Ind Brow^n Roy Hamlin (la 1902-6 AB law 1906-8" LL B) Law 317 W State St Rockford 111 (114 N Church St) Brown Russell Warden (la com 1911- 13) Acct c/o Bell Tel Co Spring- field 111 Brown Ruth Elizabeth (la 1904-7 AB) Teach 2119 Galena Av Dixon 111 Brown Rutherford Hayes (ag 1911-13) Publ 24 N Walnut St Champaign Brown Samuel Addison (su 1899 & 1901 Also Simpson Centenary Coll Indianola la) Bnk Cissna Park 111 Brown Samuel Monroe (c eng 1906-8) Rec Teller 4th Nat Bk Bldg Wich- ita Kan Brown Seymour Dewey (c eng 1900-4 BS) Sec & Ofc Mgr Brazil RR Co 9 rue Louis le Grand Paris France t Brown Sherwood Eklund (sp ag 1835 eng 1909-10 Also Lewis Inst) Greenleaf Av Chicago Brown Simon (acad 1881-2 c 1882-5) Merc Pocahontas 111 Brown Tom (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 416 Maple Av Winnetka 111 Brown Vera Mae (la 1907-8 AB (Wash) '09) Teach 4348 Seventh Av NE Seattle Brown Verna Louise (la mus 1908-11 Also St Mary's Knoxville) At home 1077 N Broad St Galesburg 111 Brown Volney Edward (sp law 1899- 1900') Grain Insp Woodstock 111 Brown Waldo Reinhart (m eng 1911- 15 AB) Niles Center 111 Brown Walter Burrows (sc 1893-7 BS MS '05) Gen Supt Victor Chem Wks Fisher Bldg Chicago (5434 Cornell Av) Brown Walter Keith (e eng 1906-8 Also Clarkson Sch Tech) E Eng 16 Nace Av Piedmont Cal Brown Walter William (ag 1915- ) Stu 1341 Broadway Quincy 111 Brown Warren Howe (acad 1896-8) Jour 605 S Market St Urbana 111 ?Brown William Bolt (sp la 1897-8) Champaign 111 Brown William Edward (acad 1900-2 arch eng 1902-6 BS) C Eng DL&W RR 303 Hudson St Hoboken NJ (Port Byron 111) Brown William Jay (arch eng 1896- 1900 BS) Arch American Trust Bldg Cedar Rapids la t Brown William Joseph (acad 1876- 7) Bates 111 t Brown William Merrill (sc 1913-14) 202 N Romine St Urbana 111 Brown William R (g chem 1915- ) Stu 704 S Third St Champaign 111 Brown Wliliia Simpson Jr (sp m eng 1909-10) Asst Sec Screw & Mach Co 954 E Lincoln Av Belvidere 111 Browne Cyril Gordon (acad 1906-8 sp m eng 1909-10 Also Bradley Poly) Teach Man Tr & Athl 1111 Lucas St Waukegan 111 Browne Mrs C G (see Hutchinson Mary A) brow^ne Lois Adeline (g engl 1913-14 AM AB(Millikin) '12) Teach Engl Union Acad Anna 111 (902 S Nor- mal Av Carbondale 111) Browne William Harcourt (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 6945 Stewart Av Chicago BROWNE William Hand Jr (AB(J Hopk) '90 Instr Eng U Neb 1896-8 Asst Prof E Eng U 111 1898-1902) Prof Phys & E Eng NC Coll Ag 1908- 1413 Hillsboro St Raleigh NC 84 BRONELL— BRUNER Bronell Chester Dean (sc 1889-93) Contr 505 S Randolph St Cham- paign 111 Brownell Frank Irving (sp ag 1910- 11) Ag Monmouth 111 Brownell Lodoski Pearle (Mrs Edwin Greeman)(la 1902-3) Home 1764 Fairmoimt Av Cincinnati Brownfield Flossie (Mrs Charles L El- lis) (h sc 1906-7) Home 644 S Sixth St Raton N Mex Brownfield Georgia (miis 1909 ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 505 High St Ur- bana 111 Brownfield Lelah (la 1906-10 AB '10-12 sp bus 1914-15) Sec Sch Com U 111 505 W High St Urbana 111 Brownfield Nora Isabella (Mrs Harry Pollock) (acad 1903-5) Home Chris- man 111 Browning Alta Mae (Mrs R C Moore) (la 1906-8) Home Elmwood Farm Rushville 111 Browning Claude William (la 1907-8) Acct 562 N 14th St E St Louis 111 (719 N 23rd St) Browning Howard Allen (arch eng 1890-4 BS) Ag Elgin 111 Browning Thomas Samuel (m eng 1913- ) Stu Benton 111 Brownlee Catherine Wyckoff (su 1911) Libr Jerseyville 111 Brownlee Elizabeth Emma (sp 1893-5) 512 W 12th St Oklahoma City BROWNLEE James Henry (AM(Mc- Kendree) '70 Teach Engl Lit & Eloc S 111 St Nor 1874-5 Prof Rhet & Ora U 111 1886-93 Teach Read & Eloc E 111 St Nor 1899-1901) Prof Ora & Lit Epworth U 1904- 510 W 12th St Oklahoma City Brownlee Kate (su 1913 & '15) Teach 320 N Main St Benton 111 Brownlee Mary Lavinia (Mrs George Frederickson) (acad 1892-3 la 1893-5) 511 W 13th St Oklahoma City Brownson Howard Gray (la 1903-6 AB g 1907-9 PhD Asst Econ U 111 su 1909) Ag 1004 39th St Cedar Rapids la Brownson Winnina Ella (la 1905-8 Al- so Wash U) Teach 512 Eastlock Ct Cedar Rapids la (Centralia 111) Brubaker Lewis Allen (arch en^; 1908- 12 BS Also Franklin & Marshall Coll) Arch 321 Main St Peoria 111 Brubaker Mrs L A (see Gere Amy R) Brubaker Percy Scott (arch eng 1904- 6) Struct Eng 7339 Princeton Av Chicago (117 W Seminole St Dwight 111) *Brubaker Samuel H (sp arch 1894-5) d Dec 3 1913 Evanston 111 *Brubaker William Arthur (arch eng 1893-6) d May 14 1896 Robinson 111 ?Bruce Frances Maude (Mrs Strain) (sp la 1899-1900) Home Milwaukee Bruce Robert Charles (m eng 1898- 1900) Supt & Eng Pub Bridges & Roads Sarasota Fla Bruce Walter Robert (la 1911-14) Stu NW U 792 Maple Av Blue Island 111 Bruce William Robert (g chem 1915- AB (Lawrence) '15) Asst Chem 704 8 Third St Champaign 111 (648 S River St Appleton Wis) Brueggeman George (acad 1886-7 min eng 1887-9) Car Builder 207 Le- banon Av Belleville 111 \Bruer William (acad 1888-90) Ur- bana 111 Bruffett Lena (sp mus 1899-1900) Urbana 111 fBruggeman August Ernest (sp m eng 1907-8) c/o Hanover Schs Brake Lemgo Germany Bruirigton Earl Vivian (ag 1912-14 '15- ) Stu Monmouth 111 Brumbach Lucia Ray (Mrs C E Bo- gardus)(la 1886-90 BL) Home 323 14th St Seattle Brumbaugh Rolland E (su 1915 Also Pa Coll) Lieut US Marine Corps Ind Regt Marines Port-au-Prince Haiti (US Marine Headquarters Washington) Brumbaugh Roy T (su 1915- Also Pa Coll) 2923 N 12th St Phila- delphia brumfiel Daniel Milton (sc 1912-13 AM AB (Lombard) '12) Instr An Biol U la 118 N Johnson St Iowa City la Brumfield Mrs R M (see Beresford Merle) Brumme Frank Julius (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) Ag Rl Cooksville 111 Brundage Avery (c eng 1905-9 BS) Supt Constr 846 Bradley PI Chicago Brundage Florence Louise (Mrs J B Messick) (la 1904-8 AB Asst Lib U 111 1909-10) Home 3016 Linden PI E St Louis 111 Brundage Martin Denman (acad 1897- 8 la 1898-1902 AB) Printer 1141 El Centro St S Pasadena Cal Bruner Arthur Abraham (sc 1911-12 Also Ind St Nor U) Mgr Oakdale Plantation Lake Village Ark Bruner Mrs Carrie Sim (Mrs H C) (sp sc 1913-14) Home 717 S Mill St Pontiac 111 Bruner Crane Simpson (acad 1910-11 c eng 1911-14) Eng c/o Gatch Smelt- BEUNER— BRYAN 85 ing & Min Co Granby Mo (Pon- tiac 111) ?Bruner Francis Gilbert (su 1900) • Dwight 111 Bruner Georgia Faye (la 1915- ) Stu 212 Forest St Eldorado 111 BRUNER James Dowden (AB (Frank- lin) '88 PhD (J Hopk) '04 Instr Mod Lang Franklin Coll 1887-9 Asst Prof Rom Lang U 111 1893-4 Prof do 1894-5 Prof do U Chgo 1895-9 Head do U NC 1901-6 Prof do 1906- 9) Pres Chowan Coll 1909- Mur- freesboro NC Bruner Mrs J D (see Cooley Eliza- beth C) Bruner Leanora Sims (la 1910-12 DO ( Kirks ville) '15 Also NW U) Osteop 207 Powers Bldg Helena Mont (Pon- tiac 111) Bruner Mary Viola (la 1910-13 AB su 1915 g lat Feb 1916- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu & Teach H Sch 510 S Goodwin St Urbana 111 (1609 Ed- gar Av Mattoon 111) Bruner Philip Rexford (la 1915- ) Stu 1116 22nd St Rock Island 111 Brunker Herschel Victor (sc 1909-11 Also Ind St Nor U) Med Casey 111 (334 N Sarah St St Louis) Brunkow Norman Ferdinand (la & arch eng 1910-14 AB Also Stout Inst) Teach Arch Draw c/o Tech H Sch Indianapolis (769 Grandview Av Du- buque la) Brunkow Otto Edwin (arch eng 1911- 12 Also Stout Inst) Instr Arch Stout Inst The Club Menomonie Wis (769 Grandview Av Dubuque la) \Brunne Frank (acad 1907-8) Cooks- ville Ill_ Brunner Camilla Margaret (la 1901- 4 AB) At home 1406 Bluff St Peru 111 Brunner Sidonia Emelia (la 1897-8 Also 111 St Nor U) At home 1406 Bluff St Peru 111 Bruns Clausy Leslie (e eng 1915- ) Stu Hartsburg 111 Bruns Herman Edward (ag 1914- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3040 Madison St Chicago Brun skill Everett Robert (chem eng 1911-15 BS) Chem The Odorono Co Blair Av Cincinnati (R3 Pontiac ™) Brunskill Eylar William (ag 1913- ) Stu R3 Pontiac 111 Brunson Arthur Maxwell (ag 1909-13 BS g agron 1915- ) Asst Plant Breed Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 907 S Sixth St Champaign 111 (1204 Western Av Joliet 111) ?Brunson Charles Morton (sp la 1895- 7) Macomb 111 Brunson Hazel Evelyn (la 1913-15) c/q J B Clow & Sons Harrison St Bridge Chicago Brush Charles E (arch 1872-7 BS) Arch 934 Irving Park Bldg Chi- cago BRUSH Daniel Harmon (AM (West Point) '71 Commandant U 111 1894- 8 Maj 25th Inf 1901 Col 24th Inf 1907 Brig Gen 1908) Brig Gen US Army (Ret) 312 Woodlawn Rd Ro- land Park Md Brush Daniel Harmon Jr (c eng 1901- 6 BS) Supt c/o People's Gas & Coke Co 5494 Cornell Av Chicago brush Elizabeth Parnham (la 1903-4 g hist 1911-12 AM '15- AB(Smith) '09) Asst Hist U 111 1910- 807 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 (Carbon- dale 111) Brush Rapp (la 1909-11) 2nd Lieut US Inf War Dept Washington Brutus Carl Russell (m eng 1915- J Stu 105 S State St Champaign 111 Brya Edward Gunning (ag 1914- Also U Notre Dame) Stu Tolono 111 Brya Frank Gunning (ag 1914-15) 305 S Wright St Champaign 111 Brvan Mrs A H (see Cheever Alice) Bryan Arthur Lynn (sc 1905-8 MD (111 Med) '14) Med 3821 Gladys Av Chicago t Bryan Earl Inman (arch eng 1908- 10) 107 Court PI Pierre SD Bryan George Archie Jr (c eng 1907- 9) Constr Eng c/o The Samuel Aus- tin & Son Cleveland (3125 Walnut St Chicago) Bryan Harvey William (e eng 1904-5) Asst Credit Man John Bressmer Co 819 S Fifth St Springfield 111 Bryan Helen Gordon (la 1901-6 AB") Teach & Mus 612 W Church St Champaign 111 Bryan John R (ag 1870-1) Ag Xenia 111 Bryan Louis Lord (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Dixon 111 Bryan Mabel Ruth (la 1915- ) Stu 116 E Church St Kewanee 111 *Bryan Orville Grant (ag 1875-6) d Bryan Sarah Elizabeth (la 1904-8 AB lib 1908-10 BLS) Loan Asst Lib U 111 1910- 612 W Church St Cham- paign 111 BRYAN Thomas Joseph (AB (Colgate) '93 AM(do)'95 BD(do)'97 PhD (Freiburg) '01 ScD (Colgate) '15 Instr 86 BRYAN— BUCHEN Chem Williams Coll 1902-3 Instr. Chem U 111 1903-6 Pure Food Comm 1906-13) Med 4100-4124 Filmore St Chicago (Oak Park 111) Bryan Mrs T J (see Myers Wissie E) Wry an Willhelmie (acad 1890-1) Park- ville 111 BRYANT Arthur Warren (ag 1899- 1901 Asst Hort Ag Exp Sta U 111 1902-3) Ag Princeton 111 Bryant Mrs A W (see Blair Sara L) BRYANT James Milton (Instr E Eng U 111 1904-5) Prof E Eng U Tex Aim*f"iTi T^f*^c *BRYANT Jennie C (Instr Eloc U 111 1874-6) d *Bryant John Howard (Trustee 1891- 5 Rensselaer Poly Memb St Legis 1842-4 & '58-60) d Jan 14 1902 Princeton 111 bryant John Myron (e eng 1910-13 MS g 1911-13 BS(Worchester Poly) '01 EE(do)'09 Instr E Eng U 111 1903-14) Prof E Eng Tex St Coll 407 W 27th St Austin Tex Bryant Lester Peck (m eng 1892-3) Adv Mgr Princeton 111 Bryant Louis Ralph (e eng 1914- ) Stu 1325 S Main St Princeton 111 Bryant Lyle (la 1915- ) Stu 617 N Center St Clinton 111 Bryant Martha A (su 1905 Also Chad- dock Coll) Teach H Sch 803 Broad- way Quincy 111 Bryant Mrs Martin S (mus sp Feb 1916- Also Albany Nor Coll) Stu Springfield Mass Bryant Ralph Clement (sc 1896-9 FE (Cor) '00) Prof Lumbering Yale U 360 Prospect St New Haven Conn Bryant Robert Alfred (la 1914- ) Stu 143 S Ashland Av La Grange 111 *Bryant William Cullen (arch 1884-8 Cert) d Apr 6 1912 Holton Kan bryce Viscount James (Hon LL D 1907) Engl Ambassador to US 1907- 12 Hindleap Forest Row Sussex England *Bryden William J (acad 1882-3) d Feb 6 1910 Monticello 111 Brydges Carl Kent (e eng 1901-5 BS) Tel Eng 5037 N Robey St Chicago (277 Division St Elgin 111) Brydon Joseph Carroll (la 1908-9) Asst Cash First Nat Bk Martinsville 111 Bubeck Charles Mitchell (su 1905 Al- so E 111 St Nor) Merc Marshall 111 Bublitz Walter John (c eng 1910-14 BS) C Eng c/o Fuller Bros Contr 901 N Fairfield Av Chicago IBuchanan Albyn (la 1885-6) Spring- field 111 t Buchanan Bessie Belle (su 1899) Peoria 111 fBuchanan Beulah Ellen (sp mus 1906- 7) Lawrenceville 111 Buchanan Charles Albert (acad 1896- 7) Art 223 N Central Av Paris HI fBuchanan Clara Gertrude (sp la 1900- I) Champaign 111 Buchanan Drayton Bloor (sp ag 1910- II) Stocks & Bonds 4937 Washing- ton Park PI Chicago *Buchanan Edwin Boyd (acad 1896-8) d June 15 1903 Paris 111 Buchanan Ethel Harriet (la 1915- ) . Stu 452 E 42nd St Chicago Wuchanan Gertrude (acad 1898-1900) 501 W California Av Urbana 111 BUCHANAN Harold Charles Asst Mech Physics U 111 1914- 412 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Buchanan Mrs Harry (see Miller Eu- nice) IBuchanan J Edgar (sp arch 1888-9) Bridgeport 111 Buchanan James William (sc 1897- 1901 BS Teach Geom & Phys & Ag U 111 Acad 1899-1901) Teach Ag 1617 Gardner Av Spokane Wash Buchanan John Lee (acad 1900-1 e eng 1901-4 BS EE'09) Bus Mgr & E Eng c/o Gen Elec Co Chicago Buchanan Kenneth (arch eng 1913-15) Adv Mgr Courier Herald 302 Dan- iel St Champaign 111 (687 W Drive Woodruff Indianapolis) Buchanan Loretta May (acad 1904-5 '08-9) At home . 412 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Buchanan Mary (su 1910 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Carbondale 111 Buchanan Ralph Ernst (ag 1906-7 Al- so Winona Ag Inst) Ag Rl Law- renceville 111 Buchanan Richard Bell (ag 1911- ) Stu 515 W 11th St Oklahoma City ^Buchanan Robert Read (acad 1903- 4) Urbana 111 Buchanan Roy Irving (ag 1913-15 BS) Ag & Teach Selma Cal Buchanan Victor Clarence (ag 1914- 15) Ag Rl Lawrenceville 111 Buchanan Wilbur L (la 1907-10 AB Also 111 Wes U JD(Chgo)'12) Law 616 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago Buchele Mary Hope (Mrs H Y Car- son) (la 1910-12) Home 395 E 16th St Brooklyn NY Buchen Helen Louise (sc 1913- ) Stu 305 E John St Champaign 111 (Mon- ticello Wis) BUCHEE— BUDING TON 87 buchen Walter Albert (g engl 1911- 13 AM AB(Wis)'ll Asst Engl U 111 1911-15) Adv Walter Thompson Adv Agency 4636 Sheridan Ed Chi- cago (7720 N Ashland Av) Bueher Cyrus G (ag 1905 Also Mt Morris Coll) Ag El Astoria 111 Bucher Ermane Gaylord (sc 1911-15 BS) Teach H Sch & Dir Band 228 Third Av S St Petersburg Fla (203 Sherman Av Pontiac 111) Buchholz Ada Lorana (su 1910 Also 111 Worn Coll) Nurse 509 Honore St Chicago Buchholz Boscoe Caleb (la 1906-8) Ag Goodwin Ark Buchwalter Grace Murray (la 1909-12 AB Also 111 St NorU)' Teach 322 Mississippi Av Joliet 111 (Gardner 111) BUCK Alonzo Morris (ME (Cor) '04 Instr E Eng Cor U 1905-6 Asst Prof E Eng NH Coll 1908-10 Prof E Eng Clarkson Sch Tech 1910-11) Asst Prof Ey E Eng U 111 1911- 607 W High St Urbana 111 \Buck Charles Hamilton (acad 1886- 7 '88-91) Bloomfield Mo Buck Colburn Fields Jr (acad 1903-4 sp ag 1904-6) Merc 629 S Sixth St Springfield 111 Buck Daniel Sidney (c eng 1912-13) Ag c/o Sherman Buck McLean 111 Buck Earl Bay (sp ag 1904-5 Also McPherson Coll) Farm Mgr & Ins Franklin Grove 111 Buck Mrs Frank C (see Van Cleave Mina J) Buck Gertrude Amelia (lib 1902-4 BLS) Prof Lib Sc Kan St Nor Sch Bm- poria Kan (Platteville Wis) Buck Harold Philbrick (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 6037 Ellis Av Chi- cago *Buck Hiram (Trustee 1872-3 Co Comm Surv & Jud 8 yr Superv Em- pire Twp 4 yr Trustee Lombard Coll 1876) d May 12 1888 Le Eoy 111 \Buck James P (acad 1888-91) Bloomfield Mo Buck Leonard (la 1905-9 AB) Asst Cash The Eookery Chicago (4646 Woodlawn Av) Buck Luella Eugenia (Mrs H E Linn) (acad 1892-3 la 1893-7 BS) Home 321 S Ashland Av LaGrange 111 Buck Merryman Estes (acad 1894-5) Electr 648 S Montana St Butte Mont Buck Oden H (m eng 1912-14) Sales Oblong 111 Buck Philip Eliot (acad 1909-10 c eng 1910-14 BS) C Eng Municipal Bldg Chattanooga Tenn BUCK Solon Justus (AB(Wis) '04 AM(Harv)'05 PhD (do) '11 Asst Amer Hist U Wis 1905-6 Instr Hist Ind U 1908-9 Bes Asst Hist U 111 1911-14 Supt Minn Hist Soc 1914-15) Asst Prof Hist U Minn 1915 Minneapolis BUCK Thomas (BS(Me)'Ol PhD (Chgo) '09 Instr Math U Me 1902-6 Instr Math U 111 1909-11) Instr Math U Cal 1911- 2131 Haste St Berkeley Cal Buck Turney English (acad 1902-5) Mech Eng 192 S Portage Path Akron O (629 S Sixth St Spring- field 111) Buck Walter Elmer (su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Virginia 111 (414 Jefferson St Beardstown 111) Buckhous Mary Gertrude (lib 1900-1 BS(Mont)'OO) Libr Missoula Mont Buckingham Arthur Ward (c eng 1908-11 BS Also Armour Inst) Asst Eng Truin Colnon Constr Co 502 Merchant's Laclede Bldg St Louis (1344 N Euclid Av) fBuckingham Eoswell H (m eng 1875- 9) c/o Illini Club St Louis •Buckingham William (m eng 1873-7 BS) d June 20 1914 Clifton Ariz Buckler Bruce Joseph (su 1912 la 1915- ) Stu Motcalf 111 Buckler Carl William (su 1908 sc 1910-12 '13-15 AB) Teach Glen- wood 111 (Metcalf 111) Buckler Helen Irene (sp mus 1915) Stu & Stenog Bus Ofc U 111 908% S Fourth St Champaign 111 Buckles Mrs William Piatt (see Camp- bell Muriel F) Buckley Everett Timothy (acad 1909- 11 sp ag 1911-12) Auto Mech 3727 Ellis Av Chicago Buckley Harry William (eng 1915- Also William & Vashti Coll) Stu 1102 E Eiver St Davenport la Buckley John (acad 1898-9 MD(I11 Med Coll) '04) Med 6658 Wentworth Av Chicago Buckley Warren Baumann (1 1909- 11) Law 710 10 LaSalle St Chi- cago (4423 W Monroe St) tBuckman Eay Franklin (la 1904-5) Gibson City 111 Buckner Orella Simmons (sc 1912-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 3 Mason St Newark NY Buckworth Dana L (acad 1879-80) Phar Sterling 111 Budan Marcus Bernard (sp 1908-9 Also la St Coll) Ag Victor Mont Budina Adolph Otto (acad 1908-10 88 BUEHLER— BULLARD arch eng 1910-14 BS) Arch Draft O 'Fallon 111 (Edwardsville 111) Budington Margaret (Mrs H G Plum) (lib 1900-1 AB(Vassar)'OO) Home c/o St U la Iowa City la Buehler Albert Carl (ag 1915- ) Stu 3528 Janssen Av Chicago fBuell Charles C (la 1885-6) Rock Falls 111 Buell Charles Clinton (la 1913- ) Stu 406 Laurel Av Highland Park 111 t Buell Edward Thomas (e eng 1898- 1903) Chicago Buell Frederick Allen (acad 1897-8 e eng 1898-1901) E Eng & Contr 143 Delaware St Denver Buell James William (la 1868-9) Author San Diego Cal Buell Mary Van Rensselaer (g chem 1915- BA(Wis)'14 MA(do) '15) Stu 115 Ely PI Madison Wis Buell Temple Hayne (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 406 Laurel Av Highland Park 111 Buellesfield Henry (la 1905-6 AB g 1906-7 AM '15 Also 111 St Nor U & Valparaiso U) Prin H Sch Forest Park 111 (Nokomis 111) tBeulow Paul Edward (m eng 1912- 13) Elgin 111 Buenger Katherine Margaret (la 1913- 15 AB Also 111 Woman's Coll) At home Granite City 111 Buenger Louis (la 1904-8 AB) Merc c/o Granite City Lime & Cement Co Granite City 111 Buenger William George (sp ag 1906- 8 acad 1908-9 Also Walter Coll) Ag Rl Granite City 111 Buerkin Edwin George Charles (sp 1905-6 acad 1906-8) Contr 1234 Broadway St Quincy 111 Buerkin Emma (Mrs R L Short) (la 1899-1902 AB) Home 7813 Frank- lin Av Cleveland Buerkin Julius Allan (arch eng 1912- Also Oberlin Coll) Stu 1234 Broad- way St Quincy 111 Buerkin Marguerite (Mrs H A Ward) (la 1900-3 AB) Home 1447 W 77th St Cleveland Buffington Frank Harris (e eng 1909- 13) Constr Eng & Wire Chf Bell Tel Co 154 N Broad St Middletown O Buffum Ruth Irene (Mrs J W Mauck- er) (la 1906-9 AB Also U Cal) Home 507 Best Bldg Rock Island 111 *Buford Clarke Howe (arch 1892-3) d July 29 1893 Rock Island 111 Buhai Abraham Samuel (cer eng 1912- ) Stu 1329 Turner Av Chicago Buhai Michael (arch eng 1910-14 BS) Draft City Eng Dept 1329 Turner Av Chicago Buhrman Elaine Louise (la 1915- Also 111 Worn Coll) Stu Nashville 111 du Buisson Johannes Petrus (sc 1911- 13 BS g 1913-14 MS Also Victoria Coll) Senekal Orange Free State S Africa Buker Edward (c eng 1905-8) Gen Car Foreman 6331 Woodlawn Av Chicago Bulkeley Claude Augustus (m eng 1900 Also Knox Coll) M Elec Eng 511 103 Park Av New York Bulkeley Oscar Ernest (c eng 1910- 12 BS BS(Knox)'05) Supt Water Dept Jackson Mich BULL Coates Preston (AB (Minn) '01 Instr Farm Crops & Asst Plant Breed U 111 1901-2 Asst Prof Ag U Minn 1902-6) Assoc Prof Agron U Minn 2137 Commonwealth Av St Paul Minn Bull Maude Emily (ag h sc 1911-15 BS) Teach Union Grove 111 BULL Sleeter (g ag 1913- BS (Buchtel) '09 BS(Ohio St) '10 MS (Pa St) '11 Asst Ag Chem Pa St Coll 1910-11 Asst An Nutr U 111 1911- 13) Assoc An Nutr U 111 1913- 806 Michigan St Urbana 111 Bull Willard Edwin (e eng 1914- ) Stu 854 S Liberty St Elgin 111 Bullard Mrs (see Elliott Elsie C) Bullard Benjamin Franklin (1 1878- 82 BL) Teach 735 Barry Av Chi- cago Bullard Clark Wesley (arch eng 1904- 9 BS) Arch 318 S Glenwood Av Springfield 111 Bullard Edward Wesley (c eng 1909- 13) C Eng Mechanicsburg 111 Bullard Edwin Elliott (e eng 1902-6 BS E Eng & Hydraulic Eng 622 Provident Bldg Tacoma Wash (426 S C St) Bullard Emma Munsell (la 1905-6 Al- so 111 Worn Coll) At home Mechan- icsburg 111 ! Bullard Francis B (sc 1875-6) Med Mt Pulaski 111 I Bullard George Wesley (arch eng 1877-82 BS M Arch '98) Arch 622 Provident Bldg Tacoma Wash (Pros- pect Hill) ! Bullard Geraldine Alice (Mrs" C F Newcomb)(la 1909-14 AB) Home 311 W Hill St Champaign 111 Bullard Helen Elizabeth (Mrs M C Bates) (la 1901-5 AB g 1905-7 AM Asst Engl U 111 1905-7) Home Brook- ings SD Bullard Julia (Mrs Helm) acad 1882- 3) Nurse 339 W Grand Av Spring- field 111 Bullard Robert Irving (acad 1894-5 la 1895-6 MD(Pa)'03) Med 524 E Capital Av Springfield 111 BULLARD— BUNN Bullard Samuel A (Trustee U 111 1889-1907 Pres Bd Trustees 1891-3 1904-7 arch 1874-8 BS g 1902-3 M Arch) Arch 317 Unity Bldg Spring- field 111 (318 Glenwood Av) Bullard S Foster (acad 1881-2 c eng 1882-6 Cert) C Eng 622 Provident Bldg Tacoma Wash (3001 N 29th St) Bullen John Lewis (ag 1877-80) Ag El Reno Okla Bullock Agnes Irene (la 1908-9 AB Also U Chgo) Teach El Paso 111 Bullock Albert Abbott (la com 1908- 9) Wholesale Furniture Warehouse Agency 674 Mission St San Fran- cisco Bullock Mrs David M (see Sowers Josephine B) Bullock Edith Ray (la 1905-9 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 322 Fifth St Cairo 111- (El Paso 111) Bullock Edwin Corliss (acad 1905-6 arch eng 1906-10 BS) Arch c/o G N 6 G L Rapp Archts 69 W Washing- ton St Chicago Bullock Florence Wingfield (la 1906- 7 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Teach El- lensburg Wash (El Paso 111) Bullock Jessie Jane (Mrs Albert Kastner)(la 1899-1900 AB g '04-6' AM) Home Fleet Sta Tacoma Wash t Bullock Lela May (la 1907-9 AB Also 111 St Nor U) 404 Second Av West Kalispell Mont Bulloch Mason (acad 1887-8) Ag Tonica 111 Bullock Oakley Ames (sp ag 1901-2) Merc Bagley la Bullock Otis LeRoy (ag 1915- Also Cor U) Stu 822 Marion St Elk- hart Ind Bullock Walter Llewllyn (su 1911 Al- so Rugby England) Stu Harv U 56 Matthews Hall Cambridge Mass Wullwirikle Benjamin (acad 1907-8) 2154 Monroe Av Chicago Bulot Francis Henri (mun eng 1909- 14 BS) Eng 4448 N Maplewood Av Chicago tBulpin Thomas W (acad 1885-6 c eng 1886-7) Chicago Bumann Albert Theodore (chem eng 1912- ) Stu Litchfield 111 Bumann Cecil Spencer (c eng 1903-6 BS Also U Ohio) C Eng Van Sant- Houghton Co 503 Market St San Francisco Bumann Edna (Mrs F P Norwood) (sp la 1906-8) Home Vinton la Bumgarner Irma Marie (la 1908-9 AB Also Millikin U) Teach McNabb 111 t Bumgarner John Swisher (acad 1900-1) Magnolia 111 Bumgarner Joshua Mills (m eng 1901-2) Ag McNabb 111 Bumgarner Ruth Sabina (la 1913-15) At home McNabb 111 Bumstead Alice Amelia (h sc 1909-14 BS) At home Dundee 111 Bumstead Arthur Pingree (la 1904-8 AB) Teach Dundee 111 Bumstead Ernest Edward (la 1911-12 Also U Cal) Stu U Cal Dundee 111 Bumstead Frank Melvin (la 1902-6 AB) Libr c/o U Cal Lib Berkeley Cal (2529 Hillgard Av) *bumstead James E (la 1873-7 Hon MS '92 MD(NW) '80) d Feb 15 1916 Dundee 111 Bumstead Whitney Vand (sc 1912-13) Publ 4446 N Hermitage Av Chicago fBunce Vincent P (sp 1869-71) Ver- sailles 111 Bunch Joseph Raymond (sp ag 1906-8) Supt Co Farm & Almshouse Beech Ridge 111 Bunch Mamie (la h sc 1907-9 '12-14 BS Also U Chgo) Instr H Sc & Chge H Sc Exten U 111 1914-15) State Leader H Sc Dem & Chge H Sc Exten 1914- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Areola 111) Bundy Carroll Edwin (e eng 1909-11) Stu U 111 Sch Phar Sheldon 111 Bundy Clyde Talbot (acad 1902-3 sp sc 1903-4) Med Earl Park Ind Bundy Flossie (Mrs N E Ensign) (mus 1905-6 BM(McKendree) '03) Home Urbana 111 Bundy Herman Winford (sp la 1901-3 Also P&S) Med Pesotum 111 t Bundy John Leland (ag 1912-13) Bruce 111 tBundy Orall Edgar (c eng 1913-14) Bruce 111 Bundy Raphael Parmer (la 1898-1902 AB law 1902-4 LL B) Law Zions- ville Ind *Bundy William Henry (c eng 1907-8) d Cherry 111 IBunge Ralph William (m eng 1909- 14 BS) Cleveland Bunn Benjamin Harrison (m eng 1907- 8) Inventor & Mfg 9970 Charles St Chicago Bunn Charles Montgomery (e eng 1906-10 BS) Sales Eng 1006 W 103rd St 2nd Flat Chicago Bunn Frank Wilson (acad 1883-4 m eng '84-6) M Eng c/o John A Roe- bling's Sons Co Trenton NJ Bunn Mrs F W (see Glenn Carrie) Bunn Harry C (acad 1879-80) Stocks & Bonds 402 Corn Belt Bk Bldg 90 BUNN— BURGESS Bloomington 111 Bunn Nixon Lawrence (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng 823' S Seventh St Springfield 111 Bunn Walter Pennington (acad 1893-4 la '94-5) Trav 1424 Madison Av Memphis Tenn Bimnelle Paul Allen (c eng 1907-9 Also Armour Inst) C Eng Ohio Match Co 220 N Pardee St Wads- worth O Bimnelle Mrs PA (see Wassell Lcla E) Bunting Charles Austin (m eng 1907- 11 BS) M Eng 1229 Kentucky St Quincy 111 Bunting Lloyd Daniel (la 1912-15 1 '15- ) Stu Ellery 111 Bunting Lyman Jesse (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag 310 S Natchez Av N Yak- ima Wash Bunton Fred Lyle (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-91 BS) Mgr E Keeler Co 905 Commonwealth Bldg Pittsburg Burbank Harry Fay (sp ag 1901-3) Fruit Ranch Etiwanda Cal Burbidge Eugene Leslie (e eng 1906-8) E Eng c/o Interstate Consol Tel Co Spokane Wash (E 637 Augusta Av) Burch Evelyn Ruth (la 1915- ) Stu 1006 E Fourth St Sterling 111 Burch George Francis (c eng 1904-9 BS) Asst Eng St Highway Comm 1124 S Walnut St Springfield 111 ?Burch Leslie (sp arch 1899-1900) Decatur 111 Burch Margaret Bruce (la 1914-15) Stu Lockport 111 Burch William Harrison (m eng 1905- 9 BS) Grain & Coal Dealer Morrison 111 \Burcham Charles (acad 1877-8) Me- chanicsburg 111 *Burchard Horatio Chapin (Trustee 1867-70 Hamilton U 1847-50 Also Beloit Coll Memb Congress & Dir US Mint) d May 14 1908 Burd Mrs B F (see Pickrell Priscella) burd Henry Alfred (g la 1910-11 AM 1911-12 '14-15 PhD BS(I11 Wes) '10 Asst Prof Engl Hiram Coll) Instr Engl U Wis 1915- 223 S Mills Madi- son Wis (Armstrong 111) ' Burd Robert Holdren (ag 1914-15) Ag Thayer la (5603 Maple Av St Louis) Burdick Anna Lavinia (Mrs Myers) (acad 1900-1 la 1901-2 BS(NW) '07) Home R2 Stonington 111 Burdick Charles Baker (mun eng 1891- 5 BS CE'12) C Eng 1417 Hartford Bldg Chicago Burdick Jay Horace (ag 1897-1901 BS) c/o Burdick Banner Co 460 Du Page St Elgin 111 (25 S Channing St) Burdsal Charles Souther d (acad 1890-1 min eng 1891-3) Min Eng & Contr 255 Wilson St Salem Ore Burford Cary Clive (la 1900-4 AB g 1904-5 AM) Bus Mgr 808 W Green St Urbana 111 Burg Bernhard Benjamin (e eng 1910- 12 Also U Chgo) Teach Waukegan 111 Burg Harold Edgar (e eng 1913-14 '15- Also Millikin U) Stu 865 S Moffit St Decatur 111 Burgan Laverne (la 1913-15) At home Ridge Farm 111 Burge George (acad 1906-7) US Na- turalization Examiner 221 Custom House St Louis BURGE William Edward (AB(R Ma- con) '03 AM(do)'06- PhD(JHopk) '09) Asst Prof Physiol U 111 1912- 504 W High St Urbana 111 (Machias Me) Burgeleit Walter Henry (su 1915 Also Tech U Dresden Ger) Cor Sixth & Capitol Sts Springfield 111 *Burgener Claude Emanuel (la 1904- . 10 AB g 1910-11 AM) d June 29 1912 Champaign 111 Burger Albert Harold (ag 1913- ) Stu 12 Walker PI Elgin 111 BURGER Carl Victor (B Arch (Cor) '12 Also LeStan U 1905-6 Sch of Mu- seum Fine Arts Boston 1912-15) Instr Draw Arch Dept U 111 1915- 924 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Mary- ville Tenn) *Burger Howard Jean (la 1910-14) d Mar 12 1915 Woodstock 111 t Burger Irwin Louis (c eng 1902-3) Woodstock 111 Burgess Mrs (see Dougan Frances B) *Burgess Ada A (e eng 1873-4) d Jan 20 1907 Tonica 111 BURGESS Albert Franklin (BS(Mass Ag)'95 MS(do)'97 Asst Entom U 111 1899-1900 Asst Ohio Ag Exp Sta 1900-2 Chf Insp do 1902-7) Agt & Insp US Bur Entom 1907- 47 Sar- gent St Melrose Highlands Mass Burgess Benjamin Payson (c eng 1904- 8 BS) Eng F T Crowe & Co 411 Globe Bldg Seattle (6329 16th St NE) Burgess Carrie Vesta (sc 1910-12) Teach Dundee 111 IBurgess Charles Oliver (su 1902) Champaign 111 Burgess Clark M (ag 1875-6) Ag Bement 111 Burgess Frank M (ag 1904-9 BS) Ag BUBGESS— BUBKHABT 91 Douglass Kan Burgess Fred Henry (c eng 1900-4 BS) C Eng c/o Amer Bridge Co St Louis (1220 Blackstone Av) Burgess Harry Holdridge (c eng 1906- 8 AB 1908-9 BS) Eng Butner Bros 1002 NY Life Bldg St Paul Minn BUBGESS Laurie Lome (BS(Dalhou- sie)'05 AM(Harv)'06 PhD (do) '09 Instr Chem U Me 1907-9 Assoc Chem U 111 1911-12 Asst Prof Chem U Sask 1912-14) Prof Chem U Sask 1914- Saskatoon Sask Can Burgess Malcolm Herbert (ag 1914- ) Stu 405 N Third Av Canton 111 Burgess Mary C (Mrs W B Curran) (sp 1873-4) Home 726 Park Av Pekin 111 *Burgess Myron W (sp 1873-4) d Apr 4 1914 Trumball Neb Burgess Oscar William (la 1914- ) Stu Fairfield 111 burgess Paul Steere (sc 1910-11 MS BS(BI St) '10 Asst Bact U 111 1911- 12) Chem & Bact Hawaiian Sugar Planters Honolulu HI Burgess Balph Boyal (eng 1900-4 BS) Arch 301 Bobinson Bldg Bock Island 111 (1127 Perry St Davenport la) *Burgess Thomas Godfrey (c eng 1908- 12) d Mar 1 1912 Aurora 111 Burgess Wilmot Amos (su 1909 &'13 AB (Toronto) '08) Teach 218 Elwood St St Louis Burgett Charles Culbertson (la 1914- ) Stu Newman 111 Burgett Jay Thomas (la 1905-7) Cash Bk Newman 111 Burggraf Carl Irven (c eng 1901-4 '13-14 BS) Eng c/o St Highway Comm Springfield 111 BUBGHABT Lloyd Meeks (g 1909-10 AB ( Lake Forest ) '06 AM (Me) T 1I Instr Chem U 111 1909-10) Asst Prof Chem U Me Forrest Av Orono Me Burgner Harley Thompson (e eng 1907-10 BS Also Carthage Coll) E Eng c/o 111 Traction Co Peoria 111 Burgner Olive Francis (Mrs J C Mc- Neill) (su 1901) Home New Holland 111 Burgoon David Warner (e eng 1912- ) Stu 1911 W 19th St E St Louis 111 Burgston Clyde Harold (ag 1913- ) Stu 836 15th St Moline 111 tBurk Frank Dixon (e eng 1910-11 Also St Edwards Coll) Orizaba Ver Mex Burkam John (sp 1901-3) Chf Draft & Mech Design H Mueller Mfg Co Sarnia Ont Can (113 Emma St S) Wurke Annabelle (acad 1910-11) 1103 W Illinois St Urbana 111 burke Charles E (sc 1909-11 PhD AB (McMaster) '07 AM (do) '09) Asst Prof Chem U Va Burlington Va Burke Edmund (la 1913-14 com 1915) Stu 700 Marshall St Milwaukee Burke Edmund (sc 1907-8 BS(Chgo) '11 MD(Bush)'13) Med 817 Sev- enth St La Salle 111 Burke Edmund Joseph (c eng 1912-13) C Eng 4242 Monroe St Chicago Burke Eugene I (sc 1896-1900 BS) V- Pres Citizens St Bk Champaign 111 t Burke Gertrude Frances (la 1912-13 Also Valparaiso U) 5305 Emerald Av Chicago Burke Mrs Gordon (see Holton Fran- kie) Burke Hubert (ag 1913-14) Sales Dept A O Smith Mfg Co 700 Mar- shall St Milwaukee ?Burke Ira Hanna (sp ag 1906-8) 408 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Burke James Joseph (m eng 1903-6) 413 W Adams St Springfield 111 Burke Paul (m eng 1905-9 BS) Sales Eng c/o Palm Vacuum Cleaner Co Detroit (Three Bivers Mich) IBurke Balph (m eng 1910-14 BS) Mnin St Three Bivers Mich Burke William Fogarty (ag 1914- ) Stu 503 Delavan St Lincoln 111 Burke William Harry (e eng 1892-6) Pres & Mgr Motor Mfg Co Sandusky O \Burlctt Edward D (acad 1877-8) Dixon 111 •Burkett John (la com 1872-3) d Todds Point 111 Burkhalter Balph Marks (c eng 1903- 7 BS) Pub Serv Comm 50 Court St Brooklyn NY Burkhalter Wayne Edison (c eng 1899-1903 BS) Eng Spokane Port- land & Seattle BB 11th & Hoyt Sts Portland Ore Burkhalter Mrs W E (see Scherer Jose- phine) Burkhardt Arthur Alvin (sp ag 1901- 2) Ag Sorento 111 ?Burkhardt Charles (gen 1868-9) Springfield 111 Burkhardt Clarence Ware (g 1914- AB (Butler) '14 Stu Elwood Ind Burkhardt John Herman (1 1902-4 LL B Also N 111 St Nor) Law 1118 Detroit St Denver Burkhart Ethel (Mrs L A Colp) (sp mus 1906-7 Also Christian Coll) Home Marion 111 Burkhart Harry Louis (chem eng 1907- 9) Clk 505 Western Av Blue Island 111 92 BURKHART— BURNS Burkhart Mrs Henry (see Woodworth Metta Edna) Burkhart Jean (la 1901-3 AB) Shoe Merc Marion 111 Burkhart Paul Henry (in eng 1912- ) Stu Box 664 Henry 111 Burkhart Ralph (sc 1908-10 DDS (NW) '13) Dent Marion 111 Burkland Theodore Leonard (eng 1894- 9 BS) Pres Bk 1621 Harris Trust Bldg Chicago ?Burleigh Cornelius Howard (acad 1894- 5 arch eng 1897-8) 1526 Main St Evanston 111 Burleigh Inez Lillian (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu Crystal Lake 111 t Burleigh Otto Franklin (acad 1894- 5) Champaign 111 Burleson Mrs Lucy L (su 1913 Also U Tex) Libr San Marcis Tex Burley Walter Bromley (m eng 1906- 10) Supply Sales c/o Gen Elec Co St Louis (Edison Park Chicago) Burling Harold Dodge (acad 1906-9) Sales Riverside Sta Chicago burlison William Leonidas (g 1905- 8 MS '12-15 PhD BS(Okla)'05 Asst Prof Okla A&M Coll 1908-10 do SD St Coll '10-11 Assoc Crop Prod U 111 1912-15) Assoc Prof Crop Prod 6 Assoc Chief U 111 1915- 1104 S Third St Champaign 111 tBurnam Harry Stough (law 1912-13 Also U Wis)' 407 Chestnut St Lex- ington Ky Burnap Henry F (chem 1875-7 MD (St Louis) '78) Med 2602 College Av Alton 111 Burnap Lucile Thompson (Mrs G R Swain) (su 1906 Also Shurtleff Coll) Home 1515 Jersey St Alton 111 ?Burnap Sherberne Mathews (sp 1901- 2) Clear Lake 111 Burnell Mrs (see Logan May E) Burnell Kingsley Abner (c eng 1907- 10 BS) C Eng Claremont Cal ?Burnett Addie Elizabeth (su 1900) Peoria 111 Burnett Birch Wesley (acad 1907-9) 666 Holly St St Paul Minn Burnett Don Whiteside (sp ag 1910- 11) Ag Villa Grove 111 Burnett Edith (ag h sc 1908-9) At home 805 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Burnett Fred William (ag 1907-10) Ag Stuttgart Ark t Burnett Reid A (acad 1909-10) Mil- ford 111 fBurnett Roland (m eng 1899-1900) N Harvey 111 Burnett William Jr (e eng 1912-14 BS Also Millikin U) E Eng 2212 W Edward St Decatur 111 Burnett William Thomas (eng 1901-5 BS) E Eng 406 W California St Urbana 111 BURNHAM Alton Cyril (g 1894-6 '97-8 BS (Mich Ag) '93 LL B (111 Coll Law) '09) Asst M Eng U 111 1894-5 Instr Math do '95-8) Pres Amer Ex- ten U 1909- 1550 Curran St Los Angeles Burnham Mrs AC (see Burnham Mrs Madge Julia) *burnham Daniel Hudson (Hon LL D 1905 Past Pres Amer Inst of Arch Chm US Comm Fine Arts) d June 1 1912 Heidelburg Ger Burnham Edna Sophia (sc 1898-1901 '06-7 AB su '03) Teach & Mgr Lunch Rm Dixon 111 Burnham James E (m eng 1875-7) Law 110 E Second St Pomona Cal *Burnham Mrs Madge Julia (Mrs A C) (la 1897-8) d Oct 28 1904 Urbana 111 Burnham Marjorie Olive (Mrs Chaun- cey Cooper) (la 1912-13 Also Linden- wood Coll) Home Greencastle Ind Burnham Robert Davison (sc 1890-1 '94-5) Farm Loans 722 University Av Champaign 111 Burnham Mrs R D (see Wilcox Mae) Burno Louis Kelsey (m eng 1907-8) Sales 239 Cochran St Blue Island 111 Burns Ardean (ag 1911-13) Asst Agt 5518 Drexel Av Chicago Burns Charles Naley (1 1912-13 BS (Knox) '12) Jour 513 W South St Galesburg 111 Burns Clifford Clare (ag 1914- Also U Wis) Stu E Dubuque 111 Burns Cyril Agard (la 1906-11 AB law 1910-13 LLB Also U Mich su 1912) Law & Invest Sterry Blk Pon- tiac 111 Burns Deane (e eng 1903-7 BS Also W 111 St Nor Asst Chem U 111 1907) Chem & Asst Dir Lab National Car- bor Co Cleveland O Burns Mrs Deane (see Grosh Eliza- beth P) Burns Ella (la 1912-14) At home 710 Franklin St Grand Rapids Mich Burns Franklin Barnhart (la 1912-14 AB Also Mich Ag Coll) Agt Fidelity & Casualty Co NY Corn Exch Bk Bldg Chicago (36 Hickory St Hins- dale 111) t Burns Joe Kossuth (Jack) (e eng 1907-11 BS) 368 Bewick St Detroit (Green view 111) Burns Josephine Elizabeth (la 1907-9 AB g 1909-11 AM '11-13 PhD Also BURNS— BURROWS 93 W 111 St Nor) Instr Math U 111 1913- 15) At home 1023 W Adams St Ma- comb 111 Burns Louis Kelsey (m eng 1907-8) Sales 239 Cochran St Blue Island 111 1 'Burns Lubin Bay (acad 1891-2) Champaign 111 Burns Mabel Blanche (Mrs A C Mont- gomery) (sp h sc 1906-7 Also N 111 St Nor) Home Fedora SD (R5 Prince- ton 111) t Burns Mabel Margaret (su 1906 Also 111 Wom's Coll) Tolono 111 Burns Owen Mcintosh (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 429 N Hazel St Dan- ville 111 Burns Robert Henry (1 1907-8) Law Herrin 111 Burns Ruth Mitchell (Mrs A R Lord) (la 1907-11 AB g 1911-12 AM '13) Home 1532 E Marquette Rd Chicago (1025 W Adams St Macomb 111) *Burns Sarah (bc 1872-3) d Nov 23 1894 Areola 111 Burns Valerie Irene (la 1915- ) Stu 1282 Hamilton Av St Louis Burns Wayne Emerson (la 1915- ) Stu Mansfield 111 Burns Wilber Maurice (la 1915- ) Stu 710 Franklin St SE Grand Rapids Mich Burns William Earl (e eng 1910-11) Clk Mendota 111 t Burns William Edmund (1 1908-9) Ashland 111 Burnside Elizabeth Helen (lib 1905-7 BLS Also Penn Coll la) Libr Brad- ley Poly Inst Peoria 111 Burnside Karl Ackerman (arch eng 1914- ) Stu Orleans la Burr Chauncy Stillwell (c eng 1905-6 Also U Chgo) Trans San Francisco Burr Elizabeth Hall (Mrs'C E Kelso) (lib 1900-4) Home 408 Hill St Champaign 111 Burr Ellis M (m eng 1874-8 BS) Pres Burr Co 408 Hill St Champaign 111 Burr Frances Cassandra (Mrs G A Lovingfoss) (acad 1882-3 la 1883-4) Home Philo 111 Burr Mrs Frank (see Clark Edith) Burrell Beulah (la 1913- ) Stu 922 Richland Av Effingham 111 t Burrell Clarence Henry (la 1905-6) Effingham 111 Burrell Ethel North (Mrs G C Bark- ley Jr) (la 1908-11 AB Also U Cin) Home 857 Beecher St Cincinnati Burrell Thomas Henry (arch eng 1912- ) Stu Albion 111 Burres Opal (la 1904-8 AB g 1908- 9 AM '09-12 su 1915) Teach 208 W Elm St Urbana 111 Burrill Evelyn (Mrs W A Lewis) (la 1899-1902 AB) Home 3537 Camp- bell St Kansas City Mo *Burrill Irene Elsa (Mrs H M Dansie) (sp 1897-1900 acad 1900-5 sp mus 1905-9) d June 20 1915 Colorado Springs Colo *Burrill Mildred Ann (Mrs H M Stone) (acad 1897-9 la 1900-3 AB AM '08) d Jan 9 1912 Blooming- ton 111 *burrill Thomas Jonathan (AM(NW) '76 PhD (Old Chgo) '81 LL D(NW) '93 LL D (111) '12 Asst Prof Nat Hist U 111 1868-70 Prof Bot & Hort do 1870-3 Dean Coll Sc do 1878-84 Act Regent do 1879-94 Dean Gen Fac do 1894-1901 Dean Grad Sch do 1894- 5 Vice Pres do 1897-12) Prof Bot Emeritus U 111 1912-16) d Apr 14 1916 Urbana 111 Burrill William Thomas (arch 1891- 5 BS) Struct Eng 2376 Carter Av St Paul Minn Burroughs Dent El wood (la 1876-9) Drug 730 St Louis St Edwardsville 111 Burroughs Edward (acad 1892-3 la 1893-5) Teach El Paso 111 Burroughs Elmer (eng 1895-1900 BS) Acct 5107 Cummings St Omaha Neb t Burroughs Frank Morgan (sp 1868- 70) Champaign 111 (Savoy 111) Burroughs George Earl (sp e eng 1905- 6 Also Ohio N U) M Eng Dun- dee Mich ?Burroughs Glenn Wilson (su 1906) Teach Catlin 111 Burroughs Guy Chaney (arch 1901-4 '05-6) Arch 830 Union Trust Bldg Cincinnati t Burroughs Jennie (su 1910 Also 111 St Nor U) Normal 111 *Buxroughs John Curtiss (Trustee 1867- 70 (STD( Rochester) '58 LL D(Wis) '69 Pres Old U Chgo 1856 Asst Supt Chgo Pub Schs) d April 21 1892 Chicago t Burroughs John Edward (c eng 1904-7) Edwardsville 111 \ Burroughs Joseph V (acad 1880-1) Decatur 111 Burroughs Wilbur Gordon (e eng 1904-9 Also McKendree Coll) Instr Math 341 Merrick Av Detroit Burroughs William Elmer (e eng 1896-1900 BS) Acct 802 Farnam St Omaha Burroughs Mrs William V (see Gross Lola B) Burroughs Zoelah Maria (Mrs J D Hoffman) (la 1897-8 Also Pratt Inst) Home Sta A Lincoln Neb Burrows Park Tunis (eng 1888-92 BS 94 BURRUSS— BURWASH Asst Math U 111 1891-2) Arch 221 Mississippi Av Davenport la Burruss Ninian Ross (ag 1910-12) Auctioneer & Ag Carrollton 111 \Burry James Jr (acad 1899-1900) 4862 Washington Av Chicago fBursom Luther E (la 1871-2) Ver- milion 111 fBurson Norman Alexander (m eng 1907-8) Piano 111 Burstrom Stephen William (e eng 1906-7 '09-13 BS) Elec Inspec 4922 Christiana Av Chicago Burstrom Mrs S W (see Crawford Mayme B) Burt Mrs (see Hutchins Emma M) Burt Angelo Raymond (acad 1879-80 m eng 1880-3) Sec Burton-Swartz Cy- press Co Burton La (601 N Car- rolton Av New Orleans) Burt Charles Ward (g 1896-7 MD (Drake) '01) Med Valley Junction la *Burt Frank Ashley (acad 1881-2 m eng 1882-3) d Sept 12 1906 San Francisco Burt Frank S (la 1879-81) Mfg San Antonio Tex (Urbana 111) Burt Henry Jackson ~"(c eng 1889-92 . '94-6 BS CE'14) C Eng 1400 Mon- roe Bldg Chicago (1027 Elm wood Av Wilmette 111) Burt Mrs H J (see Fleming Edith A) Burt Ida Kate (Mrs Pope) (sp 1872- 4) Home 738 y 2 S Second St Louis- ville Ky Burt James D (acad & sp arch 1888- 91) Arch 538 Grove St Montclair NJ tBuRT John Little (m eng 1905-11 BS) 1 Wentworth St S Hamilton Ont Can "Burt Lauren Darton (la 1914-15) Savoy 111 Burt Lulu (Mrs J G Nicolet) (la 1893- 4) Home 708 W Illinois St Ur- bana HI Burt Myra Ernestine (Mrs Busey Bes- ley)(acad 1891-2 la 1892-3) Home 4515 Greenwood Av Chicago Burt Nora (Mrs H M Dunlap) (la 1872-4) Home Savoy 111 Burt Paul Gordon (arch eng 1907-10 Also U Neb) Arch Draft 321 N Mason Av Chicago Burt Ruth Cornelia (Mrs C P Griffith) (la 1912-13) Home Moberly Mo Burt Mrs T A (see Besore Ida May) Burt Mrs T A (see Besore Jessie) *Burtin Louis Theodore (gen 1871) d Jan 1 1885 Nauvoo 111 Burtis Altha (sp la 1909-10 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach St Louig tBurtle Anna Elizabeth (su 1902) Glenarm 111 Burtnett Reid Aaron (acad 1909-10 e eng 1912-15) Teach H Sch Cham- paign 111 (1347 McClair Av St Louis) Burton Albert Harvey (la 1905-7 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch 587 E Alder Av Portland Ore (Cisne HI) Burton Allen Parker (sp 1870-1) Ag 220 Weston St Rensselaer Ind Burton Charles William (la 1909-12 Also U Mich) Law Edwardsville 111 Burton Clifford Ketchum (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 311 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Burton Clyfton Earnest (su 1911 Also Pur U) Merc French Lick Ind Wurton Delos (acad 1910-11) To- leda 111 Burton Dora Francelia (Mrs F J Foote) (acad 1890-1 la 1891-2 see also Dora Francelia B Foote) Home 285 E 14th Av Columbus O Burton Earl Kellis (c eng 1907-11 BS) Res Eng Trussed Concrete Steel Co c/o Behn Bros San Juan Porto Rico *Burton Geneva (sp a&d 1899-1900) d Apr 4 1906 Granite City 111 Burton Harry Frazee (su 1912 Also Ind U) Teach 1324 Broadway St Vincennes Ind fBurton James Gaff (sc 1880-1) Ar- eola 111 Burton Lawrence Vreeland (chem eng 1907-11 BS 1912-14 MS Asst Chem U 111 1912-13 Asst Bact U 111 1913-15) Stu Yale U 1915- c/o Bacteriol Dept Springfield Sch New' Haven Conn (209 Downer PI) Aurora 111 Burton Malcolm Vreeland (la 1915- ) Stu 209 Downer PI Aurora 111 Burton Nina Pearl (ag 1914- ) Stu 3412 Walnut St Chicago Burton Richard Cole (ag 1915- ) Stu Richmond 111 Burton Robert Al?on Jr (la 1913-16) Jour c/o System Magazine 5205 Dor- chester Av Chicago BURTON Samuel Chatwood (ACTC (Blackburn Tech) AM(SW Poly Lon- don) Also Acad Julian & Colanssi Paris Instr Arch U 111 1912-15) Instr Arch Painting U Minn 1915- 321 14th Av SE Minneapolis Burtt Wilson Bryant (c eng 1892-4) Capt US Army San Francisco Cal Burwash Arthur Ernest (ag 1907-12 BS) Ag Savoy 111 Burwash Carrie Lavina (sp 1873-4) At home 610 W Green St Champaign BUR WASH— BUSEY 95 111 Burwash Clarence Fletcher (ag 1907- 13 BS) Ag Alvin 111 (Box 270 Champaign 111) Burwash Florence Lerria (Mrs F L B Roy) (acad 1901-3 sc 1903-6) Home Burgettstown Pa Burwash Grace Sarah (la 1915- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Champaign 111 Burwash Hattie Lovina. (Mrs E R Welshby) (la 1872-4) Home 512 W White St Champaign HI Burwash Lois Irene (acad 1900-1 sc 1901-6 AB 1906-7 AM) Teach Mor- ton 111 (1303 W University Av Champaign 111) Burwash Louis Stephen (ag 1913- ) Stu 711 S Elm St Champaign 111 Burwash Lucile Pauline (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Champaign HI Burwash Mabel Estella (la 1908-12 AB'13 g 1913-14) At home 1303 W University Av Champaign 111 Burwash Mary Gladys (la 1909-13 lib 1915- ) Stu 711 S Elm St Cham- paign 111 burwash Milo Benedict (ag 1871-2 MS) Eet 610 W Green St Cham- paign 111 Burwash Milo Eugene (ag 1904-8 BS) Ag Alvin 111 Burwash Ralph Samuel (m eng 1912- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Champaign 111 Burwash Ruth Margaret (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 711 S Elm St Cham- paign 111 Burwash Thomas Clifford (la 1910- 14 AB) Cash Citizen's St Bk Tab Ind (1303 W University Av Cham- paign 111) Burwash Thomas Nathaniel (ag 1868- 71 ' Also U Mo MD(Mo Sch Med) '78 Ret Med 1303 W University Av Champaign HI Busby Beulah B (sp mus Feb 1915 Also Hedding Coll) Teach Vermont 111 (Sparland 111) Busby Horace V (c eng 1908-9) PO Clk Nokomis 111 Busch Bertha (Mrs F J Foersterling) (acad 1906-7) Home 108 Alice Av Peoria 111 Busch Emanuel (sc 1905-6) Drug 3958 Evanston Av Chicago (3962 Broadway) Busch Louis Arthur (sp law 1905-8) Law Urbana 111 Buschman Louis Herman Adrian (la 1909-12 AB(Wash St L) '15 LL B (do) '15) Law 541-2 Pierce Bldg St Louis Busey Allen (sp mus 1896-8) Merc 607 N Coler Av Urbana 111 Busey Bertha (sp la 1902-5) At home 502 W Main St Urbana HI t Busey Carolyn Elizabeth (ag h sc 1903-8 AB) Urbana 111 Busey Catharine (Mrs Arnold) (la 1874-5) Robinson 111 Busey Catherine Mary (sp mus 1905- 8) Clk Bd Ed & Clk Ofc Supt Schs 601 E Park St Champaign HI Busey Charles Bowen (la 1904-8 AB g 1908-10) Bnk 604 W Green St Ur- bana 111 *Busey Charles Simpson (m eng 1895- 6) d Nov 5 1901 Philipine Islands Busey Frances (acad 1908-10 sp mus 19i0-ll) At home 914 W Oregon St Urbana HI Busey Frank Augusta (Mrs E F Soule) (acad 1901-3 mus 1903-5) Home 114 Holbrook Av Detroit *Busey Frank Lyman (m eng 1891-5 BS '97-98 ME Eng Exp Sta U 111 1907-11) d June 8 1914 Buffalo NY Busey Garreta Helen (su 1910 ag h sc*1915- BA (Welles) '15) Stu 503 W Elm St Urbana 111 ?Busey Harold Karcher (sp ag 1911- 13) Holland Hotel Danville 111 Busey John W (ag 1868-9) Bnk 811 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Busey Josephine Kathryn (su 1908 & '10 la 1911-14 '15- ) Stu 914 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Busey Kate Wheeler (Mrs W W Ar- nold) (la 1904-7 '08-9) Home Rob- inson 111 Busey Laura (Mrs W J Fulton) (acad 1893-4 la 1894-8) Home Sycamore 111 Busey Lettie Louise (Mrs Carleton Trimble) (mus 1909-11) Home Home- wood Farms Trimble HI Busey Marietta Ruth (Mrs G A Taw- ney) (acad 1893-4 sp h sc 1901-2 sp mus 1903-4 g 1907-9 AB(Vassar) '99 AM(Cin)'12) 354 Thrall Av Clifton Cincinnati Busey Martin Kaucher (acad 1901-2) Cash Bk Mahomet 111 Busey Mary (Mrs Lee Jutton) (acad 1899-1901 mus 1901-3 '04-5) Home Urbana HI Busey Mrs Mary Elizabeth Bowen (Mrs S T) (Trustee 1905 At Vassar 1870-4 Memb Urbana Sch Bd 1896- 1900 '02-6 Memb St Bd 111 Equal Suf- frage Assoc 1914- Trustee Presby Ch Champaign 1894) Home &; Overseer 96 BUSEY— BUTLEB Farm Lands 502 W Main St Urbana 111 Busey Nora John (Mrs Clyde Elvis) (mus 1911-13) Home 811 W Ore- gon St Urbana III Busey Paul Graham (acad 1897-8 la 1898-1901 Also Art Inst Chgo) V- Pres Bk 911 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Busey Mrs P G (see Black G Blanche) Busey Eobert O (la 1895-1900 AB AM(Harv)'06 PhD(do)'12) Asst Prof Ger Ohio St U 2050 Inka Av Columbus O t Busey Samuel (acad 1884-6) Cham- paign 111 Busey Simeon Harrison (acad 1901-3) Cash Bk Urbana 111 Busey Mrs Verna Kerker (Mrs S H) (see also Kerker Verna mus 1908-12) Busey Virginia Eichards (Mrs J F Churchill) (la 1901-2 '04-5) Home 200 E 55th St Chicago Bush Alexander (la 1914- ) Stu 830 Greenleaf Av Glencoe 111 Bush Alma Kathryn (Mrs Lowther) (sp h sc 1905-7) Home N Yakima Wash Bush Arthur Willis (arch 1890-4 BS) Supt Utilities Co 411 Avenue B Sterling 111 Bush Earl Eay (acad 1905-6) Mgr Cen 111 Utilities Comm Milford 111 Bush Edward Moree (1 1907-8 AB (Lake Forest) '06) E Est 653 S Chi- cago St Joliet 111 Bush Esther Virginia (la 1915- Also Ind U) Stu 523 N Ewing St Sey- mour Ind. Bush Frank Avery (la 1911-15 AB) Mer 220 W Armstrong Av Peoria 111 Bush James Ackerman (ag 1902-6 BS) Ag Amarillo Tex (Hause- ville NY) Bush John Kenyon (la 1896-1900 AB g '02-3 AM Also U Chgo Asst Chem U 111 1902-3) Cash Bk 5036 21st St NE Seattle Bush Mrs J K (see Taylor Helen M) Bush Julia Florence (Mrs Eoger Lit- tle) (acad 1906-7 sp h sc 1907-8 see also Little Mrs Julia F) Home 606 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Bush Kenneth Burman (c eng 1910- ) Stu 1225 Park PI Quincy 111 Bush Lincoln (c eng 1884-8 BS Hon ED '05 Also Cook Co Nor Sch Instr Des Geom U 111 1889-90) Consult Eng 1 Madison Av New York (281 Springdale Av East Orange NJ) Ibush Minnie May (la 1908-9 AM AB ( Cor ) '05 ) Knoxville la Bush Ealph Hopkins (la 1908-9 AB (Lake Forest) '11) Teach 653 S Chi- cago St Joliet 111 (Yankton SD) Bushman Virgil Earle (sp 1900-3) Milledgeville 111 Bushman William Henry H (la 1915- ) Stu Edwardsville 111 Bushnell Allen Bynnen (sp law 1908- 11) Ag Waveland Miss Bushnell F/thel May (Mrs Clarence Waring) (la 1904-8 AB Also Chgo Kindergarten Inst) Kindergarten Dir 580 McAllister St San Francisco Bushnell George Stearns (m eng 1900- 1) Sales Essex Varnish Co 92 Vesey St Newark NJ (6320 Yale Av Chicago) Bushnell Horace Leland (arch eng 1904-8 BS) Struct Eng 424 New York Blk Seattle Bushnell Howard Blaine (c eng 1904- 7 BS) Division Eng c/o State High- way Comm Springfield 111 Bushnell Mrs L D (see Warner Flor- ence) Bushnell Euth Charlotte (su 1914) Stenog 730 Emerson St Evanston 111 (127 North St Waukegan 111) Bushnell Vance Luik (eng 1913-14) 145 N Fifth St Elkhart Ind Bushong Mabel Leone (Mrs Chester Sar- gent) (la 1905-7 '09-10) Home 1310 Scott Av Hubbard Woods 111 Busick Elinor Katharine (su 1912) Libr 111 Wabash Av Belleville 111 Buskirk Donald Vernon (su 1915) Teach Westville 111 Bussard. Samuel Earl (ag 1915- ) Stu Palestine 111 Busse Henry Herman (sc 1910-13) Instr Violin Central YMCA Chi- cago Bussell Frank Pores (ag 1907-8 AB (Colgate) '01) Ag Lacon 111 Bussey Charlotte Elizabeth (lib 1915- BA( Yankton) '14) Stu Tabor SD tBussey Clyde George (acad 1891-2 la 1892-3) Lanark 111 Bussey Henry Manning (c eng 1906-7) C Eng 37 Wall St New York Bustard John William (la 1904-5 Al- so Lombard Coll) Merc La Harpe 111 Butcher Harry Chesteen (ag 1913-15 MS(Knox)'95) Farm Mgr Eureka 111 Bute Mrs (see Weirs Gertrude E) ?Butler Alban (c eng 1871-3) Deca tur 111 Butler Allen Gilman (eng 1914- Al- so Bradley Poly) Stu 311 S Bour- land St Peoria 111 Butler Anna Eebecca (Mrs O A Eob- BUTLER— BUTTERFIELD 97 ertson) (acad 1903-5) Home Homer 111 Butler Beatrice Martindale (Mrs L C Beebe)(la 1905-8 AB LL B(Ore) Also Boston U Law Sch 1908-9 & U WaslT 1910) Home Drain Ore (69 N 21st St Portland Ore) Butler Besse Kola (Mrs Clarence Green) (lib 1902-4 Also U Neb) Home Cantonment Fla Butler Charles Corydon (su 1906 & '07 Also U Ky) Ins Galesburg 111 Butler Charles Henry (eng 1913-15) Stu Nor Sch 1105 E Water St Sul- livan 111 Butler Comfort Straight (la & law 1905-9 AB Also Wash St L U Law Sch 1910-12) Law 801 Chemical Bldg St Louis Butler Crillis Newton (arch eng 1907- 11 Also Lewis Inst) Sales 6730 Normal Av Chicago Butler Cyrus 'Waldo (c eng 1875-82) 212 Blanchard St Seattle Butler Dorothy Elizabeth (Mrs G W Edwards) (la 1906-7 Also Bettie Stew- art Inst) Home 403 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Butler Elmer Banks (acad 1894-5) Sales Eng 411 Chamber Commerce Bldg Chicago (3715 Meade St Denver) Butler Elmer Frank (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Amboy 111 t Butler Frank E (acad 1883-4) Elgin 111 Butler Genevieve (Mrs Lyons) (acad 1877-8) Home Silver City N Mex Butler George Howland (c eng 1911- 15 BS) Eng Dept Inland Steel Co Indiana Harbor Works 5410 Giddings St Chicago Butler Gordon Emmett (com 1915- ) Stu Crothersville Ind Butler Gordon Hubert (su 1912 BS (Pur) '13) C Eng Scipio Ind Butler Harry Charles (acad 1894-5 sp 1895-6) Draft Montreal Loco Wks Dominion Express Bldg Montreal Can Butler Harry Gooding (c eng 1902-4) C Eng 564 61st St Oakland Cal Butler Mrs H G (see Rolfe Susan F) Butler Jennie Rebecca (la 1915- ) Stu Rll Lebanon Ind Butler Jewell Cecil (e eng 19.10-14 BS) Insp Eng c/o Commonwealth Edison Co 746 Edison Bldg 72 W Adams St Chicago (Hyde Park YMCA 1400 E 53rd St) *Butler John Prescott (la 1903-8 AB) d Nov 18 1914 Bovill Id Butler Mrs J T (see McCulloch Mary A) Butler Lawrence Parker (acad 1883-4 m eng 1885-6) Capt 4th Inf US Army Washington Butler Marvin Linwood (com 1915- ) Stu 50 N Main St Downers Grove ni Butler Marv (ag 1914-15 Also N 111 St Nor) 'Teach 2036 Walnut St Cairo HI Butler Mary Marie (Mrs C E Steven- son) (sp mus 1902-3 '06-7 BM(0 Wes) '04) Home 712 W Illinois St Urbana HI BUTLER Nathaniel (AB(Colby) '73 AM(do)'76 DD(do)'95 LL D(do) '03 Prof Latin U 111 1886-9 Prof Engl Lit do 1889-92 Dir U Exten U Chgo 1893-5 Pres Colby Coll 1895- 1901) Dean Coll Ed 1905-9 & Dir Co- op Wk IT Chgo 1217 E 56th St Chi cago Butler Paul (ag 1910-11) Wholesale Paper Deal 223 W Monroe St Chi- cago Butler Philip Marble (ag 1914-15) 1386 Belt Av St Louis Butler Ralph Otis Jr (sp ag 1910-11) Ag R7 Monmouth 111 Butler Roland Glenn (m eng 1907-13 BS) M Eng Supt Light Co Paris HI (505 S Race St Urbana 111) Butler Mrs Ruby Jane (su 1907) Home Galesburg 111 (Princeville 111) Butler Mrs W A (see Swarthout Eliz- abeth) Butler Walter Carter (ag 1914- ) Stu 5410 Giddings St Chicago Butler William Arthur (e eng 1905-9 BS) Supt Ballasts Plants 330 E Elm St Hillsboro Tex Butler William Glenn (ag 1909-14 BS) 2036 Walnut St Cairo 111 Butler William Nichols (la 1876-9 BS'14 Also Union Coll Law Chgo 1881-2 LL B( Albany Law) '83) Circ Jud 2036 Walnut St Cairo 111 Butler William Pinkney (la 1904 Also U la) Marshall Tex Butler William Tennent (acad 1887-9 c eng 1889-92) Chf Eng & Mgr But- ler Constr Co 2659 Belvedere Av Seattle Butler Mrs W T (see Philbrick Marg- aret) Butt Mrs Carl (see Bowlus Marie L) Butt Harley Marion (c eng 1910-14 BS) C Eng c/o Knox Co Court House Galesburg 111 (Gilson 111) *Butterfield Albert M (ag 1873-8) d Jan 23 1903 Champaign HI Butterfield Clarence James (arch 1890-4 BS) Credit Mgr Union Stock Yards 1356 Thorndale Av Chicago 98 BUTTERFIELD— BYRON Butterfield Francis Eugene (e eng 1913- ) Stu 1101 W Clark St Ur- bana 111 Butterfield Mrs F E (see Butterfield Mrs Ruth B) Butterfield Helen Eliza (Mrs J J Schoonhoven) (acad 1887-8 la 1880-91 BL ML '94 Also Radcliffe Coll 1893- 4 Instr Engl U 111 1894-7) Lect 773 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn NY Butterfield Janet Marie (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 620 S State St Bel- videre 111 *Butterfield Leroy T (c eng 1872-4") (1 Marengo 111 Butterfield Mrs Ruth Blatt (Mrs F E) (la 19] 5- ) Home 1101 W Clark St Urbana 111 Butters Howard Monreau (m eng 1907-12 BS) Sales Eng 4343 Van Buren St Chicago Button Harry Stife (e eng 1903-5) Comm 75 Bd Trade Chicago Buttonmaker Mark Adolph (sc 1910- 14 BS) Cer Eng 527 Barry Av Chicago Butts Augusta Esther (Mrs B A Cam- field) (la 1874-9 BS) Teach 501 Bel- mont Av Chicago Butz Wallace Buell (acad 1892-3) Ins Muskogee Okla Butz Warren Robert (acad 1892-3) Dep Sheriff Muskogee Okla Butzer Byrdie Blye (h sc 1911-15 AB) At home Hillsdale 111 Butzer Clarence David (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-10 BS) Auto Deal Hills- dale 111 * Butzer Frank Ross (acad 1907-8) d Sept 17 1910 Hillsdale 111 Butzer Glen Douglas (acad 1906-S c eng 1908-12 BS) C Eng Hillsdale Butzer Goldia Grayce (la Feb 1915- ) Stu Hillsdale 111 Butzer Verna Viola (h sc 1911-15 AB) At home Hillsdale 111 t Butzow Clarence R (c eng 1908-9) 526 Ogden Av Chicago tBuTZOw Emma Bertha (la 1912-14 AB Also Ind U) Wellington 111 Butzow John Martin (c eng 1907-8) Auto Sycamore 111 Butzow Louis James (acad 1901-2 e eng 1902-6 BS) E Eng 9353 S Ada St Chicago Buxton Edwin Walker (c eng 1903-7 BS) C Eng 563 Park St Olathe Kan Buxton Stanley Gerald (ag 1911-14) Ag Wingate Ind Buyers Archie Stanton (m eng 1904-8 BS g 1911-12 Instr M Eng U 111 | 1911-13) 2nd Lieut US Army Fort Jay NY (c/o Adj Gen Army Wash- ington) Buyers Donald Erskine (m eng 1906- 12 BS) 1202 W Third St Sterling Buzick James Clive (la 1910-13) Sec 906 S First St Champaign 111 Buzick Jessie Winifred (la 1905-7 '09- 10 Also Art Inst Chgo 1908-9) Bkpr 1004 S Third St Champaign 111 Buzick John W (acad 1905-6 c eng 1906-10 BS) Chf Eng Conley Frog & Switch Co 575 Mallory Av New S Memphis Tenn Buzzard Guy A (su 1915 Also Nor U) Mason City 111 t By croft Harry Fen wick Jr (sp as 1902-3) Gillespie HI Bye Herbert William (1 1910-15 LL B) Law 2820 Logan Blvd Chicago Byerly Gertrude Edna (Mrs Johnson) (acad 1894-6 sp 1897-8) Stenos Springfield 111 fo Byers Bessie Bradshaw (la 1906-7 Al- so E 111 St Nor) Superv Mus Charl- eston 111 Byers Frank Milton (ag 1904-8 BS) Ag Charleston 111 Byers Hale Nicoles (la 1913-15) Adv Agency 1st Nat Bk Bldg Cham- paign 111 (Garrett Ind) Byers Paul Weaver (ag 1915- ) Stu 1017 Highland Av Dixon 111 Byrd Oliver Wilson (la com 1873-6) Insp US Bur An Husb 3238 Thomp- son St Kansas City Mo Byrd Richard Leslie (ag 1910-11) Min Morenci Ariz Byrne Harriet Anne (sc 1912-14 AB) Teach 432 W 63rd St Chicago Byrne Helen Cecilia (la 1910-13 AB Also Chgo Teach 's Coll) Teach 4337 W Wilcox Av Chicago Byrne Lee (acad 1893-4 la 1895-8 AB AM(Chgo)'99 PhD(Pa) ; 01) Prin H Sch 251 St Joseph St Mo- bile Ala Byrne Rose Helen (Feb 1914-Feb 1915 Also U Chgo) At home 5648 Drexel Blvd Chicago Byrnes James Edward (sp ag 1909-12 Also St Bede Coll) Ag Jour 913 Maple Av Evanston 111 Byrns Harvy William (sp ag 1905-6) RR Eng Hamilton 111 (R2 Mt Ster- ling 111) Byrns Roscoe Aaron (c eiig 1907-8) Ag McAllen Tex Byron Lester Arthur (arch eng 1908- 12 Also Bradley Poly) Arch Box 494 Phoenix Ariz CABANIS— CALDWELL 99 Cabanis John Brahm (c eng 1904-8 BS) Bus Mgr 323 Plymouth Bldg Minneapolis t Cabanis Bene Clark (m eng 1899- 1902) Kinmundy 111 Cabeen Fred Earl (acad 1895-6 ag 1896-1902) Asst Cash 409 W Ninth St Aledo 111 Cabeen Joshua Dale (acad 1895-6 e eng 1896-7 Also U Pa) Dent 249 E Main St Galesburg 111 Cabeen Richard McPherren (arch eng 1905-9 BS Also Hedding Coll) Arch 124 E 57th St Chicago t Cable Fred Wellington (chem eng 1908-9) Berwyn 111 Cable Merwyn Harden (la 1915- ) Stu Box 402 Mercedes Tex Cable Wicliffe Isaac (la 1894-5) Teach McKinley II Sch 2040 W Adams St Chicago (Oak Park) Caddick Sadie Thelma (Mrs R W Crain) (la J899-1900) Home Augus- ta 111 Cade Albert Frederick (la 1911-13 '15 ) Stu Belle Tourche SD Cade Mrs C M (see Hunt Agnes) Wade Virgil Boyd (acad 1908-10) Seymour 111 Cadieux Josephine Louise (su 1912 Al- so Chgo Teach Coll) Teach Goudy Sch 1011 Foster Av Chicago Cadisch Gordon Francis (ag 1913- ) Stu 1345 E 66th St Cleveland Cadle Chester Junius (la 1912- ) Stu 948 S Sixth St Charleston 111 Cadle Hubert Atwater (m eng 1912- 15) Mfg 8 Howard St Westfield Mass Cadogan George Henry (ag 1908-11) Ag R7 Winona Miss Cadwallader Alfred (sp la 1911-12) Ry Mail Clk Tucumcari N M (Cliff N Mex) Cadwallader Douglass Pope (sc 1903-4) Merc 813 E Adams St Springfield 111 Cad well Charles Nickerson (acad 1897-8 la 1898-1902 AB PhB(Chgo) '06 JD(do)'09) Law Cad well III Cadwell Eliza A (Mrs F M Blaylock) (sp la 1879-80) Home Smith Cen- ter Kan Cadwell Julia E (sp 1879-80) Home 5950 Hobart Av Norwood Park Chicago CADY Gilbert Haven (g 1911-12 AB (NW) '05 AM(do) '11 Also Yale U 1909-10 Asst Geol U 111 1911-13 Instr Geol NW U 1913-14) Geol St Geol Surv U 111 Urbana 111 (7415 Parnell Av Chicago) Cady Laurence Charles (m eng 1914- ) Stu 912 E Prospect St Kewanee 111 *Cady Oscar Fred (la 1868-9) d Champaign 111 Cafky Mabel Etta (Mrs R W Stark) (la 1898-1902 AB lib 1902-4 BLS Al- so 111 Worn Coll) Home 809 Nevada St Urbana 111 Cahalen Joseph Dening (chem eng 1911-13) Stu Mass Sch Phar Lenox Dale Mass Cahn Norman William (sp ag 1911- 12) Teach 5709 Indiana Av Chicago Cahoon Guy Forsythe (arch eng 1908- 10) Arch 3914 Gilbert Av Dallas Tex Cahow Edwin Scott (m eng 1893-4) Meter Reader 2815 Pea St Sacra- mento Cal (Kewanee 111) Wain Patrick Clement (acad 1904-8) Murphysboro 111 Cain William Leo (acad 1909-10 Also Bradley Poly) Ag Hanna City 111 (401 Illinois Av Peoria 111) Cairns Cora Mae (Mrs N F Marsh) (la 1892-6 AB) Home 911 Fair Oaks Av S Pasadena Cal Cairns David Gemmill (1 1899-1902) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg Ottawa 111 (633 Congress St) Cairns George Dean ' v acad 1904-5 la 1905-9 Also U Wis) Bkpr Wood- stock 111 Cairns John Webster (acad 1903-4 e eng 1904-8 BS) E Eng 727 Cor- nelia Av Chicago Cairns Lorimer Victor (su 1905 & '06 AM(Harv)'10 Also U Chgo) Head Engl Dept H Sch 504 N Raynor St Joliet 111 Cairns William Robert (acad 1902-3 law 1903-5) Ag & Law R2 Rich- mond 111 Calder Ward Allan (sp ag 1904-8) Dep Co Clk 832 Madison St Gary Ind Caldwell Mrs (see Werno Cecilia K) Caldwell Belle (lib 1903-8 BLS AB (Charles City) '07) Libr Charles Citv la Caldwell Brice John (e eng 1906-11 BS) E Eng 706 W Hill St Cham- paign 111 Caldwell Charles Burr (sc 1897-9 MD (St Louis) '05) Med Lincoln 111 Caldwell Charles Edwin Jr (sc 1907- 12 AB) Sales & Branch Mgr Lib Bur 743 15th St Washington Caldwell Charles Maxwell (la 1899- 1901) Pres & Gen Mgr Caldwell Co Champaign 111 (104 E Green St) Caldwell Mrs C M (see Woodcock Har- riet E) *Caldwell Charlotte Jane (lib 1898-9) d Cincinnati 100 CALDWELL— CALVIN Caldwell Edwin Fletcher (ag 1905-7 BS Also U Mo) Ag Burlington Junction Mo Caldwell Elizabeth Eleanor (Mrs C E Ingalls) (lib 1903-4 AB Also Ohio Wes U) Home Washington Kan Caldwell Emma (Mrs G M Bates) (su 1900 Also NW U) Home 1200 Fifth Av N Great Falls Mont Caldwell Eva (mus 1909-10) Auditor Caldwell Co 706 W Hill St Cham- paign 111 ?Caldwell Mrs Francis Baber (su 1902) Athens W Va Caldwell Mrs F W (see Ryder Edith M) t Caldwell Frank Willard (acad 1882-3 sc 1883-4) Cisco 111 Caldwell George Harold (ag 1915- ) Stu ' Box 681 Fargo ND Caldwell Harry (sp ag 1902-3 MDC (Chgo Vet) '05) Vet Insp US Dept Ag Bur An Husb 202 Federal Bldg Richmond Va Caldwell Harry Lind (e eng 1902-5) E Bng c/o Pub Serv Co 72 W Adams St Chicago (7226 Oglesby Av) Caldwell Mrs H L (see Hadfield Eliza- beth M) t Caldwell Horace Mount (ag 1904 Al- so Austin Coll) Neoga 111 Caldwell Kenneth Ryder (e eng 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 623 W Wil- liam St Decatur 111 Caldwell Lloyd Raymond (sp ag 1911- 13 ag 1913-15 BS) An Husb Ewing 111 (Rl Neoga 111) Caldwell Mary Lathrop (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 706 W Hill St Cham- paign 111 Caldwell Reginald Alexander (ag 1912- 13) Sales 5016 Harper Av Chicago Caldwell Ruth Marie (la 1913- ) Stu N Axtelle Av Milford 111 Caldwell Walter Randolph (la 1914- ) Stu Fairfield 111 Caldwell Will Carleton (arch eng 1903-6 '10-11 BS) Supt & Arch 1400 Monroe Bldg Chicago (La Grange 111) Caley Burwell (acad 1910-11) Ag Huntington Ind Caley Floy E (la 1907-11 AB Also Ind U) Teach Ger & Engl 448 Da- kota St Huntington Ind Caley Mary Clellah (Mrs D A Pierce) (la 1907-11 AB) Home 305 Willow Av Joliet 111 Calhoun Helen Vera (Mrs G Cash) (acad 1900-1 lib 1901-5 BLS Asst Lib U 111 1906-8) Home 420 Cen- tral Av Whiting Ind Calhoun Henrietta Anne (acad 1896- 7 la 1897-1901 BS g 1902-3 AM) Asst Chge Psychopathic Lab U Mich 226 S 12th St Ann Arbor Mich Calhoun Preston Browne (ag 1913- ) Stu 911 Vernon Av Glencoe 111 Calkin Charlie James (m eng 1914- ) Stu Crescent City 111 Call Hortense (Mrs Andrew Barr) (sc 1891-5 BS g 1895-6) Home 502 S Race St Urbana 111 Callagan Cora Anabelle (Mrs C E Robinson) (mus 1910-11) Home Sher- idan 111 Callagan Rilla May (Mrs Harry Law) (sp la 1907-8 Also NW U) Home Sheridan 111 ICallahan Harry Emmet (acad 1907-8) Danville 111 Callahan William Joseph (m eng 1911- 12) Clk 704 W Main St Urbana 111 Callan Mrs J A (see Goff Lutie A) C allan John Albert (acad 1901-2 c eng 1902-7 BS MCE ( Union) '10 MA (do) '14) Instr C Eng Chge Draw Dept Union Coll & NY St Highway Eng Schenectady NY Callaway Leonard Wyeth (sp ag 1900- 2) Ag Vicksburg Miss Callaway Ralph George (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Tuscola 111 CALLEN Alfred Copeland (g min eng 1914- su 1915 EM (Lehigh) '09 MS (do) '11) Instr Min Eng U 111 1914- 1001 W Oregon Urbana 111 Callery Frank Augusta (acad 1906-9 sp m eng 1909-10) Merc Prince- ville 111 Callery John Edward (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Edelstein 111 Calloway Milton Lewis (su 1915 Also Muskigum Coll) Teach H Sch 238 Walnut St Hot Springs Ark Calloway Russell Thornhill (e eng 1903-7 BS) E Eng 711 Meridian St Chicago (3350 Gladys Av) CALVERT Cecil Kirk (su 1907 Also Earlham Coll Water Surv U 111 1907- 8) c/o Ind Water Co Indianapolis Calverley James Earl (acad 1907-8) Ag R4 Mt Carmel 111 Calvin Ben Willis (la 1915- ) Stu Ontario & Columbia Rds Washington Calvin Bertrand (sp la 1897-8) Hotel Supply Buyer 2231 Main St Quin- cy 111 CALVIN John Williard (BS(Kan Ag) '05 Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1908-9 Asst An Nutr Kan St Ag Coll 1910-14) Asst Prof Ag Chem U Neb 1914- 644 N 32nd St Lincoln Neb CAMBRIDGE— CAMPBELL 101 Cambridge Louis (sc 1898-1900 LL B (Chgo Law Seh) '08) Law 435 y 2 N Ashland Av Chicago Cambridge Thomas E (su 1899) Ins & Wkmen's Compen Internat Harv Co 606 Michigan Av Chicago (4171 Lake Park Av) Camden William Eichard (su 1915 Al- so S 111 St Nor) Teach White Ash 111 (Creal Springs 111) Cameron Charles Conrad Jr (la com Feb 1915- Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu 922 Ashland Av Wilmette 111 Cameron George Martin (ag 1915- Also U Wis) Stu Carpentersville HI Cameron Glen James (sp law 1902-5 Also Valparaiso U) Law 205 Ger- man Fire Ins Bldg Peoria 111 Cameron Laurence (eng 1913-14) Mach R3 Rushville Ind Cameron Sarah Hester (Mrs L R Wil- son) (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Gibson City HI Cameron William Dan (sp ag 1905-7) Ag R3 Alexis 111 Camfield Mrs B A (see Butts Augus- ta E) Camp Cara Louis (c eng 1901-5 BS) Contr c/o F A Reynolds & Son Contrs Scranton Pa Camp Edna Cary (acad 1899-1900) Eloc & Art Tolono 111 Camp Emma Alice (Mrs W N Vance) (sp mus 1894-5 Also Granville Female Coll) Home 260 W 15th St Chi- cago Hgts HI camp Eugene Vernon (g 1908-9 MS BS( Ala Poly) '08) Mun Eng 407-9 Savannah Bk & Trust Bldg Savan- nah Ga Camp George Russell (sp ag 1900-1) Stock Harristown HI Camp Harry Howsmon (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Harristown HI Camp Lena Zululand (Mrs W W Bow- er) (sp mus 1902-3) Home Bement HI Camp Norman Harvey (la 1886-90 BS Also NW Law Sch & Moody Bible Inst) Bible Teach & Evangelist 5416 Winthrop Av Chicago Camp Mrs Thomas J (see Mattis Mary) Camp Willard Russell (la 1907-11 AB) Bnk Bement 111 Campbell Mrs (see Sperry Harriet M) Campbell Albert De Lass Jr (arch eng 1903-5 Also Bradley Poly) Arch 325 Frank St Council Bluffs la Campbell Allan Berry (acad 1904-5 eng 1905-9 BS) Mgr Ft Stockton Tex Campbell Amanda (Mrs M Moore) (la 1871-5 Cert Hon ML '93) Home Clin- ton 111 Campbell Arabel Beryl (su 1914 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach St Charles 111 (Valparaiso Ind) Campbell Arthur Harvey (arch eng 1909-13 Also W 111 St Nor) Merc 330 E Jackson St Macomo 111 Campbell Ashton Ellsworth (acad 1895-6 la 1896-1901 AB law 1902-4 LL B) Law 28 y 2 Main St Cham- paign 111 (12 Davidson PI) Campbell Bruce A (la 1897-1900 AB) Law 1472 College Av E St Louis 111 Campbell Mrs Charles (see Patchen Harriet) Campbell Charles Arthur (acad 1910- 11) Field Worker Ag Exp Sta U 111 Urbana 111 (Oquawka 111) ICampbell Charles David (acad 1899- 1902) Olney 111 ' • t Campbell Charles Edgar (acad 1909- 11) Bingham 111 fCampbell Charles Harvey (acad 1902- 3 sp ag 1903-4) R4 Danville 111 Campbell Charles Warren (min eng 1913- ) Stu Coal City 111 Campbell Chester Morgan (la 1914- ) Stu 800 St John St Elgin 111 t Campbell Clinton Oliver (acad 1893- 4) Champaign 111 Campbell Daisy Irene (Mrs M J Fluck) (la 1899-1903 AB) Home 105 E Clark St Champaign 111 Campbell David Joseph (ag 1909-10 '12- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu & Teach 103 E California Av Urbana 111 Campbell Douglass Scidmore (com Feb 1916- ) Stu 7503 Superior Av NE Cleveland Campbell Duncan McEvoy (c eng 1914- ) Stu 5456 Ingleside Av Chi- cago Campbell Ella Seaver (lib 1915- AB (Morningside) '13 Also NW U) Stu 806 S Third St Champaign 111 fCampbell Elmer Cary (su 1901) St Louis Campbell Elmer Franklin (c eng 1909- 10) M Eng 161 N Broad St Hills- boro 111 Campbell Ethelred Erasmus (sp la 1914- ) Stu Giddy Hall P O St Elizabeth Jamaica Campbell Florence Maude (la 1912- ) Stu Tolono 111 Campbell Florence Merlee (la 1913- ) Stu Delta Colo Campbell Francis Marion (ag 1914-15) Ag R2 Ursa 111 Campbell George Albert (1 1915- Al- so U Mich) Stu 109 S Gold St Lead 102 CAMPBELL— CAMPBELL SD Campbell George Duncan (sp 1872-4) Bnk Mt Carroll 111 Campbell George Henry (acad 1890-1 la 1891-5 BL g 1899-1900 ML) Fin Joy 111 Campbell George Washington (arch 1893-4 Also Beloit Coll) Law c/o Covey Campbell & Corey Peoria 111 Campbell Grace Alberta (lib 1915- AB (Mo Wes) '12) Stu Grant City Mo Campbell Grace Amelia (Mrs R R Danielson) (la 1909-14 AB) Home 309 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Campbell Homer W (acad 1900-1 sp c eng 1901-3) Cash Rosebush Bk Co Rosebush Mich Campbell Horace Leslie (ag 1912-13) Ag Tallula 111 Campbell Jack D (sc 1914- ) Stu 633 Vandalia St Edwardsville 111 Campbell James Franklin (su 1915 Also Mich Ag Coll) Teach 378% 24th St Milwaukee S Wis Campbell James S (su 1907 Also S 111 St ^Nor) Supt City Schs 515 S Thdrnplace Marion 111 * Campbell James W (la 1875-6) d Philo 111 Campbell James William' (sp 1868-9 Cert) Bnk Huron SD Campbell Jeanne Adeline (ag 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu Pecatonica 111 Campbell Jessie (Mrs W B) (la 1908- 9 BS(NW) ) Home 2020 Sherman Av Evanston 111 ?Campbell John (m eng 1872-3) Chi- cago (Montgomery Ala) Campbell John Patterson (la 1871-4 Cert Hon ML '93 Asst Math U 111 1873-5) Ret Med Fort Garland Colo Campbell Juniata G (Mrs T F Hunt) (la 1880-4 BL) Home c/o U Cal Glengary Apts Berkeley Cal Campbell Kent (sp ag 1906-8) Ag La Harpe 111 \ Campbell Lee F (acad 1910-11) Marissa 111 Campbell Lena (Mrs G J Hoyes) (acad 1889-90) Home 412 S Jackson Av Clinton 111 "Campbell Lewis F (sp 1869-71) d Sparta 111 Campbell Loretta Beatrice (Mrs G C Erghott) (sp 1899-1900 la 1904-5 acad 1905-7 sp mus 1908-9) Home 12 ' Davidson PI Champaign HI Campbell Mabel Schadt (ag h sc 1910- 11) Urbana 111 ?Canrpbell Mae Athleen (sp mus 1897- 8) Champaign 111 Campbell Marshall (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 9324 S Robey St Chi- cago * Campbell Marvin Emmett (acad 1906- 8) d July 1 1912 Mattoon 111 Campbell Marvine Margaret (la 1914- 16) Teach Doniphan Mo ?Campbell Mary (sp 1893-4) Urbana 111 Campbell Mary (sp 1896-9) Supt St Girls Indus Sch Grand Mound Wash Campbell Mary Amabel (la 1912-13) At home Albion 111 Campbell Mason Herbert (ag 1913- ) Stu 11 S Liberty St Elgin 111 Campbell Maude Permill (acad 1892-4 la 1894-7 1900-2) Clk Dairy Dept U 111 303 S Wright St Champaign 111 Campbell Michael K (acad 1885-8) US PO Dept Washington (Tocamo Pk) Campbell Mildred Elizabeth (la 1912- 13 Also Millikin U) At home 819 E Market St Logansport Ind Campbell Muriel Florence (Mrs W P Buckles) (la 1900-4 AB) Home 603 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Campbell Neil Nelson (ry c eng 1907- 10 BS Also Zion U) C Eng & Surv Wisconsin Av Lake Forest 111 1 Campbell Oliver Clinton (acad 1893) 503 E University Av Champaign 111 Campbell Ralph Lee (acad 1906-8) Arch Omaha Neb Campbell Robert H (sp 1872-6) Ag Mount Carroll 111 Campbell Robert Howard (ag 1903-4 Also 111 Coll) Ag & Stock Virginia 111 Campbell Mrs R M (see Freeman Jes- sie) Campbell Samuel Charles (c eng 1905- 8 BS Also Monmouth Coll) High- way Eng Hillsboro Mo *Campbell Walter Gilbert (acad 1891- 2 e eng 1892-6 BS) d 1903 St Paul Minn Campbell Warner Lucas (acad 1903-4) Ranch Oakland Cal t Campbell William Biggs (la 1912-13 Also U Ariz) 833 N Fourth Av Tucson Ariz Campbell Mrs W B (see Campbell Jessie) Campbell William Franklin (ag 1913- ) Stu 103 E California St Urbana 111 Campbell William Hemphill (g la 1909-10 AM AB (Monmouth) '94) Teach Equality 111 ?Campbell William Henry (sp 1869-70) Sparta 111 Campbell William Ross (ag 1908-9) Ag & Stock Ashland 111 CAMPBELL— CAPPERRUNE 103 Campbell William Stewart (su 1899) Teach Mus 409 Sixth St Peoria 111 Campbell Winifred Thompson (Mrs R C Craig) (sp la 1905-7 Also South Col- legiate Inst) Home Indianapolis Wamp field William Sanford (acad 1900-1) Bockford HI Canaday Lora Alice (la 1913-15 AB Also De Pauw U) Teach 257 E Franklin St Winchester Ind Canaday Miles Edwards (ag 1913-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 27 N Pine Av Chicago Canaday Mrs Miles W (see Wright Lizzie M) Canaday Ora Luther (acad 1901-4) Ag Ogden 111 Canavan Mrs J J (see Barlow Mil- dred L) Canby Anna M (Mrs O T Denny) (mus 1872-3 Also NW U) Home San Dimas Cal Candor David Bopes (sp ag 1902-4) Ag RFD Aledo 111 Candor Robert Jay (arch eng 1904-8 BS) Arch 602 Finance Bldg Kan- sas City Mo (4027 Main St Aledo 111) t Candor Sarah Rebecca (la 1907-9) R2 Aledo 111 Candy Maie (Mrs Royal Wright) (acad 1890-1) Bkpr 1st Nat Bk Cham- paign 111 (911 W Green St Urbana 111) Canfield Mina Rose (mus 1913-14 Also Campbell Coll) At home 526 New York Av Holton Kan Canfield Ruth Mae (la 1909-14 AB) At home 526 New York Av Holton Kan Canine Frances (Mrs J C Cantner) (sp 1870-2) Libr 6812 Normal Blvd Chicago Canine lone (su 1914 Also E HI St Nor) Teach Fairbury 111 (Shel- don 111) ?Cankin Eugene L (arch 1870-1) Courtland 111 Canmann Harry Louis (c eng 1897- 1900) Surv 139 N Clark St Chi- cago CANN Jessie Yereance (AB(Goucher) '04 (AM(Col)'lO PhD(do)'ll Instr Chem Rockford Coll 1911-14) Instr Chem U 111 1914- 812 W Hlinois St Urbana 111 (112 Brunswick St New- ark NJ) Cannady Stephen Douglas (acad 1882- 4 Also St Louis Coll Phar 1886-7) Phar Marionville Mo Cannady Will M Jr (1 1910-13 LL B) Law Paxton HI Cannon Mrs F S (see Goss Mary L) Cannon Branda Whittier (sd mus 1907- 8) Teach 1049 Canosa St Denver Cannon Fermor Spencer (arch eng 1907-11 BS) Arch 3323 College Av Indianapolis cannon Joseph Gurney (LL D '03 St Atty 24th Jud Circuit 1861-8 Memb Congress 1873-91 & '93 Chm Comm on Approp 55-57th & Speaker House 58-61st Congress) Memb Congress Danville 111 Cannon Lester Cloyd (ag 1915- ) Stu Tower Hill 111 Cannon Paul Robert (su 1913 Also Eureka Coll) Stu U Chgo 236 N Edwards St Decatur 111 Cannon Tyrone Murphy (m eng 1914- Also Hedding Coll) Stu Rapatee 111 Canon Charles Coulson (ag 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 439 W Beauregard Av San Angelo Tex CANTER Howard Vernon (AB(Wash Lee) '96 PhD(JHopk) '04 Prof Greek & Lat U Notre Dame 1902-5 Asst Prof Lat U Mo 1904-9 Assoc Classics U 111 1909-13 ) Asst Prof Classics U 111 1913- & Asst Dean L&A Coll 1915- 101 Chalmers St Cham- paign 111 Canter Mrs Edna Maloy (Mrs H V) (la 1913-15) Home 101 Chalmers St Champaign 111 Canterbury Clair Earl (ag 1903-4) Ag Cantrall 111 Canterbury Emma Martha (la 1908-9) 722 E Fellows St Dixon 111 Cantine Edward Ike (c eng 1883-7 BS) Chf Dept Stenog 303 St Cap- itol Bldg Salem Ore (523 E 49th St Portland Ore) Cantlin Jacob (1 1903-6 LLB) Law Rock Falls 111 Cantner Mrs (see Canine Frances) Wanton Cecil Anthony (acad 1898-9) Beaver Tex Cantrall Evans Earl (c eng 1904-6) Ins 208 Ferguson Bldg Springfield 111 (545 S State St) Cantrall John Harry (sp ag 1908-10) Ag Athens HI *Cantrell John E (m eng 1869-71) d 1872 Lincoln 111 ?Canty Viola Gertrude (su 1907 Also Chgo Nor) 6257 Kimbark Av Chi- cago Cape Ruth Charlotte (su 1915) Teach Eldorado 111 Capek Ladislav Vaclav (e eng 1907-11 BS) Elec Mining Mach 2224 S Spaulding Av Chicago Capen Bernard Charles (ag 1901-3) Mfg 2137 Gaylord Av Denver Capinegro Sebastian ( eng 1914-15 ) 851 Gilpen PI Chicago Capperrune Mrs EC (see Kidd Erne 104 CAPPERRUNE— CARLSON B) Capperrune Roe (acad 1906-7) Planter Summerdale Ala Capps Mrs A L (see Work Ruth E) \ Capps Clarence Gordy (acad 1899- 1900) Mt Pulaski 111 Capps Mrs Claudie Henrie (Mrs E V) (sp mus 1895-6) Voice & Piano Teach Blair Neb Capps Earl Vanhise (e eng 1891-5 BS EE'96 MA(Neb) ; 99) Mgr Elec Light Co Blair Neb Capps Herbert Norwood (sp la 1896-7) Sales 4475 Alabama St San Diego Cal Capron Clyde (la 1895-1900 AJB LL B (NW) '05) Law 107 N Elm wood Av Peoria 111 Capron Frank Read (c eng 1893-7 BS) Struct Draft 436 W Williams St Decatur 111 Carbaugh Philip Ward (la 1914- ) Stu 709 Mulberry St Rockford 111 Carberry Ray Shepard (acad 1890-1 c eng 1891-5 BS) Supt Imperial Wa- ter Co Imperial Cal ?CARD William L (Bus Agt & Instr Bkp 1872) Urbana 111 t Cardenas Roberto (acad 1906-7) Sal- tillo Coahuila Mexico Cardiff John Lewis (acad 1910-11) Bd Trade Operator 216 W Main St Ur- bana 111 (Ogden 111) Carey Alice (Mrs A D Bailey) (la 1904-6 AB Also Lewis Inst) Home 21 Elmwood Av La Grange 111 ?Carey Charles H (c eng 1872-3) Champaign 111 *Carey Elizabeth B (la 1871-3) d Champaign 111 *carey Josep-h Fletcher (AM 1846 Prof Lat & Greek Mich St Nor 1855- 67 do Pittsburgh 1867-71 do U 111 1871-4) d Dec 28 1905 San Diego Cal Carey Miriam Eliza (lib 1898-9 Also U Chgo) Libr St Bd Control St Capitol Bldg St Paul Minn (Free- port 111) Carey Russell Conwell (e eng 1912-14) Bk Teller Pittsfield 111 ?Carey Will Gage (la 1896-7) Rock- ford 111 Carey William Joseph (1 1901-6 AB & LLB) Law 710 Millikin Bldg De- catur 111 (718 W Marietta St) Cargill Frederick Chauncy (ag 1913- ) Stu Mason City 111 Cargill Louise Mary (Mrs Raymond McCreery) (ag 1913-14) Home Mason City 111 Carius Benjamin Harrington (la 1913- 14) Morton HI Carkhuff Le Roy Franklin (m eng 1915- ) Stu Rl Morris 111 *Carleton Bertha M (la 1902-5 AB) d 1912 St Clair Mich ?Carleton Mabel Grace (la 1899-1900) Hillsdale Mich Carley Isotta (Mrs H W Mahan) (la 1872-6) Home South Side St Bk Chicago Carley Paul Sterling (sc 1913- ) Stu 17 Buckley Av Buckley 111 Carley Mrs Rush (see Ice Hortense) t Carlisle Mrs Clara J (sp lib 1897-8) Elgin 111 Carlisle Donald Thompson (la 1912-14) Stu U Cal Bellevue Drive Pasa- dena Cal Carlisle Mrs F G (see Hall Augusta M) Carlisle Gower Nathan (c eng 1906-10) R Est & Ins Geneva 111 Carlsen Arnold Willmore (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Stu 4830 St Anthony St Chicago Carlsen Ralph Armond (com 1915- ) Stu 4830 St Anthony Ct Chicago 111 Carlson Alice Mae {la 1915- ) Stu 424 N Harvey Av Oak Park 111 Carlson Ansgar Lilius (ag 1913- ) Stu 91 N Washington St Batavia 111 t Carlson Carl Albert (sp la 1906-7) 617 E Main St Streator 111 Carlson Carl Bernard (c eng 1911-13) C Eng 239 W Second St St Charles 111 Carlson Carl Bernhardt (arch eng 1905-9 BS) Arch 1113- 11th Av Moline 111 Carlson Carrie Esther (la 1912- ) Stu 1030 Mansfield Av Austin Sta Chicaga Carlson Charles Algot (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-11 BS) M Eng 1532 11th Av Moline 111 Carlson Grant Andrew (la com 1913- 14) Oil Jobber 36 E Fifth St St Charles 111 Carlson Harry Leonard (ag 1913- ) Stu 1765 Fonti St La Salle HI Carlson Harvey John (sp m eng 1906-7 Also Armour Inst) Draft La Salle HI Carlson Lee Russell (la com 1912- ) Stu 910 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Carlson LeRoy Frank (ag 1912-13) Sales 74 E Fifth St St Paul Minn (36 E Fifth St St Charles 111) Carlson Morton Russell (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag 1132 22nd St Moline 111 Carlson Paul Nels (c eng 1909-11 BS Also Bethany Coll) C Eng CARLSON— CARNEY 105 1130 Henry Bldg Seattle (4719 Eighth Av N E) Carlson Richard John (eng 1915- ) Stu 1009 Belmont Av Chicago CARLTON Frank T (BS (Case Sch Ap- plied Sc) '95 AM(Wis)'05 PhD(do) '06 Instr Toledo U Sch 1896-1904 Asst Econ U 111 su 1914) Prof Leon & Sociol Albion Coll 1906- Allen Place Albion Mich Carlton George Alexander (m eng 1915- ) Stu 140 N Menard Av Chicago Carmack Clyde Robert (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-5 BS) Builder 715 N Center Av Tropico Cal Carmack Mary E (Mrs J C Pollock) (acad 1879-80) Home Hereford Tex Carmack Sarah E (Mrs Percy Welli- ver)(acad 1876-7 h sc 1877-80) Home Hereford Tex CARMAN Albert Pruden (AB(Prin) .'83 AM(do)'84 DSc(do) '86 Also Berlin U 1887-9 & U Vienna 1895-6 Instr Physios Prin U 1883-4 Prof Physics & E Eng Pur U 1889-92 Prof Theo Physics Le Stan U 1892-6) Prof Physics U 111 1896- 908 W California Av Urbana 111 Carman Mrs A P (see Straight Maude W) Carman Augustine S (la 1878-80 AB (Rochester) '82 Also Rochester Theol Sem 1882-5 DD(Denison) '10 DD (Rochester) '13) Mintr 1st Bapt Ch 515 Tupper St Marietta O Carman Charles Mac Arthur (m eng 1915- ) Stu 609 Fourth St La- Salle 111 Carman Ellen M (Mrs Jerome Sonde- ricker)(la 1879-81 AB (Kazoo) '85 Also Welles Coll 1887) Soc Serv c/o A S Carman Marietta O Carman Florence (la 1914- ) Stu Goodwin 111 Warman George Lawrence (acad 1898 Also Princeton- Yale Sch) 6437 Har- vard Av Chicago *Carman John Calvin (la 1880-2 AB (Rochester) '84) d Mar 6 1915 (Spar- tanburg SC) Carman William Burgess (sc 1878-82 BS MD(Hahneman)'84) Med 32 Upton Pk Rochester N Y Carman Mrs W B (see CushmaD Grace) Carmean John Henry (sp la 1905-7 Also 111 St Nor U) Ag Casner HI Carmichael Berton Eugene (ag 1900- 5 BS g 1912-13 MS) Chf Dept An Husb Ag Exp Sta Wooster O Carmichael Herbert Baird (ry m eng 1909-11) Ag Eaton 111 CARMICHAEL Robert Daniel (AB (Lineville) '98 PhD (Prin) '11) Asst Prof Math U 111 1915- 904 S Gregory Av Urbana 111 Carmichael Wilbur Jerome (ag 1909- 13 g ag 1915- Asst An Husb U 111 1912-15) Instr An Husb U 111 1915 906 S Goodwin Urbana 111 Carnahan Ada W (Mrs W H Shane) (sp 1887-8) Home Peoria 111 Carnahan David Hobart (la 1891-6 AB AM '98 PhD (Yale) '05 Also U Paris Asst French U Chgo 1899- 1900 Prof Mod Langs U Idaho 1900- 1) Assoc Prof Rom Lang U 111 1901- 1006 Nevada St Urbana 111 Carnahan Mrs D H (see Johnson Ma- bel C) Carnahan Franklin Gregory (acad 1887-8 la 1888-92 AB) Law 1220 Boren Av Seattle (1006 W Nevada St Urbana 111) Carnahan Orson Allen (m eng 1908-10 BS Also Syr U) Bolivar N Y Carnahan William Ernest (acad 1908-9 sc 1910-11 MD(I11)'14) Med Adiar 111 (Bonapart la) Carnes Esther Ella (Mrs Rufus Aitz) (sp la 1909-10) Home 303 S North St Urbana 111 Carnes John Kenneth (ag 1915- ) Stu 1012 W Oregon St Urbana HI Carnes Mrs Susan May (su 1913) Home 1012 W Oregon St Urbana 111 CARNES William W (Teach Eloc U 111 1884-8) Teach Eloc 209 162 N Dearborn Av Chicago (4022 Claren- don Av) Warney Charles John (acad 1906-7) Fort Dodge la Carney Clara Kathleen (h sc 1911-14) Teach Marseilles 111 Carney Lydia Z (Mrs C B Potter) (su 1911 Also U Cal su 1912 & E 111 St Nor) Home Caruthers Cal t Carney Mabel (su 1905 Also N 111 St Nor) Marseilles 111 Carney Mary Vance (la 1911-13 '14- 15 AB Also N 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch 1013 Fourth St Hibbing Minn (Marseilles 111) Carney Oscar Lyon (c eng 1914-15) Stu U Minn Marseilles 111 Carney Ralph Thomas (c eng 1909-10) Sales c/o Manhattan Lumber Co Gary Ind (21st Av & Massachusetts St) Carney Sidney Sylvester (ag 1915- ) Stu Steward 111 Carney Valentine Daniel (ag 1910-11 Also E 111 St Nor) Ag Keosauqua la 106 CAEOLAN— CARE Carolan Joseph Penn (la com 1913) 277 Park Av River Forest 111 CAROTHERS George Edward (St Geol Surv U 111 1909-11) Mgr Twin City Sanitary Co 714 W Park Av Cham- paign 111 Carothers Wilhelmina Ellen (lib 1903- 4 AB AB(ND)'96) Libr 471 Broad- way Av Portland Ore ?CAROZZI Guiseppe Napoleone (Instr Mus U 111 1892-3) Urbana 111 ^Carpenter Besse Eloese (la 1905-6) 1017 Paul St Ottawa 111 CARPENTER Charles Ernest (AB (Kan) '03 LLB(Harv)'08 Asst Prof Law U Kan & Prof Law U ND 1909- 14) Asst Prof Law U 111 1914- 310 James St Champaign 111 Carpenter Charles Henry (sp ag 1902- 3) Plumber 19th St Rock Island 111 t Carpenter Charles Kneeland (arch eng 1911-15 BS) 222 Seventh St Faribault Minn ?Carpenter E (ag 1873-4) Champaign 111 *Carpenter Emma Agnes (sp 1873-5) d Champaign 111 Carpenter Ethel Elizabeth (su 1907) Teach 820 Hazel St Danville 111 Carpenter Frank Albert (arch 1891-4) Arch 420 Brown Bldg Rockford 111 Carpenter Fred E (sp ag 1888-90) Law 303 S First St Rockford 111 CARPENTER Frederic Walton (BS (NY) '99 AM(NY)'00 PhD(Harv) '04 Asst Biol NY U 1899-1900 Asst Zool Harv U 1901-3 Instr Zool U 111 1904-8 Assoc Zool U 111 1908-10 '11-13) Asst Prof Zool Trinity Coll 1913- Hartford Conn ^Carpenter George W (acad 1888-9) Tolono 111 Carpenter Harvey Irving (la 1889-93 BL) Piano Tuner Co-op Bldg Cham- paign 111 Carpenter Herbert Vinton (e eng 1893-7 BS MS '99 Asst Physics U 111 1897-9 Instr do 1899-1901) Prof M & E Eng Wash St Coll 1901- 300 Oak St Pullman Wash Carpenter Mrs H V (see Staley Mag- gie E) Carpenter Jay Ira (ag 1912-14) Law 1204 Third Av Rochelle 111 CARPENTER Jeannette Emeline (Mrs A T Lincoln) (OM Dir Phys Tr for Worn U 111 1898-1904 See also Lincoln Mrs Jeannette) Home 1625 Tibbitts Av Troy NY Carpenter Kate Edna (su 1902 Also 111 St Nor U 1899) Teach 319 N Glen Oak St Peoria 111 (Wyoming 111) Carpenter Lewis Moffitt (su 1907-12 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 1354 Rose- mont Av Chicago (319 Glen Oak St Peoria 111) Carpenter Millard Fillmore (acad 1892-3) Contr 16 S Western Av Chicago (108 N Waller St) Carpenter Niles (la 1909-11) Stu NW U 746 Forest Av Evanston 111 ?Carpenter Oliver Elijah (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-4) 577 Fulton St Chi- cago Carpenter Osie Edith (Mrs C A John- son) (su 1912 Also Earlham Coll). Home Muncie Ind Carpenter Sara Jane (su 1902 Also 111 St Nor U 1897-9) Teach 319 N Glen Oak St Peoria 111 (Wyom- ing 111) Carpenter Thomas Earle (la com 1912- 13) Ins 219 S Sixth St Keokuk la ?Carpenter T S (sp ag 1883-4 acad 1885-6) Na-au-say 111 t Carper Bess E (la 1909-10 Also Knox Coll) Buda 111 Carper John Fisher (acad 1904-5 e eng 1905-9 BS) Eng . Buda 111 \Carper John Irving (acad 1892-3) Buda 111 t Carper Ulyses Stanton (acad 1896-8) Seymour 111 \Carr Alfred N (acad 1882-3) Macon in Carr Angie Lotta (su 1901 Also Teach Coll Col U Cert) Superv Mus San Luis Obispo Cal (c/o J H Cox La Salle 111) Carr Arnold Plack (1 1904-7 LL B (Yale) '08) Law Carlyle 111 ?Carr Cela Anderson (ag 1906-7) Ca- diz 111 Carr Charles Clement (e eng 1901-6 BS Also W 111 St Nor) Tel Eng Norfolk Strand London England Carr Charles Tremm (1 1909-11) Sec- Treas Constr Co 504 Commerce Bldg St Louis Mo (Hotel Forest) (Trenton 111) Carr Charles W (acad 1885-6) Med Denison la Carr Earl Henry (la 1899-1902) Law 460 Ins Exch Bldg Chicago Carr Flora Fay (lib 1905-6 AB(Mich) '05) Libr 509 S Broad St Man- kato Minn Carr Geo Russell (sc 1898-1901 BS) V-Pres & Gen Mgr Dearborn Chem Co 2005 McCormick Bldg Chicago (115 Bellevue PI) tCarr Henry Beaty (sp ag 1900-1) Lis 111 CARR— CARROLL 101 Carr Mrs Herbert (see Chisholm Eva | May) ?Carr James W (la 1872-5) Trenton 111 Carr John Robison (acad 1903-5 e eng 1905-6) Ag Bowling Green Mo Carr Kenneth Wright (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 538 N Cuyler Av Oak Park 111 Carr Maurice LeRoy (e eng 1899-1905 BS EE 1911 Asst Eng Exp Sta U 111 1906-7) Fire Prot Eng c/o Under- writers Lab 207 E Ohio St Chicago (1500 Farwell Av) Carr Mrs ML (see Kilner Louise M) Carr May (Mrs G W Spear) (acad 1885-6) Home 838 West End Av New York Carr Melville Brown (ag 1910-12) Ag Scales Mound 111 Mrs O E (see Derby Alice G) Carr Ren W (sp ag 1909-10 ag 1910- 11 Also 111 St Nor U) Bnk Arm- ington 111 Carr Robert Franklin (acad 1888-9 sc 1889-93 BS Trustee 1915- ).Pres Dearborn Chem Co 2005 McCormick Bldg Chicago (512 Lansel Av High- land Park 111) Carr Vernon Wesley (la com 1912- ) Stu 331 N Main St Denison la Carr Walter Scott (acad 1891-2 sc 1892-3 Also U Mich 1893-4 BL(NW) '95) Pres McMaster-Carr Supply Co 174 N Market St Chicago Carr William Charles (ag 1909-13 BS) Merc 5402 Ridgewood Court Chi- cago Carr William Henry (ag 1915- ) Stu Bowling Green Mo Carrell Charles Gasheum (1 1906-9 LLB) Law ' Lemmon SD Carrell Elvey Francis (ag 1912-13) Gov Serv 621 Long Av Austin Sta Chicago Carrero Jose Oriol (chem eng 1908-12 BS) Chem Ag Exp Sta Porto Rico Mayagiiez PR Carrick Oland William (la 1913) Con- fectioner 2068 E William St Deca- tur 111 (402 E High St Monticello 111) ICarrick William (acad 1888-9 sc 1889-91) Newton 111 Carriel Fred Clifford (ry eng 1899- 1904 BS) Ry M Eng 1152 College Av Jacksonville 111 Carriel Mary Turner (Mrs H F) (Trus- tee 1897-1903 AB (Jacksonville Presb Acad) '65) Home 1152 Turner St Jacksonville 111 Carrier Adela Pauline (Mrs W K Ga- leener) (mus 1910-14 B Mus Also De Pauw U 1908 & Adrian Coll 1909) Teach & Home Rl Fairfield 111 Carrier Earle Wesley (c eng 1914- ) Stu 4026 W Congress St Chicago Carrier Gerald Vincent (la com 1910- 14 AB) c/o N Indiana Gas & Light Co 1414 Merchants Bk Bldg' Indian- apolis Carrier Mrs Gerald (see Smith Blanche M) Carrier James Albert (eng 1913-14) Mgr Theatre 313 Main St Peoria 111 (111 N Perry Av) Carriker John Homer (su 1915) Ag Irving 111 Carrithers Calvin Lea Roy (sp ag 1901- 2) Ag Low Point 111 Carrithers Glenn Wilson (ag 1913-15) Ag Toluca 111 Carrithers Harry Wallace (sp m eng 1900-1 '04-5) Teach Saunemin 111 Carrithers Henry Havens (ag 1914- ) Stu Hudson 111 Carrithers Ira Thompson (la 1904-8 AB Dir Athl & Phys Tr Lake Forest U Instr Athl U 111 1913-14) Dir Athl & Phys Tr Coe Coll Cedar Rap- ids la Carroll Agnes Joane (Mrs Hayward) (sp la 1906-7) Jour 6616 Minerva Av Chicago Carroll Alfred Bailey (la 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 22 Latrobe Av Chicago Carroll Charles (com 1915- ) Stu Shawneetown 111 Carroll Daniel Bernard (la 1913-15 AB g pol sc 1915) Teach H Sch 1101 Central Av Indianapolis (Pitts- field 111) Carroll Daniel Joseph (c eng 1906-7) Min Eng c/o Chgo Wilmington & Vermillion Coal Co W Frankfort 111 Carroll Frank Emil (la 1912-13) Ag Atwood 111 Carroll Franklin Otis (ry e eng 1912- ) Stu Jerseyville 111 Carroll James Bernard (arch eng 1913- Also Knox Coll) Stu Bradford 111 Carroll Jessie Anna (Mrs R E Smith) (lib 1899-1901 BLS AB (Wilming- ton) '95) 516 E Camilla St Whittier Cal Carroll Lee Joseph (acad 1907-11 sp 1911-12 la com 1912-13) Merc 911 Edgecomb PI Chicago Carroll Nelle Marguerite (sp mus 1910- 11) At home 327 W 46th St Los Angeles Cal ?Carroll Sarah Frances (sp la 1900-1) San Diego Cal Carroll William E (la 1870-1) Ag Atwood 111 carroll William Ernest (g ag 1909-14 MS'll PhD'14 BS(Utah Ag)'09) Asst Dir Sch Ag & Assoc Prof An 108 CARRUTHERS— CARTER Husb Utah Ag Coll Logan Utah Carruthers Mary (h sc 1911-13 Also Kan St Nor) Teach Ava 111 CAEEY Charles Seraphin (Besoncon France 1901 Coll Francais I Le Havre France 1909-11 Teach Art Inst Chgo Chautauqua Inst) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1913- 1207 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 carscallen George Ernest (g math 1907-10 AM '12-13 AB (Wabash) '06 Asst Math U 111 1907-10) Prof Math Hiram Coll Hiram O Carse David B (arch eng 1880-2) Consult Eng 165 Broadway New York *Carson Anna (la 1887-91 BL) d Nov 1908 Urbana 111 Carson Francis Thomas (acad 1895-8 law 1898-1903 LLB) Law 310 W High St Urbana 111 Carson Mrs FT (see Swartz Mary K) Carson Harry Young (mun eng 1906- 11 BS Also Harv U Asst Arch Eng U 111 1913-14) Central Foundry Co 90 West St New York (395 E 16th St Brooklyn NY) CARSON Helen D (Instr Wis Lib Sch 1907 Asst' Libr U 111 1910-11) 482 Holly Av St Paul Minn Carson Helen Foster (la 1911-12) At home 711 E Reynolds St Spring- field 111 Warson Jefferson (acad 1896-7) Mor- timer 111 carson Lucy Hamilton (g 1898-9 AM PhB(Chgo)'98 Instr Engl U 111 1901) Prof Engl Mont St Nor U Dillon Mont Carson Luvilla Bardwell (sp h sc 1902- 3 sp mus 1903-7) At home 507 Daniel St Champaign 111 Carson Marcus Chesney (la 1913-14 law 1915- ) Stu Nashville 111 Carson Natalia Margaretta (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu 928 Argyle St Chicago Carson Roy Porter (m eng 1910-12 Also Bradley Poly) Clk 109 E Ar- cadia Av Peoria 111 Carson Warren Finley (sp ag 1910-11) Ag Oakdale 111 Carstenson Theodore (su 1906) Superv Man Tr 925 N Second St Clinton la ?Carswell Arthur Scott (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-4) New City 111 Warswell Jessie Whyte (acad 1892-3) New City 111 Carter Alice (h sc 1911-15 AB g hist 1915- ) Asst Pastor McKinley Pres Church Presbyterian Hall Champaign 111 (726 Forest Av Evanston 111) Carter Allan John (la 1903-6 AB LL B(Chgo) '08 Also Lewis Inst) Law 1331 N Monroe St Chicago (619 Uni- versity PI Evanston 111) Carter Carrie Mabel (sp a&d 1892-4 '97-8) At home 804 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Carter Carroll (acad 1906-7) C Eng 5025 Cabanne Av . St Louis Carter Charles Willard (la 1889-93 BL g la 1893-4 ML MD(P&S)'97) Med Clinton 111 Carter Mrs C W (see Mann Mary E) carter Clarence Edwin (g la 1906-8 PhD AB(Wis)'05 AM(do)'06 Prof Hist Miami U 1910- Oxford O Carter Clark C (la com 1908-9) Bus Mgr Rossville 111 Carter Donald Hummer (sc 1910-12) Dent Stu 3723 Spruce St Philadel- phia Carter Florence Emeline (Mrs E G Sherman) (lib 1895-1901 BLS) Home 2002 El Cerrito PI Hollywood Cal Carter Floyd (ag 1914- ) Stu R5 Clinton 111 ?Carter Harry Clyde (su 1899) Farm- er City 111 Carter Harry Leslie (acad 1879-80 m eng 1881-5 Cert) Merc Humboldt 111 t Carter Henry Clay (acad 1893-4 Also Pur U) Buck Creek Ind Carter Henry Leslie (sc 1895-8) Acct Carlisle Ky Carter Herbert Mellville (g 1913-14 BS (Tufts) '13) Chem Norwood Mass Carter Ira Calvin (acad 1897-8 sp arch 1898-1900) Arch Lake Charles La Carter Isaac Ray • (la 1910-14 AB) Stu U Chgo Rossville 111 Carter John Flint Jr (la com 1899- 1900) Mgr Ind Bur Assoc of Com- merce New Orleans Carter John Leslie (ag 1909-10) Ag Rossville 111 *Carter Leigh Hays (sp ag 1906-7 Also Va Poly) d Chicago Carter Leona Fern (sp h sc 1906-7) Teach H Sch Akron O (Lewiston 111) Carter Lloyd Talley (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Medora 111 Carter Lucile (ag 1913-15 BS) Teach 4 Peter Pan Apts Indianapolis Carter Mrs Maud Russell (su 1915 Also Cook Co Nor) Libr 298 Sum- mit Av Pierre SD Carter Opal Gertrude (acad 1896-8 sp sc 1898-1902) At home 804 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Carter Ralph Merle (sc 1902-5 AB CARTER—CASEY 109 MD(Rush)'08) Med 1263 Main St Green Bay Wis Carter Roy Rudy (c eng 1907-8 '10- 12 BS Asst GED U 111 1910-12) C Eng 328 Kent St Rockford 111 Carter Samuel Carroll (e eng 1907-10) C Eng Girard 111 Carter Truman Post (1884-8 BS & AM) Teach 475 Lincoln Av Jack- sonville 111 tCarter Walter Clark (la 1910-12) Clk Stelwyn Apts Portland Ore (Gays ni) Carter Walter McKinley (la 1913- ) Stu 245 E Woodland Av Ft Wayne Ind Carter Wayne Leslie (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Waverly HI Carter Wilbur Maxwell (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1621 W Washington St Indianapolis Carter William Curtis (m eng 1898- 1902 BS) Supt Link Belt Co 5429 Ingleside Av Chicago Carter William Douglas (e eng 1900-2 AB ( LeStan ) '05 ) Hydraulic Eng 480 E San Antonio St San Jose Cal Carter Mrs Wm D (see Montgomery Amelia) Carter William Stokely (la 1913- ) Stu Trenton 111 Cartier Mrs Ralph (see De Vol Mary E) Cartiledge Harvey Brayford (sp la 1899-1900) Jour Oregon City Ore Cartmill John Rueben (sc 1913-14) Clk Toledo HI Cartwright Charles Findley (sp 1907- 8 c eng 1910-14 BS) Draft 5717 Von Verson Av St Louis (Collier- ville Tenn) Cartwright Nellie G (su 1915 Also Ind U) Pennville Ind cartwright Sara Blanche Elizabeth (h sc 1910-13 AM Also Shurtleff Coll) Teach 1524 Jersey St Alton 111 Cartwright Victor Harold (sc 1910-13 AB Also Ind U 1904-5 & '07) Supt Brick Factory 119 Bridge St Peo- ria HI Carver Albert (sc 1885-9 BS Also Berlin U 1891-2) Teach 120 W Al- len St Springfield 111 Cary Clarence Edward (ag 1914-15) 110 Tennyson Ct Elgin 111 Cary Clifton Guy (acad 1904-6) Med 930 14th St Boulder Colo (Elburn 111) Cary Earl Chester (la com 1905-9 AB) Asst Cash Armour Grain Co 3614 Michigan Blvd Chicago (R-antoul 111) Cary Malcom Combs (m eng 1914- ) Stu 305 S East Av Oak Park 111 Cary Phoebe Kathryn (Mrs John Arm- strong) (sp mus 1895-7) Home 210 W University Av Champaign 111 Cary Spencer Albert (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Kerrick 111 Cary Willie Ready (la 1912-13) Stenog 427 N Central Pk Blvd Chi- cago tCasady Fred Simon (sc 1913-14) 1425 Sherman St Anderson Ind Case Charles Dennis (e eng 1910-11 AB(De Paul) '07 AM(do) '09 EE (do) '12) E Eng 1024 Belden Av Chicago Case Elizabeth Maude (su 1911 Also E 111 St Nor) Libr 833 15th St Charleston HI Case Flora M (la 1907-12 AB g 1912 13 Also 111 St Nor U) Libr Salem Ore Case Harold Clayton M (ag 1908-12 BS g An Husb 1912-13) Asst Farm Management & Demonstration U 111 1915- 1410 W University Av Urbana 111 (R7 Ann Arbor Mich) Case Harry Hayden (ag 1907-9) Ag & Stock Cherry Valley 111 Case John Ruggles (ag 1910-13 BS Also Cal St Nor Chico) Teach Cen- terville Cal CASE John Watrous (BS (Mass Tech) '88 Also U Mich Asst Prof Arch Design U 111 1905-10) Arch Detroit Case Lura Maud (Mrs E H Sullivan) (sp h sc 1907-8) Home 822 Fay- ette St Peoria HI Case Mary Jane (h sc 1906-9 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Cherry Valley 111 Case Montgomery Babcock (c eng 1904-6 BS Also U Neb) C Eng 837 Delaware Av Memphis Tenn Case Roy Lawrence (su 1911) Ag Homer 111 Casely William John Courtenay (la 1880-1 MD(Chgo Med) '85) Med Marengo HI Casey Angie May (Mrs C W Richards) (h sc 1905-6 Also U Chgo) Home 305 W High St Urbana 111 Casey Augustus Bacon (c eng 1903-7 BS) R Est 1132 Lake Av Wilmette 111 Casey Charles Nickolas (1 1901-4 LL B Also Armour Inst) Law 1222 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago Casey Dawn Reber (la 1914- ) Stu 6128 Vermont Av St Louis ICasey George Washington (acad 1903- 4) Olney HI Casey Howard (c eng 1908-11) Draft 110 CASEY— CASTLE Mt Vernon 111 tCasey Isabel (sc 1910-11) Pana 111 Casey Samuel (acad 1879-80) Whole- sale Grocer Mt Vernon 111 Casey Sylvia (acad 1909-11 sp mus 1911-13 Also Lake Forest Acad) At home Woodstock 111 Cash Arthur Lester (e eng 1907-9) Coke Plant 443 Adams St Gary Ind Cash Harold Smith (ag 1907-12 BS) Ag R3 Harvard 111 Cash Madia Alice (sul912&'15 Also U Chgo & Marion Nor & Ind Nor) Teach Greenup 111 Cash Paul (acad 1900-2) Oakland 111 Caskey Arthur David (e eng 1915- ) Stu 84 W 19th St Chicago Heights 111 Casner Sidney (la 1910-14 AB law 1914-15) Dir Palmer Park 111th & S Park Av Chicago (5253 Prairie Av) tCasner William Allen (sp m eng 1898- 9) Earlville 111 CASPER Shields Quitman (Instr M Eng U 111 1906-10) R Est 912 N Wal- nut St Champaign 111 Cass Mrs J A (see Hazen Alice) Cass Cassie Maude (su 1911) Teach Sidell 111 Cass Elizabeth Henrietta (la 1906-12 AB lib 1912-13 BLS Asst Catg Dept U 111 1913-14) At home 5136 Cor- nell Av Chicago (Mt Vernon Wash) *CASS Josephine A (Grad Welles Instr Anc Langs U 111 1886-8) d 1890 NH Cass Sherman (la 1902-8 '10-11 AB '12 Also 111 St Nor U 1899) Teach Wauconda 111 (Fithian 111) Cassell Harrison Morton (sp la 1909- 10) Law Bankers' Club Los An- geles t Cassell Robert Tilton (la 1884-5) Denver Cassella William Nathan (m eng 1915- ) Stu Fourth & State Sts Alton 111 Casserly Joseph Bernard (acad 1907- 9 ry eng 1909-11 ag 1912-15 BS g agron 1915- ) Stu 108 Daniel St Champaign 111 Casserly Marguerite May (Mrs W F Woods) (acad 1896-7) Home 609 W University Av Champaign 111 Casserly Thomas Davis (acad 1899- 1901 m eng 1901-5 BS) c/o Chgo Plumbing & Heating Co 3941 Evan- ston Av Chicago Cassidy Grattan George (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 501 N Randolph St Champaign 111 Cassidy Holland Mullikin (1 1908-9 '12-14 LL B) Law Belleville 111 Cassingham Florence Adelaide (Mrs R V Edwards) (la 1908-13 AB) Home R8 Tolono 111 Cassingham Roy Burns (acad 1907-9) Sales 6336 Woodlawn Av Chicago Casstevens Edna Marie (Mrs J R Shinn) (sp h sc 1903-6 Also E 111 St Nor) Home 722 E Illinois Av Spokane Wash Casstevens Thomas Henry (sp ag 1906- 7) Ag Fancher 111 Cast George Simon (sp c en^ 1904-6) News Rep 1105 Scott St Little Rock Ark (Watseka 111) Casteel Grace Mae (su 1911) Teach Fithian 111 Casteel Mabel Estelle (Mrs O G Raw- son) (la 1903-7) Home 3208 For- rest PI E St Louis 111 tCasteen John Carlos (sp ag 1912-14) Versailles 111 tCasteen Marie Louise (su 1912 Also 111 Wes U) Versailles 111 Castello Roy Robert (ag 1915- ) Stu 5057 Kenmore Av Chicago Castendyck Charles Hamel (com 1915- ) Stu 227 Fifth St La Salle 111 CASTENHOLZ William B (AB(Ind) '02 AM(Wis)'03 CPA(I11)'15) Comptroller & Instr Accty U 111 1915- 16) Mgr Milwaukee Ofc Anderson De Lany & Co Accts Majestic Bldg Milwaukee Caster Mrs Estelle (see Gillespie Es- telle) Castile Sarah Myrtle (la 1904-10 AB) Teach Wauconda 111 (805 Harmon Av Danville 111) t Castillo Carlos Castelazo (c eng 1912-14 BS Also Pur U) c/o U Washington Seattle (Lofero No 2 Queretaro Mex) *Castle Clara A (acad 1879-80 sp 1882-3) d 1890 Ridgefarm 111 Castle Drew Wm (m eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Gridley 111 Castle Frederick Boyd (m eng 1902-6) Ins Majestic Bldg Quincy 111 Castle John E (acad 1882-4) Ag Ridgefarm 111 Castle Lucy (Mrs O C Hole) (acad 1879-80) Home 423 N Hazel St Danville 111 (Ridgefarm 111) *Castle Luins T (chem 1875-6) d Alton 111 Castle Ora Blanche (acad 1907-11 la 1911-12) Stenog U 111 202 S Romine Av Urbana 111 Castle Richard Lloyd (acad 1907-11 la 1913-15 com 1915)' Stu 202 S Romine Av Urbana 111 Castle Robert Stanley (la 1908-9) Adv & Sales Promoter 71 E Elm St Chi- cago Castle Russell D V (acad 1907-8 la CASTLE— CECIL 111 com 1912- ) Stu 202 S Romine Av Urbana 111 Castle Mrs S C (see Major Margaret) Castleberry Georgia (Mrs G W Merrill) (ag 1914-15 Also Emerson Coll Ora- tory) Home (McCune Kan) Perk- ins Mich Castleman Mrs F R (see Grigsby Gen- eva) | Casto Ella (acad 1877-8) Mattoon 111 Castro Julio Melchor (ag 1913- Also U La) Stu la Av 72 Cardenas Mantanzas Cuba fCaswell Clarence Alexander (sp ag 1904-5 Also Winona Ag Inst) Well- ington 111 Caswell Julia Ethel (Mrs N C Hawk- ins) (la 1901-5 AB) Home Caruth- ersville Mo (2307 Pine St Cairo 111) caswell Omar (g la 1913-14 AM AB (Ind) '97) Supt Sch Hinckley 111 Caswell Percy Alexis (arch eng 1910- 12 Also Armour Inst) Estimator 6400 Normal Blvd Chicago *Cate Horatio W (la 1871-3 Cert 1874) d Hamilton 111 Cate Hubert Arthur (ag 1909-13 BS) Field Wk Dairy Dept U 111 Urbana 111 (Camp Point HI) *Cater Summer Harris (ag 191.2-13) d Feb 1914 Champaign HI Cathcart Robert Irl (acad 190810 m eng 1910-12) Electr Deland 111 Cather LeRoy Hey wood (arch eng 1915- ) Stu Canton: HI Cation James Levi (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Williamsfield 111 Catlett Aren (acad 1877-8) Ret Ag Modesto HI Catlett Boulware (acad 1877-8) Bnk Weleetka Okla Catlett Rolland John (ag 1910-12 Al- so Okla A&M Coll) Ag Weleetka Okla Catlett Shirley Tilton (sp ag 1908-10 Also Valparaiso U) Asst Cash J^xch Bk Fairmount 111 Caton Charles Hall (la 1901-5) Acct 1020 Commonwealth Bldg Dallas Tex *Caton Frank Smith (m e eng 1901-2) Warren HI ?Caton William Hull (la 1901-4) Ot- tawa 111 Catron Bruce Hurd (sp c eng 1903-4) Ag Ipava 111 Cattell Mrs (see Wehrman Effie L) Cattel Fred Ray (ag 1913-15) C&EI RR Shops Salem 111 ?Catterlin Lillian May (su 1902) Champaign 111 ?Catto Keith Angus (sp ag 1908-9) 1002 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Cattron Conrad Lee (sp 1909 10 ag 1910-13 BS) Ag Ellisville 111 Cattron John William (ag 1900-3 BS) Ag & Stock Ellisville HI Cattron Kie (ag 1901-3 '07-10 BS) Ag Fairview 111 Cattron Thomas Hezekiah (e eng 1908- 13) E Eng 212 W Washington St Chicago (Fairview 111) Cauble Charles Allan (l£ 1914-15) Stu Ind U 506 E John St Champaign HI Cauble Helen Frances (la 1915- ) Stu 506 E John St Champaign 111 Caughlan Ralph Hawthorne (acad 1907- 10) Sales Box 7 Douglas Ariz ?Caukins Eugene L (arch 1870-1) Courtland Mich Caul Roy Clifton (c eng 1905-8 Also Lewis Inst) C Eng 4110 N Paulina Av Chicago Cavanagh Bert Martin (acad 1902-3 la 1903-5 LLB(NW)'OS) Law Car- thage 111 Cavanaugh Marie Elizabeth (la 19] 5- ) Stu R7 Urbana 111 Cavanaugh William Patrick (la 1901- 2) Grain Broker Mendota 111 Cavanor Frank Tracy (la 1900-3 AB MD (Minn) '10 Also City & County Hosp St Paul Minn '10-11) Med 1360 Spruce PI Minneapolis fCavazas Eurique (acad 1902-3 su 1904) Saltillo Mexico Caveney Frank Marion (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Rl Crescent City Til * Cavette Francis Erie (la 1913- Also NW U) Stu Lacon 111 Cavins Elzy Cartwright (su 1904) Ag Charleston 111 Cavitt John William (arch eng 1915- ) Stu Woodland 111 Cavins Lorimer Victor (la 1903-6 AB AM(Harv)'lO) Teach Mattoon 111 Cawood Hervey Richey (acad 1905-6 c eng 1906-9 BS) C Eng Palestine 111 Cawthorne Dorothy Isabel (la 1915- ) Stu 2711 Flournoy St Chicago Caylor John McShane (la 1915- ) Stu 147 S Ninth St Noblesville Ind tCayou Francis Mitchell (e eng 1899- 1903 Also Dickinson Coll) Areola 111 \Cayton Cecil Anthony (acad 1898) Beaver Tex Cayton Mildred Mae (Mrs H Doak) (la 1909-10) At home Box 234 Claude Tex Cecil Eugene (m eng 1909-12) Locom Fireman Villa Grove 111 (Steward- son 111) Cecil Jessie Isabel (sp se 1910-12 Al- n: CECIL— CHAMBERLIN so N 111 St Nor & NW U) Teach Princeton 111 Cecil Lawrence Keith (la 1914- ) Stu 801 S Wright St Champaign 111 Cederberg John Oscar Jr (sp arch eng 1906-8 Also St Paul Inst) Arch 689 Bedford St St Paul Minn Center Orlo Dorr (ag 1900-5 BS '10 MS Instr & Asst Ag U 111 1906-11) Ag & Soc Se* v 1705 State St Boise Id Cermak Jerome (c eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Eng Constr Div 925 E 62nd St Chicago Cermack Joseph Julius (eng 1915- ) Stu 2533 S Central Pk Av Chicago Cerrezin Michael S (sp la 1911-12 Al- so Holy Cross Coll) Law 1015 Ur- suline Av New Orleans Cessna Albert Bergess (acad 1900-3 sp law 1903-5 LL B(I11 Wes) '06) Law & Hort Santa Rose Fla Cessna Maud Opal (la 1909-10 AB Also la Coll) Teach Grinnell la Cessna Robert (ag 1914- ) Stu 902 Robinson St Danville 111 Chabot Bernice (ag h sc 1915- Al- so 111 St Nor U) Stu 719 S Green- wood Av Kankakee 111 Chabot Kathleen Martin (la 1913- ) Stu 719 S Greenwood £v Kankakee 111 Chace Henry Edson (acad 1898 Also Greer Coll) Hoopeston 111 Chacey Anna Olive (Mrs A L Keuhn) (la 1899-1903 AB) Home 220 S Ridgeland Av Oak Park 111 Chacey Ezra Cline (c eng 1895-6) Supt Federal Creosoting Co 178 E 21st St Paterson NJ Chadderdon Alvin Wayne (ag 1915- ) Stu Adair 111 tChaddock Blatchford (e eng 1909-10) Polo 111 Chadwick Frances lone (sp mus 1907) Asst Dr D E Yantis 406 S Race St Urbana 111 Chadwick Walter (m eng 1901-4) Dav- enport Loco Wks Rockingham Rd Davenport la Chafee Alpha (Mrs A J Nixon) (su 1899) Home Ovid Mich (Shelby- ville 111) Chaffee Mrs J L (see Bacon Gertrude) Chaffee Lura Josephine (Mrs F M Mc- Math) (la 1908-10 Also 111 Worn Coll & U Chgo) Home 414 Exchange Bldg Memphis Tenn Chaiken Edith Marcia (la 1914- Al- so NW U) Stu 2619 N Troy St Chi- cago Chakravartz Akhil Chandra (eng 1913- 14 Also Presidency Coll Calcutta) Ghoramara Rajshahi Bengal India Chalcraft Delos Maurice (ag 1914- Also South Coll Inst) Stu Albion 111 Chalcraft Lloyd Walton (ag 1913- Also South Coll Inst) Stu Albion 111 Chalfont Mrs Alfred (see Krause Jose- phine) Challacombe Harvey Edwin (sp ag 1907-8) Ag R25 Medora 111 Challacombe Lorena May (Mrs Louis H McRae) (acad 1907-8) At home 2719 Rockefeller Av Everett Wash Challand Florence Eliza (sp sc 1909- 10 Also Mt Morris Coll) Milliner Shabbona 111 Challand Grace (Mrs C W Pollock) (sc 1908-11 AB Also N 111 St Nor) Home Natalie Apts 179 Henry St Detroit Chalmers- Thomas (acad 1907-8 e eng 1908-9 Also Bradley Poly) Estima- tor Amer Spiral Pipe Wks Chicago (4726 Park Av 2nd Apt) fCHAMBERLAIN Mary Eliza (Instr A&D U 111 su 1906) Teach Louis- ville Ky fChamberlain Miss A E (sp chem 1879-80) At home 511 W University Av Champaign 111 Chamberlain Carl Coley (c eng 1904- 7) Bldg Supt 103 Armory Av Cham- paign 111 Chamberlain Charles Cory (la 1897- 1901 AB) Sales Mgr Austin Rd Mach Co Karpen Bldg Chicago Chamberlain Edith Mae (sp la 1908- 10) At home 1227 Sherwin Av Rog- ers Park Chicago Chamberlain Lucius Orville (ry c eng 1906-12 BS) Ry C Eng 103 Armory Av Champaign HI Chamberlain Martin Tuttle (arch eng 1901-3 BS Also U Mich) Contr 328 Globe Bldg Seattle Chamberlain. Mary Chase (Mrs Smith) (acad 1898-9) Home 602 John St Topeka Kan Chamberlain Ray Elenor (Mrs C H Hedges (acad 1906-7) Home Oke- mah Okla Chamberlain Richard Harris (la 1914- ) Stu 204 W Fourth St Peru Ind Chamberlain Wheelock Paul (eng 1913- 14 Also Lewis Inst) Draft 103 S La Salle St Chicago (427 Diversey Pky) chamberlin McKendree Hypes (Hon LL D 1905 AB (McKendree) '59 AM (do) '62 LL B(Harv) '61 Sec St RR Comm 1877-8 Pres McKendree Coll 1894-1908 Pres Emeritus 1908 111 St Hist Lib 1904-10) Ret 137 S CHAMBERLIN— CHANG 113 Bunker Hill Av Los Angeles Chamberlin Ralph Gerard (su 1915 Al- so Mich Ag Coll) Teach & Coach Athl 915 45th St Milwaukee chamberlin Thomas Crowder (Hon D Sc 1905 Pres TJ Wis 1887-92) Head Dept Geol TJ Chgo 1892- Hyde Pk Hotel Chicago Chambers Charles Oscar (g sc 1909- 10 AB(Ind)'91 AM(do)'95 Teach Biol Georgetown Coll 1905-7 do Pac- ific U Oregon 1907-9) Prof Bot U Cin Cincinnati Chambers Chester Raymond (ag 1908- 11 BS Also Shurtleff Coll) Ag Pier- son Sta III Chambers Clifton (acad 1896 ) Ag & Grain Dealer Sadorus 111 Chambers Mrs Clifton (see Robinson Estelle P) Chambers Gertrude (Mrs E E Craw) (sp 1893-4) Home Decatur 111 \ Chambers James Bloomfield (acad 1894-5) Riverside 111 Chambers Ralph Edward (acad 1900-1 ag 1903-7 BS) Ag Sadorus 111 Chambers Robert Elmer (acad 1899- 1900) Merc Roberts 111 Chambers Roy Ellsworth (la 1914- ) Stu Chenoa HI ? Chambers Samuel Sunderland (e eng 1903-4) 6518 Ingleside Av Chicago Chambers William Harold (ag 1911- 15 BS g bacteriol 1915- ) Asst Dairy Bacteriol U 111 1915- 1007 Wright St Champaign 111 (1319 Main St Evanston 111) * Chambers William Robert (c eng 1908-10) d Oklahoma City Chambers William Rock "(la 1889-93 AB LL B (Mich) '96) Law Safford Ariz Champion Edwin Van Meter (1 1908- 12 LL B) Law 549 Woolner Bldg Peoria 111 (207 W McClure Av) Champlin Ellis Howard (su 1914 Al- so Temple TJ) Dir Athl Lawrence Coll Appleton Wis (Friendship NY) Champlin Grace Elizabeth (ag 1913- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 25 S Oakley Blvd Chicago Chan Shin Chien (com 1915- Also Queen's Coll) Stu Canton China Chan Tingit Harry (ag 1914-15 Al- so Ohio U) 735 Clay St San Fran- cisco tChan Tsung Ngok (ag 1913-14) Can- ton China Chan Ye Young (la 1914- Also Whea- ton Coll) Stu Hing Min H Sch Shin Nan City Knowzton China ?Chan Yoke Him (m eng 1906-7 Also Armour Inst) 293 S Clark St Chi- cago Chan Yu Chang (la 1914-15 Also Pe- kin TJ) Kirin China Whance Alonzo Roy (acad 1898-9) 501 Babcock St TJrbana HI Chance William Edwin (la 1903-5) Tel 425 Vermilion St Danville 111 Chancellor Catherine (la 1914) Rich- mond Ind Earlham PO (Stockland 111) Chand Hari (sp e eng 1911-15 BS Also Randhir Coll) Partanwali Sial Kote Dist India Chandler Charles Forest (acad 1896- 7) Consult Eng 4657 N Lincoln St Chicago Chandler Edward Charles (la 1914- ) Stu Flora 111 Chandler Edward Marion A (g chem 1914- AM ( Clark ) '14) Stu 2347 Georgia Av Washington Chandler Ernest Mortier (sp 1875-7) Live Stock Comm Merc Union Stock Yards Peoria 111 Chandler George Herbert (ag 1905-6) Stock 1514 Valley Av Baker City Ore Chandler Henry George (e eng 1904-5) Ag Marshfield Ind *Chandler John Miles (acad 1870-1 '76-7) d Apr 11 1910 Bourbon 111 Chandler Leslie George (la 1914-15) Clk PO 6 S Madison Hinsdale 111 Chandler Ruth (su 1915) Libr 4657 North Lincoln St Chicago tChandler Sara Preswick (sp la 1907-8 Also Kan St Nor) 707 W Third St Pittsburg Kan Chandler Walter M (la 1875-6 BS (Cor) 79) Min Eng Box 149 Johan- nesburg Transvaal S Africa Chandler William Bayard (sp 1872-6 BS) Ag Box 17 Spanaway Wash Chandler Zachariah Eli (la 1910-11) Wholesale Cigar & Tobacco Merc Syc- amore 111 Chanenson Louis (e eng 1910-11) Clk 2139 Thomas St Chicago tChaney Harold Brockway (m eng 1905-10 Also 111 Wes TJ) Blooming- ton HI Chaney Zoe Gladys (sc 1913-14 su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) At home 1001 S Third St Champaign 111 Chang Hung Lieh (la 1915- ) Stu Ku Hsen Honan China Chang Ju Shen (com 1915- Also Ohio TJ) Stu 32 Harrison St Boston fChang Kouchow Ting-Chin (su 1910 Also Nau Yang Coll) Wusih China ohang Laun (c eng 1912-13 MS BCE (Tangshan Eng Coll) '11) 2006 Col- 114 CHANG— CHAPMAN umbia Ed Washington Chang Mabel Eachel (su 1915 Also Berea Coll) Stu Berea Ky c/o Ladies Hall 503 Clark St Chicago Chang Tien Tsai (ag 1914- Also Pe- kin Coll Lang) Stu 121 Kwong Ta St Canton China Chang Tze Li (eng 1913- Also Hun- an Tech Coll) Stu Changsha Hunan China t Chang Vunden Chinzum (ag 1909-12 BS g 1912-13 MS Also St John U) Yen An Fu Shensi China t Chang Whun (la com 1913-14 Also Cor U) Shentzen St Shenshow China Channel Clyde Wamsley (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-8) Teach Deer Eiver Minn Chantrey Frederick Arthur (m eng 1912-14) Lake Forest 111 *chanute Octave (Hon D Eng 1905 Bridge & EE Constr 1848-88 Organiz- er Chgo Tie Preserving Co Chm In- ternatl Eng Congress 1893 Pres Amer Soc C Eng 1891) d Nov 23 1910 Chi- cago Chapin Mrs (see MeClurg Cora A) ?Chapin Agnes E (sp 1872-4) Cham- paign 111 Chapin Arlo (acad 1897-8 la 1898- 1902 AB) Jour 510 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Chapin Mrs Arlo (see Miner Ada M) ?Chapin Charles Cox (sc 1911-12 Also Westminster Coll) 726 W Church St Champaign 111 \Chapin Clarence Willard (acad 1891- 2) Welden 111 (DeLand 111) Chapin Edward Pierce (la 1897-1901 AB) Jour Illiopolis 111 Chapin Mrs E P (see McCully Har- riet E) Chapin George (la 1900-6 AB) Publ Prescott Wis Chapin John Calvin (su 1906 AB (Harv) '09) Teach Oberlin O (Berea Ky) Chapin Lucy (la 1900-4 AB) At home 304 W Columbia Av Cham- paign 111 Chapin Mae (la 1903-8 AB) Mission- ary Kiungchow Hainan China (304 W Columbia Ay Champaign 111) Chapin Minor (m eng 1915- ) Stu Twin Lake Colo Chapin Nellie Mary (su 1908) Teach 2317 Newland Av Chicago Chapin William Leber (e eng 1906-8) Sales 867 S Douglas Av Springfield 111 (1145 W Monroe St) Chapin William Newton (sp ag 1911- 12 Lewis Inst) Publ Lombard 111 t CHAPIN William S (Clinical Asst Phys Chem U 111 1907-8) c/o E C Atkins & Co Indianapolis Chapman A P (acad 1877-8) Sugar Grove 111 Chapman Arms Spafard (acad 1885-6 la 1886-88) Jour 1315 Andrews St Eockford 111 Chapman Charles Hiram (la 1896- 1901 AB Also Geo Wash U 1901-2) Acct & Gov 413 PO Bldg Philadel- phia (7211 Cresheim Ed) Chapman Clyde Harris (sp ag 1911) Ag E57 Marseilles 111 Chapman Daniel Ward (la 1899-1903 AB) Bnk Vienna 111 Chapman Denison Williams (c eng 1909-12 BS Also Armour Inst) Exp & Sales Peoples Gas & Coke Co 5528 Kenwood Av Chicago Chapman Donald Vanderburg (ag 1915- Also NW U) Stu 1200 Elm- wood Av Evanston 111 Chapman Edward Neal (chem eng 1911-15 BS) Chem Chapman Mfg Co 5528 Kenwood Av Chicago Chapman Mrs Effie Willard (su 1905 Also O St Nor U) Eavenna O Chapman Frank (e eng 1892-3 Also Amer Sch Osteop Kirksville) Osteop 422 Holmes Bldg Galesburg 111 (641 N Kellogg St) Chapman Gideon P (su 1908 Also S 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Chatham 111 Chapman Grace Elizabeth (su 1899 Also U Chgo) Teach 6330 University Av Chicago Chapman Harry (su 1915) Westville 111 Chapman Harry Albert (ag 1915- ) Stu Eaymond 111 Chapman Harry Henderson (m eng 1915- ) Stu 79 First St Hinsdale HI : Chapman Henry Havnie (sp 1870-3) Ag Opal Colo (Elvaston 111) tChapman Howard Alonzo (e eng 1912- 13) Warrensburg Mo *Chapman Mrs Kate (su 1899&'02) d Mar 14 1913 Birmingham Ala tChapman Leo Albert (e eng 1906-8) Colfax 111 Chapman Marion (Mrs P C Eaberg) (sp mus 1899-1900) At home Doug- las Ariz tCHAPMAN Norman Ward (c eng 1880- 4 Cert) C & Min Eng Gerlaw 111 Chapman Mrs P T (sp 1899-1900 Al- so S 111 St Nor) At home Vienna 111 tChapman Paul Eeed (e eng 1892-3) 1112 N Clark St Chicago CHAPMAN— CHATTERJEE 115 Chapman Ralph Dwyer Clinton (la com 1911-15 AB) 2 Walton PI Chi- cago (Vienna 111) Chapman Raymond Stallwood (ag 1912- 13) Hog Buyer 6832 Perry Av Chi- cago Chapman Samuel S (la com 1867-73) Ag Elvaston 111 Chapman Thomas White (la 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 820 Kish- waukee St Belvidere 111 Chapman Walter Joseph (su 1900 Al- so 111 St Nor U 1898) Law Jersey- ville 111 ? Chapman Wesley Mason (sp e eng 1903-4) Anamosa la t Chapman William (sc 1904-5) Vien- na 111 Chapman William Charles (su 1902 AB( Bethany) '95 AM (do) '98 Also U Chgo) Mintr Fairbury HI Chappelear Claude Simpson (ag 1915- Also Greenville Coll) Stu Greenville 111 Whapple George D (acad 1886-7) Marseilles HI Charles Alta Achsah (Mrs W E Mc- Keever) (la 1904-7 Also 111 Worn Coll) Home Gibson City 111 Charles Clayton Henry (aearl 1S9R-S Also Hahnemann Med Coll) Med Goodman "Wis *CHARLES Fred Lemar (g sc 1909-11 BS(NW) '91 MS(do)'95 Also Acad NW U If 93-5 & St Nor 1*99-1909 Asst Prof Ag U 111 1909-11) d May 6 1911 Urbana 111 Charles Paul Lamont (m eng 1900-4) Mfg Agents Walsh & Charles 406 Tribune Bldg Winnipeg Canada Charles Walter Thomas (arch 1906-8 PhB(Yale Sheff) '00) Sec Mfg Co 155 N Clark St Chicago (57 E Elm St) Charlotte Mrs (see Smith Enid D) (iiarlton Tamest Edward (e chem 1913-15 MS g chem '15- AB(Grin- nell) '13) Asst Chem U Til 1914- 907 S Sixth St Champaign 111 (Cherokee la) Charlton John R (su 1915 Also Ar- mour Inst) Equip Man Amer Tel & Tel Co 5502 Rice St Chicago (111 N Franklin St) Charni Frederick Neal (arch eng 1912- 13) Stu Wabash Coll Brookville Ind Charni Hazel DeEtte (la 1909-12) Mus Brookville Ind Charpier Leonard Louis (la 1915- ) Stu 1404 W 103rd St Chicago Chartrand John Baptist (e eng 1910- ) Stu 1470 St Louis Av E St Louis 111 *Chase Adelaide Maria (lib 1897-8 1900-1 BLS) d May 1904 West Med- ford Mass Chase Clarence Calvin (m eng 1912-14) Ag Buda HI Chase Dean (mun eng 1910-14 BS) Mun Eng 2849 Russell Av St Louis (610 Merchants-La Clede Bldg) Chase Edward Elliott (sp ag 1906-7) Ag & Stock Towanda Kan *Chase Ella (gen 1871-2) d Urbana 111 Chase Frank L (acad 1876-7 ag 1877- 8) Grain 1221 Nicollet Av Minne- apolis Chase Frank Maxwell (ag 1908-11) Jour c/o Prairie Farmer Chicago Chase Mrs F M (see Drummond Ethel R) t Chase Harry Howell (chem eng 1906- 9) 1618 Main St Quincy 111 Chase Mrs J E (see Coats Alice Lynette) Chase John Albion (e eng 1912-13 cer eng 1913- ) Stu 906 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 Chase Joseph Harold • (ag 1915- ) Stu Toulon HI Chase Katherine Trusdell (la 1910-12 AB) Teach H Sch Mt Carmel 111 (906 S Goodwin Urbana 111) fChase Lottridhe Eaton (su 1907 Also Hiram Coll) Mintr LeRoy 111 chase Margaret Isabel (g sc 1909-10 AM AB (Knox) '09) Teach Towan- da Kan Chase Mrs M E (see McNeill Mary Agnes) Chase Morton E (acad 1879-80 sp 1880-2) Photog La Junta Colo Chase Paul Norman (ag 1909-11) Planter R2 Macon Miss Chase Russell Leon (sp hort 1912-14) LeRoy 111 j CHASE William Arthur (LLB(Citv London Coll) CPA(Lake Forest U Law Sch) Lect Coll Med U 111 1913- 206 N Central Av Austin Chicago ?Chase Willis H (c eng 1871-2) Chi- cago fChase Willis Smith (sp 1868-74) Chi- cago Chatten Carney Edward (sc 1912-14 su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Flora 111 Chatten Melville Clarke (acad 1891- 2 arch 1892-6 BS) Arch 1112 Stein- way Hall Chicago fChatterjee Brahma Nath fag 1912-14 Also la St Coll Ag) 4 Bank Road Al- lahabar United Provinces of Agran 116 CHATTERTON— CHESTER Duah India Chatterton John Lanphier (la 19.13- ) Stu 820 S Sixth St Springfield 111 Chavous Arthur Melton (e eng 1910- 12 BS Also Ohio St U) E Eng 417 Wheatland Av Columbus O Checkett Mabel Irene (la 1915- ) Stu 4048 N Springfield Av Chicago Oheckley Joseph Harvey (ag 1909-13 BS g econ 1915- ) Asst Ag Exten U 111 1913- 907 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Mattoon 111) Cheedle Harry (m eng 1884-6) Fruit- Grower Grand Junction Colo Cheevee Alice (Mrs A H Bryan) (la 1870-4 Cert Hon ML '92) At home 612 W Church St Champaign 111 *Cheever George Henry (gen 1872-5) d 1878 Champaign 111 Chen Huang (chem eng 1910-13 Also Eng & Min Coll China) Stu Mass Tech Boston Mass Chen Jung-ting (ag 1914- Also Tsing Hau Coll Pekin) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Washington tChen King Yaou (chem 1910- 13 Al- so Imperia Poly) 2006 Columbia Rd Washington (403 W 115th St New York Chen Lan Suing (la 1914-15 com 1915- Also Nat Coll Law) Stu Peking China Chen Queh King (la 1914- Also Mich U) Stu Sonzee City Hun a China Chen TaChe (e eng 1914- BS(Nany- ang) '09) Stu Shanghai China Cheney Flora A (acad 1876-7) d Jan 24 1894 Aurora III ^Cheney George Hughey (sc 1904-5) Urbana 111 Cheney Howard Lovewell (arch eng 1910-12 BS Also Armour Inst '07-10) Arch 332 S Michigan Av Chicago (1621 Ridge Av Evanston 111) 'FCheney Lellin A (gen 1878) Cham- paign 111 Cheney Mrs Martha Dorsey (sp ag 1914-15 Also Teach Coll Col U) Louisville Ky Cheney Thomas Henry (la 1872-3) Reporter Court House Springfield 111 Cheng Fo Hung (com. 1915- ) Stu 430 Myburch Rd Shanghai China Cheng Yun Tin (la 1913-15 AB Also U London & Bham) RR Trans 18 Mercer St Hong Kong South China Chenoweth Homer Eldon (sc 1909-13 AB AM '15 su 1915) Asst Zool U 111 1913- 110 E John St Champaign 111 (South Charleston O) Chenoweth Mrs I S (see Dickinson Nelle M) Chenoweth Leland Frank (la 1915- ) Stu Mason City 111 Chenoweth Lloyd Alder (sp c eng 1901-3) Ry C Eng 1101 Borland Bldg Chicago Chenoweth Olive Elizabeth (la 1901-2) Stu 111 St Nor U Atlanta 111 Chenoweth Mrs R R (see McFarland Ida E) Cherkowsky Moriss Waldama (see Sherwood Moriss Waldama) Cherry Clifford Allen (1 1903-8) R Est & Ag Oswego 111 Cherry Oscar Allan (la 1915- ) Stu Pawnee 111 Chesley Alice Crawford (la 1914-15) At home 926 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Chesley Beulah Vinton (acad 1900-1 la 1901-2) At home 926 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Chesnut Jennette Stewart (Mrs C J Sevan) (acad 1900-3 la 1903-7 AB) Home Genoa 111 Chesnut Jessie May (Mrs Hugo Lund) (la 1901-4 Also Lincoln U) At home 1657 Summit St Kansas City Mo Ohesnutt Ralph Cookman (m eng 1911-14 BS Also Armour Inst 1908- 10) M Eng 3713 Flournoy St Chi- cago Chesbrown Leo Morelle (m eng 1910- 14 BS) Struct Eng Chile SA (Olney 111) Chester Anna (la 1900-5 AB g genl 1912-13 AM) Teach 717 W Uni- versity Av Champaign 111 Chester Charles Ellsworth (c eng 1890- 2) C Eng & Mgr Water Co Shelby- ville 111 Chester Dick Hubert (chem 1887-91 BS) Chem 1405 Farmers Bk Bldg Pittsburg 1893-6 '98-01) Home Falcon Miss Chester Edward Everett (ag 1903-7 BS) A^ Box 37 Wendell Id Chester Florence (Mrs C H Barker) (acad 1892-3 sc 1893-4) Home Ala- mo Heights San Antonio Tex Chester George Francis (e eng 1908-9) Ag Valparaiso Ind Chester Guy Jacob (acad 1892-3 e eng 1894-8 BS) E Eng 717 W Uni- versity Av Champaign 111 Chester Henry Ezra (acad 1890-1 chem 1893-4) * Ag Box 37 Wendell Idaho ?Chester Homer Waldo (la 1875-6) Champaign 111 Chester Jamie Margaret (la h sc 1915- ) Stu R2 (55) Champaign 111 Chester John Needles (sc & eng 1891 BS CE '09 ME '11) C & M Eng Union Bk Bldg Pittsburg CHESTER— CHITTENDEN 11: Chester Manley Earle (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-7 BS) Whitney Blake Co New Haven Conn Chester Margaret Belle (la 1897-1901 AB) Teach 717 W University Av Champaign 111 Chester Mary (acad 1892-3 la 1893-4 '96-7) At home 717 W University Av Champaign HI Chester Maybelle (sp mus 1900-4) At home 308 W Hill St Champaign 111 Chester Minnie A (Mrs George War- rington) (la 1875-7) At home 3311 16th St Washington Chester Oscar Paul (sc 1889-93 BS MD(NW Med) '96) Med 4744 Dor- chester Av Chicago Chester Thaddeus Powell (ag 1885-7) Ag R2 Champaign 111 Chester Virginia (la 1900-4) Hand Book-binding 1029 Fine Arts Bldg Chicago Chester Wilfred Dudley (acad 1890-2 m eng 1893-5) Asst Sales Mgr 1110 Farmers Bk Bldg Pittsburg (238 Thorn St Sewickley Pa) Cheung Sui Kaan . (chem 1914- Also Canton Christ Coll) Stu Canton China Chew Dorothy (sc 1912- ) Stu 2028 Court St Pueblo Colo Chichester Emily Ellis (acad 1905 sc 1905-9 AB) Teach 211 S McLean St Bloomington HI Chiclcering George Abbot (acad 1905- 7 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '12 Also Mon- mouth Coll) Med Kirkwood 111 ?Chien Sung Shu (la & ag 1910-14 AB) Stu U Chgo Nan Yang Acad Shang- hai China \ Child Henry (acad 1894-5) Farm- ingdale 111 t Child Walter Ellsworth (1 1905-8 LL B) Booth Bldg Springfield HI (Farmingdale 111) Childs Helen Richardson (Mrs C A Hildebrand) (h sc 1905-6) Home Hins- dale 111 Childs James Bennett (la 1914- ) Stu Shobonier 111 *Childs Joel Goodel (la 1873-5) d Jan 10 1901 Buda 111 ] Childs Merlin Will (acad 1903-4 Al- so Lewis Inst) Keithsburg 111 Childs Sue Eva (Mrs F W Damour) (sp la 1898-9) Home 316 S Tenth St Cedar Rapids la *Childs Will Morrison (c eng 1875-8) d Nov 28 1891 Buda 111 Chiles Edna Alice (sp mus 1915- Al- so Blackburn Coll) Stu 205 E Arm- ory Av Champaign 111 Chiles Howard Marion (la 1913-14 '15- Also Blackburn Coll) Stu 205 E Armory Av Champaign 111 chiles James Alburn (g la 1906-8 PhD AM(Vanderbilt)'98 Also U Leipzig 1899 & U Paris '00 Instr Ger U 111 1905-10) Prof Ger & French Wofford Coll Spartanburg SC Chiles Mrs Marie Duenckel (Mrs J A Chiles) (sp mus 1906-7) Home Spar- tanburg SC Chilton Ina (Mrs W W Fuller) (la 1904-5 Also Worn Coll Baltimore) Home 311 S 14th St Muskogee Okla *Chilton James Franklin (m eng 1894- 5) d 1898 Charleston 111 Chinlund Joseph Ferdinand (e eng 1905-10 BS EE'14) E Eng c/o Dept Pub Wks City Hall Chicago (6140 Lakewood Av) Chioco Juar Ortiz (ag 1915- ) Stu Sto Domingo PI Ohipman Paul (c eng 1891-4 BS Asst T&AM U 111 1895-6) C Eng & R Est Mt Carmel 111 Chipps Alta Fern (la 1908-12 AB Al- so Forest Pk U) At home Sullivan 111 * Chipps Earl C (sp ag 1906-8 Also Millikin U) Ag Sullivan 111 *Chipps Halbert Lilly (c eng 1895-9 BS Instr C Eng U HI 1899) d 1900 Laramie Wyo Chipps Mabel Blanche (la 1913-14) Stu Millikin U 1801 W Jefferson St Sullivan 111 Chipps Paul L (ag 1909-10 '12-13) Ag 1801 W Jefferson St Sullivan 111 Chipps Willis Cullen (eng 1897-1901 BS) Supt Mfg Co 4516 W 26th St Chicago tChipron Francis (acad 1886-7 m eng 1887-8) Highland 111 Chisholm Estella Forth (Mrs Adolph Nydegger)(la 1897-1903 AB) Home 485 48th St Milwaukee Chisholm Eva May (Mrs Herbert Carr) (su 1902) Home 457 W Av 56 Los Angeles Chisum Oscar Clifton (la 1915- ) Stu 1320 Cumberland St Little Rock Ark CHITTENDEN Alfred K (PhB(Yale) '00 MF(Yale For Sch) '02 Lect Tim- ber Resources U 111 1913-14) Prof Forestry Mich Ag Coll Lansing Mich CHITTENDEN Edward Wilson (AB (Mo) '09 MA(do)'10 PhD(Chgo) '12) Instr Math U 111 1912- 1116 Arbor St Champaign 111 Chittenden Mrs E W (mus 1912-13) Home 1116 Arbor St Champaign 111 Chittenden Robert Mearle (sc 1913- ) Stu 625 N Main St Brookfield Mo 118 CHITTY— CHUBBUCK Chitty William Lemon (la 1882-6 BL) Law 29 S La Salle St Chicago Chmelik Frank Jr (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1906 S Harding Av Chicago Choisser Feme (la 1914- ) Stu Ben- ton 111 Choisser William Carl (la 1913- ) Stu Benton 111 Chouinard Mrs C E (see Koier Grace A) Chow How Kun (ry c eng 1910-11 Al- so Janshan Eng Coll Wusih China) Stu Mass Tech Nanyann Coll Shang- hai China Chow Lun Yuen (m eng 1911-12 Also St Johns U) Stu Lehigh U S Beth- lehem Pa (Ningpo China) Choy Bung Chen (c eng 1914- Also Kan Ag Coll) Stu 468 King St (Box 807 Honolulu HI) Christ Charles Edward (acad 1908-11) Ag Sleepy Hollow Farm Cabery 111 *Christ George Henry (sp 1908-9) d Oct 4 1911 Cabery 111 *Christ George Phillip (la 1914- ) Stu 2077 Broadway St Quincy 111 Christen Lester Howard (arch eng 1913-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 275 Brook St Elgin 111 Christensen Camillo Chapin (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng Chicago Elec Ey Co c/o Carl C Christensen Peoria 111 Christensen Erwin Ottomar (arch 1912-14 BS Also Dresden Germany & Armour Inst) Art Dept Ohio St U Columbus O Christensen Otto (?u 1909 LLM(I11 Coll Law) '09) Law 1841 Humboldt Blvd Chicago (1014 Assoc Bldg) Christensen Paul Galen (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1409 Broadway Meno- minee Mich Christensen Thomas Peter (su 1908 '09 AB Also la St Nor) Prin Pub Sch Askoo Minn Christian Fay Freed (la com 1908-9) Furniture & Undertaking Mt Carroll 111 Christiansen John (acad 1900-1) Mo- line 111 Christiansen Johanna Christiana Mathea (la 1902-6 AB) Teach 3830 N Ash- land Av Chicago t Christiansen Wilhelmine Marie (lib 1903-4 Also NW U) Watertown Wis (Juneau Wis) Christianson Oliver Arthur (arch eng 1912-13 Also St Olaf Coll) Arch 318 S Broadway Crookston Minn ?Christianson Oscar Karl (sp ag 1903- 4) Swedona 111 tChristie Geo M (m eng 1879-81) St Charles Hotel New Orleans Christie George P (la 1874-5) Pub & Jour 1926 E 14th St Brooklyn NY Christie James (la 1913-14) Eantou! Ill ?Christie Morrison (sp ag 1907-8) 1113 Maple Av Evanston 111 Christman Herman Jr (sp ag 1903-5) Lumber Merc Westervelt 111 Christner Fred Wallace (lib 1897-8 BS (Doone Coll) ) Invest Bank Shawnee Okla Christopher Mrs D L (see Jerauld Lura D) Christopher Arthur Bailey (cer 1912- ) Stu 453 W Elm St Canton III Christopher Bessie Fern (h sc 1910- 14 BS) Auburn 111 Christopher Carl (ag 1906-9 BS g 1909-11 MS Also 111 Wes U) Mgr Auburn 111 Christopher Daniel Lercy (sc 1904-8 AB) Sales Mgr 305 W Washington St Urbana 111 Christopher Glen Wilson (1 1906-8) Steel Bus 194 Eegent St Youngs- town O Christopher Mabel (Mrs A G Hughes) (acad 1910-11 la 1911-12) Home Antioch 111 Christopher Mrs May Kennedy (Mrs A O) (la 1901-2 Also la St Teach Coll) At home Caldwell Id Christopher Euby (Mrs Zink) (sp mus 1906-7) Home St Clair Mich Christophersen Stanley Marinus (g eng 1915- Also Beloit Coll) Stu 327 S Third St Eockford 111 Christy Mrs Eugene (see Bear Emma) Christy Glen (e eng 1910-12 mus 1912-15 B Mus) 447 W Poplar St Harrisburg 111 Christy Grace Jean (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 704y 2 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Christy Mary Edith (su 1906 AB (Colo St Teach) '13 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Monte Vista Colo (Nor- mal 111) Christy Otto (ag 1915- Also Pur U) Stu' Eiley Ind tChu Co-Ching (ag 1910-13 Also Tan- shang Eng Coll) 23 Sacramento St Cambridge Mass Chu Vee Gih (chem eng 1910-13 BS MA(Col) ) Stu Col U 422 115th St New York (Shanghai China) Chuang Tsin (arch eng 1910-14 BS Also Eng & Min Coll Wash) Arch Tsing Hub Coll Peking China (2006 Columbia Ed Washington) Chubbuck Judson Elson (e eng 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu Gibson City 111 CHUMLEY— CLANEY 119 Chumley Edith Bland (su 1909 &'10 & '12 Also Teach Tr Sch Spring- field) Teach 302 W Monroe St Springfield 111 Chumley Eugene Edgar (su 1913 Also E 111 St Nor) 910- Mathews Av Ur- bana 111 Chung Hsin Hsuan (ag 1913-14 Also Tsing Hua Coll) Stu Harv U 2006 Columbia Rd Washington Chung Yuen Lay (su 1913 Also Til- ton Sem) Chinese Legation Wash- ington Church Blanche Adelaide (la 1885-9 BL) Teach 240 Lyon St NE Grand Rapids Mich (Atlanta 111) t Church Ernest Beard (la 1903-4) Aledo 111 fChurch Floyd Franklin (acad 1894-5 m eng 1898-1900) Jacksonville 111 (Centralia 111) Church Frank Wilson (arch 1895-8) Sec Colburne Mfg Co 157 W Divi- sion St Chicago Church Mrs Frank (see Willard Maud H) Church George Leonard (acad 1891-3) Furniture & Undertaking Atlanta 111 Church Mrs J S (see Sober Gertrude C) Church LeRoy (e eng 1913- ) Stu West Chicago 111 Church Ralph D (acad 1887-8) Bnk Arch 1014 McKnight Bldg Minneap- olis Church Walter Samuel (arch 1896- 1900 BS) Arch 5748 Kenmore Av Chicago IChurch William Theodore (acad 1898- 9) 532 S Prairie St Jacksonville 111 Churchill Mrs G F (see Lindley June) Churchill Mrs J F (see Busey Vir- ginia R) Churchill Clarence Farnsworth (sc 1911-13 AB Also Ober Coll 1908-11) Ag Rll Talbot Ind Churchill Mrs C F (see Barker Muriel CO Churchill Delia Almon (acad 1895-7) Ag Kinderhook 111 Churchill Frank L (acad 1876-7 la 1877-9) Grain & Feed Merc Fair- bury 111 Churchill Fred Weaver (ag 1914- ) Stu Fairbury 111 Churchill Guy Fordyee (m eng 1907-9) C & M Eng Binghamton NY Churchill James Errol (e eng 1910- 14 BS) c/o Commonwealth Edison Co 2719 Hampden Ct Chicago (214 E Third St Mt Carmel 111) Churchill James Forrest (c eng 1900-1 Also Knox Coll & Rush Med Coll) Med 104 S Michigan Av Chicago Churchill Leland Aurelius (acad 1905- 8) Mach Designer 922 Ninth St Be loit Wis ( Shelby ville Ind) Churchill Woodford M (ag 1915- ) Stu Fairbury 111 Churton Florence Helen (ag 1914- Also Pratt Inst) Stu 412 W Sixth St Plainfield NY Chuse George Xavier (m eng 1902-3) Chuse Engine & Mfg Co 1016 La Fayette Av Mattoon 111 Chuse Harry Arthur (eng 1895-9 BS) Asst Mgr Mfg Co 1504 Charleston Av Mattoon 111 Chvatal Ray James (cer eng 1913- ) Stu 1862 Millard Av Chicago Cierpik Casimir Stanley (m eng 1914- ) Stu 3658 Diversey Av Chi- cago Cieslik Edmund (c eng 1913- Also DePaul U) Stu 1108 N Lincoln St Chicago Cilley Lillie (lib 1915- AB(Grinnell) '14) Stu Box 28 Independence la Cimbalo Michele (la 1908-10 Also U Cal) Law 205 Bk Italy San Fran- cisco Cinnamon Floyd Franklin (e eng 1914- 15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Crete 111 *Cisar Ida May (la 1901-2) d Chi- cago Heights 111 Citizen Carl Christopher (la 1913- ) Stu 701 N Franklin St Danville 111 Civretto Alfred John (e eng 1914-15) Mach 603 y 2 W Main St Lead SD Claar Elmer Allen (la 1911-15 AB) 1605 Second Av Moline 111 ?Claflin Charles II (m eng 1878-81) Kansas City Mo Claplin Stephen Thurston (sc 1910- 14 BS) Adv Graphic Arts Bldg Kansas City Mo Claggett Ralph Bernard (c eng 1901-2 Also Va Mil Inst 1904) Sec & Treas Elec Light Power & Mfg Co Green- ville Miss Clamitz Arthur Isadore (la 1914-15 Also Lewis Inst) Stu U 111 Coll Med 4113 W Madison St Chicago Clampitt Edwin James (la 1911-12) Sales & Collector 1121 Central Av Wilmette 111 Clanahan Robert Hodge (ag 1906-7 BS) Ag Renshaw 111 (912 S Fourth St Springfield 111) Clancy William Clarence (m eng 1909- 10 ME (Cor) '13 Also U Chgo) M Eng 4530 Woodlawn Av Chicago Claney John Edwin (ag 1915- ) Stu 437 Melrose St Chicago 120 CLAPP—CLARK clapp Frank Leslie (g 1911-12 AM BS (Lincoln) '11 PhD (Wis) '14 Prof Ed U Colo Grand Junction Colo Clapp Harland Tyler (sp ag 1914- . ) Stu Mentor O Clapp Howard Campbell (1 1911-14) Law 1510 Vermilion St Danville 111 Clapp Ivan Burr (sp ag 1900-2) Ag R12 Dudley 111 CLAPP John Mantel (AB (Amherst) 7 90 AM (do) '93 Prof Engl 111 Coll 1890-9 Prof Engl U Ind 1899-1900 Prof Engl U 111 su 1912) Prof Engl Lake Forest Coll 1900- Lake Forest 111 Clapp Percy Gibson (ag 1912-13 Also Pur U) Dairy Marysville Ind Clarahan Charles Henry (c eng 1914- ) Stu 822 N Euclid Av Oak Park 111 Clare William Henry (eng 1907-13 BS) Arch Glen Ellyn 111 Clarida Troy Wayne (ag 1913- ) Stu 903 S Madison St Marion 111 *Claridge Rupert Roswell (sp 1872-3) d Otterville 111 Clark Mrs (see Cockayne Ava) Clark Mrs (see Fifield Gertrude) Clark Albert Barnes Jr (la 1903-7 AB Also U Wis 1904-5) Acct 1551 Bere- tania St Honolulu HI Clark Albert LeRoy (ag 1914- ) Stu 3320 Calumet Av Chicago Clark Alfred Minor (c eng 1907-8) Mgr Bartles Nor Oil Co Grand Forks ND Clark Mrs Alice Broaddus (Mrs T A) (see also Broaddus Alice V su 1915) Clark Alice Harzel (Mrs D E Myers) (acad 1899-1900 arch 1900-5 BS Al- so Chgo Art Inst 1900-10) Home Rl Jefferson Ore *Clark Amos Cable (arch 1889-94 BS) d Jan 29 1890 Urbana 111 Clark Andrew Minor (c eng 1907-8) Struct Eng 1130 Henry Bldg Seattle Clark Angie. Ray (la 1901-4 AB AM '07) Teach R3 Enosburg Falls Vt Clark Anson Luman (m eng 1910-11 Also Cor U 1913-14) 106 Spring St Elgin 111 *Clark Arthur Samuel (arch 1882-5) d Mar 7 1885 Champaign 111 Clark Bayard Hand (arch eng 1913-15 la 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 205 Augusta Av De Kalb 111 Clark Carrie Adelaide (Mrs Dry den) (su 1903) Home 4218 Athlone Av St Louis Clark Charles Albert (e eng 1894-8 BS) Capt US Army Fort Ruger Honolulu HI (c/o War Dept Wash- ington) Clark Charles M (ry m eng 1913- ) Stu West Chicago 111 Clark Charles Richard (eng 1894-8 BS M Arch '14 Arch Draft Chicago 1902-4 Assoc Arch Constr U 111 1904- 15) Asst Prof Arch Constr U 111 1915- 105 Chalmers St Champaign 111 Clark Charles Rollin (sc 1903-4 BS (Wis) '08 Also Yale U 1908-10) US Forest Serv Anaconda Mont * Clark Charles W (c eng 1870-8 (d Mar 18 1911 Webster Grove Mo Clark Chester Arthur (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag & Dairy R2 Springfield 111 R4 Carthage 111) Clark Clara Adell (Mrs J E Arm- strong) (la 1881-2) Home 10638 Pros- pect Av Chicago Clark Clifton Wirt (sc 1911-13 AB g geol 1913-15 AM Also Kan Ag Coll) Stu U Cal Pratt Kan Clark Clinton Oliver (la & law 1899- 1904 LL B) Orchard & Stockraising 914 Av C Lawton Okla Clark Cyril Balfour (acad 1888-9 m eng 1889-92 su 1894 &'95 &'99 Asst Mach Shops U 111 1892) Factory Supt Batavia 111 Clark Darwin Orlando (g la 1908-11 AM 1909 AB(Drury)'90) Teach Jacksonville 111 (Carthage Mo) CLARK Dillard Hazelrigg (At Ky Ag 1800-9 Cadet Mil Acad 1869-73 Prof Mil Sci & Tactics U Ky 1887-90 do U 111 1899-1900 do Pa St Coll 1900-2 do U Fla 1902-3) Ret Army Officer \Clark EH (acad 1879-80) Sadorus 111 Clark Edith (Mrs Frank Burr) (lib 1899-1902 BLS) Home 320 S First St Vandalia 111 Clark Edith Louisa (Mrs J Kirkpat- rick) (acad 1885-6 la 1886-9 Cert) At home 902 W Green St Urbana 111 Clark Edward S (ag 1874-5) R Est & Invest Broker 911 Broadway St San Diego Cal Clark Effie Lucile (Mrs A S Fackler) (la 1905-6 Also Ewing Coll) Home R2 Urbana 111 Clark Ella Hazel (acad 1900-1 sc 1903-5 AB AM(Col)'ll Also II Fla & Penn St Coll) Sc 607 W 116th St New York ' Clark Emma Alberta (la 1898-1902 1 AB MA (Cal) '13) Teach 1333 Sec- ond Av Los Angeles (808 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Clark Emma Josephine (Mrs Putnam) CLARK— CLARK 121 (sp 1872-4 Also NW U) Home 411 Prospect St Ft Morgan Colo Clark Ernest McChesney (ag 1909-13 AB Asst Dairy Husb Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913-14) Ag 100.7 S Wright St Champaign 111 Clark Everett (sp e eng 1907-8) E Eng 779 E Lunalilo Terrace Hono- lulu HI (Rushville 111) *ClarTc Ezra J (acad 1887-8) d April 20 1893 Urbana HI Clark Mrs F E (see Patton Carrie C) Clark Faith Angeline (la 1905-9 AB Also Carthage Coll) At home R4 Carthage HI *ClARK Frances Emma (acad 1905-6 la 1906-9 AB) d Oct 31 1909 Elgin 111 Clark Francis Edward (ag 1910-11 Al- so U Chgo 1911-13) Phar 629 N Park Av Tuseon Ariz (201 Wiswall St Peoria HI) Clark Frank Henry (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-90 BS) Gen Supt Ry Motive Power B&O RR 17 Midvale Rd Ro- land Park Md Clark Frank Roundy (la chem eng 1915- ) Stu 618 Howard St Whea- ton 111 clark Fred Emerson (g econ 1912- 13 MA g 1915- AB (Albion) -12) Stu 1110 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Albion Mich) Clark George (ag 1913- Also William & Vashti Coll) Stu 327 Main St Carthage HI Clark George Arthur (c eng 1900-2 Also U Mich) Bus Mgr 628 N Eliza- beth St Peoria 111 t Clark George E (su 1910 Also HI St Nor U) Forest City 111 (Kilbourne HI) Clark George LeRoy (com 1915- ) Stu Bement HI CLARK George Luther (AB(Kenyon) '96 LLB(Ind)'99 LLB(Harv)'06 Tnstr Law Le Stan U 1902-4 Prof Law U 111 1904-9 do U Mich 1909-12) Law Stu Harv U 1912- 36 Trow- bridge N Cambridge Mass \(lark George W (acad 1887-8) Jack- sonville 111 *Clark Gilbert Barton (la 1901-4) d Feb 22 1904 Champaign HI Clarlc H Riner (acad 1901-2 Also Hiram Coll) Contr Mt Morris HI Clark Harold Ames (ag 1913-15) Ag Hearts Delight Farm Chazy NY (Baltimore Md) Clark Harold Edward (cer 1912- ) Stu 302 W Tenth St Sterling HI Clark Harold Lyman (arch eng 1915- Also U Minn) Stu Minneapolis Minn Clark Harold Turner (la com 1912-13) Jour 602 W Clark St Champaign 111 Clark Harrison Blaine (com 1915- ) Stu 350 Carlton Av Brooklyn 111 Clark Harry Cecil (eng 1915- ) Stu 607 W Church St Champaign 111 Wlark Harry T (acad 1887-8) Paris 111 Clark Hattie (sii 1915 Also Teach Coll Col U) Libr Carmi 111 Clark Helen (g psvchol 1913- AR (Vassar)'13) Stu * 31 Prospect St Cortland NY ?Clark Howard Wallace (acad 1893-6 sp 1896-7) 717 Broadway Quincy 111 Clark Mrs J F (see Craigmile Eunice) Clarke James Glen (c eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Moweaqua 111 fClark James Harry (sp 1901-3) Scott- land 111 Clark James Holbert (m eng 1914-15) 1612 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 Clark James Roll (sp ag 1902-3 Also HI Wes U) Ins 204 Peoples Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 Clark James Russell (m eng 1909-12 arch eng 1915- ) Stu 206 N Romine St Urbana 111 Clark Jason Mortimer (sp ag 1908-9 Also Kent Coll Law) Print Sales 322 N Ashland Av La Grange 111 Clark John Conrad (la 1872-5) Teach & Ag Lenape Kan Clark John Daniel (m eng 1903-6) Eng 249 Pleasant St Freeport 111 Clark John Donaldson (la 1915- ) Stu 5007 Grand Blvd Chicago Clark John Gunn (arch eng 1913-f5 Also Christian Bros Coll) Arch Draft 1535 Poplar Blvd Memphis Tenn (528 Scimitar Bldg) | Clark John M (su 1914 Also Austin Coll) Teach Frankfort 111 (401 W California St Urbana 111) Clark John N (su 1907 & '09) Pi in Schs Nebo 111 Clark John Ruskin (la 1902-6 AB) Constr Officer Adjut Dist N Luzon Philippine Constabulary Manila (Ba- gnio Benquet PI Wlarlc Joseph J (acad 1884-5) Oak Grove HI fClark Judson J (la 1872-3) Xenia 111 Clark Karl Adolf (chem 1912-13 AM (McMaster) '12) Geol c/o Dr Rein- ecke Geol Surv Dept Ottawa Can Clark Kate F (Mrs W H Stockham) (sc 1881-5 BS) Home 1231 N 23rd St Birmingham Ala t Clark Kenneth Winston (sp ag 1903- 4) Griggsville HI 122 CLARK— CLARK Clark Lawrence Everett (e eng 1907- 9) Supt Equip Honolulu HI Clark Lena Mae (Mrs H S Kerrick) " (la 1902-3 Also Col U 1912) Home Ft Hamilton NY Clark Lorin (sc 1899-1900 law 1901- 4 LL B la 1904-5) Law Homer 111 Clark Lot B (ag 1869-71) Ag R4 Carthage 111 *Clark Lucy J (acad 1879-80 '81-2 & '84 Cert) d Jan 1887 Wichita Kan t Clark Lulu (su 1900) Crossville 111 Clark Mabel Queenie (sp la 1896-7) At home 1431 Orange Grove Av Riv- erdale Cal Clark Mamie E (Mrs J C Jennings) (sp h sc 1904-6) Home Timewell 111 Clark Margaret (ag 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 105 Barker Av Peoria 111 Clark Marshall Grant (ag 1914- ) Stu R4 Carthage 111 Clark Mary Chase (la 1915- ) Stu 105 Barker Av Peoria 111 *Clark Mary Edith (la 1895-9 AB 1905-6 AM) d Feb 28 1909 Mt Ver- non 111 Clark Mary Helen (lib 1901-2 AB (Oberlin) '99 Lect & Catg Reviser Oberlin Coll Catg Reviser Lib Sch U 111 1908-11 Lect Catg & Catg Reviser U 111 1911-12) Libr 2121 Glenwood Drive Kalamazoo Mich ?Clark Mary Naomi (sp 1873-4) Champaign 111 Clark Matilda Lenna (la 1899-1903 •AB Also Tr Sch Chgo YWCA Wk) YWCA Flint Mich Clark Meribah Eliza (acad 1905-6 la 1906-7 '10-11 '12-13 '15- ) Stu Mt Sterling 111 Clark Minnie (Mrs J H Blaine) (sp mus 1879-80) Home 1008 W Park Av Champaign 111 IClark Mrs Nieta Baker (sp 1898-9) Champaign 111 Clark Percival Lemon (chem 1883-7 BS) Gen Mgr Self-Winding Clock Co 185 Dearborn St Chicago Clark Percy Ellis (acad 1909-10 arch eng 1910-11) Mechanic Buda 111 Clark Philip Henry (la 1895-9 AB g 1905-6 AM ) Law Lawton Okla (Galena 111) ?Clark Ray Wilson (acad 1906-7 sp 1907-9) Clarence 111 Clark Reid William (ag 1913- Also la St Coll) Stu 403 Monroe St At- tica Ind Clark Rena (su 1912) Libr 1034 N Seventh St Terre Haute Ind Clark Richard Monroe (ag 1903-4 su 1908) Electr Vandalia 111 Clark Richard Wagner (ag 1906-8) Ag R4 Carthage 111 Clark Robert Burton (1 1905-8 LL B) Clk 3340 S Park Av Chicago (Waverly 111) Clark Robert Fulton (ag 1910-12) Ag St Johns Mich (Mansfield 111) ?Clark Roscoe Perry (acad 1902-3 sp m eng 1906-12) 431 Lafayette Pky Chicago Clark Russell S (acad 1883-4 LL B (Mich) '88) Law 605 Portland Blk Chicago Clark Ruth Wealthy (Mrs J T Lynn) (h sc 1902-4) Home 212 S Second St Vandalia 111 clark Samuel C (g sc 1902-3 '08-9 AM BS (Chgo) '00 Asst Chem U 111 1902-5 Instr do 1905-9) Asst Nutr Lab US Dept Ag Washington (R 2 Alexandria Va) ?Clark Susan Amanda (la 1874-5) Union 111 Clark Thomas Aquilla (eng 1898-04 BS Also Mass Tech 1912-13) Army Ofc 1st Lieut Corregidor PI c/o Adj Gen Army Washington Clark Thomas Arkle (acad 1885-6 la 1886-90 BL Also U Chgo 1894 & Harv U 1898-9 Prof Rhet U 111 1899- Act Dean L&A Coll 1900-1) Dean Men & Prof Rhet U 111 1901- 928 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Clark Mrs T A (see Broaddus Alice V) Clark Thomas Edward (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1227 Wright St Indianapolis Clark Thornton (sp ia 1889-90) Stock Lawton Okla Clark Van Ness (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2 Elizabeth St Dans- ville NY ?Clark Vinton Albert (g 1907-9 MS (Vt)'04) 103 E Healy St Cham- paign 111 Clark Wallace (la 1875-6) Ag Hom- er 111 Clark William Arthur (sc 1901-5 AB g 1905-7 AM MD(Harv Med) '11 Instr Physiol U 111 1906-8 Asst Surg U 111 Coll Med 1913- ) Med Lo- panne Belgium c/o US Dispatch Agt 4 Trafalgar Sq London Eng (U 111 Coll Med) Clark William Blaine (acad 1880-1 chem 1881-3 MD(NW) '87) Med 135 5 Main St Butler Pa Clark William Gladstone (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag R4 Carthage 111 Clark William Otis (ag 1912-13) Ag Chrisman 111 CLARK— CLAY 123 Clark William Owen (acad 1896-7 sp m eng 1897-9) Eng Sales Agency 423 Fletcher-American Nat Bk Bldg Indianapolis (Scottland 111) Clark "Winifred Newcomb (m eng 1894- 6 EE & ME(Colo Sch Mines) '98) Mgr Mt Div Ark Val Ry Light & Power Co Canon City Colo Clarke Carrie Louise (Mrs L A Blood) sc 1905-9 AB) Home Big Horn Wyo Clarke Claude E (acad 1903-4) 211 W Green St Urbana 111 Clarke Dan Leavitt (sp ag 1908-10) Ag New Berlin 111 Clarke David Eoland (acad 1908-jO la 1910-14 AB) Stu Harv U (1001 W Oregon St Urbana 111) Clarke Edwin Besancon (arch 1887- 91 BS) Arch 682 Branders Bldg Omaha Neb Clarke Eldon Benson (acad 1904-5 e eng 1906-7) Liberty ville 111 Clarke Elwyn Lorenzo (acad 1897-8 c eng 1898-1902 BS) C & Hydr Eng Box 587 Sheridan Wyo Clarke Ethel (h sc 1906-8 '11-14 AB) Dietitian Presby Hosp 1750 W Con- gress St Chicago (211 E Conner St Nobles ville Ind) Clarke Florence Besaneon (Mrs John Michalek) (sc 1893-6 BS) Home 13 E 16th St Chicago Heights 111 Clarke Frederic Woodruff (arch 1887- 91 BS) Arch 682 Brander's Bldg Omaha Neb Clarke George Edward (e eng 1912-15 la 1915- ) Stu 211 E Connor St Noblesville Ind Clarke Helen Beulah (h sc 1909-3 2 la 1913-15 AB mus 1915- ) Stu 206 N Eomine St Urbana 111 Clarke Herbert Burns (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-9) Eng c/o Huastica Pet Co Arsansas Pass Tex t Clarke Homer Hay (c eng 1907-8) Watch Maker 1428 Carolina Av Springfield 111 Clarke Mrs J H (see Niver Julia P) Clarke James Russell (arch 1911- ) Stu 1301 W Clark St Urbana 111 Clarke James William (sp ag 1901-3) Ag Estlin Sask Canada Clarke Octave Besancon (e eng 1893-7 BS) Ag The Virginia Orchard Al- buquerque N Mex Clarke Philena (la 1907-11 AB su • 1915 Also Earlham Coll) Teaeh 211 E Conner St Noblesville Ind Clarke Eobert Raymond (ry e eng 1908-12 BS) Serv Eng 1247 Webb Rd Lakewood O (211 E Connor St No- blesville Ind) Clarke Roger Newman (c eng 1899- 1901) Asst Eng StL IM&S Ry Wynne Ark Clarke Victor Hugo (eng 1898-1901) Gen Supt Bldg Constr 720 Wain- wright Bldg St Louis Clarkson Albert Jay (ry eng 1911- ) Stu 301 E Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Clarkson Edna (Mrs J C Evans) (lib 1902-4 BLS Also Drury Coll) Home Olden Mo Wlarkson Elmer P (acad 1888-9) Mont Clare 111 Clarkson James Francis ( c eng 1886- 90 BS) RR Contr 689 E 21st St N Portland Ore t Clarkson John Joseph (m eng 1895-6) 4859 Michigan Av Chicago Clarkson May (Mrs F I Schooler) (acad 1902-3) Home Rl Jasper Mo (Carthage Mo) Clarno Harry T (ag 1911-15) Farmer City 111 Clatworthy Linda M (lib 1898-1900 BLS Also Vas Coll & NW U) Libr Estes Park Colo (1333 Pennsylvania St Denver) Claudon Andrew Bertrume ' Jr (ag 1906-7) Bnk Fairbury 111 Clausen Andrew (la 1914-15) 6532 Minerva Av Chicago t Clausen Arthur William (m eng 1909- 13) M Eng W H Schott Co 227 138th St Chicago (Riverdale) Clausen Clara Alice (la 1911-13 '15- ) Stu Secor 111 Clausen Elizabeth Johanna (h sc 1911-14 BS) Teach H Sch Kankakee 111 (6532 Minerva Av Chicago) Clauson Henry Webster (la 1915- ) Stu Williamsport Ind Clawsen Clayton Willard (su 1911 Also U Ind) Jour 207 College Ay Richmond Ind Clawson Kenneth Raymond (arch eng 1909-11 '13) Arch Draft Atlanta 111 (811 W Washington St Blooming- ton 111) Clay John Lawson (sp ag 1900-2) Ag R5 Galesburg 111 Clay John Ridgeway (m eng 1873-5 '80-1) M Eng Brown Hoist Mach Co 10745 Churchill Av NE Cleveland *Clay Luther G (ag 1873-7 BS) d June 13 1898 Chicago Clay Marcia Barnes (lib 1903-5 BLS Also Lake Erie Coll Catg Asst U 111 1906-7) Libr Pub Lib Cleveland Clay Wharton (arch eng 1901-5 BS) c/o US Gypsum Co 205 W Monroe St 124 CLAYBERG— CLENDENIN Chicago (2422 Orrington Av) , Clayberg Dorothea Marion (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 214 S Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 Clayberg Harold Dudley (sc 1910-13 AB g bot 1915- MS (Chgo) '14 Also Hahnemann Med Coll 1909-10) Asst Bot U 111 1915- 511 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 (214 S Oak Park Av Oak Park 111) Claybourn Grace Myrtle (Mrs Herman Blue) (sp mus 1899-1900 acad 1900-1) Home 410 W Healy St Champaign Claycomb Amos Townsend (la 1905-9 AB) Ag Wayne Neb Claycomb Edward Denman (ag 1911- 13) Ag Sycamore 111 Claycomb George Black (sp la 1906-7 PhB( Adrian) '09 Also Mich Ag Coll 1909-10 & U Chgo su 1912 &'13) Teach 214 Main St Geneseo 111 Claypool Eoy Ernest (la 1904-7) Mgr Casualty Dept US Fidelity & Guarenty Co 832 Montrose Av Chicago Clayton Clark Mensch (eng 1898-1901) Fruit & Stock Ranch Loma Colo Clayton Emanuel Harry (sp sc 1903-5 MD(P&S)'08) Med Arkansas City Kan Clayton Harry Leslie (ag 1913-15) Merc Kempton 111 clayton Jean Paul (m eng 1909-11 ME BS(Tul)'09 Asst M Eng U 111 1911) Mgr Com Dept Cen 111 Pub Serv Co 1500 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 Clayton John Herman (sp law 1907-10 Also Ewing Coll) Law Johnston City 111 Clayton Thomas Wiley (c eng 1894-8 BS) Asst Eng Chgo El RR 1020 160 W Jackson Blvd Chicago (524 W 67th St) Cleal Bertram (la 1906-8) Mfg Agt 919 Ashland Av Wilmette 111 (208 Seventh St Streator 111) Clears Harry Loomis (com 1915- ) Stu 238 S Chestnut St Kewanee 111 Cleary James Mansfield (la 1903-6 AB LLB(NW)'09) Adv Chgo Tribune 4465 Oakenwald Av Chicago Cleave Mrs H V (see Maxwell Nellie) Cleave Scott William (acad 1906-7 ag 1907-11 BS) Ag Prairie View Mar- seilles 111 Cleave Mrs S W (see Haines Mabel) Cleavinger John Simeon (lib 1904-9 AB BLS '10) Libr c/o Pub Lib Jackson Mich Clegg Carl (m eng 1914- ) Stu Chandler- ville 111 Clegg Frank Harold (acad 1900-2 Also f Ind Nor Sch) Stenog 425 21st St Denver Colo Clegg Isabel (h sc 1910-13 Also Teach Coll Col U 1914-15) Teach 815 Congress St Ottawa 111 *Cleghorn Leila Belle (la 1910-14 AB) d Aug 5 1915 Mamtou Colo Cleland Blanche Keeney (Mrs C D Mc- Lane)(arch 1893-4 '96) Home 3025 10th Av Rock Island 111 (539 20th St) Clem Leona (la 1914- Also Ind St Nor U) Stu 1211 S 17th St Terre Haute Ind Clem Orlie Martin (la 1914- ) Stu Benton 111 Clemann Louis Hans (eng 1913-14) Ag Box 42 Vero Fla (1313 Fourth Av Rock Island 111) Clemens Andrew M (acad 1889-90) Com Trav 4621 Sheridan Rd Hotel Grasmere Chicago Clemens William W (Trustee U 111 1887-93 BL(Mich) '65 St Atty Wil- liamson Co 1880-4 Judge City Court 1910) Law Marion 111 Clement Mrs A (see Warrick Area Belle) "Clement Clarence Adelbert (mun eng 1891-5 BS) d Oct 11 1911 Kansas City Mo Clement Harry Calvin (1 1908-9) Merc & Contr 5609 S Blvd Austin Sta Chicago Clements Esther (ag 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 503 E Daniel St Cham- paign 111 ^.Clements Maurice Perry (acad 1896- 7) Bushnell 111 Clements Olen Robert (la 1910-14 AB law 1914- ) Stu Rl West Union 111 Clements Philip Louis (ag 1915- ) Stu Stonington 111 Clemmons John Gregory (ag 1908-9) Ag Virden 111 Clemmons Lynne (la com 1911-12) Ag Virden 111 ?Clemons Clara Josephine (Mrs Ed- wards) (su 1903) At home Clinton 111 I Clemons Lewis Taylor (sc 1911-13) Ag Paw Paw 111 Clendenen George Emery (su 1913 Also S 111 St Nor) Mt Pulaski 111 Clendenen Lois Grace (Mrs Single- ton) (la 1901-5 AB) Home Wickliffe Ky Clendenen Paul McKinney (la com 1905-9 AB) Aect 811 26th St Cairo 111 Clendenen Taylor Clinton (ag 1873-4) Supt Schs 811 26th St Cairo 111 Clendenin Adda May (la 1911-13) At home 3511 Vista Av St Louis CLENDENIN— CLINTON 125 tClendenin Clarence Kees (la 1906-8) 1009 S Second St Springfield 111 Clendenin George Morey (1 1899-1905 LL B) V-Pres 111 St Eegister 1009 S Second St Springfield 111 CLENDENIN Lillie Adelle (Mrs C K Bliss) (sp 1893-4 Instr Engl Acad U 111 1894-1901) Home 10 W Blaine St Seattle *Clendennin Cassius Clay (sp 1868-71) d Morrison 111 tClendinen Henry Clay (la 1912-13) 432 N 19th St E St Louis 111 ^Clermont Arthur Harry (acad 1905-6) 191 S Galena Av Freeport 111 Cleve Albert (eng 1914- *) Stu 3427 Belden Av Chicago Cleveland Arthur Mortland (la 1915- ) Stu 223 N Plumb St Plymouth Ind Cleveland Harry (m eng 1869-70) Nashville Tenn Cleveland Mortimer Burnham (arch eng 1905-8 BS g 1914-15 M Arch Also Cor Coll) Arch 309 1st Nat Bk Bldg Waterloo la Cleveland Ralph Charles (ag 1913-15) Merc 522 Sixth St Rochelle 111 Cleveland Stephen Grover (sp m eng 1906-7) Merc Herbert 111 Cleveland Warren Eddy (eng 1914- ) Stu 211 Forest Av Rockford HI Clevenger Charles Henry (g math 1914- BS(Ohio)'02) MS(Chgo)'lO) Stu 104 S Babcock St Urbana 111 CLEVENGER Clinton B (g agron Feb 1914- BS(Ohio) , 12 MS(do) '13) Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 901 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Fletcher O) tClevenger Peter J (la 1870-1) 303 W Fourth St Topeka Kan Clevenger Zora Goodwin (su 1915 Also Ind U) Dir Athl U Tenn Knoxville Tenn (125 S High St Muncie Ind) Cleworth Clarence William (la 1913- 14) San Juan Porto Rico (115 W 12th St Anderson Ind) t Click Ralph Raymond (sc 1911-12) Jamestown Ind Clickener Sarah Holcombe (su 1905 Also Millikin U 1909 & la St Nor U) Teach Morrisonville 111 Clifford Charles Luther (e eng 1895-9 BS) E Eng War Dept 1729 New York Av Washington Clifford John James (acad 1892-3) Ag Rl Farmer City 111 Clifford William Edward Casimir (sp law 1896-7 law 1900-1) Pres Com Nat Fire Ins Co 10 S La Salle St Chicago Clifford Winnifred Hazel (Mrs H II Morgan) (la 1904-8 AB) Home 380 N Sandusky St Tiffin O Clifford Woodbridge Kenneth (ag 1915- ) Stu Orion 111 tdifton Mary Virginia (acad 1908-9) Madison Ind Climer Mary Ella (sc 1909-11 '12-14 BS) Teach 1807 Harrison St Sul- livan 111 Clinch Paul Carlyle (acad 1906-7 Also Knox Coll) Merc Elmwood 111 Cline Mrs J O (see Dunlap Lillian) Cline Mrs A L (see Samuels Alice) Cline Albert Ross (ag 1915- ) Stu 2408 Seventh Av Rock Island 111 Cline Bessie Florena (la 1907-8 '09- II '13-14 AB) Teach H Sch Ur- bana HI ICline George Howard (acad 1905-6) 123 W Church St Champaign 111 Cline Gerald Morris (la 1914- ) Stu LeRoy 111 Cline Henry Cornelius (ag 1909-10) Ag RFD Athens 111 Cline Irl Reuben (c eng 1911-15 BS) C Eng c/o Western Brick Co Danville III (Medora 111) Cline James Stanley (acad 1898-9 sp 1899-1900) Jour Litchfield 111 Cline Lawrence Albert (c eng 1910-14 BS) 847 S Grand Av Los Angeles (507 S Market St Marion 111) Cline Marguerite Arabelle (su 1908 la h sc 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Swain Ark Cline Marie Pauline (Mrs Robert Quayle)( sp h sc 1909-11) Home 5803 W Erie St Austin Sta Chicago Cline Menzo Dunlap (acad 1907-8) Ins & R Est Swain Ark Cline Myra Dianna (su 1914) Teach & Libr Waverly 111 Clinebell Howard John (sp ag 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Glasford 111 *Clingan Dennis Albert (la 1903-7 AB) d Mar 18 1912 Danville 111 Clinite Raymond Grover (acad 1904-5 sc 1905-9 AB) Jr Typographer US Geol Surv Cherry Valley 111 Clink Bertha May (Mrs S H Savage) (su 1910) Home 501 S Main St Rocky Ford Colo IClink William Noel (acad 1907-8) Dix 111 Clinton Edgar Marcellus (la 1895-8) Ins Polo 111 tClinton Eva (su 1895) Polo 111 Clinton George Perkins (sc 1886-90 BS MS'94 MS(Harv)'01 ScD(Harv) '.02 Asst Bot U 111 Ag Exp Sta & Asst Bot U 111 1890-1902) Bot Conn Ag Exp Sta New Haven Conn "Clinton John DeWitt (sc 1891-5 BS) 126 CLINTON— COCHRAN . d Oct 18 1905 Polo 111 Clinton Lucile Anne (lib 1899-1903 BLS) Libr 1318 W Lake St Minne- apolis Clock Sherwood Alonzo (1 1900-3) Law Hampton la Clissold Mrs E T (see Swartwout Mina L) Clokey Ira Waddell (la 1898-9) Min Eng Decatur 111 Clore William Allen (su 1899) Osteop Pontiac 111 Clorfine Irwin Bernard (ag 1915- ) Stu 1303 S Morgan St Chicago Close Arthur Buckley (ag 1914- ) Stu 474 E 41st St Chicago Close George Frederick (la 1902-6 AB) Teach Aledo 111 t Clothier George Hugh (acad 1909-10) Caledonia 111 Clouse Mrs Walter (see Wood Lenore Clover Charles William (ag 1912-14) Ag R3 Clinton Ind t Clover Horace Nathaniel (e eng 1894- 5) Marengo 111 Clover Ira Newton (mun eng 1911-15 BS) Eng Valuation Dept ORI&P Ry 343 Prairie St Blue Island 111 (Gard- ner 111) Clow Grace Miranda (la 1904-9 AB) Teach Plainfield 111 Clow Raymond Delos (m eng 1906-9) Sales 1500 Victoria St Chicago Cloyd Louis Samuel (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1726 N Whittier St St Louis Clyman David (acad 1910-11 arch eng 1911-15 BS) Track Test 1344 N Hoyne Av Chicago Clymer Glasgo D (acad 1880-1) Med Goodland Ind (Seneca 111) Clyne Kathleen Marcella (la 1909-13 AB) Legis Ref Res Springfield 111 (Maple Park 111) Coad Bert Raymond (su 1910) Asst Entom L T S Bur Entom 1817 Spruce St Murphysboro 111 *Coad Robert Ewing (m eng 1894-7) d Nov 4 1908 Battle Creek Mich Coady Gertrude Catherine (sp mus 1912-13) At home 145 N Walnut St Brazil Ind Coale Elizabeth Fairleigh (su 1908) Prin Sch 109 Pleasant St Hills- boro 111 Coale George Goodrich (g ag 1908-9 BS(Pur) '08) Farm Supt 621 N Sixth St Vincennes Ind (R6 Richmond Ind) Coambs Joseph Booker (la 1904-6) Ins Ins Exch Chicago (Tiskilwa 111) Coar Elsa Jeanette (Mrs W T Walsh) (la 1901-2 AB) Home State Line Mass coar Henry Livingston (g math 1900-3 PhD AB(Harv)'93 AM (do) '94 Instr Math U 111 1898-1906) Assoc Prof Math & Lect Astron Marietta Coll Marietta O Coar Marjorie Bell (sp mus 1899-1900 acad 1904-5 sp mus 1905-6) Teach Marietta O Coats Alice Lynette (Mrs J E Chase) (sc 1895-7 Also Mich Ag Coll) Ag Coats Grove Mich Coats Henry L (c eng 1871-2) Ret Ag & C Eng & Merc 419 A Av Moscow Id Coats Mildred Nona (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu Coats Grove Mich Cobb Charles Carroll (m eng 1909-11 BS Also U Chgo) M Eng 233 Dwight St Kewanee 111 (4534 For- restville Av Chicago) Cobb Chas Haven (m eng 1877-8) Supt N 111 Water Co Kankakee 111 *Cobb Emory (Trustee 1867-93 Supt W U Tel Co Chgo 1855 Dir do 1871-4 . V-Pres 111 St Ag Bd 1869-72 Dir E 111 Trust & Sav Bk Kankakee) d May 20 1910 Kankakee 111 Cobb Ernest Williams (m eng 1912-15) Sales Gen Del Rushville 111 (5458 Greenwood Av Chicago) Cobb Frieda (la 1915- Also Rad Coll) Stu Falls Church Va Cobb Mrs IE (see Swannell Mary) cobb Margaret Vera (g sc 1912-13 AM '13-14 g ed 1914- AB(Rad)'10 Also Geo Wash U) Asst Ed U 111 1912- 812 Illinois St Urbana 111 (Falls Church Va) *Cobb Scott Ewing (m eng 1899-1904) d Oct 25 1905 Galesburg 111 Cobb Thomas H (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Creal Springs 111 Cobb William Henry (com 1915- ) Stu Tipton la Cobine Elizabeth (Mrs L F Stuebe) (sp la 1901-3) Home 1330 W Williams St Danville 111 t Coble George T (su 1912 Also Pur U) New Augusta Ind Cobley Howard William (ag 1913-15) Ag R5 Cassopolis Mich (6941 Eg- gleston Av Chicago) Coburn Mildred Leann (su 1912 &'13 la 1914-15 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach El Paso 111 (McLean 111) *Coburn RP (m eng 1875-9 BS) d Jan 10 1894 San Antonio Tex Cochran Charles Blake (arch eng 1912- 14 sc 1914-15 AB Also U Tex) Lum- COCHRAN— COFFEY 127 ber 405 S Market St Marion 111 Cochran Ernest John (m eng 1910-11) Cost Analyst City Dept Gas & Elec Co 614 City Hall Chicago (3315 L.e Moyne St) Cochran Everett Lynn (arch eng 1911- 13) Mgr Lumber Bus 400 Sycamore St Logansport Ind Cochran Harry Kusling (sc 1909-13 BS) Foundry Foreman Rost & Van- derwoost 2428 Sixth Av Moline 111 Cochran Mrs Harry R (see Fruland Iva V) Cochran Jennie (sp la 1903-4) Ladd 111 Cochran Mrs R C (see Gentsch Vida C) Cochran Russell William (1 1913- ) Stu 507 E Green St Champaign 111 Cochran Warren Baldwin (ry eng 1906- 7 su 1911 AB (Baker) '09 Also Friends TJ) Teach c/o Lewis & Clark H Sch Spokane Wash Cochrane Elvis Elroy (su 1914 Also Greenville Coll) Ag Box 14 Herman Cal Cockayne Ava (Mrs L Clark) (sp mus 1901-2) Home Homer 111 Cocking Mrs W H (see Benefiel We- nona E) Cockrel Francis Marion (e eng 1906-7 '08-9 '12-14 BS) Chicago Publ Mgr Westinghouse Elec Co 7016 Sangamon St Englewood Sta Chicago Coddington Archibald Osborn (acad 1876-7 la 1877-81 BL ML '84) Prin Sch 1519 Estes Av Chicago Coddington Edwin DeWitt (m eng 1884-5) Mfg Sheridan Av & 37th St Milwaukee Wis Coddington Eleanor M (acad 1877-8 la 1878-81) Christian Sc Pract 1012 Irving Park Blvd Chicago Coddington Hester (la 1879-81 '92 Also U Chgo 1892-3) Libr U Lib Madison Wis Coddington John Athen (sp ag 1903-4) Ag R2 Delavan 111 t Coddington Lloyd Hooker (ag 1913- 14) 114 S Euclid Av Princeton 111 Coddington Vantile William (arch 1871- 5 BS Foreman Carpenter Shop TJ 111 1875-7) Mfg Struct Steel North Mil- waukee Coddington Mrs V W (see Lee Alice) Codlin Harry Ellsworth (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Rl Dallas Center la Codlin Mrs HE (see McColley Carrie L) Codovan Mrs G E (see Thomas Marie) Wody Richard J (acad 1886-8) Chi- cago Coe Deeius Octayins (la 1879-80) Merc 119 E Sixth St Topeka Kan Coe Harry Harmon (e eng 1906-10 BS) Asst Supt HI Tract Sys 1325 5 Sixth St Springfield HI Coe Helen Louise (Mrs R B Otwell) (se 1911-13) Home Otwell Ark Coe John Edwin (acad 1897-1900) With Auto Co 2530 Sixth Av Moline 111 Coe Wilbur Felt (sp ag 1905-7) Ag R4 Quincy 111 Coen Edward (acad 1885-6) Ag Washburn 111 tCoen Edward Emanuel (ag 1913-14 Also Miss A&M Coll) Kentwood La Coen Eleanor (la 1910-11 Also 111 St Nor U) Stenog 1637 E 53rd St Chi- cago Coen George Henry (acad 1884-5 sc 1885-8 Also Chgo Coll Phar 1892) Phar 702 S Fell Av Normal HI Coen Homer Clarence (1 1897-1903 AB LL B '04) Consul Serv Durango Mex (Olney 111) Coen James Thomas (acad 1904-5) Ins 115 Kitchell Av Olney 111 Coen John Elmer (sp ag 1904-5) Ag 6 Hort Neoga 111 Coen Margaret Doris (Mrs H V Swart) (h sc 1904-6) Home 14 Nas- sau PI E Orange NJ Coen Mary E (acad 1887-8) Ret 1637 E 53rd St Chicago (Washburn 111; Coen Mrs T M (see Jackson Litta D) Coey Robert Hill (acad 1895-7 Also Armour Inst) Packer 812 O'Farrell St San Francisco Coffeen Amy (1 1884-9 BL Also N Eng Conserv Mus 1890-1) At home 4369 Oakenwald Av Chicago Coffeen Charles B (acad 1888-9) Hom- er 111 Coffeen Fred Goldsmith (acad 1887-8 se 1888-93 BS) Foundry Expert 104 E John St Champaign 111 Coffeen Harry Clay (sc 1893-4 eng 1894-6 sc 1896-8 BS MS '99 Also V Pa 1899-1900 Instr Gen Draw U 111 1900-2 Instr & Asst Prof Mach Design Armour Inst 1902-11) Life Ins Sales 971 Rookery Bldg Chicago (4369 Oakenwald Av) Coffeen Sadie (Mrs Knox) (sp 1870-2) Home 530 W Fifth St Oklahoma City Coffey Anna Lois (Mrs N R Mossman) (su 1906 BS(Col)'ll Also Kan St Nor TJ) Home 1019 Angus St Fresno Cal Coffey Mrs Clara E (Mrs G N) (su 1915 Also Wooster Coll) Home 907 Gregory St TJrbana 111 128 COFFEY— COHEN Coffey Elmer Washburn (e eng 1909- 13 BS) Illuminating Eng Nat X-Ray Eeflect Co 629 York St Blue Island 111 Coffey George Cleveland (1 1912-14 LL B Also U Mo) Law Mt Vernon 111 COFFEY George Nelson (PhB(NC) '00 MS (Geo Wash) '08 PhD(do)'ll) Asst St Leader of Co advisers U 111 1915- 907 Gregory PI Urbana 111 Coffey Hazel Belle (la 1910-14 AB) Teach 629 York St Blue Island 111 Coffey Joel Simmons (ag 1908-12 BS) Asst Prof An Husb Ohio St U Colum- bus O Coffey Margaret Leora (la 1913-14) Nurse St Vincent Hospital Indian- apolis (607 W Oregon St Urbana 111) Coffey Mary Etta (su 1915 Also N C St Nor U) Prin H Sch Lenior NC Coffey Walter Castella (ag 1903-6 BS MS '09 su 1915 Also Franklin Coll 1896-7 & Ind U 1899 Instr Sheep Husb TJ 111 1906-7 Assoc do 1908-11 Asst Prof do 1911-13) Prof Sheep Husb U 111 1913- 607 W Oregon St Urbana 111 ?Coffin Earl W (ag 1870-2) Cham- paign 111 Coffin Francis Albert (e eng 1906-9 Also Lewis Inst) Com Eng T M E R & L Co 383 Pub Serv Bldg Milwau- kee (623 Maryland Av) Coffin Lulu Linetta (Mrs E B Vander- vort) (sp mus 1907-8) Home Salem 111 *Coffman Ada Olympia (Mrs L Stev- enson) (sp 1873-4) d St Joseph 111 ] Coffman Bertha J (acad 1898-9) Cisco 111 Coffman Birch David (sc 1889-94 BS) Sales Box 1135 Milwaukee Woffman Daniel (acad 1904-5) Sidell 111 fCoffman George Benjamin (su 1899- 1900) Chillicothe 111 Coffman Harry Augustus (1 1895-1901 LLB) Mfg 1125 Knoxville Av Peo- ria 111 Coffman Mrs HA (see Trotter Jessie E) Coffman John Daniel (sp ag 1906-7 Also Mt Morris Coll) Ag Polo HI Coffman Julia (Mrs G E Marsh) (su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 446 E 34th St Chicago (Hume 111) COFFMAN Lotus Delta AB(Ind)'06 AM(do)'10 PhD(Col)'ll Lect Ed U 111 1911-12 Prof Ed U 111 1912-15) Dean Sch Ed U Minn 1915- Minne- apolis t Coffman Louie Mae (acad 1898-9) Cisco 111 Coffman Noah Berry (sc 1873-8 BS) Pres Bk Chehalis Wash Coffman Roy Alfred (acad 1906-8) Merc Blandinsville 111 Cofield Jesse Douglas (1 1897-1900) Law Jud & Ag Lindsay Okla *Coflin Frank Sherman (la 1875-8 Cert) d Feb 9 1908 Picayune Miss Woflin Frederick D (acad 1877-8) Taylorville 111 Co fold Bessie Lillian (Mrs F P Breck- enridge) (acad 1907-8) Ag Ottawa 111 Co f oid Harry Edwin (acad 1909-10) Ag La Salle 111 Cogdall May Christine (acad 1907-8) At home 308 N Pine Av Chicago Cogdall Harry Frank (ag 1911-15 BS) Stu 308 N Pine Av Chicago tCoggeshall Mrs Grace Greenwood (su 1901 & '02) Ridgef arm 111 Coggeshall Lester B (su 1901 la 1904- 6 Also Valparaiso Nor) Ag Ridge- farm 111 Coghlan Byron Kemp (c eng 1904-8 BS) Assoc Prof Highway Eng Tex Ag & Mech Coll College Station Tex ICoghlan Graham (acad 1893-4) Phil- adelphia Cogshall Mrs T C (see McCann Jessie S) Cogswell George Owen (arch eng 1906-11 BS) Asst Gen Supt Constr & Eng Co 323 N Third St Hamilton O Cogswell Mrs GO (see Saxton Kath- arine) Cogswell Robert Coman (arch eng 1906-11 BS) Mgr Mill & Lumber Co 115 W Seventh St Hamilton O Cohagan Chester Willard (ag 1913-14) Chem 600 S Oak St Sapulpa Okla Cohen Berthold (m eng 1901-5 BS) Mfg Bakery Goods 4933 Prairie Av Chicago Cohen Carl (la 1914- ) Stu Atlanta 111 t Cohen Frank W (sc 1909-10 Also Rose Poly) 341 S Main St Henderson Ky ; Cohen Isadore Perry (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 3406 Lexington St Chicago Cohen Isidor Maurice (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 2522 N Richmond St Chicago Cohen Julius (la 1913- ) Stu 4705a Vernon Av St Louis Cohen Julius Bernstein (acad & sp mus 1902-6) Teach Mus Urbana HI Cohen Sydney Nathan (sp law 1904-6) COHN— COLE 129 Mfg 511 W Elm St Urbana 111 tCoHN Alexander (sc 1910-14 BS) 2732 Potomac Av Chicago Cohn Lewis Allen (com Feb 1915- ) Stu 2732 Potomac Av Chicago ICohns Charles Leonard (acad 1902-3) Hammond Ind Coile Sam Henry (arch eng 1914- Also U Tenn) Stu Box 224 Cooke- ville Tenn Coker Myrtle Eose (la 1905-9 AB) Teach Anthony Hall Carbondale 111 (200 E Walnut St Harrisburg 111) Colbert Harold Leland (sp la 1912-13) Ag B4 Washington Ind Colbert James Eubin (la 1910-14 AB su 1915) Teach Waverly 111 Colbert Tel Eli (su 1912 Also Cent Nor Coll) Teach Washington Ind Colburn Frederick Pryce (e eng 1904- 5) Mgr Whitman Agriculture Co 6900 S Broadway St Louis (7221 Minnesota Av) t Colburn Joseph Elliott (e eng 1904-6) Highland Park 111 colby Arthur Samuel (g 1913-15 MS g hort 1915- BS(NH)'ll) As,st Pomol U 111 1913- 1117 S Third St Champaign 111 (Tilton NH) Colby George Bergen (sp law 1903-4) Law Springfield 111 Colby Imogene Helen (la 1914- Also Chgo Teach Coll) Stu 1253 Thorn- dale Av Chicago Colby Paul Whiting (arch eng Feb 1915- Also la St Coll) Stu 510 Davidson Bldg Sioux City la Colby Eoy Eaymond (1 1903-6 LL B LLB(Harv)'09) Law & Mfg 8 Irv- ington St Boston Colcord Frank Maynard (ag 1910-15 BS) Teach Ainsworth Neb (500 N Spruce St Greenville 111) Colcord Mary Elizabeth (g lat 1915- AB (Greenville) '10 Stu 500 N Spruce St Greenville 111 Colditz William David (sp 1873-4) Clk 2032 Clifton Av Chicago Cole Agnes Mary (lib 1899-1901 BLS BS(Wheaton)'93 Eeviser Lib Sch U 111 1901-4 Catg Libr do 1903-6) Libr 636 S Second St De Kalb 111 Cole Alice Maud (Mrs J W Moreland) (la 1904-6 AB Also 111 St Nor U 1903 & Amer Conserv Mus Chgo) Home Maxbass ND COLE Arthur Charles (AB (Mich) '07 MA(do)'08 PhD(Pa)'ll Instr Hist U Pa 1911-12 Asst Prof Hist U Mich su 1914 Instr Hist U 111 1912-15) Assoc Hist U HI 1915- 805 S Good- win Av Urbana 111 ?Cole Arthur Clarence (sp chem & eng 1902-3) Cripple Creek Colo tCole Bert William (la 1881-2) Port- land Ore cole Charles Nelson (g 1895-7 AM AB(IllWes)'94 PhD(Harv) '01 Instr Greek & Latin Acad U 111 1895-7 Instr Latin Cor U 1899-1902 Prof Latin Ober Coll 1902-11) Dean Coll Arts & Sc Oberlin Coll 1911- 45 King St Oberlin O Cole Mrs C N (see Stewart Mabel) tCole Edward Everett (la 1874-5) Fargo ND Cole Edward Smith (m eng 1890-2 ME (Cor) '94) Hydr Eng 133 Bellevue Av Upper Montclair NJ (220 Broad- way New York) Cole Elwood Bourland (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1211 N Perry Av Peoria 111 Cole Emo (Mrs W A Spain) (la 1899- 1900 AB'04 Also U Chgo) Teach 908 Grace St Chicago ?Cole Francis William (su 1908 Also N 111 St Nor) Oswego 111 Cole Mrs G P (see Glen Helen) Cole Guerney Hill (e eng 1910-13 BS Also Wash & Jeff Coll 1909-10) E Eng 213 Charles St Mt Olive Sta Pitts- burg tCole Harry John (sp ag 1903-4 Also Lake Forest Coll) Eidgefarm 111 ?Cole Haydee S (la 1879-80 Also Knox Coll) Kewanee 111 Cole Henry Clay (chem 1869-73) Mill- ing Chester 111 Cole Horace Broughton (sp com 1908- 9) Mgr 7018 Eggleston Av Chi- cago Cole Hugh Leon (e eng 1909-10 '11- 14 BS) Instr Ag Oconto Falls Wis (103 College Av Geneseo 111) *Cole John G (la 1877-9) d Oct 18 1879 Champaign 111 Cole Mary Inez (Mrs Bickel) (h sc 1906-8) Home 357 Santa Clara St San Jose Cal Cole Mary Maude (Mrs G H Scott) (la 1892-6 AB g 1896-7 AM) At home 1200 Douglas Av Yankton SD *Cole Nettie M (gen 1874-6) d Philo 111 tCole Oliver G (la 1872-3) 520 E 39th St North Portland Ore *Cole Eichard H (c eng 1871-3) d July 9 1914 Peru Ind Cole Eobert McFarland (chem eng 1912-13 BS) Consult Chem Block Lab- oratories Chicago (Glenview 111) Cole Sophronia Eickers (Mrs W F Hall) (h sc 1878-82 BL'14) At home McLeansboro 111 130 OOLE— COLLINS Cole Thomas Edward (acad 1879-80 sc 1880-5 Cert MD(P&S Chgo) '90) Med Lemars la ICole Vinie (sp mus 1877-8) Urbana 111 %Cole Wm H (acad 1877-8) Warren 111 tColean James Eussell (arch eng 1908- 9) Arch 810 Hubbell Bldg Des Moines la Colegrave Mrs J B (see Barbre Anna h) ?Coleman Alice J (la 1901-2) San- born la Coleman Calvin (sp arch 1896-7) Gen Contr 508 Fifth Av Peoria 111 Coleman Clyde Bestor (ag 1899-1902 '05-7 BS Instr Dairy Husb U 111 1907-9 Prof An Husb RI St Coll 1909-10) Ag 92 State St Boston tColeman David (la 1911) 728 W 28th St Los Angeles * Coleman Don Valentine (acad 1892-3) d Jan 13 1905 Sandwich 111 Coleman George Howell (sc 1902-5) Med 4300 Park Av Chicago Coleman Henry Clay Jr (m eng 1912- ) Stu Greenville 111 Coleman Howard Jay (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Mazon 111 IColeman John A (acad 1881-2) Bloomington 111 Coleman John Samuel (la 1902-4) Merc Beardstown 111 tColeman Oren (su 1911 Also S 111 St Nor) Carterville 111 Coleman Paul Wayne (ag 1913-15 BS) Stu Ipava 111 Coleman William Francis (m eng 1905- 10 BS) Mfg 4300 Park Av Chicago 1949 Carroll Av) Coleman William Munson (acad 1892- 3) Ag Bradford 111 . Coler Lewis Anthony (acad 1904-5 sp 1905-7 Also Colo Sch Min) C Eng 3825 Meade St Denver Colo *Coler William W (sp 1872-3) d Au- gust 15 1911 Switzerland IColerick Ernest Harold (acad 1905-6) Harvey 111 Coles Max Nathan (e eng 1907-11) C Eng Wendell Id Colescott Lela Hazel (su 1912) Libr Fowler Ind *Coley Chas Dayton (su 1899) d Edin- burg 111 Coley Glenn (la 1914- Also Millikin U & U Mich) Stu 1007 State St Beardstown 111 tColgan John Graham (ag 1913-14) Berwyn Pa j Colgrove Vivian Geraldine (la Feb 1916- AB(Minn) 08) Stu 517 Wal- nut St SE Minneapolis *Coller Minnie J (gen 1881) d Nov 16 1881 Urbana 111 Collett Ernest Benjamin (su 1908 BS (Ottawa) '06 Also U Cal & U Wis) Teach De Kalb 111 Collier Ben Harrison (la 1898-9) Mgr 1979 Grace St Los Angeles Collier Edith Blanche (la 1909-10 Also Millikin U) At home Bethany 111 Collier Ethel Alice (la 1913- ) Stu Union Grove Wis Collier Jennie Ethel (acad 1909-10 h sc 1910-11) At home Bethany 111 Collier John Samuel (g 1911-12 MS (Chgo) '10) Ag Adviser Kankakee Co Kankakee 111 Collier Joseph Howard (sp law 1906-7 Also Bradley Poly) c/o Anti-Saloon League Mich 418-22 Trussing Bldg Lansing Mich Collier Robert James (sp ag 1908-9) Propr Creamery 805 E Ash St Tay- lorville 111 Collings Gilbeart Hooper (g ag 1915- BS(Va Poly) '15) Stu Crewe Va t Collins Ada Amelia (la 1909-10) Box 285 Carlville 111 fCollins Austin Flint (m eng 1902-3) Mahomet 111 Collins Campbell Stephen (ag 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 220 Bigelow St Peoria 111 Collins Carrie Blanche (Mrs H M For- man)(la 1906-9) Home Ft Lauder- dale Fla Collins Charles (c eng 1915- ) Stu Arthur 111 Collins Clifford Warren (la 1911-12) Lyceum & Chautauqua Wk Barry 111 Collins Daniel Prather (sp 1873-4) Live Stock Sales 1724 College Av E St Louis 111 Collins Edgar Francis (e eng 1894-8 BS 1912-13 EE) Tech Supt Gen Elec Co 1465 State St Schenectady NY Collins Edna (Mrs O H Kimball) (acad 1898-02 sp mus 1903-4 su 1907) At home 829 W Vine St Taylorville 111 Collins Elbert Adrian (1 1909 AB(I11 Coll) '01) Supt Schs Marseilles 111 Collins Mrs Emma Moss (Mrs W H) (sp ag 1912-13) Home 1401 E 53rd St Chicago Collins Mrs F F (see Higinbotham Pearl) Collins Frank Henderson (la 1906-7) Broker 137 S LaSalle St Chicago (3623 Pine Grove Av) COLLINS— COLSON 131 Collins Fred Adair (ag 1915- ) Stu 845 Chicago Av Evanston 111 Collins Guy Richard (acad 1895-7 m eng 1897-1901 BS) Ag Biggar Sask Canada (Champaign 111) Collins Guy (su 1915 Also Millikin U) Teach Marissa 111 (Garrett 111) Collins Helen Beatrice (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Rl Benton Harbor Mich Collins Herbert Keith (arch eng 1901- 5) Contr & Mfg 413 Safety Bldg Rock Island 111 Collins Mrs H K (see Harper Edith E^ Collins Homer Arthur Otto (1 1908-9 Also Ind St Nor U) 2424 N 11th St Terre Haute Ind (1911 N Seventh St) Collins Ina May (la 1915- ) Stu 821 Oak St Hillsboro 111 Collins Irvin Bliss (su 1904 la 1915- ) Stu Potomac 111 Collins Isabel Ina (la 1907-8 Also Cal St Nor) 5456 Greenwood Av Chi- cago Collins John Milton (la 1897-8) Bkpr Royal Baking Powder Co Chicago (524 S Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111) Collins Julien Hampton (com 1915- ) Stu 3932 N Tripp Av Chicago Collins Lathan Hunter (c eng 1915- ) Stu La Moille 111 fCollins Leander A (la 1871-2) Car- bondale 111 Collins Lester Edwards (ag 1914-15) Ag Greenfield 111 Collins Lucile Milham (h sc 1914-15) Vicksburg Mich Collins Lucy Nellie (acad 1910-11 la 1911-12) Art & Author 1427 E Washington St Phoenix Ariz (1704 Sunnyside Av Chicago) Collins Mary (sc 1902-5 AB Also U Wis su 1911) Teach H Sch 720 Sixth St La Salle 111 t Collins Mary Lucia (mus 1902-3 '04-5 Also Ober Coll) La Salle 111 i Collins Maud Myrtle (acad 1897) Bondville 111 fCollins Ora Clarence (su 1906) 204 S Busey Av Urbana HI Collins Ray Arthur (c eng 1905-6 BS) Surv Bur Lands Dumaguete Oriental Negros Manilla PI (1704 Sunnyside Av Chicago) Collins Roy Taylor (acad 1907-8 arch eng 1908-9 Also Augustana Coll) Gen Contr 413 Safety Bldg Rock Island 111 (1920 Eighth St) "Collins Sherwin Moss (ag 1912-13) d Chicago Collins Stephen William (c eng 1903-5 Also U Wis) Propr Strothmore Hotel Canon City Colo ICollins TB (acad 1879-80) Urbana 111 collins Vida Lucile (la 1908-10 AM AB (Mich) '07 Prin E Jordan H Sch 1907-8 Asst Engl U 111 1908-13) Teach Ypsilanti Nor 1913- Ypsilanti Mich COLLINS Walter Dennis (AB(Harv) '95 AM(do)'97 St Water Surv U 111 1906-8) Bur Chem Washington ?Collins Wilbur Milton (la 1875-8) Knoxville la Collins William (la 1915- ) Stu Ceal Lake Av Negaunee Mich Collins William Copelin (e eng 1894-5) Mfg Trenton Mo (Keokuk la) *Collis Frank Bernard (m eng 1897- 1902 BS) d Nov 5 1903 Norwich Conn *Collison Inez (sp mus 1900-1) d Collison Louis Glenn (la com 1912-13 Also NW U) Bnk Rantoul 111 (3 Davidson PI Champaign 111) Collom Isabel Eva (Mrs C C Rand) • (h sc 1911-13) Home 907 California Av Urbana 111 Collom Mary Elizabeth (h sc 1911-15 AB g h sc 1915- ) Stu Pittsburgh Pa Colman George Howell (sc 1902-5 BS (Chgo) '11 Med 4300 Park Av Chi- cago colman Norman Jay (Hon D Ag 1905 LLB( Louisville Law Sch) '51 LL D (Mo) '05 House Repr 1865-6 Lieut Gov 111 1875-7 US Comm Ag 1885-9 Edit Colmans Mural World) Head Gov Horse-breed Farm Fort Collins Colo Colman Ruth Phoebe (su 1914) Teach West Chicago 111 Colmey Duane Campbell (m eng 1915- ) Stu. 5526 Augusta St Chi- cago Colnon Aaron James (c eng 1914-15) Miller Ridgway 111 Colnon John Thomas (c eng 1914-15) Bkpr Ridgway 111 Colombo James Henry (acad 1909-10 la 1910-13 AB) Owner & Mgr Mfg Plant Johnston City 111 Colp Leonard Allan (1 1900-4 LL B BS( Valparaiso) '00) Law Marion 111 Colp Mrs LA (see Burkhart Ethel) tColp Logan (su 1909) Marion 111 Colson Etta M (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Sidney 111 (104 S Lynn St Urbana 111) Colson Harold Edward (ag 1911-15 BS) Merc 185 W Main St St Charles 111 Colson LeRoy (la 1908-9) Merc St 132 COLSON— COMSTOCK Charles 111 Colson Kobert John (la 1914- ) Stu 185 W Main St St Charles 111 Colton Albin Bradford (acad 1876^7 la 1878-9) Gen Agt Midland Life Ins Co 507 Sharp Bldg Kansas City Mo (3226 Woodland Av) Colton Edwin Thome (mun eng 1913- ) Stu 3226 Woodland Av Kansas City Mo t Colton Ellis Burr (sp ag 1908-9) Marengo 111 Colton Henry Bichardson (la 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 146 N Garfield Av Hinsdale 111 Colton Bussell Smith (mun eng 1910- ) Stu 3226 Woodland Av Kansas City Mo *Colton Samuel Kirk (arch 1881-4) d Feb 22 1905 Eureka Kan Colton Seth Walter (sp 1880-1) Col- ton Egg Farm Aurora 111 Colton Simeon Calton (c eng 1881-5 BS) Supt Pub Wks Fitzsimmons & Connell Co 1646 Otis Bldg Chicago • *Coltrin Weldon (la 1878) Decatur 111 Columbia Emma E (Mrs J R Mann) (la 1873-8 Cert) Home South Shore Chicago ?Columbia Hattie Green (su 1902) Champaign 111 *Columbia Mae F (Mrs Pearman) (gen 1872-3) d June 1 1911 Champaign 111 t Columbia Thomas Benton (sp 1868-72) 148 W 80th St New York Colver Horace Nathaniel (e eng 1892- 5) Ranch Wasco Cal Colville John Robert (e eng 1908-12 BS) Eng Dept Nat Lamp Wks 242 Strathmore Av Cleveland (Nela Park Cleveland) tColvin Albert (la 1873-6) 606 Main St Wheaton 111 (Mt Palatine 111) Colvin Albert Adelbert ' (c eng 1906-9) C Eng C&NW RR Track Elev Dept 606 Main St Wheaton 111 Colvin Carl (ag 1906-12 BS) Teach Ag E 111 St Nor Charleston 111 Colvin Ernest Marks (m eng 1908-11) Mach 1450 Castro St San Francisco (508 W Elm St Urban a 111) Colvin Mrs E M (see Branch Emily I) colvin Esther Margaret (g engl 1914- 15 AM AB( Albion) '14) Stu 306 S Ingham St Albion Mich Colvin ■, Esther Marie (su 1915 Also W 111 St Nor) 1307 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 ^Colvin Franklin (acad 1876-7) Mer- cedes Tex (Mt Palatine 111) t Colvin Grace Stella (la 1904-5 Also 111 St Nor U) Normal 111 Colvin Jay Austin (la com 1909-13 AB) Print 5940 Sheridan Rd Chi- cago (3926 N 42nd Av) Colvin John Thomas (acad 1903-4 sp law 1904-7) Merc 405 W Green St Urbana 111 (508 W Elm St) Colvin Mrs J T (see Hanson Mabel I) Colvin Mary S (Mrs W C Hargis) (acad 1877-8 h sc 1879-83 Cert) At home Bondville 111 Colvin Mrs Sarah Jane (Mrs J T) (sp a&d 1897-8) Home 508 W Elm St Urbana 111 COLVIN Stephen Sheldon (BP (Brown) '91 AM (do) '94 PhD(Strassburg)'97 Asst Prof Psych U 111 1901-3 Prof Philos Brown U 1903-4 Assoc Prof Psychol U 111 1904-7 Prof do 1907- 12) Prof Ed & Psychol Brown U 1912- Providence RI Cohvell Miles Gilbert (m eng 1910-13) PO Serv Wyoming 111 Coman Mrs C W (see Shaw Jessie S) Combe Eleanor Marie (Mrs L P Bau- man)-(acad 1907-9 la 1909-13 AB) Home R3 Fieldon 111 (417 College St Peoria 111) t Combs James Rockwell Jr (m eng 1894-5) Ottawa 111 \Comegys Joseph P Jr (acad 1884-5) Keokuk la Comer Helen Louise (su 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) 610 15th St Charleston 111 Compton Donald Elliott (arch eng 1914- ) Stu US Indian Sch Tomah Wis Compton Richard Osborne (ag 1906-10 BS) Orange Grower Orlando Fla (421 Kenwood Ter Chicago) Comstock Arthur Francis (c eng 1902- 6 BS CE'13 Asst Eng Lehigh RR 1907-10 C Eng Lackawanna Steel Co 1910-12 Instr Ry C Eng U 111 1912- 13) Assoc Ry & C Eng U 111 1913- 1110 Arbor St Champaign 111 (17 Alsace Av Buffalo) Comstock Chauncey Darling (ag 1915- ) Stu 350 N Clark St Chicago Comstock Daniel Franklin (la com 1911-15 AB) Acct Dept Booth Fish- eries Co Chicago (2408 Hartzell St Evanston 111) Comstock Fred ( acad 1907-8 ) Con- ductor RR 404 N Pecan St Carbon- dale 111 comstock George Cary (Hon LL D '07 PhB (Mich) '77 LLB(Wis)'83 Set) (Mich) '07 Asst Eng Corps Engrs USA 1878-9) Prof Astron Dir Ob- serv & Dir Grad Sch U Wis Observa- tory Hill Madison Wis Comstock Guy Clifford (la 1908-10 AB (NW)'ll ) RR Fireman 506 S Neil St Champaign 111 COMSTOCK— CONEL 133 Comstock Helen Bell (h se 1911-14 AB) Teach H Sch Eoekford 111 (215 Sixth Av La Grange 111) Comstock Keyon Phinister (ag 1915- ) Stu 5400 S Park Av Chicago Comstock Ealph Wrigley (se 1913-15) Jeweler 723 W Archer Av Monmouth ni COMSTOCK Theodore B (AB(Pa St) '68 BS(Cor)'70 DS(do)'85 Prof Min Eng & Physics U 111 1885-9 Pres U Ariz 1894-5) Sec & Chf Eng Bd Pub Inst 827 Beacon St Los Angeles Conant George Stephen (c ehg 1904- 6) Mintr Dix 111 Conant Lewis Jasper (la 1914- ) Stu Kinmundy 111 t Conant Thaddeus (sp ag 1901-2) Villa Eidge 111 t Conant William Alvin (acad 1905-6) Champaign 111 Conard Davis Orr (acad 1909-10) Ag Monticello 111 Conard Emmett Clyde (su 1901 ag 1902-4) Expert Ag Monticello 111 Conard Frank Eli (acad 1897-8 ag 1898-1903) Ag & Stock Eockwell City la Conard Harriett Zoe (acad 1901-3 sp la 1907-8), Teach Mattoon 111 (Mon- ticello 111) Conard Iva Louise (la 1915- Also Oberlin Coll) Stu 418 E Main St Monticello HI Conard Jonah W (la 1906-10) Ag Eockwell City la (Monticello 111) Conard Philip Arthur (acad 1897-8 la 1898-1901 AB) Assoc Cont Sec YMCA S A Avenida 18 de Julio 968 Monte- video Uraguay (c/o YMCA 124 E 28th St New York) Conard Mrs Philip A (see Smith Flor- ence M) Conard Euth (mus 1915- ) Stu 418 E Main St Monticello 111 Conard Sarah Or ilia (Mrs E O Jacob) (acad 1899-1901 la 1901-6 AB g 1906- 7) Home Amer Bible House Con- stantinople Turkey (Monticello 111) Conat Mabel Louise (lib 1913-15 BLS AB(Mich)'09 Lib Asst U 111 1913-15) 1st Eef Asst Detroit Pub Lib 1915- 751 Campbell Av Detroit Conaway Hortense Grace (Mrs J G Holderman) (su 1894) Home Milford 111 Conboy Lourde Joseph (e eng 1910-14 BS) Teach Man Tr c/o Franklin Sch 140 W 14th St Dubuque la (507 First Av Sterling 111) Conboy Mabelle Inez (su 1915 Also U Kan) Libr 301 E Greenwood Av Jacksonville 111 IConcannon James C (acad 1884-5) Tolono 111 Conde Mabel Elmina (Mrs E A Lu- ther) (sp la 1906-7 Also NW U) Home Adel la tConderman Julian Caleb (e eng 1912- 13) 846 Barry Av Chicago Condit Anna H (Mrs Bruce McCor- mick)(la 1875-7) Home 602 W Green St Champaign 111 Condit Charles (su 1901 & '02 & '03 & '06 & '07 & '08 & '09 & '11 Also Val- paraiso U 1897) Teach Elmwood 111 (Eantoul 111) *Condit Edwin Smith (acad 1876-8 la 1878-9) d Dec 17 1911 Chicago tCondit Irene (mus 1913-14) 111 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Condit Jay Sidney (la 1898-1902 AB LLB(Harv)'05) Law 1400 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago (4516 Lake Park Av) Condit Olive Feme (sc 1912-13) Teach Ludlow 111 t Condit Eay Willoughby (acad 1905-7 la & law 1907-11) 304 N Eace St Urbana 111 Condit Mrs WE (see Dunlap Mag- gie E) Condon Edith Francis (la 1915- ) Stu Sheffield HI Condon John Matthew (sp ag 1911-12) Clk 4029 Lexington St Chicago Condon Margaret Adele (la 1911-13) Teach Sheffield HI Condon Mary Margaret (Mrs Frank- lin) (su 1908) Home Cooper la tCondrey Chase Logan (sp ag 1907-8) Prin Sch Eexford Kan Condrey Ealph Smith (su 1915 Also McKendree Coll) Teach 812 Cherry St Mt Carmel 111 (Lebanon 111) Wone Allie Louis (acad 1906-7) Prado 777 Havana Cuba tCone George C (acad 1889-90 arch 1898-1900) Farmington 111 tCone Eichard Wortington (sp mus 1909-10 Also Valparaiso U) Muske- gon Mich ?Cone Wilbur Charles (m eng 1902-6 BS) M Eng 4602 Vincennes Av Chi- cago Conefry Hal Wynan (la jour 1911-14) Stu LeEoy 111 conel Jesse LeEoy (sc 1912-13 AM g zool 1915- AB(Millikin)'12) Asst Zool U HI 1915- 208 W Clark St Champaign 111 (542 W Packard St 134 CONFESOR— CONNELLY Decatur 111) Confesor Valentin (e eng 1908-12 BS) E Eng Cabatuan Iloilo PI Confrey Burton (su 1914 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 1039 Ninth St La Salle 111 Conger Almon Mortimor (m eng 1914- ) Stu 137 N Gifford St Elgin 111 CONGER John Leonard (AB (Mich) '04 AM(do)'05 PhD (Wis) '07 Asst Amer Hist U Wis 1906-7 Prof Amer Hist U 111 su 1909 & '10 Asst Hist do su 1911) Prof Hist & Gov Knox Coll 1907- 585 Jefferson St Galesburg 111 Congleton Frank Harold (ag 1914- ) 203 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Conibear Florence Mary (h sc 1911-12) Stu Woman's Coll Tallahassee Fla (Lakewood Fla) CONIBEAR Hiram Boardman (Asst Athl U Chgo 1897-1901 Dir Athl & Phys Tr U Mont 1902-4 Instr U Chgo 1905 Asst Dir Athl U 111 1901- 2) Superv Aquatics U Wash 1912- 4129 Brooklyn Av Seattle tConkey Aubert Jessie (ag 1869-71) Homer 111 Conkey Carl A (acad 1882-3 sp 1883- 4) Merc Homer 111 ] Conkey Frank L (acad 1888-9) Hom- er 111 Conkey Frank M (la 1890-1) Dent & Ag Homer 111 tConkle Maggie (sp mus 1879-80) Ur- bana 111 Conklin Alfred Oscar (acad 1899-1901) R Est & L 107 S Main St Wichita Kan Conklin Bristol (sc 1913-15) Stu Earl- ville 111 Conklin Dorsey Tyler Jr (ag 1915- Also Beloit Coll) Stu R2 Rockton 111 ConUin Edward Julian (acad 1899- 1901) Farm Mortgages Emporia Kan Conklin Helen Naomi (la Feb 1915- ) Stu Roscoe HI Conklin James Henry (sp ag 1907-8) Ag R2 Rockton 111 Conklin Paul Stanley (m eng 1912-13 m 1915) Teach H Sch Wilmington 111 (Rl Roscoe 111) conklin Roland Ray (la 1876-80 ML Hon ML '91) Bus Mgr & Bnk Pres Jucaro & Moun RR Co V-Pres Cent Cuba Sugar Co 1 Wall St New York Conkling Anna Julia (Mrs A B Sey- mour) (la 1879-84 BL) Home 23 Agassiz Av Waverly Mass \ Conkling Frank Koogler (acad 1898- 9) Seymour 111 \ Conkling Harry W (acad 1887-8) Champaign 111 t Conkling Helen (acad 1901-2) Dewey 111 *Conkling James C (Trustee 1879-80 AB(Prin)'35 Mayor Springfield 1845 St Legis 1851 Postmaster Springfield 1890) d Mar 1 1899 Springfield 111 Conkling William Johnson (chem 1888) Ag Rl Brownsville Tex ?Conley Charles Clarence (su 1906 Also N 111 St Nor) Rockford 111 Conley David Oris (sc 1912-13) Stu NW U 115 W Kent St Streator 111 Conley Ellen Gertrude (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Areola 111 Conley Frances Irene (la 1913-14) At home Areola 111 Conley John Edward (c eng 1900-3 BS) Mfg c/o Conley Frog & Switch Co Memphis Tenn Conley Josephine V (la 1909-13 AB) Teach 115 W Kent St Streator 111 *Conn Emma Anna (Mrs Cal Staley) (sp 1873-7) d May 7 1911 Cham- paign 111 *Conn Frank Samuel (sc 1874-7) d Urbana 111 Conn Ida May (Mrs P S Heald) (la 1894-6 Also Shurtleff Coll) Home 114 Hubbard St Joliet 111 Connard Arthur Foster (m eng 1906- 12 BS'14) Designer Steel Ore Co Riverton Minn (R4 Decatur 111) Connard Curtis Earl (e eng 1903-8 BS) E Eng 440 Rebecca Av Wil- kinsburg Pa Connard Marquis Donald (c eng 1905- 7) C Eng 111 Tract Sys Springfield 111 Connard May (la 1907-8 Also HI St Nor U) Tr Nurse 940 W Wood St Decatur 111 (734 W Decatur St) Connard Walter Harold (ag 1908-11) Ag R6 Decatur 111 Connell Daniel (ag 1907-8 Also Ar- mour Tech 1913-14) Arch Toledo la Connell David Evans (c eng 1914- ) Stu 5755 S Peoria St Chicago Connell Edwin Lewis (e eng 1908-12 BS) E Eng 6400 Plymouth Av St Louis (903 Third Av Joliet 111) \Connell Richard D (acad 1893-4) De- lavan 111 Connelly Emma Brown (Mrs E G Ei- dam) (sc 1902-7 AB Also U Cin 1904- 5) Home 85 Middlesex Rd Roches- ter NY Connelly Martin Francis (c eng 1907- 11 BS) C Eng San Dist Chgo 4509 Washington Blvd Chicago CONNELLY— CON W A Y 135 Connelly Retta Belle (la 1907-8) At home Hume 111 *Connelly Sarah Ann (la 1904-8 Also E 111 St Nor) d March 2 1911 Hume 111 Connelly William J (la 1900-2) Con- nelly Switch & Frog Co Memphis Tenn \Conner Frances Pearl (acad 1905-6 Also U Mo) Holden Mo Conner George Robert (e eng 1907-8 Also Coyne Sch) E Eng Carmi 111 "Conner Henry (la 1871-3) d June 28 1911 San Bernardino Cal ?Conner John (la 1881) Sidney 111 Conner Lawrence Beatty (acad 1895-6) Mach 410 W Tremont St Hillsboro 111 Conner Richard Henry (la 1912-13) Lumber 1162 16th Av Seattle Conner Thomas John A (acad 1897-9) Merc Prairie du Rocher 111 *Connet Dickey (ag 1871-3) d June 23 1914 Vale Ore Connet Ella (Mrs Thos Babb) (la 1884-8 BL g 1888-9 '93-4 ML '98-9) Home 406 W Church St Champaign 111 Connet Oliver (acad 1883-4 eng 1884- 6) City Mun Eng Baltimore Connett Mrs J B (see Westall Rosa M) *Connor Charles Joseph (c eng 1908- 10) d May 11 1911 Newton 111 Connor Mrs F H (see Deardorff Myr- tle I) ?Connor Henry (la 1871-2) Burton 111 Connor John Hal (la 19 14-) Stu Newton 111 Connor Lloyd (acad 1910-11) Contr Champaign 111 Connor Victor Oakes (1 1910-11) Merc Newton 111 *Connors Stephen Wilfred (sc 1911-13) d Nov 12 1915 Phoenix Arizona Conover Charles Sanderson (e eng 1909- 11) Mach 1109 Monroe St La Porte Ind Conover George Stribling (sp ag 1909- 10) Live Stock Comm Union Stock Yds Chicago (5142 Ellis Av) Conover James Theodore (sp e eng 1914- ) Stu Bradford 111 Conover L Lenore (su 1896) Teach 114 Marston Av Detroit Mich t Conover Peter Posh Hayden (acad 1899) 808 E Third St Dayton O Conover Roy Earl (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Virginia 111 Conrad Alma Bertha (acad 1905-6 la 1906-7 '08-9 su 1915) Teach Alta- • mont 111 I Conrad Cassius Bannister (la* 1908-13 AB) Abstracter 124 W Ottawa St Sycamore 111 Conrad Charles Smedley (m eng 1915- ) Stu Sycamore 111 Conrad David Emanuel (sp ag 1902-5) Ag Woodhull 111 Conrad John Edwin (sp law 1908-10) Law 801 Reaper Blk Chicago (High- land Park 111) Conrad Laura A (su 1913 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Altamont 111 Conrad Martin (Trustee 1901-3 Pres St Bd Ag 1901-2) Gen Agt Peter Schuttler Co 22nd & Rockwell Sts Chicago (c/o Auditorium Hotel) Conrad Orien Ray (su 1911 &'12 &'13 &'14) Supt Schs Pawnee 111 (920 N Fifth St Vandalia 111) Conrad Roy Monroe (su 1915 Also Earlham Coll) Teach Phys Tr Augus- tana Coll Rock Island 111 (Darling- ton Ind) *Conroy James (la 1874-7) d Cham- paign 111 Consoer George Otto (c eng 1913- ) ' Stu 716 S Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111 Consoer Meta (la 1911-13 AB Also Chgo Nor Coll) Teach H Sch Taylor- vill 111 (716 S Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111) Constant Clarence R (sp ag 1907-9) Ag & Stock Williamsville 111 ^Constant Frank Semple (acad 1902-3) RFD Buffalo 111 * Constant Harvey Nathaniel (sp ag 1900-1) d Jan 8 1908 Illiopolis 111 Constant Herbert Harper (m eng 1908-12 BS '13) Mfg Chicopee Falls Mass (1341 Whitten Av Springfield 111) Constant Irwin John (sp ag 1900-2) Ag Dawson 111 t Constant James H (acad 1881-2 arch 1891-2) Dawson 111 Constant Lyman John (acad 1902-4 sp la 1904-6) Ag Belgrade Mont Constant Robert F (sc 1878-80) Ag & Stock Buffalo Hart 111 Conver Lulu M (su 1909) Teach Yates City 111 Converse Edward Chapman (sc 1901-4 AB 1908-9 AM) Instr Sc U ND 1910- 205 Woodworth Hall Univer- sity ND Converse Mrs EC (see McCannon Maude) t Convey Avete Caroline (la 1910-13) Farmer City 111 Conway John Robert Lynch (c eng 136 CONYNE— COOKE 1910-11 Also Bradley Poly) City C Eng 1213 Second Av Peoria 111 Conyne William F (aead 1877-8 la 1878-80) Merc Warren 111 COOK Agnes Spofford (Mrs H G Gale) (AB(Chgo)'96 Also Welles Coll Instr Rhet U 111 1897-8 Act Head Rhet Dept do 1898-9) Home 5646 Kimbark Av Chicago COOK Amasa Day (AB (Mich) '02 Also Cor U Asst Chem NY St Exp Sta Instr Chem U 111 1902-3) 21 Wash- ington Av Warren O tCook Austin Clarence (sp ag 1911-13 Also U Wis) 808 Carpenter Av Iron Mountain Mich Cook Charles F (la 1876-80 BS) Ret Edwardsville 111 *Cook Clara (la 1897-9) d May 5 1916 302 W Hill St Champaign 111 Cook Clarabelle (Mrs A P H Hueckel) (la 1902-4 '06-7) Home 1322 12th Av E Vancouver BC Cook Clifton (ag 1909-12) Ag Gov Mapleton 111 (Odin 111) Cook Curtin (acad 1880-1 sc 1881-3) Clk 1415 W Church St Champaign 111 Cook Dorothy Elizabeth (lib 1915- AB (Denver) '14) Stu 1035 Downing St Denver Cook Ellis (acad 1906-7) Ag Roberts 111 Cook Mrs Emola Miller (su 1914 Also Austin Coll) Penfield 111 Cook Ernest (la 1899-1900 '04-5 AB Also Earlham Coll) Ag Mooresville Ind Cook Eugene (la 1912-13 c eng 1913- ) Stu Odin 111 ?Cook Francis (la 1871-3) Nokomis 111 Cook Frank Louis (e eng 1904-8 BS) Pub Serv Co 137 S LaSalle St Chi- cago (318 First Av Oak Park) Cook Frank Samuel (c eng 1905-9 BS) Co Supt Highways Mackinaw 111 Cook Mrs G H (see Moore Grace L) Cook Harold Hemenway (ag 1911-12) Ag Steward 111 Cook Harriet Irene (la 1914-15 Also U Wis) At home Box 113 Des Plaines 111 Cook Harry Vance (e eng 1892-3) 801 Fourth Av Rock Island 111 Cook Harvey Edward (acad 1890-1 sc 1891-2) Merc Champaign 111 Cook Mrs HE (see Gulick Margaret GO Cook James Fitchie (m eng 1903 BS) Teach Man Tr H Sch Elgin 111 Cook James W (m eng 1889-93 BS) Constr Eng 327 S La Salle St Chi- cago Cook Jessie Gordon (la 1910-11) Prin H Sch Hamilton Wash *COOK John Barber (Asst Forge Shop U 111 1907-10) d Nov 6 1914 Urbana 111 Cook John Manchester (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5225 Blackstone Av Chicago cook John Williston (LL D 1904 AM (Knox) '91 LL D( Blackburn) '96 Pres 111 St Nor U 1890-9 Pres NEA 1904) Pres N 111 St Nor 1899- De Kalb 111 Cook Mrs Joseph (see Ensign Alice O) Cook Leeson Hay (lib 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 104 Charles St War- rensburg Mo Cook Louis Phillip (e eng 1902-7 BS) Teach H Sch 906 Seventh St Ana- cortes Wash Cook Morris Henry (e eng 1915- ) Stu Greenup 111 Cook Pansy Elizabeth (Mrs C E Sims) (la 1902-5) Home Worthington Minn Cook Phineas Sylvester (la 1873-4) Carpenter Fairview Mont Cook Roscoe Leighton (arch eng 1907- 8) Merc Rockville Ind Cook Samuel Sampson (ry c eng 1906- 11 BS) Ins 1131 N Second St Clin- ton la Cook Stephen Wallace (la 1915- ) Stu 1028 S First St Evansville Ind tCook Sylvester Irving (su 1907 & '10) Rantoul 111 Cook Thomas L (la 1903-5 AB) Mt Pulaski 111 Wook Walter Scott D (acad 1891-3) 4145 W Belle PI St Louis Cook Willard O (g chem 1915- ) Stu 507 S Goodwin St Urbana 111 Cook William Adelbert (la 1898-1902 AB g 1910-11 AM PhD (Wis) '13) Asst Prof Ed U Colo 1914- Boulder Colo Cook William F (acad 1887-8) Men- dota 111 Cooke Allen Burton (c eng 1903-7 BS Asst Boiler Trials Eng Dept U 111 1908-9) Ag Gaylord ND Cooke Bennett Wellington (arch eng 1908-10) Mgr Coyne National Trade Schs 45 E Illinois St Chicago (540 Dearborn Av) Cooke Charles Edmund (acad 1903-4 m eng 1904-7) Ag Bowen 111 Cooke Delmar Gross (la 1908-12 AB g 1914-15 AM g engl 1915- Also Culver Mil Acad) Stu Piper City 111 Cooke Jane Elizabeth (lib 1897-9 BLS) Catg Lib Congress 900 E Capitol St Washington Cooke Robert Howell (c eng 1915- ) COOKE— COOPER 137 Stu Blairstown N J Cooke Robert James (acad 1884-5 c eng 1887-90 BS) Asst Eng 402 La Salle St Chicago (7209 Harvard Av) Cooke Russell Stewart (c eng 1915- ) Stu 7209 Harvard Av Chicago Cookson Linn Palmer (c eng 1915- Also Blackburn Coll) Stu 514 E Sec- ond South St Carlinville 111 cooley Edwin Gilbert (LL D 1905 PhB Chgo) '95 Supt Chgo Schs 1900-9) Ed Advisor Commercial Club 437 80 E Jackson Blvd Chicago (5538 Cornell Av) Cooley Elmer Burt (ag 1913- ) Stu 112 Pine St Danville 111 COOLEY Elizabeth Cutting (Mrs J D Bruner) (AB(01d Chgo) '83 Asst Prof Ger U 111 1893-5 Also Prin & Teach Engl & Ger Chowan Coll) Home Murfreesboro NC Cooley Harry B (arch eng 1911-13 BS Also St U la) Struct Draft c/o Allen & Garcia Co Eng Chicago (4512 Clifton Av) Cooley Norma (la 1908-13 AB) Teach 210 S Ninth Av Maywood 111 Cooley Roy Claiborne (ag 1913- ) Stu 637 W Jefferson St Clinton 111 Cooley Mrs Wm M (see Engstrom Ella V) Cooley William Ralph (g ag 1908-10 BS(SD Ag) '08) Ag Springfield SD Coolidge Elvin Ray (e eng 1909-13 BS) Eng Racine Sattley Co Spring- field 111 (R3 Winnebago 111) Coolidge Joseph Lexington (com 1915- ) Stu 34 Chapman Av E Cleveland O Coolidge Orrill Pauline (lib 1901-4 BLS Also U Cal) Libr 209 N State St Niles Mich Coolidge Richard Newell (c eng 1911- 13 '15- ) Stu 124 Coolidge St Lead SD Coolidge Robert Blake (ag 1914- ) Stu 34 Chapman Av E Cleveland O Coolidge William Anderson (ag 1912- 14) Ag 526 Perry St Helena Ark Coolidge William Francis (ag 1914- ) Stu R7 Bloomington 111 Cooling Kenneth George (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 630 N Court St Rock- ford 111 Coolley Mrs (see Mclntyre Margaret P) Cools Gabriel Victor (la 1914- Also Clark Coll) Stu Ancon Canal Zone Panama \Coombe Clarence (acad 1898) Mt Zion 111 Coombe Harry M (ag 1898-1901) Tus- cola 111 Coombe Mrs H M (see Bernhard Su- sanna S) Coombs George (sp ag 1913-14) 770 Cuyler Av Chicago Coon Benjamin Harrison (la 1910 Also Shurtleff Coll) Mintr Auburn 111 Cooney Lucille Elizabeth (sp mus 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu 621 Hillyer St Pekin HI tCoonrad Arthur Vivian (sp law 1907- 8) Marengo HI Coonrad Mrs (see Dunlap Isabelle J) Cooniadt Mrs Will H (see Hawes Char- lotte E) Woons Albert Madison (acad 1900-1) Loami 111 Coons Clarence Wilbur (la 1900-2) Libr Bloomington 111 Coons George Herbert (sc 1907-8 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Instr Plant Path- ology Mich St Ag Coll East Lansing Mich Cooper Mrs (see Fletcher Ola) Cooper Mrs (see Swartz Nelle L) Cooper Agnes Bouton (lib 1906-10 AB) Catg Pub Lib 3359 Wyandotte St Kansas City Mo Cooper Albert Riley (m eng 1891) Ins &PM Pesotum 111 Cooper Annetta Belle (sp 1899-1900 BE (111 St Nor) '11) AsstHSc HI St Nor U 209 W Ash St Normal HI Cooper Arthur Reuben (g zool 1915- AB(Toronto)'10 AM(do) '11) Stu Brinston Ontario Can fCooper Cedric Leslie Murill (sc 1911- 13) 1111 McGee St East St Louis 111 Cooper Charles Edward (ag 1912-14 '15- ) Stu Carlisle Ind fCooper Charles H (acad 1876-7 la 1877-8) Urbana 111 Cooper Mrs Chauncey (see Burnham • Marjorie O) Cooper David William (e eng 1912-14 '15- ) Stu Astoria HI Cooper Delmar Gilbert (c eng 1912-13 Also Millikin U) C Eng Paxton 111 Cooper Edgar Cook (c eng 1894-7) c/o Cooper Dept Store 445 Downer PI Aurora HI Cooper Edward Alden (m eng 1911-15) Motor Car Co 209 Sixth Av La Grange HI t Cooper Edward Carlton (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U) Homer HI Cooper Elmer Merton (la 1907) Oil & Gas Producer Chanute Kan (1103 N East St Bloomington 111) Cooper Fred Worth (1 1896-1900 LL B) Law Chamber Commerce Bldg Chi- cago 138 COOPER— COECOEAN *Cooper Frederic E (la 1878-81 BS) d Jan 24 1899 Van Buren Ark Cooper George Alfred (m eng 1906-10 BS) Grain & Coal Merc Mathews Mo Cooper Harry Perkins (eng 1915- Also St U la) Stu Fayette la Cooper Hazle Katherine (Mrs E L Dillon) (la 1904-8 AB) Home Har- mon 111 Cooper Henry Noble Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu 727 Bittersweet PI Chicago Cooper Homer Hunt (1 1904-6 Also NW U) Law 210 E Ontario St Chi- cago \Cooper Horace Turner (acad 1907-8) 135 E Elm St Canton 111 Cooper Hugh Edwin (sc 1909-10 Also Bradley Poly BS(Chgo) '12 MD(Eush) '13) Med 415 Barker Av Peoria 111 Cooper Mrs J F (see Brown Lois M) Cooper Mrs Joseph Fenimore (see Pot- ter Nell E) Cooper Joseph Hillis (la 1913-14) Asst Paymaster 1130 E 56th St Chi- cago Cooper Kenneth Lupton (c eng 1911- 15) Contr 1646 Otis Bldg Chicago (727 Bittersweet PI) COOPEE Lane (AB(Eutgers) '96 AM (Yale) '98 PhD (Leipzig) '01 Instr Engl U 111 su 1914) Prof Engl & Lit Cor U 171 Goldwin Smith Hall Ithaca NY Cooper Leon Morton (la chem eng 1915- ) Stu 801 S Marshfield Av Chicago Cooper Mark Anient (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag Farmingdale 111 Cooper Paul Henry Jr (e eng 1892-6 BS) Merc Aurora 111 Cooper Percy Fenimore (m eng 1910- 14) Foreign Corresp Foreign Sales Division Dodge Bros Motor Cars 77- Garfield Av Detroit Mich Cooper Eichard Hapson (m eng 1888- 9) Merc c/o Cooper Bros Aurora 111 Cooper Verna May (la 1911-13 Also Ober Coll) Mus 1543 12th Av Mo- line 111 Cope Charles Elmer (acad 1905-6) Bricklayer & Clk 1418 W 27th St Indianapolis Cope Lorin Vaughn (ag 1913- ) Stu Tonti 111 Cope Walter Allen (ag 1909-13 BS) Teach St Ag Sch Jonesboro Ark (Tonti 111) Cope Walter Lincoln (acad 1882-3 ag 1883-5) Fruit Grower Tonti 111 Copeland Harry Atwood (su 1907) Ag Wilcox Sask Canada Copeland Ira Stafford (acad 1906-7 sp m eng 1907-8) Sales 6902 N Clark St Chicago Copeland Mrs E A (see Smith Eva G) Copeland Samuel L (acad 1876-7) Ac- tor Duquoin 111 Copenhaver Murray (ag 1908-13 BS) Ag E4 Polo 111 Copenhaver Eobert George (ag 1913- ) Stu Polo 111 Copes Fletcher (sp ag 1901-2) Ag E5 Ottumwa la Copley Beatrice Virginia (la 1911-15 AB g engl 1915- ) Asst Engl U 111 1915- 901 S Wright St Cham- paign 111 (600 Woodruff Bldg Joliet 111) Copper Eobert Elmer (ag 1913-15) Ag E2 San Jose 111 ?Coquillette George A (la 1875-9) Woodstock 111 Corbet Howard Harden (ag 1909-11) Ag Wilmington Va Corbett Charles Harold (com 1915- ) Stu Arthur 111 Corbett Maude Irene (su 1909 &'10 Also Hedding Coll) Teach EFD Wil- mington Va Corbey Leon Joseph (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Arch 225 Villa St Elgin 111 Corbin Carl (acad 1907-8 la com 1909- 10) Trans 509 University Av TJr- bana 111 Corbin Edward Lucius (ag 1904-6) Ag Carlinville 111 Corbin Henry P (acad 1899-1900 sp eng 1901-3) Prin Man Arts Sch 2119 14% St Moline 111 Corbin Euth lone (la Feb 1915- ) Stu 1313 Jefferson St Sullivan 111 Corbly George Youle (sp ag 1911-13) Ag E3 Paxton 111 Corbly Lynn (law 1911-15 LLB) Law Swannell Bldg Champaign 111 Corboy William Joseph (acad 1907-8 ag 1908-9 Also Armour Inst) Mfg 4742 Grand Blvd Chicago Corbus Burton E (la 1894-7 '99-1900 BS) Med Metz Bldg Grand Eapids Mich t Corbus Frank G (la 1874-5) Mendota 111 Morbus John E (acad 1906-7) Men- dota 111 Corcoran Katharine Mary (su 1915 Also Platte ville Nor) Teach 305 Bouthitlier St Galena 111 Corcoran Melchoir (acad 1910-11) Trav 3020 Sheridan Ed Chicago Corcoran Eaymond Aloysius (acad 1906-7 Also St Mary's Coll) Min CORDELL— COKR1S 139 Supt Cade Santa Gertrudio Pachnca Edo de Hgo Mex Cordell Delia Grace (mus 1915- Also W 111 St Not) Lib Asst U 111 424 N Johnson St Macomb 111 Cordell Eula Ethelyn (la 1913-15 AB) Teach Ellsworth 111 (424 N Johnson St Macomb 111) Cordell Ealph Vail (su 1913 &'14 &'15 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Yates City 111 Cordell Vail (la 1912-13 su 1914 & '15 Also U Chgo su '15) At home Barry 111 Cordiner Lucy (su 1904 Also U Wyo) Laramie Wyo Core Guy Chalmers (acad 1903-4) Adv Mgr Sparks Withington Co Jackson Mich Corey Austin Flint (sc 1909-10 Also De Pauw U) Electr Van Buren Ind Corke George Raymond (e eng 1909-13 BS) E Eng 137 Christie St Ridge- field Park NJ (807 Madison St Evan- ston 111) Corke Harold Winifred (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 600 Dempster St Evanston 111 Corkins Lorette Ora Edna (su 1915 Also Ober Conserv) Teach Corning la (St Anne 111) Corl James Dougherty (ag 1911-12) Stu 210 Webb St Webb City Mo Corlett Gertrude (Mrs Kenneth Bebb) (mus 1909-11) Home Willoughby O Corley Howard (c eng 1909-13 BS) Creosoter Amer Creosoting Co Kan- sas City Mo (805 N College St De- catur 111) Corley Seymour (c eng 1911-15 BS) C Eng c/o Des Moines Bridge & Iron Co Des Moines la (805 N College St Decatur 111) Cormack Joseph Clarence (com 1915- ) Stu 495 Greenleaf Av Glencoe 111 Cornelison Ralph White (rye eng 1915- ) Stu 209% W Rose St Pittsburg Kan Cornelison Robert Wilson (sc 1886-90 BS ScD(Harv)'03 Asst Chem U HI 1890-1) Chem & Mfg 275 W Summit St Somerville NJ Cornelius Carl (sp 1883-4) Ag & Jus- tice Peace Loessen bei Merseburg Prussia Cornelius David William (g sc 1910-12 PhD AB(DePauw)'06 Also U Cal) Asst Prof Physics & Astron U Kan Lawrence Kan Cornelius Ira (acad 1910-11) Bkpr West Frankfort 111 Cornell Mrs (see Eager Alice) t Cornell Albert W (acad 1888-9) Flan- agan 111 Cornell Charles E (sp 1869-70) Wood- worker Tauntan Mass Cornell Dick Hadwin (acad 1901-2 e eng 1902-6 BS) Dealer Elec Cars 705 E Washington St Bloomington 111 Cornell Donald Sidney (m eng 1913- ) Stu Western Springs HI Cornell Frank Howe (acad 1889-93 sc 1893-4) Ins Sec 137 S La Salle St Chicago Cornell Mrs F H (see Beidler Gertrude 10 Cornell Grace Margaret (Mrs J H Mil- ler) (la 1898-9 Also U Chgo) Home & Lit 716 W Sixth St Marion Ind t Cornell Henry M (acad 1879-80) Champaign 111 Cornell Noah Pike (sp ag 1903-5 Also N 111 St Nor) Bus Mgr 362 Gas & Elec Bldg Denver t Cornell Ralph Gilbert (c eng 1904-8) 6049 Ellis Av Chicago Cornell William Henry (acad .1888-9 m eng 1889-93 BS) Struct Eng Dover NJ (Grant Park 111) Cornwell Earl Zink (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng Maderia Mamore RR Cashmere Wash Cornwell Robert Luther (c eng 1908-9) Auto c/o Packard Motor Car Co 156 E Hancock Av Detroit (Paris 111) tCoronel Peter Larate (e eng 1906-7) Buenos Ayres Argentine CORPER Harry J (BS(Chgo)'06 PhD (do) '11 MD(Rush)'ll Lab Asst Physiol U 111 1909-11 Dept Path U Chgo 1911-14) Med Mun Tubercu- losis Sanitarium Bryn Mawr & Craw- ford Av Chicago Corper Philip (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5541 Kenmore Av Chicago Correll Grover Thomas (acad 1904-5) Ag Dawson 111 *Corrie James Robert (ag 1906-9) d Mar 26 1909 Urbana 111 (St Francis- ville 111) Corrie Lester Linn (ag 1914- ) Stu Rl St Franc isville 111 Corrie Wendell Bliss (ag 1914- ) Stu St Francisville 111 Corrigan Edward (la 1902-6 AB) Sales Mgr c/o American Milling Co Peoria 111 (121 Rebecca St) Corrin William Garret (c eng 1901-5 BS) Field Eng Inter-St Com Comm Inter-St Bldg Kansas City Mo Corrtngton Cloyd Edward (e eng 1905- 9 BS) 709 N Center St Clinton 111 Corrington Glennwood Harrison (e eng 1905-6) Merc Ryegate Mont t Corris Albert Madison (acad 1900) 140 CORRUBIA— COSTIGAN Loami 111 CORRUBIA Angelo Benedetto Marino (g 1911-12 BS(Wash)'ll Asst Arch U 111 1911-15) Arch Central Bk Bldg St Louis (4475 Morgan St) Corson Frank (sp 1898-9) Yard Fore- man St Ry 1731 N Albany Av Chi- cago corson Harry Peach (g chem 1910-12 MS g 1913-15 PhD BS(NH)'10 St Water Surv & Asst Sanitary Chem U 111 1910- '14) Chem US Public Health Serv Grove City Pa Corson Mrs H (see Buchele Mary Hope) Corson Irene Marguerite (la 1915- ) Stu Genoa 111 Corson Moses Edward (sc 1870-3) Ag Law & R Est 310 W 13th St Pueblo Colo cort William Walter (g sc 1909-11 MA '13-14 PhD AB(Colo)'09 Asst Zool U 111 1909-12) Assoc Prof Biology Macalester Coll 1728 Hague Av St Paul Minn Cort Mrs William W ( see Gleason Nellie M) cortelyou George Bruce (Hon LL D 1905 LLB( Georgetown) '95 LLM(Col) '96 US Sec Com & Labor 1903-4 PM Gen 1904-7 US Sec of Treas 1907-9) Pres Consolidated Gas Co 130 E 15th St New York (Riverdale-on-Hudson) Cortis Frederic - Boyden (la 1909-13 AB) Mfg Sales Dept 133 S Lincoln St Hinsdale 111 Cortright Clyde Clifford (sp 1904-5 ag 1905-6 Also Steinmann Coll) Ag Dixon 111 ' Corwin Arthur M (acad 1882-3 AB (Prin) '87 AM(do) '94) Med 1725 25 E Washington St Chicago (3531 W Monroe St) Corwin Cecil Sherman (arch 1881-3) Arch 223 W 83rd St New York Corwin Ellera James (acad 1904-5 sc 1908-10 Also Geneseo Coll) Annawan 111 Corwin George Delwin (c eng 1904-9 BS) Insp GNRR Delavan 111 *Corwine Lewis Cass (sp 1869-70) d 1885 Lincoln 111 Cory Anna Elizabeth (sp ag 1903-4) At home Rl Butler 111 Cory Edna Eloise (h sc 1903-4 Alro 111 St Nor U) Teach Rl Butler 111 Coryell Arthur Brook (acad 1909-10) Ag Springdale Ky Corzine Bruce Herbert (la 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 1402 Third St Charleston 111 Corzine Clorah Eileen (su 1911 & '12 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Jonesboro 111 (Dongola 111) Corzine Dale Clair (ag 1913- ) Stu Assumption 111 Corzine Mrs HE (see Smith Grace L) Corzine Harland Winn (c eng 1910-13 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Dun- dee 111 (1403 Third St Charleston 111) Corzine Jesse Minor (acad 1902-4) Grain Merc Stonington 111 Corzine Jessie Lynn (la 1910-12 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Anna 111 Corzine Leslie Clay (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Assumption 111 Corzine Roy Allen (acad 1900-1 sp ag 1901-3) Ag & Stock Stonington 111 Corzine Mns R A (see Drake Adah) Cosand Charles Elbert (su 1906 Also U Chgo) Teach 6009 Dorchester Av Chicago Cosart Ernest Walter (arch eng 1907- 8) Merc Exeter Cal COSGROVE Terence Byrne (AB(StVia- teur's)'04 AM(do) '06 Instr Law U 111 1908-10) Law Hotel Grant San Diego Cal COSS Ezekiel Samuel (g sc 1908-9 BS (111 Wes) '06 Asst Chem U 111 1908- 9) Ag Arrowsmith 111 coss James Austin (g eng 1908-10 MS BS (111 Wes) '03 Asst Chem U 111 1908-10) Prof Chem Morningside Coll 1911- 2502 Morningside Av Sioux City la tCoss Lyman Goodrich (c eng 1909) 2502 Morningside Av Sioux City la Cossart Estella Anna (su 1914) Libr 1842 Euclid Av Chicago Heights 111 Cost James Nicks (m eng 1914- ) Stu 344 Keystone Av River Forest 111 Costa Harold F Da (see Da Costa Harold F) Costa Manuel Ferreira da (e eng 1913- Also Syr U) Stu 156 Muricy St Cor- tiba Pavana Brazil Costar Lloyd (ag 1910-13 BS Also Chico St Nor) Ag 807 Fifth St Chico Cal Costello Albert Dale (sp sc 1909-10 DDS Chgo Dental) '13) Dent Mason 111 Costello Don (acad 1893-4 Also S 111 St Nor) Undertaker Litchfield 111 Costello Mrs Guy (see Everhart Susie) Costello Marguerite Helen (la 1910-12) Teach 168 Latrobe Av Austin Sta Chicago iCostello William (acad 1901-2) 628 W 45th St Chicago Costigan James Edward Sylvester (c COTHEEN— COUTO 141 eng 1901-3) Anna 111 tCothern Robert P (sp ag 1902-3) Guthrie 111 Cotta Homer Willis (ag 1914- ) Stu 211 Webster Av Rockford 111 Cotta Ralph Leslie (ag 1914- ) Stu • 211 Webster Av Rockford 111 Cotter Roscoe Sherman (sp ag 1912-13) Adv 516 Ashland Blk Chicago (317 Home Av Oak Park) Greenville Coll) At home Fairbury 111 Cotteral Lida Holmes (Mrs Orlin Davis) (su 1902) Home McLeansboro 111 Cottingham Jesse Bernays (la 1907-9 Also Marion ville Inst) Jour Carthage Mo Cottingham Nora (la 1913-15 Also Cottingham Paul (e eng 1914- ) Stu 1106 N Walnut St Danville 111 Cottingham William S C (ag 1896-1901) Truck Gardener Fillsmere Fla (Lin- coln 111) Cottingham Wirt (su 1903) Ag Trivoli 111 ?Cotton Mrs Gertrude Jacobs (lib 1901- 2 MD (Worn Med) '89) Delavan Wis Couch Edward Branson (su 1909 & '10 AB(Cal) '14 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 3218 Key West St Los Angeles (208 S Elm wood St Peoria 111) SCouchman Andrew Boyd (acad 1908- 9) Sumner 111 Coudrey Ralph Smith (su 1915 Also NW U) Lebanon 111 Coudy Georgia D (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 2301 ' ' C ' ' St Granite City 111 tCoughenour Thomas Abram (ag 1904- 5) Sheldon 111 Coughlan Graham (acad 1893) League Island Navy Yard Philadelphia (c/o G I Harding Ninth & Walnut Sts) Coughlen Gardner Cleland (arch eng 1908-9) Arch 6620 University Av Chicago Coughlin Hannah Ellen (su 1901) Teach 706 Stoughton St Urbana 111 (Tolono 111) Coulson Charles Sidney (sp la 1901-2) Merc La Harpe 111 ?Coulson Margaret May . (lib 1907-8 BL (Oxford) '01) 1620 Arlington Av Des Moines la Coultas Albert Leslie (sp ag 1898- 1900) Winchester 111 Coultas Alvin Foster (arch eng 1891-2) Ag Chadbourn NC Coultas Charles Rufus (ag 1912- ) Stu R42 Virden 111 Coultas David Eugene (ag 1915- ) Stu R4"2 Virden 111 Coultas Florence Avis (la 1912-14 AB Also N 111 St Nor) At home 503 S Main St Sycamore 111 coultas Lois Miriam (g ger 1913-14 AM AB(I11 Worn) '13) Teach 111 Coll Winchester 111 Coultas Wilber John (m eng 1908-11) .M Eng . Stover Mfg Co Blackhawk St Freeport 111 Coultas Wilson James (ag 1912-13 '14- 15) Ag Winchester 111 Coulter Frank Theodore (c eng 1909- 10) C Eng Dept 111 Glass Co 1726 Main St Upper Alton HI Coulter Isaac Harry (ag Feb 1915- Also Shurtleff Coll) Stu 1726 Main St Upper Alton 111 Coulter James Henry (c eng 1907-12 BS) Supt Canadian Tar Products Box 11 Sta S Montreal Can Council Hardy Edward (ag 1909-11 Also Lincoln Coll) Ag Elkhart 111 Countryman Irving Byron (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 718 E Second St Dixon 111 Countryman Jay A (ag 1905-7) Mgr Vinton Gas Co Vinton la Countryman Mirton Alvin (la 1901-2 Also U Wis) R Est & Ins Box 333 Rochelle 111 *Courter Robert David (sp ag 1905-6 Also U Wis) d Jan 13 1908 Jeters- ville Va Courtney George Frederick (la 1914- ) Stu 816 W Clark St Urbana 111 Courtney Griffie Greene (su 1912 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach 602 Washington St Marion 111 Courtney Helen Irene (la 1915- ) Stu 816 W Clark St Urbana 111 Courtney Joseph Frank (la 1913-14) Electr Antelope Mont ?Courtney Louis (arch eng 1883-6) Milford 111 t Courtney Martha Elizabeth ( Mrs Chauncey Stratton) (su 1912) Home Mt Vernon 111 Courtright Raymond Orland (su 1915 Also U Okla) Coach Univ Prep Sch Tonkawa Okla \Courts Dell H (acad 1909-10) Morn- ing Sun la Courts Joseph Benjamin (c eng 1908-9 Also Highland Park Coll) Clk 1st Nat Bk 394 Douglas Av Freeport HI Couse Delia F (Mrs Werner Boecklin) (acad 1885-6) Home * 176 Prospect PI Brooklyn NY COUTANT Albert Francis (BS(Cor) '13 MA (do) '14 Dept Zool U 111 su 1912 Asst Biol Cor U 1912-13 Asst Parasit Cor U 1913-14) Stu Med Cor U Valley Cottage NY Couto Licinio da Silva (e eng 1914- 142 COVENTRY— COX Also Ohio N U) Stu 35 R D Theresa Eng Dentro Rio de Janeiro Brazil Coventry Sarah (lib 1910-11) Libr Edwardsville 111 Cover Mrs D M (see Whittenburg Sarah J) Cover Hazel Winifred (mus 1913-14) Stenog Dept Hort U 111 508 E John St Champaign 111 (Paw Paw 111) t Cover Roe Hall (arch eng 1903-4) Pontiac 111 Covey Arete Caroline (la 1910-14 AB) At home 5897 Bartmer Av St Louis Covey Edwin Linn (la 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 526 Linn St Peo- ria 111 Covey John Ellsworth (ag 1912- ) Stu 1414 E Grove St Bloomington III *Covington Marcellus Edgar (sp 1869- 72) d Apr 23 1900 Havana 111 Cowan Adair (sp ag 1912-13 Also Cor Coll) Florist Mt Vernon la Cowan Mrs A M (see Abbot Edwina Eunice) Cowan John Finley (m eng 1902-3) Teach Carterville 111 Cowan Percy (com 1912-13 BBA (NW) Bond Sales Ashland Blk Chi- cago (4812 Indiana Av) fCowan Phelps (e eng 1904-6) 200 Third Av Joliet 111 ?Cowdery George Sabin (c eng 1873-4) Cobden 111 *Cowell Forrest M ( acad 1895-6) d Jan 8 1904 Grand Junction Colo Cowell Joseph Goss (la 1907-8 Also Bradley Poly) Arch Decorator 211 S Adams St Peoria 111 (221 Crescent Av) Cowell Roland Adlemar (la 191415 com 1915- ) Stu 1616 New Hamp- shire St Lawrence Kan Cowell William Harold (sc 1911-12 su 1915 Also U Kan) Sales 1616 New Hampshire St Lawrence Kan Cowen Mrs Robert (see Hammond Emma M) *Cowen Robert H (ag 1872-5) d Champaign 111 ?Cowen Roy H (c eng 1873-6) Cham- paign 111 Cowgill Clinton Harriman (arch eng 1912- Also Washburn Coll) Stu 1273 College Av Topeka Kan ?Cowles Clarence Gustavous (e eng 1907-8) RockfordHl Cowles Rollin James Jr (com 1915- ) Stu 827 High St Burlington la fCowles Roy Merrick (acad 1890-1 m eng 1892-4) Englewood 111 COWLEY Frederick Kitson (Stu U Mich & Art Inst Chgo Instr Free Hand Draw U 111 1912-14 Instr Arch U Minn 1914-15) Instr Dramatic Art Carnegie Tech Pittsburg (2206 Fifth Av Moline HI) Cowley Thomas Philip (m eng 1898- 1902 BS) Elec Sales 1602 Fisher Bldg Chicago (4443 Bernard St) tCowser Thomas Judson (sp ag 1902- 3) Mapleton 111 Cox Mrs (see Patton Harriet E) Cox Anna Ethel (la 1911-14 AB) Teach Sandwich 111 Cox Clare Francis (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Marion 111 (Van- dalia 111) Cox Clarence Cyrus (ag 1913-14) 1016 N Van Buren St Marion 111 Cox Claude Gaylord (ag 1909-14 '15- ) Stu 820 E Jackson St Macomb 111 Cox Claude Herbert (ag 1900-1) Ag R4 Vandalia 111 Cox Clinton Exum (ag 1915- ) Stu R5 Rockville Ind Cox Dan William (c eng 1912-13) RR PO Clk R4 Vandalia 111 Cox Edna Elizabeth (Mrs Lloyd Morey) ( la 1906-10 mus 1913-14 ) Home 1302 W Clark St Urbana 111 Cox Edna Leone (Mrs C T War dell) (acad 1894-6) Home Vermont HI Cox Flemin Willet Jr (la 1905-8 AB Also Wabash Coll) Prin H Sch Law- renceville 111 Cox Frank (la 1872-3 '75-6) Ins R Est & L Mattoon 111 Cox Fred Augustus (c eng 1901-7 BS) Ry C Eng 921 Prescott Av Scranton Pa Cox Fred H (la com 1913-14 Also 111 St Nor U) 405 Normal Av Normal 111 Cox George Lawrence (sc 1909-10) Merc Fairfield 111 ?Cox George Rue (sp arch eng 1905-7) 39th St & Third Av Moline 111 Cox Gerald Judy (la chem eng 1915- ) Stu Bridgeport 111 Cox Henry Lee (sc 1908-10 Also S 111 St Nor) Asst Cash Hillsboro Nat Bk Hillsboro 111 Cox Henry Ray (ag 1913- ) Stu 3911 Lafayette Av St Louis Cox Irving Hughey (la 1902-8 AB) Law Henryetta Okla Cox James Francis (acad 1902-3 sc 1903-6 MD (Rush) '09) Med 725 S Crawford Av Chicago Cox John Franklin (ag 1872-4 '75-6) Ins R Est & L 2504 Richmond Av Mattoon 111 (1714% Broadway) Cox Joseph Gilroy (la 1911-13) Merc 220 Commerce St Little Rock Ark COX— CRA1& 143 Cox Kenneth Hiram (arch eng 1906-8) Bldg Contr Plainview Tex Cox Lafayette (ag 1915- ). Stu Farmer City 111 Cox Leonard Burford (sc 1910-11) c/o Tubular Rivet & Stud Co 309 W Lake St Chicago (2127 W 110th St) Cox Lloyd Franklin (su 1907 BS (Valparaiso) '06 AB(Ewing)'09 Also S 111 St Nor) Bnk Thebes 111 Cox Mrs L F (see Whitacre Myrtle) Cox Manford E (1 1900-4 LL B) Law- Robinson 111 ICox Margaret Agnes (acad 1907-8) Urbana 111 Cox Mary Frances (la 1909-10 Also NW U) Libr Meadville Pa (Sand- wich 111) ?Cox Mrs Minnie Elva (su 1906) Law- renceville 111 Cox Myra Charlotte (Mrs H C Wood) (sp art 1901-2) Home Woodcroft River Rd Bound Brook NJ ?Cox Nellie Theresa (su 1907) 903 W Main St Urbana HI Cox Rex Warfield (ag 1908-12 '13-14 BS) Asst Sc & Ag W Kan St Nor Hays Kan (Bement 111) Cox Robert Sayre (la 1907-8 Also Stebler Inst) Min Eng Box 256 Terre Haute Ind Cox Samuel Francis (g chem 1915- Also Prin U) Stu Shoak Ind cox Sidney Hayes (g engl 1912-13 MA AB(Bates)'ll) Teach 35 N Wendell Av Schenectady NY (Poland NY) Coy Alice Bourland (lib 1902-4 BLS) Libr 63 Warwick Apt Avondale Cincinnati *Coykendall Milton (e eng 1871-2) d Brushy Fork 111 Coyle Cassius Marcellus (sc 1912-15) Asst Cash Ger Amer St Bk Gridley HI tCoyle Edward Martin (eng 1913-14 Also Pur U) Angelica NY Coyle Harry Boies (acad 1909-10 ag 1910-11) Ins R Est & L Gridley 111 coyle James Perry (g sc 1910-11 MA \14 AB (Lake Forest) '10 Asst Physics U 111 su 1913) Teach 725 N Eighth St Keokuk la tCoyle John Frank (acad 1898-9 m eng 1899-1902 1906-9) Penfield 111 Crabb Lela Louise (sp la 1905-6) Nurse 609 Green Av Champaign 111 Crabb Warren Willis (ag 1910-14) Bnk Delavan HI Crabbs Clarence Lincoln (c eng 1886- 90 BS) Eng Brooklyn Transit Sys 172 82nd St Brooklyn NY Crabtree John Bradley (com 1915- ) Stu 402 Englewood Av Chicago Crackel Anna Bell (sul909&'15 Also S Collegiate Inst) Teach 306% S Race St Urbana 111 tCracraft Charles Herbert (c eng 1908- 9) Custer Park 111 Craft Glenn Ewing (ag 1911-14 BS) Ag Burlington 111 Craft John Countryman (la 1914- ) Stu Rochelle 111 Crafton James Henry (la 1876-7) Supt Bus Dept & Sec & V-Pres Gem City Business Coll 814 Sixth Av N Quincy HI t Crafts Milton Bassett (acad 1906-7) 5531 Ohio St Chicago Craig Alice Brawner (la 1905-7 Also Santa Barbara St Nor Sch) Teach Poly H Sch Long Beach Cal tCraig Arthur Emanuel (acad 1897-8 sp la 1898-9) Fairgrange HI Craig Arthur George (m eng 1902-3) Ins 135 East St Rockford 111 Craig Augustus L (sc 1871-3 Also Rush Med Coll) Med 405 Old Colony Bldg Chicago ?Craig Calvin (chem 1870-2) Liberty 111 ICraig Cheney Earl (sp e eng 1905-6) E Eng Downs 111 Craig Cora Ella (Mrs R R Gould) (su 1905) Home Fairbury HI Craig David Wesley (sp ag 1906-9) Ag Elwood 111 Craig Edward Chilton (la 1889-93 BL Also Harv U) Law Mattoon 111 Craig Edward Eugene (e eng 1912-13) Stenog 2020 15th St NW Washing- ton (10 Everett St Medford Mass) Craig Edwin James (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Neponset HI Craig Florence Margaret (lib 1915- BA(Minn)'14) Stu 3818 Sheridan Av S Minneapolis t Craig Frank Hale (g la 1897-8 BS (West field) '96) Fairgrange 111 ?Craig George Herbert (sp ag 1905-8) Wilmington HI Craig Harold Gerrond (sp ag 1912-13) Ag Neponset 111 Craig Hazel Iona (la & mus 1901-4 '06-10 AB g 1910-13) At home 616 W Hill St Champaign 111 Craig Helen Elizabeth (la 1914-15) Hindsboro HI Craig James (acad 1899-1900) Peo- tone HI Craig James Orville (m eng 1912-13 Also Carthage Coll) M Eng 837 Equitable Bldg Boulder Colo (109 Main St Carthage HI) tCraig James Vincent (sp c eng 1901- 144 CRAIG— CEANDALL 2) Lacon 111 Craig James Wesley (sp law 1898-9) Law 1805 Broadway Av Mattoon 111 Craig Jane Adah (la 1902-6 AB lib 1908-9 BLS Catg Asst Lib U 111 1909-11 Asst Engl Dept Lib do 1911- 15) Catg Lib U 111 1915- 613 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 t Craig Jessie W (acad 1882-3) Pu- laski la Craig John Andrews (e eng 1915- ) Stu Hindsboro 111 Craig John Henry (ag 1903-7) Com Lewiston 111 Craig Lewis Penwell (sp ag 1907-8) Clk Shelbyville 111 Craig Marshall Bryan (c eng 1906-7 Also Culver Mil Acad & la St Coll) R Est Redondo Beach Cal Craig Miriam (su 1913) Stu Bush Conserv 867 N Dearborn Av Chicago (Shelbyville 111) Craig Nelson Earle (c eng 1905-10 BS) C Eng Keokuk la Craig Noel Edwin (su 1915 Also TJ Wis) Teach & Coach Athl YMCA Clinton la (Kewanee 111) Craig Ollison (m eng 1905-9 BS) Instr M Eng U Tex Austin Tex (Sullivan 111) Craig Mrs R C (see Campbell Wini- fred T) ?Craig Robert Hanson (sp ag 1894-5) 1220 S Emporia Av Wichita Kan Craig Stephen James (ag 1903-6 BS 1907-8 MSA Also U Cor) Co Ag Advisor Crown Point Ind Craig Mrs W E (see Boyd Laura E) Craig Wallace (sc 1894-8 BS MS '01 PhD(Chgo)'08 Zool Asst Lab Nat Hist 111 Biol Sta Havana 1898-9 In- vestigator M B L Woods Hole Mass su 1903-11) Prof Philos U Me 1908- Orono Me *Craig William P (la 1878-83 Cert) d Sept 27 1904 Champaign 111 Craigmile Alexander Homer (su 1899 &'00&'01 Also St Nor U) Ag Dau- phin Manitoba Canada Craigmile Charles James (c eng 1909- 13 su 1908) E Eng Rantoul 111 Craigmile Charles Samuel (e eng 1910- 13) E Eng 432 S Madison Av La Grange 111 Craigmile Esther Ann (la 1895-6 PhB (Ober)'99) Teach 24 S Grant St Hinsdale 111 Craigmile Eunice (Mrs J F Clark) (acad 1904-5 sp la 1905-6) Home Rantoul 111 Craigmile Jeanette Elizabeth (sp la 1914-15) Stenog Dept Arch U 111 511 E John St Champaign 111 (La Grange 111) Craigmile Mary Agnes (sp mus 1902-4 la 1§13- ) Stu Rantoul 111 Craigmile Mary Delight (la 1914- ) Stu Rl Knox Ind Craigmile Robert James (e eng 1913- ) Stu Rl Knox Ind Craigmile William Archibald (acad 19,01-2 c eng 1902-3) Ag Dauphin Manitoba Can Crain Charlotte Catlin (Mrs R E Val- entine) (la 1903-4) Home Tallula 111 (Augusta 111) Crain Chester McElfresh (acad 1904-7 la com 1907-8 '10-11 '13-15 AB) Stu Harv U 705 W Green St Urbana 111 Crain Hersey Nichols (e eng 1915- Also 111 Coll) Stu Waverley 111 Crain John Allen (su 1904 &'05) Auto Repair 705 W Green St Urbana 111 Crain Mrs Mary McElfresh (Mrs J O) (su 1901 & '06 & '07 & '10 Also 111 Worn Coll) Teach 705 W Green St Urbana 111 Crain Mrs R W (see Caddick Sadie T) Cramer Bessie C (sp mus 1900-2) At home 401 S State St Champaign 111 Cramer Delia Lillian (su 1915 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Savana Mt Car- roll 111 Cramer Jessie C (Mrs C A Hoppin) (sp mus 1900-2) Home Peoria 111 Crampton Carl Eckhardt (sp 1906-7 ag 1907-8 Also Augustana Coll) Ag R2 Milan 111 Crandall Ada (Mrs C E Picard) (acad 1876-7 la 1878-8,0 '02-3) Home 1929 Front St San Diego Cal Crandall Bert Harrison (ag 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu Huntsville 111 CRANDALL Charles Spencer (BS (Mich Ag) '73 MS (do) '99 Prof Bot & Hort Colo Ag Coll Instr Hort U 111 1902-3 Asst Prof Pomol do 1903-7 Assoc Prof do 1907-11) Prof Pomol U 111 1911- 1106 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Crandall Elbert William (g sc 1910-11 PhB(Hamline)'08) Shoe Merc 458 E Main St Bushnell 111 (997 W Main St) Crandall Frederic Adam (la 1880-2) R Est National City Cal Crandall Grace Evelyn (Mrs H H Wright) (la 1901-3) Home 504 Mon- roe St Mendota 111 Crandall Mary Winnifred (Mrs J O Andrews) (la 1902-3) Home 1321 12th St Greeley Colo crandall William Truman (g ag 1911- CRANE— CRAWFORD 145 13 MS BS(Milton)'06 BSA(Wis) '09 AM ( Milton) '09 Head Dairy Dept NY St Sch Ag Alfred U 1909- 11 Instr Milk Product U 111 & Asst Ag Exp Sta 1911-13) Assoc Milk Prod U 111 1913- 1107 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Crane Charles Sutherland (com 1915- ) Stu 3758 Ellis Av Chicago Crane Dudley Winthrop (ag 1912- ) Stu 31 S Fullerton Av Montclair NJ Crane Mrs E F (see Pitts Alice F) Crane Eva Retta (la 1906-11 AB) At home Rantoul 111 Crane Flosse Sylvia (sp ag 1900-1) Urbana 111 crane Fred Randall (g ag 1904-6 MS BS(Mich Ag) '99 Asst Farm Mechan- ics U 111 1899-1902 Intrr do 1902-8) Ag Exten Agt & Devel Comm c/o Great Northern RR St Paul Minn Crane Helen Mary (la 1901-3 lib 1903-5 BLS) Libr Valley City ND Crane Mrs Helen Susan Merrill (Mrs R)(su 1915 Also Middlebury Coll) Home 707 W Green St Urbana 111 t Crane Robert Carl (sp ag 1907-8) Lomax 111 CRANE Rufus (g se 1914- AB(Mid- dlebury) '11 Also Mass Tech & Baker U) Instr GED U 111 1914- 707 W Green St Urbana 111 (North Hanover ?Crane Stanley Parker (arch eng 1907- 8 Also Nashotah Theol Sem) 395 Lake Dr Milwaukee Crane Zaide Varney (Mrs Zaide C Em- erson) (acad 1895-8) Home 412 W Church St Champaign 111 *Crannell Emma (sp a&d 1890-1) d Champaign 111 Cranston Donald Julius (acad 1909-10 ag 1910-11 la Feb 1916- Also Wa- bash Coll) Stu 1214 N Franklin St Danville 111 Cranston Mary E (Mrs L H Green) (sp la 1889-90 Also Antioch Coll & Adrian Coll) Home 917 E Main St Urbana HI Crapnell Clay Everett (ag 1908-11 BS Also Hedding Coll) Bus Mgr 294 Cherry Av Long Beach Cal \Crary Charles Wilbur (acad 1907-8) Hoopeston 111 Crary Mac Arnold (su 1915 Also St Lawrence U ) Superv Indus Art & Athl 405 Oak St Johnson City Tenn (Ma- comb 111) Craske John Logan (1 1905-6) Trans Rushville 111 Crate Ethel Frances (la 1915- ) Stu Bellflower 111 Crathorne Annie Ellen (Mrs E W Mat- toon) (acad 1896-1901 sp la 1903-5) Home 903 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Crathorne Arthur Robert (sc 1894-8 BS PhD(Gottingen)'07 Instr Math U Wis 1901-4) Assoc Math U 111 1907- 1113 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Crathorne Florence Edith (Mrs F G Allen) (sp 1902-3) Home 969 Regent St Boulder Colo tCratty Estella Faye (la 1907-8) Litchfield 111 tCRATTY Paul Jones (e eng 1904-6 BS Also U Wis) Riverside 111 Cratty Stella Emma (la 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Sub Teach E Gales- burg 111 cravens Lucile Starr (g la 1910-11 AM '12-13 AB (Lombard) '09) Prof Latin & Greek Forest Park U St Louis (2401 E 11th St Kansas City Mo) Cravens Thomas Carl (ag 1914- Also Wabash Coll) Stu Bloomfield Ind Craver James C (ag 1869-72) Merc & R Est Sutherland Fla Craw MrsEE (see Chambers Gertrude) \Craw Grace Margaret (acad 1910) 206 W John St Champaign 111 Craw Nellie Edna (Mrs Smick) (sp mus 1897-1901) Nurse Sadorus 111 Crawford Armon Justin (la 1909-10) Asst Cash Bk Tolono 111 Crawford Aubrey Bryan (la 1915- ) Stu Milford 111 Crawford Chalmers Woodruff (ag 1911-15 BS) Stock Ag White Hall HI Crawford Charles Francis (m eng 1889- 91) Acct 12th Floor 160 W Jack- son Blvd Chicago (4534 Drexel Bl) Crawford Clementine (su 1913 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Monticello 111 (Tolono 111) ?Crawford David Moffett (acad 1900- 1 m eng 1901-4) Champaign 111 Crawford Edgar Lee (e eng 1901-2) Grain Merc Nachusa 111 \Crawford Elmer Will (acad 1908-11) 1003 Hazel St Danville 111 Crawford Emma (sp 1895 '97-9 '02-4 Also Taylor U) At home 505 S Race St Urbana HI Crawford Frank Alexander (acad 1900- 1 PhG(Ill Sch Phar) '06) Phar 927 W Sixth St Oklahoma City Crawford Frederick N (g chem 1915- BS(Wes)'08) Middletown Conn Crawford George Barnes (sp mus 1898- 1903) Mus 113 W Clark St Cham- paign 111 Crawford Harlan Marion (acad 1905- 146 CRAWFORD— CRELLIN 6 law 1908-10) Trav Wheeling W Va Crawford Harold Hamilton (arch eng 1908-13 BS Also Harv U) Stu 18 Preseott St Cambridge Mass (621 W Zumbro St Rochester Minn) fCrawford Harry (su 1906 Also U Mo) Sullivan Mo ?Crawford Helen Ethel (sp mus 1902- 3) Champaign 111 Crawford Helen Lucile (sc 1911-15 AB) Teach Melvin 111 (505 S Race St Urbana 111) Crawford Henry Virden (acad 1901- 2) Contr 121 S Glenwood Av Spring- field 111 Crawford James Alfred (g hort 1915- BS(NY)'15) Stu 31 Brantford PI Buffalo CRAWFORD James D (BA(Williams) '70 MA (do) '74 Instr Anc Langs U 111 1873-4 Asst Prof Anc Langs & Lib U 111 1875-81 Prof Hist & Anc Langs 1881-91 Prof Hist & Lib U 111 1891- 3) Ret 522 Fourth St Redland Cal "Crawford Mrs J D (sp 1877-8) d Nov 29 1887 Deerfield Mass Crawford James Louis (se 1913-15 cer eng 1915- Also U 111 St Nor) Stu R6 Macomb 111 Crawford John C (acad 1889-90 sp 1890-2) PM Jonesboro 111 t Crawford John Joseph (sp 1872-3) Tuscola 111 ?Crawford John S (la 1871-3) Cham- paign 111 fCrawford Joseph Henry (sc 1903-5 MS(Wilberforce) ) Alton 111 Crawford Louis Noire (eng 1914- Also Pur U) Stu 601 Russell St West Lafayette Ind Crawford Luvern Henrietta (Mrs R W Franklin) (la 1908-12 AB) Home Pocahontas Apts 37 28th St Spokane Wash Crawford Mabel Melissa (Mrs W H Piggott) (acad 1900-1 sp la 1902-3) Home 737% Frederick Av Milwaukee Crawford Mary (Mrs M L Enger) (la 1908-9 Also U Mo) Home 611 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Crawford Mayme Blair (Mrs S W Burstrom) (la 1908-9 su 1906 & '07 Also Valparaiso Nor) Home 4922 Christiana Av Chic? go Crawford Nellie Florence (acad 1907- 8 mus 1908-9 Also NW U) Mus 304 S Elm St Champaign 111 Crawford Ollie Grace (acad 1897-8) Larned Kan Crawford Mrs R D (see Huntington Theophania) Crawford Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs Lyman) (acad 1907-8) Home Argenta 111 Crawford Ruth Marguerite (la 1913- ) Stu 505 S Race St Urbana 111 Crawford Therin Elihu (acad 1895) Sta Agt IC RR Tilden 111 Crawford Thomas (e eng 1892-4 BS) Gen Mgr Gas & Elee Co 532 Kenil- worth Ct Clinton la Crawford Wayne Humiston (ag 1915- ) Stu 321 W Livingston St Pontiac 111 Crawford William Kenney (ag 1913- Also Knox Coll) Stu Pinckneyville 111 Crawford Woodruff Lynden (la 1913- ) Stu 321 W Livingston St Pontiac 111 Crawley John Joseph (sp 1870-4 Also Ober Conserv) Clk 120 Kensington PI Marion O CRAWSHAW Fred Duane (BS (Wor- cester Poly) '96 ME (do) '08 Asst Dean Coll Eng U 111 1908-10) Prof Man Arts U Wis 1631 Madison St Madison Wis ?Crayne John S (ag 1871-2) Urbana 111 Wrayne William E (acad 1891-2) Champaign 111 *Crayne William Harrison (m eng 1868-9 '71-4) d Urbana 111 Creamer Alice Carey (Mrs W C Moor- man) (sp 1893-4) Home Washington Court House O Creamer Lida Espey (Mrs C E Mc- Bratney) (sp h sc 1901-2) Home Gal- ton 111 Creamer William Carl (sp ag 1900-2) Ag Tolono 111 Crebs John M (Trustee 1909-11 Memb St Bd Ag 1899-1911) Bnk Carmi 111 Crebs John Powell (ag 1912- ) Stu Carmi 111 creek Herbert LeSourd (la 1908-10 PhD AM (Butler) '05 Instr Engl U 111 1910-14) Assoc Engl U 111 1914- 501 W High St Urbana 111 ?Creelman Charles Clarence (m eng 1899-1900) Cairo 111 Creighton David Edward (ag 1914- ) Stu Creighton Bldg Phoenix Ariz . Creighton Edward Woodin (ag 1909- 11 '13-15 BS) Ag Fairfield 111 Creighton Mary (acad 1909-11 la 1911-14) At home 207 W Main St Fairfield 111 Creighton Mary Elizabeth (h sc 1911- ) Stu Phoenix Ariz Creighton William Collier (acad 1891- 2) Buyer & Mgr Kuhn's Clothing Store 307 W White St Champaign 111 Crellin Charles Virgil (c eng 1894-7 BS Also la Wes U) Mfg 121 Rail- CREMEANS— CKONIN 147 road St Los Angeles Cremeans Nida Edith (la 1915- ) Stu 1006 W Green St Urbana 111 Cresap Dwight (acad 1901-2 ag 1902- 5) Ag Kendall Mont ICresap Fred (la 1900-4 AB) 224 S Sixth St Coshocton O Cresap Trella Jane (acad 1900-2 la 1902-4 AB Also U Chgo) Teach & Lit Lewistown Mont Cress Eldred Everett (arch eng 1914- ) Stu Carlinville 111 Cress James Washington (ag 1907-11 AB) Ag Hillsborolll Cressey Lucretia (la 1913-15 AB Al- so 111 Coll) Teach Tuscola 111 (809 Wabash Av Mattoon 111) Cressner Ford Scott (la com 1912-13) Lumber & Coal Ober Ind (205 Plumbe St Plymouth Ind) Crew Charlotte (Mrs W A Holton) (g la 1908-9 PhB( Blackburn) '08) Home Sidell HI 1 Crews Halbert Ottis (la 1900-1) Mt Vernon 111 Crickenberger Lawrence Henkel (sp ag 1914-15 Also Roanoke Coll) Ag New IVtarket "Va Crighton James Millar (1 1911-12 Al- so Lewis Inst) Memb Chgo Bd Trade 218 S Grove Av Oak Park 111 Crigler Nina Belle (h sc 1905-6 BS (Col) '09 Asst H Sc 111 Wes U 1906- 7 do Millikin U 1907-8 Asst H Sc U 111 1909-11 Instr H Sc do 1911-13 Assoc do 1913- 14) At home Mul- berry Av Normal 111 Crihfield Philip A (la 1903-7 AB) Publ Atlanta 111 Criley Harlan Russell (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 306 N State St Champaign 111 Crill John Wilson (sp law 1903-6) Ag Garden Grove Cal Crill Mrs J W (see Armstrong Jessie E) Crim Charles Harold (c eng 1915- Also Hamline U) Stu 509 W Ninth St Estherville la Crinigan Gertrude Ella (sp sc 1908-9) Teach Ivesdale 111 Cripe Frank Eudorus (la 1913-14) Gas- fitter 2546 Wilcox Av Chicago Cripps Rodney Lester (su 1906 AB (Eureka) '13) Clk & Acct Eureka 111 Crismore Joseph Collins (m eng 1914- 15) Adv 3552 Harold Av Berwyn 111 Criss Edward (su 1909 & '10 & '12 ag 1913-15 BS Also 111 St Nor U) c/o Corn Prod Refining Co Pekin 111 Crissey Herbert G (acad 1880-1) Cash Bk Palisades Colo *Crissey John Waterbury (acad 1887- 8 c eng 1888-92 BS) d Mar 7 1913 Chicago ICrissey Ruth Elizabeth (acad 1897-8) 306 N Washington St Champaign 111 Crissey Sumner Ellis (sp ag 1912-13 Also Lombard Coll) c/o Davenport Creamery Co Davenport la (520 N Cherry St Galesburg 111) Crissey William Lewis (e eng 1895-6) Chf Eng c/o Commercial Club Aber- deen Wash (Portland Ore) Crist Edward Bernard (m eng 1909-13 BS) M Eng 318 S Fourth St Pekin 111 Cristy Harold E (acad 1902-5 m eng 1905-9 BS) Mill Foreman 2507 Penn Av Joplin Mo Criswell Lois (lib 1909-10 Also U Wash) Libr Pendleton Ore Crittenberger George Dale (la 1910- 14) Jour 231 W 12th St Anderson Ind Croak John Elmer (c eng 1912-15 la 1915- ) Stu 220 Stuart Av Deca- tur HI Croce Michele Francisco (sc 1911-13 BS) Chem Armour & Co 633 Oak- wood Blvd Chicago Crockatt Charles Campbell (arch eng 1910-11) Sales 3812 N Ashland Av Chicago ?Crocker Paul Holbrook (sp ag 1901- 3) Springfield 111 Crocker William (la 1901-2 AB g 1902-3 AM PhD (Chgo) '06 Also 111 St Nor U Asst Bot U 111 su 1902) Asst Prof Plant Physiol Hull Botan- ical Lab U Chgo Chicago Crofts Carson (com 1913- ) Stu 502 N Fifth Av La Grange 111 Croll Hilda Marion (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 305 W Fourth St Beardstown 111 Croll Paul Revere (sc 1909-13 BS) Chem New Jersey Zinc Co Box 511 Palmerton Pa (305 W Fourth St Beardstown 111 ) Crombie Robert John (la 1913-15) Jour 303 Hillyer PI Peoria 111 t Cromer Alba Cornelius (ag 1902-3 '07-8) Hoopeston 111 Cromwell John C (m eng 1882-6 BS) M Eng New England Bldg Cleve- land Cromwell Myrtle Cornelia (h sc 1912- 13) At home Parkman O Cromwell William Foree (m eng 1911- 14 Also Ohio St U) R Est 627 State St Frankfort Ky ?Crone Charles Thomas (su 1908 Also Pur U) R2 Lafayette Ind Cronin Joe Francis Jr (c eng 1909-10 Also Rose Poly) C Eng 425 W Broadway Newton Kan (Rockville 148 CRONIN— CEOUCH Ind) Cronin Marie Louise Chicago (la 1915- ) Stu 1335 Chase Av Chi- cago tCEONIN Walter Louis (BS(Mass Tech) '04 Instr Ap Mech U 111 1905- 7) 56 P St South Boston Mass Cronk Clara Gladys (Mrs A M Mor- ris) (ag 1910-14 BS Also Monticello Sem) Home 702 W Main St Aber- deen SD Cronk Mrs V D (see Swenson Beat- rice L) Cronkhite Leona Gertrude (Mrs D A Abrams) (la 1906-7 See also Abrams Mrs Leona G) Home 800 Inde- pendence Blvd Chicago Crook Albert Bracket (ag 1910-11) Stu Bus Coll Prophetstown 111 Crook Harry Francis (la com 1908-10 Also U Pa 1911-12) Trav 609 N Sixth St Vincennes Ind crooker Sylvan Jay (g physics 1914- 15 MS '15- BS(Carleton)'14) Stu Fairmont Minn Crooks Harold Fordyce (m eng 1909-13 sc 1915-16 Also Col U Instr Swim U 111 1913-14) Mgr Sugar River Can- ning Co Waukesha Wis (1009 S Kenilworth Av Oak Park III) t Crosby Carroll Stephen (min eng 1909-11) 1069 Winthrop Av Chicago Crosby Mrs OS (see Armstrong Jes- sie F) Crosby Clifford (sc 1901-5 AB Also 111 St Nor U Asst Bot U 111 1904-5) Teach McKinley H Sch St Louis (31 Oak Terrace Webster Groves Mo) Crosby Henry Fay (sp ag 1911-14 ag 1915) Stu 992 Warren Av West De- troit tCrose John Otis (ag 1910-14) Thorn- town Ind Crosiar Arthur Ogan (ag 1914- ) Stu R25 Utica 111 Cross Charles William (arch eng 1888-92 BS) C Eng Pine Lawn Mo fCross Mrs Cora (sp- 1905-7) Marin- ette Wis Cross Daisy D (acad 1891-3) Ran- toul 111 Cross Ethan Allen (la 1904-5 AB Al- so U Chgo) Teach 1818 19th St Greeley Colo Cross George Arthur (ag 1913- Al- so Pur U) Stu Polo 111 Cross Hugh Ware (la 1915- ) Stu N State St Jerseyville 111 fCross James Christopher (la 1878-9) Dahlgren 111 fCross Lyman (acad 1906-9 la 1909- 10) Mt Auburn 111 Cross Mary Ann (la 1914- ) Stu Roachdale Ind tCross Mayme (su 1911 Also Valpar- aiso Coll) Neoga 111 Cross Oakie Edith (la 1915- ) Stu Roachdale Ind Cross Roy Walter (ag 1903-4) Ag Mason City 111 f Cross Wallace Jackson (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-10) 119 Woodward Av Detroit 111 Cross William Robert (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Olds Alberta Can Crossett Gordon William (e eng 1904- 8 BS) Ry & Light Com Dept c/o Gen Electric Co Cincinnati Crossland George Marshall (acad 1896-7 la 1897-1901 AB la com • 1911-13) Bnk 158 155th St Harvey 111 Crossland Hiram Edward (ry c eng 1905-10 BS) C Eng Fairbury 111 (Sheldon 111) Crossland Viola June (h sc 1908-13 BS) Teach Bridgeport H Sch Shel- don 111 tCrossley Elijah R (sp 1897-8) Mar- shall 111 Crossman Arthur Herbert (sp ag 1909- 10) Bkpr Sta D-R Box 17B Mil- waukee Crosthwait Bruce La Teer (la com 1904-6) R Est & Ins 329 Unity Bldg Bloomington 111 (707 E Front St) Crosthwait George Ashley (acad 1899- 1900 arch 1900-3 BS) Prof Ag & Bot & Geol McKendree Coll Leban- on 111 tCrothamel Almon Walter (sp c eng 1904-5) Clark Summit Pa Crotjiers E Kirk Jr (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1210 E Jefferson St Blooming- ton 111 Crouch Ellis Lindley (ag 1903-4) Ag Savona NY (Cohacton NY). Crouch E Scott, (acad 1910-11) Phar c/o Billings Drug Co Billings Mont (Fairbury 111) Crouch Mrs J W (see Greene Ruth E) } Crouch Nannie M (acad 1886-7) Ro- zetta 111 Crouch Ruth Verna (acad 1900-2 sc 1902-3 Also Los Angeles St Nor & Santa Barbara St Nor) Teach 522 Nolden St Los Angeles t Crouch Samuel (acad 1900-2 sp ag 1902-3) Rozetta 111 Crouch Walker Medley (acad 1907-8 DDS(Chgo)'14) Dent Dahlgren 111 (Belleprairie 111) Crouch Wallard Slayton (sp ag 1909- CEOUCH— CKUZ US 11) Ag Naples NY TCrouch William Liebrick (1 1898- 1901 LL B) Min Supt 1023 Pennsyl- vania Av Kansas City Mo Crouse Florence Hawley (lib 1915- AB(Tulane)'10 Also Newcomb Coll) Stu Citronelle Ala ICrouse John Webster (acad 1899-1900) Wacker 111 Crow Barbara (Mrs E E Denison) (la 1906-9 AB Asst Phys Tr U 111 1909) Home Box 95 Coleraine Minn Crow Benjamin F (arch eng 1875-7 BS Also la Ag Coll) Hort & Ag Cedar PI Keokuk la Crow DeWitt Smith (m eng 1910-13 BS(Cal)'14) Stu U Cal Chatham 111 Crow Jennie (su 1912 Also NW U) Teach Martinsville 111 \Crow Lewis Mitchel (acad 1909-10) Grand Tower 111 Crow Robert Neil (la 1915- Also Shurtleff Coll) Stu Carrolton 111 Crow William Leslie (la 1908-12 AB AM(Millikin) '14) Supt Schs Fall City Neb Crowder Benjamin Harrison (acad 1908-9 law 1909-13 LL B Also Milli- kin U) Law 212 N Pierce St Lima O Crowder Dan Moore (com 1915- Also Hanover Coll) Stu 317 S Main St Sullivan Ind t Crowder Lenora Ellen (la 1900-1) Villa Grove 111 Crowe Mrs C H (see Gilchrist Mary) tCrowe Marie (la 1912-13 Also U Chgo) 3852 Calumet Av Chicago Crowe Eobert Burbank (arch eng 1910- 13) Arch Draft Sch Bldg Louisville Ky (Columbus Ind) tCrowe Thomas Augusta Jr (la 1913- 14) 516 Brighton PI E St Louis 111 Crowell Paul Calvin (c eng 1906-10 BS Also Armour Inst) C Eng 1337 1st Nat Bk Bldg c/o L L Summers & Co Chicago Crowell Ealph Herbert (sp ag 1906-7 DVM( Kan City Vet) '13) Vet Anna 111 Crowell S Wentworth (acad 1888-9 la 1889-91) Law Oregon HI Crowley Lloyd Isaac (c eng 1914-15) 401 Barton St Newton 111 Crown Mrs F L (see Lapham Ina O) Crowson Edward Eobert (la com 1912- 13 Also Westminster Coll) Acct 2200 Prospect Av Cleveland (Fulton Mo) Crowther Sarah (la 1912-14 Also Mor- ningside Coll) Teach 150 Fifth Av New York Croxton Frank Ernest (sp ag 1906-7 Also W 111 St Nor) Ag Golden 111 Cruchaga Enrique Felix (min eng 1914- 15 Also St U Chile) Stu Catedral 1650 Santiago Chile Crue John S (e eng 1877-8) Ag 301 S Park St Hastings Mich Crull George Matthew (ag 1913-14 Al- so Knox Coll) Ag Seward 111 Crum Bird Emily (la 1897-8) At home 205 Central Av Mexico Mo Crum Charles E (ag 1878-9) Ag & Stock McKenzie ND tCrum Ellen Petefish (la 1891-3) Farmer City 111 Crum Ethel (la 1904-7 AB) Stu U Cal Lexington 111 Crum George Everett (c eng 1900-1) Ag Maiden Mo (Lexington 111) Crum Herbert Andrews (la 1892-3) Ag Bedford la Crum Lena May (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 321 N Grant Av Clinton HI Crum Oscar M (acad 1883-4) E Est Virginia 111 Crum William S (acad 1883-4) Ag Northrup O Crumbaker Edwin William (arch eng 1906-7 Also Hedding Coll) Lyceum Entertainer 709 Bacon St Pekin 111 Crumbaugh Bertha Viola (Mrs J Y Bonnett)(la 1900-1) Home 101 E Elm St LeEoy 111 Crump Lawrence Edward (ag 1911-12) Purchasing Dept Swift & Co 1314 College Av East St Louis 111 (Flora 111) Cruse Milton (la 1909-11 Also NW Dental Sch) Dent 143 N Kedzie Av Chicago (206 Fourth Av Sterling HI) Cruse Ealph Edward (ag 1913-14) Cadet West Point Salem 111 Crutcher Ann Frances (h sc 1914-15 Also U Mo) 1418 Benton Av Spring- field Mo Crutcher Walter Louis (e eng 1914- Also U Mo) Stu 1418 Benton Av Springfield Mo Crutchfield Mary Eliza (Mrs W Bar- ley) (su 1911 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 5444 S Dearborn St Chicago (4914 Wabash Av) Crutchfield William (arch eng 1912- Also Colo St Coll) Stu 3 Battery PI Chattanooga Tenn tCrutchfield Worden Alexander (e eng 1908-10) Mfg 5444 S Dearborn St Chicago (3636 Vernon Av) Crnz Adriano Talbos (acad 1906-7 su 1907 Also NW U & Geo Wash U) 150 CRUZ— CUNNINGHAM Med Hagonoy Bulacan PI fCruz Mariano M (su 1905 Also TJ Tenn) Santa Cruz PI Cruz an Myrtle Amy (su 1911 la 1913-14 AB g engl 1915- Also U Chgo) Asst Engl U 111 1915- 914% W California Av Urbana 111 (1109 Marshall St Mattoon 111) Cryder John Henry (ag 1913- ) -Stu B6 Plainfield 111 Cryder Lewis Sherrill (acad 1908-9 ag 1909-11) Ag B2 Minooka 111 Cryder Mary Edna (la 1913- ) Stu Plainfield 111 Culbertson Ervin (acad 1887-8) White Hall 111 Cullinane George Madill (m eng 1913- 15 e eng 1915- ) Stu 5149 Ca- banne St St Louis Cullings Boss Elmer (e eng 1906-10) E Eng 403 Boss Av Wilkinsburg Pa (Elm wood 111) *CuUom Shelby Moore (LL D 1903 Trustee 1877-83 Gov 111 1877-83 US Senator 1883-1914) d Jan 28 1914 Springfield 111 Cullum William Henry (g math 1915- ) Stu 90 Durand St Detroit Mich Culmer Bruce Nutter (e eng 1913-15 Also Pur U) Tel Timekeeper 1003 Pennsylvania Av Pittsburg (Pike St Martinsville Ind) Culp Flora C (su 1895) Urbana 111 Culp John Dewitt (c eng 1911- Also Armour Inst) Stu LaGrange Ind Culp Wilmer Edgar (sp ag 1908-9 Al- so Millikin U) Ag Warrensburg 111 Gutter Bradford Marshall (sp 1872-3) Fruit Grower El Modena Cal Culter Charles Clarence (c eng 1887-8) Ag Indianola la Culter Mrs Lucy Jane (su 1914) Libr Gibson City 111 Culver Carl Albert (sp ag 1900-3) Ag Ft Collins Colo (Athens 111) Culver Harry Wayne (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Athens 111 *Culver Lucian M Henry (la com 1873- 6) d Henry 111 Culver Nettie M (Mrs A Ellison) (la 1874-8 BL) Home Pub Libr Minne- apolis Culver Orlando Clark (la 1904-5 Also Ober Coll AB(Okla)'09) Teach Lookeba Okla Culver Walter Allen (sp ag 1904-6) Ag Athens 111 Cumberland Hattie (la 1881-4) Clk Trevett Mattis Bk 105 W Hill St Champaign 111 Cumfer Donald Alonzo (m eng Feb 1915- ) Stu 5413 Washington Blvd Chicago Cumings Wilber Judd (arch eng 1897- 9 Also Mich Ag) Arch & Ag Com- * stock Park Mich Cumming Orris Andrew (c eng 1906- 9) Elec Gar 259-61 Monroe Av Memphis Tenn Cummings Byron (la 1881-2) Lorimer Kan Cummings Harold Lane (la com 1911- 15 AB) Sec to V-Pres Traffic IC KR 602 Illinois Central Sta Chicago (1526 E 65th PI) *Cummings Harvey Douglas (sc 1880- 1) d Buda 111 Cummings John Williams (g 1894-5) Priest 708 W Main St Champaign III ICummings Joseph Boss (acad 1897- 8) Monmouth 111 Cummings Marston (ag 1913-14) 5135 Madison Av Chicago *Cummings Minnehaha (h sc 1906) d Buda 111 » *Cummings Orlando W (ag 1875-9) d Sept 6 1910 Sheffield 111 Cummings Preston Wirum ( m eng 1904-11 BS) M Eng c/o Constr Elev Sup & Bepair Co 905 Clinton St Ho- boken NJ Cummings Bobert Emmett (su 1915) Stu Bice Inst 504 Hemphill St Hous- ton Tex Cummings Buth Rozelle (lib 1901-3 AB(Wash St L) '01) Teach 5402 Bartmer Av St Louis Cummins Edward C (acad 1877-8) BR Dispatcher Conductor Teague Tex Cummins James Russell (sp ag 1913- 14) Ag R10 Springfield 111 (1210 W Springfield Av Urbana 111) Cummins Robert Alexander (la 1909- 10 AB BS(I11 Wes) '09 Also U Wash 1912-14) Teach 2014 Sixth Av Ta- coma Wash Cummins Wayne Hamilton (su 1915 Also Coe Coll) Teach & Coach Athl 421 Maple St LaPorte City la Cummins Wesley Erett (1 1912-15 LL B Also McKendree Coll) Law 216 W Main St Carbondale 111 (319 S Fair St Olney 111) Cunat Miles Joseph (ag 1914-15) Stu U Chgo 556 W 18th St Chicago Cundiff Franklin De Vaughn (arch eng 1910-12) Trav 512 N Royal St Jackson Tenn Cunning George Stanley (arch eng 1907-10 Also la St Nor) Arch & Eng Modern Mausoleum Syn San Francis- co (315 Parnet Apts Oakland Cal) Cunningham Bert (acad 1889-90) Ag Hoopeston 111 CUNNINGHAM— CURTIS 151 Cunningham Clara (Mrs C S Bouton) (se 1887-90) Home Springdale Ark Cunningham Edwin Kalph (acad 1892- 3) Mgr U 111 Supply Store 304 Washington St Champaign 111 Cunningham Eugene Samuel (sp 1906- 8 Also 111 Wes U) Law 311 Flem- ing Bldg Phoenix Ariz Cunningham George Newton (acad 1885-6 sc 1886-7) Phar Champaign ni Cunningham Mrs Harriet M (sp mus 1897-8) Sidney IU CUNNINGHAM Harrison Edward (g 1911-13 AB ( Vermont ) '04) Asst Reg- istrar U 111 1910- & Sec Bd Trus- tees do 1914- 1104 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Cunningham Harrison Eugene (1 1905- 8 BS( Blackburn) '05) Law Wagon- er Okla Cunningham Jessie Helene (Mrs C W Whitten)(su 1903) Home DeKalb 111 Cunningham Joseph Oscar (Trustee 1867-73 Attended Balwin Coll & Ober Coll & Union Law Coll Cleveland Lect Common Law U 111 1871-5 Jud Champaign Co 1861-5) Law 922 W Green St Urbana 111 Cunningham Opal Claree (la 1913- ) Stu 207 W California Av Urbana 111 Cunningham Ralph Erwin (e eng 1899- 1902 BS Also Emporia Coll) Supt Elec Distrib S Cal Edison Co Edison Bldg Los Angeles t Cunningham Richard Aloysius (1 & e eng 1908-10 Also St Viator's Coll) 708 Cherry St Helena Ark t Cunningham Roy Bertrum (acad 1900- 1) Sumner 111 Cunningham Sterling Ross (la 1913- ) Stu Bismarck 111 Cunningham Thomas Albright (la com 1909-13 AB) Acct 3210 Harvard St Chicago (Rossville 111) Cunningham Walter James (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1400 Edgar Av Mat- toon 111 Cuppernell Jessie A (Mrs Jerome Dav- idson) (la 1875-7) Home Ocean Springs Mass Curfman Lawrence Everett (sc 1897- 1901 BS c eng 1903-5 BS) City Eng 406 W Adams St Pittsburg Kan Curfman Mrs L E (see Williams Win- ifred S) Curl Charley Edmund (m eng 1912-16) Ag 548 W Prairie St Paris 111 CURL Mervin James (AB (Boston) '08 AM (do) '09 Instr Engl Pa St Coll 1909-13) Instr Engl U 111 1914- 916 W Nevada St Urbana 111 tCurran Terrance James (e eng 1906- 8) Plain View Minn Curran Thomas Francis (c eng 1904-6) C Eng Placerville Colo Curran Mrs W R (see Burgess Mary C) Currie Althea Elizabeth (com 1915- ) Stu Loda 111 Currie Florence Baxter (lib 1904-6 BLS Also Downer Coll) Catg Lib U Wash 1408 42nd St Seattle tCurrie John Arthur (la 1913-14) Loda 111 Currie Nannie (la 1912-15) Loda 111 Currier Donald Eugene (ag 1911-15) Mfg 636 Downer PI Aurora 111 Currier Mrs E M (see Jenks Idalotte^ Currier Lawrence J (com 1915- ) Stu 636 Downer PI Aurora 111 Curry Grace Greenwood (su 1901) Teach St Joseph HI Curry James Henry (arch eng 1914-15 Also Monmouth Coll) Marissa 111 Curry William Levi (e eng 1910-13) Merc Box 254 Camp Point 111 Curtis Burton Tuttle (ag 1912- ) Stu 447 W Main St Decatur 111 *Curtis Charles B (sc 1868-9) d Bel- videre 111 Curtis Charles Ernest (ag 1904-6) Sales Mgr 618 N Fourth Av May- wood 111 Curtis Ethyl Lulu (acad & sp mus 1905-7) 78 Spencer St San Francisco Curtis Flora Elizabeth (Mrs J L Sam- mis) (la 1895-8) Home 234 Breese Ter Madison Wis Curtis Florence Rising (la 1908-11 AB BLS (NY St Lib) '96 Also Wells Coll Instr Lib Sen U 111 1908-13) Assoc Lib Econ U 111 1913- 908 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (55 Elizabeth St Ogdensburg NY) Curtis Hazel Birdell (ag h sc 1913- 15) Teach Woodland 111 Curtis Homer Cecil (sp ag 1905-7 DVM(Chgo Vet) '12) Vet Polo 111 Curtis Jane Tuttle (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 447 W Main St Decatur 111 Curtis Miriam Austin (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 4066 Cook Av St Louis Curtis Naida Louise (lib 1903-4) Sec Worn Suffrage Party 505 Fifth Av New York (Galesburg 111) Curtis Paul Steele (sc 1900-2) Sales c/o Ajar Cross Co Buenos Aires Ar- gentine SA Curtis Percy Nelson (com 1915- ) Stu Edmore Mich Curtis Mrs R G (see Throne Edna H) Curtis Ralph Edwin (ag 1915- ) Stu Marengo 111 Curtis Robert Rice (arch eng 1903-4 152 CURTIS— CUTSHALL BS(Knox) '01) Arch 1435 Grove St San Diego Cal Curtis Smith (e eng 1914- ) Stn Albion 111 t Curtis William (aead 1893-4) Dela- van 111 Curtis William (la 1914- ) Stu 3340 Douglas Blvd Chicago * curtis William Eleroy (LL D '11 AB(W Res) '71 Litt D(do)'01 DL (Amherst) '07 Spec Envoy to Spain & Pope Leo XIII 1890) d Oct 5 1911 Philadelphia (Washington) Curtis William Wheaton (ag 1915- ) Stu 7041 Calumet Av Chicago Curtiss Albert Root (m eng 1900-5 Instr Wood Shop U 111 1893-1906 Instr Wood Shop Mich Ag 1890-3) Ag R2 Bravo Mich Curtiss Mrs C F (see Shoemaker Theo- dora) Curtiss George (ag 1912-13 '15- ) Stu R3 Stockton 111 *Curtiss Herbert J (m eng 1869-71) d Warren 111 Curtiss Ralph Edwin (ag 1913- ) Stu Marengo 111 CURTISS Richard Sydney (PhB(Yale) '88 PhD(Wurzburg)'92 Instr Org Chem U Chgo 1893-7 Prof Chem Ho- bart Coll 1897-1901 do Union Coll 1901-4 Asst Prof Org Chem U 111 1904-12) Prof Org Chem Throop Poly 1912- Pasadena Cal Curtiss William G (ag 1878-82 Cert) Ag Co Surv Stockton 111 Curtius Florence M (h sc 1912-13) Teach Carrolton 111 tCurts Harry John (e eng 1910-11 Al- so Carthage Coll) Carthage 111 Cushing Charles Farwell (acad 1906-7 arch eng 1907-10 Also Mt Morris Coll) Sales' Mt Morris 111 Cushing Donald Frederick (la com 1909-13) ShipClk W John St Cham- paign 111 Cushing Mrs D F (see Holmes Clara) Wushing Dudley Henry (acad 1909- 10) Mail Clk W John St Cham- paign 111 cushing Helen Isabel (g 1913-14 AM AB (Lake Forest) '13) Teach Paxton 111 (Mt Morris 111) Cushing John Jenckes (m eng 1873-4) Law 37 Wall St New York CUSHING Sumner Webster (BS(Harv) '03 AM(Brown)'ll Prof Physiog U 111 su 1910 & '14) Head Dept Geog Salem Mass Nor Sch Ocean Ter Sa- lem Mass Cushman Charles Weever (eng 1913- 14) Stu Ind U 513 Walnut St Mt Vernon Ind Cushman Mrs E H (see Knowlton Lizzie A) Cushman Effie (Mrs E C Brown) (acad 1876-7) Millinery Port Bryon 111 Cushman Grace (Mrs W Carman) (la 1874-6 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 32 Upton Pk Rochester NY Cushman Kenneth Bruce (ag 1915- ) Stu 55 Cary Av Yonkers NY Cushman Ralph Farnsworth (ag 1911- 13) Flor & Hort Sylvania O CUSHMAN Robert Eugene (AB(Ober) '11 Also U Cal 1913-15) Instr Pol Sc U 111 1915- 808 Oregon St Ur- bana 111 (517 Crosby St Akron O) Cusick John Fay (la 1901-3 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Abstractor Chrisman 111 CusicJc John Joseph (acad 1909-10) Ag R2 Dwight 111 Cuskaden Major (ag 1913-14 '15- ) Stu R4 (78) Areola 111 tCussins James S (m eng 1870-2) 134 E Prairie Av Decatur 111 Custer Bertha Mae (Mrs H A Miller) (la 1899-1901) Home Rl Streator 111 Custer Viola Mae (sp mus 1897-9) Teach & Mus 123 Gilbert St Dan- ville 111 Cuthbert Dorothy Lucile (la 1911-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Box 56 Gilsum NH Cuthbertson George Sinclair (la com 1914-15) Mus 418 S Scovill Av Oa& Park 111 Cuthbertson William Stuart (com 1915- Also U Colo) Stu 1247 Lake Av Pueblo Colo Cutler Asa Bryant (m eng 1902-6 BS) Fruit Grower Rl Hood River Ore cutler Floy Fenton (g ger 1914-15 AM AB(Hedding) '11 Also U Chgo) Teach 422 Pine St Chisholm Minn (Abingdon 111) Cutler Frank Woodbury (m eng 1901- 5 BS) Fruit Grower Rl Hood River Ore Cutler John (m eng 1910-14 BS) Eng Rl Pana 111 (318 Collins St Joliet 111) Cutler Lloyd Elwell (ag 1915- ) Stu Rosemond 111 Cutler Reed Floyd (su 1908 Also Knox Coll) Law Avon 111 Cutler Robert Marshall (com 1915- ) Stu 1239 Amherst PI St Louis Cutler Stanley Gardner (c eng 1905- 8 BS CE'll) C Eng 1229 Associa- tion Bldg Chicago (223 N Austin Av) Cutshall Harriet Monroe (Mrs Clement Jones) (mus 1913-14 Also Ind St Nor) Home Terre Haute Ind (275 Hen- CUTSHALL— DAINTY 153 drix St Brazil Ind) Cutshall Kudolph Walter (arch eng 1910-14 BS Also Ind U) Arch & Mfg Brazil Ind Cutshaw George Wdlliam (sp ag 1904- 5) Baseball 1 Parkside Ct Brook- lyn NY (Wilmington 111) Cutter Bradford M (sp 1873) Ranch El Modeno Cal Cutter Cyrus H (sp sc 1879-80 MD (Rush) 7 81) Med N Aurora 111 Cutter Robert Marshall (com 1915- ) Stu 1239 Amherst PI St Louis Cutter Scott Clay (chem 1891-4 PhG (NW) '04) Phar & Mfg Oswego 111 Cutter Watts Cyrus (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Oswego 111 Cutter Mrs W C (see Sundeen Esther L) t Cutting Harold Stothard (m eng 1911- 13) 512 Walnut St Rockford 111 t Cuttle Frederick (sc 1900-4 AB MD (P&S) '04) Hanford Cal Cutts Emery (acad 1898-1900) Agt CB&Q RR Earlville 111 Cylkowski Vincent Domini (c eng 1911- 15) 3611 S Hermitage Av Chicago Cyrus Anna (sp a&d 1887-9) Teach Camp Point 111 ?Cyrus August (sp ag 1885-6) Galva 111 Czapler Max (chem 1911-13) Chem 1502 W 14th St Chicago tDabbs Roy Underhill (m eng 1906-8) 1115 State St Little Rock Ark Dabney John Blanton (mun eng 1908- 10 BS BS(Miss Ag)'08) Drainage Surv 101 Edison St Greenville Miss *Dabriskian Gregory Gabrialial (ag 1870-4 BS) d Aug 16 1906 Bakd- jedjck Turkey DaCosta Harold F (la 1911-13 Also IT Wis) R Est 2336 Cleveland Av Chicago (607 Fullerton Pky) da Costa Manuel F (see Costa Manual F da) Dace Fred Edwin (e eng 1910-14 BS) E EJng Milwaukee RR & Light Co Milwaukee Dadant Clemence (mus 1909-10) Mus Teach Hamilton 111 Dadant Harriette Gabriel (la h sc 1913- ) Stu Box D Hamilton -111 Dadant Henry Camille (c eng 1900-4 BS) Mfg Hamilton 111 Dadant Louis Charles (eng 1898-1902 BS) Mfg Hamilton HI Dadant Maurice G (la com 1904-8 AB) Mfg Hamilton 111 Dadant Valentine Marie (sp la 1898-9 1905-6) Asst Mgr Amer Bee Jour Hamilton 111 Dady Arthur Owen (m eng 1905-9) Bus Mgr M Eng Pfanstiehl Co North Chgo) 118 S Genesee St Wau- kegan 111 Dady Robert Henry (1 1907-8) Impl Merc Gurney 111 Daehler Albert Hartman (la 1904-8 AB Asst Engl U 111 1908-9) Assoc Prof Engl Pur IT 1909- 120 Fowler Av W Lafayette Ind Daehler Alvin August (sp e eng 1906- 8) Auto Bus 120 Sixth Av Clinton la tDaehler Ferdinand (su 1909) Chad- wick 111 Daehler Oscar (sp ag 1908-11) Impl & Coal Merc Bassano Alta Can Daft Lawrence Harvey (acad 1902-3) Credit Mgr H Hespolaheimer Co Lin- coln Neb (2940 Vine St) tDaggett Daisy Viola (la 1897-8 su 1899) Macon 111 Daggett John Birney (sp ag 1906-10) Ag Jerome Id Dagne Bess (su 1907 Also W 111 St Nor) 624 S Randolph St Macomb 111 Dahl Charles (acad 1907-8) Mgr Dahl Electric Co 2651 N Ridgeway Chi- cago (2635 N Harding Av) Dahl Merton Theodore (acad 1901-2 arch eng 1902-3) Canton 111 Wahl Ralph Hulfton (acad 1902-3) Canton 111 \Dahl Weston Theodore (acad 1901-2) Canton 111 Dahlberg Truman Lawrence (chem eng 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 3745 Greenview Av Chicago Dahlin Edna (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu Geneva 111 tDahringer Homer Watson (c eng 1909-12) 424 Genesee St Waukegan 111 Dailey Arthur Aloysius* (m eng 1914- ) Also Fordham IT) Stu 725 Riverside Dr New York Dailey Mrs D A (See Renich Amanda) \ Dailey Earl (acad 1904-5) Olney 111 Dailey John Andrew (c eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Eng Bur Sts 2252 Monroe St Chicago tDailey John Felix (sp law 1903-4) Gifford 111 Daily Francis Leo (la 1908-9) Stu Harv U 129 N Garfield Av Peoria 111 Dailv Joseph Earl (1 1905-7 LL B (Yale) '09) Law 129 N Garfield Av Peoria 111 Daily Milton (la 1872-3) Bus Mgr 25 N Dearborn St Chicago Daily Paul (la 1908-9) Stu Yale U 129 N Garfield Av Peoria 111 Dainty Chester O (ag 1912-13) Ag 154 DAKE— DANCEY David 111 IDake LeRoy Gilbert (la 1899-1903 AB) Harvard 111 Dakin Walter (c eng 1901-2 Also Dartmouth U) G Eng 212 W Wash- ington St Chicago Dalbey Dwight Stout (ag 1899-1902 BS) Ag Beatrice Neb Dalbey Everett Leslie (acad 1907-9 law 1909-11 LL B'13) Law 506 The Temple Danville 111 dalbey Nora Elizabeth (g bot 1914-15 AM '15- AB(Kam)'13) Asst Bot U 111 1914- 602 S Lincoln Av Ur- bana 111 (Sterling Kan) Dalbey Will Edward (sp ag 1906-11) Ag Granville O tDale Ada Edith (mus 1904-5 Also Shurtleff Coll) McLeansboro 111 Dale Elizabeth (Mrs C E Wilkinson) (la 1895-7 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 1611 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Dale Ernest Arthur (acad 1900-2) Med 307 Temple Bldg Danville 111 Dale Fred Stinson (ag 1914-15) Ag Tonti 111 (1712 Jefferson Av Mt Vernon 111) Dale Georgia (acad 1896-7) At home 436 N Walnut St Danville 111 Dale Hervey Miller (la com 1909-13 AB) Sales 519 E Ash St Winnetka 111 Dale John Hermon (ag 1913- ) Stu 509 S 13th Av Mt Vernon 111 tDale Newton (sp 1908-9 Also E 111 St Nor) Donnellson 111 Dale William Wilbur (la 1905-10 AB BD(Chgo Theol) J 13) Mintr 20 N Ashland Blvd Chicago Dalenberg Clarence (arch eng 1912- 13) Carpenter 15639 Chicago St South Holland 111 Dalenberg Peter (eng 1907-11 BS) Arch Supt S- Holland 111 Dallach Gertrude Blanche (su 1914 Also Lombard Coll) 244 W South St Galesburg 111 Dallahan Mrs Gertrude Dyson (su 1909) Home 409 W First St Dixon 111 Dallam Clara Hill (Mrs J K Eymann) (la 1901-3 su 1907) Home Warsaw 111 Dallenbach Glenmore Emma (Mrs G D Caton) (acad 1903-4 sp mus 1902-3) Mus 211 Park Av Champaign 111 Dallenbach Grace Belle (h sc 1912-14) At home 512 W Clark St Champaign 111 Dallenbach John Christian (sc 1899- 1902 AB MD(Penn)'06) Med 836 W Church St Champaign 111 Dallenbach John Henry (e eng 1910- 14 BS) E'Eng 1027 South Av Wil- kinsburg Pa (512 W Clark St Cham- paign 111) Dallenbach Karl M (la 1906-10 AB MA(Pitts)'ll PhD(Cor)'13) Instr Psychol Ohio St U 115 E 11th Av Columbus O Dallenbach Mrs K M (see Douglas Ethel L) Dallenbach Louis Edwin (sc 1908-12 AB MA(Cor)'13) Ag El Cham- paign 111 Dallenbach Maybell May (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 512 W Clark St Cham- paign 111 Dalton Arthur Ansel (e eng 1911) Teach Elmwood 111 Dalton Meta (su 1912) Libr Cle- bourne Tex Daly Ewing Porter (m eng 1913- ) 108 E Superior St Ottawa 111 Daly Geraldine (la 1914- ) Stu 201 S Center St Joliet 111 Daly Helen (la 1910-11 '14- ) Stu 627 S Six and One Half St Mon- mouth 111 \Daly Mary Theresa (acad 1909-10) Philo 111 Daly Samuel Lester (acad 1907-9 arch eng 1909-12) Arch Metropolis 111 Daly Thistle Margaret Agnes (la 1911- 13) At home 813 W Main St Ur- bana 111 Dame Ealph Uhler (com 1915- ) Stu Oxford Ind Dameier Bufus Frank (sp ag 1901-2) Ag B5 Lena 111 Damisch Marcus William (ag 1913-14 la 1915- ) Stu 1626 S Homan Av Chicago Dammers John William (sc 1910-13 1915-16 BS) 1626 S Homan Av Chi- cago Damour Mrs F W (see Childs Sue E) Damron Charles Pleasant (acad 1898- 9) Law Ironton Mo DANA Esther G (sp a&d 1885-7 Asst A&D U 111 1887-9) Teach Covina Cal (228 Stephenson St Freeport 111) tDana Mariam Ida (lib 1908-9 Also U Chgo) Utica 111 *Da*nahey Thomas Francis (la 1899- 1903 AB) d May 17 1908 Quincy 111 Dancey Lloyd Slote (la 1903-7 AB g 1907-8 AM) Prof Physics Carroll Coll 111 Charles St Waukesha Wis Dancey Mrs L S (see Johnston Eliza- beth J) Dancey Walter Edward (sp eng 1903- DANDERM AN— DARNELL 155 4 Also 111 Wes U) Ag Odessa Sask Can Danderman Robert Frank (acad 1906- 7) Undertaker Alhambra 111 Danely Alfred Jr (eng 1900-4 Also Chaddock Coll) City Eng Urbana 111 Danely Mrs Alfred M (see Staley Isa- bel) Danely Mary Golden (Mrs A W Slaughter) (la 1900-3 AB'02) Home Paris 111 Danely Nellie Cole (sp la 1900-1 See also Brooker Mrs Nellie Danley) Danely Paul J (c eng 1902-6) Arch 606 W Green St Urbana 111 Danely Mrs P J (see Gossett Irene) Danford Fred Dwight (c eng 1905-9 BS Also Hedding Coll) C Eng Dal- las Tex Danforth Asa H (acad 1888-9) Ag & Bnk Washington 111 Danforth Herman Wenger (c eng 1890- 1 Also U Mich) Ag Washington 111 Danforth Ralph Shove (acad 1907-8 arch 1908-9) Ins 934 Winona Av Chicago Dang Jat-Yen (acad 1908-9 ry m eng 1909-12) Jour Shanghai Newspaper Ofc Shanghai China Daniel Ruth (mus 1915- ) Stu Ke- wanna Ind Daniels Mrs (see Purviance Libbie J) DANIELS Arthur Hill (AB (Olivet) '87 BD(Yale)'90 PhD(Clark) '93 Instr Philos U 111 1893-5 Asst Prof do 1895-9 Acting Dean Coll Lit & Arts U 111 1912) Prof Philos U 111 1899- 805 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Daniels Eunice Dean (Mrs A H) (Welles Coll 1882-3 Instr Piano U 111 1901-5 Head Woman's Hall do 1905-7) Home 805 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Daniels Charlie Edgar (acad 1897-9) Ag R8 Butler Mo Daniels Coralie Alfredetta (Mrs Chas Ludlow) (h sc 1900-2) Home Phoe- nix Ariz Daniels Edna Earl (Mrs G S Murray) (lib 1901-3 BLS Also Ober Coll) Home Wildwood Columbus (i;i Waniels Edward M Jr (acad 1877-9) 1426 Sixth St Washington tDaniels Harrv Charles (sc 1913-14) 340 Moseley St Elgin 111 Daniels Mrs J A (see Purviance Lib- bie J) tDaniels Louis Wesley (ag 1907-8) Jerseyville 111 Danielson Aden Andrew (ag 1910-12) Auto & Hardware Leland 111 Danielson Ralph Raymond (cer 1910- 14 BS g cer 1915- ) Asst Cer U 111 1914- 309 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (2540 W Division St Chicago) Danielson Mrs R R (see Campbell Grace A) Danielson Willis Chester (acad 1905-6 mun eng 1906-10 BS) US Forest Serv Missoula Mont Danley Willis Wilson (c eng 1889-93 BS) Prop Paragon Blueprint Serv & Map Co 1200 Van Nuys Bldg Los Angeles Dannenberg Mrs F C (see MacVean Lillian) tDanner Ralph (sp ag 1912-13) As- toria 111 tDanner Roy (ag 1905-6) Astoria 111 *Dansie Mrs H M (see Burrill Irene E) Danz Harry Otto (m eng 1910-14 BS) M Eng 60 Phil West Detroit (2215 Second St Peru 111) Dappert Anselmo (c eng 1914- ) Stu 515 E Grandy Av Taylorville 111 tDaprato Nemo Joseph (ag 1913-14 Also Mich Ag) Iron Mountain Mich Darby Harry Jr (m eng 1913- ) Stu 1318 Quindaro Blvd Kansas City Kan Darby Nellie M (Mrs Benj Pettersen) (acad 1886-8 la 1888-91 BL Also U Chgo) Home Ortonville Minn *Darby Will E (acad 1886-7 la 1887- 8) d Dec 14 1912 Booneville Ark *Darden Jesse (sp mus 1905-6 acad 1907-11) d Mar 13 1911 Champaign 111 tDare Harrison Newell (la 1912-13) Danville 111 *Dare Joseph Buchanan (gen 1868-9) d Urbana 111 Warion William Edwin (acad 1909- 10) Chicago 111 t Darling Charles B (acad 1884-5) Chi- cago 111 Darling Charles Edward (sp ag 1901- 2) Auto Marshalltown la Darling Floyd Nelson (ag 1S06-7) Teach Walton NY Darling Laverne Henry (su 1902 & '06 & '11 Ab( Eureka) '94) Supt Schs Bottineau ND Darlington Genevieve (lib 1897-1903 BLS) Libr 229 S Stone Av La Grange 111 t Darlington Herbert Spencer (e eng 1900-2) La Grange HI Darmer George Alexander (la 1896- 1900 AB MD (Rush) '03) Med 12 S Broadway St Aurora 111 Darmstatter Helen Olive (ag h sc 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu New Ath- ens 111 156 I ) A KNELL— DA VIDSON Warnell Jema Lee (acad 1899-1900) Odessa Ky ^Darnell Joseph E (acad 1877-8) Me- chanicsburg 111 fDarnell Mahalia (la 1875-7) Abilene Tex Darnell Ray Samuel (acad 1898) t Darnell Samuel P (acad 1876-7) Ran- toul 111 Darrah Howard Alexander (sc 1911- 13) Coll & Adjuster W Union Tel Co 116 S St Louis Av Chicago Darrah Juanita Elizabeth (sc 1909-13 AB g chem 1913-15 MS Asst Chem U 111 1914-15) Asst Chem Col U 1915- New York (1117 Arbor Av Champaign 111) Darrell George Charles (arch eng 1913 ) Stu 7944 Burnham Av Chicago Darrow Edna Rose (lib 1910-12 Also U Neb) Libr 24 Alton PI James- town NY *D ARROW Mary (Mrs O G Olson) AB( Allegheny) '82 Instr Latin & Greek NE Ohio Nor 1882-3 Instr Mod Langs U 111 1883-5) d Nov 15 1909 Chicago Dart Whitman (arch eng 1901-5 BS) Supt Constr 4031 Tracy Av Kansas City Mo Dart Worthy Leigh (arch eng 1896-7) Ag & Grain Merc 611 22nd St Rock Island 111 t Darter William Alexander (acad 1907- 8) Asst Cash Tex Bitulithic Paving Co Port Worth Tex (1314 W Tenth St) Dass Banesvar (chem eng 1912-14 AB Also National U India & U Wis) 266 McClellan St Perth Amboy NJ (Mal- da Bengal India) tDasso David (m eng 1909-10 Also Sch Eng Lima Peru) Box 1171 Lima Peru tDasso Luis (arch eng 1912-14) Box 1171 Lima Peru Datu Mauro M (su 1907-8 Also Pur U) Prin & Teach Balinag Bulacan PI (S Fernando Papanga PI) Dauber Curtis (acad 1910-11) Drug- gist Mascoutah III Dauberman Margarete Lucile (la 1911- 15 AB) Teach H Sch Deland 111 (Mansfield 111) Daugherty Mrs (see Fair child Grace) Daugherty Alberta Maud (mus 1915- ) Stu 512 W Vine St Champaign 111 Daugherty Anna Elizabeth (la 1897- 1900 su '01 la 1903-4 '06-7 '13-15 AB) Ag Sullivan 111 Daugherty George Henry (la 1915- ) Stu 419 S Waiola Av LaGrange 111 Daugherty Hale Plahn (la 1910-14 AB) Jour c/o Geo Lamonte Co Paper Co New York (522 Perry Av Peoria 111) Daugherty James Thompson (ag 1908- 10 Also Pur U) Ag Elizabethtown Ind Daugherty Louis S (sc 1885-9 BS MS (Mo St Nor) '93 PhD (111 Wes) '01) Prof Biol Mo Wes Coll Cameron Mo Daughmer Frank Ulysses (sp ag 1890- 1) Ag Douglas 111 Daughmer Mrs F A (See Bronson * Bertha H) Davenport Alice Victoria (la 1911-14 AB Also Winona Nor) Phys Dir 178 W 16th St Chicago Heights 111 (410 E Illinois St Wheaton 111) Davenport Dorothy Darleane (la 1915- Also Rockford Coll) Stu 410 E Illi- nois St Wheaton 111 DAVENPORT Eugene (BS(Mich Ag) 78 Prof Ag Mich Ag Coll (1889-91) Dean Coll Ag 1895- & Dir Exp Sta U 111 1914- 807 S Wright St Cham- paign 111 Davenport Joseph J (la 1871-3) Pres Sturgis Water Wks Co Sturgis SD Davenport Margaret (sp mus 1907-9) Stu Champaign H Sch 807 S Wright St Champaign 111 Davenport Maria Jennings (su 1915) Libr Salem 111 David Jesse Mirza (la 1913-14) Stu Tufts Coll 228 S Wood St Chicago David Louis Dudley (la 1909-10) 1026 Dakin St Chicago David Samuel Garnett (ag 1904-7 BS) Sugar Corn Packer Milford 111 David Mrs S G (see Kissinger Lillian G) Davidson Mrs (See Love Norma C) Davidson Allen Mayer (arch eng 1912- 13) Arch Draft 837 N Sixth St South Bend Ind \Davidson Benjamin Franklin (acad 1908-10) Danville 111 ^Davidson Bessie Marie (sp 1898-9) Wooster O Davidson Blaine Thomas (la 1914-15 law 1915- ) Stu Sparland 111 Davidson Carl Nathan (g chem 1914- AB (Lawrence) '14) Asst Chem U 111 1915- 917 W Green St Urbana IU (Mauston Wis) Davidson Cline Fleming (g 1902-3 BS (Wabash) '00 MD(J Hopk) '07 Instr Acad U 111 1901-3 Instr Physiol U Wash 1908-9) Med 509 American Bk Bldg Seattle Davidson Dora (Mrs F C Brown) (la 1902-6 lib 1906-8 AB) Home 220 Ronaldo St Iowa City la DAVIDSON— DAVIS is; Davidson Gaylord Stillman (la 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 1302 S Grand Av W Springfield 111 Davidson Hazel Frances (sp la 1897-9 la 1904-6) Dancing Teach 412 W Church St Champaign 111 (Ocean Springs Miss c/o Bayou Inn) Davidson Mrs J (see Cuppernell Jes- sie A) 'Davidson Jessie Fuller (sp arch 1904- 6) Galesburg 111 ^Davidson Joseph Martin (ag 1868-70) d Tolono 111 Davidson Levette Jay (g eng 1915- AB( Eureka) '15) Stu Eureka 111 Davidson Lola Margaret (la h sc 1914- Also Ind U) Stu Craw- fordsville Ind Davidson Mayme (su 1912 Also Ind St Nor) Teach Liberty ville 111 (202 .Second St Marshall 111) Davidson Mary Catherine (la 1914-15) Crawfordsville Ind t Davidson Nell Jeanette (Mrs Ralph Gage) (acad 1900-3 sp 1903-5) Cham- paign 111 Davidson Robert Franklin (su 1899) Teach 1155 W Cerro Gordo St Deca- tur 111 Davidson Roy Nebeker (1 1897-8) Ex- Legis Arizona News Serv Box 327 Phoenix Ariz Davidson Scott McKinley (la 1914-15) Merc Odin 111 (401 E Main St Sa- lem 111) Davidson Thomas Meredith (c eng 1901-5 BS) Asst Mgr Amer Sys Re- inforc 1107 Otis Bldg Chicago (1114 E 52nd St Chicago) ?Davies Abbie May (la 1875-6) Gran- ville O tDavies Alice J (la 1874-5) Los Ang- eles Davies Edmund Clarence (ag 1907-9) Bkpr 745 E First St Tucson Ariz Davies Harold Earl (ag 1908-11) Ag Adv 326 W 23rd St New York Davies James Odes (acad 1903-4 la 1904-6) Mfg Colonial Hotel Cairo ni Davies Raymond Evan (sc 1909-14 AB) Stu Rush Med Coll R2 Bement 111 Davies Robert Coleman (com 1915- ) Stu 514 N Ashland Av LaGrange 111 ?Davis A L (sp 1875-6) Davis Mrs Adelia (Mrs P N) (ag 1914- Also Lombard Coll) Stu 291 W South St Galesburg 111 Davis Albert Edward (sp ag 1902-5) Rural Mail Carrier 146 First St Ba- tavia 111 Davis Allen Winslow (ag 1909-13) Sec YMCA 1621 W Division St Chi- cago Davis Andrew Jackson (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Stronghurst HI Davis Anna Clarissa (Mrs R L Myers) (h sc 1901-5 Also U Chgo & S 111 St Nor) Home Mahomet 111 Davis Arnold Eaton (ag 1910-11 Also Cor U 1911-14) Ag Livonia NY Davis Arthur E (la 1877-81 BL MD \ (Kan City Med) '99) Med Arbala Tex Davis Belma Mary (Mrs E R Bear) lib 1902-4) Home Woodlawn Wheel- ing W Va DAVIS Bertha Adeline (Teach Opera Church & Concert Singing 1900-15) Instr Voice Sch Mus U 111 1915- 1004 W California Av Urbana 111 Davis Caroline Faye (Mrs H C Derr Jr) (la 1908-9) Home Stronach Mich Davis Carroll Harris (c eng 1906-8) Mere Equality 111 Davis Charles (la 1871-3) Ret Mar- engo 111 Davis Charles Brewer (la 1915- ) Stu 806 S Third St Champaign 111 Davis Charles Ernest (la 1910-11) Jour 908 E Main St Urbana 111 DAVIS Charles Gideon (AB(Ind)'98» PhD (do) '02 Also Geneva U & Frei- burg U Instr Ger U 111 1903-8) Head Dept Lang Venice Union Poly H Sch Venice Cal t Davis Charles Krum (c eng 1907-8) c/o Broden Copper Co Rancagua Chile Davis Chester Emmons (sp ag 1912- 13) Sales Swift & Co 605 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111 Davis Chester Watson (ag 1908-13 BS) Ag R3 Holton Kan Davis Clara Elizabeth (mus 1912- ) Stu 605 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Davis Clare Rudolph (la 1914-15 Also - Valparaiso U) Teach H Sch Donnell- son 111 *Davis Cleon Leslie (acad 1897-1900 c eng 1900-4 BS) d Feb 1908 Mt Zion 111 Davis Clinton Hughes (la 1905-6 AB (Mich) '09) Merc 701 Packard St Ann Arbor Mich Davis Clyde Wilfred (sp ag 1906-8 Al- so Pleasant View Luther Coll) Ag Blackstone 111 Davis David (sp ag 1901-2 Also U Minn) Law 405 1st Nat Bk Bldg Duluth Minn Davis Mrs E R (see Barker Helen B) Davis Earl Thomas (ag 1913- ) Stu 6430 Sangamon St Chicago tDavis Edward Chester (sc 1912-13) 215 New York Av Holton Kan Davis Elizabeth Hamilton (lib 1910-11 158 DAVIS— DAVIS '13-14 BLS AB (111 Worn) '09) Asst Bef Libr Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan *Davis Elmer Ellsworth (acad 1885-7 la 1887-8) d Sept 25 1900 Lake City 111 Davis Elmer Leon (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1082 E Merchant St Kankakee 111 Davis Ethel Brown (h sc 1910-12 Also Belmont Coll) Teach H Sch Pesotum 111 i Davis Etta Violet (acad 1903-4) 1010 E Main St Urbana 111 Davis Eugene John (la com 1914- ) Stu 5347 Prairie Av Chicago davis Exum Woodard (la 1902-3 AM AB(Ind)'98) Ag Maiden Mo Davis Floyd William (acad 1905-6) Sales Mgr Patoka 111 Davis Forrest Spurgeon (la 1901-5 AB) Teach Bacone Okla Davis Frances Margaret (la 1915- ) Stu 205 W Elm St Urbana 111 Davis Miss Frank Harris (sp ag 1912- 13) Clk Woodburn PI Vineennes Ind Davis Frank J (acad 1889-90) Sec I Peoria Stamping Bur 107 S Glen Av Peoria 111 \Davis Frank L (acad 1884-5) Lath- am 111 Davis Frank Loren (arch 1884-8 BS '09) Arch & Marble Wk 1713 Flat Iron Bldg New York Davis Frederick Abram (ag 1913- ) Stu Cherry Valley 111 Davis George Elmer (ag 1909-12) Ag El Oregon 111 Davis George Francis (acad 1892-3) Ag Roseville 111 Davis George Harvey (la 1898-9) Grocer 14th & Madison Sts Charles- ton 111 Davis George Bobert (e eng 1913- ) Stu Mt Sterling 111 Wavis George Royal Jr (acad 1897- 8 ) Chicago Davis George William (g sc 1912-13 BS(Mo Valley) '11) Prin H Sch Ne- vada Mo* (565 S Odell St Marshall Mo) Davis Mrs G W (see Witt Adaline E) Davis Gertrude Curtis (la 1906-10 AB) Teach Holton Kan Davis Gertrude Pearl (su 1900 Also Thomas Nor Tr Sch) Superv Mus & Draw Olney 111 Davis Grace Ethel (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor) Teach II Sch Edwardsville 111 (St Joseph 111) Davis Grace Olive (la 1901-2) Merc Clayton Hotel Detroit davis Grant Train (g 1906-9 MS AB (Mich,) '03 Asst Chem U 111 1907-9) Ag Clinton Mich Davis Harley Adolph (eer 1906-8 Al- so Chgo Art Inst) Chgo Amer Staff Art 4007 N Tripp Av Chicago Davis Harold Eskridge (arch eng 1911- 12) R Est 5519 Cornell Av Chicago ?Davis Harry Fulton (arch eng 1906- 9) 2277 High St Keokuk la Davis Harry G (acad 1879-80) Med Monroe Center 111 Davis Harry Roscoe (arch eng 1912- 15) Box 172 Anna 111 Davis Hattie Rozella (Mrs C J Hays) (sp mus & h sc 1902-6 Also Chgo Mus Coll) Home 602 W High St Urbana 111 Davis Helen (la 1914-15 Also NW U) Teach H Sch Findlay 111 (1372 Lu- cile Av Los Angeles) % Davis Helen Powers (la h sc 1913- Also U Cal) Holton Kan Davis Horatio S (1 1897-1903 LL B) Law 610 Hyde Bldg Spokane Wash (1235-34 Av) *Davis -Howard Aylesworth (su 1906) d Aug 9 1906 Tolono 111 Davis Howard Scott (e eng 1907-11) Clk Hotel Pines Pine Bluff Ark Davis Hugh Youtsey (arch eng 1906- 10) Arch Eng Box 455 Visalia Cal Davis Ida Belle (acad 1898 la 1908- 11 AB g 1911-12 su 1915) Teach Salem Ore (212 W Springfield Av Champaign 111) Davis James Austin (su 1911 AM (E wing) '08) Teach Bridgeport 111 (Benson Ariz) Davis James Oliver (acad 1881-2 c eng 1882-6 BS) Law 2644 Dwight Way Berkeley Cal Davis Mrs J O (see Fairchild Rosina P) Davis Jeptha H (la 1879-82 Cert) Ag Straight Creek Kan Davis Mrs J H (see Watson Ella M) Davis Jessie Viola (su 1909 BS (Greenville) '10) Teach 519 Well St Greenville 111 (Spring Valley 111) Davis Joel Thomas (sp law 1908-11) Law & Mintr Tuscola 111 Davis John Eugene (la 1914 com 1915- ) Stu 6212 Eberhart Av Chi- cago Davis John Franklin (sc 1893-4) Cafe West Branch Mich Davis John Jefferson (chem 1868-72 BS)'78 MD(Hannemaim)'75) Med 119 College Ave Racine Wis Davis John Jeune (sc 1903-7 BS Asst to St Entom U 111 1907-11) Entom DAVIS— DAVIS 159 Exp Sta Bldg Lafayette Ind ?Davis John M (sp 1873-4) Eossville 111 Davis John Walker (c eng 1909-12 BS Also Ind U) Eng Amer Tar Prod Co 1029 208 S LaSalle St Chicago (Poseyville Ind) DAVIS John Williams (g e eng 1914- ME(Cor)'10 Asst Harv U & LeStan U & Vanderbilt U) Instr E Eng U 111 1914- 907 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Davis John Wolfersperger (eng 1900- 4 BS) V-Pres & Eng Qage Structur- al Steel Co 2462 Paulina Av Chi- cago (204 Seventh Av La Grange 111) Davis Jonathan Sydney (arch 1889- 92) Ag At water 111 Davis Katherine (lib 1915- BL (Knox) '92 Also U Chgo) Stu 379 W Tompkins St Galesburg 111 Davis Kenneth Isaac (com 1915- ) Stu Tampico 111 Davis Leonard Hoadley (ag 1913- ) Stu 536 Nebraska St Huron SD Davis Leonard Louis (eng 1913- ) Stu E6 (1) Freeport 111 Davis Leroy (sp 1873-4) Ag Moun- tain Grove Mo davis Lloyd Hayes (g chem 1911-13 MA AB (Wabash) '11) Chem 1400 E 53rd St Chicago (1405 W Main St Crawfordsville Ind) Davis Lyman Kent (la 1915- ) Stu Donnellson 111 Davis Mallie Leona (Mrs L E Gohn) (acad 1907-9 la 1909-13 AB) Home Fairmount 111 Davis Marietta (Mrs H M Beardsley) (la 1879-81 BL Also 111 Wes U 1876) Home 3643 Walnut St Kan- sas City Mo Davis Marietta Searle (la 1904-7 AB Also U Kan 1893-4 & U Cal 1912-13) Teach Holton Kan Davis Martha Laurafred (la 1914- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu 712 S Nor- mal Av Carbondale 111 Davis Mary Belle (la 1897-1901 AB g math 1914- ) Stu 608 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Davis Mary Belma (Mrs E E Bear) (acad 1900-2) Home 8 Walnut Av Woodlawn Wheeling W Va fDavis Mary Hazel (sp ag 1904-6) 104 Central Av Urbana 111 Davis Mary Priscilla (Mrs O F How- land) (sp la 1904-5 su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Marseilles 111 Davis Maud Amanda (Mrs Maude A Sprague)(lib 1901-2 Also Drake U) Thompson la Davis MelvLu Earl (eng 1914-15) Mere 777 Milwaukee Av Chicago Davis Milton Eussell (ag 1913- ) Stu 38 S Sixth Av LaGrange 111 ?Davis Myra Leslie (mus 1901-2 Also DePauw U) Charleston 111 Davis Nancy (Mrs M A Scovell) (h sc 1873-8 BS) Home Lexington Ky Davis Nell Sarella McMillen (Mrs W A Knapp) (la 1903-7 AB) Home 105 Fowler Av W Lafayette Ind Davis Nelson Louis (eng 1915- Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu 7034 Normal Blvd Chicago Davis Olive Ermengarde (lib 1904-6 BLS Also Lewis Inst) Ag Paw Paw Mich Davis Oliver Loundes (eng 1914-15) 6036 Harper Av Chicago Davis Oliver Marcy (acad 1897-8 Al- so Mass Tech) M Eng Swift & Co Union Stock Yds Chicago fDavis Olney (acad 1876-7 m eng 1877-9) Salem 111 Davis Mrs Orlin (see Cotteral Lida Hi) ID avis Oscar Harmon (acad 1876-7) • Champaign 111 Davis Palmer (ag 1915- ) Stu Fair- mount 111 Davis Paul Newhall (ag 1911-15) Ag El Ehinelander Wis Davis Pauline Zuleika (Mrs C E Hol- lister) (h sc 1909-10) Home Manteno 111 Davis Philip Frank (ag 1914- Also U Me) Stu Westbrook Me Davis Philip Henry (acad 1893-4 arch eng 1894-5) Acct 204 Second Av Eock Falls 111 Davis Ealph Eichard (la com 1903-6 AB) Ag Sterling Id DAVIS Eaymond Earl (g c eng 1911- BS(Me) CE(do) , ll) Instr C Eng U 111 1911- 809 Indiana Av Urbana 111 Davis Eaymond Ellis (la 1913-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 923 Kingdom Av Danville 111 Davis Eeba (lib 1908-11 BLS Also Wash U & U Minn) Libr la St Travel Lib St Hist Bldg Des MOines la Davis Eedman Brown (la 1913-14) News Eep 604 Hill St Champaign 111 Davis Eichard Earl (sp ag 1908-9 Al- so Westfield Coll) Ag Longview 111 Davis Eobert Henry (sp law 1907-8 '09-10) Law Eldorado 111 Davis Eobert Lesley (g bot 1914- AB(Neb'14) Asst Bot U 111 1110 160 DAVIS— DAWSON W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (1545 S 13th St Lincoln Neb; Davis Boberta Lee (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor) Teach Carrollton 111 Davis Boscoe Conkling (e eng 1897-8 Also US Naval Acad) Officer US Navy c/o Bur Nav Washington Davis Eufus J (la 1879-80) Merc 16 N East St Tacoma Wash ?Davis Eupert Foster (sc 1912-13) 393 North Blvd Atlanta Ga tDavis Eussell Sage (ag 1908-9) Ag Clayton 111 davis Euth Kay (g latin 1914-15 AM AB (Greenville) '11) Teach 519 Wells St Greenville 111 Davis Mrs S G (see Kissinger Lillian G) Davis Samuel Sylvester (ag 1911-15 BS) Stock El Newport Ind tDavis Seymour Marquis (1 1904-8) Farmer City 111 *Davis Taylor (sp 1869-75) d Bour- bon 111 Davis Thatcher Frank (ag 1911-13) Orange & Truck Grower E2 Wan- chula Fla Davis Thomas Arkle (c eng 1912-14 BS Also Millikin U) Surv 109 N "D" St Arkansas City Kan (Beth- any 111) tDavis Thomas George (sp ag 1906-8) Vet Eden Id ?Davis Thomas Herman (sp 1900-1) Urbana 111 Davis Thomas Whitman (su 1914 BS (Miss Ag) '04) Libr Miss Ag Coll Agriculture College Miss Davis Veronica (mus Feb 1915- Al- so 111 Worn Coll) Stu Bondville 111 Davis Waldo Emerson (e eng 1915- ) Stu Eapatee 111 Davis Ward Owen (ag 1914- Also Pur U) Stu Eamsey Ind ?Davis Wilbut Harlin (su 1904 & '05 Also Austin Coll) Champaign 111 Wavis William (acad 1883-4) French Grove 111 Davis William Arthur (acad 1904-5) Contr 1508 E Washington St Joliet 111 ?Davis William George (ag 1913-14) 434 S Jefferson St Springfield Mo Davis William Gladstone (sp ag 1911- 14) Natl Iron Co 626 N 56th Av N DuluthMinn (1115 Mansal St Charles- ton 111) TDavis William Eollin (acad 1903-4) Shelbyville 111 tDavis Willis Lee (su 1899) Fisher 111 Davis Wilmer Esla (sc 1899-1903 AB Also Ohio Nor & U Chgo) Asst Prof Bot Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan Davis Zachary Stephen (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 934 E 45th St Chi- cago DAVISON Anna Mary (mus 1902-7 Asst Phys Tr 1903-7) Acct Dept Chi- cago Daily News 1014 Byron Av Chicago (Monticello 111) Davison Charles (Trustee 1905-11 MD (NWi) '83 Prof Surg Anat P&S Coll 1899-1900 Adj Prof Clinical Surg do 1900-1903 Adj Prof Surg & Clinical Surg 1903-4) Prof Surg & Clinical Surg U 111 Coll Med 1904- 907 31 N State St 'Chicago (2320 W Jackson * Blvd) t Davison Charles Marshall (sc 1913-14 Also Lewis Inst) 2320 Jackson Blvd Chicago Davison Chester Morton (arch eng 1894-8 BS Asst Arch U 111 1904-5) Arch 6231 Vernon Av Chicago Davison Edward Harrison (eng 1915- ) Stu 402 E Walnut St Bloomington 111 ^Davison Fred (acad 1901-2) Smith- shire 111 t Davison Herbert (la 18P6-8) Bock Falls 111 * Davison Joe Miller (ag 1915- ) Stu 214 N Fifth St Marshall 111 Davison Lester Smith (ag 1915- ) Stu El Minonk 111 Davison Mabel Katherine (Mrs J E Lotz) (lib 1898-1904 BLS) Home 59 Oxford Ed Newton Centre Mass Davison Margaret Whyte (sc 1902-3 sc 1906 & '07 & '08 Also Train Sch Nurses) Surg Asst Monett Mo c/o Dr West Hospital Davison Euth Leone (la 1909-13 AB) Teach 214 N Fifth St Marshall 111 Davison Victor Harvey (la 1915- ) Stu El Minonk 111 davisson Bert Stover (g chem 1912- 14 AM AB(Ind)'ll Asst Chem U 111 1914-15) 1st Asst Social Biol Ees Ag Exp Sta U Woostei* Wooster O (New Eichmond Ind) Dawley Earle Eeed (c eng 1915- ) Stu 86 Henry St Passaic NJ *Dawley Mary Julia (acad 1894) d Mar 30 1899 Seymour HI Dawley Eobert Worthington (la c eng 1915- ) Stu 86 Henry St Passaic NJ tDAWSON Charles Hubbard (la 1899- 1903 AB) 6204 Jefferson Av Chicago Dawson Clarence Walter (acad 1908-9 ag 1909-11) Sales Nat Cash Eegis- ter Co 80 S Cherry St Galesburg 111 Dawson Drexel Lowry (sc 1908-9 MD P&S) '13) Med Bice Lake Wis DAWSON— DAZEY 161 Dawson Earle Merritt (ag 1909-10) Auto Deal 524 W Prairie Av Deca- tur 111 Dawson Mrs G A (see Heaton Edna) DAWSON Eric Allen (g french 1915- BS(Miss)'08 MS(do)'14 Also U Paris 1911-12 & U Jena 1912-13 Asst Prof Mod Lang U Miss 1913-15) Asst Eom Lang U 111 1915- 1005 S Fifth St Champaign 111 (University Miss) Dawson Francis Anderton (acad 1909- 10 sp mun eng 1911-13 Also U Wis) C Eng City Eng Ofc Moline 111 Dawson Helen Mamie (la 1911-15 AB) Teach H Sch Divernon 111 (206 Ben- ton St Morris 111) Dawson James Eoscoe (arch eng 1907- 8) Ofc Wk c/o Moline Buggy Co 328 S Galena Av Freeport 111 Dawson John Alexander (e eng 1909- 10) Analyst Lab Inland Revenue Dept 37 Englesea Lodge 2046 Beach Av Vancouver BC fDawson Lele Iva (la 1894-5) 212 W Park St Champaign 111 Dawson Louis Edward (sc 1913- ) Stu 872 Park Av Springfield 111 Dawson Mayme (sp mus 1906-7) At home Gehrig Apts Champaign 111 Dawson Owen Lafayette (ag Feb 1915- ) Stu Orland 111 Dawson Eoscoe Milburn (1 1899-1900 Also Ind St Nor) Edit Westfield 111 tDawson Euth (lib 1911-13 AB(De- Pauw) '10) Ockley Ind Dawson Sallie (su 1912 Also Ind St Nor) Teach Marshall 111 day Anna Edith (g la 1907-8 AM AB (111 Worn) '07) Teach 764 W La- Fayette Av Jacksonville 111 ?Day Charles Philip (m eng 1898-1900 Also Knox t^oll) Champaign 111 Way Clarence Harvey (acad 1904-5) Easton 111 Day Clifford William Lucius (1 1909- 12) Adv 605 N Madison Av Peoria 111 Day Curtiss LaQ (la law 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Gibson City 111 Day Dorothy (la jour 1914- ) Stu 2212 Sedgewick St Chicago *Day Edna Daisy (Mrs L Hyde) (g 1903-4 MS (Mich) '97 PhD(Chgo) '06) d June 8 1915 Columbia Mo Day Frederic Lathrop (acad 1898-9 sp law 1899-1900) Jour 1405 Auditor- ium Tower Chicago Day Harold Chamberlain (la 1906-8) V-Pres & Plant Mgr Ogden Portland Cement Co Ogden Utah DAY Harriet (NY Art Sch 1897-8 M Julian Acad Paris 1898-9 Also Col U 1908-9 Head Art Dept Okla St Ag Coll 1909-10 Instr A&D U 111 1910- 11) Dir Art Dept Northwest Normal Maryville Mo Day Harry Warren (ag 1913- ) Stu EFD Shelbyville 111 Day Helen Boise (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 15326 Lexington Av Harvey 111 ?Day Herbert Winch (acad 1900-1 e eng 1901-3) Eockford 111 Day Mrs J D (see Fellows Clara B) *Day James B (sp 1870-1) d Uariiu- ville 111 *Day John H (sp 1869-71) d June 11 1909 Nokomis 111 ?Day Mrs Marion (chem 1873-4) Ur- bana 111 Day Mylo Frank (su 1914) Teach Sioux City la (Weeping Water Neb) Day Pauline Edgar (la 1913-14 Also Ind U) Stu Ind U Muncie Ind Day Philip Miller Jr (su 1904 Also Keokuk Med Coll) Med Barnes City la Day Phillmer Wymond (chem eng 1910-13 BS Also Ind U) Chem 111 Glass Co Alton 111 (3117 N Meridian St Indianapolis) Day Eaymond Moore (la 1915- ) Stu 121 S *16th Av Maywood 111 Day Eichard Cyrus (ag 1915) Sales Hampshire 111 Day Eobert George (c eng 1909-10) C Eng Great Falls Mont (3413 Calu- met Av Chicago) Day Vincent Stephen (m eng 1913* ) Stu 1326 E N Grand Av Springfield 111 Day Walter Thomas (1 1913- ) Stu 1326 E North Grand Av Springfield 111 Day Warren William (acad 1905-6 arch eng 1906-10 BS) Arch 606 N Madison Av Peoria 111 Day Mrs WW (see Hollister Ethel A) Day Winfield Scott (acad 1900-1 sc 1901-4) Forest Serv Magdalena N Mex Dayton Cleve Henry (c eng 1907-9) Ag Newman 111 Dayton Daniel V (1 1904-8 LL B) Law & Co Judge 902 Maple Av Paris 111 Dayton Laura May (la 1900-4 AB) Teach 3832 N Keeler Av Chicago Dayton Marshall (com 1915- Also Val- paraiso U) Stu LaMoille 111 Dayton Susan L (la 1905-9 AB) Teach H Sch Paris 111 Dayton Wayland Wilbur (ag 1915- ) Arbor Av West "Chicago Dazey Alba William (la com 1907-10) E Est Beloit Wis Dazey Edward Marion (la com 1906- 162 DAZEY— DECKER 7) R Est 901 Prairie Av Beloit Wis Wazey Harry Lewis (acad 1903-4) Dallas Tex Deahl Neulon (la 1914- ) Stu 607 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Deakman Homer Ward (c eng 1911-15 BS) Bldg Const c/o Wells Brothers Co 1424 Aeolian Bldg New York DEAL Edwin Jahn (g ag 1914-15 BS (Mich) '14 Also O Wes U) Asst Landscape Exten U 111 1914-15) Land Arch 66 Richton Av Detroit Deal Mrs H L (see Beauford May A) Deal Hiram (ag 1903-8 BS) Ag R 4 Morrisonville 111 Deal John Francie (sc 1906-7 MD (NW)'ll) Med Leland Ofc Bldg Springfield 111 ?Dean Arthur Abbott (sp 1873-4) Jol- iet 111 Dean Mrs A R (see Fuller Emma Q) Dean Beatrice Earle (la 1912-14 AB) Teach H Sch Lovington 111 (R2 Harrisburg 111) Dean Charles A (ag 1869-71 MD(I11 St Bd Med Exam) '78) Gov Ind Sch Serv Allen SD Wean Cora Edna (acad 1897-8) Evanston 111 Dean Ezra Carter (la 1875-7 LL B (la) '79) Law Fairmont Minn Dean Frank A (la 1875-9 Cert) Bnk Holdrege Neb DEfN Frank Clifford (la 1908-12 AB) Ag Exteh U Neb Lincoln Neb (La Moille 111) Dean Harold Churchill (ry e eng 1905- 9 BS) E Eng 444 Jackson Av Long Island City NY Wean Harry Snow (acad 1899-1901) Fremont 111 Dean Hazel (lib 1914-15 AB(NW) '13) Stu Rolla Mo Wean Hiram (acad 1906-7) Taylor- ville 111 Dean Jessie Luella (Mrs F G Romig) (acad 1906-8 sc 1908-9) Home 712 Harrison St Gary Ind Wean John (acad 1908-9) Cham- paign 111 Dean Olive Gertrude (la 1912-13 '15- Also S 111 St Nor U) Stu R2 (102) Harrisburg 111 tDean Oscar McClintock (c eng 1907- 8) Camp Point 111 Dean Paul Marshall (g chem 1914-15 AB(Colo) '08 AM(do) '11) Instr Chem U Colo 1931 Hill St Boulder Colo Dean Vaughn Waldow (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1104 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Weaner Otto Percival (acad 1904-5) Sheldon 111 We Anguera Homer (acad 1892-3) Chicago Deardorff George Worth (m eng 1911- 12 Also Pur U) M Eng Great Falls Mont Deardorff Myrtle Idelle ( Mrs F H Con- nor) (acad 1909-10) Home Cedar Ra- pids la Deardorff Sarah C (Mrs B F Don- nell)(sp 1873-8 BS) Home Ashland Kan Dearduff Frank (acad 1905-7) Mgr Horton & Collins Grain Elevator Fick- lin 111 Deason Francis Ellery (ag 1902-6 BS) Ag R2 Murphysboro 111 Deatherage Fred E (la 1902-3) Seeds- man Waverly 111 Deaver Lister Alward (sc 1913-15 cer eng 1915- Also 111 Wes U) Stu 606 E Washington St Bloomington 111 Debel Niels Henriksen (g pol sc 1914- AB(Neb)'13 AM(do)'14) Stu De- bel Faur Denmark De Boice Benjamin Savage (la 1908-9 LLB(I11 Wes) '13) Law 6 Frued- enstein Bldg Clinton 111 (500 W Main St) Deboise Mrs (see Reese Mary) De Butts Cary Edward (arch eng 1907- 8) Sales 5809 Midway Pk Austin 111 De CAMP Joseph Edgar (g la 1914-15 BS(Ark)'05 AM (Mich) '12 PhD(do) '14 Asst Psychol U 111 1914-15) Instr Psych U Cal 1915- Berkeley Cal (601 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Dechman Arthur (chem eng 1909-12 BS Also Valparaiso U} Chem Per- mutit Co 30 E 42nd St New York Dechman Mrs Arthur (see Shotwell Ida M) • Deems Lyle (acad 1889-91 la 1891-3) Oil Producer Muskogee Okla Wecius Owen (acad 1889-90) Toledo 111 Decker Mrs (see Mansfield Esther J) tDecker Arthur Eli (sul906&'15 Also Bushnell Nor Sch) Augusta 111 Decker Benjamin Harrison (acad 1908-11 e eng 1911-15 BS) Carbon Sales Dept Nungesser Carbon & Bat- tery Co 1439 Lake View Rd Cleve- land DECKER Charles E (Instr Geog U 111 su 1911 & '13) Asst Prof Biol & Geol Alleghany Coll Meadville Pa tDecker Charles Henry (su 1905 Also Valparaiso Nor) Hamilton 111 DECKEE— DE LAY 163 tDecker Dorothy May (la 1913-14) 806 W Green St Urbana 111 Decker Edna Mae (ag h sc 1914- Al- so Lewis Inst) Stu 5616 Huron St Chicago DECKER Edward Harris (AB&LL B (Mich) '04 Instr Law U 111 1909-11) Prof Law U 111 1911- 806 W Green St Urbana 111 Decker Mrs E H (see Decker Hawk- ins Mary) Decker Ered M (c eng 1904 Also U Ky) Merc 329 Sixth St Anderson Ind Decker Harvey B (cer 1911-12) Stu Ind U 215 W Church St Brazil Ind Decker Leon Morton (la 1907-11 AB) Sales Mgr Standard Separator Co 551 Belleview PI Milwaukee Decker Lloyd Vincent (acad 1910-11 e eng 1911-12) Elec Contr 801 E Clay St Bloomington 111 tDecker Louis David (e eng 1910-11 Also U Chgo) 623 E 70th PI Chi- cago Decker Mrs Mary Hawkins (Mrs EH) (sp mus 1909-11) Home 806 W Green St Urbana 111 Decker Mrs P D (see Greer Bertha A) ?Deckmann Thomas Wilbur (e eng 1910-13) 629 S Eighth St Vandalia 111 Dedlow Rudolph Paul (e eng 1909-11) Clk 417 Linn St Yankton SD Dedman Bryant (m eng 1898-1901) Design Eng 2700 Elsinor Av Balti- more Dedrick Eva Ames (la 1908-12 AB) At home 527 S Center St Geneseo 111 Dee Norman Bliss (su 1908 AB(Mc- Kendree) '06) Teach Collinsville 111 Dee Paul Simpson (su 1908 Also De- Pauw U) Edit Concordia Blade Con- cordia Kan Deem Frank Emery (acad 1899-1900 sp ag 1900-1) Warehouseman Third & Hoyt St Portland Ore \~Deemer Ralph Evan (acad 1909-10) Sales 638 S Michigan Av Chicago (1155 E 61st St) Deering Richard Francis (c eng 1915- ) Stu 1521 Otto Blvd Chicago Heights 111 Dees Clyde Rauzer (sp ag 1903-4 Also Austin Coll) Ag Shobonier 111 Deets Harold Burton (ag 1909-14 BS) Ag Cameron 111 (968 N Broad St Galesburg 111) tDEETS Ralph Emerson (e eng 1904-8 BS) Fruit Grower Sunnyside Wash deffendall Prentice Hoover (su 1910 &'ll g la 1912-14 AM AB(DePauw) '06) Supt Schs Taylorville HI Deforest Lemuel (m eng 1910-14 BS) Sp Apprentice CCC&St L RR Belle- fount aine O (221 Floyd St Toledo O) *Defrees Fred Bradley (c eng 1895-7) d 1897 Indianapolis DeGARMO Charles (PhD (Halle) '86 Prof Mod Langs 111 St Nor U 1886-90 Prof Psychol & Ed U 111 1890-1 Pres Swarthmore Coll 1891-8 Prof Sc & Art Ed Cor U 1898-1914) Ret Cocoanut Grove Fla Degelman Mrs C F (see Nydegger Louise) Degen Albert Gustav (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 3533 Flora Av Kansas City Mo DeGraff Franc Marie (la 1901-2) Teach 1411 W Yakima Av N Yaki- ma Wash DeGroot Horace Edward (m eng 1915- ) 6556 Lafayette Av Chicago DeGroot Walter Charles (ag 1915- ) Stu 6556 Lafayette Av Chicago DeHart Myra Lois (la h sc 1915- ) 369 Franklin St Waukegan 111 dehn William Maurice (g 1900-3 PhD AB(Hope)'93 AM (do) '96 Instr Chem U 111 1903-7) Assoc Prof Chem 5027 15th Ave Seattle Deininger Fred August (acad 1910-11): Stock Peotone 111 Deiss William Charles (e eng 1911-15 BS) Eng Dept Curtiss Aeroplane Co 92 Bird Av Buffalo NY Deitrick Daniel (ag 1910-12 Also 111 Coll) Ag Concord 111 tDe La Fuente Jose Maria (ag 1913-14) Nadodares Coahuila Mex Delahunty Arthur Francis (la 1913- 14) Stu 111 Wes U 1431 N W r ater St Decatur 111 DeLancey Thomas Gunning (sp ag 1904-7 PhC(U 111 Sch Phar) '09) Chem 1605 Manhattan Bldg Chicago \Delaney Edward L (acad 1885-6) Ma- comb 111 Delano John Henry (la 1910-12) c/o CB&Q RR Princeton 111 Delano Rufus Judah (ag 1913 Also U Mo) Ag Eureka Mo DeLANY Clarence M (la 1905-9 AB CPA (111) '10 LLB(NW)'IO) Pub Acct Andersen DeLany & Co Harris Trust Bldg Chicago (5315 Magnolia Av) DeLany Russell Wetzel (eng 1913-14) Playground Dir 5315 Magnolia Av Chicago DeLay Mrs Elizabeth S (su 1914) Teach Box 369 Pawnee 111 164 DE LEON— DENNEY DeLeon J Velasquez (la 1905-6 Also P&S 1906-7 AB(Mo)'09 MD(NW) '10) Med Pres Prov Bd Health 222 Sails St Manila PI DeLeuw Charles Edmund (c eng 1908- 12 BS) C Eng 1810 Harris Trust Bldg Chicago tDelmege Maude (la 1907 Also U la) 1615 Arlington Av Des Moines la DeLong Alton George (acad 1902-3 sp la 1903-4) Cash Bk Foosland 111 DeLong Arthur Nelson (su 1909 Also Kazoo Coll) Prin Sch 138 Phelps Av Kalamazoo Mich DeLong Charley Townsend (ag 1913- 15) Ag Henning 111 \DeLong Mary (acad 1910-11) Ag Henning 111 DeLong Stanley (acad 1906-7) Auto Sales Foosland 111 DeLong Willard Earl (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu Foosland 111 tDelony Lawson Leonard (arch eng 1910-13) 2407 Louisiana St Little Rock Ark DeLue Jim Simon (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 5025 Grand Blvd Chicago Delzell Mayo Alexander (eng 1899- 1901) Acct 109 Orchard Lane Col- umbus O *Dement Charles S (sp a&d 1885-6) d Chestnut 111 Demerath LeRoy (m eng 1912-13) Draft 609 S Tremont St Kewanee 111 Deming Percy Corbus (arch eng 1894- 6) Amboy 111 Demitz Charles Henry (arch eng 1902- 5 Also Baltimore Poly) Mgr Sales Bank & Eighth St Baltimore tDemlow Lester Christopher (su 1912 Also Bradley Poly) c/o Paris Clean- ing Co 401 E White St Champaign 111 Demmbr John Edward (la 1906-10 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Teach 1060 Ma- ple St Kankakee 111 Demmitt Charles Raymond (sp c eng 1904-6 Also Rose Poly) Baseball Illiopolis 111 DeMott Irving Polhemus (acad 1906- 8 la com 1909-12 AB) R Est & L Box 136 Crookston Minn DeMotte Mrs (see Engel Meda) DeMotte Roy Van Liew (acad 1907-10 la com 1910-14 AB) Bus Mgr Crookston Minn IDeMotte Henry Claude (acad 1901-2) Urbana 111 DeMotte Roy James (sc 1898-1903 AB MD(Rush)'12) Med 1017 W Marquette Rd Chicago DeMotte Mrs R J (see Stevens Lucia A) DeMotte Ruby Thorne (Mrs B O Brown) (sc 1898-1902 AB g 1905-6 AM Asst Bot U 111 1906-8) Home 548 E 46th St N Portland Ore Dempesy John Stanley (la 1910-11) Bkpr 15341 Turlington Av Harvey 111 \Dempsey David Ralph (acad 1898- 1900) Armington 111 Dempsey John Patrick (c eng 1914- Also Canisius Coll) Stu 155 Lock- wood Av Buffalo Dempsey Ralph (la 1898-9 LL B(John Marshall) Law Pekin 111 Dempster Charles (m eng 1912-16) Mech 6215 Lexington Av Chicago \Dempster Robert Jr (acad 1908-10) Venice 111 Demuth Jack Erwin (c eng 1911-15 BS) 2644 Russell Av St Louis Denby Flora Alice (g 1911-12 PhB (Blackburn) '11) Teach 424 N High St Carlinville 111 Deneen Charles Samuel (Trustee 1905- 13 St Atty Cook Co 1896-1904 Gov 111 1905-13) Law 29 S La Salle St Chicago (457 W 61st PI) Deneen Dan (acad 1906-7) c/o St Louis Fish & Oyster Co (4150A Flad Av St Louis) Deneweth Amelia Elizabeth ( mus 1914- Also Kan Nor Tr Sch) Stu Box 13 Mt Clemens Mich \Denhan Miss John (acad 1903-4) Roekeport Mo Denhart William Bruce (la 1913-14) Jour 126 E Jefferson St Springfield 111 Deniek Milo Frank (eng 1913-15) Sales Box 151 Huntington W Va (806 Jefferson St Lockport 111) DENIO Herbert Williams (g la 1908- 10 AB(Middlebury)'88 AM (do) '91 BLS(NY St Lib Sch) J 94 Catg Libr U 111 1908-11) Ag R2 Concord NH Denison Irving Alson (ag 1914- ) Stu 711 Sixth St SE Washington Denison Mrs R R (see Crow Barbara) Denison Sidney Alexander (su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 1408 Bank St Keokuk la Denmead Mrs J L (see Kimball Ruth) Denne Alfred Eugene (acad 1901-3 la com 1903-5) Sp Repr Equit Life Ins Soc US 312-14 Newhouse Bldg Salt Lake City Denney Helen Ruth (mus 1911-13) At home 396 S Fourth St Aurora 111 DENNEY Joseph Villars (AB(Mich) AM ( do ) '85 Instr Engl U 111 su 1904) Prof Engl & Dean Coll Arts Philos & Sc Ohio St U 190 W 11th Av Columbus O DENNING— DEER 165 Denning Bertha Elizabeth (la 1906- 10 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 506 N School St Normal 111 Denning Harry (ag 1897-8 Also 111 Wes U) Ag LeRoy 111 *Denning Percy Corbus (sp 1894-6) d Amboy 111 Dennis Mrs C H (see Wilson Raehael) Dennis Charles Henry (la 1879-81 BL Hon MA '05) Mgr Edit Chgo Daily News 668 Irving Park Blvd Chicago *Dennis Herbert Wilson (ag 1909) d Dec 26 1909 Champaign 111 Dennis Mabel Evangeline (la 1911-13) Teach 514 S Second Av May wood 111 Dennis Rose Carolyn (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 823 Greenleaf Av Glencoe 111 Dennis Singleton Ash (su 1902) R Est 300 E Washington St Peoria 111 Dennis William Andrew (la 1906-7 AB(Harv)'ll) Ag Paris 111 DENNIS William Cullen (AB( Earl- ham) '96 AM(Harv)'98 LL B(do) '01 Asst Prof Law U 111 1902-4 Asst Prof Law LeStan U 1904-5 Adj Prof Col U 1905-6) Law The Alwyn 1882 Columbia Rd Washington Dennison Mrs (see Lamb Bertha) Dennison Charles Robert (sp arch 1895-6) M Eng 347 Grant St Youngstown O Denny Christina (Mrs C W Smith) (la 1902-5 AB lib 1907-8 BLS) Home 5033 21st Av NE Seattle Denny Mrs Josephine (la 1904-5 PhB (Lincoln) '57) Home Lincoln 111 Denny Maude Aroma (mus 1910-13 B Mus) Instr Piano U Nev 815 N Center St Reno Nev (Lincoln 111) Denny Mrs O T (see Canby Anna M) Denny Mrs P E (see Rompf Trean I) DENT John Adlum (g m eng 1911-13 '15- ME (Lehigh) '05) Instr M Eng U 111 1910-13) Assoc M Eng U 111 1913- 1103 W Illinois St Urbana III Dent Richard Wilmer (m eng Feb 1915- ) Stu 1103 Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Denton Ctfarles Allen (la 1875-6 Also Carthage Coll) Law Butler Mo DENTON George Bion (AB (Mich) '07 Asst Hist U Mich 1908-9 Asst Engl U 111 1909-10) Instr Engl NW U 2015 Orrington Av Evanston 111 Denton Gilbert Henry (m eng 1878- 80) Mfg Denver tDenton Herschel Palmer (sc 1913-14) Hamilton 111 Denton Orion Kent (m eng 1910-11) Impl Merc Hamilton IU_ denton William Wells (g 1907-9 AM '09-12 PhD AB(Mich)'07) Instr Math U 111 1912- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (811 Third Av De- troit) Denutz Charles Henry (arch eng 1902- 5 Also Baltimore Poly) Sales Mgr Bank & Eighth Sts Baltimore (2324 E Baltimore St) Denz Raymond Edward (la 1912- ) Stu 470 Ewing Av Decatur 111 Depke Edward Charles (acad 1904-6) Stagehand 202 New York St Dan- ville 111 Depke George Anslem (acad 1905-6) Bottling Wks 530 E Main St Dan- ville 111 Depler James Dean (sp ag 1907-10) Merc Lewistown 111 DePuy Jessie Maude (la 1902-6 AB BS(Millikin)'07) At home Raven 111 DePuy Orval Carl (acad 1900-1 la 1902-6 AB) Bus & Ag Raven 111 DeRamus Joseph S (com 1915- ) Stu 115 University St Peoria 111 t Derby Alice Greenwood (Mrs O E Carr) (lib 1903-4 AB PhB (Ohio) '01) Home Yellow Springs O Derby Francis Alvin (sp ag 1905-6) Ins & Bus Galva 111 Derby Grace Emily (lib 1905-7 AB (Western) '05 Asst Lib U 111 1906- 7) Libr Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan (810 Alabama St Lawrence Kan) Derby Harold James (arch eng 1910- 12) R Est 318-320 N Cicero Av Chi- cago (5040 Fulton St) Derby Harold Leslie (c eng 1913- Also U Pitt) Stu 715 N Franklin St Kirksville Mo DERBY Ira Harris (BS(Harv)'99 PhD (Chgo) '10 Instr Chem U 111 1900-1) Asst Chem U Minn 1913- 2157 Commonwealth Av St Paul Minn Derby Sylvester Randall (c eng 1911- 15) Coach Athl Lombard Coll Gales- burg 111 (Pine Creek Farm R7 Elk- hart Ind) Deremiah Charles Wesley (su 1914 Al- so Greenville Coll) St Elmo 111 derick Clarence George (g 1908-9 MS PhD '10 BS (Worcester Poly) '06 Asst Res Mass Tech 1906-7) Asst Prof Chem U 111 1907- 619 Indiana Av Urbana 111 Derleth Charles Paul (sc 1909-10) Chem 820 Summit Av East St Louis 111 Dernbach William Adam (acad 1905-8 e eng 1908-9) Eng 150 N Laporte Av Chicago (3610 S Morgan St) Derr Mrs H C (see Davis Caroline F) 166 DERR— DE VRIES Derr Harry Benjamin (ag 1901-5 BS) Co Agt & Agron Rl Fairfax Va Derr Harry Carl (ag 1909-11) Fruit Grower Stronach Mich Derr Mrs Leon E (see Lameson Ag- nes) Derrick Robert (eng 1902-4) Abstracts Aurora 111 ?Derrickson Emma Eliza (su 1899) Wales la Derrough Blanche (Mrs P T Bacon) (sp mus 1907-8) Home Rl Cham- paign 111 \Derrough Edward E (acad 1888-9) Champaign 111 t Derrough Orville John (acad 1897-8) Urbana 111 Derry Harrison Wiley (sp ag 1909-11) Teach Auburn 111 (R6 Springfield 111) Derry Herbert Glenn (acad 1907-9 e eng 1909-12 BS) Bus Mgr Vermont 111 Derwent Everett Foster (c eng 1902- 6 BS) Ag Rl Pecatonica 111 Desmonds John Joseph (e eng 1908-12 BS) E Eng 4323 Hazel Av Chicago (Woodstock 111) DeSwarte Clarence Gordon (e eng 1908-11 '13-15 BS) E Eng 1412 Edison Bldg c/o Sargent & Lundy Chicago (6220 Sangamon St) Detering Oscar Caspar (acad 1909-10 la 1911-15 AB) 3933 N 25th St St Louis DETLEFSEN John A (AB(Dart)'08 AM(Harv)'10 ScD(do)'12) Asst Prof Genetics & Chf Genetics Exp Sta U 111 1912- 916 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Detlefsen Mrs J A (see Atwell Ruth B) Detmers Fredericka (sc 1883-5 BS (Ohio St) '87 MS(do)'91 PhD(do) '12 ) Prof Bot Ohio St U 328 W 9th Av Columbus O *DETMERS H J (Lect Vet Sc U 111 1869-71) d Dec 11 1907 Columbus O Detmers Johanna H M (Mrs E L Hill) (sc 1870-2) Home 1315 Penna Av Columbus O Detmers Mamie (Mrs H M Lyman) (sp a&d 1884-5) Home 704 W 40th St Philadelphia Detrick Florence Jay (ag h sc 1914- 15) Stu N 111 St Nor 712 E Third St Sterling 111 Detrick Nellie Elizabeth (la 1897- 1901 AB) Teach 401 W Green St Champaign 111 Detroy Benjamin (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Rl Dexter Mo DeTURK Jeremiah Amos (m eng Feb 1915- BS(Penn St)'12) Instr Mach Shop U 111 706 W Green St Urbana 111 (600 Schuylkill Av Reading Pa) Detwiler Mrs (see Kelley Katheryne M) Deubler Wilbur Ray (e eng 1911-12) Acct 135 Linden Av Oak Park 111 Deuchler Gustavo Herman (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 364 Garfield Av Au- rora 111 Deuchler Walter Edward (c eng 1906- 10 BS) Mun Eng 365 Hardin Av Aurora 111 Deupree Mrs Wm J (see Simcox Min- nie T) Deutschman Fred John Jr (c eng 1900-4 BS) Consult Eng Belleville 111 Develde Harry Samuel (la 1899-1902 AB) Teach H Sch 5841 Nickerson Av Chicago Deveneau George Adams (lib 1914- PhB(Chgo)'12) Stu 808 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Sheridan 111) Devine Herbert (m eng 1910-14 BS) Stu Apprentice c/o Allis-Chalmers Mfg Co 6702 Greenfield Av Milwau- kee (404 N Main St Ishpeming Mich) Devine Mary Margaret (la 1904-7) 60 N Central Park Av Chicago Devine Robert Philip (c eng 1905-8) C Eng Chester 111 tDevine Roy James (c eng 1906-7) Chester 111 Devinna Lawrence Estill (acad 1905-6 BS(Mo)'10 Also U Ark) Ag R3 Versailles Mo Devinney Harry Gill (sp ag 1904-6) Ag Rl Charleston 111 Devlin John Lester (min eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 7125 Eggleston Av Chicago Devlin Julien Watter (com 1915- ) Stu 7125 Eggleston Av Chicago Devlin Thomas Alexander (c eng 1909- 10) M Eng Box 295 Assumption III Weyoe Charles E (acad 1886-7) Champaign 111 Devoe Ray Threadgold (m eng 1915- ) Stu 187 Benton St Freeport 111 Wevol Arthur W (acad 1886-8) Ot- terville 111 Devol Everett Roliand (e eng 1915- ) Stu Box 15 Cocoa Fla DeVol Mary Edson (Mrs P J Carter) (lib 1910-11 Also Ind U) Home Madison Wis DeVoss Frank Jr (su 1907) Ag & Dairy R2 _ Cameron 111 DE VRIES Louis (g ger 1910-12 AB (Central W«s) '07 AM(NW) '08 Al- DEVY— DEXTER 167 so U Berlin & Leipzig U 1908-9 Asst Ger U 111 1910-12) Instr Ger la St Coll 1017 Douglas St Ames la Devy Orrin Elmer (e eng 1910-11 Al- so U Colo) Min Victor Colo DeWall Lambert Claus (sp ag 1906-7) Seed Impl & Coals Gibson City 111 DeWall William Claus (sp ag 1906-7 Also Valparaiso U) Ag Proctor 111 Dewar Matthew Barr (e eng 1914-15) Surv El Harrisburg 111 Dewend Fred Robert (arch eng 1906- 12 BS) Contr 2028 Sixth Av Mo- line 111 DE WERFF Henry August (see Werff) Dewey Antoinette (Mrs Wm Snod- grass) (sp 1887-8) Home Neuva Geonna Isle Pines West Indies Dewey Charles Benjamin (la 1902-4) Bus Mgr Henry 111 Dewey Chester Robert (la 1904-8 AB law 1906-9 LL B) Law Homestead Aid Bldg Utica NY Dewey Elmer Clarence (la -1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 419 N First St Rockford 111 Dewey Etta Viola (Mrs Milo Elmore) la 1902-3) Home Mt Pulaski 111 *Dewey Florence Maria (la 1906-7) Chicago Dewey George F (acad 1889-90 e eng 1890-2 '93-4) City Eng 327 Eighth St Cairo 111 Dewey Helena (Mrs M C Harper) (acad 1881-2 la 1884-6 '87-8) Teach 2115 Sherman Av Evanston 111 tDewey Henry Eugene (sp ag 1900-1) Mazon 111 Dewey Herschel Henning (arch eng 1907-8) Adv Agt 393 Oak Av Aurora 111 Dewey Homer Harry (la 1902-6 AB) Grain Comm W W Dewey & Sons 217 N Glenwood Av Peoria 111 dewey Ida Belle (Mrs W E Johns) (la 1910-12 AM '14 AB (Rockford) '13) Home R6 Rockford 111 Dewey James Ansel (sc 1893-7 BS 1897-8 MS ag 1902-4 BS) Ag Rl Armstrong 111 Dewey Louise Sarah (Mrs T D Yen- sen) (la 1893-7 BS MS '99) Home 701 W Green St Urbana 111 *De\vey Ralph E (acad 1881-2 law 1884-8 BL) d Chicago Dewey Ritchie Park (la com 1911-13) Dewey Auto Co 419 N First St Rock- ford 111 Dewey Sidney Dale (1 1901-2) Ag Mendota 111 Dewey Vivian Persis (la 1911-14 AB Also NW U) Dancing Instr Kenosha Wis Dewey William Hovey (la 1908-12 AB) Grain Comm 26 Bd Trade Peoria 111 (119 N Elmwood Av) Dewhirst Harry Thomas (law 1904- 5 LL B) Law 14-15 Hubbard Blk Redlands Cal DeWitt Emma Ethel (h sc 1906-11 AB) Teach Villa Grove 111 Broad- lands 111) DeWitt Homer Roscoe (c eng 1904- 9 BS) c/o Field-Richardson Co 310 New Guardian Bldg Cleveland DeWitt Louise Elizabeth (la 1903-6 AB) Lit & Jour 22 Waiola Av La Grange 111 DeWolf Clare (la 1907-8 Also TJ Wis) Priv Sec 6454 Minerva Av Chicago DeWOLF Frank Walbridge (BS(Chgo) '03 Teach Physiog Morgan Park Acad 1904) Dir St Geol Surv U 111 1908- 1008 S Busey Av Urbana 111 DeWolf Mrs Fanny Davis (Mrs F W) (la 1907-8) Home 1008 S Busey Av Urbana 111 DeWolfe Lucy Leonora (la 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Assumption 111 DeWolfe Mary Estella (la 1911-14 AB) Teach 341 Center St Decatur 111 ^DeWolfe Roy (acad 1906-7) Lewis- ton 111 DEWSNUP Ernest Ritson (AB (Vic- toria) '95 AM (do) '00 Sikes Lect Econ Mun Tech Coll Huddersfield 1899- 1904) Prof Ry Adm U 111 1907- 912 W Hill St Champaign 111 Dewson John Reynolds (e eng 1908-10 Also Armour Inst) c/o Supt Ofc Nat Malleable Casting Co 26th St Chi- cago (42 E Schiller St) Dexter Clarence Luther (la 1903-4) R Est Bloomington 111 DEXTER Edwin Grant (PhB (Brown) '91 AM (do) '92 PhD (Col) '99 Prof Psych Colo St Nor Sch 1895-1900 Prof Ed U 111 1900-7 Comm Ed & Chancellor U Porto Rico 1907-12) Dir Instituto Nacional de Panama Pan- ama CZ Dexter Grace Ella (la 1906-11 AB su 1915) Teach 614 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Dexter Herbert C (la 1877-8) Lumber Merc Chenoa 111 Dexter Lulu Belle (la 1909-14 AB mus 1914-15 B Mus) Instr Violin 614 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Dexter Lydia (AB(01d Chgo) '84 Al- so NY St U) Libr U 111 Surv 1011 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (2920 Calu- met Av Chicago) Dexter Maud Harriet (Mrs J D Wood- worth) (sp la 1901-3) Home Augusta HI 168 DE YOUNG— DICKINSON DeYoung Harry Anthony (la 1911-12) Merc 1095 State St Chicago Dial Tully Smith (ag 1914-15) Stock Gageby Tex (Childress Tex) t Diamond Agnes (la su 1905) LaSalle 111 ?Diaz Waldemar Eamon (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-8 Also Nat Coll Buenos Ayres) Eanchos Argentina Dibble Sue (su 1913 Also Olivet Coll) EFD Aurora Ore Dibelka James Charles (la 1914- ) Stu 2331 S Lawndale Av Chicago Dibell Harry Charles (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu Wolcott Ind dibell Mabel (la 1911-13 AM AB(W Coll Worn) '10 AM(LeStan)'14) Instr Biol W Coll Worn Oxford O (Wol- cott Ind) Dick Carl Eankin (c eng 1903-7 BS Instr GED U 111 1907-9) Asst Eng c/o Decatur Bridge Co Decatur 111 Dick Clyde Danforth (la 1913-15) 11254 Watt Av Chicago Dick Cyrus (sp arch eng 1886-7) Join- er 11254 Watt Av Chicago Dick Elma Jane (Mrs W H Hickman) (sp mns 1907-8 Also 111 Wom's Coll) Home Paris 111 Dick George Frederick Jr (sp c eng 1904-6 Also 111 Wes U) Law 705 E Walnut St Bloomington 111" Dick Mrs G F (see Marsh Helen Aletha) Dick Harry Kimball (acad 1906-8 arch eng 1908-14 BS) Supt Bldg Constr 705 E Walnut St Blooming- ton 111 Dick Mary Claudine (Mrs W E Boyer) (sp mus 1900-1) Home Beebe Ark Dick Willis Elmer (chem eng 1911-12) Clk 1100 State St Quincy 111 Dick. Mrs W E (see Anderson Lillian Jean) Dicke Otto Arthur (c eng 1904-8 BS Also St Louis Man Tr Sch) Arch 1909 Herbert St St Louis Dickenson Eichard J (mun eng 1890- 4 BS Also Eureka Coll) Mfg Eur- eka 111 *Dickenson Mrs E J (see Brown Katherine) Dickenson Eobert William (ag 1907- 12 BS) Asst Soil Physics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1912- Urbana 111 (E10 Paris 111) tDiCKERSON Earl Burrus (la 1911-14 AB) 3134 Forest Av Chicago DickersOn George Hamm (acad 1898- 1900 m eng 1899-1903 BS) Contr & Eng Sec Nehring & Hanson Co 6049 Kimbark Av Chicago Dickerson Guy Leon (su 1915 Also Millikin U) Teach 404 N Oakland Av Decatur 111 Dickerson Ira Wilmer (e eng 1905-9 BS su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U Asst Ag Mech U 111 1909-11 Instr do 1911-13) Assoc Farm Mech U 111 1913- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Dickerson Oliver Morton (la 1901-3 AB g 1903-4 AM '04-6 PhD Also Harv U 1904-5 Asst Hist U 111 su 1906) Teach 550 W King St Winona Minn Dickerson Euth Elizabeth (la 1910-11 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Mahomet 111 Dickey Clarence Earl (e eng 1911-12) Lineman 409 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Dickey Cromwell Bartlett (sc 1901-5 BS) Chem Eng 707 Cramer St Mil- waukee Dickey Howard Augustus (ag 1910-11) Ag Argenta 111 Dickey- James Harvey (sc 1894-8 BS DDS(NW) '14) Stu Dental Sur 421 Powers Bldg Decatur 111 Dickey Leslie A (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Atkinson 111 Dickey Lloyd Blackwell (g zool 1915- AB(Fargo)'15) Stu Esmond SD Dickey Eoy Ninnian (ry eng 1908-9 Also Pur U) City Electr South Bend Ind Dickey Euby (ag 1912-13) Teach Sparta 111 Dickey Wilford Lyle (acad 1909-11) 404 E Front St Bloomington 111 Dickhaut Otto (su 1903-9 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Mascoutah 111 Dickhut Eoger Milton (arch 1901-3 BS(Penn)'07 Instr Arch Design U 111 1911-12) Arch 6029 Jefferson St Philadelphia *Dickhut Sherrill Edward (arch eng 1912-14) d Oct 1914 Quincy 111 Dickinson Frank H (acad 1882-3 la 1883-5) Ag 398 S 12th St San Jose Cal Dickinson Garnett Leo (mus 1910-12) Teach Mus Sidell 111 Dickinson Grace (Mrs C J Mitchell) (acad 1888-9 la 1889-91) Home 888 Schiller PI Beloit Wis Dickinson Harry Stanton (sp man tr su 1903 PhB(Ia Ag) '02) Head Exper Dept Moline Plow Co Moline 111 Dickinson Jacob McGavock (Hon LL D'05 AM(Nashville)'72 LL D(Col) '05 Asst Atty Gen US 1895-7 Consul for US Alaskan Boundary Case) Law Nashville Tenn t Dickinson James Lewis (acad 1895) DICKINSON— DIGBY 169 Kockville 111 Dickinson Maud Eva (Mrs F C Hughes) (la 1909-11) Home S 1618 Tacoma St Spokane Wash Dickinson Nelle Major (Mrs J S Chenoweth) (h se 1904-8 BS Asst H Sc U 111 1909-11) Home 1418 Euc- lid Av Philadelphia Dickinson Eobert Guest (sp ag 1905-7 Also Eureka Coll) Ag Eureka 111 Dickinson Ruth Marguerite (Mrs C D White) (h sc 1910-13) Home 1315 Oakland Av Indianapolis *Dickirson James K (Trustee 1903-5 Pres St Bd Ag 1903-7 Sec do 1907-14) d Feb 3 1916 (Lawrenceville 111) Dickman Charles Carl (su 1909 Also 111 St Nor U) Auto Chillicothe 111 Dicks Mrs Eobert A (see Ballard Jean- nette) \Dickson Clarence S (acad 1910-11) Fithian 111 Dickson Floyd Harry (acad 1901-3 la com 1903-4) Ry Mail Clk Hampshire 111 Dickson George Thornton Frances (sc 1912-13 Also Harv U) Stu Gordon Inst Boston 2751 Walnut St St Louis Dickson Gerald Edgar (la 1914- ) Stu Hampshire HI ?Dickson Helen Sarah (lib 1902-3 '04- 6 Also NW U) Gilman 111 Dickson Lawrence Evans (la 1915- ) Stu 5211 Kenmore Av Chicago Dickson Eolland Oscar (sp ag 1899- 1900 Also Emmanuel Mission Coll) Poultry & Bee Keeping El La Harpe 111 DIDCOCT John J (PhB(Wooster) '05 MS(do)'08 MA(Col)'14) Asst H Sch Visitor U 111 1914- 505 S Pine St Champaign 111 Diebold Ealph Edgar (sp c eng 1905-8 acad 1908-9) Asst Eng 266 Main St Hackensack NJ Dieckmann Thomas Wilbur (la com 1910-15 AB Act Asst Dir Eng Exp Sta U 111) Edit c/o 111 St Highway Dept 707 E Cook St Springfield 111 TDiederichs Hans Otto (c eng 1907-8) 1504 Humbold Blvd Chicago Dieffenbach Arthur Garfield (m eng 1900-4 BS) Tel Eng Western Electr Co 336 S Madison Av Chicago (La Grange 111) Dieffenbacher Martha Mitchell (su 1910 . &'12&'13 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 124 S Orange St Havana 111 Diehl Charles Stoneburger (sp ag 1905- 6) Ag Ipava 111 Diehl Lloyd Millard (ag 1914-15) Ag Mt Morris 111 Dien William Arthur (la 1870-2) Law Golden Colo Diener Walter Gustav (e eng 1900-4) Cut Stone Contr 1157 W 21st St Chi- cago Diener Wayne Eufus (e eng 1907-11) Ey Clk Havard 111 Dieserud Helge Christopher (eng 1914- ) Stu 216 Indiana Av NE Washington Diesterweg Charles Lewis (acad 1877- 8 m eng 1878-9) Pres LaSalle Sav Bk & Trust Co LaSalle 111 Dieter Charles Foster (chem eng 1906- 8 BS Also U Colo) Chem Western Elect Co 3200 Harvard St Chicago tDieterich Edgar Lucius (la 1911-12) 201 S Lincoln Av Aurora 111 *Dieterich William Frederick (acad 1894-5) d Sandwich 111 Dieterle Edward August (la 1900-4 BS) Chem 3502 Meridean Av Seat- tle Dietiker Edward (ag 1914-15) Green- ville 111 Dietmeier Clarence Eichard (la 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu Winslow 111 Dietmeier Homer Eay (la 1914- ) Stu Winslow 111 Dietmeyer Leslie Eaymond (acad 1903- 4) Wadsworth 111 ?Dietrich Benjamin Henry (la 1904-9 AB) 353 Pender St W Vancouver BC Dietrich Erma Lorena (com 1915- ) Stu Center St Bremen Ind Dietrich Harry (com 1915- ) Stu Mason City 111 Dietrich Mrs Matilda (Mrs Wm) (sp mus 1903-5 Also U Wis) Home Crookston Minn Dietrich Owen Harold (la com 1911) Merc & Ag Bremen Ind Dietrich Eufus Samuel (1 1905-10 LL B) Law Vancouver BC *dietrich William (ag 1904-6 MS BSA(Wis)'99 Instr Swine Husb U 111 1903-7 Asst Prof & Asst Chf do 1907-12) d Crookston Minn Dietz Charles Louis (su 1894 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Highland 111 Dietz John Wamser (m eng 1914-15 com 1915- Also Western Mil Acad) Stu 308 N Eichland St Belleville 111 Dietzer Alice Margaret (h sc 1911-15 AB) Teach H Sch Morris 111 (333 S Ashland Av LaGrange 111) Diffenbaugh Harry (la 1879-82) Grain 504 Board Trade Bldg Kansas City Mo Digby Alice (Mrs L E Stockbarger) (la 1886-7) Home 6703 Alabama Av 170 DIGBY— DILLON St Louis Digoy Arthur (acad 1887-8 Also Wash- StL U) Law 915 Olive St St Louis Diggins Gordon (la 1915- ) Stu 406 Church St Harvard 111 Diggins Ealph Clayton (e eng 1904-6 Also U Mich) Athl Dir Harvard 111 Diggs Charles Henry (ag 1912-14 Al- so Grinnell Coll) Land Arch 2106 F St NW Washington Dighton Andrew J (g engl 1915- ) Stu Monticello 111 *Dighton John N (la 1873-5) d June 4 1911 Monticello 111 * Dighton John Netherton Jr (acad 1899-1901) d May 5 1911 Monticel- lo 111 Dighton Samuel Eeed (la 1903-4 AB (Mich) '07 LL B(Yale)'ll) Law Savannah Ga Dighton William (acad 1892-4) Ag & Bnk Monticello 111 Dikis Alfred (ag 1913- Also 111 Coll) Stu Waverly 111 Dill Arthur William (acad 1892-4) Ag Red Lick Miss tDill Cora Eva (lib 1900-1 BS(Ia Wes)'92) 307 E Madison St Mt Pleasant la tDill James Monroe (1 1909-10) 120 E First St Belleville 111 Dill William (acad 1894-5 eng 1895- 9) Arch 605 St Nat Bk Bldg Little Rock Ark Dillavou Charles Elmer" (com 1915- ) Stu 305 W Washington St Cham- paign 111 Dillavou Essel Ray (la 1911-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu 305 W Washington St Champaign 111 Dillavou John Milford (acad 1901-2 la 1902-5 AB) Coal & Bldg Supply 304 W Healy St Champaign 111 Dillavou Olive Anna (Mrs A F Ham- mersmith) (sp la 1901-2) Home Sa- voy 111 Dillavou Roscoe Clarke (la 1907-11 AB law 1911-13 JD) Law 339 Stapleton Bldg Billings Mont Dille Charles Ernest (sp ag 1900-1) Vet 2601 Park Av Cairo 111 Dille Lavina Faye (h sc 1912-14) Stenog H Sc U 111 1915 1113 Arbor St Champaign 111 (Grand Ridge 111) Dillehunt Richard Benjamin (sc 1904- 6 MD (Rush) '10) Asst Dean Med Dept U Ore Mortonia Hotel Port- land Ore DILLENBACK Lemuel Cross (BA (Carnegie Inst) '13 MA(do) '14) Instr Arch Design U 111 1915- 711 Green St Urbana 111 (Cobleskill NY) Diller Harold Francis (la 1914- Al- so Chgo Coll Med) Stu Rantoul 111 Dillin Robert B (acad 1881-2) Ag Deland 111 Dilling Mary Margaret (Mrs R R Boudrye) (sp mus 1908-9 Also 111 Worn Coll) Home 1503 Olive Av Omaha Neb Dilling Mrs (see Kirkpatrick Lizzie) Dillinger Harry (sp ag 1903-5 Also S 111 St Nor) Livery Stable Carbon- dale 111 Dillman Larry Vernon (ag 1910-11 Also Ewing Coll) Ag Louisville 111 Dillon Absolem W (la com 1875-6) Ag Dolores Cal Dillon Bessie (Mrs G L Shaw) (ag h sc 1904-8 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Home 1107 State St Beardstown 111 Dillon Chester Charles (sc 1909-13 AB) Dir Athl Wes U Mitchell SD (Brookings SD) tDillon Claire Dodge (sc 1911-12 Al- so 111 St Nor U) 801 Hester Av Nor- mal 111 fDillon Clare Elizabeth (ag h sc 1909- 10) 10801 Prospect Av Morgan Park 111 IDillon Edna Ethel (sp mus 1902-3 su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Scottland 111 Dillon Edna Leila (Mrs L D Mosi- man) (la 1903-7 AB) Home Morton 111 Dillon Edward Leland (acad 1905-6 ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Harmon 111 Dillon Mrs Edward L (see Cooper Hazel K) *Dillon Elizabeth Loretta (su 1899) d Dec 8 1906 La Salle 111 Dillon Elmer Clark (m eng 1905-6) Estimator 1306 W Church St Cham- paign 111 Dillon Fred Paul (m eng 1902-6 BS) Asst Supt Lighthouse Serv 107 Huger St Charleston SC Dillon Mrs F P (see Scott Miriam E) Dillon Gertrude Sempill (la 1898-1901 AB) Teach Estacada Ore fDillon Harvey Gere (sc 1896-7) Lud- low 111 *Dillon Jessie Marion (Mrs W K An- derson) (la h sc 1905-7) d Jan 13 1911 Chicago Dillon Lee Amos (la 1904-6 '07-9 AB) Teach 331 Jefferson St Port- land Ore (Estacada Ore) Dillon Mertie May (Mrs F I Blair) (la 1901-4 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Home Box 1 Normal 111 Dillon Owen O'Neil (sp law 1912-14 Also St Louis U) 1707 College Av E DILLON— DIXON 171 St Louis 111 (Shipman 111) Dillon Robert Martin (m eng 1904-6) Dep Co Surv Vermilion Co 214 Rob- inson St Danville 111 Dillon Roy Hodgson (e eng 1895-7 '99- 1901 BS Also 111 St Nor U) E Eng e/o Mex Northern Power Co Cindad Comargo Chihuhua Mexico (404 Broadway Normal 111) Dillon Ruth Lillian (sp la 1900-1 '03- 4 Also Nat Kinderg Coll 1909 & U Neb 1912-13) Teach Salem Ore (Estacada Ore) *Dillon William Henry (acad 1890-1 arch eng 1893-5 BS) d June 19 1908 Seattle Dillon William Wagner (la 1894-8 AB) Ag Estacada Ore Dillon Mrs William Wagner (see Ko- foid Nellie I) *Dillow Daniel J (sp 1870-1) d Mav 26 1914 Dongola 111 Billow Guy Garland (acad 1901-2) Drug Anna 111 dlllow Ray Maxwell (g econ 1909-10 AM AB (Lombard) '09) Clk Box 726 Edmonton Alta Can Dillow Rooney Samuel (acad 1901-2 Also S 111 St Nor) Ins Dongola 111 dills Eve Idelle (la 1898-9 g econ 1909-10 AM) Decatur HI Dilworth James Russell (ag 1910-13 BS Also Knox Coll) Ag Table Grove 111 Dimmitt Lena Atilia (su 1910 Also 111 St Nor U) Bkpr Griggsville 111 Dimmitt LeNoir (lib 1914-15 AB(Tex) '11) Asst U Tex Lib 808 W 22nd St Austin Tex *Dimon Jacob V (la 1872-4) d Cres- ton 111 Dingledine Ira Wilbur (sc 1911-12 '14-15 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Prin H Sch 421 Peoria Av Peoria HI *DINWIDDIE William A (2d Lieut 8th US Cav 1868 U 111 Commandant 1877-80) d Nov 4 1901 Palmyra Wis Dinwiddle Edwin (acad 1886-7 m eng 1887-90) M Eng Chge Eng Dept Nassau Plant Mineral Point Zinc Co Depue 111 Dinwiddle Elizabeth (Mrs W W Shea) (acad 1896-7 la 1897-9) Home 5248 Shafter Av Oakland Cal Dinwiddle Virginia (Mrs C E Piper) (acad 1894-5 sc 1895-9 BS) Home 1254 Tenth Av San Francisco Dippell Carl Bush (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 188 Carroll St Freeport 111 Dippell Ralph Ellsworth (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 188 Carroll St Free- port 111 Dirks Bernhard Ernst George (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Arch 1166 Diversey Pky Chicago Dirks Henry Bernhard (eng 1900-4 BS g 1904-5 ME Asst Eng Exp Sta U 111 1905-8 Instr M Eng do 1908- 10) Instr Eng Draw & Mach Design 24 Mercer St Princeton NJ Dirks Hugo Bernhard (e eng 1913-14) Test Dept Pub Serv N 111 1166 Diversey Pky Chicago (Wohnrenster 78 Koetzsehenbrode Dresden Germany) Dirks Mrs H B (see Breckenridge Blanche F) Dirst Paul Kenneth (ag 1913-14) Ag Minooka 111 Dirst Wendell Fletcher (sp ag 1912- 13) Bk Clk Minooka 111 Disbrow Iva Belle (acad 1900-2 la 1903-4) Teach 3836 Rokeby St Chi- cago (Box 323 Huntley 111) Disosway Charles Wilbur (sp ag 1910- 12) Ag Sheldon 111 Disosway Dan Strife (la 1904-5) Mgr Grain Elev Milford HI Disosway Marks Deems (m eng 1903- 8 BS) Foreman Fulton Co 227 Third St Knoxville Tenn ditchy Jay Karl (g 1911-13 AM AB (Mich) '11 Instr Rom Langs U 111 1911-13) Instr Rom Langs Ohio St U Columbus O (1249 E 99th St Cleveland) Ditewig George Bocock (com 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 221 Fre- donia Av Peoria 111 Dittman Chester Alada (com 1915) Asst Bkpr Ohio Oil Co Bridgeport 111 (1308 Washington St Lawrence- ville 111) fDittmer Harry Leroy (sp 1907-9 arch eng 1909-10) 929 Ash St Spokane Wash Divan Walter Rutledge (acad 1900-3) Burr Oak 111 Dix Mrs (see Wolfe Edna M) *Dix Charles Julius (la 1906-7) d Aug 17 1907 Girard 111 Dix Earl Joseph (e eng 1911-15 BS) 72 W Adams St Chicago (Marseilles 111) Dix Ruth Mabel (la h sc 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 2220a Red Beech Av St Louis Dixon Clifford Harrison (g hist Feb 1916- AB( 111 Coll) '16) Stu 410 W High St Urbana 111 Dixon Frank Eugene (e eng 1902-6 BS) E Eng Tel Eng 1852 S Ham- lin Av Chicago Dixon Guy (e eng 1905-8 Also NW 172 DIXON— DODDS U) Ag 1852 S Hamlin Av Chicago Dixon Harriet B (su 1913 Also 111 St Nor U) Havana 111 t Dixon Hewitt Smith (e eng 1895-7) Kankakee 111 Dixon Horace W (acad 1877-8) Ashe- ville NC Dixon Ira Allen (1 1909-12) Tel Union- town Ky (Kentland Ind) tDixoN Nellie Mabel (la 1903-7 AB) 209 E Bridge St Streator 111 Dixon Noah Matheny (la com 1907-11 AB) Bonds & Mort 825 S Sixth St Springfield 111 Dixon Ealph Scott (la 1915- Also Vincennes L) Stu 25 E Locust St Vincennes Ind DIXON Eaymond Ephraim (g engl 1914- AB(Wis)'09 AM(do)'13 Al- so Eipon 1905-7) Asst Engl U 111 1914- Dalton Wis Dixon Mrs EL (see Mourning Mar- tha E) Dixon Mrs S W (see Ludden Louise) Dixon Wilbur James (ry m eng 1907- 10 BS Also Syr U) Ey M Eng 314 Edward St Waterloo la Doak Cranston Homer (ag 1915 Also Knox Coll) Stu Stronghurst IU Doak Mrs Hugh (see Cayton Mildred M) doan Frances Elizabeth (g la 1910-11 AM AB (Butler) '07 Also U Chgo) Teach Greencastle Ind (Westfield Ind) *Doane Edwin Gray (m eng 1883-5) d Feb 27 1885 Champaign 111 Doane Edith Shankland (sp h sc 1910- 11) At home 417 Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 Doane Harry Allan (e eng 1908-12 BS) Constr Lake Geneva Wis (120 E High St Sycamore 111) Doane Harry Charles (la 1911-13) Stu U la Newton la Dobbins Donald Claude (la 1895-6 Al- so Geo Washington U 1906) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg Champaign 111 Dobbins Ethel Irene (Mrs W E Samp- son) (acad 1895-6 la 1900-2 AB) Home 403 S Seventh St Springfield 111 Dobbins John Alexander (m eng 1905- 9 Also Coe Coll) Ag Pleasant Plains 111 Dobbins Lester Charles (acad 1895-6 la 1896-9) Grain Broker 827 Penn Av Kansas City Mo Dobbins Verne Foster (acad 1908-11 e eng 1911-15 BS) E Eng 1869 70th St Cleveland (708 W Church St Champaign HI) Dobell Eoy Herbert (arch eng 1908-9 AB(DePauw) '98) Arch Corvallis Ore *Dobson Franklin P (c eng 1871-5 BS) d Aug 25 1906 Dobson Frank Mill (su 1915 Also Prin U) 2310 Floyd Av Eichmond Va Dobson Frederick H (sp ag 1886-8) Ag Cerro Gordo 111 Dobson Mrs Geo E (see Holcomb Bes- sie) Dobson Locke Landis (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Cerro Gordo 111 Dobson Mary Helen (mus 1910-11 ag h sc 1911-12) PO Clk Elburn 111 t Dobson Philip Harry (sp ag 1901-2) Cerro Gordo 111 *Dobson Susan Ann (Mrs Fielders) (sp 1873-5) d Minonk 111 Docker William Frederick (c eng 1902- 4 Also Lewis Inst) Law 817 Griffitn- MacKenzie Bldg Fresno Cal (350 Park Ay) Docker Mrs Frederick (see Bean Elsie M) Dockum Clara Towelle (la 1908-9) Arch 1031 N Seventh St Springfield 111 DODD Edward Lewis (AB(W Ees) '97 AM(do)'01 PhD(Yale)'04 Instr Math U la 1904-6 do U 111 1906-7) Instr Math U Tex 1907- 1206 Guad- alupe St Austin Tex Dodd Eoy E (sp law 1904-6) Teach & Gov c/o Jones Acad Hartshorne Okla Dodd Townsend Foster (e eng 1903-7 BS EE'15) Ofc Mil Aviator c/o Signal Aviation Corps San Diego Cal Dodd Thomas Leo (su 1915) Teach H Sch Vienna 111 (E4 (44) Eldora- do 111) DODD Walter Fairleigh (AB(Fla St) '98 BS( Stetson) '01 PhD(Chgo)'05 Ees JHopk 1908-10 Assoc Pol Sc U 111 1910-11 Asst Prof do 1911-15) Prof Pol Sc U Chgo 1915- Chicago Dodds Donald Chambers (la com 1914- ) Stu 622 W Hill St Champaign 111 Dodds Effie Floss (Mrs L E Tucker) (acad 1895-6) 703 S State St Cham- paign 111 Dodds Eva (-la 1910-14 AB Also U Wis 1914-15) At home 622 W Hill St Champaign 111 Dodds George (e eng 1895-9 BS) E Eng 10 Stanwix St Albany NY Dodds Joseph Chambers (la 1882-6 BL MD(NW)'89 Also U Mich 1886-8) St Med Dir Mod Woodman Amer Sec & Treas Twin City I&C Storage Co Champaign 111 Dodds Josephine (la 1913- ) Stu DODDS— DOLAN 173 622 Hill St Champaign 111 Dodds Lois Ellen (la 1912- ) Stu 205 E Green St Champaign 111 Dodds Marie Marguerite (Mrs P J Haldeman) (h se 1910-13) Home 411 Quincy St San Antonio Tex (205 E Green St Champaign 111) Dodge Adiel Yeaman (ry m eng 1911- 12 Also Armour Inst) Inventor Hotel Windermere Chicago Dodge Astrid Von Moth (la 1915- ) Stu 806 W Green St Champaign 111 Dodge Bertha Alma (Mrs H L Piper) (lib 1901-3 BLS) Westminster Vt DODGE Daniel Kilham (AB(Col)'84 AM(do)'95 PhD(do)'96) Prof Engl Lang & Lit U 111 1892- 806 W Green St Champaign 111 tDodge Douglas Raymond (arch eng 1909-10 Also Lewis Inst) Glen Ellyn 111 DODGE Fred Herbert (AB(Yale)'84 Dir Gym Bates Coll 1888-9 Dir Gym Bangor Me 1889-94 Dir Gym & Instr Athl IT 111 1894-6 Dir Gym Rutgers Coll 1896-1901) Prof Phys Tr Rut- gers Coll 1901- 116 Hamilton St New Brunswick NJ Dodge Hovey Warsdell (e eng 1912-13 c eng 1913-15) Mgr Dept Stock Room c/o Kellogg Switch Board Co 4333 El- lis Av Chicago Dodge Margaret Rapelje (la 1912-14) At home 806 W Green St Champaign 111 Dodson Frank (sul907&M0 BS (Val- paraiso) '04) Ag & Teach Rl Colli- son 111 Dodson Kate (Mrs A Walkins) (sp 1873-4) * Home 406 N State St Cham- paign 111 Dodson Mattie May (sp mus 1908-9) At home R12 Urbana 111 Dodson Mrs Olive Myrtle (su 1907 Al- so Valparaiso U) Home Collison 111 Doe Weastell Taylor (la 1914- Also Greenville Coll) Stu 214 S Prospect St Kent O Doeden Frederick Hugo (la 1901-4 AB AM (Col) '11) Teach Cape Girardeau Mo Doeden Nellie Render (su 1914 Also Eureka Coll) 513a Themis St Cape Girardeau Mo fDoellinger Francisco Pastor (sp ag 1901-3) Buenos Ayres Argentine SA tDoemling Leo William (m eng 1911- 14) 54 W 113th St Chicago Doepel Robert F (min eng 1915- ) Stu 1400 Shelby Av Mattoon HI tDoering Chase (la 1880-2) Central City 111 fDoering Henry L (sc 1878-9) Cen- tral City 111 *Doering Otto L (la 1877-80) d 1887 St Louis Doerr Clarence Leo (ag 1914- ) Stu 1311 E 53rd St Chicago Doerr Harold Francis (arch eng 1909- 13 BS) Arch Eng Doerr Bros Ste- ger Bldg Chicago (5210 Cornell Av) Doerr Robert John (arch eng 1905-8) Struct Draft 6016 St Lawrence Av Chicago Doerr William Philip (arch eng 1905- 9 BS) . Arch 643 E 50th PI Chicago Doerscher Willis Harry (eng 1914- ) Stu 1411 Winona Av Chicago Doherty Chester Cochran (la 1915- ) Stu Clay City 111 Dohertv Everett Haisley (ag 1914-15 Also" U Wis) Asst U Minn 2334 Como Av St Paul Minn (R21 Fair- mount Ind) Doherty Francis Laurence (ag 1912- 13) 404 E Oregon St Urbana 111 Doherty Mrs Grace (su 1915 Also Earlham Coll) Teach & Home Minn- eapolis (Carthage Ind) Doherty Margaret Isabella (mus 1913- 15 B Mus la 1915) Teach Mus 404 E Oregon St Urbana 111 Doherty Mary Gertrude (la 1904-8 AB g 1908-9 AM) Hist Clk U 111 404 E Oregon St Urbana 111 Doherty Robert Ernest (acad 1904-5 e eng 1905-9 BS) Design Eng Gen Elec Co Schenectady NY (Clay City 111) Doherty Robert Kerr (arch eng 1908- 12) Arch 144 Pacific Av Detroit (708 Fremont Av Morris 111) Doherty Walter Harry (e eng 1905-6) Merc 109 S Seventh St Terre Haute Ind Doherty Wilfred Moran (la 1908-9 law 1909-12 LL B) Law 518 Home Ins Bldg Chicago (116 W Main St St Charles 111) Dohren Henry Richard (m eng 1904-6 BS(Wash) '08) Teach 2411 S Cali- fornia Blvd Chicago Doisy Edward Adelbert (sc 1910-14 BS g 1914-15) Stu Harv Med Sch 1915- 1003 S Third St Champaign 111 Dolan Burtis John (arch eng 1911-12) Broker 818 68 W Monroe St Chicago Dolan Charles Mark (acad 1901-2 e eng 1902-7) Tel Eng Western Elec Co Colonial Apts Berwyn 111 Dolan James Leo (ag 1913- ) Stu 512 Daniel St Champaign 111 Dolan John James (acad 1910-11 e eng 1911-12 Also Armour Inst) Chf 174 DOLAN— DONALDSON Eng Ohio Serv Co Coshocton O (336 S River St Coolridge Pa) Dolan Joseph Cuthbert (su 1915 Also Armour Inst) Teach H Sch Adel la (1516 N Kedzie Av Chicago) Dolan William John (acad 1894-6 law 1897-1900 LL B Also St Viateur's Coll) Law 13 Main St Champaign 111 Dolandson William Henry (eng 1913- 14) R Est 405 S Center St Joliet 111 Dolbeer Percy Duane (c eng 1905-7) C Eng 11542 State St Chicago Wolder Lena Josephine (acad 1896-7) 301 S Wright St Champaign 111 Dole Arthur Lucian (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) E Eng EC&M Co 6625 Ridgeville St Pittsburgh Dole Mrs A L (see Mohr Esther C) Dole Charles E (acad 1879-81) Pur- chasing Ofc Alaskan Eng Comm 421 Port of Seattle Bldg Seattle (Mat- toon 111) Dole Ethel Mary (h sc 1912-15 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Col U Man- teno 111 tDole Frank Dexter (gen 1868-9) R2 Lawton Okla Dole Ira Burton (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-11 BS) Asst Foreman c/o Fed- eral Creosoting Co Patterson NJ tDole Joseph Colley (sp ag 1902-3) Mattoon 111 Dole Laura Emily (mus 1913- ) Stu Manteno 111 Dole Leslie Abijah (e en12 Also U Wis) Asst Flor Chem U 111 1914- 907 S Sixth St Champaign 111 (Eureka 111) English Mrs B C (see Benjamin Louise P) fEnglish Edith Mary (Mrs Engel) (su 1907) Home Eockwell City la English Edward Cary J r (arch 1898 1902 BS) Contr 715 W Church St Champaign 111 English Eula Mae (Mrs W H Grone- meur)(la h sc 1905-8 Also 111 Wes U) Home S Mercer Av Blooming- ton 111 English Frank (m eng 1914- ) Stu Mine Eescue Sta Springfield 111 * English Fred Walter (acad 1907-9) d 1910 Champaign 111 English Hubert Morton (sc 1910-14 AB) Stu Harv U 81 Fenwood Ed Boston English Inez Josephine (Mrs C E Lis- ton)(g 1908-9 AM AB(I11 Wes) '08) Home Bloomington 111 English Jesse Thomas (acad 1901-4 c eng 1904-8 BS) C Eng Independ- ence Kan English Lloyd Hayden (acad 1910-11 sc 1911- •) Stu 29 E 49th St Chi- cago "English Nathaniel (e eng 1887-8) d 1898 Colo English Eobert Wallace (ag 1914-15 Also 111 Wes U) Ag E2 Blooming- ton 111 (909 W Taylor St) Engquist Theodore Magnus (c eng 1902-3) Mfg 857 King PI Chicago Engstrom Charles Ludwig (mun eng 1906-8) Bus Mgr 210 Main St Peoria 111 Engstrom Ella Victoria (Mrs W M Cooley)(sc 1898-1900) Home 1212 N Monroe Av Peoria 111 Engstrom Eoy Victor (mun eng 1900- 4 BS Asst Eng Exp Sta U 111 su 1904 Instr T&AM U 111 1905-7 Assoc T&AM U 111 1907-9 Asst Prof T& AM 1909-10) C Eng 1130 Henry Bldg Seattle Eninger Frederick Burton (acad 1907- 9) Ag Middle Inlet Wis (E2 Cham- paign 111) Eninger Helen Marie (acad 1909-10 mus 1910-12 la 1912-15) Arthur 111 Eninger Keith Gurber (acad 1910-11) Ag Middle Inlet Wis (Bement 111) tENLOW Lena (Mrs Samuel Silver- ENLOWS— ERICKSON 197 man) (la 1904-6 AB'07 Also U Chgo) Home San Bernardino Beach Cal Enlows Mrs Paul Alexander (see Math- ers Effie A) Ennis Callistus James (la com 1910- 14 AB) Broker & R Est 79 W Mon- roe St Chicago (1437 Pratt Blvd) t Ennis George Harris (sp chem 1898- 9) Decatur 111 ENO Arthur Llewellyn (AB (Brown) '95 AM(Vt)'99 AM(Harv)'01 Asst Rhet Brown U 1895-6 Master Latin Vt Acad 1896-8 Instr Engl & Ger U Vt 1898-1900 Instr Engl U Tex 1902- 4 Instr Rhet U 111 1904-8) Asst Prof Eng Pa St Coll 145 N Ather- ton St State College Pa Eno Frank Harvey (c eng 1887-91 BS CE'94) Prof Mun Eng Ohio St U Columbus O (222 16th Av) Eno Imle L (acad 1896-7 sp m eng 1897-8) Bus Mgr 741 Fifth St San Diego Cal tENO Sarah Wooster (la 1906-8 AB Also U Tex) Charlotte Vt Enochs Claude Douglas (e eng 1894- 8 BS) Constr Eng & Patent Atty 506 Commerce Bldg St Paul Minn Enochs Delbert Riner (la 1894-8 AB law 1900-3 LL B) Law & R Est 618 W Clark St Champaign 111 Enochs Mrs D R (see McWilliams Nellie L) Enos Charles W (ag 1870-1 Also Homeop Med Coll Mo 1874) Med 203 Mark St Denver (841 Washington Av) tEnos Louis Henry (sc 1908-9) Third & George Sts Alton 111 t Enrique Ignacio Ceferino (ag 1909- 10 BS Also N Mex Ag Coll) Chihua- hua Mex Ensign Alice Orra (Mrs Joseph Cook) (la lib 1899-1902) Missionary Teach Teheran Persia Asia (201 N Ridge- land Av Oak Park 111) t Ensign George DeWitte (sp ag 1903- 4) Roberts 111 Ensign Newton Edward (c eng 1908- 11 BS g t&am 1911-13 '15- AB(Me- Kendree)'05 AB( Oxford) '08 Instr T&AM U 111 1910-15) Assoc T&AM U 111 1915- 104 S Matthews Av Ur- bana 111 Enslow Isabel (Mrs L Z Ringer) (la h sc 1910-11) Home 7211 LaFayette Av Chicago Ensor Madge Viola (la h sc 1914-15) Bkpr Ridge Farm 111 Enzenroth Clarence Herman (chem eng 1905-6) Chem Eng 6534 Stony Isl- and Av Chicago (Mineral Point Wis) *Eoff Earl (acad 1907-9 sp law 1909- 10) d June 10 1913 Greenup 111 \Epler Alva Edward (acad 1905-6) Keenesburg 111 EPPELS Conrad Joseph (g french 1914- 15 Also Royal Teach Sem Germany Asst Rom Lang U 111 1914-15) Asst Ger Exten Div U Wis 206 Bernard Ct Madison Wis Eppinger Esther Augustel (la h se 1915- ) Stu 1131 Madison St Quin- ey 111 Eppinger John George (la com 1912- ) Stu 1131 Madison St Quincy 111 Eppinger Marie Anna (su '12 la h sc 1915- ) Stu 1131 Madison St Quin- cy 111 Epps Jessie Belle (Mrs J R Shirk) (sp mus 1908-9) Home 605 W Second St Ottumwa la lEppstein Louis B (acad 1883-4) Den- ison Tex Epstein Abraham Solomon (c eng 1907-11 BS Also Richelieu Gym Odes- sa) Struct Eng 671 W 14th St Chi- cago (1118 W 35th St) Epstein Arthur Louis (mun eng 1909- 13 Bus Mgr Workers Inst 920 Ash- land Blvd Chicago (301 E Mulberry St Bloomington 111) Epstein Karl (ag 1913- ) Stu 301 E Mulberry St Bloomington 111 ERB J Lawrence (FAGO Also Metro- politan Coll Mus & Adelphi Coll Teach Brooklyn Conserv Mus 1897-9 Dir Conserv Mus U Wooster 1905-13 Or- ganist & Dir Mus 4th Presby Ch Chi- cago 1913-14) Dir Mus Sch U 111 1914- 709 W Washington Blvd Ur- bana 111 Erbes Bertha (ag h sc 1908-10 '14- ) Stu 407 S Pine St Centralia 111 Erbes Clara (la 1908-9 AB Also U Chgo & 111 St Nor U) 407 S Pine St Centralia HI Ercanbrack Hal Edmund (acad 1904- 5 ry e eng 1905-9 BS) M Eng Struct Design 314 N Gilbert St Danville 111 (Elburn 111) erdahl Absalom C (g lang 1912-13 AM g 1913-15 AB(StOlaf)'ll) Teach St Olaf Coll 311 Manitou St North- field Minn (Rl Frost Minn) Erdmann Roy Alfred (ag 1914- ) Stu Geneseo 111 ERF Oscar (g 1902-3 BS(Ohio) '99 Asst Dairy Ohio U 1896-9 Instr Dairy Mfg U 111 1899-1903 Prof Dairy & An Husb Kan St Ag Coll 1903) Prof Dairy Ohio St U 1904- 157 12th Av Columbus O Erghott Mrs G C (see Campbell Loretta) Erickson Adrian (com 1915- ) Stu Onawa la Erickson Arthur (ag 1915- ) Stu 193 ERICKSON— ESHBACH 6509 Laflin St Chicago Erickson Carl Elmer (ag 1907-10 Also N Park Coll) Asst Supt Peterson Nursery Lincoln & Peterson Av Chi- cago Erickson Cecil Claire (la 1902-6 AB) Law 1410 139 N Clark St Chicago (7333 Dorchester Av) Erickson Edward Bringle (mun eng 1913- . ) Stu 204 N Pine Av Chicago Erickson Edwin Holmar (jour 1915- ) Stu 5714 W Dakin St Chicago Erickson Edwin James (la com 1907-8) Ag Rl Whitehall Mich *Erickson John Henry (sp ag 1902-4) d Dec 21 1908 Hoopeston 111 Ericson Lambert Theodore (c eng 1900-4 BS) Sales Mgr Port Reading Creosoting Co 17 Battery PI New York Ericson Norman Ellis (m eng 1910-11) M Eng 1203 Tenth St Rockford 111 Erie Storm Charles (c eng 1903-4) Trav 4052 West End Av Chicago Erikson Clifford Erick J (c eng 1906- 10 BS) C Eng 297 W Park Av Au- rora 111 Erikson Julia Louise (la 1911-13 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Anasco Porto Rico (R2 Newark 111) Erlbacher Frederick Leonard (sp 1906-7 acad 1907-8 e eng 1908-9) Sales Mgr Advance Stove Wks Evansville Ind Erlbacher Harriet Clare (la 1907-11 AB) Teach H Sch Elmwood 111 (6526 Minerva Av Chicago) Ermeling Lewis Brown (m eng 1909- 13 BS) Prod Dept Deere & Co East Moline 111 Ermeling Willard Walter (m eng 1895- 6 su 1902) Teach 811 College Av Wheaton 111 Ermentrout Anna Mae (Mrs C A Kamper) (la 1882-6 BL) Home 1432 Wesley Av Evanston 111 Ermentrout Roza L (acad 1888-90) At home 1432 Wesley Av Evanston 111 Ernest Delta Queena (su 1915) Teach East St Louis 111 (Carlyle 111) Ernest Roy Alfred (e eng 1900-5) E Eng 4232 N Kostner Av Chicago Ernest Ruth (la 1908-9 '12-15 AB) Teach H Sch Sibley 111 (1104 W Stoughton St Urbana 111) Ernest Thomas Reuben (sc 1905-7 AB g 1907-8 AM '08-10 PhD Also S 111 St Nor U Instr Chem U 111 Prof Chem Spokane Coll 1910-11) Fin 8 E Long St Columbus O Ernst Carl Paul (c eng 1912- ) Stu 5159 Montrose Av Chicago Ernst Elmore George (arch 1912- ) Stu R2 Visalia Cal Ernest Helen Orpha (mus 1915- ) Stu 1104 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 Ernst John Louis (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Estimator & Supt 906 N 17th St E St Louis 111 Ernst Leslie (ag 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 102 N Institute PI Peo- ria 111 Ernst Mrs O R (see MacLochlin Vir- ginia) Errett Albert Widney Jr (m eng 1900- 3) V-Pres Kewanee Water Supply Co 524 S Chestnut St Kewanee 111 Errett Mrs A W (see Wilson Lucy G) t Errett Harry Boyd (arch eng 1893-6) Kewanee 111 Erskine Alexander Watmough (c eng 1908-12 BS) C Eng 4453 Dover St Chicago (304 N East Av Oak Park 111) Erskine Nellie Tanner (Mrs R B Ben- jamin) (la 1908-12 AB) Teach Ha- warden Sask Canada Erskine Robert Newman (la 1905-9 AB BL(Chgo Coll Law) '11) Law 517 Harris Trust Bldg Chicago (714 Columbian Av Oak Park 111) Ervin Helen Elaine (Mrs W E Rob- erts) (lib 1907-9 BLS AB(Maryville) '02) Home Mineral Hill N Mex Ervin John Franklin (m eng 1903-7 BS) Foundry Eng 629 18th St Mo- line 111 Ervin William Harold (ag 1910-12) Ag Big Rock 111 Erwin Charles Fayette (sc 1901-2 AB (Mich) '04) Phar Harbor Springs Mich t Erwin Clinton Otis (sp e eng 1912-13 e eng 1913-14 Also Monmouth Coll) 224 N McArthur St Macomb 111 Erwin Elizabeth (la h sc 1913-15) At home 212 N Central Av Rockford 111 Erwin Ira Austin (sp ag 1909-10) Merc Saunemin 111 Erwin Mrs J M F (see Bennett Sarah) Erwin Leslie Douglas (su 1915 Also 111 Coll) Teach Medora 111 Erwin Lewis (sp ag 1909-10 Also Pur U) Ag Bourbon Ind \Erwin Verna (acad 1890-1) Louis 111 Erwin Walter Boynton (la com 1911- 15 AB) Clk Effic Dept Montgomery Ward & Co 3736 Cottage Grove Av Chicago Eschauzler Louis (ag 1910-13) Ag Rascon San Luis Potisi Mexico Escobosa Guillermo Filiberto (ag 1909- 13 BS) Sugar-Cane Farming Av Libertad 1000 Guadalajara Mexico Eshbach Warren B (acad 1900-1) Aledo 111 ESHELMAN— EVANS 199 tEshelman Albert (arch eng 1911) 124 W Fifth St Anderson Ind Eskelson Minnie (su 1914 Also Hed- ding Coll) Abingdon 111 eskelson Ola Mattie Josephine (g math 1912-13 MS BS(Hedding) '12) Teach Abingdon 111 Eslick Leo (m eng 1911-15 BS) 208 S Mill St Lead SD Esmond Oakley Wright (sp ag 1907-8) Ag E27 Ottawa 111 Espenhaim Frank Christopher Jr (m eng 1895-6) Coal Merc 36a Hawthorn Av Portland Ore (815 Church St Belleville 111) Espinosa Miguel Elenes (acad 1906-9 min eng 1909-12 Also Colo Sch Mines) Min Eng Lra Sta Tereza No 30 Mexico City Mexico tEsprin Eafael (su 1907 Also Mo Sch Mines) Box 861 Mexico City Mexico Espy Murray Greenleaf (la Feb 1916- Also la St Coll) Stu 938 Michigan Av Logansport Ind tEsselborn William (acad 1903-5 sp law 1907-9) Pearl City 111 Esselman Herman Eudolph (sp ag 1906-7 ag 1907-8) Ag Havana 111 ?Essick Lyle Manley (c eng 1909-10 Also Knox Coll) Clarion la Essington Arthur Vernon (1 1910-14 LL B) Teach H Sch 610 Park Av Kockford 111 (Clifton 111) Essington Mrs A V (see Fielding Ma- bel) Essington John Weston (la com 1906- 10 AB) R Est 604 Broadway St Streator 111 Essington Thurlow Gault (la 1903-6 AB JD(Chgo)'08) Law 604 Broad- way St Streator 111 Essley Earl Craig (sp ag 1908-10 ag 1910-11) Ag New Boston 111 'Esslinger Vera Sophia (Mrs H W Lim- per)(sp mus 1904-5) Home 1438 East Third Av Winfield Kan Esson Leroy Everett (la 1910-11) Ag Grant Park 111 *EstabrooTc Louis K (acad 1878-80) d Atlanta 111 Estee Henry Clarence (c eng 1892-6 BS) Asst Eng Chge Federal Valua C StP M & O RR 706 Holly Av St Paul Minn estep Harvey C (c eng 1870-4 CE) Ry C Eng 1521 Lytton Bldg Chicago *Estep Ida May (la 1874-9 Cert) d Jan 1887 Rantoul 111 Estep Jessie (la 1874-8 BS) Chris- tian Sc. Practitioner 1824 24th Av N Seattle Estep Josiah Morgan (arch eng 1909- 11 Also U Wash 1907-9) Arch 1110 W P Story Bldg Los Angeles Estes Earl Carter (la 1912-13 Also U Wis & U Mo) Merc Richmond Mo Estill Alice Genevieve (su 1913) Libr Buckeye St Clyde O ESTY William (AB (Amherst) '89 BS (Mass Tech) '93 AM (Amherst) '93 Instr E Eng U 111 1893-5) Asst Prof E Eng Lehigh U 1903- Dept Elec Eng Lehigh U S Bethlehem Pa Etherton Eldon E (arch eng 1908-10 Also U Cal) Gen Contr 1054 Monad- nock Bldg San Francisco * Etherton Harmon James (sp arch eng 1903-4 arch eng 1904-5) d Feb 18 1906 Huntington W Va Etherton James Everett (la 1907-10 law 1910-13 LL B Also Shurtleff Coll & S 111 St Nor) Bk Clk 708 Normal Av Carbondale HI Etherton William Alonzo (arch 1899- 1904 BS Also Mass Tech) Arch Dept Ag Washington Etienne Leonard Arthur (e eng 1912- 15) Rl Centerville Station 111 Etling Walter Peter (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Rl Millstadt 111 Etnyre Samuel Longfellow (c eng 1884-5 CE(Cor)'88) Supt Mun Wat- er Wks Dept 303 Second St Council Bluffs la Ettinger Charles McKinley (c eng 1913- ) Stu Bourbon Ind Euans Kenneth Logan (ag 1905-9 AB (LeStan) '10) Ranch Gilroy Cal ?Eull John M (Trustee 1873) Quin- cy 111 tEurile Alfonso Vicante Poncey (su 1905) Baliwag PI Eustice Edward LeMotte (m eng 1901- 2 DDS(Chgo Coll Dent Sur) '05) Dent Newton la Eustis Laura Mae (la 1901-5 AB) Teach St Nor La Crosse Wis (Ottawa 111) Euston Jacob Howard (e eng 1914- ) Stu 429 28th St W Norfolk Va Evans Arthur (acad 1887-8 la 1888- 9) Live Stock Del Rio Tex Evans Arthur Thompson (acad 1907- 8 sc 1908-12 AB AM(Colo) '15) Instr Biol U Colo 1085 13th St Boulder Colo (Wellington 111) EVANS Augusta Dillman (AB (Smith) '11 Asst Ag Exten U 111 1911-13) Ag Exten Mont Ag Coll 1914- Bozeman Mont Evans Besse Bonbrake (acad 1901-2 sp h sc 1908-9 '10-11 Also Forest Park U) Teach 412 W First St Taylorville 111 200 EVANS— EVERETT Evans Bessie Louise (su 1915) Teach 307 W Hill St Champaign 111 Evans Donald Grover (e eng 1909-10 1914- ) Stu 307 W Hill St Cham- paign 111 Evans Earl Ealph (acad 1897-8) Lum- ber & Grain Merc Hammond 111 ?Evans Earle Remington (la 1908-11) Sales 550 Riverside Dr New York Evans Edwin Rawden (m eng 1903-7 BS) M Eng & Mfg Orillia Ont Can t Evans Evan Samuel (arch eng 1901- 2 Also U Wis) Sparta Wis Evans Floyd Evan (m eng 1913- ) Stu 132 Maple St Hinckley 111 Evans Frank Lee (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Rantoul 111 Evans Franklin Batchelder (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 1501 E 66th PI Chicago EVANS Frederick Noble (AB(Harv) '05 MLA(do)'ll Instr Land Gard U 111 1914-15) Assoc Land Gard U 111 1915- 915 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Evans Mrs Frederick Noble (sp mus Feb 1915- Also N Eng Conserv) Stu & Home 915 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Evans George Evan (1 1906-8) R Est 3004 Forest Blvd E St Louis 111 Evans George Robert (la com 1905-6) Ins Genoa 111 Evans Harriet Caroline (sp mus 1907- 9) 604 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Evans Hatibel (su 1915) Libr Vir- den 111 Evans Homer Whitmore (acad 1904-5 sp ag 1906-7 la 1907-10) Ag R6 Plainfield 111 Evans Isa Schofield (Mrs Wellman) (su 1903) Home 904 NH St Lawr- ence Kan Evans Mrs J C (see Clarkson Edna) Evans James Miles (la 1912-13) 347 W 72nd St Chicago Evans Mrs J M (see McDougle May) *Evans Jessie P (ag 1869-71) d 1871 Flora 111 Evans John Edward (m eng 1908-12 BS) Fire Protect Eng Underwriter^ Lab Chicago (116 S Karlov Av) ?Evans John Leslie (sc 1869) Deca- tur 111 Evans Julia (mus 1914-15 Also Moore's Hill Coll) Teach Mus Stan- ton Ky (Otisco Ind) ?Evans Kenneth Neill (la 1900-4 AB) 551 E Third St Newport Ky Evans Laura B Twadell (Mrs C. E) (Trustee 1903- Attended Waynes- ville Sem Pres Taylorville Pub Lib Bd Chm Educ Comm & Memb Legis- lative Comm St Fed Women's Clubs) Home 412 W First St Taylorville 111 Evans Leeye Ward (ag 1915-16 mus Feb 1916- Also 111 St Nor) Stu Winchester 111 Evans Lois Kathryn (la 1915- ) Stu Monticello 111 Evans Martin Edward (acad 1901-2 m eng 1903-6 '08-9 BS) Trav Sales Chebanse 111 Evans Maurice Willard (la 1915- ) Stu 1017 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 Evans Melbourne Covell (su 1915 Al- so Millikin U) Teach & Coach Athl 817 Fred St Owensboro Ky (1310 W Wood Av Decatur 111) \ Evans Ray C (acad 1893-5) El Paso 111 Evans Mrs HF (see McWatty Mat- tie M) *Evans Robert Herman (acad 1891-5) d March 1897 Tucson Ariz Evans Robert Mills (m eng 1902-6 BS) Mfg Seattle Frog & Switch Co 902 Lowman Bldg Seattle Evans Rowland Watkin (acad 1884-5 arch eng 1885-9 BS) Builder 1412 N Main St Bloomington HI Evans Ruth (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 307 W Hill St Cham- paign 111 Evans Vera Kate (mus 1914- Also Lincoln Coll) Stu 408 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Evans Waldo Carl (acad 1895-1901) 322 N Oak St Danville 111 Evans Wallis Johnson (m eng 1913-15 la 1915- ) Stu Essex Rd Kenil- worth 111 EVANS Walter (Attended Bradley Poly Instr Wrestling Stock Yards Sch Phys Cult) Instr Wrestling U 111 1915- 1005 S Fourth St Cham- paign 111 (El Paso 111) Evans Walter Thomas (ry c eng 1907- 10 Also 111 Wes U) Ry C Eng Asst Eng C &A RR Bloomington 111 Evans William McCullough (m eng 1905-6) Struct Draft LaSalle Eng Co 440 S Dearborn St Chicago (5054 W Erie St) Evarts John Irving (acad 1882-3 sc 1883-4) Bnk Plainfield 111 Eveland TeT (e eng Feb 1916- ) Stu . Hobson Mont Everett Charles William (sp ag 1901- 2) c/o 111 Bolt Wks Carpenter 111 (Harvard 111) *Everett Frank Milton (acad 1891-2 e eng 1892-6 BS) d Aug 5 1897 Quincy 111 EVERETT— EYESTONE 201 EVERETT Henry Houghton (MD (Chgo P&S)'02 Instr Gym U Wis 1894-5 Asst Prof Phys Tr U 111 1895- 6 Assoc Prof do 1896-8) Instr Nose & Throat Dept Rush Med Coll 32 N State St Chicago Everett Lewis Lee (su 1915 Also Muskingum Coll) R3 Lisbon 111 Everett M Kate (Mrs L C Messner) (la com 1879-82) Home Potomac 111 ?Everett Orelle Ina (sp h sc 1908-9) Roseville 111 Everett Thomas Wilson (su 1911 Al- so Highland Park Coll & W 111 St Nor) Supt Sch Bushnell 111 ? Everett Wirt (acad 1895-6) Chicago Everham William Edward (m eng 1913- ) Stu 4469 Lake Park Av Chicago Everhard Raymond Marsh (sp ag 1909- 10 Also U Minn) Auto Cambridge 111 (1311 E 71st PI Chicago) TEverhart Charles Arthur (c eng 1904- 5) McLeansboro 111 Everhart Gladys (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 1014 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Everhart Leon "Ulysses (acad 1902-3 la & law 1903-9 ABLLB) Law 1207 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Everhart Mrs L U (see Percival Helen M) Everhart Ophelia (Mrs T D Lamson) (la 1872-4) Home Cowden 111 Everhart Philip Hiram (la 1911-15 AB law 1914- ) Stu 1014 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Everhart Rollin Orlando (la 1894-8 AB) Edit 1219 Presbyterian Bldg New York (Columbus Av Mt Vernon NY) Everhart Susie (Mrs Guy Costello) (sp mus 1908-9) Home 310 W John St Champaign 111 Everhart Thomas W B (la 1882-6 AB) Supt Schs Paris 111 Everhart William Parker (c eng 1904- 5 Also Armour Inst) C Eng San Juan SA (Sherman Tex) *everhart Winfteld Scott (la 1871-5 ML) d Aug 2 1899 Toledo 111 Everheart J W (sc 1878) Newman 111 tEveringham Charles (c eng 1907-9) Robinson HI Everitt Uzz (acad 1887-8) Publ Philo 111 Overly Ray (ag 1913-14) 746 E Wal- nut St Canton 111 Eversole Harold Baker (la 1915- ) Stu Hindsboro 111 Eversole John Logan (ag 1910-11) Ag Onarga 111 Everspacher Jacob Christian (acad 1902) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk & V-Pres Shelby Loan & Trust Co Shelbyville 111 fEverts Frank Herbert (la com 1872- 4) Girard 111 ?Evertt Charles William (sp ag 1901- 2) Harvard 111 Eward John Marcus (ag 1904-5 '06- 7 BS MS (Mo) '09) Asst Chief An Husb la St Coll Ames la (617 Ninth St) Ewald John Jacob (sp ag 1899-1901) Ag & Live Stock R5 Mt Carmel 111 Ewald Paul George (ag 1913-14 '15- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu R5 Mt Car- mel HI Wwalt George W (acad 1876-7) Champaign 111 Ewan William Clayton (1 1903-7 LL B) Law Kewanee 111 Ewbank John Roscoe (la com 1907-8) Ag Farmer City 111 Ewbank Mary Katherine (Mrs L W Railsback) (la 1905-6) Home Weldon 111 Ewer Warren Badger (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 3517 W Adams St Chicago Ewert Earl Cranston (la 1914- Also 111 Wes U) Stu 418 N Franklin St Danville 111 Ewing Charles Edwin (c eng 1901-5) Trav e/o Beaumont Hotel Green Bay Wis (Bement 111) t Ewing Charles Raymond (1 1904-6) Macomb HI Ewing Clarence Lee (ag 1909-10) Ag R4 Carthage 111 Ewing Fred C (su 1915 Also Hillsdale Coll) Teach Deerfield -Shields H Sch Highland Park 111 (Camden Mich) Ewing George Ewart (sp ag 1907-8 Also Millikin U) Ag Areola 111 Ewing Harriet Grace (Mrs T W Hol- man) (ag h sc 1904-8 BS) Home Port Townsend Wash Ewing Henry Ellsworth (sc 1904-6 AB g 1906-8 AM Also Knox Coll) Res 509 Welch Av Ames la Ewing Joseph Chalmers (m eng 1893- 4 AB(Chgo)'00 JD(Chgo)'03) Law 1309 Ninth Av Greeley Colo Ewing Walker Forman (m eng 1908- 10 Also Eureka Coll) Foreman Can- ning Factory Eureka 111 *Ewry Marie Louise (la 1902-3) d April 6 1905 LaFayette Ind Excell Stuart William (c eng 1913- ) Stu 6724 Dorchester Av Chicago Eyer Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs B H Solo- mon) (la 1904-6) Ag Govelock Sask Can Eyestone Bertha Josephine (Mrs Theo- dore Oehmke) (sp mus 1902-5) Horn* 202 EYESTONE— FAIRCHILD 409 W High St Urbana 111 Eyestone Minnie Minerva (Mrs Clar- ence Hunter) (sp mus 1909-10) Home 714 W Church St Champaign 111 Eyman Isaac Reginald (acad 1879-80 ag 1880-1) Ag Edina Mo Eyman Joe (m eng 1907-11) Mgr Farmers Elevator Co Graymont 111 Eyman Margaret (ag h sc 1913-15 la 1915- ) Stu Plaza Hotel Oak Park 111 Eyman Mary Evylena (Mrs R E Tay- lor) (su 1903) Home Burley Id Eyman Ralph Lee (ag 1911-14 BS Also W 111 St Nor) Chge Dept Phys Sc St Nor U Kent O (Golden 111) Eyman Mrs R L (see Kern Esther) Eyman Walter (c eng 1871-4) Ag Belleville 111 Eymann Mrs Julius K (see Dallam Clara H) Faber Clayton Brooke (ag 1909-12) R Est Paw Paw 111 Faber Daniel Cleveland (e eng 1904-8 BS g 1908-9 Also Valparaiso U) Eng Exten Ames la (Paw Paw 111) Fabian de la Paz (see Paz de la Fa- bian) Fablinger William Raymond (arch eng 1906-8 Also U Mich 1910-11) Acct 414 Junction Av Detroit Fackler Alexander Salvinus (acad 1904-5 sp 1905-6) Ag R2 Urbana 111 (406 W Healy St Champaign 111) Fackler Mrs AS (see Clarke Effie L) Fackler Orpheus A (su 1912 & '14 & '15 Also Mt Morris Coll & O Nor Sch) Teach Ashton 111 Fackler Walter Valentine (la com 1910-13) Law 105 W Monroe St Chicago (406 W Healy St Cham- paign 111) Fadden Eva Leona (Mrs L W Nelson) (ag 1913-14) Home Morrison 111 Fagan Ellen (su 1914) Asst Pub Lib 431 E Main St St Charles 111 tFagan Oona Mary (la 1911-12) 111 E Howard St Pontiac 111 FAGAN William Brock (la com 1908- 9 AB(Earlham) AM (Kan) Asst Libr U 111 1908-9 Asst Prof Engl Park Coll 1910) 2420 Walnut St Cedar Falls la (117 S 14th St Richmond Ind) Fager Daniel Baldwin (su 1908 & '09 &'ll la 1913-14 AB Also S 111 St Nor U) Teach Palestine 111 Fager Eugene Philip (la 1914- Also Carthage Coll) Stu 430 N 11th St Murphysboro 111 Fager Frank Daniel (e eng 1909-12) E Eng Oak Park 111 (Palestine 111) Fager George Edward Kirchner (ag 1914- ) Stu 430 N 11th St Mur- physboro 111 Fager James (1 1905-7) R Est 847 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago ('6065 Harper Av) Fahler Mrs William E (see Hazelbaker Una W) Fahrman John Dolly (la 1911) Bar- tender & Min 117 Penn Av Webb City Mo Fahrnkopf Charles Frank (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) 945 S Maffit St Decatur 111 Fahrnkopf Emma Margaret (h sc 1909-13 AB) Teach Mazon 111 (811 W Springfield Av Urbana 111) Fahrnkopf Harrison Frederick Theo- dore (ag 1909-13 BS g agron 1915- ) Asst Soil Fert U 111 1913- 811 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Failing Charles H (la 1878-9) Grain Merc Terre Haute Ind Fair Sue Mabel (su 1914 AB(Ober) '09) Sec 511 E John St Champaign 111 (Chrisman 111) Fairbairn William Bryan (c eng 1915- ) Stu 115 Catalpa St Joliet 111 Fairbank Ernest Guy (la 1910-11) Treas Eureka Blotter Bath Co 6219* Wentworth Av Chicago Fairbank William John (sp arch 1892- 3) St Louis Fairbanks Berthier Wesley (ag 1912- ) Stu 2823 W Warren Av Chicago t Fairbanks Jennie (sp mus 1907-8) Mansfield 111 Fairbanks Roland William (acad 1901- 3 '05-6) Ag St Hilaire Minn t Fairbanks William DeForest Jr (la 1908-9) Mansfield 111 Fairbrothers Katherine May (la 1906- 8) 500 N Tenth St E St Louis 111 Fairburn Mrs Edward H (see Straight Oma R) fFairchild Asa Roy (sp ag 1902-4) Snider 111 Fairchild Bert (ag 1911-13) Ag 1444 N Vermillion St Danville 111 Fairchild Donald Hurlstone (la com 1911-13) c/o Ray Consolidated Cop- per Co Hayden Ariz tFAiRCHiLD Edna (Mrs C G Pier) (lib 1895-9 BLS) Home 802 S First St Warsaw Wis Fairchild Evelyn Van Zandt (la 1915 Also U Wis) At home 19 Lake Av Silver Creek NY Fairchild Mrs Gertrude Mills (Mrs J A) (la 1906) Home 1305 Vine St La Crosse Wis Fairchild Grace (Mrs M D Daugherty) FAIECHILD— FALLS 203 (la 1880-1) Home 1447 S Pearl St Denver Fairchild James Albert Leroy (la 1904-6 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Ed Dept Physics & Ag' St Nor Sch 1305 Vine St LaCrosse Wis ^Fairchild James D (acad 1882-3 '85- 6) Springfield 111 Fairchild Mrs J H (see Moles Mar- tha E) Fairchild Oscar Harmon (sp la 1894-8 MS(Greer)'Ol) Min Eng Gen Mgr Howie Mining Co 1548 Cook St Den- ver (Waxhaw NC or 1306 N Vermil- lion St Danville 111) Fairchild Baymond Wilbur (acad 1905- 7 su 1910 AB(Mich) ) Head Biol Dept St Nor U Steven Point Wis (Paxton 111) tFAiRCHiLD Eosina P (Mrs J O Davis) (la 1882-6 BL) Home 2644 Dwight Way Berkeley Cal Fairchild Sherman DeWitt (acad 1898-9 law 1900-2 '04-6 LL B Also Austin Coll 1897-8 & NW U 1902) Law & St Legis Mora Id Fairclo George Cassius (c eng 1895-9 1901-2 BS) Co Supt Highways 30 N Walnut St Champaign 111 (712 W Church St) Fairclo Mrs G C (see Lindsay Mabel) Faircloth Samuel Edwards (m eng 1915- ) Stu '325 North Av Aurora 111 tFaires Leland Stanford (1 1909-11 BS(McKendree) '09) St Jacob 111 Fairfield "Agnes Evelyn (la h se 1915- ) Stu 15335 Turlington Av Chicago Fairfield Faith Jeanette (la 1915- ) Stu 66 N Main St Eutland Vt FAIEFIELD George Day (Attended U Neb & Ober Coll Instr Eom Langs DePauw U 1894-6 Asst Prof Eom Lang U 111 1895-8 Prof do 1898- 1903 Asst Prof Eom Lang Syr U 1904-6 Prof French & Spanish Beloit Coll 1906-11) Bus 305 Harvester Bldg Chicago Fairfield Helen (la h sc 1911-14 AB Also Beloit Coll) Teach H Sch 375 Chicago St Elgin 111 (4201 Ellis Av Chicago) Fairfield Mrs Mary Peters (la 1905 Also U Mich) Instr French la St Coll 1908- Ames la (Petersburg Mich) Fairgrief Ann Elva (su 1909) Stenog 181 Mayfair Av Winnipeg Man Can Fairhall Lawrence Turner (se 1907- 13 BS) Stu Harv U 82 Ellery St Danville HI FAIELIE John Archibald (AB(Harv) '95 AM(do)'96 PhD(Col)'98 Lect Mun Gov Col U 1900 Asst Prof Ad- min Law U Mich 1900-6 Assoc Prof Pol Sc U 111 1909-11) Prof Pol Se U 111 1911- 1103 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Fairlie Margaret Carrick (su 1914 Al- so U Chgo) Teach 1035 E Bay St Jacksonville Fla (1013 California Av Urbana 111) Fairman Charles (la 1914- ) Stu 3112 Leverett Av Alton 111 Fairweather Charles Arthur (c eng 1901-4) Asst Supt Constr Mo Valley Constr Co 5573 Vernon Av St Louis Fairweather Mrs C A (see Brand Claire) Fairweather William Calvin (sp 1902- 3 Also 111 St Nor U 1893 & Valpar- aiso U & S 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Nashville 111 Faison William Alexander (ry m eng 1909-11 BS BE(NC Ag) '09) c/o At- lantic Steel Casting Co Chester Pa Faith Mrs (see Garvey Clella M) Fajardoy Mavmir Euripides (c eng 1911-13 BS Also Ohio St U) C Eng Prado 44 Havana Cuba (Box 15 San Luis O Cuba) *Fake John Wilson (ry m eng 1908-9) d Nov 6 1909 Urbana 111 Falder Gerald Hartley (la 1913-15 Al- so W 111 St Nor) E Est 226 PI Bldg Seattle (528 S Eandolph St Macomb 111) Faletti Michael Joseph (la 1913-15 law 1915- ) Stu Standard 111 Falk Nellie Fredericka (su 1910 AB (Augustana) '09) Instr Pedag & Math Dana Coll Blair Neb (Geneseo 111) Falkenberg Fred Peter (la 1899-1902 AB) Baseball Champaign HI Falkenberg Geo Vigo (Ag 1915- ) Stu 3032 S Park Av Chicago Fallis Clara Louise (su 1915 Also NW U) Libr 610 N Hazel St Dan- ville 111 Fallis Myrlin Stein (arch eng 1912- . 14 BS Also U Colo) Arch 900 Ideal Bldg Denver (624 Ogden St) Fallon Clara May (acad 1901-3 la 1903-7 AB) Clk 321 S Sixth St East Salt Lake City Fallon Vallie Edna (la 1915- ) Stu 613 Stoughton St Urbana HI *Falls Charles Austin (sp 1868-9) d Dec 11 1872 Urbana 111 Falls Ida" Belle (la 1873-7 BL) At home 1019 E Beach St Biloxi Miss Falls Marian Zella (h sc 1912 Also Lewis Inst) Teach Lake View H Sch 204 FANCHER— FARRINGTON Chicago 2800 Washington Blvd Chicago Fancher Hazel Elizabeth (Mrs C M Sullivan) (la 1909-13 AB) 2205 Sher- man Av Evanston 111 Fane James Edward (m eng 1908-10) 7 Spruce St Glean NY Fang Sze Voo (su 1915 Also U Wis) Tali Yunnan China FANNING Ealph Stanley (g arch 1915- B Arch (Cor) '12) Instr Arch Design U 111 1914- 915 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (Riverhead LI New York) Farah Salim Eaji (ag 1913- Also Syrian Prot Coll) Stu Nazareth Palestine Turkey Fargo Mattie Pauline (lib 1904-6 BLS) Libr 1632 N Kingsley Dr Los Ange- les (Lake Mills Wis) Fargo Roy Newton (e eng 1903-9 BS) Dir Men's Gym U 111 & R Est 1013 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Fargo Mrs R N (see Vanneman Grace B) Fargusson Mark (acad 1882-3 c eng 1883-7 BS) Eng & Naval Arch Southport NC Faris Mrs (see Baird Bertha Salisch) Waris Israel J (acad 1889-90) Charl- eston 111 Faris Stephen Douglas (su 1899&1902 &'05&'08 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Carthage 111 Farley Claude W (la com 1907-8 Also Bradley Poly) Jeweler 601 LaSalle St Ottawa 111 Farley Frank Webster (ag 1913-15 BS Also Ark St Ag Sch) US Live- stock Ext Bd Trade Jackson Miss tFARLOW Samuel James (arch eng 1910-14 BS) 1922 Davenport St Omaha Neb (Augusta 111) Farmer Elma Leola (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu 326 Portland Av Belleville 111 farmer Flora Edith (g classics 1909- 10 AM AB(Ewing)'09) Teach 162 Greenwood PI Syracuse NY Farmer Orena (la 1912-15 AB) Teach H Sch 326 Portland Av Belleville 111 Farmer Paul Melville (e eng 1905-9 BS) Auto Elect Equip 1512 Michi- gan Av Chicago (843 Leland Av) Farnam Bertha Lucille (la 1914- Al- so 111 St Nor U) Stu Pawnee 111 Farnam Earl LeRoy (acad 1907-9 e eng 1909-10) Gar Elect Sup Pawnee ni t Farnam Eva May (acad 1907-9 la 1909-10) Pawnee 111 Farnham Albert Ayrton (m eng 1912- 15 ag 1915- ) Stu 28 Hancock »t Westfield Mass Farnsworth David W (sp 1873-4 MD (la St U) '85) Med Galva la Farnsworth George Lester (acad 1900- 1 sp e eng 1903-4) City Eng Ot- tawa 111 Farnum Frank F (acad 1910-11) Law 139 N Clark St Chicago Farnum William Howard (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Concrete Design Eng Armour & Co 1626 S Homan Av Chi- cago Farquhar Donald Alexander (arch eng 1910-12) Sales Mgr 4121 Oak St Kansas City Mo Farr Alvin Isaac (la 1907-9 AB'12 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 301 S Main St Kewanee 111 (Saunemin 111) Farr Forrest Glenn (ag 1908-10) Ag Genesee Wis Farr Mrs Jessica Harriet (sp la 1904- 5) Home 927 W. Green St Urbana 111 Farr Milan Jesse (la 1903-4) YMCA Asst Seattle (516 E Piatt Av Colo- rado Springs Colo) Farrand Fred H (acad 1890-1) ' Cash Bk Griggsville 111 Farrand Ralph Parker (la com 1914- 15) Asst Cash 111 Valley Bk Griggs- ville 111 *Farrar Floyd Judson_ (1898-1900) d April 1905 Downers Grove 111 Farrar George Arthur (acad 1888-91) 505 Locust St Quincy 111 Farrar Harry Lewis (m eng 1907-10) Gas Eng West United Gas & Elec Co Aurora 111 Farrar Roscoe (ag 1904-7 BS Also E 111 St Nor & U Cal) Ag Humboldt 111 Farrar Mrs Roscoe (see Balch Eva) ?Farrell Cornelius (m eng 1876-9) Scribner Neb Farrell Edgar Henry (c eng 1904-5) Mgr 909 Lakeside PI Chicago Farrell Harry Herschel (sp m eng 1909-10 Also Millikin U) Art & De- sign c/o Roger & Co 1408 E 62nd PI Chicago (Outten 111) Warrelly James Walter (acad 1895-6) Dawn 111 Farrin James Moore (c eng 1898-1902 BS) Contr Bartlett & Farrin Chi- cago Farrin William Otis (acad 1898-9 ag 1899-1902 BS) Ag Pulaski 111 FARRINGTON Edward Holyoke (BS (Me) '81 MS (do) '83 Conn Ag Exp Sta 1882-9 Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1890-4) Prof Dairy Husb U Wis 1894- Madison Wis FARROW— FAYAET 205 Farrow John Frank (su 1915 Also U Tenn) Prin H Sen Fort Myers Fla (Alamo Tenn) *Farson John W (sp 1872-7) d Jan 18 1910 Oak Park 111 farthing Chester Harold (1 1910-13 JD BS(McKendree)'09) Law 600 Cahokia Bldg E St Louis 111 Farthing Georgia (Mrs W G Seymour) (la 1910-11 Also Ohio St U) Home Muskogee Okla farthing William Dudley Paul (1 1910- 13 JD BS(McKendree)'09) Law 600 Cahokia Bldg E St Louis 111 farver Emery C (g math 1914-15 AM AB(Otterbein)'14) Teach Park Coll Parkville Mo (North Liberty Ind) Farwell Stanley Prince (e eng 1904- 7 BS MS '10 PhD '14 Asst Prof Central U Ky 1908-10 Instr T&AM U 111 1910-14) Chf Serv Dept St Pub Util Comm 508 Odd Fellows Bldg Springfield 111 Farwell Mrs S P (see Austin Alice L) Fasig Otho Samuel (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 412 N York St Martinsville 111 Fasmer Harry Bernard (la com 1905-9 LL B(Chgo-Kent)'lO) Law & PM Yorkville 111 Fasold Alice Margaret (sc 1914-15 la 1915- Also Susquehanna U) Stu 910 Market St Sunbury Pa Fasold Miriam Rebecca (la 1912- ) Stu 5231 Kensington Av St Louis Fassett Lloyd Allen (eng 1913-14) Findlay O Fast Byron Meredith (e eng 1907-10 BS Also Bradley Poly) Mgr Public Serv Co Clearfield Pa Fast Clarence Mortimer (e eng 1912- 14) Oil Wk 504 W Ninth St Tulsa Okla Fast Emmet Emerson (m eng 1904-8 BS Also Bradley Poly) Drain Eng Paragould Ark (Princeville 111) Fatch Rose Louise (Mrs F F Flanner) (ag h sc 1909-10) Home 611 Wash- . ington Av Wilmette 111 FATH Edward Arthur (BS(Carleton) '02 PhD(Cal)'09 Instr Astron U 111 1905-6) Dir Smith Observ Beloit Wis Fauher Mrs W H (see Mahler Hazel L) Faucett Mrs (see Bach Beulah W) Faught Miss Donald Davidson (sp mus 1905-8) Altamont HI Faught Gail (acad 1905-7 la 1907-9) Altamont 111 Faulk N Merrill Clifford (la 1913- ) Stu 901 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 FaulTcins George F (acad 1910-11) Ag San Jose ni Faulkner Fay Edward (sc 1911-15 AB) Cost Acct & Statistician 32 Wat- son St Detroit (618 W Church St Champaign 111) Faulkner Francis Perry (sp ag 1904- 6) Ag Carlisle Ark Faulkner Guy Dorr (c eng 1908-11 BS Also- Syr U) Ag 4612 Clinton Av Cleveland (Hornell NY) *Faulkner James (hort 1870-4 Cert) d Oct 1 1882 Bloomfield Cal Faulkner James William (sp law 1908- 10) Law 508 Woodruff Bldg Joliet 111 Faulkner Leslie William (e eng 1910- 14 BS g 1914-15 MS) 618 W Church St Champaign 111 Faulkner Richard Douglas (ag 1873- 7 BL) Prin Horace Mann Grammar Sch Valencia & 22nd Sts San Fran- cisco t Faulkner Teresa Violet (su 1899) Wyoming HI Faulkner Watson (la 1870-2) Phar 618 W Church St Champaign 111 fauquher Silas Edgar (g bot 1911-13 MS BS(Earlham) , 09) Sales Mgr Midland Press 208 E Jackson Blvd Chicago (R7 Evansville Ind) *Faurot Judd Preston (e eng 1909-12) d Oct 1912 Danville 111 Faurote Guy Columbus (arch 1911-15 BS) Arch 401 E John St Champaign 111 (604 S Fifth St Niles Mich) Faust Clifford Randolph (sp ag 1905-6 Also Lewis Inst) Home Trans Co Cody Wyo faust Ernest Carl (g 1912-14 AM AB(Ober)'12 Asst Zool U 111 1913- 14) Sc Res Carthage Mo Faust Per Alexander (m eng 1908-12 BS Also Augustana Coll) Asst Mas- ter Mech Ark Valley Smelter Lead- ville Oolo Fauth Irene Mae (la h sc 1914-15) Stu N 111 St Nor 466 Spring St Aurora 111 fawcett Mrs Mary Eliza (g la 1908-9 AM AB(Ohio)'07 Also Bryn Mawr Coll 1913-15 Asst Engl U 111 1907-8 Instr do 1908-10 Act Dean Women do 1910-13) Dean Women Ore Ag Coll 1915- Corvallis Ore Faxon Orson Evans (la 1907-8) Publ Piano HI Fay Donald Allen (la com 1913- ) Stu 931 W Green St Urbana 111 *Fay Frank Earl (acad 1890-1 c eng 1891-4) d April 15 1906 Marengo 111 *Fay John Carl (g 1899-1901 AB (Bena Coll) '94) d Germantown Ky Fayart Louis Eugene (la 1908-12 AB) Ins R Est & L 1201 S Fourth St 206 FAZEL— FELMLEY Springfield 111 fazel Charles Stever (g physics 1914- 15 AM '15- AB(Fairmount)'14) Asst Physics U 111 105 S Coler Av Urbana 111 (3425 E Douglas St Wich- ita Kan) Feagans Ina (Mrs G A Keller) (su 1909 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 103 Sherman Peoria 111 Feagans Bay Frank (1 1905-8 LL B Curator Law Lib U 111 1907-8) .Atty Asst Solic US Dept Ag Law Forest Serv Washington tFeageans Fea (sp e eng 1903-4) Chi- cago Feallock Henrietta (la 1910-11) At home 402 E Eighth St Michigan City Ind Feallock Walter Herman (la com 1907- 8) Merc 402 E Eighth St Michigan City Ind Fearheiley Elma (Mrs A A Seibert) (ag h sc 1911) Home 327 W Fifth St Mt Carmel 111 *FECHET Edmond Gustave (Prof Mil Sci TJ Neb 1896 do U 111 1900-9) d Nov 16 1910 Champaign 111 Fechet Mary Forsythe (Mrs P D Mc- Conney)(sp 1901-2 Also U Neb) Home 904 Walnut St Knoxville Tenn Fedde Harry (acad 1907-8 e eng 1909- 12 BS) Furniture Merc Peotone 111 Fedde Kuth Catherine (acad 1910-11 h sc 1911- ) Stu Peotone 111 Feddersen Pearl Emily (su 1913) Libr 2867 91st St S Chicago 111 Federmann Charles Bussell (arch eng 1913- Also Wabash Coll) Stu Brooksville Ind Fee Bess (ag 1915 Also Bradley Poly) At home Clarksburg Ind Fee Josephine Irene (Mrs Claudius Bennett) (la 1913-14) Home 583 Sixth Av Salt Lake City Fee Mary Jeanett (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 1006 S Third St Champaign 111 Fehrenkamp Winifred (lib 1910-12 BL S Also U Wis) Arch Libr & Lect Lib Sch TJ 111 1912- 916 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (346 Washington St Milwaukee) Fehrman Claribel (sc 1909-13 AB) At home 706 Washington St Pekin 111 Fehrman Florence (l a 1911-15 AB) At home 706 Washington St Pekin 111 Feigley Samuel Henry (acad 1891-2) Sales Mgr 65 Shirely St Boston Feik Boy W (g ed 1915- BS(NW) '13) Stu LaMoille 111 Feind Frances Margaret (Mrs R Hursh)(lib 1903-6 AB '06-7 BLS Loan Asst Lib U 111 1907-14) Home 205 W Indiana St Urbana HI tFEITSHAUS J C (AM Instr Elocu- tion U 111 1882-4) E St Louis 111 Feldman Jennie Gertrude (la 1913-14) At home 3642 Douglas Blvd Chi- cago Feldman Joseph Elmer (ag 1911- ) Stu Morrison 111 Feldman Nathan (la 1915 com 1915- ) Stu 1518 S St Louis Av Chicago Felger Walter Blaine (m eng 1910-13 la 1915- ) Stu 708 W Green St Urbana 111 Fell Frances (g engl 1915- AB(Mil- likin) '08) Stu 1461 Edward St De- catur 111 Fell Jennie Edna (sp h sc 1909-10 Al- so Lake Forrest Coll) 1117 S Euclid St Champaign 111 *Fell William Raymond (acad 1888-9) d 1897 Roodhouse 111 Felle Paul Newell (acad 1910-11 sp ag 1911-12) Drug Clk Cincinnati (412 W Vine St Champaign 111) Feller George Capron (e eng 1912-14 Feb 1915) 3137 Garfield Av Kansas City Mo Feller Laura (ag 1913-14) Stu U Kan 3137 Garfield Av Kansas City Mo Fellheimer Alfred (acad 1890-1 arch eng 1892-5 BS) Arch 730 Riverside Dr New York Fellheimer Frank Mcintosh (1 1904-7) Clk 426 S Randolph St Macomb 111 Fellingham Clark Hughes (ag 1897- 1901 BS) Ag Verona 111 fFellman Henry Charles (e eng 1905- 7 Clarkson Sch Tech) 146 W 65th St New York (482 Alexander St Rochester NY) tFellows Abbie Mabel (su 1909 Also N 111 St Nor) Hebron HI *Fellows Clara Bell (Mrs J D Day) (la 1879-83 BL) d June 29 1915 N Seattle Fellows Harriette Josephine (la com 1910-11 Also Pestalozzi-Froebel Kind- er Tr Sch) Kinderg Teach St Charles 111 *Fellows James Daniel (la com 1910- 13) d June 1914 St Charles 111 Fellows James Phillips (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag 172 Schuyler Av Kankakee 111 felmley David (Hon LL D 1905) Pres 111 St Nor U 207 N School St Nor- mal 111 Felmley John Benjamin (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 207 N School St Nor- mal HI Felmley Mildred Helen (la 1910-13 AB) Teach H Sch Paxton 111 (207 FELMLEY— FEENHOLZ 207 N School St Normal 111) Felmley Kuth Davida (Mrs A B Meek) (la 1908-10 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Home Carrollton 111 Felsenthal Emma (lib 1910-12 BLS PhB(Chgo) '10) Eef Asst & Lect Lib Sch U 111 1912-15) Instr Lib Sch & Eef Asst Libr U 111 1915- 916 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (3037 Logan Blvd Chicago) Felter J Frank (ag 1908-10 BS Al- so Eureka Coll) Ag Eureka 111 tFELTER Mary Emma (h sc 1912-14 AB Also Eureka Coll) Washburn 111 Felton Harold Norton (e eng 1913- ) Stu< 710 N Main St Mendota 111 Fender Charles William (sc 1909-11 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch San Francisco 2423 Durant Av Berke- ley Cal (Westfield 111) Feng Kaimin Kay (c eng 1914-15 BS g c eng 1915- Also Nanyang U Shanghai) Stu Pei-lui Kwangsi China Fenity Frank C (sc 1874-6) Farm Loans & Mort 710 W 16th St Okla- homa City Fenley Anna Isabel (su 1899) Oak- land 111 Fenner Edith L (Mrs J F Walker) (sp mus 1897-1900) Home Eedvale Colo Fennessy Clinton Lloyd (e eng 1904-5 Also Lombard Coll) Specialty Wk Los Angeles Fennessy Effie Dorothea (su 1901 Al- so 111 St Nor U & Throop Poly) Teach Avon 111 Fenton Lester Louis (su 1911 PhB (Valparaiso) '10) Teach Clymers Ind (Mt Carmel 111) Fergus William Loveday (m eng 1894- 7) Consult Eng W L Fergus & Co 1509 Fisher Bldg Chicago (4030 Clarendon Av) Ferguson Anna (Mrs E B Ullery) (acad 1897-8) Home 624 W Church St Brazil Ind t Ferguson Charles L (sc 1900-2) Men- dota 111 Ferguson Charles Sibley (acad 1906-8) Stereotyper 725 Marion St Oak Park 111 Ferguson Charles W (acad 1879-80) Law Eockford 111 Ferguson Clarence Mulford (ag 1911- 15 BS) Land arch & Eng Aurora 111 (504 N Fourth St Grand Forks ND) Ferguson Eugene Eay (m eng 1892-6) Eng US Gov Morris 111 Ferguson Florence Eoxana (la h sc 1912- ) Stu Annawan 111 Ferguson Frank Cleveland (la 1912- 15 ag 1915- ) Stu Box 24 Anna- wan HI Ferguson George Alonzo (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 1207 25th St NW Washington fFerguson Gladys Belle (la 1905-9 Al- so Parsons Coll) 1108 W Illinois St Urbana 111 FEEGUSON Harry Foster (BS(Mass Tech) '12) Asst Eng St Water Surv U 111 1912- 1009 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Ferguson Harry Taylor (acad 1891- 2) Bonds & Investments Sterling 111 Ferguson Henry Eugene (sp ag 1911- 12) Ag Eeno 111 *Ferguson Howard Eitchey (la 1913- 16) d May 8 1916 Champaign 111 *Ferguson Irwin Glenn (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-10 BS g 1910-11 Asst GED U 111 1910-12) d May 27 1912 Urbana 111 t Ferguson Ivan Havelock (sc 1905-7) 10 Drexel Sq Chicago Ferguson James (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Trimble 111 (Eob- inson 111) Ferguson James J (su 1901 Also West- field Coll & 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Eobinson 111 (Sheldon 111) Ferguson Jean May (su 1905&'07&'10 &'12 PhB(NW)'00 Also Mich St Nor) Teach 312 S Leavitt St Chi- cago (313 S Capitol St Pekin 111) Ferguson Jessie Lavinia (su 1913 Al- so Millikin U) 6427 Monroe Av Chi- cago Ferguson Kate Dorothy (lib 1914- ) Stu 3 Greenhill Terrace Weymouth England Ferguson Louis Smith (m eng 1908- 13 BS) M Eng 135 Eemsen St Brooklyn NY (Annawan 111) Ferguson Mrs L S (see Pruitt Lida) Ferguson Merton McCulloh (m eng 1906-7) Ag Geneseo 111 Ferguson Ealph McKinley (c eng 1905- 6 Also Monmouth Coll) C Eng E Fourth Av Monmouth 111 Ferguson Wilbert Homer (com 1915- ) Stu 2639 E 29th St Kansas City Mo Ferguson William Clarence (acad 1900-1 m eng 1901-2) Consult Eng 4411 McPherson Av St Louis ?Ferguson William Dugan (la 1872-4) St Louis (St Charles Mo) Fernandez Carlos Salvador (ag 1911- 14 BS Also St Louis Coll) 511 E Healy Av Champaign HI fernholz John J (g pol sc 1914-15 AM AB(Ind)'14) Ag Blooraington 208 FERNIE— FIELD Ind (Arcadia Wis) t FERNIE Alison Marion (Head Vocal Dept DePauw U 1891-7 Prof & Head Vocal Dept U 111 1897-1903) 418 Av A East Hutchinson Kan (c/o Brown Shipley & Co 123 Pall Mall London England) Fernsler Mrs (see Gibbons Alice M) Ferree George Bennett (la 1915- ) Stu 508 N Goodwin Av Urbana 111 Ferrell Caesar (sp ag 1903-5) Ag & Stock Carterville 111 Ferrell Cyrus Porter (e eng 1912- ) Stu El Paso 111 Ferrell Dent (acad 1906-7 e eng 1909-13 BS Also Lewis Inst) Stu Harv U Carterville 111 Ferrell Kate (su 1911 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Carterville 111 Ferrell Minnie (su 1904 Also Ewing Coll) At home Carterville 111 Ferrell Raymond Pola (sc 1911-13) Clk O'Gara Coal Co Harrisburg 111 Ferrer Angelo M (sp ag 1909-10 U 111 Sch Phar 1910-12) Phar Farma- cia ' ' LaDeseada ' ' Cabo Rojo Porto Rico Ferrin Dee Howard (la 1913-14) Stu la Ag Coll 111 N 11th St Cherokee la tFerris Arthur Timothy (la 1894-5) Galesburg 111 Ferris Charles Francis (ag 1907-11 BS g 1911-12 MS) Ag Middle Inlet Wis Ferris Edwin Abell (com 1915- ) Stu 153 Hill Av Elgin 111 TFerris Elizabeth (su 1903&'07&'ll) Philo 111 Ferris Harold Gano (m eng 1897-8 Al- so Carthage Coll & U Wis) Mgr Ho- fins Steel & Equip Co Spokane Wash Ferris Hiram Burns (la 1893-4 AB) Comptroller Spokane & Inland Empire RR Terminal Bldg Spokane Wash t Ferris Irene Mary (Mrs E H Trav- lor)(la 1908-10 AB Also Ind U) Home Jasper Ind Ferris Joel Edward (la 1891-5 AB) Fin Paulsen Bldg Spokane Wash Ferris Phelps Fitch (ag 1909-12 Also Ferris Inst) Adv Ferris Inst 133 Sanborn Av Big Rapids Mich fFerris William W (la 1871-2) Cham- paign 111 Ferriss Edwin Abell (com 1915) Stu 153 Hill Av Elgin 111 FERRISS Emory Nelson (PhB(Ia) J 04 PhD(do)'08 Instr Engl U 111 1911- 12) Instr Engl Broadway H Seh Seattle Ferry Hoyt Fouche (ag 1904-5) Asst Cash Butler Co St Bk Eldorado Kan Ferry LeRoy Clark (acad 1900-2 m eng 1902-7 BS) Com & Art Photog Buhl Idaho Ferry Thomas Roy (acad 1897-8) Ag Eldorado Kan Fessant Francis John (sp ag 1899-1900) Bnk & Ag Vermilion 111 fFessenden Arthur L (m eng 1873-6) Xenia 111 Fesser Ray Frederick (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Fillmore 111 Fetheroff David (1 1908-10) Ry Pos- tal Clk Camargo 111 Fetherston James Edward (sc 1911-15) Stu U 111 Coll Med 217 S Ashland Av Chicago Fetherston John Moffat (e eng 1910- 14 BS) Signal Eng 523 Jeanette St Wilkinsburg Pa tFETTERMAN Valeria Johnston (Mrs A B Smith) (lib 1905-7 BLS AB(W U Pa) '00) Home 1226 Locust St NS Pittsburgh Pa Fetters Mrs (see Whiton Sylvia F) Fetzger William Ray (la 1894-6) Law 69 W Washington St Chicago (6111 Greenwood Av) Feuer Bertram (chem eng 1914- ) Stu 1659 Humboldt Blvd Chicago Feund Leo (la 1913-14) 423 S Web- ster St Decatur 111 Weurback William John (acad 1891- 2) St Louis Feutz Frank Christian (c eng 1909-11 '13-14 BS) Asst Eng St Highway Comm Springfield 111 Few Walter Henderson (m eng 1896- 8) Mgr Eleut Light Plant Delavan 111 Fick Clarence William (e eng 1908-12 BS) Foreman Testing Dept Gen Ek2 Co 144 Barrett St Schenectady NY Fickett Edward Maynard (ag 1914- ) Stu 5315 Winthrop Av Chicago Fickett Elizabeth Dean (h sc 1912-13) Stu Mt Holyoke Coll 5315 Winthrop Av Chicago Ficklin Mrs (see Lewis Mamie B) t Ficklin Emily Colquitt (Mrs L C Per- ley)(mus 1907-8 Also Hollins Inst) Home 318 Daly St Missoula Mont Ficklin Walter Colquitt (la 1906-7) Fruit Grower Kerman Cal *Fidler William Allen (la 1872-4) d Neoga 111 Field Mrs (see Fuller Ruth W) FIELD Arthur Sargent (AB (Dart) '02 AM(do)'03 PhD(Yale)'09 Instr Econ U 111 1904-7 Instr Econ Dart Coll 1909-11) Econ & Statis Ry Econ 3607 Lowell St Washington FIELD— FINFKOCK 209 Field David Edward (arch eng 1915- Also U Mo) Stu 113 Euclid St Slat- er Mo *Field Ella (sp 1870-1) d Afton la Field Howard Jr (m eng 1914- Also NW U) Stu 913 Central Av Wilm- ette 111 Field Oscar O (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Nora Springs la Field Roswell Francis (acad 1909-10) ■sc 1910- Feb 1915) 2339 Clarendon Av Chicago Fielden Harry Lincoln (sp ag 1911- 12) Ag E2 . Virginia 111 Fielden Willie James (ag 1911-12) Ag R2 Virginia 111 Fielder George Louis (su 1902&'03 sp 1905-6 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Freeburg 111 Fielder Harold Sydney (e eng 1908-11 Also Armour Inst) Sales 7704 Eg- gleston Av Chicago (308 W Austin Av) Fielder William Fuller (sc 1910-14 AB) 5120 University Av Chicago Fielders Mrs (see Dobson Susan A) Fielding Bernice (su 1910) Reader 207 W Clark St Champaign 111 Fielding Ethel Ruth (Mrs F D Gar- land) (acad 1910-11 la 1911-12) Home 902 W Illinois St Urbana 111 ^Fielding Lewis James (acad 1905-6) Boswell Ind Fielding Mabel (Mrs A V Essington) (mus 1911-14 Pub Sch Mus Cert '14) Home Rockford 111 (908 S Sixth St Champaign 111) Fields Floyd Logan (ag 1914-15 Also Ind Ag U) Insp 1117 Lincoln Av New Castle Ind (R5 Anderson Ind) Fienhold Harry John (sp ag 1913-15) Ag Pontiac 111 Fienhold William H (ag 1912-13) Ag Pontiac 111 Fiero Elmer Ellsworth (la 1910-14 AB law 1914- ) Stu 405 E Green St Champaign 111 Fifer Joseph Wilson (Trustee U 111 1889-93 (BS (111 Wes) '68 LL D(do) '92 111 Senate 1880-4 Gov 111 1889-93) Law 709 N McLean St Bloomington 111 Fifield Clarence Eugene (la com 1912- ) Stu Buda 111 Fifield Gertrude (Mrs P E Clark) (la 1909-12 Also Knox Coll) Home Buda 111 FILBEY Edward Joseph (com 1915- (PhB (Lawrence) '01 AB(Wis) '03 PhD (do) '08 Prof Greek U Nashville 1907-11 Dir John Hill Eakin Inst 1911-12) Priv Sec President U 111 1912- 706 Michigan Av Urbana 111 File Alvin H (su 1915) 1515 W Mon- roe St Chicago File Mrs Forrest (see Baker Alice A) File Viola Louise (ag h sc 1915- Al- so Millikin U) Stu Irving 111 *Fillinger Earl Stanley (arch 1907) d Dec 14 1907 Dana Ind Fillinger Oral (su 1915 Also U Wis) 123 S Hamilton St Saginaw Mich Fillmore Delia M (Mrs S A Reynolds) (la 1870-2) . Home 3324 Harold Av Berwyn 111 Fillmore Glenn Parrett (e eng 1908-9) Acct 320 Ellis St Peoria 111 Fillmore James Gurney (1 1906-9 LL B) Law 622 N Second St Rockford 111 Fillwebber Clarence John (acad 1902-3 la 1903-4) Adv Edison Park 111 Filson James Edwin (1 1904-7 LLB) . Mgr Champaign Co Abst Co 1023b Main St Champaign 111 Filson William F (ag 1871-4) Trav 606 Elm St Paris 111 Finch Earl DeVere (1 1905-8 LL B) Law Redlands Cal Finch Mrs E D (see Breckenridge Gladys S) Finch Garrett Hobart (la 1915- ) Stu 509 E Lincoln St Hoopeston 111 Finch Mrs James H (see T'revett Helen M) Finch Jesse Piatt (acad 1896-7 sp ag 1899-1900) Horse Importer Fargo ND Finch Walter McCord (arch eng 1911- 12) Sec Newton la Finch Winfield Scott (sp ag 1895-7) Ag R2 Lockport 111 Finch Mrs W S (see Peters Mae) Fincham Louis Roland (su 1911 Also 111 St Nor U & Stout Inst) Teach 104 E Grant St Streator 111 Findlay Mrs George (see Potter Mary K) Findley Mrs F M (see Gregory Lucy M) Findley James Stuart (c eng 1910-12 BS Also Friends U) C Eng Box 53 Canadian Okla Findley Mary Morrow (su 1909 BS (Monmouth) '82) Prin H Sch 503 S Fourth St Monmouth 111 Findley Thomas Jefferson (m eng 1909-10 Also Colo Sch Mines) M Eng 712 Charleston Av Mattoon 111 Finefield George Lewis (e eng 1903-4) Agt NYC RR 317 N Walnut St Dan- ville 111 Finfrock Chancy Lawrence (1 1910- 14 LLB Also U Mich) Law 107 210 FINGER— FISCHEE W Main St Urbana 111 (407 W Elm St) Finger Charles A (gen 1870-1) Eet Ag Marrissa 111 Fink Bruce (acad 1883-4 sc 1884-7 BS MS '93 Also Harv U 1894-5 & U Minn 1895-9 & U Chgo 1905) Teach Bot Miami U 504 Maple Av Oxford O Fink Erna Marie (la 1905-9 AB) Teach Monroe Wash (2911 S Park Av Chicago) Finkbiner Hermine Bessie (su 1910) Teach 345 Chestnut Av Long Beach Cal (Marshall 111) ?Finkelstein Maurice Davies (c eng 1908-9) 367 W 12th St Chicago Finkenbinder Erwin Oliver (sc 1908-10 AB Also N 111 St Nor & Clark U) Teach 1115 Maryland Av Milwaukee Finkenbinder Mrs E O (see Walworth Lena A) Finkenbinder Eoyal Eay (sp ag 1908- 10 Also N 111 St Nor) Ag Kent 111 Finkenbinder Walter Edison (sc 1907- 8 Also N 111 St Nor) Merc Stock- ton 111 Finlay Eva Leah (la 1915 Also U 111 St Nor)' At home 242 Barrett St Burlington la Finlay Gerald Henry (sp ag 1904-7) Clk Conrad Bnk Co Great Falls Mont Finley George Alva (acad 1902-3) Merc 113 Bartleson St Joliet III (Sugar Grove 111) Finley Joseph Orton (sp ag 1899-1904) Ag Oneida 111 Finley Margaret Alice (la 1914- ) Stu E5 Hoopeston 111 Finley Marion Eeece (ag 1913- ) Stu E5 Hoopeston 111 } Finley Mary Mildred (acad 1902-3) McClure 111 Finley Sarah (sp la 1899-1900) Teach Houstonia Mo Finn Edmund Matthew (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 303 Merrimac St Lawr- ence Mass Finn Mrs Luna Myrtle (Mrs S N) (sp mus 1906-7) Home Salem 111 Finn Mrs Lloyd M (see Miles Eae) Finn Samuel Norris (1 1906-9 LL B Also S 111 St Nor) Law & St Atty Marion Co Salem 111 Finnegan James Henry (ag 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu Brimfield 111 Finnell Claude Manford (sc 1908-9 Also Heidelberg U) YMCA Work YMCA Chicago (Tiffin O) Finnerty Mrs Frank (see Palmer May) Finney Calvin Jonathan (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Greenup 111 Finney Stella Belle (su 1912&'13&'14 la 1913-15 AB Also NW U) At home Bismark 111 Finnie Euth (la 1909-11) At home Millington 111 Finnie Thomas M (la com 1911-12) Acct Hinckley 111 (Millington 111) Finnigan Martha Mary (la 1914- ) Stu 618- W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Finnigan Thomas Joseph (su 1911 la 1914-15 Also U Notre Dame) 618 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Firebaugh Charles (acad 1900-1) Chgo Pub Lib 631 Lincoln Pky Chicago (Eobinson 111) t Firebaugh Clarence (acad 1904-5) 4449 Wentworth Av Chicago Firebaugh Esther (la 1904-5 '07-8) At home Eobinson 111 Firebaugh Eaymond S (ag 1915- ) Stu Eobinson 111 Firebaugh Eichard David (e eng 1912- 15 la 1915- ) Stu Eobinson 111 Firlce Charles Wesley (acad 1898-9) Law Mansfield 111 Firoved Glenn W (ag 1915- ) Stu Monmouth 111 Firth Jacob Gerald (c eng 1915- ) Stu Green Valley 111 Fischbacha Antonia (com 1915- ) Stu 417 E Broadway Centralia III Fischer Arvin William (ag 1906-9 BS) Ag Bensenville 111 Fischer Austin Harold (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 9226 Phillips Av Chicago Fischer Carl Henry (e eng 1901-5) E Eng Carrollton 111 Fischer Charles Albert (g math 1909- 10 AM AB(Wheaton)'05 PhD (Chgo) '12 Instr Physics Wheaton Coll 1908- 9 Instr Math U 111 1910-11) Instr Math Col U 353 W 17th St New York Fischer Chester Owen (1 1908-12 LL B) Ins 815 Jefferson Bldg Peoria 111 Fischer Clemens Joseph F (la 1909-11) Merc Belleville 111 Fischer Estella Amy (su 1911 Also Bowling Green Nor) Teach Pratt Kan (Mt Carmel 111) Fischer Fredinand August P (arch eng 1909-13 BS Also Chgo Nor Sch) Teach Mech Draw Senn H Sch 3242 Clifton Av Chicago Fischer Henry Lawrence (m eng 1911- 14 BS AB( Wheaton) '10) M Eng YMCA Bldg St Paul Minn Fischer Jacob (sc 1887-9) Elec Contr Denver Fischer John George (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-7) Mach Eepairs Saginaw Mich Fischer Lawrence (arch 1887-91 Cert) FISCHER— FISHEE 211 Merc Oregon 111 Fischer Lizzie Setter (su 1906 Also Danville Ind Nor) Mt Carmel 111 Fischer Louis E (mun eng 1894-8 BS) Consult Eng 1729 Boatman 's Bk Bldg St Louis Fischer Lucy Caroline (ag h sc 1914- 15) At home Bensenville 111 Fischer Mary Louise (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu Bensenville 111 t Fischer Oscar Anton (c eng 1907-9) 5915 Ohio St Chicago Fischer Ealph (ag 1913- ) Stu 278 Liberty St Freeport 111 Fischer Bobert Ingersoll (acad 1894-5) Mendota 111 Fischer Walter Eathfon (ag 1912-13 la 1913- ) Stu 9226 Phillips Av Chi- cago \Fisaus Eilla (acad 1896-7) Arney Ind ?Fish Almira (la 1875-6) Franklin Grove 111 *Fish Clifford Julius (acad 1904-5) d Aug 4 1912 Boulder Colo Fish Julian Lounsbury (ag 1911-15 BS) 6 Granger PI Buffalo NY Fish Vivian Mary (su 1915) Teach Benton 111 tFishback Clyde Michael (1 1900-1) Olney 111 Fishback Hamilton Eodell (sc 1908-12 AB Also Jefferson Med Coll) Stu 919 Spruce St Philadelphia (Mar- shall 111) Fishback Mason McCloud (la 1897- 1901 AB) Teach Orange Cal Fishback William Murphy (acad 1902- 3 la 1903-5 '07-9 AB) Prin H Sch Orange Cal Fishback Mrs W M (see Percival Avis H) tFishburn Nina Jeannette (la 1905-7) El Paso 111 Fisher Abigail Eliza (la 1910-14 AB '15) At home 211 W North St Gen- eseo 111 Fisher Aileen S (la 1915- ) Stu 211 W North St Geneseo 111 Fisher Benjamin Sidney (1 1909-14 LL B) Law Marshfield Ore (c/o C B Fisher Anderson Ind) fFisher Charles Douglas (arch eng 1910-11 Also Lewis Inst) 11 N Ho- man Av Chicago Fisher Clara Edna (Mrs M L Brown) (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1903 AB mus 1903-4) Home 575 Holden Av De- troit Fisher Clarence (ag 1914- ) Stu 324 S Waiola Av LaGrange 111 Fisher Clarence John (la 1914- ) Stu 441 Belden Av Chicago Fisher Clarence Eudolph (ag 1913-14) Ag Payson 111 *Fisher Claude Lawrence (sc 1905-6) d Jan 11 1906 Urbana 111 t Fisher Cora (aead 1890-1) Cham- paign 111 Fisher Ernest Monroe (mus 1908-9) Mus Hudson Kan (Greenup 111) Fisher Erwin (la com 1912- ) Stu 4548 Bacine Av Chicago Fisher Eva Josephine (la 1909-13 '15- ) Stu (573 Holden Av Detroit) 312 Daniel St Champaign 111 Fisher Fannie F ( acad 1882-3) Mis- sionary Bidar Nipanis Provinces India (Eidge Farm 111) fisher Fay Lynton (g ger 1914-15 AM AB(Millikin)'14) Teach H Sch Man- chester Ind 612 W Macon St Decatur 111 Fisher Forrest Adison (ag 1907-11 BS g agron 1915- ) Asst Soil Physics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911-14) Instr Soil Physics U 111 1914- 902 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111 Fisher Frank (c eng 1886-90) Dan- ville 111 Fisher Mrs Fred (see Palmer Anna A) Fisher Frederick Harrington (com 1914- ) Stu 810 Park Av South Bend Ind Fisher George (m eng 1900-3) Clk c/o 111 Tract Sys Danville 111 Fisher George D (m eng 1869-71) Clk 612 E Second St Newton Kan \Fisher George Harry (acad 1906-8) Urbana 111 Fisher George W (la 1874-6) Ret Mere 821 N Madison St Litchfield 111 Fisher Glendon Morrell (la 1907-9 BS (Pa) '12) Merc Red Oak la Fisher Grace Ethel (Mrs R T Bickell) (su 1906) Home 416 N First St Boise Id Fisher Guy Henry (acad 1909-10 ag 1910-11) Ag Savoy 111 Fisher Harold (ag 1915- ) Stu Be- ment 111 Fisher Harry Eastman (mun eng 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu 5519 Kenwood Av Chicago Fisher Helen Vastine (la 1912- ) Stu 211 W North St Geneseo 111 Fisher Ida (Mrs G H Gulliford) (su 1901) Home Milmine 111 Fisher Ivan Louis (com 1915- ) Stu 2130 North St Logansport Ind Fisher Jacob George (acad 1883-4 sc 1895-7 MD(Rush) '01) Med 707 Baum Bldg Danville 111 Fisher James Melville (la 1897-1900 Also Earlham Coll) Presb Mintr Men- docino Cal Fisher John Franklin (c eng 1886-90 212 FISHER— FITTON BS) C Eng 7 W Harrison St Dan- ville 111 Fisher John W (sc 1898-1900 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Ag K2 Muskogee Okla Fisher Laura Estelle (la 1908-12 AB) Supt Schs Kinmundy 111 Fisher Lawrence Glen (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Orangeville 111 ■ Fisher Leon Ernest (1 1905-8 LLB) Ins 620 S Fourth St Springfield 111 Fisher Lewis Nebinger (c eng 1909-12 BS g t&am 1913-14 MS Also Millikin U 1907-9) 1177 W : Forrest Av De- catur 111 Fisher Ora Stanley (ag 1904-8 BS Also Eureka Coll Asst Prof Agron U 111 1908-15) Specialist Ag US Sec Ag Washington (Apt 207 Fontset Cts 14th & Fairmount) Fisher Mrs Ora S (see Taylor Elsie M) Fisher Paul Paisley (la com 1907-8) Merc 238 S LaSalle St Aurora 111 Fisher Pearl (la 1894-6) Plumb & Heat 402 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Fisher Ealph Warner (sc 1913-14) 441 Belden Av Chicago Fisher Eobert Forrest (e eng 1905-8) C Eng Gibson City 111 Fisher Konald Mitchell (ry e eng 1913- 15) Ofc Mgr US Tire Co Terre Haute Ind (1653 Delaware St In- dianapolis) Fisher Eoy Savage (e eng 1902-5) Pub Util 821 N Madison St Litch- field 111 fisher Sara Carolyn (g la 1909-10 AM AB (Lombard) '09) Res Psychol Clark U 5735 Kenwood Av Chicago (530 W 123nd St New York) Fisher Stephen Elias (g 1904-5 '09-10 AB (Eureka) '00) Mintr 507 Daniel St Champaign 111 Fisher Mrs V T( see Thomen Victoria) Fisher Virginia Belle (acad 1882-3 la 1887-8) Teach 623 W Dixon St Fay- etteville Ark Fisher Walter Lloyd (ry c eng 1911- 14 BS Also Ind U 1909-11) Eng Corps Vanda¥a RR 1726 E Washing- ton St Indianapolis (R38 Union City Ind) Fisher Ward Herbert (arch eng 1907- 11 BS Also De Pauw U 1905-7) Dept City Transit 5937 Carpenter St West Philadelphia Fisher MrsWH (see Rohrer Minnie G) *Fisher Will H (la com 1872-3) d Rockford 111 fFisher William Arthur (acad 1903-4 su 1908&'09&'14) Ogden 111 Fisher William Frederick (sp ag 1911- 12) Trainman 915 Illinois Av Ot- tawa 111 Fishleigh Gladys Ryder (la 1912-13 Also W 111 St Nor) Critic Teach Kent St Nor Kent O (2978 Prairie Av Chicago) Fishman Alvin Texas (ag 1913- Also Sill St Nor) Stu Bosky Dell 111 Fishman Joe Carpenter (la 1914 Also U Chgo) Mfg Furniture Grand Rap- ids Mich Fishman Wilbur Haplow (ag 1915- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu Bosky Dell 111 Fisk Clarence William (e eng 1908-12 BS) 3648 Indiana Av Chicago Fisk Mrs C W (see Gage Marjorie) Fisk Fritz Harris (la 1913-15 law 1915) Stu De Kalb 111 *FISK George Mygatt (AB (Mich) '90 PhD(U Munich) '96 Prof Com U 111 1902-10) d April 29 1910 Madison Wis Fisk Ira William (e eng 1905-9 BS g 1912-13 MS Instr E Eng U 111 1909- 13) Assoc E Eng do 609 S Coler Av Urbana 111 Fisk Roscoe Roby (sc 1907-8) Med Brookings SD (Plainview Minn) tFisk Roy Vincent (sp ag 1912-13) Prophetstown 111 iFish Wboster Hayden (acad 1907-8) North Powder Ore Fislce Charles Wesley (acad 1898-9) Law Mansfield 111 Fiske Clarence Wilson (acad 1898-9 m eng 1899-1903 BS g 1910-11 ME) M Eng 1617% Eighth Av Moline 111 t Fiske Kenneth Bailey (sp arch eng 1908-9 Also Cor U) 111 Seventh Av Helena Mont Fitch Chester Arnold (e eng 1910) Ag RFD Broughton 111 IFitch Edward (acad 1879-80) Albion 111 Fitch Eva Lillian (lib 1907-8 AB(Ia) '02) Lib Sac City la (Columbia Mo) Fitch Howard J (ag 1913- ) Stu R3 Rockford 111 Fitch Hugh (m eng 1915- ) Stu Greenup 111 Fitch Joseph Gibson (arch eng 1913-14 la 1914- ) Stu 22 N Hancock St Madison Wis Fitch Robert Haynes (m eng 1902-4 Also Knox Coll) Merc 517 Atlantic St Peoria 111 Fites Harold B (ag 1913- ) Stu R7 (8) South Bend Ind Fithian Sidney Breese (acad 1894-5 la. 1895-7) R Est Falcon Miss Fithian Mrs S B (see Chester Edith) Fitton Catherine Camilla (Mrs Daniel Sullivan) (sp mus 1901-2) At home FITZEE— FLATT 213 Ludlow 111 Fitzer Marion (la 1915 N 111 St Nor) Stu 1215 N State St Belvidere 111 Fitzgerald Grace Aileen (la h sc 1906- 7) At home Benton 111 Fitzgerald Herbert John (sp ag 1911- 12) 303 Peoria St Lincoln 111 Fitzgerald Jack Allen (ag 1913- Also Ewing Coll) Stu Ewing 111 FITZ-GERALD John Driscoll II (AB (Col) '95 PhD (do) '06 Asst Bom Langs Col U 1898-1902 Tutor do 1902-7 Instr do 1907-9 Asst Prof Eom Langs U 111 1909-15) Prof Spanish U 111 1915- 1012 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Fitzgerald John Richard (acad 1892-3) Law 501 Powers Bldg Decatur 111 Fitz-Gerald Leora Almita (Mrs J D) (sp 1913 la 1915- Also U Paris & U Madrid) Home 1012 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Fitzgerald Sadie Josephine (su 1899 & 1900) Ivesdale 111 Fitzgerrell Sylvester Stanton (ag 1912- 13 la 1913- ) Stu Benton 111 Fitzhugh Mrs (see Bay nor Annie) FitzHugh William H (la com 1875-7) Ag Henderson Ky Fitzpatrick James Charles (la 1911-13) Teach 1814 Second Av Bessmer Ala Fitzpatrick James Claude (c eng 1913- m eng 1915- ) Eng Gillespie 111 Fitzpatrick Margaret M (la 1915 Also U Chgo) Stu 6033 Eberhart Av Chicago Fitzpatrick Ulysses Simon (la 1907- 10 AB LL B(Harv)'13) Law 510 Fourth Av Spokane Wash Fitzwater Daisy Ann' Rebecca (acad 1905-8 law 1908-10) At home 509 S Elm St Champaign 111 Fitzwater Imogene Fern (acad 1906-9 sp mus 1910-12) Stu Mus New York 509 E Elm St Champaign 111 *Fitzwilliam Frank Joel (arch 1892-5) d April 3 1910 West Frankfort 111 Fizzell Robert Bruce (la 1906-10 AB LLB(Harv)'13) Law Fidelity Trust Bldg Kansas City Mo Flabb Frederick (eng 1915- ) Baker Tamaroa 111 Flacheneker Mrs C T (see Somers Ma- bel C) *Flagg Alfred Murray (sp 1868-72) d Sioux Falls SD Flagg David Ross (acad 1900-1 sp ag 1901-2) Ag Rankin 111 Flagg Samuel Barry (m eng 1901-4 BS Also Shurtleff Coll 1900-1) M Eng US Bur Mines Savoy Apts Coal St & Rebecca Av Wilkinsburg Pa Flagg Verna Mary (la 1915- ) Stu R4 Peoria 111 *Flagg Willard Cutting (Trustee 1867- 78 AB(Yale)'54 St Senate 1869-73 Internat Revenue Coll 1861-9) d March 30 1878 Moro 111 Flaherty Lawrence Kendal (ag 1910- 11) Ranch Fremont Ore (Hubbard Woods 111) Flanders Edward Aiken (sp c eng 1905- 6 AB(LeStan)'08) C&M Eng 641 Phelan Bldg San Francisco (2490 Filbert St) Flanders Harry Taylor (acad 1905-7 e eng 1907-8) Auto Mech Noble 111 Flanders Harvey Aiken (la 1905-10 AB Also Colo Sch Mines) Prin H Sch 52 N Pine St Hinsdale 111 Flanders Mrs Harvey A (see Bennett Hazel M) Flanders Junius Aiken (la 1905-9 AB Also Lewis Inst) Grain Broker Kari- her Bldg Champaign 111 (703 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111) Flanders Paul Aiken (ag 1907-9 Also Lewis Inst) Auto Supplies c/o Flan- ders Co Detroit (1469 Michigan Av Chicago) Flanders Mrs P A (see Johnson Gladys M) tFlanigan Bessie Marie (sp mus 1898- 1901) Champaign 111 FLANIGAN Edwin Brenton ( CE (Prin) '10 Also Mass Tech Asst Mech Lab U 111 1912-13) Eng Constr Sheldon Axle & Spring Co 65 W South St Wilkes-Barre Pa Flanigan Edwin Clark (acad 1892-3 sc 1893-6) Publ 911 W Church St Cham- paign 111 Flanigan Mrs Edwin C (see Herns Effie S) *Flanigan William Thomas (acad 1885- 6 arch 1886-8) d April 4 1888 White Heath 111 flanigan Miletus Lafayette (g 1912- 14 AM BS(NW) '04) Prin H Sch 501 Indiana Av Urbana 111 Flanner Mrs Frank F (see Fatch Louise) Flannery Charles Abusdal (m eng 1913- ) Stu 3528 Pine Grove Av Chicago Flansburg Claude Copley (la 1874-7) Law 408 Funke Bldg Lincoln Neb FLATHER Alice Virginia (sp sc 1904- 8 Also Harv U 1893-5 & Cor U 1902-4 Asst Chem U 111 1904-6 Asst su 1905 Act Instr do 1906-8 Instr Boston U 1911-12) Stu Simmons Coll 20 Ar- lington St Nashua NH Flatt Harrison Obediah (la 1906-8 '10-12 AB su 1915) Teach Carroll- ton 111 Flatt Nelle Irene (la 1915- ) Stu 1 Davidson Place Champaign 111 214 FLATTERY— FLETCHEE FLATTERY Amanda M (AB(Woos- ter) '77 AM (do) '04) Catg Lib U 111 1914- 602 S Lincoln St Urbana 111 Flaugher John Howard (c eng 1907- 10) Min Eng 330 South Av Aurora 111 Flaugher Richard Greer (su 1915 Also PurU) G Eng Frankfort Ind (Cay- uga Ind) Flavell Mrs A E (see Quinn Audrey ") Fleager Clarence Earl (e eng 1895-9 BS) E Eng Pac Tel & Tel Co San Francisco (927 Indian Rock Av Berkeley Cal) Fleck Arthur William (arch 1912-13 '15- ) Stu 53 N Sherman Dr In- dianapolis Fleck Mrs F E (see Bell Marian C) tleener Frank Leslie (g 1912-14 AM AB(Denison)'12 Asst Geol U 111 1913-14) Teach Dodge Center Minn Fleig Frederick Raymond (acad 1909- 10 la com 1910-13) Bus Mgr 7217 Hough Av NE Cleveland (Belleville O) Fleishman George Samuel (c eng 1915- ) 2037 B St Granite City 111 Fleming Adelaide Sara (g ger 1911-12 AM su 1915 AB (Greenville) '07) Teach 112 N Bowman Av Danville 111 Fleming Andrew Edward (ag 1914-15) 13 14th Av Melrose Park 111 Fleming Clarence E (la 1900-4 AB BH(Internat YMCA Coll) '10) Gen Sec YMCA Binghampton NY Fleming Mrs C E (see Hall Claudia B) Fleming Denna Frank (la 1913-16 AB Also E 111 St Nor) R4 Paris 111 Fleming Dio Chalmers (su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U & Ober Coll 1891-3) E Eng Internat Harv Co 128 Cooper St Peoria 111 Fleming Edith Anna Belle (Mrs H J Burt) (la 1891-3) Home 1027 Elm- wood Av Wilmette 111 Fleming George K (sp la 1898-9 DDS (NW U Dent) '01) Dent Carthage 111 t Fleming George William (sp eng 1874-5) Olneylll Fleming Georgia Elizabeth (ag h sc 1908-12 BS Also Col U 1912-13) Instr Textiles U 111 1913- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Olney 111) Fleming Gertrude Wallace (la 1908-12 AB) Teach 1007 S Fifth St Pekin 111 (Olney 111) Fleming Harry Hall (ag Feb 1916- Also Mich Ag Coll) Stu 1849 W 22nd PI Chicago FLEMING James Russell (EM (Pitts) '11) Asst Min Eng US Bur Mines U 111 1915- University Club Urbana 111 (314 W Third St Greensburg Pa) Fleming John Goodfellow (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Arch 409 Bankers In- vest Bldg San Francisco (Olney 111) Fleming Marcella Augusta (sp mus 1898-1901 '02-6 Also Millikin U) Mus Bement 111 Fleming Mrs Nathan A (see Sage Charity E) Fleming Robert Hugh (sp ag 1902-3) Eureka 111 Fleming Rose Eilene (la 1898-1900 '03-5 AB) At home 312 N Lotus Av Austin 111 (Bement 111) Fleming Rose Grahame (la 1907-11 AB) Teach Olney 111 fFleming Mrs R K (see Jillson Lizzie) Fleming Stephen James (ag 1915- ) Stu 6319 Yale Av Chicago Fleming Virgil R (la 1898-9 c eng 1901-5 BS Also Carthage Coll 1897-8 Instr t&am U 111 1907-11) Assoc do U 111 1911- 306 Chalmers St Cham- paign 111 (Denver 111) Flemming John Herman (arch eng 1913 ) Stu 1603 Marshall St Dav- enport la Flesch Eugene William Penn (arch eng 1895-9 BS) Arch 178 W Jackson Blvd Chicago tFleshman Arthur Cary (sp la 1898-9) Bagdad Ky Fletcher Carl Joshua (e eng 1899- 1904 BS Also Lombard Coll 1897-9) Sales Vandalia Coal Co 1525 Old Colony Bldg Chicago (831 N Euclid Av Oak Park 111) Fletcher Mrs Carl J (see Henderson Mary) Fletcher Cassius Paul (c eng 1908-14 BS Also US Mil Acad 1911-12) C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 914 Karpen Bldg Chicago (Ridgefarm 111) Fletcher Charles Harrison (1 1909-13 LL B) Law Mattoon 111 (Ridge- farm 111) Fletcher Clarence Alfred (sp law 1903- 4) Broker & Promotor York Hotel 19th Av & Grant St Denver t Fletcher Douglas Perry (c eng 1908- 9 Also Armour Inst) 482 Maple Av Blue Island 111 Fletcher Edwin L (ag 1915- ) Stu W Jackson St Morris 111 Fletcher Elizabeth Blair (la 1907-11 AB AM(Wash)'13) Teach 221 E 16th St Little Rock Ark (3809 Flad Av St Louis) Fletcher John Archibald (ag 1912-14 BS Also U Wis) Ag Mgr Deerfleld 111 (2053 Monroe St Chicago) \ Fletcher John J (acad 1885-6) Col- linsville 111 Fletcher Loren Albert (sc 1907-8) Ins 910 Corn Exch Bk Bldg Chicago (482 FLETCHEE— FLUKE 215 Maple Av Blue Island 111) Fletcher Mabel Elizabeth (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U & U Chgo) Libr 470 E Center St Decatur 111 Fletcher Marcus Samuel (acad 1890-1 sc 1891-4 BS'99 MD(P&S Chgo) '98 Also U Pa 1894-6) Med George- town 111 Fletcher Marion (sp ag 1901-3 MDC (Chgo Vet) '06) Vet Illiopolis 111 Fletcher Mary Pamela (sp la 1900-1) At home 521 Cumberland St Little Eock Ark Fletcher Minerva (Mrs M J Loveless) (acad 1889-90 sp la 1894-5) At home 4746 18th Av NE Seattle Fletcher O Frank (la 1912-13) Base- ball Cherokee la (Eidge Farm 111) Fletcher Ola (Mrs Cooper) (acad 1901- 2 sp mus 1902-3) Home Eidge Farm 111 Fletcher T E (Eesident Eng St Geol Surv U 111 1907-8) St Elmo 111 Fletemeyer Frederick Eudolph (arch eng 1914- Also Pur U) Stu 1201 Brown St Lafayette Ind Flewelling Mrs Ada Walsh (la 1889-90 su 1906 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 106 S Webber St Urbana 111 Flexer Edna Helen (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 210 Campbell St Joliet 111 Flexer Fayette James (arch eng 1910- 12) V-Consul Port Elizabeth S Africa (210 Campbell St Joliet 111) ?Flickinger Fred Clard (ry eng 1883- 5) Winthrop la Flickinger John Franklin (acad 1895- 6) Hardware Lanark 111 Flickinger Pauline Elizabeth (Mrs Thos W Samuels) (la 1912-14) At home Decatur 111 (Atwood 111) Flickmir Arthur Heath (sc 1896-7 MD (Pa) '01) Med 603 Paul Bldg Hous- ton Tex Flint J P (la com 1914-15) Clk 519 Busseron Av Vincennes Ind (422 N Third St) Iflint Paul Nelson (ag 1905-6 MS BS(Mich Ag)'04 Cement City Mich Flint Percy Wightman (g chem 1907-8 BS( Charleston) '04) Chem 9 Bench St Charleston SC FLINT Wesley Pillsbury (At NH St Coll 1902-5 Asst Entom U 111 1908-9 Asst Entom Cent 111 U 111 1911-13) Entom Ofc State Entom 1231 W Ed- wards St Springfield 111 Flock Marguerite Pauline (la 1914- ) Stu 904 W Green St Urbana 111 Flock Ward John (ag 1913- ) Stu 904 W Green St Urbana 111 FLOCKEN Ira Graessle (g 1910-11 AB( Ohio ) '09 AM( Cor ) '10 Asst Econ U 111 1910-11) Instr Econ & Acct U Pitts 1911- Keystone Apts Cable PI Pittsburg Pa Flodin Harold Leo (m eng 1911-15 BS) Factory Efficiency Wk 732 Briar Place Chicago tFLOHIL ' Jan (Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911-12) FLOM George Tobias (BL(Wis)'93 AM(Vanderbilt) '94 PhD (Col) '00 Instr Ger & French Vanderbilt U 1899-1900 Instr Scand Lang & Lit U la 1900-1 Asst Prof do 1901-5 Prof do 1905-9 Asst Prof Scan Lang & Lit U 111 1909- 13) Assoc Prof Scan Lang & Lit U 111 1913- 611 W Green St Urbana 111 Flood Grace '(la 1914-15 Feb 1916- Also Ind St Nor) Stu 1125 S Seventh St Terre Haute Ind t Flood John Peter (sp law 1906-9) Loami 111 Flood Martin ( e eng 1914- ) Stu Cortland 111 Flood Wilbur Earl (c eng 1911-13 BS BS(Bradley Poly) '11) Constr Eug In- ternat Harv Co Chicago (114 Sher- man Av Peoria 111) Florence Edward (la 1909-10) Bus Mgr 272 Iowa Av Aurora 111 *Floto Ernest Charles (c eng 1900-3) d March 25 1905 Dixon 111 Flower Mrs Lucy L (Mrs J M) (First Woman Trustee 1895-1901 Teach H Sch Madison Wis 2 yrs Memb Chgo Sch Bd 1891-4 Pres Bd Mgrs 111 Tr Sch Nurses 1881-1902) Home Coro- nado Cal (Chicago 111) Flowerree Trennace (ag 1909-13 BS g agron 1915- ) Stu 605 Daniel St Champaign 111 Flowers Eoy Warner (arch eng 1902-6 BS) C Eng 252 Marshall St Gary Ind Flowers Mrs E W (see Perkins Grace N) Flowers Violette (la 1915- ) Stu Bondville 111 Floyd Florence Mallery (lib 1914-15) Asst Sec Ky Lib Comm Frankfort Ky (251 1 Eliot St Long Beach Cal) Floyd Homer Gabbert (sp ag 1906-8) Ag E6 Decatur 111 FLOYD Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Albon Bevis)(Stu Boston U 1896 Also N Eng Conserv Mus & Munich Ger Instr Piano St Mary's Coll 1904-7 Instr Piano U 111 1907-10) Home 707 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Fluck Mrs Martin J (see Campbell Daisy I) Fluharty Mrs (see Shinn Florence) Fluke Autha Maybelle (la 1914- ) Stu 216 FLY— FOOTE 6547 Normal Blvd Chicago Fly Vivienne Elizabeth (la 1913) 203 N Tenth St Mt Vernon 111 flynn Con C (g hist 1910-11 AM AB (Knox) '10 Asst Sec Avery Co Dal- las Tex (1320 E Brooks St Gales- burg 111) Flynn Frank Joseph (acad 1910-11) Ag Franklin 111 ?Flynn Mamie Agnes (su 1900) E St Louis 111 *Flynn Thomas Francis (m eng 1892- 4) d 1902 Danville 111 Foberg John Albert (la 1896-9 BS) Teach 4031 N Avers Av Chicago Fock Ernesto A (c eng 1915- Also Ohio St U) Stu Cnel Salvadores 1556 Buenos Aires Argentina Foersterling Frederick John (e eng 1907-11 BS g eng 1915- ) Stu 316 Jefferson St Peoria 111 Foersterling Mrs F J (see Busch Bertha) Fogg Alden Knowlton (c eng 1911-15 BS) Eng 111 St Highway Comm 302 Apollo Bldg Peoria 111 (c/o C W Kemp Rutland 111) Fogg Alma Jessie ( Mrs C W Kemp) (sc 1899-1901) Home Rutland 111 Fogler Harry Leroy (su 1914 Also Westfield Coll) Teach & Athl Dir In- dependence la (Westfield 111) Fogler Mayor Farthing (ag 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu 511 E Green St Cham- paign 111 Foglesong Lawrence Earl (ag 1907-11 BS Also U Id Asst Ag Exp Sta 1911- 13 Instr do 1913-14) Land Ext 12 Park Av Cambridge Mass Foglesong Mrs L E (see McRobie Jes- sie B) Folckemer Harry Rox (sc 1899-1901 MD(P&S Chgo)'05) Med Bowen 111 Foley James B (sp 1869-70) Ag Craw- ley Acadia Parish La Foley James S (e eng 1915- ) Stu Onarga 111 Foley John Warner (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng 586 Blvd East Wee- hawken NJ (Clinton 111) - Foley Mrs John W (see McCarthy Ellen S) Foley Philip O (com 1915- ) Stu Box 25 Paris 111 t Foley Raymond Andrew (e eng 1908- 9 Also U la) Alliance O Folgate Homer Emmett (acad 1909- 11) Clk 1622 Peach St Rockford 111 (McConnell 111) *Folger Adolphus D (acad 1882-3 Cert sc 1883-8) d Ridge Farm 111 *Folger Alonzo (la 1877-8) d Ridge Farm 111 *Folger Cloa Tillie acad 1892) d Nov 19 1892 Ridge Farm 111 *Folger Ida (acad 1882-3 la 1883-6) d Nov 18 1892 Ridge Farm 111 *Folger Lottie Ruth (sc 1894-5) d Ridge Farm 111 Folger Rachel Ellen (Mrs R H Rhum- phrey)(acad 1887-8 sc 1889-90 '93-6 BS) Ag Culver Ind Wolkers George (acad 1903-4) Bement 111 Folkers Harry Carl (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Trenton Mo Folkers Herbert Peter (la 1915- ) Stu Frankfort 111 Folks Ida L (Mrs J D Downey) (sp 1871-2) At home Indianola 111 Folks Willis K (la 1870-3) Ag Law- rence Kan Follansbee George Alanson (Trustee 1883-9 AB (Lawrence) '65 AM (do) '67 LL B(Harv)'67) Law 405 137 S La Salle St Chicago (Winnetka) *Follansbee Leslie Bennett (acad 1894- 5) d Quincy 111 *Follett Fred Kellogg (sp ag 1903-4) d Colorado FOLSOM Justus Watson (BS(Harv) '95 SD (do) '99 Prof Nat Sc & Physiol Antioch Coll 1899-1900 Instr Entom U 111 1900-6 Assoc do 1906-9) Asst Prof Entom U 111 1909- 101 E John St Champaign 111 Foltz Leroy Stewart (acad 1904-5 e eng 1905-7 '10-11 BS) E Eng YMCA Quincy 111 (Fowler 111) Fombelle Just Samuel (sp ag 1907-8 Also Millikin U) Ag R2 Decatur 111 Fong Yu Cheng (su 1910 Also Mass Tech) 1215 S University Av Ann Arbor Mich (Shanghai China) Fong Gooey Yue (e eng 1912-14 BS Also U Cal 1911-12 MS (Boston Tech) '15) 616 Grant Av San Francisco tFong Mon Charles (c eng 1912-13) 1119 Stockton St San Francisco Fong Yue Chor (g e eng 1914-15 BS (Nanyang) '12) Karshion Chekiong China Fontaine Everett Orren (la 1911-15 AB g mus 1915) Stu Front St Mo- mence 111 \Foohy Thomas James (acad 1895-6) Ivesdale 111 ?Foos Cora Ada (la 1875) Champaign 111 Foos Florence Ida (sp 1872-4) Cham- paign 111 Foote Dora Francelia Burton (Mrs F J) (See also Burton Dora F) (sc 1892- 4) Foote Eva Amelia (la 1872-3 Also FOOTE— FORD 217 HI St Nor U 1866-8) Home 601 W Elm St Urbana 111 Foote Ferdinand John (e eng 1890-4 BS EE(Wis)'02) Master Mech Ohio Elec RR 285 14th Av Columbus O FOOTE Francis Seeley Jr (EM (Col) '05 Asst C Eng Col U 1907-10 Instr Ry C Eng U 111 1910-12) Asst C Eng U Cal 1912- Berkeley Cal Foote Mrs Francis S Jr (see Kings- bury Margaret L) IFoote Frank Holmes (sp c eng 1895- 6) Macomb City Miss Foote Lorenzo Stephen (ag 1914- ) Stu Box 166 Stronghurst 111 Foote Ralph James (arch eng 1903-4 Also Clarkson Sch Tech) New Eng Repr Semi-Monthly Mag 200 Fifth Av New York (612 115th St) FOOTITT Frank F (g chem 1914- AB (Albion) '14) Asst Chem U 111 917 W Green St Champaign 111 (400 W Cass St Johns Mich) Foran Cassie Agnes (ag 1915- Also U Mich) Stu 718 Oneida St Joliet 111 \Foran Patrick Henry ( acad 1903-7 '08-9) Granville 111 Forbes Bertha Mary (su 1901&'05) Teach H Sch Sterling 111 Forbes Bertha Van Hoesen (Mrs B F Herring) (acad 1890-1 sc 1892-6 BS) Teach Hyde Park H Sch 5488 East End Av Apt 3 Chicago Forbes Ernest Browning (acad 1892-3 sc 1893-7 BS ag 1901-2 BS PhD (Mo) '08 Instr An Husb U 111 1902-3) Res Nutrition Wooster O Forbes Mrs Ernest B (see Mather Lydia) Forbes Ethel Clara (Mrs F W Scott) (acad 1896-8 la 1899-1903 AB) Home 703 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Forbes George Macmillan (la 1906-7) News Corresp Wilmette 111 FORBES Gideon Robert (BS(Harv) '09 MLA(do)'ll) Instr A&D U 111 1915- 703 Michigan Av Urbana 111 (2177 Knapp St St Paul Minn) *FORBES Henry Clinton (Libr & Bus Agt Lab Nat Hist U 111 1892-1903) d Jan 2 1903 Forbes Mrs J B (see Rogers Stella M) Forbes Mabel Frances (Mrs J S Bre- mer) (la 1904-5 AB Also Lewis Inst) Home 738 S Grove Av Oak Park 111 Forbes Marjorie Douglas (Mrs J W Wilson) (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1903 AB) Home Fauntleroy Park Seattle Forbes Robert Humphrey (sc 1888-92 BS MS '95 Also Harv U 1893-4 Instr Chem U 111 1892-3) Dir Ariz Ag Exp Sta 1899- Tuscon Ariz forbes Stephen Alfred (Hon LL D '05 PhD(Ind)'84 Prof Zool U 111 1884-1909 Dean Coll Sc U 111 1888- 1905) Prof Entom U 111 & Dir 111 St Lab Nat Hist & St Entom 703 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Forbes Stuart Falconner (acad 1893- 4 arch 1894-8 BS) Arch Fauntleroy Park Seattle FORBES Winifred (acad 1896-8 sp la 1900-2 '09-10 Grad Amer Conserv Mus 1902 Instr Violin U 111 1904-10 Instr Violin San Manos Baptist Acad 1911-12) Instr Violin & Harmony U Ore 1912- Eugene Ore t Forbes Zephaniah Clark (sp sc 1907- 8) 103 Washington St Newark NJ Forbush Harry W (acad 1885-6 arch 1886-7) Bus 203 W 103rd St New York Ford Albert Galliton (ag 1911-13) Surv Geneva 111 Ford Bernice (Mrs H J Van Cleave) (sc 1909-11 AB Also Rockford Coll) Home 608 W California St Urbana 111 Ford Carlotte Marks (h sc 1907-11 AB) Asst Dom Sc Kan St Ag Coll Man- hattan Kan (Geneva 111) Ford Clyde D (sp ag 1903-4 Also Geneseo Coll Inst) Ag Geneseo 111 Ford Edith Harley (lib 1911-13 BLS PhB(Chgo) '10) Asst Pub Lib 969 N Court St Rockford 111 Ford Ernest Jason (sc 1901-5 AB MD (U HI Coll Med) '06) Central Bldg Evanston HI Ford Everett Porter (m eng 1911-13) M Eng 415 NW Second St Galvaail FORD Guy Stanton (BL(Wis)'95 PhD (Col) '03 Instr Hist Yale U 1901- 6 Prof Mod Eu Hist U 111 1906-13) Prof Hist & Head Hist Dept & Dean Grad Sch U Minn Minneapolis Ford Hanby Lewis (su 1911 la 1913- 15) Flat Rock 111 Ford James Walter Jr (sc 1907-8) Stu Chgo Coll Dent Sur Chatsworth 111 FORD Jay Thomas (g chem 1914- AB (De Pauw)'14) Asst Chem U 111 1003 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Pen- dleton Ind) Ford Nellie Corey (la 1912-14) Sec to Supt Schs 1520 W State St Rock- ford 111 tFord Ralph Leo (sp e eng 1896-1900) Lewistown 111 Ford Roscoe Aaron (la 1913-14) Illi- opolis 111 Ford Sally Louise (la 1913-14 Also U Chgo) Stu U Chgo 5647 Black- stone Av Chicago Word Samuel S acad 1888-9) Kan- 218 FORD— FORTIER kakee 111 FORD Thomas Bartlett (AB(Kan)'04 AM (do) '07 Asst Instr Chem U Kan 1905-7 First Asst App Chem U 111 1907-8) Bur Standards Washington Ford William Sidney (chem eng 1903- 7 BS) Merc 1450 Dayton St Chi- cago (7342 Coles Av) Ford William W (acad 1876-7 sc 1877- 8) Ag Box 118 Tulare Cal fForden James Russel (m eng 1895-8) Oregon Fordtran Arthur Edmund (la com 1912- 13) 291 New St Blue Island 111 Fordyce Charles (su 1896) Dean Teach Coll U Neb 1921 C St Lincoln Neb Foreman Alvin Claude (ag 1906-8 '10- 11 BS) Ag & Stock Pittsfield 111 Foreman Chester Aloir (c eng 1903-7 BS) Chf Insp Kan City Ter Ry Co 2802 Wabash St Kansas City Mo Foreman Mrs Chester A (see Risser Ruby B) Foreman Herbert Spencer (sp sc 1899- 1901 SB(Chgo)'04 Also BL(NW Law) '09 Georgetown U Law Sch 1905-7) Law Calexieo Cal Foremen Orville (acad 1889-90) RR Mail Serv Roodhouse 111 (Pittsfield 111) Forester Charles LoRene (la 1914- ) Stu Yale 111 Forester Robert Jackson (acad 1902-3 e eng 1903-6) Supt Paradise Coal Co Duquoin 111 • Forester Walter James (la 1904-5 law 1907-8) Clk 415 N Washington St Duquoin 111 Forkey Mildred Lillian (ag h sc 1912- ) Stu Prophetstown 111 Forkner Mrs J C (see Swift Lewella P) Forman Charles William (acad 1893-5) Ret Naval Ofc Box 97 Sierre Madre Cal Forman Hamilton McClure (acad 1904- 5 law 1905-8 LL B) Ag Fort Lau- derdale Fla Forman Mrs H M (see Collins Carrie B) Forman Louie (sp ag 1901-2) Ag 1214 E Grove St Bloomington 111 Formoso Arscino Sebastian (su 1906 & '07 Also U Cin) Mach Outomovil Dept Vigan Ilocos Sur Fornof Mrs George N (see Frahm Hat- tie B) Fornof John Renchin (la 1906-10 AB) Publ 122 S Bloomington St Streator 111 Fornof Mrs John R (see Honeywell Helen) Fornof William Ivan (1 1913-14 Also Knox Coll) Mgr Goodrich Rubber Co Nashville Tenn (318 S Park St Streator 111) Fornoff Gustav George (e eng 1909-13 BS) Elect Engraver 326 W Madison St Chicago (1941 Eddy St) Forrest Elizabeth (lib 1900-6 BLS Ref Asst U 111 1907-8) Libr Pa St Coll State College Pa t Forrest Ralph (min eng 1909-11) Daleville Ind forrey Claire Vesta (g math 1909-10 AM AB(Miami)'09) Teach H Sch Marion Ind (Wawaka Ind) Forrey Edna Laura (g 1911-13 AB ( Heidelburg ) '06 AM ( Miami ) '09) Teach Math H Sch Marion Ind (Wawaka Ind) tForster August Frank (sp la 1904-5 Also U Mo) c/o Mrs Minnie Brame 3242 Copelin Av St Louis Forster William Edmund (ag 1912-13) RR Clk 3913 N Tripp Av Chicago forsyth Chester Hume (sc 1907-10 AM '10-11 AB (Butler) '06 Asst Math U 111 1908-11) Instr Math U Mich Ann Arbor Mich Forsyth Mrs C H (see James Louise A) Forsyth James W (m eng 1875-8 Cert) Mach Gilroy Cal Forsyth Mrs J W (see Ellis Lola D) Forsyth Lawrence Gibson (c eng 1912- 13) Teach Cayey Porto Rico (2927 Harrison St Kansas City Mo) Forsythe Albert Ernest (la 1914- ) Stu Port Antonio Jamaica FORSYTHE James Hutchinson (BS (Pa) '08 Instr Arch U Wash 1909- 10 Instr Arch U 111 1910-14) Instr Arch U Minn 321 14th Av SE Minneapolis t Forsythe John (sp ag 1900-1) Elwood 111 Forsythe Robert Stanley (su 1911 BL (Lincoln) '08 AM (Col) '09 PhD(do) '14 Also U Wis) Prof Engl W Res U Cleveland Fort Lyman Marian (acad 1907-8 sc 1909-13) Teach 517 E Second St Mitchell SD Forth Fannie Robert (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U) Nurse 2342 S Dear- born St Chicago *Forth Walter Edward (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U) d Nov 11 1914 Lud- low 111 FORTIER Edward Joseph (g la 1908- 9 AB(Tulane)'04 Instr French U Notre Dame 1905-6 Instr Rom Lang Yale U 1906-7 Assoc Rom Langs U 111 1907-9) Instr Rom Lang & Lit Col U 1910- 557 W 124th St New FORTINE— FOSTER 219 York Fortine Mrs Nelson (see Noble Anna) Fortune Cynthia Ann (la 1914- Also Forest Park U) Stu 629 S Fifth Av Springfield 111 Forty Dominic (m eng 1915- ) Stu 828 N Fairfield Av Chicago Forty Frank Alfred (e eng 1911-15 BS) E Eng 828 N Fairfield Av Chi- cago Forward Mary Cordelia (su 1914) TJr- bana 111 Fosdick Mrs Archibald M (see Thissel Inez) Fosdick Fannie May (su 1906) R Est San Palmo Apts Minor & Stuart Sts Seattle Wash Foskett William Elmer (arch 1909-10) Contr 111 N Lavergue Av Chicago (1420 Jackson Blvd) Foskitt Roy Mortimer (m eng 1902-5 Also Lewis Inst) M Eng Riverside 111 Foskule Grace Bertha (la 1913-14) At home 814 E Taylor St Bloomington HI Fosler Charles Edward (m eng 1903- 6) Constr Herman Constr Co An- tigo Wis t Fosler Clarence Antoney (chem eng 1905-7) Savanna 111 Fossland Gerard Leonard (m eng 1904-8 BS) Draft Winthrop Har- bor 111 FOSSLER Anna Katherine (BS(Neb) '95 Asst Lib U Neb 1895-7 Asst Lib U 111 1897-8 Head Catg Dept U Cal 1900-9) Head Catg Dept Libr Col U 1909- 540 W 122nd St New York Foster Alfred Bradford (acad 1889- 90 c eng 1890-4 BS) C Eng 413 S Seventh Av Maywood 111 Foster Benjamin L (acad 1883-4) R Est 1115 Garfield Av W Kansas City Kan (Bradford 111) Foster Caroline Katherine (lib 1900-4 BS (AB (Pitts) '02) Libr 719 Cope- land St Pittsburg \Foster Charles F (acad 1885-6) La- omi 111 fFoster Charles F (la 1879-80) Cur- ran 111 Foster Charles Francis (la 1872-6 Al- so NW U) Ins Bartlesville Okla Foster Charles William (ag 1869-73 BS'14 Dir Sch Mus U HI 1894-5) Teach Mus 713 W Green St Cham- paign 111 FOSTER Mrs C W (sp la 1894-5 Instr Piano U 111 1894-5) Home 713 W Green St Champaign 111 Foster Clifford James (ag 1914-15) Ag Bradford 111 Foster Dean Lester (e eng 1913-15) Puxico Mo Foster Donald DeVere (la com 1910- 15 AB) Boswell Ind Foster Edmond Roy (arch eng 1910- 14 BS) Draft 2013 Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago (917 17th Av Melrose Park 111) Foster Edward Jr (acad 1890-1) Ag Armstrong 111 tFoster Edward Burdett (ag 1911-13) 204 S Fourth St Aurora HI ^Foster Eugene E (acad 1879-80) Curran 111 Foster Faith Estelle (lib 1907-8 Also . U Colo) Libr 897 15th St Boulder Colo Foster Frank Ward (e eng 1912-15) Teach H Sch Roseville 111 (Alexis 111) Foster Frederick Heath (com 1915- ) Stu 2009 Howe St Chicago Foster George Henry (chem eng 1911- 12 '14- ) Stu Lenox Dale Mass Foster George Kenyon (1 1895-6) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 (1111 Broadway St Normal 111) Foster Harry Llewellyn (arch eng 1911-13 BS) Constr Sch Bldgs Tren- ary Mich (186 28th St Milwaukee) Foster Herbert Edward (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Constr Eng Detroit Steel Products Co McCormick Bldg Chicago (Attica Ind) Foster John Raymond (sp ag 1905-6 ag 1906-7 '11-13 BS) Teach Le Sueur Minn (Sac City la) Foster John Wellington (ag 1915- ) Spring Grove HI Foster Joseph Kyle (la 1905-9 AB) Sec 218 E Seventh St Mt Carmel 111 (Hill City Id) foster Lawrence Fleming (g chem 1911-12 '13-14 MS AB( Albion) '10 Grad Asst U 111 1913-14) Instr H Sch YMCA Pasadena Cal (1537 W 12th St Los Angeles) Foster Ora French (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Puxico Mo IFoster Orrington Cyrenius (m eng 1902-5) 527 LaSalle Av Chicago Foster Ralph Nave (m eng 1914- ) Stu E Monroe St Attica Ind Foster Richard Baxter (la 1913-15) Adv 10432 Seeley Av Chicago Foster Ruth Elizabeth (su 1910 Also Los Angeles St Nor) Teach 345 Chestnut Av Long Beach Cal (614 S Sixth St Marshall 111) Foster Ruth Isabel (la 1908-10) Teach 220 FOSTER— FOX 2236 Ridge Av Evanston 111 Foster Mrs T J (see Nichol Agnes E) Foster Thomas Grover (m eng 1908- 11) M Eng 183 Burr Oak Av Blue Island 111 FOSTER William D (BS(Mass Tech) '11 MS (do) '13 Instr Arch Design U 111 1914-15) Jour c/o Rogers & Manson 85 Water St Boston (Springfield Mass) Foster William Grant (acad 1895-6 arch eng 1896-1900 BS) Arch Opera House Blk Streator 111 Foster Winslow Howard (m eng 1888- 92) Struct Eng & Contr 9238 Pleas- ant Av Chicago *Foster Zebulon (acad 1886-7 c eng 1887-92 BS) d IJrbana 111 tFoucht Cecil Roy (e eng 1912-13) Rutland 111 Foulke Clifton Claude (la com 1912- ) Stu Worthington Ind Foulke Ronald Edward (e eng 1914- ) Stu 111 W Park Av Aurora 111 Foulks Mittie (su 1909 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Dom Sc Atlanta Nor & Indus Inst Atlanta Ga (Sidney 111) fFOULON I D (Instr French U 111 1870-2) Urbana 111 •Fountain Sampson James (arch eng 1904-5 BS BS (Tex Ag) '01 Also Ecole des Beaux- Arts Paris) d 1914 College Station Tex *Fountain Theophilus Horn (Trustee U 111 1873 At U Mich 1866-70 Memb 111 St Legis 1874-6) d Oct 3 1892 Duquoin 111 tFouts Earl Leslie (sc 1909-10) Cen- tralia 111 Fouts Lewis Hayden (acad 1891-2 la 1892-5 LL B (Drake) DC (Nat Sch Chiro Chgo) CCA (Palmer-Gregory Okla City) Dr Chiropractic 327% Av D Lawton Okla Fouts Willard Hayes (sc 1913-14) Stu Lewistown 111 ?Fowler Charles H (la com 1872-3) Chicago Fowler Chester Charles (chem eng 1905-9 BS g 1912-13 MS) Assoc Prof Chem c/o Jefferson Med Coll Phila- delphia Fowler David (acad 1889-91) Ag & Stock Rl Fithian 111 ?Fowler Edward Charles (sc 1902-3) 224 S Second St Victor Colo ?Fowler Elsie (gen 1874-5) Bradford 111 Fowler Mrs E T (see Hurst Eva M) Fowler Finley Morton (acad 1905-6) 1105 W Clark St Fowler Forrest Stephen (m eng 1890- 1) Ag Kronan Sask Can Fowler Leland Stanford (sc 1912-14) Ag Penfield HI Fowler Mrs L S (see Woods Atha E) Fowler Matt (1 1906-7 LL B LL B (Grant) '06) Law Silver City N Mex IFowler Nellie (acad 1889-90) Char- ity 111 Fowler Robert Lambert (acad 1894-5 c eng 1895-9 BS) Mgr Barber As- phalt Paving Co 141 Water St Perth Amboy NJ Fowler Wiley Marion (la 1911-15 AB) Ag Penfield 111 Fox Amy Alice (su 1911 AB(NW) '12) Teach H Sch 1220 Douglas St Sioux City la (710 Van Buren St Belvidere 111) tFox Daniel Sigismund (sp c eng 1900-1) Dwight 111 Fox David Leroy (sp ag 1912-13) Ag Palestine 111 Fox Elizabeth Lucile (acad 1908-9) Teach Sibley la Fox Frank Alfred (ag 1907-9) Ag & Dairy Glenn Cal Fox Fred Gates (la 1894-8 AB g 1902-3 AM AM (Col) '05 Prin Am- boy H Sch 1899-1901 Instr Engl U 111 1902-4 '05-6) Head Engl Dept St Nor Sch 1908- 374 24th St Milwau- kee tFox Gertrude Grace (su 1907) 111 W North St Danville 111 *Fox Harry Bert (sc 1898-1900 BS g 1903-4 MS '05 '05-7 Also 111 St Nor U Instr Geol U 111 1900-13) d 1913 Sparta Mich Fox Hermon Logan (su 1906) Deputv Sheriff 19 S 11th St Murphysboro 111 Fox James Leslie (mun eng 1912-15 c eng 1915- ) Stu 63 Grand Av Englewood NJ Fox James Reuben (c eng 1901-5) Barber 725 N Court St Rockford 111 Fox Jessie Lucilla (ag h sc 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu 807 S Lincoln Av Urbana HI *FOX Jessie Younge (Mrs R S Shep- ardson) (AB(DePauw) '95 Asst Piano U 111 1897-1901) d Feb 13 1911 Chi- cago Fox Mabel Bessie (Mrs E V Bronson) (ag h sc 1904-6) Home Edmonds Wash Fox Maybelle Clare (Mrs W W Dy- sert)(la 1903 '04-5) Home 300 S Gramercy PI Los Angeles %Fox Mary (la 1875-7) Champaign HI *Fox Nathaniel M (la 1873-4) d May 21 1892 Elgin 111 FOX— FRANKLIN 221 Fox Patrick (sp 1915- ) Stu 464 Agnes St Indianapolis Fox Kay Stewart (su 1914 Also Brad- ley Poly) Ag 325 Blue Earth Minn Fox Ruth Leda (la 1913- ) Stu 47 Northview Av "Upper Montelair NJ Fox Thomas Warren (m eng 1909-11) 2nd Lieut 24th Infantry Presidio of San Francisco (Mankato Minn) Fox William Homer (e eng 1910-11) Stenog Bethel Mo Foy Torrey Byers (ag 1915- ) Stu 232 S Galena Av Freeport 111 fracker Stanley Black (g sc 1912-14 PhD AB(Buena Vista) '10 MS (la St) '12) Instr Entom U Wis Madi- son Wis (Storm Lake Wis) Frackleton David S (la 1875-7 LL B (Mich) '82) Law Fenton Mich Fradkin Benjamin (min eng 1915- ) 1812 W Division St Chicago tFragante Vicenta P (su 1905 Also Millikin U) Vigan PI (Ilocos Sur) Fragosco Gilberto (acad 1910-11 c eng 1912-13) Merc Patoni 23 Du- rango Mex *Frahm Hans (la 1887-91 BL) d Sept 14 1910 Tuscola 111 Frahm Hattie Belle (Mrs G N Fornof) (la 1897-1901 LL B) Home Streator 111 Frail James Eddis (su 1911&'12&'13 Also Valparaiso XJ) Prin H Sch Rey- nolds 111 (LaFayette 111) Frailey Lester Eugene (la 1909-14 AB su 1915) Head Pub Speak Dept Cul- ver Mil Acad Culver Ind (805 S Co- ler Av Urbana 111) Frame Byron Emmet (su 1915 Also Muskiugum Coll) Teach H Sch El- dorado 111 ( Seneca ville 111) Frame Edith Maye (la 1915- ) Stu 409 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Frame Grace Bryan (la 1911-12 '15- Also Knox Coll) Stu 409 E Spring- field Av Champaign HI Frame Warren Aaron (la com 1914- 15) Milford 111 Franceway Margaret (la 1901-5 AB) Teach Granville 111 Francis Julio (su 1908&'09 BS(Pur) '10) Surv Manila Pagsanjan La- guna PI Francis Mrs Alma Lindner (Mrs C K) (su 1908 Also Female Sem Richmond Va) Home 324 West St Stillwater Okla Francis Arthur Lewis (la com 1914- ) Stu 6414 Yale Av Chicago ^Francis Bruce R (acad 1885-7) Peoria 111 Francis Charles Kenworthy (g sc 1907- 8 AM(Brown)'04 PhD(Mo)'lO) Res & Teach Okla A&M Coll Stillwater Okla Francis Edmund Carlton (acad 1893- 4) Pub Acct Downer's Grove 111 Francis Frank D (la 1896-1900 AB MD(NW Med) '03) Med 66 E Oak St Chicago Francis Fred (m eng 1874-8 BS'14) Ret R5 Kewanee 111 Francis Fred Davis (su 1912 Also Earlham Coll) Ret Bridgeport Ind Francis George Harlow (ag 1908-10) Ag New Lenox 111 tFrancis Helen Elizabeth (la 1912- ) Stu Wyoming 111 Francis Howard Milton (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) Ag Hunter Ark Francis John R (acad 1882-3) Eng 1512 Edgar Av Mattoon 111 Francis Oscar Jefferson (arch 1898- 1902 BS) Arch & Land Arch Santa Barbara Isle Pines Cuba Francis Ruby Louise (la 1907-8) At home Hunter Ark Francisco Elmer Lynn (acad 1902-3) Sub Letter Carrier 316 Vine St Woodstock 111 Francisco Louis (su 1905 Also U Notre Dame) C Eng Bur Pub Wks Balanga Bataan PI Francke Hallie Herman (sp ag 1911- 13) Ag Mt Carroll 111 FRANK Edwin Dieterich A (g m eng 1914- BS(Mass Tech) '06 Also Aachen Ger 1911-12) Instr M Eng U 111 1914- 1113 Arbor St Champaign 111 (2300 Grand Av Milwaukee) Frank Louis Harry (e eng 1889-90) Theatre Owner & Mfg 6920 Sheridan Rd Chicago Frank William George (acad 1900-1) Operating Dept Armour & Co Union Stock Yds Chicago Frank William Leonard (sc & ag 1908-12 BS) Ag El Campo Tex Franken Ewell Gerdes (sc 1906-10 AB Also Rush Med 1910-11) Med Stu Chandlerville HI Frankenberg Pearle (Mrs D H Mc- Clintock) (lib 1898-1904 BLS) Home 902 N Ninth St Phoenix Ariz Frankenberger Edna (la 1915- Also Mo St Nor U) Stu 1503 Garrison Av Carthage Mo Frankenfeld Walter (su 1915) Teach Dallas SD (Pana 111) Franklin Mrs (see Condon Mary M) Franklin Mrs Bertram A (see Sonntag Mildred E) Franklin Dean (1 1901-4 LL B) Jud City Ct Macomb 111 222 FKANKLIN— FRAZEY Franklin Howard Brace (m eng 1902- 6 BS) M Eng 1611 Clayton Park Av Chicago Franklin Irwin Chase (e eng 1895-6) Consult Eng 1021 Harris Trust Bldg Chicago (111 W Monroe St) fFranklin J Gilbert (ag 1911-12) Chambersburg 111 Franklin James Garfield (sc 1903) Teach 459 Hudson Av Brooklyn NY Franklin Lois Gertrude (Mrs A W Stoolman) (la 1902-3 AB g 1903-5 Also 111 St Nor U 1896-1900) Home 1001 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Franklin Mrs R W (see Crawford Lu- vern H) Franks Arthur J (la 1915- ) Stu 1400 S Eighth St Springfield 111 Franks Charles Wilber (la 1897-1901 AB) Teach Cavite PI FRANKS Thomas (Asst Gardener U 111 1869-72) Flor 206 E University Av Champaign 111 (111 W Vine St) tFrans Raus Peter (ag 1902-3) Kirk- wood 111 FRAPRIE Frank Roy (BS(Harv)'98 MS(do)'02 Asst Chem U 111 1899- 1900) Edit Amer Photography 221 Columbus Av Boston (39 Addington Rd Brookline) tFranzen Edwin A (sp ag 1906-7) Bensenville 111 Franzen Theodore John (arch eng 1911-13 BS Also Bradley Poly) Esti- mator & Draft c/o Lanquist & Illsley Co Gen Contr Chicago 1100 N Clark St Chicago FRARY Hobart D (g math 1915- ME(Minn)'08 MS(do) '09 Also U Gottingen 1913-14) Asst Math U 111 1915- 410 Railroad St Urbana 111 (3108 Garfield Av Minneapolis) tFraser Mrs Alice Eaton (sp 1902-8 '12-13 Also NW U) 252 Seminary Av Aurora 111 Fraser Annebell (lib 1903-8 BLS) At home Wellton Ariz Fraser Cecil Eaton (la 1914-15) 1003 S Wright St Champaign 111 Fraser Henry Whitman (sp m eng 1900-2) Ag Wellton Ariz Fraser Herbert Alexander (sc 1886-8 BS(NW) '92) R Est 701 Raynor Av Joliet 111 t Fraser Jesse Gibe (acad 1909-10) Chicago Fraser Kenneth Gatiss (la 1907-8) Ag Wellton Ariz Fraser Malcolm Blaine (sp m eng 1905-6) Ag Wellton Ariz tFraser Reginald Simon (arch & c eng 1912-14) 504 Railroad Av Lead SD Fraser Thomas (min eng 1913- ) Stu White Hall 111 Fraser Viola Constancia (sc 1909-12 AB Also Yankton Coll 1907-9) Loan Asst Lib U 111 1911- 1108 W Spring- field Av Urbana 111 Fraser Wilbur John (acad 1889-90 ag 1890-3 BS MS '02 Instr Dairy Husb & Asst Ag Exp Sta U 111 1896-1902) Prof Dairy Husb & Chf Dairy Bact Ag Exp Sta U 111 1902- 1003 S Wright St Champaign 111 Fraser William Alexander G (m eng 1895-9 BS Asst Master Mech U 111 1901-2 Master Mech Flammisfumis Co 1903) Ranch Wellton Ariz Fraser William Harry (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Waterman 111 Frayer Disk Sylvester (c eng 1911-15 BS Also Lewis Inst) Rodman C& NW RR 226 W Jackson Blvd Chi- cago (First Av & 16th St May wood 111) Frazee Anna Dora (la 1912- ) Stu Moweaqua 111 Frazee Frank F (acad 1877-8) RFD Mail carrier Sheridan 111 Frazee John Delavan (la 1907-11 AB) Res't V-Pres Amer Surety Co Bk Commerce & Trust Co Bldg Memphis Tenn (1931 Manilla Av) Frazee Louis Rheem (sp ag 1909-12) Sales 1931 Manilla Av Memphis Tenn Frazee Mabel (Mrs J B Snyder) (la 1907-9) Home Moweaqua 111 Frazee Russell Card (ag 1910-14 BS) 329 Jefferson St Morris 111 Frazer George Carlyle (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Lockport 111 FRAZER George Enfield (AB(Ia)'09 LL B (Wis) '12 Instr Bus Adm U Wis 1910-12 Comptroller U 111 1913- 15) Asst Treas Montgomery Ward & Co Chicago (1101 Davis St Ev- anston 111) Frazer Mrs G E (see James Helen) fFrazer Joanna Vera (la 1898-9) Springfield 111 Frazer Norman D (m eng 1874-5) Pres Chgo Portland Cement Co - 30 N LaSalle St Chicago Frazer Oscar Bryant (la 1905-8 AB LLB(Harv)'ll) Law Box 117 San Juan Porto Rico (734 23rd St. Rock Island 111) Frazey Alice Belle (acad 1893-5 la 1895-8 AB) Superv Draw Pub Sch Frazey Nellie May (Mrs F W Eagels- ton)(See also Vines Mrs E J) (la 1897-1901 AB) Home 1136 Fresno Av Berkeley Cal FEAZIEE— FEEEMAN 223 Frazier Arthur Owen (la 1913-15 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Supt Schs At- wood 111 (Paris 111) Frazier Cleo (su 1915) Stu NW U 114 E Monroe St Paris 111 Frazier Delia Purl (Mrs E N Gillum) (acad 1893-4) Home 613 W Clark St Champaign 111 t Frazier Edgar Jacob (acad 1896-7) Paris 111 Frazier Elmer Allen (acad 1893-4 sp la 1897-1900) Mech 11717 Parnell Av Chicago Frazier Jacob Edgar (1 1910) Ag E4 Paris 111 Frazier James B Jr (ag 1910-14 BS 'Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Albion 111 (E4 Paris 111) Frazier James William (acad 1897-8 sc 1898-1902 BS) Ag El Eardin 111 Frazier John (ag 1915- ) Stu Paris 111 Frazier Philip (m eng 1911-14) Mfg 150 Highland Av Aurora 111 Frazier Mrs S A (see Storment Mrs Mary Hill) Frazier Walter Stephen (la 1913-15) Stu Mass Tech 246 Downer PI Au- rora 111 *Frazier William Jackson (sp ag 1892- 3) d May 20 1914 Villa Grove 111 Freark Parke West (mun eng 1912- ) Stu 1115 Williamson St Champaign Freark Eay Henry (la 1914- ) Stu 1115 Williamson St Champaign 111 Frede Glen W (com 1915- ) Stu Stewardson 111 Fredenbur John W (sp 1873-4) Paint- er Winslow Ariz ?Fredenbur W M (sp 1873-4) Urbana 111 Fredenhagen Victor Byron (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng 610 Goodwin Inst Bldg Memphis Tenn (838 N Fifth St Springfield 111) Frederick Eugene Mark (ag 1913- ) Stu Clarence 111 FEEDEEICK Frank Forrest (grad Mass Nor Art Sch 1890 Also Eoyal Westminister Sch Art London 1897 Prof Art & Design U 111 1890-6) Dir Sch Industrial Arts Trenton NJ Frederick Grant (1 1884-8 BL) Law & Bnk Odem Tex "Frederick James Ivan (su 1905 Also N 111 St Nor) d Jan 10 1909 Pax- ton 111 Frederick Otto (1 1907-10 LL B) Law 424 Main St Peoria 111 (Eo Sulli- van 111) Frederick Eoscoe Charles (1 1908-10 LL B) Law 424 Main St Peoria 111 t Frederick Samuel (acad 1886-7) Clar- ence 111 Frederick Sherman (acad 1886-7) Bnk & Grain Merc Clarence 111 Frederickson David Terhune (sp la 1893-4) C Eng c/o James Stewart & Co Salt Lake City Frederickson George (la 1890-4 BS) Merc Box 676 Oklahoma City Okla Frederickson Mrs George (see Brown- lee Mary L) Frederickson Harry Grindley ( ag 1915- ) Stu 810 W Healy St Cham- paign Frederickson John H (c eng 1887-91 BS) Mgr Gen Contr 825 W 17th St Oklahoma City Okla *Frederickson Olaf Wm (c eng 1871- 2) d June 3 1872 Champaign 111 Frederickson William (la 1886-8) Jud Mun Ct 7112 Hawthorne Av Holly- wood Los Angeles tFreeburg Arthur Eric (sp ag 1910- 11) 4728 N 47th Av Chicago Freeburg Walter (e eng 1915- Also Kan St Ag Coll) Stu 127 N First St Lindsborg Kan Freeburn Louise Caroline (la 1915- Also U W r ash) Chichagof Alaska t Freeburn Walter Holsburg (sc 1902- 5) Piano 111 tFREELAND Chesley Barber (ag 1907- 11 BS) Ag Dalton City 111 tFreeland David E (sp ag 1892-3) Bethany 111 tFreeland David Ellis (sp ag 1905-6 Also Lincoln Coll) Dalton City 111 Freeland William Thomas (sp ag 1892- 3) Oil Prospector Alvin Tex (Wind- sor 111) Freels John William (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 711 Pennsylvania Av E St Louis 111 \Freeman Artemesia Jesseman (acad 1902-3) Urbana 111 ?Freeman Clytus Allen (g la 1910-11 AM (Albion) '10) 806 Gregory St Ur- bana 111 Freeman Edward Edmun (acad 1903-5 m eng 1905-6) Merc Fithian 111 ♦Freeman Edwin (sp 1868-9) d Cob- den 111 tFreeman Estella Viola (mus 1910-11) Ogden 111 Freeman Florence Marcia (lib 1899- 1900) Catg Pub Lib Long Beach Cal Freeman Frank Stewart (sp ag 1903-5 Also 111 Wes U) Ag & Stock Hey- worth HI Freeman Harry Eben (acad 1894-6 sc 1896-1900 BS MD(NW Med) '03) 224 FREEMAN— FREY Med Millington 111 Freeman Herbert Verne (arch eng 1911-13) Draft 235 E Pratt St Ind- ianapolis Freeman James Alexander (sp sc 1897- 8 Also S 111 St Nor) Ag & Teach Benton 111 Freeman Jessie (Mrs Ralph M Camp- bell) (mus 1902-3) Home 603 E Daniel St Champaign 111 ^Freeman John Arthur (acad 1905) Urbana 111 Freeman Joseph Hewett (Trustee U 111 1898-9 (AM (Bates) '88 Asst St Supt Pub Instr 111 1887-9 '96-8 '99- 1902 St Supt do 1898-9 Capt Co H 14th Me Inf Civ War Supt 111 Sch for Blind 1902-7) Ret 265 Fox St Aurora 111 Freeman Julian Bryant (m eng 1902-5) M Eng Webster Eng Co 301 Stock Exch Bldg Chicago (Maplewood Rd Riverside 111) * Freeman Julius Buckingham (acad 1896-8) d March 24 1912 San Diego Cal Freeman Kilburn Bartlett (arch eng 1913-15 c eng 1915- ) Stu 606 W Healy St Champaign 111 Freeman Marie (h sc 1911-13) Asst Dir Lunch Room U 111 208 W Green St Urbana 111 Freeman Paul Woodie (e eng 1906-9) Merc Urbana 111 (1401 N Water St Decatur 111) Freeman Perry John (acad 1902-3 m eng 1903-7 BS Instr M Eng U Pa 1907-10 Instr Mach Constr U 111 1910-12) Asst Prof Ap Mech Kan St Ag Coll 1610 Fairview Av Man- hattan Kan Freeman Roy Clinton (acad 1898-9) Law Champaign 111 (Homer 111) Freeman Ruth Mae (la 1910-13 AB Also Moody Bible Inst) Gen Sec YWCA Helena Mont (710 W Mill St Bloomington 111) Freeman Simeon Harrison (sp law 1900-1) R Est & Mgr Theatre 504 W Elm St Urbana 111 Freer Arthur Warren (c eng 1913- ) Stu 63 W Ontario St Chicago FREER Louise (AB (Cor Coll) '07 BS (Col) '11) Dir Phys Tr Worn U 111 1915- 905 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Frees Herman Edward (acad 1892-3 sc 1893-7) Anal Chem 608 S Dear- born St Chicago (6826 Perry Av) Freese John Andrew (sc 1898-1902 AB MD(Harv)'07) Med 106 Car- negie Av East Orange NJ Freese Ralph Stanley (la 1907-8 Also 111 Wes U) Ins 204 Peoples Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 Freijs Chas Theodore (arch 1875-9 Cert) Arch 554 Central Trust Bldg Indianapolis fFremer Otto William (arch eng 1907- 11) 404 E Daniel St Champaign 111 (2421 S Trumbull Av Chicago) French Beals EL (g ed 1915- BS (Alfred) '13) Stu Ellicottville NY French Burton (e eng 1900-4 BS) Sec & Operating Eng Pub Serv Co Okla 1013 Colcord Bldg Oklahoma City French Cora May (Mrs Miller) (acad 1895-6) Home Talbot Ind ^French Ernest (acad 1890-1) Pana 111 French George N (acad 1877-8 c eng 1879-83) Ag Montezuma 111 French Guy Russell (su 1911& , 12 Al- so S Collegiate Inst) Teach Eureka HI French Henry Helm (ry m eng 1911- 14 BS) M Eng 9203 Pleasant Av Chicago French Herbert E (g chem 1915- AB (Morningside) '15) Asst Chem U 111 704 S Third St Champaign 111 (3829 Fifth Av Sioux City la) French Ida Bertram (su 1914 Also 111 Coll) Medora 111 French Mrs Laura Woodward (Mrs I H)(sp mus 1902-6) Home 912 W Oregon St Urbana 111 tFRENCH Maurice Deen (e eng 1899- 1903 BS) C Eng 1203 Sherman St Danville 111 French Ralph Waldo (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Magnolia HI French Randall White B (ag 1914- Also Albion Coll) Stu 31 W Muske- - gon Av Muskegon Mich French Ransford Morton (arch 1887- 91 BS) Arch 736 Considine Av Cincinnati Frensdorff Charles August (la 1915- ) Stu 603 W Green St Urbana 111 Fretz Mrs Jewel Camp (sp 1900-1 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Home 1238 Broad- way Knoxville Tenn (Tolono 111) Freund Gustav Louis (chem eng 1914- Also Col U) Stu 1637 Bathgate Av New York Freund Leo (la 1913-14) 423 S Web- ster St Decatur HI Frey Geo Earl (sp 1904-5 e eng 1905- 8) Sales 329 W Park St Portland Ore Frey Hollis Oldfield (e eng 1914- Also Eureka Coll) Stu 203 W Monroe St Bloomington 111 \Frey Joseph Clark (acad 1900-1) FRICK— FROST 225 Rock Island HI Frick Arthur Henry (ag 1914- ) Stu 508 E Daniel. St Champaign 111 Fricke Herman Henry (m eng 1903-7 BS) M Eng Box 3494 Bisbee Ariz Fridricks Augustus Henry (sp law 1906-7 1907-10 LL B) Asst City Atty 106 N Main St E St Louis 111 Fried Harry Nathan (ag 1913- ) Stu 1502 Lawndale Av Chicago Friedman Mrs (see Barker Sylvia) Friend Robert Owen (e eng 1903-7 BS Also NW U) E Eng c/o YMCA Mo- line 111 Friendo Sidney (c eng 1912-13 Also Armour Inst) Clk 3904 Indiana Av Chicago Frier John (m eng 1913- Also Pur U) Stu 1246 Amherst PI St Louis tdeFries Erich Hans (la 1910-11 Al- so St Josephs Coll) 1828 Summit Av Davenport la Fries John Edmund (su 1914 Also Carroll Coll) Waterford Wis Frieseneeker Emma Katherine (su 1911 &'15 Also U Chgo) Teach 507 Spring St Galena 111 tFriess John Peter (sp arch 1891-2) Mascoutah 111 tFriestedt George Luther (ag 1906 Also Racine Coll) 170 S Central Park Av Chicago FRINK Fred Goodrich (BS (Mich) '86 MS (Chgo) '02 Prof C Eng U Id 1897-1900 Instr C Eng U Mich 1902- 4 Asst Prof C Eng U 111 1904-6) Prof Ry Eng U Ore 1908- 603 Hil- yard St Eugene Ore Frisbie Leigh Allen (ag 1908-10) Ag R7 Rockford 111 Frisinger Claude Thomas (mus 1906-9) Evangelistic Singer 330 Bailey Av Mt Washington Pittsburg FRISK John Alexander Asst & Mech M Eng Lab U 111 1912- 702 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111 (601 Elm St Red Oak la) Frison Edward Howard (sp la 1897- 8) Fin & Ins & R Est Champaign HI Frison Theodore Henry (la 1914- ) Stu 503 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Fritchey Paul Bucher (la 1909-12 AB Also Pur U) 111 Repr Alexander Hamilton Inst YMCA Peoria HI Fritchey Theodore Augustus Jr (la 1909-13 AB MBA(Harv)'15) c/o Lawrence & Co Textile Comm Merc 24 Thomas St New York (318 W 57th St) Frith Roy Newcome (m eng 1902-3) Supt Elec Light & Water Plant Don- ovan 111 Fritter Clara Theressa (Mrs G J Zinn)(su 1902&'03&'05 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Beaux Arts Village Seattle Fritter Edna Elizabeth (Mrs R C Bates) (su 1902 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 206 N Linden St Normal 111 *fritter Enoch Abram (su 1902&'03& '04&'05 AM '06 AM(Findlay)'98) d Sept 16 1912 Findlay O Fritz Harry Rhinehardt (g eng 1915- EE(Tex)'14) Stu 2815 Woodside Av Dallas Tex Fritz Herman Henry (sp ag 1900-1) Eng Ry 47 State St Norwalk O (Monroeville O) Fritz Ward Raymond (sp ag 1908-9 Also Dixon Coll) Ag Mt Carroll 111 IFritze Lucius Augustus (chem eng 1909-11 BS Also Bradley Poly) 800 Biglow St Peoria 111 •Frizzell Delbert E (ag 1874-5) d LaMoille 111 Frobish Birt Edward (su 1915) Onar- golll Froebe Elmer Nicholas (ag 1912-13) Ag Chatsworth 111 Froehde Frederick Charles (c eng 1907-10) City Eng & Supt Sts Up- land Cal Froehlich Hugo Ferdinand (e eng 1912- Also Wash StL U) Life Guard 3721 Page Av St Louis Froehlich John Daniel (c eng 1905-9 BS Also U Chgo) C Eng 3815 Roke- by St Chicago Froelich Milton Heckscher (c eng 1907-11 BS) Struct Draft 308 E 53rd St Chicago Froehly Arthur Gustav (e eng 1915- ) Stu 3829 Delmar Blvd St Louis Frohardt Elmer Philip (ag 1913- ) Stu 2223 D St Granite City 111 Frohardt Louis Philip (su 1913 AM (Central Wes) '84) Supt Schs 2223 D St Granite City 111 Froman Cleo Russell (1 1914-15) Stu U Colo 218 S Arsenal Av Indian- apolis Frommann Mildred (la 1915- ) Stu 3164 Hudson Av Chicago Froom Albert Nellis (ag 1904-6 Also Armour Inst) Ag Bellhaven NC tFrost Don Harold (ry eng 1907-8) Jerseyville 111 ?Frost Edward Disboreugh (chem 1872-3) Jerseyville 111 Frost Frank G (acad 1896-7 m eng 1897-1901 BS) Gen Supt c/o Hous- ton Light & Power Co Box 1286 226 FROST— FULLENWIDER Houston Tex Frost James Grivy (sp ag 1908-9 ag 1909-10) Rock Sand & Gravel Co 3740 Oregon St San Diego Cal Frost John Henry (c eng 1902-6 BS) Ins 1625 E Fifth Av Denver Frost Walter Kilborn (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 712 N Court St Rockford HI tFroyd Melvin Frankfort (sc 1910-13 Also DePauw U) 351 S Market St Paxton 111 Fruin Elizabeth (h sc 1909-13 AB) At home El Paso 111 Fruin Mary Camille (la 1905-9 AB) Teach 501 Third Av E Kalispell Mont (El Paso 111) Fruin William Mark (la 1908-9) Ag El Paso 111 Fruit Charles Cleveland (sp ag 1904- 5) RR Clk Plain well Mich Fruland Iva Viola (Mrs Harry Coch- ran) (la 1911-12) Home 2428 Sixth St Moline 111 (Sheridan 111) Fruland Ruth Myrtle (la 1913-15) At home Sheridan 111 Fry Albert Stevens (c eng 1909-13 BS) Hydraulic Eng Morgan Eng Co Memphis Tenn (404 W Univer- sity Av Urbana 111) *Fry Cyrus David (la com 1868-70) d Freeport 111 Fry Ellwood Ray (ag 1909-13) Dist Mgr Edison Disc Co 2916 13th Av Rock Island 111 ?Fry Ernest Gladhart (c eng 1909- 10) 738 W Main St Olney 111 Wry Harvey B (acad 1888-9) Bond- ville 111 ?Fry Ray Emmet (sp ag 1904-5) Tower Hill 111 Frye Calhoun Lynne (su 1901) Gov 919 Bigelow St Peoria 111 Frye J Fred (sc 1914-15 Also U Chgo) Merc Box 312 Madison St Swayzee Ind Frye Frederick William (c eng 1903- 7 BS Also Wheaton Coll) Ronan Mont Frye Hazel Mary (la 1913-15 AB Al- so U Chgo) Teach H Sch Chrisman 111* (Fairbury 111) Frye Nels (sc 1908-9 Also N Park Coll) Invest Broker 6803 Parnell Av Chicago Frye Theodore Christian (sc 1891-4 BS PhD(Chgo)'02) Sc & Res Bot U Wash Seattle Fryer Edna Fern (Mrs A S Linbarg- er)(acad 1905-6) Teach San Jose HI Fryer Paul Glover (acad 1905-7 m eng 1907-9) Grain Merc San Jose 111 Frykholm Ellen Viola • (su 1915 Also Chgo Nor Coll) Teach 1435 Winne- mac Av Chicago Fuchs Albert George Jr (sp ag 1908- 10 BS(Wis) '13 Also U Notre Dame) Supt Farm The Chateau Chicago (821 Sheridan Rd) Fuchs Arthur W (la 1915- ) Stu 5405 Ingleside Av Chicago Fuchs Carl Ernest (sp arch eng 1908- 10 LL B(NW)'15 Also U Notre Dame) Law 821 Sheridan Rd Chi- cago Fucik Edward James (c eng 1897- 1901 BS) C Eng 3831 N Hamlin Av Chicago Fucik John Jr (c eng 1902-6 BS) Eng 1610 S Sawyer Av Chicago Fuente Jose Maria de la (ag 1913-14) Nadores Coahuila Mex ?Fuentes Armando (su 1908 Also U La) Havana Cuba Fuessle Milton Theodore (sc 1907-9) Jour & Lit 3507 Bosworth Av Chi- cago Fugard John Reed (arch 1905-10 BS) Arch 111 W Monroe St Chicago Fugard Mrs J R (see Owen Rowena C) » Fujimura Genzo (arch eng 1914-15 Al- so U Utah) No 72 Wakamatsucho Ushigome-ku Tokio Japan Fujimura Gikan (ag 1909-10 sc 1910- 11 BS & MS Also Mich Ag Coll) Bus Moriaka Japan Fulke Frank L (com 1915- ) Stu 710 N Third St Evansville Ind Fulkerson William Houston (Trustee 1900-1 Attended West Point Mil Acad Gen Mgr CP&StL RR Pres 111 St Bd Ag 1899-1900) Stock Jerseyville 111 Fulks Harry Catlin (la com 1909-13 AB) Asst Cash Bk 101 W Fifth St Beardstown 111 Fulks Richard Bailey (sc 1905-6 Also Knox Coll) Trav Sales 101 W Fifth St Beardstown 111 Full George C (acad 1887-8 sp arch eng 1888-9) Ag St Joseph 111 Fullenwider Alice Evelyn (Mrs E B Lytle)(acad 1903-4 la i904-7 AB Al- so Bettie Stewart Inst) Home 603 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Fullenwider Arthur Edwin (arch 1894-8 BS) Arch 7209 Harvard Av Englewood Sta Chicago Fullenwider Lucilla Agnes (Mrs C C Savage) (sp la 1905-6) Home Vir- ginia 111 Fullenwider Thomas Irvin (acad FULLENWIDER— FULWIDER 227 1897-8 c eng 1898-1902 BS) Struct Eng 611 Delaware St Minneapolis Fullen wider Wilfred Truman (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag Mechanicsburg 111 "Fuller Clarence Claude (sc 1902-3) d Feb 19 1903 Charleston 111 Fuller Clarence Malcolm (mun eng 1911-13 BS Also Pur U 1907-9) C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 914 Korpen Bldg Chicago (R5 Lawrenceville 111) Fuller Elizabeth Genevieve (la 1913- 15 AB Also 111 St Nor U) At home Box 59 Stockbridge Mich FULLER Emma Quinby (Mrs A R Dean) (AM (Neb) '97 Instr Voice U 111 1899-1901 Instr Amer Conserv Mus , 1902) Home 5226 Cornell Av Chi- cago t Fuller Frank David (c eng 1901-3) Elgin 111 Fuller Harold Coulon (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) Arch Draft 212 Murdock Bldg Lafayette Ind Fuller Irwin Lee (1 1901-2 LL B Also U Minn) Law 801 Glen Oak Av Peoria HI Fuller James R (c eng 1886-90) US Asst Eng US Eng Ofc Peoria 111 Fuller Leon Elmer (acad 1904-5 sc 1905-8) Mfg 476 Stella St Elgin HI Fuller Lottie Moylan (la 1909 Also U Kan) Asst Sec Fire Assn Fort Leavenworth Kan Fuller Miles Chine weth (sp law 1900-2 Also Bradley Poly 1904-5) Blue Print Draft & Ofc Supplies Fuller Blue Print & Supply Co Peoria 111 Fuller Orville Melvin (ag 1912-14 '15- ) Ag Beardstown 111 Fuller Purl (arch eng 1913-14) Eng Box 295 Grundy Center la Fuller Robert Otis (sp e eng 1901-2) Ag Waterman HI Fuller Ruth White (Mrs Field) (la 1880-3) Supt Incarnation Fresh Air & Convalescent Home Lake Mohegan NY (Madison Av & 35th St Nev? York) Fuller Spencer Samuel (sc 1893-4 MD (Rush) '02) Med Paxton HI * Fuller Victor G (acad 1879-80) d Nov 1913 Toulon 111 t Fuller Wilford Winnie (m eng 1902- 5) 311 S 14th St Muskogee Okla Fuller Mrs W W (see Chilton Ina) Fullerton Charles Bushnell (1 1905- 6 '08-11 LL B) Law 38 S Dearborn St Chicago Fullerton Hugh Regnier (acad 1897- 8' la 1898-1901 AB'02 Also U Mich) Law c/o Title Trust Co Seattle Fullerton Theron Bushnell (ag 1912- 15 Also Beloit Coll 1910-11) Instr Hist & Coach Emory & Henry Coll Emory Va (622 E Pearl St Ottawa 111) Fulrath William Merle (c eng 1915- ) Stu Mt Carroll 111 Fulton Clarence E (g cer 1911-12 BS (Rutgers) '11) Res Pittsburg Plate Glass Co 301 E Tenth Av Tarentum Pa FULTON Edward (AB(Dalhousie) '89 AM(Harv) '91 PhD (do) '94 Asst Engl Harv U 1892-4 Prof Engl Wells Coll 1894-1900 Asst Prof Rhet U 111 1901- 4) Assoc Prof Engl U 111 1904- 1009 W California Av Urbana 111 Fulton Edward Irving (su 1915) Stu Cent U Ky Box 63 ' Anchorage Ky Fulton Eugene (sp ag 1900-1) Ag Bottinear ND Fulton Frank Taylor (acad 1884-5 ag 1886-7 MD(JHopk)'99) Med 36 Prospect St Providence RI Fulton George Thomas (c eng 1891-4) Sec-Treas Johnston Glass Co Hart- ford City Ind Fulton Guy Chandler (arch eng 1911- ) Stu Rl Warsaw 111 Fulton James Blaine (acad 1881-2 c eng 1882-6 BS) Mfg 3175 Boston Av San Diego Cal Fulton Mrs J R (see Pollock Ad die B) Fulton Lawrence Wilson (su 1910 Also Monmouth Coll) Prin H Sch Barron Wis Fulton Mrs Lawrence W (see Watt Laura A) fFulton Mary Charlotte (su 1909) Pinckneyville HI FULTON Maurice Garland (PhB (Miss)-'98 AM(do)'01 Instr Rhet U 111 1903-4 Prof Engl Central U Ky 1905-9) Prof Engl Davidson Coll 1909- Davidson NC Fulton Perry A (acad 1884-5 ag 1885- 6) Ag Rl Warsaw 111 Fulton Robert Bruce (c eng 1897-1902 BS) C Eng 857 Gov Way Coeur do Alene Id (c/o Pacific Coast Pipe Co Seattle) Fulton Robert E Jr (com 1915- ) Stu 324 N Galena Av Dixon 111 Fulton Roy Abbott (e eng 1912-13) 437 S Main St Springfield Mo Fulton William Jewett Jr (la 1915- ) 412 High St Keokuk la Fulton William John (la 1894-8 AB law 1898-1900 LL B) Law 214 Pierce Bldg Sycamore 111 Fulton Mrs W J (see Busey Laura) Fultz Mrs H B (see Merriam Zula L) tFulwider Byron Simmons (la com 1912-13) 31 Green St Freeport HI 228 FUNG— GABLER Fung Yu Nan (ag 1913-16) 506 Good- win Av Urbana 111 (Hunan China) Funk Arthur Smith (cer 1908-9 BS (Notre Dame) '06) Factory Mgr Rub- ber Mills Co 1407 Main St LaCrosse Wis Wunlc Clarence P (acad 1882-3) Plainfield 111 Funic Edward Fillmore (acad 1876-7) Decatur 111 Funk Frank Floyd (ag 1901-3) Ag R31 Ottawa 111 Funk Frank Wilmer (sp ag 1912-14) Ag R2 Beverly 111 Funk Haven Ray (acad 1910-11) Mintr Cadwell 111 Funk Irene Mason (Mrs J A Royce) (la 1908-12 AB) Home Naperville 111 Funk Julius Fitzwilliam (sp ag 1901- 2) Ag Paradis La Funk LaFayette (Trustee 1891-3 Grad (O Wes) '58 St Repr 1882-3 St Sen 1884-6 Pres St Bd Ag 1891-2 Dir Union Stock Yds & Transit Co Chicago Memb St Highway Comm Memb Nat Highway Comm) Ag Shirley 111 Funk Lincoln (sp ag 1884-5) Actor Los Angeles Funk Lyle Wilbur (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Bloomington 111 Funk Marquis De Loss (sp ag 1902-4 '05-7 Also 111 Wes U) Ag Shirley Funk Marguerite Marie (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 629 N Bowman Av Danville 111 Funk Ruth Scovell (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 711 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 tFunkhauser Frederick McClellen (sp arch eng 1909-10) 64 S 17th St Terre Haute Ind iFunkhauser. Paul DeWitt (acad 1909- 10) Mattoon 111 Funkhouser Earl A (su 1912) Teach Jonesboro Ark (Atlanta Mo) Funkhouser Fern Susanna (la 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 503 N Hazel St Danville 111 (R3 Mattoon 111) Funston Edmund B (acad 1887-8 arch 1888-92 BS) Arch 503 Robin- son Bldg Racine Wis Funston Jesse Earl (m eng 1909-10) Ag Lovington 111 Funston Jesse G (acad 1889-90 e eng 1891-5 BS) E Eng Geddes SD Fuqua Albert Turner (acad 1896-7) Trav Tndianola Ind Fuqua Gertrude R (Mrs J K Graham) (la 1906-7) Home 9417 35th Av SW Seattle *Fuqua Mrs Ruth (su 1903) d Oct 2 1904 Urbana HI tFurbeck Stanley Brooks (sc 1912-14) 440 Lake St Oak Park 111 Furber William Allard (la 1890-1 Bnk Markham Tex Furey Warren William Jr (e eng 1915- ) Stu 2302 Cottage Grove Av Chicago Furlong Will Jeoffry (la com 1908-10) Merc 515 Seventh St Rochelle III Furr Paul M (ag 1914-15 Also 111 Coll & S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Cameron Mo (Carbondale 111) Furrow Elmer Otis (la 1904-9 AB LL B(Colo) '09) Law Steamboat- Springs Colo *Furry Charles V (acad 1887-8) d Jan 27 1897 Virden 111 Furry Mrs R D (see McDougle May) Fursman Frances Elias (Mrs E P Gale) (acad 1901-2 la 1902-3) Home 5 N Fourth St Marshalltown la Fursman Mrs W H (see Myers Wini- fred) Fursman William Hiram (c eng 1900- 4 BS) R Est & Coal Min Henryetta Okla Furst Frank Everett (la 1893-4 Also U Mich 1894-7) Law & Mfg 34 Har- lem Av Freeport 111 Furst Oliver B (acad 1886-7 m eng 1887-8) Sp Agt Bell Tel Co 118 N Institute PI Peoria HI Furst Philip Carl (arch 1912-13 Also Lewis Inst) Stu U Mich 1503 W 14th St Bedford Ind Furukawa Sozabu (arch 1909-13) Arch c/o Nakamura No 26 Go chome Aoy- amakitacho Tokyo Japan Fuson Levi Harry su 1911) Med Bo- gota 111 Fyfe Isabelle (Mrs L S Peters) (lib 1902-5 BLS Also Ober Coll 1900-1 & U Mich 1901-2) Home Albuquerque N Mex Gaarder Rolf Harold Josef (com 1915- ) Stu 1 Yoimgsgaben Krisbiania Nor- way Gabbert Glen Andrew (acad 1908-9) Merc Taylorville 111 Gabel Helen Louise (h sc 1914- Al- so NW U) Stu 216 First St Belvi- dere 111 Gabelman Julius Gordon (c eng 1892- 5) C Eng Bd Local Improv 207 City Hall Chicago Gable George Elmore (arch 1911-14 BS Also la St Coll) Arch 612 L St W Cedar Rapids la Gabler Mathias George (e eng 1910- GABRIEL— GALEENER 229 11 Also Armour Inst 1908-9) Asst Brewmaster 5323 Emerald Av Chi- cago Gabriel Carson King (sc 1913- ) Stu Payson 111 Gabriel Frances Amelia (la 1915- ) Stu 109 S Fourth St Evansville Wis Gabriel George (su 1906 Also Chgo Nor Coll) Mgr Halbach Schroeder Co 221 Chestnut St Quincy 111 Gaby Lewis Chancee (c eng 1906-8 Also Wittenberg Coll & Midland Coll) Min Eng 952 Hale Av Edwardsville 111 Gaddis Albert Macy (e eng 1910-14 BS) Sales Inter-St Publ Serv Co New Castle Ind (233 Bundy Av) Gaddis Birney Higgins (g la 1908-9 AB( Greenville) '08) Teach Evans- ville Wis Gaddis Henry Elisha (la com 1909-13 AB) Clk Life Ins 900 The Rook- ery Chicago Gaddis Jessie Maria (mus 1913-15 ag h sc 1915- Also Knox Conserv) Stu 1009 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Gaddis John W (acad 1877-8 arch 1879-82) Arch Vincennes Ind Gaddis Lillian Ennis (la 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 415 Alton St Alton 111 Gaddis M Zoe (sp mus 1900-1 '03-7) Mus 730 W Hill St Champaign 111 Gaddis Porter Lemuel (g sc 1909-10 AB( Greenville) '08) Teach Comstock Neb Gaddis Wm Gary (acad 1904-5 sp eng 1905-6) Law Vincennes Ind Gadsby James Herbert (ag 1915- ) Stu 17 Willow St N Adams Mass *Gaffin Benjamin Heistand (acad 1897-8 ag 1898-9 Also U Wis) d June 26 1913 Leaf River HI Gaffin Charles Harold (acad 1897-9 Ag & Stock Leaf River 111 Gaffin William Ward (c eng 1891-3 CE(Cor)'96) Contr Gaffin & Gehri Leaf River 111 *Gaffner Theopilus (chem 1874-8 Cert '79) d June 15 1906 Trenton HI Gaffney Emory Clizbe (acad 1901-2 MD( Hahnemann Chgo) '05) Med Lin- coln 111 Gage Byron Fremont (acad 1910-11 sp ag 1912-13) Ag R62 Seneca 111 Gage Helen Louise (sp ag 1908-9) At home 541 Aldine Av Chicago Gage Ida (g la 1910-11 BL (Downer) '07) At home R62 Seneca 111 Gage John Howard (sc 1912- ) Stu Rl Texico 111 Gage Lawrence Fremont (ag 1910-12) Ag R2 Seneca 111 Gage Lester Rufus (arch eng 1911-12) Bridge Insp 121 E King St Winona Minn Gage Mrs Louis Luche (su 1911) Libr 903 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Gage Marjorie Harriet (Mrs C W Fiske) (la 1905-9 '11-12) Home 1617 % Eighth Av Moline 111 Gage Ralph Hawes (c eng 1899-1903 BS '05-7 CE) C Eng & Sec 301 S Eighth Av LaGrange 111 Gage Robert Percy (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Waterloo la (839 Washburn St Elgin 111) Gage William John Jr (acad 1907-9 arch eng 1909-11) Arch 64^ Broad- way Fargo ND Gagnier Edward Duscharm (g m eng 1900-1 BS(Mich Ag)'99) Eng Dept Republic Iron & Steel Co 442 W Dela- son Av Youngstown O Gailey Mrs (see Lawhead Maude M) tGailey Rowena L (lib 1904-6) Ash- land 111 ?Gaines Forrest (sc 1900-1) 18 S Hickory St Champaign 111 Gaines James E (acad 1882-3 m eng 1883-4) Ag Dayton Wash Gaines Mary Glendora (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Broadlands 111 Gaines Walter Lee (ag 1903-8 BS MS '10 Instr Dairy Husb U 111 1909-13) Ag Crete HI Gaiser Joseph Edmund (sp ag 1902-4 Also E 111 St Nor) Ag R4 Charles- ton 111 fGaither Charles (sp 1873-4) 2119 Church Av Almeda Cal Galbraith Alonzo Bowers (sp eng 1906- 9 Also Lewis Inst) Contr & Builder 148 N 49th Court St Chicago Galbraith Ernest John (la 1902-3 Also U Pa & U Wis) Law 403 German Fire Ins Bldg Peoria 111 Gale Eli Pike (sc 1899-1901 BS (Chgo) '03) Mgr & Mfg Marshalltown la Gale Mrs Eli P (see Fursman Fran- . cis E) GALE Frances Agnes (Mrs Thomas Stewart) (sp la 1901-2 Instr Sc Acad IT 111 1901-2) Home Plainfield 111 Gale Mrs H G (see Cook Agnes S) Gale Mrs L M (see Nichol Jose- phine J) Gale Minnie (su 1915 Also Lincoln Coll) Teach 1011 Pearl St Sioux City la (112 Hudson St Lincoln 111) Gale Walter Henry (sp 1880-1) R Est Phar & Publ 412 N Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111 Galeener George Edwin (ag 1902-3) Nurseryman Vienna 111 230 GALEENEB— GAME Galeener John Halbert (la 1900-2 law 1902-6 LL B) Law Ag & Merc Sikeston Mo Galeener Mary Christie (Mrs E V Young) (sp mus 1904-6) Home Wil- liamsville 111 *Galeener Wilbur Fiske (1 1904-7) d May 1 1913 Springfield 111 Galeener William Kenneth (ag 1907- 11 BS) Orchard B2 Fairfield 111 Galeener Mrs W K (see Carrier Adela P) Galhuly Stanley Worcester (c eng 1903-7 BS) Arch Treas Dept Superv Arch Ofc Washington \Gall George Gerald (acad 1904-5) 2751 Sheridan Ed Chicago Gallagher Mrs (see Fraser Annebell) Gallagher Anna Marie (la 1910-14 AB) 2831 E 76th PI Chicago Gallagher Fred Barron (mun eng 1914- ) Stu 840 Woodlawn Av Bock- ford 111 * Gallaher Bessie Estelle (acad 1905-6 la 1906-8 '11-12) d May 20 1913 Homer 111 jGallaher Fred Lee (acad 1897-8) Mt Palatine 111 Gallaher George Buffer (acad 1900-1 la 1901-5 AB JD(Chgo) '09) Law 312 W State St Eockford 111 (623 Ashland Av) Gallaher Harold T (e eng 1912- ) Stu Pleasant St Tiskilwa 111 *Gallaher Lewis Theron (la 1897-8 1901-2 AB su 1899 & 1900) d Dec 10 1904 Lostant 111 Gallaher Marion Belle (Mrs Cole) (acad 1909-10 la 1910-11) 5524 Prai- rie Av Chicago Gallaher Thomas Andrew (su 1906&'07 Also 111 St Nor U AB(Nat Nor Sch Ohio) '88 AM (do) '95) Teach York- ville 111 ?Gallar William Charles (m eng 1911- 12) 3712 S Emerald Av Chicago Gallardo Marcelino Mendoza (acad 1905-6 PhC(P&S Chgo) '09 MD(do) '10 Also Santa Clara Coll) Dist' Health Ofc Bomblon & Mindoro Sib- ulan Oriental Negros PI (49 Eizal St San Isiado PI Gallardo Silvino M (la 1906-7 Also Dixon Coll & W 111 St Nor) Bur Con- stabulary Manila PI Gallatin Cyrus Ellis (sp la 1899-1900) Loco Eng B&O EE Garret Ind Gallie Donald Muirhead (sc 1911-12 DDS(U 111 Coll Dent) '15) Dent Ee- liance Bldg 32 N State St Chicago (1115 Elwood Av Wilmette 111) Gallimore D G (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Cambria 111 Gallion Grace Margaret (Mrs T G Knappenberger) (sp mus 1904-5 '07-8) Home St Joseph 111 Gallistel Albert Francis (arch eng 1905-6) Supt Constr U Wis 206 N Brooks St Madison Wis Gallivan Lilian Margaret (sp la 1908- 9) Bkpr 211 E University Av Cham- paign 111 Gallivan Lyle Hugo (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 211 E University Av Champaign 111 Galloway Homer A (acad 1884-5 la 1885-6) News Eep Enterprise Ore fGalloway John W (sp arch 1884-5) Chicago GALLOWAY Thomas Walton (AB (Cumb)'87 AM(do)'89 AM(Harv) '90 PhD(Cumb)'92 LittD(Mo Val- ley) Dean Mo Valley Coll 1895-1902 Asst Zool U 111 su 1911 &'15 Prof Biol Millikin U 1902-15) Prof Zool Beloit Coll Beloit Wis Galloway William James (m eng 1902-7 BS) Deerfield 111 Gallup Harvey Wetmore (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag Pontiac 111 Galpin Stella Belle (lib 1912-14 BLS AB(Knox)'ll) Loan Desk Asst Lib U, 111 1914- 1107 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 (351 W North St Galesburg 111) Galster Alma Lydia (su 1914) Teach Tower Hill 111 Galster Augusta Emilie (acad 1909-10 la 1910-11) Teach 1447 N Third St Springfield 111 (Tower Hill 111) Gait Donald Alexander (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Donna Tex *Galusha Orson Bingham (Trustee 1868-73 Sec 111 St Hort Soc 16 yrs) d June 15 1898 Peoria 111 Galvin Paul Vincent (la 1914-15) Clk CNW EE Shops 1101 Hart St Har- vard 111 Gambach Jacob (acad 1901-2 la 1902- 6 AB) Teach II Sch 307 E First St Belleville 111 t Gambach Lena Susan (sp 1902-3) Hecker 111 Gamble Clare Curtis (la & ry ad 1911- 15 AB) 15 Milwaukee St Malone NY Gamble Donald Tunnicliffe (ag 1910- 14 BS) Ag & Stock E2 Kewanee 111 Wamble Fred Grant (acad 1901-3) Champaign 111 t Gamble Jossa Pearle (su 1903) Fil- son 111 ?Gamble Samuel Wesley (arch 1891-6) 411 The Cambridge Ellis Av & 39th St Chicago Game Josephine Louise (la 1909-11 su 1912) Teach Chatsworth 111 GAMERTSFELDER— GARDNER 231 tGamertsf elder Carl Christian (g la 1909-10 AB(NWColl)'09) 161 Loomis St Naperville 111 tGandia Angel Charles (sc 1912-13) Manate PI fGandora Juan Giron (ag 1912-13 Also Colegio Catolica Puebla) 3rd de Ar- guitectos 123 Mexico DF Gangstad Ida Marie (lib 1911-12 AB (Wis) '08) Lib Asst Exten Dept U Wis 929 University Av Madison Wis (Deerfield Wis) Gangstad John Otis (sp ag 1908-9 Also U Wis 1906-7) Ag Chippewa Falls Wis Gangstad Julius Siverine (ag 1907-9 BS Also TJ Wis) Propr Capital City Creamery Baton Rouge La Gangstad Mrs J S (see Gere Hazel H) Gangstad Morton Edgar (acad 1910-11 sp ag 1911-12) Ag Deerfield Wis Gangulee Nagendra Nath (ag 1907-10 BS BM(Coll Barisal) ) Ag Shantin- iketan Bolpur E I Ry (Loop) Beja- gal India Gannaway Lelia Maude (la 1914-15 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 225 W 14th St Anderson Ind (RI Gays 111) t Gannaway Moody (1 1904-7 LL B) Mattoon 111 Gansbergen Frederick Henry (ag 1915- ) Stu 2238 Lincoln Park West Chicago Ganser Alice Marie (sp la 1912-14 Also U Chgo) Vocal Mus 275 Main St Aurora 111 Gantert Cylno Foote (la 1915- ) Stu 1432 Sixth Av Quincy 111 Gants Elwyn Tracy (m eng 1912- ) Stu Wenona 111 Gantz Grace Dorothy (la 1915- ) Stu 301 E Green St Champaign 111 Gantz Howard Stanley (ag 1913- ) Stu 301 E Green St Champaign 111 Gantz Mary Louisa (la 1901-3 Also U Wis) Teach Oregon 111 Ga Nung Howard D (arch eng 1893-5 Also Case Sch Ap Sc) Arch & Eng Syracuse NY Garabedian Garabed Arshag Zacar (sc 1907-10 BS MD (Rush) '13 Also Syrian Prot Coll Beirut) Med Montrose & Lincoln Av Chicago Garber Alfred Emanuel (ag 1913- ) Stu Gibson City 111 Garber Emanuel (acad 1891-2) R Est & Ins Washington 111 Garber John Frederick (la 1896-7 AB PhD (Chgo) '03) Teach c/o Yeatman H Sch St Louis (1394 Blackstone Av) Garber Ralph John (ag 1908-12 BS) Teach Morgan Minn (Gibson City 111) Garden Henry Rhiel (c eng 1899-1903) Pres Salem Brick Co Salem Va t Gardiner Cecil Merritt (sc 1900-2) Ag Alta Can (Champaign 111) *Gardiner Charles Matthew (sc 1897- 9) d Aug 20 1913 Champaign 111 Gardiner John James (c eng 1904-6) Agt & Opr Flanagan 111 Gardiner John Low (m eng 1911-12 la 1912-15 AB) 4645 Beacon St Chi- cago Gardiner Lion (m eng 1905-9 BS) Tech Adv Eng Record 1156 E 54th PI Chicago (5243 Ingleside Av) Gardiner Royal Thomas (sp 1899-1900) Ft Dearborn Mich (Troy Grove 111) *Gardiner William R (la 1872-4) d Mahomet 111 Gardner Albert O (sc 1875-6) R Est 364 N Occidental St Los Angeles Gardner Bradley Charles (sc 1903-6 BS Also Asst Chem U 111 1906-7) Supt & Chem Chapman & Smith Co Chicago (815 W 78th St) Gardner Clarence Oran (la 1905-9 AB g 1909-11 AM) Asst Prof Pol Sc U Cin 262 Hosea Av Clifton Cincinnati *Gardner Daniel (Trustee 1873-81 Ohio Sen 1856-8 1st Mayor Champaign 1860) d Feb 13 1883 Champaign 111 Gardner Ernest Rowe (acad 1898) Ship Clk W Lewis & Co 807 S Prai- rie St Champaign 111 ^Gardner Eva (acad 1898-9) Blason 111 Gardner Franc John (chem eng 1913- 15 Feb 1916- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 1704 Humboldt Blvd Chicago Gardner Frank Arthur ' (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-5 Also Pa St ColJ) Supt Northern Insulating Co 798 Watson Av St Paul Minn Gardner Frank Duane (acad 1886-7 ag 1887-91 BS Agriculturist U 111 1891^5 Soil Expert US Dept Ag 1895- 1901 Dir Exp Sta Porto Rico 1901-4 Soil Mgr Bur Soils US Dept Ag 1904- 8) Prof Agron Pa St Coll State College Pa * GARDNER George Enos (Prof Law Sch U 111 1897-8) d Dec 17 1907 Worcester NY GARDNER Harry (sc 1905-7 BS (Wis) '05 MS (Kan) '11 Instr C Eng U 111 1905-7 Prof Math la Wes 1907- 9 Asst Prof C Eng U Kan 1909-13) Instr T&AM U 111 1913- 604 E Chal- mers St Champaign 111 Gardner Mrs Harry (su 1915 Also U la) Home 604 Chalmers St Cham- paign 111 Gardner Harry Clifton (e eng 1903-7 BS Also Hedding Coll) Ag R2 Viola 111 232 GARDNER— GARRETT t Gardner Harvey Adolph (acad 1908- 10) Grifton NC Gardner James Harlan (ag 1908-12) Ag Tiskilwa 111 Gardner James Lewis (ag 1907-11 BS) Farm Mgr R4 Virginia 111 Gardner Jessie (la 1879-83 BL Also Coll Mus Cin) At home Elmherst E Walnut Hills Cincinnati Gardner John Joseph ( g ag 1912-14 MS g pomol 1915- BS(Mass Ag) '05 BS (Boston) '12 Instr Olericul NH St Coll 1910-12 Asst Pomol U 111 1912-14) Assoc Pomol U 111 1914- 1117 Euclid St Champaign 111 Gardner McKinley (la 1914- ) Stu Auburn 111 Gardner May Emma (Mrs Gruber) (sp mus 1892-3) Home 221 S Seeley Av Chicago Gardner Mrs R (see Ledgerwood J) t Gardner Samuel Boon (acad 1893-4) Utica 111 GARDNER Thomas Mooney (BME (Pur) '92 MME(Cor)'96 Asst Eng Pur U 1892-3 Prof E Eng Pratt Inst 1901-2 Asst Prof E Eng U 111 1907- 8) E Eng Dept Ore Ag Coll 1906- Corvallis Ore tGardner Willis S (sp 1869-72) Clin- ton la (Champaign 111) Garibaldi Americo Thomas (la 1909- 10) R Est 1236 Astor St Chicago Garibaldi Lawrence Andrew (la 1907- 10) Import & Wholesale Grocer 1236 Astor St Chicago Garland Charles Walter (1 1904-7) Law 1234 NW Bk Bldg Portland Ore GARLAND Claude Mallory (BE(Van- derbilt) '03 Instr M Eng U 111 1905- 10) Eng Camden Iron Wks Collings- wood NJ (104 Linden Av) Garland Frank Dean (sc 1906-10) V- Pres Uni Supp Store 902 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Garland Mrs F D (see Fielding Ruth) garlough Carlton D (g math 1908-9 AM AM (Hillsdale) '00) Prof Math Wheaton Coll 421 N Wheaton Av Wheaton 111 Garm Clifford Clarence (la com 1902-4 law 1904-5) Bnk -Beardstown 111 tGarm Roy Henry (sc 1896-7) Beards- town 111 GARM AN Harrison (DSc At Johns Hopkins U 1881-2 Assoc Prof Zool & Entom U 111 1886-9 Asst Prof Zool & Entom & Bot Ag Exp Sta Ky St Coll 1889-1907) Prof Zool & Entom U Ky 1910- 638 S Broadway St Lexing- ton Ky Garman Horace Bryan (la 1915- ) Stu 601 N Lincoln Av Urbana 111 t Garman Jerome C (acad 1880-1) Ur- bana 111 Garman John Walter (ag Feb 1916- Also Millikin U) Stu 1411 W Wood St Decatur 111 garman Philip (g 1913-14 MS '14- BS (Ky) '13) Stu 638 S Lime St Lex- ington Ky Garman Ray L (ag 1915- ) Stu Bethany 111 Garner Alfred William (g la 1904-5 BS ( Miss A&M ) '00 PhM ( Chgo ) '06) Prof Hist Miss A&M Coll Ag Col- lege Miss Garner James Madison (ag 1915- ) Stu Lanark 111 GARNER James Wilford (BS(Miss A&M) '92 PhM(Chgo)'00 PhD(Col) '02 Instr Pol Sc Col U 1902-3 Instr Pol Sc U Pa 1903-4) Prof Pol Sc U 111 1904- 807 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Garner Robert (la 1911-12) Merc Milford 111 Garnett Charles Hunter (la 1895-6 AB g 1906-7 AM LL B( Yale) '99) Law 1615 E Eighth St Oklahoma City Garnett Elmer Logan (la 1899-1905 AB LL B(NW)'06) Fin Altus Okla Garnett Mrs EL (see Barnard Lela E) tGARNETT Grace Ann (la 1897-1901 AB) c/o S Pearson & Son Santa Cosadia Chihauhau Mex Garnett Harriet Elizabeth (la 1906- 7 '09-11 AB) Teach H Sch Pratt Kan (Plymouth 111) Garnett Helen Richards (Mrs William Meyer) (ag 1910-11) Home Porter- ville Tex tGARNETT Percie Ellen (acad 1899- 1900 la 1905-9 AB) Plymouth 111 Garnett Robert Edward (acad 1904-5 la 1905-8 AB) Bnk Rl Plymouth 111 Garret Leona Belle (Mrs C S Mont- gomery) (ag h sc 1906-8 Also N 111 St Nor) Home Stockland 111 Garrett Donald Benjamin (la 1915- ) Stu 1518 National Av Rockford 111 Garrett Elnora (sp ag 1908-9 Also W Coll Worn) At home Momence 111 Garrett Florence Ethel (Mrs A H Bauer) (la 1904-5 '06-7 su 1908) Home 2100 Seminary Av Chicago t Garrett Frank James (sp ag 1907-8) Minonk 111 Garrett Frank William (ag 1906-11 BS) 1st Asst Soil Fert Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 1103 Euclid St Cham- paign 111 (Momence 111) tGarrett Grade Gertrude (sp la 1902- 4) Media 111 Garrett James Franklin (acad 1909- 10 sc 1910-14 BS Also Valparaiso GARRETT— GARZA 233 U) Chem Eng The Permutit Co 30 East 42nd St New York (Kinmundy 111) Garrett James H (m eng 1883-6 BS) M & E Eng 504 W Washington St Champaign 111 Garrett Louise Wallace (Mrs F C Bauer) (4a 1909-13 AB) Home 715 5 Prairie St Champaign 111 Garrett Ray (la 1906-8 > Stu Law 111 Wes U & Official Stenog Supreme Court 111 Springfield 111 Garrett Richard Pratt (1 1899-1902 LLB) Law 6252 Stony Island Av Chicago Garrett Silas Jay (ag 1906-7) Ag Momence 111 Garrett Texie Elizabeth (la Feb 1915 Also Marshall Coll) Teach Dickson W Va Garrett Thomas B (e eng 1894-6) E 6 Refrig Eng 3832 Clay St Denver Garrison Byron Keith (la 1913-14 Also W 111 St Nor) Toulon 111 Garrison Edith Grace (mus 1914- ) Stu 209% W Illinois St Urbana 111 fGarrison Elbert (sp sc 1905-6 Also Dixon Coll) Urbana 111 Garrison Florence Wenonah (Mrs C H Danforth) (la 1914 Also St Coll Pa) Home 4544 Clayton Av St Louis Garrison Harmon Earl (sp ag 1909-10 Also S Collegiate Inst) Prudential Ins Agt 620 S 14th St Herrin 111 TGarrison Joseph M (ag 1869-70) c/o St Charles Condensed Milk Co 9 Wabash Av Chicago (Greenwood 111) Garrison Leona Belle (la 1910) Clk 1305 W Hill St Champaign 111 Garrison Lloyd (e eng 1903-7 BS g e eng 1910-11 EE) Com Eng 1557 Redondo Av Salt Lake City (Milford HI) tGarrison Russell Paul (acad 1909-11 la 1911-12 Also Valparaiso U) Wayne City 111 Garritson Hillard De Witt (arch 1912- 13) Jour 514 W Second St Marion Ind Garrity Leo Francis (m eng 1907-8 Also U Notre Dame) Dist Mgr Cent 111 Util Co Chatsworth 111 fGarrod James A (sp 1873-6) Keen- ville 111 ftarst Julius (sp 1873-5 Also U Mich) Proprietary Med Mfg 29 Oread St Worcester Mass Garst Stephen Quackenbush (acad 1901- 2) Gov Forest Serv Magdalena N Mex Garten William Raymond (c eng 1912- 15 Also Pur U) Odon Ind Garth Mrs (see Whited Rose M) Garth Casper Tyrrell (la 1914-15 com 1915- Also U Tex) Stu 1461 Calder Av Beaumont Tex Gartner Andrew Wolfgang (com 1915- ) Stu 62 W Main St St Charles 111 Gartside Mrs B J (see Van Horn Emma R) Gartside Benjamin West Jr (arch eng 1905-6) Arch 1731 Park Av Daven- port la Garver Daisy (Mrs H W Baum) (la 1906-9 AB) Home Bransford Apts Salt Lake City Garver Earl (ag 1907-11 BS Asst Dairy Dept U 111 1911-12) 1103 S Main St Rockford 111 \ \ Garver Frank Scott (acad 1903-4) Rockford 111 Garver Lewis Cormany (m eng 1897- 1900) 209% Fourth St Portland Ore GARVER Neal Bryant (BCE(Ia St) '05 CE(do)'ll Instr C Eng U 111 1910-13) Assoc C Eng U 111 711 Indiana Av Urbana 111 Garver Willia Kathryn (lib 1897-1903 BLS) At home 1204y 2 E Washing- ton St Bloomington 111 Garvey Cella May (Mrs J H Faith) (acad 1907-9 la 1909-10) At home Rankin 111 Garvey Edward James (arch eng 1913- 14 '15- Also Carleton Coll) Stu 1034 Second Av N Faribault Minn Garvien James Francis Jr (ag 1913-14 Also U Wooster) Casilla 811 Santi- ago Chile Garvin John B (sc 1884-6 BS Also St Lawrence U 1882-4) Prin S Side H Sch Denver (4545 Grove St) t Garvin John Mackin (acad 1906-7) Muscatine la fGarvin Joseph Aloysius (acad 1896-7 la 1897-8) Memphis Tenn Garvin Wiley Boyce (ag 1915) Stu Pittsfield 111 Garwick Bettina Loretta (Mrs E T Smith) (su 1906 Also Millikin U) Dir Phys Tr 500 Divisions St Stevens Point Wis Garwin Henry Barnette (su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Hull 111 Garwood Mrs ( see Gish Margaret) Garwood Frank Sanders (ag 1901-5 BS) Ag Stonington 111 Garwood Herman Edwin (ag 1901-5 BS) Ag Stonington 111 Garwood Janet (Mrs S M Talbot) (sc 1901-5 AB) Home Plymouth 111 Garwood Mabel Clare (la 1898-1900 '01-2 '04-6 AB) Teach Augusta 111 Gary Jesse Lehman (c eng 1914- ) Stu Carmi HI Garza Juan Ignacio (e eng 1905-10 234 GARZA— GAULT BS Also McKendree Coll) E Eng Saltillo Coahuila Mex Garza Juan Jesus (su 1905 sp e eng 1907-8) Saltillo Coahuila Mex \Garza Leopold Josef (acad 1906-7) Pueblo Mex Garza Eoman de la (c eng 1914- 15 Feb 1916- Also Pur U) Stu Sabinas Hidalgo Mex Gash Charles Milburne (sc 1905-7 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Houghton Mifflin Pub Co Chicago (Macomb 111) *Gaskill Beattie E (acad 1883-4 sc 1884-7) d Nov 3 1888 Mascoutah 111 Gaskill Daniel Webster (sc 1910-12 AB Also Ottawa U) Bacteriol Kell 111 Gaskill Delia Alice (Mrs H F Doerr) (h sc 1911-14 AB) Home 5210 Cor- nell Av Chicago (218 N Hickory St Joliet 111) Gasman William Frederick (c eng 1907-8) Supt Packing House c/o Libby McNeil & Libby Fort Worth Tex tGass Martin John (c eng 1904-7) Danville 111 Gassett Leo Everett (ag 1914-15) 418 Wyatt Av Lincoln 111 Gassman Zean G (la 1913-14) Stu U Pa 411 Whittle Av Olney 111 Gaster Rexford Livingston (sc 1909- 11) Trav Vincennes Ind (June to Oct) Jonesboro Ark (Oct to June) tGastfield Herman John (sp ag 1905- 6) Deerfield 111 Gastman Louise Antoinette (Mrs R L Goben)(la 1896-8 Also Lewis Inst) Home Covington Ind Gaston David Newton (acad 1898-9 m eng 1900-4 BS Also Valparaiso U) Effic Eng Adams Westlake Co 439 S Madison Av LaGrange 111 Gaston George Horace (la 1894-6 PhB (Chgo) '97) Instr Hist Chgo Nor Col 1913- 5312 Ellis Av Chicago *Gaston Hattie J (acad 1888-9 sc 1889-1900) d Nov 4 1898 Chicago Gaston Omar Lawrence (acad 1903-4 c eng 1906-10) Arch Eng c/o Geo W Stiles Constr Co 1036 Rookery Bldg Chicago Gaston Ralph Mayo (e eng 1898-1903 BS g eng 1915- ) Stu 1090 Old Colony Bldg Chicago (2222 W 108th St) Gately Frederick Wortman (e eng 1911- 13) Rodman 404 City Hall Chicago (6534 S Fayette Av) Gates Allen Bennett (g eng 1909-10 BS(Pur)'09) E Eng 5400 Jackson Blvd Chicago (Hilton NY) Gates Alphonso Samuel (c eng 1879- 83 BS CE '86) C Eng & Surv Spearfish City SD Gates Andrew Wallace (c eng 1888-92 BS) Mgr Monmouth Min & Mfg Co 5400 Jackson Blvd Chicago Gates Carleton Willard (e eng 1908-13 BS) E Eng Western Elec Co Haw- thorne 111 (110 Ann St Elgin 111) tGates Edgar Franklin (e eng 1904-0) (Girard 111) Gates Frank Caleb (sc 1906-10 AB g 1910-11) Teach & Bot c/o Coll Ag Los Banos Laguna PI Gates Harriet Elizabeth (h sc 1911-13) Stu N 111 St Nor 4540 N Lincoln St Chicago Gates Leslie Owen (acad 1898-9) Ag & Stock T'olono 111 Gates Minnie Louise (Mrs R B Pon- der) (mus 1911-13 Also St Mary's Coll) Home 313 S 12th St Mattoon 111 Gates Neil Hurlburt (sp sc 1907-8) Sec Amer Terra Cotta & Cer Co 2008 Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago Gates Orus Ethan (acad 1903-4 e eng 1904-10 BS) Asst Supt Cement Mfg 6604 Michigan Av St Louis (Ham- mett Id) Gates Ralph Pillsbury (sc 1908-12 BS) Chem Victor Chem Co 4540 N Lincoln St Chicago Gates Silas Harvey (ag 1915- ) Stu Watseka 111 Gatlin Lillian (la 1906-8 Also N 111 St Nor) Lit Treehaven Ridge Road Berkeley Cal (228 N Genesee St Waukegan 111) Gatlin Mae (la 1913-15) 228 N Gene- see St Waukegan 111 Gatter Lincoln Otto (ag 1911-12) Stu U Wis 846 Judson Av Evanston 111 Gatward Walter Arthur (g e eng 1914- BS(Wash)'13) Stu 317 Fourth Av Spokane Wash fGatzert Nathan Eddy (sp ag 1906-8) 1122 Monroe St Chicago Gauger Joseph Frederick (ag 1912- ) Stu 808 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Gauger Marguerite Elston (h sc 1912- 13 AB BS( McKendree) '12) 808 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Gauger Paul Charles (arch eng 1909- 13 BS Also U Minn) Struct Eng 1061 Van Slyke Av St Paul Minn Gauger Mrs Paul (see Mclntyre Eva L) Gauger Raymond Wallace (arch 1912- ) Stu 808 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Gault Bernie Harrison (su 1911 Also Cent Coll Mo) Teach Shelbyville 111 Gault Cora Lola (Mrs A M Ellis) (su 1907) Ag Penfield 111 (Grass Creek GAULT— GEHANT 235 Ind) Gault Frank Wallace (ag 1913-14) 1306 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 Gault Mathew Benjamin (acad 1909- 10 Also Presby Coll Fla) Grocer Eustis Fla Gaunt Gail (la 1914- Also Ward Bel- mont) Stu Mound City 111 Gaunt Grace (mus 1913-14) At home Mound City 111 Gaut Robert Eugene (c eng 1890-4 BS g 1894-5) Consult Eng 516 E 34th St Chicago Gaut Rosa Lee (mus 1911-13 BM g la 1913- Also U Tenn) Asst Phvs Tr U 111 1913- 312 E Daniel St Champaign 111 (Knoxville Tenn) Gavin Mrs Isabel Booth (su 1908) Teach 4706 Maiden St Chicago Gavin John Francis (1 1900-3 LLB) Law 1222 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago Gawer Daisv (see Mrs H W Baum) GAWNE Paul Wright (eng 1911-12 BS(Pur) '09 Instr M Eng U 111 1909- 12) Teach H Sch 204 N Delphos St Kokomo Ind Gay Amelia Louise (la 1908-12 AB g engl 1914-15 AM) Teach Rock Port 111 (Elm wood 111) . Gay Charles Donald (e eng 1906-7) Poultryman Camp Point 111 Gay Ernest Hubbard (la 1913-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 301 Maple St Quincy 111 *Gay Eugene Volney (ag 1872-3) d April 17 1873 Girard 111 %Gay Frank F (acad 1876-7) Farmer City 111 GAY George Inness (g 1910-11 BS (Colo) '09 CE(do)'12 Instr C Eng U Colo 1909-10 Instr C Eng U 111 1910-11) Instr C Eng U Cal 1911- Berkeley Cal Gay Grace Amelia (Mrs F E Van Doren) (la 1913-14) Home Villa Grove 111 Gay Harry Guilford (e eng 1906-8) Electr Gen Del West Allis Wis Gay Mary Louise (Mrs Harry Blunt) (la 1904-6 AB g 1906-10 AM Also 111 St Nor U) Home 1955 Ruckle St Indianapolis Gay Strawn Aldrich (arch 1909-13 BS) Arch 641 Illinois Av Ottawa 111 Gayle Gilmore Jacob (ag 1915- ) Stu Port Limon Costa Rica CA Gayle Maurice Rowe Jr (c eng 1915) Stu 3712 Cook Av St Louis Gayle Robert Edwin (sp ag 1912- ) Stu 325 N Union St Lincoln 111 Gayler George Wilson (su 1905 Also Ind U) Supt Schs Canton 111 Gaylord Frances Moses (com 1915- ) Stu 85 College St South Hadley Mass Gayman Angelina (Mrs N A Weston) (la 1883-7) Home 601 Daniel St Champaign 111 Gayman Bert A (m eng 1893-7 BS) Asst Chf Eng Link & Belt Co Chica- go (6232 Woodlawn Av) Gayman Emma (Mrs T H Barclay) (acad 1887-8 sc 1888-9) Home Cas- illa 447 Santiago Chile Gayman Myrtle (Mrs Darwin Schott) (la 1898-1902 AB) Buckley HI Gayne Mrs (see Downing Retta) Gaynor Elizabeth Prudence Webb (g hist 1914- AB(Wis)'07) Stu Grand Rapids Wis Gaynor Gertrude Genevieve (mus 1914- 15) 700 Third St Grand Rapids Wis Gayton Loran De Lancey (sp c eng 1910-13) C Eng 402 City Hall Chi- cago (5546 S La Salle St) Gazzolo Frank Henry (sc 1892-6 BS MA(Harv)'98) Wholesale Drugs & Chem 119 S Green St Chicago (3157 Astor S,t) tGearhart John Daniel (sc 1899-1900) Farmer City 111 Gearhart Orval Lee (arch 1892-7 BS sp 1898-1901 Asst Photog U 111 1905- 9) Ag 107 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Geary Clinton Garfield (c eng 1903-5) Ag Polo 111 Geason Harold Mark (e eng 1909-12) Electr Washington HI *Gebbie Frank Kelsoe (acad 1893-4 e eng 1894-5) d Nov 9 1906 Mascou- tah 111 Gebhart Elmer Franklin (sp ag 1907- 9) Ag Stonington 111 Geddes Allen George (acad 1909-11) Teach Fountain Green 111 Geddes Nellie Corey (la 1910-11 AB (Rad)'05 BS (Simmons) '10) Head Catg Bryn Mawr Coll 1912- Bryn Mawr Pa Gedney Clarence Smith (e eng 1908- 10) R Est 5429 University Av Chi- cago Gee Arthur Malcolm (la 1908-9 Also Millikin U) Law Lawrenceville 111 Gee Claude Earl (e eng 1909-12 Also U Kan) Clk 1003 S Third St Cham- paign 111 tGee Samuel Willard (c eng 1895-6) Colburn Ind Gegenheimer Mrs F C (see Anderson Josie A) Gehant Evelyn Ella (h sc 1912- ) Stu 611 Galena Av Dixon 111 Gehant George Modeste (ag 1913- ) Stu R3 Dixon 111 236 GEHANT— GENTRY Gehant Rosalie Florence (h sc 1912- ) Stu 611 Galena Av Dixon 111 Geherty Celeste (la 1912-14) At home 859 Elm St Winnetka 111 Gehlbach Oscar Herman (la 1914- ) Stu 531 N Logan St Lincoln 111 Gehlman Mrs (see Gourley Ada) Gehrig Arthur Gustave (acad 1906-7 '08-9 c eng 1909-13) Paymaster Amer Bridge Co Cristobal CZ Pana- ma (New Douglas 111) Gehrig Edward F (acad 1909-11 m eng 1911-15 BS) Sales eng 571 Sec- ond St Detroit (Grant Fork 111) Gehrig Oscar Turner (com 1915- ) Stu 912 Washington St Pekin 111 fGehring Herbert William (arch eng 1909 Also U Colo) R Est Broker Los Angeles Gehrke Alma Emma (la 1906-7) c/o 111 Bakery 109 E Green St Cham- paign 111 Gehrke Fred Jacob (e eng 1907 Also Armour Inst) Clk 5928 Ohio St Chi- cago Gehrke Lillie Elsie (sp mus 1906-8) Mus Teach 102 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 Gehrke Mrs Mary (Mrs R C) (mus 1910) Home 207 E Clark St Champaign 111 Geib George Albert (c eng 1914- Also U Minn) Stu 770 Como Blvd St Paul Minn Geiger Charles Francis (cer eng 1913- 15 BS g cer eng Feb 1916- ) Stu & Res Asst Cer Eng U 111 704 Buena Av Chicago Geiger Lester Charles (arch eng 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 500 Illinois Av Mendota 111 Geiger Mabel Louise (lib 1900-2 BLS) Teach 1120 Perry Av Peoria 111 Geiger Walter Jacob (e eng 1915- ) Stu 318 Walnut St Mt Carmel HI Geiler Frank Herman (la 1913- ) Stu Mansfield 111 gelling Eugene Maximilian K (g ag chem 1914-15 MS '15- AB(U Cape Good Hope) '11) Stu Veyburg Brit- ish Bechmanaland S Africa Geisendorfer Karl Edward (ag 1912- ) Stu Pittsfield 111 GEISER Karl Frederick (AB (Upper la) '93 PhD(Yale)'00 Instr Hist U 111 su 1907 &'09) Prof Hist Ober Coll Oberlin O Geist Harry Forest (e eng 1908-12 BS g e eng 1915- ) Stu 2230 16th St Racine Wis (459 Jackson St Aurora 111) Geist Warren Freeman (sp ag 1905-7) Sales 1434 Monadnock Bldg Chicago (4410 Grand Blvd) *Geitner Herman Isaac (sc 1911-13) d Aug 10 1913 St Joseph Mo Gelbard Oscar Eisig (ag 1915- ) Stu 3146 Carlisle PI Chicago Gelbert Donald Nichol (m eng 1915- ) Stu 888 N Sacramento Blvd Chi- cago Geldenhuys Frans Edward (g ed 1914- 15 BS(Cor)'13) Stu Cor U Box 82 Johannesburg S Africa Gelder Edgar Earl (sc 1897-8 MD (Pa) '02) Med Suite 623 Jefferson Bldg Peoria 111 Gelder Tolman T (la 1886-8 Also U Mich) Publ & Ag Virden 111 *Gell John James (acad 1894-6) d Gilchrist 111 geller Henry William (ag 1904-5 MS BS(Mich Ag)'04) Prof Ag West Tex Ag Coll Canyon Tex Geltmacher Clara Blythe (lib 1907-8 Also 111 Wes TJ) Libr 414 E Av Co- ronado Cal Gemberling Cameron Houtz (ry c eng 1911-13) Draft 220 N Francis St South Bend Ind Gemmell Anna Mary (su 1899) Libr Toulon 111 Gemmill Josephine. Alberta (h sc 1911- 13) Teach H Sch Sparta 111 t Genders Dean Stanley (acad 1902-3) Bloomington 111 Gengler Wilbert (chem eng 1900-3) Ins Sandwich 111 Gennadius Panajiottis (ag 1870-4 BS '79 Asst French U 111 1873-4) Dir Ag 13 Charilaos Tricoupis St Athens Greece Genseke Edward William (sp ag 1899- 1900) 201 Washington St Streator 111 ?Gensel Mrs Martha E (sp mus 1898-9) Urbana 111 tGenter James Henry (su 1906 DDS (NW) '12) Dent 2069 Humbolt Blvd Chicago tGenther Edward Lawrence (sp 1899- 1900) Frankfort Station 111 Genther Otto Robert (acad 1905-7 su 1907) Mgr Furniture Dept 2608 Florence Av Chicago Gentle George Edward (ag 1908-13 BS) Asst Soil Physics U 111 1913- 1208 Clark St Urbana 111 Gentle Harry James (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Farmington 111 Gentle Ralph William (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Farmington 111 gentry Cyrus Stokes (g 1911-12 AM AB(McKendree)'ll) Dir Athl Mc- Kendree Coll (Mascoutah 111) Gentry William Sumner Jr (acad GENTEY— GEEEAED 237 1906-7 arch eng 1907-8 '.09-12 BS Also De Pauw U 1908-9) 3324 Vir- ginia Av Kansas City Mo Gentry Mrs William S (see Berger Adda E) Gentsch Vida Celinda (Mrs E C Coch- ran) (la 1904-8 AB Also W Ees U) Home 413 Braddock Av Pittsburgh Pa Gentsch Wilhelmina Holly (Mrs I Harris) (lib 1903-7 AB Also W Ees U) Home 164 E Av New Philadel- phia O Genimg Elisha Nelson (ag 1907-8) Ag Eantoul HI Genung Ivaloo (ag 1906-11 BS'12) Asst PM Eantoul 111 *Genung Lou B (sc 1875-6) d April 10 1913 Eantoul 111 Georg Victor Emil (sp la & arch 1906-9 Also Art Inst Chgo) Photog The Blackstone Chicago IGeorge Alice A (acad 1882-3) Cres- cent City HI t George Bradley Frank (la 1908-9) Batavia 111 George Enoch Franklin (su 1914 AB (W Va) '14) Asst Physics Dept Ohio St U Columbus O George Harold Edgar (ag 1915- Also Carleton Coll) Stu 600 W Hadley St Whittier Cal George James Thomas (e eng 1910-11 Also U Okla) Eng & Contr Ada Okla George Leslie Gorfrey (la 1911-14 law 1914-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu Staunton HI George Lewis Edwin (acad 1899-1900) Merc 730 S Sixth St Springfield 111 George Lillian Mabelle (lib 1903-4 AB Also EI Coll) Catg Ore Ag Coll 140 N 25th St Corvallis Ore George Sedella May (sp mus 1899-1900 '03-4) At home 1414 "O" St Sac- ramento Cal tGephard Earl Benjamin (c eng 1903- 6) Mendota HI GEPHAET Frank (Chem St Water Surv U 111 1911-12) Chem Cor U Med Coll First Av & 28th St New York tGeraghty Eichard Stanley (la 1909- 12) Berwyn HI IGerald Charles Peter (acad 1895-6) Champaign HI Gerard Eussell Sage (sp ag 1909-10 DVM (Chgo Vet Coll) '13 Also 111 St Nor U) Vet Sigourney la tGerber Guy Theodore (la 1907-8) Eensselaer Ind Gerber Mary (Mrs Hankins) (acad 1885-7) 1704 N Church St Decatur HI Gerber Winfred Dean (mun eng 1895- 9 BS) Mun & Consult Eng 1201 Hartford Bldg Chicago Gerdes Elizabeth (la 1906) Chiroprac- tor B12 Urbana 111 IGEEDTZEN Gerdt Adolph (BS(Wis) '93 ME (do) '95 Asst Prof Mach De- sign U 111 1901-2) 317 E Fifth St Winona Minn Gere Amy Euth (Mrs L A Brubaker) (sp h sc & acad 1909-11) Home 314 E Mulberry St Bloomington 111 Gere Clara (Mrs A E Huckins) (sp mus 1894-5 '98-1904 Also Monticello Sem) Home 107 N Elm St Champaign 111 Gere Fayette (sp 1868) Urbana 111 Gere Hazel Harriet (Mrs J S Gang- stad) (sp h sc 1906-10) Home Capital City Creamery Baton Eouge La Gere Helen Beatrice (h sc 1910-14 BS) At home 608 W Main St Urbana 111 Gere Eollin Chester (m eng 190b 7 ag 1909-10) Jeweler 608 W Main St Urbana 111 IGeringer Otto George (m eng 1905-7) 501 Winchester Av Chicago Gerke Eoscoe Harlan (la 1915- Also Greenville Coll) Stu 416 S Fifth St Greenville HI Gerlach Alma (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Doniphan Mo Gerlach Miriam (la 1907-11 AB) Teach 1002% W California Av Ur- bana 111 (Doniphan Mo) Gerling Eichard William Herman (c eng 1914- ) Stu 407 E Olive St Bloomington 111 German Clara Lavina (lib 1904 AB (Chgo) '01) Libr 10918 Prospect Av Chicago Gernan Oliver Perry (ag 1913- ) Stu Eossville HI Gernand Paul (ag 1914- ) Stu 103 W Harrison St Danville HI Gernand William Isaac (e eng 1894-5 '97-1900) 2nd Asst Exam US Pat Ofc 1336 A St SE Washington gernert Walter Byron (g agron 1907-9 MS '09-11 PhD BSA(Kan St)'07) Assoc Plant Breed Ag Exp Sta U HI 1911- 1108 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Gernon Gerald Deland (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 241 S Chicago Av Kankakee HI Gerould Theodore Fleming (acad 1896- 7 MD( Jefferson) '01) Med 117%^ Poplar St Centralia III tGerow Theodore Manuel (arch 1906-8 Also Midland Coll) Atchison Kan Gerrard Archibald Cochran (m eng 1907-8) Mfg 3319 Broadway Indi- 238 GERRY— GIBBS anapolis Gerry Henry Lester (g physiol chem 1914-15 AM (Bates) '12) Teach 243 College St Lewistown Me tGershenzwit Eva (h sc 1910-11) At home 230 E Third St New York Gershenzwit Joseph (sp ag 1909-11 BS Also Cor U) Gardener 230 E Third St New York *Gerspach John A (sp arch 1886-7) d Madison Wis Gerten Nicholas (c eng 1014- ) Stu 2202 Cleveland Av Chicago Gerty Frank Keeffe (la 1886-7) Insp Sch Prop R710 Tribune Bldg Chi- cago (6507 Parnell Av) Geselbracht Howard Cyril (ag 1913- ) Stu 45 N Mayfield Av Chicago Gesell Egbert George (la 1907-8 AB Also U Wis) Sec & Treas William H Clore Mfg Co Washington Ind Gest Benjamin (arch eng 1907-12 BS AB(Augustana)'03) Arch 1203 Sec- ond Av Rock Island 111 Gethman Milton (cer eng 1915- Also Cor U) Stu Reinbeck la Getman Roy Lyle (c eng 1909-14 BS) C Eng 564 Hazel St Danville 111 (Harvard 111) GETTELL Raymond Garfield (AB(Ur- sinus)'03 MA (Pa) '06 Prof Pol Sc Bates Coll 1906-7 Prof do Trinity Coll 1907-14 Lect U 111 su 1913) Prof Pol Sc Amherst Coll 1914- 25 Col- lege St Amherst Mass Gettys Ruth Hortense (la 1913-16) At home 4238 Grand Blvd Chicago Getzo Elmer (acad 1883-4) Groc 3422 Wallingford Av Seattle Geusche Edward William (sp ag 1899- 1900) Pay Roll Mgr 305 W Morrell St Streator 111 Gewalt Carl Henry (arch eng 1914- ) Stu Breckenridge Minn GEYER Denton Loring (g philos 1911-14 PhD AB(Wis)'10 AM(do)'ll Also Asst Philos U 111 1913-14) Teach H Sch 537 N Court St Rockford 111 (Roswell N Mex) Geyer Grace Mildred (la 1912- ) Stu 510 N Richardson Av Roswell N Mex Geyer Helen Florence (sp la Feb 1916- ) Stenog U 111 2311 Third St Quincy 111 Geyer Howard Almon (ag 1911-13) Bk Clk Sterling 111 (206 Second Av Rock Falls 111) Ghasignian Vahram (e eng Feb 1916- Also Armour Inst) Stu 27 Rue Rus- sell 27 Feri-Keuy Pera Constantinople Turkey Gherganoff Penco (c eng 1914- Also Nat State Coll) Stu Boulevardna 45 Lovetche Bulgaria Ghislin Lloyd Havens (la 1914- ) Stu 407 N Humphrey Av Oak Park 111 Gholson Arthur (su 1909) Prin Har- risburg 111 (Eldorado 111) Ghormley Harry Knox (su 1914 Also Monmouth Coll) Dir Athl Monmouth Coll Monmouth 111 (202 S Tenth Av N Yakima Wash) tGhosh Satish Chandra (ag 1910-11 Also U Chgo) Bajrajogini India fGibbert Gertrude Victorius (sp mus 1907-8) 404 E University Av Cham- paign 111 Gibbons Alice May (Mrs P A Ferns- ler) (la 1907-9) Home Sault St Marie Ont Can Gibbons Charles Bayard (m eng 1906-7 BS Also U Wash Asst GED U 111 1907) Teach Tech Draw 1612 Mel- rose Av Seattle Gibbons Earl Espey (m eng 1904-7 '09-10) Ag Hoopeston 111 Gibbons Maud Alberta (la 1914- ) Stu Fifth & Metropolis St Metrop- olis 111 Gibbons Pearl (Mrs C S Printz) (sp 1902-3 Also Austin Coll) Home Rl Montrose 111 tGibbony Clare Margaret (la 1910-11) 261 13th St Portland Ore Gibbs Mrs (see Williams Grace A) Gibbs Carrie (la 1892-3 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 3001 Western Av Mattoon 111 Gibbs Charles Amory (sc 1910-11 Also Lewis Inst) Sales Eberhard Faber 305 Decatur St Brooklyn NY (6427 Pleasant St Oak Park 111) Gibbs Charles Henry (c eng 1900-3 '04-5 BS) Ag R2 Grinnell la Gibbs Charlotte Mitchell (Mrs Cecil Baker) (acad 1898-9 la 1900-4 AB AM '08 Asst II Sc U 111 1905-7 Instr do 1907-9 Assoc do 1909-13) Home 5456 Harper Av Chicago Gibbs Clark Lee (la 1905-9 AB Also Ewing Coll) Gen Missionary Amer SS Union 1014 W Eighth St Sioux Falls SD Gibbs Mrs Clark (see also McCord Edith R) (sp a&d 1906-8) Gibbs Elizabeth Haywood (Mrs Waite Beardsley) (acad 1897-9 mus 1899- 1902) Home 100 Morningside Dr New York Gibbs Fletcher Barker Jr (la 1910-11 Also Lewis Inst) Merc 6427 Pleas- ant St Oak Park 111 Gibbs Forrest Linn (arch eng 1903-7 GIBBS— GILBEET 239 BS) Ag 1225 S Main St Princeton 111 Gibbs Fred (sc 1906-10) Trav 722 S 21st St Lincoln Neb Gibbs Frederick Richardson (com 1915- ) Stu 424 Pleasant St Oak Park 111 Gibbs George Jr (sc 1897-1900 BS Also Harv U 1900-2 '04-5 BS) Land Arch 263 Walnut St Brookline Mass Gibbs Laura Eussell (lib 1897-1902 BLS Catg Harv Coll lib 1902-3 Asst to Libr Rad Coll 1904-8 Catg Brown U) Serial Catg Col U Lib 1913- New York (435 W 119th St) Gibbs Paul Hedges (acad 1908-9 m eng 1909-13 BS) M Eng c/o Belknap Mfg Co Bridgeport Conn (3 Mill St Westfield Mass) ?Gibbs Mrs Sarah (sp a&d 1890-1) Marshalltown la Gibbs William David (ag 1888-93 BS g 1893-4 MS DSc(Me)'06) Agt Langamon Land Trust Boston (Win- chester 111) Gibbs Mrs William D (see Woolsey Ola C) Giblin Mary Angela (su 1915) Libr 426 S Ninth St Sp'ringfield 111 Giboney Thomas James (c eng 1910-12 Also Pur U) C Eng Carlisle Ind Havre Mont) Gibson Charles B (sc 1873-7 BS MD (P&S) 77 Also Berlin U) Hlus Trav Talks 1505 Morse Av Chicago Gibson Charles G (acad 1886-7 c eng 1887-91 BS MD (Rush) '00) Med 2805 Nebraska St Sioux City la Gibson Charles Rannells (ag 1914-15 BS Also De Pauw U) Ag R5 Jack- sonville 111 Gibson E Charles (acad 1885-7) Sec & Treas Peoples Oil Co Springfield (1830 S Fourth St) tGibson Emily (sp mus 1879-80) Pitts- burgh (Alleghany City Pa) + Gibson Ethel Marie (acad 1909-10) Homer 111 Gibson Fred Dana (acad 1903-4 arch 1906 s 7) Mgr Farming Co Stuttgart Ark Gibson Harry Wilson (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2026 Boston St Mus- . kogee Okla Gibson James Raymond (la com 1914- 15) Adv Hart Schaffner & Marx Co 3647 Flournoy St Chicago Gibson Mrs John C (see Brookings Clara) Gibson Mable Helen (h sc 1911-15 BS) Teach Mazon 111 (223 S Try on St Woodstock 111) Gibson Mary (Mrs W F Vance) (la 1906-9 AB Also Hanover Coll) Home Rl Alexis 111 Gibson Miles Otto (acad 1902-4 ry m eng 1904-9 BS) Ry M Eng NYC RR Brewster NY Gibson Oscar Harry (la 1914- Also Monmouth Coll) Stu Norwood 111 Gibson Paul Y (ag 1912-13) Ag Stuttgart Ark Gibson Raleigh Augustus (com 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 318 S Monroe St Decatur 111 Gibson Sylvia Rose (la 1913- ) Stu 3647 Flournoy St Chicago Gibson Thomas Robert (la com 1914- ) Stu 3647 Flournoy St Chicago Gibson Truman Wood (ag 1910-11) Ag R5 Jacksonville 111 Giddings Arthur Solomon (e eng 1908- 12 BS) Ag Barlow Ore Giddings Mate Lewis (la 1913- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 911 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Gideon Alva Jennings (la 1914- ) Stu 911 N Laird St Oklahoma City Gideon Charles Russell (la 1913- ) Stu 911 N Laird St Oklahoma City Giehler Frederick John (arch eng 1910-14 BS) Eng 1725 Wilson Av Ottawa 111 (621 Center St) Giep Lula Maude (su 1912) Teach 602 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 Giertz Arthur Edward (c eng 1913- ) Stu 430 N Crystal St Elgin 111 Giesler James Raymond (la com 1913- 15) Bnk 617 W Third St Muscatine la Giessler William Carson (mun eng 1911-13 BS Also Bradley Poly) C Eng 617 N Fulton Av Baltimore (1219 Dechman Av Peoria 111) Giffin Beulah Emma (lib 1908-9 AB (Lake Forest) '07) Catg U Chgo Lib 6024 Woodlawn Av Chicago Giffin Cora Amanda (h sc 1912-13) At home c/o Grant Giffin Ring?ted la * Giffin Merritt Hay ward (sp ag 1908- 9) d July 11 1911 Lockport 111 Gifford Mrs (see Scott Vera C) Gifford Edna May (h sc 1904-5 Also Art Inst Chgo) Teach Art & Dom Sc 393 Chicago St Elgin HI Gifford Ralph Egley \la com 1913- ) Stu Onarga 111 Gifford Roy Litton (acad 1896-8) News Mahomet 111 (Rantoul HI) Gift Lyle Henry (ag 1913- ) Stu 1201 Perry Av Peoria 111 Gilbert Arthur Abbott (e eng 1913- ) Stu Pana 111 240 GILBERT— GILL GILBERT Barry AB(NW)'99 LL B (do) '01 Prof Law U la 1903-7 do U 111 1907-9) Prof Law U la 1909-14 Prof Law U Cal 1914- Berkeley Cal Gilbert Charles Henry (sp ag 1900-1 sp law 1907-10 Ag Armstrong 111 Gilbert Don Carlos (su 1910 Also Kan Man Tr Nor) Teach Man Tr 921 Minnesota St Kansas City Kan ^Gilbert Edward Harland (e eng 1905- 10) El Paso 111 Gilbert Foster Lawson (ag 1913-14) Ag & Stock Chase Ind •Gilbert Franklin Marion (acad 1882-3 m eng 1883-7) d Feb 3 1913 New York Gilbert Irving Brown (sp 1909-11 c eng 1911-13) Cash 710 Corn Exch Bk Bldg Chicago Gilbert James Harman (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 301 N 16th St Mt Vernon 111 Gilbert John Philo (sc 1899-1901 '04-5 AB g 1905-6 AM '06-10 Also S 111 St Nor Instr Biol U 111 Acad 1907-8 Superv Pract Teach Sch Ed U 111) Head Biol Dept S 111 St Nor Car- bondale 111 Gilbert Menzis Eli (acad 1899-1900) Drug Jacksonville HI Gilbert Minnie Ellen (la 1911- Also Smith Coll) Stu 535 Pacific St Dil- lon Mont Gilbert Mrs Page (see Work Stella E) Gilbreath Frank Able (su 1901 &'05 AB (Austin) '00) Co Supt Schs Watseka 111 •Gilchrist Frank Foster (m eng 1893-5) d May 1 1897 Kenosha Wis Gilchrist George Edgar (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Atlanta HI Gilchrist Hugh McWhurr (acad 1894- 5 e eng 1895-9 AB ME (Mich Mines) 00) M Eng Davenport la Gilchrist Mrs Hugh (see Quirk Eliza- beth) Gilchrist John Weir (e eng 1903-5) Asst Gen Supt Alden Coal Co 1206 E River St Davenport la Gilchrist Mary (Mrs C H Crowe) (la 1901-3) Home 1234 E River St Davenport la Gildersleeve Charles Turner (ag 1915- ) Stu Hudson 111' Gildersleeve Mary Elsie (h sc 1911-14 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Hud- son 111 Gildner Lowell Ellsworth (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 1320 Atlantic Av At- lantic City NJ Giles Mrs (see White Anna B) Giles George Leroy (acad 1908-10 m eng 1910-11) Auto Mech Watertown 111 Giles Lewis Wentworth (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 1200 Linden St NE Washington Gilfillan Kent Rowell (acad 1907-8 arch 1908-9) Gen Repair 411 E First St Kewanee 111 Gilhnley Mrs C H (see Weaver Edith) Gilkerson Aletha (Mrs H M Wells) (sc 1898-1902 AB) Douglas Ariz Gilkerson Frances Emeline (Mrs Orr Allyn) (la 1899-1903 AB g 1903-4 AM) Home 1105 W California St Urbana 111 Gilkerson Harry Charles (ag 1906-8 '09-13 BS Also NW U 1908-9) Asst Soil Fertility U 111 1913- 309 Healy St Champaign 111 (Marengo 111) Gilkerson Hiram (ag 1873-7 BS) Ret Ag 1105 W California Av Urbana 111 Gilkerson Mrs Hiram (see Moffett Por- tia) •Gilkerson Ida Mary (Mrs Campbell) (la 1882-3) d Feb 10 1912 Elgin 111 Gilkerson John (sc 1873-7 BS'95) d March 13 1912 Elgin 111 Gilkerson Portia Eunice (Mrs H A Hopper) (h sc 1903-7 BS) Home 1105 Heights Court Cornell Hgts Ithaca NY Gilkerson Thomas John (ag 1900-5 BS) Prop Dairy Farm Stratford Cal Gilkey Escho Verna (arch eng 1915- Also Occidental Coll) Stu Indianola 111 Gilkey John Ray (la 1911-12 ag 1913- ) Teach Newman 111 (Hume 111) fGill Blanche A (sp a&d 1887-8) Champaign 111 Gill Clarence Scott (c eng 1914- ) Stu 4052 Washington St St Louis Gill Frederick William (sc 1901-6 BS g 1907-10 MS Res Lab Physiol Chem U 111 1907-10) Eng Dept Gen Elec Co 322 Beech St Arlington NJ Gill George Thallon (la 1909-15 BS) Land Arch YMCA Bldg Aurora 111 (618 Church St Evanston 111) Gill Grant William (ag 1914-15) 2006 Sherman Av Evanston 111 Gill Harry (acad 1889-90) Champaign 111 GILL Harry Lovering (Track Coach U la 1901 Asst Dir Phys Tr Beloit Coll 1902-3 Track Coach U 111 1904- 15) Assoc Track Athl U 111 1915- 506 E White St Champaign 111 Gill Ivan C (ag 1914- Also S Col- legiate Inst) Stu Albion 111 GILL James Herbert (BME(Minn) '92 GILL— GILLMORE 241 ME (do) '94 Asst Prof & Prof M Eng Mont Ag Coll 1900-3 Prof M Eng Millikin U 1903-6 Asst Prof Mach Constr U 111 1906-10) Dir Columbus Trade Sch 172 13th Av Columbus O ?Gill John David (la 1871-4 75-6) Law Denver Gill Joseph A (la com 1872-4) Law Vinita Okla Gill Julius Quinby (sp ag 1911-12) J Q Gill Eubber Co 805 Main St Peo- ria 111 (219 Missouri Av) tGill Nellie (Mrs J O Hogg) (sp mus 1877-8) Home 3418 Michigan Av Kansas City Mo Gill Richard H (acad 1900-1) Ag Rl Winnebago 111 Gill Mrs Rudolph Luse (sp mus 1903-5 Also Cathbert Sem St Louis) Home Ocean Park Cal Gill Rudolph Z (acad 1882-3 arch 1883-8) Contr 932 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Gill Smith William (ag 1915- ) Stu 1807 Baugh Av E St Louis 111 Gill Thomas Edward (la 1903-7 AB JD(Chgo) '09 Law 517 Ashton Bldg Rockford 111 ?Gill Warren Esterbrook (ag 1913-14) 2006 Sherman Av Evanston HI Gillam Winona Mayble (ag 1912-14) Land Des 445 Belmont Av Chicago Gillan Paul Harned (arch eng 1910- 12 BS Also U Wis) Bus Mgr < < The Western Teacher" & "The American Journal of Education" 404 Jefferson Bldg Milwaukee (97 18th St) tGillen Elijah F (sp 1872-4) Cham- paign 111 Gillen Ira Edward (la 1914-15) Stu U Wis 1112 N Erie St Racine Wis Gillespie Belle Irene (Mrs Robert Gray) (la 1898-1902 AB) Home Col- fax Wash t Gillespie Charles Smith (acad 1876-7) Edwardsville 111 fGillespie Clara Bell (sp a&d 1892-3 '99-1900) Portland Station O Gillespie Estelle (Mrs Estelle Caster) (acad 1881-2) Home 1824 Crawford Av Parsons Kan Gillespie Evangeline Jeanette (la 1913- 14 Also 111 St Nor U) Harris 111 ] Gillespie Frank Keys (acad 1876-7) Edwardsville 111 Gillespie Hiram (1 1898-9 AB(Chgo) '98 AM (Yale) '02) Teach 112 She- nango St Greenville Pa Gillespie Louella (la 1900-4 AB Asst Phys Tr U 111 1905-6) At home 406 N State St Champaign 111 Gillespie Paul (arch 1905-8 BS Also la St Coll) Arch 103 W Ninth St Atlantic la Gillespie Pearl (Mrs W C Orr) (acad 1899-1900) Home Rhinelander Wis Gillespie Thomas Morton (sp ag 1892- 3) Ag & Stock R3 Marissa 111 Willespie Wilbur (acad 1908-9) Law- renceville HI Gillespy Charles Millard (ag 1901-2) Ag Rl Paris 111 Gillespy Howard Henry (sp ag 1905-6) RR Fireman 813 De Witt Av Mat- toon 111 GILLET Joseph Eugene (Dipl(Has- seltGym)'02 PhD (Liege) '10) Assoc Comp Lit & Ger U 111 1915- 806 S Third St Champaign 111 (58 Emerson Rd Winthrop Mass) *Gillett Stephen L (sp 1873-5 acad 1876-7) d Canada Gillett Walter Noble (e eng 1897-9) V-Pres Chgo Paper Co 801 S Fifth Av Chicago (Kenilworth 111) fGillette Clarence P (sp sc 1885-6) Lansing Mich GILLETTE Clinton Edgar (chem 1912- 13 BS( Cor Coll) '10 MS(do) J ll Asst Instr Cor Coll 1910-11 Asst Chem U 111 1912-13) Asst Chem Dept Cor Coll 1913- Mt Vernon la (Lisbon la) Gillette Delia May (Mrs T Morgan) (lib 1904-6 Also U Mich) Home 503 N Elmwood Av Traverse City Mich (201 S Elenwood Av) *Gillette Leslie B (la 1878-80) d Nov 5 1901 Beatrice Neb Gillette William Henry (la 1915- ) Stu Lena 111 Gillham Daniel B (Trustee 1875-9 St Sen 1882-6 Pres St Bd Ag 1875-8) d April 6 1890 Upper Alton 111 Gillham Philip Dakin (c eng 1900-4 BS) Sales Mgr 205 Park Av West Princeton HI Gillham Willard Clark (m eng 1913- ) Stu R6 Edwardsville 111 t Gillies Sarah Elizabeth (Mrs R H Walgenbach) (su 1911) Ag Wood- stock 111 Gilliland William Meyers (acad 1885- 6 m eng 1886-90 BS) c/o Pickand Mather Co 704 Lonsdale Bldg Du- luth Minn Gillispy George Anson (sp ag 1901-3) Ag & Stock R10 Paris 111 Gillison James Herbert (la 1915- ) Stu R7 Westville 111 fGillmore George Boothe (acad 1899- 1900 sp c eng 1902-4 Also Pur U) 1016 Oregon St Urbana 111 fGillmore James Marion (acad 1902-3 c eng 1903-4) 1006 California Av 242 GILLUM— GIRTON Urbana 111 Gillum Mrs (see Frazier Delia P) Gilman Bessie Abbie (acad 1876-7 h sc 1877-9 '88-90) Ag Harristown 111 Gilman George Andrew (ag 1907-8 Also Millikin U) Ag & Stock Harris- town 111 \ Gilman George F (acad 1877-8) Har- ristown 111 Gilman Eichard E (acad 1888-9 ag 1889-90) Ag & Stock Rl Modesto Cal * Gilman Sadie Goding (Mrs B F Tuck- er) (acad 1888-90 la 1890-1) d Aug 1904 Warrensburg 111 Gilmer Eleanor Adalaise (Mrs D S Stophlet) (la 1908-9) Home 1010 E 41st St Kansas City Mo * Gilmer John T (acad 1884-5) d Aug 24 1914 Quincy 111 ? Gilmer Karl Rex (acad 1894-5) Ur- bana 111 Gilmer Paul McCullough (g la 1908-9 AB (Monmouth) '08) Teach c/o St Nor Sch Springfield SD fGilmore Charles P (sp ag 1868-8) New Boston 111 tGilmore Claude Bertrand (su 1909 Also la St Coll) Phillips Neb Gilmore Mrs Emma (su 1907) Mus Superv 203 S Broad St Hillsboro 111 Gilmore Glen Spear (sp ag 1907-8 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag R2 Aledo 111 Gilmore Joseph Grover (sp law 1905-6) Ins 1029 N Walnut St Danville 111 (518 N Vermilion St) Gilmore Leonard Mason (ag 1911-15 BS) 916 12th Av Moline 111 Gilmore Ross Earlby (g chem 1913- AB(McMaster)'ll MA(do) '13) Asst Chem U 111 1914- 806 S Third St Champaign 111 (6 Vermont Av To- ronto Ont Can) Gilmore Thomas (e eng 1897-1900) M Eng 304 Park Av Johnstown Pa Gilmore William Edward (la 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 818 Lorel Av Chicago Gilmore Winfield Corwin (1 1909-12 LLB) Law Kiowa Okla Gilmour Joseph Coleman (c eng 1900- 5 BS) Asst Div Eng 1718 Mulberry St Scranton Pa Gilpatrick Gladys (h sc 1912- ) Stu Piano 111 Gilpatrick Leon Kimball (ag 1910-12) RFD Carrier Yorkville 111 (Piano 111) Gilster Adolph Lewis (cer 1906-7) Trav Sales Steeleville 111 Gilster Conrad George (e eng 1898-9 Aso Walter Coll St Louis) Clk Wash- ington Elec Sup Co Spokane Wash Gilster John Fred (acad 1901-2) Law Chester 111 Gilstrap Eugene Franklin (arch 1904- 8 BS) Arch 595 E 51st St N Port- land Ore Gilstrap Mrs E F (see Anderson Elma M) Gilstrap Ray Mathias ,(arch eng 1906-9) Ag Carlock 111 Gingerich Elmer George (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor II) Clk Citizens Nat Bk 1110 S Seminole St Okmulgee Okla Gingerich Ralph Pretty (sp ag 1907-8 DVM(Chgo Vet) '13) Vet 235 E Front St Bloomington 111 Gingrich Emma (sp 1894-5) Teach Milton Ind Ginnaven Wilbur Dan (e eng 1911-12) Trav 863 S English Av Springfield 111 Ginnings Paule Meade (la 1915- Also W 111 St Nor U) Stu 314 N Ward St Macomb 111 Ginocchio Frank Jr (sp arch 1906-8) Arch 2206 Louisiana St Little Rock Ark Ginter Clarence Marshall (e eng 1914- ) Stu Peotone 111 Ginzel Carl Louis (acad 1899-1900 c eng 1900-4 BS) R Est & L Manhat- tan Kan (937 Litchfield Av Wichita Kan) Ginzel Leo Arthur (acad 1900-1 c eng 1901-5 BS) Mfg e/o Baker Mfg Co Springfield 111 Ginzel Roland Francis (acad 1894-5 arch 1895-9) Arch Lincoln 111 (Tren- ton 111) *Gipson Lillie F (la 1875-6) d Sept 23 1880 Deadwood SD GIRAULT Alesandre Arsene (g la 1908-9 BS(Va Poly) '03 Asst Ofc State Entom U 111 1908-9 Field Asst do 1910-11) Entom Sugar Exp Sta Queensland Australia 1911- Nelson North Queensland Australia Girhard Antoinette (Mrs J C Hem- phill) (su 1902 & '06 & '08) Home 1430 Rhode Island Av Washington Girhard Charles Edward (c eng 1908- 10 su 1906 &'07) Teach Newton 111 Girhard George Monroe (la 1911-13) Teach Newton 111 Girhard Harold Raymond (la 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Newton 111 Girling Mrs Winthrop (see Peabody Katherine F) Giroux Elroy Arthur (e eng 1909-12) Stu U Mich Momence 111 Girton Delbert George (la com 1908- 12 AB) c/o Swift Beef Co Ltd 58 W Smithfield London E C England GIRTON— GLEN 243 (604 N Dement Av Dixon 111) Girton Thornton Martin (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag E2 Paw Paw 111 Girty Mrs Jennie (Mrs F H Rankin) (sp mus 1903-4) Home 1012 Califor- nia Av Urbana 111 t Girty Maude (sp mus 1898-9) "Ur- bana 111 Gish Laura Geneva (Mrs T A Wood) (ag 1905-6) Ag Benedict Neb Gish Margaret (Mrs Garwood) (sp 1873-5 Also New Eng Conserv Mus) Teach 5628 Prairie Av Chicago Gish Owen Ellyson (eng 1915- ) Stu 1317 W 15th Topeka Kan fGittinger Clement Arva (m eng 1909- 10 Also U Okla) 509 S Sixth St Champaign 111 gittins Elizabeth Mae (g 1913-14 MS BS( Drake) '09) Teach H Sch Wil- liamsburg la fGivan Mrs Ewie (sp 1873-4) Chi- cago Wivan James W (acad 1887-8) White Hall 111 tGivens Albert Lilly (e eng 1909-12 Also Mo St Nor Sch) Cape Girardeau Mo (434 W Lake St Aurora 111) Givens Harry (su 1913 Also U Chgo) R8 Paris 111 fGladden Bertha (a&d 1902-5) 1018 Oregon St Urbana HI Gladish Willis Lindsay (su 1915) Teach Oakwood 111 (Sixth & Kane Sts Dun- dee 111) Gladson Edythe Laura (Mrs A L Abra- ham (acad 1894-5) Home Watson 111 Gladson Guy Allan (la com 1909-10 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Edgewood HI Glair Harry Franklin (m eng 1908-12 BS) Standard Oil Co Whiting Ind (5061 Fairmount Av St Louis Mo) Glandon Edgar Dale (e eng 1894-5 Also Eureka Coll & Knox Coll) Mgr Tel Co 309% S Sixth St Springfield 111 t Glandon Herbert (acad 1906-8) Brooklyn HI Glapion Cyrus Washington (m eng 1909-11) Gov Serv 217 Bowen St St Louis Glasco Ella Florence (Mrs-C A New- man) (eng 1898-9) Home Las Ani- mas Colo Glasgow Grace (h sc 1907-12 BS g 1912-13 MS) Res Dept Bacteriol St Ag Coll & Exp Sta " Manhattan Kan Glasgow Hugh (sc 1903-8 AB g 1908- 13 PhD Asst Entom U 111 1912-13) Res Dept Entom Ag Exp Sta Geneva 1907-12 BS Mellon Inst (ag 1914-15) Ag Wis (4308 NY (Tennessee 111) Glasgow Robert Douglas (sc 1903-8 AB g 1908-13 PhD Asst Entom XT 111 1909-11 Sp Asst St Entom Ofc do 1911-13) Instr Entom U 111 1914- 611 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 (Tennessee HI) Glasgow Ruth (h sc 1912-13 MS) Res Pitt Pittsburgh Pa Glass Charles Neilson R7(63) Grand Rapids Lowell Av Chicago) Glass Ian (ag 1915- ) Stu Box 148 Park Ridge 111 fGLASS John Burr (m eng 1902-6 BS) Apt 279 Monterey N L Mex Glass Wilbur S (sc 1872-4) Law Wa- tertown SD Glass Will (e eng 1915- ) Stu 2729 Seventh Av Rock Island 111 Glassburn Wayne Francis (acad 1910) Undertaker Ames la Glassco Hazel (su 1915 Also E HI St Nor) Teach 915 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Glassco Paul Bond (arch eng 1900-4 BS) Gen Contr 1036 Rookery Bldg Chicago (6544 Newgard Av) Glassco Ray John (ag 1904-6 Also E 111 St Nor) Contr Mandan ND Glassco Roy Thomas (sp ag 1903-5 ag 1912-15 BS Also E 111 St Nor) -Ag c/o Training Sch for Girls Geneva 111 Glassco Ruth Marie (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 915 W Illinois St Urbana 111 ! Glassco Walter Emmett (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Charleston 111 Glazier William Lacy (eng 1915- ) Stu 627 Nelson PI Newport Ky Gleason Henry Allan (sc 1897-1901 BS AM '04 PhD (Col) '06 Asst Bot U 111 1901-3 Instr do 1903-4 Assoc do 1909-10) Asst Prof Bot U Mich 1910- 10 Geddes Hgts Ann Arbor Mich Gleason Matthew Edward MDC(Chgo Vet) '06 Vet HI Gleason Nellie Magruder Cort)(la 1906-11 AB) Macalester Coll St Paul Minn E John St Champaign 111) t Gleason Raymond Michael (e 1911-12) 4916 W Washington Chicago Gleim Mrs (see Arthur Cora M) Gleim Mrs (see Hay ward Edith Glen Helen (Mrs G P Cole) (lib 1902-3 Also Shurtleff Coll) Home 23 Essex (sp 1902-3 Gibson City (Mrs W W Home c/o (511 eng Blvd E) 244 GLENN— GNAEDINGER Av Montreal Can Glenn A (eng 1907-9) Trav 2037 Eu- clid Av Cleveland (9534 S Winches- ter Av Chicago) Glenn Arthur Barlow (ry c eng 1906 '07-9 '10-12) C Eng Big Four BR 809 W 64th Av Quincy 111 Glenn Carrie (Mrs F W Bunn) (sp a&d 1884-5) Home 138 W State St Tren- ton NJ Glenn Edgar Wilson (c eng 1912-14) su 1915) Dir Man Tr Atchison Kan (R3 Holton Kan) Glenn Edna (su 1911 & '13) Teach Mt Vernon 111 Glenn Eleanor Mae (la 1903-7 AB) Clk E Eng Dept U 111 207 E Green St Champaign 111 Glenn Grace (acad 1907-8 sp mus -1908- 10 Also 111 Worn Coll) Mus Teach 704 S Third St Champaign 111 Glenn John Albert (c eng 1906-7 Also Monmouth Coll) Transitman DL&W RR 1507 Pine St Scranton Pa Glenn Lawrence Arthur (la & law 1906-11 LL B) Law 207 E Green St Champaign 111 Glenn Leslie Leland (1 1896-1900 LLB) Fin 509 W University Av Champaign 111 Glenn Mrs L L (see Wilcox F Madge) Glenn Murray Otto (sc 1911-12 '13- ) Stu Magnolia 111 Glenn Otis Ferguson (1 1897-1900 LL B) Law Murphysboro 111 GLENN Pressley Adams (AB (Camp- bell) '92 AB(Kan)'98 AM(Highland) '01 Chair Math & Sc Highland Coll 1898-1907 Asst Prof Entom U Kan 1907-il Chf Hort Insp Ofc St Entom U 111 1911-15) Entom St Entom Ofc 1915 506 % W High St Urbana 111 Glenn William Meharry (la 1906-8 AB (DePauw)'ll) Art & Jour Paxton 111 Glenz Edward Anton (chem eng 1909- 13 BS) Foreman Swift & Co Stock Yds 2113 Coblentz St Chicago Glenz Mrs Edward A. (see Ward Madge Virginia) Glessing Barbara Frances (la 1913-14 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 917 Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 (El Paso 111) Glick Abe Le Roy (mun eng 1910-13) Meter Eng Taylorville 111 (1059 W 14th St Chicago) Glick Everett E (ag 1908-11 '14- Also Rochester Coll) Stu 1303 W Clark St Urbana HI Glick Himan Richard (1 1898-1904 LL B) Law Roswell N Mex Glidden Lola Blanche (la 1902-4) Teach Galva 111 GLIMSTEDT Olof Harold (GD Instr Wesley Hospital 1904-14) Asst Athl Tr U 111 504 E Chalmers St Cham- paign 111 (6429 Greenwood Av Chi- cago) GLODERY Eugenie (Mrs N J Moore- house) (Asst Piano U 111 1902-3 Teach Mus la U 1898-1901 do Carleton Sch Mus 1901-2) Home Greene la Glotfelter Solomon Arthur (acad 1899- 1900 Also N Ind Nor) Merc Birden Okla Glotfelty Henry Tyner (sp ag 1908-9 Also S 111 St Nor) Ag Duquoin 111 GLOVER Anna Cushman (su 1911) Asst Sec Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911-15 Sec Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 606 Daniel St Champaign 111 (Ottawa 111) GLOVER Arthur James (BS (Minn) '01 Instr Dairy Husb U 111 1902-3 Supt Dairy Field Work do 1903-4) Edit Ft Atkinson Wis Glover Clarence Washburn (la 1913-14 law 1914- ) Stu 219 State St Ot- tawa 111 Glover Donald Mitchel (sc 1912- ) Stu 306 W High St Urbana 111 Glover Dorothy Holmes (la 1910-12 Also Pratt Inst) At home 226 New York St Aurora 111 Glover Leonard Wood (la 1906-12 AB mus 1911-14 B Mus) Head Voice Dept Central Coll Pella la (306 W High St Urbana 111) Glover Mrs L W( see Haines Bessie Judith) Glover Rodney Champlin (la 1911-12 law 1912-15 LL B) Law 804 Chapel St Ottawa 111 Glover Vernon Leslie (c eng 1915- ) Stu 304 N 22nd St Mattoon 111 Glover Walter Earl (arch 1911-12 '13-15 BS Also Kan St Ag Coll) 1268 College Av Topeka Kan Gloyd Galen Van Rensselaer (acad 1903-4 arch 1904-8 '09-12 BS) Arch 976 Edgecomb Av Chicago Gluek Arthur Louis (c eng 1914- ) Stu 2004 Marshall St NE Minneap- olis Glueck Alexander Frederick (eng 1913- 14) Roswell N Mex IGlynn Arthur (acad 1903-5) c/o G W Fultz Rochester Ind fGmunder Frederick Jr (sc 1872-4) Adrian HI Gnaedinger Robert Joseph (la chem eng 1914-15 Also Lewis Inst) Clk Freight Claim Dept CM&StP RR 2554 GOAD— GOING 245 N Sayre Av Chicago Goad Winfred Llewellyn (su 1913 AB (Ind) '13) Test & Chem Dept Amer Zinc Co Killsboro 111 GOBEN Loma William (su 1911 & '12 Instr Metal Shops U 111 1905-11) Teach 110 "A" Av Edmonton Aita Can (261 E 13th Av Columbus O) Goben Pearl Hazelett (h sc 1908-12 BS) Mgr Cafeteria 109 W Spring- field Av Champaign 111 Goben Mrs E L (see Gastman Louise A) Gobin Mrs L W (see Beasley D Edythe) Goble Arthur Steen (sp chem 1903-5 Also U Minn) Repr Baldwin Loco- motive Wks 625 Ry Exch Bldg Chi- cago \G6ble Charles Benjamin (acad 1899- 1900) Milan 111 goble Lloyd (la 1906-7 AM MS (West- field) '96) Teach St Nor Sch River Falls Wis t Goble Rebecca (su 1894) Weldon 111 goble Roxana (g 1902-3 AM AB (Westfield) '01) Teach Westfield 111 Goble Mrs W Luther (see Bradfield Angie M) tGochnaur Orlando Merrill (la 1908-9) 173 Douglas Av Freeport 111 Godard Hazel M (mus 1911-12 Also 111 Worn Coll) Teach Mus Belle Fourche SD Goddard Henry Houts (la 1907-8) V- Pres 1st Nat Bk Mt Carmel 111 Goddard James Douglas (la 1914- ) Stu 800 N Market St Marion 111 Godehn Reuel Ariel (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 221 Sixth Av Moline 111 Godeke Harry Frederick (m eng 1901- 5 BS g m eng 1915- ) Instr M Eng U 111 503 W California St Urbana 111 Godfrey David Eddy (sc 1887-9 Bnk Philo 111 Godfrey Eleanor (acad 1884-5 la 1885-7 '08-9 '12-15 AB) Philo HI Godfrey Frank (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Staunton 111 t Godfrey Wall (acad 1904-5 la 1907- 8) Staunton 111 Godley Paul Forman (e eng 1910-11 Also Ind Defense Coll) Calxa 304 Estacao Radio Manaos Brazil Godowsky Ulysses Gilbert (la 1914-15) Stu NW U 5239 S State St Chicago Goebel Irma Gretchen (acad 1908-10 la 1910-15 AB mus 1915- ) Stu 918 Nevada St Urbana 111 GOEBEL Julius (PhD (Tubingen) '82 Instr Ger J Hopk U 1885-8 Prof Ger Phil & Lit LeStan U 1892-1905 Lect Germ Phil Harv U 1905-8) Prof Ger U HI 1908- 918 W Nevada St Ur« bana 111 Goebel Julius Ludwig Jr (la 1908-12 AB g 1912-13 AM PhD (Col) '15) 918 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Goebel Louise Katheryn (Mrs J B Beck) (la 1908-12 AB Also Bryn Mawr Coll) Home 1041 County Line Rd Bryn Mawr Pa Goebel Marie Christine (Mrs S F Kim- ball) (la 1908-11 AB Also Rad Coll) Lit Norway Rd Ann Arbor Mich Goebel Ruth (su 1914 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 301 W Morrell St Streator HI Goelitz Walter Adolph (ag 1914- ) Stu 1622 Judson Av Ravinia 111 Goelitz William Henry (sp 1911-12 la 1912-15) Stu 742 N Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 Goettler Edna Agatha (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 4630 Dover St Chicago Goetz Antoinette Helen (lib 1908-9 '13-15 BLS AB(Ia)'06) Catg Asst Lib U HI 1910-15) Libr 914 W Green St Urbana 111 (R5 Iowa City la) Goetzman John Robert (c eng 1911-12 Also Christian Bros Coll) Stu Shaw- neetown 111 Goff Arthur Clark (sc 1912-14) Stu Staunton 111 Goff Cicely Sarah (la 1906-10 AB) At home 1305 W 22nd St Austin Tex Goff Mrs EH (see Smick Mary E) Goff Lutie Azuba (Mrs J A Callan) (acad 1901-2 la 1902-9 AB) Home Econ Victor Miss (759 Nott St Schenectady NY) Goff Mary Emma (acad 1897-8 la 1898-1902 AB lib 1909-11 BLS Instr Lib Sc U 111 su 1911) Libr U Tex 1305 W 22nd St Austin Tex Goff Roy Allen (ag 1913-15 BS Also Lombard Coll) Teach Hilo Boarding Sch Hilo Hawaii TH (1189 E Brooks St Galesburg 111) tGoffeney Otto Julius (arch eng 1907- 8) 235 S St Peters St South Bend Ind Gogerty Henry L (arch eng 1913- Also St Joseph Coll) Stu Zearing la Gohn Lloyd Elias (la 1908-13 AB) Teach Mansfield Ind (Rochester Ind) Gohn Mrs L E (see Davis Mallie I) %Goindler Frantz (acad 1893-4) Ur- bana 111 Going Judson Freeman (la 1877-9 '81-3 BL'14 Also Union Coll 1883-5) Law 246 GOLD— GONNERMAN 221 Fremont St Chicago (Park Ridge 111) Gold Katherine Eaton (Mrs J B Ken- nedy) (lib 1899-1903 BLS) Home 1191 58th Av SE Portland O Goldberg Charlotte Deana (la 1913- ) Stu 3416 Douglas Blvd Chicago Goldberg Joseph Allan (c eng 1910-11 BS (Chgo) '13 Also Armour Inst) Stu U Chgo 1020 Loomis St Chicago Goldberg Joseph (la 1915- ) Stu 3225 Douglas Blvd Chicago Goldberg Philip Hilton (sc 1910-14 AB) 502 Consumers Bldg Chicago (2237 W 12th St) Goldberg Rose Alice (Mrs C N New- berger) (acad 1901-2 sp miis 1907-10) Home 3601 W 12th St Chicago Goldberger Harold Julius (la 1913-14) Stu 4909 Champlain Av Chicago Goldberger Henry Joseph (c eng 1913- ) Stu 1422 N Irving Av Chicago ?Golden Charles Dunning (c eng 1904-6 Also Armour Inst) 3217 Wabash Av Chicago Golden Marie (la 1915- ) Stu Green- view 111 Golden Waldo Emerson (sc 1911-14 AB) Stu U 111 Coll Med 105 E Healy St Champaign 111 Golden Wesley Barton (la 1910-13 la com 1913-15 AB) Clk CB&Q RR 18 Mulberry St Savanna Ga (105 E Healy St Champaign 111) Goldencrown Myrtle Agnes (Mrs R B Spencer) (sp la 1908-9 Also Minn St Nor U) Home Jackson Miss Goldin Harold Edward (arch eng 1914- 15) Sales Mgr 1258 Hastings St Chicago Golding John Noble Jr (ag 1914-15) 251 W 70th St New York Goldman Ellis Ralph (c eng 1912-15 BS Also Armour Inst) Insp Eng 313 John St Rockford 111 Goldman Frank Lyle (eng 1913-14 '15- Also Wash StL U) Stu 1117 Hamil- ton Av St Louis Goldman Rae A (la 1911-14 AB Also Ind St Nor U) Soc Serv 920 S Sixth St Terre Haute Ind goldmerstein Leon (e eng 1909-11 AM Also U St Petersburg) Edit 29 W 39th St New York Goldschmidt Alfred Gustave (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-8 BS) City Electr 2222 W Fourth St Davenport la Goldschmidt Edward William (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-7) Dist Mgr Wagner Elec Mfg Co (St Louis) 30 Church St New York (21 Norman Rd Upper Montclair NJ) Goldschmidt Mrs E W (see Kimball Clara M) Goldschmidt Erna Claire (la 1913- ) Stu 801 W 14th St Davenport la Goldschmidt Otto Emil (acad 1889-90 e eng 1890-4 BS) Consult Eng 9 E 40th St New York (21 Norman Rd Upper Montclair NJ) Goldschmidt Samuel Meyer (la 1911- 12) Mfg 272 Clark St Aurora 111 Goldsmith Elliott Robert (la 1896-8 PhB(Chgo)'Ol) Law 1705 City Hall Sq Bldg Chicago Goldsmith Frank French (ag 1914- ) Stu R7 Wataga 111 Goldsmith Harry Jacob (la 1915) 604 Washington St Pekin 111 Goldstein Robert Sidney (ry c eng 1914- ) Stu 815 Ashland Blvd Chi- cago Goldstein Theresa (Mrs Jacob M Kin- ney) (su 1909 Also Chgo Nor & U Chgo) Home 6420 Ellis Av Chicago GOLDTHWAITE Nellie Esther (BS (Mich) '94 PhD (Chgo) '04 Head Dept Chem Mt Holy Coll 1897-1905 Res Asst Rockefeller Inst 1906-8 Res Asst H Sc U 111 1908-10 Assoc do 1910-11 Asst Prof U 111 1911-15) Head Dept Home Econ NH Coll Durham NH Golinkin Abraham Lincoln (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1105 S Richmond St Chicago Goll George Gerald (acad 1903-5) Auto Merc 18 Hickory St Champaign 111 (509 W Washington St Urbana 111) Goll Mrs G G (see Manspeaker Berta H) Golm Julius (acad 1884-5 sp arch 1888-9) Bldg Contr 446 Fox St Den- ver tGoltra Isaac Van Tyle (la 1902-3) 506 W Monroe St Springfield III ?Goltra John C (sp 1869-70) 1923 Oak St Los Angeles *Goltra Moore C (Trustee 1867-73 Memb St Bd Ag) d April 11 1881 Goltra William Francis (c eng 1879- 83 BS) Merc 1940 E 93rd St Cleve- land Gomez Arzapalo Ernesto (g c eng 1914-15 BS BS (Marquette) '14) Stu Mass Inst Tech (Box 100 Guadala- jara Mex) Gomez Pastor (su 1905) Calumpit Bul- acan PI tGonda August (min eng 1912-13 Al- so St Stanislaus Coll) Blotink Posen Prussia Gonnerman Arthur William (e eng 1907-8 '09-10) Asst Eng J M Con- nell Consult Eng 2401 W Ninth St GONNERMAN— GOODMAN 247 Los Angeles Gonnerman Harrison Frederick (c eng 1904-8 BS MS '13 Asst Eng Exp Sta & T&AM U 111 1908-10 Instr T&AM do 1910-14) 1st Asst Eng Exp Sta T&AM U 111 1914- 1009 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Gonnerman Mrs H F (see Jamison Martha G) Gonsiob Albert (c eng 1910-14 BS) Tel Co 3134 Prairie Av Chicago Gonsior Stella (ag 1913-14) Stu U Chgo 3134 Prairie Av Chicago Gonzaga Jose Cesar (eng 1914-15 Al- so U Pa) Stu LeStan U Eua Bam- bina 50 Rio de Janeiro Brazil *Gonzalez Alfredo Lorenzo (e eng 1908-10 Also Armour Inst) d 1914 San Pedro Coahuila Mex Gonzalez Arturo V (arch eng 1903-7 BS) Arch Eng Pueblo St 131 Mon- torey Mex Gooch Mrs (see Kelley Ethel) Gooch DeWitt Robert (e eng 1914- ) Stu Bellflower 111 Gooch Gretchen Louise (la 1912- ) Stu Bellflower 111 Good Bertie (Mrs C E Durst) (sp mus 1908-10) Home 902 S Busey Av Ur- bana 111 good Edwin Stanton (ag 1904-6 MS BS(Mich Ag)'03 Asst An Husb Ag Exp Sta U 111 1903-4 Instr An Husb & Asst Exp Sta do 1904-6) Head Div An Husb Ky Ag Exp Sta 1906- Lexington Ky Good Elizabeth (Mrs L V James) (mus 1914-15) Home 711 W California Av Urbana 111 Good Glen Samuel (ag 1913-14) Ag R4 (55) Kewanee 111 Good Irene Arabella (lib 1913-14 BS (Coe) '13) 146 W First St Kenwood Park 111 good John Walter (g 1910-13 PhD AB (Erskine) '02 AM(Erskine Theol Sem) '04 BD(Pittsburg Theol Sem) '05) Asst Prof Engl Lit Kan St Ag Coll 807 Osage St Manhattan Kan Good Nelson Briggs (sp law 1909-10 Also Millikin U) Ins Neoga 111 tGood Roy C (sp ag 1901-2) Haldane 111 Good Verna May (Mrs F E MaGee) (acad 1902-3 la 1903-5 su 1908 Al- so U Wis 1908-10 AB) Home 216 N Pennsylvania Av Webb City Mo Goodale Albert (acad 1899) Blue Mound 111 Goodale Grace (Mrs E O Keator) (lib 1900-3 BLS Also U Cin 1898-1900 Instr Libr Econ U 111 1903-4) Home 2851 Melrose Av Walnut Hills Cin- cinnati tGoodall Joseph Wingfield (acad 1906- 8 c eng 1908-9) Peru Ind Goode Eslanda Cardozo (h sc 1912-13 '14- ) Stu 136 W 99th St New York Goodell Addison (la 1915- ) Stu Loda 111 Goodell Helen Elizabeth (ag 1911-12) Land Gard Loda 111 Goodell Horace Holbrook (c eng 1914- 15) Stu Browns Bus Coll Jackson- ville 111 (801 Monroe St Beardstown 111) Goodell John (eng 1895-8) C Eng Beardstown 111 (Chandlerville 111) Goodell Nathan P (acad 1884-5 law 1885-8 BL) Bnk & Law Loda 111 Goodenough Arthur Sherman (aead 1905-7 arch eng 1907-11 Also U Colo 1908-9) Arch Western Clock Co La Salle 111 (Peru 111) goodenough George Alfred (eng 1896- 1900 ME BS(Mich Ag) '92 Instr M Eng U 111 1895-9 Asst Prof do 1899- 1905 Assoc Prof do 1905-11) Prof Thermodynamics U 111 1911- 605 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Goodhead George Emmett (e eng 1902- 3) Tel 1304 Linwood Blvd Okla- homa City Goodmg Charles Wesley (sc 1908-11 su 1912 Also 111 Wes U) Teach H Sch 405 N Willis Av Champaign 111 Gooding Frank Ellwood (m eng 1910- 12 ME & BS Also Bradley Poly) Foreman Generator House Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co 4618 Kenmore Av Chicago (401 S University St Peoria 111) Gooding Laura Lavonia (la 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu 325 Portland Av Belleville 111 Goodman Albert Nelson (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 157 Fourth St LaSalle 111 Goodman Byne Frances (la 1908-12 AB AM '13 Also Bryn Mawr Coll 1913-14) Teach H Sch 730 W Hill St Champaign 111 Goodman Charles Francis (acad 1908-9 ag 1909-12) Ag De Land 111 Goodman Cyril James (la com 1914- 15) 2320 Michigan Av Chicago Goodman Edwin Rheinstrom (la cer eng 1914- ) Stu 410 Wabash Av Terre Haute Ind Goodman Ella (la 1897-9) At home 2704 Michigan Av Chicago *Goodman Ernest Albert (acad 1902-8 m eng 1903-5) d July 10 1905 Sador- 248 GOODMAN— GOKDON us 111 ?Goodman Ezra (acad 1908-9 sp e eng 1909-11 '12-13) Zitomier Eussia (490 Halsted St Chicago) *Goodman Herbert Marens (sc 1900-3) d Aug 1910 Chicago Goodman Lulu (Mrs H Babb) (la 1906- 8) Home 401 N Prospect Av Cham- paign 111 Goodman Marion Frances (la 1906-8 Also Chicago Sch Phys Ed 1909-11) Phys Dir 1366 E 52nd St Chicago Goodman Samuel Wade (ag 1910-11) Acct Posey ville Ind Goodman Willard Gaddis (la com 1914- 15) Stu Mil Acad 730 W Hill St Champaign 111 Goodmann Beatrice Ida (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 205 S Elm St Champaign 111 Goodmann Eva Marie (Mrs Clyde Mil- ler) (la 1912-13 '14-15) At home 205 S Elm St Champaign 111 Goodmann Leola lone (Mrs W H Scale) (la 1910-14 AB) Home Waterloo la (205 S Elm St Champaign 111) Goodpasture Gladys Marie (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 812 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Goodrich Alonzo Charles Jr (m eng 1907-8 Also la St Coll PhB(Chgo) '12) Ins 1035 E 45th St Chicago Goodrich Charles Eugene (acad 1900-1 m eng 1901-2) Dist Mgr American Powder Mills Box 553 Atlanta Ga (Belvidere 111) ? Goodrich Leonard (acad 1882-3) Champaign 111 Goodrich Nathaniel K (la com 1871-2) Trans 222 N State St Chicago Goodrich Eobert James (la chem eng 1914- Also Ober Coll) Stu 125 Elm St Oberlin Ohio Goodridge Henry Arthur (e eng 1894- 8 BS) Mgr Elec Light & Power Co Alamosa Colo Goodsmith Howard Moulding (su 1914) Stu NW U 4526 Beacon St Chi- cago t Goodsmith W P (acad 1879-80) Chi- cago ?Goodspeed Edward (c eng 1876-7) Peotone 111 Goodspeed Frank (arch eng 1904-9 BS) Heat & Ventilating Eng 2328 S Hope St Los Angeles Goodspeed James M (sp 1868-71 Also Garrett Biblical Inst) Mintr Tuscola 111 Goodspeed Nathan Lee (la 1906-10) Ins Joliet 111 t Goodspeed Stella (sp mus 1897-8) Urban a 111 Goodspeed Wilbur Fisk (ag 1900-5 BS) Ag Tuscola 111 Goodspeed Willeta Myrtle (ag Feb 1916- ) Stu 205 University Av Ur- bana 111 Goodwillie Douglas Monroe (ag 1915- ) Stu 627 Ashland Blvd Chicago Goodwin Mrs (see Johpson G Jessie) ?GoodWin Benjamin Scott (m eng 1902- 3) Nunda 111 *Goodwin Frances Evelina (sp 1871-2) d Urbana 111 Goodwin Mrs J T (see Price Kate C) fGoodwin Jessie (la 1872-4 '79-80) Urbana 111 Goodwin John Hanford (acad 1910-11 ag 1914- ) Stu Eitchey 111 Goodwin John Mitchell (la 1897-9) Law 1415 Federal Eeserve Bk Bldg St Louis (821 Belt Av) *Goodwin Nellie J (sp 1873-4) d Ur- bana 111 t Goodwin Philip Alfred (acad 1882-3 la 1883-7 BS) Albany Ore \ Goodwin Philip Eitchey (acad 1909- 11) Eitchey 111 Goodwin Thomas Gregory (g 1912-13 AB(Harv)'12) Teach 238 South St Jamaica Plain Mass 1 Goodwin Timothy Chester Jr (acad 1906-7) 1100 Clark St Denver Goodwin Viola (la 1912-14) At home 212 Garden St Hot Springs Ark Goodwine Mary Elizabeth (la 1913-14) Potomac 111 Goodyear Henry Marks (la 1909-12 AB'13) Stu NW U Morton 111 Gorden Wallace Albert (acad 1900-1 sp 1902-3) Ag E3 Blue Mound 111 Gordley William Thomas (1 1903-7) Law Virginia 111 t Gordon Alice Mary (acad 1909-10) Gifford 111 Gordon Charles (ry e eng 1908-12 BS) EE Eng 5435 Augusta St Chicago Gordon Edgar Z (acad 1877-8) Ag & Stock E3 Winchester 111 Gordon Elizabeth Alice (Mrs A Han- nagan)(acad 1909-11) Home Pen- field 111 Gordon Ernest Bragmon (acad 1908-9) Eng St Highway Dept Springfield 111 (Hamilton 111) Gordon Frank Allyn (ag 1915- ) ,Stu 934 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Gordon Fred Guyon (mun eng 1908- 12 BS) Asst Eng c/o D H Maury 1137 Monadnock Blk Chicago Gordon Hazel Augusta (h sc 1911-12) At home 806 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Gordon Hugh Byron (g chem 1908-10 GOEDON— GOSS 249 MS '10-12 PhD AB(Miami) '08 Instr Chem U 111 su 1909) Instr Chem Tex A&M Coll College Station Tex (Georgetown O) Gordon Inez Dorothy (Mrs H G Henne)(la 1907-9 AB Also U Mo) Home New Braimfels Tex Gordon James Allen (la 1913-14) 404 S 17th St St Joseph Mo Gordon Joseph Hinckley (la 1897-1901 AB & AM law 1905-6 LL B Instr Acad U 111 1903-6) Law 1204 Nat Kealty Bldg Tacoma Wash (1708 N Jnnett St) Gordon Joseph J (acad 1883-4 MD (Wooster) '88) Med 489 Grand Eiv- er Av Detroit Gordon Kenneth Hiekok (e eng 1915- Also William & Vashti Coll) Stu Oquawka 111 Gordon Louis (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 1511 S Central Park Av Chicago Gordon Marie Antoinette (h sc 1909- II '15- ) Sec to Dean Coll Eng U III 910y 2 W California St Urbana 111 Gordon Mark Dee (su 1913 Also Eureka Coin B3 Winchester 111 Gordon Max J (la 1908-9 '10-11) Mfg 215 N Flores St San Antonio Tex Gordon Raymond Hall (m eng 1911-13) Fin c/o Harris Trust & Sav Bk Chi- cago (428 E 45th PI) Gordon Ulysses Grant (su 1904 Also Hiram Coll) Prin H Sch Fort Col- lins Colo Gordon Willis Gaylord (e eng 1910-12 BS Also Syr U) Sales c/o Edison Lamp Wks Eialto Bldg San Francisco Gordon Willis Owen (sc 1907-11 BS MS (Geo Wash) Chem US Bur An Husb 2814 Adams Mill Ed Washing- ton %Gordy Alva Nelson (acad 1893-4) Philo 111 Gore Arthur Earl (c eng 1902-4) Bkpr 217 N Crawford St Oak Cliff Dallas Tex Gore David (Trustee 1893-4 Memb St Bd Ag 1878-94 Pres do 1893-4 St Sen 1884 Auditor Pub Accts 1892-7 Chm St Bd Equalization 1892-6) Carlin- ville HI \Gorde Edward E (acad 1884-6) Car- linville 111 *Gore Frederick H (c eng 1872-4) d Byron 111 Gore George Townsend (ag 1913-14) Ag Morris 111 Gore Roy Cletis (la 1914- ) Stu Elmwood 111 Gore Simeon Thomas (arch 1872-6 BS) Arch & Builder 507 Bryant Av Walla Walla Wash Gore William Adolph (la 1901-5 AB g 1906-8 AM '08-9 Teach Acad U 111 1907-8) Supt Schs 721 Goodf el- low Av St Louis Gorey Edward Jerome (c eng 1908-9) Law 504 Herkimer St Joliet 111 Gorey George Francis (m eng 1913- ) Stu 504 Herkimer St Joliet 111 Gorey Thomas Vincent (sp law 1905- 7) City Atty 504 Herkimer St Jol- iet 111 tGorges Franz (c eng 1912-14) 1706 Melrose St Chicago Gorham Edward Doremus (sc 1907-11 AB Also Vanderbilt U 1908) Cost Acct Association Bldg Detroit (Cham- paign 111) Gorham John William (la Feb 1916- Also DePauw U) Stu Mt Union la Gorham Josiah (sc 1900-4 AB) Chem & Eng Tests Colorado Fuel & Iron Co Pueblo Colo Gorham Margaret Dresser (Mrs F E Ebert)(sp la 1907-10 Also Art Inst Chicago) Home 511 S Pine St Champaign 111 Gorham Maude Ulrich (Mrs Maude Barker) (acad 1896-7) Home 617 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 t Gorman Timothy (c eng 1906-8) 140 W 113th PI Chicago Gormley James Eeilly (arch eng 1908- 13 BS) Arch 239 N Austin Av Chi- cago Gormley Vincent Lewis (ag 1911-12 '13- ) Stu 239 W Austin Av Chi- cago GOESLINE Ernest Elisha (BS(Eoch- ester) '01 PhD (J Hopk) '08 Teach Phys Chem & Biol Peddie Inst 1901-3 Asst Chem U Eochester 1906-7 Ees Asst Chem U 111 1908-9) Mgr Scran- ton Wetmore Co 1176 Monroe Av Eochester NY (414 E Sixth St New York) Goss Edna Lucy (lib 1900-2 BLS Al- so U Chgo Libr St Lib Nat Hist U 111 190^6 Head Catg Bryn Mawr Coll 1907-8 Asst John Crerar Lib 1908-11) Libr c/o U Minn Lib Min- neapolis Goss Mary Lucetta (Mrs F S Cannon) (sp la 1907-10) Home 3323 College Av Indianapolis Goss Maurice Gregory (chem eng 1909- 11) Adv 1003 Eector Bldg Chicago Goss Stanley Thomas (m eng 1904-6) Mfg 16 Eussell St New Britain Conn GOSS William Freeman Myrick (D Eng 1904 Cert (Mass Tech) MS(Wabash) 250 GOSSARD— GOWEN '88 Instr & Prof Mech Arts & Prac Mech Pur U 1879-89 Dean Sch Eng do 1900-7) Dean Coll Eng & Dir Sch By Eng & Admin U 111 1907- 1103 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Gossard Ella Lohr (su 1915) Teach 208 E Green St Urbana 111 Gosseline Mrs WE (see Wimple Maud E) GOSSER Harold (com 1915- BS(Pa) '14 Asst Dairy U 111 1915) 1117 Euclid St Champaign 111 (326 Mc- Kinley Av Avalon Pa) Gossett Earl Jones (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) Trav 6211 Drexel Av Chi- cago Gossett Irene (Mrs Paul Danely) (acad 1906-10 la 1910-11) Home 606 W Green St Urbana 111 Gossett John Eubanks (acad 1906-7 la 1908-12 AB) Ins 609 Pabst Bldg Milwaukee Gossett Leo Everett (ag 1915- ) Stu 418 Ayatt Av Lincoln 111 Gossett Verna Opal (la 1913-15 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 304 N Jasper Av Casey 111 *Gossman Frank Louis (acad 1899- 1900 la 1900-1 su 1902) d Oct 27 1907 Canon City Colo Gottschalk Arthur Hubert (com 1915- ) Stu 235 W Edwards St Springfield 111 Goudie Charles (acad 1886-7) Merc Sadorus 111 Goudy Don Coleman (m eng 1913- ) Stu Fairfield 111 *Goudy William John (m eng 1914-15)$ d Jan 3 1916 Bakersfield Cal Gough Sarah Melinda (su 1911 Also El Paso Nor) Libr El Paso 111 Gougler Judson Henry (ry m eng 1910- 12 Also Armour Inst) M Eng 1127 E 62nd St Chicago (Ipava 111) Gould Mrs (see Craig Cora E) Would Albert F (acad 1877-8) Battle Creek Mich Gould Anthony Ready (ag 1913- ) Stu 1308 W University Av Urbana 111 Gould Charles Edwin ( Edward ) ( sp 1873-4) Trav Repr LaSalle Exten U Chicago Gould Clifford Burt (c eng 1915- ) Stu 441 Prairie Av Aurora 111 Would Elna Stillman (su 1908 AB (Olivet) '06) Teach Ft Wayne Ind Gould Frank Elmer (arch 1912-13 '15- ) Stu 208 E Seventh St. Ster- ling 111 Gould Frank Jared (acad 1896-7) PO Insp 115 Frye Av Peoria 111 tGould George D (m eng 1891-2) Mattoon 111 * Gould Guy Torrence (sp 1895-7) d July 7 1915 Oakland Cal Gould Harry C (c eng 1874-8) Asst C Eng c/o Ofc Chf Eng US Army 191 War Dept Bldg Washington Gould Irene Ethel (h sc 1908-10) At home Lake Av & 12th St Wilmette 111 Gould John Jr (ag 1912-14 Also Lake Forest Coll 1905-8) Ag Onekama Mich ?Gould Llewellyn C (la 1878-9) Hen- ry 111 Would Mabel C (acad 1887-8) West Plains Kan Gould Maurice Augustus (c eng 1913- ) Stu New Sharon la Gould Oren Welcome (su 1911 Also W 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Chapin 111 Gould Philip Newhall (la 1915- ) Stu 826 Forest Av Evanston 111 Goulding Mrs Helen Lancaster (Mrs P S)(sp mus 1907-9) Home 810 W Nevada St Urbana 111 GOULDING Philip Sanford (AB (Yale) '98 Head Catg U Mo 1901 Organizer U South Lib 1901-2 Asst Catg Div Lib Cong 1902-6) Lect & Catg Lib U 111 1906- 810 W Ne- vada St Urbana 111 Gourley Ada (Mrs Gehlman) (sp 1871- 3) Home 2046 Welton St Apt 11 Denver Gourley James Linus (acad 1903-4 sp ag 1904-5) Ag Paxton 111 Gourley Joseph Edward (la 1909-10) Ag Paxton 111 Gourley Louis Hill (la 1908-12 AB) Amer Consul Av Morelos 5 Vera Cruz Mex (627 W Monroe St Spring- field 111) Gourley Margaret Travis (acad 1903- 5 la 1905-9 AB) Teach Paxton 111 Gourley Mary Jane (acad 1903-5 sc 1905-9 AB AM '14) Teach Mt Mor- ris 111 (Paxton 111) gouwens Cornelius (g sc 1910-11 AM BS(NW) 7 10) Instr Math la St U South Holland 111 Gouwens Estey William (la com 1913- ) Stu South Holland 111 Gove Aaron Morrill (sp arch 1890-1) Arch 750 Marion St Denver Goveia Lawrence Theodore (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 425 Caldwell St Jack- sonville 111 Gowd Rayadwig Nagan (ag 1915- Also Madras Christian Coll) Stu Hos- pet India Gowdy Max (ag 1912-13 '14- ) Stu 1013 E Grove St Bloomington 111 Gowen Mrs S N (see Thomas Mar- GEABBE— GEAHAM 251 garet B) Grabbe Edith Katherine (h sc 1910- 11) At home 701 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Grabbe Florence Harriet (sp h sc 1907- 8 h sc 1908-12 BS) At home 701 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Grabbe John Christian (sc 1912-13 ag 1913- ) Stu 910 Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Grabbe Lowell Francis (com 1915- ) Stu 910 Nevada St Urbana 111 Graber Howard Tyler (sc 1897-1901 BS BS( Mass Tech) '03) Chf Chem Digestive Ferments Co Detroit (636 Trumbull Av) Grable Thomas Arthur (1 1914 Also S 111 St Nor) City Atty Eldorado 111 ?Grabowski Thaddeus Marion (c eng 1907-9) 728 N Eidgeway At Chicago Grace Floyd Vivian (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu Metropolis 111 Grace George Lee (1 1914-15) Stu NW U El Metropolis 111 Gracie Helen Black (sp 1908-9 Order Asst Lib U 111 1909-10) Libr Pub Lib Seattle Gradle Eoy Searls (sc 1910-11 Also U Mich) E Est & Broker 5353 La Cresta Ct Los Angeles (100 State St Chicago) Grady Charles Hubert (ag 1904-6) Ag Maroa 111 Grady Edward Maurice (cer 1911-13) Acct 707 W Market St Blooming- ton 111 Grady Fred Morris (sp ag 1904-5 LL B*(Wes) '08) Law Maroa 111 Grady Paul L (c eng 1905-8 BS Al- so Armour Inst) Estimator & Supt Constr John M Ervin'Co The Eook- ery Chicago Grady Mrs E (see Waughtel Nellie E S) Graff Mrs (see Grant Edith G) Graff Albert Ambrose Ignatuis (e eng 1915- Also Ohio St U) Stu 1228 Oak Av Cincinnati Graff Elizabeth (la 1901-6 AB) Teach 143 Eockingham Ct Toledo O Graff Mamie Elizabeth (su 1894&'95 &'05 Also Austin Coll) Teach Greenville 111 Graff Zella Margaret (su 1908 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 1701 E 41st St Kansas City Mo Grafius Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs G D Birkhoff)(lib 1904-5 BLS Also Lewis Inst) Home 44 Shepard St Cambridge Mass Graham Mrs (see Fuqua Gertrude E) Graham Albert Edgar (acad 1903-5) Ag E3 Monmouth 111 Graham Archie James (sc 1895-8 BS MD(P&S)'02) Med 6306 Halsted St Chicago Graham Arthur (acad 1892-3 eng 1893-4) Grain Merc Alexis 111 fGraham Belle (Mrs Brown) (la 1875- 7) Wichita Kan Graham Bertha Luella (Mrs G S Thompson) (h sc 1908-9) Home Elm- wood 111 graham Charles Peyton (sp 1869-73 ML '93) Mintr 3436 S 14th St Omaha Neb Graham Charles Wallace (sp & acad 1907-9) Sec & Treas Uni Supply Store Champaign 111 (608 Michigan Av Urbana 111) Graham David Abram (su 1900 BS (Greer) Also 111 Coll) Teach Illiop- olis 111 Graham Donald (acad 1903-7 BS) Arch 1022 Hume Mansur Bldg In- dianapolis (2645 College Av) Graham Douglas Basil Adair (c eng 1902-6 BS) Consult & San Eng 1137 Monadnock Blk Chicago (4851 N Al- bany Av) fGraham Edson James (sp ag 1911-12) Elms Hotel Chicago Graham Elizabeth Ellen (la 1914-15 AB Also Monmouth Coll) Teach Alexis 111 (East Dubuque 111) Graham Florence (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 6215 Drexel Av Chicago GEAHAM George Washington (Supt Bldgs & Grounds U 111 1895) Treas Heyworth Graham Co 305 606 S Michigan Av Chicago (334 E 38th St) Graham George Woods (acad 1893-4) Paving Contr 51 Grere St Freeport 111 Graham Harland Brown (ag 1914- Also la St Coll) Stu 1214 Third Av Los Angeles Graham Harry Thomas (sp m eng 1906-7 Also Lewis Inst 1903-5) Ag E2 Carthage 111 t Graham Henry Hugh (acad 1907-9) 716 Clark St Evanston 111 Graham Hugh Joseph ila 1895-6 '97- 1900 AB Instr Ehet U 111 1900-1) Law 1802 S Sixth St Springfield 111 t Graham Hugh Peter (acad 1892-3 c eng 1893-6) Illiopolis 111 ^Graham James C (acad 1876-7) Ma- homet 111 ? Graham James Ebenezer (sp 1868-70) Galena 111 Graham James Edward (su 1900 Also Greer Coll 1898-1900) Teach Illiop- 252 GRAHAM— GRANTHAM olis 111 Graham James John (1 1902-5 LL B) Law 216^5 S Fifth St Springfield 111 tGraham John David (acad 1905-7 sp law 1907-8) Illiopolis 111 *Graham Jonathon H (la com 1872-3) d Mattoon 111 *Graham Joseph Newton (gen 1869- 70) d Champaign 111 Graham Lester Earl (la com 1908-9 Also Hedding Coll) Mgr 1717 Col- umbia Ter Peoria 111 Graham Lottie (su 1909 PhB(Dem- son)'08) Teach 424 E Wood St Paris 111 Graham Louis Thomas (1 1889-93 BL) Law Pittsfield 111 tGraham Louise (su 1904 Also U Chgo) 52 Third St Carmi 111 Graham Mary Adelaide (acad 1904-5 la 1905-9 AB) Lit 413 S Seventh St Springfield 111 Graham Mathew Powell (sp ag 1911- 12) c/o Alamo Gas Eng Co 167 S Howell St Hillsdale Mich *Graham Nelson W (Trustee 1891-7 Pres Bd 1892-6) d July 15 1901 Chicago Graham Paul John (la 1907-11 AB) Aledo 111 Graham Koy Austin (ag 1904-8 BS Also St Mary Coll) Gen Mgr Gra- ham Farms & Sec Graham Glass Co 1510 Mulberry St Evansville Ind graham Sappho Cecelia (g ger 1912- 13 AM AB(Ia)'ll) Teach Moline 111 (604 W Adams St Creston la) tGraham Vance Adair (la com 1910- 11) Carmi 111 Graham Walter Thompson (su 1912& ; 14&'15 BS( Valparaiso) '11) Teach Rockton 111 (Kinmundy 111) tGraham Warren Wright (m eng 1910- 12 Also Monmouth Coll) Monmouth 111 t Graham William (acad 1883-4) Oquaw- ka 111 Graham William Johnson (1 1889-93 BL) Law & St Repr Aledo 111 \Graham William Marshall (acad 1909- 11) 707 N Fifth St Champaign 111 Graham WilliaiS Morland (g la 1914- BS(McKendree)'13) Stu Almyra Ark Graham William W (acad 1883-4 sc 1884-5) Publ 5427 Harper Av Chi- cago Graham Wilmer T (la 1915- Also Monmouth Coll) Stu Morning Sun la Grainger Charles Warren (c eng 1908- 12 BS) Asst Chf Draft Concrete Steel Prod Co 6514 Lafayette Av Chicago Gramesly Margaret Amidon (lib 1898- 1904 BLS) Mo Lib Comm Jefferson City Mo Grammeu Mrs M ^see Drew Beatrice L) Granart Lester Ferdinand (acad 1910- 11) Ag Big Rock 111 ?Granberry Clara Estelle (sp 1894-5) Palestine Miss Grandey Charley William (su 190 1& '02&'05&'07 Also Valparaiso Nor & Dixon Nor & Austin Coll) Prin H Sch Terry Mont Grandpre Ambrose Goulet (c eng 1902- 6 BS) C Eng 5830 Race Av Chi- cago Granger Guy D (acad 1890-2) Switch- man Southern RR 1423a Cleveland Av E St Louis 111 Grannis Frank Cravens (ag 1907-10 BS Also Winona Ag Inst Asst Soil Fert U 111 1910-11 Prof Ag & Chem McKendree Coll 1911-12 Exten Lect Soils la St Coll 1912) Ag Adviser Will Co Joliet 111 f Grannis George Paul (acad 1907-8) 2675 N Lincoln St Chicago ?Grannis Laurence Royce (c eng 1907 8 Also U Chgo) 2675 N Lincoln St Chicago Grant Mrs (see Hardie Helen M) Grant Clarence Todd (e eng 1912- ) Stu 1231 Larkin Av Elgin III Grant David John (c eng 1904-8 BS) RR Contr Irving Ky Grant Edith Grace (Mrs F W Graff) (su 1905&'06 Also U Nashville) Home Austin Tex Grant Frances Cecilia (sp ag 1911-12 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 1013 Jei- ferson St Charleston 111 Grant Fred Hartzell (c eng 1905-7 Also Lewis Inst) Eng Contr Irving Ky Grant Helen Winifrede (la 1910-14 AB) Teach H Sch Arthur 111 (506 W Illinois St Urbana 111) fGrant James Benton (c eng 1872-3) Davenport la (Irving Ky) Grant Roger Alpine (sp ag 1906-8) Baker 320 Forest Av River Forest 111 Grant Ruth Margaret (h sc 1912- ) Stu 506 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Grant Will Chalmers (la 1906-8 Also Wash StL U) Law 427 W Washing- ton St Springfield 111 Grantham Arthur Elliott (ag 1903-4 AB ( Ind ) '03 BSA ( Mo ) '05 ) Prof GRANTHAM— GKAY 253 Agron Delaware Coll Exp St a New- ark Del Grantham Estalena (su 1911&'12 Al- so Ind U & Marion Nor Coll) Teach Darlington Ind (Stockwell Ind) Grantham George Manners (ag 1908- 14 BS Also Ind U) Instr Soils Mich Ag Coll E Lansing Mich (New Rich- mond Ind) Grantz Raymond Lorimer (la 1913-15 law 1915- ) Stu 512 College Av Rockford 111 Grape Nellie Washington (su 1914 Al- so Chgo Nor) Teach 4442 N Kenton Av Chicago Grater Marie (Mrs H B Bedell) (su 1911 Also S 111 St Nor) Home Fairbury 111 (Carbondale 111) Gratton William Taylor (acad 1890-1 la 1891-2) Med Shawneetown 111 Gratz Mrs Benjamin (see Thompson Marion) Grauten Sylvester Henry (e eng 1903-7 BS) c/o M Eng Pub Serv Comm N 111 1458 Birchwood Av Chi- cago Graven Anker Suerre (arch eng 1913- Also Stout Inst) Stu 1003 S Ninth St Menomonie Wis GRAVES Charles E (AB(Wes)'08 Also U Paris 1908-9 Instr Rom Lang Wes U 1909-11 & do NY St Lib Sch 1911-13) Lect & Exch Asst Lib U 111 1914- 1001 W California St Ur- bana 111 IGraves Clinton Henry (sp mus 1903- 5) Urbana 111 t Graves Edwin N (acad 1877-8; Lud- low ni Graves Ernest W (ag 1875-9) Hort 95 Milk St Boston f Graves Frank Loren (eng 1913-14) Colonade Flats Crookston Minn Graves Frank Wilkinson (ag 1913- Also U Wis) Stu Robinson St Sil- ver Creek NY Graves Hazel Hurst Kohlair (acad 1897-8) Williamsville 111 Graves John Thomas (acad 1902-4 sp ag 1904-5) c/o Ford Car Wks 4238 Cook Av St Louis (T'onica 111) Graves Lester Herbert (e eng 1908-12 BS) Superv Eng Nat X-Ray Reflect Co 21 W 46th St New York (2690 Valentine Av) tGraves Luther Glen (su 1900 & '02) Adair 111 Graves Marjorie (Mrs R D Walton) (lib 1899-1902. BLS) Libr 1 Elvyn PI Oskaloosa la Graves Nellie Ruth (la h sc 1913-15 mus 1915- ) Stu 718 W Packard St Decatur 111 Graves Paul Truman (su 1915 Also HI Wes U) Coach Athl Princeton 111 (Cisco 111) Graves Perry Henry (la com 1912-15 AB Also U Pitt) Trav Natalbany Lumber Co Natalbany La (1056 Peach St Rockford 111) tGraves Roy Martin (c eng 1911-14) cement contr 630 Forest Av Evan- ston 111 Graves Willet (ag 1869-70) Ret Ag 722 N Michigan Av Pasadena Cal Graves Zola Marie (Mrs G J Young) (la 1904-5 Also Ober Coll) Milliner 114 24th Av N Seattle Gray Albert B (1 1904-7) City Col- lector 506 S Cottage Grove Av Ur- bana 111 Gray Anna Lois (lib 1909-10 Also Ind U) At home Gosport Ind Gray Bartlett Stephen (1 1900-4 LLB Also Harv U 1904-5) Law 202 W Pearl St Geneseo 111 (Jacksonville 111) Gray Basil S (acad 1879-80) Express Agt Vienna 111 Gray Carl Raymond "Jr (la 1909-11 AB Also Wash StL U) c/o Consol- idated Coal Co Baltimore (25 Som- erset Rd) Gray Charles Walter (acad 1904-5) Adv Canton 111 Gray Claudia Marie (la 1915 Also Kirksville Nor) At home Palmyra Mo GRAY Cora Emeline (g h sc 1911-13 mus 1916- BS(Chgo)'06 MS(do) '09 Teach Se Warsaw Ind 1906-8 do U Chgo 1910) Assoc H Sc U 111 1911- 908 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Gray Daniel DeWitte (e eng 1910-11 '15- ) Stu 3239 Wellington Av 3rd Apt Chicago gray Daniel Thomas (g ag 1904-5 MS AB&BS(Mo)'04) Chf An Industry NC Ag Exp Sta Raleigh NC Gray Elmer W (sp 1873-4) Law 535 Temple Ct Minneapolis Gray Frank Brownfield (arch eng 1907-11 BS) Arch St Charles 111 Gray Fred Jay (e eng 1907-11 BS g 1911-12 MS) E Eng 624 W 182nd St New York Gray Frederick (m eng 1892-3) Prop Hotel Cedar Rapids la GRAY Greta (BS( Mass Tech) '01 MA (Col) '14 Also Wash St Coll) Instr H Sc U 111 1914- 1017 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (1209 S Grove St Spokane Wash) Gray Harry Milleson (sc 1908-11) Chem 111 S Eastern Av Joliet 111 *GRAY Harry Woy (BCE(Ia) , 06 254 GRAY— GREEN Instr T&AM U 111 1906-7 Instr C Eng U Mo 1909-10 Asst Prof G Eng U la 1910-13) d Dec 14 1913 La Cresenta Cal GRAY Henry David (PhB (Colgate) '97 AM(Col)'98 PhD(do)'04 Asst Ger & French Colgate U 1896-7 Instr Engl U Tex 1902-3 Asst Prof Engl U 111 1903-5) Asst Prof Engl Le- Stan U 1905- Stanford University Cal Gray James Madison (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 452 W Prairie Av De- catur 111 Gray John (sp pol sc 1899-1900 '01-2) Concrete Contr 511 Pennsylvania Av Urbana 111 Gray Mrs John (see Leal Mary C) ?Gray John Ernest (min eng 1912-14) Ottawa 111 Gray Kline (e eng 1915- ) Stu Oak- wood 111 Gray Leslie Roy (e eng 1913- ) Stu Odell 111 Gray Lily (lib 1904-6 BLS AB (Chgo) '76) Edit Spokesman Review Spokane Wash Gray Nelson A (la 1879-83 BS) Ag Chatsworth Cal Gray Mrs Olive Lyda (Mrs W L) (acad 1894-5) Home 211 W University Av Champaign 111 Gray Otto Benton (ag 1914- ) Stu Maroa 111 Gray Philip Frank (la 1909-10) Acct c/o Austin Nichols & Co New York (123 15th Av May wood 111) Gray Ralph Edward (cer eng 1913- ) Stu Areola 111 Gray Mrs Robert (see Gillespie Belle I) Gray Robert (acad 1896-7 e eng 1896-1900 BS) Ag Light & Power Co Davenport Wash Gray Russell Callam (Ag 1915- Also Kingfisher Coll) Stu Chickasha Okla Gray Ruth (h sc 1912- Also Grinnell Coll) Stu 1417 Woodlawn Av Des Moines la JGray Shirley Eugene (chem 1894-6) Griggsville 111 Gray Villa (Mrs J E Morrison) (acad 1906-7) Home 222 Jefferson St Jo- liet 111 Gray William Arthur (arch 1884-5) Ranch Chatsworth Cal Gray William Jasper (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu Lovington 111 Graybill George R (acad 1877-8) Edit 512 W 23rd St Cicero 111 (1505 W Forest Av Decatur 111) Grayhaek John Edward (c eng 1912- ) Stu 1012 N Broadway Joliet 111 Grayson Franklin Charles (sp ag 1890- 1 VS(Ontario Vet) '93) Vet Pax- ton 111 Grear Sidney (e eng 1903-7 BS) RR C Eng Anna 111 (6140 Dorchester Av Chicago) Greaves George (eng 1885-8) Chem & Metallurgist c/o Southern Wheel Co Birmingham Ala (1320 17th St) greaves Joseph Eames (g ag 1907-8 MS BS(Utah Ag)'04 PhD(Cal)'ll) Prof Physiol Chem & Bact Utah Ag Coll 445 N Third St Logan Utah \Greb George (acad 1893-4) 633 N Fifth St Springfield 111 Greeg Walter Norman (la 1907-10) Adv Fairbury 111 Greeley Carleton Lloyd (acad 1891-2) Ag Waterman 111 Greeley George Henry (acad 1882-3 m eng 1881-4) Ret Ag Waterman 111 Greeman Mrs EG (see Brownell Lodski P) Green Mrs (see Cable Alice) Green Mrs (see Cranston Mary E) GREEN Alexander (AB(NY)'IO AM , (Col) '11 PhD (do) '14 Asst Lang NY U 1910-13) Instr Ger U 111 1913- 608 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 (216 W 143rd St New York) Green Alice Mary (Mrs J K Hoagland) (acad 1899-1900 sp mus 1906-7) Home 2415 N First St Shelbyville 111 Green Alta (Mrs Wilfred Ropiequet) (la 1911-15 AB) Home 641 Veronica Av E St Louis 111 (917 E Main St Urbana 111) Green Arthur J (sp ag 1886-7 Also Bushnell Nor) Ag Farmington 111 t Green Bertha Agnes (acad 1905-8 mus 1908-14 B Mus) Ivesdale 111 Green Bessie Rose (acad 1901-3 la 1903-07 AB AM '10 g 1912- ) Asst Zool U 111 708 W California Av Ur- bana 111 (Ivesdale) Green Bruce Clifton (acad 1904-5 sp e eng 1905-6) Ag Sidell 111 t Green Carrie Elizabeth ( acad 1898-9 ) Cherokee la Green Cefla Genevieve (acad 1899-1901 la 1900-4 AB) At home Ivesdale 111 GREEN Charles Boutcher (EM (Lafay- ette) '86 Asst Instr Chem U 111 1886- 7) Registrar Sec & Treas Lafayette Coll 1905- 83 N Fourth St Easton Pa Green Charles F (g math 1915- AB (Kan) '14 AM (do) '15) Asst Math 425 Iowa Av Holton Kan Green Charles Henry (m eng 1899- 1903 BS) Consult Eng 501 RR Av Spokane Wash Green Clarence (la 1900-3 AB Also Vincennes U) Teach Cantonment Fla GREEN— GREENAW ALT 255 Green Don Roy (acad 1894-5) RR Mail Clk Effingham 111 (15th Div RMS Indianapolis) Green Donald Wilder (la com 1909-10) Effic Eng 1356 E 56th St Chicago Green Dorothy (acad 1906-7 su 1911) Superv Mus Sterling Colo (Morrison- ville 111) Green Ed (sp ag 1886-7) Ag & Stock Howard Kan (Indianola 111) GREEN Edward Clarence (AB & MH (Mich Ag) '97 Field Asst Entom U 111 1898-1902 Asst Prof Tex A&M Coll 1902-7 US Gov Pomol 1907-11) Cotton Expert c/o Jardin Botanico Rio de Janeiro Brazil Green Mrs E C (see Hart Lydia M) Green Mrs Earnest L (see Knox Olive G) Green Esther Cranston (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 917 E Main St Urbana 111 t Green Ethel Emma (la 1906-8) Paris 111 Green Eulalie (Mrs V W Haag) (sc 1912-15 AB Also 111 Wes U) Home La Junta Colo (Oakwood 111) Green Florence (la 1912-13 Also U Chgo) Teach Eureka Cal (Tonas- ket Wash) *Green Frances Myrtle (Mrs J K Hoagland) (acad 1895-7 la 1897-1901 AB) d Dec 23 1908 Hartland Wis Green Frank Hopkins (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-6 BS) RR Location & Constr Eng Eureka Cal GREEN Frederick (AB(Harv) '89 AM & LLB(do)'93 Lect Harv Law Sch 1903-4) Prof Law U 111 1904- 1106 W California St Urbana 111 *Green Frederick James (sc 1873-4) d Dec 31 1910 Delavan 111 Green Georgana (su 1907 Also Nor Sch River Falls Wis) Teach 802 Tenbrook St Paris 111 Green Gladys (la 1913- ) Stu Oak- wood 111 Green Harry L (m eng 1903-6) Mfg 121 Glen Rd Rockford 111 Green Herbert John (arch 1893-6 BS) Instr Lane H Sch 1615 Sherwin Av Rogers Park Chicago Green Howard ' Ruggles (c eng 1908- 12) C Eng 204 C R Sav Bk Bldg Amboy 111 (1447 First Av E Cedar Rapids la) Green Howard S (m eng 1905-8) Con- sult Eng 150 Steven St Spokane Wash (801 W Third St Sterling 111) Green Mrs H S (see Walters Bertha E) Green James Albert (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-5 BS) RREnglCRR 214 E Clark St Champaign 111 Green James Glen (acad 1905-6) Ag Hindsboro 111 Green Jay (ag 1907-8) Ag & M Eng Lincoln 111 Green John Neville (la 1913-15) Hotel Clk 2838 Lawton Av St Louis ?Green John Taylor (chem 1894-5) Frankfort Ky (Lexington Ky) t Green Joseph Albert (ag 1909-10) Piano 111 Green Joseph Donald Arbuckle (sp ag 1905-6 '08-^ Also E 111 St Nor) Ag Oakland 111 tGREEN Joseph Peacock (ag 1908-12 BS) Box 362 Orange Va Green Mrs J P (see Beadell Ethel V) t Green Josephine Maxwell (acad 1895- 7 la 1897-8) Ramsey 111 Green Julia Emorette (arch eng 1909- 10) Art 1914 E 36th St Kansas Citv Mo Green LeRoy M (la 1900-1 BL(Wis) '04) Law 3rd Nat Bk Bldg Rock- ford 111 Green Lonsdale Jr (m eng 1908-12 BS) Acct 565 W 113th St New York (1356 E 56th St Chicago) *Green Mabel (lib sc 1902-4 AB PdM (City NY) '92) d July 23 1905 Flor- ida NY t Green Mae Frances (acad 1895-6 '99-1900) Ivesdale 111 Green Marianna (Mrs W L Steele) (la 1891-5 BL) Home 2512 Jackson St Sioux City la ?Green N L (la 1875-6) Urbana 111 Green Nathaniel Raymond (c eng 1889) Ag Ramsey 111 Green Otis Martin (sp sc 1897-8) R Est L & Ins 205 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Green Pearl Mary (Mrs A H McLean) (sp mus 1896-7 See also McLean Mrs Pearl) Home 206 W High St Ur- bana 111 Green Ralph (c eng 1911-15 BS) C Eng 1356 E 56th St Chicago Green Ralph Marquis (ag 1905-6 Also 111 Wes U) Merc c/o BS Green Co Bloomington 111 Green Robert Raymond Jr (ag 1913- 15) Ag LaFayette 111 (Toulon 111) Green Roy Ezra (acad 1907-10 sp ag 1910-13) Ag Rose Haven Farm Rl Oakwood 111 Green Mrs RE (see Reichard Delia M) Green Thomas Stephen (acad 1886-7) sc 1886-91 BS MD(P&S)'95) Med 4153 Ellis Av Chicago Greenawalt Lester Barnes (acad 1909- 11 Also Armour Inst) Electr 6333 Stewart Av Chicago (706 N Vermil- 256 GREENBERG— GKEENOUGH ion St Danville 111) Greenberg David (la com 1914-15) Cash & Ofc Mgr Fair Dept Store Box 972 Beaumont Tex (908 Belmont Av Chicago ) Greenburg Roland Everett (m eng 1911- 15 BS) Foreman Pipe Dept Stan- dard Oil Co 300 La Porte Av Whit- ing Ind Greene Arthur Ritchie (ag 1909-13 AB) Ag Lisle 111 Greene Bert Daniel (la 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu Byron 111 Greene Birdie Wilmah (la 1906-7 su 1911&'12 Also U Cal su 1913) Teach Tallula 111 Greene Charles Thomas (la 1898-1901 AB) Broker 20 Exchange PI New York (160 Martense St Brooklyn NY) Greene Edith May (Mrs A W Orcutt) (h sc 1905-6 Also Knox Coll) Home Areola 111 Greene Edward Forbes (acad 1899- 1900 Grad(US Naval Acad) '04) Ret Lieut US Navy Peterborough NH Tokio Japan Greene Elizabeth Grosvenor (la 1900-4 AB lib 1904-5 BLS Also Mt Holyoke Coll 1899-1901) At home 1011 S Wright St Champaign 111 GREENE Evarts Boutell (AB(Harv) 7 90 AM(do)'91 PhD(do)'93 Also NW U 1885-8 & Berlin U 1893-4 Asst Hist Harv Coll 1890-3 Asst & Assoc Prof Hist U 111 1894-5 Dean Coll LA&S do 1906-13) Prof Hist U 111 1897- 1011 S Wright St Champaign 111 fGreene Franklin Jr (ag 1909) May- wood 111 Greene Fred Wilber (arch 1890-1) Cash Bk Harrison Ark ?Greene George (su 1915) Stu N 111 St Nor Byron 111 ? Greene Harvey P (acad 1888-9) Col- fax 111 Greene Herbert Miller (acad 1889-90 arch 1890-2) 408 E Park PI Peoria 111 Greene Hibbard Spencer (e eng 1901-5 BS) Sales Mgr 1949 E 73rd St Cleveland Greene James Henry (ag 1906-8 BS su 1911&'12&'13&'14&'15 AM g ed 1915- Also U Chgo) St Leader Jr Exten U 111 702% W Oregon St Urbana 111 (LaGrange Ind) Greene Joel Waring (la 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 1008 Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Greene Mrs John J (see Timmins Alice) Greene Joseph Nathaniel (1911-15 BS) Staunton Va Greene Lois (Mrs T H Guild) (h sc 1907-9 land arch '14- Also Simmons Coll) (see also Guild . Lois Green) Home & Stu 1008 Oregon St Urbana 111 Greene Mary Avery (Mrs C S Griffin) (acad 1894-6 la 1896-7 AB(Rad)'97 Home 1011 S Wright St Champaign 111 GREENE Mary Wendell (Attended N Eng Conserv Mus Teach Mus Sch U 111 1903-7) Teach Peoria Mus Coll 509 Hamilton Blvd Peoria 111 Greene Ruth Eloise (Mrs J W Crouch) (h sc 1904-5) Home Irving 111 Greene Scott Corwith) (c eng 1915- ) Stu 120 Ninth St Wilmette 111 Greene William Bertram (m eng 1904- 8BS Also NW Coll) Adv Mgr Stephens Adamson Mfg Co 737 Garfield Av Aurora 111 Greener Walter Henry (la 1915- ) Stu R8 Streator 111 Greenfield Edman (g chem 1915- AB (Kan) '14) Stu 610 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Greenfield Richard Fletcher d Jr (m eng 1914- ) Stu 1428 Schilling Av Chi- cago Heights 111 Greengard Louis Jacob (ag 1912- ) Stu 1521 Millard Av Chicago Greenhalgh Mrs J R (See Anderson Laura M) Greenhill Harold (m eng 1912-13 • '15- ) Stu 1951 Seminary Av Chicago Greening Alfred Henry (su 1908) Stu 111 Wes U 412 Woodlawn Av Bloom- ington 111 Greenlaw Frank Asbury (la 1911-12 Also Benton Coll Law) Clk Flora 111 Greenleaf Kenneth (e eng 1905-6 Also Mass Tech Inst) E Eng Savanna 111 *Greenleaf L L (Trustee 1871-7) d Evanston 111 Greenleaf Moses (m eng 1903-7 BS) Ag Murdock Kan *Greenman Clarence Paine (ag 1902-4) d Champaign 111 Greenman Edwin Gardner (m eng 1898-1902 BS g 1906-7 ME Instr M Eng U 111 1902-3 Instr Eng Cin U 1903-4 Chf Draft do) Asst Prof M Eng Mich Ag Coll E Lansing Mich Greenman Margaret Grace (la 1902-7 AB) Rl Pond Creek Okla Greenman Philip Ray (acad 1910-11 m eng 1911-14) Develop Eng 62 Can- field E Detroit Mich GREENOUGH Chester Noyes (AB (Harv) '98 AM(do) '99 PhD(do) '04 Prof Engl U 111 1907-10) Asst Prof Engl Harv U 1910-15) Prof Engl > H GREENSPAHN— GREGORY 257 Harv U 1915- 26 Quincy St Cam- bridge Mass Greenspahn Abraham (la 1914-15) Stu NW U 3126 Douglas Bldg Chicago Greenspahn Irving (la 1913-14) Law 1655 S Homan Av Chicago Green well Earl Eugene (la chem eng 1913- ) Stu 148 154th St Har- vey 111 Greenwell James Roland (la 1910-11 su 1912 AB(NW) '13) Trav Hers- man 111 (Mt Sterling 111) Greenwood Harris Paul (acad 1899-19- 00 c eng 1899-1905 BS) Oil Invest Apartado 219 Tampico Mex (Ed- wardsville 111 Greenwood Mrs W L (see Weinberg Nina M) fGreep Orpha Etta (h sc 1901-2) Galva 111 tGreep Theodore Willette (sp ag 1901- 2) Galva 111 Greer Bertha Alice (Mrs P D Decker) (g lib 1903-4 AB(Mo)'99) Home Washington (Joplin Mo) Greer Donald Malcome (la Feb 1916- Also Pur U) Stu 241 W 12th St Anderson Ind. Greer Henry A (acad 1902-3 sp ag 1903-4 MDC(Chgo Vet) '06) Vet Dan- ville 111 Greer James Richard (acad 1897-8 1901-3 sc 1903-4 BS(Chgo)'06 PhD (do) '09 MD(Rush)'12) Med 122 S Michigan Av Chicago (5546 Dorches- ter Av) Greer Owen Jackson (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Rushville 111 fGreer Rachael Ellen (acad 1901-4 sp la 1904-5) 501 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Gregg Clarence Adolphus (sp ag 1904- 6) Ag R6(69) Galesburglll Gregg Harry Lee (sp ag 1904-5 '06-7) Ag R6 Galesburg 111 Gregg Ina Marcella (Mrs F W Thomas) (mus 1902-3) Home 2632 Stockton Av Sacramento Cal Gregg Marion Elsie (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 4237 N Keeler Av Chicago Gregg Richard Seaton (arch eng 1909- 13 BS) Arch 63 Davenport Sav Bk Bldg Davenport la (412 Parkside Dr Peoria 111) Gregg Robert Irwin (sp 1896-7) Free- dom 111 Gregg Samuel Elza (m eng 1908-12 BS) Ag Rl Rantoul 111 Gregg Walter Norman (la 1907-10) Adv Rockford Printing Co 226 N Church St Rockford 111 Gregori Raymond John (sp arch eng 1911-12) Arch 1236 Eddy St Chi- cago , Gregory Alfred (la 1874-8 AB g 1904-5 AM) LaAv 3608' Locust St Kansas City Mo GREGORY Allene (mus Feb 1916- AB(Vas)'10 AM(Rad) , ll PhD(do) '13) Instr Engl U 111 1915- 616 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Gregory Alonzo Eugene (acad 1910-11) Trav 1061 Hollywood Av Chicago (803 Spring St Michigan City Ind) t Gregory Alta Beatrice (acad 1904-6) Moweaqua 111 GREGORY Arthur Wynns (BS(NC Ag) ' 06 Asst Ag Chem U 111 1907-8) Sales Mgr Tien Tsin Ofc British Amer Tobacco Co Shanghai China Gregory Carl Earl (la com 1903-6) Trav 218 Villa St Elgin 111 Gregorv Carrie Louise (Mrs Piper) (la 1872-5 Also NW U) Home 3433 Oak Park Av Berwyn 111 ^Gregory Charles Edwin (la 1870-6 BL) Hot Springs SD Gregory Emma (su 1914 Also Milli- kin U) 204 E Ash St Normal 111 Gregory Ethel (Mrs W J Wilson) (acad 1900-1) Newhouse Hotel Salt Lake City Gregory Grant (1 1883-7 BL) R Est 7106 Bennett Ct Brooklyn NY Gregory Helen Barber (la 1874-8 AB Instr Mod Lang U 111 1884-6) Art c/o Sebasti & Reali Rome Italy (c/o Julia Gregory Lib Congress Washing- ton) * Gregory Hugh Monroe (acad 1900-2 Also E 111 St Nor) d July 30 1912 Tex Gregory James Henry (la com 1914- 15) Bk Messenger 145 Blackhawk St Aurora 111 Gregory John Ely (la 1877-80 BD (Chgo) '87 Asst Chem Lab U 111 1877- 80) Mintr St Johns Mich *Gregory John Milton (AB (Union) '46 LLD(Mich)'66 St Supt Pub Instr Mich 1859-64 Pres Kalamazoo Coll 1865-7 Repr Comm Vienna Exp 1873 Regent (Pres) U Ill(Indust U) 1867-80 Memb US Civ Serv Comm) d Oct 19 1898 Washington Gregory Mrs J M (see Allen Louise Catherine) Gregory John Milton (com 1915- Also U Mo) Stu 3608 Locust St Kansas City Mo Gregory Joseph Van Clief (m eng 1912-15) 3608 Locust St Kansas City Mo Gregory Julius Elmer (com 1915- ) Stu 1120 E Chestnut St Olney 111 258 GREGORY— GRIESER Gregory Lenna Mabel (Mrs C J Walker) (acad 1903-4 la 1904-6 '07-9 AB See also Walker Mrs Mabel Gregory) Stu 1915- 213 Central Av Oil City Pa Gregory Lewis Throckmorton (la 1909- 13 AB sc 1914- ) Stu 3535 Broad- way Chicago Gregory Lucy M (Mrs F M Find ley) (sp 1872-4) Home Paynesville Minn Gregory Malcolm White (arch eng 1914- 15) Interior Decorator Knightstown Ind Gregory Mary E (Mrs J B Webb) (sp 1870-2) Home 48 Woodland Av Glen Ridge NJ Gregory Myrtle Minnie (la 1904-6) Teach Moweaqua 111 Gregory Porter Tate (e eng 1910-15) 400 Carr St Fulton Ky t Gregory Ralph Ailsa (acad 1909-10) Mt Carmel 111 Gregory Richard Earl (c eng 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Moweaqua 111 *Gregory Samuel F (sc 1870-3) d March 1904 Sandlake NY Gregory Sue (su 1899) Decatur 111 Gregory Walter Herbert (la 1901-6 AB Also Austin Coll) Asst Atty San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt Lake RR 625 Kearns Bldg Salt Lake City (University Club) Gregory Walter Kent (sp c eng 1904- 5) Adv Park Bldg Detroit Mich t Gregory William Herbert (su 1903) Moweaqua 111 Greig Mary Agnes (sp lib 1904-5) 5249 Indiana Av Chicago Greine Henry William (sp arch 1895-6) Arch Cor Grant & Glen Av Amster- dam NY Greiner Clarence Albin (1 1907-8) Leather 165 N Franklin St Chicago Greison Hans Peter (la com 1912- ) Stu Savanna 111 Grennan Mrs John (see Bennett Eliza- beth R) Grenzard Eugenia Estella (Mrs Enoch Walker) (sp la 1871-2 73-4) Home Flomaton Ala Gresham Nina Vivien (g la 1905-10 AB g 1911-12 AM) Teach H Sch 1520 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 (208 W Washington St Champaign 111 ?Grevenkamp Herman Henry (acad 1897-8 sp. 1898-1900) Quackenbruch Ger Greves George Lowthane (e eng 1911- 13 BS Also Bradley Poly) Instr E Eng U Cal 2226 Chapel St Flat C Berkley Cal (1423 Glen Oak Av Peo- ria 111) Grew© Charles Henry (ag 1911-13 '15- ) Ag Rl Lawrence Mich Grey Elmer W (sp 1872-4) Jud Temple Court Minneapolis Grey Newton Fox (ag 1914- Also NW U) Stu 329 Lake St Evanston 111 tGreydene Smith Vincent (1 1903-4) Canon City Colo greyn Engel Bert Van de (see Van de Greyn Engel Bert) Grider Covey Floyd (su 1906 Also Marion Nor Col & U Chgo LL B (Yale) '13) Law 816 Association Bldg Chicago Gridley Burton E (sp la 1898-9) Ag RFD Virginia 111 Gridley Carl Rezner (ag 1910-12 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag Biggsville 111 Gridley Clara Louise (Mrs A H Hel- frich) (lib 1904-8 BLS Also 111 Worn Coll Order Asst Lib U 111 1908-11) Home 821 Mississippi Av Portland Ore (Virginia 111) Gridley Elmer Bordon (e eng 1909-10) Ag Box 94 Bloomington Cal Gridley George Newton (ag 1869-72 BS '75) R Est 756 Bittersweet PI Chicago (3521 Sheffield Av) Gridley Harry Norman (la 1897-1901 AB g 1901-2 AM LLB ',06 Also Col U 1903-4) Teach 5127 Wildwood Lane Seattle Gridley Howard Mitchell (sp ag 1907- 8) Clk 1155 E Ocean Av Long Beach Cal (Virginia 111) Gridley John Newton (ag 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu Biggsville 111 Gridley Leslie Henry (1 1900-1 Also Valparaiso U & U Mich) Law Sa- vanna 111 Gridley Mabel Alberta (Mrs F W Kressman) (sc 1905-9 BS) Home 20 Lathrop St Madison Wis Gridley William Whiting (e eng 1912- 15 com 1915-) Stu Amboy 111 Grieme Henry William (sp arch eng 1894-6) Arch 20 Market St Amster- dam NY (24 Grant Av) Grierson Bertha May (su 1910) Stenog 18 E Healy St Champaign 111 Grierson Walter Gay (arch eng 1903-7 BS) Arch Eng 178 18th St Milwau- kee (Morrison 111) Gries Albin George (arch eng Feb 1916- ) Stu 2677 Milwaukee Av Chicago Griesbaum Erwin (acad 1908-10 m eng 1910-14 BS Also McKendree Coll) M Eng 4545 Chouteau Av St Louis Grieser Grandison Lloyd (sc 1913-15) 305 S 16th St Quincy 111 Grieser Harry Arthur (ag 1907-10) Ag 305 S 16th St Quincy 111 GRIESER— GRIFFITHS 259 Grieser Leroy Oliver (ag 1912- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 305 S 16th St Quincy 111 Grieser -Robert (com 1915- ) Stu 305 S 16th St Quincy 111 Grieves John Paul (la 1905-6) Woolen Mills Lacon 111 Griewank Arthur Carl (c eng 1906-10 BS) Design Draft & Eng 2296 Brod- erick St San Francisco Griffin Mrs (see Owens Dr Bertha B) Griffin Anna Mabel (Mrs J U Gulick) (sp mus 1897-8) Home Derby O (R2 Argenta 111) Griffin Mrs G S (see Greene Mary A) Griffin Charles Roy (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Anna 111 griffin Clare Elmer (g econ 1914-15 AM '15 AB( Albion) '14) Stu 226 E Eighth St Traverse City Mich Griffin Dwight (m eng 1906-10 BS) Statistics 5229 Lexington St Chicago Griffin Mrs Dwight (see Weatherford Margaret) Griffin Mrs Edith (sc 1899-1900) Ur- bana 111 Griffin Eli Raymond (arch eng 1904-6) C Eng Port Arthur Ontario Can (321 17th St Moline 111) Griffin Fred Lyman (su 1912 Also Syr U & Mechanics Inst) Teach Man Tr St Nor Sch Oswego NY Griffin George Clyde (sp ag 1906-7 Also Ewing Coll) Ag Anna 111 Griffin Glenn Frank (la 1915- Also Albion Coll) Stu 226 E Eighth St Traverse City Mich Griffin Harry Milton (arch 1911-13 Also John Heron Art Inst) Arch 101 Heineman Bldg Connersville Ind Griffin Jack Mitchell (ag 1911-15 BS) 1127 Forest Av Evanston 111 Griffin Roy Hawks (1 1898-9) V-Pres Bk 138 S Michigan Av Chicago Griffin Mrs R H (see Wright Edith) ?Griffin Russell Smith (sp ag 1907-8) Fairfield 111 Griffin Walter Burley (arch 1895-9 BS) Land Arch 1600 Monroe Bldg Chicago (104 S Michigan Av) Griffin Wiley (la 1910-11) Teach 710 S Central Av Paris 111 Griffin William Leroy (acad 1909-10 la 1910-14 AB) Trav for Mutual Ly- ceum Bureau Chicago (Geneseo 111) Griffin William Ralph (acad 1895-6 Also Lincoln U) Dep Clk Prob Ct 490 S Third St Columbus O Griffith Mrs (see Weatherford Mar- garet O) Griffith Ambrose (acad 1905-8 e eng 1908-9) Owner Irrigation Project Berger Id . Griffith Beatrice Elizabeth (Mrs Smith) (la 1911-12 Also Smith Coll) Home Bar Harbor Me Griffith Burdette (ag 1913-15) Ag McNabb 111 Griffith Clarence Patrick (arch eng 1912-14 BS Also U Wis) Draft c/o Ray & Son Constr Co Moberly Mo Griffith Mrs C P (see Burt Ruth) Griffith Francis Dickerson (ag 1912- ) Stu 528 E 42nd PI Chicago Griffith George John (la 1895-8) Bnk 14 Fourth St Savanna 111 Griffith Grace (su 1906) Teach 525 Jefferson Av Paris 111 Griffith Mrs J C (see Andrus Dora A) i Griffith Johnnie Miller (acad 1899- 1900) Rankin 111 Griffith Kathryn (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu McNabb 111 Griffith Leland Stanford (ag 1905-9 BS) Co Ag Advisor Lee Co McNabb 111 Griffith Logan Glassgow (1 1908-12 LL B Also U Mich Asst Law Lib U 111 1909-10) Law Kitchell Bldg Pana 111 Griffith Lowell Albert (ag 1912-13) Ag Garo Colo (308 E Green St Champaign 111) Griffith Mabel Frances (su 1907&'08 Also S 111 St Nor) Clk Coll LA&S U 111 1106 W California Av Urbana 111 (Rankin 111) Griffith Mildred Elizabeth (la 1910 15 AB Also Smith Coll) At home Ashton 111 Griffith Roland Wheelock (1 1906-10 AB Also Wash StL U) Law 2230 "C" St Granite City 111 t Griffith Sherald Edward (a&d 1909- 10) Milford 111 Griffith Stanwood John (ag 1914- ) Stu Ashton 111 "Griffith Thomas Leo (su 1907 Also Charleston Nor) d Windsor 111 Griffith Vernon Sumner (la cer 1914- 15 ag 1915- ) Stu 717 N Jackson Av Clinton 111 Griffith Walter G (acad 1883-4) Ag McNabb 111 Griffith William Washington (su 1902 &'06 AB( Austin) '00 Also 111 St Nor U) Contr & Builder Windsor 111 Griffiths Carl Preston (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Rl Pontoosuc 111 Griffiths Claude Henry (su 1915) Teach Roodhouse 111 Griffiths David Wood (arch eng 1914- 15 c eng 1915- ) Stu 245 Clinton Av Oak Park HI t Griffiths John Jr (acad 1894-6 arch 260 GBIFFITHS— GEINNELL 1895-8) 3806 Michigan Av Chicago Griffiths Sarah Helen (lib 1908-9 Al- so Ind U) Libr 1306 21st St Des Moines la (1404 Washington Blvd W Ft Wayne Ind) Griffiths Walter Milo (acad 1905-6 m eng 1904-5 '07-10 BS) E Eng Box 1024 Miami Ariz Griftner James Howard (acad 1908-9 min eng 1909-15 BS) Asst Topog Eng Morgan Eng Co Dayton O Grigg Dan Balph Jr (1 1910-14) Mgr Clothing Co Aberdeen SD Grigg Jerome Bruner (min eng Feb 1915- ) Stu 116 Miners Bldg Jop- lin Mo *Griggs Clark Robinson (Trustee 1869- 73 Chairman Committee St Legis 1866-7 locating U 111 at Urbana Or- ganized & Pres Ind Bloomington & W BR Mayor Urbana 1866-7) d Dec 7 1915 150 Nassau St New York Grignon Gaston Wilfred (la 1912-13) Bkpr 718 Main St Menominee Mich Grigsby Bertram James (acad 1903-4 e eng 1905-6) E Eng 1-A Eoseberry Av London EC England (Cuba 111) Grigsby Bess Louise (Mrs L A Trigg) (la 1910-11) Home 411 N 11th St E St Louis 111 Grigsby Cecil Taylor (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Blandinsville 111 t Grig sly Clarence A (acad 1896-7) Blandinsville 111 Grigsby Geneva (Mrs F E Castleman) (su 1906 AB(Oolo)'10 MA(LeStan) '11) Home 113 E Norwich Av Col- umbus O Grigsby Harry Davett (sc 1904-6 BS Also Bradley Poly) Asst Chem 111 St Food Com 1605 Manhattan Bldg Chicago (6258 Jackson Park Av) t Grig sly Harry Mason (acad 1895-7) Blandinsville 111 Grigsby Hugh (ag 1912-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 24 Mayer Bldg Peoria *Grigsby Hugh DeLoss (sp 1873-4) d April 13 1903 Pittsfield 111 Grigsby Lura Belle (su 1906 Also U Mo 1911-12) Stu U Mo 1912- Blan- dinsville 111 Grigsby Marion William (c eng 1908- 11 BS Also Bradley Poly) C Eng E Peoria 111 (Cuba 111) Grigsby Mary Louise (sp 1897-8) At home Los Angeles Grigsby Melborn Eedmon (su 1915 Al- so Ind U) Seneca 111 Grigsby Myrtle Adelaide (Mrs J W Myers) (h sc 1910-11) Home Harris- burg 111 Grigsby Owen Eugene (c eng 1907-11 BS g 1911-12 MS) E Eng Benja- min Elec Co 1-A Eosenberry Av Lon- don EC England (Cuba 111) \Grigsly Willerham (acad 1895-7) Blandinsville 111 Grim Boyd Allen (com 1915- ) Stu 125 E Walnut St Canton 111 Grim Fred (c eng 1895-9 BS) C Eng 22 W Monroe St Chicago Grimes Earl Jerome (ag Feb 1916- Also Pur U) Stu Eusselville Ind Grimes George Lyman (m eng 1893-7 BS g 1903-4 ME) M Eng & Mfg 371 Virginia Av Detroit GEIMES Nathan Cesna (g math 1914 AB ( Mich ) '06 MA ( Wis ) '09 Instr Math U Wis 1906-10 Prof do U Ariz 1910-13 Asst do U 111 1914-15) Prof Math & Exec Sec U Ore 1915- Eugene Ore Grimes Eoy L (acad 1902-3 '04-6) Clk Harmony Minn grimes Euby Mabel (g math 1912-13 AM AB (Yankton) '11) Teach 916 Pine St Yankton SD tGrimes William Henry (eng 1913-14) 239 South St Union City Ind *Grimm Clifford Ernest (sp la 1898-9) d Jan 19 1914 Hernando Miss Grimm Edgar (sp ag 1882-3) Law Nome Alaska Grimm Emma Minnie (Mrs Jose Bian- chi)(sul907) Home Muskogee Okla f Grimm James Abram (sp ag 1905-7) Gibson City 111 Grimmer Edwin William (c eng 1908-9 BS(Wis)'14) Eng 5477 Von Versen Av St Louis Grimmer Marguerite Esther (la 1914- 15) Stu Welles Coll 5477 Von Ver- sen Av St Louis Grimshaw Mrs I L (see Barker Beatrice) Grindley Harry Sands (ag 1884-8 BS ScD(Harv)'94 Asst Ag Exp Sta U 111 1888-9 Asst Chem do 1889-92 Instr do 1894-5 Asst Prof do 1895-9 Assoc Prof do 1899-1904 Prof Gen Chem & Dir Chem Lab do 1904-7) Prof An Chem & Chf An Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1907-11) Prof An Nutr & Chf U 111 Ag Exp Sta 1913- 918 W Green St Urbana 111 Grindley Joseph Eobert (acad 1898-9 Also Lewis Inst) Ag E22 Eantoul 111 Grindol Jqhn F (acad 1884-6) Monu- ments 267 William St Decatur 111 ?Grinnell Jessie Clare (sp a&d 1893-7) Mayfair 111 GRINNELL— GROSSMAN 261 *Grinnell John Cornelius (acad 1893- 4) d Mayfair 111 Gripp Elmore Albert (ry c eng 1914- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 1319 16th Av Moline 111 Grisson Ruth Leona (Mrs R H Al- bright) (h se 1910-13 Also Leander Clark Coll) Home 724 Brooklyn Av New Castle Pa Griswold Mrs (see Baleh Harriet I) Griswold Augustus Harold (e eng 1897-1901 BS) Plant Eng Pac Tel Co 333 Grant Av San Francisco Griswold Elizabeth Victoria (la 1907- 8 AB) Teach H Sch 442 Du Page St Elgin 111 (175 Front St Naper- ville 111) Griswold George Durfee (m eng 1911- 15 BS) c/o Amer Bridge Co 5403 Woodlawn Av Chicago Griswold Harry Elias (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Blue Mound 111 Griswold Jay Samuel (ag 1915- ) Stu Camp Point 111 Griswold Lewis Edwin (acad 1895-7 la 1897-1901 BS) Ag Blue Mound 111 Grizzell Roy Ames (la 1911-13) Sc & Ag Arcadia Fla (2144 Spruce St Murphy sboro 111) tGroener Emil Carl (acad 1905-6 c eng 1906-9) 226 E Wilson St Bata- via 111 Grog an Thomas Xystus (acad 1905-6) Merc Freeland Park Ind Grommon Helen Wrightman (la h sc 1915- Also Ober Coll) Stu Rl Plain- field 111 Gronemeur Mrs (see English Eula M) Gronlun Hubert Kenyon (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 920 Highland Av El- gin HI Gronnerud Herbert Melvin (c eng 1915- ) Stu 856 Sheridan Rd Chi- cago Grooch William Stephen (c eng 1911- 12) Auto Sales 501 Rio Grande St El Paso Tex Groom Etta Frances (Mrs A E Teich- mann)(acad 1903-5 Also N 111 St Coll) Home 333 S Av Aurora 111 Groon William Curtis (sp la 1903-5 Also la Ag) Merc 360 Fourth Av Aurora 111 Grosche Alfred G (ag 1915- ) Stu Third & Locust Sts Matteson 111 Grosfield Gabriel (sp arch 1908-9 Al- so Kan Ag Coll) Ag Baker Kan Grosh Anna (Mrs Floyd Dougherty) (acad 1904-7) Home Loraine 111 Grosh Elizabeth Phyllis (Mrs Deane Burns) (h sc 1904-7 Also W 111 St Nor) Home 2072 Warren Rd Lake- wood O *Grosh Wilbur Whitner (sp ag 1904- 6) d May 31 1911 Loraine 111 Gross Albertina Marguerite (sc 1897- 1900 lib 1899-1900 DO (Amer Sch Os- eop)'10) Med 403 Woodruff Bldg Joliet 111 (1817 N Broadway) Gross Alfred Otto (acad 1901-3 sc 1903 AB g 1908-9 PhD(Harv)'12 Asst Zool 111 su 1906) Asst Prof Zool Bowdoin Coll Brunswick Me Gross Alfred Waldemar (la com 1911- 13) Merc 601 W Washington St Ft Wayne Ind Gross Alfred William (su 1910&'12& '13 &'15 PhB(NW Coll) '09) Supt Schs Monticello 111 Gross Blanche Florence (Mrs W E Russell) (la 1908-9) 1307 Morse Av Chicago Gross Cecil Robert (g bacteriol sc 1915- BS(Cor) , 15) Stu 101 Giles St Ithaca NY ?Gross Charles Frederick (sp ag 1907- 8) Olney HI Gross Charles Raymond (la 1913- ) Stu 6107 Kenwood Av Chicago Gross Christian (ag 1913- ) Stu 6107 Kenwood Av Chicago Gross Dorothy Lillian (la h sc 1914- 15) Carlyle 111 GROSS Gustave Adolph (Attended U Mont Instr do) Instr Pattern Mak- ing U 111 1913- 508 W Illinois St Urbana HI Gross Lena (su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Atwood 111 Gross Lola Bertha (Mrs W V Bur- roughs) (sp ag 1905-6 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Chillicothe 111 Gross Meda Floy (la 1907-11 su 1913 &'15) Teach St Sch Blind Jackson- ville 111 (116 E Main St Monticello 111) Gross Nora Catherine (Mrs J W Kirk- patrick)(la 1905-7) Home Medford Ore ♦Gross Theodore Otis (ag 1911-12) d Jan 20 1913 New York ?Gross William Lawrence (su 1901) Mt Pulaski 111 ?Grossberg Arthur Sariah (m eng 1906-10 BS) Gorgona CZ Panama Grossberg Harry A (1 1894-1900 LL B) Grocer 2197 18th St Cleve- land Grossberg Victor Hubert (1 1913-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 344 E 56th St Chicago ?Grosser Edmund W (math 1901-2) Chicago Grossman Andrew Eugene (1 1909-13) 262 GROSSMAN— GRUNER R Est 916 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago Grossman Donald Ashway (c eng 1912- 13 law 1913- ) Stu 403 E Healy St Champaign 111 t Grossman Mabel Elma (la 1906-7 Al- so N 111 St Nor) Lanark 111 Grossman Nathan (acad 1895-6) Teach Albany 111 (Adeline 111) Grossman Ralph Emery (arch eng 1911- ) Stu 403 W Healy St Cham- paign 111 Grossman William Abraham (m eng 1914- ) Stu 312 E McClure St Peoria 111 Grot Ernest Christian (m eng 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 812 Pearl St Ottawa 111 ?Grote Mae Belle (sc 1899-1900) East St Louis 111 Grotevant Nina (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 900 Prince St Pekin 111 Grotophorst Waldo Edward (g ag 1915- BS(Cal) , 14) Stu 2106 Sedge- wick St Chicago Grotts Charles Joseph (sp 1902-3) Ur- bana 111 Grotts Fred (su 1909&'15) Stu Rol- la Sch Mines Raymond 111 Grotts Walter Franklin (su 1909) Teach Girard 111 Grouch William Stephen (acad 1910- 11) 501 E Rio Grande St El Paso Tex * Grout Albert Philander ( Trustee 1908-13 AB (Dart) '73 Pres Schs Winchester 1874-6 law Syracuse 1872- 83) d Oct 22 1915 Winchester 111 Grout Joseph Carpenter (la 1911-13 AB) c/o Armour & Co Quincy 111 (Winchester 111) Grove Chester Hayward (e eng 1907- 11 BS) E Eng & Sales 529 E 50th St Chicago Grove Pearl Forest (sc 1909-13 AB) Supt Schs Sheldon 111 (Potomac 111) Grove Rolla Burdette (1 1900-3 LL B) Law 403 Diamond Av Hillyard Wash Grove Sanford Lackey (acad 1904-5 ag 1905-9 BS sc 1909-10 AB) Ag Cerro Gordo 111 Grover Donald Dana (eng 1913-14) Carpenter 1411 Harlem Blvd Rock- ford 111 Groves Charles Harold (la 1915- ) Stu 701 W Church St Champaign 111 Groves Charles Wesley (la com 1871-5 '79-80 AB'14) Publ Agt 701 W Church St Ghampaign 111 Groves Clifton Cooper (su 1904 Also U Chgo) Teach Nashville 111 SGroves Donald Karel (la 1908-12 AB) Mfg Agt 6737 Cornell Av Chicago Groves Evangeline Eunice (la 1903 '08-12 AB) At home 501 E Green St Champaign 111 Groves Hazel Hurst Kohlar (acad 1897- 8) Cash Bk E Chicago Ind t Groves Homer David (ag 1910-11 Al- su U W Va) Earl W Va ?Groves Mrs Inez Myrtle Ward (sp mus 1910-11 Also W Va Wes) 1211 Main St Urbana 111 t Groves James Clair (c eng 1903-5) c/o J O Groves Dana Ind Groves John Isaac (la com 1871-4 MD (Hahnemann) '80) Ret Med 501 E Green St Champaign 111 Groves Mabel (sc 1905-7 '09-12) Teach Sidney 111 Groves Pauline Trabue (la 1907-11 AB sp 1912-14) Gen Sec YWCA Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan (701 W Church St Champaign 111) ?Growden Arthur Franklin (sp ag 1906-8) Carbondale 111 Groweg Edward Adolph Jr (e eng 1906-8 Also U Ariz) Draft & Field Eng c/o Phelps Dodge Co Douglas Ariz Grubb Cyril Leona (la 1912-13) Asst Cash Irving Paper Co 200 Sycamore St Quincy 111 ?Grubb Edwin Santon (acad 1881-2 la 1882-5) Springfield 111 Grubb Sarah Maud (h sc 1912-13) Cash Irwin Overland Co 200 Syca- more St Quincy 111 fGrubbs Edwin Chester (g 1896-7) Wymore Neb Grubel Edward Alexander (c eng 1905-8 BS Also Millikin U) Arch Supt Knickerbocker Hotel Hot Springs Ark Gruber Mrs J H (see Gardner May E) Gruenewald Cornelia Henrietta (su 1910 Also Mo Nor) Mission Khand- wa CP India Gruhl Clarence James (arch eng 1914- Also Marquette U) Stu 359 Madison St Milwaukee fGrundler Franz (sp e eng 1893-4) Zwickau Germany Grundman Paul Albert (com 1915- ) Stu 6837 Perry Av Chicago Grundy Charles Edwin (su 1914 Also Millikin U) Clk Grand Island Nat Bk Grand Island Neb (Morrisonville 111) Gruner Elmer John (e eng 1914- Al- so Bradley Poly) Stu Speer 111 Gruner Homer Elbridge (la 1908-9 Also Cent Wes Coll) Trav Pinckney- ville 111 GEUNEK— GULLICK 263 Gruner Irma Decora (h sc 1911-12) Teach 5808 Westminister PI St Louis (3222 Sullivan Ay) Gruner Kaymond William (e eng 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Speer 111 Grunewald Augustus Henry Jr (ag 1911-15 BS) Asst Mgr Broom Corn & Supply House 14 E Kinzie St Chi- cago (2134 Sedgwick St) Grunewald Carl Frederick (la 1915- ) Stu 2134 Sedgwick St Chicago Grunewald Herman C (c eng 1913- Also Wash StL U) Stu 2039 E Fair Av St Louis Grimy George Eobert (ag 1914- ) Stu Camp Point 111 \Grussing John (acad 1893-4) Wav- erly la (Cissna Park 111) Gruver Harold Dugdale (ag 1915- ) Stu 1607 Otis Bldg Chicago t Guard Edith Myrtle - (la 1906-7) E2 Panola 111 Guard Lloyd A (e eng 1905-7) Ag & Stock Radcliffe la (Panol^ 111) Gudbrandsen Kirsten Johanna (la 1914-15) Libr 1417 Devon Av Chi- cago guell Antonio (g e eng 1908-10 MS BS(La)'05 ME(do)'07) Asst Prof M Eng La St U Baton Rouge La (San Jose Costa Rica) Guenther Carl Fred (ag 1912-13) Ag Spring Valley 111 Guernsey Charles Owens (m eng 1909- 11) Auto c/o Service Motor Truck Co Wabash Ind Guernsey Ernest William (la chem eng 1914- ) Stu 1303 Parkinson Av Vincennes Ind Guernsey Jeanne (Mrs B L Young) (h sc 1911-12) Home 1154 Morse Av Chicago Guerrero Angel Cuesta (su 1905 acad 1906-8) Translator Bur Lab Dept Com & Police Manila PI (Washing- ton) Guffin Lillian Irene (la 1913-15 AB) Teach 612 E Fellows St Dixon 111 (204 Daniel St Champaign 111) Guhl Marvin Charles (la 1914-15) Baker 38 Elizabeth St Freeport 111 (161 Stephenson St) Guilbert Guy Francis (sp arch 1886-7) Draft 820 Av C San Antonio Tex Guild Chester Warren (c eng 1907-9) Trav Sales Barrett Mfg Co Minne- apolis Guild Frank Earl (arch eng 1907-8) 126 Fifth St Milwaukee Guild Frederic Howland (g com 1915- AB(Brown)'13 AM(Ind)'15) Stu 176 Oak Hill Av Pawtucket RI Guild Mrs Lois Greene (Mrs T H) (see also Greene Lois) (land arch 1914- ) *GUILD Thacher Howland (AB (Brown) '01 AM ( Chgo) '02 AM ( Harv) '04 Asst Engl Brown U 1902-3 Instr Rhet U 111 1904-6 Assoc Engl do 1906-14) d July 21 1914 Urbana 111 Guilford Elijah Bemis (e eng 1903-4) Pacatonica 111 Guilliams Gordon Baudouine (ag 1914- ) Stu 2423 Harrison St Evanston 111 Guimaraes Ary de Sagadas Machado (e eng 1914-16 Also U Pa & Exterm- ato Aquino) Stu Ohio N U 1916- Caixa postal 545 Rio de Janeiro Bra- zil Guinn Lillian Melissa (lib 1910-11 PhB(Cor)'03) Libr Belle Plaine la Gulick Mrs (see Griffin Anna M) Gulick Byron Allen (sc 1901-3 c eng 1903-5) Merc 821 Charleston St Mattoon 111 Gulick Mrs B A (see Siegel Alma E) Gulick Clyde Denny (sc 1893-7 BS MD(P&S) '02) Med 1st Nat Bk Bldg Champaign 111 (1005 W Oregon St Urbana 111) Gulick Edward Everett (acad 1888-9 la 1889-92 BL '94-5 su 1915 BD (Shurtleff) '97 AM (do) '01) Supt Schs Pleasant Hill IU Gulick Frank M (acad 1888-9 law 1889-93 BL) Cash Orange Cal Gulick Mrs J U (see Griffin Anna M) Gulick Mrs Jessie (Mrs G W) (su 1914 Also Kan Wes U) Libr Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan Gulick John Franklin (acad 1876-7) Ag & Stock Jasper Mo Gulick Joseph Piper (acad 1888-9 la 1889-92 BL) Law 11 Main St Cham- paign 111 (508 S Elm St) Gulick Margaret Grace (Mrs H E Cook) (la 1897-1900) Home David- son PI Champaign 111 Gulick Seely C (acad 1889-91 sc 1892- 3) Merc Mfg 205 W University Av Champaign 111 Gullett Noah (1 1904-5 '08-10 LLB) Law Ridgely Nat Bk Bldg Spring- field HI Gulley Henry Alexander (c eng 1915- ) Stu 108 N Romine St Urbana 111 Gulley Lawrence Richard (m&e eng 1906-10 BS g 1910-11 MS '15- ) Stu & M & E Eng 907 Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Gulley Sanford Joseph (su 1913 m eng 1914- ) Stu 907 Nevada St Urbana HI GullicTc Roy (acad 1900-1 MD(Balti- 264 GUM— GUSTAFSON more Med) '06) Med Aurora Colo (Greenville 111) Gum Harry Allen (m eng 1911- ) Stu Marseilles 111 tGuM Percy Eli (1 1907-10 LLB) Law Gum & Garland Attys Portland Ore Gumaer Percy Wilcox (e eng 1907-12 BS & AB) Instr E Eng U Mo Col- umbia Mo Gumbiner Charles (c eng 1890-3) Sales S Jefferson & 16th Sts Chicago (1511 E 65th PI) Gumm Leslie Monroe (e eng 1912- ) Stu E57 Marseilles 111 Gumz Johann Herman (arch eng 1911- 13) Draft 113 T St Aurora III Gunder James H (eng 1875-9 BS) Ag Worland Wyo Gunder Jasper N (sp 1872-5) B Est 547 E 62nd St Chicago Gunder Nellie Blanche (Mrs J T Payne) (acad 1895-6) Home 939 Con- gress Av Indianapolis Gunder Samuel H (acad 1877-8 PhD (Mich) '81) Pres E L Graves' Tooth Powder Co 90 Franklin St Chicago (6219 Sheridan Ed) IGundersen Gudrun Cornelia ( acad 1904-5) 2331 Jackson Blvd Chicago Gunderson Alfred Joseph (ag 1907- 11 BS g pomol 1915- ) 1st Asst Pomol Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911-15) Instr Pomol & 1st Asst do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 309 Washington Blvd Urbana 111 Gunderson Mrs Alfred (see Shutts Marjorie Pauline) Gunderson Miles Campbell (com 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 1308 Chamber Com- merce Bldg Chicago Gundy Madge Katherine (la 1905-9 AB) Teach Bismark 111 Gunkel Woodward William (la 1912- ) Stu Sheffield 111 Gunn Alexander Hunter (m eng 1902- 7 BS) Asst Supt Marshall Field Co 2404 Grant PI Evanston 111 Gunn Charles Alexander (arch 1888- 92 BS Asst Arch U 111 1893-6 do Col U 1896-7) Missionary Box 437 Manilla PI Gunn Mrs C A (see Borden Susan M) Gunn Henry J (sp m eng 1901-3) Ag McNabb 111 Gunn John C (sc 1895-6 MD(Wash) '00) Med 500 E First St Belleville 111 Gunnell Palmer Mackenzie (1 1912- 15 LL B Also U Kan) 905 N Topeka Av Wichita Kan Gunning Delancy Thomas (ag 1905-7) 375 W Erie St Chicago Gunning Lillian Elizabeth (mus Feb 1916- ) Stu Tolono HI Gunning Mary Edith (sp mus 1910- 11) At home Tolono HI Gunning Nadine Elsie (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Wilmington HI Gunther Alfred (la 1888-90) Dent 3300 Cottage Grove Av Chicago Gunther Arthur H (m eng 1903-5) Sales Mgr 920 McCormick Bldg Chi- cago (1219 E 52nd St) Gunther Felix Arno (e eng 1913- ) Stu 1269 Kentucky St Quincy 111 Gunthorp James Monroe (sc 1904-7) Prin H Sch St Petersburg Fla (124 S Franklin Av Chicago) Gunthorp Pauline (lib 1898-1900 BLS BL(Wis)'98) Libr 2318 Hilgard Av Berkeley Cal Gurda Francis Stanislaus B (arch eng Feb 1916- Also Milwaukee St Nor) Stu 717 5th Av Milwaukee Gurley Leon Baymond (m eng 1912-14 Also U Chgo) Bus Mgr 38 S Dear- born St Chicago (6042 Woodlawn Av) Gurley Mrs E B (see Hanson Bach- ella M) Gurley Summer Haseltine (su 1913) El Springfield Mo Gurr William Walter (sp m eng 1903- 5) Eoofing Park Eidge HI GUSLEE Gilbert (g ag 1915- BS (Ohio St) '12 Instr An Husb Ohio St U 1913-14) Assoc An Husb U 111 1915- 1302 S Orchard St Urbana 111 (Haviland O) Gustafson Axel Ferdinand (ag 1903- 7 BS MS '12 g ag 1915- Asst Soil Physics U 111 1907-10 Instr do 1910- 11 Assoc & 1st Asst do Ag Exp Sta 1911-15) Asst Prof Soil Physics & Asst Chf do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 709 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (Aledo) Gustafson Benjamin Franklin (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Orion HI Gustafson Carl Albert (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 310 First St W Ft Dodge la Gustafson Charles LeEoy (arch 1908- 12 BS) Draft U 111 1914- 920 W Church St Champaign 111 (604 Linn St Boone la) Gustafson George Philip (cer 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu 915 W State St Sycamore 111 Gustafson Herman (m eng 1915- Al- so Armour Inst) Stu Ogema Wis IGustafson Joel Nathaniel (c eng 1905-7) 893 Sheffield Av Chicago GUSTAFSON— HAAS 265 Gustafson John Christopher (arch eng 1903-5 BS g 1905-6 AE Also Armour Inst Instr Arch U 111 1906-7) Prop Angert Wire & Iron Wks 6943 Eg- gleston Av Chicago Gustafson Mrs J C (see Mather Jane M) Gustin Alpheus (1 1907-10 LL B Also Valparaiso U) Law Harrisburg 111 gutberlet John Earl (g sc 1911 AM '12-14 PhD AB (Bethany) '09) Head Dept Biol Carroll Coll Waukesha Wis (2910 Q St Lincoln Neb) Gutell Earl George (la 1913-14) Jan- itor Odell 111 Guth Emma (su 1911 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Mascoutah 111 *Guthrie Charles H (la com 1870-1) d Mount Sterling 111 Guthrie Fred A (acad 1890-1 sc 1891- 2 MD(Rush)'96) Med LaSalle 111 Guthrie Helen M (la 1915- ) Stu Demaree Bldg Mattoon 111 t Guthrie James Ralph (la 1908-9) Camp Point 111 Gutierrez Perpetuo Dionisio (acad 1906-7 su 1907 Also Lewis Inst MD (NW) '11 ) Floridablanca Pampanza PI (Philippine General Hospital Manila PI) Gutmann Ludwig (e eng 1903-4 BS EE'10 Also Bradley Poly) E Eng 5645 Cates Av St Louis Gutsell James Squier (g biol 1912-13 AB(Cor)'ll) Stu Cor U 301 Col- lege Av Ithaca NY Gutting Hilda Margaret (la 1909-11) At home 716 E Main St Ottawa 111 Gutting Leo Arthur (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng Gatun CZ Panama (622 Grafton St Ottawa 111) Gutzman Georgo William (sp arch eng 1903-4) Trav 519 N Akard St Dal- las Tex \Guy Archie (acad 1909-10) 2201 S 11th St Springfield 111 Guy George Arthur (1 1914-15 Also Carleton Coll) 310 College Av Aus- tin Minn Guynn Clarence Edward (acad 1905-6) Carpenter 103 Central St Urbana 111 Guynn Ina Merle (ag h sc 1914-15 Al- so Coppins Nor) Sec Ellis & Scherm- erhorn Land Co R3(473) Charles City la Guynn Jesse Frederick (ag 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Dewey 111 Gwin Thornton Day (su 1907 PhB (Chgo) '11 Also Kent Coll Law 1913- 14) Clk Trans 2640 S 59th Av Cicero 111 Gwinn Alta (Mrs Earl Saunders) (la 1903-7 AB AM '10 Asst Engl U 111 1910-14) Home 806 Goodwin Av Urbana 111 Gwinn Avis (acad & sp 1903-7 la h sc 1907-14 AB) Teach U Kan Man- hattan Kan (806 Goodwin Av Ur- bana 111) Gwinn Edith (su 1908 h sc 1909-10 '11-15 AB) Teach Mantorville Minn (806 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111) Gwinn Ethel (la 1907-11 AB g 1911- 12) Stu Cosmopolitan Sch Mus 806 Goodwin Av Urbana 111 Gwinn Lawrence Duff (eng Feb 1916- Also Rose Poly) Stu 1106 S Center St Terre Haute Ind Gwinner Bennie F (acad 1882-3) Clk Canton Miss Gwinner Harry (m eng 1882-3 su 1899 ME(Md Ag) '97) Dean M Eng Md Ag Coll College Park Md 1267 Mulberry St Baltimore Haag Curtis Eugene (m eng 1912-13) Merc 505 N Plumb St Plymouth Ind (400 W Jefferson St) Haag Vernon William (sc 1911-15 BS) Chem c/o SF RR La Junta Colo (Mazon 111) Haag Mrs V W (see Green Eulalie) Haake Charles John (acad 1896-7 sc 1897-8 Grad Mus(NW) '02) Instr Piano NW U 4666 Broadway Chi- cago Haake Harry George (c eng 1915- Also Armour Inst) Stu 4874 N Pau- lina St Chicago Haaker Harold Henry (arch eng 1914- Also U Omaha) Stu 611 N 30th St Omaha Neb Haakinson William Herbert (acad 1896-7) Grocer Rialto Cal Haan George William (sc 1912-15 AB) Stu NW Med Sch 344 Marion Av Aurora 111 Haan Mary Anna (la 1909-12 AB g 1912-13 AM) Teach Monticello 111 (344 Marion Av Aurora 111) Haas Charles Martin (ag 1873-4) Ag Medway NY Haas Grace Ann (Mrs G G Taylor) (la mus 1897-8) Home Elkhart 111 ?Haas John Milton (sp m eng 1902-3) Iowa City la HAAS Louis James (Grad (Md Inst) '07 Cert(RI Sch Design) Instr De- sign & Ap Art Md Inst 1907-11 Instr Metal & Jewelry U 111 su 1915) De- sign & Supt Mfg Jewelry RFD Lans- down Md Haas Orville Francis (e eng 1914- ) Stu El Paso 111 Haas Raymond Christian (com 1915- ) 266 HAAS— HAFNER Stu 516 Jefferson Av Evansville Ind Haas Solomon I (acad 1879-80 arch 1880-3) Contr Savanna 111 Haase Mrs (see Taylor Virginia R) Haase Elmer Joseph (la 1904-6) R Est 241 Wisconsin Av Oak Park 111 Haase Elsa Elizabeth (la h sc Feb 1915- ) Stu 241 Wisconsin Av Oak Park 111 Haase Harold Raymond (la 1915- ) Stu 241 Wisconsin Av Oak Park 111 Haase Herbert Emil (mun eng 1902-6 BS) Mfg 241 Wisconsin Av Oak Park 111 Habbe Richard Hartoff (la 1909-14 AB Also Earlham Coll) Ins 704 Fletcher Trust Bldg Indianapolis (2351 Pennsylvania St) Habermeyer George Conrad (c eng 1899-1903 BS Instr U 111 1907-9 Assoc Mun Eng do 1909-13) Civ & San Eng 395 Prairie St Aurora 111 Habermeyer Mrs G C (see Mercer Iva E) Habryl Valentine Bernard (e eng 1908-12 BS) Eng Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co 3112 Daulin St Chicago (925 S Av Wilkinsburg Pa) Hachman Logan Fred (ag 1913-15) Stu Wash StL U Evansville 111 Hachmeister George John Ernest (c eng 1903-8 '11) Refrig Eng 4512 N Robey St Chicago Hachmeister William Carl Frank Henry (chem eng 1902-6 BS MS '09 Instr Aquatics U 111 1906-7) Chem Eng Pittsburg Plate Glass Co Chicago (4512 N Robey St) Hacker Amanda Dimple (la 1912-15) 327 Fifth St Cairo 111 Hacker George (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag R4 Golconda 111 (Jacksonville 111) Hacker Mrs W H (see Egleston Har- riet M) Hackett Mrs L O (see Ellars Jessie) Hackett Merrill John (sc 1874-5) US Geol Surv 1328 Columbia Rd Wash- ington Hackler Leo Chrisostem (eng 1913-15) 15424 Loomis Av Harvey 111 Hackley Elizabeth Pursel (la 1913- ) Stu 1016 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Hackley John Hale (e eng 1914- ) Stu Marengo 111 Hada Katsuki (la Feb 1915- Also U Cal) Stu 326 K St Sacremento Cal Hadden Chester Gilbert (sp ag 1912- ) Stu 307 W 64th St Chicago Hadden Samuel Cornelius (acad 1899- 1900 c eng 1900-3 '04-5 BS) Assoc Edit "Engineering & Contracting" 7728 Aberdeen St Chicago Hadden Stanley Bear (m eng 1910-14 BS) M Eng Penfield 111 Hadden Mrs S B (see Renner Sylvia P) ?Haddock Frank Dickinson (acad 1886-7 su 1907 AB (Olivet) '00) 110 W Clark St Champaign 111 Hadelman Louis (e eng 1915- ) Stu 417 Ash St Waukegan 111 Hadfield Elizabeth Mary (Mrs H L Caldwell) (lib 1904-5) Home 7226 Oglesby Av Chicago Hadfield Frank Stanley (m eng 1900- 4 BS g 1904-5 ME) Supt Mun Water & Elec Plant 408 S H Joseph Av Niles Mich Hadley Mrs EP (see Work Edna M) Hadley Floyd Brittan (ag 1910-13) Bnk & Ins Cambridge 111 Hadley Frank (c eng 1908-10 AB (McKendree) '08) C Eng Prairie Oil & Gas Co Independence Kan (316 Westminster Av) hadley Harry Fielding (g chem 1911- 12 AM g 1912-14 PhD AB(Millikin) '11) Chem Food & Drug Dept Ver- million SD Hadley Homer Langdon (e eng 1905- 9 BS) E Eng 616 69th Av West Allis Wis Hadley Lillian (mus 1914-15 Also Christian Coll) At home Cambridge 111 Hadley Maude (su 1914&'15 Also Ind St Nor U) Greenup 111 t Hadley Thomas Alva (acad 1906-8 sp law 1908-9) Sullivan 111 Hadnott Zadie Azelie (su 1911 Also Sch Dom Sc & Art Chgo & Talladega Coll & Col U) Teach 1110 Seventh Av Birmingham Ala Hadra Frederick (acad 1883-4 la 1884-6 MD(Tex)'90 Also Col U) Med 314 Gibbs Bldg San Antonio Tex Hadsall Harry Hugh (c eng 1893-7 BS) Sec & Supt Leonard Const Co 860 McCormick Bldg Chicago (5492 Everett Av) Hadsall John Ellis (la 1870-1) Bus Mgr Genoa 111 Haefpner John George (c eng 1907-11 BS) M Eng 208 S East Av Oak Park 111 (329 N Lorel Av Chicago) HAESSLER Carl Herman (g philos 1914- AB(Wis)'ll BA (Oxford) '14) Asst Philos U 111 1914- 907 W Ore- gon St Urbana 111 (719 Stowell Av Milwaukee) *Hafner Christian (la 1876-8 '79-80 Cert) d Dec 9 1911 Oak Park 111 Hafner Oscar Nicholas (arch eng 1908- 9) Arch Draft 2305% Broadway HAGAN— HAILE 267 Quincy 111 (407 S Fourth St) Hagan Bernard Athony (m eng 1915- ) Stu 502 S Lynn St Cham- paign ni t Hagan Elizabeth Catherine (sp a&d 1905-6) 111 E Healy St Champaign m Hagan Michael Edward (e eng 1903-7 BS) Instr U Dallas 4105 Holland St Hagan Kobert Murray (sp ag 1910-11 Also U Ky & St Mary's Coll) Ag K4 Owensboro Ky Hagan Thomas Angus (la com 1912- 13 ag 1913- ) Stu 111 E Healy St Champaign 111 Hagan Warren Lynn (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Neoga 111 (Windsor HI) Eagans Corban Bane (acad 1895-6 BS (Knox) '00 Cash Bk Ipava 111 (Eushville 111) Hagans Mrs F M (see Mangas Maud) Hagar Charles Edward (sp 1902-3 MI) (NW) '08) Med 135 Illinois St Jol- iet HI \Hagbee Clarice Lucille (acad 1899- 1900) Milford Ind Hagedorn Carl Frederick (sc 1899- 1902 AB) Chem Eng Armour Fer- tilizer Wks Chicago (Hyde Park Hotel) Hagedorn Frederick Arthur (m eng 1907-11 BS) c/o Westinghouse Church Kerr Co 37 Wall St New York Hagen Henry Hiram (su 1907 AB(0 Wes)'13 Supt Schs 117 E Morgan St Dixon HI Hagen Peter (acad 1894-5) Sales 118 Walnut St Champaign 111 Hagener Arthur (arch eng 1909-11 c eng 1913-15 BS) 2665 Washington Blvd Chicago 111 (218 E Fourth St Beardstown HI) Hager Earl Norman (e eng 1905-8) Lumber & Coal Dwight 111 Hager Frank Llewellyn (g ger 1908-9 AB(Mich)'05 AM(Ohio St)'08)Teach Highland Coll Highland Kan Hager Frank Stafford (m eng 1915- ) Stu 2451 DeKalb St St Louis Hager Henry Merritt (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 307 N Frank- lin St Dwight HI Hagey Emma Joanna (lib 1901-3 BLS AB(Neb)'98) Libr Cedar Eapids la Haggard Ada Olive (la 1908-10 AB Also U Neb) York Neb Haggard Golda Fern (Mrs E G White) (sp la 1909-10 acad 1910-11) Home York Neb Haggard William Thomas (acad 1892- 4) Ag Farmer City 111 Haggerty Frank Parnell (la 1912-13 Also Syr U) News Rep Blatz Hotel Milwaukee (26 Chestnut St N Adame Mass Haggott William Stiles (e eng 1910-15 BS) E Eng 618 Bank St Keokuk la Hagie Franklin Eugene (sc 1905-9 AB MD(P&S)'ll) Med Elizabeth 111 Hagler Kent Dunlap (la 1914-15) Stu Harv U The Oaks W Lawrence Av Springfield 111 Hagnauer Arno Walter (sc 1904-6) Merc 4107 Juanita St St Louis Hagstrom George Arthur (eng 1913- 14) 3112 Oak Park St Berwyn 111 Hague Edith Elizabeth (g 1912-13 AB(Kan)'lO) Libr 515 Laramie St Manhattan Kan (124 S Sixth St Kingfisher Okla) HAGUE Stella Mary (AB(Ind)'93 MS(Chgo)'05 PhD(do)'12 Instr Biol Rockford Coll 1906-9) Instr Bot U 111 1910- 908 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (607 Van Buren St Auburn Ind) Hahn Archie (su 1915 Also U Mich) Dir Athl 14 Mayflower St Provi- dence RI (1325 Isaacs Av Walla Walla Wash) Hahn Fred Charles (chem eng 1912- ) Stu 1107 E Monroe St Springfield 111 Hahn Grace Louise (la h sc 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 24 Allen Av West Chicago HI ?Hahn Howard Hartford (acad 1889- 90 sp 1898-9) Freeport 111 Hahn Hugo Joseph (sc 1911-13 AB Also la St Coll & U la) Land Arch 1104 N Park St Bloomington 111 Hahne Albert Jr (sc 1908-10 Also Zymotechnic Inst) Asst Supt 4126 N Paulina St Chicago Haig Gwyn Forbes (sc 1908-9 MD (P&S) '13) Med 917 W Drive Wood- ruff PI Indianapolis haig Robert Murray (g econ 1908-9 AM'09-11 PhD(Col)'14 AB(Ohio Wes)'08) Instr Econ Col U 374 Wadsworth Av New York Haight Mabel Almira (Mrs W A Mc- Knight)(sp mus 1901-2 Also Ober Coll) Home 1233 E 53rd St Chi- cago Haight Samuel John Jr (ag*1899-1903 BS) Ag & Stock R2 Earlville 111 Haile Warren Hamilton (arch 1912- 13) Mgr Victrola Dept Mus Store Box 225 South Bend Ind (915 W 268 I1A1NDS— HALEY Oregon St Urbana 111) \Hainds Roy (acad 1906-8) Kewanee 111 Haines Arthur Carleton (la 1904-8) Forest Superv Camp Crook SD (Gib- son City 111) Haines Bessie Judith (Mrs L W Glov- er) (sp mus 1912-13 Also 111 Wes) Ac- companyist Sch Mus Central U Pella la (Gibson City 111) Haines Forrest Livingston (se 1907-9 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 806 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Forrest 111) haines George Clark (g zool 1908-9 MS BS(Beloit)'08) Entom New Hanover (Rail) Natal South Africa t Haines Harlan Evan (la com 1909- 11) Bushnell 111 Haines James Melbourne Charles (c eng 1914-15) Asst Theatrical Mgr 2109 Cleveland Av Chicago (2219 Dayton St) Haines John Wilbur (m eng 1876-9) Supt Pattern Wk 4228 Magoun Av East Chicago Ind (Gibson City 111) Haines Mabel Magdalene (Mrs S W Cleave) (la 1908-13 AB) Home Prairie View Marseilles 111 Haines Mary Martha (Mrs C E Blaine) (sp mus 1902-6) Home Delta Colo (S Prospect Av Champaign 111) Haines Thomas Lloyd (la com 1910- 12 AB Also Occidental Coll) Atlas Ed Film Co 636 Pacific Bldg San Francisco Hair Arthur J (e eng 1914- ) Stu 601 Washington Av Greenville 111 Hair Charles Ernest (arch 1895-8 Al- so Knox Coll) Arch 417 Terminal Bldg Oklahoma City Haish Theodore Adam (e eng 1913-14) ag '14-15 com '15- ) Stu Hinckley 111 Hakanson Arthur Ferdinand (sc 1910- 15) 2920 N Francisco Av Chicago Hake Harry Gray (eng 1903-7 BS MS '10 EE'13 Also Wash StL U Instr E Eng U 111 1908-13) Asst Prof E Eng Wash StL U (Barry 111) Hake Mrs H G (see Thomas Minnie E) Hake Joseph William (sc 1908-9 AB BS(Central Wes) '07 AM(NW)'13) Instr Physics 111 Wes U Bloomington 111 Halas George Stanley (cer eng 1914- ) Stu 270*0 W 23rd PI Chicago Halas Walter Henry (arch eng 1911- ) Stu 2700 W 23rd PI Chicago malberstadt T E (acad 1879-81) Ur- bana 111 Halbruge Charles Morgan (la com 1912- ) Stu Rockport Ind Haldeman Glenn Merlin (e eng 1914- Also Okla Tech) Stu Ponca City Okla Haldeman Paul Johnson (la 1911-13 AB Also Wash StL U) R Est 411 Quincy St San Antonio Tex (Victoria Bldg St Louis) Haldeman Mrs P J (see Dodds Mar- guerite) Haldeman Ralph Erwin (arch eng 1912- 13) Clk Thatcher Mgf Co Streator 111 (109 W Elm St) Halderman Edwin McAfee (acad 1894- 5 la 1895-7) Audit Disburs Neb Tel Co & la Tel Co & Northwestern Tel Co Omaha Neb Hale Arthur Aldrich (m eng 1901-5 BS Also Lewis Inst) Sales Agt Grif- fin Wheel Co 437 John Hancock Bldg Boston (49 Federal St) Hale Fraser (ag 1911-12) Sales 569 Cherry St Winnetka 111 Hale Isabella (acad 1876-7 sc 1877-9 BS) N Kenmore Av Los Angeles Hale Mrs Jessie McConnell (la 1910- 11) Home 1103 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Hale Leonard Oliver (arch 1912-13 Also Armour Inst) Sales Chandler Pump Co Cedar Rapids la (1215 Fourth Av Grinnell la) Hale Mrs O C (see Castle Lucy) Hale Ralph Sumner (la com 1905-8 Also Lewis Inst) Cement Expert Kingsport Tenn Hale Roy Joseph (ag 1909-12 Also Colo Ag Coll) Ins 618 Symes Bldg Denver ( Taylor ville 111) HALE William Green (BS (Pacific) '03 LLB(Harv)'06 Instr Law U 111 1909-11) Prof Law & Sec Coll Law U 111 1912- 702 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Hale Mrs W G (see McConnell Jessie) Hales Andrew Reed (e eng 1904-5 Also Valparaiso U) Merc Longview 111 Hales George Wilfred (ag 1912-13) Sales 89 First St Hinsdale 111 Hales John Lincoln (sp la com 1908-9 Also Armour Inst) Ranch Worland Wyo Hales Ralph Jose (1 1904-7) Grain Lumber & Coal Merc Longview 111 Haley Arthur Fenn (acad 1891-3 la 1893-4) Mgr Gravel Siding Cham- paign 111 Haley George Stephen (acad 1886-7 m eng 1887-8) V-Pres & Gen Mgr Tex Power & Light Co Dallas Tex HALL— HALL 269 Hall Mrs (see Eeddick Elizabeth) *Hall Abbie G S (gen 1871-2) d Sept 11 1898 Champaign 111 Hall Albert Leander (1 1908-12 LL B) Law 920 Otis Bldg Chicago (736 Grand Av Waukegan 111) Hall Allen Howell (la 1915- ) Stu New Germantown NJ tHall Almon Ford (sp ag 1905-6) Syc- amore 111 Hall Arthur Coleman (su 1910 Also Eureka Coll & 111 St Nor U) Teach 208 Kirkwood Blvd Davenport la HALL Arthur Graham (BS (Mich) '87 Am & PhD(Leipsic) '02 Instr Math U Mich 1891-3 Asst Prof Math U 111 1903-5 Prof Math Miami U 1905-8) Registrar & Prof Math U Mich 1908- 1036 Oakland Av Ann Arbor Mich Hall Arthur Kaymond (la 1897-8 law 1898-1901 LLB&AB AM '02) Law Daniel Bldg Danville HI Hall Augusta Maude (Mrs F G Car- lisle) (h sc 1898-1902) Home 1407 Fifth Av Los Angeles ?Hall Aura Beulah (su 1902- ) Car- mi 111 THall Avis Mary (Mrs Wade) (la 1906- 7 Also U la) Home Santa Fe New Mexico Hall Mrs B W (see Riddle Florence M) Hall Berniece (la 1914 Also Butler Coll) At home 129 Downey Av Indi- anapolis *Hall C Bertha (Mrs Fleming) (gen 1896-7) d 1902 Prescott Ariz Hall Mrs C C (see Boyles Elsie O) Hall Caroline Elizabeth (su 1905 & '06 Also Fisk U & Howard U) Clk Forest Serv 212 N St NW Washington Hall Cecil James (com 1915- ) Stu 1304 W Clark St Urbana 111 Hall Charles Henry Harrison (eng 1868-9 MD( Jefferson) 73) Med(Ret) Kamakura Japan Hall Charles Myron (c eng 1913- ) Stu 803 Summer St Burlington la Hall Charles Walter (acad 1903-5) Ag East Lynn HI Hall Charles William (ag 1873-5) Dairy Moscow Id Hall Chester Irving (e eng 1906-10 BS) Chf Eng Minerallac Elec Co 400 S Hoyne Av Chicago Hall Claire Bertram (la com 1910-11 Also Cin U & Ohio Coll Dent Sur) Stu Cin Dent Coll 1006 W Church St Champaign 111 Hall Clarence Emory (1 1911-12 BS (Millikin) '11) Mgr 1369 N Main St Decatur 111 Hall Claudia Belle (Mrs C E Fleming) (sp h sc 1903-6) Home YMCA Bing- hamton NY HALL Edward Kimball (AB (Dart) '92 LLB(Harv)'96 Dir Athl U 111 1892 4) Law 101 Milk St Boston Hall Edward Knight (ag 1915) Stu Ladybrand Orange Free State Africa Hall Edward Leverich (arch eng 1904- 8 AB g 1908-9 AB) Internat Sec YMCA 124 E 28th St New York Hall Elizabeth T (Mrs Henry Kei- ser) (la 1896-1900 AB g 1900-1 AM) Home 509 E Mulberry St Blooming- ton 111 Hall Ellen Elizabeth (la 1872-4) Dress- maker 205 W Green St Urbana 111 Hall Ellis Bernard (la 1902-7 BS) Chem & Eng Tests Big Four RR Shops Beech Grove Ind (3219 N New Jersey St Indianapolis) Hall MrsElsa (see Mess Lillian) Hall Emery Stanford (acad 1889-90 arch 1890-5 BS g 1896-7) Arch 3230 W Monroe St Chicago Hall Mrs Emery Stanford (see Adams Clara L > > HALL Emma M (AB (Mich) 74 AM (do) 75 Instr Ancient Langs U 111 1884-5) Missionary Rome Italy Hall Emory George (la com 1913- ) Stu 222 N Fourth St Rockford 111 Hall Ethel Lottie (Mrs F F Beeby) (la 1904-9 AB) Home 607 E 62nd St Chicago Hall Florence Ella (Mrs Frank Mitch- ell) (sc 1911-12) Home R23 La Salle 111 \Hall Frances Henrietta (acad 1906-7) Pesotum 111 Hall Frank Adolphus (1 1901-3 '05-7 LL B) Law 212 S Jefferson St Peo- ria 111 Hall Fred Augustus (acad 1887-8 sc 1888-92 BS) Hort R4 North Yakima Wash Hall Fred Silvey (la 1897-8 AB Also DePauw U LL B(Wash StL) '01) Law Suite 915 Cent Bk Bldg St Louis Hall Frederick Charles (c eng 1903-7) Ag Buffalo 111 *Hall George (sp 1901-2) d Carter- ville 111 Hall George Everett (sp ag 1905-7) Ag 824 Church St Champaign HI Hall George Ross (la 1913- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 309 S Scoville Av Oak Park 111 *Hall Grace Evalyn (gen 1902-6 AB) d Nov 8 1906 Colorado Springs Colo Hall Harriet (sp ag 1911-13) Farm Owner 280 Skinker Rd St Louis 270 HALL— HALL Hall Helen Evalyn (ag 1913- ) Stu 400 E Washington St Attica Ind ?Hall Henry G (sp a&d 1887-8) Savoy 111 Hall Homer (la 1910-12 AB g 1912-13 AM Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Man- hattan Kan (Belvidere 111) Hall Howard Gage (ag 1913-14) Stu U Minn 3246 George St Chicago Hall Mrs I C (see Thompson Evan- geline L) iHall Ida (acad 1882-3) Metamora 111 Hall Irene (Mrs E M Smith) (la 1907- 8 Also Neb Wes) Home Sandy Ore Hall Janet Alletta (sc 1903-6 Also P&S Coll) Stu Eush Med Coll 5354 Fulton St Chicago *Hall Jennie (acad 1877-8) d Oct 24 1914 McLeansboro 111 Hall Janie (su 1914 Also S HI St Nor) R2 Rural Hill 111 Hall John Calvin (la 1896-1900 AB LLB(Kent) '97) Law 317 Oliver St Whiting Ind fHall John Kress (la 1893-4) Moline 111 Hall Mrs J L (see Langford Jessie L) Hall Joseph Lowe (la chem eng 1914- ) Stu 1507 North St Sullivan 111 Hall Karl William (m eng 1915- Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu 506 W Main St Cherokee la tHall Kenneth (sp ag 1905-7) Lake Forrest 111 Hall Kenneth Canright (eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2931 Fulton St Chicago Hall Laura Belle (sp la 1907-8 Also Princeton Nor) Teach La Moille 111 Hall Lawrence Melville (e eng 1909-13 BS) Equip Eng Dept Pioneer Tel Co Oklahoma City (234 S Chestnut St Kewanee 111) Hall Lisle Gwynne (ag 1910-14 BS '15) Eng Peoria Water Works Co Peoria 111 Hall Lloyd Quinn (acad 1901-2 sp eng 1903-4) Art 1401 Winona Av Chi- cago (Lacon 111) Hall Louis Dixon (ag 1894-9 BS MS '06 Instr An Husb U 111 1903-9 Asst Prof & Asst Chf An Husb Ag Exp Sta do 1909-14) Office of Mar- kets US Dept Ag 3823 Livingston St Washington Hall Mrs L D (see Webster Elizabeth C) Hall Lucia Knapp (Mrs O J Terrell) (sp mus 1895-6) Home Cedaredge Colo Hall Lucy A (Mrs S W Parr) (la 1877-84 BS'14 see also Parr Mrs Lucy Hall) Home 919 W Green St Urbana 111 *Hall Lyman (acad 1884-8 sc 1889-92) d Savoy 111 \Hall Mabel Darling (acad 1907-8) La Moille 111 Hall Marion (ag 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu Vermont & Fifth St Quincy 111 Hall Mary (su 1914) Libr 438 Col- lege St E Liverpool O mall Mattie Adeline (acad 1905-7) Newman 111 Hall Maude (Mrs F G Carlisle) (h sc 1896-1902) Home 1407 Fifth Av Los Angeles *Hall Melbourne Theodore (su 1904- ) d July 10 1905 Champaign 111 ?Hall Mira Mary (la 1880-3) Eldo- rado Kan (Metamora 111) Hall Mrs O E (see Wilder Elizabeth O) Hall Quincy Allen (acad 1900-2 m eng 1901-2 '05-7 BS) Sec & Eng Tests Morgan T Jones Co 524 Monadnock Blk Chicago Hall Eay Harvey (acad 1907-8 mus 1908) Repr Internat Correspondence Schs Mattoon 111 (Homer 111) Hall Robert (acad 1905-7) Sta Agt 111 Tract Sys Homer 111 *Hall Rollin Hill (la com 1872-3) d Paxton 111 HALL Royal Glenn (AB (Park) '12 Asst Zool U 111 1912-13) Stu Au- burn Theol Sem Rl Goodman Mo Hall Russell Pritchert (ag 1910-14 BS Also Transylvania U) Ag Niantic 111 Hall Samuel Powell Jr (1 1902-4) Sport Edit Chgo Examiner 5104 Sheridan Rd Chicago Hall Seymour Elbridge (acad 1893-5 la 1894-5) Law 310 Oak St Port- land Ore (1196 E Ninth St N) mall Sylvia H (sp 1880-1) Savoy 111 Hall Thomas Dennison (sp ag 1912- 14 BS AM (Cor) '15 Also Rhodes U) Asst Chem Coll Ag Potchefstroom Union of S Africa tHall Thora Mabel (la 1910-11) R2 Champaign 111 Hall Tracy Q (acad 1887-8) Asst Cash Security Sav Bk Los Angeles Hall Victor Curtis (su 1905 Also NW U) Bus Mgr Shanghai China (Tus- cola 111) Hall Mrs W F (see Cole Sophronia R) \Hall Walter Charles (acad 1904-5) East Lynn 111 Hall Walter Orlando (la 1870-4) Ret Ag 208 Boulevard St Miami Fla Hall Ward Elmo (acad 1902-4 e eug 1904-8 BS) E Eng 528-M First St Arkansas City Kan Hall Ward Everett (ag 1906-8 BS HALL— HAMILL 271 Also Drake U) Mintr Crooksville O (c/o A D Bruington E7 Monmouth Hall William Arthur (acad 1900-1) Electr Humboldt Ariz (Belle Hive 111) tHall William Turnball (sp ag 1908-9 Also U Neb) Wilmette 111 *Hall Willis William (sp chem 1902-5) d Jan 11 1911 Milwaukee *Hall Woodward Miller (acad 1898-9 Also Coffeen Nor) d Sept 12 1898 Fort McPherson Ga *Hallam John Carter (acad 1895-6) d Aug 12 1914 Centralia 111 *Haller Francis Boggs (Trustee 1873 At U Mo 1851 & Jeffersor Med Coll 1865 Pres St Med Soc 1866 Memb St Bd Charities) d Sept 14 1895 Van- dalia 111 Hallett David Frank (la com 1873-6 MD(Chgo)'78) Med McCool Junc- tion Neb JHallett Louise Helen (sp la 1905-6 Also Colo St Nor) 709 Fisher Blvd Chicago t Hallett Margaret Hope (sc 1907-10 AB g 1910-11 AM) Aspen Colo *Hallett Willard D E (acad 1876-7 la com 1877-9) d 1911 Marion la Halliday Charlotte Josephine (Mrs E J Mut) (la 1892-3) Home Dallas Tex HALLIDAY Ernest Milton (AB(Mich) '04 LL B(do) '06 AM (Col) '13 Instr Engl & Pub Speak U 111 1906-7 Assoc do 1907-13) Mintr 1058 E 21st St Brooklyn NY Halliday Mabel (sp mus 1912-13 Feb 1916- Also U Mich) Stenog 806 W California St Urbana 111 (R3 Clio Mich) Halliday Kuth (la 1910-14 AB) Teach Binghamton NY (Clio Mich) Halliday Samuel (acad 1886-7) Pres Halliday Phillips Wharfboat Co & Ag 605 Washington Av Cairo HI Halliday Vernon (chem eng 1907-8 BCHE(Mich)'12) Western Elee Co 1846 S St Louis Av Chicago Halligan John Edwards (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 800 N 12th St Quincy 111 tHALLiNEN Joseph Edward (la 1876-8 sc 1889-94 BS) La Porte Ind Halliwell Ashleigh Drake (com 1915- ) Stu 10628 Longwood Blvd Chicago Halliwell Pauline (la 1911- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 10628 Longwood Blvd Chicago t Hallowed John Francis (e eng 1910- 11 Also Armour Inst) 3717 Lexing- ton St Chicago HALLQUEST Alfred Lawrence (AB (Augustana) '00 AM(Prin)'02 AM (Kan) '13 Teach Westminster Coll Asst Ed U 111 1913-14) Assoc Prof Ed U Va 1914- Charlottesville Va Hallquest Mrs Shirley Knox (Mrs A - L) (la 1913-14) Home Charlottesville Va tHalls Frank Ernest (sp arch 1895-7) Chicago tHalperin Victor Hugo (la 1912-13) 1017 Ashland Blvd Chicago ?Halsey Herbert B (la 1875-6) Dover NJ halsey Katharine Caroline (g pol sc 1908-9 AM AB(Lake Forest) '08) Sec YWCA Cleveland fHalsey Robert Vern (sp ag 1905-6) Oakland 111 *Halstead Clara Belle (gen 1875-7) d Rantoul 111 Halstead Elizabeth Mary (Mrs E R Shoemaker) (la 1909-10 Also S HI St Nor) Home 1656 Talbot Av Indi- anapolis Halstrom "Bernard Christian (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 5487 Ellis Av Chicago Halterman Henry James (m eng 1912- 15 BS Also Millikin U) Eng Elect Light Plant Carbondale 111 (Anna 111) Haltom Horace Marie (la 1907-9 '13) Stu Earlham Coll Mooresville Ind Halushka Gertrude (la 1913-15 AB Also NW U) 2639 N Richmond St Chicago Halverson Stener Benjamin (la 1913- 14 Also U Wis) Bkpr Stoughton Wis Ham Arthur Eimbech (e eng 1907-8) Act Sec Master Mech Highshoals Mf g Co Highshoals Ga (Keokuk la) Ham William Earl (m eng 1895-6) Drug 162 N Franklin St Chicago tHamacher James Albert (sp ag 1908- 9 Also Shippensburg St Nor) Prince- ton 111 Hamann Christian F (c eng 1913- ) Stu R6 Lockport 111 *Hamar William Townsend (sp 1868-9) d Champaign 111 Hamblen Rosa Myrtle (su 1899 sp 1900-1) Teach Etna 111 Hambleton Arthur R (acad 1886-7 sc 1887-8) Credit Dept Kellogg B Co Keokuk la tHamblin Eugene Earl (sc 1912-13) 1097 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Hamil John Edward (c eng 1903-4 BS (Lincoln) '02) Arch Draft 1227 N Elizabeth St Peoria 111 Hamill Eugene Carl (arch eng 1912- 272 HAMILTON— HAMMERS Also 111 Wes U) Stu 611 S Clinton St Bloomington 111 Hamilton Cecil Henry (c&m eng 1902-3 Also Drake U) Drug Wopello la Hamilton Charles F (acad 1881-2) 210 W Park St Champaign 111 * Hamilton Charles Sinclair (acad 1892- 3) d Ashland 111 Hamilton Chauncey Geyer (la com 1913- ) Stu Colfax 111 t Hamilton Clarence Orval (sc 1910-11) Mt Vernon 111 Hamilton Cliff Struthers (la 1914-15 Also Monmouth Coll) Prin H Sch Olathe Kan (3213 Eighth St Mon- mouth 111) Hamilton Clyde Carney (g entom 1914- BS(Kan Ag) '13) Stu El Holton Kan Hamilton Don Herman (ag 1913- ) Stu 601 S Alexander St Paris 111 Hamilton Donald Alau (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 2326 Mallon Av Spokane Wash Hamilton Edna Marie (Mrs E W Brait- ling) (la 1907-8 Also DePauw U) Home 2727 W Main St Louisville Ky Hamilton Edwin S (sc 1907-11 AB BS(Chgo)'13 MD( Starling) '85) Med 329 Dearborn Av Kankakee 111 Hamilton Frank Henry (eng 1891-5) Comm Pub Wks Springfield 111 Hamilton Gene (la 1904-8) Gov Serv Dwight 111 Hamilton George G (m eng 1873) La Harpe 111 *Hamilton Harold Alexander (m eng 1910-11) d Nov 2 1910 3710 Lexing- ton St Chicago *Hamilton John Marshall ( Trustee 1883-5 Teach 111 Wes U 1870 St Sen 1876-80 Gov 111 1883-5) d Sept 22 1905 Chicago Hamilton John Robert (sp ag 1908-10) Ag Bardolph 111 Hamilton Julius Rugg (acad 1902-4 sp law 1904-5 MD(Med Coll Va) '14) Med c/o University Club Los Angeles Hamilton Leroy Frederic (la 1893-5) Mgr Specialty & Adv Dept Nat Tube Co Frick Bldg Pittsburg Pa Hamilton Mrs L F (see Zilly Mabel H) Hamilton Nain Delf (g chem 1906-7 AM AB(Ind)'02) Corresp & Sales Typewriter Distributing Synd 166 N Michigan Av Chicago (122 S Dear- born Av) Hamilton Ray Leonidas (ag 1915- ) Stu 628 Gooding St La Salle 111 t Hamilton Robert G (gen 1870-1) Ma- rissa 111 Hamilton Rubey James (su 1912 &'13 BS(NW) '09) Teach 405 E South St Kewanee 111 HAMILTON Theodore Ely (g 1905-6 AB(Harv)'99 MA(Mo) '00 PhD(do) '08 Instr Rom Lang U 111 1903-6 do U Mo 1907-9) Asst Prof Rom Lang Ohio St U 1909- Columbus O (72 Eagle St Fredonia NY) Hamilton Tom Sherman (sc 1913- ) Stu 601 S Alexander St Paris HI Hamilton Vernor Edward (eng 1891-3) Trav 508 E Jefferson St Ft Wayne Ind IHamil'ton Virginia Louise (la 1904-6) Ashland 111 Hamilton Walter (ry eng 1907-9) Effic Eng 615 Montgomery St Ft Wayne Ind Hamilton William Jacob (la Feb 1915- Also NWU) Stu R29 Ludlow 111 Hamler David Mattias (m eng 1908-9) Ranch Anaheim Cal Hamlin Mrs J G (see Booth Elizabeth T) Hamm Ira Lewis (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-6 '04-7) Ag Onawa la (El Paso 111) Hamm Orville Pearson (ag 1915- Also NW U) Stu R29 Ludlow 111 Hammel Francis (acad 1910-11) Ag R20 Rantoul 111 Hammer Albert Bernard (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag Scales Mound 111 tHammer Glen Orville (e eng 1911-14) 307 S Cherry St Morrison 111 Hammer Raymond Franklin (sc 1906- 10 BS Also Bradley Poly) Curator Geol & Miner Colo Museum Nat Hist , 39 S Grant St Denver Hammer William Palmer (ag 1915- Also U la) Stu Cooperstown ND fHammerbacker Bessie Alvena (su 1906) 304 E Stoughton St Cham- paign 111 Hammers Edna Rose (Mrs G J Ray) (la 1897-1901 AB) Home 86 N Arl- ington Av East Orange NJ Hammers Elizabeth (su 1902) Teach 401 W Terrell Av Ft Worth Tex Hammers James Ralph (ag 1907-8 '09- 10) Ag R2 El Paso 111 IHammers Jessie (acad 1892-4 la 1894-5 '98-1901 AB) Pine City Minn t Hammers Lewis Joseph (acad 1896-7) Panola 111 Hammers Lilian (acad 1893-4 la 1903-5 AB) Teach Engl Newark Sem Newark NJ (78 Prospect St East Orange NJ) Hammers Morgan J (acad 1S92-3 eng 1893-8 BS) Mgr Abbott Motor Car Co Pasadena Apts Detroit HAMMERS— HAMPTON 273 Hammers William Emerald (ag 1907- , 8) Ag Whiting la (R2 ElPaso 111) Hammersmith Mrs A F (see Dillavou Olive A) Hammet Charles B (acad 1886-7 sp ag 1887-8) Ag Clarence Mo Hammet Glenn Edward (ry eng 1915- ) Stu Clarence Mo Hammet John Burnham (acad 1890-1 la 1891-2) Ag Camargo 111 Hammet Laura (Mrs C C Jones) (acad 1882-3) Home Tuscola 111 Hammet Virginia Mann (Mrs A N Talbot) (sc 1877-8 '79-81 BS Also Welles Coll) Home 1013 W Califor- nia Av Urbana 111 *Hammet William Allen (sp 1888-90) d May 28 1898 Tuscola 111 Hammett Don Thompson (sp la com 1905-6) Bus Mgr Villa Grove 111 Hammett Frank Watson (c eng 1877- 81 BS) Ins Eedlands Cal Hammett Harry Rice (eng 1913-14) Stu LeStan U 1004 Center St Red- lands Cal Hammett Richard Clyde (sp ag 1890- 1) Ag Charlevoix Mich (Camargo 111) Hammill Chester Armstrong (m eng 1908-10 BS(Chgo)'13) Adv Chicago Tribune 320 Chicago Av River For- est 111 Hammitt Andrew Baker (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Struct Eng 4863 N Ash- land Av Chicago (834 19th St Des Moines la) tHammitt Cloyd (m eng 1903-4) At- lanta 111 ?Hammock Claude S (su 1903) Sioux City la Hammon Clarence T'rumbul (ag Feb 1916- ) Stu 1011 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Hammond Asaph Chandler (ag 1914- ) Stu Warsaw 111 * Hammond David S (Trustee 1867-70 Sheriff Cook Co 1862) d May 26 1883 Hammond Sta 111 Hammond Emily A (Mrs W D Luther) (sp 1874-6 MD (Mich) '81) Med Ret Elgin 111 Hammond Emily June (sp la 1902-4) Teach 4641 Kenmore Av Chicago Hammond Emma May (Mrs Cowen) (h sc 1878-81) Sec Iroquois SD "HAMMOND George Daniel (AB(Harv) '93 Also U Berlin Prof Hist St Lawrence U 1894-5 Asst Prof Hist U 111 1895-6) d Jan 14 1899 Asheville NO Hammond Howard Spurr (g bot 1908-9 AM AB(Ohio St) '08) Prof Biol N Mex Coll Ag State College N Mex Oammond Ida (sp mus 1879-80) Champaign 111 hammond James Weston (ag 1906-8 MS BS(Ohio St)'06) Ag Res Woo- ster O \Hammond John Ray (acad 1908-9) Perry 111 t Hammond Lena Wilhelmenia (su 1902) Bement 111 Hammond Leonard Aaron (ag 1914- ) Stu Rl Warsaw 111 Hammond Lucinda Belle (la 1914- ) Stu 1536 Vincennes Av Chicago Hammond Marie Alice (lib 1909-10 AB(NW)'06) Libr 1701 Chase Av Chicago THammond May E (sc 1880-1) Lud- low 111 HAMMOND Mathew Brown (PhB (Mich) '91 ML(Wis)'93 PhD(Col) '98 Also Tubingen U 1893-4 & U Ber- lin 1894 Asst Econ U 111 1897-8 Instr do 1898-1900 Asst Prof do 1900- 4 Asst & Assoc Prof Econ Ohio St U 1904-8) Prof Econ Ohio St U 1908- Grand View Hgts Columbus O Hammond Orson Ward (ag 1869-71 Abo 111 St Nor U) Ag R3 Pinson Tenn Hammond Ruth Edith (lib 1915- AB(Drury)'14 Also NW U) Stu 1228 Clay St Springfield Mo Hammond Sarah Sanford (su 1911 Also U Chgo) Libr 439 Hazel Av Glencoe 111 tHammond Winifred G (su 1902) Be- ment 111 HAMON Robert Jasper (g chem 1915- BS(Okla Ag)'ll) Chem US Bur Mines U 111 1915- 102 E Daniel St Champaign 111 (Davie Fla) mamon William (acad 1889-90) Se- dan Kan Hampson Herbert (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1108 Edgar Av Mattoon 111 Hampton Amy Irwin (Mrs H C Mey- er) (acad 1907-9 mus 1909-12 BMus) Home 404 Park Dr Muscatine la Hampton Ernest Byron (sc 1912-13) Ag RFD Benton 111 fHampton Ethel Alleyene (la 1900-3) 333 E Calhoun St Macomb 111 Hampton Ira (e eng 1905-8 BS Also U Chgo) E Eng 350 N Lockwood Av Chicago Hampton Leon Edward (ag 1898-9) Ag Fowler Ind Hampton Ruth Margaret (la 1915- ) Stu S Division St Carterville 111 274 HAMEIN— HANFORD tHamrin Thomas Elmer (sc 1911-12) 1007 Lundy St Streator 111 HAMSHER Frank (AB (Mich) '95 Prin Acad U 111 1901-6 Asst Prof Ed do 1905-6) Prin Smith Acad 1906- St Louis HANA Leo Gregory (1 1904-13 Asst Dir Phys Tr Brown U 1899-1901 Dir do Lincoln Coll 1901-4 Dir Gym U 111 1904-13) Law 321 Main St Peoria IU Hana Mrs Minnie (Mrs L G) (sp sc 1906-7) Home 813 Sheridan Rd Chi- cago Hanaford Earl Joseph (com 1915- ) Stu 2 Clifton Av Elgin 111 Hanawalt Edith (Mrs C E McDannald) (sp mus 1902-3) Home R4 Wester- ville O Hanawalt William Gilbert (m eng 1915- ) Stu 317 E Division St Galva 111 Hance George Martin (ag 1915- ) Stu E Main St Marengo 111 Hance James Mordecia (la com 1908- 11) Ag Newman 111 Hancock Emerson John (la 1911-12) Stu 111 Wes U 301 N Jasper Av Casey 111 Hancock Everett Herschel (sp la 1901- 3) Confidential Clk 1734 N Berendo PI Los Angeles Hancock George Benjamin (c eng 1908- 9) Shipping Clk 4213 St Lawrence Av Chicago Hancock Glen Edward (la 1910-12) Jour 930 Rockton Av Rockford 111 Hancock Howard Logan (1 1900-1 LLB(Ind Law Sch)'00) Law Rock- ville Ind Hancock John Seale (c eng 1911-12) Concrete Eng Anderson Ind Hancock Miriam (ag h sc 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 5003 Berteau Av Chicago Hancock Myron Scott (e eng 1913- ) Stu Beecher 111 *Hancock Oscar W (gen 1871-2) d Neoga 111 Hancock Walden Wood (la com 1914- ) Stu 308 N Central Av Casey 111 Hand Charles Silas (c eng 1906-8) Trav 207 S Wright St Champaign 111 Hand Ella Marie (la 1915- ) Stu 207 S Wright St Champaign 111 Hand Fred Chillian (acad 1907-8) Trav 207 S Wright St Champaign 111 Hand Mary Mabel (Mrs C S Miles) (sp mus 1901-3 '07-8 Also Mo St Nor U) Home Le Roy 111 Hand Owen Salisbury (c eng 1910-12) Adv 207 S Wright St Champaign 111 Handke Paul Albert (sc 1909-12 '13-14 BS) c/o Purington Pav Brick Co 135 N Kellog St Galesburg 111 (907 Washington St Evanston 111) Handley Anna (su 1914) Libr Loda 111 (Albion 111) Handlin William Clyde (sc 1905-9 AB) Teach 504 Tremont St Lincoln 111 t Hands Roy (acad 1907-8) 318 W Second St Kewanee 111 HANDSCHIN Charles Hart (AB(Ger Wallace) '97 PhD (Wis) '02 Prof Ger U 111 su 1912) Prof Ger Miami U 1905- Oxford O Handschin Walter Frederick (ag 1911- 13 BS Also U Wis 1903-5 & U Minn 1908-11 Instr An Husb U Minn 1908- 10 Asst Prof do 1910-11 Expert An Husb Bur An Indust US Dept Ag 1908-11 Asst An Husb U 111 1911-13 Assoc do 1913-14) V-Dir Exten Serv & St Leader Co Advisors & Asst Prof Farm Management An Husb U 111 1914- 702 S Elm St Urbana 111 111 Haner Earl Lewis (acad 1910-11) Poultry R30 Gilson 111 Hanes Ernest Floyd (la 1912-14 AB Also Mt Morris Coll) Teach Alton Mil Acad (Mt Morris 111) Hanes Helen Leigh (sc 1910-14 AB) Teach H Sch 1911 Harlow St Falls City Neb (821 Jefferson Av Spring- field 111) Hanes Murray Samuel (arch eng 1906- 13 BS) Arch & Eng 821 W Jefferson St Springfield 111 IHanes William Rombo (ry m eng 1906-10 BS) Ry M Eng 415 Chestnut St Evansville Ind Haney John Edward (ag 1911-12) Ag Humboldt 111 Haney Theodore Herman (sp la 1900- 1) Champaign 111 ?Haney Thomas Jefferson (su 1901) Dawson 111 Hanford Alfred Chester (la 1909-12 AB g 1912-13 AM Also S 111 St Nor Asst Pol Sc U III 1913-15) Asst Gov Harv U 1915- 3 Divinity Av Cam- bridge Mass (Carbondale 111) Hanford Charles Cowell (e eng 1912- 14) Ag Geneseo 111 Hanford Marguerite Mary (la 1914-15 AB Also Rad Coll) Teach H Sch Paxton 111 Hanford Mildred Maria (ag 1913-14 Also Bradley Poly) At home 738 Gunderson Av Oak Park 111 HANFORD— HANSCHMANN 275 hanford Wesley Wallace (g chem 1913- 15 MS BS(Wes)'13 Asst Chem St Water Surv U 111 1914-15) Asst Bact 6 Chem U ND Grand Forks ND (317 William St Middletown Conn) HANGER James Howard (g ed 1914- 15 AB (Baker) '10 AM (Kan) '11 Asst Ed U 111 1914-15) Prin H Seh 865 S Maffit St Decatur 111 (Corning Kan) Hanger Paul Newton (acad 1910-11 ag 1913- ) Stu 901% W Green St Urbana 111 Hanifen John Walker (sp arch 1905-7) Arch Nertney Bldg Ottawa 111 Hanke Frederick Edward (m eng 1903- 7 BS) Instr Shop Wk 60 Manchester Av Detroit Hanke Harry Allen (acad 1906-7 la com 1907-8) Trav 158 N Central Av Chicago (Freeport 111) IHanJcer Walter Herman (acad 1903- 5) Toledo 111 Hanker William Julius (acad 1891-3) Arch 1159 Dorothy PI Memphis Tenn Hankins Orville Gerber (ag 1909-14 BS) Jour 105 S Randolph St Cham- paign HI Hankins Mrs O G (see Barrow Ethel M) IHanlcins Walter A (acad 1882-4) Ar- genta 111 Hanley Charles Wallace (la 1913-14) 3508 Broadway Kansas City Mo Hanley Chester Thomas (la 1915- ) Stu 208 N Liberty St Jerseyville 111 Hanley Cope Judson (la 1912-13) Stu U Colo Rensselaer Ind Hanley Emil Wiley (la 1914- ) Stu Rensselaer Ind Hanley James Thomas (c eng 1906-10 BS) Asst Mgr Corrugated Bar Co 1515 Great Northern Bldg Chicago (1122 Loyola Av) Hanlev John Connor (acad 1910-11 ag 19li-12) Clk 3965 Drexel Blvd Chi- cago Hanley John William (sc 1910-11) Merc 1215 E 65th St Chicago Hanley Thomas Francis Jr (m eng 1908-11 Also U Notre Dame) Contr Eng c/o Hanley Casey Co 404 W Ohio St Chicago Hanley William Andrew (su 1909 BS (Pur) '11) Chf Eng Eli Lilly & Co Indianapolis Hanmore John Leon (la 1905-6 law 1913- Also U Chgo) Stu 705 W California Av Urbana 111 Hanmore Mrs J L (see Barton Blanche E) Hanna Bessie Jean (la 1904-5 Also Lewis Inst & Chgo Nor) Teach Dom Sc 305 N East Av Oak Park III Hanna Charles Morton (su 1915) Stu Central Coll Rl Shelbyville Ky Hanna Mrs Dora Laing (su 1906 Also Chgo Nor) Priv Teach 1018 Pleasant St Oak Park 111 Hanna James C (acad 1885-6) Ret Merc Aurora 111 Hanna John Paul (sc 1907-8 '10-12 BS Also U Tex) Arch 1101 Stein- way Hall 64 E Van Buren St Chicago (187 Oak Av Aurora 111) Hanna Max Ross (e eng 1898-1902 BS) Design Eng Gen Elee Co Sche- nectady NY (51 Bedford Rd) Hanna Philip Sidney (la com 1905-8 '11-12 AB) Cash Bk Sanborn ND (Aurora 111) Hanna Roberta Louise (la 1903-7 AB Also Chgo Teach Coll 1907-8) Teach 1018 Pleasant St Oak Park 111 Hannaford Elbert Irvin (arch eng 1911-12) Asst Min Eng 404y 2 Chest- nut St Virginia Minn IHannagan Arthur James (acad 1905- 6) Urbana HI Hannah Calvin Richard (sc 1899-1900 Also De Pauw U MD(I11 Med Coll) '04) Med 512 Southwestern Life Bldg Dallas Tex Hannah Harry Ingalls (la 1909-13 AB law 1912-15 LL B) Law Mattoon 111 (1209 W University Av Urbana 111) Hannah Richard H (ag 1871-4 '75-6) Mintr Anoheim Cal *Hannah Samuel (sp 1873-6) d Jan 25 1903 Ramsey HI Hannan John Edward (acad 1895-6 la 1896-1900 AB) Estimator 36 W Austin Av Chicago Hannant John Ray (acad 1908-9 ag 1910-11) Ag & Stock Perry 111 Hanning Carrie Amelia (Mrs M J Noonan) (acad 1899-1900) Home 1557 Franklin St San Francisco \Hannis George Ezra (acad 1909-10) Christopher 111 mannon Donald W (acad 1910-11) 1006 Oregon St Urbana 111 Hannon Mrs Victor (see Lott Eliza- beth) H annum Myrtle Neta (Mrs C R Ben- nett) (sc 1901-5 AB) Home 1027 N Monroe St Decatur HI tHannum Philip Oliver (sp law 1903- 4) 1312 S Main St Carthage Mo Hannush Paul (ag 1914- Also Ober Coll ) Stu 21 Montclair Av Patter- son NJ tHansbrough John Francis (la 1871-2) W Dept Rt 57 Elizabethtown Ky Hanschmann Fred Robert (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 330 Park Av Dolton 276 HANSEL— HANUS 111 Hansel John Washington Jr (c eng 1908-10) Adv Dept ''Good House- keeping" 1264 Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago Hansen Andrea Theodora (su 1915 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 2220 Walnut St Chicago Hansen Auker Fred (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 21 Union St Oshkosh Wis Hansen Clarence Magnus (la 1914- ) Stu 1525 W Sixth St Racine Wis HANSEN Harald (Instr Arch & Free Hand Draw U 111 1871-2) Arch 30 112 N LaSalle St Chicago fHansen Klaus Lobek (c eng 1903-5) 693 N Park Av Chicago Hansen Mabel Laurine (h sc 1911-14 BS) At home Box 91 Jackson Minn Hansen Merritt Kasmus (c eng 1909- 13 Also Lewis Inst) Asst Prod Eng Buckeye Steel Casting Co Columbus O (1564 S High St) Hansen Oscar Bernard (ag 1913-14) Stu Kedlands U 233 Bond St Red- lands Cal Hansen Otto William (arch eng 1912- 13 Also Lewis Inst & Wash StL U) C Eng 663 N Sangamon St Chicago HANSEN Paul (BS(Mass Tech) '03 Eng St Water Surv & Assoc San Eng U 111 1911-15) Eng St Water Surv U 111 1915- University Club Urbana 111 Hansen Eoy (ag 1909-14 BS g agron 1914- ) Asst Nitrogen Fixation Res Ag Exp Sta U 111 1914- 1002 S Sec- ond St Champaign 111 (914 14th »t Rock Island 111) Hansen Stanley (m eng 1912- ) Stu 6969 N Ashland Blvd Chicago Hansen Viggo (c eng 1907-12 BS) Eng la Steel & Iron Wks 207 N 20th St Cedar Rapids la tHansen Wilbur Martin (sp ag 1912- 14) 6826 Sheridan Rd Chicago Hansen Willard Klove (sp ag 1910-11) Ag Leland 111 \Hanser Warren Clifford (acad 1910- 11) 722 Monroe St Evanston 111 Hansman Herbert Carl (la 1913-14) Liveryman 1213 Third St Ft Madi- son la Hanson Charles Pearl (arch eng 1901- 2 Grad Am Sch Osteop Also 111 Wes U) Osteop Bloomington 111 Hanson Claude LeRoy (c eng 1908-12 BS) Asst Co Supt Highways 120 S Jackson St Batavia 111 tHanson Dayton William (sp ag 1908- 10) Tuscola 111 Hanson Earl Patton (su 1904 sp ag 1908-9) Lumber Bus Carlsbad N Mex * Hanson Emerson (acad 1883-4) d March 14 1913 Denver hanson Frank Blair (g zool 1913-15 AM'15- Also Wash StL U) Stu 907 N Lee St Bloomington ill Hanson Frank Lawrence (e eng 1904- 8 BS) R Est 5959 Chicago Av Chi- cago (5909 Superior St Austin Sta) Hanson Frank Major (la 1902-3) Merc Oakland Cal Hanson Frank Owen (sp la 1897-8 LLB(I11 Wes) Law 503 Livingston Bldg Bloomington 111 Hanson Gertrude Lucile (Mrs C M Richards) (acad 1894-8 sp la 1898- 1901) Home Carlsbad N Mex Hanson Mrs Harriet Roman (Mrs F B) (la 1914-15 Also W Va Wes U) Stu 907 N Lee St Bloomington 111 Hanson Harry Herbert (acad 1901-2) Ins Agt 1118 S Fell Av Normal 111 Hanson Herman Ludwig (m eng 1905- 8) Sales 209 E Olive St Blooming- ton 111 *Hanson Ida Frances (la 1903-5) d Feb 22 1910 Carlsbad N Mex Hanson Jenning William (e eng 1915- ) Stu 5747 Broadway St Chicago tHanson Leslie Carl (la 1912-13) 310 E Jefferson St Morris 111 Hanson Mabel Irene (Mrs J T Colvin) (sp mus 1898-1903 '04-8) Home 405 W Green St Urbana 111 Hanson Martin E (sp 1900-1) Ag Rossville 111 Hanson Mattie Alice (Mrs S C Hen- son) (acad 1893-4 sp la 1894-6) Home Villa Grove 111 Hanson Rachelle Margheritta (Mrs R B Gurley)(acad 1894-6 sc 1896-1900 BS) Home 40 Park Av East Orange NJ Hanson Ross Arnold (c eng 1907-9 Also Cor U) C Eng c/o Harmon Eng Co 418 Dechman Av Peoria 111 Hanson Roy Walford (arch eng 1910- 14 BS) Contr Oakland Neb Hanson Russell Orrin (1 1910-11) Law Ottawa 111 Hanson Samuel Jay (la 1893-4) Trav Scott Paper Co c/o Oriental Hotel Dallas Tex Hanssen Gustav Adolph (acad 1885-6 arch 1886-90) Arch 2030 29th St San Diego Cal Hanstein Carl Menelaeus (m eng 1902- 5 BS Also NW U) Teach 3635 Wil- ton Av Chicago HANUS Paul Henry (SB(Mich)'78 LLD15 Also 111 Coll) Teach Lewistown HI Howell Lemira H (Mrs H H Ashmore) (la 1879-81) Home 510 W Beardsley Av Champaign 111 Howell Leslie Dillon (arch eng 1903-7 BS) Arch Eng 620 S First St Ta- coma Wash Howell Lloyd Brelsford (g sc 1914-15 AB (Wabash) '09) Teach H Sch 516 W Michigan Av Urbana HI Howell Paul J (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 834 Bluff St Beloit Wis Howell Robert Applegate (sp ag 1911- 12 Also U Wis) Wholesale Ice-cream Mfg 347 Plum St Aurora HI (Day- ton O) Howells Mary Georgia (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu Staunton 111 Howells Ruth Cound ( la 1914- ) Stu Staunton 111 Howes Edward Blasier (m eng 1915- ) Stu 11820 Union Av Chicago Howes Harold Rohrer (sp c eng 1906- 8) C Eng 1336 N Kedzie Av Chi- cago Howes Herbert Edward (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag West Nashville Tenn Howes Lois Mary (Mrs Wallace) (la 1909-10) Home Rl Williamsburg la Howes Robert (acad 1904-5) Ag R2 Bloomington 111 Howison Charles (acad 1892-3 arch 1893-7 BS) Arch Sandwich 111 Howk Charles Dean (la 1911-15 AB) Teach Momence 111 Howk Thomas Clark (la 1915- ) Stu Momence 111 HOWLAND Arthur Charles (AB(Cor) '93 PhD (Pa) '97 Instr Hist U 111 1897-8 do Teach Coll Col U 1899-1904 Asst Prof Med Hist U Pa 1904-11) Prof Med Hist U Pa 1911- 4118 Baltimore Av Philadelphia *Howland Howard Newell (m eng 1885- 7) d Ottawa 111 Howland lone Francis (la 1915 Also U Wis) At home 83 E 155th St Har- vey HI Howland Mrs O F (see Davis Mary P) fHowlett Royal Sheffler (arch 1898-9) Trinidad Colo Howorth Thomas James (la 1887-91 AB) Edit Chester 111 \Howse Darlie Payne (acad 1890-2) Champaign 111 Howser Edith Beryl (Mrs R J Stew- art) (mus 1902-5) Home 2316 Mor- gan Av Morgan Park HI Howser Esther Belle (sp mus 1903-4 '05-6) Ag & Stock Floyd La Howser Herman Blaine (acad 1904-5 sp ag 1903-4) Floyd La Howser James Chandler (m eng 1906-9 ag 1912-14) Ag Lakota ND Eowser Laura Bertram (Mrs H W Winston) (acad 1905-6) Home Sid- ney 111 Howser Theron Robinson (c eng 1904- 8 BS) Contr Caiza 304 Manos Bra- zil . (St Anne 111) Hoxie John B (acad 1877-8 la 1878- 80) Law Ottawa 111 fHoxsey Chas W (gen 1869) Macon HI HOXSEY— HUBBARD 321 Hoxsey Edward Henry (ag 1905-6 Also U Wis 1909) Ag & Auctioneer RFD Ottawa 111 Hoxsey John Decatur (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Wedron 111 Hoy Mrs (see Lockwood Opal D) tHoy Harry Eussell (acad 1908-9 la 1909-12) Freeport 111 Hoy Lucy Frances (la 1907-11 AB) At home 411 W Elm St Urbana 111 Hoy Mae (acad 1906-7) At home 411 W Elm St Urbana 111 Hoyle John Joseph (sp ag 1908-9) Ag E5 Dixon 111 moyt Charles M (acad 1883-5) Au- rora 111 Hoyt Earle Reginald (chem eng 1908-9 Also NW U) Merc 1514 Wilson Av Chicago Hoyt Olive Sawyer (g sc 1908-9 BS (Mt Hoi) '97) Ed & Missionary Mat- suyama Japan Hoyt Mrs P W (see Whaite Gertrude B) ?Hoyt William Judson (acad 1890-1 sp math 1891-2) 187 Dearborn St Chi- cago tHrabik William Kenneth (la 1913- 14) 1101 Mulberry St Murphysboro 111 Hribal Edward A (arch eng 1909-13 BS) E Eng 10409 Carliss Av Chi- cago Hsiang Yueh Moh (ag 1911-13 BS MS(T'ex A&M)'14) Dir Cotton Exp Sta Mill Mgr Teh Dah Cotton Spin- ning Co Lay Rd Shanghai China Hsieh Chung (m eng 1914- Also U Mich) Stu 589 New Road Kirin City Kirin Manchuria China Hsieh Zen (e eng 1914- Also Nan Yang Coll) Stu Besan Szechen China Hsu Chih (c eng 1910-12 BS Also Eng & Min Coll China) Stu c/o Kwong Tuck Cheong 65 Des Voeux Rd Hongkong China tHsu Chu Shi (sp 1909-10 la com 1910-12) Shantung China HSU Chuan-Ying (g ry admin 1914-15 AM '15 AB (Nanking) '05) Stu Chih Chow Aukin China Hsu Hau (eng 1914-15 Also Hunan Tech Inst) Changsha Hunan China Hsu Showin Wetzen (sp law 1908-9 Also U Chgo Law Sch) Law Peking China Hsu Tsung Han (sp sc 1909-10 sc 1910-14 AB g 1914-15 AM '15- ) Stu c/o H B Lion 2014 Koloranna Rd Washington ?Hsuch Ching-piao (sp la 1908-9) Tientsin China Hsun Ching Lee (la 1914- Also U Cal) ^Stu Shin Ynan Sch Nan Chang China* Hsun Jim Jee (la 1915- Also U Cal) Stu Nan Chang China Hu Gor Hsi (m eng 1913-15 Also U Wis) Stu Pur U Canton China Hu Wenfu Yiko (law 1908-9 LL B Also U Chgo Law Sch) Assoc Justice Supreme Ct China Ta Li Yuan Pe- king China (12 Tai Woo Lee Rue Montanban Shanghai) Huaco Daniel Octavio (com 1915- ) Stu 114 Bolognesi Arequipa Peru t Huaco Sergio Arturo (su 1915 Also La St U) 114 Puente Bolognesie Are- quipa Peru Hubachek Lambert W (sp arch 1897-8) 507 Essex St Minneapolis Hubachek Mrs L W (see Hyde Sophie) Hubbard Aden Elden (su 1915 Also U Chgo) Supt Schs Avon 111 Hubbard Archie Henry (sp arch 19045 Also Beaux Arts Soc America Asst II 111 Superv Arch 1909-11) Arch 825 W Church St Champaign 111 Hubbard Clayton Claude (acad 1904-5) Oshkosh Wis Hubbard Mrs D L (see Hash Susan A) Hubbard Ernest Thomas (ag 1913-14) Fruit Grower Oak Knoll Farm Med- ford Ore Hubbard Mrs F C (see Koehn Martha C) \Hubbard Frank (acad 1906-7) 701 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Hubbard George David (sc 1892-6 BS g 1896-8 MS '98-1900 AM(Harv)'01 PhD (Cor) '05 Asst Geol U 111 1895-9 Asst Prof Geol Ohio St U 1905-10) Res & Prof Geol Ober Coll 1510- 125 Woodland Av Oberlin O Hubbard George W (sp 1869-72) Sec Citizens Bldg Assn 211 W Elm St Urbana 111 Hubbard George Wallace (m eng 1895- 9 BS) Fruit Grower R3 Oak Knoll Medford Ore Hubbard Mrs G W (see Hopkins Ma- bel) Hubbard Harold H (m eng 1911-12) Asst PM Rockford la Hubbard Henry Thomas (la 1882-6) Fruit Grower Oak Knoll Orchards Medford Ore Hubbard Homer Colcord (su 1914 Also la St Coll) Gar Ames la (Ida Grove la) 322 HUBBAED— HUCKINS Hubbard John Eussell (acad 1899- 1900) Winchester 111 t Hubbard Julia Post (Mrs W D Miles) (la 1905-7) Home 211 W Elm St Urbana 111 Hubbard Laura Mary (lib 1911-13 BLS AB( Western Coll) '96) Asst Eef Libr U Wash 1913- 4514 16th Av NE Seattle (Lockwood Ohio) Hubbard Lawrence Eeid (c eng 1906-14 la com 1915- ) Stu Auburn NY Hubbard Lucy Eleanor (h sc 1910-13 AB Also Drexel Inst) Dietition Hos- pital 1127 S 12th St Highlands Bir- mingham Ala (Carlisle Ark) Hubbard Mae Woodworth (Mrs A E Post) (sp mus 1899-1901) Home Wat- seka 111 Hubbard Mrs Margaret (su 1912) Teach Brawley Cal (Carrollton 111) Hubbard Margaret Elizabeth (su 1914) Prin H Sch Carlinville 111 (Anna 111) Hubbard Marie Esda (la 1910-15 AB) Clk Lib U 111 902 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 (Hazen Ark) Hubbard Minnie W (Mrs A M Lind- ley)(acad 1876-7 sp 1877-9) Home 312 W Green St Urbana 111 Hubbard Wilbert E (sp ag 1904-5) Ag E3 Kerklin Ind Hubbard William (sp 1868-70) E Est 49 Hubbard Bldg Elgin 111 Hubbard William Francis (m eng 1911- 12) Stu U Ore 1014 N Church St Eockford 111 (722 Cedar Av Elgin 111) Hubbard Mrs W P (sp la 1911-12) 1102% Springfield Av Urbana 111 Hubbard Willis Wilkinson (arch eng 1914- Also Kan Ag) Stu Beloit Kan Hubbard Winfield Scott (sp sc 1904-7 PhG(P&SChgo) '04 BS(Mich) '08 MA (Col) '09 PhD(Wis)'ll) Org Chem Bur Chem 1930 New Hampshire Av Washington (526 Linden Av Ann Ar- bor Mich) Hubbart Mrs CM (see Searle Callie) Hubbart Curtis Clay (c eng 1905-9 BS) Co Surv & C Eng 945 43rd St Eock Island 111 Hubbart Edith (acad 1886-7) Ag & Dairy Monticello 111 Hubbart Edith Pauline (sp la 1907-9) Home Monticello 111 tHubbart Gurth Searle (acad 1901-2 law 1903-6 '08-10) Joslin 111 (301 E Green St Champaign 111) Hubbart Guy (la com 1899-1906 AB) c/o Dry Goods Economist 231 W 39th St New York ! Hubbart Mary F (Mrs W M Dervees) (acad 1879-80) Home Trenton Mo hubbart Oliver Sherman (g hist 1909- 10 AM BS(NW)'05) Teach 416 W Third St Chattanooga Tenn (Mont- icello 111) Hubbell Arthur Palmer (la 1914-15) 6456 Dante Av Chicago Hubbell Charles S (c eng 1879-81) C Eng 2728 Boylston Av North Seat- tle Hubbell Edward Lawrence (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 2222 Harrison St Dav- enport la Hubbell Estella Pearl (acad 1908-10) At home El Arcanum O Hubbell James Pease (arch 1888-91) Arch 620 N Texas Bldg Dallas Tex Hubble Brownlee Martin (ag 1914-15) Stu 111 Coll 305 Lockwood PI Jack- sonville 111 Huber Andrew Joseph (eng 1914- Also U Notre Dame) Stu Perry ville Mo t Huber Cecelia (su 1895) Highland 111 tHuber Frank (arch 1909-10 Also Bradley Poly) 610 N Adams St Peo- ria 111 ?Huber Grace Emma (la 1895-6) Charleston 111 Huber Harold Everett (1 1905-12 LL B Asst Law Lib 1910-12) Law 309 Kariher Bldg Champaign 111 (308 Daniel St) Huber Joseph Earl (c eng 1905-12 BS g 1912-13 MS) Eng 111 Highway Dept 308 Daniel St Champaign 111 Huber Marie (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 1345 Bucklin St La Salle 111 Huber Morin Emerson (acad 1898 sp m eng 1900-3) EE Mach 614 Mis- souri St Helena Ark tHuber Otta (acad 1880-1 la 1881-3) Eock Island 111 Huber William Henry Perry (su 1915 Also U Chgo) Lafayette O Huch Emma Margaret Edna (la 1915- ) Stu 3752 Lowell Av Chicago Hucke Philip Mathias (sc 1889-93 BS) Coal Opr 3521 Park Av St Louis Hucke Walter August (m eng 1896-7) Merc 17 & 19 E Main Belleville 111 Huckin Franklin Eoscoe (acad 1903-4 sc 1905-8 AB'09 MD(Eush)'ll) Med Mansfield 111 \HucMngs William Warren (acad 1876-7) Kankakee 111 Huckins Alvin Elmont (m eng 1903-5) Mfg Brick & Clay Products c/o Shel- HUCKINS— HUFF 323 don Brick Co 107 N Elm St Cham- paign 111 Huckins Mrs A E (see Gere Clara) Huddleston Eussell McDonald (ag 1912-13 BS(Ames)'15) Phar Farm- er City 111 Huddleston Samuel David (su 1912 AB (Shurtleff) '11) Teach Gillespie 111 Hudelson Charles Homer (ag 1913-14) Stu U Id Gooding Id Hudelson Charles LeKoy (e eng 1906- 10 Also U Mich) Trav Benton HI Hudelson Clyde Whittaker (sp ag 1910-13 BS g 1913-14 MS Also Colo St Ag Coll & 111 St Nor U) Teach Ag & Biol W 111 St Nor 224 Sher- man Av Macomb 111 Hudelson Kobert E (ag 1909-12 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Asst Prof Soils U Mo Columbia Mo (Chambersburg 111) Hudler Charla (la h sc Feb 1916- ) Stu 3041 Ivanhoe Av St Louis Hudgens Chilton Dana (m eng 1878- 82) Mfg 56 W Lake St Chicago *Hudgens Mitt B (sp ag 1911-12) d Dec 27 1911 Sandwich 111 Hudson Alvin Nay (acad 1906-8 la 1908-9) Trav Vandalia 111 HUDSON Claude Silbert (BS(Prin) '01 MS(do)'02 PhD(do)'07 Also U Got- tingen & U Berlin 1902-3 Bes Asst Phys Chem Mass Inst Tech 1903-4 Instr Physics Prin U 1904-5 Instr Physics U 111 1905-7) Chem US Dept Ag Washington (Hyattsville Md) Hudson Mrs C S (see Abbott Alice) Hudson Edgar George (ag 1912-13 Also Lake Forest Coll) Ag R7 Newton Kan (820 E Seventh St) Hudson Edith Elizabeth (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu 3072 Lincoln Av Chicago Hudson Glen Evans (ag 1914-15) 1708 Scott St Sullivan 111 Hudson Mrs HE (see Kellogg Flora 10 Hudson Harry Henry (c eng 1904-8 BS) St Highway Comm Galva 111 Hudson Mrs H H (see Bigelow Janet V) Hudson Hersel Windell (ag 1915- ) Stu R13 St Joseph 111 HUDSON Horace Frederick (BSA(Ont Ag) '07 Eng Demonstrator Dairy Dept Nat Women's Health Assn Ireland 1908 Field Asst Entom U 111 1910- 12) Canadian Soldier Stanton St Ber- nard Pewsey Wiltshire England Hudson Isaac Beasley (la 1894-6 LLB (Chgo)'OO) Law & Bus Memphis Tenn Hudson Mary Gladys (Mrs M C Booze) (la 1911-13) Home Carrollton O tHudson Stanhope (la 1909-10) Sales Corresp 4523 Dover St Chicago Hueckel Albert Phillip (acad 1902-4 c eng 1904-8 BS) Res Eng 1322 12th Av E Vancouver BC Hueckel Mrs A P (see Cook Clara- belle) Hueckel William Clemens (c eng 1905- 8 BS Also U Wash) Eng St Constr 1740 Belmont Av E St Louis 111 (Ca- sey ville 111) Hueffner Arthur John (sp sc 1900-1) Mgr Eagle Boiler Mills Petersburg HI Huegely Mrs Julius (see Wehrman Cora) huenink Henry Lawrence (g sc 1911- 13 MS AB (Carroll) '11) Asst Chem St Water Surv 1912-15) Chem Dutch Canning Co Cedar Grove Wis Hueser Harry Allovisius (e eng 1911- 12) Illustrator & Designer 5334 Indi- ana Av Chicago (2611 Webster St Ft Madison la) *Huey Charles J (m eng 1870-2) d June 1895 Azusa Cal Huey Harold E (sp ag 1904-5) Fruit Grower R2 Shelby Mich Huey Joseph Darwin (sc 1878-83 BS '14) Supt Amer Beet Sugar Co Oro Grande Sta Halleck Cal Huff Benjamin Franklin (la 1874-5 Also 111 Wes U) Dealer Bldg Mate- rial Cerro Gordo HI *Huff Bertie (Mrs A Philbrick) (la 1882-6 '87-8 BL) d April 6 1895 Chicago Huff Byron Robert (acad 1907-8 la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 411 W Green St Urbana 111 IHuff Charles Ritchey (acad 1907-8) 1337 Capitol Av Des Moines la Huff Florence Lenore (Mrs C M Thomas) (sp mus 1902-4 mus 1904-7) Home 503 S Coler St Urbana 111 Huff George A Jr (acad 1887-8 sc 1888-93 '94-5 Also Dart Med Coll 1893-4 Asst Dir Gym & Coach Athl U 111 1895-1901) Dir Dept Phys Tr U HI 1901- 304 W Church St Cham- paign 111 Huff Mrs G A (see Naughton Kath- eryn) Huff James Orton (la 1904-11 AB g 1911-12 AM Also Rushville Nor) Teach 1107 W Springfield Av Ur- bana 111 (R3 Rushville 111) Huff Marguerite Lydia (acad 1909-11 324 HUFF— HUGHES sp mus 1912-15 la 1915- ) Stu 411 W Green St Urbana 111 Huff Nolan Hynson (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1906 AB) Teach Packard St Ann Arbor Mich Huff Norval (acad 1907-8) Lumber 503 W Green St Urbana 111 Huff Ealph Thurmond (ag 1906-7) B Est 802 Com Bldg Kansas City Mo (3224 Harrison Av) Huff Eoger Grant (1 1907-10 '11-12) Law Sullivan 111 Huff Walter William (c eng 1901-8 BS) Consult Eng 717 Shukert Bldg Kansas City Mo (4010 Garfield Av) Huffaker James Cornelius (sp ag 1905- 9) Ag El Centro Cal (New Berlin 111) Huffaker Wellington Van Buren (acad 1905-7 sp ag 1907-9) Ag New Ber- lin 111 Hufferd Ealph Win (g chem 1915- AB(Wash StL) '15) Stu 3934 Page Blvd St Louis Huffington Herbert Leonard (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Stu U Mich Nor- mal 111 Huffman Carl (la 1897-8) d 1912 Long Beach Cal Huffman Charles Jones (la 1904-5 LL B(Geo Wash) '07) Law Vienna 111 Huffman Mrs C J (see McKensie Eva M) Huffman Eugene Stewart (la 1914-15) Chem Barber & Coleman Co 844 Haskell Av Eockford 111 Huffman Eva Ellen (sc 1905-8 AB Also E 111 St Nor & U Mich) Teach 222 W Third St Anaconda Mont (Charleston 111) Huffman Francis Marion (la 1907-8) Bus Vienna 111 Huffman Fuller Beeves (la 1908-9) Sales Tuscola 111 Huffman James Eoyce (sp ag 1902-3) Ag & Stock Colfax 111 Huffman Jessie Frances (la 1906-9 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Paris 111 (Charleston 111) Hufford Charles Thoman (sp ag 1910- 12 ag 1914) Soil Surv Ag Exp Sta U 111 Urbana 111 (Carmi 111) t Hufford Harold Brelsford (arch eng 1912-13) 801 W Fifth St Des Moines la Huf schmidt William Fred (sp arch eng 1900-1 Also U Wis) Arch 297 33rd St Milwaukee Hugenin Eoscoe Conkling (arch eng 1904-7) Chf Draft 21st Av & Spruce St Seattle *Huggins John Clinton (ag 1873) d Woodburn 111 Huggler Lillian Frieda (la 1914- ) Stu 627 N Eighth St E St Louis 111 Hughbanks Leonard (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Fiatt 111 Hughes Alexander Gibbon (acad 1903- 5 ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Antioch 111 Hughes Mrs A G (see Christopher Ma- bel) Hughes Anna Eaphael (Mrs U T Steele) (acad 1899-1900 sp mus 1900- 1 mus 1901-7) Home 70 S Emer- son St Denver *Hughes Arlington H (la 1894-8 sp 1898-9) d Dec 9 1899 Mattoon 111 Hughes Cecil A (ag 1909-14 BS) Ag Alton 111 Hughes Charles Augustus (la 1873-4) • Law 815 139 N Clark St Chicago Hughes Charles Herbert (sp m eng 1902-8) Inventory Man 1516 E 62nd St Chicago Hughes Chester Arthur (acad 1899- 1900 '02-4 sp c eng 1904-6) Confect 1501 Champaign Av Mattoon 111 Hughes Clarence Wilbert (la 1898- 1900 AB g la & law 1902-5 AM & LLB Also U Mich 1897-8) Law Mattoon 111 Hughes Cornelius Eoger (ag 1910-11) Coal Ice & Express Merc 3920 Fairfax Av St Louis t Hughes David Everett (sp la 1897-9) Pinkstaff 111 Hughes Edward (c eng 1908-9) Draft 6 C Eng c/o Amer Bridge Co Gary Ind Hughes Emma Edna (sp la 1894-6 '97-8 BPd(Colo Nor) '04) Teach Ferris 111 Hughes Frank Alexis (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-7 BL) Mgr & Prop SW Iron & Wire Wks 607 E Eio Grande St El Paso Tex (130 W First Av Denver) Hughes Harold DeMotte (acad 1900-2 ag 1903-7 BS) Prof Farm Crops la • Ag Coll 604 Seventh St Ames la Hughes Mrs H D (see Lego Lulu) \Hughes James Fleniken (acad 1908- 10) 607 W Healy St Champaign 111 Hughes John Harvey (ag 1909-13 BS Also U Wis) Ag El Perrysville Ind Hughes John Lewis (su 1894) Box 746 North Yakima Wash Hughes John Walton (acad 1887-90 Also 111 St Nor U) Ag Pierson 111 Hughes Josephine Catherine (Mrs E C Wagner) (acad 1902-4) Home 307 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Hughes Kenneth Eeece (acad 1901-2 sp ag 1903-5) Confect 9y 2 S Illinois St Indianapolis HUGHES— HULL 32s Hughes Mrs Kenneth R (see Shamhart Lola) Hughes Madeline (su 1914) Libr 59 Saratoga Av Downers Grove 111 Hughes Martin Collins (e eng 1913- Also Simpson Coll) Stu 3209 Ivison Av Berwyn 111 Hughes Samuel Kelso (la 1890-2 law 1899-1902 LLB Also Wooster U) R Est & Ins 503 N Prospect Av Cham- paign 111 Hughes Smith Yale (acad 1900-1 m eng 1901-4 Also Hiram Coll) Soc Settlement 561 Jackson St Milwau- kee HUGHES Thomas Welburn (LLB (Mich) '91 LLM(do)'92 Instr Law U Mich 1892-8 Asst Prof Law U 111 1898-9 Prof do 1899-1910 Prof Law La St U 1910-12 Dean & Prof Law UFla 1912-15) Dean Law Sch Wash- burn Coll 1915- Topeka Kan Hughes Virgil William (sp ag 1912-13) Ag Rl Palestine 111 Hughes Mrs W R (see Landaker Vi- vian D) Hughes Walter Bertram (su 1914 Also Col U) Teach II Sch Marion 111 Hughes Walter John (acad 1906-7 m eng 1907-10 BS Also Lombard Coll) Mfg Repr 704 412 W Sixth St Los Angeles (817 Stratford Av South Pasadena Cal) Hughes William (sp la 1902-3) Min Clarkdale Ariz (Hoopeston 111) Hughey Leta (su 1907 Also Millikin U) Teach 1099 W King St Decatur 111 Hughey Mary Lorie (Mrs C W Ap- pleby) (sp la 1893-4 Also Emerson Sch Oratory & Cincinnati Conserv) Home Fayetteville Ark HUGHITT Anna Lue (la 1914- Also Welles & Oak Leigh Sanatarium U Wis) Asst Phys T Women 1914- 1104 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (627 Ogden Av Escanaba Mich) *Hughs John M Jr (gen 1871-2) d Sparta 111 Hughston Allie Dellena (Mrs C D Enochs) (sc 1896-9 BS) Home E Shore Park White Bear Lake Minn Huising Geronimo (su 1905) Exam- iner c/o Customs House 211 Grey St Ermita Manila PI Huisken Arthur Herman (chem eng 1911-15 BS) Teach U Mich 716 E Kingsley St Ann Arbor Mich (6720 St Lawrence Av Chicago) Huisken Harry Arnold (la 1914-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 6720 St Lawrence Av Chicago HULBURD Annabel (sp la 1909-11 Catg Asst Lib U 111 1909-11) Libr Syr U Lib Syracuse NY (Brasher Falls NY) Hulburd Hazel Emily (la 1913- ) Stu 1859 E 87th St Cleveland Hulce Jennie Alice (lib 1896-1902 BLS PhM (Hillsdale) '99) Libr John Crerar Lib Chicago hulce Ray Stillman (g 1911-13 MS g ag 1915- BS(Wis) '11 Asst Dairy Husb U 111 1911-13 Instr do 1913- 15) Assoc Dairy Husb U 111 1915- 1108 W Oregon St Urbana ill Hulett Robert G (ag 1868-70) Ret Morrison 111 \Hulit Clement Wilson (acad 1898-9) Canton 111 Hull Anna Leo (la 1906-10 AB g 1913-14 AM '15 ) Stu 502% Good- win Av Urbana 111 Hull Bert Bronson (c eng 1901-3) Acct & Trav Auditor 5801 W Erie St Chicago (537 Austin Av Oak Park 111) Hull Clarence Thomas (e eng 1909-12) Clk 219 Fourth St Ft Madison la Hull Daniel Ray (ag 1910-13 BS MS (Harv) '14) Land Arch YMCA San Francisco (Orange Cal) Hull Emerson Church (g 1908-9 BS (Mich) '08) Chem 11 Park PI Bloom- field NJ Hull Evlyn T (ag 1871-3 '75-6) Merc 949 Union St Alton 111 Hull Frederick Davis (e eng 1908-12 BS Also Armour Inst) Tel Eng Western Elec Co 1515 W Monroe St Chicago (628 E Washington St Mor- ris 111) ?Hull Harter Barnes (la 1912-13 Also U la) 1314 Avondale St Cincinnati Hull Homer Boys (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Rl Saunemin 111 Hull Mrs Homer B (see Neff Edna E) ♦Hull Horace (acad 1901-2 m&c eng 1902-5) d Chicago Hull John Kress (la 1893-4 LLB(Ta) '98) Law Rapid City SD Hull Lucius M (acad 1881-3 la 1883- 4) Gait & Hull Short Hand Reporters 436 Southern Bldg Washington Hull Luenna (la 1912-13 B Eloc(Nat Sch Eloc & Oratory) '11) Teach Eloc Champaign 111 (Huron O) Hull Sidney Marion (la 1914-15 BS g chem 1915- Also Carroll Coll) Asst Chem U HI 1915- ) Chem US Bur Standards 420 Seventh St NE Wash- ington (Montello Wis) Hull Trustum Harold (com 1915- ) Stu 606 N Monroe St Clinton 111 326 HULL— HUNT Hull Walker Francis (la 1906-10 AB law 1910-11 LL B) Law Mfg Nat Bk Bldg Rockford 111 Hull Ward Louis (ag 1903-7 BS g ag 1908-9) Ag Ballston Ore Hull William Henry (m eng 1908-12) Draft 716 2iy 2 St Moline 111 Hulla John (acad 1892-3) Arch 140 5 Dearborn St Chicago (225 Clinton Av Oak Park 111) Hullmger Charles S (acad 1876-7) Granville 111 Hullinger Katherine (Mrs C M Ster- ling) (la 1873-5 Cert Also NW U) Teach Sterling 111 (5002 11th Av Seattle) Hulsebus Bernhard Lubertus (acad 1895-6 sp arch 1896-8) Arch 512 Ger Fire Ins Bldg Peoria 111 Hulson John William (ry eng 1915- ) Stu 916 Grand Av Keokuk la tHulteen Henry Waldo (arch eng 1912- 13) 1120 Elmwood Av Evanston 111 Hulteen Victor Emanuel (m eng 1902- 6 BS) Draft & Inspect US Navy Yard Buda 111 Hultgren Hartvic Reuben (g chem 1915- AB(Augustana)'15) Stu An- dover 111 Hultman Ivar Nimes (la 1914- ) Stu 3443 Elaine PI Chicago HUME Albert Nash (sp ag 1905-7 BS (Pur) 7 00 MS(do)'02 PhD(Gottin- gen) '10 Winona Ag Inst 1902-3 Asst Prof Crop Prod U 111 1903-11) Prof Agron SD St Coll 1911- Brookings SD tHume Stanley Harrison (sp ag 1909- 10) Apple River 111 Hummel Adam Albert (la 1905-7 BS g 1907-8 MS Also 111 St Nor U Asst Bot U 111 1907-9) Teach R10 (146 G) Los Angeles Hummel Sarah Matilda (la 1905-7 AB Also 111 St Nor & Col U) Stu Osteop P&S Coll 401 S Grand Av Los An- geles Hummel William Grandville (ag 1904-7 BS Acct St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1906-7) Asst Prof Nat Hist U Cal 2618 Cedar St Berkeley Cal Hummeland Ralph Wendel (la 1914-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 131 Broadway Melrose Park 111 Humphrey Arthur Gordon (la 1914-15) Palatine 111 Humphrey Gertrude Leila (Mrs How- ard E Kimmel) (la 1906-8) Home 322 N Washington St Duquoin 111 Humphrey Glenn Salter (acad 1910-11 sc 1911-12) Clk PO Gilman 111 Humphrey Guess (lib 1903-5 BLS AB (Neb) '02) Libr 1950 Washington St Lincoln Neb Humphrey Herbert Kay (e eng 1907- 11 BS) Instr E Eng Rice Inst Hous- ton Tex Humphrey Kenneth Blaine (e eng 1912- Also U Wis) Stu Waterloo ' Wis Humphrey Ralph Charles (c eng 1899- 1900) Merc Le Roy 111 Humphrey Wallace George (law 1898- 1901 LL B Also U la) Law Ham- ilton 111 Humphreys Gertrude (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Organ Cave W Va Humphreys Harry Paul (m eng 1903- 7 BS) Draft 111 Steel Co South Wks 6056 Harper Av Chicago Humphreys Mrs HP (see Stark Grace F) Humphreys Robert Hatch (law 1913-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Atkinson 111 Humphreys Seaver Sanford (la com 1905-9 AB) Grain Merc Atkinson 111 tHumpidge Herbert Leslie (ag 1912- 13) 1007 Boyce Bldg Chicago Humrichouse George E (acad 1889- 90) Grocer Danville 111 (Homer 111) Humrichouse Katie Lydia Edna (com 1915- ) Stu St Joseph 111 t Hundley Wilber Earl (acad 1903-4) Olney 111 Hungate Harold Grandison (e eng 1909-13) Mach Car Sales La Harpe 111 *Hungate J P (Trustee 1867) d 1872 Louisville Ky Hunger ford Charles Everett (c eng 1911-14 mun eng 1914- ) Stu Loda 111 Hungerford Everett Marion (la com 1870-1) Grain Merc Loda 111 Hungerford Harold Norton (ag 1915- Also Yankton Coll) Stu 210 Hunter Av Joliet 111 Hunsaker Andrew Franklin (la 1906- 9 AB & AM Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Bartow Fla Hunsaker Mrs A F (see Wilson Addie F) Hunsley Alice Lillian (la 1914- ) Stu 902 N Randolph St Champaign 111 ?Hunsley Frank Sherman (1 1898-9) Champaign 111 Hunt A Frazier (la 1904-8 AB) Ag Alexis 111 Hunt Mrs A F (see Kern Emma R) Hunt Ada Eleanor (h sc 1908-12 AB'13) Instr H Sc Mont St Coll 1913- Bozeman Mont (Ridott 111) Hunt Agnes (Mrs C M Cade) (h sc 1902-8 BS Prof Dom Sc Mich Ag HUNT— HUNTER 327 1910-15) Home E Lansing Mich Hunt Charles Leigh (la com 1907-8 Also U Wash) Traffic Mgr Sunset Tel Co Tacoma Wash Hunt Clara (mus 1911-12 sp mus 1912- 13 Also Walter Spry Piano Sch) Mus Teach E Lansing Mich (Eidott 111) Hunt Dorothy Harriet (ag 1915- ) Stu Cambridge 111 Hunt E Glenne (Mrs J M Eoe) (la 1902-7 AB) Home E7 Urbana 111 Hunt Edenia (acad 1905-7 sp mus 1907-8) Urbana 111 Hunt Edward Everett (sc 1889-93 BS) Chem Piper Johnson & Chase New York Arcade Minneapolis tHunt Elberta (h sc 1911-12) Morris 111 Hunt Elmer Lee (sp ag 1906-8) Stock Rl Henry 111 Hunt Ernest Alexander (e eng 1891-5 BS MD(P&S Chgo)'98) Oculist 114 Woodlawn Av Burlington la Hunt Florence Jennie (h sc 1911-15) Asst Home Econ Exten Md Ag Coll College Park Md (Eidott 111) Hunt Frank Sumner (cer 1914- Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu Box 672 North Brookfield Mass ffiunt George Milan (la 1911-12) 205 N Naches Av N Yakima Wash Hunt George Warren (1 1901-4 LLB) Law Granville 111 Hunt Mrs G W (see Hopkins Ruby C) tHunt Guy T (sp ag 1887-8) Urbana HI Hunt Helen Eva (la 1909-10) At home Ashton 111 Hunt Jasper Newton Jr (la 1904-7 AB Also Lewis Inst) Mfg Typewriter Rib- bons 5829 Fulton St Chicago Hunt Lawrence Eichard (la 1904-6) Stock El Henry 111 Hunt Leslie Lyman (ag 1913- ) Stu Sparland 111 Hunt Mabel Dorothy (Mrs W W Tut- tle)(la 1900-4 AB) Home Geneseo 111 Hunt Marsden Healey (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 901 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Hunt Milton Tillmore Jr (com 1915- ) Stu 345 Crawford St Warsaw 111 Hunt Thomas Forsyth (ag 1880-4 BS MS '92 D Ag '03 Foreman Farm U 111 1880-1 Asst Ag do 1885-91 Prof Ag Ohio St U 1892-3 do & Dean 1896-1903 do Cor U 1903-7 do Pa St Coll 1907-12) Dean Ag Coll U Cal 1912- Berkeley Cal Hunt Mrs T F (see Campbell Juniata Hunter Mrs A (see Kiser Mary B) Hunter Adella Aileen (la 1915- Also Qhgo Nor Sch Phy Tr) Stu 1107 S Eace St Urbana 111 Hunter Alfred Hughlyn (acad 1904-6 c eng 1906-9) Div Eng 111 Highway Comm 1310 Main St Peoria 111 Hunter Anne S (su 1907) Teach H Sch Eockford 111 Hunter Benjamin Aikins (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-5) US Immigrant Insp Box 1264 220 Federal Bldg Tacoma Wash Hunter Charles Madison (acad 1908-9 ag 1909-12) Ag Abingdon 111 Hunter Mrs C M (see Eighter N Pauline) ?Hunter C E (sp 1879-80) De Kalb 111 Hunter Charles Phelps (la 1898-1902 AB) Merc Newton la Hunter Clyde Harvey (acad 1906-7 law 1907-8 Also U Wis) Mgr Eetail Lumber Yard Wingate Ind Hunter Clyde Holland (la com 1907-10 Also NW U) Pub Acct 4612 N Leav- itt St Chicago Hunter Collett Spencer (ag 1895-6) Ag Paris 111 Hunter Colus Charles (m eng 1907-8 Also Pur U) M Eng Technology Chambers Boston (92 State St) Hunter David Jr (ag 1907-10) Ag E4 Eockford 111 Hunter Edna Oral (Mrs G A Bowman; (mus 1910-12 Also Ober Coll) Home 108 31st St Milwaukee Hunter Edward Spencer (c eng 1897- 8) Grain & Stock Deal 410 Marshall St Paris 111 *Hunter Flora Vimont (Mrs C H How- ell) (la 1902-5 Also Haysward Semin- ary) d Sept 24 1906 Washington Ky Hunter Harold Stevens (e eng 1908-9 BA(Knox)'08) Eetail Lumber Hun- ter Allen & Co Griggsville 111 Hunter Harry Edgar (arch 1897-1901 BS Also la St Coll 1895-7) Ar*ch 503 Security Bldg Cedar Eapids la Hunter James Albert (la 1909-14 AB Also Bradley Poly) YMCA Work & Athl Dir c/o YMCA Peking China (4143 Western Av Peoria 111) Hunter James Alexander (ag 1912-13 Also U Valparaiso) Ag Rl (50) Frankfort 111 Hunter Mrs KB (see Blakely Jane) Hunter Lloyd Hiram (com 1915- ) Stu Henry 111 Hunter Margaret (la 1914- ) Stu Chillicothe 111 t Hunter Mary Sarah (su 1906 Also 328 HUNT UK— -HUSH Eockford Coll) 222 S Third St Bock- ford 111 Hunter Eichard Dale (ag 1912-13) ; Ag Tiskilwa 111 Hunter Bussell Field (acad 1908-9 sc 1909-13 AB) Lumber Merc Chilli- cothe 111 ?Hunter Samuel Eos well (sp m eng 1906-9) Transfer Pa Hunter WC (la 1900-2 AB(Prin) '05 MA(Harv) '11) Teach II Sch Linton Ind Huntington Carroll Sowles (m eng 1907-11 BS) M Eng 1912 Conway Bldg Chicago (Onawa la) Huntington Ellen Alden (Mrs A F Whittem)(sc 1901-3 AB AM (Col) '09) Home 9 Vincent St Cambridge Mass Huntington Homer Irving (ag 1912- ) Stu 6808 Osceola Av Chicago * Huntington Julia A (gen 1872-3) d Nov 10 1902 Marengo 111 Huntington Margaret Alice (la 1912- 13 Also N Nor & Indust Sch) Teach Java SD (El Aberdeen SD) Huntington Theophania (Mrs E D Crawford) (lib 1901-2 Also U Colo) Home 917 Pleasant St Boulder Colo Huntington William (acad 1876-7) Ret Ag & Bus Liberty Neb tlluntley Converse E (la com 1879-81) Huron SD Huntley Oscar Hubbard (acad 1905-6 sp ag 1906-7 ag 1907-8) Ag Buda 111 Huntoon Alberta (su 1912 Also Syr U) Teach Canandaigua NY t Huntoon Geneva (la 1909-12 Also Colo Ag Coll) Canon City Colo Huntoon George Edward (acad 1897- 8) Purchasing Agt Moline Plow Co Moline 111 Huntoon Harry Alexander (m eng 1901-5 BS) M Eng & Factory Supt 1016 Third St Ft Madison la Huntoon Mrs H A (see Kline Ida M) Huntoon John Samuels (c eng 1899- *1905 BS) Chf Bridge Insp 1608 Third Av Detroit Mich Hurd Arthur Burton (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-8 BS) Ag El Paso 111 HUED Charles Henry (At Cor U 1896- 7 BS(Chgo)'00 Sp Asst Dept Phy- sics U Chgo 1899-1901 Asst Prof Exp Eng Armour Inst 1901-3 Asst Prof Ap Mech II 111 1905-6) Chf Eng & Supt Indianapolis Water Co 1906- Indianapolis Hurd Mayme Lucy (lib 1907-8) Libr Upper la U Fayette la Hurdle Ennis Carrol (e eng 1914- ) Stu 116 E North St Mt Sterling 111 tHurford Frances (h sc 1908-10) Glencoe 111 Hurford Eoland Eogers (e eng 1904-6) Law Glencoe 111 Hurlbert Flora Dorothy (lib 1898- 1901 BLS Also NW U) Libr St Nor Sch Moorhead Minn t Hurlbert James Ernest (1 1902-3 '05 6) 51 Base St Fulton 111 Hurlbert Nina Eloise (sp mus 1898-9) Ag Eoswell N Mex Hurlburt Helen Elizabeth (la 1913- ) Stu La Mesa Cal Hurlburt Vertner William (eng 1914- ) Stu 715 E Cherry St Eobinson 111 Hurley Frank John (com 1915- ) Stu 210 Lorel Av Chicago Hurley Luther Thomas (com 1915- ) Stu Liberty Mills Ind Hurlstone Frank James (la com 1911- 12) 1847 Kennilworth Av Eogers Park Chicago (Harvard 111) Hursh Ealph Kent (m eng 1904-8 BS g 1908-9 g cer eng 1915- Also W 111 St Nor & Carnegie Tech Sch 1910- 11 Asst Cer U 111 1911-13 Instr do 1913-15) Assoc Cer U 111 1915- 505 E Green St Champaign 111 Hursh Mrs E K (see Feind Frances M) *Hurst David A (sp 1871-2) d Chilli- cothe O Hurst Esther Muriel (la 1913-14 Al- so Winona Coll) Stu Ind U Macy Ind Hurst Eva May (Mrs E F Fowler) (lib 1911-12 AB(Ind)'05) Libr c/o 111 St Lib Springfield 111 (Macy Ind) Hurst Mrs G P (see Woolsey Lulu O) fHurst Huizuiga Meschert (sp sc 1890- 1) Springfield 111 Hurst Lawrence (g hist 1914-15 AM (Wis) '14) Martinsville 111 Hurt Luallie Belle (Mrs E C Willis Jr) (la 1904-5 Grad (Perry Sch Ora- tory & Dramatic Art) '08) Home & Eloc Toledo 111 Husband Eobert Maurice (m eng 1911-15 Asst GED U 111 1914-15) 345 Hubbard St Detroit Mich Huse Louise Marie (Mrs E M Pray) (la 1903-7 AB) Home 311 N Hum- phrey Av Oak Park 111 *Huse Obadiah (Trustee 1873) d Oct 13 1887 Evanston 111 Husk Frederick William (acad 1895-7 m eng 1897-1901) M & C Eng Shab- bona 111 Huson George Tyler (sp ag 1899-1900) Carpenter Libertyville 111 Huss L Maude (Mrs Eobert Wallis? HUSS— HUTCHISON 329 (acad 1899-1900 sp mus 1902-3) Home 503 Indiana Av Urbana 111 Huss Wesley (la 1902-3) Bnk Ur- bana 111 Huss Mrs W (see Bobinette Eva M) Hussander Lillie (su 1911) Teach 2433 Hamilton Ct Chicago Hussey Alfred Thompson (acad 1904- 6 sp e eng 1906-9) Ford Motor Co Detroit Mich Hussey Bertha (su 1904 AB(Shurt- leff)'01 AM(Chgo)'lO) Dean Women & Asst Prof Engl Kalamazoo Coll 1910- Kalamazoo Mich Hussey Donald Columbus (la 1909-10) Lumber & Coal Merc Franklin Grove 111 Hussey Edith Hirrel (h sc 1906-8) Ag B8 Princeton 111 Hussey Stephen Sawyer (ag 1906-8 Also U Mich 1910-12) Ag E2 Ohio 111 Husson Harry Lee (e eng 1913- ) Stu Auburn 111 Husted Guy Harold (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Boodhouse 111 Husted Lee A (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Boodhouse 111 Husted Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs L B Sarrett)(ag 1912-13) Home 504 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Husted Merle Baymond (ag 1914- ) Stu Boodhouse 111 Huston Mrs (see Bhinesmith Beulah) *Huston Frank Derr (acad 1895-6 sp m eng 1898-9) d Virden 111 Huston Fred Thales (acad 1891-3 la 1892-6 BS) Bnk Custer City Okla Huston Mrs Howard (see Shoemaker Dorothy B) Huston Joseph Alfred (su 1908 acad 1909-10 sp law 1910-12 law 1912-14 LLB) Law Equitable Life Ins Co 628 Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago (Gib- son City 111) huston Ola Estelle (g classics 1909- 10 AM AB( Carthage) '09) Ed 704 Buchanan St Carthage 111 Huston Perry (law 1909-10 Also U Mich) Grain Merc Paris 111 HUSTVEDT Sigurd Bernhard (BA (Luther) '02 MA(Cal) '12 PhD(Harv) '15) Instr Engl U 111 1915- 805 S Coler Av Urbana 111 (Decorah la) Hutchin Claire Elwood (la 1903-7 AB law 1907-9 LLB) Law 529 Powers Bldg Decatur 111 (1440 W Decatur St) HUTCHINGS John Bacon Jr (arch 1910-11 BCE(Ky)'03 CE(Pur)'05 Prof CE S Fla Mil Coll 1904-5 Supt Constr Lincoln Hall U 111 1910-12) Arch 1015 Columbia Blvd Louisville Ky (768 Barrett Av) Hutchings Paul Ashley (c eng 1909-10 Also Armour Inst 1907-9) Mgr & Mfg 4300 Oak St Kansas City Mo Hutchins Emma Matilda (Mrs A S Burt) (su 1899 AB(Ober) '97) Home 213 Maple St Pana 111 Hutchins Mrs J B (see Douglas Sarah M) Hutchins Margaret (lib 1906-8 BLS AB( Smith) '06) Lect Gen Bef Lib Sch & Bef Asst Lib 1908- 1105 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Hutchins Marjorie (mus 1911-15 B Mus) 203 S Broad St Urbana 111 Hutchins William Adelbert (sc 1908- 11 Also NW Med Sch 1911-12) Ofc Work 38 Lincoln Av Freeport 111 Hutchinson Belle Anna (Mrs H A Drake) (sp mus 1901-2) Home Odell Neb Hutchinson David Edward (acad 1901- 3) Asst Dist Mgr 111 Life Ins Co 607 W Vine St Champaign 111 Hutchinson Ella May (acad 1902-3 la 1903-6) At home Odell Neb t Hutchinson ,. Ethel Katherine (acad 1907-8) Urbana 111 Hutchinson Frank (sp c eng 1897-9) BE Fireman Olney 111 Hutchinson Henry (sp ag 1914- ) Stu Langley Lodge Burnhope Eng HUTCHINSON, James (Attended Boy- al Botanic Garden Scotland) Asst Flor U 111 1913- S Orchard St Ur- bana 111 Hutchinson James Bumphry (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Eng Neponset 111 Hutchinson Lawton Hargrove (eng 1913-15) c/o Bk Commerce Third & Main Sts Little Bock Ark Hutchinson Mary Anne (sc 1907-11 AB) Teach B2 Capron 111 Hutchinson Myrtle Anna (Mrs W E Swan) (acad 1902-3) Home Box 369 Swift Current Sask Can Hutchinson Oliver Cromwell Kemp (m eng 1913- Also Armour Inst) Stu Menominee Mich Hutchinson Owen Ghormley (sc 1899- 1900 MD(P&S Chgo)'04) Med 108 E Douglas Av Wichita Kan Hutchinson Buth (la 1913-14 AB Al- so Grinnell Coll) At home 1415 N Broad St Grinnell la Hutchinson Spencer Palmer (la 1914- 15) Stu 111 Wes U Delavan 111 ?Hutchinson William H (acad 1882-3 c eng 1883-4) Bantoul 111 Hutchison Josephine Ladner (la Feb 1916- Also U Wis) Stu Mineral 330 HUTH— IBEN Point Wis Huth Alfred W (acad 1910-11) Merc Lenzburg 111 Huth Walter Henry (m eng 1903-7 BS) Eepr Grulby Faience & Tile Co 175 W Jackson Blvd Chicago (5312 Kenmore Av) Hutherson Mrs (see Pell Flossie M) ?Hutsler George Lincoln (sp arch 1900- 1) Urbana 111 IHutson John Euphrates (acad 1906- 7) Urbana 111 \Hutson Louisa Jane (acad 1907-8) Benton 111 tHutson Selba Ford (sp ag 1904-6 sp law 1906-7 sp ag 1907-8) Benton 111 Hutson Stella Evangeline (h sc 1904- 9 BS) Teach Benton 111 Hutton Clifford (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 617 Lagon Av Waterloo la Hutton James Harry (sc 1902-3 Also Butler Coll 1908) Med 2646 Calumet Av Chicago hutton Joseph Gladden (sc 1908-10 MS '10-11 BS(Chgo)'08 Asst Geol U 111 su 1910&'ll) Assoc Prof Agron SD St Coll Brookings SD Hutton Mrs M F (see Kowden Lottie D) Hutton Malcolm Lee (acad 1906-8) Phar 101 S Kedzie Av Chicago Huxmann Eichard Frederick (c eng 1908-13 BS) C Eng Cen YMCA Cleveland Huxtable Ancil Harvey (Mrs J A Honk) (sp ag 1905-6) Home Roberts 111 IHuxtaUe Frank L (acad 1877-8) Deer Creek 111 Huxtable Mrs P I (see Hopper Lola G) Huxtable Euben Peterson (ag 1913- 15) Ag Hoopeston 111 Huxtable Winnie C (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 3807 Wabash Av Kansas City Mo Hwang Lin (la 1915- Also Baldwin Wallace Coll) Stu Tsao Dian Nau Chao Honan China Hyde Mrs (see Day Edna J) tHyde Allen Kirk (m eng 1903-4) 1720 Ashbury St Evanston 111 Hyde Benjamin (acad 1876-7 m eng 1877-80) Builder 2623 Hampden Ct Chicago Hyde Edith (lib 1913-15 BLS AB (Ohio) '08) Libr la St U 120 E Davenport St Iowa City la Hyde Mrs Ella Mae (sp la 1905-6 Al- so NW U) Home 7834 Union Av Chicago Hyde Mrs H S (see Baldwin Ada L) Hyde Hallie Walker (h sc 1908-10 AB BS(SD Ag) '08) Asst Dom Sc SD St Coll 1910- Brookings SD Hyde Harvey Woolsey (la 1915- ) Stu 7218 Coles Av Chicago Hyde Henry Fillmore (sp ag 1910-14) Ag Shabbona Grove 111 Hyde Howard Earle (ag 1913-14) Ag Salsburgh Man Can (502 S E Av Jol- iet 111) Hyde Ida Henrietta (la 1881-2 AB (Cor) '91 PhD (Heidelberg) '96) Prof Physiol U Kan Lawrence Kan tHyde Eobert Montgomery (sp arch 1905-6) Morgan Park 111 Hyde Eosa Kate (sp mus 1901-10) Mus 311 W Columbia Av Champaign 111 Hyde Eussell Choate Miller (la 1915- ) Stu Eantoul 111 Hyde Sophie (Mrs L W Hubachek) (la 1900-3 AB lib 1903-4 Also NY St Lib Sch 1904-5) Home 507 Essex St SE Minneapolis Hyde Wilbur Gilpin (acad 1902-5 arch 1905-10 AB) Arch Draft Dime Sav- ings Bldg Detroit (22 Zender PI) HYLAN John Perham (PhD (Clark) '01 Also Harv U 1891-5 Studied in Ger 1899-1900 Instr Psych U 111 1897-8 Asst Prof do 1898-9 Asst Philos Harv U 1900-4 Teach Psych Sloyd Tr Sch 1903-7) Bus 97 Wil- liam St Stoneham Mass Hylen Harry Andrew (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1517 N Keystone Av Chicago Hymowitz Mandel Herbert (see Harris Mandel H) Hyndman Eobert Jr (eng 1914- Al- so U Cin) Stu 324 Mills Av Wyom- ing O Hyndman Euth (la 1905-8 AB Also Welles Coll) Teach 324 Mills Av Wyoming O Hynes Olive Frances (Mrs Harry Bar- rows) (la 1899-1901 Also U Mich) Home 710 Erie Av Sheboygan Wis Hypes Mrs Cora (Mrs J L) (la 1914- 16 AB Also U W Va) Eonceverte W Va Hypes George William (ag 1914-15 BS'16 Also U W Va) Prin H Sch Ansted W Va (Poe W Va) Hypes James Lowell (la 1914-16 AB Also U W Va) Stu Eonceverte W Va hyslop William Henry (g physics 1909- 11 AM '15- AB(Knox) '08) Asst Physics 1909- 1017 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Ibalio Esteban (su 1908 Also Kan St Ag Coll) Teach Pasuquin Ilocos Notre PI \Iben Eeinhard (acad 1907-8 Also ICE— INGHAM 331 Bradley Poly) 201 Butler St Peoria 111 Ice Hortense (Mrs Rush Carley) (acad 1886-7) Home 604 E Green St Ur- bana 111 Ice Laura Francis (sp mus 1898-1901) Teach Butte Mont Ice Marinda (Mrs Earl Middleton) (la 1893-7 AB) Home Eagle Lake Tex *Ice Meldora (Mrs L R Stritesky) (arch 1893-7 BS) d May 2 1908 Spokane Wash Ice Nellie Gertrude (Mrs D Ward) (sp mus 1900-1) Home San Antonio Tex Ice Noel Carlysle (sc 1909-12 AB (P&S)'15 Also W Res U) Interne Huron Rd Hospital Cleveland (Gif- ford 111) Iddings Daisy Deane (Mrs S C Miner) (la 1897-1901 AB) Home Riverside 111 Iddings Vera Glee (la 1912-13) Teach 911 Corning St Red Oak la \Ide Albert Denver (acad 1905-6) Springfield 111 Ide Arthur William (c eng 1907-10 Al- so Valparaiso U) Ag Mineral 111 Ide Hiram Russell (ag 1914- ) Stu 644 "D" St NE Washington Ida Lucile Mary (Mrs L B Matkins) (la 1913-15 Also Bradley Poly) Home Powell Wyo Ide Robert Armington (com Feb 1916- ) Stu 644 "D" St NE Washington Iehl Edwin Albert (la 1906-8 Also Grand Prairie Sem) Bnk Melvin 111 Hirig Lester Herman (c eng 1914-15) Stu Carleton Coll 72 W Irving St Oshkosh Wis tlida Tadashi (e eng 1909-12) E Eng c/o 111 Steel Co Joliet IP (Shimotsu Nuhari Ibaraki Japan iida Yoshifusa (ag 1907-8 MS BAg (Imperial U Japan) '02) Expert Gov Imperial Stock Breed Farm Nana Chome Aoyamakitacho Tokyo Japan I jams Catherine Harriet (Mrs W C Lewis) (acad 1894-8 sp 1898-9) Home 1411 Oxford Av Los Angeles Ijams Edith Hoysradt (sp mus 1906- 7) At home Farmer City HI Ilg George Martin Aloysius (c eng 1905-9 BS) Arch & C Eng c/o Hola- bird & Roche 1400 Monroe Bldg Chicago (6950 Dorchester Av) Illick Warren C (ag 1914- Also U la) Stu 625 Garfield Av Burling- ton la flllingworth Frank (c eng 1894-6) 6409 McChesney Av Chicago IMBERT Louis (g french 1908-9 AB (Mo) '06 AM(do)'07 Also U Pa 1909-10 Asst Rom Langs U 111 1908- 9 Exten Teach Col U 1910-11 do & Lit 1911) Instr Spanish Col U 1913- New York Imel Roy Edmund (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Earlville 111 Imes Oliver Stapp (e eng 1912- Al- so W 111 St Nor) Stu 402 W Cal- houn St Macomb 111 Imes Ralph (la 1915- Also W HI St Nor) Stu 402 W Calhoun St Ma- comb HI Imhoff Mrs R E (see Jenkins Harriet Elizabeth) Imlay Hugh Anthony (ag 1908-11 BS Also Ohio U) Land Design 54 N Fifth St Zanesville O Immel Raymond Frank (sp m eng 1906-8) Foreman Mach Shop 1306 S Main St South Bend Ind Inagaki Nobtaro (la com 1910-14 AB & AM) c/o Masuda Co Sakae Ma- chi Shichome Japan Ingalls Mrs C E (see Caldwell Eliz- abeth E) Ungalls Fred O (acad 1889-90) Phoe- nix Ariz Ingalls Horace Ballon (sp ag 1909-10 ag 1910- ) Stu 209 W Oregon St Urbana HI INGALLS Roscoe Chandler (g hist 1911-12 AB(McPherson) '09 AM (Kan) '11 Asst Hist U 111 1911-12) Teach Hist Redondo Beach Cal (Galva Kan) Ingalls Ross Darwin (e eng 1908-12 BS) E Eng 4434 Vincennes Av Brownville NY ingberg Simon H (t&am 1909-10 MS CE(Minn) '09) Struc Eng 838 E 56th St Chicago INGELS Bert Dee (g sc 1903-5 BS (De Pauw) '03 Asst Chem U 111 1903-4) Chem Sperry Flour Co Val- lejo Cal Ingels Henry G (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-9) Chf Draft c/o A S Ide & Sons Springfield 111 ingels Nelle Louise (su 1912 g math 1913-14 AM PhB( Greenville) '11 Prof Math Greenville Coll Greenville 111 Ingels Sherman (ag 1913- ) Also Eu- reka Coll) Stu La Fayette HI Ingersoll Charles Leon ( ag 1911-12 sp ag 1912-13 Also Pur U) Ag Worthington Ind Ingersoll Frank Bruce (c eng 1899- 1903 BS) Res Eng Marion la Ingersoll Harold Bennett (sc 1909- 12 AB) Sales 801 S Fifth Av Chi- cago (614 W 71st St) Ingham Alice (su 1910&'12 Also U Neb) Probation Ofc Juvenile Ct Cook Co 219 Latrobe Av Chicago (Clyde 111) 332 INGHAM— IKYING Ingham Ellis Foulds (m eng 1901-2) Supt Water Dept 409 E Prospect St Kewanee 111 Ingham George Frost (e eng 1903-5) Bkpr 840 Golden Av Los Angeles ?Ingham Humphrey Dominic (c eng 1907-8) 390 57th St Chicago Ingham James Donald (sp ag 1907-S) Organist 1823 Orrington Av Evans- ton 111 Ingham Leonard Ward (la 1900-2 AB Also Hanover Coll 1898-1900 LL B (Harv)'05) Law 622 N Monroe St Clinton 111 Ingham Mrs L W (see Bridgman Minnie C) Ingham Eolla Tenney (la 1903-5) Bkpr 109 E Webster St Clinton 111 Ingle Scott (sp la 1902-3) Ag Hoopeston 111 Ingles Ada May (lib 1900-1 BS (Doane) '95) Libr Neb Wes U 1902- University PI Neb (Pleasant Hill) *Inglis Samuel M (Trustee 1895-8 Grad(Mendota Collegiate Inst) '61 Supt Schs Greenville 111 1868-83 Prof Math S 111 St Nor 1883-6 St Supt Pub Instr 1895-8) d June 1 1898 Kenosha Wis Ingold Ernest Thompson (m eng 1906- 9 BS Also Lawrence U) Adv & Mgr 1110 Baker-Detwiler Bldg Los Ange- les Ingold James Thomas (acad 1899) Ag Beaver Creek 111 Ingold Vivian Johnson (arch eng 1909-13 BS Also Lawrence U) Arch Eng 120 Philadelphia Av Detroit (Appleton Wis) Ingram Glen Ray (la com 1905-6) Med Tuscola 111 Ingram Harold Stuart (chem eng 1906- 10 BS Also Lewis Inst) Constr Supt 4536 N Lincoln St Chicago Ingram Henry Jerome (law 1909-12 LL B) Law 502 Observatory Bldg Peoria 111 Ingram Ealph Evans (sp ag 1910-11) Ag Lomax 111 Ingram Ralph Lindsay (ag 1914- ) Stu 4536 N Lincoln St Chicago Ingram William Verity (arch eng 1908- ,12 BS) Asst Supt D H Burnham & Co 4536 N Lincoln St Chicago Ingwers Alfred Henry (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 1841 17th Av Moline III Ingwersen Henry Newton (ag 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 9812 Longwood Av Chicago Inks Frank Emerson (acad 1899-1900 sc 1900-3 AB) Med Ohio 111 Inman Austin Willis (su 1912 & '13 AB(Ind)'06 PhM(Chgo)'08) Bnk Southport Ind Inman Cordelia B (su 1915 Also Win- ona Coll) Teach Bellf lower 111 Inman Dean Maxwell (su 1902&'03& '12&'13&'15 BSD(Westfield) AB (Ind St Nor) ) Teach Bellflower 111 Unman Ira F (acad 1879-80) Anna 111 tinman Shirley J (su 1911 Also Cor Coll) Redig SD Inness Dorothy May (Mrs H R Stan- ford) (sp hist 1906-7 AB(Knox)'05) Home 604 W California Av Urbana 111 Inness Lucy Mabel (su 1914 Also Knox Coll) Libr 279 W South St Galesburg 111 Innis Orma Archer (Mrs Chester Smith) (la 1909-10 AB Also Monmouth Coll) Home 710 Archer Av Mon- mouth Ind ?Insley Charles Wilkins (sp ag 1907- 8) 315 Marquette Av Albuquerque N Mex Hnsley Earl Frank (sc 1905-6) Jop- lin Mo Ireland Charles H (m eng 1884-5 Al- so Eureka Coll 1882-4) Bnk & Ag Washburn 111 Ireland Etha Mae (Mrs E F Thomp- son) (acad 1903-4) Home 607 W Hill St Champaign 111 Ireland Grant Robbins (law 1908-11) Bnk & Ins Washburn 111 Ireland Matilda Isabel (la 1915- Al- so NW U) Stu Washburn 111 Ireland Washington Parker (c eng 1899-1903 BS) Consult Eng Mayde- stone Apts Sacramento Cal Ireton Philip Anthony (acad 1895-6) Ag Rl New Richmond O Irick Carl Cuthbert (la 1914- ) Stu Pittsfield 111 Irish Joe (la 1914- ) c/o Eng Ofc 50 Superior St Oak Park 111 (211 Maple Av) IRONS F H (Instr Man Tr U 111 su 1902) Teach 220 Ogden Av Super- ior Wis Irvin Grace Edna (su 1902) Teach H Sch R3 Piente Cal Irvin Stanley Pieffer (jour 1911-15 AB) Adv Griffith Ind Irvine Robert Patterson (ag 1915- Also Mass Ag Coll) Stu 1042 Green- wood Av Wilmette 111 Irving Edward Franlin (m eng 1905- 9 BS) M Eng c/o Calumet & Ariz Min Co Lowell Ariz Irving Frank Trinnan (arch eng 1884- 6) Contr & Builder 1047 Grove St IRWIN— JACK 333 Jacksonville 111 \ Irwin Bella Blanche (acad 1893-5) Long View 111 Irwin Burr Polk (m eng 1904-7 BS (Dart) '07) Supt Irwin Printing Co 1806 Grove Av Quincy 111 Irwin Mrs B P (see Mann Kate B) t Irwin Claude Garison (acad 1895-6) Long View 111 t Irwin Daisy Dell (Mrs G E Bronson) (la 1902-7 AB Also Westfield Coll) Home 233 N Long Av Chicago Irwin Decatur Howell ^chem eng 1904- 5) Claim Agt Sangamo Elec Co 1159 N Fourth St Springfield 111 (1515 N Fourth St) •Irwin Ella (Mrs I Newton Smith) (sp mus 1879-80) d 1894 Camargo 111 Irwin Emory Quinton (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Petersburg 111 Irtyin Ernestine Rhena (Mrs William) (acad 1908-10) Home Ottawa 111 Irwin George Pur vines (ag 1915- ) Stu Pleasant Plains 111 Irwin Harry Clyde (sp ag 1905-6 Al- so Eureka Coll) Ag Scranton la Irwin Herbert Ell wood (sp m eng 1897-9) Stock Barons Alta Can Irwin Jay Lawrence (c eng 1906-11 BS) C Eng 5549 Maryland Av Chi- cago (636 Pearl St Ottawa 111) irwin John Webb (g engl 1909-10 AM AB( Wabash) '09) Prin H Sch Miles City Mont Irwin Letha Patterson (la Feb 1915) 706 N Clay St Frankport Ind ?lrwin Ralph Judson (la 1872-3 '75- 6) Mason City Ind (Freclandville Ind) tlrwin Scott Broadwell (ag 1912-13) Pleasant Plains 111 Irwin Stephen (la 1908-9) Merc 726 Orleans St Keokuk la Irwin Walter Sumner (sp a&d 1900-3 Also Art Acad Chgo) Asst Chem Bushway Ext Co Decatur 111 Irwin William Wright (law 1905-9 LLB) Law 212 Gilbert St Danville 111 Isaacs Thomas Ralph (ag 1914-15 BS Also McKendree Coll) Teach H Sch 415 Green St Decatur 111 (Sorento 111) Isaacson Huldah Christine (Mrs D P Teeple)(su 1908&'09 Also N 111 St Nor) Ag R3 Elgin 111 Isaacson Oliver Theodore (acad 1909- 11 eng 1913-149 '15- ) Stu El Lamberton Minn Isaacson Roger Spake (sc 1907-9 Al- so U Mich) Merc Princeton 111 Jsenberg Oliver Charles (acad 1910- 11) Clk 111 Glass Co Alton 111 (Brighton 111) - * Isham Mrs Alfred (see Hunter Mary ») ISHAM Helen (Mrs H A Mattill) (sp mus 1908-9 AB(Cor)'03 PhD(do) '06 Instr Chem U 111 1907-11 Assoc do 1911-12) Home 2752 Piedmont Av Berkeley Cal Isherwood Genevieve (sp la 1901-2 BS (Iowa) '06) Teach H Sch Calumet Mich Ismay Lottie May (su 1911 Also U Mo 1913) Teach Fulton Mo Israel Arthur Lyle (chem eng 1908-12 BS) Gov Chem 3209 W Harrison St Chicago Issert Jules Philip (sp ag 1900-2) Ag Peotone 111 Iungerich Charles Rider (acad 1894 -6) Law 314 S Elm St Champaign 111 Iungerich Harry Augustus (law 1907-8) Law Peoples Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 Ivanaff Tsuetan (ag 1915- Also Ag Coll Berlin) Stu Kovatchitza Lorn Bulgaria Ivens Aaron Ralph (law 1909-12 LLB (Georgetown) '13) Law Decatur 111 Ivers John Joseph (m eng 1869-71) Ret 1857 Logan St Denver Ivers Mary Anna (sp 1870-2 '75-6) Home 1857 Logan St Denver Ives Floy (Mrs II S Allen) (sp mus 1902-3) d May 20 1914 New Boston 111 Ives Fred Harrison (sp ag 1906-7 BS (OklaA&M) '10) Head Dept Ag Cen- tral Nor Edmond Okla *Ivey John J Jr (acad 1880-1 m eng 1881-2) d Sept 1884 Dallas Tex ivey Paul Wesley (g econ 1912-13 AM AB (Lawrence) '12) Instr Pol Econ U Mich 1913- 1513 S University Av Ann Arbor Mich lwig Howard Philip (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 313 N Elm wood Av Peoria 111 Izant James Rossiter (la com 1911-12 Also Hobart Coll) Title Clk Trum- bull Sav & Loan Co 109 E Washing- ton Av Warren O Jaccard Elizabeth Sarah (la 1915- Also U Tenn) Stu 207 S Roane Av Webb City Mo Jack Mrs C M (see Nelson Charlotte B) Uack Ervin (la 1873-4) Beaucoup 111 Jack Francis Joseph (g entom 1896-7 AB(Le Stan)'96) Ag Glendale Ariz tJack Robert Douglas (acad 1896-8 334 JACK— JACOB sp sc 1897-8) Teedee Mont Jack Samuel Benton (la 1871-2) Agt L&N RR Beaucoup 111 Jackett Clinton Lester (la 1909-10) Cash Kalispell Flour Mill Co 2319 W Maxwell Av Spokane Wash Jackman Charles Harold (m eng 1912- 13 '15- ) Stu 138 Hill Av Elgin 111 Jackman Ida L (Mrs E G Dougherty) (lib 1898-1900 BLS Also U Mich 1896-8) Home Box 154 Fairhope Ala Jacks Frederick Harold (ag 1913-14) 527 Oakwood Blvd Chicago Jacks Joseph Francis (ag 1913-14) 527 Oakwood Blvd Chicago Jackson Andrew Oliver (law 1897-8 Also Lake Forest Coll) c/o Western Cold Storage Co 7202 Princeton Av Chicago Jackson Anna Elizabeth (la 1914- ) Stu 507 E Vine St Champaign 111 Jackson Arthur Charles (la 1875-9) Lect Longfellow Birthplace Portland Me Jackson Charles Rawlins (la 1908-9) • 1475 S Pearl St Denver (Wymore Neb) Jackson Charlotte May (lib 1902-4 BLS Also Cor U 1900-2) Stu Amer Sch Osteop 408 S Franklin St Kirk- ville Mo t Jackson Chester Hull (ag 1907-8) Joy 111 Jackson Emma Albertine (lib 1911-12 BD(Ia St) AB(Colo)'ll) Asst Libr U Colo 882 12th St Boulder Colo tJackson Ernest Theodore (su 1912& '15 Also S 111 St Nor) Odin 111 Jackson Eva Jane (h sc 1908-12 AB su 1914) Teach Sumner H Sch St Louis (4270 Cottage Av) Jackson Fanny Rebecca (lib 1901-3 BLS AB(Rockford)'96 Periodical & Bind Asst & Instr Pub Doc U 111 1903-7) Libr W 111 St Nor Macomb 111 Jackson George Rhine (la 1907-9 AB Also Wheaton Coll Asst Engl U 111 1908-11) Law 816 Lill Av Chicago Jackson Grace Janet (la 1912-13) Teach 1416 Palmer Av Pueblo Colo Jackson Harold Rufus (c eng 1912-13) Cadet US Mil Acad 1324 Franklin St Danville 111 Jackson James Edwin (sp ag 1905-6) Ag & Stock R3 Toulon 111 *JACKSON John C (Prof Chem U 111 1888-90) d Jackson John Evans (la 1914-15 Al- so U Colo) 404 S Fifth St Rocky Ford Colo Jackson Lena (Mrs R E Kenny) (la 1903-5) Home 15 E 25th St Minne- apolis Jackson Litta Dustin (Mrs T M Coen) (la 1902-6 AB) Home 1312 Farwell Av Chicago Jackson Loretta Margaret (su 1909& '08) Teach 708 Wasson St Streator 111 Jackson Mabel Clare (su 1905 la 1911- 15 AB Also 111 St Nor U) 2215 D W Washington St Los Angeles (401 Gilbert St Danville 111) Jackson Manley Seymour (arch eng 1915- Also la St Coll) Stu Pine River Minn Jackson Martha Elizabeth (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 107 W High St Ur- bana 111 Jackson Meta Jeanette (Mrs F E Mc- Nally) (acad 1902-3) 5306 Greenwood Av Chicago Jackson Morris William (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag Box 297 Toulon 111 Jackson O I (acad 1877-8) Ret Chenoa 111 Jackson Ralph Nathaniel (e eng 1907- 11 BS) Sales Agt Power & Min Dept Gen Elec Co 1028 Monadnock Bldg Chicago (351 Marion Av Au- rora 111) Jackson Ruth Whittier (su 1911&'12 AB (Eureka) '11) Teach Eureka 111 t Jackson Samuel A (acad 1879-80) Vienna 111 Jackson Thomas Henry (ag 1914- ) Stu 507 E Vine St Champaign 111 Jackson Mrs W C (see Nydegger Charlotte M) Jackson Walter Harker (min eng 1896- 8 Min E(Colo Mines) '01) Min Eng Golconda 111 Jackson Wilbur Shinn (acad 1885-6 ag 1886-7) Ag Warsaw 111 1 Jackson William E (acad 1894-5) Dawson 111 Jackson William Gauss (law 1900-2) Merc Vienna 111 Jackson William John (acad 1893-4 c eng 1894-7) Div Eng C&NW RR 501 E Broadway St Winona Minn (3111 Forest Av Chicago) Jackson Z Edward (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-3) Law 112 N Fifth Av Atchison Kan Jackson Zita Elizabeth (Mrs C E Leonard) (la 1905-9 AB) Home RFD Harristown 111 Jacob Eda Augusta (h sc 1910-14 AB) Teach Murphysboro 111 Jacob Ernest Otto (la 1903-7 BS AB JACOBI— JAMES 335 '10) Nat Sec YMCA Amer Bible House Constantinople Turkey (610 S 20th St Quincy 111) Jaeobi Herbert Jacob (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1402 Fond du Lac Av Milwaukee Jacobs Agnes Hattie (su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 911 Caroline St Pekin 111 ? Jacobs Alta Geneva (sp mus 1904-5) Moweaqua 111 Jacobs Clifford D (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Sch Atlanta 111 Trivoli 111) Jacobs Cora Anna (sc 1905-8 AB g 1908-9 AM Also U La) Seed Analyst US Dept Ag 4413 Eighth St NW Washington Jacobs Henry (sp la 1897-8) Co Supt Sch Virginia 111 ? Jacobs Henry Haden (la 1900-1) Moweaqua 111 ? Jacobs Ida Katherine (su 1910 Also Chgo Teach Coll) 2123 Bradley PI Chicago Jacobs Jesse Elliott (ag 1913-14 Also Mich Ag Coll) Farm Mgr Cardinal Va (Glencoe 111) Jacobs John Clefford (c eng 1910-11) Eodman IC BE Princeton Ky (Am- boy 111) ?Jacobs Mrs Laura Kahn (la 1913-14 Also Art Inst Chgo) Home 5338 In- diana Av Chicago Jacobs Manuel Joseph (acad 1897-9 c eng 1900-5 BS Also U Cal) Teach 1473 Walnut St Berkeley Cal Jacobs Mrs Robert (see Pinkum Anna S) Jacobsen Charles Henry (m eng 1906- 10) M Eng 1615 S New Hampshire Av Los Angeles Jacobsen Eda Augusta (la 1904-8 AB) 1615 S New Hampshire St Los Ange- les (906 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Jacobsen Noah Henning (c eng 1900- 6 BS) Chgo Eepr A S Eosing Bldg Materials 5002 Forrestville Av Chi- cago Jacobsen Walter Herman (la com 1910-15 AB) Shoe Sales 906 W Illi- nois St Urbana HI jacobson Andrew (sc 1908-10 MS BS (St Olof ) '06 Asst St Water Surv U 111 1908-10) Chem Metrop Water Dist Omaha Florence Neb Jacobson Bernard Edwin (ag 1914- ) Stu 2113 N Sawyer Av Chicago 'i Jacobson Charles Herman (acad 1894- 6) 5754 Atlantic St Englewood 111 Jacobson Guy Herbert (acad 1909-11) Stu Chgo Coll Med & Surg Wayne City 111 Jacobson Henry George M (ag 1914- ) Stu 1524 E 74th St Chicago Jacobson Herluf Peter (sp ag 1907-8) Mgr Worthington Ind (Camp Point 111) *Jacobson Jacob S (arch 1883-6) d July 15 1890 Denver Jacobson John David (sc 1909-11 Al- so U Minn) Mfg Jeweler 6506 Drex- el Av Chicago Jacobson Eoy Gilbert (m eng 1910-11) Mech 223 S Ninth St De Kalb 111 Jacobson Seymour Alexander (c eng 1907-11 BS) Draft 3721 Greenshaw St Garfield Park Sta Chicago Jacquemin Homer Frank .(ag 1913-14) Clk Veedersburg Ind jaeck Emma Gertrude (g ger 1907-8 AM '08-10 PhD BL(Wis) '03 Asst Ger U 111 su 1908&'09&'10) Prof Ger & Spanish Converse Coll 1911-15 Prof Ger & Spanish Oxford Coll 1915- Oxford O (c/o Mrs John Froesche 1 Blaine Av Hinsdale 111) Jahn Harry Francis (mun eng 1908-12 BS Also Armour Inst) Insp CB&Q BE 1615 W 104th PI Chicago Jahr Marvin Edward (g agron 1911- 14 BS AB(Wis)'05 Asst Soils U Wis 1910-11 Asst Farm Mech U 111 1911-12) Instr Farm Mech U 111 1912- 1003 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Jahr Myra Bertha (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Neillsville Wis Jahr Torstein Knutsson Torstensen (lib 1898-1900 BLS AB(Nor Luth Coll) '96) Libr & Lit Lib Congress Wash- ington Jain Eampit Singh (e eng 1914-15 BS Also U Cal) Asst Eng Eeliance Elect Eng Co Central YMCA Cleveland Jaknbowski Stanley Anton (e eng 1915- ) Stu 3622 Wolfram St Chi- cago ?Jalandoni Doreteo (sp agron 1911-12 Also U Notre Dame) Jaro Iloilo PI tJalandoni Jose Ledesma (la 1910-12 Also U Wis) Jaro Iloilo PI Walandoni M (acad 1911) Jaro Iloilo PI ?Jame Harry Adolph (sc 1896-7) Chi- cago James Alfred Edwin (sp la com 1909- 10 Also U Notre Dame 1908-9) Sales Spirea Dr Oakwood Village Dayton O James Carl (c eng 1903-7 BS) C Eng Ala Power Co 23 Goyeau St Wind- sor Ontario James Carl Loren (sp ag 1904-5) Ag 336 JAMES— JANKINS Goodhope 111 James Charles Austin (acad 1903-5 c eng 1905-9 BS) Contr Supt Pub Bldg New Federal Bldg Amarillo Tex James Clarence William (la com 1906- 8) Auto Sales Mansfield 111 James Delos Lawrence (ag 1904-9 BS Also Storrs Ag Coll Asst Dairy Husb U 111 1909-10) Asst Supt Milk Dept & Farms Hershey Chocolate Co 1910- Hershey Pa James Edmund Janes (At NW U 1873- 4&HarvU 1874-5 AM & PhD(Halle) '77 LLD (Cor Coll) '02 LLD(Wes)'03 LL D (Queen's) '03 LLD(Harv)'09 LL D(Mich) '14 LL D(NW) '14 Prof Pub Admin U Pa 1883-96 Prof Pub Admin & Dir U Exten U Chgo 1896- 1902 Pres NW U 1902-4) Pres U 111 1904- President's House Urbana 111 James Edward Allen (e eng 1911-15 BS) Electr Chgo Central Station Inst 72 Adams St Chicago (Amboy 111) ?James Eula Elizabeth (sp 1900-1) Bentley 111 James Fay Clifton (ag 1910-11 Also E 111 St Nor) Ag Bushton 111 % James F Porter (acad 1879-80) Shel- byville Tenn James, Fred Milton (la 1895-9 BS) Mintr Mt Erie 111 James Harold Deming (la 1899-1901 AB'02 LL B(Chgo)'08) Law 144 Stephenson St Freeport 111 James Harriet Lillian (la h se 1913- ) Stu Amboy 111 James Helen Dickson (Mrs G E Fra- zer)(acad 1905-6 la 1906-10 AB g 1910-13 AM) Home 1103 Davis St Evanston 111 James Helen Ida (la 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 302 Main St Whitewater Wis James Hermann Gerlach (la 1904-6 AB AM'10 JD(Chgo)'09 PhD (Col) '11 Also NW U 1903-4 & U Berlin 1911-12 & U Halle 1912) Prof Gov U Tex 1912- Austin Tex James Mrs II G (see Kuby Genevieve C) James Justin C (acad 1878-80) Agen- cy Dir NY Life Ins Co 1 Madison Av New York James Lee Eay (m eng 1899-1902) Beardstown 111 James Leonard Vaughn (e eng 1902-6 BS MS '12 EE'13 Asst E Eng U 111 1907-9 Instr E Eng U 111 Lab 1909-13) Assoc E Eng U 111 1913- 711 W California Av Urbana 111 James Mrs L V (see Good Elizabeth) James Lenton Willis (ag 1911-15 BS) Teach 355 South Av "A" Canton 111 James Lois Everett (ag h se 1915- ) Stu Fairbury 111 James Louise Ann (Mrs C H Forsyth) (la 1907-11 AB) Home 1327 Wilmot St Ann Arbor Mich James Mary (acad 1905-6) Findlay 111 James Mary Winifred (su 1913) Mon- ticello 111 James McNeal Cole (sc 1905-9 BS & AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Ag St Nor Sch 1025 Eighth Av Valley City ND James Peleg Miner (la 1873-5) Law Amboy 111 James Phebe Elizabeth (la 1910-13) At home Mansfield 111 James Mrs R S (see Smith Daisy Frances) James Russell Broadway (la 1915- ) Stu 1731 Belmont Av E St Louis HI James Russell Louis (ag 1910-13) Ag Auburn 111 (Crystal Lake 111) James Mrs R L (see Smith Daisy F) tJames William Henry (arch 1894-6) Paris 111 Jameson Stewart Wells (acad 1890-1 la 1891-2) Mfg 2 Elvyn PI Oska- loosa la JAMISON Albert Woodward (BS (Prin)'97 MS(do) '99 Also Bradley Poly 1909-13 Assoc Ag Exten U 111 1913-15) Asst Prof & Asst Supt Ag Exten U 111 1915- 807 Nevada St Urbana 111 Jamison Mrs Edith Virginia Bash (Mrs A W)(su 1915 Also Elmira Coll) Home 807 Nevada St Urbana 111 Jamison Martha Gertrude (Mrs H F Gonnerman) (lib 1908-11 BLS Also Monmouth Coll) Home 1009 Illinois St Urbana 111 Jamison Michal Velma (la 1909-10 AB (NW) '12 g latin 1915- Also Mon- mouth Coll) Stu 1009 Illinois St Urbana 111 (Monmouth 111) Janda James Frank (m eng 1900-10 BS) M Eng 201 Fifth St Aurora 111 Janes Nellie (la 1914- ) Stu R4 Ke- wanee 111 Janes Robert Bullis (eng 1904-6) Acct 122 Halley St Oak Park 111 Janisch George Edward (sp ag 1906-7) 4942 Ellis Av Chicago TJankins Albert (arch 1912-13 Also 111 Wes U) 12221/2 N Gilbert St Dan- GREGOKY 1867-80 PEABODY 1880-91 JAMES BURRILL ACTING PRESIDENT 1891-4 DRAPER 1894-1904 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OFDILLINOIS JANNOTTA— JEFFERIS 337 ville 111 Jannotta Francis Skiff (la 1914-15) Stu Cor U 170 N Ridgeland Av Oak Park 111 Jansen Dietrich Herman (c eng 1890- 4BS) Contr Pekin 111 Jansen John Moller (sc 1911-14 BS g chem 1914- ) Stu East Orange NJ Janssen Danelia (su 1908) Teach Mus & Draw 711 W Nebraska Av Peoria 111 Janssen Elmer Theodore (la 1914-15) 1009 Locust St Sterling 111 Janssen Otto (acad 1899-1901 arch 1901-4 BS) Arch 1101 Story Bldg Los Angeles (765 Pyrites St) * Janssen Theodore (acad 1907-8) d Freeport 111 JANVRIN Charles Edwin (PhB(Chgo) '10 BLS(Chgo) '11 Also NY St Lib Sch & Drexel Inst 1901-2) Lect Dept Lib Problems U 111 1912- 911 W Green St Urbana 111 Uaques Herbert W (acad 1886-7) Cincinnati Jaques Minnie (la 1882-6 BS) Asst Cash Urbana Bk Co 207 W Elm St Urbana 111 Jaquet George Emile (e eng 1906-8 BS Also Armour Inst) Mgr Cent Sta Mun Plant Falls City Neb fJaquett Fred C (m eng 1880-1) Champaign 111 Jardine Raymond Ross (m eng 1910- 12) Sales Nat Tube Co 1608 Frick Bldg Pittsburg (Parsons Kan) Jarman Henry Phelps (sc 1899-1903 BS) Ag Elmwoodlll Jarman Patience Emelyn (Mrs T P Main) (mus 1901-4) Home Altona 111 Jarman Thomas Henry Jr (e eng 1898- 9) Clk Greensboro Md tJarmin Thornton Reeves (ag 1913-14 Also Amherst Coll ) 406 E Frank St Bloomington HI Jarmulusky Louis (e eng 1914- ) Stu 122 S 12th Av Maywood 111 Jarnagin Robert (la 1912-13 law 1913- ) Stu 2312 S Fourth St Shel- byville 111 Jarrett James Bruce (e eng 1914-15) Danvers 111 Jarrett Mrs Oro J (see Aldrich Blanche) Jarrett Thomas Lewis (law 1902-5 LLB Also Lincoln Coll) Law 526 S Seventh St Springfield 111 (217 W Jackson St) jarrold Rachel Marion (g hist 1908-9 AM AB(MtHol) , 06) Teach St Nor . Sch Fredonia NY (16 Day Av West- field Mass) Jarvis John Archibald (acad 1901-2 e eng 1902-5) Mere c/o Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co Sioux City la (Cedar Rapids Neb) fJarvis Mary Louise (su 1900) E St Louis 111 Jarvis Rowling (e eng 1912- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 50 N Garfield Av Hinsdale 111 Jarvis William Bancroft (la 1911-15 AB law 15- ) Stu NW U 9836 Vanderpoel Av Chicago Jasper Edward Miron (e eng 1907-11 BS) Merc Newton HI Jasper Emmeline Lucinda (su 1913) 1417 Hartfold Bldg Chicago Jasper Lucinda Emmeline (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Liskeard Cornwall England Jasper Thomas (acad 1889-90 e eng 1890-4 BS) Prop Thos Jasper Water Co 112 N La Salle St Chicago (810 Laurence Av) Jasper Thomas McClean (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-11 BS&MS) Eng Chicago Health Dept 6213 Laneby Av Chi- cago (Glenlea Liskeard ' Cornwall England) t Jasper Walter (ag 1910-13) 2074 Stave St Chicago Uaurequi Mariano (acad 1906-8) Chi- huahua Mex Jay Edith Lillian (sp ag 1915- ) Stu Florence Colo tJay Harry Byron (la 1900-2) Piano 111 Jayne Eleanor Evelyn (mus 1910-13) Violinist Box 36 Wheaton 111 ? Jayne Madison M (la 1878-9) New- ton Miss Jayne N Zoe (la 1913-14) Teach Champaign 111 (Box 36 Wheaton 111) Jayne Mrs T N (see Downing Inez A) JAYNE Violet Delille (Mrs E C Schmidt) (sp mus 1901-4 la 1907-8 AB (Mich) '87 AM(do)'96 PhD(Minn) '03 Teach Engl San Jose Cal Nor Sch 1893-6 Dean Women & Asst Prof Engl Lit U 111 1897-8 do & Assoc Prof Engl Lit 1898-1904) Home 903 W California Av Urbana 111 Jaynes Ethel (su 1913 AB(Chgo)'04) Teach H Sch 5658 Ridge Av Chicago JEANS Philip C (MD (Atlantic Med) '09 Asst Chem St Water Surv 1906- 7) Med 500 S Kingshighway St Louis Jefferis Sidney Ambrose (c eng 1912- 13 Also Wash StL U) 623 Veronica 338 JEFFERS— JENNINGS St E St Louis 111 Jeffers Charles Ellis (la 1901-2) R Est & Ins Cameron Mo jeffers Charles Ferry (sc 1869-74 MS) Phar 164 Humphreys St Swampscott Mass Jeffers Granville Bond (su 1899 AB (LeStan) '03) c/o Teach Train Sch Schenectady NY Jeffers Leslie Pickering (e eng 1915- ) Stu Areola 111 Jeffers Mrs Mary Elizabeth (Mrs S R) (sp mus 1901-2) Home Hanover 111 Jeffers Stephen Rowan (1 1901-2) Ag Hanover 111 Jefferson John Benjamin (m eng 1911- 14 Feb 1916- ) Stu 4332 N Kil- dare Av Chicago Jefferson Lorian Pamelia (lib 1901-2) R3 Menominee Wis Jefferson Roy Trend (m eng 1898-1900 Also U Ky 1900-1) V-Pres Mgr Jef- ferson Printing Co Springfield 111 Jeffrey Eva Rebecca (Mrs O O Wolfe Jr)(sp mus 1909-10 mus 1910-11) Home Duncan Miss t Jeffrey George Edward (acad 1908-9) Clinton 111 Jeffrey Melvin Roy (ag 1903-4) Dairy Hamilton Mont Jeffrey Mrs Melvin R (see White Caro- line L) Jeffris Roscoe C (acad 1905-6 law 1906-7) Abstracts 1314 Adams St Charleston 111 Jehl Edwin Albert (1 1906-8 Also NW U) Bnk Melvin 111 Jehle Ferdinand (m eng 1906-10 BS) M Eng Auto Eng 561 W 180th St New York (Box 243 Highland 111) tJelandoni Jose Ledesman (la 1910-12 Also U Wis) IloiloPI fJenkins Albert L (arch eng 1912-13 Also 111 Wes) 1222% N Gilbert St Danville 111 Jenkins Alfred Kendall (su 1905 Also Harv U) Teach Redondo Beach Cal Jenkins Charles E (sp law 1900-2) Ag Vermont 111 Jenkins Charles Williard (sp law 1900- 2) Sullivan 111 t Jenkins Clement Melville (ry eng 1906-7) El Paso 111 t Jenkins David (acad 1880-1) El Paso 111 Jenkins Edwin Milton (acad 1905-6 ry eng 1906-9) Draft 333 Douglas Av Portsmouth Va Jenkins Elbert Arthur (sp ag 1899- 1901 Also McKillip Vet Coll) Vet Shelbyville 111 Jenkins Emmons Nathan (eng 1913- 15) Stu Union Coll 739 Nott St Schenectady NY (Giffin Corners NY) Jenkins George Erastus (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Delavan 111 Jenkins Griffith Aebli (acad 1907-9) Tel Dir c/o Pioneer Tel & Tel Co Oklahoma City (Grand Tower 111) Jenkins Harold Lee (jour 1911-12) Osgood Ind Jenkins Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs R E Imhoff)(su 1902) Home 116 Rose- lawn PI Los Angeles Jenkins John Lionel (acad 1909-10) Jour Decatur Review Decatur 111 t Jenkins Lauren Briggs (e eng 1908-9) Delavan 111 Jenkins Lydia Geneva (la 1915- Also Western Coll) Stu Clark's Hill Ind Jenkins William Franklin (sp ag 1911- 12 Also E 111 St Nor) Trav 520 S Fifth Av Chicago (860 S Seventh St Charleston 111) Jenkinson Harry Samuel (sc 1914-15) Arlington Heights 111 Jenkinson Robert Edwin (la 1914- Also Wabash Coll) Stu Arlington Heights 111 Jenks E Idalette (Mrs E M Currier) (acad 1877-8) Home 636 Downer PI Aurora 111 Jenks Philip Dorsey (sc 1914- Also Wabash Coll) Stu 2930 Talbott Av Indianapolis tJenks Royal Edward (su 1912 Also Ohio Wes U) Dana Ind Jenne Charles Henry (sp ag 1912-13) Ag R2 Sullivan 111 Jenner Lawrence Tenney (la 1914- ) Stu 507 First St Evansville Ind Jenner Louise May (h sc 1908-12 BS) Teach 1208 Upper Eighth St Evans- ville Ind Jennet Harold Patrick (e eng 1915- ) Stu R3 Streator 111 jenney Adeline Miriam (g la 1907-8 AM AB(Wis)'99) Stu U Wis 1912- Clarke SD Jennings Mrs (see Plant Sarah L) Jennings Alma Irene (su 1914 la h sc 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 907 S Fifth St Champaign HI Jennings Anna Vivian (lib 1901-3 BLS) Libr Kearney Neb Jennings Carson Gary (c eng 1912- ) Stu R6 Carlinville 111 Jennings Charles Spencer (e eng 1905- 9) C Eng Big Four RR Cincinnati f Jennings Curtis Garfield (acad 1900- 1) Scotland HI fJennings Edward R (la com 1878-9) Mattoon 111 JENNINGS— JEWELL 339 * Jennings Emmett F (gen 1870-2) d Palermo NY Jennings George Thornton (mini eng 1908-12) Ey C Eng 5531 Kenwood Av Chicago Jennings Grattan Gustavus (ag 1914- 15) 905 S Fifth St Champaign 111 I Jennings John Claude (sp ag 1902-4) • Mound HI Jennings Mrs J C (see Clark Mamie E) Jennings Leman (ag 1914-15) Ag Abingdon 111 Jennings Mary Iona (Mrs V D Carney) (h sc 1914-15 Also E 111 St Nor) Home EFD Charleston 111 t Jennings Eienzi Walter (su 1902) Grayville 111 Jennings Walter Wilson (la 1912-13 '14-15 AB g hist 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 907 S Fifth St Cham- paign 111 *Jens Eoy Edward (e eng 1904-6 BS Also Armour Inst) d April 11 1910 Cripple Creek Colo t Jensen Anker Christian (la 1909-10 Also 111 Wes U) Law 214 Cobb Bldg Kankakee 111 Jensen Elof Bernhardt (sp ag 1904-6) C Eng 4651 Kenmore Av Chicago (43 St James PI) Jensen Mrs G H (see Poorman Amy) Jensen George Leonard (c eng 1907-9 BS Also Lewis Inst) Arch Eng 2137 Ainslie St Chicago Jensen J Norman (c eng 1904-6 BS 1912-14 CE) Arch Eng Dept Bldgs Chicago 1518 N Leavitt St Chicago Jensen Jorgen Edward (e eng 1914- ) Stu 5037 W Erie St Chicago jensen Katherine (g h sc 1911-12 MS BS(ND Ag)'04) Instr Home Econ ND Ag 1913- 1137 13th St Fargo ND Jensen Milton Owen (la 1911-15 AB) Vitrolite Constr Co 402 Wyandotte St Kansas City Mo Jensen Trygve (see Yensen Trygve) t Jentzsch Eichard Alvin (eng 1913-14) 15 N Willow Av Chicago tJeorg Rudolph (m eng 1869-71) Ket- tle Creek Pa tJer Hut Ting (ry e eng 1910-11) Canton China Jerauld Lura Dean (Mrs D L Christo- pher) (sp mus 1908-9) Home 305 W Washington St Urbana HI jerdan Arlandus Leon (g an husb 1914-15 MS BS(Mo)'14) Agt An Husb US Dept Ag c/o An Indust Dept A&M Coll W Ealeigh NC (Eed Bay Ala) ?Jerejian Nazareth Abraham (sc 1910- II Also U Chgo) Adana Asia Minor Armenia tJeremiah Otis (sp ag 1911-13 Also U Mo) Asst Mgr Wiles Farms Dairy Willisville 111 Jermyn Annie Elizabeth (sp mus 1902- 3) At home Ancaster Ont Can JEENBEEG George Henry (Asst Instr Forge Shop Worchester Poly 1904-5 Asst Forge Shop U HI 1905-7) Mgr Sales Dept c/o Fairbanks Morse Co 30 Church St New York (552 Salis- bury St Worchester Mass) ?Jerry Edward Ellsworth (c eng 1887- 9 '93-4 su 1906) Carran 111 Jervis Arthur Dell (acad 1899) Groc 307 S State St Champaign 111 Jervis Florence May (sp mus 1907-8 '09-10 mus 1911- ) Stu 307 S State St Champaign 111 Jervis Katherine Belle (la 1903-7 AB g 1908-9 '10-11 AM) Teach 307 S State St Champaign HI Jervis Paul Frederick (c eng 1906-10) C Eng 307 S State St Champaign 111 Jesse Charles (su 1899) Ag Varna 111 JESSE Eichard Henry Jr (AB(Mo) '02 AM(Harv)'07 PHD(do) '09 Instr Chem U 111 1909-12) Prof Chem U Mont 1902- Missoula Mont Jessen Clifford Tvilstedgaard (la 1914- 15) Teach Prophetstown 111 (Alto Pass 111) Jessen George Peter (arch eng 1906-7 Also la Ag) Sales 1248 Goodfellow Av St Louis Jessen Hubert (sp hort 1911-15 BS Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Armstrong III (Alto Pass 111) Jessup Eichard Dale (m eng 1903-7 BS) Mfg 4340 West End Av Chi- cago Jeter George Guy (e eng 1906-10 BS Also Union Coll 1913-14) Com Eng Transformer Dept c/o Gen Elec Co 38 First St Pittsfield Mass (Paris 111) Jeter J Paul (acad 1910-11) Stu U Pa Paris 111 Jeter Eoy Woods (la 1900-2) Grain Merc Ashton 111 Jett Harry Theodore (su 1908 Also Greenville Coll) Teach 635 Harne St Topeka Kan Jett Boss Wesley (sp ag 1909-11) Ag Hillsboro 111 Jewell Albert H (ag 1869-70) Merc Golden City Mo Jewell Benson Mundy (su 1903 MD (111 Med) '12 Also Geo Wash Med Sch) Med 91 Williams St Hammond 340 J E WELL— JOHN SON Ind Jewell Mrs Mabel (Mrs F H) (su 1911& '12) Libr Altamont 111 jewell Minna Ernestine (g zool 1914- 15 AM '15- AB (Colo Coll) '14) Stu 10 W Mill St Colorado Springs Colo Jewett Charles Gregory (sp mun eng 1909-12 Also U Wis 1912) Ag 5700 Blackstone Av Chicago ?Jewett Clarence C (la 1875-6) Ster- ling 111 Jewett Eleanor Bountree (ag 1914- ) Stu 1317 N State St Chicago Jewett Fred Allen (la 1912-15) Prin H Sch Podunk Kan (B6 Burlington Kan) Jewett Manning W (acad 1910-11) Merc Mazon 111 Jewett Milford Elvin (acad 1892-3) Ins 84 William St New York Jewett Boy Ernest (e eng 1908-12 BS) West Elec Co Hawthorne 111 (27 N Madison St La Grange 111) Jez Leo Charles (ag 1912- ) Stu 1849 W 51st St Chicago Jibben Bawleigh J (ag 1915- ) Stu Green Valley 111 * JILLSON Benjamin Cutler (MI) (Nash- ville) '57 PhD (Lafayette) '70 Also Yale Sheff 1854-5 Instr Geol U Nashville do U Pittsburg Prof Geol & Zool U 111 1882-3) d July 17 1899 Jillson Lizzie (Mrs B K Fleming) (sp a&d 1883-6) Home 315 S Highland Av Pittsburg Jillson Nellie W (acad 1883-4 la 1884-8 BL'14) Teach 315 S High- land Av Pittsburg Jillson Sallie Bovondt (Mrs E B Town- send) (acad 1883-4 la 1884-5) Home 1644 Columbia Rd Washington Jinguji Genjiro (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13 MS) E Eng Box 737 Sche- nectady NY (Choshi Japan) ?Jobbins Pomeroy Arthur William (sp sc 1911-12 Also O Wes U) London England Jobst Bernard (sp arch 1883-4) Gen Contr 634 Paxton Blk Omaha Neb Jobst George J (arch eng 1893-7 BS) Gen Contr V Jobst & Sons Peoria 111 Jobst Herman Robert (arch eng 1913- 15) Gen Contr 624 Paxton Blk Oma- ha Neb (5007 Cass St) Jobst Jacob (sp arch eng 1884-5) Gen Contr Peoria 111 Jobst Richard Valentine (acad 1906-7) Sec O'Brien & Jobst Clothiers Peoria 111 Jockisch Anna Zelma Elizabeth (la 1913- ) Stu 1021 Washington St Beardstown 111 Johann George Calendar (sp e eng 1904-5) Ag Eureka 111 Johanning Nora Bertha (acad 1908-11 h sc 1911-13) At home 503 E Green St Champaign 111 Johanning Paul Martin (acad 1903-5 • m eng 1905-9 BS) M Eng Pensacola Fla Johannsen Albert (arch eng 1890-4 BS BS(Utah)'98 PhD(J Hopk) '03) Assoc Prof Mineral U Chgo Chicago Johannsen Oskar (arch eng 1890-4 BS AM (Cor) '02 PhD (do) '04) Prof Biol Cor U 1912- Ithaca NY Johanson Ralph Thure (arch 1912-13) Stu U Chgo 101 W First St St Charles 111 John Dorette Thayer (h sc 1910-14 AB Also Va Coll) At home 411 Sev- enth Av Clinton la Johns Donald Charles (min eng 1912- ) Stu 608 S Buchanan St Danville 111 Johns Evelyn Gordon (la 1915- Also De Pauw U) Stu 1320 N Vermillion St Danville 111 Johns Frand Aldebert (ag 1913-14) Ag R6 Rockford 111 Johns Marion Elizabeth (la 1915- Also Rockford Coll) Stu R6 Rock- ford 111 Johns Robert (ag 1870-1) R Est & Crude Oil Productions Pana 111 Johns Wilford Espin (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag R6 Rockcliffe Farm Rockford 111 Johns Mrs WE (see Dewey Ida B) Johnsen Charles William (acad 1898- 1900) Sec & Treas Lumber Co 1045 Henry Bldg Seattle (Rankin 111) Johnson Mrs (see Byerly Edna G) Johnson Mrs (see Keusink Wilhel- menia M) Johnson Mrs (see Goodwin Jessie) Johnson Mrs E E (see Siegel Meta L) Johnson Adolph Julius (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Knoxville 111 Johnson A Louise (la 1903-4) Teach 1155 12th Av Moline 111 Johnson Albert Evald (m eng 1905-6) Merc 1476 Summerdale Av Chicago Johnson Albert Myron (m eng 1899- 1903 BS) Supt Bamer Drill Co 611 Auburn St Rockford 111 Johnson Alfred (sp 1902-3 la 1903-4) Merc & Ag Yorba Linda Orange Co Cal Johnson Alfred Atwood (law 1905-8 LLB) Law 1402 N Walnut St Dan- ville 111 Johnson Alfred Edward (su 1908 AB (Hiram) '06) Instr Todd Seminary Woodstock 111 JOHN SON— JOHNSON 341 Johnson Alfred Henry (acad 1907-8) Abstracts & Ins Carrollton 111 Johnson Alice Irene (su 1911 Also NW U) Teach Oxford Kan Johnson Alice Sarah (lib 1902-7 BLS la 1912-13 AB) Kef Asst Lib U 111 1909- 804 W Church St Champaign 111 Johnson Aline Victoria Constance (la 1907-9 AB(Wis)'12) Teach 522 S State St Geneseo 111 Johnson Alva Myron (la 1895-6) Sec Flint Eaton & Co Mfg Chem Decatur 111 Johnson Ananias Purnell (la 1899-1900 su 1898 & 1907&'09 Also U Chgo & Valparaiso U & 111 St tfor U) Supt Sch 936 W Illinois St Urbana 111 ! Johnson Anna Charlotte (acad 1905- 6) Bansom 111 Johnson Anna Malinda (Mrs I F Lav- erick) (sp mus 1899-1900 '04-5) Home Broadlands 111 Johnson Antonia (sp h sc 1905-8) Teach H Sch Hotel Morse Shattuck Av Berkeley Cal Johnson Arthur Frank (la 1907-9) Furniture 1232 14th St Moline 111 t Johnson Arthur Lee (acad 1897) Chandlerville 111 Johnson Bertha Cornelia (su 1910 Also Cortland Nor) Teach 43 Chestnut St Johnstown NY Johnson Mrs C W (see Bock Bertha) Johnson Carl Eugene (eng 1913-15) 3243 Evergreen Av Chicago Johnson Carl Wilhelm (com 1915- ) Stu 166 McKee St Batavia 111 Johnson Charles Sunderland (m eng 1896-1900 BS) Eng 404 Center St Marion O Johnson Charles Thomas (ry c eng 1911-12) Arch 2226 Fairfax Av Mor- gan Park Chicago Johnson Clarence Eugene (acad 1897-8 sp la 1898-9) Grain Broker 901 W Church St Champaign 111 Johnson Clarence Scott (eng 1908-10 Also Bose Poly) Supt Brazil Ice & Storage Co Brazil Ind Johnson Claude Frances (m eng 1915- ) Stu South Haven Mich * Johnson Claude Friend (acad 1890-1) d Chandlerville 111 *Johnson Darius (Trustee 1873) d Nov 17 1887 Pontiac 111 IJohnson David Crawford (acad 1899- 1900 Also Colo Sch Mines) 465 Ra- cine Av Chicago Johnson Ebert Burdick (c eng 1906-9) Supt Constr 208 Irving Av Normal 111 Johnson Edna Louise (la 1907-8 su 1909 la 1915- PhD (Colo Teach) ?1T) Stu Brimfield 111 Johnson Edward Spencer (c eng 1883- 7 BS) EE Contr St Paul Minn Johnson Edwin Eeynolds (ag 1911-12) Clk 625 Black Av Springfield 111 Johnson Edwin Samuel (c eng 1895-9) Civil & Const Eng Cheat Haven Pa Johnson Elfreth George (arch eng 1911- 12 ag 1914- ) Stu Medora 111 Johnson Elmer Lars (sp ag 1905-8) Ag B27 Cantrall 111 Johnson Elmer Leroy (e eng 1907-11 BS) Trav Sales West Elec Co 630 Monroe Av Green Bay Wis Johnson Elmer Waif red (c eng 1912- 15) 176 S Jefferson St Batavia 111 Johnson Emma Carrie (su 1910 & '13 Also E 111 St Nor & Hayward Coll) Teach Pittsfield 111 (Mt Carmel 111) Johnson Esley Ebenezer (la com 1907- 10 AB Also Augustana Coll) Wood Fixture Mfg 705 38th St Eock Island 111 ! Johnson Esther Ann (sp 1873-4) Champaign 111 tJohnson Esther Cecelia (lib 1910-11 AB(Minn)'lO) 2115 Portland Av Minneapolis t Johnson Ethel Muriel (acad 1905-6) Urbana 111 Johnson Etta Anna (Mrs J S Stayman) (sp 1873-6) Home 934 Eastwood Av Chicago tJohnson Mrs Etta Mary (su 1908) Walshville 111 Johnson Everett Louie (ag 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Clk 169 Prairie St St Charles 111 TJohnson Fannie Buttmann (sp la 1904- 5) Oak Park 111 Johnson Floyd Henning (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 241 W Fourth St •St Charles 111 Johnson Frank Merrel (sp ag 1905-6) AGE Dairy E8 Canton 111 tJohnson Frank Peters (m eng 1901-4) 610 Evanston Av Chicago JOHNSON Frank Tatham (Oberlin Coll 1891-4 NW U su 1913) Instr Voice U 111 1915- 702 W Washing- ton Blvd Urbana 111 (4066 Lake Park Av Chicago) Johnson Fred (ag 1911-12) Ag E2 Waggoner 111 ? Johnson Fred L (c eng 1872-7) Spring- field Vt *Johnson Fred Vollentine (m eng 1898- 1902) d Marysville Cal TJohnson Frederick Dawson (ry eng 342 JOHNSON— JOHNSON 1896-8 1900-3 BS g 1904-5) RR Eng 1244 Main St Alton 111 Johnson Mrs G R (see Bowman Ger- trude) Johnson Mrs G W (see Baker Gerald- ine L) Johnson George Henry (m eng 1906-8) Lumber Sales Crystal Lake 111 Johnson George Koser (la com 1904- 8 AB) Merc 218 S Ninth St Mt Vernon 111 Johnson George Thompson (sc 1902-6 AB MD(Rush)'08) Med Terre Haute Trust Bldg Terre Haute Ind johnson Gertrude Amelia (sc 1911-13 MS BS(NW)'ll Asst Zool U 111 1912-13) Asst Embryology Cor U 110 Highland PI Ithaca NY (2035 Pensacola Av Chicago) Johnson Gilbert Davison (la 1909-12) Elecr Clocks Glencoe 111 * Johnson Gladys Marjorie (Mrs P A Flanders) (acad 1909-10 mus 1910-11) d April 1915 Chicago Johnson Glenn Van Ness (sp a&d 1902- 4 Also Art Inst) Art Adv Work 6744 Emerald Av Chicago Johnson Gordon Gaskall (acad 1901-2) Sycamore 111 Uohnson Grace A (acad 1876-7) Ma- homet HI Johnson Grant (law 1907-10 Also Central Coll Mo) Law 210-211 Dan- iel Bldg Danville 111 f Johnson Gus Hugh (la 1901-2) De- catur 111 Johnson Harold Sucese (arch 1911-15 BS) Arch draft 6414 Harvard Av Chicago Johnson Harriette Augusta (la 1889- 93 BL) At home 1132 First Av Rock Island 111 Johnson Harry Julius (ag 1912-13 '15- ) Stu Rl Gerlaw 111 Johnson Harvey Judd (e eng 1908-13 BS) Cash S W Tel & Tel Co 451 S Jennings A? Fort Worth Tex (330 5 Main St Sycamore 111) Johnson Mrs H J (see Patton Elsie) Johnson Helen Margaret (la 1913-15) Jour 128 Dickson St Plymouth Ind JOHNSON Henry (BL (Minn) '89 AM (Col) '02 Head Dept Hist Minn St Nor Sch 1895-9 Instr Hist U 111 su 1904) Prof Hist Teach Coll Col U 501 W 120th St New York Johnson Henry William (sp sc 1904-5 Also Dixon Coll) Electr Mt Olive 111 ? Johnson Herbert Lewis (arch 1891-3) Champaign 111 Johnson Homer (sp ag 1901-4) Ag Covell 111 (502 E Walnut St Bloom- ington 111) Johnson Hortense (la 1915- ) Stu E Thompson St Princeton 111 Johnson James Edward (la 1896-1901 AB) Gen Supt St Ry & Light Co 408 W North St Danville 111 ? Johnson James Mount (c eng 1907-10 Also Pur U) San Antonio Tex ?Johnson Jessie G (sp 1879-81) Ur- bana 111 Johnson John Cummins (m eng 1890- 2) Ag Berryville Ark Johnson John Delbert (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Maple Park 111 * Johnson John Maurice (ag 1910-12 Also U Ind) d Oct 6 1913 Princeton 111 *Johnson John Nelson (sc 1875-6) d Oct 6 1913 Mt Vernon 111 Johnson John Peter (m eng 1898-1902 BS) M Eng 1220 Washington St Cedar Falls la Johnson John Robert (la 1915- ) Stu 139 S Water St Decatur 111 * Johnson John Stephen (Trustee 1867- 73 Farmer) d Johnson John Thomas (la 1904-6 AB Also Knox Coll 1898 & U Chgo 1901 Instr Sc Acad U 111 1902-3 Head Dept Ag & Biol W 111 St Nor 1906- 12) Dean & Dir Ag St Nor Sch 1912- Kent O Johnson John Walter (la Feb 1916- Also NW U) Stu 826 Barry Av Chi- cago Johnson Joseph Benjamin (m eng 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu R4 Harris- risburg 111 Johnson Julius Nicholai (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 21 N Jackson St Elgin 111 JOHNSON Laurence Crane (BS(Mich) '10 PhD(do)'15) Res Asst Chem U 111 1915- 613 W Michigan Av Ur- bana 111 (730 S Thayer St Ann Ar- bor Mich) Johnson Lawrence Lincoln (la com 1875-6) Asst Ag Demonstrator AT& SF RR Box 64 Amarillo Tex Johnson Lawrence Theodore (arch 1909- 10 Also U Notre Dame) Arch Draft 720 Tribune Bldg Chicago (7352 St Lawrence Av) *Johnson Leslie Virgil (acad 1903-5 arch 1906-7) d Taylorville 111 Johnson Lewis William (la 1892-6 AB) Contr 831 Rozelle St Memphis Tenn JOHNSON— JOHNSON 343 Johnson Lloyd Elmo (m eng 1902-8) Deep Well Contr & Hydraulic Eng 113 E Willow St Normal 111 Johnson Lotta Loofbourrow (Mrs Ben- jamin Weir) (la 1902-5 Also Forest Park U) Home 19 Bluff View Chat- tanooga Tenn Johnson Lottie Catherine (a&d 1899- 1900) Art 127 Downs St Kingston NY Johnson Louis Samuel (ag 1909-15) Ag 206 E John St Champaign 111 ? Johnson Mabel (sp mus 1909-10 Also Ober Coll) Urbana 111 johnson Mabel Clara (Mrs D H Cara- han) (g french 1907-8 AM AB (Ona- chita) '07 ) Home 1006 W Nevada St Urbana 111 t Johnson Mae Goldie (su 1912 Also Ohio U) Basil O t Johnson Malcolm (acad 1908-9) Ber- wick 111 Johnson Marcus Leonard (c eng 1914- Also NW U) Stu Park Eidge 111 Johnson Martin Nathanael (m eng 1893- 6) M Eng Inventions 1128 Fifth Av Moline 111 t Johnson Mary Alice (sp lib 1904-5) B18 Fairmount Ind Johnson Mary Fern (la 1912- ) Stu 936 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Johnson Mrs Maud (see Shlauderman Maud) Johnson Maurice Carl (m eng 1912- ) Stu 1627 Locust St Omaha Neb Johnson Maynard Wayne (la com 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu Casey 111 Johnson Mildred (lib 1915- AB(W Bes) '15) Stu Franklin Grove 111 Johnson Minnie (sp la 1909-11 su 1904 Also Ind Nor) Ag Sandwich HI Johnson Nellie Irene (la 1912-13 AB Also Ind St Nor) Teach Carmi HI Johnson Nettie M (sp 1875-7) c/o Mrs J M Stayman 1424 Eastwood Av Chicago Johnson Oliver Oden (sp ag 1905-6 Also Dixon Coll) Ag Steward HI t Johnson Paul Evangel (c eng 1908-9) 3128 Market St E St Louis 111 (Jack- sonville 111) Johnson Perry Nell (ag 1910-11) Ag Thief Eiver Falls Minn Johnson Porter Leo (ag 1915- ) Stu N Main St Stockton 111 Johnson Preston King (acad 1899- 1901 la 1901-3 law 1906-9 LLB) Law 221 Wabash Av Belleville 111 Johnson Eadford Murray (sp ag 1912- ) Stu Crossville 111 Johnson Ealph Benjamin (m eng 1914- 15) Steam Effic Eng 111 Steel Co Joliet Plant 122 Norton Av Joliet 111 Johnson Ealph H (ag 1905-10) Ag Saidora 111 Johnson Ealph Martin (la 1912-13) Stu 111 Wes U 332 Calendar Av Peo ria 111 Johnson Ealph Melville (sc 1882-3; e/o Internat Harvester Co 229 S Mad- ison Av La Grange 111 Johnson Ealph N (ag 1915- ) Stu Box 155 Knoxville 111 ^Johnson Eay B (acad 1910) 2272 Lincoln Av Chicago Johnson Baymond Eodger (e eng 1912- 13 Also Ohio St U) C Eng Min Co Box 94 Tyrone N Mex (45 S Fifth St Ironton O) Johnson Eichard Albin (c eng 1906-7 Also U Chgo) Bus Mgr 6030 Ellis Av Chicago Johnson Eichard Henderson (la 1915- ) Stu 214 Eobinson St Danville HI t Johnson Eiley Oren (sc 1904-6 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Amer Mission Batanga Kamerum West Africa Johnson Bobert Carl (la com 1910-14 AB) Teach H Sch Illiopolis 111 (408 E Second St Pana 111) ? Johnson Bobert Emery (sp ag 1909- 12) 5349 Indiana St Chicago (507 Chalmers St Champaign 111) Johnson Bobert Eugene (e eng 1912- ) Stu Lawrenceberg Ky t Johnson Bobert Ulysses (sp arch eng 1909-10 arch eng 1910-14 BS Also Lewis Inst) 1712 Francisco St Chi- cago t Johnson Eoxana Galletly (lib 1906-8 BLS AB(Ind)'03 Instr Lib U 111 1909 Catg Lib Wash St Coll 1910-12 Instr Lib Sc U Wash 1912-13) Libr 5518 Pasadena Av Los Angeles Uohnson Boy B (acad 1910-11) Chi- cago ? Johnson Boy Bert (sp c eng 1911-12) 607 Indiana Av Urbana 111 t Johnson Boy Grant (c eng 1905-8 Also Millikin U) 1769 N Water St Decatur 111 Johnson Boy Buyle (ag 1915- ) Stu E10 Paris 111 ? Johnson Samuel Abraham (su 1909 Also Okla Ag) Albany Ga * Johnson Samuel E (m eng 1871-3) d June 9 1911 Hot Springs Ark Johnson Sydney Kent (la com 1912-15) C Eng Box 158 Norwich NY 344 JOHNSON—JOHNSTON Johnson Walter Warren (m eng 1903-4 sp m eng 1904-5) Eng Seattle Johnson William (e eng 1904-5 BS (Earlham) '10) Stu U Cal 2212 Mc- Gee Av Berkeley Cal ? Johnson William Arthur (acad 1904- 5 m eng 1905-6) 3176 Elston Av Chicago Johnson William Bluford (law 1908- II LL B Also Ewing Coll) Law Ben- ton 111 Johnson William Chance (c eng 1899- 1901- '2- '3- '4- '5- '7- '9 BS) C Eng & Contr 510 S High St Belleville 111 Johnson William Pitt (c eng 1875-9 BS) Eepr Dickerson Seed Co 530 Board of Trade Bldg Boston * JOHNSON Willis Grant (Asst Entom St Lab Nat Hist 1895-6) d Johnston Allen G (e eng 1904-8) Div Supt Proctor & Gamble Mfg Co 1014 Locust St Cincinnati (Carlyle 111) Johnston Arthur Bussell (sc 1896- 1900 BS Asst Chem U 111 1900-1) c/o Victor Chem Wks 337 S Kensing- ton Av La Grange 111 Johnston Mrs A R (see Baker Nettie S) Johnston Carl Wilhelm (com 1915- ) Stu 166 McKee St Batavia 111 Johnston Charles H (sp ag 1882-3) Eet 618 W Hill St Champaign 111 JOHNSTON Charles Hughes (AB(NC) '98 MA(Harv)'03 PhD(do)'05 Prof Psych & Ed Dart Coll 1906-7 do II Mich 1907-9 do Col U su 1913) Prof Secondary Ed U 111 1913- 703 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Johnston Mrs CE (see Biggs Mable J) t Johnston Clarence William (e eng 1912-14) PittsfieldHl Johnston Donald Compton (la 1914-15 Also Millikin U) Stu E 111 St Nor 875 S Seventh St Charleston 111 Johnston Douglas Gentry (ag 1915- ) Stu 1524 Liberty St Alton 111 Johnston Dwight Irwin (la com 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu Seymour 111 Johnston Elizabeth Jane (Mrs L S Dancey)(la 1904-6 su 1907 AB(Car- roll) '12 Also 111 St Nor U) Home III Charles St Waukesha Wis * Johnston Elmer Alward (m eng 1890- 3) d June 3 1904 Champaign 111 Johnston Ernest Hungerford (e eng 1903-7 BS) Fin Cash 60 Wall St New York (298 St Johns PI Brook- lyn) ? Johnston Ethel Isabel (sp mus 1900- 1) Urbana 111 Johnston Fanny Beatrice (Mrs L A Patch) (sp mus 1909-11 Also Millikin U) Home 626-B S Seventh St Springfield 111 Johnston Florence Buby (h sc 1909- 12 '13-15 AB) Dir YMCA Cafeteria 620 W Hill St Champaign 111 Johnston Mrs G B (see Bowman Ger- trude Johnston Mrs G S (see Morris Bessie L) Johnston Mrs H W (see Boomer De Etta) Johnston Harold Boomer (la 1915- ) Stu 301 E Healy St Champaign 111 Johnston Harry Wilson (acad 1906-9) Grain Danvers 111 Johnston Helen Josephine (su 1909 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Clarence 111 Johnston Herbert (sc 1889-91) Ag B4 Champaign 111 Johnston Irving West (ag 1911-13) Ag R 33 Dewey 111 ( 618 W Hill St Champaign 111) Johnston James Arthur (su 1908 & '15 Also U Mo BS(Mt Union) '05 PhC Pittsburg) '05) Supt Sehs Hamil- ton 111' ? Johnston James Calvin (la 1874-5) Fair Haven 111 Johnston James Martin (la 1915- Also U NC) Stu Chapel Hill NO Johnston James Milton (acad 1903-4 law 1904-9 LLB) Law 3309 15th St Moline 111 Johnston John (acad 1879-80) Ag Carlyle 111 * Johnston John Stuart (m eng 1890-1) d Sparta 111 Johnston Joseph Henry (g 1914- AB (NC) '14) Stu U 111 1915- Chapel Hill NC Johnston Lillian Ruth (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 605 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 t Johnston Louis Campbell (sc 1906-7) Med 3270 N Clark St Chicago (R2 Jacksonville 111) JOHNSTON M McElroy (Cert Sch Mus U Mich Instr Voice U 111 1911- 13) Priv Voice Teach 4471 Lake Park Av Chicago Johnston Mabel (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Carlyle 111 t Johnston Margaret (la 1911-12 Also Knox Coll) Burnt Prairie 111 Johnston Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Ben Berry) (su 1901) Home Latham 111 Johnston Mary Grace (lib 1915 AB (Mt Union) '14) Stenog 602 W State St Alliance O Johnston Maurice Burnside (la 1911- J Oil NSTON— JON ES 345 12) Law Carlyle 111 tJohnston Mildred (ag 1913-14 Also U Ind) 508 Main St Greenburg Ind Johnston Ora Birney (sp ag 1901-3) Ag El Lexington 111 Johnston Paul Evangel (chem eng 1908-12 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Chem 3124 Market Av E St Louis 111 (Jacksonville 111) Johnston Paul Evans (ag 1913- ) Stu Milton 111 Johnston Pauline (sp la 1915- ) Stu 1524 Liberty St Alton 111 Johnston Mrs RE (see Born Alda H) Johnston Eollin A (acad 1888-9) Alta 111 tJohnston Ross William (sp ag 1904-5) Reynolds 111 Johnston Ruby Aileen (la 1912-14) Stu Art 5616 Huron St Austin 111 (308 E Olive St Lamar Colo) Johnston Thomas William (e eng 1908- 10 Also Bradley Poly) Teach Manual Tr St Louis (602 Hester Av Normal 111) Johnston Verne Irle (ag 1911-13) Sales Sidney HI Johnston Wayne Alvin (sc 1910-11 Also NW U) Stu U Mich 618 W Hill St Champaign 111 Johnston Wayne Andrew (com 1915- ) Stu 301 E Healy St Champaign 111 Johnston Wilbur Russel (ag 1911-13) Ag Illiopolis 111 Johnston William (acad 1880-2) Co Supt Schs Clinton Co (Carlyle 111) Johnstone Andrew John (ag 1909-13 BS) Ag R5 Bloomington 111 Johnstone Mrs A J (see Amsbary Hel- en A) Johnstone Arthur Lea (e eng 1906-9) C Eng Valuation Dept Big Four RR Cincinnati (717 Alby St Alton 111) Johnstone George Rufus (sc 1909-13 AB) Instr Bot Mich Ag 1913- E Lansing Mich (R2 (32) Galva 111) Johnstone Guy Carlyle (ag 1902-5 BS Also U Cor) Ag R5 Bloomington 111 Johnstone Jessie May (g latin 1895-6 Also Chgo Art Inst) Miniature Art 130 Garfield Av Hinsdale 111 Joice Earl Henry (ag 1909-11) Sales 4429 Magnolia Av Chicago Joiner Mrs Alvin Jr (see Mackay Zella Joiner Beulah (Mrs I M Western) (la 1903-4) Home Dundee 111 Joiner Charles Henry (sp ag 1902-3 Also LeStan U) Ag Polo 111 Joiner Flora Isabel (Mrs V S Hostet- ler)(h sc 1905-7 Also Bernard Coll) Home Zanesville O Jolley Albert Rembrant (sp 1873-7 Cert PhB(Wes)'96 AM(do)'97) C Eng 115 N Prairie St Whitewater Wis Jolly Franklin Alexander (c eng 1909- 10) Refrigerating Dept Southern Pa- cific Co San Francisco (2130 Derby St Berkeley Cal) Jolly Wesley Parvin (acad 1907-9 la 1909-10) Med Indianapolis ? Jonas Adore Lewis (su 1906 Also U Mo & U Okla) Law & Oil Prod Tulsa Okla fJoncas Marie Cecile (su 1911 Also Quebec Nor) Quebec La (3717 Yale Av Chicago) Jones Mrs (see Bozarth Phoebe) Jones Alba Allen (1 1906-10 LL B Also W 111 St Nor) Law 1339 W Wood St Decatur 111 Jones Albert Edward (la 1898-1901 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Ag Lena 111 Jones Alexander Henry (su 1912 aB (Wilberforce) '05) Mintr 656 Taylor Hall New Haven Conn (Wilberforce O) Jones Alfred F (m eng 1870-1) Mo- nee 111 Jones Allen John (ag 1914-15) Ag El Ridge Farm 111 Jones Almon Everett (m eng 1910-11 Also Armour Inst) c/o Operating Dept National Biscuit Co Chicago (827 Grove Av Oak Park 111) Jones Alwin August (la 1913-15) Stu Dewey 111 Jones Mrs Arthur A (see Sale Eva C) ? Jones Bernard L (sp 1869-70) De- catur 111 Jones Mrs B L (see Harris Agnes Z) Jones Bertha Marie (la 1907-11 AB) Teach Ger H Sch 707 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Jones Blanche (Mrs J H Arbuckle) (see Mrs L M Western) (la 1905-9 AB) Home Casper Wyo Jones Bruce Leroy (mun eng 1906-9 BS Also Pur U) Mgr Prairie Glen Stock Farm Union 111 Jones Carroll C (acad 1881-2) Ag Tuscola 111 t Jones Charles Barns (ag 1909-11) Robinson 111 Jones Charles Eugene (1 1908-12) Law Robinson 111 Jones Charles Jay (ag 1909-10 BS Also Pur U 1906-9) Co Ag Agt Bed- ford Ind t Jones Charles S (acad 1876-7) Ogles- by 111 Jones Clarence Onno (sp ag 1904-5) Implement Merc Lincoln 111 Jones Cletus (sp arch eng 1907-8) 346 JONES— JONES Bldg Contr 809 N 12th St Herrin 111 Jones Clifford Crouch (ag 1913-15 BS Also U Mo) Stu 808 Spruce St St Louis Jones Darrell Clinton (m eng 1912-13) Clk Oblong 111 Jones David Robert (c eng 1912- ) Stu 712 N Bloomington St Streator 111 Jones Dudley Emerson (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 814 Scott St Little Rock Ark Jones Earl Jesse (la com 1913-15) Bkpr Ames la (Gilbert Sta la) JONES Easley Stephen (g engl 1913- 15 BA(Colo)'07 MA(do)'09 MA (Harv) '13 Instr Engl U Colo 1908- 12) Instr Engl U 111 1913- 806 S Third St Champaign 111 Jones Ebon Clark (sp ag 1907-9) Ag 1402 N Clinton St Bloomington 111 Jones Edward James (acad 1898-1900 Also Nat Inst Phar) Druggist Secor 111 Jones Edward Walter (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng Ravinia 111 Jones Elizabeth Sophia (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu Raymond 111 Jones Ella Frances (Mrs D M Mur- phy) (su 1907) Teach 1020 Berwyn Av Chicago t Jones Elmer Nelson (sp 1909-10) Zanesville O Jones Emlyn Ivor (la 1900-4 LL B (Mich) '07) Law Newport Wash Jones Mrs E I (see Pope joy Lida E) Jones Emma T (Mrs P T Spence) (la 1881-5 BL) Home ' ' Terracina Park ' ' Redlands Cal fJones Eugene L (la com 1875-7) Henry 111 Jones Fannie Ella (lib 1899-1901 BLS) At home Morris 111 Jones Florence Dorothea (h sc 1914- 15) Teach Nokomis 111 (Raymond 111) JONES Florence Nightingale (su 1904 AB ( Ober ) '83 AM ( Neb ) '91 PhD (Chgo) '03 Instr Latin Gates Coll 1883-5 Instr Rom Lang U 111 1900- 12) Instr Spanish Lewis Inst 2218 Washington Blvd Chicago Jones Frances Beulah (acad 1909-10 h sc 1913- ) Stu 707 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Jones Frank Schall (m eng 1905-9 BS) Eng Union Carbide Co Beaver Falls Pa Jones Frank William (ag 1913- ) Stu 1202 N Clinton St Bloomington 111 Jones Fred Earl (sp e eng 1898-9) Foreman Gulf Refining Co Evange- line La Jones Fred R (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-5) Fireman RI Lines 1229 Osage Av Kansas City Kan Jones George Lawrence (sp ag 1905-8) Ag El Dara 111 Jones George Wilson (la 1915- ) Stu 819 Foster St Evanston 111 Jones Glynn Alvin (ag 1911-12) Ag RFD Piano 111 JONES Grinnell (BS(Vanderbilt) '03 MS(do)'05 AM(Harv)'05 PhD(do) '08 Also Syr U 1898-9 Instr Chem U 111 1908-11 Assoc do 1911-12) Instr Chem Harv U 1912- 39 Ellery St Cambridge Mass Jones Guy Raymond (1 1899-1902 LLB) Law Tuscola 111 1 Jones Harriet Willetha (su 1903) Cairo 111 Jones Harry (acad 1884-5 m eng 1885-9) c/o Amer Steel Foundry Co Chicago f Jones Harry Bernard (e eng 1902-3) Kankakee 111 Jones Harry R (ag 1874-6) Ag Ath- ens 111 JONES Harry Stuart Vedder (AB (Charleston) '99 AB (Harv) '01 AM (do) '03 PhD (do) '06 Asst Engl Harv U 1904-5 Instr Engl U 111 1906-7 Assoc do 1907-12) Asst Prof Engl U 111 1912- 906 W California Av Urbana 111 Jones Henry A (acad 1886-7) Cairo 111 Jones Henry Leonard (1 1899-1902 LLB) Law Trevett & Mattis Bk Bldg Champaign 111 Jones Mrs H L (see Crabb Lou M) *JONES Henry T (Instr Forge U 111 1893-1900) d Texas t Jones Herbert Milton (ry eng 1908- 13) 2853 Monroe St Chicago Jones Horace Norman Jr (m eng 1904- 8 BS Also Lewis Inst) Struct Eng Amer Bridge Co 717 Harrison St Gary Ind Jones Howard Kenworthy (m eng 1915- ) Stu 5903 Winthrop Av Chicago Jones Ina Vee (acad 1905-6) 510 W Green St Urbana 111 Jones Isaac (acad 1876-7 la 1877-82) Ag Baconfield la tJoNES Isabel Eliza (la 1887-92 g 1894-6 sp 1899-1900 '03-5 AB lib 1905-6 BLS '14 Instr A&D U 111 1902-10) 302 W Church St Cham- paign 111 JONES— JONES 347 Jones J Claude (sc 1899-1902 AB Also U Chgo 1906-9 Asst Geol U 111 1904- 5 Instr do 1905-6 Ees Asst Geol U Chgo 1907-9) Asst Prof Geol & Min- eral U Nev 1909- 736 West St Keno Nev Jones J Emrys (ag 1910-11) Chenoa 111 Jones J Eussell (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu 437 W South Grand Av Springfield 111 Jones James Francis (c eng 1873-7) Clk NY Tel Co Directory Dept 25 Day St New York (2 Marble Hill Av) Jones James Henry (sp ag 1900-2) Ag Barry 111 Jones Jesse Karl (acad 1905-8 sc 1908-12) Merc Dewey 111 Jones John Ellis (la 1914-15) Acct 11935 Eggleston Av Chicago Jones John Emiys (ag 1910-11) Prop Gar Newport Wash (Chenoa 111) Jones John Gray (acad 1897-8) Ag Toston Mont (Milford 111) Jones John Lloyd (acad 1904-5 mun eng 1905-9 BS) Cash 1st Nat Bk Henry 111 Jones Mrs J L (see Broaddus Eliza- beth M) Jones John Maurice # (la com 1910-11) Merc Dewey 111 %Jones John Paul (acad 1906-7) Ft Dodge la Jones John Eyan (ag 1911-12) Stock Williamsville 111 *Jones John S (sc 1870-1) d Tuscola 111 t Jones JohnW (acad 1881-3) Bodega Cal Jones John William (1 1898-1904 LL B Also Blackburn U) Law 805 White Bldg Seattle * Jones Joseph H (sc 1869-71) d Ed- wardsville 111 Jones Laura Evelyn (la 1905-7 BA (Welles) '09) Tutor 428 Eoslyn PI Chicago Jones Leola (mus 1914-15 Also Indi- anapolis Conserv) Teach Mus Perrys- ville Ind Jones Lester Seaman (su 1911&'13&'15 BS(NW)'05) Teach 126 Holly Ct Oak Park 111 Jones Lloyd George (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag E2 Peotone 111 jones Lloyd Theodore (g sc 1910-12 MS '12-15 PhD AB(Lake Forest) '09 AM (do) '10 Asst Phys Lake Forest Coll 1909-10 Asst Phys U 111 1910- 15) Instr Phys U Cal 1915- Berk- eley Cal Jones Mrs Lou Mae Crabb (Mrs Henry L) (sp mus 1905-6 Also Marshall Sem & Ferry Hall) Home 710 W Univer- sity Av Champaign 111 Jones Louise (Mrs B W Adsit) (la 1895-9 AB g 1899-1900) Home Pon- tiac 111 Jones Lucile (Mrs B B Howard) (la 1900-4 AB) Home 4 Avenue Erlang- er Paris France ? Jones Lynch Terrill (sp 1900-1) Cal- houn 111 Jones Mabel (la 1887-91 AB lib 1907- 9 BLS) At home 302 W Church St Champaign 111 tJones Mabel Agnes (la 1900-1) Chi- cago * Jones Mabel Evelyn (acad 1903-4 sp a&d 1904-5 Also Kemper Hall Keno- sha Wis) d Urbana HI Jones Mack Marquis (e eng 1915- — Also U Okla) Stu El Tonkawa Okla Uones Madge Dorothy (acad 1905-6) 804 W Green St Urbana 111 Jones Margaret (acad 1908-11 Also Moravian Sem Bethlehem Pa) Teach Phys Tr & Sec c/o YWCA East Lib- erty Pittsburg (1005 W Green St Urbana 111) t Jones Margaret M (acad 1908-9 su 1909) 501 E Daniel St Champaign 111 Jones Marian Lucile (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 811 Greenwood Av Ft Smith Ark Jones Marvel Armonel (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu & Stenog U 111 914 W Illinois St Urbana 111 JONES Mary L (Asst Prof Lib Econ & Libr 1897-8) County Lib Los An- geles t Jones Maurris M (acad 1893-4 Also Valparaiso U) Fisher 111 Jones McMillan (acad 1896-7 MD(U South) '05) Med Sheridan Wyo (Paris HI) Jones Milton D (e eng 1911-13 '14-15 BS Also Lake Forest Coll) Teach Eockford 111 (Eaymond HI) Jones Minnie Alice (su 1902) Bkpr Secor HI Jones Nellie Hannah (sp la 1907-8 Also NW U) Teach Milford HI Jones Mrs O M (see Williams Paul- ine L) Jones Ollie Elbert (acad 1909-11 Also Greer Coll Hoopeston) Ofe Mgr Swift & Co 109 Fifth Av Clinton la (625 Sixth Av) Jones Opal Eogers (la 1906-10 AB) Teach Urbana 111 (Sidney HI) 348 JONES— JORDAN Jones Orion Chester (se 1911-15) Stu P&S Chicago 1956 Jackson Blvd Chi- cago (Eedmon 111) Jones Paul Clifford (e eng 1912- ) Stu Henry 111 Jones Paul Erastus (acad 1909-10 arch 1910-15 BS) Stu 515 S Chey- enne Av Tulsa Okla JONES Paul Van Brunt (sp mus Feb 1916 MA ( Mich ) '08 PhD ( Pa ) '12 Instr U Mich 1902-6 Instr Bryn Mawr 1913-14) Assoc Hist U 111 1914- 508 S Elm St Champaign 111 JONES Ralph R (Coach Franklin Coll & Butler Coll & Wabash Coll & Pur U Basket Ball Coach U 111 1912-15) Assoc Basket Ball U 111 1915- 708 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Jones Eaymond Harrison (aead 1905-6 arch 1906-11 BS) Arch Draft Liese & Ludwiek 414 IOOF Bldg Danville 111 (St Joseph 111) * Jones Robert David (la 1876-80) d March 10 1898 Bradford 111 Jones Robert Taylor (arch 1907-12 BS g 1912-13 mus 1915 Also Vincennes U Instr Vincennes U 1906-7 Instr Arch U 111 1911-15) Assoc Arch U 111 1915- 606 W California Av Ur- bana 111 Jones Roy Augustus (sp ag 1909-10) Mach Greenview 111 JONES Roy Childs (BS(Pa)'08 Asst Draw U Pa 1907-9 Instr Arch U 111 1910-13) Arch Dept U Minn Minne- apolis Jones Rupert Forest (acad 1906-9 g e eng 1909-13 BS) Equip Testman Chi- cago Tel Co 4011 Lake Park Av Chi- cago jones Sadocie Connellee (g ag 1906-8 MS '09 BAg(Ky St) '06) Asst Prof Soil Phys Chge St Soil Surv Ky Ag Coll 327 S Upper St Lexington Ky Jones Sidney Francis (la 1903-5) Sales Internat Corresp Sch Scranton Pa (138 B St NE Washington) Jones Strother Gaines (ag 1910-11) Ag 437 W S Grand Av Springfield 111 Jones Susie Effie (acad 1902-3) Teach Secor 111 Jones Tennyson Calvin (ag 1914-15) 450 Railroad Av Glencoe 111 Jones Thomas A (ag 1871-3) Ins Brighton 111 Jones Trevor Leslie (ag 1915- ) Stu Chenoa 111 Jones Truman Nathaniel (la 1905-9 AB g la 1909-10 AB) Teach 2401 12th Av Moline 111 Jones Walker Blaine (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Seaton 111 Jones Wallace Franklin (la 1902-7 AB AM(Col)'08 PhD(NY)'ll) Head Dept Ed U SD Vermilion SD JONES Walter Howe (Studied Mus Chgo & Berlin Prof Piano De Pauw U 1892-5 Head Mus Dept U 111 1895- 1901 Dir 111 Coll Conserv Mus 1901-3) Composer & Edit Excelsior Minn Jones Walter Ortis (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu 508 E Healy St Cham- paign 111 Jones Walter Raymond (sc 1906-10 AB MD(U 111 Coll Med) '12) Med 1105 Cobb Bldg Seattle Jones Walter Wellman (su 1912) Trav Sales 578 N Gower St Los Angeles ( Brace ville 111) Jones Walter Wynn (acad 1892-3 c eng 1893-4) 508 E Healy St Cham- paign 111 Jones Warren (la 1899-1902 AB Also U Chgo) Assoc Prof Engl 1201 E Normal Av Kirksville Mo Jones Warren Paul (ag 1915- ) Stu 2859 Warren Av Chicago Jones . William David (sc 1883-4 MS (NW Med) '87) Med Devils Lake ND Jones William Hermon (ag 1911-12 Also Buchtel Call) Ag & C & M Eng New Lebanon Ind Jones William Joseph (com 1915- ) Stu 152 College St Elgin 111 Jones William Morris (sp m eng 1903- 4 Also 111 St Nor U 1904-5 & Stout Inst 1913-14) Teach 610 E Mill St Bloomington 111 Jones William Robert (ag 1913-15) Wks Beef Cattle Barn Kirkland 111 t Jones Willie A (acad 1886-7) Wind- sor 111 Jones Winifred Eloise (Mrs J G Alex- ander) (h sc 1911-12) Home 2019 E 72nd St Chicago Jordan Agnes Emma (Mrs Smith) (acad 1899-1900) Home Savoy 111 ' Jordan Arthur Irving (chem eng 1908- 10 BS Also Lewis Inst) Ag Shana- wan Man Can Jordan Bion Stanley Jr (acad 1907-8 la com 1908-10) Merc 3 State St Framingham Mass Jordan Erwin Byron (c eng 1904-8 BS) Supt Roberts & Shafer Co Ag Deerfield 111 Jordan Mrs E B (see Parsons Lura) Jordan Frederick Dolbier (1 1904-5 LLB(NW)'04) Prof Law 111 Coll Law 500 W Center St Apt 2 Chicago fJordan George Horace (arch eng JORDAN— JUDD 349 1894-5) Indianapolis (Elmwood Ind) Jordan George Thomas (la 1896-1900 AB) Ag Box 162 Palacios Tex Jordan Glen John (ag 1910-12) Ag R2 Newman 111 JORDAN Harvey Herbert (t&am 1912- 13 g 1915- BS(Me)'10 Asst As- tron & Field Surv U Me 1909-10 Instr C Eng do 1910-11 Instr GED U 111 1911-15) Assoc GED U 111 1915- 412 W Elm St Urbana 111 * Jordan Helen (la 1894-8 AB) d Sept 24 1911 Champaign 111 Jordan Helen Margaret (Mrs Henry Truitt) (h se 1907-11 BS) Home Chil- licothe 111 Jordan James Denney (aead 1907-8) Teach H Sch Angola Ind (Gifford Ind) Jordan James Menzo (sp ag 1899- 1900) Hort & Ag Savoy 111 JORDAN John Clark (la 1908-9 AB (Knox) '08 Instr Engl U 111 1908- 14) Prof Engl Drury Coll 610 E Lynn St Springfield Mo (Galesburg 111) Jordan Mrs J C (see Harrison Anna- bel R) tJordan John Garfield (m eng 1902-4 e eng 1904-6) Savoy 111 Jordan Louis (g chem 1915- AB (Bates) '15) Stu R2 Woodfords ULe Jordan Myron Kendal (acad 1900-1 '04-5 c eng 1905-9 BS) Draft 728 Hamilton Ter Kansas City Mo Jordan Mrs M K (see Matthews N Pearl) tJordan Olive Evalina (su 1899) Fish- er 111 Jordan Oscar Joseph (la 1904-8 AB Also NW U) Teach 11455 Watt Av Chicago Jordan Ralph (sp ag 1906-10) Ag Clayton N Mex Jordan Ray Lewis (arch eng 1913-15 Also ND St Nor) Arch Draft 614 E Sixth St Davenport la Jordan Robert James (la 1907-11 AB) Fire Ins Adjuster 627 Second Av S Minneapolis Jordan Roy Vial (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Supt Schs 413 S 16th St Herrin 111 Jordan Mrs Samuel T (see Williams Clara G) Jordan Theodore Nelson (m eng 1894- 6) Ag Savoy 111 Jordan William McKinley (ag 1914- 15) Carroll O Jorgensen Frederick Andreas (sp ag 1903-5 '09-10 Buttermaker Dairy Field Asst U 111 1911-12) Mfg Champaign 111 Jorgensen Mrs F A (see McMillan Sarah G) Jorstad Irving Clarence (ag 1913-14) Sheridan 111 Jory Herbert W (arch 1911-14 BS) Asst Foreman 1130 Webster Bldg Chicago (7318 Everhart Av) Joseph Ada Kathryn (mus 1911-14) At home Jasper Ind Joseph Effie Catherine (h sc 1914-15 la 1915- Also Moores Hill Coll) Stu Hayden Ind Joseph Oliver Charles (sc 1910-12) Teach O 'Fallon 111 joseph Walter Edward (ag 1909-12 PhD BS(Pur)'07 Instr SD St Coll) Instr & Asst An Husb U 111 1912-13 Assoc do 1913- 901 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Josserand Mrs Bruce (see Mull Mrs Beth W) Joslyn Harry Aldrich (ag 1911-12) Clk Speigel May Stern & Co Chicago (309 N California St Sycamore 111) Joy Donald Cooper (m (acad 1901-2) Edwardsville 111 Kelley Ada May (Mrs John Wilson) (sp 1873-4) Home 1311 Yeon Bl'dg Portland Ore Kelley Alfred Pruden (1 1912-14) Stu U Mich 775 South St Elgin 111 Kelley Arthur Caryl (acad 1905-6 la com 1908-12 AB) Corresp Sears Roe- buck & Co 3611 Fluornoy St Chicago Kelley Arthur Rolland (arch 1899-1902 BS Also la St Coll) Arch 1110 Story Bldg Los Angeles Kelley Charles Clarence (sp c eng 1906- 7 Also Valparaiso U) C Eng St Elmo 111 KELLEY Charles Fabens (AB(Harv) '07 Instr Arch & A&D U HI 1908-9 Instr Design do 1909-14) Instr Design Ohio St U 1914- Columbus O t Kelley Clement Earl (su 1909 Also Ind St Nor) Cloverdale Ind Kelley David Henry (e eng 1900-4 BS) Sales Eng 230 W 107th St New York Kelley DeWitt Warner (c eng 1904-5) Asst Supt Oglesby Coal Co Oglesby 111 Kelley Edith Maurine (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu Camp Point 111 t Kelley Emry (sp ag 1902-3) Altona Kelley Eunice Elizabeth (la 1913-14 Also Mich St Nor) 31 Post Av Bat- tle Creek Mich Kelley Frances Emily (la 1899-1901 AB) At home R6 Canton 111 Kelley Francis Hugh (ag 1911- ) Stu 1306 W Main St Urbana 111 Kelley Grace Osgood (lib 1901-3 AB lib 1903-8 BLS Also U Minn 1899-1900 & Albion Coll Mich 1900-1 Catg U 111 1903-6 Libr 111 St Lab Nat Hist 1906-11) Libr John Crerar Lib 1911- Chicago Kelley Henry Phillips (ag 1912- ) Stu 705 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Kelley Homer Neal (ag 1911-12) Ag St Elmo HI Kelley Iva (la 1914- ) Stu 1111 University Av Urbana 111 KELLEY James Herbert (la 1910-11 MDi(Ia Teach) '97 BS(Cor Coll) '00 AM(Harv)'08 Exec Sec U 111 1909- 14) Pres Colo St Nor Sch 1914- Gunnison Colo t Kelley Jennie Alice (su 1905) Fair- bury HI Kelley Kathryne Mable (Mrs C W Detwiler) (su 1902) Home Aledo 111 Kelley Lena (su 1910 &'11&'12 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 939 Walnut St Danville 111 Kelley Leo Harper (la 1915- ) Stu 2716 N Morgan St Shelbyville 111 Kelley Mae Elizabeth (la 1910-13 AB Also NW Orat Sch) Teach Pillsburg Hall Owatonna Minn I Kelley Margaret Genevieve (sp a&d 1901-3) Nauvoo HI Kelley Marshall C (acad 1905-6) 508 High St Urbana HI Kelley Ralph Leverett (arch 1908-14 BS) Draft U 111 1914- 256 Adm Bldg Urbana HI (755 South St El- gin HI) Kelley Truman Lee (sc 1904-9 AB g 1910-11 AM PhD(Col)'13 Also U Minn & U Tex Asst Psvchol U 111 1910-11) Instr, Ed & Psychol Culver Mil Acad 3611 Flournoy St Chicago Kelley William Ernest (sp law 1904-5 '08-10) Clk 3611 Flournoy St Chi- cago t Kelley William Lloyd (la 1906-7 Also U Mich) Shelbyville 111 Kellingar Zeta Eloise (la 1912-14) 600 Kitchell Av Pana 111 Kellman Carl Wanton Jr (la 1907-8 LLB(Chgo Law Sch) '13) Law Title & Trust Bldg Chicago (676 W Fos- ter Av) Kellogg Amelia Lucinda (la 1911-15 AB) 708 S Second St De Kalb 111 IKellogg Anita Margaret (BS Instr Eloc & Phys Tr U 111 1893-6) Kellogg Chester Arthur (e eng 1911- 13) M Eng 1226 E 46th St Chicago Kellogg Clyde Whitney (acad 1907-8) Grain Comm 310 Sherman St Chicago (Glen Ellyn HI) Kellogg Edwin Frederic (acad 1887-8 sc 1888-91) Trav Field & Shorb Co Decatur HI Kellogg Flora Lorena (Mrs H E Hud- son) (sp 1871-5 BL) Home Dougherty la Kellogg Howard Campbell (acad 1904- 5 e eng 1903-4 '05-7) Auto Sales Tiskilwa 111 Kellogg Howard Day (acad 1900-1 sp law 1901-2) Fire Ins 113 Crescent Av Peoria HI KELLOGG Joseph Mitchell (AB(Cor) '09 MA (Kan) '12 Instr Arch Design U 111 1912- 924 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 (725 Meosho St Emporia Kan) Kellogg Samuel Adams (ag 1914- 358 KELLOGG— KEMP Also Wlieaton Coll) Stu 107 Presi- dent St Wlieaton 111 Kellogg Sarah Gertrude (Mrs A H Perry) (la 1896-7) Soc Serv & Sec 834 Lawrence Av Chicago tKellum Charles Samuel (acad 1902-3 ; 04-5 m eng 1903-4) Supt Lavinge Mfg Co 204 Hanover St Detroit Mich (Sycamore 111) ?Kelly Ada May (arch 1903-5) 1001 Johnson St Keokuk la t Kelly Alfreeda Ruby (la 1908-10) Independence Kan Kelly Amy (g h sc 1908-9 BS(SD Ag) '08) Home Econ Ag Exten Dept U Id State House Boise Id Kelly Christmas (sc 1908-10 Also U Wis) Teach 527 Murray Av Mil- waukee (Colfax Wash) KELLY Edward Owen Guerrant (MS (Ky) Asst Entom St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1904-7) Entom US Dept Ag 824 N Olive St Wellington Kan Kelly Elmer Lorin (acad 1899-1901) Shumway 111 Kelly Everett Clyde (la 1913-15) Stu U 111 Coll Med Chillicothe 111 Kelly Fred Hanford (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 3409 Western Av Mat- toon 111 *Kelly Gilbert C (m eng 1874-5) d Maroa 111 Kelly Harry McCormick (su 1896 & '97 AB(Bucknell)'88 AM(do)'91 AB (Harv)>91 AM(do)'93 LLD(Stet- son) , ll Instr Biol NW U 1893-4 Instr Zool U 111 su 1910) Prof Biol Cor Coll 1894- Mt Vernon la Kelly Henry Eli (c eng 1914- ) Stu 1415 Sixth St Charleston 111 Kelly Howard Walton Jr (ag 1911-13) Merc c/o Campbell Holton & Co Bloomington 111 ?Kelly Jennie P (la 1888-9) Kanka- kee 111 Kelly Jessie Maurene (h sc 1914- ) Stu Atlanta 111 *Kelly John Campbell (la com 1872-4) d Paxton 111 ?Kelly John Fred (su 1905 Also Ew- ing Coll) Mt Vernon 111 Kelly John Thomas (m eng 1914- ) Stu 515 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Kelly Louis Ralph (1 1906-9 LLB) Law 359 E Park St Duquoin 111 Kelly Luke Leo (su 1915 Also U No- tre Dame) 30 Bayleston St Jamaica Plain Boston Kelly Margaret Agnes (su 1915 Also Nor U) Teach 723 South St Van- dalia 111 Kelly Philip John (com 1915- ) Stu 115 S Menard Av Chicago Kelly Ray Andrew (ag 1912-14) Ag Pittsfield 111 Kelly Rudolph Lawrence (acad 1910-11 arch 1911-12 Also U Notre Dame) Stu II Notre Dame Chillicothe 111 Kelly Walter Harold (su 1911 Also 111 Wes U) Grain Merc Mazon 111 tKelso Curtis Elmer ^acad 1898-1900 sc 1900-2 su 1904) Thomasboro 111 Kelso Mrs C E (see Burr Elizabeth H) Kelso Elmer L (acad 1877-8 sc 1879- 81 MD(NW)>83) Med Paxton 111 Kelso Erie Roland (la 1910-11 Also Ohio St U) c/o American Bridge Co Ambridge Pa Kelso Mrs E R (see Dryer Madeline M) Kelso Genevieve (g hist 1910-11 AB Ohio St) '10 ) Athl Dir Pub Schs 242 N Dillon St Los Angeles Kelso Herschel (acad 1906-8 sp law 1908-9) R Est c/o S Fla Investment Co Miami Fla Kelso Leon Woodford (la 1909-11 MD (NW)M5) Med City Hospital St Louis (Paxton 111) Kelso Ruth (la 1904-8 AB g 1908-9 AM '15- ) Asst Engl U 111 1909- 1008 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 IKeltnEr Charles Henry (sc 1908-10 AB su 1915 Also Mt Morris Coll) Mt Morris 111 Kemball Georgetta (Mrs H L Mur- ray) (la 1880-4 BL) Home Grand Junction Colo Kemman Alphonso H (ag 1879-81) Ag 329 N Fifth Av La Grange 111 Kemman Alveno F (acad 1880-2) Co Eng New Hampton la Kemman Herbert Fred (ag 1908-12) Pitcher Toronto Baseball Club 329 N Fifth Av La Grange 111 Kemmerer John Martin (acad 1896-7 c eng 1897-1900 Also Armour Inst) Gov 6104 Kenwood Av Chicago Kemp Anna B (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch Melrose Minn (406 S School St Normal 111) Kemp Arnold Raman (ag 1913- Also Ind U) Stu Waynetown Ind Kemp Charles Delbert (ag 1915- ) Stu Waynetown Ind Kemp Mrs C W (see Fogg Alma J) tKemp Elizabeth May (la 1910-11 Also W 111 St Nor) Lake Forest 111 tKEMP George Theophilus (sp mus 1899-1900 AB(JHopk)'83 PhD(do) '86 MD(Long Island) Lect Physiol Long Island Coll Hosp 1892-4 Dept Gynaec do 1892-4 Prof Physiol U 111 KEMP— KENNARD 359 1897-1908) 8 25th St Baltimore Kemp Hyman (ry c eng Feb 1916- ) Stu 1123 S Wood St Chicago Kemp Jacob Garrett (sc 1902-6 AB g 1908-10 AM '10-12 PhD Instr Phy- sics Pur U 1906-8 do U 111 1908-11 US Navy 1898) Assoc Prof Physics U Ark Fayetteville Ark Kemp John Edward (c eng 1899-1901 BS CE'08 AB (Lake Forest) '99) C Eng 701 E Prospect St Kewanee HI Kemp Orval Alton (ag 1912-14) Ag Waynetown Ind Kemp Ralph Garrett (acad 1910-11) 507 Babcock St Urbana 111 Kemp Ward Edwin (sp ag 1905-6 Also la St Ag Coll) Ag Sheffield 111 (Rus- sellville Ind) fKemper Benjamin Franklin (acad 1909-10 arch 1910-11) Arch Mar- shalltown la Kemper Mrs J S (see Hooper Mildred E) Kemper Malcolm Abbott (sc 1911-12) Med Stu Rush Med Coll Dana Av Cincinnati O *Kempf George Arthur (acad 1907-9 arch eng 1909-12) d April 14 1913 Chicago KEMPNER Aubrey John (PhD(Goet- tingen U) '11 Also U Berlin Instr Math U 111 1911-15) Assoc Math U 111 1915- 907 W California Av Ur- bana ni KEMPTON Forrest Ellwood (g bot 1914- MS(Wis)'13 BS(Earlham)'06 Prof Biol 111 Coll 1913-14) Asst Bot U HI 1914- 1110 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (Centerville Ind) Kenaga William C (la 1889-91 LL B (Mich) '94) Adv Counsel Mgr Ad Art Serv 212 Press Bldg Cleveland Kendall Abner Fred (1 1908-12 LLB) Law Watseka 111 KENDALL Calvin N (AB (Hamilton) '82 AM (Yale) '00 AM (Mich) '09 LitD ( Hamilton ) '11 LitD ( Rutgers ) '12 LL D(NY) '13 LL D (Muhlenberg) '15 Prof Ed U 111 su 1904) Comm Ed Trenton NJ Kendall Clinton Dwight (acad 1910-11 la 191.1-13) Lombard HI (541 High- land Av Oak Park HI) Kendall Florence Frances (Mrs Bert A Anderson) (h sc 1911-12) Home Grass Range Mont Kendall George Brophy (ag 1910-12 BS Also HI St Nor U) Teach Physics & Ag Moorhead St Nor 1108 Seventh Av S Moorhead Minn KENDALL Harry Cole (sp mus 1909- 11 BS(Mo)'04 BS(Mass Tech) '05 Instr Casino Tech 1907-8 Instr Ry E Eng U 111 1909-11) Traffic Eng 6 St Helen's Ct Portland Ore Kendall Harry Frederick (acad 1884- 5 lib 1885-9 BL) Jour 1309 Lafay- ette Av Mattoon HI Kendall Helen Virginia (h sc 1904-6) At home 414 Park Av W Princeton 111 Kendall James Blaine (m eng 1894-6) Mech Draft 5351 W Hellman Bldg Los Angeles Kendall James Henry (c eng 1910-13) Lombard 111 (541 Highland Av Oak Park HI) Kendall John Samuel (11903-6 LLB) Law Carbondale HI Kendall John Thomas (la com 1908-10 LL B ( Bloomington Law) '13 ) Ag Farmer City HI Kendall Lloyd Walker (la 1911-12) Stockkpr HI Tract Co Decatur HI (Farmer City 111) Kendall Mary Lilly (la 1914-15 Also HI Wes U) Teach Farmer City 111 Kendall Myron Avery (m eng 1903-7 BS) MEng&Mfg 715 Garfield Blvd Aurora 111 Kendall Parker (ag 1911-12) Ag Grass Range Mont Kendall Paul Dexter (la 1913-14) Purchasing Agt 933 Gait Av Chicago Kendall Pearl Strickland (Mrs C A Ocock) (sp la 1901-2) Home 1209 N Madison Av Peoria 111 Kendall Ralph Elmo (c eng 1907-9 Also NW U) C Eng Naperville HI Kendall William Finlev (acad 1882-3 c eng 1883-5 BS) C Eng H&TC RK Co 911 E First St Austin Tex *KENIS James (Stu Acad Fine Arts Lauvain Belgium Instr Clay Model & Arch Ornam U 111 1874-7) d Antwerp Belgium Keniston Charles Herbert (acad 1897- 8) Stationary Eng San Diego Cal Keniston Henry (acad 1888-9) Ranch Halfway Ore Keniston John L (acad 1888-9) Ag Manhatten 111 Kennan Charles Marshall (acad 1906- 8 la 1908-12 AB Also McDonald Ed Inst) Assoc Sec YMCA 2366 Street- ford Cincinnati (Mayorville Ky) Kennard Edward Morrison (acad 1893- 4 la 1895-7) Build Mgr 117 White Bldg Seattle Kennard Katherine (la 1886-90 BL) At home 311 W University Av Cham- paign 111 Kennard Perry Garst (11891-2 '98-1900 LL B(NW) ) Law 9 S La Salle St 360 KENNARD— KENT Chicago (4227 Kenmore Av) tKennard Warren George (la 1890-1) 311 W University Av Champaign 111 t Kennedy Alice Richart (sp a&d 1896- 7) Tacubaga DF Mexico City Mex Kennedy Allan Gilmour (c eng 1873- 7 BS) Min Expert & Aect 17031 E 12th Av Spokane Wash ^Kennedy C Dell (sp mus 1879-80) Champaign 111 Kennedy Clayton Franklin (acad 1905- 7 c eng 1907-10) 134 Hinsdell PI Elgin 111 "Kennedy David C (sp 1870-2) d Clay City 111 Kennedy Edward Ray (acad) 955 E Brooks St Galesburg 111 Kennedy Florence Atchison (su 1915 Also Claflin U) Libr Lee Lib Claflin U Orangeburg SC (509 Charles St Beaufort SC) Kennedy Hannah Ellen (la 1912-14) 12 W Dewitt St Pana 111 Kennedy Helen Theresa (lib 1901-3 BLS Also Worn Coll 1896-8) Prin Dept LAPL Pub Lib Los Angeles (340 Brent St) Kennedy Henry Sherwood (ag 1914- Also Howard U) Stu 1920 11th St NW Washington Kennedy James Walsh (com 1915- ) Stu 606 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 ?Kennedy Jane (lib 1905 AB (Farm- ers) '87) Norwood O Kennedy John (acad 1889-90) Mur- physboro 111 Kennedy Mrs J B (see Gold Kather- ine E) ?Kennedy John Riley (su 1908 Also W 111 St Nor) Colchester 111 Kennedy John Robie Jr (arch 1902-4 Also U Ala) Arch US Treas Dept 1849 Newton St Washington ^Kennedy John W (sp 1871-2) Peru 111 Kennedy John William (arch 1890-4 BS) Arch 300 Cahokia Bldg E St Louis 111 Kennedy Josephine (h sc 1910-11 Al- so Wheaton Coll) Stu U 111 Coll Med Wheaton 111 Kennedy Kathryn Beatrice (la 1908- 9) Stenog 606 W Stoughton St Ur- bana 111 Kennedy Kay win (la 1913- ) Stu Minonk 111 Kennedy Luther E (sc 1910-14 AB g geol 1914-15 AM) Asst Geol U 111 1915- 507 E Healy St Champaign 111 (521 S State St Springfield 111) KENNEDY Robert Edwin (m eng 1909-10) Instr Foundary Prac U 111 1910- 612 S Coler Av Urbana 111 * Kennedy Roy McClure (acad 1906-7) d August 13 1904 Peoria 111 KENNEDY Willard John (AB(Ia Ag) '99 Instr An Husb U 111 1899- 1901) Prof An Husb & V-Dir Ag Exp Sta la St Coll 1901- Ames la Kennedy William J W (sp 1870-2) Ag & Arch Fayetteville Ark Kennelley Griffith Sidney (c eng 1915- ) Stu 812 Oneida St Joliet 111 Kenner Byron Florence (m eng 1911- 15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Glendora Cal Kennett David Herman (c eng 1913- 15) Dep Co Eng Rushville Ind Kenney Charles Francis (acad 1895-6) Divernon 111 Kenney Helen Todd (su 1908) Teach Tiskilwa 111 Kenney Myrtle (su 1914 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Amboy 111 (Carbondale 111) Kennicott Avis Edna (la 1913-14) At home 4159 Kildare Av Chicago Kennicott Sylvia Adelia (la 1912-14) At home 4159 Kildare Av Chicago Kenny Marion Katheryne (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 709 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Kenny Mrs R E (see Jackson Lena) Kenower George Frederic (la 1871-5 BL'78 ML '80 Trustee U 111 1881- 3 Teach 1875-82 Regent U Neb 1898-1904) Edit & Publ 1882- Wis- ner Neb Kenower John T (sc 1879-83 BS) Edit Breckenridge Mo Kensel Richard Reuben (mus 1914-15) 521 11th St Oshkosh Wis Kenshalo Ralph (1 1913- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu Fairfield HI Kent Charles Walcott (su 1902 BS (Mich) '99 Also U Wis & U Chgo) Teach & Min St Nor Sch Los Ange- les Kent Edward Raylor (arch eng 1908- 11 BS Also Syr U) Indust Eng Celluloid Co Newark NJ (64 Orange Rd Montclair NJ) Kent Everett Frank (ag 1912- ) Stu Gridley 111 Kent Homer Edward (sp law 1905-6 Also Highland Pk Coll) Argenta 111 Kent Horace Ellsworth (c eng 1914- ) Stu 1001 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Kent James Martin (m eng 1881-5 BS) Teach E Eng & M Eng 2446 Harrison St Kansas City Mo Kent Jennie Isabella (Mrs C C Paine) (acad 1891-3 la 1893-4) Home Hy- KENT— KEENER 361 annis Mass Kent Lee Carson (acad 1907-8 e eng 1908-13 BS) E Eng Nat Club 33 Stan wood Ed E Cleveland (Gridley 111) Kent Lillian (su 1913) Libr Vespas- ian Warner Pub Lib 624 N Center St Clinton 111 Kent Louis Maxwell (acad 1891-2 la 1891-6 AB LLB'98) 408 N Hazel St Danville 111 Kent Paul Fraser (arch eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Gridley 111 Kent William Riddle (sc 1910-12 AB Also Dart Coll & Col U) Mfg 38 Randolph St Passaic NJ (150 Boule- vard St) Kenworthy Charlotte Frazer (la 1889- 90) Rock Island 111 Kenyon Eli Daniel (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Athens 111 ?Kenyon Eugene Crouse (e eng 1902- 5 BS Also Bradley Poly) 244 Kear- ney St San Francisco Kenyon Frederick Newcomb (ag 1910- 14 AB Also Bradley Poly) Fruit Grower Yuba City Cal Keough Robert Emmet (acad 1903-4 sp c eng 1904-7) Asst Train Master 6 Road Master CB&Q RR 56 N Root St Aurora 111 (279 Palace St) Keown Berthold Logan (ry eng 1907- 11) Mach 221 Sycamore St Cen- tralia 111 Kepler George F (arch eng 1896-1900 BS) Ag Argyle Farm Fredericks- burg Va Keplinger Mrs C T (see Miller Edna A) Keplinger Mrs W P (see Nye Ruth H) Kepner Charles Erastus (sp ag 1910- 11) R Est & Auctioneer Rochelle 111 (Lena 111) Ker Lorraine Margaret (la 1914- ) Stu 2318 W 109th St Chicago tKeran Paul Clemens (la 1910-14 Al- so Wabash- Coll) 409 E Green St Champaign 111 Kerch Walter Washington (c eng 1903- 8 BS) Eng Lime & Cement Co Gran- ite City 111 (2028 G St) Kerch Mrs WW (see Porterfield Nel- lie M) Kercher Oscar B (c eng 1910-14 BS Also NW U ) C Eng St Highway Dept Springfield 111 (Goshen Ind ) Kercher Otis (la 1910-14 BS) Teach 151 E High St Lexington Ky (Gosh- en Ind) Kercher Mrs Otis (see Williams Gene- vieve) Kerchner Fred William (acad 1889-90 sc 1890-4 BS MD (Marion Simes) '98 Also U Chgo 1908) Med Glen Car- bon 111 Kerchner Morris Wilbur (ag 1908-11 BS Also Kazoo Coll) Ag Walnut 111 Kerker Harry Edward (1 1910-12 LL B) Law 49 N Neil St Champaign 111 (903 W Oregon St Urbana 111) Kerker Verna (Mrs S H Busey) (sp mus 1905-6 la 1906-8 See also Busey Verna Kerker) Stu Mus 1131 Uni- versity Av Boulder Colo Kerley Claude (sp ag 1904-8) Ag Timewell HI Kern Alfred Eidman (1 1913-15) 118 S Illinois St Belleville 111 Kern Edward Lester (e eng 1912-14) 506 S Park St Streator 111 Kern Emma Ruth (Mrs A F Hunt) (sp mus 1904-8) Home Alexis 111 Kern Esther Allen (Mrs Ralph I Ey- man) (h sc 1912-14 AB Also N 111 St Nor) Home 218 Paris Av Rock- ford 111 Kern Ethel Marion (acad 1909-10) Urbana HI Kern Etta Lavern (Mrs Charles Hos- ford)(acad 1902-5 sp mus 1905-7) Home Cayuga Ind Kern Evans Sherwood (ag 1909-13 BS) Ag Bloomington 111 Kern Florence Ellen (h sc 1913- ) Stu 110 E John St Champaign 111 Kern Fred H (sc 1912-13) 720 E Washington St Clinton 111 Kern George M (la 1902-3) Merc Dwight 111 Kern John (acad 1910-11) Plumber O L Kern Co Urbana HI (110 E John St Champaign 111) Kern Mrs J R (see Peadro Laura) Kern Lowell Davidson (sp law 1910- 14) Law Watseka 111 tKern Murrel Albert (sp 1909-10) Watseka 111 Kern Vernon Harlow (ag 1913- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Gays 111 kernall Morris Johnson (g zool 1913- 14 AM '14- AB(Dak)'06) Stu 701 Washington Blvd Urbana 111 (Valley City ND) Kernall Mrs Morris Johnson (h sc 1913-15 BS BS(Carleton)'06) Home 701 Washington Blvd Urbana 111 (Valley City ND) Kerndt Alfred Henry (m eng 1908-12 BS) Supt Nat Standard Co 506 Sy- camore St Niles Mich Kerner Julius Caesar (m eng 1914- ) Stu 5103 W 23rd St Cicero 111 KERNER Robert Joseph (g hist 1909- 10 AB(Chgo)'08 AM(do)'09 AM (Harv)'12 PhD (do) '14 Instr Hist 362 KERNOLL— KETCHUM Lewis Inst Asst Amer Hist U 111 1909-10) Stu Harv U Cicero 111 Kernoll Russell Furst (c eng 1912-15) Teach Rochester 111 Kerns Mrs EM (see Warne Maude) Kerns Effie S (Mrs E C Flanigan) (sp 1894-5) Home 1111 W Church St Champaign 111 Kerns Harriet White (Mrs A C Krembs)(acad 1892-4 sc 1896-7) Home Stevens Point Wis Kerns Rillis (Mrs Aubrey Skiles) (la 1899-1900) Home 512 11th St Washington Kerns Shirley Kendrick (hi 1889-92 '96-7 AB AB(Harv)'98) Prin Sch 21 Waterston Rd. Newton Mass (Bos- ton) Kerr Bartlett Martin (m eng 1904-9 BS) Draft Mercer Auto Co 156 Hoffman Av Trenton NJ Kerr George (acad 1902-3 arch 1910- 11) Contr N Market St Urbana 111 Kerr Grace Alice (la 1908-11 Also 111 Worn Coll) At home 1011 N Cor- ona St Colorado Springs Colo Kerr Grayson Alexander (ag 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 633 Lincoln Av Venice 111 *Kerr Harvey Geo (ag 1910) d Dec 26 1910 Chicago Kerr Josephine Ellrod (Mrs F G Alli- son) (h sc 1903-7 BS g 1907-9 MS Asst Bacteriol Ag Exp Sta U 111 1907-8 Asst Chem do 1908-10 Bac- teriol 111 St Pellagra Comm 1910-11) Home Fillmore Sask Can tKerr Luther Glen (ag 1910-11 Also Union Coll) Adams Basin NY Kerr Lyda Kathryn (la 1914- ) Stu 610 N Market St Urbana 111 Kerr Ralph (ag 1914-16) 610 N Mar- ket St Urbana 111 Kerr Robert Hewston (m eng 1912-13 Also Pur U) M Eng R3 Attica Ind Kerr Vergil Edwin (la 1915- ) Stu Market St Metropolis 111 Kerr Volney Applebee (m eng 1914- 15) Stu Armour Inst 54 W 34th St Chicago Kerrick Mrs H S (see Clark Lena M) *Kerrick Leonidas Hamline (Trustee 1903-7 BS(I11 Wes) '66 AM In Cursu Memb 27th Gen Assembly) d Mar 13 1907 Bloomington 111 Kerrick Maude (Mrs R C Helton) (la 1909-10 Also Hamilton Coll) Home Brocton 111 Kerrigan Paul Francis (arch eng 1910- 14 BS) . Eng Washington St Michi- gan City Ind Kershaw LeRoy (1 1901-4 LLB) In- vest 1320 Boston Av Muskogee Oka Kesl Joseph Jr (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 220 S Buchanan St Edwardsville 111 Kessinger Ruth (su 1911 BS (Centen- ary La) '12) Teach 608 N Jefferson Av Litchfield 111 Kessler Clarence Henry (acad 1908-9 e eng 19.09-13 BS) Eng Mo & Kan Tel Co 223 N Market St Wichita Kan (Kirkwood 111) fKESSLER Ernst (Asst Glass Blowing U 111 1912-13) Urbana 111 t Kessler Harvey Lamech (la 1903-10 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Smithboro 111 (Kirkwood 111) kessler James (g 1914-15 AM '15- sp mus Feb 1916- AB(Ind)'08 Al- so U Paris 1911-12 & U Chgo 1914 Instr Grinnell Coll 1909-11) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1914- 504 W Ore- gon St Urbana 111 (Portland Ind) Kessler Mrs Minnie Frayar (Mrs H L) (su 1907 Also S 111 St Nor) Home Roseville 111 Kessler Raymond Blaine (la 1910-14 LL B) Okla Natural Gas & Land Co 1417 S Carson Av Tulsa Okla (208 5 Cross St Robinson 111) ?Kester Francis Earnheart (sp la 1905- 6) 322 Harmon Av Danville 111 Ketch James Moss (e eng 1914- Al- so Millikin U) Stu 1160 W Decatur St Decatur 111 *Ketcham Lillian (sp la 1903-4 AB (Ober) '94) d July 5 1906 Chenoa 111 KETCH AM Victor Alvin (AB(Ohio) '07 LL B(do)'10 Teach U Me Instr Engl U 111 1912-13) Corning O Ketchum Daniel Clement (la 1896-9 AB LL B'04) Law 518 NY Life Bldg Kansas City Mo Ketchum Ellen Pauline (acad 1899- 1900) La Prairie 111 Ketchum Fred L (acad 1909-10) La Prairie 111 Ketchum George Spencer (acad 1895- 6 law 1896-8) Fruit Grow Canyon City Colo IKetchum Harold (acad 1902-3) Champaign 111 t Ketchum Margaret A (1 1897-1900 LL B) Law Augusta 111 *Ketchum Mary Phronia (Mrs L H Smith) (sp a&d 1895-8) d May 1902 Champaign 111 Ketchum Milo Smith (c eng 1891-5 BS CE '00 Instr C Eng U 111 1895- 7 Asst Prof C Eng U 111 1899-1903 Prof C Eng U Colo 1904) Dean Coll Eng U Colo 1905- Boulder Colo Ketchum Mrs MS (see Beatty Mary KETCHUM— KIEFER 363 E) Ketchum Richard Bird (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-6 BS CE'OO Asst C Eng U 111 1897-8) Assoc Prof C Eng U Utah 171 "Q" St Salt Lake City Ketelhut William Herman (e eng 1915- ) Stu 713 Maple St South Haven Mich Kettenring Henry Sylvester (la 1895-8 1900-1) Publ Pekin HI Kettle Charles Brown (e eng 1909-10) Oswego NY Kettlekamp Frederick Oscar (su 1908 PhB(Cen Wes) '08 AB(do)'10 MD (Wash StL U) '13) Med Huntler Mont (Nokomis 111) Kettron Henry Pearson (c eng 1907- 11 BS Also W HI St Nor) Mfg 512 N Randolph St Macomb 111 Ketzle Henry Benjamin (m eng 1898- 1902 Also Knox Coll Prep Dept; M Eng 113 N Seventh St Minneapolis (6049 Kimbark Av Chicago) Kuehn Mrs A L (see Chaneey Anna Olive) Keusink Helen Bertha (la 1913-15 ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 314 E White St Champaign 111 Keusink Wilhelmina Minnie (Mrs H A Johnson) (acad 1898-1900 c eng 1900- 3) Home 816 W Park St Cham- paign HI Keusink William Bernardus (acad 1898- 1900 PhG(U 111 Phar)'04) Drug 912 W Park St Champaign 111 Keusink Mrs W B (see Elliott Hazel M) Kevil James Samuel (arch eng 1906- 7) Wholesale Grain Sikeston Mo Kewley Mrs James (see Rowley Ade- line W) Kewley Robert James (la 1914-15 Al- so Utah Ag Coll) US Entom Lab College Pk Md (954 Second Santa Monica Cal) Key David Francis Scott (acad 1893-4 Also S 111 St Nor) R Est 326 Illinois Av Carbondale HI ?Keyes Bliss Ward (ag 1906-7 Also Ralston U) 1924 E State St Rock- ford 111 Keyes Fanshawe Martin (la 1914- ) Stu 1005 N State St Chicago Keyes Hubert Ashingdon (la 1915- ) Stu 1005 N State St Chicago Keyes Lois Eda (su 1911) Mus Hampshire 111 Keyes Otis Walton (su 1915) Teach Ludlow 111 (Rantoul 111) Keys Hugh Cedric (sc 1910-11) Clk Le Roy HI Keys Louesa Jane (h sc 1908-11 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Ala Girl's Tech Inst Montevalle Ala Keys Ruthelle (acad 1906-7 Also Lin- coln Coll) Beason HI Khan Rahmat Ali (la 1915- ) Stu Khanaura India Kibbe Kyle Albert (sc 1912-14) Mail Dept Cont Com Nat Bk Chicago 1314 S Eighth Av May wood 111 Kibbe Leslie Arthur (arch eng 1910- 12 '14-15 BS) Insp Bldg Dept IC RR Nonconnah Yd Memphis Tenn (1413 S Eighth Av Maywood 111) Kibby Sarah Elvina (Mrs R E Ruple) (la 1905-7 AB'08 Also U Colo) Home 103 Tracy Av Kansas City Mo (Bert- houd Colo) Kichlu Kunja Behari (e eng 1914-15 Also F C Coll Lahore India) Stu Manshi Bagh Strinagar Kashmir India Kidd Albert Eugene Jr (la com 1911- 14 AB Also U Chgo 1911) Sales 3711 Wentworth Av Chicago Kidd Erne Berdella (Mrs E C Capper- rune) (la 1903-4 Also Knox Coll) Home 318 S Vine St Kewanee 111 Kidd George Wilson (c eng 1911- ) Stu 5519 Turner Av Chicago Kidd Lilace Mazoe (la 1912-13 '14- Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Astoria 111 Kidder Albert Franklin (ag 1901 '02- 6 BS Asst Soil Phvsics U 111 1906-7 Asst Prof Agron U La & A M Coll 1907-10 Prof Agron do 1910) Prof Agron U La 746 North St Baton Rouge La Kidder Annie Sirdinia (sp h sc 1901-2 acad 1902-3) Teach Farmington 111 Kidder Edward M (c eng 1873-5) Bond & Stock Broker 539 Pierce Bldg St Louis Kidder Mrs Ida Angeline (Mrs L) (la 1903-5 AB lib 1905-6 BLS Also Al- bany NY St Nor) Libr c/o Ore Ag Coll Lib Corvallis Ore Kidston Roy Palmer (ag 1915- ) Stu 208 N Ridgeland Av Oak Park 111 Kid well Franklin Nelson (ag 1904-6) Florist 3804 Wentworth Av Chicago Kidwell Thomas Arnold (m eng 1914- ) Stu 136 Saratoga Av Downer's Grove 111 Kiedaisch Edward (arch eng 1909-10 Also U la) 227 S Sixth St Keokuk la Kiesaisch Karl (c eng 1905-10 BS) C Eng 1615 W 104th PI Chicago Kiefer Albert (acad 1886-8 sp 1888- 9) Arch 410 Woolner Bldg Peoria 111 Kiefer Mrs John F (see Wallace 364 KIEKIN T VELD— KIMBALL Emma E) Kiekintveld Sadie Jeannette (la 1901-3 Also U Colo & St Nor Sch San Jose Cal) Teach San Jose Cal Kienzle Clair Lillian (h sc 1908-12 Al- so 111 Worn Coll) At home St Jos- eph 111 Kienzle Edna Sophia (sp mus 1900-1) Mus St Joseph 111 Kienzle Paul Charles (acad 1908-11) Wk Bk Champaign 111 (St Joseph 111) KIERNAN Arthur (g math 1911-12 PhB(Brown)'ll Asst Math U 111 1911-13) Ins 173 Pond St Provi- / dence RI (1 Falcon St) Kiessig Paul Peter (land arch 1913- Also U Cal) Stu 2037 Virginia St Berkeley Cal Kiger Oscar Newton (su 1906 & '10 Also Taylor U) Carpenter 1162 Jeff- erson St Hammond Ind Kikuchi Shichiro (g math 1908-9 BS (Shurtleff) '08) Teach Tung Wen Coll Shanghai China (Omiya Japan) Kilborn Orrel L (la 1881-2) Merc 1319 Lomita Av Glendale Cal Kilboume Andrew L (acad 1877-8) Ag c/o B W Harris El Corvallis Ore Kilbourne Perley P (sp 1870-1) Sec Masonic Bd Relief 272 Sixth St Portland Ore Kilbride Edward Robert (ag 1915- ) Stu 1403 S Second St Springfield 111 kilburn Frances Marjorie (Mrs C K Hewes) (g engl 1911-12 AM AB (Rock- ford) '11) Home 89 S Chester Av Pasadena Cal Kilbury Asa (acad 1897-1900) Ag St Joseph 111 Kilbury Friedrick Earle (acad 1905- 6) Ag St Joseph 111 Kilbury Mrs F E (see Mullin Ada) *Kilbury Mabel Rachel (Mrs Halter) (su 1909 Also NW U) d June 12 1913 St Louis Kilby Hubert St Clair (e eng 1909-14 BS) Asst Eng 111 Trac Sys 3723- 25 N Broadway St St Louis (Min- ier 111) tKildahl Cyril Peter (sc 1909-10) Dundee 111 Kile Billye (com 1915- ) Stu 634 N Church St Rockford 111 Kile Mrs (see Wilkinson Luella J) kile Jessie June (ghist 1913-14 AM '14- AB (Rockford) '12) Asst Hist Surv U 111 1913- 918 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (634 N Church St Rockford 111) Kile Kathryn Louise (su 1907 Also Rockford Coll) Sec 634 N Church St Rockford 111 Kile LaRhue (la 1914- ) Also Rock- ford Coll) Stu & Stenog U 111 634 N Church St Rockford 111 Kile Sadie Alice (acad 1897-8 Also Dixon Nor) Cisco 111 Kile Walter Terrence (la com 1911-13) Abstract 310 W Chestnut St Paris 111 *Kile William (Trustee 1869-70 Pres St Bd Ag 1869-70) d Oct 4 1877 Kiler Aureka (la 1892-6 AB g ed 1912-13) Teach 608 W Park St Champaign 111 Kiler Charles A (sc 1888-92 BL Also Kent Coll Law) Merc Champaign 111 Kiler John Quincy (eng 1909) Sales 608 W Park Av Champaign 111 Kiler William Harry (acad 1906-7) 311 S Hancock St Los Angeles Kiler William Henry (la 1893-7 AB law 1899-1900 Also U Chgo) Law 200 Phelan Bldg San Francisco *Kilgour Cassius Mathews (eng 1890- 1) d Sterling 111 *Killam Francis Guines (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-3) d Nov 14 1902 Ur- bana 111 Killam Samuel Eugene (sp e eng 1898- 9 Also Blackburn U) Chf Eng 1413 S Eighth St Springfield 111 tKillebrew Harmon Clayton (su 1912) Nebo 111 Killiam John Harvey (sp c eng 1906- 7 Also Hedding Coll) Ag Abing- don 111 Kilner Louise Millicent (Mrs M L Carr) (la 1905-6 AB Also Lewis Inst) Home 1500 Farewell Av Chicago Kilner Mercedes (Mrs H M Reid) (la 1908-9 AB Also Lewis Inst) Home 1942 Warren Av Chicago Kilpatrick Leon Kimball (ag 1910-12) Ag Piano 111 f Kilpatrick Mabel (acad 1902-6) Lit- tle Rock Ark Kilpatrick Ralph Sidney (min eng 1913-14) Teach Williamsfield 111 (Elmwood 111) Kimball Agnes M (Mrs F W Hatch) (sp 1875-8) Home Richmond 111 KIMBALL Allen Holmes (BS(Cal)'lO MS (Mass Tech) '12 Instr Arch Design U 111 1912-14) Prof la Ag Coll 129 E Seventh St Ames la (Yuba City Cal) Kimball Clara Maud (Mrs E W Goldschmidt) (sp 1883-4 Also N Eng Conserv Mus 1885-6 '87-8 & Berlin 1892-3 Teach Mus U 111 1888-92 & '93-4) Home 21 Norman Rd Upper Montclair NJ Kimball Conrad Bryant (eng 1890-4 KIMBALL— KINDIG 365 BS ) Asst Adv Mgr * ' Today 's Mag ' ' 441 W 47th St New York (94 Ham- ilton PI) *Kimball Edwin Raymond (sc 1880- 4 BS) d 1908 Chicago *KIMBALL Edwin Alonzo (Foreman Mach Shop U 111 1877-85 Instr Iron Wk & Foreman do 1885-9) d Nov 14 1898 Chicago Kimball Frank Sherman (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 710 N Winnebago St Bockford 111 Kimball Lorenzo Amos (eng 1909-12) Ag Ogilvie Minn (Dundee 111) Kimball Omer Henry (e eng 1905-9) E Eng 7 French St Methuen Mass (Taylorville 111) Kimball Mrs O H (see Colline Edra) Kimball Bobert Haskell (la 1902-6 AB Also SW U) Acct 227 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles Kimball Buth Shearer (Mrs J L Den- mead) (sp la 1908-9 Also Wash Coll) Home 1011 W Main St Marshalltown la KIMBALL Sidney Fiske (g 1912-13 AB(Harv)'09 MA(do) '12 Instr Arch U 111 1912-13) Asst Prof Arch U Mich 1812 Norway St Ann Arbor Mich (107 Greenbrier St Boston) Kimball Mrs S F (see Goebel Marie C) Kimball Summer Clare (c eng 1903- 4) Clk Liberty ville 111 Kimball William Haven (e eng 1890- 5 BS) Electr 120 Middlefield Rd Burlingam Cal Kimbell Arthur Willis (c eng 1909-13 BS Also Lewis Inst) Sec Kimbell Hill Brick Co 319 Chamber Com Bldg Chicago (22 Talcott Av Park Ridge 111) *Kimbell Roy Spenser (mun eng 1906- 9 Also Lewis Inst) d Jan 24 1911 Chicago Kimber Alice Emma (sp mus 1912-13 Cert Pub Sch Mus) At home 914 S Second St Springfield 111 *Kimberlin Nettie D (la 1875-9) d Louisiana Mo *Kimberlin Paul William (la 1913-14) d Feb 2 1914 Tulsa Okla Kimble Clifford (acad 1910-11) Chil- licothe 111 Kimble Tone Theodore (su 1907) Merc Hampshire 111 Kimble Willis P (c eng 1875-9 BS) Div Eng Marion O Kime David O (su 1913 Also E 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Oakland 111 Kimlin Julia Isabel (su 1899 BS (Mich) '95) Teach 1200 N Fifth St Quincy 111 Kimman John William (ag 1915- ) Stu 3352 Douglas Blvd Chicago Kimmel Clarence Eugene (la Feb 1915 law 1915- Also U Mich) Stu 129 5 Division St Duquoin 111 Kimmel Daniel L (la 1879-80 Also S 111 St Nor & Valparaiso U) Lumber Mere Duquoin 111 Kimmel Howard Elihu (acad 1898-9 la & law 1899-1906 LL B) Law R Est 6 L Duquoin 111 Kimmel Mrs H E (see Humphrey Ger- trude L) Kimmel Maurice Edward (ag 1911-12) Merc 203 E South St Duquoin 111 Kimmell Levett (ag 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Chauncey 111 Kimzey Logan Guernsey (acad 1899- 1900 Also S 111 St Nor) Med Pull- man Wash Kincade John Dudley (arch eng 1912- 13) Ins 3220 Highland Av Kansas City Mo Kincaid Albert Rex (sp ag 1906-8) Vet Stonington 111 t Kincaid Andrew Ted (c eng 1905-7) Ag Craik Sask Can Kincaid Anna Laura (acad 1896-9) Cor New & Healey Sts Champaign 111 Kincaid Arthur Thomas (ag & law 1904-7) Trav Sales 871 S Douglas St Springfield 111 IKincaid Charles Howard (acad 1895- 6 m eng 1896-7) Champaign 111 Kincaid John Kennedy (ag 1905-9 BS) Ag R2 Athens 111 Kincaid James Earle (sp ag 1901-3) Ag R2 Athens 111 Kincaid Lee (ag 1875-7) Sales 871 S Douglas Av Springfield 111 Kincaid Leslie Pearl (sp e eng 1904-5 PhB(NW)'02) Farmer City HI Kincaid Mattie (Mrs Charles Weston) (la 1872-80) Home Kincaid Apts W Church St Champaign 111 Kincaid Richard Y (ag 1874-6) Ag Athens 111 Kincaid Ruth Moore (la 1913- Also NW U) Stu Farmer City 111 Kincaid Stewart William (la 1901-2 AB, law 1902-4 LL B AB( Austin) '99) Law Paris 111 Kincaid Todd Parcell (ag 1904-6) Ag Greenview 111 Kinder David R (la 1885-9 BL) Law 405V 2 State St Litchfield 111 (1013 Madison St) Kindig Omer Charles (su 1909 Also 111 St Nor U) Cash 1st Nat Bk Floyd la Kindig Pearl (Mrs B F Shaver) (la 366 KINDRED— KING 1905-7 AB'08 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Troutville Va kindred James Ernest (g zool 1914- 15 AM 1915- AB (Tufts) '14) Stu 708 California St Urbana 111 (107 Evans St Dorchester Mass) tKiner Eva Marie (Mrs A J Bollo) (sp h sc 1911-12) Home Marseilles 111 Kiner Henry Clyde (c eng 1905-9) Masonry Insp Bridge Dept IC RR Geneseo 111 Kiner Howard Dickens (law 1913- ) Stu 111 W South St Geneseo 111 King Bruce Adams (ag 1905-9 BS) Impl Mfg Co Deere & Co 1421 12th St Moline 111 King Mrs B A (see Reinhardt Rhoda M) King Burton Eldred (ag 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Plymouth 111 King Carl Benton (arch 1909-10 DEM (Mich Coll Min)'07) Consult Eng US Smelting & Refining Co 920 Newhouse Bldg Salt Lake City ?King Charles Stanley (e eng 1909-13) 1040 16th St Rock Island 111 IKing D S (acad 1879-80) Urbana 111 King De Witt Leonard (m eng 1912- Also Adrian Coll) Stu Tonica 111 King Edward Herschel (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Lincoln 111 King Edward Luther (ag 1914-15 BS Also Millikin U) Teach Bardolph 111 King Emma Lucy (acad 1902-5) Bkpr & Stenog L B Merwin Co Blooming- ton 111 King Esther (la 1915- ) Stu 121 Oakwood Av S Lake Forest 111 King Eva Gertrude (acad 1905-6 su 1912 Also Lebanon O Nor U) Fal- mouth Ky King Mrs E E (see Owen Anna M) King Florence Beeson (h sc 1911-14 BS Also Ind U '& Earlham Coll) Teach 24 S Ninth St Richmond Ind King Francis Edward (la 1891-5 BL ed 1895-6 ML Also 111 St Nor U) Ag & Hort Rl Maple Lawn Farm Geneva O tKing George Chester (sp ag 1903-4) Grant Park HI King George Harlow (sp ag 1903-4) Ag R5 Fairbury 111 King Grant Emery (sp ag 1908-10 LL D(Elroys Law Sch) '13) Ag & R Est Plainfield 111 King Harless Warden (acad 1891-2) Lumber Merc 312 Buel Av Joliet 111 (214 N Desplaines St) King Harrison William (e eng 1905- 6) Gen Ins 305 Ayers Bk Bldg Jack- sonville 111 King Harry Milton (acad 1900-1 Al- so U Mich) Merc Golden 111 king Henry Churchill (Hon LL D 1908 BD(Ober Sem) '82 AM(Harv) '83 DD(Ober)'97) Pres Oberlin Coll 1902- 317 E College St Oberlin O ?King Hudson Marchant (c eng 1907- 9) 6318 Ingleside Av Chicago *King Jacob Weinberg (acad 1897-9) d August 2 1902 Augusta 111 King James Carroll (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 622 N Main St Rockford 111 King James Xenophon (ag 1914- Al- so Earlham Coll) Stu 24 S Ninth St Richmond Ind King Jeff Johnson (m eng 1910-13 Al- so Lincoln Coll) M Eng Kreetan Drummond Island Mich King John Wilfred (e eng 1907-10) Tool Designer 1714 Eleventh Av Mo- line 111 King Joseph Lyonel (g entom 1915- BS (Ohio) '14) Stu 3233 Carnegie Av Cleveland King Julia Frances (Mrs W K Smart) (sp mus 1903-4) 1122 E 54th PI Chi- cago King Leila Pauline (Mrs R W Elden) (lib 1901-4 BLS Also Rockford Coll 1900-1 Home Rl Central Point Ore King Lillian May (Mrs Carl Elliott) (h sc 1909-13 BS) Home Plymouth 111 King Louis Blume (la 1899-1902) Concrete Contr 13 Main St Cham- paign 111 King Lulu Belle (sc 1900-1 Also 111 St Nor U) Merc Rochelle 111 tKing Mabel Anne (su 1908 Also E 111 St Nor) Mt Carmel 111 tKing Mark Ward (e eng 1912-13) Roodhouse 111 King Melvin (sp ag 1906-7 Also Kan Ag Coll) Ag Potwin Kan King Merton Ellis (sp ag 1908-9 Also Kan Ag Coll) Stock Potwin Kan *King Nellie Cecelia (Mrs Colvin) (la 1908-9) d April 16 1914 Wheaton 111 King Noble Wilson (ag 1913-14) Ag Hutsonville 111 King Paul Wheelock (c eng 1902-5) R Est 708 Park Av Wilmette 111 King Vincent Paul (ag 1914- ) Stu 916 W Walnut St Indianapolis King Vivian (la 1913- Also Earlham Coll) Stu 24 S Ninth St Richmond Ind King Wesley Edward (acad 1892-3 la 1893-7 AB law 1901-2 LL B) c/o V P Bettilyon Home Builders Co 116 U KINGMAN— KINSLOE 367 St Salt Lake City *Kingman Arthur H (sc 1877-81) d Sept 9 1892 Wakefield Mass Kingman Charles Dudley (c eng 1893- 6) Hay & Grain Merc 1020 Lafay- ette Av Mattoon 111 Kingman Louis Shelly (acad 1889-90 eng 1890-1) Trustee Martin King- man Estate 800 S Washington St Peoria 111 (128 Kandolph Av) Kingman Robert Hills (g zool 1915- AB( Washburn) '13) Stu 1522 Mul- vane St Topeka Kan Kingsbury Charles Summer (c eng 1871-3 '75-6 BL'80) Land Arch 3350 Moncrieff PI Denver Kingsbury Mrs Ethel Alice (Mrs H B) (sc 1909-10) Home 2009 State St Milwaukee Kingsbury Herman Buchanan (la 1901- 3 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '06 Also Vin- cennes U) Med Western Nat Bk Bldg Ft Worth Tex Kingsbury Howard Baker (sc 1907-9 AB g 1909-12 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 2009 State St Milwaukee Kingsbury James Thompson (la 1899- 1902 AB & LL B) Law -Tombstone Ariz Kingsbury Jessie Anthony (g chem 1911-12 AB(Cor)'ll) Metallurgist 1109 Garland St Flint Mich (238 W Main St Little Falls NY) t KINGSBURY Margaret Lucy (Mrs F 5 Foote Jr) (lib 1909-12 BA(Mt Hoi) '07 Also U Cal 1907-8 Asst Lib U 111 1910-13) 5141 Hawthorne Terrace Berkeley Cal fKingsbury Mrs Stella Edith (su 1907 Also N 111 St Nor) 4261 Yakima Av Tacoma Wash Kingsbury Theodore Marshall (sp ag 1908-10) Edit " Indiana Farmer" 5515 Lowell Av Indianapolis (30 N Delaware St) Kingsland Norris (acad 1892-3) Build 6 Millman 3739 Grove St Denver Kingsley Donald Henry (ag 1915- ) Stu Alden 111 Kingsley Helen Leavitt (Mrs R L Brott) (la 1910-11 Also U Neb) Home 808 Burlington Av York Neb KINGSLEY J Sterling (AB (Williams) '75 ScD (Princeton) '85 Prof Zool U Ind 1887-9 do U Neb 1889-91 do Tufts Coll 1892-1913) Prof Zool U 111 1913- 1011 W California Av Urbana 111 Kingsley Mary Winship (g hist 1913- AB(Tufts)'03) Stu 1011 W Califor- nia Av Urbana 111 Kingsley Wendell Lathrop (ag 1913- ) Stu 5455 N Luna Av Chicago Kingsolver Frank Leroy (acad 1904-7 Also U Mich) c/o Barnes Crosby Co Detroit Kingston Elwood Almon (sc 1903 AB MD(U 111 Coll Med) '13) Med Lock- port 111 (Picton Out Can) Kiningham Walter (sp ag 1909-10 Also Col Coll Fla) Mgr 607 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Kinkead David Robinson (m eng 1885- 9 BS) Foreman Prairie Oil & Gas Co Neodesha Kan Kinkead James A (sc 1890-5 BS) Resident Sales Mgr 3.0 Church St New York KINLEY David ( AB ( Yale ) '84 AB ( JHopk ) '92 PhD ( Wis ) '93 LL D (111 Coll) '08 Asst Hist JHopk U 1891-2 Asst Econ U Wis 1892-3 Asst Prof Econ U 111 1893-4 Prof Econ & Dean Coll Lit & Arts do 1894- 6 Dir Sch Com U 111 1902-6) Prof Econ & Dean Grad Sch U 111 1906- & V-Pres U 111 1914- 1101 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Kinnear Leckey McCown (su 1915 Al- so Wash & Lee U) Athl Coach & Prof Math King Coll Bristol Tenn (7 Jackson Av Lexington Va) Kinney Carlotta Hortense (su 1915 Also Ober Coll) Teach 96 Maple Av Galesburg 111 Kinney Edward (su 1906 Also Cook Co Nor) Teach 530 N Seventh St Springfield 111 Kinney Edward Clinton (e eng 1914- 15) Print 13712 Indiana Av River- dale 111 Kinney Elmer Henry (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Roswell N Mex Kinney Jacob Millison (g math 1908- 10 AM (Neb) '07) Instr Math Hyde Park H Sch Chicago Kinney Mrs J M (see Goldstein Ther- esa) Kinney Percy Le Roy (ag 1915- ) Stu 96 Maple Av Galesburg 111 Kinsey Alfred Richardson (ag 1913- ) Stu R5 Central ia 111 Kinsey Mrs Alice Rich (Mrs L B) (sp la 1904-5 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 303 S Glenwood Av Springfield 111 Kinsey Ernest Gilmore (sp ag 1911- 13) Mach Expert Internat Harvester Co R5 Centralia 111 Kinsey Jack (ag 1913- Also Bradley Poly & U Wis) Stu Mackinaw 111 fKinsey Jessie (h sc 1914-15) West- field 111 Kinsey Leon Browning (m eng 1904-7 BS Also 111 St Nor U) C & Mun Eng 303 S Glenwood Av Springfield 111 *Kinsloe Ruper (1 1901-2) d Nov 29 1906 Galesburg 111 368 KINZEL— KIRKPATRICK Kinzel Frank Martin (sp c eng 1907- 9) Contr Supt Naples 111 Kinzel Frederick August (la 1893-5) Law Mattoon 111 Kinzel Josie Ethel (Mrs R P Webster) (su 1899&1900) Home Oakland 111 Kinzel Zadah Zimmerman (la 1914- ) Stu Oakland 111 Kinzer Arthur (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Armstrong 111 Kinzie Marion Tanguy (acad 1908-9) Ag Hoover Ind Kiplinger Lloyd Addison (sp la 1907- 8 Also U Tex) Law Wayne Ind Kiplinger Walter Cross (sc 1910-11) Forest 2234 Park Av Indianapolis Kipp Eliakim Benjamin (la com 1872- 3) Lumber Pontiac 111 Kipp John George Estill (e eng 1913- ) Stu 3923 Botanical Av St Louis Kipp Karl Parker (sp ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Annawan 111 Kipp Marion (ag 1912-13 Also Cor Coll) Ag Earlham la Kirby Carl Augustus (sp sc 1908-10) Ag & Stock R2 Petersburg 111 Kirby Harry Anton (e eng 1913- ) Stu 3318 Graceland Av Indianapolis ?Kirby Josephus (su 1901) Dewey 111 t Kirby MaBelle (sp mus 1905-6) Ur- bana 111 tKirby Mary Arietta (sp mus 1907-9) 610 E University Av Champaign 111 Kirby Nellie Maye (Mrs W H England) (acad 1896-9) Home Monticello 111 Kirby Wayne Isaac (arch eng 1909-14 BS la 1914-15 AB) Arch Royer Ofc 932 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Kircher Armin Martin (ry c eng 1912- ) Stu 2009 W 22nd PI Chi- cago Kircher Edward August Theodore (math 1908-11 AB g 1911-12 AM '12- 14 PhD) 2009 W 22nd PI Chicago Kircher Harry Bertram (e eng 1900-4 BS) Merc 517 W 21st Av Spokane Wash Kircher Helmuth Julius (ag 1911-15 BS) Printer 2009 W 22nd PI Chi- cago Kircher Paul (sc 1908-11 AB 1911-12 BS) C Eng 2746 Magnolia Av Chi- cago (841 Barry Av) Kircher Mrs Paul (see Planck Cath- erine M) Kirchhoff Roger Charles (arch 1909- 13 BS) Arch 32 Center St Wauwa- tosa Wis Kirchhofer Emma Esther (la 1915- ) Stu 3021 Grand Av Kansas City Mo Kirchmer May Meresa (h sc 1914-15) 1410 Bremen Av St Louis Kirk Bertha May (la 1914- Also Mil- likin U) Stu 461 S Siegel St Deca- tur 111 Kirk Bonum Lee (su 1908&'09 law 1910-14 LL B Also S 111 St Nor) Law 507 1st Nat Bk Bldg Champaign 111 Kirk Charles Ambrose (sp ag 1908-9) RR Mail Clk 461 S Siegel St Deca- tur 111 Kirk Donald Dee (la com 1910-12 AB g 1912-13 AM su 1907&'08&'09 Also 5 111 St Nor) Invest 707 NY Life Bldg Chicago Kirk Elizabeth (Mrs Ewell Robinson) (h sc 1906-9 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Home 461 Siegel St Decatur 111 Kirk Ethel Clare (Mrs M F Hartell) (h sc 1907-8 Also Millikin U) Home 6 Ag Edinburg 111 Kirk George Godwin (ag 1910-14 BS) 34 E Green St Champaign 111 Kirk Haddon S (la 1910-15 AB) Stu U Mich Rl Belleflower 111 Kirk Heagle James (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 802 N Edward St De- catur 111 Kirk Howard Ross (arch eng 1910-12) Carpenter 224 N Henrietta Av Rock- ford 111 Kirk Howard Safford (arch eng 1912- 13 Also Mont St Coll Also U Cal) Arch Draft 1738 Jarvis Av Chicago (Colton Wash) Kirk James B (acad 1879-80) Grain Buyer Watertown 111 kirk James Thornton (ed 1907-11 AM AB (Eureka) '00) Teach Math Will St Nor Macomb 111 Kirk Josephine (la 1909-12 AB su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) Dir Phys Tr 461 S Siegel St Decatur 111 Kirk Todd (c eng 1903-6 Also U Mo) Min St Regis Hotel Seattle tKirker George (sp law 1902-3) Mo- weaqua 111 Kirkland Annirene (la 1910-14 AB) At home 502 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Kirkland Archibald Farley (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Arch Cambridge 111 Kirkpatrick Carlton A (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Mayview 111 Kirkpatrick Asa Baird (sc 1894-1900 BS) Gov 321 Caroline St Peoria 111 Kirkpatrick Bliss (sc 1905-7) Retail Lumberman Davidson Sask Can Kirkpatrick Carlton A (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Mayview 111 t Kirkpatrick Charles Hubert (la com & law 1912-14) 1219 W Main St La- fayette Ind ^Kirkpatrick Charles S (la com 1878- KIRKPATRICK— KISSINGER 369 9) d July 2 1883 Mayview 111 Kirkpatrick Cornwall Edwin (c eng 1906-7) Ag Anna 111 Kirkpatrick Earl Henry (ag 1910-14) Ag Roseville 111 Kirkpatrick Prank Allen (cer eng 1911-14 BS g cer eng 1915- Also Albion Coll 1905-6 & Spokane Coll 1910- 11) Stu 504 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 ( Union ville Mich) Kirkpatrick George Marshall (sp ag 1909-11) Ag Rl Wingate Ind KirlcpatricJc Glenn (acad 1902-4) Grocer Crawfordsville Ind Kirkpatrick Harlow Barton (e eng 1897-1901 BS Instr C Eng U 111 1901-2 Instr C Eng Syr U 1904-5 Asst Eng Bur Eng Manila PI 1905-7 Asst Eng San Dist Chgo 1910-11) Sales Eng H Koppers Co 1912- 5 S Wabash Av Chicago (1906 Lincoln St Evanston 111) Kirkpatrick Harold H (acad 1892-3 la 1893-7 AB su 1902) Supt City Sch West Chicago 111 Kirkpatrick Harold Harvey (e eng 1909-11) Clk 4325 Wilcox Av Chi- cago Kirkpatrick Harry Louis (com Feb 1916- Also Pur U) Stu 320 Sixth Av Des Moines la Kirkpatrick Helen Marie (h sc 1913- ) Stu 708 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 ?Kirkpatrick Hugh Granville (m eng 1899-1901 '02-3) Virden 111 Kirkpatrick Hugh Jacob (m eng 1907- 10) Ag Roseville 111 Kirkpatrick Mrs Jesse (see Clark Edith L) Kirkpatrick John Wilson (sc 1903-6 AB) Ag R3 Medford Ore Kirkpatrick Mrs J W (see Gross Nora K) Kirkpatrick Mrs Leslie (see Herriott Ombra) Kirkpatrick Mrs L B (see Powers Florence V) * Kirkpatrick Lizzie (Mrs J R Dilling) (sp 1873-4) d St Joseph 111 Kirkpatrick Marion Franklin (sp 1868- 9) Ag & Job Print Harlingen Tex Kirkpatrick Mary Marie (Mrs S Shep- herd) (sp mus 1905-7) Home Craw- fordsville Ind Kirkpatrick Nell Ruth (h sc 1910-14 BS) Teach H Sch Gibson City 111 (132 S College St Decatur 111) tKirkpatrick Olin Penny (ag 1910-12) Benton 111 Kirkpatrick Robert Judson (acad 1906-7 m eng 1907-11 BS) Sales Min Mach 1127 Central Nat Bk Bldg St Louis (Benton 111) Kirkpatrick Ross John (ag 1914-15) Ag 147 Tenth St Silvis 111 Kirkpatrick Sidney Dale (la 1912- ) Stu 708 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 Kirkpatrick William Stewart (c eng 1909-13) Elect Contr Kentland Ind KIRKUP Florence Mary (Mrs John Parcel) (sp mus 1915 Grad Nat Su Sch Mus Chgo Also Chgo Mus Coll Teach Voice & Piano Tenn Nor Coll Teach Voice & Mus Hist NW Coll Instr Voice U 111 1909-15) Home 806 12th Av SE Minneapolis (767 Hawthorne A v Portland Ore) *Kirkwood Arthur William (la com 1901-5 AB) d Feb 14 1914 Seattle Kirkwood Frances (la 1908-12 AB) Teach Ensley Ala (Lawrenceville 111) Kirkwood Roger (acad 1908-11 ag 1911-13) Acct Lawrenceville 111 Kirkwood Thomas (acad 1906-9 Also U Louisville MD (Jefferson Med) '12) Med Lawrenceville 111 Kirley John Thomas (c eng 1902-6) Cigar Dealer 116 McKinley Av Ke- wanee 111 Kirlin Ivan Melvin (e eng 1911-12 BS (Pur) '13) E Eng Watertown SD Kirner Walter Raymond (la 1915- Also Armour Inst) Stu 3415 Fuller- ton Av Chicago ?Kirshman John Emmet (g econ 1914- 15 PhM(Syr)'09) Fargo ND Kirtley Charles Wilson (acad 1890-1) Opr Mgr J W Butler Paper Co Chi- cago Kirwan Nora Godsell (sp mus Feb 1916- ) Stu 203 E White St Cham- paign 111 ?Kise Stella (acad 1901-2 sp mus 1902-3) Champaign 111 Kiser Helen Mynette (h sc 1913- ) Stu 506 S Third St Champaign 111 Kiser Mary Belle (Mrs A Hunter) (sc 1904-5) Home R3 Pittsfield 111 Kishi Terno (ry m eng 1908-9 BS (Tech Coll) '98) Toyomaitamachi Shimonosekishi Japan Kishimoto Motoyoshi (sp ag 1907-8 ag 1909-10) Asst Hort Ag Coll Im- perial U Tokyo Japan Kisselburg Bert Mills (ag 1912-15) Ins 2922 Wilcox Av Chicago Kissick Ena (la 1912-13 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Tiskilwa 111 t Kissinger Herman Dick (sc 1899- 1900) Quincy 111 Kissinger Lillian Gladys (Mrs S G David) (sp mus 1906-7 Also Hedding Coll) Home Milford 111 370 KISTNER— KLEWER Kistner Theodore C (arch eng 1893-7 BS Also Blackburn U 1892-3) Arch 814 Amer Nat Bk Bldg San Diego Cal *Kitchell Edward (Trustee 1869) d 1869 Olney 111 Kitchell Jane (su 1913) Asst Libr Free Lib Vincennes Ind Kitchell William Wickliffe (sc 1872-5 LL B (Kan) '98) Merc 112 Wood- lawn Av Topeka Kan Kitteringham George William (su 1915 Also Lake Forest Coll) Coach Prairie du Chien Wis (1203 Elm St Rock- ford 111) Kitterman Fred Raymond (sp la 1897- 8 MD(P&S)'02) Med & Ag Tiskil- wa 111 t Kitterman Robert Max (m eng 1912- 13) Tiskilwa 111 Kittermaster Dougall Anthony (arch eng 1914-15) Capt 42nd Bat Can Exped Force 816 Bluff St Glencoe 111 Kittner Ferdinand B (acad 1893-4) Sales 1610 E 105th St Cleveland Kittridge Mary Harriet (Mrs J A Brown) (lib 1899-1901 BLS. Also Welles Coll Asst Libr U 111 1901-3) Home 808 W Park Av Champaign 111 tKittewinig Henry Sylvester (la 1895- 1901) Pekin 111 Kivel Ulysses Silas (acad 1907-8 la 1908-9) Teach Brookport 111 (415 S Seventh St Paducah Ky) Kixmiller Karl William (la 1915- Also Elmhurst Coll) Stu Freeland- ville Ind kiyohara Ippei (g e eng 1912-13 MS BS(Wash Ag)'ll) E Eng B737 Schenectady NY (Tokushima Japan) Kizer Loren Parker (sp m eng 1906-8 Also Armour Inst) Grain Dealer Ham- mond 111 Klager Karoline (lib 1903-4 BL (Mich) '00) Asst Libr Bur Labor Statistics 3157 Mt Pleasant St Apt 33 Washington (Monticello 111) Klamt Robert Herman (ag 1912- ) Stu 2948 Normal Av Chicago Klank Frances Grace (la 1912- ) Stu 618 W University Av Champaign 111 Klatz Vera Hall (la 1906-7) Teach Peoria 111 Kleeman Arthur (la 1905-7) Fin 405 Olive St St Louis Klehm George Charles Jr (ag 1911-15 BS) Arlington Hgts 111 t Klein Austa Faith (h sc 1908-9) Am- boy 111 Klein Carrol Aaron (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 903 Rock Island St Davenport la Klein David (sc 1902-6 AB AM '07 PhD (Wis) '10 Asst Chem U 111 1906- 7 Instr U Wis 1910-12 Asst Prof do 1912-14) 111 St Analyst 1633 Man- hattan Bldg Chicago Klein Florence (h sc 1912-13) At home Raccoon Ind (Roachdale Ind) t Klein Francis Joseph (ag 1910-12) R3 Potomac 111 Klein George Minnie (h sc 1910-14 BS su 1915) Teach Sidell 111 (402 S Lincoln St Urbana 111) Klein Gordon (cer eng 1914- ) Stu 402 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Klein John Leo (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2573 Harney St Omaha Neb Klein Joseph Mathais (la 1914- ) Stu RFD Pana 111 Klein Nancie (acad 1910-11 sp sc 1911-12 la 1915- ) Stu 402 S Lin- coln Av Urbana 111 Klein Thomas (sc 1908-9 MD(Med- ico-Chirurg) '13) Med c/o Phil Gen Hosp Philadelphia (34th & Pine Sts) Klein William Julius (arch eng 1907- II BS) Arch Draft 1660 Conway Bldg Chicago (6214 Eberhart Av) Kleinan Emma Adele (la 1915- Also III St Nor U) Stu 405 S Clayton Av Bloomington 111 Kleinbeck Augustus Gustave (la 1914- ) Stu 710 N State St Litchfield 111 Kleinbeck Stella Pauline (la 1906-10 su 1912) Teach Murphysboro 111 (710 N State St Litchfield 111) Kleinschrodt Bernie Lloyd (ag 1910- 14 BS) 509 N Orange St Morrison 111 Klemm Julius Philip (la 1909-11 Also U Wis) Creditman 806 N Main St Bloomington 111 Klemme La Von Mildred (mus 1912-13 Also Cor Coll) At home Dows la Klemme Vivian Gertrude (la 1912- 15) Dows la Klemmedson Arthur Erick (ag 1915- Also Colo Ag Coll) Stu 616 W Kiowa St Colorado Springs Colo Klemmedson Gunnar Sigesmund (ag 1915- Also Colo Ag Coll) Stu 616 W Kiowa St Colorado Springs Colo Klemmer Daniel (sp ag 1905-6 Also Mich Ag Coll) Elton Mich Klenk Frederick (c eng 1915- ) Stu 1556 N Alder St Philadelphia Klett Howard Charles (ag 1907-8) Ag Plainfield 111 Klewer Arthur Leonard (arch 1902-7) arch 1503 Schiller Bldg Chicago KLEWER— KNAPP 371 tKlewer William Leonard (arch eng 1907-8) 1243 Perry St Chicago Klindworth Mildred Louise (la 1913- ) Stu Philo 111 Kline Alice Harper (la 1915- ) Stu E3 (134) Huntington Ind Kline Arthur La Verne (ag 1914- ) Stu 841 N Lawler Av Chicago Kline Byron Dooley (ag 1912-13) Ag Le Roy HI KLINE Earl Kilburn (g ger 1915 BA (Okla)'06 Hon BA (Oxford) '10 MA (do) '13 Instr Ger U Kan 1913-14 Asst Prof Ger & Fr Whitman Coll 1914-15) Instr Ger U 111 1915- 806 S Third St Champaign 111 (201 Clin- ton St Walla Walla Wash) Kline Ida May (Mrs H A Huntoon) (la 1902-4 Also 111 St Nor U 1904-6) Home 1016 Third St Ft Madison la Kline Oliver Perry (m eng 1906-7) Sales Atwood & Steele Co 1428 W 37th St Chicago Kline Otto Monroe (m eng 1907-10) Draft 1917 Ashland Av St Paul Minn Kline William Gordon (la 1902-6 AB Also U Neb) Dept Phys Ed Neb Wes U 1021 E 16th St University Place Neb (Amboy HI) Kling Carl Lawrence (la cer 1914- ) Stu 216 N Galena Av Dixon 111 tKlingberg John Henry Theodore (e eng 1910-11) 802 Jay St Elgin 111 Klingel Louis (la 1888-93 BL LL B (Mich Law Sch) '96) Law 28 Penn- sylvania Av Belleville 111 Klingelhoefer Charles Benjamin (m eng 1890-2) Teach & C Eng & Drainage Contr Mascoutah 111 t Klingelhoefer William (acad 1886-7 c eng 1887-8 '89-82) Mascoutah 111 Klingensmith Paul O (arch eng 1912- 13) Arch R13 Indianapolis *Klinginsmith Freelin Dunn (sp c eng 1901-2) d Oct 16 1905 Brookhaven Miss Klingler Roland John (1 1914- Also U Mich) Stu 521 Addie St Lead SD Klink William Lee (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Cerro Gordo 111 Klippel Gustav Chapin (chem eng 1912- 15) Clk R3 (20) Indianapolis Klooster Clarence Abel (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Arch Eng & Build Contr 203 N Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 Klopp Charles Gorr (m eng 1912- ) Stu Streator HI Kloppenberg George Joseph (arch eng 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu 1107 Grand Blvd N Springfield HI Klossowski Theodore Julius (c eng 1892-7 BS) Design & Contr B1486 Calgary Alta Can Klossowski William George (see Frank William G) Klotz Harry John (m eng 1910-12 Also Bradley Poly) Oper Dept 111 Tract Sys 814 N Perry Av Peoria 111 Klotz Vera Hall (la 1906-10) Teach 1002 Glendale Av Peoria 111 Klotzsehe Bayard Taylor (ag 1914- ) Stu 1003 W California Av Urbana 111 Klotzsehe Bessie May (la 1914- ) Stu 1003 W California Av Urbana 111 Klotzsehe Eunice Esther (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 1003 W Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 tKloutz Clayton Wilson (sc 1909-12) McConnell 111 Klove Fremont Mosey (acad 1909-10 DC (Universal Chiro Coll La) R Est & Ins Central Trust & Sav Bk Bldg Rock Island 111 (1204 15th St) Klutts George Madison (ag 1914-16 Also Tex Christian U) Ranch Child- ress Tex KNAB Frederick (Artist St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1903-4) US Dept Entom Washington Knapheide Oliver C (ag 1905-6) Ag Ideal SD *Knapp Albert G (m eng 1870-3) d Joliet 111 Knapp Aurella (lib 1909-12 BLS AB ( 111 Wes ) '09 ) Order Asst Lib U 111 1910- 910 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (305% Washington St Normal 111) Knapp Charles Clayton (lib 1909-10 PhB(IaColl)'03) Libr c/o Lib Con- gress Washington (Guymon Okla) Knapp Charles Ellsworth (su 1912 AB (111 Wes) '93 Also U Chgo 1895-6) Supt Sch Rushville 111 Knapp Elmer Raymond (arch eng 1907- 9) Ag La Crosse Ind Knap Jacob William (sp e eng 1908- 9) Ag Reed Point Mont Knapp Lloyd Dunaway (c eng 1911-15 BS) C Eng Union Ry Co 839 Ray- ner St Memphis Tenn (225 Prospect Av Ottawa 111) Knapp Lucia Bradford (ag 1914-15 Also Rad Coll) Designer Duxbury Mass Knapp Martha Winifred (lib 1911-13 BLS AB(OWes)'99) Catg c/o Ind U Lib Bloomington Ind *Knapp Noah (la 1900-4 AB su 1906) d 1909 Oak Park HI t Knapp Walter Hanford (c eng 1905- 372 KNAPP— KNIGHT 7) ' 105 Fowler Av W La Payette Ind Knapp Warren Emerson (chem eng 1907-9 BS Also NW U) Mfg Chem Eng Gen Chem Co Hegewisch 111 * Knapp Wilbert (m eng 1873-5) d Gilman 111 Knapp Willard Alfred (c eng 1903-7 BS CE(Pur)'ll Asst C Eng U 111 1907-8 Instr Struct Eng Pur U 1908- ) Asst Prof C Eng Pur U 105 Fowler Av W La Fayette Ind Knapp Mrs W A (see Davis Nell M) Knappenberger George Emmett (sc 1903-8 AB MD (Bush) '09) Med Ma- comb 111 Knappenberger Harry Farrar (arch 1911- Also U Mich) Stu 415 E Jackson St Macomb 111 Knappenberger John Meredith (arch eng 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2708 Olive St Kansas City Mo Knappenberger Mrs T G (see Gallion Grace M) Knauss Douglas Stanley (m eng 1907- 11 BS) Illuminating Gas Eng 5861 Hadfield St Philadelphia Kneberg Goldie Minnie (h sc 1906-10 BS sp 1915- ) Stu 1527V2 Fifth Av Moline 111 Kneeland Austin L (la 1869-70) Eet Ag Sabetha Kan Kneeland Frank Hamilton (m eng 1900-4 BS) Assoc Edit "Coal Age" 505 Pearl St New York Kneeland Mrs F H (see Shaw Lot- tie J) Kneeshaw Mary Jane (ag h sc 1915- Also U Neb) Stu Niles Mich Kneisly Nathaniel McKay (ag 1910-14 Also Kent Mil Inst) Jefferson Bach- elor Apts 1954 E 73rd St Cleveland (413 N Broad St Guthrie Okla) Kneisly Sara Hall (sp mus 1904-5) 1101 E Gadsden St Pensacola Fla Knemeyer Edward Franz (arch eng 1911-13 Also U Nev) Arch Mason Nev Knepper Myrtle Elizabeth (lib 1907-9 BLS'12 BS (Highland) '12) Libr c/o TJS Dept Ag Washington (Kendrick Id) Knerr Edwin Eichard (c eng 1907-9) C Eng 1703 Monterey Kd Pasadena Cal Kneusel Otto (m eng 1879-80 Also Art Inst Chgo) Art 206 Benton St Ottawa 111 knibloe Walter Elliott (sc 1872-6 MS Hon ML 1893) Prin Leon H Sch Tallahassee Fla KNIGHT Abner Richard (g eng 1913- ME(Ohio)'09 Instr E Eng U 111 1913-15) Assoc E Eng U 111 1915- 614 W Union St Champaign 111 (Yel- low Springs O) Knight Albert Owen (acad 1898-9) Draft 101 Stroupe Av Danville 111 Knight Bradley Jay (1 1907-10 LL B) Law 419 W State St Eockford 111 KNIGHT Charles Kelley (g econ 1913-15 AB(Ohio)'12 MA (do) '13 Asst Econ U 111 1913-15) Instr Econ St Coll Pa 1915- State College Pa (Athens O) Knight Earl John (1 1902-6 LLB) Law Beardstown 111 Knight Ewart Broughton (ag 1914- ) Stu 229 N Central Av Chicago Knight Francis Putman (ag 1914- ) Stu 215 E 11th St Oklahoma City Knight Galen Victor (com 1915- ) Stu 408 Healy St Champaign 111 Knight Henry Granger (g chem 1915-16 AB(Wash)'02 AM(do)'05 Also U Chgo) Dean U Wyo Ag Coll & Dir Ag Exp Sta U Wyo Laramie Wyo Knight Mrs H G (see Knight Mrs Nellie D) Knight Herbert Alfred (la 1914- ) Stu 821 Washington Blvd Oak Park 111 fKnight Jessie Mildred (sp mus 1901- 2) Urbana 111 Knight John Clement (ag 1909-13) Ag Yorkville 111 Knight John Herbert (ag 1914-15) Ag 114 W Fifth St Beardstown 111 Knight Lee Irving (la 1901-2 AB PhD(Chgo)'13 AsstBot U 111 1908-9 do Clemson Coll 1909-10) Instr Plant Physiol U Chgo 6237 Drexel Av Chi- cago Knight Leo Leonard (su 1915 Also La Coll) Teach H Sch 1220 Proctor St Port Arthur Tex *Knight Luther (g chem 1908-10 MS (J Hopk) '04) d Glencoe 111 Knight Mabel Alma (Mrs C L Hark- ness)(la 1908-11 AB Also West Coll 1904-5 Asst Bot U 111 1911-12) Home Birchwood & Long Av Louisville Ky Knight Mrs Nellie Dryden (Mrs H G) (la 1915 Also U Chgo) Home Lara- mie Wyo t Knight Otis Elbert (la 1905-6) Ma- rion 111 Knight Paul Kenneth (la 1912-13 com 1915- Also Hanover Coll) Stu 408 Healey St Champaign 111 *Knight Philip Christopher (c eng 1874-6) d La Moille 111 Knight Robert Franklin (su 1894 & '95) Teach 4026 Montgall St Kan- KNIPP— KNUDSON 373 sas City Mo KNIPP Charles Tobias (AB(Ind) '94 AM (do) '96 PhD (Cor) '00 Instr Physics Ind U 1893-1900 Asst Prof Physics do 1900-3 Asst Prof Physics U 111 1903- 15) Assoc Prof Exp Electr Physics U 111 1915- 913 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Knipp Mrs Frances (Mrs C T) (la 1908- 9 Also Ind Nor & Ind U) Home 913 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Knirk Carl F (sc 1907-8 AB Also U Chgo Asst Geog Cent St Nor Sch Asst Geol U 111 1908-9) Teach 1437 Mars Av Cleveland Knobel Wilbert George (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) 912 Ninth St Highland HI Knobeloch Thomas Adolph (ag 1914- ) Stu 44 Pennsylvania Av Belleville 111 Knoche John Christian (ag 1913- ) Stu Onarga 111 Knoche Eolland (1 1907-10) Ag E2 Onarga 111 knoche Viola Emma (g ger 1913-14 AM AB(NW)'13) Teach 1621 Tre- mont St Cedar Falls la Knodle Cary Lee (m eng 1911- ) Stu 419 Prospect St Elgin 111 Knop Eobert Oscar (la 1915- ) Stu 3420 Cortland St Chicago Knopp Jacob William (e eng 1908-9) Ag Eeeds Point Mont *Knorr Edward Newell (la 1903-4) d June 28 1913 Chicago Knorr Karl Wolfsohn (m eng 1896-7) M Eng Dodge Sales & Eng Co Mish- awaka Ind Knorr Louis Solliday (c eng 1902-7 BS) C Eng Lake Bluff 111 KNOEE Lynn Elmer (AB(Wis)'12 CPA(Wis St Bd Exam) '14) Asst Compt U 111 1913- 1104 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (615 Lake *St Madi- son Wis) tKNOTE John McBride (AB (Witten- berg) '04 AM (Ohio St) '06 Instr Chem U Ohio 1904-7 Instr Cer Chem U 111 1907-8 Instr do 1908-11) Spring- field 111 Knowles Charles Harrison (c eng 1907-11 BS) Mgr Carson Payson Co Champaign 111 (604 S Busey Av Ur- bana 111) Knowles Gertrude (Mrs Wm McGin- ley)(acad 1900-2 See also McGinley Mrs Gertrude Knowles) Home Mo- weaqua HI Knowlton Elizabeth (Mrs C L Mor- gan) (h sc 1910-14 BS) Home 6009 Blackstone Av Chicago Knowlton Gladys Gould (su 1909) Teach Bushnell 111 Knowlton Lizzie Annetto (Mrs E H Cushman) (lib 1879-83 BL) Home 532 W 148th St New York Knowlton Miriam (la 1910-14 AB) Teach H Sch Illiopolis 111 (302 W High St Urbana 111) Knowlton Philetus Clarke Jr (arch 1910-14 BS Also U Tenn) Stu Har- vard U 1174 Poplar Av Memphis Tenn Knowlton William David (sc 1899- 1903 AB Also Lewis Inst 1905) Elect Oper 4316 Vista Terrace' Chicago Knox Harry Gaylord (la 1914- Also Pur U) Stu 521 Waldron St W La Fayette Ind tKnox Hazel Susan (sp mus 1906-7) Seymour 111 Knox Jean Howard (m eng 1903-7 BS) Ag E2 Eising 111 Knox Mrs J H (see Murray Ellen) Knox Leo Melville (sp ag 1911-13) Ag Morrison HI Knox Leta Alice (h sc 1912-13) At home Morrison 111 Knox Loy J (ag 1912-13) Ag Mor- rison 111 Knox Olive Goldie (Mrs E L Green) (la 1906-8) Home 230 Lee Bldg Oklahoma City *Knox Otela (Mrs Glen Heveley) (la & mus 1911-13 Also Cent St Nor Okla 1914) d Dec 29 1915 Keefer Okla Knox Eaymond Kenneth (arch eng 1908-13) Arch Pittsfield 111 Knox Mrs Sadie (see Coffeen Sadie) Knox Samuel Miles Jr (ag 1905-9 BS) Stock Humbolt Kan Knox Walter Eenwick (sp ag 1904-5 Also Beloit Coll) Chf Olympic Coach Athl c/o English AAA 10 John St Adelphi WC London (Box 165 Oril- lia Ont) IKnox William Forest (acad 1895-6) 207 Third Av Peoria 111 tKNOX William Haw (Attended SD Ag Coll Instr Chem SD Ag Coll Instr Soil Fert U 111 1901-2) SD Ag Coll Brookings SD Knudsen Charles William (sc 1911-13 BS Also Eureka Coll) Chem Dept An Husb O Ag Exp Sta Wooster O (New Berlin 111) Knudsen Niels Alfred (arch eng 1913- Also U la) Stu 206 N Eace St Ur- bana 111 Knudson Harold Epler (ag 1915- ) Stu Farmingdale HI Knudson Irving Jacobs (c eng 1910-12 Also NW U) Mgr Amer Eadiator Co 820 S Michigan Av Chicago (1926 374 KNUTSON— KOHL Humboldt Blvd) Knutson Carlot Oliver (la 1913-14 Also NW U) Huntley Mont Kobayashi Kenichiro (e eng 1915- Also Tohoku Imperial U) Stu Ni- igata Japan Kobe Marshall Eugene (1 1914-15 Also U Mich) Mere Box 58 Scottville Mich (9 Gladstone Av Detroit) Kober Edgar Irving (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 410 Lane St Waterloo la Kobylanski Joseph Ludwick (arch eng 1908-9 '11-15 BS & AB) 4142 Bel- mont Av Chicago Koch Alfred Eichard (chem eng 1903- 7 BS MA (Wis) '08) Chem Amer Steel Foundries Granite City 111 (4539 A Clayton Av St Louis) Koch Alvin Casper (la 1905-6) Sec Breese 111 Koch Charles Edward (m eng 1911-15 BS) Draft Standard Oil Co Whiting Ind (502 Collett St Danville 111) ?Koch Eleanor Fae (sp mus 1906-7) 1228 Montana St Chicago Koch Eloise (la 1915- Also Wash U) Stu 2738 Accomac St St Louis Koch Flora Marie (la 1908-11 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 1104 Penn- sylvania Av La Grande Ore (Beards- town 111) Koch Fred Conrad (sc 1895-9 AB g 1899-1900 MS PhD (Chgo) '12 Instr Chem IJ 111 1900-2 Exp Chem Ar- mour & Co 1902-9) Asst Prof Physiol Chem U Chgo 1912- Chicago (5743 Maryland Av) Koch George Benjamin (m eng 1910- 12) Gar 527 Henrietta St Pekin 111 Koch Harvey Charles (m eng 1910-15 BS) Asst Supt Northern Lumber Co 114 Chestnut St Cloquet Minn Koch Paul Wesley (c eng 1905-7) Mgr Thos G Grier Co 318 W Washington St Chicago (306 N Mayfield Av) *Koch Eeuben Aries (mus 1901-5) d 1911 May view 111 Koebele Cornelius Walter (c eng 1913- Also Loyola U) Stu Chicago Heights IU Koeber James (sp ag 1911-12 BS(Ore Ag)'ll) Instr Farm Mech U Cal Davis Cal (Sherwood Ore) Koehler Albert Benjamin (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag Chatsworth 111 Koehler Henry (su 1910 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 2940 W Diversey Av Chicago Koehler John (arch eng 1912-13) R Est 214 E 77th St Seattle Koehler John Gustavus (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Chatsworth 111 Koehler Eobert Adams C (ag 1915- ) 3031 Calumet Av Chicago Koehm Mrs (see Haven Mabel H) Koehm George Vernon (sp c eng 1905- 6) Ag Greenfield 111 Koehn Anna (Mrs W J A Kuehl) (la 1900-2 AB) Home 4742 Drake Av Chicago Koehn Martha Caroline (Mrs F C Hubbard) (la 1901-4 AB) Home 203 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Koenig Adolph (sp arch eng 1895-6) Contr & Arch Mgr Planing Mills Chanute Kan ?Koenig Herman Henry (g e eng 1912- 13 BS(Wis)'12) 311 E Green St Champaign 111 Koepke Edward Robert (acad 1909-11 c eng 1912-14) Corresp 2121 S Ho- man Av Chicago Koepke Frank Henry (e eng 1915- Also Elmhurst Coll) Stu 1650 N Tripp Av Chicago Koepke Herman Frank (c eng 1914- Also Elmhurst Coll & Evangl Prot Sem) Stu 1650 N Tripp Av Chicago Koerper Herman William (sc 1906-8 MD(Rush)'12) Med Buda 111 ?Koestner William (c eng 1906-10 BS) 618 Peach St Rockford 111 KOFOID Charles Atwood (AB(Ober) '90 MS(Harv)'92 PhD (do) '94 Instr Vert Morphol U Mich 1894-5 Supt Biol Exp Sta & Asst Prof Zool & Supt Nat Hist Surv U 111 1896-1901 Asst Prof Histol & Embryol U Cal 1901-4) Prof Zool & Head Dept U Cal 1910- 2616 Etna St Berkeley Cal Kofoid Nellie lone (Mrs W W Dillon) (la 1895-8 BS) 4620 70th St E Port- land Ore Kofoid Mrs Prudence Winter (Mrs C A)(g hist 1898-1901) Home 2616 Etna St Berkeley Cal * Kofoid Reuben Nelson (acad 1898-9 sc 1899-1902 AB) d 1905 Berkeley Cal Kohin Thomas Cornelius (su 1899 & 19,08) Asst Prin H Sch La Salle 111 *Kohin Thomas Francis (su 1909 chem eng 1912-13) d August 24 1915 Wich- ita Kan Kohl John Adam (acad 1906-7 Also 111 Wes U Law Sch) 611 Second Av Peoria 111 Kohl Justin Ferdinand (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 205 S Sycamore St Centralia 111 Kohl Rowena Agnes (la 1914- ) Stu KOHLER— KORTY 375 205 S Sycamore St Centralia 111 Kohler Gerald Elmer (la 1915- Also 111 Wes U) Stu Chatsworth 111 KOHMANN Edward Frederick (BA (Kan) '12 PhD (Yale) '15 sp 1915- ) Assoc Dairy Chem U 111 1915- 1106 S Coler Av Urbana 111 (Dillon Kan) Kohn John Louis (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 389 Chicago St Elgin 111 Kohn Lydia Elizabeth (lib 1903-4 Also Lehrerinnen Sem Hanover Ger) Instr Mod Langs 4318 S Wabash Av Chi- cago ?Kohn Morris (c eng 1907-8) 4943 Champlain Av Chicago Kohout George Anton (c eng 1902-6) Mgr Shear Klean Grate Monadnock Bldg Chicago Kohout Jerome Francis (sc 1908-9 & '10-13 BS Also Lewis Inst) Chf Chemist Comm Test & Eng Co 1785 Old Colony Bldg Chicago (1137 S Richmond St) Koier Grace Amelia (Mrs C R Choui- nard) (su 1914 Also Chgo Teach Coll) Teach 2243 N Tripp Av Chicago Kolar George Franklin (c eng 1914- ) Stu 2638 S Springfield Av Chicago Kolar Otto (c eng 1911-12 Also Chgo Coll Dent Sur) Dent 1660 S Millard Av Chicago ?Kolbe Benjamin Ralph (m eng 1898- 1900 Also Armour Inst 1895-8) St James Minn Kolker Katherine Joan (la 1902-6 AB) Libr Pub Lib 308 Hampshire St Quincy 111 Koll Henry Michael (e eng 1913- Also Chgo Teach Coll) Stu 6538 Kim- bark Av Chicago Koll Mary Elizabeth (h sc 1912-13 Also U Chgo) 5405 Woodlawn Av Chicago KOLLER Armin Hajman (sp mus 1911- 12 AB(WRes)'05 AM (do) '06 PhD (Chgo) '11 Act Asst Prof Ger Butler Coll 1910 Asst Ger U 111 1910-11) Instr Ger U 111 1911- 1110 S Third St Champaign 111 Kollmeyer Carl Schwartzkopf (la 1912- 13 Also Ind U) Law Tipton Hill Columbus Ind KOLLOCK Lily (Mrs L J Paetow) (AB(Wom Coll Baltimore) '95 PhD (Pa) '99 Instr Chem Vas Coll 1899- 1900 Head Dept Chem & Phys Girls H Sch Louisville Ky 1901-7 Dean Women U 111 1907-10) Home 1518 Le Roy Av Berkeley Cal Kolmer Albert Conard (ag 1915- ) Stu R3 (143) Waterloo 111 Kolmer Otto Peter (sp ag 1910-12 '15- ) Stu Waterloo 111 Kolmer Richard Emil (sp ag 1908-10) Ag Waterloo 111 Kolmer William Conrad (ag 1913- ) Ag Waterloo 111 Konantz Ralph Harris (aead 1907-9) Quincy 111 Koo Shun (c eng 1915- ) Stu Kwang- Fung Kiang-Si China Koo Vi Tsing (e eng 1911-14 BS Also Imperial Poly Coll) E Eng Tsai Down Wei Wu Sih Kiangsu China tKoogler Frank S (la 1899-1902) Champaign 111 Koons Guy J (la 1908-12 AB su 1915 Also Charleston Nor) Prin H Sch 2128 Division St Murphy sboro 111 ?Koons Josephine (su 1906) Mason City 111 Koontz Alpheus G (sp la com 1908-9 Also la St Coll) Asst Cash la St Bk Des Moines la Kopelman Leo Theodore (com 1915- Also U la) Stu Maquoketa la Kopf Frank Alexander (sc 1910-13 '15- Also 111 St Nor U Also 111 Wes) Stu 706 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Koptik Bohumil James (ag 1913- ) Stu 5339 W 23rd PI Cicero Chicago Koptik George (sc 1912-13)^ Stu Coll Med U 111 5339 W 23rd PI Cicero Chicago Koptik Rose (la 1915- ) Stu 5339 W ^ 23rd PI Cicero Chicago ,.c* Korb Arnold Bruno (su 1911 Also % lll * St Nor U) Prin H Sch Lincoln 111 * Korb Helen Lydia (su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U & U Mo) Teach 314 Kan- kakee St Lincoln 111 Kornblum Isidor (m eng 1901-3) Adv & Merc 715 Ohio St Terre Haute Ind Koronski George William (su 1912) Stu Mich Coll Mines Marbeth Pa tKoRSCHAK Sam (arch 1911-14 BS) 5321 Calumet Av Chicago Korsmo Armund Marius (c eng 1905-9 BS CE'13) C Eng 6226 Lakewood Av Chicago (208 S La Salle St) Korsmo Edward Oswald (c eng 1907- 11 BS) C Eng YMCA St Paul Minn (1410 Pioneer Bldg) KORTEN Josephine Ruth (g 1902-3 BS (Chgo) '02 Asst Chem U 111 1902- 3 Asst Chem Vas Coll 1903-4 Instr Chem Wells Coll 1904-5) At home 6722 Union Av Chicago Korth Frieda Elizabeth (la 1911- ) Stu R12 Trivoli 111 Korty Fred Herman (sp ag 1911-12) 376 KORUP— KRATZ Ag & Stock R2 Bluffs 111 Korup Christian (c eng 1906-8 Also Lewis Inst) Mfg 4742 N Racine Av Chicago (3979 Barry Av) Kost John Clinton (1 1905-9 LL B Also W 111 St Nor) Law 14 E Main St Galestmrg 111 kostalek John Anton (g sc 1908-10 PhD BA(Wis)'07 AM (do) '08) Dept Chem U Id Moscow Id Kostenbader Edmund Everett (sp ag 1902-3) Dairy Scioto Mills 111 KOSTER John W (Asst Min Eng Rescue Sta U 111 1913-14) Asst Eng US Bureau Standards Springfield 111 Kosters Stuart Farnsworth (c eng 1909-13 BS Also Armour Inst) Eng Dept IC RR 6116 Ellis Av Chicago Kottmann Benjamin Frederick O (la com 1910-11) Ofc Mgr 207 N Win- nebago St Rockford 111 (Lena 111) Kotz Raymond Casler (g sc 1908-9 BS (NW)'07) Teach 2015 Wilson Av Chicago Koupal Agnes Rose (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 522 W South St Crown Point Ind Koupal Walter George (la 1915- ) Stu 522 W South St Crown Point Ind Kouyounmjian Garabet Houanes (c eng 1914- Also U Wis) Stu 564 Jacob St Troy NY Kozinski Lucian Charles (la 1913-14) 8800 Houston Av Chicago Krabbe Edward Max (acad 1909-10 e eng 1910-14 BS) E Contr Park Thea- ter Bldg Champaign 111 (1204 N Neil St) Kraeckman Arthur Endres (ag 1912- ) Stu 5221 Wayne Av Chicago Kraeckman Walter Ernest (ag 1915- ) Stu 5221 Wayne Av Chicago Kraeger Bertha Elizabeth (su 1915 Also Bradley Poly) Teach 701 S Capitol St Pekin 111 Kraeger John Franklin (sc 1908-13 BS) Phar Chem Eli Lilly & Co In- dianapolis (701 S Capitol St Pekin 111) Krafft George Washington (la 1871) Teach 2136 McKinley Av Berkeley Cal *Krafft Theodore Julius (sp 1868-9) d Sept 28 1915 Springfield Mo Kraft Adolph (la 1915- ) Stu Gil- man 111 Kraft Albert John (acad 1896-7) Ar- enzville 111 Kraft August (la 1915- ) Stu Gil- man 111 Kraft Eugene William (m eng 1905-9 BS Also U Wiirtemberg & U Berlin) Mfg 525 River St Hoboken NJ Kraft Marguerite Sue (h sc 1909-10) At home 511 E Church St Collins- ville 111 Kraft Reynold Rudolph (min eng 1914- ) Stu 192 Marion St Oak Park 111 t Kraft Walter Charles (acad 1908-9) Carpenter 111 *Krahl Benjamin F (c eng 1895-1900 BS) d Dec 31 1907 Aurora 111 Kraker Anna (la 1908-9 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 5113 Capitol Av Omaha Neb (Minonk 111) Krai Albert Alva Jr (e eng Feb 1916- ) Stu 1627 S Trumbull Av Chicago Kramer Arthur William (acad 1896-7) Merc 92 Galena Av Dixon 111 Kramer Charles George (m eng 1911- 13) Stu 99 Elmo St Dorchester Mass Kramer Gustave August (la 1903-5 AB AM '07 Also Westfield Coll) Law 405 Citizen's Title & Trust Bldg De- catur 111 Kramer Jesse C (e eng 1909-13 BS) E Eng Century Elec Co 1228 Aubert Av St Louis Krametbauer Irma Theresa (la 1915- ) Stu 2457 S Kedzie Av Chicago Kramm Harry D (acad 1888-90 m eng 1890-1) Sec-Treas Pioneer Brass Wks 3530 Washington Blvd Indian- apolis *Kramm Leslie (acad 1888-9) d June 14 19,04 Kewanee 111 fKrane Leonard Judah (c eng 1911-12 '13- ) Stu 1338 S Albany Av Chi- cago Krannert Herman Charles (m eng 1908-12 BS) M Eng 812 W Seventh St Anderson Ind Krannert Victor Louis (com 1915- ) Stu 3541 Van Buren St Chicago Krapf Henry Antone (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Rl Peotone 111 Krase Herbert John (la 1915- ) Stu 1539 S Spaulding Av Chicago Kratz Alonzo Plumstead (c eng 1903- 7 BS g 1907-9 MS Instr M Eng U 111 1910-12 Res Asst Eng Exp Sta U 111 1911-15) Res Assoc M Eng U 111 1915- 315 S State St Champaign 111 Kratz Elwin Valentine (g eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13 MS '14- '15 ) Arch Eng 315 S State St Champaign 111 Kratz Ethel Gyola (la 1905-10 AB g 1913- ) Libr Pub Lib & Stu 315 S State St Champaign 111 Kratz James P (la 1896-1900 AB) Ag KRATZ— KRIEGER 377 Monticello 111 Kratz Laura (la 1893-7 AB) Sculp- tor Monticello 111 Kratzenberg Edwin John (e eng 1914- ) Stu 3201 E 91st St Chi- cago Krauel Philip Leone (m eng 1914- ) Stu 512 E University Av Champaign IU Kraus Harry (la com 1915- ) Stu 1433 S Sawyer Av Chicago Kraus May Beatrice (Mrs J E Lof- gren)(sp mus 1908-9) Home Henry 111 t Kraus William Conrad (sp m eng 1900-2) Galena 111 Krause Emma Augusta (la 1908-12 AB) Teach 701 Locust St Sterling 111 (Secor 111) Krause Frederic Fernando (acad 1880- I min eng 1881-3) R Est 1441 W 51st PI Los Angeles \Krause Herman E (acad 1883-4) Chi- cago t Krause Josephine (Mrs Alfred Chal- font)(aead 1879-80 la 1880-4 Cert) Home 360 W Congress St Chicago Krause Louise Beerstecher (lib 1897-8 Also Armour Inst) Libr c/o H M Byllesby & Co Cont & Com Bk Bldg Chicago Krauss Harold Frederick (ag 1914-15) Time Clk Elida O Krausse Leo John (g econ 1915- BS (Knox) '15) Stu 703 S Third St Champaign 111 KreaSan Shirley Genevieve (acad 1910- II mus 1913-15 Also Christian Coll) Asst R Est Ofc W Wheaton Av Cham- paign 111 Krebaum Alta (su 1912) Teach 636 N 40th St Philadelphia f Krebaum Hope Beatrice (la 1904-5) 1400 W Allen St Springfield 111 Krebs Mrs James H (see Holton Mat- tie G) Krebs Stanley Edward (e eng 1906-8) C Eng Belleville 111 Krebs Wilbur Edward (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) ' Stu 211 S High St Belleville 111 Krebs William Samuel (la com 1909- 13 AB AM(Wis)'14) Stu Yale U 427 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 fKREHBIEL Junius Frederick (BS (Alfred) '04 Instr Chem Alfred U 1905-6 Instr Cer U 111 1906-7) 1538 N High St Columbus O Kreider John McD (acad 1887-9) Pro- moter St Louis Kreider Paul Gates (la 1914- ) Stu 522 E Capitol Av Springfield 111 Kreidler Chester Jamison (la 1914- ) Stu 244 S Scoville Av Oak Park III Kreidler Dana Walter (e eng 1908-11 BS Also Syr U) M Eng 166 Euclid Av W Detroit (1137 Third Av) Kreigh Elie Spencer (m eng 1912- ) Stu 205 W Lawrence Av Springfield Kreikenbaum Adolph (chem 1897-1901 BS Instr Gym U 111 1901-2) Pres & Mgr Kre^k Varnish Co 5130 Sheridan Rd Chicago (1020 Foster Av) Kreiling Chris Herman (acad 1903-5 c eng 1905-9 BS) Drainage Eng Chandlerville 111 t Kreiling Christian H (sp ag 1900-1) C Eng & Surv 112% N Plum St Ha- vana 111 Kreiling Robert Graham (la 1914- ) Stu 1527 Morse Av Chicago Kreimeir Werner Paul (ag 1913-14 Also NW U) Ag Manhattan 111 Kreisinger Henry (acad 1899-1900 m eng 1900-4 BS ME '06) M Eng Fuel Eflfic Lab Exp Sta Bur Mines Pitts- burgh Krembs Mrs AC (see Kern Harriet W) kremers Harry Cleveland (g chem 1913-15 MS '15- AB (Hope) '13) Asst Chem U 111 1913- 1102 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (R3 Hud- sonville Mich) Kreps Mrs E H (see Van Dervoort Maude E) Kressman Frederick William (sc 1905- 9 BS g 1909-10 MS Asst Chem U 111 1909-10) Asst Chem US Forest Serv & Lect Forest Prod U Wis 1915- 20 Lathrop St Madison Wis Kressman Mrs F W (see Gridley Ma- bel A) Kretsinger Sherwood (m eng 1906-7) Hydro Elec & RR Constr Wk 409 16th Av N Seattle KREY August Charles (AB(Wis)'07 AM(do)'08 Instr Hist U 111 1912- 13) Instr Hist U Minn 939 14th Av SE Minneapolis tKricke Alice (la 1908-10 Also Car- thage Coll ) Beardstown 111 Krieg Amelia (la 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 1615 1 Trumbull Av Chi- cago Krteger Augusta May (la 1908-10 AB su 1915 Also Col U) Teach Highland Park 111 (240 S Maplewood Av Peoria HI) tKrieger Augustus Earl (sp ag 1907-8) R3 Stonington 111 Krieger Herbert William (g sociol 1909-10 AM(Ia)'08) Supt Schs Cor- rectionville la 378 KRIEGER— KUERSCHEN Krieger William Enoch (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 241 S Maplewood Av Peoria 111 Kriegl Otto (m eng 1914- ) Stu Hottinzeran 36 Innsbruck Austria Eriete Frank M (acad 1889-90) Law 600 Washington Blvd Chicago Krietemeyer Carl Oscar Frederick (ag 1909-11) Ag R2 Quincylll Krietemeyer Herbert George (ag 1910- 11) Ag R2 Quincy 111 ■ Kriewitz John Gustav (ag 1913- ) Stu 7247 Jeffery Av Chicago Krigbaum Helen Chloe (h sc 1907-8 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 432 S Main St Decatur 111 Krill John Fred (su 1915) 201 S Wright St Champaign 111 Krippner John (acad 1900-1 arch eng 1901-5 BS) Arch Eng 2434 S Hamlin Av Chicago Kritzer Richard Walker (ag 1912-13 la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5514 Hyde Park Blvd Chicago Kroeschell Carl Herman (m eng 1911- 12 Also Lewis Inst) Estimator & Draft 440 W Erie St Chicago Kroeschell Roy Sittig (m eng 1914- Also Lewis Inst) Stu Winnetka 111 Krogan Henry Christian (sp ag 1906-7 Also N Wis) Trav Sales Canton 111 Krohn Gretchen (la 1907-10) Jour Gladstone Hotel Chicago KROHN William Otterbein ( AB (West- ern) '87 AM(Yale)'89 PhD (do) '89 MD(NW)'05Head Dept Phil Psych & Ethics W Res U 1889-91 Asst Prof Psych & Pedagogy U 111 1892-3 Asst Prof Psych U 111 1893-7) Med 1404 29 E Madison St Chicago (Gladstone Hotel) Kromer Carrie Adelaide (la 1911-15 AB) Teach 903 S Liberty St Elgin 111 Kromer John Carl (e eng 1909-12) Mfg 903 S Liberty St Elgin 111 Kroner Frederick Lewis (la 1915- ) Stu Mahomet 111 ?Kront George (c eng 1883-4) Oakley 111 Kross Michael (acad 1909-10 la 1910- 11 Also NW U LLB( Hamilton) '14 Law & Circuit Clk Wheaton 111 (Elm- hurst 111) Krueger Arthur Frederick (sp ag 1908- 11 Also U Wis 1913-15) Ag & Voca- tional Teach H Sch Champaign 111 (2726 W 16th St Chicago Krueger Ernest Theodor (la 1903-10 AB BD(Chgo Theol Sem)'13) Mintr Blue Island 111 Krueger Kurth Carl (sc 1912-13 '15- ) Stu 839 Fourth St La Salle 111 Krueger Otto Arthur (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) Arch Eng Internat Harv Co Chicago (1011 S Lafayette Blvd South Bend Ind) t Krueger Valeria Wilhelmiha (su 1907) Nauvoo 111 Krueger William Charles (ag 1910-12) Acct c/o Internat Harvester Co Ma- son City la (2726 W 16th St Chi- cago) Krug Louis Gustave (chem eng 1912- ) Stu 2910 Broadway Av Chicago Krull Donald Carl (la 1915- ) Stu 525 E 11th St Indianapolis Krumm Gretchen Emma (la 1915- , Also NW U) Stu 1232 Montana St Chicago Krumsiek Walter Wesley (su 1915 Also Cent Wes Coll) Prin H Sch Nashville 111 Kruse Conrad Fred (acad 1892-5) Ag Rl Jersey Ridge Rd Davenport la \Kruse Richard Fred (acad 1897-8) 518 W Fifth St Davenport la Ku Tsong Lin (la com 1911-14 AB Also Ching Hua Coll Pekin) c/o Y M C A Shanghai China Kubat Frank (ry eng 1909-11) Merc 2216 S Hamlin St Chicago Kuby Genevieve Campbell (Mrs H G James) (la 1909-10) Home 2620 Rio Grande St Austin Tex Kuder Frank Chalmers (acad 1908-9 '10-11) Ag St Joseph HI Kuechler Ernest Charles (ag 1915- ) Stu St Elmo 111 KuecTcen Adolph Harry (acad 1898-9) Builder 139 N Clark St Chicago (2928 Pine Grove Av) Kuehl Mrs William J A (see Koehn Anna) Kuehlcke Otto (c eng 1900-5 BS) C Eng c/o US Eng Ofc 521 W Eighth St Davenport la KUEHMSTED A Louis (ME (Cor) '91 Asst E Eng U 111 1892-3) Pres & Gen Mgr Gregory Elec Co 16th & Lincoln Sts Chicago Kuehn Alfred Leonhardt (c eng 1896- 1900 BS Instr C Eng U III 1900-2) Gen Supt Amer Creosoting Co 1909- 220 S Ridgeland Av Oak Park 111 Kuehn Mrs A L (see Chacey Anna O) Kuehn George Walter (m eng 1915- ) Stu 2341 S Albany Av Chicago Kuehne Carl Oscar (arch 1893-7 BS) Arch 1947 Patterson Av Chicago Kuehne O K (acad 1893-4) Urbana 111 Kuerschen Albert Peter (c eng 1912- 14) 535 Locust St Carlinville 111 KUGLEE— KU TSCH 379 Kugler Martin Billmire (e eng 1911-13 ag 1915- ) Stu Piano 111 Kuhl Cora (Mrs A M Allen) (sp mus 1899-1900) Home 92 E 11th Av Col- umbus O Kuhl John Henry Jr (arch eng 1911- 13 BS Also Bradley Poly) Bldg Contr 140 S Van Ness Av Los An- seles Kuhl William Prentice (la 1906-10 AB) Bnk Lincoln HI Kuhlman Lloyd (ag 1914-16) Ag Beardstown 111 Kuhlman Thane (e eng 1911-12) Pur- chasing Agt Kuhlman Elec Co Elk- hart Ind (Prospects & Bowers Sts) KUHLMANN Fred (AB(Neb)'99 AM (do) '01 PhD (Clark) '03 Asst Psych Lab U Neb 1899-1901 do Clark U 1901-5 Instr Psych U 111 1907-10) Dir Ees St Hospital Faribault Minn Kuhn Anthony Edward (la 1892-3) Drug Clifton 111 Kuhn Henry Harrison (m eng 1910-14 BS) c/o Natchez Columbia & Mobile RR Norfield Miss *Kuhn Isaac (c eng 1875-9 BS) d Feb 20 1899 San Diego Cal Kuhn Leopold (acad 1895-8 sp 1898- 1900) Merc Watseka 111 Kuhn Rudolph (a&d 1897-8) Trav 601 E 67th St Chicago Kuhn Wilfred Henry (e eng 1911-15 BS) C Eng 6002 Sangamon St Chi- cago tKuhnen Adolph (acad 1889-90 sp ag 1890-1) Highland 111 Kuhnen Proctor George (c eng 1912-15 Also Lewis Inst) 519 Depot Av Dix- on HI Kuhns George Hiser (la 1913-14) Ag Oreana HI Kuhns John Christian (e eng 1911-15) Elec Contr Oreana 111 Kull Karl Robert (ag 1915- ) Stu 2402 W Main St Shelbyville 111 KULLMER Charles Julius (AB(Harv) '99 AM(do)'00 PhD(Tubingen & Wiirtemberg) '01 Instr Harv U 1901- 4 Instr Ger U 111 1904-5) Assoc Prof Ger Syr U 1905- 505 Univer- sity PI Syracuse NY Kultchen Eugene Frank (m eng 1903- 6) Asst Eng CB&Q RR 1226 Mar- ket St La Crosse Wis (Winnetka 111) Kumano Kichijiro (g ed 1915- ) Stu Tokio Japan Kummer Ludwig (acad 1905-7 ry eng 1907-10) Elec Foreman Box 103 Crown Mines Staff Quarters Johan- nesburg SA (2828 Harvard St Chi- cago) Kunkle Eugene Russel (ag 1911-12) Ag Lacon 111 Kunkle Roy Delos (m eng 1902-6 BS Draft Eng Exp Sta U 111 1906-8) Mgr Kunkle Furniture Co Mackinaw 111 KUNZ Jacob (PhD ( Poly technikum Zu- rich) '07 Diploma (Naturwissen-schaft- en) Also U Cambridge 1907-8 Asst Physics Zurich 1900-6 Instr Physics U Mich 1908-9 Asst Prof Physics U 111 1909-15) Assoc Prof Physics U 111 1915- 1205 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Kunz Walter Frederick (ag 1906-10 BS) V-Pres Baker's Flour Co 1445 Farragut Av Chicago Kunze Curt Eugene (acad 1899-1900 sp la 1903-4) Publ Bishop Cal Kunze Ewald Edwin (acad 1892-3) Belvidere 111 Kupper Walter Jacob (ag 1912- ) Stu 601 W Moss Av Peoria 111 Kurt John Joseph (m eng 1909-13) c/o Chicago Tel Co 1519 Dearborn Pky Chicago (603 S Fifth St Cham- paign 111) Kurt Leo Peter Jr (m eng 1911- ) Stu 603 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Kurt Mary Annetta (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 603 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Kurtz Edward (sc 1907-8 BS(Col)'12 Also 111 St Nor U & Col U) Teach 1420 G St Eureka Cal (Olney 111) ?Kurtz Robert Everett (sp ag 1904-7 Also Lewis Inst) 1061 Madison St Chicago Kurtzrock Edward Valentine (1 1914- ) Stu R7 Dixon 111 Kuss Harry Anthony (sc 1904-7) Cash Blatz Brewing Co 406 Park PI Peo- ria 111 Kuss Robert Hayden (m eng 1899-1903 BS Instr M Eng U 111 1903-5) Mech Eng Edgemoor Iron Co Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg .Chicago (112 W Adams St) Kuss Mrs R H (see Brower Florence W) Kuster Arthur (sp ag 1900-2) Div Sales Cent 111 Pub Serv Co Marion 111 (512 S State St Champaign HI) Kutnewsky Charles Fremont (m eng 1881-3) Ins Mgr Equitable Life Ins Soc 429 Empire Bldg Boise Id Kutnewsky John K (acad 1876-8 la 1878-9) Supt St Insane Hospital Redfield SD Kutsch William Adelbert (sc 1900-3 BS PhD (Freiburg) '07) Supt Corn Products Refining Co 320 S Fourth St Pekiri 111 380 KUYKENDALL— LAFFEBTY Kuykendall Andrew Jackson (1 1897- 8 LLB PhB(DePauw) '96) Ag Vienna 111 Kyde Lillie Allen (su 1911 Also W 111 St Nor) Mus Newman 111 Kyger Boy Jay (su 1908 &' 15 Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Valparaiso U 316 Chandler St Danville 111 Kyle Ethelwyn Annabel (Mrs John Webber) (acad 1903-4) Home North- ville SD *Kyle Fanny E (la 1876-8) d July 24 1895 Sioux Falls la Kyle George Lane (e eng 1911-15 BS) c/o US Light & Heating Co Niagara Falls NY (727 Barry Av Chicago) *Kyle James H (la 1871-3) d July 1909 Aberdeen SD Kyle Harriett (su 1913 Also NW U) Teach H Sch 418 S Cherokee St Tay- lorville 111 (103 N Broadway St Ha- vana 111) Kyle Mrs Manella (su 1895) Home 4812 Lake Park Av Chicago Kyle Martha Jackson (la 1895-7 BS g 1897-8 AM Also U Chgo & Col U Instr Khet U 111 1899-1906 Asst Dean Undergrad do 1905-6 Instr Engl do 1906-9) Instr Engl 1910- & Act Dean Women U 111 1913- 1101 W Cali- fornia St Urbana 111 fKyner Charles Leslie (su 1909 Also 111 Wes U) Le Boy 111 KYKIAKIDES Lucas Petron (AB (Ana- tolia Coll Turkey) '02 AB (Mich) '07 SciD(Mich)'09 Asst Chem U Mich 1907-8 Bes Asst Chem U 111 1908-10) Bes Chem Hood Bubber Co E Water- town Mass Kyser Gladys Mae (Mrs Claude Scho- field) (la 1903-4) Home 160 E Park PI Oklahoma City Kyte John Felix (acad 1900-1 law 1901-4 LL B Also N Ind Nor) B Est 327 S Market St Paxton 111 Kyte Mrs J F (see Stoner Inez A) Labahn Albert Lewis (ag 1908-10 Also Lewis Inst) Ag Lincoln Mo Labahn Charles John (sp ag 1908-10 Also Lewis Inst) Ag Lincoln Mo La Belle Johnston Noble (ry eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng 5715 Glenwood Av Chicago Laborence John Cushman (acad 1910- 11 law 1911-12 Also Millikin U) Ag Pleasant Plains 111 Laborence William 'Purcell (ag 1910-11 Also Millikin U) City Sales Armour Packing Co 217 S First St Spring- field 111 (Pleasant Plains 111) Lacey Arthur Bawlins (se 1910-12) Clk Mfg 2545 College Av Indianap- olis Lacey John James (ag 1913- ) Stu Elwood 111 Lachman Josiah Keeler (su 1915 Also U Chgo) 3111 Portez St St Louis Lackey Henry William (la 1890-1 LL B (Chgo) '06) Law 6104 Blackstone Av Chicago Lackey Kate (la 1912-16 AB) 702 E State St Lawrenceville 111 Lackey Bobert Allen (sp 1891-2 BCE (Pur) '91) Mfg 224 Wisconsin Av Oak Park 111 Lackland Margaret Warner (la 1911- 12) At home Magnolia 111 Lackland William Beyburn (la com 1910-11) Cash Grocery- Co 304 S Washington St Peoria 111 La Clair Strawn (sp ag 1912-13 Also U Mich) c/o Louisiana Meadows Co 901 Maison Blanche New Orleans tLacson Marino B (su 1911 Also Pur U) Oce Negros PI LACY Burritt Samuel (AB(Harv)'03 AM (do) '04 PhD (do) '06 Also Karls- ruhe Poly & U Berlin 1906-8 Asst Genl & Qual Analysis Harv U 1903-6 Instr Chem U 111 1908-9) Asst Wks Mgr Perth Amboy Chem Wks Se- waren NJ Lacy Balph Wilson (la com 1914-15) Knoxville 111 ?Lacy Bobert Wilber (sp law 1901-3) Sullivan 111 Ladage Fred William (sp ag 1899-1904 Also N Ind St Nor) Ag Beardstown 111 Ladd Florence Marguerite (h sc 1908-9 Also Chgo Art Inst) Teach Morrison 111 Ladd James C (ag 1868-9 '72-3) Ag & Stock Bingwood 111 Ladd William Stanton (acad 1910-11 ag 1911-12 '15- ) Stu Taylorville 111 Ladehoff Arthur Detlef Henry (arch eng 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 1101 W Main St Clinton la Laemmle Mrs Joseph J (see Norton Carrie B) Lafferty Charlotte (su 1913 Also E. Ill St Nor) Teach 148 W Wood St Decatur 111 (Martinsville 111) Lafferty George Gustavus (su 1909 '10&'11&'12&'13 &'14&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Knoxville 111 Lafferty Guy Clifford (g la 1903-4 AB (Monmouth) '03) Ag Bl Alexis 111 Lafferty Harriet Ann (la 1911-12) Teach 14 S Vernon St Princeton 111 Lafferty John Samuel (arch eng 1911- LAFFOON— LAMB 381 15 BS Also Blees Mil Acad) Arch Eng 1026 Central Av Beloit Wis Laffoon Mrs E M (see Womacks Nita) Laflin Benjamin Thomas (la 1907-8 Also U Cal ) Hort Thermal Cal Laflin Mary Elizabeth (Mrs Albert Eisner) (acad 1898-1901 mus 1901-8 B Mus Instr Piano U 111 1910-11 see also Eisner Mary E) Home 208 W Park Av Champaign 111 La Frenz Grace Etheridge (la 1911-15 AB) Teach Flora 111 (696 Dean St Bushnell 111) tLager Martin Frank (ag 1910-11 Also Colo St Coll) Geneseo 111 Lagergren Alex Alfred (a^ 1910-11 Also Abraham's Sch Sweden) Stu Metropolitan Bus Coll 7225 Emerald Av Chicago i Lagergren Gustaf Petrus (arch eng 1914- AB(Chgo)'08) Stu 2234 Fair- fax Av Morgan Park 111 Lagerstrom David Beuben (e eng 1907- 11 BS) E Eng Gen Elec Co Box 810 Schenectady NY (Dundee 111) Lagerstrom Elsa Marie (ag 1913-14) At home 307 N Giffard St Elgin 111 ?Lagniton Isabelo Jemeno (c eng 1907-11 BS Also Tech Sch U Cin) Jaro Iloilo PI Lagorio Anthony Power (ry c eng 1909-12) Ry C Eng 125 N Elizabeth St Chicago LAGUARDIA Cincinnati G B (g la 1915- AB(Col)'15) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1915- 912 W California Av Urbana 111 (439 E 118th St New York) LAGUARDIA Garibaldi ( AB ( Col ) ' 14 AM(do)'15 Asst Rom Lang U 111 1915) Instr Spanish US Naval Acad Hotel Maryland Annapolis Md (439 E 118th St New York) Lahman Howard Seymore (la 1913-14 Also Chgo Tech Coll) Bnk c/o State Bk Evanston 111 (1549 Farwell Av Chicago) Laible Russell James (ag 1915- ) Stu 471 Empire St Freeport 111 Laidlaw Elizabeth Sophronia (lib 1904- 6 Also U Chgo) Libr Bradley Poly Peoria 111 (4845 Union Av Chicago) tLail Augusta Belle (su 1907 Also De Pauw U) 3302 Kenwood Av Indian- apolis Lain Fred A (la 1904-5 Also U Mo) Oil & Gas Production Muskogee Okla Laing George Driver (ag 1908-12 BS) Sales 283 Franklin Av River Forest 111 Laing Walter A (ag 1913- ) Stu 283 Franklin Av River Forest 111 ?Laird Albert Norman (c eng 1910-12) 1210 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Laird Elmer Ray (m eng 1909-10 Also Pur U) M Eng Armour & Co Chi- cago (1400 E 53rd St) Lake Arthur Howard (e eng 1908-12) Ag Sandwich 111 (Leland 111) Lake Benny Wilson (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Fancy Prairie HI Lake Donna Irene (Mrs J S Shaw) (acad 1905-6) Home Fancy Prairie 111 Lake Edward John (arch 1891-5 BS Also Rose Poly & Pratt Inst & London Sch Art & Julian Acad Paris Asst A&D U 111 1894-6 Instr do 1896- 1903) Asst Prof A&D U 111 1903- & Act Head Dept 1907- 703 W Park St Champaign 111 Lake Mrs Effie Estelle (Mrs E J) (mus 1900-1 '04-5 '07-8) Home 703 W Park St Champaign HI Lake Elmer S (la 1903-7 AB) 908' N Kankakee St Lincoln 111 (Cantrall 111) Lake George Elbert (acad 1894-5 ag 1895-6) Ag Cornell Wis Lake Mrs Grace (acad 1910-11 su 1913) Home 908 N Kankakee St Lincoln 111 tLakoff Charles Benjamin (sc 1912-13) 6239 May St Chicago Lally Francis James (e eng 1908-9) Ag R3 Lockport 111 Lalor Foster Mitchell (la 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu Franklin Park HI Lamb Allie Bie (la 1909-12) Clk Reg Ofc U 111 411 Daniel St Champaign 111 Lamb Bertha (Mrs W A Dennison) (su 1905) Home Exline HI lamb Burley Frank (g la 1913-14 AM '14-15 AB( Albion) '13) Stu U Pa Rl Hillsdale Mich Lamb Carter Herbert (e eng 1906-10 BS Also Lewis Inst) E Eng 4836 W Erie St Chicago Lamb Charles Augustus Jr (la 1908-12 AB) Clk 411 Daniel St Champaign 111 Lamb Edith Jane (la 1910-14 AB) Teach Martinsville 111 (409 Daniel St Champaign 111) Lamb Grover Cleveland (ag 1913-14) Worden 111 Lamb Hallie Eunice (la 1913- ) Stu 411 Daniel St Champaign 111 Lamb Helen Marion (la 1915- ) Stu 605 E Jefferson St Crawfordsville Ind Lamb Howard Earl (la 1915- Also 382 LAMB— LANDEE Albion Coll) Stu Hillsdale Mich Lamb John Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu Worden 111 Lamb Nellie Bly (la 1908-12 AB) Teach Breckenbridge Minn (411 Dan- iel St Champaign 111) Lamb Wallace Shumway Jr (la 1910- 12) Undertaker Gibson City 111 Lamb Wilber Edwards (acad 1908-10 law 1910-12 LLB(Mich)'14) Law Detroit (Gibson City 111) t Lambert Cyrus Wilbur (sp 1869-73) Ag Endicott Neb Lambert Dana Carlin (ag 1915- ) Stu Coatsburg 111 t Lambert John David (acad 1889-90 la 1890-1) 205 York St Quincy 111 Lambert Juliette Vitalique (lib 1907-8 Also la St Nor U) Jour 60 Linden Av Long Beach Cal (Des Moines la) Lambert Karl Edward (acad 1904-5) Ag R5 (19) Rushville 111 Lambert Leo B (la 1913-14) Regis Apprentice Pharm 1215 Kealing Av Indianapolis (167 S Tenth St Nobles- ville Ind) ?Lambert Ward Louis (su 1914 Also U Minn) 118 W 39th St New York Lamborn Brown (ag 1908-10) Ag Remington Ind ?Lamborn Merlie (la 1909-10 Also U Chgo) 5606 Drexel Av Chicago Lambroff Gregory Vassileff (e eng 1912-13 '15- ) Stu Box 8 Madison 111 Lameson Agnes ("Mrs L E Derr) (acad 1901-2) Home 4041 Newstead Av St Louis (Alto Pass 111) Lamet Louis Armand (1 1895-1901 LL B) Law Warsaw 111 Lamkey Ernest Michael Rudolph (la 1909-13 AB g 1913-14 AM g bot 1915- ) Stu Riverton 111 Lamkin Grace Minerva (la 1897-9 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Phys Dir c/o Chau- tauqua Mgrs Assn Orchestra Bldg Chicago (1122 S Wenonah Av Oak Park 111) Lamkin Nina Belle (la 1889-93 BL Also Sargent Sch Cambridge Mass) Superv Phys Ed & Hygiene Sterling Kan Lamkins Lloyd E (ag 1912- ) Stu 206 N Race St Urbana 111 Lamont Antoinette Marie (la 1911-12 Also Mont St Nor & Simmons Coll) Libr Dillon Mont Lamont James Walter (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1239 E State St Rockford 111 LA MOTTE Frank Alexander (MS (Chgo) '00 MA(Wis)'07 lnstr Math U Mich 1902-3 lnstr T&AM U 111 1905-6) lnstr Math U Tex Austin Tex La Motte Norman Girdwood (su 1915 Also U SC) Coach Athl Due West SC (2020 Assembly St Columbia SC) Lampe Margaret Henrietta (la 1893-7 AB AM'OO Also 111 St Nor U) Rl Bloomington 111 (306 W Mulberry St Normal 111) Lampert Florian Jr (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 480 Washington St Oshkosh Wis fLampman James William (arch eng 1909-11 AB(Mich) '09) 813 W Spring field Av Urbana 111 Lamson Mrs T D (see Everhart Ophelia) *Lamson John W (la 1876-9) d Half Day 111 Lamson Leon (ag 1909-11 Also la St Coll) Ranch Holtville Cal (Rensse- laer Ind) Lamson Richard Dean (ag 1905-7) Ag Washington La Lanan Guy (ag 1912-14 '15- ) Stu Kingston 111 Lancaster Allen H (sul915 Also Earl- ham Coll) Teach H Sch Ridge Farm 111 Lancaster Elsie May (Mrs E G Phil- lips) (acad 1907-10 lib 1907-8) Home 311 N Race St Urbana 111 Lancaster Mrs II C (see Hayes Fran- ces E) Lancaster Raymond (acad 1907-9) Cash Houston Gas & Elec Co Hous- ton Ky Lancaster Ruth Ellen (la 1911-13 '14 ) Stu 812 S Third St Maywood 111 Landahl Bessie Arline (la 1908-9 Al- so Cumnock Sch Or & NW U) At home 727 S Euclid Av Princeton 111 Landahl Blanche Toban (la 1908-9 Also Cumnock Sch Or) At home Princeton 111 ?Landan Julius (ag 1906-9) 568 W Polk St Chicago ILandauer Leo Louis (acad 1894-5) 75 W Wabash St Peru Ind Landee Anna Irene (Mrs H B Sewell) (la 1911-14) Home Clarksville Miss LANDEE Marion Charlotte (la 1911- 13 Also Teach Coll Col U & Col Coll Expression & Phys Cult Teach Ex- pression & Phys Cult Bodfors Sch Mus & Or 1908-9 Asst Phys Tr Worn & Asst Dept Pub Sp U 111 1909-11 Asst Engl & Phys Cult U 111 1911-14) Stu Col U 1207 Fifth Av Moline 111 LANDEL— LANGE 383 Landel Ida Susan (la 1895-9) Planter Holly Ridge Miss Landgraf Theodore Holland (m eng 1913-14) Stu Monmouth Coll Mar- • issa 111 Landgrebe Edmund Christian (c eng 1904-5 Also Pur U) Chf Eng V&SE KR Co Robinson 111 Landgrebe Gilbert Conrad (la 1908-9 Also Pur U) Merc Huntingburg Ind Landon George (la 1914- ) Stu 3812 Kedvale Av Chicago Landon Herbert Updike (ag 1909-14 BS) Ag Jersey ville 111 Landon Truman Harry (c eng 1898- 1901) C Eng 723 Euclid St Alton 111 Landor Henry (la com 1907-9) Contr 1013 N Walnut St Canton O Landor Walter A (c eng 1907-11 BS) Constr Eng Pa Steel Co 103 Locust St Harrisburg Pa *Landrigen John (Trustee 1882-7 Memb St Sen 1870 & 1896 Memb St Bd Ag 16 yrs Pres do 1883-6) d March 26 1911 Albion 111 tLandry Adelbert Joseph (c eng 1912- 13) 425 W State St Rockford 111 Landsea Albert Fabvian (e eng 1908- 12 BS) Tel Eng Western Elec Co New York (30 Loudon St Yonkers NY) Landstrom Adolph Walter (chem eng 1913- ) Stu 5516 Cortez St Chi- cago Landstrom Roy William (ag 1915- ) Stu 5516 Cortez St Chicago ?Landt Charles Palmer (ag 1907-9) 30 Woodland Park Chicago Landt Gustav Ernest (ag 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 7531 Normal Av Chi- cago Lane Berttena (su 1908 Also N 111 St Nor) At home 826 W Ninth St Los Angeles Lane Clyde Clarence (sp law 1905-9) Stock Sales c/o Can Standard Loan Co 2 428 Main St Winnipeg Can Lane Cora May (la 1904-5 '08-9 '12- 13) Teach 415 Franklin St Dan- ville 111 tLANE Fletcher (1 1907-9 AB(Neb) '05 Asst Instr Gym U 111 1907-9) Marlin Springs Tex Lane George James (e eng 1909-12) E Eng c/o Wagner Elec Co 5702 Ver- non Av St Louis (15147 Loomis Av Harvey 111) Lane Mrs G J (see Axelson Alice G) Lane Grace Marie (Mrs John Ray- mond) (su 1906 Also Sargent Nor Sch & Emerson Coll) Home Hill Crest Sidney 111 Lane Henry Harold (la com 1912-13) Bkpr 15147 Loomis Av Harvey 111 fLane Herrick Johnson (c eng 1904-5 Also Prin U) C Eng Tuscaloosa Ala (614 Garrison St Fremont O) Lane Jeannette Barry (su 1914 Also U Chgo) Stu Milwaukee Downer Seminary 183 Jewett Av Buffalo ?Lane Michael A (g la 1907-8 SB (Chgo) '07) 451 Jackson Blvd Chi- cago *Lane Nannie P (acad 1883-5) d Mattoon 111 Lane Raymond John (la 1902-3) Gro- cer Paxton 111 Lanferman Walter Edward (acad 1902- 4 e eng 1904-7 Also Lewis Inst) Asst Eng St Pub Utility Comm Chicago (6916 Lakewood Av) tLang Bayard Thomas (la 1908-9 Al- so U Pa) Sullivan Ind Lang Mrs C G (see Mann Frances) Lang Herman Wellington (la Feb 1915- ) Stu 4756 Indiana Av Chi- cago Lang Leonard Alvin (ag 1915- ) Stu 806 Gregory St Urbana 111 Lang Leroy (ag 1905-9 BS g 1909-11 MS Asst Exp Sta U 111 1909-11 Instr Dairy Mfgs & Asst Exp Sta do 1911-13) Assoc Dairy Mfgs U 111 1913- 610 Indiana Av Urbana 111 tLangan Clarence Leo (sp ag 1911-13 Also St Viator's Coll) 438 E Court St Kankakee 111 Langan John Joseph (acad 1903-4 sp ag 1906-8 Also U Notre Dame) Ag Clifton 111 . Langdon Howard Alcus (acad 1896) Ag Manchester 111 Langdon Margie Ethol (lib 1909-12 BLS AB(Neb Wes)'07) Libr Kear- ney Neb (501 Hoffman Av Monte- rey Cal) Langdon Roy Monroe (la 1907-11 BS) Sec of Supt Committee Fifteen Chgo 613 N Seventh St May wood 111 Langdon Mrs R M (see Perring Vere B) tLange Edward Leonard (ag 1913-14) 2237 Giddings Av Chicago Lange Harry Wilson (la com 1914-15) Laundry 3253 Copelin St St Louis (2004 S Jefferson Av) Lange Ida Louise (Mrs A M Parker) (la & lib 1904-8 AB&BLS Lib Asst Armour Inst 1908-9 Catg Lib U 111 1909-10 la Lib Comm 1910-12) Home 423 E 11th St Des Moines la \Lange Le Roy (acad 1908-9) Monti- cello 111 384 LANGE—L ARGENT Lange Lloyd II (c eng 1912-13) Plant Dept Bell Tel Co 222 N Court St Rockford 111 Lange Sophie (la 1907-11 AB) Tutor & Mus Kenmore NY langelier Wilfred Francis (g sc 1909- 11 MS '15- AB(NH)'09 Asst Chem U 111 1909-11) Insp 111 St Water Surv 601 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Nashua NH) Langford Fred Henderson (e eng 1904-7) C Eng Sunnyside Wash Langford Jessie Lucine (Mrs J L Hall) (h sc 1907-8) Home Sunnyside Wash tLangham William Yingst (su 1911) Tamalco 111 Langley Mrs (see Troxell Lulu) *Langley Celeste (Mrs H B Slausen) (la 1879-83) d Champaign 111 Langlois Henry Louis (su 1914) Stu U 111 Med Coll 1079 N Schuyler Av Kankakee 111 Langman John Oscar (acad 1895-6 sc 1896-1900 BS g 1902-3 Also N Ind Nor & Valparaiso II) Teach Pleas- ant View Luther Coll 529 Guthrie St Ottawa 111 LANGMAS Arthur S (Instr Bkpg & Geog Acad U 111 1910-11 AB(Wis) '10) Dist Repr U Exten Division Oshkosh Wis Langstaff Mrs W L (see Pierce Cora E) tLangston Horace Ayres (sc 1906-7 Also U Chgo) 311 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 Langwill Bertha (su 1915) Stu Rock- ford Coll 1413 W State St Rockford 111 Langwith Warren Le Roy (la 1915- Also O Wes U) Stu 760 E High St Davenport la Langworthy Caroline Valeria (lib 1899-1903 BLS) Christian Sc Practr 800 Orchestra Bldg Chicago Langworthy Lester Raymond (sc 1904- 5 BL(Cal)'15 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Holtville Cal LANHAM Edgar Thomas (la 1884-5) Instr Forge U 111 1905- 309 N Race St Urbana 111 Lanham Mariam Elizabeth (Mrs F L Bronson) (acad 1901-2 la 1902-6 AB) Home 812 National Av E Las Vegas NMex Lanham Ralph Leo (e eng 1910-12) Postal Serv 309 N Race St Urbana HI Lanier Russell D'Lyon (m eng 1911- 15) Stu U Cin 2934 Pawnee Av Birmingham Ala Lanning Edgar Gay (sp ag 1902-3) Gov 404 Albert Av Rockford 111 Lanphear Charles Ray (acad 1906-7) Land Arch Box 51 Hartford Mich Lanquist Ada May (su 1914) 833 N Richmond St Chicago Lansche Oral Albert (e eng 1912- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Brighton 111 Lantz Cyrus William (la 1910-13 AB AM '14 Also W 111 St Nor Asst Bot U 111 1914-15) Teach H Sch Harvey 111 (RFD Brooklyn 111) Lantz Etta Mabel (acad 1908-10 la h sc 1910-14 AB) Teach c/o Bluff - ton Coll Bluffton O Lantz Milo P (acad 1880-1 la 1881-5 BS) Ag Carlock 111 Lantz Simon Errett (acad 1892-3 la 1892-5) Ag & St Repr Congerville 111 Lantz Walter Ernest (m eng 1899- 1900) Mgr Water Co Pekin 111 tLanum Harold Baird (la com 1909- 13) Champaign 111 Lanz Anna (su 1906 Also 111 Wes U) Teach 1101 Fell Av Blooming- ton 111 Lapham Gail Hamilton (su 1909 Al- so Knox Coll) Teach 573 Maple Av Galesburg 111 Lapham Ina Olivia (Mrs F L Crown) (la 1902-7 AB Also Knox Coll) Home Oakland Cal \Lapp May Belle (acad 1904 Also Po- mono Coll) 809 Shrader St San Fran- cisco Larabee Charles David (sc 1903-5) Contr & Ag Paw Paw 111 La Rash Lucile Winifred (la 1908-9) Bkpr 5120 Kenmore Av Chicago *Large Aaron Bulford (g latin 1914 AB(McKendree)'lO) d Dec 1 1914 Urbana 111 Large George Pence (c eng 1904-9 BS) C Eng Rl (17) Owaneco 111 Large Harry (sp ag 1900-2) Clk Farmers St Bk Protection Kan Large John Henry (la 1906-7 AB (LeStan)'lO LLB(NW)'12) Law 10809 E Crescent Av Morgan Park 111 Large Shelby Laverne (la 1905-7 AB (LeStan)'09 LL B(NW)'ll) Law 128 Royal Av Rockford 111 LARGE Thomas (g sc 1899-1900 AB (Ind) '97 Asst St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1899-1902 Instr U Chgo 1903) Ag Lava Lake Ranch Eden Id t Large Zelma Rice (Mrs W H Houser) (la 1904-10 AB) Home 515 S Wash- ington St Taylorville 111 Largent Jess Charles (arch eng 1912- ) LARIMER— LA RUE 385 Stii 305 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 ?Larimer Cassius Stewart (sp ag 1903- 4) 5734 Washington Av Chicago Larimer Robert Sherman (c eng 1904- 7 BS Also Lewis Inst) C Eng & Surv Wendell Id Larimore Charles Wesley (m eng 1891- 3) Dairy & Ag Box 274 Searcy Ark Larimore Edward N (sp ag 1890-1) Hort & Stockman Plainville 111 ]Lark George Maronia (acad 1896-7 Also N 111 St Nor) Ruma 111 Larkin Charles James Jr (1 1909-11 Also Tul U) Metairie Ridge New Orleans Larkin Francis Du Lude (m eng 1907- 12 sc 1912-13 AB) Bldg Contr 2938 Fillmore St Chicago ?Larkin Harvey Rude (sc 1900-1) Champaign 111 ?Larkin Ida Clementine (la 1909-13 AB) 405 Greenwood Av Chicago Larkin Willard Ford (m eng 1915- ) Stu 556 30th St Rock Island 111 Larkin William James (arch 1909-13 BS) Eng 415 W 60th St Chicago Larmer David Welty (arch 1909-12) c/o Baldwin Piano Co 2131 E 21st St Denver Larned Mary S (Mrs F A Parsons) (h sc 1873-8 BS g mus 1878) Home 803 S Central Av Chanute Kan Larracas Fidel Videl (mun eng 1905- 8 BS Also Millikin U & Pur U & "Liceo de Manila" Coll) Gov C Eng Boac Marinduque PI Larrison George Kirkpatrick (c eng 1899-1901) Supt Hydrography Bur Ag & Forestry Honolulu Hawaii *Larsen Charles Sigurd (e eng 1893-7 BS) d Feb 4 1899 Chicago Larsen David Thorsten (sc 1911-13 '15- ) Stu 395 Dupage St Elgin 111 Larsen Lester Reginald (m eng 1911- 13 BS Also Lewis Inst) Teach 296 Oakland Av Milwaukee (545 N 51st Av Chicago) Larsh Fred James (arch eng 1902-3) Acct 1706 E Jackson St Blooming- ton 111 Larson Carl Clarence (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Mazon 111 Larson Charles Andrew (m eng 1902- 6 BS) Eng Vancouver Heights BC Can tLarson Charles Oscar (m eng 1912- 13) 611 W Fourth St Sterling 111 Larson Eva Lillian (la h sc 1911-14 BS) Teach 2258 Giddings Av Chi- cago Larson Eva Pearle (la 1906-7 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach DeKalb 111 (105 S Third St Champaign 111) ^Larson George (acad 1895) Libson 111 t Larson Harry Peter (ag 1906-10 BS) Paxton 111 \Larson Harry Sigurd (acad 1909-11) 784 N 53rd Av Chicago I Larson Irving Nicholas (arch eng 1911- ) Stu 118 E Raymond St Van Wert O Larson John Carl (com 1914- ) Stu 215 N Virnon St Princeton 111 Larson Karl Gottfrid (su 1915 Also Augustana Coll) Instr Physics Au- gustana Coll Rock Island 111 (1345 Fourth Av Rockford 111) Larson Lambert Linus (chem eng 1910-14 BS) Teach & Dir Athl As- sumption 111 (Mazon 111) LARSON Laurence Marcellus (AB (Drake) '94 AM (Wis) '00 PhD(do) '02 Assoc Hist U 111 1907-8 Asst Prof Hist U 111 1908-12 Assoc do U 111 1912-13) Prof Hist U 111 301 Armory Av Champaign 111 Larson Lawrence Frederick (la 1900- 3 AB g 1903-4 AM) Asst Gen Agt NW Mutual Life Ins Co 724 Jeffer- son Bldg Peoria 111 (600 Fayette St) Larson Louis J (g t&am 1915- BS (Minn) '14 CE(do)'15) Stu Wind- om Minn Larson Martha Serena (la 1906-10 AB AM '14 Also 111 St Nor U) R2 Mor- ris 111 Larson Nels Alfred (1 1900-3 LLB) Law & Bnk 1339 15 % St Moline 111 Larson Raymond Victor (ag 1914- Also ND St Nor) Stu Henderson Minn tLarson Rollin J (la 1903-4) Galva 111 Larson Roy Harold (e eng 1908-11) M Eng 525 S Third St Rockford 111 (Pecatonica 111) Larson Thornal Benjamin (e eng 1904- 5) Ag Malta 111 Larson Walter Nels (m eng 1914-16) 343 W Orleans St Paxton 111 Larson William Henry (e eng 1906-9) Chf Eng M P Cotton Co Vancouver BC (Paxton 111) la rue George Roger (g 1909-11 PhD BS(Doone)'07 AM (Neb) '09 Res Asst Zool U 111 1909-11) Instr & Prof Zool U Mich 1911- 1078 Fern- don Rd Ann Arbor Mich La Rue Maurice John (sp ag 1911-13 Also Armour Inst) Ag R2 Rolling Prairie Ind 386 LASCELLES— LAUGMAN Lascelles Robert John (com 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu Capron 111 La Sell Florence Lenore (mus 1912-13) Clk 305 Wheaton Av Champaign 111 Lash Raymond (acad 1900-2) Auto Henry 111 t Lasher Herbert (la 1907-8 Also Cor U) Griffin Corners NY Laskey Mrs J B (see Winders Bess M) Laskin Louis James (arch eng 1911- 12 '13-15 BS) Arch 215 Long Av Chicago Lassmann Meta Irma (su 1914&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Magnolia 111 Lasswell William Sturgis (acad 1906- 8 ry e eng 1908-10) Ry Signal Eng 527 S State St Springfield 111 Latch Fred Everett (1 1898-9) Law Frederick Okla LaTeer Angie (la h sc 1915- Also Ward-Belmont) Stu 406 E Pells St Paxton 111 Latham Ector Brooks (acad 1881-2 m eng 1882-5) US Coast & Geodetic Surv Washington Latham Nita B (Mrs Law) (acad 1881- 2 Also Sorbonne Paris) Home 50 Pensylvania Av Atlanta Ga Latham William Arthur (ag 1903-5) 2805 Tracy Av Kansas City Mo tLathbury Clarence Sherman (la 1913- 14) 626 E Market St Havana 111 Lathrop Charlton Page (ag 1912- ) Stu 4418 N Kildare Av Chicago Lathrop Harry (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Nor Sch Flagstaff Ariz (Sumner 111) Lathrop John C B (arch 1879-80) Acct 4418 N Kildare Av Chicago Lathrop John Sherman (ag 1915- ) Stu 4418 N Kildare Av Chicago tLATHROP Olive Clarissa (lib 1898- 1900 BLS Also U Mich) Lansing Mich Lathrop Ralph Brown (la 1906-7 law 1907-8) Bus Mgr Robinson 111 Lathrop William Grant (la 1914- Al- so Westfield Coll) Stu Sumner 111 latimer Thomas Erwin (la 1908-9 AM '09-10 AB (Wash) '08 Asst Econ U 111 1909-10) Law 2716 Elliot St Minneapolis Latta Smith Harrison (acad 1904-6 m eng 1904-7 BS (Armour Inst) '08 Al- so Lewis Inst) Auto Agt & R Est 2300 McKinney Av Dallas Tex \Laitan Harry Hughes (acad 1892-3) Austin 111 Lattin Mrs John (see Thomas Fan- ny) Lattin Judson (m eng 1881-5 BS) Master Mech 412 W High St Syca- more 111 Lattin Robert Thomas (e eng 1908-13 BS) c/o Sales Dept Amer Steel Win- dow Co McCormick Bldg Chicago (3210 Arthington PI) Lattner Ulysses Simpson (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1406 14th St Rock Is- land 111 Latzer Alice Bertha (sp sc 1897-1901 Also Greenville Coll) At home High- land 111 Latzer Irma Ada (h sc 1910-15 AB) Stu Col U Highland 111 Latzer Jennie Mary (Mrs A F Kaes- er)(acad 1895-6 la 1896-1900 BS g 1900-1 AM Asst Bacteriol U 111 1902-4) Home Highland 111 Latzer John Albert (acad 1894-5 ag 1895-9 BS g 1899-1900 MS) Mfg 19 Bacon St Wellsboro Pa Latzer Lenore Lydia (acad 1901-2 sc 1902-6 AB MS(Mich)'07 Res Asst Bacteriol U 111 1907-9 Asst Bot do 1909-11) At home Highland 111 Latzer Louis (la 1872-3 Also McKen- dree Coll) Pres Helvetia Milk Con- densing Co Highland 111 Latzer Robert Louis (ag 1904-8 BS MS (Cor) '10) Mfg & Bus Mgr High- land 111 tLaubenheim Livonia Lena (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U) Belle Rive 111 Laubinger Roy Norman (la 1914- ) Stu 3643 Janssen Av Chicago Laubmayer Benjamin Leroy (sp ag 1907-8 Also McKendree Coll) Ag National City Cal Laudaker Vivian Pauline (Mrs V P Hughes) (sp a&d 1901-2) Art Teach Jerome Ariz tLaudemann Harry Mohn (sc 1908-11) 720 E Center St Warsaw Ind Lauer Elizabeth Romana (h sc 1910- 11) At home Sublette 111 tLAUER Herbert Houghton (EM (Le- high) '06 Instr Min Eng U 111 1912- 13) 1812 N 17th St Philadelphia Laughead Charles Walter (sp 1899- 1900 Also Maryville Coll Tenn) Ag Palestine 111 Laughlin Ely Vail (sc 1907-9 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Prof Chem Lenox Coll Hopkinton la Laughlin Logan (sp ag 1908-11) Ag R2 Paris 111 Laughlin Lulu Lillian (Mrs E J Witze- mann)(sp 1899-1900 AB(Millikin) '07 AM(do)'08) Home 6641 Kenwood Av Chicago \Laugman John Oscar (acad 1895-6) Lisbon 111 LAUHER— LAWRENCE as: Lauher Jean Edward (c eng 1914-15) 228 Prospect Av Hot Springs Ark Lauher Paul Bliss (1 1908-12 LLB) Law Box 264 Paris 111 (609 IS Cen- tral Av) Launer Stella May (su 1903 Also U Chgo) Teach H Sch 1049 Lawrence Av Chicago Lauphit Tse (ag 1914- ) Stu 443 Manila Ed Shanghai China Laukence Albert Frederick (ag 1906- II BS) Teach Ag Norwood Minn Laurence Mrs John James (see Moody Oma M) Laurimore Tyson Jarvis (arch eng 1913-14) Spencer 111 Lauritzen Marion Marie (la 1914- ) Stu 62 W 23rd St Chicago Hgts 111 Lauter Carl John (chem eng 1907-11 BS g 1911-12 '13-14) Chem St Louis Water Wks Quincy 111 (511 Forest Park Blvd) Lauterbach Edward George (ag 1912- 15 BS g 1915- Also la Wes U) Asst Pathl Flor Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 507 E Daniel St Champaign III (Bushnell 111) Lauterbach Gustav Adolph (su 1910& '11 AB(Ia Wes)'12) Teach McKin- ley H Sch 2825 Russell Av St Louis Lautz Benjamin Harrison (acad 1904- 6) Normal 111 Lauzet Mrs S E (see Judy Grace E) Lavadia Pedro Celestino (sp ag 1911- 13 BS(Cor) '14) 56 Maura St Pag- sangham Laguna PI ILavely John A (acad 1879-80) N Bethlehem Pa Laverick Mrs (see Johnson Anna M) La very Irene Bernadette (la 1907-9) Teach 372 S Schuyler Av Kankakee 111 Lavery Ruth (sp mus 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 370 W Marietta St Decatur 111 tLaw Arba David (su 1899) Dixon 111 Law Frank Fonda (sp ag 1904-5 Also Park Coll) Teach Fountain Green 111 Law Litta Marie (su 1914 Also Mil- likin U) Teach 1002 Madison St Streator 111 *Lawhead Charles A (sp 1872-4) d Champaign 111 *Lawhead Lucy M (la 1877-81 BL) d May 1 1884 Champaign 111 Lawhead Maude Madge (Mrs Gailey) (acad 1897-8) Hollinger Neb Lawler Francis Columbus (e eng 1913- 15) Ag Greenfield 111 Lawler Orrin Hugh (1 1905-10 LL B) Law Medford Ore Lawler Thomas Joseph ( arch eng 1914- ) Stu Greenfield 111 Lawless Joseph Conrad (acad 1907-8 ag 1910-14 BS) Seed Merc Cham- paign 111 (Carthage 111) Lawless Julia Anna (la 1905-8 AB Also NW U) Stu U Wyo Laramie Wyo (Paloma 111) Lawless Loyd Lorenzo (sp sc 1908-9 Also Hahneman Med Coll Kan) City Milk Insp Bd Health Kansas City Mo Lawless Mary Jane (la 1910-12 '14- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu Carthage 111 Lawnin Nelson (m eng 1912- ) Stu 311 Jefferson Rd Edwardsville 111 Lawrence Carroll Gray (arch 1895-9 BS Also S 111 St Nor) Arch Ap- praiser c/o Amer Appraisal Co Mil- waukee (c/o W S Uhler Tipton la) Lawrence Charles Henry (ag 1914- ) Stu 631 Jefferson St W'oodstock 111 tLAWRENCE Charles Wesley (c eng 1906-11 BS)~ Rantoul 111 Lawrence Edgar Alfred (c eng 1914- ) Stu 2461 Lincoln Av Chicago Lawrence Edward James (ag 1905-6) Ag Rl Hudson 111 *LAWRENCE Edwin L (Foreman Farm U 111 1870-80) d Belvidere 111 LAWRENCE Edwin Victor (Teach Diploma (Mass Nor Art Sch) '03 Also Boston Art Club Instr Free Hand Draw Bradley Poly 1903-6 Instr A&D U 111 1906-9 Instr Mil Sc U 111 1908-9) Head Eng Dept Ideal Paper Co Brookfield Mass Lawrence Ernest (ag 1910-14 Also Shurtleff Coll) Prin John Swaney Sch McNabb 111 (Hudson 111) LAWRENCE Frederick Locke (Attended Royal Conserv Mus Leipsic Ger 1895-6 Instr NW Conserv Mus 1887-9 Dir Sch Mus Northfield 1897-1900 Dir Sch Mus & Prof Piano U 111 1902-8) Prof Mus Carleton Coll Northfield Minn (Springfield Vt) t Lawrence George W (m eng 1888-9) Champaign 111 Lawrence Guy Loftus (e eng 1908-11) Ry C Eng CB&Q RR 547 W Jack- son Blvd Chicago ( Liberty ville 111) Lawrence Mrs John James (see Moody Oma M) Lawrence Keith Cecil (su 1915) 504 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 Lawrence Leland Lamont (la 1915- ) Stu 1005 S Wright St Champaign 111 Lawrence Lorena Lucille (la h sc 1911- 13) At home 620 W Washington St Clinton 111 *Lawrence Luther W (Trustee 1867- 73 Memb St Legis 1854-6 Co Prob 388 LAWRENCE— LEACH Jud 1865-77 First Co Supt Boone Co) d July 25 1886 Belvidere 111 Lawrence Matthew (g la 1913-14 AM AB(Shurtleff)'13) Teach 300 Beuna- vista Av Pekin 111 (Hudson 111) Lawrence Mildred (Mrs A W Wheeler) (la 1908-10) Home 1009 W Third St Sterling 111 *Lawrence Nettie E (Mrs J A Allen) (acad 1876-7 la 1877-8 Cert) d Aug 19 1909 Oak Park 111 ^.Lawrence Philip E (acad 1879-82) Galesburg 111 Lawrence Ralph E (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 632 Ransom St Ripon Wis Lawrence Roland Hall (m eng 1913- ) Stu 10420 Seely Av Chicago tLawrence William Arthur (m eng 1908-11) 406 N Main St Belief ont- aine O Lawrence William Harrison (ag 1907- 9) Ag Lexington 111 Laws Joel William (sp' ag 1912- ) Stu Donnellson 111 Laws Martha Edna (la 1913-14) Bkpr 207 E Broadway St Alexandria Ind tLawson Edith A (la com 1911 Also U Kan) Russell Kan lawson Edward Lotan (g la 1909-14 AM AB (Union Christian) '01 PhB (do) '02) Teach 810 N Clinton St Defiance O Lawson Everett Eugene (ag 1914- ) Stu Barry 111 Lawson Gilbert Foster (ag 1913-14) Ag & Stock Chase Ind ^Lawson John Bell (acad 1890-1) Har- vey 111 Lawson Mary Maria (la 1913-15 AB Also 111 Worn Coll) At home Sidney 111 Lawson Richard Edwards (la 1910-12) Bkpr . 312 E First St Kewanee 111 Lawton Bradley Cleaver (la 1911-15 AB) Instr Engl Manzanita Hall Prep Sch Palo Alta Cal (1369 E 62nd St Chicago) Lawton Chauncey Wenzloff (la 1915- ) Stu 507 Fourth St Yankton SD *Lawver Peter Winfield (la com 1868- 70) d Washington Lawyer John C (sp law 1904-7 LL B) Law Flack & Lawyer Macomb 111 Lawyer Joseph Dale (la 1910-12 law 1915- ) Stu Tennessee 111 Lax Louise Catherine (mus 1914-15 Also Millikin U) Teach Effingham 111 (718 S Seventh St Springfield 111) tLay Chung Yuen (sp c eng 1909-10 c eng 1911-12 sp 1912-13) c/o Ed- win Hall 424 Linden Walk Lexing- ton Ky (Hupeh China) *Lay E Herman (sp ag 1888-90) d Dec 16 1910 Chicago Laybourn Harriet Fern (su 1909 Also Cheney Wash Nor Sch) R Est Pax- ton 111 Laycock Mary Janet (sc 1896-7 '04-6 AB) Prin H Sch Watseka 111 (Wav- erly 111) Layden Edward (ag 1913-14) Ag Cheneyville 111 Layden John Emmett (la 1904-7 law 1907-10 LL B Also Greer Coll) Law Hartshorne Okla Layden Mrs J E (see Harbert Hazel GO Layden Theodore Edmond (sp ag 1908-9 ag 1909-13 BS g 1913-14) Farm Mgr Cheneyville 111 Layer Hugo (arch eng 1907-11 BS) Eng c/o CLE Rodgers Eng Co Zanesville O Layman Andrew Herbert (ag 1910-12) Ag Lincoln 111 Layman Clinton Fisk (ag 1910-12) Ag Lincoln 111 ?Layman Frank (sp ag 1901-2) Cham- paign 111 Layng Thomas Ernest (g chem 1912- 13 AB(McMaster)'09 AM(do) '12 Asst Chem U 111 1913-14) Chem Amer Tar Products Co Urbana 111 Layton Hope (su 1905 &'06 Also N Ind Nor) Teach Carthage 111 Layton Katherine Alberta W (la 1897- 1901 AB g 1905-6 AM '06-8 PhD Also U Leipzig 1904-5) Asst Prof Ger Smith Coll 1909- Dickinson Hall Northampton Mass (159 N Third Av Canton 111) Layton Samuel Everett (com 1915- ) Stu Rossville 111 t Layton Warren Kenneth (su 1906) Potomac 111 I Layton Will E (acad 1886-7) Jack- sonville 111 *Lazar Alexander Sherman (e eng 1910-11) d Chicago Lazear Davies (m eng 1910-11 DDS (NW) '15) Dent 6030 Woodland Av Chicago t Lazear Robert Sherman (c eng 1906-7) Evanston 111 Lazear Weston Bross (m eng 1905-7 BS Also Armour Inst) Chf Eng Ste- phens- Adamson Mfg Co 50 Church St New York Leach Eustace Eugene (sp ag 1903-4 Also S 111 St Nor) Lumber Bus Creal Springs 111 Leach Mrs Gladys Hodson (mus 1915- ) Stu 809 W Green St Ur- bana 111 LEACH— LEDGERWOOD . 389 Leach Harry James (la 1911-12) Ins 6 R Est 327 E Jackson St Morris 111 Leach Mac E (la 1913- Also 111 Coll) Stu 405 W California Av Urbana 111 Leach Margaret Fannie '(la h sc 1911- 13 AB g 1915- Also NW U) Stu 1927 Greenleaf Av Chicago Leach Paul Jackson (ag 1913- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu 432 S McArthur St Macomb 111 Leach Robert Lincoln (ag 1915- ) Stu 218 S Prospect St Rockford 111 Leach Robert Whittaker (m eng 1907- 9 Also NW U) Auto Sales St Louis Leach Virgil Argo (arch eng 1910-11) Contr & Bldg Arch Maroa 111 Leach William Blake (la 1895-9 AB LL B(I11 Wes) '02) Law & Prof Law 111 Wes U 1st Nat Bk Bldg Bloom- ington 111 (512 E Locust St) Leach William Butler Jr (la 1914-15 Also U Chgo) Stu Mass Tech 185 Green Bay Rd Hubbard Woods 111 Leach William R S (acad 1885-6) Stock & Ag Springfield Id Leachman Joseph Elgar (su 1904) Ag Lovington 111 Leaf Charles Emanuel (sc 1900-1 Al- so North Park Coll) 189 Pennsylvania Av Aurora 111 Leake Fred William (la 1908-9) Am- boy 111 Leake Grace May (Mrs L L Brink) (mus 1910-11) Home Amboy 111 Leake Mabel Emily (Mrs E L Aschen- brenner)(h sc 1907-8) Home Amboy 111 Leake Warren Jarvis (ag 1904-5) Ag R5 (7) Amboy 111 *Leal Grace (sp mus 1895-6) d Jan 4 1906 Riverside Cal Leal Mary Cloelia (Mrs John Gray) (acad 1891-2 sp a&d 1892-5) Home Urbana 111 Leal Rosa Belle (su 1895 sp la 1896- 7 su 1900) Teach 545 Ardine Av Chicago (Urbana 111) Leal Sophia Nott (Mrs J W Hays) (la 1892-6 AB) Home 708 W University Av Urbana 111 Leander Elmer Isidor (c eng 1912-14 '15- ) Stu R3 (102) Chesterton Ind Leander LeRoy Nathaniel (e eng 1912- 13 Also Armour Inst) 9729 Av L Chicago Lear George Bratten (la 1907-11 AB JD (Chgo) '14) Law 916 NY Life Bldg Chicago (3833 Southport Av) tLear Veta Blanche (la 1910-11) c/o Mrs W M Callahan Camp Point 111 Leas Elmer Edwin (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Veedersburg Ind tLeas Ernest Orr (sp ag 1899-1900) St Joseph 111 Leas Frank Stevens (su 1904&'05 acad 1906-7 '08-10 ag 1910-11) Ag RFD St Joseph 111 Leas John Andrew (ag 1915- ) Stu 760 S Webster St Decatur 111 Leas Mildred (Mrs Robert Black) (la 1905-10 AB) Home St Joseph 111 Lease Alice Clare (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 237 S Fourth Av Tucson Ariz ( Plain ville 111.) Lease Leonard John (e eng 1900-4 BS) E Eng 186 17th St Milwaukee (2118 State St) Leasure Floyd Jesse (su 1905) Teach Grass Creek Ind Leasure Grace Amanda (su 1906) 1415 N Walnut St Danville 111 Leatherman Marian (lib 1912- AB (Cor) '07) Lib Asst & Lect U 111 1913- 1106 W California Av Urbana 111 (362 Stratford Av Pittsburgh) Leathers Clarence Elmer (su 1909 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Teach Laplace 111 tLeaton Francis Willard (la 1911-12) Nashville 111 Leavens Arthur Bowen (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Struct Eng 3126 Karnes Blvd Kansas City Mo Leaverton Joe Ernest (1 1901-4 LLB) Law 754 Gunnison Av Grand Junc- tion Colo Leaverton William John (c eng 1906- 7) 415 E Lawrence Av Springfield 111 Leavitt Herbert Audrey (acad 1907-8) Med Hammond 111 ?Leavitt Herbert Douglas (ag 1912-13) Bloomfield 111 Lebeque Julius Victor (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) Seneca 111 LeCato John Marvin (g la 1913-14 su 1915 AB(Mich)'13 Also JHopk U Asst Bot U 111 1913-14) Instr Biol Marshall Coll Huntington W Va (Harmans Md) Lecour Louis Paul (sp ag 1912-13) Bus 281 S Dearborn Av Kankakee 111 Le Crone George Montgomery Jr (la com 1907-8 BS(McKendree) '11) Jour Effingham 111 fLedden Carrie Viola (su 1905) Os- par 111 Ledgerwood Josephine (Mrs R E Gard- ner) (h sc 1909-10) Home 711 Cot- tage Grove Av South Bend Ind ' Ledgerwood Leroy William (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 819 Lincoln St Spring- field Mo 390 LEE — LEE Lee Mrs (see McDonough Adelaide B) Lee Albert E (la 1897-8) Clk Pres Ofc U 111 605 N Walnut St Cham- paign 111 Lee Alfred Chang (c eng 1913- ; Stu c/o W T Wang Yale Mission Sch Changsha Hunan China Lee Alice (Mrs V W Coddington) (la 1871-5 BL) Home North Milwaukee Wis Lee Arthur (arch eng 1914- Also Stout Inst) Stu 1319 Fourth St Hudson Wis LEE Carl Emil (BS(NDAg)'97 MS (Wis) '09 Field Instr Dairy Husb U 111 1903-5 Instr Dairy Husb & 1st Asst Dairy Mfg Ag Exp Sta do 1905-7 Asst Prof do 1907-9) Asst Prof Dairy Husb U Wis 1909- 1615 Jefferson St Madison Wis Lee Carrie Alice (mus 1911-13 '15- ) Stu 605 N Walnut St Champaign 111 Lee Charles Bopes (ag 1905-9 BS AM (Neb) '13) Exp Sta U Farm Lin- coln Neb (Aledo 111) \Lee Charles H (acad 1882-3) Seneca Kan Lee Charles Mylo (ag 1872-4) Ag & E Est Falls City Neb Lee Charles Yu (la com 1914-15 Also U Mich) Stu Asbury Coll Wilmore Ky (Hsin Yong Honan China) Lee Eddy Orland (la 1873-8 BL) Law 604 Boston Blk Salt Lake City Lee Edward (m eng 1904-7) Eanch Fallon Nev (Aledo 111) LEE Edward Clarence (BS(PaSt)'08 EM (do) '13 Instr U 111 Min & Mech Insts 1914-15) Min Insp 2407 1st National Bk Bldg Pittsburg Pa (Box 541 Herrin 111) Lee Elisha (ag 1875-9 BS) Ag Eey- nolds 111 Lee Ellena (ag h sc 1910-12) Eey- nolds 111 Lee Emmett Chambers (g chem 1915 BA(La) '15) Stu Jackson La Lee Everett Samuel (e eng 1909-13 BS) Instr E Eng Lab Union Coll Schen- ectady NY Lee Fannie (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Eeynolds 111 Lee Gertrude Ann (Mrs F H McKel- vey) (la 1904-9 AB) Home E3 Sparta 111 v %~Lee Harry (acad 1876-7) Duquoin 111 LEE Henry Ehodes (g chem 1914- AB (Carroll) '14) Asst Chem U 111 1914- 917 W Green St Urbana 111 (402 East Av Waukesha Wis) ?Lee Howard Alden (e eng 1910-12) 1108 W Main St Urbana 111 Lee Izora (ag h sc 1909-15 BS) At home E5 Eeynolds 111 Lee James M (acad 1885-6 la 1886-7) Law Oakland Cal tLee John Charles (c eng 1909-10) 5036 Sheridan Ed Chicago Lee John Edward (m eng 1888-9) Steel Insp 704 E 67th St Chicago Lee Julian Lisiecki (m eng 1894-1900 BS) Cigars & Tobacco 64 S Front St Memphis Tenn Lee Kittie Grace (Mrs P L McPheet- ers) (acad 1897-8 sp 1898-1900) Home 915 W Hill St Champaign 111 Lee Liang (min eng 1913-15) 20 Sun St Ming-Yuen China lee Miss Ma-li (g la 1914-15 AM AB (Col) '14) Teach Nanking China Lee Mary Deming (sp 1895-6 Also U Chgo & U Colo) Supt Schs Glen Ellyn 111 Lee Mary Howard (la 1903-7 AB) At home E5 Aledo 111 *Lee Mylo (sc 1903-5 MD(P&S)'09) d Dec 13 1914 Monrovia Cal Lee Otis Hoyt (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag Aledo 111 Lee Ping-Fun (m eng 1915- Also U Cal) Stu Canton China \Lee Ealph Waldo (acad 1909-10) Pesotum 111 Lee Eitta (su 1910 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Greenup 111 Lee Eobert Jr (acad 1890-1 sp 1891- 2) Supt Coal Valley Min Co Sherrard 111 Lee Scoville (sp ag 1881-3) Ag Aledo 111 Lee Tao Nan (com 1914- Also U Nanking) Stu M E Mission Nan- king China tLee Thomas Wikoff (ag 1912-13) 2918 Tracy Av Kansas City Mo Lee-Tbma En Fon (la 1915- ) Stu 33 King St Honolulu HI Lee-Toma Esther EnMoi (la 1914- ) Stu 33 King St Honolulu HI Lee-Toma Ethel Kinkyan (la 1912-13 Also Mich St Nor) Teach China 33 King St Honolulu HI Lee Tsz Sien (c eng 1914- Also Wheaton Coll) Stu Som-Kong Sch Ho-Yon City Kwong Tung China \Lee Walter (acad 1895-6) Urbana 111 Lee Wilkie Albert (ag 1915- ) Stn Earlville 111 Lee William Hamilton (su 1909 law 1910-14 LL B) Law c/o Green & Pal- mer Flat Bldg Urbana 111 (504 Cunningham Av) Lee William Henry (ag 1875-6) Ag LEE— LEIB 391 Tescott Kan Lee Ying Nan (la 1912-14 AB Also Pei Yang U) 15 E Alder St Walla Walla Wash (16 Feung Loi West Canton China) Lee Yu Gang (la 1914-15) Chee Lee Hunan China Leedle Jessie Miriam (la 1915- ) Stu West Chicago 111 *Leeds Harmon Gibson (m eng 1890-1) d Mt Carmel 111 Leeming Tom (la 1914- Also Howe Sch) Stu 1537 E 60th St Chicago tLeeper Robert (sp ag 1892-3) Union- ville 111 Leers Mathew (sp 1870-2) R Est Neelyville Mo %Leet Arthur Allen (acad 1894-5) 1423 Monroe St Chicago Leete Lorraine (la 1914- ) Stu 315 Latrobe Av Chicago Leete Marion Elaine (la Feb 1915- ) Stu 315 N Latrobe Av Chicago Le Fevre Ervilla Belle (Mrs A C Beal) (sp mus 1897-9) Home 212 Kelvin PI Ithaca NY tLeFevre George Winans (acad 1895-6 sp ag 1901-2) Fithian 111 Leffel Kittie May (la 1908-10) Teach 1181 Maple St Kankakee 111 Lefferty Harriet Ann (la 1911-12) Com Instr Geneseo 111 (14 S Vernon St Princeton 111) Leffler Burton Rutherford (c eng 1893- 6) Eng Bridges IS&MS RR 1515 E 86th St Cleveland O (Naperville 111) t Leffler Paul Eugene (acad 1907-8) 318 S Kensington Av La Grange 111 *Leflar John Emerson (sp 1869-75) d Batavia 111 Lefler Anna Bell (h sc 1901-4 MD (Mich) '08) Med Spec 902 Wright & Callender Bldg Los Angeles (Strath- more Apts W Ninth & Grand View Sts) Lefler Emma Grace (lib 1900-3 BLS g 1903-4) Libr Pub Lib Los Angeles Legg Clark Lawrence (acad 1902-3 la 1903-4) Shoe Mfg 418 E Washing- ton St Pontiac 111 Leggett Charles Martin (com 1915) 74 12th Chicago Hgts 111 Leggett Raymond George (ry c eng 1908-12) Fireproof Sales Eng 918 Cherry Av NE Canton O t Leggett Robert Oscar (sp ag 1905-6) Wapella 111 Leggett Travis William (la 1913-14) Jour Rock Falls 111 Leggett Wilkie (la 1915- ) Stu 418 Fourth St McComb Miss Leggitt Frank (ag 1913- Also U Ark) Stu 928 W Green St Urbana 111 Leggitt Fred William (ag 1913- Also U Mo) Stu 928 W Green St Urbana 111 Legner Roger Hopkins (com 1915- ) Stu 2950 Logan Blvd Chicago Lego Henry J (acad 1903-4 c eng 1906-7) Acct IC RR Fort Dodge la Lego Lulu Mackintosh (Mrs H D Hughes) (1 1898-1903 LL B) Home 602 Seventh St Ames la Le Gore Dan Willard (e eng 1905-6) Hort Gosport Ind Le Grand Maude Elizabeth (su 1914 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Teach 567 Alex PI E St Louis 111 lehexbauer Benjamin George (g sc 1909-10 AM AB( Millikin) '09) Ins 235 Albany Av Avondale Cincinnati LEHEXBAUER Philip Augustus (g SC 1909-14 PhD AB( Westminster) '07 AM (Millikin) '09 Asst Biol Millikin U 1907-9 Asst Plant Physiol U 111 1909-12) Asst Prof Bot & Hort U Nev Reno Nev (Hannibal Mo) Lehman Don Raymond (la 1902-3 Al- so Millikin U & U Wis) Law 206 S Fourth St Minneapolis Lehman Douglas Archer (acad 1904-5 MD(Vanderbilt)'09 Also Wash StL U) Spec Med 1st Nat Bk Bldg Har- risburg 111 Lehman Ellery Edmund (ag 1914- ) Stu Altamont 111 Lehman Eric Maurice (la 1913-14 Al- so Pur U) Eng 208 S 43rd St Phil- adelphia Lehman Gertrude Marie (Mrs A L Paulson) (la 1904-5) Home 14 S Channing St Elgin 111 Lehman Lewis Harry (c eng 1913- ) Stu 1208 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 Lehman Lewis (Trustee 1905-9 Clk Circuit Ct Marshall Co 1868-73 St Sen 1888-92 Mayor Mattoon 1907) Pres Nat Bk Mattoon 111 Lehmax Ruel Forrest (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-10 BS) Eng Dept Gen Elec Co 343 High St Newark NJ Lehman Ruth T'ownsend (la h sc 1914- 15 Also Drake U) 343 High St Newark NJ Lehmann Gertrude Emma (la 1913-15 Also Bluff ton Coll) Teach Chrisman 111 (Berne Ind) tLEHMER John Conrad (la 1900-2 AB) 2244 Addison St Chicago Lehmpuhl Herman Frank (m eng 1899- 1901 Also Armour Inst 1901-3) E Eng 72 W Adams St Chicago (3811 N Seeley Av) tLeib Harvey Ellsworth (acad 1896-7 sp la 1897-8) Exeter 111 392 LEIBSLE— LENTZ Leibsle Eoy Walter (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 524 E Locust St Des Moines la Leichsenung Jane Marie (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 525 Fir St Winnetka 111 LeidendeeJcer Albert Kichard (acad 1893-5) Ag EFD Champaign 111 tLEiDENDECKER Frank Earl (m eng 1904-8 BS) Ag Wellton Ariz Leifheit William Ferd (sp ag 1906-9) Ag Hinckley 111 Leigh Charles Wilbur (acad 1891-2 la 1892-7 BS Also U Chgo) Teach 7320 Lafayette Av Chicago tLeigh Cora (sp la 1905-6) Taylor- ville 111 LEIGHTY Clyde Evert (AB(I11 Wes) '04 PhD (Cor) '12 Asst Chem U 111 1905-6 Asst Plant Breeding Cor U 1909-12) Asst Plant Breeding US Dept Ag 1912- Washington Leighty Dana Eobertson (ag 1913-14) Ag Vermont 111 Leighty Wayne Snyder (ag 1912- ) Stu Billett 111 LEIGHTY Wilbur Eoy (BS(I11 Wes) '10) Asst Chem Agron Ag Exp Sta U 111 1910- 1001 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Leiper William Eosborough (sp ag 1890-1) Ag & Stock Coulterville 111 Leipold Grover Cleveland (ag 1905-6) Ag Mt Carmel 111 Leipold Melchoir (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Mt Carmel 111 tLeischaeuring Max Frederich (arch eng 1911-13) 1742 Carmen Av Chi- cago Leiserwitz Benjamin Simon (acad 1908- 9 la 1909-11) Stu U Mich Hersch- er 111 Leiserwitz Samuel Brody (sc 1910-13) Stu U 111 Med Coll Chicago Hersch- er 111 Leist Claude (la 1914- ) Stu 413 W Edgar St Paris 111 Leisure Everett Eoberton (la 1915- Also U Cal) Stu 2245 Virginia St Berkeley Cal Leitch Samuel M (c eng 1873-4) Charleston 111 Leitzbach Elizabeth (la 1915- Also Ward-Belmont Sch) Stu Fairmount 111 LeTca George Washington (acad 1902- 3) Ag Mechanicsburg 111 Lelca James (acad 1902-3) Ag EFD Buffalo 111 Le Kander Eoy Edward (c eng 1912- ) Stu West Chicago 111 Lekberg Carl Hedge Samuel (e eng 1910-11 '12-15 BS) Prin H Sch Exira la (9643 Av M South Chicago) Leman Edwin Daniel (acad 1907-8 SB (Chgo) '12 PhD (do) '15 Also Lewis Inst) Chf Chem & Supt Carnotile Eeduction Co 2600 Iglehart Ct Chi- cago (7424 Calumet Av) Lemen Anna Price (Mrs S B Doyle) (sp 1872-4) Home 308 W Washing- ton St Champaign 111 Lemen William Clarence Smith (c eng 1891-5 BS) Prin Asst Eng US Eng Ofc Savannah Ga Lemley Eobert (m eng 1908-10) Mach Estimator 1144 N Kedzie Av Chi- cago Lemme Emil (acad 1882-3 arch eng 1883-6) Arch 337 Seventh Av San Francisco Lemmon Edgar Guy (la com 1912-15) Stu Col U Eoodhouse 111 Lemmon Eoss Barton (la 1912-13) Acct Ashland 111 (Eoodhouse 111) t Lemon Lawrence Webb (su 1905) Clinton 111 t Lemon Louis (sp ag 1900-1) Gales- burg 111 Lemon Mattie Agnes (sp h sc 1901-2) • Stenog 411 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Lemp John Frederick (chem eng 1912- ) Stu 1624 E Second St Al- ton 111 Lendman Alfred Nohe (e eng 1913- ) Stu 706 Locust St Sterling 111 Lendrum Ethel (la 1903-7 AB) At home 1508 E 52nd St Chicago tLenehen Carolyn (su 1905 Also N 111 St Nor) Manteno 111 Le Neve Emelyn Faye (sp mus 1907-8) Teach Mus Eossville 111 tLe Neve Samuel Ney (ag 1910-11) Eossville 111 tLeney Flora Estelle (sp 1899-1900) Grant Neb Lenhart Norman Joseph (la com 1912- ) Stu 1412 Charleston Av Mat- toon 111 Lenke Edward Henry (c eng 1901-5 Asst Dir Gym U 111 1903-5) Auto & Gar Encampment Wyo fLenning Ernest Hjahmar (m eng 1892-3) 728 W Erie St Chicago Lenton Eobert Edgar (la 1915- ) Stu 502 Mercer St Gloucester NJ *Lentz Caroline (la 1894-8 AB) d Sept 10 1899 Areola 111 Lentz Clarence Alonzo (la 1914- Al- so U Chgo) Stu Anna 111 Lentz Eli Gilbert (su 1908 Also S 111 Nor & Valparaiso U) Teach Hist S 111 St Nor 520 S Normal Av Carteon- dale 111 Lentz Mary (Mrs D W Brown) (la 1902-3 AB Also U Cal & U Wis) LENZ— LESLIE 393 Home & Ag Billings ND Lenz Andrew Henry (e eng 1912- ) Stu 231 S Fifth St Quincy 111 Lenz Charles Albert (la 1914- ) Stu Gilman 111 Lenzen Aloysius Francis (la 1913- ) Stu Plum & Bluff Sts Peru 111 Lenzing Chester William (chem eng 1912-15 la 1915- ) Stu 3054 South- port Av Chicago Leo Herbert Thai (sc 1908-12 BS) Sec Leo Bros Co Moscow Id Leo Shoo Tze (chem eng 1913-15) Puchi Hupeh China Leonard Mrs C H Jr (see Baker Ruth M) Leonard Mrs Charles E (see Jackson Zita E) • Leonard Edith (arch 1902-6 BS MS '10 Curator Arch Lib U 111 1907-10) Arch Draft 1219 State Life Bldg Indi- anapolis (635 N Pennsylvania St) Leonard Elmer A (acad 1886-8 m eng 1888-9) E Eng & Contr Piano HI tLeonard Eugene Turner (acad 1903-4 sp c eng 1904-6 Also Bradley Poly) 700 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 (Los Angeles) Leonard Florence Ethel (Mrs J O Mat- thenson) (la 1909-11) Home De Kalb HI Leonard Frances Bostwick (Mrs Hor- ace Rayner) (la 1907-11 AB Asst Gym U 111 1908-9) Home 1010 Oregon St Urbana 111 Leonard Frank Bonner Jr (la 1907-11 AB g 1912-13 law 1914- ) Stu Metropolis 111 Leonard Gladys Adeline (la 1910-12 '13-15 AB) Teach H Sch Laurel Neb (115 Fifth St Savanna 111) Leonard George Theodore (e eng 1905- 7) RR Signal Foreman 708 St Charles St Houston Tex (El Paso 111) Leonard Mrs G T (see Schroeder Jus- tine K) Leonard Harold Raymond (ag 1907-11 BS) Co Ag Agt Washington Co Stillwater Minn Leonard Henry Philip (acad 1905-7) Foreman Exp Dept RI Plow Co 610 14th Av Rock Island 111 Leonard Herman Thomas (acad 1900-1 '08-9 sp ag 1901-2 '09-10 Also Mil- likin U) Ag R5 Decatur 111 Leonard Howard George (e eng 1904-5 Also Col U & Wheaton Coll) Gov Naval Ofc Custom House New York ?Leonard John Archibald (acad 1906-7 la 1907-8) Lake Geneva Wis Leonard John B (ry eng 1883-4) Con- sult Eng 528 Rialto Bldg San Fran- cisco (Menlo Park Cal) Leonard Lester Dayton (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Roehelle 111 Leonard Myrl (la 1906-8) Nurse Anna 111 Leonard Raymond Anthony (acad 1900-2) Law Oroville Cal (Decatur 111) *Leonard Robert Weston (sp ag 1905- 7) d May 1915 Antigo Wis Leonard Ruth (la 1908-12 AB Asst Worn Gym U 111 1909-12) Teach Phys Tr New Trier H Sch Kenil- worth 111 (1930 Sheridan Rd Evan- ston 111) Leonard Thomas E (acad 1886-7) Ag Iowa Falls la Leonard William Hendricks (acad 1906-7 law 1907-8) Acct Monte Vista Colo (210 S Fern St Wichita Kan) Leonard William Nathan (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Anna 111 Leonhard Adolph M (acad 1891-2) Bnk ' Trenton 111 tLeopold Elmer Edward (acad 1909-10 la 1910-13) 421 S Jackson St Belle- ville 111 Leopold Roland Eugene (la 1910-13 law 1913-15 LL B) Law 421 S Jack- son St Belleville 111 ?Leoppert Henry Christian (sp 1894-5) Mintr Champaign 111 Lerch Edward (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 431 Fourth St Rock Island 111 Leriche Willis (min eng 1910-14 BS) Clk Constr Highland 111 Lesch Mrs Sylvia Adda (Mrs E E)(sp mus 1897-8) Home 2179 N Califor- nia Av Chicago Lescher Frank Mills (arch eng 1905- 11 BS) Arch Draft 619 S State St Champaign 111 Lescher Mrs F M (see Odernheimer Virginia C) Leslie Elmer Archibald (la 1906-10 AB STB (Boston Sch Theol) '13) Mintr 30a Adams St Medford Hillside Mass Leslie Eugene Hendricks (chem eng 1909-13 BS) Asst Chem Col U 1913- 49 Claremont Av New York Leslie Frank Morton (mus 1903-4 PhC (Mich) '01) Phar 202 W Green St Urbana HI ' Leslie Mrs F M (see Henion Myra) ?Leslie George L (sc 1879-80) Prince- ton 111 Leslie Harold Deam (g econ 1914-15 AM AB(Ohio St) '14) Ins 917 394 LESLIE— LEVY Creighton Av Dayton O Leslie Mrs J W (see Durfey Jean- nette M) Leslie Madge Campbell (la Feb 1915- Also Bates Coll) Stu Pittsfield 111 Leslie Mrs Myra Frances (Mrs F M) (See also Henion Myra F) (mus 1905-' •9 '10-11 '15- ) Stu & Home 202 W Green St Urbana 111 Le Sourd Alfred Curtis (c eng 1899- 1903 BS) C Eng Box 1168 Pocatello Id (Topeka 111) LESSING Otto Edward (AB(Mich) '95 PhD (do) '01 Also Tuebingen U & Munich U 1898-9 1893-4 Instr Ger U Mich 1896-8 Instr Ger U Wis 1900- 2 Instr Ger Smith Coll 1902-3 Assoc Prof Ger U 111 1907-13) Prof Ger U 111 1913- 905 S Lincoln Av Ur- bana 111 Lessley James Vernon (sp ag 1908-9 Also S 111 St Nor) Stock Houston 111 fLester Ballard P (sp ag 1882-3 acad 1883-4) Danville 111 Lester Bert (su 1904&'05&'08 la 1905-6) Teach Eansom 111 Lester William John (acad 1910-11 Al- so Bradley Poly) Superv Indus Arts 322 W Ninth St The Dalles Ore (521 Hamilton St Peoria 111) LeSure Charles Samuel (acad 1904-6 ag 1906-11 BS) Land Arch 318 N Main St Bloomington 111 Lethbridge Delbitt (c eng 1906-7 Al- so Cor U) Min Gilmore Id Lethen Theodore Hubert (la com 1914- 15 Also U Wis) 1336 Norwood Av Chicago Letman John S (la 1914- Also W Va Colored Inst) Stu Sheffield Dis- trict Jamaica BWI Letsinger Mrs B A (see Phillips Leona E) Lett Hamlet Harrison (ag 1914- ) Stu 10 W Main St Washington Ind \Lett Lyman (acad 1906-7) Patoka 111 Letts Warren Springer (ag 1909-10 Al- so la St Coll) Ag Columbus Jet la Leuch Mrs Francis (sp mus 1915- ) Stu 404 E Vine St Champaign 111 Leung Chin Yuk (g c eng 1915- CE (Cor) '14 MCE (do) '15) Stu c/o Jar- dine Matheson Co Tientsin China fLeupold Frank (sc 1896-7) Mills- dale 111 Leutwiler Oscar Adolph (acad 1894-5 m eng 1895-9 BS MS '00 Instr M Eng Lehigh U 1901-3 Asst Prof Mach Design U 111 1903-15) Prof Mach Design U 111 1915- 511 W Green St Urbana 111 Leutwiler Richard Walter (m eng 1907-11 BS) Heating Eng 926 Bar- ry Av Chicago (Highland 111) Leverenz Arthur Charles Gustav (m eng 1911-15 BS) 104 Commonwealth Av Elgin 111 Leverett Warren Hamilton (g sc 1907- 8 MS(Shurtleff)'05) Chem Eng 3240 Lincoln Av E St Louis 111 Leverton Ernest Richard (m eng 1900- 4 BS) Gen Mgr Alberta Farmer's Co-op Elev Co 310 Lougheed. Bldg Calgary Alta Can Leverton Mrs E R (see Mandeville Helen R) Levey Clarence John (m eng 1908-11 BS Also Lewis Inst 1901-6) Sales Eng Sullivan Mach Co Apt 25 The ' < Ernescliff e " Wellesley & Bleecker Sts Toronto Ont Can Levey Harold Alvin (sc 1915- BE (Tul)'ll) Stu 2846 St Charles Av New Orleans Levin Eli (la 1911-13) Stu Coll Med U 111 3432 Michigan Av Indiana Har- bor Ind Levin Emma (su 1914) Asst Libr 2234 W Division St Chicago Levin Samuel (1 1906-7 LL B(NW) '10) Law 409 Adams Bldg Danville 111 (452 N Hazel St) Levine Max Philip (sp a&d 1901-3) Adv 6417 Aberdeen St Chicago Levinson Lazarus (c eng 1906-10 BS) Chf Eng Western Elec Co 4934 For- restville Av Chicago Levinson Martin Charles (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1907 S Sawyer Av Chi- cago Levis Arthur Reid (m eng 1910-11) Mfg 760 Washington St Alton 111 Levis Charles Parker (la 1906-10 AB) Glass Mfg 111 Glass Co Alton 111 (611 State St) *Levis Walter Rhodes (1 1911-13) 611 State St Alton 111 Levis William Edward (1 1909-13 LL B) Mfg 611 State St Alton 111 Levis Mrs W E (see Harris Margaret R) Leviton Henry Isadore (c eng 1907- 12) C Eng 11152 Michigan Av Chicago Levitt Russel (e eng 1914-15) Sailor Springs 111 Levy Alexander L (arch 1889-93 BS) Arch Conway Bldg Washington & La Salle Sts Chicago (5202 Prairie Av) Levy Beatrice Esther (la 1915- ) Stu 206 E Kent St Streator 111 Levy Frank (acad 1888-90 la 1890-1) LEVY— LEWIS 395 Trav Sales Co-op Foundry Co 2631 E Third St Dayton O ?Levy Isa (su 1905) 405 Hancock St Peoria 111 Lewin Fenton (ag Feb 1916- Also Taylor U) Stu 279 S Chicago Av Kankakee 111 Lewin William Frank (sp ag 1912-13) Farm Mgr Clinton 111 (Comstock Neb) Lewis Mrs (see Palmer Bessie S) Lewis Mrs A C (see Barnes Oma) tLewis Addison Thompson (acad 1896- 7 la 1897-9) 517 Pacific Elec Bldg Los Angeles (Chatham 111) ?Lewis Adelbert (acad 1886-7 la 1889- 90) Pawnee 111 Lewis Alice (h sc 1909-11) 203 S Vine St Harrisburg 111 Lewis Arthur Lee (su 1914 BS(Ew- ing) '14) Supt Schs Orion 111 Lewis Arthur Warfield (ag 1914- ) Stu 118 S Main St Harrisburg 111 Lewis Burt Anson (arch eng 1903-6 BS Also Lombard Coll) Ranch Spanaway Wash Lewis Byron Ray (la 1905-7 AB g 1907-9 Also Vincennes U) Teach Bridgeport 111 ♦Lewis C Almon (arch 1885-9 BS) d Jan 12 1908 Springfield Til Lewis Camilla Florence (Mrs F L Bills) (la 1878-83 BL) Home 1503 H St Lincoln Neb Lewis Charles Dickens (g ed 1915- BPd(Ky A&M)'01 Also U Tenn & UWis) Stu BereaKy Lewis Charles Milton (acad 1891-2 arch 1892-6 BS g 1896-7) Arch 205 W Harrison St Danville HI Lewis Mrs C M (see Wright Marion) Lewis Clara Vesta (la h sc 1910-14 AB) Teach 612 12th St Cairo 111 \Lewis Delia Hope (acad 1896-7) Ob- long 111 Lewis Edgar Guy (acad 1903-4 sp e eng 1904-5 Also W 111 St Nor) Ag Media 111 Lewis Edna (lib 1906-12 AB) Prin H Sch Mounds 111 (203 N Vine St Harrisburg 111) Lewis Edward Rowland (arch 1885-6) Asst Gen Mgr DSS&A RR 904 Fed- eral Bldg Duluth Minn *Lewis Edward Vernon (la 1873-7 BS) d July 5 1910 Omaha Neb Lewis Edward W (e eng 1905-8 Al- so Knox Coll) Bnk Aledo 111 Lewis Elmo Vernon (ag 1909-11) Ag Camp Point 111 Lewis Elsie (Mrs Durham) (la 1906-7) Home Harrisburg 111 Lewis Elta Jewett (Mrs H B Prout) (la 1909-10) Home 302 Center St Wheaton 111 tLewis Emerson Othello (m eng 1910- 11 Also Bradley Poly) Glenavon 111 tLewis Ethel Jessie (la 1908-9) 507 W Washington St Champaign 111 tLEWis Fred Dickerson (ag 1908-12 AB) 613 West St Wheaton 111 ?Lewis George (m eng 1888-90) 374 W Adams St Chicago ?Lewis George Felix (m eng 1886-90) Washington 111 (Deer Creek 111) tLewis Georgetta Louise (la 1880-3) 74 Ashland St Medford Mass Lewis Goodrich Quigg (m eng 1906-10 BS) M Eng Wheaton 111 tLewis Gordon Mann (ag 1911-12) Ab- ingdon 111 Lewis Harry Chester (acad 1899-1900 la 1900-1 LL B(NW)'05) Law Sandwich HI LEWIS Harry Fletcher (g chem 1913- BS(Wes)'12 MS(do)'13 Asst Chem U 111 1913-14) Stu Pottsville Pa t Lewis Harry Norval (acad 1908-9) Golconda 111 Lewis Herman (la 1907-8) Merc W Lewis & Co 615 W University Av Champaign 111 Lewis Hiram Calvin (ag 1913-14) Harness Merc Carrier Mills 111 LEWIS Howard Bishop (BA(Yale) '08 PhD (do) '13) Assoc Phys Chem U 111 1915- 1117 Arbor St Cham- paign 111 (Southington Conn) tLewis Howard Lester (sp law 1908-9 Also Simpson Coll) Box 293 Lake Forest 111 *Lewis James Livingston (la 1886-9) d Dec 20 1894 Gainesville Pa Lewis John C (la 1874-6) Ag R18 Oak Hill 111 *LEWIS John C (Teach Eloc U 111 1877-80) d Lewis John Taylor (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 312 Elm St Rockford 111 tLEWis Julian Herman (sc 1907-11 AB g 1911-12 AM) 612 12th St Cairo 111 Lewis Katharine (la 1909-12 AB lib 1912-14 '14-15 BLS) Libr Dept Health 4426 Lake Park Av Chicago * Lewis Lela J (sp a&d 1893-4) d 1900 Santa Monica Cal Lewis Leonard Daniel (su 1902 &'03 law 1904-5) Merc W Lewis & Co 622 AV Hill St Champaign 111 fLewis Llewellyn Roy (su 1912 Also NW U) 5 Sabino Barreda 101-5 Mex- ico City Mex Lewis Louise Laura (Mrs R M Young) (ag h sc 1909-14 BS) Home 215 16th St Cairo HI 396 LEWIS— LICHTY Lewis Louise Madolin (la 1912-13 Al- so US Cal) Stu Colonial Sch Girls 126 W Clark St Champaign 111 Lewis Lucy Elfa (la 1905-11 AB) Teach 418 W North St Danville 111 Lewis Lucy Mae (la 1904-5 AB lib 1905-6 BLS Also Pomona Coll) Libr Ore Ag Coll Corvallis Ore tLewis Luther Mason (1 1912-13 Also Knox Coll) 1417 Eailway Exch Chi- cago Lewis Mabel Rebecca (la 1911-12 Al- so U Chgo) At home Brooklyn 111 ?Lewis McCreary (sp e eng 1899-1900) Denver Lewis Magdalen (sp 1901-2 AB (Gran- ville Female Coll) '87 ) Teach Gran- ville O Lewis Mamie Beach (Mrs W C Fick- line)(la 1904-5 '06-7 '08-9 AB(Wash) '06 Also Ohio Wes U 1903-4) Home Kerman Cal Lewis Philip Howard (la 1908-10 LL B(NW)'13) Law 210 N Wyman St Eockford 111 Lewis Philo Omar (1 1905-7) Clk 1618 Kishwaukee St Rockford 111 Lewis Ralph Dana (acad 1876-8 c eng 1878-83 Cert) Ins Vermont 111 Lewis Ralph Rice (la 1908-12 AB) Sales Agt 538 Commercial Trust Co Philadelphia Lewis Richard Hanna (sc 1907-10 BS Also Ober Coll) Gov Chem 816 12th St NW Washington Lewis Russell James (c eng 1903-5 BS Also la Ag Coll) City Eng Ft Madi- son la t Lewis Sadie Annette (acad 1890-1) Cherry Point 111 Lewis Sherman R (m eng 1903-5) Bk Cashier R59 Marseilles 111 ?Lewis Stanley Melville (acad 1895- 6 sp a&d 1896-8 Asst a&d U 111 1898-9) Art & Designer 471 E First St Chicago *Lewis Thomas Beach (1 1904-8 LL B Also NW U) d March 16 1915 Peoria 111 Lewis Thomas Dickerson (sc 1912-13) City Buyer Mill & RR Supply House 613 West St Wheaton 111 Lewis Thomas Jefferson (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag Peotone 111 Lewis Thurlow Girard (1 1912-15 LL B Also Ewing Coll) Law Benton 111 Lewis Mrs W A (see Burrill Evelyn) Lewis Walker (arch eng 1909-10 Also U Neb) Trav Sales Bradstreet Co Omaha Neb Lewis Warren E (sp law 1902-3) Law Farmers Bk Bldg Springfield 111 (1032 S Second St) Lewis Wilfred (c eng 1903-7 BS Al- so Beloit Coll) Gen Sec U Wash YMCA 5023 Eighth Av NE Seattle Lewis Mrs Wilfred C (see I jams Catherine) Lewis William Henry (la 1913-14 su 1915) Teach 2251 State St Gran- ite City 111 Lewitan Leo (m eng Feb 1916- ) Stu 2729 Hirsch Blvd Chicago tLi Ming Ho (su 1906 Also Nan Yang Coll Shanghai China) Nang Chow China Li Szu Kuang (la com 1914- Also Tsing-Hua Coll) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Washington Liang Chaun Ling (la coni 1914-15 Al- so Tsing-Hau Coll) Stu U Wis ME Mission Tai An Shantung China Liang Eu (su 1913 Also Colo Sch Mines) 2006 Columbia Rd Washing- ton t Liang Hsun Ying (m eng 1911-14 Al- • so Cook Acad) Shanghai China Liang Tu Hung (ag 1911-15 BS g ag 1915- ) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Washington (Canton China) fLiang Yeng Tsung (la com 1914-15 Also London Tutoral Sch) Kirin St Kirin City Kiri Province China Libby Howard Chard (e eng 1905-8 Also U Minn) Interior Decorator 116 Oak Grove St Minneapolis (New London Wis) Libman Anna (la 1914- ) Stu 1000 N Oakley Blvd Chicago Libman Earl Emanuel (cer eng 1914- ) Stu 1246 S Sawyer Av Chicago Libman Rose Eunice (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 1000 N Oakley Blvd Chicago ^Libslcy Reuben Louis (acad 1899- 1900) Chicago Lichtenberg Adam Jr (arch eng 1910- 11 Also Hastings Coll) Contr & Builder 416 E Seventh St Hastings Neb LICHTENBERGER Cleo ( BS ( Milli- kin) '11) Lib Asst U 111 1915- 508 E John St Champaign 111 (439 W Wood St Decatur 111) Lichtenberger Raleigh (su 1915 Also Millikin U) Teach St Joseph Mo (439 W Wood St Decatur 111) Lichter Bernard Vincent (arch eng 1913-15) 638 Oakdale Av Chicago Lichter John Paul (c eng 1911-13 Al- so Lewis Inst) Contr 638 Oakdale Av Chicago (459 Briar PI) Lichty Lester Clyde (g m eng 1914- BS(Neb)'13) Stu Carleton Neb \ LICUP— LIMERICK 397 Licup Eoman (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-9 Also U Notre Dame 1905-6) Lieut Philippine Constabulary Manila PI (Angeles Pampanga PI) LIDDELL Mark H (BA(Prin) '87 MA (do) '89 Prof Engl & Head Engl Dept U Tex 1897-1900 Prof Engl U 111 su 1913) Prof Engl Butler Coll 1912- Indianapolis Liddy Eugene (c eng 1894-5) 2816 Henrietta Av St Louis (Red Bud 111) Lidster Homer Edward (sp ag 1912-15 Also Lewis Inst) Ag Rl Hebron Ind Liedel Russell Brooke (1 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu 708 S Douglas Av Springfield 111 Lienesch Ralph (sp ag 1909-10) Ag O 'Fallon 111 Lienesch Walter Herman (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-3) Gen Mgr Chicago Concrete Post Co 608 S Dearborn St Chicago Liese George Charles (acad 1891-2 arch eng 1892-6 BS) Arch Danville 111 Liesenfeld Harland Luther (acad 1909- 10) Ag & Auto Repair Comfrey Minn *Lietze Frank (acad 1894-6) d Aug 8 1901 Carlyle 111 Lietze Frederic Augustus (c eng 1880- 4 BS) Act City Eng Carlyle 111 Lieurance Leota Lore (su 1908 AB (Kan) '11 Also TJ Ottawa) Teach 5705a Von Verson Av St Louis (Mer- idan Id) Ligare Edward Francis (c eng 1884-9 BS'14) C Eng 156 Keystone Av Riv- er Forest 111 Ligare George Collipp (sc 1913-14 Al- so Armour Inst) At home 765 Ver- non Av Glencoe 111 tLiggett David Carl (sc 1910-13 su 1914 Also Beloit Coll) Soc Serv United Charities 1677 30th St Cleve- land (Camp Point 111) *Liggett Estelle Helen (sp mus 1897- 8) d Sept 1898 Danville 111 Liggett Frederick Manley (arch 1902- 4 '05-7 BS'08) Lumber Bus York Neb Liggett Irene Lillian (la 1912- Also Ober Conserv) Stu Camp Point 111 Liggett Leslie Alvin (c eng 1910-14 BS) Rd Advisor Portland Cement Mfg Bellevue Ct Bldg Philadelphia (806 N Monroe St Peoria 111) Liggett Maude Charity (la 1906-7 ' Al- so Hedding Coll) Teach Bradford 111 Liggett Ruth Elizabeth (la 1915- ) Stu 502 York St Camp Point 111 Light Curtis Roy (c eng 1909-13 '14- 15 BS) C Eng Dyersville la (Brook Ind) Light Herbert C (la 1901-2) 100 Lin- coln Av Dunkirk NY Light John Henry (su 1905 &'08&'ll la 1910-11 BS (Central) '02 AB(do) '06 Also N 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Harvard 111 (Leaf River 111) Light Vera (la 1910-11 '12-13) Teach Chrisman 111 Lightbody Howard D (su 1913 &'15 Also S 111 St Nor) Glasford 111 Lighter Eugene (su 1915) Stu Coe Coll Rolfe la ILighthall Clarence (e eng 1907-9) Orange Cal Lightner Levi Luther (ag 1915- ) Stu McClure 111 Liitt Leon Benjamin (c eng 1906-8) Bnk 720 21st St Rock Island 111 Like Ralph Martin (m eng 1915- ) Stu 615 E 15th St Davenport la Like Waldo Emerson (m eng 1911-12) Mech Draft Bettendorf Co Betten- dorf la (615 E 15th St Davenport la) Lilienstein Arthur Webster (sp law 1903-4 Also NW U) Law Peters- burg 111 Lill Amy Olga (su 1910 &'ll Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Mascoutah 111 Lill Herbert Frederick (1 1904-7 LL B) Law Mascoutah 111 Lillard Charles Parke (c eng 1909-10 BS(Kan Ag) '14 Ag Lost Springs Kan Lillard Paul (m eng 1905-7 Also 111 Wes U) Eng Madison Wis lillehei Ingebright L (la 1911-14 PhD AB(Minn)'08 AM(do) '09 Teach French Wash Ag 1909-10 Asst Rom Lang U 111 1911-14 Instr French NW U 1914-15) Instr Rom Lang U Kan 1915- Lawrence Kan tLillie Jacob Samuel (su 1912 Also Pur U) W Lafayette Ind Lilly Charles H (sc 1880-4 BS) Flour Grain & Seed Merc 1106 Fifth Av W Seattle N *Lilly Fannie (la 1882-3) d March 10 1908 Dawson Yukon Ter Can Lilly James Edward (la 1880-4 Cert) Grocer Dawson Yukon Ter Can Lilly John Crozier (la 1891-5) Bnk Cashmere Wash de Lima Marcella Francisco (c eng 1915- Also Col U) Stu 105 Victor- ino Carmillo Las Paulo Brazil Limerick Honore (su 1913 &'14 Also 111 Worn Coll) Teach H Sch Newman 111 398 L1MPER— LINDLKY Limper Mrs Henry W (see Esslinger Vera S) Lin Thian Kitt (acad 1909-11 la 1911-12 '13- ) Stu Canton China ?Linard Charles Wesley (sp 1873-5) Dayton O Linbarger Mrs A S (see Fryer Edna E) *Linbarger Maria Leona (h sc 1905- 8) d Jan 9 1909 Champaign 111 Linbarger Silas Carl (cer eng 1911-15 BS) c/o Carborundum Co Niagara Ealls NY (103 E Green St Cham- paign 111) ^Lincoln Abbie Adelaide (acad 1892- 3) Hammond 111 LINCOLN Azariah Thomas (BS(Wis) '94 MS(do)'98 PhD(do)'99 Instr Chem U Cin 1900-1 Instr Chem U 111 1901-4 Asst Prof Chem do 1904- 8) Prof Chem Eensselear Poly 1908- 1625 Tibbits Av Troy NY Lincoln Clovis Ward (m eng 1910-12 '13- ) Stu Rock Palls 111 LINCOLN Mrs Jeanette Carpenter (Mrs A T)(see Also Carpenter Jean- ette Instr Phys Tr U 111 1904-9) Home 1625 Tibbits Av Troy NY LINCOLN Francis Church (BS(Mass Tech) '00 EM(N Mex Sch Mines) '04 AM(Col)'04 PhD(Col)'ll Asst Phy- sics Col U 1906-7 Prof Geol Mont Sch Mines 1907-10 Assoc Min Eng U 111 1911-12 Asst Prof do 1912-13) Prof Min & Metall U Nevada Reno Nev Lincoln Lewis Leigh (e eng 1908-10) Auto Bus 720 Lincoln Av York Neb Lincoln Warren (g ag 1913-14 MS BSA(Wash)'13) Mgr Farm Prosser Wash Lindahl Florence Elnora (la 1915- ) Stu Box 74 Wayne 111 Lindberg Albin Ednar (m eng 1915- ) Stu Princeton Mich Lindberg Edward Ferdinand Jacob (ry e eng 1905-9 BS) Sales 1702 Fisher Bldg Chicago (1011 Townsend St) Lindberg George Isadore (m eng 1911- 15 BS) 1406 N Seneca St S Bethle- hem Pa (Princeton Mich) Lindberg Irving August Isaac (la 1907-10 AB Also la St Coll) Col- lector Customs Bluefields Nicaragua (708 W Cedar St Cherokee la) Lindberg Ruth Marie Rebecca (la 1909- 12 AB Also la St Nor) Teach Box 71 Garner la (708 W Cedar St Cherokee la) Lindblom Ernest Francis (e eng 1907- 10) Clk Andrade Cal (Paxton 111) ILinde Charles Albert (acad 1903-4 Al- so St Ignatius Coll) 4039 Prairie Av Chicago Lindeberg George Leonard (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 1917 La Crosse Av Chi- cago tLindeman Frank Henry (e eng 1909- 10) Farmer City 111 \ Linden Frank William (acad 1897-8) Chicago Lindenmeyer Theodore Andrew (acad 1894-5) Mintr Bridgeport 111 (Buck- ley 111) Linder Cyril S (sc 1911-12 '13-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 6341 Parnell Av Chicago Linder Elisha (acad 1898-9) Ag Mat- toon 111 Linder Grace (su 1895 la 1899-1900 '04-5 '07-8 '09-11 su 1912 la 1914-15 AB Also ND Ag Coll 1912-14) Asst Demonstr Wk H Sc U 111 1915- 805 5 Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Linder Isham Doyle (la 1915- ) Stu Carrollton 111 ? Linder John (acad 1886-7) Manhat- tan Kan Linder Leila (su 1915) Teach Pat- terson 111 Linder Lewis S (la 1911-14 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Clothier 904 S Sixth St Charleston 111 Linder Mary Sefton (la 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 904 Sixth St Charleston 111 Linderhohm Martin Julius (acad 1890- 1 Also NW U) Dent Farmington la (Altona 111) Linderoth Samuel Joseph (arch eng 1909-10 '13- ) Stu 5610 May St Chicago Lindgren Arthur Gordon (c eng 1903- 6 Also Armour Inst) Sales Mgr 3651 Wilton Av Chicago ?Lindgren Charles Oscar (sp 1900-1) Virginia 111 Lindgren Justa Morris (sc 1898-1902 BS g 1906-7 AM Asst St Water Surv U 111 1904-7) Chem Eng Exp Sta & do St Geol Surv U 111 1907- 608 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Lindholm Ida Helen (su 1915 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 515 Algona Av Elgin 111 Lindholm Karin Josephine (la 1915- ) Stu 515 Algona Av Elgin 111 Lindhorst May Captolia (sp mus 1902- 3) Clk Ramsey 111 Lindley AlmedaV (Mrs M S Parks) (la 1875-7 '02-5 AB g 1905-6 AM) Chris- tain Sc Pract 1301 W Clark St Ur- tfana 111 Lindley Austin M (sc 1874-7 MD(Cin Coll Med & Sur)'10) Med 312 W LINDLEY— LINDSLEY 399 Green St Urbana 111 Lindley Mrs A M (see Hubbard Min- nie W) Lindley B Thad (acad 1909-10) Bnk Nat City Bk Chicago Lindley Bertha (Mrs J F Miller) (sp mus 1887-8) Home 406 W Elm St Urbana 111 Lindley Bess Mae (Mrs J W Eck) (la 1910-14 AB) Home Moorhead Minn Lindley Elmer Ellsworth (la 1880-1) Chf Clk 111 St Bd Ag Springfield 111 Lindley Etheldred Frank (Mrs J D White) (acad. 1899-1901 sp mus 1901- 2 '03-5) Home 1954 Jackson Blvd Chicago Lindley Fleetwood Herndon (la com 1905-9 AB) Merc 904 S Fifth St Springfield HI Lindley Harold Ferguson (la 1906-8 PhB(Chgo)'10 JD(Chgo)'12) Law 703 Commercial Av Cairo 111 Lindley Ida Hubbard (Mrs Guy Fisher) (la 1911-15 AB) Home Seymour 111 Lindley Jacob P (sp 1871-3 Also Ind U) Law Bloomington 111 Lindley Mrs Jacob (see Benson Sylvia I) Lindley Jessie Salome (Mrs J G Sup- ple) (sp mus 1899-1906 Also NW U 1907-8) Home Danville 111 Lindley John Henderson (sc 1908-9 Al- so Armour Inst) Dent 416 Upper First St Evansville Ind Lindley June (Mrs G F Churchill) (la 1907-11 AB) Home 97% Murray St Binghamton NY (112 Le Roy St) Lindley May (Mrs M L Nelson) (sp a&d 1884-6) Home 811 W Main St Urbana 111 Lindley Randal Cloyd (ag 1908-12) Ag Hutsonville 111 *Lindley Russell Lloyd (ag 1908-9) d July 3 1912 Hutsonville 111 Lindley Walter Charles (la 1897-1901 AB law 1901-4 LL B '13-14 JD Instr Rhet Acad U 111 1901-5) Law 409 Daniel Bldg Danville 111 (105 Pine St) Lindmark Edward Emanuel (cer eng 1912-15) 403 Edward St Sycamore ni Lindsay Ada Emilie (la 1901-2 Also Millikin U) Sec Millikin Conserv 664 E Cantrell St Decatur 111 Lindsay Blanche (Mrs H E Wood) (la 1893-7) Home 819 Oneida St Joliet HI tLindsay Edward Eugene (acad 1899- 1900 ag 1902-4) Onarga 111 Lindsay Florence Belle (Mrs R A Bai- ley) (la 1903-4) Home Porter Rd Andover Mass Lindsay Frank Merrill (1 1900-4 LL B) Bus Mgr Decatur Herald 763 S Webster St Decatur 111 Lindsay George W (sp ag 1887-8) K Est 708 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Lindsay Hazel May (su 1914) Teach Oregon 111 Lindsay Helen (Mrs R C Sparks) (la 1910-11 Also Washington Coll To- peka Kan) Home W Hill St Cham- paign 111 Lindsay Horace Willard (e eng 1912- ) Stu 220 Guard St Rockford 111 tLindsay Lois (la 1910-11) 1256 West- ern Av Topeka Kan Lindsay Mabel (Mrs G C Fairclo) (la 1899-1900 '02-3) Home 712 W Church St Champaign 111 Lindsay Norman Wert (sp ag 1900-1) RR Eng Metropolis 111 (Samoth 111) Lindsay Thomas Edward (sp sc 1892- 3) Ins & R Est 713 W Elm St Ur- bana 111 *Lindsay William (Trustee 1873 Memb St Legis 1876) d 1884 Lindsay William Carlyle (e eng 1914- 15) Sales Lexington HI Lindsey Adrian Harve (ag 1915- ) Stu Bryan O Lindsey Beatrice (la 1915 Also Kan St Nor) 422 Exchange St Emporia Kan Lindsey Charlie Frank (la 1914-15 Al- so U Mo) Princeton Mo Lindsey Edith Lenore (su 1913 Also O Wes U) Libr Farmer City HI Lindsey Ethel May (sp mus 1910-12) At home 808 W Main St Urbana 111 Lindsey George Heath (e eng 1911-15 BS) Sales 6424 Hobart Av St Louis Lindsey James David (arch eng 1906-7 Also U Kan & U Pa) Merc Agency R G Dunn & Co 3509 Wyandotte St Kansas City Mo Lindsey John Royer (ag 1913- ) Stu 713 W Elm St Urbana 111 Lindsey Leon Mason (m eng 1913- ) Stu Onarga 111 tLindsey Maud Neva (sp a&d 1899- 1900) Urbana HI Lindsey Nelle Mabel (Mrs V H War- field) (h sc 1909-12) Home 5323 N 27th St Omaha Neb Lindsey Ralph Elder (arch eng 1915- Also Miami U) Stu R2 Bryan O Lindsey Mrs T E (see Royer Anna E) Lindsey William Judson (ry m eng 1907-8) Ranch Hobson Mont Lindsley Ira S (sp 1871-3) Ag Wes- 400 LINDSTROM— LITTLE ton O Lindstrom Arthur William (acad 1906- 7 m eng 1907-11 BS) M Eng 1509 Fisher Bldg Chicago Lindstrom Stanley Edwin (arch eng 1911-12 '15- ) Stu 1116 N "D" St Eichmond Ind Linendoll Harry Alexander (la 1915- Also Armour Inst) Stu 6510 Lowe Av Chicago fLines Edwin Fuller (sc 1906-7 AB (Cor) '04) Geologist US Geol Surv Washington Lingenfelter Cleo T (la Feb 1915- Also la St Coll) Stu Altoona la Lingenfelter Lee Everett (sp ag 1900- 2) Ag Ullin 111 Linguist Fred Arthur (m eng 1912-13) Ag Piano 111 Link Mrs C A (see Walkerly Ellen Link Earl John (ag 1910-14) Ag For- reston 111 Link Hilah Jane (la 1911-15 AB) Teach H Sch 809 Garfield Av Bock- ford 111 (226 Sheriff St Paris 111) Link Bue Showalter (ag 1915- ) Stu 610 Connelly St Paris 111 linkins Balph Harlan (g sc 1912-14 AM '15- AB (111 Coll) '11 Asst Zool U 111 1913-15) Stu 501 W State St Jacksonville 111 Linn Ellis Gregg (sc 1905-6 MD (Hahnemann) '89) Oculist & Aurist 2830 Ridge Ed Des Moines la Linn Francis David (ag 1894-8) Ag Byron 111 Linn Homer Roberts (m eng 1892-6 BS g 1908-9 ME) Sales Mgr Gen Fire Ext Co 321 S Ashland Av La- Grange 111 Linn Mrs H R (see Buck Luella E) }Linn James A (acad 1881-2) Liber- ty 111 Linn James Howard (la 1905-9 AB) c/o Lee Higginson & Co The Rookery Chicago Linn Julius Herman (ag 1908-9) Bnk Sterling 111 Linn Margaret B (sp h sc 1902-4 Al- so Grad Rockford Sch Nurses) Insp Hygiene Pub Sch 814 N Oourt St Rockford 111 Linnard Elmer W (ag 1913- ) Stu R2 Peotone 111 Linneen Henry Wilson (m eng 1914- ) Stu Box 211 Lake Bluff 111 Linnell Carrie Edna (la 1914 '15- Also NW U) Stu Kelly s ND Linney Mrs Hartwell H (see Wood Cornelia E) Linskey Frances (su 1912&'13 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 1003 Madison St Streator 111 Linsley Clyde Maurice (ag 1911-13 '15- ) Stu Box 156 Fairfield 111 *Linton George H (c eng 1868-72) d Hillsboro Ore Linton Margie (la 1905-9 AB) At home 920 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Linton Ruth (acad 1905-8) At home 920 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Linzee Albert Carl (e eng 1894-8 BS) E Eng Gen Elec Co Schenectady NY Linzee Fred Norton (sp 1897-9) Bnk Duquoin 111 Linzee Ray Smith (sp la 1899-1900) Bnk Duquoin 111 Lippe Raymond Wills (la com 1910- 12) Stu Millikin U 604 E Daniel St Champaign 111 Lippe Von der Ernest Carl F (see Von- der Lippe Ernest Carl F) \Lippincott Charles Allen (acad 1897- 8 Also Wabash Coll) Rardin 111 Lipps Lloyd Herger (m eng 1907-8) Silk Throwster 868 Clewell St S Bethleham Pa \Lips~ky Reuben Louis (acad 1899- 1900) 3036 Cottage Grove Av Chi- cago Lischer Charles (sp eng 1890-1 su 1894 Also 111 St Nor U & N Ind Nor) Treas Nat Pressed Brick Co Victoria Bldg St Louis Lisk Byron (ag 1869-71) Mgr Pasa- dena Milling Co Pasadena Cal Liss Oscar Lippman (acad 1910-11 c eng 1911-14 BS) Struct Eng 2050 LeMoyne St Chicago List Raymond Ford (la 1914-15 Also U Wis) Merc 110 Buchanan St Bel- videre 111 (615 Prairie St) Liston Mrs Charles E (see English Inez) Litchfield Beulah Glendale (la 1908-10 Also U Wis) Teach Flanagan 111 Litchfield Frank Earl (su 1908 Also U Wis) Mgr The Georgia Show Case Co Montgomery Ala fLitchfield William Edward (la 1907- 8) Terre Haute Ind LITMAN Simon (Grad Ecole de Sc Polit Paris 1899 AB( Odessa Com) '92 Dr Jur Pub et Rev Cam (Zurich) '01 Also U Munich 1899-1900 Instr U Cal 1903-8 Assoc Com U 111 1908- 10) Asst Prof Econ U 111 1910- 907 W California Av Urbana 111 Littell Huldah Maude (Mrs F B Joyce) (sp mus 1903-7) Home Lewis- ton Mont Littell Ivan (ag 1907-8 Also Orchard City Coll) Employee St Hospital 1242 S Fourth Av Kankakee 111 Little Adelbert Dudley (arch eng LITTLE— LIVINGSTONE 401 1913- Also Kan St Ag Coll) Stu Genoa 111 Little Alfred Leonard (la com 1910- 13) Clk Armour & Co 5702 S Park Av Chicago Little Allen (ag 1914-15) Ag Ran- kin HI (603 N School St Normal 111) Little Charles Edwin (acad 1901-2 m eng 1902-6 BS) Mgr Lock Joint Pipe Co 1005 A St Tacoma Wash Little Charles Reeves (la 1912- ) Stu 127 43rd Av E Duluth Minn tLittle Cora Gertrude (la 1880-2) Cer- ro Gordo 111 Little Ethel Esther (acad 1909-10 la 1910-14 '15- ) Stu 905 S Wright St Champaign 111 ILittle Frank George (acad 1892-3) Mt Sterling 111 "Little George Henry (gen 1869-70) d Jan 8 1880 Pueblo Colo Little Guy S (c eng 1909-10) Merc Tuscola 111 "Little Henry P (sc 1879-83 BS'93) d Sept 1903 Hoboken NY tLittle Janet Gertrude (su 1912 Also Grinnell Coll) Kingsley la Little Julia Florence Bush (Mrs R F) (see Also Bush Julia F mus 1906-8 '13-14) Home 606 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 fLittle L Belle (la 1878-80) Cham- paign 111 Little Le Roy Lewis (la 1906-11 AB & AM) Repr NY Tribune 623 Oak St Rockford 111 (Tolono 111) \Little Lew McClain (acad 1896-7) Ur- bana 111 Little Roger Frank (la 1903-7 AB '07-9 LLB Sp Instr Law U 111 1911-12) Law & Sp Instr Law U 111 1914- 107 W Main St Urbana 111 (606 Chalmers St Champaign 111) Little Mrs R F (see Bush Julia F) Little Stella Daisy (la 1908-9 Also Warrensburg St Nor) Teach Fresno Cal (Blairstown Mo) Littleford Frank Jason (sp ag 1904-5 Also Lewis Inst) Nurseryman & Land Arch Downer's Grove 111 Littlejohn Lulu Leah (la 1908-12 AB) Libr 5644 Ash St Los Angeles Littler Carrie A (su 1912 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Hammond Ind (Po- tomac 111) \Littler Hazel Mildred (acad 1900-1) Urbana 111 Littler Mrs Mabel Dunham (Mrs S H) (la 1910-11) Home Mackinaw 111 (Toluca 111) Littler Nelle M (su 1907 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 402 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Littler Sherman Henry (la 1904-11 AB g 1911-12 AM Also E 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Mackinaw 111 (Potomac HI) t Littler Tudie (su 1908) 713 Market St Urbana 111 Littleton Ananias Charles (la com 1907-12 AB g econ Feb 1916- ) Instr Acct U 111 1915- 903 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111 (1515 W Monroe St Chicago) Littleton Harry Mathew (la 1914-15 Also YMCA Coll) Harrison Ark Littleton Leonidas Rosser (g sc 1910- 12 PhD AB( Southern) '07 AM(Tul) '10) Prof Chem Emory & Henry Coll Emory Va (Cromanton Fla) Littleton Martha Elizabeth (Mrs B B Bradely)(la 1908-9 AM AB (South- ern) '05) Home R7 Frederick Okla ILitton John K (acad 1876-7) Wiri- terset la Liu Nai Yu (la com 1914- Also Tsing Hua Coll) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Washington (Foochow China) tLiu Nan Hsan (la 1911-12 Also Lon- don Mission Coll) Han Kow China Lively Carlos Alcium (la 1914- ) Stu Oblong 111 Lively Truman Goodwin (e eng 1908- 11) Insp Gen Contr Firm 4111 N Tripp Av Chicago Livengood Leslie Parker (la com 1914- 15) Gen Ins Agt Baum Bldg Dau- ville 111 (830 E Main St) Livergood Alvah Edmond (la 1914-15) Stu St Louis Coll Pharm Stonington 111 Livesay Ruth Flagg (la 1912- ) Stu 1632 N 45th St E St Louis 111 Livesay Wallace Bright (arch eng 1912-13 BS BS(Va Poly) '07 CE(do) '09) Struct Eng Va Bridge & Iron Co Central YMCA Roanoke Va (Waynesboro Va) Livingston Albert Keith (min eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2514 Eighth Av Rock Island 111 Livingston Alfred Jr (la 1915- ) Stu 506 John St Champaign 111 Livingston Eva . (su 1908) Teach Carpentersville 111 Livingston Ray Clifford (c eng 1906- 8) Asst Eng M&StL RR 1520 Har- mon PI Minneapolis Livingston Stacia (Mrs H R Temple) (lib 1899-1901 BLS) ' Home 913 W Chur«h St Champaign 111 Livingston William (acad 1883-4) Ag Greenfield Cal Livingstone Lionel Lyman (c eng 1908- 402 LLEWELLYN— LOCKWOOD 12 BS) Asst Eng MES&L BR 1520 Harmon PI Minneapolis (Fillmore 111) Llewellyn Clarine (sc 1903-6 BS) At home 324 Sixth Av La Grange 111 Llewellyn David Eossiter (acad 1890- 1 m eng 1891-5 BS) Eng Dept Amer Bridge Co Chicago (Des Plaines 111) Llewellyn Harry Corson (ag 1915- ) Stu 47 S Fifth Av La Grange 111 Llewellyn Henry S (la 1876-9 MD (Hahnemann) '92 MD(Chgo Home) '93) Med 47 S Fifth Av La Grange 111 llewellyn Joseph Corson (arch eng 1873-7 BS'78 MS '95 Asst Arch & Foreman Carpenter Shop U 111 1877- 9) Arch 1526 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chi- cago (324 Sixth Av La Grange 111) Llewellyn Mrs J C (see Piatt Emma °> Llewellyn Marjorie Kauffman (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 47 S Fifth Av La Grange 111 Llewellyn Ralph Corson (arch eng 1902-6 BS) Arch 1526 38 S Dear- born St Chicago (324 6th Av La Grange 111) Llewellyn Ruth (la 1907-11 AB) Stu Mus 324 Sixth Av La Grange 111 ?Lloyd George Taylor (la 1900-2 AB BL(Wheaton) '00) 209 W Bennett Av Cripple Creek Colo fLloyd Grace Lillian (Mrs Hathaway) (sp 1902-3) 3917 Langley Av Chi- cago Lloyd James Henry (ag 1907-11 BS Prof Ag & Biol William & Vashti Coll) Co Advisor Carthage 111 (Gir- ard 111) Lloyd Jennie Mae (Mrs E S Bonnell) (la 1902-4 '06 : 8 AB) Home 1951 Harbert Av Memphis Tenn LLOYD John William (g sc 1903-4 BS (Wheaton) '97 BSA(Cor) '99 MSA (Cor) '03 Instr Hort U 111 1899-1902 Instr Oler do 1902-3 Asst Prof do 1903-9 Assoc Prof do 1909-11) Prof Oler & Chf Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911- 1117 S Third St Champaign 111 ?Lloyd Joseph J (la 1872-3) Lansing la Lloyd Lottie E (Mrs A C Swartz) (la 1875-7) Home 1026 R St Fresno Cal Lloyd Nellie Evelyn (la 1906-9 AB Also NW U) At home 520 West St Wheaton HI Lloyd Robert Clinton (ag 1899-1903 BS) Mgr Estate Canton 111 Lloyd Sergins Hopkins (ag 1915- ) Stu R3 Genoa 111 Lloyd Thomas Harold (ag 1911-15 BS g ag 1915- ) Stu Box 47 Girard 111 t Lloyd William B (acad 1882-3) Ar- eola 111 Lloyde Clarence Angier (m eng 1883- 7 BS) Merc 305 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Lloyde Clifford Luther (acad 1893-6) Merc 212 W White St Champaign 111 Lloyde Mrs Frances Melinda (Mrs F H)(sp a&d 1887-8) Home 1503 Pico Blvd Venice Cal Lloyde Frank Hay den (la 1874-8) R Est & Ins 1503 Pico Blvd Venice Cal Lloyde Robert Kellogg (ag 1909-11 Also Cor U 1911-13) Pomol 305 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Lobaugh Charles Mateer (ag 1909-11) Fruit Growing & Bnk Blue Island 111 Jan-Mar (Shelby Mich Mar-Dec) fLobdell John Randolph (sp ag 1907- 9 ag 1909-11 Also U La) Carbon- dale 111 Lock Charles Edward (acad 1877-8) Ag Dow 111 Locke Alfred (acad 1888-92) Constr Eng Crocker Bldg San Francisco (La Salle 111) Locke Alfred Thomas (acad" 1896-7) Gen Agts Soda Fountains 200 Ran- dolph Av Peoria 111 (Blandinsville 111) Locke Clara Edith (la h sc 1911-13 AB Grad(Ind St Nor) '02) Teach 1609 S Center St Terre Haute Ind Locke George Ferguson (ag 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Ag La Salle 111 Locke Harry Ross (acad 1907-9 Also U Colo) Stu Dent St Louis U Blandinsville 111 Locke Walter Constant (c eng 1905-9 BS) C Eng 1035 Warm Springs Av Boise Id Locke Mrs W C (see Webber Lois R) Lockett Lela (su 1904&'05&'07&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 413 Eliza- beth St Pekin 111 (Clinton 111) ' * Lockhart Emma L (acad 1889-90) d Nov 11 1900 Kansas City Mo Lockhart Harold Leo (m eng 1915- Also Pur U) Stu Owensville Ind Lockhart Horace Claude (acad 1904-5) Sales Mgr Corn Prod Refining Co 1317 St Louis Av Kansas City Mo *Lockhart John William (m eng 1887- 8 '89-92) d Aug 5 1904 Kansas City Mo Lockwood Clarence Monroe (sp ag 1907-8) M Eng Stonington HI Lockwood Frank Miner (arch eng 1888- 93) Asst Cash City Nat Bk 746 S Chicago Av Kankakee 111 LOCKWOOD—LOHR 403 Lockwood Isabel Kathryn (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 718 Bittersweet PI Chicago t Lockwood Louise (la 1888-9) 1020 W Washington St Sandusky O Lockwood Opal Daisy (Mrs W M Hoy) (mus 1908-9) Home K12 Urbana 111 *Lockwood William A (acad 1877-8) d Mt Carmel 111 Lodge Charles Vanalbert (sp ag 1890- I) Ag & Stock Eureka Kan Lodge Fred Sterling (sc 1903-8 BS) Chem Eng Armour Fertilizer Wks Union Stock Yards Chicago Lodge Mrs F S (see Betz Louise J) Lodge Paul Edmund (la 1897-1901 AB Also Col U) Bus Mgr Bishop Cal Lodge William Franklin (la 1889-90 Also NW U) Gen Contr & Tel Mgr Monticello 111 \~Loeb Oscar (acad 1895-6) Urbana 111 Loeffler Frank Xavier (c eng 1909-13 BS) c/o Consolidated Eng Co 710 Wright Bldg St Louis Loeffler Katherine Armine (sp mus 1897-1902 DO(Amer Sch Osteop) '05) Osteopath 620 V 2 Nicollet Av Minne- apolis Loehr Theodore Edwin (c eng 1907-9 la 1909-13 AB Also Blackburn Coll) Sales Carlinville 111 Loetterle Winifred Christian (su 1913 &'14 Also Lincoln Sumner Nor) Teach Mt Pulaski HI Lofgren Mrs (see Kraus May B) LOFTQUIST Harry Stephen (e eng 1905- 9 BS) Eng Dept Nat Lamp Wks 41 Kollin St Cleveland Loftus Ed Francis (acad 1904-5) Line- man 111 Tract Co 407 W White St Champaign 111 Loftus Ella (Mrs W G Turnbull) (la 1895-9 AB) Home Cresson Pa tLogan Alice (sp h sc 1905-7) Box 392 W Chester Pa Logan Arthur Charles Jr (la 1914-15 Also U Colo) 818 22nd St NW Wash- ington Logan Chester R (c eng 1901-5 '06-7 BS) C Eng Edinburgh 111 Logan Clarence Chester (ag 1900-6 '07- 8 BS Also Orchard City Coll Asst Soil Physics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1908- II) Assoc Soil Exten U 111 1911- 868 E Morrison St Centralia 111 (Flora 111) Logan Forrest Marine (c eng 1904-5 Also Pur U) Clk Union RR Co 822 Hamilton Av Indianapolis (Greens- burg Ind) Logan Frank Allyn (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 501 Alexander St Par- is 111 Logan Grace Belle (h sc 1904-8 BS) Dietitian Edinburg 111 Logan Harry Ralph (la 1897-1900) Merc Areola HI Logan Jane (sp la 1902-5) Teach Miranda Cal Logan John Althen Jr (c eng 1909) Mun Contr 229 Vincent PI Elgin 111 Logan Mary Edna (Mrs L M Burnell) (la 1904-5) Home Dyerville Cal Logan Ray Evan (sc 1906-8 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '12) Med Galena HI Logan Una Mildred (Mrs G A Ho watt) (h sc 1903-5) Teach Scotia Cal Logan Winnie Alice (Mrs C S Mon- tooth)(h sc 1902-6 BS) Home R5 Bradford 111 Logeman Albert Edwin (m eng 1900-4 BS) Sec & Gen Mgr Peoples Water Light & Power Co Mellen Wis Logeman Mrs A E (see Newman Mary E) Logeman Louis Valentine (ag 1902-7 BS) Builder & R Est & L & Ins 4142 Southport Av Chicago Logsdon Joseph Ezra Jr (ag 1913- ) Stu Shawneetown 111 Logsdon Mary Nancy (la 1913-14) At home 5756 Kenwood Av Chicago tLogsdon Thomas Oscar (1 1906-7) Shawneetown HI Logue Charles L (la 1896-1900 BS) Benton Harbor Mich Loh Pao Kau (ag 1910-13 Also Tuh Ta Coll) Nor Sch Chinan Shantung China Lohman Adelaide Laura (Mrs Frank Shobe)(su 1909) Home 806 S Third St Champaign 111 Lohman Curtis Seymour (sp ag 1904- 6) Ag Solana N Mex Lohman Frederick Charles (acad 1906- 7 e eng 1908-11 BS) C Eng City Hall Champaign 111 (Gibson City 111) Lohman Howard Alonzo (sp ag 1904- 5) Mfg 16th & Harrison Gables Seattle Lohman Leona Alice (Mrs D S Mead- ows) (acad 1900-2 mus 1902-4) Home 1448 S Tenth E St Salt Lake City Lohmann Lewis Edward (la 1914- ) Stu 608 Hillyer St Pekin 111 Lohmann Sherrill Blanchard (acad 1899-1900) Eng IC RR 201 S Ran- dolph St Champaign HI Lohnes Willard Henry (m eng 1912- 13) Mach Foreman 301 E Cedar St Cherokee la Lohr Louis Warren (la com 1909-13 404 LOHR— LOONEY su 1915) Teach Pana 111 Lohr Virgil Claybourne (su 1903 g sc 1904-5 BS(Knox)'02) Teach H Sch 104 Sherman St Joliet 111 Loing Fern Marguerite (la 1913-15 AB Also NW U) Teach H Sch Chebanse 111 (1212 Union Av Belvidere 111) Lonergan Charles Patrick Augustus (acad 1900-1 c eng 1901-5 BS) Bus Mgr Warren Constr Co Portland Ore Long Albert Milton (arch 1891-5 BS) Draft Cor 37th & Stewart Av Chi- cago (1616 Forest Av Wilmette 111) Long Anna (su 1906) Teach 606 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Long Arthur Theodore (la 1904-8 AB Also U Chgo 1912) Asst Prin H Sch 407 Muskingum St Indianapolis Long Earl Valney (acad 1904-5 sp la 1905-7 AB(Harv)'07) Law 205 Mur- dock Bldg Wichita Kan Long Frank Brewer (arch 1883-7 BS '08 ) Arch Supt Draft Room Hola- bird & Roche 1400 Monroe Bldg Chi- cago (656 Bowen Av) Long Mrs F B (see Terbush Jennie M) Long Fred Reeve (su 1909 Also la St Ag Coll) Ag Marne la Long George Archibald (sc 1909-11 Also Wabash Coll & U Chgo) Phar Rensselaer Ind Long George Durward (1 1906-9 LL B) Law Mfg St Bk Bldg E Moline 111 tLong Hallie May (su 1903) Atlanta 111 Long Jesse Richard (la 1915- ) Stu Summer Hill 111 Long John Oras (la 1912- ) Stu Watseka 111 Long Joseph Ayres (c eng 1903-8 BS) C Eng Acacia House Champaign 111 (Amboy III) \Long Leon Root (acad 1902-4) Am- boy HI Long Leonard Franklin (la 1914-15 Also 111 Wes U) Tonica 111 Long Mayme (acad 1908-10 la 1913- 14) Clk 121 W Washington St Cham- paign 111 tLong Maude (la 1905-6) 1109 W Main St Urbana 111 Long Robert Bennett (sc 1911-12) Ag Cremerville ND (Plymouth Ind) Long Roy Garfield (acad 1909-10) 1109 W Main St Urbana 111 Long Roy Harold (ag 1902-6 BS) Live Stock & Grain Burlington Kan Long Ruth Ida (la 1914- ) Stu Wat- seka 111 Long Thomas Henry (sp ag 1911-13) Ag Rl Harmon 111 Long Troy Lovell (acad 1898-1900 la 1900-2 '03-5 AB) Gen Mgr Ston- ington Coal Co Taylorville 111 tLong Virgil Chase (ag 1913-14 Also Lincoln Coll) Middletown 111 Long Walter Sterritt (g sc 1912-13 AB( Ohio Wes) '05 AM (do) '08) Asst Prof Chem Chgo St Food Lab U Kan Lawrence Kan Long William Henry (su 1909 BS (NW) '06) Law Ofc Sec St Spring- field 111 (6915 Kimbark Av Chicago) Longden Grafton Johnson (ag 1912-13 Also De Pauw U) Stock & Ag 620 Anderson St Gieencastle Ind Longenbaugh Joseph Edson (su 1903 &'04&'05) Edit Moweaqua News Moweaqua 111 Longfellow Mrs (see McNamara Car- rie) Longfellow Eben Simon (c eng 1903- 5) C Eng City Hall Chicago (New- ton la) Longley Glenn Floyd (ag 1906-7) Ag Rl Aledo 111 Longley Ralph Dunning (m eng 1910- 12 Also Rice Inst) Mus 113 Mound St Joliet 111 Longley Ruth (la 1913-14 Also But- ler Coll) At home 3051 Ruckle St Indianapolis Longmate Emma Jane (sp 1872-4) Stenog Farmer City 111 Longueville Joseph Charles (arch eng 1911-15 BS) 402 Alpine St Dubuque la Loomer Melvin Henry (la 1871-3) Ret 620 E Fourth St Waterloo la Loomis Arthur Bates (c eng 1889-93 BS MCE (Cor) '94) Chf Eng Toledo Bridge Krane Co Toledo O Loomis Arthur Tull (ag 1914-15 Also Carthage Coll) Lumber Merc Yates City 111 Loomis Clayton Benjamin (ag 1912-14 '15- ) Stu 6218 Harper Av Chi- cago t Loomis Foy Otto (acad 1900-1) Wind- sor 111 ?Loomis George Duckels (c eng 1872- 3) Carlinville 111 Loomis Helen Alice (sc 1904-7 AB su 1915) Teach Bowen H Sch 5610 Dorchester Av Chicago Loomis Lester Thaddeus (sc 1906-7 SB (Chgo) '09 Also Shurtleff Coll) Publ 5733 Blackstone Av Chicago LOOMIS Roger Sherman (AB (Wil- liams) '09 AM(Harv)'10 BLitt (Ox- ford) '13) Tutor Engl U 111 1913- 907 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Looney Marion Augustus (1 1904-5) LOOP— LOVE 405 Atty Tishomingo Okla Loop Edwin Albert (arch eng 1914-15 Also Mont Coll ) Stu 818 State St Belvidere 111 Loos Alfred John (su 1914 Also Grin- nell Coll) Teach H Sch Eockford 111 (Greenwood Wis) Loose Isaac Arthur (sp ag 1911-13 Also Staunton Mil Acad) Ag Illi- opolis 111 ?Loose Joseph (sp 1869-70) Spring- field 111 Loose Speed Butler (acad 1905-6) R Est Oklahoma City Loosley Frederick Edwin (m eng 1900- 4 BS) Mech Draft 4430 Eighth Av Moline 111 \Loper Paul Russell (acad 1906-7) 507 Fourth St Springfield 111 ?Lopez Ascuncion (acad 1908-10 c eng 1910-14 BS) Durango Mex- Lopez Camilo Rafael (arch eng 1914- 15 Also U Notre Dame) Merc Cor- doba Vera Cruz Mex Lopez Ramon (su 1905) Ag Silay Negros Occidental PI lord Arthur Russell (c eng 1909-11 MS BS(Me)'07 CE(do)'10 Instr C Eng U Me 1907-8 Instr Gen Eng Draw U 111 1908-9) Consult Eng 1832 McCormick Bldg Chicago (1532 E Marquette Rd) Lord Mrs A R (see Burns Ruth M) Lord Chester Arthur (c eng 1906-10 BS) Mgr Canadian Concrete Steel Co 701 Sixth Av W Calgary Alta Can Lord Harry Adalbert (m eng 1903-4) Auto 11th & Hope Sts Los Angeles lord Livingston C (Hon LL D 1904 Grad (St Nor Sch Conn) 1871 Supt Schs St Peter Minn 1879-88 Pres St Nor Sch Minn 1888-99) Pres E 111 St Nor 1899- Charleston 111 Lord Maurice Franklin (la 1905-9 AB JD(Chgo)'12) Law YMCA Aurora 111 Lord Walter Eugene (c eng 1906-10 BS) Estimator & Design 2601 Hum- boldt Av Minneapolis tLorenson John Hanson (acad 1897-8 sp law 1898-1900) Lovington 111 Lorenz Frederick Ayers Jr (ry eng 1906-9 BS Also U Chgo) M Eng Amer Steel Foundries 5621 Woodlawn Av Chicago Lorenzen Lora Dorothea (la 1905-6) At home 517 Fourth Av Clinton la Lorenzen William Cecil (mun eng 1909-12 BS Also Lewis Inst) Sales Eubly & Lorenz 2721 N Troy St Chi- cago Lorimer Leonard Joseph (ry c eng 1907-9) Auto Agt 5315 Washington Blvd Chicago LORING Frank Carlton (g e eng 1912- 14 BS(Pur)'04 MA (Col) '07 Instr E Eng U 111 1912-14) Fin Eng En- terprises 1304 S Boots St Marion Ind Lott Elizabeth (Mrs Victor Hannon) (su 1905 Also Blackburn U) Home 513 W Silver St Butte Mont Lott Evalyn Alberta (Mrs W T Holmes) (mus 1902-6 Also Gordon Coll Ala) Mus 501 E Elm St Urbana 111 Lott Harvey Vansyckle (la 1895-6) Drug Galesburg 111 ?Lott Jesse (sp mus 1877-8) Cham- paign 111 *Lott Julius Bliss (su 1905) d Oct 21 1911 Urbana 111 \Lotz George Norton (acad 1890-1) Lockport 111 Lotz Harold Benjamin (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 418 E Main St Madi- son Ind Lotz John Ramsey . (c eng 1897-1901 BS) Asst Constr Mgr Stone & Web- ster Eng Co 59 Oxford Rd Newton Center Mass Lotz Mrs J R (see Davison Mabel K) tLoucks Lydia F (sp mus 1879-80) Tolono 111 \Loucks Ray John (acad 1907-8) Ur- bana 111 tLouis John Edwin (mun eng 1910-14 BS) 613 West St Wheaton 111 Loudon Ross Childs (sp la 1908-9) Sales 5824 Woodlawn Av Chicago Loughery Harold Barker (la 1915- ) Stu Palestine 111 fLounsbury Herbert Harlet (ag 1908- 9) 7040 Perry Av Chicago Lounsbury John Moore (sp ag 1909-10 Also Cen Nor Coll) Asst Cash Witt Nat Bk Witt 111 Louret Francis (ag 1915- Also U Wis) Stu Waldo Wis tLourie Herbert Shaw (m eng 1900-1) 607 Franklin St Keokuk la Loutzenhiser David Alonzo (la 1908- 11) R Est & Print 715 W Third St Los Angeles Loutzenhiser Ernest Harbin (m eng 1904-8 BS) Consult Eng 250 S Broad- way St Los Angeles Loutzenhiser Sarah Eula (la 1908-13 AB) Teach Flora 111 tLovan Fletcher Adolphus (su 1910 Also Ewing Coll) Ewing 111 Love Beryl Franklin (la 1914- ) Stu 1214 N Vermilion St Danville HI Love Chase Charles Whitney (la 1906- 10 AB) Sales Dept N W Hasley & 406 LOVE— LOWELL Co 4606 Dover St Chicago Love Clara Dean (la 1906-7 Also Sem Red Springs NC) At home Sidney 111 Love Clifford Sharon (ag 1912- ) Stu Sidney 111 Love Edward Thomas (m eng 1902-4 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag Aledo 111 Love Estelle Boggs (la 1913-14 Also De Pauw U) At home 1214 N Ver- milion St Danville 111 Love Florence Deborah (lib 1908-11 Also Wis Lib Sch 1913-14) Libr 1637 N Union St Decatur 111 Love George Washington (acad 1898-9) Auditor US Dept Com Washington (827 Allison St NW) Love Harry Halme (la 1914- ) Stu Newton 111 •LOVE Harry Houser (g ag 1905-7 Grad Stu U Cor 1907-8 BS(I11 Wes) '04 AM(do)'06 PhD(Cor)'09 Asst Chem Plant Breed Lab U 111 1904-6 Asst Plant Breed do 1906-7 do Cor U 1908-9 Asst Prof do 1909-11) Asst Prof Farm Mgr Cor U 1911- 102 Oxford PI Ithaca NY Love Howard Francis (ag 1907-9) Ag Sidney 111 Love James Arthur (acad 1909-11 sp m eng 1911-12) Ag & Auto El Ros- coe 111 *Love Joseph Kirk (ag 1868-70) d Jan 8 1898 Sidney 111 fLove Justin Jay (sp 1897-1901) Mo- weaqua 111 ?Love Leila Sara (la 1899-1904 AB) 610 Witmer St Los Angeles Love Lewis Ray (la com 1905-6) Agt Yates Estate 329 Yates Bldg Boise Id (303 Military Dr Coeur d'Alene Id) Love Martha Harriet (la 1915- Also De Pauw U) Stu 1214 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Love Mary Elizabeth (lib 1908-9 '11- 13 '15- ) Lib Asst & Nat Hist 610 W Oregon St Urbana 111 \Love Myra Anna (acad 1908-10) Rll Urbana 111 Love Norma Catherine (Mrs T M Davidson) (acad 1902-4 lib 1904-5) Home 1114 E 52nd St Chicago Love Robert James (arch eng 1904-8 BS Instr Arch U 111 1910) Arch Love & Richards 116 S Michigan Av Chicago (1506 Lakeview Blvd) Love Mrs S A (see Boggs Harriet M) Love Samuel Sharon (ag 1870-4) Ag Philo 111 Loveless Claude Elmer (su 1910 Also Winona Coll Ag ) Ag Clark's Hill Ind Loveless Mrs M J (see Fletcher Minerva L) Loveless William Raymond (c eng 1909- 14) Acct 6117 Ellis Av Chicago (Altamont 111) Lovell Clarence B (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu Liberty ville 111 fLovell Minnie Gertrude ( su 1905 ) Shelbyville 111 Lovell M McDonald (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 30 N Michigan Av Chicago Lovett Pearl Mae (sp mus 1908-9 su 1915) Teach 1404 Dublin Av Ur- bana 111 Lovewell Gladys (la 1914-16) Stu Chgo Nor Sch Phys Tr & Expression 5526 Sangamon St Chicago Lovingfoss Mrs G A (see Burr Frances C) Lovingfoss John Clifford (sp ag 1906- 7) Ag* Homer 111 Lovins Foy Otto (acad 1901-2 la 1902- 3 '07-9) Publ & PM E Moline 111 Lovitt Walter U (acad 1891-2) Arch 602 Finance Bldg Kansas City Mo Low Apan Paul (arch eng 1914-15 AB (LeStan) '14) Insp US Eng Ofc Hilo HI (1640 Kalakana Av Honolulu) Low James Eli (sp 1872-4) Iron & Steel Bus 1040 Elmwood Av Evans- ton 111 Low Laura T (Mrs G N Reynolds) (la 1875-7) Home Hotel Reynolds 471 Palm Av Riverside Cal Lowder Adolphus (ag 1913-14) Ag Whitetown Ind Lowe Albert Stafford Jr (m eng 1915- ) Stu Shawneetown 111 ?Lowe Augustus J (la 1877-80) Jer- seyville HI Lowe Cyrus Ching Chung (com 1915- Also Peking U) Stu 2013 Kolorana Rd Washington Lowe Ethelbert Coke (11906-7 '12-15) 502 W Main St Robinson 111 Lowe Lloyd C (acad 1887-9) Arch 1715 Fifth Av Huntington W Va Lowe Lucy (la 1913-14) At home 1303 W Clark St Urbana 111 , tLowE Robert (ag 1906-10 BS) R6 Phoenix Ariz Lowe Rollin Clifford (com Feb 1916- ) Stu 415 Upper Sixth St Evansville Ind Lowe Russel Leon (la 1910-11) Mus Le Roy HI Lowe Wayne Marsh (chem eng Feb 1915- ) Stu 5528 Sangamon St Chi- cago Lowe William Albert (sp ag 1903-4) Ag San Jose 111 lowell Abbott Lawrence (Hon LL D LOWELL— LUCAS 407 1905) Pres Harv U 1909- 17 Qulncy St Cambridge Mass i Lowell Joseph Keed (acad 1906-9) 630 E St NE Washington Lowenstern Phil A (la com" 1911-12) Merc 608 W Elm St Urbana 111 Lowenstern Selma (la 1913-14) Stu U Chgo 608 W Elm St Urbana 111 Lowenthal Fred (la 1897-1901 AB law 1901-2) Law 1262 W 103rd St Chicago Lower Paul Elton (ag 1910-14 BS) Sales 921 Castle wood Ter Chicago Lowery Thomas Edwin (ag 1915- ) Stu 1422 S Eighth St Springfield 111 \Lowes Forrest Mitchison (acad 1893- 5) Geneseo 111 Lowman Charles Elliott (ag 1914-15 Also N 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Pala- tine 111 (Lanark 111) Lowrance Boy E (la 1914-15 ) 706 S Jackson St Bobinson 111 tLOWRiE John Marshall (g la 1908-9 AM AB(Knox)'08) 127 W 76th St New York lowrie Selden Gale (g la 1907-8 AM AB(Knox)'07 PhD(Wis)'12) Prof Pol Sc U Cin & Dir Mun Bef Bur & St Legis Bef Bur 3411 Clifton Av Cincinnati Lowry Bessie (la 1913- ) Stu 604 BB Av Lead SD \Lowry Charles Addison Jr (acad 1903- 4) Lowry La \Loicry Clyde Bryant (acad 1903-4) Lowry La Lowry Elizabeth (h sc 1906-7 BL (Cal) '12 Also NY St Lib Sch) Libr 4252 Terrace St Oakland Cal (Gib- son City 111) Lowry Guy Ellsworth (su 1909 Also Ind U) Supt Schs Stonington 111 (Argos Ind) Lowry James Percival (arch eng 1890- 3) Jour & Merc Gibson City 111 Lowry Jessie Budisill (Mrs B W Var- ney) (la 1903-7 AB) Home 535 Cher- ry St Winnetka 111 * Lowry John Albert (arch 1889-93 BS'94) d Nov 19 1900 Gibson City 111 Lowry Kathryn Ellen (mus 1912-13 Also St Joseph Acad) Teach Sadorus 111 (Fairland 111) Lowry Merrill Fairman (m eng 1908-11 B Marine Eng(Mich) '12) Marine Eng Newport News Ship Bldg & Dock Co 313 47th St Newport News Va (Wood- hull 111) Lowry Bobert Larken Jr (1 1911-12) Stu Wash StL U 1734 Seminary St Alton 111 Lowry Sarah Edith (Mrs V C Mieher) (su 1907 BS(Shurtleff)'05) Home Tulsa Okla %Lowry Susie F (acad 1879-81) Mont- icello 111 Lowry Thomas Grover (c eng 1904-8 BS) By C Eng & Struct Iron Erection 1414 Peoria Av Peoria 111 Lowry Thomas Kirkpatrick (la com 1908-10) Supt Eng Armour & Co 1379 E 53rd St Chicago Lowther Mrs M W (see Bush Alma K) Loy Alice Elizabeth (su 1914 AB(Mc- Kendree) '12) Teach H Sch Blue Mound 111 (Effingham 111) Lu Chi Tsing (min eng 1914- Also U Pitt) Stu Kiangsi China Lu Ching Kui (m eng 1915- Also Chihli Coll) Stu 2014 Kalorama Bd Washington Lubbers Budolph John (ag 1913-14) Ag Emden 111 Lubelsky Harry Walter (e eng 1915- ) Stu 1253 N Hoyne Av Chicago Lubelsky Samuel Sidney (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 1253 N Hoyne Av Chicago t Lucas Allen Thurman (1 1903-4 Also 111 Coll) Bath 111 Lucas Anna B (Mrs Williams) (la 1877- 80) Home Sidell 111 Lucas Corda (la 1876-80 su 1899 &1900&'10 AB'01) At home 108 S Fifth St Champaign 111 *Lucas Frank (sp chem 1891-2) d Champaign 111 Lucas Frank Blackburn (chem eng 1908-10) Chem Eng 1158 Preston Av Elgin 111 *Lucas John (acad 1900-1 c eng 1901- 3 Also N Ind Nor) d Aug 8 1903 Easton HI Lucas John Allen Augustus (la 1875-6) Mintr & Supt Odd Fellows Orph Home Lincoln 111 Lucas Leigh Willard (ag 1908-12) Ag Mt Pulaski 111 Lucas Leonora (acad 1902-5 la 1905-6 AB(Bryn Mawr) '13 Also NW U) Prof Mod Lang Breneau Coll Gaines- ville Ga Lucas Mrs Lenore B (Mrs W E) (la 1902-4 BS(NW)'15 Also U Mich) Home 2344 Sheridan Bd Evanston 111 Lucas Morgan (sp ag 1901-3) Ag Easton 111 Lucas Bena Avis (Mrs H W Whitsitt) (lib 1902-4 BLS la 1904-5 AB Also U Minn 1900-2) Home 1725 11th Av 408 LUCAS— LUMMIS Moline 111 Lucas Russell Henry (ag 1910-11) Ag & Stock 603 W Butler St Olney 111 ILucas William Edward (acad 1905-6) 1005 California Av Urbana 111 t Lucius Olive (sp h sc 1911-12) 216 E Robard St Brookfield Mo Lucke Mrs H H (see Anderson Mary F) Lucke Mrs Robert O (see Ryan Jes- sie) Luckenbill Mrs D B (see Breckenridge May H) Luckett Coen L (sc 1910-14 BS) Med Stu JHopk U 818 S Seventh St Terre Haute Ind Luckhaupt Fannie* May (su 1907 &'09 &'12&'13) Teach Marshall 111 Lucos James Burleigh (g chem 1914-15 MS(Va Poly) '13) Teach Chem & Physics Davis & Elkins Coll Elkins W Va (Riner Va) Lucy Bennie Hebron (ag 1914- ) Stu 532 Perry St Helena Ark Ludden Louise (Mrs S W Dixon) (la 1892-4 Also 111 Wes U) Home 437 Belmont Av Chicago Ludden Mary Alice (Mrs F E Dough- erty) (sp la 1906-7 Also Chgo Acad Fine Arts) Home 3723 Wilton Av Chicago Ludlow Mrs (see Daniels Coralie A) Ludlow Anne Maud (Mrs F W Wilson) (sp h sc 1905-7 Also Grad Kinderg Inst Chgo 1910) Home 1242 Bird St Hannibal Mo Ludlow Helen (la 1914- ) Stu 440 E Pells St Paxton 111 Ludvik Benjamin Edward (e eng 1912- ) Stu 1530 W 21st St Chi- cago Ludwick George Washington (arch 1892-6 BS) Arch 414 IOOF Bldg Danville 111 Ludwig Clinton Albert (g sc 1912-13 BSA(Pur)'12) Res 210 Waldron St W Lafayette Ind (Rl Brookville Ind) Ludwig Edward Roy (arch eng 1907-11 BS g 1911-12 MS) Arch 147 Cecil St SE Minneapolis (706 S Second St Champaign 111) Ludwig Ethel Lenore (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 2317 Russell Av St Louis Ludwig Holly Jacob (ag 1912-13) Ag Rl Muncie 111 Ludwig Lester John (la 1912-14 com 1914- ) Stu R28 Ottawa 111 Lueder Herman H (arch eng 1915- Also Morningside Coll) Stu 736 W Main St Cherokee la Lueder Roy Moore (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 736 W Main St Cherokee la Luedke Gustav Paul (sp sc 1908-13) Farm Supt Chatham 111 tLuer A'ugust Jacob (la com 1910-12) Upper Alton 111 Luers George Albert (e eng 1909-11) Tel Eng 1725 Wilson Av Chicago (929 S Second St Springfield 111) Lufkin Adele (Mrs A J Nisbit) (acad 1879-80) Home Roswell N Mex *Lufkin George A (c eng 1870-2) d Oct 2 1901 Villa Ridge 111 Lui Sik Chew (la 1915- Also Cogs- well Poly Cal) Stu 1014 Nuuanu St Honolulu HI Lui Ug Hei (acad 1907-8 Also Canton Christian Coll) Ministry of Ag c/o Forest Peking China ?Luke Bessie Blanche (su 1901) Joliet 111 Luke Mrs H H (see Anderaon Mary F) Lukens William Penn (g m eng 1914- AB(Swarthmore)'13) Stu Woodlyn Pa LuMns Charles Frederick (acad 1908-9 Also Culver Mil Acad) Sales 420 Rialto Bldg Kansas City Mo (520 Marquette Bldg Chicago) Lull Sara Louise (lib 1905-6 PhB (Chgo) '06) Teach H Sch Sanora Cal (Box 392 Los Gatos Cal) ?Lully Rose L (su 1907 Also Teach Coll) 1212 Fourth St Louisville Ky Luman Taylor Amos (su 1907 Also U Chgo) Law 719 Paul Jones Bldg Louisville Ky Lumbrick Arthur (ag 1905-8 BS Also E 111 St Nor Asst Crop Prod U 111 1908-12) Farm Mgr The Epps Farms Metcalf 111 (Charleston 111) ?Lumby Charles Louis (ag 1903-4) 952 N Fairfield Av Chicago Lumley Arlene (la 1915- ) Stu 1106 W California Av Urbana 111 Lumley Clinton Grant (acad 1881-2 la 1882-6 BL MD(NWMed)'89) Med 3350 Indiana Av Chicago (1106 Cali- fornia St Urbana 111) Lumley Mrs C G (see McLean Nellie) Lumley Harold McLean (ag 1912- Also U Chgo) Stu 1106 W California Av Urbana 111 Lumley Leslie Robert (ag 1912- ) Stu 1106 W California Av Urbana 111 tLumly Charles Louis (sp ag 1903-4) 952 N Fairfield Av Chicago tLummis Benjamin Bayard (c eng 1909-11) C Eng Casper Wyo (945 Seventh St La Salle 111) LUMMIS— LUSK 409 Lummis Doran Wohlforth (c eng 1910- 11 Also U Colo) Draft Surv Gen- eral Ofc 2615 Warren Av Cheyenne Wyo Lummis Irwin Lytle (m eng 1913- ) Stu 1601 Vermont St Quincy 111 Lummis Jessie Isa (la 1899-1902 AB) Teach 111 St Nor U 214 N University Av Normal 111 Lummis Merle Francis (m eng 1910-12 la 1915- ) Stu 1601 Vermont St Quincy 111 tLumsden James Llewellyn (ag 1913- 14 Also NW U) Virden 111 Lund Everett Samuel (ag 1908-9) Ag K2 Nevada la Lund Harold Henry (ag 1911-12) Ag Crystal Lake 111 (E4 Woodstock 111) Luxd Hugo (m eng 1901-2 BS) Chf Draft Metropolitan RR Co Kansas City Mo (1657 Summit St) Lund Mrs Hugo (see Chesnut Jessie M) Lund James Charles (m eng 1905-9 BS g 1909-10 MS Instr Metal Work U HI 1909-11 Asst GED do 1910-11 Constr Eng 111 Highway Comm) Eng Time Study Dept John Deere Plow Wks 1707 12th Av Moline 111 Lund John Virtus (c eng 1912-15) Asst Eng C&NW RR Co 908 C&NW RR Bldg Franklin & Jackson Sts Chi- cago (148 Hill St Elgin 111) Lundahl Arvid Luther (m eng 1901-3) C Eng & Merc 1150 12th Av Moline 111 Lundahl Bruce Hjalmar (m eng 1901- 5 BS) M Eng 6443 Morgan St Chi- cago (Gibson City 111) Lundahl Raymond Rudolph (c eng 1907-11 BS) Co Highway Comm 182 13th St Milwaukee (Paxton 111) Lundberg Bruce Gurler (ag 1914- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 304 S Fourth St De Kalb 111 Lundberg Henry Gurler (ag 1914- ) Stu 304 S Fourth St De Kalb 111 ^Lundblad Claus (acad 1908-9) Ur- bana 111 Lunde George Richard (ag 1912- ) Stu 306 S Liberty St Elgin 111 Lundeen Curt Carl (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 1133 15th St Rock Island 111 Lundgren Andrew Victor Theodor (arch eng 1913- Also Augustana Coll) Stu 103 A St Red Oak la Lundgren Arnold Alinder (c eng 1915- ) Stu 1234 Fourth Av Rock- ford 111 Lundgren Carl Lee (c eng 1898-1902 BS) Trav & Coach U Mich Marengo 111 Lundgren Floyd Edward (e eng 1914- ) Stu Lostant HI Lundgren Frederick Gunard (m eng 1911-15 BS) M Eng Amer Car & Foundry Co Terre Haute Ind (1411 5 Sixth St) tLundh Oscar Andrew (sp m eng 1907- 8) Mfg & Mach 701 St Charles St Elgin 111 Lundin Roy Simeon (ag 1911-15 BS) R2 Griggsville 111 (5306 Wayne Av Chicago) Lundquist Theodor Hjalmar (e eng 1912-14) Mach 33 19th St Buffalo Luney Edward Ross (m eng 1909-13 BS) Draft 232 N Fourth St De Kalb 111 Luney Ellzey H (la com 1907-10) Tel- ler Jacob Haish St Bk 232 N Fourth St De Kalb HI Luney Francis Solon (m eng 1903-7 BS) M Eng 424 N Fourth St De Kalb 111 Luney Ray Timothy (la 1911-12 law 1912-15 LLB Also U Chgo) Law Dixon & Dixon YMCA Dixon 111 (232 N Fourth St De Kalb 111) Lungren Arthur Nathaniel (m eng 1913- Also Aurora Advent Christian Coll ) Stu 111 Plum St Aurora 111 Lungren Edgar Emmanuel (chem eng 1913-15 Also U Chgo) Eng Western United Gas & Elec Co 111 Plum St Aurora 111 LUNT Mrs William Edward (see also Atkinson Elizabeth E) (Asst Instr Phys Tr U 111 1904-7 Instr Phys Tr 6 Dir Athl Worn U Wis 1907-10) Home 107 Lake St Ithaca NY Luntz Darwin Samuel (arch eng 1908- 9) Merc 671 Lothrop Av Detroit Lupton Thomas (la 1872-3) Hort R10 Hillyard Wash (Bethany 111) Lurie Arnold Nathaniel (m eng 1906- 9) M Eng 1871 S Kedzie Av Chi- cago Lurie Erwin Moses (c eng 1910-14 BS) 1871 S Kedzie Av Chicago Lurie Sidney Joseph (e eng 1913- ) Stu 1871 S Kedzie Av Chicago fLurquin John Joseph (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-8) Rochelle HI Lusk Genevieve Aron (ag h sc 1914- Also Randolph-Macon Worn Coll) Stu 438 N Sixth Av Quincy 111 Lusk John Jay (sp la 1901-2) Trav Sales Globe Wernicke Co Cincinnati (438 N Sixth St Quincy HI) Lusk Myron Ellison Jr (e eng 1906-7) Trav 938 Bellevue PI Kalamazoo Mich (720 N Fourth St Quimcy HI) 410 LUSSKYT— LYNCH lussky Alfred Edwin (g la 1910-11 AM AB ( Concordia ) '06 BD ( Concor- v dia Theol Sem) '10 Also U Mich) Prof Ger U Ark Fayetteville Ark Lutes Gifford W (arch eng 1914- Also Wash U ) Stu Lutesville Mo Luther Mrs W D (see Hammond Em- ilyA) Luther Caroline (la 1908-12 AB) Teach Savoy HI Luther Edward LeRoy (ag 1903-4) Ag Geneseo 111 Luther Elsie Emilie (su 1915) Fitter Alter Dept Willis Co 51 E Healy St Champaign 111 Luther Mrs Eugene A (see Conde Ma- bel E) Luther Otto Lawrence (la 1899-1902 AB AB(Cal)'04 Also U Chgo) Prin Queen Anne H Sch 411 Wheeler St Seattle Luther Mrs O L (see Stutsman Ada H) Luther Wilhelmenia Caroline (la 1915- ) Stu 51 E Healy St Champaign 111 Lutton Charles Edwin (c eng & mus 1907-10 Also NW U) Concert Singer & Mgr Mus Dept Clark Teachers Agency 64 E Van Buren St Chicago Lutton Francis Carlyle (sp la 1896-7) US PO Carrier Des Moines la (Rut- land 111) Luttrell Arno Atlee (ag 1915) Wav- erly 111 Lutz Charles E (chem 1878-9) Olney in Lutz Frank Llewllyn (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Astoria 111 lutz Gretchen Katherine (g ger 1912- 13 AM AB( Albion) '09) Teach Al- bion Mich *Lutz Otto Bernard (acad 1892-3) d Jan 29 1914 Gardner 111 Lutz Robert Arnold (ry m eng 1908-9 Also U Minn) E Eng Highland Park 111 Lutz Robert Stookey (e eng 1912-15 BS Also Va Mil Inst) c/o Allis Chal- mers Mfg Co 460 64th Av W. Allis Wis (190 Oak Crest Decatur) tLutzer Louis (ag 1872-3) Highland 111 Lux Thursa Edna (su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Decatur 111 \Luxton Mabel Gertrude (acad 1901-2) East Lynn 111 Lybarger Rufus Edward (1 1905-8 LLB) Law Avon 111 (Bushnell 111) LYBYER Albert Howe (AB (Prin) '96 AM (do) '99 PhD(Harv) '09 Prof Math Robert Coll Constantinople 1900-7 Asst Harv 1907-9 Assoc Prof Ober 1909-13) Assoc Prof Hist U 111 1913- 1009 W California Av Urbana HI Lycan Charles Peter (sp c eng 1903-5) City Eng Box 323 Paris 111 (208 E Madison St) ?Lydick Frank N (sc 1878) Salem 111 Lydon John Coyle (m eng 1909-10 Also U Mo) Sales Amer Radiator Co 1230 Walnut St Kansas City Mo Lyford Charles C (ag 1871-5 BS Also Montreal Vet & McGill Med) Vet 817 Third Av S Minneapolis Lyford Mabel (Mrs F M Brown) (la 1909-10 Also U Neb) Home Fre- mont Neb (Fall City Neb) ?Lyle Albert Francis (su 1904&'05&'06 &'07 Also Natl Nor U) Areola 111 Lyle John D (sp ag 1901-2 MDC (Chgo Vet Coll) '04) Vet Sparta 111 Lyle Mary Stewart (su 1913&'15) 2203 N Second St Shelbyville 111 Lyman Mrs (see Crawford Effie) Lyman Carl Ezra (ag 1910-11) Ag Rl Argenta 111 Lyman Frank Decatur (sp law 1906-8) Law & R Est Dixon Mont Lyman Frank Lewis (sc 1897-1901 BS) Ag 207 Ferguson Bldg Spring- field 111 Lyman George H (c eng 1868-72 Cert) Pres Lyman R Est Co 316 N Sixth St Fort Smith Ark Lyman Mrs G H (see Stewart Emma) *Lyman George Robert (e eng 1907-10 Also Eureka Coll) d Aug 28 1910 Clinton HI Lyman Henry Moulineaux (m eng 1883-7 BS Also NW U) Mgr Heine Safety Boiler Co 1120 Pennsylvania Bldg Philadelphia (704 N 40th St) Lyman Mrs H M (see Detmers Mamie) Lyman Henry Pratt (1 1907-9) Cor- poration Mgr & Fin 316 N Sixth St Fort Smith Ark Lyman Lewis Thornton (ag 1912-15 BS Also U Cal) Mgr Waialac Dairy Sta A Kaimuki Honolula HI Lyman Mary Agnes Adelaide (la 1914- ) Stu 502 S Lynn St Cham- paign 111 Lyman Richard Dana (ag 1913- AB (Harv) '09) Stu 672 Irving Park Blvd Chicago (69 Washington St) Lyman William Elias (su 1914) Teach H Sch 823 Sheridan Av Des Moines la ?Lynch A W (la 1877-9) Chenoa 111 (Oakland Cal) *Lynch Edward (c eng 1869-73) d Oakland Cal LYNCH— MABIN 411 Lynch Mrs Ed (see Baker Genevieve) Lynch Esther Virginia (la 1913-16 135 Jackson St Dayton O Lynch Harold William (sc 1908-10 AB Also Bradley Poly) Merc 907 Glen Oak Av Peoria 111 fLynch Henry E (c eng 1872-4) Mon- ticello 111 %Lynch Henry W (acad 1876-8) Mon- ticello 111 Lynch Margaret (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 1007 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Lynch Mary Elizabeth (Mrs John Houlihan) (su 1904) Home 206 N Eace St Urbana 111 Lynch Ealph Atkinson (chem eng 1905-8 AB Also Bradley- Poly) Stock & Ag Alamosa Colo Lynch William Enright (e eng 1907-8 Also Lewis Inst) Sales Agt 1524 S Kedzie Av Chicago Lynn Chester Vernon (e eng 1915- ) Stu Henderson Ky LYNN Harold Harris (BA (Dickinson) '06 MA (Yale) '10 MA (Boston) '12 PhD (Yale) '14 Instr NW U 1912-13 Head Engl Dept Hamline U 1913-14) Instr Engl U 111 1914- 922 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111 (61 N West St Carlisle Pa) Lynn Jane Bebekah (su 1913 Also Austin Coll) Teach H Sch Sparta 111 Lynn John Elliott (la com 1907-9 AB Also U la) Ry Adv 3125 Oak Park Av Berwyn 111 (Lockridge la) Lynn John Robert (arch eng 1912-15) 632 E North St Greensburg Ind Lynn Mrs John T (see Clark Ruth W) Lyon Carlos Elmendorph (com 1915- ) Stu 445 W William St Decatur HI Lyon Earl Wallace (c eng 1906-10) C Eng Consolidated Coal Co Jenkins Ky (c/o Elmer Lyon R3 Yorkville 111) Lyon Edward Landon (sp law 1905-7) Law 257 N Lake St Aurora 111 Lyon Henry Harrison (acad 1909-10) Ag Spaulding 111 Lyon John Boyd (sc 1912- ) Stu La Harpe 111 *Lyon John L (sp 1868-71) d Rock- ford 111 Lyon Mrs M W (see Brewer Martha M) *Lyon Mrs P O (see Upton Mabel) Lyon Mrs W F (see Thayer Alice C) Lyon William Ranft (la 1914- Also US Naval Acad) Stu Lawton Road Riverside 111 Lyons Mrs (see Butler Genevieve) Lyons Anna Frances (su 1912) Teach 301 Polk St Pontiae HI Lyons Bernard Marion (la 1914- Also U Wis) Stu 301 E Polk St Pon- tiae 111 Lyons Carrie Fay (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 907 W Illinois St Urbana 111 *Lyons Daniel Henry (sp c eng 1903-4 Also 111 Wes U) d June 19 1911 Ho- quiam Wash Lyons Florence Anna (ag 1913-14) Stu Colo Coll Grand Junction Colo Lyons Hazel Dell (la 1911-14 '15- ) Stu R4 Champaign 111 Lyons Hazel Sibyl (la 1912- ) Stu 903 W Green St Urbana 111 Lyons Helen Margaret (su 1912) Teach 301 Polk St Pontiae 111 Lyons James Alexander (su 1908 Also U Pa & Cor U) Res 128 Logan Av Danville 111 t Lyons John Daniel (1 1912-13 Also St Ignatius Coll) 6115 Greenwood Av Chicago Lyons Oscar Ivan (m eng 1914- ) Stu 411 W Washington St Hoopeston 111 Lyons Philip Gordan (sp ag 1911-12) Ag 301 Polk St Pontiae 111 Lyons Roy Jacob (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Toledo 111 (907 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Lyons Thomas Edwin (la 1908-11 AB Also U Mich) Law Dobbins & Dob- bins Champaign 111 (Areola 111) * Lyons Timothy John (acad 1890-5) d July 28 1897 Champaign 111 Lytle Ernest Barnes (sc 1897-1901 BS AM '04 PhD (Yale) '08 Instr Math U 111 Acad 1901-4 Instr Math U III '04-6 '08-10) Assoc Math U 111 1910- 603 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Lytle Mrs E B (see Fullen wider Alice E) Lytle George W (la com 1870-2) Car- penter 1002 W Springfield Av Ur- bana 111 ?Lytle Olive Clara (sp mus 1903-5) 1306 W Clark St Urbana HI ? Lytle Paxton Lee (acad 1908-9) 442 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Maas Herbert Ira (e eng 1905-6 Also Armour Inst) Merc & Mfg 5310 Prairie Av Chicago Maas Johann Hinrich (acad 1900-1) Homestead la Mabbett Leora Esther (g 1900-1 BS (Wis) '97) Catg Libr U Minn 1107 Seventh St SE Minneapolis Mabin George Gordon (la 1871-4) Law 912 N Vermillion St Danville 111 Mabin Gordon Henderson (1 1907-8 412 MABIN— McBRIDE Also U Chgo) Ag Falcon Miss (912 N Vermilion St Danville 111) Mabin Isabel (Mrs E P MacNicol) (mus 1905-7 Also NW U) Home 917 N Parkway Memphis Tenn \Mabler Carl (acad 1904) Highland 111 Mc Adams Fred Andrew (ag 1915- ) Stu Kansas 111 McAdams May Elizabeth (sp ag 1912- 13 '15- Also Armour Inst) Stu 1303 E 53rd St Chicago t McAdams William Douglas (sp la 1907-8 Also Shurtleff Coll) Alton 111 McAdow Eugene Finley (m eng 1906- 10) Sp Agt Sun Fire Ins Co 6435 Stewart Av Chicago McAfee Leo Gay (la com 1912- ) Stu 822 S Illinois St Springfield 111 McAfee Eobert Roy (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Rosemond 111 Macalister Robert Norman (acad 1899- 1903 sp m eng 1903-6) M Eng Rob- ert Hunt & Co 2200 Ins Exch Bldg Chicago (901 Illinois St Urbana 111) McAllister George Charles (sp ag 1905- 7) Merc Box 303 Morse Sask Can McAllister Herbert Thompson (sc 1908-10 BS Also Tabor Coll) Chem 167 12th St Milwaukee (Farragut la) McAllister Ivorine (la 1914- ) Stu 406 Morgan St St Louis McAllister James Samuel (sp ag 1905- 6 Also Dixon Coll) Ag Wenona 111 McAllister John Edward (e eng 1909- 10) 93 N Batavia Av Batavia 111 McAllister Marietta Jane (su 1915) Teach 735 N Main St Pontiac 111 McAllister Minnette C (Mrs J H Mil- ler) (la 1875-9 BL) Home Big Lake Minn (Anaka Minn) McAllister Paul Franklin (acad 1902- 4) 109 Randolph St Champaign 111 McAllister Walter Wallace (ag 1907-9) Ag Wenona 111 McAllister William Knowlton (acad 1904-5 law 1908-10 AB Also Dixon Coll) Merc Regina Sask Can McAnally Harry Forrest (m eng 1897- 1900) Paris 111 McAnally Jesse Franklin (su 1912 BL(Ohio Wes) Also S 111 St Nor) Mintr Buffalo 111 McAndrew William (su 1914 Also Vincennes U) Instr Phys Tr S 111 St Nor Carbondale 111 McAnulty Ethel Electa (Mrs L B Brown) (la 1904-5 AB lib 1908 BS (Carthage) '03) Home 850 Litchfield Av Wichita Kan (Carthage 111) McAnulty Leona (su 1915 Also Car- thage Coll) Teach H Sch Wichita Kan (Carthage 111) McArdle Montrose Pallen Jr (arch eng 1912-15 Also Wash StL U) Supt Const 1104 Chemical Bldg Eighth & Olive Sts St Louis (24 Algonquin Lane Webster Groves Mo) t McArdle Raymond John (arch, eng 1910-11 Also Marion Nor Coll) 85 Edmond St Detroit (364 N West St Tipton Ind) Mac ARTHUR Charles George (AB (Ober)'08 AM(do)'08 Also U Hei- delberg & U Pa Asst Physics & Chem U Chgo 1910-12 Instr Phys Chem U 111 1912-15) Teach Chem Med Dept U S Cal Los Angeles McArty Charles Roy (c eng 1902-6) Electr 509 E Roher St Champaign 111 \McArty Francis M (acad 1910-11) Champaign 111 Macauley John Blair Jr (m eng 1914- Stu 933 Michigan Av Evanston 111 McBane Wayne Williard (e eng 1915- ) Stu Metropolis 111 McBarnes Ed E (acad 1881-2) Ag & Stock R2 Bloomington 111 McBarron Mrs Henry (see Herme Mar- cella) McBatney Mrs C E (see Creamer Lida E) McBee Rose (su 1907 Also U Chgo) Teach Fiske Sch Chicago ( Hotel Hayes) Macbeth Grace (mus 1909-10 '14-15 B Mus) Teach Mus Villa Grove 111 McBirney Bruce Henry (la 1911-12) Prospector Tete Jaune Cache BC McBride Charles Bernard (c eng 1914- 15 Also U Mo) Asst Eng Perry- ville Mo MacBride Edward Everett (arch eng 1907-8 Also U Chgo) 5726 Drexel Av Chicago McBride George William (acad 1881-2 sc 1910-11 Also Sch Phar) Phar Pawpaw 111 McBride Howard Inman (m eng 1915- ) Stu 6336 Ingleside Av Chicago McBride Mrs L W (see McCuskey Jane) t MacBride Owen Earl (arch eng 1907- 9 BS(Chgo)'07) 5726 Drexel Av Chicago ?McBride Ralph (arch eng 1914-15 Also Monmouth Coll) 728 E Second Av Monmouth 111 McBride Wesley Ray (ag 1914-15) McBRIDE— McCARTY 413 Merc Vine St Elgin 111 McBride Willis Brammer (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-3) Law Taylorville 111 *McBroom Alexander (acad 1879-80) d 1899 Spokane Wash McBroom Leland Albert (arch eng 1911-13 Also la St Coll) Stu U Pa 3613 Locust St Philadelphia McCabe Claude Lee (la 1910-14 AB su 1915 Also NY St Nor) Supt Schs Mound City 111 (Willow Hill 111) McCabe Edward David (ag 1911-12) Ag Piano 111 McCabe Lee Vincent (c eng 1907-11) Masonry Insp IC RR 410 Eddings St Fulton Ky (715 Briar PI Chicago) McCabe Lester Thomas (ag 1913-15) Ag 210 Harrison St Ransom 111 McCabe Marie Belle (la 1911-12 su 1915 Also U Wooster & IJ la) Teach 714 S Mill St Pontiac HI IMcCaddon Frank (acad 1907-8) Cham- paign 111 McCafferty Nellie (su 1900) Teach Areola 111 McCaffrey Leslie Bernard (com 1915- ) Stu 221 N Second St Highland Park 111 McCain Myrtle B (Mrs E T Black) (h sc 1904-8 AB) Home Baldwin City Kan (514 E Walnut St Bloom- ington 111) McCall Alice Ruth (la 1914-15) At home 419 Pleasant St Kenosha Wis McCall Arthur Brent (su 1908 &'ll) Teach 631 W Edwards St Springfield 111 (Greenview 111) McCall Eugene Adolphus (la 1897- 1901 AB) Clk Box 181 Brookport HI McCall Frank Smith (sc 1911-12 Also W HI St Nor) Prin Sch 1603 28th St Rock Island 111 (Macomb 111) McCall Sallie Jennie (sp mus 1906-7 Also Chgo Mus Coll & Amer Inst & Ind Nor) Superv Mus Pub Sch 842 N College St Decatur 111 (Bisbee Ariz) tMcCall Thomas (la 1908-9) 5327 Washington Av Chicago McCallister Isaac Trost (m eng 1915- ) Stu Anchor HI McCallister Roy Ivan (com 1915- Also McKendree Coll) Stu Carmi 111 McCammon Martha (la 1914- ) Stu 911 W California St Urbana 111 McCandless Frank James (acad 1904- 5) Teach El Allerton la McCandless Henry Wallace (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-90 BS) Mfg 67- 69 Park PI New York (600 Second St Brooklyn NY) McCandless Howard A (la 1909-11) Asst Mgr The White Garage W Third St & College Av St Paul Minn McCandlish Fred Raymond (ag 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Toledo 111 McCann Jessie Suley (Mrs T C Cog- shall) (lib 1902-5) Home Henry 111 McCanna David Thomas (ag 1912-13) Ag 2026 Third Av S Minneapolis McCannon Maude (Mrs E C Converse) (sc 1905-6) Home University ND McCarroll James Shipp (ag 1914- ) Stu 423 St Ann St Owensboro Ky McCart John Lee (c eng 1914-15) 202 Main St Fort Worth Tex McCarter Daniel (la 1901-3 Also Lake Forest Coll) Dwight 111 McCarthy Bernard James (c eng 1905-7 Also St Viator's Coll) Trav L Wolff Mfg Co 663 W 61st St Chicago McCarthy Carolyn Yeager (su 1908) Prin Washington Sch Granite City HI (Alton 111) McCarthy Daniel Joseph (acad 1896-7) Chandlerville 111 MCCARTHY EllenS (Mrs J W Foley) (AB(Cor)'07 PhD (do) '09 Asst Chem Bur Chem Washington Instr Chem U 111 1909-13) Home 146 Elliott St Yonkers NY (586 Boulevard East Weehawken NJ) "McCarthy Estella May (Mrs Meier) (la 1902-3 AB'05) d April 17 1915 St Paul Minn McCarthy Francis William (c eng 1912- 15 Also McKinley Man Tr Sch) 1162 Fifth St NE Washington McCarthy Harry (m eng 1898-1902 BS) M Eng Chf Draft Nat Tube Co Kewanee Wks 600 E Prospect St Ke- wanee 111 McCarthy Mrs H (see Beebe Florence J) McCarthy Irene Elizabeth (acad 1909- 10) Stu Brenau Coll Gainsville Ga (Cortland NY) McCarthy John (su 1914) 1922 W 35th St Chicago McCarthy John James (lib 1900-4 BLS'13-14) Teach Lane Tech H Sch 744 Belmont Av Chicago McCartney Mrs (see Miller J Grace) McCartney Ward Bishop (m eng 1914- ) Stu 1035 Edwardsburg Av Elkhart Ind t McCartney William Priestly (sc 1888-93 BS MS '00 LLB'01) Gibson Ga McCarty Mrs (see Kaga Josia E) McCarty Charles James (e eng 1894-8 BS) Asst Eng CB&Q RR 221 N View 414 Mccarty— McClelland St Aurora 111 McCarty Emily Lucile (su 1909) Teach 204% E Springfield Av Champaign 111 McCarty John (ag 1900-4 BS) Ag R5 Areola 111 (Tuscola 111) McCarty Laurence Justin (arch 1902- 7 BS) Arch 822 Douglas St Sioux City la McCarty William Austin (la 1913-14) 401 W Chestnut St Robinson 111 McCarty William Frederick (sp ag 1901-5) Grain & Coal Tuscola 111 McCaskey Clare Parsons (la com 1905- 9 AB) Sales Sewell-Clapp Mfg Co 7337 Emerald Av Chicago McCaskey Paul Alfred (la 1907-11 AB) Butler Bros 7337 Emerald Av Chicago (6537 Normal Av Chicago) McCaskey Wendla Justitia (Mrs R C Bardwell) (la 1903-8 AB) Home 4343 Michigan Av Kansas City Mo McCaskill Hadyn Anson (ag 1915- ) Stu R7 Taylorville 111 McCaskill Kenneth Alexander (sp ag 1907-9 ag 1911-14 BS) Ag c/o H J Heinz Co Grand Rapids Mich (Tay- lorville 111) McCaskill Lyman Clauson (ag 1914- ) Stu Taylorville 111 tMcCaskrin George Washington (sc 1890-4 su 1915 Also U Mich) Ran- toul 111 McCaskrin Harry M (sc 1890-4 BS LLB(Mich)'96) Law 1700 E Second Av Rock Island 111 McCaskrin Louise Elizabeth (Mrs J D Stayton) (acad 1889-90 sc 1890-4 BS) Home Rantoul 111 (Texas City 111) McCaughey John Alva (eng 1913-14) Contr 1319 Columbia Av Chicago McCaughey Louis Douglass (e eng 1909-14 BS) E Eng 419 Rebecca Av Williamsburg Pa (Macomb 111) McCaughey William Martin (la com 1913-15) 5402 Magnolia Av Chicago McCauley Charles Hartman (arch 1911-15 BS) Arch 418 St James PI Chicago McCauley James (la 1912-13) Stu Kent Coll 901 N Jefferson St Har- vard 111 ?McCauley James J (la 1871-2) 145 LaSalle St Chicago (Beaucoup 111) McCauley John Charles (la 1871-5 BL) Ret Teach Defiance O *McClain Annie (su 1905) d August 12 1909 Urbana 111 *McClain Charles Allen (sc 1885-6) d Oct 13 1887 Urbana 111 McClain Clara Louise (Mrs Harley Wil- son) (sp mus 1904-7) Home 30 Shep- ard Way Corvallis Ore t McClain Doyle C (acad 1903-8) 904 S Busey Av Urbana 111 McClain Elmer Arthur (acad 1895-6) Arthur 111 McClain Fred H (e eng 1907-10 BS Also Grand Island Coll) Sc 819 S Main St Ottawa Kan (2935 S St Lincoln Neb) *McClain Joseph Judson (gen 1868) d Urbana 111 McClain Mary Elizabeth (la 1882-5 Also New Eng Conserv Mus) At home 609 W Main St Urbana 111 \McClaren Joshua (acad 1880-1) Car- lyle 111 mcClaughry Charles C (acad 1879-80) Joliet 111 McCleary Ben Harrison (la 1908-10 Also U la DO(Amer Sch Osteop) '14) Osteop Kirksville Mo McCleary Florence May (Mrs Ben Plu- mer)(su 1910 Also N 111 St Nor) Home Bassano Alta Can (Chad- wick 111) McCleary Lepha Gertrude (la 1906-9 Also N 111 St Nor) Libr Chadwick 111 McCLELLAN John Hancock (sp sc 1907-8 AB(Mich'97 AM(do) '99 PhD (Harv) '06 MD(Rush) '10 Asst Zool U Mich 1898-9 Instr Zool U 111 1899- 1903 Assoc Zool do 1907-8 Asst Prof Histol & Embryol do 1908-9 Asst Prof Physiol do 1909-10) Med Presby Hospital Congress & Wood Sts Chi- cago (1225 E 54th St) McClellan Kenneth Butler (ag 1914- Also Pa St Coll) Stu 1638 Jarvis Av Chicago McClellan Russel Clyde (eng 1915- ) Stu 109 W Washington Blvd Urbana 111 IMcClelland Adda (su 1902) Broad- lands 111 McClelland Charles Benjamin (su 1908 ag 1910-11) Supt Schs Venice 111 IMcClelland Charles Thomas (c eng 1900-1) Decatur 111 McClelland Clarence Edgar (la 1902-4 MD(NW Med) '07) Med 203 Milli- kin Bk Bldg Decatur 111 McClelland Cochran Bruce (ag 1910 BS (Knox) '09) Ag Galesburg 111 McClelland George Leo (ag 1910-13) 700 Bradley Av Peoria 111 McClelland Mrs Laura Rosemma (Mrs BF)(sul902 BS(Westfield)'81 MS (do) '84 AB(Kan)'09 Also la St Nor) Teach Acad Kansas City U McClelland— mcCObb 415 Kansas City Kan (Holton Kan) McClelland Miles John (arch eng 1912- 13 '15- ) Stu 1401 N 12th St Boise Id McClelland Eobert Alexander Jr (ag 1900-3) Merc Dwight 111 McClelland Thomas ( Hon LL D '05 AB(Ober)'75 AM(do)'83 DD(Tabor) '91 Prof Philos Tabor Coll 1880-91 Pres Pacific U 1891-9) Pres Knox. Coll 1900- 656 N Prairie St Galesburg 111 McClenahan John Eobert (sp ag 1904-5 Wis Dairy Sch 1905-6) Flor Geneva 111 McClenahan William Thompson (mun eng 1907-9 BS Also Monmouth Coll) Eng Chester & Fleming Water Wks Union Bk Bldg Pittsburgh Pa (New Kensington Pa) McClenathan Mrs Effie Elma (sp a&d 1898-9) Home Fairmount 111 *McClintock Alexander Wiley (sc 1891- 2) d Urbana 111 tMcClintock Charles Philip (m eng 1900-1) Philo 111 McClintock Mrs D H (see Frankenberg Pearle) tMcClintock Katherine (sp mus 1908- 9) Pittsfield HI McClintock Margaret (h sc 1909-13 BS) Teach H Sch 152 N Lotus Av Chicago McClory Joseph William (sp ag 1908-9 Also U Notre Dame) Ag Trowbridge 111 tMcCloskey Charles Eay ( sp ag 1908-9 Also DePauw U) Taylorville 111 McCloud James Forsyth (e eng 1913- ) Stu Sheldon HI McCloy Eobert Emmett (acad 1888-90 la 1890-3 BL LLB(Kent Law) '95) Law 838 Greenwood Av Blue Island 111 McCluer Donald (ag 1915- ) Stu E5 (36) Jackson Miss McCluer Mrs EC (see Duffield Ida K) McCluer George vVashington (acad 1879-80 ag 1880-4 BS MS '92 Fore- man Hort Dept U 111 1885-8 Asst Hort Exp Sta & Instr Hort U 111 1888- 96) Ag E5 Jackson Miss McCluer Mrs G W (see Parrill Eliza- beth) McCluer Hugh Aaron (acad 1885-6 arch eng 1886-7) Ag Kinmundy 111 McClugage Harry Bruce (chem eng 1911-15 AB g chem 1915- ) Stu 306 Morgan St Peoria 111 McClung David Arthur (c eng 1907- 11) C Eng Hotel Tioga B & Third Sts San Diego Cal (211 E Sixth St Mt Carmel HI) McClure Adelle Elizabeth (mus 1913- Also Skinner Sch Mus) Stu Atlanta 111 McClure Ara Morgan (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Stanford Mont McCLUEE Charles (Grad(USMil Acad) 1875 Prof Mil Sc & Tactics U 111 1883-6) Maj 14th Inf Presidio San Francisco IMcClure Charles E (acad 1879-80) Mattoon 111 *McClure Clyde Benjamin (c eng 1889-93 BS) d 1901 Tuscola HI McClure Clyde Hull (arch 1902-5) Chem Eng 28 N Market St Chicago (410 Marion St Oak Park 111) ?McClure Edgar Bradfield (acad 1898- 1900 sp la 1900-1) Champaign HI McClure Elizabeth Delilah (Mrs H S Bicket)(la h sc 1903-4 AB BS(I11 Wes)'03) Home 1141 N Church St Eockford HI McClure Leila Violet (g lat 1915- AB (Hedding) '13) Stu Abingdon 111 McClure Ora Deal (la 1887-91 BL) M Eng Ishpeming Mich McClure Eawley Whelan (m eng 1907- 8) Gar Gurnee 111 t McClure Thomas (c eng 1906-7 Also Hedding Coll) Abingdon 111 t McClure Walter Atlee (ag 1910-11) Chrisman 111 McClure Winifred Leo (la h sc 1912- ) Stu Chrisman HI McClurg Cora Ada (Mrs George Cha- pin) (sp mus 1901-4) Teach Voice & Expression Prescott Wis (605 W Green St Urbana 111) t McClurg Ellen Lawson (acad 1909-10) Knoxville Tenn McClurg Lola DeWitt (la 1906-10 AB su 1915) Teach H Sch 108 E High St Urbana 111 McClurg Nelle Irene (la h sc 1907-12 AB) Teach H Sc Kan St Ag Coll Manhattan Kan (108 E High St Ur- bana 111) McClurg Vane (acad 1908-9) Ag Dav- enport Fla (Urbana 111) McClurg Wade (c eng 1909-10 Also Pur U) EE C Eng Falcon Id (Mon- ticello Ind) McClurg Walter Sim (1 1903-6 LLB) Law 12 Chase Bldg Moline HI McClurkin Clifford Henry (1 1911-14) Law Morning Sun la McClurkin Justus Logan (ag 1914- ) Stu Morning Sun la McCOBB Lois Derwentwater (Cert New Eng Conserv Mus Also Internat Sch Operas Teach Mus Pacific U 1900 do Winthrop Coll 1901-4 Instr 416 McCOLLEY— McCOEKLE Voice U 111 1907-13) At home 47 University Ed Brookline Mass McColley Carrie Lucile (Mrs H E Codlin) (la 1913-15 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Home Dallas Center la McCollister Marcus Sanders (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng 4367 Delmar Blvd St Louis (White Hall 111) tMcCollom James Porter (sp ag 1899- 1900) Carthage 111 mccollough Elzy Vern (g econ 1914- 15 AM AB(Tarkio)'08) Instr Econ Accy Pa St Coll State College Pa (Tarkio Mo) MeColluch Mary (sp 1871) Paris 111 \McCollum Cecilia (acad 1904-5) Crystal Lake 111 McCollum Harvey Darling (acad 1895- 6 law 1896-1901 LLB) Law Louis- ville 111 McComb Dana Quick (c eng 1908-10 BS Also Colo Ag Coll) Dist Eng San Fernando La Union PI (Man- ila PI) McComb John Barnet (acad 1904-5 eng 1905-6) Purchasing Agt 1621 W Division St Chicago McComb Mrs Mary Olive (h sc 1909- 10) Teach San Fernando La Union PI McComis Samuel Jay (su 1913&'14& '15 g ed 1915- LLB (Jefferson) '10) Stu Catlettsburg Ky McConaughy Edward Leon (la 1901-3 law 1903-6 LL B) Law E Est Ins & Loans 1026 Seventh St Eochelle 111 *McConaughy Frank Harold (la com 1903-7) d Jan 16 1907 Eochelle HI *McConkey Maud Nellie (sp mus 1896- 7) d Champaign 111 McCONN Charles Maxwell (g 1907-10 AB(Minn) '03 AM (do) '04 Instr Engl Acad U 111 1904-6 Act Prin do 1906*-9 Prin do 1909-10 Sec Bd Trustees U 111 1910-14) Eegistrar U 111 1910- 916 W Nevada St Urbana 111 McConn Mrs G C (see Besore Hazel) McConn Mrs Prudence Pratt (su 1914 &'15 AM (Minn) '05 Home 916 W Nevada St Urbana 111 McConnel Andrew Henry (acad 1907- 8 la 1908-12 AB) Bk Clk Eeynolds 111 McConnel Isaac Marion (acad 1908-10 ag 1910-13) Ag E2 Eeynolds 111 McConnel Marian (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 518 E 31st St Indianapolis *McConnell AB (Trustee 1867-8 Pres St Bd Ag 1865-8) d Dec 26 1906 Springfield 111 McConnell Cecelia (Mrs A J Strohm) (lib 1898-9 Eeviser Lib U 111 1899- 1901) 44 Englewood Av Detroit McConnell Colvin Savage (c eng 1911- 12 Also U Wis) C Eng C&NW EE 126 17th Av Maywood 111 McConnell Ernest (arch 1891-4 BS M Arch '05) Arch Los Angeles Invest Co Los Angeles (815 Campbell St Glendale Cal) McConnell Jessie (Mrs W G Hale) (la 1910-11) Home 1103 W Illinois St Urbana 111 McConnell Marvin Greer (la com 1914- ) Stu 1414 W 62nd St Chi- cago McConnell Wallace Eobert (sc 1910- 12 AB Also W 111 St Nor) Teach St Nor Sch Platteville Wis (Mt Sterling 111) IMcConnell William J (acad 1888-9) Urbana 111 McConney Porter David (acad 1891-4) Trav 904 Walnut St Knoxville Tenn McConney Mrs P D (see Fechet Mary F) McConney Eobert Bonner (m eng 1885-9 BS) Gen Mgr F M Davis Iron Wks Co 8th & Larimer Sts Denver (1162 Vine St) McConoughey A Davies (la 1913-14) 4441 N Kirby Av Chicago *McConoughey Earl Wyeth (c eng 1904-7 BS Also Armour Inst) d June 19 1908 Duluth Minn McConoughey Mabel May (Mrs W E Eiegel)(h sc 1907-8 Also Chgo Nor) Home E6 Tolono 111 * McConoughey Porter David (sc 1909- 11) d June 30 1913 Boston McCool Charles Edward (c eng 1905- 9) Asst Supt Moline Plow Co 588 Lincoln Av Freeport 111 McCord Edith Eebecca (Mrs Clark Gibbs)(su 1901) Home Sioux Falls SD McCord Fitch Landis (ag 1914- ) Stu 419 Prairie St Paris 111 McCord Howard Orestes (com 1915- ) Stu 419 Prairie St Paris 111 McCord James Drist (sp ag 1907-9) Sales 351 Oaks St Portland Ore McCord John Merle (acad 1908-9) Ag Farmer City HI McCord Ealph Nichols (la 1906-10 AB) E Est & Ins 710 E Front St Bloom- ington 111 t McCord William Hamilton (c eng 1890-1) Farmer City 111 McCorkle Cecelia Laura (su 1908 Al- McCORKLE— McCOY 417 so Weldon U) Teach Mounds 111 *McCorkle James H (sp 1868-70) d Fairmont 111 McCORMAC Eugene Irving (BS (Up- per la U)'96 PhB(Yale)'01 Prof Amer Hist U 111 su 1912) Prof Amer Hist U Cal 1909- 1404 Haw- thorne Terr Berkeley Cal McCormack Charles Eugene (e eng 1906-10 BS) Jour 1217 Rosedale Av Chicago mccormack Harry (chem 1896-9 MS BS(Drake)'96) Prof Chem Eng Ar- mour Inst 5229 Ingleside Av Chicago McCormack Joseph Hume (chem eng 1912- ) Stu 1359 Eighth St La Salle 111 McCormack Thomas Hume (la 1914-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 1359 Eighth St La Salle 111 McCormick Mrs Bruce (see Condit Anna H) McCormick Charles Parnell (com 1915- ) Stu 1042 W Decatur St Decatur 111 McCormick Christie Frank (su 1915 Also Drake U) Teach Algona la (810 College Av Alva Okla) t McCormick Cora B (la 1898-1900) Streator 111 McCormick Elmer (m eng 1909-10 '12- 14 BS Also U Minn) Eng 719 25th St Moline 111 * McCormick Elsie Irene (acad 1894-5) d June 4 1902 Champaign 111 McCormick Evert Bruce (1 1903-6 LL B) Sales 847 Barry Av Chicago (Mahomet 111) McCormick Mrs E B (see Manspeaker Edith G) McCormick Flora (Mrs S B Shilling) (acad 1889-90 la 1890-4 BL) Home 629 Buckingham PI Chicago McCormick Howard Bernard (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Pawnee 111 McCormick James (acad 1904-6 ag 1906-7) Ag R3 Perry la ?McCormick Mary Ellen (sp h sc 1903- 6) Ripley O * McCormick Newell M (acad 1876-7) d June 21 1914 Mattoon 111 * McCormick Olin (acad 1892-4) d March 20 1914 Chicago McCormick Oscar Alden (e eng 1904-7 Also Carthage Coll) Ins 411 Union Bldg San Diego Cal (Rl Plymouth 111) McCormick Roscoe Conkling (acad 1896-7 sc 1897-1901 BS MD(P&S) '08) Med Wauconda HI ?McCormick Thomas Philip (m eng 1887-90) 3646 Finney Av St Louis ^McCormick William (acad 1904-5) Garver Station 111 McCormick Mrs William (see Roysden Grace) *McCormick Wirt (la 1887-91 BL) d April 9 1893 Mahomet 111 McCornack Alexander Edwin (la 1906- 7 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '11 Also U Wis) Med 164 Division St Elgin 111 McCornell Charles (la 1911-12) Stu U 111 Coll Dent Gibson City 111 McCornis Samuel Jay (su 1915 Also Berea Coll) Lacon 111 McCotter Gage (su 1910 CE(Pur) , ll) Casualty Ins c/o Prudential Casualty Co Indianapolis McCown Arthur Logan (sp ag 1904-5) Ag R3 Newman 111 McCown Thomas James (e eng 1 1 914- 15) 410 Maiden Lane Huntsville Ala McCown Viana B (su 1906) Teach St Joseph 111 McCown Walter Blaine (acad 1908-9) Gov Clk Dept Interior Darlington Okla (St Joseph 111) McCoy Mrs J (see Sale Edna M) McCoy Alva Elisha (ag 1912- ) Stu Altamont 111 tMaccoy Carleton Stone (ag 1910-11) Morgan Park 111 McCoy Charles B (la 1872-3) Law 11 117 N Dearborn St Chicago (2238 S Michigan Blvd) McCoy Charles Brooks (acad 1901-2 law 1902-6 LL B) Law 603 Cent Mtg Bldg San Diego Cal McCoy Dwight Wesley (la 1908-12 AB) Teach H Sch Sioux City la (Ver- sailles 111) ?McCoy Earl Ellison (sp mus 1904-6) 797 Elm St Dallas Tex t McCoy Henry James (sc 1911-13) Amboy 111 McCoy Homer Walter (ag 1913- ) Stu Mt Sterling 111 McCoy J Harvey (sp ag 1915- Also U Ariz) Stock Kings Mill Farms Grove Va (414 W 149th St New York) McCoy John (acad 1880-2) Poultry Rl West Riverside Cal McCoy John Jay (sc 1910-14) Trav Streator Brick Co Streator HI (2502 Chicago Rd Chicago Heights 111) McCoy Joseph (arch 1902-6 BS) Arch 4856 Dupont Av S Minneapolis McCoy Joseph Stewart (acad 1879- 82) Ag Brimfield 111 (French Grove HI) McCoy Mary Elizabeth (su 1906&'07) Teach 211 W Elm St Urbana HI McCoy Milton Howard (c eng 1904-8 418 McCOY— McCUNE BS) City Eng 16th & Campbell Av Chicago Heights 111 McCoy William Orlin (sp ag 1905-6) Ag & Hort Kupert Id ^McCracken George Milas (acad 1897- 1904) Pana 111 McCracken Howard Orr (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Paxton HI McCracken Eobert Weir (eng 1903-8 BS) Jr C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 731 Wells Fargo Bldg San Francisco McCracken Wendell Kemp (com 1912- ) Stu Paxton 111 McCEAEY Edgar Ware (Attended U Ark 1900-4 Asst Eng St Geol Surv U 111 1907-9) Geol & Oil Producer Box 1447 Tulsa Okla McCray James Daniel (sp ag 1907-9) Ag Earlville 111 *McCrea Charles F (acad 1880-1) d Jan 12 1891 Los Angeles Cal McCrea Hugh Allen (ry e eng 1905-9 BS) E Eng Box 1005 Schenectady NY McCreary Hubert (sp ag 1909-10 Al- so Earlham Coll) Mgr Phillip Weber Mfg Co 805 E Main St Hoopeston 111 McCredie Anna Louise (la 1913-14 Al- so Tabor Coll) Wadsworth 111 t McCredie Hugh Jr (la 1903-5) Okla- homa City McCreery Chester Eoy (sp ag 1904-5) Ag & Stock R3 Augusta 111 McCreery Mrs Eaymond (see Cargill Louise M) McCreery William Newton (acad 1906- 7) Merc 202 E Main St Benton 111 McCrory Grover Garland (g mun eng 1907-8 BCE(Ark)'06) Merc Mc- Crory Ark McCrory Hazel Florence (la 1915- ) Stu 222 W Second St Okmulgee Okla McCrory Mary (Mrs E M Pierce) (la 1895-6) Superv Mus Sch 318 S Mad- ison St Eockford 111 McCubbin Sallie Logan (su 1914) Prin Sch 948 N Walnut St Danville 111 McCue John Edgar (sp ag 1905-7 Al- so S 111 St Nor) Ag E2 Junction 111 McCue Thomas E (su 1901 &'03) Prin H Sch Elkhart 111 (Williamsville 111) McCuen Glenn William (m eng 1907- 10 ag 1914-15 BS) Columbus Ind (Chebanse 111) McCuen Mrs G W (see Nation Mag- gie E) fMcCulloch Albert Barnes (arch 1898- 1901) 2734 Dayton St St Louis WcCulloch Charles S (acad 1882-3) Champaign 111 McCulloch Harry Weber (sc 1906-9 su 1910& , 11&'12& , 14& , 15 AB) Supt Schs Milford 111 (305 Fifth Av Freeport 111) McCulloch Helen (Mrs W E Block) (la 1906-7) Home 210y 2 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 (Evansville lnd) McCulloch Isabella Jane (lib 1902-4 BLS BL(Wis)'97) Libr 1520 Min- eral Point Av Janesville Wis McCulloch Mary Anna (Mrs J I But- ler) (sp 1871-3) Home 3905 Center St San Diego Cal McCulloch Ealph Duncan (acad 1899- 1900) Bnk Varna 111 McCulloch William Wright (su 1905 Also Lillersville Pa Nor) Supt Sch Pontiac 111 (Big Spring Pa) McCullough Clarence Avery (la 1914- 15 Also Baker U) Stu Baker Coll Urbana 111 McCullough Fred John (eng 1900-4 BS) Mgr Opr Elect Light Plant Gib- son City 111 (203 N Locust St Cen- tralia 111) McCullough Frederick E (la 1904-7 AB) Credit Man 5610 Michigan Av Chicago (Streator 111) *McCullough Harry Winfield (arch eng 1906-7) d March 21 1914 Moorehead Minn McCullough Helen E (la h sc 1912- ) Stu E10 Urbana 111 McCullough Jessie Olive (Mrs G H Meyer) (la 1891-3) Home Hazel & Greenleaf Avs Glencoe 111 McCullough Mary Elizabeth (la 1914- ) Stu E10 Urbana 111 McCully Clinton Thomas (acad 1901- 2 la 1902-6 AB) Ins 609 S Busey Av Urbana 111 McCully Mrs C T (see Nichol Anice E) McCully Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs E P Chapin) (la 1901-2 AB) Home Free- burg 111 McCully William Ashway (c eng 1901- 4 BS) Contr Mackinaw 111 McCumber Charles William (arch eng 1912- Also U Chgo) Stu 10350 S Seeley Av Chicago McCune Fred Leavitt (m eng 1896-7 '98-1901 BS) Eng 3424 W 62nd PI Chicago McCune Henry L (la 1879-83 BL Al- so Col U) Law 3516 Holmes St Kan- sas City Mo McCune Joseph McCrary (la & law 1909-13 AB Also Colo Coll & Kansas City Sch Law) Law 831 Scurritt Bldg Kansas City Mo (600 W 56th St) McCUNE— McDOUGALL 419 \McCune Myron I (acad 1881-3) Ipava HI McCURDY Robert M (Order Libr U 111 1907-11) Catg 2 E 57th St New York McCuskey Jane (Mrs L W McBride) (la 1909-10) Home Varna 111 McCuskey Winifred E (acad 1908-9 sp la 1909-10) Teach Varna 111 McDANIEL Allen Boyer (BS(Mass Tech) '01 Prof C Eng U SD 1907- 12) Asst Prof C Eng U 111 1912-16) Head Dept Gen Eng Union U Sche- nectady NY McDaniel Fannie May (su 1904&'06& >07&'08&'ll) Teach 706 S Third St Champaign 111 McDaniel Homer Wesley (la 1915- ) Stu Mechanicsburg 111 McDaniel Lillie (su 1904&'07& , 08&'09) Teach 706 S Third St Champaign 111 McDannald Mrs C E (see Hanawalt Edith) ?McDannell Urillo S (c eng 1870-2) Rock Island 111 McDavid Joel Furnas (la 1912-13 Al- so Millikin U) Stu U Chgo 5719 Kenwood Av Chicago McDermet Rudolph (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-14 MS) E Eng Res Mellon Inst Industrial Res U Pittsburg (807 W Green St Urbana HI) McDermott Raymond Adam (la 1913- ) Stu 204 Main St Batavia 111 McDEWELL Horatio S (BS(Harv) '07 MME(do)'08) Instr M Eng U 111 1914- 1405 S Orchard St Urbana 111 (94 Addington Rd Brookline Mass) McDill James* Theodore (m eng 1893- 4) Pharm Rl Dolores Colo (Spar- ta 111) MacDonald Ada Lucille (mus 1914-15 Also 111 St Nor U) 130 Tenth St Lin- coln 111 ?McDonald Alexander (sc 1872-4) Champaign 111 Macdonald Alexander Paul Jr (ag 1912- ) Stu 628 Illinois Av Morris 111 McDonald Alice Birdie (la 1906-8 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Stu U Chgo c/o Frances Shimer Sch Mt Carroll 111 (Charleston 111) McDonald Elmer Massey (ag 1908-10 BS g 1910-12 Also Wabash Coll Instr Crop Prod U 111 1910-12) Instr Ag Mass Ag Coll 1912- Amherst Mass (Lerna 111) McDonald Georgia Helen (la h sc 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Ler- na 111 McDonald Grace (su 1914&'15 Also S 111 St Nor) 508 E Main St Marion 111 MacDonald Herbert William (arch eng 1908-13) Drafts R3(74) North Puyallup Tacoma Wash McDonald James Edward William (acad 1910-11 min eng 1911-14 BS) Eng Crane Co 4717 Kimbark Av Chicago MacDONALD Janet Malcolm (g latin 1912-13 MA AB(Morningside Coll) '10) Instr Latin Morningside Coll 1015 Sixth Av N Ft Dodge la McDonald Joseph Nelson (m eng Feb 1916- Also U Chgo) Stu 5207 Woodlawn Av Chicago McDonald Lewis (c eng 1905-8 AB & BS Also McKendree Coll Asst C Eng U 111 1908-10) C Eng 311 30 Church St New York (1609 Beverley Rd Brooklyn NY) ?McDonald Newton F (la 1878-9) Sa- lem 111 tMacDonald Ronald (la 1907-8 Also Prin U) 130 Franklin St Danville HI ?MacDonald Walter Nimmions (sp arch eng 1903-4 su 1904 Also Wooster U) 5806 Washington Av Chicago MacDonald William Towner (m eng 1906-10) Sales Standard Oil Co 105 S Austin Av Oak Park 111 (303 Main St Aurora 111) MacDonald Mrs W T (see Harley Mil- dred E) t McDonnell Marie Josephine (su 1909) 313 Winthrop Av Chicago McDonnell Urillo Samuel (c eng 1870- 2) Rock Island 111 McDonough Adelaide Belle (Mrs R E Lee) (la 1902-4) Home 208 E 24th St Cheyenne Wyo McDonough John (acad 1901-5 e eng 1905-8) Asst Supt Shops Locomotive Dept Mt Clare Shops B&O RR Bal- timore McDonough Joseph (eng 1915) 405 E Elm St Urbana HI McDorman John Allen (sp ag 1902-5) Ag R2 S Charleston O MacDougal Helen Alice (la 1915- ) Stu 411 Cross St Cairo 111 McDougall Agnes (Mrs S T Henry) (la 1902-5 AB) Home 15 27th St Fushing New York McDougall Viola Glenwood (h sc 1905- 7) Nurse 621 S Union Av Los Angeles McDOUGALL Walter Byron (AB (Mich) '11 PhD(do)'13) Instr Plant Physiol U 111 1913- 202 W Univer- 420 McDOUGLE— McFADDEN sity Av Urbana 111 (207 Observatory St Ann Arbor Mich) McDougle Charles (acad 1906-7 sp ag 1907-8) Ag E4 Charleston 111 McDougle Grace Almira (ag h sc 1914- 15 Also E 111 St Nor) At home Humbolt 111 McDougle Jesse S (sp ag 1905-7) Teach E4 Charleston 111 McDougle May (Mrs E D Furry) (ag h sc Feb 1913 Also E 111 St Nor) Home 403 Third Av Detroit McDougle Verne Eussell (arch eng 1912-13 Also Millikin'U) Instr Man Tr Millikin U Decatur 111 (E4 Charleston 111) McDowell Elmer Newton (acad 1901- 2 DDS U 111 Coll Dent) '05) Dent Eed Lodge Mont McDowell Ishmael (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-11 BS) E Eng Western Elect Co 324 S Sacramento Blvd Chi- cago McDowell Malcolm Jr (acad 1879-80) Sec Indian Comm US Dept Interior Washington McDowell Eeuben Eoss (sc 1904-8) Overland Motor Car Co 2426 Michi- gan Blvd Chicago (Lewistown 111) McDowell Eobert E (ag 1914-16 BS Also Davidson Coll) E3 Charlotte NC McDowell Samuel Kline (su 1907&'08 &'09&'11&'12&'13 BS(Tri-State Coll) '09 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs 616 Honeywell Av Hoopeston 111 (Le Eoy 111) McDowell Sidney Monroe (eng 1915- Also Syr U) Stu Addison NY McDowell Vann Essa (la 1909-10) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Forrest 111 McDowell William Orin (sc 1897-8 MD(P&S)'01) Med Grundy Center la (Waterloo la) Mace Hugh Harrison (la Feb 1915 Edit 100 Wabash Av Belleville 111 McEathron William J (acad 1879-80 sc 1881-3) Lena 111 Maceda Sixto (su 1905) Teach Pag- sanjan La Laguna PI McEldowney Eoy (m eng 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu 1313 E 64th St Chi- cago *McElfresh Fred Morgan (sc 1888-91 BS'99) d Sept 1906 Oswego Ore McElheny Fred Wayne (la 1915- ) Stu 223 N Second St Vandalia 111 McElherne James Charles Jr (c eng 1906-8 Also Mo Sch Mines) C Eng San Diego Securities Co San Diego Cal (604- 23rd St Eock Island 111) McElhiney Florence (Mrs J M Evans) (sp la 1912-13 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Midland City 111 McElhiney Lee Allen (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-10 BS) C Eng IC EE 1511 E 60th St Chicago (Kenney 111) McElhiney Euth (la 1914- Also Mil- likin U) Stu Kenney 111 McElmurry Eilla (Mrs W C Eells) (g h sc 1908-9 BS(SD Ag) '07) Home 129 Wellendorf Av Youngstown O (Brookings SD) McElroy John Howard (c eng 1889 AB(DePauw)'88 AM(do) '91 LLB (Geo Wash U) '92 LL M(do) '93) Pa- tent Law 1429 Monadnock Blk Chi- cago fMcElroy Mary (la 1875-82 sp la 1885-6) Champaign 111 McELEOY Mildred Cherington (lib 1914- AB(OhioWes)'14) Lib Asst U 111 1915- 1004 W California Av Ur- bana 111 (57 Oakhill Av Urbana 111) *McElroy Thurman Eric (ag 1908-11) d Nov 3 1911 Bardolph 111 McElvain Ernest Cowens (m eng 1909- 11) Constr Wk IC EE Pinckneyville hi MacElvain Ford Harsch (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 360 Short St Laurence- burg Ind McElveen William Thomas Jr (com 1913- Also Dart Coll) Stu 1110 Judson Av Evanston 111 McElwain Jennie (su 1909 BS(Hed- ding) '05) Teach Knaxville 111 McEvers Ernest (e eng 1914- ) Stu Montezuma 111 McEvoy Cecil Calvert (sp law 1906-10 LLB(I11 Wes)'12) Law & Ins 312 Maloney Bldg Ottawa 111 t McEvoy Harry Herbert (acad 1904-5) Ottawa 111 McEvoy John Stewart (arch eng 1905- 7 '09-10) Ins Ottawa 111 McEvoy Myrtle Loretta (la h sc 1911- 13) 206 N Madison St Peoria 111 McEvoy Thomas Treston (ag 1913- ) Stu 618 Bowen Av Chicago McEWEN George Francis (AB(LeStan) '08 PhD(do)'ll Instr Ap Math Le Stan U 1910-11 Instr Math U 111 1911-12) Hydrographer Scrippe Inst Biolog Ees Lo Jolla Cal McFadden Alice Alberta (la 1891-3) PO Clk 302 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 McFadden Mrs B L (see Aubere Pearl L) McFadden Belle Lorraine (la 1893-7 AB) Teach 302 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 McFADDEN— McGEE 421 ?McFadden Cordelia (sp 1873-4) Cham- paign 111 McFadden Joel Parkhurst (m eng 1903-4 Also Cor U & Mich Coll Mines) M Eng 6912 Eggleston Av Chicago t McFadden John Hill (sp la 1897-8) Areola 111 McFadden Lill (Mrs George Wallace) (sp la 1890-1) Home 302 W Spring- field Av Champaign 111 t McFadden Mary Annie v s P 1873-4) Champaign 111 ?McFadden Sharon Carter (m eng 1873- 4) Champaign 111 McFadden Stanley Bruce (ag 1909-12) Grain Merc Havana 111 McFaddin Sidney (sp ag 1892-3) Ag & Auctioneer Pittsfield 111 IMcFadyen Agnes (acad 1888-9) Hen- ry 111 McFall Dumas Miller (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 1321 Charleston Av Mattoon 111 *McFall Howard M (acad 1879-80) d Oct 10 1899 Mattoon 111 McFall James Allison (sc 1872-5) In- terurban Promotor Mattoon 111 McFarland Mrs (see Massey Esther) McFarland Dan (sp ag 1912-14 Also Highland Park Coll) Ag McLean 111 McFARLAND David Ford (AB(Kan) '00 AM(do)'01 MS(Yale)'03 PhD (do) '09 Instr Chem U Kan 1900-2 Asst Prof Chem & Metallurgy do 1903- 10 Asst Chem Yale U 1908-9) Asst Prof Ap Chem & 1st Asst Chem Eng Exp Sta U 111 1910- 906 Gregory PI Urbana 111 McFarland Ellis Dean (ag 1910-14 BS Also Knox Coll) Asst Sec Per- cheron Soc America Union Stock Yds Chicago (7919 May St) McFarland Etta Clara (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach R4 Hoopeston 111 ?McFarland Eugene Harris (arch eng 1908-12 BS Also Valley City St Nor) Superv Arch El Paso Tex McFarland Freemarl Chester (arch eng 1908-9) Arch Valley Springs ND * McFarland Herman Earl (acad 1897- 8) d Sept 23 1898 Camp Cuba Libre Jacksonville Fla McFarland Ida Ester (Mrs R R Cheno- weth)(h sc 1875-6) Home Bruning Neb McFarland John Albert (chem 1899- 1903 BS) Vice-Pres Bird Archer Co 513 Frisco Bldg (1241 Hamilton Av St Louis) McFarland Mrs J A (see Siegel Paula A) McFarland Leslie Harold (^sp arch eng 1903-4 Also 111 Wes U) M Eng Tre- mont 111 McFarland Robert Bruce (arch eng 1913- Also Washburn Coll) Stu 1100 Harrison St Topeka Kan McFarland Walter E (sp m eng 1903- 5) Auto Mech Mackinaw 111 McFarland Will Johnson (sc 1903-7 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Publ 623 S Wabash Av Chicago (Carrollton 111) Macfarlane Menzie (ag 1914-15 Also Ag Coll Utah) Asst Mgr Clayton & Marlowe Live Stock Co 25 S St Salt Lake City (Gogorza via Park City Utah) MacFARLANE Wallace (g chem 1912-13 MS 1913-15 PhD BS(Utah Ag)'10) 25 S St Salt Lake City McFarren Benjamin Warren (c eng 1908-9 Also Dickinson Coll) C Eng LS&MS RR YMCA Bldg Erie Pa (303 W Tremont St Massillon O) McFerson Grant (acad 1883-5) St Bk Examiner Boulder Colo McFerson William H (arch eng 1913- 15 Also U Colo) Arch Draft 928 Mapleton Av Boulder Colo McFie Amelia May (la h sc 1914- Also U N Mex) Stu 130 Manhattan Av Santa Fe N Mex McGaffigan Emma F (su 1914) Car- lyle HI McGaffy Aircil (sp la 1896-7) R Est Necedah Wis McGahey Leah Catherine (Mrs E W Reef) (su 1900) Home Carbondale 111 *McGalliard Arthur Gibbs (acad 1892- 3) d Lincoln 111 Mc Garry Grace Margaret (h sc 1911- 12) Stu U Wis 306 N Lockwood Av Chicago McGaughey Mrs D S (see Smith Gladys M) McGaughey Guy Ennis (la 1911-15 law 1915- ) Stu 913 E State St Lawrenceville HI mcGaviC Fred O (acad 1883-5) Keo- kuk la McGaw Agatha Alice (la 1910-12) 1227 Leighton St Keokuk la tMcGee Benjamin Franklin (la 1896-8) Vienna 111 McGee Charles Howard (acad 1894-5) Ag Sidell 111 McGee Edna Amelia (sp mus 1907-9 la 1909-14 AB) Teach St Joseph 111 tMcGee Eleanor (sp 1896-7) New Burnside 111 McGee Ralph Mayfield (la 1913-14) 606 State St Champaign 111 McGee Thomas Clarence (la 1915- ) 422 McGEE— McGRATH Stu 1800 Belmont Av E St Louis 111 McGee Walter Scott (la 1889-93 BS g '94-5 Asst Math U 111 1894-5) Teach 5327 Ellis Av Chicago McGehee Hester Elizabeth (Mrs Gene Hall)(su 1914 Also Western Coll) 705 W High St Urbana 111 McGehee Seelye Wright (acad 1910-11 la 1913-15) Sales 705 W High St Urbana 111 McGehee Wilbur (ag 1915- ) Stu 705 W High St Urbana 111 McGhee Ora M (acad 1909-11 ag 1911-15 BS) 708 S Goodwin Av Ur- bana 111 (Norris City 111) McGill Charles Clement (acad 1907-8 Also U Mich) Eastern Sales Eepr 50 Church St Hudson Terminal Bldg New York (Indianapolis) McGill Elizabeth Roberts (la 1908-12 AB) Teach 4036 Adams St Chicago ?McGill Ruel Starr (m eng 1897-8) 1753' Columbia Rd Washington McGill Webster David (e eng 1915- ) Stu 833 S Fourth St Watseka 111 McGilligan Homer Andrew (sp ag 1906-7) Ag R3 Findlay 111 MacGILLIVRAY Alexander Dyer (PhB (Cor) '00 PhD (do) 7 04 Instr Entom Cor U 1900-6 Asst Prof Entom & In- vert Zool do 1910-11 Asst Prof Sys Entom U 111 1911-13) Assoc Prof Sys Entom U 111 1913- 603 W Mich- igan Av Urbana 111 MacGillivray Malcolm Edwards (la 1914- ) Stu 603 W Michigan Av Urbana 111 McGillivray Perry (ag 1911-12) Sales 112 S Wesley Av Oak Park 111 (438 N Prairie Av Chicago) McGILVREY John Edward (AB(Ind) '95 Asst Prof Ped & H Sch Visitor U 111 1896-9 Prin Cleveland Nor 1899- 1908 Supt Cleveland City Farm Sch 1908-10 Dir Ed W 111 St Nor 1910-11 Act Prin do 1911-12) Pres Kent Ohio St Nor 1912- Kent O McGilvery Mrs Mary Kelly (MrsJE) (la 1896-9 AB) Home 238 E Main St KentO McGinley Mrs Gertrude Knowles (Mrs William McGinley) (see also Knowles Gertrude) (sp la 1904-5) mcgjnnis Mary Ola (la 1898-1902 AB g 1905-6 Also Shelby ville Nor) Law 204-5 Citizen's Bk Bldg Decatur 111 (Moweaqua 111) McGinnis Albert Henry (sp 1912-13) Ag R36 Mendota 111 McGinnis Archibald M Jr (e eng 1907- 10) Stu Butler Coll c/o G P Meier 3128 N Pennsylvania St Indianapolis (Effingham 111) McGinnis Charles Allen (su 1910 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Anna 111 tMcGinnis Cora Nell (sp la 1898-1900) Dawson 111 McGinnis Harvey (m eng 1905-9 BS) 476 Downer PI Aurora 111 McGinnis Lulu Rose (la 1901-2) At home 1004 W Edwards St Spring- field 111 McGinnis Mary Ola (la 1898-1902 AB su 1908 g bot 1909-10 AM) Teach Yeatman H Sch 3739 Windsor PI St Louis McGlachlin Mrs T L (see Beck Flor- ence M) McGlashan Duncan Stewart (la 1881-2 BTh( Morgan Park Theol Sem) '92) Mintr Fruita Colo (Frankfort Sta- tion 111) tMcGlynn John J (su 1911) E St Louis 111 McGorrish Daniel Hunt (arch eng 1909- 13) Supt Bldg Constr 1710 Croeker St Des Moines la ?McGough Mrs Blanche (sp mus 1911- 12) 301 W Illinois St Urbana 111 McGOVNEY Charles Samuel (BS(Pur) '01 Deputy St Chem Ind Exp Sta 1903- 4 Asst Fuel Test Eng Exp Sta U 111 1906-7) 116 E Berry St Alexandria Ind McGOVNEY Dudley Odell (AB(Ind) '01 AM(Harv) '04 LLB(Col) '07 Instr Pol Sc Ind U su 1907 Instr Law & Sec Law Sch U 111 1907-8 Prof Law & Ex Sec Law Dept Tulane U 1908- 12) Prof Law U Mo 1914- 1321 Keiser Av Columbia Mo *McGowan Thomas Fenton (la 1913-15 law 1915- ) d Dec 22 1915 Decatur 111 McGrath Floyd Lawrence (sc 1913- ) Stu 112 Madison St Savanna 111 McGrath Francis Xavier (la 1908-12 AB) Ins 501 3rd Nat Bk Bldg St Louis 1510 Locust St McGrath James Miles (sc 1911-14 BS) Prin Schs Latham 111 (215 W Mon- roe St Springfield 111) *McGrath John (acad 1891-2) d Mon- mouth 111 McGrath Mae Theresa (Mrs B H Pat- terson) (sp mus 1905-7) Home 716 W 22nd St Kearney Neb t McGrath Michael Andrew (su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U) Assumption 111 McGrath Richard Cecil (la 1913-14) Cement Insp 845 Lakeside PI Chi- cago McGrath Sylvester Joseph (chem eng McGRATH— McINTIEE 423 1901-3 '04-5 AB) Chem c/o O'Brien Varnish Co South Bend Ind McGrath Wilson Thomas (la 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 4228 Wilcox Av Chicago McGraw Katherine (mus 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 307 E University Av Champaign 111 McGraw Katherine Leslie (la 1910-14 AB lib 1914-15) Catg U 111 Lib 1915- 206 W University Av Urbana 111 McGraw Thomas Francis (la com 1914- 15) 307 E University Av Champaign 111 McGregor Dudley Gear (la 1913-14) Auto Supplies McGregor & Sons 1215 State St Santa Barbara Cal (104 S Second St Maywood 111) MacGregor Halbert P (chem eng 1908- 12 BS) Consult Chem Eng 535 1st Nat Bk Bldg Denver (Estes Park Colo) *mcgregor Harold Hossack (g chem 1912-14 PhD BA(McMaster)'09 MS Louisville) '12) d Sept 13 1915 Ot- tawa Can MacGREGOR Hazel Hope (Mrs M E Rice) (g sc 1908-9 AM BS(Yankton) '06 AM(do)'07) Home 808 Illinois St Lawrence Kan McGregor John Lancaster (c eng 1914- ) Stu 2736 W Congress St Chicago *MacGregor Leonard Allen (acad 1891- 2 arch 1892-5) d March 15 1895 Earlville HI MacGregor Robert Donald (ag 1915- ) Stu 1635 Fillmore St Topeka Kan tMcGregor William George (acad 1881- 2 m eng 1882-5) 692 W Monroe St Chicago McGrew Charles Babcock (arch 1909- 13) Draft Lewistown HI McGrew Mrs Hattie Marston (su 1906 &'07 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 404 E Washington St Hoopeston 111 McGrew LeRoy (su 1907 Also Geneseo Nor) Teach Bliss Id McGrew Oliver Marston (su 1906) Sales 4007 Grand Blvd Chicago (Hoopeston 111) McGrew Wallace Milton (arch eng 1915- * ) Stu 2501 E Fourth St Long Beach Cal McGuhmess Hugh Stanley (la 1913-15) Med Stu 3452 N Hamlin Av Chicago McGuire Ralph (ag 1915- ) Stu 3928 N Kilbourn Av Chicago McGuire Thomas Forrestt (eng 1913- 14) Stu Valparaiso U 853 E Wayne St Noblesville Ind McGuire Walter John (la com 1911-12) R Est 500 Adams St Glencoe 111 McGurty Mary Agnes (su 1909) Sec to Dean Coll L&A U 111 1915- 310 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Mach George Robert (ag 1915- ) Stu Box 199 Brookfield 111 Machamer Elmer Edward (e eng 1909- 10) Bnk Fulton HI Machamer Ivan Garfield (ag 1905-7) Dist Agt Union Cent Life Ins Co 207 Carroll St Freeport 111 \Machamer Walter Ellis (acad 1903-4) Fulton HI *Machan George Stover (acad 1884-6 la 1886-7) d April 6 1901 Providence RI McHarry Jessie * (la 1907-11 AB g 1911-12 AM) Teach Rantoul 111 McHarry Liesette Jane (la 1908-12 AB) At home 307 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 MacHatton Ralph Alexander (sp la 1912-13) Lit 1029 N Dearborn Av Chicago Machen George Bruce (la com 1905-7) Bnk Savanna 111 Machovec Edward Paul (m eng 1913- Also U Kan) Stu 2604 Lockridge PI Kansas City Mo McHugh Mrs (see Akers Nellie) *McHugh Austin Flint (acad 1885-6 la 1886-7) d May 10 1915 Wichita Kan McHugh George B (sc 1884-8 BS Asst Chem U HI 1888-9) Gov 1122 Court- landt St Houston Tex McHugh Grover (e eng 1905-8 Also NW U) Sales 72 Marion St Seattle (El Paso 111) Mcllduff Thomas E (acad 1879-80) Contr 3721 Raleigh St Denver (2219 Washington Blvd Chicago) McIdhenny Mary Elizabeth (sc 1900- 4 AB Also U Mich) Teach H Sch St Johns Mich (Macomb HI) *McIlvaine Brown Erwin (la 1900-2 LL B) d Jan 14 1903 Tuscola 111 tMcIlvaine Edith (su 1907 Also W 111 St Nor) Bushnell 111 MaciNNES Duncan Arthur (sc 1908-9 MS g 1909-11 PhD BS (Utah) '07 Instr Chem U HI 1911-14) Assoc Chem U 111 1914- 614 Michigan Av Urbana HI Maclnnes Frances Jean (sc 1912- ) Stu 614 Michigan Av Urbana HI McIntire Ella Elliott (la 1904-8 AB lib 1908-9 BLS) Libr Huron Coll Huron SD (1009 Oregon St Urbana HI) 424 McINTIRE— McKALE Mclntire Elliot Charles (com 1915- ) Stu 139 Galena Blvd Aurora 111 McIntire James Franklin (arch 1901-5 BS) Boiler Eng US Radiator Co 432 Hancock W Detroit McIntire Mary Minerva (la 1902-6 AB) Teach H Sch 419 N Gilbert St Danville 111 (1009 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111) Mclntire Merton Pearson (acad 1893 '95-6) Station RR Clk R3 Ellens- burg Wash (Neponset 111) Mclntire Virion Willard (su 1914 Also NW U) Prin H Sch Sidell 111 McIntire William Raphael (c eng 1908-12 BS) Supt Constr D H Burn- ham & Co RR Exch Bldg Chicago (2104 N Ballon St)' Mcintosh Charles M (su 1895 Also LeStan U) Co Supt Schs Piatt Co Monticello 111 *McINTOSH Donald (VS (Toronto Vet) Prof Vet Sc U 111 1885-1915) d Sept 5 1915 Portland Me Mcintosh Eunice May (Mrs F E Mer- rill) (sp mus 1910-11 Also NW U) Home 716 Foster St Evanston 111 McIntosh Harold Stanton (m eng 1909-13 BS) Auto 2042 E 115th St Cleveland (Box 482 Geneva 111) f Mcintosh Harrison E (acad 1904-5) Danville 111 ^Mcintosh James William (acad 1905- 6) Danville 111 Mcintosh Katherine Eleanor Annie (la 1898-1902) At home 511 W Park Av Champaign HI t Mcintosh Mabel Charlotte Urquhart (sp mus 1891-4 '98-1901) Cham- paign 111 Mcintosh Melvin Clark (m eng 1884-5) Expert Estimator & Appraiser 420 Ashland Blk Chicago Mcintosh Raymond Donald (1 1906-7 '09-11) Clk Duxbury Mass Mcintosh Winifred Wilhelmina (sp 1891-4) At home 511 W Park Av Champaign 111 Maclntyre Archibald Duck (1 1903-4 Also Harv U 1907-8) Bnk Joliet Trust & Sav Bk Joliet 111 *McINTYRE Catherine McCallum (Sec Ag Exp Sta U 111 1900-12) d Feb 25 1912 Urbana HI Mclntyre Charles E (la 1894-5) Ag Newman 111 Mclntyre Esther (Mrs J R Hopkins) (la 1913-14) Home Marshall Ind (Newman 111) McIntyre Eva Lyle (Mrs Paul Gaug- er)(la 1907-11 AB g 1911-12 Also Ferry Hall) Lect 501 Fifth Av S St Cloud Minn McIntyre George Edward (arch eng 1909-13 BS Also Monmouth Coll) Arch Eng Bus Exch Nat Bk Bldg Hast- ings Neb (603 N Denver Av) Mclntyre James Colley (la com 1911- 13) Ag Newman 111 McIntyre John Verner (la com 1906-9 AB) Bnk Eagle Point Ore (New- man 111) Mclntyre Joseph Homer (ag 1915- ) Stu Newman 111 Maclntyre Katherine (h sc 1911-12) Sec & Asst Copy Edit 9439 St Law- rence Av Chicago McIntyre Mabel ( la 1909-13 AB ) Newman 111 Mclntyre Margaret Pearl (Mrs J S Coolley)(sp 1897-9 Also Amer Con- serv Mus) Home 1304 Euclid Av Oklahoma City t Mclntyre Mary Alice (acad 1899 1900) Newman 111 Mclntyre Merton Pearson (acad 1893- 6) Station RR Clk R3 Ellensburg Wash t Mclntyre Otto Everett (la com 1908- 10) Benton 111 McIntyre Ruhama Louise (la 1904-7 AB Also 111 Wes U) Teach New- man 111 McIntyre William B (la 1886-93 Cert) Priest 2424 18th Av S Minneapolis mclntyre William John (acad 1880-1) Chebanse 111 Macis Joan Rafael (ag 1913-14 Also Pratt Inst) c/o A L Moreno 58 Pine St New York ?Macis John Randolph (eng 1913 Also Pratt Inst) 58 Pine St New York Mc Johnston Claude Allen (su 1914) Bkpr 2622 Hartzell St Evanston 111 McJOHNSTON Harrison (g engl 1913- 14 AB(NW)'07 MA(do)'14 Instr Carroll Coll & U Chattanooga Asst Engl U 111 1913-14) Instr Bus Engl & Sales U 111 1914- 1104 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (Evanston 111) McJohnston Mary Jarvis (su 1914) 19 Washington Av Evansville Ind Mack Ida Rose (la 1908-10 su 1911 Also Chgo Teach Coll) At home 2817 Pine Grove Av Chicago Mack John Michael (acad 1895-'6) Ag & Stock R2 Viola 111 Mack Louis William (la 1903-6 AB LLB(Harv)'10 Alto U Chgo) Law 1620 134 S La Salle St Chicago (2817 Pine Grove Av) %Mack Roscoe D (acad 1881-3) Paris 111 McKale James Fred (su 1914 Also Albion Coll) Dir Athl U Ariz Tuc- MACKAY— McKENNA 425 son Ariz *Mackay Daniel S (la 1872-6 BL '95) d Jan 15 1915 Mt Carroll 111 McKay Dea David (la 1911-13 law 1913-14) Stu 111 Wes U 335 S Fifth Av Canton 111 Mackay Duncan F (acad 1883-4 sp 1884-5) Cash Mackay Bros Bk Mad- ison SD McKay Ernest Gladstone (ag 1915- ) Stu 2016 Sheridan Ed Evanston 111 McKay Francis Marion (acad 1877-8 la 1878-81 BL Also 111 St Nor U Trus- tee U 111 1886-95 '96-1903 Pres Bd Trustees 1896-8) Prin Pub Sch Evans- ton 111 mackay Henry (la 1872-6 Hon ML '92) Law Mt Carroll 111 McKay James Robertson (arch eng 1910-11) Mgr Creamery 909 Forest Av Evanston 111 Mackay Jesse John (ag 1903-7) Bnk Madison SD *Mackay John Livingston (m eng 1882- 5) d Jan 15 1915 Mt Carroll 111 Mackay Philip Alexander (^acad 1885-6 sc 1886-7 Also Cor U 1888-9) Chem Eng Supt Chem Wks Sulphide Corp Boolaroo New S Wales Australia Mackay Robert Partello (ag 1908-12) Ag Mt Carroll 111 Mackay Sarah Davina (Mrs C C Aus- tin) (sc 1903-7 AB MS (Mich) '10 PhD (do) '12) Mich Eugenics Comm . Mt Carroll 111 *Mackay William A (la 1872-6 BL) d April 1 1915 Madison SD Mackay Zella Graham (Mrs A Joiner Jr)(h sc 1904-8 Also Wheaton Coll) Home Polo 111 McKean Leonard Albert (sc 1907-8 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Princeton 111 (Woodson 111) MacKechnie Harry Woodington (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 1164 Pacific St Brooklyn NY McKee DeWitt Talmage (acad 1904-5) Ag Stewart Minn McKee Edna Bell (la 1909-11 '12-15 AB) Teach Rl Kankakee 111 McKee Edwin Brown (e eng 1910 Also NW U) Commission Man 4155 Flad Av St Louis * McKee Eli Earl (acad 1891-3) d April 1900 Rising 111 McKee James Harry (acad 1892-3 m eng 1893-6 BS g m eng 1896-8 ME Asst M Eng U 111 1897-8) Chf Draft Austin Mfg Co 79 W 150th St Har- vey HI McKee Jasper Bourdette (sp ag 1901- 2) Ag Sheffield HI McKee Josephine Pearl (la h sc 1912- 13 mus 1913-14) Music Superv Ha- vana 111 McKee Mary Annette (la 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Rl Kankakee 111 McKee Olivetta (Mrs Ralph L Kelley) (h sc 1910-14 AB) Home Urbana 111 (Fairbury 111) McKee Paul Harmon (la 1908-12 AB Also Cor Coll) YMCA Sec Marshall- town la McKee Paul Sloan (la 1907-11) Ins Star Store Bldg Tuscola 111 McKee Russell Vinton (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Washburn 111 McKee Ruth (la 1911-12) At home Sparta 111 McKee Thomas William (acad 1907- 10) Asst Sec RR YMCA 2300 S Washington St Peoria 111 (St Clair Mo) McKee Will E (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-90 BS) Supt Mach C&AM Co Warren Ariz McKeever Robert Emmett (e eng 1914- ) Stu Jackson Neb McKeever William Earl (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Gibson City 111 McKeever Mrs W E (see Charles Alta A) McKeighan James Leslie (sp ag 1901- 3) Ag Yates City 111 mckellogg Carl Stone (g chem 1914- 15 AM AB(Ober) '14) Teach H Sch Bucyrus O (53 W Vine St OberliD O) McKelvey Arthur Wilson (la 1904-9 AB Also U Wis) Merc Sparta 111 McKelvey Elizabeth Argyle (su 1913 Also Monmouth Coll) Teach H Sch Sparta 111 McKelvey Frank Hotchkiss (ag 1902- 7 BS) Ag R3 Sparta 111 McKelvey Mrs Frank H (see Lee Ger- trude A) McKelvey James Morrison (sp m eng 1900-1) Clk MK&T RR Sedalia Mo McKelvey Sidney Algernon (ag 1910- 12 Also Valparaiso U) Ag Sparta HI McKelvey Willard Frederick (la com 1906-9) Mgr Gar Sparta 111 mckenna Edward Lawrence (g econ 1913-14 AM 1914- AB(Col) '13) Asst Econ U HI 1914- 908 S Sixth St Champaign 111 (235 McDonough St Brooklyn NY) McKenna James Augustine (la 1904-5 AlsoHarvU LL B(Fordham U) Acct 125 W 70th St New York McKenna John Edward (acad 1902-5) Insp 408 City Hall Chicago (3837 426 McKENNA— McKINNEY Archer Av) McKenna Walter William (com 1915- ) Also Col U) Stu 235 McDonough St Brooklyn NY McKennon Mrs Margaret (su 1915 Also Southwestern U & U Chgo) Libr Georgetown Tex McKenny Helen (mus 1915) 521 Hen- nepin Av Dixon 111 McKenzie Edith Edna (Mrs W H Rus- kamp) (h sc 1908-11) Home 6341 S Elizabeth St Chicago ?Mackenzie Elizabeth Grace (aead 1901- 2 la 1905-7) 848 E Wood St Bloom- ington 111 McKenzie Eva Mabel (Mrs C J Huff- man) (la 1899-1900) Home Vienna 111 McKENZIE Kenneth (AB(Harv)'91 AM(do)'93 PhD(do)'95) Prof & Head Dept Rom Lang U 111 1915- 708 W Nevada St Urbana 111 McKeon Joseph Moore (m eng 1912-13 mun eng 1913- ) Stu 68 Woodside Av Buffalo McKeown John Latimer (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Arch 5125 Ingleside Av Chicago Mackay Mrs (see Kable Nellie A) Mackey Albert Martin (la com 1911-12) Estimator Mill Work 124 Second St Waukegan 111 t Mackey Floyd Earl (sp ag 1911-12) 802 N Charter St Monticello 111 Mackey Floyd James (m eng 1906-10 BS) Designer Internat Harvester Co 1734 Fullerton Av Chicago t Mackey George Bartholomew (m eng 1903-7) Fredonia NY Mackey James Corbett (ag 1915- ) Stu 436 Jetson Av Rockford 111 MacKey John Columbus Jr (sp ag 1909-11) Ag Vienna 111 Mackey Nicholas Charles (arch eng 1914-15 Also Sydney Tech Coll) Aus- tralian Soldier Talana Bunnerong Rd Sidney New S Wales Australia Mackey Sady Eleanor (sp mus 1907-8) Stenog 110 W Morrell St Streator 111 Mackh Carl August (la com 1908-9 PhG(NW)'ll) Phar 612 Douglas Av Elgin 111 Mackie Elton Thomas (c eng 1913-14 ag 1914- ) Stu 1578 Calhoun St New Orleans t McKim James Lloyd (acad 1906-8 la 1908-9) 38 Tsnkiji Tokio Japan McKim Lawrence John (la 1915- ) Stu 3911a Page Blvd St Louis McKim Wilson Moran (acad 1907-9 la & law 1909-12) Asst Chilian Nitrate Propaganda 38 Tsuleiji Tokio Japan (Rock Falls 111) tMackin Marie (arch 1908-10) 822 N 42nd St Omaha Neb Mackin Paul James (arch eng Feb 1916- Also la St Coll) Stu 822 N 42nd St Omaha Neb *McKinley George Harvey Jr (1 1900- 4 LLB) d Nov 19 1911 Moline 111 McKinley Thomas (sp la com 1870-1) Ag Pomona Cal McKinley William Bi (sp 1869-72 Trus- tee 1903-5 Memb 59&62&64th Con- gress) Pres 111 Traction Co & West- ern RR & Light Systems & Congress- man 726 W University Av Cham- paign 111 McKinnell Isabelle Georgia (la 1909-11 '15- ) Stu 1007 Washington St Beardstown 111 McKinney Ashley Lyle (1 1909-12) Law 502 Hammond Bldg Hammond Ind (1009 W Illinois St Urbana 111) McKinney Clarence David (acad 1903- 5 MD (Chgo Coll Med & Surg) ) Med 308 N State St Champaign 111 McKinney George Bester (acad 1890- 1) Dent Barry 111 ?McKinney H A (la com 1875-6) Ar- genta 111 McKinney Harold Burritt (acad 1901- 3 m eng 1903-5) Ag Cisco 111 McKinney Henry Theodore (la 1911- 13 AB AM '15 BS( Valparaiso) '04 Also U Colo & S 111 St Nor U) Prin Drummer H Sch & Supt Sen's Gibson City 111 McKinney Ira (sc 1911-12 Also Chgo Coll) Stu 401 S Prospect Av Cham- paign 111 McKinney Lela Fern (su 1913 Also Western Coll) Teach H Sch New- town Ind McKinney Lilabel (acad 1903-5 la 1905-10 AB) At home 401 S Pros- pect Av Champaign 111 McKINNEY Mary Eula (g engl 1911- 12 AB(Ohio St) '06 MA(Col) Asst Engl U 111 1909-12) Teach St Nor 1914- 189 Montclair Av Montclair NJ t McKinney Myrtle (su 1912) Hudg- ens 111 t McKinney Newton Charles (sp ag 1891-2) Camargo 111 McKinney Norman (ag 1913- ) Stu 5023 Forrestville Av Chicago ? McKinney Roland Boyd (acad 1903- 5) 920 W Illinois St Urbana 111 McKinney Roy Harrison (acad 1903-7 mckinnie— Mclaughlin 427 m eng 1907-8) 401 S Prospect Av Champaign 111 McKinnie Earl Clarence (e eng 1907- II BS) Asst Chf Eng Nat X-Ray Reflector Co 235 W Jackson Blvd Chi- cago McKinnie Eva May (la 1903-7 AB ML(Cal)'12) Teach 1204 E Grove St Bloomington 111 *McKinnie Virgil Ulysses (sp 1869-70) d July 12 1907 Springfield 111 tMcKirnan Howard Rutledge (ag 1910- 11) Oak Park 111 McKittrick Finley Douglas (su 1906 &'08 AB(Ewing)'10 Also S 111 St Nor U & Hay ward Coll) Teach 5813 Dorchester Av Chicago Macknet Metta Irene (Mrs B E Beach) (acad 1876-7 la 1877-81 AB) Home 973 Fifth St Huron SD McKnight Clark Wilson (com 1915- ) Stu Mason City 111 McKnight Elizabeth Belle (lib 1905- 7 BLS AB ( Wilson ) '05) Libr 229 Jefferson Av Brooklyn NY McKnight Joe Ben (ag 1912-13) Ag Wiggins Miss McKnight John Ira (min eng 1914-15) 7237 May St Chicago McKnight Robert Wade (acad 1891-3) Sales Mgr 731 Folsom St San Fran- cisco (395 Capp St) McKnight Timothy Irle (1 1912-15 LL B Also McKendree Coll) Law Carrollton 111 (Oblong 111) McKnight William Asbury (mun eng 1900-4 BS) Life Ins 900 The Rook- ery Chicago (1233 E 53rd St) McKnight Mrs W A (see also Haight Mabel A) g mus 1911-12) McKown James Isaiah (la com 1908-9 Also Valparaiso U) R Est 707 E Monroe St Bloomington 111 t McKown Robert Dale (la 1908-9) At- lanta 111 McKown Russell Leaner (ag 1913- ) Stu 703 Putman Bldg Davenport la IMcKown William Newton (sc 1880-1) Altona HI SMcLain Cordelia (sp mus 1902-3 '05- 6) 112 E Green St Champaign 111 McLain Ernest Seth (su 1910 Also W III St Nor PhB(Wis)'12) Teach H Sch Freeport 111 (Industry 111) tMcLamarrah Thomas Frederick (su 1909) Yates City HI McLane Mrs Blanche Keeney (see also Cleland Blanche K) (arch 1896-7) 3025 Tenth Av Rock Island 111 McLane Cyrus Daniel (arch 1888-92 BS Asst Math U 111 1891-3 Instr GED do 1893-4 Asst Prof Arch Const do 1894-1904) Arch 301 Robinson Bldg Rock Island 111 (3025 Tenth Av) McLane Mrs CD (see McLane Mrs Blanche K & Cleland B K) McLane Elmer Cavett (sp 1896-1900) Supt Bldg Constr 1441 11th St Mo- line 111 McLane Erwin Roscoe (ag 1914-15) Ag Reddick 111 McLane James Adrian (arch 1874-8 BS) R Est Title & Trust Bldg Chi- cago (554 Oakwood Rd) McLane John Wallace (ag 1897-1901 BS) Gov US Dept Ag Washington McLaren Donald (e eng 1911-12) M Eng 851 E Pine St Canton 111 McLaren Thomas Franklin (acad 1876- 7) Sales Astoria 111 McLarty Ray Clark (la com 1908-12 AB) R Est & Invest 25 N Dearborn St Chicago (Gladstone Hotel) ?McLaughlin Ambrose (eng 1901-2) 307 E Green St Champaign 111 McLaughlin Archibald Hugh (sp ag 1903-4) Prudential Ins Agt 406 S Webster St Decatur 111 McLaughlin Earl George (sp ag 1902- 3 Md (Eclectic Med) '07) Med Glade- water Tex McLaughlin Edna Mildred (la 1906-7 AB g 1907-8 Also Knox Coll) Teach H Sch Hathaway Apts Owensboro Ky (567 E Lorey St Galesburg 111) McLaughlin Edwin E (su 1905 & '06 BL(OWes) AM(Col)'13) Supt Schs Carbondale 111 McLaughlin George Southwell (eng 1915- ) Stu 145 S Garfield St Po- catello Id McLaughlin James Robert (su 1915 Also William & Vashti Coll) Teach Alexis 111 McLaughlin James William (m eng 1909-14 BS) c/o People's Gas Light & Coke Co 6354 Maryland Av Chi- cago (Paris 111) McLaughlin Joseph Lyons (1 1905-9 LL B Also S 111 St Nor U) Law 502 Flowers Bldg Decatur 111 McLaughlin Maud Katharine (g latin 1909-10 AB(Knox)'09) At home 567 E Losey St Galesburg 111 McLaughlin Mayme (su 1914) Au- burn 111 *McLaughlin Nora Elvira (sp mus 1896- 8) d Penfield 111 McLaughlin Robert John (sp ag 1909- 10) Teach Cartter HI 428 Mclaughlin— mcmaster McLaughlin Walter Wylie (ag 1913- ) Stu Cartter 111 McLaughlin William Virgil (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Campbell Hill 111 MeLaughy De Ormond (su 1915 Also Westminister Coll) Coach Athl West- minister Coll New Castle St New Wilmington Pa \McLaurin Julius Augustus (acad 1909- 10) Hopewell Miss McLean Mrs A H (see Green Pearl M) * McLean Alexander (Trustee 1877- 1907 Mayor Macomb 111 1873-6 Pres Elector 1876) d Oct 11 1907 Macomb 111 McLean Charles Raymond (la 1896-7 MD (Rush) '01) Med Ewa Hawaii (Princeton 111) fMcLean Elmer Lyman (acad 1895-6 m eng 1896-8) Lombard 111 * McLean George Harvey (acad 1895-7) d Normal 111 McLean John Bar (acad 1876-7) Bkpr Inter Ocean Hotel Denver Colo McLean John Crocker (m eng 1904-10 BS) Interlocking Superv c/o Atlanta Terminal Co Atlanta Ga (369 Chero- kee Av) MacLean Lachlan William (la 1913- 14) Stu Kent Coll Law Lake Av Wilmette 111 MacLean Libbie Whitman (su 1913 Also Valparaiso U) Teach H Sch 216% W Capitol St Springfield 111 McLean Martha (h sc 1912-13 Also W 111 St Nor ) Teach 118 W Car- roll St Macomb 111 McLean Nellie (Mrs C G Lumley) (la 1884-8 BL) Home 1106 W California * St Urbana 111 McLean Nicholas (e eng 1912-13) E Eng 396 Center St Wilkinsburg Pa McLean Mrs Pearl (see also Green Pearl sp mus 1904-6) McLean Sarah (su 1912 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 523 Greenwood Av Blue Island 111 (Geneva 111) ^McLean Susie E (acad 1879-80) McLean Walter Randolph (acad 1901-3 sp sc 1903-5) Teller Union Nat^ Bk Macomb 111 McLean Walter Raymond (la 1906-8) Mgr Hillsboro 111 McLean William T (acad 1877-8 MD (Rush) '81) Med 110 N Walnut St Maroa 111 McLee Edward Brown (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 204 S Avon St Rock- ford 111 McLellan Mary Clutha (acad 1883-5 la 1885-8 Cert sp a&d 1904-7 BS'14) At home 706 W Park Av Champaign 111 McLennan Alexander Richard (la 1894- 5) Bnk Lawton Okla McLennan Arthur (acad 1904-5 sp law 1905-6) City Edit Chgo Evening Post Chicago McLennan Ethel (sp mus 1911-12) At home 204 W Green St Urbana 111 McLeod George Cecil (sp ag 1912-13 Also Miss Ag & Mech Coll) Teach B 376 Tuscaloosa Ala (Leakesville Miss) McLeod Irene M (Mrs E R Bronson) (sp mus 1899-1900) Home 707 Oak- wood Blvd Chicago t McLeod Robert Willard (arch eng 1910-12) 1112 S Eighth St Cedar Rapids la MacLochlin Virginia (Mrs O R Ernst) (lib 1901-3 Also Pur U) Home Wav- erly la McMackin Mary Gertrude (Mrs E K Stuart) (la 1908-10) Home 109 N Fifth St Springfield 111 McMahan Bernard Strange (acad 1899- 1901 Also U Cal DO(Amer Sch Os- teop) ) Med The Burlington Wash- ington (Berkeley Cal) t McMahan Elsie Margaret (h sc 1911- 12 su 1915) 1012 W Carpenter St Jerseyville 111 \ McMahon Anna Laura (acad 1902-3) 1407 W Park St Urbana 111 McMahon Eva Isabelle (lib 1905-7 BLS Also Lewis Inst) Libr 336 Augusta Av De Kalb 111 McMahon Grace Dorothy (lib 1906-8 BLS Also Lewis Inst) Libr 403 N Second Av Maywood 111 %McMains Harrison (acad 1890-2) Armstrong 111 McMains Louis (sc 1889-93 BS) R Est 3266 N New Jersey St Indian- apolis McManis James William (acad 1902-3 c eng 1903-7 BS) Contr & Eng 298 Endicott Bldg St Paul Minn (956 Iglehart St) McManns James Bernard (su 1905&'07 &'11&'12&'13 Also U Chgo & 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs 748 Gooding »i La Salle 111 tMcManus David Ralph (m eng 1907) 614 38th St Rock Island 111 McMaster Alva Henry (sp ag 1909-11 Also Lewis Inst) Ag Garden Prairie 111 McMASTER Carlos Lenox (CE(Ohio) '05 Tnstr GED U 111 1905-7 Assoc do 1907-10 Asst to Dean Men do 1908- 10) Sales RR Dept c/o Pratt & Lam- McMASTER— McMURTRIE 429 bert Inc Buffalo (3613 Northwood Av Columbus O) McMaster William (1 1912-13) Teach H Sch Pierre SD ( Belief ourche SD) McMath Mrs F M (see Chaffee Lura J) \McMath Roscoe Allen (aead 1900-2) Seattle McMath Sarah Alice (la 1878-9) Teach Millington 111 McMein William Warfield (acad 1910- II e eng 1911-12) Sales Mgr Sibley- Hess Co Sioux City la IMcMillan Charles Richardson (c eng 1872-3) Champaign 111 MacMILLAN David Kent (BS( Dick- inson) '02 Scientific Asst Pa Dept Ag 1903-7 Field Asst St Entom Ofc U III 1911-13) Entomol St Entomol Ofc U 111 1913- 5057 Balmoral Av Chi- cago McMillan Edward Andrew (sp mun eng 1900-2) Life Ins 501 E Clinton Av Monmouth 111 McMillan Eugene Campbell (m eng 1905-9 BS) Sales Trussed Concrete Steel Co 817 Commerce Bldg St Paul Minn ^McMillan Frederick Routt (acad 1893- 4) Jacksonville 111 McMillan James Edwin (in eng 1906-8) Teller Bk 1129 Vermilion St Dan- ville 111 McMillan John Charles (su 1914&'15 Also Monmouth Coll) Supt Schs Alexis 111 (R2 Aledo 111) McMillan Joseph Warren (sp ag 1905- 8 Also Carthage Coll) Ag R2 Car- thage 111 MacMillan Lawrence Claude (e eng 1914- Also 111 Coll) Stu 12 Roose- velt Av Bridgeport 111 McMillan Matthew Hunter (e eng 1904-8 BS) c/o Pub Serv Co 1320 New Edison Bldg Chicago (4406 Lake Park Av) McMillan Neil Jr (arch 1900-4 BS) Mgr & Sec YMCA 124 E 128th St New York McMillan Nelle Aileen (Mrs John A Bolles)(la 1903-4) Home 135 Ham- ilton PI New York McMillan Samuel Augustus (su 1911 BS(Tex Ag)'09) Prof Agron Tex Ag Coll Anchor Tex McMillan Sarah Grace (Mrs F A Jor- gensen) (la 1907-8 AB g 1910-11 AM Also W 111 St Nor) Teach 412 Dan- iel St Champaign 111 McMillan Walter Wilson (acad 1901-2) Phys Dir Hibbing Minn (Biggsville 111) McMillen George Burr (la 1910-15 AB g com 1915- ) Asst Econ U 111 1915- 606 E Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 McMillen James Foster (sp ag 1904-7) Ag Harlowton Mont fMcMillen John Huston (sp ag 1908- 10) Milmine 111 McMillen Mrs John J (see Pierce Au- drey O) MacMillen Lloyd Allen (e eng 1913-14 '15- ) Stu Grayslake 111 McMillen Mary Blanche (sp h sc 1904- 6 Also 111 St Nor U) Stenog Agron U 111 408 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 (Brookings SD) ^McMillen Maud (acad 1894-5) Mon- ticello 111 McMillen Robert Ernest (sp ag 1904- 6) Mfg Mont Flour Mills Co Box 553 Harlowton Mont McMillen Rolla Coral (la 1899-1901 '01-2 LLB(Mich) '06) Law Decatur HI McMinds Ira Frank (sp arch eng 1907- 9) Arch 112 27th St Cedar Rapids la McMullan Henry Even (sc 1912-13 AB Also Mich St Nor Coll) Head Sc Dept H Sch 1323 Cumberland St Lit- tle Rock Ark (Belleville Mich) McMullan Ortha Guy (sp ag 1904-5 Also Pur U) Ag Idaville Ind McMullen Charles F (acad 1892-3) PM Brush Colo McMullen. Harvey Clinton (acad 1892- 3) Dent Cambridge 111 McMunn Lockie Marian (Mrs Clarence E Swengel) (la 1906-7) Home Neoga 111 ?McMurray Luke B (Trustee U 111 1867-73) Turn water Wash (Effing- ham 111) McMurray Fannie Marie (la 1915- ) Stu Divernon 111 McMURRY Frank Morton (PhD(Jena) '89 Also U Mich & Halle & Geneva & Paris Prin Schs Chgo 1889- 90 Prof Ped U 111 1893-4 Prof Ped & Dean Teach Coll U Buffalo 1895-8) Prof Elem Ed Teach Coll Col U 1898- 9 Hillside Drive Park Hill Yonkers NY McMurry Fred Russell (acad 1896-9 Also 111 Wes U AB(Col) ) Eng c/o Western Elec Co >Westwood NJ McMurry Karl Franklin (la 1899- 1902 AB) Teach Box 165 San Luis Obispo Cal *McMURTRIE William (EM (Lafay- ette ) '71 MS (do) '74 PhD ( do ) '75 430 McMUETEY— McQUAID Asst Chem US Ag Dept 1872 Prof Chem & Minerol U 111 1882-8 Consult Prof Gen Tech Chem Poly Inst Brooklyn 1905-13) d May 26 1913 New York ?McMurtry Ira Benona (su 1899) Magnolia 111 McNabb William O (la 1874-5) Arch 403 N Main St Decatur 111 McNally John Leo (la 1914-16 AB Also U Chgo) 6 Carlile Pk Pueblo Colo McNally Mary Cecilia (la 1905-8 Feb '15 AB) Teach H Sch Dis 20 6 Carlile PI Pueblo Colo McNALLY William Duncan (Asst Chem U 111 1905-6) City Chem 500 County Bldg Chicago (3734 N Hard- ing Av) McNamara Carrie (Mrs Homer Long- fellow) (su 1903 AB(Ind)'09) Home Pierceton Ind McNamara James Leslie (la 1914- ) Stu 1005 20th St Eock Island 111 McNamee William Morrow (acad 1906- 7 ry eng 1907-8) Adv Solic Agt Chi- cago Evening American 432 W 67th St Chicago McNary Forrest C (c eng 1908-12 BS) C Eng YMCA Duluth Minn (Mar- tinsville 111) McNATT Homer Elkanah (BS(Mo) '09 Instr Dairy & Asst Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911-12) Ag Exp Sta Logan Utah McNary Margaret Ellen (Mrs Frank Maltby) (la 1881-3) Home 4233 Bot- anical Av St Louis McNaughton Clayton Archibald (c eng 1915- ) Stu 1010 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 MacNaughton James (sp arch eng 1911 Also Tri-State Coll) Contr Elmer Av Fort Wayne Ind MacNEAL Ward J (AB (Mich) '01 PhD (do) '04 MD(do)'05 Instr Bact & Anat W Va U 1906-7 Asst Chf Bact Ag Exp Sta U 111 1907-11 Asst Prof Bot do 1908-11) Prof Pathol & Bact & Asst Dir Lab NY Post Grad Med Sch 1912- 303 E 20th St New York (294 Windsor PI Brooklyn NY) . MacNeal Mrs W J (see Perry Mabel) McNees Franc Ulva (h sc 1911-12) Date Booker New York Metropolitan Opera Co 333 S Main St Winchester Ind *McNeil Mary Agnes (Mrs M E Chase) (h sc 1879-81) d Sept 1885 Urbana 111 McNeill Henry Hammond (la com 1910-11 Also Eacine Coll) Law 2250 Jackson Blvd Chicago McNeill Mrs J C (see Burgner Olive F) IMoNeill Jennie (acad 1898-9) Fick- lin 111 McNeill Norah (lib 1907-9 BLS AB (Mich) '07) Libr Galveston Tex McNeill Eoscoe Plant (la 1901-5 AB) Ag Greenville 111 MacNelly William A (arch eng 1913- 15) 111 E St Clair St Indianapolis McNichols Ira .Arthur (sc 1892-4) Drug Newman 111 McNichols Katherine (su 1908&'09& '10 BL (Blackburn) '12) Teach But- ternut Wis (Carlinville 111) \McNicol Elmo Percival (acad 1904-5) 703 Coler St Urbana 111 McNicol Mrs E P (see Mabin Isa- bel) McNiel Ealph Alonzo (mun eng 1909- 10 BCE(Ark)'09) Insp Eng Steel Bldgs Eector Ark (Clarkdale Ariz) McNish David Thornley (ag 1914- ) Stu Crystal Lake 111 McNulta Scott (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 250 N College St Decatur 111 McNutt George Leonard (sp ag 1908-9 Also E 111 St Nor U) Ag Charleston 111 McNutt John Jr (acad 1889-91 la 1891-4 BL) Law Mattoon 111 McNutt John Eaymond (sp ag 1907-8 Also E 111 St Nor U) Ag Charleston 111 t McNutt Thomas Murray (sp law 1906- 8) Mattoon III McNutt Wilma Lea (la 1915- ) Stu Lacon 111 Macomber Frank Bartlett (la 1913- ) Stu 511 N Eidgeland Av Oak Park 111 McPheeters Mrs (see Lee Kittie G) MacPherson Earle Steele (m eng 1911-15 BS) M Eng Eng Dept Chalmers Auto Co 21 Eowena St De- troit (Highland Park 111) MACPHEESON Hector (AB (Queen's) '03 MS(Chgo)'08 PhD(do)'10 Al- so Berlin & Halle-Wittenberg Instr Econ & Soc Mich Ag Coll 1907-10 do U 111 1910-11) Asst Prof Econ Ore Ag Coll Corvallis Ore *McPherson John (c eng 1873-7 Cert) d Jan 26 1886 Lexington Ky McPherson Oran Leo (ag 1906-7 Al- so Shurtleff Coll) Ag Vulcan Alta Can McPike Josephine Mary (la 1907-9) Lib Asst Crunden Branch St Louis (2018 Alby St Alton 111) *McQuaid Charles William (acad 1891- McQUAID— MADDOCK 431 2) d LeRoy Kan McQuaid John Joseph (acad 1907-8 la com 1908-12 AB) Bk Clk 313 E White St Champaign 111 McQuiston William Carl (sp ag 1909- 10 BS (Ohio St) '14 Ranch Calexico Cal (College Corner O) McRae John Alexander (m eng 1891-4 '95-6 BS) M Eng L&NRR (204) 20 Jackson Blvd Chicago McRae Mrs Louis H (see Challacombe Lorena M) McReynolds Dora Ginevra (sp la 1898- 9) Teach & Home Bethany 111 McRobie Douglas (sc 1912- ) Adv Dept Chicago News 6131 University Av Chicago (9 Belvidere PI Mont- clair NJ McRobie Helen (h sc 1911-12) At home 9 Belvidere PI Montclair NJ McRobie Isabel (Mrs W T Ray) (la 1900-3 AB) Home 420 Ogden St Newark NJ McRobie Jessie Barbara (Mrs L E Fogelsong) (la 1906-11 AB) Home 12 Park Av Cambridge Mass \McShane John James Hugh (acad 1897-9) Ivesdale 111 McSmith Laura Ethel (sp mus 1910-12 Also E 111 St Nor U) Ag Indianola 111 McTaggart Clarence Glenn (su 1915) Teach Brookville Kan (415 S Kitch- ell Av Pana 111) McTaggart Marguerite (su 1914) Teach Divernon 111 ?McVay Camden Jacob (acad 1897-8 m eng 1898-9) Champaign 111 McVay Thomas Newkirk (sc 1909-14 BS) 918 W Oregon St Urbana 111 MacVean Lillian Imogene (Mrs F C Dannenberg) (la 1911-13 PhB(Chgo) '14) Home " The Royal Cecil" Jar- vis St Toronto Can McVeigh Henry Hancock (ag 1912-14) Ag 710 S Second St Springfield 111 McVey Nellie Frances (la 1913-15 AB Also Kan Ag Coll) Teach Bunker Hill Kan (Hill City Kan) McVey Ruth Fay (su 1914 Also W 111 St Nor) Hill City Kan *McVicker W D (gen 1871-2) d Sara- toga 111 (Henry 111) *McWard Robert Arnel (sp 1899-1900) d Palmer 111 McWatty Mattie Marie (Mrs R F Evans) (la 1887-90) Home Sumpter Ore McWethy Daniel Volentine (la com 1909-14 AB) Ins 122 N Lake St Aurora 111 McWethy Henry Dean (m eng 1906-7 su 1910 Also Cor U) Ins Merchants Bk Bldg Aurora 111 McWhorter Delia (Mrs J W Harr) (sp 1873-4) Home 661 Buss Av Benton Harbor Mich Mc Williams Anna (Mrs Frank Max- well) (gen 1871-2) Home 608 S Race St Urbana 111 Mc Williams Benjamin Allen (sp 1884- 5) Law 160 W Jackson St Chicago McWilliams Edward (g 1910-11 BS (NW)'IO) Bonds and Mortgage San Ana Cal McWilliams Emma M (la 1874-5) Teach Woodstock 111 McWilliams James Lawrence (ag 1913- 14) c/o Aluminum Ore Co 2833 Mc- Casland St E St Louis 111 McWilliams Margaret Elizabeth (la 1884-6) Teach Champaign 111 McWilliams Mark Dee (su 1915 Also Knox Coll) Dir Athl Central Coll 306 Main St Pella la (Abingdon 111) McWilliams Marie Lindsey (sp mus 1912- ) Stu 704 W Green St Ur- bana 111 McWilliams Nellie Louise (Mrs D R Enochs) (la 1896-1900 AB g 1900-1 AM) Home 618 W Clark St Cham- paign 111 Madansky Max (acad 1899-1900 sp sc 1900-1) Merc Tulsa Okla Madansky Paul (acad 1900-1 m eng 1901-2) Merc Tulsa Okla Madden Alma Gulia (su 1913 Also Earlham Coll) Teach H Sch George- town 111 Madden George H (Trustee 1907-8 At- tended Notre Dame U 1871-2 Pres 111 St Bd Ag 1907-8) Bnk Mendota 111 Madden Grace Erminie (la 1932- ) Jacksonville 111 Madden Helen Louise (la 1911-15 B Mus mus 1915- ) Stu Jacksonville 111 Madden Irwin Arthur (ag 1904-11 BS Also N 111 St Nor Asst Ag & Ed U 111 su 1911) Prof Ag Normal 111 Madden Mrs J E (see Schudel Julia E) Madden Joseph Warren (la 1909-11 AB JD(Chgo)'14) Prof Law U Okla Norman Okla Madden Katherine Josephine (la 1914- 15) Stu Jacksonville Worn Coll Jacksonville 111 Madden William Dillon James (su 1905&'09&'11&'13 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Homer 111 t Madden William Seits (sp ag 1911) Melvin 111 Maddock Alice Emily (sc 1903-7 AB su 1915) Teach 9716 Howard Ct Chicago 432 MADDOCK— MAHUEIN Maddock Earl Chester (ag 1914- ) Stu R13 St Joseph 111 Maddock Kathryn (g hist 1915- AB (Rockford) '15) Stu Evanston 111 Maddock Rosa Goodeve (su 1915 Also U Chgo) Teach Harvard Sch 9716 Vanderpoel Av Chicago Maddox Lloyd J (ag 1915- ) Stu Palestine 111 Maddox Wilbur Clinton (e eng 1903-7 BS g e eng 1907-9 MS) E & M Eng 611 Parkside Dr Peoria 111 (454 Fre- donia Av) Mader August (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Contr Farmer City 111 Madison George (la 1903-8 AB) Edit c/o Reilly & Britton Co Publ 8128 Evans Av Chicago Madison Mrs J T (see Miller Carrie U) Madison Lawrence Chester (sp ag 1906- 8 Also Cor U) Ag Herndon Va Madison Mary Adele (ag 1915- )• Stu 1011 y 2 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Madison Thomas Edwin (ag 1911-12) E Eng Henderson Ranch Gait Cal (E Greenwich RI) Madsen Olav (arch eng 1912-13 '15- ) Stu Box 594 Litchfield Minn Madson Ben Adolph (ag 1909-12 BS (la Ag) '07) Asst Prof Agron U Cal Univ Farm Davis Cal Maffioli Frank E (acad 1904-6) Asst Mgr Palm Amusement Co Rockford 111 (1141 Charles St) Maffit Mrs (see Thatcher Alice M) Maffit Robert Usrey (c eng 1897-8) Sec Decatur Ice Co 1231 S Maffit St Decatur 111 Magath Thomas Byrd (PhB (Emory) '13 g zool 1914- MSc(Millikin) '14) Stu Oxford Ga Mage June (la 1888-90) R Est 1521 Sunset Av Seattle ?Magee Andrew Jackson (su 1899) Buda 111 magee Elmer E (acad 1883-4) Ells- ville 111 Magee Elon Charles (ag 1908-13 BS) Ag Geneseo 111 Magee Mrs F E (see Good Verna M) Magers Elizabeth Julia (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 347 E Hewitt Av Marquette Mich ?Magers Samuel Dennis (su 1895) Houston Tex tMagill Leslie Paul (su 1908 Also E 111 St Nor) Flat Rock 111 Magill Russell Milton (la 1872-3) Merc Sullivan 111 Maginnis Etha Mabel (su 1911 Also Hedding Coll) Teach & Stenog Ore Ag Coll Corvallis Ore (Abingdon 111) *Magner Harold Bernard (acad 1896- 7) d Nov 11 1897 Morris 111 Magoon Helen Cornelia (h sc 1904-5 Also Cor U) Merc Hillsboro 111 *Magoon William H (la 1879-80) d April 7 1904 Pontiac 111 (Cham- paign 111) Magredy W A (ag 1875-6) Chatham 111 tMagruder Denton Adlai (la 1912-13) Potomac 111 Maguire Mrs (see Meisenhelter Ethel L) Maguire Mary Josephine (su 1914& 15) Superv Mus Pub Schs 1203 State St Alton 111 Maguire William Chester (la & law 1904-10 LL B) Law 808 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 Mah Wing Ngui (la & law 1913- Al- so Ming Gok Coll China) Stu 300 First St San Rafael Cal (Canton China) Mahan Angeline Floyd (la 1900-2) Stenog 1711 Eastman St Boise Id mahan Henry Weston (la 1872-6 Hon ML '93) Pres South Side St Bk Chi- cago * Mahan Isaac Sanders (Trustee 1867- 75 AM(Knox)'53) d Oct 31 1893 Chicago Mahan Jean Curtis (Mrs P W Plank) (sp la 1872-8 cert BL'14 Instr Mus U 111 1879-81) Lit 115 Kimbark Av Chicago Mahan Jennie Mab (Mrs Garland Stahl)(acad 1898-9 sp la 1901-2) Home 6616 Kimbark Av Chicago Mahannah A Ernest (g com 1915- BA (Fairmont) '14) Stu Sedgwick Kan Maher Chauncey Carter (la 1914- ) Stu State & Fulton Sts Payson 111 Maher Lilian Elizabeth (su 1907) Teach 59 Chester St Champaign 111 Maher Mary U (su 1913 Also St Mary's Sch) Teach 59 Chester St Champaign 111 Mahler Carl (chem eng 1903-5) Lum- ber Gonzales Tex Mahler Hazel Lucia (Mrs W H Faub- er) (a&d 1907-8) Home 837 47th St Chicago Mahn George Willis (arch eng 1912-14 '15- ) Stu 307 S Race St Urbana 111 IMahon Thomas Francis (acad 1895-6) New York Mahoney Thomas Francis (1 1911-12) Bus Mgr 1138 Spring St Springfield 111 Mahood Harry Samuel (c eng 1912- ) Stu Mt Carroll 111 Mahurin Guy Marshall (arch 1897-8 '01-2) Arch 451 Arcadia Ct Fort MAIL— MALTBY 433 Wayne Ind Mail Eugene Frederick (c eng 1907-11 BS) C Eng Marion Ind (Eobinson 111) Main George Chrysup (ag 1915- ) Stu Barry 111 Main Howard H (c eng 1915- ) Stu 953 N Court St Eockford 111 Main James Floyd (la 1913-14) Gib- son City 111 Main Josiah (sc 1901-2 ag 1905-7 BS g ed 1909-10 AM) Prof Ag Okla Ag Coll Stillwater Okla Main Roscoe Conkling (sc 1903-6 AB g 1906-7 AM MD(Rush)'ll Also Harv Med) City Health Ofc Mar- quette Mich Main Rose Ida (Mrs L L Warden) (la 1896-7) Home Lewistown Mont Main Mrs T P (see Jarman Patience E) Mains Grace Lillian (la h sc 1914-15 Also Valparaiso U) At home 702 In- diana Av Valparaiso Ind Maitra Krishua Mohan (m eng 1914- Also Bangabasi Coll Calcutta & Cen- tral Hindu Coll Benares) Stu Oudh Mahalla Benares City India MAJOR Horace Fairchild (BSA(Cor) '08 Asst Land Gard U 111 1908-9 Instr do 1909-10) Asst Prof Land Gard U Mo 1910- 407 Hitt St Co- lumbia Mo Major Margaret (Mrs S L Castle) (h sc 1908-11) Home 712 W Franklin Av Minneapolis Majumdar Santosh Chandra (ag 1906- 9 BS Also Shantiniketan Bramhach- ary ashram & Calcutta U) Prof Eng & Sc Shantiniketan Br amhachary ashram U Shantiniketan Bolepur Bramha Vidyalaya Bolepur Bengal India Makemson Samuel Clinton (sc 1872-6) Wilmot Ind Maki Itsu (la 1909-12 AB Also Hira- shima Nor Coll) Teach Hiroshima Nor Coll Shinodate Japan Makutchan Clyde (c eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly), Stu 209% W Illinois St Urbana 111 Malaise Clayton Lee (e eng 1910-14 BS) Serena 111 Malapert Ernest Louis (com 1915- ) Stu 618 Main St Osage City Kan Malcolm Charles Wesley (c eng 1898- 1902 BS CE'06 Instr C Eng U 111 1902-3 Instr Struct Eng do 1903-6 Asst Prof Struct Eng do 1907-13) Assoc Edit & Eng Contr 1233 Gran- ville Av Chicago Malcolm Howard Staat (c eng 1904-8 BS) C Eng & Ag Roseville 111 Malcolm Mrs J M (see Beall Eliza- beth M) Maley Robert Carleton (m eng 1911- 15 BS) Sales Eng The Kennicott Co Chicago (Rochelle 111) Malgani Aboullah (m eng Feb 1915- Also Howard U) Stu Sokar Dera Ghagi Khan Dislt Pun j ah India Malhiot Ulysses (la 1913-14) 1612 S Sixth Av Maywood 111 Mallary Ernest Noel (e eng 1907-10) Superv Man Tr & Dir Athl 905 Vir- ginia St Hopkinsville Ky (Pontiac 111) Mailers John Bernard M (m eng 1915- ) Stu 5 S Wabash Av Chi- cago Mallett Norman James (la 1913-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu c/o Mrs R W Rog- ers 25 Ferguson Av Jervis NY MALLOCH John Russell Entom St Entom Ofc U HI 1915- Urbana 111 Mallon Francis Fernando (sp c eng 1901-3) City Eng 1324 Washington Av Colorado Springs Colo Mallory Burton Leroy (sc 1907-8) Coal Broker 6152 Kimbark Av Chicago Mallory Francis Botton (la 1915- ) Stu 93 Batavia Av Batavia 111 Mallory Meredith (sc 1907-11 AB) Stu Harv Med Coll 93 S Batavia Av Batavia 111 Mallory Richard Henderson (la 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 93 S Batavia Av Batavia HI Mallstrom Roe Eugene (com 1914- ) Stu 15412 Lexington Av Harvey 111 MALLY Frederick (Asst Entom St Lab Nat Hist 1889-90) Fruit Crystal City Tex Malnburg Carl Oscar (sp arch eng 1908- 9 '12-13) Supt G B Swift Co Gen Contr Security Bldg Chicago (766 E 37th St) Maloit Pauline Germaine (la 1912- ) Stu 248 Addison Av Elmhurst 111 Malone Edward (la 1907-8) RR Acct 1555 W Garfield Blvd Chicago Malone James Eugene (su 1899) Law La Salle 111 Malone Rae Irene (h sc 1908-11 AB Also Epworth U) At home 400 W 13th St Oklahoma City ?M ALONE Y Anne E (Teach Mus U 111 1887-8) Urbana 111 *Maloney Mary M (sp a&d 1887-8) d Pontiac 111 Malsbary Grace Estella (la 1914- Al- so Valparaiso U) Stu 606 Chalmers St Champaign 111 MALTBY Mrs C E (Instr Mus U 111 1880-1) Home 507 W University Av Champaign 111 Maltby Cora (Mrs F D Rugg) (la 1881- 3 Libr St Lab Nat Hist 1885-7) Home 507 W University Av Cham- 434 MALTBY— MANN paign 111 Maltby Frank Bierce (eng 1878-82 BS) Chf Eng Constr Dept Zimmer- man & Day 611 Chestnut St Phila- delphia Maltby Mrs F B (see McNary Marg- aret E) *Maltby Helen E (Mrs Joseph D Wal- lace) (la 1879-81) d March 17 1898 Champaign 111 Mamer Christopher Jr (1 1905-10 LL B) Law 501 Throop St Chicago Mamer Jacob George (acad 1901-2) Mfg Mamer Brick Co 579 Territorial Stf Benton Harbor Mich Mamer Mary (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) At home Box 209 Odell 111 tManahan Helen Adair (su 1902) Streator 111 Manard Eobert Payton (arch eng 1892- 6 BS) Arch Western Elec Co Haw- thorne 111 (1413 Iowa St Oak Park 111) Manauton Gregorio (su 1909&'10&'ll Also la Ag Coirj" Sugar Chem Arroyo Porto Rico Mandel Elias (sc 1907-12 BS) Chem 1825 S Troy St Chicago Mandeville Elizabeth Elma (Mrs J C Worrell) (acad 1892-3 sp 1898-9) Home 3318 Park Av Minneapolis Mandeville Hazel Denton (Mrs R B Dool)(h sc 1906-10 BS) Home Co- lumbia La Mandeville Helen Ruth (Mrs E R Lev- erton) (la 1903-5) Home 831 18th Av W Calgary Alta Can Mandeville Merten Joseph (ag 1915- Also Ind St Nor) Stu 1546 S Sixth St Terre Haute Ind Mandeville William Howard (ag 1913- 15) Ag Rl Winnebago 111 Mandler Henry Emil (chem eng 1905- 9) Stock Clk Ford Motor Co 702 W 11th St Kansas City Mo (901 W Olive St Bloomington 111) maney George Alfred (g t&am 1912- 14 MS BS (Minn) '11) Instr Struct Eng U Minn 2409 27th Av Minne- apolis \Manford Ruth (acad sp 1904-5) 105 W Hill St Champaign 111 Mangan Ralph Kennith (m eng 1915- Also Crane Coll) Stu 2744 Harrison St Chicago Mangas Lyman Samuel (la 1907-8 AB law 1908-10 JD Also Lincoln Coll) Law 404 Tremont St Lincoln 111 Mangas Maud (Mrs F M Hagons) (la 1900-4 AB) Home Lincoln 111 Mangold Charles Hugh (e eng 1904-5 '07-8) Struc Eng 147 Milk St Bos- ton Mangold Mrs C H (see Thomas Jennie I) tMangrum Lillian Mariam (su 1911) Galesburg 111 Manguson Maude Beatrice (mus 1915- ) Stu Osco 111 Manierre Alfred Edgerton (arch 1909- 12 BS AB(Yale) ; 02) Arch 112 W Adam St Chicago tManley Charles Thomas (su 1912 Al- so Pur U) 1115 Delaware Av Butte Mont Manley Earle Chester (e eng 1893-7 BS) Mfg Rubber Covered Wires c/o Whitney Blake Co New Haven Conn MANLEY Edwin John Instr Swim- ming U 111 1912- 213 W Green St Champaign 111 (1360 Union Av St Louis) Manley Emerson Binney (acad 1902-3) Mach USS Dale Asiatic Squadron Manila PI Manley John Charles (eng 1915- ) Stu 5700 S Green St Chicago Manley Katherine O 'Donovan (Mrs William A Hawley) (lib 1899-1901 Asst Chg Loan Desk Lib U 111 1901-2 Order Clk 1902-3) Home 211 E Moody Av New Castle Pa Manley Marion (arch eng 1914- Also U Kan) Stu Cherry Croft Junction City Kan Manley Myra Frances (la 1914- ) Stu 1201 W Church St Champaign 111 *Manley Olive Mary (Mrs E F Miller) (hj sc 1909-10) d Jan 14 1916 528 N Fourth St Manitowoc Wis Manley Otis Rowe (com 1913- ) Stu Harvard 111 Manley Pearl Mabel (h sc 1911-13 Al- so N 111 St Nor) Teach 113 N Ken- tucky Av Roswell N Mex Manley Verna Adeline (acad 1909-10 la 1910-13) Stenog Agron U 111 1201 W Church St Champaign 111 *Mann Adin Howard (m eng 1869-76 Cert) d April 23 1876 Winnebago 111 Mann Alban Whitford (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng CIPS Co Mattoon 111 (392 Chicago St Elgin 111) Mann Alice Calhoun (Mrs C H Shel- don) (lib 1899-1903 BLS) Home 1964 La France St S Pasadena Cal MANN Almeda Frances (Attended Cin- cinnati Mus Sch 1887-94 & Chgo Con- serv 1894-5 & Cincinnati Coll Mus 1898- 9 Instr Piano Acad U 111 1901-6) Teach Carleton Coll Northfield Minn (4223 Interlake Av Seattle) Mann Arthur Richard (m eng 1893-7 BS) Ag Mannville Fla Mann Mrs A R (see Havard Jennie) Mann Arthur Sidney (arch eng 1910- MANN— MANNY 435 14) Arch 912 Greenwood Av Kan- kakee 111 Mann Charles Judson (ag 1901-4 BS Also Eureka Coll) Co Advisor Prince- ton 111 Mann Clyde Allison (acad 1890-1) Edit & Publ 306 Quincy St Chicago (5th & Franklin Sts Geneva 111) Mann Edith Melvina (la 1909-12 '13- 14 AB) Teach Herseher 111 Mann Edna Frances (la h sc 1913-15) Teach Homer 111 (118 S Oak Park St Oak Park 111) Mann Edward Harold (ag 1909-13 BS) Ag Eossville 111 Mann Edward Loring (la 1891-5 BL Also Chgo Coll Law) Eet Law & Orange Grower Mannville Fla Mann Elsie Elrena (h sc 1909-10) At home Box 475 Kankakee 111 Mann Estelle (Mrs C W Carter) (acad 1889-90 la 1890-2) Home 203 N Center St Clinton HI Mann Frances (Mrs C G Lang) (la 1896-7 su 1903) Home Kahoka Mo Mann Frank I (la 1871-6 BL) Ag Gilman 111 MANN Frederick Maynard (BCE(Minn) '92 SB(Mass Tech) '94 MS(do)'96 CE(Minn)'98 Instr Arch Constr U Pa 1900-1 Prof Arch Wash U 1902-10 Prof Arch & Head Dept U 111 1910- 13) Prof Arch U Minn 1913- 202 Eidgewood Av Minneapolis Mann George Dale (ag 1906-8) Ag Eossville 111 ,Mann George William (acad 1910-11 sp ag 1911-12) Ag E6 Pontiac 111 Mann Glenn Eoy (e eng 1913-14) Auto Eepair 121 W Hill St Champaign 111 (Flora 111) Mann Harold Abraham (sp ag 1912- 13) c/o Avery Co 2239 N Jefferson Av Peoria 111 (Mannville Fla) Mann Horace William (la com 1910- 12) Acct Clk & Sec 64 W Muskegon Av Muskegon Mich Mann Howard Leslie (e eng 1904-8 BS) Factory Mgr 630 Eosewood Av Kankakee 111 Mann Jacob Grant (c eng 1889-92) Ag Powell Wyo mann James E (la 1871-6 ML Hon LLD1903 Also Union Coll Law) Law & Memb Congress 7221 Merrill Av Chicago Mann Mrs J E (see Columbia Emma) Mann Jessie Eebecca (sc 1908-9 su 1911 Also U Chgo) Teach N 111 St Nor 336 Augusta Av DeKalb 111 Mann Jessie Valentine (Mrs James V Waddell)(la 1905-9 AB) Home 230 S Seventh St Vandalia 111 Mann Kate Bonnell (Mrs Burr Irwin) (la 1902-6 AB) Home 1806 Grove Av Quincy 111 Mann Lloyd Chester (la 1910-11 '13- 14) 201 S Cross St Eobinson 111 MANN Margaret (Asst Libr Armour Inst 1894-7 Asst Libr & Instr Lib Econ U 111 1897-1903) Chf Catg Carnegie Lib 1903- Pittsburgh Pa Mann Marjorie Dorothea (la h sc 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 392 Chi- cago St Elgin 111 Mann Mary Barbary (Mrs Homer Eunkle) (sp mus 1909-10) Home 4008 Fifth St NW Washington 111 Mann Mary Elizabeth (Mrs N W Hep- burn) (mus 1905-9 AB g 1909-10 B Mus) Home 903 Gregory PI Ur- bana 111 Mann Mary Estelle (Mrs C W Carter) (la 1889-93 BL) Home 203 N Cen- ter St Clinton la Mann Walter Hubert (la 1913-14) 15309 Loomis Av Harvey 111 Mann William A (m eng 1875-9 MD (NW) '83) Med & Oculist Jarvis Hunt Bldg Michigan Blvd & Washing- ton St Chicago (1121 Greenwood Av Wilmette 111) Manning Charles E (acad 1884-5) Painter 29 S Kedzie Av Chicago Manning Claude Webb (e eng 1903-4) Purchasing Agt Box 71 Lombard 111 Manning George Kingsley (sp m eng 1902-3 '04-5) Mgr Crystal Ice Co 705 W 14th St Anderson Ind Manning Lewis LeEoy (acad 1898-9 sp 1899-1900) Contr & Build 5152 Von Verson Av St Louis MANNING William Albert (sp mus 1909-10 AB( Willamette) '00 AM(Le- Stan) '02 PhD (do) '04 Asst Prof Math U 111 1909-10) Assoc Prof Ap Math LeStan U 604 Tennyson Av Palo Alta Cal Mannix Paulin Marie Elizabeth (mus 1913-14 su 1915) Teach Mus St Francis Convent & Mt St Joseph Coll 759 Bluff St Dubuque la \Mannon Guy O (acad 1906) New Boston 111 Manns Albert George (acad 1881-2 sc 1882-5 BS PhG(Chgo Coll Phar) '81 PhD (Berlin) '88 Asst Chem Lab U 111 1884-5 Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta do 1888-90) Chem Albert Trostel & Sons Co Milwaukee (606 Woodland Av Oconomowoc Wis) \Manny Clay Yates (acad 1896-8) 504 Illinois St Urbana 111 \Manny Clyde (acad 1897-8) 504 Illi- nois St Urbana 111 Manny Fred Hugh (sc 1893-7 BS law 436 MAN NY— MARK 1897-8) R Est Mt Sterling 111 Manny Theodore Bergen (ag 1915- ) Stu 741 N Central Av Chicago Manny Walter Isham (acad 1885-6 la 1886-90 Cert BS'14) Ag & St Sen- ator Mt Sterling 111 Manock Wilbur Roy (c eng 1905-10 BS) Draft Chicago Bridge & Iron Wks Throop & 105th Sts Chicago (1728 W 101st St) Mansell Lyman Beecher (su 1906&'07 Also Ewing Coll) Teach North Cent Park & W Foster Av Chicago (Farm- ington 111) Mansell Mrs L B (su 1907 Also Ewing Coll) Teach North Cent Park & W Foster Av Chicago (Farmington 111) Mansfield Arthur Tilden (sp sc 1909-10 Also Hedding Coll) Chem 513 Re- liance Bldg Moline 111 (Woodhull 111) Mansfield Charles Frederic Jr (ag 1914- Also Amherst Coll) Stu 813 N State St Monticello 111 Mansfield Esther Josephine (Mrs L V Decker) (h sc 1911-12 Also 111 St Nor U PdM(Colo Teach Coll) '09) Home 801 E Clay St Bloomington 111 t Mansfield Howard Ames (su 1908) Woodhull 111 *Mansfield John L (Trustee 1873 Al- so U Gottin'gen & IJ Heidelberg Prof Math U Pa) d Sept 20 1876 Mans- field 111 IMans field John R (acad 1879-80) Greenwood 111 *Mansfield Maria Pope (la 1872-6) d 1913 Mansfield 111 Mansfield Warren Moore (m eng & sc 1906-9 AB&BS) M Eng 2130 14% St Moline 111 t Mansfield William Morse (sp c eng 1906-7 Also Armour Inst) Williston ND Mansfield Willis A (la 1877-81 BL MD(NW)'84) Med Washington 111 *Manson Willie C (gen 1871-2) d Beaufort NC Manspeaker Berta Harding (Mrs George G Goll) (la 1901-5) Home 509 W Washington Blvd Urbana 111 Manspeaker Edith Gruver (Mrs E B McCormick) (h sc 1903-5) Home 847 Barry Av Chicago Manspeaker Lewis Vinton (c eng 1905- 9 BS) Asst Eng C&A RR Madison & Third Sts Springfield 111 (201 W University Av Champaign 111) Manspeaker Pearle (la 1897-1904 AB) Sec 201 W University Av Champaign 111 Manspeaker Welsh Walker (c eng 1908- 12 BS) c/o Pa KB 625 Pa Sta Pitts- burgh Pa MANTHEY-ZORN Otto (AB(Adelbert) '01 AM & PhD(Leipsic)'04 Instr Ger W Reserve U 1904-5 Instr Ger U 111 1905-6 do Amherst Coll 1906-8) Prof German Amherst Coll 1908- 25 College St Amherst Mass Manty Charles Bail (acad 1905-6 Al- so Austin Coll) Asst Eng C&EI RR 6600 Union Av Chicago (Watson 111) MANTZ Harold Elmer (g french 1910- II AB(Mich)'10 Stu France 1909-10 Asst Rom Lang U 111 1910-11) Lodi O Manuel Earle Vincent (g sc 1907-8 BS (Minn) '07) Effic Eng YMCA Mun- cie Ind (1310 Sixth St S Minneap- olis) manuel William Asbury (g chem 1913- 15 MS '15- AB(DePauw)'12 Asst Math De Pauw Asst Chem U 111 1914-15) Stu 523 Anderson St Greencastle Ind Mapel Frances Paulin (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu Fairbury 111 Mapes George Chandler (m eng 1914- Also U Akron) Stu 226 Habersham St Savannah Ga Mapes John Victor (sc 1898-1902 AB) Ag R7 Paris 111 Marbach Henry Adam Lewis (c eng 1908-12 '14-15 BS) C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 3702 N Robey St Chicago Marble Harry Curtiss (e eng 1896- 1901 BS Asst E Eng U 111 1898- 1903) Wire Chf Home Tel Co 904 W White St Champaign 111 Marblestone Rose (la 1912-15) 1225 S* Troy St Chicago Marbold Margaret Ann (Mrs P F Ar- mour) (la 1913-15 AB Also NW U & Rockford Coll) Home 1008 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Marbold Pauline (la 1913- Also Ferry Hall) Stu Green view 111 Marcott Margaret Anna (la 1915- ) Stu 467 S Boyd St Decatur 111 MARDEN John Wesley (g chem 1909 10 BS(I11 Wes)'09 Asst Chem U III 1909-10) Chem St Food & Drug Dept SD Vermillion SD Marion Rose A (Mrs R J Boylan) (su 1899&1900 Also Wash U) Jour 717 N 25th St E St Louis 111 ?Maris Marietta (lib 1908-9 AB (Wheaton) '07) 429 Keystone Av Riv- er Forest 111 Maris Ward S (ag 1912-13) Ag Tus- cola 111 tMark Clayton Jr (m eng 1908-11) Lake Forest 111 Mark Mrs Clayton Jr (see Stevens Gladys) MARK— MARSH 437 Mark Elvira Ellen (Mrs J B Porter) (la 1902-4 AB) Home 20 Eighth St SE Washington Marker Albert Washington (g physics 1915- PhB(NW Coll) '07) Stu Dan- ville 111 Marker George Edward (la 1899-1903 AB) Head Dept Ed St Nor Sch Kent O (474 W Main St) * Marker William Franklin (acad 1892- 5) d May 12 1901 Champaign 111 Marker Mrs W F (see Myers Maud O) Markey James Lawrence (acad 1903-4 '05-6 c eng 1906-7 Also Notre Dame U) Asst Treas Wm Lorimer Co B141 Monroe La Markham William Arthur (sp ag 1906) Ag Flora 111 Markley Hazel Sue (la 1911-12) Stu NWU Belviderelll Markley Leland Stanford (ag 1912-13 AB Also Mich Ag Coll) Ag & Ed c/o H J Heinz Co 862 S Division St Grand Rapids Mich Marklin Frederick William (e eng 1915- ) Stu 1528 Estes Av Chicago tMarkmann Carl Bennett (ry e eng 1912-13) 2154 Allen Av St Louis Marks Anna Edith (la 1915- ) Stu 85 Galena Av Dixon 111 Marks David Scott (sp ag 1899-1900 '01-2) Stock Blue Ariz Marks David Thaddeus (e eng 1903-7 BS) Merc 850 W Randolph St Chi- cago Marks Hazel Frances (la 1913- Also U Ind) Stu 809 N Michigan St Ply- mouth Ind Marks Mary Ella (lib 1908-9 '10-11 BLS Also U Wis & U Chgo) Ref Asst la Lib Comm St Historical Bldg Des Moines la (222 E Tenth St Dav- enport la) Marks Maude Irene (la 1913-15) Teach Lapaz Ind (809 N Michigan St Ply- mouth Ind) Marks Sarah Ann (la 1913-15 AB Al- so U Chgo) Teach Pecatonica 111 Markson Harry (m eng 1915- Also Crane Coll) Stu 2832 Warren Av Chicago fMarkson Henry Clay (la 1906-7) 171 Harrison Av Brooklyn NY Markwardt Henrv William (ry c eng 1913- Also Grmnell Coll) Stu 392 Ann St Elgin 111 Markwell Olen Crow (e eng 1912-13) Ag RFD Stonington HI Marley James Abraham (1 1902-5 LL B) R Est Vermilion 111 Marlowe Wilma (su 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) 714 S Mill St Pontiac HI Maroe May Luella (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Cissna Park III (Rushville 111) Marquardt Willard Horace (c eng 1909- 10 su 1915 Also Chgo Inst & Tr Sch) Phys Dir 716 May St Dayton O Marquette Harry Ellis (ry m eng 1910-12 BS) Sp Apprentice RI RR Lines 1321 Sixth Av Moline 111 (230 N Market St Shawnee Okla) Marquis Du Bois (ag 1912-14 BS Also 111 Wes U) Ag 611 E Chestnut St Bloomington 111 Marquis Faughn Lewis (la 1914-15) 603 Casey Av Mt Vernon 111 Marquis Franklin Wales (m eng 1901- 5 BS ME '09 Asst Ry Eng U 111 1907-9 Assoc do 1909-11 '12-14) Prof Steam Eng Ohio St U 412 W Eighth St Columbus O Marquis Mrs F W (see Parr Eliza- beth) \Marquis John Andrew (acad 1881-2 '82-5) 1301 Racine Av Chicago Marquis Leo Daniel (arch 1911-15 BS) Insp Cement & Steel YMCA Bldg St Paul Minn (Milford 111) Marquis Stewart Dent (g chem 1913-15 Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu Iowa City la (726 23rd St Rock Island 111) Marquiss Jean Roscoe (la 1900-1 Also U Wis) Ins Monticello HI Marquiss Ralph Edwin (ag 1915- ) Stu 417 E Livingston St Monticello 111 tMarriner Alfred Warrington Edwin (e eng 1910-11) 3127 Christiana Av Chi- cago Marriott Henry Bowen (sp 1899-1900) Ag R8 Urbana 111 Marriott Jennie Dene (Mrs G H Bak- er) (acad 1900-1) Home 601 Green St Urbana 111 Marriott John Minges (arch 1900-2 Al- so Ohio St U) Delaware O *Marriott Joseph (gen 1872-3) d *Marriott Richard Ashley (ag 1902-3) d Urbana 111 Marrs Junia Pearl (la 1913-14 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Sciota 111 Marsden Roger Dearborn (c eng^ 1906- 8 BS Also NW U) Gov Drainage Tnvestig US Dept Ag Washington Marsh Albert LeRoy (acad 1897-8 sc 1898-1900 '08-9 BS Asst Chem St Water Surv 1900-1) Mgr & Mfg 144 Atkinson Av Detroit Marsh Mrs A L (see Hay ward Min- nie) Marsh Charles Mason (sc 1903-6 BS Also Shurtleff Coll) c/o 111 Glass Co Upper Alton 111 Marsh Daniel (acad 1904-6 c eng 438 MAESH— MARTEN 1906-9 BS) C Eng Co Surv Ofc Los Angeles (Weldon 111) Marsh Ethel Carrie (su 1912 la 1915- ) Stu St Joseph 111 Marsh Mrs G E (see Coffman Julia) Marsh' George Eequa (ag 1900-4 BS) Ag Marseilles 111 Marsh Helen Aletha (Mrs G F Dick) (la 1903-6) Home Walnut St Bloom- ington 111 Marsh Horatio Bichmond (sc 1892-5 BS Also Lake Forest Coll 1891-2 MD (NY Homeop) '97) Supt Schs Glen- dale Ore Marsh J S (ag 1913-15 Feb 19i6- ) Stu Saunemin 111 Marsh Loren William (e eng 1893-7 BS) Bus Mgr 38 Norfolk Ed Ar- lington Mass Marsh Mabel (su -1905&'07 Also Kan Sty Nor U) Teach Kuala Lumpur Federated Malay States (Kincaid Kan) Marsh Nellie May (su 1912& '13) Teach St Joseph 111 Marsh Norman Foote (acad 1892-3 arch 1893-7 BS) Arch Central Bldg Los Angeles (911 Fair Oaks Av South Pasadena Cal) Marsh Mrs N F (see Cairns Cora M) * Marsh Ealph George (sp ag 1900-1) d Huntley 111 Marsh Thomas Alfred (m eng 1900-4 BS ME '09) M Eng 1463 E 68th St Chicago Marsh Wallace Hickling (m eng 1900- 4 arch 1904-5) EE C Eng Marseilles 111 Marshall Bernice Henrietta (su 1906 Also Col Coll Expr & Millikin U 111 St Nor U & 111 Wes U) Pub Speaker Waynesville 111 (2411 Indiana Av Chi- cago) Marshall Chester Arthur (la 1904-7 AB Also U Chgo) Mintr Mokena 111 Marshall Donald Cameron (arch eng 1913-14 Also U Wis) Credit Dept Wilbur Stock Food Co Milwaukee (3039 Wills St) Marshall Elsie Estella (su 1907 Also Hedding Coll & U Chgo) Teach H Sell 410 S Washington St Abingdon 111 Marshall Elsmore John (la 1915- ) Stu 1225 K St NW Washington Marshall Frank Edward (e eng 1909- 13 BS) E Eng Serena 111 Marshall George Edward (sp 1873-4) Orchard Medford Ore Marshall Glenn Wylie (min eng 1914- ) Stu Eutland 111 Marshall Hester Loud (h sc 1909-11) At home 34 Hall St Eevere Mass Marshall Horace Wortham (la com 1911-12) Sec 501 N Lincoln Av Ur- bana 111 Marshall Howard George (acad 1903- 5) Grain Merc 404 N Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Marshall James Ward (e eng 1912-13) Teach 1736 W 51st St Chicago Marshall John Hart (sc 1880-3 Also U Pa) Law Charleston 111 Marshall Lewis Monroe (la 1901-2) Ag Mattoon 111 Marshall Mabel E (lib 1902-3 AB (Midi) '11 Also Mich St Nor Coll) Asst Libr Ind St Nor Sch 49 S 13th St Terre Haute Ind (Gaylord Mich) Marshall Olive (su 1908 & '09 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Paris 111 Marshall Paul Andrew (sp ag 1908-9 Also S 111 St Nor) Ag Speer 111 Marshall Ealph William (ag 1911-13 la 1913-15) Teach & Coach Athl As- bury Park NJ (West Chicago 111) Marshall Eeuben Stanley (e eng 1902- 6 BS) Sales c/o Sullivan Marly Co El Paso Tex (511 Mills Bldg) Marshall Eobert Denkmann (com 1914- ) Stu 559 26th St Eock Island 111 Marshall Eobert Haskell (sc 1912-14 AB Also U Chgo & Ky St Nor Sch) Asst Math U 111 1914- 203 S Bab- cock St Urbana 111 (Gamaliel Ky) MAESHALL Buth (BS(Wis) '92 MS (do) '00 PhD(Neb)'07 Instr Zool U 111 1910-11 su 1913) Head Dept Biol Eockford Coll Eockford 111 (Kil- bourn Wis) Marshall Sherman Latta (acad 1880- 1 la 1881-5 BL) Pres 111 & Mich Canal Comm Ipava 111 Marshall Thomas Holland (la 1914- ) Stu Fairfield 111 Marshall William Vincent (ag 1914- 15) Merc Milford 111 Marshall X S (acad 1882-4) Bnk Centralia 111 Marshutz Joseph Hunter (la 1894-8 AB) Law 1115 Wells Bldg Milwau- kee (448 Kenilworth PI) Marsteller Dudley Leonard (com 1915- ) Stu Box 836 Eoanoke Va *Marsters Hezekiah (sp 1870-1) d Eantoul 111 Marston Ava (ag h sc 1914-15 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach McGirr 111 Martell Edmund Anthony (e eng 1914- Also Christian Bros Coll) Stu 322 N Ninth St Murphysboro 111 Marten Charles Haslett (eng 1913-14 Also Pur U) c/o Edison Elec Co De- troit (920 Oak St New Albany Ind) MAETEN John (MD (Rush) '97 Asst Entom St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1888- MAETEN— MARTIN 439 94) Med Tolono 111 Marten Redick Wylie (la 1909-12) C Eng Tolono 111 Martens Margaret Louise (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Anchor 111 Marti William Christoph (chem eng 1905-9 BS) Chem Mo Geol Surv Rolla Mo (3649 N Ashland Av Chi- cago) Martin Ada North (mus Feb 1916- AB(Wis)'15) Stu 311 Daniel St Champaign 111 Martin Albert Carey (acad 1897-8 arch eng 1898-1902 BS) Arch & Eng 712 Catalina St Los Angeles Martin Albert Thaddeus (ag 1913- ) Stu Newton 111 Martin Arselia Bessie (Mrs E D Swi- sher) (arch eng 1905-9 BS g 1909-10 MS Also Drake U) Home McAllister Mont Martin Bessie Louise (su 1910) Teach Cambridge 111 (607 Monmouth Blvd Galesburg 111) Martin Camden Edward (la 1897-9) Gov Navy Yard Mare Island Cal (817 Napa St Vallejo Cal) Martin Charles Blake (com 1914- ) Stu 434 Market St Mt Carmel 111 Martin Charles Donovan (e eng 1914- 15) Rantoul HI Martin Charles Lee (sp ag 1906-8) Ag & R Est 204 W Pine St Canton 111 Martin Clarence Allen (acad 1902-3) Merc Waurika Okla Martin Claude J (ag 1909-13) Ag Mason City 111 Martin Cline C (su 1908 acad 1910-11 law 1911-14) Clk U S Land Ofc Lew- istown Mont (Latham 111) Martin Clyde Leonidas (chem eng 1902- 4) Mfg Drain Tile D wight 111 Martin Daisy (acad 1910-11 la 1915- ) Stu Eldridge Apts Champaigm HI Martin Dorothy (la h sc Feb 1916- ) Stu 919 North St Logansport Ind Martin Dwight Ray (ag 1913-15) Ag Mason City 111 Martin Earl Ray (ag 1912-13) Pro- phetstown 111 Martin Earle W (e eng 1903-10 BS) Sales Westinghouse Elect & Mfg Co 1408 Center St Des Moines la (421 Aldrich St Geneseo 111) Martin Elsie Everett (lib 1913-14 AB (Minn) '05) Libr 3212 Fifth Av S Minneapolis Martin Emma Catharine (h sc 1910-11 AB( Butler) '12) Teach Jamestown Ind Martin Emmet Giles (arch eng 1913- Also Throop Poly) Stu 2301 Fourth St Los Angeles Martin Emmett Blaine (acad sp 1904- 5) Barber 403 W Main St Urbana 111 Martin Esther Evelyn (su 1912 Also Shurtleff Coll ) Stu Indianapolis Coll Missions Bridgeport HI Martin Eula Ruth (Mrs F D Harris) (mus 1904-5) Home 818 W Park Av Champaign 111 Martin Fay Waldo (la com 1912- ) Stu 434 Market St Mt Carmel HI Martin Frank Albert (la 1914- ) Stu 4240 N Robey St Chicago Martin Fred Raymond (acad 1902-3 e eng 1903-7) Insp Creosote Treating Plant Marion 111 (Toluca 111) t Martin Frederick Sherman (sp law 1902-4 Also Wabash Coll) Toluca 111 MARTIN George Earl (BS(Pur)'09 CE(do)'14 Instr GED U 111 1909-10 Prof C Eng Colo Coll 1910-14) Asst Prof Highway Eng Pur U 1914- 147 S Grant St La Fayette Ind Martin Grace E (Mrs M E Baxter) (1 1900-3 LLB) Home R3 Leaven- worth Kan Martin Harold Montgomery (arch eng 1913-15) Stu US Naval Acad 625 34th St Cairo 111 Martin Harry Samuel (c eng 1913-14) Dep Sheriff Logan Co 111 626 N Kickapoo St Lincoln HI martin Harvey J (acad 1885-7) Elwin HI Martin Helen Emily (h sc 1906-8 '09- 10 Also Bradley Poly) Teach Gran- ville 111 Martin I Edgar (e eng 1913-14) Law 108 Harrison St Sullivan 111 Martin Isaac Roy (su 1915 AB (Wil- liam Jewell) '12 Also U Chgo) Dir Athl Heidelburg U 22 Rebecca Av Tiffin O Martin James Walter (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1902 AB law 1903-4 Also U Mich) Law 60 Young Bldg Joliet 111 Martin Joe Neeley (sc 1912-13 law 1914- ) Stu Sullivan 111 Martin John Eden (la 1913-14) 2004 Jefferson St Sullivan 111 t Martin John Linton (ag 1904-7 BS) Box 68 Wilmington 111 f Martin John Madison (la 1894-6 AB su 1900) 316 N Sixth St Terre Haute Ind Martin Joseph H (su 1911 Also Ind St Nor) Supt Schs Sheffield 111 Martin Joy Delos (ag 1913-14) Sales Auto 4828 Kimbark Av Chicago Martin Luta (Mrs W L Kamp) (la 440 MARTIN— MASEL 1904-9 AB Also 111 Worn Coll) Home Williamsfield 111 Martin Marvel (la 1914-15 Also U la) Ft Meyers Fla Martin May Louise (lib 1899-1901 BLS) Libr Pub Lib Cleveland Martin Maysie (Mrs J S Bichman) (sc 1907-8) Home Villa Grove 111 Martin Milford Maurice (la 1914- ) Stu 423 N Ninth St Murphysboro 111 Martin Olive (la 1905-7 su 1911) Teach 2004 Jefferson St Sullivan 111 martin Oscar Eoss (g 1909-12 AM AB (Cent West Mo) '07 Instr Bkpg Acad U 111 1909-10 Asst Econ do 1910-13) Asst Prof Acct U Neb 1817 S 27th St Lincoln Neb Martin Mrs O R (see* Hardin Hazel) Martin Parks M ( sc 1873-5) Tax Agt NY Cent Lines & Ag 2418 E Tenth St Indianapolis tMartin Reese Sargent (acad 1907-8 sp ag 1908-9) Oakland 111 Martin Robert Sackett (ag 1912-13 Also Lewis Inst) Ranch Box 536 Fallon Nev Martin Robert Walter (la 1913-14) 2004 Jefferson St Sullivan 111 Martin Robert William (la 1896-1901 AB law 1901-2 LLB) Law 60 Young Bldg Joliet 111 (103 Sherman Ct) Martin Mrs R W (see Pitts Henri- etta B) Martin Sidney Griswold (c eng 1907-9 '10-12 BS) Asst Eng MSP&S Ste M RR Minneapolis ( 2622 Third Av S) Martin Taylor (ag 1868-70) Ag La Moille 111 Martin Thomas Adams (su 1907 Also Ohio Wes) Commerce Tex (Commer- cial Point O) Martin Thomas William (ag 1914-15) Hardware Sales Fairfield 111 Martin Verna Eileen (Mrs W A Scott) (la 1905-7) Home 100 E Marion St Monticello 111 Martin Walter Bunn (su 1915 Also Kan U) Dir Phys Tr Bradley Poly 305 N Perry St Peoria 111 Martin Walter Claude ( sp ag 1905-6) Ag Weston 111 Martin Webb Wilde (acad 1896-7 sc 1897-1901) Publ 417 S Dearborn St Chicago Martin Wilbur Francis (cer 1915- ) Stu Homer 111 Martin William Alexander (acad 1887- 8 m eng 1888-92 BS) Local Mgr Quincy RR Co 2635 Maine St Quincy 111 tMartin William George (la 1900-2) 3407 S Springfield Av Chicago (2220 Irving Park Blvd Martin William Holmes (la com 1914- 15 Also Miami U) c/o Goodrich Rubber Co 285 Bowmanville St Ak- ron O Martin William Hugh (la 1914- ) Stu Beech Ridge 111 *Martin William Roy (arch 1901-5 BS) d Jan 19 1909 Newton la Martin William Troy (ag 1915- Also Ark Ag Sch) Stu Climax Ark fMartinez Jorge ( sp arch eng 1908-9) 8 de Hidalgo 10 Saltillo Coah Mex Martinez Rufino Jallorina (su 1907 & '08 Also U Cin & Pur U) Draft & Build Bur Ed Manila PI Martinie Charles Austin (acad 1896-8 Also Lincoln U) Ag 501 W Illinois St Urbana 111 t Marty n James Rightor (acad 1899- 1900) 114 W Hurlburt Av Belvidere 111 Martz Robert John (g chem 1911-13 BS( Franklin) '10) Chem Ft Wayne ~Elec Wks 311 Douglas Av Ft Wayne Ind Marvel Carl Shipp (g chem 1915- AB (111 Wes) '15) Stu Midland City 111 Marvel John Everett (sc 1902-7 AB MD (Rush) '09) Med Waynesville 111 Marvin Paul Dwight (arch eng 1908-10 Also U Neb) Arch 36 Jackson Bldg Edmonton Alberta Can Marx Arthur William Kuhs (m eng 1914- ) Stu 1044 Lafayette Av St Louis Marx Frederick August Kuhs (c eng 1911-15 BS) Instrument Man Pro- tection Flood c/o White River In- dianapolis (c/o Marsch-Cleary White Constr Co Chicago) Marx George Bernard (m eng 1913- Also Armour Inst) Stu 487 Second Av Aurora 111 Marx Isaac Edwin (su 1905) Mintr & Stu Transylvania U Lexington Ky (Mt Carmel 111) ?Marx Maurice (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-5) Pawnee Okla Maryan Harry Isador (la- 1915- ) Stu 1535 N Irving Av Chicago Mary att Elmer Fauntelroy (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-9 BS) Fruit Ranch R2 Grandview Yakima Wash (Box 45 Hamilton 111) Mary att Mrs E F (see Bradley Eu- genia) Masear Rose Lillian (acad 1909-10 su 1910) Teach Aladdin Wash (Le- land 111) Masel Max (m eng 1911-13) Draft & Asst Const Eng E W Clark & Co MASLEY— MATHER 441 Columbus O (603 Henry St Alton 111) Masley Jacob Jay ( sp ag 1907-9) Cost Dept Clk 506 N Ashland Av La Grange 111 Mason Arthur Helgeson (la com 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 408 W Illinois St Urbana 111 t Mason Clarence John (ag 1910-11) Mt Pulaski 111 Mason Eleanor Louise (Mrs A B Dun- ham) (la 1913-14) Home Minneapolis (602 First St La Salle 111) Mason Jean Fraser (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 501 Marquette St La Salle 111 Mason John Chester (sp ag 1906-7 Also McKendree Coll) Merc Wheeler 111 Mason Julia Anabel (lib 1902-3 PhB (DePauw)'94) Libr Sullivan Ind (Princeton Ind) Mason Laura (su 1905 Also la St U) Prin H Sch Virginia 111 (Delavan 111) Mason Lee ( ag 1915- ) Stu New Richmond Ind Mason Mrs Lena Warner (Mrs James Mason) (la 1906-7 Also Buchtel Coll) Home 202 S Race St Urbana 111 Mason Louis (ag 1906-9) Mt Pulaski 111 Mason Mayne Seguine (e eng 1907-11 BS g e eng 1911-13 MS) c/o Rut- gers College New Brunswisck NJ Mason Mildred Eliza (Mrs L A Bow- er) )acad 1891-3) Home 1041 Ash- land Av Wilmette 111 (Plainfield 111) Mason Ralph Gardiner (ag 1906-9) Ag & Ranch Owl Colo Mason Ross Seguine (m eng 1911-14 '15- ) Buda 111 *Mason Roswell B (Trustee 1873-83 Built ICRR & NY & NHRR Supt Morris Canal Mayor Chicago 1869- 71) d Jan 1 1892 Chicago Mason Roy Skinner (arch eng 1906-10 BS) Arch Draft 1209 Wilcox Bldg Portland Ore Mason William Charles (arch 1893-6) Merc Cor Larkin & Exchange Sts Buffalo Mason William K (acad 1876-7 ag 1877-81 BS) Ag Rl Buda 111 Massey Esther (acad 1901-2 la 1902- 5 AB AM '12) Teach Jacksonville 111 ( 7919 May St Chicago) tMassey Henry Arthur (sp la 1909-10) l^MCA Boston (2019 11th St Wash- ington) Massey Henry Laurens (m eng 1915- ) Stu 3000 W 13th St Little Rock Ark Massey Linna Irene (su 1913 Also Ind St Nor) 1004 Walnut St Litch- field 111 Massie Stuart Myron (sp ag 1901-3) Ag Pontoosuc 111 Masson Lewis William (ag 1914- Also Syr U) Stu 78 Beard Ac Central Park Buffalo Masten George Leroy (acad 1893-4 la 1894-5 AB(Harv)'99 AM (do) '00) Law 320 Failing Bldg Portland Ore Masters James Hillery (sp ag 1904-6) Ag Sandpoint O (R8 Jacksonville HI) Masters John Howard (m eng 1910-13 Also Pur U) M Eng Deere & Co Moline 111 (558 N Main St Frank- fort Ind) Maston Charles Blackmore (acad 1903- 4 ) Foreign Agent Wells Fargo & Co 520 Lyman Av Oak Park 111 Masuda Tetsu (ag 1914- AB(Ia)'13) Stu 85 Nishitori St Takancatan City Sanuki Japan Mateer Howard Wilson (e eng 1912- ) Stu Rutland 111 Math Earl Robinson (arch eng 1908- 11 BS Also Armour Inst Asst Draft U 111 1913-14) Supt Constr U 111 1914- 710 Nevada St Urbana 111 Matheny Arthur Rolla (su 1907 Also 5 111 St Nor) Teach Carbondale 111 Matheny Lee Verne (la 1905-11 AB) Teach Albion 111 Matheny May (su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch 1437 Estes Av Chicago Matheny Rodman Charles Ogle (la com 1908-9 Also Prin U) Bond & Mort'g 1042 S Fourth St Springfield 111 Matheny Willard Reynolds (e eng 1909-12) E Eng 614 City Hall Chi- cago Mather Althea S (Mrs W E Durstine) (la 1892-6 AB) Home 107 Burton Av Cleveland Mather Asa Frisbie (ag 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu Plainfield 111 Mather Cornelia Grace (h sc 1909-13 AB) At home Plainfield 111 Mather Donald Elward (c eng 1901-5) Supt Bridge Const Bates Rogers Const Co Fort George BC Mather Emory Thomas (acad 1901-2 m eng 1902-5) Steam Eng 49 Jerome St San Jose Cal Mather Fred Elbert (arch 1891-5 BS) Bridge Design CB&QRR 547 W Jackson Blvd Chicago * Mather Grace Ella (sp 1895-8) d Oct 24 1898 Joliet 111 Mather Jane Maria (Mrs J C Gustaf- 442 MATHEE— MATHIS son) (lib 1899-1901 la 1905-7 AB) Home 6943 Eggleston Av Chicago Mather Lydia M ( Mrs E B Forbes) (la 1896-1900 AB) Home 118 N Buckeye St Wooster O Mather Myra Abbie (la 1901-4 AB g 1904-5 AM) Teach 310 Nicholson St • Joliet 111 Mather Ralph (sp arch 1900-2) Arch 175 Macalister St St Paul Minn Mather Rose Margaret (la 1902-5 AB lib 1914-15 BLS) Libr Kankakee 111 (Plainfield 111) Mather Roy Allen (c eng 1888-92 BS) C & M Eng Amer Bridge Co Pittsburgh Pa Mather William Asher (ag 1913-15) 57 S May St Aurora 111 Mathers Aaron (la 1912-14 AB Also Knox Coll) c/o Geo Lamonte & Co New York (Laura 111) Mathers Andrew Jackson (ag 1912-14 • Also Notre Dame U) Ag Laura 111 Mathers Efne Anne (Mrs P A En- lows) (la 1883-8 BS) Home Mason City 111 Mathers Eugene (acad 1877-8 sp ag 1878-9 '82-3) Ag Momence 111 Mathers George B (acad 1880-1 c eng 1881-4) Ag Mason City 111 Mathers Jennie A ( acad 1910-11 ) Stenog Cantrall 111 Mathers Leslie Eugene (acad 1906-9 ag 1909-13 BS) Ag Sharpsburg 111 Mathers Manley Bonham (acad 1906- 9 ag 1909-13 BS) Ag & Stu Chgo Vet Coll Mason City 111 Mathers Vertus B (sp 1905-7) Ag R5 Mason City 111 Mathes Georgia (su 1912 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 1271 W Main St Decatur 111 (Charleston 111) Mathesen Martin (la 1910-11) Recor- do N Mex fMathews Belle (sp mus 1877-8) Ur- bana 111 Mathews Charles Willard (c eng 1908- 12 BS Also Monmouth Coll) C Eng Marissa 111 Mathews Clyde Milton (acad 1895-7 law 1897-7-1903 LL B) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg 103 W Green St Urbana 111 Mathews David William (sp ag 1911- 12) Ag Yates City 111 Mathews Elmer Lester (ag 1905-7) Ag Ontario Cal Mathews George Bonney (m eng 1906- 8 Also Clarkson Sch Tech) Auto 5 Pleasant St Potsdam NY ?Mathews Grace (su 1909 Also But- ler Coll) 115 S Emerson St Living- ston Ind Mathews Howard (acad 1909-10 e eng 1910-13 BS g 1913-14 AM Also Knox Coll) Asst Eng Serv Div Utili- ties Comm 111 Yates City 111 t Mathews Howard Alexander (la 1910- 12) Joplin Mo ?Mathews James Edward (m eng 1894- 5) Olney 111 *Mathews James Newton (la 1868-71 Cert ML '91) d March 17 1910 Ma- son 111 ?Mathews John Lathrop (la 1891-2) S Evanston 111 MATHEWS John Mabry (AB(JHopk) '06 PhD (do) '09 Also U Mich Instr Hist Econ & Politics Prin U 1909-11 Assoc Pol Sc U 111 1911-15) Asst Prof Pol Sc U 111 1915- 804 W Ne- vada St Urbana 111 Mathews Mrs J M (see Keefer Ruth F) Mathews Loveva May (Mrs W A Nicolaus) (la 1889-93 BL) Home 601 . W Elm St Urbana 111 Mathews Newman Hamlin ( m eng 1872-6) Mackinaw 111 MATHEWS Robert Maurice (g math 1907-8 AB (Butler) '06 Asst Math U 111 1907-8) Instr Math Poly H Sch Riverside Cal Mathews William B (acad 1909-10 sc 1910-12 la 1915- ) Stu Yates City 111 Mathews William Elmer (c eng 1909- 10) Motorcycle Distributer Potsdam NY Mathews William Rankin (ag 1911-12 com 1914- ) Stu 2711 Parker Av Berkeley Cal ?Mathews Wilson T (ag 1870-2) Free- port 111 Mathewson John Warne (acad 1904-5 e eng 1905-9 BS) E Eng Spring- field Light Heat & Power Co Spring- field 111 mathewson Louis Clark (g math 1911-12 AM 1912-14 PhD AB (Al- bion) '10 AM(do)'ll) Instr Math Dartmouth Coll 1914- 41 S Main St Hanover NH (Mancelona Mich) Mathesen Martin (la 1910-11) Re- cordo N Mex Mathiesen Martin (la 1914-15 Also U Chgo) Konsmo Norway Mathis Eugene (la 1910-12) Ventila- tion Contr & Eng 7301 Princeton Av Chicago Mathis Frances Willard (acad 1904-5 la & lib 1906-12 BLS) Libr Pub Lib Santa Barbara Cal Mathis George Newton (ag 1914-15) Magnolia 111 Mathis Roy Hayes (acad 1897-8 sc MATHIS— MATTIS 443 1898-1900) Merc Prophetstown 111 Mathis Victor Alvin (acad 1904-5 ry m eng 1906-12 BS) Material Insp NY Cent BR 408 Main St Coraopolis Pa Mathis William Dorsev (e eng 1911- 12) Drug Hunter Ark Matlock Gerald Eugene (ag 1914-15) Stu Yorkville 111 Matoba George Hjime (e eng 1913-15 Also Wash St Coll) Stu 11 Fuyacho- Gojo Kioto City Japan Matousek Joseph (c eng 1901-5 BS Also Lewis Inst & U Chgo) C Eng & Gen Contr 3203 W 22nd St Chicago (4305 W 21st PI) t Matousek Otto James (arch eng 1906- 8 '11) 1596 W 22nd PI Chicago MATSON George Charlton (g geol 1903-4 BS (Doane) '00 AM (Cor) '03 Asst Geol Cor U su 1903-05 Instr Geol U 111 1903-4 Asst Soil Surv do su 1904 &'05) Asst Geol US Geol Surv 1906- Washington Matson Harry Emil (m eng 1914- ) Stu 11155 Edbrooke Av Chicago Matsuyama Motoyoshi (see Kishimoto) Matter Herbert John (sc 1909-11) Merc Naperville 111 (Wheaton 111) Matter Raymond Ernest (m eng 1908- 9 Also Wheaton Coll) Merc Three Forks Mont Matter Mrs RE (see Reinhardt Ruth GO Matteson Glenn Harlow (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Fairfield 111 Matteson Maurice Jefferson (ag 1911- 12) Teach Voice 512 Kimball Hall Wabash Av & Jackson Blvd Chicago (1705 Morse Av) tMatteson Price Collins (ag 1903-4) Morris 111 Matteson Sylvester Doris (la 1905-6 Also Monmouth Coll) Cotton Planter Foreman Ark Matteson Victor Andre (arch eng 1893- 5) Arch 1414 Hartford Bldg Chi- cago Matthenson Mrs James O (see Leon- ard Florence E) Matthews Mrs (see Mitchel Marietta) Matthews Albert Otto (m eng 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu 38 Q St NE Wash- ington Matthews Allen Bradford (la com 1914-15 Also Pur U) 468 Salisbury St W Lafayette Ind Matthews Benjamin Hull (1 1904-7 LLB) Law Pittsfield 111 Matthews Bessie Glenn (sp mus 1904- 5 la 1905-9 AB) Sec 821 E Main Av Knoxville Tenn Matthews C M (acad 1893-4) Ur- bana 111 Matthews Frederick Webster (acad 1898-9 e eng 1899-1900) Inventor 221 Benton Way Los Angeles Matthews Grover Cleveland (la 1914- 15 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach & Bee Keeping Hiler Id Matthews Irene Estella (su 1914) Libr 1124 Locust St Dubuque la Matthews Leigh Meryl (m eng 1908- 12 BS) Cash Bk McClure 111 Matthews Leo (acad 1904-7 la 1907- 8) Draft Springfield 111 Matthews Martha Marie (h sc 1904- 10 BS Also U Chgo) Teach 1095 S Cherry St Rochester .Minn (Onarga 111) ?Matthews Mary Alice (lib 1901-3) Mayview 111 Matthews Nellie Pearl ( Mrs M K Jordan) (la 1904-8 AB) Home 728 Hamilton Terrace Kansas City Mo Matthews Robert Clayton (m eng 1898-1902 BS Also Monmouth Coll 1896-7 Instr GED U 111 1902-5 Instr ME do 1905-6 Asst Prof Draw & Mach Design U Tenn 1907-10 Assoc Prof do 1910-12) Prof Draw & Mach Design U Tenn 1912- 821 E Main Av Knoxville Tenn fMatthews Stanley Grant (sp ag 1908- 10) 715 S Market St Urbana 111 MATTHEWS William Chaldee (Artist St Entom Ofe 1908-12) St Ag Exp Sta U Cal Berkeley Cal tMATTHEWsoN James Otis (acad 1905- 6 ag 1907-11 BS) R3 DeKalb 111 (Malta 111) Matthewson Myron Gray (acad 1909- 11) DeKalb 111 mattill Henry Allbright (g chem 1908-10 PhD AB(W Reserve) '06 AM (do) '07 Asst Chem U 111 1906-8 Assoc Physics & Phys Chem U Utah 1910-11 Asst Prof do 1911-12 Prof do 1912-13) Teach Chem 2752 Pied- mont Av Berkeley Call Mattill Mrs HA (see Isham Helen) Mattingly Leo Joseph (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 603 E Park Av Cham- paign 111 Mattingly William Brashear (ag 1910- 14 AB su 1915) Teach Nezperce Id Mattis George McKinley (sp ag 1901-2 AB(Prin)'Ol) V Pres & Treas Illi- nois Tract Co Champaign 111 Mattis Ida Levering (Mrs Stanley S Snyder) (acad sp mus 1902-3 mus '05- 6 '07-8 '09-10) Home 1201 N Lo- gan Av Danville 111 (201 N Elm St Champaign 111) 444 MATTIS— MAXWELL Matt is Julia Eebecca (la 1899-1900 '01-2 Also Bryn Mawr) At home 201 N Elm St Champaign 111 Mattis Mary Katherine (Mrs T J Camp) (mus 1912-13 Also Smith Coll) Home Fort Shafter Honolulu HI (201 N Elm St Champaign 111) Mattison John Dwight (c eng 1911-15 BS) St Highway Comm 302 Apollo Bldg Peoria 111 (B182 Oregon 111) Mattoon Charlotte Mae (Mrs Stew- art Smith) (acad 1906-8 la 1908-12 AB) Home 142 Johnston St Ansonia Conn Mattoon Edwin Whitaker (acad 1908- 11 sc 1911-15 AB) Teach Olathe Colo Mattoon Mrs E W (see Crathorae Annie E) Mattson Earl Nels (m eng 1908-12 BS) M Eng 1314 Jefferson Bk Bldg Birmingham Ala Mattson Mrs E N (see Smith Eliza- beth M) Mattson Olive May (h sc 1909-11 AB Also Chgo Nor) At home 6428 Stewart Av Chicago Matuszewicz Veronica Catherine (la 1914- ) Stu Minonk 111 Maucker Mrs James W (see Buffum Buth I) Maue August (acad 1887-9 la 1889- 91 BL Also Adrian Nor Sch) Teach 102 Mound St Joliet 111 Mauel Leonard (c eng 1906-11 BS) C Eng 4730 Berenice Av Chicago Maurer George Otto (sp ag 1909-11) Ag Virginia 111 t Maurer Leslie Fern (Mrs William Ehoads)(la 1909-10) Home Nowata Okla (Marshall 111) Maury Charles Fontaine (arch eng 1910-14 BS Also Pur U) Arch Draft 548 Eiver Side Drive New York Maury Daniel Evans (com 1915- Also LeStan U) Stu Eossville 111 Maury Harvey Van Seed (c eng 1896- 1900 BS) C Eng Pasadena Cal t Maury John Alvan (c eng 1909-12) Eossville 111 t Maury Thomas Edward (m eng 1910- 14 BS) Eossville 111 Maury Walter Carter (ag 1915- Also U Wis) 216 E Gilbert St Eossville 111 Maus Harry Elbert (acad 1908-9) Trav Sales 523 S LaFayette St Grand Eapids Mich Mautner Erwin William (la 1914- ) Stu 919 Addison St Chicago Mautner Leo A (chem eng 1908-11 BS Also Pratt Inst Brooklyn) Tan- ning c/o B D Eisendrath Tanning Co Eacine Wis (c/o Mautner Bros 24-26 W Washington St Chicago) Mautz v Charles Bail (acad 1905-6 sc 1906-9) C Eng C&E EE 406 The Holland Danville 111 Mautz Edmund Jacob (acad 1895-6 sc 1896-7 LLB(Mich)'OO) E Est 510 Henry Bldg Portland Ore Mautz George John (acad 1899-1900 la 1900-4 AB MD(P&S) '07) Med Suite 403 Myers Bldg Springfield 111 Mautz William Plaford (ag 1915- ) Stu St Elmo 111 Maver David Blair (e eng 1907-12 BS) Draft CM&STP EE 6138 Wood- lawn Av Chicago (138 N La Salle St) Mavity Iva (acad 1910-11) Broad- land 111 Mavity Maurine (h sc 1912-15) Teach Eutland 111 (Valparaiso Ind ) Mavor Hugh Nelson (arch eng 1912-) Stu 320 Fifth Av La Grange 111 IMaxey Abraham (sc 1869-73 BS 1895) Blue Grass 111 ?Maxey Harold LeEoy (1 1904-7) 108 E Green St Urbana 111 Maxey Hugh Worthington (sc 1910- 11) Stu 111 Coll 213 N Sixth St Mt Vernon 111 Maxey John Franklin (la com 1870-1) Eet Pomona Kan *Maxey Lester Charles (la 1908-11 AB) d August 8 1914 Mt Vernon 111 Maxey Mima Agnes (la 1900-6 AB AM (Chgo) '13) Teach Carlyle 111 Maxfield Elizabeth Allmond (la 1910- 11 Also Millikin U) Prin H Sch Palmyra 111 Maxfield Leroy Haskell (m eng 1901- 5 BS) M Eng Godfrey 111 (616 E Seventh St Alton 111) IMaxon May wood Austin (acad 1896- 7) 307 N Mathews Av Urbana 111 Maxon Bobbins Yale (c eng 1891-5 BS) Gov Taylor Tex Maxwell Anna M (la 1888-92 BL) Bayside NY Maxwell Mrs C G (see Weir Eachel M) Maxwell Carl (c eng 1908-10) Motor Trucking Contr Edmonds Hotel Portland Ore (Lawrenceville 111) IMaxwell Charles Edward (acad 1895- 6) Odell 111 Maxwell Charles Jacob (acad 1890-1 sc 1891-4 '95-6 BS) Chem Dorling 6 Co Union Stock Yards Chicago Maxwell Mrs Charles Eobert (see Worthen Ella E) Maxwell Clinton Latshaw (sc 1900-2) MAXWELL— MAYO 445 Cash Citizen's St Bk 306 W Hill St Champaign 111 Maxwell Elsie May (la 1910-11 Also Earlham Coll) Teach Alexandria Ind *Maxwell Emily C (sp 1873-7 BL ) d April 1 1908 Philadelphia Maxwell Esther Ann ( lib 1898-1902 BLS) Teach 203 N New St Cham- paign 111 Maxwell Mrs Frank (see McWilliams Anna) Maxwell Harold Dillon (la 1912-13) Tailor 206 N Romine St Urbana 111 Maxwell Irvine William (acad 1891-3 m eng 1893-4) Ag Urbana 111 Maxwell Jessie A (h sc 1909-11 Also DePauw U & Hollins Inst) At home 601 S Franklin St Robinson 111 * Maxwell John Riley (acad 1892-3) d June 3 1906 Keokuk la fMaxwell John William (arch 1901-2) La Grange 111 Maxwell Lena (Mrs E S Snow) (la 1907-10) Home 225 E 51st St Port- land Ore Maxwell Leslie Blaine (la cer 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1109 S Main St Paris 111 Maxwell Loyal C ( la chem eng 1913- ) Stu RFD Flat Rock 111 Maxwell Mabel (Mrs E S Robinson) (sp mus 1907-9 Also Eureka Coll) Home 309 Eddings St Fulton Ky Maxwell McKinley Vern (ag 1915- ) Stu Flat Rock HI \ Maxwell Margaret (acad 1903-4) Illi- opolis 111 Maxwell Nellie (Mrs H V Cleave) (la 1886-90 sp 1890-2) Home Bayside NY Maxwell Oliver Granville (1 1909-11 Also S 111 St Nor) Law Nashville 111 Maxwell Raymond Jones (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1109 S Main St Paris HI Maxwell Robert Lincoln (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag Rl Areola 111 Maxwell Stanley Lyle (c eng 1903-5) Cotton Planter Canebrake La Maxwell Stoy Jackson (1 1903-6 LL B) Law Robinson 111 Maxwell William Wallace (1 1882-5) Ret 301 W Church St Champaign 111 Maxwell Mrs WW (see Boone Grace G) Maxwell Wymer Washington (arch eng 1902-3 '05-7 BS) Instr Arch Pub Sch Trades 3719 Galena St Mil- waukee ?May Anna Estelle (su 1907&'08 Also Worn Coll Knoxville O) Chrisman 111 May Clifford Blaine (ag 1913- ) Stu Kirkland 111 May David Thorpe (acad 1900-1 e eng 1901-5 BS) E Eng 108 W 95th St New York May Erie Oscar (su 1912 Also Val- paraiso U) Teach Newton 111 (New- man 111) May Fred Hutchinson (1 1897-1900 LLB) c/o US Custom House Chi- cago (1446 Jackson Blvd) May Harry Monroe (e eng 1894-8 BS) Sec Chamber Com 206 Pleasant St Riverside Cal May Harry Oscar (e eng 1906-9) Draft 4717 Lexington St Chicago May Helen Buckingham (la 1907-11 AB Also Vas Coll) Teach H Sch Fort Wayne Ind ( Crawfordsville Ind) MAY Henry Gustav (BS (Rochester) '13 Lab Asst U Rochester 1911-13) Res Asst Zool U 111 1914- 1009 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Dallas Ore) May William Wyman (la com 1905-9 AB) Adv 820 Edgecomb PI Chi- cago ?Mayall Edwin Lyman (m eng 1896- 1900 BS g 1905-6 ME) c/o The Holt Mfg Co Stockton Cal ^.Maycock Mrs Rena Baker (acad 1909- 10) Urbana 111 tMayer Elmer Benjamin (c eng 1899- 1902 '04-5) Mt Pulaski 111 Mayer Lester John (min eng 1913 Also Pur U) Effic Dept Haskell & Barker Car Co 122 W Baltimore St Michigan City Ind Mayerstein Ralph Maurice (la 1914- Also Pur U) Stu 802 Cincinnati St Lafayette Ind Mayes Corwin Spencer (sc 1907-9 Also Millikin U) Med Illiopolis 111 Mayes George William (e eng 1909- 13 BS) E Eng 1203 N Roosevelt Av Bloomington 111 May hew Mrs (see Brooker Mrs Nellie Danely) Maynard Donald Edmund (la 1913- ) Stu 4322 N Kildare Av Chicago Maynard Frank Edwin (sp law 1909- 10) Law 1227 Garrison Av Rock- ford 111 Maynard Julia Louise (su 1908 PhB (Greenville) '07) Teach Greenville 111 Maynard Wesley Kenneth ( la 1915- ) Stu 4322 N Kildare Av Chicago Mayne Louis Brawley (la 1905-10 AB Also U Ind) Instr Engl Mich Ag Coll East Lansing Mich Mayne Mrs W S (see Swift Helen) *Mayo Josie Abbott (Mrs Clement) (sp 1900-1) d Dec 28 1910 Wyanet 111 446 MAYO— MEEKS Mayo Thomas Bolton (la 1914- ) Stu 911 Piasa St Alton 111 Maypole John Butler (e eng 1911-12) Mgr 135 N Mayfield Av Austin Sta Chicago Maytag Elmer Henry (acad 1900-2) Mfg Newton la tMaytag Freda (mus 1911-12) 211 S Eace St Newton la Maze Edward Samuel (la 1872-3) Fin 303 Crescent Av Grand Eapids Mich Maze Everett Andy (e eng 1904-8 BS) Elec Contr 10 W Second St Fon du Lac Wis Maze Hamilton Murray (la 1913-15) Lumber Merc 1710 Second St Peru 111 Mead Alice (Mrs E A Eich) (h sc 1909- 11) Home Washington 111 Mead Clarence Eugene (e eng 1900-4 BS) Supt US Light & Heat Co 729 Main St Niagara Falls N Y ?Mead Ellis Heman (la 1892-4) Bel- videre 111 Mead Leo Shallenburger (com 1915- Also U Neb) Stu 810 W First St Grand Island Neb Mead Mrs Philip II (see Turnbull Ethel A) Mead Mrs Eobert (see Horine Ona L) Meade Anna (su 1913 Also Mich St Nor Coll) Teach 809 N Voorhees St Danville 111 Meade David (sp 1869-70) Ag 809 W Vorhees St Danville 111 Meadows David Stanley (c eng 1902-8 BS) Ey C Eng 1448 Tenth East St Salt Lake City Meadows Mrs D S (see Lohman Le- ona) Mealiff Arthur Edward (ag 1912- ) Stu 7831 Winneconna Av Chicago Meals Eobert Woodruff (ag 1913- ) Stu 601 W Armstrong Av Peoria 111 Means Mrs (see Drew Vivian O) Means Clara Adeline (Mrs A Eing- ness)(la 1898-9 Also Ferris Inst) Home Stevens Point Wis Means Helen Alice (su 1913 Also Ind U) Libr Fairbury 111 (1924 Sugar Grove Av Indianapolis) tMeans Howard Chester (eng 1896-7) C Eng Myton Utah (1117 E Grove St Bloomington 111) Means Lee David (acad 1897-8 Also 111 St Nor U) Cash Valley St Bk Post Falls Id Means Mrs L D (see Schureman Fran- ces B) Means Walker Wilson (c eng 1915- ) Stu 1102% Springfield Av Urbana 111 Means William Ellison (sc 1885-7) Ins Peru 111 Mearns Eobert William (grad(PaSt Nor) '87 grad(US Mil Acad) '92 2nd Lieut US Army '92 1st Lieut do '98 Capt do '01 Major 12th Inf do '15 Major of Philippine Scouts 1906-9) Prof Mil Sc & Tactics U 111 1916- 208 S Eace St MEANS Brainerd (AB (Williams) '03 AM (do) '05 PhD(J Hopk)'08 Asst Chem Williams 1903-6 Instr Indus Chem U 111 1908-10 Instr Chem do 1910-11) Asst Prof Chem Williams Coll 1911- 230 Main St Williams- town Mass tMeaser James Henry (e eng 1910-12) E4 Fairmount 111 Meatheringham Arlie Ellsworth (ag 1910-11) Ag E2 Bowenlll Meatheringham John Ellsworth (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Camp Point 111 Mechin Eene Jean (m eng 1915- ) Stu 5088 Eaymond Av St Louis Medberry Olive (Mrs Walters) (lib 1903-4 Also Ohio St U) 110 12th Av Columbus O Meddins Mrs W C P (see Stephens Alice J) Medendorp Titus Arend (m eng 1914- ) Stu 4817 Congress St Chicago Medigovich George Vaso (la 1913-14) Box 1016 Bisbee Ariz Medill Williams Anthony (acad 1900- 1 law 1901-4 LLB) Law & Ag 1109 Commerce Bldg Kansas City Mo Meek Mrs (see Felmley Euth D) Meek Alva Brace (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Carrollton 111 Meek Charles Thaddeus (ag 1909-13 BS) Ag Carrollton 111 Meek Frederick James (e eng 1915- ) Stu Marissa HI Meek Harold Tecumseh (la 1914- ) Stu 505 Bigelow St Peoria 111 Meek James Perry (ag 1915) 333 Parkside Dr Peoria 111 Meek Wilbur (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu Carrollton 111 Meeker Arthur (Trustee 1908-15 PhB (Yale) '86) V-Pres Armour & Co 3030 Lake Shore Drive Chicago tMeeker Clyde Earl (m eng 1901-2) Delavan 111 Meeker Daniel Sunderland (ag 1909- 10) Ag Delavan HI Meeker Grace Euth (su 1914 Also Ottawa U) Libr 709 S Mulberry St Ottawa 111 Meeker Jennie Evelyne (su 1914 Also La St Nor) Teach Merry ville La (709 S Mulberry St Ottawa Kan) Meeker Maurice Seibert (ag 1905-8) Ag Cropsey 111 MEEKS— MELLEN 447 MeeJcs Arthur Francis (acad 1895-6) Farina 111 Meeks Mrs B S (see Van Duzer Mar- cia) Meeks Mrs Francis Pearson (Mrs J A)(su 1905&'06&'07 AM(I11 Wes) Also Cor & Mich St Nor Coll) Teach Spring Glen Danville 111 Meeks Ida Vernicia (su 1907 Also Mich St Nor Coll) Prin Sch 2504 A St San Diego Cal (Spring Glen Dan- ville 111) tMegran George Palmeter (la 1910-11) Harvard 111 Megran Herbert Brown (la 1905-9) Merc Harvard 111 Megredy William A (ag 1875-6) Eanch & Stock Lodge Grass Mont Mehaffey Helen Irene (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 7327 Evans Av Chicago Meharry Charles Leo (acad 1901-3 ag 1903-7 BS) Ag Attica Ind Meharry Edwin Thomas (acad 1900-1 ag 1901-6 BS) Ag Tolono 111 Meharry George Francis (acad 1899- 1901 la 1901-5 AB) Ag Tolono 111 Meharrv Mrs G F (see Voss Sophie M) Meharry Jesse Earle (acad 1893-4 la 1895-9 AB g la 1899-1900) Ag To- lono 111 Meharry Paul Francis (acad 1905-7 ag 1907-11) Ag Tolono 111 Meharry Vinton Switzer (acad 1903-4) Ag & Stock Wingate Ind Mehl Wallace Willis . (law 1911-14 LL B) Law Goshen HI Mehlop Florimond Lee (la 1902-3) Ag Dexter N Mex Mehlhop John August (su 1910 Also 111 Wes U) Co Supt Schs Havana 111 Mehlop Margaret Mildred (la 1913-15 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 728 N Broadway St Havana 111 Mehren Edward John (c eng 1903-6 BS AB( St Ignatius) '99) Edit Eng Eecord 239 W 39th St New York (21 Wayne Av East Orange NJ) Meidroth Leslie E (acad 1906-7) Con- crete Foreman Lock & Dam 43 US Eng West Point Ky (613 Morton St Peoria HI) *Meier Mrs (see McCarthy Estelle) meier Alice Emma (g ger 1914-15 AM AB(NWyi4) Teach Marshall Minn Meier Elsie Kose (la 1906-7) At home 629 Mason St San Antonio Tex Meier Ernest Edward (eng 1902-5 BS) Dist Eng Corrugated Bar Co c/o The Angus St Paul Minn (3264 Cortland St Chicago) Meier Harold Irving (la 1915- ) Stu Marissa 111 ?Meier Hermann Ernest (sp ag 1900- 3) Woodworth 111 *Meier William (c eng 1898-1901 BS) d 1910 Chicago Meikle Mrs Agnes (Mrs E S) (sp mus 1900-1) Home Pesotum HI Meinger Mrs G E (see Hinton Bess E) Meisenhelder William Benjamin (e eng 1912-13 la 1913- ) Stu Palestine ni Meisenhelter Ethel Linn (Mrs W E Ma- guire)(su 1902 Also Chgo Tr Sch) Home Owaneco 111 Meisenhelter Eay Webster (sp ag 1907- 8) Clk 340 New St Decatur 111 (Bosemond HI) Meissner Charles Danforth (acad 1909- 10 arch eng 1910-11) Forest Eanger Alturas Cal (4022 Tenth Av NE Seattle) Meissner Josephine Augusta (Mrs A J Quigley)(lib 1902-6 BLS) Home 1731 Naomi PI Seattle Meissner Laurentine Bertha (la 1910- 11 Also U Wash) Libr Pub Lib Walla Walla Wash Meister Edwin Francis (la 1911-12) Stu & Teach 72 E Van Allen St Tus- cola 111 tMeister Florence Mary (la 1911-12) 72 E Van Allen St Tuscola 111 ?Melby John Alexander (arch eng 1899-1903 Also Clark U) Chicago Melcher Woodbury Eanlet (ag 1911-13 Also Ore Ag Coll) Land Arch 189 Walnut St Hinsdale 111 *Melendy Ada L (la 1875-7) d Mt Carroll 111 Melendy Clarence P (ag 1875-8) Ins Baileyville Kan Melin Carl August (1 1902-5 LL B) Law Cambridge 111 Melin Charles Baymond (ag 1914- ) Stu 1302 Columbia Av Chicago Melin Frank Leonard (c eng 1906-7) Abstractor Sangaman Abstract 916 S First St Springfield 111 Melin George Edgar (ag 1912-14) 1837 12th St Moline 111 Melin Ealph Norton (ag 1915- ) Stu 1302 Columbia Av Chicago Mell John Deloss (acad 1896-7 law 1900-3 LL B) Prob Jud Eoswell N Mex Mell Joseph Lenard (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-5) Ag McKinney Tex Mellen Arthur Franklin (sc 1903-7 '09-11 '13-14 AB) Chem City Water Co Chattanooga Tenn (Amboy 111) Mellen Ernest Eoy (acad 1893-4 eng 448 MELLICK— MERCER 1894-6 Also N Mex Ag Coll) Trans Apartado 824 Havana Cuba Mellick Edwin Clinton (su 1915 Also Lake Forest Coll) Teach & Coach Oberlin Kan (Ludell Kan) Melloy Joseph Alexander (e eng 1905-7 Also St Viator's Coll) Contr Melloy Constr Co Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago Melloy Martin Alogsius (c eng 1904-6 '09-11 Also St Viator's Coll) Contr Melloy Constr Co Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago Melluish James George (sp 1893-4 SB (Mass Tech) '96) C Eng 222 Unity Bldg Bloomington 111 Melnick Louis I (la 1914-15 Also U Mo) Stu 73 Interval Av Burlington Vt Melrose Mary Hazel (la 1905-10 AB) Teach Connersville Ind (Grayville 111) Melton Harvey Leon (1 1902-7 LL B Custodian Law Lib U 111 1905-6) Law Eufaula Okla Melton James Leslie (arch eng 1906- 9 BS Also Ky St Coll) Contr Ma- rion Ky ? Melton John Newton (acad 1903-4) Urbana 111 Meltz Nathan (ag 1912-15 BS Also Woodbine Ag Sch) Chem Union Mal- leable Iron Co YMCA Moline 111 (Hamburg Germany) Melvin Frank Edgar (g 1909-12 AB (Kan) '06 AM (do) '09 PhD(Pa)'13 Asst Hist U HI 1911-12) Asst Prof Mod Hist Cor U Ithaca NY Melvin Glenn Ivan (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Stronghurst 111 Melvin Leon Russell (ag 1903-6 BS) Merc Greenfield 111 Melvin Maurice Leland (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Greenfield 111 Melvin Odis Edward (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Rl Augusta 111 Melvin Paul Ray (ag 1910-11) Ag Stronghurst 111 Memmen Dean Ellsworth (c eng 1914- 15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Minonk 111 Mench Berenice Luella (Mrs W W Hix on) (la 1911-14) Home Orlando Flats 32 Urbana 111 Mench Eleanor Lucille (Mrs J J Mo- jonnier)(la 1910-12) Home Delta O Mench John George (e eng 1907-11 BS) Sales 4026 Calumet Av Chicago (Monticello 111) Mendel Ferdinand Albert (m eng 1914- 15) 5492 Everett Av Chicago Mendenhall Mrs Forrest (see Breen Vivian Mable) *Mendenhall Scott (acad 1896-7) d Oct 25 1906 Chicago Meneely Frank Lawrence (acad 1908- 9) Cash Champaign Loan Co 308 E University Av Champaign 111 meneely John Henry (g la 1895-6 AM PhD(NY)'ll) Teach 220 Sixth Av Brooklyn NY t Meneely Margaret (la 1900-1 su 1903&'05 Also Austin Coll) Rantoul 111 Meneley Carl Finch • (acad 1903-4) Sign Painter Hamilton Kan Meneley Charles Wilbur (acad 1909-10) San & Heat Eng 404 N Randolph St Champaign 111 Meneley Charles William (acad 1883-4 la 1883-5) Mgr Chaut & Lyceum Bur Pesotum 111 Meneley Cora Frances (la 1907-8) Nurse 11th St & Sixth Av Great Falls Mont Meneley Hazel Dell (acad 1902-3) Ur- bana 111 Meneley Jerry B (acad 1885-6) Ran- toul 111 Meneley Olive Myrtle (mus 1912- ) Stu 612 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Mengel George Henry (chem eng 1909- 13 '14-15 BS) Chem 2626 Fifth Av Moline 111 Mengel John Godfrey Jr (c eng 1909- 12) Arch Draft & Mill Estimator 213 E Park Av Champaign 111 Menig Alma Agnes (lib 1914-15 AB (Col) '08) Libr Denver Med Lib 1940 Broadway St Denver Menke Arnold Edward (sc 1911-15) 15 Edgar St Evansville Ind Menke Harry George (ry c eng 1910- 11 mun eng 1911-15 BS) c/o Harman Eng Co 1626 Broadway Quincy 111 Mensenkamp Louis Edward (sc 1910- 12 '15- ) Stu 51 Cottonwood St Freeport 111 Mentch Fay Luna (acad 1903-4) R Est Cary Station 111 Menz Olive May (mus 1914-15) Teach Mus 1027 N Seventh Av Rochelle 111 Menzel Carl Alfred (eng 1915- ) Stu 7808 Normal Av Chicago tMenzimer George William (su 1905& '06 Also Dix Coll) Apple River 111 Meppen William Henry (sp ag 1904-5 Also Stein marn Inst) Ag Rl Dixon HI Merboth Louisa (Mrs G N Morgan) (acad 1881-2 la 1882-5 Cert BL'14) Home 7646 Marquette Av Chicago fMercer Alexander Val (c eng 1903-4) Attica Ind Mercer Charles Franklin (c eng 1914- ) MERCER— MERRIMAN 449 Stu 1607 Garfield Av Kansas City Mo Mercer Clarence Carl (arch eng 1915) c/o YMCA 310 Texas St Houston Tex (Bayard la) Mercer George Eugene (ag 1914- ) Stu Wyanet 111 Mercer Iva Esther (Mrs G C Haber- meyer) (la 1901-4 AB) Home 395 N Prairie St Aurora 111 Mercer Ralph Dilworth (ag 1914- ) Stu Vermont 111 Mercer Rufus Seth (sp law 1903-4 '05-6 Also 111 St Nor U) Merc 1115 E Morrison St Centralia 111 Mercer Walter Witchell (acad 1909-10 law 1910-14 LLB) Law Roundup Mont (Vermont 111) Mercey Raymond John (sc 1912-15) Stu U 111 Coll Med Saint David 111 *Mercil Benoni Edward (m eng 1898-9 BS) d March 28 1906 Chicago Meredith Ina Valeria (la 1911-14 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Perry 111 Meredith La Verne (la h sc 1913-14) Teach Perry 111 Meredith William Wynn (c eng 1903- 4) C Eng 34 City Hall Los Angeles (Perry 111) Meredith Wynn (m eng 1882-3) Gen Eng 909 Nevada Bk Bldg San Fran- cisco Merigold Frank Albert (acad 1908-9 Also St Cyril's Coll) 10048 Prospect Av Chicago Meriwether Alfred Preston (acad 1880- 1 ag 1881-2 MD(Rush)'89) Med US Indian Serv Belcourt ND Meriwether Edward G (ag 1880-2 Also St Louis Law Sch) Law 1820 Maple St Alton HI Meriwether Shannon (arch eng 1913-14 '15- Also U Mo) Stu Broadway & Barrett Sts Sedalia Mo Merker David Felmley (ag 1914- ) Stu 225 S Jackson St Belleville 111 Merker Henry Fleury (m eng 1894-8 BS) Ry C Eng 533 Washington PI E St Louis 111 Merner Arthur Frederick (acad 1907- 9) Bkpr 8811 S Carpenter St Chi- cago Merrell H Davton (su 1914 Also Ind U) 211 E Daniel St Champaign 111 Merriam Clarence Le Roy (sp ag 1902- 3) PO Clk 706 E Tenth St Newton Kan Merriam Lauren B (c eng 1877-80) Consult Eng 452 Dominion St Win- nipeg Can Merriam Zula Leona (Mrs H B Fultz) (la 1906-7) Home Bacaratone Fla Merrick Ada Menona (la 1910-11 su '14) At home 404% E White St Champaign 111 Merrick Harry Austin (acad 1890-1 arch 1891-2) Arch Armour & Co Chi- cago Merrick Ida Leona (a&d 1910-11 su '14) At home 404y 2 E White St Champaign 111 Merrick Sarah Louisa (su 1905) At home 404% E White St Champaign 111 • Merrifield Albert W (acad 1887-8 c eng 1888-92) C Eng Fort Benton Mont merrill Amos Newlove (ag 1907-8 MS BS(Utah Ag) ; 96) Prof Ag Brigham Young U 279 Fourth East St Provo Utah (Logan Utah) Merrill Emily Mrs Newman ( acad 1892-3) Home 200 Hawthorn St Syracuse NY Merrill Erie Reed (sc 1911-12) Chem 303 Mississippi Av Joliet HI Merrill Mrs F E (see Mcintosh Eu- nice M) Merrill George Wilson (ag 1913-15 Also Kan St Nor Coll) Ag Perkins Mich Merrill Mrs G W (see Castleberry Georgia) *Merrill Harriet Bell (g zool 1914-15 MS(Wis)'93) d Milwaukee Merrill Hillwell Frederick (acad 1895- 6 sc 1896-1900 BS Also Walther Coll) Chem Purina Mills St Louis (Col- linsville 111) Merrill Julia Wright (lib 1902-3 BLS) Libr Pub Lib Cincinnati O MERRILL Katherine (AB(Bryn Mawr) Asst Prof Engl & Lit U 111 1892-7) Lect Pond Lyceum Metropolitan Life Bldg New York (504 W 112th St) Merrill Marcella Winton (Mrs H N Powell) (ag h sc 1911-12) Home R3 Stevensville Mont fMerrill Orland Paul (sc 1897-9) El- gin 111 Merrill Thompson Arelene (la com 1909-14 AB) 213 W Third St Beards- town 111 * Merrill Warren (ag 1869-72) d As- toria 111 merrills Frederick Emerson (g la 1911-12 AM AB ( Harv ) '11 ) Law Belleville 111 Merrills Marshall Crittendon (acad 1908-9 la 1909-14 AB) C Eng Belle- ville 111 Merrills Virginia (la 1915- ) Stu 111 Virginia Av Belleville 111 *Memman Charles M (ag 1871-2) d' 450 MERRIMAN— METTLER March 30 1913 Coffeyville Kan *Merriman Emma M (1871-2) d Champaign 111 Merriman John Riley (ag 1908-12) Stu Rush Med Coll (407 W Monroe St Springfield 111) ?Merriman Rilla (Mrs Vallette) (la 1871-2) Coffeyville Kan Merris Carl Elmer (e eng 1910-12 BS Also Col U) E Eng & Stu Rensselaer Poly Troy NY (403 S Sixth St Vic- tor Colo) "Merritt Charles H (acad 1877-8 la 1878-82 Cert) d Feb 8 1901 Mason City 111 ?Merritt Charles J (m eng 1887-90) Champaign 111 Merritt Cora Leone (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 4244 Delmar Blvd St Louis Merritt Guy Wilson (1 1907-8) Grain Merc Rossville 111 Merritt Harold Thomas (acad 1902-3 c eng 1903-7 BS) Traffic Mgr 715 Washington Av Evansville Ind ?Merritt Jennie (sp a&d 1882-3) Cham- paign 111 ?Merritt Luella (la 1888-90) Cham- paign 111 IMerritts Louise (acad 1899-90) Cham- paign 111 tMerry Carl Emmett (sc 1904-9) 136 W Washington Av Kirkwood Mo Merry Dean Stone (acad 1907-9 '10-11) Merc 404 S Race St Urbana 111 Merry Elda Maud (Mrs Harry Old- ham) (acad 1905-6 mus 1907-8) Home 409 W Illinois St Urbana 111 MERRY Glenn Newton (g 1911-12 AB (NW) '10 Also Cumnock Sch Oratory Asst Pub Spk & Engl U 111 1911-12) Prof Pub Spk U la 1008 E Bur- lington St Iowa City la Merry Mrs Glenn (mus 1911-12 AB (Worn Coll Bait) AM (Col) ) Home 1008 E Burlington St Iowa City la Merrymon Mary Elinor (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Mounds 111 (1010 Thompson St Carbondale 111) Mersereau Lillie V (acad 1876-7) Ran- toul 111 t Mersereau W Randolph (sp 1875-7) 230 S La Salle St Chicago Mershimer James Dwight (sc 1911-13) Stu U 111 Coll Dent 1524 N Kedzie Av Chicago Mershimer Mrs J D (see Thompson Ruth E) Mershon Joseph Ing- n (acad 1906-7 la 1907-8 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '12) Med Mt Carroll 111 Mershon Mabel Claire (Mrs R W Gra- ham) (su 1906 Also NW U) Superv Mus & Draw Mt Carroll 111 Mershon Noble Carlisle (acad 1905-6 law 1906-8 LLB(Kent)'lO) Law Box 793 Philadelphia (Mt Carroll 111) Meserve Gladys Theodosia (Mrs C E Ranney)(la 1902-4) Home Nowata Okla (Robinson 111) Meserve Theodore Decatur (sc 1907-11 '12-13 AB) Adv 504 W Locust St Robinson 111 Mesick Raymond Frederick (e eng 1909-10) Grain & Coal Merc La Harpe 111 Mesiropf Josef Albert (aead 1892-3 e eng 1893-9 BS) Consult Eng W En- gineering & Constr Co 301 Merrill Bldg Milwaukee (630 Cramer St) Mesirow Benjamin S (1 1909-10 Also NW U) Law 1058 N Oakley Blvd Chicago tMeskimen John Raymond (ag 1910- 11) Vincennes Ind Mesler John Dickinson (acad 1895-6 m eng 1896-7) Adv & Jour Cobden 111 Mess Elsa (la 1907-9 AB(Mich)'ll) Teach Benton Harbor Mich Mess Lillian (Mrs C I Hall) (la 1907- 10) Home Fort Wayne Ind messenger Ruth Ellis (la 1910-11 AM AB(NY Nor) '05) Teach 569 W T 150th St New York tMesser Harry (sp 1898-9) Charleston HI Messick Joseph Breckenridge (1 1905- 9LLB) Law 3016 Linden PI E St Louis 111 *Messick William Stanley (1 1908-9 Also Monmouth Coll) d July 30 1910 Monmouth 111 Messner Mrs L C (see Everett M Kate) Messner Olive Pearl (Mrs Cloyd Smith) (h sc 1910-12) Home Mt Carroll 111 *Metcalf Allan D (la 1875-7) d Ed- wardsville 111 Metcalf Herbert Edmond (g zool 1914- 15 AB (Tufts) '14) Asst Dept An Biol U Minn Minneapolis Metcalf James David (acad 1888-9 sc 1889-93 BS) Bk Cash Shipman 111 Metcalf Merrill Buchanan (ag 1905-6) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Greenfield 111 Mettler Clayton Henry (eng 1910-11 Also Knox Coll) C Eng 111 Steel Co Chicago 229 S Ashland Av La Grange 111 Mettler Joseph Ferdinand (acad 1891- 3 la 1893-5) Pub "News-Times" METZ— MEYERS 451 Maroa 111 Metz Carl Altgeld (c eng 1911-15 BS) Draft 5806 Prairie Av Chicago (To- lono 111) Metzger Leroy Paul (la com 1912-15 com Feb 1916- ) Stu 1913 Wash- ington Av Cairo 111 Metzger Louis Charles Frederick (c eng 1900-5 BS CE'll) C Eng 2650 Accomac St St Louis Metzler Arthur Maurice (la com 1911- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 506 W Clark St Champaign 111 Metzler Clarence William (acad 1910- 11) Stenog Chf Eng Monon RR Co Chicago (Mansfield 111) Metzler Clarence Wilma (acad 1907-8) Shumway 111 Metzler Curtice Vernon (m eng 1911- 13) Clk Ins Co 1719 S Jefferson Av St Louis Metzler John Newman (su 1915 Also Knox Coll) White Hall 111 Metzler Ralph Oliver (com 1915- ) Stu 506 W Clark St Champaign 111 *Meulheims Robert (sc 1876-7) d Nashville 111 Mewhirter Jannett Lou (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu Yorkville 111 Meyer Alfred Werner (chem eng 1913- 15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 145 W 68th St Chicago Meyer Alvin Frederick (ag 1913- ) Stu Deerfield 111 Meyer Mrs C H (see McCullough Jes- sie O) Meyer Carl Theodore (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 529 S Eighth St Springfield 111 Meyer Emma (su 1906 Also Austin Coll) Teach Waterloo 111 Meyer Ferdinand Antoine E H (com 1915- ) Stu Aux-Cayes Hayti West Indies Meyer Frank Wellington (com 1915- ) Stu 503 E Fourth St Beardstown 111 Meyer Frederick Henry (acad 1909-11) Adv Mgr 130 S 13th St La Crosse Wis Meyer Mrs G W (see Snyder Eliza- beth V) Meyer George Jr (m eng 1910-14 BS) Electr Estimator Chicago Switch- Board Mfg Co 2019 W Van Buren St Chicago * MEYER George Henry (AB (Colgate) '89 AM (do) '92 Also Berlin U 1904- 5 & IT Jena 1905-6 Instr Ger U 111 1897-9 Asst Prof do 1899-1915 Asst Dean Coll L&A U 111 1909-15) d July 27 1915 Chicago Meyer George Henry (sp ag 1904-6) Buttermaker 409 W Main St Havana 111 Meyer George William (arch eng 1912- 14 Also Carnegie Tech) Arch 302 Meyran Av Pittsburgh (2207 W Fourth St Davenport la) Meyer Harry (acad 1892-3 m eng 1893-4) Chf Draft 31 Glenwood Av Davenport la Meyer Henry Carl (sp ag 1903-4) Wrayville 111 Meyer Mrs H C (see Hampton Amy) Meyer Henry Ernest (acad 1907-8) Barber Morrison 111 Meyer Howard Maurice (eng 1915- ) Stu 12 Dill St Berlin Ontario Can Meyer Husted McCullough (com 1915- ) Stu 250 Hazel Av Glencoe 111 meyer Ido Franklin (la 1904-5 AM ML(Hedding) '95 PhB(Grinnell) '04) Pres Ellsworth Coll Iowa Falls la Meyer John Frederick Jr (arch eng 1903-7 BS) Mfg Hannibal Mo Meyer John Theodore (la 1913-14) Rl Rock Falls 111 IMeyer Michael Israel (su 1909 BS (Chgo) '08) 473 W 12th St Chicago Meyer Orval Conrad (m eng 1911-14) Auto 719 Seminary St Vincennes Ind Meyer Pauline Augusta (su 1915 Also Mass St Nor) Superv Pub Sch Mus 228 Bruce St Lawrence Mass Meyer Ralph (la 1913-15) Clk Flora 111 Meyer Raymond Edward (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1243 Hood Av Chi- cago tMeyer Robert Conrad (m eng 1900-2) Gilman 111 Meyer Mrs Susannah (mus 1904-5 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Iowa Falls la tMeyer Walter William Louis (1 1910- 11) 1213 W 31st St Chicago Meyer Wilbur Henry (ag 1915- ) Stu 303 S Wall St Beardstown 111 tMEYER William (sc 1909-12 BS su 1915 Also U Minn) 926 Tenth Av Rock Island 111 Mever Mrs William (see Garrett Helen R) Meyers Mrs (see Straight Flede D) Meyers Charlotte (la 1915) At home First & State Sts Belvidere 111 Meyers Marguerite (la 1915- ) Stu 627 Whitney St Belvidere 111 Meyers Mildred Irene (la 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu 327 S Sixth St Pekin 111 Mevers Paul Lillard (ag 1911-13) Ag R33 Lynn Ind (1015 S Adams St 452 MIAO— MILES Marion Ind) Miao Eu-Chao (c eng 1915- Also Ind U) Stu Kiangsu China Miao Yun Tai (m eng 1914- Also Southwestern Coll) Stu 574 Mint St Yunnanfu China t Michael Beatrice Anna (sp mus 1908- 9) 509 S Prairie St Champaign 111 Michael Chester Andrew (sp ag 1901- 2) Vet McLoud Okla ♦ Michael Ethel Otelle Sophia (su 1911 mus 1912-13) 509 S Prairie St Cham- paign 111 t Michael Harry (la 1908-11 AB Also Chgo Nor Coll) 4135 Monroe St Chi- cago Michael Bichard William (ag 1915- ) Stu 509 S Prairie St Champaign 111 *Michael Wilbur Harold (m eng 1910- 12) d July 9 1912 Chicago Michalek Mrs John (see Clarke Flor- ence) Miche Irene Eleanor (la 1909-12) Home Elmhurst 111 Michels Eva Mabel (su 1911 Also S Coll Inst & McKendree Coll) Asst Prin H Sch Odin 111 (Albion 111) Michels Walter (la 1915 Also Lewis Inst) 6426 Union Av Chicago Michener Elmo Eggleston (acad 1904- 5) Merc Homer 111 Michener Harry J (acad 1906-9 law 1909-10) Ag & Stock Homer 111 Michener Levi Warner (sp ag 1869-71) Bet Philo 111 Michener Samuel C (m eng 1869-70) Teamster Homer 111 Mickelson Jens Christian (e eng 1913- ) Stu 1626 N Campbell Av Chicago Mickle Friend Lee (g chem 1915- AB (Allegheny) '11) Stu Garland Pa IMickle George Earle (acad 1904-5) Bed Oak 111 *Middlecoff Boyal Landon (1 1905-7) d Hillsboro 111 Middleton Anthony (la 1900-1 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 221 Arthur Av Peoria 111 Middleton Mrs Earl (see Ice Ma- rinda) Middleton Edith Anna (la 1913- ) Stu 2657 Park Av Chicago Middleton Julian Gilbert (arch eng 1913-14 '15- ) 650 N Park Av Po- mona Cal MiddI/Eton Walter Stanley (min eng 1909-13 BS) Sales 1235 Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago (YMCA Oak Park 111) tMiddleworth Florence (su 1899) Shel- byville 111 Middleworth Tarsia Maude (la 1909- 10) 2416 Walnut St Shelby ville 111 Midkiff Jesse Earl (su 1910 AB(Ew- ing) '05) H Sch & Coll Agt Amer Book Co 330 E 22nd St Chicago Midkiff John Howard (ag 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu Stonington 111 Miebach Mary Theresa (mus 1915) Pianist Lyric Theatre 212 E White St Champaign 111 miebach Peter John (acad 1894-5) 56 South St Champaign 111 Mieher Mrs V C (see Lowry Sarah Edith) Mier Leo Edward (la com 1910-12) Clk 117 S Meridian St Indianapolis Miers Boy Hamilton (ag 1910-14 Also Lombard Coll) Ag Burney Ind tMiessler Erich Carl (se 1912-14) Crete 111 Miessler Herbert Theodore (la 1913- 14) Crete 111 Mikami Garo (g com 1915- BCS (Waseda) '12) Stu Kofee Japan Mikulski Ottilie Johannah (su 1910 Also Nor Sch Germany) Teach Wm McKinley H Sch Chicago (3202 W Monroe St) Milbrad Herbert Vincent (arch 1902-3) 2168 Dayton Av St Paul Minn *Miles Archie L (sp 1900-1) d Elm- wood 111 Miles Mrs C L (see Hand Mary M) * Miles Cyrus A (acad 1877-8) d Cob- den 111 Miles Eunice (la com 1911-13 '14-15) At home 703 N Main St Garden City Kan Miles Grant Minor (m eng 1902-3) Grain Merc 531 Moss Av Peoria 111 Miles Harriette (lib 1899-1901 Also U Kan) Elgin Kan Miles Helen Myriel (la 1914-15 Also Lombard Coll) 607 Cole St Bushnell 111 IMiles James Marion (acad 1896) Humboldt Tenn Miles James Shelby Jr (ag 1907-9) Ag & Stock Petersburg 111 Miles John William (sp ag 1886-7 1903-4 acad 1906-7 sp ag 1907-8) Ag Virginia 111 Miles Joseph Porter (ag 1910-14 BS) Sales & Field Expert Internat Harv- ester Co Davenport la (Lewistown 111) Miles Laurence Hursh (la com 1907- 11 AB) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Sa- vanna 111 Miles— miller 453 MILES Lee Ellis (g hort 1914- AB (Wabash) '14 Asst Flor U 111 1914- 15) Asst Bot U 111 1915- 507 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 (1013 S Grant Av Crawfordsville Ind) Miles Lois M (la 1906-10 AB AM '14) Univ Sec Registrar's Ofc U 111 614 Michigan Av Urbana 111 (519 Dean St Bushnell 111) Miles Luther Fiske (ag 1909- ) Stu 1308 Lincoln Av Urbana 111 *MILES Manly (MD (Bush) '50 DVS (Col Vet) '80 Prof Zool & An Physics St Ag Coll Lansing Mich 1860 Prof Ag U 111 1870-6 Prof Ag Mass Ag Coll Amherst) d Feb 5 1898 ?Miles Mrs Mattie (la 1905-6) Ur- bana 111 Miles May (ag 1912-15 Also Kan St Ag Coll) At home 703 N Main St Garden City Kan Miles Nancy Grace (su 1906) Stu 111 Worn Coll Virginia 111 Miles Paul Keiter (m eng 1908-12 BS) Contr Savanna 111 Miles Kae (Mrs L M Finn) (la 1911- 12) Home Garden City Kan t Miles Ruth Columbia (acad 1907-8 la 1912-14) 1308 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Miles Rutherford Thomas (acad 1896- 7 sc 1897-1901 BS) Merc Fisher In Miles Tarlton V (acad 1889-90) Vet Hamburg Ark Miles Thomas Boyd (ag 1913- ) Stu Lewistown 111 t Miles William (ag 1880-1) Princeton 111 Miles William Davis (sp la 1903-4) Job Printer 211 W Elm St Urbana 111 Miles Mrs WD (see Hubbard Julia P) *Miles William Eisenberg (acad 1883- 4 '84-5) d Kewanee 111 Milican Harold Alexander (su 1906 &'07 AB( Greenville) '06) Prin AM Chesbrough Seminary North Chili NY Mill Robert Charles (su 1912 Also Benton Coll Law St Louis) Grain Insp 4034 Waverly PI E St Louis 111 Millar Adam Vaus (acad 1892-3 sc 1893-7 BS MS '01 Instr GED U 111 1901-2 Instr Mech Draw & Des Geom U Wis 1902-8) Asst Prof Draw U Wis 1908- 1011 Grant St Madison Wis Millar Charles Ernest (sc 1905-9 BS g 1910-11 MS) Asst Prof Mich Ag Coll E Lansing Mich Millar Mrs C E (see Kays Lucille E) Millar Clendon Van Meter (sc 1889- 93 BS g 1893-4 MS Asst Chem U 111 1893-4 Asst Chem St Water Surv do 1895-9) Chem & Assayer 617 & Joplin St Joplin Mo Millar Frank Washington (la 1913-14) Mgr Remington Typewriter Co Ral- eigh NC (522 N Grove Av Oak Park 111) Millar Harry Knowles (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-3) Ag Goodwell Okla Millar Mary Wright (sp 1902-3 Also U Wis) 1517 La Fayette Av Mat- toon 111 Millar Melvin Oscar (ag 1915- ) Stu 2309 Prairie Av Mattoon 111 Millar Nellie Decker (Mrs W S Hop- kins) (a&d 1895-8) Home 505 S Bab- cock St Urbana 111 Millar Russell Ward (sc 1912- ) Stu 2309 Prairie Av Mattoon 111 Millar William Edwin (c eng 1882-6) Teach Charleston 111 Millar William Harris (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Sherman 111 millard Earl Bowman (g chem 1911-14 PhD AB(Colo)'10 AM(Wis)'ll Asst Chem U 111 1911-13) Instr Mass Tech Boston (1915 Pine St Boulder Colo) millard Floyd Hays (eng 1910-12 MS BS(Colo)'10 CE(do)'13 Instr T&AM U 111 1912-13) Expert RR Comm 145 Iota St Madison Wis (1915 Pine St Boulder Colo) Millard Mrs F H (see Schaller Emma) fMillard George Mark (arch eng 1910- 11 Also Ohio St U) 1403 Blue Island Av Chicago *Millard Sylvester M (Trustee 1879-91 Grad Mich Ag 1864 Teach Olivet Coll 1864-5 Alderman Highland Pk Law) d Dec 1 1905 Lake Geneva Wis Miller Mrs (see French Cora May) Miller Mrs A A (see Shipley Alta I) t Miller Adele Clara (su 1909) 310 Douglas Av Belleville 111 Miller Albert Smith (la 1913-14) Asst Pres Avery Co 2600 N Madison St Peoria 111 Miller Alexander Austin (m eng 1902- 5) Traffic Mgr Gary & Interurban RR Gary Ind fMiller Alexander Vidder (la com 1872- 4) Batavia 111 Miller Alvin Charles (m eng 1903-9 BS) Mgr Ice Plant Monticello 111 *Miller Alvin George (sp 1896-7) d 1908 Fairbanks Alaska Miller Anna (su 1914) Petersburg 111 454 MILLER— MILLER Miller Anna May (la 1915- ) Stu 435 W King St Decatur 111 Miller Mrs Anna Easley (su 1914 Also Ind Teach Coll) 1133 Villa Av In- dianapolis Ind Miller Archie Roscoe (e eng 1914- ) Stu Mahomet 111 Miller Arthur Clair (su 1912 Also Wa- bash Coll) Teach 5925 Ohio St Chi- cago Miller Arthur Edgert (c eng 1909-11 Also Dart Coll) C Eng NY Cont Jewell Filtration Co 15 Broad St New York (1 Becker PI Rockville Conn) ?Miller Arthur Le Robert (la 1908-9) Areola 111 IMiller Aylett P (acad 1876-8 c eng 1878-9) Chicago Miller Barbara Ellen (Mrs D A Web- ster) (la 1903-4 Also Lindenwood Coll) Home Santa Paula Cal f Miller Benjamin C (la 1870-1) Car- linville 111 fMiller Benjamin Harry (c eng 1912- 13 Also Lewis Inst) 428 S 14th Av Maywood 111 Miller Bert Andrew (acad 1904-6 m eng 1906-10) Ag Forrest 111 Miller Bertha (acad 1906-7) Manlius 111 Miller Bertha Alice (la 1906-8 AB Also Chgo Teach Coll & W Coates Coll) Teach 111 Worn Coll Jacksonville 111 (310 W Washington St Paris 111) Miller Bertie Ethel (su 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Willow Hill 111 Miller Carl Frederic (arch 1901-2) Clk Chem Lab 401 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 (Worthington Ind ) Miller Carl Nelson (la 1907-9 BS(Ore Ag)'14) US Forest Serv Portland Ore Miller Carrie Marie (Mrs J T Madi- son) (la 1906-7) Home Ashkum 111 ^Milter Charles Alexander (acad 1899- 1900 Also 111 Wes U) 705 W Wash- ington St Bloomington 111 Miller Charles Joseph (la 1901-2) Ins c/o Prudential Life Ins Co Los An- tMiller Charles Murrell (ag 1907-10) Atlanta 111 t Miller Charles W (ag 1870-2) Chi- cago Miller Chester Branch (acad 1900-3 la 1903-7 AB Also Bradley Poly 1908) Instr Man Tr 5866 Etzel Av St Louis (R2 Clayton Mo) Miller Mrs C B (see Pruyn Clara) Miller Chester Frederic (su 1909 AB McKendree ) '07 AM(do)'09) Supt Schs 401 S Main St Normal 111 Miller Clarence (la 1901-2) Bkpr Helvetia Ariz (Lincoln 111) Miller Clarence Benwell (acad 1903-4 e eng 1904-8 BS) E Eng Gen Elec Co 351 Tyler St Pittsfield Mass Miller Clarence Jacobs (la 1911-12) Stu Wm Jewell Coll Superior St Ot- tawa 111 Miller Clayton Allen (e eng 1912-14 BS Also Ohio St U) E Eng 206 Denver Gas & Elec Light Co Denver (81 Circular St Tiffin O) *Miller Cleo Landon (la 1910-11) d Nov 21 1912 Crawfordsville Ind Miller Clifford (su 1910 Also Millikin U) Teach 621 S Ninth St Bozeman Mont Miller Clifton Warner (c eng 1915- ) Stu 2904 Elm St Cairo 111 Miller Clyde Albert (eng 1912-13 Also Pa St Coll) Clk 719 Railroad Av Sunburg Pa Miller Clyde Lindley (m eng 1912-14) c/o Miller Harness Co 406 W Elm St Urbana 111 Miller Mrs C L (see Goodman EvaM) Miller Cuyler Clark Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu R2 Carlinville 111 Miller Daisy Mary (Mrs C L Moore) (h sc 1902-6 BS) Home 2111 Gaines St Davenport la Miller Daniel Edwin (m eng 1912- ) Stu 1519 N Sixth Av Quincy 111 Miller Dean Albert (c eng 1914- ) Stu 283 W Walnut St Canton 111 Miller Dilla (acad 1885-6) Argenta 111 Miller Donald S (chem eng 1902-6 BS g 1906-7 MS) Supt Schs Stanley Wis Miller Earl Franklin (arch eng 1908- 10 Also Armour Inst & Art Inst Chgo) Arch 10 Dempsey Bldg Manitowoc Wis Miller Mrs E F (see Manley Olive) Miller Edna Amanda (Mrs C T Kep- linger) (su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U) Home R34 Loami 111 fMiller E Horace (la 1884-5) Urbana 111 Miller Edwin Morton (sc 1906-10 AB MD(Rush)'13) Med Irving Park Blvd & 48th Av Chicago (Geneva 111) *Miller Mrs Ella Garrison (su 1905& '09) d June 21 1913 Pearl 111 Miller Elliott Strong (la com 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu 175 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Miller Erwin Franklin (arch eng 1912- MILLER— MILLER 455 Also Washburn Coll) Stu Onaga Kan Miller Ethel Claire (Mrs L A Water- bury) (acad & la 1901-2) Home Tuc- son Ariz Miller Eunice Blanche (Mrs Harry Buchanan) (mus 1912-13) Home Wi- namac Ind MILLER Eva Grace (AB(Colo)'13 AM (do) '14 Asst Biol U Colo 1913-14) Asst Nat Hist Museum U 111 1914- 708 W California Av Urbana 111 (1147 Lincoln Blvd Boulder Colo) Miller Everett Dodge (m eng 1914-15) Trav 795 Dean St Bushnell 111 Miller Ezra Emmeret (1 1902-3) Merc 9 Pine St Freeport 111 Miller Fanny Elliott (Mrs D P Taylor) (lib 1902-3 Also Western Coll Worn 1900-2) Home 231 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 tMiller Floyd Emmet (m eng 1908-12) Seymour 111 Miller Francis H (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5475 Drexel Av Chi- cago Miller Frank Alonzo (acad 1894-5) Merc Box 657 Rantoul 111 Miller Frank Arthur (acad 1890-3) Chicago Miller Frank Charles (m eng 1911-12) Mfg 420 W Franklin St Hagerstown Md Miller Frank Kirkpatrick (ag 1911-12) Ag New Richmond Ind Miller Fred Charles (arch 1899-1904 BS) Lumber Merc 1023 N Adams St Peoria 111 Miller Fred Merle (g m eng 1914-15 BS(Ore Ag) '14) Instr Experimental Eng Ore Ag Coll 610 Jefferson St Corvallis Ore (R2 Albany Ore ) Miller Fred Raney (la 1912- ) Stu Gilman 111 tMiller Fred Schiller (sp ag 1911-12) 412 Daniel St Champaign HI Miller Mrs Frederick M (see Shoot Bonnie S) IMiller Garfield Lankard (la 1905-6 Also Wash Ag Coll) Champaign HI tMiller Gene John (m eng 1909-10) Boswell Ind MILLER George Abram (AB (Muhlen- berg) '87 AM(do)'91 PhD(Cumber- land) '92 Also Leipzig U & Paris U Instr U Mich 1893-5 Instr Cor U 1897- 1901 Asst Prof LeStan U 1901-3 Assoc Prof LeStan 1903-6 Assoc Prof Math U 111 1906-7) Prof Math TJ HI 1907- 1103 W Illinois St Urbana HI Miller Mrs G A (see Boggs Cassandra A ) Miller George Clarence (1 1909-10) Sales Sullivan 111 Miller George Francis (su 1914 Also Ind Nor Coll) Cresson Pa fMiller George Louis (sc 1897-8) Cham- paign 111 Miller Gertrude Evelyn (su 1909&'ll) Lake Villa 111 Miller Glen Anderson (c eng 1907-9) c/o Fisk Rubber Co 2037 Euclid Av Cleveland Miller Goldie Mae (sp mus 1905-8) At home 617 W Healy St Champaign 111 Miller Grant Clark (arch 1891-4 BS g 1894-5 MS Asst Arch TJ 111 1894-5) Arch 116 S Michigan Av Chicago Miller Guy Garfield (acad 1901-2 la 1902-3) Merc Dixon ni Miller Mrs H A (see Custer Bertha M) Miller Hallie May (su 1911 Also Mil- likin U) Teach Grafton ND (453 S Webster St Decatur HI) Miller Harold Thomas (la 1914- ) Stu 316 Barrett St Burlington la tMiller Harry (sp ag 1902-3) Galva 111 Miller Mrs H C (see Brookings Louise R) Miller Harry Crawford (g la 1903-6 AB (Austin) '93) Law Nokomis 111 * Miller Harry James (acad 1906-9) d Oct 1909 Ivesdale 111 tMiller Harry R (la 1881-4) Cham- paign 111 MILLER Harry Willard (BS(Wash & Lee) '07 ME(do) '11 Instr GED U 111 1909-11 Assoc do 1911-13) Asst Prof GED TJ 111 1913- & Asst Dean Coll Eng U 111 1912- 605 W Green St Urbana HI Miller Helene Augusta (la 1899-1902 su 1909) Teach 518 E Court St Paris 111 Miller Henrietta Cora E (h sc 1910-11 Also Beloit Coll) Teach 745 N Craw- ford Av Dixon 111 Miller Henry A (arch 1878-81) Pri- vate Sec 147 Lexington Av Buffalo 111 *Miller Henry R (la 1881-2) d 1881 Lake Mich (Champaign HI) Miller Herbert Scholey (sp 1900-1 Also Bradley Poly 1898-9 & Ober Coll 1899- 1900) Mgr 716 Fourth Av Cedar Rapids la Miller Homer Hanford (acad 1894-5 sp 1899-1900) Photog (Central City la) Bismarck 111 Miller Horace W (acad 1884-5 MD (Pa) '81) Med 1251/s W Main St 456 MILLER— MILLER Urbana 111 (217y 2 W Main St) Miller J Grace (Mrs McCartney) (su 1908 Also Valparaiso Nor) Home 2323 Broadway Chicago (Canton 111) ?Miller Jacob Cyrus (su 1905) 2015 Sixth Av Rock Island 111 t Miller James Eriekson (e eng 1903-6) Evanston 111 Miller James Kenneth (acad 1908-10) 1632 Indiana Av Chicago IMiller James M (acad 1883-5) Cham- paign 111 miller Jay Earll (g hist 1912-13 AM AB(Kan) '10 LLB(do) '12) Asst Hist U 111 1914* 608% E Green St Cham- paign 111 (Marysville Kan) fMiller Jesse (gen 1870-1) Springfield 111 ?Miller Jesse Boaz (arch eng 1906-7 Also U Neb) Wahoo Neb Miller Jessie Fay (la 1909-13 AB g 1913-14 AM) Teach H Sch Herrin 111 (Gilman 111) Miller John A (acad 1879-80 sc 1880- 1 '82-5 BS MS '88 PhD (Berlin) '88 Asst Chem U 111 18b 7 -8) St Analyst & Assoc Prof U Buffalo 176 Norwood Av Buffalo NY t Miller John Austin (acad 1909-11 ag 1911-12) 179 La Salle St Aurora 111 miller John E (g 1900-2 AM 1902-4 BL(Mt Morris) '92 AB(Mich) '94 Instr Greek & Latin U HI Acad 1900-4) Pres Mt Morris Coll 1904- Mt Mor- ris 111 Miller Mrs John F (see Lindley B) Miller John Glenn (arch eng 1903-5 AB (Knox) '02) Mfg c/o Baker Mfg Co Springfield 111 (1440 Holmes Av) Miller Mrs J G (see Miller Nellie G) Miller John H (acad 1876-8 sc 1878- 80) R Est Big Lake Minn Miller Mrs J H (see Cornell Grace M) Miller John Harold (e eng 1911-15 BS) Apprentice c/o Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co 433 Ross Av Wilkins- burg Pa Miller Mrs J H (see McAllister Min- nette C) tMiller John Henry (ag 1910-11) Ma- roa HI Miller John J (chem eng 1905-9 BS) Chem J F Humphreys & Co Bloom- ington 111 Miller John Millage (min eng 1913-14) c/o Bradstreet Co Evansville Ind Miller Joseph Chester (sp ag 1908-9 Also Coffeen Nor Sch) Stu Theol Sem Atchison Kan (Fillmore 111) Miller Joseph Gilman (com 1915- ) Stu 543 Grove St Glencoe 111 Miller Joseph Harrison (c eng 1911-12 '14- ) Stu Red Oak 111 *Miller Josiah Albert (sc 1908-9) d Sedalia Mo Miller Karl Friedley Kobler (c eng 1905-6) Engraver 806 Commercial Av Cairo 111 Miller Kathleen Winifred (la 1914- ) Stu Princeville 111 Miller Kenneth Adlai (arch eng 1914- Also 111 Wes U) Stu 405 W Market St Bloomington 111 Miller Kenneth William (la 1915- ) Stu 1332 N Water St Decatur 111 Miller Mrs L J (see Riley Anna B) Miller Laura May (Mrs A E Wil- liams) (h sc 1908-10 BS Also Ohio St U) Home 611 Indiana Av Urbana 111 ^Miller Mrs Laura Shubert (sp mus 1903-4) Asbury Park NJ Miller Lee Roy E (acad 1884-5) Mas- coutah 111 Miller Leonard Joseph (m eng 1900-2 Also U Cal 1903-4) Mgr 1002 N Sec- ond St Albuquerque N Mex * Miller Levi Wesley (acad 1904-6 m eng 1906-8) d Aug 14 1908 Urbana 111 Miller Lew Stevenson (sp ag 1911-13 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag R5 Alexis 111 Miller Logan Charles (m eng 1907-8) Mfg 2516 Prairie Av Mattoon 111 Miller Lulu Mae (Mrs B J Burke) (la 1899-1900) Home 1639 S Carson Av Tulsa Okla Miller Lyman James (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Nep onset 111 Miller Mable Lucile (la 1909-12 AB su '15) Teach Bridgeport 111 (1006 W California St Urbana 111) Miller Mable Lucile (su 1910 Also NW U) At home Gilman 111 Miller Mabel O (su 1915 Also Mt Morris Coll) Home La Place 111 t Miller Marcus Gilbert (arch eng 1910-14 BS Also Hiram Coll) E Main St Gerard O Miller Margaret (sp 1888-9) Art Old Deerfield Mass Miller Marie Breese (g h sc 1914-15 BS(Ohio St) '11) Columbus O Miller Marie Maude (la 1907-12 Also Lincoln U) Teach 251 Tenth St Lin- coln 111 Miller Marion Elizabeth (la 1913-14 Also Hanover Coll) Milledgeville 111 Miller Marion Graffam (ag 1913-14) Stu U Chgo 6410 Kimbark Av Chi- cago Miller Mary Frances (su 1899) 328 Creve Cour St La Salle 111 Miller Mary Marguerite (la 1913-14) MILLER— MILLESON 457 1006 W California Av Urbana 111 Miller Mary V (acad 1876-7) Cor Prairie & Hill Sts Champaign 111 Miller Max F (ag 1914-15 Also Ames Coll) Ins 327 Washington St Water- loo la *Miller Mildred Florence (h sc 1904-5) d April 5 1907 Lincoln 111 Miller Mildred Naomi (mus 1913-14 Also 111 Worn Coll) At home Gray St Sidell 111 Miller Milo Kirk (sc 1908-12 AB) Stu JHopk Med Dept 518 N Broad- way St Baltimore Md Miller Minnie Gertrude J (su 1900) Bkpr 2508 Park Av Cairo 111 Miller Mortimer Eidell (acad 1890-1) Libertyville 111 Miller Nellie Augusta (h sc 1901-5 BS) Teach c/o St Nor Sch Santa Barbara Cal fMiller Nellie Decker (a&d 1901) Mat- toon 111 Miller Nellie Grant (Mrs J G Miller) (la 1903-8 AB) Home 1440 Holmes Av Springfield 111 Miller Olive Fiedele (la 1910-14 BS g rom lang 1914-15 AM) Atlanta 111 Miller Ora Lucile (h sc 1910-15 AB) Atlanta 111 Miller Paul (acad 1905-6 sp ag 1910- II Also Knox Coll 1909-10) Ag Cob- den 111 ?Miller Paul Campbell (arch eng 1906- 10) 1111 Stoughton St Urbana 111 (Cobden 111) Miller Paul Huston (1 1905-6 Also U Chgo) Sales 15246 Turlington Av Harvey 111 Miller Pearl Hobart (su 1914 Also E III St Nor) Teach Toledo 111 (614 5 Fifth St Marshall 111) Miller Perrin Cromwell (la 1914-15) Produce Merc 906 Cross St Wheaton 111 Miller Robert Arthur (c eng 1909-11 BS Also Millikin U) Arch Eng 1049 W Wood St Decatur 111 Miller Robert McClain (c eng 1915- Also U Mo) Stu 2904 Elm St Cairo HI Miller Robert W (sp 1870-1) Law Crescent City Cal miller Roland Norton (g 1911-13 MS AB( Lawrence) '11) Chem Insecticide 6 Fungicide Board Dept Ag Wash- ington * Miller Roscoe B (acad 1906-7) d Oct 1 1907 Jeffersonville 111 ?Miller Ross Everett (m eng 1906-7) c/o T Z Krumm Lester Wash Miller Roy Austin (e eng 1903-7 BS) C Eng c/o Gary Interurban RR Sixth Av & Madison St Gary Ind tMiller Roy Curtis (m eng 1907-9) Taylorville 111 Miller Samuel Adam (ag 1914-15) Ag Pawpaw 111 t Miller Samuel Leslie (acad 1904-6 mun eng 1906-12 BS) Instr Mun Eng Carnegie Tech c/o St Highway Comm 428 W Vine St Springfield 111 (Time- well 111) Miller Sanford Curtis (la 1915- ) Stu 101 N Fifth St Casey 111 Miller Stewart Julian (acad & sp ag 1906-7) Auctioneer Manlius 111 Miller Thomas Edgar (sp ag 1905-6 Also Monmouth Coll') Ag Alexis 111 Miller Thomas Henry (1 1900-2 LLB) Law Macomb 111 IMiller Thomas Winfrey (e eng 1911- 12) 738 E Elm St Springfield Mo Miller Trenna J (Mrs G G Taylor) (la 1901-3 AM(Millikin) '06) Home 228 E Central Av Highland Park 111 Miller Virginia Agnes (la 1915- ) Stu 604 NW First Av Galva 111 tMiller Warner de Vore (su 1904 la 1909-10) Geneva 111 Miller Welby West (la com 1909-12) Chf Acct U Mo Columbia Mo MILLER Wilford Stanton (g ed 1911- AB(Ind)'10 AM(do)'ll Instr Ind U 1910-11 Res Asst Psych U 111 1911- 12) Asst & Sec Ed U 111 1912- 306 E Healy St Champaign 111 (Wina- mac Ind) MILLER Wilhelm (AB (Mich) '92 PhD (Cor) '99) Asst Prof Land Arch U 111 1912- 611 Michigan Av Urbana ni * Miller William B (m eng 1881-3) d 1887 Lake Michigan Miller William Christian (c eng 1906- 10 BS) Co Supt Highways Sycamore HI Miller William Edward (sp ag 1900-1) Power Mach Assumption 111 Miller William George (m eng 1888-92 BS) Oper Eng c/o Topeka Ry Co Topeka Kan Miller William Henry Harrison (su 1906 & '08 BS ( Austin ) '97) R Est 302 W Clark St Champaign 111 Miller William Pitt (sc 1897-1901 BS ag 1913-15 BS Asst Ag Exten U 111 1913-15) Mgr Donnelly Farm Rl Libertyville 111 tMiller William Townshend (1 1904-7 Also Lincoln Coll) McLeansboro 111 Milleson Cecil Clyde (ag 1913-15) Teach H Sch R35 reoria 111 (811a 458 M I.LLHOLLAND— MILNE Summit Av E St Louis 111) Millholland Ernest (sp ag 1907-9) M Eng & Supt W K Millholland Mach Co Indianapolis Millican Harold Alexander (g su 1906 &'07 AB( Greenville) '06) Prin H Sch North Chili NY Milligan Helen Margaret (la 1906-11 AB) Teach 109 S Washington St Hinsdale 111 Millikan Carl E (min eng 1914- ) Stu 255 W 119th St Chicago Millikan Mrs EC (see Eolens Edith L) \Millikin Bobert J (acad 1909-10) Cave-in-Bock 111 Millikin Thomas A (acad 1881-2) Trav Sales Paris 111 Millin Eichard Bardwell (ag 1915- Also Pa St Coll) Stu 215 Little Av Bidgway Pa Millizen Edna Varner (la mus 1911- 15 AB) Teach H Sch Lewistown 111 (104 S Taylor Av Oak Park 111) Millizen Edson Jay (la 1908-12 AB) Publ c/o Sears Boebuck Co 104 S Taylor Av Oak Park 111 Millman Harry Abram (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ). Stu 1000 N Mozart St Chicago Millot Henry C (sp 1871-2 Also Black- burn Coll) Gen Contr 1200 Orchard Av Springfield 111 Mills Ben Fay (ag 1914-15) Clk Pal- estine 111 t Mills Buren O (acad 1908-9 aicheng 1909-11) Palestine 111 (506 E Daniel St Champaign 111) MILLS Charles Henry (BMus(Edin- burgh)'04 D Mus(McGill) Ml FBCO ABCM FAGO Prof Theory Mus Syr U 1907-8 Dir Sch Mus & Prof Mus U 111 1908-14) Dir Sch Mus U Wis 1914- 2112 Jefferson St Madison Wis Mills Charles Baymond (su 1911 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Buckley 111 Mills Clifford Pusey (ag 1905-9 BS) Ag Homer 111 Mills Elmer Elias (la 1914-15) Sales Fidelity Appraisal Co of Milwaukee 537 140 S Dearborn St Chicago (1653 Humboldt Blvd) t Mills Emely Gerber (su 1911) Buck- ley 111 (Cessna Park 111) Mills Ernest Benjamin (sp ag 1899- 1900) Ag McNabb 111 mills Ethel Lenore (acad 1901-2) 602 N Springfield Av Champaign 111 tMiLLS Floyd Earl (m eng 1900-4 BS) Constr Eng 722 11th Av Seattle Mills Fred Leon (la 1913-14 law 1914- Also Notre Dame U) Stu Pleasant Home Oak Park 111 Mills Gertrude Buchanan (Mrs Fair- child) (acad 1898-1900) Salinas Cal (Mora Id in su) Mills Glenn Horace (la 1914-15) Auto 914 Illinois St Ottawa 111 Mills Grace A (la 1913-14 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Georgetown 111 Mills Guy G (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-12 BS Instr C Eng U 111 1913 14) Insp Concrete Eds Palestine 111 Mills James Bagwell (sp ag 1900-2) Ag & Stock Clay City 111 Mills James Evan (su 1914) Asst Supt St Charles Sch St Charles 111 (1 Stark St Waterloo NY) Mills James Leonard (su 1908 Also Pur U) 428 Claremont Av Mills John McCuen (sc 1906-7 BS Also U Wis) Chem 318 Ogden Av Milwaukee Mills John Turner (ag 1912-13 M4- ) Stu McNabb 111 Mills Lois Gertrude (la 1915- Also U Cal) Stu 1304 Pacific St San Luis Obispo Cal Mills McQueen (1 1904-7 LL B Also N Ind Nor) Butler Tenn (B10 Ur- bana 111) t Mills Mary Wilda (la 1893-4) Web- ster Groves Mo Mills Niles Easton (ag 1915- ) Stu 1304 Pacific St San Luis Obispo Cal Mills Balph Garfield (sc 1898-1903 AB MD(NW)'07 Also U Chgo) Prof Pathol Bact Severance Hospital Seoul Korea (356 W Decatur St De- catur 111) Mills Balph Walter (acad 1894-6 sc 1896-9 BS MD(St Louis) '03) Med WallBldg St Louis Mills Will Alonzo (1 1907-9 LLB) Law Salem 111 Mills Willis B (la 1873-7) Ag Mc- Nabb 111 Millsaps Bobert P (see Mills Mc- Queen) Millsom Walter Clair (la com 1914-15 cer eng 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu 216 Sherman Av Macomb 111 millspaugh Arthur Chester (la 1909- 10 AM AB( Albion) '08) Teach Au- gusta Mich Millspaugh Martin Laurence (e eng 1903-7 BS) Sec & Treas Wilbur & Mills Co Columbus O (67 E Long St) Milne Agnes Mabel (h sc 1912-15 AB) Instr H Sc Coll Indus Arts Denton Tex (E Seventh St Lockport 111) MILNE— MINNICK 459 Milne David Haxton (sp 1898-1900) Western Elec Co Hawthorne 111 (3314 Aurora Av Berwyn 111) Milne Dwight Read (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Lockport 111 Milne Edward Lawrence (la 1892-6 BS g 1899-1900 MS su '15 Instr Math U 111 1898-1907) Teach 402 W Washington St Champaign 111 Milne Frank Maitland Jr (ag 1909-11) Ag Lockport 111 Milne Minnie Isabel (Mrs Sidney Holt) (h sc 1911-14 BS) Home 203 E Healy St Champaign 111 (E Seventh St Lockport 111) *Milner Franklin Comstock (sc 1910-11 Also Ferris Inst) d June 17 1913 Big Rapids Mich fMilnes George Stott (acad 1881-2 sc 1882-3) Morrison 111 Milnes John Schenek (ag 1910-12) Ag R9 Decatur 111 *Miltemore Mary Frances (Mrs F P Dobson) (sp 1872-3) d Paris 111 tMiltimore Chancey King (la 1871-2) Janesville Wis *Miltimore Guy (acad 1888-9 c eng 1889-92) d June 11 1904 Chicago * Milton Franklin Silas (c eng 1875-8 BS'79) d July 22 1892 Platteville Colo Minard Arthur William (ag 1910-11) Mfg 153 Walnut St Blue Island 111 Minard Barbara Winefred (la 1912-13 Also NW U) Nurse 1416 Indiana Av Chicago" (153 Walnut St Blue Island 111) Minchin Sidney Henry (arch eng 1911- 12 Also Lewis Inst) Stu Armour Inst 3052 Logan Blvd Chicago Miner Aaron W (ag 1900-4 BS) Ag Adair 111 Miner Ada Mae (Mrs Arlo Chapin) (la 1904-8 AB) Home 510 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Miner Clement Leon (acad 1898-1900 Also Mechanics Inst NY) Mfg Steel Cooperage Wks The Pfandler Co De- troit Miner Mrs E A (see Spencer Bertha) Miner Earl Henry (acad 1893-4 sp 1894-5) Ag Plain view Tex Miner Mrs Eleanor (Mrs Wm) (su 1910 &'ll Also 111 St Nor U) Home Des Moines la Miner Fred Graham (ag 1895-7) Ag Macomb 111 *Miner Grant (acad 1885-6) d Aug 13 1887 Champaign 111 Miner Harry Eugene (la 1912-14) Stu U Wis 618 E Green St Champaign 111 Miner Helen Nellora (ag h sc 1914-15 la 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu Adair 111 Miner Henry (ag 1911- ) Stu Wav- erly 111 MINER James Burt (BS(Minn)'97 LLB(do)'99 MS(do)'01 PhD(Col) '03 Instr Psych U 111 1903-4 Instr Philos U la 1904-5 Asst Prof do U la 1905-6) Asst Prof Psvch U Minn 1906- 428 Walnut St SE Minne- apolis Miner James Howard (acad 1900-1 ag 1903-7 BS) R2 Adair 111 Miner Mrs J H (see Barnhart Edna P) Miner Leslie Earl (c eng 1906-10 BS) Draft & Design 217 E Illinois St Chicago (6226 Lakewood Av) Miner Lester Ward (ag 1910-14 BS '15- ) Stu & Teach H Sch Urbana 111 (1912 S First St Shelby ville 111) Miner Mary Ethel (Mrs E E Hoskins) (h sc 1908-12 BS Also W 111 St Nor) Home Odin HI Miner Paul Irving (ag 1906-10 BS Also W HI St Nor) Ag Adair 111 Miner Mrs S C (see Iddings Daisy D) Miner Timothy Ralph (ag 1897-9 Also Knox Coll) Ag Wellman la Miner Mrs T R (see Talbot Carrie E) Miner William (su 1905 &'06 &'07 & '08&'09&'10&'11&'12&'13 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Des Moines la Miner Mrs William (see Miner Mrs Eleanor) f Mingle Charles J (ag 1870-2) Clyde 111 Minier Horace Mann (ag 1875-8) Farm Loans 1912 Amicable Bldg Waco Tex ?Minis Andrew C (acad 1879-80) Park- ville 111 Mink Dwight L (e eng 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 319 NW Third Av Galva 111 Minkema William Herman (m eng 1913- ) Stu 10627 Michigan Av Chicago Minks Ernest William (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Fisher 111 Minnich William P (sp 1870-1) Trav Sales St Louis (Villa Ridge 111) MinnicTc Guy Forest (acad 1892-3) Adv Mgr c/o McClure Publ Co Fourth Av New York MINNICK John Harrison (g sc 1906- 7 '08-9 '10-11 AB(Ind)'06 AM (do) '08 Instr Math IT 111 Acad 1906- 7 Asst Math do 1908-11 Critic Math Ind U 1911-13) Stu U Pa 1915- 460 MINNICK— MITCHELL Philadelphia Minnick Mrs JH (see Smith Eva M) Minnis Emma L (su 1913 Also U Chgo) Prin Sch 3112 Grand Av Louisville Ky Minnis Lemuel Ernest (ag 1912- ) Stu 3710 Wabansia Av Chicago Minor Mrs H R (see Riner Jessie M) Minor Loyal Leonard (ag 1911-13 BS Also Wm & Vashti Coll 1908-11) Teach H Sch Carthage 111 (503 N Sycamore St Aledolll) Minor William (su 1906 &'14) Supt Schs Mt Vernon 111 Minto David Harold . (sp ag 1901-2) Ag R2 Antioch 111 Mirick Harry R (la 1909-13 AB) Jour 5727 Ohio St Chicago Mischler Clara Helen (su 1915) Teach 802 E Edwards St Springfield 111 Mischler Lillian (su 1906&'15) Teach 802 E Edwards St Springfield 111 Mise K (su 1915) Asst Prof Eng c/o Kyushu Imperial U Kukuoka Japan (2330 Calumet Av Chicago) Misener Lena Esther (su 1907 AB (Monmouth) '04) Teach 322 S Third St Monmouth 111 Misenhimer Alice Irene (Mrs H M Thrasher) (sc 1908-10) Home Pontiac 111 Miskimen William Anderson (m eng 1900-4 BS) Sec 111 Canning Co Hoopeston 111 Misner Francis De Sales (e eng 1910- 13 BS AB(Holy Cross) '10) E Eng 302 S University St Peoria 111 Missimer Dale Johnson (arch eng 1913- 14 Also Kan St Ag Coll) 220 N Cascade Av Colorado Springs Colo Missimore Russel Clark (su 1915 Al- so U Mich) Gen Wk 524 S Main St Hillsboro 111 tMiszeiko Vincent (m eng 1903-4 Al- so Rigas Poly) Linkov Russia mitchel Hazel Mary E (g la 1908-9 AM AB(Shurtleff)'08) Teach 1622 W 11th St Des Moines la (Shenan- doah la) Mitchel Lyman Betts (acad 1897-8) Danvers 111 Mitchel Marietta (Mrs L Matthews) (sp mus 1907-8) Home 616 Park Av Springfield 111 Mitchel Robert Andrew (su 1915) Teach Phys Tr Anaconda Mont Mitchel Ruth Lacie (sp mus 1907-8) Dressmaker Urbana HI ^Mitchel Walter Ormsby (acad 1897- 8) Danvers 111 Mitchell Mrs (see Dickinson Grace G) Mitchell Mrs (see Stover Nellie E) Mitchell Anderbon Q (la 1871-2) Coal Land Interests 907 N Market St Marion 111 Mitchell Annie (la 1897-1901 AB) Teach Rosebud Tex (Bement 111) t Mitchell Beulah (h sc 1911-12) 1228 E 57th St Chicago MITCHELL Brainerd Jr (BS(Ark)'07 ME (do) '11 Instr U Ark 1910-11 Instr M Eng U 111 1912-13) Asst Prof M Eng U Ark 1913- Fayette- ville Ark t Mitchell Brain Leonard (chem eng 1903-5 Also Armour Inst) 4554 Wa- bash Av Chicago Mitchell Charles Daniel (chem eng 1907-8 Also U Chgo) Publ 501 15 S Market St Chicago Mitchell Charles Jacob (c eng 1887- 91 BS) M Eng Fairbanks Morse Mfg Co Beloit Wis (825 Park Av) Mitchell Mrs C J (see Dickinson Grace 8) Mitchell Constance Mines (su 1911 AB (111 Wes) '10) Teach 178 W 16th St Chicago Hgts 111 (Bubble Ark) Mitchell Dale Ira (ag 1915- ) Stu Talbot Ind Mitchell Daniel Palmer (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) 801 E Jefferson St Effingham 111 Mitchell Donald Richards (ag 1914- ) Stu 6252 Stony Island Av Chicago Mitchell Edwin Whitford (ag 1895-7 1900-1) Ag Morrison 111 Mitchell Elsie Louise (h sc 1912- ) Stu 307 S Orange St Havana 111 Mitchell Eva (la 1909-12 AB) Teach 1007 N McLean St Bloomington 111 (Georgetown O) Mitchell Everett Edward (la 1910-12 Also Art Inst Chgo & Chgo Acad Fine Arts) Art Marion 111 Mitchell Florence Feme (la 1910-11 su'12) Teach 508 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Mitchell Forster Isaac (la 1915- ) Stu 302 S Orange St Havana 111 Mitchell Mrs Frank (see Hall Flor- ence E) ?Mitchell Fred Eliphalet (arch 1911-12 Also la St Coll) Des Moines la Mitchell Frederick Alexander (m eng 1904-8 BS Instr T&AM U 111 1901- 3) Contr & Struct Eng Kansas City Struct Steel Co 1907- 2926 Lockridge St Kansas City Mo Mitchell Gay E (acad 1889-90) Clk Freight Ofc Kansas City Belt Line RR Kansas City Mo mitchell George White (acad 1891-3) 209 S State St Chicago MITCHELL— MOATS 461 Mitchell George William (ag 1913- ) Stu 1000 S Buchanan St Marion 111 Mitchell Grace (la 1912- ) Stu Georgetown O Mitchell Grover Ira (m eng 1910-15 BS Also NW U) Sales Eng Amer Bur Eng Chicago (Cornell 111) Mitchell Harmon Howard (acad 1905- 6 sp com 1906-7) Merc 116 W Main St Urbana 111 Mitchell Harold Hanson (chem eng 1904-9 AB g 1909-13 MS '13-15 PhD Asst Analyst Phys Chem U 111 1907-8 Asst Chem U 111 1911-13 Assoc Chem An Husb Ag Exp Sta do 1913-15) Assoc An Nutr & do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 907 W Main St Urbana 111 t Mitchell Harry Scholey (m eng 1901- 4) Eock Island 111 Mitchell Hazel Mary Eliza (g la 1908- 9 AB(Shurtleff)'08) Teach H Sch Austin Minn (Shenandoah la) Mitchell Helen (la 1910-14 AB) Teach Homer 111 (Georgetown O) Mitchell Mrs H J (see Talbot Mary H) Mitchell Isaac (su 1909 AB & BS (Nat Nor) AM (Hanover) '87) Teach 604 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Mitchell James Harry (sp law 1907-8 Also Chgo Kent Coll Law) Trav Sales Marietta O Mitchell Janet (Mrs C W Allison) (h sc 1910-13) Teach Chgo Kinderg Coll 4935 Washington Pk PI Chicago (Olney 111) Mitchell Joe Orlando (arch eng 1909- 12 Also U Cal) Draft 25 N Dear- born St Chicago (4200 Drexel Blvd) ?Mitchell John Austin (sp 1899-1900) Denver Mitchell John Harris (sc 1910-12 MS BS(Ala Poly) '04 MS(do) '04 Asst Chem U 111 1910-11) Asst Prof Chem Clemson College SC t Mitchell Joseph A (acad 1886-7 sc 1910-12) Fairmount 111 Mitchell Karl Wilson (su 1912 AB (Wittenberg) '08) Prin Sch Austin Nev Mitchell Lennie (acad 1894-5) Sid- ney 111 Mitchell Leonard Osgood (ag 1913- ) Stu 2337 W Adams St Chicago Mitchell Leroy James (ag 1914- ) Stu 202 N King St Bobinson 111 fMitchell Lionel Earl (sc 1911-12) 3332 Vernon Av Chicago Mitchell Loren Elmer (ag 1910-12) Clk Flora 111 Mitchell Lucile (mus 1909-12) Superv Mus & Draw Gibson City 111 (604 S Orchard St Urbana 111) Mitchell Marguerite (lib 1911-14 AB (Wilmington) '10 Gen Asst Lib U 111 1913-14) Libr 201 Columbus St Wilmington O Mitchell Maurice Finley (sp ag 1900- 2) Ag Oneida 111 Mitchell Nolan Dickson (arch eng 1909-10 BS BCE(Ark)'08) Struct Eng 411 Amer Nat Bk Bldg Tam- pa Fla (Greenway Ark) Mitchell Olive (Mrs Hunter) (acad 1887-8) Home Chicago Mitchell Robert Stephens (e eng 1914- ) Stu 2907 Lafayette Av St Louis Mitchell Roy Craig (arch eng 1904-6 BS Also Parsons Coll) Struct Eng 1737 Fifth Av Los Angeles Mitchell Ruffin Edward (min eng 1910-14 Also 111 St Nor U) Min Eng Melcher la (Sheppard HI) IMitchell Rufus Sterett (c eng 1872- 4) Champaign 111 Mitchell Sam (acad 1905-6) Contr Charleston 111 Mitchell Walter R (acad 1883-4 sc 1887-9 BS) Hyde Park H Sch 1228 E 57th St Chicago Mitchell William Leland (sc 1912-14) Stu Wash St L U Stauton HI Mitchell William Norman (c eng 1914- 15 Also Geneva Coll) C Eng SF RR Amarillo Tex (1250 Garfield Av To- peka Kan) Mitchell William Ursa (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-8) Mgr W 111 Tel Co Ursa 111 Mix Jessie Clair (Mrs P J Morris) (la 1908-9 Also Shurtleff Coll) Home 12 Hyland St Newton Center Mass Mix John Raymond (la 1915- ) Stu 114 W Fourth St Beardstown 111 Mix Martin Ira (m eng 1909-13 BS) M Eng 3210 Vernon Av Chicago Mix William Judd (e eng 1910-11) Draft Chicago (Beardstown 111) Mize Robert Charles (1 1908-13 LL B) Law 409 N Main St Santa Ana Cal (602 W Third St) Mize Mrs R C (see Rohde Minnie E) Mizoguchi Gunday U (e eng 1911-14 BS g 1914-15 MS MA (Mount Iam- alpaiis) c/o Japanese YMCA 2330 Calumet Av Chicago (1012 Fukud- zi Saga Japan) Mizuno Tsunekichi (g ed 1914- AB (Hiroshima Nor) '08) Stu 41 Koiz- umi Tamura Iwaki Japan Moats Stewart Blakeslee (la 1910-11) Sales Mun Eng Contr Co 1439 Ar- 462 MOBERLEY— MOLES thur Av Chicago Moberley Edwin Stuart (la com 1914- 15 ag 1915- ) Stu Tallulah La Mobley William Dean (sp ag 1901-3) Ag Mt Sterling 111 Moburg Cornelius Frederick (sp ag 1906-10) Ag Emden 111 (Cameron 111) Moburg Ernest Rueben (ag 1914- ) Stu R2 Kirkwood 111 Model Charles (su 1915 AB(NY) '08) Teach H Sch 366 Ilewes St Brooklyn NY Modes Sara Voorhees (su 1914 Also Millikin U) Teach 1470 S Seventh St Terre Haute Ind (616 N Shabbona St Streator 111) modjeski Ralph (Hon D Eng 1911) C Eng Monadnock Bldg Chicago (5326 E End Av) ?Moehrs Louis William (sp ag 1904- 5) Leanderville 111 Moeller Helen Susan (su 1907) Teach Waterloo 111 Moenkhaus Carl William (la, 1913-14) Gen Wk Main St Huntingburg Ind ?Mofet William Raynor (la 1902-3 Also N 111 St Nor) Dekalb 111 Moffatt Frederic Earle (sp ag 1909- 12 Also 111 Sch Phar) R Est Park Ridge 111 *Moffett Aletha (gen 1875-6) d Vancils Point 111 Moffett Mrs Clyde Grant (su 1914 Al- so Millikin U) Teach H Sch 1210 S Fifth St Springfield 111 Moffett Donald Romain (la 1913-14 law 1914- ) Stu 102 S Elm St Pax- ton 111 tMoffett John (sp 1873-7) Live Stock Exch Bldg Kansas City Mo tMoffett John Bigum (acad 1880-1 la 1881-2) c/o Moffett Bros & Andrews Live Stock Exch Bldg Kansas City Mo Moffett John Karl (1 1909-12^ Stock Benchland Mont (Paxton 111) Moffett John Silas (ag 1910-12) Ag R4 Paris 111 Moffet Josie Carrie (Mrs O F Bad- ing)(su 1899) Home 2224 Browder St Dallas Tex Moffett Ocea Edward (la 1882-6) Mintr Harbor Beach Mich *Moffett Portia (Mrs Hiram Gilkerson) (gen 1875-6) d Feb 19 1911 Larned Kan Moffett Thomas Oscar (e eng 1913-15) Oakland 111 Moffett William David (acad 1880-1 c eng 1881-5) C Eng Boody 111 Moffitt Minor (sp ag 1900-1) Ag Box 212 Swift Current Sask Can Moffitt Mrs S J (see Post Ethel A) Mogensen Peter (acad 1890-1 c eng 1891-4 BS Asst Math U 111 1894-5) C & Hydr Eng 917 S Cedar St Spo- kane Wash Moh Hsiang Yueh (ag 1911-13 BS Al- so St Xaviers Sch) Ag 78 Ward Rd Shanghai China Mohan John Jay (sp la 1911-12) R Est 2 Eades Bldg Streator 111 tMohinari Diego Luis (e eng 1911-12) Beunos Aires Argentine Mohlman Floyd William (sc 1907-12 BS MS '14) Asst Chem St Water Surv U 111 1017 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Mohlman Zenas Harry (sc 1912-13 ag 1913- ) Stu 1017 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Mohr Alba Agnes (la 1909-14 su'15) Teach 425 S Fourth St Watseka 111 Mohr Edward Emil (m eng 1914- ) Stu 349 W Illinois St Chicago Mohr Esther Cook (Mrs Arthur Dole) (la 1905-6 AB AM (Wis) '10 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 483 Campbell St Wilkinsburg Pa Mohr Herman (1 1906-8 '10-12 LL B Also U Chgo) Law El Centro Cal Mohr John Henry (la com 1913-15) Asst Production Clk Order Dept Illi- nois Steel Co 208 S La Salle St Chi- cago (2024 Le Moyne St) Mohr Louis (m eng 1878-81) Sec & Constr Eng John Mohr & Sons 349 W Illinois St Chicago Moir Alexander (acad 1884-6) Pres Mississippi Pearl Button Co Burling- ton la Moir James (acad 1884-6) Burlington la Moir Robert Burril (c eng 1909-11 '12- 14 BS) 2821 E 26th St Minneapolis Moise Mrs (see Mounts Mary on E) Mojonnier Julius John (sc 1908-12 BS) Inventive Chem 603 East Av Oak Park 111 (5494 Washington Blvd Chicago) Mojonnier Mrs J J (see Mench Elean- or L) Mojonnier Oliver William (sc 1906-10 BS Also Lewis Inst) Mgr Mohawk Condensed Milk Co Waverly la Mojonnier Timothy (sc 1897-1901 BS g 1901-2 MS Asst Chem Food Investi- gation U 111 1901-3) Pres Mojonnier Bros Co Chicago (842 Columbia Av Oak Park 111) Mole Frances E (su 1906) Teach 2036 E 83rd St Chicago tMoles John Wesley (la 1885-6 '87-8) Ferndale Wash Moles Martha Edith (Mrs J II Fair- MOLES— MONTGOMERY 463 child) (lib 1903-4 AB AB(Pomona) '01) Home 1520 S Church St Salem Ore moles Oliver Stephen (la 1885-9 ML PhD (Denver) '97) Teach Wheat Eidge Colo Molinari Diego Luis (e eng 1911-12) Beunos Aires Argentine Molinelli Cecil Lambert (arch 1913-14) Dep Surv Martinsville Ind Moll Paul (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 4549 Berlin Av St Louis Molt Mrs Frederick F (see Mowbray Esther I) Molt Margaret Ellen (la 1911-14 AB Also Milwaukee-Downer Coll 1910-11) Art 900 Fourth Av Clinton la Molter Peter- (acad 1909-10) Chicago Molyneaux Juniata Onita (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu Woodland 111 Moncrieff James Weir (la com 1914-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu Otsego Mich moncrieff Jes?e Edwin (g philos 1909-10 AM BS(Shurtleff) , 09) Prof Engl Lang Japanese Gov Sch Hagi Yamaguchikea Japan Mongreig Louis Morgan (ag 1915- ) Stu 2633 61st Ct Cicero 111 Monier Harry Hammond (su 1909) Ins 712 W Church St Champaign 111 Monier James Henry (c eng 1901-4 '05- 7) Ag Camp Grove 111 Monier Martha Vivian (Mrs D C Mor- rissey) (acad 1895-6) Home 505 W University Av Champaign 111 Monier Sara (la 1898-1902 '03-4) Asst Ins Ofc 712 W Church St Champaign . Ill Monier William Hays (acad 1896-7) Henry 111 tMonnier Harold (sp ag 1906-7) Eliz- abeth 111 Monnig Joseph Theodore (la com 1914- 15) Clk Tyler Warehouse Co St Louis (3036 Hawthorne Blvd) Monohon Ha E (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 904 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Monrad Karl Johan (chem eng 1903-4 AB(Cor)'07) Res Chem c/o Cal Cent Creameries 622 13th St Eureka Cal Monrod Mrs Karl J (see Thurston Lena M) Monroe Albert Folsom (sp law 1900-1) Law Inglewood Cal Monroe Geo Hays (la 1884-5) Orchard Medford Ore Monroe George Stuart (la 1913-14 '15- Also U Tex) Stu Hillsboro 111 Monroe John (acad 1894-6) R Est 1311 Main St Dallas Tex Monroe Ralph (1 1908-12 LL B) 706 Millikin Bldg Decatur 111 Monroe Will Seymour (su 1903) Mont- clair NJ Monroy Mrs Parley (see Billion Mary I) Monser Harold Edwin (g philos 1908- 9 AB(Col)'95) Evangelist 825 W 179th St New York Monser John William (la 1911-12) 825 W 179th St New York Montague Albert Richardson (acad 1908-9 ry c eng 1909-12 '14-15 BS) C Eng Eng Dept IC RR 343 W 64th St Chicago Monteiro Java Plinio de Barros (e eng 1912-13 Also Pur U) Ag Lemerra S Paulo Brazil (c/o Antonio Monte- iro) *Montelius Howard M (la 1868-8) d 1895 Freeport 111 Montezuma Charles (acad 1897-8 sc 1880-4 BS MD(NW)'89) Med 7W Madison St Chicago Montgomery Mrs A C (see Burns Mabel B) Montgomery Amelia (Mrs Douglas Car- ter) (la 1900-1 AB(Bryn Mawr) '05 AM(do)'06) Home 480 E San An- tonio St San Jose Cal Montgomery Anne Beall (Mrs F W Bohnsen) (la 1895-6) Home 723 20th St Rock Island 111 Montgomery Ben Mershon (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag Petersburg 111 Montgomery Mrs C S (see Garrett Leone B) Montgomery Cecile (Mrs J L Payne) (la 1906-7 '09-11 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 901 N 12th St Herrin 111 Montgomery Charles Albin (la com 1914- 15 Also 111 Coll) Furniture & Under- taking Petersburg 111 Montgomery Earl Livingston (ag 1913- 15) 4916 N Lawndale Av Chicago MONTGOMERY Earle Towse (EM (Ohio St) '07 Asst Cer Eng U 111 1910-11) Assoc Prof & Asst Dir NY St Sch Cer 1913- Alfred NY Montgomery Finis Ewing (la 1895-6 AB(Wash & Jeff) '02) Law 740 Riv- erside Dr New York (1133 Broad- way) Montgomery George Newburgh (acad 1902-3) Chicago Montgomery Harriet? Eleanor (sp h sc 1907-8) Nurse 1411 Vermont St Quincy 111 Montgomery Harry Edgar (e eng 1908- 12 BS) Supt Cent 111 Publ Serv Co 409 E Second St Beardstown 111 'Montgomery Irma Frances (su 1901& '02) Maroa 111 Montgomery John T (Trustee 1913-15 Pres St Bd Ag 1913-14) Med Charles- ton 111 Montgomery John Theodore Jr (sp ag 464 MONTGOMERY— MOORE 1904.-5 Also E 111 St Nor U) Express Messenger Charleston 111 Montgomery Julian (g 1913-15 MS BS (Grayson) '08 CE(Tex)'13) Asst City Eng Sherman Tex (Whitewright Tex) Montgomery Mrs J C (see Hoop Del- pha May) Montgomery Kenyon (e eng 1902-3) V-Pres & Asst Mgr Wholesale Groc Co Litchfield 111 Montgomery Lewis Edward (ag 1911- 12 Also Millikin U 1909-11) Ag R4 Dexter Mo Montgomery Lueva (su 1911) Libr Anna 111 Montgomery Max Alfred (arch 1908- 12 BS) Peoria 111 (Centralia 111) Montgomery Thaddeus Lemert (la 1913- ) Stu R4 Dexter Mo Montgomery Thomas Candor (e eng 1905-7 Also Augustana Coll) Lum- ber Merc Winner SD t Montgomery William (ag 1869-70) Moro 111 Montgomery William Henry (sp ag 1899-1901) Ag R5 Aledo 111 Montigel James Ralph (arch eng 1908- 12 BS Also Armour Inst) Irrigation Contr 105 Myrtle St Redlands Cal Montiluis Howard M (sp la 1868-9) Freeport 111 Montooth Charles Stuart (la 1901-5 AB) Ag R5 Bradford 111 Montooth Mrs C S (see Logan Win- nie A) Montooth James Levi (sp ag 1903-4 MDC(Chgo Vet Sch) ) Yet Nepon- set 111 Montross Chester (m eng 1910-11 Al- so Pur U 1911-12) Mach 1323 Cen- ter St Lafayette Ind Montross Sarah Elizabeth (lib 1897-9) Libr 1420 E 50th St Chicago Moo Jen Yin Menn-fu (arch eng 1915- Also Tsing Hua Coll) Stu 1436 Luso St Honolulu Oahu Moody Brilla Jeannette (Mrs O B Kearney) (acad 1905-6) Home Lov- ington 111 t Moody Edna Elizabeth (la 1909-10) 1624 Jackson Blvd Chicago Moody Granville Griffith (ag 1913-14) Rensselaer Ind Moody Oma Margaret (Mrs J J Rut- ter-Lawrence) (la 1906-7 AB(Chgo) '09) Home 7a Chihuahua 156 Mex- ico City Mex t Moody Samuel Franklin (sp ag 1892- 3) Bethany 111 Moon Amy Constance (lib 1897-1901 BLS Reviser U 111 Lib Sch 1901-3) Libr Carnegie Lib Schenley Park Pittsburgh (718 North Av Willsins- burg Pa) Moon Arthur Edward (la 1897-8) 718 North Av Wilkinsburg Pa tMoon Gladys (la 1912 Also Col Coll)' Le Roy 111 Moon Ida Mae (Mrs H S Thimlar) (la 1908-11 AB Also 111 Wes U) Home New Haven Ind Moon Lawrence Bartelle (m eng 1913- 15) Auburn O Moon Maud Maye (lib 1907-11) Teach 54 E Sale St Tuscola 111 Moon Paul Cyrus (ag 1909-10 su'15) Teach Peoria Man Tr Sch Peoria 111 (DeQueen Ark) Mooney Paul (com 1915- ) Stu 6900 Chappel Av Chicago Mooney Raymond (e eng 1912- ) Stu 6900 Chappel Av Chicago Moor Enid Alberta (la 1913-14) Stu AdelphiColl 247 New York Av Brook- lyn NY Moor George Caleb (g engl 1903-6 PhD(Ewing)'02) Mintr 247 New York Av Brooklyn NY Moor Hubert Watson (chem eng 1913- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 608 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Moore Aaron Henry (la 1871-6 '77-8 Cert) Merc Louisville 111 Moore Albert Brophy (la Feb 1916- ) Stu Aurora 111 Moore Albert Cutts (la 1883-7 BL) Sec YMCA Walla Walla Wash Moore Allen Francis (Trustee 1909-15 BS (Lombard) '89 Mayor Monticello 1900-2) Mfg & Bnk Monticello 111 - Moore Allen Ray (la 1914- Also Ind Cent U) Stu 1408 W Park Av Ur- bana 111 Moore Allie Adelaide (la 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 1310 Beslin St Ur- bana 111 Moore Arthur (acad 1902-3) Town Site Mgr Anchorage Alaska Moore Benjamin Clay (su 1899 Also 111 St Nor U & Harv U) Co Supt Schs Bloomington 111 moore Blaine Free (g pol sc 1907-8 AM AB(Kan)'01 PhD(Col)'13) Prof Pol Sc U Wis Madison Wis MOORE Burton Evans (AB(Otterbein) '88 AM(Cor) PhD(Goettingen) Instr Physics Lehigh U 1891-3 do U 111 1895-6) Prof Physics U Neb 1900 Euclid Av Lincoln Neb Moore Byron Llewellyn (sc 1886-90 BS) Sec Federal Tel & Tel Co 615 W Delevan Av Buffalo NY (332 Elliott St) Moore Charles Bachman (la 1915- ) MOOEE— MOOEE 465 Stu 821 N Fifth Av Knoxville Tenn t Moore Charles Lawrence (m eng 1902- 4 '05-6) Equality 111 Moore Mrs C L (see Miller Daisy M) MOOEE Charles Euby (g e eng 1914- BS(Pur)'07 EE(do)'10 Instr E Eng U 111 1914-15) Assoc E Eng U 111 1915- 715 S Market St Urbana 111 (704 E Second St Pana 111) *Moore Clara Belle (la 1879-81) d Champaign 111 Moore Clarence Albert (sp ag 1911-12) Ag El Equality 111 Moore Claribel Burton (la 1909-11 AB Also Ind U) Teach H Sch Lexing- ton Flat Indianapolis Moore Claude Bliss (acad 1897-8 e eng 1898-1902) Eanch Pompey's Pillar Mont *Moore Clyde (1 1903-4 '06 Also Westfield Coll) d Westfield 111 Moore Dwight Merritt (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-5) Bnk Monticello 111 Moore Edgar Tower (sp ag 1908-9) Sales Mendota 111 \Moore Edward (acad 1890-1) Hum- boldt 111 Moore Edward Wilson (la 1914- ) Stu 2028 W Walnut St Murphysboro 111 Moore Elbert Lansford (su 1915 Also U Chgo) Teach H Sch 10936 Es- mond St Morgan Park 111 Moore Ellsworth (la 1906-10 AB Al- so W 111 St Nor) Ag Augusta 111 (Tezerton Sask Can) Moore Elwain F (ag 1868-71) Fin & E Est 398 Third St S St Cloud Minn Moore Emma Beatrice (Mrs F K Page) (acad 1899-1900) Home Areola 111 Moore Erma Jennie (Mrs F H Binder) (lib 1902-4 BLS) Home 122 Fifth Av Council Bluffs la Moore Eva Elenor (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 1521 Lafayette Av Mattoon 111 Moore Mrs Flora Powell (Mrs J G) (su 1908) Home 232 W Elizabeth St Paris 111 Moore Florence (la 1915- ) Stu Al- lerton 111 Moore Francis Cleveland (sc 1907-8 Also McKendree Coll) Nurse Jewish Hospital St Louis (Louisville 111) Moore Francis Guy (m eng 1902-6 BS) M Eng 1117 E Monroe St Bloom- ington 111 (150 Hamilton Av Brook- lyn NY) Moore Frank (sp ag 1892-3) E Est & Ag Carrington ND Moore Frank Cutts (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Polo 111 * tMoore Frank Wesley (sp 1900-1) Oakland HI Moore Genevieve (la 1908-11 AB su 1905 & '07 & '15) Teach 1521 Lafay- ette Av Mattoon 111 (El Charleston 111) Moore George Augustus (sp ag 1903- 4) Fresno Cal Moore George Elmer (acad 1896-7) Mfg 600 Eavine Dr Highland Park 111 Moore George Henderson (su 1895 PhB(Earlham)'89) Mintr Westfield Ind Moore George Henry (1 1901-2 LL B Also Cent Nor Coll Ind) Law 429 Stimson Bldg Los Angeles (1321 W Seventh St Glendale) Moore George Lane (ag 1879-80) Mfg Wichita Stone & Iron Wks First & Sante Fe Sts Wichita Kan (413 N Emporia Av) Moore George Wilkinson (ag 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu 408 S Mc- Arthur St Macomb 111 Moore Grace Lillian (Mrs Geo H Cook) (sc 1891-5 BS g 1895-6 MS 1900) Home 5 Davidson PI Champaign 111 tMoore Harriet Elizabeth (su 1905 sp 1909-10 Also Millikin U) Decatur 111 Moore Harry Albert (e eng 1906-10 BS) Asst E Eng Utah Power & Light Co 523 Kearns Bldg Salt Lake City (Oneida 111) Moore Harry Clay (1 1910-13 LL B) Law 340 Stapleton Bldg Billings Mont (1521 Lafayette Av Mattoon 111) tMoore Harry Taylor (arch eng 1910- 11) 328 S Webster St Decatur 111 Moore Harry William (m eng 1910-11) Teach 121 Broadway Freeport 111 MOOEE Herbert Fisher (BS(NH) '98 ME ( Cor ) '99 MME ( Cor ) '03 Instr Mach Design Drexel Inst 1903-4 Instr & Asst Prof Mech U Wis 1904-7 Asst Prof T&AM Eng Exp Sta U 111 1907- 14 Prof Eng Materials do 1914-15) Ees Prof Eng Materials T&AM U 111 1915- 712 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Moore Herbert Jackson (acad 1909-11 ag 1911-15 BS) 23 N State St Chi- cago Moore Hiram Wodrich (ag 1914- ) Stu 1001 Independence Blvd Chi- cago Moore Irene Holbrook (la 1915- . Al- so HI Coll) Stu Box 113 Nashville 111 Moore Ivan Chancey (acad 1910-11 la 1911-12) Baker 206 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 (Effingham HI) 466 MOORE— MOORE Moore James Gregory (la 1906-8 su 1908&'10 Also Ober Coll) Supt Schs 232 W Elizabeth St Paris 111 moore Joel Roscoe (g econ 1908-9 AM AB( Albion) '08 Asst Econ U 111 1908-9) Instr Econ Wis St Nor 113 N 13th St La Crosse Wis Moore John Beverly (sc 1904-8 AB MD(Rush) '10) Med & Supt Hospital ' Zeigler 111 Moore John Carhart (la & law 1908- 11) Adv c/o Francis Publ Co 537 5 Dearborn St Chicago (Riverside 111) Moore John Fremont (arch eng 1873-4 '75-8 BS'95) Ag R2(16) Hood River Ore Moore Joseph Kennedy (cer eng 1903- 8 BS) Consult Cer Eng 2008 People Gas Bldg Chicago Moore Joseph Patrick (c eng 1906-7) Ag R3 Streator 111 Moore Josiah John (g bacteriol 1915 BS(Mont)'07 MD (Rush) '12) Assoc Exp Med U 111 Coll Med 5636 Drexel Av Chicago t Moore Landon Lloyd (acad 1908-9) Reynolds 111 ?Moore Laura McAllister (g hist 1912- 13 su'15 AB(Ind)'lO) Terre Haute Ind Moore Lawrence Shaw (g hist 1915- AB(Tarkio Coll) '01 BD(Chgo Theol Sem)'04 AM(Harv)'lO) Stu Essex la Moore Lewis Albert (ag 1914- Also Baker U) Stu Humboldt 111 MOORE Lewis Eugene (BS(Wis)'OO CE(do)'06 Instr T&AM U 111 1904- 6 Assoc do 1906-7 Asst Eng Bridges Ma?s RR Comm & Con Bridge & Struct Eng 1907-14) Bridge & Sig- nal Eng Mass Pub Serv Comm 1914- 1 Beacon St Boston (85 Washington Pk Newtonville Mass) Moore Lou Belle (Mrs M A Oliver) (sp la 1902-4) Home 420 S Main St Kewanee 111 Moore Louis Conway (m eng 1903-7 BS) M Eng RFD(lOl) Ishpeming Mich Moore Lucia T (sp a&d 1882-3 '85-6 '88-9) Mgr Musical Artists 311 W Green St Urbana 111 Moore Lucy Kate (sp mus 1895-8 1900-4) Superv Mus Los Angeles (Tolono 111) Moore Mabel D (Mrs R R Helm) (la 1905-7 AB Also 111 Coll) Home Met- ropolis 111 Moore Mabel Elizabeth (h sc 1914- Also 111 Coll) Stu Nashville 111 *Moore Mae C (Mrs E H Smith) (sp 1881-2) d Champaign 111 Moore Marcellus Webster (sp mus 1900- 1) Supt Schs Mus Carbondale 111 Moore Marlin Clarkson (ag 1912-14 Also Lewis Inst) Chem Mineral Grinding Co Utica 111 (4310 Grand Blvd Chicago) Moore Mary Rebecca (Mrs Chester W Munson) 2163 < < C " St Granite City 111 (mus 1907-11 AB mus 1913-15) At home Tolono 111 Moore Mrs Milton (see Campbell Amanda) tMooRE Minnie Rose (acad 1891-3 la 1893-6 AB) Brimfield 111 Moore Nathaniel Francis (ag 1914- 15) Ag Rl(9) Michigan City Ind (4850 Bernard Av Chicago) Moore Neally Ollene (mus 1910-12) Mus 305 S New St Champaign 111 Moore Nelle (mus 1914-15) Teach Mus Fairfield 111 (Olney 111) Moore Nellie Anna (su 1905&'06&'07 &'09&'10&'13) Prin H Sch Pitts- field 111 MOORE Olin Harris (AB(Mo) '02 MA(Harv)'04 PhD(do)'13 Also U Paris) Instr Rom Lang U 111 1912- 805 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (609 Rubey St Macon Mo) Moore Ollie Margaret (la 1907-8 Also U Chgo) Teach 312 Walnut St Dan- ville 111 Moore Othmar (m eng 1915- ) Stu 104 N Randolph St Garrett Ind Moore Paul Robert (m eng 1915- ) Stu Carlinville 111 t Moore Philip Aylesworth (chem eng 1908-10 Also U Mo) Augusta 111 Moore Rice Jacob (acad 1899-1900 Also N Ind Nor) R Est & Ins Box 351 Areola 111 Moore Richard Jacob (sp ag 1911-15) Dairy Ag Griggsville 111 Moore Roscoe Walmsley (acad 1905- 6) Merc Ficklin 111 Moore Mrs Roy Charles (see Browning Alta M) Moore Roy Lewis (su 1904 Also Eur- eka Coll) Co Supt Schs Eureka 111 Moore Ruby Frances (su 1908 la 1909- 14 AB) Asst Phys Tr H Sch 2824 Granada Av San Diego Cal Moore Samuel Burns (acad 1902-3 m eng 1903-7 BS Also McKendree Coll) Retail Lumberyards Louisville 111 Moore Sara Elizabeth (la 1914- ) Stu 1616 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Moore Sidney Samuel (su 1912) Teach 209 NE Fourth St Galva 111 Moore Stanley . Jewell (su 1913 AB (Miami) '08) Ag Mansfield Stock MOORE— MOREY 467 Farm Liberty Ind (c/o 111 Co Club) Moore Susan Leonore (Mrs F F Mun- son)(acad 1899-1900) Home Areola 111 Moore Vivian June (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Front St Stockton 111 *Moore Walter E (sp m eng 1895-6) d Pesotum 111 ?Moore Warren Hamilton (la 1904-5 Also U Chgo) 5741 Monroe Av Chi- cago Moore Wayne Kenneth (ag 1915- Al- so U Chgo) Stu 6314 Stony Island Av Chicago Moore Wellington Edward (la jour 1914-15) 111 Walnut St Schenectady NY Moore William Abner (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 922 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Moore William Douglas (m eng 1879- 83 Cert) Mfg 1715 University Av Wichita Kan Moore Zadok Casey (acad 1896-7) Raymond 111 tMoorhead Frank Forrest (sp arch 1907-8 Also la St Coll) Seibert Colo moorhouse Llewellyn Alexander (g agron 1905-6 MS BSA (Ontario Ag) '02) Prof Field Husb c/o Ag Coll Winipeg Can Moorman Mrs (see Creamer Alice C) Moorshead Alfred Lee (acad 1895-7 c eng 1897-8) C Eng 49 Locust Av • Arlington NJ (5637 Cabanna St St Louis) Moote Truman Pharoah (c eng Feb 1915- Also A&M Coll Okla) Stu c/o T A Horton Pond Creek Okla Moran Charles Francis (acad 1910-11) 116 Vine St Joliet 111 Moran Elizabeth Catherine (sp mus 1904-6 Also NW U) Mus Teach Ef- fingham 1 111 Moran Harry Cummings (1 1906-8 LL B) Jud City Ct Canton 111 Moran Katherine Mary (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 412 Chickasaw Av Bartlesville Okla t Moran Mark Asher (acad 1897-8 m en^r 1898-1900) Canton 111 MORAN Thomas Francis (AB(Mich) '87 PhD(JHopk)'95 Asst Hist U 111 su 1914) Prof Hist & Econ Pur U 1895- Lafayette Ind Moratz Arthur F (sp arch 1904-5) Arch People's Bk Bldg Bloomington Moratz Paul (sp arch 1888-9) Arch & Mfg Bloomington 111 Morava Wensel (m eng 1874-8 BS) Mfg Struct Steel 1043 Peoples Gas • Bldg Chicago (4846 Kenwood Av) *More George Frisbie (m eng 1881-2 '86-7) d Feb 23 1912 Polo 111 Morean Clarence Wheeler (ag 1915- Also la St Coll) Stu 1308 Lyon St Des Moines la Morehead Gould (ag 1915- ) Stu 275 Park St Montclair NJ Morehead Herbert Leslie (arch 1912- 14) Arch 359 S 16th St Cedar Rap- ids la Morehead Mrs Joseph C (see Stoltey Pansy B) Morehouse Mrs Chester (see Renner Roma) Morehouse Frances Milton (la 1902-3 '09-10 AB AM '14 Instr Acad U 111) Superv U H Sch Normal 111 Morehouse Henry C (acad 1882-3) Asst Eng Surveys 302 City Hall Den- ver (901 S Clarkson St) Morehouse Kent Wardall (la com 1907- 8) Ag Athabasca Alta Can t Morehouse Kussuth B (ag 1873-4) RFD Ames la Morehouse Merritt J (arch eng 1888- 91 Also la Wes U) Arch 404 Greenwood Blvd Evanston 111 MOREHOUSE Newell J (Attended Albion Coll Instr An Husb U 111 1902-3) 93 Stuart St Seattle Morehouse Paul Cass (la 1910-12) Ag Athabasca Alta Can Morel and Carl Boatman (acad & c eng 1907-8) Furniture Dealer Farmer City 111 Moreland Mrs J W (see Cole Alice M) Moreland Oscar Everette (ag 1912-13) Bnk Indianola 111 t Moreno Reuben (sp ag 1901-3) San Juan Argentine Republic Morey Benjamin Franklin (ag 1904-6 DVM(Terre Haute Vet) '12) Vet Clin- ton Ind Morey Clara Adah (la 1914- Also W HI St Nor) Stu Macomb 111 Morey Drew (com 1915- ) Stu 478 Fourth St Manistee Mich Morey Henry Hiram (la 1901-5 AB law 1905-6 JD(Chgo)'07) Law Citi- zens Title & Trust Bldg Decatur 111 t Morey Laura Myla (mus 1912-13 Al- so Cinn Conserv) 328 S Fourth St Vandalia 111 Morey Lloyd (acad 1906-7 la & mus 1907-11 AB & B Mus) Auditor U 111 1911- 1302 W Clark St Urbana 111 Morey Mrs Lloyd (see Cox Edna E) Morey Louise (mus 1909-10 Also U Colo) Greenville 111 Morey Philip Johnston (ag 1915- Also U Vt) Stu 321 N Ridgeland 468 MOREY— MORGAN Av Oak Park 111 Morey Sarah Jane (h sc 1914-15 Also W 111 St Nor) Stu R2 Macomb 111 Morgan Mrs (see Gillette Delia M) Morgan Alfred Clarence (m eng 1908- 11) Eng Inter-St Com Comm 914 Karpen Bldg Chicago t Morgan Alta Hattie (h sc 1907-10 AB Also 111 Worn Coll) Fullerton Cal Morgan Ambert Delos (sc 1903-5 LL B (111 Coll Law) '09) Law Herrin 111 Morgan Benjamin Franklin (la 1908- 10 Also Art Inst & Koester Sch Chgo) Sales 407 E Stoughton St Cham- paign 111 (Monti cello 111) t Morgan Bessie Irene (Mrs L H Smith) (acad 1909) 706 W High St Urbana 111 Morgan Mrs C E (see Dole Sarah P) Morgan Charles Leonard (arch eng 1907-12 BS'14) Arch 116 S Mich- igan Av Chicago (6005 Blackstone Av) Morgan Mrs C L (see Knowlton Eliz- abeth) Morgan Chester Arthur (acad 1909-10 su 1909 min eng 1911-15 BS) Daw- son 111 Morgan Chester Pond (arch 1904-5 Also U Wis) Mgr Lumber Yard Ridgeway Wis Morgan Clarence Leslie (acad 1901-2 sp m eng 1902-3) Mgr Lumber Co Barry 111 Morgan Clarence William (acad 1906- 7 law 1907-9 LL B(Colo) '11) Law 1339 E 17th Av Denver Morgan Dean Francis (e eng 1915- ) Stu Kane 111 Morgan Edgar A (la 1902-3 '05-6 AB) Prin H Sch Tuguegarao Cagayan PI (Jewett 111) Morgan Edith Marian (lib 1912-13 AB (Minn) '09 Also Carleton Coll) Libr 812 Seventh Av S St Cloud Minn morgan Edward T (acad 1888-9) Waterloo 111 Morgan Effie Marguerite (g engl 1915- AB(Millikin)'13) Stu 1019 Governor St Springfield 111 Morgan Everette Harmon (chem eng 1910-14) Chem 163 E 150th St Har- vey 111 Morgan .Frederic Lindley (arch 1908- 12 BS) Draft Chesterfield Apts Louisville Ky (1011 W Clark St Ur- bana 111) Morgan George Nathan (la 1880-4 BL LLB(NW)'87) Law 7646 Marquette Av Chicago Morgan Mrs G N (see Morgan Louisa M) Morgan George W (la 1884-5) Law 30 N Dearborn St Chicago Morgan George Walker (c eng 1901-5 BS) C Eng 1603 N 47th St E St Louis 111 Morgan Gilbert Ward (acad 1892-3) Law 30 N Dearborn St Chicago Morgan Grace Busey (la 1910-14 AB) At home 1002 W Green St Urbana 111 Morgan Harry Edward (1 1910-13 LL B) Walker Bldg Christopher 111 \Morgan Harry Ralph (acad 1909-10) 504 E John St Champaign 111 t Morgan Herschel Seymour (e eng 1912-13 Also U SD) Box C Belle- fourche SD t Morgan Horace Healy (m eng 1902-6 BS) Draft 380 N Sandrell St Tif- fin O Morgan Mrs H H (see Clifford Winni- fred H) Morgan Isabelle Alice (h sc 1901-3) Sec 608 Kirkwood Blvd Davenport la *Morgan John Barb Jr (acad 1888-9 law 1889-91) d Jan 8 1901 Phoenix Ariz Morgan John William (su 1909&'10& '11&'12&'13&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Wood River 111 Morgan Mrs L S (see Bennett Ruth) Morgan Lotus Eugenia (la 1910-11) Pingree Grove 111 Morgan Louisa Merboth (Mrs G N) (la 1882-5 Cert BL'14) Law 7647 Marquette Av Chicago Morgan Lyman Judd (ag 1909-12) Sales Hampshire 111 Morgan May Merboth (la 1914- Al- so U Chgo) Stu 30 N Dearborn St Chicago Morgan Meryl Stanley (c eng 1904-8 BS Also Knox Coll) Galva 111 tMORGAN Ora Sherman (la 1901-5 AB MSA(Cor)'07 PhD(do)'09 Also 111 St Nor U) Prof Ag Col U 400 Convent Av New York Morgan Ralph Waldo (chem eng 1912- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 304 N Ward St Macomb 111 Morgan Raymond (acad 1910-11) Ag R3 Elwood 111 *Morgan Richard Price (Trustee 1891- 7 Hon D Eng 1903 Memb 1st Bd RR Comm 111 1870-4) d May 20 1910 D wight 111 Morgan Rudolph Bennett (su 1912 Also N 111 St Nor) c/o Tri City RR Co 2519 Seventh Av Moline 111 MORGAN— MOREIS 469 Morgan Stella Webster (la 1898-1903 AB AM(Chgo)'lO) Teach 4809 Lake Park Av Chicago Morgan Mrs Theron (see Gillette Del- la M) Morgan Thomas Sherman (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 738 N 22nd St E St Louis 111 t Morgan Walter Montgomery (acad 1892-3 la 1893-7 AB) 52934 Lymes Bldg Denver MORGAN William Llewlyn (ME (South Wales) '02 Instr 111 Min & Mech Inst 1914-15) Sales Mancha Storage Bat- tery Locomotive Co St Louis (R2 E St Louis 111) Morgenthaler Oscar Edward (e eng 1911-12) Clk Woolf Bros 802 Mof- fett Av Joplin Mo Morin Oswell (sc 1912- ) Stu R2 Danville 111 MORISON Alfred Thorpe (BS(Pa Coll) '15) Asst Crop Prod U in 1915- 905 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Sugar Grove Pa) Morita Haneymon (com 1914- ) Stu Kisarazu Japan Morkel William Algernon Kingsmill (ag 1914-15 BS g ag 1915- Also Gov Ag Coll) Asst An Husb U 111 1915- 407 E Daniel St Champaign 111 ?Morley Guilford Seymour (acad 1909- 10 e eng 1910-11) 214 S Main St St Louis MORLEY Raymond Kurtz (AB( Tufts) '04 AM(do)'04 PhD(Clark)'10 Instr Math U Me 1904-7 do Worcester Poly 1910-11 do U 111 1911-12) Asst Prof Worcester Poly 1912- Worces- fg|» TVTriss *Morlock John (sp 1872-3) d Feb 24 1896 New Memphis 111 ?Morphy Arthur Edwin (m eng 1905 Also Depauw IT) 1632 Ridge Av Evanston 111 MORPHY Edson Wilfred (Grad(N Eng Conserv) '99 Study Paris 1905-6 Prof Violin Nor Conserv Potsdam NY 1899-1900 Prof Violin Conserv Halifax NS 1902-5 Prof Violin Milli- ken U 1906-12) Instr VioKn U 111 1912- 916 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Morray Kenneth Ralph (ag 1912-14) Ag Vienna 111 Morrell Bernard F (arch eng 1910-11 Also Ft Worth U & Armour Inst) Credit Man Internat Harvester Co Toledo (Fitz Henry Pa) Morrell Ralph Leonard (c eng 1910- 15 BS) Adv Sales Grain Dealers Journal 4301 Adams St Chicago Morrell Melvin Hill (ag 1915- ) 306 W Oak St Watseka 111 Morrell Thomas Foster (acad 1904-5) Ottumwa la Morrell Walter A (acad 1888-9) Steam Eng 4025 Indiana Av Chicago Morrill Guy Lyman (m eng 1908-12 BS MS (Mich) '13) M Eng 207 Maritime Bldg Seattle (Kewanee 111) Morrill Leslie Sherman (m eng 1910- 12 '15- ) Stu 152 Walnut St Blue Island 111 Morrill William (acad 1905-6) Elburn 111 Morris Alice Elvira (la 1911-13 AB g ed 1913-14 AM) Teach R2 Viola 111 Morris Mrs Arthur (see Hewitt MaryD) Morris Arthur Marvin (1 1908-13 LLB) Clothier Hub Clothing Co Aberdeen SD (Oskaloosa la) Morris Mrs A M (see Cronk Clara G) Morris Benjamin Ray (eng 1909-10 Also Millikin U) Teach Minonk 111 Morris Bertha May (su 1910 & '15) Supt Schs Tallula 111 Morris Bessie Lilian (Mrs G S John- ston) (la 1907-8) Home 12 Noble Av Hamilton O Morris Mrs Carl (see Webber Mar- garet J) MORRIS Caroline Ruth (AB(Wis)'15) Asst Phys Tr U 111 1915- 1010V 2 W California Av Urbana 111 (703 Al- goma St Oshkosh Wis) Morris Cecil Milo (eng 1915- ) Stu 120 W White St Clinton 111 Morris Charles Myers (1 1901-4 LL B) Law Kilbourn Wis Morris Claude Merritt (acad 1909-10) Postal Clk & Adv Kilbourn Wis Morris Edgar William (la 1890-4 BL LLB (Mich) '95) Ag Trinidad Wash Morris Ercel (su 1913 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 1006 Kimber St Danville 111 Morris Flora E (sp la 1887-8) (See also Sims Mrs Flora Morris) Home 1004 California Av Urbana 111 Morris Mrs G H (see Bengston Pearle E) Morris George (la 1905-6 '08-10 AB) Rep Chgo Tribune Western Springs 111 (Congress Park 111) Morris George Hugh (c eng 1906-8) Trav R36 Peoria 111 Morris George W (ag 1873-4) Painter & Decorator Lexington 111 tMorris George William (la 1908-9) 1708 N Dela St Indianapolis Morris Harold Bayley (ag 1912-13) Ag Tonica 111 Morris Harold Harrison (ag 1914- ) Stu Rl Clinton 111 tMorris Harvey B (m eng 1909-11) 470 MORRIS— MORRISON Kansas 111 Morris Helen Elizabeth (h sc 1914- ) 1001 Grisco Bldg St Louis fMorris Ida M ( acad 1879-80 sp 1880- 3) Pesotum 111 Morris James Edwin (e eng 1904-8 BS) M Eng Box 96 Congress Park 111 Morris John Calvin Calhown (c eng 1869-74) Lincoln 111 IMorris John L (acad 1884-5) Brad- ford 111 Morris Josephine Annette (su 1913 & '14 Also S 111 St Nor) Murphysboro 111 t Morris Keith Gardner (sp ag 1903-5) Rantoul 111 Morris Leland Albert (la & law 1911-13 LL B(Mich) '14 Also 111 Coll 1908-11) Trav Sales 409 W Huron St Chicago (Cartersville SC) Morris Mary Loduska (la 1906-9 AB Also NW U) 516 High Av E Oska- loosa la Morris Melbourn John ( acad 1906-7) Carbon Hill 111 Morris Minnie Ellen (su 1900 &'04 & '05 & '06 & '10 & '12 la 1907-8) Teach 107 N Elm St Champaign 111 Morris Nelson Marvin (min eng 1913- ) Stu 206 N Jackson St Harrisburg 111 IMorris N W ( su 1909) E St Louis 111 Morris Robert Lyman (acad 1896-8 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '04) Med 418 Powers Bldg Decatur 111 (Maroa 111) tMorris Robinson (sc 1876-7) Urbana 111 Morris Roy Edward (e eng 1911-12) Steel Constr c/o J Griffiths & Son 2838 Michigan Blvd Chicago Morris Sidney Dealey (acad 1899-1901 e eng 1903-5 BS Also U Wis) Instr Topog Eng U Wis 245 Langdon St Madison Wis Morris Sidney McCagg (1 1907-9 LL B (Colo) 7 11) Law Oskaloosa la Morris Vernon Leslie (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) Constr Insp Pennsylvania Co 305 W Polk St Chicago (999 Ray- mond Av Congress Park 111) Morris Wilbert Willard (su 1915 Also U Mich) Teach H Sch 400 N Chilson St Bay City Mich Morris William Fennell Jr (sp ag 1909- 10) Fruit Ag Rl(46) Bingen Ark (1701 S Seventh St May wood 111) Morris William West (sc 1904-5 AB Mich) '08 MSF(do)'09) Forest c/o US Forest Service Coeur d'Alene Id Morrisey Thomas Paul (ag 1905-6) Broker 508 Peoples Bk Bldg Bloom- ington 111 Morrison Carl Raymond (min eng 1914- ) Stu Rl Columbus Ind Morrison Carlisle Brey (1 1914-15) Clk Law Ofc Waterloo 111 Morrison Charles Brown (sp ag 1909- 10) Stock Ramsey 111 Morrison Charles Hugh (acad 1890-1 la 1891-2 Also 111 St Nor U) Coal Opr Odin 111 Morrison Clay Alexander (ag 1915- Also Pur U) Stu 405 W Beardsley Av Elkhart Ind Morrison Donald Kenneth (sc 1910-14 AB) Sales Addressograph Co 4457 N Paulina St Chicago * Morrison Edgar G (acad 1879-80) d 1906 Oklahoma Morrison Elbert Warren (acad 1901-3) Ag Mahomet 111 MORRISON Ella Hortense (Dir Phys Tr Worn U 111 1895-8) Morrison George Emmett (acad 1894- 7) 207 W Green St Urbana 111 Morrison Harry (ag 1914-15) Teach R58 Marseilles 111 (1364 E 15th St Des Moines la) MORRISON Harry Cleveland (g math 1907-8 AM AB(Ind)'07) Co Surv Princeton Ind Morrison Helen Sinclair (h sc 1911-15 BS) Teach H Sch Alexis 111 (607 W Jefferson St . Joliet) Morrison . Homer Frederick Jr (acad 1905-6 sp ag 1906-8) Stock Bayle City 111 Morrison Howard Monroe (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag & Stock Homer 111 Morrison Ivan (ag 1913- ) Stu Fairbury 111 tMorrison John (sp c eng 1903-4) 802 E Front St Bloomington 111 Morrison John Emery (1 1905-8 LL B) Law Sec & Mgr Peoples Abstract Co 222 Jefferson St Joliet 111 (Danvers 111) Morrison Mrs J E (see Gray Villa) Morrison John Leland (acad 1903-5) Waterman 111 MORRISON Lee (Asst Eng St Geol Surv U 111 1907-8) US Geol Surv Washington Morrison Lethe Eleanor (h sc 1914- ) Stu Waterloo 111 *Morrison Napoleon B (Trustee 1893 9 Memb St Leg 1870) d Nov 1911 Odin 111 Morrison Paul E (acad 1905-7) Teach H Sch Jacksonville 111 Morrison Raymond Keir (c eng 1909- 11) V-Pres & Treas Joliet Bridge & Iron Co 607 Exchange St Joliet 111 MORRISON— MORSE 471 Morrison Roger Leroy (se & ry c eng 1903-5 '09-11 AB '11-12 BS MA (Col) '14) Prof Highway Eng A&M Coll Tex College Station Tex Morrison Roy Augustine (m eng 1903- 4) R Est & Ins Homestead Fla Morrison Willa Agnes (sp mus 1909- 11) At home 129 Lawn PI Rock- ford 111 Morrison William Raymond (la 1910- 13 law 1913- ) Stu Waterloo 111 Morrison William Robert (arch eng 1891-5 BS) Mgr Bridgetown Tram- way Co Ltd Barbadoes WI Morrissey Daniel C (la 1890-4 BL Also Yale U) Farm Mortg Cham- paign 111 Morrissey Mrs D C (see Monier Mar- tha V) Morrissey Edward Henry (acad 1908- 10 la com 1910-15 AB) Adv Dept Montgomery Ward & Co Chicago (2 Walton PI) Morrissey Fay (1 1899-1901) Fire Ins Adjuster Champaign 111 fMorrissey John Johnson (ag 1912-13) Princeville 111 Morrissey John O'Connell (ag 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu 205 Unity Bldg Bloomington 111 * Morrissey Mathew James (acad 1892- 5) d Feb 17 1916 Champaign 111 Morrissey Matthew Joseph (e eng 1910- 13) C Eng 5526 La Salle St Chi- cago *Morrow A T (c eng 1870-3 Cert Hon CE '92) d March 6 1914 Alta- mont Kan t Morrow Arnold Vivian (m eng 1912- 13) White Hall 111 IMorrow Clarence Gifford (acad 1889- 92 sp 1892-3) Champaign 111 Morrow George Dwight (1 1909-10 Also Lake Forest Coll) Sales 702 Genesee St Waukegan 111 *MORROW George Espy (AM (Mich) '82 Prof Ag La Ag Coll 1876 Prof Ag U 111 1877-94 Chge U Farms do 1881 Pres Okla Ag Coll 1895-9) d March 26 1900 Paxton 111 Morrow Grace Elliott (Mrs G T Seely) (acad 1893-4 sc 1894-8 BS) Home 4367 Oakenwald Av Chicago Morrow Hugh D (sp arch 1907-8) Supt & Estimator Lumber & Planing Mill 421 Chestnut St Evansville Ind Morrow Irwin Gealy (acad 1908-11 arch eng 1911-15) Rapides La Morrow Jessie Eleaine (Mrs M A Wat- kins) (g h sc 1906-8 BS(Okla Ag) '03 Asst H Sc U 111 1907-8) Head Home Making Dept Okla Farm Jour 1909- Rl Enid Okla MORROW Joseph Albert (Studied In- ternat Corresp Sch) Supt Bldgs & Chf Eng U 111 1901- 601 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Morrow Louise (la 1900-2 MD(U 111 Coll Med '06 AB(Wis)'14) Asst Soc Work U Cal Hospital 465 Dolores St San Francisco fMorrow Minnie M (sp a&d 1886-9) Champaign 111 Morrow Nelson C (sc 1899-1902 MD (U 111 Coll Med) '05) Med 4801 W Chicago Av Chicago Morsch Elmer John (ag 1914- ) Stu Hinckley 111 Morse Mrs (see Agnew Viola B) Morse Mrs (see Bailey Gertrude) *Morse Albert Cornelius (acad 1892-3) d 1893 Champaign 111 MORSE Benjamin Clarke (Grad(US Mil Acad) '84 Prof Mil Sc & Tactics & Commandant U 111 1910-13) Lieut Col 13th US Inf Manila PI Morse Burton E ( sp 1886-7 acad 1887- 8 arch 1888-91) Arch Twin Falls Id Morse Chester Arthur (c eng 1909-10 Also U Wis) Comm Dept Pub Util c/oi Cent 111 Pub Serv Co Tuscola 111 Morse Clara Louise (s.ul905&'06 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Westminster Hotel Spokane Wash (Cariyle 111) Morse Edward Leland (acad 1880-1 e eng 1881-5 BS) C" Eng & Ag R3 Grand Junction Colo MORSE Edward P (AB(Vt) '79 AM (do) '82 Grad(Union Theol) '86 Instr Anc Lang U 111 1882-3) Mintr Troy Pa Morse Guy Edward (e eng 1915- ) Stu 4238 Harrison St Kansas City Mo Morse Hattie (Mrs W A Woolridge) (sp mus 1879-80) Home Gifford 111 Morse Henry Childs (c eng 1900-4 BS Also Knox Coll) V-Pres & Sales Mgr SW Silo Co 619 W Main St Okla- homa City Morse Henry Milton (m eng 1882-6 BS) C Eng 451 Ainsworth Av Port- land Ore morse Hiram B ( acad 1883-4) War- rensburg 111 ?Morse J H ( la 1873-4) Belvidere 111 Morse Jediddiah D (e eng 1891-6 BS) Cash Morse St Bk Gifford 111 Morse Jessie (la 1910-14 AB) At home c/o Col B C Morse 13th US Inf Manila PI Morse John Hale (la 1877-81 AB) Fire Ins & Bonds 1806 Central Av Kansas City Kan Morse John Hamilton (la com 1913-15 AB Also Lehigh U) Troy Pa 472 MORSE— MOSHER ?Morse Mahlon C (sc 1871-2) Belvi- dere 111 Morse Milo M (acad 1877-8) Ranch R3 Grand Junction Colo Morse Richard Irving (la 1915- ) Stu 225 E Main St Olney 111 Morse Robert Lay (m eng 1915- ) Stu 109 W Prospect St Kewanee 111 Morse Robert Pope (acad 1893-5) Ag & Constr Tuscola 111 Morse Rollin Henry (acad 1884-5) Cash Globe Sav Bk 748 N Av 66 Los An- geles Morse Samuel Theodore (c eng 1893- 6 BS) Consult Eng Carlinville 111 Morse Mrs S T (see Munhall Grace M) ?Morse Wendell Richards (m eng 1906- 8) 1432 65th PI Chicago fMorshouse Kent Wardell (la (fom 1907-8) Toulon 111 Mortimer Earl Otis (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Woodson 111 Mortland Joseph F ( acad 1879-81 ) Hardin 111 Mortland William Ulysses (acad 1884- 5 BS(CentU) ) Teach 1950 Fourth Av W Seattle Morton Alfred Hammond (c eng 1915- ) Stu 6801 Union Av Chicago ?Morton Cora Marie (acad 1895) Champaign 111 • MORTON Davis Walter (AB (Dickin- son) '02 DB(Drew Theol)^05 AM (Dickinson) CPA(Wis St Bd Exam) '15 Asst Prof Millikin U 1906-8 Chf Clk Pres Ofc U 111 1908-9 Instr Acct & Econ do 1909-10 Sec Berea Coll 1911-15) Dean Coll Com U Ore Eugene Ore Morton Eula Gertrude (la '1914-15) Stu 111 Wes U 59 W Main St Mar- shall 111 Morton Henry Augustine ( ag 1912-13) Ag 379 W Elm St Canton 111 Morton James Felix (e eng 1904-7) RR Electr Vienna 111 (117 W Franklin Av Monmouth 111) *Morton James Harrison (la 1902-4 AB '06 Also 111 St Nor U) d War- rensville 111 Morton Joe Kelley (c eng 1907-8 Also Wabash Coll) RR C Eng & Highway Eng 140 Broadway Benton Harbor Mich (626 Allen St South Bend Ind) ^Morton Levi Parson (acad 1904-7) 1109 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Morton Marguerite (la 1915- Also Judson Coll) Stu 204 S Lynn St Champaign 111 Morton Mary Gertrude (lib 1910-12 BLS BL(0 Wes) '05) Asst Branch Libr 3304 Elliott Av Minneapolis (Montezuma la) Morton Ray Victor (e eng 1914-15) Sales 306 S Van Buren St Paris 111 Morton Robert (ag 1915- ) Stu R6 Homer 111 Morton Roy Albert (ag 1909-10 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Golden 111 MORTON Sarah Delano (Mrs A L Owens) (Attended N Eng Conserv Mus & studied with Harold Bauer Paris 1906-7 Teach Piano U 111 1907-10) Home 1301 New Hampshire St Law- rence Kan ?Morton Venia (acad 1904-5 sp mus 1905-6) 1109 W Springfield Av Ur- bana 111 tMorton William Carroll (la 1903-4) 42 White St New York Mosby Benjamin Harrison (la 1907-9 AB Also Fisk U 1904-7) Teach Sum- ner H Sch 4342 West Belle PI St Louis Moschel Herman (m eng 1906-10 BS) Supt* Dain Mfg Co 125 W Fifth St Ottumwa la Moschel Louis Conrad (la com 1900-2 '04-5 AB) Sec-Treas Langton Lum- ber Co Pekin 111 Moschel Margaret (Mrs S A Schicke- danz)(la 1910-12 AB Also Forest Park U) Home 616 Oak St Danville 111 Moseley Beauregard Fred Jr (la 1913- 14) 6248 Sangamon St Chicago Moseley Jason William (arch eng Feb 1916- ) Stu Calhoun Ky *Moseley Roland Edward (c eng 1873) d Princeton 111 Moser Lee Elwood (acad 1905-7 e eng 1908-12 BS) E Eng Sigel 111 Moser Margaret (la 1915- ) Stu 6424 Champlain Av Chicago Moser Olga Fern (acad 1906-9 sp mus 1909-13 B Mus la 1914- ) Stu Sigel 111 Moser William Oliver (sp c eng 1905- 6) Asst Eng 1517 Pine St Scranton Pa Moses Cleda Virginia (la 1910-12 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 406 W Locust St Normal 111 Moses Ethelin Alice (Mrs H E Sting- ley) (la 1910-11) Home Robinson la Moses Robert Louis (ag 1912- ) Stu 4812 Calumet Av Chicago Mosey Orrin Quam (la 1908-9 DVM (Chgo Vet) '13) Vet Mount Vernon la mosher Edna (g entom 1912-13 MS '13-15 PhD BSA(Cor)'08) Instr Entom U 111 1915- 401 S Wright St Champaign 111 (Kempt Shore Nova Scotia) Mosher James Barnes (ag 1912-15) Stu U Wis Prophetstown 111 MUELLER— MULLIN 475 Ins 253 Jones St Racine Wis Mueller Alphose John (arch eng 1913- 15) Asst Chf Clk St Clair Gas & Elec Co E St Louis 111 (2252 D St Granite City 111) Mueller Arnold William (acad 1891-3 Also Pitt U) Clk 3143 Shadeland Av Pittsburg tMueller August Gall (e eng 1905-7) Rock Island 111 Mueller Carl Oscar (arch eng 1913- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3810 Rokeby St Chicago * Mueller Clarence William (chem eng 1906-9 Also Armour Inst) d Chicago Mueller Fred August (ag 1914-15) Ag R2 Milfordlll Mueller Fritz August (la chem eng 1914- Also Armour Inst) Stu 889 E Military Av Fremont Neb Mueller Grover Robert (m eng 1903-7 BS) Sales Contr & Consuls Eng 1503 St Charles St N Birmingham Ala Mueller Gustav Henry (mun eng 1907- 11 BS Also Blackburn U) Supt Constr & Sec Herrick Constr Co Car- linville 111 Mueller Harrie Stevens (ag 1910-14 BS) Land Arch 1819 E Ninth St Wichita Kan (1332 N Wichita St) Mueller Harry Louis (sc 1912- ) Stu Highland 111 Mueller Henry Fred (la com 1912-13) 3824 N 11th St St Louis Mueller Henry Rollo (ag 1914- AB (Baker) '14) Stu Sedgwick Kan Mueller Herbert Edward (arch eng 1913- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3810 Rokeby St Chicago Mueller Herbert Zoller (e eng 1912- ) Stu 624 Elm St Quincy 111 Mueller Jacob William (m eng 1900-4 BS) Sec Orbon Stove & Range Co 605 E "C" St Belleville 111 ?Mueller John (la 1872-5 BS) Tam- pa Fla Mueller Louis Herbert (sp m eng 1906- 7 Also Bradley Poly) Brick Yards Eng & Expert 201 Bradley Av Peoria 111 Mueller Oscar B (m eng 1891-4) Pres Mfg Co Sarnia Ont Can Mueller Richard Henry (ag 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3715 Rokeby St Chicago Mueller Walter Herman (arch eng 1901-5 BS) Contr 407 Hasting St Vancouver BC Can Mueller Walter Rudolph (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 3744 Park Av Indian- apolis Muessel Richard Adam (ag 1915- Also Pur U) Stu 701 Cottage Grove Av South Bend Ind Muhl Fred Lewis (arch eng 1900-4 BS) Instr Math 111 Wes U Bloom- ington 111 Muker Mrs M S (see Hood Clara L) Mulae Louis Edward (m eng 1912- ) Stu 2452 S Sawyer Av Chicago Mulberry Grace Pearl (Mrs A D Mul- likin)(la 1902-6 AB) Home 706 S Elm St Champaign 111 Mulconery Maurice John (acad 1908- 10) Golconda 111 IMulpinger Carl Wesley (1 1908-12 LL B '14) 2805 Princeton Av Chicago Mulford Edgar Theodore (c eng 1913- ) Stu Mason City 111 Mull Mrs Beth Warner (Mrs Josserand Bruce) (su 1907 h sc 1909-10 AB(Kan St Nor) '13) Prof Home Econ St Nor Emporia Kan (Cimarron Kan) Mull Emmaleen Irene (h sc 1909-10) Teach Danville 111 (704 S Locust St Pana 111) \Mullany Thomas James (acad 1898) Jesup la IMullen Cirilo Joseph (la com 1906- 11 AB) Buenos Aires Argentine Mullen Clarence Clement (e eng 1912- 13) Electr Plumbing & Heating Contr Savana 111 Muller Albert Charles (acad 1893-5) Mason Contr. 512 Surf St Chicago Muller John (la 1872-6 BS '85) Wur- tenburg Germany Mulligan Frank (acad 1898-9) Asst Freight Agt Chicago Gary Elec RR Co Chicago (Kewanee 111) Mulliken Albert Danforth (1 1897- 1900 LLB) Law 806 S Elm St Champaign 111 Mulliken Mrs A D (see Mulberry Grace P) Mulliken Amy R (sc 1896-7 Also Ind St Nor U) Rinard 111 Mulliken Mrs Elizabeth Elma (Mrs Chas J) (su 1904) Bus 411 W Uni- versity Av Champaign 111 Mulliken Horace Watson (ag 1915- ) Stu Humbolt 111 Mulliken June (Mrs Robert Polk) (la 1915) Home Clinton Ind Mulliken Phoebe (Mrs Storey) (acad 1899-1900 sp mus 1900-3) Home 260 Dorffil Dr Seattle Mullikin Maude Edith (Mrs G W Arm- strong) (sp mus 1907-8) Home Bond- ville 111 Mullin Ada Inez (Mrs F E Kilbury) (acad 1905-7) Ag St Joseph 111 474 MOULTON— MUELLER Stu U Mo 1913- 1513 Rosemary Lane Columbia Mo (84 W S Water St Chi- cago) Moulton Herbert Lewis (cer 1909-10 Also Lewis Inst) City Sales Sprague Warner Co 600 W Erie St Chicago Moulton Lora Belle (Mrs M W Ross) (h sc 1909-11) Ag Alvarado Minn (White Hall 111) Moulton Walter Ross (e eng 1904-8 BS Also Lewis Inst) E Eng 1227 Linden Av Baltimore (Glen Ellyn 111) Moulton Wesley Hillman (sc 1912-13 Also Lewis Inst) Stu U Mo 1513 Rosemary Lane Columbia Mo (84 W S Water St Chicago) Moulton William Henry (c eng 1887-8) Trav Waverly 111 Mounce George (sc 1910-12 AB'13 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach La Salle 111 tMount Darius Orendorff (ag 1909-12) Rl Delavan 111 Mount Ernest Earl (acad 1910-11) Delavan 111 tMount Jesse Roy (sp ag 1911-12) RFD Mt Vernon 111 Mount Madison Hoge (m eng 1897- 1902 BS) Teach 435 W 33rd St Los Angeles Mount Orville Bert (su 1913 Also Union Christian Coll) Prin Hutson- ville 111 (Mt Vernon 111) Mount Paul (acad 1910-11) Delavan 111 tMountjoy Earl Logan (m eng 1908- 10) Atlanta 111 Mountjoy Oscar Francis (ag 1901-4) Ag Atlanta 111 tMountjoy Paul Hawes (la 1911-12) 413 Ninth St Lawton Okla Mounts Maryon Evelyn (Mrs L Moise) (la 1912-13 AB Also Smith Coll) Home 2612 Thomas Av Dallas Tex Mounts Will Walter (m eng 1911-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 318 Buchan St Carlin- ville 111 Mourning Martha Russell (Mrs R L Dixon) (sp h sc 1909-10) Home Col- chester 111 Mourning Mary Katharine (la 1905-8 '10-11 AB) Teach 233 S White St Macomb 111 (1115 Main St Le Mars la) Mourning Nellie Irene (Mrs W E Hedgcock) (la 1908-12 AB) Home 311 E Williams St Albert Lea Minn (233 S White St Macomb 111) tMourning Paul Wetzel (la & law 1911- 15) Rushville 111 Moutray Madeline (acad 1910-11 la 1911-13 AB(Col)M5) Teach H Sch Centralia 111 (400 W 118th St New York) Moutray Mary Elizabeth (acad 1910-11 mus 1911-13) Stu Mus 400 W 118th St New York Movitt Perle (la 1913-14) 933 Ash- land Blvd Chicago Mowbray Esther Irma (Mrs F F Molt) (lib 1902-3) Home 12305 Princeton Av Chicago Mowder Clyde Leroy (c eng 1903-7 BS) Chf Eng Investment Bldg 1021 Los Angeles St Los Angeles Mowry Aggie (Mrs W S Hess) (sp mus 1870-80) Home Homer HI IMowry Mary Adah ( acad 1898-9 ) Champaign 111 Moxon Frank (e eng 1910-11) Phys Dir YMCA Carthage Mo (Jackson- ville 111) Moyen Carl Peter (la 1914- ) Stu 2248 Powell Av Chicago Moyer Charlene (la 1915- ) Stu Le Roy O ?Moyer Marion Catherine (Mrs L E Swett)(la 1907-9) 148 St Pails PI Brooklyn NY Moyer Simon Jones (e eng 1915- ) Stu El Dara 111 Moynihan Charles Joseph (la & law 1903-8 LLB) Law Montrose Colo Mozley John Ladd (sp ag 1904-6 Also 5 iil St Nor) Stock Vienna 111 Mroz August Ferdinand (la 1915- ) Stu 2885 Milwaukee Av Chicago Mroz Rudolph John (la 1915- ) Stu 2885 Milwaukee Av Chicago Muckelroy Renzo Edmund (su 1905 & '06 '08-11 & su '12 '13 & '14 ag Feb 1915 BS Also S 111 St Nor) Head Dept Ag S 111 St Nor Carbondale 111 (Mt Vernon 111) Mudge Charles H (sp ag 1886-7 acad 1887-8) Ag Peru 111 Mudge Fred A (sp ag 1884-5) Ag Peru 111 fMudge Gertrude E (sp mus 1901-2) Homer 111 MUDGE Isadore Gilbert (PhB(Cor) '97 BLS(NY St Lib) '00 Ref Libr 6 Asst Prof Lib Econ U 111 1900-3 Head Lib Bryn Mawr Coll 1903-8 Instr Lib Econ Simmons Coll 1910-11) Ref Libr Col U 1911- New York MUEHLMAN Ralph E (At Harv U 1911-13) Asst Arch Design U 111 1914- 924 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (240 Putman Av Detroit) *Muelheims Robert (sc 1875-7) d Jan 19 1884 Nashville 111 Mueller Adolph (acad 1884-5 m eng 1885-6) Mfg R4 Millikin PI De- catur 111 Mueller Alexander John (la 1911-12) MUELLER— MULLIN 4?5 Ins 253 Jones St Racine Wis Mueller Alphose John (arch eng 1913- 15) Asst Chf Clk St Clair Gas & Elec Co E St Louis 111 (2252 D St Granite City 111) Mueller Arnold William (acad 1891-3 Also Pitt U) Clk 3143 Shadeland Av Pittsburg t Mueller August Gall (e eng 1905-7) Rock Island 111 Mueller Carl Oscar (arch eng 1913- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3810 Rokeby St Chicago *Mueller Clarence William (chem eng 1906-9 Also Armour Inst) d Chicago Mueller Fred August (ag 1914-15) Ag R2 Milford 111 Mueller Fritz August (la chem eng 1914- Also Armour Inst) Stu 889 E Military Av Fremont Neb Mueller Grover Robert (m eng 1903-7 BS) Sales Contr & Consult/ Eng 1503 St Charles St N Birmingham Ala Mueller Gustav Henry (mun eng 1907- 11 BS Also Blackburn U) Supt Constr & Sec Herrick Constr Co Car- linville HI Mueller Harrie Stevens (ag 1910-14 BS) Land Arch 1819 E Ninth St Wichita Kan (1332 N Wichita St) Mueller Harry Louis (sc 1912- ) Stu Highland 111 Mueller Henry Fred (la com 1912-13) 3824 N 11th St St Louis Mueller Henry Rollo (ag 1914- AB (Baker) '14) Stu Sedgwick Kan Mueller Herbert Edward (arch eng 1913- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3810 Rokeby St Chicago Mueller Herbert Zoller (e eng 1912- ) Stu 624 Elm St Quincy HI Mueller Jacob William (m eng 1900-4 BS) Sec Orbon Stove & Range Co 605 E "G" St Belleville 111 ?Mueller John (la 1872-5 BS) Tam- pa Fla Mueller Louis Herbert (sp m eng 1906- 7 Also Bradley Poly) Brick Yards Eng & Expert 201 Bradley Av Peoria 111 Mueller Oscar B (m eng 1891-4) Pres Mfg Co Sarnia Ont Can Mueller Richard Henry (ag 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3715 Rokeby St Chicago Mueller Walter Herman (arch eng 1901-5 BS) Contr 407 Hasting St Vancouver BC Can Mueller Walter Rudolph (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 3744 Park Av Indian- apolis Muessel Richard Adam (ag 1915- Also Pur U) Stu 701 Cottage Grove Av South Bend Ind Muhl Fred Lewis (arch eng 1900-4 BS) Instr Math 111 Wes U Bloom- ington 111 Muker Mrs M S (see Hood Clara L) Mulac Louis Edward (m eng 1912- ) Stu 2452 S Sawyer Av Chicago Mulberry Grace Pearl (Mrs A D Mul- likin)(la 1902-6 AB) Home 706 S Elm St Champaign 111 Mulconery Maurice John (acad 1908- 10) Golconda 111 ?Mulpinger Carl Wesley (1 1908-12 LL B '14) 2805 Princeton Av Chicago Mulford Edgar Theodore (c eng 1913- ) Stu Mason City 111 Mull Mrs Beth Warner (Mrs Josserand Bruce) (su 1907 h sc 1909-10 AB(Kan St Nor) '13) Prof Home Econ St Nor Emporia Kan (Cimarron Kan) Mull Emmaleen Irene (h sc 1909-10) Teach Danville 111 (704 S Locust St Pana 111) \Mullany Thomas James (acad 1898) Jesup la IMullen Cirilo Joseph (la com 1906- 11 AB) Buenos Aires Argentine Mullen Clarence Clement (e eng 1912- 13) Electr Plumbing & Heating Contr Savana 111 Muller Albert Charles (acad 1893-5) Mason Contr. 512 Surf St Chicago Muller John (la 1872-6 BS '85) Wur- tenburg Germany Mulligan Frank (acad 1898-9) Asst Freight Agt Chicago Gary Elec RR Co Chicago (Kewanee 111) Mulliken Albert Danforth (1 1897- 1900 LLB) Law 806 S Elm St Champaign 111 Mulliken Mrs A D (see Mulberry Grace P) Mulliken Amy R (sc 1896-7 Also Ind St Nor U) Rinard 111 Mulliken Mrs Elizabeth Elma (Mrs Chas J) (su 1904) Bus 411 W Uni- versity Av Champaign 111 Mulliken Horace Watson (ag 1915- ) Stu Humbolt 111 Mulliken June (Mrs Robert Polk) (la 1915) Home Clinton lnAUL Mrs Kathrine Hill (Grad Art Inst Chgo 1904) Sc Artist U 111 1915- 209 E Illinois St Urbana 111 Paul Mary Josephine (su 1905&'06& '07&'08&'10 Also S 111 St Nor & U Chgo) Teach Jerseyville 111 Paul Talbert Walter (e eng 1905-8) Teach Mech H Sch 801 N 11th St Kansas City Kan ?Paul Wesley Arthur (m eng 1895- 1900) Peoria 111 Paul William Lewis (arch eng 1888- 91) M Eng 9 Panoramic Way Ber- keley Cal *Paul William T N (sp 1872-3) d Dwight 111 Paul Mrs William Wallace (see Wilber Ella) \Pauley Leander J (acad 1886-7) For- rest 111 Pauji Adolph Frederick (la 1912- ) Stu 2922 N Adams St Peoria HI Paullin Estelle (Mrs L M Padget) (la 1882-5 Cert) Med Poison Mont Paullin William Arthur (sp ag 1905-7) 510 PAULSEN— PEADRO Ag E2 Mexico Mo ?Paulsen George Frederick (la com 1912-13) 587 Menekaune Av Mari- nette Wis Paulson Mrs Arthur L (see Lehmann Gertrude M) Paulson Norman Boyer (chem eng 1906-9) Asst Sales Mgr Gen Roofing Mfg Co 802 Plymouth Bldg Minne- apolis (Loekport 111) Paulson Paul Alexander (g chem 19,13- 14 AB(Augustana) '13) Teach Can- ton SD (332 S Prospect St Rockford 111) Pause Clara Elnora (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 828 Wilson Av Chicago Pause Herman John (e eng 1914-15) Hort Fairoaks Cal Pavey Charles Allen (m eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 6116 Kenwood Av Chicago t Pavey Lou (acad 1887-8) Bnk Mt Vernon 111 Pavietas Charles S (ag 1915 ) Nau- jamietis Kauno Russia Pawling Frank Henry (m eng 1896-7 Also NY U) Acct Wilmington 111 Pawson John Thomas (com 1915- ) Stu Sidell 111 Paxton Anna (Mrs A L Lytle) (acad 1882-3) Home 2207 W 21st St Los Angeles Paxton Charles M (acad 1881-3 DVS (Chgo Vet) '84) Ag & Pres Farmer's Nat Bk Kansas 111 Paxton Lillian (acad 1882-3 sp 1883- 4) Nurse Paris 111 (2207 W 21st St Los Angeles) Payne Albert Henry (c eng 1906-8) C Eng NY St Highwavs Bangall NY Payne Ben (m eng 1895-6 LLB(NW) '10) Law c/o Senator Payne Payne Apts Rock Island 111 Payne Edwin Francis (sp ag 1911-12 Also E 111 St Nor) Trav Newton 111 \Payne Gleason (acad 1909-10) Mt Vernon 111 Payne Mrs J L (see Montgomery Ce- cile) Payne Lawrence Edwin (c eng 1910-11 '13-14 Also Carthage Coll) Supt Constr c/o Union Contsr Co Ashland Ky (43 Wabash Av Carthage 111) Payne Lena Venice (Mrs J C Smith) (sp mus 1897-1900) Home R2 Po- tomac 111 Payne Richard Fuller (la com 1911-13) R Est c/o Payne Invest Co 15th & Farnam St Omaha Neb Payne Rinnie Camille (Mrs Claude Stark) (sp mus 1898-1900) Home Mor- gan Hill Cal (LeRoy 111) \ Payne Samuel K (acad 1876-7) Bun- ker Hill 111 ?Payne Thomas (m eng 1871-2) Oak- land 111 Payne Veda Louise (sc 1911-14 AB Also Virginia Coll) At home 5557 Winthrop Av Chicago ?Payson Edward (m eng 1873) Cov- ington 111 (Chicago) Payson Joseph R (la com 1874-5) Mfg Oak Park 111 Payton Clark Lewis (la 1868-9) 7035 Wentworth Av Chicago Payton Frank Neely (acad 1904-5) Grocer 441 Mesa Av El Paso Tex Payton Lyle (c eng 1903-6 '08-9) City Eng 1537 12th Av Moline 111 de la Paz Fabian (su 1905 Also W 111 St Nor & U Pa) Teach San Fer- nando Pampanga PI (c/o W A Suth- erland War Dept Washington) Peabody Arthur (arch 1879-82 BS) Arch U Wis 2114 Chadbourne St Madison Wis PEABODY Cecil Hobart (BSC(Mass Tech) '77 Prof Eng Imperial Ag Coll Japan 1879-81 Asst Prof M Eng U 111 1881-3 Asst Prof Steam Eng Mass Tech 1884 Assoc Prof do 1889) Prof Naval Arch & Marine Eng 1893- Mass Tech Boston *PEABODY Grace (Sec Pres U 111 1890-1) d Oct 26 1907 Chicago Peabody Howard (su 1902) Teach US Indian Serv Kyle SD Peabody John R (acad 1889-90) Ag Stonington 111 Peabody Katherine Fleming (Mrs Win- throp Girling) (la 1879-83 BL) Home 753 Bluff St Glencoe 111 Peabody Lorin William (m eng 1883- 5 '89-91 BS Asst Test Lab U 111 1893-5) Repr Lubricating Dept Stand- ard Oil Co 456 Newstead St Lonis *Peabody Selim Hobart (AB(Vt)'52 PhD (do) '77 LLD(Ia)'81 Prof Math 6 Physics Polytech Coll 1854 Prof Physics Mass Ag Coll 1871 Prof Physics & M Eng U 111 1878-87 Pres (Regent) do 1880-91) d May 26 1903 St Louis Peace Cameron Albert (ag 1909-11) Auto v Ocean Beach Cal t Peacock Burton Earl (m eng 1902-3) Med 1111 Fidelity Bldg Tacoma Wash Peacock Lottie Belle (Mrs A F Trams) (acad 1898-1901 sp h sc 1902-5) Home Box 807 Bridgeport 111 *Peacock Russell D (sp 1868-9) d Chicago Peadro Benjamin Franklin (ag 1870- 2 la 1878-80 Also U Ky 1895) PEADRO— PEASE 511 Ret 1104 W Oregon Urbana 111 Peadro Bernice F (la 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu 713 Hamilton St Sul- livan 111 Peadro Earl D (c eng 1906-9 su 1910 1912-14 BS) 713 Hamilton St Sulli- van 111 Peadro Mrs Eva McDonald (mus 1915- ) Stu 1104 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Peadro Laura (Mrs J R Kern) (sp mus 1879-80) Home Gays 111 *Peadro Robert (gen 1871-2) d Jan 1 1911 Windsor 111 tPeak Ernest George (sp ag 1903-4 Also Beloit Coll) Marengo HI Peale Margaret (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 336 Allen St Belvidere 111 ?Pearee Albert E (sp 1869-70) Cham- paign HI PEARCE . Charles Chester (AB(Wis) '09 Instr Pub Speak U 111 1909-11) Instr Debate U Wash 1911- 1523 E 63rd St Seattle Pearce Charles Ernest (com 1915- ) Stu White Hall 111 Pearce Ira (c eng 1905-9 BS) In- strument Man 312 S Randolph St Champaign 111 (c/o FEC RR Key West Fla) *Pearce J Irving (Trustee 1897-9 Pres 3rd Nat Bk Chicago 1863-7 Pres or V-Pres 111 St Bd Ag 1884- 1902) d July 4 1902 Chicago Pearce Jennie Eliza (su 1910 Also Monmouth Coll) Teach Dublin Tex (Bloomfield la) Pearce Joe Albert (acad 1898-9) Law Carmi 111 Pearce Warren Frederick (la 1903-4 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '08) Med 1235 Broadway St Quincy 111 Pearce Wilbur R (la 1871-4 Cert) Ag Flora 111 Pearman Mrs (see Columbia Mae F) Pearman Arthur Columbia (la com 1903-6 AB'08 MD (Rush) '10) Med 604 Brown Bldg Rockford 111 *Pearman Ida (Mrs C H Stevens) (la 1878-82 BL'80) d Aug 24 1892 Lo- gansport Ind t Pearman Ira Elliott (la 1881-4) Champaign 111 Pearman James Ora (acad 1877-8 la 1878-81 BS MD (Rush) '85) Med Ma- homet 111 Pearman Mrs JO (see Van Uleck Mary) *Pearman John Thomas (Trustee 1881- 7 MD (Rush) '58 Dist Surg IC RR &Surg US Army Civil War Trustee Champaign Schs 18 yrs) d May 26 1896 Champaign HI Pearman Minnie Ann (la 1884-5) At home 1028 Seventh St N Fargo ND Pearman Myrtle (Mrs E S Keene) (la 1888-91) Home 1028 Seventh St N Fargo ND fPearre Henrietta Lockwood (la 1878) Oakland Cal Pearry Major James (sp la 1914-15 Also Ark Baptist Coll) St Maurice La Pearson Francis H (m eng 1914- ) Stu 66 N Clay St Hinsdale 111 PEARSON Frank Ashmore (g dairy husb 1912-13 BSA(Cor)'12 Also NY St Coll Ag Asst Farm Mgment Cor U Instr Dairy Husb U 111 1912-15) 1st Asst Dairy Husb Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 1107 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 (Beaver Falls Pa) fPearson Frank Edward (c eng 1898- 9) Chicago Pearson Harriett Angeline (lib 1912- 13 AB(Neb Wes) '07) Libr Ag Coll Fargo ND (Adams Neb) Pearson Homer Arnold (e eng 1913- ) Stu Thorntown Ind Pearson Ida May (Mrs G E Hiner) (la 1902-4 BS) Home Moneta la *Pearson John Mills (Trustee 1868-73 Memb St Leg 1878-84 St Live Stock Comm 1886-92) d June 4 1910 God- frey 111 Pearson John Winthrop (m eng 1901- 5 BS) Consult Eng 2927 Wilcox Av Chicago Pearson Paul Leo (ag 1912-14) Ag Erjota Minn (R3 North Crystal Lake 111) tPearson Pierre Eris Conrad (arch eng 1905-8) Perry la Pearson Robert Miller (la 1915- ) Stu Thorntown Ind Pearson William Henry (la com 1909- 12 AB) Clk Lena 111 Pearson William Wilson (arch eng 1889-90 MD(Mich)'93) Med 417 Equitable Bldg Des Moines la *Peart George K (acad 1879-80 sc 1880-3) d June 3 1899 Chicago PEASE Arthur Stanley (AB(Harv)'02 AM (do) '03 PhD (do) '05 Instr Clas- sics Harv U 1905-6 do Radcliffe Coll 1906-9 Assoc Prof Classics U 111 1909-15) Curator Classics Museum U 111 & Prof Classics 1915- 1014 W Ore- gon St Urbana 111 Pease Charles H (acad 1884-5 law 1888-91 LLB(NW)'91) Law 30 N Dearborn St Chicago (Marion 111) Pease Chester Isaac (acad 1882-5 MD (Rush) '89) Med Glasgow Mont fPease Clarence Everett (acad 1898-9 sp ag 1899-1900) Cisco 111 512 PEASE— PEINE Pease Elva Maude (Mrs J Q Petti- grew) (la 1906-9 AB Also Lake Forest Coll Asst Phys Tr U 111 su 1909) Home 21 E 155th St Harvey 111 Pease Henry Mark (e eng 1894-8 BS) Asst Mgr Western Elec Co Ltd Lon- don Eng (99 Elthan Ed SE) Pease Ira J (su 1910 Also Millikin U) Teach Manual Arts 439 W Wood St Decatur 111 Pease James Frederick (ag 1882-5) Vet Insp US Bur An Industry 2812 St Vincent Av St Louis Pease Lewis Adams (e eng 1907-8) Eng US Power Plant Great Lakes 111 (Highwood 111) Wease Tenny Hayes (acad 1899-1900 Also 111 St Nor U) Cisco 111 PEASE Theodore Calvin (PhB(Chgo) '07 PhD(do) Asst Hist U 111 1908- 9 Inst Hist Pa St Coll 1911) Assoc Hist U 111 1914- 907 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (238 S Kenil worth Av Oak Park 111) PEASLEE Horace Whittier (BA(Cor) '11 Instr Land Design U 111 1912- 14) Land Arch 808 17th St Wash- ington Peasley John Hunt (sp ag 1907-9) Ag Stronghurst 111 Pecchia Victor Anthony (c eng 1914- ) Stu 2921 Allen Av Chicago Pechmann Henry Charles (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 239 E Swon Av Web- ster Groves Mo Peck Anna Lorine (la 1908-12 AB) Sec 6236 Lakewood Av Chicago Peck Blaine LeRoy (ag 1915- ) Stu Thomson 111 Peck Clara Louise (Mrs Selah H North) (la 1903-4) Home 6233 Lake- wood Av Chicago Peck Frederick Albert Jr (e eng 1914- ) Stu 1411 Winona Av Chi- cago Peck Gertrude Lila (Mrs Arthur J Roberts) (sp mus 1908-10 Pub Sch Mus Cert) Home 6558 Minerva Av Chicago Tech Harriet Stella (Mrs W F Stick- rod) (acad 1890-3) Home Cavalier ND (Fisher 111) Peck Harry Spencer (acad 1899-1903 c eng 1903-7 BS) C Eng City Eng Ofc Ft Smith Ark (Mahomet 111) Peck Irving Kellogg (m eng 1915- ) Stu 309 S Lincoln Av Aurora 111 Peck John Adams (acad 1877-8 la 1879-81 Also Wash St L U) R Est 5123 Maple Av St Louis Peck Joseph Henry (ag 1911-13) Ag R32 Ottawa 111 *Teck Millicent Orville (acad 1890-1 '92-3) d Jan 19 1911 Hull 111 Peck Norma Lee (lib 1913-15 BLS Also Ottawa U) Libr Children's Lib Decatur 111 (527 Locust St Ottawa Kan) tPeck Reba Myrtle (la 1901-2) Lex- ington 111 Peck Roy Lee Jr (c eng 1912- ) Stu 324 N Cuyler Av Oak Park 111 Peddicord Edwin S (sp ag 1882-3) Seneca 111 Peddicord Mrs H (see Switzer Ger- trude) Weddicord Jessie Mae (acad 1894-6) 812 W Church St Champaign 111 (Eu- gene Ind) Peddicord Raymond Nelson (sp ag 1901-3) Ag Marseilles 111 Peddicord Robert H (acad 1901-2) R Est 410 E 61st St Chicago Peddicord Mrs R H (see Sellards Clo- tine W) Pedler Russell Henry (m eng 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 4232 Kildare Av Chicago Peebles Thomas Armstrong (m eng 1902-6 BS) Advisory Eng Westing- house Co Pittsburg (6550 Ingleside Av Chicago) *Peek Will Rickel (sp ag 1902-3) d Sept 8 1904 Tower Hill 111 Peel Elizabeth Clampett (sp la 1912- 13) Stenog to St Supt Ed 510 N Fourth St Springfield 111 Peeples Cornelius J (la 1897-1900 AB Also W Mil Acad) Bnk 5456 Ferdi- nand Av Austin 111 Peeples William McCord (sc 1910-14 AB) Rawleigh Med Co Freeport 111 (1002 Riverside Av Evansville Ind) Weet Thomas Emory (acad 1904-5) Urbana 111 Pegelow Fred George (c eng 1901-5 BS) Arch 1400 Monroe Bldg Chi- cago (1357 Hood Av) Pegram Walter Alvin (sc 1906-8) Ag Carrollton 111 t Pegram William Alexander (m eng 1906-11) Supt Mech Wks c/o Wm Dall 13th &, Clifton Sts NW Wash- ington Peine Adela Lydia Caroline (Mrs John W Rost) (acad 1902-3 la 1903-7 AB) Home Minier 111 peine Arthur Frederick (g hist 1911- 13 AM g 1913-14 AB(I11 Wes) '11 Instr Wayland Acad 1914-15) Prof Hist & Pol Sc Fairmount Coll 1915- Wichita Kan (1915 W Nevada St Urbana 111) Peine Paul Charles (la com 1906-10 PEIRCE— PENNEBAKER 513 AB) Merc Three Forks Mont Peirce Earle Carleton (m eng 1910- 15) 5518 Wabash Av Chicago Peirce Fred Densmore (sc 1880-3 BS) Druggist 5500 State St Chicago (5518 Wabash Av) Peirce Stanley Keith (la 1913-14) 1007 Lake Av Wilmette 111 fPeironnet Clarence Bishop (acad 1900-1 Also Wheaton Coll) Whea- ton 111 Peirson Mary Lucile (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 2015 Walnut St Murphy sboro 111 Peiser Marcus Aurelius (su 1910 Al- so Armour Inst) Hydraulic Eng 4607 Grand Blvd Chicago (Harrisburg 111) Pell Flossie Marie (Mrs W A Huth- erson)(la 1912-13) Home 201 E Washington St Urbana 111 Pell Hazel Marie (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu 103 W Washington St Urbana 111 Pellens Louise Josephine (arch 1905- 9 BS) Teach Box 4 Lo Lo Mont (412 Salem St Rockford 111) Pelley John (la 1898-9) Supt IC RR Fulton Ky Peloquin Pierre Joseph (ry c eng 1908-11 BS AB(Universite Laval Quebec Can) '05 Also Armour Inst) C Eng & Surv 3844 S Wood St Chi- cago peltier George Leo (g bot 1912-15 PhD AB(Wis)'10 AM(Wash) , 12 Asst Flor U 111 1913-15) Assoc Flor Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 1011 S Race St Urbana 111 (Grand Rapids Wis) tPelton Edith Lovina (lib 1911-12 AB(Wis)'07) Stenog Seattle (Mil- ton Jet Wis) t Pel ton Mrs Martha C (sp lib 1903-4 Also U Cin) Flat 9 The Wilson Walnut Hills Cincinnati Pemberton Bessie Belle (su 1907 Al- so S 111 St Nor & 111 St Nor U) Teach Engl 309 Forest St Eldorado 111 Pemberton Carlysle (m eng 1906-10 BS) Lumber Merc Oakland 111 Pemberton Ina Mamie (su 1914) Teach H Sch Dexter Mo (West Plains Mo) Pemberton S C (la 1880-1) Ret Merc Oakland 111 tPena Joseph Rodriquez (su 1904) Saltillo Mex Pence Owen Earle (la 1906-10 AB g soc 1910-11) Sec YMCA Robert Coll Constantinople Turkey Pence William David (c eng 1883-6 Cert CE'95 Instr C Eng U 111 1892-3 Asst do '93-4 Asst Prof do '94-8 Assoc Prof do '98-9 Prof C Eng Pur U 1899) Memb Bd Valua- tion Eng Inter-St Com Comm 900 S Michigan Blvd Chicago Pendarvis Glenn Wilmer (sp ag 1906- 7) Ag Media 111 Pendarvis Harry Reed (e eng 1913- ) Stu 2602 Neva Av Chicago Pendarvis Wilbur Otis (la 1913-15 AB law 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu Media 111 Pendleton Clara (Mrs Giles S Brown) (la 1880-1) Home Chenoa HI Pendleton Clyde Fugate (min eng 1913-14) Stock & Merc 1309 Bough Av E St Louis HI PENDLETON Joseph Culpepper (Asst Foundry Dept U 111 1912-13 Instr do 1913-14) Supt Foundries US Nor- folk Navy Yard (2223 County St Portsmouth Va) Pendry Eliza Ruth (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 6416 Stewart Av Chi- cago *Penfield Albert Charles (m eng 1900- 4) d 1911 Berkeley Cal Pengilly Henry Eugene (m eng 1910- 14 Instr Fencing U 111 1913-14) c/o Commonwealth Edison Co Chicago Penhallow Lambert Benjamin (m eng 1914- ) Stu 5600 Kenwood Av Chicago Peniston Oscar J (la 1915- ) Stu Dixon 111 Penman Thomas Abram (sp ag 1903- 5) Ag Philo 111 Penn Albert (e eng 1905-9 BS Also Ind U) Elec Sales 3304 Fulton St Chicago (2825 Washington Blvd) Penn Cora Pearl (mus 1910-11) At home Sigel 111 Penn Henry (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng 244 W 108th Pi Chicago Penn John George (e eng 1906-8 '11- 13 BS) Tel Eng 2001 Bell Tel Co 111 Div 1725 Wilson Av Chicago (524 Illinois Av Morris 111) Penn Josephine Emily (su 1914) Teach 603 W Lawrence Av Springfield 111 Penn Victor Hugo (acad 1908-10 arch 1910-12) Arch 317 W 13th St Kan- sas City Mo (5641 Cornell Av Chi- cago) Pennebaker Charles Thomas (m eng 1911-13) RR Acct 1101 E Moreland Av Memphis Tenn Pennebaker Eugene Strode Cc eng 1906-10 BS) Res Eng Union Ky RR Co Rl Columbus Ky 514 PENN EB AKER— PERKIN S Pennebaker Mrs E S (see Ohrum Frances R) Pennewill Gilbert Wenger (sp ag 1911- 12) Ag 617 Walnut St Washington 111 Pennewill Patience Elizabeth (la h sc 1913-15) At home Washington 111 Penney Mildred Haynes (mus 1912-14 Cert Pub Sch Mus Also Lewis Inst) Superv Mus 352 E 54th St Chicago Pennock Emily Cynthia (su 1906 BS (Carthage) '00 AB(do)'13 AM(do) '15 Also U Chgo) Teach 37 N Adams St Carthage 111 Penny James Leonard (ag 1915- ) Stu 1325 Rosalie St Evanston 111 Penrod Alex Gustavus (acad 1906-8 Also S 111 St Nor) Instr Bissel Coll Effingham 111 (Carbondale 111) Penrose Alma Meriba (lib 1913-15 BLS AB(Ober)'Ol) Libr West H Sch Minneapolis (Grinnell la) tPenter Benton Johnston (sp sc 1906- 9 Also U Mo) Ashland Mo Penter Eli Everett (su 1907&'08 BS (Mo) '05) Mfg 121 E Broadway Sedalia Mo Penwell Edward Enos (la 1903-5 Al- so Wabash Coll) Clk 334 Gilbert St Danville 111 Penwell Frederick Bowman (1 1902- 5 LL B) Law Daniel Bldg Dan- ville 111 (334 N Gilbert St) * Peoples John Vauralzah (acad 1893- 4) d Oct 9 1912 Denver Peoples W J Lincoln (acad 1884-6 arch 1886-90 Cert BS'14) Arch 901 N Negley Av Pittsburg Pepoon Herman Silas (la 1877-81 BS MD (Hahnemann) '83) Med & Instr Bot Lake View H Sch 3842 Byron St Chicago Pepoon William Abbey (ag 1877-81 Cert) Ag R5 Oregon City Ore Pepper Curtis Gordon (m eng 1902-6 BS) Sales Eng c/o Athletic Assn Pittsburg Pepper William Allen (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-7 BS) Mfg Agt 304 Glen- wood Av Joliet 111 t Pepper William W (acad 1886-7) Oakland 111 \Perce Earle Houts (acad 1904-6) Williamsville 111 Percival Avis Hortense (Mrs W M Fishback)(la 1902-6 AB) Home Orange Cal Percival Curtis' E (ag 1875-9) Ag Urbana 111 Percival Elmer Johnson (ag 1903-4) Ag R10 Urbana 111 Percival Frank William (com 1915- ) Stu 314 S Randolph St Champaign Percival Helen Myra (Mrs L U Ever- hart)(h sc 1910-12) Home 1207 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Percival Joseph W (ag 1914- ) Stu 314 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Percival Lilley Ruth (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu 906 W Green St Urbana 111 Percival Mabel Hope (Mrs J H West) (su 1911) Home R3(36) Cham- paign 111 Percival Marion Louise (la 1908-12 Feb 1913-15 AB) At home 314 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Percival Olive Belle (h sc 1906-10 BS) Asst Home Econ Exten Serv U 111 1915- 906 W Green St Urbana 111 Percival Orin (la 1882-3) Merc 314 5 Randolph St Champaign 111 Percival Stella Rebecca (mus 1913- ) Stu 314 S Randolph St Champaign 111 Percy George Stanford (m eng 1915- ) Stu 21 N Lathrobe Av Chicago Pereira Norton Leve (c eng 1907-9) Arch 5738 Calumet Av Chicago Peret Cecil Herbert (la 1910-12 Also U Kan) (1026 E Vintoh St Colorado Springs Colo) ?Perez Carlos Santiago (acad 1905-8 arch eng 1908-10 '11-12) la de Itur- bide 13 Saltillo Mex PERGANDE Robert Mech Lab Ap Mech U 111 1914- 505 E Healy St Champaign 111 *PERIAM Jonathan (Supt Practical Ag U 111 1867-9) d Dec 9 1911 Chicago Perin Florence May (arch eng 1913- 14) Bkpr Newton O Perkins Albert Christian (acad 1891- 2 e eng 1892-4) Tel Mgr Tolono 111 Perkins Albert Monroe (acad 1905- 6 la com 1907-10 AB) Acct 428 Oliver Bldg Pittsburgh Pa (328 Ma- tilda St) Perkins Allie C (m eng 1891-4) Tel Mgr Tolono 111 t Perkins Erne Maud (mus 3910-11 Al- so S 111 Nor) Vergennes 111 Perkins Ethel (su 1912 Also Ind St Nor) Clk Rensselaer Ind Perkins Frances Janet (la 1914- Al- so U Chgo) Stu Seventh Av Laur- el Miss Perkins Frederic Allen (1 1898-1901 LLB) Law & PM Canton 111 Perkins Grace Niles (Mrs R W Flow- PERKINS— PERRY 515 ers)(acad 1902-3) Home 252 Mar- shall St Gary Ind t Perkins Harry L Bernom (sp ag 1900-1) Beaconsfield 111 Perkins Lester Belz (ag 1913-15) Ag Rising City Neb (231 S Taylor Av Oak Park HI) Perkins Mabel Blanche (sc 1909-10) Teach Easton 111 IPerMns Mary Elizabeth (acad 1900- 1) Peoria 111 tPerkins Nelle (sp 1898-1901) Vien- na 111 Perkins Paul Kenneth (sp ag 1911-13) Ag R9 Paris 111 Perkins Reba Mies (la 1903-5 su 1906 & '07 & '08 la '09-10 AB) Teach 328 Matilda St Pittsburgh Pa Perkins Reed Miles (la 1894-8 AB LL B(I11 Wes U) '01) Ice & Coal Bus 2025 S Sixth St Springfield 111 Perkins Tom Cheney (la com 1909-10) Sales 4905 Lake Park Av Chicago Perkins William Edwin (m eng 1907- 8) Mach 904 Sherman Av South Bend Ind Perlee Fred L (c eng 1903-4) Sales 3557 Sisskiyou St Los Angeles Perley Mrs Lewis C (see Ficklin Em- ily C) Perley Putnam David (acad 1900-1) Merc Pecatonica 111 Perlman Mandel (com 1915- ) Stu 427 E 50th St Chicago Perlman Samuel Charles (la 1915- ) Stu 2707 Evergreen Av Chicago Perlman William Polakow (arch eng 1913-15 Also Armour Inst) Stu NW Law Sch 1218 Independent Blvd Chicago Perreault Morris Seraph (acad 1901-2 c eng 1902-6) Teach 1005 Lafayette Av Kansas City Kan Perrett Galen Joseph (acad 1893-4) Art 492 Mt Prospect Av Newark NJ Perrett Irving Thomas (acad 1893-4) Bldg Insp 150 N Scoville Av Oak Park 111 Perrigo Lyle Donovan (acad 1896-9 law 1901-4 LL B) Law Watseka 111 \ Perrin Ada Henry (acad 1909-10) Mascoutah 111 IPerrin Flem Allan (su 1904 la 1906- 7) Clay City 111 Perrin George Gulliver (su 1901&'02 Also U Chgo) Law Rock Island 111 Perrin Harry Ambrose (la 1906-8 PhB(Chgo)'10 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Lincoln 111 Perrin Loraine Nicholas (1 1904-7 LL B) Law Pennsylvania Bldg Belle- ville 111 (117 S Illinois St) tPerring Floyd John (sc 1911-13) 402 E John St Champaign 111 Perring Roy Dodge (acad 1899-1900 law 1906-8 Also 111 St Nor U) Acet & Clk Matteson 111 Perring Vera D (Mrs R M Langdon) (la 1906-9 AB g 1909-10 AM) Home 613 N Seventh Av Maywood 111 Perrott Richard Henry (la 1909-11 su 1912&'14 la 1915- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu Claremont 111 Perry Mrs AH (see Kellogg Sara G) Perry Alice Jane (su 1913 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach 200 N Franklin St Dwight 111 Perry Alphonso Lorenzo (m eng 1901- 5 BS) Clk Insp 1596 Crotono Pky Bronx NY Perry Benjamin (acad 1899-1900) Med Cisno 111 PERRY Charles Frederick (BS (Wor- cester Poly) '94 ME (Cor) '04 Instr Shops U 111 1904-6 Dir Milwaukee Sch Trades 1906-9) Superv Man Tr & Indus Educ Milwaukee Pub Sch 1909- 336 25th St Milwaukee ?Perry Dale Boynton (e eng 1907) 203 E Healy St Champaign 111 Perry Edna Maude (sc 1904-9 AB g 1910-11 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 712 W California St Urbana 111 Perry Edna Verne (la 1911-12 su 1915) Teach H Sch Plainfield 111 (108 Romine St Urbana 111) *Perry Edward E (sp 1870-2) d New Bern NC Perry Eleanor Farrand (Mrs Robert Rand) (la 1907-9 AB g 1909-10 AM Also Welles Coll) Home Forest Rd Greenwood Mass Perry Elmer T (sp ag 1911-12) Cash Judith Gap Mont (712 W Califor- nia Av Urbana 111) Perry Eugene Beauharnais (acad 1909- 10) Stu Rush Med Coll Melvin 111 Werry George Granison (acad 1891- 3) Urbana 111 Perry George M (la 1871-2) Law Black River Falls Wis tPerry George Sanford (acad 1910-11 ag 1912-13) 211 Daniel St Cham- paign 111 Perry Herbert John (la 1913-14) Chem 815 Lake Av Racine Wis Perry Herschel George (ag 1914-15) Ag R3 Carthage 111 Perry Howard Samuel (sc 1908-9) Med 7759 S Halsted St Chicago *Perry James Alfred (acad 1892-3 m eng 1893-5) d August 20 1898 US Hosp Ship 516 PERRY— PETERSEN *Perry James Decatur (gen 1871-2) d Terre Haute 111 Perry Jesse Leroy (e eng 1903-4) Jeweler Atlanta 111 t Perry John Nevin (acad 1894-6 e eng 1896-7) Maiden 111 Perry Joseph Albert (g eng 1895-7 Also Swarthmore Pa & US Naval Acad) C Eng & M Eng & Gas Eng 104 Princeton Av Swarthmore Pa Perry Josephine Esther (la 1911-12) Teach 252 Oregon Av Dundee 111 Perry Josephine Woodward (la 1908-9 '11-12 Also Kan St Ag Coll) Soc Serv Boston (811 Fremont St Man- hattan Kan) Perry Judson Maurice (sp ag 1912- 13) Ag Lindenwood 111 Perry Leonora (lib 1905-9 BLS g 1912-13) Edit Mayo Clinic Roches- ter Minn t Perry Lloyd Goodspeed (sp ag 1908- 9) Mt Sterling 111 Perry Lorinda (la 1906-9 AB g 1909- 10 AM Also 111 St Nor U) Head Dept Pol & Soc Sc Rockford College 1914-16) Assoc H Sc U 111 1916- Urbana (3230 W Monroe St Chicago) Perry Mabel (Mrs W J MacNeal) (lib 1902-4 BLS Also U Mich 1900-2) Home 294 Windsor PI Brooklyn NY Perry Margaret Campbell (h sc 1912- 15 AB g chem 1915- ) Grad Asst Chem U 111 1915- 108 N Romine St Urbana 111 Werry Merrith Sawyer (acad 1905-7) 1924 Tenth Av Seattle t Perry Nelle (la 1908-9 '11-12 su 1914) Ridge Farm 111 Perry Ralph Grover (min eng 1911- 15 BS) Min Lead SD (108 N Ro- mine St Urbana 111) Werry Renwick H (acad 1888-9) Hins- dale 111 Perry Robert Ashman (m eng 1913- 15) Stu 108 N Romine St Urbana III Perry Sherman (su 1913) Teach H Sch Spencer & Benton Sts Aurora 111 (Mier Ind) Perry Victor E (acad 1905-6 sp law 1908-10) Ag Box 683 Stuttgart Ark Perry Walter Oliver (m eng 1901-4) Ag R2 Streator 111 Perry Winifred Almina (la 1904-8 AB g 1913-14 AM 1914- ) Stu 712 West California St Urbana 111 Pershall Edward Estes (chem eng 1906-8 '09-10) Supt Kettle River Co Madison 111 (3248 Waverly PI East St Louis 111) Persinger Elizabeth (su 1907 Also Grad 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch 303 Fredonia Av Peoria 111 (Bushnell 111) Persinger Roland E (acad 1889-90) R Est 651 Prairie Av Decatur 111 Persinger Mrs RE (see Harkrader Leona H) Persons Myron B (m eng 1909-10 Al- so Bradley Poly) Investor 1048 La- fayette St Denver Colo Pervier Carrie May (h sc 1909-14 AB) Teach Sheffield 111 Pervier Clayton C (la com 1875-7) Ag & St Sen Sheffield 111 Pervier Mabel Inez (h sc 1907-9) At home Sheffield 111 *Peterman Earle Dean (acad 1900-1) d Jan 15 1912 Savoy 111 Peters Albert G (su 1913 Also Brad- ley Poly) Stu Rush Med Coll Gib- son City 111 PETERS Amos William (BL(W Res) '97 AM(Harv)'01 PhD(do)'03 Asst Zoology Harv U 1901-3 Instr Zool- ogy U 111 1903-8) Res Vineland NJ Peters Everett Robert (ag 1914- ) Stu St Joseph 111 Peters Grant Huston (sp la 1903-5 AB(Mich)'07) Broker Peters Trust Co Omaha Neb Peters Mrs Le Roy Samuel (see Fyfe Isabelle) Peters Mae (Mrs W S Finch) (acad 1906-7) Home Lockport 111 ?Peters Marie Edith (sp la 1904-5 Al- so Wooster U) 611 Stoughton St Ur- bana 111 t Peters Mary Jewell (h sc 1908-9) Monticello 111 \Peters Walter Cleveland (acad 1903- 4) May view 111 Peters William Warren (g eng 1912- 13 AB(Knox)'ll MS(do) '12) Teach 193 N Kellogg St Galesburg 111 Petersberger Elmer Lindaner (la 1911- 12) Ins 6147 S Park Av Chicago IPetersen Charles John (ag 1906-7) 595 Pine Grove Av Chicago Petersen Christian Peter Lauritz (c eng 1899-1903 BS) Struct Eng Trussed Concrete Steel Co Youngs- town O (2513 W Oak St Louisville Ky) PETERSEN Elmore (g econ 1914-15 AB(Chgo)'ll Instr U SD 1910-14 Asst Econ U 111 1914-15) Asst Econ U Colo Boulder Colo (Vermillion S P) Petersen Harry Viggo (m eng 1906- 10 BS) Sales Eng Deland Steam PETERSEN— PETRA 517 Turbine Co 3949 Waveland Av Chi- cago Petersen Herbert Christian (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng 210 Lake Av Park Ridge 111 ^Petersen Holbert Stephen (acad 1899- 1900) Dickerson 111 tPETERSEN John Bernard (sc 1904-7 &'09&'ll BS) 153 N Cuyler Av Oak Park 111 Petersen Marvic Heeht (ag 1914- Also Morgan Park Acad) Stu 630 Fullerton Pky Chicago "Peterson Adolph B (arch eng 1888- 92 BS'93) d Nov 2 1899 Chicago Peterson Mrs Albert (see Anders El- len P) Peterson Alvin Ray (la 1906-9) US Bur Corp Washington t Peterson Arthur Bernhart (arch eng 1906-8) 1803 Fifth Av Moline 111 Peterson Arthur William (ag 1911-12) Acct 615 Julien St Belvidere 111 Peterson Axsel Bunker (ag 1913-14) Ag R4 Momence 111 Peterson Chester Almon (ag 1913- ) Stu 1578 N Seminary. St Galesburg 111 Peterson Mrs Edwin J (see Smith Fleda M) Peterson Eleanor Sarah (ag h sc 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu 453 E Losey St Galesburg 111 Peterson Enoch Fred (acad 1899-1900) Chicago ?Peterson Erie Sherman (m eng 1907- 11) R2 Crystal Lake 111 fPeterson Ferdinand Ludwig (sp arch 1896-7) Fieltofte Denmark t Peterson Frank Oscar (acad 1894-5) Cable 111 \Peterson Frank Oscar (acad 1902-4) Donovan 111 Peterson Franklin Merle (com 1915- ) Stu Brownstown 111 Peterson George Louis (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag Lintner 111 Peterson Harold (c eng 1908-11 '12- 13 BS Also Lewis Inst) C Eng 1829 Humboldt Blvd Chicago "Peterson Harry Gregory (c eng 1880- 5) d Nov 1885 Champaign 111 Peterson Harry Haines (sp ag 1907-8 Also Wabash Coll) Ag & Stock Kirkpatrick Ind Peterson Harry William (acad 1909- 10 law 1910-11) Dist Mgr Life' Ins Co 313 Galesburg Bldg Galesburg 111 Peterson Hilding Cunard R (m eng 1910-14 BS) Coal & Ice Merc 5547 Princeton Av Chicago (5833 S Car- penter St) Peterson Irving Leonard (ag 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 326 S Sixth St DeKalb 111 Peterson James Andrew (la 1915- ) Stu 138 Washington St Chicago Peterson Joe Oliver (la 1913-15) Princeton Minn Peterson Joel Asbury (la 1914- ) Stu 702 W Park St Urbana 111 Weterson John Clyde (acad 1906-7) Wright La Peterson John Frederick (c eng 1900- 4 BS) Constr Eng 6244 Magnolia Av Chicago Peterson John Wallace (ag 1913-15) Clk 702 Park St Urbana 111 Peterson Lola Maude (la 1912-13 AB Also U ND) Scan Amer Bk Grand Forks ND Peterson Mabel Elizabeth (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 124 S Fifth Av May- wood 111 f Peterson Martin (arch 1892-5) 447 Maple St Englewood 111 tPeterson Mary Sophia (lib 1911-12 AB(Wis)'ll) 120 Third St Ken- osha Wis ?Peterson Ralph Gerald (c eng 1909- 13 BS Also Armour Inst) 510 Ful- lerton Pky Chicago Peterson Reuben Walter (ag 1913- ) Stu 500 N Ashland Av Chicago tPeterson Robert (acad 1901-2 sp chem 1902-4) 1 Neil St Champaign m Peterson Silas Carlisle (ag 1915- Al- so 111 St Nor U) Stu Herscher 111 Peterson Sophia May (Mrs J L Parr) (la 1889-93 BL) Teach 803 S Sec- ond St Champaign 111 Peterson Stella Maude (sti 1913 AB (Albion) '09) Saranac Mich Peterson Timothy Edwin (ag 1915- Also NW U) Stu Mesa Ariz Peterson Tobias (sp ag 1902-4 Also Aurora Coll) Ag Newark 111 Peterson William Alvah (g 1911-13 AM 1913- BS (Knox) '11 Asst En- tomol U 111 1912-15) Stu 905 S Sixth St Champaign 111 (453 Losey St Galesburg 111) Peterson William Chandler (arch 1912- ) Stu N Crystal Lake 111 Petesch Edythe Marion (la 1915- ) Stu McHenry 111 Petesch Germer (la 1915- ) Stu Mc- Henry 111 Pethybridge Frank Howard (ag 1913- ) Stu 5442 Winthrop Av Chicago *Petra Ida (sp 1877-8) d Urbana 518 PETEEA— PFENNlNGHAUSEN 111 tPetrea John Nelson (e eng 1908-10) 620 S Pine St Centralia 111 Petrie David (la 1906-10 AB) Mere 1725 Wilson Av Chicago Petrie David Cook (ag 1909-10 BS) Ag 6 Teach E2 Boise Id Petrie Nina Edith (su 1910) Teach Green view 111 (Lincoln 111) Petroff Eache Poppove (e eng 1912- 13) S Musina Ternovako Bulgaria Petry Charles Aloywius (c eng 1907- II BS) Struct Eng 6014 Morgan St Chicago Petter Margaret Miller (ag h sc 1914- 15 Also Ward Belmont Coll) Soc Serv 2508 Park Av Cairo 111 Petter Stanley Dubois (m eng 1914- ) Stu 321 S Fifth St Paduc&h Ky Petterson Mrs Benjamin (see Darby Nellie M) Pettigrew James Quinton (m eng 1905-9 BS) c/o Pettigrew Foundry Co 21 155th St Harvey 111 Pettigrew Mrs J Q (see Pease Elva M) *Pettinger George Ernest (acad 1909- 10 m eng 1910-11) d Dec 29 1913 Cumberland la *Pettinger Eobert Gerald (acad 1896- 7 sc 1897-1900 BS) d Jan 13 1903 Cumberland la tPettinger Walter Thomas (acad 1901- 2 e eng 1902-4 L & E Est Idaho Falls Id Pettit Anna V (acad 1889-90) Teach Englewood Chicago (Bement 111) Pettit Arthur Edwin (la 1913- ) Stu Stuttgart Ark Pettit George Marion (su 1907) Sales Sioux City la (Peshtigo Wis) *PETTIT James Harvey (PhD(Cor) '00 PhD(Gottingen)'09 Asst Cor U 1900-1 Ag Exp Sta U 111 1901-14) d Dec 30 1914 Pasadena Cal Pettit Joseph F (c eng 1904-6 Also Alfred U) c/o Panama Canal Ofc 1629 Lamont St Washington (Clifton Springs NY) Pettit Eoswall Talmadge (sc 1904-6 BS(Chgo)'08 MD(Eush)'13) Med Ottawa 111 Petty Dewitt Talmage (su 1914 Also III St Nor U) Prin H Sch & Coach Normal 111 (Sumner 111) Petty George Eiley (acad 1880-1 m eng 1881-5 g arch 1887-8 BS) Dairy Farming E10 (41) Oklahoma City Petty Mrs G E (see Stoltey Ida M) ?Petty Luther Ewing (g 1907-8 '13- 14 AB( Wabash) '07) Teach Le- banon Tenn Petty Lawrence Otis (ag 1915- ) Stu Sumner 111 Petty Manley Eoss (ag 1913- ) Stu E5 (70) Sumner 111 f Petty Thomas J (acad 1881-2) Pittsfield 111 Pettyjohn James William (1 1900-3 LLB) Clk c/o Covington Co Jack- sonville Fla Pettvs Wilber Orlando (m eng 1913- 15) Clk 507 W Park St Urbana 111 Petzing Edwin Eudolph (e eng 1914- ) Stu Sumway 111 Peyraud Albert Paul (arch 1911-15) Draft Armour & Co 1539 E 61st St Chicago Peyton Clark Lewis (sp 1868-9) E Est 7035 Wentworth Av Chicago Pfeffer Frank (acad 1901-2 sp ag 1902-5) E Est 102 Greenbrier St Dorchester Mass Pfeffer Harold Sylvester (arch eng 1909-13 Also McKendree Coll) Lum- ber Merc Lebanon 111 Pfeffer John Edward (acad 1891-2 e eng 1892-6 BS) Mfg 901 Web- ster Av Chicago Pfeffer Louis. Herman (ag 1915- Also McKendree Coll) Stu Leban- on 111 Pfeffer Margaret Mary (sp mus 1906- 7) Mus 111 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Pfeffer Mrs W L (see Niver Marg- aret L) Pfeifer George Louis (sp ag 1902-3) Areola 111 tPfeiffer Alto Frank (sp ag 1909-10) O 'Fallon 111 Pfeiffer Benjamin Salisbury (e eng 1910-12 BS g 1912-13 MS Also Bradley Poly) Consult Eng 1108 N Madison St Peoria 111 Pfeiffer Conrad Louis (e eng 1913- ) Stu 124 W 113'th PI Chicago Pfeiffer Josef Salisbury (la 1912-13 Also Bradley Poly) Sales & Adv Eosenfield Pub Serv Co Davenport la (1108 N Madison St Peoria 111) Pfeiffer Eudolf Salisbury (m eng 1913- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 1108 N Madison St Peoria 111 Pfeiffer William Albert (sc 1875-7) Eet Eantoul 111 Pfeil Charles Oscar (sp arch 1892-3) Arch 1403 Tennessee Trust Blrig Memphis Tenn Pfeil Mary Esther (la 1906-8 AB Also 111 St Nor U) At home Arenz- ville 111 Pfeil Baymond Frank (sp ag 1909- 11) Ag El Freeport 111 ?Pfennighausen Otto Charles (su 1905 MS (McKendree) '96) Teach Belle- PFINGST— PHILLEO 519 ville HI Pfingst Calvin Henry (su 1911 PhB (Chgo) '14 Also Ohio St U & Ind St Nor) Superv Math East Chicago Ind (Indiana Harbor Ind) Pfingsten Fred William (acad 1898) Ag Itasca 111 Pfingston Henry Frederic (su 1908-9 AB(De Pauw) , 10) Teach Oregon City Ore (Stewardson 111) Pfisterer George Edward (m eng 1904-8 BS) Green Eng Co 28 E Jack- son St Chicago Pfrangle Charles Perry (sc 1911-13) Clk 279 La Salle St Aurora 111 Phalen Bobert William (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 2418 Hart- zell St Evanston 111 Phares Bertha (acad 1906-11) At home St Joseph 111 Phares George Alfred (acad 1908-9 sp ag 1909-10 '11-12) Ag R15 St Joseph 111 Phares Lloyd Abner (acad 1900-3) Ag R2 Clinton HI Phares Mary Josephine (Mrs C A Smith) (acad 1905-8 la 1908-9) Home 2237 N Capitol Av Indianapolis Pheanis Bussell Hitcher (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 315 W William St Monticello 111 Phelps Albert C (acad 1889-90 arch 1890-4 BS Also Royal Bavarian Poly Munich) Prof Arch Cor U Ithaca NY Phelps Clara B (Mrs Walter Smith) (lib 1898-9 Also U Mich) Home 40 Henry Clay Av Pontiac Mich Phelps Cyrus Earle Jr (c eng 1906- 10) C Eng 626 Frisco Bldg St Louis Phelps George Budd (arch 1892-5) Carpenter 339 Seminary Av Carlin- ville 111 Phelps Grace Esther (sp 1893-4) At home Oak Park 111 Phelps Harvev John (la 1911-12) Clk 621 Eighth St Rochelle 111 Phelps Herbert (sp ag 1889-90) Ag R5 Lockport 111 Phelps Howard Horace (ag 1913-15 BS Also Mich Ag Coll) Stu 19 Harland Av Wells Mich PHELPS James Manley (g engl 1914- AB(NW)'12 Teach Dak Wes U 1913-14) Asst Pub Speaking U 111 1914- 326 Pond St DeKalb 111 Phelps John Came (m eng 1910-14 BS) Eng Amer Special Pipe Wks Chicago (131 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111) * Phelps Louis Lyman (ag 1906-8) d Jan 22 1908 Ladd HI Whelps Orange (acad 1904-5) Grove 6 Baker Sts San Francisco Phelps Sarah Latimer (la 1909-10 Also 111 St Nor II) Teach 3025 N Madison Av Peoria 111 PHELPS Vergil Vivian (PhB (Chgo) '01 PhM(do)'03 DB(do)'07 PhD (Yale) '10 Also Harv U Head Hist Dept Hackley Man Tr H Sch 1902- 5 Instr Hist Chgo Teach Coll 1906) Exec Sec U 111 1913- 901 Illinois St Urbana 111 Phenicie Homer Warren (e eng 1910- 11) Adv & R Est Manchester la Phifer Frances Marion (acad 1903-4 MD(Jeff Med) '08) Med 925 104 S Michigan Av Chicago Phifer LeRoy Henry (acad 1903-4) Dent 4254 Indiana Av Chicago Philbrick Alvah (acad 1881-2 arch eng 1882-6 Cert) Eng & Contr 946 E Beach St Biloxi Miss *Philbrick Mrs Alvah (see Huff Ber- tie) Philbrick Clarence Lewis (sp ag 1905- 6) Sales & Fruit Baldwin Ga Philbrick Ethan (acad 1876-7 c eng 1877-81 BS) Hydraulic Eng & Fruit Grower Baldwin Ga Philbrick Mrs Ethan (see Wells Anna L) Philbrick Frederick Charles (m eng 1910-11 Also Lewis Inst) M Eng 4450 Dover St Chicago Philbrick Gladys (la 1915) At home 705 S New St Champaign 111 Philbrick Lois (la 1913- ) Stu 705 S New St Champaign 111 * Philbrick Margaret (Mrs W T But- ler) (la 1888-92) d Oct 31 1915 2659 Belvidere Av Seattle Philbrick Marie Bertie (la 1913-14) Stu Chgo Nor Sch Phys Tr 6101 Wentworth Av Chicago *Philbrick Solon (acad 1879-80 law 1880-4 Cert) d April 13 1914 Springfield 111 (Champaign 111) Philbrook Alma Faye (h sc 1910-13) Teach Rockville Ind (924 14% St Rock Island 111) Philbrook Lowell Mason (acad 1892- 3) Carpenter 603 S 11th St Inde- pendence Kan t Philip Clyde Alvin (chem eng 1910- 12) 36 W Main St Chicago Hgts 111 Philip Ellen Thomas (su 1908 Also Northfield Sem) Teach Walnut 111 Philips Thomas Lewis (1 1893-9) Atty Mo Pac RR St Louis fPhilips Wilson Alexander (acad 1905- 7 c eng 1906-9) 1011 Oregon St Urbana 111 Philleo Mrs Eleanor Blanche (Mrs G 520 PHILLEO— PHILLIPS W)(sp la 1908-9 Also Ober Coll) Home Leadville Colo Philleo George West (m eng 1908-12 BS) M Eng c/o A V Smelter Lead- ville Colo Philleo Mrs G W (see Philleo Mrs Eleanor B) Phillippe Edith Henry (mus 1905-6 Also 111 Worn Coll) At home 500 W Church St Champaign 111 Phillippe Jay Simpson (acad 1902-7) E4 Champaign 111 Phillippe Zula (acad 1910-11) At home 411 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Phillippi Francis Marion (la 1895-6 AB g 1896-7 Also Carthage Coll) Actuary Greenville SC Phillips Albert Harold (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag E4 Aurora 111 Phillips Albert Vernon (sp ag 1904- 6) Ag Sullivan 111 Phillips Alice Emma (h sc 1914- ) Stu 510 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 Phillips Anna Marie (la 1913-14 Al- so Millikin U) 734 W Prairie Av Decatur 111 Phillips Charles Eaton (su 1896 AB (Eureka) '00 MD(P&S)'03) Med 815 Wright & Callender Bldg Los Angeles Phillips Charles Martin (sp ag 1903- 4 Also E 111 St Nor) Ag El Ar- thur 111 Phillips Claude Watson (c eng 1904-7 '10-11) M Eng 310 Vine St Johns- town Pa Phillips Mrs E G (see Lancaster Elsie M) tPhillips Edward F (sp 1869-70) Chi- cago Phillips Eugene Martin (sc 1902-4 AB Also N 111 St Nor & U Chgo) Sch & Country Life Dir Cook Co 506 County Bldg Chicago tPhillips Fay Mills (acad 1907-9) 1011 Oregon St Urbana 111 Phillips Frank Williams (su 1915 Al- so 111 Coll) Teach H Sch 408 E Monroe St Bloomington 111 Phillips George Edwin (arch eng 1906- 7) Sales C N Clark & Co 803 S Eace St Urbana HI Phillips Grace Darling (lib 1903-5 BLS Also U Kan) Asst Pub Lib 3021 Forest St Kansas City Mo Phillips Guy Derrick (c eng 1904-7 BS Also Lake Forest U 1903-4) C Eng 5512 Glenwood Av Chicago Phillips Harriet Muriel (la 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu E2 Fennville Mich \Phillips Hattie S (acad 1877-8) Ean- toul 111 Phillips James David (acad 1887-8 arch eng 1888-93 BS Instr GED U 111 1892-1902) Asst Dean Coll Eng U Wis 1925 W Lawn Av Madison Wis Phillips Jay Hamilton (sc 1910-13 '14- 15) Bacteriol Pearl Eiver NY Phillips John B (sc 1909-11 AB'12 su 1914 g 1915- ) Stu Sullivan 111 Phillips Joseph Edward (ag 1914- ) Stu Green Valley 111 Phillips Lawrence Clifford (la 1904- 9 AB) Ag Streator 111 Phillips Lemuel (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 222 Main St Mt Vernon 111 Phillips Leona Etna (Mrs E A Let- singer) (lib 1909-10 PhB(De Pauw) '05) Home Bloomfield Ind Phillips Lester Leroy (e eng 1907-10 BS'12) Ins Eemy Elec Co Ander- son Ind t Phillips Lydia Ann (lib 1905-8 BLS AB(Ohio St) '05) 175 Lexington Av Columbus O Phillips Minnie Alice (la h sc 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu El Sulli- van 111 Phillips Nelson Chancellor (acad 1900-1 sc 1901-4 AB MD(P&S)'07) Med 110 Stephenson St Freeport 111 (228 Jefferson St) Phillips Parley Agrippa (sc 1869-74 ML '94) c/o F Thomas Mfg Co 3749 Eoam St Dayton O Phillips Paul Blair (sc 1912-13) Cred- it Corresp 3849 Delmar Blvd St Louis Phillips Paul Chrisler (g 1908-11 PhD AB(Ind)'06 AM (do) '09 Asst Hist U 111 1908-10) Prof Hist & Pol Sc U Mont Missoula Mont Phillips Pren Eiley (acad 1892-3) Pres 1st Nat Bk Beecher City 111 \Phillips Ealph W (acad 1910-11) Mt Carmel 111 tPhillips Eichards (la 1873-8) Hur- on SD Phillips Eoy Selam (sp ag 1908-9) Ag E4 Aurora 111 Phillips Euth (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 30 Holyoke Av E Cleveland O t Phillips Sarah E (acad 1876-7) Ean- toul 111 Phillips Theodore Clifford (acad 1894-5 mun eng 1895-1900 BS) Eng Surv City Hall 6733 Chappel Av Chicago Phillips Victor Leo (c eng 1904-6 BS (Wis) '09) Dealer Contr Machinery PHILLIPS— PICKETT £21 Seventh & Delaware Sts Kansas City Mo PHILLIPS Walter Clarke (AB(EI Ag) '99 PhB (Brown) '02 AM(do) '03 Asst Engl Brown U 1903-6 Instr Engl U 111 1907-10) Teach Lafayette EI IPhillips William Henry (la 1875-6) Litchfield 111 Phillips William Jeter (g 1908-11 BS (Va Poly) '01 MS(do)'03) Gov En- tomol Charlottesville Va Phillips William Oliver (acad 1892- 4) Mgr Adv Dept Eugene Dietzgen Co Chicago La Grange 111 (4569 Oakenwald Av) Phillips William Eobetoy (acad 1899- 1900) Selkirk Ont Can Phillis Louis Irving (m eng 1914- ) Stu 1435 E 64th St Chicago Phipps Charles Bush (ag 1907-11 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Head Dept Ag Kan St Nor Coll 923 Constitution St Emporia Kan Phipps James Blaine (la 1914- ) Stu McDonald Kan \Phipps Josie Mae (acad 1895-6 sp 1896-7) Eugene Ind Phipps Thomas Elmer (c eng 1903-6 BS Also N Ind Nor) C Eng Olym- pia Wash Phoenix Maida Jane (h sc 1912-14 Also U Minn) At home 907 Oliver Bldg Pittsburg ?Phoenix Samuel T (ag 1870-2) Bloomington 111 Von Phul William Jr (c eng 1914-15) 496 Audubon St New Orleans Piatt Donn (sp 1901-2) Tel Mgr 7612 Greenview Av Chicago Piatt Emma Clarinda (Mrs J C Llewellyn ) ( sp 1873-7 '78-9 BS la 1894-5 BL) Home 324 Sixth Av La Grange 111 Piatt Herman S (acad 1884-5 la 1888-92 AB AM '94 PhD (Kaiser Wilhelm , s) , 97 Instr & Asst Prof U HI 1894-1901) Prin Pub Sch No 46 New York (32 W 123rd St) ?Piatt Jacob (la 1881-2) Monticel- lo 111 Wiatt Jay Cantrell (acad 1893-4) Job Printing Seattle (Clarion la) Piatt Silas H (sc 1879-83 Cert) Asst Supt Great Northern Express Co 1085 Hague Av St Paul Minn Piatt Mrs S H (see Smith Laura B) Picard Armand (c eng 1904-5 Also Armour Inst) Draft 4432 Drexel Blvd Chicago Pick Elza Nicholas (ag 1913-14) Ag Lexington 111 Pickard Annie A (Mrs Chas Mylius) (acad 1884-5) Home Menaggio Lake Como Italy *PICKAED Charles E (AB(Wis)'75 Instr Ancient Lang & Engl U 111 1877-83) d June 24 1912 Chicago Pickard Dorothy Everett (la 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 304 S Fifth Av Maywood 111 Pickard Edward W (acad 1883-4 la 1884-8 AB) Jour c/o Press Club Chicago (1717 Crilly St) Pickard Ethel Mary (Mrs F H Blod- gett)(la 1887-9) Home Janesville Wis *PICKAED Joseph Coffin (AB(Bow- doin) AM (do) Prof Mod Lang U Wis 1860-1 Instr Engl & Lit U 111 1873-89) d Dec 1 1911 Cupertino Cal *Pickard Josiah Little (Trustee 1870- 3 AB(Bowdoin)'44 AM (do) '47 LL D(Beloit)'70 Pres U la 1877-87) d March 27 1914 Cupertino Cal Pickard Marion Frances (la 1915- ) Stu 304 S Fifth Av Maywood 111 Pickards Mrs James S (see Havens Grace A) Pickell Mark Weisner (ag 1911-12) Bus Mgr Scales Jour 327 S La Salle St Chicago Pickels Mrs Elizabeth Eobinson (Mrs G W)(sp mus 1908-9 AB(Ashville Worn) '98) Home 1016 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 pickels George Wellington (c eng 1910-11 CE BCE(Ky)'04) Instr C Eng U 111 1907- 1016 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Picken John Francis (ag 1914- Al- so Park Coll) Stu Argyle 111 Picken Ealph Montgomery (ag 1914- ) Stu Argyle HI Picker Edna Adessa (la h se 1915- ) Stu Assumption HI Pickering John Lyle Jr (c eng 1906- 8 AB(Mo Sch Mines) '10) Dep In- ternat Eev Ofc 8th Dist 111 1105 S Fourth St Springfield 111 Pickering Paul Walker (la 1911-12) 1105 S Fourth St Springfield 111 Pickett Arthur William (c eng 1914- ) Stu 6711 Ehodes Av Chi- cago pickett Bethel Stewart (pomol 1905- 6 MS BS (Ontario Ag) '04) Asst Prof Pomol & Asst Chf do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1912- 810 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Pickett Charles Churchill (1 1898- 1900 LL B AB(Eochester)'83 Prof Law U 111 1897-1906) Law 1408 522 PICKETT— PIERCE E 56th St Chicago Pickett Mrs Donald (see Brown Ina M) Pickett Roy Ernest (arch eng 1907- 11 BS) Gen Supt Carter-Halls Al- dinger Co Calgary Alta Can (Box 89 Smithers BC) Vickie Walter Dellavan (acad 1900- 1) Packer 602 Eighth St Rochelle 111 Pickler William Eugene ( g plant physiol 1914- AB (Wabash) '14) Asst Bot U 111 1915- 507 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 (1820 Edgeland Av Louisville Ky) tPickrel Roxy Irene (su 1912 Also W 111 St Nor) Knoxville 111 Pickrell Arthur A (sc 1874-8) Mgr Lincoln 111 *Pickrell James* Henry (Trustee 1867- 9) d Feb 12 1901 Springfield 111 Pkkrell Priscilla (Mrs B F Burd) (lib 1899-1900 Also S 111 St Nor) Home 225 W 11th St Holland Mich *pickrell Watson (ag 1871-5 MS '92) d pickrell William S (ag 1870-4 MS '92) Ostrich Farm 364 N Seventh Av Phoenix Ariz (Box 7) \Piepenbrink Louis Henry (acad 1900-1) Joliet 111 Pieper Arnold Christian (e eng 1915- ) Stu Chatham 111 Pieper John (e eng 1907-9 '10-11 ag 1913- ) Stu 916 W Green St Ur- bana 111 Pier Mrs Colwert George (see Fair- child Edna) Pierce Amy Ethel (Mrs H W Tup- per)(su 1913) Home 524 Ash St Virginia Minn (Alden 111) t Pierce Arthur Dooley (la 1906-7 Al- so Id St Nor) Malta Id Pierce Audrey Oretha (Mrs John H MeMillen)(la 1909-12) Home Har- lowton Mont Pierce Benjamin Elmer (c eng 1914- Also U Denver) Stu Genoa 111 Pierce Cedric Harlan (acad 1909-11 ag 1911-12) Mfg 5502 Rice St Chi- cago •Pierce Charles Burton (arch 1908-9) d Oct 12 1910 Detroit PIERCE Charles Henry (BS(Vt) '04 Instr T&AM U 111 1905-6 do su 1906 Asst Prof Eng U Vt 1906-10) Dist Eng US Geol Surv 66 Elm St Melrose Mass Pierce Charles Ingals (acad 1887-8 m eng 1888-90) Min 1223 Peoples Gas Bldg Chicago ?Pierce Clara E (la 1875-6) Belmond la Pierce Clarence Raymond (m eng 1901-4) Asst Eng Bd Superv Eng Chgo Traction Co 1630 Sunnyside Av Chicago Pierce Clinton Albert (c eng 1914- Also Brooklyn Poly) Stu 967 Madi- son St Brooklyn NY Pierce Cora Emogene (Mrs W L Langstaff) (la 1874-6 Also la St Teach Coll) Home Charles City la Pierce Donald Alfred (e eng 1906-10 BS) Insp Pub Serv Co 305 Wil- low Av Joliet 111 Pierce Mrs DA (see Caley Mary) PIERCE Edwin Hall (FAGO At Cor U 1888-9 & Royal Conserv Mus Leip- sic Ger 1890-2 Instr Ripon Coll & Wooster U & Holyoke Coll Mus Instr Violin & Conductor Mil Band U 111 1896-7) Organist & Mus Dir 16 Seminary St Auburn NY ?Pierce Effie Theodosiz (Mrs E T Keeler)(la 1874-7) Home Cherokee la Pierce Elon Albert (ag 1872-6 Cert Also Grad la St Nor 1881) Jour Belmond la Pierce Eunice Martha (su 1910 Also Cor U) Teach Lockport NY Pierce Fanny (la 1872-5 Cert g 1877- 8) At home 1728 Cherry St Lin- coln Neb Pierce Harvey James (arch eng 1914- 15) Stu Amer Sch Osteop Kirk- ville Mo 400 River St Dayton O Pierce Inez Charlotte (Mrs G T Vail) (lib 1902-4 BLS Also Wooster U) Home 801 Spring St Michigan City Ind Pierce Jessie Evelyn (la 1911-12) At home Gifford 111 Pierce John L (la 1872-4 AB) Ins & L 1728 Cherry St Lincoln Neb Pierce Laura Estelle (acad 1903-5 la 1905-10 AB) Clk Gifford 111 Pierce Leonard George (c eng 1906- 10 BS) E Eng c/o NY Edison Co 55 Duane St New York (48 W 94th St) Pierce LeRoy (su 1915- Also Mon- mouth Coll) Teach H Sch 309 Broad- way Lincoln 111 fPierce Mary Turner (lib 1897-8 Also Armour Inst) 249 Grace St Chicago Pierce Maurice Campbell (la 1907-8) W E Wiener Co Philadelphia (424 N Pinckney St Madison Wis) Pierce Maurice J (com 1915- ) Stu Gifford 111 Pierce Park Mathew (sp e eng 1903- 6) Toledo O (1122 W Cedar St Galesburg 111) PIEECE— PINCKNEY 523 Pierce Ealph Allen (e eng 1901-2) Elgin 111 Pierce Raymond Clark (c eng 1905-8 BS g 1914- '15 CE Also Millikin U) Hydraul Eng c/o Landes & Co Salt Lake City (301 West S Temple St) Pierce Mrs Sarah Elizabeth (su 1901- 2) H Sch Prin Havana 111 Pierce Thirza May (la 1909-11 AB Also NW U) Ed Nanking U Nan- king China (120 Oak Park Av Oak Park 111) t Pierce Mrs W S (su 1896) Havana 111 *Pierce Will Thomas (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-4 '97-8) d Dec 23 1909 Herrin 111 Pierik John Cornelius Jr (com 1915- ) Stu 820 S Seventh St Springfield 111 Pierpont Watson Taylor (la 1873-5) Sec Beldenville Lumber Co Bruce Wis Pierson Anna Mary (su 1915) Libr Lexington 111 Pierson Frank Harlan (m eng 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 205 N "C" St Fair- field la Pierson Lloyd Miland (c eng 1909-10 '12) Clk La Salle Nat Bk Spring Valley 111 Pierson Ora (sp 1891-2) Arch & Build 3355 N Meridian St Indianapolis Pierson Raymond Henry (la 1915- ) Stu 646 N Clark St Chicago Pierson Roland Decker (e eng 1906-8) Ry C Eng Winslow Ariz (Augusta 111) Pierson Stephen Norton (ag 1908-10) Ag Citronelle Ala Pierson Walter Raymond (la 1912-15) R3 Princeton 111 Piety Myron N (acad 1880-1 la 1881- 2) Grain Merc 906 Postal Bldg Chi- cago \Piety Samuel (acad 1880-1) Urbana HI Pifer Harry Charles (su 1914 Also Millikin U & NW U) Teach H Sch Downers Grove 111 (Lovington 111) t Pifer Robert (su 1903) Xenia 111 tPiggott Edward John (m eng 1901-3) Restaurant 5110 Sheridan Ed Chi- cago Pihlgard Eric Frederick (arch eng 1911- ) Stu 3100 E 91st St Chicago Pike Bessie Maria (mus 1911-12 Also NW U) Stu Mus Columbia Conserv Aurora 111 (Plainfield 111) Pike Claude Othello (la 1901-2) Jour Sycamore HI Pike Curtis F (sp 1895-6) Assayer US Assay Ofc Boise Id Pike George Hyde (la 1911-15 AB Also Baker U) Testing Amer RR Assn 706 S Fourth St Champaign 111 (152 11th St Silvislll) Pilchard Edwin Ivan (ag 1914-15 Also 111 Wes U) Mansfield 111 Pilcher Lela Gretchen (Mrs V L Hol- lister) (sc 1898-1900 '01-5 AB g 1905- 7 MA(Neb) '09) Home 1556 S 25th St Lincoln Neb Pilcher Omer Frederick (e eng 1910- 11) Sec & Mfg Pockton Paper Co 911 Bushnell St Beloit Wis Pilger Omer C (c eng 1910-12) C Eng 1200 State St Beardstown 111 Willars Charles (acad 1887-8) Cham- paign 111 Pillinger Ralph Alfred (c eng 1904-8 BS) Mason Contr 239 N Waller Av Austin Sta Chicago Pills-bury Arthur Low (arch 1893-5 BS BS(Harv)'92) Arch Peoples Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 Pillsbury Bertha Marion (acad 1890-1 la 1891-5 AB g 1895-6 AM(Rad) '98 PhD (do) '12 Instr Rhet U 111 1898-9 Act Registrar Simmons Coll 1914-15) Boston (1073 Center St Newton Cen- ter Mass) Pillsbury Charles Stephen (acad 1901- 2 la 1903-7 AB m eng 1907-8 BS g 1908-11 ME) Contr Eng Chgo Bridge & Iron Wks 7135 Yale Av Chicago (1073 Center St Newton Center Mass) Pillsbury Harold Fleming (ag 1914-15) Ag Lynn Center 111 (513 Broadway St Monmouth 111) Pillsbury Ithamar Jr (m eng 1882-3 '87-8 '89-90 Also Wis Sch Mines) Min Eng 703 E Jefferson St Macomb 111 t Pillsbury Louis L (acad 1887-8) Pon- tiac HI PILLSBURY Warren Hobart (BL (Cal)'09 JD(do)'12 Instr Law U 111 1913-14) Compensation Exp Cal Indlis Accident Comm & Instr R Prop YMCA Night Law Sch 525 Market St San Francisco Pillsbury William Forrest (la 1884-5 AB( Harv ) '89 AM (do) '91) Broker 22 Berwick Ed Newton Center Mass PILLSBURY William Low (AB(Harv) '63 AM (do) '65 Prin Model Sch 111 St Nor U 1863-70 Eegistrar U 111 1893-1910) Eet 1073 Center St New- ton Center Mass Pinault Louis Cloves (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) Stu St Joseph Minn Pinckard Harold Eacenus (com 1915- ) Stu Monticello 111 Pinckney Frank Layer (sc 1905-10 AB Also U Wis) Teach Oak Park H Sch 524 PINCOMB— PITTS YMCA Oak Park 111 ( Pontiac 111) PINCOMB Helena Maude (Mrs P K Symms(g 1908-13 BS(Kan Ag) '01 Instr & Assoc H Sc U 111 1907-14) Home Atchison Kan (Highland Av Kansas City Mo) Ping Clarence Edgar (ag 1911-14) Ag & Amanuensis RFD Auburn 111 Pingel Eunice Marie (la 1915- ) Stu 70 Bruins Hotel Fulton 111 ?PINKERTON Charlotte Marie (Art- ist St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1902-3) Pinkerton Cyrus Bertram Eugene (acad 1890-3 la 1891-3) Publ Monmouth 111 Pinkerton Francis Elmore Jr (ag 1905-9 BS) Edit Jerseyville Repub- lican Jerseyville 111 Pinkerton James Foster (sc 1910-11 AB (Monmouth) '03) Prin H Sch Hu- ron SD Pinkerton Matilda Irvine (su 1914 AB (Monmouth) '10) Prin H Sch Mor- risonville 111 (Monmouth 111) Pinkley James Pierpont (arch eng 1912- ) Stu Gibson City 111 Pinkney Fred Theodore (sc 1911- ) Stu 4710 N Winchester Av Chicago pinckney Leslie Arthur (su 1913&'14 g la 1914-15 AM) Teach 305 W Sev- enth St Sterling 111 tPinkstaff Lee (sp ag 1911-12 Also 111 St Nor U) Lawrenceville 111 Pinkum Anna Shaw (Mrs Robert Jac- obs) (lib 1902-4 AB 1904-5 BLS BL (Wis) '99) Home 420 Fourth Av Eau Claire Wis Pinnell Homer (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Kansas HI Pinnell Lawrence Leroy (ag 1910-12) Ag New Haven HI Pinnell Winfield Scott (gen 1868-9) Ins Kansas 111 ?Pinney Carl Harrison (ag 1906-7) 514 N Adams St Chicago Winney George William (acad 1905-6) La Place 111 Piper Mrs (see Gregory Carrie L) \Piper Caryl Sylvester (acad 1891-2) Grand Crossing 111 Piper Mrs Charles E (see Dinwiddle Virginia) ?Piper Charles W (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-5) 83 W 12th St Chicago Piper Clark Culbertson (acad 1907-9 sc 1909-12) Med c/o St Luke's Hos- pital 1453 Michigan Av Chicago (323 S Ashland Blvd) Piper Edward D (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-90 MD(NW Med) '08) Med Jerome Id Piper Ellsworth Elmer (e eng 1900-2 '03-4 '05-6 BS (Armour Inst) '12) Teach 3521 S Hermitage Av Chicago Piper Mrs E E (see Williamson Jose- phine) t Piper Grace Edith (sp mus 1902-4) Cisco 111 Piper Harry Bruce (acad 1907-8 ag 1909-11 '12-13 BS) Asst Ag S 111 St Nor Carbondale 111 (Sumner HI) Piper Howard Herbert (su 1913 Also Rose Poly) Paris 111 Piper Mrs H L (see Dodge Bertha A) Piper Leo Edward (arch eng Feb 1915- ) Stu Byron 111 Piper William Ambrose (sc 1911-13) Mfg Trans 217 W Sycamore St Syca- more 111 Pippit Aden G (su 1905 &'07 Also Hedding Coll Wood Shop U 111 1905- 6) Dir Man Tr E 111 St Nor Charles- ton 111 Pistorius Bernhard Henry (c eng 1907-11 BS) Draft Swift & Co 700 Melrose St Chicago Pitkin Frances Clara (Mrs C J Allen) (la 1905-6 Also U Wis) Home 6302 Glenwood Av Chicago Pitney Clarence Orville (e eng 1893-7 BS) Phar Augusta 111 Pitsenbarger Ethel Gertrude (la 1912- ) Stu 603 W Columbia Av Champaign 111 tPittman Charles Ernest (sp m eng 1901-2) Mahomet 111 Pittman Claude Earnest (sp 1899-1900 acad 1900-1) Trav c/o Spencer House Indianapolis Pittman Elmer Deborons (sp ag 1900- 3) Ag Mahomet HI Pittman Mervin Everitt (ag 1913-14) Sullivan Ind Pittman Thomas Merritt Jr (c eng 1908-11 BS Also U N Cal) RR C Eng Henderson NC (Teuton Ky) ?Pitton Mrs Herman Carleton (mus 1910-11 Also Sherwood Mus Coll) 503 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Pitts Alice Frances (Mrs E F Crane) (la 1906-7 Also Rockford Coll) Home Mt Sterling 111 *Pitts Florence Elizabeth (la 1903-4 AB g 1904-6 AM Also 111 St Nor U Instr Engl U 111 1904-6) d Sept 1907 Bloomington 111 Pitts George Walter (sp ag 1902-5) Ag McLean 111 Pitts Henrietta Betsey (Mrs R W Martin) (la 1901-2 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Home 103 Sherman Ct Joliet 111 Pitts John Joseph Jr (la 1910-14 AB ag 1914-15 BS) Ag McLean 111 (24 White PI Bloomington 111) Pitts Lewis Edgar (acad 1900-2 sp law PITTS— POEHLMANN 525 1903-5) Ag McLean 111 Pitts Ralph Lowell (acad 1900-1 sp ag 1902-4) Ag Willard Kan (Mc- Lean 111) Pixley Arthur Homer (acad 1893-5 la 1895-7) Grain Broker 160 W Jack- son Blvd Chicago Place Raymond M * (acad 1883-5 law 1884-8 BL) Law 4644 Racine Av Chicago PLACE Virgil Augustus (g 1913-14 BS (Ohio) '12 Instr An Husb U 111 1913-14) Co Agt Wabash Ind Plack Theodore (c eng 1911-14 BS Also Bradley Poly) Oak Hill HI Plagge Irwin Fred Willard (sc 1913- ) Stu Deerfield 111 ?Plaine Thomas Henry (sp 1873-4) Champaign 111 tPlaister Deane Morrill (c eng 1906-7) 174 W 11th St Dubuque la Planck Catherine Melvina (Mrs Paul Kircher)(h sc 1910-14 BS) Home 2746 Magnolia Av Chicago Plank Bessie Gay (Mrs L Thompson) (la 1881-5 Cert BL '14) Home Win- amac Ind IPlank Delmar E (acad 1881-2) Peo- ria 111 Plank Mrs P W (see Mahan Jennie C) Plank Ulysses Samuel Grant (sc 1888- 92 BS) Sec Lawrence Bldg Loan Assn Lawrence Kan Plant Francis Benjamin (chem 1898- 1902 AB) 922 Rialto Bldg San Fan- cisco (178 Kempton Av Oakland Cal) Plant Mrs F B (see Pope Flora L) ?Plant Mayme (sp 1890-1) 1419 N Walnut St Danville 111 Plant Sarah Lula (Mrs G D Jennings) (la 1896-8 Also Ober Coll) Home Galveston Tex tPlaster Mary Alvira (la 1913-14) 1015 Michigan Av Marshall 111 tPlatofsky Edward Charles (sc 1911- 13) 6853 S Ashland Av Chicago Piatt Alfred (sc 1899-1901) Phar 535 S Sigel St Decatur 111 Platt Casper S (la 1910-14 AB) Stu U Chgo 431 N Hazel St Danville 111 platt Franklin Carpenter (la 1869-73 ML '93 BL( Union Coll Law ) 76) Judge Dist Ct 515 E Third St Wa- terloo la Wlatt Harrison H (acad 1877-8) St Louis Mo fPlessner Herman (ag 1871-2) Cham- paign HI Pletcher Erno Baker (la 1907-11 AB) Ed Sec YMCA St Paul Minn (Rochester Ind) *Pletcher Francis M (la 1877-81 BS) d June 15 1888 Corina Cal Pletcher Lyle Jay (sc 1909-13 AB) Instr Chem la St Coll Ames la (700 Fulton Av Rochester Ind) Pletcher Nuba Mitchell (la 1897-1901 AB g 1901-3. AM) Teach Rochester Ind Pletcher Opha Belle (lib & la 1905-6 '08-11 '12-13 AB & BLS) Libr 700 Fulton Av Rochester Ind Pletcher Roy Frank (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Rochester Ind Pletcher Velma Coe (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 700 Fulton Av Rochester Ind Pletscher Adolph Benjamin (ag 1904-6 Also U Mo) Ag Summerneld 111 Plochman Carl Morris (e eng 1909-12) Mfg 903 Main St Evanston 111 Plowman Edward Earl (la 1911-12 Also U Kan) Stu U Kan 1007 Ten- nessee St Lawrence Kan *Plowman William Lewis (acad 1882- 3 law 1883-6 BL) d 1893 Shoshone Wyo Plum Mrs Harry Grant (see Budington Margaret) Plumb Ermine Fawcett (la 1906-10 AB) Mfg 509 Broadway St Strea- tor 111 Plumb John Curtis (ag 1912-13) Land Arch 5954 Eggleston Av Chicago Plummer Chiles Preston (1 1901-2 '03- 6) Law Biggsville 111 Plummer Elizabeth (acad 1907-8) 1108 S Third St Champaign 111 Plummer Honor Louise (lib 1910-12 BLS AB (Colo) '07) Libr Idaho Springs Colo Plummer Luella (su 1906 Also Ober Coll) Teach H Sch Hampshire 111 Plunkett James Willis (la com 1914- 15) 2704 Olive St Kansas City Mo Plunkett Ortha Logan (su 1907 AB (Union Christian) '06 LL B(Chgo) '11) Law Robinson 111 Plunkett Rollin Azel (sp 1898-9) Pho- tog Sullivan Ind Plym Francis John (acad 1893-4 arch 1894-7 BS) Mfg Niles Mich Plymale Betha (la h sc 1914- Also Marshall Coll) Stu Dunleith W Va IPoage James S (gen 1871-3) Aledo 111 Pocock Augustine James (c eng 1875- 7) M Eng c/o Dayton Pump & Mfg Co Dayton O Poe Fred Madison (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-10 BS) Chf Estimator 106 E First St Chicago Heights 111 Poehlmann Earl Franklin (ag 1914- Also West Mil Acad) Stu Morton Grove HI 526 POEHLMANN— PONCE Poehlmann Walter Gustave (ag 1915- ) Stu Morton Grove 111 Pogue Harold Austin (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu Farmers & Merchants St Bk Bldg Decatur 111 Pogue Paul Wright (acad 1908-10 la 1910-14 AB Also Millikin U) Stu Col U 518 W Prairie "St Decatur 111 pogue Eobert Bedford (g ry eng 1913- 15 MS BME(Ky)'13) RR Wk R8 Lexington Ky Pogue Stanley Landon (1 1909-14 LLB) Law 405 Citizens Title & Trust Bldg Decatur 111 (345 W Prai- rie Av) tPohl Daniel John (e eng 1910-11) 602 Jefferson St Mendota 111 Pohl Emma Ody (la 1905-6 Also U Mo Asst Worn Gym U 111 1905-6) Phys Dir Miss Indust Inst Columbus Miss ?Pohlman John Edward (c eng 1893-7 BS) Div Eng West Pac RR 412 Tribune Bldg Salt Lake City Wointer Louis Howard (acad 1907-8) S Boston Va Poirot Aloys Phillip (c eng 1902-6 BS) Eng & Contr Belleville 111 Poirot Severine Andrew (1 1913-15) R3 Belleville 111 Polakow Alexander Hyman (chem eng 1911-12 '13-15 la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 1219 E 63rd St Chicago \Poland Benjamin Forrest (acad 1896- 7) Danville 111 Polhemuse Joseph Burton (ag 1910- 13) Ag 332 Moss Av Peoria 111 Poling Otho C (acad 1889-90) Bnk Quincy 111 Polk Arthur Eugene (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 815 W University Av Cham- paign 111 *Polk Cicero Justice (la 1894-8 AB law 1898-9) d Boston Polk John Luther Jr (la 1900-4 AB) Ag & Loans 1409 W University Av Champaign 111 *Polk Robert Collins (la 1897-8) d May 10 1898 Champaign 111 Polk Robert Edmund (la 1913-15 cer eng 1915 ) Clinton Ind Polk Mrs RE (see Mulliken June) Polk Wesley William (m eng 1912-15) 111 St Highway Comm 820 E Adams St Springfield 111 (815 W University Av Champaign 111) Polkowski Anna (la 1915- ) Stu 1518 W Washington St Champaign 111 Polkowski Harry (c eng 1907-12 BS) C Eng Gustav Hirsch Lima Tel Co Lima O (10042 S Michigan Av Chi- cago) Pollard Albert Rumble ( sc 1905-8 AB '10) City Chem Eng 3916 N Kost- ner Av Chicago Pollard Charles Robert (law 1899- 1903 LL B) Law Delphi Ind Pollard Earle Royal (acad 1895-7 eng 1896-1900 BS) Patent Right Eng 1436 Albany St Los Angeles Pollard Henry - (m eng 1905-9 BS) Supt & Prod Eng Benjamin Elect Mfg Co 120 S Sangamon St Chicago (3916 N Kostner Av) Pollard Leila Jean (h sc 1910-14 BS) At home St Charles 111 Pollard Lottie Emily (mus 1911-14) Teach Mus 3916 N Kostner Av Chi- cago Pollard Willard Lacy (m eng 1902-6 BS) Pat Law c/o Jones Aldington Ames & Seibold 105 W Monroe St Chicago Pollock Addie Belle (Mrs J R Fulton) (acad 1896-7) Home 518 Grand Av Waukegan 111 Pollock Albert David (m eng 1908-10) Retail Coal Twin Falls Id IPollock Augustus VanDyke (acad 1898) 411 John St Champaign 111 Pollock Charles William (e eng 1908- 12 Also Monmouth Coll) E Eng Gen Elect Co Dime Bk Bldg Detroit Mich (Natalie Apt 179 Henry St) Pollock Mrs C W (see Challand Grace) Pollock Mrs Harry (see Brownfield Nora I) Pollock Harry Robb (ag 1906-7 '08-9 '11-14 BS) Teach Chrisman 111 (Clinton 111) Pollock James Jr (ag 1909-10 '12-13) Ag & Bnk Cambridge 111 Pollock Mrs J C (see Carmack Mary E) Pollock James Lyon (la 1874-8 BL) Law Mt Vernon 111 Pollock Leone Ruth (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Polo 111 Pollock Samuel McNab (ag 1913-15) Ag Seaton 111 Pollock William Clarence (sc 1871-5 BS) Law Clk US Dept Inter 1819 "Q" St Washington Polmeter Mary (su 1910) Teach 636 Marion St Waukegan 111 POMEROY John Norton (AB(Yale) '87 AM(Yale)'89 LLB(Cal)'91 Instr Law Sch LeStan U 1895-6) Prof Law U 111 1910- 916 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Pomeroy Sarah Ada (sp la 1909-10) At home R4 Kalamazoo Mich Pomeroy Mrs V R (see Balcom Elma P) tPonce Alfonso Vincente (su 1905) Baliway Bulacan PI POXD— POPE 527 Pond Ethel Claire (Mrs E J Kalle- vang) (sc 1904-6 09-10 AB Also U Chgo) Home Kilbourn Wis Pond Frank Hayward Jr (m eng 1907- II BS) Sales Eng 2016 Fisher Bldg Chicago Pond Henry Everett (1 1902-5 LL B Hon BL (Lincoln) '08) St Atty Me- nard Co Petersburg 111 Ponder Eay Boyd (acad 1907-8 m eng 1908-11 BS g 1911-12 MS Also Millikin U) Draft 313 S 12th St Mattoon 111 Ponder Mrs B B (see Gates Minnie E) Ponder Wilbur Homer (acad 1907-8 la 1908-13 AB) 1st St Sav & Trust Bk Urbana 111 (909 W California Av) Ponder Wilma Edith (acad 1907-8 la 1908-12 AB lib 1914-15 Also U Wis 1913-14) At home 909 W California Av Urbana 111 Woney Thomas (acad 1894-5) Sid- ney HI Pontious Ralph Woods (1 1897-8 Also Lombard Coll & Knox Coll) Law 532 Higgins Bldg Los Angeles Ponzer Emma (la 1904-9 AB) Teach H Sch Harrisburg 111 (Henry 111) Ponzer Ernest William (m eng 1894- 1900 BS g 1902-3 MS Instr Math II III 1900-9) Asst Prof Ap Math Le Stan U Stanford University Cal Ponzer Karl Lewis (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng 1406 W 18th St Pine Bluff Ark Pool Ernst Howard (la 1911-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu 411 State St Ot- tawa 111 Wool Marshall (acad 1889-90) Shaw- neetown 111 Pool Ealph W (e eng 1902-4) Banch Bassano Alberta Can *Poole Edward Warren (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-7 BS g math 1898-9) d June 6 1899 Dover 111 Poole Ernest Cleveland (ag & c eng 1910-12 Also Wabash Coll) C Eng 1117 W 11th St Eugene Ore (Anna 111) fPoole Frank Band (c eng 1871-4) Cobden 111 Poole Lawrence Clifford (acad 1904-7) Auto 512 16th St Moline 111 (1916 Fifth Av) Poole Lillian May (la 1907-9) Teach Polo 111 Pooley William Vipond (la 1894-8 AB PhD(Wis)'05) Asst Prof Hist NW U 828 Simpson St Evanston 111 POOB Charles Marshall (su 1915 AB (Brown) '93 AM( LeStan ) '94 PhD (Brown) '96 Prin Cranston H Sch Auburn RI 1900-7 Instr Ger U 111 1907-15) Instr Ger Lombard Coll 1915- Galesburg 111 Poor Edwin Lindsay (sc 1898-1902 BS law 1902-4 LL B Asst Instr Geol U 111 1902-3) Adv 607 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Poor Mrs EL (see Richey Lilian B) Poor Hattie Mildred (la 1908-12 AB) Teach H Sch Palestine 111 (217 Mon- roe St Streator 111) ?Poor Henry Ives (su 1903) Urbana 111 Poor Leonard Shroule (la 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu 217 S Monroe St Streator 111 ?Poor Robert Thurston (su 1903 Also Armour Inst) Omaha Neb Poore William Earl (su 1905 Also Christian U & U Chgo) Teach Lane H Sch 1759 Bertram Av Chicago Poorman Alfred Peter (acad 1902-3 c eng 1903-7 BS AB & CE(Colo)'09) Prof Ap Mech Pur U 127 Sylvia St W Lafayette Ind Poorman Amy (Mrs G H Jensen) (acad 1904-5 la 1905-9 BS) Home 442 E Magnolia St Stockton Cal Poorman Arthur Garfield (1 1900-1 AB (Union Christian) '00) Law Mar- shall 111 Poorman Paul Wamsley (acad 1904-7 sp 1907-8) Grain Buyer Humboldt 111 Pope Benjamin W (sp 1871-2) Law Duquoin 111 Pope Charles Samuel (e eng 1904-9 BS) Mfg 1023 E Jefferson Av De- troit Pope Edna Marian (Mrs R W Dull) (la 1895-7) Home 133 S Sixth Av La Grange 111 Pope Flora Lutitia (Mrs F B Plant) la 1901-2) Home Boulder Creek Cal Wope George Albert (acad 1891-2) Chicago Pope George Samuel (e eng 1902-6) Gov M Eng Bur Mines 1321 E Cap- itol St Washington Pope Grace Castello (Mrs L A Snyder) (la 1911-13) At home R2 Kankakee 111 Pope Henry Patterson (m eng 1903-6) Effic Expert Moline 111 \Pope Howard Blake (acad 1895-6) Duquoin HI Pope Jean Andrew (m eng 1903-6) Supt Union Malleable Iron Co East Moline 111 Pope Karl Dean (la 1900-2) Merc Duquoin 111 Pope Lawrence Arthur (e eng 1910-15 BS) Mfg YMCA Detroit (925 17th 328 pope— POETERFI^LB St Moline 111) tPope Peyton Samuel (ag 1871-2) Benton 111 tPope Virginia Hamilton (su 1903) Chicago Pope Walter Scott (su 1915- Also NW U) Stu Stronghurst 111 Popejoy Blanche (la 1902-3) Com- mercial Designer 646 Monroe St Chi- cago t Popejoy Lida Elizabeth (Mrs E Jones) (la 1900-4 AB) Newport Wash Popham Edwin Sherman (sp ag 1903-5 Also E 111 St Nor) Ag Murry la ?Popham Jessie (la 1896-7) Charles- ton 111 Popp Paul Fred (acad 1905-7 m eng 1907-11 BS) Estimator Strauss Bas- cule Bridge Co Chicago (2620 W 55th St) Popperfuss Henry John (c eng 1906- 10 BS Also St Ignatius Coll) Propr Hotel Newberry 817 N Dearborn St Chicago Poppove Racho Petroff (e eng 1912- 13 '15- ) Stu Selo Musina Bul- garia Porcheur Eugene Francis (su 1906 Also N 111 St Nor) Merc Ottawa 111 ?Porteous Mary Simpson (la 1897-8) Dixon 111 Porter Ada Lenore (su 1915 Also Mil- likin U) Teach 2821 Dunbar PI Mil- waukee Wis Porter Agnes Nellie (Mrs A B Saw- yer Jr)(la 1909-13 AB Also Forest Park U) Home Norborne Mo Porter Albert Renfrew (sp la 1907-9 Also Shattuck Sch) c/o Addresso- graph Co 1454 E 54th St Chicago Porter Arthur W (la 1875-8) R Est & Stock 1602 E Garfield St Seattle Porter Burt Nourse (ag 1911-12) Gen Contr 1623 12th Av Moline 111 Porter Charles A (acad 1884-5) Lum- ber Merc Salem 111 Porter Charley Lyman (ag 1912-13 AB BS(I11 Wes) '11) Instr Biol Par- sons Coll 602 N Third St Fairfield la Porter Clarence L (la 1913-15) Sales 120 Ogden St Belvidere 111 *Porter Edmund C (acad 1876-7) d Aug 6 1911 Lewistown 111 Porter Edward Alexander (acad 1900- 1 ag 1901-6 BS) Superv Ag & Indus Work Indian Sch Chilocco Okla (Mo- mence 111) Porter Edward K (sc 1879-80 PhG (Chgo Phar)'85) Druggist Carbon- dale 111 Porter Flora May (ag 1912-13 '14-15 Also 111 Wes U) At home Clinton 111 porter Francis Marion (g sc 1907-11 MS BS(Ohio)'07) Assoc GED U 111 1911- 711 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Porter Frank H (acad 1885-6) Mach Janesville Wis *Porter Frank H (c eng 1877-81 Cert) d Jan 10 1886 Garden Prairie 111 ?Porter George F (acad 1893-4 sp m eng 1901-2) Rock Island 111 Porter George Winerals (c eng 1909- 12) Sample Foreman Casapalia Peru (622 E Second St Belvidere 111) t Porter Harry Boone (acad 1909 e eng 1909-10) Dwight 111 Porter Harry Gates (ag 1912-13) Ag Garden Prairie 111 Porter Harry Hubert (min eng 1913- ) Stu Gerlaw 111 Porter Hazel Lucille (ag 1915- ) Stu De Land 111 Porter Horace Chamberlain (la 1893-7 AB g 1897-9 BS g 1899-1900 MS PhD(Harv)'03) Chem Res US Bur Mines Pittsburgh Pa Porter James Albert (la 1902-6 AB Also Eureka Coll) Merc Areola 111 Porter Mrs James Bowman (see Mark Elvira E) Porter Joseph Richard (ag 1908-11) Ag R8 Circleville O Porter Katherine Bell (ag 1903-4) At home Princeton 111 Porter Robert Knight (la 1892-6 AB) Bnk Prescott Ariz Porter Webster K (chem eng J.912-15) Sales 120 Ogden St Belvidere 111 Porterfield Mrs (see Walker Cora E) Porterfield Arthur Tucker (acad 1905- 6 arch eng 1906-10 BS) Arch Eng 5415 Lexington St Chicago \Porterfield Carrie F (acad 1880-1) Sidney 111 Porterfield Elijah Neulon (m eng 1869-73 Cert CE'94) Capitalist 2070 Fourth St San Diego Cal tPorterfield Emet (ag 1873-7) Sidney 111 Porterfield George K (la 1874-6) R Est & Ins 8415 E 14th St Elmhurst Cal Porterfield Gertrude (sp mus 1896-7) Home Bldg & R Est 605 S Elm St Champaign 111 Porterfield Jessie Belle (acad 1898 sp mus 1898-9) Christian Sc Pract 605 S Elm St Champaign 111 Porterfield L Wilson (acad 1881-2) R Est & L Champaign 111 t Porterfield Melvin W (acad 1879-80) Mt Erie 111 Porterfield Millard F (ag 1868-71) Bnk Fairmount 111 PORTERFIELD— potter Porterfield N Raymond (c eng 1902- 6 BS) Eng & Contr 17 Battery PI New York Porterfield Nellie Mildred (Mrs W W Kerch) (la 1904-8 AB) Home 2028 "G" St Granite City 111 Porterfield Willard Blaine (acad 1909 la 1909-13 AB) Cash Porterfield 's Bk Fairmount 111 Portis Henry (chem eng 1907-8) Merc 337 S Franklin St Chicago (5140 Michigan Av) Portuondo Juan M (c eng 1911-12 BS Also Ohio St U) C Eng Aguilera St 8 Santiago de Cuba ?Portuondo Miyares (ag 1911-12 BS) Antonio Santiago Oriente Portz Harry Glenn (g chem 1915- BSe(Ohio N)'14 SB(Chgo)'15) Stu Fresno O Posey Chessley Justin (sc 1898-1900 BS MS(Chgo)'05) Asst Prof Geol U Minn 1627 Melbourne Av SE Min- neapolis fPosey Thomas (sp 1895-6) 303 Sev- enth St Peoria HI Possolt Bertha Theresa (su 1915) 16 West St Westville 111 Post Mrs A E (see Hubbard Mae W) van der Post Andruis Petrus (g 1915- BS(Cor)'15) Stu Philippolis Union S Africa Post Celia Jeannette (Mrs F R Wiley) (la 1901-2 Also Millikin U) Home 553 W Main St Decatur HI *Post Charles W ( la com 1869-70) d May 9 1911 Santa Barbara Cal Post Clarence Fayette (m eng 1902-4) c/o St Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co Hillcrest Apts Tacoma Wash Post Cora Mabel (Mrs A B Wysong) (acad 1895-6) Home Peoria 111 (Fi- thian 111) Post Ethel Ann (Mrs S J Moffitt) (sp mus 1903-7) Home Sidney HI (Fi- thian 111) POST Frederick William (US Army 1871- Ret 1901) Asst Mil Sc U HI 1905- 405 N Prairie St Champaign HI Post George Earl (acad 1904-5 la 1905-9 AB g 1909-10 Asst Engl U 111 1909-10) Teach Detroit (Fithian 111) Post Herbert Earl (m eng 1898-9) Acct Steilacoom Wash Post Hiram Franklin (m eng 1898- 1902 BS) Sales Eng & Adv Mgr 1807 Harris Trust Bldg Chicago (Park Ridge 111) Post Lillian Marie (la 1901-2 Also Millikin U) At home 511 W Main St Decatur HI *Post Raibern Henry (m eng 1900-4 BS g 1905) d 1913 La Grange 111 Post Royal Elmer (c eng 1902-6 BS) Asst Gov Eng Meadow Creek Wash Postel Allan Julius (la 1907-11 AB) Mfg Mascoutah 111 Postel Fred Jacob (eng 1895-9 BS) Consult Eng 4237 N Hermitage Av Chicago Postel Mrs Fred J (see Smoot Elma) Postel Frederick William (acad 1909- 11 la 1911-15 AB) c/o W R Comp- ton bond dealers Merc-Laclede Bldg St Louis (Mascoutah 111) Postel Julius (la 1878-83 Cert AB'09 AB(McKendree)'83MA(do)'86) Mfg Mascoutah 111 Postel Mertie Amalia (la 1913-14 AB Also Downer Coll) At home Mascou- tah m *Postel Philip H (Trustee 1883-5 Memb Legis 1881-2) d July 21 1907 Postel Urban Stuart (la com 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Mascoutah 111 Postle George Richardson (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 56 N Liberty St Elgin HI *Postlethwaite Francis W H (acad 1893-4 e eng 1894-7 BS) d April 12 1899 Toronto Can Postlewait Harriet Leotine (acad 1901- 2 sp la 1902-3 '09-10 su 1907 ag 1915- ) Stu 814 W Main St Ur- bana 111 Poston Edmund Didlake (acad 1907-9) Bkpr 409 N Fifth St Springfield 111 Poston Emmett Vincent (sc 1907-11 AB) Brick Mfg Springfield 111 Poston Floyd Emerson (sc 1910-14 AB) Bkpr C E Poston Brick Plant) Attica Ind (Crawfordsville Ind) Potter Bruce Walter (acad 1904) Contr Maroa 111 Potter Charles Pruitt (e eng 1905-9 BS) E Eng 5949 Minerva Av St Louis tPotter Curry Edgar (ag 1906-9 Also U Mo) 417 S 24th St Quincy 111 Potter Earl Frederick (e eng 1910*-12 Also NW U) Wire Chf Chgo Tel Co Highland Park 111 (Lake Villa 111) Potter Ellis J (la 1908-12 '14-15 arch 1915-16 BS) Morrison 111 Potter Emery Vern (e eng 1910-15 BS) E Eng R3 Erie 111 Potter Frances Adelia (Mrs H S Reynolds) (la 1870-4 BL) Home 60 Evergreen St Providence RI (c/o Mrs Alice Bryan 612 W Church St Champaign 111) Potter Frank (acad 1876-7 arch 1877- 530 POTTER— POWELL 8) Contr Maroa 111 Potter Glenn Edward (e eng 1913- ) Stu West Grand PI Springfield 111 Potter John William (acad 1906-7 ag 1907-10) Ag El Aurora 111 Potter Leroy Talmage (ag 1909-12) Creamery Mgr 930 S East St Jack- sonville 111 ?Potter Mary Ann (sp mus 1906-7) .701 S Third St Champaign 111 Potter Mary Katherine (Mrs Gerald Findlay)(su 1909 Also Lewis Inst) Home Great Falls Mont (Quincy 111) Potter Matthew Bonar (la 1908-10 Also Ky Mil Inst) c/o C D Gallentine Co Morrison 111 Potter Merritt A (sp 1868-9) Sec E C Atkinson & Co Saw & Tool Mfg 1704 N Pennsylvania St Indianapolis *Potter Nellie (Mrs Charles T Freys) (la 1875-6) d March 1892 Indian- apolis Potter Nell Edith (Mrs J F Cooper) (la 1909-10) Home 5829 Fulton St Chicago Potter Phil Harry (ag 1914- ) Stu 217 Hotel LaSalle Chicago potter Ralph Sydney (g 1909-11 MS g 1911-13 PhD AB(Lake Forest) ) '09 Asst Soil Chem U 111 1909-14) Asst Soil Chem la St Ag Coll 1914- 202 Russel Av Ames la Potter Mrs R S (see Bebb Mabel F) *Potterf Loran Ogdan (g chem 1914- 15 AM(Miami)'lO) d Jan 10 1916 Champaign 111 t Potts Phyllis Cora (h sc 1908-9) Lov- ington 111 Poucher Mrs (see Bradshaw Alice R) Pouge James S Jr (c eng 1871-3) Aledo 111 Pouk Margaret Finlayson (la 1906-8 Also NW U) Superv Mus Aurora 111 (712 N Monroe Av Streator 111) Wound Elbert E (acad 1885-6) Cham- paign 111 Pound Frances Lillian (la 1913-14 Also NW U) Sec 6220 Magnolia Av Chicago Pound Horace Herschel (sp 1902-3) Ins Ganado Tex ?Pound Maggie May (sp 1891-2) San- ta Barbara Cal ?Pound Martha Eleanor (sp mus 1891- 2) Santa Barbara Cal tPowEL Ellen Catherwood (la 1907-11 AB) Taylorville 111 Powel John F (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-5) Ag Jersey ville 111 fPowell Alexander James (ag 1909-10 Also NW U) c/o Sec Law Sch NW U Evanston 111 Powell Alfred Richard (g chem 1915- BS(Kan)'14 AM (Neb) '15) Stu 111 W Fifth St Ottawa Kan Powell Arthur Llewellyn (sp ag 1904- 6) Mintr Dana 111 Powell Bernice (la 1911-14 AB Also Drake U 1910-11) Teach H Sch 717 Hennepin Av Dixon 111 (316 Har- vard St Houston Tex) Powell Bradford (acad 1889-90) Bro- ker 7 Wall St New York (Carmi 111) POWELL Burt Eardley (PhB(Grin- nell)'92 PhD (Bonn) '99 Priv Sec Pres U 111 1909-10) Edit Press Bull Ag Coll 1911- & Dir Inform Ofc & U Historian 1915- 913 W California St Urbana 111 Powell Clarence Griffin (acad 1900-1) Law Montezuma Ind Powell Clure Morris (acad 1903-4 c eng 1904-9 BS) Asst Eng Univ Port- land Cement Co 532 208 La Salle St Chicago Powell Harry Lawrence Jr (c eng 1904-5) Contr Box 172 Mattoon 111 Powell Hazel Florence (sul911&'12) Superv Mus Weiser Id Powell Henry Albert (ag 1915- Also Howard Coll) Stu R5 Birmingham Ala Powell Henry L (la 1900-1) Contr Box 172 Mattoon 111 fPowell Hiram C (sp 1868-9) Cham- paign 111 Powell Horatio Nicholas (e eng 1909- 12) Hort R3 StevensvilleMont (Box 23 Ravinia 111) Powell Mrs H N (see Merrill Mar- cella W) Powell Jessie Alexander (la 1903-6 AB Also N Ind Nor AM(Col)'14) Teach 500 W 122nd St New York (Cory don Ky) Powell Jesse Roy (sc 1901-4 AB) Chem Armour Soap & Glue Wks 212 E 56th St Chicago (6225 Stewart Av) Powell John E (acad 1885-6 c eng 1886-9 '93-5) C Eng Ballinger Tex Powell John H (acad 1886-7 c eng 1887-91 BS Instr Desc Geom & GED U 111 1891-2) R Est 312 Reliance Bldg Kansas City Mo *Powell John Thomas (acad 1894-5 '97-8) Bellflower 111 Powell Lewis Lawrence (c eng 1910- 12 BS Also Armour Inst) C Eng 5650 Kenwood Av Chicago \Powell Linda Marie (acad 1899-1902) Welton la Powell Ray (c eng 1905-6) Sales Mgr 917 Maison Blanche New Orleans La Powell Ruth Mabel (la 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu 2135 Hampshire St POWELL— PRAEGER 531 Quincy 111 Powell Sarah (lib 1901-2 Also Ind U & U Mich) Teach Orland Ind t Powell Stanley Noyce (acad 1908-11 c eng 1911-13) 4726 Kenmore Av Chicago POWELL Thomas Reed (AB(Vt)'OO LLB(Harv)'04 PhD (Col) '13 Instr Pol Sc U 111 1908-10) Lect Pub Law Col U 1911- Livingston Hall Colum- bia U New York (567 W 113th St) Powell Walter Clement (ag 1913-14) 413 W 62nd St Chicago Powelson Horace Elwood (su 1913 Also Knox Coll) Merc 90 S Cherry St Galesburg 111 (85 W Losey St) Power Clarence F (ag 1910-11) Bus Mgr 211 N Union Av Pueblo Colo t Power Jay William (acad 1896-7) Cantrall 111 Power Margaret C (su 1895&1900& '01 ) Teach H Sch Pontiac 111 (Wes- ton 111) Power Oddie Lee (acad 1898) Milli- ner Owingsville Ky Power Paul Waring (m eng 1912-14) Expert Nicholas & Shephard's Oil Gas Tractors Petersburg 111 ?Powers William Raymond (m eng 1900-1) Champaign 111 Powers Alice Josephine (sp h sc 1903-6 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Madura S India (Tiskilwa 111) ^Powers Mrs Anna Byrl (acad 1909- 10) 1004 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Powers Aura Edith (lib 1902-3 Also Oshkosh St Nor Sch) Dep Indus Comm Wis 18 Evans St Oshkosh Wis Powers Mrs C V (see Wilson Willa- belle B) Powers Earl Warren (e eng 1908-10 Also Lewis Inst) Clk Barrington 111 POWERS Edwin Booth (g zool 1915- AB (Trinity) '06 MS(Chgo) '13) Asst Zool U 111 1915- 709 Springfield St Urbana 111 (University Av Waxaha- chie Tex) Powers Elmer Walter (su 1909 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Fairbury 111 Powers Eugene A (sc. 1879-80) Trav Olney 111 Powers Florence Victoria (Mrs L B Kirkpatrick) (acad 1891-2) Home Des Moines la (Tiskilwa 111) Powers Frances (Mrs Hammond) (sp 1889-90) Home Belvidere 111 Powers Francis Marion (acad 1889-90 law 1901-4 LLB) Law 504 S Ver- million St Streator 111 Powers Fred Bernarr (acad 1905-6) R Est c/o Tatum Bros Miami Fla Powers Fred Richmond (ag 1910-13 '14-15 BS) Ag Tiskilwa 111 Powers George Augustus (la 1900-3 AB) Supt Hark Williams Coal Co Benton 111 Powers Hiram James (e eng 1904-8 BS) Constr Eng Victoria Hotel Fort Arthur Ont Can Powers Howard Cameron (ag 1904-6) Ag Tiskilwa 111 (Princeton 111) Powers Jacob Orin (sc 1911-12 su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Che- banse 111 Powers James' Michael (1 1906-10 LLB) Law Farmer Nat Bk Bldg Pekin HI tPowers Jessie L (acad 1889-90 la 1890-1) Belvidere 111 Powers John August (la 1905-6 Also Chgo Kent Coll Law) Law 1202 Ashland Blvd Chicago (Harvey 111) Powers John Howard (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 357 W Decatur St De- catur 111 Powers Joseph Christopher (acad 1901- 2) Sales & Adv 717 Fifth Av Peo- ria 111 (Hamilton HI) Powers Lawrence Clement (sc 1903-7 AB Also Ober Sem 1907-9 & Union Sem 1909-10 & Col U 1910-11) Mis- sionary Supt Sch Dindigul Madura Dist S India Powers Leroy Tallman (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Rl Sterling. Ill Powers Luella Florence (la 1910-12 AB Also Cor Coll) Teach Morrison 111 (Sterling 111) ♦Powers Mark (acad 1882-3 sc 1883- 7 BS) d Feb 28 1895 Evanston 111 Powers Mark Elmer (m eng 1905-9 BS) Gas Eng 1621 Division St Chi- cago (Champaign 111) Powers Michael (su 1907) Mackinaw 111 Powers Ray Austin (ag 1913- ) Stu Mills Rd & S Richards St Joliet 111 Powers Samuel Ralph (sc 1910-12 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 2611 N 12th St Terre Haute Ind Powers Wilbur Lewis (la 1904-7) Prof Soil Drainage Ore Ag Coll Corvallis Ore (Tiskilwa 111) Powers William A (acad 1888-9 sc 1889-93 BS) Chf Chem Atchison To- peka & Santa Fe RR 1020 Western Av Topeka Kan Powers Mrs W A (see Ayers Grace) fPowels Carrie Alberta (sp 1902-3) Chicago Praeger William E (sc 1897-1900 BS MD (Chgo) '03) Prof Biol Kalama- zoo Coll Kalamazoo Mich Praeger Mrs Fanny Birge (Mrs WE) (sp 1899-1900) Home 421 Douglas Av Kalamazoo Mich 532 PRAHMAN— PBICE Prahman Charles Edward Jr (arch 1911-13) Mfg 425 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Prahman Hazel (Mrs DeHart G Scran- tom) (la 1912-13) Home 425 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Prall Beatrice (lib 1914- AB(Ark) '11) Stu 220 N Main St Hope Ark Prante Beulah Wise (la 1915- ) Stu 421 S 14th St Quincy 111 Prasil Anton (chem eng 1910-14 BS Asst Chem Ag Exp S.t U 111 1912-15) Civil Serv Comm 325 Fifth St SE Washington (6512 W 27th St Ber- wyn 111) Prater Banus Hutson (c eng 1899- 1903 BS Instr U 111 1903-4) Eng Bldgs OSL RR 606 Deserett News Bldg Salt Lake City (4 Gleason Apts) Prater Walter A (c eng 1905-9) Sales Eng 1315 Wabash Av Chicago Prather Clytus Ilus (1 1906-9 LLB) Bus Mgr Claremont 111 ?Prather Frank (la com 1870-1) De- catur 111 (Pueblo Colo) Prather Fred Vogel (arch 1907-8) Arch 1230 Columbia Av Chicago (Columbus Tnd) *Prather Hamar Silsby (sp 1870-2) d 1910 Panama CZ Prather Tirrie Ostin (1 1909-12 LL B) Law Newton 111 Pratt Arthur Comstock (la com 1910- 12) Mgr Union Pac Tea Co 1812 St Mary's Av Omaha Neb (Paw Paw 111) Pratt Chester Carey (sp ag 1905-7 Also Ontario Vet Coll) Vet Lewis- town 111 Pratt Ella Jane (su 1905) Teach H Sch Dixon 111 fPratt Frank Harvey (sp ag 1902-4) Staley NC f Pratt Fred Archer (sp arch 1903-5 Also Des Moines Coll) Waterloo la Pratt Fred Cameron (e eng 1908-10 BS Also U Kan) E Eng Empire Dist Elec Co 511 W A St Joplin Mo *Pratt George D (ag 1868-72) d Mahomet 111 Pratt George Robert (sp ag 1911-12) Dairy Wayne 111 Pratt James Bruce (com 1915- Also U la) Stu 509 N Eighth Av Shel- don la Pratt Lucian Savillon (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Chalmers Ind Pratt Walter Merrill (acad 1890-1 m eng 1892-3) Clay Mfg Earlville Ind Pratt William Carl (arch eng 1913-15) Struct Eng Emerson Brantingham Co 2001 E State St Rockford 111 Pratt William Dudley (ag 1869-70 Also Transylvania Coll) Publ 1504 Central Av Indianapolis Pray Ralph Marble (la com 1902-6 AB) R Est & Bnk 426 N Parkside Av Chicago (311 N Humphrey Av Oak Park 111) Pray Mrs R M (see Huse Louise M) Preble Robert (Curtis (m eng 1915- ) Stu 158 N Taylor Av Oak Park 111 Predmore George Mahlon (m eng 1895- 7 MDC(Chgo Vet) '05) Vet Insp US Dept Ag Madison Ga (Avon 111) Prehm Walter Fred (acad 1897-1900) d Dec 5 1901 Chicago Preihs John Walter (1 1903-6 LLB) Law McCoy Bldg Pana 111 Preirel George Henry (acad 1899) Ag Lewistown 111 Prendergast James Joseph (acad 1901- 3 sp c eng 1903-6) Supt Constr 5425 Michigan Av Chicago *PRENTICE Frederick W (MD Prof Vet Sc & Lect U 111 1873-88) d Prescott William Henry (c eng 1873- 5) Fruit Grower Rockford Mich Pressler Albert Henry (ag 1911-12 Also U Chgo) Mfg Harness 3112 Wabash Av Chicago Presson Harry Bristol (e eng 1912-13) Publ 1001 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Presson Lola Iris (la h se 1912- ) Stu 1001 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Preston Alvin Fred (ag 1912-14 '15- Also U Wis) Stu Montfort Wis Preston Clarence Gilbert (eng 1900-1) Ag Dixon 111 ?Preston Floyd Earl (e eng 1903-4) Renville ND Preston Frank Davis (la 1906-10 AB Also Carthage Coll) Sp Agt Travelers Ins Co of Hartford Conn 1614 Union Trust Bldg Cincinnati (240 McCor- mick PI Mt Auburn Cincinnati) ?Preston Frederick Grant (su 1899) Wichita Kan t Preston Janet Mary (su 1908 Also Ontario Nor Coll) Napanee Ont Can fPreston Justin Warner Jr (la 1901-2) Chicago t Preston Oscar Melvon (m eng 1899- 1900) Allenville 111 Prettyman Benjamin Stockley (la 1875- 7) Law 4837 N Sawyer Av Chicago Prettyman William Schenck (acad 1900-1 law 1901-4 LLB) Law 412 S Fourth St Pekin 111 Preus Paul Rudolph Arctander (c eng 1910-14 BS) Rodman Div Surv Chi- cago 6028 Stony Island Av Chicago (1611 Madison St La Crosse Wis) Price Anna May (lib 1898-1900 BLS AB(Neb)'98 AM(SD) '04 Asst Prof Lib Econ U 111 1905) Lib Exten St PRICE— PRINCE 533 House Springfield 111 (1545 Wash- ington St Lineola Neb) Price Arnold Gear (sp ag 1902-4 Also Mt Morris Coll) Fruit Ranch 217 Poplar Av Modesto Cal Price Arthur Lowell (ag 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 648 W Prairie St Decatur 111 Price Benjamin Montague (1 1903-7) Law 509 W Green St Champaign 111 Price Bessie May (su WOS&'lO&'ll Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Havana 111 Price Charles Bradlaw (sp ag 1911-13 '15- ) Stu Vienna 111 \Price Charles Jacob (acad 1892-4) Forreston 111 Price Earl Franklin (la com 1911-13) Clk & Sales Hibbard Spencer Bart- lett Co Chicago (3637 Michigan Blvd) \Price Fred H (acad 1904-5) Lena 111 ?Price Grace May (la 1883-4) Cham- paign 111 Price Harry Brusha (su 1905&'09&'10 &'11&'12 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Fulton HI fPrice Harvey Daniel Jr (la com 1905- 6) Wilburton Okla Price Helen Louise (lib 1894-1900 BLS) Libr c/o St Bd Lib Comm Lansing Mich Price Hugh Mitchel (acad 1897-8 c eng 1898-1903 BS) Consult Eng 5443 Fulton St Chicago Price Mrs H M (see Street Marietta L) Price John McCrea (cer 1911-13) Sales Mgr Main Auto Sales Co 6110 Eu- clid Av Cleveland (23 W Park St Brazil Ind) Price John Ray (la 1899-1900) Clk 917 Harmon Av Danville 111 Price Joseph Beidler (sp e eng 1905-6) Springfield 111 Price Kate Clagett (Mrs J T Good- win) (la 1883-6) Home Plainsfield NJ Price Leota (su 1913 Also Bradley Poly) Libr Rl Lebanon Ind Price Lin William (1 1904-7 LL B Also U Chgo) Asst US Atty 7312 S Park Av Chicago fPrice Mabel (la 1902-3) Hayes 111 ?Price Mary H (sp 1883-4) Cham- paign 111 Price Melville Halsey (la chem 1913- ) Stu 6206 S Hermitage Av Chicago Price Miles Oscar (lib 1914- BS (Chgo) '14) Stu 212 W Madison St Plymouth Ind ?Price Mollie Anastatia (la 1903-4) Cornwall NY Price Neil (su 1914 Also Olivet Coll) 124 Henry St Detroit Mich ?Price N Oma (sp 1900-3) Hayes 111 Price Ray (sc 1900-1) Abstractor 812 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Price Raymond Lester (e eng 1914- ) Stu 520 N Prospect St Rockford 111 Price Mrs T S (see Bogardus Eva) fPrice William H (m eng 1885-6) Champaign 111 Pricer George Allen (sp m eng 1904-6 Also Valparaiso Coll) Mech Draft Perry la Pricer John Lossen (su 1904 la 1905- 7 AB & AM Also 111 St Nor U Asst Bot U 111 1909-10) Prof Biol Sc 111 St Nor U 1910- 407 N School St Normal 111 Pricer Thomas Newton (m eng 1907- 8) Ag Flucom Mo \Prichard Arthur David (acad 1904-5) 601 State St Ottawa 111 Prichard Frederick Samuel (sp ag 1904-5) Stock 601 State St Ottawa 111 Prickatt Charles Mortimer (sp c eng 1870-4) Surv & C Eng & R Est Fair- field Neb Prickett Alva LeRoy (la com 1908-13 AB Asst Econ U 111 1911-14) Sales Corresp Educ Dept Rand McNally & Co 538 S Clark St Chicago (6130 Kenwood Av) Prickett Fred William (ag 1896-9) Ag R3 Lewistown 111 *Prickett R T (sp 1869-73) d Nora HI *Priestley Forrest M (m eng 1872-4) d Princeton 111 Primm James L' Jr (acad 1878-80) Clk Gov Print Ofc 1341 Lawrence St Washington (Brookland) Primm James Kelly (acad 1907-8 '10- 11 sp arch 1911-15 la 1915- ) Stu 909 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Primm Jay Otis (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Athens 111 Primm Pauline E (mus 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 909 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Primm Philip Timon (arch 1910-11 '12-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 909 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Primmer George Henry (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Sidney HI Prince Ben James (ag 1914- ) Stu Rl Lansing HI Prince David Chandler (e eng 1910-12 BS g e eng 1912-13 MS Also U Mich) Asst Eng Util Comm 502 S Second St Springfield 111 534 PRINCE— PRUITT Prince Ford Smoot (ag 1910-13 BS Also Miami U) Asst Agron Durham NH Prince Henry Adelbert (acad 1892-4) R Est & Build 244 Plymouth Bldg Minneapolis Prince Mrs HA (see Stoltey Ada G) PRINCE S Fred (Illus St Entom Ofc U 111 1912-13) Scientific Artist Notch Mo Prince William Jasper (sc 1910-15 Also NW U) Prin Col Sch Lafay- ette Ind (Coin la) Prindiville Francis Joseph (c eng 1909- 13 Also St Ignatius Coll) Eng Bur Fire Prevention Pub Safety 1913 S Spaulding Av Chicago Prindle Merwin Logsdon (sc 1909-13 AB) R Est & Contr 5908 Normal Blvd. Chicago Pringle James Ward (arch eng 1913- 14) Farley la Pringle Wayne (c eng 1906-7 Also Monmouth Coll) Eng CB&Q RR 25 Seventh Av La Grange 111 Printz Mrs C S (see Gibbons Pearl) Pritchard Elliott Alfred (ag 1915- ) Stu 226 Clark St Aurora 111 Pritchard Earl Adrel (m eng 1906-9 BPE(Internat YMCA Coll) '14) Phys Dir 6520 S Peoria St Chicago Writchard Fay Tandy (acad 1899) 808 Oregon St Urbana 111 IPritchard Frank Preston (acad 1897- 1900) Fisher 111 (Gifford 111) t Pritchard Ordie E (acad 1898-1900) Newport Ind Pritchard Paul Herbert (ag 1911-13) Ag R6 Harvard 111 Pritchard William (acad 1896-7 Also Christian Bros Coll) Lumber Merc & Mfg Memphis Tenn Pritchett Betty Hutson (lib 1909-10 AB(Pritchett)'03) Asst Cat Lib la St Coll Sta A Ames la Pritzlaff Charles Phillip John (c eng 1909-13 Also De Paul U) C Eng 4538 N Ashland Av Chicago Privotte Bertha May (mus 1910-11) At home 906 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Privotte Linda Isabelle (sp mus 1908- 9 '10-11) At home 906 S Fifth St Champaign 111 PROCHASKA Otokar Ludvig (BS 1900 LL B(I11 Coll Law) '07 LL M (do) '08 Asst Chem U 111 1900-1) Chem 845 Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111 *Proctor Alfred Stephen (Trustee 1873 Capt Co A 86th 111 Inf) d Dec 10 1896 Proctor Margaret Emily (su 1906 AB (Carthage) '03) Teach Lincoln H Sch 417 S 14th St Lincoln Neb t Proctor Orla A (la 1886-90 BS & BL) Belle Helene La Proehl Paul Fred (arch 1906-10) Arch Draft 1438 Carmen Av Chicago 1312 Early Av) Proelss Otto (la 1915- ) Stu Eighth & Stirling St La Salle 111 Proesel John William (sp ag 1911-13 Also St Bedio Coll) Ag R10 Ur- bana 111 Propst Duane Willard (chem eng 1911- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 1010 E N Grand Av Springfield 111 Prosser Catherine Stewart (su 1915 Also U Mich) Fayette Mo Prosser Clara Louise (Mrs H H Har- wood) (sp mus 1912-13 Also Amer Conserv Mus) Home 4145 Lakeside Av Seattle Prosser John Aubrey (e eng Feb 1915- ) Stu 811 Colfax St Evans- ton 111 Protine Fred Leon (la 1915- ) Stu Libertyville 111 ?Proudfit David Morrow (su 1902) Abingdon 111 *Proudeit Samuel M (sp 1870 Cert) d 1884 Belle Prairie 111 Prout Mrs (see Lewis Elta J) Prout Fred Joseph (ry m eng 1910-13 BS Also U Kan) Ry Mech Eng 20th & HancocK Sts Topeka Kan Prout Harold Bertram (la 1906-10 AB) Trav 1031 Washington Blvd Oak Park 111 Prouty Edwin Chester (c eng 1910-14 BS) Eng McGraw Hill Bk Co New York (239 W 39th St) Provine Loring Harvey (acad 1899- 1900 arch eng 1900-3 BS g 1908-9 AE) Prof Arch Eng & Act Head Dept U 111 1913- 704 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 t Provine Ralph (arch 1887-8) Paris Tex PRUCHA Martin John (PhB(Wes)'03 MS(do)'08 PhD(Cor)'13 Exp Sta Geneva NY 1903-9) Asst Prof Dairy Bacteriol & Asst Chf do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 702 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Pruett Eugene Francise (ag 1912- ) Stu Kinmundy 111 Pruetz John Carlyle Jr (la 1914-15 Also Lewis Inst) Stu Seventh St & Garfield Av Hinsdale 111 Pruitt Florence Maude (Mrs W C Bradford) (sp mus 1906-9) Home 6048 S Michigan Av Chicago Pruitt Forrest Allen (c eng 1903-7 PRUITT— PUENELL 535 BS) C Eng 2978 Woodhill Rd Cleve- land (199 NW Av Detroit) Pruitt Glen James (acad 1905-6 law 1906-9 LLB) Propr Tailoring Co 302 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Pruitt Joe Lida (Mrs L S Ferguson) (la mus 1911-14) Home 5416 Fourth Av Sun Set Ct Brooklyn NY Prunk Mrs (see Boggs Estelle) Prunk Frank Howard (acad 1882-4 math 1884-5) Mere 320 W Washing- ton St Indianapolis tPrussing Arthur William (chem eng 1912-13) 2827 Linden Ct Chicago Prutsman Harold Claude (m eng 1914- 15) Stu U 111 Coll Phar 626 S Church St Princeton 111 Prutsman Lucy Catharine (Mrs A G Smith) (acad 1899-1900 sp mus 1903- 5 Asst Mus U 111 su 1907) Home Columbia SC Pruyn Clara (Mrs C B Miller) (la 1906-10 AB) Home 5866 Etzel Av St Louis Pruyn Murray K (su 1908) Chem Eli Lilly & Co 1529 N Lasalle St Indian- apolis Przypyszny Casimir (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 1712 N Wood St Chi- cago Puckett Claude Erwin (sp ag 1903-5) Ag & Stock Warren 111 Puckett Emerson R (ag 1869-72 Also Chgo Med Coll) Med Berkeley Cal PUCKETT Hugh Wiley (AB( Southern) '05 MA(Tulane)'07 MA(Harv)'13 PhD (Munich) '14) Instr Ger U 111 1915- 207 Indiana Av Urbana 111 *Puckett R T (sp 1869-73) d Nora 111 Puckett Ralph WE (ag 1872-4) Trav 1729 Milvia St Berkeley Cal Pudney William Kent (sc 1910-13) Med Stu 57 S Fullerton Av Mont- clair NJ \Puerto Marco Aurelin (acad 1909-11 Also Col U) c/o A M Jimenez 12 Broadway New York Puetz John Carlyle (la 1914 Also Lewis Inst) . Clk Automatic Tel Co Morgan & Van Buren Sts Chicago (Seventh & Garfield Sts Hinsdale 111) Puffer Joseph Adams (g 1914-15 SB (Boston) '00 AB(Wes)'06) Dir Beac- on Vocation Bur 8 Beacon St Boston Mass (Hudson Mass) Pugh Ada Roberta (su 1907&'09&'13 la 1910-12 Feb 1913-15 AB ag 1915- Also Terre Haute Nor & Franklin Coll) Stu 708 W Hill St Champaign 111 ?Pugh Miss M E (la 1873-4) Cham- paign 111 Pulcipher K DeWitt (la jour 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 121 N Maple St Centralia 111 *Pullen Burden (Trustee 1867-73 St Bd Ag over 20 yrs) d July 29 1913 Centralia 111 tPuLLEN Rome B (la 1888-92 BL) Centralia 111 Wulliam Archie D (acad 1888-90) Ur- bana 111 *Pulliam Benjamin M (la com 1872-3) d Tolono 111 *Pulliam William T (ag 1871-3) d Nov 29 1913 Tolono 111 Pulsipher Irene Emma (ag h sc 1914- Also Bradley Inst) Stu Elmwood 111 Pumphrey Morris (acad 1901-3) C Eng 802 S Market St Bloomington 111 Pung William Sing-Chong (ry c eng 1912-14 BS g 1914-15 MS Also Le- Stan U) Eng Santa Fe RR Cushing Okla (827 Clayton St Honolulu Hawaii) Purcell Bryant (ag 1914- ) Stu Polo 111 Purcell Charles Alexander (ag 1908- 12 BS) Ag Areola La Purcell Mrs C A (see Bacon Grace M) tPurcell Charles Dean (1 1906-7) R2 Taylorville 111 Purcell Etta Belle (Mrs R O Rea) (sp 1897-8) Home 426 Gilbert St Dan- ville 111 Purcell Minnie Veronica (su 1910 Al- so Chgo Nor) Teach 1929 S Spauld- ing Av Chicago Purcell William Thomas (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 155 N Leamington Av Austin 111 Purdunn George Gould (arch 1901-5) Chge Constr Wk Standard Oil Co Frannie Wyo (Marshall 111) Purdy Raymond Harry (arch eng 1911- 15 BS) Arch 2144 St James Av Cin- cinnati (906 N Ninth St Vincennes Ind) PURDY Ross C (At Syr U 1895-6 & Ohio St U 1896-8 1901-4 '07-8 CE Asst Cer O St U 1902-5 Instr do Geol Surv U 111 1905-7 Asst Prof Cer O St U 1907-8 Assoc Prof do 1908-11 Prof Cer do 1911-12) Res Eng Norton Co Worcester Mass Purl Charles Gilbert (sp ag 1912-13) Ag Carrollton 111 Purnell Vern (acad 1906-7 m eng 1907-9 Also US Mil Acad) US Army Ofc Ft Winfield Scott Cal (Ithaca NY) Purnell William Frank (ag 1914- ) i>36 PURSELL— QUICK Stu Muncie 111 Pursell James Roland (e eng 1914- ) Stu 452 E 42nd St Chicago Pursifull Joseph Henry (1 1906-9 LL B su 1911) Prin H Sch Newton 111 Pursley Emma Stine (la 1911-15 AB) Stu Col U 1915- 2510 E 11th St Kansas City Mo Pursley Helen Nettie (Mrs C Redpath) (h sc 1911-13) Teach H Sch 2510 E 11th St Kansas City Mo Purtill Carl Ritter (c eng 1903-4 Al- so Prin U) Supt Pac Kissel Kar Branch 602 Golden Gate Av San Francisco (Mattoon 111) Purviance Libbie Jane (Mrs J A Dan- iels) (sp mus 1896-7) Home Towanda 111 Purviance Mrs W P (see Bahnert Lot- tie) Purvines George Oscar (acad 1897-8) Cash St Bk Pleasant Plains 111 Purvines Samuel Earl (la 1905-6 Al- so Lincoln U AB(0 Wes) ) Ag Pleasant Plains 111 Pusey Frank Whitcomb (ag 1910-12 '13-15 BS Also U Chgo) Viticulture Rl(21) Fresno Cal Puster Dumas Eugene (sp ag 1908-10) Citrus Hort Escondido Cal Putnam Mrs (see Clark Emma J) Putnam Alice (Mrs H B Wheeler) (mus 1897-9 B Mus Instr Violin U 111 1897-8) Pittsburgh Pa Putnam Dorothy (la 1908-10) Stu Le Stan U Gifford Wash tPutnam Forrest Lavern (la 1913-14 Also Drake U) 1157 26th St Des Moines la putnam Herbert (Hon LL D'03 Litt D(Bowdoin)'98 LLD(Col)'03) Libr Congress 1899- Washington Putnam Leigh Burtis (sc 1907-10) Trav Gifford Wash Putnam Mary Heiskell (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 1526 Fargo Av Chicago Putnam Persis (la 1913-14 AB (Smith) '11) Stenog & Bkpr Lib U 111 909% S Fifth St Champaign 111 (1526 Fargo Av Chicago) Putnam Sarah May (g 1901-2 AB (Hillsdale) '01 AB (Mich) '08) Teach Litchfield Mich Putnam Walter Edward (acad 1904-5 c eng 1905-7) C Eng 1704 N 46th St E St Louis 111 Putnam William James (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-10 BS g eng 1915- ) Instr T&AM U 111 1914- 610 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (301 E South Grand Av Springfield 111) Wutney Charles Robert (acad 1902-4) Serena 111 Putney Mrs F S (see Bond Bertha J) Putney Nellie Ada Lincoln (la 1900-2 AB(Neb) '08) Teach Beatrice H Sch Beatrice Neb (1228 S 23rd St Lin- coln Neb) Putting Oscar John (la 1902-4 '05-6 AB g 1906-7 JD (Chgo) '08) Law 129 N Glenwood Av Springfield 111 Putting Mrs O J (see Swanberg Hel- lena M) Pyatt Donald Maul (c eng 1905-7) Ag R6 Morris 111 \Pyatt Mary Grace (acad 1885-6) Bethany 111 Pyle Henry G (acad 1885-6 MD (Cleveland Med) '94) Med 520 Oak- land Av Pasadena Cal Pyle Laura Lee (su 1910 Grad HI St Nor U 1911) Teach 1221 Burton Av Rockford 111 Pyron John Elder (chem eng 1912-15) Stu Wash U 6007 Berlin Av St Louis Quade John Conrad (c eng 1891-5 BS) C & Min Eng Box 15 Canton 111 quaintance Hadley Winfield (g la 1899-1900 AM LL B(N 111 Coll) '89 AB(Neb)'96 DCL(Col)'92 PhD(Wis) '04 Instr Econ U Mo 1904-5 Assoc Prof Pol Sc & Prin Sch Com U Wyo 1905-8) Acct Laramie Wyo fQualls Guy Logan (ag 1903-4) Mur- phy sboro 111 (Ft Geo Wright Wash) Quandt Coramae (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 203 Broad St Urbana 111 Quayle Henry Joseph (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1903 AB) Entom U Cal Berkeley Cal (Riverside Cal) Quayle Robert Harwood (la 1905-10) Mgr 5803 W Erie St Austin Sta Chicago Quayle Mrs R H (see Cline Marie P) Quayle Wilfred Russel (sp ag 1907-9) R Est 1531 Hewitt Av St Paul Minn Queen Duey Thomas (acad 1901-2) PM Auburn 111 (Waverly 111) Queen Walter (e eng 1904-6 Also Pur U) Ag R2 Evansville Ind querean Friend Curtis - (ag 1906-8 MS BS(Ia)'06) Asst Dir Rice Exp Sta Crowley La Quesenberry Ruth Lucille (la h sc 1913- Also 111 Wes U) Stu Mans- field 111 Questel Benjamin Harrison (ag 1912- ) Stu Carmi 111 Quick Beryl Wayne (ag 1915- ) Stu Bement 111 QUICK Bert Edwin (AB (Mich) '08 Instr Biol la Wes 1908-10 do U la su 1909 Asst Bot U Mich 1910-13) Asst Bot U 111 1914- 501 E Green QUICK— RADEBAUGH 537 St Champaign 111 (Lowell Mich) Quick Charles Albert (su 1913 Also DePauw U) Monticello Ind Quick George Edward (arch eng 1910- 14 BS Effic Eng Tiskilwa 111 Quick Harry (c eng 1912- ) Stu Tis- kilwa 111 QUICK Oscar (AB(Harv)'95 AM (do) '96 Asst Physics U 111 1895-6 Instr d 1896-8 Asst Prof do 1898-1902 Instr Evening Physics Lab Geo Wash U 1903-5) Teach Physics Jamaica H Sch New York 1905- 14 Burdette PI Jamaica New York Quick Samuel Ritchie (arch 1903-6 Al- so Colo Ag Coll) Ag Morrill Neb *Quick Thomas (Trustee 1867-8 Memb St Leg 1851-2 St Bk Comm Law) d Belleville 111 Quigley Mrs A J (see Meissner Jose- phine A) Quigley Laurence Joseph (su 1915) 426 W Sixth St Concordia Kan Quilling Erwin Albert (la 1913-14 Al- so NW U) Clk Bk 902 Seventh St Menomonie Wis Quinby Edward Vincent (la com 1873- 4) Mfg 4147 N Paulina St Chi- cago quine William E (Hon LL D 1904 MD(Chgo Med) '09) Emeritus Prof Coll Med U 111 Columbus Mem Bldg Chicago (3160 Indiana Av) Quinlan Thomas William (1 1907-8 LL B Also Harv Law Sch) Law 209 S Fifth St Springfield 111 (220 W Edward St) Quinn Audrey (Mrs A E Flavell) (sc 1908-9) Home 26th & California Av Chicago (Harvard 111) Quinn Belle (su 1914 Also Milwaukee Nor) Kinderg Dir Grand Rapids Wis Quinn Bernice Mae (Mrs J F Garrett) (la 1911-14 AB Also Knox Coll) Home 5416 Fourth Av Brooklvn NY (LaFayette 111) *Quinn Edward John (acad 1888-91) d La Salle HI Quinn Florence Katherine (mus 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu LaFayette 111 Quinn Francis John (c eng 1915- ) Stu 3317 Calumet Av Chicago IQuinn Jennie May (acad 1896-7) Champaign 111 !Quinn John H (la 1876-7) Sycamore HI Quinn Robert John (chem eng 1908-12 BS) Res Chem Morris & Co Chi- cago (8553 Carpenter St) Quinton Walter Russum (sp ag 1908- 9) Ag Hey worth HI Quirk Elizabeth (Mrs Hugh Gilchrist) (sp mus 1895-1900) Home Davenport la Quirk Michael A (sp 1886-7) Priest Ottawa HI Quirk Robert Charles (c eng 1910-12) Eng Dept Chicago Surf Lines 1141 N Shore Av Chicago Quisenberry Arthur Clifford (la 1898- 1900 AB) St Repr 226 Latham St Lincoln 111 *Quisenberry Lawrence Arthur (ag 1909-11) d June 21 1911 Champaign 111 (Atlanta 111) Quisno Raymond Edward (la 1915- ) Stu 111 Cross St Peoria 111 Raab Anita Emma (la 1911-14 '15- ) Stu 301 S High St Belleville 111 Raab Frank Henry (sc 1904-6 MD (Pa) '10) Med 3838 Troost Av Kan- sas City Mo Raab George Herman (sp ag 1910-11) Ag Cabery 111 *Raab Henry (Trustee 1891-5 LL D (Wis) '92 St Supt Pub Instr 1883-7 '91-5) d March 13 1901 Belleville 111 Raaberg Ralph Shancke (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 2424 N Spaulding Av Chicago Raberg Mrs PC (see Chapman Mar- ian) Race Maud Ella (su 1911) Libr 269 Wisconsin St Kenosha Wis Racheff Ivan (c eng 1914- Also Sophi U Bulgaria) Stu Saicheva St Lovech Bulgaria Rackliffe Thomas Thayet (sc 1912-13 la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 29 N Sherman Av fet Joseph Mo radcliffe Barney Simonson (g cer 1908-10 MS AB (Miami) '08) Instr Cer Eng U 111 1912- 504 E Chal- mers St Champaign 111 RADCLIFFE Henry Herbert (g chem 1910-11 AB(Ind)'04 Asst Chem Ind U 1903-4 Asst Chem U 111 1910-11) Teach H Sch 1621 Virginia Av Con- nersville Ind (Taylorville 111) Radcliffe William Hickman (c eng 1897-1901 BS) C Eng Amer Bridge Co Chicago tRadebaugh Estella May (acad 1895-6 la 1896-8) Urbana 111 (Rippey la) RADEBAUGH Gustav H (With P & E Div NY Cent Lines 1907-8) Instr Mach Shop U 111 1911- 202y 2 W Green St Urbana 111 Radebaugh John Wesley (su 1900 AB (Simpson) '03 Also U la & U Neb) Teach Dunlap la Radebaugh Otis B (acad 1886-7 arch 1887-8) Pres Tenn Mortgage Co 538 RADELL— RAITHEL 2213 Belmont Blvd Nashville Tenn Eadell Fred Ziegler (ag 1913-15) Dairy Ag Elkhorn Wis Rademacher Lydia Barbara (su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Box 437 Riverside 111 (Clinton 111) Rader Adolphus Lafayette (sp 1868- 71 Cert) Law 1119 Delaware Av St Louis Radican Thomas Francis (su 1911) Stu NW U 320 Mississippi Av Jol- iet 111 Radley Guy Richardson (e eng 1896- 1900 BS) E Eng 1921 Cedar St Milwaukee Radmore Eleda Blake (la mus 1911-14 Also Inst Ponjonde Paris) At home Grand Rapids Mich Rae Henry Marshall (la 1892-3) 45 E 20th St New York fRafferty James N (gen 1870-1) Ver- milion 111 Rafferty John Joseph (m eng 1914- ) Stu 3227 Fulton St Chicago Rafferty Raymond Charles (ag 1914- ) Stu 366 W Elm St Canton 111 ?Raffety A L (acad 1877-8 sc 1878- 9) Vermilion 111 Raffety Clive Kleckner (ag 1911-13) Ag Carrollton 111 ?Raffety G W (sp 1878-9) Vermilion 111 Rapfin Isador (arch eng 1908-12 BS) Supt Constr c/o A W Stoolman Cham- paign 111 (779 Marion St Waukegan 111) Raffowitz Frank (m eng 1914- ) Stu 1020 S Winchester Av Chicago Rafiniski Clement Joseph (com 1915- Also U Wash) Stu Center St Thom- aston Conn Ragan Carrol Stewart (sp mus 1900-2 Also Wabash Coll 1897-1900) Adv 527 Fifth Av New York Ragland Richard Frank (c eng 1905- 7) C Eng Seattle IRagsdale James Harvey (su 1902&'04 &'05 LL B(I11 Wes)'99) Trafalgar Ind Rahe Oscar Henry (la 1908-10) Merc 2826 Clifton St Indianapolis Rahel John Clifford (la 1915- Also U Col) Stu Paris 111 RAHN Carl Leo (PhB(Chgo) '07 PhD (do) '12 Also U Bonn & U Munich Instr Psych U Colo 1908-9 do U Chgo 1913-14 do U Wyo 1914-15) Instr Psych U 111 1915- University Club Urbana 111 (2250 Clybourne Av Chi- cago) Rahn Harry H (la com 1914-15) 61 E Scott St Tuscola 111 Rahn Lester Addison (e eng 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Lanark 111 RAHN Otto (PhD(Gottingen) '02 Asst Bacteriol & Chem U Gottingen Asst Prof Bacteriol U 111 1912-14) Mgr Hotel Englishes Haus Elbing Ger- many Rahn Reinhardt Phillip (m eng 1913- 15) Eng Thornton 111 Rahn Robert Charles (sc 1912-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 44 N Albany Av Chicago Rahn Rudolph (m eng 1913-15) Mach Thornton 111 Raht Edward Dombois (sp ag 1905-7) C Eng 926 James Bldg Chattanooga Tenn (217 S Prospect St) Raibourn Claude (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu Waterloo 111 Raibourn James Edward (su 1900&'06 &'07 AB(Ind)'96) Sch Supt Wat- erloo 111 Raibourn Paul Albert (e eng 1913- ) Stu Waterloo 111 BailsbacTc Charles Philip (acad 1897- 8) Ag Langdon Kan Railsback Mrs E M (see Schumacher Tillie J) Railsback Edna Lucille (la 1908-9 Al- so U Mont) 707 N 31st St Billings Mont Railsback Fay Dillon (ag 1905-9 BS) Ag Minier 111 Railsback Mrs F D (see Rohrback Marietta) Railsback Fred Harold (1 1906-10 LL B) Law Elmwood E Moline 111 Railsback Howard Marion (acad 1905- 6 la com 1906-9 AB'll Adv & Jour c/o Deere & Co Moline 111 (821 16th St) Railsback Lee Willard (acad 1899- 1900 la 1900-4 AB) Grain Merc Weldon 111 Railsback Mrs L W (see Eubank Mary K) Railsback Roy J (acad 1895-6 la 1896-9 AB) Grain & Coal Merc Hope- dale 111 \ Raines Guy Hanley (acad 1902-3) 518 39th St Rock Island 111 Raines Lester Courtney (la 1914- ) Stu Milford 111 Rainey Edward Cleveland (la 1905-9 AB Asst Engl U 111 1910-11) Edit " Marion Co Democrat" Salem 111 Rains Noble (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Hut- sonville 111 Raithel Arthur Christopher (e eng 1912- ) Stu 3149 W 12th St Chi- cago Raithel Kathryn Rose (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 4450 N Ashland Av Chi- cago RALEY— BAND ALL 539 *Raley Arvilla K (Mrs J Harrison) (la 1879-82) d Granville 111 tRaley Charles R (ag 1875-8) Gran- ville 111 Ball Eugene Robert (c eng 1911-15 BS) C Eng 802 High St Keokuk la (4142 Greenview Av Chicago) Ralston Hugh Aster (la 1909-10) Sales Warnock & Ralston Co Rock Island 111 Ralston Stuart Albert (e eng 1907-13 BS) Elec Merc Caledonia 111 de la Rama Jose (ag 1905-8 BS Also Santa Clara Coll) Ag Bacolod Ne- gros Occidental PI Ramage Robert Muir (e eng 1907-10 Also 111 Wes U) Draft 458 Logan AV S Milwaukee Rambo Jessie Eulalia (ag 1905-8 AB Also 111 St Nor TJ & Bradley Inst) Head Home Econ Dept W Tex St Nor Coll Canyon Tex (DeLong HI) Rambo Mrs John (see Bass Florence E) Ramey Clara Ruth (su 1913 Also Ala Girls Tech Inst) Greensboro Ala Ramey Frank Willard (arch eng 1912- 15) Asst Arch Ofc 716 W Park Av Champaign 111 Ramey George Erwin (arch 1907-12 BS) Arch 828 W Hill St Cham- paign 111 Ramey Mrs G E (see Holland Nellie D) Ramey Robert Henry (su 1905 ag 1909-13) Ag Rl Stuttgart Ark (617 W Park St Champaign 111) Ramirez William (c eng 1915- Also U Porto Rico) Stu Box 15 Cabo Rojo Porto Rico RAMMELKAMP Charles H (PhB(Cor) '96 PhD (do) '00 Prof Hist U 111 su 1905) Pres 111 Coll 1905- Jack- sonville 111 Ramosa Armesto (1 1906-8 LLM(N 111 Coll Law) ) Law San Isidro PI Ramp Waldow Lester (ag 1907-11) Ag Williamsfield 111 Ramsay Crawford John (su 1913&'14 &'15 Also S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Johnston City HI fRamsay George H (sp ag 1879-80) Trenton 111 Ramser Charles Ernest (c eng 1905-9 BS) C Eng Dept Ag Drain Invest- tig Washington Ramser John Hubert (m eng 1913- ) Stu Alma 111 Ramsey Carrie Eva (su 1905&'07&'10 &'11&'12 Also U Chgo) Teach Dan- ville HI Ramsey Leonidas Willing (ag 1911-14 BS Also Millsaps Coll) Land Arch Reeves & Ramsey 515 Putnams Bldg Davenport la Ramsey Robert Willing (la 1912-13 Also Marion Inst) Hazelhurst Miss Ramsey William Everton (c eng 1900- 3 BS AB(Chgo)'OO) Eng Ramsey Eng Co 6605 Harvard Av Chicago Ramseyer Ben (ag 1912-13) Clk 1003 W University Av Urbana HI ?Ranch Lewis Edward (su 1902) Eas- ton HI Rand Charles Claflin (sc 1909-13 BS Asst Cer U 111 1913-14) Lab Asst Bur Standards 40th & Butler Sts Pittsburg (535 Rosedale St) Rand Mrs C C (see Collom Isabel E) *Rand Walter Albert (ag 1907-8) d 1354 Maplewood Av Chicago Randa Charles Edward (e eng 1915- ) Stu 3839 W 26th St Chicago Randall Arthur Edwin (c eng 1907-11 BS'14) Struct Draft 237 Ambridge St Gary Ind Randall Bertha Thatcher (lib 1901-3 BLS Instr Lib Sc U 111 1903-4) Libr Carnegie Lib E Liberty Branch Pitts burg (1047 Murray Hill Av) Randall Claude Walter (su 1910-11 Al- so N 111 St Nor) Asst Supt Schs 320 N Fourth Av Phoenix Ariz Randall Dwight T (m eng 1896-7 BS ME '05 Also Mich Ag Coll Instr U 111 1901-3 Asst Prof do 1906-9) M Eng Cadillac Motor Co 161 Califor- nia Av Highland Park Mich Randall Earl Everett (la 1915- ) Stu 806 S Oakley Blvd Chicago Randall Frank Alfred (c eng 1901-5 BS CE'09) C Eng Randall & War- ner 511 Rector Bldg 79 W Monroe St Chicago (6500 Bosworth Av) Randall Frank John (ag 1914- ) Stu 222 Cedar St Aurora 111 fRandall George Martin (sp 1868 '69- 70) Yellowhead 111 Randall Gilbert Preston (su 1899) Shelbyville 111 Randall Grace Louise (la 1913- ) Stu 2114 Estes Av Rogers Pk 111 Randall Mrs HP (see Hill Edna V) ?Randall James (e eng 1903-7 BS Al- so Bradley Inst) c/o Amer Locomo- tive Wks Pittsburg Randall Oscar (c eng 1915- ) Stu 412 S Capitol St SE Washington Randall Parke Benjamin (m eng 1891- 3) Design Ag Mach Cie Internat des Machines Ag Croix Nord France (707 Fourth Av Sterling 111) t Randall Robert Alexander (e eng 540 RANDALL— RAPP 1903-4) Lewiston 111 Randall Thomas David (c eng 1911-15 BS) 4617 Beacon St Chicago RANDOLPH Charles Brewster (g span 1898-9 AB( Wabash) '96 AM(Harv) '02 PhD (do) '05 Also U Halle Instr Greek & Lat Acad U 111 1897-9 Instr do Clark Coll 1903-5 Assoc Prof do 1905-10) Prof Latin Clark Coll 1910- 21 Circuit Av Worcester Mass Randolph Cora Creagar (la sc 1913- ) Stu 1100 E Armour Blvd Kansas City Mo Randolph Edith Schultz (su 1913&'14 Also R Macon Coll) 1042 Scott Av Port Scott Kan Randolph Flora F (Mrs A Y Page) (aead 1879-80 sp 1880-1) Home 822 36th Av Seattle Randolph Glenn Lake F (c eng 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Trilla Hi Randolph Hallie Burnside (ag 1911- 14 BS) Teach Ag Gibson City 111 (Covington Ind) Randolph Isham (Hon D Eng 1910 Chf Eng C&WI RR Constr B&O RR Invested System RR Interlocking Switches 1883-6) Constr Eng 826 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago (5525 S End Av) Randolph Mildred Marguerite (Mrs A D Williams) (mus 1905) Teach Mus 607 N Walnut St Champaign 111 Randolph Oscar Alan (g physics 1911- 13 MS sul914BS(Mo Mines) '11) Asst Physics U 111 1911- 410 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Randolph Otto Coffeen Fitz (c ener 1908-10 '11-13 BS) Bridge Insp & Eng MC RR Detroit (107 Han- cock St) t Randolph Thurstan F (acad 1879-80 sc 1880-3) Canton 111 Ranes George Ottit (e eng 1914-15) Stu Okla Ag 615 Summit St Law- ton Okla Rang Carl King (la 1910-14 AB law 1914- ) Stu 610 Park Av Rock- ford 111 Ranger Katherine Mae (la 1914-15 Al- so Mich St Nor) At home 97 E 155th St Harvey 111 Rankin Charles Henry (c eng 1881-5 Cert) Ag RFD Pay son 111 Rankin Cora Emma (su 1911 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Decatur 111 (Gib- son City 111) tRankin Earle (acad 1907-10 e eng 1910-12) Vermont 111 RANKIN Fred Henry (Inst Visitor U 111 1901-2) Supt Ag Exten & Asst to Dean Ag Coll U 111 1902- 1012 W California Av Urbana 111 Rankin Mrs F H (see Girty Jennie) Rankin Hugh Walker (su 1912 Also Pur U) Exp Eng & Pres Tread Cen- tral Novelty Co 136 Huntington PI Cincinnati *Rankin Lucy Ella (la 1870-1) d Ran- toul 111 Rankin Luro Jane (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Payson 111 Rankin Robert Edmund (ag 1914- ) Stu Payson 111 Rankin Roy (sp ag 1900-2 '07-8) Merc 1401 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Rankin William Jacob Royal (ag 1900- 2) White Heath 111 Ranney Mrs (see Meserve Gladys T) *Ranney Esther Josephine (la 1882-3 '85) d June 20 1886 Cazenovia 111 tRanney Frances Lilla (la 1880-3) Cazenovia 111 Ranney George Henry (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 4323 Berkeley Av Chicago Ranney Joel Alden (ag 1913- ) St a Cazenovia 111 Ranney Maude Esteline (la 1915- Also Coe Coll) Stu Little York 111 Ranney Nathan Charles (ag 1914- ) Stu Little York 111 Ranney Willard Parminter (ag 1913- ) Stu Cazenovia 111 Ransford Maurice Reuben (arch eng 1915- ) Stu Los Angeles Cal Ranson Albert Richardson (1 1906 Al- so McKendree Coll) Mintr Bone Gap 111 Ranson Clara Ann (Mrs Joseph Sett- ers) (la 1899-1904 AB) Home Monte Vista Colo Ranson Ethel Alice (la 1909-13 AB) Prin H Sch Mansfield 111 (303 S High St Havana 111) Ranson George Audas (m eng 1907-12 BS) Draft Westinghouse Co Gea Del East Pittsburgh Pa Rao D Vijaya (ag 1915- Also Presi- dency Coll India) Stu Hospet India RAPEER Louis W (SB(Chgo)'04 AM (Minn) '07 PhD(Teach Coll Col) '13 Instr Econ Coll NY 1910-11 Prof Ed Psych & Logic NY Tr Sch Teach 1911-14 Prof Ed U 111 su 1914) Prof Ed Pa St Coll 1914- State Col- lege Pa Raphaelson Sampson Miles (la 1914- Also Lewis Inst) . Stu 614 S Hermi- tage Av Chicago Rapp Charles Edward (c eng 1901-6 BS) C Eng 4569 Oakenwald Av Chicago Rapp Edwin Wallace (sc 1912-15) 112 RAPP— RAY 541 S Lincoln Av Aurora 111 Rapp George Leslie (aead 1894-6 arch 1896-9 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Arch 69 W Washington St Chicago Rapp Mrs Jean Morrison (sp a&d 1893-4) Home 261 Palace Av Santa Fe N Mex Rapp John Holly (la 1911-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu Fairfield 111 *Rapp Lawrence Mortz (c eng 1908- 12) d Jan 24 1912 Chicago Rapp Peter George (la 1911-12 '13-15) Fairfield 111 Rapp William John (sp ag 1905-7 Al- so Cent Wes U) Ag San Jose 111 +RAPPAPORT Benjamin Julius (arch eng 1910-14 BS) 2128 Crystal St Chi- cago Rappleye Willard Cole (sc 1911-14 AB '15) Prosector Harv Med Coll 215 Van Auken St Menominee Mi<5h Rascher Charles (sc 1909-12 BS Al- so NW U) Teach Chem Catholic U Amer 120 Maryland Av NE Wash- ington (5425 N Paulina St Chicago) Raskas Joseph Ralph (ag 1913-14) Merc 1332 Washington St St Louis Raskewitz Arthur (m eng 1913-15) Draft 11350 Stephenson St Chicago Rasmussen Harold Eijner (la 1915- ) Stu 5213 Ingleside Av Chicago Rasmussen Robert P (la 1913-14 Also Assn Inst) Fire Prevention Eng 5213 Ingleside Av Chicago tRasmusson Mary Cecil (su 1909 Also 111 Coll) Table Grove 111 Ratcliff Glenn (1 1910-12 '13-15 LL B) Law Greenup 111 Ratcliff Maude Hadley (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Box 12 Green- up 111 Rat cliff e Frank Damon (m eng 1910- 13) Test Eng Fairbanks Morse & Co 625 Harrison Av Beloit Wis Ratcliff e Harry Eber (sp arch 1899- 1902) Arch Dorsey Bldg Keokuk la (804 N Ninth St) Ratcliffe Harry Ernest (sp ag 1901-02) Arch 3308 Smith St Houston Tex (Vincennes Ind) Ratcliffe Mrs HE (see Brant Belle) Ratcliffe Isaac LaGrange (la com 1914-15 com 1915- Also U Pa) Stu Highland Kan Ratekin Otis Benjamin (ag 1908-11) Ag Swan Creek 111 Rathbtjn Acors Earl (ag 1907-13 AB Also Lewis Inst) Asst Mgr Insp Div Sears Roebuck & Co 925 S Homan Av Chicago (Glen Ellyn HI) Rathbun Harry Rowland (ag 1915- ) Stu Glen Ellyn 111 Rathbun Hubert Honens (la chem eng 1913- ) Stu Spring Valley 111 Rathbun Robert Wiltshire (sp ag 1908- 10) Ag Preemption 111 Rathfon Sydney Clen (arch eng 1908- 12 BS) Draft 605 S Clinton St Iowa City la Rathfon William Owen (cer eng 1911- 15 BS) 7747 Burnham Av Chicago Rathje Paul William (ag 1914- ) Stu Peotone 111 Rathjens George William (c eng 1908- 10 BS) C Eng & Mgr & Mfg 858 Cherokee Av St Paul Minn Rathsack Mary (la 1910-11 '15- Al- so 111 St Nor U) Stu Greenview 111 Rathsack Robert Everett (m eng 1913- ) Stu Greenview HI Bats Gustavus George (acad 1893-4 VS(Ont Vet) ) Vet Red Bud 111 IBatz M E (acad 1893-4) Savoy 111 Rauch George Clarence (su 1915) 11834 Princeton Av Chicago 111 tRauch Lewis Edward (su 1902) Eas- ton 111 tRauch Paul Vincent (arch eng 1909- 11 '12-14) 103 N Main St Wichita Kan *Baum Wesley Sloan (acad 1900-1) d Atlanta HI Raut Alfred (ag 1911-14 BS) Dairy 703 W Seventh St Sedalia Mo ravitch Max (g engl 1909-10 AM AB (Mo) '09) Hartley Hall Col U New York Bavlin Frank West (acad 1890-1) Ag & Stock & Opr Elec Light Plant No- tary Public Kaneville 111 \ Bavlin Fred J (aead 1890-1) Kane- ville HI Rawlings Howard Charles (e eng 1914- ) Stu Farmer City 111 tRawlings Wayne Robert (la jour 1911- 12) 756 W North St Jacksonville 111 Rawson Mrs O G (see Casteel Mabel E) ?Ray Alma Grace (sp 1902-3) Urbana 111 ?Ray Arthur Evans (e eng 1903-7 BS) Rockford 111 Ray Mrs A E (see Boyer Mabel B) - Ray Arthur Jay (e eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Patent Dept Auto Elec Co 1437 Jackson Blvd Chicago Ray Bankim Chandra (e eng 1912-15 BS Also Calcutta U) Stu Shantini- ketav Bengal India tRay Bryne Lucas (ag 1909-13) Gombrills Md (703 W Adams St Ma- son City la) Ray Elva Artrice (ag 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Jackson St Sullivan 111 Ray George Joseph (acad 1891-2 c 542 BAY— READ eng 1892-8 BS) Chf Eng DL&W RR Hoboken NJ Ray Mrs G J (see Hammers Edna R) ?Ray Harold Adair (acad 1900-2 m eng 1902-3) 711 W University Av Champaign 111 Ray Howard Alden (acad 1900-2 la 1902-8 AB) Bkpr & Clk Peabody Kan ?Ray Hugh Light (m eng 1905-7 14- 15 BS Also Lewis Inst) 1280 W Evans St Chicago may James Paul (acad 1892-3) Chi- cago •Ray John DeWitt (m eng 1875-7) d Belvidere 111 Ray Julian David (ag 1908-9 Also McKendree Coll) Supt Schs Colum- bus Mont (Hagarstown 111) Ray Luke Cranston (la 1914-15 Al- so Tex Christian U) Sales 1009 Pennsylvania Av Ft Worth Tex may Maude Lucille (acad 1893-4) Champaign 111 Ray Robert Daniel (m eng 1906-10 Also Lewis Inst) Sales 587 Haw- thorne PI Chicago Ray Robert William (e eng 1906-11 BS) Supt Const Baum Bldg Dan- ville 111 (213 W Harrison St New Bedford Mass) may S (acad 1877-8) Urbana 111 RAY Samuel Hawkins (g an hus 1913- 14 MS BS ( Texas Ag) '11 ) San An- tonia Tex ?Ray Victor (sp 1879-80) Urbana 111 Ray Walter Thornton (acad 1894-5 m eng 1895-1901 BS) V-Pres Ray Substracto Adder Co 420 Odgen St Newark NJ Ray Mrs W T (see McRobie Isabel) Ray William Edward (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Kewanee 111 Rayburn Allan Barnes (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Barrington 111 (1203 E Grove St Bloomington 111) Bayourn Cecil Christian (acad 1908- 10) Bondville 111 *Rayburn Charles Clyde (acad 1892-3 sc 1893-7 BS) d April 1912 Stratton Park Colo Rayhill Charles Thomas (la 1912-13) Bnk Clk 602 S Jackson St Belle- ville 111 Rayl Ferdinand Vernon (g math 1910- 12 AB( Wabash) '10) Teach 1309 S Spring Av Sioux Falls SD Raymond Alice Helena (la 1908 Al- so U Kan) Hiawatha Kan tRaymond Edith Maude (la 1911-12) Hiawatha Kan Raymond Geneva Dolly (la 1908 Also U Kan) Hiawatha Kan Raymond Isaac Stuart (Trustee 1893- 9 c eng 1868-71 Cert Hon ML '95) d July 19 1915 Sidney 111 Raymond Mrs Isaac (see Eaton Ed- ith) •Raymond Jennie (Mrs U Bradley) (sp 1870-4) d Jan 5 1885 Pueblo Colo Raymond Jesse Leroy (acad 1902-3) Kaneville 111 Raymond John Eaton (acad 1894-6 ag 1896-9 BS) Ag Sidney 111 Raymond Reva Jane (h sc 1911-13) Teach 534 Jefferson Av Evaneville Ind Raymond Ruth Cleveland (Mrs W E Haseltine) (la 1895-9 AB) Home Box 422 Aurora 111 Rayner William Horace (c eng 1906- 09 BS CE'13 Also Cor Coll) Instr C Eng 1910- 807 Indiana Av Ur- bana 111 Rayner Mrs W H (see Leonard Fran- ces B) tRaynolds Scott Homer (sp ag 1911- 12) Buffalo Raynor Annie (Mrs J L Fitzhugh) (sp mus 1895-6) Home 129 Glen Av Mt Vernon NY (105 N Elm St Cham- paign 111) Raynor Clara Mae (Mrs E T Rickard) (acad 1892-3 la 1893-5) Home Hom- er 111 Rea Alfred Wellemin (arch 1889-93 BS) Arch 720-1 Black Bldg Los Angeles ?Rea Fannie (sp 1879-80) Urbana 111 ?Rea Frederick S (la 1879-80) Urbana 111 *Rea Margaret Augusta (Mrs T Molt) (sp 1870-3) d Dec 1893 Clinton la *Rea Richard G (gen 1871-2) d Ur- bana 111 Rea Mrs R O (see Purcell Etta Belle) Reaburn DeWitt Lee (sp c eng 1894-5 Also U Wash 1896-7) C Eng 1106 Alaska Bldg Seattle (1808% N Van Ness Av) Reace William Thomas (e eng 1911-15 BS) E Eng 3750 Agatite Av Chi- cago Read Edgar Newton (acad 1896-8 sc 1898-1901 Also NW U) US Gauger 108 Greenleaf St Peoria 111 (1310 Springfield Av Urbana 111)" Bead Frank Albert (acad 1891-3) Lily Lake 111 Read Fred Stanley (sp sc 1896-7 Also Brown U) Sales 191 Alabama Av Providence RI Read George H (sp ag 1887-8) Ag Lily Lake 111 READ— RECKITT 543 fRead Harry J (c eng 1879-81) Chi- cago Read James Kempt (ag 1915- ) Stu 664 Englewood Av Chicago Read James Monroe Jr (sp ag 1905-7) Ag St Line Delivery Augusta 111 Read John William (g chem 1910-13 BS(Mo)'07 MS (do) '08 Also U Wis Prof Chem 111 Coll 1908-10 Asst Chem U.I11 1912-15) Head Dept Sc St Nor Sch Gunnison Colo (704 Fay St Columbia Mo) Read Josephine (Mrs B F Madden) (la 1890-1) 739 W State St Jackson- ville 111 Read Katherine (Mrs W C Brenke) (la 1892-4 '99) Home 1250 S 21st St Lincoln Neb Read Lottie Campbell (Mrs W J Smith) (sp mus 1903-4) Home 25 N 21st St Richmond Ind Read Martha McClelland (su 1912 AB (La) '07 MA(do) '10) 504 Fifth St Baton Rouge La READ Mason Kent (g geol 1914- BS(Denison) '14 Lab Asst Denison U 1910-12) Asst Geol U 111 1914- 1203 Springfield Av Urbana 111 (R6 Springfield O) Read Nellie Lewis (Mrs R M Ross) (acad 1896-7 la 1897-1901 AB) Mis- sionary Nanking China (1310 Spring- field Av Urbana 111) Read Wilbur Charles (sp ag 1904-5 Al- so Eureka Coll) Ag Piper City 111 Read William Gordon (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 412 E Monroe St Bloomington 111 Reader Emma Grace (h sc 1912-14 Al- so Millikin U) At home 332 S Maple St Centralia 111 . Readhtmer Jerome Edward (ag 1900- 4 BS Res Soil Fertil U 111 Asst Prof 111 Ag Exp Sta 1904-13 Fruit Disease Res US Dept Ag 1906-13) Ag Adviser Kane Co Geneva 111 Reading Clarence Earl (ag 1914-15) Ag Mazon 111 ?Ready James Howard (la 1903-4) Los Angeles Reagan Maurice Edwin (e eng 1912- ) Stu 22 E Elm St Canton 111 Real John Jeremiah (la com 1912-15) 702 Fourth Av Sterling 111 Real Raymond George (1 1908-12 LL B) Law Mattoon 111 (402 E Seventh St Sterling 111) ?Ream Herman Emerson (m eng 1903- 7) 627 W 60th St Chicago tReam Walter Joseph (sc 1907-9 '10-11 Also St Bede Coll) Peru 111 Ream Wynne (Mrs W R Jewell) (sp 1883-4) Home 33% Broadway Circle Oklahoma City Reardon Charles Carroll (sc 1903-7 AB) Ag Delavan 111 Reardon Clarence Henry (la 1903-7 AB LLB(JMarshall)'12) Law Del- avan 111 Reardon Edward Emmett (acad 1891-2 la 1892-4 LLB(Neb)'Ol) Law Okla- homa City Reardon Gerald Francis Griffin (sc 1906-10 AB LLB(Wes)'12) Law Delavan 111 Reardon Neal D (la 1896-1900 AB) Prof Law Creighton U 210 S 18th St Omaha Neb Reasoner Clara Beck (Mrs H B Bar- ry) (acad 1897-8 la 1899-1902 AB) Home Chaffee Mo Reasoner Matthew Aaron (sc 1892-6 BS MD(P&S)'99 Also Army Med Sch 1905-6) Capt Med Corps US Army c/o Surgeon Gen USA Washington (1919 S St NW) Reasoner Richard Barkley (acad 1904- 6 c eng 1906-7 Also Colo Sch Mines) Asst Eng UP RR Quinn Apts Poca- tello Id Reat Fred Lee (la 1894-9) Edit " Tus- cola Jour" Tuscola 111 Reat Ralf Warder (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Garden ND Reat Ruth (h sc 1903-5 BS Also Eur- eka Coll & E 111 St Nor & Lewis Inst) Teach Charleston 111 Reat Samuel Callaway (la 1887-90 BS (G Wash) LL B(NW) ) Rangoon India (Tuscola 111) Reber Edwin Perry (m eng 1912-14 Also Dart Coll) M Eng Cotta Transm Co 814-19 S Main St Rockford 111 (315 S Third St) Reber John Alfred (su 1915) Stu U Kan 1745 Summit St Kansas City Mo tReber Louemma (sp 1901-2) Free- port 111 tRebman Bessie Gladys (Mrs J J Om- elia)(acad 1904-5 la 1905-8) Ana- heim Cal Rebman Lana Gail (la 1902-3 acad 1903-4 la 1904-9 AB Also Eureka Coll) At home Frederick 111 REBMAN Peter Joseph (Asst Forge Shops U 111 1910-15) Instr Forge U 111 1915- 406 N Race St Urbana 111 Rechsteiner Carl Ulrich (la 1913-14 Also Marietta Coll) V-Pres & Mgr Flour Mills Co Wellington O Reck Edgar DeWitt (e eng 1910-11) Bnk Orangeville 111 Reckitt Charles Ernest (la 1912-13) Mfg 76th & Lafilin St Chicago (1120 Forest Av Evanston 111) 544 RECORD— EEED Record Charles Edward (sp ag 1901- 3 '07-8 Also Bushnell Coll) Ag & Fruit Farmington 111 Rector John Fred (sp ag 1900-2) Ag Afton Okla i Sector Loma Marshall (acad 1902-3) Longview 111 Rector Theodore J (ag 1910-12 sp ag 1912-13) Ag Smithfield 111 IRedborg Carl Eric (la com 1908-14 AB) 265 Houston St Batavia 111 Redden Franklin Delta (sp ag 1905- 7) Ag Oakland 111 Redden Jessie Mabel (la 1909-11 Al- so Ober Coll) Soc Edit c/o "Com- mercial News" Danville 111 Reddersen Edward Ernest (ry c eng 1909-13 BS) City Plan Exam 702 City Hall Chicago (3917 Gladys Av) Reddick Elizabeth (Mrs W E Hall) (sp mus 1905-6) Home 528 N First St Arkansas City Kan reddick Harry Wilfred (g math 1904- 6 AM AB(Ind)'04 PhD(Col U) '10 Instr Math Acad U 111 1904-5 Asst do Col U 1907-9) Instr Math Col U 1909- Livingston Hall New York Reddick Susie Mosby (su 1903) Ret Teach 109 W Green St Champaign 111 Redding Charlene Clara (ag 1915- ) Stu 1101 Charleston Av Mattoon 111 tRedding Katherine Agnes (sp 1900- 2) Urbana 111 *Redeker Walter Christopher (ag 1906- 7 Also Wheaton Coll) d Oct 21 El- gin 111 Redeman Mrs E H (see Young Atha A) Reden William Franklin (1 1905-6 LLB(IaSt)'08 Prin Delta Indust Inst Doddsville Miss REDENBAUGH William Alfred (BS (Dart) '93 PhD (do) '97 Lab Asst Biol Dart Coll 1896-7 Instr Chem U 111 1905-7) Head Sc Dept Lincoln H Sch 1907- 4219 Interlake Av Se- attle Redfield George William (e eng 1898- 1901 BS Also Knox Coll & Cor U) E Eng & Sales Gen Elec Co 2515 Pleas- ant Av Minneapolis t Redfield William Roy (acad & la 1904-5) Toulon 111 Redhed Alice (la 1910-13 AB Also Oxford Coll) Dir Ward Sch Play- ground 1027 Procter St Port Arthur Tex (Tolono 111) Redhed William Seed (la com 1906-10 AB) Ag & Asst Bk Cash Tolono 111 Redig Carl Francis (ag 1914-15) Chem Armour & Co Union Stock Yds Chi- cago (4641 Lake Park Av) Redin Reuben Enoch (m eng 1905-7) Mach Rockford 111 Reding Ralph Spears (ag 1914- ) Stu 640 S 11th St Pekin 111 Bedman Murray A (acad 1902-3) Ranch Dillon Mont (Martinsville 111) t Redman Nora Marie (su 1900) Cairo 111 Redmon Delia Blossom (su 1913 Also Millikin U) Decatur 111 \Bedmon Minnie (acad 1901-2) Deca- tur 111 Redpath Mrs Cargill (see Pursley Helen N) Redpath Charles Lindsay (sp ag 1902- 3) Ag Marengo 111 REDWOOD Charles West (grad S Ken- sington Sch Sc London Sc Artist U 111 1914-15) Tech Art US Dept Ag Cor U 1915- Ithaca NY Reece Austin Newton (ag 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu 816 S Seventh St Springfield 111 REECE Ernest James (g pol sc Feb 1916 PhB(W Res) '03 Also W Res Lib Sch 1904-5 & Ober Theol Sem 1906- 8 Libr Oahu Coll Honolulu 1908-11 Instr Lib Sch U 111 1912-15) Assoc Lib Econ U 111 1915- 1003 S Race St Urbana 111 Reece Mrs E J (see Stevens Sabra E) Reece Robert Howell (m eng 1915- Al- so Rensselaer Poly) Stu 1118 Sher- idan Rd Evanston 111 Reece Wade W (m eng 1904-9 BS) M Eng Krehbiel Co 140 S Dearborn St Chicago Reece Mrs W W (see Barrett Sarah A) Reecher Samuel E (su 1901) Supt Schs Chester 111 t Reecher Mrs Samuel (su 1901) Ches- ter 111 tREED Mrs Adele Cooper (Mrs J B Scott) (lib 1898-1900 BLS) 2 Jackson PI Washington Reed Alice Elizabeth (sp a&d 1899- 1902 su 1907&'08 Also 111 Wes U) Art & Photog Ag Coll U 111 409 W Nevada St Urbana 111 freed Charles Everett (sp 1894-5) Sales 1495 E Minnehaha St St Paul Minn Reed Cecil Charles (com 1915- ) Stu Stockland 111 Reed Charles Franklin (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Stainsleigh Alta Can Reed Chester Otis (ag 1907-11 BS g math 1914- ) Instr Farm Mech U 111 1911- 603 Chalmers St Cham- paign 111 Reed Clara Mabel (la 1912-14 Also AUDITORIUM REED— REES 545 Hollins Coll) 603 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Reed Daisy (la 1914-15) Teach 300 5 13th St Herrin 111 ?Reed Edith Mae (sp ag 1904-5) 320 Brown Av Chicago tReed Emily May (Mrs A F Myers) (h sc 1879-84) Kankakee 111 Reed Erwin Ambrose (c eng 1909-13 BS) Strac Draft & Rd Eng Web- ster City la *Reed Ethel Augusta (la 1902-3 Al- so U Minn) d Feb 1905 Minne- apolis Reed Mrs F H (see Renner Fam) Reed Mrs Fay R (su 1914) Teach Farmer City 111 (201 E Elm St Ur- bana 111) IReed Frank Mortimer (sp 1873-5) Rockford 111 REED Frank Walker (sp la 1907-8 1909-10 PhD(Va)'07) Instr Astron U 111 1907- 1106 W California Av Urbana 111 Reed Gratia Jewett (la h sc 1911-15 AB) Teach Albert Lea Minn (War- saw 111) Reed Hazel Viola (la h sc 1913- ) Stu Auxvasse Mo REED Homer Blosser (AB(Ind)'09 PhD(Chgo)'12 Also Goshen Coll & Col U Instr Psych U 111 1914-15) Instr Psych U Id Moscow Id Reed Howard (ag 1878-81) Ag & Contr Frankfort Kan Reed James Boone (sp ag 1907-8) Ag 6 R Est 222 S Fifth St Monmouth 111 Beed James C (acad 1886-7) Prin Schs White Water Wis Reed James Horatio (acad 1890-1 la 1891-4) Co Supt Highways Cam- bridge 111 Reed James Keel Jr (g chem 1915- AB (Wabash) '15) Stu 222 N Holmes Av Indianapolis \Beed John Caldwell (acad 1894-5) Philo 111 Reed John Franklin (la 1875 Also 111 Wes U) Ag Bradford 111 Reed John Wesley (la 1915- ) Stu 1608 N 38th St E St Louis 111 Reed Leo Bracy (m eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 410 Forrest St Eldo- rado 111 Reed Lester A (sp ag 1909-10) Stock Farm R5 Jacksonville 111 Reed Lois Antoinette (la 1907-9 AB g 1909-10 BLS(NY St Lib Sch) '04 Al- so TJ Roch & Albany Lib Sch Lib Western Coll 1905-7 Lib Asst U 111 1907-10 Asst Lib U Roch 1910-13) Libr Bryn Mawr Coll Bryn Mawr Pa ?Reed Louis Albert (sp 1875-7) Law Hotel Dyckman Minneapolis Reed Maurice Johnson (m eng 1913- ) Stu Emerson HI Reed Oliver Roy (c eng 1902-3) C Eng City Bd Improv 207 City Hall Chicago (3433 W 66th PI) Beed Oran Wilson (acad 1907-9) Con- feet Robinson HI ?Reed Philip Clyde (su 1905 &'06 Al- so N Orleans TJ) Houston Tex Reed Robert Wallace (ag 1915- ) Stu Warsaw HI tReed Rono (acad 1903-4 sp la 1904- 7) Janesville HI Reed Russell Stickney (ag 1910-12 Al- so Wash St Coll 1912-13) Fruit 425 20th St Cairo HI reed Susan Martha (g hist 1907-8 AM 1908-11 PhD AB(Mt Hoi) '07 Asst Hist TJ 111 1908-10) Head Dept Hist Lake Erie Coll 54 Court St Westfield Mass Weed Wayne Frank (acad 1907-8) Natalberry La Reeder Claude Hazlett (e eng 1905-8 '09-10 BS) E Eng 6492 S Ada St Chicago Reeder John Corwin (su 1906&'07&'10 &'13&'15 Also E 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Pittsfield HI Reeder Samuel James (ag 1913-14) Auto Mech U01 N East St Bloom- ington HI Reef Augustus Joseph (c eng 1900-4 BS) C Eng Box 483 Kennett Cal Reef Mrs E W (see McElmurry Okla) tReely Ernest Ralph (m eng 1895-6) Spring Green Wis Reely Thomas Washington (arch eng 1891-5 BS) Arch 1402 Third Av N Ft Dodge la rees Charles Christian (g 1913-14 '14-15 AM AB( Wabash) '13 Also Earlham Coll 1908-10 & Wis TJ 1910- 11 Asst Hort U 111 1913-15) Plant Pathol Pur U 1225 Sylvia St W LaFayette Ind (518 Pontiac St Roch- ester Ind) Rees Edith Janette (g latin 1910-11 AB(Hedding)'lO) Teach H Sch Columbus Jet la (Altona HI) Rees Edwin Arthur (g organ chem 1914- AM (Denver) '14) Asst Chem U 111 1915- 907 S Sixth St Cham- paign HI (Garfield Utah) rees Maurice Holmes (g zool 1904-5 AM AB (Monmouth) '04) Prof Biol Tarkio Coll Tarkio Mo Rees Oliver Perry (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Vermilion Grove III 546 REES— REID Bees Rolla Hilliard (acad 1906-7) Lumber Mere Burlington Jet Mo Rees Russell Rosier (c eng 1910-12) C Eng Co-op Const Co Gary Ind (231 S Fourth St Aurora 111) Rees Silas (la 1906-7) Stu New Coll London Hamstead London Eng (Granite City 111) Reese George J (acad 1883-4 m eng 1884-5) Mech Santa Fe RR 1127 Spruce St San Bernardino Cal Reese Leal Wiley (la 1912-15 law 1915- ) Stu 808 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Reese Nancy Lucile (ag 1913-15 Feb 1915- ) Stu 808 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Beese Mary (Mrs C O DuBois) (acad 1881-2) Eldorado 111 Reese Nelle Wheeler (Mrs F II Spiers) (la 1903-5 AB Also Lake Erie Coll) Home 253^ Lake St Akron O Reese Raymond Leslie (ag 1914- ) Stu 410 Krewson Av Jonesboro Ark Reeser Orrie H (sp ag 1904-6 LL B (111 Wes) '09) Ag Farmer City 111 Reess Stella Georgia (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 1223 Tyler St St Lruis Reeves Alfred James (arch eng 1904- 7) Arch 1 Ross Bldg E Moline 111 Reeves Bert (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Prin H Sch Le Roy 111 (Weldon HI) Reeves Charles Fowler (sp cer 1907-9) Jeweler 3219 Michigan Av Chicago t Reeves Fanny Steadman (sp mus 1901-4) 1005 S Wright St Cham- paign 111 Reeves George I (sc 1897-1902 AB Asst Zool U 111 su 1902) Entom Bur Entom Washington Reeves Mrs G I (see Welles Miriam U) Reeves Harley Edson (c eng 1891-5 BS) C Eng US Eng Ofc Rock Is- land 111 Reeves Harry Payne (acad 1904-5 la 1905-9 '11-13 AB g 1913-14 AM) 510 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Reeves Herman Thornton (ag 1909-14 BS) Land Arch 515 Putnam Bldg Davenport la Reeves Howell Hiram (acad 1905-6 ry e eng 1907-10 BS) E Eng 561 Rugby Rd Schenectady NY Reeves Huston Matthew (arch eng 1905-6 Also 111 Wes U) Arch 401 Worcester Bldg Portland Ore Reeves Walter Irving (m eng 1908-10) Insp 2228 Sixth Av Moline 111 Reeves Mrs W C (see Sloan Ella) Reeves William Hawks (acad 1885-6 arch 1886-7) Arch 732 Jefferson Bldg Peoria 111 Regan Ralph Howard (m eng 1902-5 '06-9 BS) M Eng Gorgona CZ Rehling Charles Henry (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Ann Arbor Mich c/o Brook- water Farm R7 (R4 Waterloo 111) Rehm George Edward Jr (sp ag 1915- ) Stu 5316 Drexel Av Chi- cago Rehm Jacob Albert (sp ag 1902-4) Cattle Buyer Armour & Co 933 Fos- ter Av Chicago Rehm Raymond Rollin (ag 1910-12 Also U Cal 1913-14) c/o Atlas Ed Film Co 821 Market St San Fran- cisco Rehnquist Ernest Ferdinand (c eng 1913- ) Stu 7417 Luella Av Chi- cago Rehtmeyer Curtis Adolph (sp ag 1905- 8) Rep 5410 Lakewood Av Chicago Reichard Delia Mae (Mrs R E Green) (la 1911-13) Home Oakwood 111 tReichard Ura (la 1911-12) 210 S Grove St Urbana 111 Reichelderfer Harry (e eng 1914- ) Stu 1507 N Glendale Av Peoria 111 Reichelt Raymond Edward (e eng 1910- II Also Yale U 1911-12) Asst Fore- man Dept 3159 Western Elec Co 702 S Fifth Av Maywood 111 Reichenbach Jay C (la com 1914-15) Merc 708 E Broadway St Centralia 111 \Beichardt Karl (acad 1909-10) Jena Germany Reid Carl Raymond (sp ag 1904-6) Ag Selma O Reid Clara Mabel (la 1912-14 Hollins Coll) At home 603 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 \Beid Clem Daro (acad 1903-4 Also III Wes U) Arrowsmith 111 tReid Dillard (sp ag 1906-7) Golden 111 Reid Ernest Alexander (e eng 1912-14 BS g 1914-15 MS Also Miss Ag Coll) Deer River Minn Reid Ethel Irene (sp la com 1907-8) Teach H Sch Bynum Mont Reid George Hoster (ag 1914- ) Stu 513 15th St Mt Vernon 111 Reid Mrs H M (see Kilner Mercedes) Reid Harold Speer (ag 1914-15) Stu 834 Ashland Av St Paul Minn Reid James Ward (la 1876-8) Ab- stracts & Loans 107 S Second St Greenville 111 Reid Leo Woodruff (e eng 1914- Also Millikin U) Stu 513 S 15th St Mt Vernon 111 Reid Mildred (la 1915- Also Ward Belmont Sch) Stu 349 W Washing- REID— REMSBURG 547 ton St Sullivan 111 tREiD Mollie (la 1908-11 su 1912 AB '15 Also 111 St Nor U) Ozark 111 Reid Olive Gertrude (sp ag 1911-13) Art Delavan HI Eeid Robin Roy (1 1902-5 LLB) Clk Co Ct 137 S 18th St Lincoln Neb Reid Stewart Franklin (com 1915- ) Stu 222 E Cook St Springfield 111 ?Reid Theophilus Augustus (su 1899) Frankfort Ky Reid Wilfred Ellis (arch 1901-4 Also Mich St Nor) Arch Lacota Mich tREiFF Paul Friedrich (g hist 1910-12 PhD PhD (Basel) '01) 5721 Cottage Grove Av Chicago Reiger Harry Jasper (arch eng 1906- 10 BS) Arch Ridgely Nat Bk Bldg Springfield 111 (601 W Capitol Av) Reiger Olive Victoria (h se ag 1910-11 Also la Ag Coll) At home 603 W Capitol Av Springfield 111 Reigle Earl Vinton (m eng 1908-11) Effic Eng Western Elec Co 149 S Mason Av Chicago (Canton 111) Reilly Raymond Thomas (mun eng 1910-14 BS) Hyd & San Eng 138 North St Waukegan 111 Reimers Frederick William (e eng 1896-1900 BS) c/o Natalbany Lum- ber Co Hammond La Reimert Robert Rutter (arch eng 1909- 14 BS) Arch 1008 AV K Miami Fla Reimund Grace Aileen (Mrs H W Wright) (la 1907-8) Home Sullivan HI Rein Fred (sp ag 1907-8 ag 1908-13 BS) Dairy Urbana 111 Rein Lester Edward (mun eng 1901-6 BS) Sec Pac Flush Tank Co 1104 108 S La Salle St Chicago Rein Lillian (sp la 1908-9) Stenog 5658 Wabash Av Chicago Reinach Elsie (Mrs Milton Schayer) (la 1902-4) Home 1295 Clayton St Denver Reinel Bert Edward (la 1912-15 law 1915-) Stu 302 N Park St Streator 111 reinemund Julius Adam (g soc 1911- 12 AM AB(Augustana)'ll) Merc 117-19 W Second St Muscatine la *Reinhardt Adolph (ag 1871-4) d 1910 Granville HI fReinhardt Julius Emil (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-5) 162 Center St Chi- cago tReinhardt Rhoda Margaretha (Mrs King) (la 1907-9) Home 1421 12th St Kansas City Mo Reinhardt Ruth Gladys (Mrs R E Mat- ter) (la 1908-10) Home Three Forks Mont Reinhart Irvin Julius (sp ag 19J1-12 ag 1912- ) Stu R2 Alhambra 111 Reininga Jacob (la 1911-12) Bldg Constr 320 Home Av Oak Park 111 Reinmann Frank Leo (m eng 1914-15) Woodwork 1040 Krause Av Peoria 111 Reinsch Bernhard Paul (arch 1913- Also U la) Stu 1104 Mulberry Av Muscatine la Reinwald Frederick John (e eng 1915- ) Stu Carmi 111 Reinwalt John Miller (la 1875-6) Mt Carroll 111 Reische Robert Herman (c eng 1908- 9 BS) Eng Moville la Reisner Charles Leonard (ag 1909-13 BS) Ag Adv 1007 Second Av Ster- ling 111 Reisner William Curtis (arch eng 1910- 11) C Eng C&A RR 525 S Fifth St Springfield 111 Reiss John Jacob (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Matthews Mo Reiss Willis Albert (gen 1868-72 Cert MS '94) C Eng 200 Portland Av Belleville 111 Reiter Rutherford Graff (ag 1913-14 su 1915 Also Pur U) 2424 Penn Av Pittsburg Reitz Walter Richard (m eng 1909-13 BS) M Eng 515 Laflin St Chicago (4116 Park Av) Keller Erna Marie (la 1905-7 '10-11 AB) Teach H Sch 514 Sloan St Peoria 111 (309 W Eighth St Beards- town 111) Remann Frederick Gordon (1 1898- 1901 LLB) Law 1204 Nat Realty Bldg Tacoma Wash (4212 N Stevens St) Remick Andrew Bernard (la com 1903- 5 law 1907-8 la com 1908-10) Law RR Exch Bldg Suite 1869 611 Olive St St Louis Remick Arthur Taylor (acad 1901-2 arch 1902-4 Also Mass Inst Tech) Arch 8 Van Buren Hall Boston Remington Frank Sheldon (ry trans 1911-12) Stu Syr U Pulaski NY Remington Mac (arch eng 1913-14 '15- Also Wash StL U) Stu 1117 Hamilton Av St Louis Remley Walter Brown (ag 1915- ) Stu Waynetown Ind Remmel Paul (la com 1910-12) Bnk c/o Banker's Trust Co Little Rock Ark Remmers Rudolph Jacob (acad 1902-3) Ag Kempton 111 (Minonk 111) tRemsburg William Norris (sc 1912- 14) La Moille HI 548 RENARD— RENZ Renard George Albert (1 1908-10) Le- gal Wk 4061 Cleveland Av E St Louis 111 Renfrew Carlos Dickson (sc 1907-9) Mail Carrier 307 W High St Urbana 111 Renfrew Clara Eva (acad 1901-2 sp mus 1904-8 Grad New Sch Mus Chgo '13) Supt Mus Bement & Cerro Gor- do 604 W Main St Urbana 111 \Benfrew Lucy Catherine (acad 1899- 1900) Urbana 111 Renfrew Marie Chastine (Mrs R R Breckenridge) (h sc 1902-3) Home Lewistown 111 (604 W Main St Ur- bana 111) Renich Amanda Barbara (Mrs D A Dailey)(la 1907-10 AB su 1911&'12 g 1913-14 AM Also Berea Coll 1906- 7) Home McVeigh Ky tRENiCH Edward Alexander (la 1901- 4 AB) Andong Korea Renich Katherine Louise (la 1907-11 AB g hist 1912-14 AM) Teach Clin- ton 111 Renich Mary Emma (sc 1910-11 AB g math 1911-12 AM Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 709 W High St Urbana 111 (Woodstock 111) Reniff Ernest Chamberlain (1 1900-3 Also Chgo U) Law 3123 Broadway St Chicago (Amboy 111) Rennacker Roy Gibson (la com 1906-9 Also Lewis Inst) Sales Chgo Belting Co 94 First St Portland Ore (1340 Catalpa Av Chicago) Renner Edwin Theodore (c eng 1901- 5 BS) Chf Eng Halsted St Iron Wks 5424 Race Av Chicago tRenner Mrs Ella (sp mus 1900-1) Urbana 111 Renner Enos Henry (acad 1883-4 la 1884-6) Funeral Dir 201 E Elm St Urbana 111 Renner Enos Henry Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu 201 E Elm St Urbana 111 Benner Fay Mary (Mrs F H Reed) (acad 1905-6) Home & Teach Farm- er City 111 tRenner Fred D (acad 1888-9) Shiloh 111 ?Renner Ivan Edgar (su 1906&'08 Also U Kan) Lawrence Kan Renner Julia Elizabeth (Mrs C H Threlkeld) (la 1911-15 AB) Home 589 Mission St San Francisco (201 E Elm St Urbana 111) Renner Roma Ethel (Mrs Chester More- house) (sp mus 1905-7) Home 501 W California Av Urbana 111 Renner Sylvia Pearl (Mrs Stanley Hadden)(h sc 1910-14 BS) Home Penfield 111 Renner Wendell Phillips (la com 1905- 10 AB) Auditor's Ofc 111 Tract Sys Bldg Champaign 111 (510 W Green St Urbana 111) t Benner Willey Allene (sp acad mus 1906-7 '09) 405 W High St Urbana 111 fRennhack Edward Charles (acad 1908- 9 e eng 1909-10) 2649 Cortez St Chi- cago Rennick Andrew Bernard (1 1903-5 '09-12) Law Railway Exchange St Louis t Rennick Arthur Taylor (arch eng 1902-4) Trenton 111 Rennick Eugene Hamilton (la 1906-9) Dist Mgr 111 Life Ins Co Toulon 111 Rennick Henrv Lewis (la com 1906-7) Jour 503 S 'State St Springfield 111 Renning Albert Gordon (sp la Feb 1915 com 1915- ) Stu 218 E Park Av Highland Park 111 Reno Guy Benjamin (la 1911-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu Browning 111 Reno John Franklin (m eng 1903-8 BS) Chf Draft Moline Auto Co 628 26th St Moline 111 Reno Ona (su 1913) Rushville 111 Renolds Magdalene (la 1914- ) Stu 1215 Locust St Cairo 111 Rentchler Edna Kerr (la 1913-15 AB) Teach H Sch Jersey ville 111 (700 E C St Belleville 111) Rentchler Frieda Clara (su 1913 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch 810 North St Mt Vernon 111 (700 E C St Belleville 111) Rentchler Marion David (com Feb 1916- Also Millikin U) Stu 309 S 15th St Mt Vernon 111 Rentfro Percie Cobbs (1 1906-10 LL B) Lieut US Army Helena Mont Rentschler Truman (la 1914-15) Teach Dawson 111 Renwick George W (m eng 1912- ) Stu 5412 E View Park Av Chicago Renwick John Stewart (1 1905 Also NW U) Trader Babcock Rush ton Co Rookery Bldg Chicago (2830 Sheri- dan Rd) Renwick Ralph (arch eng 1910-12 BS ( Hamilton ) '10 MS (do) '13) Bldg Supt Holabird & Roehe 1005 Wald- heim Bldg Kansas City Mo Renwick Ruth Margaret (la 1913-14 AB PhB(Chgo)'13) Teach Harvey 111 (5412 E View Park Av Chicago) Renz Myrtle Anna (acad 1906-7 lib 1907-12 BLS) Order Asst Lib U 111 1912- 914% California St Urbana 111 (Henning 111) REPLINGER— REYNOLDS 549 Replinger John Edward Jr (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 6415 University Av Chicago Replogle Karl M (sp law 1907-8) In- dependent Oil Co 820 Corn Exch Bk Bldg Chicago (121 W University Av Champaign 111) Replogle William Harry (acad 1895-6 MD(Chgo Horn) '02) Med Wabasha Minn tRequarth Clarence Frederick (arch eng 1912-13 Also Boston Tech) 1097 W Forest Av Decatur III Reschetz Ernest Mathers (e eng 1913- ) Stu Staunton 111 West Sarah (acad la 1908-10) 110 Newberry Av Chicago Retherford Miriam Browning (la h sc 1914- Also Marion Nor Coll) Stu Carthage Ind tRethorn William Henry (e eng 1906- 7) Vandalia 111 Retz Catharine Mabel (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 1625 East St Ottawa 111 Retz Jeannette Estelle (la 1907-9) Teach 258 W 67th Blvd Chicago Retz Louise Julia (Mrs F S Lodge) (su 1904 la 1906-8) Home 258 W 67th St Chicago Retz Rosalie Mary (Mrs J E Bell) (la 1904-8 AB'09) Home Bagley Hall Seattle tRetz Stella Mae (a&d la 1908-10) Paul & Superior Sts Ottawa 111 Reuler Mrs (see Alpiner Agatha H) Reuling Clarence Weiss (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu Church St Morton 111 Reuling Fred William (la com 1910- 13) Bnk Morton 111 Reum Hope Edwin (c eng 1909-13 BS) Plaster Contr 1603 Ft Dearborn Bldg Chicago (429 Roslyn PI) Reuter Helen (su 1915 Also W 111 St Nor U) Teach 1018 Jersey St Quincy 111 ReVeal Ivan Lindsey (la chem eng 1914- Also Eureka Coll) Stu 717 E Main St Hoopeston 111 Rexroth Charles Marion (su 1899) Ma- rion O Rexwinkle Daphne Margaret (la mus 1908-11 '12-14 B Mus) At home 212 Galatin St Vandalia 111 Rexwinkle Fred DeLong (e eng 1909- 12 BS) E Eng 1137-8 Monadnock Blk Chicago Rexwinkle James (arch eng 1912-13) Fruit Candler Fla (212 Galatin St Vandalia 111) Reyerson Lloyd Hilton (g chem 1915- AB(Carleton) '15) Stu Dawson Minn Reyes Julio (sp 1901-2) Buenos Aires Argentine Reynolds Mrs (see Low Laura T) Reynolds Mrs (see Wilson Nancy M) ?Reynolds Alice Grey (la 1909-10) 54 E Elm St Chicago *Reynolds Anna M (Mrs Fred L Hatch) (sp 1873-4) d Mar 26 1896 Spring Grove 111 Reynolds Barney Williams (c eng 1910- 11) C Eng US Reclam Serv Hill N Mex (326 E Church St Harrisburg 111) Reynolds Mrs Benjamin D (see Sides Aimee M) Reynolds Edith Mary (acad 1899- 1900) Teach Jacksonport Wis Reynolds Elodie May (sp a&d 1895-8) Instr China Paint Camp Point 111 Reynolds Ernest Hunter (ag 1903-7 BS) Ag Tiskilwa 111 Reynolds Ernest Shaw (g ag 1907-9 PhD AM ( Brown ) '07 PhB ( do ) '07 ) Assoc Prof Bot Ag Coll ND (60 Evergreen St Providence RI) Reynolds Frank Howard (c eng 1903- 7 BS) C Eng 2015 "T" St Sacra- mento Cal Reynolds Fred Martin (c eng 1903-6) Const Supt 3437 Elliot Av Berwyn 111 Reynolds Mrs Garretta (Mrs N F Keith) (mus 1911) Home Perry 111 Reynolds Henry L (acad 1880-1 m eng 1881-5 BS) Pat Atty 514 Hinck- ley Blk Seattle Reynolds Henry S (sc 1874-8 BS g 1878-9 MS PhD( Judson ) '82 Prof Nat Hist Union Coll Instr Nat Hist U 111 1871-2) Ret 60 Evergreen St Providence RI Reynolds Mrs H S (see Potter Frances A) Reynolds Homer Scott (arch eng 1912 Also la St Coll) Mgr Tulane Farms Baldwin Fla (Box 196 Oskaloosa la) Revnolds Jay Joseph (1 1906-9) Asst Sec Amer Surety Co NY 800 72 W Adams St Chicago * Reynolds John Parker (Trustee 1873- 5 AB(Miami)'38 AM(do)'39 LL B (Cin Coll Law) '40 Pres 111 St Bd Ag 1873-4 Dir in Chf 111 World's Fair Com 1891-3 Chf St Insp Grain 111 1877-81) d Mar 27 1912 Chicago Reynolds Mabel (lib 1899-1901 BLS) Libr c/o St Nor Sch Cheney Wash Reynolds Ora Edgar (la 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Guthrie 111 ♦Reynolds Stephen Avery (1868-71 Memb St Legis 1886-90) d August 13 1899 Elgin 111 Reynolds Mrs S A (see Fillmore Delia 550 REYNOLDS— RICE M) ^Reynolds S B (acad 1907) De Kalb 111 Eeynolds William Alonzo Jr (la 1909- 10 Also Millikin 1910-13 AB(Cal) '14) Mintr 4200 Honduras St Los Angeles (Millikin U Decatur 111) Rezanka Kichard (c eng 1911-12) Cr Dept Miller & Hart 520 S California Av Chicago (6123 Prairie Av) Rhea Chleo James Jared (ry e eng 1911-15 BS Also 111 Coll) Sales Eng Cleveland Branch Western Elect Co 1869 E 70th St Cleveland (203 Ken- tucky St Jacksonville 111) tRHEA Frank Hiett (1 1901-3 LLB AB(I11 Wes) '98) Bloomington 111 Rheinlander Albert William (e eng 1895-7 Also Pur U) Asst Bk Cash Evansville Ind Rhetta Henry (su 1908 Also Oswego St Nor) Teach H Sch 1916 Goode Av St Louis Rhinesmith Beulah (Mrs H K Huston) (la 1884-6 Also 111 Wes U) Home 1210 N East St Bloomington 111 *RHOADES Lewis Addison (AB(Mich) '84 AM(do)'86 PhD(Gottingen) '92 Instr Ger U Mich 1888-90 Instr Cor U 1893-6 Prof Ger U 111 1896-1903 Instr Ohio St U 1903-10) d August 30th 1910 Columbus O Rhoades Rachel (su 1903 AB(Ohio St) '10 Also Pratt Inst 1911) Libr c/o Lib Assn Portland Ore Rhoads Albert Carlton (sc 1899-1903) Arch Appraisor Armour's Union Stock Yds Chicago Rhoads Emma May (Mrs E F Nich- oley)(sp la 1898-9 AB g 1914-15 AM) Home Beirut Syria (727 W Jefferson St Ottawa 111) Rhoads Horace Adams (la 1895-9 AB law 1899-1901) Ofc Supply Agency 727 W Jefferson St Ottawa 111 Rhoads Ida Ruth (su 1899&1902&'03& '04) Prin Pub Sch Great Falls Mont Rhoads Marie Corinze (la 1914- ) Stu 411 E Healy St Champaign 111 Rhoads Merle Margaret (sp mus 1906- 10 Also E 111 St Nor) 411 E Healy St Champaign 111 t Rhoads Robert Blaine (acad 1901-3) 1008 Green St Urbana 111 Rhoads Robert Blee (arch 1906-8 B Arch(Cor) '11) Mfg 1456 Lemcke Annex Indianapolis Rhode Chris Simeon (g genetics 1915- BS(Pur)'15) Stu Brookston Ind Rhodes Alice Louise (la 1915- ) Stu 15137 Loomis Av Harvey 111 Rhodes Carlyle Seeds (c eng 1911-12 '13- Also Millikin U 1912-13) Stu Lovington 111 Rhodes E (acad 1877-8) Ag Rl Orosi Cal Rhodes Edward Mellville (acad 1894-6 law 1896-1900 LL B ag 1906-8 '10-12 BS '12-13 MS) Law 11 Swannell Bldg Champaign 111 (1306 W Clark St Urbana 111) Rhodes Elmer Harvey (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Athens 111 (Pittsfield 111) Rhodes Eugene Oliver (la 1914-15) 3456 Lawton Av St Louis Rhodes Golda May (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Lovington 111 *Rhodes James Frederic (1 1871-6 BL) d Dwight 111 Rhodes John Edwin Jr (sp ag 1907-8 Also U Chgo) Ins Box 865 Cedar Rapids la Rhodes John Millard (c eng 1914- ) Stu R13 Kansas 111 Rhodes Joseph William (c eng 1871-3 '75-6) Ag & Merc Olsburg Kan Rhodes Martin Clifford (c eng 1914- 15) 6022 Eberhart Av Chicago Rhodes Opal Terrissa (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Lovington 111 Rhodes Ora Marcus (sc 1894-8 BS MD(P&S)'01 Also 111 St Nor U & U Vienna 1912-13) Med & Res 1116 E Grove St Bloomington 111 ^Rhodes Thomas B (la 1877) Loving- ton 111 Rhue Lena Cecelia (com 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 306 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Rhue Perry Marion (la com 1914^15 com 1915- ) Stu 306 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Rhumphrey Mrs (see Folger Rachel Rhyne Charles Leon (c eng 1909-12) C Eng Princeton 111 Ribback Louis (ag 1913-15 BS Also Mich Ag) 1124 S Richmond St Chi- cago Rice Charles Clyde (c eng 1907-11 BS Also S Coll Inst) Ag Bone Gap 111 Rice Charlotte Krell (Mrs R H Agate) (la 1902-3) Home Lafayette La \Rice Edwin Judson (acad 1910) Rl Shelbyville 111 tRice Emigh (acad 1904-5 la com 1905-6) Aurora 111 Rice Ernest Austin (sp ag 1906-8 Also S Coll Inst) Ag Bone Gap 111 *Rice Fred Lee (acad 1891-4) d Champaign 111 RICE George B (At Ky St U 1890-2) Lect Installation & Oper Mach Equip KICE— RICHARDS 551 & M Eng U 111 1915-16 808 W Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 *Rice George Clark (1873-7 BL) d August 29 1902 Oakwood 111 *Rice George H (acad 1877-8 c eng 1878-9) d 1882 Fargo ND Rice Grover Colvin (sc 1905-6 '09-14 BS) Teach Irving 111 Rice Henry Burgett (ag 1892-3 Also U Wis) Dairy Calhan Colo Rice Hugh Monroe (acad 1909-10 ag 1910-14 BS) Gillespie 111 Rice James Edward (su 1909 Also Nor U) Teach Greenview HI RICE John Benjamin (g an husb 1915- BS(Neb)'15) Asst An Husb U 111 1915- 901 W Green St Urbana 111 (R4 Norfolk Neb) Rice Katherine Grace (la 1913- ) Stu Philo 111 Rice Mrs Martin E (see MacGregor Hazel H) Rice Mary Katherine (ag 1913-14 Also U Wis) 24 E Sale St Tuscola 111 Rice Nathan Lyman (ag 1915- ) Stu Philo 111 Rice Roscoe McDaniel (acad 1902-3 sp ag 1903-4 '05-6) Ag Gillespie 111 Rice S.amuel Howard (la 1913-14 Also Knox Coll) Band Dept Continental & Commercial Bk Chicago (Lewis- town 111) Rice Than Givens (e eng 1915- Also U Ky) 601 S Linn St Lexington Ky Rice Vilas E (ag 1909-10 Also Lom- bard Coll 1908-9) Ag Disco 111 Rice Virgil Samuel (ag 1910-12) Ag Disco 111 *Rice Walter A (1902-3 Also Armour Inst) d Sept 5 1903 Elkhart Ind *Rice Walter B (la sc 1869-71) Cham- paign 111 ?Rice William O (la 1871-2) South Pass City Wyo Rich Charles Clyde (arch 1902-6 BS) Arch 307 Corbett Bldg Portland Ore Rich Claude Winfred (acad 1899-1901 la 1901-4 AB) Ag Cobden 111 Rich Daniel Homer (acad 1901-2 la 1906-7 AB g 1907-8 Also Eureka Coll) Teach 249 Roseville Av New- ark NJ Rich Donald Bert (ag 1911-15 BS) 230 La Salle St Chicago Rich Ernest Albert (1 1908-13 LLB) Law Washington 111 Rich Mrs E A (see Mead Alice) Rich Irwin De Forest (arch eng 1912- 13) Trav 1407 Third Av Cedar Rapids la Rich John Lindsay (la com 1912-13) Trans Farmer City 111 RICH John Lyon (AB(Cor)'06 AM (do) '07 PhD (do) '11 Instr Geol & Phys Geog Cor U 1909-11) Instr Geol U 111 1911- 215 W Washington St Urbana HI Rich Mary Frederica (la 1904-5 '06-8) Sec 303 S Glenwood Av Springfield Rich Maude (su 1910 Grad(S HI St Nor) '13) Teach Carbondale 111 (Anna 111) Rich Milton Daniel (ag 1913-14) Ag Rl Morton HI Rich Paul Cobb (chem eng 1910-14 BS) Chem 712 Jefferson St Detroit (10420 Prospect Av Chicago) \Bich Robert L (acad 1887-8) Alto Pass HI Rich Roy Harrison (acad 1905-9 law 1909-10) Ag St Thomas ND Richard Delia Mae (Mrs R E Green) tRichard Gertrude (sp a&d 1892-3) Urbana HI Richards Mrs (see Parker Jennie) Richards Albert L (acad 1880-2 c eng 1882-7 Cert) US Asst Eng Fed- eral Bldg Rock Island 111 Richards Alice Mary (su 1914 Also Ober Coll) Libr 208 E Main St Greenville 111 t Richards Arthur E (acad 1905-6) Wyanet 111 Richards Ben Howard (m eng 1905-6) Brick Mfg 246 Hillsboro Rd Ed- wardsville HI Richards Carl (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch 625 S Monroe St Clinton 111 Richards Charles L (ag 1876-8 BS BL(NW)'84) Law Hebron Neb Richards Mrs C L (see Ashby Lida M) Richards Mrs C M (see Hanson Ger- trude L) RICHARDS Charles Russ (BME(Pur) '90 ME (do) '90 MME(Cor)'95 Instr M Eng U 111 1891-2 Adj Prof & Prof Prae Mech do 1892-8 Prof M Eng do 1898-1911 Dean Coll Eng U Neb 1907-11 Act Dean Coll Eng & Act Dir Eng Exp Sta U 111 1913-15) Prof M Eng & Chge Dept U 111 1911- 904 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Richards Chester William (1 1902-6 LLB) Law 305 W High St Urbana 111 Richards Mrs C W (see Casey Angie M) Richards Clarence Morgan (acad 1893- 4 m eng 1894-5) Bnk Carlsbad N Mex 552 RICHARDS— RICHARDSON Richards Mrs Dick (see Ledgerwood Josephine) tRichards Franklin B (m eng 1911-12) 3825 Harrison St Chicago *Richards George Bancroft (c eng 1870-2) d Oct 10 1908 Woodstock 111 *Richards George William (m eng 1878-82 BS) d May 15 1889 Car- thage N Mex Richards Gertrude (Mrs J M Layman) (sp a&d 1892-3) Home 308 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111 Richards Gladys Ersel (mus 1915- ) Stu 408 W Church St Champaign 111 Richards Helen Marie (sc 1910-14 BS Also U Chgo) Teach Austin H Sch 552 N Central Av Chicago (R4 Jo- liet 111) Richards James Verne (arch eng 1906- 10 BS) Arch c/o Lovey Richards 116 S Michigan Av Chicago (317 Laurel Av Highland Park 111) Richards John Ott (ag 1915- ) Stu 132 11th St Silvis 111 Richards Keene (acad 1907-8 e eng 1908-10) Dist Supt Pub Serv Co N 111 Lacon III (511 Florence Av Jo- liet 111) Richards Lenore (la h se 1911-15 AB la 1915 Also U Neb) Asst Cafeteria YMCA Champaign 111 (904 W Ne- vada St Urbana 111) Richards Leo John (ry c eng 1915- Also U Mo) Stu 1617 Mable St Trenton Mo Richards Llewellyn Sylvester (sc 1900- 4 BS) Sales Link Belt Mach Co 9545 S Robey St Chicago ?Richards Minnie Harriott (la 1906-7) 1002 N Fifth St Champaign 111 Richards Percie Douglas (eng 1913-14 Also Occidental Coll & LeStan U) Surv & C Eng S Pasadena Cal Richards Percy McClure (ry eng 1904- 9 BS EE'15) Supt Water & Light Dept Metropolis 111 Richards Mrs R C (see Schulte Mabel) Richards Mrs R J (see Watson Ara- bella G) Richards Russell Robert (m eng 1914- 15) Ag Perkins Mich (Gibson City 111) Richardson Mrs (see Wright Jessie A ) f Eichardson Alonzo Benjamin (acad 1904-6) New Windsor 111 Richardson Ara Eugene (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Edinburg 111 t Richardson Benjamin Franklin (sp ag 1909-11) Sidell 111 Richardson Carl Barrows (acad 1901- 4 c eng 1904-8 '09-10 BS) Foreman Rogers & Leon 810 Wayne Av San- dusky O Richardson Charles (ag 1910-14 BS) Coach Blair Acad Blairstown NJ (Eighth & Florence PI Louisville Ky) tRichardson Charles O (m eng 1874-5) Eighth & Florence PI Louisville Ky Richardson Clarence Hudson (su 1914 &'15 BS(Ky)'13) Prof Math Col- umbia Coll Lake City Fla Richardson Edith Marion (la 1908-9 AB Also U Chgo) Teach 7438 Indi- ana Av Chicago tRichardson Ethel (sp mus 1905-6) Shipman 111 tRichardson Eugene Wright (e eng 1908-9) Rentchler 111 Richardson Francis Edward (ag 1914- ) Stu 1541 Chicago Rd Chicago Heights 111 Richardson Francis Martin (su 1894& '99 sp sc 1900-1) Supt Schs 1541 Chicago Rd Chicago Heights 111 Richardson Mrs F M (see Richardson Mrs Stella W) Richardson Frank B Jr (ag 1910-15 BS) Prin H Sch Cleveland Okla (Pittsfield Kan) t Richardson Fred S (acad 1882-3) Janesville 111 Richardson George Mayo (sp ag 1899- 1901) Williamsville 111 Richardson Harvey Russell (e eng 1913- ) Stu Morristown NY Richardson Helen (su 1914 Also Lew- is Inst) Asst Libr 308 S Grove Av Oak Park 111 \ Richardson Henry E (acad 1886-7) Mascoutah 111 Richardson James Roy (sc 1897-8) Springfield 111 Richardson Juanita (ag h sc 1912-15 BS) Dir Cafeteria H Sch Urbana 111 (119 Pine St Danville 111) TRichardson Laura (sp 1874-5 '76-7) Cobden 111 Richardson Lawrence (ry m eng 1908- 9 Also Cor U) Motive Power Insp Pa RR 6537 Meadows St Pittsburg Richardson Mabel Kingsley (lib 1905- 7 BLS AB(SD)'02) Libr U SD 204 Yale St Vermillion SD Richardson Robert Earl (la 1896-1901 AB g zool 1901-3 AM Instr Biono- mics LeStan U 1906-7 Asst in Chgo 111 Biol Sta 1909-12) Biol 111 St Lab 1912- Havana 111 RICHARDSON Robert K (BA(Yale) '98 MA(Col)'99 PhD (Yale) '02 Instr Hist U 111 su 1914) Prof Hist Be- loit Coll 829 Church St Beloit Wis Richardson Ross (c eng 1907-8) Bk RICHARDSON— RICKER 553 Cash Gettysburg SD Richardson Mrs Stella Wilson (Mrs F M) (su 1894) Home 1541 Chicago Rd Chicago Heights 111 Richardson William Hadden (c eng 1904-7 BS Also Clarkson Sch Tech) Bldg Supt 1625 Marquette Bldg (11238 Fairfield Av Chicago) Richart Berta Estella (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 918 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Richart Blanche Belle (la h sc 1914- Also NW U) Stu 1105 Arbor St Champaign 111 Richart Frank Erwin (c eng 1910-14 BS 1914-15 MS) C Eng 1515 W Monroe St Chicago (918 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Richart Frederic William (m eng 1887-91 BS ME 1902 Also S 111 St Nor) E Eng & Mgr Ohio Valley Elec Co Carterville 111 Riche Arthur Louis (acad 1909 e eng 1909-10 '12-13 Also E 111 St Nor) Com Eng SW Tel & Tel Co St Louis TRichelsen Walter Alfred (c eng 1904- 7) 717 Jackson Blvd Chicago Richers Edgar Mathew (m eng 1913- 15) Mach 828 First Av Altoona Pa Richeson Virgina Campbell (ag h sc 1902-5 AB) Teach 305 Dover St St Louis Richey Fred William (sp eng 1903-4) Ag R12 Dudley 111 Richey Friedal Chapin (ag 1911-14 BS) Stu Asst Soil Phys & do Ag Exp Sta U 111 409 Daniel St Cham- paign 111 Richey John Jefferson (c eng 1899- 1903 BS CE'10 Instr T&AM U 111 1903-5 Instr C Eng do 1907-12) As- soc Prof C Eng Tex A&M Coll Col- lege Station Tex (607 N Grove Av Oak Park 111) Richey Lillian Belle (Mrs E L Poor) (sc 1903-4) Home 607 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Richie James King (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-11 BS Also U Colo 1912) E Eng Pac Light & Power Co Power House 2 Big Creek Cal (Georgetown 111) Richie Wilson Leaverton (sc 1908-11 su 1915 Also U Colo) Mgr Positive Elec Co 12 E West St Georgetown 111 Richman James Herbert (e eng 1914- ) Stu Villa Grove 111 Richman Mrs John S (see Martin Maysie) Richmond Charles Albert (sp ag 1890- 1) Ag Villa Grove 111 "Richmond Edward Frank (c eng 1902- 3) d June 4 1905 St Charles 111 . Richmond Elbert Franklin (ag 1910- 11) Ag Rl Armington 111 Richmond George Bradford (ag 1909- 11) Ag Macon Miss Richmond George Kerns (la com 1910- 15 AB) Prophetstown 111 Richmond Jessie Marie (Mrs H E Ship- ley) (acad 1909-11) Home Haskell Okla Richmond LeVoy Fred (com 1915- ) Stu 513 N Cherokee St Tayorville 111 tRichmond Lilah Louise (la 1909-10 Also Knox Conserv) Prophetstown 111 Richmond Noble Leslie (com 1915- ) Stu 1201 N Prospect Av Champaign 111 Richmond R B (acad 1876-7 m eng 1878-9) Watchmaker 722 W Main St Decatur 111 Bichmond Shannon Alexander (acad 1893-4) Med Legaspi Albay Prov- ince PI (c/o E E Richmond 18th & Francis Sts St Joseph Mo) Richmond Warren McLellan (ag 1913- ) Stu Geneseo 111 "Richmond Wilson (acad 1903-4 sp ag 1904-5) d Fisher 111 \Bichner Frank Crews (acad 1909-10) Mansfield 111 *Richner George W (m eng 1870-1) d Blue Ridge 111 *Riehner Maggie (acad 1876-7 la 1878-9) d May 5 1880 Champaign 111 Richolson Earl Leroy (ag 1913-14) Ag 2632 W 23rd St Chicago Richolson Thomas (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Davis Junction 111 fRichter Bert Irvin (aead 1908-9 sp mus 1909) 101 W Green St Cham- paign 111 Richter Gertrude Katherine (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 1025 W Ninth St Davenport la Richter Harry Allen (ag 1915- ) Stu 1211 Hill St Wilmette 111 Rickard Earnest T (phar 1892-4) Bk Cash Homer 111 Rickard Mrs E T (see Raynor Clara M) Rickard Harry Lewis (1 1906-9) Law 1230 Tribune Bldg Chicago rickard Thomas Edwin (la 1871-2 ML Hon MS '93) Ret Long Beach Cal RICKARDS Burt Ransom (BS(Mass Tech) '99 Lect & Instr Mass Tech 1906-8 Chf Labs Ohio St Bd Health 1908-10 Assoc Prof San Dairy U 111 1911-12) Asst Dir Biol Dept Eli Lilly Co Indianapolis Ricker Ella Virginia (su 1901 Also Harv U 1903 & Cor U 1907) Teach St Nor Sch Baltimore Ricker Ethel V (acad 1897-1900 arch 554 EICKEE— EIFE 1900-4 BS sp arch eng 1915- ) Stu 612 W Green St Urbana 111 Kicker Nathan Clifford (arch 1870-3 BS M Arch '78 D Arch '00 Chge Dept Arch U 111 1872-3 Instr do 1873-4 Asst Prof do 1874-5 Prof Arch do 1875-8 Dean Coll Eng do 1878-1905) Prof Arch Eng U 111 612 W Green St Urbana 111 Eicker Mrs NC (see Steel Mary C) Eicker Eaymond Craver (arch 1896- 1900 BS MA(Col)'13 BD(Drew Theol Sem) '13) Missionary Supt Constr West China Union Univ Chengtu West China ?Eicketson George Hallock (sp la 1887) Sugar Grove 111 Eicketts Clara Agnes (lib 1903-4 '06-9 AB 1909-11 BLS) Order Asst Lib U 111 701 S Coler Av Urbana 111 *Eicketts Claude Merrill (la 1907-9) d Forrest 111 *RicJcetts Gilbert (acad 1890-1) d Aug 28 1914 Danville 111 Eicketts Hazel Walton (su 1915) Ste- nog St Water Surv U 111 406 W Main St Urbana 111 Eicketts Hugh Chambers (la com 1903- 5) Land Title Abstracter Muskogee Okla t Eicketts Lee Hartley (e eng 1908-9) Forrest 111 Eicketts Mabel Duncan (su 1909 AB (Neb) '97) Teach 701 S Coler Av • Urbana 111 Eickey Madge Alice (Mrs M L Baker) (mus 1902-3 Also Col U 1913-14) Home 2201 N New Jersey St Indi- anapolis Eicks Helen Gladys (su 1912 Also Fisk U) Stu 208 Fremont St Iowa Falls la Eicks Juanita May (mus 1913-14 com 1915- ) Stu 615 N Jackson Av Clinton 111 Eico Graciano Aguisanda (su 1905 Also Notre Dame U) Arch Draft Jaro Iloilo PI Eiddle Florence Newell (Mrs B W Hall)(sp a&d & mus 1891-2) Home Mt Sterling Ky tEiddle Lawrence Scott (e eng 1906- 8) Mattoon 111 Eiddle Lillian (la 1908-10 '12-13) Teach Mattoon 111 Eiddle Eolo Gaun (ag 1900-4 BS) Eanch EFD Dolores Colo Eideout George Eawleigh (la 1915- ) Stu 39 Prospect Ter Freeport 111 Eider George Clinton Jr (la 1914-15 Also Bradley Poly) Stu U Colo 708 Washington St Pekin 111 Eider George L (su 1915 Also Olivet Coll) Dir Phys Tr Hanover Ind (Hart Mich) ■ Eider George Wellington (e eng 1915- ) Stu 418 Algona Av Elgin 111 Eidge Francis Marion (sc 1913- ) Stu 708 S Third St Champaign 111 Eidgely Temple Elliott (acad 1907-8 la com 1908-10 su 1912) Ins 1219 S Sixth St Springfield 111 Eiechel Allen Eemy (su 1905 Also Austin Coll & Millikin U) Beecher City 111 Eiegel Bertha (ag 1914- ) Stu Ga- latia 111 Eiegel William Elias (sp ag 1905-8) Mgr Farm Tolono 111 (El Galatia 111) Eiegel Mrs WE (see McConoughey Mabel) Eiegelman Alfred Milton (arch eng 1913-14) 1227 Eighth St Des Moines la tEieger William Vernon (ag 1869-72) 1213 Wyandotte St Kansas City Mo Eiehl Anna (Mrs J A Thompson) (ag h sc 1900-4 BS) Home Eushville 111 Eiehl Walter Allen (sp ag 1903-4) Hort & Flor Alton 111 Eiepe Carl Christoph (la 1906-7 AB (la) '10 LLB(do)'12) Law St Sav Bk Bldg Burlington la Eies Lester Samuel (chem eng 1907-9 BS & EM (Mich Mines) '10) Min Eng Box 209 Coleraine Minn (220 E 46th St Chicago) Eiesche Eobert Herman (eng 1905-9 BS) C Eng Moville la Eeismeyer Fred Haase (ag 1912-13) Ins Broker 3112 Hawthorne Blvd St Louis Biess John Turk (acad 1892-3 MD (Wash StL) '05) Eet Med Eed Bud 111 EIETZ Henry Lewis (BS (Ohio) '99 PhD (Cor) '02 Asst Math Cor U 1901-2 Prof Math & Astron Butler Coll 1902-3 Instr Math U 111 1903-4 Asst Prof do 1904-7 Prof Math do 1911-13) Statistician Ag Exp Sta 1907- Assoc & Prof Math Statistics U 111 1913- 1107 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Eietz Nelle Malissa (Mrs T S Taylor) (sc 1907-8 '09-12 AB) New Haven Conn (Port Washington O) Eife Harry Grove (e eng 1908-9 BS (Beloit) '08) Develop Eng 5312 Blackstone Av Chicago Eife Willard Orrin (la 1907-10 Also Beloit 1903-4) Com Photo 1013 Main St Corona Cal RIFF— RINGER 555 Riff David Morris (c eng 1910-14 BS) Design & Draft c/o Chief Eng Soo Line Minneapolis (1550 Haddon Av Chicago) Rigdon Mrs Fannie (su 1909 Also Chgo Sch Eloc & Stetson U) Home 408 W California St Urbana 111 Rigdon Ira (su 1903) Bk Cash 408 W California St Urbana 111 Rigg Clinton Benjamin (sp ag 1907-8 Also Millikin U) Jour Macomb 111 Rigg Granville Leroy (ag 1911- ) Stu Rl Goldengate 111 Rigg Joseph Harold (ag 1915- ) Stu Rl Goldengate HI Rigg Samuel Earhart (sp 1868-9) Drug 418 Court St Beatrice Neb fRiggen Hattie Ethel (Mrs Ralph Brown) (ag h sc 1909-10) 510 E Hea- ly St Champaign 111 Riggins Martha Frances (su 1915 Also Greenville Coll) Sorento 111 Riggs Mabel June (Mrs C R Johnston) (la 1906-7 Also Hillside Home Sch) Home 216 E Division St Decatur 111 Riggs Mildred Eleanor (la h sc 1914- Also Millikin U) Stu Atwood 111 Riggs Ray Vere (acad 1909-10 sp ag 1907-9 ag 1912-13 Also ND Ag Coll) Ag Georgetown Minn ( Jersey ville 111) Righter Edwin Brown (e eng 1906-10 BS) Quality Man Richland Mazda Lamp Div Nat Lamp Wks GE CO Shelby O (98 E Main St) Righter Nellie Pauline (Mrs C M Hunter) (acad 1906-8 la 1909-10 '12- 13 AB) Home Abingdon 111 (837 W Church St Champaign 111) Righter Pearl Geneva (la 1911-12 sp 1912-13) Teach 2040 Sherman Av Evanston 111 (Saunemin 111) Rightor Fred Elmer (c eng 1899-1903 BS) C Eng Scarbrough Bldg Aus- tin Tex Rike Ronald Van Alta (ag 1915- ) Stu Le Roy 111 Riley Mrs (see Brown Ina D) Riley Alice (la 1904-6) At home 701 W University Av Champaign 111 Riley Anna Bethiar (Mrs L T Miller) (la 1898-1902 AB) Home 1002 N Second St Albuquerque N Mex riley Charles Frederic Curtis (sc 1911- 13 MS AB(Mich) , 05) Teach Mil- waukee Nor Sch Milwaukee Riley Clarence Ninian (sp 1894-5) Merc 603 W High St Urbana 111 Riley George Albert (e eng 1900-4 BS) Insp L A Gas & Elect Corp 4057 Dalton Av Los Angeles *Riley George W (sp a&d 1894-7) d June 1897 Nashville Tenn Biley Harry W (acad 1888-9) Sales S E Dillavou Implement Co Cham- paign 111 (315 S Randolph St) Riley James Casimir (sp 1 1898-9) Law Bloomington 111 \Biley Lee Williams (acad 1910-11) 501 W Main St Urbana 111 Rilev Lester Ernest (acad 19Q9-10 su 1910 AB(Shurtleff)'12) Mintr Tre- mont 111 Riley Ozias (sp 1868-71) Ret PM 701 University Av Champaign 111 Riley Raymond James (la 1913-15) Asst Kiln Burner Terra Cotta 111 tRiley Roy Lynn (sp la 1905-6) Mor- rison 111 Riley Walter Busey (1 1890-4 BL LLB(Yale)'96) Law 702 W Clark St Champaign 111 Rimes Harry Lahue (la com 1913-15) Merc 323 State St St Joseph Mich rinaker Clarissa (g 1910-11 AM '11- 13 PhD AB( Blackburn) '03 Prof Engl Blackburn Coll 1908-10) Instr Engl U 111 1913- 908 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (Carlin ville HI) Rinaker Dorothy Sue (ag h sc 1911-15 AB) Teach Harrisburg 111 (1331 Noble Av Springfield 111) rinaker Harriet Beckwith (Mrs P E Howe)(g h sc 1908-9 AM AB(Black- burn) '04 Asst H Sc U 111 1909-11 Instr do 1911-13) Home 421 W 121st St New York (Carlinville 111) Rinaker Janet (la 1915- Also Black- burn Coll) Stu Carlinville 111 Rinaker John Irving Jr (arch 1884-7 BS( Blackburn) ) Arch 1331 Noble Av Springfield 111 Rinaker John Irving III (ag 1914- ) Stu 1331 Noble Av Springfield 111 Rinaker Lewis (arch 1888-9) Arch 1331 Noble Av Springfield HI Rinehart Everett Ross (sc 1911-12) Asst Bk Cash De Land 111 Riner Imoegene (sp 1909-10 mus 1910- 11) Concert Wk c/o Redpath Lyceum Bur San Francisco (Mason City 111) Riner Jessie Marguerite (Mrs H R Minor) (acad 1909-10 mus 1911) Con- cert Wk Redpath Lyceum Bur San Francisco- (Mason City 111) Rinewalt John Miller (la 1875-6 Also Beloit Coll ) Ret Mt Carroll 111 Ring Mary Emma (su 1906 Also Lew- is Inst) Teach 1845 Warren Av Chi- cago Ringeisen Hazel Novilla (la 1915- ) Stu 2448 Parkwood Av Toledo O Ringer Mrs Lester Z (see Enslow Isa- bel) 556 RINGLER— RIVERA Ringler Raymond Theodore (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Cullom 111 Ringness Mrs Alexander (see Means Clara A) tBinJcenberger Alexander C (acad 1888- 9) Blue Island 111 Rinnman Harry (ag 1914-15) 9645 Av L Chicago tRiordan George Simeon (acad 1902- 3) Springfield 111 tRiordon Charles B (sp ag 1899-90) Garden Plain 111 Ripley Charles Trescott (ry e eng 1905-9 BS ME 1912) Ry E Eng Ry Exch Bldg Chicago Ripley Edward Watson (su 1903) Ticket Ofc NP RR Spokane Wash Ripley Jean Kimberly (ag 1910-13 '14-15) Land Arch 1620 W 102nd St Chicago Ripley Lewis Bradford (g entom 1915- BS( Trinity) '15) Stu Glas- tonbury Conn Ripple Ruth Anna (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 1333 N Oakley Blvd Chicago ?Rippon Charles Albert (la 1889-90) Springfield 111 Rising Blanche Josephine (la 1912-14 Feb 1916- ) Stu 726 W Hill St Champaign 111 Rising John David (la com 1914-15) Stu Va Mil Inst 726 W Hill St Champaign 111 Rising Rudolph (la com 1871-2) Merc Lancaster O Risk Frederic Earl (1 1906-7) Law Gillespie 111 risley Walter John (g math 1906-7 AM BS(Mich)'00 AM(HarvV08 Asst Math U 111 1905-7 Asst Astron Harv U 1907-9 Instr Math do 1909-10) Prof Math Millikin U 1910- 1340 W Macon St Decatur 111 Risley Walter John Jr (la 1915- ) Stu 1340 W Macon St Decatur 111 Risor Cady Alvern (eng 1892-6) Plumb- er Peoria 111 Risser Constance Katherine (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 309 E John St Cham- paign 111 Risser Ralph Granville (ag 1904-9 BS) Ag Supt Palm Tract Stockton Cal (Kankakee 111) Risser Roy E (ag 1910-12) Ag Wash- ington 111 Risser Ruby Blanche (Mrs C A Fore- man) (la 1901-6 AB AM(Col)'10 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 2802 Wabash Av Kansas City Mo Rissinger Arthur Joe (la 1915- ) Stu Mason City 111 Rissler Mrs R C (see Kable Alice) Ritcher Henry Adelbert (m eng 1908- 9 Also 111 St Nor U) Fruit Farm E View PI Batavia 111 Ritchey Felix L (la 1894-9 AB) Gov 501 S 28th St Lincoln Neb Ritchey Horace Edgar (e eng 1907-9) Electr 6448 Parnell Av Chicago Ritchey Mary Baldwin (Mrs B C Nel- son) (mus 1908-9 Also NW U) Home 833 W Hill St Champaign 111 Ritchey Royal Wane (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Rushville 111 Ritchie Mrs A A (see Nichols Cora E) Ritchie Andrew (acad 1893-4 eng 1894-6) Ag Fisher 111 Ritchie Elizabeth Prophet (lib 1907-9 BLS AB(Cotner)'OO) Libr Kalis- pell Mont Ritchie Guy Lester (ag 1913-15) Ag Billett 111 Ritchie Jeanette (ag 1914-15) Cash Baltimore Hotel Kansas City Mo Ritchie Raymond Rockwood (su 1914 Also Ind U) Teach H Sch Indian- apolis (Southport Ind) Ritt Walter William Henry (c eng 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Crystal Lake 111 Rittenhouse Mrs (see Whitcomb Emma S) *Rittenhouse Alexander Canby (c eng 1872) d Urbana 111 Rittenhouse Joseph William (sp ag 1903-4) Layton 111 *Ritter Adah Frances (acad 1899-1902 Also 111 St Nor U) d June 21 1901 Villa Grove 111 tRitter Mrs Angie (sc 1889-90) Mat- toon 111 Ritter Ferdinand Theodore (e eng 1911-14) 3223 Bailey Av St Louis Ritter Glenn Arthur (la 1912-14) Teach 704 W Randolph St Vandalia 111 Ritter John Gilman (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 2300 W Lake St Chicago Ritter Lena Beatrice (acad 1900-2 su 1905) Teach Champaign 111 Ritter Lorah Katharine (acad 1902-3 sp la 1904-5) Villa Grove 111 Ritter Walter Theobald (ry e eng 1914- ) Stu 1640 Sherwin Av Chi- cago Ritts Charles Lawrence (arch eng 1911- ) Stu Drumright Okla ?Rivara Pedro Luis (sp 1902-3) Bue- nos Aires Argentine Rivera Jose Jr (su 1906&'07 Also Pur U) Bur Ag Manilla PI (Pag- sanjan La Laguna) Rivera Luis (su 1907 &'10 Also Pur RIVES— ROBERTS 557 U) Lit & Propr Pagsanjan La La- guna PI Rives Kent King (acad 1904-5 sp 1905-6 '07-8) Mgr Remington Type- writing Co 16 San Pablo Fresno Cal (1525 J St) Rives Nannie Baxter (la 1911-15 AB) Teach H Seh Bellflower 111 (Rock- bridge 111) Rives Oakley Beebe (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Rockbridge 111 Rives Reba Belle (la 1911-12) Stenog Remington Typewriter Co Fresno Cal tRoa Manuel (su 1905 Also St Vin- cent's Coll) c/o W A Sutherland 33 War Dept Washington Roa William John (arch eng 1898-9) Chf Estimator Amer Car & Fdry Co St Louis (4015 Hartford St) Roach Doris Eleanor (la 1913- ) Stu 304 W North St Decatur 111 Roach George Humphrey (lib 1913-14 AB(San Francisco Theol Sem) '97) 636 N 14th St Corvallis Ore (331 12th St Portland Ore) Eoane Florence Pearl (acad 1907-8) At home Op dyke HI Eoane Howard Earle (acad 1907-8) Ag Hamilton ND (Opdyke 111) Roane Theodore Daniel (la 1913- ) Stu 1165 N State St Chicago Roark Peter Daniel (sp ag 1908-9 Al- so Greer Coll) Hoopeston HI Roark Raymond Jefferson (c eng 1907-11 BS MS '12 Also Ky St Nor) Instr Mech U Wis 1913- Madison Wis roark Ruric Creegan (sc 1907-8 AM AB(Cin)'07) Chem Bur Chem US Dept Ag Washington (1668 Park Rd NW) Roark Thomas Louis (la 1909-10 Also E 111 St Nor) Clk Macomb 111 Robarts Heber (la 1871-4 MD(Mo Med) '80 Also Jefferson Med Coll) Med Belleville 111 (5253 Cabanne Av St Louis) Robb Frank Allen (ag 1906-8) Ag & Garage Mgr Seaton HI Robb Joseph Myron (sc 1901-2 Also Hedding Coll) Sales 354 E 58th St Chicago (Sparland 111) Robbins Edward Ellsworth (su 1913 Also Ind U) Prin H Sch Warsaw Ind Robbins Ernest T (ag 1896-1900 BS MSA (la Ag) '07) Co Ag Adviser Washington 111 Robbins Frank Anson (e eng 1907-10 BS AB( Yankton) '07) Teach E Eng Dept la St Coll Ames la Bobbins Glen Lewis (ag 1906-9 BS Also Valparaiso U) Ag McCool Ind *Robbins Henry Edwin (m eng 1869- 73 Cert MS '91) d Feb 6 1899 Chi- cago Robbins Mrs HE (see Stewart Mar- garet E) Robbins Joseph (e eng 1905-10 BS) Amer Tel & Tel Co 3738 N Capital Av Indianapolis Robbins M Jennie (h sc 1878-9) Phar State Hospital Watertown 111 Robbins Oscar Eugene (ag 1913-14) Greenfield 111 Robbins Philo Thompson (acad 1903-5 la 1905-6) Photo 725a W 11th St Los Angeles Robbins Ruth (la 1911-15 AB) Teach H Sch La Grange 111 (Congress Park 111) *Robbins Simeon Volney (m eng 1870- 3 Also U Chgo 1893-4) d Oct 15 1915 Congress Park 111 fRobbins Walter (m eng 1895-6) 128 W Chestnut St Canton 111 (Colorado Springs Colo) Roberson Mary (su 1912&'13 S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Mound City 111 Robert John Alcide (c eng' 1905-9 BS) Eng Cotton Wood Coal Co Lehigh Mont Robert Jules Henry (m eng 1910-14 BS) Asst M Elng Rensselaer Poly Inst 201 Eighth St Troy NY (Lacon 111) Robert Louis Paul (m eng 1902-6 BS) M Eng Blairmore Alta Can Roberts Mrs (see Ervin Helen E) Roberts Mrs (see Harmon Velma I) Roberts Mrs A J (see Peck Gertrude Lila) •Roberts Adrian L (acad 1881-2) d Oct 14 1903 Canton 111 * Roberts Arista Irwen (acad 1892-3) d Aug 12 1900 Talladega Ala (Dan- ville 111) Roberts Asbury (su 1911 Also Brad- ley Poly) Stu U Mo 1406 Bass Av Columbia Mo \Roberts Burt William (acad 1895-6) Magnolia 111 Roberts Carolyn Mable (lib 1903-4 AB AB(Penn Coll) '98) Teach Modesta Cal Roberts Charles Ellis (m eng 1911-12 Also Butler Coll) Contr Steel & Con- crete Bridges New Castle Ind Roberts Charles Newton (eng 1878-82 BS) Mun Eng 125 N Clark St Chi- cago (1014 Lake Av Wilmette HI) Roberts Charles Simeon (1 1908-12 LL B) Law & Adv 5454 Madison Av Chicago ^Roberts Charles T (a^ad 1881-2) 558 EOBERTS— KOBERTS Champaign 111 Roberts Chester Corwin (la com 1908- 12 AB Also Dart Coll 1907-8) Ag Martel O (Marion O) Roberts Chester Joseph (su 1915 Al- so U Wis) Coach Athl & Instr Phys- ics Miami U Oxford O Roberts Clarence Gardner (e eng 1905- 8) Letter Carrier Beardstown 111 Roberts Claude Morrill (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1091 St Louis Av Decatur 111 Roberts Claudius William (sp ag 1901- 2) Ag Areola 111 Roberts Edith Esther (Mrs H W Weeks) (la 1900-1) 5917 Winthrop Av Chicago Roberts Elmer (ag 1909-13 BS su 1914&'15 Also U Cal) Instr Genetics & 1st Asst Exp Sta U 111 1913- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana-Hl Roberts Elmer Clifford (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 1019 Superior St Oak Park 111 Roberts Erma Dorothy (h se 1910-14 BS) Teach H Sch Sycamore 111 (11948 Stewart Av Chicago) ?Roberts Ethel Verona (Mrs E C Kahle) (su 1908) Front & Gaines Sts Davenport la Roberts Frances (la 1915- Also Mc- Kendree Coll) Stu Thompsonville 111 Roberts Francis Eugene (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-3) Acct 3942 Polk St Chicago Roberts Francis Newell (la 1909-11 PhB(Chgo) '13) Teach c/o G B Rob- erts Talbot Alta Can (Towanda 111) Roberts George Burrill (la com 1906- 9) Lumber Merc Shelby ville 111 Roberts Glenn Baird (la 1904-5 '08-9) Adv Expert 431 S Dearborn St Chi- cago Roberts Harold Highbee (m eng 1912- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu White Hall 111 Roberts Harry Ashton (e eng 1897- 1902 BS) Asst Prof C Eng U Kan 1914- 1733 Mississippi St Lawrence Kan Roberts Mrs Harry C (see Kariher Gwendolyn) Roberts Harry Edward (m eng 1911- 12) Bus Mgr New Boston 111 Roberts Harry Vivian (arch eng 1907- 10 '12-13 BS) Supt Constr Sch Bldgs Louisville Ky (Morning Sun la) Roberts Herbert (su 1915) Westville 111 Roberts Howard Daniel (sp ag 1909- 10 law 1911-12) Ag Flemington Mo (215 N Glenn Oak Av Peoria 111) ^Roberts Irwin Levi (su 1910&'12 Al- so Defiance Coll) Eastdale Add Springfield 111 ^Roberts Isaiah L (chem 1874-5) Chester Fla Roberts Jean (la 1913-14) At home 106 S State St Champaign 111 Roberts Jerome Gillespie (min eng 1913- ) Stu 1423 Fargo Av Chi- cago Roberts John B (acad 1876-7) Ag & Stock Armington 111 Roberts John Jacob (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-3) Contr 2064 McCormick Bldg Chicago Roberts Kathleen Alice (la 1902-8 AB su 1912) Teach H Sch Urbana 111 t Roberts Lewis Clark (c eng 1880-4 BS) C Eng 4564 Milwaukee Av Chi- cago Roberts Lois Madeline (su 1901&'09& '10&'12 Grad 111 St Nor U 1906 Cert Piano (Millikin) '09) Teach 952 N Church St Decatur 111 Roberts Louis Paul (m eng 1902-6 BS) M Eng Blairmore Alta Can Roberts Malcolm Douglas (ag 1913- ) Stu 58 Pine St New York Roberts Mary Hilda (la 1909-10 AB (Ind)'02) Asst Ref Libr St Lib Indianapolis (549 N Wabash Av Wabash Ind) Roberts Miriam Ellen (Mrs T P Bran- num) (la 1901-6 AB) Home Mendota 111 (501 Christie St Ottawa 111) Roberts Myrtle Irene (Mrs E F Swee- ney) (su 1902) Home 1103 N Oak St Bloomington 111 Roberts Nellie Read (la 1909-13 AB lib 1913-15 BLS) Lib Asst Engl Sem U 111 1915- 403 S Wright St Champaign 111 Roberts Owen Haworth (arch eng 1904-6 Also Kan U) C Eng & Arch 11 Broadway New York (Douglas- ton LI) ^Roberts Owen Osmond (sp ag 1902- 3) Joppa 111 *Roberts Ralph Ousley (arch eng 1900- 1 '04-5) d Jan 9 1905 Rising 111 Roberts Mrs R O (see Barnes Zilpha M) Roberts Roland George (arch eng 1913-14) 337 N Blvd Oak Park 111 ROBERTS Shelby Saufley (BS(Rose Poly) '98 CE(do)'07 Ofc Eng IC RR 1906-8 Asst Prof Ry C Eng U 111 1908-10) Asst Eng Constr Dept & Div Eng Constr IC RR 1910- Berry & Roberts 608 S Dearborn St Chicago (1454 S Second St Louisville Ky) Roberts Thomas Tenbrook (og 1915 ROBERTS— ROBINSON 559. Also U Wis) Ag 919 W Williams St Decatur 111 Roberts Mrs Tom (see Noble Anna H) Roberts Vestus Bassett (mun eng 1881- 5 Cert '86) Eng 105 N Clark St Chicago Roberts Warren Russell (c eng 1884-8 BS) C Eng & M Eng & Pres Rob- erts & Schaefer Co 2064 McCormick Bldg Chicago Roberts Mrs W R (see Stewart Lulu) Roberts William E (sp ag 1886-7) Merc Roberts & Grant 832 W Church St Champaign 111 Roberts Mrs WE (see Ervin Helen E) Roberston Arthur Beekman (ag 1914- ^ Stu Petersburg 111 Robertson Blanche (lib 1913-14 PhB (Penn Coll) '08) Libr c/o Drake U 1149 21st St Des Moines la (328 N "B" St Oskaloosa la) Robertson Charles (sp sc 1885-6) Biol- ogist 305 Orient St Carlinville 111 ?Robertson Charles D (acad 1877-8 c eng 1878-9) Springfield III (Carlin- ville 111) Robertson Charles Venable (c eng 1913- 15 ag 1915- ) Stu 305 Orient St Carlinville 111 Robertson Dale Robert (e eng 1914- 15) Albion HI Robertson Eva Love (la 1909-13 AB-) At home 204 W John St Champaign 111 (Morrison 111) Robertson Harris Morton (su 1915 Also 111 Coll) Supt Schs Chapin 111 (Petersburg 111) fRoberteon Henry Wright (acad 1872- 3 la 1873-6) Compromise 111 Robertson Hugh Schuler (cer eng 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Em- erson Brantingham Implement Co Peoria 111 Robertson Ina (su 1914 Also De Pauw U) Teach 2 E Walnut St Harris- burg 111 (Olney 111) Robertson James Eugene (acad 1901- 2) Clk Farmington 111 Robertson Jane (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch La Harpe 111 ^Robertson Joseph Douglas (acad 1906- 9) Palatine 111 ^Robertson Lloyd Silas (ag 1897-1900 BS Also Adrian Coll) Box 78 Pen- dleton Ore Robertson Louis Harry (c eng 1909-10 '12-14) 240 Walnut St Blue Island 111 t Robertson ' -Lucy (h sc 1906-7 AB (Moores Hill) ) Deputy Ind Robertson Miriam Selina (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 204 W John St Cham- paign 111 ^Robertson Mirian (acad 1910) 604 E John St Champaign 111 Rorertson Nellie Mabel (lib 1906 9 '12-13 BLS AB (Moores Hill) '00 Or- der Asst Lib U 111 1910-15) Catg Lib U 111 1915- 602 S Lincoln St Urbana 111 Robertson Norman Sumner (la 1903-7 AB) Ranch Snow Belt Mont IRobertson O (acad 1877-8) Spring- field 111 Robertson Mrs O A (see Butler Anna R) ?Robertson Roy Clifton (acad 1902-4 m eng 1904-6) 1502 Monroe St Peoria 111 Robertson Walter Kempster (la com 1913-14) Stu Beloit Coll 72 Gall Av River Forest 111 ROBERTSON William Spence (BL (Wis) '99 ML(do)'00 PhD(Yale)'03 Instr Hist W Res U 1903-6 Asst Prof Hist do 1906-9) Asst Prof Hist U 111 1909- 908 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Robinetta Eva Mae (Mrs T W Huss) (la 1903-6) Home c/o Dr Mahon Lindley 203 W High St Urbana 111 Robins John Quitman Jr (ag 1913-14 Also Trinity Coll) 434 S Church St Tupelo Miss Robinson Mrs (see Elder Loretta K) Robinson Mrs (see Maxwell Mabel) Robinson Mrs (see Mosser Maggie) Robinson Albert Fowler (c eng 1875- 80 BS CE 1891) Bridge Eng Sante Fe RR 1033 Ry Exch Bldg Chicago (166 N Scoville Av Oak Park 111) Robinson Albert William (m eng. 19 12- ) Stu 166 N Scoville Av Oak Park 111 Robinson Mrs Andrew (see Wads worth Litta G) Robinson Anna Belle (h sc 1909-12 AB Also NW U) Teach c/o YWCA In- dianapolis (Granville 111) Robinson Arthur Seymour (m eng 1876-80 BS) Chf Eng Grant Smith & Co Rome NY (Sault St Marie Mich) ^Robinson Benjamin Franklin (acad 1905-8) 603 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Robinson Mrs C E (see Callagan Cora A) Robinson Candace lone (Mrs B F Kauffman)(la 1901-6 AB) Home Sterling City Cal Robinson Carroll Reuben (sp ag 1907- 8) Ag & M Eng Prentice 111 Robinson Charles Jason (ag 1904-6 560 ROBINSON— ROBINSON '07-9 BS) Ag Manteno 111 ROBINSON Charles Mulford (AB (Rochester) '91 AM(do)'05) Prof Civic Design U 111 1913- 65 8 Washington St Rochester NY Robinson Charles Summers (sc 1903-5 AB(Mich)'07 MS(do)'09) Res Chem Ag Exp Sta E Lansing Mich Robinson Charles Sumner (acad 1884- 6) Ret Mgr & Dir Plays Manchester Center Vt i Robinson Don (acad 1905) Pekin 111 Robinson Dorothy Marie (sp mus 1911- 12) Clk Atwood 111 tRobinson Earl Leroy (e eng 1906-7) AvJ&W Seventh St Sterling 111 Robinson Edith Alice (la 1915- Also Shurtleff Coll) Stu Goodfield 111 Robinson Edna Lena (su 1914) Teach Bluffs 111 (Pittsfield 111) Robinson Mrs Elinor Corse (Mrs M R) (sp mus 1902-5) 1016 California Av Urbana 111 Robinson Elna Alphonso (m eng 1870- 4 BS Hon ME '93 Prof Machine Shop U 111 1875-7) Heat & Plumb 112 N Hill St Champaign 111 Robinson Estelle Pearl (Mrs Clifton Chambers) (la 1902-4 Also Nat Pk Sem Forest Glen Md) Home Sador- us 111 Robinson Ethelyn Clyde (la h sc 1914- ) Stu "The Oaks" La Salle 111 Robinson Mrs Ewell (see Kirk Eliza- beth) Robinson Florence Elinor (la 1902-5 sp mus 1905-6 '08-9 la 1909-13 BS) At home 1016 W California Av Ur- bana 111 Robinson Mrs G M, (see Troyer Wm Lincoln) Robinson Gertrude Frances (Mrs Vail Cordell) (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Barry 111 Robinson Glenn (acad 1892-3) Cash Bk Rantoul 111 Robinson Glenn Warren (ag 1910-11 '14- ) Stu Lincoln 111 Robinson Grace May (la 1908-12 AB) Teach Roswell N Mex (Gilman 111) Robinson Mrs HE (see Stewart Mag- gie E) Robinson Harold Lynn (la 1915- ) Stu 709 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Robinson Harry Franklin (arch 1902- 6 BS) Mgr Frank L Wright Arch Ofe 216 S Michigan Av Chicago IRobinson Hattie Jean (ag h sc 1903- 4) Champaign 111 Robinson Henry Duncan (la 1911-13 su 1915 Also .Beloit Coll) Acct Bar- ber-Colman Co 515 S Second St Rock- ford 111 tRobinson Henry Hallock (acad 1901- 3) 506 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Grand Ridge 111) Robinson Howard Street (sc 1906-7 BS & EM (Mich Min) '11) Supt West Beaver Mine Hymers Ont (7108 La- Fay ette Av Chicago) Robinson Hugh Dean (la 1914- ) Stu 128 153rd St Harvey 111 Robinson James John (1 1898-9 1900- 1) Field Wk Standard Oil Co Shriveport La *Robinson John Allen (ag 1915) d Sept 26 1915 Champaign 111 Robinson John Lester (1 1913- ) Stu R10 Mt Vernon 111 Robinson Kendall Edward (c eng 1906- 10 BS) Surv Bur Lands Manila PI Robinson Laurence Penfield (sc 1896- 7) Invest Securities 1306 Otis Bldg 10 S La Salle St Chicago Robinson Lee Edgar (1 1902-4 Plant- er Vaughan Miss (827 Illinois St Springfield 111) Robinson Lewis Archibald (la 1896-8 AB g 1898-1901 AM PhD (NY) '11 Also Col U 1908-9) Teach White Post Va Robinson Matthew Rodgers (e eng 1915- ) Stu Port Royal Pa ROBINSON Maurice Henry (AM (Dart) '98 PhD (Yale) '02 Asst Pol Sc Dart 1897-8 Instr Pol Econ Yale 1899-1902) Prof Industry & Trans U 111 1902- 1016 California Av Ur- bana 111 Robinson Mrs M H (see Robinson Mrs Elinor Corse) .Robinson Millard Milton (com 1915- ) Stu Vermont St Maquoketa la *Robinson Minnie Gertrude (Mrs W L Troyer) (la 1884-6) d Champaign 111 Robinson Myra (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Kansas 111 Robinson Nellie Maude (Mrs M B Williams) (la 1899-1900) Home 1566 E 62nd St Chicago Robinson Paul Gardner (ag 1915- ) Stu 128 153rd St Harvey 111 Robinson Paul Thomas (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Halstad Minn *Robinson Phillip Sydney (e eng 1895- 8) d Jan 17 1905 Aurora 111 Robinson Ralph Paul (e eng 1910-11) Struct Draft 34 Madison Av Youngs- town O Robinson Raymond Elder (m eng 1904- 8 BS g 1908-9 MS) M Eng 166 N Scoville Av Oak Park 111 Robinson Robert Bruce (c eng 1897-8) C Eng Pocatello Id Robinson Robert Burch (acad 1902-3) E Eng Newman Ga ROBINSON— ROCKROHN 561 Robinson Robert Johnson (acad 1909- 10 la 1910-11) Teach Ashkum 111 ROBINSON Rodney Potter (g latin 1915- AB(Mo)'10 AM(do)'ll) Asst Classics U 111 1915- 1303 University Av Urbana 111 (Box 403 Perry Okla) Bobinson Roy Edward (acad 1909-10) Mech R2 Bethany HI Robinson Ruth Love (ag h sc 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 108 Hills- boro Av Edwardsville 111 Robinson Samuel Newton (acad 1905-6 eer eng 1906-7) Pres Peoria Film Exch 812 Fayette St Peoria 111 (603 Seventh Av) ?Robinson Samuel T (su 1904&'06 Also 111 St Nor U) Harrisburg 111 *ROBINSON Stillman Williams (CE (Mich) '63 DSc(Ohio St) '96 Asst Eng U Mich 1866-7 Prof M Eng & Phys U 111 1870-8 Dean Coll Eng do 1878 Prof M Eng & Phys do 1878- 82 Prof M Eng Ohio St U 1882-95 Prof Emeritus 1899-1910) d Oct 31 1910 Columbus O Robinson Thomas Leo (m eng 1908-12 BS) Purchasing Eng 811 N Park St Streator 111 Robinson Ward Reid (c eng 1902-6 BS g 1908-9 CE Asst Eng Exp Sta U 111 1906-9) Sec & Chf Exam St Civil Serv Comm State House Spring- field 111 (837 S Illinois St) Robinson Warren Isaac (ag 1913- ) Stu La Salle 111 Robinson William E (la 1877-8) Su- preme Recorder Court of Honor 1401 Williams Blvd Springfield 111 ROBINSON William Kean (g bacter- id 1915- BS(Md Ag)'13 MS (Geo Wash) '15) Asst Bacteriol U 111 1915- 907 W California St Urbana 111 (Franktown Ky) IRobinson William Ross (sp 1900-1) Springfield 111 Robinson Willis Singleton (m eng 1905- 8) Mach Sales Minn Steel & Mach Co Minneapolis Robison Archie Leslie Jr (sp ag 1903- 4) Ag Pekin 111 Bobison Don (acad 1905-7) Stock Pekin 111 \Bobison Edgar (acad 1884-7) Tow- anda Kan Robison Edna Lena (su 1914) Teach Bluffs 111 (Pittsfield 111) *Robison Elmer C (acad 1881-2 ag 1882-4) d Sept 1895 Towanda Kan Robison Emily (lib 1910-12 BLS AB (Temple) '09) Libr 121 North St Bloomsburg Pa robison Ethel Juanita (g la 1908-9 AM AB( Blackburn) '08) Teach 518 Johnson St Carlinville 111 Robison Frank Wilson (sp ag 1902-4) Bnk Towanda St Bk Towanda Kan Robison Glen Rupert (sp ag 1906-9) Ag Hamilton 111 Robison James Charles (sp ag 1892- 3) Ag Towanda Kan Robison James Smith (ag 1910-11) Ag Pekin 111 Robison Leslie W (sp ag 1886-7 Also 111 St Nor U) Ag Towanda Kan tRobison Lyle (la 1899-1902) Kewa- nee 111 Robison Victor Blaine (g la 1909-10 AB( Blackburn) '09) Sales 314 E Lo- cust St Bloomington 111 tRobor Bruno (c eng 1903-4) Mt Ver- non 111 Robor Minnie (su 1913) 400 N Tenth St Mt Vernon 111 tRobor Rena (su 1912 Also U Tenn) 400 Tenth St Mt Vernon 111 Robrock Lawrence Martin (c eng 1911- 14) Stu U Wis 1317 Sullivan Av St Louis Robson Carl David (c eng 1904-9 BS) Steel & Concrete Designer 731 S Grove Av Oak Park 111 Robson Henry Stuart (ag 1910-11) Ag & Stock R7 Wataga 111 Roby Luther Edward (eng 1891-3) Dir Treas & Supt Peoria Drill & Seeder Co Peoria 111 (222 Bigelow St) Rocha Zacarias (su 1905 Also W 111 St Nor & St Vincent's Coll) Teach Tagbilaran Bohol PI Boche Edward Francis (acad 1895-7) 431 12th St Rock Island 111 Roche Leon (ag 1913-14) Olive Branch 111 Rochow Carl John Frederick (sc 1896- 1900 BS MD(Rush) '03 Also U Frei- burg 1910) Med 823 Mi 20th St Rock Island 111 Rock John Henry (sp ag 1892-3) Ag Pesotum HI Bock Pauline Joy (Mrs P J Skiles) (acad sp mus 1908-9 '10-11) Home 225 S Cuyler Av Oak Park 111 Rockey Paul Thomas (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 170 Union St Freeport 111 Rockhold Frank Duncan (e eng 1915- ) Stu 1014 Elmwood Av Wilmette 111 Rockhold Kenneth Edward (cer eng 1912-13 '13-14 BS Also U Colo) Eng L E Rodgers Eng Co 30 N La Salle St Chicago (712 S Central Av Bur- lington la) Rockrohn Arthur William (la com 1912-13 Also NW U) Acct & Bus 562 ROCKWELL— ROGERS Mgr 5925 S Wabash Av Chieago ?Rockwell Calvin Albert (sp ag 1904-5) Sheridan Wyo Rockwell Louis (1 1907-10 LL B) Law St Charles 111 Rockwell Sylvester Thomas (c eng 1911-13) Landscape Eng Des Plaines 111 (1417 Grand Av Davenport la) Rockwell Van (1 1908-10) Merc 31 E Main St St Charles 111 Rockwood Roscoe (la com 1908-11) Coal Bus Gibson City 111 Rodee Palmer (ag 1914-15) Prophets- town 111 tRodemeyer Benjamin Eusebius (m eng 1910-13) 509 Seventh Av Sterling 111 tRodgers Charles Henry (la 1909-12) Rl Brownsville 111 Rodger s Mrs H D (see Elder Bessie M) Rodgers Leon L (acad 1893-4 e eng 1894-7) Min Eng Beeler Id (River- ton HI) Rodgers Lillian (Mrs C E McQuigg) (su 1901) Home State College Pa Rodgers Perry Harrison (la com 1912- 13 la 1915- ) Stu Atwood 111 Rogers Robert Bean (acad 1904-5 ry e eng 1905-9 BS) Mfg 1228 Ninth St Santa Monica Cal Rodgers Mrs R B (see Dunlap Nora B) Rodgers Mrs Roy (see Hastings Nel- lie) Rodi Mrs C H (see Borton Lucina J) Rodman Charles Seaman (la 1900-4 AB) Ret Mintr Moweaqua 111 Rodman Mable Florence (su 1911) Libr De Land 111 Rodman Robert R (1 1903-6 LL B) Law Hoopeston 111 Rodriguez Antonio (c eng 1914- Also Loyola U) Stu 4602 Calle Comercio Mata Sta Clara Cuba IRodriquez Joseph (acad 1904-5) Sal- tillo Coahuilo Mex Rodriguez Roberto Sequndo (arch eng 1903-6 BS) Chf Struct Eng Monter- rey Iron & Steel Wks 3rd Niza 54 Mexico City Mex Roe Arthur Zeke (1 1899-1900 LL B Also N Ind U) Law & St Repr Van- dalia 111 ?Roe Fred Carleton (ag 1910-11) 2531 Madison PI Quincy 111 Roe Gertrude Alice (la 1913-14 Also 111 Wes U) Tuscola HI Roe Harry Austin (acad 1910-11 m eng 1911-13) M Eng 436 N Ninth St Quincy 111 Roe Hazel Mae (la 1913-14) Tuscola 111 Roe Mrs J N (see Hunt E G) Roe Raymond (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 931 LaFayette St Chicago Roe Rosanna Elizabeth (su 1911 Also N 111 St Nor) Stu U Cal Silverton Ore Roebuck Harold Darius (e eng 1909- 10) R Est Van Nuis Cal fRoedel Lawrence John (eng 1913-14) 2224 Dean Av Spokane Wash Roefer Charles Martin (cer eng 1910- 13) Adv & Bus Mgr Courier Herald Urbana 111 *Roemer William C (sp 1871-2) d April 16 1873 Toledo O Roesner Hedwig Elizabeth (mus 1912- 13 su 1915) Teach H Sch Gilman 111 (414 Seventh St Moline 111) Roessler Ira Philip (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Shelbyville 111 Roessler Luther Martin (sp ag 1904- 6) City Eng Fremont Neb (Shelby- ville 111) Roessler William Otto (ag 1912-16 BS) Stu S First St Shelbyville 111 Bogan John E (acad 1882-3) R Est & Ag Carlyle 111 *Rogan Jonathan A (c eng 1887-8) d Sept 17 1903 Decatur HI Rogan Octavia Fry (lib 1909-10 AB (Tex) '08) Libr St Lib 812 W 22y 2 St Austin Tex fRogers Alice D (sp a&d 1884-6) Ur- bana 111 ROGERS Allen Ellington (AB(Bow- doin)'76 AM(do)'78 Act Prof Law U 111 1906-7) Prof Law U Me 1907- Orono Me t Rogers Anna Elizabeth (su 1899& 1901) Mt Vernon 111 Rogers Anna Sophie (la 1907-11 AB AM '14) Asst Psych U 111 601 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Rogers Beulah (la 1914- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 2534 Wilcox Av Chicago Rogers Charles Arthur (c eng 1905-7) Ag Burlington la Rogers Charles Bolles (la 1902-3 AB (Williams) '07) Grain 2216 Grand Av Minneapolis Rogers Charles Columbus (sp law 1906- 7) 1421 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 Rogers Charles Gregory (m eng 1911- 12) Auto Repair Crystal Falls Mich Rogers Clarence Alvin (ag 1907-11) Ag Wyoming 111 Rogers Dick Oglesby (ag 1909-12) Mech Premier Auto Co Indianapolis (Hume 111) Rogers Don Haney (sp ag 1909-10) ROGERS— ROLFE 563 Ag Callender la Rogers Edith (Mrs R E Schreiber) (acad 1901-2 la 1902-6 AB) Home 1500 Farwell Av Chicago Rogers Elsie Marie (la h sc 1913- ) Stu Kelsey Krest Havana 111 Rogers Ethelyn Alice (la 1907-9) At home Wyoming 111 Rogers Franklin Griffith (m eng 1905- 7 BS Also Armour Inst) Mgr Chgo Ofc Kewanee Water Supply Co 1212 Marquette Bldg Chicago Rogers Gardner Spencer (ag 1912- ) Stu 1306 Hinman Av Evanston HI Rogers Harry Barrett (c eng 1911-15 BS) Trav Solicitor McGraw Publ Co 525 N Ridgeland Av Oak Park 111 Rogers Mrs Harry D (see Elder Bes- sie M) Rogers Harry Thomas (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 403 W White St Cham- paign 111 Rogers Henry Sheldon (ag 1913- ) Stu Marengo 111 Rogers Herbert Dinwiddle (sp arch 1891-3) R Est Mgr Lewistown HI (Peoria HI) \Bogers Howard Ezra (acad 1896-7 Also Pa St Nor Sch) Mendota 111 Rogers Jerome Stanley (g sc 1907-9 MS AB(Syr)'07 Asst Chem U 111 1907-8) Asst Chem Bur Chem US Dept Ag Washington (832 Ritten- house St NW) Rogers Mrs J S (see Seed Elsie M) tRogers John Dexter Jr (la 1911-12) 321 N Madison St Clinton 111 IRogers John Francis (sc 1892-3) 2981 Archer Av Chicago <*Bogers Josephine (acad 1901-2) Camp- bell Hill 111 *Bogers Lawrence Stevens (acad 1896- 9) d Mendota 111 Rogers Margaret Lillian (su 1908) Teach 747 E 36th St Chicago Rogers Minnie Oleta (su 1915) Teach Rll Urbana 111 (203 E Green St Champaign 111) Bogers Myron Cyrus (acad 1897-8) Law Fulton 111 (Prophetstown 111) Rogers Mrs N C (see Williams Flor- ence M) tRogers Nellie (la 1900-2) Covington IU Rogers Paul H (1 1913-15 Also Eur- eka Coll) Stu U Mich Atlanta 111 Rogers Russell David (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 223 Derby St Pekin 111 Rogers Stella Mae (Mrs J G Forbes) (lib 1902-3 Also NW U) Home 701 W Kenilworth Av Oak Park 111 Rogers Vera Holcombe (la 1907-8) Kinderg Teach Washington la Rogers William Turner (c eng 1907- 10) Osteop 1410 W Monroe St Chi- cago Rogge Lena Maria (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) Prin H Sch Tallula 111 Roggers Robert Ranweck (la 1872-3) Holdenville Okla Rohde Minnie Eleanore (Mrs R C Mize)(h sc 1912-13) Home Santa Ana Cal *Rohkam Henry (arch 1902-5) d July 1905 1314 Oakdale Av Chicago Rohl Robert Carl (acad 1906-7 e eng 1906-7) Bus Mgr 302 S Poplar St Centralia 111 Rohlfing Alfred Robert (la 1910-14 AB) 4165 Washington Av St Louis (Groveland HI) Rohlfing Walter Lewis (ag 1912-15) Stu Groveland 111 Rohn Fred Andrew (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 1325 Rosedale Av Chicago Rohrback Eva Isabelle (acad 1909-10 ag h sc 1910) At home Piper City 111 Rohrback Marietta (Mrs F D Rails- back) (la h sc 1910-11 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Minier 111 Rohrbough Elsie Gwendolyne (la 1915- ) Stu Kinmundy HI *Rohrbough Frank Charles (c eng 1909-13) d Sept 6 1914 Kinmundy HI Rohrbough Levi Calender (la 1880-1) Merc Kinmundy HI Rohrer Carl James (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag Specialist Gen Elec Co 7 Park St Schenectady NY Rohrer Charles (eng 1901-2) Asst Mgr Hiram Sibley Est Farms Sibley 111 Rohrer Edward Curtis (e eng 1894-5) Investments St Louis Rohrer Frank Philip (chem eng 1911- 15 la 1915- ) Stu Gilman I'll Rohrer Minnie Genevieve (Mrs W H Fisher) (la 1905-9 AB) Home 158 Sumac Av Philadelphia Rohrer Wilburn Herbert (la 1900-1) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Waverly 111 Roland Lela Mae (ag h sc 1912-15) At home 123 E University Av Cham- paign 111 Roland Vera Anton (arch eng 1910-14 BS) Contr 127 E University Av Champaign HI Rolens Edith Leota (Mrs E C Milli- kan) (ag h sc 1906-8) Home 2123 W Edith St Murphysboro HI Rolfe Amy Lucile (acad 1900-2 la 1904-8 BS) Stu Col U 601 E John St Champaign 111 Rolfe Charles Wesley (la 1868-72 BS 564 ROLFE— ROOD MS '77 Asst Nat Hist U 111 1872-3) Prof Geol U 111 1881- 601 John St Champaign 111 Rolfe Martha Deette (aead 1895-6 la 1896-1900 BS AM '04 Also Bryn Mawr 1914-15) At home 601 E John St Champaign 111 Rolfe Mary Annette (acad 1897-8 la 1898-1902 AB g la 1907-8 su '09 Al- so Garrett Biblical Inst) At home 601 E John St Champaign 111 Rolfe Susan Farley (Mrs H G Butler) (acad 1897-8 la 1899-1903 AB AM '09) Home 159 Highland Av Dow- ners Grove 111 ?Rolfe W J (Prof Engl U 111 su 1900) *Roll Alva Eston (acad 1902-4 e eng 1904-5) d Broadlands 111 Boll George W (acad 1884-6) Ret Ag 323 Madison Av Wichita Kan Rollins George Edward (acad 1879-80 la 1880-1 MD (Rush) '84) Med R19 Edwards 111 Rollins Neta (la 1914- ) Stu 139 Elm St Paxton 111 Rollo John Newton (ag 1914-15) Glen- gyle PI Chicago Rollo Ralph Alexander (c eng 1905-8) C Eng 2113 Division St Murphy s- boro 111 Rollo Robert Penman (1 & la 1909-13) Law 524 North St Murphysboro 111 Roloff William Arthur (arch eng 1913- 14) Homer 111 Rolphe Earl Edwin (e eng 1909-10) Brakeman 320 Adams St Savanna 111 Roman Frank Louis (sc 1909-11 BS Also Lousanne U) Testing Eng 111 Highway Dept Arsenal Bldg Spring- field 111 (219 W Cook St) Roman Oscar (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag & R Est Rl Granite City 111 Roman W T alter Jr (la com 1908-12 AB) Mgr Roman Co 940 Syndicate Trust Bldg St Louis (Granite City 111) Romeiser Alvin (com 1912-13 '15- Also N Amer Gym O) Asst Phys Tr IT 111 1915- YMCA Champaign 111 (302 Abend St Belleville 111) Romeiser Edwin (ag 1914-15) Stu U Cal 302 Abend St Belleville 111 *Romeiser Petra (su 1906 la 1906-7 Also Mary Inst) d Sept 1908 Belle- ville 111 Romero Carlos Nicholas (ag 1909-10 BS Also N Mex Ag Coll) Ag Chi- huahua Mex Romero Newman (la 1914- ) Stu 436 N Sheridan Rd Highland Pk 111 Romig Frank G (m eng 1906-10 BS '11) M Eng 712 Harrison St Gary Ind Romig Mrs F G (see Dean Jessie L) Romig Jesse Arnold (e eng 1914- ) Stu 603 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Romine F A (acad 1872-4 la 76-77 Also U Ark 77-9 DDS(Amer Dent Chgo) '84 DO (Kan City Osteop) '00) Dent Champaign 111 (604 Orchard St Urbana 111) Romine James Simpson (sp 1868- 73) Ret 418 King St Chadron Neb (418 Wayne St Danville 111 Romine Joseph Fred (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Tuscola 111 (R4 Atwood 111) Romine Mrs J F (see Nelson Daisy) Eomine Lou (Mrs H L Stoggin) (acad 1879-80) Home Bridgeport Neb Romine Mary Edmiston (sp mus 1905- 6 Also Brownell Hall Omaha) At home 512 W High St Urbana 111 *Romine Mary F (Mrs H P Black- burn) (sp 1870-3) d Nov 24 1897 Danville 111 Eomine Stephen A (acad DDS(Amer- Dent) ) Dent 223 N Neil St Champaign 111 (604 S Orchard St Urbana 111) Rominger William Edgar (1 1914-15) Teach Soldiers Orphan Home Nor- mal 111 (2614 Second St Shelbyville 111) Rompel Ruth Edith (la 1914- ) Stu 1007 S Second St Champaign 111 Rompf Trean lone (Mrs Paul E Den- ney)(mus 1908-9) Home 375 Maple Av Aurora 111 Ronalds . Hugh Louis (acad 1880-1 m eng 1881-5 BS) Merc & Ag Grayville 111 tRonan Lloyd Ellsworth (e eng 1911- 12) c/o J J Ronan 510 W Seventh St De Kalb 111 Rondthaler Harold (la .iour 1910-12) Ag & Forestry Moosehart Batavia 111 Roney George Andrew (la 1915- ) Stu 1402 Canfield St Sullivan 111 tRoney Ralph Todd (sc 1904-6 Also Millikin U) 555 W William St De- catur 111 Roney William Hanson (c eng 1902-5 BS) C Eng 9944 Av "H" Chicago (St Charles 111) ^Bood Ida (acad 1877-8) Blooming- ton 111 Rood John Harold (acad 1907-8 la com 1908-9 Also Rose Poly) Mfg Joplin Mo Rood Katherine Estelle (la 1905-7) Sec 4759 Winthrop Av Chicago (Piano 111) ROODHOUSE— ROSECRANS 565 Roodhouse Henry (ag 1912-13) Ag Whitehall 111 Roodhouse James Peter (la 1889-90) Bk Cash Greenfield 111 Book Charles Wesley (acad 1905-6) Ag Bowen 111 Rook Mary Susie (Mrs H D Temple- ton) (acad 1903-4 sc 1904-6) Home Julesburg Colo Rooker James Monroe (ag 1869-70) Teach & Ag Niotaze Kan tRoologle Karl McClellan (1 1907-8) 109 W Neil St Champaign 111 ?Rooney Francis P (sp arch 1888-9) O 'Conner Neb Roop Christian Young (chem 1873-5) Chem Eng 2310 Bowditch St Berke- ley Cal Roos Edwin George (arch eng 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1918 Whitnall Av St Louis ROOS Peter (Instr Indust A&D U HI 1876-7 Prof Indust A&D U 111 1880-9) Dir Art Pub Schs 1896- 24 Sacramento St Cambridge Mass Roos Mrs Ella F (Mrs Peter Roos) (sp a&d 1884-5) Home 24 Sacramen- to St Cambridge Mass Roosa Miller S (ag 1908-9 Also Throop Poly) Ag Rockport 111 Root George Hinchliff (eng 1891-4 Al- so U Minn & St Paul Coll Law 1902) Merc Root & Hageman 403 Nicollet Av Minneapolis Root Kimball Valentine (cer 1910-15) R Est & Orchestra 6118 Stony Island Av Chicago Root Perrin Bailey (ag 1910-12) Clk 4432 N Ashland St Chicago ROOT Ralph Rodney (BSA(Cor)'lO MLA(Harv) '11) Asst Prof Land Gard U 111 1912- 1104 W Illinois St Urbana 111 tRoot Ralph Walda (la 1901-2) Gal- va HI tRoot Susie Verne (su 1908) Ver- sailles 111 Rooth Carrie Lee (acad 1906-9 la 1909-14 AB) Teach Hanover 111 (Joy 111) Rooth James (c eng 1914- ) Stu Joy 111 ?Roots Annette C (sp 1871-2) Cham- paign 111 ?Roots Nellie C (Mrs Nickerson) (sp 1872-3) 4112 S State St Chicago Ropiequet Wilfred Crouch (la 1910-14 AB) Ins 641 Veronica Av E St Louis 111 Ropiequet Mrs W C (see Green Alta) Ropp Franklin Newton (c eng 1904-8 BS) Gov Surv c/o US Surveyor General 63% Appraisers Bldg San Francisco Ropp Pearl Iola (acad 1907-9 la 1909-12 AB) Mus 1209 N Clinton St Bloomington 111 tRosado Franco Thomas (su 1911 Al- so Kansas St Coll) Pontevedra PI Roscoe George Howard (ag 1913- ) Stu 582 Greenwood Av Blue Island 111 *Rose Aliee (la 1898-1902 AB) d Oct 3 1903 Oak Park 111 ?Rose Cameron Alfred (acad 1900-1 sc 1901-3) Oak Park 111 ROSE Carlton Raymond (g sc 1898- 1900 PhB(Mich)'94 PhM(do)'96 Asst Instr Chem U Mich 1894-6 Instr Chem U 111 1896-1900 Prof Metallurgy Colo Sch Mines 1901-3) Chem Eng 651 Howard St San Francisco Rose Daniel Treat (sp 1906-7 '08-9) Ag Findlay 111 Rose Earl Eli (1 1906-9 LL B) Law New Augusta Miss tRose Edward (acad & sp ag 1906-8) Mattoon 111 Rose Elizabeth Irene (mus 1906-10 B Mus) Rankin 111 Rose Elsie Coral (su 1913) Teach Windsor 111 Rose Fred Wayland (acad 1898-9 eng 1899-1903 BS) Consult Eng 740 Auditorium Bldg Minneapolis (Ma- zon 111) Rose Harold Boone (m eng 1911- ) Stu 501 S Babcock St Urbana HI tRose Helen Elizabeth (mus 1904-5) c/o Harriet H Riddle Mattoon 111 Rose L Vernon (la 1899-1902 AB) Mgr Implement Dept Ofc Sears Roe- buck Co Chicago (837 Clinton Av Oak Park 111) Rose Rebecca Ann (la 1903-5 Also E 111 St Nor Instr Art U 111 su 1906) Teach Odessa Mo (Windsor 111) Rose Walter Silver (e eng 1914-15) R Est 5006 Grand Blvd Chicago Rose Webster Barclay (acad 1900-1 la 1901-3 '09-10 AB su 1906&'07 Al- so U Chgo) Prin H Sch & Edit E Moline Herald Gays 111 tRose Wilber Wilford (su 1907) Windsor 111 \Rose William (acad 1891-2) Colum- bia HI Roseberry Clarence Judson (1 1902-5 LLB) Priv Sec & Law 117 S Jef- ferson Av Peoria 111 (405 Morton St) Rosecrans Bennett Paine (acad 1907-8 ry c eng 1903-5 '08-10) RR C Eng 566 EOSECRANS— BOSS 1325 London Rd Duluth Minn Rosecrans Crandall Zachariah (m eng 1915- ) Stu 806 S Third St Cham- paign 111 Roseman Leanor (la 1913-15) 1620 S Homan Av Chicago Rosen Bernard (la com 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5422 S Park Av Chi- cago Rosenberg David (la com 1905-6) Merc Vienna 111 Rosenberg Emanuel (la 1915- ) Stu 125 S Water St Decatur 111 Rosenberg Frank (cer eng 1914- ) Stu 1109 S Robey St Chicago Rosenberg Herbert Bernard (ag 1912- 13 '15- ) Stu 2257 C St Granite City 111 Rosenberg Ira (la com 1908-10 AB Cin)'12) Adv 1808 Sherman Av Evanston 111 Rosencrans Dale DeForest (ag 1915) Pawpaw 111 fRosENCRANS Fred Barnum (c eng 1907-11 BS) 310 McKinley Av Waukegan 111 Rosenkrans Carl Otto (acad 1910-11 sp ag 1911-13) Ag Rl Pawpaw 111 Bosenkrans Mabel (acad 1910-11 Al- so Dixon Coll) Teach Pawpaw 111 Rosensteel Jerome J (sp ag 1880-1 Also Beloit Coll 1873-6) Ret 295 Car- roll St Freeport 111 Rosenstone Reuben Eric (ag 1912-13) Ag Cambridge 111 Rosenstone Ruth Carlyn (sp mus Feb 1915 Also Augustana Coll) Cam- bridge 111 tRosenthal Harry (la com 1911-12) 1344 W Congress St Chicago Rosenthal Joseph D (ag 1912-13) Asst Mgr Merc Cold Storage Co 1114 S Hermitage Av Chicago Rosmussen Mrs (see Brown Cornelia A) Ross Anne Russell (la 1915- ) Stenog Asst Dean Eng U 111 Carrollton 111 Ross Mrs C U (see Bensyl Kate G) Ross Carl Wilbur (g la 1911-12 AB (De Pauw)'08) Teach Thorntown Ind Ross Charles Kelso (ag 1909-11) Ag Newton 111 Ross Clarence Samuel (sc 1909-13 AB g sc 1913-15 AM Also Kan St Ag Coll) Asst Geol U 111 1913- 105 Green St Champaign 111 Ross Delia (acad 1879-80 la 1881-2) At home Wilcox Ariz Ross Ernest Frank (e eng 1909-10) Clk White Hall 111 Ross Edwin Albert (su 1903) Teach Box 702 Venice Cal ross Ellison Lloyd (g chem 1910-12 PhD BS(Ia)'04 Asst Chem U 111 1910-12 Instr Chem NW U 1914- ) Chem Psyschopathic Hospital Kan- kakee 111 \Boss Eva (acad 1906-7) Philo 111 *Ross Ford (sp ag 1904-5 Also Ar- mour Inst) d 428 Chicago St Elgin Ross George (e eng 1905-7) Asst Supt Portland Cement Co 1211 Montclain Av St Louis Ross Gertrude Duncan (su 1906&'12 la 1914- Also Ind Cen Nor U) Stu Philo 111 Ross Glenn Thompson (la 1909-14 AB) Asst Cash Busey St Bk 412 Iowa St Urbana 111 Ross Harry Albert (ag 1914- Also Greenville Coll) Stu 306 E Daniel St Champaign 111 tRoss Henry H (ag 1872-3) Alvin 111 tRoss Herbert Austin (arch 1894-8) Jerseyville 111 Ross Herbert Emil (c eng 1913-14 la 1914- ) Stu Avenue House Evans- ton 111 Ross Mrs Herman W (see Stevens Del- la A) ROSS John Carl (g chem 1913-15 MS 1915- AB(U Cape Good Hope) '12) Stu Cape Town S Africa Ross John McLinn (la 1914- Also Yale U) Stu 445 Orchard St New Haven Conn Ross Joseph Benjamin (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-8) Mgr Ideal Amuse- ment Co Canton 111 fRoss Joseph L (ag 1874-6) Macomb 111 Ross Julian Jerome (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-7) E Eng & Contr Hume Mo (Breckenridge 111) Ross Kenneth D wight (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu 615 W First St Grand Island Neb Ross Lloyd Elliott (e eng 1902-5 EE (Lewis Inst) '06) Elec Insp Common- wealth Edison Co 5731 Maryland Av Chicago Ross Lois Evelyn (la 1911-12 Also NW U 1910-11) Teach H Sch Chats- worth 111 (Saunemin 111) Ross Louise Henrietta (la 1906-10 AB) Teach Avenue House Evanston 111 Ross Luther Sherman (sc 1885-9 BS g 1889-90 MS Prof Nat Sc U 111 1890-1) Prof Zool & Bacteriol Drake U 1892- 1308 27th St Des Moines la ROSS— BOUNDS 567 Ross Mrs L S (see Bar dwell Ellen M) Ross Marion Anise (Mrs C B Dugan) (acad 1908-9 sp la 1906-8 Also 111 Worn Coll) Home 85 E Humboldt St San Jose Cal *Ross Martin Winter (ag 1909-10) d Jan 13 1916 Alvarado Minn Ross Mrs M W (see Moult on Lora B) Ross Mary Ellen (Mrs H W Beale) (la 1905-6) Home Mansfield 111 Ross Nelda Glendora (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu Easton 111 Ross Otto Hugh (ag 1905-6) Stenog Marshall 111 Ross Robert Malcolm (acad 1898-1901 la 1901-5 AB Also P&S Chgo) Head Hospital Nanking China (1310 Spring- field Av Urbana 111) Ross Mrs R M (see Read Nellie L) Ross Roy Meneley (la com 1909-14 AB) Meneley Ross Plumbing Co Champaign 111 (412 Iowa St Urbana 111) Ross Roy Van (la 1903-7 AB) Steam- ship Pier B Seattle Ross Russell (ag 1910-12) Ag Ives- dale 111 Ross Sprague D (la 1877-81 BS) Ag & R Est 615 W First St Grand Island Neb Ross Mrs S D (see Barnes Bertha E) Ross Stanley Parker (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 509 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Ross Thomas Allen (ag 1911-13) Chem 6419 Greenwood Av Chicago ross Verne Ralph (g sc 1908-9 AM AB(Millikin)'08) Teach Covina Cal Ross Walter Raleigh (sp ag 1903-6 Al- so Ober Coll) R Est 601 Stevens Bldg Detroit ?Ross Whitfield (su 1906 Also Lin- coln Inst Mo) Attucks Sch Kansas City Mo (Montgomery City Mo) Ross Mrs William (see Hobson Jennie E) Rossbach Ernest Jerome (min eng 1908-12 BS) Sales Eng Sullivan Mach Co 705 Olive St St Louis van ROSSEN Hoogendijk Gerard (Ag Eng (Nat Ag Coll Netherlands) '05 MA (Gottingen) '10 PhD(do)'lO) Instr Chem U 111 1915- 212 W Green St Urbana HI tRosset Abraham (c eng 1909-12) Cost Clk 2327 N California Av Chicago Rosset Louis (e eng 1910-15 BS) E Eng Lemont 111 (1241 N Irving Av Chicago) fRosset Samuel (e eng 1909-12) Chi- cago Rosseter Frank Stuart (e eng 1900-2) C Eng 313 Piccadilly St London Out Can (229 N Mason Av Austin 111) Rost Arthur Howell (e eng 1902-3) Macomb 111 Rost Mrs John W (see Peine Adele L) Rost Theodore August (la 1915- ) Stu Petersburg 111 Roth Ben J (sc 1912-13) Clothing Sales Chenoa 111 Roth Edward Henry (acad 1909-10 ry e eng 1911-12 AB (Winona) '11) C Eng Box 229 Roanoke Va \Roth Ernest Jacob (acad 1909-10) Benson HI Roth Harold Denio (1 1907-8 LL B LL B(Neb)'05) Law Asst St Atty Champaign Co 603 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Roth Jay Frederick (m eng 1905-9 BS) E & M Eng 296 Park Blvd Detroit Roth William Edward (g math 1915- BA(Wis) '15) Stu Mauston Wis Rothgeb Claude James (acad 1900-1 sp ag 1901-3 '04-5) Dir Athl Colo Coll Colorado Springs Colo Rothgeb Mrs C J (see Nelson Kath- ryn E) Rothgeb Jessie Blanche (h sc 1910-14 AB) Stu Teach Coll Col U New York Wellington HI Rothgeb Wade Hampton (la com 1901- 5 AB AM (Yale) '06) Bnk & Fin 115 Broadway New York (126 San- ford St E Orange NJ) Rothgeb Mrs W H (see Hay ward Mabel S) Rothlisberger Walter Victor (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Bloomington 111 Rothschild Louis (eng 1913-14) 401 W Broadway St Princeton Ind Rotramel Everett Roy (ag 1915- ) Stu Box 12 Benton HI Rotrock Howard Moore (e eng 1912- ) Stu 5523 S Elizabeth St Chicago Rottger Russel Curtis (la com 1909- 13 AB) Div Cash & Chf Clk Cent Union Tel Co 416 S Seventh St Springfield 111 Rottger Mrs R C (see Smith Florence M) Roughton Reuben (gen 1868-9) Ag Rantoul 111 Roulston Robert Bennett (c eng 1900- 4 BS) C Eng 436 61st PI Chicago IRound George Arminius (m eng 1899- 1902) Sterling HI ROUNDS Charles Ralph (g la 1901-3 PhB(Wis) '01 Instr Rhet & Pub Spk U 111 1901-3 Prof Reading & Gram Wis St Nor Sch 1903-11) Head Dept 568 ROUNDS— ROY Eng W Div H Sch Milwaukee 1911- 402 Edgewood Av Milwaukee Rounds Fred Grafton (arch eng 1912- Also U Minn 1911-12) Stu 1531 W Minnehaha St St Paul Minn fRounds William Philander (c eng 1885-7) c/o Etna Ins Co Chicago Rounseville Roy Winthrop (m eng 1905-8) Dept Supt Nat Tube Co Kewanee 111 (517 S Main St) Rourke Ellen Mary (su 1906&'07&'12 &'15) Teach 1600 E Jackson St Springfield 111 Rourke Ethel Ruth (su 1914) Stu Millikin U Divernon 111 Rourke Margaret Elizabeth (su 1912) Teach 1600 E Jackson St Springfield 111 Bouse John Edward (acad 1891-2) Teach Gays 111 (Decatur 111) \Boutledge Thomas Elmer (acad 1902- 3) Newman 111 Routson Fred J (c eng 1901-2 '05-8 BS) Dist Mgr US Sales Co Mdse Brokers 1315 Utah St Toledo O Row George Edward (m eng 1892-6 BS) M Eng 1104 S 34th St Omaha Neb Bowand C Dale (acad 1906-7 Also U Chgo) Ag Sidell 111 Rowand Kile Edward (1 1904-7 LL B) Ag Fairmount 111 t Rowan Minnie Jane (sp mus 1904-5) Sidell 111 Rowden Lottie Delia (Mrs M F Hut- ton) (la 1907-9 Also W 111 St Nor) Asst Prin H Sch Farmington 111 (Canton 111) Rowden William Clarence (acad 1905- 6 c eng 1906-9) Ag R6 Canton 111 Rowe Charles Baer (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 316 W 61st St Chicago ?Rowe Clinton Albert (ag 1912-13) 902 S Fifth St Clinton 111 ?Rowe Edward Arthur (la com 1874- 5 ) Indianapolis Rowe Edwina Walker (Mrs F W Botts) (la 1907-8) Home 4 Oakdale Apt Margaret & Oak Sts Jacksonville Fla (Griffith Av Owensboro Ky) Rowe Enos Marion (ag 1910-14 BS) Teach Sidell 111 tRowe Eugene Chauncey (e eng 1910- 13 Also Pur U) Veedersburg Ind Rowe Herbert Brunskill (acad 1891- 2 la 1891-5 BS) Mfg & Phar 201 N Central Av Paris 111 Rowe Howard Lester (c eng 1904-7 Also Colo Springs Sch Mines) Gen Sec YMCA Grand Island Neb Rowe Jack LeRoy (e eng 1915- ) Stu 1542 S Clifton Park Av Chicago Rowe James (m eng 1913- ) Stu 709 Walnut St Three Rivers Mich Rowe Richard Yates (la 1912-13 AB Also U Chgo) Agency Mgr Clover Leaf Casualty Co 1152 W State St Jacksonville 111 Rowe William Briggs (acad 1888-9 la 1889-93 AB) Ag Freeport Kan ROWELL Chester Harvey (PhB(Mich) '88 Also U Halle & U Berlin Teach Baxter Coll & Racine Coll Instr Ger U 111 1897-8) Edit & Part Owner Fresno Republican 269 Forthcamp Av Fresno Cal Rowen Marjorie Mary (la 1910-11) Bk Clk Genoa 111 Rowland Claude Kerlin (la 1908-9 AB g 1909-10 LLB) Law 1425 Boat- mans Bk Bldg St Louis (3726 Wash- ington Av) Rowland Elbert M (1 1899-1900 LL B) Edit Mt Carmel HI Rowland Floyd Elba (la 1913-14 AB g 1914-15 AM BS(Ore Ag) '07) Asst Chem U 111 1306 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 (512 S 13th St Corvallis Ore) Rowland Leslie William (la com 1912- 13) Jour c/o Gazette Kalamazoo Mich (306 Marion St Oak Park 111) Rowland Nestor Sherman (ag 1915- ) Stu 41 Maple St New Haxen Conn Rowland Mrs R G (see Wiley Jane) Rowland Sidney Archie (g sc 1909-13 AB( Ouachita) '07 Asst Math U 111 1911-14) Instr Math Union Coll Schenectady NY *Rowlen John Robinson (sp 1868-70) d Chicago ROWLEY Adeline Whitney (Mrs James Kewley) (AB(De Pauw) '95 Also Mich St Nor U Teach Voice Young Ladies Sch Columbia Tenn 1895-6 do U 111 1896-7 do Onarga Sem 1898-9) Home Onarga 111 tRowley Allen Kirke (ag 1907-9) 10340 Longwood Blvd Chicago Roy Archie Bertrand (m eng 1901-4 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 5424 Wadean PI Oakland Cal Roy Frank Winston (e eng 1915- ) Stu 307 W Seminary St Danville 111 Roy Herman Emil (arch eng 1912-13) Mfg & Rail Insp 2852 E 91st St Chicago Roy Howard Meek (c eng 1901-5 BS) Chf Eng Amer Zinc & Chem Co Lange- loth Pa (Box 338 Burgettstown Pa) Roy Mrs H M (see Bur wash Florence ROY— RUEHE 569 Roy Robert Oscar (e eng 1898-9) Pres Ashley Constr Co Alexandria La Roy Rose Elizabeth (Mrs C A Myers) (mus 1903-5 Also Chgo Mus Coll 1905-7) Home 308 Jerome St Mar- shalltown la Roy Surya Kauta (ag 1911-14 BS g ag 1914-15 Also U Allahabad India) Taki 24 Perganas India (Lucknow India) Roy Walter Clarence (su 1914) Phys Dir 2909 E 91st St Chicago *Royal Lester Harris (la com 1910-11) d Sept 15 1912 Salem Ore (Mt Ver- non 111) ?Royall Charles Crecy (la 1900-4 AB) 301 E Green St Champaign HI Royce Bertha Ella (Mrs W G Hum- mel) (lib 1902-4 BLS Also Syr U & Buffalo NY Teach Tr Sch Asst Ref Dept Lib U 111 1904-6 Instr do 1906-8) Home 2618 Cedar St Berke- ley Cal ROYCE Edward (AB(Harv)'07 Also Stern Conserv Berlin 1908-10 Instr Piano U 111 1911-12) Dir Mus Dept Middlebury Coll 1913- Middlebury Vt (103 Irving St Cambridge Mass) Royce Grace Edna (Mrs O C Gamerts- felder)(ag h sc 1910-12) Home De- corah la Royce Julian Arthur ( c eng 1906-10) R Est & Ins 76 Washington St Naper- ville 111 Royce Mrs J A (see Funk Irene M) Royer Mrs Adelaide Danely (sp la 1908- 10 Also NW U) Home 801 W Ore- gon St Urbana 111 Royer Anna Elizabeth (Mrs T E Lind- sey)(la 1887-8) Home 713 W Elm St Urbana HI Royer Florence A (la 1909-12) 929 E 45th St Chicago Royer Helen Adam (sp mus 1911-12 sp la 1912-13) 929 E 45th St Chicago Royer Joseph William (arch eng 1891- 5 BS) Arch 311 Flat Iron Bldg Ur- bana 111 (801 W Oregon St) \Roysdon Emmett Russell (acad 1893- 5) 412 W Clark St Champaign 111 Roysdon Grace Elizabeth (Mrs Wm Mc- Cormick)(sp 1893-4) Home 412 W Clark St Champaign 111 Roysdon William Ira (la 1891-5 BL) Bus Mgr 412 W Clark St Champaign 111 Royse Lucy Ellen (su 1901 &'02) Stu Art 111 Worn Coll Jacksonville 111 Rozanski Otto (e eng 1913-14) 516 S Cherokee St Taylorville 111 "Rubens Harry Jr (su 1908 law 1908- 9 Also NW Law Sch) Glencoe 111 Rubey Harvey Kelly (c eng 1902-5 BS Also Mo Sch Mines) C Eng U Wash 1009 E 40th St Seattle Rubright Franklin LeRoy (la 1914- ) Stu Emerson 111 Rubush Preston C (sp arch 1887-8) Arch 430 Amer Cent Life Bldg In- dianapolis Ruby George Benjamin (chem eng 1911- 15 BS) Chem Eng Dept Corn Ex- change Bldg The Kennicott Co Chi- cago (Yorkville 111) Ruby Irving Randolph (chem eng 1909- 13 BS) Chem Eng Mishawaka Wool- en Mfg Co 928 E Second St Misha- waka Ind Ruckel John Garland (ag 1909-14 BS) Clk Williams Mus Co Birmingham Ala (848 S Glenwood Av Springfield 111) F * Rucker Herbert Judson (ag 1911-13 BS (111 Coll) '11) Prof Ag Blackburn Coll Carlinville 111 (Geneseo 111) Rucker Melvin Barnett (ag 1906-8) Ag Rl Argenta 111 Rucker Mrs William (see Hatch Edith H) Ruckman John W (la 1877-8) Col Coast Artillery Corps Naval War Coll Newport RI RUCKMICH Christian Alban (AB (Amherst) '09 AM(do)'12 PhD(Cor) '13 Instr Psychol Cor U 1911-13 Instr Psychol U 111 1913-15) Assoc Psychol U 111 1915- 709 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Ruckmich Mrs C A (see Theilen Mar- garet K) Ruddick Lillie (Mrs Owen Smith) (sc 1875-6) Jacksonville 111 Rudin Oliver Wendell (su 1907 Also Pur U) E Eng Western Elec Co 2155 N Kenneth Av Chicago (Trin- idad BWT Rudnick Paul Frederick Augustus (sc 1895-9 BS) Chf Chem Armour & Co Chicago (2007 Milwaukee Av) IRudy Franklyn (mus 1904-5 MD (Med Coll Ind) '92) Med Champaign 111 *Rudy William Dole (sc 1875-80 BS) d July 16 1899 Washington Rue Harold Dale (m eng 1908-9) Sales Mgr 49 E 39th St Chicago (1116 E Marquette Rd) Rue Orlie (m eng 1911-15 BS) Eng Dept Cent 111 Pub Ser Co 1204 Mar- shall Av Mattoon 111 Ruedi Charles Henry (arch eng 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 3733 Laclede Av St Louis Ruediger Mrs G F (see Bray ton Abby) Rueff Joseph Alvin (m eng 1912- ) Stu 402 Wisconsin Av Oak Park 111 Ruehe Harrison August (ag 1907-11 BS Instr Ag U Cal 1911-12 Instr 570 RUEHE— RUNFT Dairy Mfg Ag Coll & 1st Asst do Exp Sta U 111 1912-15) Assoc Dairy Mfg Ax Exp Sta U 111 1915- 1014 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Buehe Mabel Louise (mus 1914- ) Stu 1014 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 Ruehl Roy Edward (ag 1914-15) 1339 Hood Av Chicago Ruff Edgar John (sc 1907-8) Supt Brewery 935 Monroe St Quincy 111 Ruff George William (sp ag 1906-7) RR Conductor Portland Ore ( Shel- by ville 111) Ruffner Lester Lee (sp ag 1900-1) Undertaker Prescott Ariz (Mason 111) Ruffner Rachel (ag h sc 1913-15) Teach Casey 111 (Marshall 111) ?Ruger William Vernon (la 1870-3) Beaufort NC lEugg Arthur Edwin (acad 1902-3) Urbana 111 Rugg Daniel Maltby (m eng 1906-10 BS) Asst Supt Coke Plant Indiana Steel Co 240 McCollis Chattanooga Tenn Rugg Earle Underwood (la 1911-15 AB g 1915- ) Stu 142 Day St Fitch- burg Mass Rugg Edna A (Mrs C D Hubbard) (la 1899-1900 AB AB ( Portland ) '98 ) Home 125 Woodland Av Oberlin O *Rugg Fannie L (Mrs C J Elks) (la 1874-5) d May 13 1913 Oxford O Rugg Frederick D (la 1877-82 BL) Mgr Nat Life Ins Co Chicago (507 W University Av Champaign 111) Rugg Mrs F D (see Maltby Cora) rugg Harold Ordway (g la 1911-15 PhD BS (Dart) '08 CE (Thayer Sch C Eng) '09 Instr Mech Draw & Desc Geom Dart Coll 1908-9 Instr C Eng Millikin U 1909-10 Act Prof C Eng do 1910-11 Instr Gen Eng Draw U 111 1911-15) Instr Ed U Chgo 5813 Dorchester Av Chicago fRuggles Henry Paul (c eng 1904-5) 5180 Fairmont Av St Louis Rugh Lucien Edgar (m eng 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Areola 111 iRugh Walter Evans (acad 1899-1900) Blue Mound 111 Ruhl William Allen (ag 1912-13 Also St Johns Coll) Ins 2837 N Calvert St Baltimore Md Ruhm John Jacob Gregory (sp sc 1884- 5 AB(Vanderbilt)'84 LLB (Cumber- land) '86) V-Pres & Treas Ruhm Phosphate Min Co & Owner Mt Pleas- ant Elec Co Mt Pleasant Tenn Rukin Max (la 1912-15 AB Also Valparaiso U) c/o Child's Restaurant 55 Hanson PI Brooklyn NY (2106 Euclid Av Cleveland) Rule Carrie Le Verne (la 1906-10 AB) Teach 416 26th St Cairo 111 Rule Eva Ara (ag h sc 1906-8 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach 416 26th St Cairo 111 RULISON Harold Kirk (g econ 1915- BS(Cor)'15) Asst Dairy Husb Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 502 E John St Champaign 111 (Angelica NY) *Bumbold Joseph (acad 1886-7) d 1898 Forrest 111 Rummery Fay (ag 1909-13 BS Also Beloit Coll) Dairy 121 N Kinney St Angola Ind Rump Charles Albert (c eng 1902-6 BS'07) Lockport La Rump Guy Henry (c eng 1900-4 BS CE'12 Instr C Eng U 111 1905-6) C Eng 1929 State St Quincy 111 Rumsey Darce F (1 1909-10 LLB (Mich) '13 Also S 111 St Nor) Sec 125 Fourth St SE Washington (Gol- conda 111) Rumsey Lois (la 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 804 E Ninth St Muscatine la Rumsey Mary Halliard (la 1914- Also Millikin U) Stu 804 E Ninth St TVTvi grtQ 4-4y»Q, To tRunck Charles Allen (1 1904-6) Shel- don 111 Rundle Frank (g 1897-8 AB (Han- over) '96) Merc & Mayor 118 E Main St Clinton 111 (715 W Adams St) Rundle Howard Edward (ry e eng 1913- Also Cor U) Stu Iron Moun- tain Mich Rundle W B (ag 1913- ) Stu 118 E Main St Clinton 111 Rundles Charles Morton (acad 1909- 10 la 1910- ) Stu Huntertown Ind Rundles Don Cameron (acad 1902-3 sp ag 1902-3 '05-9 '14-15 BS) Hun- tertown Ind Rundles Earl (acad 1906-8 c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng Ft Wayne Ind Rundles Guy (acad 1907-8 sp law 1908-10 Also U Tex & U Colo) Law 134 E Berry St Ft Wayne Ind (1133 Elmwood Av) Rundles John Clinton (ag 1906-8 '09- 11 Feb '15 BS Also Earlham Coll) Ag Mgr US Dept Ag Washington (Huntertown Ind) Rundles William Loyd (e eng 1910-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Huntertown Ind Rundquist Elmer Theodore (ag 1914- ) Stu 15025 Main St Harvey 111 Rundquist John Martin (c eng 1909- 12) RR C Eng 348 W 77th St Chi- cago (6401 Normal Blvd) Runft Mrs E O (see Henning Edna BUNK— RUSSELL 571 Ellen) Runk Oliver (m eng 1908-11 '12-13) C Eng 1311 Internat Life Bldg St Louis (306 W Fifth St Sterling 111) Runkel Homer (sc 1906-11 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Gov Chem 4008 Fifth St NW Washington Runkel Mrs Homer (see Mann Mary B) Runneberg Elton Cromwell (ag 1913- ) Stu Crosby Tex Runyan Clarence Edson (arch eng 1913- Also U Ore) Stu 1053 Fourth Av Eugene Ore Ruple Mrs Robert E (see Kibby Sarah E) Rupp Andrew Oliver (aead 1881-2 la 1882-4) Edit Chenoa Times Chenoa 111 rupp Lewis William (g la 1910-11 AM AB( Carthage) '10) Theol Stu Luth- eran Sem May wood 111 (774 Main St Conneant O) Ruppel Arthur Daniel (ag 1915- Also U W Va) Stu 23 Nahant St Lynn Mass Ruppel Paul Earl (m eng 1915- ) Stu 305 W Ninth St Beardstown 111 EupprecM Edgar (acad 1894-5) c/o Western Valve Co Chicago (188 N Market St) Rush Francis Edward (e eng 1911-12 Also Corpus Christi Coll) Trav 79 N Prairie St Galesburg 111 Rush Ida F (Mrs N S Spencer) (la 1880-1) Home 1401 W University Av Champaign 111 Rush Ira Leon (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Arch Minot ND *Rush Louis Albinus (m eng 1905-7) d April 20 1909 Byron 111 Rush Mary (la 1872-3) At home 1401 W University Av Champaign 111 Rush Paul White (la 1914- ) Stu Pittsfield 111 Rush Philip Scott (la 1904-5) Mgr R G Dun & Co Butte Mont Rush Roy Leslie (la 1911-13 '14- ) Stu Mesa Id ?Rush Sarah (sp 1872-3) Champaign Rusher Floyd Elza (ag 1908-12 BS) Sales Box 42 Terre Haute Ind (Sul- livan Ind) Rusk Bessie Frances (su 1915) Libr Areola 111 Rusk Earl Wilson (ag 1906-7 BS(Mo) '09) Ag Mexico Mo Rusk Erva Merle (la 1907-8) Teach Rantoul 111 Rusk Forrest Seiler (arch eng 1908-9 BS Also Ohio St U) Arch 145 N High St Columbus O RUSK Henry Perly (BS (Valparaiso) '04 BSA(Mo)'08 MSA (do) '11 Asst An Husb U Mo 1908-9 1st Asst An Husb Ind Exp Sta Pur U 1909-10 Assoc Beef Cattle U 111 1910-13) Asst Prof Cattle Husb & Asst Chf do Exp Sta 607 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Rusk Mrs HP (sp mus 1911-12 BS (Mo) '09) Home 1306 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Rusk Ralph Leslie (la 1906-9 AB MA (Col) '12 Also U Mo) Instr Engl U Phillipines Manila PI (604 S Ninth St Columbia Mo) Rusk William Humphrey (arch 1885-6 BS(N Ind Nor) '82) Farm Mgr 604 S Ninth St Columbia Mo Ruskamp Josephine Anna (la 1905-7) Teach 1013 Ohio St Quincy 111 Ruskamp William Henry (c eng 1901- 2 '08-11 BS) Draft 6341 S Eliza- beth St Chicago Ruskamp Mrs W H (see McKenzie Edith E) Russegne George M (m eng 1876-9) Designer Roberts Cal Russel Robbins (g chem 1914- BS (111 Coll) '14) Stu 1109 Mound Av Jacksonville 111 Russel Stuart (la 1915- Also 111 Coll) Stu 1109 Mound Av Jacksonville 111 *Russell Albert (gen 1868) d Urbana 111 *Russell Annie S (gen 1874-7) d *Russell C M (sc 1874-7 '79-80) d Russell Carlton A (mun eng 1910-12) Chem 103 Mound St Joliet 111 Russell Caroline Nondas (Mrs M E Golding)(la 1905-9 AB'14 Also U Chgo 1912-14) Soc Serv 1525 E 60th St Chicago Russell Charles Clifton (ag 1915- ) Stu Wheaton 111 Bussell Charles M (acad 1880-2) Ur- bana 111 Russell Charles Wesley (acad 1888-9 la 1889-93 AB) Ag R6 Virginia 111 Russell Edwin Avery (c eng 1914- ) ^tu 1168 Abbott Rd Buffalo Russell Eugene Hamilton (ag 1914- 15) Treas Theatre Belvoir 205 W Church St Champaign 111 IRussell Frances (h sc 1912-13 Also U Chgo) 503 W Washington St Ur- bana 111 Russell Frank Pores (ag 1907-8 AB (Colgate) '02) Ag Lacon 111 fRussell Frank Summer (acad 1886-7 la 1887-8) St Joseph 111 Russell Frederic Arthur (g la 1913- AB(Albion)'08 AM(do) '09) Stu 213 Green St Champaign 111 Russell George Silas (c eng 1907-9 572 RUSSELL— RUTHERFOED BS Also Baltimore City Coll) C Eng & Chf Clk Kansas City Sewer Div 2513 Mersington St Kansas City Mo tEussell George Washington (acad 1902-4 m eng 1904-6) Homer 111 EUSSELL James Earl (AB(Cor)'87 PhD(Leipsic)'94 LL D (Dickenson) '03 LLD(McGill)'09 Prof Ed U 111 su 1900) Dean Sch Ed Teach Coll Col U (Cambridge Mass) Eussell John Tyndale (arch eng 1907- 11 BS) Draft Int Smelt & Eef Co Box 373 1059 Acoma St Denver ?Eussell Joseph Edgar (sp ag 1890-1) Ipava 111 ?Eussell Levi Douglas (mus 1903-4 Also U Chgo) 826 W 48th PI Chi- cago Eussell Lewis Melvin (la com 1907- 12 AB) Adv Mgr Chgo Daily News 3634 Michigan Av Chicago Russell Robbins (g chem 1915- BS (111 Coll) '14) Water Chem 1109 Mound Jacksonville 111 Russell Robert Avery (ag 1907-9 Also Cor U) Mgr & Owner Leather 1202 Michigan Av La Porte Ind Eussell Eobert Marshel (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Carter- ville 111 Eussell Eobert Royal (g hist 1915- AB(McPherson)'14 AM ( Kan ) '15) Stu 905 Illinois St Urbana 111 (Gal- va Kan) Russell Stuart (com 1915- ) Stu 1109 Mound Av Jacksonville 111. fRussell Sullivan J (c eng 1871-4) Elmwood 111 tRussell Virgil Ray (acad 1908-9 su 1905) Urbana 111 Russell Virginia Elizabeth (su 1914) Stu Rockford Coll 205 W Church St Champaign 111 tRussell William Cissna (sp 1897-8 '99-1900 ) Milford 111 t Russell William Emmet (la com 1907-11 AB) 937 Edgecomb PI Chi- cago * Russell Mrs WE (see Gross Blanche F) Russell Wilvan Jesse (la com 1905-9 AB) Asst Cash Pana Nat Bk Pana 111 *Russell Winifred (sc 1889) d May 1891 Champaign 111 Eussett Jasper Philip (arch eng 1913- Also Coe Coll) Stu Mt Vernon Av Cedar Rapids la Russinoff Evan Paul (e eng 1915- ) Stu Selo Preshevo Tirnovo Bulgaria tRussion Hoohannes (sp chem 1898-9) Harpoot Turkey Russo William Joseph (ag 1915- ) Stu 514 Gilpin PI Chicago Rust Clarence Arthur (ag 1915- ) Stu 624 E View St Elgin 111 Rust Grace Ann (sc 1910-12 AB Also Ind St Nor Sch 1905-8) e/o Tea Room Bay view Mich (Brownstown Ind) Rust Harold Jacob (com 1915- ) Stu 717 Park Blvd Pekin 111 Rust Louis John (e eng 1912- ) Stu 717 Park Av Pekin 111 *Rust Louise (Mrs D E Foss) (1901-2) d Feb 8 1910 Yonkers NY Rusy Benjamin Franklin (ag 1913- ) Stu 1339 S Avers Av Chicago *Rutan Abram R (la com 1873-8 Cert) d June 4 1887 Dwight 111 ?Rutan Roscoe Chambers (sp ag 1907- 8) 1224 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago Rutenber Frances Marie (h sc 1911- 15 AB) At home 405 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 tRuth Chester (la 1905-8) Hinsdale IU Ruth Rowland William (m eng 1912- 15 BS Also Beloit Coll) Eng Dept Amer Well Wks Aurora 111 (157 W Park Av) Ruth Thomas Lenor (la & law 1909-15 Also U Chgo) 105 Wright St Cham- paign 111 RUTH Warren Albert (g hort 1915- AB( Wabash) '06 AM (do) '09 Also Wash U 1907-8 Instr Chem Wabash Coll 1908-9 Asst Hort Chem U 111 1909-13) Assoc Hort Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 1017 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Ruth Mrs W A (see Waddell Mary L) *Rutherford Andrew (g sc 1911-12 BS (Edinburgh) '06 AM (do) '07) Gov En- tom Royal Botanic Gardens d 1915 Peradeniya Ceylon ?Rutherford Cecil Ebert (su 1907) Box 11 Newman 111 Rutherford Cyrus (la com 1870-1 MD (Pa) '77) Med Newman 111 Rutherford Cyrus Wilson (phar 1893-5 MD(Med Coll Ind) '99) Med New- man 111 t Rutherford Eugenia Elizabeth (la 1910-15 AB) Newman 111 Rutherford Evah Lucinda (Mrs J W Shepherd) (la a&d 1901-4) Home Oak- land 111 Rutherford Florence (la 1914- Also Ferry Hall) Stu Newman 111 Rutherford Geddes William (g pol sc 1915- AB(Col)'13 AM(Harv)'16) Stu 708 Maryland PI Columbia Mo Rutherford Thomas Arthur (g sc 1907-8 BS(Prin)'03 MS(do) '07 MD RUTHERFORD— SABlN 575 (Pa) '07 Asst Chem U 111 1908-9) Chf Physician Hillside Home Clarks Summit Pa Rutherford Wesley Earl (su 1906 ag 1910-11) Supt Schs Benld 111 (Gir- ard 111) \Buthrauff Emel LeRoy (acad 1900-1) Coon Rapids la Rutledge Bertha (la 1904-6 AB Also U Chgo) Teach 957 Valencia St Los Angeles Rutledge Burtch Irwin (sc 1912- ) Stu Chatsworth 111 Rutledge George (sc 1902-3 '07-10 AB g 1911-12 AM '12-15 PhD Res Asst Math U 111 1913-14) Instr Math Mass Tech Boston Rutledge John Joseph (acad 1889-90 min eng 1890-4 BS PhD(JHopk) '04) Min Eng US Bur Mines McAlester Okla Rutledge Nellie Irene (la 1904-8 AB) Teach c/o Mary Osborn Mt Sterling 111 Rutledge William Askins (eng 1907- 12) Credit Mgr 1535 Fremont St Portland Ore Rutt Roy Weaver (m eng 1899-1903 BS Asst to Dir Eng Exp Sta U 111 1905-10) M Eng Western Elec Co 1910- Hawthorne 111 (3421 Ivison Av Berwyn 111) Ryan Arthur Cleveland (eng 1913-14) Henry 111 Ryan Benjamin Harold (ag 1915- ) Stu East Moline 111 Ryan Edgar (la 1883-5) 3140 Calu- met Av Chicago (Virden 111) Ryan Edwin Groves (la 1904-8) Mfg Typewriter Supplies 1337 McCormick Bldg Chicago (3140 Calumet Av) ?RYAN Fannie M (Instr Mod Lang U 111 1890-2) Urbana 111 tRyan Francis Richard (e eng 1910- 12 Also U Notre Dame) 3020 Sheri- dan Rd Chicago Ryan Frank Warren (eng 1914-15 Also Lincoln Coll) 528 College Av Lin- coln 111 Ryan Howard Robert (e eng 1915- ) Stu 504 Douglas Av Elgin 111 ?Ryan James Bringhorst (acad 1885-6 la 1886-7) Virden 111 Ryan Jessie (Mrs R O Lucke) (la 1903-7 AB) Home The Manse ' Frankford W Va ?RYAN John Thomas (Asst Min Eng Min Rescue Sta U 111) Urbana 111 Ryan Joseph Francis (ag Feb 1916- ) Stu 117 N Maplewood Av Peoria 111 tRyan Joseph Patrick (sc 1907-8 Also Armour Inst) 7746 Coles Av Chi- cago tRyan Leo Kirk (sc 1910-12) 405 Tyler St Gary Ind Ryan Sara Agnes (sc 1895-6 Also Cook Co Nor) Teach & Author 536 Addison Av Chicago tRyan Thomas (e eng 1905-6) Lock- port 111 Ryan Walter Richard (la 1914- ) Stu 548 E 12th St Alton 111 ?Ryan William Asa (e eng 1908-9) Fairmount 111 Ryan William E (sp ag 1907-9) Ag R3 Delavan HI Ryburn Charles A (la 1899-1900 AB Also 111 Wes U) Ag Hey worth 111 Ryder Bruce Ivan (la 1915- ) Stu Bradford 111 Ryder Earl (e eng Feb 1916- ) Stu 806 S College St Springfield 111 Ryder Edith Marion (Mrs F W Cald- well) (la 1888-91) Home 623 W Wil- liam St Decatur 111 Ryder Frederick William (c eng 1913- 14 Also Lehigh U) M Eng 65 Wright St Wilkes-Barre Pa \Eyder Gaylord C (acad 1895-6) Mon- ticello 111" fRyder Gilbert Emery (ry eng 1905-6 Also Wis U) Sandwich 111 tRyder Olive Maria (la 1909-11) Sand- wich 111 Rydor Earl (e eng 1915- ) Stu 806 5 College St Springfield 111 tRYLEY Prof (Prof Ed U 111 su 1900) London *Ryno Walter Eugene (sp ag 1905-6) d May 15 1910 R5 Canton 111 Ryther Henry White (m eng 1909-15 BS Also Lewis Inst) Eng Armour 6 Co 6606 Yale Av Chicago Saathoff George Webster (e eng 1902- 6) E Eng 414 Joplin St Joplin Mo Sabel Walter Frank (acad 1906-10 arch eng 1909-10) Foreman Crescent Furniture Co 118 Edgar St Evans- ville Ind Sabin Albert Robbins (ag Feb 1916- ) Stu 6310 Blackstone Av Chicago *Sabin David Dickey (Trustee 1876-9 Memb la Legis 1860-2 Dep US Mar- shal Nor Dist 111) d Dec 13 1909 Belvidere 111 Sabin Donald Verne (1 1910-11 Also 111 Coll Photog 1912) Photog 405 W Clark St Champaign 111 Sabin Earl Clavin (c eng 1888-9) Estimator for Contr A W Stoolman 510 W Union St Champaign 111 Sabin Ethel Ernestine (g philos 1914- AB(Wis)'08 MA (do) '14) Stu 1908 Arlington PI Madison Wis Sabin Eugene F (la com 1875-6) Pur- chasing Agt Amer Ins Co Newark 574 SABIN— SALE NJ (1807 Post Av Kockford 111) Sabin Irwin C (chem 1874-5) Bkpr 111 Tract Co 706 W Healy St Cham- paign 111 iSaUn Nellie (acad 1891-2) Stoning- ton 111 Sachrison Julius Alvin (sp ag 1914- 15) Batavia 111 Sachs Ivey Floyance (lib 1907-9 BLS AB( Westfield )'03) Libr Pullman Wash SACHS Ward Hanson (ag 1914- BS (111 Wes) '10 Asst Soils U 111 1910- 13) Assoc Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 708 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Sachse Edward George (m eng 1892- 3) Elec Contr Morris 111 Sachse William Gustavus (m eng 1902-5 AB MD (Rush) '08) Med 217% Liberty St Morris 111 Sachsel Otto Roscoe (chem 1907-9) Sales 5943 Magnolia Av Chicago Sack Phillip Jr (arch eng 1909-10) Bus Mgr & Lumberman Polk Neb Sackett Clark Harold (su 1908 AM (Ober) '07) Teach 5141 Cabanne Av St Louis Sackett Fred Ward (la 1915- ) Stu 915 N Oak St Danville 111 fSackett Homer M (m eng 1874-5) Decatur 111 *Sackett John W (la com 1875-7) d Rantoul 111 Sackett Josephine Thomson (lib 1911- 12 AB(Brown)'ll Also NY St Lib Sch 1912-13) Asst Ref Dept Carne- gie Lib Pittsburg (37 Arlington Av Providence RI) *Sackrider Charles Norman (m eng 1910-12) d Sept 22 1913 Neguam Mich (Ishpeming Mich) Sackrison Julius Alvin (ag 1911-15) c/o Prairie Farmer Publ Co 538 S Clark St Chicago (24 S Jackson St Batavia 111) Sadakichi Taniyama (c eng 1907-9 BS Also U Colo) Eng Amer Trad Co 11 chome Yurackucho (Kojima- chiku Tokyo Japan) Sadler Lucille (la 1913-15) Teach Grove City 111 Sadler Walter Clifford (ry c eng 1909- 13 BS) C Eng Great N RR 136 S Porter St Elgin 111 Saelhof Clarence Charles (la 1915- ) Stu 4639 Fulton St Chicago Saemann Mabelle Oletta (lib 1907-9 BLS AB(Wis)'05) 103 Ried St Ply- mouth Wis Saffell Gladys Deforest (acad 1907-8 '10-11 sp mus 1912-15 la 1915- Also Knox Conserv Mus) Stu 702 W Green St Urbana 111 Saffer Louis B (1 1899-1900 LL B) Law 911 W Oregon St Urbana 111 *Safford A B (la 1875-7) d Crete 111 Safford Edward B (sc 1896-1900 BS) Ag R3 Sycamore 111 Safford John T (ag 1875-6) Fruit 1515 Main St Keokuk la Sage Charity Edenia (Mrs N A Flem- ing Jr)(ag 1909-10) Home The Elms R29(7) Ottawa 111 Sager Albert Claire (su 1914 Also Greenville Coll) 422 E Main St Greenville 111 Sager Anna Ellen (la h sc 1911-13 '15- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 603 Garfield Av Belvidere 111 SAGER Fred Anson (g eng 1896-8 BS(Mich)'94 Asst Physics U 111 1894-6 Instr Physics & Asst Prof Phy- sics do 1896-1903) Contr Eng Elec Mech & C Eng 1903- 105 S LaSalle St Chicago (Glencoe 111) Sager Mrs FA (see Stansbury Alta L) Saidla Glenn Ercal (ag 1915- Also Wabash Coll) Stu Crawfordsville Ind Sailer Frank (ag 1914- ) Stu 2807 W 22nd St Chicago Sailor Ira Carl (sp ag 1908-10 ag 1912-15 BS Also Eureka Coll) Ag Cissna Park 111 St John Alfred Harvey (m eng 1903- 7 BS) Ag Grandin ND ?St John Homer Erin (sc 1896-7) Rockford 111 St Lawrence James R (ag 1911-13) Ag 7601 Normal Av Chicago *St Vraine Savinien (acad 1879-80) d Oct 11 1890 Chester 111 *sakagami Yaosuzo (la 1903-5 AM AB(Minn)'97 ML(do) '99) Waka- gamaken Japan Sakryewsky Fred William (ag 1912- 13) Stu Kent Coll Law 918 Mil- waukee Av Chicago Salamson Max J (eng 1892-3 BS (Armour) '97 MD(Rush)'04) Med 2031 Fowler St Chicago Salazar Jose Urbano (sp ag 1910-14 BS Also U Ariz) 2100 Libertad St Chihuahua Mex Salb Albert (la 1899-1900 '01-2) Photog 170 Main St Petaluma Cal Salbe Roy Merridith (su 1912 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Gerlaw 111 SALE C Stanley (BS(Pur)'06) Asst to Dir Eng Exp Sta & Instr C Eng U 111 1915- 1206 S Orchard St Ur- bana 111 tSale Charles Elliott (sp 1868-70) Ret SALE— SAMTER 575 Effingham 111 *Sale Dwight Orville (acad 1905-6 la 1906-7) d Dee 13 1907 Urbana 111 Sale Edna Marie (Mrs J McCoy) (la 1900-1 Also Grad NW Sch Orat) Home & Teach Eeading 606 W Main St Urbana 111 Sale Eva Cornelia (Mrs A A Jones) (acad 1899-1901 Also 111 St Nor U) Home R3 Plain City O \Sale Leslie Oscar (acad 1890-1) Fish- er HI Sale Russell (acad 1901-2) Milk Insp Linden Heights O Salerno Joao (arch eng 1914-15 Also Mackenzie Coll) Stu Soracaba S Paulo Brazil Saleski Felicitas Anna (la 1906-7 Also NY Lib Sch & U Wis) Libr Pub Lib St Louis (625 N Colony St Meriden Conn) Saliba Habeeb Tannoos (la 1901-4) Mfg Campbell Mo Salisbury Earl Miller (la com 1911- 13) Merc Mason Mich Salisbury Ethel Imogene (la 1909-13 AB) Teach 445 Judd St Woodstock 111 Salisbury George Washington (ag 1912-15 BS Also W 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Effingham Kan (R3 Astoria 111) Salisbury Herbert Spencer (g 1900-1 BS( Carthage) '99) Surv & Drainage Mgr 245 Wabash Av Carthage 111 Salisbury Lucy Tomlin (sp mus 1903- 4) At home 1253 Everett Av Louis- ville Ky Salisbury Meta Emogene (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 907 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Salladay George Ray (sc 1898-9) Ag R2 Fairmount 111 Salladin George Edward Jr (la com *914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Milford Neb Sallee Gordon Francis (m eng 1912- 13) 617 Van Buren St Litchfield 111 f Sallee Lewis F (sp 1884-6) York Neb Salmer Clara (lib 1905 AB(SD)'03) Carroll Apts Sioux City la fSalmon Charles Prebel (la 1904-5 Also Adrian Coll) 1708 Newstead Av St Louis *Salter Ernest Watkins (acad 1887-8 sc 1888-9) d April 23 1904 Jersey City NJ (Stronghurst 111) •Salter Rembrandt R (sc 1870-2) d Feb 3 1909 Pueblo Colo Saltzman Herbert Ollie (arch eng 1913-15) 1401 S California Av Chi- cago \Salyers Harrison (acad 1894-5) Mon- ticello 111 ?Salyers John Oswell (acad 1900-1 sc 1901-2) Monticello 111 tSalyers Roland (sp ag 1903-5) Mon- ticello 111 Salyers Mrs Roland (see Drew Elva E) tSalzman Oscar R (su 1905) Grant- fork 111 Sammis Mrs Flora Elizabeth (Mrs J L)(mus 1904-5 Also U Wis 1906-7) 234 Breese Terrace Madison Wis Sammis Mrs John (see Curtis Flora C) Sammis John Langley (sc 1893-7 BS g 1897-9 MS PhD (Wis) '06 Asst Chem U 111 1897-1900 & su 1904 Instr do 1900-5 Asst Prof Dairy Husb U Wis 1907-12) Assoc Prof Dairy Husb U Wis 1912- Madison Wis tSammons William Edward (arch eng 1907-8) 209 Charles St Towanda Pa Sample John C (arch eng 1895-6 BS g 1896-7 M Arch BCE(Ia St) '95 CE (do) '05) Consult Eng 1 Madison Av New York fSampson Charles C (c eng 187i-3) Fair Play Wis t Sampson Harrv Coolidge (c eng 1903- 6) Highland'Park 111 Sampson Inez Estella (h sc 1911-13) Stu Oberlin Conserv Peoria St Wash- ington 111 Sampson Lloyd Carson (1 1910-13) Stu Law NW U Washington 111 Sampson Lotta Anne Delana (ag 1907- 8) Ag Petersburg 111 t Sampson Luther Vivian John (sp ag 1906-7) Petersburg 111 Sampson William Edgar (1 1903-5 LLB BS(I11 Coll) '98) Law 7 Ma- rine Bk Bldg Springfield 111 (403 S Seventh St) Sampson Mrs WE (see Dobbins Ethel I) t Samson Bernard Toblante (su 1908 Also NW Phar Coll) Candaha Pam- panga PI Samson Charles Leonard (m eng 1897- 1902 BS) M Eng 908 Sheridan Rd Chicago Samson George Roy (la 1898-1902 AB ag 1903-5 BS) Instr An Husb Ore Ag Coll Corvallis Ore Samson Inez Rose (la 1900-4 AB) 311 W High St Urbana 111 t Samson John Frank (la 1882-4) Oro- ville Wash tSamter Miriam Lucille (ag h sc 1909- 12) 229 N 52nd Av Austin 111 : 576 SAMUELS— SANDUSKY SAMUELS Alexander Felix (g sc 1914-15 AB(Wis-)'10 Ees Asst As- tron U 111 1914-15) Teach Isabela Luzon PI (West Salem Wis) Samuels Alice (Mrs A L Cline) (su 1902 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Ma- rion 111 Samuels Freda Irma (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu 5254 Wayne Av Chi- cago Samuels Johnathan Huntoon (m eng 1884-8 BS) M Eng 823 Third St Ft Madison la Samuels Theresa Minna (la 1914- ) Stu 5216 Michigan Blvd Chicago Samuels Thomas Walter (la 1905-9 AB g 1911-12 AM '12-14 LLB) Law 405 Citizens Bk Bldg Decatur 111 Samuels Mrs T W (see Flickinger Pauline E) Samuelson Mrs (see Hazen Fanny) Samuelson Eaphael Adelphard (e eng 1911-15 BS) Auto 466 Stella St Elgin 111 SANBOEN Frank Berry (BS(Dart) '87 CE(do)'89 MS(Harv)'98 Asst Prof C Eng Tufts Coll 1899-1901 Asst Prof C Eng U 111 1908-9) Prof C Eng Tufts Coll 1901- Cambridge Mass ^Sanchez Alejandro (acad 1885-6) Chihuahua Mex Sandall Ernest Eugene (ag 1908-13 BS) Ag Burlington 111 (K2 De- Kalb 111) Sandberg Carl Eric (sp 1896-8 MD (Chgo Med & Surg) '08) Med 1001 W 59th St Chicago ISandberg Eskil Arvid (m eng 1904-5 Also U Halsingfors Finland) 315 N Franklin St Chicago Sandberg Reuben Lawrence (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-12 BS) Designer & Checker CM&StP RR 1942 Winona Av Chicago t Sandberg Victor E (m eng 1904) Westfield NY Sandehn Casper Wilhelm (la 1914-15) 1514 E State St Rockford 111 tSANDEL Ida Susan (la 1895-9 AB) Champaign 111 Sanders Mrs (see Holderman Harriet) sanders Alvin Howard (Hon DAg 1905) Edit Breeder 's Gazette 542 S Dearborn St Chicago 1 Sanders Benjamin Edson (acad 1906- 7) Piano 111 Sanders Frank Smith (sp arch 1902-3 Also De Pauw U) Cash Republic Mfg Co 4737 N Lincoln St Chicago Sanders Frank Wilson (ag 1915- Also U Cin) Stu 2918 Montana Av Cin- cinnati SANPERS George Edward (sc 1911-14 '14-15 BS) 105 E Davidson St Cham paign 111 SANDERS George Ethelbert (Field Asst St Entom Ofc 1908-9) Gov Cen- tral Exp Sta Ottawa Can "FSanders George Luman (acad 1886-7 m eng 1887-9) Waterloo la ^Sanders John James (c eng 1903-6) 700 W Fullerton Av Chicago Sanders Laura Marie (h sc 1909-14 AB) 603 Armory Av Champaign 111 t Sanders Mabel Alberta (sp la 1908- 9) 212 W White St Champaign 111 Sanders Ralph Lloyd (acad 1909-10 c eng 1910-14 BS) C Eng 1543 Transp Bldg Chicago t Sanders Ralston Harvey (acad 1890-1 m eng 1890-2) 860 Washington Blvd Chicago (358 Dearborn St) Sanders Sarah Isabella (g la 1913-14 AB(Vas)'09) 502 W Van Buren St Ottawa 111 Sanders Theodore Marcus (arch eng 1898-1902 BS) Arch 39 Urguhart Bldg Little Rock Ark Sanderson Arthur Kingston (m eng 1915- ) Stu 219 S Spring Av La Grange 111 t Sanderson Otto Alvin (sp ag 1905-6) Malta 111 Sandford Mrs Eva Phillips (Mrs W E)(sc 1895-6 Also U Mich 1891-3) Home Kewanee 111 Sandford William Emanuel (acad 1887- 8 sc 1888-91 PhC(Mich)'92 Asst Chem U 111 1892-3 Asst Chem & Instr Phar do 1893-4 Instr Phar do 1894-6) Mfg Kewanee 111 Sandidge Clyde Rily (su 1910 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Freeburg 111 sandifur Claude Williamson (sc 1906- 9 AM 1909-11 AB(Ind)'06 Also Marion Nor Coll 1899-1900 Instr Physics U 111 Acad 1906-11) Teach 1426 Alta Vista Blvd Los Angeles Sandler Edward Adolf (la 1915- ) Stu 315 Eighth St Cairo 111 tSandmeyer Eugene Wilbur (sp ag 1909-10) Chenoa 111 tSandmeyer John Henry Jr (sp ag 1911-12) Chenoa 111 Sandquist William Andrew (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Victoria 111 Sands Effie Louisa (lib 1907-8 AB (Neb Wes U) '05) Asst Libr St Nor Sch Bellingham Wash Sandstedt Emil Fernando (la com 1911-12) Mgr Groc 427 E Orleans St Paxton 111 t Sandusky Abe (acad 1900) Indian- ola 111 Sandusky Will Josiah (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Indianola 111 SANDVOLD— SATTINGER 577 Sandvold Conrad Elmer (com 1915- Also Morningside Coll) Stu Moore- head la Sanford Mrs (see Swayne Ethel) Sanford Delia C (lib 1898-1900 BLS) Libr U Wis Lib Madison Wis Sanford Edwin William (c eng 1902-6 BS) Asst Eng CRI&P RR 616 18th St Moline 111 Sanford Elbert Harmon (sp ag 1904- 5) Ag & Dairy Polo 111 Sanford Harriet Adelaide (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 106 Robinson St Dan- ville HI Sanford Juanita Lorraine (la 1915 Also Ind U) Stu Rll Lebanon Ind Sanford Miles Blinn (la 1913-14 Stu Cor U 217 S Ashland St La Grange 111 Sanford Pearle Clayton (su 1915 Also Olivet Coll) Coach & Teach Marshall- town Iowa ? Sanford Robert McMynn (acad 1903- 4) 1445 E Capitol St Washington ?Sanford Wilber Hoyt (sp ag 1900- 1) Murrayville 111 Sanford Willard Clarke (sc 1884-7 BS(Mo)'88 MD(NW)'90) Med 31 N State St Chicago sangdahl George Stanley (acad 1908- 9 c eng 1909-13 CE Also Armour Inst) C Eng 7117 Harvard Av Chi- cago Sankee Ruth (lib 1914-15 AB(Kan) '14) Libr Sam Houston Nor Inst Huntsville T'ex (1107 N Hampshire St Lawrence Kan) Sankey Claude Wilson (su 1915) Teach H Sch R5 New Castle Pa \Sanmann Anna Johanna (acad 1909- 10) Havana 111 Sanmann Frank Paul (ag 1915- ) Stu R2 Havana 111 Santee Albert Merritt (la 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Pasadena Cal Santiago Alfredo Viola (arch eng 1914- Also Upper la U) Stu 17 Rizal St S Miguel Bulacan PI Santos Gervasio y Cunyugan (acad 1905-6 MD(U 111 Coll Med) M0) Med Philip Gen Hospital Manila PI (San Fernando Pampanga) t Santos Jose Abad (su 1905 sp law 1905-6) c/o Dir Ed Manila PI Sanvictores Jose Gorgonio (sc 1905-8 BS Also Ober Coll) Gov Pasig Rizal PI Saperstox Q Nathan (e eng 1910-15 BS) Substa Opr 3547 W Jackson Blvd Chicago (12 E Main St St Charles HI) tSaravia Ricardo (sp ag 1908-9) Salta Argentine SARETT Lew R (1 1913- AB(Be- loit) Ml Also Harv U & U Mich Asst Pub Spk U 111 1913-14) Asst Engl U 111 1914- 504 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Sarett Mrs L R (see Husted Mar- garet E) Sargeant Southworth Samuel (1 1909- 13LLB) Law Geneva 111 Sargent Agnes Lucy (Mrs A Blos- som) (la 1906-8 AB Also Lowell Nor Sch) Home Turner Center Me Sargent Charles Elliotte (m eng 1883- 6 BS g 1907-8 MEMS BS (Black- burn) '82 MS(do)'86) Chf Eng Lyons Atlas Co Indianapolis t Sargent Chester Frederick (acad 1908- 9 m eng 1909-10) Glencoe 111 * Sargent Ernest True (acad 1885-6 la 1888-90) d Carlinville 111 Sargent Francelia Plumly (la h sc 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 2272 N Meridian St Indianapolis Sargent Frank Akin (ag 1915- ) Stu Ferris 111 SARGENT Herbert Howland (BS (Blackburn) '78 Also US Mil Acad 1883 & Grad Army War Coll 1909 Prof Mil Sc U 111 1886-7 Prof Mil Sc & Tactics Texas Ag Coll 1903-7) Ret Major 2nd Cavalry Medford Ore Sargent Hubert Eugene (min eng 1915- Also Dart Coll) Stu Sum- mer St Newport NH Sargent Isaac Chase (la 1874-7) Mex- ican Timber Lands 522 Rockton Av Rockford 111 Sargent Jacob F (acad 1886-7) Ag Tonasket Wash tSater Carl DeWolfe (ag 1906-8 Also Pur U) 114 Butler Av Columbus O tSater Eunice Farrar (su 1903) At- lanta 111 *Saterlee Frank Willis (sp 1869-72) d 1910 Batavia 111 ?Sato Toshio (arch eng 1906-10 Also Pacific U) Osaka Japan Satterfield Helen Charlotte (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu 630 N Pine Av Chicago fSatterfield Raymond Pool (c eng 1908-12) Mt Vernon 111 Satterlee John Paul (m eng 1896-7 ME(Cor)'OO) R Est Long Beach Cal ISatterlee Lewis A (sp 1870-3) 830 Oakwood Av Danville 111 (Batavia 111) Sattinger Fannye Ruth (su 1915 Also Syr U) Stu Syr U Haven Hall Syracuse NY (416 E 32nd St Indi- 578 SAUER— SAWYER anapolis) Sauer Alfred Henry (la 1899-1900 LLB(Mich)'03) Law Pigeon Mich Sauer Clark George (ag 1913-14 Also U Chgo) 5607 University Av Chi- cago (Dana 111) \Sauers Arthur Andrew (acad 1897-8) Earlville 111 Saul Charles James (la 1914-15 Also Simpson Coll) Ranch Douglas Wyo (102 S Jefferson Av Denison la) Sauls Dixie Jean (Mrs V W Park) (la 1909-10) Home Cleveland Miss Saunders Mrs A J (see Holderman Harriet) Saunders Mrs C B (see Ayres An- nette) Saunders Carl Jefferson (la com Feb 1915 com 1915- ) Stu 200 E Dem- ing St Roswell 1ST Mex Saunders Clara Adele (su 1911) Teach 401 Adelia St Springfield 111 Saunders Harry J (sc 1892-6 BS MD (Nat Med U) '03 Also Chgo Sch Plas- tic Surg 1904) Med 1014 Broadway Kansas City Mo Saunders Harry Ogden (e eng 1908- 12 BS) Phone Eng 825 S Glenwood Av Springfield 111 (125 N State St) Saunders Mrs Harriet Holderman (lib 1901-4 BLS) Home 34 Halsted St East Orange NJ Saunders Oliver Clinton (sc 1891-3) Ag Mahomet 111 Saunders Rome Clark (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-8 BS) Com Agt Tacoma RR & Power Co Tacoma Wash Saunders Thomas Earle (acad 1898- 1900 law 1899-1902 '03-4) Mgr Flat Iron Store Urbana 111 (806 S Goodwin Av) Saunders Mrs T E (see Gwinn Alta) t Saunders Tony Clay (acad 1895) Champaign 111 ?Saunerman Ramer Henry (arch eng 1906-7 Also Kan St Ag Coll) 1931 Hellick St Kansas City Mo Savage Mrs (see Clink Bertha M) Savage Mrs (see Fullenwider Lucilla A) Wavage Alice Ellen (acad 1876-8) Pretty Prairie Kan Savage Arthur Dale (la 1908-9 ag 1909-13 Also NW U) 810 W Church St Champaign 111 Savage Mrs A D (see Tritt Helen L) Savage Charles Chase (la & 1 1903-4) Grain Deal Virginia 111 Savage Clifford Martin (arch eng 1911- 14) Draft 214 W Fourth St Ander- son Ind Savage George Marvin (la 1876-80 BL ML '88) 138 S Broadway Los Ange- les (221 N Av 23) Savage Mrs John H (see Nash Alida L) Savage Lillian Waters (la 1910-14 AB) Teach 325 Portland Av Belle- ville 111 Savage Manford (la 1872-8 BL) Law 810 W Church St Champaign 111 Savage Marie (la 1911-15 AB) Teach Areola 111 (1014 W California Av Urbana 111) Savage Mary Franklin (la 1913-15) At home 325 Portland Av Belleville 111 Savage Ralph Nash (m eng 1911-12) Urbana Bk Co 605 W Main St Ur- bana 111 Savage Richard Webb (e eng 1909-10) San Diego Cal (1312 Chicago Av Evanston 111) SAVAGE Thomas Edmund (AB(Ia Wes)'95 BS(Ia)'97 MS(do) '98 PhD (Yale) '09 Prof Biol & Geol Leander Clark Coll 1899-1904 Asst St Geol U la 1904-7 Asst Prof Geol U 111 1907- 15) Asst Prof Geol U 111 1915- 611 W Nevada St Urbana 111 t Savage Thomas Edwin (su 1910) Alexis 111 t Savage Tom Stribling (sp ag 1907-8) Ashland 111 Savage William Chauncey (ag 1913- ) Stu Frankfort Mich Savage William Elliott (sc 1912- ) Stu 325 Portland Av Belleville 111 Savidge Harry (c eng 1902-3 '05-7 BS) Ag & Teach Box 26 Farmer City 111 Savidge Robert Whitlock (g chem 1909-10 AB(Chgo)'09) Chem Nat Carbon Co Cleveland (2228 Maple St Omaha Nebr) Saville Edward William (ag 1912- ) Stu 229 W Spruce St Canton 111 tSawada Nmetaro (c eng 1910-11 Also Sapparo Coll Japan) 3305 W Madi- son St Chicago Sawers Helen (la 1914-15 Also U Chgo) 419 W 62nd St Chicago Sawtell Warren Michel (ag 1914-15) 7117 Yale Av Chicago Sawtell William Amos (ag 1907-10 BS) Ag Powell Wyo Sawyer Peter Winfield (com 1868-9) Freeport 111 Sawyer Mrs A B (see Wardall Fan- nie M) Sawyer Albert Butler Jr (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag NOrborne Mo Sawyer Mrs A B Jr (see Porter Agnes N) Sawyer Donald Hubbard (c eng 1898- 1902 BS) C Eng 410 Lindelle Blk Spokane Wash SAWYER— SCATES 579 *Sawyer Edgar (sc 1868-9) d May 25 1912 Tiskilwa 111 Sawyer Fred Scott (c eng 1901-5 BS) C Eng 407 White Bldg Seattle Sawyer Mrs Fred Scott (see Spray Edith L) Sawyer George Kingsley (acad 1896-7 sp 1897-9 Also U Wis 1899-1901) Ranch Dewey Lake Neb Sawyer George Loyal (mun eng 1899- 1903 BS) Eng 410 Lindelle Blk Spokane Wash (1119 Race St) Sawyer George Pillsbury (e eng 1908- 11 BS Also Monmouth Coll) E Eng 115 "B" St Monmouth 111 Sawyer Gertrude (ag land arch 1914- Also Tudor Hall) Stu Norborne Mo Sawyer Hamlin Whitmore (la 1874-8 Cert) Ag & R Est Enid Okla (God- frey 111) Sawyer Henry Greeley (chem eng 1912-15 BS Also Monmouth Coll) Chem Inland Steel Co Indiana Har- bor (South Bay Hotel) (115 S "B" St Monmouth 111) Sawyer Ida E (Mrs W G Tait) (lib 1898-1900 BLS PhB(NW) '96) Home Tillamook Ore Sawyer Isaac Cornelius (la 1915- ) Stu 800 SW Grand Av Springfield IU Sawyer John Henry (la 1904-8 AB) Teach 1117 N 11th St Boise Id Sawyer John York (la 1874-6) Merc 4628 W Ravenswood Av Chicago Sawyer Margaret (h sc 1910-14 BS Also Cor Med Coll) Teach Dietetics la St U Iowa City la (Norborne Mo) Sawyer Philetus Thomas (ag 1914- ) Stu 800 Grand Blvd Springfield 111 Sawyer William Warren (phar 1879- 80) Mfg Rockford Wall Plaster Co 826 N Main St Rockford 111 Sax Carrol William (la 1912-13 Also Notre Dame U) R Est 5012 Prairie Av Chicago Saxe Albert Moore (arch 1907-9) Arch 1951 E 72nd PI Chicago Saxton Charles Van Keuren (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 123 Michigan St Pueb- lo Colo Saxton Eva Iola (Mrs G B Thompson; (mus 1903-8) Home & Sec Wk 2101 Clifton Av Chicago Saxton Harry T (su 1914 Also Al- bion Coll) Dir Athl Todd Sch Boys Woodstock 111 (139 Mt Vernon St Detroit Mich) Saxton John Carey (la 1871-2) Phar Clear Lake Wis Saxton Katherine (Mrs G O Cogswell) (h sc 1910-13) Home 20 N Seventh St Hamilton O f Saxton Silva (acad 1909-10) Pres- cott Wash \ Say den John Emmett (acad 1904-5 Also Greer Coll) Cheney ville 111 ?Saye Agnes (sp 1892-3) Champaign Sayers Albert Jefferson (m eng 1891- 5 BS) Eng Sales Link Belt Co 7121 Eggleston Av Chicago Sayers Gilbert Arthur (sp ag 1908-10 Also NW U) Mintr Orland 111 Sayers William Wesley (acad 1892-3 m eng 1893-7 BS) M Eng 3913 El- lis Av Chicago Sayler Joel Reynolds (m eng 1893-7 BS) M Eng Box 208 Scranton Pa \Saylers Harrison (acad 1894-5) Mon- ticello 111 fSaylor Imogean Grace (sp ag 1900-1) Rensselaer Ind Saylor Owen Webster (su 1915 Also Franklin & Marshall Coll) Teach 75 Saylor St Johnstown Pa Sayre Charles Bovett (hort 1909-13 BS 1st Asst Oler Ag Exp Sta & Instr do U 111 1913-14) Instr Veg Garden Pur U 1000 Seventh St West Lafayette Ind (6438 Drexel Av Chicago) sayre E Randall (g la 1913-14 AM AB(McKendree) , 09 AM(do) '10) Le- banon 111 Sayre Rollo Clifton (su 1912 & '15 la 1912- 13 BS(McKendree)'09) Teach Leban- on 111 (Granite City 111) SBEDICO Attilio Filippo (AB(Colle- gio G B Vico-Chieti) '03 AM(Pa) '07 PhD (do) '09 Instr Italian U Pa su 1908&'09&'10 Instr Rom Langs U 111 1909-11) Instr Rom Lang U Wash 1911- 4227 Eighth Av NE Seattle Sbedico Mrs (see Stolle Ida J) Scales Walter Howard (arch eng 1909- 14 BS) Eng Black Hawk Constr Co Waterloo la (1000 Lipscomb St Fort Worth Tex) . Scales Mrs W H (see Goodmann Le- ola I) Scanlan Chester Jerome (m eng 1915- ) Stu 822 E Washington St Blooming- ton 111 Scanlan Delia Louise ( la 1907-8) Teach Buffalo Wyo Scanlan Jack Addison (c eng 1907-11 BS) C Eng 1013 A Av E Cedar Rapids la Scanlon Francis Whisler (sp ag 1899- 1900) Ag Avon 111 Scarborough Charles Middleworth (la 1898-9 Also Hanover Coll & S N Mex Nor Sch) Hotel Mgr Camp Lost Ar- row Yosemite Valley Cal Scates Paul William (e eng 1910-12) 580 SCHAAD— SCHARDON Switchbd Repair Chgo Tel Co 1725 Wilson Av Chicago \Schaad Thomas Ferdinand (acad 1893-4) Chandlerville 111 Schaaf Kenneth A (acad 1905-7) E Eng Franklin 111 (Waverly 111) Schaarman Emil Ferdinand (la 1911- 14 AB g 1914-15 AM) Teach 112 E Green St Champaign 111 Schacht Frederick William (sc 1893- 7 BS g 1897-8 MS Also U Chgo) Teach 6842 LaFayette Av Chicago Schacht John Henry (arch 1899-1903 BS) Arch 1819 14th St Moline 111 Schadt Mabel Eva (h sc 1910-14 BS Also Chgo & Valparaiso Coll) Teach c/o YWCA St Louis Sehaede Emma Adelina (sp mus 1915- ) Stu 601 N Ash St Champaign 111 Schaefer Edgar Frederick (la 1912- ) Stu 1121 Ohio St Quincy 111 schaefer Edwin George (g ag 1909- 10 MS BS(Kan Ag) '07) Agron Ag Exp Sta Wash Ag Coll Pullman Wash Schaefer Edwin Morton (acad 1905-6) Chf Chem Morris & Co Packers E St Louis 111 (Belleville 111) *Schaefer Ellen Mary (lib 1902-4 BLS) d Oct 21 1912 Cambridge City Ind Schaefer Mrs Frank R (see Shawhan Gertrude) Schaefer George Charles (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) Elec Const Insp 4300 Ellis Av Chicago Schaefer John V (m eng 1884-8 BS g 1888-9 Hon MS '05 Instr Shop 1889-90) Contr Eng Roberts & Schaefer Co 1459 Fargo Av Chicago Schaefer Mary Elizabeth Medora (su 1899) Teach 101 W Irving St Nor- mal 111 Schaefer Paul Vincent (1 1905-9 LL B) Asst Cash Farm & Merc Bk Carlyle 111 Schaefer Peter Philip (la 1896-7 law 1897-1900 LL B) LaAv Schaefer & Dolan 13 Main St Champaign 111 (512 S Elm St) Schaefer Philemon Anatolio (acad 1884-5 c & m eng 1885-90 Cert) Min Eng Parrol Chihuahua Mex (c/o A B Sawyer Tolono 111) Schaefer Ruth Marian (la h sc 1914- 15) Stu U Chgo) 6204 Dorchester Av Chicago Urbana 111 Schaefer William Adolph (la Feb 1915 com 1915- ) Stu 3817 Ro- keby St Chicago Schaeffer Delmont Louis (c eng 1909- 10) Asst Cash Farmers Bk Tren- ton 111 Schaeffer Orville Vallette (sc 1909-10 BS (Valparaiso U) '07) Supt Sch Hindsboro 111 (Fairfield 111) tSchafer Charles Henry (1 1909-11) Mt Carmel 111 schafer Edwin George (g ag 1909-10 MS BS(Kan Ag) '07) Prof Agron Wash St Coll Pullman Wash (Jewell Kan) Schafer Edythe Adeline (su 1913) St Organizer Barclay Co Newark NJ (Shumway 111) tSchafer Fred Bismark (la 1908-9 Al- so Lewis Inst) Clyde 111 Schafer Hazel (la 1914-15) Teach Columbia City Ind Schafer Ida Z . (su 1914 Also U Woos- ter) Macon 111 tSchaffer Otto George (ag 1910-14 Also Lake Forest Coll) Lake Forest 111 Schaffer Randolph Clinton (eng 1913- 14 Also Bradley Poly) Electric Sig- nal Serv DL&W RR Newark NJ (Plymouth 111) schaffer Wilhelmina Marie (g la 1911-12 AM AB(Lak e Forest) '11) Teach Lake Forest 111 Schafmayer Albert James (acad 1902- 3 c eng 1904-7 BS g 1913-14 CE) C Eng 207 City Hall Chicago (Scales Mound 111) Schalck Edward Michael (sc 1909-13 AB Also U Mich) Land Arch 1722 N Mozart St Chicago Schalck Michael Andrew (ag 1913- Also Eureka Coll) Stu Butler Ky tSchallenberger Ashton C (sc 1879-80) Toulon 111 Schaller Alvin Louis (m eng 1903-7 BS ME '12 Instr M Eng U 111 1911) Bus Mgr 275 N Main St Wellsville NY (Mendota 111) Schaller Emma Eugenie (Mrs Floyd H Millard) (la h sc 1910-14 AB) Home Chicago (Mendota 111) Schaller Gilbert Simon (m eng 1912- ) Stu W Fifth St Mendota 111 Schaller Robert Herman (acad 1906-9 sc 1909-11) Effic Eng Coke By-Prod- uct Plant Ind Steel Co YMCA Gary Ind Schaller William Fred (e eng 1909- 10 BS MS '12) Planning E Eng NY NH&H RR Cos Cob Power Plant Cos Cob Conn (Mendota 111) Schance Theodore James (m eng 1908- 12 BS) Teach Cherry Point 111 tSchap Thomas Henry (e eng 1911- 12) Stockton 111 Schaper Hazel (la h sc Feb 1915 Also Ind St Nor) Columbia City Ind ?Schardon Louis Frank (sp 1872-5) SCHAUB— SCHEETZ 581 Hillsboro 111 Schaub Edward L T (acad 1880-1 la 1881-2) Stock & Bond Sales Scran- ton Pa (1248 S High St Columbus O) SCHAUB Ira Obed (g ag 1904-5 BS (NC Ag)'00 Also JHopk U Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1903-5 Asst Prof Soils la Ag 1905-9) Supt Demonstration Frisco Lines Spring- field Mo t Schaub Melville George (c eng 1905- 6) Freeport HI Schaulin George Marvin (cer 1910-15) Cer Eobinson Clay Products Co Mal- vern O (Mazon 111) Schaumberg Edward George Jr (arch eng 1914- Also Wash StL U) Stu 5110 Maple Av St Louis Schayer Mrs Milton (see Eeinach El- sie) Schecht Max (la 1913- ) Stu 1646 St Marks Av Brooklyn NY Schecter Ealph Wendell (lp 1912- ) Stu 709 Eobinson St Danville 111 Scheele Donald Charles (m eng 1911- 15) Jeffrey Auto Mfg Prairie Av & Chicago St Kenosha Wis (821 Douglas Av Elgin 111) tScheeler Cecil Gordon (ag 1911-12) Sparland 111 Scheer Eaymond Ancil (su 1915 Also Lincoln Coll) Bethany 111 SCHEFFEL Earl Bead (g sc 1911-12 BS(Denison)'07 MS(do) '08 Instr Geol & Min Lawrence Coll 1908-11 Asst Geol U 111 1911-12) Sales 341 Eiver St Dayton O Scheffer Max Adam (ag 1910-11) Ag Atwood 111 Scheffer Wilhelmenia (la 1914- ) Stu Atwood 111 SCHEFTEL Yetta (AB(NW)'06 AM (Chgo) '08 Ees Asst 111 Surv 1914-15) Soc Serv 1220 Independence Blvd Chicago Scheid Jacob Philip (sc 1908 & '09 & '12 la 1911-12 AB Grad(Ill St Nor U) '07) Teach Freeburg 111 (Green- view 111) tScheidecker Glenn W Smiley (la com 1909-13) 119 N Maple St Sycamore 111 Scheidenhelm Edward Lewis (eng 1888-92 BS) Bnk 704 Lake Av Wil- mette 111 tSCHEIFLEY William H (AM Instr Eom Lang U 111 1910-11) 5473 Uni- versity Av Chicago ?Scheld Amelia (sp 1900-1) Chicago *SCHELD Henry Carl (At Amer Con- serv 1899-1901 Instr Violin Harm & Mus Hist U 111 1901-3 '06-7) d Oct 30 1907 Chicago Schelde Jeffe (sp arch eng 1906-7) Contr & Build Jamestown ND Schell Edward John (c eng 1907-11 BS) c/o Waddell & Harrington Kansas City Mo tSchellback John Francis (mun eng 1909-13) Dixon 111 Schellenger William (ag 1869 70) Groc- er Los Angeles Schellhous Harrison Edward (su 1909 BS(Pur)'lO) Eng Constantino Mich Schelling Mrs J M (see Ayers Zelda M) Schenck Charles Jr ( c eng 1897-8) Fact Mgr Elevator Supply & Eepair Co 146 N Taylor Av Oak Park 111 (561 W Monroe St Chicago) Schenck Chester (e eng 1909-12 BS Also Kan Ag Coll) Draft TMEE&L Co 146 Martin St Milwaukee \Schenk Clara (acad 1891-2) Fisher 111 Schenck Cornel (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Earitan 111 Schenck Henry Gelbach (com 1915- ) Stu 295 Hallock St Jamestown NY Schenck Lawrence (e eng 1913-14) Le- Eov Kan Schenck Ealph Edwin (arch 1911-14 su 1915) 1003 S Eace St Urbana 111 Schenck Vernon Gates (com 1915- ) Stu 118 Broadhead Av Jamestown NY Schenker Mrs J W (see Wills Etta C) Scherer Harry Tecumseh (su 1911 AB (Millikin) '13) Stu Eaymond 111 Scherer Josephine (Mrs W E Burk- halter)(la 1901-5 AB) Home 723 Pittock Blk Portland Ore Scherer Oliver Frank Hoyea (ag 1901- 2) Poultry Breed 311 N Mill St Olney 111 ^Scherer Willis A (acad 1889-90) Eay- mond 111 scherfee Samuel Hawthorne (g bot 1912-14 AM AB(LeStan)'09) Teach 701 W Illinois St Urbana 111 t Schermerhorn Laura Dell (sp mus 1897-8) Newton Ind t Schermerhorn May (sp ag 1900-1) Kinmundy 111 Schernekan William John (cer eng 1914- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu West Salem 111 Schertz Albert Charles (la com 1903- 8 AB) Ag Tiskilwa HI Schertz Joseph William (c eng 1903- 7 BS) C Eng 2944 S Park Blvd Chicago 582 SCHERTZ— SCHMIDT Schertz Louis Christian (sp ag 1906-7 Also U Chgo) Ag Roanoke 111 Schertz Louis John (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Deer Creek 111 Schetnitz Hymen (la com 1911-15 AB) 1332 N Maplewood Av Chicago \Scheurich Joseph Martin (acad 1906- 7) Neil & South Sts Champaign 111 Scheve Mrs (see Eisenmeyer Ida) Scheve Julius Lincoln (sp arch 1887- 9) Lumberman Krebs-Scheve Lum- ber Co 33 St Louis Av St Louis (4204 Botanical Av) Schickedanz Louis Herman (m eng 1912- ) Stu 634 W Grove St Pon- tiac 111 Schickedanz Simon Aaron (m eng 1907-11 BS) Mech Draft 616 Oak St Danville 111 Schickedanz Mrs S A (see Moschel Margaret) ySchierbcmm Emanuel Albert (acad 1890-1) Grantfork 111 Sohiesswohl Phillip George (la com 1911-15 AB) R Est 3651 Pine Grove Av Chicago Schiesswohl Ralph Louis (la com 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 3651 Pine Grove Av Chicago Schiffbauer Gretchen Meda (sp h sc 1911-13) Teach H Sch Minonk 111 (Benson 111) Schiffbauer Hans Walter Ernest (su 1904 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '07) Med Augustana Hospital Chicago Schifflin Arthur Krissler (m eng 1914- ) Stu 4942 Ellis Av Chi- cago Schill Gertrude Bender (la 1907-11 AB) Stu Wellesley Coll 9948 Av L Chicago Schilling Dale Ridgway (arch eng 1913- 14) 3404 Baltimore St Kansas City Mo Schillinger Josephine (sp la 1898- 1901 AB) Osteop Moline 111 Schillo Edwin William (la 1908) Auto 1452 Michigan Av Chicago (1715 Wilson Av) Schindler Samuel (su 1915 Also Coll City NY) Teach H Sch 81 Stuyve- sant Av Brooklyn NY Sohinnerer Otto Paul (la 1912-13 AB g ger 1913-14 AM) Instr Ger Case Sch 11302 Hessler Rd Cleveland Schlabach Barbara (la 1911-12) 431 W Tenth St Oklahoma City Schlacks Henry Valentine (e eng 1915- ) Stu 6908 Cregier Av Chi- cago ^Schlacks Joseph T (acad 1890-1) Chi- cago Schlader Edward Holmes (ry e eng 1912- ) Stu 914 Monadnock Blk Chicago Schlader Henry Mathias (la 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 123 Taylor St Oak Park 111 Schlader Theodore Henry (arch 1881- 5 BS) Chf Eng Wells Bros 914 Monadnock Blk Chicago Schleichert Joseph Louis (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 5125 S Honore St Chi- cago Schleifer Ferdinand John (ag 1913- ) Stu Nashville 111 Schlemm Robert Max (m eng 1913- ) Stu 1408 Cuyler Av Chicago Schlichte Anton Augustus (g chem 1910-11 BS(Mieh)'09 MS(do)'lO) Res Sc U Mich 214 Beethoven PI Chicago Schlie Mrs Fred W (see Wittlinger Emma M) Schlink Frederick John (m eng 1908-12 BS) M Eng US Bur Stand- ards Washington Schlonitzlcy Isidore M (acad 1904-6) C Eng 879 Freeman St Bronx NY Schlorff Mrs F W (see Swearingen Jennie L) Schlorff Laura Beatrice (sp ag 1911- 12 Also Mo Wes Coll) Teach Cam- eron Mo Schloss Philip (la com 1913-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 608 S Fifth St Terre Haute Ind Schlotman Robert Louis (c eng 1910- 12) c/o Norton Coal Min Co Nor- tonville Ky \Schloz William F (acad 1910-11) R6 Pana 111 Schlueter Waldo Lauff (m eng 1913- Also Cor U) Stu 1300 Pennsylvania Av E St Louis 111 Schlutius Louise Gustava (la 1912-13 AB Also Harris Teach Coll) Teach H Sch Catlin 111 (Kewanee 111) ?Schmahl Myron Roy (e eng 1902-6 BS) 153 S Lincoln Av Chicago ISchmalhcmsen Louie Richard (acad 1898-9) Charleston 111 Schmeltzer Chauncey Brockway (c eng 1914-15) Ag & Surv Manteno 111 Schmeltzer J Foster (c eng 1875-8) C Eng & Surv Manteno 111 Schmelzle George Henry (acad 1906- 7 la com 1907-9) Mgr 447 Lincoln Av Freeport 111 Schmidt Clyde Clarence (ag 1915- ) Stu 189 N Wayne St Martinsville Ind Schmidt Earl Cochran (su 1915 Also Beloit Coll) Teach Miles City Mont SCHMIDT— SCHNELLBACHEE 583 SCHMIDT Edward Charles (ME (Stev- ens Tech) '95 Instr M Eng U 111 1898-1901 Asst Prof By Eng do 1901-3 Assoc Prof By Eng do 1906- 10) Prof By Eng U 111 1910- 903 W California Av Urbana 111 Schmidt Mrs EC (see Jayne Violet D) Schmidt Edward Kraft (ag 1908-10) Cut Stone Contr 244 Galena Blvd Aurora HI Schmidt Ellen (la 1901-2 PhB(Chgo) '11 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 2844 Burling St Chicago Schmidt George John (acad 1905-7 c eng 1908-10) Asst Eng Harmon Eng Co Box 254 Muscatine la (1223 First Av Peoria 111) Schmidt Gustavus Adolphus (sc 1900- 3 AB) Ag Teach Dubuque la Schmidt Henry Galen (su 1907 g la 1908-9 su 1915 AB(Cent W Coll) BS(McKendree) AM(Wash StL U) Teach 615 East "C" St Belleville 111 Schmidt Hugo (c eng 1902-5 BS Al- so Athenaeum Tech) Supt Bridges & Bldgs 7222 Oglesby Av Chicago Schmidt Jay Stelbrink (ag 1915 Al- so Bradley Poly) Stu 700 Oakland Av Peoria 111 Schmidt Karl William (arch eng 1913- Also U Kan) Stu 3737 Main St Kansas City Mo Schmidt Lorentz (arch 1908-13 BS Also Kan St Nor) Arch 126 N Mar- ket St Wichita Kan (Watseka 111) SCHMIDT Moritz (Dir Phys Tr U 111 1890-1) Teach Pub Schs 1907- 3443 Bosworth Av Chicago t Schmidt Paul Marvin (la com 1912- 13) Earlville 111 . Schmidt Mrs Violet Jayne (see also Jayne Violet la 1907-8) SCHMIDT William George Washington (AB(Syr)'88 AM(NW) '91 Instr French & Ger NW U 1890-3 Instr Ger Lake Forest Coll 1893-4 Prof do 1894-6 Instr Ger U 111 1896-7) Prof Ger Lake Forest Coll 1897- Lake Forest 111 t Schmidt William W (acad 1901) Edgington 111 Schmillen Theodore Sylvester (la 1910- 11) Dent Stu NW U 9427 Burnside Av Chicago Schmitt Jay Stelbrink (la 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 700 Oakland Av Peoria 111 Schmitz Erwin Anthony (c eng 1909- 13 BS Also Wash StL U) C Eng 2114 S Compton Av St Louis Schmitz Joseph Oscar (arch eng 1913- 15) Stock Buyer Swift & Co Chi- cago (615 14th St St Joseph Mo) Schmitz Karl Mathias (la com 1914- 15) Stu U Wis 314 N Park St Manitowoc Wis Schmitz Nicolas Joseph (e eng 1911-13 Also U Wis) E Eng 225 W Gilmore St Madison Wis tSchneck James Arthur (la 1900-1 Al- so Lincoln U) Hot Springs Ark Schneck Sereno (sp 1892-3 acad 1893- 4 MD(NW)'9S) Med Mt Carmel 111 Schneider Albert (sc 1890-4 BS MD U 111 Coll Med '04 MS (Minn) PhD (Col) '97) Gov & Teach & Jour 723 Pacific Bldg San Francisco Schneider Arthur Charles (c eng 1912- ) Stu 701 Bench St Galena 111 Schneider Bertha Mabel (lib 1907-8 '09-10 BLS AB(Ohio St) '07) Libr 1404 Wesley Av Columbus O Schneider Daniel Charles (m eng 1910- 15 BS) c/o Jones Foundry & Ma- chine Co Chicago (Nokomis 111) Schneider Delmont Joseph (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1404 Temple PI St Louis Schneider Edward John (mun eng 1896-1900 BS) Contr Mgr Brdg & Struct Dept US Steel Prod Co 609 Bialto Bldg San Francisco SCHNEIDEE Henry Frank (g chem 1912-13 AB(Cent Wes) '10 Asst Physiol Chem U 111 1912-13) Teach Chem H Sch 1825 S Springfield St Springfield 111 Schneider Herbert (la 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu 1235 Glenlake Av Chi- cago * Schneider Julian Mortimer (arch eng 1909-11) d Dec 12 1911 Champaign 111 ?Schneider Lillie Busch (la 1905-7) 9 W Davis St Danville 111 Schneider Nora Wilhelmine (la 1915- ) Stu 403 W High St Urbana 111 Schneider William Henry (m eng 1914- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 208 W Lawrence Av Springfield 111 tSchneiter Samuel (acad 1893-4 la 1894-7) Paxton 111 Schnellbach John Francis (mun eng 1909-13 BS) Asst Eng St Water Surv U 111 1913- 806 S Third St Cham- paignlll Schnellbach Mrs J F (see Tucker Phoebe C) Schnellbacher Jacob Paul (com 1915- ) Stu 116 S Adams St Peoria 111 584 SCHNETZ— SCHOONHOVEN *Schnetz George W (acad 1884-5) d Racine Wis Schnetzler Charles Henry (arch eng 1906-10 BS) Arch Fairbury 111 Schniedwind John Charles (acad 1903- 4 Also St Ignatius Coll) 709 S Kedzie Av Chicago Schnitker Eoger Reed (sc 1912-13) Phar Chrisman 111 tSchnoor Herman William (arch eng 1905-7 '08-11) Dolton 111 Schnur Benjamin Harrison (sp 1 1908- 9 Also U Mich) Auto Agency 264 Hawthorne Av Glencoe 111 Schober Max William (arch eng 1903- 6) Arch Green Bay Wis Schobinger Eugene (mun eng 1911-15 BS) 10831 Armeda Av Morgan Park 111 Schoch Arthur John (e eng 1913- ) Stu R3 Tower Hill 111 Schock William George (acad 1906-7 c eng 1908-11 BS) Surv Box 111 Bowie Ariz Schoeffel George William (la com 1906-10 AB) Jour Peoria Journal Peoria 111 (c/o YMCA) Schoeller Julius Ernest (c eng 1902- 6 BS) C Eng Commonwealth Edison Co 1459 Glenlake Av Chicago Schoemann Jesse Henry (sp la com 1907-8) Merc Carmi 111 Schoembs Frank Alvin (la 1913-15 law 1915- ) Stu 338 Seventh St Cairo 111 Schoene Herbert Frank (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 2306 W 12th St Chi- cago Schoeneck Willard Nicholas (la 1914- 15) 815 Oakwood Av Wilmette 111 tSchoeppel Irving Wilson (su 1908 Al- so Mo Wes Coll) Ellis Grove 111 SCHOEPPERLE Gertrude (AB( Welles) '03 AM (do) '05 PhD(Rad)'09 Also NY U Instr Engl U 111 1911-12 do 1913-14) Assoc Engl U 111 1914- 708 S Goodwin Av Urbana 111 (RFD Hamburg NY) Schoepperle Katherine (g hist 1914- 15 AB '15- Also U Gottingen & U Munich) Stu Hamburg NY Schoepperle Richard Joseph (sc 1911- 13) Oil Prod Oil City Pa Schoessel Carl Arthur (m eng 1909- 13 BS) Mfg 2828 Seventh Av Rock Island 111 Schoessel Waldo Edward (ag 1915- Also Augustana Coll) Stu 1230 20th St Rock Island 111 Wchoettler Arthur Carl (acad 1907-8) Belleville Ind Schofield Chester Lee (ag 1910-11) Publ Moline 111 Schofield Mrs Claude (see Kyser Gladys M) Schofield Gayle (sp ag 1909-10) Ag El Paso 111 Schoknecht Robert (su 1906) Teach 1549 Lowell Av Springfield HI Scholes Charles Bruce (sp ag 1906-7) Ag R6 Canton 111 1 Scholes George (acad 1876-7) Henry 111 1 Scholes Walter (acad 1905-6) 503 Vermilion St Danville HI ?Scholes Walter F (ag 1909-10) 2851 Warren Av Chicago ?Scholes Walter Payson (acad 1905-6 sp 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) 412 Church St Champaign 111 \Scholfield Thomas (acad 1885-6) Mar- shall 111 Scholl Clarence (chem eng 1909-13 BS g chem 1913-14 MS g asst chem 1914- ) 404 E Healy St Champaign 111 (Watseka 111) SCHOLL Louis A (BS Carnegie Teach) Also Col U Chem US Bur Mines Min Dept U 111 1911-12) 419 W 115th St New York (15 Lawson Av Grafton Pa) Scholl Louis A (su 1913) 82 W Ridge Av Crafton Pa Scholl Raymond Stanley (ag 1912- ) Stu 82 W Ridge Av Crafton Pa Scholnitzky Isadore Morris (acad 1904-6 c eng 1906-11 BS) C Eng 879 Freeman St Bronx NY Scholz Alexander Louis (c eng 1908- 12 BS) Drafts 3526 Evergreen Av Chicago Scholz Hannah May (su 1907 BS (Dixon) ) Teach Lake Zurich 111 Scholz Herman Albert (sc 1904-7 BS) Chem 2049 N Wood St Chicago SCHOOLCRAFT Henry Lawrence (AB ( Marietta ) '92 PhD ( Chgo ) '99 Instr Hist U 111 1898-1903) 305 Harvester Bldg Chicago (606 S Michigan Av) * Schoolcraft Laura Jane (Mrs Lash) (acad 1900-1 Also Hillsdale Coll 1901-2) d April 11 1910 Rialto Cal ?Schoolcraft Plascie Lafayette (la 1908-13) Barre Vt t Schoomdker Martin Fay (acad 1907- 9) Reynolds 111 Schoondermark Cornelius (ag 1913-14) 4033 Calumet Av Chicago Schoondermark Nelia Charlotte (arch eng 1914-15) 4033 Calumet Av Chi- cago Schoonhaven Ray Covey (arch eng 1911- 12) Teach Draw Lane Tech H Sch Chicago (458 Prospect Blvd Elgin 111) Schoonhoven Mrs J L (see Butterfield SCHOONHOVEN— SCHROEPPEL 585 Helen E) Schoonhoven Thomas L (sp ag 1902- 3) Ag Chana 111 SCHOONOVER Warren Rippey (g ag 1912-14 BS ( Occidental ) '12 AsstChem Oecid Coll) Asst Soil Fertil U 111 1913- 912 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (San Marino St Alhambra Cal) Schori Margaret Opal (su 1914&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Prin Schs Mon- ica 111 Schott Mrs D (see Gayman Myrtle) Schott Frederick Jr (arch eng 1903- 5 BS) Arch Draft 1601 City Hall Sq Bldg Chicago (2600 Elm Av Zion City 111) Schott William Paul (ag" 1910-11 Al- so Mich Ag Coll) Ag Union Hill 111 Sohrader Alfred Charles (acad 1880-1 c eng 1881-5 BS) Supt & Eng W Chicago Pk Comm 4032 Jackson Blvd Chicago Sehrader Arthur Charles (ry m eng 1907-9) M Eng 871 St Clair St De- troit 1 Schroder David Augustus (acad 1892- 3) Eliza 111 Sehrader William Louis (sp eng 1912- 13) Mfg 3150 Jackson Blvd Chi- cago Schreiber Allen Bruno (arch eng 1909- 10) Grain Merc St Joseph Mo Schreiber Louis Henry (ag 1914- ) Stu 45 W 110th PI Chicago Schreiber Nathan (la 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu 668 W 12th St Chicago Schreiber Otto William (acad 1902-3 la 1903-7 '09-10 AB Also U Chgo) R Est & Broker 1500 Farwell Av Chi- cago Schreiber Rudolph Ernst (acad 1899- 1900 la 1900-4 AB PhB(Chgo)'04 JD(do)'06) Law 1140 Otis Bldg Chicago (1500 Farwell Av) Schreiber Mrs RE (see Rogers Edith) tSchreimer Harry (m eng 1898-9) Rock Island 111 Schreiner Harold Cordes (e eng 1913- ) Stu 3-05 Franklin Av River Forest 111 Schreiner Warren William (ag 1915- ) Stu 305 Franklin Av River Forest 111 \Schricker Richard Laelius (acad 1889- 91) Davenport la Schrieber Edwin Henry (su 1915 Al- so S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Jones- boro 111 tSCHRiER Emil Paul (arch 1910-14 BS) Verdigris Neb Schriner Emma Ellen (la 1909 su'13 &'14&'15) Teach 724 Oakland Av Peoria 111 Schroder William Bladel (1 1913-14 Also Augustana Coll) RFD Rock Is- land 111 Schrodt John Robert (acad 1907-8 ag 1908-10 Also S Coll Inst & Valparaiso U) Ag Keensburg 111 Schroeder Alma Amanda (la 1913-14) El Paso 111 Schroeder Arnold Henry (la 1915- ) Stu Freelandville Ind Schroeder Arthur George (arch eng 1895-6 MD (Rush) '01) Med 3959 N Ashland Av Chicago ?Schroeder Charles Ward (la 1903-5 AB Also U Wis) 3099 Broadway New York t Schroeder Curt August (se 1898- 1901 BS g 1902-3 MS) Ins 7081 First Nat Bk Denver (1815 E Cofar Av) Schroeder Edith Carolyn (la 1914-15 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Chester 111 Schroeder Mrs E (see Biggs Helen C) Schroeder Frank Henry (sp ag 1910- 11 Ag Brighton 111 t Schroeder George Fell (acad 1908-9 ag 1909-11) Peotone 111 Schroeder Glenn Wilson (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Gibson City HI Schroeder Hugo Christian Herman (sc 1904-5 MD (Hahnemann) '09) Med Granite City HI t Schroeder John Henry (e eng 1908- 11) Belleville 111 Schroeder John Louis (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-5 Also U Wis) R Est Ins c/o H A Johnston R Est Co Van- couver BC Can (422 Richards St) Schroeder Justine Kathrine (Mrs G T Leonard) (la 1905-9) Home 708 St Charles St Houston Tex Schroeder Lydia Marie (la 1913-14) El Paso 111 t Schroeder Maurine Myrtle (acad 1908- 10 mus 1910-11) Peotone 111 Schroeder Paul Louis (la 1913-15) Nashville 111 Schroeder Mrs P G (see Sloan Hazel) Schroeder Robert Henry (la 1915- ) Stu Nashville 111 * Schroeder Theodore William (ag 1910) d Dec 2 1910 El Paso 111 Schroeder William Edward (sc 1887-8 MD(Chgo Med) '91) Med 5400 Green- wood Av Chicago (25 E Washington St) Schroeder William Frederick (e eng 1903-7 BS) Ranch Murchison SD (Rock Island 111) Schroeppel Harold Henry (e eng 586 SCHROLL— SCHUMACHER 1913- ) Stu Mt Carroll 111 ?Schroll Emma Eleanor (la h sc 1909- 10) 1005 Cleveland Av Decatur 111 Schrotberger Curtis Julius (sp ag 1904- 5) Ag Gardner 111 Sehroyer Malcolm Edward (la 1915- ) Stu 621 S Mill St Pontiac 111 tSehubkegel Emil (sp arch 1887-9) Mascoutah 111 Schuck Arthur Frederich (min eng 1915- ) Stu 9 E Oak St Washing- ton Ind Schucker Harvey Edgar (sp arch eng 1904-6 Also S 111. St Nor) Arch Vincennes Ind Schucker Oscar Orlando (arch eng 1906-7) Flour Mill Ninth & Pear Sts Mt Carmel 111 Schucker Rudolph Wester (arch 1909- 13 '14-15 BS Also Vincennes U ) Arch 326 E 11th St Mt Carmel 111 Schudel Julia Elizabeth (Mrs J E Madden) (su 1899) Teach 1265 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Schueler Herbert (m eng 1913- ) Stu 1014 Seventh St La Salle 111 t Schueler Julian Louis (acad 1907-8 sc 1908-11 Also Bradley Poly) 306 Frye Av Peoria 111 Schuette Otto Theodore (ag 1913-15 Also Armour Inst) d Dec 28 1915 Chicago Schuettler Arthur Frederick (sp ag 1908-10 Also Colo Ag Coll) 754 Bos- worth Av Chicago Schuey Claude Robert (su 1914 Also Valparaiso II) Marion 111 tSchuh Darrel Smith (la com 1912-13) Eighth St & Washington Av Cairo 111 Schuh Harry William (ag 1911-12) Merc 321 Seventh St Cairo 111 Schutte Tenjis Hy (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Lenzburg 111 Schuh Niles Fraser (la 1913-14) c/o Egyptian Adv Co Cairo 111 (801 Washington Av) \8chuhmaeher Louis Nicholas (acad 1909-10) Summerfield 111 Schuler Dement (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 607 E Second St Dix- on 111 Schuler Don Buel (arch eng 1913- Also Kan St Ag Coll) Stu 3004 E 13th St Wichita Kan Schuler Kate (su 1913&'14 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Mounds 111 Schulte Charles Reinhart (1 1902-6 LL B) Law St Maries Id ?Schulte Katherine Agnes (lib 1904- 5 ) Chicago Schulte Loretta (Mrs Kelting) (acad 1899-1903 sp 1903-4) Home Bloom- ington 111 Schulte Mabel (Mrs R C Richards) (acad 1896-7 la 1897-1901 AB) Home Newcastle Neb Schultz Arthur Ernest (e eng 1893-4) Seedsman Olney 111 Schultz Carl Emil (la 1913-15) Med Stu 725 S Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 Schultz Clarence William (e eng 1915- ) Stu R3 Harvard 111 Schultz Mrs G H (see Holderman Marjorie C) Schultz Hazel Marguerite (ag h sc 1911-14 BS) 830 N Main St Rock- ford 111 Schultz Louis William (la 1915- ) Stu 725 S Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 SCHULTZ William Eben (AB (Chris- tian) '06 AM(do)'07 MA(Yale)'09 PhD(do)'15) Instr Engl U 111 1915- 711 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Can- ton Mo) tSchulz Ernest H (m eng 1897-8) SD Ag Coll White SD Schulz Ernest Rudolf (ag 1912- ) Stu 407 Daniel St Champaign 111 Schulz Frank J (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Elmwood 111 Schulz John A (la 1913- ) Stu Elm- wood 111 Schulz William Frederick ( e eng 1899-1901 PhD (JHopk) '08 Asst Phy- sics U 111 1900-3 Instr do 1903-6) Asst Prof Physics U 111 1908- 926 W Green St Urbana 111 Schulze Stella Catherine (Mrs C E Thompson) (sp mus 1908-9) 451 San Pablo Av Fresno Cal Schulzke Otto Fred (sc 1907-10 BS Also Carth Coll) Chem St Louis Portland Cement Co 4513 McMillan Av St Louis (8849 N Broadway) Schulzke William Henry (arch eng 1904-9 BS) Arch 610 Peoples Bk Bldg Moline 111 (1611 27th St) Schumacher Mrs (see Nuckolls Min- nie) Schumacher Dixie Howard (la h sc 1913- ) Stu Rockport Ind t Schumacher Emma Rosalia (su 1906) Anna 111 Schumacher George Christopher (sp ag 1907-8) Bnk Radium Kan t Schumacher Harry William (sc 1912- 13 Also Cent Wes Coll) Altamont 111 Schumacher Henry Theodore (acad 1899-1901 law 1901-4 LLB) Law 107 E Green St Champaign 111 Schumacher Howard James (Ja 1915- ) SCH UMACHER— SCH W ARTZE 587 Stu 26 Sheridan Ed Highland Park 111 Schumacher Louis Gustav (e eng 1903- 7 BS) E Eng K C Elec Light Co Kansas City Mo Schumacher Ramon (arch 1904-9 BS) Arch 20 Dradell 414 W 119th St New York (1703 Francis St St Jos- eph Mo) Schumacher Shirley Clevis (acad 1907- 10 Also DePauw U) Ag Rl Rock- port Ind Schumacher Tillie Joe (Mrs E M Railsback) (la 1898-1902 AB Asst Ger U 111 1905-10) Home 234 Fifth Av E Kalispell Mont Schunder Leo Vincent (e eng 1908-12 BS) Eng Asst W Union Tel Co New York/ (Savanna 111) Schuppel Henry Charles (acad 1899- 1902) Ins Ontario Ore Schurecht narry George (cer 1910- 14 BS) Cer 1500 Otto St Chicago tSchureman Alliene (la 1905-7 su 1910 AB( Welles) '10) Saybrook 111 Schureman Francis Belle (Mrs L D Means) (mus 1905-7) Home Post Falls Id fSchuricht Karl H (sp ag 1884-5) Chicago Schuster Fred Arnold (sp ag 1909-10) Agt La Grange 111 Schuster George (m eng 1906-10 BS) c/o AT&SF RR Test Dept Topeka Kan (Lincoln 111) Schutt Alfred George (e eng 1899- 1905) Eng Packard Motor Co 137 Belmont Av Detroit Mich (2352 Arkansas Av St Louis) Schutt Frances Angeline (la 1908-9 BS(Hinshaw Conserv) '12 Teach Ex- pression 4400 N Paulina St Chicago (Sunnyside Av Ravenswood) Schutt Walter Robert (la 1895-9 AB) Live Stock Claim Adjust CM&StP RR Chicago 111 (Franklin Park 111) fSchutte Katherine Agnes (lib 1904- 5) 6548 Greenwood Av Chicago Schutte Tenjes Henry (la 1911-12 AB Also S 111 St Nor U) Prin H Sch Lenzburg 111 (613 N 11th St Herrin 111) schutte William George (m eng 1912- ) Stu Marseilles 111 tSchutz Arthur Vincent (e eng 1905- 7) Geneva 111 Schutz Marvin Edward (ag 1914-15) Ag Hillview 111 Schuyler Andrew Livingston (e eng 1910-3) RR Insp 415 Seventh Av Clinton la Schuyler Henry McCormick (arch eng 1905-8) Arch & City Planning c/o Phi Kappa Psi House NW U Evans- ton 111 ^Schuyler James Chauncey (acad 1893- 6) Sycamore 111 Schwabacher Herbert Joel (m eng 1910-12) Plumb & Hardware 3175 N Clark St Chicago tSchwackhamer Chester Ray (su 1908) Union Ore Schwagmeyer Emil Henry (com 1915- ) Stu 1106 Kentucky St Quincy HI Schwalm Katherine (su 1914 Also Chgo Nor) 2846 Armitage Av Chi- cago tSchwane Anthony William (arch eng 1911-12 Also Armour Inst) 4057 Kenmore Av Chicago Schwartz Albert John (c eng 1898- 1901 AB(LeStan)'03) Teach Big Bend & Berry Rds Kirkwood Mo Schwartz Charles Edward (min eng 1891-2) 6432 Arundel PI St Louis Schwartz Chester Ray (acad 1902-3 sp la 1904-5 Also S 111 St Nor) Lum- ber Elkville 111 Schwartz Clara Elizabeth (Mrs E C Jamison) (acad 1900-1) Teach 451 Calle Miera Ermita Manila PI (Dal- las City 111) SCHWARTZ George Foss (BM(Woos- ter)'94 AB(do)'95 AM(do)'98 Al- so Royal Conserv Mus Leipsic 1906-7 Teach Cent Cal Conserv Mus 1896-8) Asst Prof Mus U * 111 1902- 503 High St Urbana 111 Schwartz Joseph (la com 1877-81 Cert) RetPhar Salem 111 Schwartz Lloyd (c eng 1907-11 BS g 1913) Jr Eng St Highway Com Springfield 111 Schwartz Louise Tenimore (lib 1912- 14 AB AB (Knox) '07) Libr 1408 E 42nd St Seattle (Knoxville 111) Schwartz Otto Julius (ag 1909-12 BS Also U Wis & U Chgo 1914) Prin Consol Sch Monclova O (1229 S St Louis Av Chicago) Schwartz Ralph (acad 1906) Merc Findlay 111 Schwartz Raymond Robert (ag 1913- 14) Appraisal Clk Rookery Bldg Adams & La Salle Sts Chicago fSchwartz William Morris (1 1910-11) 3213 Boquet St Springfield 111 Schwartze Erich Wilhelm (la 1908-11 AB'12 MD(Rush)'14) Dept Physiol Univ & Bellevue Med Coll 522 22nd St Cairo 111 (323 S Ashland Av Chicago) fSchwartze Rudolph Alfred (ag 1912- 14) 522 22nd St Cairo 111 (206 E 588 SCHWARZ— SCOTT Oregon St Urbana 111) tSchwarz Rudolph William (e eng 1911-12) Loda 111 Schwarzkopf Bertha Francis (Mrs L J Hess) (la 1906-9 Also U Chgo) Home 108 Mound St Joliet 111 Schwarzkopf Florence Antoinette (Mrs E W Donaho) (la h sc 1905-9 AB) Home 6100 Kenwood Av Chicago Schwarzkopf Grace Marguerite (la h sc 1909-10) Stu Chgo Acad Fine Arts 5823 Dorchester Av Chicago Schwarzkopf Horace Valentine (ag 1911-14) Ag McCall Creek Miss Schwarzwalder Clarence Frank (arch eng 1914-15) 564 Division St Elgin 111 Schweitzer Benjamin Cecil (la 1914- • 15 com 1915- ) Stu 620 Cherry St Mt Carmel 111 Wchweizer Walter Oscar (acad 1907- 9) 407 W Main St Urbana 111 Schweppe Henry Nelson (sc 1909-11) Acct Clk 200 Prospect St Alton 111 Schwerdtfeger William Koehnly (acad 1909-11 sp ag 1911-12 Also Howe Mil Sch) R Est Lincoln 111 (1200 Linden Av Memphis Tenn) Schwerin Arthur (c eng 1904-8 BS) Mgr Burlington Willow Ware Shops 1616 Lincoln Av Burlington la Schwiering Oscar Conrad (su 1911 AB (la Wes) '09) Teach Cheyenne Wyo Schwietzka Anna E (su 1908 Also Nor U) Teach Beaver Dam Wis (103 Kitchell Av Pana 111) Schwing Edward Albert (ag 1911-15 BS g hort 1915- ) Asst. Plant Breed- ing Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- ) Stu U Cal 2400 Haste St Berkeley Cal (118 Longfellow Ct Peoria 111) Schwing Roy Rene (la 1915- ) Stu 1619 N Monroe St Peoria 111 Scofield Harriet (g math 1915- BS (Carthage) '15) Stu 502 Locust St Carthage 111 Scofield Harry Lott (acad 1904-5) Contr Gary SD (Wellington 111) scoggan Edward Barker (g 1896-7 AM AB( Amity) '96 Also U Col 1897- 8) Mintr Manning la ?Scoggin Alice M (acad 1879-80 la 1880-3) Champaign 111 Scoggin Bernice (la 1906-9 AB) Teach Millington 111 ?Scoggin Charles Wesley (acad 1876-7 m eng 1877-80) Champaign 111 Scoggin Ruby (la 1910-11) Teach Mil- lington 111 *Scoggins Sarah M (sp 1874-8) d Dec 11 1910 Topeka Kan Sconce Harvey James (sp ag 1894-7 '13-14) Ag Sidell 111 Scotchbrook George P (c eng 1879- 83 BS) Loans & Invest Wessington SD Scott Mrs (see Wilson Nelle M) Wcott Anna Maude (acad 1889-91) Champaign 111 Scott Archie R (acad 1882-4 la 1884- 5) R Est 211 W Clark St Cham- paign 111 Scott Augusta Ruby (la 1901-3 PhB (Chgo) '05 MD(JHopk)'13) Med Bethany 111 Scott Bertha Mary (la 1913- Also Northfleld Seminary) Stu 3314 Home Av Berwyn 111 Scott Clarence George (acad 1900-1 sc 1901-2) Ag Seward 111 Scott Clarence Vincent (ag 1912-13) Stu Ore Ag Coll 321 N Fifth St Corvallis Ore Scott Daisy Coffin (Mrs W H Stev- enson) (la 1890-5 BL) Home 2116 Boone St Ames la Scott Donald Gamaliel (arch 1889-93 BS) Asst Mgr James Stuart Co Bk Commerce Bldg St Louis Scott Edith (sc 1909-10) Willow Springs Rd La Grange 111 Scott Edward Scofield Jr (ag 1905-6 '09-10 AB(Lake Forest) '05) Merc 204 S Lynn St Champaign 111 Scott Eleanor Bryce (la 1909-10 AM AB(Augustana)'09) Teach 1617 11th Av Rock Island 111 Scott Eliza J (Mrs J H Garrett) (sp a&d 1883-5) Home 504 W Wash- ington St Champaign 111 Scott Elmo Carlisle (sp ag 1908-9) Solicitor Kenlock Tel Co St Louis (O 'Fallon 111) fScott Mrs Elsie (sp la 1905-7) 4612 Indiana Av Chicago Scott Ernest Somers (e eng 1909-14 BS) E Eng Reynold Elec Co 11120 S Fairfield Av Chicago Scott Esther Selb (la 1915- ) Stu Venice 111 Scott Etha Eliza (Mrs Arthur Wilkin- son) (sp 1901-2) Home Bement 111 Scott Ethel Leota (su 1915 Also Ind St Nor) Teach 55 Ogden St Ham- mond Ind (R5 Danville Ind) t Scott Mrs Frances (su 1909) 604 E Green St Champaign 111 Scott ^Frances Marie (la 1907-11 AB Also Col Sch Exp) Teach R4 Jack- sonville 111 Scott Frank William (la 1897-1903 AB & AM PhD '12 Instr Rhet U 111 1901-3 Assoc Engl U 111 1906-12 Sec Dept Eng U 111 1910-12 Asst Prof SCOTT— SCOTT 589 Engl & Sec Dept U 111 1912- 703 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Scott Mrs F W (see Forbes Ethel C S) Scott George Eugene (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 5702 S Park Av Chicago Scott George Harvey (acad 1892-3 la 1893-6 AB Also U Chgo AM(Harv) '02 Also Grad Asst Math U HI) Prof Math & Astron Yankton Coll Yankton SD Scott Mrs G H (see Cole Mary M) Scott Gerald Kussell (ag 1913- ) Stu 4122 N Kedvale Av Chicago *Scott George W (gen 1871-2) d Champaign 111 Scott Gertrude (Mrs H P Barnes) (sp la 1903-4 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 111 E Poplar St Harrisburg HI Scott Gilbert Wilson (sp ag 1900-2) Auto Merc La Salle HI Scott Gladys Russell (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 414 E Main St Xenia O Scott Harriet May (Mrs F M Os- born)(h sc 1903-4) 2015 E Mercer St Seattle Scott Harry (sp ag 1905-6& , 08) Grain Merc Wapella 111 t Scott Hazel Charlotte (sp mus 1906- 8) 401 W Clark St Champaign III *Scott Herbert W (la com 1875-6) d April 3 1908 Hastings Neb Scott Herman Eichard (la 1885-7) V- Pres & Dir Bk Redlands Cal Scott Howard Beebe (m eng 1906-8) Tool Designer 323 Hamilton Av De- troit Scott Hugh (acad 1890-1) Ag Flor- ence Ala SCOTT James Brown (AB(Harv) '90 AM(do)'91 JVD( Heidelberg) '94 LL D(Geo Wash) '12 Dean Coll Law U 111 1899-1903 Prof Law Col Law Sch 1903-5 Prof Law Geo Wash U 1905- 6 Delegate Hague 1907 Lect Inter- nat Law & Dipl Johns Hopkins V 1909) Sec Carnegie Endowment Inter- nat Peace 2 Jackson PI Washington Scott Mrs J B (see Reed Adele C) Scott James Ehittenhouse Jr (lib 1901- 2 PhB(Vt)'Ol) 328 Ridgewood Av Glen Ridge NJ *Scott James Robinson (Trustee 1871- 3 Mayor Champaign 1897-8 Pres St Bd Ag 1879-82) d Nov 23 1910 Champaign 111 Scott James Robinson Jr (c eng 1903- 7 BS) Struct Eng 308 Tramway Bldg Denver Scott John A (sp 1882-6) R Est 14 Davidson PI Champaign 111 Scott John Bennett (su 1902 BS(Mo Sch Mines) ) Instr Rolla Mo ?Scott John K (acad 1880-1 la 1881- 5) Champaign HI Scott John Lee (su 1907) Teach 820 5 Walnut St Springfield 111 Scott John T (1 1902-5 LLB) Co Treas Casper Wyo Scott Juliet Ann (la 1900-3) At home Hotel Hesse Colfax & Grant Sts Den- ver Scott Lawson (la 1891-2) Ranch Rl Redlands Cal (Polo 111) Scott Mrs Leota (su 1914) Libr 511 N Main St Harrisburg 111 Scott Lincoln Bain (ag 1913-14 '15- Also Mass Ag Coll) Stu 62 Broad St Boston Scott Lucian W (ag & la 1906-11 AB Also Auburn Theol Sem) Mintr Genoa NY Scott Lulu Loraine (Mrs J P Smart) (ag h sc 1911-12 Also Occid Coll & Los Angeles St Nor Sch) Home c/o YMCA Los Angeles (618 W Av 50) Scott Margaret Annie (la 1900-4 Al- so Brantford Coll & Phil Scb Design 6 studied in Ger 1891-3 & in Paris 1893-4 Instr Ger & French Acad U 111 1901-11) Teach 1111 E Genesee St Syracuse NY Scott Miriam Eloise (Mrs F D Dil- lion)(la 1903-7 AB) Home 107 Hu- ger St Charleston SC Scott Myra Verbena (su 1904 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach 1206 Locust St Cairo 111 Scott Neva Augusta (Mrs C F New- ton) (acad 1907-8 la 1912-14 Also W Va & Nat Sch Dom A&S Washing- ton) Home c/o Pacific Com Co Ma- nila PI Scott Norman Bruce (sc 1907-10) Merc 122 Keeney St Evanston 111 ?Scott Oliver Jackson (sp 1872-3) Champaign 111 f Scott Orlando Franke (sc 1903-5 Al- so Notre Dame U) ■ Newton 111 Scott Philip Collins (acad 1898-9 sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Kempton 111 Scott Ralph A (ag 1913- ) Stu Rock Falls 111 Scott Ralph Cleland (la 1908-12 AB) Stu Theol & Mintr Ballardvale Mass (3314 Home Av Berwyn HI) Scott Mrs R C (see Dupuy Genevieve) Scott Roy Sunderland (ag Feb 1916- Also U Minn) Stu Spearfish SD Scott Robert Ashmore (ag 1910-13 '15 ) Stu Paris 111 Scott Shirley Edward (la 1912-15 Al- so U Ind) Teach Heyburn Id (An- derson Ind) 590 SCOTT— SEAMAN Scott Sidney Glenn (com 1915- ) Stu 309 S New St Champaign 111 Scott Stewart (c eng 1888) Mgr Cham- paign Delivery Serv Champaign 111 Scott Troy Alexander (la 1899-1900 Also U Lincoln) Cash Bk Bethany 111 Scott Vera Charlotte (Mrs E L Gif- ford)(acad 1896-8 sp la 1898-1901) Home Mahomet 111 Scott Victor Egbert (su 1902) Mgr Jones Book Store 143 S Broadway Los Angeles (Champaign 111) Scott Mrs W A (see Martin Verna E) scott William Dake (g m eng 190S- 10 ME ME(Va Poly) '08) M Eng Syracuse Lighting Co Syracuse NY Scott William Donaldson (su 1906 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Ins & L Chrisman 111 (Buckley 111) Scott William John (la 1888-95 BL) Ft Collins Colo Scott William Eenich (e eng 1903-7 BS) E Eng Laclede Light & Power Co Seymour 111 Scott Winfield (c eng 1914-15 Also 111 St Nor U) Golconda 111 Scotten Ernest Guy (la 1895-6) Law Newcastle Ind iScovell Prank E (acad 1884-5) New- ton 111 *Scovell Mamie A (la 1878-9) d Sept 1 1909 Oklahoma City *Scovell Melville Amasa (sc 1871-5 BS g chem 1875-8 MS PhD '06 Asst Prof Chem U 111 1876-80 Spec Agt US Dept Ag 1884-5 Dir Ky Ag Exp Sta 1885-1912 Dean Coll Ag St II Ky & Dir Exp Sta 1909-12) d Aug- ust 15 1912 Lexington Ky tScovell Mrs Nancy (la 1878-9) Lex- ington Ky Scovill Hiram Thompson (la 1904-8 AB Instr Audit & Acct La Salle Ex- ten U) Instr Acct U ID 1913- 1118 S Arbor St Champaign 111 (5827 W End Av Chicago) Scovill Mrs H T (see Stewart Edith E) Scoville John Allen (c eng 1914- ) Stu 605 Illinois Av Peoria 111 Scoville Eollin Clyde (arch eng 1910- 12 Also Armour Inst 1908-10) Arch Draft 503 Tenth East St Salt Lake City *Scribner Artemas (ag 1872-6 Cert) d Bradford 111 yScribner Carrie Augusta (acad 1876- 7) Bradford 111 *Scribner Charles Walter (AB ME Prof M Eng U 111 1892-4) d *Scripps George Blanchard (ag 1868- 71) d Nov 19 1902 Astoria 111 Scriven Mrs Charles H (see Crowder Lenora E) tSCEOGGIN David Leonard (Mech Mach Shop 1900-1 Instr M Eng U 111 1901-14) E2 Cloverdale Ind Scroggin Mildred Alice (la 1913-15 AB Also Lindenwood Coll) Mt Pulaski 111 Scroggins Mrs Euss (see Earl Madge) *Scroggs J W (Trustee 1867-73 Grad (Eclectic Med) '40 Memb Legis 1868) d Jan 3 1874 Champaign 111 tScROGiN Edith Naomi (la 1904-8 A3) Lexington 111 Scruby Mildred Emma (la 1915- ) Stu 1206 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 ?Scruggs Amos Potter (1 1903-7 LL B) Law 3807 Camden Av 1700 E Capi- tal St Springfield 111 Scudder Mrs C O (see Beyer Amelia) Scudder Benjamin Harrison (la 1896- 1900 AB PhM(Chgo)'Ol) Supt Sch Glendale Ariz IScudder Charles Eoland (ag 1901-6) 1660 Berry Av Chicago scudder Clarence Orlando (la 1870-5 ML '91) Soc Serv 2015 Cambridge St Los Angeles *Scudder Delia (sp mus 1877-8) d Jan 13 1899 Champaign 111 Scudder Henry Disbro (ag 1899-1902 BS) Prof Agron Ore Ag Coll Cor- vallis Ore Scudder John Lawrence (ag 1912-13 Also LeStan & U Cal) Land Arch 2564 Wall Av Ogden Utah t Scudder Winthrop Davis (ag 1913-14 Also Mt Hermon Sch) Osterville Mass Scupham Edward Jefferson (ag 1914 ) Stu Homewood 111 *Scurlock Henry Harrison (1 1891-5 BL) d Oct 24 1913 Decatur 111 tSeaborg Amanda Eleanora (sp mus 1897-8) Weldon 111 Seale Joseph Pearle (su 1915 MD (Mich) '99) Med 123 N Main St Fairmount Ind Seaman Arthur Terwilligen (c eng 1903-7 BS'08) Draft 6440 Sanga- mon St Chicago Seaman Clayton (la 1913-14) Asst Credit Dept Bermingham & Seaman Co 138 Clinton Av Oak Park 111 Seaman George Washington (m eng 1889-93 BS ME '93 Supt Aultman & Taylor Mach Co Mansfield O Seaman Grace E (la 1911-12) Teach Jefferson la Seaman Katherine (Mrs E F Blakes- lee)(la 1908-10 '14-15 AB) Home 144 Lakeview Av Cambridge Mass SEAR— SEDGWICK 591 Sear George Bratten (la 1907-12 AB JD(Chgo LawSch) ) Law 916 NY Life Bldg Chicago (3833 Southport Av) Seareh Geneva Matilda (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Onarga 111 Searcy William Endimon (sp ag 1907- 8 Also Blackburn U) Ag Carlin- ville 111 fSEARFOSS J S (Asst Mach Shop 1869-70) Urbana 111 Searing Charles Aaron (arch 1893-5) M Eng Farmers Bk Bldg Pittsburg Pa (6342 Aurelia St Pittsburg) Searing John Henry (1 1911-14 Also NW U) Law 620 Cabrillo St San Francisco (306 W Main St Carbon- dale 111) Searle Callie (Mrs C M Hubbart) (acad 1876-7 sc 1877-9) Home 945 43rd St Rock Island 111 Searle Carl Carpenter (m eng 1911-12 BS( Washburn) '13) Asst Mgr Topeka Buick Co Topeka Kan (1429 Topeka Av) Searle Clarissa (Mrs C S Hubbart) (acad 1876-7) Home 945 43rd St Rock Island HI Searle Clarke Nelson (ag 1874-5)' Dairy Ames la (Station "A") Searle Frank Forkner (la 1910-12) Mgr 205 W Eighth St Anderson Ind Searle Jessie Emma (Mrs W M Storey) (acad 1905-6 Also la St Coll) Home Genesceo St Storm Lake Ga Searle John Clinton (1 1907-11 AB JD(Chgo)'13) Law Geneseo 111 (Rock Island 111) Searle Mary (acad 1876-8 la 1878- 9) Artist Station A Ames la Searles Donald Kenneth (ag 1912-15) Stu NW U 327 S Madison Av La Grange 111 ?Searles Frank W (sc 1872-4) Had- ley 111 *Sears Arthur Lewis (c eng 1906-9) d Tiskilwa 111 Sears George Guy (c eng 1910-12) Tel Eng 310 S Taylor Av Oak Park 111 sears George W (sc 1910-13 MS PhD '14 BS(Drury) '08 Asst Chem U 111 1911-14) Instr Chem U 111 1914- 704 W High St Urbana 111 Sears Louis A (ag 1908-9) Ag Piano Sears Minnie Earl (lib 1898-1900 BLS MS (Pur) '94 Head Catg Bryn Mawr 1903-7 Asst Catg U 111 1900-3) Libr 476 Fifth Av New York Sears Ogle Hesse (ag 1910-14 BS Also Westfield Coll) Instr Agron Pur U 502 Waldron St La Fayette Ind Sears Rose Roberts (lib 1909-10 BLS '14 AB(Fairmount)'09) Libr 1305 Astor St Chicago SEARS Stephens Faunce (AB(Harv) '96 AM (Col) '98 Instr Engl French & Ger U Cin 1896-7 Instr Engl 1899- 1901 Instr Rhet U 111 1907-11) Asst Prof Engl Wash Ag Coll Pullman Wash Sears William Everett (m eng 1895-7) Merc & Mfg 926 Security Bk Bldg Minneapolis Sears Mrs WE (see Besore Nellie) Seass Jeanie (ag h sc 1914-15) 906 Jackson St Sullivan 111 Seass Louie Dexter (acad 1893-5) Ag & Stock Woodmanse Arthur 111 t Seass Samuel Luca (sp la 1894-6) RFD Sullivan 111 Seastone Charles Victor (acad 1889- 90 c eng 1890-5 BS Asst T&AM U 111 1897-1900 Instr & Asst Prof & Assoc Prof San Eng Pur U 1900-7) Consult Eng Mead & Seastone 1907- 323 N Blair St Madison Wis Seaton George Frederick (acad 1898) Bnk Seaton 111 Seavean Jack Addison (c eng 1907-11 BS) Sales Eng 721 S Karlov Av Chicago *Seavert Norman Edward (c eng 1902- 6 BS) d May 30 1912 Rochester Minn Seavey Albion Moses (sp ag 1892-3) Ag Rl Dixon 111 Seavey Harry Richmond (e eng 1914- ) Stu Momence 111 seawell Cornelia Ruth (g la 1912-13 AM AB (Greenville) '12) Teach 406 E College Av Greenville 111 Seay Paul Hendrix (la 1914-15 com 1915- Also W Ky St Nor) Stu Scottsville Ky tSeay Rufus Floyd (ag 1904-5) Anna 111 Secor Edmund Clay (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag R2 Carrollton 111 Secord Arthur Wellesley (su 1915 Also Greenville Coll) Teach Sorento 111 (Greenville 111) \Secrest Daniel C (acad 1879-80) Wat- seka 111 fSecrest Paul James (sc 1904-5 Also 111 Coll) Ft Gibson Ok la Seddon Herbert Roy (sp arch eng 1903- 5) Arch 1127 Karritt Bldg Kansas City Mo Sedgwick James Howard (ag 1913-15 Also Bradley Poly) Stu U Wis 212 Flora Av Peoria Sedgwick Mary E (acad 1888-9 la 1889- 90) Milliner 407 S Prairie St Cham- paign 111 592 SEDGWICK— SEILER Sedgwick Ralph Foster (su 1912 Also U Chgo) RR 910 20th Av Melrose Park 111 tSeebach Marie (sp la 1907-9 Also NW U) 1627 Second St Peru 111 Seeber Peter (sc 1892-3) R3 Cham- paign 111 Seed Essie May (Mrs J S Rogers) (sc 1907-9 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 5 The Mindoro 832 Rittenhouse St NW Washington Seed Harry (acad 1908-9 ag 1912- ) Stu Billett 111 tSeed Oscar Vernon (acad 1907-10 la 1910-11 1 1912-14) Lawrenceville 111 tSeegar Nellie Sarah (su 1905 &'08) Jacksonville 111 Seeger Hallie Josephine (su 1915) Libr 206 E Fourth St Beardstown 111 Seeglitz Albert Henry (m eng 1913-15) Stu NW U 325 Wisconsin St Chi- cago Seeglitz William (la 1915- ) Stu 325 Wisconsin St Chicago Seehausen Paul (la 1915- Also Con- cordia Coll) Stu Chebanse 111 Seeley Blanche M (lib 1898-1900 BLS BL (Minn) '96) Supt Branches NY St Pub Lib Minneapolis Seeley Esther Beulah (la 1909-12 AB '14 Also Nor U & U Col) Teach 215 N School St Normal 111 Seeley Fonda Frances (la 1910-11) Ins Oregon 111 Seeley Robert Mayer (la com 1912-15) Jour 44 Lincoln Av Freeport 111 Seely Bessie Louise (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 702 Oneida St Joliet 111 seely Fred B (g m eng 1909-15 MS BS (Worcester Poly) '07 Instr M Eng Villa Nova Coll 1908-9) Instr T&AM U 111 611 W Elm St Urbana 111 Seely Garrett Leller (c eng 1895-9 BS) Asst Gen Mgr Chgo "L" Rail- roads 1001 Royal Ins Bldg Chicago (4367 Oakland Av) Seely Mrs G T (see Morrow Grace) Seely John Gordon (ag 1905-9 BS Also NW U) Ag Riverleigh Farm Oswego 111 *Seely Marena (acad 1904-5 la 1905- 6) d St Joseph Mo Seese Robert St Clare (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13) Gen Elec Co Box 894 Schenectady NY (932 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Seger Ralph Reynolds (acad 1906-7 1 1907-8) Merc 4453 Lake Park Av Chicago Segui Jack (su 1914) 139 Av Meeks Lomaz Argentina ?Seguin Edgar (ag 1908) St Anne 111 Segur John Bartlett (la 1915- ) Stu 617 S Fourth St Watseka 111 Segura Valeriano (su 1909 BS(Pur) '12) C Eng Asst Dist Eng Bur Pub Works Cebu Cebu PI Seib Eugene Charles (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng Amer Tel & Tel Co 2920 Greer Av St Louis Seibal Glee Page (e eng 1912-13 Also Knox Coll) Bnk Manlius 111 Seibel Karl Bird (la 1901-4 AB Also Albany Law Sch) Law Princeton 111 Seibert Mrs A A (see Fearheitey Elma) Seibert Day Wise (1 1910-11 LLB (Mich) '14) Law Harrisburg 111 (Eldorado 111) Seibert Emma Erne (sc 1887-93 BS Also Pratt Inst) Stu 1535 North Western Av Los .Angeles Seibert Erwin William (sp ag 1907-8) Ag R6 Belleville 111 Seibert Kenneth Seward (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 116 N Railroad St Ken- dallville 111 Seidel Charles Gault (la 1913-14) Stu U Mich 247 Grove Av Elgin 111 *Seidel Charles William (c eng 1897-9) d Jan 16 1899 Urbana 111 Seidel George Clark (sp m eng 1911- 12) Locomotive Mach 3217 Bloom- ington Av Minneapolis (705 25th St Moline 111) Seidenberg Nathan Cook (1 1909-15 AB) Jour & Law 310 Johnson St Peoria 111 Seidensticker Oswald George S (arch eng 1909-11) Draft 652 E 45th St Chicago Seidner Floyd (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 1314 N Michigan St Elkhart Ind Seifcrt Harry Byron (c eng 1904-6) Tel Exch Owner Grand Saline Tex (105 S Grand Av W Springfield 111) Seifert Herbert Frank (la 1914- Also Milwaukee St Nor) Stu R2 Thiens- ville Wis Seifried Arthur George (cer 1912-13 ag 1914- ) Stu 4218 Washington Blvd Chicago Seifried John Francis (c eng 1908-12 BS) C Eng 217 S Third Av May- wood 111 Seig fried Ernest (acad 1907-8) Ag R4 Carthage 111 Seller Alice Faye (Mrs J A Long) (h sc 1907-9 AB Also Ohio Wes U) Home Amboy 111 (1014 Oregon St Urbana 111) Seiler Ernest Wesley (ag 1906-7) Mgr Olney 111 Seiler Eleanor Frances (g phys 1915- AB(Denver)'13 AM (do) '14) Stu 4023 Alcott St Denver Seiler Erna (la 1915- ) Also Lake SEILEEr— SENSEMAN 593 Forest Coll) Stu 129 Newell St Woodstock 111 Seiler Mrs Fred (see Simpson Emma) Seiler George William (m eng 1909-13 BS Also Beloit Coll) Teach 1120% Pueblo St Boise 111 Seiler Herman Manley (ag 1915- ) Stu 1111 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 * Seiler Jacob E (sp ag 1885-6) Mt Carmel 111 * Seiler Jacob Oliver (acad 1908-9) Mt Carmel 111 Seiler Justin Frank (su 1907 Also Geo Wash U) Law Elizabethtown Tenn Seiler Lyman Eston (ag 1913-14) Clk 689 Trumbull St Detroit Seiler Otto Erwin (la 1908-12 AB) Teach & Athl Coach 1827 Wesley Av Evanston 111 ( 219 Newell St Wood- stock 111) Seiler Sebastian S (sp ag 1884-5) Ag & Stock Merc Mt Carmel 111 ?Seiler William Carpenter (e eng 1905- 6) 1013B NE Washington Seip Ernest Walter Joseph (acad 1908- 9 m eng 1909-13 BS) M Eng Ind Steel Co Gary Ind (9637 Ewing Av Chicago) Seiple Mrs Sara Tyson (su 1915 Also Pa St Nor) Libr 1102 Broadway St Larned Kan Seise Kathryn Marie (mus 1911-12) Mgr Piano Store Lena 111 Seiter Peter W (c eng 1906-10 BS Also Armour Inst) C Eng 1448 S 29th St Kansas City Kan Seitz Mrs GOP (see Wilson Nell R) Seitz Mrs W S (see Hecox Elizabeth Belle) ISekine Sentaro (m eng 1909-14 BS Also U la) 43 Mijanchi Kodama Saitama Japan Selby Leon Gaston (su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 491 La Salle St Aurora 111 *Selby Richard Edward (su 1902 & '05- d 1909 Momence 111 Selicovitz Rosa Mrs Max (sp mus 1901- 3) Home Hoopeston 111 tSell Harry Sampson (sp sc 1906-7) Sycamore 111 Sellards Mrs (see Armstrong Jennie R) Sellards Andrew Watson (AB(Kan)'03 AM(do)'04 MD(JHopk)'09 Special Asst St Water Surv su '06&'08 Bur Sc Manila PI 1909-11 J Hopk Hos- pital 1911-14) Assoc Harv Med Sch Boston t Sellards Clotine Woodroe (Mrs Peddi- cord)(la 1903-5) 6157 Rhodes Av Chicago (312 E Green St Champaign 111) Sellards John Armstrong (ge 1908-12 BS su'15) R Est 920 Eighth St San Diego Cal (11 Davidson PI Champaign 111) Sellards William Heine (ag 1910- ) Stu 11 Davidson PI Champaign HI Selle Emma M K (sp la 1907-8 Also Conserv Chgo) Teach Mus 410 Jef- ferson St Milwaukee ?Sellen R H (1876-7) Urbana 111 t Sellers Homer Laymen (m eng 1910- 11 AB(De Pauw) ) Greencastle Ind tSellikens Manda Audre (su 1909 Also De Kalb St Nor U) 1246 Monticello Av Chicago Sellner Edna (la 1913- ) Stu 1238 N Eighth St Quincy 111 Sells Simeon Wells Johnson (la 1911- 13) Fifth Av Garage Co La Grange 111 Selmer John J (acad 1900-1 m eng 1901-2 Also U Wis 1903-4) R Est & Ins Eau Claire Wis Selsam Beulah E (la 1913-15 AB) Teach H Seh 806 S Third St Cham- paign 111 (41 E Antietam St Hagers- town Md) Selters Mrs J (see Ranson Clara A) Seltzer Andrew Jackson (su 1910 Also U Mo) Chem 3101 Race St Denver Seltzer Mrs A J (see Harrison Effie B) Seltzer John F (acad 1897) Ag R 63 Longview 111 Selzer Louis Jacob (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 4 Lincoln Av Evansvills Ind Semmelroth August (sp 1901-2) Publ 203 S Charles St Belleville 111 Semple Arthur Truman (ag 1912- ) Stu Dawson 111 senay Charles Timothy (g zool 1914-15 AM BS (Trinity) '14) Teach 328 Jefferson Av London Conn Sendenburgh Edith Irene (la 1909-13 AB g engl 1915- ) Stu 207 W Uni- versity Av Champaign HI tSeneff George Philip (su 1912 Also Lewis Inst) Sterling HI Senneff George Freeman (ag 1911-15 BS) Teach H Sch Taylorville 111 (202 Eighth Av Rock Falls 111) Senning John Peter (g hist 1911-12 AB(Ia)'08 Also U Minn) Stu Yale 56 Lake PI New Haven Conn Sense Mattie Alice (ag h sc 1911-12 '15) Stu Watseka 111 Sense William Joseph (arch 1908-14) Teach Wellington 111 (Rl Watseka 111) Senseman Harold Leonard (arch eng 1914- Also Monmouth Coll) Stu 125 S Tenth St Monmouth 111 594 SENTER— SEYMOUR Senter Lester Thomas (ag 1912-13) Ag & Stock Oakland 111 Senton Alberta (la 1905-7 AB(Minn) '10) Teach Edina Mo (1317 N Park St Streator 111) Sepulveda Mrs (see Hoadley Jose- phine) ?Sequim Edgar James (sp ag 1907-8) St Anne 111 Sercombe Rupert John (c eng 1907-11 BS) Instrument Man CM&StP RR 769 Highland Av Elgin 111 Servis Mary Ellen (mus 1908-9) Mus Philo 111 Sesler Philip Ray (1 1907-11 LLB) Law 404 E Water St Pontiac 111 Setchell Harry Clayton (sp ag 1903-4 Also Mendota Coll) Ag R 37 Men- dota 111 Setlers Mrs Joseph (see Ranson Clara) Settle Josiah Thomas Jr (la 1911-12) Law 421 S Orleans St Memphis Tenn t Settlemire David Pearson (acad 1898- 1900) Litchfield 111 Settlemire Wilbur LynD (acad 1904-5 ag 1905-10) San Eng 502 Union Av Litchfield 111 Seubold Heinrich John (ag 1914- ) Stu Huntingburg Ind Severance Lyle Elwood (ag 1915- ) Stu 817 N Pine St Lansing Mich Severinghaus Milton George (la com 1909-13 AB Also NW U) Printer 2141 Ogden Av Chicago (33 S Wal- ler Av) Severn Mrs C E (see Weldon Eveleen Marie Severson Gilbert Sims (ag 1910-12 Also Mich Coll Mines) Ag Fair Oaks Cal Seville Hermenegildo (ag 1905-8 BS Also U Cal) Culion (near Manila) PI Sevrens Oliver Fisk (g zool 1909-10 BS(Me)'lO) Teach 30 West St North Woburn Mass Sewall Harry Baird (ag 1910-12) Ag Clarksville Miss (2000 Seventh St Moline 111) Sewall Mrs H B (see Landee Anna Irene) Seward Frank Otis (sp ag 1903-4) Vet Stuart la Seward George Ralph (la 1915- ) Stu Mason Citv Til Seward Hiram Bricker (ag 1912-13) Merc 115 S Hawthorne Lane Indian- apolis Seward Ora P (la 1877-8) Ag Mata- wan Mich ?Sewell Earl Farris (c eng 1909-10) 310 Mason St Normal 111 tSEWELL Sidney Isaac (cer eng 1909-13 BS'14) 305 W Perry St Belvidere 111 Sexauer Emilie (su 1915) Asst N Libr 725 Townsend Av Detroit t Sexauer Hilda Christine (sp h sc 1904-6) R5 Belvidere 111 Sexauer James Monroe (ag 1914- ) Stu R5 Belvidere 111 Sexauer Mae Magdalen (la 1913- Also NW U) Stu Logan Av Belvidere 111 Sexton Charles E (sp 1883-4) Garden City Kan Sexton Leon Jay (chem 1892-3) Prin Sch 1118 S Seventh St St Louis (Viola 111) Sexton Ralph Ernest (c eng 1903-4 Also LeStan U 1905-6 & Cor U 1906-7) c/o Amer Bridge Co Gatun CZ ISeybold John William (acad 1903-4) Loveland Colo Seyfert Max Charles Jr (1 1914-15 Also U Mich) 119 S Pickaway St Circleville O ISeyffert Alberto F (acad 1891-2) Chi- huahua Mex tSeyffert Felipe V (c eng 1891) Dist Guerrero Chihuahua Mex Seyl Peter Walter (c eng 1907-9) Credit Man 4842 N Sawyer Av Chi- cago Seymour Arthur B (sc 1878-81 BS) Sc Cryptogamic Herbarium Harv U Cambridge Mass Seymour Mrs A B (see Conkling Anna J) Seymour Arthur Piatt (acad 1899-1900 ag 1900-4 BS) Ag Montrose Colo (Olathe Colo) SEYMOUR Arthur Romeyn (mus 1914- BL(Wis)'94 ML (Wis) '97 PhD (Wis) '07) Asst Instr French U Wis 1895- 9 Asst Instr do 1902-6 Asst Instr Rom Lang U 111 1906-7) Assoc Rom Lang U 111 1907- & Adviser Foreign Stu U 111 1909- 909 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Seymour Budd Willard (c eng 1899- 1903) Draft Swift & Co Chicago \ Seymour Charles Lincoln (acad 1899- 1900) Thomasboro 111 Seymour Claude Henrickson (c eng 1901-5 BS) Retail Coal Dealer 128 N Gifford St Elgin 111 Seymour Curtis T (ag 1907-10) Ag Sevmour 111 Seymour Ernest De Lacy (sc 1898-9 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '04) Med Black- stone 111 f Seymour Heath (acad 1905) Cham- paign 111 Seymour John James (eng 1873-7 BS) Mgr Water Works & Elec Power Co Santa Monica Cal SEYMOUR Lurene (BS(Mich) PhB (do) '05) Assoc H Sc U 111 1913- 1010 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (374 Clinton Av Newark NJ) Seymour Robert Ross (acad 1904-6 ag SEYMOUR— SHAPIRO 595 1906-9 BS) Ag North Bend Neb Seymour Roy Vincent (acad 1897-8 la & law 1898-1904 AB Also Harv U) Law Dwight 111 Seymour Walter Alfred (acad 1903-5 ag 1905-9 BS) Ag North Bend Neb Seymour Mrs William G (see Farthing Georgia) Seyster Ernest Wilford (acad 1908-10 sc 1911-15 AB) Stu 103 E Green St Champaign 111 Seyster Lois Fern (la 1915- ) Stu 103 E Green St Champaign 111 Seyster Mildred Clayton (sc 1908-13 AB) Nat Dir Christian Woman's Bd Missions 103 E Green St Champaign 111 (Kempton 111) Shackell Bessie Estelle (la 1905-10 AB g 1910-11 AM) Teach 288 S Fourth St Aurora 111 (920 W Green St Urbana 111) fShackell Leon Francis (sc 1904-6) Galena 111 Shaddock Rolla Edward (ag Feb 1915- ) Stu Macon 111 Shade Claude Cloide (ag 1915- ) Stu 404 W Green St Montpelier Ind Shade Henry Roscoe (ag 1903-7 BS) Ag Rl Urbana 111 (1010 S East St Bloomington 111) Shade Imogene (Mrs C A Shoults) (la 1903-7 AB g 1907-8 su '09) Home 742 14th Av Detroit (1010 S East St Bloomington 111) Shafer Allen Andrew (acad 1899-1900 sp 1900-1) Merc Villa Grove 111 Shaff Nellie Florence (sp mus 1903-4) Mus Teach Rantoul 111 (R8 Urbana nn Shaffer Charles Franklin (e eng 1911- 14) Teach Arts & Trades Sch Manila PI (302 Kentucky St Quincy 111) Shaffer Earl William (g chem Feb 1916- BS ( Jacksonville ) '16 ) Stu Bridgeport 111 Shaffer George Barnsback (e eng 1904- 5 Also U Wis) C Eng 812 St Louis St Edwardsville 111 Shaffer Nina Rebecca (lib 1905-7 BLS PLB(Ia)'99) Libr U la 314 N Dubuque St Iowa City la Shaffer Orwin Vamont (su 1914) Danville 111 Shaffer Randolph Clinton (ry e eng 1913- ) Stu Plymouth HI t Shaffer Robert Lyman (acad 1893-4) Neoga 111 Shaffer Rolla Flemming (ag 1912- ) Stu Rl Jeffersonville 111 Shaffer Susan Kurzen Knabe (la 1915- ) Stu 706 W Elm St Urbana 111 Shaffer Wilhelmine (ag h sc 1915) Stu 706 W Elm St Urbana 111 Shaffner Philip F (acad 1901-2 MD (Rush) '09) Med 30 N Michigan Av Chicago Shallberg Rudolph Earl (la 1913-15) Mach Opr Williams White & Co 1544 11th Av Moline 111 Shallenberger Ashton C (la 1879-80 Gov Neb 1909-11 US Rep 5th Dist Neb) Bnk & Ranch Alma Neb Shambo Guy Peter (e eng 1910-12 '13- ) Stu 502 Green St Champaign 111 (301 Spring St Aurora 111) Shamel Archibold Dixon (acad 1894-5 ag 1895-1902 BS Asst & Instr 111 Coll Ag 1898-1902) Physiol Bur Plant Industry US Dept Ag 1902- Washing- ton shamel Charles H (chem 1886-91 MS LL B(Mich) '93 AM ( Col ) '05 PhD (do) '07) Law & Lect U Wash 536 New York Blk Seattle shamel Clarence A (acad 1886-7 ag 1887-91 MS) Edit Orange Judd Farm- er c/o Profitable Farming St Joseph Mo Shamel John Young (acad 1887-9 ag 1889-91 MD(Pa)'94) Med Gibson City 111 t Shamel S A (acad) Urbana 111 Shamhart Lola Grace (Mrs K R Hughes) (la 1903-4) 423 N State St Indianapolis (Roekwood Tenn) Shane Mrs C F (see Wolford Maud B) Shane Mrs W H (see Carnahan Ada W ) t Shank Henry Stanley (ag 1913-14) 5730 Jackson Av Chicago Shank Herschil Vespasian (acad 1909- 11 su 1910) Sales 813 Sheridan Rd Chicago Shank John Adam (m eng 1884-6) Arch & Merc Paris 111 ?Shankland Julia Litz (la lib 1900-1) 1204 Woodland Av Des Moines la Shanks Clifford Cox (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Hainesville 111 Shannon Agnes Nancy (h sc 1904-8 BS) Teach 242 Walnut St Freeport 111 t Shannon James Samuel Jr (acad 1886- 8 arch 1888-90) Hinsdale 111 Shannon Katharyn Robertine (Mrs John Ogden)(sp mus 1902-4) Home 806 Wynne Wood Rd Philadelphia Shannon Richard Lee (acad 1909-10) Mgr Detroit Branch APW Paper Co 304 Ford Bldg Detroit (2262 W Grand Blvd) Shapiro Abraham ( arch eng 1914-15 Also U Chgo) Phar 1106 Van Buren St Chicago Shapiro Benjamin (c eng 1907-10 BS 596 SHAPIRO— SHAW Also Armour Inst 1906) C Eng 1943 S Hamlin Av Chicago Shapiro Isidor Max (la 1908-12 AB) Fact Mgr Athletic Shoe Co 1410 Hoyne Av Chicago Shapiro Jacob (la 1915- ) Stu 1237 S Halsted St Chicago Shapland Cecil James (acad 1906-7 c eng 1908-12 BS) C Eng 701 Grosve- ner Bldg Providence RI (c/o Grand Trunk RR Palmer Mass) Shapland Earl Page (acad 1907-9 m eng 1909-14 BS) Asst Co Supt High- ways Pontiac 111 ( Saunemin 111) Shapland Fern Elizabeth Page (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Saunemin 111 Shapland George Thomas (sp e eng 1907-9 Also Valparaiso Coll) Ag Saunemin 111 Shapley Ralph (agl914-) Stu 1003 S Winnebago St Rockford 111 Sharer Donald David (mun eng 1913- ) Stu 1515 N Edward St Decatur 111 Sharer John Chalmers (sp la 1903-4 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag Box 292 Grand Junction Colo t Sharkey Walter Joseph (c eng 1905-6) 2858 N Pauline St Chicago 'FSharman Jaunendra Nath (sp la 1912-13 Also U Munich) Res Work 45% Amherst St Calcutta Hindustan Sharp Abia J (acad 1877-8 m eng 1878-82 BS ME '89) M & C Eng Harrisonville Mo tSharp Arthur Ray (arch eng 1910-11) 1416 N Dearborn St Indianapolis Sharp Bertha Lee (lib 1908-11 la 1913- 14 AB mus Feb 1916- Also Bucknell U) Catg Lib U 111 910 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Sharp Clara Belle (la 1908-10) Teach 319 Villa St Elgin 111 Sharp Mrs DA (see Palmer Audrie M) \Sharp David M (acad 1877-8) Tay- lorville 111 ?Sharp Emma G (acad 1881-2 sc 1882-3) East Lynn Mo Sharp Ethel Ruth (su 1909 mus 1915- ) Stu & Stenog 605 W Washington Blvd Urbana 111 Sharp James C (ag 1913- ) Stu 403 E White St Urbana 111 Sharp Gretchen Ada (su 1914 AB (Eureka) '13) Teach Minonk 111 (Taylorville 111) * SHARP Katherine Lucinda (Hon AM '07 PhB(NW)'85 PhM(do)'89 BLS (NY St Lib Sch) '92 MLS (do) '06 Exten Lect Lift Econ U Chgo 1896 Prof Lib Econ & Dir Lib Sch U 111 1897-1907 2nd V-Pres Lake Placid Club 1907-15) d June 1 1915 Sara- nac Lake NY Sharp Lucinda (ag h sc 1914-15) At home 2333 Missouri Av E St Louis 111 Sharp Mildred (su 1913 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch Garrett 111 R7 Mattoon 111) Sharpe Alan Freer (la 1914- Also Cascadilla Sch) Stu 208 N Euclid Av Oak Park 111 Sharpe Henry Rhodes (ag 1914-15 Also Carroll Coll) Dairy Ag 708 W Elm St Urbana 111 (Milton Junction Wis) Sharpe Mary E (mus 1915- ) Stu 708 W Elm St Urbana 111 Sharpe Richard W (sc 1889-93 BS g 1896-7 MS '99 Also U Chgo) Teach 99 Woodruff Av Brooklyn NY Shattuck Anna Fletcher (Mrs A W Palmer) (la 1885-7 '89-91 BL See also Palmer Mrs A W) Theme Reader & Tutor 1013 California Av Urbana 111 Shattuck Charles White (eng 1884-5) Arch 19 S La Salle St Chicago Shattuck Edith A (Mrs J M White) (arch 1886-90 Teach Free Hand Drawing U 111 1890-4) Home 716 University Av Champaign 111 *shattuck Samuel Walker (LLD'12 BS (Norwich) '60 AM (do) '68 CE(do) '71 V-Pres Norwich U 1866-9 Head Dept Math U 111 1868-1905 Prof Math & Compt do 1905-12 Retired on Carnegie Foundation 1912) d Feb 13 1915 Urbana 111 *Shattuck Mrs S W (sp a&d 1882-3) d Aug 1914 Urbana 111 Shattuck Walter F (arch 1887-91 BS MS '08) c/o Shattuck & Herssey Arch 907 19 S La Salle St Chicago Shaulis Charles Seiber (su 1906 Also Stunmann Coll) Teach Sterling 111 IShaulis John Oliver (su 1906 Also Dixon Coll) Somerset Pa Shaver Mrs B F (see Kindig Pearl) Shaver Elizabeth Fritz alen (su 1915 Also Fairmount Coll) Teach H Sch Springfield 111 Shaver William Earle (acad 1899-1900) Ag Weldon 111 \Shaviro Nathan (acad 1908-9) 558 W Polk St Chicago Shaw Alvin A (acad 1877-80 la 1880- 1) Med San Francisco Shaw Anna B (Mrs P S Kilby) (la 1878-9 '80-1 Also 111 St Nor U 1883- 4) Home Minier 111 Shaw Benjamin Bruce (acad 1906-7 ry & c eng 1907-11BS) Asst Eng CRI &P RR 627 E Adams Av McAlester Okla (Box 142 Canton 111) ?Shaw Charles L (sp 1871-3) Pitts- SHAW— SHEARDOWN 597 field 111 Shaw Mrs Charlott Joy (la 1914- Also Jackson Female Acad) Art 901 W California Av Urbana 111 Shaw Delia (la h sc 1915- ) Stu E2 Rockport 111 Shaw Edgar James (c eng 1906-10 BS) C Eng 6283 Ellerton Av Chicago tShaw Edward Byer (sc 1912-14) Olney 111 Shaw Ellis Marsh (arch eng 1910-15) Eng Pennsylvania Co 305 W Polk St Chicago (6565 Yale Av Apt 56) ?Shaw Franklin Davis (la com 1872-4) Night Eng 1215 N La Salle St Chi- cago Shaw Frederick Wood (c eng 1913- ) Stu 6283 Louise Av Chicago Shaw Guy Loren (sp ag 1900-5 '06-8) Ag 1107 S State St Beardstown 111 Shaw Mrs G L (see Dillon Bessie) Shaw Guy Ray (c eng 1906-9 BS Also U la) Contr Eng Victoria Hotel Des Moines la (225 Fifth Av) Shaw Hallie (ag h sc 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Rockport 111 *Shaw Harold Allen (ag 1912-13) d Aug 1913 Urbana 111 Shaw Hazel Yearsley (la 1903-7 AB g 1908-9 AM g lib 1912-13 Lib Albany Wis Decatur 111 & Somerset Ky Asst Catg U 111 1913-15) Lib Asst Econ & Sociol U 111 1915- 609 W Green St Urbana 111 Shaw Mrs J S (see Lake Donna) SHAW James Byrnie (BS(Pur)'89 MS(do)'90 DSc(do)'93 Prof Math & Physics 111 Coll 1890-8 Prof Math & Astron do 1899-1903 Prof Math Milli- kin U 1903-10 Asst Prof Math U 111 1910-15) Assoc Prof Math do 1915- 901 W California St Urbana 111 Shaw James William (acad 1901-2 m eng 1902-3 '06-8 BS) M Eng Allis Chalmers Mfg Co 24 Park PI New York Shaw Jessie Stella (Mrs C W Coman) (sc 1880-1) Home RI(70-A) Fuller- ton Cal tShaw Leona Isadora (sp mus 1902-3) Newman 111 Shaw Lloyd Blake (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Box 51 Beardstown 111 Shaw Lottie Jeanette (Mrs F H Knee- land) (acad 1903-6 sp la 1906-8) Home 669 Divon St Arlington NJ tShaw Lou Trell (su 1908 Also Nor U) Rushville 111 Shaw Mary Louise (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 203 N McKinley Av Harrisburg 111 Shaw Otto (su 1910 Also Knox Coll) Stu 640 N Prairie St Galesburg 111 (Lewistown 111) tShaw Sidney (la 1913-14) Peters- burg 111 Shaw William Henry (su 1915 Also U Tenn) Dir Athl Newberry Coll Box 154 Newberry SC (1336 W Second St Marion Ind) Shaw Wilfred (ag 1915- ) Stu 815 N Sixth St Marshall 111 Shawhan George R (la 1871-5 BL '76 Trustee U 111 1887-93 Asst Math U HI 1871-4 Co Supt Schs 1881-1902) Mgr Saving's Dept 111 Trust & Sav Bnk Champaign 111 ( 606 Daniel St) Shawhan Gertrude (Mrs F R Schae- fer) (lib 1890-4 BL BLS '00 Asst Lib 1897-1900 Catg Lib Congress 1900-2 Instr Lib Mgr Kan St Nor 1902-4) Home 842 N Av 65 Los Angeles Cal Shawhan Mercy Nadine (la h sc 1915- Also Park Coll) Stu 1164 Rogers Av Decatur HI Shawhan William Edward (sp c eng 1894-5) C Eng 447 W 62nd St Chi- cago Shawhan William Warren (acad 1897- 1901) Ag Lismore La Shawl Ray Iris (acad 1910-11 ag 1911-16 BS) 521 Hamilton St Peoria ni Shay Mary Lucille (la 1913- ) Stu 1147 N Union St Decatur 111 Shay Quinnie Mae (Mrs Bastion) (su 1910) Home R2 Magnolia 111 fShaynin Mitchel Henry (acad 1905-7 la 1907-8) 510 E Green St Cham- paign 111 Shea Daniel William (AB(Harv)'86 AM (do) '88 PhD(Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitat) '92 Asst Prof Phys & E Eng U 111 1892-4 Prof do 1894-5 Prof do Catholic U 1895- ) Dean Fac Sc Catholic U Washington Shea Earl Clifford (com 1915- ) Stu 320 S Blake St Leak SD tShea Frances Gertrude (su 1909 Also Nor U) 504 E White St Champaign 111 Shea John Clark (e eng 1892-6 BS) City Sales McDuffee Auto Co 2457 Michigan Av Chicago Shea Willard Wright (acad 1896-7 la 1898-9) Gov 5248 Shafter Av Oak- land Cal Shea Mrs WW (see Dinwiddie Eliza- beth) Sheaff Robert Phineas (ag 1914- ) Stu Holcomb 111 Shear Charles Vincent (la com 1909- 10 Also U La) Oil-well Driller Jen- nings La Sheardown Rex Winton (arch eng 1909- 12 Also Lewis Inst) Constr Foreman 598 SHEARER— SHELLABARGER c/o Hazelton & Walin 342 Wellington Crescent "Winnipeg* Can Shearer Andrew Willis (sp ag 1907- 10) Ag Rl Henry 111 Shearer Clinton Philip (ag 1913-15 Also Mt Morris Coll) Auburn 111 t Shearer Hallock (acad 1891-3) Gard's Point 111 Shearer Mrs R L (see Park Iva) Shearman Mrs (see Newburn Mary E) Sheasby Victor (la 1915- ) Stu 3717 N Tripp Av Chicago Sheay John (ag 1908-12 BS Also U Minn & U Wis) Ag Exten Worker Hutchinson Minn (Rl Bement 111) *Shedden Donald Boyd (ag 1912-14) d June 27 1914 Elgin 111 Sheddon Forest Robert (e eng 1915- ) Stu 712 Highland Av Elgin 111 Shedden James William (c eng 1914- ) Stu 1400 Olive Av Chicago Sheean Frank Thomas (acad 1895-6 la 1896-9 AB) Law Galena 111 t Sheean Henry David (la 1895-99 AB) 4626 Woodlawn Av Chicago t Sheean John Osburn (1 1903-4) Ga- lena 111 Sheeks Paul Preston Chester (su 1915 Also U SD) Dir Athl Wabash Coll Crawfordsville Ind Sheeley Frank Henry (la 1903-4) Asst Cash Bk Oklahoma City ?Sheen James Gordon (sc 1903-4) Gib- son City 111 fShees Ancel J (e eng 1914- ) Stu 905 12th St Lawrenceville 111 sheets Earl Wooddell (g an hus 1913- 4 MS BS(W Va)'12) Prof An Hus W Va U Morgantown W Va (Lost Creek W Va) Sheets Frank Thomas (mun eng 1909- 14 BS) C Eng 221 Logan Av Springfield 111 Sheets Haven McKendree (ag 1914- Also De Pauw U) Stu R2 George- town 111 Sheetz A Vernon (la com 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu R2 Freeport 111 Sheetz Roscoe Martin (sp ag 1904-5) Dent Bradentown Fla Sheffer William Heber (ag 1915- Also DePauW U) Stu 359 Ninth St Au- burn Ind Sheffield Mrs J C (see Young Sadie) ^Sheffield Willis B (ag 1873-4) Cham- paign 111 Shelby Edwin Jr (c eng 1912- ) Stu 6519 W End Blvd New Orleans Shelby Francis Haywood (la 1914-15) Grain Merc Cyclone Ind & 403 S Main St Frankfort Ind Sheldon Walter William (la 1912-14 com 1915- ) Stu Winnebago 111 Sheldon Beulah Mulford (la 1915- ) Stu 4171 Cullom Av Chicago Sheldon Carl Edmunds (la 1895-9 AB law 1899-1902 LLB) Law Sterling 111 Sheldon Carrie Belle (Mrs B F Bow- ers) (lib 1902-5 AB & BLS PhB (Otta- wa) "01) Home 729 Cedar St Otta- wa Kan Sheldon Charles Harper (acad 1899- 1900 c eng 1901-4 BS) 811 Rookery Bldg Chicago Sheldon Mrs C H (see Mann Alice C) *Sheldon Clarence Corydon (la 1872-3 75-6) d July 16 1891 Urbana 111 t Sheldon Edna Weaver (Mrs E F Trego) (lib 1900-4 BLS) Hoopeston 111 Sheldon Eunice (Mrs L A Weaver) sp 1895-7 Also 111 Worn Coll 1898) Home 507 W Park St Champaign 111 Sheldon Henry Kellogg (e eng 1911- ) Stu Sharpsburg 111 tSheldon Jairus Corydon (sp ag 1906- 7) 704 Lincoln Av Urbana 111 tSheldon James Corydon (1 1912-13) 803 W Main St Urbana 111 Sheldon John Rufus (acad 1899-1900) Ag RFD Yorktownlll (Tampico 111) Sheldon Maude Lillian (m eng 1899- 1903 BS) Teach Oelwein la (Sharps- burg 111) Sheldon Nelson Edward (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 404 Oakley Av Rock- ford 111 Sheldon Victor Lorenzo (m eng 1899- 1903 BS) Eng Contr 5660 Vernon Av St Louis Sheldon Mrs V L (see Wetzel Nellie) Sheldon Warren Maxwell (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Sharpsburg 111 SHELFORD Victor E (At W Va U 1899-1901 BS(Chgo)'03 PhD (do) '07 Teach U W Va 1901 & U Chgo 1904- 7) Asst Prof Zool U 111 1914- 506 W Iowa Av Urbana 111 Shell Fred Jackman (1 1906-7 Also 111 Wes Law Sch) Ct Stenog Clinton 111 SHELL Jacob Kinzer (AB(Pa)'78 MD(do)'81 AM(do)'82 Dir Athl U Vt 1887 do Swarthmore Coll 1888-98 Prof Pbys Tr & Dir Gym & Coach Track Athl U 111 1898-1901 Dir Athl U Pa 1901-5) Prof Phys Tr Swarth- more Coll 1905- 1226 S 46th St Philadelphia Shellabarger David S (acad 1909-11 e eng 1911-13) Garage 467 W Main St Decatur 111 Shellabarger William Lincoln Jr (chem eng 1912-13 Feb 1916- ) Stu 467 W Main St Decatur 111 SHELLEY— SHERIFF 599 Shelley Earl Frank (c eng 1913- Also Millikin U) Stu R3 Mt Vernon 111 Shelley Frank Henry (la 1903-4) Asst Cash Farmer's St Bk 200 W Grand St Oklahoma City (424 W Seventh St) Shellhorn Boyd Stanley (la 1915- ) Stu 127 W Second St Mt Carmel 111 Shelton Addison M (la 1897-1903 AB Also S 111 St Nor 1894-5) Teach Crystal Lake 111 Shelton Francis Ronald (acad 1905-6 c eng 1906-7) Merc Grayville 111 Shelton Mrs Wanda Schember (sp mus 1901-3) Home Crystal Lake 111 Shelton Wilma Loy (la 1909-14 AB lib 1915- ) Asst Lib U 111 1915- 1004 California Av Urbana 111 (300 N 18th St Terre Haute Ind) Shen Tszwin Chih (la 1914-15 Also U Cal) Canton China *Shen Wen Yii (ag 1909-14) d Dec 1914 Chinese Legation Washington ?Sheng Mung Chin (la 1913-15 Also William V Coll) Stu U Colo Kin Kiang St Kin Kiang Kiangsi China Shenker Mrs J W (see Wills Etta C) Shepard Albert Durand (g 1914- BS (SD Ag) '14) Stu Brookings SD Shepard Anna Lucile (Mrs Ellis Stouf- fer) (sp mus 1910 AB(Ia)'lO) Home Lawrence Kan Shepard Edward Austin (ag 1906-7) Ag Yorkville 111 Shepard Mrs Elmer (see Branch Eliza- beth) Shepard Karl Joseph (sp ag 1908-11) Ag La Fox 111 Shepard Lawrence Freeman (la 1905- 8) Cash Bk Washburn 111 t Shepard McPherson (g engl 1911-12 AB(McKendree)'09 Also Law Sch Harv U 1909-10) Teach Linn 111 (Allendale) 1 Shepardson Charles O (acad 1886-7) Paxton 111 1 Shepardson George A (acad 1886-7) Paxton 111 Shepardson John Eaton (acad 1890-1 c eng 1891-5 BS Also U Col 1902-3) Terminal Eng 410 Peoples Bldg Charleston SC *Shepardson Mary Frances (acad 1888- 91 sc 1891-2) d May 22 1903 Shab- bona Grove 111 Shepardson Ralph Steel (acad 1892-3 arch 1893-7 BS M Arch '10) Arch 305 Garfield Av Aurora 111 Shepardson Mrs R S (see Fox Jessie Y) Shepard Mrs (see Rutherford Evah L) t Shepherd Bernice (sp mus 1905-6) 702 W Main St Urbana 111 Shepherd Blanche (sp mus 1908-9) At home 1404 W University Av Urbana 111 \Shepherd Fred Allen (acad 1899- 1902) Fairmount 111 Shepherd Homer (1 1900-2 Grad(Lake Forest Law) '03 Also Eureka Coll) Cash Bk Lovington 111 fShepherd Jacob Henry (sp ag 1903- 5) Urbana 111 t Shepherd Jacob Husted (acad 1901-2 sp ag 1902-5) Urbana 111 ?Shepherd Jessie Ash (acad 1882-4 AB(Utah) ) 1160 E Eleventh South St Salt Lake City Shepherd John William (sp la com 1902-3) Ins Sp Agt & Adjust 414 Court St Paris 111 Shepherd Louis Pitner (sp ag 1903-4) Ag & Cattle Feeding R3 Springfield HI shepherd Queen Lois (g 1911-13 PhD AB(NW)>07 AM(Wis)'lO) Instr Philos U 111 1913- 908 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (1022 W 13th St Pueblo Colo) t Shepherd Sarah Bernice (acad 1904- 6) 702 W Main St Urbana 111 Sheppard Charles Howard (c eng 1913- ) Stu 805 St Louis Av Ed- wardsville 111 t Sheppard Hallie (acad 1898-9) Paris 111 Sheppard Mrs J W (see Brown M Linnie) Sheppard Lawrence Dunlap (c eng 1903-6) C Eng 512 N Fifth St Keo- kuk la ?Sheppard Samuel Henry (sp sc 1893- 4) Jacksonville HI Shepperd James Douglas (e eng 1909- 14 BS) Asst Eng 1142 E South St Galesburg 111 (1209 Second Av Peo- ria 111) Shepperd Martin Anthony (la 1914- 15) 302 Fayette St Peoria 111 Shere Welby Cobb (ag 1914-15) Sales Fairbury 111 (Farmer City 111) Sherfy Fanny B (acad 1887-8 '93-4) Ins & L 44 N Walnut St Champaign 111 (306 N State St) fSheridan Julia Marian (su 1907-8 Also U Chgo) 1886 Diversey Blvd Chicago Sheridan Mary Beall (la h sc 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu 128 W Beech St Sullivan Ind Sheriff Bertha Delphine (acad 1905-6 la 1906-10) Art Glass Designer 4704 Magnolia Av Chicago Sheriff Edgar W (sp 1871-2) Dent 524 Granger Blk San Diego Cal 600 SHERIFF— SHINKEE Sheriff Mrs J P (see Weightman Al- marine A) Sheriff Ralph Edwin (la 1904-8 Also Augustana Coll) Gov For Ranger ND Sherlock Anna Fowler (su 1914 Also Marion Nor Coll) 603 N West St Madison Ind t Sherman Anna Ella (su 1899) Lake City 111 Sherman Caroline Elizabeth (la h sc 1915- ) Stu R3 Vienna Va Sherman Carl Lee (acad 1910-11 c eng 1911-15 BS) Sandoval 111 Sherman Cecil Harvey (acad 1891-2 1893-4) Merc 5121 Warrington Av Philadelphia Sherman Clarence Ashwood (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Rushville 111 Sherman Mrs EG (see Carter Flor- ence E) Sherman Leta Elmira (la 1915- ) Stu R6 Casey 111 Sherman Ruth Mears (Mrs S P) su 1915 Also Vassar Coll) 1016 Nevada St Urbana 111 SHERMAN Stuart Pratt (AB (Wil- liams) '03 AM(Harv)'04 PhD(do) '06 Instr Engl NW U 1906-7 Assoc Engl U 111 1907-8 Asst Prof do 1908- 9 Assoc Prof do 1909-11) Prof Engl U 111 1911- & Chm Dept 1915- 1016 Nevada St Urbana 111 t Sherman Victor Louis (m eng 1907- 8 Also Lewis Inst) 2914 Washing- ton Blvd Chicago t Sherman William Horace (1 1896- 1901 LLB) 601 E Missouri Av St Joseph Mo Sherrick John Chauncey (arch eng 1914- Also Monmouth Coll) Stu 317 E Broadway Monmouth 111 Sherrill Frank Allen (e eng 1881-5) Struct Eng Box 989 Denver t Sherrill Lewis Bronson (ag 1910-11) Minooka 111 Sherrill Walter Dickens (arch eng 1893-6) Mere Colona 111 Sherrod Edith Mae (su 1906 Also U Ind) Teach 215 Main St Lawrence- burg Ind Sherry Leroy Briggs (sc 1908-10 AB Also Occidental Coll) Med Lakeside Hospital Cleveland (Pasadena Cal) sherwin Carl Paxson (sc 1910-12 MS MA'13 BS (Hanover) '09 Also U Ind & Stetson U PhD(Tubingen U) '15) Prof Chem Fordham U Med Sch 1915- New York (Bristol Ind) Sherwood Moriss W (sc 1910-11 Also U Wash) Stu Med 1618 Cold Spring Av Milwaukee Shewade Vinayak Yeshwant (chem eng 1910-12 BS Also U Cor) Chem Gary Products Coke Plant Gary Ind (Ada Bazar St Indore City Cent India) Shewhart Walter Andrew (sc 1909- 13 AB g 1913-14 AM) Teach New Canton 111 Shewman Joe Allen (ag 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 104 Home Av Oak Park 111 Shields Charles Culver (m eng 1904-9 BS'10) M Eng 332 S Michigan Av Highland Park Chicago Shields Dominic Harold (c eng 1908- 12) C Eng Fremont O (Harvard 111) Shields Eugene Clifton (su 1911 Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Mazon 111 Shields Harold Johnson (m eng 1911- 13) R6 Sullivan Ind Shields John Erwin (ag 1912- ) Stu R2(51) Lewistown 111 Shields John P (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Stu 819 N Iowa Av Washing- ton la Shields Mrs Mabel Hughes (su 1912 Also W 111 St Nor) Home Mazon 111 Shields Raymond Joseph (c eng 1906- 10 BS) C Eng Harvard 111 t Shields Roy Harrison (acad 1899- 1900) Canton 111 Shiga Shigetswra (acad 1888-9 arch eng 1889-93 BS M Arch '05) Prof Arch 40 Otsuka Sakashitamachi Koi- shikawa-ku Tokyo Japan Shilling Franklin William (la 1914-15 com 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 904 N Main St Decatur 111 Shilling Mrs Samuel B (see McCor- mick Flora) *Shittington Thomas W (acad 1889-90) d March 8 1911 Omaha Neb Shilton Carlyle Nance (sc 1900-4 AB) Bnk Wyanet 111 Shilton Paul Adymon (la 1901-6 AB) Sales 906 S Hope St Los An- geles Cal Shimer Earl Lester (la 1915- ) Stu Palestine 111 Shimmin Robert Philip (m eng 1898- 1902 BS) M Eng Mfg & Sales 2316 Remington Av Morgan Park 111 tShinaberry Cliff Rood (su 1909) Fredericktown O Shiner Robert Tobias (g an hus 1914- 15 BS(Mo)'14) Ag R3 Lockwood Mo Shing Chi Ting (ry c eng 1914- Also Hunan Poly) Stu Changsha Hunan China Shinker Lillian Ruth (Mrs A B Bai- ley) (mus 1899-1902) Home Cham- paign 111 SHINKEE— SHOBE 601 Whinker Eose Elizabeth (acad 1907- 11) 814 W Clark St Urbana 111 ?Shinker Eose Lanners (h sc 1911-12) 508 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Shinn Mrs (see Newcomb Pearle E) Shinn Elmer Barklow (acad 1908-9 e eng 1909-11) Tel Eng 1121 S Fifth St Springfield 111 Shinn Florence (Mrs L W Fluharty) (h se 1905-7 '09-11) Home 215 N Madison St Walla Walla Wash Shinn Harry Erie (c eng 1906-10 BS) Co Supt Highways 1113 Lafayette Av Mattoon 111 Shinn James Eicketts (ag 1900-4 BS Field Asst Pomol 1905-7 Prof Hort & Hort Exp Sta U Id 1907-10) Co Farm Agt E 722 Illinois Av Spo- kane Wash Shinn Mrs J E (see Casstevens Edna M) Shinn Luther Edgar (gen 1868 Also 111 Wes 1865-7) Law Jour & Mgr 2145 N St NW Washington Shinn Eobert Ervin (e eng 1909-10 BS(Ore Ag)'14) Ag Albany Ore fShinn Wilbur Thomas (sp 1868-9) Urbana 111 Shinn William Eicketts (ag 1902-6 BS) Ag Twisp Wash Shipley Mrs (see Sparks Laura I) Shipley Alta Irene (Mrs A A Miller) (sp mus 1903-5 Also 111 Worn Coll) Home Box 48 LaPorte Ind Shipley Ernest Eichard (ag 1910-11) Ag E2 Petersburg 111 Shipley Henry Ellis (1 1907-10 LL B) Law Haskell Okla Shipley Mrs H E (see Eichmond Jes- sie M) Shipley Paul Donald (ag 1915- ) Stu Petersburg 111 Shipley Pearl Elnora (Mrs H B Ap- ken)(mus 1907-9) Home Petersburg 111 Shipman Andrew Bradt (m eng 1901- 5 BS) Metal Min & Milling Sneffels Colo Shipman Louise (Mrs F Wagner) (la 1904-8 AB) Home 4207 N Winches- ter Av Chicago Shipman Mina Pearle (h sc 1914-15) 503 High St Urbana 111 Shipman William Davis (c eng 1912- 14 BS Also NW U) Eailroad Acct 941 Chicago Av Evanston 111 (532 New York Blk Seattle) Shippee Henry C (sc 1892-4) Mfg 1004 Topeka St Pasadena Cal Shippert Henry Frank (sp ag 1908-9) Ag E8 Dixon 111 Shippy Claire Took (ag 1911-12) Ag Eock Grove 111 *Shippy Henry Best (ag 1908-10 Also St Viateurs Coll & 111 Coll Com) d April 20 1915 Chicago Shipton Charles Custer (acad 1904-5) Postal Clk Hanover 111 Shirey Mrs Leta D (see Draper Leta L) Shirk Mrs J E (see Swayne Juliet E) Shirk Joseph Eaymond (com 1907-9) Ofc Mgr 601 E Second St Ottumwa la Shirk Mrs J E (see Epps Jessie B) t Shirk William Andrew (la 1904-9 AB'12) Murdock HI *Shirley Caroline Alice (sp h sc 1902- 3) d Cherry Valley 111 Shirley Harry (acad 1894-5 Also Val- paraiso U) Ag Gibson City 111 ?Shirley Orin Earl (e eng 1906-10 BS) E Eng 123 Nott Terrace Schenectady NY fShirley Zelda Marion (sp mus 1896- 7) Champaign 111 t Shively Edith Olga (Mrs P J Weg- eng)(la 1905-9 AB) 807 W Spring- field Av Champaign 111 Shively Jean (h sc 1911-12 la Feb 1916- ) Stu 411 W White St Cham- paign 111 Shively Jerome Davison (com 1909- 10) Credit Mgr Hearst Bldg Chi- cago Shively Walter Scott (m eng 1911-15 BS) 6631 Marshfield Av Chicago Shlkowsky Arcadie Jacob (c eng 1907-10 BS Also U Kiew) Detailer & Checker Bldg Dept CM&StP EE 3131 Douglas Blvd Chicago Shlaudeman Frank (acad 1877-8 m eng 1878-82 BS) Pres & Mgr Brew- ing Co Dir Nat Bk 560 Powers Lane Decatur 111 Shlaudeman Harry (arch eng 1882-6 BS) Invest Broker 502 Chamber Commerce Bldg Pasadena Cal (563 N Marengo Av) Shlaudeman Harry Eicker Jr (e eng 1915- ) Stu 563 N Marengo Av Pasadena Cal Shlaudeman Maud (Mrs Maud John- son) (acad 1891-2 la 1892-3) Home & Lit Wk 542 Plymouth St Los An- geles ]Shless Charles Louis (acad 1893-6) 286 W North Av Chicago Shobe Claire Fletcher (la 1912-13) Prop Washington Park Ladies Shop 5506 Prairie Av Chicago (520 W 66th PI) Shobe Frank Dilling (1 1908-14 LLB) Abstracter & Title Examiner Vermil- ion Co Abstract Co 8 E Main St Danville HI 602 SHOBE— SHRADER Shobe Mrs F D (see Lohman Ade- laide L) Shockley Clyde Arthur (c eng 1908-9 BS(Kan)'13) C Eng 4843 E Sev- enth St Kansas City Mo Shockley Ruth (su 1915 Also Bradley Poly) Teach Gridley 111 (103 N In- stitute PI Peoria 111) Shoellhorn Frank Philip (acad 1909- 10) Bkpr Kaneville 111 SHOEMAKER Dorothy Ruth (Mrs Howard Huston) (AB(Ober) '13 Also la St Teach Coll Asst Phys Tr Worn U 111 1913-15) Home Columbus Junction la Shoemaker Edwin Raymond (acad 1900- 2) Ins 1656 Talbott Av Indian- apolis . Shoemaker Mrs E R (see Halstead Elizabeth M) Shoemaker Fred Glen (e eng 1909-14 BS Also Hedding Coll) Foreman Garage ft Machine Shop Abingdon 111 Shoemaker James Wright (la 1913- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu 1125 S Sixth St Charleston 111 . Shoemaker John Earl (la 1899-1903 AB eng 1903-5 BS) C Eng 2608 E Spring St Seattle Shoemaker Richard William (ag 1915- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu 439 North St Murphysboro 111 Shoemaker Theodora (Mrs C F Cur- tiss) (la 1903-4 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Home El Paso 111 Shoeman Jesse H (acad 1906-7 la com 1907-8) Merc Carmi 111 Shoesmith Harold James (e eng 1910- 11) Ag Lena 111 ySJwettler Arthur Carl (acad Also Christian Bro Coll) 2004 W Main St Belleville 111 Shoger Oscar August (ag 1910-12) Ag Oswego 111 Sholem Jerome (la 1914-15 Also TJ Notre Dame) Merc 207 E Court S Paris 111 Shomaker Samuel Jasper (su 1910& '13 Also Danville Ind Nor & Carbon- dale Nor) Supt Schs Murphysboro 111 Shonkwiler Francis Lucian (m eng 1914- ) Stu 316 E Lafayette St Monticello 111 Shonkwiler Horac Avery (ag 1909-11) Ag & Vet Glencoe Mo Shonle Horace Abbott (chem eng 1911- 13 '14- ) Stu Tuscola 111 Shonts Turrill Dean (la com 1911-15 AB) 203 E Marion St South Bend Ind Shook Charles Harmon (arch eng 1910- 13 '14-15 BS Also U Ark) Arch Eng Muskogee Okla Shook Charles Wheeler (la 1913-15 AB) R Est & Ins 318 Waldron St W Lafayette Ind shook Glen Alfred (g math & physics 1911-14 PhD AB(Wis)'07 Instr Pur U 1907-11 Instr Physics U 111 1911- 14) Instr Physics U Mich 1914- 935 Greenwood Av Ann Arbor Mich shoop Adeline Margaret (Mrs G W Turton)(la 1907-8 AM AB (Hedding) '04) 2029 D St Granite City 111 Shoot Bonnie Seabolt (Mrs F M Mil- ler) (la 1903-4 Also E 111 St Nor) Home Cor Polk & Ninth Sts Charles- ton 111 tShoptaugh Mary Eleanor (sp ag 1900- 1) Grand View 111 Short Albert Roswell (sp 1870-3) Contr 1100 Delmas Av San Jose Cal Short Henry Clifford (acad 1903-4 sp la 1904-5) Ag Neoga 111 Short Lemuel Byrd (c eng 1902-3 MD (St Louis Med) '06) Med 570 Ver- onica E St Louis 111 Short Mrs L B (see Hill Josephine Short Ralph Moody (sp ag 1904-5) Asst Cash Bk Witt 111 Short Mrs (see Thompson Mabel C) SHORT Robert Lewis (su 1894 AB (Chaddock) '99 Instr Danville Wes Sem 1885-7 Prof Math Chaddock Coll 1893-4 Prof Math Ft Worth U 1894-7 Instr Math U 111 1899-1901 Asst Prof Math 1901-3) Instr Tech H Sch Cleveland Short Mrs R L (see Buerkin Emma) Short Ulysses Sheridan (sp la 1898-9 MD( St Louis Med) '03) Med 3200% S Grand St St Louis Short Walter Campbell (la 1897-1901 AB) 1st Lieut 16th Inf US Army Fort Sill Okla t Short William Leon (sc 1906-7) Ne- oga 111 Shortridge William Franklin (su 1907 Also Warrensburg St Nor) Ag & Teach Macomb Mo Shott Ruth Elma (la 1913- ) Stu 205 W High St Urbana 111 Shotts Florence Dunlap (sp mus 1906- 8) At home Seymour 111 Shotwell Ida Mae (Mrs A Dechman) (h sc 1910-14 Also W Coll Oxford O) Home (630 University PI Evan- ston 111) Shoults Mrs C A (see Shade Imogene) Showalter Nora (Mrs V Vaniman) (h sc 1905-9) Home Virden 111 Shrader Frank Kay (acad 1904-5 la 1905-9 AB) Broker Rookery Bldg Chicago (714 E 51st St) SHRADER— SHUTES 603 Shrader Justin Winfred (la 1907-11 AB Also Boston U Law Sch) Stu Harv Law Sch 225 West St Brain- tree Mass (1419 Charleston Av Mat- toon 111) Shreffler Franc Ella (h sc 1909-11) At home 1095 E Merchant St Kanka- • k ee in Shreve Harry Roy (sp ag 1900-1) Ag Ogden la Shriver Alonzo Louis (acad 1883-5) Asst Lab An Nutr Ag Coll U 111 1916- 501 E Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 (Springfield 111) Shriver Helen Elizabeth (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 501 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Shroyer Malcolm Edward (la 1913-14 Feb 1916- ) Stu 621 S Mill St Pontiac 111 Shroyer Mirven David (ag 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu R8 Urbana 111 Shrum Edmond Jerome (ag 1914-15 Also Valley City Nor) Teach Portal ND (911 W Second St Valley City ND) Shrum Mabel Claire (Mrs G S Tilley) (lib 1896-1900 BLS) Home Medford Ore Shryock Lyle William (ag Feb 1916- Also Colo Ag Coll) Stu 305 W Pine St Canton 111 IShu Chu Shi (acad 1909-10) Shan- tung China tShu Seng Kah (acad 1908-9 chem eng 1909-10) c/o Chinese Mintr Wash- ington Shuck Ellen M (la 1896-7) Trav Sales 305 S Race St Urbana 111 Shuck Fred Vinton (sp mus 1903-8 law 1910-11 la com 1913-14 Also Wabash Coll 1912-13) Grocer 305 S Race St Urbana 111 Shuck Helen (la 1912-14) At home 801 W Green St Urbana 111 t Shuck Henrietta Marie (la 1910-11 Also Millikin U) Monticello 111 t Shuck Otto Charles (sp ag 1909-10) Monticello 111 t Shuck Roy Wesley (sp ag 1909-11) Monticello 111 Shufflebarger Mrs F L (see Paddock Caddie) fShuhara Hiroo (sc 1910 Also Im- perial Fisheries Inst) Kagoshima Ja pan Shuler Hugh McWhurr (acad 1894-6) Coal Opr 417 E Sixth St Des Moines la Shuler Mrs H M (see Dow Jennie Margaret ) Shuler Jane E (Mrs P A Bendixen) (mus 1901-4) Home 1125 Rock Is- land St Davenport la Shulters John Raymond (la 1906-10 AB g 1910-11 AM Also Syr U 1901- 2 Asst Rom Lang U 111 1913-14) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1915- 1203 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (Bris- tol NY) Shultz Arthur Ernest (e eng 1893- 4) Seedman Olney 111 Shultz Clarence Meshach (ag 1910-12) Dairy Ag Shipman 111 Shultz Edith Adeline (la 1912-13 AB g 1913-14 Also NW U) Stenog 5824 Magnolia Av Chicago Shultz Mrs G H (see Holderman Mar- jorie C) Shultz Hazel Margurite (h sc 1911- 13 BS) Teach 636 W Main St Rock- ford 111 Shum Nim Chi (chem 1911-14 BS g chem 1915- Also U Wis) Stu Kwan- tung Canton China Schumacher Charles Clarence (e eng 1895-6) Plumbing Virden 111 fShumaker Claude Henry (sp 1901-2) Tiffin O Shuman Bliss (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Sullivan 111 fShuman George W (sp arch 1888-9) Fort Wayne Ind Shumway Horatio G (acad 1883-4) Mgr Iron Works Batavia 111 t Shumway Nona Emma (mus 1908-10 Also U Denver) University Park Den- ver Shup Laurence Edgar (e eng 1914-15 la 1915- ) Stu Newton 111 Shupe Chester Benton (acad 1909-10 sp ag 1907-9) Ag Paloma 111 Shupe Lester Clyde (sp ag 1909-11 Also W 111 St Nor) Ag Paloma 111 Shuping Dan (e eng 1915- ) Stu Hillsboro HI Shurtleff Charles Wellman (sp 1880-2 BL(Union Law) '84) Law Trenton Neb Shurtleff Howard Freeman (c eng 1908-9 '13-14) Asst Credit Dept 310 W Washington St Chicago (815 Lake Av Wilmette 111) Shurtleff Raymond Shryock (la 1913- 15) Stu U 111 Coll Med Cuba 111 Shurtz Richard Elmer (acad 1890-1 MD(Rush) '97) Med Boise Id \Shurtz Straut W (acad 18S9-90 MD (Rush) '93) Med 1007 W Church St Champaign 111 * Shurtz Mrs May Gooding (Mrs S W) (sp mus 1902-5 Also 111 Wes U) d Feb 15 1905 Champaign 111 Shutes Robert Lee (e eng 1906-10 BS) E Eng West Elec Co Haw- thorne 111 (5818 Erie St Chicago) 604 SHUTES— SILKMAN Shutes Mrs R L (see Stephens L An- nette) Shutts Mar j one Pauline (Mrs Alfred Gunderson) (la 1909-11) Home 309 W Washington Blvd Urbana 111 Shy Frank Spain (la 1914- ) Stu 601 E Chestnut St Olney 111 tSi J Hsuan (la 1911-12 Also Shan- tung Christian U) Hung Chwen Chi- na Sibbitt James Harrison (acad 1907- 10) Trav Sales 815 N Ellison St Oklahoma Okla Sick Elizabeth Kathryn (su 1907 Also Valparaiso Nor) Teach 3319 Jack- son Blvd Chicago ?Sickles F Henry (acad 1881-2 sc 1882-5) Champaign 111 t SidenstriTcer Franklin Miler (acad 1900-1) Newman 111 Sidell Roscoe Roy (su 1914) Shreve O Sides Aimee May (Mrs B T Reynolds) (la 1900-4 AB) Home 502 S Madi- son St Webb City Mo Siebens Arthur Robert (ag 1911-15 BS) Sec Co YMCA Marshalltown la (Minonk 111) siebens Thekla Maria (g 1913-14 AM AB(Millikin)'ll) Teach Riverside 111 (Minonk 111) Siebenthal Maud (lib 1914 AB(Ind) '06) Geol Illustrator U 111 310 E Green St Champaign 111 (433 S Dunn St Bloomington Ind) tSiebernes John Reuben (m eng 1887- 91) 125 North St Peoria 111 Sieberns Lynn Callsen (1 1909-12 LL B Also Bradley Poly) Law 337 Woolner Bldg Peoria 111 (Gridley 111) Siebert Emma E (la 1887-90) At home 543 Harvard Blvd Los Angeles Siebert William Schiller Vincent (su 1902 Also Wash U) Teach 5021a Page Av St Louis Siegel Alma Emma (Mrs B A Gulick) (1 1904-5) Home 821 Charleston Av Mattoon 111 Siegel Isaac (1 1914-15 LL B Also NW U) 1617 Polk St Chicago Siegel Meta Lena (Mrs E J Johnson) (sp mus 1902-3 Also Oberlin U) Home 705 38th St Rock Island 111 Siegel Paula Augusta (Mrs J A Mc- Farland}(la 1901-2) Home 1241 Hamilton St St Louis Siegfried Edward Olaf (arch eng 1911-14 '15- ) Stu 3423 Greenview Av Chicago Siegfried Thorwald Adolf Arthur (1 1899-1901) Soc Serv & Law 5521 16th Av W E Seattle Siegmund Humphreys Oliver (eng 1913- ) Stu 3225 S Jefferson St St Louis Siegrist Damon Carl (ag 1915- Also 111 Wes U) Stu San Jose 111 . Siemen Bertha Anna (la 1910-13 AB Also U Chgo and U Wis) Teach Stockton 111 Siemens Annie Blanchard (la 1914- ) Stu 412 E 36th St Kansas City Mo t Siemens Robert Herman (acad 1905- 7) Sorento 111 Siemens Webb Mellin (arch eng 1911- ) Stu 1513 Charles St St Joseph Mo tSieverling John Otis (chem eng 1906- 7) Carrollton 111 Sievert Carl William John (chem eng 1909-14 BS) Chem Arcady Farms Milling Co Rondont 111 (Blue Island 111) tSigerson Jeanette May (la 1913-14) 908 Nevada St Urbana 111 Sigerson Wilfred Carl (com 1910-14 AB Also U Harv) c/o Great North- ern Paper Co Millinocket Me Sigfridson Ebba Beatrice (ag h sc 1915-) Stu Geneva 111 Sigler Emanuel Christopher (1 1904-6 LLB Also Dixon Nor Coll) Law Leola SD Sigler Mrs EC (see Weires Pearl) t Sigler Lawrence (acad 1906-7) Nor- ris City 111 Sigler Mrs Pearl (sp mus 1904-5) Home Leola SD Sigley Estella May (la 1906-7 su 1910 Also Nor U) Teach 709 S Broadway St Havana 111 Signor Nellie Marie (la 1907-12 AB lib 1912- ) Stu & Catg Lib U 111 501 W Green St Urbana 111 t Signor Ruth Husted (la 1906-10 AB) 501 W Green St Urbana 111 tSihler Charles Harold (la 1913-14) 403 Union Av Litchfield 111 Sillier George Albert Jr (la 1904-6 MD(McGill)'lO) Med 310 N Madi- son St Litchfield 111 Sikking Chester Buell (ag 1910-12) Merc 1313 S Pasfield St Springfield 111 (105 E S Grand Av) Silbermann Oscar Emil (c eng 1914- ) Stu Homewood 111 tSiler Ernest Wesley (sp ag 1906-7) Dundas 111 Siler Roderick William (c eng 1899- 1903 BS) Teach Central H Sch St Louis Siler Sebastian S (ag 1884-5) Ag & Stock Mt Carmel 111 Silkey Earl (su 1905 Also Austin Coll) RR Mail Clk 437% N Jackson St Danville 111 Silkman John Mead (min eng 1911-15 SILL— SIMON 605 BS) Min N Mex (605 Eeservoir St Baltimore) Sill Leo Lester (mus 1912-14) Sales 412 W Green St Champaign 111 ] Silliman Guy Alexander (acad 1898- 9) Carmi 111 Silliman Henrietta (la 1904-5 Also Welles Coll 1907) Teach Toulon 111 Silliman Levi Jr (ag 1904-7) Toulon IU Silliman Minott (sp ag 1903-6) Ag Toulon 111 tSilloway Herbert William (acad 1905- 6 ry eng 1905-6) Virden 111 tSilloway Perley Milton (su 1910) Virden 111 Silver Charles Wallace (ag 1868-72 Cert) Lincoln Neb Silver Harold Austin (ag 1915- ) Stu Ell Urbana HI ^ Silver Hazel Marguerite (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 606 S Busey Av Ur- bana 111 *Silver Howard (gen 1868-73 Cert ML '94) d July 24 1905 Oklahoma City Silver Milton Gans (la 1913- ) Stu Clayton NJ t Silver Spencer Ferguson (acad 1903-6 e eng 1905-6) 804 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Silverman Mrs (see Enlow Lena) Silverman Isadore (ag 1914- ) Stu 4507 Michigan Av Chicago Silverman Michael (la 1915) 9811 Lorain Av Cleveland *Sim Anna M (acad 1891-2 sp a&d 1897-8) d Urbana 111 Sim Benjamin Franklin (min eng 1880-2) Life Ins 1165 Broadway Boulder Colo Sim Coler Lindley (la 1872-7 BS) R Est Wichita Kan Sim Edward (la 1874-5) Phar 801 W Green St Urbana HI Sim Keturah Elizabeth (la 1880-4 BL ML '95) At home 916 W Hill St Urbana HI Sim Mary Eva (Mrs G W Meyers) (acad 1883-4 la 1885-7) Home 1953 E 72nd St Chicago tSimcox Edith Mae (sp mus 1905-6) Las Animas Colo Simcox Minnie Theresa (Mrs W J Deupree)(sp mus 1900-1 '05-6 '08-9) Home 2134 Eastern Av Covington Ky Simer Jerome Kenneth (acad 1901-4 la 1904-7 AB LLB(Minn) '10) Law 346 McKnight Bldg Minneapolis ISimile Mabel Jeannette (acad 1900- 1) Ashland 111 Simins Fred Shepard (e eng 1906-9 Also Bradley Poly) Chf Elec 118 Pennsylvania Av Peoria 111 tSimison Earnest Newton (ag 1912- 14) 642 N Laurel Av Chicago fSimma William Henry (ag 1911-13) Gibson City HI simmering Siebelt Luke (m eng 1912- 13 MS BS(Colo)'lO) Instr M Eng Hastings Neb Simmerman Roy Franklin (sp ag 1904- 6) Gar Wyoming 111 Simmonds Emry Seldon (e eng 1912- 13) Teach Camp Point 111 Simmons Aaron Trobue (arch eng 1897-1901 BS) Arch 402 1st Nat Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 Simmons Arthur Melville (ag 1911-12 Also Beloit Coll) Ag Stockton HI Simmons Elwyn Leroy (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 325 Linden Av Oak Park HI Simmons George Eloy (min eng 1880- 1 Also Wash U) Tel Mgr Avon 111 Simmons Guy Andrew (su 1914 AB (McFerrin) '01 AM(De Pauw) '02 AM (Yale) '07 Also Vanderbilt U) Prof Latin & Greek Hendrix Coll 315 Clifton St Conway Ark Simmons Harold Hoyt (c eng 1906-9 BS Also Millikin U) Technical Jour 6506 Ellis Av Chicago Simmons Haskell George (e eng 1915- ) Stu Avon HI Simmons Jessie Josephine (su 1907 Also St Nor U) Teach Carthage 111 Simmons John William Jr (c eng 1907-12 BS) Gov Keithsburg HI fSimmons Louis Josiah (c eng 1905-6) Bloomington 111 Simmons Minnie Jane (su 1913) Libr Rochelle HI Simmons Norton Andrew (acad 1892-3 e eng 1893-4) Merc Hinton Okla Simmons Orville (su 1913 Also 111 St Nor U) c/oDC Heath & Co Detroit Simmons Sidney Britain (ag 1914-15 Feb 1916- Also NC A&M Coll) Stu 358 Gillespie St Fayetteville NC Simmons Theodore Switzer (ag 1912- ) Stu St Charles HI Simms Edna Charlotte (su 1904 Also Knox Coll) Teach Rio 111 Simms Fred Shepard (e eng 1906-9 BS Also Bradley Poly) Chf Elec 118 Pennsylvania Av Peoria 111 Simms William Henry Jr (ag 1911- ) Stu Gibson City HI SIMON Anna Viola (Mrs H B Dor- ner)(Stu Royal Acad Mus London Cosmopolitan Sch Mus & Cin Conserv Mus Instr Voice U 111 1913-15) 606 SIMON— SIMPSON Home 1106 California St Urbana 111 SIMON Cornelia Elizabeth (Grad Lewis Inst 1899 Instr Dom Sc 111 Soldier 's Orphan's Home 1899-1900 Asst H Sc U 111 1900-1) Instr Dom Sc Miller Man Tr Sch 1901- Albemarle Co Va Simon Walter Henry (arch 1911-15 BS) Arch 622 S 13th St Quincy 111 SIMONDS William Edward (AB (Brown) '83 PhD(Strassburg) '85 Litt D (Brown) '11 Instr Ger Yale U 1888- 9 Prof Engl Lit & Instr Ger Knox Coll 1889-1903 Prof Engl U 111 su 1904&'ll) Prof Engl & Dean Men Knox Coll Galesburg 111 Simonich John Lawrence (e eng 1910- 14 BS g '14-15 MS) Eng Gen Elec Co Schenectady NY (1123 Clement . St Joliet 111) Simonini Paul Charles (m eng 1906-12 BS) M Eng West Elec Co Chicago (6208 S Artesian Av) Simons Alexander McDougall (e eng 1908-12 BS '12-13) Eng Lee Elec- tric Eadiator Co 11 Board of Trade Bldg Chicago Simons Alexander Martin (acad 1891- 2 e eng 1891-6 BS Also U Chgo) Superv Prin Box 477 Visalia Cal ^Simons Burton E (acad 1882-5) Os- wego 111 Simons Charles Leroy (ag 1908-12 BS Also U Pur) Ag Kentland Ind Simons George Augustine (com 1908- 12 AB) Lumber Bus Plymouth Bldg Minneapolis Simons Minnie Jane (su 1913) Libr Eochelle 111 Simons Eaymond Samuel (e eng 1910- II sc 1911- ) Stu 166 Euclid Av W Chicago * Simons Eayna DeCosta (ag 1914-15 la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 4644 Lake Park Av Chicago Simonson Anna Eebecca (Mrs H L Beckett) (su 1908) Home Smithshire 111 Simonson George Holdt (sp ag 1906- 7) Mgr Pioneer Cream Co Quincy III (Wejen Denmark) Simonson Guy Loraine (chem 1911-13) Sales 82 Gilbert Av Downers Grove 111 ?Simonson Eollo Jacob (sp ag 1899- 1900) White Oak 111 Simpson Arthur Moulton (m eng 1909- 13 Also U Chgo) Sales Eng Oneida Steel Pulley Co Oneida NY (5616 Kimbark Av Chicago) t Simpson Arthur Eoy (ag 1911-12 Also la St Coll) Pisgah la Simpson Mrs A E (see Dupuy Mar- garet) Simpson Carl William (c eng 1899- 1904 BS) Ey C Eng DL&W EE Hoboken NJ Simpson Clarence Oliver (acad 1896-9 DDS(Chgo Coll Dental Surg) MD (Barnes Med Coll) ) Dent & Lect Century Bldg St Louis t Simpson Clark (1.1905-6) Mackinaw 111 Simpson Colin Campbell (sc 1910-12 AB Also U Colo) Arch Eng 627 Timken Bldg San Diego Cal Simpson Earl Bruce (la 1913-15 law 1915- ) Stu 504 Glenwood Av El- dorado 111 fSimpson Edith Elnora (sp h sc 1904- 5) Lincoln 111 Simpson Emma Jane (Mrs Fred Sel- ler) (sp mus 1903-4) Home 603 S Kitchell Av *Pana 111 Simpson Frances (lib 1898-9 1901-3 BLS BL(NW)'84 ML(do)'88 Asst Lib Chgo Inst 1899-1901 Head Catg U 111 1901-3) Asst Prof Lib Econ & Asst Dir Lib Sch U 111 1903- 904 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Simpson Francis Marion (ag 1905-9 BS Asst Ag Exten U 111 1911-14) Teach Office Markets Washington Simpson Mrs F M (see Baldwin Ma- mie Anna) Simpson Frank (acad 1903-4 ag 1904- 8 BS) Ag E4 Pana 111 Simpson George Eric (chem 1909-13 BS) Teach 4442 Clifton Av Chi- cago t Simpson George Marquis (com 1872- 3) Pamona Cal Simpson Irene Elizabeth (la 1915- ) Stu 1001 W California St Urbana 111 t Simpson John A Logan (sp ag 1903- 6) E4 Pana 111 Simpson John Milton (c eng 1914- Also Knox Coll) Stu Tribune Bldg Terre Haute Ind Simpson Keith Stith (la 1903-5 LL B (Mich) '08) Law Medicine Lodge Kan Simpson Laurance Packer (min eng 1915- ) Stu Anawa la t Simpson Lucien McCord (com 1910- 12) 622 N Sixth St Vincennes Ind Simpson Luther Franklin (m eng 1913- ) Stu Moweaqua 111 Simpson Lynn Parker (arch eng 1905- 6) Merc & Undertaker Carrollton 111 Simpson Mary Alice (ag 1913- Also U Chgo) Stu Goodman Mfg Co Chi- cago Simpson Nelle Lucile (ag h sc 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu 524 E Wash- ington St Macomb 111 fSimpson Orman Manard (la 1907-8 SIMPSON— SIRNER 607 BL( Highland) '07) Williamsburg Ky Simpson Robert Archibald (sp 1897-8 Also Vincennes U) Nurseryman Vin- cennes Ind Simpson Sebastian Solon (su 1909& '13 la 1915- ) Stu 1001 W Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 Simpson Thomas Moore (ag 1913- ) Stu Alexis 111 "Simpson W C (sp 1879-80) d Jan 21 1912 Vienna 111 Simpson William Archibald (arch eng 1909-10 Also U Colo) Arch Eng 627 Timpken Bldg San Diego Cal Simpson William George (la 1915- Also U Wis) Stu Dundee 111 Sims Charles Blackburn Jr (acad 1910- 11) Adv 1004 California St Urbana 111 Sims Charles Edward (c eng 1901-5 BS) Cement Tile Mfg Worthington Minn Sims Mrs C E (see Cook Pansy E) tSims Charlie (acad 1883-4) St Jos- eph 111 Sims Clarence Edgar (chem eng 1911- 15 BS) Metallurgy Res Utah St Sch Mines 1327 E Second So St Salt Lake City (426 N Western Av Chi- cago) ?Sims David Parks (sc 1882-3) Cham- paign 111 Sims Delbert Edward (la 1913- ) Stu Newton 111 Sims Flenner Blackburn (acad 1905- 6) Ag 301 N Hazel St Danville 111 Sims Mrs Flora Morris (see also Mor- ris Flora E a&d 1897-1900) tSims James Perry (su 1906 Also Cook Co Nor) 851 Lincoln Av Spring- field 111 Sims Jules Verne (la 1909-12 Feb 1916- ) Stu 1209 Polk St Indian- apolis Sims Lewis J (sp 1890-1) Eng & Surv Lincoln 111 Sims Mary (Mrs E S Somers) (la 1894- 5) Home 6959 N Ashland Blvd Chi- cago Sims Ona Neosho (sp mus 1893-4) Champaign 111 Sinclair Bernice (la 1913-14 Also Butler Coll) Teach St Paul Ind (5535 Julian Av Indianapolis) Sinclair Cecil Raymond (sp ag 1910- 11) Asst Photog U 111 501 Green St Champaign 111 Sinclair Clara (la 1906-12 AB Also 111 St Nor U & De Pauw U) Teach 4949 Indiana Av Chicago (Ashland 111) t Sinclair Irwin Alexander (sp ag 1902-4) Cornell 111 Sinclair James Alexander (sp ag 1900- 1) Quarry Supt McLaughlin & Ma- teer Co Kankakee 111 (555 S Harri- son Av) Sinclair Mrs J A (see Higgins Alice A) Sinclair John George (la 1907-10 BS (Chgo) '11 Also Desert Lab Tucson Ariz Asst Carnegie Inst Wash 1913- 15) Teach & Res 10057 Av N Chi- cago Sinclair Lawrence Edwin (ag 1902-7 BS) Ag Calexico Cal Sinclair Ovid Eugene (e eng 1913- ) Stu Mazon 111 Sinclair Thomas Almarin (m eng 1907- 9) Ag Calexico Cal (Ashland 111) Singbusch Arthur Carl Jr (m eng 1900- 5) Elec 1207 Armory Av Cham- paign 111 Singer Aaron Ernest (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu .1426 S Spaulding Av Chicago Singer Benjamin (la 1913-14) Clk 3301 Douglas Blvd Chicago . *Singer William A (sc 1879-81) d April 29 1914 St Louis Singh Brij Kishore (ag 1914- Also Okla A&M Coll) Stu Arderly Bazan Beuares Calcutta India Singh Charn Jit (e eng 1913- Also U Cal ) Stu Guvu Sagar Mastawana Sangrur India *Singletary Charles Almon (eng 1870- 1) d Dec 8 1909 Russell Ark Singleton James Hurbert (ag 1914- Also Garrett Theol Inst & NW U) Stu Buckley 111 Mrs Singleton (see Clendenen Lois G) ISinha Satyasarau (ag 1909-11 BS Also Ontario Ag Coll) 48 Sri Gopal Mallik Lane Calcutta India Sink Orville Ernest (su 1911 Also Ind St Nor) Teach Charleston Ind (Terre Haute Ind) ?Sinn Edward W (ag 1871-3) Mont- gomery Ala ?Sinnett Thomas Patrick (la 1905-9 AB Also Nor U) 103 23rd St Rock Island 111 tSiNNOCK Pomeroy (c eng 1905-9 BS) Contr & Eng 1415 Hampshire St Quincy 111 Sipe Raymond Erwin (la 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 521 Sixth St Rochelle 111 Sippel Beth Estec (la 1915- Also NW U) Stu Tampico 111 fSircar Brahma Behary (e eng 1910- 12 Also Mass Tech) Calcutta India ISirner Jerome Kennith (acad 1901) Foxville 111 608 SIRPLESS— SKILES fSirpless Lora (sp mus 1898-9) Cham- paign 111 SISAM Charles Herschel (AB(Mich) '02 AM(Cor)'03 PhD(do)'06 Instr Math US Naval Acad 1904-6 Instr Math U 111 1906-7 Assoc Math do 1907-9) Asst Prof Math U 111 1909- 1304 S Orchard St Urbana 111 Sis am Mrs Cora Hutton (Mrs C H) (la 1906-12 AB'13) Home 1304 S Orchard St Urbana 111 tSisco Frank Thayer (sc 1908-10) 443 Tenth Av Clinton la Sisler Delia Jarrett (lib 1903-5 BLS Also Kan St Nor) Lib U N Mex Albuquerque N Mex Sissin Frederick Plummer (la 1906-8) R Est & Ins 1855 Talbot Av Indian- apolis Sisson Earl (ag 1914- ) Stu Fac- toryville Pa SISSON Edward Octavius (BS(Kan Ag)'86 AB(Chgo)'93 PhD(Harv)'05 Dir Bradley Poly 1897-1904 Asst Prof Ed U HI 1905-6 Prof Ped U Wash 1906) Prof Ed Reed Coll Portland Ore % Sisson Monroe Grayson (acad 1876- 8) Bunker Hill 111 Sites Beulah (su 1913) 123 E Fifth St Mt Carmel 111 Sitler Anna Louise (lib 1902-3 Also la St Nor) Teach Newton la Sivert Carl William John (ehem eng 1909-13) Chem c/o RKD Farms Milling Co Rondout 111 *Sivertson Leon Frederick (m eng 1903-5 '06-7) d Dec 31 1910 Paloma 111 Sivertson William F (ag 1908-9) Ag Rl Coatsburg 111 tSizer Albert Dann (ag 1911-14) 727 W University Av Champaign 111 Sizer Bruce Lucius (m eng 1912-13) Las Animas Cal (727 W University Av Champaign 111) *Sizer Daniel A (m eng 1873-5) d Mahomet 111 Sizer Lucius Noyes (sc 1880-4 BS) City Eng 727 W University Av Champaign HI SJOBLOM Maurice Charles (BS(Wis) '13) Asst Eng St Water Surv 206 N Race St Urbana 111 (Grantsburg Wis) Skadden Harvev Frank (arch 1910-15 BS) R8 Danville 111 Skaer Edwin W (su 1914&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch Flora 111 Skaggs Allen Orrin (1 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Shipman 111 Skaggs William Walter (su 1902 Also 5 111 St Nor) Law 812 N Market St Marion 111 QSJcaife Alice Stockhan (acad 1908-9) 4135 Langley Av Chicago Skarstedt Marcus (lib 1909-11 BLS AB(Augustana)'10 AM(do)'12) Lib 6 Coll Prof 4115 Seventh Av Rock Island 111 tSheavington George (sp ag 1892-3) Albion 111 *Skeel William Lyle (acad 1877-8 ag 1880-1) d May 8 1911 Sandwich 111 jSkeffington James Ambrose (acad 1904-5) Lamoille 111 *Skehan Josephine (sp a&d 1895-6) d Oct 19 1898 Ocean Springs Miss *Skehan Susan B (acad 1885-6) d Cobden 111 Skelly Cttmrles Edward (m eng 1901- 5 BS) Chf Eng Mun Tuberculosis Sanitarium 2553 Wilson Av Chicago Skelly Ernest James (la 1915- ) Stu 320 E 14th St Davenport la Skelton Charles Leonard (ag 1914- Also Eureka Coll) Stu 810 W Spring- field Av Urbana 111 Skelton Elsie Jane (Mrs Louis Dun- gan)(su 1906) Home 301 N Ban- croft St Indianapolis' Skelton Maurice Bradford (la 1915- ) Stu 402 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Skelton Winfred George (la 1915- ) Stu 402 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Skemp Samuel Charles Jr (ag 1910- 15) Gov US War Dept Jefferson Barracks St Louis (Maywood 111) t Skevington John W (acad 1876-7) Albion HI SKEWES Helen (g geol 1914-15 AB (NW) '13 Draft US Geol Surv 1910- 14) Asst Geol Sur U 111 1914- 608 S Busey Av Urbana 111 (1511 Wal- nut St Wilmette 111) skidmore Mark (g la 1908-10 AM AB (Mo) '05 BS(do)'06) Teach 612 Illinois St Lawrence Kan Skidmore Millard (sc 1896-7) St Elmo 111 Skielvig Severin Counte (arch 1889- 93 BS) Estimator Texas Rolling Mill Co Ft Worth Tex Skiles Mrs Aubrey (see Kerns Rillis) Skiles Florence Marie (Mrs T F Wil- liams) (su 1908&'10&'12 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 336 Augusta Av De- Kalb 111 (601 Broadway St Normal 111) Skiles Frank Chambers (m eng 1908- 11 Also Lewis Inst) Effic Eng 225 S Cuyler Av Oak Park 111 Skiles Ida Viola (Mrs George Yene- rich)(su 1911) RFD LaSalle 111 SKILES— SLATER 609 Skiles James Roy (la 1908-13 AB Also N 111 St Nor) Teach De Kalb 111 (Capron 111) Skillin Ralph Wendell (m eng 1906-9) Sec Universal Welding Co Stanna 111 Skinner Adah (Mrs J W Norlin) (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Mc- Cracken Kan SJcinner Arthur M Roy (acad 1907-8 '10-11) Rep Daily News 605 E Clark St Champaign 111 Skinner Bertram Eugene (ag 1915- ) Stu 1630 Farragut Av Chicago ^Skinner De Nevin (acad 1899-1900) Champaign 111 Skinner Edward Ainsworth (arch 1912- 13 Also Armour Inst) Stu Armour Inst 402 Willow St Winnetka 111 Skinner Elgie Ray (m eng 1899-1903 BS Also Lake Forest Coll 1897-8) M Eng 7106 N Paulina St Chicago 1 Skinner Ella U (acad 1873-5) Cham- paign 111 t Skinner Gershie James (acad 1910- 11) Oconee 111 skinner Glenn Seymour (la 1913-15 AM Also Kan Man Nor) Asst Chem U HI 1915- 903 W Illinois St Ur- bana HI (Cherokee Kan) Skinner Hazel (la 1912-13) Stu U Kan 801 Sixth St Garden City Kan SKINNER John Harrison (BS(Pur) '97 Asst Ag Pur U 1899-1901 Instr An Husb U 111 1901-2 Head Dept An Husb Pur U 1902) Dean Sch Ag Pur U 1906- Lafayette Ind Skinner Mrs J H (see Voorhees Win- nifred H) Skinner John Knox (sc 1908-11 AB '14 Also S HI St Nor) 6401 Kim- bark Av Chicago (Salem 111) Skinner Marion Langworthy (1 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 810 S Euclid Av Princeton 111 Skinner Melvin Benjamin (ry eng 1915- ) Stu Salem 111 ?Skinner Richard Elizah (c eng 1906- 8) R2 Champaign 111 * Skinner Velma Elethea (Mrs Ward) (gen 1873-7 BL) d 1906 Chicago Skinner Will Kennith (1 1903-7 LLB) Law Stockton Kan Skinner William Thomas (sc 1900-1) Mail Carrier Elkhart 111 Skinner Mrs Winnifred Voorhees (su 1912&'13) Teach 6401 Kimbark Av Chicago (Salem 111) Skites Mrs P J (see Rock Pauline J) Sklarek Clifford (acad 1905) Sales Mgr Dann Spring Insert Co 2246 S Indiana Av Chicago Skoglund Carl August (m eng 1909- 13) M Eng 401 E Ridge St Ish- peming Mich Skoog Paul Leonard (sc 1907-9) San Eng & Asst Supt City Health Dept 843 S Fifth St Springfield 111 *Slaby James Estauch (e eng 1904-5) d Chicago Slack Herbert Lee (c eng 1911-13 '15- ) Stu 3149 S Karlov Av Chi- cago Slack William Silas (e eng 1914- ) Stu 406 S Washington Av Salem 111 Slade Mrs (see Sloneker Bertha) Slade Byron A (sc 1877-81 BS) Phar 1027 Spafford Av Rockford 111 ?Slade Frederick Lvman (la 1914-15) 126 Walter St SE Washington *Slade James Park (Trustee U 111 1867-73 Hon AM(Shurtleff) '72 Supt Schs St Clair Co 1867-77 St Supt Pub Instr 1870-83 Pres Elmira Coll 1882-90 Supt Pub Schs E St Louis 1890 Prin Irving Sch 1890-1908) d April 13 1908 E St Louis 111 Slade Mrs J P (see Bowman Ella) Slarle Katherine Claire (la 1915- Also Rockford Coll) Stu 1027 Spaf- ford Av Rockford 111 Sladek Edward Frank (cer eng 1912- 13 Also Lewis Inst) Stu U 111 Coll Med 5002 W 30th St Cicero 111 Sladek George Edward (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 2242 Marshall Bldg Chicago Sladek Robert Bohumie (ag 1914- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 5002 W 30th St Cicero 111 Sladek Victor Robert (arch eng 1908- 12 BS) Sales Amer Steel & Wire Co 1486 Cont & Com Nat Bk Bldg Chi- cago Slaght Evert Leroy (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 73 Hickory St Chicago Heights 111 Slaght Fred Daggett (arch eng 1911- 12 Also Kan St Ag Coll 1909-12) Mgr Realty Loan & Ins Co Harts- ville SC (White City Kan) Slaney Robert William (m eng 1911- 12) Draft 7825 Bond Av Chicago Slater Frank Clifton (la 1910-14 AB 1 1914- ) Stu Cherry Valley 111 Slater Henry Herbert (acad 1887-8 arch eng 1894-5 sc 1900-2 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '02 Also W Nor Coll Bush- nell 1891) Med Deer Park Wash Slater Maynard Elmer (ag 1911-15 BS g an husb 1915- ) Asst An 610 SLATER— SLONEKER Nutr U 111 1915- 406 E Healy St Champaign 111 (210 Gilman St Bel- videre 111) Slater William -Frederick (e eng 1890- 4 BS) Osteop 126 Mentor Bldg Chi- cago Slater Willis Appleford (eng 1902-6 BS g eng 1908-10 MS CE'12 1st Asst Dept T&AM U 111 1910-15) Res Asst Prof Ap Mech U 111 1915- 102 Armory Av Champaign 111 Slaughter Mrs AW (see Danely Mary G) Slaughter Emma Edna (Mrs A L Per- ry) (sp mus 1902-4) Home 2161 Thurman Av St Louis Slaughter William Bristol (m eng 1908-11 BS) M Eng & Res 2124 S Vermont Av Los Angeles Slauson Howard B (acad 1877-8 sc 1878-82 BS Asst Chem U 111 1882- 3) Nurseryman 5416 Morgan St Seattle Slavik Edward Frank (c eng 1907-9 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '13) Med 3711 W 26th St Chicago Slawson Harry Herbert (la 1904-10 AB) c/o Sears Roebuck & Co 3210 Arthington St Chicago (109 N Hart St Harvard 111) Slaymaker Charles Monroe (c eng 1903-8 BS Also Geneseo Coll Inst) Eng & Contr 516 W Monroe St Springfield 111 Slaymaker George L (ag 1904-5 Also Geneseo Coll Inst) Ag Erie 111 Slayton Willis Francis (la & ag 1912- ) Stu R6 Benton Harbor Mich *Slee John G (sc 1877-8) d March 14 1913 Portland Ore tSleezer Corell (eng 1913-14) York- ville 111 tSleezer Lucile Burlew (la 1913-15) Yorkville 111 Sleph Irving Edward (la 1915- ) Stu 3248 Douglas Blvd Chicago Slemmons Ella Ried (su 1908 PhB (Drake) '06) Teach 203 E Madison St Paris 111 SLIPPY Ralph Bethuel (BCE(Cor)'03 CE(do) '05 Instr C Eng Armour Inst 1903-4 Instr C Eng U 111 1906-10) Eng 302 High St Waterloo 111 Sloan Amelia Marie (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 108 Chalmers St Champaign 111 Sloan Deena Agnes (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 901 W Green St Urbana 111 Sloan Ella (Mrs W C Reeves) (la 1899- 1901 Also Valparaiso U) Teach Ivesdale 111 t Sloan Fred Lewis (sp ag 1912-14) Ray 111 Sloan Georgia Ona (lib 1914-15 AB (111 Wes) '14) 901 N Main St Bloom- ington 111 Sloan Hazel (Mrs P G Schroeder) (la & lib 1902-5 AB) Home 621 Spruce St Helena Mont Sloan John Francis (acad 1892-4 MD (Rush) '99) Med 507 Jefferson Bldg Peoria 111 (709 Fourth Av) Sloan Percy Hayden (la 1888-9 Also Art Inst Chgo) Teach Art 808 Trib- une Bldg Chicago (1307 N Califor- nia Av) Sloan Madelene Rebina (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 901 W Green St Ur- bana 111 ?Sloan Thomas B (ag 1870-1) Ur- bana 111 Sloan William Finlay (su 1901&'02& '05&'08&'ll ag 1915- ) Stu 901 W Green St Urbana 111 Sloane Robert Hugh (m eng 1903-7 BS Also U Mont) c/o Inter-St Com Comm 731 Wells-Fargo Bldg San Francisco (523 E Front St Missoula Mont) TSloane Thomas J (sp 1869-70) Ur- bana 111 \ Slocum Charles E (acad 1888-9) Loda 111 Slocum Fielder (m eng 1902-6 BS) Ag Welton Ariz t Slocum Karl Reemeliu (m eng 1904-5 Also Armour Inst) 1712 Wilson Av Chicago Slocum Mary Jane (Mrs R A Bareu- ther)(acad 1899-1900 sc 1900-4 AB Home Steamboat Springs Colo Slocum Roy Harley (acad 1896-7 c eng 1896-1900 BS g 1906-7 CE'10 Asst T&AM U 111 1900-1 Assoc Muu Eng U 111 1906-7) Prof C Eng ND Ag Coll 1034 11th St "N Fargo ND Slocum Russell Wade (ag 1915- ) Stu 5604 Kenwood Av Chicago SLOCUM Stephen Elmer (BE (Union) '97 PhD (Clark) '00 Instr C Eng U Cin 1900-1 Instr Ap Math U Cinn 1901-4 Asst Prof Math U Cinn 1904- 5 Asst Prof U 111 1905-6 ) Prof Ap Mech IT Cinn 1906- 565 Evanswood PI Clifton Cincinnati Slocumb Edward Clyde (c eng 1897- 1901 BS) Supt Constr. Haglin & Stahr Co Gen Contr 4150 Blaisdell Av S Minneapolis Slocumb Maude Stephens (acad 1899- 1900 sc 1900-1 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '05) Med 3535 N Fremont Av Min- neapolis Sloman Mrs G S (see Wheeler Mildred E) ?Sloneker Bertha (Mrs Slade) (su 1904 Also 111 St Nor U) Hamilton O slonneger— smith - 6ii Slonneger Willis Daniel (la 1909-12 AB) Adv 5494 Cornell Av Chicago Slonnegers John Charles Jr (m eng 1909-11) M Eng Washington 111 ?Sloper Fred O (sp ag 1881-2) Long Lake 111 Slosson Eobert Lyon (c eng 1907-11 BS) Solicitor US Fidelity & Guar Co 612 Corn Exch Bk Bldg Chicago (Park Eidge 111) Slough Charles Gordon (sp ag 1905-6 Also Hedding Coll) Auto Merc Ab- ingdon 111 slough Georgia Kellar (g 1911-12 AM AB (Hedding) '08) Teach Momence 111 (Abingdon 111) Slough Howard Austin (su 1914 Also Knox Coll) Abingdon 111 Sluss Alfred Higgins (m eng 1897- 1901 BS Instr Physics U 111 1903-7 su 1905 Asst Supt J I Case Plow Works 1907) Asst Prof M Eng U Kan 1908- 1122 Ohio St Lawrence Kan Slutes Mrs M C (see Hopkins Edna) ?Smail Blanche Emily (sc 1899-1902) Urbana HI ?Smail Ernest Delbert (su 1904) 905 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Small Mrs A L (see Dunlap Esther E) Small Clarence W (la 1913-14) Agt NY Cent EE Farmer City 111 (Waynetown Ind) Small Dee (ag 1915- ) Stu Galatia 111 Small Len (Trustee 1915- Pres St Bd Ag 1915- ) Kankakee Hi Smalley Edwin Wesley (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Savoy 111 ?Smalley Francis A (acad 1879-80 la 1880-1) Girard 111 Smalley Louis Arthur (la 1913-15) Litchfield 111 Smalley Eobert Claire (ag 1914-15) Stu U Fla 228 Second St S St Pe- tersburg Fla Smallwood J P (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 159 W North St De- catur 111 Smardon William J (acad 1910-11) Chf Statistician AE&C EE Wheaton 111 (Box 115 Lombard 111) Smart Ada Almira (la 1915- ) Stu Hinsdale 111 Smart Alfred (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1612 W Taylor St Chicago Smart Chauncey Harrison (ag 1913- ) Stu Hinsdale 111 Smart Ethelyn Marion (la 1915- ) Stu Hinsdale 111 t Smart Gertrude Mills (lib 1909-10 AB(NW)'06) Payson HI Smart Mrs J P (see Scott Lula L) Smart Leslie Elisha (sp ag 1910-11) Ag El Hinsdale 111 Smart Nellie May (la 1915- ) Stu Hinsdale 111 Smart Eobert Leroy (c eng 1910-14 BS) Eng Monon EE 625 E 14th St Davenport la Smart Mrs W K (see King Julia F) Smead William H (la 1880-2) E Est 6 Ins Higgins Blk Missoula Mont Smedley Mrs Orah Kimber (mus 1914- 15) Home Champaign 111 Smedley Ealph Chestnut (acad 1895-6 BS(I11 Wes) ) Specialist Ofc C D McLane Arch 301 Eobinson Bldg Eock Island 111 (YMCA Bldg) Smejkal Frank John (ag 1909-14 BS) Baseball Ottawa Can Smejkal Joseph Anton Jr (c eng 1903- 7 BS) C Eng 1327 Lawndale Av Chicago Smelling Albert A (la 1868-9) d Oct 10 1871 Kinmundy 111 Smetana Eobert Joseph (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 6439 May St Chicago Smetters John Lincoln (ag 1894-5) Ag Waverly 111 Smetters MacCormick (ag 1894-5 MD (Rush) '00) Med 301 S Idaho St Butte Mont Smick Mrs (see Craw Nellie E) Smick Mary Ella (Mrs E H Goff) (sp mus 1896-1901) Home Victor Miss Smidl Edward (arch eng 1913-14 '15- ) Clk 2521 Clifton Park Av Chicago Smiley Alfred James (c eng 1909-12) Ag Sparta 111 Smiley Arval Marion (ag 1915- ) Stu Tab Ind Smiley Earl James (c eng 1915- ) Stu 120 S Gifford St Elgin 111 Smiley Lionel David (e eng 1912- ) Stu 226 Judd St Woodstock 111 *Smiley Mabel Jennette (acad 1901 sp mus 1904-5 Also Ohio Wes U & Al- bion Coll) d Lansing Mich Smiley Proctor Knott (g m eng 1908-9 BME(Ky Mech)'08) Superv Man Tr Spring Grove Minn (Catlettsburg Ky) Smith Mrs (see Chamberlain Mary Chase) Smith Mrs (see Doyle Kate L) Smith Mrs (see Griffith Beatrice E) Smith Mrs (see Hall Irene) Smith Mrs (see Moore Mae C) Smith Mrs (see Morgan Bessie I) Smith Mrs (see Summer Lela) Smith Mrs (see Tillotson Mabel) Smith Mrs A B (see Fetterman Va- leria J) Smith Abraham E (Trustee 1873 612 SMITH— SMITH Comm Paris Expos 1889) Amer Con- sul 1897- Victoria BC Smith Adeline M (Mrs J H Tyler) (acad 1909-11 la 1911-13) Home 1301 W Clark St Urbana 111 t Smith Mrs Adelle Catherine (sp mus 1910-13) 1107 W Springfield Av Ur- bana 111 ?Smith Albert E (m eng 1876-7) Wa- tertown 111 Smith Albert James (acad 1892-3) Phar Homer 111 Smith Alexander Crawford (sp e eng 1898-9) Typewriter Bus 657 North Central Av Chicago Smith Alfred Dale (e eng 1909-13 BS) Mfg Eng 27 N Madison Av La Grange 111 Smith Alfred Glaze (ag 1902-6 BS) Ag US Dept Ag Columbia SC Smith Mrs AG (see Prutsman Lucy C) t Smith Alfred Hazel (acad 1904-6 sc 1907-8) Keithsburg 111 Smith Anna Margaret (lib 1910-11 AB(Minn)'08) Libr 2902 Calhoun Beach Minneapolis Smith Anna Mary (Mrs H P Hoskins) (la 1898-9) Home 2195 Doswell Av St Paul Smith Arthur Albert (sp 1901-2) Ag R3 Geneseo 111 Smith Arthur Bourne (lib 1900-2 BLS PhB(Wes)'OO) Libr 1020 Poyntz Av Manhattan Kan Smith Arthur Frederick (su 1915 Also Mo Wes U) Teach & Dir Athl Leav- enworth Kan (Ford City Mo) Smith Arthur Lloyd (sc 1906-10 AB) Teach Paw Paw 111 smith Avis Elida (la 1872-7 MS Hon AM'05 MD(NW Med) '83) Med 2719 Garfield St Kansas City Mo Smith Barton Leslie (la com 1902-3) Merc 947 N Court St Rockford 111 Smith Bernard Bryant (arch eng 1909- 10 BS'13) Wholesale Auto Supply Co Box 536 Bloomington 111 Smith Bernard Rolfe (la 1914-15) Ins Beloit Wis (1112 Whitney St Belvi- dere 111) ?Smith Bertha Elizabeth (acad 1902-4 la 1904-5) 606 W Green St Urbana 111 Smith Bertram (lib 1911-13 PhB (Brown) '10 (Shelf Asst U 111 Lib 1911-13) Libr 2231 Shattuck Av Berkeley Cal Smith Blanche Margaret (Mrs G Car- rier) (h sc 1910-13) c/o Ind Light Co Indianapolis (R12 Urbana 111) Smith Bruce (la 1899-1901 AB) Teach 310 Gore Av Webster Groves Mo Smith Bruce Potter (la 1904-5) Pur- chasing Agt Scenes Carry Co RR Contr Sheldon 111 Smith Bryan Arthur (la 1914- ) Stu 1702 Jefferson St Sullivan 111 t Smith Bryce Dumond (ag 1912-13 Also Bradley Poly) R Est Earlville 111 Smith Mrs C A (see Phares Mary) Smith Cecil Weldon (min eng 1909-13 BS) Min Eng Nokomis 111 (Clifton 111) Smith Charles Archie (e eng 1908-9) Auto Sales Nordyke & Marmon Co Indianapolis Smith Charley Augustus (m eng 1870- 5 BS '74) Draft 563 Stanbridge St Norristown Pa ?Smith Charles Augustus (arch eng 1895-9 BS) Arch 928 S Santa Fe St Oklahoma City t Smith Charles Carroll (sp 1868-9) Aurora 111 Smith Charles Cullen Jr (ag 1909-11) Asst Cash Quaker Oats Co 1600 RR Exch Bldg Chicago (6659 Perry Av) Smith Charles Ernest (ag 1899-1900) Gen Ins Rossville 111 Smith Charles Eugene (c eng 1912- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 716 Board of Trade Bldg Chicago % Smith Charles H (acad 1877-8) Red- mon 111 Smith Charles Harry (e eng 1910-11) Mech Tekamah Neb Smith Charles Henry (la 1899-1903 AB AM PhD(Chgo)'07) Prof Hist 6 Soc Sc Bluffton Coll Bluffton O (1223 S Eighth St Goshen Ind) Smith Charles L (la 1878-82 BL Also Albany Law Sch) Jud 2018 Haw- thorne Av Minneapolis Smith Mrs C L (see Healey Grace) Smith Charles Roger (ag 1913-14 BS Also Penn St Coll) Ins Hartville O Smith Charles Wesley (la 1901-3 AB lib 1903-5 BLS) Lib 5033 21st Av NE Seattle Smith Mrs C W (see Denny Christina) Smith Charlotte Draper (Mrs P A)(g 1908-9) (see also Draper Charlotte E) Smith Claire Howland Wallace (c eng 1904-8 BS Also Armour Inst) Res Eng Trinchera Irrigation Dist Blan- ca Colo Smith Clara M (sp la 1901-4 1915- ) Stu St Clair Mich Smith Clarence Erwin (sp mun eng SMITH— SMITH 613 1910-11 BS(Ia Wes) ) Co Eng Box 205 Mt Pleasant la f Smith Clarence Gilbert (acad 1907-8) Shelby Mich Smith Clarence Kirby (e eng 1896-7) 118 E High St Monticello 111 ISmith Clarence M (acad 1877-8) Paris 111 Smith Clarence Walter (la 1913- ) Stu 908 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Smith Clarence William (arch eng 1914-15) Stu 435 Front St Ft Mad- ison la Smith Claude Earl (sp la 1903-5) S 111 Eecord Flora 111 Smith Claude Everett (e eng 1903-7 BS) Banch Naches Wash Smith Claude Francis (1 1899-1900) Law 752 Otis Bldg Chicago Smith Claude Frederick (la 1898- 1900) Law 752 10 S La Salle St Chicago (363 E 59th St) Smith Cleone Frances (la 19 15- ) Stu 105 S Wright St Champaign 111 Smith Clinton (su 1899 MD(NW Med) '03) Med Devil's Lake ND Smith Cloyd Clayton (e eng 1908-12 BS) Ag Mt Carroll 111 Smith Mrs C C (see Messner Olive P) Smith Cloyd Moffett (m eng 1915- ) Stu 603 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 SMITH Constance Barlow (Grad 111 Conserv Mus Taught Piano NJ Con- serv Mus & 111 Conserv Mus) Asst Prof Sight-Singing Ear Training & Pub Sch Mus U 111 1001 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Smith Cosmo James (arch eng 1908-9) Loco Fireman CM&StP RR 1415 E 35th St Tacoma Wash Smith Daisy Francis (Mrs R L James) (sp mus 1903-7) Home Auburn 111 t Smith David Aaron (acad 1897-8 Also Greer Coll) Claytonville 111 Smith David Mervin (sp mus 1906-8 ag 1915- ) Stu R12 Urbana 111 t Smith David Turpie (sp la 1903-4 Also Wash Lee U) 1606 N Pennsyl- vania St Indianapolis fSmith DeWitt (la 1892-3) El Paso Tex Smith Dey Bertsch (lib 1914-15 AB (Miami) '11) Libr Morris 111 (220 Milville Av Hamilton O) Smith Donald Jenka (e eng 1909-14 BS) Sales Eng 5474 Greenwood Av Chicago Smith Dwight Leod (e eng 1907-11 BS) E Eng 229 Carroll St Freeport 111 ?Smith E B (c eng 1877-8) Wauke- gan 111 i Smith E E (acad 1878-80) Davis 111 Smith Mrs EM (see Hall Irene) Smith Earl DeWitt (1 1904-5 '09) Trav Sales 508 Kesner Bldg Chi- cago (Shelbyville HI) Smith Earl Joseph (su 1915 Also W 111 St Nor) Prin McCall Sch 1027 E Elm St Canton HI Smith Earl LeRoy (1 1909-10 Also U Wis) R Est Invest & Ins Smith Bros & Co Central Nat Bk Bldg Peoria 111 (612 Illinois Av) Smith Earl Loran (la 1913-14) Merc Augusta 111 t Smith Edna Louise (arch eng 1909- 10 AB(Vas)'07) 125 W Park Av Aurora 111 Smith Edward G (acad 1882-3) Bnk Morrison 111 *Smith Edward G (sp 1868-70) d 1870 Peru 111 Smith Edward Randolph (acad 1904-5 DO(Amer Sch Osteop) '08) Osteop River Falls Wis Smith Edwin Allan (e eng 1912- ) Stu 6730 LaFayette Av Chicago Smith Edwin Raymond (acad 1900-1 la 1901-5 AB Also Danville Nor) Assoc Prof Math & Dir Su Sch Pa St Coll 216 Hartwick Av State Col- lege Pa (Pilot 111) Smith Elijah Scarborough (sp 1882-3 '88-9 Grad(Chgo Homeop) '10) Med 311 W Elm St Urbana 111 Smith Elizabeth (lib 1907-9 BLS Al- so U Chgo) Instr Lib Econ Syracuse U Syracuse NY Smith Elizabeth Morree (Mrs Earl Mattson) (mus 1911-15 B Mus) Home 1222 First Av West End Birming- ham Ala i Smith Ellen A (acad 1887-8) Tam- aroa 111 Smith Ellen Garfield (lib 1899-1902 BLS) Libr 244 Marcus St Walla Walla Wash Smith Ellis Edwin (e eng 1904-8 BS) Invent & Appraisal Water Util 113 Park Av Joliet 111 Smith Ellwood Spencer (g 1911-12 Al- so US Naval Acad Asst Physics U 111 1911-12) Stock Hoehne Colo *Smith Elmer Church (c eng 1895-9 BS) d July 10 1906 Colon Panama Smith Elsie Webb (su 1910&'13 Al- so S 111 St Nor) Teach Math Ben- ton 111 ?Smith Erasmus Edward (la com 1901- 6 AB) Bradford 111 Smith Mrs E T (see Gar wick Bet- tina L) 614 SMITH— SMITH Smith Ernest James (g pol sc 1915- AB(Lake Forest) '15 ) Stu Lake For- est 111 Smith Esther Anna (lib 1903-4 AB Also U Mich) Head Catg Lib U Mich Ann Arbor Mich Smith Ethel Bronson (acad 1886-8) c/o Borden's Cond Milk Co Auburn Wash Smith Eugene Charles (c eng 1912-13 Also Lewis Inst) Chicago Smith Eva Gertrude (Mrs R A Cope- land) (su 1906) Exec Sec Mass No- man Suffrage Assn Townsend Mass Smith Eva Martha (Mrs J H Minnick) (su 1906 Also U Ind) Home 615 E Third St Bloomington Ind Smith Everett William (cer 1914-15) Tract Index Sys Recorder's Ofc County Ct House 208 Richards St Geneva 111 Smith F Raymond (su 1915 Also Al- bion Coll) Teach H Sch 112 Lincoln Av Grand Lodge Mich Smith Fern Gladys (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 608 S Fourth Av Maywood 111 Smith Fleda Mary (Mrs E J Peter- son) (h sc 1904-6 su 1903) Home 511 Old Nat Bk Spokane Wash *Smith Florence Emily (la 1913-14) d Aug 24 1914 Champaign 111 Smith Florence Mary (Mrs P A Con- ard) (la 1895-9 1904-5 AB g 1905-6 AM AM(Col)'08) Home Avenida De Julio Montevideo Uraguay (418 W 118th St New York) Smith Florence Mildred (Mrs Russell Rottger)(h sc 1910-13) Home 1201 W Edwards St Springfield 111 (404 Home Av Oak Park 111) Smith Florence Sebring (lib 1903-4 AB AM(Neb)'97) Chge Ref Rm Pub Lib 2019 E 35th St Kansas City Mo Smith Flossie La Vone (Mrs R C Goodale) (acad 1905-6 mus 1905-7 Al- so U Denver 1908) Home 410 S Main St Lamar Colo Smith Forest Henry (e eng 1914- ) Stu Lincoln St Libertyville 111 Smith Forrest H (ag 1910-12) Ag R14 Kansas 111 Smith Mrs Frances Sweet (see Sweet Frances) SMITH Frank (PhB (Hillsdale) '85 AM (Harv) '93 Instr Math Hillsdale Coll 1882-6 Prof Chem & Biol do 1886- 92 Instr Biol Trinity Coll 1892-3 Asst Zool U 111 1893-4) Prof Sys Zool & Curator Museum U 111 913 W California Av Urbana 111 SMITH Frank Arthur Cushing (BS (Cor) '12 MLA(Harv)'13 Instr Land Design U 111 1913-15 Assoc Land Design U 111 1915) Instr Land Ex- ten Mass Ag Coll 1915- Amherst Mass (359 First Av Wauwatosa Wis) Smith Frank Donald (m eng 1910-11 Also Bradley Poly) Merc Clark Smith Hardwear Co 313 Bigelow St Peoria 111 t Smith Frank E (sp ag 1888-9) 313 Bigelow St Peoria 111 * Smith Frank L (acad 1879-80) d Feb 13 1887 Pasadena Cal Smith Fred D (e eng 1901-5 BS Al- so Monmouth Coll) E Eng & Bus Mgr McGraw Co Sioux City la smith Fred John (la 1902-4 AM AB (la Wes) '99 Also U Berlin Instr Hist & Ger U 111 1903-4) Ins 920 W Main St Decatur 111 fSmith Fred McClellan (acad 1893-4 sp 1894-5) Virginia 111 1 Smith Frederick F (acad 1877-8) Pekin 111 Smith Friend Orville (sc 1893-6) Phar Ashton 111 t Smith George (acad 1880-1) Illiop- olis 111 Smith George Carroll (la 1897-1901 AB MD (Rush) '04) Med 4909 Park View PI St Louis (4326 Forest Park Blvd) Smith George Edward (ag 1915- ) Stu Mahomet 111 Smith George Grammar (arch eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 329 Main St Peoria 111 Smith George Harold (c eng 1906-10 BS) c/o Rockford Interurban Co R9 Rockford 111 Smith George Leslie (ag 1913- ) Stu R3 Geneseo 111 SMITH George McPhail (BS(Vander- bilt) '00 PhD (Freiburg) '03 Asst Chem Lab Vanderbilt U Instr Qual Analy- sis Mich Coll Mines 1903-4 Instr Chem U 111 1905-9) Asst Prof Chem U 111 1106 -California Av Urbana 111 * Smith George P (acad 1886-7) d Jan 14 Brownsville Tex Smith George Russell (m eng 1896- 1900 BS) M Eng 503 N Jackson St Bay City Mich Smith George Sanborn (la 1913-15) Merc 29 S Water St Chicago (5636 Kenmore Av) Smith George Thomas (sp la 1909-10 BA( Bethany) '74 MA(do)'84 PhD (Wooster) '05) Mintr Sidney 111 (507 E White St Champaign 111) Smith George Walter (arch eng 1912- 15 BS Also U Neb) Arch Eng Wil- SMITH— SMITH 615 ber Neb tSmith George William (sp ag 1911- 12) 511 California Av Urbana 111 Smith Georgiana Dieckmann (Mrs S E Stewart) (h sc 1912-13 Also Keister Coll) Home 822 Edgar Av Effing- ham 111 (610 N First St Vandalia 111) Smith Gerald Clark (ag 1908-10) Ag Clovercroft Woodstock 111 Smith Gertrude Cave (Mrs Eiehard Bardwell) (h sc 1907-11 AB Also Lew- is Inst) Home Delavan 111 (2211 Sherman Av Evanston 111) i Smith Gilbert Eeuben (acad 1907-8) Illiopolis HI Smith Gladys Louise (la h sc 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu Eochelle 111 Smith Gladys Mary (Mrs D S Mc- Gaughey) (acad 1900-1 Also Millikin kin U) Home Mt Zion 111 Smith Gladys May (la 1910-15 AB) Teach 105 S Wright St Champaign 111 Smith Glenn Calvin (la 1907-10 ag 1915- ) Stu 604 W Main St Ur- bana 111 (Cuba HI) Smith Glenn Collins (ag 1913- ) Stu Greenfield 111 Smith Grace Binford (lib 1913-14 AB ( Lincoln ) '12) Catg U Okla Lib Norman Okla (317 W Walnut St Ko- komo Ind) t Smith Grace C (acad 1884-5 la 1885- 7) 1339 Garrison Av St Louis Smith Grace Lee (Mrs H E Corzine) (la 1907-8) Home Anna 111 t Smith Granville Moody Jr (la 1910- 11) 3701 Baltimore Av Kansas City Mo Smith Grover D (sc 1910-11) Merc 2229 W Adams St Chicago Smith Groves Blake (sc 1910-12 su 1913) Stu Col U 1912- 437 W 59th St New York (Godfrey 111) SMITH Guy Watson (g math 1913- BS (Colo) '08 MS(do)'09) Asst Math U 111 1913- 907 S Sixth St Cham- paign 111 (Castle Eock Colo) Smith Mrs Hammer (see Dillavou Olive A) Smith Harold Gilman (c eng 1909-13) Voltage Eegulation Dept Common- wealth Edison Co Chicago (302 W Broadway St Monmouth 111) t Smith Harold Henson (su 1905) 205 W Elm St Urbana 111 Smith Harry Curtis (arch eng 1913- 14 eng 1915- ) Stu Monroe la Smith Mrs H C (see Doyle Kathryn L) t Smith Harry Floyd (m eng 1909-10) Paw Paw HI Smith Harry James (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-8) Truck 13 Spring Gar- den Av Allegheny Pa Smith Harry Keys (acad 1888-9 m eng 1889-92) Hort Box 373 Concord Cal Smith Harry Wilber (m eng 1902-3 BS(Harv)'04) Mfg Abingdon 111 SMITH Harvey E (BS(Mo Sch Mines) '10 Instr Min & Mech Inst U 111 1914-15) Constr 3148 Jefferson St Iola Kan (West Mineral Kan) Smith Harvey John (min eng 1914-15 Also U Chgo Art Inst) Drafts St Pub Utilities Comm Springfield 111 (520 Dewitt Smith Bldg) Smith Hawley Lester (min eng 1913- 15 la 1915- ) Stu Clifton 111 Smith Hazel (Mrs O W Benson) (h sc 1910-13) (205 W Elm St Urbana 111) Smith Hazen Eager (sp ag 1912-13 BS(AlaPoly)'12) Planter Prattville Ala Smith Helen Amelia (sp mus 1897-9 1903-4 '07-8 Also Wooster Coll) Mus Teach Sidney 111 Smith Helen Brownell (Mrs F J Steinhilber) (la 1903-6 AB) Home 323 Second St Jackson Mich Smith Helen Mav (la 1915- Also U SC Stu 215 E Fourth St Eock Falls 111 • Smith Henry Olney (acad 1876-7 '79- 80) d Yorkville 111 Smith Henry P S (sp ag 1879-80) Ag Edwardsville 111 Smith Henry William (sc 1901-4 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Sec YMCA 3210 Arthington St Chicago (2922 Lex- ington St) t Smith Herbert Austin (e eng 1908- 9) 1918 N Ninth St Terre Haute Ind Smith Herbert Charles (eng 1913-14) Sales Amo Eadiator Co Atlanta Ga (4840 Cote Brilliante St Louis) Smith Herbert dishing (e eng 1905-7 '11-12) Min Eng (Adv) 77 Garfield Av Detroit (520 Seminary Sq Alton 111) Smith Herbert Edgar (cer eng 1913-15 la 1915- Also Queens U) Stu Box 196 Cobourg Ont Can *Smith Herbert O (ag 1875-6) d Dix- on 111 Smith Homer J (ag 1911-12) Ag E7 Clinton 111 (517. N Grand Av) Smith Howard Allen (sp ag 1906-8 acad 1908-9) Ag Capac Mich SMITH Howard Ira (BS(Pa St) '07 Also Grad Pa St Coll 1907-9) Dist Min Eng US Bur Mines U 111 1914- 1111 Arbor St Champaign 111 (Fin- 616 SMITH— SMITH leyville Pa ?Smith Howard Eichard (c eng 1902- 3) 231 W Capital Av Springfield 111 Smith Mrs H R (see Taggart Marga- ret W) Smith Howard Seneca (ry m eng 1911- 12 BS(Case Sch Min) '13 Also Union Coll) Eng 73 Park St Gouverneur NY 1 Smith Howard T (acad 1887-8) El- gin 111 Smith Hubert Argo (acad 1910-11 arch 1912-13 '15- ) Stu 301 W Illinois St Urbana 111 SMITH Ira Melville (LL B(Ind)'09 Chf Clk Registrar's Ofc U 111 1909- 15) Examiner U 111 1915- 1010 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Bloomington Ind) Smith Mrs IN (see Irwin Ella) *Smith Ira W (g & sc 1870-1) d 1900 Burlington la Smith Ira Wilder (sp ag 1906-8) News- dealer 403 Harrison St Kankakee 111 Smith Irene Fern (sc 1912-16 BS) Red Bud 111 Smith Irene Suzanna (su 1914) Asst Libr 610 S Seventh Av Maywood 111 Smith Irwin Webster (acad 1904-5 la 1905-8 AB g 1908-9 AM) Asst Prof Math ND Ag Coll 1126 13th St Fargo ND Smith Isaac Wesley Kelly* (ag 1915- ) Stu Church & Robinson Sts Carmi 111 Smith Jacob Allen (sc 1914-15 cer eng 1915-. ) Stu 1302 Third Av Al- toona Pa Smith Mrs J C (see Payne Lena) tSmith Jacob P (c eng 1911-12) Rock- ville Ind Smith Mrs James C (see Innis Orma A) smith James Elmo (g c eng 1907-8 CE'09 BS(Wis)'02) Asst Prof C Eng U 111 508 Indiana Av Urbana 111 ISmith James H (acad 1886-7 '88-9) Champaign 111 \Smith James Howard (acad 1897-9) Sidney 111 Smith Jay Herndon (acad 1888-9) In- vestment Bnk 509 Olive St St Louis Smith Jennie Marie (su 1915) Teach Benton 111 Smith Jesse Parker (cer eng 1914- ) Stu Depue 111 Smith Jessie Theodore (acad 1906-8 la com 1906-8) Dist Quartermaster Ga- tun C2 Panama (Kankakee 111) Smith John Cummings (acad 1893-4) Gen Agt Fidelity Phoenix Ins Co Pe- kin 111 Smith John Stevenson Seymour (1 1905-6 LL B Also U la) Mintr R3 Hunter River Prince Edward Island Can Smith John Ward (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Ransom 111 Smith John Wesley (m eng 1913- ) Stu Geneseo 111 Smith Joseph Clay Jr (phar 1894-6) Acct IC RR 1022 Niazuma St Bir- mingham Ala Smith Josephine Lee (Mrs J M Barn- hardt)(su 1904 Also S 111 St Nor) 707 W Illinois St Urbana 111 ■ Smith Julia Holmes (Trustee 1895-7 MD(Chgo Homeo) '77 Also Boston Sch Med 1873-5 & Hahnemann Coll) Med Ret Arlington Hotel 839 Dearborn St N Chicago tSmith Julian Eugene (sp ag 1911-12) 506 E John St Champaign 111 Smith Julian Frances (sc 1912- ) Stu 603 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 tSmith Justin Ceba (sp ag 1909-10) c/o C D Smith Grandview Ind Smith K Taliaferro (c eng 1908-10) Ag R2 Greenfield 111 Smith Kenneth Gardner (m eng 1901- 2 BS'05 AB(Chgo)'96 Also Harv U Asst Prof M Eng Exten Div U Wis 1908 Asst Prof M Eng U 111 1908-9 Asst Prof Eng Exten Div U Wis 1909- ) Prof & Dir Eng Exten Ames la Smith Mrs KG (see Smith Mary C) Smith Kenneth Hamilton (la 1914- ) Stu Kenwood Hotel Chicago Smith Laura Belle (Mrs S H Piatt) (la 1879-84 BL) Home 1085 Hague Av St Paul Minn ?Smith Laura Ethel (sp mus 1901-2) Indianola 111 Smith Laura Mulvina (sp la 1905-6 Al- so Palmer Sch Chirop) Chiropractor Manlius HI ?Smith Laurence Mills (1 1908-9) 610 S Locust St Pana 111 Smith Laurence V (sp ag 1907-9) Ag Rl Alexis 111 Smith Lawrence C (la 1913-14) Sales Mgr Lake Shore Sand & Gravel Co 1551 Mars Av Cleveland (417 Oliver St Whiting Ind) Smith Lawrence Lemont (ag 1913-14) Ag Box 192 Washington HI Smith Leo Clark (g lib 1897-8 AB (Neb) '97) Sec 821 Washington Av ■ Minneapolis tSmith Leo Lloyd (eng 1911-13) Loda 111 Smith Leonidas Logan (arch eng 1914- ) SMITH— SMITH 617 Stu 400 Maple St Effingham 111 Smith Leoti Vannie (Mrs C B Stahl) (la 1911-13) Home Kenosha Wis Smith Leslie Alden (la com 1904-8 AB) 306 Chalmers St Champaign 111 Smith Leslie Denis (PhD(Beloit) Al- so U Wis & J Hopkins 1910-13) Instr Chem U 111 1913-14) Christian Sc Practitioner 808 Consumers Bldg Chi- cago Smith Leslie G (ag 1913-14) Ag B3 Geneseo 111 SMITH Lindley Malcolm (BS(Ohio) '05 Hort Insp U 111 1905-6 Orchard Insp NC 1907) Field Asst St Entom U 111 1907- 511 Beveridge St Car- bondale 111 Smith Lloyd Gaston (m eng 1908-13 BS) M Eng Standard Oil Co Whit- ing Ind (5474 Greenwood Av Chi- cago) Smith Lois Luella (la 1915 mus Feb 1916- ) Stu 301 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 Smith Lorrin Knapp (acad 1909 sp ag 1909-10) Propr & Mgr Hawaiian Express Co Box 641 Honolulu HI Smith Louie Henrie (acad 1891-2 chem 1891-7 BS g 1897-9 MS PhD (Halle) '07 Asst Chem U 111 Ag Exp Sta 1899 Chf Asst Chem 1902 Asst Chf Chem & Plant Breed 1903 Asst Chf & Asst Prof PI Breed 1905) Prof Plant Breed & do Ag Exp Sta U 111 804 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Smith Mrs L H (see Ketchum Mary P) Smith Lowell Babcock (la 1903-8 LL B) Law Court House Bldg Syca- more 111 (133 Mason Ct) Smith Lucius Skinner (com Feb 1916- Also 111 Coll) Stu Duquoin 111 Smith Luella Leillia (mus 1913-15) Byron 111 t Smith Lyle Haven (la 1910-12 Also NW U&U Mich) 804 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Kewanee 111) Smith Lynn Clarence (ag 1909-11) Merc White Hall 111 Smith Mabel (la 1903-8 acad 1908-11 mus Feb 1916- ) Stu 311 W Elm St Urbana 111 t Smith Mabel Clair (la 1907-9 Also Art Inst Chgo) 623 Monadnock Blk Chicago Smith Mabel Clara (sp la 1901-4 la 1915- ) Stu 302 Jefferson Ed Ed- wardsville 111 t Smith Mabel Julia (acad 1908-11) E7 Urbana 111 Smith Mrs Mabel Tillotson (Mrs J E) (sp mus 1899-1900 '04-5 '06-7) Home Quick City Mo Smith Madeline Margretta (sp h sc 1909-10 Also Drury Conserv) Mus Grayville 111 Smith Margaret Helen (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Elmwood 111 Smith Marian (la 1907-9) Prin Elm- wood Sch 509 W Townsend Av Dan- ville 111 Smith Marion Kathryn (la 1915- ) Stu 201 E Washington St Monti- cello 111 ? Smith Mrs Marion McMillan (sp mus 1905-7) 1005 W California Av Ur- bana 111 Smith Mark Eugene (la 1909-10) E Est & Ins Pittsfield 111 (Anchor 111) Smith Marquis Joseph (ag 1912-14 BS) Instr An Husb U Ky Lexing- ton Ky (Burdett NY) Smith Marshall Coughenour (ag 1914- 15) Ag & Stock El Jeffersonville 111 Smith Marshall Eugene (su 1914&'15 Also Greenville Coll) N Elm St Greenville 111 \Smith Martin Alonzo (acad 1887-91) Lamoille 111 Smith Mrs Mary Chamberlain (Mrs K G) (sp sc 1908-9 Also U Wis & Pratt Inst) Home 1124 Second St Ames la Smith Mary Elizabeth (su 1913) St Joseph 111 Smith Mary Elvira (lib 1908-9 PhB (Ottawa) '05) Libr 352 Fulton St Palo Alta Cal Smith Mary Ladd (Mrs C E Wake- field) (lib 1902-3 AB(Kan)'02) Home Eedvale Colo Smith Mary Magdalene (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor U) 221 Houston Av Crooks- ton Minn Smith Mary Parnell (ag h sc 1913- 15) Teach Fiatt 111 (Cuba 111) Smith Mayme Lucy (la 1892-3) Stenog & Clk Chem U 111 806 W California Av Urbana 111 (Tuscola 111) *Smith Merle LeEoy (la 1912-15) d March 6 1916 Freeport 111 Smith Merlin Grant (g math 1915- BS (Greenville) '15) Stu Youngstown O Smith Milton Bressler (arch eng 1907- 8 Also U Chgo 1908-9) Ag Deer Creek Minn t Smith Milton David (acad 1907-11) 11050 Michigan Av Chicago Smith Myrle Edwin (arch eng 1968- 11 Also Notre Dame U) Arch W W Schneider 110 W Jefferson Blvd South Bend Ind fSmith Naomi Belle (mus 1913-14) Clinton Ind 618 SMITH— SMITH fSmith Nelle Cynthia (la 1898-9) Ur- bana 111 Smith Nellie Lenington (la 1906-7 Al- so W 111 St Nor) Teach 224 Sher- man Av Macomb 111 \ Smith Obid Moses (acad 1898-9) El- burn 111 Smith Orion Otis (com Feb 1916- ) Stu 507 S Sixth St Champaign 111 (Oakwood 111) Smith Orlo Dean (ag 1909-10) Sales Corresp 730 S Chestnut St Kewanee 111 smith Orrin Harold (g 1908-9 AM 1909-14 PhD AB (Knox) '08 Asst Phys U 111 1910-14) Ed Res 710 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 (Corn- ing la) Smith Orrin Richard (la 1915- ) Stu Plainfield 111 Smith Paul Ardell (m eng 1908-11 BS) Draft Stephens Adamson Mfg Co Washington 111 Smith Paul McCorkle (su 1907&'09& '12 Also Normal U) Supt Schs Washington 111 Smith Paul Miller (ag 1912-15 BS) Lincoln 111 Smith Percy Almerin (sc 1897-1901 BS g 1901-2 '09-10 AM '12 Instr Math U 111 1901-3 Instr Engl Hir- oshima Nor Coll Hiroshima Japan 1903- ) Missionary Fukuishi Fuku- iken Japan Smith Mrs PA (g 1908-9 (See also Draper Charlotte E) Smith Philip (arch eng 1914-15) 207 Franklin St Austin Minn t Smith Philip Overton (la 1913-14) 1215 N Vermilion St Danville 111 smith Pinckney Freeman (g engl 1910-11 AM AB(Mo)'09) 616 Fos- ter St Evanston 111 Smith Mrs R E (see Carroll Jessie A) \ Smith Ralph Glenn (acad 1909-10) Lilly 111 Smith Ralph Lawrence (la com 1906- 7) Sales Carpenter Paper Co Om- aha Neb (Red Oak la) Smith Ralph Lindon (la 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Bellflower 111 ?SMITH Ralph Parson (PhB Instr Ger U 111 1894-7) Urbana 111 Smith Raymond Charles (ag 1914- ) Stu Amboy 111 ?Smith Raymond Road (cer 1906-9 Al- so Armour Inst) 7237 Yale Av Eng- lewood 111 Smith Raymond Stratton (ag 1910-13 BS BS(Pomona)'07) Instr Soils St Coll Pa Smith Reuel Lhamon (m eng 1910-14' BS) Eng 856 Lancaster Av Syra- cuse NY (507 E White St Cham- paign 111) SMITH Rhea Gordon (BS (Rutgers) '09 Instr Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1909-11) Chem Mansanto Chem Wks 1800 S Second St St Louis (3911 Magnolia Av) Smith Mrs R G (see Bond Augusta E) Smith Riley Ellis (acad 1888-9 m eng 1899-1902) Treas Farmer's Inst Co Indianapolis Smith Robert C (su 1915 Also U Mich) Supt Schs 1007 S Capitol St Pekin 111 \ Smith Robert E (acad 1882-3) Ath- ens Ala Smith Robert Harold (eng 1913-15) 359 First Av Wauwatosa Wis Smith Robert Jr (m eng 1908-14 BS) Estimator Am Steel Foundries Mc- Cormick Bldg Chicago (6331 Wood- lawn Av) Smith Robert Milton (acad 1900-1 c eng 1901-2) c/o Buda Foundry Co New York (Clinton 111) Smith Ronald Emerson (e eng 1915- ) Stu Owensville Ind Smith Rose (sc 1906-11 AB su 1915) Teach Staunton 111 1 Smith Rossie Franklin (acad 1904- 5) Urbana 111 Smith Roy (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1902 AB PhM(Chgo)'09 MCS( New York) , '09) Teach Internat Trade & Acct Kobe Higher Com Sch Kobe Japan Smith Mrs R (see Hess Lottie) Smith Royal Lee (cer 1912-15) 914 Mt Elliott Av Detroit Smith Rufus William (ag 1904-8 BS) Ag Imlay City Mich Smith Russell George (m eng 1909-11) Mach 214 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 Smith Russell Nellis (la 1902-6 AB) Merc 510 Wabash Av- Carthage 111 Smith Russell Neoyes (com 1915- Al- so Williams Coll) Stu 5426 Sheridan Rd Chicago Smith Samuel Roy (e eng 1907-9) Mgr Cottage Grove Mfg Co Cottage Grove Ore Smith Samuel Theodore (la 1912-15 Also Hendrix Coll) Merc 629 Cald- well Av Conway Ark t Smith Sarah Margaret (sp la 1909-10) Sharon Wis Smith Sherman (arch 1888-96 BS) Ranch Howard Kan Smith Sidney Benjamin (ag 1903-7 BS) Ag Sidelbert Farm Springfield SMITH— SMOLT 619 111 Smith Sidney Hillard (la com 1913-15) Stenog 45 Prospect Terrace Freeport 111 ?Smith Simeon (su 1901) Barry 111 Smith Simeon Carl Cecil (acad 1890-1) Sales 1138 Elmwood Av Evanston 111 Smith Stanley Christopher (la com 1910-14 AB) Teach H Sch 420 S State St Elgin 111 ?Smith Stephen Patrick (acad 1899- 1900 sp arch 1902-3) Eng Foreman 310 West Fourth St Trinidad Colo Smith Stewart Tracy (acad 1910-11 arch eng 1911-15 BS) Arch Eng Fletcher Thompson Co Bridgeport Conn (193 Hewitt St) Smith Mrs ST (see Mattoon Char- lotte M) Smith Stuart Luthy (sc 1912-14) Stu Eush Med Pittsfield HI Smith Sylvia Edna (su 1907 Also Nor U) Teach Midland City 111 Smith Theodore Hammond (la 1914- ) Stu Beverly Farm Godfrey HI Smith Theodore Meade (ag 1905-9 BS) Ag & Stock Auburn 111 Smith Thomas Barrington Franklin (1 1903-5 LL B Also 111 St Nor) Law 400 W Main St Carbondale 111 Smith Thomas J (Trustee U 111 1897- 1903 Lieut Capt Co F 98th 111 Vol City Atty Champaign 1866-8 Atty Wabash RR Co 1896- ) Law 13 Main St Champaign 111 (407 W University Av) Smith Tom B Jr (acad 1906-7) Ag & Stock R3 Mendon 111 Smith Townsend Beverly (acad 1907- 8 arch eng 1908-10) Contr & Build- er 2235 Sherman Av Evanston 111 fSmith Tracy Avery (acad 1879-80 sp 1880-3) Wilmington 111 Smith Valda Eveline (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 541 E Main St Geneseo 111 Smith Valentine (acad 1900-1 la 1902-5 AB Also U Cal) Prin H Sch Holtville Cal (1208 W Clark St Ur- bana HI) ?Smith Verna Marcella (acad 1903-4 sp h sc 1904-5) 404 E Healy St Cham- paign 111 Smith Vincent EG (ag 1900-4 Also St Johns Mil Acad) Land Owner Portland Ore t Smith Vivian Thomas (su 1912 PeB (Greenville) '11) Greenville HI Smith Volney Potter (sp ag 1905-6 '09-11 '12-13) Ag R2 Yorkville 111 Smith Mrs W J (see Read Lottie C) Smith Wallace Revere (acad 1902-4) Ag & Dairy Cameron HI Smith Walter William (sp 1901-2 Al- so Knox Coll) Ag Osco 111 * Smith Warren Elwood (la 1904-5 su 1909) d Sept 11 1904 Akin 111 Smith Warren Francis (m eng 1911- 12) M Eng CB&Q RR 1119 S State St Beardstown 111 Smith Wilbur Harrison (ag 1911-12) Ag Lamont la Smith Wilhelma Zoe (la 1911- ) Stu 603 E Stoughton St Champaign 111 Smith William Carroll (sp ag 1908- 11) Ag Rankin 111 Smith William Donaldson (su 1908 Also U Chgo & U Wis) Supt Sch Des Plaines HI ?Smith William Edmund (sp m eng 1903-5) 630 11th St Rock Island 111 ISmith William H (la 1878-9 '82-5 Cert) Salem 111 smith William Henry (g 1906-7 AM AB( Wabash) '06) Law Lebanon Ind smith William Herschel (g 1910-12 MS BS(Neb)'06) Instr An Hus U 111 1910-15) Assoc An Husb Exten U 111 1915- 509 Iowa St Urbana 111 Smith William John (sp e eng 1900- 1) Electr Chge Tel Board U 111 1915- 1208 W Clark St Urbana 111 Smith William Monroe (acad 1905-6) Ag Odell 111 ?Smith William Thomas (ag 1874-5) Laomi 111 Smith William Walter (la 1896-1900 AB c eng 1904-7 BS CE'13) C & Concrete Eng Broadlands 111 Smith Wilson Marshall (la 1900-2 '13- 14 AB) Jour Waverly 111 Smithers Perry Lafayette Jr (com 1915- ) Stu 1031 Greenwood Av Wilmette 111 Smithson Albert Thornton (arch 1910- 14 BS) Arch Draft 3210 Arthington St Chicago (Lacon 111) Smittkamp Chester Arthur (sp ag 1907- 9) Ag R3 Paris 111 Smittkamp John Oscar (cer 1910-11) Ag & Stock R3 Paris 111 t Smock Alice Bernice (h sc 1912-13) Clk Newberry Lib 1463 Berwyn Av Chicago t Smock Walter F (c eng 1900-3) 432 E Main St Decatur 111 ISmocTc Waverly (acad 1908-9) Mo- wequa 111 Smohl Barbara Belle (la 1913- )^Stu 103 N Fifth St Vandalia 111 Smolt Alfred Ernest (acad 1892-4 MD (Rush) '97) Med Newton Kan Smolt Frank Oscar (chem 1887-91 BS) c/o Dearborn Chem Co Box 402 Man- 620 SMOOT— SNOWDBN ila PI Smoot Bertha Ethel (mus 1904) At home Homer 111 Smoot Elizabeth Ellice (acad 1909-11 mus 1911-15 B Mus) Teach Eithian 111 Smoot Elma (Mrs F J Postel) (la 1895-9 AB) Home 4237 Hermitage Av Chicago Smoot Harold Lyman (la 1907-8 Also NW U) Bnk Petersburg 111 Smoot William Everett (ag 1913- ) Stu Greenview 111 Smurr Tom Woods (la 1895-9 AB) Law Ottawa 111 Snapp Dorrance Dibell (e eng 1904-5 LL B(NW) ) Law Cutting Bldg Joliet 111 (421 Richards St) t Snapp Frank Jacob (su 1905 Also 111 St Nor U) Paw Paw 111 Snapp Eoscoe Raymond (ag 1911-13 AB & BS g an husb 1915- Also E 111 St Nor Prof An Husb U W Va) Instr An Husb & 1st Asst do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 1107 Oregon St Urbana 111 (Findlay 111) ?Snare Natalie Vane (su 1913 Also Ober Coll) Santa Rosa Cal Snedeker Si (su 1915) Marshall 111 Sneeden Mrs (see Bickerdike Marga- ret D) Sneeden Arthur Elmer (su 1901 AB (111 Coll) '01) Ag Rl Pittsfield 111 Sneeden Edward Waide (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag R3 Pittsfield 111 Snell Clarence Eastlake (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 600 N Grove Av Oak Park 111 Snell Harry Stirling (la 1914- ) Stu 1021 Superior St Oak Park 111 Snell Rolland Clark (e eng 1908-9) Bnk Moweaqua 111 *Snelling Albert Alexander (gen 1868- 9) d Oct 10 1871 Kinmundy 111 Snelling John Francis (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Loda 111 Snider Brainerd Clinton (sp la 1909-10 Also Park Coll) Jour & Publ 115 Keokuk St Lincoln 111 Snider Earl Quinter (sc 1897-8 1903- 6 AB g 1906-7 Asst 111 St Entom Ofc 1903-6 Instr Math U 111 Acad 1906-9) Prin H Sch Bisbee Ariz Snider Ferdinand Peter (1 1904-9 LL B) Law Haskell Okla Snider George Wilson (ag 1915- Al- so U Okla) Stu Broken Arrow Okla Snider Harry Holderman (acad 1889- 90 m eng 1892-3) Ag Broken Ar- row Okla Snider Howard John (acad 1910-11 sp ag 1911-13 BS Also Pa St Coll) Asst Soil Fertil U 111 1913- 811 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (R3 New Richmond O) Snoddy Raymond Leffel (la 1911- ) Stu 10 Cronkhite St Danville 111 Snodgrass John McBeath (eng 1898- 1902 BS Asst Prof Eng U 111 1907- 14) Assoc Prof M Eng U 111 1914- 306 Armory St Champaign 111 Snodgrass Mrs J M (see Bonar Daisy M) Snodgrass William (la 1908-11 AB AB (Butler) ; 92) Ag Sheridan Ind Snodgrass William Jr (eng 1888-92 BS) Ag Nueva Gerona Isle of Pines West Indies Snodgrass Mrs William (see Dewey Antoinette) Snook Clayton Morris (sp ag 1911-12) ' Ag Fisher 111 Snook Earl William (ag 1915- ) Stu 714 Chapel St Ottawa 111 Snook Ethel Mary (ag 1911) At home Seneca 111 Snook Helen Carpenter ■ (mus 1914-15 B Mus Also Ober Conserv) Teach Mus Princeville 111 Snook John Donald (chem eng 1912- 15 BS Also Parsons Coll) Welling- ton 111 Snook Vere Jessie (la 1907-11 AB g 1911-12 AM) Libr 714 Chapel St Ottawa 111 Snow Charles Howard (ag 1907-11 BS Also Armour Inst) Dairy Box 209 Bloomington 111 Snow Dolly Anna Ruth (Mrs Warne) (h sc 1908-9) Home Elburn 111 Snow Edgar (sp ag 1910-11) Ag Sugar Grove 111 Snow Elbert Somers (acad 1903-5 la 1905-9) V-Pres & Gen Mgr A L Maxwell Co Evansville Ind Snow Mrs E S (see Maxwell Lena) Snow Lester J (m eng 1891-2) Publ Rockford 111 Snow Lloyd Andrew (1 1902-3 la 1905-7) Ag Vienna 111 Snow Louis Frederick (sc 1903-6 BS Also Cor Coll) Ag 3344 "H" St San Diego Cal Snow Ruth Lucille (mus 1915- ) Stu 400 Chicago St Elgin 111 tSnow Shirley Clifford (su 1902) Aus- tin 111 Snow Wilbur Chancey (acad 1906-7 m eng 1907-8 Also U Wash 1913-14) Solict Mun Light Dept 4245 Morgan St Seattle Snow Wilbur Talmadge (c eng 1911- 12) C Eng Batavia Av Batavia 111 Snowden Ivan T (sp ag 1909-12) Ag SNUSHALL— SOMERS 621 R3 Mattoon 111 Snushall Mrs Mary Butters (Mrs Wm McLellan) (lib 1905-6 AB Also Smith Coll) Teach 22 Greenwich Park Bos- ton (66 Sunnyside St Hyde Park Mass) Snyder Mrs (see Frazee Mabel) Snyder Mrs (see Heath Bessie B) Snyder Alden Eugene (acad 1907-9 ag 1902-4 '08-12 BS Also N Ind St Nor) Ag R2 Kankakee 111 Snyder Mrs A E (see Baxter Florence <*) Snyder Bertram Eugene (acad 1898- 1900) Dalton City 111 Snyder Christopher Henry (c eng 1886- 90 BS) C Eng 251 Kearney St San Francisco Snyder Cora Ethel (sp mus 1908-9) Teach Philo 111 Snyder Daniel Victor (c eng 1915- ) Stu 4330 Grand Blvd Chicago Snyder Earl Clifton (arch eng 1909- 10) Merc Fulton 111 *SNYDER Edward (Attended Lem- berg U & Vienna U Instr Bkp & Ger U 111 1868 Prof Ger & Mil Sc do 1870 Prof Mod Lang do 1873 Rec Sec Bd Trustees do 1870-87 Dean Coll Lit do 1874) d Sept 13 1903 Pacific Beach Cal Snyder Elizabeth Vemba (Mrs G W Meyer) (acad 1898-1900 '01-2) Home 3 St Andrew 's PI Edwardsville 111 t Snyder FA (la 1874-7) Lincoln Neb Snyder George David (la 1914-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 1501 Crawford Av Altoona Pa Snyder Glenn (ag 1912- ) Stu Rl Billett 111 Snyder James Blaine (e eng 1905-9) Ag Moweaqua 111 Snyder John Francis (ag 1914- ) Stu Billett 111 Snyder Karl Forbes (m eng 1894-5) Med 296 Stephenson St Freeport 111 Snyder Leslie K (acad 1906-8 sp 1910-11) Bus Mgr 1105 Paulsen Bldg Spokane Wash tSnyder Letha (sp mus 1907-8) 401 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Snyder Logan Abraham (sp ag 1906-8 '11-14 BS) Ag Manteno 111 (R2 Kankakee 111) Snyder Mrs L A (see Pope Grace C) Snyder Mary Jane (sp 1894-5 Sec St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1895-6) Clk NH St Lab U 111 108 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Snyder Paul Noble (la com 1904-7) Ins & R Est Morristown SD Snyder Simeon M (acad 1896-8) Bnk Metamora 111 Snyder Stanley S (la 1904-8 AB) Mfg 1201 Logan Av Danville 111 Snyder Mrs S S (see Mattis Ida) Snyder Mrs W S (see Wedge Jessie) Snyder William Noble (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Moweaqua 111 SOBER Gertrude Clark (Mrs J S Church) (BS (Mich) '92 Teach H Seh Coldwater Mich 1886-90 Instr H Sc U 111 1903-4) Home 683 Stovvell Av Milwaukee Sodaro Joseph Clarence Jr (la 1915- ) Stu 337 S River St Aurora 111 Soderberg Andrew Frederick (arch eng 1909-13 BS Also Carroll Coll) Arch 7414 Harvard Av Chicago (Florence Wis) Soderberg Harry (eng 1913- ) Stu Florence Wis Soderwall Johan Einar Fabian (lib 1907-8 Also U Lund Sweden) Libr NW U Law Sch Chicago Soenksen Paul William (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 187 154th St Har- vey 111 Sohn Frank Albert (arch eng 1908-9 Also Ind St Nor U) Columbus Ind Solberg Lief Peder Bjorgoin (m eng 1904-8 BS) M Eng Kristiania Spik- erverk Kristiania Norway Soldwedel John Henry (acad 1899- 1900) Pekin 111 Solfisburg Christian Harrison (sc 1907- 10 Also U Ohio) Mfg N Beach St Aurora 111 Solomon Mrs B H (see Eyer Ruth E) Somers Aloysius Joseph (ag 1914- ) Stu 439 Chicago Av Kankakee 111 ISomers Anna (acad 1876-7) Urbana 111 Somers Bert Sheldon (acad 1884-5 arch eng 1889-92 '93-4) Arch 1601 City Hall Sq Bldg Chicago (6959 N Ashland Av) t Somers Cora (la 1880-3) Urbana 111 Somers Mrs E S (see Sims Mary) Somers Florence Barbara (Mrs Elrick Williams) (la 1903-7 AB) Home 742 Ohio St Lawrence Kan Somers Francis Patrick (la 1914- ) Stu 439 S Chicago Av Kankakee 111 Somers Lewis A (sp 1869-70) Bnk Ogden 111 Somers Mabel Carson (Mrs C T Flach- eneker)(acad 1893-4 sp la 1896-7) Home 523 Oak St Alton 111 t Somers Mattie (Mrs A D Starkey) (sp 1874-6) Home 701 W Univer- sity Av Urbana 111 Somers Russel Ivan (la 1915- ) Stu St Joseph HI 622 SOMERVILLE— DE SOUZA SOMERVILLE Albert Alexander (BS (DePauw) >05 PhD (Cor) '10 Asst Math & Physics DePauw U 1904-5 Instr Math Acad U 111 1905-6) Chf Phy- sicist US Rubber Co 1790 Broadway St New York Sommer Alfred Nicholas (m eng 1900- 1 '03-6 BS) Mgr Vienna Model Bak- ery 1040 Vernon Park PI Chicago Sommer Clara Louise (Mrs H B Ueh- stedt)(la 1900-4 AB) Home 927 Crescent PI Chicago Sommer Harry (acad 1894-5) 329 24th St Chicago Sommer Walter B (acad 1889-90) Drug Quincy 111 Sommerfield Waldo (c eng 1906-7 Also Lewis Inst) C Eng 1045 Cornelia Av Chicago Sommers Ralph Mitchell (com 1915- ) Stu 440 N Normal Pky Chicago Sondericker Mrs (see Carman Ellen M) *Sondericker Jerome (c eng 1877-80 BS g 1881-2 CE'83 Instr Right Line Draw 1880-84) d July 22 1904 Wilmington Va Sondericker William (la 1879-83 AB Also Hahnemann Med Coll) Teach 304 Calhoun St Woodstock 111 *Sonnemann Floyd (acad 1897-8) d Dec 4 1906 Vandalia 111 Sonnenfeld Harry (ag 1912-13 BS (Cor) '11 MS (do) '12) Box 119 Jo- hannesburg Transvaal Union S Af- rica Sonner Grace Amelia (acad 1905-6) Noble 111 tSoNNTAG Arthur Henry (e eng 1905- 10 BS) Alton 111 *Sonntag Elsie Roberta (la 1904-8 AB) d April 20 1915 Plainfield 111 Sonntag Mildred Eliza (Mrs B A Franklin) (la 1900-4 AB) Home 1315 E Washington St "Bloom ington 111 Sonntag Viola Hope (la 1904-8 AB) Teach H Sch Marengo HI Sontag Joseph Harold (c eng 1905-9) Plainfield 111 aco hoo Peter (c eng 1910-11 MS AB (LeStan) '10 c/o Han Kow Canton RR 54 Great Yan Tsai St (Janton China Soper Hubbell O (m eng 1870-1) Trav 305 W Chamberlain St Dixon 111 Soper Stanley Livingston (la 1894-8 AB Also Kan St Nor U & U Chgo) Teach Eureka Kan tSopp Louise Katherine (su 1907) Belleville 111 Sorensen Alfred (ag 1914- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu Cameron 111 Sorensen Niels Chester (arch 1911- 13 BS Also U Minn) Stu Harv U Monticello Minn Sorenson Carl Severn (su 1915 Also Olivet Coll) Teach H Sch 477 Maple St Benton Harbor Mich Sortwell Harold Haynes (la 1914-15 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 39 W 27th St Indianapolis Sortwell Mrs H H (see Noland Alma E) Sosa Hermes A (su 1909&'10 Also la St Coll) Tech Asst Ag Comm Re- conquista 634 Montevideo Uruguay ?Soto Ko (chem 1912-13) Nutus Ja- pan Soto Rafael Arcangel (m eng 1908-12 BS AB'15 g Spanish 1915- ) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1914- 901 W Ne- vada 111 (Sabana Grande Porto Rico) Souder Ralph Henry (m eng 1907-8) Audit M W A Rock Island 111 1522 Fifth Av Rock Island 111 Souers Henry Clark (sp arch eng 1909- 10 Also la St Coll) Zeta Psi House NY U New York (810 Hubbell Bldg Des Moines la) ?Souers Marshall Aulseny (ag 1909-13) 111 29th St Des Moines la soule Cleone Hardyn (g la 1910-11 AM AB(Miami)'lO) Sales 621 S "K" St Tacoma Wash Soule Edgar C (su 1915 Also U Tex) Prin Marshall Tr Sch San Antonio Tex t Soule Elmer Frederick (sp ag 1904- 6) St Albans Vt Soule Mrs E F (see Busey Frank A) Soule Levin Cooper (ag 1910-12 Also Soule Coll) 1335 Henry Clay Av New Orleans La Soules Eugene Earl (m eng 1901-2) Adv & Publicity 301 North St Peoria 111 South William Augustus (la 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Hammond 111 Southard Edna Margaret (su 1915) Teach Edwardsville 111 Southcomb Leslie Spencer (com 1915- ) Stu 413 Washington St Morris 111 *Souther Frank Trowbridge (sp ag 1907-8) d Sept 20 1915 Chicago Southgate Helen Anderson (sc 1906- 9 AB Also Ypsilanti Nor) Teach 218 W Sixth St Michigan City Ind ^Southward Harry A (acad 1891-2 la 1892) d New Boston 111 South wick Frank Eugene (sp ag 1900- 2) Ag Redfield la tSouTHWiCK Joe Dare (la 1903-9 AB) Flora HI de Souza Jacy Tolentino (e eng 1914- 16 Also V Wis) Stu Ohio N U SOVERHILL— SPEAR 623 1916- S Francisco Sta Catharina Brazil Soverhill Harvey Allen (m eng 1896- 1900 BS ME '06) Eng & V-Pres Mo- line Auto Co 623 23rd St Moline 111 Soverhill Wilbur Rowe (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Tiskilwa 111 Sowers Alexander (sp ag 1904-5) Gen Contr & Bldr 1010 Garfield Av Ur- bana 111 Sowers Gordon Alfred (ag 1914- Al- so Pur U) Stu R2 Kingman Ind Sowers Josephine Belle (Mrs David Bullock) (sp mus 1905-6) Home 1302 W Main St Urbana 111 Spafford Frank Sumner (c eng 1885- 7) Gov C Eng Boise Id Spafford Frederick Dwight (c eng 1905- 8) US Surv Boise Id Spaid Joseph Merl (sp c eng 1907-8 Also 111 Wes U) Ag Hey worth 111 Spain Kate (acad 1902-3) Benton 111 Spain Mrs William Allen (see Cole Emo L) Spainhour Alma Marie (la 1915- ) Stu 605 S Center St Clinton 111 Spalding Burleigh Mason (arch 1911- 13 Also Fargo Coll) Ag Buxton ND Spalding Coit Warren (sp ag 1904-5) Foreman Bowman Dairy Co El burn 111 *Spalding Fred Milton (c eng 1889- 93 BS) d August 28 1897 Gibson City 111 Spalding Louis Montrose (ag 1913-14) C Serv McNabb 111 Spalding Marjorie Mae (mus 1913-15 Also Sweet Briar Coll) At home 614 W Park Av Champaign 111 Spalding Roscoe Conkling (arch 1911- 13) Stu Syr U 1001 Walnut Av Syracuse NY (Bismarck SD) Spalding Roy Verner (1 1894-8 LL B) R Est Glen Ellyn 111 Spalding Russell Albert (ag 1910-13) R Est 710 W Park Av Champaign Spalding Mrs W P (sp mus 1904-5) Home 614 W Park Av Champaign Spangenburg Vernon Floyd (arch eng 1915- ) Sales White Hall 111 Spangler Charles Foskey (c eng 1914- 15 com 1915- Also Armour Inst) Stu Amboy 111 spangler John Nathaniel (g ped & philos 1896-7 AM AB(Ind)'91) Ag Frederick Okla Spangler Mary Margaret (la 1909-11 AB g 1911-13 AM Also Knox Coll) Teach 123 Second Av Joliet 111 Spani Daniel Dominick (acad 1901-2 sp arch 1902-3) Arch Nat Bk Bldg Rock Springs Wyo Sparks Annie Elnora (Mrs R H Pais- ley) (acad 1895-9 la 1899-1904 AB) Home R10 Mt Vernon 111 Sparks Charles F (sc 1879-81 Also U Mich ) Treas Sparks Mill Co Alton in Sparks Elbert Isaiah (acad 1896-7) Ag Devil 's Lake ND Sparks Gwynne McCoy (eng 1910-12) Merc Marion 111 Sparks Hosea Ballos (c eng 1874-8 Cert BL 1914) Pres Sparks Mill Co Alton 111 Sparks Keith Emanuel (la 1915- ) Stu Connersville Ind Sparks Laura Irene (Mrs R Shipley) (sp la 1896-7) Home Manchester Tenn Sparks Marion Emeline (la 1892-5 AB lib 1896-9 BLS g classics 1899- 1900 AM) Libr 1205 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 Sparks Mrs Myrtle Eva (la 1885-9 AB g 1889-90 AM) Teach H Sch Ottawa 111 Sparks Ray Carlisle (1 1905-9 AB '09- 11 LL B) R Est & L 407-9 1st Nat Bk Bldg Champaign 111 Sparks Richard Davenport (la 1908- 10 AB'12 Also Wash StL U) Cash Sparks Mill Co 406 Prospect St Al- ton 111 Sparling Clarence Eugene (arch eng 1911-12 '15- ) Stu Osgood Ind tSparling Donald Carl (eng 1913) 787 Walter St Hammond Ind Sparr Henry Charles (arch 1901-2) Arch Ashland Ore Spates Alfred (m eng 1915- ) Stu Taylorville 111 Spates Gladys Marv (la h sc 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Taylorville 111 Spatny Zdenka (la 1915- ) Stu 2322 Marshall Blvd Chivago Spaulding Charles Herbert (c eng 1908-12 BS) Asst Chem St Water Surv U 111 103 Park St Champaign Spaulding Ida Mary (Mrs Raymond Thompson) (lib 1900-2 BLS Also Osh- kosh Nor & U Wis) Home 903 Sher- man St Coeur d'Alene Id Spaulding Robert Limbert (acad 1893- 4) Hort & Flor Villa Ridge 111 Spear Elsie Travilla (h sc 1911-14 BS 624 SPEAR— SPENCER Also Washburn Coll) Dietician Bat- tle Mt Sanitarium Hot Springs SD (DeKalb 111) Spear Grant Warner (m eng 1883-7 BS) V-Pres & Mgr Dearborn Chem Co 299 Broadway New York Spear Mrs G W (see Carr May) Spear Harry George (su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U) Prin H Sch Herrin 111 Spear Helen Eudora (la h sc 1915- Also Rockford Coll) Stu 1402 W State St Rockford 111 Spear John Prank (acad 1903-4) Ma- son City 111 Spear Roy William (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Mason City 111 Spear Samuel B Jr (sp ag 1909-10 Al- so Millikin U) Mason City 111 ?Spearman Pred Edward (m eng 1901- 2) Quincy 111 Spears Mrs C H (see Ainsworth Nel- lie E) Specht Arthur Leo (su 1908 e eng 1909-11) E Eng Commonwealth Edi- son Co Chicago (Elmhurst 111) Speck Cyrus (la com 1910-12) Sales Mgr 314 N Water St Evansville 111 (312 W Columbia St) Speck Roy Henry (arch 1910-13) 312 W Columbia St Evansville Ind Speedie Ethel Elizabeth (Mrs S M Eaton) (acad 1910-11) Home 103 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Speedie William Warren (sc 1906-10) Gibson City 111 Speer Dallas Moss (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 707 E 50th PI Chicago Speer John Leslie (sp ag 1908-9 Al- so Monmouth Coll) Ag Hanover 111 Speidel Hugo (c eng 1882-5 '87-8) Gen Contr Ridgewood NJ *Speidell Ernest (acad 1879-80 sc 1880-4 BS) d Oct 19 1892 Ravens- wood 111 Speisman Irvin Gabriel (ag 1915- ) Stu 1417 W Taylor St Chicago Spelce John Edward (la 1915- ) Stu 214 E Exchange St Sycamore 111 Spellerberg Leo John (sc 1907-10) Chem Marysville O Spellman Lorinda Ballon (lib 1899- 1901 BLS Also Denison U) Teach Carrizozo N Mex Spence' Aubrey Dayton (sc 1910-12 AB Also U Wis) Ins Camp Point 111 SPENCE Bartholemew J (BS(NW) '05 PhD (Prin) '09 Asst Physics U Wis 1905-6 do U 111 1906-7 Asst Prof Physics U ND 1907 Instr Physics Prin U 1909-10) Asst Prof Physics U ND 1910- Grand Forks ND Spence Mrs Emerson (see Harnsberger Bertha S) ISpence Franklin (c eng 1873-7 BS) R Est 213 E Clark St Champaign 111 Spence Frederick Milton (e eng 1910- 14 Also Bradley Poly) Elmwood 111 Spence Jennie E (Mrs C M Brant) (la com 1873-6) Soe Serv Eighth & Broadway Sts Hamilton 111 Spence John I (la 1873-4) Ag & C Eng R2 Hamilton 111 ISpence Minnie Bertha (acad 1900-1) Urbana 111 Spence Mrs P T (see Jones Emma T) Spence Theodore Albert (la 1906-7 LL B(NW) '12) Law 4221 Park Av Chicago ^Spence Will Porter (acad 1897-9) Macomb 111 Spence William D (sp ag 1900-2) Ag & Stock Fairbury 111 *Spence William Wright (ag 1873-6) d Jan 8 1915 Hamilton 111 Spencer Bertha (Mrs E F Miner) (la 1891-5 BL) Home 1129 W Wood St Decatur 111 Spencer Mrs Blanche Beebe (com 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Vandalia 111 Spencer Charles Blakely (su 1904 arch 1906-13 Also Cor U) Arch 401 W University Av Champaign 111 Spencer Clark Earl (sp ag 1902-4) Ag Rl(35) Gardena Cal * Spencer Clifford Ricker (arch eng 1903-4) d Sept 19 1904 Champaign 111 Spencer Cynthia Eugenia (la 1913- ) Stu 404 E Healy St Champaign 111 SPENCER David Ellsworth (BL(Wis) '87 AM(Harv) '91 Act Asst Prof Hist U Mich 1892-3 Asst Prof Hist LeStan TJ 1893-1901 Act Prof Hist U 111 1901-2) Pacific Grove Cal Spencer Edwin Rollin (la 1907-11 AB g 1912-13 AM'14 Also 111 St U) Teach Bellflower 111 Spencer Emma Luella (su 1908 Also Knox Coll) Teach Canton 111 Spencer Ernestine Ellen (la Feb 1916- Also U Wis) Stu 453 Park Av Riv- er Forest 111 t Spencer Eugene (sp ag 1904-5) Van- dalia 111 Spencer Fannie Grace Clara (sc 1904- 8 BS g 1908-9 AM Also Ind St Nor U & Bryn Mawr Coll) Acct 2004 Larrabee St Chicago (2220 Larrabee St) t Spencer Franklin (arch 1877) 213 E Clark St Champaign 111 Spencer Fred Wilcox (eng 1894-7 BS) Arch Eng 4845 St Anthony 's Ct Chi- SPENCER— SPINK 625 cago *Speneer Hamilton Jr (ag 1871-2) d June 20 1874 Bloomington 111 *Spencer Howard M (acad 1879-80 arch 1880-3) d May 20 1885 Dixon 111 t Spencer J C (gen 1876-7) Hamilton 111 Spencer James Elihu (m eng 1883-5 '89-91) Urbana 111 ISpeneer John Ralph (com 1915- ) Stu 217 S State St Geneseo 111 fSpencer Julia Ann (la 1888-90) Ur- bana 111 Spencer Lawrence Edward (la com 1910-11) Print 6033 Main St Kan- sas City Mo t Spencer LeRoy Gilbert (sc 1910-11) 210 S Bloomington St Streator 111 Spencer Mary Ethel (la 1909-12 '14- 15) Stu U Mich 401 W University Av Champaign 111 Spencer Nelson Strong (acad 1877-8 arch eng 1880-2 BS Supt Bldgs & Grounds U 111 1898) Arch 401 W University Av Champaign 111 Spencer Mrs N S (see Rush Ida F) Spencer Newton Carman (m eng 1884- 5) Law 602 S Elmore St Escanaba Mich Spencer Nora Virginia (mus Feb 1916- Also E 111 St Nor^ Stu Homer 111 Spencer Ralph William (ag 1914- ) Stu Lawrenceville 111 Spencer Raymond Briggs (arch eng 1906-9 B Arch(Cor)'ll) Arch & Land Arch 601 Merchant's Bk Bldg Jackson Miss Spencer Mrs R B (see Goldencrown Myrtle A) Spencer Stanley Fred (com 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu 219 S Pop- lar St Urbana 111 Spencer "Victor Elwin (ag 1911-15 BS) 408 E Tenth St Lockport 111 t Spencer Watson Orr (chem eng 1907- 9 Also 111 Coll) Catlin 111 Spengler Lewis Wilner (acad 1906-7 c eng 1907-11 BS) C Eng 914 Kar- pen Bldg Chicago (Roby 111) Sperling Godfrey (acad 1889-90 c eng 1890-1 '92-5 BS) Dep St Surv Sioux Falls SD (509 Hays St Boise Id) Sperry Mrs A L (see Newitt Cecilia L) Sperry Donald Draper (ag 1913-14) 428 N Grove St Oak Park 111 Sperry Eldridge H (acad 1882-3 arch eng 1886-8) Ins Adjuster 306 N State St Champaign 111 Sperry Frank Earl (m eng 1905-10 BS) M Eng R5 Aurora 111 ISperry Fred B (acad 1882-3) Anna 111 Sperry Harriett Mary (Mrs J P Camp- bell) (arch 1908-9) Home Lamar Colo Sperry Holland Robert (su 1913) Teach H Sch 238 Holton St Gales- burg 111 Sperry James Franklin (acad 1891-5 sp m eng 1895-8) Ins & Ag Loma Colo Sperry Jasper N (la 1873) Urbana 111 SPERRY Joel Andrew (AB(Yale)'08 MS(do)'12 PhD(do)'14) Instr Bac- teriol U 111 1914- 1004 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Sperry John Burton (m eng 1905-7) Asst Chf Eng Amer Well Wks Aurora 111 (404 Kane St) Sperry Maude Charity (Mrs S A Wise) (su 1906&'ll AB(Westfield)'04 PhB & EdB(Chgo) '09) Home Watseka 111 Sperry Ralph Edward (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 717 W Adams St Ma- comb 111 Sperry Ralph Samuel (m eng 1908- 10) Ag Emmitsburg Md (Clarinda la) t Sperry William Lynch (arch 1886-9) Champaign 111 Spicer Rauser Norman (acad 1899- 1901) Com Photog Topeka Kan Spiegler Louis (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 907 W 12th St Chicago Spierling Arthur Otto (m eng 1907- 10 BS Also Armour Inst) Asst M Eng Hammermill Paper Co Erie Pa Spiers Mrs F H (see Reese Nelle W) Spiesberger Herbert Teller (1 1897-8 LL B(NW)'OO) Bus Mgr 416 S Franklin St Chicago (4816 Forrest- ville Av) Wpiker John Golden (acad 1894-5) Teach Ft Smith Ark Spilman Mrs C H (see Barnsback S Elizabeth) Spindler George Washington (g ger 1913- AB(Ind)'00 MA (do) '08 Al- so U Kan & U Mich & U Berlin Asst Ger U 111 1914-15) Teach Ger U 111 1915- 1001 W California Av Ur- bana 111 (Woodlawn Mich) Spink Charles Raymond (sp arch 1898- 1901) Arch 1626 Winona Blvd Los Angeles Spink Marcus LeRoy (acad 1896-7) Foreman Berea Coll Printery Berea Ky Spink Phil Marion (ag 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5215 Woodlawn Av Chicago 626 SPITLEE— SPEY Spitler Clarke H (la com 1909-13) Corresp 3323 Jackson Blvd Chicago ?Spitler Jefferson D (la 1875-6) Todd's Point 111 Spitler John Clyde (ag 1901-7 BS) Ag Montrose 111 Spitler Mrs J C (see Downey Hen- rietta) Spitler Jonas Beaver (la 1872-5 MD (P&S Keokuk la) '77) Med El Yu- kon Okla Spitler Wesley Newton (c eng 1901-5 BS) E Eng & Draft 450 N Monti- cello Av Chicago Spitz Milton Joseph (la 1914- Also Armour Inst) Stu 4811 Vincenries Av Chicago Spitznagel Elmer Florian (la com 1910- 11) Sales 2603 N Madison Av Peoria 111 Splain Alexander (sp ag 1902-3) Bea- son 111 Spondel Christopher Thane (c eng 1906-8) Eoadmaster NP EE 408 Fourth Av NW Mandan ND Sponsel Mrs C T (see Braman Olive E) Sponsel John Gray (m eng 1907-11 BS) Asst Master Mech Amer Bridge Co Gary Ind (446 Marshall St) Sponsel Mrs J G (see Aldrich Elean- or P) (la 1909-13 Also U Wis) Home 446 Marshall St Gary Ind Sponsler John McClure (m eng 1907- 12 BS) M Eng Tenn Coal Iron & EE Co 1110 Third Av West End Birmingham Ala Sporlein Louis Woltgang (acad 1909- 10 arch eng 1910-14 BS) E Est 426 Elm St Cincinnati (2116 Leland Av Chicago) *Spradling William F (la 1871-2 '72- 6 Cert) d Nov 30 1881 Greenleaf Kan Sprague Mrs Arthur (see Davis Maud A) Sprague Cena Lavina (lib 1913-14 AB (ND)'13) Asst Catg Lib U la 323 Linn St Iowa City la (Grafton ND) Sprague Charles Albert (ag 1911-12) Ag E3 Lockport 111 Sprague Edwin Bruce (la 1886-8) Hort Portersville Cal Sprague Elizabeth Elsie (h sc 1910-12) Head H Sc Dept U Kan Lawrence Kan Sprague Florence Olive (Mrs B N Win- ship) (la 1903-7 AB) Home Lockport 111 Sprague George Chester (ag 1915- ) Stu Lockport 111 Sprague Harold Greene (arch 1910-14 BS) 1116 22nd St Des Moines la Sprague Jennie Edyth (Mrs H S Srigley)(lib 1904-5 PhB(Ohio) '03) Home 165 N Congress St Athens O (Millfield O) Sprague (Mabel (su 1913) 107 Throop St Chicago * Sprague Martin (la 1873-4 '75-8 Cert) d Feb 7 1911 Jacksonville 111 Sprague Norman Ellsworth (c eng 1914- ) Stu 117 Eiver St Piqua O Sprague Villa Mae (Mrs J P Stout) (h sc 1907-10 AB Also Mo U) Home E15 Chatham 111 Spraker Glen Allen (arch eng 1912- 14) c/o Haynes Auto Co 704 S Washington St Kokomo Ind Spray Dorothy Gunn (Mrs H E Eay) (la 1907-8 Also U Wis) Home 729 Gunnison Av Grand Junction Colo Spray Edith Lillian (Mrs F S Saw- yer) (lib 1903-7 BLS) 2446 First Av W Seattle (Arlington Heights 111) tSpRECHER Irvin Sherwood (ag 1903-9 BS) Zion City 111 tSprecher Louis Harrison Jr (ag. 1903- 4) Lanark 111 Spriggs John Jack (la 1899-1903 AB Also U Mo) Law Lander Wyo Spriggs Mrs J J (see Vance Edna C) Spring Lillian (Mrs Van Buskirk) (acad 1894-5) Home Cobden 111 Springe Otto (cer eng 1908-12 BS) Cer Eng Purington Paving Brick Co 224 N Seminary St Galesburg 111 Springer George Dusant (ag 1915- Also NW U) Stu Evarts Vt t Springer Henry Strong # (ag 1906-8) Las Vegas N Mex t Springer Jonas Eobert (1 1908-10) 632 Cass St Joliet 111 Springer Jonathan Lee (sp ag 1912-13 Also Knox Coll) Ag Arenzville 111 Springer Paul Bliss (su 1915 Also Grand Island Coll) West Lawn Grand Island Neb Springer Thomas W (la 1876-9) Supt Limestone Dust Dept S 111 St Peni- tentiary Charleston 111 Sproull Eaymond Arthur (la 1913- ) Stu Mazon 111 Sprowls Luna Lenore (sc 1909-11 '14 su 1912) Stu Gibson City 111 tSpruill S Carlyle (la 1874-7) c/o Mrs Jas W Gaddis S Charleston O Sprurck Eobert Michael (e eng 1908- 10 BS Also Brad Poly) E Eng Gen Elec Co Schenectady NY 123 Nott Terrace Schenectady NY *Spry Zua (Mrs S V Jones) (acad 1892- 4) d March 26 1897 Sidell 111 SP URGIN— ST ALE Y 627 Spurgin Isaac Meigs (la 1895-8) Car- penter Havana 111 Spurgin William Grant (la 1890-4 AB g 1897-8 AM) Law & Co Judge 1st Nat Bk Bldg Urbana 111 Sputh Carl Brosins (su 1915 MD(Ind) '12) Med Dir Phys Ed St Nor Sell 1922 State St La Crosse Wis Squibb Reginald Gardiner (la 1914- ) Stu 4040 Broadway Chicago Squier George Kasson (m eng 1913- Also Hillsdale Coll) Stu 528 College Av Rockford 111 Squier Leon Walter (m eng 1912-13 Also Hillsdale Coll) Tracing Dept Brantingham Co 1813 Camp Av Rock- ford 111 Squire Willis Clifton (acad 1881-2 m eng 1884-5 Also Lehigh U 1882-3) V-Pres Hanek Mfg Co New York (111 Jackson Blvd Chicago) Squires Harry G (acad 1904-5 sp ag 1905-6 sp e eng 1906-7) Constr Eng Aledo 111 Squires Mrs H G (see Voorhees Kath- ryn C) Srigley Mrs (see Sprague Jennie E) Staat Fielding Bond (ag 1911-13 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag 402 N Second St Monmouth 111 Stabler James William (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Rl Neponset 111 Stabler Jesse Lee (ag 1911-13 Also NW U) Ag Neponset 111 Stables Floyd F (sc 1909-10 Also Mil- likin U) Teach Lexington 111 Stacy Edward Everett (sc 1900-1 Also NW U) Phar Tuscola 111 *Stacy Morelle M (sc 1875-8 '80-1 BL) d July 27 1895 Spring Hill Ala Stadler Arno Carl (e eng 1906-10) Adv Mgr 473 Deming PI Chicago (Bement 111) Staeheli Otto (sc 1912-14) 511 Aldine Av Chicago Staehling Edwin Helwig (arch eng 1908-9) Teach H Sch 52 N Second St Highland Park 111 Stafford -fid ward Emerson (la 1915- ) Stu 1522 Henry St Alton 111 Stafford II Gordon (e eng 1908-9 Also Armour Inst) Furn & Embalmer Woodstock 111 Stafford Herbert Stanley Levin (min eng 1910-14 BS) Supt Stafford Cran- dall Packing & Fishing Co Long Beach Cal (Hubbard Woods 111) IStafford James Clyde (acad 1907-9 Also Armour Inst) Champaign 111 Stafford Louis Daniel (ag 1914- ) Stu 704 N Hart Blvd Harvard 111 Stager Frank Mickle (eng 1913-14) 707 First Av Sterling 111 Staggs Elmer Harrison (sp ag 1910- 11) Ag Rl Avon 111 Stahl Ambrose Carl (m eng 1908-12 BS) M Eng c/o J B Jeffery Co Kenosha Wis Stahl Clark Beebe (sc 1905-11 AB) C Eng 5414 Miles Av Oakland Cal (5661 Keith Av Galena 111) Stahl Mrs C B (see Smith Leota V) Stahl Elmer Roy (la 1908-10 AB g 1910-11 AM Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 318 Grand Av Storm Lake la (Au- gusta 111) Stahl J Garland (acad 1898-1900 law 1900-3 LLB) V-Pres Wash Pk Nat Bk 707 E 63rd St Chicago (6616 Kimbark Av) Stahl Mrs J Garland (see Mahan Jen- nie M) Stahl John Rufus (su 1909 Also Ind St Nor U) Teach Dana Ind Stahl Lloyd Richard (c eng 1903-8) Chf Draft Signal Dept L&N RR 1 ' The Chesterfield ' ' Louisville Ky Stahl Myrtle Lois (la 1910-14 AB Also Rockford Coll) Teach Toluca 111 (Augusta 111) Stahl Walter Andrew (m eng 1912- ) Stu 4120 N Paulina St Chicago Wtahl W T illiam .Lincoln (acad 1902-3) 210 S Centre Av Chicago ?Stahl William Love (la 1903-4) 3261 Cottage Grove Av Chicago Stair Jacob Leander Jr (acad 1903-4 e eng 1904-8 BS) E Eng 7230 Yates Av Chicago (Altamont 111) Stakel John Peter (m eng 1909-11 Also Stout Inst) Teach Menominee Mich Stakemiller Benjamin Benton (c eng 1896-1900 BS) C Eng 302 Commer- cial Bldg Alton 111 Staker Fred Merwyn (acad 1903 law 1904-7 LLB) Mgr Comm Safe De- posit Co Commerce Trust Co Kansas City Mo (1607 E 42nd St) Staker Ray Montgomery (acad 1902-3 law 1903-5 LLB(Kan)'06) Law 1611 S Lawrence Av Wichita Kan (715 Beacon Bldg) Staley Anne Harwood (la 1907-10 Also Rockford Coll) At home 801 W Church St Champaign 111 Staley Calvin C (la 1872-6 LLB (Mich) 77) Ret Law 801 W Church St Champaign 111 Staley Mrs C (see Conn Emma A) fStaley Ella (la 1875-6) Champaign 111 Staley Elza (Mrs R T Pitts) sp la 1902-4) Home Wheeling Mo Staley Ina May (sp mus 1911-12) Fit- ter Alteration Dept 109 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 628 STALE Y— ST AN NE R staley Irene Elizabeth (g engl 1911-12 AM AB(Millikin)'09) Teach H Sch 308 Augusta Av De Kalb 111 Staley Isabel (Mrs A M Danely) (la 1900-4 AB) Home 1007 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Staley Joseph Clarence (la 1894-8 AB AM(LeStan) '00) Teach 314 11th Av N Yakima Wash Staley Maggie Edith (Mrs H V Car- penter) (la 1895-9 AB) Home 300 Oak St Pullman Wash Staley Mrs P B (see Brandon Allie) tStaley William Theron (la 1892-4) Urbana 111 Stalker James Eobinson (c eng 1907-9 BS(Eose Poly) '07) Mdse Broker 522 Scarritt Bldg Kansas City Mo Stall Bessie Lovemma (su 1913) Cham- paign 111 Stall Willis Preston (ag 1914- Also Ind U) Stu 310 S Elm St Cham- paign 111 tStallcup Charlie (sp ag 1901-3) Mon- ticello 111 Stallings Eugene Michener (la 1915- ) Stu 616 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Stallings Leland Stanford (ag 1909- 13 BS Also Goshen Coll) Teach Breckenredge Minn Stallings Samuel Joseph (com 1915- ) Stu 1405 Harrison St Amarillo Tex Stallings Thomas (acad 1885-6 LL B (St Louis Law) Law Granite City 111 tStallings Wardeman Pearce (la 1910- 11 AB(Shurtleff)'lO) Alhambra 111 stallings William Henry Jr (g classics 1910-11 AM AB(Shurtleff)'08) Stu U Chgo Alhambra 111 Stamas Theodore Albert (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu 441 Belden Av La Grange 111 Stambaugh Fred Minton (sp law 1911- 14 LL B) Law Deland 111 Stamey May (la 1911-12) At home 202 W University Av Champaign 111 Stamp Fred Pfarr (la 1915- ) Stu 14 Linden Av Wheeling W Va Stanberry Jesse Oscar (su 1911 & '12 Also E 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Rood- house 111 (Homer 111) Stanberry Stanley Eay (m eng 1912- 13) Sales 413 N Washington St Mason City la Stanbitz Louis Pierce (acad 1908-9) Golconda 111 Standard Alphonso Perry (sc 1900-5 AB MD(P&S)'06) Med 46 N Main St Canton 111 Standard William Logan (e eng 1902- 5) Mgr Lubricating Dept Union Oil Co 1133 Union Oil Bldg Los Angeles (Lewistown 111) Standiford Frank B (c eng 1901-2 Also Pur U) C Eng 543 E 46th St N Portland Ore Standish Seymour (e eng 1905-10 BS CE 1915) Bridge Contr 820 Consum- ers Bldg Chicago (2635 Best Av) Standuhar George Peter (acad 1885-6 arch 1886-9) Arch Rock Island 111 Stanfield William Wesley (su 1914 Also Kan St Ag Coll) Asst Crop Prod la St Exp Sta 614 Burnette Av Ames la (321 N 17th St Manhattan Kan) Stanford Howard Russell (ag 1904-8 BS g ag 1915- ) Asst Hort Plant Breed U 111 1915- 604 W California Av Urbana 111 Stanford Mrs H R (see Inness Dorothy M) Stangel Adalaide Josephine (la 1915- ) Stu 607 W White St Champaign 111 Stangel Victor (la 1913-16) Auto Sales 607 W White St Champaign 111 Stanger Otto Charles (sc 1905-9 BS) Chem 5527 Kimbark Av Chicago (R2 Palatine 111) Stanley Arba Porter (m eng 1902-6) Design Drafts Mech 69 N High St Columbus O (35 King St Ashtabula O) Stanley Dean Field (la 1915- ) Stu 604 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 Stanley Edgar Albert (m eng 1902-6 BS) Arch 1301 Wick Bldg Youngs- town O (11 Pasadena Av Youngs- town O) tStanley Elmer Leon (ag 1911-12) 15 W Curtiss St Downer 's Grove 111 Stanley Ethel Marguerite (lib 1915- AB(Fairmount) '13) Stu Clearwater Kan ^Stanley Frank John (arch eng 1910- 11) Hammond 111 Stanley Garth Blunden (sp e eng 1910- 11 Also Ohio U) Sales Eng Chi- cago (913 Elbern Av Cincinnati) Stanley Harvey Hatten (acad 1896-8 Also Eureka Coll) Champaign 111 Stanley Leon (ag 1913- ) Stu Downer 's Grove 111 Stanley Mrs Mabel Edith (Mrs Otis 0)(acad 1896-7 Also Valparaiso U) Home 604 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 Stanley Otis Orion (acad 1896-7 sc 1897-1901 BS g 1901-2 MS MD(NW) '06 Also Cotner U) Med 604 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 STANLEY Thomas Blaine (g engl 1913- AB(Earlham)'13 Asst Engl Earlham Coll) Asst Engl U 111 1913- 604 Chalmers St Champaign 111 (No- blesville Ind) Stanley Walter (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1219 Hendrichs St Anderson Ind tStannard Albert Cushman (sc 1880- 3) Lamoille 111 Stanner Guy William (acad 1902-3 sp STANNER— STARKEY 629 ag 1903-5) Ag R12 Urbana 111 (Mayview 111) Stanner James Ray (sp ag 1905-8) Ag R12 Urbana 111 Stanner Joseph Joel (sp la 1896-7 BPD( Greer) '99) Postman 501 S Prairie St Champaign 111 Stansbury Alta Louise (Mrs F A Sager)(lib 1897-1903 BLS) Home 435 Skokie Rd Glencoe 111 Stansbury Etta Drucilla (su 1899) Prin Garfield Sch Monmouth 111 Stansbury William Morris (1 1904-9) Law Douglas Wyo (519 Richards St Joliet 111) Stansell Harry Stout (ag 1913-14) Ag & Stock Magnolia 111 Stansfield James Gillespie (ag 1915- ) Stu Lawrenceville 111 Stanton Albert Jackson (c eng 1907- 8) Stenog 407 Fourth St Pana 111 Stanton Burt Tompkins (acad 1895-6 sp m eng 1896-8 Also U Glasgow) Sales 234 Fifth Av Chicago Stanton Edwin M (la 1885 Also 111 Coll) Clk CNW RR 6347 Stewart Av Chicago Stanton Ellen Loise (Mrs Weitbrecht) (la 1872-4) Ret Missionary 33 On- slow Gardens Muswell Hill London England Stanton James Grover (la 1909-11 Also U Chgo) Jour Wenona 111 tStanton Louis Chalmers (c eng 1872- 3) Bacon St Newton Mass STANTON Margaret Beaumont (BS (la) '98 AM(Wis)'08 MA (Col) '14 Instr la Ag Coll) Instr H Sc U 111 1914- 1017 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Stanton Samuel C (sc 1872-9 BS Ml) (Chgo Med Coll) '92 Med 535 N Dearborn St Chicago (640 Sheridan Rd) STANTON William Macy (g arch 1914- BS(Pa)'13 MS(do) '14 Asst Arch U 111 1914-15) Instr Arch De- sign U 111 1915- 409 E Healy St Champaign 111 (6751 Musgrave St Germantown Philadelphia) Stants Bess Edna (la 1911-12) Teach Oblong 111 *Stapel Amanda Emma (la 1909-12 AB Also Chgo Nor) d Aug 10 1914 Silver City N Mex Stapler William W (la 1914-15 BS Also Drexel Inst) 211 W Seventh St Wilmington Del Staples Alexander Dale (eng 1914- ) Stu 614 S Main St South Bend Ind ^Staples Henry Augustus (gen 1868-9) Springfield 111 Staples John Forest (ag 1914- ) Stu 614 S Main St South Bend Ind Staples Oren Elmer (sp mus 1901-5 Also N Ind Nor Bursar U 111 1913- 14) Fruit Davenport Fla ?Stapp Melvina (su 1902) Colchester 111 fStapp William Oscar (sp ag 1903-4) Rock Island 111 Stare Burton Reeme (acad 1892-3) Elec Merc 802 33rd Av Seattle * Stark Carl Clifton (sc 1904-5) d Nov 10 1913 Washington Stark Claude (acad 1897-8 su 1899) Bk Cash Morgan Hill Cal Stark Mrs Claude (see Payne Rinnie C) Stark Edwin Frederick (acad 1900-1) 3021 LeMoyne St Chicago Stark Frank Bernard (acad 1908-9 sp ag 1909-10) Bkpr 127 N Dearborn St Chicago Stark Grace Florence (Mrs H P Humphreys) (sp mus 1906-8 Also NW U) Home 6056 Harper Av Chicago (Thompson 111) Stark John Edwin (acad 1907-8 sc 1908-13 '15- ) Stu 1312 Eades St Urbana 111 Stark John Wayne (ag 1915- ) Stu Nebo HI Stark Leonard Edward (eng 1911-12 Also U la) Contr 1103 First Av W Cedar Rapids la Stark Mrs R W (see Cafky Mabel E) *Stark Ralph (m eng 1902-5) d May 29 1912 Albuquerque N Mex Stark Robert Watt (acad 1891-2 sc 1891-5 BS g sc 1906-7 ag 1914- ) Ag Sta U 111 809 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Stark Thomas Henry (sp sc 1903-4 PhG (Highland Pk Phar) '05 Also Cor Coll) Didsbury Alta Can (Central City la) Starkel Charles Leslie (la 1914- ) Stu 11 S Charles St Belleville 111 Starkey Albert Lyle (sp la 1910-11 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Ogden 111 Starkey Mrs Alva D (see Somers Mat- tie) Starkey Clara (su 1913 Also Charles- ton Nor) 1027 Robinson St Danville 111 Starkey Faye (su 1913) 1027 Robin- son St Danville 111 Starkey Johh Johnson (acad 1905-6 la 1910-11) Hay Comm Agt Bloom- ington 111 Starkey Lawrence Vincent (ag 1913-14 BS Also U W Va) Teach St Nor Sch Platte ville Wis (Ravenswood W Va) Starkey Litta (mus 1910-11) 1001 Oregon St Urbana 111 Starkey Perry Elmer (su 1909) Teach 630 STARKE Y— STEBBINS Philo 111 Starkey Shirley Leland (ag 1915- Also Marshall Coll) Stu Ravenswood W Va * Starkweather Pearl Belle (acad 1891- 3) d Jan 1 1913 Mattoon 111 Starman Rudolph Agust (sp ag 1909- 11) Acct 7118 Vernon Av Chicago Starner Verner (ag 1912-13 sc 1913- ) Stu Carlisle Ind Starr Bernice Fallis (la 1911-14 AB Also 111 Worn Coll 1910-11) At home 905 Lincoln Av Decatur 111 Starr Esther Marie (la 1908-9) Teach Crete 111 Starr Frank Augustus Ellis (la 1871-6 Cert Hon ML 1891) Min Schury Nev Starr Harry L (acad 1888-9 AB (Wa- bash) AM (do) ) Prof Engl Carrol Coll 512 Wisconsin Av Waukesha Wis Starr Helen Knowlton (lib 1902-4 AB (Grinnel) '01) Libr Lib Congress Washington Starr Nathan (la 1880-1 MD( Hahne- mann) '89 Med Charleston 111 Starr Norman Smith (sc 1907-8 Also De Pauw U & U Mich) Stu U Mich 649 S Sixth St Charleston 111 Starr Ruth (la 1913-14) 904 Fergu- son St Charles City la Starr Stephen William (la 1915- ) Stu 1207 W Church St Champaign 111 Starrett David Burnham (ag 1912-13) 571 Center St Elgin 111 Starrett Robert George (com 1915- ) Stu Sheldon la Starrs Martha (Mrs S E J Sawyer) (la 1897-8) Home 106 S Summer Av Creston la ^State Nellie (la 1875-6) Urbana 111 States Bertha Grace (la 1913-14) Clk Dept Ry Eng U 111 1915- 1010 W Green St Urbana 111 (Cornell 111) States Mary Louise (la 1914- ) Stu 1010 W Green St Urbana 111 States William Daniel (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-7 BS) Ag Elwood 111 tStaub Joseph Aaron (acad 1900-2) T'erre Haute Ind Staubitz Louis Pierce (acad 1909-10 e eng 1910-13) E Eng 3210 Arthing- ton PI Chicago (311 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Stauder Edward P (e eng 1914- Al- so U Mo) Stu 2933 Park Av St Louis Stauduhar George Peter (acad 1885-6 arch 1886-9) Arch Rock Island 111 Stauffer Arden Neil (acad 1909-10) Gladbrook la Stave Edith (Mrs J W Beardsley) (sp mus 1898-9) 512 Damon St Council Bluffs la *Stayman John Mather (m eng 1870- 2 '73-5 BS) d May 31 1915 Chi- cago Stayman Mrs J M (see Johnson Net- tie M) Stayman Mrs Jack S (see Johnson Etta A) Stayton Mrs J D (see McCaskrin Louise E) Stead Charles Baldwin (c eng Feb 1916- Also Beloit Coll) Stu Griggs- ville 111 Stead Rowland Wilson (c eng 1915- ) Stu 720 NW Third Av Galva 111 tStearman Anna Drucilla (su 1902) Olney 111 Stearns Albert Frank (acad 1908-9 m eng 1909-10) 311 W Holmes St Pax- ton 111 Stearns Carl Garner (la 1910-14 AB) Stu Col U Rankin 111 Stearns Earl Downing (m eng 1903-7 BS) Eng Fort Pitt Eng Co 2501 Oliver Bldg Pittsburg Pa Stearns Fred Carless (sp ag 1899-1900 1902-3) Auto Rockwell City la (Ma- homet 111) Stearns Guy Thomas (sc 1912-13) City C Eng 508 S Lynn St Champaign 111 STEARNS Wallace Nelson (AB(Harv) '93 STB(do)'96 AM(do)'97 PhD (Boston) '99 Sec Pres U 111 1904-6 Prof Wesley Coll ND 1906-12) Prof Engl Fargo Coll 1912- 109 Ninth St Fargo ND Stearns Winifred Sara (su 1913) Teach 508 S Lynn St Champaign 111 Stebbins Don Meade (arch eng 1908- 10) Interior Decorating 215 E 14th St Davenport la STEBBINS Joel (sp mus 1907-8 BS (Neb) '99 PhD(Cal)'03) Prof As- tron & Dir Observ U 111 1910- 1013 Nevada St Urbana 111 Stebbins John Marcus (ag 1912-14) Ag 6044 Jefferson Av Chicago Stebbins Marimus Willett (arch 1886- 7) Order Tracing Dept Sangamo Elec Co 712 S Fourth St Springfield 111 stebbins Millicent (g ger 1907-8 AM AB(Neb)'06) Teach 1230Parkwild Av Omaha Neb Stebbins Roy (ag 1900-5 BS) Bill- ings Mont Stebbins Selden Lewis (e eng 1910-14 la 1914-15 AB) Ag Olena Ark (6044 Hayer Av Chicago) Stebbins Will Theodore (e eng 1893- 4) Battle Creek Mich STEBER— STEIN 631 Steber Arthur Leo (acad 1900-1) Ches- ter 111 Steck Eobert Bruce (ag 1911-12) Ag Farmington 111 *Steddon Susan Wright (lib 1905-6 AM(Penn)'Ol) d Jan 6 1907 Oska- loosa la Stedman Alfred Bennett (acad 1894- 6) Champaign 111 Stedman Angeline Jones (Mrs A W Al- len) (la 1900-5 AB) Home 752 Moss Av Peoria 111 (111 High St) ?STEDMAN D A (Foreman Carpenter Shop U 111 1871-2) Urbana 111 Stedman Jeanette Elizabeth (sp mus 1898-1903 su 1907&'08&'09 B Mus '13) Art 1614 La Salle Av Chicago (703 S Third St Champaign 111) Stedman Royal Beach (e eng 1905-7) Traffic 3614 Michigan Av Chicago (Beardstown 111) t Stedman William Henry Jr (la com 1906-10) 703 S Third St Champaign 111 Steel Edward Brown (acad 1909-10) 604 E Green St Champaign 111 Steele Annette (g engl 1915- AB (Transylvania) '11 Also U Tex) Stu Winchester Ky STEELE AvaD (g la 1907-8 AB(Mo Valley) '96 AM(Mo) '01 Instr Engl Millikin U 1903-7 Instr Engl Acad U 111 1907-11) Soc Serv United Char- ities 2804 Michigan Av Chicago (Marshall Mo) Steele Daniel Atkinson King (Hon LL D 1906 MD(Chgo)'73) Med 31 N State St Chicago (2920 Indiana Av) STEELE Edward Strieby (AB(Ober) 72 BD(do) '77 Also U Leipsic 1885- 6 & Harv U & 1886-7 Instr Engl & Classics U 111 1872-3 Prof Philos Middlebury Coll 1884-5) Gov Serv 1891- Smithsonian Bldg Washington (1522 Q St NW) Steele Ella (sp a&d 1896-7 su 1894) Sullivan 111 Steele Eugene (acad 1898-9) Trav Sales Sidney 111 Steele Eugene Martin (la 1904-6) Trav Sales 70 S Emerson St Denver Steele Mrs E M (see Hughes Anna) Steele Frank M (acad 1885-7) Rock Island 111 Steele James (sc 1888-92) Henry 111 Steele Lavinia (lib 1900-2 BLS) Libr State Lib Des Moines la Steele Lottie Emily (Mrs E R Stet- son) (la 1913-14 Also Knox Coll) Home R3 Neponset 111 *Steele Mary Carter (Mrs N C Rick- er)(la 1871-5 BL'78) d Aug 6 1910 Urbana 111 *STEELE Mary Hinman (Teach Voice U 111 1894-5) d August 6 1910 Steele May Knight (la 1907-9 AB Al- so 111 St Nor U) Teach 205 Leland St Bloomington 111 Steele Mead Irvin (la 1914- ) Stu 1023 St Louis St Edwardsville 111 Steele Philip (eng 1885-9 BS) M Eng 2122 Osgood St Chicago Steele Roy C (ag 1913- '14 j Trav Sales 206 N Jefferson St Robinson 111 Steele Theron Broder (ag 1912-13 Al- so Ohio St U) 111 Mgr Kewanee Oil & Gas Co Walnut St Robinson 111 Steele William La Barthe (arch 1892- 6 BS) Arch 2512 Jackson St Sioux City la Steele Mrs L (see Green Marianna) *Steele William H (acad 1884-6 law 1903-6 LL B) d Sept 15 1908 Mc- Leansboro 111 Steely George Jr (la 1897-1900 BS (Chgo)'02 MD(P&S Boston) '05) Med 401 Temple Bldg Danville 111 Steely Harlin Melville Jr (su 1909 PhB(Yale)'08) Law 920 N Vermil- ion St Danville 111 *Steely Robert Wallace (sp law 1901- 2) d August 29 1903 Danville 111 Steen Elmer Richard (ag 1908-9) Ag Wenona 111 Steenburg Walter Carlyle (ag 1914- Also Spalding Inst) Stu E Fort St Farmington 111 *Steere George (m eng 1872-3) d Chicago Steers William Beeson (la 1915- ) Stu Eighth & Ferry Sts Metropolis 111 Stefanoff Nenko (ry eng 1915- ) Stu Kotel Bulgaria Stehman John Miller (acad 1904-5 e eng 1905-6 Also Throop Poly Inst) Auto Bus 70 S Grand Av Pasadena Cal ISteicher Lillian (la 1900-1 Also Ur- saline Acad Ont) 943 28th St Mil- waukee Steidley Arthur Jackson (sp law 1903- 4) Shelby ville 111 Steif Bernard Leo (arch 1912-14) Arch Draft 2108 Humboldt Bldg Chicago Steigel Carl Fred (ag 1915- ) Stu Plainfield 111 Steiger Rudolph (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Delavan 111 Stein Bertha Marie (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 250 York St Blue Island 111 Stein Henry Jr (arch eng 1908-10) Gen Contr Jeffrey Bldg Murphysboro 111 (S 20th St) Stein Max Julian (ag 1911-13) Merc 632 STEIN— STEPHENS 6753 Lafayette Av Chicago Stein Milton Frederick (mun eng 1906- 9 BS) C Eng 417 City Hall Cleve- land Steinbreder William John (sc 1908-12 AB'15) Mfg 2254 Bed Bud Av St Louis tSteinfort Elvira Bertha (lib 1911-12 AB(Wis)'08) 412 Dewey Av Water- town Wis Steingard Joseph Nathan (e eng 1907- 11 BS) Minn Gen Elec Co 725 E 17th St Minneapolis Steinhilber Mrs Fred J (see Smith Helen B) Steinhoff Carl Ferdinand (la 1914-15) Stu NW U 1833 N Fairfield Av Chi- cago Steinhoff Frederick Louis (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 1906 N Kedzie Av Chicago steinke Martin William (g la 1910-12 PhD AB(Wartburg Coll) '08 AM (Wash) '10) Instr Ger NW U 822 Foster St Evanston 111 Steinmayer Alwin Gustave (e eng 1912- ) Stu St Vincent Av La Salle 111 Steinmayer Otto Christopher (sc 1899- 1902 AB) Timber Preserv Dept St L & SF RR 515 E Elm St Spring- field Mo Steinmayer Reinhard (cer 1912- ) Stu St Vincent Av La Salle 111 Steinmetz Ferdinand Henry (ag 1913- 15 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Truman Minn (R6 Edwardsville 111) Steinmeyer Herbert August (la com 1911-13 '14-15 AB) Merc 3962 Flora Blvd St Louis (19 S Main St) Steinwedell Carl (sc 1899-1903 BS) Supt Artificial Dept Columbus Gas & Fuel Co Columbus O Steinwedell George Otto (acad 1892- 3 e eng 1893-7 BS) Comm Mgr St Paul Gas Light Co St Paul Minn Steinwedell William E (acad 1888-9 eng 1889-93 Also U Chgo) Sec Gas Machinery Co 1900 Euclid Av Cleve- land (Quincy 111) Stejskal Marie Antoinette (la 1915- ) Stu 3201 Normal Av Chicago Stelle Raleigh Benton (acad 1898-9) Law McLeansboro 111 *Steele William Harrison (1 1903 6 LL B) d Sept 15 1907 McLeans- boro 111 Stelter Clara E (acad 1910-11) 1001 S Wright St Champaign 111 stempel Waldemar Matthaeus (g sc 1905-6 AM (AB(Ind)'05 Instr Phy- sics U 111 1907-11) E Eng 108 Fair- mont Av State College Pa (316 E Broadway St Ft Madison la) Stempel Mrs W M (see Hoover Grace) (mus 1909-11) Home 108 Fairmont Av State College Pa (316 E Broad- way St Ft Madison la) Stene Ole (chem eng 1912- ) Stu 228 Elm St Elgin 111 *Stenger John William (m eng 1900- 3) d Dec 1 1903 Princeton 111 Stensel Harlow (e eng 1914- ) Stu Farmer City 111 Stephens Albert A (ag 1874-5) Ag 116 E McLean St Alhambra Cal Stephens Alice June (Mrs W C P Med- dins) (la 1905-6 g Pestalozzi Froebel Kinberg Tr Sch Chgo '10) Home Gun- nison Colo Stephens Carl (acad 1906-8 la 1908- 12 AB) Asst Edit Alumni Publ U 111 1914- 803 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Stephens Ethel Gertrude (su 1910&'ll '12&'13&'15 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 114 S 14th St Murphy sboro 111 Stephens Fay (ag 1915- Also Pur U ) Stu 1248 N Jefferson St Spring- field Mo Stephens Hazel Margaret (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 803 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Stephens Herbert Coles (e eng 1904- 8 BS) E Eng 218 N Third St De- Kalb 111 IStephens J L (ag 1873-4) Cham- paign 111 Stephens John Ross (e eng 1910-11 Al- so Hedding Coll) Asst Eng 111 Trac Sys 1330 E Brooks St Galesburg 111 Stephens Laura Annetta (Mrs R L Shute)(la 1906-10 AB) Home 5818 Erie St Austin Chicago (803 W Springfield Av Champaign 111) Stephens Mary Ethel (ag h sc 1914- 15) Teach Oconee 111 Stephens Nora Ruth (la 1912-13) Browns 111 Stephens Mrs R A (see Bennett Helen P) Stephens Raymond William (la com 1909-10) Acct 5717 Blackstone Av Chicago *Stephens Robert Bruce (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag Pesotum 111 Stephens Roger Lewis (1 1910-14 LL B) Law 206 W Locust St Robin- son 111 Stephens Samuel Joseph (la 1908-10 LL B (Chgo) '14) Law Sycamore 111 Stephens Thomas Earl (ag 1913- ) Stu 803 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Stephens Warren Russel (1 1909-13) Ag Oconee 111 STEPHENS— STEVENS 633 Stephens William (e eng 1914- ) Stu 803' W Springfield Av Champaign Stephenson Alma Graee (la 1915- ) Stu 611 E 48th St Chicago Stephenson Dwight Fredway (e eng 1908-9) Sales 1228 Temple PI St Louis (Carlyle 111) Stephenson Edward (la 1913-15) Stu U Mich 1922 Ead Av Kalamazoo Mich Stephenson Edward Beattie (sc 1907- 10 PhD BS(Knox)'03 MS(do) '07 Asst Instr Physics U 111 1907-10 Instr U ND 1910-13) Asst Prof U ND 1913- Grand Porks ND *Stephenson George H (la 1875-6) d Neponset 111 Stephenson Hubert Vincenz (c eng 1910-14 BS Also Millikin U) C Eng 71 N Pearl St Buffalo (Woodlawn 111) 'Stephenson Josie (sp mus 1877-8) Urbana 111 Stephenson Juanita Alice (h sc 1914- ) Stu Sparta 111 Stephenson Lewis Alva (acad 1899- 1900 m eng 1900-4 BS) Mgr Kan- sas City Ofc Powers Kegulator Co 321 Reliance Bldg Kansas City Mo Stephenson Marvin Schutte (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 519 Cherry St Green Bay Wis t Stephenson Oddgeir (sp e eng 1907-8 AB( Copenhagen Poly) '99 Asst Elec Design U 111 1907-8) d 1911 t Stephenson Roger Addison (1 1907-9 '10-11) Carlyle 111 Stephenson Walter Ervin (acad 1909- 11) Ag Redmon HI Stephenson Walter Estep (eng 1913-14) 1307 S Adams St Peoria 111 Sterchi Anna M (sp mus 1907-8) At home S Fair St Olney 111 Sterenberg Bert Ludeus (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Pulton 111 Sterenburg John Frederick (ag 1907- 11) Ag Fulton HI ?Sterl John William (sp ag 1902-3) Maud 111 Sterling Mrs Charles M (see Hulling- er Katherine) Sterling Frank Hugo (ag 1913- ) Stu 1409 N Main St Bloomington 111 t Sterling George Edward (arch eng 1912-14) 512 Buffalo St Manitowoc Wis Sterling James Donald (e eng 1906- 10 BS) Sales Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co 539 E 50th St 1st Apt Chi- cago Stern Mrs A L (see Alpiner Amelia D) Stern Albert (sc 1895-6) Merc 1209 W University Av Champaign 111 Stern Jay Lavenson (ag 1913- Also U Mo) Stu 1027 Eighth St E Las Vegas N Mex Stern Nathan A (1 1899-1902 LLB) Law 4536 Michigan Av Chicago Stern Renee Bernd (lib 1897-8) Libr & Ed Club Wk & Civics Dept Moth- ers Magazine 606 Douglas Av Elgin 111 Stem Walter Wolf (acad 1895-6) 711 W Church St Champaign 111 Stern William (sc 1902-3 Also U Chgo 1903-4) Fin & R Est 1023 Collins St Joliet 111 (615 N Chicago St) Sternaman Edward Carl (m eng 1915- ) Stu 425 Williams Blvd Springfield 111 *sternburg Baron Herman von Speck (Hon LL D 1906 German Ambassa- dor US 1903-8) d 1908 London Eng- land Sterritt Mrs WE (see Wright Mary E) Stetson Ezra Robinson (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Neponset 111 Stetson Mrs E R (see Steele Lottie E) Stetson George Hopkins (ag 1915- ) Stu Granville 111 Steuart Edward Paul (la 1915- ) Stu 15211 Lexington Av Harvey 111 Steuart Raymond John (la 1913-14) 15211 Lexington Av Harvey 111 Steven Fannie Laura (acad 1908-10) Sadorus 111 Steven Fred Carl (acad 1908-11 ag 1911-12) Ag R51 Sadorus 111 Steven Mrs F C (see Nierstheimer Louise) Steven Hiram Allen (su 1905 BS (Wheaton)'04 Also NW Law Sch) Collector 3325 N Ridgway Av Chi- cago (Wheaton 111) Stevens Mrs (see Uppendahl Vida) Stevens Mrs Adeline Chapman (Mrs F L) (la 1915- Also U Chgo) Stu Ma- rietta O Stevens Alexander Henry (e eng 1912- 14) Clk 545 W 60th PI* Chicago Stevens Delia Alice (Mrs H W Ross) (la 1901-2 Also 111 Worn Coll) Home 309 Bay St Olympia Wash (Monti- cello 111) Stevens Earl Grover (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Stu HI St Nor Loami 111 fStevens Edgar Clarence (sp ag 1905- 7) Joliet 111 Stevens Edith Hasseltine (ag 1913- Also Millikin U) Stu 4265 Finney 634 STEVENS— STEVENSON Av St Louis Stevens E N (la 1879-80) Jour 218 W Franklin St Paxton 111 Stevens Ernest Barber (sp ag 1906-7) Marengo 111 *Stevens Francis Albert (sp 1871-2) d May 23 1912 Newton 111 Stevens Frank Asbury (sp la 1897-8 AB(LeStan)'02 LLB(do)'03) Law STEVENS Frank L (MS (Rutgers) '97 PhD(Chgo)'00 Also Syr U 1888-9 & Hobart Coll 1889-91 & Rutgers Coll 1891-3) Prof Plant Pathol U 111 1913- 1002 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Stevens Fred Worthley (acad 1886-7 sc 1885-90 BS) Fruit San Martin Cal *Stevens George H (la 1875-8) d Shef- field 111 ?Stevens Geralda M (la 1886-7) Cham- paign 111 Stevens Gladys Agnes (Mrs Clayton Mark Jr) (sp mus 1909-13 B Mus) Mus Evanston 111 (209 W High St Ur- bana 111) Stevens Grace Esther (h sc 1905-10 AB Teach Mich Ag Coll 1910-11) Instr H Sc U 111 1912- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Marengo 111) *Stevens Harmon Gilbert (sp 1870-2) d Homer 111 ?stevens Harold Edwin (ag 1909-10 MS BS(Ky)'06) Visalia Ky Stevens Helen Gordon (la 1913- ) Stu 4265 Finney Av St Louis Stevens Herbert Norman (la 1913-14) Paxton 111 ^Stevens Hirrel (su 1902) St Louis Stevens Homer B (sp ag 1913-14 Al- so Ind U 1910-12) Ag Villa Grove 111 Stevens Howard Shelby (arch eng 1905- 6 '08-9) Adv Solicitor Tower Bldg 6 N Michigan Av Chicago (3753 Pine Grove Av) Stevens Hubert A (c eng 1880-4 BS) City Eng Corpus Christi Tex *Stevens Ithel S (la 1871) d Aug 1 1906 Peoria 111 Stevens James Franklin (c eng 1899- 1900 BS (Grand Prairie Sem) '99 ) Adv Mgr Dept Store 421 W Capitol Av Springfield 111 STEVENS James Garfield (PhB (Al- fred) '06 PhD (Pa) '15) Instr Sociol U 111 1915- 1104 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 (Alfred NY) t Stevens James Monroe (su 1907 Al- so 111 Wes U) St Jacob 111 Stevens John Grier (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1138 E 45th St Chicago Stevens Joseph Hammond (com 1915- ) Stu 4401 St Laurence Av Chicago t Stevens Julia Anastasia (su 1906 Al- so S 111 St Nor) Taylorville 111 *Stevens Lettie Jane (la 1871-2) d Champaign 111 Stevens Lucia Alzina (Mrs R J De- Motte) (la 1899-1903 AB g 1905-6 AM) Home 1017 W Marquette Rd Chi- cago Stevens Marie Felicia (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 4265 Finney Av St Louis Stevens Parker Gilbert (acad 1901-2 e eng 1902-4 Also NW U) Fin 1675 Beacon St Brookline Mass Stevens Raymond Monroe (arch 1910- 14 BS Also Wash St Coll 1909-10) Arch 702 Securities Bldg Seattle (R3 Syracuse NY) Stevens Richard William (ag 1911-14 '15- Also U Tex) Stu 1109 Third St Corpus Christi Tex Stevens Robert Gardiner (e eng 1914- ) Stu 4401 St Lawrence Av Chicago STEVENS Robert Howard (g sc 1909- 12 BS(JB Stetson) '08 MS(Chgo)'09 Asst Chem U 111 1909-12) Chem Apartado 67 Cali Columbia SA Via Panama (DeLand Fla) *Stevens Robert Pearman (g t&am 1912-13 BS(ND Ag)'10 d Sept 9 1913 Fargo ND Stevena Rollie (Mrs F H Taft) (la 1886-7) Home 929 Kirkwood Blvd Davenport la Stevens Sabra Elizabeth (Mrs E J Reece)(lib 1902-6 AB '11-14 BLS Asst Lib U 111 1912-15) Home 1003 S Race St Urbana 111 Stevens Vernon Thompson (la com 1910-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu Corpus Christi Tex stevens Wayne Edson (g hist 1913-14 AM g 1915- AB(Knox)'13) Stu Avon 111 Stevens Wayne McKenzie (ag 1911-13 '15- ) Stu 210 E Adams St Tay- lorville 111 Stevens Went worth Holt (ag 1909- ) Stu 209 W High St Urbana 111 Stevens William Carley (e eng 1909- 11 '13- ) Stu 1203 N Michigan Av Marshall HI Stevens Wyandotte James (su 1902 Al- so U Wis) Prin Eugene Field Sch 4458 Olive St St Louis Stevenson Mrs (see Bradley Edna L) Stevenson Mrs (see Butlar Mary M) Stevenson Ailsie Miller (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 604 Moss Av Peoria 111 ^Stevenson Alexander Campbell (ag 1878-80) Greencastle Ind STEVENSON— STEWART 635 t Stevenson Amos Milton (1 1898-1901 LLB) 425 Catharine St Ottawa 111 ?Stevenson Annie Nicewander (h sc 1902-7 BS) Nebraska City Neb Stevenson Archibald Alston (m eng 1879-81) V-Pres Standard Steel Wks Co Morris Bldg Philadelphia (201 Kent Ed Ardmore Pa) t Stevenson Arthur Gladred (la 1897- 8) Urbana 111 Stevenson Augustus George (sc 1911- 13) Stu U Chgo 105 155th St Har- vey 111 t Stevenson Benjamin (acad 1884-5) Indianapolis Stevenson Bessie Katherine (Mrs J C Taylor) (sp mus 1901-3 '04-5) 711 W Washington Blvd Urbana 111 STEVENSON Carl S (EM (Ohio St) '08 Instr Min Eng U 111 1910-11) Min Eng US Bur Mines Pittsburgh Stevenson Chester Edwin (acad 1903- 4 sp mus 1904-7) Mgr & Merc 712 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Stevenson Colin Ayres (m eng 1910- 13) Ofc Asst 1137 N Clark St Chi- cago (652 W Marquette Rd) Stevenson Dana Hugh (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Elvaston 111 Stevenson Dorothy (ag 1913-14 '15- Also Millikin U & Bryn Mawr Coll) Stu Gilman 111 Stevenson Mrs E E (pee Harris Sal- lie L) Stevenson Edward Hiel (ag 1913- ) Stu Rl Elvaston 111 Stevenson Elmira Comfort (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu Streator 111 Stevenson Ethel Clare (acad 1907-8 sp mus 1910-11 Also Va Coll) Stu Chgo Mus Coll 6416 Normal Blvd Chicago (305 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Stevenson Fred Luther (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 67 N Cherry St Gales- burg 111 *Stevenson George H (la 1875-6) d May 1889 Piatt Center Neb Stevenson James (cer 1912-13) Stu Chgo Med Coll 4419 Keokuk Av Chi- cago Stevenson James Ross (e eng 1904-10 BS Also Monmouth Coll) Mgr Mon- mouth Pub Serv Co Box 517 Mon- mouth 111 Stevenson Mrs J R (see Worrell Laura A) Stevenson James Vail (ag 1908-12 AB ag 1912-13 BS) Asst Ag Exten U 111 1912-13 Ag Streator HI Stevenson John Alford (su 1908 AB (Ewing)'08 AM(Wis)'10 PhD(Ew- ing) ) Mgr Manual Art Dept Scott Foresman Co 5600 Drexel Av Cm- cago Stevenson Leonard John (sp c eng 1908- 9) Sta Agt NY&H RR North Har- wich Mass Stevenson Lionel (g an husb 1913-14 MS BSA (Toronto) '12) Supt Domi- nion Exp Sta Sidney Can (Ancaster Ontario) *Stevenson Luther (sp ag 1902-4) d July 24 1913 Cuba 111 Stevenson Lydia Tallman (Mrs C B Caldwell) (la 1900-1) Home 861 S State St Lincoln 111 Stevenson Mary Elizabeth (Mrs E J Hawbaker)(la 1908-9) Home 116 E Main St Monticello 111 Stevenson Milton Leonard (acad 1904- 5 la 1905-10 AB) Teach 1129 N Senate Av Indianapolis (Mason City 111) Stevenson Newton Newman (su 1914 AB(McKendree)'07) Bement 111 Stevenson Otis Ralph (e eng 1903-4) Mgr W Pac RR Wharf Warehouse 636 W Poplar St Stockton Cal Stevenson Ralph Dodds (1 1901-2 AB (Knox) '00) Law 112 W Adams St Chicago *Stevenson Ralph Ewing (c eng 1897- 1901 BS) d 1904 Bloomington 111 *Stevenson Robert J (la 1877-8) d Oct 29 1880 Oswego 111 \Stevenson Walter (acad 1910-11) Bor- ton 111 (Terre Haute Ind) Stevenson William Henry (sp ag 1901- 3 AB (111 Coll) '93 BSA(Ia St)'05) Prof Agron & V-Dir Ag Exp Sta la Ag Coll 2116 Lincoln Way Ames la Stevenson Mrs W H (see Scott Daisy C) Stever Mildred Pearl (h sc 1912-14 Al- so Beechwood Sch) La Salle 111 fStevers Laura Antoinette (su 1909) 2637 N Ashland Av Chicago ? Steward Leslie Earl (acad sp mus 1906-7) Rll Urbana 111 STEWARD Robert Kent (t&am 1910- 11 BS(Me)'08 CE(do)'ll Instr U Me 1908-9 Instr GED U 111 1909-13) Assoc GED U 111 1913- 412 W Elm St Urbana 111 Stewart Allen (hort 1912-13 Also Wash St Coll) Oak Harbor Wash Stewart Arthur Robinson (ag 1875-6) Ag & Dairy R5 Champaign 111 Stewart Bessie Jean (lib 1915- AB (Ind) '11) Stu 429 S Dunn St Bloomington Ind 636 STEWART— STEWART Stewart Carl Russel (ag 1915- Also Monmouth Coll) Stu R6 Monmouth 111 Stewart Charles Arthur (ag 1904-8 BS) Ag Genoa 111 *Stewart Charles Evans (la 1872-6) d Champaign 111 Stewart Mrs C E (see Andrews Marg- aret E) t Stewart Charles Hoeglan (acad 1906- 9 sp ag 1909-11) Godfrey 111 stewabt Charles Leslie (g econ 1911- 12 AM '13-15 PhD AB(I11 Wes) '11) Instr Econ U 111 1913- 901 Nevada St Urbana 111 (Moweaqua 111) Stewart Charles Sumner (c eng 1905- 8 AB '08-9 BS Also E 111 St Nor) C Eng & Contr 715 S Chestnut St North Platte Neb Stewart Charles West (la 1876-7) Libr 1112 Kenyon St NW Washington Stewart Charles William (e eng 1913 14 Also Ober Coll) Eng & Electr Senate Av YMCA Indianapolis (8 Institute St Jamestown NY) Stewart Earle Henry (ry m eng 1911- 15 BS) Instr Eng Draw Mich Ag Coll East Lansing Mich Stewart Edith Eliza (Mrs H T Sco- vill)(acad 1906-7 la 1907-11 AB) Home 1118 Arbor St Champaign 111 fStewart Edward Samuel (la 1875-6) Woodstock 111 t Stewart Ella M (h sc 1879-83 Cert g 1890) 3036 N 43rd Av Chicago Stewart Emma (Mrs G H Lyman) (sp 1871-2) Home 316 S Sixth St Ft Smith Ark t Stewart Erma (su 1906 Also Mon- mouth Coll) Alexis 111 Stewart Frank (la 1913- Also S Coll Inst) Stu 305 E Green St Cham- paign 111 Stewart Frank Samuel (ag 1915- Al- so Monmouth Coll) Stu R6 Mon- mouth 111 Stewart Glenn ville Edward (e eng 1910-12 BS BS( Ottawa) '09) Test Eng Gen Eng Co 706 South Av Schenectady NY (840 Cedar St Ot- tawa Kan) Stewart Grace Adele (Mrs A Fullen- wider)(la 1892-5) Home 7209 Har- vard Av Chicago stewart Gwendolyn (g h sc 1908-9 AM AB(LeStan)'00 Also Pratt Inst 1900-2 & King's Coll Women London 1909) Instr H Econ & Dir Cafeteria State Normal Santa Barbara Cal Stewart Harold Burton (arch eng 1909- 13 Also U Wash) Arch Gen Del Seattle | Stewart Harold Wilson (ag 1904-9 BS Assoc Soil Physics U 111 Ag Exp Sta 1909-15) Asst Prof Soils U Wis 1915- Soils Bldg Madison Wis Stewart Harvey Gardner (acad 1901- 2) Prairie Home 111 t Stewart Helen Amanda (su 1903) Chi- cago ?Stewart Henry Samuel (g philos 1909- 10 AB( Greenville) '09) Fairfield 111 Stewart Homer Willis (e eng 1907-9) Gasoline Eng 652 E Peru St Prince- ton 111 (Scott Sask Can) Stewart James Samuel (c eng 1905-9 BS) Ag R2 Scranton la (Box 33 Toulon 111) Stewart Jay (su 1915- Also Ottawa U) Dir Athl H Sch Chanute Kan Stewart Jennie Margaret (Mrs A G Hill) (sp h sc 1904-5) Home Genoa 111 ?Stewart John Archie (su 1903) Bur- lington la (Mahomet 111) Stewart John Hardin (acad 1896-8 sp 1898-1900 MD (Barnes Med) '08) Med Exeter 111 Stewart John Pogue (sc 1901-2 AB MS(Cor)'03 PhD(do)'ll) Prof Exp Pomol Pa St Coll State College Pa t Stewart John Ross (e eng 1908) 5419 Frink St Austin Sta 111 Stewart John Truesdale (c eng 1889- 93 BS 1907-9 CE) Prof & Chf Ag Eng U Minn University Farm St Paul Minn Stewart John Wesley (c eng 1904-7 Also NW U) Mun Eng 2121 Cen- tral St " Evanston 111 Stewart John Wilson (su 1915 Also Geneva Coll) 616 S Minnesota Av Sioux Falls SD Stewart Kenneth Mason (ag 1913-14) 9313 Hoyne Av Chicago Stewart LeRoy (1 1909-11 LL B Al- so S 111 St Nor) Law Murphysboro 111 (Ava 111) Stewart Mrs LeRoy (see Eck Jose- phine A) Stewart Lulu (Mrs W R Roberts) (la 1885-6) 2064 McCormick Bldg Chi- cago t Stewart Mabel (Mrs C N Cole) (sc 1892-5 BS) 45 King St Oberlin O "Stewart Maggie L (Mrs O W Hoit) (la 1872-8) d May 19 1885 Geneseo 111 Stewart Margaret Esther (Mrs H E Robbins) (sp 1871-5 ML) Teach 6919 Bonsallo Av Los Angeles Stewart Martha (Mrs C E Taylor) (la 1910-11 AB(NW)'13) Home Ross- ville 111 fStewart Mary Ella (su 1905 Also W STEWAKT— STILL 637 111 St Nor) Bushnell 111 Stewart Mary Isabel (acad 1908-11) Urbana 111 Stewart Mary Louise (acad 1898) Ex- eter 111 Stewart Melville Boicourt (min eng 1906-11) Min Eng 413 Park Av Pe- kin 111 Stewart Miles Vincent (e eng 1897- 1901 BS) Chf Eng Mex Gen Elec Co Foreign Dept Gen Elec Co Schenectady NY Stewart Myron Boyd (ag 1906-10 BS) Adv 461 Market St San Francisco % Stewart Naomi Carrie (acad sp mus 1899-1900) Champaign 111 Stewart Balph Walter (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Hanna City 111 Stewart Kaymond John (la 1913-14) Time Clk 15211 Lexington Av Har- vey 111 stewart Eobert (g agron 1908-9 PhD BS(Utah)'02) Assoc Prof Soil Fer- til & Assoc Chf do Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 1206 W Park St Cham- paign 111 Stewart Eobert E (ag 1873-5) Ag Athena Ore Stewart Robert Earle (e eng 1909-12) Ag Athena Ore (403 E Chippewa St D wight 111) Stewart Eobert Jaques (m eng 1900- 4 BS) Sales Mgr Ret Mach & In- sulation Dept H W Johns-Manville Co 2316 Morgan Av Chicago Stewart Mrs E J (see Houser Edith B) Stewart Eobert Wright (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Hebron 111 %Stewart Samuel S (acad 1884-5) Champaign 111 Stewart Samuel Thomas (sp ag 1902- 3) Ag El Biggsville 111 Stewart Mrs Stanley E (see Smith Georgiana D) Stewart Mrs Thomas (see Gale Fran- ces A) ?Stewart Una (sp 1872-3) Urbana 111 Stewart Walter (acad 1882-3 '84-5) Wilmington 111 Stewart Walter Morgan (e eng 1903- 7 BS) Sales Agt 1909 Livingston St Evanston 111 ?Stewart Walter Newton (acad 1876- 7 '80-2 ag 1883-4) Joliet 111 *Stewart William Bowen (1 1899- 1902 LL B) d Jan 19 1913 St Paul Minn Stewart William J (la com 1875.-7) Ag Rl Moline 111 IStibott John Peter (acad 1892-3) Davenport la Stice Henry Sylvester (su 1907&'08& '■09&'10& , 12 sc 1914-15 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Virginia 111 j Stice Kenneth Seymour (cer eng 1911- ) Stu 1005 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Stice Ostin Angus (ag 1915- ) Stu Waverly 111 ?Stickle Will Henry (ag 1875-7) Ma- comb 111 Stickler Charles Arthur (ag 1913-15) Ag R8 Canton 111 (545 E Locust St) Stickler John Harrison (chem eng 1912) Supt Schs Baldwin 111 Stickles Arndt Matthis (g 1897-8 AB (Ind) '97) Prof Hist & Gov W Ky St Nor Bowling Green Ky ?Stickling Nora Benedicta (su 1911) 1010y 2 W California Av Urbana 111 tStickney Ida Meribeth (lib 1912-13 AB ( Beloit ) 7 04 ) Warren 111 Stickrod Thomas Jacob (su 1906 B Ped (Greer) '01) Ag & Teach Aller- ton 111 Stidman Melissa Geneva (ag 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Mahomet 111 STIDSTON Russell Osborne (AB(Le- Stan)'ll AM(do)'12 PhD(do)'14) Asst Engl U 111 1914-15) Inst Engl U Wash Seattle (757 Homer Av Palo Alto Cal) Stiefel Ira Brokaw (e eng 1908-12 BS) Eng Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co 600 Mulberry St Wilkinsburg Pa (Litchfield 111) stiegelmeier Lilly (g hist 1914-15 AM BS(I11 Wes)'12) At home & Teach Bloomington 111 Stiegemeyer Clara Marie (la 1915- ) Stu 2122 Benton St St Louis Stiegermeyer Gustav F W (su 1913) Champaign 111 Stienecker John Alvin (su 1915) 4014 Grand Blvd Chicago Stiff Ethel (su 1913 Also S 111 St Nor) Harrisburg 111 Stiff Ross McGehee (sc 1905-8 BS Al- so 111 Coll) Chem Corn Products Re- fin Co Argo 111 (321 E Poplar St Harrisburg 111) stifler William Warren (g physics & math 1906-8 AM 1910-11 PhD AB (Shurtleff ) '02 Lect Physics U 111 1907-11) Instr Physics Col U Fay- erweather Hall New York (Upper Al- ton 111) Stiles Abbie (acad 1902-3) Fisher 111 Stiles Charles L (m eng 1869-70) Arch 2416 Parker St Berkley Cal Stiles LeRoy Christie (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 419 S Scoville Av Oak Park 111 Still Iva Marguerite (la 1901-3 AB 638 STILL— STOCKER (Millikin) ) Teach H Sch 101 Peck St Muskegon Mich (930 Lincoln Av Decatur 111) Still Samuel Jay (sp 1896-8) Merc Cerro Gordo 111 Stillwell Genevieve Maud (ag h sc 1913-14 su 1915) Stu 402 E Green St Urbana 111 Stillwell Helen (la 1913- ) Stu 402 E Green St Urbana 111 Stillwell Homer A (la 1878-80) V- Pres Butlar Bros Co Chicago Stillwell John Franklin (sp ag 1909- 11) Ag R8 Meadowvale Farm Shel- byville 111 Stilz Clara Louise (la 1907-8) Clk 1019 Dearborn Av Chicago (Sublette 111) Stimes Harriette Lenore (su 1908 Al- so U Mich) Teach Capron 111 IStimpson Edwina (acad 1885-6) On- arga 111 Stine Clarence Jefferson (sp ag 1907- 8 acad 1908-9) Ag Edelstein 111 Stine Cleo Edwin (ag 1915- ) Stu Stronghurst 111 Stine Guy Edward (sp ag 1904-5) Hat- ter 209 N Union Av Pueblo Colo *Stine John Carl (sc 1901-3 AB g 1903-5 AM) d Assumption 111 Stingley Mrs H E (see Moses Ethel- in A) IStinnette Emma Eloise (la 1908-9) 609% W White St Champaign 111 Stinnette Fred Welbourne (acad 1898- 9) Carmi 111 Stinson Ira S (c eng 1910-12 mun eng 1913-15 BS) 110 W Grenn St Champaign 111 Stinson Lavina Shriver (h sc 1912-14 AB Also W 111 St Nor) Teach 348 W Calhoun St Macomb 111 tStinson Lawrence Browning (la 1906- 8) Merc 1900 Main St Evansville Ind (1501 Upper Second St) Stinson Mary Edna (su 1914 AB (Western Coll) '09) Teach H Sch 110 W Green St Champaign 111 Stinson Bita (ag h sc 1913- Also Kan St Ag Coll) Stu 110 W Green St Champaign 111 Stinson Spencer A (c eng 1901-8 BS) Draft NYC&HR RR 516 E Fifth St Chattanooga Tenn (Blairstown N J) t Stipes Bess Wesly (Mrs Morris Heck- er)(sp la 1905-7) Home 617 W Hill St Champaign 111 t Stipes Opal (Mrs Edward S Pilcher) (la 1960-1) Home W Park Av Cham- paign 111 Stipes Royal Arthur (1 1899-1901) Merc Champaign 111 Stipp Blanche (acad 1909-11 mus 1911-15 B Mus) Mus NH DVS Dan- ville 111 (211 E John St Champaign 111) Stipp Daniel Webster Voorhees (su 1907&'10&'15 Also Valparaiso U & Ind U) Teach 505 Grant St Dan- ville 111 Stipp Frank Vennum (sc 1909-13) Missionary Loaog Ilocos Norte PI Stipp Maud (la 1910-11) Bkpr Bus Ofc U 111 1915- 211 E Daniel St Champaign 111 Stiritz Benjamin Andrew (ag 1914- ) Stu 217 S 14th St Murphysboro III Stirton James Crear (c eng 1912- Al- so Lewis Inst) Stu 641 Monticello Av Chicago STITES Katherine (Greer Coll 1895- 7 U Wis su 1904) Lib Asst U 111 1915- 920 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Hoopeston 111) Stitt Don Prather (sp ag 1911-12) Ag Williamsville 111 Stitt Harry Wiley (sp ag 1900-1 acad 1901-2) Ag Alpha 111 Stitt Raymond De Vries (e eng 1911- 15 BS Also Beloit Coll 1909-11) Commercial Man Commonwealth Edi- son Co Chicago (11033 Esmond St Morgan Pk 111) Stitt William Berryman (sp ag 1900- 1) Ag St Thomas ND t Stitt William Clarence (m eng 1903- 5 '06-7) Onarga 111 Stitzel Clarence Miller (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Nelson 111 Stock Erma Martha (Mrs R H Hop- kins) (la 1910-11) Home 1109 E 54th PI Chicago Stockbarger Mrs L E (see Digby Alice) Stockdale Thomas Elmer (c eng 1913- ) Stu Grand View Id Stockenberg Ruben (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1920 Kishwaukee St Rockford 111 Stocker' Charles Herbert (acad 1899- 1901 m eng 1901-3) Heating & Plumb- ing Highland 111 Stocker Cornelius (ag 1904-9 BS) Sales Helvetia Milk Condensing Co Lamar Colo Stocker Edward LeRoy (sp m eng 1902-4 DO(N 111 Opthal)'07) Jewel- er & Opt 336 S Lafayette St Ma- comb 111 *Stocker Edwin Warren (arch eng 1890-4 BS) d 1894 Rock Island 111 Stocker Harry Frederick (c eng 1912- ) Stu Highland 111 t Stocker Lawrence Orville (arch eng 1907-12 BS su 1915) 115 Sherman St Pana 111 STOCKERT— STOLTEY 639 Stockert William Arthur (acad 1900- 1) Pekin 111 Stockfleth Berger (e eng 1911-14) Teach Indus Arts H Sch Whiting Ind (3044 W North St Chicago) . Stockham Herbert Clarke (acad 1905- 6 m eng 1906-7) Mfg 1231 N 32nd St Birmingham Ala Stockham William Henry (m eng 1881- 5 BS) Mfg 1231 N 32nd St Birm- ingham Ala Stockham Mrs W H (see Clark Kate P) tStocking Lena Keefer (la 1899-1901) Morrison 111 Stockmar Walter Max (m eng 1900-1) Foreman Physical Lab 111 Steel Co 7672 Coles Av Chicago Stocks Harrie Blaine (sp ag 1899- 1901) Ag & Arch El Whitehall Mich Stocks Mary Belle (h sc 1912-14 Also Central Coll) At home 612 Jones St Garden City Kan Stockton Dean Bales (m eng 1915- ) Stu Sidell 111 t Stockton Lalla Rookh (sp la 1898-9) Burlington Ind Stockton Washington Wi throw (ag 1915- ) Stu Sidell 111 Stoddard George Wellington (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 784 Stowell Av Mil- waukee Stoddard Ira Jay Jr (la 1873-7 Cert ME '85) C Eng Pella la Stoddard Mabel Frances (la sc 1914- Also Washington DC Nor Sch) Stu The Hudson Washington ?Stoddard Nina Lovejoy (la 1903-4) 514 N 64th Av Oak Park 111 *Stoddert Thomas (gen 1868) d Charleston 111 Stoeckmann Harry George (c eng 1904- 6) C Eng 318 E Main St Medford Ore (823 Dakota Av) STOEK Harry Harkness (BS( Lehigh) '87 EM (do) '88 Instr Min Met & Geol Lehigh U 1890-3 Asst Prof Min 6 Met Pa St Coll 1893-7) Prof Min Eng U 111 1909- 1103 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Stoffel Clara Verona (su 1909) Teach West McHenry 111 Stoffel Clarence Milton (c eng 1913-15 BS(Christian Bros) '12) Eng 3892 Humphrey St St Louis Stoggin Mrs H L (see Romine Lou) Stokes Alfred Edward (c eng 1908-11 Also U Chgo) RR Supplies 6042 Ingleside Av Chicago t Stokes Birdie Cornelia (acad 1890-2) Urbana HI stokes Claude Newton (g math 1913- 14 AM AB(McKendree)'13) Teach H Sch Carmi 111 (Crossville 111) Stokes Clifford Sharp (ag 1911-12) Mgr Cement Products Plant Edin- burg 111 Stokes Hiram White (sc 1911-12) Ag Edinburg 111 *StoJces Hurlie Albert (acad 1891-2) d Carthage 111 Stokes John Edward (su 1915 Also W Md Coll) Bridgeport 111 Stokes John William (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13) E Eng Gen Elec Co 510 D wight Bldg Kansas City Mo t Stokes Louis O'Connor (la 1912-13) 413 Main St Anna 111 Stokes Wallace R (acad 1886-7) Bell- more Ind Stoll Frank Henry (la 1915- ) Stu 1504 Euclid Av Chicago Heights 111 Stoll Laura Louise (la 1914- Also U Chgo) Stu 42 W 15th St Chi- cago Heights 111 Stolle Bonard Franklin (acad 1905-6 su 1909 sp la 1911-12) c/o Standard Oil Co Richmond Cal (c/o A F Shed- eco U Wash Seattle) Stolle Ida Josephine (Mrs A F Sbed- ico)(acad 1903-5 sp la & mus 1905- 8) Home 4723 Brooklyn Av Seattle (1017 W Oregon St Urbana 111) *Stoller LeRov A (la 1904-5) d April 8 1905 Herrin 111 Stolp Ray Norton (c eng 1907-8 Also Memorial U) Asst Cash Merc Nat Bk 204 S Fourth St Aurora 111 Stoltey Ada Gay (Mrs H A Prince) (sp 1891-2) Merc 1923 Aldrich Av S Minneapolis (4200 Queen Av S) Stoltey Benjamin Franklin (acad 1890- 1 arch 1891-4) Christian Sc Pract 107 S Elm St Champaign 111 Stoltey Emma Maria (Mrs E C Paul) (acad 1895-7) Home Peoria 111 (211 E White St Champaign 111) Stoltey Ethel Lynette (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 206 W Elm St Urbana 111 t Stoltey Hazel Dott (acad 1902-3) Champaign 111 Stoltey Ida May (Mrs G R Petty) (la 1884-8 Cert) Home Oklahoma City (R10 Champaign 111) Stoltey Jennie Florence (acad 1895-7 sp la 1897-9 su 1907&'08) Teach 107 S Third St Champaign 111 Stoltey Marie Jennie (Mrs H T Naf- ziger)(h sc 1909-13) Home 1157 E 62nd St Chicago Stoltey Pansie Blossom (Mrs J C More- head) (acad 1896 la 1898-1900) Home 1007 N Neil St Champaign HI 640 STOLTZ— STOPHLET Stoltz Fred W (acad 1894-5) Pekin 111 Stoltz Mrs Mary Anderson (Mrs H C) (su 1906 Also UC Coll & E Til St Nor) Teach Sumner 111 Stone Mrs A L (see Van Deventer Mary E) Stone Albert Geeten (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 1431 N Hamlin Av Chicago Stone Albert James (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-7) Sec & Treas E M Mil- ler Mfg Co 1637 Jersey St Quincy 111 Stone Charles Arthur (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 1400 S Halsted St Chicago Stone Charles Holmes (g lib 1914-15 MA(Ga) '13) 685 S Lumpkin St Ath- ens Ga Stone Charles Newhall (m eng 1900-4 BS) Mfg 1636 Main St Quincy 111 IStone Clyde Ernest (1 1901-3 LLB) 1140 Glen Oak Av Peoria 111 Stone Edison Harris (m eng 1905-10 BS) Eng Dept Lunkenheimer Co 2429 Fairview Av Cincinnati Stone Edna Louise (la 1910-12 AB Also Knox Coll) Teach Morrison 111 Sycamore 111 *Stone Edwin (sp la 1872 & '73) d Sycamore 111 IStone Ethel (acad 1891-2) Cham- paign 111 Stone Frank Lemuel (c eng 1890-4) Consult C Eng 2112 Spaulding Av Chicago Stone George William (ag 19.15- ) Stu Potomac 111 Stone Hal Marot (1 1901-3 LLB) Law 30 W White PI Bloomington 111 Stone Mrs H M (see Burrill Mildred A) STONE Herbert King (AB(Mich)'05 Also U Chgo 1910-15) Asst Eom Lang U 111 1915- 903 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 + Stone Jessie Ruth (su 1905&'07 Al- so Mich St Nor) Pekin 111 Stone John F (acad 1880-1) Ag Ma- son City 111 Stone Mrs John (see Tripp Bettie E) IStone Lycurgus Hollenbeck (acad 1892-3) Weldon" 111 IStone Lysias Craig (acad 1892-3) Weldon 111 Stone Mabel Gertrude (la 1907-10) Teach 1520 Wabash Av Mattoon 111 tStone Mabel Gladys (h sc 1910-11) Morrison 111 tStone Othello Raymond (arch 1910-13 Also la St Coll) R2 La Claire la Stone Paul Prince (la com 1904-8 AB) Bkpr Ashton Id Stone Pearl Anjanet (lib 1915- B Pe(Mo St Nor) '08) Stu Grand & Delaware St S Springfield Mo Stone Percy Allen (e eng 1892-6 BS) . Ag R4 Springfield 111 Stone Mrs Porter E (see Touzalin Clara B) Stone Romaine Wilkinson (acad 1907- 8 e eng 1909 Also Mich Ag Coll) Comm Artist 5320 Kimbark Av Chi- cago Stone Ruth Elizabeth (su 1914 Also E 111 St Nor) Newman 111 IStone Sarah Effie (acad 1892-3) Weldon 111 Stone Tom Candy (ag 1910-14 BS) Teach Ohio St U Columbus O Stone Walter W (acad 1898-9 sp 1899- 1900) Seed Merc Mason City 111 Stone William Samuel (la 1915- ) Stu Villa Ridge 111 Stonehouse Earl (e eng 1911-12 Also U Wis) R Est Larimore ND tStoner Howard G (su 1901) Henry 111 Stoner Inez Amanda (Mrs J F Kyte) (sp a&d 1898-9 1901-4) Home 327 5 Market St Paxton 111 Stoner Loren Norton (ag 1915- ) Stu Rl Pittsfield 111 Stoner Mabel Edith (Mrs O L Wright) (sp mus 1907-9) Home 885 E Elm St Canton 111 (Burnside 111) Stonier Don Duane (ag 1911-13) Ranch Flagstoff Ariz (Toulon 111) Stonier Robert Briscoe (la com 1910- 11) Merc 3017 S Adams St Peoria 111 Stookey Daniel Wesley (m eng 1872- 6 Cert) Owner Brick & Tile Fact 1265 Second Av Cedar Rapids la (400 Fifth Av) Stookey Helen Florence (Mrs H S Wilkinson) (la 1900-4 AB) Home 301 37 th St Milwaukee Stookey Marshall Childs (ag 1900-2 c eng 1902-5 '06-7 BS) Ag Harris- town 111 Stookey Roy Wayland (c eng 1904-5) Arch 409 Cedar St Ottawa Kan (Belleville 111) Stookey Sherman Columbus (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Belleville 111 tStoolman Almond Winfield Scott (sp 1891-2 acad 1892-3 sc 1893-7) Cham- paign 111 Stoolman Mrs A W (see Franklin Lois G) Stoolman Myrtle Loa (Mrs R H Wahl) (sp 1899-1900) Home 6148 Eber- hardt Av Chicago Stophlet Mrs (see Gilmer Eleanor A) STOPHLET— STOVER 641 Stophlet Anna Clara (la 1909) Teach 3616 Charlotte St Kansas City Mo Stopp Gerald Darfield (la 1911-15 AB) Stu NW U Plainfield 111 Stoppel Fred Herbert (su 1915) Stu Carleton Coll Northfield Minn (420 W Third St Rochester Minn) Storer Esther Susie (la 1914- ) Stu 302 S Cherry St Centralia 111 Storer Frances Louise (la 1904-6 AB (Bryn Mawr) '10) Teach H Sch 2249 Glenwood Av Toledo O t Storer Frederick Edward (acad 1885- 6 arch 1886-90) Spring Ranch Neb STORER James (g geol 1914- AB (Cor) '12 AM (do) '14 Instr U Okla 1912 do Cor U 1912-14 Asst Instr Geol U 111 1914-15) Prof Geol & Geog E 111 St Nor 1515 Third St Charles- ton 111 (666 Humbolt Pky Buffalo) Storer Martha Grace (sp mus 1904-5) 2249 Glenwood Av Toledo O Storer Walter Henry (la 1915- ) Stu 302 S Cherry St Centralia 111 Storey Mrs (see Mulliken Phoebe) *Storey Carl Vawter (c eng 1909-10) d Jan 10 1910 Columbus Ind Storey Ellsworth Prime (arch 1898- 1903 BS) Arch 260 Dorfeel Dr Se- attle Story F Stanley (la com 1914-15) 768 N Second St Rockford 111 Storey Lester John (sp ag 1911-13) Ag Shabbona 111 Storey Mrs W M (Searle Jessie E) Storm Clarence Monroe (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Vaughn Mont (Marley 111; Storm Howard Charles (la 1902-5 AB) Supt Sch 935 W Eighth St Anderson Ind (Maquoketa la) Storm Mrs H C (see Ballow Mary E) Storm Mable Fern (la 1915- Also Millikin U ) Stu Morrisonville 111 Storm Myrtle Parke (g sociol 1915- AB (Eureka) '08) Stu Lexington 111 t Storm Walter Andrew (sp ag 1904-5) R2 Lockport 111 Storm William Homer (g philos 1915- AB (Eureka) '13) Stu Lexington 111 tStormberg Julian Willis (c eng 1902- 3) Chicago *Storment Edgar Lafayette (sc 1895- 6) d Aug 6 1898 Tempe Ariz Storment Mrs Mary Hill (Mrs E L) (Mrs S A Frazier)(sc 1895-6) Home Centralia 111 Storms Lewis Stanley (ag 1911-12 Al- so Mich Ag Coll 1909-11) Ag R4 Niles Mich Storms Mabel Moore (Mrs J D Har- ris) (a&d 1898-1901) Home R2 On- tario NY tStorr Phillip August (c eng 1909- 10) Chatsworth 111 fStorrs Martha (la 1897-8) Creston la story George (c eng 1870-4 Hon CE '94) C Eng 1342 Garden St San Louis Obispo Cal Story Mrs Gertrude A (la 1915 Also Monmouth Coll) Home 905 S Busey Av Champaign 111 Story Helen Bale (g hist 1915- BA (Monmouth) '12) Stu 916 Auburn Av - Chariton la STORY Russel McCulloch (AB (Mon- mouth) '04 MA(Harv)'08 Instr Clark Coll 1909-10 Instr Monmouth Coll 1910-14) Instr Pol Sc U 111 1914- 905 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Stotlar Edwin (sp la 1896-8 Also Ind U) Merc 106 Hamlet St Marion 111 Stott Mina Evelyn (sc 1911-12 Grad N 111 St Nor) Teach 903 N First St Dixon 111 stouffer Ellis Bagley (g math 1908- II PhD BS&MS (Drake) '07 Instr Math Drake U 1907-9 Instr Math U III 1911-14) Asst Prof Math U Kan Lawrence Kan Stouffer Mrs Ellis (see Shepard Anna L) t Stouffer Emmert Talmage (1 1910- 11) Gibson City 111 Stouffer Ernest Lawrence (arch eng 1913-14 '15- ) Stu 315 W North St Decatur 111 Stough Glenn Howenstein (mun eng 1909-13 BS) Clk 613 City Hall Chi- cago (6357 Normal Av) Stout Earl Boyd (m eng 1911-15 BS) Inventory Man 5470 Blackstone Av Chicago (407 Billings St Elgin 111) Stout Elizabeth Ten Eyck (la 1905-8 BLS '08-9 AB Also Western Coll & U Mich) Libr 1406 Pearl St Sioux City la Stout Frank Lewis (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag R23 Glenarm 111 Stout John Philemon (ag 1905-9 BS) Ag R15 Chatham 111 Stout Mrs J P (see Sprague Villa M) t Stout Ray Davidson (sp ag 1911-12) 1227 S Seventh St Springfield 111 Stout Samuel Philemon (sp ag 1903-5 Also Sangamon Coll) Ag Glenarm 111 Stoutenborough George (la com 1914- 15 com 1915 Also Millikin U) Ag Maroa 111 Stoutzenberg Florence Thomas (ag h sc 1912- ) Stu Greenville 111 t Stover Bessie Esther (lib 1906-7 BS (la Ag) '01) 336 S Clinton St Iowa 642 STOVEB— STBAUCH City la Stover Earl Bertram (e eng 1914- ) 710 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 Stover Nellie Edith (Mrs E L Mitch- ell) (sp mus 1904-5 '06-7) Home Ma- homet 111 t Stover Orville Orlando (sp ag 1912- 13) Mahomet 111 Stowe Lloyd Bichard (acad 1901-2 m eng 1902-6) M Eng Laclede Christy Clay Products Co St Louis Stowe Bobert Harlan (ag 1914-15) Ag Camp Point 111 Stowell Charles C (acad 1877-8) Mt Carmel 111 Stowell Charles Edward (acad 1902-6) Tampa Fla stowell Charles Jacob (g econ 1915- AM'15 BS(I11 Wes)'ll) Stu 607 S Clinton St Bloomington 111 t Stowell Hanson Abbott (acad 1889-90 la 1890-3) Mintr Pine Bluff Ark Stowell Leslie Bockwell (sp ag 1906-7) Ag B2 Ashland 111 strachan Earle Kenneth (g chem 1908- 10 MS '10-12 PhD BS (Worcester Inst) '08 Asst Chem U 111 1909-11 Instr do 1912-14) Instr Chem U Minn 1914- U Minn Minneapolis (61 Maitland Av Montello Mass) Strachan Mrs E K (see Wright Lela M) Strader Edna Louise (su 1913 BS (Millikin) '10) 211 Howe Av Deca- tur 111 Straight Fleda De Vere (Mrs C H Myers) (lib 1903-8 AB&BLS Asst Catg U 111 lib 1908-9) Home 203 Prospect St Ithaca NY (Fonda la) Straight Gladys Lee (Mrs L A Wood) (la 1906-12 AB) Home Fonda la Straight Halver Bufus (m eng 1903-7 BS Also la Coll) Clay Products Mfg Adel la Straight Mrs H B (see Hoge Lura E) Straight Ina Lue (Mrs W D Holtzman Jr) (acad 1908-9 h sc 1909-10) Home 325 Southern Trust Bldg Little Bock Ark Straight Lulu Mae (Mrs C M Math- ews) (sp 1894-5) 103 W Green St Ur- bana 111 STBAIGHT Maude Wheeler (Mrs A P Carman) (sp 1898-1900 AB (Welles) '92 Instr Lib Econ & Bef Libr U 111 1898-9 Asst Prof do 1899-1900) Home 908 W California Av Urbana 111 Straight Merton Taunor (ag 1914- Also Grinnell Coll) Stu Fonda la Straight Oma Buth (Mrs E H Fair- burn) (sp la 1909-10 acad 1910-11) Home Fonda la Straight Buth (su 1915- Also U Chgo) Teach Western Springs 111 Strain Mrs (see Bruce Frances M) t Strain William Francis (la 1901-2) Beaver Creek 111 t Strait James Foster (1 1909-11) Nor- mal 111 (Boodhouse 111) tStraley Edwin Everett (su 1908 BS (McKendree) '06) Clay City 111 strand Carl John (g econ 1907-8 AM AB(Augustana) '07) Stu Mass Ag Coll Amherst Mass Strang Bobert Leon (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag Wadsworth 111 Strang Victor Hughes (su 1910 BS (Beloit) '09) Ag Antioch 111 Strange John Blanchard (sp ag 1902- 3 Also Mich Ag) Ag Grand Ledge Mich Strasser Bolland John (m eng 1906- 10) Eng c/o Sargent & Lundy 72 W Adams St Chicago (201 Mississ- ippi Av Joliet 111) Strathern N Grant (la 1914- ) Stu Bellevue Apts Madison Wis Strathman John Herman (ag 1911-13) Foreman Unit Constr Co Cedars Quebec Can (602 Prince St Pekin 111) Stratton Bernice Elizabeth (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 5850 Bace Av Chicago Stratton Mrs Chauncey (see Courtney Martha E) Stratton Grace Bruce (la 1912- ) Stu 1018 E Ninth St Chattanooga Tenn Stratton Izaak Harris (acad 1897-8 sp law 1898-1901) Pies & Gen Mgr Cal Elee Garage Co Los Angeles (441 S Catalina Av Pasadena Cal) Stratton Perry Johnthan (ag 1905-6) Ag Momence 111 Stratton Samuel Wesley (acad 1880- 1 m eng 1881-4 Cert BS'86 Hon D Eng '03 Hon D Sc( Cambridge ) '08 Instr Math & Asst Prof & Prof Phy- sics & E Eng U 111 1885-92 Prof Physics U Chgo 1892-1901) Dir Nat Bur Standards The Farragut 17th & First Sts NW Washington Stratton William Thomas (chem eng 1912-13 Also Ore Ag Coll) Gas Eng Stevensville Mont Straub Ernest J (su 1914 . Also Wash- ington U) Asst Bldg Constr Fore- man 2320 Harrison St Kansas City Mo Straub Walter Fred (la & chem eng 1915- ) Stu 613 Arlington PI Chi- cago Strauch Bernard Andrew (la & law 1903-8 AB '08-10 JD) Photog 629 S Wright St Champaign 111 STRAUCH— STEIPP 643 Strauch Mrs B A (see Ashton Pearl W) Strauch Bertha Henrietta (h sc 1907- 12 AB) Teach Elgin la Strauch Clara Marie (h sc 1905-9 AB Also Cor Coll) Lunch Room Univer- sity ND Strauch Donald Jay (ry e eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 1007 Peoria Av Peoria 111 Strauch Donald William (acad 1910-11 su 1915) Photog Cor Busey & Ohio Sts Urbana 111 Strauch Hilda Louise (ag h sc 1905- 9 BS) Teach Central H Sch 3212 Clinton Av S Minneapolis Strauch Oswald Frederick (m eng 1902-6 BS) Ranch Killam Alta Can Strauch Richard Peter (sp ag 1905-7) Photog 629 S Wright St Champaign 111 Straus Stanley James (ag 1911-12 Also Howe Sch Ind) Bnk Ligonier Ind f Strauss Edwin Nelson (sp 1895-6) St Louis Strauss William (sc 1890-4 BS) Merc Pittsfield 111 Straw Walter Addison (la 1913-14 Also Wheaton Coll) Chem 213 Wash- ington Av Wheaton HI Strawbridge Ernest Thomas (su 1914) Appraisor 519 W Madison St Dan- ville 111 (1125 Oak St) Strawn Evalyn (la 1906-8 Also Ind U & U NY) Teach Albion 111 Strawn James Albert (m eng 1903-7 BS) Supt Steam Heat Dept Cent 111 Light Co 316 S Jefferson St Peoria 111 Strawn John Elliott (sp m eng 1902- 5) Adv Specialist Peoria 111 Strawn John Harris (la 1893-6 1900-1 AB) Law & Nat Bk Receiver Waynes- burg Pa (Albion 111) Strawn Myrtle (la 1902-6 AB Also U Mo & Col U) Teach Albion 111 Strawn Paul (ag 1915- ) Stu 613 South E St Jacksonville 111 Strawn Robert Emerson (ag 1914- ) Stu Pleasant Plains 111 Strawn Virginia (sp la 1907-8 Also Ind U) Teach Albion 111 *Strawn Wilder T (la 1871-3) d Feb 20 1910 Odell HI Streat Consuela Elvira (la h sc 1914- 15) Stu 515 E "C" St Belleville 111 Streed Elsie Judith (h sc 1911-14 AB Also NW U) Teach 796 Grand Av Waukegan 111 Streed Felix Lewis (c eng 1914- ) Stu 796 Grand Av Waukegan 111 Street Lester Chapin (c eng 1893-4 Also U Wis) C Eng 322 Madison Av Dixon 111 Street Marietta Louisa (Mrs H M Price) (lib 1899-1903 BLS) Home 5918 Erie St Chicago Streeter Floyd Benjamin (g hist 1914- 15 AM(Kan)'12) 941 Connecticut St Lawrence Kan Streeter Harrison John (1 1913-14) 4001 Drexel Blvd Chicago Streeter Harry Sweet (acad 1909-10 law 1910-11 LLB(H1 Wes) '14) Law Kankakee 111 (Grant Park 111) Strefp Albert Paul (c eng 1905-9 BS) C Eng Supt Constr Swift & Co 5250 Kenmore Av Chicago tStreff Harold Peter (arch eng 1911- 14) 5250 Kenmore Av Chicago Strehlke Albert LaPool (la 1914- ) Stu Meeker Colo *Strehlow Clara Christine (sp mus 1904- 6) d 1915 Wabash Ind Strehlow Cornelia Emma (Mrs W H Adams) (la 1901-3 AB) Home 243 E Hill St Wabash Ind - Strehlow Oscar Emil (c eng 1892-6 BS g 1910-11 CE) Chf Eng c/o James O Heyworth Eng & Contr 727 Michigan Av Evanston 111 Strehlow Paul Valentine (arch eng 1910-13 Also Bradley Poly) c/o V Jobst & Sons 2407 Seventh Av Peo- ria HI *Streid Joseph Benjamin (la 1904-8 AB) d 1909 Metamora 111 Streight Laura Allana (lib 1897-9 BLS) Franklinville NY Streitmatter David Robert (acad 1910- 11 sp ag 1911-13) Ag Edelstein 111 Stremmel George Stephens (la 1915- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu 219 E Car- roll St Macomb HI Stretch Lenna (la com 1914- ) Stu 704 S Main St Newcastle Ind tStreuber Emma Wilhelmina (h sc 1908-9 Also E 111 St Nor) Green ville 111 IStribling Edgar M (ag 1870-2) Du- quoin 111 IStribling John B . (m eng 1871-2) Du- quoih 111 Strickland Ray Malcolm (ag 1911- ) Stu 810 W Stoughton St Urbana 111 Strickler Roy S (sc 1912 Also NW U) R Est 400 y 2 Main St Keokuk la Stringer Joseph Kenneth (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 4540 Racine Av Chicago Stripp Curtis (m eng 1871-2) c/o 111 Cent RR 4435 Langley Av Chicago 644 STRIPP— STEOUT tStripp R G (m eng 1873-4) 111 Cent RR Shops 4435 Langley Av Chicago Stritesky Mrs L R (see Ice Meldora) fStritesky Louis (sp arch 1888-90) Tabor Minn Strobach Richard Maupin (ag 1913) Stu U Mo Rolla Mo Strobridge Thomas Ralph (c eng 1905-10 BS) C Eng Marquette Ce- ment Co 603 Fifth St La Salle 111 Strock Faraday James (c eng 1911- 13) Foreman Hardware Factory 811 Second Av Sterling 111 Stroheker Frank Sewall (la 1910-15 AB law 1915- ) Stu R2 Barry 111 Strohm Adam Julius (lib 1898-1900 BLS AB(Upsala)'88 Lib Order Clk U 111 1889-1900) Libr Pub Lib De- troit (138 Burlingame Av) Strohm Mrs A J (see McConnel Ce- celia B) Stroker George Dick (acad 1890-2 c eng 1892-3) Bnk Wanconda 111 Strom Alexander Jennings (la 1902-3 LLB) Law Belvidere 111 Strom John (c eng 1906-10 BS Asst C Eng U 111 1910-11) c/o Amer Bridge Co Gary Ind (Box 121 Ge- neva 111) Strombeck George Mauritz (m eng 1903-7 BS) Mfg 1404 liy 2 St Mo- line 111 Stromberg Julian Willis (c eng 1902- 6 BS) C Eng 342 River St Chicago Stromberg Mrs J W (see Tull Jessie A) Stromquist Walter Gottfrid (mun eng 1908-10 BS AB (Bethany) '05 Also U Kan Asst Eng St Water Surv U 111 1908-12) San Eng Sanitary Dist Chicago 6336 Ellis Av Chicago (Lindsborg Kan) Strong Arthur Crist (1 1910-14 LL B) Law 905 W Green St Urbana 111 Strong Charles Howard (la com 1911- 14) Grain & Coal Merc Lostant 111 (Earlville 111) Strong Charles Monroe (acad 1910-11 Also 111 St Nor U) Prin H Sch Lit- tleton 111 (R4 Rushville 111) t Strong Earle Thomas (sp m eng 1909- 10 Also Ky St Coll) 507 E Green St Urbana 111 t Strong Edwin Raymond (sc 1908-9) 512 Daniel St Champaign 111 Strong Estella De Ette (Mrs C C Wright) (sp mus 1907-8) Home 2555 15th St Denver Colo ^Strong F Leslie (acad 1910-11) 2508 N Hamlin Av Chicago Strong Frank Ward (g hist 1910-13 AB( Williams) '09 AM(do)'lO) Teach Newark Acad Newark NJ (N Wood- bury Conn) Strong George Woodworth (sp ag 1911- 13) Gardener Saratoga Fla (602 Exchange St Joliet 111) Strong Harry Danford (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag & Stock Keithsburg 111 Strong James Kibbe (ag 1914- Also William & Vashti Coll) Stu Keiths- burg 111 Strong Jesse Woodford Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu 75 E Side Square Canton 111 Strong Joe (acad 1882-3) Stock Keithsburg 111 Strong John Arthur (su 1899 BEd (111 St Nor) '10) Prin Whittier H Sch 422 N Harvey Av Oak Park 111 Strong LaDella (Mrs W V Turner) (la 1910-12) Home 553 Sherman Av Evanston 111 ?Strong Mary Ethel (lib 1901-2 AB (Ind) '01) Bloomington Ind Strong Olive French (la 1912-13 Also 111 Coll) Sec N B Barr Olivet Inst 1500 Hudson Av Chicago Strong Ralph Stillman (m eng 1902-6 BS Also Lewis Inst) Tech Acct 122 W Oak St Chicago (315 W Grove Av Oak Park 111) Strong Robert Ambrose (m eng 1911- 15 AB) Montreal Quebec Cal (South Bend Ind) ?Strong Sarah B (acad 1875-7 la 1878-81) Champaign 111 Strong Truman Jefferson (arch eng 1912 Also Wash) Arch 214 W 19th Av Spokane Wash Strong William Augustus (c eng 1910- 14 BS) Stu 602 W Jefferson St Joliet 111 Strong Willis Valentine (acad 1901-3) Grand Ridge 111 Strophlet Mrs (see Giliner Eleanor A) t Stroud Earl Adams (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-9) Maroa 111 fStroud Edward Lincoln (m eng 1883- 5) Wilton Center 111 Stroud Smith Leroy (c eng 1901-4 BS) R Est 543 Cedar Av Long Beach Cal Strouse Lena (su 1914) Rl Ipava 111 Strouse Milton R (acad 1897-8) Merc Tomah Wis Strouse William Stacey (acad 1910- 11) 1608 N Artesian Av Chicago fStrout Edward C (m eng 1883-5) Wilton Center 111 Strout Frank Asbury (m eng 1890-3 '98-1900 BS) Holualoa Kona Ha- waii TH (304 Mississippi Av Joliet 111) STRUBHAR— STYLES 645 \Strubhar Clyde Elmer (aead 1900-2) Washington 111 Strubhar Louie A (aead 1901-2) Ag Lakota ND Strubinger Ellis (aead 1904-5) Pitts- field 111 Strubinger Joseph Roy (ag 1915- ) Stu Sidell 111 Strubinger Loraine Clarence (la com 1914- Also Eureka Coll) Stu Barry 111 Strubinger Mrs L C (see Swan Grace V) Struever Carl Chester (la 1914- ) Stu 1616 Second St Peru 111 tStruhsacker Alice Irene (h sc 1912- 13) 12120 Normal Av W Pullman Chicago Stuart Mrs (see McMackin Mary G) *Stuart APS (AM Prof Chem U 111 1868- 74) d Sept 14 1899 Lincoln Neb Stuart Charles Robert Jr (aead 1892- 3) Cairo 111 t Stuart Dora May (Mrs Oscar Daeh- ler)(su 1910 Also W 111 St Nor) Home Bassino Alta Can Stuart Earl Kellogg (cer 1906-10 BS) Clk 109 N Fifth St Springfield 111 (640 W Monroe St) *Stuart Frank (la 1881-2) d Oct 1898 Council Grove Kan * Stuart Will Taylor (aead 1890-1) 328 Seventh St Cairo 111 Stubbins Lewis Clark (c eng 1896-8 '99-1900) C Eng Arthur Stone Salt Lake City Stubblefield Ansel Fifer (ag 1914-15) Ag R3(21) McLean 111 Stubblefield Benjamin Harrison (ag 1911-13) Ag McLean 111 (1107 Fell Av Bloomington 111) Stubblefield Buford Matthews (la chem 1913-15 BS Also Eureka Coll) Foreman Benzal Dept Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co Youngstown O (1509 E Olive St Bloomington 111) STUBENRAUCH Arnold Valentine (BS (Cal) '99 MSA (Cor) '01 Instr & Asst Hort U 111 1901-2 Asst Prof Hort Chge Exp Sta U Cal 1902-6 Special Agt Fruit Transp IIS Dept Ag 1906- 14) Prof Pomol U Cal 1914- 2747 Woolsey St Berkeley Cal Stubenrauch Edgar Albert (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 1426 Maryland She- boygan Wis Studer Joseph Valentine (aead 1895- 6) Med Peoria 111 *Studley Christopher C (la 1875-7) d Neponset 111 Stuebe Leonard Frederick William (arch 1899-1903 BS) Arch 1330 W Williams St Danville 111 Stuebe Mrs L F (see Cobine Elizabeth T) Stuebing Albert Fredericks (ry m eng 1910-11 BS Also Cor U) Eng CRI Lines 209 S Fillmore St Amarillo Tex Stuenkel Francelia (su 1911&'12 Also Valparaiso U) Teach Monee Ind stuhlman Otto Jr (g physics 1907-9 AM AB(Cin)'07 PhD(Prin)'ll Asst Instr U 111 1907-9 Instr Physics Stevens Inst 1911-12) Instr Physics U Pa 1912- Physics Lab U Pa Philadelphia Stuhr William (arch 1915- ) Stu 1003 12th St Rock Island 111 Stuit Nelson (la 1913-14) 6615 Sang- amon St Chicago *Stull Louis (ag 1873-7) d Marengo 111 STULL Ray Thomas (g cer 1907-8 AM (Ohio St) '02 Instr Cer U 111 1907-11 Assoc do 1911-12 Dir Cer U 111 1912-15) Cer Eng 309 Buffalo St Conneaut O Stull Theodore Wilson (sc 1906-7 Also Alma Coll) Ag Shelby Neb Stull William (la 1871-6) Ag & Bnk 123 S 39th St Omaha Neb Stults Elmer Emerson (ag 1903-7 BS) R Est E R Haase Co 139 N Clark St Chicago (4207 N Winchester Av) Stults Mrs E E (see Parker Minnie L) Stumpf Elmer Henry (la 1912-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1442 Belleplaine Av Chicago stunkard Horace Wesley (g zool 1912- 14 AM '14- BS(Coe) '12) Stu Walk- er la Sturduvant Mrs Edwin Glenn (see Judd MollieB) fSturgeon Alfred Haig (sp ag 1907-8 Also Winona Ag Inst) LaGrange 111 Sturges Howard Putnam (arch eng 1904-6) Arch Glen Ellyn 111 ISturgis William F (gen 1871-2) Den- Mark la Sturm Clark Henry (e eng 1914- ) Stu 356 Chicago St .Elgin 111 ?Sturm Milton Leo (aead 1907-8 e eng 1908-9 Also Millikin U) 632 W Prairie St Decatur 111 •Sturman James B (la 1877-8 BL) d July 17 1888 Salina Kan *Sturman Mathew D (la com 1872-3) d Dahlgren HI Sturtz Harry Kennell (1 1909-11 Also Armour Inst) R Est & Ins 713 Sec- ond Av Sterling 111 Stutsman Ada Helen (Mrs O L Lu- ther) (la 1900-3 AB) 411 Wheeler St Seattle Stuttle Harry Conrad (sp law 1899- 1900) Law Litchfield 111 t Styles Edward Anthony (e eng 1904- 646 STYLES— SUNDBY 8 BS) 306 W Washington St Cham- paign 111 Styles Edwin B (c eng 1908-12 BS) Eng Dept Memphis Terminal Co Memphis Tenn Sudbrink Roy Elliott (m eng 1907-8) Beardstown 111 Sudbrink Warren Clifford (ag 1904-6) Virginia 111 Sudduth Kenwood Titus (sp ag 1912- 13 Also U Chgo) Grain Merc 631 5 Sixth St Springfield 111 Sudduth Waldo Ballard (ag 1910-11) Fin & R Est 305 Washington St W Paris 111 Sudro William Frederick (sc 1902-4 BS(Mich)'06) Chem 1117 13th St N Fargo ND Suffern Emmette Palmer (la jour 1912- ) Stu R2 Atwood 111 Sukumlyn Stephen Williams (la 1915- ) Stu Kief ND Sulger Alden Harwood (ag 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 215 N Seventh St Terre Haute Ind Sullins Thomas Byrns (su 1915 Also McKendree Coll) Supt Schs Leban- on 111 Sullivan Besse Catherine (la 1905-6 Also Chgo Conserv Mus) Teach 4847 Langley Av Marengo 111 Sullivan Charles Michael (e eng 1908- 12 BS) Sales Westinghouse Electric 6 Mfg Co 1st Nat Bk Bldg Milwau- kee (542 Farewell Av Apt 4) Sullivan Mrs CM (see Fancher Hazel E) Sullivan Mrs Daniel (see Fitton Cath- erine C) Sullivan Mrs EH (see Case Lura M) Sullivan Edna Francis (la 1915- ) Stu 311 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Sullivan Ernest Lee (sp ag 1915- Also Bolivar Ag Coll) Merc Harlow Miss t Sullivan Ethel Pierce (mus 1913-14 Also Kan St Nor) Hays Kan Sullivan Francis James (sc 1910-11) Gen Elect Co Schenectady NY Sullivan Harry Stewart (arch eng 1910-11) Contr 404 N Main St Hope Ark Sullivan Iva Etta (lib 1903-4 Also Ind U) Pub Lib Los Angeles ?Sullivan John James (c eng 1912) 4575 Cook Av St Louis * Sullivan John Lawrence (acad 1890- 2) d Feb 25 1895 Mansfield 111 Sullivan Nicholas Cyril (cer eng 1911- ) Stu 4119 W End Av Chi- cago Sullivan Ward William (la 1909-11 AB g 1913-14 AM Also Kan St Nor) Teach Ft Hays Kan Nor Sch Hays Kan (Rl(630) Gorham Kan) Sullivan Will J (su 1911) Arch 629 Randolph St Champaign 111 Sullivan William Jay (arch eng 1906-7 '11-12 Also Cor U) Arch 410 Pal- ladio Bldg Duluth Minn Sumay Felix Jose (c eng 1907-10 BS) C Eng Chascomis Argentine Rep SA ?Sumay Oscar Jose (e eng 1906-9 BS) E Eng c/o W R R Argentine Rep SA Sumberg Abraham (e eng 1906-8) Merc Utica 111 Summer Lela (Mrs T M Smith) (h sc 1906-8) Teach Auburn 111 Summerfield Ned Lewis (la 1910-11) Mgr Dept Store 15 Chestnut St Clo- quet Minn Summerhays William Arthur (c eng 1897-9) RR Storekeeper 1306 E 72nd PI Chicago Summers Abel Ross (e eng 1911-15 BS) Eng Century Electric Co St Louis 210 E Springfield Av Cham- paign 111) Summers Dean Whaley (sc 1909-10) Dent 513 S Pine St Champaign 111 SUMMERS Henry Elijah (BS(Cor)'86 Asst Prof Human Physiol U 111 1893- 5 Assoc Prof do 1895-7) Prof Zool 6 Entom la St Coll 1898- Ames la Summers Henry Elmer (sp ag 1912-14 Also S 111 St Nor & Ewing Coll) Teach Opdyke 111 SUMMERS Lucius Wellborne (BS (Clemson)'lO Asst An Husb U 111 1910-11) Asst An Husb Ala Poly Inst 1911- Auburn Ala (c/o J A Summers Springfield SC) t Summers Mrs Mary (su 1907 Also Butler Coll) Homer 111 Summers Sarah Charlotte (Mrs E B Towl)(sp 1870-2) Home 2222 L St South Omaha Neb ?Summers Waldo de Vere (ag 1910-11 Also London Coll Chem) 1007 Wright St Champaign 111 Summervill Kate (Mrs F C Fritz) (h sc 1909-10 Also U la) Home 105 Vogel Av Ottumwa la fSummey David Long (e eng 1895-7) 1133 Seneca St Buffalo Summitt James Levi (la 1915- ) Stu Pesotum 111 Sumner William Thompson (acad 1893- 4 sp 1894-6) Law Jerseyville 111 Sun Eu-lin (ag 1914- Also Tsing Hua Coll) Stu 2023 Kalorama Rd Wash- ington (Peking) ?Sundby John (sp ag 1908-9 Also Ag Coll Norway) 610 W California Av SUNDEEN— SUTTER 647 Urbana 111 Sundeen Esther Louise (Mrs W C Cut- ter) (acad sp 1909-10) Home York- ville 111 Sundeen Ruby Marie (la 1907-10 Also U Colo) Teach 1121 11th Av Mo- line 111 Sundell Dean Harold (la com 1912-14) c/o Park Inn Mason City la Sundell Roy Dehm (m eng 1913- Also Knox Coll) Stu Oneida 111 Sunderland Archibald Henry (e eng 1894-6 Also W Point 1900) Mil c/o Adj Gen US Army Washington (Ft Monroe Va) Sunderland Emily Kingman (h sc 1911-14 AB Also NW U) Dom Sc Sec YWCA Chattanooga Tenn (Del- avan 111) Sunderland Frances (Mrs E J Albert- sen) (su 1894) Teach Delavan 111 Sunderland Glen Henderson (ag 1915- ) Stu Golden Gate 111 Sundt Joseph Marvin (acad 1905-7 Also NW U 1907-8) RR Engr AT& SF RR 902 National Av Las Vegas N Mex Sunny Arthur Edward (la 1913-15) Sales 4933 Woodlawn Av Chicago Suppes Edward Raymond (sp ag 1910- 11) Ag Somonauk 111 Suppes Elsie Mabel (la 1914-15 Also Knox Coll) Teach Somonauk 111 Suppiger Albert Eugene (acad 1889- 91) Stanton Tex t Supple Guy Justin (1 1907-8) 417 Jackson St Danville 111 Supple Mrs G J (see Lindley Jessie S) Supple John Lamareaux (la 1912) Sales 442 N Jackson St Danville 111 Supple Margaret (su 1912) Teach 422 N Jackson St Danville 111 Supple Winifred May (h sc 1911-12) Teach Springfield 111 (Deerfield 111) Surface Mrs H L (see Paddack Net- tie) Surface Harvey Adam (g 1893-4) St Zool Harrisburg Pa Surman Hugo Ewold (c eng 1905-10 BS Also Blackburn U 1903-5) Div Eng c/o 111 Highway Dept Spring- field 111 Sursman Mrs Wm H (see Myers Win- ifred) Suryieh Izzet Basil (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag 1139 Eighth St Riverside Cal (Mansurah Egypt) Sussex James Wolfe (c eng 1899-1903 BS) C Eng Peshastin Wash Sussex Richard Henry (c eng 1905-G '07-10 Also Hedding Coll) Ag Ab- ingdon 111 ?Sutch Armand Kredel (ag 1910-12 Also U Chgo) 10955 Wabash Av Chi- cago Sutcliffe Constance (la 19.14- ) Stu 506 W Elm St Urbana 111 Sutcliffe Dorothy (la 1913- ) Stu 506 W Elm St Urbana 111 sutcliffe Emerson Grant (g engl 1912-14 AM '14 AB(Harv)'ll Lect Queen's U 1911-12) Asst Engl U HI 1912- 506 W Elm St Urbana 111 Sutcliffe Marjorie (la h sc 1913-15 AB Also Simmons Coll) Dir YWCA Cafeteria Decatur 111 (506 W Elm St Urbana HI) Suter Earl Ray (e eng 1910-14 BS) Sales Wise-Harrold Elec Co New- Philadelphia O (253 E High St) t Suter Eliza (su 1904) 124 S Chicago Av Rockford 111 SUTHERLAND Arthur Howard (AB (Grand Island) '99 PhD(Chgo)'09 Asst Phil U Wis 1907-8 Psych Gov Hospital Insane 1909-10 Instr Psych U 111 1910-11 Assoc do 1911-14) Instr Psych Yale U 1914- New Haven Conn fSutherland Charley (su 1905) c/o Mrs E Cresap Urbana HI Sutherland Edward W (c eng 1875-6 Also 111 Wes U) Law Peoples Bk Bldg Bloomington 111 Sutherland Edwin Marion (e eng 1906- 10) Chf Rd Insp Tech Dept Woods Motor Vehicle Co Chicago (2500 Cottage Grove Av) Sutherland George Fred (sc 1911-13 AB g 1913-14 AM) Stu U Chgo Grand Island Neb Sutherland Harold Hovle (la 1913-14 ag 1915- ) Stu McNabb 111 Sutherland John Bruce Jr (arch eng 1909-12 BS) C Eng Rl(75) We- natcheo Wash Sutherland Leon Eugene (1 1906-11 LLB) Law 1019 Jefferson Bldg Peoria 111 Sutherland Robert James (la cer 1914- Also Wis St Nor) Stu Bay- ley Av Platteville Wis Sutherland Walter Edmund (la 1900-2 Also Armour Inst) Sales 514 Tren- ton Av Wilkinsburg Pa (59 Bryant Av Chicago) Sutherland Wilbor Mills (ag 1912- ) Stu McNabb 111 "Sutherland William Stanley (la 1911- 12 Also Grand Island Coll) Grand Island Neb (1007 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111) Suto Ko (sc 1913-14) Niitus Japan Sutter John Henry Jr (c eng 1898-9) Contr Eng 239 Forest St Winnetka 648 SUTTLE— SWANSON 111 Suttle Clifford Bradley (c eng 1902-6 BS) C Eng 305 B Monterey Apts 43rd & Chester Av Philadelphia Sutton Clarence John (acad 1908-9) Bowen 111 Sutton Frank Howard (la 1912- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 3432 W Adams St Chicago Sutton George Washington (su 1908 BS( Austin) '98) Supt Schs Oakland 111 Sutton Harold Isaac (sp ag 1909-11) Plaster Contr 5414 Greenwood Av Chicago t Sutton John Thompson (sp 1873-6) 302 Elm St Urbana 111 Sutton Nora (la 1914- ) Stu Oak- land 111 t Sutton Ealph Telford (a&d 1906-7 sp 1909-10) Urbana 111 * Sutton William D (sp a&d 1899- 1904) d July 1905 Urbana 111 Sutton William Henry (la 1913- ) Stu 1209 Wylie St NE Washington Svitavsky Robert Ingersoll (e eng 1915- ) Stu 1420 Douglas Av Ra- cine Wis Swackhamer Chester Eay (sc 1906-8 BS(Chgo)'10 MD (Rush) '13) Med 1044 Richmond St Los Angeles Swaim Donald Tyler (la com 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1230 N Gilbert St Danville 111 Swaim Earle Frank (la 1915- ) Stu 4112 Prairie Av Chicago Swaim Mrs G R (see Burnap Lucile T) Swain Harold Waters (la 1911-12) 123 Elizabeth St Chicago Swam Harry Clifford (ag 1913- ) Stu 612 N Center St Clinton 111 Swan Archibald Elmer (sp ag 1903-5) Ag R2 Waynesville 111 Swan Florence (su 1902 BS (Lewis Inst) ) Head Home Econ Dept Val- paraiso U (103 College Av Maroa 111) Swan Grace Vernelle (Mrs Loraine Strubinger) (sp mus 1904-9 Asst Mus U 111 su 1915) Home Barry 111 Swan Lillian (su 1902&'06) Teach Indianapolis (Maroa 111) Swan Walter Edward (acad 1909-10 sp e eng 1910-11) Ag Swift Current Sask Can (Maroa 111) Swanberg Edmund DeForest (e eng 1914- ) Stu Worthington Minn Swanberg Florence Pearl (Mrs C K Karr)(h sc 1907-9) Home Paxton 111 Swanberg Floyd Ludwig (m eng 1898- 1902 BS) Mfg 2207 Fulton Av Cin- cinnati Swanberg Hellena May (Mrs O J Put- ting) (la 1902-4) Home 129 N Glen- wood Av Springfield 111 Swanberg Marion Goerz (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 1339 W Adams St Chi- cago tSwango Jesse Hervey (sp ag 1904-5) Paris 111 Swank Edith Ann (la h sc 1913-15 AB Also U Tex) Teach Paxton 111 (Houston Tex) Swank Judge Robert (acad 1900-1) Med Enid Okla 1 Swank Olive (acad 1906-8) Cham- paign 111 Swannell Arthur (la 1875-9 Cert BL 1914) Ret Merc 880 Court St Kan- kakee 111 Swannell Dan Gardner (sc 1892-3 Also U Mich 1893-6) Ins Champaign 111 Swannell Frederick Wells (m eng 1904-6) Auto 153 N Indiana Av Kankakee 111 Swannell Horace Conrad (e eng 1907-12 BS) Alabama Power Co Bir- mingham Ala Swannell Mary (Mrs I E Cobb) (la 1886-7) Champaign 111 Swannell . William Laurence (e eng . 1910-13) M Eng & Merc Gas & Elec Co 880 Court St Kankakee 111 Swanson Amy Elmira (sp ed 1905-6 Also W 111 St Nor) China & Water Color Paint Augusta 111 swanson Arthur Emil (g econ 1908-9 AM '09-11 PhD AB(Augustana)'08) Prof Econ NW U 522 Church St Evanston 111 ISwanson August Frank (sp arch 1895- 6) Peoria 111 Swanson Charles Adolph (acad 1898- 9) New Windsor 111 Swanson Claude Magnus (acad 1907- 8 law 1910-14 LLB) Law Gibson City 111 Swanson Elder Louisa (la 1906-10 AB) Teach 1101 Calumet Av Calumet Mich Swanson Ernest (1 1907-8 Also NW U) Shoe Merc Paxton 111 Swanson Frances Eleanor (la 1912- ) Stu 514 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 Swanson Frederick Curtis (la 1910-14 AB g 1914-15 AM) Stu Yale 514 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 t Swanson Ivar Roy (acad 1909-11 sp arch eng 1911-12) c/o J A Swanson 11015 Michigan Av Chicago Swanson Norvid Raymond (ag 1912- ) Stu St Charles 111 Swanson Ralph Arthur (cer 1912-15) Stu c/o Barr Clay Wks Streator 111 (502 Daniel Av Champaign 111) SWANSON— SWEET 649 Swanson Ruth Pauline (su 1915- Also Millikin U) Teach 732 E Penn St Hoopeston 111 Swanson Sven Gustav (sp ag 1907-9 Also Greer Coll) Ag Potomac 111 Swanson William August (c eng 1913- ) Stu U Chgo 7127 Drexel Av Chicago Swanzey John Howard (ag 1910-11) Ag Ridott 111 Swanzey Lucius Murray (ag 1878-9) Ag Ridott 111 Swarm Charles Anderson (su 1906 Also Austin Coll) Cash 1st Nat Bk Cul- lom 111 Swarm Geraldine (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch Odell 111 (212 W Mulberry St Normal 111) Swarm Paula (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach H Sch Palestine 111 (212 W Mulberry St Normal 111) Swart Harmon Veeder (e eng 1902-6 BS) Bonds & Ins 19 Liberty St New York (136 W Fourth Av Roselle NJ) Swart Mrs H V (see Coen Margaret D) Swarth Charles Jacques (sp 1880-1) Clk 828 Lafayette PI Chicago Swarthout Elizabeth (Mrs W A But- lar)(la 1908-10) Home Fairchild Wis tSwarthout James P (la 1871-2) West Dresden Me tSwartout Cornelius (acad 1905-6 m eng 1906-9) Reynolds 111 Swartwout Edgar Chessman (ag 1912- ) Stu 33 N Porter St Elgin 111 Swartwout Mina Louisa (Mrs Edward T Clissold)(sc 1890-1) Home 2222 Fairfax Av Morgan Park HI Swartwout Nelson Rudolph (la 1915- ) Stu 33 N Porter St Elgin 111 Swartz Mrs (see Lloyd Lottie E) Swartz Alexander Cuthbertson (c eng 1870-3 Cert BS&CE '78 Instr Arch & Math U 111 1873-7) C Eng & Arch 1026 "R" St Fresno Cal Swartz Earl William (acad 1902-3 sj. ag 1903-4) Ag & Bnk Matthews Mo Swartz Fay Wood (acad 1909-11 mus 1913- ) Stu 801 S Vine St Ur- bana 111 Swartz Jake Carl (acad 1902-3) Mans- field 111 Swartz Jesse Wilmot (acad 1902-5 e eng 1905-8) E Contr 116 S Race St Urbana 111 Swartz Leon Frank (ag 1911-15) Ag Matthews Mo (801 S Vine St Ur- bana 111) Swartz Mrs L F (see Bell Neva F) Swartz Mary Katherine (Mrs Thomas Carson) (la 1903-7 AB) Home 602 Stoughton St Urbana 111 Swartz Nelle Leona (Mrs G A Cooper) (sp mus & h sc 1906-10) Home Mat- thews Mo \Swartz Ralph (acad 1906-7) Finley HI fSwartz William Commodore (acad 1889-91 la 1894-5) Urbana 111 Swartz Wilmot (su 1904) Gales ville 111 tSwartzell John Naylor (ry m eng 1908-9) Chevy Chase Md tSwasey Arthur Morton (c eng 1908-9 Also U Wis) DeKalb 111 Swasey Edward H (la 1879-81) Law Dow City la Swayne Ethel (Mrs H E Sanford) (la 1905-7) Home Duquoin 111 Swayne Juliet Robinson (Mrs J E Shirk) (sp mus 1903-6 Also Belmont Coll) Home Tipton Ind (Richmond Ind) tSwayze Fred Eugene (sp ag 1901-3) Salem 111 *Swearingen Clara (su 1914) d April 18 1916 Champaign 111 *Swearingen James David (gen 1868) d Champaign 111 Swearing en Jennie Lois (Mrs F W Schlorff ) (acad sp mus 1907-8) Teach Dundee Manitoba Can Swearingen Lellia Fern (acad 1906-9 la 1913-14) Teach 602 E John St Champaign 111 Swearingen Paul Van (m eng 1915- ) Stu 311 N James St Champaign 111 Swearingen Ralph Emerson (sp arch 1905-7) Arch Tulsa Okla t Swearingen William Roy (sp c eng 1907-8 Also Ky St Coll) Paris Ky Sweeney Mrs (see Roberts Myrtle I) Sweeney Arthur Frantz (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 1438 Cullom Av Chicago f Sweeny Lawrence Dudley (sp hort 1909-10) 314 W Tenth St Kansas City Mo (San Francisco) Sweeny Perry Jerome (e eng 1911-15 BS) Draft Rockford Elec Co 540 N Court St Rockford 111 Sweet Belle (lib 1902-4 BLS Also U Wis) Libr U Idaho Moscow Id Sweet Elijah Mandiville (acad 1895) Champaign 111 Sweet Frances D (Mrs Frances Smith) (sp 1891 '94-5) Home 5445 Wood- lawn Av Chicago t Sweet Harry Valmore (e eng 1905-6) 224 E Prospect St Kewanee 111 Sweet John Franklin (sp arch eng 1909-10) Treas Meade Co Meade Kan Sweet Leonard C (la 1871) d Cham- 650 SWEET— SWIFT paign 111 Sweet Marvin Stone (su 1910 Also SW U) Teach Manuel Arts Hopkins- ville Ky Sweet Orville Eoberts (ag 1914- ) Stu Sherman 111 *Sweet William Lorraine (la 1898) d Champaign 111 Sweitzer Fred Earl (ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Morton 111 Sweitzer John Willard (acad 1909-11 sp law 1912-13) Ag El Morton 111 Sweney Don (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-6 BS) Master Mech CB&Q KR 450 Green St Ottumwa la Sweney Merle Arthur (la 1914-15 g engl 1915- AB(Hedding) '14) Stu Prairie City 111 Swengel Mrs Clarence E (see McMunn Lockie M) Swengel Lloyd Raymond (su 1914 Also William & Vashti Coll) Teach Sher- rard 111 (Neoga 111) tSwenson Beatrice Lillian (Mrs V D Cronk) (lib 1903-4 Also Lewis Inst & U Chgo 2309 N Sawyer Av Chicago (869 Monroe St) Swenson Bernard Victor (m & e eng 1889-92 BS ME '01 EE(Wis) '01 Instr E Eng U 111 1893-5 Asst Prof do 1895-8 do U Wis 1898-05) Trans 175 Fifth Av New York (c/o Engi- neer's Club) Swenson Cara Frances (lib 1894 1903- 4 AB(Rockford)'03) Sec 33 N Walnut St E Orange NJ Swenson Carl Elmer (m eng 1913- ) Stu 6647 Kenwood Av Chicago Swenson Edwin Henry (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng 2309 N Sawyer Av Chi- cago Swenson Sidney Orin (e eng 1897-9 BS Also Armour Inst 1894-7) E Eng c/o Kansas City Terminal RR Co Kan- sas City Mo Swenson Wilhelm Arthur (g math 1912-13 AB(Augustana)'12) Teach Box 925 Gladstone Mich Swensson Earl Ebenezer (m eng 1915- ) Stu Lindsborg Kan ISwent James Waterman (acad 1907- 10) 452 Hobart St Oakland Cal Swern Perry Weston (arch eng 1907- 11 BS) Arch 1519 Adams St Chi- cago (417 S Grove Av Oak Park 111) * Swern William Cook (arch 1881-5 Cert) d 1907 Chicago Swern Mrs W C (see Weston Abby) Swetlick John Thomas (ag 1909-10 Also Kan St Ag Coll) c/o C O Jones Invest Co 301 Commerce Bldg Kan- sas City Mo (3235 Benton Blvd) Swett Courtland Ritchie (ag 1915- ) Stu 5214 Kenwood Av Chicago Swett Elwell Payson (m eng 1909-12) Sales & Mfg 5214 Kenwood Av Chi- cago Swett Leslie Wells (min eng 1908-9 '10-14 BS) 174 New St Blue Island 111 (809 S Second St Champaign 111) Swett Lewis Edward (ry e eng 1905- 10) Mfg 33 34th St Brooklyn NY (2023 Bedford Av) Swett Lewis Wentworth (e eng 1912- ) Stu 1177 N Third St Spring- field 111 Swett William Claude (acad 1904-5 c eng 1905-9 BS) Asst Eng Bridge Dept Ore Short Line Pocatello Id (380 Hastings St Elgin 111) Swezey Anne Davies (lib 1900-3 BLS la 1904-5 '06-8 AB Order Asst Lib U 111 1904-5 Bind Asst do 1905-8 Bind Libr do 1908-10) Libr Pub Lib Salem Ore Swezey Rosewell Beal (m eng 1904-6 Also Colo Sch Mines) Invest 1235 Almameda Dr Portland Ore Swick Mrs (see Craw Nellie E) Swick Curvella H (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Galton 111 Swick Mary Ethel (acad 1910-11 sp la 1911-12 la 1912-15 AB g philos 1915- ) Stu 504 S Market St Ur- bana 111 Swick Nellie May (la 1912- ) Stu 504 S Market St Urbana 111) Swickard Clinton Daniel (sc 1910-12 Also U Chgo) Stu Rush Med Coll Newman 111 Swickard Earl Oscar (la com 1911-13) Clk Newman 111 Swickard Niza Ethel (su 1914) Stu 111 St Nor U Newman 111 Swift Charles Clyde (c eng 1896-9 Also Mich Coll Mines 1900-1) Gen Supt La Salle County Carbon Coal Co 425 Wright St La Salle 111 Swift Donald McLeod (e eng 1910-12 Also Ober Coll) Acct 5250 Prairie Av Chicago Swift Elizabeth Andrews (la 1905-9 AB) Stu U Chgo 5832 Blackstone Av Chicago Swift Gertrude Lucile (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Rl Streator 111 Swift Gertrude Thayer (la 1910-11) At home 1661 M St Fresno Cal Swift Helen (Mrs W S Mayne) (sp h sc 1909-10) Home 134 W Washing- ton Av Council Bluffs la Swift Lewella Pooler (Mrs J C Fork- ner)(la 1910-11 Also Fresno Nor) Home Van Ness Blvd Fresno Cal Swift Lola Ernesta (g zool 1915- AB (Mt Morris) '11) Stu De Kalb 111 SWIFT— SZABO 6S1 Swift Boss Hamilton (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Waterman 111 Swigart Alta Caroline (la 1905-10 AB lib 1913- ) Stu 610 Park Av Cham- paign 111 Swigart Clara (Mrs de Windt) (mus 1909-10) Home Oconomowoc Wis Swigart Faith Gretchen (la 1913- ) Stu 610 Park Av Champaign 111 Swigart Lois Edna (la 1903-8 AB) 828 Park Av South Bend Ind Swigart Wanda Beryle (la 1913-14) Teach Farmer City 111 Swigart Wayne Hugh (sp ag 1913) Ag 828 Park Av South Bend Ind ISwigert Arthur Woodward (acad 1887-91) Springfield 111 Swigert Blanche Belle (sp la 1912- Also W 111 St Nor) Stu Eapatee 111 Swindler Henry (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Magnolia 111 Swindler Bollin Leland (ag 1913- ) Stu Magnolia 111 Swinford John Newton (gen 1868) Lumber Higden Ark (Paxton 111) t Swing Lillian May (su 1907) Mason City HI t Swingle Earl Houghton (sp ag 1907- 9) Athens HI Swisher Charles Lee (acad 1904-5 sc 1905-9 AB AM(Mich)'13) Ed 317 College Av Ithaca NY (Wellington 111) Swisher Ele D (la 1908-10 AB Also NW U) Min McAllister Mont Swisher Mrs ED (see Martin Arselia B) Swisher Jacob Armstrong (sp law 1905-9) 626 S Capitol St Iowa City la *Swisher Eiley (ag 1868-71) d Eoss- ville 111 Swisher Samuel Porter (sp ag 1903-5) Ag E36 Mendota 111 Swisher William James (c eng 1905- 10 BS) Instrumentman IC EE 1000 Central Station Chicago (Mendota 111) Swits Francis Howard (la 1906-10 AB) Sec Austin Community YMCA 506 N Parkside Av Chicago (5350 W Madison St) Swits Marguerite Maud (la 1912- Also Ind St Nor) Stu 1422 N Sev- enth St Terre Haute Ind Switzer Charlotte (la 1881-5 Cert BL'14) Teach 608 Church St Cham- paign 111 Switzer Ernest Absalom (acad 1898-9 ag 1899-1900 Also DePauw U) Ag & Stock Farina 111 Switzer Francis A (e eng 1904-6 Also W 111 St Nor) C Eng 725 E Carroll St Macomb 111 *Switzer Gertrude (Mrs H Peddicord) (la 1874-7 BL) d Champaign 111 Switzer Grace Ellen (lib 1903-4 AB PhB(Ia)>02) Suite 3 924 E 150th St Cleveland (618 Garden St Bel- lingham Wash) Switzer Myrtle Aurella (Mrs W A Brown) (acad 1904-6) Home Farina HI Switzer Ealph Booth (acad 1913-14 Also W 111 St Nor) Ag 408 S Dudley St Macomb 111 Switzer Eobert Mortimer (1 1899-1902 AB(Knox)'99) Edit 337 Hamp- shire St Quincy 111 (206 N 24th St) Switzer Theodore Ernest (sp law 1911- 14 Also W 111 St Nor) Law Ofc 725 E Carroll St Macomb 111 Switzer Vincent Westfall (c eng 1905- 7 BS Also Pur U) Sales Mgr Ben- ton Harbor Mich (617 Ferry St La- Fay ette Ind) tSwope Harrison Asbury (acad 1905-6 e eng 1906-8) B2 Buda 111 Swope Eussel Claude (la 1911-15 AB) Acct Deloit Plender & Griffiths 1857 205 S La Salle St Chicago (388 In- diana Av Kankakee 111) Swormstedt Leroy (m eng 1915- Also U Ohio St) Stu 106 S Eomine St Urbana 111 *Swyer David Edwin (sp 1868-71) d Belleville HI Sy Albert Philip (sc 1890-3 BS'94 g 1894-5 '98-9 MS PhD (Buffalo) '08 Instr Chem U Buffalo 1895-8 Asst Chem U 111 1898-9 Asst Prof Chem U Buffalo 1899-1900 Chf Chem Ord Dept US Army 1900-4) Prof Chem U Buffalo 1904- 219 Crescent Av Buffalo NY tSyford Charles C (ag 1871-5) Eos- coe HI Sykes James Thornburn (ag 1910-12) Ag American Falls Id Sykes Webster E (sp ag 1912-14) Ag Baylis 111 Sylvester Edmund Lewis (c eng 1890- 3) Gen Bldg Contr 131 S Highland Av Aurora 111 Symns Mrs P K (see Pincomb Hel- ena) tSymons Lillie Gertrude (sp mus 1910- 11) Mazon 111 Symons Thomas Augustus (acad 1906- 7 ag 1907-12 BS) Ag 422 Jennings St Bantlesville Okla Sype George (la 1901-5 AB Instr Physics su 1906) Instr Austin H Sch 147 N Humphrey Av Oak Park 111 tSzabo Andrew J (1 1909-10) E5 Streator 111 552 SZE— TALBOT Sze Ying Tse-yu (g chem eng 1910-11 BS (Mass Tech) '14) Stu Col U c/o Gov Inst Tech Shanghai China ?Szivickis Pranis (sp ag 1911-12 Also Valparaiso U) 301 E 115th St Chi- cago Tdbaka Albert James (acad 1895-6) Dep Game & Fish Warden Ivesdale 111 Taber Bayard Freeman (arch 1909-13) Arch 509 Clay St Cedar Falls la Taber George Bernard (ag 1910-11) Merc Pawpaw 111 Taborn William Edgar (su 1910 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach 123 N Linden St Duquoin 111 (Carrier Mills 111) Tack William (c eng 1909-10) Trav Audit Manilla la (Savanna III) ?Tackaberry Elijah (.ag 1869-71) Dor- set 111 Tackett Dora Melissa (Mrs C H No- gle)(sp 1900-1) Home 502 W Hea- ly St Champaign 111 *Tackett William C (acad 1887-8 sc 1890-4 BL) d Feb 5 1897 Chicago Taddey Alfred Carl (sp arch eng 1907- 9 Also Colo Coll 1905-6 & U Wis 1906-7) Arch Eng Inspect Bldgs Dept 8 30th St Milwaukee Tafp Albert Edgar (1 1902-3 LL B Also Bushnell Nor) Law 638 N Main St Canton 111 *TAFT Don Carlos (AB (Amherst) '52 Asst Prof Geol U 111 1871-2 Prof Geol U 111 1872-82) d April 1 1907 Chicago Taft F A (sc 1878-82 BS) Eanch Cupertino Cal (669 Miller Av San Jose Cal) Taft Frank Harvey (m eng 1887-8 '90-2 '98-9) Gov 929 Kirkwood Blvd Davenport la (401 W Clark St Champaign 111) Taft Mrs F II (see Stevens Bollie) Taft Lorado (la 1875-9 BS g nat hist 1879-80 ML) Sculptor 6016 El- lis Av Chicago Taggart Anna (la 1897-9 AM(Shurt- leff) ) Teach Murphy sboro 111 Taggart Clementine (la 1915- Also Simmons Coll) Stu 824 Bowman St Wooster O "Taggart Elden L (acad 1877-8) d in Nebr Taggart Frank Jr (ag 1911-14 BS) 826 E Bowman St Wooster O Taggart James E (ag 1878-9) Ag Freeport 111 Taggart James Smith (acad 1880-81 ag 1881-3) Auto 613 Garden City Av Garden City Kan t Taggart Jeannette (acad 1909-10) 308 E Main St Galesburg HI Taggart John Findlay, (la 1913-15 ag 1915- ) Stu 824 E Bowman St Wooster O Taggart Margaret Wallace (Mrs H E Smith) (su 1910-13 AB (Western) '06 AM (Wooster) '07) Home 824 E Bowman St Wooster O tTAGORE Bathindra Nath (ag 1906-9 BS g 1909-13) 6 D N Tagores Lane Jorosanko Calcutta India Tai Fang Lan (su 1915 Also U Wis) Shasi China tTait Benjamin Franklin (acad 1894-5 la 1895-7) c/o U Club Chicago (925 N Main St Decatur 111) Tait Daniel Webster (acad 1891-2 ag 1892-3) Merc Decatur 111 (Macon 111) Tait Mrs William G (see Sawyer Ida E) Takahashi Heitaro (la 1914- Also William Jewell Coll) Stu 314 Wash- ington St Seattle takahashi Mitsutaka (e eng 1912-13 MS BEE (Tokyo Teach) '04 E Eng Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Tokyo Japan (42 Waseda Minainicho Ku Ushi- gome Japan ) tTakashima Kentoku (la 1913-14) Also Hosei Coll) Tokio Japan Taketa Shiro (eng 1913-15 BS Also U Colo) 4724 Magoun Av East Chi- cago Ind (Hiroshima Japan) T albert Harold Arthur (la com 1911- 15 AB) Sales Corresp Goodyear Bub- ber Co Akron O (Franklin St Gar- rett Ind) Talbot Arthur Newell (c eng 1877-81 BS '84-5 CE DSc(Pa)'15 Asst Prof Eng & Math U 111 1885-90) Prof Mun Eng & T&AM U 111 1890- 1013 W California Av Urbana 111 Talbot Mrs AN (see Hammet Vir- ginia M) Talbot Carrie E (Mrs T K Miner) (la 1897-1901 AB) Home B4 Wellman la Talbot Charles W (la 1870-2 MD (Bush) '83) Med Lake Villa 111 *Talbot George Shuttleworth (c eng 1885-8) d August 1888 Cortland 111 Talbot George Winfred (la com 1905- 7) Bnk DeKalb 111 Talbot James (ag 1915- ) Stu 901 Second Av Sterling 111 Talbot Kenneth Hammet (c eng 1905- 9 BS) Asst Eng Universal Portland Cement Co 522 Frick Bldg Pittsburg Pa t Talbot Louis Jr (su 1911 Also S 111 Nor) Freeburg 111 Talbot Mary Helen (Mrs H J Mitch- ell) (su 1906 Also N 111 St Nor) Home 314 Buell Av Joliet 111 Talbot Mildred Virginia (la 1908-12 TALBOT— TARFLINGER 653 AB Also Pratt Inst 1913-14 & NY Sch Ap Art 1914-15 & Teach Coll Col U) Teach Okla Coll Ag & Mech Arts 308 West St Stillwater Okla (1013 W California Av Urbana 111) Talbot Eachel Harriet (la 1914- ) Stu 1013 W California Av Urbana 111 fTalbot Robert Maitland (aead 1908- 10 la com 1910-11 Also Chgo Law Sch) 4860 N Paulina St Chicago Talbot Roy Maxwell (m eng 1901-2 Also U Wis) c/o Insp Gen Customs Peking China (DeKalb 111) Talbot Mrs Samuel M (see Garwood Janet) Talbot Timothy Ralph (la 1901-2 Also Knox Coll) c/o Republic Steel & Iron Co San Francisco (Cambridge 111) Talbot Warren (la 1907-10 AB Also NW U 1906-7) Corresp Dept Sears Roebuck & Co 3210 Arlington St Chicago (Roberts 111) Talcott Mancel (la com 1909-12 Also Racine Coll) Cost Acct Amer Steel & Wire Co 611 Sheridan Rd Wauke- gan 111 Taleen Berthae Wetterlund (la 1913- 14) Stu U Mich Ishpeming Mich Taliaferro Marguerite Stanley (su 1915 Also Knox Coll) Teach Mil- ford 111 (212 E Cherrv St Watseka 111) Tallmadge Chester Livingstone Jr (la 1915- ) Stu 37 Wall St New York t Tallmadge Floyd Carlile (sp law 1905- 6) Geneva Neb Tallman Eugene Dwight (sp e eng 1899-1900) Mach 2108 S Springfield Av Chicago Talltn Louis Liston (acad 1896-7 c eng 1897-1901 BS) Supt DLW RR Water Service 700 Harrison Av Scranton Pa Tamari Kizo (sp sc 1886-7 MS (Mich Ag) Also Imperial Tokyo U) Pres Kagoshima Higher Sch Ag & Forestry Kagoshima Japan Tang Sung (su 1915 AIho U Wis) Changsha China Taniyama Sadakichi (c eng 1907-9 BS Also U Colo) Eng c/o Amer Trad- ing Co Tokyo Japan (Kojimachi Ku Tokyo Japan fTannatt Eben Tappan (m eng 1884- 6) Walla Walla Wash Tanner Clarence (sp ag 1908-9) Ag R2 Sugar Grove 111 Tanner Florence Mae (Mrs J E Ack- ert)(la 1907-12 AB Also N 111 St Nor) Home 1422 Poyntz Av Man- hatten Kan tanner Fred Wilbur (g chem 1912-14 MS BS(Wes)'12) Asst Bacteriol U 111 1913- 601 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Warsaw NY) Tanner Harry W (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Rl Aurora 111 *Tanner John R (Trustee 1897-1901 Clk Circ Ct 1872-6 St Sen 1880-3 US Marshal S Dist 111 1886 Asst US Treas Chgo 1892-3 Gov 111 1897-1901) d May 23 1901 Springfield 111 t Tanner John Riley (arch 1912-14 su 1915) Stu U Pa Flora 111 Tanner Rudolph Harrison (sp ag 1915- ) Stu R4 Kankakee 111 Tanner Thomas (arch eng 1912-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 106 W Seminole St Dwight HI Tannesen Harvey Allen (c eng 1911- 12) Chem Iron River Mich tanobe Stetfan Fugta (g sc 1911-14 MS BS (Knox) '11) Physicist Elect Measurements 1348 Union St Sche- nectady NY (Tokyo Japan) Tanquary Elmer Shrader (sp mus 1906- 8 Also Vincennes U) Teach Mus Lawrenceville 111 Tanquary John Hansford (sc 1909-12 Also S Collegiate Inst) Phar Albion 111 Tanquary Maurice Cole (sc 1905-7 AB g 1907-8 AM 1908-12 PhD Also Vincennes U Asst Entom U 111 1908- 12) Instr Entom Kan Ag Coll 1912- ) Explorer Crocker Land Ex- pedition Lawrenceville 111 Tanquary Pearl (acad 1909-11) Nurse St Louis Mo (c/o J H Tanquary Al- bion 111) fTanton Francis (su 1906 Also Grad Call Inst) Alvinston Ont Can Tanton Glenwood Charles (la 1913-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Washington 111 fTanton Mrs Jennie Ruthven (su 1906 Also McDonald Inst) Alvinston Ont Can tao Wen Tsing (g pol sc 1914-15 AM AB(NY)'14) 930 W Illinois St Ur- bana 111 (395 Ma cha cheao Nan- king China) Tapping Charles Hawley (arch eng 1910-15 BS) Asst Estimator Wm Allen Son & Co 1109 Knoxville Av Peoria 111 Warbell Fred Foote (acad 1907-8 Also Wabash Coll) 211 S Lafayette St South Bend Ind Tarble Charles Nelson (ag 1910-13 BS Also E 111 St Nor) Ag Martins- ville 111 Tarble Myron J (eng 1890-4) City Eng 327 Plum St Aurora 111 Tarbox Robin James (ag 1915- ) Stu 602 W Nevada St Urbana 111 TARFLINGER John W (Asst in Foun- dry U 111 1907-9) Janitor Orlando Apts 206 N Race St Urbana 111 654 TARGETT— TAYLOR Tar,gett Stanley Elmer (sc 1907-8 Also Rensselaer Poly) Merc 175 Bridge Av Cohoes NY Tarnoski Alexander Stephen (acad 1906-7 arch eng 1907-10 '13-15 BS) Constr Dept Standard Oil Co 72 W Adams St Chicago (1810 Humboldt Blvd) Tarnoski Edward Romaine (c eng 1903-7 BS) Supt Constr 1100 72 W Adams St Chicago (1810 Hu-j.iboldt Blvd) Tarnoski Paul Thaddeus (chem eng 1903-7 BS) Treas & Mgr Chem & Eng Co 308 Dearborn St Chicago (1810 Humboldt Blvd) Tarr Steven George (e eng 1910-11) Clk R41 Earlville 111 (Pawpaw 111) Tarracciano Alexander Eli (e eng 1911-14 BS Also Lewis Inst) Eng Western Elect Co 734 W Ohio St Chi- cago t Tarrant Floyd Hillabrant (su 1907) 6440 Kenwood Av Chicago Tarrant William Henry (sp c eng 1895-8 c eng 1898-9 Also Ohio Nor U) C Eng & Contr 6440 Kenwood Av Chicago Tartt Harry Maurice (arch eng 1905- 6) Clk 3620 St Louis Av St Louis (Edwardsville 111) ITasaTca Hidijii (acad 1908-9) Oaska Japan Tatarian Bedros (acad 1882-4 sc 1883-7 BS) Chem Ariz Ag Coll Tuc- son Ariz (128 N Main St Los An- geles) Tate Charles Mitchell (la 1870-3) Ag & Soc Serv 2215 Fulton St Berkeley Cal Tate Everette Lewis (m eng 1894-5) Hort Adrian Ore (Pontiac 111) Tate Fred Reeves (la 1907-10 AB law 1912-13) Law 339 Staples Bldg Billings Mont (509 S Fourth St Champaign 111) Tate Harry Lawson (la 1907-11 AB) Prin H Sch Piano 111 (Vandalia 111) Tate James Alfred (sp ag 1909-10 ag 1910-14 BS Also Chillicothe Nor) Ag LaJunta Colo Tatge Albert William (1 1909-11) Clk 6245 S Hermitage Av Chicago \Tatman Frank (acad 1893-4) Farm- er City 111 .* Tatsch Walter Karl (c eng 1914- ) Stu 3642 Greenview Av Chicago Taubeneck Victor Everett (e eng 1912- 13 '15- ) Stu West Union 111 Taulbee Horton Mills (c eng 1914-15 ag 1915- ) Stu Hillsboro 111 TAWNEY Guy Allan (PhD (Leipzig) '96 Prof Phil Beloit Coll 1897-1907 Lect Phil Col U 1906-7 Asst Prof Phil U 111 1907-8) Prof Phil U Cin 1908- 354 Thrall Av Cincinnati Tawney Mrs G A (see Busey Mari- etta R) Taylor Albert Berry (sp ag 1900-2) Plumber 307 Mason St Normal 111 Taylor Amos Lovejoy (su 1915 Also U Chgo) Prin H Sch Farmersburg Ind Taylor Arthur Cullen (su 1912&13 Also U Cin) Mech Draft 1928 Au- burn Av Cincinnati Taylor Ashley Breckenridge (c eng 1907-9) RR C Eng 800 Franklin St Alton 111 Taylor Benjamin Franklin (la 1915- ) Stu Lacon 111 Taylor Blanche (Mrs Wilbert Dow- son) (sp mus 1905-7) Home 905 Grant St Danville 111 Taylor Charles Bagwell (eng 1913-15) c/o Manistee Iron Wks Manistee Mich (73 Magill St) Taylor Charles Bayard (la 1875-8 DD (111 Wes)'02 LLB(Standard Coll Law) '13) Ret Mintr 803 W Main St Urbana 111 ?Taylor Charles Roy (m eng 1899-1900) Champaign 111 Taylor Clemmer (Mrs C C Andrews) (acad 1888-9) Home Oakwood 111 Taylor Mrs C E (see Stewart Martha) Taylor Mrs DP (see Miller Fanny E) Taylor Dalle Alice (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1905 '07-8 '10 AB '10-11) Teach 618 W Main St Decatur 111 (311 E Daniel St Champaign 111) t Taylor David (1 1902-3) 4205 Prince- ton Av Chicago Taylor Earl Glyde (1 1906-7) Merc Kewanee 111 Taylor Mrs Edith Crater (su 1912 BS ( Valparaiso ) '09 ) Teach Grayslake 111 (Braceville 111) Taylor Edwin George (la com 1914-15 com 1915- Also la Wes U) Stu 210 S Garfield Av Burlington la Taylor Elizabeth Boyes (su 1912) Teach Falmouth Ky (1013 W Illinois St Urbana 111) Taylor Ellis Roscoe (la 1908-10) Sales Mgr 612 N Parkside Av Chicago Taylor Elsie Mae (Mrs O S Fisher) (sc 1900-2 '02-4 AB) Home Apt 207 Fontset Cts 14th & Fairmount Sts Washington TAYLOR Estes Park (BS(Colo Ag) '02 Asst Entom & Dept Hort Insp U 111 1904-6) Hort Exten Dept U Id Boise Id Taylor Mrs E P (see Waldo Marie L) Taylor Ethel Nichols (Mrs D F Hig- gins)(la 1902-4 '07-9 AB) Home c/o Amer Legation Peking China (747 N Jefferson Av Loveland Colo) TAYLORS-TAYLOR 655 Taylor Everett Harvey (sc 1909-13 AB MS '15) Res Chem Mellon Inst Pitts- burg (Lancaster Wis) Taylor Fay Arba (su 1913) 203 S Broad St Urbana 111 Taylor Ferdinand James (su 1912 BS ( Valparaiso ) '09 AB ( do) '10 ) Supt Schs Braceville 111 Taylor Frank Morehouse (sp ag 1906- 8) Ag New Berlin 111 Taylor Fred Coe (c eng 1903-7 BS) Mgr Insulation Dept St Louis Branch H W Johns-Manville Co 5633 Julian Av St Louis Taylor Fred Nehemiah (su 1900) Supt Schs Aledo 111 Taylor Frederick Dan (acad 1892-5) R Est 517 Chamber Commerce Bldg Chicago (New Berlin 111) Taylor Mrs G G (see Haas Grace Ann) t Taylor Garvin Porter (la com 1908-9) 313 John St Champaign 111 t Taylor George Alexander (1 1903-10) Propr Cleaning & Pressing Shop 621 S Wright St Champaign 111 Taylor George F (acad 1883-4) Law Effingham 111 Taylor George Graham (la 1901-4 AB LLB(John Marshall Law Sch) '08 Also U Wis 1911-12) Law & Teach 228 E Central Av Highland Park 111 Taylor Mrs George G (see Miller Fren- na J) Taylor George Terry (eng 1893-4) Ag Rll Urbana 111 Taylor Gertrude (h sc 1907-11) Mgr H Sch Cafeteria E Aurora 111 (275 Fox St) Taylor Gouverneur Warran (su 1907 Also W 111 St Nor) Prin, Dubois Sch 217 N Amos Av Springfield HI Taylor Grace DeEtte (ag h sc 1913- Also Mo Wes U) Stu West Plains Mo Taylor Guy Clifton (la com 1909-11 Also NW U) Merc Assumption 111 Taylor Harold Albert (ag 1914-15) R Est 4504 Washington Blvd Chicago Taylor Harriet Agnes (sp la 1907-8 BA(Ober) '09) Teach Oberlin O Taylor Harry (su 1902& '03 Also S 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Harrisburg 111 Taylor Harry Homer (e eng 1907-9 Also la St Coll) E Eng Waterhouse Trust Co Honolulu HI (422 N 11th St Oskaloosa la) Taylor Harry Yates (sp ag 1908-10) Ag Pawnee 111 ( New Berlin 111) Taylor Hazel Emma (h sc 1909-13 BS Also Lewis Inst) At home 4504 Washington Blvd Chicago Taylor Heber Charles (su 1913 &'14 Also Ind St Nor) Dir Man Tr Charleston 111 Taylor Helen Mary (Mrs J K Bush) (la 1900-2 AB Also 111 St Nor U Instr Rhet U 111 1903-4) Home 5036 21st Av NE Seattle Taylor Henry L (sp 1869-70) Wenona 111 Taylor Horace (acad 1882-3 la 1883- 7 Cert) Art 705 Fisher Bldg Chi- cago Taylor Horace Albert Jr (sp law 1911- 13) Law 3 N 14th St St Louis Taylor Howard L (sp 1869-70) Ret 784 E Court Kankakee 111 Taylor Inglis Mitchell (la 1914- ) Stu 212 E Church St Harrisburg 111 Taylor James Ernest (sp ag 1906-7 Also Barnes U & Marquette U VS (Tor- onto) '08) Med Dresden Tenn (Cisne 111) Taylor Jay Corydon (su 1904 acad 1905-7) Merc 711 W Washington Blvd Urbana 111 Taylor Mrs Jay C (see Stephenson Bessie K) Taylor Jessie Edna (su 1911 Also Lewis Inst & U Minn) Teach Mazon 111 fTaylor John F (acad 1880-1 c eng 1881-4) Taylor 111 t Taylor John Lewis (la 1868) Urbana 111 Taylor John Orlo (eng 1899-1904 BS) E Eng Fred J Postel & Co 705 Fisher Bldg Chicago *Taylor John W (c eng 1884-8 BS) d Dec 26 1901 E St Louis 111 Taylor Joseph Walkinshaw Jr (sp eng 1903-6) Asst Mgr RR Supply Per- manent Exhibit 1200 Kaspen Bldg Chicago (4100 Calumet Av) Taylor Kathleen (la h sc 1915- Also Western Coll) Stu 217 W Poplar St Harrisburg 111 Taylor Laurence Righter (la 1915- Also Hiram Coll) Stu 28 Downey Av Indianapolis Taylor Lee Steward (c eng 1903-5) RR C Eng Maxwell Tenn * Taylor Lewis James (acad 1897-8) d Nov 22 1912 Springer N Mex Taylor Lilian Catherine (ag 1913-15 BS Also U Chgo & Mich St Nor Sch) Teach Kalispell Mont (212 Teal Lake Av Negaunee Mich) Taylor Loren Emmerson (la 1913-14 law 1915- ) Stu 409 Gilbert St Dan- ville 111 Taylor Lydia Royse (su 1913) Teach 4534 Cottage Av St Louis ? Taylor Maggie Louise (acad ) 805 Wright St Champaign 111 Taylor Marcus Prevost (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng Des Plaines III (800 Franklin St Alton 111) Taylor Margaret (su 1907&'08&'09 656 TAYLOR— teeL &'10&'12 la 1913-14 AB Also Chgo Nor) Teach 342 Normal Pky Chi- cago Taylor Max (la 1913- ) Stu Pryor Okla Taylor Milo Cornelius (c eng 1911-15 BS) City Eng El Paso 111 (6226 Harper Av Chicago) Taylor Morris R (sc 1912-13) Stu De Pauw U 1934 Magazine St Louis- ville Ky t Taylor Muzetta Annie (h sc 1909-11) 2110 Sycamore St Cairo 111 Taylor Nellie Florence (la 1906-8 AB Also Chgo Nor) Teach 25 S Indi- ana Av Tuscola 111 Taylor Norris Onslow (la 1914- ) Stu 251 E Wells St Geneseo 111 Taylor Paul (acad 1908-9) Law Effing- ham 111 Taylor Mrs E E( see Eyman. Mary E) jTaylor Ralph Bridgeman (e eng 1912- 13) 10407 Westchester Av Cleveland Taylor Ralph Mae (sp c eng 1904-5) C Eng Moline 111 Taylor Raymond Arthur (e eng 1907- 10) Sec & Treas May wood Mfg Co '401 N Fourth Av May wood 111 (904 S 14th St Burlington la) Taylor Robert Duncan (c eng 1906-7) Ag Clarksdale 111 tTaylor Rose Elizabeth (sp 1910) 6108 Colorado Av St Louis Taylor Ross Wallace (arch 1912-13 '15- ) Stu Bement 111 Taylor Roxie Lelah (su 1914 Also Ind St Nor) Teach La Fayette Ind (Bat- tle Ground Ind) Taylor Roy Elmer (ag 1903-8 BS) Ag Kerrick 111 Taylor Mrs RE (see Murphy Grace E) Taylor Roy H (ag 1914- ) Stu Bis- marck 111 Taylor Ruth Beatrice (Mrs E W Wagenseil) (la 1901-5 AB g 1905-6 AM Asst Rhet U 111 1905-7) Home 5766 E Circle Av Norwood Park Chi- cago Taylor Scott Champlin (chem eng 1908-13 BS g 1913- '15 MS) Asst Chem U 111 1913- 304 E Daniel St Champaign 111 (Bement 111) Taylor Stanley George (e eng 1907-8 Also 111 Wes U) Installing Cen Ofc Tel Apparatus Western Elect Co (c/o Dr J B Taylor Eugene Ore) Taylor Thomas C (ag 1914- ) Stu West Plaines Mo Taylor Thomas Henry (1 1912-13 LL B(Ohio)'14 Also U Mich) Law 441 W Main St Geneseo 111 TAYLOR Thomas Smith (AB(Yale) '06 PhD(do)'09 Asst Physics U Yale 1907-9 Instr Physics U 111 1909-12 Instr Physics Yale U 1913- 15) Asst Prof Physics Yale U 1915- New Haven Conn (282 Willow St) Taylor Mrs T S (see Rietz Nellie M) * Taylor Thomas Varence Jr (la 1895- 7 1 1904-6 LL B) d Feb 9 1909 Ur- bana 111 Taylor Townsend John (eng 1913-14) Stu Pur U 205 W Fourth St Owens- boro Ky Taylor Virginia Randolph (Mrs E J Haase)(la 1904-6) Home 248 Wis- consin Av Oak Park 111 ITaylor Walter Grant (la 1896-7) 153 LaSalle St Chicago Taylor Ward Hastings (la 1908-10 AB g 1910-13 AM Also W 111 St Nor Asst Math U 111 1910-12) Instr S 111 St Nor Carbondale 111 (Avon 111) ?Taylor Warren (su 1910&'ll) Ur- bana 111 ? Taylor William Ground (acad) Urbana 111 Taylor William Lincoln (ag 1908-12 AB g 1912-13 BS) Land Arch Lan- cluster Wis Taylor William Mitchell (ag 1910-15) Ag Colon Mich ?Taylor William O (ag 1870-1) De- catur 111 Taylor Willis Reed (sp ag 1906-7) Merc 74 E University Av Champaign 111 ITaylor Wilson (sc 1892-3) Urbana 111 Taylor Winfield Carroll (ag 1905-8) Purchas Agt Standard Oil Co Shreve- port La (Dennison 111) ?Teague Clyston Mosse (acad 1906-7 sp la 1907-8) Newman 111 Teal Lois Leota (la 1907-11 AB Also Ind U) Stu Emerson- Coll Oratory Boston (Arcadia Ind) Tear Harry Clark (1 1905-6 '09-11) Law Warren 111 Tear Henry Raymond (e eng 1910-14 BS) 5239 Ingleside Av Chicago Tear Herbert Lloyd (e eng 1904-6 '07-9) Fruit Grower Hickory Flats Orchard Baldwin Ga Tear Julia Frances (la h sc 1909-11 AB Also Chgo Nor) Teach Hyde Park H Sch Chgo (5239 Ingleside Av) Teasdale John Warren (eng 1913-15 ) Draft 1203 Chemical Bldg St Louis (4310 Delmar Blvd) Tebbetts George Edward (c eng 1895- 9 BS) Bridge Eng Kan City Terr RR 23rd & Grand Av Kansas City Mo Teel Charles Henry (sp ag 1907-8 Also TEEPLE— TEEEELL 657 Nor Coll) Ag Eushville 111 Teeple Mrs D P (see Isaacson Huldah C) *Teeple Jared (gen 1868-71 Cert) d April 2 1888 Nashville Tenn Teeple Wallace Douglas (arch 1890-2 '94-7 BS) Chf Draft 705 S Ed*dy St South Bend Ind Teesdale Hugh Thomas (sp ag 1907-8 Also Panhandle Christian Coll) Farm Mgr Pontoosuc 111 Teeters Boyd Samuel (eng 1914-15) Ag E4 Tekonsha Mich Teeters Mary Etta (la 1913- ) Stu E3 Auburn Ind Teetor Paul (cer 1910-12 AB (Miami) '09) Sc & Ees Kan St Geol Survey Lawrence Kan (Okeana O) Teets Eobert Jason (eng 1914-15) Wyoming 111 Tegen Eobert Frederick (acad 1899- 1900 eng 1900-1) Arch 807 Metro- politan Bldg Vancouver BC (701 Sweetland Bldg Portland Ore) Teich Frederick Charles (arch eng 1908- 9 Also U Pa) Draft 80 Glenn St New Britain Conn (Mt Vernon NY) Teichmann Arthur Elroy (g soc 1911- 12 BS(NW)'ll) Merc 333 South Av Aurora 111 Teichmann Mrs A E (see Groom Etta) T'eixeira Emilio Alves (min eng 1913- Also Lagrado Coracio de Jesus Also Syr U) Stu Cassia Minas Brazil Telfer George Avena (sc 1911-13 Also St Louis U Sch Med) Stu Med Litch- field 111 Telford Fred (la 1908-10 Also 111 St Nor U) Asst Exam St Civ Serv Comm Springfield 111 (Normal 111) Temple Harry Eoberts (arch 1896-1900 BS) Arch 913 W Church St Cham- paign 111 Temple Mrs HE (see Livingston Stacia) Temple Jane (su 1915 Also Col U) Stu 1230 Amsterdam Av New Yofk ?Temple Ealph William (sp ag 1899- 1901) Elida 111 TEMPLE Seth Justin (PhB(Col)'92 Instr Arch Metrop Mus Art 1892-4 Stu Europe 1894-6 Instr Arch U 111 1896-7 Asst Prof Arch 1897-1904) Arch Davenport Sav Bldg Davenport la (25 McClellan Blvd) *Templeton Benjamin F (la 1890-4 AB) d 1901 Marion Ind Templeton Mrs H D (see Eook Marv S) Templin Ellis W (ry m eng 1910-11 BS(Pur) '10) Instr M Eng Eochester Mech Inst 12 Shepard St Eochester NY (Lawrenceburg Tenn) Templin Eichard Lawrence (g eng 1915- BS(Kan)'15) Stu Minne- apolis Kan Ten Broeck Andrew (sp ag 1911-12 Also U Kan) Ag McLean 111 Ten Broeck Car Ion (sc 1904-8 AB MD ( Harv ) '13) Med Eockefeller Inst Princeton NJ Tendick Elizabeth (g ger 1915- AB (111 Worn Coll) '13) Stu Canton 111 Tendick Frank Hulit (chem eng 1912- 15 la 1915- ) Stu 246 W Elm St Canton 111 Tener Emilie Eandall (la 1913-15) At home Windermere Hill Cleveland Tener Katherine Eandall (la 1914- Also Wells Coll) Stu Windermere Hill Cleveland Ten Eyck Lloyd Ellis (ag 1914-15 Also la St Coll) Limestone Wk E9 Eock- ford 111 ?Teng Kwang-Tang (la 1910-14 AB Also Pei Yang U) Canton China Tenhaeff John Alexander (acad 1902- 4 la com 1904-5) Stock La Prairie 111 \Tennant George B (acad 1879-80) 3600 S Wabash Av Chicago ?Tennery Eederick (sp 1901-2) Mgr Clothing Store Kansas City Mo Tenney Charles Frederick (sc 1898- 1900 MD(Mich)'04)" Med 6 The Wesleyan Toledo O (2677 Monroe St) Tenney Walter Eugene (sp ag 1901-4) Ag McLean 111 *Tennis Israel W (gen 1870-1) d 1872 New York TerBush Jennie Mae (Mrs F B Long) (la 1883-5) Home 656 Bowen Av Chicago TerBush Lindley Fletcher (la 1886-90 BL) Merc 3708 Grand Blvd Chi- cago Terhune Eobert Edgar (sp ag 1907-8 Also U Chgo) Farm Mgr Parkland 111 ter keurst Henry Daniel (g ed 1914- 15 AM AB(Hope)'14) Teach Ham- ilton Mich *Termis Israel W (sp 1871-2) d Ver- million 111 Terrall John Jay (cer 1907-8 BS(Cor Coll) '07 MD(Harv Med) '13) Stu Med Sch Harv U 1913- 18 Peverell St Dorchester Mass ♦Terrell Edward Dillon (su 1906&'07 Also Miss St Nor) d Olive Branch Miss Terrell James M (sp 1870-1) Eet Ag Eagle Lake Tex ?Terrell Lucile Spotswood (lib 1912- 13 AB(Tul)'03 Also Newcomb Coll) 348 Ninth Av SW Eoanoke Va Terrell Mrs O J (see Hall Lucia K) 658 TERRELL— THELANDER Terrell Roy Walter (sp ag 1903-4) Gen Del Salt Lake City (Easton 111) Terbey William Homer (aead 1905-6 e eng 1906-10 BS) E Eng 2626 Fifth Av Rock Island 111 (1864 S Central Park Av Chicago) Terril Clarence Thomas (1 1911-15 LL B) Law 230 E 88th St Portland Ore (Montavilla Ore) Terrill Earl Bert (acad 1907-9 m eng 1909-10) Merc Colchester 111 Terrill Fred (m eng 1904-8 BS) Merc Colchester 111 t Terrill Joseph Samuel (acad 1886-7 sc 1887-91 BS g 1893-4 MS) Deer Grove 111 Terry Charles Dutton (m eng 1893-7 BS ME '07) Asst Gen Supt Nat Tube Co Pittsburgh Pa (1123 South Av Wilkinsburg Pa) Terry Harry Lincoln (sp arch eng 1908- - 10 Also Armour Inst) Art Dir Lord & Thomas Adv Agency Chicago (77 Walnut St Aurora 111) t TERRY James Pugh (g dairy hus 1911-12 BSA(Cor)'ll Asst Dairy Mfg U 111 1911-12) Riverhead NY Terry Mead Mecham (com 1915- ) Stu 9136 S Robey St Chicago Terry Nina (Mrs C F Johnson) (acad 1899-1900) Ag R4 Areola 111 Terry Robert Byron (la 1915- Also Blackburn Coll) Stu Box 657 Gir- ard 111 Terry Robert Isaac (la 1912-13 ag 1913- ) Stu 2540 Broadway St In- dianapolis ?Terry Theodore (ag 1870-1) Otter Creek 111 Teruel Carlos Garcia (e eng 1903-5 Al- so St Viateur's Coll) Ag 5a Velas- quez de Leon 85 Mexico City Mex Terwilliger Irving (gen 1868-9) Cash 2nd Nat Bk Belvidere 111 Teter Harry Arthur (la 1914-15 Also U Chgo) Stu U 111 Coll Dent 6922 Green St Chicago Tetreault Mrs (see Eldridge Nellie R) Tetrev Henry (la 1896-7 MD(Chgo Med & Surg) '.08) Med 2328 S Cen- tral Park Av Chicago Teufel Alois Jr (acad 1899-1902 la 1902-3) Gov RR Po 2100 Olive St Des Moines la Tewes Francis Xavier (sp arch eng 1906-8 Also St John's U) Arch 285 Endicott Bldg St Paul Minn (92 E Morton St) Thacker Americus Robert (sp la com 1909-10) Teach Box 26 Browning Mont (Vienna 111) Thacker Charles Brooks (ag 1915- Also 111 Coll) Stu Vienna 111 Thai Adolph Friederick (la 1915- ) Stu 507 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Thal Hugo John (acad 1904-5 law 1905-8 LL B) Law 69 W Washing- ton St Chicago (Arlington Heights III) Thai Olga Elizabeth (la 1912- ) Stu 507 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Thal Otto Samuel (la 1905-9 AB Al- so Concordia Coll) Adv 407 Austin St San Francisco (507 S Sixth St Champaign 111) ?Thatcher Alice Neta (Mrs Maffit) (acad 1897-8 sp a&d 1898-9) 1231 5 Maffit St Decatur 111 Thatcher DeWitt Wesley (ag 1911-15 BS) Teach 75 W Second St St Charles 111 Thatcher Frederick Robert (eng 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 49 Common- wealth Av Elgin 111 Thatcher George William (m eng 1907-11 BS Also Lewis Inst) Supt 219 N Franklin Av River Forest 111 Thayer Albert Lewis (arch 1894-8 BS) Arch Mercantile Bldg New Castle Pa Thayer Alice Cary (Mrs W F Lyon) (la 1906-12 AB) Home 4449 Sidney Av Chicago Thayer Cleaver (la com 1909-13 AB) Sales 913 W Van Buren St Chicago (4458 Lake Park Av) ?Thayer Erne Ellen (lib 1906-7 BS (NW) '01) 5909 Cedar St Austin HI Thayer Ethel Frances (su 1911) Pub Libr Morris 111 *Thayer George H (sp 1879-81) d Winnebago 111 Thayer Helen (su 1912 Also U Chgo 6 U Cal) Teach 4449 Sidney Av Chicago Thayer Henry Spafford (e eng 1906- 10 BS) Sales Roth Bros & Co 1400 W Adams St Chicago (4449 Sidney Av) Thayer Thaxter Crugier (lib 1912-13 AB(Wis)'ll) Libr Berkeley Cal Thayer William Sumner (eng 1901-5 BS g e eng 1905-9 EE) E & M Eng & Publ 14 Riverside Av Scotia NY Theilen Margaret Katherine (Mrs C A Ruckmich) (la 1909-13 AB g hist 1913- 14 AM) Home 709 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (Camp Point 111) Theiss Otto John (c eng 1895-9 BS) Auto Sales 70 S La Salle St Aurora 111 Thelander Albert Peter Victor (c eng 1912-13 Also Armour Inst) RR C Eng 3 N Jackson St Batavia 111 THELKELD— THOMAS 659 Thelkeld Mrs C H (see Renner Julia E) Theodorson William Anton (eng 1898- 1901 BS) Struct Design Chgo Sani- tary Dist 5641 Kenmore Av Chicago Thian Lin Kit (su 1910) YMCA Peking China Thielbar Frederick John (arch 1889- 92) Arch 1400 Monroe Bldg Chi- cago Thiele Joel Baker (e eng 1915- ) Stu Ramsey 111 Thiele Ross Henry (arch eng 1912- Also Wash U) Stu Ramsey 111 Thieleman William Carl (c eng 1914- ) Stu 6709 Evans Av Chicago Thielke Maude Bertheate (Mrs R Back) (mus 1912-13) Home 823 Sheridan Rd Chicago Thies Walter Fred (e eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5028 Raymond Av St Louis Thimlar Mrs (see Moon Ida M) Whissell George (acad 1904-6) 1105 W Oregon St Urbana 111 tT'mssELL Inez (Mrs A M Fosdick) (la 1905-7 AB Also E 111 St Nor) 2439 Capitan Av San Diego Cal Thom James Dale (la 1914-15 AB Also U Chgo) Stu Harv Law Sch 1901 Pierce St Sioux City la Thoman Mrs Frank H (see Hawbaker Mary J) Thomas Mrs (see Gregg Ina M) Thomas Abner Royce (ag 1912-16 AB) Naperville 111 Thomas Alfred Monroe (acad 1901-2 eng 1902-6) Arch Eng 1646 Chapel St New Haven Conn (Tampico 111) 1 Thomas Anson (acad 1876-7) Pleas- ant Valley 111 Thomas Arthur Bruce (la 1913-14) Love joy 111 Thomas Bertrand (sp ag 1892-3) Ag Edwards 111 Thomas Charles Fredricks (sc 1912- ) Stu Argenta 111 Thomas Charles V (acad 1876-7 ag 1877-9) Kickapoo 111 Thomas Clair Joel (ag 1912-16 BS Also W 111 St Nor) La Harpe 111 Thomas Clyde Matthew (la 1904-5) Merc Urbana HI Thomas Mrs Clyde (see Huff Flor- ence L) Thomas Darlie (la 1877-81 BL) R Est 5111 Cornell Av Chicago Thomas Delia May (g latin 1914- BA (Ober) '84) Stu Owensboro Ky fThomas E A (acad 1877-8 la 1879- 80) Pleasant Valley 111 tThomas Edgar Conrad (acad 1898-9 su 1904&'07) Yorkville 111 Thomas Edward Charles (su 1899&1904 & , 06& , 07&'08& , 10 Also Mt Morris Coll & U Chgo) Supt Schs Wood- stock 111 Thomas Eliza (su 1914 Also Emerson Coll) Teach H Sch 546 W Williams St Decatur 111 (Weldon HI) Thomas Elizabeth (la 1915- ) Stu 211 W Orleans St Paxton HI fTnomas Elizabeth R (la 1871-4 75- 6) Champaign 111 Thomas Emil Warren (m eng 1911-14) Shop Wk 623 N Madison St Wood- stock 111 tThomas Ethel Claire (su 1909 Also N HI St Nor) Woodstock HI *Thomas Evans W (la 1876-8) d Franklin Grove 111 Thomas Fannie (Mrs J Lattin) (acad 1880-1 la 1881-3) Home 51 Argue St Hamilton Ont Thomas Mrs F H (see Hawbaker Ju- lia) thomas Frank Waters (la 1906-7 '09- 10 AM 1910-11 AB(Ind) ? 05 Prin Acad U HI 1910-11) Prin Jr H Sch Sacramento Cal 2200 Fourth Av (1249 Rice St Indianapolis) Thomas George Burford (su 1910 Also Pur U) Steam Elect Eng Ma- rion Ind Thomas Glen Herbert (arch eng 1912- ) Stu Waterville Kan Thomas Grace (mus 1915- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Weldon 111 Thomas Harold Dewey (ag 1915- ) Stu Box 1102 Bisbee Ariz Thomas Harry A (ag 1914- ) Stu 1251 Garrison Av Rockford 111 Thomas Harry C (acad 1879-80) Trav Sales Portsmouth Hat Co Ports- mouth O (McConnelsville O) Thomas Hart Blait (m eng 1901-3) Factory Mgr 125 Flora Av Peoria HI Thomas Herbert Grout (mun eng 1903- 5) Sales Rep 913 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago (807 Crescent PI) Thomas Homer (eng 1891-5 BS) Struct Eng 1703 Hoge Bldg Seattle thomas Howard Rice (g t&am 1912- 14 MS CE(Tex)'12) Asst Eng Tests 706 S Fourth St Champaign HI (2109 San Gabriel St Austin Tex) t Thomas Isaiah (acad 1906 ) 509 E John St Champaign 111 Thomas James Henry Jr (acad 1906-7 la 1907-8 MD(Amer Med) '12 Also St Louis U Med & P&S St Louis) Med Love joy HI Thomas James William (la 1914-15) Anna 111 660 THOMAS— THOMPSON Thomas Jennie Insley (Mrs C H Man- gold) (acad 1903-4 h sc 1904-8 AB) Home 6 Blanche St Dorchester Mass (Homer 111) Thomas Joe Lee (ag 1913- Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu Charleston W Va ?Thomas John Dobson (la 1907-8 Also U Wis) 5535 Washington Av Chi- cago Thomas John Mifflin (m eng 1910-14 BS Also Vincennes U) c/o Harold Almert Constr Eng Chicago 700 Pub Serv Bldg Newark NJ Thomas John Theron (la 1915- ) Stu 317 E First St Belleville 111 Thomas Joseph Neer (e eng 1901-2) St Atty 120 S 11th St Monmouth 111 ?Thomas Lauren (sp ag 1892-3) Kick- apoo 111 Thomas Leslie Norwood (m eng 1912- 14) Ag Ingalls Kan (Newport Ind) ?Thomas Lester Posey (sp chem 1908-9 Also Wash & Lee U) Lawrenceburg Ky Thomas Lyle (la 1910-14 AB Also Eureka Coll) Law Stu NW U 4705 Ingleside Av Chicago Thomas Margaret Bell (Mrs S N Go- wen) (sp la 1902-3) d Feb 1915 E5 Watseka 111 Thomas Marie Anna (Mrs G E Codo- gan) (acad 1909-11 la 1911-14) Home Winona Miss (San Jose 111) Thomas Marion Ellis (acad 1885-6 m eng 1886-8) Div Eng C&NW RR Boone la Thomas Mrs Marion Shelby (see Tur- ner Dollie I) Thomas Maurice Loyd (e eng 1912- ) Stu 5216 Vernon Av St Louis Thomas Melvin (sp ag 1907-9 ag 1909-14 BS Also Marshall Coll) Soil Investig SD Ag Coll Brookings SD Thomas Minnie Etta (Mrs H G Hake) (la 1903-6 su 1908&'09&'15) Home McMillian Hall Washington U St Louis Thomas Moses Edgar (c eng 1903-6 BS) Struct Eng Stone & Webster Eng Corp 147 Milk St Boston Thomas Nelson Eeno (com 1915- ) Stu 5216 Vernon Av St Louis Thomas Percy William (c eng 1908-9 Also Armour Inst) Sales 505 S La Salle St Chicago (Morgar Park 111) Thomas Polly Elizabeth (la h sc 1912- ) Stu Big Rock 111 Thomas Ralph Raymond (e eng 1912- ) Stu 5216 Vernon Av St Louis fThomas Ray Goodloe (arch eng 1908- 9) 908% Main St Fort Worth Tex Thomas Raymond Rogers (la com 1908-12 AB) c/o Fairbanks Morse Co Beloit Wis (1251 Garrison Av Rock- ford 111) Thomas Robert Ellsworth (acad 1910- 11 c eng 1911-15 BS) Highway Eng 522 W Jefferson St Springfield 111 (614 Whitman St Rockford 111) Thomas Royle Price (ag 1915- ) Stu R4 Sullivan Ind Thomas Mrs R U (see Wagoner Min- nie M) t Thomas Samuel (sp ag 1903-4 Also Shurtleff Coll) Thomasville 111 Thomas Stanley Jeremiah (mun eng 1913- ) Stu 206 N Seventh St Vin- cennes Ind ?Thomas Stephen M (la 1873-4) Mt Carroll 111 Thomas Theodore Gladstone (arch eng 1915- Also Armour Inst) Stu 5821 Wabash Av Chicago Thomas Victor Christian (sp ag 1912- 13) Poultry 5651 Ontario St Chi- cago Thomas Volney Heath (su 1909) Ins & Sales Mgr R F Cobb & Co 212 R A Long Bldg Kansas City Mo (3249 Warwick Blvd) Thomas Warren Wilkinson (m eng 1905-8) Lumberman Hartford Kan Thomas William Frederick (acad 1897- 8 sp 1898-9 Also Knox Coll) Merc 892 11th St Riverside Cal fThomas William Race (e eng 1908-10 su 1911 Also Va Poly) 367 Main St Decatur 111 Thomas William S (sp ag 1889-90) Ag Mt Pleasant la \ Thomason Conrad Walter (acad 1904- 5) 314 S Fifth St Quincy 111 Thomason Fred Robert (ag 1910-11 Also Mich Ag) City Forestry 12007 . Union Av W Pullman Chicago Thomason Jay Francis (ag 1910-13 BS Also Mich Ag) Hort 12029 Stewart Av Chicago Thomason Pauline Eugenia (su 1915 Also Bradley Poly) Teach H Sch 1009 Vermont St Quincy 111 Thomazin Ethel Julia (la 1913-14) Sec H W Hugstra 2547 Wilcox Av Chi- cago Thome John Paul (ag 1909-12 BS Also Mich Ag) Ag 389 Crisostomo Alverez Tucaman Argentina (1112 Fifth Av Peoria 111) Thomen Annie (h sc 1909-10) At home Greenup 111 Thomen Victoria (Mrs V T Fisher) (su 1909) Home 902 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (Greenup 111) Thompson Mrs (see Graham Bertha L) Thompson Mrs (see Spaulding-Milner- THOMPSON— THOMPSON 661 Thompson Ida M) Thompson Albert (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Carbondale 111 Thompson Albert Augustus (sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Norris City 111 Thompson Alfred Franklin (c eng 1912-13) 430 S Seventh St Spring- field 111 (134 N Glenwood Av) Thompson Alice Agnes (la Feb 1916- Also Franklin Coll) Stu 1121 Pearl St Columbus Ind Thompson Almon Daniel (c eng 1889- 93 BS) Mun Contr 129 S Jefferson Av Peoria 111 *Thomp,son Alonzo O (sp 1869-72) d Urbana HI ^Thompson Anton (m eng 1900-1) Squier ND Thompson Mrs C F (see Schulze Stella C) t Thompson Cecil Eaymond (acad 1909- 10) St Joseph 111 Thompson Charles Henry (c eng 1910- 14 BS) Sales Steelcrete Expanded Metal Co 904 Westminster Bldg Chi- cago (7144 Emerald Av) Thompson Charles Manfred (la 1906- 9 AB g hist 1909-10 AM 1910-13 PhD Asst Econ U 111 1912-13 Instr do 1913-14) Assoc Econ U HI 1914- 610 W Elm St Urbana HI Thompson Charles Oscar (acad 1894-5) Eice Ag China Tex t Thompson Clarence (acad 1897-9) Mahomet 111 ^Thompson Clarence (acad 1900-1 la 1901-3) d April 23 1910 El Paso Tex Thompson David Grosh (g geol 1912- 13 AM AM(NW)'ll Asst Geol U 111 1912-14) Instr Geol Lehigh U 1914- 1629 Hinman Av Evanston 111 Thompson Deena (su 1913 Also U Chgo) Teach Carthage 111 t Thompson Mrs Dora B (sp mus 1898- 9) Yates City 111 Thompson Mrs E F (see Ireland Etha M) Thompson Mrs Edgar C (see Keator Jeannette) t Thompson Edgar E (acad 1884-5) Petersburg HI Thompson Elmer John (ag 1906-10 BS) Prof An Husb ND Ag Coll Fargo ND Thompson Emmett Collins (m eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Master Mech 310 Euclid St Ishpeming Mich Thompson Estelle (acad 1901-2 la 1902-6 AB) Teach 764 W Macon St Decatur HI Thompson Ethel Agnes (sp h sc 1904-5 Also 111 Wes U) Merc 1019 E Wash- ington St Bloomington 111 Thompson Evangeline Louise (Mrs I C Hall) (la 1898-9 acad 1899-1900) Home Delta Colo Thompson Everett Bragg (la 1913-15) Stu LeStan U 33 N Main St Tus- cola 111 Thompson Mrs FT (see Blackburn Infelice) Thompson Fleta (h sc 1911-15 AB) Carrier Mills III Thompson Francis (su 1904&'06&>07 &'08&'09&'10&'11&'15 la 1913-14 Feb 1915 AB Also U Chgo) Supt Schs Bluffs 111 Thompson Francis James (1 1899- 1900 Also NW U) Law c/o J E Scheller 47th & Cottage Grove Av Chicago Thompson Frank Arthur (e eng 1907-8 Also Pur U 1903-6) Eng Sales Dept S F Bowser & Co Ft Wayne Ind (512 E Pontiac St) Thompson Frank Gordon (sp 1 1906-7 Also S 111 St Nor) Law Mt Vernon 111 Thompson* Frank Linn (acad 1896-8 la 1898-1902 AB) 537 E 34th St Chi- cago Thompson Fred Bailey (acad 1897-8) E Est & Ins 372 W Elm St Canton 111 Thompson Fred Lawrence (c eng 1892-6 BS) Constr Eng IC EE 6512 Woodlawn Av Chicago Thompson Fred Leo (la 1914- ) Stu 115 S Franklin St Garrett Ind Thompson George (e eng 1912- ) Stu Monroe St Anna 111 Thompson George Brooks (e eng 1905- 10) Sales Eng 1110 Garfield Av Chicago Thompson Mrs G B (see Saxton Eva I) Thompson George H (la 1897-1900 AB Also J Marshall Law Sch) Dept Mgr Armour Glue Wks 7611 S Sangamon St Chicago Thompson George Mershon (la 1895.-7 law 1898-1901 LLB) Law Bement 111 fThompson George Palmer (acad 1897- 9 sp 1899-1900) Steward HI Thompson George S (la com 1914-15 com 1915- Also U Mich) Stu Box 534 Kankakee 111 t Thompson Gertrude (sp mus 1899- 1901) 509 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Thompson Guy Andrew (acad 1892-4 la 1894-8 AB AB(Harv) , 00 AM(do) 662 THOMPSON— THOMPSON '01 PhD(Chgo)'12) Prof Engl Lit U Me Orono Me Thompson Guy Holsinget (su 1915) Prin H Sch Chadwick 111 (Ell Chambersburg Pa) Thompson Harold Earle (e eng 1910- 14 BS) E Eng 924 Oakley Blvd Chi- cago Thompson Harold Henry (com 1915- ) Stu Tiskilwa 111 Thompson Harwell Cloud (la com 1909-13 AB) Merc 15246 Columbia Av Harvey 111 Thompson Herbert Percy (m eng 1908-12 BS '13) Mfg 6212 Green- wood Av Chicago (Plainfield 111) Thompson Herle Allen (ag 1915- ) Stu White Heath 111 Thompson Horace Osmond (la com 1908-9) Nurse General Hospital Kansas City Mo (Mooresville Ind) Thompson James Arthur (ag 1900-5 BS Instr Hampton U) Arch Song- do Korea (Lay ton 111) Thompson Mrs J A (see Eiehl Anna) 1 Thompson James William (acad 1896- 7 1900-1) Tuscola 111 \ Thompson John (acad 1881-2) Me- chanicsburg 111 tThompson John Charles (ag 1912-13) R2 Springfield 111 (328 S State St) THOMPSON John Giffin (AB(Woo- ster)'00 AM(Chgo)'04 PhD(Wis)'07 Asst Pol Econ U Wis 1905-6 Res Carnegie Inst 1906-7) Instr Econ U 111 1907- 307 W Illinois St Urbana 111 t THOMPSON John Given (AB (Mon- mouth) '85 AM (Mo) '94 Instr Math U 111 1892-3 Prof Math Cooper Coll 1894rl904) 14 Eureka St Redlands Cal *Thompson Josephine Gray (Mrs R D Vincent) (lib 1907-8 AB(Chgo)'05) d April 11 1911 Chicago Thompson Mrs L (see Plank Bessie <*) Thompson Lee E (la 1912-13) Asst Opr SEW BR Saybrook 111 Thompson Lenora Belle (acad 1896-8 la 1898-9) At home 1122 Elm Av S Pasadena Cal Thompson Lillian Maud (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 7045 Union Av Chi- cago Thompson Loren Berthel (ag 1895-6) Ag Virginia 111 Thompson Luther (c eng 1883-6 Cert BS'14) Drain Eng Winamac Ind Thompson Mabel Carolyn (Mrs Robert Short) (su 1913 Also Wes U) Home Bellflower 111 (Saybrook 111) Thompson McDonald (acad 1894-5 Marvin Waterbury (c eng Stu 4235 Vincennes Av Mary (lib 1899-1900 AB Libr 151 13th St Mil- '97-8 c eng 1898-1902 BS) C Eng 1323 E 64th St Chicago ?Thompson Malcolm Everett (c eng 1906-9) 108 S Park Av Chicago Thompson Marion (Mrs Benjamin Gratz)(la 1891-5 BL g 1895-6 ML) 5155 Lindell Av St Louis THOMPSON Marsh Everett Cash II 111 1915- 713 S Elm St Champaign 111 Thompson 1915- ) Chicago Thompson (LeStan) '98) waukee Thompson Milton Winfield (la 1906- 10 AB g pol sc 1910-12 AM Also 111 St Nor U & U Chgo Instr Acad 1910- 11) Sec Madison Com Assn 701 W Johnson St Madison Wis Thompson Mrs M W (sp mus 1907-12) Home 701 W John St Madison Wis tThompson Ocie (su 1906) Ridge- farm 111 Thompson Olive Cornelia (la 1907-8) Teach 439 Roslyn PI Chicago Thompson Orin Griswold (ag 1913-14) Teach 430 S Seventh St Springfield 111 (401 W Grand St) Thompson Orlando Stephen (ag 1912- ) Stu 15246 Columbia Av Harvey 111 ^Thompson Perry P (su 1899) Pat- terson 111 Thompson Ralph (la 1896-9 AB) Ag Carbondale 111 Thompson Ralph Emerson (sp ag 1910- 12) Bnk 833 Wheeling Av Cam- bridge O t Thompson Risty Melroy '95-6 sp m eng 1896-7 Erie 111 (Murdock 111) Thompson Roy Melvyn Acct & Fin Box 26 (925 W Fourth St) Thompson Russell Hopkins (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 413 W Washing- ton St Sullivan Ind Thompson Ruth Etta (Mrs J D Mer- shimer)(mus 1912-13) Stu La Bar- the Piano Sch Chicago 1524 N Ked- zie Av Chicago (R8 Urbana 111) Thompson Samuel Arthur (sp 1 1909- 11 Also W 111 St Nor) City Edit " Daily By-Stander" Macomb 111 Thompson Mrs S A (see Tipton Nan- nie P) Thompson Samuel Matthew (law 1908- 9 AB '09-11 JD Asst Engl U 111 1909-11) Law Harrisburg 111 *Thompson Samuel West (ag 1868-70) d May 25 1912 Homer 111 (acad 1891-3 '99-1901) Mt (la 1910-11) Anderson Ind THOMPSON— THOENTON 663 t Thompson Sherman (acad 1899-1900 arch 1900-4 BS) La Salle 111 Thompson Stella McDowell (su 1909 Also U Mich 1894-5 & U Chgo & U Kan) Teach Home Econ Park Coll Parksville Mo Thompson Susan Elizabeth (la 1893-7 AB) Teach Winamac Ind Thompson Thomas David (c eng 1906- 8) Ag Villah wash Thompson Thomas Eugene (chem eng 1906-10 BS Also NW U) Mfg Enam- els 708 S Fourth St Champaign 111 (1419 Central Av Wilmette 111) Thompson Willard Carr (acad 1896-8 sp 1898-9) Lumberman Leavenworth Wash t Thompson William Alvin (acad 1902- 3) Apple Eiver 111 Thompson William Asbury (acad 1904- 5 chem eng 1906-7) Ag Payson 111 Thompson William Augustus (c eng 1876-9 BS) Broker Box 127 River- side 111 Thompson William Charles (arch eng 1915- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 2848 Wilcox Av Chicago Thompson William Lewis Voris (la 1915- ) Stu 3119 Central Av In- dianapolis Thompson William McKinley (la 1915- ) Stu La Eose 111 Thompson Willis Jr (com 1915- ) Stu 4272 Garfield Av St Louis Thompson Willis Eddy (sp ag 190i-2) Ag E3 Erie 111 Thomsen John William (c eng 1906- 10 BS) Contr Eng Strepp Bros Bridge & Iron Co St Louis (Fulton ni) Thomsen Marvin William (la 1913-15) 412 12th Av Fulton 111 THOMSON Alexander (CE (Mich) '67 Mech & Foreman Mach Shops U 111 1869-70) Eet Lake Charles La fThomson Alice Dorothy (mus 1911) Sta L Cincinnati Thomson Andrew (sc 1906-9 AB Also Armour Inst) Prop Produce Store 585 Broadway Gary Ind (2958 E 81st St Chicago) Thomson Arthur William (arch eng 1910-14) Co Eng Marshall Co Ind 523 Plum St Plymouth Ind t Thomson Carlos Sarmiento (e eng 1911-13 Also Nat Coll) Temperley F C Sud Buenos Aires Argentine Thomson Fred Newton (ag 1903-7 BS) Ag & Teach Bercail Mont Thomson Jean Florence (acad 1909- 10) Stu Iowa St Coll Kingsley la Thomson Jennie Helen (a&d 1904-6 '09-10) Homesteading Bercail Mont Thomson Lillian Euphemia (la 1914- 15 Also Knox Coll) At home 510 W Montgomery St Creston la Thomson Presson Waverly (1 1907-9 LLB AB(Knox)'97) Law 511 O T Johnson Bldg Los Angeles Thomson Mrs P W (Vera Bradshaw) (sp mus 1907-9 AB(Knox)'02) Home 828 Burck PI Los Angeles fThomson Eaul Waldo (ag 1911-12) Champaign 111 Thomson William White (la 1915- Also Wabash Coll) Stu Eockville Ind Thor Alfred Ulmo (ag 1914- ) Stu Eollo 111 ?Thordenberg Fred Moses (sp arch 1897-1900) Eock Island 111 thoeeen Edna Amelia (g ger 1913-14 AM AB (Lombard) '11) Teach H Sch 1397 Haynor St Galesburg 111 Thoren Joseph Nathaniel (c eng 1907-11 BS) Draft 7305 Perry Av Chicago Thornberry Edward Handsaker (c eng 1906-7) Asst Eng P&P U EE 27 Union Sta Peoria 111 \Thorriburg Eichard Lawrent (acad 1908-10) 318 Perry St Elgin 111 tThornburn Mary (sp mus 1905-7) 709 W Main St Urbana 111 Thorndike Clara Louise (su 1912 la h sc 1913-15 AB Also Chgo Nor) Teach & Mgr Cafeteria H Sch 740 Maryland Av Milwaukee (308 Wal- ler Av Chicago) Thorne Charles Thomas (ag 1914-15) Spencer Ind Thorne Frank Hilton (m eng 1911-13 ag 1913- ) Stu 3325 Irving Av Berwyn 111 ?Thorne John Paul (ag 1911-12) Jackson Mich Thorne Lawrence Emerson (acad 1910-11 ag 1911-15 BS g genetics 1915- ) Asst Genetics & Ag Statis- tics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1105 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (El (48) Huntington Ind) Thorne Mabel Elizabeth (sc 1909-13 AB g math 1913-14 AM) Statistical Clk US Forest Serv 151 W Gilman St Madison Wis (El (48) Hunting- ton Ind) tThornhill Charles Calaware (acad 1891-3 m eng 1893-5) Champaign 111 Thornsburgh Zada Goff (la 1914- ) Stu 209 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Thornton August Oliver (su 1910) Instr Man Tr Sumner H Sch St Louis (3439 Alberta St) Thornton Carl H (acad 1889-90) Wa- ter Serv Foreman 802 S Tenth St 664 THORNTON— THURSTON Laramie Wyo Thornton Curt (m eng 1898-99) Sec Bldg L Assn Tuscola 111 t Thornton Ella (acad 1902-4) Sa- dorus 111 tThornton Estelle (la 1910-11) Park Ridge 111 Thornton Etta Pearl (su 1903 sp a&d 1904-5 Also Austin Coll) Teach Sa- dorus 111 Thornton Grant (su 1901&'02 AB (Austin) '99) Teach Chgo Parental Sch 5300 N Central Park Av Chi- cago Thornton Joe James (acad 1897-9) Bnk Wilsonville Ore Thornton Maurice Emerson (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 2110 Central Av In- dianapolis Thornton Robert Ingersoll (acad 1895- 6 c eng 1896-9) R Est & Grain 704 Orleans St Ottawa 111 Thornton Sara (sp h sc 1903-5 Also Austin Coll) Teach Sadorus 111 Thorp Claude W (ag 1902-3) Ag Clinton 111 THORP Lambert (AB (Mass Tech) '06 MS (Mich) '10 PhD (do) '12 Also U Cin Asst Chem U Mich 1909-12 Instr Chem U 111 1912-15) Chem Park Davis Co Detroit (512 Prospect PI Cincinnati) Thorp William Walter (com 1915- ) Stu 11th St Rochelle 111 t Thorpe Anna Grace (la 1904-5) Rock- well City la Thorpe Mrs Carrie B (Mrs J C) (mus 1911-12) Home 407 E Main St Ur- bana 111 Thorpe Elihu M (la 1877-8 '80-1) Ag Wapella 111 Thorpe John Charles (m eng 1896- 1900 BS ME (Mich) '03 Instr U Mich 1902-3 Prof M Eng U Wash 1903-5 -Asst Prof Steam Eng U 111 1906-10) Pres 111 Motor Car Co 1910- 407 E Main St Urbana 111 Thorpe Veta (Mrs Merle Nebel) (la 1914- Also Frances Shimer Coll) Stu 908 W Green St Urbana 111 (702 N Center St Clinton 111) • Thorpe William Frederick (ag 1911-13 Also Lewis Inst) Clk 1414 Belle Plaine Av Chicago Thorud Bert Marshall (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 3300 Palmer Av Chicago Thory Hans Christian (la 1915- ) Stu 2514 N California Av Chicago Thrall William Flint (su 1906 AB (McKendree) '01 AM(do) '02) Prof Engl McKendree Coll Lebanon 111 (Flora 111) Thrall Mrs W F (see Keisling Enola) (su 1906 Also McKendree Coll) Home Lebanon 111 Thrasher Charles Orval (e eng 1906-9) Ag Monterey Ind Thrasher Cora Luella (Mrs Ben Hall) (su 1906 Also Austin Coll) Home De Reno N Mex Thrasher Harry Maxwell (la 1907-11 AB) Prin H Sch Hutsonville 111 (705 S Main St Stockland 111) Thrasher Mrs H M (see Misenhimer Alice I) Tnrasher Marvin Allen (su 1905&'07 &'09&'10&'11&'12) Co Supt Schs Salem 111 (Atwood 111) Threlkeld Clyde Hollis (la 1909-13 AB) Cash Mueller Mfg Co 589 Mis- sion St San Francisco Threlkeld Mrs C H (see Renner Julia B) Threlkeld Flora Gayle (h sc 1909-10 acad 1910-11 BS(Millikin) '14) Teach 742 W Eldorado St Decatur 111 t Threlkeld Harry Lawrence (su 1904) Mt Vernon 111 Threlkeld James Gray don (ag 1914- ) Stu 742 W Eldorado St Decatur 111 Threshie Robert David (ag 1915) Stu US Naval Acad Dunlap 111 Thrift Grace Larraine (g 1913-14 Also Millikin U) Supt Schs Marshallville O - (Decatur 111) t Throckmorton C L (acad 1885-6) Harveys Pa Throgmorton Norris Josiah (su 1913 Also Millikin U) Stu 111 St Nor U New Burnside 111 Tnrone Edna Hazel (Mrs R G Curtis) (sp h sc & mus 1907-9) 110 Hendric St Detroit tThurber Alberta Maud (su 1907) Yorkville 111 THURBER Carryl Nelson (g engl 1915- BA(Cor) '08 Instr Engl Case Sch Ap Sc 1913-15) Asst Engl U 111 1915- 808 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (657 Walnut St Richmond Hill NY) Thurlow Henry Plummer (ag 1913- ) Stu 6 Sheldon St Lynn Mass Thurston Alfred William (ag 1913- ) Stu 406 Chalmers St Champaign 111 Thurston Alvin Stewart (ag 1915- ) Stu 5262 W Adams St Chicago THURSTON Edward Sampson (AB (Harv)'98 AM(do) '00 LLB(do)'01 Asst Prof & Prof Law Geo Wash U 1906-10 do U 111 1910-11) Prof Law U Minn 1911- 911 SE Fifth St Min- neapolis Thurston Estelle Lenore (la 1913-15 AB Also Ind St Nor) Teach H Sch 820 N Main St Belleville 111 (2205 Fifth Av Terre Haute Ind) THUESTON— T1LT0N 665 Thurston Mrs Florence Holbrooke (Mrs E S)(sp la 1910-11 Also Pratt Nor & Perry Kinderg Nor) Home 911 Fifth St SE Minneapolis Thurston Helen Marie (h sc 1906-8) Teach 882 Oak St Winnetka 111 Thurston Henry Winfred Jr (ag 1911-15 BS) Stu Col U New Milford NJ Thurston Isabel Carrie (Mrs Koy Bev-. erly) (la 1913-14) Home Elgin 111 Thurston Lena May (Mrs K G Mon- rod)(h sc 1905-8) 622 13th St Eu- reka Cal Thevdt Christian Bernhard (e eng 1910-12 BS Also U Minn Instr U Pa 1913-14) Electr Gen Illuminating Co New York 642 Central YMCA 55 Hanson PI Brooklyn NY (Bergen Norway) Tibbetts Eobert Keith (acad 1907-8 m eng 1908-11) Exp Internat Harves- ter Co 10 E Seventh St Sterling 111 (Highland 111) Tibbits Douglas De Forrest (ag 1910- 14 BS Also Greenville Coll) Ag Ee- mus Mich (1209 Springfield Av Ur- bana 111) Tibbitts Carrie Susan (g lib 1897-8 AB (Hiram) '96) Libr 1374 W 89th St Cleveland Tice Calvin E (la 1871-2) Painter Los Angeles Tice Evert Homer (1 1904-9 LL B) Ag Greenview 111 Tice Karl Jerman (sp ag 1905-7) Ag Greenview 111 Ticknor James Hotchkiss (arch eng 1913- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 205 Eandolph Av Peoria 111 Tiedemann Edwin Wylde (ag 1911-14) Ag Fowlerton Tex (3635 Cleveland Av St Louis) tieje Arthur Jerrold (g engl 1908-12 PhD AB(Cor)'03 AM (do) '04 Asst Engl U 111 1908-10 Instr do Mass Tech 1910-11 Instr do U 111 1912-14) Instr Engl U Minn 1914- Minne- apolis Tieje Ealph Earle (la 1907-10 AB g 1910-12 AM g engl 1915- Asst Engl U 111 1910-12 Instr do Okla St Coll 1912-13 Instr do Wash St Coll 1913- 14) Instr Engl U 111 1914- 608 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Tieken Theodore (sc 1885-7 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '11 PhG(NW Coll Phar) Med 2944 Washington Blvd Chicago \Tierney Jeannette Belle (acad 1902- 3) 511 E White St Champaign 111 Tiffany Guy Eoice (su 1913 Also Pittsburg Man Tr Normal) 836 Phil- lips St Springfield Mo Tiffany Hubert Chassee (ag 1913- ) Stu La Grange 111 Tiffin Joseph Dow (ag 1914- Also Greenville Coll) Stu Walshville 111 Tigar Anna Effie (su 1910 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Havana 111 Tilden Elmer A (arch eng 1903-8 BS) ■ Arch 334 Scharfer Blk Canton O Tiley Pearl May (su 1914 Also 111 St Nor TJ) Teach 820 W Main St Belleville 111 *Tilley Alfred Hudson (sp m eng 1909-10) d July 6 1912 Hanover NH Tilley Mrs G S (see Shrum Mabel C) Tillotson Bess Mae (h sc 1912-13) Teach 106 N Kentucky Av Boswell N Mex Tillotson Clara Eva (la 1915- ) Stu 106 N Kentucky Av Eoswell N Mex Tillotson Ella A (la 1913- ) Stu 106 N Kentucky Av Eoswell N Mex Tillotson Mabel (Mrs C B Smith) (acad 1896-1900) Home 408 W Vine St Urbana 111 (c/o Edwin Foster) Tillson Arthur Edward (chem eng 1912-15) 152 Chicago Av Naperville HI Tillson Harold Luther .(c eng 1910-12 Also NW U) EE C Eng Phys Val- uation 152 Chicago Av Naperville 111 Tillson Vivian Earle (la 1914- ) Stu 152 Chicago Av Naperville 111 Tilson Delbert Mayo (ag 1906-10 BS) Ag Athens 111 Tilton Clinton Clay (acad 1890-1) Managing Edit Morning Press 20 N Hazel St Danville 111 (511 N Ver- milion St) Tilton George Francis (arch eng 1907- 10) Adv 143 Lorel Av Austin 111 (2073 Adams St Chicago) fTilton Harry William (acad 1891-2 m eng 1892-5) Mt Carmel 111 Tilton James Frederic (sp ag 1892-3 ag 1914- ) Stu & Ag El Hoopes- ton 111 Tilton Kenneth Dale (m eng 1910-13 BS'14) Foreman E & V Eng Co E Moline 111 (1620 12th Av) Tilton Leon Deming (ag 1909-15 BS) Asst Land Exten U 111 1915- 601 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Edgemont Sta E St Louis 111) Tilton Nelle Edith (la 1902-3 '04-5 su 1907 la 1908-10 AB) Teach H Sch 1101 Calumet Av Calumet Mich (706 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Tilton Olive Sophia (su 1907 Also Ind St Nor & U Chgo) Teach 929 N Hazel St Danville 111 Tilton Walter Joseph (sc 1912- ) Stu 666 TIMBERLAKE— TODD Fail-mount 111 Timberlake Erwin Bateman (c eng 1908-9 Also Lewis Inst) Bridge De- sign 5417 Cornell Av Chicago Timm Peter Frederick William (e eng 1900-4 BS) Sec-Treas Great Lakes Stone & Lime Co Box 321 Alpena Mich Timmerman Frederic Harris (ag 1915 Also U Mich) Stu Manistee Mich Timmins Henry Anderson (sp ag 1912- 14) Ag Scottsville Va (6618 Nor- mal Blvd Chicago) Timmis Alice Marie (Mrs J J Greene) (h sc 1911-13) Home Choteau Mon- tana fTimmons Anna M (su 1900) Oak- land 111 *T'immons John Suver (sp ag 1903-5) d Feb 25 1907 Monticello 111 *Timmons William Milton (su 1899& 1904) d Spiceland Ind Tincher Donald Louis (m eng 1910- 11) Res Box 105 Nevada Mo (320 Franklin St Danville 111) Tinen John Victor (sc 1907-12 BS) Teach 695 Pine Grove Av Chicago (Tuscola 111) Tinen Kate Lucile (su 1909) Teach 3658 Pine Grove Av Chicago Tinen Mary Edith (su 1911 Also Bradley Poly) Teach 211 Sumner Av Peoria 111 Tinkey Guy Henry (m eng 1914-15) Clk 1275 N Edward St Decatur 111 Tinkey Otto George (e eng 1912- ) Stu 225 N Main St Decatur 111 *T'inkham Michael DC (sc 1879-82) d Nov 22 1907 Seattle Tinkham Ralph Darrell (1 1901-2 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag & Stock Kirk- wood 111 Tinney Loraine Henrietta . (la 1915- ) Stu 351 Buena Vista Pekin 111 tinsley Raymer Wendell (g ger 1914- 15 AM AB(Ky)'12) Instr Mod Lang U Miss University Miss (Hart- ford Ky) ? Tinsley William Pierce (acad 1902- 3) Philo 111 Tinzmann Erich Ludwig (acad 1909- 10 ry e eng 1910-14) Sales Good- rich Tire Co 2323 Osgood St Chicago tippet Ralph Waldo (g chem 1913-15 AM '15- AB( Lawrence) '13) Asst Chem U 111 1915- 917 W Green St Urbana 111 (703 Lowe St Appleton Wis) Tippitt William Howard (ag 1908-9) Ag Elizabeth 111 Tipple Ruth (su 1914 Also Knox Coll) Prin H Sch Barry 111 (Pay- son 111) Tipsword Harrison Meredith (su 1911 &'12 BS(Westfield)'05 AB(do)'06) Pres Westfield Coll Westfield 111 (Toledo 111) Tipton Nannie Pearl (Mrs S A Thomp- son) (la 1908-10 AB Also W 111 St Nor) Home 505 S McArthur St Ma- comb 111 T'itchenal John Nathan (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag & Stock Brighton 111 *Titcomb Evelyn Baker (la 1907-8) d Harvard 111 TITCOMB William Caldwell (AB (Harv)'04 BS(do) '07 Also U Mich 1908-13) Asst Prof Arch 1913- 924 • W Illinois St Urbana 111 (66 Stone St Augusta Me) TITUS Edward Sharp Gaige (BS(Colo Ag)'99 MS(do)'01 ScD(Harv)'ll Also Colo Ag Coll 1900-1 Asst St En- tom Ofc U 111 1901-3 Spec Agt US Dept Ag 1903-7) Prof Zool & Entom Utah Ag Coll 1907- Logan Utah Titus George Leiner (la com 1909-13 AB'14) Ag 1504 Monroe St Sulli- van 111 Titus Joseph Clayton (la 1913-14) Clk 111 Traction Sys 605% W Vine St Champaign 111 ?Titus William L (mech 1869-71) Kane 111 Toben John Harm (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Melvin 111 Tobey Harold Eugene (e eng 1907-10 BS BS (Knox) '06) C Eng 424 E Sixth St Waterloo la t Tobias Charles Clinton (acad 1896) Mackinaw 111 Tobias Frank (com 1915- ) Stu 501 5 Fell Av Normal 111 Tobias Frank Owen (acad 1891-2) Train Dispatcher Wynne Ark Tobias Mabel B (Mrs A G Heitman) (la 1908-9 AB Also Carthage Coll) Home 2706 Jones St Sioux City la Tobie Willard Nathan (la 1904-6 AB Also LeStan U & U Cor) Mintr Lin- coln HI Tobin Elmer Clayton (e eng 1912-13) Stu U Notre Dame 487 Burrett PI Elgin 111 Tobin Louis Michael '(acad 1897-9) Edit 202 W Park Av Champaign 111 Todd Albert Lee (acad 1908-9) Sales Milwaukee (Rock Island 111) TODD Arthur James (BL(Cal) '04 PhD (Yale) '11 Also U Aix-Marseilles 6 U Paris & Coll de France & U Mu- nich Instr Engl L'Universite Popu- late Paris 1909-10 Instr Sociol U 111 1911-13 Assoc do 1913-14 Prof Soc U Pitt 1914-15) Prof Sociol U Minn 1915 713 Eighth Av SE Minneapolis TODD— TOMPKINS 667 Todd Clyde L (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Hennepin 111 Todd Dana Lee (la 1915- Also U Okla) Stu 801 W 18th St Okla- homa City Todd Daniel Malcolm (sp arch 1891- 2) Mfg 148 S State St Elgin 111 *Todd Ernest Whitman (sp sc 1899- 1900 Also Cor U d Nov 19 1903 Berea Ky Todd Ethel (la 1912-15 AB Also Knox Coll) La Harpe 111 tTodd Grace (su 1894) Areola 111 Todd Hiram Eugene (sp 1893-4 LL B (Kent) ) Law 319 Central Natl Bk Bldg Peoria 111 (306 Ellis St) Todd James (m eng 1878-82 BS) Mfg 850 Center St Elgin 111 Todd John Nelson (m eng 1908-12 BS) Draft 135 E 51st St Seattle (Tabor la) Todd Malcolm Newton (su 1913&'14& '15 Also Ind U) City Supt Schs Carlyle HI Todd Mary Estelle (lib 1899-1901 BLS Also U Syr) Libr 740 S Beach St Syracuse NY Todd Ealph Dawson (ag 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu La Harpe 111 T'odd Eobert Ivan (ag 1914-15) 1137 W Tenth St Michigan City Ind todd Vincent Hollis (g la 1909-10 AM 1910-12 PhD su 1915 AB(Harv)'07 Also U Eochester Instr Ger U 111 su 1911 Prof Mod Lang Greenville Coll 1912-15) Prof Mod Lang Jamestown Coll Bismark ND Todtmann Harry George (acad 1907- 8) Eng Constr Dept Standard Oil Co Ind 72 W Adams St Chicago (5216 Glenwood Av) Toenniges Ferdinand Frederick Emil (c eng 1894-8 BS) BE C Eng Eob- ert Grace Cont Co 170 Broadway New York (2 Kenmore St Eochester NY) *Toerring Christian Jensen (acad 1888- 9 m eng 1889-92) d April 22 1910 Philadelphia Tohill Louis Arthur (la 1910-12 AB AM '14 Also E 111 St Nor) Prin H Sch Eidge Farm 111 Tokurjawa Sotaro (la 1913-15 Also Lawrence Coll) Shizuoka Japan Toland Jessie May (lib 1904-8 AB su 1915) At home 1105 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Tolbert Carl Brooks (acad 1910-11) Ag Chambersburg 111 Tolbert Chauncey Ealph (acad 1909- 11) Ag Chambersburg 111 Toler Claude Earl (c eng 1906-7) Trav Sales Armour & Co Paducah Ky (Anna 111) Toler William LaFayette (su 1901) Merc Mounds 111 Toll Arno William (m eng 1915- ) Stu 1630 Aberdeen St Chicago Heights 111 Tolman Hugh Harrison (la 1908-12 AB Also Shattuck Sch) Ag & E Est 1107 Corning St Eed Oak la Tolmie Thomas William (arch eng 1912- ) Stu 308 S Tama St Man- chester la Tombaugh Glen Deach (ag 1914- ) Stu 311 S Vermilion St Pontiac 111 ?Tombaugh Muron Dealod (m eng 1900-1) Munster 111 Tombaugh Eaymond Stanley (m eng 1901-3 Also Lake Forest U) Stan- dardizing Eng Three Eivers Mich tTombin Eoscoe (sp ag 1909-10) Eas- ton 111 tTominaga Kotaro (acad 1888-9 ag 1890-1) Mimorimura Naka Kubiki- gun Niigataken Japan (c/o S Shiga Tokio Japan) Tomlin Edwin Thomas (ag 1914- ) Stu 807 W Edward St Springfield 111 Tomlin Harry Capps (ag 1914- ) Stu Pleasant Plains 111 Tomlin Milton Dell (acad 1897-9) Ag & Stock El East on 111 Tomlinson Bennie (acad 1901-2 la 1902-6 AB g 1906-7 AM AB (Oxford) '10) Bus Watertown Fla Tomlinson Josiah J (sp 1873-4 '75-6) Ag McNabb 111 Tomm Eosa Alvina (su 1904 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Delavan 111 *TOMPKINS Arnold (AB(Ind) '89 AM (do) '91 PhD (Ohio St) '96 Prof De- Pauw U 1885-90 Head Dept Engl Ind St Nor Sch 1890-3 (Head Dept Ped U 111 1895-9 Pres 111 St Nor U 1899-1900 Prin Chgo Nor 1900-5) d Aug 12 1905 Menlo Ga Tompkins Carrie E (sp la 1909-10 '12- 13 Grad 111 St Nor U) Ees Downs 111 Tompkins Clara Alice (sp sc 1896-9 Also Chgo U) Teach Mountain View Cal (Grover 111) Tompkins Edward Eay (su 1910 Also Bradley Poly) Dir Man Arts St Nor Sch Milwaukee 856 Marietta Av Mil- waukee Tompkins Elmer Judson (m eng 1912- 14 Also Armour Inst) Auto Sales 1206 S Fifth St SE Minneapolis (116 N Iowa Av Eagle Grove la) Tompkins Ealph Hawthorne (la 1914- ) Stu 116 N Iowa Av Eagle Grove la Tompkins Eexford De (sc 1912-13 PhG (U 111 Coll Phar) Phar Mt Sterling 668 TOMPKINS— TOWE 111 Tompkins Boy Woodruff (la 1914- ) Stu 110 Scott St Joliet 111 Tompkins Samuel Justine (m eng 1895- 6 Also 111 Coll 1896-7) Gov Inter Eev Pekin 111 Toney Thomas Ellisworth (la 1900-1 LLB(Wash)'05) Law 618 23rd Av Nat Bk Bldg Oklahoma City tTong Harry Yukit (acad 1910-11 sp mun eng 1911-13) 16 Museum Rd Shanghai China (c/o Prof A W Cole Hanover Acad Lafayette Ind) Tong Teh-Chang Yee Cheng (min eng 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Hunan China Tong Young Tso (mun eng 1910-13) c/o H S Tong Chinese PO Tientsin China Tonimaga Kotara (acad 1888-9 sc 1889-91) Ag Tokio Japan ?Tonjes John Henry (sp la 1905-6 Also Ger Wallace Coll) Champaign 111 Tonnesen Harvey Allen (m eng 1911- 13) Asst Eng Janes & Laughlin Ore Co Iron River Mich (603 N Pine St Ishpeming Mich) Tonney George Edward (m eng 1900- 2) Bridge Eng Myrtle Point Ore (Marshfield Ore) Tonsor Edith Anett (su 1911) At home 626 E Second St Alton 111 Tooke Charles Wesley (1 1897-8 LL B 1900 AB(Syr)'91 AM(do)'93 Also Cor U 1893-4 Prof Pub Law & Adm U 111 1895-1900 Prof Law do 1900-2) Law Syracuse NY t Tooke Roscoe Conkling (sp la 1908-9 Also DePauw U) 1115 Monroe St Charleston 111 Tboker Jesse Glenn (arch eng 1913- 14) Clk Hospital 2 St Joseph Mo (632 E Washington Av McAlester Okla) Tooker LeRoy B (la 1907-9) Publ Forgan Okla (Harvard 111) tToomey Mrs Annie Belle (sp lib 1907-8 Also Walden U) 85 Wharf Av Nashville Tenn ?Toops Claude (acad 1897-1900 - arch 1900-3 '05-6) Champaign 111 tTooPS George Noble (acad 1896-8 c eng 1902-6 BS) 13 Springfield Av Champaign 111 IToops Mack (c eng 1905-7) Cham- paign 111 Toops Michael (c eng 1904-8 BS) Transitman Ore Short Line c/o YM CA Pocatello Id Toothaker Harry Hawkins (e eng 1915- ) Stu Sandoval 111 Toothaker Joel E (acad 1910-11) Stu U 111 Coll Med Sandoval 111 * Topping Charles H (Trustee 1867-8) d Makanda 111 Torbert Lola Murduck (mus 1909-10) Bkpr Dresden Rd Zanesville O Torgerson Edward Fritchoff (ag 1908- 14 BS Also Lewis Inst) Asst Soil Physics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1914- 104 W California St Urbana 111 (1346 N Robey St Chicago) Torian Robert C (la 1914-15) Merc 1053 Upper Second St Evansville Ind Tornquist Alpha Caroline (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 408 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Tornquist Charles Herman (c eng 1903-7 BS) Constr Eng 750 E Kiowa St Colorado Springs Colo (Donovan 111) fTorole Edwin Bedell (sp 1868-9) Ur- bana 111 TORRANCE Frederick Calkins (ME (Cor) '11) Instr M Eng Lab U 111 1913- ) Asst Eng c/o Lackawanna Steel Co Lackawanna NY (132 Lan- caster Av Buffalo) t Torrance Harry S (acad 1886-7) Cai- ro 111 Torrance Mary (lib 1910-13 BLS AB (Hanover) '00) Catg Asst Lib U 111 1911-13) Lect Lib Sch & Lib Asst Classics U 111 1913- 804 W Green St Urbana 111 (Lexington 111) T'orrefranca Cirile (su 1905 Also No- tre Dame U) Teach Gov Serv Tig- bauan Iloilo PI Torrence Frank Harry (m eng 1913- 14 su 1915 Also Monmouth Coll) Teach H Sch Flora 111 Torrence Franklin Albert (la 1915- ) Stu Chester 111 Torrence Howard J (su 1911&'12 AB (Monmouth) '10) Teach Sc & Ins 921 E Second Av Monmouth 111 ?Torres Ricardo Castanos (m eng 1911- 12 Also Nat Coll) 203 E Green St Champaign 111 Torrey Arthur George (c eng 1908-10) Sales 330 Watch St Elgin 111 Tosney Mrs Minnie E (su 1911 Also Dixon Coll) Teach Harmon 111 (Dix- on 111) Tossey Francis Jefferson (acad 1883-4 la 1884-6) Ag & St Sen Toledo 111 tTourtelot John Hopkins (e eng 1908- 10) Paloo Park Chicago Touzalin Clara Belle (Mrs P E Stone) (lib 1907-9 BLS Also Lewis Inst) Home 310 N Kedzie Av Chicago Towe Harold Theodore (la Feb 1916- Also Miami U) Stu 902 E Broad- TOWER— TRAINOR 669 way Toledo O Tower Alexander McJunkin (ry e eng 1913- ) Stu 2535 S Webster St Ft Wayne Ind Tower Blanche J (Mrs C E Cross) (acad 1892-3) Chana 111 Tower Carleton Myron (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Rl Gillett Ark Tower George Daniel (la 1875-6) Mfg Mendota 111 Tower George Washington (ag 1875- 7) Ag Kingston 111 Tower Willis Eugene (acad 1889-90 sc 1890-4 BS g physics 1907-8 MS) Ed 344 Normal Pky Chicago Towl Erwin Bedell (sp 1868-71) C Eng 2222 L St S Omaha Neb Towl Mrs Erwin B (see Summers Sarah C) *Towle Almon Ira (m eng 1902-6 BS) d 1908 Copper Hill Tenn TOWLES John Ker (BS(Tul) '02 AM (do) '04 PhD(Yale)'08 Asst Hist Tul U 1902-4 Instr Econ U 111 1908- 12) Prof Econ Kenyon Coll Gam bier O (Hood River Ore) Town Henry Lyman (m eng 1869-71) Pattern Maker Trinidad Colo tTowndrow Arthur Barnard (c eng 1905-7) 1825 Sixth Av Moline 111 tTowndrow Henry Allen (sp law 1912- 13) 1727 Sixth Av Moline 111 ITowner Frank M (acad 1887-8) Champaign 111 TOWNE Lockwood Janes (PhB(De- Pauw) '05 BS(Mass Tech) '09 Instr C Eng U 111 1911-12) Supt Constr U 111 1912- 707 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Towns Mrs Mabel Ellen (sp h sc 1910- II Also W 111 St Nor) Home Flora 111 Towns Orla Alamon (la 1910-12 AB Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Flora 111 Townsan George Leland (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 409 W California Av Urbana HI Townsend Carl Randolph (sp ag 1904- 5) Ag Kit Carson Colo (269 Lath- rop Av River Forest 111) Townsend Mrs E B (see Jillson Sallie B) TOWNSEND Edgar Jerome (PhB (Al- bion) '90 PhM(Mich)'91 AM & PhD (Gottingen) '00 Asst Prof Math U III 1893-5 Assoc Prof do 1895-1905 Prof Math & Act Dean Coll Sc do 1905-6 do & Dean Coll Sc do 1906-13) Prof Math U 111 1913- 510 E John St Champaign 111 t Townsend Edmund D (acad 1892-3 sp 1895-6) Champaign 111 Townsend Harry F (sp 1880-1) Cash St Bk Avon 111 Townsend Jestena Kathryn (Mrs F G Hoffman) (la 1903-4) Home 216 E Fifth St Mt Carmel 111 TOWNSEND Lowell Leslie (AM(NW) '10 Instr Mus U 111 1912-15) Instr Mus U Wis 525 State St Madison Wis (902 La Salle Av Chicago} *Townsend Mary Cook (la 1888-90) d 1903 Champaign 111 Townsend Mary Wilson (su 1915) Libr Wyoming 111 Townsend Mildred Lorene (mus 1915- Also Albion Coll) Stu 510 E John St Champaign 111 t Townsend Robert David (sp m eng 1902-5) Teach 5901 Michigan Av Chicago Townsend Rolla Edward (m eng 1901- 5) Contr Marion 111 Townsend Rollin Davis (sp ag 1912- 13) Ag Maquon 111 Townsend Mrs W H (see Hiller Hulda . A) Townsend William (c eng 1889-93 BS) Mgr 122 N Catherine Av La Grange 111 Townson George Leland (e eng 1914- ) Stu 409 W California Av Urbana 111 Towson Irene (la 1912-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Macon 111 Tozer Belle (Mrs J F Hickey) (su 1906 Also Valparaiso U) Stenog Hydro Okla (Athens 111) Tracey Andrew Edward (acad 1900-2 1 1902-5 LLB) Law c/o Tracey & Tracey Toluca 111 Tracy Alice Emelyn (Mrs W S Welch) (arch 1897-8 Also Miss Ag Coll) Home Laurel Miss Tracy Elizabeth Lail (la h sc 1913- Also Western Coll) Stu 332 W Ninth St Anderson Ind Tracy Glenn Kilmer (ag 1907-9) Auto Deal Geneseo 111 t Tracy Grover Wymer (sp ag* 1903-4) 514 Crawford Av Dixon 111 Tracy Paul Hubert (ag 1914- ) Stu 201 E Blackburn St Paris 111 Tracy Perry Allen (sp ag 1906-8) Ag Princeville 111 Tragaso Gilberto (su 1911) Durango Mex *Trailor Charles Clifton (acad 1892-3) d Gibson City 111 Train Robert Farquhar (arch 1890-1) Arch 226 Exch Bldg Los Angeles tTrainor Catherine Hazel (la 1906-7 Also U Chgo) 2442 115th St Chicago *Trainor Margherita Madeline (la 1911-13) July 24 1913 Clinton 111 tTrainor Roscoe John Chauncey (e eng 1905-7 Also Lewis Inst) 2442 115th St Chicago 670 TBAMMELL— TEESSEL Trammell Samuel Ellis (su 1908 & '09 '10&'ll Also Ala A&M Coll) Prin Publ Sen 1007 Mortimer St Birming- ham Ala Trams Albert Francis (acad 1900-1 la 1901-5 AB su '15) Prtn H Sen Bridgeport 111 (Loda 111) Trams Mrs A F (see Peacock Lottie B) Trams Theodore Herman (c eng 1901- 2 '03-4 '05-7 BS) Asst City Eng Le wist own Mont tTrantow Walter Weisse (c eng 1912- 13) 259 E Wilson St Batavia 111 Trapp Albert Eubby (sc 1895-6 MD (Bush) '01) Med 111 Nat Bk Bldg Springfield 111 <1520 S Sixth St) *Trapp Edwin Stewart (arch eng 1914) d Dec 17 1914 Des Moines la Trapp Harold Frederick (1 1895-9 LL B) Law Lincoln 111 Trapp William Edward (ag 1900-1) Employee Scully 'Est Lincoln 111 Trash Emma (Mrs Emery Kayes) (acad 1876-7) Home 510 N Sixth St Phoe- nix Ariz Travelstead Moody Evert (e eng 1910- 11) Harrisburg 111 Travers Sylan Morse (acad 1906-7 la com 1908-11 AB) Sec & Treas Peo- ples Ice & Cold Storage Co 905 Mag- nolia Av Long Beach Cal (2754 E Broadway) Travers Mrs S M (see Akers Deborah C) Tra verso Carlos Luis (la 1908-9 AB (Mich) '11) Supt Schs Pacasmayo Peru Travis Eoy Elmer (acad 1899-1900 c eng 1900-4 BS) C Eng & Gas Eng 1615 Harris Trust Bldg Chicago (4136 Broadway Av) *Travis William (la 1876-81 Cert) d Chenoa 111 Traxler Elinor Evangeline (la com 1914-16 com 1915- ) Stu 1102 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Traxler Ivan W (ag 1914-5 Feb 1916- ) Stu 1102 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Traylor Mrs Edgar H (see Ferris Irene M) ITraynor Cecil (sp ag 1905-6) Ur- bana 111 Treadway Oswell Garland (su 1912 Also W 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Eich- mond 111 (Macomb 111) *Treakle Jesse Fell (sc 1907-8 '09-10) d July 11 1910 Cripple Creek Colo TEE AT Edna Almeda (Grad Ober Conserv Mus 1910) Instr Piano U 111 1912- 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 284 E College St Oberlin O) Treat Gladys Annie (la 1914-15 ag 1915- Also Ober Coll) Stu 284 E College St Oberlin O Treat Margaret Jane (la 1908-12 AB) At home 201 E Sumner St Harvard 111 Tredup Walter Edward (la 1914-15) 2169 E 75th St Chicago Trees Charles Emmett (c eng 1907-8 PhC(Pur)'lO) Phar 518 Main St Laporte Ind Trees Merle Jay (c eng 1903-7 BS CE'll) Contr Mgr Chgo Bridge & Iron Wks 37 W Van Buren St Chi- cago (5637 Dorchester Av) Trees Mrs M J (see Nichols Emily L) Tregellas Ida (la 1907-8) Teach 1332 N 69th St Chicago (Astoria 111) Trego Charles Henry (acad 1889-90 c eng 1890-4 BS) Owner Ice & Elec Plant & Cotton Gin Palacios Tex Trego Mrs E F (see Sheldon Edna W) Trego Gilbert Curtis (su 1906) Ag 715 S Fifth St Hoopeston 111 Trego Walter (ag 1902-6) Canner Hoopeston 111 Treichel Henry George (e eng 1903-7 BS) M Eng 4427 Van Buren St Chi- cago Treischel Charles Chester (cer eng 1912- ) Stu 127 S Chicago Av Kankakee 111 Trelease Sam F (su 1915) Stu Johns Hopkins U 1004 S Lincoln Av Ur- bana 111 Trelease Sidney Briggs (la 1913- ) Stu 1004 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 TEELEASE William (BS(Cor)'80 ScD (Harv) '84 LL D(Wis) '02 Also U Mo & JHopk U & Wash U & U Wis) Prof Bot U 111 1913- 1004 S Lin- coln Av Urbana 111 TEEMPEE George Nelson (g latin 1910-11 AB (Mich) '01 Head Greek & Lat Acad & Superv Pract Teach Dept Ed U 111 1910-11) Prin H Sch 32 English Ct Kenosha Wis *Trenary Jasper M (sc 1879-80) d Urbana 111 Trenchard Frances (Mrs William Sul- livan) (acad 1888-90) Home 311 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 Trenchard Wilma (la 1915- Also Mo Wes Coll) Stu Hardin Mo Trenthart Lloyd Sidney (c eng 1908- 11 BS) C Eng 422 Lyceum Bldg Duluth Minn Trescher Jessie Mae (la 1905-6) Mus Lyceum & Chautauqua Platform 721 Locust Blvd Quincy 111 Tresise Francis John (acad 1885-6 c eng 1886-90 BS CE'93) Constr Eng 17 Dorchester Ed Buffalo Tressel Harry Shults (la 1910-14 AB) Stu U Chgo 118 S 13th St TEEU— TROUT 671 Terre Haute Ind Treu Max Rudolph Hendriek (ag 1915- Also U Wis) Stu Johannesburg Transvaal S Africa Trevellyan Helen Elizabeth (mus 1912- 13) Teach Villa Grove 111 (8056 Green St Chicago) Trevett Bessie Harriette (Mrs L T Allen) (sp 1897-8 acad 1899-1902 sp mus 1903-6) Home Danville 111 (Champaign 111) Trevett Helen Mary (Mrs J H Finch) (acad 1895-8) Home Champaign 111 Trevett John Howard (acad 1894-6 law 1896-1900 LLB) Bnk Cham- paign 111 Trevett John Richard (sp 1868-70 Trustee U 111 1913- ) Bnk Cham- paign 111 *Trevett Ross Lennington (acad 1892- 5) d June 7 1913 Champaign 111 Trickey Hardy Deland (acad 1892-3) Mintr Lucerne Ind (Winchester 111) Trickle Lenox Edmond (arch eng 1914- ) Stu Rantoul 111 Triebel Albert (arch eng 1901-5 BS) Mgr Retail Monument Co 113 S Ma- plewood Av Peoria 111 (1138 Vorris St) Triebel Otto Louis Jr (e eng 1903-5) Mgr Retail Shoe Bus 422 E Monroe St Springfield 111 (1138 Vorris St Peoria 111) Triebner Marie Louise (su 1907 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 5906 Princeton Av Chicago Trigg Mrs L A (see Grigsby Bess) Triggs Leon Alvin (la com 1910-14 AB) Constr Acct C&NW RR 371 Walnut Av Elgin 111 Trimble Carleton Thompson (la com 1907-11 AB) Ag Homewood Farms Trimble 111 Trimble Mrs Carleton (see Busey Let- tie L) Trimble Clara Eugenia (la 1901-4 AB) Teach Curtis H Sch 6100 Dor- chester Av Jackson Pk Sta Chicago Trimble Eliza Frances (sp h sc 1912- 13 Also Ind St Nor) Teach Haub- stadt Ind (712 Grand Av Evansville Ind) Trimble John A (sp 1870-1) Marsh- field Ind Trimble Mary Lillian (la 1903-6 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Lake View H Sch 6104 Kenwood Av Chicago Trimble Robert Malcolm (acad 1907- 9) Carpenter 506 N Busey Av Ur- bana 111 Trinkle John Henry (su 1911 AB (Ind) '10) Teach Newman 111 (Paoli Ind) Tripp Belle Chamberlin (su 1906 mus 1912-13 Also U Wis) Teach Voice 902 Union Av Belvidere 111 Tripp Bettie Erne (Mrs J H Stone) (su 1906 Also Lincoln Coll) Home Greenview 111 TRipr Harold Frank (1 1900-2 LLB '04) Law 319 Lee Bldg Oklahoma City Tripp Jennie Louise (h sc 1912-13 Also U Wis) Teach Belvidere 111 Trippeer Allen G (e eng 1895-6) C Eng & Contr Peru Ind Tritt Frances Irene (h sc 1911- ) Stu c/o Mrs A Savage 810 W Church St Champaign 111 Tritt Helen Lucile (Mrs A Savage) (h sc 1912-13) Home 810 W Church St Champaign HI Trobaugh Grace Edith (Mrs C E Hay) (la 1909-11) Home Rl Kankakee 111 (2121 Walnut St Murphy sboro 111) Troeger Phillip Theodore (ag 1912- Also Lewis Inst) Stu 109 Cayuga St Storm Lake la Trogdon James Edmund (m eng 1893- 6) Law 939 W 42nd St Kansas City ' Mo t Troll Ernest Charles (sc 1889-90) Oswego HI Trost Frances Helen (la 1910-14 AB) Prin H Sch Tolono 111 (511 W High St Urbana 111) Trost Gertrude Ethel (sp mus 1902-4) At home 511 W High St Urbana 111 Trost Opal Winifrede (h sc 1912- ) Stu 511 W High St Urbana 111 Troster Marion Collier (la 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu Bellflower 111 Troster Oliver John (ag 1912- ) Stu Bellflower 111 Troth Will Vorhees (sc 1895-6 Also Ind St Nor) Propr Hotel West Ba- den Ind Trotter Carroll Archibald (sp ag 1904- 6) Ag R5 El Reno Okla Trotter Clinton P (ag 1905-9 BS) Contr San Benito Tex Trotter Jessie Elizabeth (Mrs H A Coffman)(la 1899-1902) Home 1125 Knoxville Av Peoria HI Trotter William' John (sp ag 1906-8 acad 1908-9) Ag Coal City HI Troup Harold Joseph (la com 1909-12) Lumber 1084 E Court St Kankakee 111 • *Troup Joseph A (acad 1876-7) d Kankakee HI Trout Clement Eddy (ag 1913- ) Stu 909 W Illinois St Urbana III 672 TEOUTMAN— TEU SCOTT Troutman Mary Elizabeth (su 1914 Al- so E 111 St Nor) Stu Col Sch Mus 642 Marquette Ed Chicago (Charles- ton 111) Troutman William Chilton (su 1914 la 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu El Carl Junction Mo Trovillion Fred Eoudeau (acad 1909- 10) Surv Golconda 111 Trowbridge Charles Edgar (m eng 1911-13 mun eng 1913- ) Stu 1220 S Main St South Bend Ind Trowbridge Charles Leslie (ag 1911- 12 '13-15 BS Also Mich Ag Coll 1912-13) Ag Tolono 111 (Crete 111) Trowbridge Jessie Elizabeth (h sc 1910-13 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Green Valley 111 Trowbridge John M (acad 1905-6) C Eng & Clk Livingston Mont (Dela- van 111) Trowbridge Leroy John (e eng 1905-6 Also Keokuk Dent Coll & U la) Dent 116 S Market St Ottumwa la Trowbridge Mary Luella (la 1912-15 AB g lat 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Green Valley 111 Trowbridge Myrtle (la 1909-11 AB Also 111 St Nor U) At home Green Valley 111 Trowbridge Perry Fox (g org chem 1904-6 PhD BPd(Mich Nor) '92 PhB Mich) '92 AM (do) '05 MPd(Mich Nor) '11 Also Braunschweig Zucker Schule su '98 & Marburg U 1898-9 Asst Chem U Mich 1893-5 Ees Asst Nutr & Instr Chem U 111 1905-7 Asst Prof Chem do 1907 Asst Prof Ag Chem & Assoc Chem Chge Exp Sta U Mo 1907-8) Prof Ag Chem & Chem Exp Sta U Mo 1908- 1305 Reiser Av Columbia Mo ?Trowbridge Silas (c eng 1869-72 '73- 4) Dent Decatur 111 (Sullivan 111) Trowbridge Tessie Elizabeth (h sc 1910-13 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Green Valley 111 Trowbridge William Oliver (ag 1914- ) Stu 1220 S Main St South Bend Ind \Trowe John (acad 1882-3) Dwight 111 Troxel Floyd Elsworth (m eng 1912- ) Stu Minonk 111 Troxel George William (acad 1899- 1900) Wks Watch Factory 622 S Glen wood Av Springfield 111 (Roches- ter 111) Troxell Lula (Mrs D Y Langley) (la 1903-5) Home Meehanicsburg 111 Troy Mary Zeliaette (lib 1912-15 BLS AB(Ala)'12 Catg Asst U 111 1913- 15) Libr Hoopeston 111 (504 33rd Av Tuscaloosa Ala) Troyer Mrs (see EobinsoD Minnie G) Troyer Albert Melville (acad 1884-5 sc 1885-6) Mintr Grand Island Neb (Dorchester 111) tTroyer William Lincoln (acad 1883- 4 ag 1884-8) c/o E A Eobinson Champaign 111 (Dorchester 111) Truax Ethel Lorene (su 1913) Teach Oakland 111 v TEUE Leighton J (com 1915- BS (Ore Ag)'10 Also U Wis 1914-15) Asst Dairy Mfg U 111 1915- 1003 W California Av Urbana 111 (1208 W Johnson St Madison Wis) TEUEMAN John Main (BSA(Cor) '95 Instr Dairy SD Ag Coll 1895-7 Asst Dairy & An Husb U Col 1903-5 Instr Dairy U 111 1905-7) Prof Dairy Husb Conn Ag Coll & Dairy Husb Storrs Exp Sta 1907- Storrs Conn fTruesdale Ealph N (sp arch 1885-6) Peoria 111 Truitt Elmer (su 1911 Also Valpar- aiso U) Teller Nat Bk Nokomis 111 (Irving 111) Truitt Henry (ag 1908-11 BS Also Bradley Poly) Co Agt Peoria Co Farm Bur Chillicothe 111 Truitt Mrs Henry F (see Jordon Helen M) Truitt Louis Elmo (m eng 1910-11) Med Stu Eoodhouse 111 Trulson Palmer (ag 1913-15) Stu NW U 311 N Main St Princeton 111 Truman Brook Halley (sp ag 1904-6) Ag E12 Urbana 111 Truman Edna (acad 1901-2 la 1903-7 Also LeStan U & Col U) Teach H Sc Eedwood City Cal (E12 Urbana 111) Truman Fern (Mrs C H Knowles) (acad 1905-8 '09-10 h sc 1910-12) Home 604 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Truman John F (acad 1876-7) Ag E12 Urbana 111 Truman Jonathan Hall Jr (acad 1906- 8 e eng 1908-11 BS) Mgr Elec Light Plant Bushnell 111 Truman Laurel (sp ag 1904-5) Sales Mayview 111 Truman Lenora (acad 1901-2 sp la 1902-5 '06-7) Seamstress E12 Ur- bana 111 Trumbo Jay Peroy (sp ag 1906-7) Ag Marseilles 111 Trumbo Silas Max (c eng 1911-12 arch eng 1913- ) Stu 403 E Indiana Av Pontiac 111 Trumbull Frederick Marsh (su 1901 Grad 111 St Nor U) Ag Stillman Valley 111 tTruscott Laura Margaret (su 1902& TTIYON— TUNNELL 673 '07 Also S 111 St Nor) Mt Erie 111 Tryon Charles Leon (c eng 1907-10) C Eng & Co Surv & Supt Highways 511 Bunker St Woodstock 111 *Tryon Floyd Clinton (m eng 1903-6) d Jan 1 1910 Woodstock 111 Tsao Mou Chuan (la com 1910-12 Al- so Boone's U Sch) 1531 San Pablo St Oakland Cal Tscharner Frank Pierce (acad 1887-8 la 1888-90 LL B(Mich) '92) c/o US Land Ofc Belief ourche SD (Okaw- ville 111) * Tscharner John Baptiste (acad 1885- 6 BS'90) d 1893 Colorado Springs Colo # Tschentke Herman Louis (su 1914) Teach Crescent City HI tTschudy Ida Martha (su 1895) High- land 111 Tsen Bei Chang (c eng 1913-15 Also Tech Coll Changshi) Chu Gon Don 101 Ling Young Hen Chow China fTsen Lung Nyoen (sc 1911-12) Ur- bana 111 tTsiANG Khoo-din Su-peh (la 1908-11 AB&BS Also St John's U) Bur Oil Admin Peking China ?Tsou Ying-Hsunden (g entom 1912-13 BS(Cor)'12) 5 Chi Ysi St Soochow Kang Su China tTsow Min (la 1912-14 Also Prov In- dust Sch) Tai-poo Swatow Kwong- tung China Tu Chine Fang (min eng 1914-15 Also U Mich) Stu U Minn Kirin China Tu Tinph Weitsen (ry c eng 1907-9 BS) Div Eng Nan Hsun RR Kiuki- ung China Box 912 Amer Postal Agency Shanghai China Tuason Alfonso (su 1905&'06 Also Pur U) Ag Insp Bur Ag 1233 Arle Manila PI tubbs Eston Valentine (g hist 1909-10 AM AB(NW) '09) Supt H Sch Cen- tralis 111 Tubbs Frances Edna (la 1908-9 Also U S Cal) Teach Venice Cal (281 Jackson Blvd Chicago) ?Tubbs Harold Azelle (la 1911-12) 1002 Second St Champaign HI *Tubbs Henry Rolla (acad 1886-7 la 1887-9) d July 4 1890 Kirkwood HI Tubbs James Arthur (acad 1899-1901) Asst Cash Nat Bk 904 W Broadway St Monmouth 111 t Tubbs Myrtle Laura (su 1908 Also Upper la U) Teach H Sch Kirk- wood 111 fTuck William Osgood (a&d 1886-7) Plymouth HI Tucker Bert Floyd (e eng 1904-8 BS) Dist Supt Cent 111 Pub Serv Co Tay- lorville 111 I Tucker Gertie Oakland (acad 1898-9) c/o Mrs A P Whitmore Urbana 111 Tucker Gladys May (com 1915- ) Stu 515 Oakwood Av Highland Park 111 Tucker Gustave Morton (cer eng 1915- ) Stu 1448 S Sawyer Av Chi- cago Tucker Jesse Orrin (acad 1903-4 e eng 1904-8 BS) Opr E Eng 111 Tract Sys 426 Chamber St Ottawa 111 (Bos- ton Mo) Tucker Laurence Edward (su 1914 Al- so De Pauw U) Dir Athl H Sch 373 E Chicago St Elgin 111 (704 S Locust St Greencastle Ind) Tucker Mrs L E (see Dodds Erne F) Tucker Phoebe Caroline (Mrs J E Schnellback) (la 1909-14 AB Also Mon- mouth Conserv Mus) Home 806 S Third St Champaign 111 Tucker Rolland Henry (ag 1914- ) Stu Minonk 111 t Tucker Stephen Kenneth (sc 1912-13) 58 W Sixth St N Anderson Ind t Tucker Walter Clifton (acad 1898- 1900 sp 1900-1) Brimfield ni tTucker William Benjamin (acad 1906- 9 sp sc 1909-11) 307 S Euclid Av Oak Park 111 (Boston Mo) Tucker William Browning (ag 1910- 12) Car Insp C&NW RR 137 N Sco- ville Av Oak Park 111 Tucker - William Henry (la 1915- ) Stu Morrison 111 tTucker William Wallace (su 1907) Kewanee 111 Tudor Herbert Ovando (su 1915- Al- so U Kan) Dir Athl Parsons Coll Fairfield la (Holton Kan) Tuell Wallace Gerry (e eng 1912- ) Stu 69 W Locust St Canton 111 Tukey Harold B (ag 1914- ) Stu 3122 Harold Av Berwyn 111 Tullock George Albert (sp ag 1904-5) Hort Box 15 Foley Ala Tullock Warren Milne (sp ag 1902-5 acad 1906-7) Chf Ticket Clk 111 Tract Sys 908 W Green St Urbana 111 (Box 815 Rockford 111) Tullock Mrs W M (see Allen Mae L) Tumbleson Alvin Truesdell (arch 1898- 1900 '09-10 BS) Arch Holabird & Roche 104 S Michigan Av Chicago (713 W Elm St Urbana 111) fTunison David B (acad 1877-8 m eng 1878-80) Wyandotte Kan *Tunison George C (ag 1872-3) d May 5 1911 White Hall 111 *Tunnell Frank West (acad 1882-3 sc 1883-5) d Oct 4 1910 Edwardsville 111 674 TUNN ELL— TURNER Tunnell James Evans (acad 1899-1900 la 1900-1) Prop Hotel Bushnell 111 ITunnicliff John James Jr (1 1899- 1901 LLB) Law 663 W North St Galesburg 111 .Tupper Mrs H W (see Pierce Amy E) Tupper Henry Andrew (la com 1907- 9) With H Birks & Sons Jewelers 8 Queen Mary Apt Oldfield Av Mon- treal Can Tupper James Oliver (ag 1908-9 1913- 16 BS) Woodstock 111 Turbett James Harris (sp ag 1903-4 Also 111 St Nor U) Ag Rll Hanna City 111 Turell Inez (Mrs R M VanPetten) (acad 1904-6 la 1906-9 '12) Home 3604 Riverside Av Cleveland (412 W Hill St Champaign 111) Turell Melissa (la 1910-12) At home 412 W Hill St Champaign 111 Turell Vera (la 1901-6 AB AM(Rad) '12) Teach H Sch 412 W Hill St Champaign 111 Turk Bella Selma (la 1907-11 AB) Teach 417 E Calhoun St Macomb 111 (1403 N State St Litchfield 111) Turk Elkan (la 1906-10 AB LL B (Col) '13) Law 60 Wall St New York Turlay Anne Marie (la 1911-15 AB Also U Chgo) Instr Playground Wk Champaign 111 (617 E Johnson St Clinton 111) Turley Harold Edwin (ag 1914- ) Stu Burney Ind Turley Robert Edgar Jr (c eng 1909- 13 BS MS '15 Also E Ky St Nor) C Eng Boggs & Forbes Co 505 S Second St Richmond Ky Turnbull Clifford Griffith (ag 1915- ) Stu 602 E Daniel St Champaign 111 Turnbull Ethel Agnes (Mrs P H Mead) (h sc 1902-3 Also Cor U) Home Sil- ver Creek NY Turnbull Foster Brown (la 1902-4 Grad Buffalo Law Sch '09) Law 13 Niagara St Buffalo NY (286 Hud- son St) Turnbull Guy Allen (acad 1900-2 sp m eng 1902-4) Ag & Mach Ohio 111 (Van Orin 111) Turnbull Ida Caroline (su 1905&'06 Also Blackburn U) Teach H Sch 509 E Main St Carlinville 111 Turnbull Robert Noel (sp ag 1908-9) Ag 111 Turnbull Mrs William Gray (see Lof- tus Ella) turneaure Frederick Eugene (Hon D Eng '05 CE(Cor)'89 Instr Wash IT 1890-2) Prof Bridge & San Eng & Dean Coll Eng U Wis 1892- Madi- son Wis Turnell Amy (Mrs F T Webber) (sc 1888-90) Home 108 N Franklin St Danville 111 Turner Alexander Harvey (ag 1912- ) Stu Loda 111 Turner Arthur Lynn (ag 1907-9) Ag Wenona 111 Turner Bessie Irene Mrs C L Oathout la 1909-14 AB) Home Sibley 111 * Turner Charles A (acad 1885-6) Fair- view 111 Turner Charles Edward (la 1913- ) Stu 201 E Washing^n St Mt Sterling Turner Charles Philip (m eng 1900-4 BS) c/o Turbine Dept Gen Elec Co Monadnock Blk Chicago (Butler 111) Turner Chester Charles (ag 1913- ) Stu 212 E Armory Av Champaign 111 t Turner Clara Louise (sp h sc 1902- 3) Hebron 111 t Turner Clyde Briggs (acad 1893-4) Atlanta 111 Turner David Adolph (sp ag 1908-13) Div Superv Aluminum Cooking Uten- sil Co 615 First Nat Bk Bldg Minne- apolis (1254 S Central Park Chi- cago) Turner Dollie I (Mrs M S Thomas) (la 1898-9 su 1901&'03 1905-6 AB Also Penn Coll 1896-8) Home 611 E 32nd St Indianapolis t Turner Edwin Calvert (sp 1899-1900) Menlo Kan Turner Emery Adell (ag 1908-9) Ag N Judson Ind Turner Ernest DeWitt (ag 1907-12 BS) Ag R3 N Judson Ind (Wen- ona 111) Turner Frank (sp ag 1909-10 ag 1910-14 BS g econ 1915- Also S 111 St Nor) Asst Dairy Husb U 111 1914- 1107 Oregon St Urbana 111 (Duquoin 111) Turner Frank Clayton (su 1910 Also McKendree Coll) Prin Schs Jones- boro 111 turner Frederick Jackson (Hon LL D '08 AB(Wis)'84 AM(do)'88 PhD (JHopk) '90 Prof Amer Hist U Wis 1892-1910) Prof Hist Harv U 1910- 153 Brattle St Cambridge Mass Turner George Edward (la 1905-6) Dir Mus Port Arthur Coll Port Arthur Tex (Beaumont Tex) Turner George Lewis (la 1915- ) Stu 6926 Lowe Av Chicago t Turner George Walker (la 1907-8) TURNER— TWOMEY 675 Virginia 111 Turner Harold Horton (m eng 1915- ) Stu 6415 Kimbark Av Chicago t Turner Hazel D (la 1904-7) Clk St Nat Bk Bloomington 111 (Atlanta 111) Turner Hazel May (la h se 1914-15) Richmond 111 Turner Herbert (sc 1878-82 Cert) C Eng Yuba City Cal Turner Howard Asa (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Butler 111 Turner Hubert Michael (e eng 1906- 10 BS MS 1915 Asst E Eng U 111 1910-12) Instr E Eng U Minn 1912- Minneapolis Turner Mrs H M (see Baldwin Jessie E) Turner Ida Ella (Mrs R O Brown) (sp h sc 1901-2) Home Butler 111 •Turner Isaac (sp 1872-3) d Larned Kan Turner James Craigmile (ag 1914- ) Stu Loda 111 t Turner James Marion (su 1911 & 15 Also Dixon Coll & Ohio U) R3 Lov- ington 111 Turner Luther Martin (e eng 1913- ) Stu Box 55 Beardstown 111 Turner Merle Bernice (la 1915- ) Stu 60 E Healy St Champaign 111 Turner Oscar (sp a&d 1905-6 Also Armour Inst) Sec Turner Mfg Co 4445 Sangamon St Chicago Turner Reuben Raymond (su 1910 la 1912-13 AB Also Millikin U) Chem 1524 S 55th St Philadelphia (603 E Ash St Taylorville 111) Turner Rhodolphus Kibbe (ag. 1908- 14 BS) Ag Butler 111 Turner Rufus Presley (sp ag 1904-6) Ag R7 (43) Quincy 111 Turner Ruth Minnie (la 1911-12) Nurse Beardstown 111 t Turner Samuel Rutherford (1 1912- 13 Also U Mich) Virginia 111 t Turner Walter (acad 1906-7) 706 Oakland Av Toledo O t Turner Walter Carlyle (la com 1909- 13) Atlanta 111 Turner Walter Vane (m eng 1908-12 BS) Tech Edit c/o "Gas Record" 347 Monadnock Blk Chicago (553 Sherman Av Evanston) Turner Mrs W V (see Strong La Delia) Turner Wayne Isaac (ag 1915- ) Stu 1003 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Turner William Henry (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Butler 111 Turnes Samuel Jacob (c eng 1906-8) Adv Mgr 214 S Wabash Av Chicago Turnock Lawrence Charles (chem eng 1904-10 BS ChE(Wis) , ll) Chge Dept Elect Chem Penn St Coll 500 Pugh St State College Pa Turnock Llewellyn Alvin (arch 1911- 13) Arch 118 Water St Elkhart Ind Turnquist Elmer Nels (ry m eng 1913- 14 la 1915- ) Stu 439 S Fourth Av Canton HI Turnquist Ivan William (ag 1914- ) Stu 6207 Champlain Av Chicago Turpin Charles Udell (com 1915- ) Stu 4362 N Market St St Louis Turton Mrs George William (see Shoop Adaline M) Tuthill James Pierce (c eng 1913- ) Stu 141 N Porter Av Elgin 111 Tuthill John Kline (e eng 1912-14 BS Also Rose Poly 1905-7) Mgr Elec Light Co Chenoa HI Tuthill Lewis Butler (acad 1897-9 la 1898-1901 AB law 1901-4 LL B) Law & Ins Anna 111 Tuttle Arthur Laughlin (acad 1910- 11) Ag Poplar Grove 111 Tuttle Charles Asa (e eng 1915- ) Stu 156 E Fourth St Momence 111 Tuttle Charlotte (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 222 Woodbine Av Wilmette 111 Tuttle Coy Rathbone (ag 1914-15 Al- so Millikin U) Ag McLean 111 *Tuttle Frances Margaret (lib 1902-3 AB( Albion) '98) d Nov 13 1900 Al- bion Mich Tuttle George Kreita (sc 1910-11) Plumber Amboy 111 TUTTLE George Philip Jr (BS(Vt) '11) Asst Examiner Reg Ofc U 111 1911- 905 S Coler Av Urbana 111 *Tuttle James Dee (sc 1909-10) d April 5 1915 McLean 111 Tuttle LeRoy Hammond (com 1915- ) Stu 210 N Elm wood Av Oak Park 111 Tuttle Lowell Hafner (ag 1913-15) Stu U Mich 322 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 Tuttle Mrs Warren W (see Hunt Ma- bel D) Tweedie Norman James (la 1915- Also Pur U) Stu 423 Front St Wheaton 111 T wells Robert (cer eng 1915- ) Stu Alton Park Chattanooga Temi Twist Clarence Cicero (ag 1907-11 BS) Ag & Grain Merc Rochester 111 Twist John Francis (ag 1907-11 BS) Plantation Mgr Earle Ark (Roches- ter 111) Twomey Thomas Leo (su 1915- Also U Wis) Dir Athl H Sch Douglas Ariz 676 TWYMAN— UPDIKE \Twyman Frank A (acad 1893-6) Ma- comb 111 Tygett Roscoe (11906-9 LL B Also S 111 St Nor) Law Christopher 111 Tyhurst Ora Everett (ag 1914-15) Bar- ber YMCA Barber Shop Champaign 111 (Martinsville 111) Tyler Charles Vernon (c eng 1907-11 BS) Mgr Collection Dept Indepen- dent Harvester Co Piano 111 Tyler E Lloyd (c eng 1907-8) Acct Piano 111 Tyler Frank Joseph (c eng 1908-9) RR Ofc Clk 240 Milwaukee St Sa- vanna 111 Tyler Irvin Francis (c eng 1908-10) C Eng Dept CM&StP RR 442 Chi- cago Av Savanna 111 Tyler James Hersey (acad 1910-11 c eng 1911-13 '14- ) Stu 1301 W Clark St Urbana 111 Tyler Miriam Streator (lib 1915- AB (Western Reserve) '15) Stu 1814 Hanover Av Richmond Va Tyler Walter S (e eng 1896-1900 BS) Mfg & E Eng Amer Graphaphone Co 503 Colorado Av Bridgeport Conn Tylski Walter William (m eng 1913- 15) 2205 Cortez St Chicago Tyndale Hector Hilgard (la 1871-5 BL BS(Cor)'77 LL B(Col) '79) Law 49 Wall St New York Tysdal Orville Elmer (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Brier Crest Sask Can Tyson Lida Scott (acad 1910-11) At home 220 Lafayette St Jackson Tenn ?Tyson Roy Ulysses (sp e eng 1908-9 Also U Cal) 727 Fayette St Peoria 111 UDDEN Jon Andreas ( g paleontol 1906-7 AB(Augustana)'05 Field Asst US Geol Surv 1904 Asst Geol 111 Geol Surv 1907-9) Asst Geol Tenn Coal & Iron RR Co 1910- 208 S Pearl St Birmingham Ala Udinsky William Philip (chem eng 1912-15) 386 Monmouth St Jersey City NJ Uehstedt Mrs Harry Bode (see Som- mer Clara L) Uhlhorn Elmer Henry (ag 1913-14 Al- so NW U) Sales 220 N Oak Park Av Oak Park 111 Uihlein Oscar Louis (e eng 1904-5 Al- so U Wis) Elect Constr 735 Hackett Av Milwaukee Ulery Bernie Bell (sp ag 1906-7 Also Millikin U) Ag Casner 111 Ullensvang Martin L (sc 1897-9 BS) Fruit & Poultry Zelzah Cal Ullery Mrs E B (see Ferguson Anna) ?Ullman Alvin Ellsworth (m eng 1906- 8) 327 13th St Moline 111 ?Ullrich Clara (la 1903-4) 712 W Hill St Champaign 111 Ullrich Joseph Edward (acad 1906-7 law 1907-8) Bnk R Est & Ins Irwin 111 tUlrich Otto Henry (sp ag 1905-6) Godfrey 111 Ulrich Robert V (la 1878-9) Bnk 1515 N Madison Av Peoria 111 Ulrich William (-su 1912 Also 111 St Nor U) Gov Serv Cairo 111 nJlrich William Gus (c eng 1892-3) 406 57th St Chicago Underhill Harold Wertz (arch 1909- 13 BS) Arch Underhill & Dean 3716 Central St Kansas City Mo Underhill Mrs H W (see Welles Anna L) Underwood Clarence (c eng 1910-11) c/o 111 Traction Sys Decatur 111 Underwood Eugene (la 1914-15) Stu Law Geo Washington U 1333 15th St NW Washington (6020 Champlain Av Chicago) Underwood Gilbert Stanley (sp eng 1911-12 arch eng 1913-14) Arch 1103 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Underwood Lewis Edward (chem eng 1905-6) Mgr Book Dept Popular Mech Magazine 704 N 12th Av May- wood 111 (112 W Walnut St St Charles 111) Underwood Wilbert Eugene (e eng 1904-8 BS) Edit Nat Miniature Maz- dafier-Nat Lamp Wks 102 Holyoke Av E Cleveland O Unger Charles Peter (acad 1901-3) Merc Rochelle 111 Unger George Walter Adolph (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 711 S Ridgeland Av Oak Park HI Ungson Rafael (su 1905 Also U Notre Dame) Junior Computer Bur Lands Manila PI (33 War Dept Washing- ton) Unnewehr George Louis (sp mus 1907- 8 PhB(Chgo)'07) Prin H Sch Dix- on Cal (East Auburn Cal) Unziker Earl Morris (acad 1908-9 arch eng 1909-11) With Bloomington Canning Co Box 437 LeRoy 111 (104 W Vernon Av Normal 111) Unziker William Luther (la 1895-8 AB) Satsuma Ala Upchurch Oscar Conrad (su 1905&'06 AB(Ewing) '01) Gov Indian Serv Winnebago Neb Updegraff Helen (g chem 1915- BA (Cor) '15) Stu Vallejo Cal Updike Hector (m eng 1898-1904) Draft 3016 Magnolia Av St Louis UPDIKE— VALLANCE 677 Updike Herbert Dodge (la com 1914- Also Cascadilla Sch) Stu 4569 Mc- Millan Av St Louis (327 Forest Av Oak Park 111) Uphaus Bruce Kichard (m eng 1911- 15 BS) 164 N Waller Av Chicago lUppendahl Frank Henry (acad 1902- 3) Dent Peoria 111 UppendaM Vida Elvirda (Mrs S L Stevens) (sp mus 1902-3) Home Dal- ton City 111 Uppendahl William John (acad 1893- 4 la 1894-6 MD (Rush) '01) Peoria 111 upson Lent Dayton (g pol sc 1909-11 PhD AM (Wis) '09) Ees 724 Kilburn Av Rockford 111 *UPSTONE George S (Foreman Farm U 111 1869-70) d Upton Grace Harley (Mrs S P Clark) (la 1900-2) Home Ogden la *Upton Mabel E (Mrs P O Lyon) (h sc 1900-2) d July 2 1903 Rochelle 111 Urbain Arthur Jules (m eng 1912-13 la 1915- Also 111 Coll) Stu 127 S Division St Duquoin 111 Urbain Leon Francois (arch 1907-10 BS Also DePauw U 1905-7) Arch 1215 Gt Northern Bldg Chicago (2434 Nordica Av) Urbain Lottie Octavia (la h sc 1913- Also NW U) Stu 127 S Division St Duquoin 111 Urban Harvey Benjamin (sc 1906-8 AB su 1910 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Pub Schs Polo 111 Urch Melvin Case (sp ag 1911-13) Mfg 105 Houston Av Muskegon Mich ?Urestii Adolfo Sanchez (arch eng 1902-4) Saltillo Mex ?Uril Alice M (la 1876-8) Aurora 111 Ursich Joseph Edward (la 1915- ) Stu 115 Indiana Av Joliet 111 fUrtula Dalmacio (su 1905) Calasias Piugasiuan PI USHER Susannah (BS(Mass Tech) '98 Instr H Sc Simmons Coll 1903-4 Instr H Sc U 111 1904-6 Asst Prof do 1906-11) Res H Sc Cornell U Ithaca NY (9 Kirkland PI Cam- bridge Mass Usis Felix Max (e eng 1914-15) Niles 111 Uthoff Herman Conrad (acad 1894-5 la 1895-8 Also St Bede Coll) Jour Peru 111 Utley Nelson Monroe (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 918 Lawrence Av Chicago Wtley Paul Henry (acad 1905-6) 8 Gordon Terr Chicago tUtsurikawa Nenozo (acad 1908-9 la 1909-12) Nihonmatsu Iwashiro Japan (Genkichi Utsurikawa Asaka Japan) Utt Arthur Holliday (chem eng 1914- 15) Asst Chem Westinghouse Co 7938 Tioga St Pittsburg (1213 S Fifth St Springfield 111) Utt Stella Cordelia (la 1900-1) Church Sec 1st Baptist Church Seattle (1313 Seneca St E) Utter Henry Benjamin (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 708 Peach St Rockford 111. Uugson Rafael (su 1905 Also U Notre Dame & la St U) Surv Bur Lands Lingayen Pangasinan PI Vail Mrs (see Pierce Inez C) Vail Albert Barnes (acad 1896-7) Sales 4242 N Hermitage Av Chicago Vail Charles D (c eng 1887-91 BS) C Eng 517 Ideal- Bldg Denver Colo (29 Ogden St) Vail Edna Cora (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 6934 Stewart Av Chicago Vail Frank Miller Jr (acad 1908-10) Ag Pontiac 111 ^Fairbury 111) Wail James E (acad 1882-3) Indus- try 111 ?Vail Mattie E (sp a&d 1884-5) Cham- paign 111 Vail Richard Hart (sc 1893-5) Asst Edit ' ' Eng & Min Jour "68 Washing- ton Sq New York Vail Richard Randolph (acad 1892-3 c eng 1893-4) Min Eng Red Lodge Mont Vail Walter Cheney (arch eng 1893-7 BS) M Eng U PR Coll Ag & Mech Arts Mayaguez Porto Rico Vaille DeWitt Clinton (sc 1903-5) Ins Monte Vista Colo Valencia Felix V (sc 1905-6 Also Mil- likin U BS(Pur)'08) M Eng Silay Occidental Negros PI (Jaro Iloilo PI) Valentine Mrs RE (see Grain Char- lotte C) Valentine Frank Wayne (la 1915 Also Wash U) Stu 1808 Broadway Mt Vernon 111 Valentine George Snow (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 2407 Pioneer Rd Evanston 111 Valentine Howard DeWitt (chem eng 1909-13 BS MS 1915 Asst Chem U 111 1913-15) Instr Gas & Fuel Eng U Wis Chem Eng Bldg Madison Wis (73 Gale Av River Forest 111) tValerio Ricardo (m eng 1906-9 Al- so Lehigh U) Saltillo Mex VALLANCE Alexander (g t&am 1915- ( ME (Ohio St) '09) Instr T&AM U 678 VALLARTA— VANDAVEER 111 1913- 905 S Gregory St Urbana 111 (70 W Woodruff Av Columbus O) tVallarta Julian (su 1905 Also St Vincent's Coll) San Ysidio Neuva PI ?de Valle Jesus (m eng 1902-3) Sal- tillo Mex IVallejos Emiliano Elizeche (ag 1909- 11 BS Also la St Coll) Ca Callero 264 Asuncion Paraguay fVallert Helen Magdaline (Mrs Zschet- sche) (la 1903-4) Morris 111 Vallete Mrs (see Merriman Rilla) VAN ALSTINE Ernest (g ag 1907- 11 '15- BS{Mich Ag) '07 Asst Chem Ag Exp Sta U 111 1907-11 Assoc do 1911-15) Asst Chf Soil Lab Ag Exp Sta U 111 1915- 912 Nevada St Urbana 111 (Grand Ledge Mich) Van Arman Marshall Edgar (sp 1901- 2) Arch 343 Hunter Av Joliet 111 (624 State Life Bldg Indianapolis) Van Arsdale Edith Maud (Mrs C H Woodruff) (lib 1897-8) 1814 N Bush- nell St South Pasadena Cal Van Brundt Chester S (acad 1895-7 law 1897-1900 LLB Also Col U 1900- 1) Mgr Bond Dept Aetna Accd Ed Liab Co 511 Security Bldg Los Angeles Van Brunt George Athol (sc 1905-8 BS 1908-9 AM) Res Chem W Elec Co NY 142 St Paul's PI Brooklyn NY Van Brunt M G (acad 1884-5) Ag Urbana 111 Van Buskirk Fay Carroll (m eng 1912- 13) Ag R7 Mt Carroll 111 Van Buskirk Roy Harold (sp ag 1911- 13 Wks Planing Mill 708 E Park St Urbana 111 Vance Boyle (sc 1884-6 MD(Mich) '89) Med 7734 Saginaw Av Chi- cago Vance Charles Blount (su 1913) Merc 333 S East St Hillsboro O Vance Cornelius Andrew (arch eng 1895-6) Merc Elmwood 111 Vance Earle Waudell (sp m eng 1903- 4) Carpenter Foreman Elmwood 111 Vance Edna Cecilia (Mrs J G Spriggs) (la 1898-1900 lib 1900-3 BLS) Home Box 558 Lander Wyo Vance George Raymond (c eng 1910- 12) Abstracter 103 Springer Av Edwardsville 111 Vance Joseph Wampler Jr (c eng 1907-9) With Riverside Portland Ce- ment Co 1711 % Los Angeles Vance Mahlon Smith (la 1902-4 AB Also Austin Coll) Asst Cash Oil Belt Nat Bk Oblong 111 Vance Sidney Burman (eng 1908-9 Al- so Austin Coll) Teach Brownstown 111 VANCE Thomas Franklin (AB(Coe) MA (la) PhD (do) Asst Psychol U 111 1913-14) la St Coll 1914- Sta A Ames la Vance Walter Noble (e eng 1891-5 BS) Sec Durand Steel Locker Cg» Chicago Heights 111 Vance Mrs W N (see Camp Emma A) Vance Mrs William F (see Gibson Mary) Vance William Herbert (c eng 1895-9 BS) Eng Maintenance Surv L&A RR Stamps Ark Van Cleave Bruce (la 1913- ) Stu 1119 S Fourth St. Springfield 111 van cleave Harley Jones (g zool 1909- 10 MS 1910-13 PhD BS(Knox)'09 Asst Zool U 111 1911-13) Instr Zool U 111 1913- 708 W California Av Ur- bana 111 Van Cleave Mrs H J (see Ford Ber- nice) Van Cleave Mina Josephine (Mrs F C Buck)(g ed 1911-12 BS(Knox) '01) Home Lu Chow Fu via Wuhu China Van Cleave Wallace (ag 1914- ) Stu 1119 S Fourth St Springfield 111 Van Cleve Arthur T (1 1908-11 LL B AB(Millikin)'08) Law 1650 N Union St Decatur 111 Van Cleve Charles McCabe (la 1908- 9) Teach 403 S Mill St Olney 111 Van Cleve Edith Joy (la 1909-12 AB) Home 1650 N Union St Decatur 111 Van Cleve Edward Everett (la 1910- 12 AB&AM Also S 111 Coll) Exten W 111 St Nor 224 N Ward St Ma- comb 111 Van Cleve Ethel (su 1911 Also Milli- kin U) Teach 1650 N Union St De- catur 111 Van Cleve John Elbert (su 1900 Also 111 St Nor U) R Est & Fire Ins Blue Mound 111 Van Cleve Laura Lillian (la 1908-12 AB) Teach Rockford H Sch Rock- ford 111 (Macomb 111) Van Cleve Mildred May (sc 1910-14 AB) Teach Rollo 111 (224 N Ward St Macomb 111) Vandagrift Carl William (c eng 1902- 8) Baseball 1 & Cigar Bus Centralia 111 tVan Dam Ernest (e eng 1910-11) Lud- low 111 Vandaveer Harriet (su 1914) Libr N Main St Greenfield 111 t Vandaveer Jennings (m eng 1894-5) VAN DE GREYN— VAN DOREN 679 Mt Erie 111 Van de Greyn Engel Bert (mun eng 1904-5 '07-8 '10-11 BS) C & Mun Eng 819 N "J" St Tacoma Wash (828 S Logan St Denver) Van de Mark Walter Jacob (sc 1912- 14) Asst Chf Chem Vulcan Louisville Smelting Co North Chicago 111 (YMCA Waukegan 111) Van de Veer Harrie Earl ( e eng 1908-12 BS) High Tension Dept Thordarson Elec Mfg Co 501 S Jeffer- son St Chicago (Edinburg 111) VAN DEN BERG Henri Johannes J (Grad Royal Conserv Amsterdam 1890 Leipsic Conserv '92 Pupil M Clara Schumann '93 Prof Piano & Ensemble Classes Conserv Amsterdam 1894-6 Dir Gov Mus Sch Pretoria S Africa 1896-1902) Instr Piano U 111 1905- 205 N Randolph St Champaign 111 Van den Boom Gerry Christopher (m eng 1912- ) Stu 2231 Locust Blvd Quincy 111 Van den Boom Leona Margaret (sp mus 1915) Stenog Edmund T Perkins Eng Co Quincy 111 (1117 Spring St) Van den Bosch James Walter (ag 1915- ) Stu 115 N William St South Bend Ind Vandercook Henry Peirce (ag 1910- 14 BS) Trav Sales Lombard 111 Vandercook Susan (su 1909) City Mis- sionary Wk R4 Springfield 111 Van Derheyden Simon Henry (ag 1910- 11) Stock Whitehall 111 Wanderhoof B (acad 1883-4) Newton 111 Vanderhoof George Levi (ag 1913-14; Ag Wasco 111 Wanderhoof Ralph (acad 1906) Van- dalia 111 tVanderkloot Marinus Adrian (sp a&d 1892-3) Chicago VANDERLIP Frank Arthur (la 1882-3 Hon AM '05 LL D (Colgate) '11 V- Pres Nat City Bk NY 1901-9 Pres do 1909- Delegate Internat Conf Com & Indus Ostend 1902 Trustee NY U & Trustee Carnegie Foundation) Bnk & RR Dir 55 Wall St New York tVander Pluym Cornelius (chem eng 1906-7) Vienna 111 Vanderpool Arthur Meritt (m eng 1915- ) Stu R5 Morris 111 Vandersand Orman (ag 1905-6) Ag & Stock Kane 111 Vandersloot Louis Albert (la 1904-6) Mdse Broker 667-8 Gilfillan Blk St Paul Minn (605 Portland Av) *Vanderveer Jennie Mary (su 1907) d March 14 1916 Chicago (305 W Elm St Urbana 111) Van Dervort Cornelius Horton (acad 1899-1900) Gen Sales & Adv Mgr Mo- line Auto Co Moline 111" (12805 Eighth Av) Vandervort Mrs E B (see Coffin Lulu L) Vandervort Franklin Cady Jr (m eng 1909-12) Ofe Asst M Eng CRI&P RR Silvio 111 (5143 16th St Moline 111) Wandervort Harry Miles (acad 1895) Ellsworth 111 Vandervort Isabel Morehouse (la 1909- 11 AB Also S 111 St Nor) Teach H Sch 537 S Main St Belvidere 111 (1005 N Main St Bloomington 111) Van Dervoort Jameson (c eng 1907- 11 BS) 6642 Minerva Av Chicago Van Dervoort Maude Eliza (Mrs E H Kreps)(sp la & mus 1901-4 Also 111 St Nor U) Home Oneida NY VAN DERVOORT William H (BS (Mich Ag)'89 ME (Cor) '93 Instr Mech Dept Mich Ag Coll 1889-92 Asst Prof Mich Ag Coll 1892-3 Asst Prof M Eng U 111 1893-9) Mfg 2711 Eighth Av Moline 111 Van Deusen Archibald Beebe (e eng 1908-12 BS g 1912-13) E Eng 1613 Wesley Av Evanston 111 Van Deusen Arthur Stowe Jr (e eng 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1613 Wes- ley Av Evanston 111 Van Deusen Florence (Mrs LAP Harms) (sc 1909-11) Teach 326 Lin- coln Av Dolton 111 Van Deusen John LeRoy (c eng 1912- 13 Feb '16- ) Stu 318 W Harris St Greenville 111 Vandeveer Harrie Earl (e eng 1908- 12 BS) c/o W L Fergus & Co E & M Eng 1509 Fisher Bldg Chicago Vandeventer Fenton Ross (ag 1915- ) Stu Mt Sterling 111 Vandeventer Frank MacKnet (m eng 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu 629 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Vandeventer Homer Givens (acad 1892- 3 sp ag 1893-4) Bnk Mt Sterling 111 * Vandeventer Lloyd Thomas (acad 1898-9 la 1899-1900 AB(LeStan)'02 LL B(Harv)'05) d June 7 1907 Mt Sterling 111 Van Deventer Mary Ethel (Mrs A H Stone) (la 1900-1) Home Clarksdale Miss (LeRoy 111) Van Devort Paul Raymond (1 1899- 1903 LL B) Law Tiskilwa 111 Van Doren Carl Clinton (la 1903-7 AB PhD (Col) '11 Asst Rhet U 111 680 VAN DOREN— VAN METER 1907-8 & su 1911) Instr Engl & Comp Lit Col U 1911- West Cornwall Conn (712 W Oregon St Urbana 111) Van Doren Frank Eugene (ag 1910-14 BS) Ag Villa Grove 111 (712 W Oregon St Urbana 111) Van Doren Mrs F E (see Gay Grace) Van Doren Mark Albert (la 1910-14 AB g engl 1914-15 AM) Stu Col U 714 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Van Doren Robert Guy (arch 1906-10 BS) Arch 36 Nedbury Detroit (Urbana 111) Van Doren Theodore Joseph (la 1914- ) Stu 1144 W Cook St Springfield III Van Dorsten Josephine (Mrs F L Holch)(sc 1907-9 AB Also Hillsdale Coll) Home Liberty ville 111 Van Driesen Winnifred Maude (su 1911 Also U S Cal & N 111 St Nor) Teach 856 Prospect St Elgin 111 Van Dunkin William (m eng 1901-3 BS ME '07 Instr Mach Design U 111 1905-12) c/o Deere & Co Moline 111 (1656 30th Av) *Van Duyn Charles Augustus (sp ag 1906-9 Also Shurtleff Coll) d Aug 20 1909 Katy Tex t Van Duyn Paul (ag 1906-9) 206 Beech St Highland Park 111 Van Duzer Edward Curtis (la 1897-8 AB(Mich)'02 LL B (Kent) '05) Law Unity Bldg Chicago Van Duzer Marcia (Mrs B S Meeks) (su 1906 AB(Rockford)'OS) Home 207 W Palmetto St Florence SC Van Dyke Earl Henry (ag 1913- ) Stu Plainfield 111 Van Etten Claire Trumbo (1 1907-8 '09-10 LLB(S Cal) '12) Law. 715 Trust & Sav Bldg Los Angeles (231 El Bonito Av Tropico Cal) Van Evera Mrs Repler (see Wurster Pauline) Van Frank Elliot Dudley (arch eng 1912- ) Stu Box 637 Realto Cal Van Galder Cora May (Mrs W E Hart) (h sc 1904-8 AB) Home 1028 16th St Rock Island 111 Van Gundy Charles Philip (chem 1884- 8 BS) Chem B&O RR Baltimore Md Van Gundy Claude (e eng 1908-12 BS) E Eng Nat Lamp Wks Nela Park Cleveland ?Van Hoesen Janette Cornell (sp 1900- 1) Chicago Van Hook Forest Clyde (sc 1905-9 AB MD(NW Med) '13) Med Mt Pulaski IU Van Horn Emma R (Mrs B J Gart- side)(sp 1872-4) Home 1731 Park Av Davenport la Van Horn Evalyn Jeanette (la 1913- 14) Teach 511 N Kentucky Av Ros- well N Mex Van Horn Frank Benjamin (sc 1906- 7 Also U Wis) US Geol Survey Washington Van Horn Merton Gates (sc 1894-5 ag 1895-6) Ag Plainfield 111 Van Horn William Henry (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 509 S Water St Kent O Van Home Delia (Mrs George Haw- ker) (h sc 1906-7 Also N 111 St Nor) Home RFD Kankakee 111 ?Van Horne George Garret (e eng 1900-4 BS) Los Angeles Van Horne George Hamilton (ag 1915) Ret Ag 112 E Pearl St Jersey ville 111 Van Horne Sada (Mrs J C Blair) (law 1897-8 Also Ober Acad) Home 601 Michigan Av Urbana 111 Vaniman Roy L (e eng 1908-12 BS) Eng Consult Eng Ofc 301 Vander- bilt Av Brooklyn NY Vaniman Vernon (ag 1904-8 BS Al- so McPherson Coll) Ag Virden 111 Vaniman Mrs Vernon (see Sho waiter Nora) Van Inwagen Frank (m eng 1904-8 BS) Mgr Sec 111 Eng Co 504 W Harrison St Chicago (Hinsdale 111) Van Inwagen Ruth (la 1911-12) Stu U Chgo 121 S Washington St Hins- dale 111 Van Kirk John Albert (sc 1908-10 MD (U 111 Coll Med) '14 Also Rochester Coll) Interne Henrotin Mem Hosp LaSalle & Oak Sts Chicago VAN KLEEK John Raymond (BS (Cor) '12 MLD(Cor) '13 Asst in Land Arch Cor U 1913-14 Asst Land Arch U 111 1914-15) Land Arch c/o A D Taylor YMCA Cleveland (60 Eliza- beth St Auburn NY) fVan Liew Frederick Wainright (c eng 1906-7) 200 Wisconsin Av Osh- kosh Wis (Madison 111) fVan Matre Josephine Mary (mus 1899- 1900) Philo 111 Van Meter Abram Lee (la 1905-7 AB (Kan) '09 MD(Harv Med) '13 Also U Mich) Med Resident Staff Hart- ford Hospital Hartford Conn (2227 W Main St Parsons Kan) Van Meter Anna Roberta (h sc 1900- 5 AB'05-6 MS (Chgo) '08 Asst Prof H Sc U 111 1908-11) Prof Home Econ Ohio St U 1912- 24 15th Av Columbus O Van Meter Mrs Bertha L (Mrs G W) VAN METER— VAN VOORHIS 681 (mus 1901-2) Home 237 N Rutan Av Wichita Kan Van Meter Mrs Catherine Caborn (Mrs W W)(su 1904) Jour Times-Picay- une Camp St New Orleans (1101 Eleanore St) Van Meter Craig (la 1913-14 law 1914- ) Stu Western Av Mattoon 111 Van Meter George William (arch 1899- 1902 BS Also Knox Coll 1893-6) Arch Caldwell Murdock Bldg Wichita Kan (237 N Rutan Av) Van Meter Helen Jane (Mrs C J Alyea) (arch eng 1901-6 BS) Home El Paso 111 Van Meter Sara Hampton (su 1910 Also Valparaiso U) Teach 729 W 11th St Medford Ore Van Meter Seymour (acad 1891-2 arch 1892-7) Arch 3948 N Delaware St Indianapolis Van Natter Francis Marion (sc 1912- ) Stu 1520 N Broadway Muncie Ind Vanneman Bessie E (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 322 E Center tot Decatur 111 (Monticello 111) Vanneman Grace Sadonia (Mrs R N Fargo) (acad mus 1903-8) Home 506 W Iowa St Urbana 111 Vanneman Harry Walter (la & law 1903-7 AB g 1907-9 LL B LL M (Yale) '10 Also Hedding Coll) Prof Law U SD Vermilion SD Vanneman Mrs H W (su 1914) Home Vermilion SD Vanneman Ralph Benjamin (acad 1903- 4 mus 1905-6) Stenog 1222 Holmes St Kansas City Mo (1013 W Ore- gon St Urbana 111) Vanneman Russell William (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1013 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Van Orstrand Charles Edwin (acad 1891-2 c eng 1892-6 BS sc 1896-7 BS MS(Mich)'98) Res US Geol Surv Washington *Van Osdel John M (Trustee 1867-73 Arch Uni Hall U 111) d Dec 21 1891 Helena Mont Van Osdell Mrs Frank Mills (see Wes- ton Margaret) *Van Osdol W S I (acad 1876-7 ag 1877-80) d Jan 3 1904 Helena Mont Van Pappelendam Bernard Carlyle (m eng 1907-10 BS Also Armour Inst) R Est & Ins 722 N Ninth St Keokuk la Van Pappelendam Walter Cornelius (ag 1909-10) Ag & R Est Warsaw 111 *Van Patten Hanna (sp ag 1893-4) d August 14 1897 Rochelle 111 ?Van Patten Ida (Mrs Baldridge) (sp a&d 1895-7) Hobart Okla Van Patten Seth Fields (acad 1893-4 la 1894-5 '97-1900 AB) Teach H Sch 1122 Milan Av S Pasadena Cal Van Petten Albert Alexander (c eng 1901-4 BS'07) C Eng Bayamon Porto Rico (Elmwood 111) Van Petten Henry Seward (chem 1880- 4 BS) Drug E Las Vegas N Mex Van Petten Oliver William (e eng 1909-13) Contr Charleston W Va Van Petten Robert Milton (m eng 1904-8 BS) Bates & Rogers Const Co 3604 Riverside Av Cleveland Van Petten Mrs R M (see Turell Inez) Van Praag Alex Jr (c eng 1915- Al- so Millikin U) Stu 1004 N Monroe St Decatur 111 Van Praag Solomon (c eng 1911-12 1915- Also U Minn) Stu 1004 N Monroe St Decatur 111 Van Ross Roy (la 1903-7 AB Also Harv Law Sch 1907-9) Trans Pier B Pac Coast SS Co Seattle VAN ROSSEN Hoogendijk Gerard (see Rossen Hoogendijk Gerard van) Vansant Rodman Fleming (ag 1912- ) Stu 241 S American St Philadelphia Vansant William Lawrence (m eng 1911-15 BS) c/o Curtis Pub Co 241 5 American St Philadelphia Van Schoick Elmer Holmes (sc 1907- 11 BS) Cer Eng 617 Pearl St Ot- tawa 111 Van Sickler John Russell (c eng 1914- ) Stu 311 Marshall Av Roan- oke Va Van Steenberg Charles F (e eng 1904- 5) Electr YMCA Mansfield O (Lansing Mich) ?Van Tine Clarence (sp ag 1890-1) Suez 111 Van Toor James Everett (arch eng 1913-14 Also U Wis) Asst Sales Mgr A Smith Co 739 27th St Milwaukee VAN TUYL Francis Maurice (Ba(Ia) '11 MS (do) '12 PhD (Col) '15 Also Chgo 1914-15 Asst Geol & Minerol U la 1911-12 do Col U ]£13-14) Instr Geol U 111 1915- 804 S Busey Av Urbana HI (R5 West Point la) Van Tuyle Robert (acad 1907-8 ag 1908-11) Ag Roodhouse 111 Van Villars Victor (acad 1896-7) Fairmount 111 Van Vleck Mary Belle (Mrs J O Pear- man) (sc 1887-8 acad 1889) Home Mahomet 111 Van Voorhis Bentley Morton (la com 1903-6) Bnk Tuscola 111 Van Voorhis Willis Eli (la com 1909- 682 VAN WINKLE— V AUGHT 11) Ag Tuscola 111 Van Winkle Edith (su 1911) Stu NW U Abingdon 111 Van Winkle Jennie Edith (su 1907) Stu W 111 St Nor Abingdon 111 Van Winkle Paul Keith (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 2839 Wilcox Av Chicago Van Winkle Stephen Niel (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 42 Clark St Hender- son Ky VAN WINKLE William A (g chem 1915- BS(Mich)'ll Asst Chem U 111 1915- 808 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (616 Grant PI Bay City Mich) Van Zandt Arnold Cyrus (la com 1906-10 AB'12) Asst Supt Termls CM&StP RR Chicago (5538 Race Av) VAN ZANDT Jerome Goodspeed (BS (Pur) '04 CE(Wis)'07 Instr C Eng U Wis 1906-9 Assoc Prof C Eng U S Cal 1909-10 Instr C Eng U 111 1910-11) Constr Eng 1911- 519 Cen- tral Bldg Los Angeles Van Zoeren Gerrit John (g sc 1912- 14 AB(Hope)'12 Asst Chem U 111 1913-14) Res Asst Chem MacDonald Coll Quebec Can (R4 Zeeland Mich) Varga Hugo Eugene (su 1908 LL B (NW) ) Law 724 Rockefeller Bldg Cleveland (1834 E 79th St) t Vargas Hippolyto da Silva (la 1912- 13) Limeira Soa Paulo Brazil ? Varner Adam Henry (su 1905&'06 Also Danville Ind Nor) State Line Pa fVarner Carrie N (la 1875-6) Mus- catine la Varner David Dickson (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Indianola 111 Varner Joe Woodyard (ag 1914- Al- so Howe Sch) Stu 405 W Madison St Paris 111 Varner Willie T (sp ag 1901-3) Ag R23 Chrisman 111 ?Varnes Albert Grafton (c eng 1899- 1903 BS) Res Eng Augusta Ark Varnes Emma May (h sc 1901-2) Seam- stress 793 E Main St Galesburg 111 (Edin Id) Varney Charles Howard (la 1908-10) Asst Cash AT&StFe RR 701 Kerck- hoff Bldg Los Angeles (2303 W 23rd St) Varney Clara Elsie (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu Delavan 111 Varney Mrs Ralph W (see Lowry Jes- sie R) Varns Reginald (ry c eng 1911-12) Trav Sales Cleveland (Middlebury Ind) VARON David (DPCG (Paris) '03 Prof Arch Design Syr U 1907-9 Asst Prof Arch U 111 1910-12) 150 Nassau St New York (64 Westervelt Av New Brighton NY) tVartanian Avadis (ag 1873-4) Bit- tis Up Armenia Asia Vasconcellos George W« (m eng 1910- 12) Merc & Mfg 324 E College St Jacksonville 111 Vasen George Benjamin (acad 1907-8 e eng 1909-10 Also U Wis) Jobber Elec Supplies 123 N Sixth St Quin- cy 111 Vasen Maurice Eschner (la 1903-7 AB law 1906-7 MA(NW)'09 LL B (do) '09) Law 517 Main St Quincy 111 Vater Margaret (h sc 1912-13) Stenog 976 Edgecomb PI Chicago Vaubel Daniel (g ger 1911-12 PhB (NW Coll) '10) Stenog Farm Mech U 111 1009 Oregon St Urbana 111 (Washington 111) Vauble William Carl (ag 1909-13 BS) Ag Washington 111 Vauchelet Laurie James (c eng 1915 605 N Missouri Av Boswell N Mex Vaughan Glenn Poland (la com 1910- 15 AB) Amboy 111 Vaughan Fred Nathan Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu Amboy 111 Vaughan John Edward (la Feb 1915- Also U Ark) 2622 State St Little Rock Ark Vaughan Lynn Brian (sc 1909-12 AB SB(Chgo)'12 MD(Rush) Also Yank- ton Coll) Med Hurley SD Vaughan Robert Edward (su 1914 Al- so Princeton U) Coach U Cal Berke- ley Cal (212 W Pike St Crawfords- ville Ind) t Vaughan Walter Marion (su 1907 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Odell 111 tVaughn Arthur Leslie (ag 1910-11) Taylorville 111 Vaughn Mrs Elizabeth Kate (su 1915) 712 W Green St Urbana 111 Vaughn Howard Flaghn (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 712 W Green St Ur- bana 111 *Vaughn Josiah Jr (chem 1873-4) d Jan 12 1914 Gregory SD Vaughn Myra (mus 1912-13 la h sc 1913- ) Stu 712 W Green St Ur- bana 111 Vaughn Rufus Emerson (ag Feb 1915- ) Stu 5174 Kensington Av St Louis Vaught Sallie McCormick (lib 1915- AB(Wes)'08) Stu Lebanon Ind Vaught Walter Kelley (su 1911 AB VAUMER— VIAL 683 (111 Coll) '12) Med Stu St Louis U Lawrenceville 111 ?Vaumer J M (ag 1875-6) Bogus 111 tVause William H (sp 1871-2) Mat- toon 111 Vautrin Wilhelmina (su 1908&'09 sc 1911-12 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Mis- sionary Teach Girls Sch Lu Chow Fu via Wuhu China Vautsmeier Walter William (la 1905- 6 Dipl&Comm West Point) Mil c/o Adj Gen Washington Vawter John Terrill (arch eng 1901- 4 BS Also Pur U Asst Gen Eng Draw U 111 1904-5 Instr Arch Eng 1905-6 do 1907-8) Arch Baker & Vawter Los Angeles (216 Wright St) Vear Charles Edwin (la 1907-10 '11- 12 AB) Adv 1257 W 103rd St Chi- cago Vear Leonard Ray (ag 1914- ) Stu 10227 S Wood St Chicago Vedder Earl Charles (la 1915- Also Hobart Coll) Stu Gasport NY VEDDER John N (AB( Union) '95 Al- so Col U 1902-4 Sp Investigator Eng Sta U 111 1910-13) Prof Thermody- namics Union Coll Schenectady NY Vehmeir Fred Eldon (ag 1911-12 Al- so Beloit Coll) Honduras Coloniza- tion Co Rock City 111 Veirs David Carroll (m eng 1897-1901 BS ME (Neb) '07 Instr M Eng U 111 1901-3) Mgr Observatory Cliff House San Francisco t Veirs Dean Mooman (c eng 1905-8) 609 W High St Urbana 111 Veirs Willard Lewis (la mus 1914- Also Grove City Coll) Stu 702 W Elm St Urbana 111 Velde Henry Richard (ag 1914-15 Al- so la St Coll) 505 N Fourth St Pe- kin 111 Velde John Ernest (acad 1900-1) Merc Pekin 111 Velde Karl Everett (la com 1914-15 Also la St Coll) 505 N Fourth St Pekin 111 Velez Natalio (ag 1905-7) Ag Silay Occidental Negros PI Velzy Charles R (m eng 1910-14 BS) Effic Eng Deere & Co 917 13th Av Moline 111 (15606 Lexington Av) Venable Frank Stuart (sp ag 1902-3) Ag Rl Reynolds 111 Venable Harold Livingston (m eng 1915- ) Stu 3328 Bond Av E St Louis 111 Venard William John (la com 1911-13) Stu LeStan U 1088 Massachusetts Av N Adams Mass VENNING Frank L (Studied in Eur- ope) Instr Land Design U 111 1915- University Club Urbana 111 (Glen Ellyn 111) Vennum Ernest Marsh (sp 1902-4) Bnk Findlay 111 Vennum Fred D (la 1886-8) Pres 1st Nat Bk Milford 111 Vennum Vinnie Vesta (acad 1894-5) Fisher 111 Venters Grover James (sp ag 1903-4) Ag Bader 111 Verhalen George Francis (sp ag 1902- 4 Also St Vincent's Coll) Nursery- man Scottsville Tex Verlie Emil Joseph (1 1909-13 LL B) Law Edgemont Sta E St Louis 111 Vermilye Oscar Valentine (sc 1911-12) Stu 111 Med Coll 1438 Jackson Blvd Chicago (W Third St Sandwich 111) Verner Arthur (la 1905-7 AB (Austin) '02) Teach Pontiac 111 VERNIER Chester Garfield (AB(But ler) '03 JD(Chgo) '07 Instr Law Sch Ind U 1907-8 Prof Law U Neb 1908- 9 Prof Law Ind U 1909-11) Prof Law U 111 1911- 803 W Main St Urbana 111 Vernon Edith B (su 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Rl Toledo 111 Vernon Maris Hurford (c eng 1913- ) Stu 812 17th St Moline 111 t Vernon Willett Blayney (sp ag 1901- 2 m eng 1907-12) 447 S Claremont Av Chicago Verran Laura Ellen (lib 1904-5 PhB (Wis) '06 PhM(do)'07) Teach 127 W Gilman St Madison Wis Verrill George Henry Jr (cer 1911-12) c/o Prod Dept Kellogg Switch Board & Supply Co Chicago (3030 Hiawa- tha Av Berwyn 111) Vestal Arthur Gibson (sc 1908-11 AB AM(Colo)'13) Stu U Chgo 5731 Kenwood Av Chicago (Elmhurst 111) Vestal Clarence LeRoy (acad 1901-3) Teach H Sch 4243 N Kostner Av Chicago Vetterliet Anna S (su 1895&'99 Also U Wis & U Chgo) Teach 2204 Har- rison Av Evanston 111 tViAL Alice Mildred (la 1894-9 AB) La Grange HI Vial Edmund R (acad 1879-80 ag 1880-4 BS) Ag R2 La Grange 111 Wial Eugene (acad 1885-6) Wes- tern Springs 111 Vial Frederick Ketchum (acad 1880-1 ag 1881-5 BS) Chf Eng Griffin Wheel Co 312 Madison Av La Grange HI Vial Harold Craigmile (ag 1914- ) Stu 312 Madison Av La Grange 111 Vial Helen Gertrude (la h sc 1915- ) 684 VIAL— VOGNILD Stu 404 S Fifth Av La Grange 111 Vial Joseph McNaughton (ag 1910-12 BS) Percheron Horse Breeder Ware la Vial Nathaniel Smith (ag 1911-13) Teach 404 S Fifth Av La Grange 111 Vial Ralph Hoyt (ag 1910-13 '15- ) Stu R2 La Grange 111 Vial Robert Clark (c eng 1889-93 BS Asst Eng U 111 1897-1903) Ag R2 La Grange 111 Vial Sarah Adelia (Mrs C G Wright) (h sc 1909-11 BS Also N 111 St Nor) Home 547 S St John's Av Highland Park 111 Viall Ely John (ag 1875-6) Ag Man- teno 111 Viall Frank Lester (sp ag 1899-1901) Laborer Yuma Colo Vibelius Siegfred Nathaniel (arch eng 1912-) Stu 312 Landen Av Joliet 111 SVickerey John Joseph (ag 1905-6) 3312 Oakley Av Chicago Vickery Charles Roy (la 1892-6 AB MD( Hahnemann) '01) Med 916 Riv- erside Dr South Bend Ind tViCKRAGE Richard Percival (1 1901-4 LL B) Law c/o W A Medill R9 Lawrence Kan VICKROY H K (Head Gardener "U 111 1869-70) Fruit 5258 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles * Victor Carrie D (Mrs I J Stoddard) (sp 1872-7 Cert) d Champaign 111 Victor Edward Robert (m eng 1885-6) Dent Bakersfield Cal Victor Mamie F (Mrs Frank Herdman) (la 1877-80 '81-2) Home Winnetka 111 Vidal Stephen Peter (m&s eng 1915- ) Stu Box 223 Gallop N Mex tViemont John Howard (sp ag 1911- 12) Mackinaw 111 Vigal William Myron (acad 1892-3 c eng 1893-7) C Eng Edinburg 111 Vigeant Gregory Jr (arch eng 1908- 12 BS Also Armour Inst) Arch Supt 175 W Jackson Blvd Chicago (1216 Astor St) Vilim Mark Washington (la com 1909- 10) Sec & Mus Riverside 111 Villanueva Bonifacio (su 1905 Also U Neb & U Colo) Surv Bur Lands Batangas PI (726 Colorado St Paco Manila PI * Villanueva Emilia (su 1906) d Dec 1908 Exequiel Mira Flores PI Villanueva Vincente Pio (su 1908 BS (Neb) '10 Also U Wis) Chf Electr Philippine Gen Hospital Manila PI (726 Colorado St Paco Manila PI) fVincent Alice Mae (ag h sc 1912-14) Mazon 111 (Danville 111) Vincent Chester Andrus (c eng 1912- 13 BS Also Ore Ag Coll) C Eng Bradin Copper Co Raucagua Chile (207 W Leavitt St St Johns Ore) Vincent Mrs Eliza (su 1906 Also Val- paraiso Nor 1890 & Winona Coll & E 111 St Nor) Writer Rantoul 111 Vincent Mrs F C (see Barker Mary E) Vincent Mrs R D (see Thompson Josephine G) Viner Charles Hastings (la 1907-8) Cash & Bkpr Metropolitan Life Ins Co 913 N Taylor Av Oak Park 111 * Vines Edgar James (sul902&'06 la 1904-5 AB) d 1909 Chrisman 111 Vines Mrs E J (see Frazey Nellie M) Vining Robert Jefferson (ag 1914- ) Stu R4 Kankakee 111 *Vinson Carrie Estella (la 1904-6) d Feb 19 1909 Monett Mo Vinson Clarence Chauncey (la 1908-9 law 1909-10) Mech R5 Carthage Mo Vinson Van Earl (acad 1910-11) Mun- cie 111 tVirgiel Louis (sp ag 1899-1900) Ells- worth 111 Virgin Eli Horace (ag 1909-13) Ag Virginia 111 Virgin Emma Louise (la 1913-14) Teach Virginia 111 fviRMANi Devi Dyal (g chem 1914-15 MS AB(LeStan) '13) Instr Chem Dav Coll Lahore India Vissering Eckhart Bernhard (la 1914- ) Stu Minonk 111 Vittum Elden Faber (e eng 1907-8 Al- so Millikin U) Mech Draft 2028 W 43rd St Los Angeles (Knoxville 111) Vivian Edmund Weatherby (la 1907-8 Also Hedding Coll & Bradley Poly) Electr 1331 S Mariposa Av Los An- geles Vizcaino Alfonso Ochoa (arch eng 1913-14) 2106 Sedgwick St Chicago Vliet Elmer Bennette (la 1915- ) Stu 417 Richards St Joliet HI Voedisch Henry Arthur (chem eng 1902-4 acad 1904-5) Asst Sales Mgr Cudahy Packing Co Chicago (808 N Lawler Av) Voegelein Lenore Alice (su 1913 Al- so NW U) At home Naperville 111 voegelein Lily Belle (la 1912-13 AM AB(NM Coll) '12) Teach Naperville 111 Voeks Forrest (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1837 Camp Av Rock- ford 111 Vogele Alfred Charles (ag 1914- ) Stu Assumption 111 Vognild Enoch Martin (sc 1899-1900 VOGT— VOSBUEGH 685 Also Acad Julien Paris) Portrait & Land Arch Studio 18 4 E Ohio St Chicago Vogt Ernest Carl (ag 1913-14) Florist Sturgis Mich Vogt Joseph Henry (c eng 1908-9) Sales Edison Lamp Wks Gen Elec Co Monadnock Bldg Chicago (4814 Kim- ball Av) Vogt Otto Henry (acad 1906-7) Mgr Implement & Machinery Dept Colum- bia 111 tVoiGHT Archie Lewis (m eng 1910-12 BS) El Dorado 111 Voight Marie Louise (mus 1915- ) Stu 5 Lawrence Blk Athens O Voigt Charles Bernard (la 1893-4 MD (P&S Chgo)'00) Med 1702 Broad- way Mattoon 111 Voigt Herbert Louis (cer eng 1910- 14 '15- ) Stu 1431 Granville Av Chicago Voigt Irma Elizabeth (la 1909-10 AB g 1910-11 AM 1911-13 PhD Also 111 St Nor U) Dean Women Ohio U 5 Lawrence Blk Athens O Volberding Harry Henry (c eng 1910- 11) Stu U 111 Coll Med (Bensen- ville HI *Volden Edward Orville (acad 1906-9) d Oct 27 1911 Elliott 111 Volk Alvin Claude (c eng 1912-15 Al- so Wash StL U) Eng Dept Frisco RR 3715 Palm St St Louis Volk Edmund (e eng 1895-9 BS) Eng 2333 Taylor Terr Oakland Cal Volk William Joseph (c eng 1914- ) Stu 3507 N Ashland Av Chicago Vollborn Albert Lawrence (su 1901 AB(Austin)'00 MD(P&S Chgo) '05) Med Homer 111 (Broadlands 111) Vollert Helen Magdaline (la 1903-4) 412 Church St Champaign 111 Vollintine Lyman George (la 1907-8) Bnk Taylorville HI Vollweiler Ernest Henry (g chem 1914- BA(Miami) '14) Asst Chem U 111 1915- 917 W Green St Urbana HI (Shanden O) Volmer Verena Gertrude (la 1909-10) Teach Carlyle 111 Volstorff Fred Albert (m eng 1914- ) Stu 220 Franklin St Elgin 111 Von Ach Frank (see Ach Frank von) Von Briesen Julia Henrietta (Mrs W E Kaser)(lib 1898-1900 Also U Wis) Home 909 Fourth St E Las Vegas NMei Von Dach William Burt (c eng 1911- 12) Eng CB&Q RR 2139 S Jeffer- son Av St Louis Vondeflieth Henry Louis (law 1898-9) Circulation Mgr ' < Today 's Mag ' ' 461 Fourth Av New York (106 Morning- side Dr) Von der Lippe Ernest Carl Frederick (c eng 1900-2 BS Also Pur U & Cor U) Sales Eng 220 W Kinzie St Chi- cago (616 N Long Av) Von Engelkin Marie Jeanette (see En- gelkin Marie J von) ?Von Eschen Frank (la 1904-5) 601 W Union St Champaign 111 Von Fossen Cyril (la 1915- ) . Stu 1219 S State St Beardstown III Von Olen Floyd William George (ag 1915- ) Stu Hinckley 111 Von Oven Frederick William (acad 1893-4 c eng 1894-8 BS) ; Consult Eng Naperville 111 Von Phul William Jr (c eng 1914-15) Stu Ga Tech Sch 496 Andubon St New Orleans Von Voltier Ralph Paul (m eng 1912- 15) Bkpr 917 Margate Terrace Chi- cago Voodry Earl Corby (m eng 1905-6 *08- 10) Eng Dept IC RR 706 Central Sta IC RR Chicago (6832 Ridgeland Av 1st Apt) Voorhees Daniel Webster (la 1911-12 Also Bradley Poly) Mgr Solicit Dept Luthy & Co # Moss & Western Avs Peoria 111 Voorhees Evangeline (la Feb 1916- ) Stu Upper Alton 111 Voorhees Kathryn Craig (Mrs H G Squires) (la 1905-9 AB) Home 666 Kellogg St Galesburg 111 Voorhees Lawrence Elmer (e eng 1912- 14 la 1914- ) Stu Rl Alton 111 Voorhees Lucien Whitman (ag 1906-8) Ag Rl Filer Id Voorhees Vandeveer (la 1915- ) Stu Alton 111 Voorhees Winnifred Helen (see Mrs J H Skinner) Vopicka Fred Frank (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 1608 S Lawndale Av ■ Chicago fVorhes Ralph Miller (su 1907) Cham- paign 111 Voris Alvin Coe (acad 1892-4) Capt US Army c/o Adj Gen Washington Voris Henry McMann (acad 1897-8 MD(U 111 Coll Med) '03) Med 502 S Pennsylvania Av East St Louis 111 (1601 N 46th St) Voris Louis Kirkum (sp ag 1902-4) Merc & Ag Neoga 111 Voris Ralph Emerson (acad 1897-8) Grain Deal Stewardson 111 Vorwald Edmund (ag 1914-15) Bk Clk 128 St Andrews Av Edwardsville 111 Vosburgh Frank Jones (m eng 1906-9 BS Also U Wis) c/o Star Electr Co Niagara Falls NY 686 VOSBURGH— WADSWORTH Vosburgh William Richardson (la com 1909-13 AB) Merc 321 S Grove Av Oak Park 111 Vose Mrs (see Parsons Gwinthlean E) Vose Dee Kay (ag 1910-11) Printer London Mills 111 Voss Anne (sp mus 1906-8 mus 1913- ) Stu 407 S State St Champaign 111 Voss Daniel Ernest (la com 1906-9) Abstracter Denison la Voss Elizabeth Ann (h sc 1909-14 BS) At home 407 S State St Champaign Voss George Otto (ag 1909-10) Trav Sales Harris Dillavou & Co 407 S State St Champaign 111 Voss Matilda Caroline (la 1905-8 '10- 11 AB) Teach 407 S State St Cham- paign 111 Voss Sophie Mary (Mrs G F Meharry) (mus 1900-5 B Mus (Sterns Conserv Mus Berlin) '08 Instr Mus U 111 1909-12) Home R48 Tolono 111 Voss Walter Charles (arch eng 1909-12 BS Also Chgo Nor) Head Dept Arch Constr Wentworth Inst Huntington Av & Ruggles St Boston Vovesny Joseph (ag 1914- ) Stu 1616 W 18th St Chicago *de Vries Stephen George (acad 1892- 3 e eng 1893-7 BS) d Jan 17 1897 Pekin 111 Vroom Quimby (la com 1914- ) Stu 709 N Adams St Mason City la Vulliet Francis Louis (acad 1886-7 c eng 1877-8) Trav Walla Walla Wash Waalkes Jennie (su 1911 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 10932 Indiana Av Chi- cago Wacaser Edmund Emmitt (acad 1908- 9) Teach Lovington 111 (Hammond 111) Wacaser Edwin Emery (acad 1908-9 la 1909-10 Also U Wis 1911-12) Ins Lovington 111 Wacaser . Franklin Edgar (acad 1904-6 '06-9) Bond Sales Harris Trust & Sav Bk Chicago (Hammond 111) WacTcerle Lewis Edward (acad 1904-5) Electr 111 Worn Coll Jacksonville 111 Waddell Mrs (see Walkerly Mary L) *Waddell Charles Archibald ( e eng 1904-9) d Aug 27 1909 Princeton 111 Waddell James Edward (chem 1911-12) US Naval Acad Annapolis Md (502 N Monroe St Peoria 111 Waddell James Vance (c eng 1902-8) C Eng Vandalia 111 ( Taylor ville 111) Waddell Mrs J V (see Mann Jessie V) Waddell Mary Lucile (Mrs W A Ruth) (h sc 1907-10 AB '12 Also Le Stan U) Home 1017 W Illinois St Urbana III Waddington Earle Cary (e eng 1905-6 Also U Wash) Sales 1215 R A Long Bldg Kansas City Mo (Bloomington 111) Waddington Glenn George (m eng 1913- ) Stu R33 Dewey 111 Wade Mrs (see Hall Avis M) Wade Albert Edward (sp ag 1899- 1901) Ag Owyhee Ore (Decatur 111) Wade Benjamin Franklin (acad 1907- 8) Ag & Stock Chenoa 111 Wade Elizabeth (ag h sc 1915-16 Also Kan St Nor) Stu Kan St Nor 527 Exchange St Emporia Kan Wade Fred Alonzo (sc 1900-1). Trav Sales 243 N Garfield Av Peoria 111 tWade Fred Samuel (ag 1911-12) 302 E Jefferson St Clinton 111 WADE George Rawson (Teach Haber- sham Coll & Stevens Coll England 1903-5 Vocal Instr & Head Voice Dept U 111 1906-11) Head Voice Dept U Ore 1911- 496 Washington St Eugene Ore Wade Harry M (acad 1879-80) Merc National City Cal ?Wade James B (chem 1873-5) Jer- seyville 111 Wade John Oscar (c eng 1908-10) 325 W Central Av Chicago Wade Leonard George (m eng 1889-91) Bus Mgr Trans 4007 S Benton Blvd Kansas City Mo tWade Luther Clinton (acad sp mus 1904-6 ag 1904-5) Fisher 111 Wade Oliver A (ag 1904-5) Ag & Stock Rl(ll) Chenoa 111 ?Wade Reginald Nazer (c eng 1903-4) c/o Eng Dept Metro Elevator RR Chicago ?Wade Thomas A (chem 1873-5) Jer- seyville 111 Wade Thomas Brian («?c 1893-5 DDS (Pa) '98) Dent 1730 Ritner St Phil- adelphia Wade William Edwin (la 1906-7 Also E 111 St Nor) Clk Paris 111 ' Wadleigh Theodore (ag 1914- ) Stu Herscher 111 Wadsworth Albert Monroe (c eng 1899- 1900) Mineral Water 6445 Went- worth Av Chicago (6447 Stewart Av) Wadsworth Golda May (la 1915- Also De Pauw U) Stu 1611 Eastern Av Connersville Ind Wadsworth John George (la 1876-82 Cert) Bnk 233 Turley Av Council Bluffs la * Wadsworth Mrs J G (see Baker Kit- tie M) Wadsworth Litta Gertrude (Mrs An- drew Robinson) (su 1911 Also Eureka WADSWORTH— WAGONER 68^ Coll) Home Stevensville Mont Wadsworth Winthrop Mattison (arch eng 1912-14 BS Also U Minn) R Est & L 1776 Dupont Av S Minneapolis Wagenknecht Frank Christian (e eng 1904-5 la com 1905-6) Trav Sales 1619 Fourth St Peru 111 Wagenknight Oscar Chamberlain (c eng 1912-13) Stu U Pa 445 S Spring Av La Grange 111 Wagenseil Edgar White (m eng 1901- 5 BS) Sales Mgr & M Eng Burke Furnace Co 223 W Austin Av Chi- cago (5766 E Circle Av) Wagenseil Mrs E W (see Taylor Ruth B) Waggener William Eugene (su 1906& '07 &'12 Also Central Nor Coll) Teach Rankin 111 Waggoner Arthur Mellinger (arch 1909^ 13 BS Also Millikin U) Arch 230 E Leafland Av Decatur 111 Waggoner Edwin Harris (la 1906-8 '09-11) Farm Mach 426 E Jackson St Macomb 111 Waggoner Elmer E (sp arch 1884-5) d Godfrey 111 t Waggoner Eugene L (la 1875-6) God- frey 111 Waggoner Harry Dwight (sc 1904-9 AB g 1910-12 '13-14 AM g plant physiol 1914- Also 111 St Nor U) Asst Bot U 111 1913- 1110 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (506 N School St Normal 111) ? Waggoner Horace Gailen (sp mus 1907-8) 307 S Race St Urbana 111 Waggoner Karl Marshall (arch 1912- 13 '14- Also Millikin U) Stu 1276 N Water St Decatur 111 Waggoner Lathy (acad 1884-5) Contr 6 Builder Godfrey 111 IWaggoner Stanley (sp mus 1907-8) 307 S Race St Urbana 111 Wagner Mrs (see Hill Rose) ? Wagner Alexander (arch 1911-13 la com 1913-15 AB) 1049 Oakland Av Chicago Wagner Alvin Louis (la com 1911-14 AB Also U Chgo) R Est 6236 Cot- tage Grove Av Chicago (6226 Wood- land Av) WAGNER Carl (Instr T&AM U 111 1908-9 BS(Pur)'06) Asst to V-Pres Northwestern Terra Cotta Co 1049 Oakdale Av Chicago Wagner Charles Arthur Jr (e eng 1914- ) Stu 1361 Clay St Spring- field Mo tWagner Charles William (su 1909 ) Ogden 111 Wagner Claude Levern (chem eng 1906-10 BS) Chem Superior Portland Cement Co Concrete Wash * Wagner D C Major (Trustee 1870-3) d Oct 29 1908 Wagner Frank Hans (ag 1915- ) Stu R6 Rockford 111 Wagner Fritz Jr (arch eng 1904-8 BS) Supt 4207 N Winchester Av Chicago Wagner Mrs Fritz Jr (see Shipman Louise) Wagner George William (m eng 1914- 15) Sales c/o Harrington Mfg Co Peoria 111 (1605 N Madison Av) Wagner Gilbert Frederick John (\ 1907-11 LLB) Law Spring Valley Wagner Harrison Ernst (su 1914 Also Wheaton Coll) Prin H Sch Gutten- berg la (Ashton 111) Wagner Harvey Franklin (c eng 1908- 12 BS) C Eng 111 Tract Sys Peoria 111 tWagner James Irwin (la 1898-9) Teach & Publ Sumner 111 Wagner John Dwight (ag 1906-7) Ag & Stock R4 Newman 111 Wagner Joseph Holoman (la 1913-14) 121 N State St Chicago (458 Macki- naw Av) Wagner Joseph R (acad 1886-8 sc 1888-90) Grain Coal & Stock Meta- mora 111 Wagner Kenneth (arch eng 1914-15) Auto Distributor 1408 E Main St Belleville HI Wagner Leo Ernest (ag 1915-) Stu 1720 22nd St Rock Island 111 tWagner Loraine Stewart (arch eng 1908-9 '10) 417 Court St Belleville 111 Wagner Percy Evan (la com 1911-14 Also U Chgo) R Est & L 6236 Cottage Grove Av Chicago (6226 Woodland Av) Wagner Ralph Russell (cer eng 1912- ) Stu 307 W Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 (R5 Pontiac 111) Wagner Robert Charles Jr (acad 1903- 4 c eng 1904-9 BS) Contr & Fuel & Bldg Materials 307 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Wagner Wesley Gephart (ag 1915- ) Stu 434 N Spring St Bellefonte Pa Wagner William Andrew (c eng 1911- 15 BS) C Eng 1049 Oakdale Av Chi- cago Wagner William Mollin (la 1911-13) 303 Park Av E Princeton 111 Wagner Winton A (com 1915-16) Sales 414 E 14th St Anderson Ind Wagoner Edward Owen, (acad 1899- 1902 law 1902-6 LLB Also Green Coll 1898-9 Supt Agencies Aetna Ace & Liab Ins Co £37 Ins Exch Bldg Chicago (4258 W Monroe St) 688 WAGONER— WALCOTT ?Wagoner John Dowe (la 1904-6) 524 Fourth St Fort Madison la ? Wagoner Joseph Harriman (sp ag 1902-4 Also N 111 St Nor) Normal 111 Wagoner Minnie May (Mrs R U Thomas) (sp mus 1899-1900) Home 706 S Tenth St Lafayette Ind Wagstaff Charles Dudley (ag 1914- Also U Ind) Stu 103 S West St Tip- ton Ind ?Wagy Alva Leon (sc 1899-1903) Granite Works Rochester Minn tWahl Charles Henry (sp ag 1905-6) Berlin 111 Wahl Henry R (e eng 1897-1901 BS) Mech Test Eng Commonwealth Edison Co 22nd & Fisk St Chicago (6148 Eberhardt Av) Wahl Mrs Henry R ( see Stoolman Myrtle L) Wahl Leo Jacob (e eng 1912-14 '15- ) Stu 5 W Sixth St Sterling 111 Wahl Louis August (acad 1903-5) Sec Urbana Com Club 510 W Main St Urbana 111 Wahl f eld Otto William Henry (acad 1908-9) V-Pres Wahlfeld Mfg Co 619 Fifth St Peoria 111 Wahlheim Frank John (sp law 1905-8) Law Geneseo 111 Wahlin Adrian Emanuel (g engl 1911-12 AB (Bethany) '11 ) Teach Dougherty's Bus Coll Topeka Kan (Lindsborg Kan) Wahlin Edla Charlotte (la 1909-10 AB (Bethany) '13) Teach Lindsborg Kan WAHLIN Gustaf Eric (AB (Bethany) '03 PhD (Yale) '06 Instr Math U la 1906-8 do U 111 1908-12) Assoc Math U 111 1913- 903 Railroad St Urbana 111 Wahlin Vendla (lib 1914-15 AB (Beth- any) '13) At home Lindsborg Kan WAHLSTROM Leonard William (Dipl (Teach Coll Col) '07 Supery Man Tr Indianapolis 1900-2 Ethical Culture Sch NY 1903-8 Instr Man Tr U 111 su 1911) Head Man Tr Dept Francis W Parker Sch 330 Webster Av Chi- cago Wain Albert (acad 1895-6) 737 W Adams St Chicago Wainwright James Butler (m eng 1911-15 BS) Pullman 111 (Winches- ter 111) Wait Benjamin Asaph (c eng 1888-92 BS) C Eng CRI&P RR 1430 Fifth St Des Moines la Wait Bernice' Cornelia (g h sc 1915- BS(McKendree)'14) Stu R5 Green- ville 111 Wait Burton Clifford (m eng 1887-9) Supt Milwaukee Wks Internat Harv Co 342 19th Av Milwaukee *Wait D W (acad 1877-8) d 1908 Menomonie Wis Wait Edwin Roscoe (acad 189- ) 403 High St Urbana 111 Wait Ernest Ludden (acad 1895-7 sc 1897-1901 BS) Chem c/o Fertilizer Wks Chicago Wait William Clarence (acad 1897-8 sp law 1897-9 LL B (Ind) '00) Law Newport Ind Waite Edwin Francis (c eng 1886-7) Pres Hand Co St Bk Miller SD ?Waite Frederick F (la 1872-3) Pauls Valley Okla Waite Merton Benway (sc 1883-7 BS Asst Bot U 111 1887-8) Res Plant Pathol Dept Ag Washington waits Charles Jefferson (g la 1898- 1900 AM AB(Ind)'94) Teach 1940 N Tenth St Terre Haute Ind Waits Harmon Ebert (la 1906-7 '09- 10 BS'12 su 1905 &'08 &'ll) Supt Schs Princeton 111 Wakefield Mrs (see Smith Mary L) Wakefield Charles Clemson (ag 1873-6 MD(Hahneman) '80) Ranch Lee Mont ?Wakefield Francis Evelyn (su 1902) Newton 111 Wakefield George Mighell (m eng 1892-7 BS) M Eng 337 S Normal Pky Chicago Wakefield George Mincke (c eng 1911- 15) Alma 111 Wakefield Joseph Campbell (m eng 1873-4 MD(W Res Med) '78) Med Vinco Pa Wakefield Mildred Amy (la 1915- ) Stu Lake Benton Minn Wakefield Nathan Ruthven Jr. (la 1905-7 AB Also Lewis Inst LL B (NW)'IO) Law 833 S Carpenter Av Oak Park 111 Wakeland Fred Raymond (ag 1914- ) Stu R4 Hoopeston 111 Wakeland Guy Earl (ag 1913- ) Stu R4 Hoopeston 111 Wakeley John Everett (su 1914&'15 Also Wabash Coll) Teach H Sch 90 Detroit St Hammond Ind Wakeley Leslie Marion (ag 1907-11 BS Asst Dairy Husb 1912-13) Ag Harvard 111 Wakey Earl Rodner (sp ag 1909-10 Also Lutheran Coll) Ag Grand Ridge 111 Walcher Charles Edwin (sp ag 1899- 1901 Dr Comp Med(Chgo Vet) '10) Vet Witt 111 Walcott Lloyd Vernon (acad 1899- 1900 la 1900-3 AB law 1903-6 LL B) Law 726a N 13th St E St Louis 111 WALCOTT— WALKER 689 Walcott Mrs L V ( see Barr Susan J) Walcott Nona (Mrs W W Hanford) (la 1910-13) Grand Forks ND Home 1017 Nevada St Urbana 111 Walcott Saint Elmo (sp 1901-3) City Eng Herald Bldg Vancouver BC Can Walden May (la 1884-5) Soc Serv Avon Park Fla (Metamora 111) Waldie Benjamin Dickerson (ag Feb 1916- ) Stu 6523 Parnell Av Chi- cago Waldie James Robert Rathie (ag 1906- 10 BS) Cattle Buyer Swift & Co 6946 Normal Blvd Chicago Waldo Abner Weston (com 1915- Also Beloit Coll) Stu Libertyville 111 waldo Edward Hardenbergh (g e eng 1911-13 MS g eng 1914- AB (Am- herst) '88 ME (Cor) '90 Instr E Eng U Pa 1894-1904) Asst Prof E Eng U 111 1907- 802 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Waldo John Hardenbergh (mus 1908-9 su 1914 cer eng 1915- ) Stu 802 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Waldo Karl Douglas (la 1902-6 AB AM(Chgo) '14) Supt Schs 1 N State St Aurora 111 (Sycamore 111) Waldo Marie L (Mrs E P Taylor) (acad 1894-5 sc 1895-1900 BS lib 1903-4 Asst Ref Lib U 111 1903-4 Lib St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1904-5) Home " Sherman House" Boise Id Waldo Mary Maude (Mrs R O Busey) (la 1905-7) Home 2050 Inka Av Columbus O t Waldo Reginald Heber (acad 1905-6) Champaign 111 Waldorf Arthur Louis (c eng 1899- 1902) Contr 633 Marlborough Av Detroit (Mendota 111) Waldorf Mary (su 1907 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 4516 N Magnolia Av Chicago tWaldron Carl Augustus (la 1905-6 Also 111 St Nor U) Delavan 111 *Waldron Harris Richard (acad 1905- 7 arch eng 1908-9 Eng Colo Midland RR) d June 6 1913 Canon City Colo Waldron J Eldridge (acad 1894-5) Colorado City Colo Walduck Charles Louis (cer eng 1909- 14 BS) Supt Paducah Pottery Co Paducah Ky (3525 W Adams St Chi- cago) Walduck Charles Webb (acad 1876-7) Bloomington 111 Wales Frank Spear (ag 1914-15) Ag Polo 111 Walgenbach Mrs R H (see Gillies Sarah E) Walheim Frank John (1 1905-8) Law Geneseo 111 Walk Charles Florice (acad 1908-9 ag 1909-10) Merc 208 Main St Vin- cennes Ind Walk Marney Lawrence (la 1915- ) Stu 604 E White St Champaign 111 ?Walkden Chester Arthur (sp ag 1903- 5 Also Baldwin U) 407 Cleveland St Cleveland Walker Arthur Child (acad 1896-7) Bnk Port Arthur Tex Walker Arthur Elijah (la 1885-8 MD (Ind) '92) Med Walker" Hospital Anthony Kan Walker Carle Capron (ag 1909-15 BS) Clinton 111 Walker Charles Edward (la Feb 1916- Also NW U) Stu 4743 Winthrop Av Chicago Walker Charles M (acad 1903-4 m eng 1905-10 BS) Lumber & Mill Work Champaign 111 (St Joseph 111) Walker Clifton James (c eng 1908-10 '15- Also Lewis Inst) Stu Mo- weaqua HI Walker Mrs C J (see Gregory Lenna M) Walker Clyde Hildebrand (acad 1905-6 law 1906-10) Law 13 Main St Champaign 111 (St Joseph 111) Walker Cora Elizabeth (Mrs L W Por- terfield) (acad 1892-3 sp 1893-4) Home 615 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 (St Joseph 111) Walker David E (su 1914 AB(Lake Forest) '12) Teach H Sch DeKalb 111 Walker Edna Wells (la 1912-14 Also Lewis Inst) 3208 Washington Blvd Chicago (111 N Pine Av Austin 111) Walker Edward Isaac (acad 1903-5) Ag R2 Chino Cal (1216 Knoxville Av Peoria 111) Walker Edward Lewis (la 1889-92 BL) Trav Sales 113 N Ninth St Hannibal Mo *Walker Edwin Griswold (m eng 1869- 71) d Monroe Mo Walker Elliot Pyle (com 1915- ) Stu 512 Pine St Butler Mo Walker Emery Summer (acad 1903-4) R Est 715 Ernest & Cranman Bldg Denver (1816 Edison Bldg Chicago) Walker Enoch (m eng 1871-4) Stock Machine Shop & Foundry Flomaton Ala (Clinton 111) Walker Mrs Enoch (see Grenzard Eu- genia E) Walker Ernest Dewitt (ag 1905-10 BS) Ag . Tennessee HI Walker Eva M (Mrs G M Russegur) (sp 1871-2) Home Sunlands Cal (Roberts Cal) Walker Floyd Eddie (sp ag 1906-7) Ag 6 Stock Mazon 111 * Walker Francis Eugene (ag 1874.-9 690 WALKER— WALLACE Cert) d Feb 14 1909 Lincoln Neb Walker Francis William Jr (cer eng 1910-11 BS BS(Pa)'lO) Consult Cer Eng Patterson Heights Beaver Falls Pa Walker Frank Abram (ag 1913- ) Stu 429 Galena Blvd Aurora 111 fWalker Frank E (la 1875-8) Ur- ban a 111 ?Walker Frank William (la 1882-3) Robinson 111 t Walker George Richelieu (1 1905-8) 4024 Finney Av St Louis ?Walker George S (la 1900-1) Am- brose 111 Walker George Washington (acad 1891- 2 ag 1892-3) Grain Merc Gibson City 111 Walker George William (ag 1912-) Stu Mackinaw 111 Walker Helen (la h se 1914- ) Stu Clinton 111 Walker Helen Flora (su 1911 Also U Chgo & U Wis) Teach 419 N First Av Canton 111 Walker Herbert William (e eng 1895- 9) Farm Supt Clear Lake Wis Walker Hugh Jesse (acad 1907-8) Shipman 111 Walker Mrs J F (see Fenner Edith L) Walker James Lynd (la 1912-13) Stu U Minn 2204 Sixth Av Moline 111 Walker Jennie Grace (su 1911-12 la 1915- Also N 111 St Nor) Stu 6002 28th St Cicero 111 Walker John S (arch 1911-15 BS) Heat Eng 1007-8 Mutual Assurance Bldg Richmond Va Walker John Urquhart (com 1915- ) Stu 229 N Taylor St South Bend Ind *Walker Joseph C (sp 1868-9) d Champaign 111 Walker Joseph Robert (su 1908 Also N 111 St Nor 1906-7 & Wheaton Coll 1903-5) Teach Shattuck School Fari- bault Minn (Waterman 111) Walker Mrs Lewis (seeWykle Ethel M) Walker Lloyd Blankenship (sc 1910- 11) Teller Northern Bk & Trust Co Seattle ^Walker Louis Alfred (acad 1898-9) 2386 Pauline St Ravenswood 111 Walker Mrs Mabel Gregory (Mrs C J) (see also Gregory L Mabel g hist 1915-) Walker Mae Ella (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 429 Galena Blvd Aurora 111 Walker Michael W (su 1915 Also Knox Coll) Teach H Sch' & Dir Athl 5805a Von Versen Av St Louis Walker Myr Jordan (ag Feb 1909) Ag & Stock Mazon 111 Walker Nelle (la 1914- ) Stu 328 N Division St Carterville 111 WALKER Quinton Forrest (g econ 1915- AB & MA (Albion) '15) Res Asst U 111 1915- 1003 S Third St Champaign 111 (R5 Jackson Mich) Walker Ralph Manning (m eng 1873-5) Ag & Merc Monroe City Mo Walker Robert Allyn (acad 1907-9 sc 1909-11 AB) Mfg 502 N Wilson Av Alhambra Cal Walker Robert Gile (arch eng 1885-6) R Est Tacoma Bldg Tacoma Wash (702 NE St) Walker Robert Weir (acad 1910-11 ag 1911-12) Dep Sheriff Chambersburg Pa (Urbana 111) Walker Roberta Audrey (la 1904-5) Teach Monti cello 111 Walker Rufus Jr (acad 1893-4 la 1894-8 AB) Mfg 2212 Sixth Av Moline 111 Walker Stanton (mun eng 1913- ) Stu 402 E Green St Champaign 111 Walker Walter (1 1912-13) Stu NW Law Sch 4743 Winthrop Av Chicago Walkerly Dorothy Kiziah (h sc 1912- 15 AB Also Chgo Nor) Teach H Sch 293 W Hill St Wabash Ind (Chal- mers Apts Champaign 111) Walkerly Ellen Dolton (Mrs C A Link) (la 1905-6) Home 1623 W Van Bur- en St Chicago (Dolton 111) Walkerly Margaret Magdalene (la com 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 806 S Third St Champaign 111 Walkerly Mary Leone (Mrs W S Wad- dell) (la 1905-6) Home Dolton 111 Walkerly Victoria Pamilla (la h sc 1912-14 AB Also Chgo Nor) Diet St Luke's Hosp Chicago Chalmer's Apts Champaign 111 *Walkley Albert (1871-2) d Fort Garry Manitoba Can Wall Harriet Edythe (la 1915 Also Blackburn Coll) Stu Staunton 111 ?Wall Lillian May (la 1904-5) 110 E Green St Champaign HI Wall Maggie May (Mrs J M Arter) (la 1904-5) Teach Box 43 Red Star W Va Wall Richard Clark (com 1915) Clk Marshall Field Chicago (Summit- ville Ind) Wall Richard James (arch eng 1903-7 BS) Arch 2330 N Halsted St Chi- cago Wall William Robert (sp ag 1904-5) Acct & Gov Oblong 111 Wallace Archibald Graeme (la 1909- 10) Circul Mgr 1921 Morse Av Chi- cago Wallace Charles (1 1905-7 Also E 111 WALLACE— WALLS 691 St Nor) Law Charleston 111 Wallace Charles Emerson (e eng 1900- 2) R Est & Ins Chicago Heights 111 Wallace Charles Fred (e eng 1904 Al- so U Wooster) Wooster O Wallace Charles H (ag 1878-9) Loans & R Est & Bnk Homer 111 Wallace Cora Elizabeth (acad 1902-3 '07-8 mus 1908-11 Also Rockford Coll) Teach Mus Gary Ind (1629 Washington Blvd Chicago) ? Wallace David Alexander (c eng 1904- 6 Also NW U) Creston O Wallace Dorothy (la 1913-14) Ham- ilton 111 Wallace Edgar Dearborn (la com 1912- ) Stu 4240 Champlain Av Chicago Wallace Edward (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng Monticello Mo Wallace Edward H (acad 1882-83) Mt Jackson Pa Wallace Emma Eliza (Mrs J F Keif- er) (la 1873-6) Home 1700 Columbia Terr Peoria 111 (Champaign 111) Wallace Frank Miller (cer eng 1907- 11 BS Asst in Cer U 111 1911-12) Ag Middle Inlet Wis Wallace Mrs George (see McFadden Lill) Wallace Grant Vail (acad 1907-8) Fairoaks Cal Wallace Helen Isabel (Mrs J H Smith) (mus 1906-8) Home Sidney 111 Wallace Herbert Milford (la 1893-7 AB Also U Wash 1900-1) Teach 220 Quince St Olympia Wash Wallace Mrs J R (see Howes Lois M) Wallace Jacob H (acad 1897-8 m eng 1898-1903 BS ME(Mo) '07) M Eng 1313 Seventh St Boulder Col Wallace James Blair (su 1906 Also U Chgo) Supt City Schs Savanna 111 Wallace John Burton (sp 1882-3) Ranch 1260 St -Charles St Alameda Cal Wallace John Edgar (acad 1892-3 - m eng 1894-5) Merc Hammond La (Neoga 111) * Wallace Mrs Joseph (see Maltby Helen E) Wallace Joseph D (m eng 1879-80) Mfg & Sales 1629 Washington Blvd Chicago Wallace Mrs J D (see Willcox Lucy B E) Wallace Joseph Edwin (su 1909 BS (Ewing) '09) Asst Cash Sears Roe- buck & Co 466 YMCA Seattle (Charleston 111) ♦WALLACE Lee (BP(Syr) '05 Also Julians Acad Paris Teach Painting Syr 1907-11 Instr Free Hand Draw U 111 1911-12) d Sept 16 1912 Ur- bana 111 Wallace Lewis Bryant (la 1912- ) Stu Homer 111 Wallace Mabel Clare (h sc 1909-12 '13-14 BS) Teach 7000 Eggleston Av Chicago Wallace Mary DA (sp a&d 1882-3) Champaign 111 Wallace Paul Samuel (e eng 1914- ) Stu 24 Mulberry St Savanna 111 Wallace Ralph Core Jennings (la 1906-7 AB Also NW U) Orchard Jerome Id (Homer 111) Wallace Ross Strawn (m eng 1887-91 BS) V-Pres & Gen Mgr Cent 111 Light Co 316 S Jefferson Av Peoria 111 Wallace Samuel Haywood (ag 1915- ) Stu 836 U Blvd Oak Park 111 Wallace Wellington James Hamilton (arch 1909-13 BS) Arch Draft Mon- ticello Mo Wallace William Arthur (m eng 1907- 11 BS Also Pur U) c/o Amer Steel Foundries 1163 McCormick Bldg Chi- cago Wallage Stanley Tiffin (min eng 1910- 14 su 1895) Stu 1603 S Central Av Paris 111 (1203 W Stoughton St Ur- ban a 111 ? Walla ver Jennie Ella (sp h sc 1901-5) 1017 Benton St Rockford 111 Walldren Florence Ogeretta (la 1912 Also Chgo Nor Sch) 2815 Logan Blvd Chicago Walledom Jesse Jacobsen (c eng 1905- 9 BS Also John Marshall Law Sch) Struct Eng 1310 208 S LaSalle St Chicago (5966 Midway Park) Waller Florence Marquerite (lib 1911- 12 Also Wash St Coll) Libr 1407 Star Route St Pullman Wash Waller Henry (sp ag 1905-7 '09-10 Also U Chgo) Ag R2 South Haven Mich Waller Richard Valentine (e eng 1912- 15) Century Club 405 Marion St Elkhart Ind * Waller Sarah Bell (lib 1900-2 BS (Ox- ford) '97) d May 1904 Cincinnati O Wallin Clarence Harvey (m eng 1902- 3) Jour 1140 Fifth Av Rockford 111 Wallin Marie Elizabeth (la 1915 Also Lincoln Coll) Stu 402 E Chalmers St Champaign 111 Wallis Mrs E J (see Hite Grace) Wallis Edward (ag 1914-15 Also Washington U) Stu 503 Indiana Av Urbana HI Walls James Edwin (sp ag 1904-5) 692 WALLS— WALTON Sales 4334 Greenwood Av Chicago Walls Katheryne Gertrude (Mrs Harry Herrick)(la 1900-1) 918 W Hill St Champaign 111 Walmer Joseph Charles (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- Also NW U) Stu 2701 Washington Av Cairo 111 Walraven Wesley Burnham (e eng 1912- ) Stu 128 N Maple St Cen- tralia 111 Walser Frank Emil (ag 1912-13 la 1913-14 Feb 1915 AB AIbo Neuchatel Coll Switzerland & St Pauls Sch Lon- don) Teach H Sch Madison SD Walser Stephen Albert (ag 1914- Also Hohene Dresden Germany) Stu 34 Plaza St Brooklyn NY Walsh Ada E (Mrs C M Flewelling) (acad 1888-9) Teach 106 S Webber St Urbana 111 fWalsh Anna Agnes (sp mus'1904-6) 1210 W Main St Urbana 111 Walsh Earl Joseph (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 503 Cass St LaCrosse Wis Walsh Edward Harry (c eng 1905-6) Asst Supt Universal Plate Mill 111 Steel Co S Chicago (7650 Bond Av) Walsh Edward John (ag 1914-15) Herscher 111 Walsh Edward Eodney (c eng 1902-6) Eng 424 Sherman Av Elgin 111 Walsh James Joseph Jr (la 1913-14) 2113 Lafayette Av Mattoon 111 tWalsh James Tecumseh (la 1895-6) Harvard 111 Walsh John Edward (e eng 1914- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 200 N Eliza- beth St Peoria 111 Walsh John Henry (acad 1893-4) Ivesdale 111 ?Walsh John James (m eng 1903-4 PhB(Chgo) '99) 443 Racine Av Chi- cago tWalsh John William (acad 1883-4 la 1884-5) LaSalle HI Walsh Leo Bernard (ag 1913- ) Stu Rantoul 111 ?Walsh Richard Sylvester (m eng 1903- 4) 443 Racine Av Chicago Walsh Mrs W T (see Coar Elza J) Walsh Walter James (ag 1908-9) Ag W McHenry 111 (Monticello 111) ? Walsh William Joseph (c eng 1905-9 BS) c/o Mo Pac RR Pueblo Colo (Monticello 111) Walsh William Russell (m eng 1913- 14) 5700 Winthrop Av Chicago * Walter Benjamin Franklin (m eng 1885-8) d Maroa 111 Walter Charles Albert (sc 1894-8 BS MS '01) c/o Sears Roebuck & Co Chicago (317 N East Av Oak Park 111) Walter Chesley Matthew (1 1909-11 LL B Also John Marshall Law Club) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg Savanna 111 Walter Elaine Vera (Mrs Merrill Dwi- nell)(sp h sc 1909-10) Home In- dianapolis (4730 Maiden Av Chicago) Walter Frederick Louis (chem eng 1908-9 Also U Mich) Dent Carroll- ton 111 (Tennville Mich) ? Walter Loretta (su 1904) Cairo 111 Walter Wayne Mead (acad 1877-81) Arch Draft 1127 N Dearborn St Chi- cago (473,0 Maiden St) •Walter William Arthur (1 1905-7) d Jan 5 1913 Mattoon 111 Walters Bertha Evelyn (Mrs H S Green) (la 1903-7 AB) Home 1417 Washington St Apt D Spokane Wash ? Walters Delphine Blanche (su 1906 Also la St Coll) Teach Ogden Utah •Walters Edward Philip (BS(Mass Tech) '00 Asst Chem 111 Water Surv U 111 1899-1900) d Jan 28 1904 Ka- tonah NY Walters Harvey Henry (arch 1911-15 BS) Draft Beach ND Walters Jesse Noble (ag 1909-14 BS) Ag Lyford Tex (Carlisle Ind) . Walters Katherine Bertha (la 1913-14) 4420 Magnolia Av Chicago Walters Linzy Ellsworth (su 1913 Also Bradley Poly) 120 Cambria St New- ark O Walters Peter Charles (1 1910-12 LL B Also S 111 St Nor) Law Jud Edwards Co Albion 111 Walters Prentice Therman (la 1910- Also W 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Loda 111 (801 W Calhoun St Macomb 111) Walters Rose Katherine (Mrs W T Weatherly) (su 1908 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Poseyville Ind Walters Mrs William Alfred (see White Hilda K) IWalters William John (acad 1908-9) Chicago Walton Albert Malcolm (su 1914 Also Knox Coll) Browns 111 Walton Andrew J (ag 1871-2) De- catur 111 Walton Clarence Taylor (c eng 1884-5) Merc 614 W Green St Champaign 111 Walton Howard Roberts (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 614 W Green St Champaign 111 WALTON James Henri Jr (BS(Mass Tech) '99 PhD(Heidelburg) '03 Asst Chem U 111 1903-6 Assoc do U 111 1906-7 Asst Prof Chem U Wis 1907- 11) Assoc Prof U Wis 1911- 425 Sterling PI Madison Wis Walton James Kelly Jr (ag 1910-13 '14-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu Anna 111 Walton James Nathaniel (ag 1914-15 WALTON— WARD 693 Also Knox Coll) Ag Browns 111 Walton Joseph Clyde (e eng 1900-1) Clk 727 S Chestnut St Kewanee HI Walton Loretta (Mrs Wooden) (su 1904) Bicycle Trick-Rider 824 23rd St Cairo 111 Walton Mrs Ralph Daniel (see Graves Marjorie) Walton Thomas Percival (c eng 1890- 4 BS) Northwestern Agt 111 Steel Bridge Co 551 Gilfillan Block St Paul Minn Walton Thomas William (la 1907-10 AB g 1910-11 AM Also SW St Nor Coll Pa) Ed Dir YMCA 1825 F St NW -Washington Walton Mrs T W (see Weinberg Mar- garet) Waltrip George Edward (ag 1910-11) Ag Western Av Mattoon 111 Walworth Edward Harvey (ag 1908- 13 BS g ag 1915- ) Asst Crop Production Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 1303 University Av Urbana 111 Walworth Lena Althea (Mrs E O Finkenbinder) (la 1908-10 AB g 1910- 12 Also 111 St Nor U) Home 1115 N Maryland Av E Milwaukee Walworth Ralph Waldo (ag 1910-15 BS) Ag Meek N Mex (1303 W Uni- versity Av Urbana 111) Walworth Stanton Eugene (ag 1914- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Urbana 111 Walz Emily Ida (la 1913- Also Wal- ther Coll) Stu R5 Danville 111 Wampler Edgar Allen (sp ag 1899- 1900) Ag Hammond 111 Wamsley Adalaide May (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu 225 S 11th St Quincy 111 Wamsley Henry Edward (m eng 1909- 10) Navy Mus USS South Caroline c/o PM New York Wamsley Mabel (Mrs A S Bower) (la 1902-6 AB) Home Tolono 111 Wamsley Mae (acad 1896-7) Urbana 111 Wand Anthony William (acad 1906-9 c eng 1909-12 BS) Assoc Prof C Eng U NMex Albuquerque N Mex (Eliza- beth 111) Wandell Caroline (lib 1898-1900 BLS) Instr Syr U Lib Sch Syracuse NY (Phoenix NY) Wanderer Alwin Eugene John (c eng 1906-10 BS) Merc 412 S Lombard Av Oak Park HI Wanderer Herbert Frederick Charles (eng 1913-14) 414 S Lombard Av Oak Park 111 Wanderer Oscar William Rudolph (c eng 1907-11 BS) Draft AT&SFe RR Chicago (414 S Lombard Av Oak Park 111) Wandrack Lura May (su 1914) Libr 123 Hay ward St Woodstock 111 Wang Chin Wu (ag 1915- ) Stu 30 Ho St Honan China wang Ching Chun (ry adm 1908-11 PhD PhB(Yale) '08 AM (do) '09 ) Dir Peking-Hankow RR & V-Chm Com- mission Unification RR Accts & Statis- tics Kuei Chia Chang China (Pe- king Univ Peking China) Wang Kung Kuan (la 1914-15 Also Pei Yang U & U Mich) 868 Woosung Road Shanghai China Wang Te Chang (ag 1912-15 BS) City Bridge Foong Gate Soochow China Wangelin Armin Hugo (la 1913-14) 221 Abend St Belleville 111 Wangelin Herman Grover (la com 1907-10) Mgr Modern Auto & Gar Co 500 E Main St Belleville 111 (221 Abend St) Wanner Arthur Lewis (m eng 1911-12) C Eng 1743 Chase Av Chicago Wansbrough Charles Robert (acad 1907-8 arch eng 1908-9) Sec Wag- gener Paint & Glass Co 2006 Grand Av Kansas City Mo Wansbrough John Edgar (la com 1910- 13 law 1913-4 Also Bradley Poly) Law 818 Scarritt Bldg Kansas City Mo Wansbrough Robert (acad 1906-7) Sec Waggener Paint & Glass Co Kansas City Mo (3600 Pasco St) Wanser James Marshall (ag 1913-16 BS Also U Wis) 335 S East Av Oak Park HI Warbritton Hattie M (su 1914&'15 Also Ind St Nor) Teach Ladoga Ind Ward Amy (la h sc 1912- ) Stu El Paso 111 Ward Ardell Elizabeth (su 1910) Teach 609 S Jackson St Belleville 111 Ward Arthur Andrew (e eng 1915- Also Valparaiso U) Stu Oakglen 111 Ward Arthur Vere ( c eng 1905-6) PO Clk 319 Woolf Ct Rochelle 111 Ward Cecilia Blair (acad 1909-11 la 1913-14) Stu 1101 W Nevada St Urbana HI Ward Elbert Warren (su 1910 .Also Hedding Coll) Teach 110 W 19th St University PI Neb Ward Elde Hewlitt (sc 1907-9 '10-11) Merc Claremour Okla (Rantoul 111) Ward Francis Hugh (chem eng 1912- 13) Trav Sales 524 N First St Rockford 111 694 WARD— WARDER Ward Frank Anthony (aead 1906-7 arch eng 1907-11 BS) Designer Chge Branch Ofc J R Fugard Arch 408 Lawrence Bldg Sterling 111 Ward Frank Howard (ag 1914-16) Ag Dewey 111 Ward Frank M (acad 1877-8) Merc 141 Raymond Av Ocean Park Cal Ward George Snyder (la com 1907-10 AB) Law 2010 Continental Bk Bldg Chicago (Benton 111) *Ward Guy Warren (sp ag 1898-9) d July 22 1903 Champaign 111 Ward Harry Amos (arch eng 1901-3 BS(Knox)'Ol) Mgr 1496 Alamanda Av Lakewood O Ward Mrs H A (see Buerkin Mar- guerite) Ward Henry Austin (c eng 1871-4) Ag R2 Olathe Kan WARD Henry Baldwin (AB (Wil- liams) '85 AM&PhD(Harv) '92 Also U Gottingen & U Freiburg & U Leipsic Instr Zool U Mich 1893 Assoc & Prof Zool U Neb 1893-6 Head Prof Zool do 1906-9 Dean Coll Med do 1902-9) Prof Zool U 111 1909- 1101 W Ne- vada St Urbana 111 Ward Henry Ben Pope (la com 1903-7 AB) Merc Mt Vernon 111 Ward Herbert Benjamin (ag 1915- ) Stu Geneseo 111 *WARD Hugh Elmer (BS(Mich Ag) '95 MS (Mich) '98 Instr Soil Fertil U 111 1899-1901 Instr Bacteriol do 1901-2) d Dec 29 1909 Ward James Elmer (sp la 1900-1) Merc Monte Vista Colo Ward Janet (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 4042 N Keeler Av Chicago ?Ward Lester Earl (sp ag 1903-5) R2 Decatur 111 Ward Mabel Cecelia (su 1911) Teach 715 St Charles St Elgin 111 (5240 Glenwood Av Chicago Ward Madge Virginia (Mrs A E Glenz) (la jour 1910-14 AB) Home Olney 111 Ward Mamie Lawrence (la 1909-10 '12-15 AB) Teach 4042 N Keeler Av Chicago Ward Mary Helen (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 807 Av B Sterling 111 Ward Mary Myrtle (su 1911&'15 Also 111. St Nor U) Teach Bunker Hill 111 (Glasgow 111) Ward Mary Winifred (la 1914- ) Stu Saybrook 111 Ward Owen Martin (e eng 1903-7 BS) Union Elec Light & Power Co 5211 Garfield Av St Louis Ward Mrs Pauline Lillian Hawthorne (Mrs J S) (su 1909) Teach 200 Lake St Aurora 111 Ward Philip Henry (1 1909-13 LLB) Law Sterling 111 Ward Raymond Lee (com 1915- ) Stu Bement 111 Ward Robert Russell (acad 1898-1900 law 1900-3 LLB Trustee 1915- ) Law & V-Pres Benton St Bk & Sec- Treas Benton Coal Co & Ag Benton 111 Ward Ruth (la 1914-15) Stenog & Bkpr Gettysburg SD (Crescent City 111) Ward Thomas Harrison (e eng 1915- ) Stu 37 Colberg Av Rosindale Mass Ward Ulysses Garfield (1 1903-5 LLB) Law Shelbyville 111 Ward Victor (arch eng 1915- ) Stu El Paso 111 *Ward Walter P (1 1873-7 BL) d Oct 12 1914 Webb City Mo Ward Wilbert Clarence (chem 1905-6) Arch Morgan Hill Cal Ward William Dutch (com 1915- ) Stu 775 W Macon St Decatur 111 Ward William Harold (su 1908 Also Pur U) M Eng 3910 Prairie Av Chicago Wardall Edna Annetta (mus 1904-7) Sec 4821 East Side Av Dallas Tex Wardall Fannie M (Mrs A B Sawyer) (h sc 1879-80) Home Norborne Mo (Tolono 111) Wardall Ruth Aimee (la h sc 1901-3 AB g 1906-7 AM Head Dom Sc Dept SD Ag Coll 1903-6 su 1906 Head Dom Sc Dept U Ohio 1907-13) Prof & Head Dept Dom Sc U la 1913- Iowa City la (Tuscola 111) Wardall William Jed (sc 1904-8 AB) Fin 119 Griswold St Detroit (Tus- cola 111) Wardell Mrs (see Cox Edna L) ?Wardeman Charles (acad 1895-6) Urbana 111 Warden Ida Elizabeth (g la 1914-15 MA(Wooster) '13) Stu 1843 Bel- mont St Bellaire O Warden Mrs Luther Lawrence (see Main Rose I) Warder Evelyn (Mrs H V Ferrell) (sp 1904-5 h sc 1904-7& '09-10) Home 201 E College St Marion 111 *WARDER John A (Lecturer Fruit Growing U 111 1868-9) d Cincinnati Warder Laura Belle (la 1901-5 AB) Clk Marion 111 *Warder Robert Bowne (Am (Earl- ham) '73 BL(Harv) '74 Instr Chem & Nat Phil U 111 1875-9 do Haverford 1879-80 Prof Chem & Physics How- ard U Washington 1887-1905) d July WARDER— WARNER 695 23 1905 Washington fWarder Robert R (chem 1869-70) Clevis 111 Warder Walter (sp 1870-1) Law 2315 Holbrook Av Cairo 111 Warder Walter Bain (la 1902-6 AB law 1906-8 LLB) Law 2315 Hol- brook Av Cairo 111 Wardhaugh Sarah Edna (su 1915) Teach 410 Jordan St Jacksonville 111 Wardrop Malcolm Seth (g sociol 1914- ) Stu Mt Pleasant Mich Ware Gay Hollembeak (ag 1915- ) Stu Barry 111 Ware Henry Wanghop (ag 1904-5) Ag Hagerman N Mex Ware Josiah William (sp ag 1904-5) Fruit-growing Box 358 Roswell N Mex Ware Manierre Barlow (ag 1913- ) Stu Kenilworth 111 Ware Roy Adelbert (ag 1905-6) Ag Butler 111 Ware Walter Scott (acad 1891 ) Ag Gifford 111 Ware Willis Craig (chem 1907-8) 438 Newport Av Chicago (4441 Maiden Place) Warfield Mrs A G (see Onken Deana) Warfield Charles W (e eng 1891 ) Pres Warfield Elec Co & Beltraim Elec Light & Power Co Bemidji Minn (Princeton 111) * Warfield Roy Mary (acad 1890-2) d Oct 17 1894 Sioux City la Warfield Vernon Huff (la com 1910- 14 AB) c/o Adv Dept Omaha Daily News 5323 N 28th St Omaha Neb Warfield Mrs V H (see Lindsey Nelle M) Warford David Arthur (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu Elizabethtown 111 Waring Mrs Clarence (see Bushnell Ethel M) Warinner Charles Willis (m eng 1910- 14 BS) Sales Eng Amer Blower Co Title Guaranty Bldg St Louis Warinner Mabel Straube Onus 1911-12 su 1915 Grad(Quincy Coll Mus) '11 Also Col U 1914-15) Teach Marion 111 (1011 W Illinois St Urbana 111) ?Warke Joseph Alexander (acad 1904-5 la 1905-7) Circleville O Warlow Arthur Bower (sp ag 1904-5) Ag & Hog Breeder Stanford 111 Warmolts Cornelia Sara (la h sc 1914- ) Stu Oregon 111 Warmolts Earl Hugh (la 1915- ) Stu Oregon 111 Warmolts Lambertus Jr (c eng 1912- 15 la 1915- ) Stu Oregon 111 Warne Glenn Clayton (acad 1904-5 e eng 1905-7) Ag Elburn 111 Warne Mrs G C (see Snow Dolly Anna R) Warne John Henry (sp ag 1900-2 acad 1902-3 '03-4) Ag Batavia 111 Warne Maude (Mrs E M Kerns) (acad 1908-9) Home Tuscola 111 Warne Walter Evans (e eng 1902-5) Const Supt The Ford Motor Co De- troit (Delavan HI) Warnecke Carl Marie (acad 1891-2 arch 1892-3) Electr Pacific Elec Co Los Angeles (Sherman Cal) ?Warner Andrew (su 1901) Channa- hon 111 Warner Mrs CM (see Bowlby Emma Z) Warner Earl Amos (sp ag 1902-4) Merc Somonauk 111 (Marengo 111) Warner Earle Eugene (e eng 1913-15 BS Also Bradley Poly) Insp Allis- Chalmers Co 576 68th St West Allis Wis warner Earle Horace (g sc 1912-14 AM g physics 1915- AB (Denver) '12) Asst Physics U 111 1912- 201 W Green St Urbana 111 (825 E 22nd Av Denver) Warner Florence (Mrs L D Bushnell) (lib 1905-6 AB Also Knox Coll) Home Manhattan Kan Warner Fred Milton (c eng 1909-11) Sales Westinghouse Lamp Co Minne- apolis (421 E Everett St Dixon 111) t Warner George Elmer (sp ag 1906-7 Also Vincennes U) Box 119 • Vincen- nes Ind Warner Harry Jackson (acad 1896-7 sc 1897-1901 BS MD(Geo Wash) '07) Med Fort Trumbull Conn (Prophets- town 111) Warner Harry Somes (ag 1914-15) Ag 821 Normal Av Carbondale 111 (R5 Vincennes Ind) Warner Harrv Wallace (c eng 1902-5) Asst Eng C&WI RR 6610 Peoria St Chicago *Warner James Madison (acad 1901-3 c eng 1903-8 BS) d March 5 1916 Syracuse NY * Warner Lewis Cass (ag- 1868-70) d Feb 2 1870' Urbana 111 Warner Lucy (la 1914-15) Argos Ind *Warner Lyman Fenn (c eng 1872-5 Cert) d Feb 10 1914 Rockford 111 ? Warner Raymond Curtis (m eng 1903- 4) 503 Dearborn Av Chicago Warner Robert Lemon (1 Feb 1916- Also U Wis) Stu 421 E Everett St 696 WARNER— WASHBURN Dixon 111 Warner Victor Eugene (la com 1903-6) Clk Latouche Alaska (Flora 111) Warner William Collins (m eng 1905- 7) Estimator & Contr Sales Branch House Crane & Co Detroit (99 Hayne Av) Warner William Herbert (c eng 1901- 5 BS) Struct Eng 511 Rector Bldg 79 W Monroe St Chicago (1417 Olive Av) Warnes William Henry (acad 1895-6) Ag Long View 111 Warnock Arthur Ray (la 1901-5 AB Instr Eng U 111 1905-7 '08-10 Instr Engl Smiths Acad 1907-8) Asst Dean Men U 111 1910- 904 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Warnock Charles Howard (la com 1908-12 AB Also Grand Prairie Sem) Acct Aud Disbursements 111 Cent RR 3608 Lake Park Av Chicago (Onarga 111) Warnock David Wallace (chem 1905- 10 BS Also Augustana Coll) Chem c/o Bettendorf Steel Car Co (910 12th Av Moline 111) Warnock Harper McDill (ag 1914- Also Monmouth Coll) Stu Little York 111 Warnock Laura Ream (su 1915 Also Marion Nor Coll) Asst Prin H Sch Remington Ind Warnock Mary Lucile (lib 1913-14 AB (Monmouth) '13) Libr Manhattan Kan (Little York 111) Warnock. Maude May (la 1911-14) At home Mason City 111 Warnshuis Edward John Henry (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 610 S Elmwood Av Oak Park 111 Warren Arthur Richard (la com 1911- 13) Ag Belvidere 111 Warren Charles Edward (acad 1899- 1900 c eng 1900-3) Ag & Highway Eng Jerseyville 111 Warren Daniel Edwin (ag 1910-13 '15- ) Stu 417 VanBuren St Bel- videre 111 Warren Dorothy (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 515 S Fourth St Watseka 111 Warren Ernest (sp ag 1909-10) Ag Bath HI * Warren Francis Eugene (arch eng 1908-10 Also Geo Washington U) Supt Constr 1225 11th St NW Wash- ington ?Warren Frank (m eng 1873-4) Chi- cago Warren Frank Baker (c eng 1910-14 BS) 513 S Second St Louisville Ky (Paw Paw 111) Warren Fred Foote (sp ag 1906-7 ag 1908-9) Ag Belvidere 111 Warren George Edward (c eng 1908- 12 BS) Supt Constr Jas Ferry & Sons Constr Co 1510 Mt Royal Av Baltimore (Paw Paw 111) Warren Henry Russell (ag 1910-13) Ag Belvidere 111 Warren Homer Samuel (sc 1910-11 Also U Chgo) Bus Mgr 850 W 78th St Chicago ? Warren John Benjamin Jr (c eng 1885- 9) Hyde Park 111 Warren May Anna (la 1915- Also 111 Wes) Stu Mansfield 111 Warren Paul Wilbur (la com 1914-15) com 1915- ) Stu 1136 W Main St Ft Wayne Ind Warren Ralph Rowe (c eng 1914- ) Stu 504 Ninth St LaSalle 111 Warren Thomas James (c eng 1914-15) Ins Paw Paw 111 Warrick Area Belle (Mrs A Clement) (la 1906) Home R25 Utica 111 Warrick Ruth Elizabeth (h sc 1909-10) Teach Worthington Minn Warrick Theron Lloyd (ag 1905-9 BS) Contr & Ag Rouleau Sask Can Warrick Vinton P (acad 1906-7) Ag Utica 111 Warrington Chester Henry (ry c eng 1908-10 BS (Lehigh) '12) Bus Mgr 3311 Av of Presidents Washington Warrington George (m eng 1873-7) Consult Eng 3311 Av of Presidents Washington Warrington Mrs George (see Chester Minnie A) Warrington James Nelson (m eng 1879-82 ME(Stevens Tech) '83) Ret 2001 La France Av South Pasadena Cal Wascher Frederick Martin William (ag 1907-11 BS Asst Soil Surv Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911-12 Asst Soil Physics do 1912-13) First Asst Soil Physics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1913- 505 W Springfield Av Champaign 111 Wascher Mrs George (see Wendt Clara I) Wascher Herbert Frederick (ag 1915- ) Stu 605 Stoughton St Champaign 111 Washburn Charles Alva (acad 1902-3 m eng 1903-6 BS) Sec & Mgr Union Malleable Iron Co 634 17th Av East Moline 111 Washburn Charles Sidney (e eng 1910-15 BS) Design Eng Minnesota Mfg Assn 5337 Cottage Grove Chi- cago (Lenox Dale Mass) WASHBURN Edward Wight (BS (Mass Tech) '05 PhD ( do ) '08 Res Assoc Mass Tech 1906-8 Assoc Chem U 111 1908-10 Asst Prof Phys Chem WASHBURN— W ATKINS 697 U 111 1910-13) Prof Phys Chem U 111 1913- 710y 2 W Nevada St Ur- bana 111 Washburn Fred Philor (arch eng 1908- 10) Arch Draft 312 Garfield Av Burlington la Washburn James William (m eng 1913- ) Stu Lenox Dale Mass tWASHBURN Ludlow Joseph (sc 1906- 10 AB) 461 Maple Av Winnetka 111 (1023 Michigan Av Evanston 111) Washburn Ralph Harden (c eng 1908- 10 '11-12) C Eng 207 S Walnut St Springfield 111 (New Berlin 111) Washburn Raymond Allen (arch eng 1914-15) 522 E Prospect St Ke- wanee 111 t Washburn Samuel Edward (sp m eng 1902-5) Fairmount 111 fWashington David Foster (arch 1906- 7 Also Fisk U) 1005 13th Av Louis- ville Ky Washington Margaret (g la 1912-13 AM AB( Smith) '12) Stu Smith Coll 4729 Beacon St Chicago tWasko Victor Leonard (ag 1909-12) 1459 Dickson St Chicago Wason Chester Herman (e eng 1896-8) Cash Parlin & Orendorff Co Canton 111 Wassell Lela Emma (Mrs P A Bun- nelle)(mus 1908-9) Home 220 N Pardee St Wadsworth O tWasson Glenwood (e eng 1910-11) R25 Chrisman 111 Wasson Loran Arthur (min eng 1914- 15 com 1915- Also Ewing Coll) Stu 605 E Poplar St Harrisburg III t Wasson Mary Ellen (su 1907 BS (Knox) '00) Douglas 111 Wasson Ora Elmer (la 1899-1903 AB (Mich) '04) Chf Chem Knicker- bocker Portland Cement Co Hudson NY (Chrisman 111) Wasson William Henry Wilson (su 1913 Also Monmouth Coll) Sparta 111 Wasson William Walter (sc 1904-6 AB (Colo) '08 MD(do)'lO) Med Phy- sicians Bldg Boulder Colo (801 Uni- versity Av) fWatanabe Onoji (c eng 1911-12 Also Imperial U Japan) A Kita Ken Japan Waterbury Leslie Abram (c eng 1898- 1902 BS 1902-5 CE BS in arch eng 1915 Instr Math & C Eng 1903-7) Prof C Eng U Ariz 1907- 327 E Fourth St Tucson Ariz (Polo 111) Waterbury Mrs LA (see Miller Ethel C) WATERFALL Harry William (SB (Mass Tech) '11 Asst M Eng Mass Inst Tech 1911-12) Instr Machine De- sign U 111 1913- 709 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (53 Fairbanks St Brighton Mass) Waterhouse Charles Eugene (sc 1904- 7 AB 1907-8 BS) CB&Q RR 1515 S 13th St Burlington la IWaterman August Henry (sp ag 1900- 1) Evanston 111 Waterman Fred Walter (m eng 1886- 90 BS) M Eng Nat Tube Co Lo- rain O (116 Broad St Elyria O) Waterman Helen Elizabeth (la 1903-5 Also Welles Coll) At home 616 Kirk- wood Blvd Davenport la Waterman Mrs I J (see Kegley Rach- ael M) Waterman James D (sp 1873-4) Merc San Anselmo Cal Waterman Louise Hale (la 1913- ) Stu 3929 Vincennes Av Chicago Waterous Willard (sc 1908-10) Stu NW U Galva HI Waters Edward Everette (la com 1910-12 AB Also 111 Coll) Sales 6212 Greenwood Av Chicago (251 Marengo Av Pasadena Cal) \Waters Edward Staniel (acad 1901-2) Morris 111 Waters Enos (ag 1911-14 BS Also Coll City NY) Ag R2 Carlinville 111 Waters Frank P (la 1875-6) Shel- bina Mo Waters George Gerald (e eng 1915- ) Stu 1273 Amherst St St Louis Waters James Merton (la 1904) Wat- seka 111 Waters Orley Morton (su 1912) Teach Belle Rive 111 Waters Willard Otis (lib 1898-1900 BLS AB(Benzonia)'96 Asst Libr U 111 1900-2) Libr Kensington Md tWatkins Albert Earl (sp ag 1909-10) Normal 111 ?WatJcins Alice F (Mrs J Bell) (acad 1881-2) Home Lemon Grove Cal Watkins Axie Dill (la 1913-14) BS (NWU) ) Petersburg 111 Watkins Beulah (su 1915) Dir Mus Pub Sch 1214 N Walnut St Danville 111 Watkins Mrs C B (see Booker Lu- cile A) *Watkins Evart Montgomery (c eng 1907-11 BS) d 1913 Post Limon Costa Rica (Bloomington 111) watkins Gordon (g la 1914-15 AM g soc 1915- AB (Mont) '14) Asst Sociol U 111 1915- 403 Wright St Champaign 111 (808 Ohio St Joliet HI) tWatkins May Francis (sp la 1902-3) Chenoa HI 698 W ATKINS— WATSON - Watkins Mrs Michael Aaron (see Mor- row Jessie E) * Watkins Moses Adam (sc 1900-1) d 1903 Chicago Watkins Nora Gertrude (sp mus 1908- 11 Also 111 St Nor U) R2 Fithian 111 Watkins Oscar S (sc 1902-6 BS Asst Chem Hort Ag Exp Sta U 111 1906- 11) Assoc Chem Hort Ag Exp Sta U 111 1911- 605 E Chalmers St Cham- paign 111 Watkins Ralph Smalley (m eng 1912- 13) Ag Sheldon 111 tWatkins Sadie Mae (acad 1909-10 sp mus 1910-11) Fithian III Watkins Sloane Daniel (Order Asst Lib U 111 1912-14) Swannonoa Hill Bilt- more NC ? Watkins Williams Wynne (sp ag 1907-9) Louisville Ky Watrous Christopher Beach (m eng 1901-5 BS) c/o Norman B Liver- more & Co 1106 Hibernian Bldg Los Angeles Watrous Edward Palmer (sp 1898-99) Mapleton 111 Watson Alice Erwin (la 1908-9 Also Montessori Tr Course Rome) Teach & Jour c/o Sebasti e Reali Piazza di Spagna Roma (404 N Tenth St Mt Vera on 111) Watson Allen Stanley (la 1911-12) Stu Law 111 Wes U 404 N Tenth St Mt Vernon 111 Watson Altha Jane (h sc 1912-13 Also Colonial Sch) Stu Manor Sch Briar Cliff NY (401 Topeka Av Topeka Kan) Watson Arabella Grace (Mrs R J Rich- ards) (h sc 1904-5 '06-7) Home 623 Wellington Av Chicago Watson Blaine Humes (c eng 1904-5) Ag R2 Roseville 111 Watson Carl Page (la com 1906-10 Also Lewis Inst) Bus Mgr Madison Wis Watson Chauncey Brown (ag 1908-13 BS) Ag R3 DeKalb 111 ?Watson Clarence Charles (sp ag 1900- 2) Woodstock 111 Watson Ebenezer Bliss (acad 1891-2) Sc Bur Soils US Dept Ag Washington Watson Ella Marie (Mrs J H Davis) (la 1876-80 BS) Home R3 Holton Kan t Watson Everett (sc 1898-9) Areola 111 Watson Florence E (Trustee U 111 1913- Grad Huddelson Acad 1906) At home Iola 111 WATSON Floyde Rowe (BS(Cal)'99 PhD (Cor) '02 Asst Physics U Cal 1897-9 do Cor U 1902 Instr Physics U 111 1902-4 Also su 1902 & '04 Asst Dean Coll Eng 1908-9 Asst Prof Phy- sics U 111 1904-15) Assoc Prof Exp Physics U 111 1915- 906y 2 Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 ?Watson Francis Edith (sp mus 1908- 9) Tolono 111 *Watson George Edward (sp ag 1906- 8) d Dec 27 1910 Forrest 111 Watson Grover W (la 1909-11 law 1911-14 LLB) Law Farmer City 111 Watson Harry Francis (chem eng 1908-9 '14- Also Shurtleff Coll) Stu Orient 111 Watson Harry W (acad 1887-8) In- vestments & Loans 208 Laughlin Bldg Los Angeles Watson Hazel Fitch (su 1914 Also Newcomb U) 301 E Robert St Ham- mond La watson Helen Gertrude (g la 1911-12 AM AB(Hedding)'ll) Teach Ab- ingdon 111 Watson Henry Philips (sp ag 1913-14 Also Vanderbilt U) Planter Tchula Miss (Lexington Miss) ^Watson James Robert (acad 1896-7) Opechee Mich Watson Jane Coulson (la 1911-15 AB g Spanish 1915- ) Asst Rom Lang U 111 1915- 620 W Clark St Cham- paign 111 *Watson John Bone (acad 1888-9 min eng 1889-90) d Opechee Mich Watson John Wesley (ag 1912- ) Stu R3 DeKalb 111 Watson Lawrence Orr (ag 1910-11 BS (Clemson Ag) '08) Ag Exp Sta Clem- son Coll SC Watson Lelia Elta (la h sc 1912- ) Stu 915 W Church St Champaign 111 Watson Lida Ellen (h sc 1911-12 Also Hedding Coll) Teach Abingdon 111 Watson Lu Etta Belle (Mrs Ghere) (acad 1894-5) Housekeeper Areola 111 ?Watson Mrs Margarette E (su 1912 Also Ind St Nor) 309 E John St Champaign 111 Watson Marguerite (la 1907-10 AB g 10-11 su 1913) Teach H Sch Bis- bee Ariz (Williamsville 111) watson Minnie Elizabeth (g la 1912- 14 MS g 1914-15 PhD AB (Olivet) '09) Teach Oyster Bay Long Island NY Watson Minton William (acad 1907-8 m eng 1909-12) Eng IC Power Plant 304 N Beech St Centralia 111 Watson Newton Everette (ag 1914-15) WATSON— WEAD 699 Ag Chrisman 111 Watson Paul Errett (la 1902-3) Adv Ashland Blk Chicago (Watseka 111) Watson Perley Melvin (la 1912-14 AB Also Ind St Nor) Teach H Sch Chrisman 111 ? Watson Ealph Angelo (acad 1902-3) Aguas Calientes Mex ?Watson Ealph W (acad 1881-2) Cal- umet 111 Watson Ray Marcus (ag 1914- Also S 111 St Nor) Stu R2 Cobden 111 Watson Raymond Curl (acad 1907-8 sp e eng 1905-7 '08-10) 520 Frank- lin Av Wilkinsburg Pa Watson Robert Hugh Jr (la 1905-6 '07-9) 520 S Ashland Av LaGrange 111 Watson Warner Allison (ag 1912-13) Ag R7 Macomb 111 fWATSON William (Instr in Foundry U 111 1905-6) Urbana 111 ' Watson William Carl (c eng 1906-9 Also Lewis Inst) Bldg Supt 1528 Farwell Av Chicago fWatson William Minton (acad 1902-3 '07-9 m eng 1909-12) Aquascalentes Mex Watson William Simpson (acad 1879- 80) PM Ludlow 111 Watson William Sumner Jr (e eng 1907-11 '12-13) Draft Elgin Na- tional Watch Co 335 Raymond St Elgin 111 Watt Charles F (acad 1888-9) Ag Brule Wis Watt Laura Armenia (Mrs L W Ful- ton) (sc 1909-11 AB) Home Bar- ron Wis Watt Lynn Andre (sc 1906-10 BS) Chem Armour & Co 6337 Normal Blvd Chicago Watt Margaret Louise (su 1914) Win- chester 111 Watt Russell A (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 506 E Springfield Av Cham- paign 111 Watt Wray Garver (ag 1910-11 Also Monmouth Coll) Ag Alexis 111 Watters James Merton (la 1904-8 AB . su 1915) Teach Palestine 111 Watters Katherine Bertha (la 1913- 14) Stu Columbia Coll Exp 4420 Magnolia Av Chicago Watts Amos Holston (la 1915- ) Stu Nashville 111 Watts Anna Lyle (acad 1898-9 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Fairlands 111 Watts Charles Holladay (su 1901 Also Ohio N U) Co Supt Schs 513 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Watts Charles Searle (sp ag 1909-11) Apiarist 454 N Elm St Monticello 111 Watts Claude Harrison (la com 1909- 13 AB law 1913-14) Teach H Sch Pontiac 111 (Saunemin 111) Watts Ethel Frances (acad 1909-11 mus 1911-14) At home Ypsilanti Mich Watts Francis Joseph (acad 1903-4) Bkpr Meridith Storage Co 320 E Cerro Gordo St Decatur 111 Watts George Raymond (acad 1908-11 e eng 1911-13) Adv & Auto Sales 1211 Lexington Av Lawrenceville 111 Watts George William (m eng 1911- 15 BS) 1647 Carmen Av Chicago Watts Harry Francis (acad 1903-4 DDS(Chgo Coll Dent Sur) ) Dent 302 E Main St Galesburg 111 Watts Helen Mae (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 513 W Oregon St Urbana" 111 Watts Samuel Edward (acad 1906-7 ag 1907-8) Gen Contr 512 N Lara- mie Av Chicago Watts William (c eng 1871-4 BS MD (Mich) '78) Med 1035 Superior St Toledo O Watts William Henry (sc 1904-5 DDS (NE Dent Sch) '08) Dent New Ber- lin 111 (Farmingdale 111) Waugh Robert William (1 1906-8 LL B Also 111 Coll Law) Belvidere 111 Waugh Rosa (la 1908-9 AB Also U Chgo) Teach H Sch Hemet Cal Waughtel Nellie Elizabeth (Mrs O R Grady) (h sc 1904-8 BS Also Eureka Coll) Home Cuba 111 Way Ada Belle (la 1881-3) Home Corsicana Tex tWay Clyde Lynn (e eng 1907-10) Clk 6230 Prairie Av Chicago WAY Floy Asst Nursery Insp St En- tom Ofc U 111 1915- 909 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Way George Fritz (sc 1905-8 AB MD (HI Med) '11 Also Knox Coll) Med Cohen Bldg Urbana 111 (1318 S Orchard St) Way Mrs George Fritz (see Hill Ida M) Way Hermien Clare (Mrs H H Brad- ley) (sp a&d 1905-6 su 1902&'10) Home -6316 Belvidere Av Cleveland (33 E John St Champaign 111) Way Mildred Ruth (Mrs H N Smith) (la 1911-14 AB Also U Chgo) Home Verndale Minn Wead De Forest Emery (c eng 1914- 15 Also Pur U) Stu 206 Fredonia Av Peoria 111 Wead Grace Elizabeth (su 1915 Also Ober) 206 Fredonia Av Peoria 111 Wead John Trimmer (la 1914- ) Stu 700 WEAD— WEBB Wyoming 111 Wead Urith Lois (sp la 1898-9 su 1907) Teach 502 N Central Av Paris 111 *Weagley William I (sp 1868-9) d Alexander Sta 111 Weakley Howard Grafton (la 1903-7 AB) Trav Sales 54 E 18th St Chi- cago Wear James Carl (sp ag 1904-5) Ag & Stock Plymouth 111 Weart James Garrison Jr (ag 1915- ) Stu 278 Linden St Winnetka 111 Weary Clement Edwin (arch eng 1909- 11) Jr C Eng Los Angeles Co Ed Dept Co Hall Los Angeles (Baker Apts 10th & Francisco Sts Los An- geles) Weatherford Margaret Ora (Mrs Dwight Griffin) (sp mus 1908-9) Home 5229 Lexington St Austin 111 Weatherhead Drury Lee (sc 1904-8 BS g 1908-9 MS) 1st Asst Chem Dept St Capitol Annex Nashville Tenn WEATHEELEY Ulysses Grant (AB (Colgate) '90 PhD(Cor)'94 LittD (Colgate) '10 Prof Sociol U 111 su 1914) Prof Econ & Sociol Ind U Bloomington Ind ^Weatherly Edmund B (acad 1876-7) Spencer Ind Weatherly Mary Ellen (su 1907&'09 Also E 111 St Nor) Nurse City Hos- pital Indianapolis Weatherly Mrs M T (see Walters Eose Kathryn) Weaver Ben Perley (sc 1895-9 BS MD(P&S Chgo)'02) Med 1104 W Wayne St Ft Wayne Ind t Weaver Carl Franklin (c eng 1907-8) 493 W Pine St Canton 111 Weaver Charles Arthur (sp m eng 1903- 4 m eng 1904-5) Ins Eosemond 111 Weaver Edith Marie (Mrs C H Gilhu- ley)(la 1895-9) 432 N Walnut St Danville 111 Weaver Emmor Brooke (sp arch 1902- 3) Arch 500 26th St San Diego Cal (West Liberty la) Weaver Gailard Evert (eng 1904-6) Treas & Gen Mgr Weaver Mfg Co 1405 S Fourth St Springfield 111 Weaver Herbert Joseph (e eng 1902-6 BS) E Eng Fowl Eiver Ala t Weaver Kate (sp mus 1879-80) 44 Cedar St Chicago Weaver Lana (ry c eng 1906-9 '11-12) C Eng 310 W Church St Harrisburg 111 Weaver Mrs Lana (see Baird Ethel M) *Weaver Leslie Alvord (la 1890-4 BL) d Nov 19 1905 Champaign 111 Weaver Mrs L A (see Sheldon Eu- nice) Weaver Lillian Euth (la Feb 1916- Also U Wis) Stu Cumberland la Weaver Maud (Mrs J T Dorris) (la 1905-9 AB) Home Mt Carmel 111 WEAVEE Eudolph (arch 1910 At- tended Pa U & Col U & Drexel Inst Art & Sc Instr Arch U 111 1909-11) Prof Arch & Superv Arch U Wash 1911- Pullman Wash Weaver Walter Adelbert (la 1906-7 Also U Chgo) Ag Fowl Eiver Ala *Webb Alma Blanche (Mrs H M John- son) (la 1897-8) d July 13 1912 Tay- lorville HI tWebb Alonzo C (arch 1912-13 Also Chgo Art Inst) 309 Wilburn St Nash- ville Tenn ?Webb Amie (sp mus 1879-80) Ur- bana 111 Webb Anna Van Deren (Mrs P S Barto) (la 1904-6 AB g 1910-11 Also E 111 St Nor U) Home 633 Clyde St Pittsburg Webb Blanche Marion (h sc 1908-10 Also Los Angeles St Nor) Teach 1638 S Figueroa Av Los Angeles Webb Brent Girdler (arch eng 1915- Also U Louisville) Stu 1128 First St Louisville Ky Webb Charles Province (la 1906-9 law 1910-12 LLB) Law 555 N 18th St East St Louis 111 Webb Clara Lee (Mrs E B Murray) (mus 1908-9) Home 900 E 41st St Kansas City Mo Webb Donald Frederick (ag 1914- ) Stu 4152 N Keeler Av Chicago ?Webb Dwight Earl (sp ag 1901-2) Mound 111 Webb Edwin Warnock (c eng 1897-8) M Eng 1522 McCormick Bldg Chi- cago Webb Elmer E (sp law 1909-10 Also Washington St L U) Law Murphy Bldg East St Louis 111 (741 N 24th St) Webb Helen Leslie (Mrs W H Brady) (a&d 1904-5) Home 953 Highland Av Elgin HI Webb James Madison (sp sc 1909-10 Also Valparaiso U) 1002 California Av TJrbana 111 Webb Jasper Kent (ag 1914- Also Carth Coll) Stu Niota HI *WEBB John Burkitt (CE (Mich) '71 Also U Heidelberg & Gottingen & Ber- lin & Paris Asst Prof C Eng U Mich 1871-2 Prof C Eng U 111 1872-8 Prof Ap Math Cor U 1880-5) d Feb 17 1912 New York WEBB— WEBER 701 Webb Mrs JB (see Gregory Mary) *Webb Josephine (la com 1874-5) d Crawfordsville Ind Webb Katharine Ann (la 1915- ) Stu 1339 Elmdale Av Chicago Webb Lina (su 1915) Teach Benton 111 Webb Mayme Elizabeth (la 1911-12 Also E 111 St Nor) Charleston HI *Webb Otto Thorle (1 1897-8) d Feb 11 Houston Tex Webb Eayburn Stokes (arch 1909-14 BS) Draft Murphy Bldg E St Louis 111 (709 24th St) Webb Eaymond Leo (sp ag 1909-10) Merc Antioch HI Webb Rollie Creel (sp ag 1902-3) Clk 2025 La France Av S Pasadena Cal (Good Hope HI) Webb Roy Dayton (sp law 1900-1) Bnk 422 Emerson Av Houston Tex Webb Ruth Chase (acad 1907-8 h sc 1908-9) Teach 40 Harris Av La Grange HI Webb William Edward Oa 1910-11) Ct Report 555 N 18th St E St Louis HI Webb William Robert (su 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Prin Schs 2227 "D" St Granite City HI Webber Albert G (la 1913-14 AB law 1914- Also Millikin U) Stu 487 Ewing Av Decatur HI Webber Arthur (acad 1893-4 '95-6) Galatia HI Webber Bernard Porter (acad 1896-7 sc 1897-8 Also NW U) Law 1452 McCormick Bldg Chicago Webber Charles Albert (la 1898-9) Ag Ferris HI Webber Mrs Fred T (see Turnell Amy) Webber Grace , (Mrs R L Blaydes) (acad 1884-7 sc 1888-91) Home Rl Roachdale Ind *Webber Guv H (acad 1903-4) d Lud- low 111 Webber Harry Edwin (arch eng 1911- 15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 4402 Vin- cennes Av Chicago Webber Harry Turnell (cer 1912-13) Optician 22 N Vermilion St Dan- ville 111 (108 Franklin St) Webber Helen Waller (la 1911-15 AB) Teach Rantoul 111 (106 W Illi- nois St Urbana 111) Webber Hubert Anthony (acad 1892-3 arch 1893-7 BS Asst GED U 111 1897-8) Supt Constr US Pub Bldgs 506 Main St Mt Vernon 111 Webber Hugh E (e eng 1907-8) Ag Ludlow 111 Webber Jonathan Clay (sc 1895-6) Phar Rantoul 111 t Webber Lois Rebecca (Mrs W C Locke) (la 1906-11 AB) 415 Main St Boise Id Webber Lorena Nell (lib 1903-4 AB Also la St Coll) Libr Pub Lib Jacksonville 111 (North Charlestown NH) Webber Margaret Jane (Mrs C M Plochman)(la 1910-13) Home 903 Main St Evanston 111 Webber Pearl (acad 1897-9 la 1899- 1903 AB) At home 709 W Green St Urbana HI Webber Robert Alfred (la 1914- ) Stu 105 W High St Urbana 111 webber Roy Irwin (c eng 1904-6 CE BS(Pur) '99 Instr C Eng U 111 1904- 7) Prof Arch Eng Pa St Coll 403 S Allen St State College Pa fWebber Samuel Tomson (gen 1868) Raleigh IU (Eldorado 111) * Webber Sue Elizabeth (sp 1900-2) d March 30 1915 401 S Market St Ur- bana 111 Webber William Barnett Jr (m eng 1902-8 BS) M Eng & Contr 709 W Green St Urbana 111 *Webber William P (la com 1874-5) d Ludlow 111 Weber Emil August (c eng 1904-8 BS) C Eng & Draft Greiling Bros Co 233 N Ashland Av Green Bay Wis Weber Frederick Gottlieb (ag 1915- ) Stu Tower Hill 111 tWeber George Philip (ry c eng 1910- II Also Knox Coll) Knoxville 111 Weber Gertrude (la 1912- ) Stu 402 S Elliott St Olney 111 Weber Harry Walter (acad 1906-8 la com 1908-12 AB) City Repr Nat Tube Co 1040 Marquette Rd Chicago (Tower Hill 111) Weber Helen (la h sc 1914-15) At home 402 S Elliott St Olney 111 *WEBER Henry Adam (PhD (Ohio St) '79 Also Otterbein U & Sch of Tech Kaiserslauten U Munich Ger Prof Chem U 111 1874-82 Prof Ag Chem Ohio St U 1884-1912) d June 4 1912 Columbus O Weber Mrs HA (sp 1877-8) Home 1342 Forsythe Av Columbus O WEBER Henry Charles Paul (PhD (Wiirzburg) '03 Also Newark Tech Sch & Leipzig U) Asst Prof Chem U III 1913- 501 W Washington St Ur- bana 111 (Bloomfield NJ) Weber Hiram Maurice (acad 1895-6) 619 Vine St Quincy 111 Weber Leonard Fred (e eng 1914- ) Stu Buckley 111 f Weber Richard Bruno (acad 1905-7 702 WEBER— WEEKS c eng 1907-8) Stu State College Pa tWeber Samuel Thompson (gen 1868- 9) Raleigh 111 Webkemeyer Charles William (sc 1902- 3) Ag Campbell Hill 111 *Weborg Oscar Leonard (la com 1908- 9) d 1909 Cambridge 111 Webster Mrs (see Miller Barbara E) Webster Adelbert W (acad 1882-3) Ins Nashville Tenn ?Webster Albert Willet (la 1882-5) Poplar Grove 111 Webster Arthur Lake (c eng 1902-4) Drainage Eng Wheaton 111 Webster Charles Carlton (acad 1890-1 m eng 1891-5 BS) Bus Mgr & E Eng Heat & Power Co La Veta Colo Webster David Coxe (la com 1914-15) Mach 619 Forest Av Wilmette 111 Webster Don Otis (sp ag 1906-7) Ag R5 Toulon 111 Webster Edward Fanning (sp ag 1904- 6) Ag Rantoul 111 fWebster Edwin Gordon (sp ag 1901- 2) Greenwood 111 Webster Frances (la 1914-15) At home Shawmut Mont WEBSTER Frank Daniel (Grad US Mil Acad & Infantry & Cavalry Sch Army War Coll Prof Mil Sc U 111 1913-16) Major 22nd Infantry USA Douglas Ariz (c/o US Dept War Washington) Webster Frederick Farrar (ag 1915- Also Ober Coll & U Wis) Stu 51 S Professor St Oberlin O Webster George H (sp ag 1903-4) Ag & Stock Pleasant Hill 111 Webster Gladis Gilbert (ag 1913- ) Stu 1 E Hebron St Washington Ind Webster Harry Clayton (c eng 1910- 14 BS Also Millikin U) 1101 W Ore- gon St Urbana 111 Webster Isaac Warren (la com 1905- 6) Merc Harvard 111 * Webster John Warren (sp ag 1902-3) d Jan 19 1914 Pleasant Hill 111 Webster John Wesley (1 1899-1900 PhB(dePauw)'98 Also Ohio Wes U 1894-5 & Harv U 1900-1) Law & Sec Mgr Fidelity Invest & Bldg Assn Danville 111 (107 N Vermilion St) *Webster Joshua Percy (c eng 1894-8 BS) d 1907 Petersburg 111 Webster Lewis Selwyn (mun eng 1914- Also Summerlin Inst) Stu Bartow Fla Webster Robert Lorenzo (acad 1902-4 sc 1904-8 AB) Entom la St Exp Sta Ames la Webster Roy Emerson (1 1906-7 '08- 9 Also U Chgo) Asst Edit Spokane Press S A A C Spokane Wash (At- lanta 111) Webster Roy Franklin (la 1904-6 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach 820 Addi- son St Chicago Webster Mrs R P (see Kinzel Josie Ethel) Webster Samuel Harvey (c eng 1904-6 BS Also LeStan U) Prof C Eng RI St Coll Kingston RI Webster Sarah Emeline (acad 1892-3 la 1894-8 AB) Teach & Art 434 W 120th St New York Webster William W (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-9 BS) M Eng 530 Fourth St San Bernardino Cal Webster Mrs WW (see Hartrick Nan- cy E) Wedding Mrs Rose M (su 1914 Also Hardin Coll) Libr Jerseyville 111 Wedge Jessie (Mrs W S Snyder) (acad 1900-1) Home Idaho Falls Id Wedge Leslie B (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 405 McKinley Av Ke- wanee 111 Weech John Glenn (g econ 1915- AB (Knox) '15) Stu 512 S Cedar St Galesburg 111 Weed Clarence Hampton (m eng 1906- 7 Also Pur U 1904-6 & LeStan U & U Cal 1899-1901) Mgr Valencia Heights Orange Co & Pres & Mgr C H Weed Eng Co & do Central Cal Security Co Porterville Cal WEED Clarence Moores (BS(Mich Ag) '83 MS (do) '84 DSc(Ohio) Asst St En- tom U 111 1888-9 Prof Zool NH Coll 1891-1903 ) Teach Sc St Nor Sch Lowell Mass Weed Mahlon O (sc 1874-8 BS) Ag Alva Neb Weed Woolsey Waterbury (ry c eng 1908-9) Albany NY Weedman Fred John *(la 1890-4) 305 Park Row Sta Chicago Weedman Otto Swigart (su 1910 Also Valparaiso U) Teach Deland 111 (Bement 111) Weeks (see Roberts Edith E) Weeks Mrs B S (see Van Duzer Mar- cis) Weeks Charles Elmer (e eng 1907-11 BS) Gen Elec Co 922 Addison St Chicago %Weelcs Charles Henry (acad 1891-5) Upper Alton 111 Weeks Charles Horace (com 1915- Also Beloit Coll) Stu 1202 Cass St Joliet 111 *Weeks Eliza Jane (la 1881-2) d Dec 9 1913 Urbana 111 %Weeks George H (acad 1883-4) Chi- cago tWeeks Glenn (c eng 1911-12) Wash- WEEKS— WEINBERGER 703 ington 111 Weeks Harry William (m eng 1900-4 BS AB( Lombard) '00) M Eng 1149 North Shore Av Chicago Weeks Hugh Arnoldia (la 1908-9) Ex- porter & Mfg 620 W 122nd St New York IWeeks John Riley (sp m eng 1898- 1900) Quincy 111 fWeeks Julius Stephens (sp 1901-2) Syracuse NY ?Weeks Lyman S (m eng 1907-10) 318 May St Peoria 111 (512 W Mor- rel St Jackson Mich) WEEKS Raymond (AB(Harv)'90 AM (do) '91 PhD (do) '97 Instr French U Mich 1891-3 Prof Rom Lang U Mo 1895-1908 Prof do U 111 1908-9) Prof Rom Lang & Lit Col U 1908- New York Weeks Robert Ellsworth (sc 1907-11) Auto Sales 921 E 56th St Chicago Weems Charles Lee (la 1914- ) Stu 1651 York St Quincy HI Weems Nora Key (su 1915 Also Kidd Key Coll) Libr 315 S Crockett St Sherman Tex *Weems William L (la 1875-7) d April 6 1880 Quincy 111 Weenink Ruth Antoinett (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu Dillon Mont Weese Glenn Walter (1 1909-10 Also U Mich) Law 1105 Paul St Ottawa 111 WEETER Harry Montgomery (g ag 1914- AB (Allegheny) '14) Asst Dairy Husb Ag Exp Sta U 111 1914- 1107 W Springfield Av Urbana 111 (Ru- mersburg Pa) WEGEMANN Carroll Harvey (BS (Wis) '03 AM(do)'07 Asst Geol U Til 1906-7) Asst Geol US Geol Surv 1907- 3126 "Q" St NW Washing- ton Wegeng Mrs Philip J (see Shively Edith O) tWeger John Edgar (acad 1906-8 law 1910-11) Lawrenceville 111 Wehmeier William Henry (e eng 1900- 4 BS) Eng & Supt Hanford Irriga- tion & Power Co Hanford Wash Wehrle Frank Ignatius (ag 1913- ) Carmi HI Wehrle Thomas Henry (com 1915- ) Stu Carmi 111 Wehrman Carl Olin (la com 1910-13) Clk Nashville 111 (Chatham 111) Wehrman Cora (Mrs Julius Huegely) (sp mus 1903-4 Also Chgo Mus Coll) Home Nashville 111 Wehrman Effie Lucile (Mrs Cattell) (h sc 1908-10) Home Fairmont 111 Wehrman Meta (acad sp mus 1903-4 mus 1912-13) Teach Chatham 111 Wehrstedt Otto C (c eng 1896-1900 BS) c/o Winnetka Motor Co Auto Gar 562 Lincoln Av Winnetka 111 Wehrstedt William Theodore (m eng 1906-8) Propr Gar 562 Lincoln Av Winnetka 111 Weichelt Max (arch eng 1910-11 Also Art Inst) Contr 540 Monadnock Blk Chicago Weigh tman Almarine Anne (Mrs J P Sheriff) (la 1905-7) Home Keithsburg 111 Weihe Wesley H (mus 1914 Also Cen- tral Wes Coll) Nashville HI Weil Melvin Eichberg (e eng 1908-12 BS) Mfg Elec Autos 4270 Oakdale Av Chicago Weil Ruth Carmen (la 1914- Also NW U) Stu 140 N Frederick St Oelwein la weil and Henry Joseph (g chem 1913- 15 MS g chem 1915- BS (Rochester) '13) Res Asst Phys Chem U 111 1913- 601 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Pittsford NY) Weilepp Carl Nogle (la 1903-4 LL B (Mich) '07) Law Decatur 111 Weilepp Eva Sarah (h sc 1912-15 AB) At home 631 W Prairie Av De- catur 111 Weilepp Laura Elizabeth (la h sc 1914- Also Millikin U) Stu 631 W Prairie Av Decatur 111 Weilepp Leila Maude (Mrs V G Mus- selman) (lib 1902-6 BLS) Home 2220 Hampshire St Quincy 111 Weiler Edward Grover (e eng 1914- Also Wooster Coll) Stu West Salem O Weinberg Elizabeth (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu Rushville 111 Weinberg Flora Jane (ag h sc 1912-15 Also Knox Coll) At home Rushville 111 Weinberg Joseph Jefferson (e eng 1910-11) Lineman Augusta 111 Weinberg Margaret (Mrs T W Wal- ton) (la 1906-10 AB Also U Cal) Home 1825 F St NW Washington (Rushville 111) Weinberg Nina Mary (Mrs W L Greenwood) (la 1904-8 AB) Home Cor Pine & Cordier Sts Lodi Cal (Rushville 111) *Weinberg Simon Jr (sp e eng 1897- 9) d Sept 5 1901 Galesburg 111 * Weinberg Simon Palmer (e eng 1908- 12) d Oct 12 1915 Parral Mex (Rushville 111) Weinberger Samuel Harold (e eng 1901-3) c/o Pub Serv Co N 111 Home Ins Bldg Chicago 704 WEINER— WELD fWeiner Joseph (su 1912 Also Val- paraiso U) Bunker Hill 111 Weingaertner Monroe Thomas (la 1913- 14) Clk International Shoe Co 611 E "B" St Belleville 111 Weingarten Helen Henrietta (la 1915- ) Stu 616 W Church St Champaign 111 Weingartner Clyde Frederick (arch eng 1911-15 BS) Draft Dept Bldgs IC RR 1526 E 65th PI Rockford 111 Weinrich George Louis (la 1905-9) Shapleigh Hardware Co St Louis (Chester 111) Weinshank Harry (m eng 1915- ) Stu 2341 N Delaware St Indian- Weinshank Theodore . (m eng 1902-6 BS ME '09) M Eng 821 Hume Manseur Bldg Indianapolis Weinshenker Reuben Edward (m eng 1914-15 Also Crane Jr Coll) Taxicab Serv 908 N Oakley Blvd Chicago Weinstein Henry (arch eng 1911-12) Stu U Mich 501 S Third St Goshen Ind Weir Amy Azalea (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 75 W Main St Marshall 111 Weir Mrs Benjamin (see Johnson Lotta L) tWeir Henriette Ellen (lib 1907-8 Also Mich St Nor & U Mich) Pontiac • Mich ?Weir Mabel McQueen (g la 1907-8 AB(LeStan)'04) 504 E John St Champaign 111 Weir Pearl (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 714 Ash St Marshall 111 Weir Rachel Myra (Mrs C G Max- well) (la 1908-9 Also Monmouth Coll) Home Sparta 111 Weirick Ralph Wilson (arch 1894-9 BS g 1899-1900 M Arch) Arch 1142 Madison Av New York WEIRICK Robert Bruce (g engl 1915- AB(Colo)'ll AM(Harv)'13) Asst Engl U 111 1915- 1015 W Cali- fornia Av Urbana 111 (905 Douglas Av Ames la) Weirs Gertrude Elizabeth (Mrs E K Bute) (mus 1904-6) Home Kempton 111 *Weis Herman Lincoln (m eng 1885-9 Cert) d Tonioa 111 Weis Herman William (sc 1911-13 AB Also Amherst Coll) Adv 35 Nassau " St New York (3 Cleveland St Holy- oke Mass) Weis Joseph Brennerman (chem 1879- 83 BS) Pres Perfect Safety Paper Co Winter St Box 15 Holyoke Mass Weiser Charles Philip (sp ag 1904-6) Ag High River Alta Can (Ston- ington 111) Weisfeld Leo Harold (arch 1908-13 BS) Arch Draft 1802 Millard Av Chicago Weisiger George Bates (1 1908-11 LLB su 1914&'15) Teach Homer 111 (Catlin 111) t Weisiger Nelle (su 1906 Also E 111 St Nor) Catlin 111 Weisman Clarence Schott (su 1914 Also Knox Coll) Phys Dir H Sch 919 Venezia Av Venice Cal (1105 Blondeau Keokuk la) Weiss Camillo (g eng 1915- CE(Kai- serlich-Koenigliche Technische Hoch- schule) '10) Stu Vienna Austria Weiss Delia (la 1913- ) Stu 4333 Hazel Av Chicago Weiss John Frank (m eng 1905-9 BS) Material Inspect Santa Fe RR 277 Seminary Av Aurora 111 Weiss Marion Virginia (la 1913- Also Dak Wes U) Stu 606 Armory Av Champaign 111 Weiss Nicholas George (ag 1914- ) Stu 6039 S Park Av Chicago Weitbrecht Mrs (see Stanton Ellen 10 Weitz Henry John Conrad (sp ag 1911-13) Sheep Feeding Sta CRI&P RR 210 North St Morris 111 Weitzenfeld Abraham Lewis (la com 1911-12) Corresp 1337 N Western Av Chicago Weitzenfeld David Henry (la com 1907-10 Also NW U) Pub Acct 1925 Insurance Exch Bldg Chicago (1420 W Washington Blvd) Welch Donald Louis (la 1915- Also U Colo) Stu 115 W Mulberry St Ft Collins Colo Welch Frank Marshall (e eng 1903-7 BS) Sales Eng Webster Mfg Co Tiffin O Welch George Richard (e eng 1904-8 '09-10 BS) E Eng Gov Corazal CZ Pan (410 S Ottawa St Joliet 111) Welch John Maurice (chem eng 1910- 15 BS) Asst Bacteriol & Chem Hy- gienie Inst 620 Sixth St La Salle 111 welch Paul Smith (g sc 1910-11 AM 1911-13 PhD AB(Millikin)'lO) Sc Manhattan Kan Welch Ralph Reece (ag 1910-11 Also W 111 St Nor DO(Amer Sch Osteop) '14) Med Colchester 111 1 Welch Thomas Jefferson (ag 1871-4) Urbana 111 Welch Mrs W S (sec Tracy Alice E) weld Louis Dwight Harvell (g la 1905- 7 AM AB(Bowdoin)'05 PhD(Col)'08 Instr Econ U Wash 1908-9 do U Pa 1909-10 Asst Prof Econ U Minn 1912-15) Prof Bus Adm Yale U WELDEN— WELLS 705 1915- New Haven Conn tWelden Edmund Amos (e eng 1907- 9) Wheaton 111 Weldon Eveleen Marie (Mrs C E Sev- ern) (acad 1896-7) Home 1132 Loy- ola Av Chicago Weldon James Michael (acad 1904-5) Normal 111 Weldon William John (acad 1896-7) Law 175 W Jackson St Chicago (922 Oakwood Av Wilmette 111) Weldy Ellen (acad 1910-11) Chi- cago Welge Leonora (Mrs E L Hicks) (su 1906) Teach 49 N Pine Av Chicago (Hillsboro 111) Weller Arno L (acad 1910-11) Chi- cago Weller Herbert Clay (la 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Hindsboro 111 Welles Anna Lyle (Mrs H W Under- hill)(arch 1911-13 Also Ala Poly) Arch 3716 Central St Kansas City Mo Welles Miriam Ursula (Mrs G I Beeves) (sc 1900-2 AB'03 g 1903-4 AM) Home 322 H St Salt Lake City Welles Nelle Frances (Mrs F W Parr)(h sc 1904-7 AB Also Knox Coll) Home 922 Douglas Av Des Moines la (Elinwood 111) Welles Paul Thomson (sc 1910) Teach Man Tr Cripple Creek Colo (Elm- wood 111) Welles Winthrop Selden (sc 1899- 1901 BS su 1902&04) Biol & Dir Sch Ed Ag River Falls Wis Welles Mrs W S (sp ag 1899-1900) Home River Falls Wis Welliver Mrs Percy (see Carmack Sarah E) Wellman Mrs (see Evans Isa S) Wellman Emma Catherine (la 1907-8 Also Ind U) Nurse 1107 S Sixth St Champaign 111 Wellman Iva Dorrit (mus 1906-10) Mus Teach 1107 S Sixth St Cham- paign 111 Wellman Orpha May (la 1907-11 AB g 1911-13 AM Also Ind St Nor) Teach Memphis Mo Wellman Viola Maude (Mrs C H Bad- deley)(acad 1907-9 su 1908) Home Danville 111 Wellman William August (sp ag 1901- 3) Wks Foot Hill Orange & Lemon Pack House Box 31 Azusa Cal (Gol- conda 111) Wellman William Thomas (arch eng 1903-4 Also U Mich) Arch 600 Shukert Bldg Kansas City Mo Welloughby Thomas F (sp ag 1907-8) 1520 165 Broadway New York (20 E Mifflin St Madison Wis) Wells Mrs (see Earhart Minnie) tWells Alice Alma (su 1906) Tuscola 111 Wells Anna L (Mrs Ethan Philbrick) (acad 1879-80 sp 1880-1) Home Baldwin Ga ?Wells Arthur Fred (sp arch eng 1899- 1900) Chicago Wells Arthur Milton (la 1908-9) Mintr Mansfield 111 Wells Claude Edwin (sp la 1902-3) Paris 111 * Wells Daniel T (gen 1870-1) d Ar- eola 111 Wells David Hopkins (su 1900) Supt Schs Carthage 111 Wells Edward Roy (c eng 1910-14 BS) C Eng 100 Fourth St Geneva 111 wells Elias Herbert (la 1900-1 AM PhB(De Pauw) '00) Prof Hist & Pol Sc Neb Wes U 123 E 15th St Uni- versity PI Neb tWells Frank P (la 1880-1) Decatur 111 Wells Fred Mason (ag 1899-1903 BS) R Est & Ins 705 Union Oil Bldg Los Angeles (2927 Hobart Blvd) Wells Fred Sheaff (m eng 1912-15 BS) Mfg Sales Agt 399 S Fourth St Aurora 111 ?Wells Geneva Estelle (sp la 1897-8) Duquoin 111 wells Grace Adaline (g la 1913-14 MS 1915 AB(Knox)'13) InstrWis St Nor Sch 512 S 14th St La Crosse Wis (516 NW First St Galva 111) Wells Harry Andrew (ag 1914- Also Mass Ag Coll) Stu Dalton Pa tWells Harry Jarvis (acad 1899-1900 sp ag 1900-1) La Moille 111 Wells Mrs Hilry M (see Gikerson Aletha) tWells John Kenneth (sp ag 1906-9) Riverside 111 Wells John Richard (ag 1908-12 BS g 1912-13 Asst An Husb U 111 1912- 14) Ag Rl Harvard 111 Wells Lansing Sadler (g chem 1915- BA(Mont)'15 Also U Utah) Stu 721 Spruce St Helena Mont Wells Lillian Anna (Mrs G A Horton) (sp mus 1899-1903) Home 153 S Grove St E Orange NJ (7a Calle Tabasco 209 Mexico City Mex) Wells Minnie Opal (Mrs Frank Bach- mann)(acad 1901-3 la 1903-5) Home 6606 Kenwood Av Chicago wells Morris Miller (g la 1914-15 PhD BS(Chgo)'12) Instr ZqoJ U 706 WELLS— WERHOSEK Chgo Chicago (6052 Ingleside Av) WELLS Newton Alonzo (B Painting (Syr) '77 Also Acad Julien Paris Instr Union Coll 1877-9 Prof Draw Syr 1879-89 Dean Sch Art W Res 1889-90 Prof Hist & Prac Painting U 111 1899-1903) Prof Arch Decora- tions U 111 1903- 803 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Wells Olive L (su 1912 Also U Chgo & 111 St Nor U) Teach Winchester 111 Wells Ralph Ray (ag 1907-12 BS) Ag Wenona 111 Wells Reginald Ellis (acad 1899-1900 m eng 1900-6 BS) Auto Eng 126 Third St Jackson Mich t Wells Ruth Montelle (su 1906) Tus- cola 111 IWells Verna Ellsworth (acad 1902-3) Urbana 111 t WELLS William Firth (BS(Mass Tech) Asst U ND 1910-11 Asst Mim Dairying U 111 1912-13) 2105 First St NW Washington welo Lars Alvin (g sc 1914-15 MS g physics 1915- BS(ND Ag) '11) Res Asst Astron U 111 1915- 905 W Ne- vada St Urbana 111 (Churchs Ferry ND) Welsh Arthur Ernest (e eng 1905-6) R Est St Petersburg Fla Welsh Don Miller, (acad 1907-8) Hutch- inson Kan Welsh Kathryn Clare (la 1913- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu Bradford 111 Welsh Marjorie Cecelia (la h sc 1911- 15 AB) Teach Clinton 111 (Brad- ford 111) Welsh Robert Patrick (ag 1915- Also St Mary's Coll) Stu Bradford 111 Welsh Roger Thomas (ag 1911-15 BS) Ag 1704 National Av Rock- ford 111 Welshby Mrs (see Burwash Hattie L) Welshimer Robert Ross (acad 1901-2 law 1902-4) Army Ofc c/o Adjutant Gen USA Washington (Neoga 111) tWelton Floy (su 1912) 106 S Van Buren Marion 111 Welty David Charles (ag 1913- ) Stu R6 Amboy 111 Welty Duncan Oliphant Jr (ag 1914- ) Stu 3232 La Fayette Av St Louis Welty Wallace Morehead (ag 1910-14 BS) Land Arch 5345 Winthrop Av Chicago Wemhaner George Adolph (acad 1892- 3) Ag Warsaw 111 tWempen Carolyn Martha (la 1905-6 Also Shurtleff Coll) Teach H Sch 726 Washington St Alton 111 Wendell Francis George (c eng 1898- 1902 BS) Ag El New Holland 111 Wendell Frank (acad 1897-8) Sec & Treas New Holland Light & Power Co New Holland 111 Wendling Jacob (c eng 1906-10 BS) Estimator Williamsville NY (152 Terrace St Buffalo NY) Wendt Clara Ida (Mrs G L Wascher) (mus 1905-8) Home 111 E Clark St Champaign 111 Wenger Charles P (sp 1874-5) Bkpr First Bk & Trust Co Cairo 111 WENGER Edgar Isaac (g e eng 1908- 9 '10-11 BS(McGill)'99 Instr E Eng U 111 1906-9 Assoc RR Eng U 111 1909 Asst Prof E Eng McGill U 1909-10) Consult Eng Whitmore Bldg Regina Sask Can (509 West- man Chambers) IWenger Harry Arnold (acad 1905-7 Also Woodstock Coll) Urbana 111 Wenholz Laura L (h sc 1910-12) Teach 7 Lincoln St Dundee 111 Wenholz Walter William (e eng 1907- 11 BS) E Eng Gen RR Signal Co Dundee 111 Wenke Vernon Arthur (com 1915- ) Stu 423 N College Av Geneseo 111 Wenner Florence Nightingale (su 1906 &'07) Teach 1726 N Main St Ed- wardsville 111 Wennholz Emma Louise (Mrs E A Pattengill ) ( la 1904-6 BS( la ) '11) Home 432 Welch Av Ames la (Dundee 111) Wenrick Harriet (Mrs G B Baird) (la 1909-10 acad 1910-11) Home RFD Milford Center O (Homer 111) Wensley Lucy Drinkwater (la 1915- ) Stu 30 Wellesley St E Cleveland O Wenter Lawrence Martin (m eng 1907-12 BS) Eng 6254 Glenwood Av Chicago *Wentworth John Louis (m eng 1897- 1900) d Jan 23 1908 Minneapolis (Kewanee 111) Wenz Carolyn Louise (la 1902-3 su 1899&1907&'09&'11&'13) Teach H Sch Paris 111 Wenzlaff Soloman Henry (la 1915- Also Yankton Coll) Stu 511 Fourth St Yankton SD ?werckshagen Paul Eberhard (g la 1907-8 AM AB(U Berlin) '01) St Louis de Werf Emil Christian (sp ag 1912- 13) Ag Farina 111 de Werff Henry August (sp ag 1908- 10 1912-14 BS agron 1915- ) Asst Soil Physics U 111 1914- 654 Ag Bldg Urbana 111 (Farina 111) Werhosek Juliat (Mrs Joseph Pichler) (la 1905-6 Also Olivet Coll) Home WEEKING— WESTCOTT 707 1205 S 14th St Springfield 111 Werking Laura Evelyn (la 1902-3) Teach 834 Fayette St Peoria 111 Wernham Emma Lilly (lib 1904-6 Also Chgo Sch Phys Ed & Exp & New Ha- ven Nor Sch Gymn) Dir Phys T'r Marengo 111 Wernham George Titus (sc 1899-1901) Merc Chippewa Falls Wis (Marengo 111) Wernham James Ingersoll (sc 1895-9 BS MD (Bush) '02) Med Billings Mont Werno Cecilia Katherine (Mrs S M Caldwell) (la 1904-6) Home 15 Sev- enth Av La Grange 111 Wernsing Harry John (la 1904-9 AB) Merc Greenview 111 Wernsing Otto Bismark (ag 1910-12) Ag Greenview 111 Wernsing Eudolf Benjamin (acad 1910- 11 sp ag 1910-12) Merc Greenview HI tWertz Arthur Haymond (ag 1907-8) 15 Greenwood Av Kankakee 111 Wertz Chauncev Frost (arch eng 1909- 11) Struct Eng 1738 E 55th St Cleveland tWescott Virgil (ag 1910-12) Stu I T S Cal Los Angeles (5735 Washing- ton Av Chicago) Wesemann Adolph H (law 1897-1900 LLB) Law 16 Woodlawn Av La Grange 111 WESENBEEG Thor Griffith (g la 1913-15 AB(Pa) AM(do) Asst Eom Lang U 111 1913-15) Stu Harv U 1851 N 19th- St Philadelphia Wesner Elmer C (sp law 1911-12 BS (Valparaiso) '04 LL B(Mich) '13) Law Eobinson 111 (Palestine 111) Wesner William Albert (sp law 1900- 1) Law Eobinson 111 Wesselhoeft Charles Dietrich (e eng 1898-1902 BS EE'13) Pres Wessel- hoeft Co & E & M Eng 603 Hearst Bldg Chicago (151 N Mason Av) Wesselhoeft Mrs C D (see Wintermey- er Elsa) Wesseling Amalie Elizabeth (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 762 Bayard Av St Louis Wessels Marie (la 1914- ) Stu 1021 State St Quincy 111 Wessels Vera Gretchen (la 1912-15 AB Also U Kan) Teach H Sch 1021 State St Quincy 111 West Mrs (see Percival Mabel H) West Mrs Arden (see Murray Geneva Z) West Carl Joseph (g la 1909-10 AM (Ohio) '09) Asst Prof Math U Ohio Columbus O (Martinsville O) West Charles A (su 19i5 Also Coe Coll) Dir Athl H Sch Mason City la West Charles Hunter (c eng 1880-3 BS'84) Consult Eng Miss Eiver Comm 504 Central Av Greenville Miss West Dale Nowers (la com 1906-7) Asst Bk Cash Galva 111 %West Edward J (acad 1895-6) Osce- ola la West Emma Mary (su 1908) Teach H Sch Granite City 111 ( Jersey ville 111) West George (acad 1891-2) Mar- seilles 111 *West George Amasa (m eng 1892-4) d Sept 1897 Leaf Eiver 111 ?West Harrison (e eng 1911-14 Also Pur U) Vicksburg Ind tWest Harry Grover (su 1906&'07) Mason City 111 West J Harold (sp ag 1908-9) Ag E3 Champaign 111 (622 Union St Los Angeles) *WEST James Alexander (g sc 1906- 8 AM (111 Wes) '03 Chf Insp St En- tom Staff U 111 1905-9) d April 17 1910 Ottawa 111 West James Harvey (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Sidney West John Ealph (sc 1908-11) Eng West Side YMCA Cleveland West Linnie Minnie (la 1915- Also E HI St Nor) Stu Watseka 111 West Lloyd Alvin (e eng 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu Yates City 111 West Maybelle G (lib 1898-1900 BL (Knox) '94) Libr Monmouth Ore West Milton Mitchell (su 1907 & '09 Also Hillsdale Coll) Ag Kindersley Sask Can (Hoopeston 111) West Porter Eoyal (m eng 1903-7 BS) Eng Commonwealth Edison Co Chi- cago (4000 N Hermitage Av) West Boy Campbell (acad 1896-7) Ag Gilman 111 West Boy Charles (sc 1894-6) BE C Eng Chicago (Gilman 111) West William Allen (su 1907 AB (Millikin) '09 Also S 111 St Nor) Ag Omaha HI Westall Eosa May (Mrs J B Connett) (la 1895-6 Also Dixon Coll) Home Olney 111 Westbav James Herron (ry m eng Feb 1915- Also U Mo) Stu 202 Dunn St Monett Mo Westbrook Harold William (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 230 S Maple St Centralia HI Westcott Clifford Harper (c eng 1910- 14 BS) Merc 200 S First Av May- 708 WESTENHAVEB— WEVER wood 111 Westenhaver Le Boy John (m eng 1914- ) Stu 4510 Kimball Av Chi- cago Westerberg Glenn Lambert (la 1915- ) Stu 1430 11th St Moline 111 Westergaard Harald Malcolm (g m eng 1914- BS(Tech Coll Copenhagen) Stu Copenhagen Denmark WESTERGREN A M (Artist St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1888-9) Artist 5 Hamilton St Newton Lower Falls Mass Westerman Rudolpho G (mun eng 1914- Also U Wis) Stu Estrada de Ferro Curtyba Parana Brazil Western Irving Mark (la 1895-6 '99- 1902 AB law 1901-4 LL B) Law 32 Nolting Blk Elgin HI Western Mrs Irving (see Joiner Beu- lah) * Western Lea Miron (sc 1906-10) d Sept 24 1911 Urbana 111 Western Mrs L M (see Jones Blanche) Westervelt Leverett Chase (1 1905-8 LLB) Bk Cash Shelby ville 111 Westervelt Mayme (ag 1913-14) Teach Fairbury 111 Westfall Mrs B K (see Brant Jennie) Westfall Curtis Cornelius (c eng 1904-7 BS Also Lombard Coll) C Eng Bushnell 111 (1511 E 60th St Chicago) Westhaefer Terrence Onas (g chem 1914- AB(Okla)'14) Asst Chem U 111 1915- 407 W Healy St Cham- paign 111 (Braman Okla) Westhold Hannah Amanda (la 1899- 1903 AB AM(LeStan)'13) Teach Lincoln H Sch Seattle (1407 E 45th St) *Westlake Charles Sauterman (sp 1869) d about 1910 Salinas City Cal Westlake Samuel Judson (m eng 1868- 70) Salinas City Cal Westlund Albert Frank (m eng 1906- 8 '10-11 BS) Asst GED U 111 Feb 1915- 601 S Fourth St Champaign 111 (1952 S Springfield Av Chicago) Westlund Emil Hjalmer (la com 1912- ) Stu 1952 S Springfield Av Chicago Westman Adolph Fred (e eng 1914- ) Stu 1151 W Broadway St Winona Minn Weston Abby (Mrs William Swern) (la 1881-5 Cert) Home 1419 Edge- water PI Chicago Weston Charles (sp 1870-6 BL) Bnk Hay Springs Neb Weston Mrs Charles (see Kincaid Mat- tie) Weston Frederick William (c eng 1905-10 BS) c/o Houston Struct Steel Co 1115 Yale St Houston Heights Tex Weston Jessie Beatrice (lib 1914- PhB(Chgo)'07) Gen Asst Lib U 111 1915- 907 W California Av Ur- bana 111 Weston Leonard Fisher (su 1905 Also U Wis) Teach Man T'r Lyons la (528 Tenth Av Clinton la) t Weston Margaret (Mrs F M Van Os- dell) (la 1886-9 BL) Wheaton 111 Weston Nathan Austin (la 1885-9 BL g la 1894-5 '97-8 ML PhD (Cor) '01 Instr Acad U 111 1893-7 Asst Pol Econ Cor U 1899-1900 Asst Dir Courses Bus Adm do 1900-15) Asst Prof Econ 1900- & Act Dean Coll Com & Bus Adm U 111 1915- 601 E Daniel St Champaign 111 Weston William Summer (la 1877-81 BL 1882-3 BS) C Eng & Mfg 1115 Yale St Houston Heights Tex Westphal Betty Marie (su 1915) Stu NW U 114 E Perry St Belvidere 111 fWestrup Carl (sp ag 1903-4 '05-6) Mattoon 111 Wetherbee Charles Earl (arch 1896-8 '99-1901 BS Also Ober Coll) Orange Grower W Eighth St Upland Cal Wetherbee Mrs C E (see Bar dwell Faith L) *Wetherbee Ella Dora (la 1899-1900 Also NW U) d Sterling 111 ?Wetherell Charles E (arch 1897-8) Urbana 111 WETMORE Mary Minerva (Attended Cleveland Art Sch & Philadelphia Sch Design & Julien Acad & Colorosi Acad Paris) Instr A&D U 111 1906- 511 W Church St Champaign 111 Wettingel Henry Philips (la 1899-1900) Maquon HI Wetzel Adolph Jacob (sp ag 1900-1) Ag R2 Alhambra 111 Wetzel Clyde Leigh (e eng 1895-8 BS Also U la) Phone Eng Western Elec Co 117 N 45th Av Chicago Wetzel Harvey Herman (arch 1908-9 '10-12) C Eng & Arch 1031 W Cher- ry St ' Mt Carmel 111 Wetzel Ira Azel (su 1908 & '09 Also 111 St Nor U) Merc 422 W State St Sycamore 111 Wetzel Nellie (Mrs V L Sheldon) (la 1901-4 AB) Home 5660 Vernon Av St Louis WETZEL William A (Teach Elocu- tion U 111 1883-4) 79 N State St Salt Lake City Wetzell Arnold Fred (acad 1906-7) Alhambra 111 *Wever John Emile (la 1898-9) d WEYDELL— WHEELER m August 1 1899 Mt Sterling 111 Weydell Arthur Theodore (acad 1908- 9 m eng 1909-14 BS) Eng Dept Bron Co 501 E Daniel St Champaign 111 (224 S Jefferson St Chicago) Whaite Charles Miner (e eng 1909-13 BS) E Eng W E Mfg Co Service Dept Philadelphia (Hoopeston 111) Whaite Gertrude Burrell (Mrs P W Hoyt)(mus 1900-2) Home Hoopes- ton 111 (Tolono 111) Whalen Oren Leslie (ag 1915- Also E 111 St Nor) Stu Eose Hill 111 Whalen William M (sp ag 1905-6) Ag Eio Hondro Tex (Cabery 111) Whall Mrs Geo William (see Hoff Lucy V) Wham Anna Gertrude (acad 1895-6) Foxville 111 Wham Benjamin (la 1911-14 law 1914-15 AB g 1915- Also S HI St Nor) Stu Cartter 111 Wham Charles (law 1908-12 LL B Also S 111 St Nor) Law 212 E Broadway St Centralia HI (Cartter 111) Wham Fred Louis (law 1904-6 '08-9 LLB Also S 111 St Nor) Law Fay- etteville Ark (Cartter 111) tWham George Dorrit (su 1904 Also U Chgo) Olney 111 Wharf Allison James (c eng 1894-8 BS) RRC Eng Room 27 Union Sta Peoria 111 Wharf Dewitt J (la 1909-10) Olney 111 *Wharry Walter Ward (ag 1870-4 BS'95) d 1896 Sycamore 111 Wharton Jacob Norton (sc 1868-72 BS'95) Gov Serv Douglas Park Chi- cago Wharton Jacob W (min eng 1873-4) Post Ofc Dept Western Av Chicago Wharton Rebecca Gaskin (la 1894-6 ML(Cal)'12) Teach 981 W Eighth St Riverside Cal Wharton Wayne Thompson (com 1915- ) Stu 1808 Sixth Av Moline 111 Whayne Roy Coleman (m eng 1909-10 BS(Pur'll) Mach & Contr Supplies 400 Realty Bldg Louisville Ky (1915 Avery Ct) Wheat Marcell Henry (com 1915- ) Stu 852 N Parkside Av Chicago Wheatlake Burton Cvrenous Job (e eng 1907-10 BS BS( Greenville) '07) Transformer Spec Gen Elec Co Den- ver Wheaton Hazel Dean (la 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu 46 E Grove St Gales- burg 111 TWheaton Jesse Raymond (arch eng 1909-12 BS) Arch & Contr Wheaton 111 Wheeler Mrs (see Putnam Alice) Wheeler Adelaide Ajuthia (ag h sc 1915- Also la St Coll) Stu Lau- rens la Wheeler Alonzo Samuel (ag 1874-5) Gov 6940 Perry Av Chicago Wheeler Arthur Wayne (acad 1903-5 c eng 1907-11 BS) Asst Eng Bridge Dept IC RR 1006 E Marquette Rd Chicago (1105 S Third St Cham- paign 111) Wheeler Mrs A W (see Lawrence Mil- dred) Wheeler Bryant Long (ag 1911-15) Carrollton 111 tWheeler Clarence Edwin (ag 1911- 12) Oswego 111 fWheeler Cyrus W (ag 1869-70) Ver- sailles 111 Wheeler Earle Judson (c eng 1908-11 BS) c/o Wells Bros 96 Gould St Toronto Ont Can Wheeler Edmund Burke (acad 1900-1 e eng 1901-5 BS) Phone Eng West- ern Elec Co 463 West St New York (401 N Grove St E Orange NJ) tWheeler Frank Don (c eng 1908-9) 703 Second Av Sterling 111 WHEELER Henry Clyde (BSA(Ont Ag) '07 Field Work Soil Surv U 111 1908-9 Asst Soil Surv Ag Exp Sta U 111 1909) Assoc Soil Physics Ag Exp Sta U 111 1912- 912 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Wheeler Herbert (sp 1872-4) Med Grant Park 111 Wheeler Hiram Hannibal (sp ag 1903- 6 Also Tuskegee Inst) Clk Ag Exp Sta U 111 812 W Clark St Urbana 111 Wheeler Irene Burchard (la h sc 1909-13 AB) Teach H Sch Kanka- kee 111 (Laurens la) Wheeler Mrs J B (see Beach Jessie) Wheeler Jesse Hardin (ag 1913-14 Also 111 St Nor U) Carlinville 111 Wheeler John C (la 1879-80) Merc 921 Austin Blvd Oak Park 111 Wheeler Lyman Gage (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng US Eng Ofc Kansas City Mo (Carrollton 111) Wheeler Lynn Murray (la 1900-2 BL (John Marshal Law) '07) Clk 263 Park Av River Forest 111 (Downer's Grove 111) Wheeler Mary Margaret (Mrs M E Bennett) (sc 1902-6 AB MD(P&S Chgo) '09) Med Wilbur Wash Wheeler Mildred Emeline (Mrs G S Sloman)(su 1912 AB(Shurtleff) '13) Home Pawnee 111 10 WHEELER— WHITACRE *Wheeler Oscar Robert (sp 1868-70) d 1870 Jacksonville 111 Wheeler Parker M (e eng 1910-11 m eng 1911- ) Stu 1105 S Third St Champaign 111 fWheeler Raymond Oscar (arch 1886- 9) Arch 109 Walnut St Chicago Wheeler Russell Claire (acad 1910-11 m eng 1911-15 BS) c/o Stephens Ad- manson Mfg Co Aurora 111 (1105 S Third St Champaign 111) WHEELER Ruth (AB(Vas) '99 PhD (Yale) '13 Also U Chgo Instr H Sc Pratt Inst 1904-10 Instr H Sc U 111 1912-13 Assoc H Sc do 1913-15) Asst Prof H Sc U 111 1915- 908 W Nevada St Urbana 111 (305 Montgomery St Pittston Pa) Wheeler Vernon (sp ag 1906-7) Ag & Stock Mazon 111 Wheeler Walter Frank (acad 1894-5 sp ag 1895-6) Mgr 929 Cent Nat Bk Bldg St Louis t Wheeler Walter John (sp ag 1904-5) Sinclair 111 * wheeler Wilfred Forrest (chem 1907-9 AM BS(Kan) '08 Chem St Water Surv U 111 1906 do Geol Surv 1906-8 do Eng Exp Sta 1908) d Nov 17 1909 Wheeler William Erastus (la 1911-13 law 1913- ) Stu 569 Washington PI E St Louis 111 ?Wheeless Myrtis Lea (mus 1911-12) 1729 Gen Taylor St New Orleans Wheelhouse Elizabeth Lux (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 517 W Decatur St De- catur 111 Wheelhouse Mary Elizabeth (la 1912- ) Stu 517 W Decatur St Decatur 111 Wheelock Clifford E (ag 1910-14 BS Also Colo St Coll) Farm Mgr Equi- table Powder Mfg Co R3 Fort Smith Ark (Tampico 111) Wheelock Mrs E F (see Hopkins Myr- tle M) Wheelock Earle Nathaniel (ag 1913- ) Stu 830 Central Av Wilmette 111 Wheelock Henry Thomas (m eng 1900- 3) Sales Mgr Motor Vech Co 713 18th St Moline 111 Wheelock Loyal Bergen (arch eng 1912-15) 1108 Schiller Bldg Chicago Wheelock Samuel Elbert (su 1899) Merc Rock Falls 111 (Tampico 111) Wheelock Stillman W (acad 1888-9) Sales Mgr Carnegie Steel Co 1030 Maison Blanche New Orleans (508 Walnut St) Whelan James Marion Jr (c eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng 1517 Otto Blvd Chicago Heights 111 Whelan John Vale (sp ag 1906-7 Also U Wis) Ag Mondovi Wis Wheldon Clarence Sheldon (m eng 1893-6) Trav Sales Montour Falls NY (Emporia Kan) Whelpley Cecelia (acad 1894-5 la 1895-7 '98-9 Also Mo St Nor) Prin Prophetstown 111 Wherry John Llewellyn (sp ag 1904-5) Ranch Kit Carson Colo Whetstone Mrs J Jr (see Page Lydia B) WHICHER George Frisbie (BA (Am- herst) '10 MA (do) '11 Also Col TJ 1910-13 Instr Engl U 111 1913-15) Teach 8 Woodside Av Amherst Mass (Middle Haddam Conn) Whipple Fred George (acad 1896-8) Chicago WHIPPLE Guy Montrose (AB (Brown) '97 PhD (Cor) '00 Stu Asst Psych Clark IJ 1897-8 Stu Asst Cor TJ 1898- 1902 Asst Prof Psych Cor TJ 1904-11 Asst Prof Ed Psych Cor U 1911-14 Act Prof Ed Psych TJ Mo 1907-8 Assoc Prof Ed U 111 1914-15) Prof Ed TJ 111 1915- 405 W Illinois Ur- bana 111 Whipple Helen Katherine (la 1913- Also Vas Coll) Stu 500 W Center St Medina NY Whipple Robert Hoadley (c eng 1902- 6 BS) C Eng Amer Gas Co West Washington Sq Philadelphia (1514 National Av Rockford 111) Whipple Warner Frank (ag 1911-13) Ag TJtica 111 Whisenand Grace Helen (la 1915- ) Stu Harvard Neb WHISENAND James Wilbur (g ag 1914- BS(Neb)'14) Asst An Husb TJ 111 1914- 901 W Green St Urbana 111 (Harvard Neb) whisler Percy Frazy (g sc 1910-11 AM BS(Drake)'09) Prof Math 111 Coll Jacksonville 111 tWhisler Ross Alvie (sc 1910-11 Also Drake U) Farragut la Whisler Samuel Llewellyn (e eng 1909- 10 Also Mt Morris Coll) Insp Corn Belt Tel Co Waterloo la (316 Campbell Av) Whisler Wayne Ely (la com 1911-13) Car Insp CB&Q RR 1339 Caledonia St La Crosse Wis Whistler Eber Samuel (sp ag 1905-6) Laporte City la Whitacre Elson Harmon (arch eng 1914- ) Stu 6145 Woodlawn Av Chicago Whitacre Myrtle (Mrs L F Cox) (su 1907&'09 Also S 111 St Nor) Home Thebes 111 (Carbondale 111) WHITAKER— WHITE rii IWhitaker Dick Rufus (acad 1886-7 m eng 1887-8) Peru 111 Whitaker George Hall (acad 1898-9 sp ag 1899-1900) Ag Davenport la Whitaker Grover James (ag 1901-2) Ag Oakwood HI Whitaker Jesse Lee (acad 1897-8 la com 1897-9) Pres H R Leather Co 1402 N Halsted St Chicago (4629 Maiden St) Whitaker Raymond Charles (arch eng 1909-15 BS) Arch Draft 502 Colum- bus Av Davenport la WUtaker Rueben S (acad 1889-90) Gauger 321 Pennsylvania Av Peoria 111 Whitaker Ruth Lincoln (la 1908-12 AB Also Chgo Teach Coll) Teach 536 E 41st St Chicago Whitchurch Helen Margaret (ag h sc 1912- ) Stu Salem 111 Whitchurch John Ezra (ag 1907-10 BS Also S 111 St Nor & Valparaiso U & N Ind Nor Sch Asst Soil Fertil U 111 1910-14) Assoc Soil Fertil Ag Exp Sta U 111 1914- Urbana 111 (Salem HI) Whitcomb Abby (sp 1870-3) Teach 1614 Arch St Little Rock Ark *whitcomb Alonzo Lyons (sp 1868-72 Hon ML 1894 Also 111 St Nor Sch) "d April 10 1909 Rogers Ark *Whitcomb Alva Hill (sp 1870-1) d Aug 14 1879 Urbana 111 * Whit comb Carrol S (acad 1882-3) Chicago Whitcomb Emma S (Mrs E W Ritten- house)(la 1870-3) Teach 1614 Arch St Little Rock Ark Whitcomb Mary Sophie (la 1870-3) Teach 1614 Arch St Little Rock Ark Whitcomb Mrs WO (see Hess Abi- gail) White Agnes Chloe (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 600 S Market St Marion 111 ?White Albert Emery (su 1901) Black- stone 111 White Alexander Paul (acad 1905-6) Fairmount 111 WHITE Alfred Holmes (AB(Mich) '93 BS(do) , 04 Also Polytechnicum Zurich 1896-7 Asst Chem U 111 1893-6 Instr Chem Techol U Mich 1897-1904 Asst Prof do 1904-7 Jr Prof Chem do Eng 1907-11) Prof Chem Eng U Mich 1911- 715 Church St Ann Arbor Mich White Alice Pauline (ag h sc 1914-15) Teach Vestaburg Mich t White Alta Ida (acad 1902-3 sp mus 1903-5) 4016 Lake Av Chicago White Alvin Chester (c eng 1907-11) c/o C Eng Ofc C&NW RR Winona Minn (908 W Grove St Austin Minn) ? White Anna Blanchard (Mrs J M Giles) (la 1903-6) 503 S Eleventh St St Joseph Mo (Guayama Porto Rico) White Anna David (lib 1902-4 BLS Also NW U) Libr 4016 Lake Park Av Chicago White Augustus Ray Jr (m eng 1903- 4 ) Mach c/o Henry Ford Co 225 Louise St Detroit (2801 Prairie Av Mattoon 111) White Austin Goddard (m eng 1910- 11) Hort 513 North St Albany Ga (6800 Perry Av Chicago) White Beauchamp A (Feb 1915- Al- so Stetson U) 1529 E 60th St Chi- cago tWhite Bertha Esther (sc 1910-11 su 1912 Also Lombard Coll) Barry 111 White Burt F (ag 1905-9 BS) Ag Carmen Okla White Calvin William (la 1910-13 Al- so Lombard Coll) Teach H Sch Spring- field 111 tWhite Carl Branch (sc 1889-90) Du- quoin 111 White Caroline Louise (Mrs M R Jeff- rey) (la 1900-4 AB) Hamilton Mont White Catherine Nell (mus 1914- ) Stu 609 Stoughton St Urbana 111 tWhite Charles Hunter (sp ag 1900-1) Tiskilwa 111 tWhite Charley Calvin (e eng 1903-4) Pittsfield 111 White Clarence Wilbur (chem eng 1905- 7) R Est 757 W North Av Chicago (1569 N Halsted St) tWhite Clifford E (m eng 1910-12) 2406 Sixth Av Moline 111 TWhite Columbus (acad 1877-8) Paw- nee 111 White Courtland Kirke (la 1908-12 AB) Field Work Lake Forest Univ Lake Forest 111 (116 N Independence Av Rockford 111) White Don Elgin (arch eng 1908-10 '11-12 Also Armour Inst) Sales Mgr Amcr 3-Way Prism Co La Porte Ind (4016 Lake Park Av Chicago) White Mrs E G (see Haggard Fern) White Earl (acad 1904-5) Stock & Poultry Morrisonville HI White Earl Archibald (ag 1900-1 '05- 8 BS '10-11 MS(Wis)'12 Asst Farm Mech U 111 1908-10 Instr do 1910-11 Assoc do 1913-14) Stu Cor U 804 E Seneca St Ithaca NY (Antioch 111) White Edgar Paul (acad 1905-6) Fair- mount 111 712 WHITE— WHITE White Edna Edith (la 1907-9) Eead- er Paxton 111 White Edna Noble (acad 1894-6 h sc 1900-3 '05-6 AB) Head Home Eeon Dept & Superv Home Econ Exten Ohio St U Hayes Hall Columbus O (22 14th Av) White Edward (su 1911) Teach For- rest 111 White Emily Mildred (h sc 1907-9) Teach 503 S Eleventh St St Joseph Mo White Mrs Eva Wells (Mrs J W) (h sc 1909-10 Also S 111 St Nor) Home Salem 111 White Evangeline (acad 1905-6) Ur- bana 111 % ?White Fannie David (su 1911 Also U Chgo) Birmingham 111 White Florence Leone (la 1906-10 AB) 558 E Grand Av Beloit Wis (E23 Eantoul 111) White Frank (sc 1876-80 BS Hon LL D 1904) Pres Middlewest Fire Ins Co Valley City ND White Frank Herbert Jr (e eng 1912- ) Stu 10312 S Seeley Av Chicago White Frank Leon (m eng 1911-14 BS Also Knox Coll) Eng 510 N Church St Eockford 111 (504 W Division St Galva 111) White Frank M (ag 1905-9 BS MS (Wis) '13) Instr Ag Eng Wis Ag Coll 1615 Summit Av Madison Wis White Mrs F M (see Bickel Mary A) White Fred Eugene (acad 1906-7 e eng 1907-9) Ag El Eeynolds 111 (Hamlet 111) White Fred H (ag 1903-7 BS) Ag Broadland 111 White Fred Uriah (c eng 1878-9) Teach Galva 111 (Geneseo 111) White George Eichard (c eng 1912- ) Stu 153 Parkview Av Buffalo White Grace Belle (la 1911-12 su 1915 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach Eantoul 111 (709 S Eace St Urbana 111) White Graybiel Graham (acad 1909-10 cer 1910-13) Mfg 437 Oakley Blvd Chicago White Mrs HE (see Bradshaw Jessie I) White H W (acad 1895-6) Newman 111 White Harold Hartwell (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 10312 S See- ley Av Chicago White Harry Winchester (sc 1894-6 MD(Chgo Homeop Med) '01) Med Fruita Colo (Newman 111) white Henry Clay (Hon LL D 1905 PhD(Va)'77) Prof Chem U Ga 1872- Athens Ga White Herman Tilton (acad 1907-9) Mgr Dept Store Salem 111 White Hettie Marvin (h sc 1909-10) Teach Beaver Utah White Hilda Kirke (Mrs W A Wal- ters) (la 1902-5 AB lib 1905-7 BLS) Home LeEoy 111 White Horace Clinton (la 1904-8 LL B) Claims Atty 111 Trac Co Deca- tur 111 (Bloomington 111) White Howard Allen (acad 1897-8 '99- 1900) Ag & Fruit Colby Wash White James Dunwell (la 1898-1902 AB) Trav Sales 1957 Jackson Blvd Chicago White Mrs J D (see Lindley Ethel- dred F) White James Earl (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Morrisonville 111 White James Gordon (c eng 1909-13 BS) Sales 527 Oakdale Av Chicago White James McLaren (arch 1886-90 BS Asst Arch U 111 1890-3 Asst Prof do 1893-6 Act Dean Coll Eng 1905-7) Superv Arch & Prof Arch Eng U 111 1907- 716 W University Av Champaign 111 White Mrs J M (see Shattuck Edith A) White Jesse H (sp ag 1901-3 DCM (Chgo Vet) '05) Meat Insp US Navy 4193 S Halsted St Chicago (5504 Morgan St) White John Brown (1 1906-8) E Est & Ins Hillsboro 111 tWhite John Ernest (1 1909-10) Wy- oming 111 White John Hawkins (acad 1909-10) 1063 E Green St Champaign 111 White John J (sp 1878-9) Eet 419 Hinkley Av Eockford 111 White John Wilson (acad 1907-9 law 1909-14 LL B) Law Salem 111 White Mrs J W (see White Mrs Eva W) white Jonathan Winborne (ag 1911- 12 MS BS(NC Ag)'03) Assoc Agron Pa St Coll University Club State Col lege Pa White Joseph Guthrie (ag 1910-11) Ag Marissa 111 (Baldwin 111) t White Joseph Pius (sp arch 1898-9) 5840 Michigan Av Chicago WHITE Kessack Duke (BS(Ky)'ll ME (do) '14 Also U Chgo 1915-16 St Geol Surv U 111 1912-14) Geol 122 E College St Louisville Ky White Kingsley Barbour (ry c eng 1907-11 BS) Struct Eng Gardner & Lindberg Eng 1135 Marquette Bldg Chicago (7407 Union Av) White Leila (acad 1894-6 la 1899- WHIT E— WHITEL AW 713 1901 '04-5) Mgr Tea Eoom 20 S Third St Columbus O (Fairmount 111) white Leile Olive (g la 1914-15 AM g hist 1915- AB(Rockford)'14) Historical Clk U 111 1915- 610 S Mathews Av Urbana 111 (212 S Sec- ond St Kockford 111) White Lena Lee (la 1905-8 AB) Teach H Sch Los Angeles (Charter Oak Cal) White Leslie Aldoris (ag 1914-15 Al- so U Mich) 6800 Perry Av Chicago White Lyde Evangeline (la 1907-9 mus 1909-10 la 1911-12 la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1107 Springfield Av Urbana HI %White Madge (acad 1904-5) Cham- paign 111 White Mahala Jane (la 1904-6 AB Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 1942 Mon- roe St Chicago (921 S Tenth Av Charleston 111) White Marion Ballantyne (g sc 1907-9 MA(Wis)'06 PhB(Mich)'93 PhD (Chgo)'lO Also U Munich Instr Math U 111 1902-8) Asst Prof Math U Kan Lawrence Kan (Champaign 111) White Marion Kingsley (ag h sc 1913- ) Stu 503 S Eleventh St St Joseph Mo White Mary Louise (la 1908-13 AB) Teach 1633 Okmulgee Av Muskogee Okla White Menzo (acad 1876-8 la 1878- 9) Ins 510 Candler Bldg Atlanta Ga White Merla Marie (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 913 W Illinois St Urbana HI White Merril (la 1904-6 Also Ind U) Ag Hutchinson Kan (Litchfield 111) White Orville Oscar (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Prin Schs Buffalo 111 (219 S Broad St Carlinville 111 White Paul Alexander (arch 1906-7 '08-9 Also Ohio U) Hardware & Lumber Fairmount 111 White Pauline (mus 1914-15 AB (Earlham) '12) Teach Voice Guilford Coll Guilford NC (Amo Ind) White Phares Lemar (m eng 1914- Also Pur U) Stu Oxford Ind White Ealph Hugh (su 1915 Also Monmouth Coll) Teach H Sch & Dir Athl 210 N First St Monmouth 111 ? White Raymond William (la 1909-11) 106 E Green St Champaign 111 White Eobert Lee (acad 1905-6 '07-8) Asst Cash Bk Logan O White Russell Sherman (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 1116 E 65th St Chicago White Sarah Kellogg (mus 1907-8 '09- 10) Pub Sch Mus 503 S 11th St St Joseph Mo White Seymour John (acad 1903-4) Clk White Heath 111 White Solon Marx (acad 1891-2 sc 1891-5 BS '96 MD(NW Med) '98) Med & Assoc Prof & Asst Chief Clinic Med U Minn 910 Donaldson Bldg Minneapolis Minn * White Spencer M (acad 1886-7) d April 6 1911 Dewey 111 White Tell Thompson (su 1914) C Eng 1111 Bryn Mawr Av Chicago (Pocahantas Ark) 1 White Tessie Olive (acad 1904-5) Champaign 111 White Thomas Kenneth (e eng 1911-15 BS) 1203 Springfield Av Champaign tWhite Vernon Arndt (acad 1906-7 e eng 1906) 5014 Jefferson Av Chi- cago White W Powers (ag 1915- Also Kan Nor) Stu Le Roy Kan White W Woods (la 1874-7) Gen Agt NW Mutual Life Ins Co Atlanta Ga ?White Wallace (la 1870-1 '73-4) Hale 111 White Warren Haworth (la 1904-5 LL B(Ind)'08) Law Hutchinson Kan (Litchfield 111) White Weaver (sp 1868-9) 511 N Am- erican St Paxton 111 White Wiebe Alice (lib 1905-8 AB Also U Chgo) Asst Libr Ryerson Lib Art Inst 746 N Central Av Chicago White William Elmer (sp sc 1898- 1901 '02-3) Merc Credit Mgr Linn & Scruggs 175 Park PI Decatur 111 t White William Ernest (sp ag 1901-3) Millburn 111 ?White William Henry (chem 1872-3) Greenville 111 White William Wallace (com 1915- ) Stu 5270 Oakdale Av Chicago Whited Rose M (Mrs T Garth) (la 1873-6 Also la St Nor Sch) Home Clarion la Whiteford Milton (sp ag 1900-2) Ag Manito 111 Whitehead Otis Gunn (c eng 1905-10 BS) Supt Schenck & Williams Archs 341 W Monument Av Dayton O Whitehead Paul (la 1913-15) Ag Vienna 111 Whitehouse Edith Ursula (la 1898- 1902 AB) Teach Canton 111 Whitelaw Arthur Keith Jr (la 1914- ) Stu Penning Av Wood River 111 714 WHITELAW— WHITNEY Whitelaw James Cameron (cer eng 1911-15 BS) c/o Northwestern Fish- ery Co 1220 Boren Av Seat He (660 Grove St Glencoe 111) Whiteside Boy Allen (1 1912-14) Law Peoples Bk Bldg Moline 111 (703 17th St) Whiteside ' William Elmer (1 1904-7 LLB) Law M & M Bk Bldg Mo- line 111 Whitford Hobert S (ag 1915- ) Stu Clayton 111 t Whitford Leverett George (ag 1910- 14) Edwardsville 111 WHITFOED Eobert Calvin (g 1914- AB(NY City) '12 AM(do)'13 Also Col U Instr Engl U Me 1913-14) Instr Engl U 111 1914- 506 W Elm St Urbana 111 (180 Claremont Av New York) Whitham Clyde E (aead 1910-11) Am- boy 111 Whitham Myron Elwin (m eng 1892- 6 BS) Consult & Contr Eng 711 Powers Bldg Rochester NY Whitham Paul Page (m eng 1899- 1901) Chf Eng Court Seattle 843 Central Bldg Seattle Whitham Robert F (c eng 1872-7 Cert) US Mineral Surv Olympia Wash Whitham Mrs R F (see Page Martha E) t Whitham William Raymond (e eng 1910-11) Amboy 111 whiting Albert Lemuel (ag 1910-12 PhD BS(Mass Ag) '08 MS(RI St) '10 Instr Soil Biol U 111 1912-13) Assoc Soil Biol U 111 1913- 705 Greg- ory St Urbana 111 Whiting Mrs A L (see Du Bois Lu- cile) Whiting Frank (acad 1885-6) Peoria 111 Whiting Morse Claude (e eng 1907-8 Also Hedding Coll) E Eng & Asst Gen Supt Cairo Lighting Co Cairo 111 Whiting Vivian Justina (la h sc 1913- ) Stu 807 W Green St Urbana 111 Whitley Guyon Carl (la com 1914-15 com 1915- Also U la) Stu 728 First St Webster City la Whitley Hannah Marian (la 1913-14) Teach 6 W Lincoln Av Harrisbufg 111 Whitley Ralph Schureman (la cer 1913- 15 Also Lewis Inst) 10154 Longwood Blvd Chicago WhitlocJc Harry Fulton (acad 1906) Acct 212 W Second St Pueblo Colo Whitlock: John Franklin (la com 1874- 8 BS) Bnk Gettysburg SD Whitlock Raymond Clarence (arch eng 1906-7) Gen Bldg Contr 919 E Ninth St Pueblo Colo Whitman George Bruington (ag 1914- ) Stu Cameron 111 Whitman Marcus F (acad 1879-80) Como 111 Whitmeyer Mark Hubert (arch 1895- 9 BS) Arch 204 S Glenwood Av Peoria 111 * Whitmire Clarence Leonard (sc 1875- 9 Cert BL(Ia)'82 MD(Rush) '85) d Sept 29 1895 Waverly la Whitmire Clarence Leonard (la 1913- 15) Stu Waverly la * Whitmire J H (la 1879-80) d Met- amora 111 Whitmire James Sidney (sc 1908-10) Asst Plant Breeding Dept U 111 917 W California Av Urbana 111 (For- rest 111) Whitmire Laura Gwendolen (la 1910- 14 AB su 1915 Also U Cal) Teach Chicago Heights (902 W Oregon St Urbana 111) ^Whitmire William L (acad 1884-5) Metamora 111 * Whitmire Zech Lincoln (acad 1881-2 la 1882-6) d 1899 Urbana 111 Whitmore Harold (sp ag 1904-5) Men- dota 111 Whitmore Jervis J (acad 1879-80) Springfield Vt Whitmore Jesse K (m eng 1879-81) Cement Bus 1535 23rd Av Seattle Whitmore Max Coburn (sp ag 1906-7) Mfg & Contr 415 Grafton Av Day- ton O (726 Superior Av) Whitmore Meldo Hudson (ag 1909-10) C Eng Reaper Blk R 709 105 N Clark St Chicago (922 E 56th St) Whitnall Clarence Arthur (m eng 1907-11 BS) M Eng 516 Russell St Peoria 111 Whitnel Joe (la 1912-13 law 1913- ) Stu 506 N Eleventh St East St Louis 111 * Whitney Albert J (sp 1869-72) d 112 S Clark St Chicago Whitney Charles Earl (c eng 1910-13 BS) C Eng Silver Springs Md (US Pension Bur Washington) Whitney Elizabeth Ann (su 1908&'12 Also Cedar Falls Nor) Superv Instr Crown Point Ind Whitney Elmer Zadok (ag 1909-10) Ag Geneseo 111 (Coal Valley 111) Whitney Harold Bruce (c eng 1915- ) Stu Silver Spring Md Whitney Helen Woodrow (la 1909-13 AB) Teach 220 S Catherine St La Grange 111 Whitney Jay Asa (acad 1897-9) Bnk WHITNEY— WICHERS 715 Lostant 111 Whitney Joseph Lafeton (la com 1913- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 1006 Superior St Oak Park 111 Whitney Leonard Hilliard (min eng 1913- ) Stu Downer's Grove 111 ?Whitney Lewis C (sp 1870-1) Cham- paign El tWhitney Lewis Husted (sp ag 1912- 13) 1637 Judson Av Evanston 111 Whitney Max Brooks (la 1902-4 Also 111 Wes U & LeStan U) Ag Varna El Whitney Wallace Charles (acad 1906- 7) Grayville 111 Whitney Wayne K (su 1915 Also la St Coll) Stu 1204 Baldwin St Har- lan la fWhiton Arthur L (ag 1875-7) Chi- cago Whiton Fannie Louise (su 1910 Also E 111 St Nor) Teach 1208 N Neil St Champaign 111 Whiton Pearle Mara (sp mus 1909-10) Stenog 1208 N Neil St Champaign 111 Whiton Sylvia Frances (Mrs A W Fet- ters) (su 1907) Home Uneda Kan Whiteside William Elmer (1 1904-7 LL B) M & M Bk Bldg Moline 111 Whitsitt Hammond William (arch 1899-1903 BS Also Augustus Coll Instr Eng U 111 1903-5) Arch 610 People's Bk Bldg Moline 111 (1725 Eleventh Av) Whitsitt Mrs H W (see Lucas Rena A) Whitson Herman Ansel (la 1914-15 m eng 1915- ) Stu Rushville 111 Whitson John Walter (la 1901-2 AB (Mich) '03) Merc Odell 111 (Man- hattan 111) Whitson Milton James (acad 1897-8 arch 1898-1902 BS) Contr 418 White Bldg Seattle (1820 17th Av) Whittalcer Harry (acad 1907-9) Lawr- enceville HI Whittaker Malinda (la 1908-13 Also N 111 St Nor) Stenog RI Cortland 111 Whittem Mrs Arthur F (see Hunting- ton Ellen) Whittemore Benjamin Merrill (la 1880- 3) Mfg & Treas 673 Elmwood Av Webster Groves Mo Whittemore Floyd (e eng 1892-7 BL) Ag Lanesville 111 Whittemore Harry M (acad 1887-8) Sycamore HI WHITTEMORE Herbert Lucius (BS (Wis) '03 ME (do) '10 Instr Ap Mech U HI 1906-7 Assoc do 1907-10) Fay- erweather Hall Columbia U New York (54 Morningside Dr) Whittemore Kenneth Stoddard (la com 1914-15 com 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 427 Main St E Aurora NY Whittemore Leonard A (acad 1890-2) Merc Verona HI Whitten Charles William (la 1903-6 AB Also 111 St Nor U Instr Acad U HI 1903-6 Asst Sc N 111 St Nor Sch 1906-9) Prof Physics & Chem N 111 St Nor 1909- 166 Normal Rd De- Kalb 111 Whitten Mrs C W (see Cunningham Jessie) W T hitten Jennie Alma (su 1914&'15) Teach 120 Laurel Av Highland Park 111 (166 Normal Rd DeKalb 111) Whitten John Hamilton (sc 1903-11 AB g 1911-12 AM 1912-14 PhD Al- so 111 St Nor U Asst Bot U 111 1913- 14) Teach Chgo Nor 7111 Normal Av Chicago Whitten Mabel Doris (su 1915 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach R5 Rockford 111 (166 Normal Rd DeKalb 111) Whitten Myrtle (su 1915 Also Green- ville Coll) Fillmore 111 tWhittenberg Daniel Wayne (sp ag 1912-13) Vienna 111 Whittenberg Sarah Jane (Mrs D M Cover) (la 1912-13 AB'14 Also S 111 St Nor & E 111 St Nor & U Chgo) Home Tunnel Hill 111 Whittington Ray Norton (ag 1915- ) Stu 211 W Reed St Benton 111 Whittum Florence Lucile (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Herscher 111 Whittum Fred Horace (acad 1906-7 chem eng 1907-11 BS) Asst Chem Div Ap Chem U 111 1107 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Herscher 111) Whittum Mrs F H (see Born Ora L) Whittum Samuel Harrie (acad 1906-7 la com 1907-11 AB) Hardware Merc 4042 Broadway Chicago (4050 Ev- anston Av) Whitver Howard Clifford (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 201 W Uni- versity Av Urbana 111 ?Whitzel Thomas J (ag 1869-70 '71-2) Urbana 111 Whitzell T E (acad 1894-5) Urbana 111 Wible Tom K (com 1915- ) Stu Ma- son City HI WiUey Flora D (acad 1877-8) Cam- argo 111 Wibley Flora Jane (Mrs Archie Wray) (acad 1877-8 la 1879-80) Home Richmond 111 wichers Edward (g chem 1913-15 MS 716 WICHMAN— WILBANKS g chem 1915- AB(Hope) Asst Chem U 111 1913-15) 602 S Market St Ur- bana 111 (Zeeland Mich) Wichman Charles Oscar (sp ag 1909- 10) Ag Eed Oak 111 Wichmann Gerold Carl (g psychol 1915- AB (Chgo) '14 Also U Wyo) Stu Laramie Wyo Wickard Hortense Elaine (la 1913-15 AB Also Pomona Coll) Teach Ake- ley Hall Grand Haven Mich (Gar- land City Ark) Wickersham Clarence Edmund (e eng 1904-8 BS Also 111 St Nor & Armour Inst) la Eepr Scott Foresman & Co 1059 W 27th St Des Moines la (Eose- ville 111) Wickham Corwin (la 1913-14 Also U Chgo) 280 La Salle St Chicago Wicklein Elmer Frank (sp ag 1908-10) Ag & Stock Evansville 111 tWickness Otto Edward (ag 1905-6) Lee 111 Wickre Jacob O (g ag 1909-10 BS (SD)'09) Ag & Lect Webster SD (Langford SD) Wicoff John Philip (su 1908&'11&'12 Also E 111 St Nor) Asst Sec EE YMCA Decatur 111 (807 N Edward St) Widaman Mrs (see Hart Alice M) tWiddis Annie Laurie (mus 1910-11 su 1915) 12 Grant Park Detroit *Widmann Otto (sc 1896-8) d April 16 1907 St Louis Widmayer George Henry (la 1897-8) Bnk Virginia 111 Widmer Frederick William (la 1891- 2) Ottawa 111 Widney George Jay (sp 1899-1900) Ag Yorkville 111 Widoman Mrs PA (see Hart Alice M) tWiEBMER Anton Henry (e eng 1910- 14 BS) 1502 State St Quincy 111 Wieboldt Anna Ernestine (la h sc 1915- Also NW U) Stu 639 Dem- ing PI Chicago Wiedemann David Jr (la com 1912-15 Also U Chgo) Stu U Chgo 149 155th St Harvey 111 Wiedemann Newell Evert (arch 1914- ) Stu 403 Metropolitan Bldg E St Louis 111 Wiedling Clarence Clinton (e eng 1913\ 15 BS Also Crane Jr Coll) Central Sta Inst Commonwealth Edison Co Chicago (1632 Humboldt Blvd) Wiedrich Jacob Christian (su 1915 Also U Mich) Prin H Sch Box 230 Litchfield 111 WIEHE Josef (PhB(Ia)'04 AM(do) '05 PhD (Pa) '07 Asst Ger U 111 1906-7 Instr do 1907-10 Instr Ger Smith Coll 1910-11) Assoc Prof Smith Coll 1911- Northampton Mass Wiekert Heye (sp ag 1909-10) Ag E2 Emden 111 Wiekert Eieus (sp ag 1907-8) Ag Emden 111 Wiemer Otto (e eng 1902-5) E Eng 1420 Wright St Los Angeles t Wiener Charles Arthur (mun eng 1905-6 Also la Wes U) 4 Lane PI Chicago (4326 Langley Av) Wier Samuel (acad 1902-3) Ag Au- gusta 111 Wierman Charles Louis (sp ag 1899- 1900) Ag Magnolia 111 (Lostant 111) Wierman William Henry (acad 1902-3 c eng 1903-4) Grain East Lynn 111 (McNabb 111) Wiersema Harry Anthony (arch eng 1909-13 BS) C Eng 837 Delaware St Memphis Tenn Wiersema Henry (e eng 1915- ) Stu 611 15th Av Fulton 111 Wiese Alvin Otto (la 1914- ) Stu 2111 S Clifton Park Av Chicago Wiese Mrs C G (see Blume Bernard- ino C) Wiesemeyer Henry Eiecks (la 1911-13) Chem 708 N Seventh St Springfield 111 Wiggins Buford Carroll (ag 1909-10) Bnk Jennings La Wiggins Kelly (eng 1915- ) Stu Anna 111 Wiggins Eolla Elbert (su 1915- Also S 111 St Nor) Goreville 111 Wiggle Anna Laura (su 1911&'13 Al- so S Coll Inst) Teach Denver 111 (Vienna 111) *Wight Clifford Dana (su 1911 Also Armour Inst) d March 17 1915 Chi- cago Wight Edith Marian (la 1914- ) Stu 1514 E 54th PI Chicago Wightman Eichard Mars (c eng 1911- 13) Stu West Point NY (8559 Mora Lane St Louis) Wikoff Frank John (m eng 1884-5 Also Cincinnati Coll Law) Pres Tradesmen's St Bk 105 W Main St Oklahoma City Wikoff Minna Luella (h sc 1911-14 AB) Teach 919 North Av Wauke- gan 111 (5939 Ohio St Austin Sta Chicago) Wikoff Euth Isabel (la 1915- Also Eockford Coll) Stu 5939 Eace Av Austin 111 \Wilbanlcs Tanner A (acad 1899-90) Chicago WILBEE— WILES 717 wilber Allen Sage (g pol sc 1913-14 AM AB(Kan)'13) c/o Macmillan Pub Co 66 Fifth Av New York Wilber Ella (Mrs W W Paul) (sp la 1885-90) Home 709 W University Av Champaign 111 tWiLBEE Frank Dent (la 1886-90 BL) 707 W Church St Champaign 111 Wilbern George Earl (arch 1903-4) Mfg Carpentersville 111 Wilbert Harold Courtney (la com 1912- 13) Teach Potomac 111 tWiLBOURN Asa J (la 1908-12 AB law 1912-14) Olive Branch HI Wilbourn Leslie Leroy (1 1908-11 LLB) Law Halliday Estate Bldg Cairo 111 (330 Fifth St) Wilbur Albert Harper (la 1871-2) B Est 611 Canal St Merced Cal Wilbur George Willis (la 1872-3) Law 507 Borden Blk Chicago (54 W Ban- dolph St) Wilcox Albert C (sp 1870-1) Ag & E Est West End NC Wilcox Alfred E (acad 1879-81) Eanch Eoswell N Mex Wilcox Burton B (sc 1900-4 AB g chem 1904-5 AM) Chem US Food Insp Lab Appraisers Store New York Wilcox Charles Arthur (sp ag 1901-2) Ag Millersville 111 IWilcox Charles B (sp 1869-70) Stan- ford 111 * Wilcox Emmons John (acad 1896-7 sp la 1897-8) d Nov 7 1905 Seneca 111 Wilcox Fannie Miles (su 1915 SW Tex Nor) Georgetown Tex Wilcox Francis Madge (Mrs L L Glenn) (sp mus 1899-1900) Home 509 W University Av Champaign 111 Wilcox George Edward (sc 1907-9 DDS (Chgo Dent Sur) '12) Dent Eoanoke HI Wilcox Leila Belle (lib 1913-14 AB (NW) '13) Libr Pub Lib Franklin Ind (Princeville 111) Wilcox Mae (Mrs E D Burnham) (sc 1892-3 Also NW U 1891-2 '93-4) Home 722 W University Av Cham- paign 111 Wilcox Ealph Ellsworth (c eng 1906- 8) Ag Elizabeth 111 Wilcox Eoy Garfield (sp ag 1904-5) Ag Herscher HI WILCOX Eoy Harold (g ag 1915- BS(Minn) , 15) Asst An Husb U 111 1915- 107 Chalmers St Champaign 111 (5408 Nicollet Av Minneapolis) Wilcox Euth Elizabeth (Mrs L M Wheeler) (acad 1906-7) Home c/o 8th Infantry Manila PI WILCZYNSKI Ernest Julius (AM& PhD (Berlin) '97 Instr Geo Wash U su 1898 Instr Math U Cal 1898-1907 Ees Assoc Carnegie Inst 1903-5 Assoc Prof Math U HI 1907-10) Prof Math U Chgo 1910- 5332 Kimbark Av Chicago *Wild George Alfred (c eng 1872-6 Cert Naturalist & Taxidermist & Cur- ator Museum U 111 1876-80) d Nov 1880 Las Animas Colo Wild Harry L (acad 1907-10 cer eng 1910-11) Paper Box Mfg 1061 Springswell Av Detroit (Gilman 111) Wilder Charles Lucas (m eng 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu 514 S Wash- ington St Peoria 111 Wilder Charles Thornton (min eng 1890-4 BS Instr U 111 1894-5 Charge Dept Photog do 1895-1900) E Est San Pedro Los Angeles Wilder Edson Alexander (m eng 1903- 7 BS Also Eureka Coll) Constr Eng Alliance Gas & Power Co Alliance O Wilder Elizabeth Cutler (Mrs L D Hall) (la 1889-93) Home 3823 Liv- ingston St Washington IWilder Frank (1 1898-1900) Cham- paign 111 Wilder Henry White (acad 1881-2 la 1882-6 AB) Ag 1813 People's Gas Bldg Chicago (4312 Greenwood Av Shelby Mich) Wilder Joseph David (c eng 1915- ) Stu 467 W Prairie Av Decatur HI Wilder PaulB (la 1898-9) Print & Stationery 321 N Main St Decatur HI Wilderman Floyd Thomas (sp ag 1906- 7) Ag Freeburg 111 Wildermuth Joe Henry (arch 1915- } Stu 425 Jackson St Gary Ind tWildhaber Addie Lina (su 1894) Highland 111 Wildi Cordelia Ella (h sc 1905-6) Teach Highland HI wiLDMAN Ernest Atkins (g chem 1912- 14 MS BS(Earlham)'12 Asst Chem Earlham Coll Asst Chem U 111 1913- 15 ) Ees Chem Eockefeller Inst 1915- 66th Si & Av A New York (632 Woodlawn Av Springfield 111) \Wildman Freeman (acad 1898-9) At- wood 111 iWildman Harry (acad 1908-9) Win- netka 111 \Wildy Ellen (acad 1905-6) New Ath- ens HI Wiles Bertha Harris (la 1914- ) Stu 718 WILEY— WILKINSON 3130 Olive St Kansas City Mo Wiley Carroll Carson (acad 1900-1 c eng 1901-4 BS g 1909-10 CE Asst C Eng U 111 1908-13) Assoc C Eng II 111 1913- 714 S State St Champaign 111 Wiley Donald Fletcher (com 1908-10 AB Also Bradley Poly) Mgr & Mfg 2761 Woodbine Av Evanston 111 t Wiley Edgar James (la 1871-3) What- in Blk Sault Ste Marie Mich Wiley Frank Rudolph (la & law 1900- 6 AB & LLB) Law 354 W Main St Decatur 111 Wiley Mrs F R (see Post Celia J) f WILEY Fred Talmage (Chf Hort Insp U 111 1910-11) Urbana 111 Wiley George Glenn (m eng 1907-12 BS) Draft Loew-Victor Gas Engine Co Chicago 1134 Fullerton Av Chi- cago (Warren 111) Wiley Harry Houghes (c eng 1913- Also Morningside Coll) Stu 1819 Pierce Sioux City la tWiLEY James Elmo (acad 1907-9 ag 1909-13 BS) Colfax 111 wiley John Frederick (g ed 1910-11 '12-13 AM'14 PhB(De Pauw) '02) Teach Mattoon 111 Wiley Mrs J F (see Moss Mary F) Wiley Joseph Paul (la com 1908-11 AB) Ag Sullivan 111 i Wiley Leo (acad 1893-4) Paris 111 wiley Neva Beryl (su 1910 '14-15 AM AB(I11 Worn Coll) '10) Teach Elk- hart 111 *Wiley Oscar S (la 1871-2) d Colo- rado Springs Colo Wiley Ralph Emerson (ag 1903-6 MD (Mich) '11) Med 1078 E Eldorado St Decatur 111 Wiley Raymond Sly (acad 1895-6 arch eng 1896-1900 BS) Chf Draft Hunt & Burns Archs Los Angeles (700 Angelice PI Venice Cal) Wiley Robert Ernest (m eng 1912- ) Stu Warren 111 Wiley Russel Warren (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 6620 S Green St Chicago Wiley Sarah Jane (Mrs R G Row- land) (h sc 1912-15) Home Hume 111 * Wiley Vonie Ames (Mrs D P Doug- las) (lib 1901-3 BLS) d 1908 Col- fax 111 Wiley Wallace Faris (e eng 1915- ) Stu Anna 111 Wiley Wallace Kenneth (m eng 1900- 4 BS) Mfg & V-Pres Flexlume Sign Co Ine 1453 Niagara St Buffalo Wilford Edward James (ag 1912-13) Stu Cor U 171 N View Aurora 111 Wilford Robert Nicholas (ag 1912-13 1915- ) Stu 171 N View St Au- rora 111 Wilgus Carl B (sp ag 1903-4) Ag R2 Fletcher O (Conover O) Wilhelm Augustus (arch 1887-8 '89- 90) Upholster 2301 Gilbert Av Cin- cinnati Wilhite George Merril (la 1915-16) Greenfield 111 Wilhite Ida B (su 1913 Also Pur U) Teach H Sch 1172 DeWolf St Vin- cennes Ind Wilhoit Cornelius Zink (sp ag 1911- 12) Ag Rl Westfield 111 Wilhoit Pope (acad 1882-3) Bkpr Kansas 111 Wilhoit Rufus Arlie (su 1906 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Martinsville 111 Wilke F Herman (acad 1910-11) Merc Beecher 111 IWilkerson Anna Agnes (su 1906 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Princeton 111 Wilkins Albert F (e eng 1914-15 Al- so Tarkio Coll) Stu Monmouth Coll Cartter 111 Wilkins Andrew Clifford (la 1904-5 Also Geo Wash U) c/o Inter- St Com Comm Washington (712 W Hill St Champaign 111) Wilkins Charles Milton (la 1914-15) R3 Griggsville 111 Wilkins Ernest Jesse (la 1914- Also Lincoln Inst J Stu Box 27 Farming- ton Mo Wilkins Frank John (su 1899 Also Valparaiso U & U Mich) Law Pekin 111 Wilkins Harvey A (arch 1877-80) Ins 912 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Wilkins John Floyd (ag 1907-8 Also Pur U) Ag 1918 Bayer Av Ft Wayne Ind \WilJcins Leroy Mackentire (acad 1896- 7) Pembina ND fWilkins Marion Isabel (la 1899-1902) Urbana 111 Wilkins Raymond Harvey (ag 1907- 14 BS) Chge Poultry Exp Wk & Teach St U Ky ' 239 S Limestone St Lexington Ky Wilkins Stanley Charles (ag 1912- ) ' Stu 524 N Leamington Av Chicago Wilkinson Arthur Lewis (acad 1889- 91 sc 1891-2) Lumber Bement 111 Wilkinson Mrs Arthur (see Scott Etta E) Wilkinson Charles Edward (acad 1887- 9 sc 1889-91 MD(Pa)'95) Med 1611 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Wilkinson Mrs C E (see Dale Eliza- beth) Wilkinson Daniel L (acad 1882-3 Al- WILKINSON— WILLIAMS 719 so Eush Med Coll) State Mgr Hem- lock Remedy Co NH Paris 111 Wilkinson Elon Gilbert (la com 1912- 15 AB Also U Mich) 324 N State St Geneseo 111 Wilkinson George El Dorado (acad 1884-6 sc 1886-90 BS BS(Kan St Nor) '91 MS(Cor) 7 92 MD(Wash)'96 MD(Leipsig)'98) Med 1020 Wash- ington St Alton 111 Wilkinson Helen (lib 1912-13 AB (Cin) '09) Libr 1055 Richwood Av Cincinnati Wilkinson Jackson Heath (c eng 1913- 15 BS g eng 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu Bethany 111 Wilkinson Laurance Egar (arch eng 1902-6 BS '08-9 '12) Arch YMCA Bldg South Bend Ind (5725 Harper Av Chicago ) Wilkinson Luella Jane (Mrs C O Kile) (acad 1891-2 sc 1892-3) Home Ives- dale 111 Wilkinson Mary E (Mrs W L Wil- liams) (acad 1884-5) Home 115 Val- entine PI Ithaca NY (Argenta 111) Wilkinson Mary Stanclyffe (la 1903- 7 AB) Libr 926 Academy St St Louis (Manistee Mich) Wilkinson Nathan (e eng 1898-1902 BS) E Eng 301 37th St Milwaukee Wilkinson Mrs Nathan (see Stookey Helen F) Wilkinson Stanley E (la 1904-8 AB) Sec Kankakee Ice & Feed & Fuel Co 224 S Greenwood Av Kankakee 111 t Wilkinson Walter Laughlin (m eng 1910-11) 1108 N Jefferson St Peoria 111 Wilkinson Mrs WW (see Heath Maida) Wilkinson Wardell (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu 5127 University Av Chicago Will William George (c eng 1913-15 Also Knox Coll) Ag Fairview HI Willard Adele J (acad 1882-3) Plain- field 111 WILLARD Arthur Cutts (BS(Mass Tech) '04 Teach Sch Mech Arts San Francisco Do Geo Wash U) Asst Prof Heat & Vent U 111 1913- 1106 W California St Urbana 111 (2204 Decatur PI NW Washington) Willard Charles Julius (ag 1908-10 BS BS(Kan Ag)'08) Ag R2 Wil- liamsburg Va Willard Dora Alta (la 1915- ) Stu Rll(61) Urbana HI *Willard George Edward (acad 1892- 3) d Dec 16 1910 Roseville 111 Willard Harry Dray (su 1901) Supt Schs Fairfield 111 Willard Hazel Gertrude (la 1911-13 Also 111 St Nor U) Teach Rll Ur- bana 111 Willard Mrs John F (see Baker Ellen M) Willard Lucy Ella (su 1913) Anna 111 Willard Maude Harriett (Mrs Frank Church) (sc 1905- '12-13 AB Also NW U) Home Lebanon HI (521 N State St Belvidere 111) ? Willard Reuel (acad 1882-3 eng 1883-6) Wilmington 111 t Willard William Franklin (su 1902) Topeka HI Willbanks Frank (com 1882-3) Mt Vernon 111 Willcockson John Robert (su 1915 Al- so U Neb) Teach Fillmore 111 Willcox Herbert Arthur (arch 1912-14 Also Carleton Coll) Draft 909 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Willcox Lucy Bertha Ely (Mrs J D Wallace) (lib 1898-1900 BLS Also Welles Coll Loan Desk Asst Lib U 111 1900-1) Home 1629 Washington Blvd Chicago Willcox Maurice Meacham (acad 1894- 5 c eng 1895-9 BS) Valuation Dept CStPM&O RR 3250 Pleasant Av Minneapolis (Elmore 111) Wille Laura May (h sc 1911-15 AB) Teach R5 Enid Okla Willerton Fay (la 1910-13 AB Also Oxford Coll) Teach Farmer City 111 Willerton Taylor Pearce (e eng 1905- 10 )' Elec Insp 849 E 66th St 2nd Flat Chicago (Farmer City 111) Willett William Marble (m eng 1893- 6) E Eng W United Gas & Elec Co 341 Spruce St Aurora 111 Willey Fred (acad 1907-9) C Eng Fayetteville Tenn Willey Gilbert Stewart (ag 1914- ) Stu Warren Minn * William Abbie E (gen 1874-5) d Williams Mrs (see Irwin Ernestine P) Williams Mrs (see Lucas Anna B) Williams Mrs AD (see Randolph Mil- dred M) .'Williams Alfred H (ag 1878-81) Mo- line 111 Williams Alfred LeRoy (ag 1910-13 BS BA( Queen's) '14) Stu Osgood Hall Law Sch 652 Markham St To- ronto Ont Can (Ft Pitt Sask Can) ? Williams Alpheus Americus (sp eng 1904-5 Also Valparaiso Nor) Aledo 111 (Banner 111) Williams Andrew Price (sp ag 1902- 5) Stock Adler Mont Williams Anna Waller (la 1902-7 AB 720 WILLIAMS— WILLIAMS h sc 1909-12 AM Asst Dom Sc Kan St Ag Coll 1912-14) Instr H Sc U 111 1914- 901 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Williams Arthur Edwards (sc 1908-10 BS g cer eng 1915 Also U Ohio) Instr Cer Eng U 111 1913- 611 W Indiana Av Urbana 111 (331 Har- mon Av Danville 111) Williams Mrs A*E (see Miller Laura M) Williams Beulah Naomi (la 1914- ) Stu Hume 111 i Williams Blanche Sarah (acad 1908- 10) Auburn 111 Williams Mrs C C (see Black Grace J) Williams Ceil Edwin (e eng 1905-9) E Eng 804 N Ninth St Keokuk la WILLIAMS Charles Allyn (AB(Ia) '99 AM(do)'01 PhD (Heidelberg) '09 Also Cor U 1902-3 Instr Ger U Minn 1905-8) Instr Ger U 111 1909- 907 W Oregon St Urbana 111 ? Williams Charles Ami (sp 1869-71) Peoria 111 Williams Charles Elmer (la com 1905- 7) Mfg DeKalb 111 Williams Charles Everett (sp c eng 1907-9 Also Vincennes U) Welding Bus Connersville Ind Williams Charles Horton (la 1882-3) Merc Streator 111 Williams Charles Leonard (la 1913-14) Ag El Oakland 111 Williams Charles Nicholas (arch eng 1912-14) Arch 304 Linn St Peoria 111 Williams Chester Albert (arch eng 1913- ) Stu 203 19th Av Sterling 111 Williams Clara Genevra (Mrs S T Jor- dan) (h sc 1905-6 Also Bradley Poly & U Chgo) Acct & Partner S T Jor- dan Co Gibbs Id t Williams Clarence E (acad 1905-6) 2148 Oliver Bldg Pittsburg ? Williams Clarence Foreman (1 1909- 10) Pittsfield 111 (10415 Colonial Av Cleveland) Williams Clarence Foss (la com 1906- 10 AB) Assoc Edit Iron Trade Re- view 2149 Oliver Bldg Pittsburg (7904 Hamilton Av) Williams Clement Clarence (c eng 1903-7 BS Also S 111 St Nor) Prof RR Eng U Kan 820 Missouri St Lawrence Kan t Williams David Dayton (acad 1899- 1900 Also S 111 St Nor) Herrin 111 Williams David Willard (g an husb 1915- BS (Ohio) '15) Stu Vene- docia O Williams Djalma Downey (c eng 1902-7 BS) c/o Chgo Bridge & Iron Wks 10563 Prospect Av Chicago Williams Earl Clinton (acad 1908-10 e eng 1910-14 BS) Gardner 111 Williams Edwin Gex Whitesell (m eng 1911-12 Also U Mo) Bnk La Plata Mo Williams Effie Alma (su 1909) Teach Vermilion Grove 111 IWilliams Ella (acad 1879-80) Mon- ticello 111 ?Williams Elmer B (acad 1877-8 ag 1878-9) Ridge Farm 111 Williams Elmer Howard (g phys 1908- 10 PhD AB(Wis)'05 AM(do)'06 Asst Physics U Wis 1905-7) Assoc Physics U 111 1907- 804 W Michi- gan Av Urbana 111 Williams Elrick (acad 1897-8 la 1898- 1902 AB g 1902-3 AM Asst Chem U 111 1903-5 Also su 1902 Instr do 1905-6 Ed Mission China 1906-12) Teach 1627 Meta St Ventura Cal Williams Mrs Elrick (see Somers Flor- ence B) Williams Eugene Charles (com 1915- ) Stu 606 W Fourth St Sterling HI Williams Everett (sc 1908-10 AB Also Earlham Coll) Teach R8 Mt Vernon 111 Williams Fenton Hamilton (la 1913 Feb 1915) Watseka 111 Williams Florence Marie (Mrs N C Rogers) (la 1904-5 Also U Chgo & Natl Pk Sem) Home 916 Garfield Blvd Rockford 111 Williams Floyd Earl (m eng 1913- ) Stu 1107 Harlem Blvd Rockford 111 Williams Frank Abur (sp m eng 1904- 6) Mach Design 139 Allendale Av Detroit ^Williams Frank H (m eng 1877-80) 1522 15th St Rock Island 111 (Mo- line 111) *Williams Frank Lunsford (la 1912- 13) d Sept 15 1913 St Louis (3973 W Bell St) Williams Fred Ray (ag 1913-15 Also Pur U) Orchard Cloverdale Ind Williams Frederick A (ag 1875-6) Ins & R Est 307 Bk Bldg Trinidad Colo Williams Gardner Rogers (sp 1900-1) Ag Magnolia 111 (23 W 19th St Chi- cago Heights 111) Williams Genevieve (Mrs Otis Kirch- er) (sc 1912-14) Home Ruston La (Sidell 111) Williams George Alfred (sc 1914-16) Stu Bradley Poly 714 Third Av Peoria 111 WILLIAMS— WILLIAMS 721 Williams George Annis (e eng 1903-7 BS) Contr Hoff & Williams Box 123 Topeka Kan Williams George Aurelius (la com 1872-7) Ag & Law Quincy 111 Williams George Bassett (arch 1895- 9 BS) Mgr Selden Brick Constr Co 5646 Kingsbury Blvd St Louis Williams Mrs G B (see Wright Lora) Williams Glenn Burgess (c eng 1906- 7) Ag Grayville 111 Williams Glenn Richard (c eng 1906- 10 BS Also Lewis Inst 1904-6) C Eng 23 19th St Chicago Heights 111 Williams Grace Alice (Mrs Fred Gibbs) (la 1905-9) Home 722 S 21st St Lincoln Neb (Galva 111) Williams Grace Ethel (la 1915- Al- so NW U) Stu 703 S Third St Watseka 111 Williams Guy Carleton (sc 1910-11 BS (Cornell Coll) '09) Prin H Sch Red Oak la (318 W Tenth St Mason City la) Williams Guy Yandall (g chem 1911- 13 PhD AB(Okla)'06 AM(do)'10 MS(Chgo) , ll) Prof Phys Chem U Okla 426 College Av Norman Okla Williams Harry Chadbourne (sc 1912- 13 Also NW'Dent Sch) Dent Augus- ta Wis Williams Harry Clyde (acad 1898^9) c/o Springfield Auto Sales Co 604 S Seventh St Springfield HI Williams Harry Wallace (m eng 1906- 7) Plumber Farmer City 111 Williams Helen Jackson (la 1913-15) At home 205 N Vermilion St Strea- tor 111 Williams Henry Samuel (1 1907-8) Bnk Watseka 111 (Onarga 111) Williams Herbert Baldwin (min eng 1883-7 BS Also Mich Sch Mines) Chem Eng Willard Hotel Portland Ore (c/o Charles H Williams Strea- tor 111) Williams Howard Carr (sp arch 1903-5 Also Earlham Coll) Clk Piano Co 1210 Main St Richmond Ind Williams Howard Chandler (la 1904- 8 AB) Mgr 729 Garfield Bldg Cleve- land Williams Howard Ivan (e eng 1912- 13) Clk 1422 School St Rockford 111 (466 Hinkley Av) Williams Howard Thomas (arch eng ' 1913-14) R Est & Broker Williams & Nelson 230 S La Salle St Chi- cago (52 N Second St Highland Park 111) Williams Ira Alonzo (m eng 1910-11) Gov 2941 Laclede Av St Louis Williams Irene (ag h sc 1914- ) Stu Ravanna Mo t Williams James A (acad 1881-2) Put- nam 111 * Williams James Alexander (sp 1868- 71) d March 9 1916 Urbana 111 ?Williams Jay (sp 1902-3) Farmer City 111 Williams John Everett (1 1903-6) Law Sallisaw Okla Williams John Milton (la 1914- Al- so N 111 St Nor) Stu 1125 N Ga- lena Av Dixon 111 Williams Judson (su 1910) Prin Schs S Wilmington 111 (Vermilion Grove HI) * Williams Launcelot Waldo (acad 1909- 10) d 1912 Mattoon 111 Williams Lawrence Harmon (c eng 1906-9) Gov Topog Eng 876 Larkin Av Elgin 111 Williams Leo A (hort 1912-13) Merc 122 E Perry St Duquoin 111 Williams Leslie Albert (ag 1914- ) Stu 109 E Green St Champaign 111 ?Williams Lewis H (sp 1895-6) Chi- cago Williams Lewis W (su 1914 Also Hi- ram Coll) Prin H Sch Marshall 111 (Newton Falls O) ? Williams Lillie Mae (su 1909 Also Cook Co Nor) Crown Point Ind Williams Lloyd Garrison (1 1908-12 LL B) Law 16 Chicago St Elgin 111 (627 Douglas Av) Williams Louis Edward (ag 1869-73 MS '94 BL ( Keokuk Law ) '84 ) Law R Est & L 24 N Fifth St Estes Bldg Keokuk la Williams Lucy Parke (lib 1904-7 BLS BS(I11 Wes)'06) Asst Libr Wither 's Pub Lib 501^ E Jefferson St Bloomington HI Williams Lula Hazel (la 1909-13 AB) Teach Sidell 111 ? Williams Marcus Lafayette (sp 1895- 7) Urbana 111 Williams Margaret Stuart (lib 1913- AB(Tex)'12) Catg Asst Lib U 111 1914- 1106 W California St Urbana 111 (Hamilton Tex) Williams Marie Effie (su 1915 Also S 111 St Nor) Libr 708 N Garfield Marion 111 Williams Mary Catherine (la 1914-15) Woodland 111 Williams Mary Edith (acad 1899- 1900 la 1900-4 AB g 1904-7 AM mus 1911-12 Instr Phys Tr Worn U 111 1907-13) Stu 111 Med Coll 524 Sheridan Sq Chicago (Newman 111) Williams Mary Floyd (lib 1897-8) Stu 722 WILLIAMS— WILLIAMSON U Cal Oakland Cal fWilliams Myron Burke (sp ag 1900- 1) Evanston 111 Williams Mrs M B (see Eobinson Nel- lie M) Williams Nellie (la 1913-14) Clk 5732 Oakley Av Chicago Williams Oswald Howell (arch eng 1914-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 2211 State St Granite City 111 Williams Parker Merrill (e eng 1891- 5 BS) Elevator Eng 600 W Jack- son Blvd Chicago i Williams Paul Thorp (acad 1900-1) c/o Nathan Bond Hoopeston 111 Williams Pauline Licetna (Mrs O Mc- Kendree Jones) (la 1905-6) Home 409 N Second St North Yakima Wash Williams Pearle Edna (su 1911 Also S 111 St Nor) Teach Hillsboro 111 Williams Ealph Joseph (arch 1897- 1901 BS AB(Knox)'97) Specifica- tion Writer US War Dept The Cham- plain Washington (1424 K St NW) Williams Eichard Hermon (g 1906-7 MS 1910-12 PhD BS A (Toronto) '05) Teach Tucson Ariz Williams Eichard Kimball (ag 1915- Also U Wis) Stu 1710 Mailer Bldg Chicago Williams Eobert (la 1895-6 AB Also Carthage Coll 1890-5 MD(Eush)'OO) Med 3436 Chicago Av Minneapolis Williams Eobert Leslie (la 1907-9 LLB(Mich)'12) Law 722 Amer Bk Bldg Los Angeles Williams Eobert Tatman (la 1914-15) Stu LeStan U 1250 Main St Quin- cy 111 WILLIAMS Eobert Young (AB(Prin) '01 EM (Col) '04 Dir Mines & Mech Inst U 111 1914-15) Safety Eng 37 Lackawanna Av Scranton Pa (808 Madison Av) t Williams Eoger Crawford (chem eng 1905-9) 5737 Talcott Av Chicago (Grand Eidge 111) ?Williams Eoy (acad 1900-1 sp mus 1901-4) Monticello 111 Williams Eoy Arlyn (su 1914 AB(De- Pauw) '12) Prin H Sch Bismarck 111 Williams Eoy Campbell (c eng 1909- 13 BS) City Eodman 5735 Talcott Av Norwood Pk Chicago Williams Eussell John (e eng 1909-10) 6167 McClellan Av Chicago Williams Scott (acad 1889-90 m eng 1890-3 Also Cor U) Adv Mgr Sterl- ing Daily Gazette 810 W Fourth St Sterling 111 Williams Seymour (acad 1896-7 la 1897-1901 AB) Mintr Shelton Wash Williams Mrs Seymour (see Bennett Jennie M) Williams Simon Horace (acad 1897-9 la 1899-1901) Supt Schs Colebrook NH 1 Williams Stacy F (acad 1901-2) Champaign 111 Williams Susan Kathrvn (g la 1914- 15 AM AB(Carth)'14) Teach Ft Stockton Tex Williams Thomas Thatcher (la 1871- 6 BL'95) Powell Wyo Williams Thomas Thompson (e eng 1903-5) Foreman Portland Mine Vic- tor Colo ( Murphy sboro 111) Williams Walter Emmett (la 1915) Hat- v tieville Ark Williams Walter H (la chem eng 1914- ) Stu Glen View Eitchie 111 Williams Walter Long (ag 1875-8 Cert '79 Also Montreal Vet Coll) Prof Vet Sur & Obstet NY St Vet Coll Ithaca NY Williams Walter Winslow (1 1900-3 LLB) Law Benton 111 Williams Warren (acad 1887-9) Oil Dealer & Ag Lordsburg Cal Williams Warren Stephens (sc 1904-9 BS) Cer Chem Omer Encaustic Til- ing Co Zanesville O (703 Fountain Square) (509 22nd St Eock Island ni) ■* WilUams Wilbur Lee (ag 1910-12) Ag Thomson 111 tWilliams William Asa (ag 1910-11) Enfield 111 WILLIAMS William Henry (BS(Wis) '96 Prof E Eng Mont St Coll 1896- 1902 Prof E Eng U 111 1902-5) Sales Mgr Hart-Parr Co 1905- 228 Washington Av N Minneapolis Williams William Howard (ag 1915- 16) Ag Magnolia 111 Williams Winifred Sue (Mrs L E Curfman) (la 1897-1901 AB) 310 W Eose St Pittsburg Kan Williamson Albert St John (acad 1893-4 m eng 1894-8 BS sp m eng 1900-2 ME Instr EE C Eng U 111 1908-11) M Eng 2131 Park Blvd Oakland Cal t Williamson Mrs A St John (sp mus 1908-9) 2131 Park Blvd Oakland Cal Williamson Belle (la 1908-13 AB) Teach Bartlett Tex (Palacios Tex) ? Williamson Mrs Bertha Laemle (sp mus 1909-11 Also Ind St Nor) 507 W White St Champaign 111 ^Williamson Byron (su 1904) 904 W Illinois St Urbana 111 Williamson Charles Gurley (su 1907 Also Pur U) Draft Detroit Mich Williamson Earl Buell (1 1908-10 Al- WILLIAMSON— WILLSON ■23 so Chgo Kent Coll Law) Law 863 E Chestnut St Canton 111 Williamson Earl Wilbre (acad 1906-7 sc 1909-11) Teach Sc Tnscola 111 Williamson Mrs Edna Goldman (su 1915 Also NW U ) Libr 39 E Pem- broke St Tuscola 111 t Williamson Eugene Lamar (e eng 1909-12) 810 Third Av New Brigh- ton Pa Williamson Florence (Mrs H Best) (la 1904-8 AB) Teach 1126 W Erie Av Lorain O * Williamson Prank Eobert (c eng 1887-92 BS) d July 11 1915 Chi- cago *Williamson George Warren (acad 1894-5 sp 1897-8) d Blandinsville 111 ? Williamson John Arthur (acad 1891- 2) Nashville Tenn fWilliamson John Caswell (la 1912-13) 103 E Green St Champaign 111 (Sul- livan 111) Williamson Josephine Huldah (Mrs E E Piper) (acad 1896-9 sp mus 1899- 1900) Home 6842 Harper Av Chi- cago Williamson Mary Hess (Mrs P Elder) la 1883-7 BL) Home Palacios Tex Williamson Maude (la 1903-9 AB) Instr Ga Nor & Indus Coll Milledge- ville Ga (Palacios Tex) Williamson Myra Marie (la 1911-14) Tuscola 111 Williamson Pearl (la 1906-7) Teach 304 22nd St Portland Ore Williamson Warren (g entom 1909-11 AM Also Ind St Nor AB(Knox) '97) Res Asst Entom Ag Exp Sta U Minn 2228 Carter Av St Paul Minn Williford Bessie (la 1904-5 Grad Moody Bible Inst) Missionary 830 N La Salle St Chicago (Nokomis HI) Williford Edward Allan (e eng 1911- 15 BS) Electr Wagner Elec Co 5882 Julian Av St Louis (c/o Drovers Nat Bk E St Louis 111) Williford Louis Albert (la 1912-14) Stu Wash St L U 96 St Clair Av E St Louis 111 (Nokomis 111) tWilliford Pearle (sp mus 1911-12 Also Eureka Coll) Teach Voice 26 Rose Bldg Harrisburg 111 Willis Benjamin Chestnut (e eng 1907- 9) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Toledo 111 Willis Clifford (sc 1899-1900 BS g 1904-6 MS Instr Soil Phvsics & Exp Sta U 111 1903-8 Prof Agron & Supt Substa ND Ag Coll 1908-10) Teach & Mgr Orange Judd NW Farmstead 1910- 615 E 19th St Minneapolis Willis Edith Charlotte (Mrs R M Kauffmann) (la 1900-1 Also Smith Coll) Home Washington Willis Gilbert Anson (la 1910-12) Teach Momence 111 Willis Harry Thomas (la 1897-8 BS (Prin)'Ol EM(Col)'04) Merc 103 N Prospect Av Champaign 111 Willis Mary Beasley (la 1885-8) At home 103 N Prospect Av Champaign Willis MrsRCJr (see Hurt LuallieB) Willis Reba (su 1914 Also Ward Sem) Teach H Sch Carmi 111 (457 Ninth St Colton Cal) Willis Roy Barnes (ag 1908-13) Ag Mt Carmel 111 Willis Wilber Fred (la 1896-7 Also U Mich) Photog 3110 N Sawyer Av Chicago Willits Ward Maurice (la 1912-13 com 1915- ) Stu 15516 Turlington Av Harvey 111 Willmarth Clarence Alfred (arch eng 1913-16) 95 Luckie St Atlanta Ga Willmarth Claude (sp 1897-8) Painter Vermont 111 Willmore Cyrus Elric Crane (1 1907- 12) R Est 216 Merchants-Laclede Bldg St Louis (Union Grove Wis) Willoughby June Washburne (la h sc 1915- ) Stu Kewanna Ind Willoughby Thomas Fletcher (sp ag 1907-8 Also U Wis) Adv 1520 165 Broadway New York fWilla Carl Steward (m eng 1902-3) 94 Loomis St Chicago Wills Etta Catherine (Mrs J W Schenker) (la 1881-5 Cert) Home Vandalia 111 Willis Frank (chem eng 1906-10 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Chem Emporia Gas Co 522 Exchange St Emporia Kan ? Wills Frank Parsons (la 1880-1 De- catur 111 Wills George Arthur (e eng 1892-6) Pub Appraiser Coats & Burchard Co 29 LaSalle St Chicago Wills Jerome Gideon (la 1880-4 BL) Merc Vandalia 111 Wills Mary Etta (la 1910-12 '14-15) Teach H Sch R5 Watseka 111 Wills Neva Rose (Mrs H T Barber) (ag 1913-14) Ag Pittsfield 111 Wills Oscar T (m eng 1893-6) Ag & Mfg Mendota 111 Willsey James Gallett (ag 1911-12) Ag Pittsfield 111 Willseif William R (acad 1877-8) Ag Pittsfield 111 willson Frank Gardner (g e eng 1909- 13 MS BS (Wis) '03 Instr E Eng U 111 1905-13) Head Dept Ap Elec 724 WILLSON— WILSON Went worth Inst Boston 1913- 26 Park Place Newtonville Mass (1008 W Green St Urbana 111) Willson Glen Irwin (e eng 1910-13) Mgr Guernsey Wyo Willson Harold Edwin (min eng 1914- Also Baltimore City Coll) Stu c/o O F McVoy Glen Jean W Va Willson Hiram Everett (m eng 1897- 1900 Also S 111 St Nor & Cor U 1902- 3) Min Eng Herrin 111 f Willson Howard T (su 1894) Urbana 111 Willson Jennie Fae (la 1913-15 Also 111 Wes U) Stu S 111 St Nor Car- bondale 111 (Stonington 111) *Willson Morris (acad 1899-1902 sc 1902-4 BS g 1904-5 MS) d 1906 Princeton 111 WILM Emil Carl (AB(SW)'02 AM (Vanderbilt) '03 PhD (Cor) '05 Instr Ger U 111 1905-6 Prof Philos Wash- burn Coll 1906-11 Asst Philos Harv U & Rad Coll 1911-12 Prof Philos & Ed Wells Coll 1912-14) Lect Philos Bryn Mawr Coll 1914- Bryn Mawr Pa Wilmanns August C (sp arch 1888-9 ) Arch 35 S Dearborn St Chicago (2506 Orchard St Chicago) Wilmarth George Henry (e eng 1895- 9 BS Also U Wis) Mgr Sapulpa Elec Co Sapulpa Okla Wilmes Frederick Henry (acad 1891-2) Mach & Auto 2084 Maine St Quincy 111 fWilmeth Lura (sp a&d 1906-7 Also Art Inst Chgo) Oakwood 111 Wilmington Arthur Guy (su 1904 &'05 Also NW St Nor) Ag Circle Mont (Nunda SD) HVilmot Arthur Xenophon (acad 1893- 5 Also Hedding Coll) La Prairie Cen- ter 111 Wilmot Frank L (sc 1880-4) High- lands Cal Wilson Addie Florence (Mrs A F Hun-, saker) (sp h sc 1908-10) Home Grand Forks ND Wilson Albert Edward (su 1912 Also N 111 St Nor) Teach Wasco 111 WILSON Albert Harris (g math 1904- 6 BS (Vanderbilt) '92 MS (do) '93 PhD (Chgo) '11 Also U Gottingen 1899- 1900 & Bonn 1903-4 Instr Math Prin U 1895-1903 Instr Math U 111 1904-5 Assoc Prof Math Ala Poly 1905-10) Prof Math Haverford Coll 1910- Hav- erford Pa "WILSON Albert Sherwood ( AB (Toronto) '00 BD (Chgo) '02 Dept Lib Chge Haskell Libs U Chgo 1904-6 Libr & Prof Bibliog Colo St Nor 1906- 7 Acct Dir Lib Sch U 111 1907-9 Asst Dir & Asst Prof Lib Econ do 1909-12) Libr Wash St Coll 1912-15) d May 2 1915 Merriton Ontario Can Wilson Alfred David (ag 1912- ) Stu McNabb 111 Wilson Allen Center (c eng 1914- Also Lewis Inst ) Stu 225 Cossitt Blyd La Grange 111 Wilson Amanda Esther (la 1910-11 Also U Chgo & Teach Coll) Dean Women Highland Pk Coll Des Moines la (1076 W Eldorado St Decatur III Wilson Ambler F (sc 1886-7) Drug Neoga 111 Wilson Arthur G (ag 1910-11) Ag McNabb 111 Wilson Arthur John (acad 1900-1) Knoxville 111 Wilson Ashbel Ray (acad 1908-10 m eng 1910-12 '14- ) Stu Hutsonville 111 ?Wilson Benjamin J (c eng 1908-12 BS Also Lewis Inst) C Eng 111 St Highway Comm Springfield 111 (4148 Calumet Av Chicago) Wilson Bernice Celia (h sc 1910-14 AB Also U Cal) Dir H Sch Lunch Room 305 N Third St Rockford 111 (R9 (234) Los Angeles) Wilson Besse Everett (lib 1905-7 BLS Also Lewis Inst) Asst Libr John Cre- rar Lib Chicago (5678 New Hamp- shire Av Norwood Park) Wilson Charles Gorham (la 1901-4 AB Also U Chgo) Supt Schs De Pue 111 (Wyanet 111) ?Wilson Charles Milo (m eng 1872-7) Peoria 111 (Mackinaw 111) wilson Charles Richard (g math 1911- 12 AM AB (111 Coll) '11) Teach 3153 E Fifth St Michigan City Ind (Vir- ginia 111) tWilson Charles Wesley (sp ag 1890-1) Champaign 111 Wilson Clarence Leon (la 1914- Also S 111 St Nor ) Stu 310 E Jackson St Carbondale 111 ■ Wilson Clay Ralph (sc 1910-11) Ranch Chester Mont wilson David Wright (g chem 1910-12 MS BS(Grinnell)'10 PhD(Yale)'14 Asst Chem U 111 1910-13) Asst Physiol Chem JHopk U 1914- Balti- more (Knoxville la) Wilson Donald Eugene (la 1914-15) Rossville 111 Wilson Edward Michael (m eng 1911-12 Also Marquette U & Yale U) M Eng A P 274 Mexico City Mex Wilson Edwin Leonard (la 1902-4 law 1906-8 AB 1908-10 LLB) Law 700 Fourth Av Joliet 111 Wilson Ewing (su 1915 Also Millikin WILSON— WILSON 725 U) Teach H Sch & Dir Athl Tuscola 111 (1182 W Wood St Decatur 111) Wilson Mrs F L (see Ludlow Anne) ? Wilson Frank DeWitt (acad 1894-5 sc 1895-6) 506 E Green St Cham- paign 111 (Kewanee 111) Wilson Frank Harland (e eng 1908- 12 BS) E Eng 61 Seventh St N Newark NJ (1211 Vine Av Cham- paign 111) Wilson Frederick Alexander (1 1906-9 LLB) Law 312-15 Katz Bldg San Bernardino Cal Wilson Frederick Henry (e eng 1894- 8 BS) M Eng B F Avery & Sons Louisville Ky (127 E Ormsby Av) wilson Frederick Weston (g an husb 1912-13 MS BS(Kan Ag)'05) Prof An Husb U Nevada 826 N Center St Keno Nev Wilson Mrs G W (see Boggs Elma) Wilson George Harold (su 1904) Stu U Cal R9 Los Angeles (602 W High St Urbana 111) Wilson George Shirley (sc 1901-3 AB) N Teach H Sch 4207 Eleventh Av NE Seattle Wilson Grace (Mrs E M Brewer) (acad 1893-4) Home Rantoul 111 Wilson Grover C (la 1907-9) Med New Grand Hotel Salt Lake City Wilson Grover C (e eng 1913- ) Stu Walnut 111 Wilson Guy Mitchell (sp la 1897-8 AB (Ind)'OO AM (Col) '08) Prof Ag Ed la St Coll Ames la Wilson Harlan Raphael (acad 1900-1) Gar Knoxville 111 (San Jacinto Cal) Wilson Harley Frost (g entom 1907-8 BS(Colo Ag)'07 MS(Ore Ag) '13) Entomol Ore Ag Col & Exp Sta) Prof Entom U Wis Madison Wis Wilson Mrs H F (see McClain Clara L) Wilson Harry (acad 1895-6) Ag Sun- field Mich Wilson Harry Ward (acad 1908-9) Eng & Supt Robson-Pritchard Bldg Huntington W Va Wilson Helen May (la 1912- Also U Chgo) Stu 7226 Euclid Av Chicago Wilson Horace Smith (e eng 1907-12 AB g 1912-13) Orchestra Leader 1st Nat Bk Bldg Champaign 111 (407 E Daniel St Champaign 111) Wilson Howard Wesley (sp ag 1911- 12) Stu Chgo Vet Coll R2 Gilman 111 Wilson Hugh Edward (la 1903-6 law 1906-9 LL B) Law 542 Woolner Bldg Peoria 111 (315 Seventh Av Peoria 111) Wilson Mrs Ina (acad 1897-8) Home 400 Ash Av Ames la Wilson Isaac Edgar (su 1908 Also 111 St Nor U & U Wis) Ag & Teach Rocky Ford Colo Wilson Isabella Chilton (la h sc 1913- Also Marshall Coll) Stu Ar buckle W Va ?Wilson Iva Pearle (sp mus 1901-4) 603 E Daniel St Champaign HI Wilson James Aiken (ry m eng 1911- 14 BS Also Pur U 1910-11) Eng Transportation Dept CCC & STL RR 112 Pleasant Av Indianapolis (Her- rin 111) ^Wilson James F (acad 1886-7) Mt Palatine 111 Wilson James M (la 1876-8 Cert) Ret Second Nat Bk Bldg Washington Wilson Jennie Ethel (sp mus 1903-4) Kinderg Teach Nazarene U Pasadena Cal Wilson Jesse Henry (ag 1909-10) Ag Rl Grant Park 111 ? Wilson John (acad 1887-8) Clovis Cal Wilson Mrs John (see Kelley AM) Wilson John Arthur (sp ag 1902-3) Dairy Farm R3 Ava 111 Wilson John Dean (la 1904-7 AB Also Pur U) 430 Littleton St W Lafayette Ind Wilson John Guy (1 1900-4 AB g 1906-07 LL B Chf Clk Pres Ofc 1905) Law 333 Pettock Blk Portland Ore ?wilson John Harrison (g latin 1908- 9 AM AB (Knox) '08) Roseville 111 t Wilson John Lancaster acad & sp ag 1909-11) 808 S Fourth St Spring- field 111 f Wilson John Thomas (sp la 1900-1) Champaign 111 f WILSON Joseph Henderson (Instr Foundry U 111 1895-6) Lansing Mich Wilson Joseph Howell Jr (chem eng 1911-12) Merc Park Ridge 111 Wilson Joseph Wade (arch 1899-1903 BS g 1903-4 M Arch) Arch 727 Jlenry Bldg Seattle Wilson Mrs J W (see Forbes Marjorie D) Wilson Julius Murray (m eng 1869-70 MD (Ohio Med) '73 MD (Mo Med) '92 Med Marissa 111 Wilson Kenneth Leon (su 1914) Teach Atwood 111 Wilson Lelia Sara (la 1904-8 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Sec YWCA 341 54th St Ann Arbor Mich Wilson Leo (la 1913-15) Trav Inter- nat Shoe Co 805 S Second St Cham- paign 111 WILSON Leroy A (BS(Cor) '09 MME (do) '14 Instr Eng Res Cor U) Asst M Eng Eng Exp Sta U 111 1914- 726 WILSON— WILSON 1017 W Illinois St Urbana 111 (111 E Fall St Ithaca NY) * Wilson Leroy C (ag 1900-4 BS g 1904-5 MS) d June 19 1906 Prince- ton 111 Wilson Lester Roy (acad 1902-4 la 1904-7 AB) Ins Gibson City 111 Wilson Mrs L R (see Cameron Sarah H) WILSON Levi Thomas (AB(Wash & Lee) '09 AM( do ) '10 AM( Cal ) '13 PhD(Harv)'15 Also U Va 1910-11) Instr Math U 111 1915- 704 W Green St Urbana 111 ( Jonesboro Ark) wilson Lola Elsie (g latin 1914-15 AM AB (Hanover) '12) Neoga 111 Wilson Louis Andrew (c eng J913-14) Instrumentman Dept Eng 628a N Eighth St E St Louis 111 Wilson Louis Dale (sp ag 1905-8) Ag & Dairy 1112 N Champaign St Champaign 111 1 Wilson Love Frances (sp mus 1898-9) Guthrie 111 Wilson Lucy Gray (Mrs A W Errett Jr)(lib 1907-10 BLS) Home 524 S Chestnut St Kewanee 111 tWilson Luther M (sp ag 1877-8) Shelbyville 111 Wilson Lyle Avery (arch eng 1914- ) Stu Hamburg 111 Wilson Lyndon Rutledge (e eng 1915- ) Stu 500 1st Nat Bk Bldg Chicago Wilson M C (sp la 1878-9) Eet Ag Box 1312 Phoenix Ariz Wilson Margaret Mary (acad 1897-8 Also 111 St Nor U) La Place 111 Wilson Marvin Morris (acad 1907-10 sp ag 1906-7 '10-11) Ag R3 Argenta 111 Wilson Maxwell Blackburn (ag 1877- 81 Cert) Ret Ag Paris 111 Wilson Nancy Maude (Mrs R L Rey- nolds) (acad 1899-1902 Also 111 St Nor U) Home R3 Gibson City 111 (Guthrie 111) Wilson Nelle Mae (Mrs Nelson Scott) (lib 1907-10 BLS Also NW IT) Home 603 Fayette St Jacksonville 111 Wilson Nelle Ruth (Mrs George O P Seitz) (la 1911-13 Also Lindenwood' Coll 1910-11) Home 609 S Sante Fe Av Salina Kan ^Wilson Nellie C (acad 1877-8) Paris 111 Wilson Norman Kenneth (c eng 1910- 14 BS) C Eng 6233 Ingleside Av Chicago Wilson Page Hurlburt (acad 1906-9 sc 1909-11) Retail Coal Metamora 111 * Wilson Rachel S (Mrs C H Dennis) (acad 1879-80 la 1880-1) d May 16 1891 Paris 111 Wilson Ralph Oliver (ag 1914- ) Stu MeNabb 111 Wilson Ralph William (sp arch 1903- 4 Also Monmouth Coll) Jewelry Mfg 13 Maiden Lane Nek York tWilson Ray (m eng 1910-12) Prince- ton Mo (c/o J C Ford Urbana 111) Wilson Ray Walker (la com 1914-15 com 1915- ) Stu ' Princeton Mo Wilson Robert Conover (sc 1889-90 BS MD(Pa) '93 Also Blackburn U 1885-8) Med 4711 Greenwood Av Chicago (32 N State St) Wilson Robert Elmer (1 1909-10 Also 5 111 St Nor) Teach & Trav Mt Vernon 111 Wilson Robert John (chem eng 1910- 11) Mgr Merc Edison Park Chi- cago Wilson Ross B (m eng 1907-11 BS) Plumbing & Heat Contr 656 E Court St Kankakee 111 ( 417 S Elm Av Kan- kakee 111) Wilson Roy Lemuel (acad & sp ag 1902- 3) Buttermaker Belle Isle Dairy Co Oklahoma City 1 Wilson Schuyler Scovel (a eng 1905- 7) 5813 Calumet Av Chicago Wilson Sue (sp h sc 1909-10 BPd(Mo St Nor) '11 Also U Mo 1913 & Knox Coll) Teach H Sc Eldon Mo Wilson Sue Louise (sp sc 1901-2 Also Oxford Coll) Prin H Sch Oregon 111 (Rosemond 111) Wilson Theron Campbell (sp 1894-5 la 1895-7) Mahomet 111 (510 John St Champaign 111) Wilson Thomas (e eng 1898-1902 BS) Assoc Ed " Power" 1144 Monadnoek Blk Chicago (153 Humphrey Av Chi- cago) WILSON Victor Tyson (ME (Cor) '02 Grad Pa Museum & Sch Indus Art Philadelphia 1886 Instr Free Hand & Mech Draw Cor U 1893-1903 Instr Mech Eng Drexell Inst 1903-4 Asst Prof GED U 111 1904-7 Prof Eng Draw U Pa 1907-8) Prof Draw & De- sign Mich Ag Coll 1908- E Lansing Mich Wilson Mrs W Bent (see Adams Nettie) Wilson Walter LeRoy (la 1914-15) Dairy Ag Alton 111 WILSON Wilbur M (CE(Ia) MME (Cor) '04 Asst Prof M Eng la St Coll 1904-6 Assoc Prof do 1906-7) Asst Prof Struct Eng U 111 1913- 1107 S Busey Av Urbana 111 Wilson Willabelle Bernice (Mrs C V Powers) (sc 1904-8 AB) c/o Bur Pub Wks Manila PI Wilson Willard Oliver (la 1914- Also Pur U) Stu Wilmot Mass ^Wilson William Andrew (acad 1898-9) WILSON— WIN KLER •27 Pana 111 wilson William Harold (g math 1913- 14 AM '14 AB (Albion) '13) Asst Math U 111 1914- 610 E Stoughton Av Champaign 111 Wilson Mrs W J (see Gregory E) Wilson William LeRoy (c eng 1900-3) RR C Eng San Francisco-Oakland Ter Rys Co Oakland Cal (Lake St & Cuyler Av Oak Park 111) Wilson William Patterson (arch eng 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu Coal City IU Wilson William Webb (sp ag 1910-13 '14-15 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Field- man Ag Coll U 111 Elvaston 111 (Rl Brownstown 111) Wilson Winifred (la 1914- Also E III St Nor) Stu Atwood HI Wilt Alva Lewis (sc 1901-5 AB) Ag Lake City 111 Wilton St John William (su 1913 Also McKendree Coll) Prin H Sch Sparta 111 Wiltsee Beatrice Lenore (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 1022 S Boots St Marion Ind \Wiltz Oliver John (acad 1899 Also Spaulding Inst) 301 E University Av Champaign 111 Wiman Raymond (ag 1913-14 Also E 111 St Nor) Oblong 111 Wimple Maud Evangeline (Mrs W E Gosselin) (su 1907) Home 7816 Hamp- ton St New Orleans Winans Harold George (e eng 1911-12 '15- ) Stu 16 S Locust St Aurora HI Winans Jason Hobart (ag 1915) d Dec 25 1915 Rutland 111 Winans Orin Clifford (ag 1910-11) Ag R8 Paris 111 Winchell Harley Corson (acad 1889-90 la 1890-1 Also NW U 1892-4) Adv 548 Farwell Av Milwaukee (2717 McKinley Blvd) WINCHELL Samuel Robertson (AB (Mich) '70 AM (do) '73 Prin Winchell Acad Evanston 111 1894-7 Prof Latin IT 111 1889-91) Prop Chgo Sch Supply House 1844 W Lake St Chicago (Oak Park 111) Winders Bess May (Mrs J B Laskey) (acad 1901-3 sp la 1903-6) Home Sycamore 111 (514 Mathews Av Ur- ban a 111) Winders Charles Henry (la 1899-1900 Also Col U Law Sch 1903) Law Low- man Bldg Seattle (Aledo 111) Winders Frank Ral (e eng 1901-5 BS) E Eng S W Winders Sycamore 111 Windle Clifford Cover (sp ag 1912-13 '15- Also Mt Morris Coll) Stu Mt Morris 111 ? Window William Benedict (sp ag 1905-7) Urbana 111 WINDSOR Phineas Lawrence (PhB (NW) '95 Also NY Lib Sch 1897-9 & Albany Law Sch 1899-1900 Asst NY St Lib 1899-1900 Asst Libr Congress 1900-3 Libr U Tex 1903-9) Libr & Dir Lib Sch U 111 1909- 609 Michi- gan Av Urbana 111 Winegar Marion Alice (su 1911) Children's Libr 176 Eagle St Keno- sha Wis Wineman Earl (acad 1905-6 law 1906-9 LLB) Law Stanford Mont (Auburn 111) Wing Alice Louise (lib 1902-4 BLS Also Alma Coll 1899-1901) Lib Catg Ohio Wes U Delaware O (Ludington Mich) tWing Claude Pierce (c eng 1908-9) Elgin 111 Wing De Witt Cosgrove (sp ag 1900- 2) Edit "Breeder's Gazette" 542 S Dearborn St Chicago Wing Florence Sherwood (lib 1899- 1901 BLS) Libr 1000 Main St La Crosse Wis Wing Orion (la 1914-15 Also U Wis & N 111 St Nor) Supt Schs Wing 111 (Capron 111) Wingard Anna Laura (la 1889-94) Priv Sec 4011 Drexel Blvd Chicago (407 N State St Champaign 111) Wingard David Roy (sp law 1899-1900) Trav Sales 607 S State St Champaign 111 Wingard Harry (la 1915- ) Stu 407 N State St Champaign 111 Wingard Lewis Forney (la 1893-8 AB law 1898-1900 Also NW U) Law & Dir First St Trust & Sav Bk 201 N Neil St Champaign 111 (407 N State St) \Wingate Bertha Thomas (acad 1898-9) Lovington 111 WINGER Roy Martin (AB (Baker) '06 PhD(JHopk)'12 Prin Holton H Sch 1907-8 Instr Math U 111 1912-13) Asst Prof Math U Ore 1913- Eu- gene Ore Winger Mrs R M (see McDonald Alice) Wingert Frank Jennings (c eng 1905-6 '07-8) M Eng . Franklin Pk 111 (1824 Jersey St Quincy 111) tWingfield Martha Faye (sp mus 1905- 7) Philo 111 winkelmann Herbert August (g chem 1914-15 MS g chem 1915- BS(NW) '14) Asst Chem U 111 1915- 917 W Green St Urbana 111 (Appleton Minn) Winkleman Roland Randolph (la 1914- 15) 408 Second Av Belleville 111 Winklemann Roland Earl (la 1914- ) Stu 1206 E < ' B " St Belleville 111 Winkler Frank Crawford (1 1898-9 Also Dixon Coll Law) Law Oakland 728 WINKLER— WIRTH 111 Winkler Joe H (m eng 1870-2) Cat- tle & Ranch Horsecreek SD Winkler Ross Wayne (ag 1914- ) Stu Newman 111 Winn Benjamin (ag 1915- ) Stu Richmond 111 *Winn Chester Vernon (sp ag 1908-10) d Oct 31 1912 Chicago fWinn Clarence Clyde (e eng 1904-8) White Hall 111 Winn Claude Ethelbert (c eng 1903-8 BS) Plant Dept W Union Tel Co 6159 Kenwood Av Chicago Winn George L (la com 1870-2 MD (NW)'76) Med 419 W State St Rockford 111 (Woodstock 111) jWinn George Lyman (acad 1901-2) White Hall 111 Winn George Pickrell (e eng 1914- ) Stu 3628 Harrison Blvd Kansas City Mo Winn Glenn Hollis (com 1915- ) Stu 1645 Chicago Rd Chicago Heights 111 tWinn Maude Eilsen (sp mus 1908-9) 205 W Oregon St Urbana 111 iWinn Norman Emery (acad 1908-9) 205 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Winn Victor Jay (la & ag 1913-14) Stu U Chgo 1273 Victor Av Chicago Winning Margaret Irene (lib 1913-14 PhB (Wooster) '12 ) Libr Galveston Tex Winokur Morris Charles (c eng 1914- ) Stu 1300 N Western Av Chicago Winquist Samuel Victor (la com 1910- 14 AB) c/o Passenger Dept CB&Q RR Chicago (194 Houston St Ba- tavia 111) Winship Mrs Benjamin N (see Sprague Florence O) Winship Mary Alameda (la h sc 1914}) Stu Tiskilwa 111 Winslow Charles Erastmus (acad 1893- 4 DDS(NW)'97) Dent 628 Second Av Detroit IWinslow Charles Kilburn (acad 1876- 7) Danville 111 IWinslow Fred Albert (acad 1893-4) 122 Lincoln Av Freeport 111 Winslow Frederic Hance (acad 1901-2 m eng 1902-4) c/o J F King Jack- sonville 111 Winslow Joseph Charles (g bacteriol 1914-15 Also Carrol Coll 1910-12 AB (Wis) '14) Asst Bacteriol U ND University ND (Onro Wis) Winslow Lawson Tracy (ag 1915- ) Stu 620 W Main St Lewistown Mont t Winslow Winnie (su 1906 &'ll Also E 111 St Nor) Greenup 111 WINSTON Ambrose Pare (AB(Wis) '87 PhD (Cor) '00 Also J Hopk U 1891-2 & U Chgo 1892-3 Instr Hist U 111 1893-4 Instr Ohio St U Instr & Asst Prof Econ Wash U 1901-10) Prof Econ Coll Finance 1910- Peking China Winston Charles Sumner (g 1897-8 AB(Chgo)'96) Chf Eng Kellog Switchboard & Supply Co 5632 Ken- wood Av Chicago Winston Mrs H W (see Howser Laura B) Winter Bain Edward (la 1903-5) Merc Charleston III Winter Charles Joseph (sp ag 1904-6) Fin c/o D P Hollingworth Washing- ton la Winter Elijah (ag 1913- ) Stu An- nawan 111 *Winter Harry William (sp arch 1904- 6 Also Shurtleff Coll) d Oct 25 1907 Alton 111 Winter J W (sp ag 1900-1) Ag Wenona 111 * Winter Julia Flora (Mrs J E Hatch) (gen 1895-7 AB) d 1908 Melsetter Rhodesia S Africa Winter Paul John (su 1909 Also Greenville Coll) Ag lone Cal Winter Robert Lowell (sp ag 1907-8) Merc 962 Tenth St Charleston 111 Winterberger Ralph (sp ag 1900-2) Mail Carrier 1223 N Sixth St Spring- field 111 Wintermeyer Elsa (Mrs C D Wessel- hoeft) (sc 1910-13 AB Also Lewis Inst) Stu Chgo Nor 151 N Mason Av Chi- cago (2204 Warren Av) Winters Arthur Danforth (sc 1913) Hutsonville 111 Winters Charles Prior (la com 1911-15 AB) Bus 10745 S Seeley Av Chi- cago Winters Harrison (arch eng 1914-15) Estimator McLean Bldg Co Detroit (741% 14th St Milwaukee) Winters Lawrence Morse (la com 1914- 15 com 1915- ) Stu 10745 S Seeley Av Chicago Winters Nina Lucille (la 1915- ) Stu Kansas 111 Wintin Leota King (sp h sc 1909-10 PhB(Chgo)'13) 3322 Michigan Av Chicago (Norman Okla) Wipfler Robert Edwin (sp c eng 1906- 7 Also U Wis) C & Min Eng 219 McDougal Av Detroit IWirick R W (acad 1894-5) Urbana 111 Wirt Verna Edna (la h sc 1915- Also UCal) Stu Le Roy 111 Wirth Freemont Philip (su 1915 Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Schs Cerro Gordo 111 (R3 Waterloo 111) Wirth Walter Valentine (la 1913- ) Stu 326 W Ninth St Mt Carmel 111 WISE— WITTENBEEG 729 Wise Albert Thaddeus (su 1904 Also 111 St Nor) Gov Eev Serv 706 Sev- enth St Pekin 111 (Chatsworth 111) Wise Clark Edward (ag 1913-15 Feb 1916- ) Stu 508 W Union St Cham- paign 111 Wise Earle DeWitt (sc 1907-9 MD (Rush) '14) Med 508 W Union St Champaign 111 Wise Elmer Jason (acad 1903-4 sp law 1904-7) Ag Potomac 111 Wise George Young (acad 1904 ) 501 Babcock St Urbana 111 Wise James Thompson (su 1901 Also Austin Coll) Ag Sadorus 111 Wise John Elroy (sp ag 1900-1) Ag Alma Mich Wise Leonard E (ag 1902-6 BS) Lum- ber Merc Rocky Ford Colo Wise Lewis W (acad 1899-1900 ag 1900-4 BS) Ag Watseka 111 (Lint- ner 111) tWise Louis Edwin (sp ag 1909-11) Beaver Creek 111 Wise Opal (la 1915- ) Stu 508 Union St Champaign 111 Wise Seibert Day (1 1910-12 LLB (Mich) '14) Law Harrisburg 111 (El- dorado 111) Wisegarver Carter Campbell (ag 1915- Also Eureka Coll) Stu DeLand 111 Wisegarver Elizabeth Pauline (la h sc 1914- Also Eureka Coll) Stu De- land 111 Wisegarver Warner Wayne (ag 1910- 11 Also Eureka Coll) Ag DeLand HI Wisegarver William Hetrjck (acad 1900-1 sp ag 1901-2) Ag Savoy 111 Wisehart Eugene Lawrence (ag 1914- 15 Also Howe Sch) 937 E Drive Woodruff Indianapolis Wisehart George Bancroft (su 1904) Carpenter 308 W John St Champaign 111 wiseman Esther Grace (g engl 1914- 15 AM AB(Shurtleff)'14) Mound Valley Kan Wiseman Joseph Scott (su 1910 BS (Col Teach) '10) Superv Indus Ed 434 S Main St Kewanee 111 Wiseman Mathew Joseph (acad 1908-10) 926 N Walnut St Danville 111 Wishon Thomas Arvid (ag 1910-11) Ag Bowen 111 IWisner Samuel' Eugene (cer 1912-13) c/o Loyd Lumber Co Hot Springs Ark Wissing Clement Bernard (acad 1905-7 m eng 1907-11 BS) M Eng Ebner Ice & Cold Stor Co Vincennes Ind (428 Vigo St) Wiswall Thomas (c eng 1890-2) Ag Gooby SD Witchell Barton Edward (e eng 1911- 13) Dep Co Clk 407 E Broadway St Muskogee Okla Witcher Edward Kitchell (la 1908-12 AB Also Vanderbilt U) Gen Sec YMCA UOkla Norman Okla (221 S Morgan St Olney 111) With George Orlando (mun eng 1911- 15 BS) Ofc City Eng Chicago Heights 111 (810 Third Av Joliet 111) 1 'Withers Arthur Seward (acad 1890- 1) Englewood 111 Withers Mrs Bertha Haven (Mrs Wil- liam) (su 1907 &'09 Also Chgo Nor) Teach 405 W Columbia St Cham- paign III Withers Llora (Mrs C E Biggs) (mus 1907-10) Concert Mus 510 E 62nd St Chicago (Lexington HI) * Withers William Aaron (acad 1S99- 91) d New Orleans La Withers William Price (c eng 1915-16 Also Pur U) Stu US Naval Acad 1017 Vaughn Av Ashland Wis Witherspoon Clyde Finley (ag 1914- ) Stu 510 E Springfield Av Champaign 111 ^Witherspoon Jacob Arthur ( acad 1905-6) Maxim Ind Withrow Frances Louise (la 1915- ) Stu 1134 S Seventh St Springfield 111 WITHROW James Renwick (BS(Pa) '89 PhD (do) '05 Asst Chem U 111 1905-6 Instr Indus & Ap Elec Chem Ohio St U 1906-9 Asst Prof Chem do 1909-11) Assoc Prof Ohio St U 1912- Columbus O Withycombe Robert (g agron 1907-9 BS(Ore Ag) '01) Ag Supt E Ore Ag Exper Sta Union Ore (Corvallis Ore) Witt Adaline Elizabeth (Mrs G W Davis) (sc 1907-11 AB) Home Box 475 Bradentown Fla Witt Archie Hannah (c eng 1905-6) Consult M Eng 1409 Amer Trust Bldg Birmingham Ala (3915 Cliff Rd) ?Witt Clarence Oliver (su 1911) La Fayette 111 (Joliet 111) Witt Otto (m eng 1905-7) Transfer 1436 Main St Davenport la Witt William Paxton (c eng 1908-12 BS) Asst Cash St Bk Ag Kane 111 Witte Bertha Otellie (su 1906) Teach H Sch Decatur 111 (Pekin 111) Witte George Arnold (m eng 1910-11) Ag Sunnyvale Cal Witte Hulda Catherine (la 1906-10 AB) Teach Hyde Park H Sch 5430 Cor- nell Av Chicago (Pekin 111) Wittenberg Frank Jr (c eng 1908-9) Little Rock Ark Wittenburg George Hyde (arch 1910- 14 BS) 1913 Scott St Little Rock 730 WITTICH— WOLFORD Ark Wittich Fred Peter (e eng 1909-13 BS) Traffic Eng SW Bell Tel Sys 4061a Labadie Av St Louis Wittlinger Emma Marie (Mrs F W Schlie) (la 1901-4 AB) Home 537 S Oakland St Decatur 111 Witty George Edwin (ag 1914-15) Pleasant Plains 111 Witzemann Mrs E J (see Laughlin Lulu L) Woelbeling William Kenneth (e eng 1912-15) 1958 Sedgwick St Chicago Woelfel Carl (sc 1905-6) Mfg Morris 111 Woerman Lilliam Honens (la h sc 1915- ) Stu 5108 Cabanne St St Louis fWoerner Louise (su 1905 &'07) Oak- ville La Wohlenberg Walter Jacob (g m eng 1912-13 BS(Neb'lO) Asst Prof M Eng U Okla Norman Okla Wohlfarth Jennie Pearl (Mrs J H Kelker)(sp mus 1902-3) Home 436 N Twelfth St Quincy 111 Wohlfarth Minnie (Mrs O H Brown) (acad 1896-7) Home Kitchell Av Pana 111 *Wolcott James Thompson ( acad 1893-4 sc 1894-8 BS) d 1904 Ft Worth Tex Wolcott Richard John (m eng 1896-8) Mech 157 Union Av Batavia 111 Wolcott Ward Shanks (m eng 1912-13 Also Denison U) Eng Dept Bur- roughs Adding Mach Co 689 Trumbull Av Detroit Wold Charles Abraham (c eng 1909-13 BS) Drainage Eng & Contr Box 344 Pomeroy la Wold Ingal Ensor (ag 1913- Also U Minn) Stu 715 W Third St Dixon 111 Woleben Dean Parkhurst (c eng 1908- 10 '12-14 BS) US Surv 2736 Hart- zell St Evanston 111 (c/o Amer Chess Bulletin 150 Nassau St New York) Woleben Fred Alvin (ag 1915- ) Stu Marengo 111 Woleben Wilbur Townsend (ag 1915- Also Dart Coll) Stu 60 W Hickory St Chicago Heights 111 Wolf Mrs (see Nycum Mary) Wolf Andrew John (ag 1910-11) Ag Freeburg 111 Wolf Antonette Catherine (la 1914- Also Lake Forest Coll) Stu 707 11th St LaSalle 111 tWolf Arthur Alfred (acad 1898-9 sp e eng 1899-1901 '03-4) Farina 111 Wolf Edd (sp ag 1899-1901) Ag Farina 111 Wolf Elsa Caroline (ag h sc 1915- ) Stu 709 Nevada St Urbana 111 Wolf Herman Carl (e eng 1909-13 BS g 1913-14 MS) Serv Insp St Pub Util- ities Comm Springfield 111 Wolf John Emerson (m eng 1905-9 BS) Farm Mgr Lanark 111 Wolf Joseph Hanna (ag 1912-13) Law 306 Lexington St Danville Ky tWolf Louis August (sp ag 1902-4) Farina 111 tWolf Luther Otterbein (c eng 1907-8 Also Cor U) Keithsburg 111 Wolf Otto Fred (c eng 1905-10 BS g eng 1915) Stu Des Plaines 111 Wolf Will Charles (su 1902 sp sc 1903- 5 Also 111 St Nor) C & Min Eng 303 Forest Av Belleville 111 Wolfarth Carl Albert (acad 1894-5) 2405 Dearborn St Chicago Wolfe Edna Mabel (Mrs A A Dix) (sp mus 1910-11) Teach Mus West- ville 111 (Catlin 111) t Wolfe Gertrude Veronica (sp h sc 1907-8) 308 S Bloomington St Strea- tor 111 t Wolfe Irmagard Hulda (la 1904-8) Polo 111 (423 W Green St Louisville Ky) tWolfe Jacob (1 1909-13) 1735 E Main St Lafayette Ind Wolfe Laura (su 1915) 808 Main St Covington Ky Wolfe Mrs O O Jr (see Jeffrey Eva R) Wolfe Philip Addes (chem eng 1908-9) Mail Ord Sales Corresp 1315 S Avers Av Chicago Wolfe Ray Friesner (ag 1915- Also Mt Morris Coll) Stu La Place 111 Wolfe Viola Esther (la 1911-15 AB) Teach Princeville 111 (504 N Busey Av Urbana 111) Wolfe William Sidney (acad 1907-9 arch eng 1909-13 BS g 1913-14 MS) Instr Arch Eng U 111 1914- 504 N Busey Av Urbana 111 Wolfers Robert Charles (la Feb 1916- Also U Wis) Stu Hopkins Mo Wolff Aline Jeannette (la h sc 1914- ) Stu 510 W Iowa St Urbana 111 Wolff Clarence Jacob (la jour 1909- 14 AB) Jour 510 W Iowa St Ur- bana 111 Wolff Grover Cleveland (ag 1903-4) Merc 418 W 20th St Spokane Wash (Mundata '111) Wolff Solomon (e eng 1898-1902 BS) Dist Mgr De Laval Steam Turbine Co 6 M Eng 629 People's Gas Bldg Chi- cago Wolff Victor Anthony (sp ag 1908-9) Ag Evansville 111 Wolford Maud Blackwell (Mrs C F WOLFORD— WOOD *31 Shane) (sp la 1899-1900 AB (Wilming- ton Coll) '97 Also Wellesley 1897-8) Home 1701 N Vermilion St Danville 111 Wolford Sadie Wicks (a&d 1900-1) Danville 111 Wolgast Dora Emma (sp mus 1915-16) Teach Mus Danforth 111 Wolgast Fred William (acad 1905-6) Time-keeper & Commissary Clk Cus- son Minn Wolgast Leota Alice (la 1914- ) Stu Danforth 111 ?Woll Henry Lawrence (acad 1903-4 '05-6 su 1907) Lovington 111 ?WoUaver Jennie Ella (sp la 1901-3) Urbana 111 Wollenhaupt Walter F (su 1913 &'14 & '15 PhB(Ia) , 08) Supt Schs Hume 111 Wolleson Herbert Henry (arch eng 1898-1902 BS) Abstractor & Exam Land Titles Belleville 111 Wolter Herbert (ag 1914- ) Stu 614 Wayne St Danville 111 Wolter Mitchell (la 1911- ) Stu 350 Seventh St Moline 111 Wolter Peter Jx (acad 1910 ) 2325 W North Av Chicago Woltmann Jesse John (c eng 1908-11 '12-14 BS) City Eng Anna 111 Woltmann Louis William (la com 1913- 15) Merc Nokomis HI \Woltzen Adolph (acad 1896-7 Also 111 St Nor) Benson 111 Woltsen Edward Henry (acad 1910-11) Benson 111 Womacks Mabel Clara (la 1910-15 AB). Teach E4 Champaign 111 Womacks Nita (Mrs R N Laffoon) (acad 1896-8) Home Box 28 Serena 111 Womacks Peter Clay (sp ag 1907-9) Ag R15 Culver Ind Womacks Wilson Emerson (acad 1879- 80 la 1880-2) Ag R18 Ogden HI Womeldurf Percy Reginald (e eng 1909-10) Contr Elec & Concrete Wk Pasco Wash (310 "C" St NE Lin- ton Ind) ?Wong Ching Ying (c eng 1909-10) Kiung Chow Kwangstong Province China Wong Isaac Nelson (com 1915- Also Cor Coll) Stu Sang-EK-Dong Duai-U Foochow Fukien China Wong Marvin Yik Hsin (com 1915- ) Stu Y 1786 N Szechuen Rd Shang- hai China Wong Som Quong (su 1915 Also Leurs Inst) 566 Main St Deadwood SD Wong Te Chang (su 1914 Also Coll Language Peking) Soochow China ?Wong Tuck Ting (la 1909-10) Seun- ning China Wong Wing-Fooe (la com 1910-13 Also Cor U 1909) Ed YMCA H Sch la Kiaachow Rd Shanghai China Wong Yick Kuen (ag 1912-15 Also U Mo) Hort Box 197 Gainesville Fla (735 Clay St San Francisco) Wong Yuk Man (m eng 1915- ) Stu Canton China Woo Chi Ting (la 1913-14 Also St John's U China) Stu Ohio Northern U Ada O (Chekiang Tzche China) Woo Tsing Too (e eng 1910-13) E Eng Au-Fu Club House West Mead- ow Av Shen-Woo Cafe Peking China Woo Wai Shun (ag 1909-13 BS) 140 Range Rd Shanghai China Woo Yin (la 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu Swatow Kwang Tung China Wood Mrs (see Blaisdell Maria L) Wood Adeline (ag h sc 1912- ) Stu Sullivan 111 Wood Asher Giles (acad 1907-8) Trav Sales 211 W Illinois St Urbana HI Wood Atha Eudora (Mrs L S Fowler) (ag 1913-14) Home Penfield 111 Wood Benjamin (com 1915- ) Stu R6 (746) Independence Mo Wood Beulah Miles (la 1902-4 '07-8 AB) Teach Petersburg 111 Wood Bonny Blossom ( su 1914) Mitchell Ind Wood Charles Clifford (c eng 1914- ) Stu 900 W Morton Av Jacksonville 111 Wood Charles Harlington (1 1902-4 '07-8 LLB) Law 229%S Sixth St Springfield 111 (219 S Walnut St) Wood Charles N (sp 1873-4) R Est Minot ND Wood Clifton Joseph (sp 1900-1) Ag Mt Carmel 111 wood Cornelia Ethel (Mrs H H Linney) (g engl 1905-7 AM AB (Greenville) '03) Whipple Heights Prescott Ariz (Greenville 111) Wood Daniel Charles (e eng 1909-13 BS) E Eng 700 S Eighth St Pekin 111 Wood Dorothy Ann (sp mus 1907-9) Stu Mus Conserv Chicago 804 N Evans St Bloomington 111 Wood Ethel (Mrs H H Lumev) (su 1905&'06) Whipple Hgts Prescott Ariz tWood Eunice Lillie (su 1903) Gif- ford 111 Wood Eva Myrtle (su 1915) Libr 217 N Taylor Av Oak Park 111 Wood Frank Elmer (g sc 1906-7 AB (Mich) '05 Asst Biol Surv U 111 1905-9) Prof Biol & Geol 111 Wes U 1909- Bloomington 111 Wood Frederick Lansing (ag 1872-6 Cert) c/o Mrs Amina E Smith 1122 E 90th St Chicago 732 WOOD— WOODFORD Wood George Vernon (sp 1905-7 law 1907-10 LLB) Grain Merc Gifford 111 Wood Harley Broadwell (sp ag 1909-10 Also McKendree Coll) Vet Dieterich 111 (Windsor 111) Wood Harry Gardner (e eng 1910-14 BS) 539 S Kosciusko St Jacksonville 111 Wood Harry Milner (sp ag 1892-3) Ag Delavan 111 WOOD Harry Peterman (BS(PaSt)'99 EE(do)'03 Asst Prof E Eng Pa St Coll 1902-6 Asst Prof E Eng U 111 1906-7) Prof E Eng Ga Sch Tech 1907- Atlanta Ga Wood Harry Thomas (la 1910-15 AB) Teach H Sch YMCA Springfield 111 (Hennepin 111) Wood Harvey Aden (su 1911 Also Millikin U) Atty 819 Oneida St Joliet 111 Wood Harvey Chase (m eng 190U-5) Adv & Publ 227 Fulton St New York (River Eoad Bound Brood NJ) Wood Mrs H C (see Cox Myra C) Wood Harvey E (la & law 1896-1900 AB g 1900-1) Atty 819 Oneida St Joliet 111 Wood Mrs H E (see Lindsay Blanche) Wood Helen Louise (la 1915- ) Stu 700 S Eighth St Pekin 111 IWood Henry A (acad 1899-00 Also 111 Wes U) 307 W High St Urbana 111 Wood Henry Clay (ag 1904-6 '09-10 BS Also U Chgo) Ag Macon Miss Wood Henry Lowell (ag 1915-16) Res- taurant 111 N Walnut St Champaign Wood Ira F (su 1905 Also Valparaiso Nor) Law 123 E Eighth St Mt Car- mel 111 Wood Iris Leota (mus 1905-7 Also U Mich) Asst United Charities 1350 N Dearborn St Chicago (804 N Evans St Bloomington 111) *Wood Jennie L (la 1874-5) d Minonk 111 Wood John Henry (la com 1875-6) Be. tail Mgr Carson Pierie Scott & Co Chicago (Cairo 111) Wood Lawrence Anselm (su 1914 Also Ind U) Mitchell Ind Wood Lenore Elsa (Mrs W Clouse) (su 1907) Home Chrisman 111 Wood Lewis Hungerford (m eng 1903- 6 BS Also U Wis) Teach 358 W Grand Av Beloit Wis Wood Lewis Bobert (sp m eng 1908-11) Repr Nat Cash Reg Co Dayton (Pekin 111) Wood Mrs Lucian ( see Straight Gladys L) Wood Margaret Cro well (Mrs CR Dick) (lib 1907-10 BLS Also St Mary's- Knoxville) 649 W North St Decatur 111 Wood Otis LeRoy (cer eng 1911-13 Also Carth Coll) Cer Eng 415 Main St Carthage 111 Wood Paul Washington Jr (arch eng 1915- ) Stu Carrollton 111 Wood Reuben O (ag 1868-72 Cert '95) Ag Woodburn 111 Wood Robert Alvin (m eng 1886-91 '93- 4 BS g 1894-5 ME) US Bur Mines Pittsburg (Aspinwall Pa) Wood Stephen Gaskell (m eng 1906-10 BS) Res 221 S 19th Av Maywood 111 Wood Mrs Thomas A (see Gish Laura G) Wood Walter Ray ( acad 1902-3 ) Painting & Paper Contr 507 W Cali- fornia St Urbana 111 WOOD William T (Col US Army Prof Mil Sci & Tac U 111 1880-3) Sec & Treas US Soldier's Home Washing- ton Woodard Evan Eustice » (m eng 1905- 7) Grain & Lumber Fairdale 111 Woodard J Earle (arch 1910-11) Arch Draft C H Byfield 923 Law Bldg Indianapolis (YMCA Indianapolis) Woodard Roma Lillian (sp ag h sc 1915- Also Millikin U) Stu Sidney 111 Woodbridge Mary Emily (sc 1904-8 AB Also E 111 St Nor SM(Chgo) '11) Seed Analyst 5467 Greenwood Av Chicago Woodburn Chester C (arch eng 1914-15 Also Cor U) 327 Stone St Boone la Woodburn Roy Morton (sp m eng 1909- 10 Also N 111 St Nor) c/o Harris Trust & Sav Bk Chicago (Byron 111) Woodcock Bess Bryan (Mrs E R Mur- phy) (h sc 1906-7) Home Clear Creek Utah (Champaign 111) Woodcock Edwin Wellington (ag 1910- 11) Pres Road Maker Publ Co 524 17th St Moline 111 Woodcock Harold Richard (e eng 1910- 12) Electr 206 W White St Cham- paign 111 Woodcock Harriett Elizabeth (Mrs C M Caldwell) (su 1901 sp la 1903-5) Home 104 E Green St Champaign 111 Woodcock Helen Ernestine (la h sc 1912-14 '15- Feb '16) 863 25th St Ogden Utah Wooden Mrs Henry (see Walton Lo- retta) •FWoodford Harriet Louise (la 1907-9 WOODHAM— WOODS 733 Also U Chgo) Cleveland Woodham George Elmer (ag 1915- Also McKendree Coll) Stu Gray- ville 111 Woodham Harry C (sc 1903-7 AB g 1907-8 Also N Ind Nor & U Cal) Stu Ag Coll 713 Grove Av Ukiah Cal Woodin Charles Kahlke (m eng 1906-9 '10-11 ) Supt Hayes Pump & Planter Co Galva 111 922 First Av Eock Is- land 111 Woodin Dennis Earl (sp ag 1903-5) Ag Sunnyside Wash f Woodin D wight E J (sp ag 1902-6) St Joseph 111 Woodin Earl Belmont (c eng 1902-6 BS) C Eng & Struct Steel Draft 108 S Kostner Av Chicago Woodin Ernest Clair (acad 1902-3 m eng 1903-7 BS) Asst Supt 156 Eu- genie St Chicago Woodin Jason (sp ag 1901-2) Ag & Fruit Grow Sunnyside Wash Woodin Josephine Mae (Mrs H T Har- din) (sp 1902-3) Home 128 N Gar- field Av Peoria 111 woodin Mary Eastiman (g 1913-14 AM BS( Welles) '10) Teach H Sch 34 School St Carthage NY Woodin Norman Charles (m eng 1898- 1904 BS) M Eng 2208 Ogden Av Superior Wis "Woodman Florence Howard (h sc ,1909-12) d Feb 2 1912 6045 Wood- lawn Av Chicago Woodmansee Ralph Collum (lib 1899- 1903 BLS Asst Loan Desk U 111 Lib 1904-5) Traffic Chf Pacific Tel & Tel Co 1911- Chico Cal Woodroofe Louise Marie (la 1912- ) Stu 502 W Hill St Champaign 111 ?Woodrow Charles N (acad 1878-80) Green Valley HI Woodrow Flossie Mae (sc 1910-11 BS (Drake U) '12) Teach H Sch 1118 W 26th St Des Moines la (703 W California Av Urbana 111) woodrow Harry Ray (g physics 1909- 11 MS BS(Drake)'09) Asst Chf E Eng Edison Co 130 E 15th St New York (79 Greenridge Av White Plains NY) WOODROW Jay Walter (g physics 1910- 12 AB(Drake)'07 (AB (Oxford Eng) '10 PhD (Yale) '13 Asst Physics Drake U 1905-7 Instr Physics U 111 1910-12) Instr Physics U Colo 1914- Boulder Colo (1118 W 26th St Des Moines la) Woodrow Raymond Burns (ag 1915- Also Bradley Poly) Stu Green Val- ley 111 Woodrow Richard Lewis (sp ag 1907- 9) Ag Rl Green Valley 111 Woodrow Richard Sylvester (sp 1901- 2) R Est 4 Harold Arms Toledo O Woodrow William L (sp 1884-5) Ag & Stock Green Valley 111 Woodruff Arthur Eugene (m eng 1910- II su 1912 com 1915- ) Stu 506 E Columbia Av Champaign 111 Woodruff Mrs D wight (see Baker Lou) Woodruff Paul Allison (e eng 1915- ) Stu R2 Georgetown 111 ? Woodruff Ralph Hiram (la 1897-8) At home Eagle Point 111 Woodruff Ruth Beatrice (ag 1915- Feb 16) At home 506 E Columbia Av Champaign 111 Woodruff Thomas Tyson (acad 1888- 9 e eng 1889-93 BS) E Eng 329 N Eighth St Quincy 111 t Woods Abraham D (sp 1870-1) Woodburn 111 Woods Andrew Chevalier Jr (m eng 1913- ) Stu 1300 Fisher Bldg Chi- cago Woods Ardie Geraldine (la 1910-13 AB Also W 111 St Nor) Teach Sullivan III (Adair 111) *WOODS Arthur Tannatt (MME(Cor) '90 Also Annapolis Naval Acad Asst Prof M Eng U 111 1883- Prof do 1887-91 Prof Dynamic Eng Wash U 1891-2) d Feb 7 1893 Chicago ?Woods Cedar Arabella (lib 1907-8 Also Denver Nor) Walnut la (Spring- field Mo) Woods Frances Octavia (la 1914- Also Ober Coll) Stu 3307 Lawton Av St Louis Woods Frank Early (ag 1910-12) Ag R26 Williamsville 111 Woods George Edward (la 1909-13 AB) Stu Harv Law Sch 301 S Cen- tral Av Paris 111 Woods Grace B (la 1915- ) Stu 406 Fifth Av Sterling 111 Woods Harry Morgan (ag 1910-11 Also U Me) Ag R6 Brewer Me * Woods Harvey Chester (1870-2) d Mt Sterling 111 WOODS Herbert Spencer (g chem 1905-6 AB(Mo)'04 AM(do) '05 Asst Chem U 111 1905-6 Teach U Wis 1906-7 Ohio Ag Exp Sta 1907-8) Teach Morgan Hill Cal (Versailles Mo) Woods Lenna Beryl (la 1914- ) Stu 1007 S First St Champaign 111 Woods Lois May (lib 1915- BL(Cal) '15) Stu 1334 Spruce St Berkeley Cal Woods Lyle Lucile (la 1915 Feb 16) Asst Bkpr 3220 Pierce Av Chicago 734 WOODS— WOOLFORD Woods Paul Orrin (ag 1905-6 Grad Ont Vet Coll & Chgo Vet Coll MDC & VS) Vet 316 S Second St Green- ville 111 Woods Ralf Charles (ag 1913- ) Stu 1239 Chicago Av Evanston 111 *Woods Ray Elmo (acad 1891-2) dDec 16 1902 Colorado Springs (Gard- ner 111) Woods Raj James (la com 1913-15 com 1915- ) Stu 1239 Chicago Av Evanston 111 Woods Riley Fassett (acad 1898-1900 sp 1900-2) Cash 1st Nat Bk Tam- pico 111 (LaMoille 111) Woods Weightstill Arno (la 1905-6 AB(Mo)'ll JD(Chgo)'13 Also Mc- Gill U) Law 1108 Fisher Bldg Chi- cago (1156 E 54th Place) Woods William F (la & law 1896- 1900 AB 1900-2 LL B) Law 609 W University Av Champaign 111 Woods Mrs W F (see Casserly Mar- garet May) tWoodside David Alexander (chem eng 1911-12) Sparta 111 Woodward Claude Alonzo (sp ag 1906- 7) Carpenter & Build 917 North Av Rockford 111 Woodward Clayton Emery (sc 1901-2 Also NW U MD(Pa)'74) Med 980 N Water St Decatur 111 (Grand Ridge 111) *Woodward Edward Mortimer (acad 1881-3) d 1885 Odin 111 Woodward Edwin Mortimer (arch 1912- 14) Stu Mass Tech Odin 111 Woodward Groff Lawrence (1 1914-15 Also Ohio St U) Sales 1056 W Cerro Gordo St Decatur 111 Woodward Homer Bement (c eng 1907- -10) Field Eng Detroit United RR 710 Woodrow Av Detroit Woodward Horace N (acad 1877-8) Merc & Ag Odin 111 Woodward Jabish Hyancinthus (la com 1872-3) Clk 1101 Walnut St Cairo 111 woodward Paul Stanley (g chem 1911- 13 MS BS(JB Stenson)'08 Also U Chgo) Teach Ga Sch Tech Atlanta Ga (Louisville Ky) t Woodward Robert Franklin (m eng 1910-12) Sandwich 111 Woodward Warren Crooke (acad 1907- 8 sp law 1908-10) Lumber Mfg c/o 111 Athl Club Chicago \ Woodworth A Belle (acad 1876-7) Champaign 111 Woodworth Albin Orton (acad 1872-3 c eng 1873-6) Mgr Repair Shops Ex- eter Cal Woodworth Charles William (sc 1881- 5 BS g sc 1885-6 MS) Prof Entom U Cal 2237 Carlton St Berkeley Cal \Woodworth George E (acad 1800-1) Chicago Woodworth Harry Clark (ag 1905-9 BS) Co Agt Ag & Teach Alexandria Minn Woodworth Howard Oakley (acad 1887-8 sc 1888-92 BS MS(Cor)'95 Entom Asst St Lab Nat Hist U 111 1899-1900) Ag R2 Free Soil Mich (1406 W Hill St Urbana 111) Woodworth Levi George (ag 1905-6) Ag St James Mo Woodworth Mrs M G (see Dexter Maud H) Woodworth Metta Edna (Mrs H Burkhart)(la 1899-1903 AB) Asst PM & Home Lowell Neb Woodworth Minnie Barnney (Mrs J H Young) (la 1894-8 AB) Home 326 Myrtle Av Kansas City Mo Woody Frederick Way (c eng 1892-4) Cash 111 Trust & Sav Bk Champaign Woody Jamie E (Mrs I H Hill) (sp la 1893-4 Also Grad Chgo Conserv Dra- matic Dept) Home 2816 N 30th St Tacoma Wash Woody Nathan Adolph (la 1913-14) Thornton Ind Woody Paul Way Sr (gen 1868-9) Ret 108 W Columbia Av Champaign 111 Woody Paul Way Jr (sc 1898-9) Mgr Hotel 3100 Groveland Av Chicago (108 W Columbia Av Champaign 111) Woodyatt Harold (la chem 1913-15 com 1915- Stu 808 W Second St Dixon 111 ?Wookey Murray Adrian (acad 1891- 2) Peoria 111 Woolard Roll J (ag 1905-6) Ag Hartford City Ind WOOLBERT Charles Henry (g psy- chol 1915- AB(NW)'00 AM(Mich) ; 09 Teach Olivet Coll 1902-3 do Al- bion Coll 1903-13) Assoc Engl & Pub Speak U 111 1913- 917 W Nevada St Urbana 111 Wooldridge Mrs (see Morse Hattie) Wooldridge Eugene Blaine (1 1904-6) V-Pres Morse St Bk Gifford 111 Wooldridge Fay Morse (e eng 1909-13 BS) E Eng Gifford 111 tWooley Robert Maxwell (c eng 1907- 11) 348 Englewood Av Chicago Woolf Henry Solomon (ag 1914-15 BS Also U Cal) 75 St Georges Rd E London CPS Africa Woolford Robert Hugh (la 1915- ) Stu Areola 111 Woolford Samuel Ward (la 1915- ) WOOLINGTON— WORRELL •35 Stu Box 145 Greenville Miss Woolington Leon Samuel (c eng 1907- 8) c/o Studebaker Corpor 1620 Grand Av Kansas City Mo (3344 Gilbern Rd) Woolley James Carson (e eng 1912-13) 326 First E South St Carlinville 111 Woolman Albert Jefferson (sp ag 1903- 4 MS(Ind)'95) Agt NY Life Ins Co 909 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Woolman Collett Everman (acad 1904- 8 ag 1908-12 BS) Ag Exp Wk Monroe La (909 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111) Woolman Rachel Margaret (ag h sc 1911- ) Stu 909 W Oregon St Ur- bana 111 Woolman Richardine (la 1912- ) Stu 909 W Oregon St Urbana 111 Woolman Xenia May (Mrs E L Worthen) (la 1902-6 AB) Home 314 Burrows St St College Pa Woalner Edward Sigmund (acad 1892- 3) Brewer 219 S Elizabeth St Peoria 111 tWooLSEY Lulu Catherine (Mrs C P Hurst) (la 1895-9 AB) 3205 Fourth Av North Great Falls Mont fWoolsey Marion (g 1896-7 AB(Lake Forest) '96) Chester Mont (348 W Tompkins St Galesburg 111) *Woolsey Ola C (Mrs W D Gibbs) (acad 1890-1 la 1891-4 BL g latin 1894-5 AM Asst Latin U 111 1894-5) d 1899. Columbus O Woolsey Theodore Dwight (acad 1891- 2 la 1901-2 LLB (Wis) '95) Law Beloit Wis Woolson Harry Orville (e eng 1907-9) Supt Inside Constr Lay & Zimmerman Philadelphia (247 Fifth St Aurora 111) Woolston William Henry (sc 1909-13 AB Also Cor U) Stu NW Med Geneva 111 Wooster Lawrence Fisher (e eng 1902-6 BS) Ed & E Eng Mechanical Hall Corvallis Ore Wooten Onnie B (ge eng 1910-11 AB (Miss Ag) '08) Asst Prof E Eng Tex A&M Coll Senatobia Miss Wooters Gorden (su 1913 Also Nor- mal U) Prin Schs Xenia 111 (Dix 111) wooters James Ellsworth (ed 1908-13 AM sp ag 1912-14 BS PHB (Black- burn) '08 Also McKendree Coll 1883 & U Chgo 1900) Teach 1009 S Fifth St Champaign HI Wooters Laura Esther (su 1910&'ll Also S 111 St Nor) Teach 1009 S Third St Champaign 111 Wooters Leland Magness (la com 1907-14 AB) Jour 1009 S Fifth St Champaign 111 (Carlinville HI) Wooters Norman Ellsworth (ag 1912- 14) 1009 S Fifth St Champaign 111 Worcester Lenora Mary (la h sc 1913-15 AB Also N HI St Nor) Teach H Sch 602 E Broadway Mon- mouth 111 tWorcester Max Ernest (sp ag 1906-7) 2520 44th Av Chicago Worcester Richard Ladd (la com 1914- 15 la 1915- ) Stu Roodhouse 111 Work Edna McCluskey (MrsEPHad- ley)(la 1902-4 AB) Home O'Neals Cal *Work Robert Frankenberg (la com 1905-6) d July 1909 Rushville 111 Work Ruth Eleanor (Mrs A L Capps) (la 1905-7 AB Also U Colo) Home 504 N Market St Ottumwa la Work Stella Elizabeth (Mrs P L Gil- bert) (sp mus 1906-7) Home 304 N Court St Ottumwa la Worker Joseph Garfield (m eng 1900- 4 BS) Mgr Stoker Sec Power Dept Westinghouse Elec Mfg Co East Pitts- burg Pa (5722 Baum Blvd Pittsburg) (405 W 72nd St Chicago) t Working Walter Campbell (arch eng 1910-11) Electr Augusta 111 Workman Russell Clark (ry e eng 1913-14) 1215 W Edwards St Springfield 111 Worley Jennie Luella (su 1905 Also U Chgo) Teach Henry 111 Worman George Fay (acad 1906-7) c/o Weinberg Bros Fruit & Produce R2 Galesburg 111 Wormer Grace (lib 1908-9 AB (Cor) ) Libr U la Center Point la WORMSER I Maurice (AB(Col)'06 LLB (do) '09 Asst Prof Law U 111 1911-13) Prof Law Fordham U 1913- New York (281 Edgecombe Av) Worner Henry Harold (ag 1914- ) Stu R2 San Jose 111 Worrell Grace Lucile (sc 1905-8 '09- 10 '13-14 AB) At home Bowen 111 Worrell Joseph Carl (acad 1899-1900 c eng 1900-4 BS Also 111 St Nor U) Supt Constr Wi'dell Co Mankato Minn 3318 Park Av S Minneapolis Worrell Joseph Loyd (ag 1910-13 BS Also Knox Coll) Teach H Sch Hast- ings Mich (Bowen 111) Worrell Laura Alice (Mrs J R Steven- son) (acad 1908-9 sp mus 1911-12) Home Monmouth 111 (Bowen 111) Worrell Mabel Fern da 1908-13 AB Also Knox Coll) Teach 120 S Elev- enth St Monmouth 111 (Bowen 111) Worrell Robert Edwin (la 1871-5) Ag 736 WORSDELL— WEIGHT Bowen 111 Worsdell Arthur E (c eng 1898-1900) Met Eng Vermont 111 (Kendall Mont) Worsham Walter Boatman (sc 1907- 12 AB) . Mgr A L Schaeffer's Book Store 127 E Washington St Paris 111 (PO Box 296) Worst Herman Julius (su 1910) Teach Man Tr 4811 Calumet Av Chicago (Plainfield 111) Worth Lynne Griswold (lib 1901-3 BLS Also U Mich) Libr U Minn Minneapolis (581 Pipeston St Ben- ton Harbor Mich) Worthen Edmund Louis (ag 1900-4 BS MS(Cor)'08) Ed & Ees 314 Burrows St State College Pa Worthen Mrs Edmund L (see Wool- man Xenia M) Worthen Ella Eugenia (Mrs C R Maxwell) (la 1900-4 AB AM(Neb) '07) Home Whitewater Wis Worthen George Bedell (1 1894-8 LLB g law 1898-9 LLM) Law 501-3 Alston Bldg Tuscaloosa Ala (2212 Eighth St) Worthen Jeanette Lamb (la 1903-7 AB g engl 1915- ) Stu 1643 Le Claire St Davenport la (Warsaw 111) Worthington Addison Milton (sp 1901- 3) Arch 4 S Main Av Albany NY Worthington Robert Jr (sc 1913-16 Also 111 St Nor St) Teach Peters- burg 111 fWoulfe Daniel (sp ag 1892-3) C Eng Clarence 111 Woulfe Henry Francis (com 1915- ) Stu 7351 Luella Av Chicago Wraith William (m eng 1890-1) Mgr lnternat Smelt & Ref Co Salt Lake City Wray Archie M (acad 1876-8) Vet 1674 Park Av Denver Wray Mrs AM (see Wibley Flora Jane) Wray Charles William (ag 1912- ) Stu 1421 Elm St Eockford 111 Wray David Conden (acad 1893-4 c eng 1894-6 '97-8 BS) Met Eng & Mfg Mineral Point Zinc Co Depue 111 Wray Harriette (la 1901-5 AB) Teach 1421 Elm St Eockford 111 (Winne- bago 111) Wray Helen Euth (sc 1904-5 BS (Mil- waukee Downer) '08) Grad Nurse 1421 Elm St Eockford 111 Wray Robert Charles (ag 1905-9 BS) Merc 1847 W 41st Dr Los Angeles Wray Thomas (e eng 1898-1900 BS) Stores Mgr Western Elec Co 1035 N Waller Av Austin Sta Chicago tWrean James Garfield (m eng 1902- 3) Ludlow 111 * Wreath Samuel Ross (sc 1906-9 BS Also Beloit Coll) d Chicago Heights 111 Wrede Bertram Alfred (c eng 1914- Also Lane Poly) Stu 1357 W Chi- cago Av Chicago Wrench Homer (su 1909) Stu George- town U 1913- White Heath 111 Wrench Mrs J W Jr (see Brown Mary Wrenn Robert Fifer (ag 1905-8) Grain Merc Roanoke 111 Wriedt Christian (g genetics 1915- Grad(U Christiania Ag & U Boun) Stu Christiania Norway Wright Mrs (see Busey Kate W) Wright Agnes (la 1913- Also Kan Wes U) Stu 221 S Main St Charles City la twRiGHT Albert Byard (g pol sc 1912- 14 AM BS(I11 Wes U)'07 AM(do) '10 Also U Pittsburg) Wenona 111 Wright Allan Thurman (la 1912-13 AB g engl 1915- Also 111 Coll & 111 St Nor U) Stu Franklin 111 Wright Andrey Lewallyn (sp 1900-1) Virden 111 fWright Beatrice Ellen (sp mus 1898- 9) Champaign 111 Wright Bernard Edwin (ag 1909-10 Also Bradley Poly 1911 & Coast Coll Lettering 1913) Show Card Writer Wenona 111 Wright Bernice (ra 1910-14 AB) Teach Rockford 111 (Brocton 111) Wright Bertha Belle (acad 1907-8 mus 1906-7) Teach 1004 S Fourth St Champaign 111 Wright Burrell (1 1911- ) Law Stu U Mich 447 Stephenson St Freeport 111 Wright Mrs C G (see Vial Sarah) Wright Carl (sp ag 1903-5) Farm Mgr Kankakee State Hospital As- sumption 111 Wright Mrs Charles C (see Strong Es- tella D) Wright Charles Henry (g eng 1909-10 BS(Wes U)'07) Teach Kenmare ND Wright Clarence Bradley (m eng 1900- 1) Cash & Ofc Mgr R9 N Second Rd Rockford 111 Wright David Lester (1 1910-12) Law Effingham 111 Wright Donald Townsend (la 1914- ) Stu 2824 Leland Av Chicago Wright Douglas Jr (ag 1911- Also Millikin U) Stu 1208 N Clark St Urbana 111 WEIGHT— WEIGHT 737 Wright Edith (Mrs E H Griffin) (acad 1895-8 sc 1898-9) Home 6526 Ken- wood Av Chicago f Wright Edward Butler (sp c eng 1903-4) c/o C W Silver Lawrence Mich Wright Edward Earl (1 1904-5 LL B (Mich) '07) Law .Norwood NY (Sul- livan 111) Wright Edward Paul (c eng 1912- ) Stu Brocton 111 Wright Eleanor Matilda (sp la 1903- 4) At home Toulon 111 Wright Emma (ag h sc 1913- Also 111 St Nor U) Stu McLean 111 Wright Ethel West (la 1908-12 AB Also Bradley Poly) Sec & Stenog 403 Dechman Av Peoria 111 Wright Mrs F E (see Abbott Eliza- beth M) t Wright Fannie Louise (sp arch 1901- 2) Eckelson ND Wright Francis Marion (m eng 1914- 15) 911 W Green St Urbana 111 Wright Frank (ag 1913-14) Ag E6 Bloomington 111 * Wright Frank E (sc 1870-4) d Dec 1 1887 Areola 111 Wright Frank Eviss (acad 1892-3) Auto Mahomet 111 t Wright Fred Lowrie (acad 1909-10) Waukegan 111 fWright Gains Emory (su 1900&'01& '02&'04) Champaign 111 Wright George Caleb (arch eng 1908- 12) Arch Internat Harv Co 105 W Lincoln Av Highland Park 111 Wright George Ellery (arch eng 1908- 12 BS) Draft U 111 1913- 1009 S Third St Champaign 111 (317 S Bloomington St Streator 111) Wright Mrs George E (see Nixon Sarah L) Wright George Hiram (la 1901-2) Teach 901 W Nevada St Urbana 111 fWright Grace May (la 1910-11) 106 Gregory Place Urbana 111 Wright Mrs Harry H (see Crandall Grace E) Wright Helen Gertrude (la 1903-7 AB Also Welles Coll & Art Inst Chgo) Toulon 111 Wright Herman Festnes (ag 1901-5 BS'05 g 1905-6) Dept Sales Mgr Pillsbury Flour Milling Co Minneap- olis Wright Homer Webster (1 1908-9) Ins Sullivan 111 Wright Mrs H W (see Eeimund Grace Aileen) Wright Ida Faye (lib 1902-4 BLS) 1st Asst Libr 720 E Edwards St Springfield 111 Wright Mrs J E (see Beach Etta L) fWright James William (ag 1905-6 Also Pur U) Harris Crossing Ind Wright Jessie A (Mrs H E Eichard- son)(la 1877-81 BL) Home Eent- chler 111 Wright John Byron (sc 1907-11 AB Also 111 St Nor U) Teach West- brook Minn (Tallula 111) Wright John Edward (acad 1907-8. e eng 1909-12 BS) E Eng Parsons Mining Co Parsons N Mex Wright John Edwards (acad 1880-1 la 1881-5 Cert Hon AM '03 BS'14) Edit "St Louis Times" Webster Groves Mo Wright Josef Franklin (la com 1912- 15 com 1915- ) Stu Alton 111 Wright Joseph William (acad 1910-11 cer eng 1912-14 '15- ) Stu Hersch- er 111 Wright Josephine (su 1903 Grad 111 Worn Coll 1900 AB (Eureka) '01) 2128 Division St Murphysboro 111 * Wright Judson Moses (acad 1899- 1900) d Nov 28 1910 Danville 111 Wright Julius Milton (m eng 1904-7) Foreman J A Spencer Hay Press Fac Dwight 111 Wright Kate Grace (la 1881-2) c/o Mrs Wm Blackburn Corsicana Tex fWright Lawrence (sc 1871-2) Al- bion Ind Wright Lela Mildred (Mrs E K Strachan) (su 1909 & '11 PhB(Chgo) '08) 826 University Av Minneapolis t Wright Lizzie M (Mrs M W Can- ady)(la 1881-5) 27 N Pine Av Chi- cago wright Lora (Mrs G B Williams) (acad 1897-1900 g hist 1907-8 AM AB (Smith) '05) 5646 Kingsbury Blvd St Louis Wright Mabel Alma (su 1909) Mc- Lean 111 Wright Mabelle Genevieve (BA(De- Pauw)'ll B Mus(do)'12 Also U Berlin 1912-13) Instr Piano U 111 1915- 902 W Oregon St Urbana 111 (Greencastle Ind) Wright Mrs Maie Candy (see Also Candy Maie (sp mus 1895-6 Also Welles Coll & Elmira Female Coll) Bkpr 1st Nat Bk Champaign 111 (911 W Green St Urbana 111) * Wright Marion (Mrs C M Lewis) (acad 1893-4 sp 1894-7) d Danville 111 Wright Mary Eleanor (Mrs Sterritt) (la 1907-8) Home Box 46 Foxhome Minn (201 W Williams St Dwight 111) Wright Melvin James (sc 1912-14) 738 WEIGHT— WUEEKEE Ag Woodstock 111 (1408 W Park St Urbana 111) Wright Mildred Winifred (ag 1915- Also Milwaukee-Downer) Stu Okau- chee Wis Wright Milton Ealeigh (e eng 1904-6 BS Also U Wis) Ag New London Wis Wright Minnie E (Mrs J M Black- burn) (la 1879-83 BL) Home Corsi- cana Tex. * Wright Minnie Sunderland (Mrs H H Barbour) (la 1881-5 Cert) d April 18 1900 Plainfield 111 Wright Myron Jerome (la 1873-7 BS) Ag Woodstock 111 Wright Mrs N C (see Beach Laura M) Wright Newton Anthony (ag 1910-12 '13-15 BS Also U Cal) Ag Findlay 111 (2406 Broadway St Shelbyville 111) Wright Mrs O L (see Stoner Mabel E) *Wright Paul R (Trustee 1869-73) d Santa Barbara Cal wright Philip Quincy (g pol sc 1912- 13 AM 1913-15 PhD AB (Lombard) '12) Stu U Pa Philadelphia (63 Dana St Cambridge Mass) tWright Eaymond J (ag 1910-11) Somonauk 111 Wright Rex Milford (acad 1909-10) Brakeman NY Central RE 506 E Green St Champaign 111 *Wright Eobert W (acad 1879-81) d Nov 29 1910 Chicago (Belvidere 111) Wright Eoberta (la 1910-14 AB) At home 211 W Hill St Champaign 111 IWright Eoyal (la 1888-92 BL) Chi- cago Wright Mrs Eoyal (see Wright Mrs Maie Candy) Wright Samuel Anthony (la 1909-13) Stu Union Theol Sem 600 W 120th St New York wright Sewall Green (g zool 1911-12 MS BS (Lombard) '11) Stu Harv U Bussey Inst Forest Hills Boston Wright Sidney Barber (m eng 1905-9 BS) c/o Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co 1114 E 65th St Chicago Wright Sidney Walter (la 1897-1901 AB g 1909-10 AM) Bk Cash Wes- sington Springs SD IWright Sterling Turner Douglas (acad 1905-7) 907 California Av Urbana . HI Wright Thomas Judson Jr (ry c eng 1908-9 BS BS(Va Poly) '07) C Eng Churchland Va Wright Ward Ellis (m eng 1900-4 BS Also U Mo) Mfg 558-62 Washing- ton Blvd Chicago Wright Wayne Ellsworth (ag 1912-13) Ag Garden Prairie 111 Wright Wilbur Hoyt (la 1895-6 AB) Asst Prin H Sch 267 Edgewood PI Eiver Forrest 111 Wright Will Clifford (1 1900-1) Pro- motion Dept Bitulithic Paving Co 1217 Water St Corpus Christi Tex Wright William Bennett (sc 1893-4) Asst Mgr * ' Toledo Blade ' ' Toledo O Wright William Edson (la 1914- ) Stu Gifford 111 Wright William Joshua Jr (sc 1912- 14) Miller & Electr Dongola 111 Wright Mrs W J (see Bass Oneda M) Wright William Price (la 1903-7 AB) Mintr Eincon New Mex Wright William Strong (la com 1908- 10 AB Also U Vt) Mgr Mfg 1301 West Av * Buffalo NY Wright William .Wilberforce (acad 1897-8 m eng 1902-3) Ins Carthage Mo Wright William Wilberforce Jr (1 1898- 1900 '03-4 LLB) Law & Live Stock Toulon 111 Wright Willie Zeno (la 1915- ) Stu Vermilion 111 Wrigley Eobert Miskimen (su 1911 AB(Hedding)'lO) Coal Merc 808 Bigelow St Peoria 111 Wrisley George Alfred (la com 1912- 15 chem eng 1915- ) Stu 5872 Nina Av Norwood Park Chicago tWroughton Walter Howard (m eng 1903,-5) 302 Downer PI Aurora 111 Wu Chai Kao (ry m eng 1910-13 Al- so U Cal) Teach Indus Coll Zi-kai- wei Shanghai China Wu Charles Sien (la 1913-14) 2006 Columbia Ed Washington ?Wu Hei Lui (c eng 1908-10 Also Canton Christian Coll) Canton China Wu Hueyjung Leance (com 1915- ) Stu 2023 Kalorama St Washington Wu Pond Sheppon (su 1912 Also Pur U) Canton China Wu Ting-Fang (Hon LL D '08 LL D (Pa) 7 00 Minister China US 1897- 1902& '07-12) 100 Avenue Ed Shang- hai China Wu Wei Yoh (m eng 1912- ) Stu Shanghai China (Changshu St Ping Kong Hunan China) Wuerffel Herman Louis (e eng 1894- 8 BS) Owner & Mgr Mid- West Sales Co & Pres Petschel Storage Bat Co 527 Monadnock Bldg Chicago (409 S Tenth Av May wood 111) Wuerker Adolph Kirsch (la com 1914- WUERTENBAECHER— YALE 739 15 com 1915- ) Stu 311 Prospect St Alton 111 Wuertenbaecher Harry Edward (arch eng 1915- ) Stu 4247 Flora Blvd St Louis Wuerzinger Ella Marie (la 1915- ) Stu 902 Lakeside Dr Chicago Wurdeman Charles (sp 1893-4 '95-6) Arch Columbus Neb WURSTER Pauline (Mrs Kepler Wan Evera)(AB(Mich)'10 MS (do) '11 Al- so Drexel Inst Dir Dom Sch William Woods Coll 1905-8 Asst Hygiene U Mich 1909-11 Instr H Sc U 111 1911- 12) Presby Missionary Bd Hanchow China Wussow August Frank Daniel (sc 1904-9 BS g 1909-11 MS) Chem & Mfg Res 439 W 80th St Chicago Wyant Carl Stanley (arch 1910-14 BS) Arch Draft 1409 Crenshaw Blvd Los Angeles (127 Vine St Waterloo la) wyatt Frank Archibald (g ag 1911- 13 MS PhD 1915 BS(Utah Ag) '10) Asst Soil Fertil Ag Coll & Exp Sta U 111 1915- 806 S Third St Cham- paign 111 Wyatt Kirke Kingsley (e eng 1904-6) C Eng 801 Seventh St La Salle 111 Wyatt Lillian Dale (su 1911 & '12 Also 111 Coll) Prin H Sch Ashton 111 (Mt Sterling 111) Wyatt Mrs Lillian Toler (Mrs R D) (sp h sc 1908-9 Also S 111 St Nor) Home Salem 111 Wyatt Roscoe D (1 1905-9 LL B&AB Also S 111 St Nor) Law & Mayor Salem 111 Wycoff Benjamin Harrison (acad 1909-10 ag 1910-13 '14-15 BS) Teach Laura 111 tWycoff Delia (ag h sc 1911-13 Al- so W 111 St Nor) Laura 111 Wyeth Arthur Bills (sp ag 1906-7 Al- so 111 St Nor U) Grain Merc Fair- grange 111 Wyeth Elizabeth Anne (Mrs J A Flanders) (la 1907-9) Home 703 Illi- nois St Urbana 111 Wyeth Leonard Atwell (sp ag 1903- 4) Ag c/o Mrs E Bliss Tuscola 111 Wyeth Ola May (lib 1904-6 BLS AB (Cor U)'04 Lib NW U 1906-8) Lect Lib Sch & Lib Asst Mod Lang U 111 1908-9 '10- 807 S Lincoln Av Urbana 111 IWyeth Paul Jones (acad 1906-8) Tuscola 111 Wyeth Walter Heald (arch eng 1907- 11 BS) Arch Draft 4730 Dover St Edge Sta Chicago Wyeth William Edward (acad 1906- 10) Sales Clexico Cal Wykle Bertha Alice (la 1910-14 AB Also 111 Worn Coll) Teach Mahomet 111 Wykle Ethel Marie (Mrs Lewis Walk- er) (h sc 1911-16 BS Also 111 Worn Coll) Home Watertown SD (Ma- homet 111) Wyland Ray Orion (la 1912-15 AB) Theol Stu & Mintr Evanston 111 (Ringwood Okla) Wyle Florence H (sc 1900-3 Also Chgo Art Inst) Sculptor 114y 2 Church St Toronto Can Wyles Selwyn Madison (sp ag 1903- 4) Sales J M Brant Co Bushnell 111 Wyles Mrs S M (see Brant Jessie J) Wylie Arthur Johnson (ag 1911-13) Ag R25 Utica 111 WYLIE Ralph (Grad Chgo Mus Coll 1899 Teach Violin & Har Chicago Instr Violin & Theory Mus U 111 1899-1911) Teach Garavanza Los Angeles * Wylie Robert J (gen 1871-2) d 1908 WYMAN Alanson Phelps (BS(Cor) '97 Asst Prof Land Gard U 111 1905-11) Land Arch 1911- McKnight Bldg Minneapolis (5017 Third Av S) Wyman Edmund Stanley (ag 1903-5) Ag Sycamore 111 Wyman Wallace (arch 1908-12 '13-15 BS) Mansfield 111 Wyne Ervin Evermont (1 1899-1902 LLB) Sec & Treas Wyne Deaver Dry Goods Co Sterling 111 Wyne Walter (arch eng 1915- Also Knox Coll) Stu Vermont 111 Wynn Ernest (e eng 1902-3) Ag Rl Danville 111 Wyre Dwight Emurest (1 1909-12 Al- so Lewis Inst) Sales Lima O (1709 139 N Clark St Chicago) Yaeger Hazel Marie (su 1914 Also Blackburn Coll) Teach H Sch 409 Van Buren St Litchfield 111 Yager Harvey Wilbur (sp 1868-69) Monticello 111 Yagle William Frederick (sp 1900-1) Electr 1921 Summerdale Av Chi- cago Yakel Ralph (la 1908-9 Also NW U & 111 Wes U) Athl Dir Pacific U Forest Grove Ore (Rantoul 111) Yale Gertrude Emily (la 1914-16) At home 344 Sixth Av La Grange 111 Yale Louise Pomeroy (ag 1903-6 Al- so Lake Erie Coll) Nurse John Hop- 740 YAMADA— YECK kins Hosp Nurses Home Baltimore (c/o F W Yale 912 E 41st St Kan- sas City Mo) ?Yamada Sitsuro E (acad 1886-7 sp ag 1888-90) Wakamatzu Japan Yamada Yasuzo (c eng 1915- ) Stu Kagoshima Ken Japan Yamamota Soichi (e eng 1914- Also U Ohio) Stu 1009 Liliha St Hono- lulu fYamaou Tunetaro (ag 1872-3) Yed- do Japan tYang Mrs Chi-Fung (sp 1909-10 la 1910-11) 112 Chinma St Chungking China tYang Shi Chung (sp 1909-10 ry adm 1910-11) 112 Chinma St Chungking China Yang Tsao Shing (e eng 1914- Also Hunan Tech) Stu Chingyoung Bldg Singhua Hunan China tYanochowski George Albert (e eng 1906-9) Henry 111 Yant Eaymond Cliff (c eng 1903-7 BS) Quarry Supt Louisville Neb Yant Mrs EC (see Blair Josephine L ) ?Yao Tu Tai (la 1913-14 Also U Cal) 5745 Drexel Av Chicago (Fu- chow China) Yaple Maud L (acad 1881-2) At home Mendon Mich Yapp James Fook Onn (c eng 1913- 15 BS g eng 1915- Also LeStan U) Stu 726 Hustace Av Honolulu HI Yapp William Wodin (acad 1907-8 ag 1908-11 BS g 1911-14 AM g ag 1915- Asst Dairy Husb U 111 1913- 15) Instr & 1st Asst Dairy Husb & Exp Sta U 111 1915- 111 W Spring- field Av Urbana 111 Yardley Ealph Waldo E (m eng 1904- 6) M Eng Eichards McCarty & Bul- ford Co Archs 1006 Hartman Bldg Columbus O (72 N Diamond St Mans- field 111) Yarnell Jacob Henry (acad 1903-4 e eng 1904-7) E Eng Bowen 111 Yarnell Lena Seville (su 1908 la 1913- 14 Also 111 Worn Coll) Teach Bow- en 111 Yarword Stuart Kenneth (arch 1911- 13) Arch C&NW EE 615 Park St Elgin 111 tJ asaka Hideji (acad 1908) Sono- suka Yasaka Oseka Japan Yasui Sekiji (g pol sc 1911-12 AB (Waseda)'06) Edit Japanese NY Times New York (512 W 134th St) Yates Annie Corinne (Mrs W A Stein) (la 1912-13 Also Ind U) Home 304 N Fifth St Vincennes Ind Yates George Ashton (ry e eng 1909- 10) E Eng Instal Dept Western Elec Co Chicago (Collinsville 111) Yates Irving Brown (acad 1898-9 sp m eng 1899-1900) ' Cattle Eanch Unity Ore (Dunlap 111) Yates James Stephen (com 1915- ) Stu 325 S Grove Av Oak Park 111 Yates John William (m eng 1904-7 BS) EE C Eng 6802 Harper Av Chicago Yates Margaret Duff (la 1908-9) Teach Mus Schs 946 Grant Av Eockford 111 Yates Richard (Trustee 1901-5 AB (111 Coll) '80 AM(do)'83 LLB(Mich) '84 LL D(Augustana)'02 LL D(I11 Coll) '03 Gov 111 1901-5) Law 307 Unity Bldg Springfield 111 (1190 Williams Blvd) Yates Eobert Ealeigh (c eng 1909-11 BS Also Geo Wash U) Eesident Eng Bridge Constr Waddell & Harrington Constr Engrs 1012 Baltimore Av Kansas City Mo (119 Bates St NW Washington) t Yates Samuel (c eng 1908-9) Sa- vanna 111 Yates Thomas (c eng 1901-3 BS'06) EE C Eng 1469 E 68th St Chicago Yates Thomas Monroe (acad 1902-3 sp ag 1903-6) Ag & Milling Griggs- ville 111 Yeager Mrs (see Branch Sarah H) Yeager Clive (sp e eng 1903-4 Also U Wis) Publ Tribune Sawtelle Cal (Newman 111) Yeager Harvey Wilburn (sp 1868) Eanch Choteau Mont Yeager Leland Edward (cer eng 1914- ) Stu 419 S 18th Av Maywood 111 Yeager Oswald Karl (sc 1906-8 '09- 11 AB) Contr & Build 803 N Ver- milion St Danville 111 Yeager Ealph Oscar (arch eng 1910- 12) Stu U Pa Danville 111 Yeakel William Kriebel (sc 1891-5 BS MD(U 111 Med Coll) '99) Med 4207 N Keeler Av Chicago *Yearsley Mary (1872) d Urbana 111 Yeaton Fred Drinkwater (c eng 1904- 7 BS CE'14) C Eng 140 S Har- vey Av Oak Park 111 *Yeazel Abraham (ag 1869-71) d March 3 1887 Homer 111 Yeazel Lloyd Homer (la 1913-14 su 1915) Prin Schs East Lynn 111 Yeck Charles Walter (sc 1903-7 AB g 1907-8 MD(NW>)'11 Also NW U & U Chgo & U Wis) Med 300 Grant St Evansville Ind (Flora 111) YEE— YOULE r-H Yee Gan Chyo (la 1913- Also King Tsiu Sch) Stu Hunan China *Yehling Albert Charles (e eng 1905- 9 BS) d 1909 St Louis (Sparta 111) Yen Chia Cheow (sc 1910-13 AB Al- so Harv U) Prof Min Coll Tongshan China (Foo Chow China) tYen King Lau (su 1911) 356 Cas- cadilla Hall Ithaca NY (Canton China) Yenerich Mrs George (see Skiles Ida Viola) Yensen Trygve D (e eng 1903-7 BS g 1908-9 MS '12 EE'13 g eng 1915- Asst E Eng Dept U 111 1908- 9 '10-14) Bes Asst Prof E Eng do 1914- 701 W Green St Urbana 111 (Christiania Norway) Yensen Mrs T D (see Dewey Louise S) Yeomans Edith Marian (sc 1895-6 Also Mt Hoi Coll 1892-4) Ag Chew- elah Wash Yeomans Frances Anna (la 1889-91 BS(Mt Hol)'93 PhM(Chgo)'05) Supt Schs Chewelah Wash Yeomans Walter Curtis Home 357 Santa Clara St Carter William D (e eng '02) Hy- draulic Eng 480 E San Antonio St Carter Mrs W D (la '01) Home 480 E San Antonio St Dickinson Frank H (la '85) Ag 398 S 12th St Dugan Mrs C B (la '08) Home 85 E Humboldt St Kiekintveld Sadie J (la '13) Teach Mather Emory T (m eng '05) Steam Eng 49 Jerome St t Short Albert E (sp '73) Contr 1100 Delmas Av SAN LUIS OBISPO Carr Angie L (su '01) Supjrv Mus McMurry Karl F (la '02 AB) Teach Box 165 Mills Lois G (la '15- ) Stu 1304 Pacific St Mills Niles E (ag '15- ) Stu 1304 Pacific St Newton George W (m eng 76) Ag 4r Dairy 342 Sandercock St story George (Hon CE '94) (CE '74) C Eng 1342 Garden St SAN MAETIN Stevens Fred W (sc '90 BS) Fruit Grower SAN MATEO Owbridge Lionel H (arch eng '98) Acct Sr Ag 232 Ellsworth Av SAN EAFAEL Brazier Irving M (ag ? 13 BS) ( '07) Prin H Sch 338 Bay View St Mah Wing N (1 '13- ) Stu 300 First St SANTA ANA Hawley John B (arch '12 BS) Arch Drafts 606 "F" St McWilliams Edward (g '11) Bonds $ Mortgages Mize Eobert C (1 '13 LL B) Law 409 N Main St Mize Mrs EC (h sc '13) Home SANTA BAEBARA ?Hecox Walter C (c eng '01) c/o Mrs Albert C Long Heller Opal B (g la '99 ML) ( '91 BL) Teach 20 E Lola St McGregor Dudley G (la '14) Auto Supplies McGregor & Sons 1215 State St Mathis Francis W (la & lib '12 BLS) Libr Pub Lib Miller Nellie A (h sc '05 BS) Teach c/o St Nor Sch ?Pound Maggie M (sp '92) ?Pound Martha E (mus '92) Stewart Gwendolyn (g h sc '09 AM) Instr State Normal SANTA CRUZ Bliss Frank W (sp '73) Dent Drew Rosa S (g ger '08) At home SANTA MONICA Armstrong Edna M (a&d '93 ) Armstrong John W (la '95) B Est 408 Santa Monica Blvd Armstrong Maude A (mus '03) Leonard Mrs Chas Henry (la '09 AB) Home 1428 15th St Nettleship Mrs Neil (la '11) Home Eodgers Eobert B (ry eng '09 BS) Mfg 1228 Ninth St Eodgers Mrs E B (la '09 AB) Home 1228 Ninth St Seymour John J (eng '77 BS) Mgr Water Works & Elec Power Co Tubbs Frances E (la '09) Teach 1437 11th St SANTA PAULA Webster Mrs D A (la '04) Home Youngman Wilbur H (ag '15- ) Stu 9351/2 W 34th St SANTA EOSA fSnare Natalie V (su '13) SAN YSIDEO Bawden Harry H Jr ('89) Teach # Truck Gard SAWTELLE Yeager Clive (e eng '04 ) Pub Saw- telle Tribune SCOTIA Howatt Mrs G A (h sc '05) Teach SEBASTOPOL Dorward John C (la '11) Ag CALIFOENIA 769 SELMA Buchanan Roy I (ag '15 BS) Ag # Teach SIERKE MADRE Worman Charles W ( '95) Bet Naval Ofc Box 97 SONORA Lull Sara L (lib '06) Teach H Sch SOUTH PASADENA Ahlswede Arthur C (ag '01) Mfg 836 Stratford St Barden Harold E (e eng '15 BS) Draft S Cal Edison Co 406 Monte- rey Rd Brundage Martin D (la '02 AB) Printer 1141 El Centro St Marsh Mrs N F (la '96 AB) Home 911 Fair Oaks Av Richards Percie D (eng '14) Surv $ C Eng Sheldon Mrs C H (lib '03 BLS) Home 1964 La France St Thompson Lenora B (la '99) At home 1122 Elm Av S Van Patten Seth F (la '00 AB) Teach H Sch 1122 Milan St Warrington James N (m eng '82) Ret 2001 La France Av Woodruff Mrs C H (lib '98) IS 14 N Bushnell St STANFORD UNIVERSITY ALDEN Raymond M ('14) Prof Lo Stan U GRAY Henry D ('05) Asst Prof Le Stan U Johnston Mrs D (la '96) Home Ponzer Ernest W (m eng '03 MS (BS '00) Fac '09) Asst Prof LeStan U STERLING CITY Kaufman Mrs B F (la '06 AB) Home STOCKTON Adams George C (se '75) 1335 E Weber Av Birkenbeuel Clarence E (e eng '13) Draft c/o Budd House DOMONOSKE Arthur B ( '15) Eng Drafts 835 E Channel St Jensen Mrs G H (la '09 BS) Home 442 E Magnolia St Mayall Edwin L (m eng '06 ME) ( '00 BS) c/o The Hoit Mfg Co Risser Ralph G (ag '09 BS) Ag Supt Palm Tract Stevenson Otis R (e eng '04) Mgr W Pac RR Wharf Warehouse 636 W Popular St STRATFORD Gilkerson Thomas J (ag '05 BS) Prop Dairy Farm SUNLANDS Russegur Mrs G M (sp '72) Home SUNNYVALE Witte George A (m eng '11) Ag SURREY Hedges Leo B (chem eng '12) Camp Electr Sr Asst Eng Los Angeles Aque- duct Camp 3) THERMAL Laflin Benjamin T (la '08) Hort TROPICO Alspach Fred A (c eng '02 BS) Asst Tax $ Contr Agt Pac E Ry Co 325 Halstead St Alspach George D (eng '03) B Est 325 Halstead St Carmack Clyde R (m eng '95 BS) Builder 715 N Center Av TULARE Bartholomew Ross (ag '99) Ag Beckman Henry J (la '07) Ag Ford William W (sc '78) Ag Box 118 UKIAH Boring Perry J ( '95) Confectionery Woodham Harry C (sc '08 AB) Stu Ag Coll 713 Grove Av UPLAND Froehde Frederick C (c eng '10) City Eng $ Supt Streets Wetherbee Charles E (arch '01 BS) Orange Grower W Eighth St Wetherbee Mrs C E (la '01 AB) Home W Eighth St VALLEJO Ingels Bert D (g sc '05 Fac '04) Chem Sperry Flour Co Updegraff Helen (g chem '15- ) Stu VAN NUYS Bevis Harry R (cbem eng '09) Merc Roebuck Harold D (e eng M0) B Est 770 CALIFORNIA— COLORADO VENICE DAVIS Charles G ( '08) Teach Union Poly H Sch Lloyde Frank H (la 78) B Est $ Ins 1503 Pico Blvd Lloyde Mrs F II (a&d '88) Home 1503 Pico Blvd Ross Edwin A (su '03) Teach Box 702 VENTURA Docker Mrs F (la '06 AB) Home 424 Hemlock St Docker William F (c eng '04) Law 817 Griffith-MacKenzie BJdg Williams EIrick (la '02 AM&AB Fac '06) Teach 1627 Meta St VISALIA Allen Jonas A (la '81) .Judge Su- perior Court Davis Hugh Y (arch eng '10) Arch Eng Box 455 Ernst Elmore G (arch '12- ) Stu R2 Simons Alexander M (c eng '96 BS) Super v Prin Box 477 WASCO Colver Horace N (e eng '95) Banch WEST RIVERSIDE McCoy John ('82) Poultry Rl WHITTIER George Harold E ag '15- ) Stu 600 W Hadley St Ostrom Gustaf E (g chem '11) Prof Whittier Coll Box 323 Smith Mrs R E (lib '01 BLS) 516 E Camilla St WILLOW Keeney Henry E (m eng '00 BS) Ag YERBA BE UNA Parker Lannis A (e eng '13) BTcpr . YORBA LINDA Johnson Alfred (la '04) Merc $ Ag YOSEMITE VALLEY Scarborough Charles M (la '99) Hotel Mgr Camp Lost Arrow YUBA CITY Kenyon Frederick N (ag '14 AB) Fruit Grower Turner Herbert (sc '83) C Eng ZELZAH Ullensvang Martin L (sc '99 BS) Fruit 4- Poultry CANAL ZONE ANCON Cools Gabriel V (la '14) Stu Zetek James (sc '11 AB) Entom del Estada BALBOA HEIGHTS Grammeu Mrs Maurice (la '11 AB) Home CRISTOBAL Gehrig Arthur G (c eng '13) Pay- master Am Bridge Co COROZAL Hatten Frank W (e eng '10 BS) E Eng Welch George R (e eng '10 BS) E Eng Gov GATUN Gutting Leo A (e eng '11 BS) E Eng Sexton Ralph E (c eng '04) c/o Am Bridge Co Smith Jessie T (com '08) Dist Quar- termaster GORGONA Grossberg Arthur S (m eng MO BS) Regan Ralph H (m eng '09 BS) M Eng PANAMA DEXTER Edwin G ('07) Dir Insti- tuto Nacional de Panama COLORADO AGUILAR Brewer Ernest F ('02) Med ALAMOSA Goodridge Henry A (e eng '98 BS) Mgr Elec Light & Power Oo Lynch Ralph A (chem eng '08 AB) Stock # Ag ASPEN tHALLETT Margaret H (gengl'HAM) (sc '10 AB)) AURORA Fowler Finley M ('06) Gullick Roy ('01) Med COLORADO 771 BLANCA Smith Claire H W (c eng '08 BS) Bes Eng Trinchera Irrigation Dist BOULDER Allen Frank G (m eng '01 BS) Instr U Colo Allen Mrs F G (sp '03) Home 969 Regent St Ashmore James N (la '03) Athl Dir U Colo 751 11th St Bauer Frank S (m eng '11 BS) Instr U Colo 951 Lincoln PI Buell Frederick A (e eng '01) E Eng 4- Contr 143 Delaware St Busey Mrs S H (la '08) (mus '06) Stu Mus 1131 University Av Cary Clifton G ('06) Med 930 14th St Cook William A (la '11 AM) ( '02 AB) Asst Prof U Colo t Craig James O (m eng '13) M Eng 837 Equitable Bldg Crawford Mrs R D (lib '02) Home 917 Pleasant St Dean Paul M (g chem '15) Instr U Colo 1931 Hill St Ellis Max M (sc '06) Instr U Colo 1109 13th St Evans Arthur T (sc '12 AB) Instr U Colo 1085 13th St Foster Faith E (lib '08) Libr 897 15th St Jackson Emma A (lib '12) Asst Libr U Colo 882 12th St Ketchum Milo S (c eng '00 CE('95 BS) Fac'03) Dean Coll Eng U Colo KETCHUM Mrs M S (g '03 Fac '03) Home 1146 12th St \McFerson Grant ('85) Examiner St Bk McFerson William H (arch eng '15) Arch Draft 928 Mapleton Av PETERSON Elmore ('15) Asst U Colo Rider George C Jr (la '15) Stu U Colo Sim Benj F (min eng '82) Life Ins 1165 Broadway St Wallace Jacob H (m eng '03 BS) M Eng 1313 Seventh St Wasson William W (sc '06) Med Physicians Bldg WOODROW Jay W ( '12) (g physics '12) Instr U Colo BRUSH McMullen Charles F ('93) PM CALHAN Rice Henry B (ag '03) Dairying CANON CITY Clark Winifred N (m eng '96) Mgr Mt Div Ark Val Ry Light & Power Co Collins Stephen W (c eng '05) Prop Strothmore Hotel tGreydene Smith V (1 '04) tHuntoon Geneva (la '12) Ketchum George S (1 '98) Fruit Grower CEDAREDGE Terrell Mrs O J (mus '96) Home CHIVINGTON Bell Carroll M ( '87) Ag # Mach COLORADO CITY Waldron J Eldridge ('95) COLORADO SPRINGS Bennett John L (la '01) Law 501 Min Exch Bldg Hickman Feryl F (la '12) At home jewell Minna E (g zool '15 AM) Stu 10 W Mill St Keplinger Mrs W P (la '92) Home 223 E Jefferson Av tKerr Grace A (la '11) At home 1011 N Corona St tKlemmedson Arthur E (ag '15- ) Stu 616 W Kiowa St Klemmedson Gunnar S (ag '15- ) Stu 616 W Kiowa St Mallon Francis F (c eng '03) Citj Eng 1324 Washington Av Missimer Dale J (arch eng '14) 220 N Cascade Av OKEY Frank M ( '12) Prof Colo Coll Rothgeb Claude J (ag '05) Dir Athl Colo Coll Rothgeb Mrs C J (mus '04) 1211 N Weber St Tornquist Chas H (c eng '07 BS) Constr Eng 750 E Kiowa St CORTEZ Holch Arthur E (mus '13 B Mus) Teach CRIPPLE CREEK ?Cole Arthur C (chem & eng '03) Lloyd George T (la '02 AB) 209 W Bennett Av Welles Paul T (sc '10) Teach Man Tr DELTA Blaine Charles E (1 '10 LL B) Law Blaine Mrs C E (mus '06) Home Campbell Florence M (la '13- ) Stu tEhrgott Otto A (1 '06) Bus Mgr 772 COLOEADO Ehrgott Mrs O A (h sc '07) Home Hall Mrs I C (la '99) Home DENVEE Alsip Albert A (m eng '05) St James Hotel Anderson Guy V (ag '12 BS) Sales 510 15th St Angell George H (sp '80) C Eng Baker Erwin F (m eng '15) Eng 3221 Franklin St Baker Frank D (m eng '88) M Eng Chf Eng AS&E Co 3221 Franklin St Baker Fred P (la '14- ) Stu 3221 Franklin St Baume Henry B (m eng '06) Mdse Brolcer 1410 16th St Beattie Harry J (g chem '15- ) Stu 909 S Clarkson St tBiRNEY Frank L (la '81 Cert) 309 Ideal Blvd BEATTON Edith E ( '12) Mus 2380 Dexter St Burkhardt John H ( '04 LL B) Law 1118 Detroit St Cannon Branda W (mus '08) Teach 1049 Canosa St Capen Bernard C (ag '03) Mfg 2137 Gaylord Av tCassell Eobert T (la '85) Clegg Frank H ('02) Stenog 425 21st St Coler Lewis A (sp '07) C Eng 3825 Meade St Cook Dorothy E (lib '15- ) Stu 1035 Downing St Cornell Noah Pike (ag '05) Bus Mgr 362 Gas & Elec Bldg Daugherty Mrs M D (la '81) Home 1447 Pearl St Denton Gilbert H (m eng '80) Mfg tDrury George E (arch '93) Ware- house $ Transfer 928 S Corono St tDuBois Bradford H (la '75) Min 1360 Corona St Edbrooke Harry W J (arch '94) Arch Taber Blk Elliott Nixon C Jr (arch eng '08) Fin 605 17th St Enos Charles W (ag '71) Med 203 Mark St Fairchild Oscar H (la '98) Min Eng Gen Mgr Howie Mining Co 1548 Cook St Fallis Myrlin S (arch eng '14 BS) 624 Ogden St Fischer Jacob (sc '89) Elec Contr tFletcher Clarence A (1 '04) Brolcer $ Promoter 19th Av & Grant St Frost John H (c eng '06 BS) Ins 1625 E Fifth Av Garrett Thomas B (e eng '96) E $ Befrig Eng 3832 Clay St Garvin John B (sc '86 BS) Prin II Sch 4545 Grove St Gehlman Mrs (sp '73) Home 2046 Welton St Apt 11 ?Gill John D (la '76) Law Golm Julius (arch '89) Bldg Contr 446 Fox St Woodwin Timothy C Jr ('07) 1100 Clark St Gove Aaron M (arch '91) Arch 750 Marion St Hale Eoy J (ag '12) Ins 618 Symes Bldg Hammer Eaymond F (sc '10 BS) Curator Colo Museum Nat Hist 39 S Grant St tHart Jabez W (m eng '12) c/o Con- tinental Oil Co 637 E 16th Av Hays Charles Irving (hort '81 ( '74 MS) '73 BS) Teach H Sch ?Hensley Marion C (la '99) Electr Pacific States Tel Co 1641 Washing- ton St fHodson Charles D (c eng '05) HoHoway Guy A (1 '12) Atty Colo Anti-Saloon League 216 Denham Bldg Horner Chester W (la '06) 951 Down- ing St Howell Cleves H (c eng '05 BS) C Eng 1002 Gas & Elec Bldg Ivers John J (m eng '71) Bet 1857 Logan St Ivers Mary A (sp '76) Home 1857 Logan St t Jackson Charles E (la '09) 1475 S Pearl St Kingsbury Charles S (c eng '80 BL) ('73) Land Arch 3350 Moncrieff PI Kingsland Norris ('93) Build $ Mill- man 3739 Grove St tLarmer David W (arch '12) c/o Baldwin Piano Co 2131 E 21st St ?Lewis McCreary (e eng '00) McConney Eobert B (m eng '89 BS) Gen Mgr F M Davis Iron Wks Co Eighth & Larimer Sts MacGregor Halbert P (chem eng '12 BS) Consult Chem Eng 535 1st Nat Bk Bldg Mcllduff Thomas E, ('80) Contr 3721 Ealeigh St McLean John B ('77) BTcpr Inter Ocean Hotel Menig Alma A (lib '15) Libr Den- ver Med Lib 1940 Broadway St Miller Clayton A (e eng '14 BS) E Eng 206 Denver Gas & Elec Light Co fMitchell John A (sp '00) Morehouse Henry C ('83) 901 S COLORADO 773 Clarkson St Morgan Clarence W (1 '09) Law 1339 E 17th Av t Morgan Walter M (la '97 AB) 52934 Lymes Bldg Palmquist David R (e eng '11 BS) Ag 4- E Eng Mt Clair Sta Parish Dwight A (m eng '04) Mfg Jeweler $ Engraver 137 Penn St . . Persons Myron B (m eng '10) Inves- tor 1048 LaFayette St ?Reinach Elsie (la '04) Home 1295 Clayton St Russell John T (arch eng '11 BS) Draft Int Smelt ^ Ref Co 1059 Acoma St Schroeder Curt A (g '03 MS) (sc '01 BS) Ins 7081 1st Nat Bk (1815 E Cofar Av) Scott James R Jr (c eng '07 BS) Struct Eng Room 308 Tramway Bldg Scott Juliet A (la '03) At home Ho- tel Hesse Colfax & Grant Sts Seiler Eleanor F (g physics '15- ) Stu 4023 Alcott St Seltzer Andrew J (su '10) Chem 3101 Race St Seltzer Mrs A J (mus '10) Home 3101 Race St Sherrill Frank A (c eng '85) Struct Eng Box 989 tShumway Nona E (mus '10) Uni- versity Park Steele Eugene M (la '06) Sales 70 S Emerson St Vail Charles D (c eng '91 BS) C Eng 517 Ideal Bldg Walker Emery S ('04) B Est 715 Ernest & Cranman Bldg Wells Mrs C H (la '79) Med 1619 Washington St Wheatlake Burton C (e eng '10 BS) Transformer Spec Gen Elec Co Wray Archie M ( '78) Vet 1674 Park Av Wright Mrs C C (mus '08) Home 2555 15th St DOLORES McDill James T (m eng '94) Pharm Rl Riddle Rolo G (ag '04 BS) Banch RFD DURANGO Birdick Arthur A (su '06) Prop Home Cafe Hess Gaylord R (sc '14 AB) Teach H Sch Myers Elmer J (la '08 AM&AB) Teach EATON Eaton Rea L (ag '14- ) Stu Eaton Rex C (ag '13- ) Stu ESTES PARK Cl at worthy Linda M (lib '00 BLS) Ltibr FLORENCE Jay Edith L (ag '15- ) Stu FT COLLINS ALDRICH William S ( '01) Prof Colo Ag Coll colman Norman J (Hon D Ag '05) Head Gov Horse-breed Farm t Culver Carl A (ag '03) Ag Gordon Ulysses G (su '04) Prin H Sch Scott William J (la '95 BL) Welch Donald L (la '15- ) Stu 115 W Mulberry St FORT GARLAND Campbell John P (Hon ML '93 (la '74 Cert) Fac '75) Bet Med FT MORGAN Putnam Mrs (sp '74) Home 411 Prospect St FRUITA McGlashan Duncan S (la '82) Mintr White Harry W (sc '96) Med GARO Griffith Lowell A (ag '13) Ag GOLDEN Dien William A (la '72) Law GRAND JUNCTION Cheedle Harry (m eng '86) Fruit Grower Clapp Frank L (g ed '12 AM) Prof U Colo Hay Henry C (1 '13 LLB) Law Elec Bldg Hay Mrs II R (la '08) Home 729 Gunnison Av Hay Howard R (sc '09) Ins c/o Home Loan & Ins Co Leaverton Joe E (1 '04 LL B) Law 754 Gunnison Av Lyons Florence A (ag '14) Stu Colo Coil Morse Edward L (c eng '85 BS) C Eng 4- Ag R3 Morse Milo M ('78) Banch R3 Murray Mrs H L (la '84 BS) Home Sharer John C (la '04) Ag Box 292 Ray Mrs H R (la '08) Home 729 Gunnison Av 774 COLORADO GREELEY Andrews Mrs J O (la '03) Home 1321 12th St Cross Ethan A (la '05 AB) Teach 1818 19th St Ewing Joseph C (m eng '94) Law 1309 Ninth Av GUNNISON Kelley James H (la '11 Fac '14) Pres Colo St Nor Sch Meddins Mrs W C P (la '06) Home Read John W (g chem '13 Fac '15) Head Dept St Nor Sch HOEHNE SMITH Ellwood S (g '12 Fac '12) Stock HOLTVILLE Smith Valentine (la '05 AB) Prin H Sch IDAHO SPRINGS Plummer Honor L (lib '12 BLS) Libr JULESBURG Templet on Mrs H D ('06) Home Templeton Mrs H A (.sc '06) Home KIT CARSON Townsend Carl R (ag '05) Ag ? Wherry John L (ag '05) Ranch LA JUNTA Ghase Morton E (sp '82) Photog Haag Vernon W (sc '15 BS) Chem c/o Sante Fe RR Haag Mrs V W (sc '15 AB) Home Helm Ethel M (su '15) Libr 621 San Juan Av JutMns Edgar M . ('85) Car Repair 502 Rattan Av Peoples John V ('94) Tate James A (ag '14 BS) Ag LAMAR Campbell Mrs J P (arch '09) Home Goodale Mrs R C (mus '07) Home 410 S Main St Stocker Cornelius (ag '09 BS) Sales Helvetia Milk Condensing Co LAS ANIMAS Beach Charles W (c eng '95 BS) C 4r Irrig Eng Newman Mrs C A (eng '99) Home tSimcox Edith M (mus '06) LA VETA Webster Charles C (m eng '95 BS) Bus Mgr # E Eng Heat & Power Co LEADVILLE Faust Per A (m eng '12 BS) Asst Master Mech Ark Valley Smelter Philleo George W (m eng '12 BS) M Eng c/o A V Smelter Philleo Mrs G W (la '09) Home LOMA Clayton Clark M (eng '01) Fruit $ Stock Ranch Sperry James F (mech eng '98) Ins 4- Ag LONGMONT Murchison Roy R (m eng '05 BS) Mgr Merc Package Delivery Co 511 Bross St LOVELAND ISeybold John W ( '04) MEEKER Oldland John E (e eng '07) Bnk Strehlke Albert L (la '14- ) Stu MONTE VISTA Christy Mary E (su '06) Teach Leonard William H (1 '08) Acct Selters Mrs Jos (la '04 AB) Home Vaille DeWitt C (sc '05) Ins Ward James E (la '01) Merc MONTROSE Moynihan Charles J (1 '08 LL B) Law Seymour Arthur P (ag '04 BS) Ag OLATHE Froom Albert N (ag '06) Ag Mattoon Edwin W (sc '15 AB) Teach OPAL t Chapman Henry H (sp '73) Ag OWL Mason Ralph G (ag '09) Ag 8? Ranch PALISADES Crissey Herbert G ( '81) Cash Bk Hottes Henry G (eng '96 BS) Fruit Grower t Oliver Jackson M (ag '11) Scheye Mrs Philip (la '87 Cert) Home PALO ALTO Smith Mary E (lib '09) Libr 352 Fulton St COLORADO 775 PLACERVILLE Curran Thomas F (c eng '06) C Eng PUEBLO Balcom William A (arch '78) Div Eng D&RG RR 317 E Evans Av Bronson Walter T (la '05) Med Chew Dorothy (sc '12- ) Stu 2028 Court St Corson Moses E (se '73) Ag Law 4 B Est 310 W 13th St Cuthbertson William S (com '15- ) Stu 1247 Lake Av Drake James F (la '95 BL) ( '76) Law 4 Min Elliott James G (1 '08 LL B) Law 2501 Greenwood St ELWELL Miss (su '06) Gorham Josiah (sc '04 AB) Chem c/o CF&I Tenth St Haver Emily L (mus '13) Teach Mus 2029 Elizabeth St Jackson Grace J (la '13) Teach 1416 Palmer Av Keen Frances F (la '15 AB) 11 W Adams Av McNally John L (la '14- ) Stu 6 Carlile PI McNally Mary C (la '15 AB) ( '08) Teach H Sch Dis 20 6 Carlile PI Power Clarence F (ag '11) Bus Mgr 211 N Union Av Saxton Charles V (arch eng '14- ) Stu 123 Michigan St Stine Guy E (ag '05) Hatter 209 N Union Av ?Walsh William J (c eng '09 BS) c/o Mo Pac RR Whitlock Harry F ('06) Acct 212 W Second St Whitlock Raymond C (arch eng '07) Gen Bldg Contr 919 E Ninth St REDVALE Wakefield Mrs C E (lib '03) Home Walker Mrs J F (mus '00) Home RIFLE Bennett Simon A (la '12 AB) Mintr ROCKY FORD Jackson John E (la '15) Stu 404 S Fifth St Savage Mrs S H (su '10) Home 501 S Main St Wilson Isaac E (su '08) Ag 4 Teach Wise Leonard E (ag '06 BS) Lum- ber Deal SEDGWICK Broadhead William J (ag '13 BS) Ag SEIBERT tMoorehead Frank F (arch '08) SNEFFELS Shipman Andrew B (m eng '05 BS) Metal Min 4" Milling STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Bareuther Mrs R A (sc '04 AB) Furrow Elmer O (la '09 AB) Law STERLING Green Dorothy ( '07 ) Superv Mus Henderson Frank S (e eng '12- ) Stu 219 N Third St Yonge Minnie (sc '10 AB Fac '11) Grad Stu U Cal 322 Elm St TELLURIDE Bane Geneva M (h sc '12 BS) Teach H Sc TRINIDAD fHowlett Royal S (arch '99) fSmith Stephen P (arch '03) Eng Foreman 310 West Fourth St Town Henry L (m eng '71) Pattern Maker Williams Frederick A (ag '76) Ins 4 B Est 307 Bk Bldg TWIN LAKE Chapin Minor (m eng '15- ) Stu VICTOR Barclay James T ( '97) Hist Mgr In- ternat Corresp Sch Box 95 Devy Orrin E (e eng '11) Min fFowler Edward C (sc '03) 224 S Second St ?Hill Fred S (chem eng '04) Clk Williams Thomas T (e eng '05) Fore- man Portland Mine WALDEN Hitchcock Edward ('07) Banch 4 M Eng WALLSTREET Bailey Thomas S (sc '05 AB) Chem 4 Mgr Mining Property Bailey Mrs T S (h sc '04) Home WHEAT RIDGE moles Oliver S (la '89 ML) Viall Frank L (sp ag '01) Laborer Yuma 776 CONNECTICUT CONNECTICUT ANSONIA Smith Mrs Stewart (la '12 AB) Home 42 Johnston St BEIDGEPOET Gibbs Paul H (m eng '13 BS) M Eng c/o Belknap Mfg Co Hogan Frank J (la com '08) Auto Serv Expert 215 Salem St Smith Stewart T (arch eng '15 BS) Reinforced Concrete 193 Hewitt St Tyler Walter S (e eng '00 BS) Mfg 4r E Eng 503 Colorado Av COS COB Schaller William F ( e eng '12 MS) ( '10 BS) E Eng NY NH & H EE Cos Cob Power Plant FOET TEUMBULL Warner Harry J (se '01 BS) Med US Pub Health Serv GLASTONBUEY Eipley Lewis B (g entom '15- ) Stu HAETFOED ANDEESON Eufus ('93) Designer $■ Mech Eng CAEPENTEE Frederic W ('13) Asst Prof Trinity Coll Hayward De Alton (la com '09 AB) Ins Travelers Ins Co 44 Sumner St HILDEBEAND Charles ('80) Fin 46 Allen PI Van Meter Abram L (la '07) Med Eesident Staff Hartford Hosp MIDDLETOWN Crawford Frederick N (g ehem '15- ) Stu DEAKE Durant ('11) Assoc Prof Wes U NEW BEITIAN Goss Stanley T (m eng '06) Mfg 16 Eussell St Teich Fredrick C (arch eng '09 ) Draft 80 Glenn St NEW HAVEN Baldwin Milton -F (la '15- ) Stu 26 Carmel St breckenridge Lester P (Hon D Eng '10 Fac '09) Prof Yale Sheff Sc Sch 412 Humphrey St Brooks Charles F ('08) Assoc Prof Yale U 82 Linden St Bryant Ealph C (sc '99) Prof Yale U 360 Prospect St Burton Lawrence V (chem eng '14 MS ('11 BS) Fac '15) Stu Yale U c/o Bacterid Dept Springfield Sch Chester Manley E (e eng '97 BS) Whitney Blake Co Clinton George P (sc '94 MS ( '90 BS) Fac '02) Bot Conn Ag Exp Sta Jones Alexander H (su '12) Mintr 656 Taylor Hall Manley Earle C (e eng '97 BS) Mfg Eubber Covered Wires c/o Whitney Blake Co Eoss John M (la '14- ) Stu 445 Or- chard St Eowland Nestor S (ag '15- ) Stu 41 Maple St Senning John P (g hist '12) Stu Yale U 149 Starr St SUTHEELAND Arthur H ( '14) Instr YaleU TAYLOE Thomas S ( '12) Asst Prof Yale U '15- Taylor Mrs T S (sc '12 AB) Thomas Alfred M (eng '06) Arch Eng 1646 Chapel St weld * Louis D (g la '07 AM) Prof Yale U NEW LONDON senay Charles T (g zool '15 AM) Teach 328 Jefferson Av NOEWICH Dorsey Otis B (e eng '12 BS) E Eng Hopkins & Allen Co 162 Broad St STOEES TEUEMAN John M ('95) Prof Conn Ag Coll THOMASTON Eafiniski Clement J (com '15- ) Stu Center St WATEEBUEY Hawley Alfred D (e eng '14 BS) c/o Scovill Mfg Co 194 Buckingham St WEST COENWALL Van Doren Carl C (la '07 AB Fac '08) Instr Col U N WOODSTOCK paine Olive A (g ed '15 AM) Teach Nor Sch DELAWARE— DISTEICT COLUMBIA 777 DELAWARE NEWARK Grantham Arthur E (ag '04) Prof Del Coll Exp Sta STERLING Williams Eugene C (com '15- ) Stu 606 W Fourth St WILMINGTON Stapler William W (la '15 BS) 211 W Seventh St DISTRICT COLUMBIA WASHINGTON Abbott Alice A ('05) Borne "The Victoria' ' 14th St NW Abbott Edward L (c eng '83 BS) BB Valuation 1423 R St NW Abbott Sara (lib '07) Libr "The Victoria ' ' Adams Leason H (sc '06 BS) Bes Carnegie Inst Allison Waite F ( '92) BB Eng 121 12th St SE Almy Lloyd H (chem eng '09 BS) Bes Chem 20 Mintwood Apt Ambler Sarah (lib '00 BLS) Libr Ofc Supt Doc 1360 Otis PI NW Bacon Harlow (e eng '93 BS) Gov Draft Coast & Geodetic Surv Wailhache Adaline ( '80) Ballard William S (sc '04 AB Fac '06) Plant Pathol c/o Bur Plant In- dus \Barrera Frederic A ('09) Room 33 War Dept BAWDEN William T ('12) Special- ■ ist Industrial Ed Beatty Wilbur M (eng '86) First Asst Exam Patent Ofc 4027 Georgia Av NW Beavers Harrison B (com '15- ) Stu 1752 Columbia Rd Belnap Nuel D (1 '12- ) (la '14 BS) Stu 100 W St NW Boutell Hugh G (ry eng '08) Gov PO 1529 Rhode Island Av NW Boyer Joseph D (arch '05) Gov Arch c/o Superv Arch Treas Dept Brush Rapp (la '11) Second Lieut US Inf War Dept Butler Lawrence P (m eng '86) Cant 4th Inf US Army Caldwell Charles E Jr (sc '12 AB) Sales Sr Branch Mgr Lib Bur 743 15th St Calvin Ben W (la '15- ) Stu On- tario & Columbia Rds ^Campbell Michael K ('88) US PO Dept Chandler Edward M A (g chem '14- ) Stu 2347 Georgia Av chang Laun (c eng '13 MS) 2006 Columbia Rd Chen Jung-ting (ag '14- ) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd tChen King Yaou (chem '13) 2006 Columbia Rd Chung Hsin Hsuan (ag '14) Stu Harv U 2006 Columbia Rd Chung Yuen L (su '13) Chinese Le- gation clark Samuel C (g sc '09 AM ('03) Fac '09) Asst US Dept Ag R2 Clark Thomas A (eng '04 BS) Army Ofc c/o Adjt Gen Army Clifford Charles L (e eng '99 BS) E Eng War Dept 1729 New York Av COLLINS Walter D ( '08) Bur Chem t Cooke Jane E (lib '99 BLS) Catg Lib Congress 900 E Capital St Craig Edward E (e eng '13) Stenog 2020 15th St NW Waniels Edward M Jr ('79) 1426 Sixth St Davis Roscoe C (e eng '98) Officer US Navy c/o Bur Nav Decker Mrs P D (g lib '04) Borne Denison Irving A (ag '14- ) Stu 711 Sixth St SE DENNIS William C ( '04) Law The Alwyn 1882 Columbia Rd Dieserud Helge C (eng '14- ) Stu 216 Indiana Av NE Diggs Charles H (ag '14) Land Arch 2106 F St NW Donaldson Robert S (c eng '05) Lieut Cav US Army c/o Adj Gen Army Dougherty Andrew J (e eng '97) Capt US Inf War Dept Dyer Arthur A (la '14) 619 L St NW Elliott Charles G (c eng '92 CE) ('77 Cert) Consult Drain Eng 503 Mc- Lachlen Bldg Ellis Arthur J (sc '11 AM) ( '08 AB) Gov Geol c/o US Geol Surv Etherton William A (arch '04 BS) Arch Dept Ag Feagans Ray F (1 '08 LL B Fac '08) Atty Asst Solic US Dept Ag Law Forest Serv Ferguson George A (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1207 25th St FIELD Arthur S ('07) Econ $ Std- tis Ry Econ 3607 Lowell St Fisher Ora S (ag '08 BS Fac '15) 778 DISTRICT COLUMBIA Specialist Ofc Asst Sec Ag Apt 207 Forest Cts 14th & Fairmount Sts Fisher Mrs OS (sc '04 AB) Home Apt 207 Forest Cts 14th & Fair- mount Sts FORD Thomas B ( '08) c/o Bur Stand- ards Galhuly Stanley W (c eng '07 BS) Arch Treas Dept Superv Arch Ofc Gernand William I (e eng ; 00) Sec- ond Asst Exam US Pat Ofc 1336 A St SE Giles Lewis W (arch eng '14- ) Stu 1200 Linden St NE Gordon Willis O (sc '11 BS) Chem US Bur An Husb 2814 Adams Mill Rd Gould Harry C (c eng 78) Asst C Eng c/o Chf Eng US Army 191 War Dept Bldg Hackett Merrill J (sc '75) US Geol Surv 1328 Columbia Rd Hall Caroline E (su '06) Clh Forest Serv 212 N St NW Hall Louis D (ag '06 MS ( '99 BS) Fac '14) Office of Markets 3823 Liv- ingston St Hardy Clifton S (la '15- ) Stu 1431 Church St NW t Harper Raymond S (c eng '10) c/o Co A Engineers HASSELBRING Heinrieh ('06) US Dept Ag Heinzelman Alfred M (g chem '15- ( '15 BS) Fac '15) US Navy Yds 420 Seventh NE Hellmann Carl A (e eng '09 MS) '06 BS) Gov Law Asst Exam Patent Ofc 1729 U St NW Hemphill Joseph C (su '08) Gov Hemphill Mrs (su '08) Home 1430 Rhode Island Av HINDS. Henry ('14) Asst Geol US Geol Surv Holder Willis B ('87) Gov Clh Treas Dept 3018 P St NW Hood Joseph D (sc '10 AB) Bes Sc Asst Biol US Biol Surv Hoult Geneva F (la '12) Gov Clk c/o Bancroft Hotel Hsu Tsung Han (g sc '15- (sc '15 AM) '14 AB) Stu c/o H B Lion 2021 Kaloram Rd Hubbard Winfield S (sc '07) Org Chem US Bur Chem 1930 New Hampshire Av Hull Lucius M (la '84) Gait & Hull Short Hand Reporters 436 Southern Bldg Hull Sidney M (la '15 BS Fac '15) Chem US Bur Standards 420 7th St NE HUDSON ClaudeS ('07) Chem VS Dept Ag Ide Hiram R (ag '14- ) Stu 644 "D" St NE Ide Robert A (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 644 "D" St NE Jacobs Cora A (sc '09 AM) ('08 AB) Seed Analyst US Dept Ag 4413 Eighth St NW Jahr Torstein K (lib '00 BLS) Libr 4" Lit Lib Congress Kauffmann Mrs R M (la '01) c/o Evening Star Kennedy Henry S (ag '14- ) Stu 1920 11th St Kennedy John R Jr (arch '04) Arch US Treas Dept 1849 Newton St Klager Karoline (lib '04) Asst Libr Bur Labor Statistics 3137 Mt Pleas- ant St Apt 33 KNAB Frederick ('04) US Dept Entom Knapp Charles C (lib '10) Libr c/o Libr Congress Knepper Myrtle E (lib '12 BLS) Libr c/o US Dept Ag Latham Ector B (m eng '85) US Coast & Geod Sur LEIGHTY Clyde E ('06) Asst US Dept Ag Lewis Richard H (sc '10 BS) Gov Chem 816 12th St NW Li Szu-Kuang (la com '14- ) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Liang Eu (su '13) 2006 Columbia Rd Liang Tu Hung (g ag '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Lines Edwin F (sc '07) Geol US Geol Surv Liu Nai Yu (la com '14- ) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Logan Arthur C Jr (la '15) 818 22nd St Love George W ('99) Auditor US Dept Com 827 Allison St NW Lowe Cyrus C C (com '15- ) Stu 2013 Kalorama Rd \Lowell Joseph R ('09) 630 E St NE Lu Ching Kui (m eng '15- ) Stu 2014 Kalorama Rd Lyon Mrs MW Jr (su '95) Med 48 V St NW McCarthy Francis W (c eng '15) Stu 1162 Fifth St NE ^McDowell Malcolm Jr ( '80) Indian Comm US Dept Interior ?McGill Ruel S (m eng '98) 1753 Columbia Rd McLane John W (ag '01 BS) Gov US Dept Ag McMahan Bernard S ( '01) Med The Burlington Marsden Roger D (c eng >08 BS) DISTRICT COLUMBIA 779 Gov Drainage Investig US Dept Ag Marshall Elsmore J (la '15- ) Stu 1225 K St NW Matson George C (g geol '04 Fac '05) Asst Geol US Geol Surv Matthews Albert O (la '15- ) Stu 38 Q St NE Miller Robert N (g '13 MS) Insect & Fungi Bd Dept Ag MORRISON Lee ('08) US Geol Surv ?Munson Mary F (la '01) 2605 Ad- ams Mill Rd Nelson Elnathan K (se '94 BS Fac '93) Asst Chem Bur US Dept Ag Nichols Herbert L (la '15- ) Stu 509 ''O" St NW Nielson Joseph N (m eng '07 BS) Asst Exam US Patent Ofc 1615 Flor- ida Av north Simon N (Hon LL D '04) Asst Sec Carnegie Endow Internat Peace 2 Jackson PI Norton Charles W (la '01 AB) Mgr 2605 Adams Mill Rd Nutt George S (sc '13 BS) Chem 174 N Carolina Av PEASLEE Horace W ('14) Land Arch 808 17th St Pegram William A (m eng '11) Supt Mech Wks c/o.Wm Dall 13th & Clif- ton Sts NW Peterson Alvin R (la '09) Gov Bur Corporations Pettit Joseph F (c eng '06) c/o Pan- ama Canal Ofc Pollock William C (sc '75 BS) Law ClTc US Dept Inter 1819 Q St Pope George S (e eng '06) Gov M Eng Bureau Mines 1321 E Capitol St Porter Mrs J B (la '04 AB) Home 20 Eighth St SE Prasil Anton (chem eng '14 BS Fac '15) Civil Serv Comm 325 Fifth St SE Primm James L Jr ('80) Clk Gov Print Ofc 1341 Lawrence St putnam Herbert (Hon LL D '03) Libr Lib Congress Ramser Charles E (c eng '09 BS) C Eng Dept Ag Drain Investig Randall Oscar (c eng '15) Stu 412 S Capitol St SE Reasoner Mathew A (sc '96 BS) Capt Med Corps US Army c/o Surgeon Gen USA Reeves George I (sc '02 AB Fac su '02) Entom c/o Bureau Entom Roa Manuel (su '05) c/o W A Suth- erland 33 War Dept roark Ruric C (sc '08 AM) Chem Bur Chem US Dept Ag 1668 Park Rd NW Rogers Jerome S Cg sc '09 MS Fac '08) Asst Chem US Dept Ag 832 Rittenhouse St NW (832 Rittenhouse St) Rogers Mrs J S (sc '09) Home 5 The Mindoro 832 Rittenhouse St Rumsey Darce F (1 '10) Sec 125 Fourth St SE Rundles John C (ag '15 BS) ( '08) Ag Mgr Gov Runkel Homer (sc '11 BS) Gov Chem 4008 Fifth St NW Wanford Robert M ('04) 1445 E Capitol St Schlink Frederick J (m eng '12 BS) Gov M Eng Trans c/o Bur Standards SCOTT James B ('03) Sec Carne- gie Endowment Internat Peace 2 Jackson PI Scott Mrs SB (lib '00 BLS) Home 2 Jackson PI ISeiler William C (e eng -'06) 1013 B St NE Shamel Archibald D (ag '02 BS Fac '02) Physiol Bur Plant Industry US Dept Ag SHAW E Wesley Asst Geol Coop Surv US Geol Surv SHEA Daniel W ( '94) Dean Science Catholic Univ tShen Wen Y (ag '14) Chinese Lega- tion Shinn Luther E (gen '68) Law Jour $ Mgr 2145 N St NW tShu Seng K (chem eng '10) c/o Minister Wu Ting Fang Simpson Francis M (ag '09 BS Fac '14) Spec Ofc Markets US Ag Dept Simpson Mrs F M (h sc '12 AB) Home 1701 Park Rd Skiles Mrs Aubrey (la '00) Home 512 11th St fSlade Frederick L (la '15- ) 1226 Walter St Slater Frederick W (e eng '94 BS) Osteop 1726 M Northwest Montana Apts Starr Helen K (lib '04) Libr Lib Congress STEELE Edward S ('73) Gov Serv Smithsonian Bldg Stewart Charles W (la '77) Libr 1112 Kenyon St NW Stoddard Mabel F (la sc '14- ) Stu The Hudson Stratton Samuel W (m eng '86 BS Fac '92) Dir Nat Bur Standards The Farragut 17th & First Sts NW Sun Eu-lin (ag '14- ) Stu 2006 Columbia Rd Sunderland Archibald H (e eng '96) Mil c/o Adj Gen US Army 780 DISTRICT COLUMBIA— FLORIDA Sutton William H (la '13- ) Stu 1209 Wylie St NE Townsend Mrs E B (la '85) Home 1644 Columbia Rd Underwood Eugene (la '15) Stu Law Geo Washington U 1333 15th St NW Ungson Rafael (su '05) 33 War Dept Van Horn Frank B (sc '07) US Geol Survey Van Orstrand Charles E (sc '97 BS) (c eng '96) Bes US Geol Sur Vautsmeier Walter W (la '06) Mil c/o Adj Gen Voris Alvin C ( '94) Captain US Army c/o Adj Gen Waite Merton B (sc '87 BS Fac '08) Bes Plant Pathol Dept Ag Walton Thomas W (g '11 AM & AB) Ed Dir YMCA 1825 F St NW Walton Mrs T W (la '10 AB) Home 1825 F St NW Warren Francis E (arch eng '10) Supt Constr 1225 11th St NW Warrington Chester H (ry c eng '10) Bus Mgr 3311 Av of Presidents Warrington George (m eng '77) Con- sult Eng 3311 Av of President Warrington Mrs George (la '77) Home 3311 Av of Presidents Watson Ebenezer B ('92) Sc Bur Soils US Dept Ag WEGEMANN Carroll H ('07) Asst US Geol Surv 3126 Q St NW tWELLS William F ('13) 2015 First St NW Welshimer Robert R (1 '04) Army Officer c/o Adjutant Gen USA Wilcox Burton B (g chem '05 AM& AB) Chem US Bureau Chem Wilkins Andrew C (la '05) c/o Inter- St Com Comm Williams Ralph J (arch '01 BS) Specifications Writer US War Dept The Champlain Wilson James M (la '78 Cert) Bet Second Nat Bnk Bldg WOOD William T ('83) Sec # Treas US Soldiers' Home Yu Hsi C (la com '14- ) Stu 2023 Kalorama Ed Wu Charles S (la '14) 2006 Columbia Rd Wu Hueykung L (com '15- ) Stu 2023 Kalorama St FLORIDA ARCADIA Grizzell Roy A (la '13) Sc $■ Ag AUBURNDALE t Dunning Russell O (ag 72) AVON PARK Walden May (la '85) Soc Serv BACARATONE Fultz Mrs (la '07) Home BAGDAD Brittenham John A (m eng '04) Acct BALDWIN Reynolds Homer S (arch '12) Mgr Tulane Farms BARTOW Hunsaker Andrew F (la '09 AB & AM) Teach Webster Lewis S (mim eng '14- ) Stu BRADENTOWN David Mrs G W (sc '11 AB) Home Box 475 Sheetz Roscoe M (ag '05) Dent CANDLER " Rexwinkle James (arch eng '13) Fruit CANTONMENT Green Clarence (la '03 AB) Teach Green Mrs Clarence (lib '04) Home CHESTER Roberts Isaiah L (chem '75) COCOA Brown Frank L (la '13) Ag Devol Everett R (e eng '15- ) Stu Box 15 COCOANUT GROVE DE GARMO Charles ('91) Bet DAVENPORT McClurg Vane ('09) Ag Staples Oren E (mus '05 Fac '14) Fruit DE LAND Bauer Ralph S (1 '08) (la '04 AB) Asst Prof Stetson U Hiserodt Sadie (a&d '93) Sec Co Jud DO VIE Henderson William M (ag '12) Ag EUSTiS Gault Mathew B ('10) Grocer FLOEIDA 781 FELLSMERE . tCottingham William S C (ag '01) Truck Gardener Hennessey Augustus L (e eng '73 Cert) Citrus Grower FORT LAUDERDALE Forman Hamilton M (1 '08 LLB) Ag Forman Mrs H M (la '09) Home Rickards Mrs J S (h sc '12) Home FT MYERS Durre Fred C (ag '06) Lumber Farrow John F (su '15) Prin H Sch Martin Marvel (la '15) GAINESVILLE tDyrenforth Lucien Y (ag '13) Stu U Fla Box 573 HOMESTEAD Morrison Roy A (m eng '04) B Est Sf Ins JACKSONVILLE Bott* Mrs F W (la '08) Home 4 Oakdale Apts Margaret & Oak Sts Bowlar Felix F (su '15) Teach Walk- er Bus Coll 417% Broad St Engel Paul E (la '12) Mgr Seminde Club 2200 Park St Fairlie Margaret C (su '14) Teach 1035 E Bay St Hasson Harry (sc '00 BS) Bus Mgr Armour Fertilizer Wks \Holtzclaw Warren ('02) Credit Mgr National Bnk Horr Jay R (la '05) Ag Pettyjohn James W (la '03 LLB) CXk c/o Covington Co Wills Frank (chem eng '10 BS) 225 Florida LAKE CITY Richardson Clarence H (su '15) Sheffield Mrs J C (g '04 AM) Home LEMON CITY owen Mary E P (g french '08 AM) Prin Priv Sch MANNVILLE Mann Arthur R (m eng '97) Ag Mann Edward L (la '95 BL) Bet Law $• Orange Grower MELBOURNE Bills Frank L (la '81) B Est $ Bnk MIAMI Hall Walter O (la '74) Bet Ag 208 Blvd St Kelso Herschel (1 '09) B Est c/o S Fla Investment Co ?Murphy John R ('03) R4 ?Powers Fred B ( '06) Reimert Robert R (arch eng '14 BS) Arch 1008 Av K OCALA I von Engelken Marie J (la '10 AB) | Howard Edwin E M (sc '74) Orange Grower 22 Dougherty St ORLANDO Compton Richard O (ag '10 BS) PENSACOLA Kneisly Sara H (mus '05) 1101 E Gadsden St PETERSBURG Smalley Robert C (ag '15) Stu U Fla 228 Second St South St ' ST PETERSBURG Asbury John W (su '02) Teach Bucher Ermane G (sc '15 BS) Teach H Sch & Dir Band 228 Third Av S Gunthorp James M (sc '07) Prin H Sch Hoover Ada V (g classics '12 AM) Teach Pan Amer Worn Coll McCluer Mrs E C (su '01) Home 725 Ninth St N Smalley Robert C (ag '15- ) Stu 228 Second St S Welsh Arthur E (e eng '06) B Est SANTA ROSA Cessna Albert B (1 '05) Law # Hort SARASOTA Bruce Robert C (m eng '00) Supt $ Eng Pub Bridges & Roads Strong George W (ag '13) Gardener SUTHERLAND Craver James C (ag '72) Merc 4- B Est TALLAHASSEE Conibear Florence M (h sc '12) Stu Woman's Coll knibloe Walter E (Hon ML '93) (sc '76 MS) Prin Leon H Sch TAMPA Heaton Thomas R (eng '94) ( '89) C Eng 782 FLORIDA— GEORGIA Hodgson Gilbert II (chem eng '07) Med 316 City Bk Bldg Mitchell Nolan D (arch eng '10 BS) Struct Eng 411 Amer Nat Bk Bldg ?Mueller John (la '75 BS) Stowell Charles E ('06) VERO Clemann Louis H (eng '14) Ag WANCHULA Davis Thatcher F (ag '13) Orange & Truck Grower R2 SAND KEY Pattison Samuel L (la '94) Hotel Prop Washington Beach WATERTOWN Tomlinson Bennie (g '07 AM) ( '06 AB) Busi WEST PALM BEACH Thompson Mrs E C (la '06 AB) Home WINTER HAVEN DREW William L ( '04) Fruit Grow- er Duncan Landale W (ag '10 BS) Sec Peace Valley Farm GEORGIA ALBANY ? Johnson Samuel A (su '09) White Austin G (m eng '11) Hort 513 North St ATHENS HART Joseph W ('04) Dairyman US Dept Ag & Field Asst Ga Stone Charles H (g lib '14- ) Stu 685 S Lumpkin St white Henry C (HonLLD'05) ATLANTA ^Brewster D H ('77) ?Davis Rupert F (sc '13) 393 North Blvd Foulks Mittie (su '09) Teach Dom Sc Atlanta Nor & Indus Inst \ Goodrich Charles E (m eng '02) Dist Mgr American Powder Mills Box 553 Law Mrs ('82) Home 50 Pennsyl- vania Av McLean John C (m eng '10 BS) In- terlocking Superv c/o Atlanta Termi- nal Co Smith Herbert C (eng '14) Sales c/o Amo Radiator Co t White Menzo (la '79) c/o W Woods White White W Woods (la '77) Gen Agt NW Mutual Life Ins Co Willmarth Clarence A (arch eng '16) 95 Luckie St WOOD Harry P ('07) Prof Ga Sch Tech woodward Paul S (g chem '13 MS) Teach BALDWIN Philbrick Clarence L (ag '06) Sales Sr Fruit Philbrick Ethan (c eng '81 BS) Hy- draulic Eng Sr Fruit Grower Philbrick Mrs Ethan (sp '01) Home Tear Herbert L (e eng '09) Fruit Grower Hickory Flats Orchard COLUMBUS Murray Mrs G S (lib '03 BLS) Home Wildwood FITZGERALD mughes Alexander G ('06) GAINESVILLE Lucas Leonora (la '06) Prof Brenau Coll f McCarthy Irene E ('10) Stu Bre- nau Coll GIBSON tMcCARTNEY William P ( '01 LL B (sc '93 BS) '00 MS) HIGH SHOALS Ham Arthur E (e eng '08) Master Mech High Shoals Mfg Co Horn Arthur E (e eng '08) Act Sec Sr Master Mech Highshoals Mfg Co LAFAYETTE Blackburn Robert E (ag '13 BSA) Planter R4 MACON Dunn Wilbur L (c eng '09 BS) C Sr M Eng 417 Broadway Howe Sidney P (ag '15- ) Stu 1420 Hazle St Karsten Paul ('08) BJc ClTc Ogle- thorpe St Odell Arthur B (m eng '01) Flor R5 MADISON Predmore George M (m eng '97) Vet Insp US Dept Ag GEORGIA— IDAHO 783 MILLEDGEVILLE Williamson Maude (la '09 AB) Instr Ga Nor & Indus Coll NEWMAN Eobinson Robert B ('03) E Eng OXFORD Magath Thomas B (g zool '14- ) Stu SAVANNAH Bassett Victor H (su '95) City Bac- teriol Mun Lab camp Eugene V (g '09 MS) Mun Eng 407-409 Savannah Bk & Trust Bldg Dighton Samuel R (la '04) Law Golden Wesley B (la com '15 AB) Clk CB&Q RR 18 Mulberry St Greaves George (eng '88) . Supt Car Wheels Wks 310 W Hall St Lemon William OS (c eng '95 BS) Prin Asst Eng US Eng Ofc Mapes George C (m eng '14- ) Stu 226 Habersham St Otto Albert S (g '97^ Teach 504 E Bolton St STORM LAKE Storey Mrs W M ('06) Home Gen- esceo St TALLAPOOSA Myers Lloyd R (la '06) Com Trav THOMASTOWN Allen Reuben W (g chem '14- ) Stu HAWAII EWA McLean Charles R (la '97) Med HILO Goff Roy A (ag '15 BS) Track Hilo Boarding Sch Low Apan P (arch eng '15) Insp US Eng Ofc HOLUSALOA KONA Strout Frank A (m eng '00 BS) HONOLULU Abend Hallett E ('01) News Rep c/o Honolulu Star Bulletin Amana Alfred (la '15- ) Stu 432 N School St Camp Mrs T J (mus '13) Home Fort Shafter Choy Bung Chen (c eng '14- ) Stu 468 King St Box 807 Clark Albert B Jr (la '07 AB) Acct 1551 Beretania St Clark Charles A (e eng '98 BS) Capt US Army Fort Ruger Clark Everett (e eng '08) E Eng 779 E Lunalilo Terrace Clark Lawrence E (e eng '09) Supt Equip Larrison George K (c eng '01) Supt Hydrography Bur Ag & Forestry Lee-Toma En Fon (la '15- ) Stu 33 King St Lee-Toma Esther EiiMoi (la 1914- ) Stu 33 King St Lee-Toma Ethel Kinkvan (la '13) Teach 33 King St Lui Sik Chew (la '15- ) Stu 1014 Nuyana St osborn Herbert T (g entom '10 AM) Entom c/o Exp Sta Hawaiian Sugar Planters Smith Lorrin K (ag '10) Prop $• Mgr Hawaiian Express Co Box 641 Taylor Harry H (e eng '09) E Eng Waterhouse Trust Co Yamanoto Soichi (e eng M4- ) Stu 1009 Liliha St Yapp James F O (g eng '15- BS) (c eng '15) 726 Hustace Av Yim Albert M (la '13- ) Stu 229 King St KAMUELA Panhoe Henry A (c eng '15 BS) KAPOHO PUNA Lyman Lewis T (ag '15 BS) Moo Jen Y (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1436 Luso St IDAHO ALBION Bocock Clarence E (la '99 AB) Dean St Nor Sch ALENE Fulton Robert B (c eng '02 BS) C Eng c/o Pacific Coast Pipe Co (857 Gov Way Coeur de Alene) AMERICAN FALLS Bradshaw George Jr (c eng '07) Merc Sykes James T (ag '12) Ag ASHTON Stone Paul P (la com '08 AB) Blcpr BEELER Rodgers Leon L (e eng '97) Min Eng 784 IDAHO BERGER Griffith Ambrose (e eng '09) Owner Irrigation Project BLISS McGrew LeRoy (su '07 ). Teach BOISE Atkinson Sheridan K (c eng '09) C Eng Sr Contr 624 Overland Bldg Bickell Mrs R T » Farm Mgr State Hospital Kankakee ASTORIA Baxter Bessie M (la '11) Teach Baxter Harry F ( '10) Med Baxter Ralph P (ag '13) Ag Bucher Cyrus G (ag '05) Ag Rl Cooper David W (e eng '15- ) Stu tDanner Ralph (ag '13) tDanner Roy (ag '06) Kidd Lilace M (la '14- ) Teach Lutz Frank L (ag '05) Ag McLaren Thomas F ('77) Sales Parks Edwin G (ag '13) Ag Parks Estelle (h sc '13) Teach ATHENS Cantrall John H (ag '10) Ag Cline Henry C (ag '10) Ag RFD Culver Harry W (ag '04) Ag Culver Walter A (ag '06) Ag Jones Harry R (ag 76) Ag Kenyon Eli D (ag '04) Ag Kincaid James E (ag '03) Ag R2 Kincaid John K (ag '09 BS) Ag R2 Kincaid Richard Y (ag '76) Ag Primm Jay O (ag '03) Ag Rhodes Elmer H (su '14) Teach t Swingle Earl H (ag '09) Tilson Delbert M (ag '10 BS) Ag ATKINSON Dickey Leslie A (ag '12) Ag tHartman George H (e eng '14) Ag Humphreys Robert H (ag '15- ) Stu Humphreys Seaver S (la com '09 AB) Grain Merc Nowers Thomas F ( '02) Bnk ATLANTA Adams Augustus E (ag '10) Ag Applegate Albert A (su '15) (la '14 AB) Applegate Archie B (ag '01) Grain Merc Applegate Arthur L (ag '08) Ag Applegate Ruth P ( h sc '13) Teach Applegate Verne L (sc '11 AB) Ag Ash Joseph ('92) Ag Chenoweth Olive E (la '02) Stu 111 St Nor U Church George L ( '93) Furniture 4' Undertaking Clawson Kenneth R (arch eng '13) Arch Br aft Cohen Carl (la '14- ) Stu Crihfield Philip A (la '07 AB) Publ Dowdy James M (sc '09) Mfg Ellis Mark R (ag '09) Ag Gilchrist George E (ag '05) Ag tHammitt Cloyd (m eng '04) Hawes Henry C (la '15) Stu Hieronymus P Elbert (ag '15- ) Stu Hoblit John A Jr (m eng '94) Ag ?Horrom Robert E (m eng '09) tHorrom William A (m eng '99) Jacobs Clifford D (su '14) Supt Schs Kelly Jessie M (h sc '14- ) Stu tLong Hallie M (su '03) McClure Adelle E (mus '13- ) Stu 792 ILLINOIS tMcKown Eobert D (la '09) t Miller Charles M (ag '10) Miller Olive F (g rom lang '15 AM) ( '14 BS) Miller Ora L (h sc '15 AB) fMountjoy Earl L (m eng '10) Mount joy Oscar F (ag '04) Ag Nollen Nell A (sc '10 AB) ( '05) Teach Sc Patton John V (com '15- ) Stu Patton Eichard C (la '14) Stu Perry Jesse L (e eng '04) Watchmak- er $r Jeweler Eogers Paul H (1 '15) Stu U Mich tSater Eunice F (su '03) t Turner Clyde B ('94) t Turner Hazel D (la '07) t Turner Walter C (la com '13) ATTILA ?Barter Duncan M (ag '93) ATWATEE Davis Jonathan S (arch '92) Ag ATWOOD Bell Thomas A (su '01) Ag tBlackwell Maude G (la '15) Blackwell Ealph V (ry e eng '09) Elec Contr Carrol Frank E (la '13) Ag Carroll William E (la '71) Ag Frazier Arthur O (la '15 AB) Supt Schs Gross Lena (su '06) Teach Hassig Carl (e eng '13) Tel Opr Orr Mary E (la '14 AB) Teach H Sch Eiggs Mildred E (h sc '14- ) Stu Eobinson Dorothy M (mus '12) Clk ■ Eodgers Perry H (la '15- ) Stu Scheffer Max A (ag '11) Ag Scheffer Wilhelminia (la '14- ) Stu Suffern Emmette P (jour '12- ) Stu E2 \Wildman Freeman ('99) Wilson Kenneth L (su '14) Teach Wilson Winifred (la '14- ) Stu AUBUEN Barnes Otis A (chem '12- ) Stu Christopher Bessie F (h sc '14 BS) Christopher Carl (g '11 MS) (ag '09 BS) Mgr Coon Benjamin H (la '10) Mintr Derry Harrison W (ag '11) Teach Gardner McKinley (la '14- ) Stu Hart Sterling P (sc '96) Med Husson Harry L (e eng '13- ) Stu James Eussell L (ag '13) Ag James Mis K L (mus '07) Home McLaughlin May me (su '14) Ping Clarence E (ag '14) Ag £ Am anuensis EFD Queen Duey T ('02) PM Shearer Clinton P (ag '15) Smith Theodore M (ag '09 BS) Ag &r Stock Smith Mrs T. M (h sc '08) Teach t Williams Blanche S ('10) AUGUSTA Artz Harry B (e eng '15) Elec Contr 3 E Main St Artz David ( '95) t Booker Jean A (la '12) ?Brown Mae E (mus '99) Crain Mrs E W (la '00) Borne t Decker Arthur E (su '15) Dorsett Martha M (la '15- ) Stu Dorsett Mary E (la '14- ) Stu Garwood Mabel C (la '06 AB) ( '00) Teach t Harris Charles L (arch eng '96) tKETCHUM Margaret A (1 '00 LL B) Law tMcCreery Chester E (ag '05) Ag Sr Stock E3 Melvin Odis E (ag '07) Ag El Moore Ellsworth (la '10 AB) Ag Moore Phillip A (chem eng '10) Nelson Esther P (la '14- ) Stu Pitney Clarence O (e eng '97 BS) Thar Eead James M Jr (ag '07) Ag St Line Delivery Smith Earl L (la '14) Merc Swanson Amy E (ed '06) Art Weinberg Joseph J (e eng '11) Line- man Wier Samuel ('03) Ag Wood Mrs J D (la '03) Home t Working Walter C (arch eng '11) Electr AUEOEA Adamson Clarence *H (ag '12) Sttt Carnegie Inst Tech 426 Downer PI tAmell J Bruce (la '06) 129 Galena St At wood Harold (sc '11) Mgr Har- wood Labs 323 S Fourth St Austin Barton S Jr (ag '15 BS) Land Arch c/o Austin-Ferguson Land- scape Arch & Eng Barber Harry H (m eng '07 BS) Sales Eng 420 Galena Blvd Barber Leslie C (la '13 AB) Jour 201 S Fourth St Bardwell Conrad M (la '15- ) Stu 429 Fox St Bardwell Laura A (h sc '12- ) Stu ILLINOIS 793 429 Fox St Baysinger Bertha M (la '15- ) Stu 148 Woodlawn Av Baysinger Walter G (ag '15- ) Stu 148 Woodlawn Av Binder Albert A (e eng '12) Stu Col U 133 S Fourth St Binder George F (ag '14- ) Stu 133 S Fourth St Bloodgood Wylie (eng '15- ) Stu 222 Benton St Boger Henry H (la '09) Teach 228 Clain St Boger Thomas A (sc '09) Med 228 Clain St Brady Lorenzo J (sp '70) Burton Malcolm V (la '15- ) Stu 209 Downer PI Colton Seth W (sp '81) Colton Egg Farm Cooper Edgar C (c eng '97) c/o Coop- er Dept Store 445 Downer PI Cooper Paul H Jr (e eng '96 BS) Merc Cooper Eichard H (m eng '89) Merc c/o Cooper Bros Currier Donald E (ag '15) Mfg 636 Downer PI Currier Mrs EM ( '78) Home ■ 636 Downer PI Currier Lawrence J (com '15- ) Stu 636 Downer PI ' Cutter Cyrus H (sc '80) Med Darmer George A (la '00 AB) Med 12 S Broadway St Denney Helen B (mus '13) At home 396 S Fourth St Denney Mrs Paul E (mus '09) Home 375 Maple Av Derrick Eobert (eng '04) Abstracts Deuchler Gustave H (arch eng '14- ) Stu 364 Garfield Av Deuchler Walter E (c eng '10 BS) Mun Eng 365 Hardin Av Dewey Herschel H (arch eng '08) Adv Agt 393 Oak Av Dieterich Edgar L (la '12) 201 S Lincoln Av tDunlap Affa E (mus '01) Dressmak- er 252 Seminary Av Erikson Clifford E J (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 297 W Park Av Faircloth Samuel E (m eng '15- ) Stu 325 North Av Farrar Harry L (m eng '10) Gas Eng West United Gas & Elec Co Fauth Irene M (h sc '15) Stu N III St Nor 466 Spring St Ferguson Clarence M (ag '15 BS) Land Arch Sr Eng Fisher Paul P (la com '08) Merc 238 La Salle St Flaugher John H (c eng '10) Min Eng 330 South Av Florence Edward (la '10) Bus Mgr 272 Iowa Av t Foster Edward B (ag '13) 204 S Fourth St Foulke Bonald E (e eng '14- • ) Stu 111 W Park Av Fraser Mrs Alice E (sp '13) ( '08) 252 Seminary Av Frazier Philip (m eng '14) Mfg 150 Highland Av Frazier Walter S (la '15) Stu Mass Tech 246 Downer PI Freeman Joseph H ('99) Bet 265 Fox St Ganser Alice M (la '14) Vocal Mus 275 Main St Gill George T (la '15 BS) Land Arch YMCA Bldg Glover Dorothy H (la '12) At home 226 New York St Goldschmidt Samuel M (la '12) Mfg 272 Clark St Gould Clifford B (c eng '15- ) Stu 441 Prairie Av Greene William B (m eng '08 BS) Adv Mgr Stephens Adamson Mfg Co 737 Garfield Av Gregory James H (la com '15) Bk Messenger 145 Blackhawk St Groon William C (la '05) Merc 360 Fourth Av Gumz Johann H (arch eng '13) Draft 113 T St Haan George W (sc '15 AB) Stu NW Med Sch 344 Marion Av Habermeyer George C (c eng '03 BS Fae '13) Civ ^ San Eng 395 Prairie St Habermeyer Mrs G C (la '04 AB) Home 395 N Prairie St Hanna James C ( '86) Bet Merc Harris Leila D (la '11 AB) Teach Haseltine Warren E (sc '99) Supt $ Chem Box 422 Haseltine Mrs W E (la '99 AB) Home Box 422 Hattrem Warner M (chem '10 BS) Chem 224 La Salle St Healy Fred A (ag '15 BS) Ag 339 Downer PI Hesselbaum Caroline E ('14 AB) Teach 190 River St Hinckley George C (la '98) Asst Eng Hoffman Eoy A (e eng '15) 23 N Boot St Howell Eobert A (ag '12) Wholesale Ice-cream Mfg 347 Plum St Hoyt Charles M ( '85) Janda James F (m eng '10 BS) M Eng 201 Fifth St 794 ILLINOIS Kaiser Karl J (la '13- ) Stu 114 N View St Kaiser Oscar A (se '14) Chem 205 Main St Kallstedt Charles H (m eng '11) Dist Dept Gas Co 283 Spruce St Karnes • John N (1 '11) Law 278 Spring St Kay George J (e eng '13 BS) Slu Western Elec Co Chicago Kazar Jay A (m eng '11) Med 456 Walnut St Kendall Myron A (m eng '07 BS) M Eng 4- Mfg 715 Garfield Blvd Keough Eobert E (c eng '07) Asst Train Master fy Road Master CB&Q RR 56 N Root St Leaf Charles E (sc '01) 189 Penn- sylvania Av Lord Maurice F (la '09 AB) Law YMCA Lungren Arthur N (m eng '13- ) Stu 111 Plum St Lungren Edgar E (chem eng '15- ) Eng Western United Gas & Elec Co 111 Plum St Lyon Edward L (1 '07) Law 257 N Lake St McCarty Charles J (e eng '98 BS) Asst Eng CB&Q RR ' 221 N View St McGinnis Harvey (m eng '09 BS) 476 Downer PI Mclntire Elliott C (com '15- ) Stu 139 Galena Blvd McWethy Daniel V (la com '14 AB) Ins 122 N Lake St McWethy Henry D (m eng '07) Ins Merchants Bk Bldg Marx George B (m eng '13- ) Stu 487 Second Av Mather William A (ag '15) 57 S May St t Miller John A (ag ? 12) 179 La Salle St Moore Albert B (la Feb '16- ) Stu tMuschler Henry C W (m eng '08) 55 Jackson St Nilsen Peter J (e eng '15 BS) Eng St Publ Util Comm 111 356 Linden Av Norling Albert E (ag '15- ) Stu 180 Wilder St Orr Clarence (la '14 AB) Teach E H Sch Parker Carolyn A (h sc '15) Stu Be- loit Coll 335 Lincoln Av ParTcer Orson S ('86) Med 22,1 Spring St Peck Irving K (m eng '15- ) Stu 309 S Lincoln Av Perry Sherman (su '13) Teach H Sch Spencer & Benton Sts Pfrangle Charles P (?c '13) CUc 279 La Salle St Phillips Albert H (ag '10) Ag R4 Phillips Roy S (ag '09) Ag R4 Pike Bessie M (mus '12) Stu Mus Columbia Conserv Potter John W (ag '10) Ag Rl Pouk Margaret F (la '08) Superv Mus Pritchard Elliot A (ag '15- ) Stu 226 Clark St Randall Frank J (ag '14- ) Stu 222 Cedar St Rapp Edwin W (sc '15) Stu 112 S Lincoln Av tRice Emigh (la com '06) Ruth Rowland W (m eng '15 BS) Eng Dept Amer Wells Wks 400 Downer PI Schmidt Edward K (ag '10) Cut Stone Contr 244 Galena Blvd Selby Leon G (su '05) Teach 491 La Salle St Shackell Bessie E (g '11 AM) ( '10 AB) Teach 288 S Fourth St Shambo Guy P (e eng '13) 301 Spring St Shepardson Ralph S (M Arch '10) ('97 BS) Arch 305 Garfield Av t Smith Charles C (sp '69) t Smith Edna L (arch eng '10) 125 W Park Av Sodaro Joseph C (la '15- ) Stu 337 S River St Solfisburg Christian H (sc '10) Mfg N Beach St Sperry Frank E (m eng '10 BS) M Eng R5 Sperry John B (m eng '07) Asst Chf Eng Amer Well Works Stolp Ray N (c eng '08) Asst Cash Merc Nat Bk 204 S Fourth St Sylvester Edmund L (c eng '93) Gen Bldg Contr 131 S Highland Av Tanner Harry W (ag '08) Ag Rl Tarble Myron J (eng '94) City Eng 327 Plum St Taylor Gertrude (h sc '11) Mgr H Sch Cafeteria Teichmann Arthur E (g sociol '12) Merc 333 South Av Teichmann Mrs. A E ('05) Home 333 S Av Theiss Otto J (c eng '99 BS) Auto Sales 70 S La Salle St ?Uril Alice M (la '78) Waldo Karl D (la '06 AB) Supt Schs 1 N State St Walker Frank A (ag '13- ) Stu 429 Galena Blvd Walker Mae E (h sc '14- ) Stu 429 Galena Blvd Ward Mrs J S (su '09) Teach 200 Lake St ILLINOIS 795 Weiss John F (m eng '09 BS) Ma- terial Itisp Sante Fe RR 277 Sem- inary Av Wells Fred S (m eng '15 BS) Mfg Sales Agt 399 S Fourth St Wheeler Russell C (m eng '15 BS) c/o Stephens Admanson Mfg Co Wilford Edward J (ag '13) Stu Cor U 171 N View St Wilford Robert N (ag '15- ) Stu 171 N View St Willett William M (m eng '96) E Eng c/o W United Gas # Elec Co 341 Spruce St Winans Harold G (e eng '11- ) Stu 16 S Locust St tWroughton Walter H (m eng '05) 302 Downer PI AUSTIN Braucher Ernest N (arch '91 BS) Arch 501 N Clark St tDeButts Cary E (arch eng '08) Sales 5809 Midway Pk Fleming Rose E (la '05 AB) At home 312 N Lotus Av Gormley Vincent L (ag '13- ) Stu 239 W Austin Av Griffin Mrs Dwight (mus '09) Home 5229 Lexington St Johnston Ruby A (la '14) Stu Art 5616 Huron St \Lattan Harry H ( '93) Peeples Cornelius J (la '00) AB Bnk 5456 Ferdinand Av Purcell William T (arch eng '13- ) Stu 155 N Leamington Av tSamter Miriam L (h sc '12) 229 N 52nd Av Shute Mrs R L (la '10 AB) Borne Snow Shirley C (su '02) t Stewart John R (e eng '08) 5419 Frink St f Thayer Effie E (lib '07) 5909 Cedar St Tilton George F (arch eng '10) Adv 143 Lorel Av Wikoff Ruth I (la '15- ) Stu 593:) Race Av AVA Brenneman Charles G (su '12) Teach Carruthers Mary (h sc '13) Teach Wilson John A (ag '03) Dairy Farm R 3 AVON Black Mary E (su '01) Teach t Bradley Frank (ag '13) Cutler Reed F (su '08) Law Fennessy Effie D (su '01) Teach Hatch Odell ('99) Hatch Walter S (ag '13 BS) Ag Hubbard Aden E (su '15) Supt Schs Lybarger Rufus E (1 '08 LL B) Law Scanlon Francis W (ag '00) Ag Simmons Geo E (min eng '81) Tel Mgr Simmons Haskell G (e eng '15- ) Stu Staggs Elmer H (ag '11) Ag Rl Stevens Wayne E (g hist '15- ) ( '14 AM) Stu Townsend Harry F (sp '81) Cash St Bk BADER Bader Howard O (ag '04) Ag Venters Grover J (ag '04) Ag BALDWIN Patterson Willa R (su '15) Teach tStickler John H (chem eng '12- ) Prin H Sch BALTIMORE Connet Oliver (eng '86) City Mun Eng BARDOLPH Brewbaker Harvey E (ag '15- ) Stu Hamilton John R (ag '10) Ag King Edward L (ag '15 BS) Teach BARNETT Barnett William F (1 '10 LL B) (la '07 AB) Law $ Ag BARRINGTON Branch Leroy P (ag '15) Ag Hart- wood Farms tHarrower Walter J (la '85) Otis Spencer Jr (ag '10) Ag Powers Earl W (e eng '10) CUc Rayburn Allan B (ag '15 BS) Aa 1203 E Grove St BARRY Blair Alice L (lib '10 AB & BLS) Libr Collins Clifford W (la '12) Lyceum $■ Chautauqua WJc Cordell Vail (la '13) Teach Cordell Mrs Vail (su '14) Home Jones James H (ag '02) Ag Lawson Everett E (ag '14- ) Stu McKinney George B ( '91) Dent Main George C (ag '15- ) Stu Morgan Clarence L (m eng '03) Mgr Lumber Co Myers Harry L (la '14) RR ?Smith Simeon (su '01) Stroheker Frank S (1 '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu R2 Strubinger Loraine C (la com '14- ) Stu 796 ILLINOIS Strubinger Mrs Loraine (mus '09 Fac su '15) Tripple Euth (su '14) Prin H Seh Ware Gay H (ag '15- ) Stu t White Bertha E (sc 11) BATAVIA t Anderson David P (la '11) 139 Me- Kee St tAnderson Edgar M (1 '11) 139 Mc- Kee St t Barker William P (m eng '94) Barr Charles L (la '14) 135 N Van Buren St Benson Arnold S (sc '15) Stu NW U 201 McKee St Benson Emil J (la '10) Dep Prod ClTc 7 Jefferson St tBenson Eugene L (e eng '15- ) Stu 140 McKee St Bone Hugh A ( '94) Supt Schs Bone Maurice O (ag '15) Draft Brock James S (ag '14 BS) Fruit Grower Brown Edward T (m eng '15- ) Stu 151 Batavia Brown Lisbeth (h sc Feb '15- ) Stu 151 Batavia St Carlson Ansgar L (ag '13- ) Stu 91 N Washington St CLAEK Cyril B (m eng '92 Fac '92) Factory Supt Davis Albert E (ag '05) Bural Mail- Carrier 146 First St tGeorge Bradley F (la '09) tGroener Emil C (c eng '09) 226 E Wilson St Hanson Claude L (c eng '12 BS) Asst Co Supt Highways 120 S Jack- son St Hobler Atharton W (la com '12 AB) Sales Mgr Appleton Mf g Co Hobler Mrs EG (g hist '15) Stu Johnson Elmer W (c eng '15) Stu 176 Jefferson St Johnston Carl W (com '15- ) Stu 116 McKee St McAllister John E (e eng '10) 93 N Batavia Av McDermott Raymond A (la '13- ) Stu 204 Main St Mallory Francis B (la '15- ) Stu 93 S Batavia Av Mallory Meredith (sc '11 AB) Stu Harv Med Coll 93 S Batavia Av Mallory Richard H (com '15- ) Stu 93 S Batavia Av ?Miller Alexander V (com '74) tREDBORG Carl E (com '14 AB) 265 Houston St Ritcher Henry A (m eng '09) Fruit Farm E View PI Rondthaler Harold (jour '12) Ag <$• Forestry Mooseheart Sachrison Julius A (ag '15) Shumway Horatio G ( '84) Mgr Iron Whs Snow Wilbur T (c eng '12) C Fng Batavia Av Thelander Albert P V (c eng '13) By C Eng 3 N Jackson St tTrantow Walter W (c eng '13) 259 E Wilson St Warne John H (ag '02) Ag Wolcott Richard J (m eng '98) Mech 157 Union Av BATCHTOWN Farley John A ('91) BATES \ Brown William J ('77) BATH t Lucas Allen T (1 '04) Warren Earnest (ag'10) Ag BAYLE CITY Morrison Homer F Jr (ag '08) Stock BAYLIS Hill Raybern C (ag '12) Ag Holmes Floyd R (ag '15- ) Stu Sykes Webster R Ag (ag '14) t Perkins BEACONSFIELD Harry LB (ag '0]) BEARDSTOWN Bader Clarence V (ag '04) BR Fire- man 408 E Third St Blohm Lee Ross (la '08 AB) Supt Schs Coleman John S (la '04) Merc Coley Glenn (la '14- ) Stu 1007 State St Croll Hilda M (la h sc '12- ) Stu 305 W Fourth St Fulks Harry C (la com '13 AB) Asst Cash Brik 101 W Fifth St Fulks Richard B (sc '06) Trav Sales 101 W Fifth St t Fuller Orville M (ag '15- ) Ag Garm Clifford C (law '05) Bnk tGarm Roy H (sc '97) Goodell John (eng '98) C Eng Houston Marion E (la '15- ) Stu James Lee R (m eng '02) Jockisch Anna Z (la '13- ) Stu 1021 Washington St Keil Edwin L (ag '05) Ag R2 Knight Earl J (1 '06 LL B) Law Knight John H (ag '15) Ag 114 W Fifth St ILLINOIS 797 tKricke Alice (la '10) Kuhlman Lloyd (ag '15) Ag tLadage Fred W (ag '04) Ag McKinnell Isabelle G (la '15- ) Stu 1007 Washington St Merrill Thompson A (com '14 AB) 213 W Third St Meyer Frank W (com '15- ) Stu 503 E Fourth St Meyer Wilbur H (ag '15- ) Stu 303 S Wall St Mix John R (la '15- ) Stu 114 W Fourth St Montgomery Harry E (e eng '12 BS) Supt Cen 111 Pub Serv Co 409 E Sec- ond St Musch Harry E (la '14- ) Stu 1001 Jefferson St Parker Gilbert M (ry eng '15- ) Stu 206 E Fifth St Pilger Omer C (c eng '12) C eng 1200 State St Roberts Clarence G (e eng '08) Letter Carrier Ruppel Paul E (mech eng '15- ) Stu 305 W Ninth St Seeger Hallie J (su '15) Libr 206 E Fourth St Shaw Guy L (ag '08) Ag 1107 S State St Shaw Mrs G L (h sc '08 BS) Home 1107 S State St Shaw Lloydi B (ag '02) Ag Box 51 Smith Warren F (m eng '12) M Eng CB&Q RR 1119 S State St tSudbrink Roy E (m eng '08) Turner Luther M (e eng '13- ) Stu Box 55 Turner Ruth M (la '12) Nurse Von Fossen Cyril (la '15- ) Stu 1219 S State St Yockey Merle A (la com '14- ) Stu 306 W Sixth St BEASON Keys Ruthelle ('07) Splain Alexander (ag '03) BEAUCOUP t Jack Ervin (la '74) t Jack Samuel B (la '72) Agt L&N RR BEAVER CREEK Ingold James T ( '99) Ag t Strain William F (la '02) tWise Louis E (ag '11) BECKEMEYER Beckemeyer John G (ag '00) Ag Beckemeyer Oscar W (la com '07 AB) Merc BEECHER Hancock Myron S (e eng '13- ) Stu Wilke F Herman ('11) Merc BEECHER CITY Brooks Ethel I (la '12- ) Stu Phillips Pren R ('93) Pres 1st Nat Bk Riechel Allen R (su '05) BEECH RIDGE Bunch Joseph R (ag '08) Supt Co Farm & Almshouse Martin William H (la '14- ) Stu BELLE RIVE Hall Walter A ( '01) tLaubenheim Livonia L (su '08) Waters Orley M (su '12) Teach BELLEVILLE Alexander Robert P (com '14- ) Stu R6 Bahrenburg Carrie T A ('13) Home 223 E Main St Barnickal Adolph (arch '96) Clk t Bart el Emilie (su '99) Bechtold Edmond (sc '11) Med 108 E First St Biebelle Walter R (la '12) Ag Rl Brightfield Myron F (su '14) Brueggeman George (min eng '89) Car Builder -207 Lebanon Av Cassidy Holland M (1 '14 LL B) Law Deutschman Fred J Jr (c eng '04 BS) Consult Eng Dietz John W (com '15- ) Stu 308 N Richland St tDill James M (1 '10) 120 E First St Bunck Henry J ( '10) Watchmaker Eckhardt Erwin W (la '09) Grocer 317 Portland Av Eidmann Edward C (c eng '91 BS) BR PO Clk 119 S Illinois St tEiDMANN Gustav H (ag '03 BS) 407 Portland Av Emery Harold R (la '15- ) Stu 207 S Chestnut St Eyman Walter (c eng '74) Ag Farmer Elma L (h sc '14- ) Stu 326 Portland Av Farmer Orena (la '15 AB) Teach 326 Portland Av Fischer Clemens J F (la '11) Merc tGAMBACH Jacob (la '06 AB) Teach H Sch 307 E First St Gooding Laura L (la '14- ) Stu 325 Portland Av 798 ILLINOIS Gunn John C (sc '96) Med 500 E First St Hayes Eollin M (la '10 LL B) Law 500 S High St tHeidinger Karl B (e eng '08) tHeinselman Chester A (e eng '01; Asst Eng 815 E Main St Helms Edward S (ag '93) Ag Rl Helms Eugene H (ag '12) Ag Rl Herman Fred W ('93) Merc Charles & Main Sts Hertel Walter C (su '02) Teach Stromberg Av Hough Estella D (su '13). Teach 301 Portland Av tHueke Walter A (m eng '97) Merc 17 & 19 E Main Johnson Preston K (1 '09 LL B) (la '03) Law 221 Wabash Av Johnson William C (c eng '09 BS) C Eng 4- Contr 510 S High St Kaltwasser Elmer E (su '10) Grocer $ Wholesaler 419 Wabash St Katt Adolph J (m eng '99) Kern Alfred E (1 '15) 118 S Illinois St Klingel Louis (la '93 BL) Law 28 Pennsylvania Av Knobeloch Thomas A (ag '14- ) Stu 44 Pennsylvania Av Koch Alfred R (chem eng '07 BS) Chem 414 Portland Av Krebs Stanley E (e eng '08) C Eng Krebs Wilbur E (1 '15- ) Stu 211 S High St tLeopold Elmer E (la '13) 421 S Jackson St Leopold Roland E (1 '15 BLS) 421 S Jackson St Mace Hugh H (la '15) Edit 100 Wabash Av Merker David F (ag '14- ) Stu 225 S Jackson St Merrills Frederick E (g la '12 AM) Law Merrills Marshall C (la '14 AB) C Eng Merrills Virginia (la '15- ) Stu 111 Virginia Av tMiller Adele C (su '09) 310 Douglas Av Mueller Jacob W (m eng '04 BS) Sec Orbon Stove & Range Co 605 E "C" St tMuller Jacob W (e eng '04) Neuhaus James J (m eng '03) Cement Test 122 N High St Ogle Arthur H (la '13 AB) Jour 617 East "B" St Ogle Charles R (m eng '11) Estimator Contr 4- M Eng 617 E < ' B " St Parmely James C (m eng '10 BS) Supt St Clair Co Gas & Elec Co Perrin Loraine N (1 '07 LL B) Law c/o Penn Bldg ?Pfennighausen Otto C (su '05) Teach Poirot Aloys P (c eng '06 BS) Eng $ Contr Poirot Severine A (1 '15) Stu R3 Raab Anita E (la '15- ) Stu 301 S High St Rayhill Charles T (la '13) BJc Clk 602 S Jackson St Reiss Willis A ( '94 MS) (gen '72 Cert) C Eng 200 Portland Av Robarts Heber (la '74) Med Romeiser Edwin (la '15- ) Stu U Cal 302 Abend St Savage Lillian W (la '14 AB) Teach 325 Portland Av Savage Mary F (la '15) At home 325 Portland Av Savage William E (sc '12- ) Stu 325 Portland Av Schmidt Henry G (g la '09) Teach 615 E"C" St tSchroeder John H (e eng '11) Seibert Erwin W (ag '08) Ag R6 Semmelroth August (sp ; 02) Pud 203 S Charles St Whoettler Arthur C 2004 W Main St tSopp Louise K (su '07) Starkel Charles L (la '14- ) Stu 11 S Charles St Stookey Sherman C (ag '08) Ag Streat Consuela E (h sc '15) 515 E "C" St Thomas John T (la '15- ) Stu 317 E First St Thurston Estelle L (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 820 N Main St Tiley Pearl M (su '14) Teach 820 W Main St Wagner Kenneth (arch eng '15) Auto Distributor 1408 E Main St Wagner Loraine S (arch eng '10) 417 Court St Wangelin Armin H (la '14) 221 Abend St Wangelin Herman G (la com '10) Mgr Modern Auto & Gar Co 500 E Main St Ward Ardell E (su '10) Teach 609 S Jackson St Weingaertner Monroe T (la '14) Clk International Shoe Co 611 E "B" St Winkleman Ralph R (la '15) 408 Sec- ond Av Winkleman Roland E (la '14- ) Stu 1206 E "B" St Wolf Will C (sc '05) C 4- Min Eng 303 Forest Av Wolleson Herbert H (arch erg 'OS BS) Abstractor tZehner Hugo (m eng '08) 911 W "B"St ILLINOIS 799 BELLFLOWER Boyd Frances J (la '13 AB) Teach Crate Ethel F (la '15- ) Stu Edwards Ralph O (1 '03) (la '99) ClTc Gooch DeWitt R (e eng '14- ) Stu Gooch Gretchen L (la '12- ) Stu Hougham Frank B (la '96) Ag Inman Cordelia B (su '15) Teach Inman Dean M (su '15) Teach Kirk Haddon S (la '15 AB) Stu U Mich Rl Powell John T ( '98) Rives Nannie B (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Short Mrs Robert (su '13) Home Smith Ralph L (ag '15- ) Stu Spencer Edwin R (la '14 AM) ('11 AB) Teach Troster Marion C (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu % Troster Oliver J (ag '12- ) Stu BELVIDERE Bennett Nettie (hse'09) Sc Bennett Samuel A (ag '01) Ag Rl Boston Frantz W (la com '08) Bus Mgr Brown Willis S Jr (m eng '10) Asst Sec Screw & Mach Co 954 E Lincoln Av Butterfield Janet M (h sc '15- ) Stu 620 S State St Chapman Thomas W (la '15-) Stu 820 Kishwaukee St Fitzer Marion (la '15- ) Stu 1215 N State St Gabel Helen L (h sc '14- ) Stu 216 First St Hammond Mrs (sp '90) Home Kunze Ewald E ('93) List Raymond F (la '15) Merc 110 Buchanan St Loop Edwin A (arch eng '15) Stu 818 State St Markley Hazel S (la '12) Stu NW U Martyn James R ('00) 114 W Hurl- burt Av ?Mead Ellis H (la '94) Meyers Charlotte (la '15) At home First & State Sts Meyers Marguerite (la '15- ) Stu 627 Whitney St ?Morse J H (la '74) fMorse Mahlon C (sc '72) Munger Frank A (m eng '05) Print- ing Sr Engraving O'Donnell Hugh (ag '10) Sales 540 Caswell St \ O'Donnell John ('00) 540 Caswell St O'Donnell Patrick H ('94) Law 903 Warren Av Peale Margaret (h sc '14- ) Stu 336 Allen St Peterson Arthur W (ag '12) Acct 615 Julien St Porter Clarence L (la '15) Sales 120 Ogden St Porter Webster K (chem eng '15) Sales 120 Ogden St Powers Jessie L (la '91) Sager Anna E (h sc '11- ) Stu 603 Garfield Av tSEWELL Sidney I (cer eng '14 BS) 305 W Perry St tSexauer Hilda C (h sc '06) R5 Sexauer James M (ag '14- ) Stu R5 Sexauer Mae M (la '13- ) Stu Lo- gan Av Strom Alexander J (1'03LLB) Law Terwilliger Irving (gen '69) Cash 2nd Nat Bk Tripp Belle C (mus '13) Teach Voice 902 Union Av Tripp Jennie L (h sc '13) Teach Vandervort Isabel M (la '11 AB) Teach H Sch 537 S Main St Warren Arthur R (la com '13) Ag Warren Daniel E (ag '15- ) ( '13) Stu 417 Van Buren St Warren Fred F (ag '09) Ag Warren Henry R (ag '13) Ag Waugh Robert W (1 '08 LL B) Westphal Betty M (su '15) Stu NW U 1143 Perry St BEMENT Baker Gerald C (chem eng '15- ) Stu Baker Walter E (sc '12- ) Stu Bower Mrs W W (mus '03) Home Bowlus Hazel W (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Burgess Clark M (ag '76) Ag Camp Willard R (la '11 AB) Bnlc Clark George L (com '15- ) Stu Davies Raymond E (sc '14 AB) Stu Rush Med Coll R2 tDownard Anna C (su '09) Fisher Harold (ag '15- ) Stu Fleming Marcella A (mus '06) Mus t Fleming Rose E (la '05 AB) At home Wollcers George ( '04) tHammond Lena W (su '02) t Hammond Winifred G (su '02) Hays Harry N (ag '12 BS) Ag fNiles- Willie E (la '87) Quick Beryl W (ag '15- ) Stu Stevenson Newton N (su '14) • Taylor Ross W (arch '15- ) Stu Thompson George M (1 '01 LL B) (la '97) Law Ward Raymond L (com '15- ) Stu Wilkinson Arthur L (sc '92) Lumber Wilkinson Mrs Arthur (sp '02) Home 800 ILLINOIS BENLD Rutherford Wesley E (ag '11) Supt Schs BENSENVILLE Fischer Arvin W (ag '09 BS) Ag Fischer Lucy C (h sc '15) At home Fischer Mary L (h sc '14- ) Stu tFranzen Edwin A (ag'07) Volberding Harry H (c eng '11) Stu U 111 Coll Med BENSON \Eoth Ernest J ( '10) \Woltzen Adolph ('97) \Woltzen Edward H ('11) BENTLEY ? James Eula E (sp '01) BENTON Browning Thomas S (m eng '13- ) Stu Brownlee Kate (su '15) Teach 320 N Main St Choisser Feme (la '14- ) Stu Choisser William C (la '13- ) Stu Clem Orlie M (la '14- ) Stu Fish Vivian M (su '15) Teach Fitzgerald Grace A (h sc '07) At home Fitzgerrell Sylvester S (la '13- ) Stu Freeman James A (sc '98) Ag $ Teach Hampton Ernest B (sc '13) Ag EFD Hart Marion M (la 14- ) Stu Hart William W (law '14- ) (la '14) Stu S Main St Howard Carl Gooch (ag '13- ) Stu 215 W Webster Av Howard Clara E (su '14) Teach Hudelson Charles L (e eng '10) Trav \Hutson Louisa J ('08) tHutson Selba F (ag '08) (1 '07) Hutson Stella E (h sc '09 BS) Teach Johnson William B (1'llLLB) Law Kell Sherman L (la '10) Asst Prin H Sch tKirkpatrick Olin P (ag '12) Lewis Thurlow G (1 '15 LL B) Law \McCreery William N ('07) Merc 202 E Main St tMdntyre Otto E (com '10) tPope Peyton S (ag '72) Powers George A (la '03 AB) Supt Hark Williams Coal Co Rotramel Everett R (ag '15- ) Stu Box 12 Smith Elsie W (su '13) Teach Math Smith Jennie M (su '15) Teach Spain Kate ('03) Ward Robert R (Trustee '15) (1 '03 LLB) Law & Pres Benton St Bnk & Sec-Treas Benton Coal Co & Ag Webb Lina (su '15) Teach Whittington Ray N (ag '15- ) Stu Williams Walter W (1 '03 LL B) Law BERLIN tWahl Charles H (ag '06) BERNICE Owen Gay (sc '09) Ranch Caliparria Calvia BERWICK t Johnson Malcolm ('09) BERWYN Albaugh Kathryn R (ag '15-' ) Stu 34th & Maple Sts tAshby Wilbert B (arch '10) Bauder Lewis A (ag '13- ) Stu 3311 Oak Park Av Becker Paul (m eng '13- ) Stu 3540 Harold Av Bouton John B (m eng '12) Fire Ins 3141 Berkeley Av t Cable Fred W (chem eng '09) Crismore Joseph C (m eng '15) Adv 3552 Harold Av Dolan Charles M (e eng '07) Tel Eng Western Elec Co Colonial Apts tGeraghty Richard S (la '12) Hagstrom George A (eng '14) 3112 Oak Park St Harris Herbert B (sc '05) Hughes Martin C (e eng '13- ) Stu 3209 Ivison Av Lynn John E (la com '09 AB) By Adv 3125 Oak Park Av Piper Mrs C E (la '75) Home 3433 Oak Park Av Reynolds Fred M (c eng '06) Constr Supt 3437 Elliot Av Reynolds Mrs S A (la '72) Home 3324 Harold Av Scott Bertha M (la '13- ) Stu 3314 Home Av Thore Frank H (ag '13- ) (m eng '13) Stu 3325 Irving Av Tukey Harold B (ag '14- ) Stu 3122 Harold Av BETHALTO heeren Harry E (la '12 AM) Stu Harv TJ BETHANY Baird Deforest E (ag '09) Ag R2 Collier Edith B (la '10) At home ILLINOIS 801 Collier Jennie E (h sc '11) At home Crowder Benjamin H (1 '13 LLB) Law tFreeland David E (ag '93) Garman Ray L (ag '15- ) Stu Haven Kay F ( '11) Teach McReynolds Dora G (la '99) Teach t Moody Samuel F (ag '93) Noble Robert W (sc '95) Grain \Pyatt Mary G ('86) Bobinson Roy E ('10) Mech R2 Scheer Raymond A (su '15) Scott Augusta R (la '03) Med Scott Troy A (la '00) Cash Bk Wilkinson Jackson H (g eng '15- ) (c eng '15 BS) Stu Wilkinson Mrs W W ('86) Home BEVERLY Funk Frank W (ag '14) Ag R2 BIGGSVILLE Bell Oscar O (la '02) Law Gridley Carl R (ag '12) Ag Gridley John N (ag '15- ) Stu Plumer Chiles P (la '06) Law Stewart Samuel T (ag '03) Ag Rl BIG ROCK Wollus Edgar ( '03) Ervin William H (ag '12) Ag Granart Lester F ( '11) Ag Nelson Altoe S (la '14) Teach Thomas Polly E (h sc '12- ) Stu BILLETT Leighty Wayne S (ag '12- ) Stu Ritchie Guy L (ag '15) Ag Seed Harry (ag '12- ) Stu Snyder Glenn (ag '12- ) Stu Rl Snyder John F (ag '14- ) Stu BINGHAM \ Campbell Charles E ('11) BIRMINGHAM ?White Fannie D (su '11) BISMARCK t Alison John W (la '81) Cunningham Sterling R (la '13- ) Stu DuBois Martha H (h sc '13) Teach H Sch Finney Stella B (la '15 AB) At home Gundy Madge K (la '09 AB) Teach Taylor Roy H (ag '14- ) Stu Williams Roy A (su '14) Teach BLACKSTONE Davis Clyde W (ag '08) Ag Seymour Ernest D (sc '99) Med fWhite Albert E (su '01) BLAIR tHathorn John C (sp '73) BLANDINSVILLE Argenbright Glennon F (ag '09) Ag Co f man Roy A ('08) Merc Grigsby Cecil T (ag '07) Ag . \ Grigsby Clarence A ('97) t Grigsby Harry M ('97) Grigsby Lura B (su '06) Stu U Mo t Grigsby Willerham ('97) Hides Ora F ('09) Locke Harry R ('09) Stu Bent St Louis U BLASON ^Gardner Eva ('99) BLOOMFIELD fLeavitt Herbert D (ag '13) BLOOMINGTON Alexander Archie M (ag '07) Ag R4 Alverson Alfred G (ag '85) Vet Armstrong Clifford O (sc '13- ) (m eng '13) Stu R2 Barlow Mrs Jennie C (h sc '06) Lect R7 Basting Ferdinand J (ag '01) Ag R7 Basting Fred (ag '04) Ag Becker Georgia (ag '15) Sec 511 E Mulberry St IBerg Hazel H (h sc '09) Home 614 E Chestnut St Bill Edgar L (ag '12) Ag S; Writer BLANEY Herbert W ('15) Land Arch 305 W Monroe St Bradley Cyrus D (la com '72) Trav Brand George W (ag '03) Ag $ Fur- niture 1504 E Grove St Brown Mrs E H (su '08) Home 1305 N Morris Av Brubaker Mrs LA (h sc '11) Home 314 E Mulberry *St Bunn Harry C ('80) Stocks $r Bonds 402 Corn Belt Bk Bldg tChaney Harold B (m eng '10) Chichester Emily E (sc '09 AB) Teach 211 S McLean St Clark James R (ag '03) Ins 204 Peoples Bk Bldg Woleman John A ( '82) Coolidge William F (ag '14) Stu R7 802 ILLINOIS Coons Clarence W (la '02) Libr Cornell Dick H (e eng '06 BS) Deal- er Elee Cars 705 E Washington St Covey John E (ag '12- ) Stu 1414. 5 Grove St Crosthwait Bruce L T (la com '06) 6 Est 4- Ins 329 Unity Bldg Crothers E Kirk Jr (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1210 E Jefferson St Davison Edward H (eng '15- ) Stu 402 E Walnut St Deaver Lister A (cer eng '15- ) Stu 606 E Washington St Decker Lloyd V (e eng '12) Elec Contr 801 E Clay St Decker Mrs L V (h sc '12) Borne 801 E Clay St \Deneen Dan ( '07) 608 W Market St Dexter Clarence L (la '04) B Est Dick George F Jr (c eng '06) Law 705 E Walnut St Dick Mrs G F (la '06) Home Wal- nut St Dick Harry K (arch eng '14 BS) Supt Bldg Constr 705 E Walnut St \DicTcey Wilford L ('11) 404 E Front St Doonan Edward J (c eng '08) Water Tender B & N Ey & Light Co 713 W Washington St Douglas Jonathan P (ag '15) Stu 719 W Taylor St Dyer Harold Euskin (arch '15- ) Stu 803 N Eoosevelt Av Eliot Mabel (la '02) B Est # Ag 810 N Evans St English Eobert W (ag '15 > Ag E2 Epstein Karl (ag '13 ) Stu 301 E Mulberry St Evans Rowland W (arch eng '89 BS) Builder 1412 N Main St Evans Walter T (ry c eng '10) By C Eng Asst Eng C&A EE Fifer Joseph Wilson ( '93 Law 709 N McLean St Forman Louie (ag '02) Ag 1214 E Grove St Foskule Grace B (la '14) At home 814 E Taylor St Foster George K (1 '96) Law First Nat Bk Bldg Franklin Mrs B A (la '04 AB) Home 1315 E Washington St Freese Ealph S (la '08) Ins 204 Peoples Bk Bldg Frey Hollis O (e eng '14- ) Stu 203 W Monroe St Funk Lyle W (ag '05) Ag Garver Willia K (lib '03 BLS) At home 1204% E Washington St ^Genders Dean S ('03) Gerling Eichard William H (c eng '14- ) Stu 407 E Olive St Gingerich Ealph P (ag '08) Vet 235 E Front St Gowdy Max (ag '14- ) Stu 1013 E Grove St Grady Edward M (cer '13) Acct 707 W Market St Green Ealph M (ag '06) Merc c/o B S Green Co Greening Alfred H (su '08) Stu 111 Wes U 412 Woodlawn Av Gronemuer Mrs W H (h sc '08) Home S Mercer Av Hahn Hugo J (sc '13 AB) Land Arch 1104 N Park St Hake Joseph W (sc '09 AB) Instr 111 Wes U Hamill Eugene C (arch eng '12- ) Stu 611 S Clinton St Hanson Charles P (arch eng '02 ) Os- teop hanson Frank B (g zool '15- ) (AM '15) Stu 907 N Lee St Hanson Frank O (la '98) Law 503 Livingston Bldg Hanson Mrs Harriet E (la '15) Stu 907 N Lee St Hanson Herman L (m eng '08) Sales 209 E Olive St Hargrave Kathleen (su '14) Libr 209 E Locust St Haselwood John M (law '05) Trav 1002 E Grove St haskett Aloa A (classics '14 AM) Teach 1112 N Prairie St Hatzenbuhler George L (1 '07) Ins 307 S Vale St Hoiermann Eleanor (la '09) Teach .812 WMill St homberger Alfred W (sc '10 PhD) ( '08 AM) Prof 111 Wes U Howes Eobert ('05) Ag E2 Huston Mrs H (la '86) Home 1210 N East St Iungerich Harry A (1 '08) Law Peo- ples Bk Bldg t Jarmin Thornton E (ag '14) 406 E Front St Jarrett Mrs O J (la '04 AB) Home 502 E Front St Johnstone Andrew J (ag '13 BS) Ag E5 Johnstone Mrs A J (mus '09) Home Johnstone Guy C (ag '05 BS) Ag E5 Jones Ebon C (ag '09) Ag 1402 N Clinton St Jones Frank W (ag '13- ) Stu 1202 N Clinton St Jones Wm M (m eng '04) Teach 610 E Mill St Karr Guy A (c eng '10) Stu Chgo ILLINOIS 803 Coll Dent Surg 305 E Gridley St Keeran Charles E (e eng '07) Mfg 609 1/ 2 E Grove St reiser Mrs Henry (g la '01 AM) ( '00 AB) Home 509 E Mulberry St Kelly Howard W Jr (ag '13) Merc c/o Campbell Holton & Co Kelting Mrs (sp '04) Home Kern Evans S (ag '13 BS) Ag King Emma L ('05) Bkpr 4' Stenog L B Merwin Co Kleinau Emma A (la '15- ) Stu 405 S Clayton Av tKlemm Julius P (la '11) Creditman 806 N Main St Lampe Margaret H (la '00 AM) ( '07 AB) El tLanz Anna (su '06) Teach 1101 Fell Av Larsh Fred J (arch eng '03) Acct 1706 E Jackson St Leach William B (la '99 AB) Law 4r Prof 111 Wes U 1st Nat Bk Bldg LeSure Charles S (ag '11 BS) Land Arch 318 N Main St Lindley Jacob P (sp ; 73) Law Lindley Mrs J P (la '73) Home 703 N McLean St liston Mrs C E (g '09 AM) Home McBarnes Ed E ('82) Ag # Stock E2 McCord Ealph N (la '10 AB) K Est 4- Ins 710 E Front St ?Mackenzie Elizabeth G (la '07) 848 E Wood St McKinnie Eva M (la '07 AB) Teach 1204 E Grove St McKown James I (la com '09) B Est 707 E Monroe St Marquis Du Bois (ag '14 BS) Ag 611 E Chestnut St Mayes George W (e eng '13 BS) E Eng 1203 N Eoosevelt Av Melluish James G (sp '94) C Eng 222 Unity Bldg miller Charles A ( '00) 705 W Wash- ington St Miller John J (chem eng '09 BS) Chem J F Humphreys Co Miller Kenneth A (arch eng '14- ) Stu 405 W Market St Mitchell Eva (la ; 12 AB) Teach 1007 N McLean Moore Benjamin C (su '99) Co Supt Schs Moore Francis G (m eng '06 BS) M Eng 1117 E Monroe St Moratz Arthur F (arch '05) Arch Peoples Bk Bldg Moratz Paul (arch '89) Arch 4- Mfg Morrisey Thomas P (ag '06) Broker 508 Peoples Bk Bldg J tMorrison John (c eng '04) 802 E Front St Morrissey John O (ag '15- ) Stu 205 Unity Bldg Mostoller Harvey G (ag '14) A; 1320 Grove St Muhl Fred L (arch eng '04 BS) Instr 111 Wes U Noble Porter C (ag '14- ) Stu 1310 E Grove St Normile John M (arch eng '14- ) Stu 907 N Eoosevelt Av Norton Arlo (ag '15- ) Stu 803 E Washington St Oberdorfer Henry D (arch eng '10 BS Fac '15) Stu NY U 1205 E Jefferson St Orndorfl? Frank (ag '06) Asst Mgr Funk Bros Seed Co Parham Nellie E (lib '99) Libr Phillips Frank W (su '15) Teach H Sch 408 E Monroe St Phoenix Samuel T (ag '72) Pillsbury Arthur L (arch '95 BS) Arch Peoples Bk Bldg Pumphrey Morris ('03) C Eng 802 S Market St Eead William G (com '14- ) Stu 412 E Monroe St Eeeder Samuel J (ag '14) Auto Mech 1101 N East St tEHEA Frank II (1 '03 LL B) Ehodes Ora M (sc '98 BS) Med 11) Teach t Mills Emely G (su '11) Patton Charles D ('77) Mgr Lum- ber. Co Schott Mrs Darwin (la '02 AB) Singleton James H (ag '14- ) Stu Weber Leonard F (e eng '14- ) Stu BUDA Anderson Lewis H (e eng '09) Garage 4r Auto Sales Co Boal Tracy E ('93) Betail Drug Merc t Carper Bess E (la '10) Carper John F (e eng '09 BS) Eng \ Carper John I ('93) Chase Clarence C (m eng '14) Ag Clark Percy E (arch eng '11) Me- chanic Clark Mrs P E (la '12) Borne Fifield Clarence E (la com '12- ) Stu Hulteen Victor E (m eng '06 BS) Draft Sf Inspec US Navy Yard Huntley Oscar H (ag '08) Ag tKoerper Herman W (sc '08) Med ?Magee Andrew J (su '99) Mason Ross S (m eng '15- ) Stu Mason William K (ag '81 BS) Ag Rl tSwope Harrison A (e eng '08) R2 BUFFALO ^Constant Frank S ( '03) RFD Ellington Alvin M (la '15- ) Stu Hall Frederick C (c eng '07) Ag LeTca James ('03) Ag RFD Mc Anally Jesse F (su '12) Mintr Miller Henry A (arch '81) Private Sec 147 Lexington Av White Orville O (su '15) Prin Schs BUFFALO HART Constant Robert F (sc '80) Ag $ Stock BUNCOMBE Boomer Cincinnatus (su '11) Teach BUNKER HILL t Bauer Arthur A (ag '13) Ag t Payne Samuel K ('77) ISisson Monroe G ('78) Ward liary M (su '15) Teach ?Weiner Joseph (su '12) Zimmerman Herman ( '83) Ag BURLINGTON Craft Glenn E (ag '14 BS) Ag ?Doty Viola Z (h sc '05) Sandall Ernest E (ag '13 BS) Ag ILLINOIS 807 BURNT PRAIRIE t Johnston Margaret (la '12) BURR OAK Divan Walter R ( '03) BURTON fConnor Henry (la '72) BUSHNELL Ball Ross Everett ('00) Mach 928 Rile St Weadles Charles H ( '85) IClements Maurice P ('97) Crandall Elbert W (g se^ll) Shoe Merc 458 E Main St Everett Thomas W (su '11) Supt Schs t Haines Harlan E (la com 7 11) tHiLLYER George C (1 '06 LL B) Law 313 E Broadway Hoover Isabel (la '14 AB) Teach 207 N Hail St Knowlton Gladys G (su '09) Teach tMcIlvaine Edith (su '07) Miles Helen M (la '15) Stu 607 Cole St Miller Everett D (m eng '15) Trav 795 Dean St Oblander Helen E (la '15- ) Stu 389- W Hail St ?Stewart Mary E (su '05) Truman Jonathan H Jr (e eng '11 BS) Mgr Elec Light Plant Tunnell James E (la '01) Propr Ho- tel Westfall Curtis C (c eng '07 BS) C Eng Wyles Mrs S M (mus '04) Wyles Selwyn M (ag '04) Sales J M Brant Co BUSHTON James Fay C (ag '11) Ag BUTLER Ash Charles H (su '05) Ag R2 Brown Mrs R O ( h sc'02) Home Cory Anna E (ag '04) Rl Cory Edna E (h sc '04) Teach Rl Turner Howard A (ag '03) Ag Turner Rhodolphus K (ag '14) Ag Turner William H (ag '04) Ag Ware Roy A (ag '06) Ag BYRON Green Bert D (la '15- ) Stu Greene George (su '15) Stu N 111 St Nor Linn Francis D (ag '98) Ag Nott Edson L (ag '15- ) Stu Piper Leo E (arch eng '15- ) Stu Smith Luella L (mus '15) CABERY Christ Charles E ('11) Ag Sleepy Hollow Farm Raab George H (ag '11) Ag t Peterson CABLE Frank O ( '95) ?Carr Cela A CADIZ (ag '07) CAD WELL Cadwell Charles N (la '02 AB) Law t Funic Haven R ( '11) Mintr CAIRO Amos Douglas J (ag '10- ) Stu 511 14th St fAnderson Georgia V (h sc '10) 2908 Washington Av Bowlar Felix F (su '15) Bullock Edith R (la '09 AB) Teach 322 Fifth St Butler Mary (ag '15) Teach 2036 Walnut St Butler William G (ag '14 BS) 2036 Walnut St Butler William N (la '79 BS '14) Cir Ct Judge 2036 Walnut St Clendenen Paul M (com '09 AB) Acct 811 26th St Clendenen Taylor C (ag '74) Supt Schs 811 26th St fCreelman Charles C (m eng '00) Davies James O (la '06) Mfg Colon- ial Hotel Dewey George F (e eng '94) City Eng 327 Eighth St tDille Charles E (ag '01) Vet 2601 Park Av Dougherty George M (sp '70) Circu- lation Mgr 210 20th St Egan Frank T (sc '10) Electr 224 15th St Hacker Amanda D (la '15) 327 Fifth St Halliday Samuel ('87) Pres Halli- day Phillips Wharfboat Co & Ag 605 Washington Av Holderby William M (la '04) Mintr Howe John William ( '99) Merc 705 Commercial Av ? Jones Harriet W (su '03) Jones Henry A ( '87) 808 ILLINOIS Lewis Clara V (h sc '14 AB) Teach 612 12th St tLEwis Julian H (sc '12 AM)(sc , ll AB) 612 12th St Lindley Harold F (la '08) Law 703 Commercial Av McDougal Helen A (la '15- ) Stu 411 Cross St Martin Harold M (arch eng '15) Stu US Naval Acad 34th St Metzger Leroy P (com '15- ) Stu 1913 Washington Av Miller Clifton W (c eng '15- ) Stu 2904 Elm St Miller Karl F K (c eng '06) Engrav- er 806 Commercial Av Miller Minnie G (su '00) BTcpr 2508 Park Av Miller Robert M (c eng '15- ) Stu 2904 Elm St Moton Albert F (sc '14) 3213 Com- mercial Av Ogden Ethel G (la '08) Teach Dom Sc t Redman Nora M (su '00) Reed Russel S (ag '12) Fruit 425 20th St Renolds Magdalene (la '14- ) Stu 1215 Locust St Rule Carrie L (la '10 AB) Teach 416 26th St Rule Eva A (h sc '08) Teach 416 26th St Sandler Edward A (la '15- ) Stu 315 Eighth St Schoembs Frank A (1 '15- ) Stu 338 Seventh St tSchuh Darrel S (la com '13) Eighth St & Washington Av Schuh Harry W (ag '12) Merc 321 Seventh St Schuh Niles F (la '14) c/o Egyptian Adv Co 801 Washington Av Schwartze Erich W (la '12 AB) Dept Physiol Univ & Bellevue Med Coll 522 22nd St ?Schwartze Rudolph A (ag '14) 522 22nd St Scott Myra V (su '04) Teach 1206 Locust St Stuart Charles R Jr ('93) 1 Stuart Will Taylor ('91) 328 Sev- enth St t Taylor Muzetta A (h sc '11) 2110 Sycamore St Torrance Harry S ('87) Ulrich William (su '12) Gov Serv Young Ripley M (la '02) Med 905 Com Av Young Mrs R M (h sc '14 BS) Home 215 16th St Walmer Joseph C (la com '13- ) Stu 2701 Washington Av ?Walter Loretta (su '04) Warder Walter (sp '71) Law 2315 Holbrook Av Warder Walter B (1 '08 LL B) (la '06 AB) Law 2315 Holbrook Av Wenger Charles P (gen '75) Bkpr 1st Bk & Trust Co Wooden Mrs (su '04) Bicycle Trick- Bider 824 23rd St Woodward Jabish H (la com '73) Clk 1101 Walnut St Wilbourn Leslie L (1 '11 LL B) Law Halliday Estate Bldg Whiting Morse C (e eng '08) E Eng 4r Asst Gen Supt Cairo Lighting Co CALEDONIA \Clotheir George H ('10) Ralston Stuart A (e eng '13 BS) Elec Merc CALHOUN Uones Lynch T (sp '01) CALUMET IWatson Ralph W ('82) CAMARGO Dragoo Gilby (ag '10) Ag tFetheroff David (1 '10) By Postal Clk Hammet John B (la '92) Ag Higdon Mrs Lena B (su '05) c/o Mrs Anna Long tMcKinney Newton C (ag '92) Wibley Flora D ('78) CAMBRIA Gallimore D G (su '15) Teach CAMBRIDGE Boltenstern Nellie M (mus Feb '15) At home Boltenstern William S (ag '15) Ag Brodd Lawrence S (c eng '15) Asst Boad Eng Amer Portland Cement Mfgs Eastman Herbert C (su '15) Merc Everhard Raymond M (ag '10) Auto Hadley Floyd B (ag '13) Bnk $ Ins Hadley Lillian (mus '15) At home Hinkle Mrs Verna E (su '14) Home Hinman Earl H (ag '10) Ag R3 Hunt Dorothy H (ag '15- ) Stu t Martin Bessie L (su '10) Teach McMullen Harvey C ( '93) Dent Meltn Carl A (1 '05 LL B) Law ILLINOIS 809 Olson Clarence E (la '05) Merc Pollock James Jr (ag '13) Ag $ Bnk Reed James H (la '94) Co Supt High- ways Bosentone Eeuben Erie (ag '13) Ag Eosenstone Euth C (mus '15) fTalbot Timothy R (la '02) CAMERON Deets Harold B (ag '14 BS) Ag tDe Voss Frank Jr (su '07) Sorenson Alfred (ag '14- ) Stu Smith Wallace R ('04) Ag $ Dairy Whitman George B (ag '14- ) Stu CAMPBELL HILL McLaughlin William V (ag '03) Ag Sogers Josephine ( '02) Webkemeyer Charles W (sc '03) Ag CAMP GROVE Monier James H (c eng '07) Ag CAMP POINT Anderson Clyde M (sc '13) Med Bates Charles R (sc '04) Med Booth Christopher S (la '81) R Est Curry William L (e eng '13) Merc Box 254 Cyrua Anna (a&d '89) Teach tDean Oscar M (c eng '08) Gay Charles D (e eng '07) Poullry- man Griswold Jay S (ag '15- ) Stu Gruny George R (ag '14- ) Stu t Guthrie James R (la '09) Hoke James R (ag '15- ) Stu Kelley Edith M (la '15- ) Stu tLear Veta B (la '11) c/o Mrs M W Callahan Lewis Elmo V (ag '11) Ag Liggett Irene L (la '12- ) Stu Liggett Ruth E (la '15- ) Stu 502 York St Meatheringham John E (ag '00) Ag Reynolds Elodie M (a&d '98) Instr China Paint Simmonds Emry S (e eng '13) Teach Spence Aubrey D (sc '12 AB) Ins Stowe Robert H (ag '15) Ag ?Thomas William S (ag '90) CANTON Alward Carrie L ('95) Home Bl (17) Bass Locke D (m eng '07) R Est 227 W Chestnut St Beam Carl R (c eng '07) R Est 24 W Elm St Bonner Ray F (ag ; 13) Ag R3 Burgess Malcolm H (ag '14- ) Stu 405 N Third Av Gather LeRoy H (arch eng '15- ) Stu Christopher Arthur B (cer '12- ) Stu 453 W Elm St t Cooper Horace T ('08) 135 E Elm St Dahl Merton T (arch eng '03) Wahl Ralph H ( '03) \Dahl Weston T ( '02) Dudley Paul A (la '14) 1007 E Wal- nut St Everly Ray (ag '14) 746 E Walnut St Gayler George W (su '05) Supt Schs Gray Charles W ( '05) Adv Grim Boyd A (com '15- ) Stu 125 E Walnut St Hollandsworth Blanche L % (la '15- ) (la '13) Stu 229 N Av A Hollandsworth Helen M (la '14- ) Stu 229 N Av A Housman John S (min eng '14 BS) 8263 E Walnut St Howat Keith W (ag '12) Stu Ames la 326 S Second Av \Hulit Clement W ( '99) James Lenton W (ag '15 BS) Teach 355 South Av "A" Johnson Frank M (ag '06) AGE Dairy R8 Kelley Frances E (la '01 AB) At home R6 Krogan Henry C (ag '07) Trav Sales Lloyd Robert C (ag '03 BS) Mgr Es- tate McKay Dea D (1 '14) Stu 111 Wes U 335 S Fifth Av McLaren Donald (e eng '12) M Eng 851 E Pine St Martin Charles L (ag '08) Ag $ £ Est 204 W Pine St Miller Dean A (c eng '14- ) Stu 283 W Walnut St Moran Harry C (1 '08 LL B) Judge City Ct t Moran Mark A (m eng '00) Morton Henry A (ag '13) Ag 379 W Elm St Motsinger Edward F (c eng '12) City C Eng Sr Co Supt Roads $ Bridges 341 Liberty PI Negly Laurel A (ag '09) 5 Ellis Bldg Perkins Frederick A (1 '01 LL B) Law 4- PM Quade John C (e eng '95 BS) C $ M Eng Rafferty Raymon C (ag '14- ) Stu 366 W Elm St tEandolph Thurstan F (sc '83) Eeagan Maurice E (e eng '12- ) Stu 22 E Elm St j fEobbins Walter (m eng '96) 128 W 810 ILLINOIS Chestnut St Boss Joseph B. (m eng '08) Mgr Ideal Amusement Co Eowden William C (c eng '09) Ag Saville Edward W (ag '12- ) Stu 229 W Spruce St Scholes Charles B (ag '07) Ag B6 t Shields Boy H ( '00) Shryook Lyle W (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 305 W Pine St Smith Earl J (su '15) Prin Sch 1027 E Elm St Standard Alphonso P (sc '05 AB) Med 46 N Main St Stickler Charles A (ag '15) Ag B8 Strong Jesse W (ag '14- ) Stu 75 E Side Square Taff Albert E (1 '03 LL B) Law 636 N Main St Tendick Elizabeth (g ger '15- ) Stu Tendick Frank H (la '15- ) Stu 246 W Elm St t Thompson Fred B ( '98) 344 W Elm St Tuell Wallace G (e eng '12- ) Stu 69 W Locust St Turnquist Elmer N (la '15- ) (ry m eng '14) Stu 439 S Fourth Av Walker Helen F (su '11) Teach 419 N First Av Wason Chester H (e eng '98) Cash Parlin & Orendorff Co tWeaver Carl F (c eng '08) 493 W Pine St Whitehouse Edith U (la '02 AB) Teach Williamson Earle B (1 '11) Law 863 E Chestnut St Wright Mrs O L (mus '09) Home 885 E Elm St Zwisler Joseph E (sp '99) CANTBALL tBrittin Edward B (sc '01) Canterbury Clair E (ag '04) Ag t Johnson Elmer L (ag '08) Ag E27 Mathers Jennie A ( '11) ..Stenog \Tower Jay W ('97) CAPBON Hess Lester S (su '15) Teach H Sch Hutchinson Mary A (sc '11 AB) Teach B2 Lascelles Bobert J (com '15- ) Stu Stimes Harriette L (su '08) Teach CABBONDALE Armstrong Cecil E (sc '97) Ag BFD Atkins Thomas O (la '73) Bainum Glenn C (la '13 AB) Dir Mus S 111 St Nor Bell Mary A (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 820 S Marion St Boomer Simeon E (sc '13 AM ( '09 AB) Fac '11) Head Dept Math S 111 St Nor Bradley Loyd (la '13- ) Stu Bradley Lucile (la '15) Stu Brady William T (cer eng '15) Eng 415 W Jackson St Buchanan Mary (su '10) Teach Coker Myrtle E (la '09 AB) Teach Anthony Hall ?Collins Leander A (la '72) ComstocTc Fred ( '08) Conductor RE 404 N Pecan St Cummins Wesley E (1 '15 LL B) Law 216 W Main St Davis Martha L (la '14- ) Stu 712 S Normal Av Dillinger Harry (ag '05) Livery Sta- ble Easterly Frank A (ag '10) Ag BFD Etherton James E (1 '13 LL B) Bk ClTc 708 Normal Av Gilbert John P (g entom '10 ('05 AB) Fac '08) Head Biol Dept S 111 St Nor ?Growden Arthur F (ag '08) Halterman Henry J (m eng '15 BS) Eng Elec Light Plant Hays Herbert A (1 '08 LL B) Law 111 N West St Hodge John B (arch eng '14- ) Stu 808 S West St Hughes Walter B (su '14) Box 164 Kendall John S (1 '06 LL B) Law Key David F S ('94) B Est 326 Illinois Av Lentz Eli G (su '08) Teach S 111 St Nor 520 S Normal Av tLobdell John B (ag '11) Mc Andrew William (su '14) Instr Phys Tr S 111 St Nor McLaughlin Edwin E (su '06) Supt Schs Matheny Arthur E (su '07) Teach Moore Marcellus W (mus '01) Supt Sch Mus Morris Melbourn J ( '07) Muckelroy Eenzo E (ag Feb '15 BS) Teach S 111 St Nor Parkinson Baymond F (la '15) Author 401 W Walnut St Parks James L (su '06) PM Penrod Alex G ('08) Piper Harry B (ag '13 BS) Asst Ag S 111 St Nor Porter Edward K (sc '90) Druggist tBeef Mrs E W (su '00) Home Bich Maude (su '10) Teach SMITH Lindley M Field Asst U 111 ILLINOIS 811 511 Beveridge St Smith Thomas B F (1 '05 LL B) Law 400 W Main St Taylor Ward H (la '13 AM ( '10 AB) Fac '12) Instr S 111 St Nor Thompson Albert (ag '03) Ag Thompson Ealph (la '99 AB) Ag Warner Harry S (ag '15) Ag 821 Normal Av Willson Jennie F (la '15) Stu S 111 St Nor Wilson Clarence L (la '14- ) Stu 310 E Jackson St CAELINVILLE tBlaener Anna A (su '09) tBlaener Mary G (su '09) Cookson Linn P (c eng '15- ) Stu 514 E Second South St Corbin Edward L (ag '06) Ag Cress Eldred E (arch eng '14- ) Stu Denby Flora A (g ed '12) Teach 424 N High St Gore David ( '94) \Gore Edward E ('86) tHead Eugene (chem '73) Hoehn Beatrice E (su '13) Teach H Sch 703 S West St Hoehn Fremont J (cer '12- ) Stu 703 S West St Hubbard Margaret E (su '14) Prin H Sch Jennings Carson G (c eng '12- ) Stu E6 Kuersche Albert P (c eng '14) 535 Locust St Loehr Theodore E (la '13 AB) Sales ?Loomis George D (c eng '73) fMiller Benjamin C (la '71) Miller Cuyler C Jr (ag '14- ) Stu B2 Moore Paul R (m eng '15- ) Stu Morse Samuel T (c eng '96 BS) Con- sult Eng Mounts Will W (ag '15- ) (m eng '15) Stu 318 Buchan St Mueller Gustav H (mun eng '11 BS) Supt Contr Sec Herrick Contr Co Murphy Margaret (su '11) Teach 830 Locust St Phelps George B (arch '95) Carpen- ter 339 Seminary Av Einaker Janet (la '15- ) Stu Eobertson Charles (sc '86) Biologist 305 Orient St Eobertson Charles V (ag '15- ) Stu 305 Orient St Eobison Ethel J (g la '09 AM) Teach 518 Johnson St Eucker Herbert J (ag '13 BS) Prof Blackburn Coll Searcy William E (ag '08) Ag Turnbull Ida C (su '06) Teach H Sch 509 E Main St Waters Enos (ag '14 BS) Ag R2 Wheeler Jesse H (ag '14) White Paul A (arch '07) Hardware 219 S Broad St Woolley James C (e eng '13) 326 First E South St CAELOCK Gilstrap Mrs E F (mus '09) Home Gilstrap Eay M (arch eng '09) Ag Lants Milo P (la '85 BS) Ag t Collins Ada A (la '10) Box 285 Baum Albert L ( '95) Ag $ Stock CAELYLE Beckemeyer Herman J C (1 '04) Law Berger Frances I (la '14) At home Cor Ninth & Fairfax Sts Carr Arnold P (1 '07) Law Gross Dorothy L (h sc '15) Johnston John ( '80) Ag Johnston Mabel (h sc '14- ) Stu Johnston Maurice B (la '12) Law Kahlert Millicent M (la '14) At home Kahlert Thomas D (ag '14- ) Stu Kell John M ('81) Lietze Frederic A (c eng '84 BS) Acting City Eng \McClaren Joshua ('81) McGaffigan Emma F (su '14) maxey Mima A (la '06 AM) Teach Bogan John E ('83) B Est # Ag | Schaefer Paul V (1 '09 LL B) Asst Cash Farm & Merc Bk t Stephenson Eoger A (1 '11) Todd Malcolm N (su '15) City Supt Schs Volmer Verena G (la '10) Teach CAEMI f Archer Frank L (la '03) Clark Hattie (su '15) Libr Conner George R (e eng '08) E Eng Crebs John M ('11) Bnk Crebs John P (ag '12- ) Stu Endicott John G (arch eng '15) Auto Sales Gary Jesse L (c eng '14- ) Stu t Graham Louise (su '04) 52 Third St tGraham Vance A (la com '11) tHall Aura B (su '02) Johnson Nellie I (la '13 AB) Teach McCallister Boy I (com '15- ) Stu Pearce Joe A ('99) Law Questel Benjamin H (ag '12- ) Stu Eeinwalt Frederick J (e eng '15- ) Stu Schoemann Jesse H (com '08) Mere \Silliman Guy A ('99) 812 ILLINOIS Smith Isaac W K (ag '15- ) Stu Church. & Robinson Sts Stinnette Fred W ('99) Wehrle Frank I (ag '13- ) Stu Wehrle Thomas H (com '15- ) Stu CARPENTER Everett Charles W (ag '02) c/o 111 Bolt Wks \ Kraft Walter C ('09) CARPENTERSVILLE tArvedson Raymond P (c eng '08) Cameron George M (ag '15- ) Stu Livingston Eva (su '08) Teach Wilbern George E (arch '04) Mfg CARRAN ?Jerry Edward E (su '06) (c eng '94) CARRIERS MILLS Lewis Hiram C (ag '14) Harness Deal Thompson Fleta (h sc '15 AB) CARROLLTON Burruss Ninian R (ag '12) Auction- eer $• Ag Crow Robert N (la '15- ) Stu Curtius Florence M (h sc '13) Teach Davis Roberta L (su '15) Teach Edwards William D (ag '11) Ag R6 Eldred John J (ag '04) BnTc Fischer Carl Henry (e eng '05) E Eng Flatt Harrison O (la '12 AB) Teach Hardcastle John R (1 '04) Ag R5 Hardcastle Paul S (ag '05) Ag R2 Harwood Sylvan D (la '13- ) Stu Johnson Alfred H ('08) Abstracts $ Ins Linder Isham D (la '15- ) Stu McKnight Timothy I (la '15 LL B) Law Meek Alva B (ag '10 BS) Ag Meek Mrs A C (la '10 AB) Home Meek Charles T (ag '13 BS) Ag Meek Wilbur (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Parker George T (ag '15- )(la'15) Stu Parker Jacob W (ag '12) Ag Pegram Walter A (sc '08) Ag Purl Charles G (ag '13) Ag Raffety Clive K (ag '13) Ag Ross Anne R (la '15- ) Stenog U 111 Secor Edmund C (ag '14 BS) Ag R2 tSieverling John O (chem eng '07) Simpson Lynn P (arch eng '06) Merc $ Undertaker Walter Frederick L (chem eng '09) Bent Wheeler Bryant L (ag '15) Wood Paul W Jr (arch eng '15- ) Stu CARTER ?Holt Luther ('84) Med CARTERVILLE t Coleman Oren (su '11) ?Cowan John F (m eng '03- ) Teach Donaly Marie R (la '15- ) Stu 503 N Division St Ferrell Caesar (ag '05) Ag # Stock Ferrell Dent (e eng '13 BS) Stu Harv U Ferrell Kate (su '11) Teach Ferrell Minnie (su '04) At home Hampton Ruth M (la '15- ) Stu S Division St Owen George ('06) Mintr 502 Vir- ginia Av Richart Frederic W (m eng '02 ME) ('91 BS) E Eng 4- Mgr Ohio Valley Elec Co Russell Robert M (su '15- ) Prin HSch Walker Nelle (la '14- ) Stu 328 N Division St CARTHAGE Barnhart Charles A ( '11 AM (sc '05 AB) Fac '12) Prof Carthage Coll 1025 Main St Beckman John P (1 '03 LL B) PuU Cavanagh Bert M (la '05) Law Clark Faith A (la '09 AB) At home R4 Clark George (ag '13- ) Stu 327 Main St Clark Lot B (ag '71) Ag R4 Clark Marshall G (ag '14- ) Stu R4 Clark Richard W (ag '08) Ag R4 Clark William G (ag '12 BS) Ag R4 tCurts Harry J (e eng '11) Ewing Clarence L (ag '10) Ag R4 Faris Stephen D (su '08) Teach Fleming George K (la '99) Dent Graham Harry T (m eng '07) Ag R2 Hartzwell Ruth R (la '13) Teach 302 N Madison St Helfrick Ida J (su '07) Teach 230 N Marion St Helfrich William N (la '07) Ins Hill William K (su '96) Prof Car- thage Coll ILLINOIS 813 huston Ola E (g classics '10 AM) Teach 704 Buchanan St Lawless Mary J (la '14- )('12) Stu Layton Hope (su '06) Teach Lloyd James H (ag '11 BS) Co Ad- visor tMcCollom James P (ag '00) McMillan Joseph W (ag '08) Ag R2 Minor Loyal L (ag '13 BS) Teach H Sch t Paris Alvin (c eng '07) E4 Pennock Emily C (su '06) Teach 37 N Adams St Perry Herschel G (ag '15) Ag E3 Salisbury Herbert S (g '01) Surv & Drainage Mgr 245 Wabash Av Sec-field Harriet (g math '15- ) Stu 502 Locust St Seigfried Ernest ('08) Ag K4 Simmons Jessie J (su '07) Teach Smith Russell N (la '06 AB) Merc 510 Wabash Av Thompson Deena (su '13) Teach Wells David H (su '00) Supt Schs Wood Otis L (cer eng '13) Cer Eng 415 Main St CARTTER Blankenship Jesse (ag '11) Ag Holt Luther ('84) Med McLaughlin Robert J (ag '10) Teach McLaughlin Walter W (ag '13- ) Stu Wham Benjamin (g law '15- ) ( '15 AB) Stu Wilkins Albert F (e eng '15) Stu Monmouth Coll CARY STATION Mentch Fay L ( '04) B Est CASEY Br unker Herschel V (sc '11) Med Gossett Verna O (la '15 AB) Teach 304 N Jasper Av Hancock Emerson J (la '12) Stu 111 Wes U 301 N Jasper Av Hancock Walden W (com '14- ) Stu 308 N Central Av Johnson Maynard W (la com '12- ) Stu Miller Sanford C (la '15- ) Stu 101 N Fifth St Newell Mrs Ralph (mus '14) Teach Noakes Levi (su '14) Teach Ruffner Rachel (h sc '15) Teach Sherman Leta E (la '15- ) Stu R6 CASNER Carman John H (la '07) Ag Ulery Bernie B (ag '07) Ag CATLIN Burroughs Glenn W (su '06) Teach Olmsted Roscoe T (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Schlutius Louise G (la '13 AB) Teach H Sch t Spencer Watson O (chem eng '09) tWeisiger Nelle (su '06) CAVE-IN-ROCK tHill Charles N (la '13) Ag Millikan Robert J ('10) CAZENOVIA tRanney Frances L (la '83) Ranney Joel A (ag '13- ) Stu Ranney Willard P (ag '13- ) Stu CENTERVILLE ?Earl Claude E (su '00) ' CENTERVILLE STATION Etienne Leonard A (e eng '15) Rl CENTRAL CITY fDoering Chase (la '82) fDoering Henry L (sc '79) CENTRALIA Barrett Agnes (la '10 AB) Teach H Sch 731 E Broadway Doolen Clem D (e eng '14- ) Stu 329 S Lincoln Blvd Doolen Glen W (la '14- ) Stu 329 S Lincoln Blvd tEarl Edward C (arch '93) Erbes Bertha (h sc '14- ) ( '10) Stu 407 S Pine St Erbes Clara (la '09 AB) 407 S Pine St Fischbacha Antonia (com '15- ) Stu 417 E Broadway tFouts Earl L (sc '10) Frazier Mrs S A (sc '96) Home \Gerould Theodore F ('97) Med H71/2 Poplar St Haussler D wight F (sp la '00) Bus Mgr Haussler Bros E Broadway may Lyman T ('77) Hey duck Lawrence E (m eng '15- ) Stu 419 E Fir,st St Hoffman Norman (e eng '08) Sales 210 S Maple St Kalkbrenner Myrtle C (h sc '08) Teach 211 N Locust St Kell Charles N (m eng '12 BS) Mach Shop Dispatcher Keown Berthold L (ry eng '11) Mach 814 ILLINOIS 221 Sycamore St Kinsey Alfred R (ag '13- ) Stu R5 Kinsey Ernest G (ag '13) Mach Ex- pert Internat Harv Co R5 Kohl Justin F (com '15- ) Stu 205 S Sycamore St Kohl Rowena A (la '14- ) Stu 205 S Sycamore St Logan Clarence C (ag '08 BS) Assoc U 111 868 E Morrison St Marshall X S ( '84) Bnh t Mercer Rufus S (1 '06) Merc 1115 E Morrison St Moutray Madeline (la '13) Teach H Sch Noe Philip R (ag '07) Med Parkinson Chester B (sc '11) Dent 136 N Popiar St Parkinson Eloise (la '14) 532 W Sec- ond St Parkinson Ethel M (su '10) Teach 123 S Lincoln Blvd tPetrea John N (e eng '10) 620 S Pine St t Power JayW ('97) Pulcipher K D (la com '15- ) (la jour '15) Stu 121 N Maple St tPuLLEN Rome B (la '92 BL) Reader Emma G (h sc '14) At home 332 S Maple St Reichenbach Jay C (la com '15) Merc 708 E Broadway Rohl Robert C (e eng '07) Bus Mgr 302 S Poplar St Storer Esther S (la '14- ) Stu 302 S Cherry St Storer Walter H (la '15- ) Stu 302 S Cherry St tubbs Eston V (g hist '10 AM) Supt H Sch Vandagrift Carl W (c eng '08) Base- ball 4' Cigar Bus Walraven Wesley B (e eng '12- ) Stu 128 N Maple St Watson Minton W (m eng '12) Eng IC Power Plant 304 N Beech St Westbrook Harold W (com '15) Stu 230 S Maple St Wham Charles (1 '12 LL B) Law 212 E Broadway St CERRO GORDO JAdams Flora M (mus '00) Born Charles E (ag '14- ) Stu R2 Bowyer Earl W (su '08) Lumber Dobson Frederick H (ag '88) Ag Dobson Mrs George (sp mus '99) Home Dobson Locke L (ag '12) Ag t Dobson Philip H (ag '02) Griswold Mrs E A (mus '02) Home Grove Sanford L (sc '10 AB) (ae '09 BS) Ag * Huff Benjamin F (la '75) Dealer Bldg Material Klink William L (com '15- ) Stu t Little Cora G (la '82) Still Samuel J (sp '98) Merc Wirth Freemont P (su '15) Supt Schs CHADWICK tDaehler Ferdinand (su '09) Eisfeller John G (la '07) Ag Hicks George (ag '15- ) Stu McCleary Lepha G (la '09) Libr Thompson Guy H (su '15) Prin H Sch CHAMBERSBURG ?Franklin J Gilbert (ag '12) \Tolbert Carl B ('11) Ag \Tolbert Chauncey R ('11) Ag CHAMPAIGN Abrams Samuel (ag '10) Typewriter Agt 612 E Green St Adams Allan M (ag '13- ) Stu 410 E John St ! Adams Clarence G (ag '76) Adams Minnie W R (su '06) Asst Sec United Charities 406 W Green St Agg Sarah (ag Feb '16- )('15) Stu 806 S Third St Alberts Dorothy A ('09) Stu Cham- paign H Sch 505 S Neil St Albrecht Daniel A (sc '13- ) Stu 709 S First St Albrecht William A (g ag '15 ('15 MS) ('14 BS) 1 '11 AB) Stu 709 S First St ? Allen Aleck M (arch '83) ? Allen Basil L (sp '95) ALLEN Paul W (g dairy bacteriol '14) Asst U 111 806 S Third St Alley William E (eng '04) Lab Asst 4- Mech U 111 111 W Washington St Allinson Ora ('03) 211 E Green St Amsbary Harlow A (m eng '14 BS) (mus '08) Constr Eng 512 W Park Av Amsbary Harriet C (mus '09) At home 512 W Park Av ?Anderson William N (la '79) Andrews John H (com '15- ) Stu 503 N Randolph St Arends Annis L (la '13- ) Stu 507 John St Armstrong Elizabeth E (la '14- ) Stu 208 E John St Armstrong Hazel I (mus '15- ) Stu 108 Armory Av Armstrong James L (la '90) Bet 709 S Fourth St Armstrong John H (ag '13- ) Stu 208 E John St ILLINOIS sis Armstrong Mrs John (mus '97) Home 210 W University Av ?Arnett Mrs Agnes L (mus '00) Arnold Sarah E (sp '74) At home 1020 Church St Ashmore Harold H (m eng '09) Tem- plate Maker The Burr Co 510 W Beardsley Av Ashmore Mrs H H (la '81) 510 W Beardsley Av Atkinson Donald S P (la com '14- ) Stu 128 W University Av Augustus Lalah M (h sc '12- ) Stu 508 S Fourth St Augustus Kalph E (ag Feb '16- ) ( '15) Stu 508 S Fourth St fAyres Blanehe A (la '80) babb Mrs Thos (g la '94 ML) ( '88 BL) Home 1106 W Church St Babb George J ( '89) Bet Ag 512 W Springfield Av Babb Mrs H (la '08) Home 401 N Prospect Av Bacon Mrs P T (mus '08) Home Rl Bailey Mrs A B (mus '02) Home Bailey Ange ('02) At home 60G W Church St Bailey Belle (mus '00) At home 606 W Church St Bailey Charles W Jr (la '13) Mgr Lloyde's Univ Store Bailey David (la '69) Bet Bailey Fred S (sc '90) Bnk 715 W University Av Baker Clarence E (ag '15- ) Stu 303 E Green St Baker Edward J (ag '78 BS) Bet 312 W Clark St Baker Jennie (su '74) fBaker Kate F (a&d '87) ?Baker William A (sp '91) BALDWIN Francis M (g zool '15- ) Asst U 111 806 S Third St Bamesberger Velda C (la '14- ) Stu 402 Daniel St Barbre Clarence (sc '15 MS) ( '14 BS) Asst U 111 406 E Healy St Barker Mrs ('97) Home 617 W Springfield Av Barlow Ralph L (1 '15 BS) his Barnes Arthur M (ag '75) Plumbing 732 N Neil St t Barnes M Arthur (ag '78) Delivery - man 1002 N Neil St t Barrow James L (ag '12) 401 E Green St Barry Jennis E (la '14- ) Stu 107 E Chalmers St Barry Mary C (la '12 AB) Teach 107 E Chalmers St Barto Mrs P S (la '11 AB) Home 312 W Springfield Av Barton Christine D (la '08) At home 406 W Hill St BARTON Herbert J Prof U 111 406 W Hill St \Bassett Richard H ( '11) Ag R6 Wauer Frank M ('10) 404 E Healy St Bauer Frederick C (ag '09 BS) Assoc U 111 715 S Prairie St Mrs F C (la '13 AB) Home Prairie St Ethel G ( '01) 509 Fourth St Mark W (m eng '08) 509 S Maud L (su '09) 212 (ag '12 BS) 1215 W Bauer 715 S \Baum ?Baum Fourth St tBaumgardner Charles St fBaxter Mae A (su '11) 603 Univer- sity Av bayley Paul L (g sc '13- )(AM '13) Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St Beach Frank H (la '15- )('13) Stu 805 S Sixth Av t Beach Paul M ( '96) 703 W Church St fBeattie Carroll E (sp '93) Beck Ruth M (la '14- ) Stu 206 W Green St Beers Harry C Park Av Bell Charles J (e eng '11) E Eng $ Foreman U&C Ry Gas & Elec Co 1210 N Hickory St BENEDICT Bruce W Dir Shop U 111 1011 S Fifth St Bennett Arthur N (g chem eng '15- ('15 MS) ('07 BS) Asst St Water Surv 307 Armory Av Bennett Cleaves ('93 ML) ( '90 BL) Med 1st Nat Bk Bldg Bennett Mrs C (la '88) Home 712 Park Av Bennett Marie (h sc '15- ) Stu 408 E Green St fBenson Oliver N (sp '93) Bernard Leslie C (arch eng '14 BS) Draft U 111 808 S Elm St t Berry Floy E ('95) IBickncll Fannie R (la '05) 402 W Clark St Bilderbach Byron (la '13- ) Stu 312 Prospect Av Bingham Arthur B (ag '15 BS) Ag R5 Birdsell Eva L (la '10) Bkpr # Ste- nog 201 S Wright St Black Robert O (la '12 AB) Wlack Walter R ('03) ?Blackburn Etta (sn '04) Nurse 402 816 ILLINOIS W Springfield Av Blackburn Frederick J (ag '14 BS) Asst U 111 603 E White St \BlacTcbum James W ('95) 406 E Park St Blain James M ( '81) Bet Ag Blaine Mrs Boyd S (mus '06 ) Home 17 Davidson PI Blaine Mrs J H (mus '80) Home 1008 Park Av Blaisdell Irwin B ('88) Blaisdell Luola G (mus '02) BLATCHLEY Kaymond S ('14) Bus 802 W Park Av Block Frieda E A (mus '14- ) Stu 308 N State St Block Mrs W R (la '07 ) Home 210 % E Stoughton St Blue Mrs Herman (mus '00) Home 410 W Healy St BOICE Levi A (mus '07) Becorder U 111 1009 S Wright St Boice Mrs L A (mus '05) Home 1009 S Wright St bole Simeon J (g '15- ) (g '12 AM) Assoc U 111 1005 S Fifth St Bollman Marie C (su '15) Teach 203 Armory Av Bollman Minnie J (lib '15 BLS) (la '10 AB) Asst U 111 203 Armory Av Bolton Ealph W (eng '13- ) Stu 512 E Springfield Av \Bond Dixon J ('96) 210 W Clark St Bond Ethel (lib '08 BLS) ('07 AB) Instr U 111 603 E Healy St Bond Luella M (h sc '09) ( '03) Teach 603 E Healy St Bonner Arthur L (eng '14- ) Stu 702 W University Av Wonner Kate P H ( '92) Boone Mrs H W (mus '15- ) Stu $ Home 1107 W Church St IBoothby George W ('82) Born Katharine L (ag '13- ) Stu 502 E John St Born Kay (com '15- ) (sc '11) Stu, 502 E John St Born Russell (la '15- ) (e eng '12) Stu 502 E John St Bower Paul E (ag '13- ) Stu 303 E Springfield Av Bowling Benjamin L (la '14) (c eng '03) Asst U 111 509% W Church St ?Bowman Mrs Ethel C (sp '10) Bowman Mrs J C ('05) Home 205 N Randolph St Wowman Richard H ('80) Boyer Harry B (1 '02 LL B) Law 308 E Healy St Boyer Walter H (c eng '14 BS) Build Insp U 111 5 12 S Fourth St BRADBURY Charles E Instr U 111 508 W White St Bradley Daniel C (la '15) 809 W Church St ^Bradley Gertrude G (sp '00) Brady Geneva W (mus '11) Mus 611 W White St Brady May (la '15- ) Stu 509 S Fourth St Branch Nellie U (lib '16 BLS) (la '07 AB) Asst U 111 610 S State St Branch William R (ag '13- ) Stu 610 S State St \Branmiller Edna ('08) Stenog 210 W Church St ?Brannen Agnes M (su '06) ?Brewer George W (gen '70) Briggs Evelyn L (la '15- ) Stu 301 S Wright St Briggs Flora B (ag '13- ) Stu 301 S Wright St Broadhurst Tabitha J (mus '14) Stu Becord Clk U 111 508 E John St Brock William S (g hort Feb '16- ) (ag '15 BS) Instr U 111 1003 S Wright St Bronell Chester D (sc '93) Contr 505 S Randolph St ?Brown Albert S (c eng '80) fBrown Arthur C (m eng '05) t Brown Mrs Belle G (la '76) Brown Faith F ('11) Bkpr 348 N Hickory St Brown Frank M (arch '93 BS) Ins <$• B Est 391/2 N Neil St t Brown Frank M (la '91) Brown Mrs J A (lib '01 BLS Fac '03) Home 808 W Park Av Brown Mrs O M (mus '06) Home 510 W Columbia Av Brown Mrs Ralph (h sc '10) 510 E Healy St Brown Rutherford H (ag '13) Pull 24 N Walnut St ?Brown William B (la '98) Brown William R (g chem '15- ) Stu 704 S Third St Brunson Arthur M (g agron '15- ) (ag '13 BS) Asst U 111 907 E Sixth St Brutus Carl R (m eng '15- ) Stu 105 S State St Brya Frank G (ag '15) 305 S Wright St Bryan Mrs A H (Hon ML '92) (la 74 Cert) Home 612 W Church St Bryan Helen G (la '06 AB) Teach 4r Mus 612 W Church St Bryan Sarah E (lib '10 BLS) (la '08 AB) Asst U 111 612 W Church St BRUCE William R (g chem '15- ) Asst Chem 704 S Third St ILLINOIS 817 fBuchanan Clara G (la '01) Buchanan Kenneth (arch eng '15) Adv Mgr Courier Herald 302 Daniel St Buchen Helen L (sc '13- ) Stu 305 E John St Buckler Helen I (mus '15- ) Stenog U 111 908% S Fourth St Buckles Mrs W P (la '04 AB) Home 603 S Randolph St fBurgess Charles O (su '02) Burke Eugene I (sc '00 BS) V-Pres Citizen's St Bk t Burleigh Otto F ( '95) burlison William L (g agron '15 PhD) ( '08 MS) Assoc U 111 1104 S Third St Burnham Robert D (sc '95) Farm Loans 722 University Av Burnham Mrs R D (sc '93) Home 722 W University Av t Burns Lubin R ( '92) Burr Ellis M (m eng '78 BS) Pres Burr Co 408 W Hill St t Burroughs Frank M (sp 70) Burtnett Reid A (e eng '15) Teach H Sch Burwash Carrie L (sp '74) At home 610 W Green St Burwash Grace S (la '15- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Burwash Louis S (ag '13- ) Stu 711 S Elm St Burwash Lucile P (h sc '15- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Burwash Mabel E (g la '14) ( '13 AB) At home 1303 W University Av Burwash Mary G (lib '15- ) (la '13) Stu 711 S Elm St burwash Milo B (ag '72 MS) Bet 610 W Green St Burwash Ralph S (m eng '12- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Burwash Ruth M (h sc '15- ) Stu 711 S Elm St Burwash Thomas N (ag '71) Bet Med 1303 W University Av Busey Catherine M (mus '08) Clk Ofc Supt Schs 601 E Park Av t Busey Samuel ( '86) Buzick James C (la '13) Sec 906 S First St Buzick Jessie W (la '10) Blepr 1004 S Third St Byers Hale N (la '15) Adv Agency 1st Nat Bk Bldg Caldwell Brice J (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 706 W Hill St Caldwell Charles M (la '01) Pres $ Gen Mgr Caldwell Co 104 E Green St Caldwell Mrs C M (la '05) Home 104 E Green St Caldwell Eva (mus '10) Auditor Cald- well Co 706 W Hill St Caldwell Mary L (la '15- ) ( '14) Stu 706 W Hill St Campbell Ashton E (1 '04 LL B) (la '01 AB) Law 28y 2 Main St \Campoell Clinton O ('94) Campbell Ella S (lib '15- ) Stu 806 S Third St ?Campbell Mae A (mus '98) Campbell Maude P (la '02) ('97) Clk U 111 303 S Wright St ICampbell Oliver C ('93) 503 E Uni- versity Av Campbell Mrs Ralph M (mus '03) Home 603 E Daniel St CANN Jessie Y Instr U HI 203 E Healy St CANTER Howard V Asst Bean LA$ S U 111 101 Chalmers St Canter Mrs H V (la '15) Home 101 Chalmers St ?Carey Charles H (c eng '73) Carlson Lee R (la com '12- ) Stu 910 S Fifth St CAROTHERS George E ('11) Mgr Twin City Sanitary Co 714 W Park St CARPENTER Charles E Asst Prof U 111 310 James St ?Carpenter E (ag '74) Carpenter Harvey I (la '93 BL) Piano Tuner Co-Op Bldg Carson Luvilla B (mus '07) sc '03) At home 507 Daniel St Carter Alice (g hist '15- ) (h sc '15 AB) Asst to Pastor McKinley Pres Ch Presbyterian Hall Carter Carrie M (a&d '98) At home 804 S Fifth St Carter Opal G (sc '02) At home 804 S Fifth St Cartier Mrs Ralph (lib '11) 608 S Fourth St CASPER Shields Q ('10) B Est 912 N Walnut St Casserly Joseph B (g agron '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Stu 108 Daniel St Cassidy Grattan G (arch eng '15- ) Stu 501 N Randolph St Caton Mrs G D (mus '03) Mus 211 Park Av ?Catterlin Lillian M (su '02) Cauble Charles A (la '15) Stu Ind U 506 E John St Cauble Helen (la '15- ) Stu 506 E John St Cecil Lawrence K (la '14- ) Stu 801 S Wright St Chamberlain Miss A E (chem '80) At home 511 W University Av Chamberlain Carl C (e eng '07) Bldg 818 ILLINOIS Supt 103 Armory Av Chamberlain Lucius O (ry c eng '12 BS) By C Eng 103 Armory Av Chambers William H (g bacterid '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Asst U 111 1007 Wright St Chaney Zoe G (sc '14) At home 1001 S Third St ?Chapin Agnes E ( '74) Chapin Arlo (la '02 AB) Jour 510 W Springfield Av Chapin Mrs Arlo (la '08 AB) Home 510 W Springfield Av fChapin Charles C (sc '12) 726 W Church St Chapin Lucy (la '04 AB) At home 304 W Columbia Av charlton Ernest E (g chem '15- ) ('15 MS) Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St ?Cheney Lellin A (gen '78) Chenoweth Homer E (sc '15 AM) ( '13 AB) Asst U 111 110 E John St Chester Anna (g eng '13 AM) (la '05 AB) Teach 717 W University Av Chester Guy J (e eng '98 BS) E Eng 717 W University Av Chester Homer W (la '76) Chester Jamie M (h sc '15- ) Stu E2 Chester Margaret B (la '01 AB) Teach 717 W University Av Chester Mary (la '97) At home 717 W University Av Chester Maybelle (mus '04) At home 308 W Hill St Chester Thaddeus P (ag '87) Ag E2 Chiles Edna A (mus '15- ) Stu 205 E Armory Av Chiles Howard M (la '15- ) Stu 205 Armory Av CHITTENDEN Edward W Instr U HI 1116 Arbor St Chittenden Mrs E W (mus '13) Home 1116 Arbor St Clark Charles B ('14 M Arch) (eng '98 BS) Asst Prof U 111 105 Chal- mers St Clark Ernest M (ag '13 AB Fac '14) Ag 1007 S Wright St Clark Harold T (la com '13) Jour 602 W Clark St Clark Harry C (eng '15- ) Stu 607 W Church St ?Clark Mary N (sp '74) ?Clark Mrs Nieta B (sp '99) ?Clark Vinton A (g '09) 103 E Healy St Clarkson Albert J (ry e eng '11- ) Stu 301 E Springfield Av Clements Esther (com '15- ) (ag '15) Stu 503 E Daniel St Wline George H ('06) 123 W Church St Cobb Mrs I E (la '87) Cochran Eussell W (la '13- ) Stu 507 E Green St Coffeen Fred G (sc '93 BS) Foundry Expert 104 E John St ?Coffin Earl W (ag '72) colby Arthur S (g hort '15- ) ( '15 MS) Asst U 111 1117 S Third St ^Columbia Hattie G (su '02) Comstock Arthur F (c eng '13 CE) ( ',06 BS) Assoc U 111 1110 Arbor St Comstock Guy C (la '10) Fireman BE 506 S Neil St Conant William A ( '06) Condit Irene (mus '14) 111 E Spring- field Av conel Jesse L (g zool '15- ) (sc '13 AM) Asst U 111 208 W Clark St iConUing Harry W ('88) Connor Lloyd ( '11) Contr Cook Clara (la '99) BJcpr 302 W Hill St Cook Curtin (sc '83) ClJc 1415 W Church St Cook Mrs Geo H (sc '00 BS&MS) Home 5 Davidson PI Cook Harvey E (sc '92) 5 Davidson PI Merc Cook Mrs H E (la '00) Home 5 Da- vidson PI Copley Beatrice V (g engl '15- ) (la '15 AB) Am U 111 901 S Wright St Corbly Lynn (1 '15 LL B) Law Swan- nell Bldg t Cornell Henry M ('80) Cover Hazel W (mus '14) Stenog V 111 508 E John St ?Cowen Roy H (c eng '78) Craig Hazel I (g '13) ('10 AB) At home 616 W Hill St Craig Jane A (lib '09 BLS) (la '06 AB) Catg Asst Lib U 111 613 W Springfield Av Craigmile Jeannette E (la '14- ) Ste- nog U 111 511 E John St Cramer Bessie C (mus '02) At home 401 S State St Crathorne Arthur E (sc '98 BS) Assoc U 111 1113 S Fourth St \Craw Grace M ('10) 206 W John St ?Crawford David M (m eng '04) Crawford George B (mus '03) Mus 113 W Clark St fCrawford Helen E (mus '03) fCrawford John S (la '73) Crawford Nellie F (mus '09) Mus 304 S Elm St Wrayne William E ('92) ?Creighton Mrs (la '00) Creighton William C ('92) Mgr Kuan's Clothing Store 307 W White St ILLINOIS 819 ICrissey Ruth E ('98) 306 N Wash- ington St Cumberland Hattie (la '84) ClTc Tre- vett Mattis Bnk 105 W White St Criley Harlan R (arch eng '14- ) Stu 306 Stato St Cummings John W (g '95) Priest 708 W Main St Cunningham Edwin R ('93) Mgr U 111 Supply Store 304 Washington St Cunningham George N ('86) Phar 620 W Church St Cushing Donald F (la com '13) Ship ClJc 508 W John St Cushing Mrs D F (mus '08) Home 508 W John St t Cushing Dudley H ('10) W John St Dallenbach Grace B (h sc '14) At home 512 W Clark St Dallenbach John C (sc '02 AB) Med 836 W Church St Dallenbach Louis E (sc '12 AB) Ag Rl Dallenbach Maybell M (h sc '13- ) Stu 512 W Clark St Daugherty Alberta M (mus '15- ) Stu 512 W Vine St DAVENPORT Eugene Dean Ag Coll U 111 807 S Wright St Davenport Margaret (mus '09) Stu Champaign H Sch 807 S Wright St Davis Charles B (la '15- ) Stu 806 S Third St DAVIS John W (g eng '14- ) Instr U 111 907 S Sixth St Wavis Oscar H ('77) Davis Redman B (la '14) News Bep 604 W Hill St ?Davis Wilbut H (su '05) DAWSON Eric A Asst U 111 1005 S Fifth St fDawson Lele I (la '95) 212 W Park St Dawson Mayme (mus '07) At home Gehrig Apts ?Day Charles P (m eng '00) Deahl Neulon (la '14- ) Stu 607 E Springfield Av Wean John ( '09) Dechman Arthur (chem eng '12 BS) Mfg Dechman Mrs A (h sc '14) Home 830 W Church St tDemlow Lester C (su '12) c/o Paris Cleaning Co 401 E White St \Derrough Edward E ('89) Detrick Nellie E (la '01 AB) Teach 401 W Green St Wevoe Charles E ( '87) DEWSNUP Ernest R Prof U 111 912 W Hill St Dickerson Ruth E (la '11) 605 S Elm St Dickey Clarence E (e eng '12) Line- man 409 W Springfield Av DIDCOCT John J Asst H Sch Visitor U 111 505 S Pine St Dillavou Charles E (com '15- ) Stu 305 W Washington St Dillavou Essel R (1 '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 305 W Washington St Dillavou John M (la '05 AB) Coal & Bldg Supply 304 W Healy St Dille Lavina F (h sc '14) Stenoq V HI 1113 Arbor St Dillon Elmer C (m eng '06) Estima- tor 1306 W Church St DIXON Raymond E (g engl '14- ) Asst U 111 801 N State St Dobbins Donald C (la '96) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg Dodds Donald C (la com '14- ) Stu 622 W Hill St Dodds Eva (la '14 AB) At home 622 W Hill St Dodds Joseph C (la '86 BL) Sec $ Treas Twin City I&C Storage Co Dodds Josephine (la '13- ) Stu 622 W Hill St Dodds Lois E (la '12- ) Stu 205 E Green S$ Dodge Astrid V (la '15- ) Stu 806 W Green St DODGE Daniel K Prof U 111 806 W Green St Dodge Margaret R (la '14) At home ■ 806 W Green St Doisy Edward A (g chem '15) ('14 BS) Stu Harv Med Sch 1003 S Third St Dolan James L (ag '13- ) Stu 512 Daniel St Dolan William J (l'OOLLB) Law 13 Main St Wolder Lena J ('97) 301 S Wright St Dole Laura E (mus '13- ) Stu 404 E Chalmers St Dole Lillian D (g zool '15- ) (sc '15 AB) Stu 404 E Chalmers St Wolph Isaac N ('80) Donovan James L (eng '14) Cash Nat Bis Co 306 E University Av Donovan Mary M (com '15- ) Stu 306 E University Av Donovan Nellie C ('11) Prop Art & Craft Shop 306 E University Av Dow Harvey R (com '15) Cash 1st Univ Bk Doyle Frank L (com '09) Insp Con- crete & Pav 308 W Washington St Doyle John F (la '12- ) Stu 202 E John St DOYLE Kathevine A Asst U 111 503 820 ILLINOIS S First St Doyle Mrs S B (sp '74) Home 308 W Washington St Doyle William J (la Feb '16- ) Stu 202 E John St ?Dragoo Essie J (mus '07) 510 E University Av Dunlap Ernest L (ag '72) Pub Acct 909 S Third St Ealey Homer (o eng '01) Tailor 713 W Hill St Earhart Charles M (arch eng '14) Arch 202 W Park Av %Earhart Florence ('77) Earnest William W (g la '12) ('08 AB) Supt Schs 207 W Church St ?Eaton Homer T (m eng '14) YMCA Waton Horace D ( '94) Waton Mrs S M ( '11) Home 103 E Chalmers Wat on William O ( '01) Ebersol Elmer T (g agron '15- (AB '02) MS '15) Instr U 111 1113 Ar- bor St Ebert Mrs F E (la '10) Home 511 S Pine St Eggleston Jacob L (1 '97) Merc 41 Main St Ehler Otto (e eng '12) B Est 1 Main St Ehrgott Grover C ('08) Barber "Kandy's" Barber Shop Ehrghott Mrs G C (mus '09) (la '05) Home 12 Davidson PI Eichhorst Flossie E (mus '11) Mus 211 E Clark St Eisner Mrs Albert Jr (mus '08 B Mus Fae '11) Home 208 W Park Av Eisner Mrs Albert Sr (sp '75 BL) Home 301 University Av Eisner Edward (la com '09) Trav 301 W University Av EISNER Maurice (la '02 Fac '02) Concert Pianist 301 W University Av Eisner Robert (la com '11) Wholesale Groo 905 W Park Av Ekblaw Walter E (sc '12 AM) ( '10 AB) Asst U 111 Explorer Crocker Land Expedition Acacia House Elwell Dan W (la com '14- ) Stu 503 W Washington St Emerson Mrs Zaide C ('98) Home 412 W Church St Wngelhart John H A ('09) 601 S Wright St englis Duane T (g chem '14 AM) Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St English Edward C Jr (arch '02 BS) Contr 715 W Church St Enochs Delbert R (1 '03 LL B) (la '98 AB) Law $ B Est 618 W Clark St enochs Mrs D R (g '01 AM) (la '00 AB) Home 618 W Clark St Evans Bessie L (su '15) Teach 307 W Hill St Evans Donald G (e eng '14- ) Stu 307 W Hill St Evans Ruth (su '15) Teach 307 W Hill St Evans Vera K (mus '14- ) Stu 408 E Springfield Av EVANS Walter Instr U HI 1005 S Fourth St Everhart Gladys (h sc '15- ) Stu 1014 S Sixth St Wwalt George W ('77) Fair Sue M (su '14) Sec U 111 511 E John St Fairclo George C (c eng '02 BS) ('99) Co Supt Highways 30 N Wal- nut St Fairclo Mrs Geo C (la '03) Home 712 W Church St Falkenberg Fred P (la '02 AB) Base- ball Faulkner Leslie W (g '15 MS) (e eng '14 BS) Phar 618 W Church St Faulkner Watson (la '72) Phar 618 W Church St Faurote Guy C (arch '15 BS) Arch 401 E John St Fee Mary J (h sc '15- ) Stu 1006 S Third St Fell Jennie E (h sc '10) 1117 S Eu- clid St Fernandez Carlos S (ag '14 BS) 511 E Healy St ?Ferris William W (la '72) Fielding Berniee (su '10) Reader 207 W Clark St Fiero Elmer E (1 '14- ) (la '14 AB) Stu 405 E Green St Filson James E (1 '07 LL B) Mgr Champaign Co Abst Co 1023b Main St Finch Mrs James H ('98) Home Finnigan Martha M (la '14- ) Stu 618 W Springfield Av Finnigan Thomas J (la '15- ) Stu St Viator's Coll 618 W Springfield Av \ Fisher Cora ('91) Fisher Eva J (la '15- ) ('13) Stu 312 Daniel St Fisher Pearl (la '96) Plumb # Heat 402 W Springfield Av tFisher Stephen E (g '10) ( '05) Mintr 507 Daniel St FITZ-GERALD II John Driscoll Prof U 111 1012 S Fifth St Fitz-Gerald Mrs J D (la '15- ) Home 1012 S Fifth St Fitzwater Daisy Anna R (1 '10) 509 S Elm St ILLINOIS 821 Fitzwater Imogexie F (mus '12) Stu Mus New York 509 E Elm St Flanders Junius A (la '09 AB) Grain Broker Kariher Bldg tFlanigan Bessie M (mus '98) Flanigan Edwin G (se '96) Publ 911 W Church St Flanigan Mrs EC (sp '95) Home 1911 W Church St Flatt Nelle I (la '15- ) Stu 1 Da- vidson PI Fleming Virgil E (c eng '05 BS) (la '99) Assoc U 111 306 Chalmers St Flowerree Trennace (g agron '15- ) (ag '13 BS) 605 Daniel St Fluck Mrs M J (la '03 AB) Home 105 E Clark St Fogler Mayor F (la '15- ) Stu 511 E Green St FOLSOM Justus W Asst Prof IT 111 101 E John St ?Foos Cora A (la '75) ?Foos Florence I (sp '74) Footitt Frank F (g chem '14- ) Asst U 111 917 W Green St FORD Jay T Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St Foster Charles W ('14 BS (ag '73) Fac '95) Teach Mus 713 W Green St FOSTER Mrs Charles W (la '95) Home 713 W Green St ?Fox Mary (la '77) Frame Edith M (la '15- ) Stu 409 E Springfield Av Frame Grace B (la '15- ) Stu 409 E Springfield Av Frank Edwin D A (g m eng '14- ) Instr U 111 1113 Arbor St FRANKS Thomas ('72) Flor 206 E University Av Fraser Cecil E (la '15) 1003 S Wright St Fraser Wilbur J (ag '02 MS) ( '93 BS) Prof U 111 1003 S Wright St Freark Parke W (mun eng '12- ) Stu 1115 Williamson St Freark Ray H (la '14- ) Stu 1115 Williamson St Frederickson Harry G (ag '15- ) Stu 810 W Healey St Freeman Kilburn B (c eng '15- ) (arch eng '15) Stu 606 W Healy St Frteman Roy C ('99) Law TFremer Otto W (arch eng '11) 404 E Daniel St French Herbert E (g chem '15- ) Asst U 111 704 S Third St Frick Arthur H (ag '14- ) Stu 508 E Daniel St Frison Edward H (la '98) Fin $ Ins 4- B Est 205 W White St Frison Theodore H (la '14- ) Stu 503 W Springfield Av Gaddis M Zoe (mus '07) Mus 730 W Hill St Gaddis Jessie M (mus '13- ) Stu 1005 S Fifth St Gage Mrs Louis L (su '11) Libr 903 S Fifth St Gage Mrs Ralph (sp '05) ?Gaines Forrest (sc '01) 18 S Hick- ory St Gallivan Lilian M (la '09) Bkpr 211 E University Av Gallivan Lyle H (arch eng '14- ) Stu 211 E University Av ? Gamble Fred G ('03) Gantz Grace D (la '15- ) Stu 301 E Green St Gantz Howard S (ag '13- ) Stu 301 E Green St Gardner Ernest R ( '98) Ship CXk W Lewis & Co 807 S Prairie St GARDNER Harry (sc '07) Instr V 111 604 E Chalmers St Gardner Mrs Harry (su '15) Home 604 Chalmers St Gardner John J (g pomol '15- ) ( '14 MS) Assoc U HI 1117 Euclid St Garrett Frank W (ag '11 BS) Asst Ag Exp Sta U 111 1103 Euclid St Garrett James H (m eng '86 BS) M#E Eng 504 W Washington St Garrett Mrs J H (a&d '85) Home 504 W Washington St t Garrison Leona B (la '10) Clk 1305 W Hill St Gauger Joseph F (ag '12- ) Stu 709 S Sixth St Gauger Marguerite E (h sc '13 AB) 808 S Fifth St Gauger Raymond W (arch '12- ) Stu 808 S Fifth St Gaut Rosa Lee (g la '13- ) (mus '13 BS) Asst U 111 312 E Daniel St Gearhart Orval L (arch '97 BS Fac '09) Ag 107 W Springfield Av Gee Claude E (e eng '12) Clk 1003 S Third St Gehrke Alma E (la '07) c/o Hlinois Bakery 109 E Green St Gehrke Lillie E (mus '08) Mus Teach 102 E Stoughton St Gehrke Mrs R C (mus '10) Home 207 E Clark St IGerald Charles P ( '96) fGibbert Gertrude G (mus '08) 404 E University Av Giep Lula M (su '12) Teach 602 E Stoughton St Gilkerson Harry C (ag '13 BS) ( '08) Asst U III 309 Healv St ?Gill Blanche A (a&d '88) 822 ILLINOIS Gill Harry ( '90) GILL Harry L Assoc U 111 506 E White St tGillen Elijah F (sp '74) Gillespie Louella (la '04 AB Fac '06) At home 406 N State St GILLET Joseph E Assoc U 111 806 S Third St Gillum Mrs E N ( '94) Home 613 W Clark St Gilmore Eoss E (g chem '13- ) Asst U 111 806 S Third St ?Gittinger Clement A (m eng '10) 509 S Sixth St Glenn Eleanor May (la '07 AB) ClJc U 111 207 E Green St Glenn Grace (mus '10) Mus Teach 704 S Third St Glenn Lawrence A (1 '11 LL B) Law 207 E Green St Glenn Leslie L (1 '00* LLB) Fin 509 W University Av Glenn' Mrs L L (mus '00) Home 509 W University Av GLIMSTEDT Olof H Asst U 111 504 E Chalmers St Glover Anna C (su '11) Sec U 111 606 Daniel St Goben Pearl H (h sc '12 BS) Mgr Cafeteria 109 W Springfield Golden Waldo E (sc '14 AB) Stu U 111 Coll Med 105 E Healy St Goll George G ('05) Auto Merc 18 Hickory St Gooding Charles W (sc '11) Teach H Sch 405 N Willis Av Goodmann Beatrice I (la '15- ) Stu 205 S Elm St Goodman Byne F (la '13 AM) (la '12 AB) Teach H Sch 730 W Hill St Goodman Willard G (la com '15) Stu Mil Acad 730 W Hill St ^Goodrich Leonard ('83) Gordon Hazel A (h sc '12) At home 806 S Sixth St GOSSEE Harold (com '15- ) Asst U 111 1117 Euclid Av ?Gould Charles E (sp '74) Gray Mrs W L ('95) Home 211 W University Av Graham Charles W (sc '09) Sec & Treas Uni Supply Store \Graham William M ('11) 707 N Fifth St Green James A (m eng '95 BS) Loc Fng IC EE 214 E Clark St Greene Elizabeth G (lib '05 BLS) (la '04 AB) At home 1011 S Wright St GEEENE Evarts B Prof U 111 1011 S Wright St ?Greer Eacheal E (la '05) 501 E Springfield Av Grierspn Bertha M (su '10) Stenog 18 E Healy St Griffin Mrs C S (la '97) Home 1011 S Wright St Grossman Donald A (1 '13- ) (c eng '13) Stu 403 E Healy St Grossman Ealph E (arch eng '11- ) 403 W Healy St Groves Charles H (la '15- ) Stu 701 W Church St Groves Charles W (com '80 AB '14) Publ Agt 701 W Church St Groves Evangeline (la '12 AB) At home 501 E Green St Groves John I (com '74) Med Bet 501 E Green St Gulick Clyde D (sc '97 BS) Med 1st Nat Bk Bldg Gulick Joseph P (la '92 BL) Law 11 Main St Gulick Seely C (sc '93) Merc $ Mfg 205 W University Av Gustafson Charles L (arch '12 BS) Draft U 111 920 W Church St ?Haojdock Frank D (su '07) 110 W Clafk St Hagan Bernard A (m eng '15- ) Stu 502 S Lynn St tHagan Elizabeth C (a&d '06) 111 E Healy St Hagan Thomas A (ag '15- ) (com '15) Stu 111 E Healy St magen Peter ('95) Sales 118 Wal- nut St Haldeman Paul J (la '13 AB) E Est 205 E Green St Haldeman Mrs P J (h sc '13) Home 205 E Green St Haley Arthur F (la '94) Mgr Gravel Siding Hall Claire B (com '11) Stu Cin U Dent Coll 1006 W Church St Hall Mrs G A (la '.06) Home 304 W Church Hall George E (ag '07) Ag 824 Church St Hall Mrs O E (la '93) Home 824 W Church St tHall Thora M (la '11) E2 Hamilton Charles F ('82) 210 W Park St fHammerbacker Bessie A (su '06) 304 E Stoughton St ?Hammond Ida (mus '80) Hamon Eobert J (g chem '15- ) Chem US Bur Mines 102 E Daniel St Hand Charles S (c eng '08) Trav 207 S Wright St Hand Ella M (la '15- ) Stu 207 S Wright St Hand Fred C ('08) Trav 207 S Wright St Hand Owen S (c eng '12) Adv 207 S Wright St ILLINOIS 823 ?Haney Theodore H (la '01) Hankins Orville G (ag '14 BS) Jour 105 S Randolph St Hansen Boy (g agron '14- )('14BS) Asst U 111 1002 S Second St Harding Albert A (mun eng '06) Dir Band U 111 308 N State St HAKKER Oliver A Dean Law Sch U HI 907 S Wright St Harker Oliver A Jr (la '00 AB) 907 S Wright St Harnsoerger Edward S ('06) Electr 308 N Garfield Av Harnsberger Viola G (mus '12) At home 212 W Park St ?Harpole Byron (m eng '06 ) marrell Georgia ('07) 412 W Green St Harrington Bernard W (la '15- ) Stu 506 E University Av Harris Benjamin F Jr (la '90) Pres 1st Nat Bk Harris Mrs C F (la '86 Cert) . Home 511 S Randolph St Harris Chester A (se '05) Coal Merc Harris Elizabeth P (la '13- ) Stu 705 S Elm St Harris Mrs F D (mus '05) Home 818 W Park Av Harris Hannah H (la '13- ) Stu 612 W Park Av Harris Newton M (la '92) Bnk $ Ag 603 W Church St Harris Ralph M ('06) Hart Mabel B (la '04) At home 617 S Neil St Hartford Naoma R (la '15 AB) Teach 310 Hill Av ?Harvey Nathan A (la '90) IHarwel Mittie (mus '92) marwood C B ('78) Hatfield William D (g chem '14) Asst TJ 111 YMCA Hatton Marcia B (h sc '13) Stenog 511 E Daniel St Hayes William B (la com '13) BnJc ClTc 104 Springfield Av ?Hays Thomas S (la '94) Hazen Cecil R (ag '14- ) Stu 604 E Springfield Av t Heath Ella ( '84) At home HEATH Lillie ('03) Matron YW CL 212 W Church St Hecht August G (ag '14 BS) Asst U 111 507 E Daniel St Hecker Morris L ( '08) Stipes & Hec- ker Cement Co 617 W Hill St mecox Roy ('99) 310 W Church St Heffernan John M (1 '06) 203 E White St Hegenbart Frank A (m eng '04) Bus Hein Mary R (h sc '13- ) Stu 507 E Chalmers St Hein Mason A (ag '13- ) Stu 507 E Chalmers St Heinz Katherine L (su '15) Reader 4" At home 514 Daniel St HeTbing Louis F ( '94) Tailor 303 E Healy St Hemsen Christian N (l-'ll LL B) Law 39 N Neil St Henderson John C (la Feb '15- ) Stu 906 S Sixth St fHenness William Z (ag '02) Henry Victor M (ag '15- ) Stu 707 S Second St \Hensley Alfred S ( '02) Herdman Margaret M (lib '10 AB) Asst U 111 301 Chalmers St Herrick Mrs H (la '01) Home 918 W Hill St HERRON William H St Geol Suit Beardsley Hotel hess Raymond W (chem '14 AM) Asst U 111 704 S Third St Hessell John F (la '79) B Est 37y 2 Main St Heuse Mrs E O (mus '05) Home IHeydenburg Charles A ('91) HICKS John F G Asst U 111 619 S Wright St Hicks Victor La Naien (ag '15- ) Stu 1406 Church St Higgins Irma May (h sc '12- ) Stu 504 Chalmers St Higgins Margaret E (la '14- ) Stu 504 Chalmers St Hill Addie M (sp '85) At home 206 W Park Av Hill Charles F (sc '14 BS) Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St Hill Mrs C S (sp '88) Home 311 W Springfield Av Hill Fanny W (lib '15 BLS) (la '10 AB) Asst U HI 311 W Springfield Av Hill Mary B (art '08 Fac '14) Art 311 W Springfield Av I Hines Kate M (la '10 ) Vocalist Hines Apts tHinton Orval R (la com .'06) 829 W Church St hodsdon Ruth E (hist '15 AM) Asst U HI 416 Lincoln Hall mogan Michael E ('03) 205 White St IHollis James G (m eng '12) 208 E Clark St HOLLISTER Horace A Prof U 111 508 Armory Av Hollister Noble P (g '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Stu 508 Armory Av Holt Sidney V (ag '08 BS) Assoc V - 111 203 E Healey St Holt Mrs Sidney (h sc '14 BS) Home 203 E Healy St 824 ILLINOIS Hooppaw Bessie (la '11) Designer 1602 Church St HOPKINS Cyril George Prof U 111 1001 S Wright St Hopkins Mrs C G (g '98) Rome 1001 S Wright St Hopkins Gold-S (la com '11- ) Stu 606 W Green St Hopkins Mary M (la '11 AB) Teach 606 W Green St Hornal William (ag '15 BS) Land Arch 410 John St Hoult Bessie B (h sc '12 AB) Teach Howard Charles Parker (eng '84) Dent 510 W Green St Howard Hartwell C Jr (la '95) Contr 510 W Green St Howard Homer D (m eng '81) Eng IC RR 309 S State St Howard Mary M (la 79) At home 510 W Green St Howard Mary M (a&d '12) Art 309 S State St Howe Charles R (ag '15- ) Siu 506 E Daniel St Howe William T (ag '11- ) Stu 506 E Daniel Howell Carrie B (ag '02) Maid $ Nurse 1002 N Neil St \Howse Darlie P ( '92) Hubbard Archie H (arch '05 Fac '11) Arch 825 W Church St Huber Harold E (1'12LLB Fac '12) Law 309 Kariher Bldg Huber Joseph E (g '13 MS) (c eng '12 BS) Eng 111 Highway Dept 308 Dan- iel St Huckins Alvin E (m eng '05) Mfg Brick & Clay Products 107 N Elm St Huckins Mrs A E (mus '04) ( '95) Home 107 N Elm St Huff George A Jr (sc '93) Dir Phys Tr U 111 304 W Church St Huff Mrs Geo A (la ; 96) Home 304 W Church St ?Hughes Anna R (mus '07) \Rughes James F ('10) 607 W Hea- ly St Hughes Samuel K (1 '02 LL B) (la '92) B Est $ Ins 503 N Prospect Av Hull Luenna (la '13) Instr Eloc Hunsley Alice L (la '14- ) Stu 902 N Randolph St Ounsley Frank (1 '99) Hunter Mrs Clarence (mus '10) Home 714 W Church St Hursh Ralph K (m eng '09 BS) Assoc U 111 505 E Green St Hursh Mrs R (lib '07 BLS ('06 AB) Fac '14) Home 505 E Green St Hutchinson David E ('03) 111 Life Ins Co 607 W Vine St Hyde Rosa K (mus !10) Mus 311 W Columbia Av lungerich Charles R {'96) Law 314 S Elm St Jackson Anna E (la '14- ) Stu 507 E Vine St Jackson Thomas H (ag '14- ) Stu 507 E Vine St Jahr Marvin E (ag '14 BS) Instr U 111 1003 S Sixth St fJaquett Fred C (m eng '81) Jayne N Zoe (la '14) Teach Jennings Alma I (h sc '15- ) Stu 907 S Fifth St Jennings Grattan G (ag '15) 905 S Fifth St Jennings Walter W (g hist '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 907 S Fifth St Jervis Arthur D ('99) Groc 307 S State St Jervis Florence M (mus '11- ) Stu 307 S State St Jervis Katherine B (g la '11 AM) ('07 AB) Teach 307 S State St Jervis Paul F (c eng '10) C Eng 307 S State St Johanning Nora B (h sc '13) At home 503 E Green St Johnson Alice S (la '13 AB) (lib '07 BLS) Asst U 111 804 W Church St Johnson Clarence E (la '99) Grain BroTcer 901 W Church St ? Johnson Esther A (sp '74) Johnson Mrs HA (c eng r 03) Home 816 W Park St 1 Johnson Herbert L (arch '93) Johnson Louis S (ag '15) Ag 206 E John St Johnston Mrs ('88) Home 301 E Healy St Johnston Charles H (ag '83) Bet 618 W Hill St Johnston Florence R (h sc '15 AB) Dir YMCA Cafeteria 620 W Hill St Johnston Harold B (la '15- ) Stu 301 E Healy St Johnston Herbert (sc '91) Ag R4 Johnston Lillian R (h sc '14- ) Stu 605 W Springfield Av Johnston Wayne A (sc '11) Stu V Mich 618 WHill St Johnston Wayne Andrew (com '15- ) Stu 301 E Healy St Jones Bertha M (la '11 AB) Teach H Sch 707 W Springfield Av JONES Easley S (g engl '15) Instr U 111 806 S Third St Jones Frances B (h sc'13- ) Stu 707 W Springfield Jones Henry L (1 '02 LL B) Law Trevett & Mattis Bk Bldg ILLINOIS 825 Jones Mrs Henry L (mus '06) Home 710 W University Av Jones Isabel E (lib '06 BLS Fac '10) 302 W Church St Jones Mabel (lib '09 BLS) (la '91 AB) At home 302 W Church St t Jones Margaret M (su '09) 501 E Daniel St JONES Paul V B (mus Feb '16- ) Assoc U 111 508 S Elm St Jones Walter O (com '15- ) Stu 508 E Healy St Jones Walter Wynn ('94) 508 E Healey St Jokgensen Mrs FA (g la '11 AM) '08 AB) Teach 412 Daniel St Jorgenson Frederick A (ag'10('05) Fac '12) Mfg Judd Elizabeth T (la '14- ) Stu 906 S Sixth St Judd Mildred W (la '13- ) Stu 906 S Sixth St Judy John M (1 '10) 905 S Fifth St Jue Jook Hing (com '15 AB) Stu NY U Canton China Jutton Emma R (lib '91 BLS) Fac U 111 501 Chalmers St Kariher Harry C (sc '99) Med 710 W Church St Kariher Mrs Harry C (mus '04) Home 710 W Church St Kara AH (su'14) 514 Daniel St fKarnopp Esther May (mus '03) Karr Walter G (chem'15) Asst U 111 407 W Healey St Kaufman Mrs J M (mus '97) Home 704 W University Av ?Keane Joseph P (ag'04) Keating Ora A (a&d'07) Gov Civil Serv 509 E White St Keck Charles E (la '15- ) Stu Kelley Mrs L (h sc '14 AB) Home Kelley Henry P ag '12- ) Stu 705 S Sixth St Kelso Mrs C E (lib '04) Home 408 Hill St Kelso Mrs E E (la '12) Home 26 Davidson PI Kennard Katharine (la '90 BL) At home 311 W University Av t Kennard Warren G (la '91) 311 W University Av f Kennedy C Dell (mus '80) Kennedy Luther E (g geol '15 AM) (chem eng '14 AB) Asst U HI 507 E Healy St Kenny Marion K (h sc '15- ) Stu 709 W Springfield Av tKeran Paul S (la '14) 409 E Green St Kebker Harry E (1 '12 LLB) Law 49 N Neil St Kern Florence E (h sc '13- ) Stu 110 E John St met chum Harold ('03) Keusink Helen B (h sc '15- ) Stu 314 E White St Keusink William B ( '00) Drug 912 W Park St Keusink Mrs W B ('08) Home 810 W Park Av Kienzle Paul C ('11) Clk Bk Kiler Aureka B (g ed '13) (la '96 AB) Teach 608 W Park St Kiler Charles A (sc '92 BL) Merc 608 W Park Av Kiler John Q (eng '09) Sales 608 W Park Av Kincaid Anna L ( '99) Cor New & Healy Sts ?Kincaid Charles H (m eng '97) King Louis B (la '02) Concrete Contr 13 Main St tKirby Mary A (mus '09) 610 E Uni- versity Av Kirk Bonum L (1 '14 LL B) Law. 507 1st Nat Bk Bldg Kirk George G (ag '14 BS) 34 E Green St Kirwan Nora G (mus Feb '16- ) Stu 203 E White St ?Kise Stella (mus '03) Kiser Helen M (h sc '13- ) Stu 506 S Third St Klank Frances G (la '12- ) Stu 618 W University Av KLINE Earl K (g ger '15) Instr U 111 806 S Third St Knight Abner E (ge eng '13- ) Assoc U 111 614 W Union St Knight Galen V (com '15- ) Stu 408 Healy St Knight Paul K (com '15- ) (la '13) Stu 408 Healy St Knowles Charles H (c eng '11 BS) Mgr Carson-Payson Co fKoenig Herman H (g e eng '13) 311 Green St KOLLEB Armin H (mus '12) Instr U 111 1110 S Third St tKoogler Frank S (la '02) Kopf Frank A (sc '15- ) Stu 706 S Fourth St Krabbe Edward M (e eng '14 BS) E Contr Park Theatre Bldg Kratz Alonzo P (gc eng '09 MS) ( '07 BS)* Res Assoc 315 S State St Kratz Elvin V (g eng '13 MS) ( '12 BS) Arch Eng 315 S State St Kratz Ethel G (lib '13- ) ( '10 AB) 315 S State St Krauel Philip L (m eng '14- ) Stu 512 E University Av Krausse Leo J (g econ '15- ) Stu 703 S Third St Kreasan Shirley G (mus '15) Asst R Est Of c W Wheaton Av Krill John F (su '15) 201 S Wright St 826 ILLINOIS tKurt John J (m eng '13) 603 S Fifth St Kurt Leo P Jr (m eng '11- ) Stu 603 5 Fifth St Kurt Mary A (h sc '15- ) Stu 603 S Fifth St Lake Edward J ( arch '95 BS) Asst Prof U 111 703 W Park St Lake Mrs E J (la '08) ('95) Home 703 W Park Av Lamb Allie B (la '12) ClJc U 111 411 Daniel St Lamb Charles A Jr (la '12 AB) ClJc 411 Daniel St Lamb Hallie E (la '13- ) Stu 411 Daniel St tLanum Harold B (com '13) Largent Jess C (arch eng '12- ) Stu 305 E Springfield Av ?Larkin Harvey E (sc '01) LAESON Laurence M Prof U 111 301 Armory Av Larson Louis J (g t&am '15- ) Stu 706 S Second St La Sell Florence L (mus '13) ClJc 305 Wheaton Av Lauterbach Edward G (g bot '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Stu 507 E Daniel St Lawless Joseph C (ag '14 BS) Seed Merc t Lawrence George W (m eng '89) Lawrence Leland L (la '15- ) Stu 1005 S Wright St ?Layman Frank (ag '02) Lee Albert E (la '98) ClJc U 111 605 N Walnut St Lee Carrie A (mus '15- )('13) Stu 605 N Walnut St LeidendecJcer Albert E ( '95) Ag EFD ?Leoppeft Henry C (sp '95) Mintr Lescher Frank M (arch eng '11 BS) Arch Draft 619 S State St Lescher Mrs F M (h sc '05) Home 619 S State St Leverenz Arthur C G (m eng '15 BS) 403 S Wright St tLewis Ethel J (la '09) 507 W Wash- ington St Lewis Herman (la '08) Merc W Lewis 6 Co 615 W University Av LEWIS Howard B Assoc U 111 1117 Arbor St Lewis Leonard D (1 '05) Merc W Lewis & Co 622 W Hill St Lewis Louise M (la '13) Stu Colon- ial Sch Girls 126 W Clark St LICHTENBEEGEE Cleo Lib Asst U 111 508 E John St Lippe Eaymond W (la com '12) Stu Millikin U 604 E Daniel St Little Ethel E (la '15- )( '14) Stu 905 S Wright St tLittle L Belle (la '80) Little Mrs E F (mus '14) ( '08) Home 606 E Chalmers St Livingston Alfred Jr (la '15- ) Stu 506 John St LLOYD John W (g sc '04) Prof U 111 1117 S Third St Lloyde Clarence A (m eng '87 BS) Merc 305 S Eandolph St Lloyde Clifford L ( '96) Merc 212 W White St Lloyde Eobert K (ag '11) Pomologist 305 S Eandolph St Loftus Ed F ( '05) Lineman 111 Tract Co 407 W White St Lohman Frederick C (e eng '11 BS) C Eng City Hall Lohmann Sherrill B ('00) Eng IC EE 201 S Eandolph St Long Joseph A (c eng '08 BS) C Eng Acacia House Long Mayme (la '14) ClJc 121 W Washington Av tLott Jesse (mus '78) Lucas Corda (la '01 AB)('80) At home 108 S Fifth St Luther Elsie E (su '15) Fitter Alter Dept Willis Co 51 E Healy St Luther Wilhelminia C (la '15- ) Stu 51 E Healy St Lyman Mary A (la '14- ) Stu 502 S Lynn St Lyons Hazel D (la '15- ) Stu E4 Lyons Thomas E (la '11 AB) Law Dobbins & Dobbins ^McAllister Paul F ('04) 109 Ean- dolph St McArty Charles E (c eng '05) Electr 509 E Eohrer St McArty Francis M ('11) %McCaddon Frank ('08) McCarty Emily L (su '09) Teach 204 y 2 E Springfield Av IMcClure Edgar B (la '01) McCormick Mrs Bruce (la '77) Home 602 W Green St McCormick Mrs William (sp '94) Home 412 W Clark St %McCulloch Charles S ('83) McDaniel Fannie M (su '11) Teach 706 S Third St McDaniel Lillie (su '09) Teach 706 S Third St ?McDonald Alexander (sc '74) fMcElroy Mary (la '86) McFadden Alice A (la '93) PO ClJc 302 W Springfield Av McFadden Belle L (la '97 AB) Teach 302 W Springfield Av ?McFadden Cordelia (sp '74) tMcFadden Mary A (sp '74) ?McFadden Sharon C (m eng '74) McGee Ealph M (la '14) 606 State St McGraw Katherine (com '15- ) (mus '15) Stu 307 E University Av ILLINOIS 827 McGraw Thomas F (la com '15) 307 E University Av MeGurty Agnes (su '09) Sec to Dean Coli LA&S 310 S Randolph St McHarvey Liesette J (la '12 AB) At home 307 Springfield Av Mcintosh Katherine E (la '02) At home 511 W Park Av tMelntosh Mabel C (mus '01) Mcintosh Winifred W (sp '94) At home 511 W Park Av mckenna Edward L (g econ '14 AM) Asst U 111 908 S Sixth St McKinley William B ( '05) (sp '72) Pres 111 Traction Co & Western RE & Light Systems 726 W University Av McKinney Clarence D ( '05) Med 308 N State St McKinney Ira (sc '12) Stu 401 S Prospect Av McKinney Lilabel (la '10 AB) At home 401 S Prospect Av McKinney Roy H (m eng '08) 401 S Prospect Av IMcLain Cordelia (mus '06) 112 E Green St ?McLaughlin Ambrose (eng '02) 307 E Green St McLean Mrs Pearl (mus '06) McLellan Mary C ( '14 BS) (la '88 Cert) At home 706 W Park Av Maher Lilian E (su '07) Teach 59 Chester St Maher Mary U (su '13) Teach 59 Chester St Malsbary Grace E (la '14- ) Stu 606 Chalmers St MALTBY Mrs C E ( '81) Home 507 W University Av Wanford Ruth ( '05) 105 W Hill St MANLEY Edwin J Instr U 111 213 W Green St Manley Myra F (la '14- ) Stu 1201 W Church St Manley Verna A (la '13) Stenog U 111 1201 W Church St Mann Glenn R (e eng '14) Auto Re- pair 121 W Hill St Manspeaker Pearle (la '04 AB) Sec 201 W University Av Marble Harry C (e eng '01 BS Fac '03) Wire Chf Home Tel Co 904 W White St Martin Ada N (mus Feb '16- ) Stu 311 Daniel St Martin Daisy (la '15) Stu Eldridge Apts Mattingly Leo J (arch eng '12- ) Stu 603 E Park Av Mattis George M (ag '02) V-Pres # Treas 111 Tract Co Mattis Julia R (la '02) At home 201 N Elm St Mattoon Mrs E W (la '05) Home 903 S Sixth St Maxwell Clinton L (sc '02) Cash Citi- zens' St Bnk 306 W Hill St Maxwell Esther A (lib '02 BLS) Teach 203 N New St Maxwell William W (la '85) Eet 301 W Church St fMcMillan Charles R (c eng '73) McMillen George B (la '15 AB) Asst U 111 606 E Springfield Av McMillen Mary B (h sc '06) Stenog U 111 408 E Chalmers St McPheeters Mrs P L (ap '00) Home 915 W Hill St McQuaid John J (com '12 AB) Bnk Clk 313 E White St ?McVay Camden J (m eng '99) McWilliams Margaret E (la '86) Teach Meneely Frank L ( '09) Cash Cham- paign Loan Co 308 E University Av Meneley Charles W ('10) Sant Heat Eng Meneley Ollive M (mus '12- ) Stu 612 E Springfield Av Mengel John G (c eng '12) Arch Draft 4' Mill Estimator 213 E Park Av Merrell H Dayton (su '14) 211 E Daniel Merrick Ada M (la '11) At home 404 y 2 E White St Merrick Ida L (a&d '11) At home 404% E White St Merrick Sarah L (su '05) At home 4041/a E White St Merritt Charles J (m eng '90) fMerritt Jennie (a&d '83) ?Merritt Luella (la '90) merritts Louise ('00) Metzler Arthur M (la com '11- ) Stu 506 W Clark St Metzler Ralph O (com '15- ) Stu 506 W Clark St tMichael Beatrice A (mus '09) 509 S Prairie St tMichael Ethel O S (mus '13) 509 S Prairie St Michael Richard W (ag '15- ) Stu 509 S Prairie St Miebach Mary T (mus '15) Pianist Lyric Theatre 212 E White St IMiebach Peter J ( '95) 56 South St Miller Carl F (arch '02) Clk Chem Lab U 111 401 W Springfield Av IMiller Fred S (ag'12) 412 Daniel St IMiller Garfield L (la '06) IMiller George L (sc'98) Miller Goldie M (mus '08) At home 617 W Healy St Miller Harry R (la '84) IMiller James M ( '85) miller Jay E (g hist '13 AM) Asst 828 ILLINOIS U 111 608 y 2 E Green St Miller Mary V (77) Cor Prairie & Hill Sts MILLEE Wilford S (g ed '11- ) Asst U 111 306 E Healy St Miller William H H (su '08) B Est 302 W Clark St Wills Ethel L ('02) 602 Springfield Av Milne Edward L (la '00 MS) ( '96 BS) Teach 402 W Washington Miner Harry E (la '14) Stu U Wis 618 E Green St ?Mitchell EufusS (ceng'74) Monier Harry H (su '09) Ins 712 W Church St Monier Sara (la '04) Asst Ins Ofc 712 W Church St Moor Hubert W (la '15- ) Stu 608 S Randolph St Moore Ivan C (la '12) Baker 206 E Stoughton St Moore Neally O (mus '12) Singer 305 S New St Morehead Mrs J C (la '00) Borne 1007 N Neil St Morgan Benjamin F (la '10) Sales 407 E Stoughton St Morgan Harry R ('10) 504 E John St Morkel William A K (g ag '15- ) ( '15 BS) Asst U 111 407 E Daniel St Morris Minnie E (la '08) Teach 107 N Elm St Morrissey Daniel C (la '94 BL) Farm Mortg Morrissey Mrs D C ( '96) Home 505 W University Av Morrissey Fay (1 '01) Fire Ins Ad- juster ?Morrow Clarence G (sp '93) MORROW Joseph A Supt Bldgs U 111 601 E Springfield Av ?Morrow Minnie M (a&d '89) ^Morton Cora M ('95) Morton Marguerite (la '15- ) Stu 204 S Lynn St mosher Edna (g entom '15 PhD) ( '13 MS) Instr U 111 401 S Wright St moss Lucretia O ('83) IMowry Mary A ( '99) Mulliken Albert D (1 '00 LLB) Law 806 S Elm St Mulliken Mrs A D (la '06 AB) Home 806 S Elm St Mulliken Mrs Chas J (su '04) Bus 411 W University Av Mullins Edward R (arch eng '12- ) Stu 607 E Park St tMullins Etta (mus '09) 607 E Park St Mullins James T (arch eng '15) Stu 607 E Park St ?Mundy Robert S (m eng '07) 716 University Av Murduck Elizabeth A (la '14- ) Stu 619 W Church St MURPHY Robert E (m eng '15- ) Asst U 111 401 E John St murphy William I ( '09) Murray Annie L (su '14) Stu Rock- ford Coll 4 Davidson PI Murray Grace M (la '13- ) Stu 4 Davidson PI Murray Margarette B (h se '12) At home 4 Davidson PI Murray Orlando S (ag '10) Grain Dealer 4 Davidson PI Myers Mrs Jesse ('95) Home 604 E Clark St Myers Merton J (m eng '15- ) Stu 115 W Hill St Nance Wiley F (e eng '13) Ticket Agt 111 Tract Sys Nate Mildred E (la '15- ) Stu 706 W Healy St NATHANSON Jonas B (g physics '13 AM) Asst U 111 1005 S Second St Naughton Frank U (arch '88) Solic- itor Ceylon Tea Co 509 W Clark St Neill Alma J (sc '15 AM) ( '13 AB) Asst U 111 203 E Healey St Nelson Bertram C (1 '02) Merc A S Nelson & Sons Nelson Bldg Nelson Mrs B C (mus '09) Home 833 W Hill St Nelson Harry ( '11) Mus 720 N Ran- dolph St Newbold Roy Edgar (arch eng '12) Arch H R Temple Illinois Bldg Newcomb Cyrus F (sc '04 AB) Med 311 W Hill St Newcomb Mrs C F (la '14 AB) Home 311 W Hill St Newcomb Thomas F (la '11) 311 W Hill St Newell Moses E (1 '15 LLB) Stu 612 E Green St Newman Margaret J (su '12) Stenog U 111 508 E" John ^Newport Charles L (sc'82) Nicholas Bertha V (la '00) At home 307 N Prospect Av Nichols Maude (sc '94) Soc Serv 307 N Prospect Nichols May L (la '96) At home 307 N Prospect Av Nicholson William C (se '12) Porter 112 E White St Nickerson Avon J (com '13) Clk 605 W Washington St Nightingale E R (e eng '14) Stu 313 S Randolph St Noerenberg Clarence E (g ed & eng '14 (la '10 AB) arch eng '07 BS) Instr U 111 401 John St ILLINOIS 829 Hogle Mrs C H (sp '01) Home 502 W Healey St Nordling Harry R (c eng '14) ClTc 111 Tract Sys 711 W Healy St O'Brien Katherine I (mus '03) At home 510 W Healy St O'Brien Raymond J (se '13) Brik 406 W Church St \ O'Brien Wilhelmina ('93) O'Bryne Katie J (su '08) Teach 109 E Springfield Av O'Connell Nellie E (mus '05) Odell Arthur A (g econ '15- ) (arch eng '15 AB) Asst U 111 410 E John St 10 g den Joseph (ag '93) okey Ruth E (g chem '15 MS) Asst U 111 301 S Wright St JOliver Mrs Etta C (sp '00) W'Neill Marian M ('93) ordonez Benito Jr (ry eng '15- ) (ME '10) Stu 1108 W Main St Osborne Merwyn O (la '11) Trav 602 W Healy St Osborne Pauline T (la '15- ) (la '14 AB) Stu 4 Teach 602 W Healy St fOutcalt Irvin E (la '91) Owen Edyth P (mus '03) Milliner Faulkner Flats Owens Albert W (g chem '13) Asst U 111 504 Chalmers St Padpield Frank (e eng '07 BS) Supt 4- Estimator 601 W Columbia Av Packard Bessie E (sp la '10) Ofc Asst 607 E John tPage Hannah M (a&d '82) Page Harry E (e eng '06) Billiards 510 E Green St palmer James A (g greek '13 AM) BTcpr 2008 Tremont Av t Palmer Mabel ( '92) Palmer Vesper ( '92) Palmer William K Jr (ag '13 BS) Instr U 111 507 Daniel St Pancost Donald A (m eng '14- ) Stu 504 E Chalmers St ?Papsdorf Paul G (mus '11) 407 E University Av ?Parker Charles A (m eng '90) Parker Raymond W (e eng '15 BS; 511 S Elm St Parr Arthur E (ag '14- ) Stu 403 E Chalmers St Parr Mrs J L (la '93 BL) Teach 803 S Second St Patterson Howard E (su '10) Trav Sales 213 W Vine St Paul Mrs WW (la '90) Home 709 W University Av ?Pearce Albert E (sp '70) Pearce Ira (c eng '09 BS) Instru- ment Man 312 S Randolph St tPearman Ira E (la '84) Weddicord Jessie M ('96) 813 W Church St Percival Frank W (com '15- ) Stu 314 S Randolph St Percival Joseph W (ag '14- ) Stu 314 S Randolph St Percival Marion L (la '15 AB) At home 314 S Randolph St Percival Orin (la '83) Merc 314 S Randolph St Percival Stella R (mus '13- ) Stu 314 S Randolph St PERGANDE Robert Mech U 111 505 E Healy St tPerring Floyd J (sc '13) 402 E John St ?Perry Dale B (e eng '07) 203 E Healy St t Perry George S (ag '13) 211 Daniel St t Peterson Robert (chem '04) 1 Neil St Peterson William A (g entom '11- ( '13 AM) Fac '15) Stu 905 S Sixth St Pfeffer Margaret M (mus '07) Mus 111 W Springfield Av Philbrick Gladys (la '15) At home 705 S New St Philbrick Lois (la '13- ) Stu 705 S New St Phillippe Edith H (mus '06) At home 500 W Church St Phillippe Jay S ( '07) Ag R4 Phillips Alice E (h sc '14- ) Stu 510 E Stoughton St Pike George H (la '15 AB) Test Amer RR Assn 706 S Fourth St Willars Charles ('88) Pitsenbarger Ethel G (la '12- ) Stu 603 W Columbia Av IPitton Mrs Herman C (mus '11) 503 W Springfield Av fPlaine Thomas H (sp '74) fPlessner Herman (ag '72) Plumer Elizabeth ('08) 1108 S Third St Polk Arthur E (cer eng '15- ) Stu 815 W University Av Polk John L Jr (la '04 AB) Ag 4 Loans 409 W University Av Polkowski A (la '15- ) Stu 1518 W Washington St Wollock Augustus V ( '98) 411 John St Porterfield Gertrude (mus '97) Home Bldg 4- B Est 605 S Elm St Porterfield Jessie B (mus '99) Chris- tion Sc Pract 605 S Elm St Porterfield L Wilson ('82) B Est $ Loans Porterfield Mrs L W (sp '04) Home 830 ILLINOIS 615 W Springfield Av POST Frederick W Asst U 111 405 N Prairie St Potter John W (ag '10) Ag 208 E Green St fPotter Mary A (mus '07) 701 S Third St Wound Elbert E ('86) Powell Hiram (sp '69) \Powers Mrs Anna B ('10) 1004 S Fourth St Powers Mark E (m eng '09 BS) Gas Eng 1805 W University Av fPowers William R (m eng '01 ) Presson Harry B (e eng '13) Publ 1001 S Sixth St Presson Lola I (h sc '12- ) Stu 1001 Sixth St Price Benjamin M M (1 '07) Law 509 W Green St ?Price Grace M (la '84) Price Mary H (sp '84) Price William H (m eng '86) Primm James K (la '15- ) Stu 909 S Sixth St Primm Pauline E (mus '15- ) Stu 909 S Sixth St ' Primm Philip T (ag '15- ) Stu 909 S Sixth St Privotte Bertha M (mus '11) Mus 906 S Fifth St Privotte Linda I (mus '11) Mus 906 S Fifth St Pugh Ada R (ag '15- ) ( '15 AB) Stu 708 W Hill St ?Pugh Miss M E (la '74) Putnam Persis (la '14) Stenog U 111 909 V 2 S Fifth St QUICK Bert E Asst U 111 501 E Green St IQuinn Jennie M ( '97) radcliff Barney S (g cer '10 MS) Instr U 111 504 E Chalmers St Raffin Isador (arch eng '12 BS) Supt constr c/o A W Stoolman Ramey Frank W (arch eng '15) Asst in Arch Ofc U 111 716 W Park St Ramey George E (arch '12 BS) Arch 828 W Hill St Ramey Mrs G E (g hist '12) Home 828 W Hill St ?Ray Harold A (m eng '03) 711 W University Av Way Maude L ( '94) Reddick Susie M (su '03) Bet Teach 109 W Green St Reed Chester O (g math '14- ) (ag '11 BS) Instr U 111 603 Chalmers St Reed Clara M (la '14) 603 W Spring- field Av Rees Edwin A (g org chem '14- ) Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St, t Reeves Fanny S (mus '04) 1005 S Wright St Reid Clara M (la '14) At home 603 W Springfield Av Renner Wendell P (com '10 AB) c/o Auditor's Ofc ITS Bldg Rhoads Marie C (la '14- ) Stu 411 E Healy St Rhoads Merle M (mus '10) 411 E Healy St Rhodes Edward M (ag '13 MS) ( '12 BS) (1 '00 LL B) Law 11 Swanneli Bldg Rhue Lena C (com '15- ) Stu 306 S Fourth St Rhue Perry M (com '15- ) Stu 306 S Fourth St Richards Gladys E (mus '15- ) Stu 408 W Church St Richards Lenore (la '15- ) (h sc '15 AB) Asst Cafeteria YMCA ?Richards Minnie H (la '07) 1002 N Fifth St Richart Blanche B (h sc '14- ) Stu 1105 Arbor St Richey Friedal C (ag '14 BS) Asst U 111 409 Daniel St Richmond Noble L (com '15- ) Stu 1201 N Prospect Av IRichter Bert I (mus '09) 101 W Green St Ridge Francis M (sc '13- ) Stu 708 S Third St Riley Alice (la '06) At home 701 University Av Riley Harry W ('89) Sales S E Dillavou Implement Co 315 S Randolph St Riley Ozias (sp '71) Bet PM 70 1 University Av Riley Walter B (1 '94 BL) Law 702 W Clark St Rising Blanche J (la '14) 726 W Hill St Rising John D (com '15) Stu Va Mil Inst 726 W Hill St Risser Constance K (h sc'15- ) Stu 309 E John St Bitter Lena B ('02) Teach \Boberts Charles T ('82) Roberts Jean (la '14) Clk 106 S State St Roberts Nellie R (lib '15 BLS)(la '13) Asst U 111 403 S Wright St Roberts William E (ag '87) Merc Roberts & Grant 832 W Church St Robertson Eva L (la '13 AB) At home 204 W John St Robertson Miriam S (h sc '13- ) Stu 204 W John St ILLINOIS 831 robinson Elna A (Hon ME '93 (m eng '74 BS Fac '77) Heat & Plumb 112 N Hill St fRobinson Hattie J (h sc '04) rogees Anna S (la '14 AM) ( '11 AB) Asst U 111 601 E Chalmers St Sogers Harry T (arch eng '12- ) Stu 403 W White St Eogers Minnie O (su '15) Teach 203 E Green St Eoland Lela M (h sc '15) At home 123 E University Av Eoland Vern A (arch eng '14 BS) Contr 127 E University Av Eolfe Amy L (la '08 BS) Stu Col U 601 E John St Eolfe Charles W (la '77 MS) ( '72 BS) Prof U 111 601 John St Eolfe Martha D (la '04 AM) ( '00 BS) At home 601 E John St Eolfe Mary A (g la '08) ( '02 AB) At home 601 E John St Eomeiser Alvin (com '15- ) Asst U 111 YMCA Eomig Jesse A (e eng '14- ) Sta 603 E Springfield Av Eomine F A (la '77) Dent Romine Stephen A Dent 223 N Neil St Eompel Euth E (la '14- ) Stu 1007 S Second St tEoologle Karl M (1 '08) 109 W Neil St fBoots Annette C (sp '72) Eosecrans Crandall Z (m eng '15- ) Stu 806 S Third St Eoss Clarence S (g sc '15 AM) ('13 AB) Asst U 111 105 Green St Eoss Harry A (ag '14- ) Stu 306 E Daniel St ROSS John C (g chem '13- ) ( '15 MS) Stu 407 E Daniel St Eoss Eoy M (com '14 AB) c/o Mene- ley Eoss Plumbing Co Eoss Stanley P (arch eng '14- ) Stu 509 S Fourth St ?Eoyall Charles C (la '04 AB) 301 E Green St tEoYSDON Emmett E ('95) 412 W Clark St Eoysdon William I (la '95 BL) Bus Mgr 412 W Clark St ?Eudy Franklyn (mus '05) Med Eugg Mrs F D (la '83 Fac '87) Home 507 W University Av EULISON Harold K Asst U 111 502 E John St Bush Mary (la '73) At home 1401 W University Av ?Eush Sarah (sp '73) Eussell Eugene H (ag '15) Treas Theatre Belvoir 205 W Church St Eussell Frederick A (g la '13- ) Stu 213 Green St Eussell Virginia E (su '14) Stu Eoek- ford Coll 205 W Church St Eutenber Frances M (h sc '15 AB) At home 405 W Springfield Av Euth Thomas L (la '15) 105 W Wright St Sabin Donald V (1 '11) Photog 405 W Clark St Sabin Earl C (c eng '89) Estimator Contr A W Stoolman 510 W Union St Sabin Irwin C (chem '75) BJcpr 111 Tract Co 706 W Healy St tSANDEL Ida S (la '99 AB) Sanders George E (sc '15 BS) 105 E Davidson St Sanders Laura M (h sc '14 AB) 603 Armory Av t Sanders Mabel A (la '09) 212 W White St SAEETT Lew B (1 '13- ) Asst U HI 504 E Chalmers St Sarett Mrs L E (ag'13) Home 504 E Chalmers St t Saunders Tony C ('95) Savage Arthur D (ag '13) 810 W Church St Savage Mrs A (h sc '13) Home 810 W Church St Savage Manford (la '78 BL) lAtfD 810 W Church St ?Saye Agnes (sp '93) Schaarman Emil F (g la '15 AM) ( '14 AB) Teach 112 E Green St Schade Emma A (mus '15- ) Stu 601 N Ash St Schaefer Peter P (I'OO LL B) Law Schaefer & Dolan 13 Main St \Scheurich Joseph M ('07) Neil & South Sts Schnellbach John F (mun eng '13 BS) Asst U 111 806 S Third St Schnellbach Mrs J F (la '14 AB) 806 S Third St fScholes Walter P (e eng '09) 412 Church St Schulz Ernest R (ag '12- ) Stu 407 Daniel St Schumacher Henry T (1 '04 LL B) Law 107 E Green St Schumacher Mrs H T (sp '01) Home 107 E Green St tShurtz Slraut W ('90) Med 1007 W Church St Schwing Edward A (ag'15 BS) Stu U Col 118 Longfellow Ct, Peoria 111 fScoggin Alice M (la '83) fSeoggin Charles W (m eng '80) IScott Anna M ('91) Scott Archie R (la '85) R Est 211 832 ILLINOIS W Clark St Scott Edward S Jr (ag '10) Merc, 204 S Lynn St t Scott Mrs Frances (su '09) 604 E Green St t Scott Hazel C (mus '08) 401 W Clark St Scott John A (sp '86) E Est 14 Davidson PI * IScott John K (la '85) f Scott Oliver J (sp '73) Scott Sidney G (com '15- ) Stu 309 S New St Scott Stewart (e eng '88) Mgr Cham- paign Delivery serv W Hill St Scovill Hiram T (la '08 AB) Instr U 111 1118 S Arbor Ct Scovill Mrs H T (la '11 AB) 1118 Arbor Ct Scroggins Mrs Euss ('00) Home El Sedgwick Mary E (la '90) Milliner 407 S Prairie St Seeber Peter (sc '93) Ag E3 Sellards Mrs A J W ('83) Home 307 Davidson PI Sellards William H (ag '10- ) Stu 3 Davidson PI Selsam Beulah E (la '15 AB) Teach 806 S Third St Sendenburgh Edith I (la '13 AB) At home 207 W University Av t Seymour Heath ( '05) tSEYSTER Ernest W (sc '15 AB) Seyster Lois F (la '15- ) Stu 103 E Green St Seyster Mildred C (sc '13 AB) Nat Dir Christian Woman's Bd Missions 103 Green St SHAWHAN George E (la '76 BL ) Mgr Savings Dept 111 Trust & Sav- ings Bank fShaynin Mitchell Henry (la '08) 510 E Green St tShea Frances G (su '09) 504 E White St ?Sheffield Willis B (ag '74) t Sheldon Jairus C (ag '07) 507 W Park St Sherfy Fanny B ('94) Ins Sr Loans 44 N Walnut St ?Shinker Eose L (h sc '12) 508 E Springfield fShirley Zelda M (mus r 97) Shively Jean (la Feb '16- ) Stu 411 W White St Shobe Mrs Frank (su '09) Home 806 S Third St IShriver Alonzo L ( '85) Asst Lab U 111 501 E Springfield Av Shriver Helen E (h sc '13- ) Stu 501 E Springfield Av iShurts Strant.W ('90) Med 1007 W Church St ?Sickles F Henry (sc '85) Siebenthal Maud (lib '14) Geol Illus- trator U 111 310 E Green St Sill Leo L (mus '14) Sales 412 W Green St ?Sims David P (sc '83) Sims Ona N (mus '94) Sinclair Cecil E (ag '11) Asst U 111 501 Green St Singsbusch Arthur C Jr (m eng '05) Electr 1207 Armory Av ?Sirpless Lora (mus '99) ISizer Albert D (ag '14) 727 W Uni- versity Av Sizer Lucius N (sc '84 BS) City Eng 727 W University Av Skinner Arthur M E ('11) Report News 605 E Clark St ^Skinner DeNevin ('00) ? Skinner Ella U ('75) ?Skinner Eichard E (c eng '08) E2 Slater Maynard E (g an husb '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Asst U 111 406 E Healy St Slater Willis A (g eng '12 CE)('06 BS) Asst Prof U 111 102 Armory Av Sloan Amelia M (h sc '13- ) Stu 108 Chalmers St Smedley Mrs Orah K (mus '15) Home t Smith Adeline M (la '13) 205 Park Av Smith Clarence W (la '13- ) Stu 908 S Fourth St Smith Cleone F (la '15) Stu 105 S Wright St Smith Cloyd M (m eng '15- ) Stu 603 E Stoughton St Smith Gladys M (ag '15- ) (la '15 AB) 105 S Wright St SMITH Guy W (g math '13- ) Asst U 111 907 S Sixth St SMITH Howard I Dist Min Eng U 111 1111 Arbor St 1 Smith James H ('89) t Smith Julian E (ag '12) 506 E John St Smith Julian F (sc '12- ) Stu 603 E Stoughton St Smith Leslie A (com '08 AB) 306 Chalmers St Smith Orion O (com Feb '16- ) Stu 507 S Sixth St. Smith Thomas J ('03) Law 13 Main St ?Smith Verna M (h sc '05) 404 E Healy St ILLINOIS 833 Smith Wilhelma Z (la '11- ) Stu 603 E Stoughton St Snodgrass John M (eng '02 BS) Asst Prof U 111 306 Armory At Snodgrass Mrs J M (h sc '05) Home 306 Armory Av t Snyder Letha (mus '08) 401 W Springfield Av Snvder Mary J (sp '95 Fac '96) Clk St Lab N H 108 E Chalmers St Spalding Marjorie M (mus '15) At home 614 W Park Av Spalding Eussell A (ag '13) B Esi 710 W! Park Av Spalding Mrs W F (mus '05) Home 614 West Park Av Sparks Kay C (1 '11 LL B) ( '09 AB) B Est 4- L 407-9 1st Nat Bk Bldg Sparks Mrs R C (la '11) Home W Hill St Gehrig Apts Spaulding Charles H (c eng '12 BS) Asst U 111 103 Park St Spears Mrs Charles H (mus '99) Home 403 W University Av Spence Mrs E (su '08) Home 805 W Hill St ?Spence Franklin (c eng '77 BS) B Est 213 E Clark St Spencer Charles B (arch '13) Arch 401 W University Av Spencer Cynthia E (la '13- ) Stu 404 E Healy St t Spencer Franklin (arch '77) 213 E Clark St Spencer Mary E (la '15) Stu U Mich 401 W University Av Spencer Nelson S (arch eng '82 BS Fac '98) Arch 401 W University Av Spencer Mrs N S (la '81) Home 1401 W University Av Sperry Eldridge H (arch eng '86) Ins Adjuster 306 N State St t Sperry William L (arch '89) % Stafford James C ( '09) Staley Anne H (la '10) At home 801 W Church St Staley Calvin C (la '76) Bet Law 801 W Church St fStaley Ella (la '76) Staley Ina M (mus '12) Fitter Alt- eration Dept 109 W Springfield Av Staley Mrs P B (mus '78) Home 109 W Springfield Av Stall Bessie L (su '13) Stall Willis P (ag '14- ) Stu 310 S Elm St Stamey May (la '12) At home 202 W University Av Stangel Adalaide J (la '15- ) Stu 607 W White St Stangel Victor (la '13) Auto Sales 607 W White Av Stanley Harvey H ('98) Stanley Thomas B (g engl '13- ) Asst U 111 604 Chalmers St Stanner Joseph J (la '97) Postman 501 S Prairie St Stanton William M (g arch '14- ) Instr U 111 409 E Healy St Starr Stephen W (la '15- ) Stu 1207 W Church St Stearns Guy T (sc '13) City C Eng 508 S Lynn St Stearns Winifred S (su '13) Teach 508 S Lynn St Stedman Alfred B ('96) Stedman William H Jr (la com '10) 703 S Third St Steel Edward B ('10) 604 E Green St Stelter Clara E ( '11) 1001 S Wright St Stephens Carl (la '12 AB) Asst Edit Alumni Publ U 111 803 W Spring- field Av Stephens Hazel M (h sc '15- ) Stu 803 W Springfield Av fStephens J L (ag '74) Stephens Thomas E (ag '13- ) Stu 803 W Springfield Av Stephens William (e eng '14- ) Stu 803 W Springfield Av t Stephenson Mrs T ('80) Home 412 W Green St Stern Albert (sc '96) Merc 1209 W University Av Stern Mrs A L (la '96 AB) Home 909 W University Av S'tern Walter W ('96) 711 W Church St fStevens Geralda M (la '87) Stewart Arthur R (ag '76) Ag $ Dairy R5 Stewart Frank (la '13- ) Stu IStewart Naomi C (mus '00) Stewart Robert (g agron '09 PhD) Prof U 111 1206 W Park St IStewart Samuel S ('85) Stiegermeyer Gustav F (su '13) fStinnette Emma E (la '09) 609*£ W White St Stinson Ira S (mun eng '1*5 BS) 110 W Green St Stinson Mary E (su '14) Teach H Sch 110 W Green St | Stinson Rita (h se '13- ) Stu 110 W Green St t Stipes Bess W (la '07) ; t Stipes Opal (la '01) 412 N Wash- ington St Stipes Royal A (1 '01) Merc I Stipp Maud (la '11) BTcpr U 111 211 E Daniel St ! Stoltey Benjamin F (arch '94) Chris- 834 ILLINOIS tiin Sc Tract 107 S Elm St Steltey Emma M ('97) 211 E White St iStoltey Hazel D ('03) Stoltey Jennie F (la '99) Teach 107 S Third St IStone Ethel ('92) tStoolman Almond W S (sc '97) Stoolman Mrs A W (g la '05) ('03 AB) Home 1001 S Fifth St Story Mrs Gertrude (la '15- ) Stu $ Some 905 S Busey Strauch Bernard A (la & law '10 JD) ('08 AB) Photog 629 S Wright St Strauch Eichard P (ag '07) Photog 629 S Wright St fStrong Edwin E (su '09) 512 Dan- iel St ?Strong Sarah B (la '81) stunkard Horace W (g zool '14 AM) Stu 501 E Green St t Styles Edward A (e eng '08 BS) 306 W Washington Sullivan Edna F (la '15- ) Stu 311 E Springfield Av Sullivan Will J (su '11) Arch 629 Eandolph St Sullivan Mrs William ('90) Home 311 E Springfield Av Summers Dean W (sc '10) Dent 513 5 Pine St ?Summers Waldo V (ag '11) 1007 Wright St f Swank Olive ('08) Swannell Dan G (sc '93) Ins Swearingen Lellia F (la '14) Teach 602 E John St Swearingen Paul V (m eng '15- ) Stu 311 N James St Sweet Elijah M ( '95) Swigart Alta C (lib '13- ) (la '10 AB) Stu 610 Park Av Swigart Faith G (la '13) Stu 610 Park Av Switzer Charlotte (la '14 BS) ( '85 Cert) Teach 608 Church St TAEFLINGEE John W ( '09) Jani- tor Orlando Apts 206 N Eace St ?Taylor Charles E (m eng '00) t Taylor Garvin P (la com '09) 313 John St Taylor George A (1 '10) Propr Clean- 6 Pressing Shop 621 S Wright St ^Taylor Maggie L 805 Wright St Taylor Scott C (chem eng '15 MS) ( '13 BS) Asst U 111 304 E Daniel St Taylor Willis E (ag '07) Merc 74 E University Av Temple Harry E (arch '00 BS) Arch 913 W Church St Temple Mrs H E (lib '01 BLS) Home 913 W Church St Thai Adolph F (la '15- ) Stu 507 S Sixth St Thai Olga E (la- '12- ) Stu 507 S Sixth St fThomas Elizabeth E (la '76) thomas Howard E (g t&am '14 MS) Asst U 111 706 S Fourth St t Thomas Isaiah ('06) 509 E John St Thompson Mrs E F ('04) Home 607 W Hill St Thompson Mrs FT ('03) Milliner 406 E Park St THOMPSON Marsh E Cash U 111 713 S Elm St Thompson Thomas E (chem eng '10 BS) Mfg Enamels 708 S Fourth St ^Thomson Eaul W (ag '12) IThornhill Charles C ( '95) Thurston Alfred W (ag '13- ) Stu 406 Chalmers St Tieje Ealph E (g engl '15- ) (la '10 AB) Instr U 111 608 E Chalmers St \Tierney Jeanette B ('03) 511 E White St t Titus Joseph C (la '14) ClTc 111 Trac- tion Sys 605% W Vine St Tobin Louis M ('99) Edit 202 W Park Av fTonjes John H (la '06) ?Toops Claude (arch '06) tTooPS George N (c eng '06 BS) 13 Springfield Av fT'oops Mack (c eng '07) Tornquist Alpha C (h sc '12- ) Stu 408 E Chalmers St fTorres Eicardo C (m eng '12) 203 E Green St ? Towner Frank M ('88) TOWNSEND Edgar J Prof U 111 510 John St tTownsend Edmund D (sp '96) Townsend Mildred L (mus '15) Stu 510 E John St Trevett John H (1 '00 LL B) Bnk Trevett John R ('13)(sp'70) BnJc Tritt Francis I (h sc '11- ) Stu 810 W Church St ITroyer William L (ag '88) c/o E A Eobinson fTubbs Harold A (la '12) 1002 Sec- ond St Tucker Mrs L E ('96) 703 S State St Turell Melissa (la '12) At home 412 W Hill St Turell Vera (la '06 AB) Teach H Sch 412 W Hill St Turlay Anne M (la '15 AB) Instr Playground Wk Turnbull Clifford G (ag '15- ) Stu 602 E Daniel Av ILLINOIS 835 (la '04) 712 W Hill Turner Chester C (ag '13- ) Stu 212 E Armory Av Turner Merle B (la '15- ) Stu 60 E Healy St Tyhurst Ora E (ag '15) Barber YMCA Barber Shop ?Ullrich Clara St ?Vail Mattie E (a&d '85) valentine Howard D (chem eng '15 MS Fac '15) Stu 16 Harvard Apt VAN DEN BEEG Henri J J Instr I) 111 205 N Randolph St Vennum Ernest M (sp '04) 8 David- son PI Vollert Helen M (la '04) 412 Church St ?Von Eschen Frank (la '05) 601 W Union St fVorhes Ralph M (su '07) Voss Anne (mus '13- ) Stu 407 S State St Voss Elizabeth A (h sc '14 BS) At home 407 S State St Voss George O (ag '10) Trav Sales Harris Dillavou & Co 407 S State St Voss Matilda C (la '11 AB) Teach 407 S State St Wagner Ralph R (cer eng '12- ) Stu 307 W Springfield Av Wagner Robert C Jr (c eng '09 BS) Contr $ Fuel $ Bldg Materials 307 W Springfield Av Wagner Mrs R C ('04) Home 307 W Springfield Av Waldo Mary M (la '07) 711 W Springfield Av Waldo Reginald H ( '06) Walk Marney L (la '15- ) Stu 604 E White St Walker Charles M (m eng '10 BS) Lumber $• Mill Work Walker Clyde H (1 '10) Law 13 Main St WALKER Quinton F (g econ '15- ) Res Asst U 111 1003 S Third St Walker Stanton (mun eng '13- ) Stu 402 E Green St Walkerly Margaret M (la com '15- ) Stu 806 S Third St Walkerly Victoria P (h sc '14 AB) Dietitian Chalmer's Apts Walkins Mrs A (sp '74) 7 Tome 406 N State St I Wall Lillian M (la '05) 110 E Green St Wallace Mrs George W (la '91) Home 302 W Springfield Av Wallace Mary D A (a&d '83) Wallin Marie E (la '15- ) Stu 402 E Chalmers St Walton Howard R (la com '15- ) Stu 614 W Green St Walyon Clarence T (c eng '85) Merc 614 W Green St Warnock Arthur R (la '05 AB) Asst Dean Men U 111 904 S Sixth St Wascher Frederick M (ag '11 BS) Asst U 111 505 W Springfield Av Wascher Mrs G L (mus '08) Home 111 E Clark St Wascher Herbert F (ag '15- ) Stu 605 Stoughton St Watkins Mrs A (sp '74) Home 406 N State St Watkins Gordon (g soc '14- ) Stu 403 Wright St Watkins Oscar S (sc '06 BS) Asst Prof U 111 605 E Chalmers St Watson Jane C (g span '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu U 111 620 Clark St Watson Lelia E (h sc '12- ) Stu 915 W Church St ? Watson Mrs Margarette E (su '12) 309 E John St Watt Russell A (arch eng '14- ) Stu 506 E Springfield Av WAY Floy Asst U 111 909 S Fifth St Weaver LA (sp '97) Home 507 W Park St Wegeng Mrs P J (la '09 AB) 807 W Springfield Av Weingarten Helen H (la '15- ) Stu 11 Main St ?Weir Mabel M (g la '08) 504 E John St Weiss Marion V (la '13- ) Stu 110 Armory Av Wellman Emma C (la '08) Nurse 1107 S Sixth St Wellman Iva D (mus '10) Mus Teach 1107 S Sixth St Welshby Mrs E R (la '74) Home 512 W White St de Werff Henry A (agron '15- ) (ag '14 BS) Asst U 111 654 Agr Bldg West J Harold (ag '09) Ag R3 West Mrs J H (su '11) Home R3 (36) Westhafer Terrence O (g chem '14- ) Asst U 111 407 W Healy St Westlund Albert F (m eng '11 BS) Asst U 111 601 S Fourth St Weston Mrs Charles (la '80) Home Kincaid Apts Church St Weston Nathan A (la '98 ML) ( '89 BL) Prof U 111 601 E Daniel St Weston Mrs N A (la '87) Home 601 E Daniel St WETMORE Mary M Instr U 111 511 W Church St Weydell Arthur T (m eng '14 BS) Eng Dept Bron Co 501 E Daniel St 836 ILLINOIS Wheeler Parker M (m eng '11- ) (e eng '11) Stu 1105 S Third St White James M (arch '90 BS) Arch 4- Prof U 111 716 W University Av White Mrs J M (arch '90 Fac '94) Home 716 University Av White John H ('10) 1063 E Green St White Kingsley B (rye eng '11 BS) Bldg Supt 1 White Madge ('05) ?White Eaymond W (la '11) 106 E Green St 1 'White Tessie O ('05) White Thomas K (e eng '15 BS) 1203 Springfield Av whiting Albert L (g ag'12 PhD) Assoc U 111 504 E Chalmers St Whiting Mrs A L (su '12) 504 E Chalmers St ?Whitney Lewis- C (sp '71) Whiton Fannie L (su '10) Teach 908 N Neil St Whiton Pearle M (mus '10) Stenog 1208 N Neil St wichers Edward (g chem '15 MS) Asst U 111 103 E Green St t Wilbur. Frank D (la '90 BL) 707 W Church St Wilcox Koy H (g ag '15- ) Asst U 111 107 Chalmers St ? Wilder Frank (1 '00) Wiley Carroll C (g c eng '10 CE)(c eng '04 BS) Assoc U 111 714 S State St Wilkins Harvey A (arch '80) Ins 912 S Fifth St Williams Mrs A D (mus '05) Home 607 N Walnut St Williams Leslie A (ag '14- ) Stu 109 E Green St 1 Williams Stacy F ('02) f Williamson Mrs Bertha L (mus '11) 507 W White St f Williamson John C (la '13) 103 E Green St Willis Harry T (la '98) Merc 103 N Prospect Av Willis Mary B (la '88) 103 N Pros- pect Av tWilson Charles W (ag '91) 1 Wilson Frank D (sc '96) 506 E Green St Wilson Horace S (e eng '13 AB) Or- chestra Leader 1st Nat Bk Bldg TWilson Iva P (mus '04) 603 E Dan- iel St I Wilson John T (la '01) Wilson Leo (la '15) Trav 805 S Second St Wilson Louis D (ag '08) Ag 4' Dairy 1112 Champaign St wilson William H (g math '14 AM) Asst U 111 606 E Stoughton Av \Wiltz Oliver J ('99) 301 E Univer- sity Av Wingard David E (1 '00) Trav Sales 607 S State St Wingard Harry (la '15- ) Stu 407 N State St Wingard Lewis F (1 '00 AB) Law Wise Clark E (ag '13- ) Stu 508 W Union St Wise Earle D (sc '09) Med 508 W Union St Wise Opal (la '15- ) Stu 508 Union St Wisegarver Elizabeth P (h sc '14- ) Stu 53 E Green St Wisehart George B (su '04) Carpen- ter 308 W John St Withers Mrs William (su '09) Teach 405 W Columbia St Witherspoon Clyde F (ag '14- ) Stu 510 E Springfield Av Womacks Mabel C (la '15 AB) Teach E4 Wood Henry L (ag '16) Eestaurant 111 N Walnut St Woodcock Harold E (e eng '12) Electr 206 W White St Woodroofe Louise M (la '12- ) Stu 502 W Hill St Woodruff Arthur E (com '15- ) Stu 506 E Columbia Av Woodruff Euth B (ag '16) At home 506 E Columbia Av Woods Lenna B (la '14- ) Stu 1007 5 First St Woods William F (1 '02 LL B) (la 6 law '00 AB) Law 609 W Univer- sity Av Woods Mrs W F ( '97) Home 609 W University Av \Woodworth A Belle ('77) Woody Frederick W (c eng '94) Mgr Hotel 3100 Groveland Av Woody Paul W (gen '69) Bet 108 W Columbia Av Wooters James E (ag '14 BS) (ed '13 AM) Teach 1009 S Fifth St Wooters Laura E (su '11) Teach 1009 S Third St Wooters Leland M (la com '14 AB) Jour 1009 S Fifth St Wooters Norman E (ag '14) 1009 S Fifth St Worthen Jeanette L (g engl '15- ) (la '07 AB) Stu 310 E Green St ? Wright Beatrice E (mus '99) Wright Bertha B (mus '07) Teach ILLINOIS 83: 1004 S Fourth St ? Wright Gains E (su '04) Wright George E (arch eng '12 BS) Draft U 111 1009 S Third St Wright Mrs G E (la '11) Home 1009 S Third St Wright Mrs Maie C (mus '96) Bkpr 1st Nat Bk \Wright Rex M ('10) 506 E Green St Wright Eoberta (la '14 AB) At home 211 W Hill St Wright Mrs Royal ('01) Bkpr 1st Nat Bk wyatt Frank A (g ag '15 PhD) ( '13 MS) Asst U 111 806 S Third St Young Irene E (h sc '12) 208 E Green St young Lewis (g econ '15 PhD) Asst U 111 619 W Springfield Av Zeis Henry C (la '15 AM ('13 AB Fao '15) 505 S Sixth St tZilly Alice R (la '00) Zilly Marie L (la '09 AB) 617 W Church St CHANA Cross Mrs C E ( '93) Schoonhoven Thomas L (ag '03) Ag CHANDLERVILLE Blair Edgar T (sc '13- ) Stu Clegg Carl (m eng '14- ) Stu Franken Ewell G (sc '10 AB) Med Stu t Johnson Arthur L ( '97) Kreiling Chris H (c eng '09 BS) Drainage Eng \McCarthy Daniel J ('97) \Schaad Thomas F ( '94) CHANNAHON ? Warner Andrew (su '01) CHAPIN Gould Oren W (su '11) Supt Schs tJOY Harold P (ag '07 BS) Robertson Harris M (su '15) Supt Schs CHARITY ^Fowler Nellie ( '99) CHARLESTON Adams William E ('90) Law 1219 Monroe St Allison Worth A (ag '13- ) Stu 16 W Harrison St Anderson Benjamin F (1 '15 LL B) Law Madison St Booth Mary J (lib '04 BLS) Libr E 111 St Nor Byers Bessie B (la '07) Superv Mus Byers Frank M (ag '08 BS) Ag Cadle Chester J (la '12- ) Stu 948 5 Sixth St Carney Mrs V D (h sc '15) Home RFD Case Elizabeth M (su '11) Libr 833 15th St Cavins Elzy C (su '04) Ag Colvin Carl (ag '12 BS) Teach Ag E 111 St Nor Comer Helen L (su '15) 610 15th St Corzine Bruce H (la '14- ) Siu 1402 Third St Davis George H (la '98) Grocer 14th 6 Madison Sts ?Davis Mira L (mus '02) Devinney Harry G (ag '06) Ag Rl t Donaldson Orville L (e eng '96) Dwyer Ellen F (su '13) Teach 401 S Fifth St Dwyer Katherine J (su '15) Teach 401 S Fifth St Waris Israel J ( '90) Gaiser Joseph E (ag '04) Ag R4 Glassco Walter E (ag '07) Ag Grant Frances C (ag '12) Teach 1013 Jefferson St Hill Hardy F (ag '87) Ag Hostetler Oliver C (su '12) Teach Cor Fifth & Jefferson Sts Huber Grace E (la '96) Jeffris Roscoe C (law '07) Abstracts 1314 Adams St Johnston Donald C (la '15) Stu 875 S Seventh St Kelly Henty E (c eng '14- ) Siu 14*15 Sixth St tLeitch Samuel M (c eng '74) Linder Lewis S (la '14 BS) Clothier 904 S Sixth St Linder Mary S (la '15- ) Stu 904 S Sixth St lord Livingston C (Hon LL D '04) Pres E 111 St Nor Sch McDougle Charles (ag '08) Ag R4 McDougle. Jesse S (ag '07) Teach R4 McNutt George L (ag '09) Ag McNutt John R (ag '08) Ag Marshall John H (sc '83) Law tMesser Harry (sp '99) Millar William E (c eng '86) Teach Miller Mrs F M (la '04) Home Cor Polk & Ninth Sts Mitchell Sam ('06) Contr Montgomery John T ( ; 15) Med Montgomery John T Jr (ag '05) Ex- press Messenger Norris Herbert C (ag '07) Sales Standard Oil Co 303 Polk St m ILLINOIS Pippit Alden G (su '07 Fac '06) Dir Man Tr E 111 St Nor Popham Jessie (la '97) Beat Euth (h sc '05 BS) Teach Wchmalhausen Louie E ( '99) Shoemaker James W (la '13- ) Stu 1125 S Sixth St Springer Thomas W (la '79) Supt Limestone Dept S 111 St Penitentiary Starr Nathan (la '81) Med Starr Norman S (sc '08) Stu U Mich 649 S Sixth St Stephens Mrs E A (lib '00) Home STOEEE James (g geol '14 Fac '15) Prof E 111 St Nor 1515 Third St Taylor Heber G (su '14) Dir Man Tr tTooke Eoscoe C (la '09) 1115 Mon- roe St Troutman Mary E (su '14) Stu Col Sch Mus 642 W Marquette Ed Wallace Charles (1 '07) Law Webb Mayme E (la '12) Winter Bain E (la '05) Merc Winter .Eobert L (ag '08) Merc 962 Tenth St CHATHAM Chapman Gideon P (su '08) Supt Schs Crow DeWitt S (m eng '13) Stu U Cal Gen Del Jones Mrs ('82) Home Luedke Gustav P (sc '13) Farm Supt Magredy W A (ag '76) Parker Helen L (mus '14 B Mus) (la '13 AB) Teach Pieper Arnold C (e eng '15- ) Stu Stout John P (ag '09 BS) Ag E15 Stout Mrs J P (h sc '10 AB) Home E 15 Wehrman Meta (mus '13) Teach CHATSWOETH Baylor William (su '05) Merc Beckman Charles L (m eng '08) Struct Draft Ford James W Jr (sc '08) Stu Chgo Coll Dent Sur Froebe Elmer N (ag '13) Ag Game Josephine L (la '11) Teach Garrity Leo F (m eng '08) Dist Mgr Cent 111 Util Co Koehler Albert B (ag '08) Ag Koehler John G (ag '09) Ag Kohler Gerald E (la '15- ) Stu Eoss Lois E (la '12) Teach H Sch Eutledge Burtch I (sc '12- ) Stu tStorr Phillip A (c eng '10) CHAUNCEY Kimmell Levett (ag '14- ) Stu CHEBANSE Elliot Carl F (ag '09) Ag Elliot James M (ag '09) Ag Evans Martin E (m eng '09 BS) Trav Sales Loing Fern M (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch McCuen Mrs G W (h sc '08) Home IMcIntyre William J ('81) Powers Jacob O (sc '12) Teach Seehausen Paul (la '15- ) Stu CHENEYVILLE tLayden Edward (ag '14) Ag Layden Theodore E (g ag '14) ( '13 BS) Farm Mgr \ Say den John E ( '05) CHENOA Balbach Nyle J (com '15- ) Stu Ballard Mrs Louise M (su '15) Libr Box 139 Ballinger lone F (h sc '15- ) Stu ?Belknap Henry W (la '00) Brown Mrs Giles S (la '81) Home Chambers Eoy E (la '14- ) Stu Dexter Herbert C (la '78) Lumber Merc Jackson O ( '78) Bet Jones J Emrys (ag '11) Jones Trevor (ag '15- ) Stu ?Lynch A W (la '79) Eoth Ben J (sc '13) Clothing Sales Eupp Andrew O (la '84) Edit Chenoa Times tSandmeyer Eugene W (ag '10) tSandmeyer John II Jr (ag '12) Tuthill John K (e eng '14 BS) Mgr Flee Light Co Wade Benjamin F ( '08) Ag $ Stock Wade Oliver A (ag '05) Ag $ Stock El tWatkins May F (la '03) CHEEEY POINT \Lewis Sadie A ( '91) Schance Theodore J (m eng '12 BS) Teach CHEEEY VALLEY Baumann Theodore A (sc '12 AB) Med Case Harry H (ag '09) Ag $ Stock Case Mary J (h sc '09) Teach Cltnite Eaymond G (sc '09 AB) Jr Typographer US Geol Surv Davis Frederick A (ag '13- ) Stu Slater Frank C (1 '14- ) ( '14 AB) Stu ILLINOIS 839 CHESTER Cole Henry C (chem '73) Milling Devine Robert P (c eng '08) C Eng tDevine Roy J (c eng '07) Gilster John F ('02) Howorth Thomas J (la '91 AB) Edit Reecher Samuel E (su '01) Supt Schs tReecher Mrs Samuel (su '01) Schroeder Edith C (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Steber Arthur L ('01) Torrence Franklin A (la '15- ) Stu CHESTNUT Drake Martin B (su '08) Asst Cash Bk Hetzler Vaughn G (ag '13) Ag CHICAGO Aaron Samuel A (m eng '15- ) Stu 5745 Indiana Av Abbott Helen (la '13 AB) At home 4616 Beacon St Abbott Ralph W (1 '11) 7ns 5427 University Av Abbott Robert E (la '14- ) Stu 4616 Beacon St Abbott Rutli (lib '03 BLS) Asst U Chgo 5426 University Av Abbott William L ( '05) (m eng '04 ME) ('84 Cert) Eng Commonwealth Edison Co 4616 Beacon St Abdill Harold B ('96) Dcpt Mgr Chicago Flexible Shaft Co 610-20 N La Salle St Abel George W (e eng '10) Mill Fore- man 111 Steel Co 7352 Bond Av lAberly John ('09) Abrahamsen Fred (ag '14) 5220 W • Race Av Abrams Duff A (c eng '09 CE ( '05 BS) Fac '14) -Res Lewis Inst & Labr Universal Portland Cement Co Abrams Mrs DA (la '09) Home 800 Independence Blvd Abrams Ella (h sc '15- ) Stu 2313 Iowa St Abt Burl R (m eng '15- ) Stu 5307 Indiana Av tAckerburg Harry A (m eng '09) 1413 Hood Av Ackerburg Harry E Jr (1 '11) Law 738 Fullerton Av Adams William A (1 '03 Fac '06) Law 15 Tacoma Bldg tAdams William C (m eng '13) 6411 Green St. Aeberly John ('08) C Eng 2023 Eastwood Av Ainsworth Madalane Z (la Feb '15- ) Stu 5041 Grand Blvd Alband Laura A (h sc '15 AB) Diet- itian Michael Reese Hospital Albany Av ?Albaugh Forrest P (ag '12) 1526 Albany Av Albin Wilma (la '15) At home 3711 Ward St Albrecht Charles A (sc '99) Med 1818 S Halsted St t Albright Chester W ('07) Osteop 904 220 S State St Alcock Warren J (m eng '14- ) Stu 5229 Greenwood Av Aleshire Margaret (h sc Feb '16- ) Stu 6519 Woodlawn Av Aleshire Merlin C (c eng '11) Constr 6519 Woodlawn Av Aleshire Sarah L (h sc '14 BS) Teach 6519 Woodlawn Av Alexander A (arch '09) Arch 5138 Cornell Av Alexander Grace E (la '15) Teach 2054 N Kostner Av Alexander James G (la '13) ( '08) Bond Dept Cent HI Trust Co 125 W Monroe St Alexander Mrs J G (h sc '12) Home 2019 E 72nd St Alexander John T (sp '69) Live Stock Com Merc Union Stock Yds ALEXANDER Lillia M ('15) Catg Asst U Chgo 5902 S Park Av Alexander William H (sc '11) Proof Reader Amer Lumberman 1551 N Tripp Av Allan William S (c eng '11 BS) C Sr Gen Eng 648 Cornelia Av Allen Mrs C J (la '06) Home 6302 Glenwood Av Allen Edward D (sc'12)('ll AB) Interne St Luke's Hosp IAllen Laurie L (sc '10 AB) 3249 Wabash Av Allen Paul G (la '11- ) Stu 6539 Yale Av Allen Pulaski K (la '73) BB Postal Clk 4519 Magnolia Av Ravenswood Allen Ray C (la '11 AB) Clk 634 York PI t Alley Mary (la '09) 5832 Black- stone Av Ailing Carlos A K (la '15) Pres Darl- ing & Company Fertilizers 5140 Ken- wood Av Ailing Charles A (c eng '82) Pres Darling Co 5140 Kenwood Av Allison Mrs C W (h sc '13) Teach Chgo Kindergarten Coll 4935 Wash- ington Pk PI Allison Lorena A (su '07) Teach 641 Lorel Av 840 ILLINOIS Allyn Albert M (arch '14) Eng J L Simmons Co !Alm Gerhard J (ag '14) 1140 Ind- iana Av Alt Frank H Jr (ag '15) Stu 1528 Farewell Av Altpeter Walter G (m eng '14) Draft 2405 Ogden Av Ambruster John E (ag '13- ) Stu 4546 Greenview Av Anderson Andrew J A (g t&am '15- ) (e eng '15 MS) Stu 913 Irving Park Blvd Anderson Benjamin D (m eng '10) CTk 10060 Av L Anderson Charles P (la com '14- ) Stu 1612 Prairie Av Anderson Earl W (cer '12) Sales Eng Nat X-Eay Eeflector Co 5900 S Park Av Anderson Harold B (c eng '10 BS) Viaduct Insp City Hall t Anderson Harry ( '04) tAnderson Hervey H (ag '01) Anderson Olive M (h sc '13- ) Stu 6840 Union Av Anderson Owen (m eng '12- ) Stu 216 Le Claire Av Anderson Paul A (la '15- ) Stu 2337 W 108th PI Anderson Eandall (ag '09) Sales Mgr Kennedy Mfg Co 14 E Jackson Blvd Anderson Eay H (c eng '05) V-Pres Triangle Oil Co 2430 W 26th St Anderson Eoy W (ag'15- ) Stu 5700 Aberdeen St Anderson Bussell A M (arch '11 BS) Arch $ Eng 6539 Normal Blvd Anderson Walter S (c eng '14 BS) Asst Eng Portland Cement Co 208 La Salle St Anderson William F (ag '15 BS) Eepr College Shop 900 Marshall Field Annex Andresen Hans H L (arch '15 BS) Arch 643 Barry Av t Andresen Herman J ('08) Sales Cor Kinzie & N State Sts Andresen Marie O K (la '12) At home 643 Barry Av Andrews Chauney B (ag '14 BS) Land Arch 12406 Yale Av Andrews Eobert E (ag '14- ) Stu 76 W Monroe St Angarola Michael L (c eng '15 BS) ('09) 4932 Winthrop Av tAngell Arnold A (arch eng '10) 2191 Van Buren St Angerstein George. W (1 '11) Stu NW Law Sch 145 E Ontario St Angerstein Thomas C (1 '10 LL B) Law 1300 Harvester Bldg Angus Gaylord B (c eng '15- ) Stu 3127 Shulds Av Ankerson Helen V (su '15) 5010 W Superior St Ansehicks Carl E (m eng '12) M Eng 6649 Justine St Ansehicks Davis P (ag '14) BJcpr 6649 Justine St Anthony Charles E B (arch eng '14 BS) Arch Draft 2920 Burling St Anthony William C (m eng '11 BS) Sales The White Co Antonisen Arthur (su '10) Bonds 4" Mort 3826 N Kostner Av Apgar Leo M (e eng '13 MS) ( '12 BS) Sales Stocks ty Bonds John Burnham & Co Appel Henry L ( '96) Contr 179 W Washington St Appelgran Clarence O (ag '13- ) Stu 1414 Balmoral Av Appell Conrad G (su '09) Stu U 111 Coll Med 2258 Adams St Arbuckle Grover S (m eng '12 BS) M Eng 835 Lawrence Av Arkinson Albert K (sc '13) c/o Oliv- er Typewriting Co 5542 Dorchester Av Armstrong Charles H (chem eng '10) BE Statistic Wk 10638 Prospect Av Armstrong Grace C (h sc '11) Jr Bacteriol Chicago Health Dept Lab 10638 Prospect Av Armstrong James E ('99) ('05 AM (sc '81 BS) Fac '82) Prin Engle- wood H Sch 10638 Prospect Av Armstrong Mrs J E (la '82) Home 10638 Prospect Av Armstrong Jay H (sc '00) Med 775 S State St Armstrong John A (m eng '94) Mach 7638 Evans Av Armstrong W Scott (sp '09) Arch 10) At home 1227 Sherwin Av Rogers Park Chamberlain Wheelock P (eng '14) Draft 103 S LaSalle St chamberlin Thomas C (HonDSc'05) Head Dept Geol U Chgo Hyde Pk Hotel Chambers Samuel S (e eng '04) 6518 Ingleside Av Champlin Grace E (ag '13- ) Stu 25 S Oakley Blvd Chan Yoke H (m eng '07) 293 S Clark St Chandler Charles F ('97) Consult Eng 4657 N Lincoln St Chandler Ruth (su '15) Libr 4657 N Lincoln St Chanenson Louis (e eng '11) Clh 2139 Thomas St Chang Mabel R (su '15) Stu Berea Ky c/o Ladies' Hall 503 Clark St Chapin Nellie M (su '08) Teach 2317 Newland Av Chapman Denison W (c eng '12 BS) Exp Sr Sales Peoples Gas & Coke Co 5528 Kenwood Av Chapman Edward N (chem eng '15 BS) Chem Chapman Mfg Co 5528 Kenwood Av Chapman Grace E (su '99) Teach 6330 University Av Chapman Paul R (e eng '93) 1112 N Clark St Chapman Ralph D C (la com '15 AB) 2 Walton PI Chapman Raymond S (ag '13) Hog Buyer 6832 Perry Av Charles Walter T (arch '08) Sec Mfg Co 155 N Clark St Charlton John R (su '15) Equip Man Amer Tel & Tel Co 5502 Rice St Charpier Leonard L (la '15- ) Stu 1404 W 103rd St Chase Frank M (ag '11) Jour c/o Prairie Farmer Chase Mrs F M (la '11 AB) Home 721 N Menard Av Chase William A Led Coll Med U 111 206 N Central Av Austin Chase Willis H (c eng '72) Chase Willis S (sp '74) Chatten Melville C (arch '96 BS) Arch 1112 Steinway Hall Checkett Mabel I (la '15- ) Stu 4048 N Springfield Av Cheney Howard L (arch eng '12 BS) Arch 332 S Michigan Av Chenoweth Lloyd A (c eng '03) By C Eng 1101 Borland Bldg Chesnutt Ralph C (m eng '14 BS) M Eng 3713 Flournoy St Chester Oscar P (sc '93 BS) Med ILLINOIS 849 4744 Dorchester Av Chester Virginia (la '04) Hand Book- Binding 1029 Fine Arts Bldg Chinlund Joseph F (e eng '10 BS) (EE '14) E Eng c/o Dept Pub Wks City Hall Chipps Willis C (eng '01 BS) Supt Mfg Co 4516 W 26th St Chitty William L (la '86 BL) Law 29 S LaSalle St Chmelik Frank Jr (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1906 S Harding Av Chouinard Mrs C R (su '14) Teach 2243 N Tripp Av Christensen Otto (su '09) Law 1841 Humboldt Blvd Christiansen Johanna C M (la '06 AB) Teach 3830 N Ashland Av Church Frank W (arch '98) Sec Col- borne Mfg Co 157 W Division St Church LeRoy (e eng '13- ) Stu Church Walter S (arch '00 BS) Arch 5748 Kenmore Av Churchill James E (e eng '14 BS) c/o Commonwealth Edison Co 2719 Hampden Ct Churchill James F (c eng '01) Med 104 S Michigan Av Churchill Mrs J F (la '05) Home 200 E 55th St Chvatal Bay J (cer eng '13- ) Stu 1862 Millard Av Cierpik Casimir S (m eng '14- ) Stu 3658 Diversey Av Cieslik Edmund (c eng '13- ) Stu 1108 N Lincoln St Clamitz Arthur I (la '15) Stu V HI Coll Med 4113 W Madison St Clancy William C (m eng '10) M Eng 4530 Woodlawn Av Claney John E (ag '15- ) Stu 437 Melrose St Clark Albert L (ag '14- ) Stu 3326 Calumet Av Clark John D (la '15- ) Stu 5007 Grand Blvd Clark Percival L (chem '87 BS) Gen Mgr Self Winding Clock Co 185 Dearborn St Clark Robert B (1 '08 LL B) Clk 3340 S Park Av ?Clark Roscoe P (m eng '12) 431 LaFayette Pky Clarlc Russell S ( '84) Law 605 Port- land Blk Clarke Ethel (h sc '14 AB) Dieti- tian Presby Hosp 1750 W Congress St tClarkson John J (m eng '96) 4859 Michigan Av Clausen Andrew (la '15) 6532 Min- ■ erva Av t Clausen Arthur W (m eng '13) M Eng W H Schott Co 227 138th St Clay Wharton (arch eng '05 BS) c/o US Gypsum Co 205 W Monroe St Claypool Roy E (la '07) Mgr Cas- ualty Dept US Fid & Guar Co 832 Montrose Av Clayton Thomas W (c eng '98 BS) Asst Eng Chgo El RR 1020 100 W Jackson Blvd Cleary James M (la '06 AB) Adv Chgo Tribune 4465 Oaken wald Av Clemens Andrew M ('90) Com Trav 4621 Sheridan Rd Hotel Grasmere Clement Harry C (1 '09) Merc $ Contr 5609 S Blvd Austin Sta Cleve Albert (eng '14- ) Stu 3427 Belden Av Clifford William E (1 '01) Com Nat '1 Fire Ins Co 10 S La Salle St Clorfine Irwin B (ag '15- ) Stu 1303 S Morgan St Close Arthur B (ag '14- ) Stu 474 E 41st St Clow Raymond D (m eng '09) Sales 1500 Victoria St Clyman David (arch eng '15 BS) Track Test 1344 N Hoyne Av Coambs Joseph B (la '06) Ins Ins Exch Cochran Ernest J (m eng '11) Cost Analyst City Dept Gas & Elec Co 614 City Hall Cockrell Francis M (e eng '14 BS) ('09) Publ Mgr Westinghouse Elec Co 7016 Sangamon St Englewood Sta Coddington Archibald O (la '84 ML) ( '81 BL) Prin Sch 1519 Estes Av Coddington Eleanor M (la '81) Chris- tian Sc Tract 1012 Irving Park Blvd Wody Richard J ( '88) Coen Eleanor (la '11) Stenog 1637 E 53rd St Coen Mary E ('88) Bet 1637 E 53rd St Coen Mrs T M (la '06 AB) Home 1312 Farwell Av Coffeen Amy (1 '89 BL) At home 4369 Oakenwald Av Coffeen Harry C (sc '99 MS ( '98 BS) Fac '02) Life Ins Sales 971 The Rookery Bldg Cogdall Harry F (ag 15 BS) 308 N Pine Av Cohen Berthold (m eng '05 BS) Mfg Bakery Goods 4933 Prairie Av Cohen Isadore M (arch eng '13- ) Stu 2522 N Richmond St 850 ILLINOIS Cohen Isadore P (cer eng '15- ) Stu 3406 Lexington St fCoHN Alexander (sc '14 BS) 2732 Potomac Av Cohn Lewis A (com Feb '15- ) Stu 2732 Potomac Av Colby Imogene H (la '14- ) Stu 1253 Thorndale Av Colditz William D (sp '74) Clk 2032 Clifton Av Cole Horace B (com '09) Mgr 7018 Eggleston Av Cole Eobert M (chem eng '13 BS) Consult chem Block Lab Coleman George H (sc '05) Med 4300 Park Av Coleman William F (m eng '10 BS) Mfg 4300 Park Av Collins Frank H (la '07) Broker 137 S LaSalle fCollins Isabel A (la '08) 5456 Greenwood Av Collins John M (la '98) BJcpr Royal Baking Powder Co Collins Julien H (com '15- ) Stu 3932 N Tripp Av Collins Mrs W H (ag '13) Home 1401 E 53rd St Colman George H (sc '05) Med 4300 Park Av Colmey Duane C (m eng '15- ) Stu 5526 Augusta St Colton Simeon C (c eng '85 BS) Supt Pub Whs Fitzsimmons & Connell Co 1646 Otis Bldg Colvin Jay A (la com '13 AB) Print- er 5940 Sheridan Rd Comstock Chauncey D (ag '15- ) Stu 350 N Clark St Comstock Daniel F (la com '15 AB) Acct Dept Booth Fisheries Co Comstock Keyon P (ag '15- ) Stu 5400 S Park Av Conderman Julian C (e eng '13) 846 Barry Av Condit Jay S (la '02 AB) Law 1400 1st Nat Bk Bldg Condon John M (ag '12) Cllc 4029 Lexington St Cone Wilbur C (eng '06 BS) M Eng 4602 Vincennes Av Connell David E (c eng '14- ) Stu 5755 S Peoria St Connelly Martin F (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 4509 Washington Blvd Conover George S (ag '10) Live Stock Comm 5142 Ellis Av Conrad John E (1 '10) Law 801 Reaper Blk Conrad Martin ( '03) Gen Agt Peter Schuttler Co 22nd & Rockwell Sts Cook Frank L (e eng '08 BS) Pub Serv Co 137 S LaSalle St CooK James W (m eng '93 BS) Con- str Eng 327 S La Salle St Cook John M (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 5225 Blackstone Av tCooK Louis P (e eng '07 BS) 2903 Washington Blvd TCooke Bennett W (arch eng '10) Mgr Coyne National Trade Sch 45 E Illi- nois St Cooke Robert J (c eng '90 BS) Asst Eng 402 La Salle St Cooke Russell S (c eng '15- ) Stu 7209 Harvard Av cooley Edwin G (LLD '05) Ed Ad- visor Commonwealth Club 437 80 E Jackson Blvd Cooley Harry B (arch eng '13 BS) Struct Draft c/o Allen & Garcia Co Coombs George (ag '14) 770 Cuyler Av Cooper Fred W (1 '00 LLB) Law Chamber Commerce Bldg Cooper Henry N Jr (ag '14- ) Stu 727 Bittersweet PI Cooper Homer H (1 '06) Law 210 E Ontario St Cooper Mrs J F (la '10) Home 5829 Fulton St Cooper Joseph H (la '14) Asst Pay- master 1130 E 56th St Cooper Kenneth L (c eng '15) Contr 1646 Otis Bldg Cooper Leon M (la '15- ) Stu 801 5 Marshfield Av Copeland Ira S (m eng '08) Sales 6902 N Clark St Corboy William J (ag '09) Mfg 4742 Grand Blvd Corcoran Melchoir ('11) Trav 3020 Sheridan Rd Cornell Frank H (sc '94) Ins Sec 137 S La Salle St t Cornell Ralph G (c eng '08) 6*049 Ellis Av CORPER Harry J ('11) Med Mun Tuberculosis Sanitarium Bryn Mawr 6 Crawford Av Corper Philip (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 5541 Kenmore Av Corson Frank (sp '99) Yard Fore- man St Ry 1731 N Albany Av iCorwin Arthur M ('83) Med 1725 25 E Washington St Cosand Charles E (su '06) Teach 6009 Dorchester Av Costello Marguerite H (la '12) Teach 168 Latrobe Av Austin Sta ] Costello William ('02) 628 W 45th St Cotter Roscoe S (ag '13) Adv 516 Ashland Blk Coughlen Gardner C (arch eng '09) Arch 6620 University Av ILLINOIS 851 Cowan Percy (com '13) Bond Sales Ashland Blk fCowles Roy M (m eng '94) Engle- wood Sta ICowley Thomas P (m eng '02 BS) Elec Sales 1602 Fisher Bldg Cox James F (sc '06) Med 725 S Crawford Av tCox Leonard B (sc '11) c/o Tubu- lar Eivet & Stud Co 309 W Lake St Crabtree John B (com '15- ) Stu 402 Englewood Av t Crafts Milton B ('07) 5531 Ohio St Craig Augustus L (sc '73) Med 405 Old Colony Bldg Craig Miriam (su '13) Stu Bush Conserv 867 N Dearborn Av Crane Charles S (com '15- ) Stu 3758 Ellis Av Crawford Charles F (m eng '91) Acct 12th Floor 160 W Jackson Blvd Cripe Frank E (la '14) Gasfitter 2546 Wilcox Av Croce Michele F (sc '13 BS) Chem Armour & Co 633 Oak wood Blvd Crockatt Charles C (arch eng '11) Sales 3812 N Ashland Av Crocker William (g '03 AM (la '02 AB) Fac '02) Asst Prof U Chgo Cronin Maria L (la '15- ) Stu 1335 Chase Av Cronk Mrs V D (lib '04) 2309 N Sawyer Av tCrosby Carroll S (min eng '11) 1069 Winthrop Av t Crowe Marie (la '13) 3825 Calumet Av Crowell Paul C (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 1337 1st Nat Bk Bldg c/o L L Sum- mers & Co t Cruse Milton (la '11) Dent 143 N Kedzie Av tCrutchfield Worden A (e eng '10) Mfg 5444 S Dearborn St Cumfer Donald A (m eng Feb '15- ) Stu 5413 Washington Blvd Cummings Harold L (la com '15 AB) Sec to V-Pres Traffic IC RR 602 Illi- nois Central Sta Cummings Marston (ag '14) 5135 Madison Av Cunat Miles J (ag '15) Stu 556 W 18th St Cunningham . Thomas A (la com '13 AB) Acct 3210 Harvard St Curtis William (la '14- ) Stu 3340 Douglas Blvd Curtis William W fag '15- ) Stu 7041 Calumet Av Cutler Stanley G (c eng '11 CE) ('08 BS) C Eng 1229 Association Bldg Cylkowski Vincent D (c eng '15) 3611 S Hermitage Av tCzapler Max (chem '13) Chem 1502 W 14th St DaCosta Harold F (la '13) B Est 2336 Cleveland Av \~Dahl Charles ('08) Mgr Dahl Elec Co 2651 N Ridgeway Dahlberg Truman (chem eng Feb '16- ) Stu 3745 Greenview Av Dailey John A (c eng '07 BS) Asst Eng Bur Sts 2252 Monroe St Daily Milton (la '73) Bus Mgr 25 N Dearborn St Dakin -Walter (c eng '02) C Eng 212 W Washington St Dale William W (la '10 AB) Mintr 20 N Ashland Blvd Damisch Marcus W (la '15- ) Stu 1626 S Homan Av Dammers John W (sc '16 BS) 1626 S Homan Av Danforth Ralph S (arch '09) Ins 934 Winona Av fDarion William E ('10) t Darling Charles B ( '85) Darrah Howard A (sc '13) Coll $ Adjuster W Union Tel Co 116 S St Louis Av Darrell George C (arch eng '13- ) Stu 7944 Burnham Av Davenport Alice V (la '14 AB) Phys Dir 178 W 16th St ?David Jesse M (la '14) 228 S Wood St tDavid Louis D (la '10) 1026 Dakin St Davidson Mrs T M (lib '05) Home 1114 E 52nd St Davidson Thomas M (c eng '05 BS) Asst Mgr Amer Sys Reinforc 1107 Otis Bldg Davidson Mrs I M (lib '05) Home 1114 E 52nd St Davis Allen W (ag '13) Sec YMCA 1621 W Division St Davis Earl T (ag '13- ) Stu 6430 Sangamon St Davis Eugene J (com '14- ) Stu 534*7 Prairie Av Wavis George R Jr ( '98) Davis Harley A (cer '08) Staff Art Chgo American 4007 N Tripp Av Davis Harold E < arch eng '12) B Est 5519 Cornell Av - Davis John E (com '15' ) Stu 6212 Eberhart Av. Davis John W (c eng v 12 BS) Eng Amer Tar Prod Co 1029 208 S La- Salle St Davis John W (eng '04 BS) V-Pres Sr Eng Gage - Structural Steel. Co 2-462 Paulina Av - . . ". 852 ILLINOIS davis Lloyd H (g chem '13 AM) Chem 1400 E 53rd St Davis Melvin E (eng '15) Merc 777 Milwaukee Av Davis Nelson L (eng '15- ) Stu 7034 Normal Blvd Davis Oliver L (eng '15) 6036 Harper Av Davis Oliver M ( '98) M Eng Swift & Co Union Stock Yds Davis Zachary S (arch eng '15- ) Stu 934 E 45th St DAVISON Anna M (mus '07 Fac '07) Acct Dept Chicago Daily News 1014 Byron Av Davison Charles ('11) Prof U 111 Coll Med 907 31 N State St tDavison Charles M (sc '14) 2320 Jackson Blvd Davison Chester M (arch eng '98 BS Fac '05) Arch 6231 Vernon Av t Dawson Charles H (la '03 AB) 6204 Jefferson Av Day Dorothy (la '14- ) Stu 2212 Sedgewick St tDay Frederick L (-1 '00) Jour 1405 Auditorium Tower Dayton Laura M (la '04 AB) Teach 3832 N Keeler Av DEAN Mrs A R ('01) Home 5226 Cornell Av Dean Harold C (ry e eng '09 BS) E Eng 6414 Kimbark Av We Anguera Homer ('93) Decker Edna M (h sc '14- ) Stu 5616 Huron St tDecker Louis D (e eng '11) 623 E 70th PI Weemer Ralph Evan ('10) Sales 638 S Michigan Av Deering Richard F (c eng '15- ) Stu 1521 Otto Blvd De Groot Horace E (m eng '15- ) Stu 6556 Lafayette Av De Groot Walter C (ag '15- ) Stu 6556 Lafayette Av De Lancy Thomas G (ag '07) Chem 1605 Manhattan Bldg De Lany Clarence M (la '09 AB) Pub Acct Andersen De Lany & Co Harris Trust Bldg DeLany Russell W (eng '14) Play- ground Wlc 5315 Magnolia Av De Leuw Charles E (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 1810 Harris Trust Bldg De Lue Jim S (la Feb '16- ) Stu 5025 Grand Blvd De Motte Roy J (so '03 AB) Med 1017 W Marquette Rd DeMotte Mrs R J (g '06 AM) (la '03 AB) 1017 W Marquette Rd Dempster Charles (m eng '12- ) Mech 6215 Lexington Av Deneen Charles S ('13) Law 29 S La Salle St Dennis Charles H (la '81 BL) Mgr Edit Chgo Daily News 668 Irving Park Blvd Derby Harold J (arch eng '12) B Est 318 N Cicero Av ?Dernbach William A (e eng '09) Eng 150 N Laport Av Desmonds John J (e eng '12 BS) E Eng 4323 Hazel Av DeSwarte Clarence G (e eng '15 BS) E Eng 1412 Edison Bldg Sargent & Lundy Develde Harry S (la '02 AB) Teach H Sch 5841 Nickerson Av Deveneau George A (lib '15) 4358 Forestville Av ?Devine Mary M (la '07) 60 N Cen- tral Park Av Devlin John L (com '15- ) (min eng '15) Stu 7125 Eggleston Av Devlin Julien W (com '15- ) Stu 7125 Eggleston Av Dewey Florence M (la '07) De Wolf Clare (la '08) Priv Sec 6454 Minerva Av Dewson John R (e eng '10) c/o Supt Nat Malleable Casting Co 26th St De Young Harry A (la '12) Merc 1095 State St Dibelka James C (la '14- ) Stu 2331 S Lawndale Av Dick Clyde D (la '15) 11254 Watt Av Dick Cyrus (arch eng '87) Joiner 11254 Watt Av Dick Mrs W E (mus '13) c/o Mrs T F Granley 3934 W Worth Av Dickerson Earl B (la '14 AB) Stu U Chgo 3763 Wabash Av Dickerson George H (m eng '03 BS) Contr 4" E^g See Nehring & Hanson Co 6049 Kimbark Av Dickson Lawrence E (la '15- ) Stu 5211 Kenmore Av fDiederichs Hans O (c eng '08) 1504 Humbold Blvd Diener Walter G (e eng '04) Cut Stone Contr 1157 W 21st St Dirks Bernhard E G (arch eng '15 BS) Arch 1166 Diversey Pky Dirks Hugo B (e eng '14) Testing Dept N 111 Pub Serv 1166 Diversey Pky Dirks Mrs H B (mus '09) Rome 2459 Montrose Av Disbrow Iva B (la '04) Teach 3836 Rokeby St Dix Earl J (e eng '15 BS) 72 W Adams St Dixon Frank E (e eng '06 BS) E ILLINOIS 853 Eng Tel Eng 1852 S Hamlin Av Dixon Guy (e eng '08) Ag 1852 S Hamlin Av Dixon Mrs S W (la '94) Home 437 Belmont Av DODD Walter F ( '15) Prof U Chgo Dodge Adiel Y (ry m eng '12) In- ventor Hotel Windermere Dodge Hovey W (c eng '15 ) Mgr Dept Stock Eoom Kellog Switch Board Co 4333 Ellis Av tDoemling Leo W (m eng '14) 54 W 113th St Doerr Clarence L (ag '14- ) Stu 1311 E 53rd St Doerr Harold F (arch eng '13 BS) Arch Eng Doerr Bros Steger Bldg Doerr Mrs H F (h sc '14 AB) Home 5210 Cornell Av Doerr Eobert J (arch eng '08) Struct Draft 6016 St Lawrence Av Doerr William P (arch eng '09 BS) Arch 643 E 50th PI Doerscher Willis H (eng '14- ) Stu 1411 Winona Av Doherty Wilfred M (1 '12 LL B) (la '09) Law 518 Home Inst Bldg Dohren Henry R (m eng '06) Teach 2411 S California Blvd Dolan Burtis J (arch eng '12) Broker 818 68 W Monroe Dolan Charles M (e eng '07) Tel Eng Western Elec Co Colonial Apts Dolbeer Percy D (c eng '07) C Eng 11542 State St Dole Leslie A (e eng '13 BS) Sales Federal Furn Co 623 Monadnock Blk Dolph Arthur H (la '08) PO Clk 3444 66th PI Donahoe John T (e eng '14 BS) 3446 Jackson Blvd Donaldson Henry B (sc '04) Med Donn Merrill C (sc '13- ) Stu 6749 Perry Av Donnersberger Frank J (c eng '07 BS) Mfg 3608 Michigan Av Donoghue George T (c eng '06 BS) Chf Eng Lake View Sta 523 Oak- dale Av Donoho Earl W (e eng '08 AB & BS) Sales Hotpoint Elec Heating Co 6100 Kenwood Av Donaho Mrs E W (h sc '09 AB) Home 6100 Kenwood Av Doran Myron J (la '15) Sec Gloria Light Co 1100 Washington Blvd Dorion William E ('10) Merc 4000 N Paulina tDorner Dorothy A (h sc '12) 5535 Wayne Av Dorschler Leonard L (eng '14) 7914 Colfax Av Doud William O (m eng '02) Con- sult M E Eng 538 S Dearborn St Dougherty Floyd E (arch eng '07 BS) Arch 510 35 N Dearborn St Dougherty Mrs F E (la '07) Home 3723 Wilton Av Doyle Francis A (ag '05) Auto De- sign 6564 Harvard Av ?Doyle Robert E (ag '05) 5915 Washington Blvd fDrake Louis S (la '95) 570 Jackson Blvd Draper Arthur W (la '13- ) Stu 25 N Dearborn Dryer Ervin (m eng '87 BS) Eng $ Sales 925 Airdrie PI Dubin George H (arch eng '14 BS) Arch 1135 S Halsted St Dubin Henry (arch eng '15 BS) Arch 1135 S Halsted St Dubsky John J Jr (arch '95) 403 State St Dudley Walter H (e eng '08) Traffic Mgr Tel Co 5641 Prairie Av Dudman Virgil E (su '09) 2514 Prairie Av Duff Durward B (la '15- ) Stu 515 Tremont St Duffy James F Jr (c eng '03 BS) Mgr 701 Fulton St Duffy Sherman (la '95 BL) Sport Edit Chgo Jour 5047 Winthrop Av DUFOUR Frank O ( '13) Struct Eng Inter-St Commerce Comm 900 Michi- gan Blvd Duke Harrison R (la '13- ) Stu 4636 W Erie St Dull Charles B (ag '07) Nursery Insp 2430 Warner Av Dull Raymond W (m eng '97 BS) Pres Raymond W Dull Co 1912 Con- way Bldg tDummer James B (1 '13) 2023 East- wood Av Dumser Leo A (ry eng '08) M Eng 6334 Vernon Av Dunaway Arthur N (c eng '96) Draft 700 Karpen Bldg Duncan Richard F (ag '15) Textile Bldg 5th & Adams St Dungan Cornelius P Jr (la '13) Sales Internat Silver Co 5 N Wabash Av Dunham Raymond S (ag '14 BS) Ag 1519 Edgewater PI Dunlap Andrew M (e eng '11 BS) Clk 3940 W 15th St Dunlap Burleigh A (c eng '95 BS) ( '74) Law 1225 Chase Av Dunlap Francis E (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1225 Chase Av Dunlap Matthew E (arch eng '14 BS) Struct Draft 1225 Chase Av 854 ILLINOIS Dunlap Eobert M (c eng '11 BS) C Eng Federal Cement Tile Co 905 Ft Dearborn St Dunn George L (ag '15- ) Stu 1518 E 65th St Dunning William B (c eng '11 BS) Asst Eng Univ Portland Cement Co 1832 72 W Adams St Dunning William N (c eng '02 BS) Pres Dunning Const Co 1621 Otis Bldg Dupre Valentine H (eng '13- ) Stu 3054 Jackson Blvd Dupuy Mary E (la '14) 4526 N Paul- ina St Durborow Allan C (la '15) Cost Clk Pfanstiehl Elec Co Durham Anna A (la '12) Soc 4613 Maiden St Durham Frank J (la '12) 4613 Mai- den St Durr Samuel A (sc '14) Stu U Chgo 4620 Champlain Av Dushek Vincent J (eng '15- ) Stu 2405 S Spaulding Av Dvorak Joseph (eng- '14- ) Stu 3219 W 22nd St tDye Homer W (e eng '09) 6229 Vernon Av Dyniewicz Matthew J (1'06) Law 4746 Milwaukee Av Eakin Marshall W (sc '09) Clk 3828 W Congress St EAMES Herbert S ( '14) Edit 1423 Greenleaf Av Eames Melville J (sc '12 AB) Med 4426 N Kacine Av fEarle John H (ag '10) 28 E Jack- son Blvd Early D wight H (ag '15- ) Stu 175 N Jackson Blvd Eastman Charles J (1 '05) Williams & Cunningham 1710 59 E Madison St Eastman Harry T (arch '99 BS) Arch 1618 Monadnock Blk Wberhard John J ('89) \E~berhart Noble M ('86) Eckman John J (su '02) Trav Hun- ter H Finch Coal Co tEdelstein Clarence I (m eng '08) 3020 Michigan Av " tEdgerton Pauline' W. (la '12) 57.46 Midway Park Edson George E ( '9 _ 4J 5527 Sherman St Edward Charles (sc '04 AB) Chem American Smelt & Refin Co 9435 Kreiter Av Edwards Gail P (sc '14- ) Stu 840 George St ...... Edwards Harlan H (cer eng '14 c eng '15- ) C Eng 2831 Washington Blvd Edwards John I (e eng '06 BS) Sales Eng Sullivan Mchy Co 122 S Michi- gan Av Edwards Morgan F Jr (ag '12- ) Stu 906 Montrose Blvd Edwards Orville L (sc '11) Med 323 S Ashland Blvd Edwardsen Vera K (la '15) Stu V Chgo 1759 E 72nd St Egan Ellis P (la '08) Fin 1st Nat Bk Bldg Egan Harold H (sc '12) Ins Broker 175 W Jackson Blvd Egan Sidney B (eng '14) 700 115 S La Salle St Ehrlich Maximilion C (la '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med 1706 N Western Av Eichberg Adrian J (la '14- ) Stu 4803 Forestville Av Eichberg David (1 '82 BL) Law 1101 Rector Bldg ?Eichberg William N (m eng '94) 3644 Grand Blvd Eicher Eugenia (h sc '15) At home 4042 Calumet Av Eichman Ira (m eng '09) Bus Mgr Mfg 130 N Franklin St Einbecker William F (la '15- ) Stu 10006 La Salle St Eiserer Charles E (m eng '05) M Eng 1215 Glenlake Av Eiszner Bessie J (la '10 AB) Proof Reader Sanborn Map Co 156 N May- field Av Eiszner Louise M (la '12 AB) Law Stenog 156 N Mayfield Av Elerding Beatrice I (la '15- ) Stu 1424 Kenwood Av tELESTROM Philip R (c eng '12 BS) 6024 Union Av Elliott Edna E (h sc '12) Nurse Lake- view Hospital Elliott Julia E (lib '00) Lior 5526 S Park Av Elliott Mary M (la '12) 1511 E 60th St Ellis Charles M (arch eng '05) Draft $- Estimator c/o James Stewart & Co 1514 Westminister Bldg Ellis Hazel A (la '14) Tel Qpr . 3817 W Huron St ?Ellis. William . S (gen '93) 4120 Lake Av Ellison George- E (e eng '11 AB) E'. Eng. 3047 Sheffield Av ?Ellithorpe F T. (sp '73) Ellsworth Edward (arch eng '12) Builder 4100 W Monroe St Elm Evar E (chem eng '11 BS) Asst Chem .Armour &. Co. -2515 Flournoy- Av v. -• ILLINOIS 855 Elworth Theodore F ('10) 4352 Mon- roe St ?Emerson George (ag '13) 330 3f Prai- rie Av Emery Cecil (la '05) Publ 3938 Greenview Av • Emery Paul R (e eng '05) Trav c/o Eeid Murdock & Co Enelow Helen (la '15) Teach 845 Lawrence Av Engbert Martin J (sc '94 BS) Pull 901 Belmont Av von Engelken Marie J (la '10 AB) Soc Serv 2 Walton PI English Lloyd H (sc '11- ) Stu 29 E 49th St Engquist Theodore M (c eng '03) Mfg 857 King PI Ennis Callistus J (la com '14 AB) Broker $ B Est 79 W Monroe St Enzenroth Clarence H (chem eng '06) Chew, Eng 6534 Stony Island Av Epstein Abraham S (c eng '11 BS) Struct Eng 671 W 14th St Epstein Arthur L (mun eng '13) Bus Mgr Worker 's Inst 920 Ashland Blvd Erickson Arthur (ag '15- ) Stu 6509 Laflin St Erickson Carl E (ag '10) Asst Supt Peterson Nursery Lincoln & Peterson Av Erickson Cecil C (la '06 AB) Law 1410 139 N Clark St Erickson Edward B (mun eng '13- ) Stu 204 N Pine Av Erickson Edwin H (jour '15- ) Stu 5714 W Dakin St Erie Storm C (c eng '04) Trav 4052 West End Av Ernest Roy A (e eng '05) E Eng 4232 N Kostner Av * Ernest Thomas R (g sc '10 PhD ( '08 AM)('07AB) Fac '10) B Est 726 1st Nat Bk Bldg Ernst Carl P (c eng '12- ) Stu 5159 Montrose Av Erkskine Alexander W (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 4453 Dover St Erskine Robert N (la '09 AB) Law 517 Harris Trust Bldg Erwin Walter B (la com '15 AB) Cllc Effic Dept Montgomery Ward Co 3736 Cottage Grove Av estep Harvey C (c eng '74 CE) By C Eng 1521 Lytton Bldg Evans Franklin B (la '15- ) Stu 1501 E 66th PI Evans James M (la '13) 347 W 72nd St Evans John E (m eng '12 BS) Fire Protect Eng Underwriter's Lab t Evans William M (m eng '06) Struct Draft La Salle Eng Co 440 S Dear- born St EVERETT Henry H ('98) Instr Rush Medical Coll 32 N State St ^Everett Wirt ( '96) Everham William E (m eng '13- ) Stu 4469 Lake Park Av Ewer Warren B (arch eng '13- ) Stu 3517 W Adams St Excell Stuart W (c eng '13- ) Stu 6724 Dorchester Av Fackler Walter V (la com '13) Law 105 W Monroe St Fager James (1 '07) B Est 847 1st Nat Bk Bldg Fairbank Ernest G (la '11) Treas Eureka Blotter Bath Co 6219 Went- worth Av Fairbanks Berthier W (ag '12- ) Stu 2823 W Warren Av Fairfield Agnes E (h sc '15- ) Stu 15335 Turlington Av FAIRFIELD George D ('03) Bus 305 Harvester Bldg Falkenberg George V (ag '15- ) Stu 3032 S Park Av Falls Marian Z (h sc '12) Teach Lake View H Sch 2800 Washington Blvd Farmer Paul M (e eng '09 BS) Auto Elec Equip 1512 Michigan Av Farnum Frank F ('11) Law 139 N Clark St Farnum William H (arch eng '12 BS) Concrete Design Eng Armour & Co 1626 S Homan Av Farrell Edgar H (c eng '05) Mgr 909 Lakeside PI Farrell Harry H (m eng '10) Art 4' Design 1408 E 62nd PI Farrin James M (c eng '02 BS) Contr Bartlett & Farrin Fauber Mrs W H (a&d '08) Home 837 47th St fauquher Silas E (g bot '13 MS) Sales Mgr Midland Press 208 E Jackson Blvd Feageans Fea (e eng '04) Fedderson Pearl E (su '13) Libr 2867 91st St Feldman Jennie G (la '14) At home 3642 Douglas Blvd Feldman Nathan (com '15- ) Stu 1518 S St Louis Av Fergus William L (m eng '97) Con- sult Eng W L Fergus & Co 1509 Fisher Bldg tFerguson Ivan H (sc '07) 10 Drex- el Sq Ferguson Jean M (su '12) Teach 312 S Leavitt St Ferguson Jessie L (su '13) 6427 Mon- roe Av 856 ILLINOIS Fetherston James E (sc '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med 217 S Ashland Av tFetzger William R (la '96) Law 69 W Washington St Feuer Bertram (chem eng '14- ) Stu 1659 Humboldt Blvd Fickett Edward M (ag '14- ) Stu 5315 Winthrop Av Fickett Elizabeth D (h sc '13) Stu Mt Holyoke 5315 Winthrop Av Field Eoswell F (sc '15) 2339 Clar- endon Av Fielder Harold S (e eng '11) Sales 7704 Eggleston Av Fielder William F (sc '14 AB) 5120 University Av File Alvin H (su '15) 1515 W Mon- roe St IFinkelstein Maurice D (c eng '09) 367 W 12th St Finnell Claude M (sc '09) YMCA Work YMCA Firebaugh Charles ('01) Chgo Pub Libr 631 Lincoln Parkway \Firebaugh Clarence ('05) 4449 Went- worth Av Fischer Austin H (arch eng '15- ) Stu 9226 Phillips Av Fischer Ferdinand A P (arch eng '13 BS) Teach Nicholas Senn H Sch 3242 Clifton Av tFischer Oscar A (c eng '09) 5915 Ohio St Fischer Walter E (la '13- )(ag'13) Stu 9226 Phillips Av fFisher Charles D (arch eng '11) 11 N Homan Av Fisher Clarence J (la '14- ) Stu 441 Belden Av Fisher Erwin (la com '12- ) Stu 4548 Racine Av Fisher Harry E (mun eng '14- ) Stu 5519 Kenwood Av Fisher Ralph W (sc '14) 441 Belden Av fisher Sara C (g la '10 AM) Res Phychol Clark U 5735 Kenwood Av Fishleigh Gladys R (la '13) Teach Chicago Latin School (2978 Prairie Av Fisk Clarence W (e eng '12 BS) 3648 Indiana Av Fitzpatrick Margaret M (la '15- ) Stu 6033 Eberhart Av Flannery Charles A (m eng '13- ) Stu 3528 Pine Grove Av Fleming Harry H (ag '16- ) Stu 1849 W 22nd PI Fleming Stephens J (ag '15- ) Stu 6319 Yale Av Flesch Eugene W P (arch eng '99 BS) Arch 178 W Jackson Blvd Fletcher Carl J (e eng '04 BS) Sales Vandalia Coal Co 1525 Old Colony Bldg Fletcher Cassius P (c eng '14 BS) C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 914 Kar- pen Bldg tFletcher Loren A« (sc '08) Ins 910 Corn Exch Bk Bldg Flodin Harold L (m eng '15 BS) Factory Efficiency Wk 732 Briar PI Flood Wilbur E (c eng '13 BS) Constr Eng Internat Harv Co Fluke Autha M (la '14- ) Stu 6547 Normal Blvd Foberg John A (la '99 BS) Teach 4031 N Avers Av Follansbee George A ('89) Law 405 137 S La Salle St Ford Sally L (la '14) Stu U Chgo 5647 Blackstone Av Ford William S (chem eng '07 BS) Merc 1450 Dayton St Fornoff Gustav G (e eng '13 BS) Elec Engraver 326 W Madison St Forster William E (ag '13) BE ClJe 3913 N Tripp Av Forth Fannie R (su '08) Nurse 2342 S Dearborn St Forty Dominic (m eng '15- ) Stu 828 N Fairfield Av Forty Frank A (e eng '15 BS) E Eng 828 N Fairfield Av Foskett William E (arch '10) Contr 111 N Lavergue Av tFosTER Edmond R (arch eng '14 BS) Draft 2013 Peoples Gas Bldg Foster Frederick H (com '15- ) Stu 2009 Howe St Foster Herbert E (arch eng '12 BS) Constr Eng Detroit Steel Products Co McCormick Bldg fFoster Orring'ton C (m eng '05) 527 La Salle Av Foster Richard B (la '15) Adv 10432 Seeley Av Foster Winslow H (m eng '92) Struct Eng $ Contr 9238 Pleasant Av ?Fowler Charles H (la com '73) Fradkin Benjamin (min eng '15- ) 1812 W Division St Francis Arthur L (la com '14- ) Stu 6414 Yale Av Francis Frank D (la '00 AB) Med 66 E Oak St t Frank Louis H (e eng '90) Theatre Owner $ Mfg 6920 Sheridan Rd Frank William G ('01) Operating Dept Armour & Co Union Stock Yds Franklin Howard B (m eng '06 BS) M Eng 1611 Clayton Park Av t Franklin Irwin C (e eng '96) Con- sult Eng 1021 Harris Trust Bldg Franzen Theodore J (arch eng '13 BS) Estimator $■ Draft Lanquist & ILLINOIS 857 Illsley Co Gen Contr 1100 N Clark St \Fraser Jesse G ('10) Frayer Disk S (c eng '15 BS) Bod- man C&NW RR 226 W Jackson Blvd FRAZER George E ('15) Asst Treas Montgomery Ward & Co Frazer Norman D (m eng '75) Prcs Qhgo Portland Cement Co 30 N La- Salle St Frazier Elmer A (la '00) Mech 11717 Parnell Av tFreeburg Arthur E (ag '11) 4728 N 47th Av Freeman Julian B (m eng '05) M Eng Webster Eng Co 301 Stock Exch Bldg Freer Arthur W (c eng '13- ) Stu 63 Ontario St Frees Herman E (sc '97) Analytical Chem 608 S Dearborn St French Henry H (ry m eng '14 BS> M Eng 9203 Pleasant Av Fried Harry N (ag '13- ) Stu 1502 Lawndale Av Friendo Sidney (c eng '13) Clk 3904 Indiana Av tFriestedt George L (ag '06) 170 S Central Park Av Froelich John D (c eng '09 BS) C Eng 3815 Rokeby St Froehlich Milton H (c eng '11 BS) Struct Draft 308 E 53rd St Fromann Mildred (la '15- ) Stu 3164 Hudson Av Frye Nels (sc '09) Invest Broker 6803 Parnell Av Frykholm Ellen V (su '15) Teach 1435 Winnemac Av Fuchs Albert G Jr (ag '10) Supt Farm The Chateau Fuchs Arthur W (la '15- ) Stu 5405 Ingleside Av Fuchs Carl E (arch eng '10) Law 821 Sheridan Rd Fucik Edward J (c eng '01 BS) C Eng 3831 N Hamlin Av Fucik John Jr (c eng '06 BS) Eng 1610 S Sawyer Av Fuessle Milton T (sc '09) Jour $ Lit 3507 Bosworth Av Fugard John R (arch '10 BS) Arch 111 W Monroe St Fugard Mrs J R (la '08) Borne 6200 Blackstone Av Fullenwider Arthur E (arch '98 BS; Arch 7209 Harvard Av Englewood Fullenwider Mrs A E (la '95) Home 7209 Harvard Av Fuller Clarence M (mun eng '13 BS) C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 914 Kar- pen Bldg Fullerton Charles B (1 '11 LL B) Lavj 38 S Dearborn St Furey Warren W Jr (e eng '15- ) Stu 2302 Cottage Grove Av Gabelman Julius G (c eng '95) C Eng Bd Local Improv 207 City Hall Gabler Mathias G (e eng '11) Asst Brewmaster 5323 Emerald Av Gaddis Henry E (la com '13 AB) CUc Life Ins 900 The Rookery Gage Helen L (ag '09) At home 541 Aldine Av Galbraith Alonzo B (eng '09) Contr 4- Builder 148 N 49th Court St GALE Mrs H G ('99) Home 5646 Kimbark Av \Gall George G ('05) 2751 Sheridan Rd Gallagher Anna M (la '14 AB^ 2S31 E 76th PI fGallar William C (m eng '12) 3712 S Emerald Av Gallie Donald Muirhead (sc '12) Dent Reliance Bldg 32 N State St ?Galloway John W (arch '85) ?Gamble Samuel W (arch '96) 411 The Cambridge Ellis Av & 39th St Gansbergen Frederick H (ag '15- ) Stu 2238 Lincoln Park West Garabedian Garabed Arshag Z (sc'10 BS) Med Montrose & Lincoln Av Gardiner John L (la '15 AB) 4645 Beacon St Gardiner Lion (m eng '09 BS) Tech Adv Eng Record 1156 E 54th PI Gardner Bradley C (sc '06 BS Fac '07) Supt 4- Chem Chapman & Smith Co Gardner Franc J (chem eng '16- ) Stu 1704 Humboldt Blvd Garibaldi Americo T (la '10) B Est 1236 Astor St Garibaldi Lawrence A (la '10) Import 4- Wholesale Groc 1236 Astor St Garrett Richard P (1 '02 LL B) Law 6252 Stony Island Av fGarrison Joseph M (ag '70) c/o St Charles Condensed Milk Co 9 Wabash Av Garwood Mrs (sp '75) Teach 5628 Prairie Av Gash Charles M (sc '07 AB) Hough- ton Mifflin Pub Co Gaston George H (la '96) Instr Chgo Nor Coll 5312 Ellis Av Gaston Omar L (c eng '10) Arch Eng Geo W Stiles Const Co 1036 The Rookery Bldg Gaston Ralph M (g eng '15- ) (e eng '03 BS) Stu 1090 Old Colony Bldg Gately Frederick W (e eng '13) Bod- man 404 City Hall 858 ILLINOIS Gates Allen B (g eng '10) E Eng 5400 Jackson Blvd Gates Andrew W (c eng '92 BS) Mgr Monmouth Min & Mfg Co 5400 Jack- son Blvd Gates Harriet E (h sc '13) Stu N HI St Nor 4540 N Lincoln St Gates Neil H (sc '08) Sec Amer Terra Cotta & Cer Co 2008 Peoples Gas Bldg Gates Ralph P (sc '12 BS) Chem Victor Chem Co 4540 N Lincoln St fGatzert Nathan E (ag '08) 1122 Monroe St Gaut Eobert E (g e eng '95) ( '94 BS) Consult Eng 516 E 34th St Gavin Mrs Isabel B (su '08) Teach 4706 Maiden St Gavin John F (1 '03 LL B) Law 1222 First Nat Bk Bldg Gatman Bert A (m eng '97 BS) Asst Chf Eng Link & Belt Co Gayton Loran D (c eng '13) C Eng 402 City Hall Gazzolo Frank H (sc '96 BS) Whole- sale Drugs fy Chem 1357 Astor St Gedney Clarence S (e eng '10) B Est 5429 University Av Gehrke Fred J (e eng '07) CXk 5928 Ohio St Geiger Charles F (g cer eng Feb '16- ) ( '15 BS) Asst U 111 704 Buena Av Geist Warren F (ag '07) Sales 1434 Monadnock Bldg Gelbard Oscar E (ag '15- ) Stu 3146 Carlisle PI Gelbert Donald N (m eng '15- ) Stu 888 N Sacramento Blvd Genter James H (su '06) Dent 2069 Humboldt Blvd Genther Otto R (su '07) Mgr Furni- ture Dept 2608 Florence Av George Victor E (arch '09) Photog The Blackstone Gerber Winfred D (mun eng '99 BS) Mun $ Consult Eng 1201 Hartford Bldg ?Geringer Otto G (m eng '07) 501 Winchester Av German Clara L (lib '04) Libr 10918 Prospect Av Gerten Nicholas (c eng '14- ) Stu 2202 Cleveland Av Gerty Frank K (la '87) Insp Sch Prop 710 Tribune Bldg Geselbracht Howard C (ag '13- ) Stu 45 N Mayfield Av Gettys Ruth H (la '16) At home 4238 Grand Blvd Gibson Charles B (sc '77 BS) Illus Trav Talks 1505 Morse Av Gibson James R (com '15) Adv Hart Schaffner & Marx Co 3647 Flournoy St Gibson Silvia R (la 1913- ) Stu 3647 Flournoy St Gibson Thomas R (com '14- ) Stu 3647 Flournoy St Giffin Beulah E (lib '09) Catg U Chgo Lib 6024 Woodlawn Av Gilbert Irving B (c eng '13) Cash 710 Corn Exch Bk Bldg Gillam Winona M (ag '14) Land De- sign 445 Belmont Av Gillett Walter N (e eng '99) V-Pres Chgo Paper Co 801 S Fifth Av Gilmore William E (la '15- ) Stu 818 Lorel Av Glassco Paul B (arch eng '04 BS) Gen Contr 1036 Rookery Bldg fGleason Raymond M (e eng '12) 4916 W Washington Blvd Glenz Edward A (chem eng '13 BS) Foreman Swift & Co Stock Yds 2113 Coblentz St Gloyd Galen V (arch '12 BS) Arch 976 Edgecomb Av Gnaedinger Robert J (chem eng '15) ClTc Freight Claim Dept CM&StP RR '2554 N Sayre Av tGoble Arthur S (chem '05) Bepr Baldwin Locomotive Wks 625 Ry Exch Bldg Godowsky Ulysses G (la '15) Stu NW U 5239 S State St Goettler Edna A (la '15- ) Stu 4630 Dover St Going Judson F (la '14 BL)('83) Law 221 Fremont St Goldberg Charlotte D (la '13- ) Stu 3416 Douglas Blvd Goldberg Joseph (la '15- ) Stu 3225 Douglas Blvd Goldberg Joseph A (c eng '11) Stu U Chgo 1020 Loomis St Goldberg Philip H (sc '14 AB) Ins 502 Consumers Bldg Goldberger Harold J (la '14) Stu 4909 Champlain Av Goldberger Henry J (c eng '13- ) Stu 1422 N Irving Av ?Golden Charles D (c eng '06) 3217 Wabash Av Goldin Harold E (arch eng '15) Sales Mgr 1258 Hastings St Goldsmith Elliott R (la '98) Law 1705 City Hall Sq Bldg Goldstein Robert S (ry c eng '14- ) Stu 815 Ashland Blvd Golinkin Abraham L (m eng '15- ) Stu 1105 S Richmond St Gonsior Albert (c eng '14 BS) Tel Co 3134 Prairie St Gonsior Stella (ag '14) Stu U Chgo ILLINOIS 859 3134 Prairie Av Gooding Frank E (m eng '12 ME & BS) Foreman Generator House Peo- ples Gas Light & Coke Co 4618 Ken- more Av Goodman Cyril J (la com '15) 2320 Michigan Av Goodman Ella (la '99) At home 2704 Michigan Av Goodman Marion F (la '08) Phys Dir 1366 E 52nd St Goodrich Alonzo C Jr (m eng '08) Ins 1035 E 45th St Goodrich Nathaniel K (la com '72) Trans 222 N State St Goodsmith Howard M (su '14) Stu NW U 4526 Beacon St t Goodsmith W P ('80) Goodwillie Douglas M (ag '15- ) Stu 627 Ashland Blvd Gordon Charles (ry e eng '12 BS) BE Eng 5435 Augusta St Gordon Fred G (mun eng '12 BS) Asst Eng c/o D H Maury 1137 Mon- adnock Blk Gordon Louis (cer eng '15- ) Stu 1511 S Central Park Av Gordon Raymond H (m eng '13) Fin Harris Trust & Sav Bk tGorges Franz (c eng '14) 1706 Mel- rose St t Gorman Timothy (c eng '08) 140 W 113th PI Gormley James R (arch eng '13 BS) Arch 239 N Austin Av Gormley Vincent L (ag '13- ) ( '12) Stu 239 W Austin Av Goss Maurice G (ehem eng '11) Adv 1003 Rector Bldg Gossett Earl J (e eng '09) Trav 6211 Drexel Av Gougler Judson H (ry m eng '12) M Eng 1127 E 62nd St Gould Charles E (sp '74) Trav Bepr LaSalle Exten U fGrabowski Thaddeus M (c eng '09) 728 Ridgeway Av Grady Paul L (c eng '08 BS) Est $ Supt Constr John M Ervin Co The Rookery Bldg Graham Archie J (sc '98 BS) Med 6306 Halsted St Graham Douglas B A (c eng '06 BS) Consult $ San Eng 1137 Monadnock Blk t Graham Edson J (ag '12) Elms Ho tel Graham Florence (la Feb 1916- ) Stu 6215 Drexel Av GRAHAM George W ('95) Treas Heyworth Graham Co 305 606 S Michigan Av Graham William W (sc '85) Pull 5427 Harper Av Grainger Charles W (c eng '12 BS) Asst Chf Draft Concrete Steel Prod Co 6514 Lafayette St Graxdpre Ambrose G (c eng '06 BS) C Eng 5830 Race Av IGrannis George P ( '08) 2675 N Lin- coln St tGrannis Laurence R (c eng '08) 2675 N Lincoln St Grape Nellie W (su '14) Teach 4442 N Kenton Av Grauten Sylvester H (e eng '07 BS) c/o M Eng N 111 Pub Serv Comm 1458 Birchwood Av Gray Daniel D (e eng '15- ) (e eng '11) Stu 3239 Wellington Av 3rd Apt Green Donald W (la com '10) Effic Eng 1356 E 56th St Green Herbert J (arch '96 BS) Instr Lane Tech H Sch 1615 Sherwin Av Rogers Park Green Ralph (c eng '15 BS) C Eng 1356 E 56th St Green Thomas S (sc '91 BS) Med 4153 Ellis Av Greenawalt Lester B ('11) Electr 6333 Stewart Av Greengard Louis J (ag '12- ) Stu 1521 Millard Av Greenhill Harold (m eng '15- ) Stu 1951 Seminary Av Greenspahn Abraham (la '15) Stu NW U 3126 Douglas Bldg Greenspahn Irving (la '14) Law 1655 S Homan Av Greer James R (sc '04) Med 122 S Michigan Av Gregg Marion E (h sc '13- ) Stu 4237 N Keeler Av Gregori Raymond J (arch eng '12) Arch 1236 Eddy St Gregory Alonzo E ('11) Trav 1061 Hollywood Av Gregory Lewis T (sc '14) (la '13 AB) 3535 Broadway SGreig Mary A (lib '05) 5249 Ind- iana Av Grener Clarence A (1 '08) Leather 165 N Franklin St Grider Covey F (su '06) Law 816 Association Bldg Gridley George N (ag '75 BS) B Est 756 Bittersweet PI Gries Albin G (arch eng Feb 1916- ) Stu 2677 Milwaukee Av Griffin Dwight (m eng '10 BS) Stat- istics 5229 Lexington St Griffin Roy H (1 '99) V-Pres Bk 138 S Michigan Av Griffin Mrs R H (sc '99) Home 6526 860 ILLINOIS Kenwood Av Griffin Walter B (arch '99 BS) Land Arch 1600 Monroe Bldg Griffin William L (la '14 AB) Trav Mutual Lyceum Bur Griffith Francis D (ag '12- ) Stu 528 E 42nd PI t Griffiths John Jr (arch '98) 3806 Michigan Av Grigsby Harry D (sc '06 BS) Asst Chem 111 St Fd Com 1605 Manhat- tan Bldg Grim Fred (c eng '99 BS) C Eng 22 W Monroe St Griswold George D (m eng '15 BS) c/o Amer Bridge Co 5403 Woodlawn Av Gronnerud Herbert M (c eng '15- ) Stu 856 Sheridan Rd Gross Charles R (la '13- ) Stu 6107 Kenwood Av Gross Christian (ag '13- ) Stu 6107 Kenwood Av Grossberg Victor H (Feb '16- ) (la '15) Stu 344 E 56th St • ?Grosser Edmund W (math '02) Grossman Andrew E (1 '13) E Est 916 1st Nat Bk Bldg Grotophorst Waldo E (g ag '15- ) Stu 2106 Sedgwick St Grove Chester H (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 4- Sales 529 E 50th St Groves Donald K (la '12 AB) Mfg Agt 6737 Cornell Av Gruber Mrs (mus '93) Home 221 S Seeley Av Grundman Paul A (com '15- ) Stu 6837 Perry Av Grunewald Augustus H Jr (ag'15 BS) Asst Mgr Broom Corn & Sup- ply House 14 E Kinzie St Grunewald Carl F (la '15- ) Stu 2134 Sedgwick St Gruver Harold D (ag '15- ) Stu 1607 Otis Bldg Gudbrandsen Kirsten J (la '15) Libr 1417 Devon Av tGumbiner Charles (c eng '93) Sales S Jefferson & 16th Sts Gunder Jasper N (sp '75) B Est 547 E 62nd St Gunder Samuel H ('78) Pres E L Graves Tooth Powder Co 90 Frank- lin St %Gunderson Gudrum C ('05) 2331 Jackson Blvd Gunderson Miles C (com '15- ) Stu 1308 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Gunning Delaney T (ag '07) 375 W Erie St Gunther Alfred (la '90) Dent 3300 Cottage Grove Av t Gunther Arthur H (m eng '05) Sales Mgr 920 McCormick Bldg Gurley Leon B (m eng '14) Bus Mgr 38 S Dearborn St x ?Gustafson Joel N (c eng '07) 893 Sheffield Av Gustafson John C (g '06 AE (arch eng '05 BS) Fac '07) Prop Angert Wire & Iron Wks 6943 Eggleston Av Gustafson Mrs J C (la '07 AB) (lib '01) Home 6943 Eggleston Av Haake Charles J (sc '98) Instr Piano NW U 4666 Broadway St Haake Harry G (c eng '15- ) Stu 4874 N Paulina St Habryl Valentine B (e eng '12 BS) Eng Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co 3112 Daulin St Hachmeister George J E (c eng '08) Be frig Eng 4512 N Robey St Hachmeister Henry W (chem eng '09 MS ('06 BS) Fac '07) Effic Eng 4512 N Robey St Hadden Chester G (ag '12- ) Stu 307 W 64th St Hadden Samuel C (c eng '05 BS) Assoc Edit "Engineering & Contract- ing" 7728 Aberdeen St Hadsall Harry H (c eng '97 BS) Sec 4" Supt Leonard Constr Co 860 Mc- Cormick Bldg Hagedorn Carl F (sc '02 AB) Chem Eng Armour Fertilizer Wks Hagener Arthur (c eng '15 BS) 2665 Washington Blvd Hahne Albert Jr (sc '10) Asst Supt 4126 N Paulina St Haines James M C (c eng '15) Asst Theatrical Mgr 2109 Cleveland Av Hakanson Arthur F (sc '15) Stu 2920 N Francisco Av Halas George S (cer eng '14- ) Stu 2700 W 23rd PI Halas Walter H (arch eng '11- ) Stu 2700 W 23rd PI Hall Albert L (1 '12 LL B) Law 920 Otis Bldg Hall Chester I (e eng '10 BS) Chf Eng Minerallac Elec Co 400 S Hovne Av Hall Emery S (g arch '97) ('95 BS) Arch 3230 W Monroe St Hall Mrs E S (sc '91) Home 3230 W Monroe St Hall Howard G (ag '14) Stu U Minn 3246 George St Hall Janet A (sc '06) Stu Rush Med 5354 Fulton St Hall Kenneth C (com '15- ) (eng '15) Stu 2931 Fulton St Hall Lloyd Q (eng '04) Art 1401 Winona Av ILLINOIS 861 Hall Quincy A (m eng '07 BS)('02) Sec 4' Eng Tests Morgan T Jones Co 524 Monadnock Blk Hall Samuel P Jr (1 '04) Sport Edit Chgo Examiner 5104 Sheridan Ed fHallett Louise H (la '06) 709 Fish- er Blvd Halliday Vernon (chem eng '08) West- ern Elec Co 1846 S St Louis Av Halliwell Ashleigh D (com '15- ) 10628 Longwood Blvd Halliwell Pauline (la '11- ) Stu 10628 Longwood Blvd tHallowed John F (c eng '11) 3717 Lexington St t Halls Frank E (arch '97) tHalperin Victor H (la '13) 1017 Ashland Blvd Halstrom Bernard C (arch eng '14- ) Stu 5487 Ellis Av Halushka Gertrude (la '15 AB) 2639 N Eichmond St Ham William E (m eng '96) Drug 162 N Franklin St Hamilton Nain D (g chem '07 AM) Corresp $ Sales Typewriter Distribut- ing Syndicate 166 N Michigan Av Hammitt Andrew B (arch eng '15 BS) Struct Eng 4863 N Ashland Av Hammond Emily J (la '04) Teach 4641 Kenmore Av Hammond Lucinda B (la '14- ) Stu 1536 Vincennes Av Hammond Marie A (lib '10) Libr 1701 Chase Av Hampton Ira (e eng '08 BS) E Eng 350 N Lockwood Av Hana Mrs Minnie (sc '07) Home 813 Sheridan Ed Hancock George B (c eng '09) Ship- ping Clk 4213 St Lawrence Av Hancock Miriam (ag h sc '15- ) Stu 5003 Berteau Av Hanke Harry A (la com '08) Trav 158 N Central Av Hanley James T (c eng '10 BS) Asst Mgr Corrugated Ar Co 1515 Great Northern Bldg Hanley John C (ag '12) Clk 3965 Drexel Blvd Hanley John W (sc '11) Merc 1215 E 65th St Hanley Thomas F Jr (m eng '11) Contr Eng Hanley Casey 404 W Ohio St Hanna John P (sc '12 BS)('08) Arch 1101 Stein way Hall 64 E Van Buren St Hannan John E (la '00 AB) Estim- ator 36 W Austin Av Hansel John W Jr (c eng '10) Adv Dept ' * Good Housekeeping Mag ' ' 1264 Peoples Gas Bldg Hansen Andrea T (su '15) Teach 2220 Walnut St HANSEN Harald ('72) Arch 30 112 N La Salle St IHansen Klaus L (c eng '05) 693 N Park Av Hansen Otto W (arch eng '13) C Eng 663 N Sangamon St Hansen Stanley (m eng '12- ) Stu 6969 N Ashland Blvd tHansen Wilbur M (ag '14) 6826 Sheridan Ed Hanson Frank L (e eng '08 BS) E Est 5959 Chicago Av Hanson Jenning W (e eng '15- ) Stu 5747 Broadway St Hanstein Carl M (m eng '05 BS) Teach 3635 Wilton Av Harbour. Albert S (m eng '13) Mfg 636 W 120th St harder Oscar E (g chem '15 PhD) Res Chem Lewis Inst Harding Frank B (ag '15- ) Stu 7120 Normal Blvd Hardwicke John O (c eng '09) Fire Underwriting Eng 1537 N Talman Av Hare Howard B (com '11) Ins Solic- itor 175 W Jackson Blvd Harnit Joseph M (e eng '07 BS) M Eng 2423 E 73rd St Harper Fred C (c eng '09) Western Mgr Concrete Steel Co 1106 Monad- nock Blk Harriman Mildred (h sc '06) At home 4802 Dorchester Av Harris Abram H (arch eng '15- ) Stu 24 N Albany Av Harris Earle W (la com '12) Bus Mgr 2133 Sheffield Av Harris James W (c eng '86 BS) Eng Tunnels Chgo Surf Lines 708 105 La- Salle St Harris Mandel H (arch '15 BS) Arch Draft 1012 City Hall Harris Ealph C (arch eng '08) Arch 517 Stock Exch Bldg Harris Thomas M ('02) Floor Walk- er Marshall Field Co Hart Hazel C (la '12 AB) 1516 E 65th St Hart Wilbur D (su '06) Sales # E Eng Hughes Elec Co 211 W Schil- ler St Hartigan Frank J (la com '14- ) Stu 712 Bowen Av fHartman Ferris L (la '80) Hartman William M (la '15- ) Stu 4137 N Keeler Av Hartmann Ernest J (1 '11) Bus Mgr 3061 Edgewood Av 862 ILLINOIS Harvey Addison A (su '15) Teach 3602 Lake Park Av Harvey Eugene J (e eng '14- ) Stu 1635 Jarvis Av Harvey Walter C (e eng '92 BS) By C Eng 463 Grand Central Sta Harwood Arley W (1 '10) Grain Coram 1439 Fargo Av Hasberg William M (m eng '11 BS) Contract Mgr Sears Roebuck & Co Harvard St & Homan Av Hasbrook Eobert L (com '15- ) Stu 547 W Jackson Blvd Hatch Henry D (la '83) Prin J N Thorp Sch 6140 Dorchester Av Hatch Ealph S (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 3539 Grand Blvd Hatch Richard J (cer eng '15- ) Stu 227 N Central Av SHathaway Mrs (sp '03) 3917 Lang- ley Av Hathaway Warren K (la '15- ) Stu 4221 N Hermitage Av Haupt Dorothy M (la '15- ) Stu 1321 Norwood St ?Haven Dwight C (la '83 Cert) 172 Washington St Haven S Rush ('93) Audit Dept Daily News 6721 Emerald Av Hawes George H (min eng '11) Min Eng Hotel Morrison Hawkins Marjorie D (su '15) Teach 6147 University Av Hays Frank K (ag '15- ) Stu 2000 W 101st PI Hayne Walter E (e eng '14- ) Stu 7008 Normal Blvd Haynes Jerome K (chem eng '12) Asst Gen Mgr Hammersmith Eng Co 501 S Dearborn St Hay ward Mrs (la '07) Jour 6616 Minerva Av Hayward Mabel (lib '03 BLS) Libr 5418 Blackstone Av fHazard Henry B (la '84) Hazlewood Paul J (e eng '12) Sales 7227 Harvard Av Healey Emmet J (c eng '13) Estima- tor Bldgs Dept City Chicago 2948 Congress St \Heap William C ('09) Ins 1328 175 W Jackson Blvd Heath Dwight F (la '13- ) Stu 2937 Wilcox Av Heath Monroe (la '13- ) Stu 1401 Hyde Park Blvd Heath Trevor M (ag '15 BS) Sales Warner Remedy Co Heath William A (la '83 BL) Pres Live Stock Exch Nat Bk Stock Yds Hecht Harold (la '11) B Est Alex Friend & Co 29 S La Sallo St Hedman Herbert R (sc '12) Sec Hed- man Mfg Co 227 W Erie St Heffron Norman (com '15) 10347 Longwood Drive Hefter Edward G (la '09) Sales 4835 Calumet Av Hegsted Martin A (arch eng '15- ) Stu 3015 Gresham Av Heidhues Harry E (ag '12) Sales 223 W Jackson Blvd Heidkamp Emil N (c eng '14 BS) Sales 2125 Wilson Av Heimbeck Walter C (arch eng '10 BS) Arch 626 W 61st St Heinly Louis E ( '89) Bestaurant 39 S Dearborn St Heisler Lulu (la '81) Stenog 1912 N Tripp Av Heist John A (sc '12) Mgr 315 W Grand Av Heller Joseph S ('95) Freight Bate Clk 1577 208 S La Salle St Henderson Alexander (la '02 AB) C Eng 7 W Randolph St Henderson Alexander S (la '14- ) Stu 152 Latrobe Av ?Henderson Gladys B (Feb '11) At home 233 Warsaw Av Henes Harry W (c eng '10) Pres Henes Sales Corpor 443 Barry Av Henle Edward J (la '15) Bkpr St Bk Englewood Henline Henry H (e eng '14 BS) E Eng 1110 N Dearborn St Henricks Harold H (m eng '11) M Eng 4- Bus Mgr 1307 S Michigan Av Henrotin Ellen M ( '13- ) Home 1656 N La Salle St Henry Charles F (e eng '09) B Est 743 Cornelia Av Henson Charles W (m eng '87 BS) Pres Henson Bros Printers 338 N Harvard Av Herbert Benjamin S (sp '09) Edit 4 Mgr 4813 N Paulina St Herbert James J M (la '14) Acct 800 1st Nat Bk Bldg Hermann Edgar P (sc '13 BS) Edit c/o La Salle Exten 2550 Michigan Av Herndon Richard F (sc '11 AB) AUd Cook Co Hospital Herring Mrs B F (sc '96 BS) Teach Hyde Park H Sch 5488 East End Av Apt 3 Herrmann George A (m eng '09 BS) Steam Eng 111 Steel Co 6262 Stony Island Av Hertz Henry L (ag '04) Contr 4438 Magnolia Av Hertz Martin P (ag '06) Carpenter 4531 Kenton Av ILLINOIS • 863 ?Heseltine Eleanor De M (la '11 AB) 10941 Curtis Av Heun Arthur D (eng '15) c/o Board Trade 7258 Coles Av Hewett Frank T ('89) Heywood Harold W (c eng '13) 2521 Humboldt St Hickman James B (la '15 AB) c/o Chgo Daily News 4622 N Racine Av Hicks Mrs EL (su '06) Teach 49 N Pine Av Hicks Marcus H (e eng '09) E Eng 4853 N Winchester Av Higgins Charles C (eng '94) Consult Eng 28 E Jackson Blvd Higgins Charles H ('03 BS) Chem Gulick Henderson Co 6325 Kenwood Av Hilbert John W (c eng '15) 2112 N Halstead St tHilfer Fred E (arch '12) Supt Constr 105 S Dearborn Av Hill Bernard E (c eng '15- ) Stu 1922 Humboldt Blvd Hill David A (arch '12) Stenog Nat City Bnk 1722 W 101st St Hill Frederick A Jr ('09) E Est 5638-40 W Lake St Austin Sta Hill Harold C (la '09) Asst City HeRlth Dept & Stu Rush Med 11400 Forest Av Hill' Howard R (g zool '15- ) Stu 3 Chalmers PI Hill John W (c eng '14 BS) ln?r, 6046 Sangamon St Hill Lawrence E (min eng '14- ) Stu 12145 Stewart Av Hill Margaret D (h sc '13) At home 11400 Forest Av Hill Nathan R (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 1143 E 66th St Hill Thomas H C (la '81 AB) Prin H Sch 12145 Stewart Av millis Archie E ('03) Hillman Arthur B (c eng '14 BS) C Eng C&WI RR 625 E 70th PI Hillman Frank W ( '05 BS) (c eng '09) CE By C Eng C&NW RR 226 W Jackson Blvd Himmelreicher Walter A (c eng '13- > 3142 N Kimball Av Hinchilff Fred (arch '04) Bldg Coutr 189 Madison St Hinchlifp George E (sc '12 AB) Gen Contr 1408 Security Bldg Hindman John (la '96 AB) Merc 535 N Well St Hinds Orville Q (la com '06) Bus Mgr 1547 Ardmore Av Hinman Ralph S (la '09) Bus Eng 2937 W Adams St Hirschfeld Leo S (arch '13) Stu Ar- mour Inst 2924 Shakespeare Av tHislop Tom Ford (ag '12) 6617 Washington Av Hitt Katherine (la '15 AB) At home 7050 Eggleston Av Hjort Axel M (chem eng '15 MS) ( '14 BS) Stu Yale U 3241 Hirsch St Hoag Parker H (la '95 AB)('90) Law 1305 Fisher Bldg hoagland Mrs J R (g engl & hist '07 AM) Home 1644 Clifton Park Av Hobbs Glenn M (g la '92 PhD) ( '91 BS) (Fac '92) Sec Amer Sch Cor- resp 58th St & Drexel Blvd Hobbs Lunda (sp '96) At home 11030 Fairchild Av Hoerber William L Jr (sc '05) See Brewing Co 1619 W 21st PI t Hoffman James B ('07) 4052 Ind- iana Av Hoffman Lucile V (ag '14- ) Stu 601 N Carpenter St Hoffman Paul A (la '10 MS ( '09 BS) Fac '11) Fire Prevention Eng 710 Roscoe St tHogan Aloysius (m eng '12) 1442 Farwell Av Hogarth Frank W (su '15) Boy's Dir Eli Bates Settlement House 621 W Elm St Hoge Hobart (e eng '15) Stu Lane Tech H Sch 4334 Greenwood Av Hogue Clarence I (arch '08 BS) Arch Ry Exch Bldg ?Hogue Mrs O (a&d '01) Home Gar- field Blvd Hohman Howard C (e eng '13 BS) E Eng c/o Henry Newgard Holbert Howard V (la '15- ) Stu 22 E Washington St Holbrook Albion P Jr (ag '11) c/o A P Holbrook & Son 350 W Ohio St Holden James A ('95) Jas A Hold- en Co 421 Monadnock Bldg HOLDEN Perry G ('00) Ag 826 Eastwood Av Holecek Albert B (1 '13- ) Stu 2624 S Hamlin Av Holinger Arnold C (eng '14- ) (arch '14) Stu 629 Dening PI Hollister Frank C ('77) Com Agt Amer Exports 334 N Mavfield Av Hollowed John F (c eng '11) C Eng 3717 Lexington St Holmburger Max (m eng '15 BS) Draft c/o Link Belt Co t Holmes Charlotte E (su '02) Holmes D wight H (la '06) Stenog 5418 Woodlawn Av Holmes Thomas J (e eng '82) law 5212 Greenwood Av 864 ILLINOIS ?Holmes Walter E (mun eng '14 BS) 712 W 47th St Holt Emery F (e eng '13 BS) Sines Eng Elec Appliances Co 701 W Jack- son Blvd Holton Charles E (la '08 AB) Lev; 110 S Dearborn St Holton Gladys E (la '15- ) Stu 6001 Michigan Av Holtzman Harold H (ag '15- ) Stu 2129 Greenleaf Av ?Hong Mun Sun (m eng '10) 979 W Madison St Hoodwin Hyman J (c eng '08 BS) Eng Sr Gen Contr Sec City Eng Constr Co 1416 S Trumball Av tHopoer Margaret E (la '14) 3841 Washington Blvd Hopkins Frank C (m eng '94) Mfg Agt Metal Industries 4535 Cottage Grove Av Hopkins Newton W ('08) B Est 6640 Kenwood Av tHopkins Euth (ag '14) At home 6640 Monroe Av Hopkins Mrs E H (la '11) Home 1109 E 54th PI Hopper Georgia E (la '98 AB) Teach 616 Greenwood Av Horine Karl (e eng '09) c/o Com- monwealth Edison Co Horlick Eaymond W (sc '09) Dent 309 E 47th St Horn Benjamin A (arch eng '10 BS) Arch 1101 Steinway Hall Bldg 64 E Van Buren St Horrell Charles E (e eng '13 BS) Sales Eng Elec Appliance Co 701 W Jackson Blvd Horton Horace B (c eng '07) Treas Bridge & Iron Wks 105th & Throop Sts Horwich David (arch eng '14- ) Stu 1428 S Central Park Av Horwich Louis J (arch eng '14 BS) Arch 1428 Central Park Av Hoskins Edna (h sc '12 BS) Stu 111 Tr Sch Nurses 509 Honore St Hoskins William Jr (la '13) Chem Mariner & Hoskins Hostetler Lloyd E (e eng '15- ) Stu 7148 Emerald Av ?Hostetter Florence J (mus '03) Hostler Sidney M (ag '03) Trans 1402 Hood Av Hottinger Ethel M (la '15- ) Stu 623 Belden Av Hough Harold E (c eng '09) Sales Swift & Co 4560 Michigan Av Housman John S (eng '14 BS) M Eng Goodman Mfg Co Halstead & 48th PI Houston Harold A (ry e eng '13 MS) Eng Eock Island Lines 3636 Lexing- ton St Houston John V (c eng '09 BS) C Eng 4041 Lowell Av Houston Margaret (h sc '12- ) Stu 4041 Lowell Av Hoven Harold A (ag '15- ) Stu 6380 Sangamon St tHoverson Albert E (eng '14) 3437 Lawrence Av Howard May B (ag h sc '15- ) Stu 4210 S Artesian St Howard Eussell S (sc '10 BS) Bepr Parrett Tractor Co 409 Fischer Bldg Howe Alice (la '07 AB) Mgr Jour 10233 S Wood St tHowe Charles (la '73) Bet 4430 Drexel Blvd Howe Charles F (m eng 78) ( 72) HOWE Edward G ('02) Teach Engle- wood H S 10233 S Wood St Howe Harold J (1 '14 LL B) Atty 405 137 S La Salle St Howe Ealph B (ag '04 BS Fac '10) Seedsman 9525 S Winchester Av Howe Eoger F (ag '14- ) Stu 10233 S Wood St Howes Edward B (m eng '15- ) Stu 11820 Union Av Howes Harold E (c eng '08) C Eng 1336 N Kedzie Av Hoyt Earle E (chem eng '09) Merc 1514 Wilson Av ?Hoyt William J (math '92) 187 Dearborn St Hribal Edward A (arch eng '13 BS) E Eng 10409 Carliss Av Hubbell Arthur P (la '15) Stu 6456 Dante Av Huch Emma M E (la '15- ) Stu 3752 Lowell Av Hudgens Chilton D (m eng '82) Mfg 56 W Lake St Hudson Edith E (la '14- ) Stu 3072 Lincoln Av Hudson Stanhope (la '10) Sales Cor- resp 4523 Dover St Hueser Harry A (e eng '12) Illustra- tor 4" Designer 5334 Indiana Av Hughes Charles A (la 74) Law 815 139 N Clark St Hughes Charles H (m eng '08) In- ventory Man 1516 E 62nd St Huisken Arthur H (chem eng '15 BS) Teach U Mich 6720 St Lawrence Av Huisken Harry A (cer eng '15- ) (la '15) Stu 6720 St Lawrence Av Hulce Jennie A (lib '02 BLS) Libr John Crerar Lib Hull Bert B (c eng '03) Acct Trav Auditor 5801 W Erie St ILLINOIS 865 Hull Frederick D (e eng '12 BS) Tel Eng W Elec Co 1515 W Monroe St Hulla John ('93) Arch 140 S Dear- born St Hultman Ivar N (la '14- ) Stu 3443 Elaine PI Humphreys Harry P (m eng '07 BS) Draft 111 Steel Co South Wks 6056 Harper Av Humphreys Mrs H P (mus '08) Home 6056 Harper Av tHumpidge Herbert L (ag '13) 1007 Boyce Bldg Hunt Jasper N Jr (la '07 AB) Mfg Typewriter Eibbons 5829 Fulton St Wunter Mrs ('88) Home' Hunter Clyde H (la com '10) Pub Acct 4612 N Leavitt St Huntington CarrollS (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 1912 Conway Bldg Huntington Homer I (ag '12- ) Stu 6806 Osceola Av Hurley Frank J (com '15- ) Stu 210 Lorel Av Hurlstone Frank J (la com '12) 1847 Kennilworth Av Eogers Park Hussander Lillie (su '11) Teach 2433 Hamilton Ct Huston Joseph A (1 '14 LL B) Law Equitable Life Ins Co 628 Peoples Gas Bldg Hutchinson David E ( '03) Asst Dist Mgr 111 Life Ins Co 607 W Vine St Huth Walter H (m eng '07 BS) Bepr Grulby Faience & Tile Co 175 W Jack- son Blvd Hutton James H (sc '03) Med 2646 Calumet Av Hutton Malcolm L ('08) Phar 101 S Kedzie Av Hyde Benjamin (m eng '80) Builder 2623 Hampden Ct tHyde Mrs Ella M (la '06) Home 7834 Union Av Hyde Harvey W (la '15- ) Stu 7218 Coles Av Hylen Harry A (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1517 N Keystone Av Ilg George MA (c eng '09 BS) Arch 4- C Eng c/o Holabird & Roche 1400 Monroe Bldg flllingworth Frank (c eng '96) 6409 McChesney Av ingberg Simon H (t&am '10 MS) Struct Eng 838 E 56th St Ingersoll Harold B (sc'12 AB) Sales 801 S Fifth Av Ingham Alice (su '12) Probation Ofc Juvenile Ct Cook Co 219 Latrobe Av flngham Humphrey D (c eng '08) 390 57th St Ingram Harold S (chem e,ng '10 BS) Constr Supt 4536 N Lincoln St Ingram Ralph L (ag '14- ) Stu 4536 N Lincoln St Ingram William V (arch eng '12 BS) Asst Supt D H Burnham & Co 4536 N Lincoln St Ingwerson Henry N (ag '15- ) Stu 9812 Longwood Av Irwin Jay L (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 5549 Maryland Av Israel Arthur L (chem eng '12 BS) Gov Chem 3209 W Harrison St Jacks Frederick H (ag '14) 527 Oak- wood Blvd Jacks Joseph F (a<£ '14) 527 Oakwood Blvd Jackson Andrew O (1 '98) c/o West- ern Cold Storage Co 7202 Princeton Av Jackson George R (la'09AB Fac'll) Law 816 Lill Av Jackson Ralph N (e eng '11 BS) Sales Agt Power & Min Dept Gen Elec Co 1028 Monadnock Bldg ?Jacobs Ida K (su '10) 2123 Brad- ley PI Jacobs Mrs Laura K (la '14) Home 5338 Indiana Av Jacobsen Noah H (c eng '06 BS) Chgo Bepr A S Rosing Bldg Mater- ials 5002 Forrestville Av Jacobson Bernard E (ag '14- ) Stu 2113 N Sawyer Av Vacobson Charles H ( '96) 5754 At- lantic St Englewood Sta Jacobson Henry G M (ag '14- ) Stu 1524 E 74th St Jacobson John D (sc '11) Mfg Jewel- er 6506 Drexel Av Jacobson Seymour A (c eng '11 BS) Draft 3721 Greenshaw St Garfield Park Sta Jahn Harry F (mun eng '12 BS) Insp CB&Q RR 16] 5 W 104th PI Jaknbowski Stanley A (e eng '15- ) Stu 3622 Wolfram St ?Jame Harry A (sc '97) James Edward A (e eng '15 BS) Electr Chgo Central Station Inst 72 Adams St fJanisch George Edward (ag '07) 4942 Ellis Av Jarvis William B (law '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu NW U 9836 Vanderpoel Av Jasper Emmeline L (su '13) 1417 Hartford Bldg Jasper Thomas (e eng '94 BS) Prop Thos Jasper Water Co 112 N La- Salle St Jasper Thomas M (c eng '11 BS & MS) Eng Chicago Health Dept 6213 866 ILLINOIS Laneby Av t Jasper Walter (ag '13) 2074 Stave St Jaynes Ethel (su '13) Teach H Sch 5658 Eidge Av Jefferson John B (m eng Feb '16- ) ( '14) Stu 4332 Kildare Av Jenkins William F (ag '12) Trav 520 S Fifth Av Jennings George T (mun eng '12) Eli C Eng 5531 Kenwood Av Jensen Elof B (ag '06) C Eng 4651 Kenmore Av Jensen George L (c eng '09 BS) Arch Eng 2137 Ainslie St Jen son J Norman (c eng '14 CE) ( '06 BS) Arch Eng Dept Bldgs 1518 N Leavitt St Jensen Jorgen E (e eng '14- ) Stu 5037 W Erie St tJentzsch Kichard A (eng '14) 15 N Willow Av Jessup "Richard D (m eng '07 BS) Mfg 4340 West End Av Jewett Charles G (mun eng '12) Ag 5700 Blackstone Av Jewett Eleanor E (ag '14- ) Stu 1317 N State St Jez Leo C (ag '12- ) Stu 1849 W 51st St Johannsen Albert (arch eng '94 BS) Assoc Prof U Chgo Johnson Albert E (m eng '06) Merc 1476 Summerdale Av Johnson Carl E (eng '15) 3243 Ever- green Av Johnson Charles T (ry c eng '12) Arch 2226 Fairfax Av Morgan Park 1 Johnson David C ('00) 465 Eacine - Av tJohnson Frank P (m eng '04) 610 Evanston Av Johnson Glenn V (a&d '04) Art Adv Work 6744 Emerald Av Johnson Harold S (arch '15 BS) Arch Draft 6414 Harvard Av Johnson John W da '15) (Feb '16- ) Stu 826 Barry Av Johnson Lawrence T (arch '10) Arch Draft 720 Tribune Bldg Johnson Nettie M (sp '77) c/o Mrs J M Stayman 1424 Eastwood Av t Johnson Eay B ( '10) 2272 Lincoln Av Johnson Eichard A (c eng '07) Bus Mgr 6030 Ellis Av ? Johnson Eobert E (ag '12) 5349 In- diana St tJOHNSON Eobert U (arch eng '14 BS) 1712 Francisco St Uohnson Eoy B ('11) Johnson Walter J (la '15) Stu 859 Buckingham PI Uohnson William A (m eng '06) 3176 Elston Av tJohnston Louis C (sc '07) Med 3270 N Clark St JOHNSTON M McElroy ('13) Priv Voice Teach 4471 Lake Park Av Joice Earl H (ag '11) Sales 4429 Magnolia Av tJones Almon E (m eng '11) c/o Operating Dept National Biscuit Co JONES Florence N ( '12) Instr Lew- is Inst 2218 Washington Blvd Jones Harry (m eng '89) c/o Amer Steel Foundry Co tJones Herbert Milton (ry eng '13) 2853 Monroe St Jones Howard K (m eng '15- ) Stu 5903 Winthrop Av Jones John E (la '15) Acct 11935 Eggleston Av Jones Laura E (la '07) Tutor 428 Eoslyn PI tJones Mabel A (la '01) Jones Orion C (sc '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med 1956 Jackson Blvd Jones Rupert F (e eng '13 BS) Equip Testman Chicago Tel Co 4011 Lake Park Av Jones Warren P (ag '15- ) Stu 2859 Warren Av Jordan Frederick D (1 '05) Prof III Coll Law 500 W Center St 2nd Apt Jordan Oscar J (la '08 AB) Teach 11455 Watt Av tJoRY Herbert W (arch '14 BS) Asst Foreman 1130 Webster Bldg Joslyn Harry A (ag '12) Cllc Speig- el May Stern & Co Joy Harold C (e eng '09) Statistician Middle West Util Co Joy Samuel S (arch eng '01) Arch 1118 W 35th St Judson Frank M (la '13- ) Stu 914 Glengyle Av Juergens Arthur H (c eng '10) Min Eng 251 W Garfield Blvd Juergens Elmer (c eng '10 BS) Struct Eng 7129 Parnell Av Julian Lambert P ('07) 700 W 60th St Junkersfeld Peter (e eng '08 EE) ( '95 BS) Asst V-Pres Commonwealth Edison Co 120 W Adams St Junkersfeld Mrs Peter (la '90 BL) Home 139 N Menard Av Juul Herbert V (c eng '10) 433 Po- tomac Av Kadinsky Max Joseph (ry c eng '14- ) Stu 1237 N Campbell Av Kaempfer Fred W E (arch eng '15) Stu NW.U 7400 N Ashland Blvd ILLINOIS 867 Kahn Jacob (su '11) Med 8524 Bur- ley Av Kaiser Oscar C (c eng '07) Gen Contr 309 S Western Av Kalthoff Frederick C (arch eng '14- ) Stu 2464 Diana Ct Kantor James (e eng '14- ) Stu 2237 S Clifton Park Av Karkow Andrew S (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 3717 Wrightwood Av Karkow Conrad H (la '14- ) Stu 3717 Wrightwood Av Karkow Waldemar (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 3717 Wrightwood Av Karmazin John (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 2740 W 15th PI Karpen Isadore J ( '03) 2736 Wright- wood Av Karpen Julius (la '93) Furniture Dealer 2736 Wrightwood Av .Karraker Guy W (la '15 AB) c/o US Gypsum Co 6233 Drexel Av KARSTEN Mrs Eleanor G ( '14) Sec Woman's Peace Party 116 S Michi- gan Av Kartowicz Frank G ('06) c/o North- western Terra Cotta Co 2525 Cly- bourn Av Kasbeer John Harold (arch eng '15) Adv Chicago Tribune 354 N Normal Pky Kaspar Eugene (com '12) Bnk 1900 Blue Island Av Kaspar George W ('01) 623 Blue Isl- and Av Kastler Randolph C (ag '13) Sales 6648 Glenwood Av Kastrup Homer (com '12) Traffic Eng Chgo Tel Co 212 W Washing- ton St Katlinsky Francis (eng '14- ) Stu 4852 Forrestville Av t Katlinsky Jacob (sc '08) 4852 For- restville Av • Katz William M (com '15- ) Stu 1362 N Lincoln St Katzenberg Herman S (arch eng '15) Sales 1457 S Hamlin Av Kauffman Adam E (sc '80) Med 1538 E 66th St Kaufmann Adolph H (chem eng '15) Stu 438 Briar PI Kaup George A (ag '14- ) Stu 6403 Bishop Av Kausal Benedict A (com '11) Elec Contr 1218 S Albany Av Kay Charles J (e eng '13 BS) Stu Western Elec Co Kay George J (e eng '13 BS) Stu Western Elec Co Kazda James R ( '06) Mail Despatch- er 3446 S Park Av Kealy Eugene Patrick (c eng '09) Law 4159 Wilcox Av Keck Hiram I (la '93) Law 179 Washington Av ?Keeler George G (ag '08) 5110 Mad- ison Av Keeler Harry (sc '96 BS Fac '97} Asst Prin Englewood H S 9654 Longwood Av Keener Charles E (gen '96) Ofc Mgr 1321 Peoples Gas Bldg Kegley Max W (1 '11) Trav Sales Curtis-Ledger Fixture Co Jackson & Franklin Sts Keith Norman F (su '09) Teach Til- den H Sch 859 E 63rd PI Kelley Arthur C (la com '12 AB) Corresp Sears Roebuck & Co 3611 Flournoy St Kelley Grace O (lib '08 BLS ( '03 AB) Fac '06) John Crerar Lib kelley Truman L (sc '11 AM Fac '11) Instr Culver Mil Acad 3611 Flournoy St Kelley William E (1'10)('05) Clk 3611 Flournoy St Kellman Carl W Jr (la '08) Law Title & Trust Bldg Kellogg ' Chester A (e eng '13) M Eng 1226 E 46th St Kellogg Clyde W ('08) Grain Coram 310~ Sherman St Kelly Philip J (com '15- ) Stu 115 S Menard Av Kemmerer John M (c eng '00) Gov 6104 Kenwood Av Kemp Hyman (ry e eng Feb '16- ) Stu 1123 S Wood St Kemper Mrs J S (la '09) Home 1719 E 54th St Kemper Malcolm A (sc '12) Med Stu U Chgo Box 113 Kendall Paul D (la '14) Purchasing Agt 935 Gait Av Kennard Perry G (1 '00) (la '92) Law 9 S LaSalle St Kennicott Avis E (la '14) At home 4159 Kildare Av Kennicott Sylvia A (la '14) At home 4159 Kildare Av Ker Lorraine M (la '14- ) Stu 2318 W 109th St Kerr Volney A (m eng '15) Stu Ar- mour Inst 54 W 34th St Keyes Fanshawe M (la '14- ) Stu 1005 N State St Keyes Hubert A (la '15- ) Stu 1005 N State St Kidd Albert E Jr (com '14 AB) Sales 3711 Wentworth Av Kidd George W (c , eng '11- ) Stu 5519 Turner Av Kidston Roy P (ag '15- ) Stu 86 868 ILLINOIS Bd Trade Kidwell Franklin N (ag '06) Flor 3804 Wentworth Av Kiedaisch Karl (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 1615 W 104th Pi Kimbell Arthur W (c eng '13 BS) Sec Kimbell Hill Brick Co 319 Cham- ber Com Bldg Kimman John W (ag '15- ) Stu 3352 Douglas Blvd ?King Hudson M (c eng '09) 6318 Ingleside Av Kingsley Wendell L (ag '13- ) Stu 5455 N Luna Av Kinnert Edward C (e eng '15) Print- er 13702 Indiana Av Kinney Edward C (e eng '15) Print 13712 Indiana Av Eiverdale 111 Kinney Jacob M (g math '10) Teach Hyde Park H Sch Kinney Mrs Jacob M (su '09) Home 6420 Ellis Av Kircher Armin M (ry c eng 12- ) Stu 2009 W 22nd PI Kircher Edward A (math '14 PhD) ( '11 AB) 2009 W 22nd PI Kircher Helmuth J (ag '15 BS) Printer 2009 W 22nd PI Kircher Paul (se '12 BS) ( '08' AB) C Eng 2746 Magnolia Av Kircher Mrs Paul (h se '14 BS) Home 841 Barry Av Kirk Donald D (com '13 AM) ('12 AB) Invest 707 NY Life Bldg Kirk Howard S (arch eng '13) Arch Drafts 1738 Jarvis Av Kirkpatrick Harold H (e eng '11) Clk 4325 Wilcox Av Kirkpatrick Harlow B (c eng '01 BS Fac '02) Sales Eng H Koppers Co 5 S Wabash Av Kirner Walter R (la '15- ) Stu 3415 Fullerton Av Kirtley Charles W ('91) Opr Mgr J W Butler Paper Co Kisselburg Bert M (ag '15) Ins 2922 Wilcox Av Klamt Robert H (ag '12- ) Stu 2948 Normal Av Klein David (sc '07 AM ( '06 AB) Fac '07) III St Analyst 1633 Man- hattan Bldg Klein William J (arch eng '11 BS) Arch Draft 1660 Conway Bldg tKlewer Arthur L (arch '07) 1503 Schiller Bldg tKlewer William L (arch eng '08) 1243 Perry St Kline Arthur L (ag '14- ) Stu 841 N Lawler Av Kline Oliver P (m eng '07) Sales Atwood & Steele Co 1428 W 37th St Knight Ewart B (ag '14- ) Stu 229 N Central Av Knight Lee Irving (la '02 AB Fac '09) Instr U Chgo 6237 Drexel Av Knop Robert O (la '15- ) Stu 3420 Cortland St Knowlton William D (sc '03 AB) Elect Oper 4316 Vista Terrace Knudson Irving J (c eng '12) .Mgr Amer Radiator Co 820 S Michigan Av Kobylanski Joseph L (arch eng '15 AB&BS) 4142 Belmont Av ?Koch Eleanor F (mus '07) 1228 Montana St Koch Fred C ( ',00 MS) (sc '99 AB) Fac '02) Prof U Chgo Koch Paul W (c eng '07) Mgr Thos G Grier Co 318 W Washington St Koehler Henry (su '10) Teach 2940 W Diversey Av Koehler Robert A C (ag '15- ) 3031 Calumet Av Koepke Edward R (c eng '14) Cor- t resp 2121 S Homan Av Koepke Frank H (e eng '15- ) Stu 1650 N Tripp Av Koepke Herman F (c eng '14- ) Stu 1650 N Tripp Av Kohn Lydia E (lib '04) Instr Mod Langs 4318 S Wabash Av ?Kohn Morris (c eng '08) 4943 Chap- lain Av Kohout George A (c eng '06) Mgr Shear Klean Grate Monadnock Bldg Kohout Jerome F (sc '13 BS)('09) Chf Chemist Comm Test & Eng Co 1785 Old Colony Bldg Kolar George F (c eng '14- ) Stu 2638 S Springfield Av Kolar Otto (c eng '12) Dent 1660 S Millard Av Koll Henry M (e eng '13- ) Stu 6538 Kimbark Av Koll Mary E (h sc '13) 5405 Wood- lawn Av Koptik . Bohunnil J (ag '13- ) Stu 5339 W 23rd PI Cicero Koptik George (sc '13) Stu Coll Med U 111 5339 W 23rd PI Cicero Koptik Rose (la '15- ) Stu 5339 W 23rd PI Cicero IKorshak Sam (arch '14 BS) 5321 Calumet Av Korsmo Armund M (c eng '13 CE) ( '09 BS) C Eng 6226 Lakewood Av Korten Josephine R (g chem '04 Fac '03) At home 6722 Union Av tKorup Christian (c eng '08) Mfg 4742 N Racine Av Kosters Stuart F (c eng '13 BS) Eng Dept IC RR 6116 Ellis Av Kotz Raymond C (g sc '09) Teach 2015 Wilson Av Kozinski Lucian C (la '14) 8800 Houston Av Kraeckman Arthur E (ag '12- ) Stu ILLINOIS 869 5221 Wayne Av Kraeckmann Walter E (ag '15- ) Stu 5221 Wayne Av Krai Albert A Jr (e eng '16- ) Stu 1627 S Trumbull Av Krametbauer Irma T (la '15- ) Stu 2457 S Kedzie Av tKrane Leonard J (c eng '13- )('12) Stu 1338 S Albany Av Krannert Victor L (com '15- ) Stu 3541 Van Buren St Krase Herbert J (la '15- ) Stu 1539 S Spaulding Av Kratzenberg Edwin J (e eng '14- ) Stu 3201 E 91st St Kraus Harry (la com '15- ) Stu 1433 S Sawyer Av \Krause Herman E ('84) Krause Louise B (lib '98) Lior H M Byllesby & Co Con & Com Bk Bldg Krebbs Mrs J H (sp'80)(la '76 BL) 803 51st St Kreikenbaum Adolph (chem '01 BS Fac '02) Pres $ Mgr Kreik Var- nish Co 5130 Sheridan Rd Kreiling Eobert G (la '14- ) Stu 1527 Morse Av Krieg Amelia (la '15- ) Stu 1615 Trumbull Av Kriete Frank M ('90) Law 600 Washington Blvd Kriewitz John G (ag '13- ) Stu 7247 Jeffery Av Krippner John (arch eng '05 BS) Arch Eng 2434 S Hamlin Av Kritzer Richard W (com '15- )(la'15) Stu 5514 Hyde Park Blvd Kroeschell Carl H (m eng '12) Esti- mator $ Draft 440 W Erie St Krohn Gretchen (la '10) Jour Glad- stone Hotel tKROHN William O ('97) Med 1404 29 E Madison St Krueger Arthur F (ag '11 Ag $ Vo- cational Teach 2726 W 16th St Krueger Otto A (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Eng Internat Harv Co Krug Louis G (chem eng '12- ) Stu 2910 Broadway Av Krumm Gretchen E (la '15- ) Stu 1232 Montana St Kubat Frank (ry eng '11) Merc 2216 S Hamlin St \Kuecken Adolph H ('99) Builder 139 N Clark St Kuehl Mrs W J A (la '02 AB) Home 4742 Drake Av KUEHMSTED A L ('93) Pres ^ Gen Mgr Gregory Elect Co 16th & Lin- coln Sts Kuehn George W (m eng '15- ) Stu 2341 S Albany Av Kuehne Carl O (arch '97 BS) Arch 1947 Patterson Av Kuhn Rudolph (a&d '98) Trav 601 E 67th St Kuhn Wilfred H (e eng '15 BS) C Eng 6002 S Sangamon St Kunz Walter F (ag '10 BS) V-Pres Baker's Flour Co 1445 Farragut Av ?Kurtz Robert E (ag '07) 1061 Mad- ison St Kuss Robert H (m eng '03 BS Fac '05) Mech Eng Edgemoor Iron Co Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg Kuss Mrs R H (mus '04) ( '98) Home 5784 E Circle Av Norwood Park Kyle Mrs Manella (su '95) Home 4812 Lake Park Av LaBelle Johnston N (ry eng '11 BS) E Eng 5715 Glenwood Av Lackey Henry W (la '91) Law 6104 Blackstone Av Laemmle Mrs Jos (la '07 AB) Home 6121 Drexel Av Lagergren Alex A (ag '11) Stu Met- ropolitan Bus Coll 7225 Emerald Av Lagorio Anthony P (ry c eng '12) By C Eng 125 N Elizabeth St Laird Elmer R (m eng '10) M Eng Armour & Co tLakoff Charles B (sc '13) 6239 May St Lamb Carter H (e eng '10 BS) E Eng 4836 W Erie St fLamborn Merlie (la '10) 5606 Drexel Av Lamkin Grace M (la '99) Physical Dir c/p Chautauqua Mgr Assn Or- chestra Bldg ILandan Julius (ag '09) 568 W Polk St Landon George (la '14- ) Stu 3812 Kedvale Av Landstrom Adolph W (chem eng '13- ) Stu 5516 Cortez St Landstrom Roy W (ag '15- ) Stu 5516 Cortez St ?Landt Charles P (ag '09) 30 Wood- land Park Landt Gustav E (ag '15- ) Stu 7531 Normal Av Lane Michael A (g la '08 BS) 451 Jackson Blvd tLanferman Walter E (e eng '07) Asst Eng St Pub Util Comm 3177 Dover St 6916 Lakewood Av Lang Herman W (la '15- ) Stu. 4756 Indiana Av tLange Edward L (ag '14) 2237 Gid- dings Av Langer Mrs C H ('00) Teach Mus 410 S Michigan Av Langworthy Caroline V (lib '03 BLS) 870 ILLINOIS Christian Sc Practr 800 Orchestra Bldg Lanquist Ada M (su '14) 833 N Bich- mond St Lanzet Mrs S E ('06) Home 422 E 42nd St LaBash Lucile W (la '09) Blcpr 5120 Kenmore Av ^Larimer Cassius S (ag '04) 5734 Washington Av Larkin Francis De Lude (sc '13 AB) Bldg Contr 2938 Fillmore St ILarkin Ida C (la '13 AB) 405 Greenwood Av Larkin William J (arch '13 BS) Eng 415 W 60th St Larson Eva L (h sc '15 BS) Teach 2258 Giddings Av \Larson Harry S ('11) 784 N 53rd Av Laskin Louis J (arch eng '15 BS) Arch 215 Long Av Lathrop Charlton P (ag '12- ) Stu 4418 N Kildare Av Lathrop Cohn C B (arch '80) Acct 4418 N Kildare Av Lathrop John S (ag '15- ) Stu 4418 N Kildare Av Lattin Eobert T (e eng '13 BS) Sales Dept Amer Steel Window Co Mc- Cormick Bldg Laubinger Roy N (la '14- ) Stu 3643 Janssen Av Launer Stella M (su '03) Teach H Sch 1049 Lawrence Av Lawrence Edgar A (c eng '14- ) Stu 2461 Lincoln Av Lawrence Guy L (e eng '11) EE C Eng CB&Q RE 547 W Jackson Blvd Lawrence Roland H (m eng '13- ) . Stu 10420 Seely Av Lazear Davies (m eng '11) Dent 6030 Woodlawn Av Leach Margaret F (g h sc '15- ) ( '13 AB) Stu 1927 Greenleaf Av Leal Rosa B (su'00)('97) Teach 545 Ardine Av tLeander LeEoy N (e eng '13) 9729 Av L Lear George B (la '11 AB) Law 916 NY Life Bldg tLee John C (c eng '10) 5036 Sheri- dan Ed Lee John E (m eng '89) EE Insp 704 E 67th St Leeming Tom (la '14- ) Stu 1537 E 60th St %Leet Arthur A ('95) 1423 Monroe St Leete Lorraine (la '14-. ) Stu 315 Latrobe Av Leete Marion E (la Feb '15- ) Stu 315 N Latrobe Av Legner Eoger H (com '15- ) Stu 2950 Logan Blvd tLEHMER John C (la '02 AB) 2244 Addison St Lehmpuhl Herman F (m eng '01) E Eng 72 W Adams St Leigh Charles W (la '97 BS) Teach 7320 Lafayette Av tLeischaeuring Max F (arch eng '13) 1742 Carmen Av \Leman Edwin D ('08) Chf Chem $ Supt Carnotile Beduction Co 200 Inglehart Ct Lemley Eobert (m eng '10) Mach Estimator 1144 N Kedzie Av Lendrum Ethel (la '07 AB) At home 1508 E 52nd St fLenning Ernest H (m eng '93) 728 W Erie St Lenzing Chester W (la '15- ) (chem eng '15) Stu 3054 Southport Av Lesch Mrs E E (runs '98) Home 2179 N California Av Lethen Theodore H (com '15) 1336 Norwood Av Leutwiler Eichard W (m eng '11 BS) Heating Eng 926 Barry Av Levin Emma (su '14) Asst Lior 2234 W Division St Levine Max Philip (a&d '03) Adv 6417 Aberdeen St Levinson Lazarus (c eng '10 BS) Chf Eng Western Elec Co 4934 For- restville Av Levinson Martin C (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1907 S Sawyer Av Leviton Henry I (c eng '12) C Eng 11152 Michigan Av Levy Alexander L (arch '93 BS) Arch Coneway Bldg Washington & LaSalle Sts ?Lewis George (m eng '90) 374 W Adams St Lewis Katherine (lib '15 BLS) (la '12 AB) Libr Dept Health 4426 Lake Park Av tLewis Luther M (1 '13) 1417 Eail- way Exch Lewis Stanley M (a&d '98 Fac '99) Art $ Designer 471 E First St Lewitan Leo (m eng '16- ) Stu 2729 Hirsch Blvd Libman Anna (la '14- ) Stu 1000 N Oakley Blvd Libman Earl E (cer eng '14- ) Stu 1246 S Sawyer Av Libman Eose E (la '15- ) Stu 1000 N Oakley Blvd Lichter Bernard V (arch eng '15) 638 Oakdale Av Lichter John P (c eng '13) Contr ILLINOIS 871 638 Oakdale Av Lienesch Walter H (m eng '93) Gen Mgr Chicago Concrete Post Co 608 S Dearborn St Lindberg Edward F J (ry e eng '09 BS) Sales 1702 Fisher Bldg ILinde Charles A ( '04) 4039 Prairie Av Lindeberg George L (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1917 La Crosse Av \Lvnden Frank W ('98) Linder Cyril S (c eng '15- )('12) Stu 6341 Parnell Av Linderoth Samuel J (arch eng '13- ) ( '10) Stu 5610 May St Lindgren Arthur G (e eng '06) Sales Mgr 3651 Wilton Av Lindley B Thad ('10) BnTc Nat City Bk Lindstrom Arthur W (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 1509 Fisher Bldg Linendoll Harry A (la '15- ) Stu 6510 Lowe Av Link Mrs C A (la '06) Home 1623 W Van Buren St Linn James H (la '09 AB) c/o Lee Higginson & Co The Rookery jLipsky Eeuben L ( '00) 3036 Cottage Grove Av Liss Oscar L (c eng '14 BS) Struct Draft 2050 Le Moyne Little Alfred L (com '13) ClJc Ar- mour Co 5702 S Park Av Lively Truman G (e eng '11) Insp Gen Contr Firm 4111 N Tripp Av Llewellyn David R (m eng '95 BS) Eng Dept Amer Bridge Co Llewellyn Joseph C (arch eng '78 BS Fac '79) Arch 1526 1st Nat Bk Bldg Llewellyn Ralph C (arch eng '06 BS) Arch 1526 38 S Dearborn St Lockwood Isabel K (la '15- ) Stu 718 Bittersweet PI Lodge Fred S (sc '08 BS) Chem Eng Armour Fertilizer Wks Union Stock Yards Lodge Mrs F S (la '08) Home 258 W 67th St Logeman Louis V (ag '07 BS) Bldg $ R Est L # Ins 4142 Southport Av Logsdon Mary N (la '14) At home 5756 Kenwood Av Long Albert M (arch '95 BS) Draft Cor 37th & Stewart Av Long Frank B (arch '08 BS)('87) Supt Draft Boom Holabird & Roche 1400 Monroe Bldg Long Mrs F B (la '85) Home 656 Bowen Av Longfellow Eben S (c eng '05) C Eng City Hall Loomis Clayton B (ag '15- ) ( '14) Stu 6218 Harper Av Loomis Helen A (sc '07 AB) Teach Bowen H Sch 5610 Dorchester Av Loomis Lester T (sc '07) Pull 5733 Blackstone Av lord Arthur R (c eng '11 MS Fac '09) Consult Eng 1832 McCormick Bldg Lord Mrs A R (la '13 AM) (la '11 AB) Home 1532 E Marquette Rd Lorenz Frederick A Jr (ry eng '09 BS) M Eng Amer Steel Foundries 5621 Woodlawn Av Lorenzon William C (mun eng '12 BS) Sales Eubly & Lorenz 2721 N Troy St Lorimer Leonard J (ry c eng '09) Auto Agt 5315 Washington Blvd Loudon Ross O (la '09) Sales 5824 Woodlawn Av fLounsbury Herbert H (ag '09) 7040 Perry Av Love Chase C W (la '10 AB) Sales Dept N W Hasley & Co 4606 Dover St Love Robert J (arch eng '08 BS Fac '10) Arch Love & Richards 116 S Michigan Av Loveless William R (c eng '14) Acct 6117 Ellis Av Lovell M M (arch eng '13- ) Stu 30 N Michigan Av Lovewell Gladys (la '16 ) Stu Chgo Nor Sch 5526 Sangamon St Lowe Wayne M (chem eng Feb '15- ) Stu 5528 Sangamon St Lowenthal Fred (1 '02) (la '01 AB) Law 1262 W 103rd St Lower Paul E (ag '14 BS) Sales 921 Castlewood Ter Lowry Thomas K (la com '10) Supt Eng Armour & Co 1379 E 53rd St Lubelsky Harry W (e eng '15- ) Stu 1253 N Hoyne Av Lubelsky Samuel S (la Feb '16- ) Stu 1253 N Hoyne Av Ludvik Benjamin E (e eng '12- ) Stu 1530 W 21st St Luers George A (e eng '11) Tel Eng 1725 Wilson Av ?Lumby Charles L (ag '04) 952 N Fairfield Av Lumley Clinton G (la '86 BL) Med 3350 Indiana Av tLumly Charles L (ag '04) 952 N Fairfield Av Lund John V (c eng '15) Asst Eng C&NW RR Co 908 C&NW RR Bldg Franklin & Jackson Sts Lundahl Bruce H (m eng '05 BS) M Eng 6443 Morgan St Lurie Arnold N (m eng '09) M Eng 1871 S Kedzie Av 872 ILLINOIS Lurie Erwin M (c eng '14 BS) 1871 S Kedzie Av Lurie Sidney J (e eng '13- ) Stu 1871 S Kedzie Av Lurlon Charles E (c eng & mus '10) Concert Singer 4' Mgr Mus Dept Clark Teacher's Agency 64 E Van Buren St Lyman Eichard D (ag '13- ) Stu 672 Irving Park Blvd Lynch William E (e eng '08) Sales Agt 1524 S Kedzie Av tLyons John D (1 '13) 6115 Green- wood Av Lyons Mrs W F (la '12 AB) Home 4449 Sidney Av Maas Herbert I (e eng '06) Merc <$~ Mfg 5310 Prairie Av McAdams May E (ag '15- )('13) Stu 1303 E 53rd St McAdow Eugene F (m eng '10) Sp Agt Sun Fire Ins Co 6435 Stewart Av Macalister Eobert 1ST (m eng '06) M Eng Eobert Hunt & Co 2200 Ins Exch Bldg McBee Eose (su '07) Teach Fiske Sch tMacBride Edward E (arch eng '08) 5726 Drexel Av McBride Howard I (m eng '15- ) Stu 6336 Ingleside Av t McBride Owen E (arch eng '09) 5726 Drexel Av tMcCall Thomas (la '09) 5327 Wash- ington Av McCarthy Bernard J (c eng '07) Trav L Wolff Mfg Co 663 W 61st St McCarthy John (su '14) 1922 W 35th St McCarthy John J (lib '14 BLS) ( '04) Teach Lane Tech H Sch 744 Bel- mont Av McCartney Mrs (su '08) Home 2323 Broadway McCaskey Clare P (la com '09 AB) Sales Sewell-Clapp Co 7337 Emerald Av McCaskey Paul A (la '11 AB) But- ler Bros 7337 Emerald Av McCaughey John A (eng '14) Contr 1319 Columbia Av McCaughey William M (com '15) 5402 Magnolia Av McCauley Charles H (arch '15 BS) Arch 418 St James PI McCauley James J (la '72) 145 La- Salle St McClellan John H (sc '08 Fac '10) Med Presby Hospital Congress & Wood Sts McClellan Kenneth B (ag '14- ) Stu 1638 Jarvis Av McClintock Margaret (h sc '13 BS) Teach H Sc 152 N Lotus Av McClure Clyde H (arch '05) Chem Eng 28 N Market St McComb John B (eng '06) Purchas- ing Agt 1621 W Division St McConnell Marvin G (la com '14- ) Stu 1414 W 62nd St McConoughey A Davies (la '14) 4441 N Kirby Av McCormack Charles E (e eng '10 BS) Jour 1217 Eosedale Av mccormack Harry ( chem '99 BS ) Prof Armour Inst Tech 5229 Ingle- side Av McCormick Evert B (1 '06 LL B) Sales 847 Barry Av McCormick Mrs E B (h sc '05) Home 847 Barry Av McCoy Charles B (la '73) Law 11 117 N Dearborn St McCullough Frederick E (la '07 AB) Credit Man 5610 Michigan Av McCumber Charles W (arch eng '12- ) Stu 10350 S Seeley Av McCune Fred L (m eng '01 BS) Eng 3424 W 62nd PI McDavid Joel F (la '13) Stu U Chgo 5719 Kenwood Av McDonald James E W (min eng '14 BS) Engr Crane Co 4717 Kimbark Av McDonald Joseph N (m eng Feb '16) Stu 5207 Woodlawn Av ?MaeDonald Walter N (arch eng '04) 5806 Washington Av McDonnell Marie J (su '09) 313 Win- throp Av McDowell Ishmael (e eng '11 BS) E Eng Western Elec Co 324 S Sac- ramento Blvd McDowell Eeuben E (sc '08) Over- land Motor Car Co 2426 Michigan Blvd McEldowney Eoy (la '15- ) Stu 1313 E 64th St McElhiney Lee A (c eng '10 BS) C Eng IC EE 1511 E 60th St McElroy John H (c eng '89) Patent Lawyer 1429 Monadnock Blk McEvoy Thomas T (ag '13- ) Stu 618 Bowen Av McFadden Joel P (m eng '04) M Eng 6912 Eggleston Av McFarland Ellis D (ag '14 BS) Asst Sec Percheron Soc America Union Stock Yds McFarland Will J (sc '07 AB) Publ 623 S Wabash Av McGarry Grace M (h sc '12) Stu U Wis 306 N Lockwood Av McGee Walter S (la '95 ('93 BS) Fac '95) Teach 5327 Ellis Av ILLINOIS 873 McGill Elizabeth K (la '12 AB) Teach 4036 Adams St McGrath Richard C (la '14) Cement Insp 845 Lakeside PI McGrath Wilson T (ag '15- ) (la '15) Stu 4228 Wilcox Av McGregor John L (c eng '14- ) Stu 2736 W Congress St MacGregon Robert D (ag '15- ) Stu 61 E 60th St t McGregor William G (m eng '85) 692 W Monroe St McGrew Oliver M (su '06) Sales 4007 Grand Blvd MeGuinness Hugh S (la '15) Med Stu 3452 N Hamlin Av McGuire Ralph (ag '15- ) Stu 3928 N Kilbourn Av MacHatton Ralph A (la '13) Lit 1029 N Dearborn Av McIntire William R (c eng '12 BS) Supt Contr D H Burnham & Co RR Exch Bldg Mcintosh Melvin C (m eng '85) Ex- pert Estimator 8f Appraiser 420 Ash- land Blk Maclntyre Katherine (h sc '12) Sec $T Asst Copy Edit 9439 St Lawrence Av Mack Ida R (la '10) At home 2817 Pine Grove Av Mack Louis W (la '06 AB) Law 1620 134 S La Salle St McKenna John E ('05) Insp 408 City Hall McKeown John L (arch eng '15 BS) Arch 5125 Ingleside Av Mackey Floyd J (m eng '10 BS) De- signer Internat Harvester Co 1734 Fullerton Av McKinney Norman (ag '13- ) Stu 5023 Forrestville Av McKinnie Earl C (e eng '11 BS) Asst Chf Eng Nat X-Ray Reflector Co 235 W Jackson Blvd McKittrick Finley D (su '08) Teach 5813 Dorchester Av McKnight John I (min eng '15) 7237 May St McKnight William A (mun eng '04 BS) Life Ins 900 The Rookery McKnight Mrs W A (g mus '12) Home 1233 E 53rd St McLane James A (arch '78 BS) B Est Title & Trust Bldg McLarty Ray C (la com '12 AB) B Est 4- Invest 25 N Dearborn St McLaughlin James W (m eng '14 BS) c/o People 's Gas Lgt & Coke Co 6354 Maryland Av McLennan Arthur (1 '06) City Edit Chgo Evening Post McMalley Mrs F E ('03) Home 5306 Greenwood Av MacMILLAN David K ('13) Entom 5057 Balmoral Av McMillan Mathew H (e eng '08 BS) c/o Pub Serv Co 1320 New Edison Bldg McNALLY William D ('06) City Chem 500 County Bldg McNamee William M (ry eng '08) Adv Solic Agt Chicago Evening Am- erican 432 W 67th St t McNeill Henry H (com '11) Law 2250 Jackson Blvd McRae John A (m eng '96 BS) M Eng L&N RR (204) 20 Jackson Blvd McRobie Douglas (sc '12- ) Stu Chi- cago News 6131 University Av McWilliams Benjamin (sp '85) Law 160 W Jackson St Maddock Alice E (sc '07 AB) Teach 9716 Howard Ct Maddock Rosa G (su '15) Teach Har- vard Sch 9716 Vanderpoel Av Madison George (la '08 AB) Edit Reilly & Britton Co 8128 Evans Av mahan Henry W (la '93 Hon ML) ( '76) Pres South Side St Bk Mahan Mrs H W (la '76) Home South Side St Bk Malcolm Charles W (c eng '06 CE ( '02 BS) Fac '13) Assoc Edit # Eng Contr 1233 Granville Av Maley Robert C (m eng '15 BS) Sales The Kennicott Co Mailers John B M (m eng '15- ) Stu 5 S Wabash Av Mallory Burton L (sc '08) Coal Broker 6152 Kimbark Av Malnburg Carl O (arch eng '12) Supt G B Swift Co Gen Contr Security Bldg Malone Edward (la '08) BE Acct 1555 W Garfield Blvd Mamer Christopher Jr (1 '10 LL B) Law 501 Throop St Mandel Elias (sc '12 BS) Chem 1825 S Troy St Mangan Ralph K (m eng '15- ) Stu 2744 Harrison St Manierre Alfred E (arch '12 BS) Arch 112 W Adams St Manley John C (eng '15- ) Stu 5700 S Green St Mann Mrs A R (mus '97) Sales 2405 E 74th St Mann Clyde A ('91) Edit $ Pull 306 Quincy St mann James R (la '03 Hon LL D) (ML '76) Law $ Memo Congress 7221 Merrill Av Mann Mrs J R (la '78 Cert) Home 874 ILLINOIS 7221 Merrill Av South Shore Mann William A (m eng '79) Med $• Oculist Jarvis Hunt Bldg Michigan Blvd & Washington St f Manning Charles E ('85) Painter 29 S Kedzie Av Manny Theodore B (ag '15- ) Stu 741 N Central Av Manock Wilbur E (c eng '10 BS) Draft Chicago Bridge & Iron Wks Throop & 105th Sts Mansell Lyman B (su'07) Teach North Cent Park & W Foster Av Mansell Mrs L B (su '07) Teach North Cent Park & W Foster Av Manty Charles B ( '06) Asst Eng C& EI EE 6600 Union Av Makbach Henry A L (c eng '15 BS) C Eng Inter-St Com Comm 3702 N Eobey St Marblestone Eose (la '15) 1225 S Troy St Marklin Frederick W (e eng '15- ) Stu 1528 Estes Av Marks David T (e eng '07 BS) Merc 850 W Eandolph St Markson Harry (m eng '15- ) Stu 2832 Warren Av t Marquis John A ('85) 1301 Eacine Av tMarriner Alfred W E (e eng '11) 3127 Christian Av Marsh Mrs G E (su '05) Teach 446 E 34th St Marsh Thomas A (m eng '09 ME '04 BS) M Eng 1463 E 68th St Marshall James W (e eng '13) Teach 1736 W 51st St Martin Frank A (la '14- ) Stu 4240 N Eobey St Martin Joy D (ag '14) Auto Sales 4828 Kimbark Av Martin Webb W (sc '01) Pull 417 S Dearborn St t Martin William G (la '02) 3407 S Springfield Av Maryan Harry I (la '15- ) Stu 1535 N Irving Av Matheny May (su '05) Teach H Sch 1437 Estes Av Matheny Williard It (e eng '12) E Eng 614 City Hall Mather Fred E (arch '95 BS) Bridge Design CB&Q BE 547 W Jackson Blvd Mathis Eugene (la '12) Ventilation Contr # Eng 7301 Princeton Av Matousek Joseph (c eng '05 BS) C Eng 4- Gen Contr 3203 W 22nd St tMatousek Otto J (arch eng '11) 1596 W 22nd PI Matson Harry E (m eng '14- ) Stu 11155 Edbrooke Av Matteson Maurice J (ag '12) Teach Voice 512 Kimball Hall Wabash Av & Jackson Blvd Matteson Victor A (arch eng '95) Arch 1414 Hartford Bldg Mattson Olive M (h sc '11 AB) At home 6428 Stewart Av Mauel Leonard (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 4730 Berenice Av Mautner Erwin W (la '14- ) Stu 919 Addison St Maver David B (c eng '12 BS) Draft CM&StP EE 6138 Woodlawn Av Maxwell Charles J (sc '96 BS) Chem Dorling & Co Union Stock Yards May Fred H (1 '00 LL B) c/o US Custom House May Harry O (e eng '09) Draft 4717 Lexington St May William W (com '09 AB) Adv 820 Edgecomb PI Maynard Donald E (la '13- ) Stu 4322 N Kildare Av Maynard Wesley K (la '15- ) Stu 4322 N Kildare Av Maypole John B (e eng '12) Mgr 135 N Mayfield Av Austin Sta Mealiff Arthur E (ag'12- ) Stu 7831 Winneconna Av Means Mrs C C (mus '08) Home 4415 N Eacine Av Medendorp Titus A (m eng '14- ) Stu 4817 Congress St Meeker Arthur ('15) V-Pres Armour 4- Co 1815 Prairie Av Mehaffey Helen I (h sc '15- ) Stu 7327 Evans Av IMelby John A (arch eng '03) Melin Charles E (ag'14- ) Stu 1302 Columbia Av Melin Ealph N (ag '15- ) Stu 1302 Columbia Av tMelloy Joseph A (c eng '07) Contr Melloy Constr Co Peoples Gas Bldg Melloy Martin A (c eng '11) ('06) Contr Melloy Constr Co Peoples Gas Bldg Mench John G (e eng '11 BS) Sales 4026 Calumet Av Mendel Ferdinand A (m eng '15) 5492 Everett Av Menzel Carl A (eng '15- ) Stu 7808 Normal Av Merigold Frank A ( '09) 10048 Pros- pect Av Merner Arthur F ('09) Bkpr 8811 Carpenter St Merrick Harry A (arch '92) Arch Armour & Co tMersereauw Eandolph (sp '77) 230 S La Salle St ILLINOIS 875 Mershimer James D (sc '13) Stu U 111 Coll Dent 1524 N Kedzie Av Mershimer Mrs J D (mus '13) Stu La Barthe Piano Sen Chicago 1524 N Kedzie Av Mesirow Benjamin S (1 '10) Law 1058 N Oakley Blvd METZ Carl A (c eng '15 BS) Drafts 5806 Prairie Av Metzler Clarence W ('11) Stenog Chf Eng Monon KR Co Meyer Alfred W (chem'15) (eng '16- ) Stu 145 W 68th St Meyer George Jr (m eng '14 BS) Electr Estimator Chgo Switch-Board Mfg Co 2019 W Van Buren St ?Meyer Michael I (su '09) 473 W 12th St Meyer Raymond E (com '15- ) (la '14) Stu 1243 Hood Av tMeyer Walter W L (1 '11) 1213 W 31st St Meyers Mrs G W (la '87) Home 1953 E 72nd St tMiCHAEL Harry (la '11 AB) 4135 Monroe St Michels Walter (la '15) 4135 Monroe St Mickelson Jens C (e eng '13- ) Stu 1626 N Campbell Av Middleton Edith A (la '13- ) Stu 2657 Park Av Middleton Walter S (min eng '13 BS) Sales 1235 Peoples Gas Bldg Midkiff Jesse E (su '10) Agt Amer Book Co 330 E 22nd St Mikulski Ottilie J (su '10) Teach Wm McKinley H Sch Millard Mrs Floyd H (h sc '14 AB) Rome 408 Washington St fMillard George M (arch eng '11) 1403 Blue Island Av Miller Arthur C (su '12) Teach 5925 W Ohio St fMiller Aylett P (c eng '79) t Miller Charles W (ag '72) Miller Edwin M (sc '10 BS) Med Irving Pk Blvd & 48th Av Miller Francis H (com '15) Stu 5475 Drexel Av Miller Frank A ('93) Merc Miller Grant C (g arch '95 MS ('94 BS) Fac '95) Arch 116 S Mich- igan Av Miller James K ('10) 1632 Indiana Av Miller Marion G (ag '14) Stu U Chgo 6410 Kimbark Av Millikan Carl E (min eng '14- ) Stu 255 W 119th St Millman Harry A (com '15- ) Stu 1000 N Mozart St Mills Elmer E (la '15) Sales Fidelity Appraisal Co of Milwaukee 537-140 S Dearborn St fMills James L (su '08) 428 Clare- mont Av Minard Barbara W (la '13) Nurse 1416 Indiana Av Minchin Sidney H (arch eng '12) Stu Armour Inst 3052 Logan Blvd Miner Leslie E (c eng '10 BS) Draft 4- Design 217 E 111 St Minkema William H (m eng '13- ) Stu 10627 Michigan Av Minnis Lemuel E (ag '12- ) Stu 3710 Wabansia Av Mirick Harry R (la '13 AB) Jour 5727 Ohio St tMitchell Beulah (h sc '12) 1228 E 57th St tMitchell Brain L (chem eng '05) 4554 Wabash Av Mitchell Charles D (chem eng '08) Publ 501 15 S Market St Mitchell Constance M (su '11) Teach 178 W 16th St Mitchell Donald R (ag '14- ) Stu 6252 Stony Island IMitchell George W ( '93) Mitchell Grover I (m eng '15 BS) Sales Eng Amer Bureau Eng Mitchell Joe O (arch eng '12) Draft 25 N Dearborn St Mitchell Leonard O (ag '13- ) Stu 2337 W Adams St tMitchell Lionel E (se'12) 3332 Ver- non Av Mitchell Walter R (sc '89 BS) Hyde Park H Sch 1228 E 57th St Mix Martin I (m eng '13 BS) M Eng 3210 Vernon Av Mix William J (e eng '11) Draft Mizoguchi Gunday U (g e eng '15 MS) '14 BS) 2330 Calumet Av c/o Japanese YMCA Moats Stewart B (la '11) Sales Mun Eng Contr Co 1439 Arthur Av modjeski Ralph (Hon D Eng '11) C Eng Monadnock Bldg Mohr Edward E (m eng '14- ) Stu 349 W Illinois St Mohr John H (com '15) Asst Produc- tion Clk Order Dept 111 Steel Co 208 S La Salle St Mohr Louis (m eng '81) Sec $• Constr Eng John Mohr & Sons 349 W Illi- nois St Mojonnier Timothy (g '02 MS (sc '01 BS) Fac '03) Pres Mojonnier Bros Co Mole Frances E (su ; 06) Teach 2036 E 83rd St Molt Mrs F F (lib '03) Home 123.05 876 ILLINOIS Princeton Molter Peter ('10) Montague Albert E (ry c eng '15 BS) C Eng Eng Dept 111 Cent EE 343 W 64th St Montezuma Charles (sc '84 BS) Med 7 W Madison St Montgomery Earl L (ag '15) Stu 4916 N Lawndale Av Montgomery George N ( 7 03) Montross Sarah E (lib '99) Libr 1420 East 50th St tMoody Edna E (la '10) 1624 Jack- son Blvd Mooney Paul (com '15- ) Stu 6900 , Chappel Av Mooney Eaymond (e eng '12- ) Stu 6900 Chappel Av Moore Herbert J (ag '15 BS) 23 N State St Moore Hiram W (ag '14- ) Stu 1001 Independence Blvd Moore John C (1 '11) Adv Francis Pub Co 537 S Dearborn St Moore Joseph K (cer eng '08 BS) Consult Cer Eng 2008 Peoples Gas Bldg Moore Josiah J (g bact '15) Assoc U 111 Coll Med 5636 Drexel Av fMoore Warren H (la '05) 5741 Mon- roe Av Moore Wayne K (ag '15- ) Stu 6314 Stony Island Av Morava Wensel (m eng '78 BS) Mfg Struct Steel 1043 Peoples Gas Bldg Morey Mrs W A (mus '04) Borne 1337 Eosedale Av Morgan Alfred C (c eng '11) Eng Inter-St Com Comm 914 Karpen Bldg Morgan Charles L (arch eng '14 BS) Arch 116 S Michigan Av Morgan Mrs C L (h sc '14 BS) Home 600a Blackstone Av Morgan George N (la '84 BL) Law 7646 Marquette Av Morgan Mrs G N (la '14 BL) ( '85 Cert) Home 7647 Marquette Av Morgan George W (la '85) 30 N Dearborn St Morgan Gilbert W ('93) 30 N Dear- born St Morgan May M (la '14- ) Stu 30 N Dearborn St Morgan Stella W (la '03 AB) Teach 4809 Lake Park Av Morrell Ealph L (c eng '15 BS) Adv Sales Grain Dealers Journal 4301 Adams Morrell Walter A ('89) Steam Eng 4025 Indiana Av Morris Leland A (la&law '13) Trav Sales 409-11 W Huron St Morris Boy E (e eng '12) Steel Constr J Griffiths & Son 2838 Michigan Blvd Morris Vernon L (arch eng '15 BS) Constr Insp Pennsylvania Co 305 W Polk St Morrison Donald K (sc '14 AB) Sales Addressograph Co 4457 N Paulina St Morrissey Edward H (com '15 AB) Adv Dept Montgomery Ward & Co 2 Walton Pi Morrissey Matthew J (e eng '13) C Eng 5526 La Salle St Morrow Nelson C (sc '02) Med 4801 W Church St Morse Mrs (la '08) 1432 65th PI ?Morse Wendell E (m eng '08) 1432 65th PI Morton Alfred H (c eng '15- ) Stu 6801 Union Av Mosely Beauregard F Jr (la '14) 6248 Sangamon St Moser Margaret (la '15- ) Stu 6424 Champlain Av Moses Eobert L (ag '12- ) Stu 4812 Calumet Av Moss Gladys I (h sc '15 AB) Dir Cafeteria Calumet H Sch Motter Henry E (com '15- ) Stu 227 N Central Av Mottier Charles H (c eng '10 BS) 1403 E 69th PI MOULTON Gertrude E ( '15) Stu U . Ill Coll Med 430 Ashland Av Moulton Herbert L (cer '10) City Sales Sprague Warner Co 600 W Erie St Movitt Perle (la '14) 933 Ashland Blvd Moyen Carl P (la '14- ) Stu 2248 Powell Av Mroz August F (la '15- ) Stu 2885 Milwaukee Av Mroz Eudolph J (la '15- ) Stu 2885 Milwaukee Av Mueller Carl O (arch eng '13- ) Stu 3810 Eokeby St Mueller Herbert E (arch eng '13- ) Stu 3810 Eokeby St Mueller Eichard H (ag '15- ) Stu 3715 Eokeby St Mulac Louis E (m eng '12- ) Stu 2452 S Sawyer Av Mulfinger Carl W (1 '14 LL B) 2805 Princeton Av Muller Albert C ('95) Mason Contr 512 Surf St Mulligan Frank ('99) Asst Freight Agt Chicago Gary Elec EE Co ?Mullin Glen H (la '07 AB) 226 E Ontario St Mulvaney Charles S (c eng '14 BS) ILLINOIS 877 C Eng 933 La Fayette Park Way Munch Arthur H (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 757 W 79th St Munger Mrs G E (la '05) Borne 5217 Kenwood Av Munich Anton H Jr (1 '10) Lang In- terpreter 9206 Commercial Av Monroe Courtland L (sc '12) Miner Lab 9 S Clinton St Munsell William P (la '12) c/o Mun- sell Pub Co 7752 Lagoon Av Murdock James O (la '13) Stu V Chgo 935 E 60th St tMurk Pauline A (su '10) 4145 W Henderson St Murphy Emmet L (arch '07) Mfg 125 W 46th PI Murphy Mrs E L (ag '06) Home 5454 Greenwood Av Murphy Francis T (sc '02) Med 4259 W Madison St Murphy Frank D (ry c eng '12) Adv 5639 Wentworth Av t Murphy Frank T (ag '12) 1421 E 72nd St Murphy Howard D (ag '13- ) Stu 5120 Sheridan Rd murphy John B (Hon LL D '05) Med 3305 S Michigan Av Murr Milton (c eng '14 BS) Con- crete Insp C&NW RR c/o Milwau- kee Grain Elevator 731 Briar PI Murray David R (la '15- ) Stu 6548 Woodlawn Av Murray Donald B (la '15) c/o Blake- ly Printing Co 418 S Market St Murray Frank H (e eng '10) Cor- resp 6448 Kimbark Av Murray Oscar J (la '12- ) B Est 623 S Wabash Av Musham John W (c eng '98 BS) Struct Eng 1215 Monadnock Bldg Musser Frank S (c eng '09 BS) C Eng Strobel Steel Contr Co 6203 St Lawrence Av Myers George W (la '91 ML ( '88 BL) Fac '06) Prof U Chgo 1953 E 72nd St Myers Henry B (c eng '06 BS) Merc 1607 Estes Av Myers Sarah H (h sc '12) Stu U Chgo 1953 E 72nd St Myerson Herbert (la com '15) Stu Armour Inst Tech 1307 Cornelia Av Myrick George H (e eng '10 BS) V- Fres Cap Elec Co 4257 W Congress St Nafziger Henry (e eng '12 BS) E Eng 1157 E 62nd St Nafziger Mrs H J (h sc '13) Home 1157 E 62nd St Naper Herbert J (arch eng '98 BS) Arch 846 Irving Park BlVd Nash Charles A (e eng '09 BS) Instr E Eng Armour Inst Tech 33rd & Federal Sts Nash Rufus C (su '02) Mgr Pub 2836 Broadway Nathan Myer O (arch '14 BS&AB) Draft 5127 Prairie Av Nealon Daniel F (chem eng '15- ) Stu 3629 Ellis Park Needham John L (m eng '01) M Eng Sp Mach Design 4311 Kenmore Av Needler Helen M (h sc '14 BS) Teach 1227 Altgeld St Needier Julien H (m eng '13- ) Stu 1227 Altgeld St Nees Frederick L (1 '03 LL B) Law Com Nat Bk Bldg Neff Loyd L (ag '15- ) Stu 1361 E 56th St Nelcott Roland E (arch eng '13) BB Post Clk 2516 Indiana Av Nelson Benjamin (g m eng '15- ) ( '11 BS) Stu 1510 Monadnock Bldg Nelson Elmer L (arch eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu 4918 N Ashland Av Nelson George A (la Feb '15) 2232 Dayton St Nelson Paul S (m eng '15- ) Stu 3200 Fulton St Nelson Ralph A (chem eng '15 BS) Stu NW U 4334 Wilcox Av Nelson Walter S (e eng '11- ) Asst U 111 6640 Perry Av Nelson Winifred D (c eng '04) Arch Supt 430 S Michigan Av Neu Clarence L (la '06 AB) Pres Physician's & Record Co 4547 Green- view Av Newar Jacob C (arch eng '14) Mil- ler-Newar Co 1446 S Spaulding Av Newberger Mrs C N (mus '10) Home 3601 W 12th St Newbeery Esther (h sc '06) Multi- graph Opr Ginn & Co 3827 Ellis Av INewell John G (e eng '07) 815 B 66th St Newman Reuben O (m eng '14- ) Stu 2424 Orchard St Newton Fred E (g econ '01 AM) (la '00 AB) Law 532 Monadnock Blk Newton Leonard V (min eng '13 BS) Eng 5335 Lakewood Av tNiccolls Calvin B (m eng '97) c/o H M Byllesby & Co Nichol Francis A (h sc'14 AB) Asst Diet Presbyterian Hospital 1750 W Congress St t Nicholson' William N (arch eng '12) ('U6) 4220 St Lawrence Av ?Nickerson Mrs (sp '73) -4112 S State St -' •'- • ' ■' - ; - Niehaus William Jr (c eng '12 BS) 878 ILLINOIS C Eng 1442 Edgewater Av Nielsen Suerre I (arch eng '10) Arch Draft 2313 N Kedzie Blvd tNilsson Martin M (sc '09) Med 5038 Broadway St Nip Fugar (m eng '13) Grocer 6251 Greenwood Av Nitz Ingo C (e eng '08 BS) E$M Eng Otis Elevator Co 5437 Glenwood Av Noack Emilie M (la '15 AB) Teach 815 Windsor Av Noble Albert W (chem eng '15) 3928 Lake Park Av Noe Samuel R (la '03 AB) Builder 4~ Contractor 2529 Leland Av Nolte Charles B (m eng '09 BS) M Eng R W Hunt & Co 2200 Insur- ance Exch Nolte Mrs C B (la '08) Home 1114 E 65th St Norlin Fred C Jr (c eng '12- ) Stu 2744 Mildred Av Norman Milton E (c eng '15- ) Stu 4928 Kenmore Av Norman Oscar E (lib '10) Libr 5607 Blackstone Av Norris Richard D (arch eng '15- ) Stu 5022 Winthrop Av Norris Wesley K (c eng '15 BS) 5022 Winthrop Av North Arthur T (arch eng '85 cert) Constr Eng 7133 Harvard Av North Foster (sc '14 BS) Masseur 30 N Michigan Av North Page L (ag '15 ) (eng '13) Stu 7133 Harvard Av North Mrs Selah H (la '04) Home 6233 Lakewood Av Norton Joseph C (c eng '06) Stu Ar- mour Inst 3219 Michigan Av Noth George J (e eng '05) Western Mgr $ Consult Eng Sprout Waldron Co 9 S Clinton St Novak Edward J Jr (ag '14) 1524 1st Nat Bk Bldg Novotuy Joseph J (su '09) Teach 3762 Herndon St Nowlan Anna V (su '10) Teach 4246 Monticello Av Obergfell Arthur E (ag '06) Trans 322 Long Av Austin Oberne George S (eng '15- ) Stu 2473 Geneva Ter fO'Brien Charlotte L (la '05) 4723 Prairie Av O'Brien Harold M (ag '10) Agt $ Insp Fire Ins 4526 Sheridan Rd O'Brien Myra (lib '07 BLS Fac'10) Libr U Chgo 542 7-c University Av Ochoa Vizcaino A (arch *15) Stu Mass Tech 2106 Sedgwick St Ochs Chester A (com '15- ) Stu 1607 Belle Plaine Av O'Connor John J (c eng '12) Build Supt 1605 Heyworth Bldg 29 E Wa- bash Av O'Connor Timothy L Jr (c eng '14) Eng Elevated Track C&NW RR 355 E 60th St O'Donnell Francis M (c eng '10) Grain BroTcer c/o C Finley Barrell Co The Rookery O'Donnell Hugh F (ag '12) Mfg Agt 1313 Heyworth Bldg O'Donnell Richard P (1 '10) Bd Trade 4629 Woodlawn Av Ogle Arthur H (la '13 AB) Jour 111 W Washington St O'Harra Reaburn J (ag '14- ) Stu 168 N Laramie Av O'Hern Guy ('09) Clk RR PO 3210 Arthington Av Oldefest Edward G (arch '06 BS) Arch c/o Shattuck & Hussey 1424 19 S La Salle St tOlds Grover E (ag '12) 5200 Mag- nolia Av Olesen Marie G (la '13) At home 3228 Evergreen Av Oliveras Ovidio (la '13- ) Stu 1545 Thorne Av Olsen Anna M (su '15 AB) Teach 4211 Jackson Blvd Olsen Carleton F (m eng '13- ) Stu 6238 Evans Av Olseng Harry C (ag '15 BS) 2030 N Spaulding Av Olson Arthur L (ag '14- ) Stu 2701 N Sacramento Av Olson Robert H (arch eng '15 BS) 4242 N Keystone Av Olson Walter N (ag '09) Teamster 711 Junior Terrace tOlsson Thomas C (ag '13) 1922 N Clark St O'Meara Allan R (com '15- ) (ag '15) Stu 1232 Pratt Av O'Meara James J (mun eng '15) Rod- man 4" E n 9 Dept Surv City Hall Bldg Onoji Watanahe (su '11) Publ 2330 Calumet Av Onstott Hiley H ( '94) Purchasing Agt c/o Acme Steel Goods Co Oreutt Dwight C (sc '97) Med 7 W Madison St Osman Harold C (la '12) Chem 343 W 64th St Osman Louise (la '12) At home 343 W 64th St fOssadczi Chaskel (chem eng '11) 1103 Sangamon St fOstertag Rosa H (sp '03) 286 On- ILLINOIS 879 tario St Ostrander Fred E (c eng '02) C Eng 1310 E 54th St Ostrander Mabel V (g hist '12) (la '08 AB) Teach 1943 N Tripp Av Ostrom Hallas W (la '15) Stu U Chgo 6822 Parnell Av Ostrowski Samuel (1 '00 LL B) Law 3227 S Halstead St Otis Harold A (e eng '12 BS) E Eng 4721 N Monticello St Ott John E (m eng '13- ) Stu 3757 N Kostner Av tOtter William D (c eng '09) BE Sales Johns-Manville Co 7109 Eg- gleston Av Otto Gordon (ag '13- ) Stu 2111 W 109th St Otto Harwood (la '14- ) Stu 2111 W 109th St Otwell Allen M (arch eng '01 MS) ( '99 BS) Teach J Marshall H Sch Outhouse Fred M (la '04 AB) Law 1207 112 W Adams St Overbagh Alfred A (la '15) Stu NW U 1347 Marquette Bldg Overlook John A (min eng '15) Clk 1168 E 54th St Owen Charles N (m eng '13- ) Stu 930 Argyle Av Owen Ethel (sc '07) 127 N Lotus Av Austin Sta Owen Harold P (c eng '14- ) Stu 930 Argyle Av Oyen Albert N (la '02 AB) Med 2511 Kedzie Blvd Padden Edward J (la '00) Chf Clk City Clk's Ofc 2325 N Kedzie Blvd Padget William (sp '00) Pull Peo- ples Gas Bldg Page Calvin S (la '75) Lit 24 W On- tario St Page George J (ag '15- ) (la chem eng '15) Stu 1244 Arthur Av Page John W (e eng '92 BS) Contr Eng 7009 N Paulina St Pagels Irving E (e eng '09) Sales Corresp 205 W Monroe St ?Paine Claude J ('95) Painkinsky David (se '15) 3438 W Monroe St Pallissard Joseph P Jr (ag '07) Mech Expert 4r Chauffeur 1809 S Trumbull Av Palmer Gerald L (sc '16- ) Stu 508 Aldine Av Palmer Walter F (su '15) Dir Athl H Sch N Eobey St Palmer Wayne P (arch eng '11) Contr $ Build 6640 Normal Blvd Pape Leroy F (sc '13) Stu Yale Sheff 9372 Longwood Blvd Park Jay P (ag '14- ) Stu 135 Park Ed Park William M (m eng '04 BS) Combustion Eng Green Eng Co 1300 Steger Bldg Parke Clarence B (ag '15) Stu 3231 Fulton St Parker Benjamin (ag '15- ) Stu 700 S Stewart Av Parker Calton W (1 '04 LL B) Claim Agt CB&Q ER Barker Clarence G (chem eng '07) 5442 Ellis Av Parker George A ( '95) Contr 4' Build 6832 Dorchester Av t Parker Gilbert W (c eng '12) Chf Eng Ofc IC EE Parker Hale G Jr (sc '08) Dent 5442 Ellis Av PAEKEE Hervey E ('95) Draft Union Interior Finish Co 5319 La Salle St Parker Lawrence G (c eng '07 CE ( '02 BS) Fac '10) Constr Eng 918 Leland Av Parker Washington L (m eng '80 BS) Foreman Eng Dept Elgin Nat Watch Co 140 S Dearborn St c/o F W Park- er Parker Washington W (e eng '08 BS) Test Eng 5317 Jackson Av Parker Mrs WW (la '05) Home 5317 Maryland Av Parkes Charles H (la '15- ) Stu 6221 Kimbark Av Parkins Earle H (ag '14 BS) Fer- tilizer Dept Morris & Co 5532 Har- per Av Parkins Frank E (m eng '12) Sales Scott Valve Co 310 W Bandolph St Parkins George E (ag '13) B Est 5532 Harper Av Parks Clarence E (ag '15) 3231 Ful- ton St Parlee Edward W Jr (la '15- ) Stu 1000 Center St Parminter Grace E (la '86 BL) Sec Congre Sch Women 814 E 42nd St Parrilli Henry (e eng '15) 751 For- quer St Parsons Harry M (la '95) (ag '12 BS) Assignment Clk Chgo Tel Co 4457 N Hermitage Av Parsons Eobert P (sc '13) Stu U Wis 4457 N Hermitage Av Partridge Mazie E (su '12) Teach 11834 Parnell Av Partridge Newton L ( g pom '14- (g entom '14 AM) ag'13 BS) Stu 54 W Eandolph St Paschal Paul M (la '13) Trav Bur- rell Belting Co 116 W Illinois St Pascoe Eaymond ('11) Acct 7018 880 ILLINOIS Eggleston Av Passmore John H (su '02) Law 1744 1st Nat Bk Bldg Pastel Alfred R (areh eng '14- ) Stu 1615 S Homan Av Paton Clark L (sp '68) Publ 719 108 S La Salle St Patrick Frederick P (arch eng '01 BS) Estimator Masonry & Carpenter Contr 606 Marquette Bldg Patterson Nellie R (h sc '13- ) Stu 2729 Wilcox Av Patton Charles A (ag '13) Serv Man Sharpies Separator Co Patton Leigh K (la '09 AB) Med 336 S Hoyne Av Paul Arthur E (g sc '98 MS) ('97 BS) Clfiem 1607 Heisen Bldg Paul Berenice M (la '15- ) Stu 2347 Cleveland Av Paul Harry J (m eng '10 BS) Mgr J C Paul & Co Mfg Metal Polish 3117 Sheffield Av Pause Clara E (com '15- ) Stu 828 Wilson Av Pavey Charles A (com '15- ) (m eng '15) Stu 6116 Kenwood Av Payne Veda L (sc '14 AB) At home 5557 Winthrop Av Payton Clark L (la '69) 7035 Went- worth Av ?Pearson Frank E (c eng '99) Pearson John W (m eng '05 BS) Consult Eng 2927 Wilcox Av Pease Charles H (1 '91) Law 30 N Dearborn St Peck Anna L (la '12 AB) Sec 6236 Lakewood Av Peck Frederick A Jr (e eng '14- ) Stu 1411 Winona Av tPeddicord Mrs (la '05) 6157 Rhodes Av Peddicord Robert H ('02) B Est 410 E 61st St Pedler Russell H (m eng '15) 4232 Kildare Av Peechia Victor A (c eng '14- ) Stu 2921 Allen Av Pegelow Fred G (c eng '05 BS) Arch 1400 Monroe Bldg Peirce Earle C (m eng '15) 5518 Wa- bash Av Peirce Fred D (sc '83 BS) Druggist 5500 State St Peiser Marcus A (su '10) Hydraulic Eng 4607 Grand Blvd Peloquin Pierre J (ry c eng '11 BS) C Eng 4- Surv 3844 S Wood St Pence William D (c eng '95 CE ( '86 Cert) Fac '99) Member Bd Valua- tion Enq Inter-St Com Comm 900 S Michigan Blvd Pendarvis Harry R (e eng '13- ) Stu 2602 Neva Av Pendry Eliza R (la '15- ) Stu 6416 Stewart Av Pengilly Henry E (m eng '14 Fac '14) c/o Commonwealth Edison Co Penhallow Lambert B (m eng '14- ) Stu 5600 Kenwood Av Penn Albert (e eng '09 BS) Elec Sales 3304 Fulton St Penn Henry (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 244 W 108th PI Penn John G (e eng '13 BS) Tel Eng 1725 Wilson Av Penney Mildred H (mus '14 Cert Pub Sch Mus) Superv Mus 352 E 54th St Pepoon Herman S (la '81 BS) Med 4- Instr Lake View H Sch 3842 Byron St Percy George S (m eng '15- ) Stu 21 N Latrobe Av Pereira Norton L (c eng '09) Arch 5738 Calumet Av Perkins Tom C (com '10) Sales 4905 Lake Park Av Permian Mandel (com '15- ) Stu 427 E 50th St Perlman Samuel C (la '15- ) Stu 2707 Evergreen Av Perlman William P (arch eng '15) Stu NW Law Sch 1218 Independent Blvd Perry Mrs AH (la '97) Soc Serv fy Sec 834 Lawrence Av Perry Howard S (sc '09) Med 7759 S Halsted St Petersberger Elmer L (la '12) Ins 6147 S Park Av fPetersen Charles J (ag '07) 595 Pine Grove Av Petersen Harry V (m eng '10 BS) Sales Eng Deland Steam Turbine Co 3949 Waveland Av Petersen Marvie H (ag '14- ) Stu 630 Fullerton Pky Peterson Enoch F ('00) Peterson Harold (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 1829 Humboldt Blvd Peterson Hilding C (m eng '14 BS) Coal $• Ice Merc 5547 Princeton Av Peterson James A (la '15- ) Stu 138 Washington St Peterson John F (c eng '04 BS) Constr Eng 6244 Magnolia Av ?Peterson Martin (arch '95) 447 Maple St Englewood Sta ?Peterson Ralph G (c eng '13 BS) 510 Fullerton Pky Peterson Reuben W (ag '13- ) Stu ILLINOIS 881 500 N Ashland Av Pethybridge Frank H (ag '13- ) Stu 5442 Winthrop Av Petrie David (la '10 AB) Merc 1725 Wilson Av Petry Charles A (c eng '11 BS) Struct Eng 6014 Morgan St Pettit Anna V ('90) Teach Peyraud Albert P (arch '15) Draft Armour Co 1539 E 61st St Peyton Clark L (sp '69) B Est 7035 Wentworth Av Pfeffer John E (e eng '96 BS) Mfg 901 Webster Av Pfeiffer Conrad L (e eng '13- ) Stu 124 W 113th PI Pfisterer George E (m eng '08 BS) Green Eng Co 28 E Jackson St Phelps John C (m eng '14 BS) Eng Amer Special Pipe Wks Phifer Frances M ('04) Med 925 104 S Michigan Av Phifer Le Boy H ('04) Dent 4254 Indiana Av Philbrick Frederick C (m eng '11) M Eng 4450 Dover St Philbrick Marie B (la '14) Stu Chgo Nor Sch Phys Tr 6101 Wenthworth Av Phillips Edward F (sp '70) Phillips Eugene M (sc '04) Co Dir Sch & Country Life 506 County Bldg Phillips Guy D (ceng'07BS) C Eng 5512 Glenwood Av Phillips Theodore C (mun eng '00 BS) Eng Surv 1003 City Hall Phillips William O ('94) Mgr Adv Dept Eugene Dietzgen Co Phillis Louis I (m eng '14- ) Stu 1435 E 64th St Piatt Donn (sp '02) Tel Mgr 7612 Greenview Av Picard Armand (c eng '05) Draft 4432 Drexel Blvd Pickard Edward W (la '88 AB) Jour c/o Press Club Pickell Mark W (ag '12) Bus Mgr Scales Jour 327 S La Salle St Pickett Arthur W (c eng '14- ) Stu 6711 Rhodes Av Pickett Charles C (g '00 LL B Fac '06) Law 1408 E 56th St Pierce Cedric H (ag '12) Mfg 5502 Bice St Pierce Charles I (m eng '90) Min 1223 Peoples Gas Bldg Pierce Clarence R (m eng '04) Asst Eng Bd Superv Eng Chgo Traction Co 1630 Sunnyside Av Edgewater Sta ?Pierce Mary T (lib '98) 249 Grace St Pierson Raymond H (la '15- ) Stu 646 N Clark St Piety Myron N (la '82) Grain Merc 906 Postal Bldg tPiggott Edward J (m eng '03) Res- taurant 5110 Sheridan Rd Pihlgard Eric F (arch eng '11- ) Stu 3011 E 91st St Pillinger Ralph A (c eng, '08 BS) Mason Contr 239 N Waller Av Aus- tin Sta Pillsbury Charles S (m eng '11 ME) ( '08 BS) Contr Eng Chgo Bridge & Iron Wks 7135 Yale Av Pillsbury Mrs C S (la '07 AB) Home 7135 Yale Av Pinkney Fred T (sc '11- ) Stu 4710 N Winchester Av fPinney Carl H (ag '07) 514 N Adams St ?Piper Charles W (m eng '85) 83 W 12th St Piper Clark C (sc '12) Med 1453 Michigan Av c/o St Luke's Hospital Piper Ellsworth E (e eng '06) Teach 3521 S Hermitage Av Piper Mrs E E (mus '00) Home 6842 Harper Av Pistorius Bernhard H (c eng '11 BS) Draft Swift & Co 700 Melrose St Pixley Arthur H (la '97) Grain Broker 160 W Jackson Blvd Place Raymond M (1 '88 BL) Law 4644 Racine Av Plank Mrs P W (la '78 Cert ( '14 BL) Fac '81) Lit 115 Kimbark Av tPlatofsky Edward C (sc '13) 6853 5 Ashland Av Plumb John C (ag '13) Land Arch 5954 Eggleston Av Polakow Alexander H (la '15- ) (chem eng '15) Stu 1219 E 63rd St Polkowski Harry (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 10042 S Michigan Av Pollard Albert R (sc '10 AB) City Chem Eng 3916 N Kostner Av Pollard Henry (m eng r 09 BS) Supt 4r Prod Eng c/o Benjamin Elec Mfg Co 120 S Sangamon St Pollard Lottie E (mus '14) Teach Mus 3916 N Kostner Av Pollard Willard L (m eng '06 BS) Pat Lawyer Jones Addington Ames 6 Seibold 105 W Monroe St Pond Frank H Jr (m eng '11 BS) Sales Eng 2016 Fisher Bldg Poore William E (su '05) Teach Lane H Sch 1759 Bertram Av Wope George A ('92) tPope Virginia H (su '03) ?Popejoy Blanche (la '03) Commer- 882 ILLINOIS cial Designer 646 Monroe St Popp Paul F (m eng '11 BS) Estim- ator Strauss Bascule Bridge Co 2620 W 55th St Popperfuss Henry J (c eng '10 BS) Prop Hotel Newberry 817 N Dear- born St Porter Albert E (la '09) c/o Ad- dressograph Co 1454 E 54th St Porterfield Arthur T (arch eng '10 BS) Arch Eng 5415 Lexington St Portis Henry (chem eng '08) Merc 337 S Franklin St Post Hiram F (m eng '02 BS) Sales Eng 4- Adv Mgr 1807 Harris Trust Bldg Postel Fred J (eng '99 BS) Consult Eng 4237 N Hermitage Av Postel Mrs F J (la '99 AB) Home 4237 N Hermitage Av Potter Phil H (ag '14- ) Stu 217 Hotel La Salle Pound Frances L (la '14) Sec 6220 Magnolia Av Powell Clure M (c eng '09 BS) Asst Eng Univ Portland Cement Co 208 S La Salle St Powell Jesse B (sc '04 AB) Chem Armour Soap & Glue Wks 212 E 56th St Powell Lewis L (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 5650 Kenwood Av Powell Stanley N (c eng '13) 4726 Kenmore Av Powell Walter C (ag '14) 413 \V 62nd St Powers John A (la '06) Law 1202 Ashland Blvd Powers Mark E (m eng '09 BS) Gas Eng 1621 Division St ?Powles Carrie A (sp '03) Prater . Walter A (c eng '09) Sales Eng 1315 Wabash Av Prather Fred V (arch '08) Arch 1230 Columbia Av Pray Kalph M (com '06 AB) B Est 4 Bnk 426 N Parkside Av Prendergast James J (e eng '06) Supt Constr 5425 Michigan Av Pressler Albert H (ag '12) Mfg Har- ness 3112 Wabash Av Preston Justin W Jr (la '02) Prettyman Benjamin S (la '77) Law 4837 N Sawyer Av Preus Paul E A (c eng '14 BS) Bod- man Div Surv 6028 Stony Island Av Price Earl F (com '13) Sales Hib- bard Spencer Bartlett Co 3637 Mich- igan Blvd Price Hugh M (c eng '03 BS) Con- sult Eng 5443 Fulton St Price Mrs H M (lib '03 BLS) Home 5918 Erie St Price Lin W (1 '07 LL B) Asst US Atty 7312 S Park Av Price Melville H (chem '13- ) Stu 6206 S Hermitage Av Prickett Alva L (com '13 AB Fac '14) 538 S Clark St Prindiville Francis J (c eng '13) Eng Bur Fire Prevention & Public Safety 1913 S Spaulding Av Prindle Merwin L (sc '13 AB) B Est 4 Contr 5908 Normal Blvd Pritchard Earl A (m eng '09) Phys Dir 6520 S Peoria St Pritzlaff Charles P J (c eng '13) C Eng 4538 N Ashland Av Proehl Paul F (arch '10) Arch Draft 1438 Carmen Av tPrussing Arthur W (chem eng '13) 2827 Linden Ct Przypyszny Casemir (la '15- ) Stu 1712 N Wood St Puetz John C (la '14) Clk Automa- tic Tel Co Morgan & Van Buren Sts Purcell Minnie V (su'10) Teach 1929 S Spaulding Av Pursell James E (e eng '14- ) Stu 452 E 42nd St Putnam Mary H (la '16- ) Stu 1526 Fargo Av Quayle Eobert H (la '10) Mgr 5803 W Erie St Austin Sta Quayle Mrs Eobert (h sc '11) Home 5803 W Erie St Austin Sta Quimet Mrs C L (mus '03) Home 4358 Michigan Blvd Quinby Edward V (com '74) Mfg 4147 N Paulina St quine William E (Hon LL D '04) Prof Emeritus U 111 Coll Med Co- lumbus Mem Bldg Quinn Mrs Audrey (sc '09) Home 26th & California Av Quinn Francis J (c eng '15- ) Stu 3317 Calumet Av Quinn Eobert J (chem eng '12 BS) Bes Chem Morris & Co 8553 Car- penter St Quirk Eobert C (c eng '12) Eng Dept Chicago Surf Lines 1141 N Shore Av Eaaberg Ealph S (arch eng '13- ) Stu 2424 N Spaulding Av Eadcliffe William H (c eng '01 BS) C Eng c/o Amer Bridge Co Eafferty John J (m eng '14- ) Stu 3227 Fulton St Eaffowitz Frank (m eng '14- ) Stu 1020 S Winchester Av Eahn Eobert C (cer eng '15- ) (sc '15) Stu 44 N Albany Av Eaithel Arthur C (e eng '12- ) Stu ILLINOIS 883 3149 W 12th St Eaithel Kathryn R (la '15- ) Stu 4450 N Ashland Av Ramsey William E (e eng '03 BS) Ramsey Eng Co 6605 Harvard Av Randa Charles E (e eng '15- ) Stu 3839 W 26th St Randall Earl E (la '15- ) Stu 806 5 Oakley Blvd Randall Frank A (c eng '05 BS) C Eng Randall & Warner 511 Rector Bldg 79 W Monroe St Randall Grace L (la '13- ) Stu 2114 Estes Av Rogers Pk Randall Thomas D (c eng '15 BS) 4617 Beacon St Randolph Isham (Hon D Eng '10) Contr Eng 826 1st Nat Bk Bldg Ranney George H (la com '14- ) Stu 4323 Berkeley Av Raphaelson Sampson M (la '14- ) Stu 614 S Hermitage Av Rapp Charles E (c eng '06 BS) C Eng 4569 Oakenwald Av Rapp George L (arch '99 BS) Arch 69 W Washington St IRappaport Benjamin J (arch eng '14 BS) 2128 crystal St Raskewitz Arthur (m eng '15) Draft 11350 Stephenson St Rasmissen Robert P (la '14) Fire Prevention Eng 5213 Ingleside Av Rasmusfen Harold E (la '15- ) Stu 5213 Ingleside Av Rathbun Acors E (ag '13 AB) Asst Mgr Insp Div Sears Roebuck & Co 925 S Homan Av Rathfon William O (cer eng '15 BS) Stu 7747 Burnham Av Rauch George C (su '15) 11834 Princeton Av Ray Arthur J (e eng '07 BS) Asst Patent Dept Auto Elect Co 1437 Jackson Blvd Ray Hugh L (m eng '15 BS)('07) 1280 W Evans St Way James P ( '93) Ray Robert D (m eng '10) Sales 587 Hawthorne PI Reace William T (e eng '15 BS) E Eng 3750 Agatite Av Read Harry J (c eng '81) Read James K • (ag '15- ) Stu 664 Englewood Av ?Ream Herman E (m eng '07) 627 W 60th St Reckitt Charles E (la '13) Mfg 76th 6 Laflin'Sts Reddersen Edward E (ry c eng '13 BS) City Plan Exam 702 City Hall Redig Carl F (ag '14- ) Chem Ar- mour & Co Union Stock Yds 4641 Lake Park Av Reece Mrs (la '11 AB) Home 1712 Marquette Bldg Reece Wade W (m eng '09 BS) M Eng Krehbiel Co 140 S Dearborn St ?Reed Edith M (ag '05) 320 Brown Av Reed Oliver R (c eng '03) C Eng 207 City Hall Reeder Claude H (e eng '10 BS) E Eng 6942 S Ada St Reeves Charles F (cer '09) Jeweler 3219 Michigan Av Rehm George E Jr (ag '15- ) Stu 5316 Drexel Av Rehm Jacob A (ag '04) Cattle Buyer Armour & Co 933 Foster Av Rehnquist Ernest F (c eng '13- ) Stu 7417 Luella Av Rehtmeyer Curtis A (ag '08) Rep 5410 Lakewood Av Reid Mrs H M (la '09 AB) Home 1942 Warren Av reiff Paul F (g hist '12 PhD) 5721 Cottage Grove Av Reigle Earl V (m eng '11) Effic Eng Western Elec Co 149 S Mason Av Rein Lester E (mun eng '06 BS> Sec Pac Flush Tank Co 1104-8 S La- Salle St Rein Lillian (la '09) Stenog 5658 Wabash St fReinhardt Julius E (m eng '95) 162 Center St Reitz Walter R (m eng '13 BS) M Eng 515 Laflin St Reniff Ernest C (1 '03) Law 3123 Broadway Renner Edwin T (e eng '05 BS) Chf Eng Halsted St Iron Wks 5424 Race Av Rennhack Edward C (e eng '10) 2649 Cortez St Renwick George W (m eng '12- ) Stu 5412 E View Park Av Renwick John S (1 '05) Trader Bab- cock Rushton Co Rookery Bldg Replinger John E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 6415 University Av Replogle Karl M (1 '08) Independent Oil Co 820 Corn Exch Bk Bldg ?Rest Sarah (la '10) 110 Newberry Av Retz Jeanette E (la '09) Teach 258 W 67th Blvd Reum Hope E (c eng '13 BS) Plas- ter Contr 1603 Ft Dearborn Bldg Rexwinkle Fred DeLong (e eng '12 BS) E Eng 1137-8 Monadnock Blk fReynolds Alice G (la '10) 54 E Elm St 884 ILLINOIS Reynolds Jay J (1 '09) Asst Sec Amer Surety Co 800 72 W Adams St Rezanka Richard (c eng '12) Cr Dept Miller & Hart 520 S California Av Khoads Albert C (sc '03) Arch Ap- praisor Armour's Union Stock Yards Rhodes Martin C (c eng '15) 6022 Eberhart Av Eibback Louis (ag '15 BS) 1124 S Richmond St Rice Samuel H (la '14) Band Dept Continental & Commercial Bk Rich Donald B (ag '15 BS) 230 La- Salle St tRichards Franklin B (m eng '12) 3825 Harrison St Richards Helen M (sc '14 BS) Teach 522 N Central Av Richards James V (arch eng '10 BS) c/o Lovey & Richards 116 S Michigan Av Richards Llewllyn S (sc '04 BS) Sales Link Belt Mach Co 9545 S Ro- bey St Richards Mrs R J (h sc '07) Home 623 Wellington Av Richardson Edith M (la '09 AB) Teach 7438 Indiana Av Richardson William H (c eng '07 BS) Bldg Supt 1625 Marquette Bldg Richart Frank E (c eng '15 MS) ('14 BS) C Eng 1515 W Monroe St fRichelsen Walter A (c eng '07) 717 Jackson Blvd Richolson Earl L (ag '14) Ag 2632 W 23rd St Rickard Harry L (1 '09) Law 1230 Tribune Bldg Rife Harry G (e eng '09) Develop Eng 5312 Blackstone Av Ring Mary E (su '06) Teach 1845 Warren Av Ringer Mrs L Z (h sc '11) Home 7211 LaFayette Av Rinman Harry (ag '15) 9645 Av L Ripley Charles T (ry e eng '12 ME) ( '09 BS) By E Eng Ry Exch Bldg Ripley Jean K (ag '15) Land Arch 1620 W 102nd St Ripple Ruth A (la '15- ) Stu 1333 N Oakley Blvd Ritchey Horace E (e eng '09) Electr 6448 Parnell Av Ritter John G (arch eng '13- ) Stu 2300 W Lake St Ritter Walter T (ry e eng '14- ) Stu 1640 Sherwin Av Roane Theodore (la '13- ) Stu 1165 N State St Robb Joseph M (sc '02) Sales 354 E 58th St Roberts Charles 'N (eng '82 BS) Mun Eng 125 N Clark St Roberts Charles S (1 '12 LL B) Adv $ Law 5454 Madison St Roberts Francis E (m eng '93) Acct 3942' Polk St Roberts Glenn B (la '09) Adv Ex- pert 431 S Dearborn St Roberts Jerome G (m eng '13- ) Stu 1423 Fargo Av Roberts John J (m eng '93) Contr 2064 McCormick Bldg t Roberts Lewis C (c eng '84 BS) C Eng 4564 Milwaukee Av Roberts Mrs Arthur J (mus '10) Home 6558 Minerva Av ROBERTS Shelby S ( '10) Asst Eng Contr 4 Div Eng Contr IC RR c/o Berry & Roberts Consult C Eng 608 S Dearborn St Roberts Vestus B (mun eng '86 Cert) Eng 105 N Clark St Roberts Warren R (c eng '88 BS) C Eng 4- M Eng 4 Pres Roberts & Schaefer Co 2064 McCormick Bldg Roberts Mrs W R (la '86) Home 2064 McCormick Bldg Roberts Mrs W R (la '86) Home 2064 McCormick Bldg Robinson Albert F (c eng '91 CE) '80 BS) Bridge Eng Santa Fe RR 1033 Ry Exch Bldg Robinson Harry F (arch '06 BS) Ofc Mgr Frank L Wright Arch 216 S Michigan Av Robinson Lawrence P (sc '97) Invest Securities 1306 Otis Bldg 10 S La- Salle St Rockhold Kenneth E (cer eng '14 BS) Eng 30 N La Salle St Rockrohn Arthur W (com '13) Acct 4- Bus Mgr 5925 S Wabash Av Roe R (arch eng '14- ) Stu 931 La Fayette St Rogers Beulah (la '14- ) Stu 2534 Wilcox Av Rogers Franklin G (m eng '07 BS) Mgr Chgo Ofc Kewanee Water Sup- ply Co 1212 Marquette Bldg ?Rogers John F (sc '93) 2981 Archer Av Rogers Margaret L (su '08) Teach 747 E 36th St Rogers William T (c«eng '10) Osteop 1410 W Monroe St Rohn Fred A (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1325 Rosedale Av Rollo John N (ag '15) Glengyle PI Roney William H (c eng '05 BS) C Eng 9944 Av "H" Rood Katherice E (la '07) Sec 4759 Winthrop Av Root Kimball V " (cer »15) B Est $ ILLINOIS 885 Orchestra 6118 Stony Island Av Eoot Perrin B (ag '12) Ag Citrus Grove 4432 N Ashland St Rose L V (la '02 AB) Mgr Imple- ment Dept Sears Roebuck & Co Rose Walter S (e eng '15) .B Est 5006 Grand Blvd Roseman Leanor (la '15) 1620 S Homan Av Rosen Bernard (com '15- ) Stu 5422 S Park Av Rosenberg Frank (cer eng '14- ) Stu 1109 S Robey St tRosenthal Harry (com '12) 1344 W Congress St Rosenthal Joseph D (ag '13) Asst Mgr Merc Cold Storage Co 1114 S Hermitage Av Ros3 Lloyd E (e eng '05) Elec Insp Commonwealth Edison Co 5731 Mary- land Av Ross Thomas A (ag '13) Chem 6419 Greenwood Av Rosset Abraham (c eng '12) Cost Clk 2327 N California Av ?Rosset Samuel (e eng '12) Rotrock Howard M (e eng '12- ) Stu 5523 S Elizabeth St Roulston Robert B (c eng '04 BS) C Eng 436 61st PI IRounds William P (c eng '87) c/o Etna Ins Co Rowe Charles B (arch eng '13- ) Stu 316 W 61st St Rowe Jack L (e eng '15- ) Stu 1542 S Clifton Park Av t Rowley Allen K (ag '09) 10340 Long- wood Blvd Roy Herman E (arch eng '13) Mfg 4- Bail Inspect 2852 E 91st St Roy Walter C (su '14) Phys Dir 2909 E 91st St Royer Florence A (la '12) 929 E 45th St Royer Helen A (la '13) (mus '12) 929 E 45th St Ruby George B (chem eng '15 BS) Chem Eng Dept Corn Exchange Bldg The Kennicott Co Rudin Oliver W (su '07) E Eng Western Elec Co 2155 N Kenneth Av Rudnick Paul (sc '99 BS) Chf Chem Armour & Co Rue Harold D (m eng '09) Sales Mgr 49 E 39th St Ruehl Roy E (ag '15) 1339 Hood Av Rugg Frederick D (la '82 BL) Mgr Nat Life Ins Co rugg Harold O (g la '15 PhD Fac '15) Instr U Chgo 5813 Dorchester Av Rundquist John M (c eng '12) By C Eng 348 W 77th St Bupprecht Edgar ('95) c/o Western Valve Co Ruskamp William H (c eng '11 BS) ('02) Draft 6341 S Elizabeth St j Ruskamp Mrs W H (h sc '11) Some 6341 Elizabeth St ?Russell Levi D (mus '04) 826 W 48th PI Russell Lewis M (com '12 AB) Adv Mgr Chgo Daily News 3634 Michi- gan Av f Russell William E (com '11 AB) 937 Edgecomb PI Russell Mrs W E (la '09) 1307 Morse Av Russo William J (ag '15- ) Stu 514 Gilpin PI Rusy Benjamin F (ag '13- ) Stu 1339 S Avers Av Rutan Roscoe C (ag '08) 1224 1st Nat Bk Bldg Ryan Edgar (la '85) 3140 Calumet Av Ryan Edwin G (la '08) Mfg Type- writer Supplies 1337-39 McCormick Bldg tRyan Francis R (e eng '12) 3020 Sheridan Rd tRyan Joseph P (sc '08) 7746 Coles Av Ryan Sara A (sc '06) Teach Sf Author 536 Addison Av Ryther Henry W (m eng '15 BS) Eng Armour & Co 6606 Yale Av Sabin Albert (Feb '16- ) Stu 6310 Blackstone Av Sachsel Otto R (chem '09) Sales 5943 Magnolia Av Sackrison Julius A (ag '15) c/o Prairie Farmer Publ Co 538 S Clark St Saelhof Clarence C (la '15- ) Stu 4639 Fulton St Sager Fred A (g eng '98) Contr Eny 105 S La Salle St Sailer Frank (ag '14- ) Stu 2807 W 22nd St St Lawrence James R (ag '13) Ag 7601 Normal Av Sakryeksky Fred W (ag '13) Stu Kent Coll Law 918 Milwaukee Av Salamson Max J (eng '93) Med 2031 Fowler St Saltzman Herbert O (arch eng f 15) 1401 S California Av Samson Charles L (m eng '02 BS) 'M Eng 908 Sheridan Rd Samuels Freda I (la '14- ) Stu 5254 Wayne Av Samuels Theresa M (la '14- ) Stu 5216 Michigan Blvd 886 ILLINOIS Sandberg Carl E (sp '98 ) Med 1001 W 59th St fSandberg Eskil A (m eng '05) 315 N Franklin St Sandberg Keuben L (c eng '12 BS) Designer $ Checker CM&StP RR 1942 Winona Av sanders Alvin H (Hon D Ag '05) Edit Breeder's Gazette 542 S Dearborn St Sanders Frank S (arch '03) Cash Republic Mfg Co 4737 N Lincoln St ?Sanders John J (c eng '06) 700 W Fullerton Av Sanders Ralph L (c eng '14 BS) C Eng 1543 Transp Bldg t Sanders Ralson H (m eng '92) 860 Washington Blvd Sanford Willard C (sc '87) Med 31 N State St sangdahl George S (c eng '13 CE) C Eng 7117 Harvard Av Saperston Q Nathan (e eng '15 BS) Substa Operator 3547 W Jackson Blvd Satterfield Helen C (la '15- ) Stu 630 N Pine Av Sauer Clark G (ag '14) 5607 Univer- sity Av Saunders Mrs C B (g'88) (la '84 BL) Med 919 La Salle Av tSawada Nmetaro (e eng '11) 3305 W Madison St Sawers Helen (la '15) 419 W 62nd St Sawtell Warren M (ag '15) 7117 Yale Av Sawyer John Y (la '76) Merc 4628 W Ravenswood Av Sax Carrol W (la '13 ) B Est 5012 Prairie Av Saxe Albert M (arch '09) Arch 1951 E 72nd PI Sayers Albert J (m eng '95 BS) Eng Sales Link Belt Co 7121 Eggleston Av Sayers William W (m eng '97 BS) M Eng 3913 Ellis Av Scates Paul W (e eng '12) Switch- brd Bepair Chgo Phone Co 1725 Wil- son Av Schacht Frederick W (g sc'98 MS) ('97 BS) Teach 6842 LaFayette Av Schaefer George C (e eng '09) Elec Const Inspect 4300 Ellis Av Schaefer John V E (m eng '05 Hon MS) ( '88 BS) Fac '90) Contr Eng Roberts & Schaefer Co 1459 Fargo Av Schaeffer Ruth M (h sc '15) Stu U Chgo 6204 Dorchester Av Schaefer William A (com '15- ) Stu 3817 Rokeby St Schafmayer Albert J (c eng g '14 CE) ( '07 BS) C Eng 207 City Hall Schalck Edward M (sc '13 AB) Land Arch 1722 N Mozart St tScHEEAN Henry D (la '99 AB) 4626 Woodlawn Av SCHEFTEL Yetta ('15) Soc Serv 1220 Independence Blvd tSCHEIFLEY William H (< 11) 5473 University Av ?Scheld Anelia (sp '01) Schertz Joseph W (c eng '07 BS) C Eng 2944 S Park Blvd Schetnitz Hymen (la com '15 AB) 1332 N Maplewood Av Schiesswohl Phillip G (la com '15 AB) B Est 3651 Pine Grove Av Schiesswohl Ralph L (la com '15- ) Stu 3651 Pine Grove Av Schiffbauer Hans W E (su '04) Med Augustana Hospital Schifflin Arthur K (m eng '14- ) Stu 4942 Ellis Av Schill Gertrude B (la '11 AB) Stu Wellesley Coll 9948 Av L tSchillo Edwin W (la '08) 21 Crilly PI Schlacks Henry V (e eng '15- ) Stu 6908 Creigier Av . ISchlacks Joseph T ('91) Schlader Edward H (ry e eng '12- ) Stu 914 Monadnock Blk Schlader Theodore H (arch '85) Chf Eng Wells Bros 914 Monadnock Blk Sehleiehert Joseph L (arch eng '14- ) Stu 5125 S Honore St Schlemm Robert M (m eng '13- ) Stu 1408 Cuyler Av Schlichte Anton A (g chem '11) Bes Sc U Mich 214 Beethoven PI Schmahl Myron R (eng '06 BS) 153 S Lincoln Av Schmidt Ellen (la '02) Teach 2844 Burling St Schmidt Hugo (c eng '05 BS) Supt Bridges $ Bldgs 7222 Oglesby Av SCHMIDT Mortiz ('91) Teach Pub Schs 3443 Bosworth Av Schmillen Theodore S (la '11) Stu NW U 9427 Burnside Av Schmitz Joseph O (arch eng '15) Stock Buyer Swift & Co Schneider Daniel C (m eng '15 BS) c/o Jones Foundry & Machine Co Schneider Herbert (la '14- ) Stu 1235 Glenlake Av Schniedwind John C ('04) 709 S Kedzie Av Schoeller Julius E (c eng '06 BS) C Eng 1459 Glenlake Av Schoene Herbert F (arch eng '15- ) Stu 2306 W 12th St ?Scholes Walter F (ag '10) 2851 ILLINOIS 887 Warren Av Scholz Alexander L (c eng '12 BS) Drafts 3526 Evergreen Av Scholz Herman A (sc '07 BS) Chem 2049 N Wood St SCHOOLCRAFT Henry L ('03) 305 Harvester Bldg Schoondermark Cornelius (ag '14) 4033 Calumet Av Schoondermark Nelia C (arch eng '15) 4033 Calumet Av Schoonhaven Bay (arch eng '12) Teach Lane Tech H Sch Schott Frederick Jr (arch eng '05 BS) Arch Draft 1601 City Hall Sq Bldg Schrader Alfred C (c eng '85 BS) Supt 4" Eng W Chicago Pk Comm 4032 Jackson Blvd Schrader William L (eng '13) Mfg 3150 Jackson Blvd Schreiber Louis H (ag '14- ) Stu 45 W 110th PI Schreiber Nathan (la '14- ) Stu 668 W 12th St Schreiber Otto W (la '10 AB) R Est 4- Broker 1500 Farwell Av Schreiber Rudolph E (la '04 AB) Law 1140 Otis Bldg Schreiber Mrs R E (la '06 AB) Home 1500 Farwell Av Schroeder Arthur G (arch eng '96) Med 3959 N Ashland Av Schroeder William E (sc '78) Med 5400 Greenwood Av Schuettler Arthur F (ag '10) 754 Bosworth Av fSchulte Katherine A (lib '05) Schurecht Harry G (cer '14 BS) Cer 1500 Otto St fSchuricht Karl H (ag '85) Schutt Frances A (la '09) Teach Ex- pression 4400 N Paulina St Schutt Walter R (la '99 AB) Life Stock Claim Adjust CM&StP RR TSchutte Katherine A (lib '05) 6548 Greenwood Av Schwabacher Herbert J (m eng '12) Plumb 4- Hardware 3175 N Clark St Schwalm Katherine (su '14) 2846 Armitage Av tSchwane Antony W (arch eng '12) 4057 Kenmore Av Schwartz Raymond R (ag '14) Ap- praisal CTk Rookery Bldg Adams & La Salle Sts Schwarzkopf Grace M (h sc '10) Stu Chgo Acad Fine Arts 5823 Dorches- ter Av f Scott Mrs Elsie (la '07) 4612 Indi- ana Av Scott Ernest S (e eng '14 BS) E Eng Reynold Elec Co 11120 S Fair- field Av Scott George E (arch eng '14- ) Stu 5702 S Park Av Scott Gerald R (ag '13- ) Stu 4122 N Kedvale Av ?Scudder Charles R (ag '06) 1660 Berry Av Seaman Arthur T (c eng '08 BS) Draft 6440 Sangamon St Sear George B (la '12 AB) Law 916 NY Life Bldg Sears Rose R (lib '14 BLS) Lihr 1305 Astor St Lincoln Park Sta Seavean Jack A (c eng '11 BS) Sales Eng 721 South Karlov Av Seeglitz Albert H (m eng '15) Stu NW U 325 Wisconsin St Seeglitz William (la '15- ) Stu 325 Wisconsin St Seely Garrett T (c eng '99 BS) Asst Gen Mgr Chgo "L" Railroads 1001 Royal Ins Bldg Seely Mrs G T (sc '98 BS) Home 4367 Oakenwald Av Seger Ralph R (1 '08) Merc 4453 Lake Park Av Seidensticker Oswald G (arch eng '11) Draft 652 E 45th St Seifried Arthur G (ag '14- ) (cer '13) Stu 4218 Washington Blvd tSellikens Manda A (su '09) 1246 Monticello Av Severinghaus Milton G (la com '13 AB) Printer 2141 Ogden Av Severn Mrs C E ('97) Home 1132 Loyala Av Seyl Peter W (c eng '00) Credit Man 4842 N Sawyer Av Seymour Budd W (c eng '03) Draft c/o Swift & Co Shafner Philip F ('02) Med 30 N Michigan Av t Shank Henry S (ag '14) 5730 Jack- son Av ?Shank Herschil V (su '10) Sales 813 Sheridan Rd fShapiro Abraham (arch eng '15) 1102 Van Buren St Shapiro Benjamin (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 1943 S Hamlin Av Shapiro Isidor M (la '12 AB) Fact Mgr Athletic Shoe Co 1410 Hoyne Av Shapiro Jacob (la '15- ) Stu 1237 S Halsted St t Sharkey Walter J (c eng '06) 2858 N Paulina St Sharpe Mrs D A (la '09 AB) Teach 6640 Normal Av Shattuck Chas W (eng '85) Arch 19 S La Salle St Shattuck Walter F (arch '08 MS) ('91 BS) c/o Shattuck & Herssey Arch 907-19 S La Salle St ILLINOIS Shaviro Nathan ('09) 558 W Polk St Shaw Edgar J (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 6283 Ellerton Av Shaw Ellis M (arch eng '15) Eng 305 W Polk St c/o Pennsylvania Co ?Shaw Franklin D (com '74) Night Eng 1215 N La Salle St Shaw Frederick W (c eng '13- ) Stu 6283 Louise Av Shawhan William E (c eng '95) C Eng 447 W 62nd St Shea John C (e eng '96 BS) City Sales McDuffee Auto Co 2547 Mich- igan Av Sheasby Victor (la ; ]5- ) Stu 3717 N Tripp Av Shedden James W (c eng '14- ) Stu 1400 Olive Av Sheean Henry D (la '99 AB) 4626 Woodlawn Av Sheldon Beulah M (la '15- ) Stu 4171 Cullom Av Sheldon Charles H (c eng '04 BS) 811 Rookery Bldg fSheridan Julia M (su '08) 1886 Di- versey Blvd Sheriff Bertha D (la '10) Art Glass Designer 4704 Magnolia Av tSherman Victor L (m eng '08) 2914 Washington Blvd Shields Charles C (m eng '10 BS) M Eng 332 S Michigan Av Shilling Mrs S B (la '94 BL) Home 629 Buckingham PI Shively Jerome D (com '10) Credit Mgr Hearst Bldg Shively Walter S (m eng '15 BS) 6631 Marshfield Av Shklowsky Arcadie J (c eng '10 BS) Detailer fy Checker Bldg Dept CM& StP RR 3131 Douglas Blvd \Shless Charles L ( '96) 286 W North Av Shobe Claire F (la '13) Prop Wash- ington Park Ladies Shop 5506 Prairie Av Shrader Frank K (la '09 AB) Brok- er Rookery Bldg Schultz Edith A (g '14) (la '13 AB) 5824 Magnolia Av Shurtleff Howard F (c eng '14) Asst Credit Dept 310 W Washington St Sick Elizabeth K (sc '07) Teach 3319 Jackson Blvd ?Siegel Isaac (1'15LLB) 1617 Polk St Siegfried Edward O (arch eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu 3423 Greenview Av Silverman Isadore (ag '14- ) Stu 4507 Michigan Av tSimison Earnest N (ag '14) 642 N Laurel Av Simmons Harold H (c eng '09 BS) Technical Jour 6506 Ellis Av Simonini Paul C (m eng '12 BS) M Eng West Elec Co 6208 S Artesian Av Simons Alexander M (e eng '13 BS) Eng Lee Electri Radiator Co 335 Wells St Simons Raymond S (e eng '11- ) (sc '11) Stu 166 Euclid Av Simons Rayna D (la '15- ) (ag '15) Stu 4644 Lake Park Av Simpson George E (chem '13 BS) Teach 4442 Clifton Av Simpson Mary A (ag '13- ) Stu c/o Goodman Mfg Co Sinclair Clara (la '12 AB) Teach 4949 Indiana Av Sinclair John G (la '10) Teach $ Bes 10057 Av N Singer Aaron E (la '15) Stu 1426 B Spaulding Av Singer Benjamin (la '14) CITc 3301 Douglas Blvd Wlcaife Alice S ('09) 4135 Langley Av Skelly Charles E (m eng 1905 BS) Chf Eng Mun Tuberculosis Sanita- rium 2553 Wilson Av Skinner Bertram E (ag '15- ) Stu 1630 Farragut Av Skinner Elgie R (m eng '03 BS) M Eng 7106 N Paulina St Skinner John K (sc '14 AB) 6401 Kimbark Av Skinner Mrs Winnifred V (su '13) Teach 6401 Kimbark Av Sklarek Clifford ('05) Sales Mgr Dann Spring Insert Co 2246 Indiana Av Slack Herbert L (c eng '15- ) ( '13) Stu 3149 S Karlov Av Sladek George E (cer eng '15- ) Stu 2242 Marshall Bldg Sladek.. Victor R (arch eng '12 BS) Sales Am Steel & Wire Co 1486 Cont'l & Com Nat Bk Bldg Slaney Robert W (m eng '12) Draft 7825 Bond Av Slater William F (c eng '94 BS) Os- teop 126 Mentor Bldg tSlavik Edward F (c eng '09) 3711 W 26th St Slawson Harry II (la '10 AB) c/o Sears Roebuck & Co 3210 Arthington Sleph Irving E (la '15- ) Stu 3248 Douglas Blvd Sloan Percy H (la '89) Teach Art 808 Tribune Bldg tSlocum Karl R (m eng '05) 1712 Wilson Av Slocum Russell W (ag '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 889 5604 Kenwood Av Slonneger Willis D (la '12 AB) Adv 5459 Cornell Av Slosson Bobert L (c eng '11 BS) So- licitor US Fidelity & Guar Co 612 Corn Exch Bnk Bldg Smart Alfred (m eng '15- ) Stu 1612 W Taylor Smart Mrs W K (mus '04) 1122 E 54th PI Smejkal Joseph A (c eng '07 BS) C Eng 1327 Lawndale Av Smetana Robert J (arch eng '15- ) Stu 6439 May St Smill Edward (arch eng '13- ) Clk 2521 Clifton Park Av Smith Alexander C (e eng '99) Type- writer Bus 657 North Central Av Smith Charles C Jr (ag '11) Asst Cash Quaker Oats Co 1600 Ry Exch Bldg Smith Charles E (c eng '12- ) Siu 716 Board of Trade Bldg Smith Claude F (la '00) Law 752 Otis Bldg Smith Claude F (la '00) Law 10 S La Salle St Smith Donald J (e eng '14 BS) Sales Eng 5474 Greenwood Av Smith Earl D (1 '09) Trav Sales 508 Kesner Bldg Smith Edwin A (e eng '12- ) Stu 6730 LaFayette Av t Smith Eugene C (c eng '13) Smith Mrs Frances Sweet (sp '95) c/o E M Sweet 3804 Forest Av Smith George S (1 '15) Merc 5636 Kenmore Av Smith Grover D (sc '11) Merc 2229 W Adams St Smith Harold G (c eng '13) Voltage Regulation Dept Commonwealth Edi- son Co Smith Henry W (sc '04 AB) Sec YMCA~3210 Arthington St Smith Julia Holmes ('97) Med Ar- lington Hotel Smith Kenneth H (la '14- ) Stu Ken- wood Hotel SMITH Leslie D ( '14) Christian Sc Tract 808 Consumer 's Bldg t Smith Mabel C (la '09) 623 Monad- nock Block \Smith Milton D ( '11) 11050 Michi- gan Av ?Smith Raymond R (cer '09) 7237 Yale Av Englewood Sta Smith Robert Jr (m eng '14 BS) Esti- mator Ann Steel Foundries McCor- mick Bldg Smith Russell M (com '15- ) Stu 5426 Sheridan Rd Smithson Albert T (arch '14 BS) Arch Draft 3210 Arthington St t Smock Alice B (h sc '13) Clk New- berry Lib 1463 Berwyn Av Snyder Daniel V (c eng '15- ) Stu 4330 Grand Blvd Soderberg Andrew F (arch eng '13- BS) Arch 7414 Harvard Av Soderwall John E F (lib '08) Lior NW U Law Sch Somers Bert S (arch eng '94) Arch 1601 City Hall Sq Bldg 6959 N Ash- land Av Somers E S Mrs (la '95) Home 6959 N Ashland Blvd Sommer Alfred N (m eng '06 BS) Mfg Vienna Model Bakery 1040 Park PI Sommer Harry ('05) 329 24th St Sommerfeld Waldo (c eng '07) C Eng 1045 Cornelia Av Sommers Ralph M (com '15- ) Stu 440 N Normal Pkwy Spain Mrs W A (la '04 AB) ( '00) Teach 908 Grace St Spatny Zdenka (la '15- ) Stu 2322 Marshall Blvd Specht Arthur L (e eng '11) E Eng Commonwealth Edison Co Speer Dallas M (arch eng '15- ) Stu 707 E 5,0th PI Speisman Irvin G (ag '15- ) Stu 1417 W Taylor St Spence Theodore A (la '07) Law 4221 Park Av Spencer Fannie G C (g sc '09 AM) ( '08 BS) Acct 2004 Larrabee St Spencer Fred W (eng '97 BS) Arch Eng 4845 St Anthony's Ct Spengler Lewis W (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 914 Karpen Bldg Spiegler Louis (la '16- ) Stu 907 W 12th St Spiesberger Herbert T (1 '98) Bus Mgr 416 S Franklin St Spink Phil M (com '15- ) (ag '15) Stu 5215 Woodlawn Av tSpitler Clarke H (com '13) Corresp 3323 Jackson Blvd Spitler Wesley N (c eng '05 BS) E Eng 450 N Monticello Av Spitz Milton J (la '14- ) Stu 4811 Vincennes Av Sprague Mabel (su '13) 107 Throop St Squibb Reginald G (la '14- ) Stu 4040 Broadway St tStadler Arno C (e eng '10) Adv Mgr 473 Deming PI Staeheli Otto (sc '14) 511 Aldine.Av Stahl J Garland (1 '03 LL B) V Pres Wash Pk Nat Bk 707 E 63rd St Stahl Mrs J Garland (la '02) Home 6616 Kimbark Av Stahl Walter A (m eng '12- ) Stu 890 ILLINOIS 4120 N Paulina St Wtahl William Lincoln ('03) 210 S Centre Av ?Stahl William L (la '04) 3261 Cot- tage Grove Av Stair Jacob L Jr (e eng '08 BS) E Eng 7230 Yates Av Standish Seymour (c eng '15 EE) ('10 BS) Bridge Contr 820 Con- sumers Bldg Stanger Otto C (sc '09 BS) Chem 5527 Kimbark Av Stanley Garth B (e eng '11) Sales Eng Stanton Burt T (m eng '98) Sales 234 S Fifth Av Stanton Edwin M (la ; 85) ClJc CNW ER 6347 Stewart Av Stanton Samuel C (sc '79 BS) Med 535 N Dearborn St Stark Edwin F ('01) 3021 Le Moyne St Stark Frank B (ag '10) BTcpr 127 N Dearborn St Starman Rudolph A (ag '11) Acct 7118 Vernon Av Staubitz Louis P (e eng '13) E Eng 3210 Arthington PI Stayman Mrs J S (sp '76) Home 934 Eastwood Av Stebbins John M (ag '14) ' Ag 6044 Jefferson Av Stedman Jeannette E (mus '03 BM) Art 1614 La Salle Av Stedman Royal B (e eng '07) Traffic 3614 Michigan Av Steele Ava D (g la '08 Fac '11) Soc Serv United Char 2804 Michigan Av Steele Daniel A K (Hon LL D '06) Med 31 N State St Steele Philip (eng '89 BS) M Eng 2122 Osgood St Steif Benjamin L (arch '14) Arch Draft 2108 Humboldt Bldg Stein Max J (ag '13- ) Merc 6753 Lafayette Av Steinhoff Carl F (la '15) Stu NW U 1833 N Fairfield Av Steinhoff Frederick L (cer eng '15- ) Stu 1906 N Kedzie Av Stejskal Marie A (la '15- ) Stu 3201 Normal Av Stephens Raymond W (la com '10) Acct 5717 Blackstone Av Stephenson Alma G (la '15- ) Stu 611 E 48th St Sterling James D (e eng '10 BS) Sales Westinghouse Elec & Mfg Co 539 E 50th St 1st Apt Stern Nathaniel A (1 '02 LL B) Law 4539 Michigan Av Steven Hiram A (su '05) Collector 3325 N Ridgway Av Stevens Alexander H (c eng '14) ClJc 545 W 60th PI t Stevens Howard S (arch eng '09) A.dv Solicitor 6 N Michigan Av Stevens John G (m eng '15- ) Stu 1138 E 45th St Stevens Joseph H (com '15- ) Stu 4401 St Laurence Av Stevens Robert G (e eng '14- ) Stu 4401 St Lawrence St t Stevenson Colin A (m eng '13) Asst Eng 1137 N Clark St Stevenson Ethel C (mus '11) Stu Chgo Mus Coll 6416 Normal Blvd Stevenson James (cer '13) Stu Chgo Med Coll 4419 Keokuk Av Stevenson John A (su '08) Mgr Man- ual Art Dept Scott Foreman Co 5600 Drexel Av Stevenson Ralph D (1 '02) Law 112 W Adams St fStevers Laura A (su '09) 2637 N Ashland Av Stewart Ella M (g '90 Cert) (h sc '83) 3036 N 43rd Av t Stewart Helen A (su '03) Stewart Kenneth M (ag '14) 9313 Hoyne Av Stewart Robert J (m eng '04 BS) Sales Mgr Ret Mach & Insulation Dept H W Johns-Manville Co 2316 Morgan Av Stienecker John A (su '15) 4014 Grand Blvd Stillwell Homer A (la '80) V-Pres Butler Bros Co Stilz Clara L (la '08) Clk 1019 Dear- born Av Stirton James C (c eng '12- ) Stu 641 Montieello Av Stitt Raymond DeV (e eng '15 BS) Commercial Man Commonwealth Edi- son Co Stockmar Walter M (m eng '01) Fore- man Physical Lab 111 Steel Co 7672 Coles Av Stokes Alfred E (c eng '11) BE Sup- plies 6042 Ingleside Av Stone Albert G (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1431 N Hamlin Av Stone Charles A (cer eng '15- ) Stu 1400 S Halsted St Stone Frank L (c eng '94) Consult C Eng 2112 Spaulding Av Stone Mrs P E (lib '09) Lior John Crerar Lib 310 N Kedzie Av Stone Romaine W (e eng '09) Comm Artist 5320 Kimbark Av tStormberg Julian W (c eng '03) Stough Glenn H (mun eng '13 BS) Clk 613 City Hall Stout Earl B (m eng '15 BS) In- ventory Man 5470 Blackstone Av ILLINOIS 891 Strasser Eoland J (m eng '10) Eng c/o Sargent & Lundy 72 W Adams St Stratton Berniee E (h sc '12- ) Stu 5850 Eace Av Straub Walter F (chem eng '15- ) Stu 613 Arlington PI Streeter Harrison J (1 '14) 4001 Drexel Blvd Streff Albert P (c eng '09 BS) C Eng Supt Constr Swift & Co 5250 Kenmore Av tStreff Harold P (arch eng '14) 5250 Kenmore Av Stringer Joseph K (com '15- ) (la com '15) 4540 Racine Av Stripp Curtis (m eng '72) c/o 111 Cent RR 4435 Langley Av tStripp R G (m eng '74) 111 Cent RR Shops 4435 Langley Av Stromberg Julian W (c eng '06 BS) C Eng 342 River St Stromberg Mrs J W (la '06) Home 342 River St Stromquist Walter G (mun eng '10 BS Fac '12) San Eng c/o Sanitary Dist 6336 Ellis Av ^Strong F Leslie ( '11) 2508 N Ham- lin Av Strong Olive F (la '13) Sec N B Barr Olivet Inst 1500 Hudson Av Strong Ralph S (m eng '06 BS) Tech Acct 122 W Oak St IStrouse William S ('11) 1608 N Artesian Av Struhsacker Alice I (h sc '13) 12120 Normal Av W Pullman Stuit Nelson (la '14) 6615 Sangamon St Stults Elmer E (ag '07 BS) B Est c/o E R Haase Co 139 N Clark St Stults Mrs E E (la '08 AB) Home 4207 N Winchester Av Stumpf Elmer H (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1442 Belleplaine Av Styles Edwin B (c eng '12 BS) B & B Dept IC RR 6201 Greenwood Av Sullivan Nicholas C (cer eng '11- ) Stu 4119 W End Av Summerhays William A (c eng '99) BR Storekeeper 1306 E 72nd PI Sunny Arthur E (la '75) Sales 4933 Woodlawn Av fSutch Armand K (ag ; 12) 10955 Wabash Av Sutherland Edwin M (e eng '10) Chief Bd Insp Tech Dept Woods Motor Ve- hicle Co Sutton Frank H (la '12- ) Stu 3432 W Adams St Sutton Harold I (ag '11) Plaster Contr 5414 Greenwood Av Swaim Earle F (la '15- ) Stu 4112 Prairie Av Swaim Harold W (la '12) 123 Eliza- beth St Swanberg Marion G (h sc '14- ) Stu 1339 D Adams St tSwanson Ivar R (arch eng '12) c/o J A Swanson 11015 Michigan Av Swanson William A (c eng '13- ) Stu U Chgo 7127 Drexel Av Swarth Charles J (sp '81) CXk 828 Lafayette PI Sweeney Arthur F (com '15- ) (la com '15) 1438 Cullom Av Swenson Carl E (m eng '13- ) Stu 6647 Kenwood Av Swenson Edwin H (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 2309 N Sawyer Av Swern Perry W (arch eng '11 BS) Arch 1519 Adams St Swern Mrs Wm C (la '85 Cert) Home 1419 Edgewater PI Swett Cortland R (ag '15- ) Stu 5214 Kenwood Av Swett Elwell P (m eng '12) Sales $ Mfg 5214 Kenwood Av Swift Donald M (e eng '12) Acct 5250 Prairie Av Swift Elizabeth A (la '09 AB) Stu \ U Chgo 5832* Blackstone Av Swisher William if (c eng '10 BS) Instrumentman IC RR 1000 Central Station Swits Francis H (la '10 AB) Sec Austin Community YMCA* 506 JN Parkside Av Swope Russel C (la '15 AB) Acct Deloite Plender & Griffiths 1857 205 La Salle St ISzivickis Pranis (ag '12) 301 E 115th St Taft Lorado (g nat hist '80 ML) (la '79 BS) Sculptor 6016 Ellis Av \Tait Benjamin F (la '97) c/o U Club Chicago Taketa Shiro (eng '15 BS) 2330 Calumet Av ITalbot Robert M (la com '11) 4860 N Paulina St Talbot Warren (la '10 AB) Corresp Dept Sears Roebuck & Co 3210 Ar- lington St tTallman Eugene D (e eng '00) Mach 2108 S Springfield Av Tarnoski Alexander S (arch eng '15 BS) Constr Dept Standard Oil Co 1810 Humboldt Blvd Tarnoski Edward R (c eng '07 BS) Supt Constr 1100 72 W Adams St Tarnoski Paul T (chem eng '07 BS) Treas 4' Mgr Chem & Eng Co 308 Dearborn St (1810 Humboldt Blvd) fTARRACCiANO Alexander E (e eng '14 BS) Eng Western Elect Co 734 W Ohio St 892 ILLINOIS t Tarrant Floyd H (su '07) 6440 Ken- wood At Tarrant William H (c eng '99) C Eng 4" Contr 6440 Kenwood Av Tatge Albert W (1 '11) Clk 6245 S Hermitage Av Tatsch Walter K (c eng '14- ) Stu 3642 Greenview Av t Taylor David (1 '03) Eng 4205 Princeton Av Taylor Ellis E (la '10) Sales Mgr 612 N Parkside Av Taylor Frederick D ( '95) E Est 517 Chamber Commerce Bldg Taylor Harold A (ag '15) E Est 4504 Washington Blvd Taylor Hazel E (h sc '13 BS) At home 4504 Washington Blvd Taylor Horace (la '87 Cert) Art 705 Fisher Bldg Taylor John O (eng '04 BS) E Eng Fred J Postel & Co 705 Fisher Bldg Taylor Joseph W Jr (eng '06) Asst Mgr Ey Supply Permanent Exhibit 1200 Kaspen Bldg Taylor Margaret (la '14 AB) Teach 342 Normal Pky ?Taylor Walter G (la '97) 153 La Salle St tTEAR Henry E (e eng '14 BS) 5239 Ingleside Av Tear Julia F (h sc '11 AB) Teach Hyde Park H Sch \Tennant George B ('80) 3600 S Wa- bash Av TerBush Lindley F (la '90 BL) Mere .3708 Grand Blvd Terry Harry L (arch eng '10) Art Dir Lord & Thomas Adv Agency Terry Mead M (com '15- ) Stu 9136 S Eobey St Teter Harry A (la '15) Stu U 111 Coll Dent 6922 Green St Tetrev Henry (la '97) Med 2328 S Central Park Av Thal Hugo J (1 '08 LL B) Law 69 W Washington St Thayer Cleaver (la com '13 AB) Sales 913 W Van Buren St Thayer Helen (su '12) Teach 4449 Sidney Av Thayer Henry S (e eng '10 BS) Sales Eoth Bros & Co 1400 W Adams St Theodorson William A (eng '01 BS) Struct Design Chgo Sanitary Dist 5641 Kenmore Av ?Thielbar Frederick J (arch '92) Contr Thieleman William C (c eng '14- ) Stu 6709 Evans Av Thomas Darlie (la '81 BL) E Est 5111 Cornell Av Thomas Herbert G (mun eng '05) Sales Eep 913 1st Nat Bk Bldg ?Thomas John D (la '08) 5535 Wash- ington Av Thomas John M (m eng '14 BS) c/o Harold Almert Constr Eng t Thomas Lyle (la '14 AB) Law Stu NW U 4705 Ingleside Av Thomas Percy W (c eng '09) Sales 505 S La Salle St Thomas Theodore G (arch eng '15- ) Stu 5821 Wabash Av Thomas Victor C (ag '13) Poultry 5651 Ontario St Thomason Fred E (ag '11) City For- estry 12007 Union Av W Pullman Thomason Jay F (ag '13 BS) Eort 12029 Stewart Av tThomazin Ethel J (la '14) Sec H W Hugstra 2547 Wilcox, Av Thompson Charles H (c eng '14 BS) Sales Steelcrete Expanded Metal Co 904 Westminster Bldg Thompson Francis J (1 '00) Law c/o J E Scheller 47th & Cottage Grove Av Thompson Frank L (la '02 AB) 537 E 34th St Thompson Fred L (c eng '96 BS) Constr Eng IC EE 6512 WoodJawn Av Thompson George B (e eng '10) Sales Eng 1110 Garfield Av Thompson Mrs G B (mus '08) Home 4- Sec Work 2101 Clifton Av Thompson George H (la '00 AB) Dept Mgr Armour Glue Wks 7611 S Sang- amon St Thompson Harold E (e eng '14 BS) E Eng 924 Oakley Blvd Thompson Herbert P (m eng '13 BS) Mfg 6212 Greenwood Av Thompson Lillian M (h sc '12- ) Stu 7045 Union Av Thompson McDonald (c eng '02 BS) C Eng 1323 E 64th St ^Thompson Malcolm E (c eng '09) 108 S Park Av Thompson Marvin W (c eng '15- ) Stu 4235 Vincennes Av Thompson Olive C (la '08) Teach 439 Eoslyn PI Thompson William C (arch eng '15- ) Stu 2848 Wilcox Av t Thomson Andrew (sc '09 AB) 2958 E 81st St Thoren Joseph N (c eng '11 BS) Draft 7305 Perry Av Thome Edna H (ag '07) Stu Thornton Grant (su '02) Teach Chgo Parental Sch 5300 N Central Park Av Thorpe William F (ag '13) ClJc 1414 Belle Plaine Av Thorud Bert M (arch eng '14- ) Stu 3300 Palmer Av ILLINOIS 893 Thory Hans C (la '15- ) Stu 2514 N California Av Thurston Alvin S (ag '15- ) Stu 5262 W Adams St Tieken Theodore (sc '87) Med 2944 Washington Blvd Tienen John V (la '07) Timberlake Erwin B (c eng '09) Bridge Design 5417 Cornell Av Tinen John V (sc '12 BS) Teach 695 Pine Grove Av Tinen Kate L (su '09) Teach 3658 Pine Grove Av Tinzmann Erich L (ry e eng '14) Sales Goodrich Tire Co 2323 Osgood St Todtman Harry G ( '08) Eng Constr Dept Standard Oil Co Ind 72 W Adams St tTourtelot John H (e eng '10) Paloo Park Tower Willis E (physics '08 MS) (sc '94 BS) Ed 344 Normal Pky tTownsend Eobert D (m eng '05) Teach 5901 Michigan Av tTrainor Catherine H (la '07) 2442 115th St tTrainor Roscoe J C (e eng '07) 2442 115th St Travis Roy E (c eng '04 BS) C Eng Sr Gas Eng 1615 Harris Trust Bla& Tredup Walter E (la '15) 2169 E 75th St Trees Merle J (c eng '11 CE BS) Contr Mgr Chgo Bridge & Iron Wks 37 .W Van Buren St Trees Mrs M J (lib '05 BLS) Home 6617 Woodlawn Av Tregellas Ida (la '08) Teach 1332 N 69th St Treichel Henry G (e eng '07 BS) M Eng 4427 Van Buren St Triebner Marie L (su '07) Teach 5906 Princeton Av Trimble Clara E (la '04 AB) Teach Curtis H Sch 6100 Dorchester Av Trimble Mary L (la '06 AB) Teach Lake View H Sch 6104 Kenwood Av Troutman Mary E (su '14) Stu Col Sch Mus 642 Marquette Ed fTubbs Francis E (la '09) 281 Jack- son Blvd Tucker Gustave M (cer eng '15- ) Stu 1448 S Sawyer Av Tucker William B (ag '12) Car Insp C&NW RR 5806 Washington Blvd Austin Sta Tull Allison L (la '09 AB) Dent 6328 Kenwood Av Tumbleson Alvin T (arch '00 '10 BS) Arch Holabird & Roche 104 S Michi- gan Av Turner Charles P (m eng '04 BS) c/o Turbine Dept Gen Elec Co Monadnock Blk Turner George L (la '15- ) Stu 6926 Lowe Av Turner Harold H (m eng '15- ) Stu 6415 Kimbark Av Turner Oscar (a&d '06) Turner Mfg Co 4445 Sangamon St Turner Walter V (eng '12 BS) Tech edit "Gas Record" 347 Monadnock Blk Turnes Samuel J (c eng '08) Adv Mgr 214 S Wabash Av Turnquist Ivan W (ag '14- ) Stu 6207 Champlain Av Tvlski Walter W (m eng '15- ) Stu 2205 Cortez St Uehstedt Mrs H B (la '04 AB) Home 514 E 50th St fUlrich William G (c eng '93) 406 57th St Uphaus Bruce R (m eng '15 BS) los N W T aller Av Urbain Leon F (arch '10 BS) Arch 1215 Gt Northern Bldg Utley Nelson M (la com '14- ) Stu 918 Lawrence Av Wtley Paul H ('06) 8 Gordon Ter- race Vail Albert B ('97) Sales 4242 N Hermitage Av Vail Edna C (h sc '15- ) Stu 6934 Stewart Av Vance Boyle (sc '86) Med 7734 Saginaw Av Van De Veer Harrie E (e eng '12 BS) High Tension Dept Thoradson Elec Mfg Co 501 S Jefferson St tVanderkloot Marinus A (a&d '93) Van de Mark Walter J (sc '14) Assy Chf Chem Vulcan Louisville Smelting Co North Chicago Van Dervoort Jameson (c eng '11 BS) 6642 Minerva Av Van Duzer Edward C (la '98) Law Unity Bldg ?Van Hoesen Janette C (sp '01) Van Inwagen Frank (m eng '08 BS) Mgr Sec 111 Eng Co 504 W Harrison St Van Kirk John A (sc '10) Interne Henrotin Mem Hosp La Salle & Oak Sts Van Winkle Paul K (la com '13- ) Stu 2839 Wilcox Av Van Zandt Arnold C (la com '12 AB) Asst Supt Termis CM&StP RR tVater Margaret (h sc '13) Stenog 970 Edgecomb PI Vear Charles E (la '12 AB) Adv 1257 W 103rd St 894 ILLINOIS Vear Leonard E (ag '14- ) Stu 10227 S Wood St Vermilye Oscar V (sc '12) Stu 111 Med Coll 1438 Jackson Blvd tVernon Willett B (m eng '12)(ag'02) 447 S Claremont Av Verrill George H Jr (cer '12) c/o Prod Dept Kellogg Switch Board & Supply Co Vestal Arthur G (sc '11 AB) Stu U Chgo 5731 Kenwood Av Vestal Clarence L ( '03) Teach H Sch 4243 N Kostner Av ?Vickerey John J (ag '06) 3312 Oak- ley Av vigeant Gregory Jr (arch eng '12 BS) Arch Supt 175 W Jackson Blvd Vizcaino Alfonso O (arch eng '14) 2106 Sedgwick St Voedisch Henry A (chem '04) Asst Sales Mgr Cudahy Packing Co Vognild Enoch M (sc '00) Portrait 4' Land Arch Studio 18 4 E Ohio St Vogt Joseph H (c eng ; 09) Sales Edison Lamp Wks Gen Elec Co Mon- adnock Bldg Voigt Herbert L (cer eng '10- ) Stu 1431 Granville Av Volk William J (c eng '14- ) Stu 3507 N Ashland Av Von der Lippe Ernest C F (c eng '02 BS) Sales Eng 220 W Kinzie St Von Voltier Ealph P (m eng '15) BJcpr 917 Margate Terrace Voodry Earl C (m eng '10) c/o Eng Dept IC EE 706 Central Sta IC ER Vopicka Fred F (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1608 S Lawndale Av Vose Mrs H E (mus '08) Home 6050 Prairie Av Vovesny Joseph P (ag '14- ) Stu 1616 W 18th St Waalkes Jennie (su '11) Teach 10932 Indiana Av Wacaser Franklin E ('09) Bond Sales c/o Harris Trust & Sav Bk ?Wade John O (c eng '10) 325 N Central Av ?Wade Eeginald N (c eng '04) c/o Eng Dept Metro Elevator ER Wadsworth Albert M (c eng '00) Min- eral Water 6445 Wentworth Av Wagenseil Edgar W (m eng '05 BS) Sales Mgr 4- M Eng Burke Furnace Co 223 W Austin Av Wagenseil Mrs E W (la '06 AM ( '05 AB) Fac '07) Home 5766 E Circle Av ? Wagner Alexander (com '15 AB) 1049 Oakland Av Wagner Alvin L (com '14 AB) B Est 6236 Cottage Grove Av WAGNEE Carl ( '09) Asst to V-Pres Northwestern Terra Cotta Co 1049 Oakdale Av Wagner Fritz Jr (arch eng '08 BS) Supt 4207 N Winchester Av Wagner Mrs F (la '08 AB) Home 4207 N Winchester Av Wagner Joseph H (la '14) 121 N State St Wagner Percy E (com '14) 6226 Woodland Av Wagner William A (c eng '15 BS) C Eng 1049 Oakdale Av Wagoner Edward O (1 '06 LL B) Supt Agencies Aetna Ace & Liab Ins Co 637 Ins Exch Bldg Wahl Henry E (e eng '01 BS) Mech Test Eng Commonwealth Edison (jo 22nd & Fisk St Wahl Mrs H E (sp '00) Home 6148 Eberhardt WAHLSTEOM Leonard W ('11) Head Man Tr Dept Francis W Parker Sch 330 Webster Av Wain Albert ('06) 737 W Adams St Wait Ernest L (sc '01 BS) Chem c/o Fertilizer Wks Wakefield George M (m eng '97 BS) M Eng 337 S Normal Parkway Waldie Benjemin D (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 6523 Parnell Av Waldie James E E (ag '10 BS) Cat- tle Buyer Swift & Co 6946 Normal Blvd Waldorf Mary (su '07) Teach 4516 N Magnolia Av Walker Charles E (la Feb '16- ) Stu 4743 Winthrop Av Walker David E (su '14 AB) 3208 Washington Blvd Walker Edna W (la '14) 3208 Wash- ington Blvd Walker Walter (1 '13) Stu NW Law Sch 4742 Winthrop Av Walkerly Victoria P (h sc '14 AB) Dietician St Luke's Hospital Wall Eichard C (com '15) ClJc Mar- shall Field Co Wall Eichard J (arch eng '07 BS) Arch 2330 N Halsted St Wallace Archibald G (la '10) Circu- lation Mgr 1921 Morse Av Wallace Edgar D (la com '12- ) Stu 4240 Champlain Av Wallace Joseph D (m eng '80) Mfg Sr Sales 1629 Washington Blvd Wallace Mrs J D (lib '00 BLS) Home 1629 Washington Blvd Wallace Mabel C (h sc '14 BS) Teach 7000 Eggleston Av Wallace William A (m eng '11 BS) c/o Am Steel Foundries 1165 McCor- ILLINOIS 895 mick Bldg Walldren Florence O (la '12) 2815 Logan Blvd Walledom Jesse J (c eng '09 BS) Struct Eng 1310 208 S La Salle St Walls James E (ag '05) Sales 4334 Greenwood Av Walsh Edward H (c eng '06) Asst Supt Universal Plate Mill 111 Steel Co Walsh John J (m eng '04) 443 Ea- cine Av ?Walsh Eichard S (m eng '04) 443 Eacine Av Walsh William E (m eng '14) 5700 Winthrop Av Walter Elaine V (h sc '10) At home 4735 Maiden Av ^Walter Wayne M ('81) Arch Draft 1127 N Dearborn St Walters Katherine B (la '14) 4420 Magnolia Av Walters William J ('09) Wanderer Oscar WE (c eng '11 BS) Draft AT&SFe EE Wanner Arthur L (m eng '12) C Eng 1743 Chase Av Ward George S (la com '10 AB) Law 2010 Continental Bk Bldg Ward Janet (h sc. '13- ) Stu 4042 N Keeler Av Ward Mamie L (la '15 AB) Teach 4042 N Keeler Av Ward William H (su '08) M Eng 3910 Prairie Av ?Ware Willis C (chem '08) 438 New- port Av Warner Harry W (c eng '05) Asst Eng C&WI EE 6610 Peoria St fWarner Eaymond C (m eng '04) 503 Dearborn Av Warner William H (c eng '05 BS) Struct Eng 511 Eector Bldg Warnock Charles H (la com '12 AB) Acct And Disbursements HI Cent EE 3608 Lake Park Av ?Warren Frank (m eng '74) Warren Homer S (sc '11) Bus Mgr 850 W 78th St Washburn Charles S (e eng '15 BS) Design Eng 5337 Cottage Grove c/o Minnesota Mfg Assoc Washington Margaret (g la '13 AM) Stu Smith Coll 4729 Beacon St tWasko Victor L (ag '12) 1459 Dick- son St Waterman Louise H (la '13- ) Stu 3929 Vincennes Av Waters Edward E (la com '12 AB) Sales 6212 Greenwood Av Watson Paul E (la '03) Adv Ash- land Blk Watson William C (c eng '09) Bldg Supt 1528 Farwell Av Watt Lynn A (sc '10 BS) Chem Armour & Co 6337 Normal Blvd Watters Katherine B (la '14) 4420 Magnolia Av Watts George W (m eng '15 BS) 1647 Carmen Av Watts Samuel E (ag '08) Gen Contr 512 N Laramie Av Way Clyde L (e eng '10) Clk 6230 Prairie Av Weakley Howard G (la '07 AB) Trav Sales 54 E 18th St t Weaver Kate (mus '80) 44 Cedar St Webb Donald F (ag 14- ) Stu 4152 N Keeler Av Webb Edwin W (c eng '98) M Eng 1522 McCormick Bldg Webb Katharine A (la '15- ) Stu 1339 Elmdale Av Webber Bernard P (sc '98) Law 1452 McCormick Bldg Webber Harry E (arch eng Feb '16- ) Stu 4402 Vincennes Av Weber Harry W (la com '12 AB) City Bepr Nat Tube Co 1040 Mar- quette Ed Webster Eoy F (la '06 AB) Teach 820 Addison St Weedman Fred J (la '94) 305 Park Eow Sta ?Weeks Charles E (e eng '11 BS) c/o Gen Elec Co 922 Addison St ? Weeks George H ( '84) Weeks Harry W (m eng '04 BS) M Eng 1149 North Shore Av Weeks Mrs H W (la '01) 5917 Win- throp Av Weeks Eobert E (sc '11) Auto Sales 921 E 56th St Weichelt Max (arch eng '11) Contr 540 Monadnock Blk Weil Melvin E (e eng '12 BS) Mfg Elec Autos 4270 Oakdale Av Weinberger Samuel H (e eng '03) c o Pub Serv Co N HI Home Ins Bldg Weinshenker Eueben E (m eng '15) Taxicab Serv 908 N Oakley Blvd Weise Nicholas G (ag '14- ) Stu 6039 S Park Av Weisfeld Leo H (arch '13 BS) Arch Draft 1802 Millard Av Weiss Delia (la '13- ) Stu 4333 Ha- zel Av Weitzenfeld Abraham L (la com '12) Corresp 1337 N Western Av Weitzenfeld David H (la com '10) Pub Acct 1925 Insurance Exchange Bldg Weldon William J ('97) Law 175 W Jackson St Weldy Ellen ('11) 896 ILLINOIS Weller Arno L (Ml) ?Wells Arthur F (arch eng '00) wells Morris M (g la M5 PhD) Instr V Chgo Welty Wallace M (ag M4 BS) Land Arch 5345 Winthrop Av Wenter Lawrence M (m eng M2 BS) Eng 6254 Glenwood Av tWescott Virgil (ag M2) 5735 Wash- ington Av Wesselhoeft Charles D (e eng' 02 BS) Pres Wesselhoeft Co & E Eng & M Eng 603 Hearst Bldg Wesselhoeft Mrs C D (sc M3 AB) Stu Chgo Nor 151 N Mason Av West Porter E (m eng '07 BS) Eng Commonwealth Edison Co West Eoy C (sc '96) BB C Eng Westenhaver Le Eoy J (m eng M4- ) Stu 4510 Kimball Av Westlund Emil H (la com M2- ) Stu 1952 S Springfield Av Wetzel Clyde L (e eng '98 BS) Phone Eng Western Elec Co 117 N 45th Av Wharton Jacob N (sc '95 BS) Gov Serv Douglas Park ?Wharton Jacob W (min eng '74) Post Ofc Dept Western Av Wheat Marcell H (com M5- ) Stu 852 N Parkside Av Wheeler Alonzo S (ag 75) Gov 6940 Perry Av Wheeler Arthur W (c eng Ml BS) Asst Eng Bridge Dept IC ER 1006 E Marquette Ed ? Wheeler Eaymond O (arch '89) Arch 109 Walnut St Wheelock Loyal B (arch eng M5) 1108 Schiller Bldg Whipple Fred G ( '98) Whitacre Elson H (arch eng M4- ) Stu 6145 Woodlawn Av Whitaker Jesse E (la com '99) Pres H E Leather Co 1402 N Halstead St Whitaker Euth L (la M2 AB) Teach 536 E 41st St t White Alta I (mus '05) 4016 Lake Av White Anna D (lib '04) Libr 4016 Lake Park Av Whitaker Beauchamp A (Feb '15- ) 1529 E 60th St White Clarence W (chem eng '07) B Est 757 W North Av White Frank H Jr (e eng M2- ) Stu 10312 S Seeley Av White Graybiel G (cer M3) Mfg 437 Oaklet Blvd White Harold H (la com M5- ) Stu 10312 S Seeley Av White Mrs HE (la '03 AB) Home 5337 Kenmore Av White James D (la '02 AB) Trav Sales 1957 Jackson Blvd White Mrs J D (mus '05) Home 1957 Jackson Blvd White James G (c eng M3 BS) Sales' 527 Oakdale Av ' White Jesse H (ag '03) Meat Insp US Navy 4193 S Halsted St ? White Joseph P (arch '99) 5840 Michigan Av White Kingsley B (rye eng Ml BS) Struct Eng Gardner & Lindberg Eng 1135 Marquette Bldg White Leslie A (ag M5) 6800 Perry Av White Mahala J (la '06 AB) Teach 1942 Monroe St White Eussell S (la com M5- ) Stu 1116 E 65th St tWhite Tell T (su M4) C Eng llli Bryn Mawr Av tWhite Vernon A (e eng '06) 5014 Jefferson Ay White Wiebe A (lib '08 AB) Asst Libr Eyerson Lib Art Inst 746 N Central Av White William W (com M5- ) Stu 527 Oakdale Av %Whitecomb Carroll S ('83) Whitley Ealph S (la cer M5) 10154 . Longwood Blvd Whitmore Meldo H (ag M0) C Eng Eeaper Blk 105 N Clark St ?Whiton Arthur L (ag '77) whitten John H (sc '14 PhD Fac M4) Teach Chgo Nor 111 Normal Av Whittum Samuel H (la com Ml AB) Hardware Merc 4042 Broadway Wickham Corwin (la M4) 280 La Salle St Wieboldt Anna E (h sc M5- ) Stu 639 Deming PI Wielding Clarence C (e eng M5 BS) Central Sta Inst Commonwealth Edi- son Co t Wiener Charles A (mun eng '06) 4 Lane PI Wiese Alvin O (la '14- ) Stu 2111 S Clifton Park Av Wiese Mrs C G (la M0) Home 442 E 45th PI Wight Edith M (la '14- ) Stu 1514 E 15th PI \Wilban7cs Tanner A ('90) Wilbur George W (la '73) Law 507 Borden Blk WILCZYNSKI Ernest J (M0) Prof U Chgo 5332 Kimbark Av Wilder Henry W (la '86 AB) Ag 1813 People 's Gas Bldg Wiley George G (m eng '12 BS) Draft Loew-Victor Gas Engine Co 1134 Fullerton Av Wiley Eussel W (arch eng '15- ) Stu WOMAN'S BUILDING ILLINOIS 897 6620 S Green St Wilkins Stanley C (ag '12- ) Stu 524 N Leamington Av Wilkinson Wardell (la com '15- ) Stu 5127 University Av Willerton Taylor P (e eng '10) Elec Insp 849 E 66th St 2nd Flat Williams Djalma D (c eng '07 BS) c/o Chicago Bridge & Iron Wks 10563 Prospect Av Williams Howard T (arch eng '14) R Est 4- Broker Williams & Nelson 230 S La Salle St ?Williams Lewis H (sp '96) Williams Mary E (mns '12 AM Fac '13) Stu 111 Med Coll Sheridan Sq Williams Mrs M B (la '00) Home 1566 E 62nd St Williams Nellie (la '14) CXTc 5732 Oakley Av Williams Parker M (e eng '95 BS) Elevator Eng 600 W Jackson Blvd Williams Eichard K (ag '15- ) Stu 1710 Mailer Bldg t Williams Koger C (chem eng '09) 5737 Talcott Av Williams Eoy C (c eng '13 BS) City Rodman 5736 Talcott Av Norwood Pk Williams Russell J (e eng '10) 6167 McClellan Av Williford Bessie (la '05) Missionary 830 N La Salle St fWillis Carl S (m eng '03) -94 Loomis St Willis Wilber F (la '97) Photog 3110 N Sawyer Av Wills George A (e eng '96) Pub Ap- praiser Coats & Burchard Co 29 La Salle St Wilmanns August C (arch '89) Arch 35 S Dearborn St Wilson Besse E (lib '07 BLS) Asst Libr John Crerar Lib Wilson Helen M (la '12- ) Stu 7226 Euclid Av Wilson Lyndon R (e eng '15- ) Stu 500 1st Nat Bk Bldg Wilson Norman K (c eng '14 BS) C Eng 6233 Ingleside Av Wilson Robert C (sc '90 BS) Med 32 N State St Wilson Robert J (chem eng '11) Mgr Merc Edison Park ?Wilson Schuyler S (c eng '07) 5813 Calumet Av Wilson Thomas (e eng '02 BS) Assoc Ed "Power" 1144 Monadnock Blk WINCHELL Samuel R ('91) Propr Chgo Sch Supply House 1844 W Lake St Wing De Witt C (ag '02) Edit 542 S Dearborn St Wingard Anna L (la '94) Priv Sec 4011 Drexel Blvd Winn Claude E (c eng '08 BS) Plant Dept W Union Tel Co 6159 Kenwood Av Winn Victor J (ag '14) Stu U Chgo 1273 Victor Av Winokur Morris C (c eng '14- ) Stu 1300 N Western Av Winquist Samuel V (la com '14 AB) c/o Passenger Dept CB&Q RR Winston Charles S (g '98) Chf Eng Kellog Switchboard & Supply Co 5632 Kenwood Av Winters Charles P (com '15 AB) Bus 10745 S Seeley Winters Lawrence M (la com '15- ) Stu 10745 S Seeley Av Wintin Leota K (h sc '10) 3322 Mich- igan Av Withers Arthur S ('91) Englewood Sta Witte Hulda C (la '10 AB) Teach Hyde Park H Sch 5430 Cornell Av Witzemann . Mrs E J (sp '00) Home 6641 Kenwood Av Woelbeling William K (e eng '15 ) 1958 Sedgwick St Wolfarth Carl A ('95) 2405 Dear- born St Wolfe Philip A (chem eng '09) Mail Order Sales Corresp 1315 S Avers Av Wolff Solomon (e eng '02 BS) Dist Mgr De Laval Steam Turbine Co & M Eng 629 People's Gas Bldg Wolter Peter Jr ('10) 2325 W North Av Wood Frederick L (ag '76 Cert) c/o Mrs Amina E Smith 1122 E 90th St Wood Iris L (mus '07) Asst United Charities 1350 N Dearborn St Wood John H (la com '76) Retail Mgr Carson Pierie Scott & Co Woodbridge Mary E (sc '08 AB) Seed Analyst 5467 Greenwood Av Woodburn Roy M (m eng '10) c/o Harris Trust & Sav Bk Woodin Earl B (c eng '06 BS) C Eng & Draft 108 S Kostner Av Woodin Ernest C (m eng '07 BS) Asst Supt 156 Eugenie St Woods Andrew C Jr (m eng '13- ) Stu 1300 Fisher Bldg Woods Lyle L (la '16) Asst Bkpr 3220 Pierce Av Woods Weightstill A (la '06) Law 1108 Fisher Bldg Woodward Warren C (1 '10) Lumber Mfg c/o 111 Athl Club \Woodworth George E ('81) tWooley Robert M (c eng '11) 348 898 ILLINOIS Englewood Av t Worcester Max E (ag ; 07) 2520 44th Av Woulfe Henry F (com '15- ) Stu 7351 Luella Av Wray Thomas (e eng '00 BS) Stores Mgr Western Elec Co 1035 N Waller Av Austin Sta Wrede Bertram A (c eng '14- ) Stu 1357 W Chicago Av Wright Donald T (la '14- ) Stu 2824 Leland Av Wright Royal (la '92 BL) Wright Sidney B (m eng '09 BS) c/o Peoples Gas Lt & Coke Co 1114 E 65th St Wright Ward E (m eng '04 BS) Mfg 558 62 Washington Blvd Wrisley George A (chem eng '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 5872 Nina Av Nor- wood Pk Wuerffel Herman L (e eng '98 BS) Owner tf Mgr Mid- West Sales Co & Pres Petschel Storage Bat Co 527 Monadnock Bldg Wuerzinger Ella M (la '15- ) Stu 69,02 Lakeside Dr Wussow August F D (g '11 MS) (sc '09 BS) Chem $ Mfg Bes 439 W 80th St Wyeth Walter H (arch eng '11 BS) Arch Draft 4730 Dover St Edgewater Sta Yagle William F (sp '01) Electr 1421 Summerdale Av ?Yao Yu Tai (la '14) 5745 Drexel Av Yates George A (ry e eng '10) E Eng Instal Dept Western Elec Co Yates John W (m eng '07 BS) BB C Eng 6802 Harper Av Yates Thomas (c eng '06 BS) BB C Eng 1469 E 68th St Yeakel William K (sc '95 BS) Med 4207 N Keeler Av Yeomans Walter C (sp '03) Com Art 1841 Michigan Av Yindrock Leo E (min eng '14- ) Stu 11336 Forest Av Yockey Dorothy A (h sc '10) At home 3951 Indiana Av Yolton Robert E (c eng '05 BS) Eng Ajax Forge Co 38 N Willow Av Aus- tin Sta tYott Francis D (la com '08) 1856 Berry Av Youle John W (1 '05) Brik Corn Exch Nat Bk Young Arthur T (com '15- ) Stu 623 S Wabash Av Young Benjamin C (arch eng '09) Eng 10652 Prospect Av Young Benjamin T (arch eng '12) Bldg Const Eng 1154 Morse Av Rog- ers Park Young Mrs B T (h sc '12) Borne 1154 Morse Av Young Charles B (arch '91 BS) M Eng CB&Q RR 547 Jackson Blvd young Mrs Ella F (Hon LLD '10) Hotel La Salle Young Philip P (com '15- ) Stu 5506 Rice St Young William F (la '85) Pres B H Sanborn Publ Co 623 S Wabash Av Zaerr Byron L (e eng '06) B Est 4721 Lincoln St Zahrobsky Edward F (arch eng '09 BS) Struct Eng 1808 S Troy St ?Zairr Byron L (e eng ',05) 3981 Ver- non Av Zajicek Joseph R (m eng '14) 3225 W 22nd St Zangerle Arthur N ( '03 BS) Furni- ture Mfg 2164 Clybourne Av Zelenka Joseph J (e eng '06) Develop Eng Lead Covered Tel Cable 1104 Mansfield Av Austin Sta Zerbee Lewis J (e eng '10) Trav 1010 Fisher Bldg Zieman William W (la chem eng '15 BS) Chem 1408 Sherwin Av Ziesing August (c eng '05 Hon CE) ( '78 BS) Pres Amer Bridge Co 208 La Salle St Ziesing Henry H (c eng '08 BS) Mfg 40th St & Princeton Av ?Zika B Robert (la '07) 688 S Loo- mis Av Zillmer Frank G (m eng '09) Sales 915 Leclaire Av Zillmer Mrs F G (h sc '08 AB) Home 915 Leclaire Av Zimmer Alvin J (la '14) 1832 Ham- mond St Zimmerman Anthony TJ (e eng '15 BS) c/o Kennitcott Co Zimmerman Edward C (la '09) Adv Publ 7343 Yale Av Zimmerman Homer G (e eng '03) Wholesale Bus 3021 Michigan Av t Zimmerman Irla (a&d '08) 5621 Washington Av Zipf Ferdinand J (sc '02 AB) 12016 Princeton Av Ziska George W (e eng '12) Stu Chgo Kent Coll Law 1325 S Troy St Zmrhal Yaroslav (sc '98) Prin Theo Herzl Sch 1869 Millard Av Zoller Arthur C (la com '07 Merc 412 Medinah Bldg Zollinger James E (e eng '15 BS) E ILLINOIS 899 Eng 1710 N Dearborn St Zolotkoff Hyman J (la '15- ) Stu 5233 Prairie Av Zuckerman Benjamin S (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1336 N Campbell Av CHICAGO HEIGHTS Alesen Lewis A (la '15- ) Stu 201 W 15th PI Ashdown Edward H (mun eng '09 BS) Asst Eng City Hall Berolzheimer Clarence P (ag '11) Sales 89 W 15th St Caskey Arthur D (e eng '15- ) Stu 84 W 19th St Cossart Estella A (su '14) Libr 1842 Euclid Av Davenport Alice V (la '14 AB) Phys Dir 178 W 16th St Deering Bichard F (c eng '15- ) Stu 1521 Otto Blvd Donaldson Henry B (sc '04) Med Greenfield Bichard F Jr (m eng '14- ) Stu 1428 Schilling Av Harman Ira C (sc '04 AB) Med 78 Illinois St Hay den Merwin M (c eng '11) C Eng 23 19th St ?Hoff Theodore S (1 '08) Merc 2444 Ash St Koebele Cornelius W (c eng '13- ) Stu Lauritzen Marion M (la '14- ) Stu 62 W 23rd St Leggett Charles M (com '15) 74 12th St McCoy Milton H (c eng '08 BS) City Eng 16th & Campbell Av Michalek Mrs John (sc '96 BS) Home 13 E 16th St Mitchell Constance M (su '11) Teach 178 W 16th St Palmquist Robert E (arch eng '11) Estimator $■ Draft 1403 Vincennes Av t Philip Clyde A (chem eng '12) 36 W Main St Poe Fred M (m eng '10 BS) Chf Es- timator 106 East First St Richardson Francis E (ag '14- ) Stu 1541 Chicago Rd Richardson Francis M (sc '01) Supt Schs 1541 Chicago Rd Richardson Mrs F M (su '94) Home 1541 Chicago Rd Slaght Evert L (arch eng '15- ) Stu 73 Hickory St Stoll Frank H (la '15- ) Stu 1504 Euclid Av Stoll Laura L (la '14) Stu 42 W 15th St Toll Arno W (m eng '15- ) Stu 1630 Aberdeen St Vance Walter N (e eng '95 BS) Sec Durand Steel Locker Co Vance Mrs W N (mus '95) Home 260 W 15th St Wallace Charles E (e eng '02) B Est 4r Ins Whelan James M Jr (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 1517 Otto Blvd Wichalek Mrs John (sc '96 BS) Home 13 E 16th St Williams Glenn R (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 23 19th St Winn Glenn H (com '15- ) Stu 1645 Chicago Rd Woleben Wilbur T (ag '15- ) Stu 60 W Hickory St CHILLICOTHE Burroughs Mrs W V (ag '06) Home ?Coffman George B (su '00) Dickman Charles C (su '09) Auto Holmes Charles W (ag '12) Ag R33 Hunter Margaret (la '14- ) Stu Hunter Russell F (sc '13 AB) Lum- ber Merc Kelly Everett C (la '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med Kelly Rudolph L (arch '12) Stu V Notre Dame Kimble Clifford ( '11) Truitt Henry (ag '11 BS) Agt Peoria Co Farm Bur Truitt Mrs Henry (h sc '11 BS) Home CHIPPEWA INewton Edgar A ('77) CHRISMAN Booker Helen E (la '04 AB) Teach tBoom Allen (m eng '94) t Boone Walter G ('03) Brakefield William W (m eng '11) Mach Brooks Oscar F (ag '15 BS) Sales R26 Clark William O (ag '13) Ag Clouse Mrs W (su '07) Home Cusick John F (la '03 AB) Abstrac- tor Dusthimer William V (la '16- ) Stu 214 Indiana Av Frye Hazel M (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Hoult Bessie B (h sc '12 AB) Teach Hoult Charles H (la '14- ) Stu Lehman Gertrude E (la '15) Teach Light Vera (la '13) Teach tMcClure Walter A (ag '11) McClure Winifred L (h sc '12- ) Stu ?May Anna E (su '08) Moss Joseph B (su '15) 900 ILLINOIS tNewkirk Madge W (h sc '14) Pollock Mrs Harry ( '05) Home Pollock Harry E (ag '14 BS) Teach Schnitker Roger E (sc '13) Phar Scott William D (su '06) Ins $ L SwanTc Judge R ( '01) Med tVarner Willie T (ag '03) Ag R23 tWasson Glenwood (e eng '11) E25 Watson Newton E (ag '15) Ag Watson Perley M (la '14 AB) Teach H Sch CHBISTOPHEE \Hannis George E ( '10) Morgan Harry E (1 '13 LL B) Law Walker Bldg Tygett Eoscoe (1 '09 LL B) Law CICEEO Downey Elzy F (sc '10 AB&MS) Teach 2635 59th Av Dumas Velma B (mus '15) Stu 282y S 60th Ct \Gray~bill George E ('78) Edit 512 W 23rd St Gwin Thornton D (su '07) Clk Trans 2640 S 59th Av Kerner Julius C (m eng '14- ) Stu 5103 W 23rd St KEENEE Eobert J (g hist '10 Fac '10) Stu Harv U Koptik Bohumil J (ag '13- ) Stu 5330 W 23rd PI Koptik George (sc '13) Stu U 111 Coll Med 5339 W 23rd PI Koptik Eose (la '15- ) Stu 5339 W 23rd PI Mongreig Louis M (ag '15- ) Stu 2633 61st Ct Sladek Edward F (cer eng '13) Stu U 111 Coll Med 5002 W 30th St Sladek Eobert B (ag '14- ) Stu 5002 W 30th St Walker Jennie G (la '15- ) Stu 6002 28th St CISCO t Caldwell Frank Willard (sc '84) \ Coif man Bertha J ('99) \Coffman Louie M ('99) Kile Sadie A ( '98) McKinney Harold B (m eng '05) Ag ?Pease Clarence E (ag '00) Wease Tenny H ('00) Perry Benjamin ( '00) Med tPiper Grace E (mus '04) CISSNA PAEK Brown Samuel A (su '01) Brik Maroe May L (su '15) Teach Oathout Mabel E (su '07) Teach Sailor Ira C (ag '15 BS) Ag CIVEE t II erring Horace ( '98) CLAEEMONT Abbott Constance B (su '10) Stu Pomona Coll Armstrong James E (ag '03 BS) (la '97 AB) Ag Perrott Richard H (la '15- ) Stu Prather Clytus I (1 '09 LL B) Bus Mgr CLAEENCE ?Clark Eay W (sp '09) Frederick Eugene M (ag '13- ) Stu t Frederick Samuel ( '87) t Frederick Sherman ('87) Bnk 8r Grain Merc Johnston Helen J (su '09) Teach Woulfe Daniel (ag '93) C Eng CLAEKSDALE Taylor Eobert D (c eng '07) Ag CLAY CITY Brewer George W (su '12) Teach Doherty Chester C (la '15) Stu Mills James B (ag '02) Ag $ Stock IPerrin Flem A (la '07) 1 Smith George P ('87) tStraley Edwin E (su '08) CLAYTON Anderson Mrs C M (la '13) Home Beckman Albert G (ag '06) Ag E2 Brewster Harold S (ag '14- ) Stu t Davis Eussell S (ag '09) Ag Easum Chester V (ag '15- ) Stu Edgewood Farm Olin Irene B (la '15 AB) Whitford Hobert S (ag '15- ) Stu lYoung Ralph J ( '77) CLAYTONVILLE ] Smith David A ('98) CLEAE LAKE fBurnap Sherberne M (sp '02) CLEVIS ? Warder Eobert E (chem '70) CLIFTON Kuhn Anthony E (la '93) Drug Langan John J (ag '08) Ag Smith Hawley L (la '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 901 CLINTON Abbott Frances D (sc '10 AB Fac '11) Teach 709 N Center St Allen Frank O (la '15- ) (sc 'Id) Stu 905 W Clay St Allen George A (la '14- ) 905 W Clay St Allen Otho W (g french '15- ) ( ' 15 AB) Stu E7 Alwood Clyde G (ag '13- ) Stu 609 E Johnson St Baker Edwin E (ag '10) Ag B4 Ball Frederick D (la '13- ) Stu 319 S Madison St Wall Harry B ( '97) Barnett Ellis E ('98) Bentley Beulah B (la '14) Teach 520 W Adams St Bower Blanche B (h sc '12) BTcpr 505 E Main St Bryant Lyle (la '15- ) Stu 617 N Center St Carter Charles W (la '94 ML) (la '93 BL) Med Carter Mrs C W (la '92) Home 203 N Center St Carter Floyd (ag '14- ) Stu E5 Cooley Eoy C (ag '13- ) Stu 637 W Jefferson St Corrington Cloyd E (e eng '09 BS) 709 N Center St Craig Noel E (su '15) Teach $ Coach Athl YMCA Crum Lena M (su '08) Teach 321 N Grant Av De Boice Benjamin S (la '09) Law Fruedenstein Bldg Doyle Irene M (la '15- ) Stu 415 N Grant Av Draper Laurence F (m eng '13- ) Stu 320 E Adams St Edmunds Henry H (la '06) Supt Schs 617 W Main St Edwards Mrs (su '03) At home Griffith Vernon S (ag '15- ) Stu 717 N Jackson Av Hart Paul M (e eng '14 BS) Air BraJceman 221 S George St Hartsock Nellie M (h sc'14 AB) At home E3 Hatcher Charlotte L (su '14) Libr 110 S Elizabeth St Hoyes Mrs G J ( '90) Home 412 S Jackson Av Hull Trustum H (com '15- ) Stu 606 N Monroe St Ingham Leonard W (la '02 AB) Law 622 N Monroe St Ingham Mrs L W (lib '01 BLS) Home 622 N Monroe St Ingham Eolla T (la '05) Blcpr 109 E Webster St t Jeffrey George E ('09) Johnston William ( '82) Co Supt Schs Kent Lillian (su '13) Libr Vespas- ian Warner Pub Lib 624 N Center St Kern Fred H- (sc '13) 720 E Wash- ington St Lawrence Lorena L (h sc '13) At home 620 W Washington St tLemon Lawrence W (su '05) Lewin William F (ag '13) Farm Mgr tLundh Oscar A (m eng '08) 219 S Elm St Moore Mrs M (Hon ML '93) (la '75 Cert) Home Morris Cecil M (eng '15- ) Stu 12Q W White St Morris Harold H (ag '14- ) Stu El Murdock Louise M (h sc '10) At home 604 N Center St Myers Leon G (la '09) Superv Re- liance Life Ins Co Nebel Clarence A (ag '15 BS) Nebel Dora M (la '14 AB) Teach 212 E Jefferson St Nebel Merle L (gm eng '15 MS) ( '13 BS) Stu Nebel Mrs ML (la '14- ) Stu t Palmer William F (sc '72) Phares Lloyd A ('03) Ag E2 Porter Flora M (ag '15) At home Eenich Katherine L (g hist '14 AM) (la '11 AB) Teach Eichards Carl (su '14) Teach H Sch 625 S Monroe St Eicks Juanita M (com '15- ) Stu 615 N Jackson Av tEogers John D Jr (la '12) 321 N Madison St ?Rowe Clinton A (ag '13) 902 S Fifth St Bundle Frank (g '98) Merc cjr Mayor 118 E Main St Bundle W B (ag '13- ) Stu 118 E Main St Shell Fred J (1 '07) Court Stenog Smith Homer J (ag '12) Ag R7 Spainhour Alma M (la '15- ) Stu 605 S Center St Swan Harry C (ag '13- ) Stu 6132 N Center St Thorp Claude W (ag '03) Ag tWade Fred S (ag '12) 302 E Jeff- erson St Walker Carle C (ag '15 BS) Walker Helen (la '14- ) Stu Welsh Marjorie C (h sc '15 AB) Teach Ziegler Jacob F S (ag '07 BS) Ziegler Wilfred I (ag '04) Ag Ag 902 ILLINOIS CLYDE Estill Alice G (su '13) Libr Buck- eye St fMingle Charles J (ag 72) ISchafer Fred B (la '09) COAL CITY t Bennett William P (ag '07) Campbell Charles W (min eng '13- ) Stu Littler Mrs S H (la '11) Home Trotter William J (ag '08) Ag Wilson William P (arch eng '15- ) Stu COAL VALLEY Myers William H (la '15) COATSBUEG Dralle Henry E (e eng '12- ) Stu Lambert Dana C (ag '15- ) Stu Sivertson William F (ag '09) Ag Bl COBDEN ?Cowdery George S (c eng 74) DuBois Howard ('03) Mesler John D (m eng '97) Adv $ Jour Miller Paul (ag '11) Ag Oppergelt Edward A (arch eng '05) Cash BJc ?Poole Frank B (c eng 74) Bich Claude W (la '04 AB) Ag ?Bichardson Laura (sp 77) Van Buskirk Mrs ('95) Home Watson Bay M (ag '14- ) Stu B2 COLCHESTEB Dixon Mrs B L (h sc '10) Home Hendel Bobert W Jr (g chem '15) Clk ?Kennedy John B (su '08) Null Louis A (1 '00) Ag Null Miriam E (h se '15- ) Stu El ?Stapp Melvina (su '02) Terrill Earl B (m eng '10) Merc Terrill Fred (m eng '08 BS) Merc Welch Balph B (ag '11) Med COLFAX t Chapman Leo A (e eng '08) Greene Harvey P ('89) Hamilton Chauncey G (com '13- ) Stu Hedges Guy O (sp '11) Mail Carrier t Hicks Bees G (ag '09) Hicks Boscoe H (la '13 AB) Hoke Philip M (su '15) Supt Schs Homey Beid B (la '15) Stu Horney Warren B (ag '13- ) Stu Huffman James B (ag '03) Ag $ Stock t Wiley James E (ag '13 BS) COLLINSVILLE Bernhardt Josephine E (la '12- ) Stu Brede Lothar H (sc '14- ) Stu 414 N Morrison Av Dee Norman B (su '08) Teach Dorris Charles H (su '02) Supt Schs t Fletcher John J ( '86) Kraft Marguerite S (h sc '10) At home 511 E Church St COLLINSON Dodson Frank (su '10) Ag $ Teach Bl Dodson Mrs Olive M (su '07) Home COLONA Sherrill Walter D (arch eng '96) Merc COLUMBIA \Bose William ('92) Vogt Otto H ('07) Mgr Implement & Machinery Dept COMO Whitman Marcus F ('80) COMPBOMISE Eobertson Henry W (la 76) COMPTON Bauer Irving N (ag '15- ) Stu CONCOED tDeitrick Daniel (ag '12) Ag CONGBESS PAEK Morris James E (e eng '08 BS) M Eng Box 96 - CONGEBVILLE Lantz Simon Errett (la '95) Ag $ St Bepr COOKSVILLE Brumme Frank J (e eng '09) Ag El \Brunne Frank ('08) COBDOVA \Ege John F ('97) COBNELL \Houchin Elson L ('01) t Sinclair Irwin A (ag '04) ILLINOIS 903 CORNLAND tBirks George R (ag '07) Birks John M (ag '14- ) Stu CORTLAND Bennett Frank L (ag '14- ) Stu Bourne Lemuel H (la '03) Dealer Lumber Sf Coal fCankin Eugene L (arch '71) Flood Martin (e eng '14- ) Stu Whittaker Malinda (la '13) Stenog El COTTONWOOD ?Dressor James R (ag '80) COULTERVILLE Leiper William R (ag '91) Ag cf Stock COVELL Barclay Howard E (sc '06) Teach 623 E Chestnut St Johnson Homer (ag '04) Ag lEupprecht Edgar ( '95) COVINGTON ?Payson Edward (m eng '73) Rogers Nellie (la '02) COWDEN Lamson Mrs T D (la '74) Home CREAL SPRINGS Cobb Thomas H (su '15) Supt Schs Leach Eustace E (ag '04) Lumber Bus CRESCENT CITY Calkin Charles J (m eng '14- ) Stu Caveney Frank M (ag '08) Ag Rl Weorge Alice A ('83) tHarroun George L (m eng '02) Helmreich Agnes J S (la '15- ) Stu Tschentke Herman L (su '14) Teach CRESTON ? Allen James A (c eng '75) CRETE Behrens Martin A (la '15- ) Stu Herman St Blim Charles H (1 '10) Stu U Chgo Blim Warren C (la com '10) Stu U 111 Coll Med Cinnamon Floyd F (e eng Feb '16- ) Stu Gaines Walter L (1 '10 MS (ag '08 BS) Fac '13) Ag morn Charles F ('11) CUc tHorn Walter L (la '11) tMiessler Erich C (sc '14) Miessler Herbert T (la '14) Starr Esther M (la '09) Teach CROPSEY Meeker Maurice S (ag '08) Ag Meeker Mrs MS (ag '14) Home CROSSVILLE tClark Lulu (su '00) Elliott Ivan A (cer '13) Stu 111 Wes U Johnson Radford M (ag '12- ) Stu stokes Claude N (g math '14 AM) CRYSTAL LAKE Berg Ben C (la '10- ) Stu Burleigh Inez L (la '15- ) Stu t James Russel L (ag '13) Ag Johnson George H (m eng '08) Lum- ber Sales Lund Harold H (ag '12) Ag \McCollum Cecilia ( '05) McNish David T (ag '14- ) Stu fPeterson Erie S (m eng '11) R2 Peterson William C (arch '12- ) Stu Ritt Walter W H (c eng Feb '16- ) Stu Shelton Addison M (la '03 AB) Teach Shelton Mrs Wanda S (mus '03) Home CUBA Baylor Curtis E (la '97) Bnk Grady Mrs OR (h sc '08 BS) Home Harrison Grover C (ag '10) Ag Shurtleff Raymond S (la '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med CULLOM Billerbeck August (ag '10) Ag Donahue William J (ag '08) Ag tOppermann Anna L (h sc '07) Oppermann Henry F (sc '07) Ag Ringler Raymond T (ag '09) Ag Shearer Mrs R L (mus '12) Ag Swarm Charles A (su '06) Cash 1st Nat Bk CURRAN IFoster Charles F (la '80) ^Foster Eugene E ('80) CUSTER PARK tCracraft Charles H (c eng '09) CUTLER Br aden Clarence A ( '09 LL B) (ag '05 BS) 904 ILLINOIS DAHINDA West Mrs Arden ('02) Home Dent DAHLGEEN JCross James G (la '79) t Crouch Walked M ('08) DAKOTA Angle William R (ag '04) Ag Baltzer Harold K (ag '12) Ag D ALTON CITY Freeland Chesley B (ag '11 BS) Ag tFreeland David E (ag '06) Snyder Bertram E ('00) Sttvens Mrs S L (mus '03) Home Wppendahl Frank H ('03) DANA tBassett Owen B (sc '84) Powell Arthur L (ag '06) Mintr DANFOETH Babeock Mrs (la '04) Home Eakle Silas J (sc '94 BS) Prin Schs Wolgast Dora E (mus '16) Teach Music Wolgast Leota A (la '14- ) Stu DANVEES 1 Abbott Ira W ('00) ?Hinshaw George J (la '02) Hough Charles F (1 '15- ) Stu Jarrett James B (e eng '15) Johnston Harry W ( '09) Grain Mitchel Lyman B ('98) IMitchel Walter O ('98) DANVILLE Abernathy Sherman C (chem '06) 321 Eobinson St Allen John N (1 '02) Deputy Co Treas Court House Allen Lawrence T (1 '05 LL B) Co Judge 607 Baum Bldg Allen Mrs L T (mus '06) Home Arter Eugenia J (la '15- ) Stu 905 Sherman Av Babeock Jennie M (la '12- ) Stu 110 Robinson St Baddeley Mrs C H (su '08) Home Ball Albert N (e eng '06) Merc 312 E North St 1 Bandy Claude W ('03) 207 W Har- rison St Burger Leslie V ('11) Teach Barkman John M (ag '09) Auto 141 N Walnut St Barnett Clarence J (ag '15) BJcpr 218 Cedar Av Becker Oswald E F (arch eng '10) Auto Mach 7 S Buchanan St Birch Stephen M (com '16) (sc '15) 102 Logan Av Blair Clarence E (ag '13) Ag E3 Bookw alter Eobert E (1 '09 LL B) Law 406 Daniel Bldg Bowman Mabel (la '14- ) Stu 505 N Hazel St Boyle John M (1 '06 LL B) Law The Temple Brand Royden E (ag '12 MS ( '09 BS) Fac '15) 1218 N Vermilion St Braucher William B (m eng '85 BS) Mech Draft 525 Sherman St Bredehoft Mabel A (la '09 AB) Teach 309 Walnut St Bredehoft Nellie M (la '11 AM ('08 AB) At home 205 W Hamilton St Briles Bayard S (ag '80 BS) Ag 420 Hazel St Brittingham Harry L (1 '99) Ct Bep 1205 Logan Av Brown Robert E (sc '10 AB) Stu U Mich 603 W Fairchild St Burns Owen M (1 '15- ) Stu 429 N Hazel St tBusey Harold K (ag '13) Holland Hotel Wallahan Harry E ('08) ?Campbell Charles H (ag '04) R4 cannon Joseph G (LL D '03) Memb Congress Carpenter Ethel E (su '07) Teach 820 Hazel St Cessna Robert (ag '14- ) Stu 902 Robinson St Chance William E (la '05) Tel 425 Vermillion St Citizen Carl C (la '13- ) Stu 701 N Franklin St Clapp Howard C (1 '14) Law 1510 Vermillion St Cline Irl R (c eng '15 BS) C Eng c/o Western Brick Co Coolcy Elmer B (ag '13- ) Stu 112 Pine St Cottingham Paul (e eng '14- ) Stu 1106 N Walnut St t Cranston Donald J (la Feb '16- ) (ag '11) Stu 1214 N Franklin St t Crawford Elmer W '(11) 1003 Haz- el St Custer Viola M (mus '99) Teach $ Mus 123 Gilbert St Dalbey Everett L (1 '13 LL B) Law 506 The Temple Dale Ernest A ( '02) Med 307 Tem- ple Bldg Dale Georgia ( '97) At home 436 N ILLINOIS 905 Walnut St tDare Harrison N (la '13) \Davidson Benjamin F ('10) Davis Raymond E (cer eng 15- ) Siu 923 Kingdom Av Dennis Mrs A B ( '98) 510 W Madi- son St Deplce Edward C ('06) Stagehand 202 New York St Depke George A ('06) Bottling Wlcs 530 E Main St Dillon Robert M (m eng '06) Dep Co Surv 214 Eobinson St Doughty Ivan N (c eng '06 BS) Mfg 121 Pine St Dowson Mrs Wilbert (mus '07) Home 905 Grant St Edwards Walter O (su '04) Law 417 The Temple tElberson Georgia (su '12) Elliott James H (su '99) Lumber Mere Elliott Oscar E ('01) Loans B Est 4- Ins 36 N Vermillion St Ely Howard M (m eng '99 BS) Supt Inter-St Water Co English Mrs B C (mus '08) Home 1540 Franklin St Ercanbrack Hal E (rye eng '09 BS) M Eng Struct Design 314 N Gilbert St Evans Waldo C ( '01) 322 N Oak St Ewert Earl C (la '14- ) Stu 418 N Franklin St Fairchild Bert (ag '13) Ag 1444 N Vermillion St Fallis Clara L (su '15) Libr 610 N Hazel St Finefield George L (e eng '04) Agt NYC RR 317 N Walnut St t Fisher Frank (c eng '90) Fisher George (m eng '03) Clk 111 Tract Sys Fisher Jacob G (sc '97) Med 707 Baum Bldg Fisher John F (c eng '90 BS) C Eng 7 W Harrison St Fleming Adelaide S (g ger '12 AM) Teach 112 N Bowman Av tFox Gertrude G (su '07) 111 W North St t French Maurice D (c eng '03 BS) C Eng 1203 Sherman St Funk Marguerite M (la '15- ) Stu 629 N Bowman Av Funkhouser Fern S (la '14) Teach 503 N Hazel St tGass Martin J (c eng '07) Gernand Paul (ag '14- ) Stu 103 W Harrison St Getman Roy L (c eng '14 BS) C Eng Giddings Mate L (la '13- ) Stu 911 N Vermillion St Gilhuley Mrs C H (la '09) 432 N Wal- nut St Gilmore Joseph G (1 '06) Ins 1029 N Walnut St Greer Henry A (ag '04) Vet Hall Arthur R (1 '02 AM) (law '01 LLB & AB) Law Daniel Bldg ?Harrison Lester D (1 '07 ) R2 fHelm James W Jr ( '98) tHemphill James W (la '14) 609 Gil- bert St Herzig Jacob F ('10) Holaday William P (1 '05) Law # St Bepr 314 Daniel Bldg Holden Nathan E ('82) Merc 1604 N Vermillion St Hole Mrs O C ('80) Home 423 N Hazel St Holmes Mrs R B (mus '04) Home 1112 Franklin St Holton Caryl A (c eng '13 BS) By C Eng mopper Orville F ('98) Ins 932 N Walnut St Hornor Nellie N (g sc '14 AM) (AB '12) Teach 702 Sheridan St Howard Frederick S (m eng '04) Auto Gar 19 Logan Av HumricJchouse George E ( '90) Grocer Irwin William W (1 '09 LL B) Law 212 Gilbert St Jackson Harold R (c eng '13) Cadet US Mil Acad 1324 Franklin St Jackson Mrs W C (h sc '08 AB) Home 1301 Grant St fJankins Albert (arch '13) 1222^ N Gilbert St ? Jenkins Albert L (arch eng '13) 1222y 2 N Gilbert St Johns Donald C (min eng '12- ) Stu 608 S Buchanan St Jones Mrs Ernest ( '04) Home Johns Evelyn G (la '15) Stu 1320 N Vermillion St Johnson Alfred A (1 '08 LL B) Law 1402 N Walnut St Johnson Grant (1 '10) Law 210 Dan- iel Bldg Johnson James E (la '01 AB) Gen Supt St Ry & Light Co 408 W North St Johnson Richard H (la '15- ) Stu 214 Robinson St Jones Raymond H (arch '11 BS) Arch Draft Liese & Ludwick 414 IOOF Bldg Kauffman Edward O (com '12) Ins 441 Jackson St Keeslar John W (sc '86) Law 419 The Temple Keeslar Nellie (la '15- ) Stu 1102 N Vermilion St Kelley Lena (su '12) Teach 939 906 ILLINOIS Walnut St Kent Louis M ( '98 LL B) (la '96 AB) 408 N Hazel St ?Kester Francis E (la '06) 322 Har- mon Av Kiningham Walter (ag '10) Mgr 607 N Vermillion St Knight Albert O ('99) Draft 101 Stroupe Av Kyger Koy Jay (su '15) Stu Valparaiso U 316 Chandler St Lane Cora M (la '13) Teach 415 Franklin St Leasure Grace A (su '06) 1415 N Walnut St ?Lester Ballard P (ag '83) Levin Samuel (1 '07) Law 409 Adams Bldg Lewis Charles M (g arch '97) ('96 BS) Arch 205 W Harrison St Lewis Lucy E (la '11 AB) Teach 418 W North St Liese George C (arch eng '96 BS) Arch Lindley Walter C ( '14 JD (1 '14 LL B) la '01 AB) Law 409 Dan- iel Bldg Livengood Leslie P (com '15) Gen Ins Agt Baum Bldg Love Beryl F (la '14- ) Stu 1214 N Vermilion St Love Estelle B (la '14) At home 1214 N Vermilion St Love Martha H (la '15- ) Stu 1214 N Vermillion St Love Mrs S F (la '91 AM) ( '83 AB) Home 1214 N Vermillion St Ludwick George W (arch '96 BS) Arch 414 IOQ Bldg Lyons James A (su '08) Ees 128 Logan Av Mabin George G (la '74) Law 912 N Vermillion St McConn Mrs G C (la '08 AB) Home 125 Gilbert St McCubbin Sallie L (su '14) Prin Sch 948 N Walnut St tMacDonald Eonald (la '08) 130 Franklin St McIntire Mary M (la '06 AB) Teach H Sch 419 N Gilbert St 1 Mcintosh Harrison E ( '05) ? Mcintosh James W ('06) McMillan James E (m eng '08) Tell- er # BnTc 1129 Vermillion St Marker Albert W (g physics '15- ) Stu Mautz Charles B (sc '09) C Eng C&E BR 406 The Holland Meade Anna (su '13) Teach 809 N Voorhees St Meade David (sp '70) Ag 809 W Voorhees St Meeks Mrs James A (su '07) Teach Spring Glen ?Mendenhall Mrs Forrest (sc '00) Home 202 Av AVH Moore Ollie M (la '08) Teach 312 Walnut St Moore Sara E (la '14- ) Stu 1616 N Vermillion St Morin Oswell (sc '12- ) Stu R2 Morris Ercel (su '13) Teach 1006 Kimber St Mull Emmaleen I (h sc '10) Teach ?Myers George F (sp '93) Neal Essie E (la '10 AB) 207 Bu- chanan St t Nelson Don D (ag '12) 5 E Wil- liams St Noon John E (la '14 AB) Boy Sec YMCA Nungesser John (sc '81) Thar Nungesser Selma C (su '15) Asst Libr 428 Oak St ?0'Neil Joseph (c eng '89) t Parks Margaretta (sp '00) Partlow Carrie M (la '15) Stu V Mich 1108 N Vermillion) St Patterson Edith L (sp '98) At home 516 N Walnut St Patterson Joseph J (arch eng '12- ) Stu 810 N Gilbert St Penwell Edward E (la '05) Clk 334 Gilbert St Penwell Frederick B (1 '05 LL B) Law Daniel Bldg ?Plant Mayme (sp '91) 1419 N Wal- nut St Platt Casper S (la '14 AB) Stu U Chgo 431 N Hazel St \Foland Benjamin F ( '97) Price John R (la '00) Clk 917 Har- mon Av Ramsey Carrie E (su '12) Teach Ray Robert W (e eng '11 BS) Supt Constr Baum Bldg , ?Rea Mrs R O (sp '98) 426 Gilbert St Redden Jessie M (la '11) Soc Edit " Commercial News" Roy Frank W (e eng '15- ) Stu 307 W Seninary St Sackett Fred W (la '15- ) Stu 915 N Oak St Sanford Harriet A (h sc '12- ) Stu 106 Robinson St ?Satterlee Lewis A (sp '73) 830 Oak- wood Av Schecter Ralph W (la '12- ) Stu 709 Robinson St Schickedanz Simon A (m eng '11 BS) Mech Draft 616 Oak St Schickedanz Mrs S A (la '12 AB) ILLINOIS 907 Home 616 Oak St ?Schneider Lillie B (la '07) 9 W Da vis St IScholes Walter ( '06) 503 Vermillion St Shaffer Orwin V (su '14- ) Stu Shane Mrs C F (la '00) Home 1700 N Vermilion St Shobe Frank D (1 '14 LL B) Ab- stracter & Title Examiner Vermilion Co Abstract Co 8 E Main St Schultze Mrs GH (la '03 AB) Home 442 N Walnut St Silkey Earl (su'05) BE Mail Clk 4371/2 N Jackson St Sims Flenner B ('06) Ag 301 N Hazel St Skadden Harvey F (arch '15 BS) R8 Smith Marian (la '09) Prin Sch 509 W Townsend Av tSmith Philip O (la '14) 1215 N Vermillion St Snoddy Eaymond L (la '11- ) Stu 10 Cronkhite St Snyder Stanley S (la '08 AB) Mfg 1201 Logan Av Snyder Mrs Stanley S (mus '10) ( '03 Home 1201 N Logan Av Stallings Eugene M (la '15- ) Stu 616 N Vermilion St Starkey Clara (su '13 ) 1027 Robin- son St Starkey Faye (su '13) 1027 Robin- son St Steely George Jr (la '00) Med 401 Temple Bldg Steely Harlin M Jr (su '09 ) Law 920 N Vermilion St Stipp Daniel W V (su '15) Teach 505 Grant St Stipp Blanche (mus '15 B Mus) Mus NH DVS Strawbridge Ernest T (su '14) Ap- praiser 519 W Madison St Stuebe Leonard F W (arch '03 BS) Arch 1330 W Williams St Stuebe Mrs L F (la '03) Home 1330 W Williams St tSupple Guy J (1 '08) 417 Jackson St Supple Mrs G J (mus '06) Home Supple John L (la '12) Sales 442 N Jackson St Supple Margaret (su '12) Teach 422 N Jackson St Swaim Donald Tyler (com '13- ) Stu 1230 N Gilbert St Taylor Loren E (1 '15- ) (la '14) Stu 409 Gilbert St Tilton Clinton C ('91) Mgr Edit 1 * Morning Press " 20 N Hazel St Tilton Olive S (su '07) Teach 929 N Hazel St Walz Emily I (la '13- . ) Stu R5 Watkins Beulah (su '15) Dir Mus Pub Schs 1214 N Walnut St Webber Mrs FT (sc '90) Home 108 N Franklin St Webber Harry T (cer '13) Optician 22 N Vermilion St Webster John W (1 '00) Law 12) Law Bushman William H H (la '15- ) Stu Campbell Jack D (sc '14- ) Stu 633 Vandalia St Cook Charles F (la '80 BS) Coventry Sarah (lib '11) Libr Davis Grace E (su '15) Teach H Sch Gaby Lewis C (c eng '08) Min Eng 952 Hale Av t Gillespie Charles S ('77) t Gillespie Frank K ('77) Gillham Willard C (m eng '13- ) Stu R6 Hiles Perry H (su '05) Law Hotz Wilford H (com '15- ) Stu 516 N Kansas St Keller Henry S ('00) Keller William A ( '02) Kesl Joseph Jr (arch eng '14- ) Stu 220 S Buchanan St Lawnin Nelson (m eng '12- ) Stu 311 Jefferson Rd Meyer Mrs G W ('02) Home 3 St Andrew's PI Richards Ben H (m eng '06) Brick Mfg 246 Hillsboro Ra Robinson Ruth L (h sc '14- ) Stu 108 Hillsboro Av. Shaffer George B (e eng '05) C Eng 812 St Louis St Sheppard Charles H (c eng '13- ) Stu 805 St Louis Av Smith Henry P S (ag '80) Ag Smith Mabel C (la '15- ) ( '04) Stu 302 Jefferson Rd Southard Edna M (su '15) Teach Spilman Mrs C H (la '01) Home 314 Clay St Steele Mead I (la '14- ) Stu 1023 St Louis St Steinmetz Ferdinand H (ag '15 BS) Teach R6 Vance George R (c eng '12) Aost 103 Springer Av Vorwald Edmund (ag '15) BTc Clk 128 St Andrews Av 920 ILLINOIS Wenner Florence N (su '07) Teach 1726 N Main St tWhitford Leverett G (ag '14) EFFINGHAM Adams Eli D ('08) TO Clk 224 N Banker St Austin Milton (ag '15- ) Stu 410 S Willow St Bailey Otis C (su '06) Supt Schs Bailey Eoscoe E (e eng '13 BS) Com Eng Braeninger Ella C (la '11 AB) Teach Burrell Beulah (la '13- ) Stu 922 Richland Av Burrell Clarence H (la '06) Green Don R ('95) BB Mail Clk Lax Louise C (mus '15) Teach LeCrone George M Jr (la com '08) Jour Mitchell Daniel P (su '14) 801 E Jefferson St Moran Elizabeth C (mus '06) Mus Teach Penrod Alex G ('08) Instr Bissell Coll Sale Charles E (gen '72) Bet Smith Leonidas L (arch eng '14- ) Stu 400 Maple St Stewart Mrs S E (h sc '13) Home 822 Edgar Av Taylor George F ( '84) Law Taylor Paul ('09) Law Wright David L (1 '12) Law ELBURN Bateman Joel T ('06) Ag Rl Dobson Mary H (h sc '12) PO Clk Morrill William ( '06) tSmith Obid M ('99) Snow Edgar (ag '11) Ag Spalding Coit W "( a g '05) Foreman Bowman Dairy Co Warne Mrs (h sc '09) Rome Warne Glenn C (e eng '07) Ag EL DARA Jones George L (ag '08) Ag Moyer Simon J (e eng '15- ) Stu ELDORADO barr Oren A (g hist '14 AM) Prin H Sch 301 Saline Av Beach Amy A (la '14 BS) Teach Bramlet Homer D (eng '14) Bramlet Hubert B (sc '13- ) Stu 210 N First St Bruner Georgia F (la '15- ) Stu 212 Forest St Cape Ruth C (su '15) Teach Davis Robert H (1 '10) Law DuBois Addie M (la '15- ) Stu DuBois Chase O (su '08) Teach DuBois Mrs CO ('82) DuBois Marie M (ag'15- ) Stu 606 Pine St Frame Byron E (su '15) Teach H Sch Grable Thomas A (1 '14) City Atty Murphy Maurice E (su '15- ) Stu Pemberton Bessie B (su '07) Teach 309 Forest St Reed Leo B (com '15- ) (m eng '15) Stu 410 Forest St Simpson Earl B (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 504 Glenwood Av Voight Archie L (m eng '12 BS) ELGIN Abell Ralph E (arch '04 BS) Arch Ackemann Henry C (c eng '09 BS) Merc 110 Hill St tAckerman William H (sc '10) 52 Creighton Av Arnfield Fremont (1 '10) Law 570 Spring St Ashman Oscar H (arch eng '13- ) Stu 208 Dexter Av Baker William Arthur (ag '70) Land Arch 117 Hinsdall PI Beverly Mrs Roy (la '14) Home tBlackburn Ralph (la '10) 22 N Lib- erty St tBoldt Augustus H (chem eng '11) 470 Prospect St Bosworth Walter H (la com '15- ) Stu 739 Highland Av Brady Mrs W H (a&d '05) Home . 953 Highland Av Brightman Morgan H (e eng '06 BS) City Eng 256 Division St Browning Howard A (arch eng '94 BS) Ag tBuelow Paul E (m eng '13) Bull Willard E (e eng '14- ) Stu 854 S Liberty St Burdick Jay H (ag '01 BS) c/o Burdick Banner Co 460 Du Page St Burger Albert H (ag '13- ') Stu 12 Walker PI \Butler Frank E ('84) Campbell Chester M (la '14- ) Stu 800 St John St Campbell Mason H (ag '13- ) Stu 11 S Liberty St t Carlisle Mrs Clara J (lib '98) Cary Clarence E (ag '15) 110 Tenny- son Ct Christen Lester H (arch eng Feb 16- ) ILLINOIS 921 Stu 275 Brook St Clark Anson Luman (m eng '11) 106 Spring St Conger Almon M (m eng '14- ) Stu 137 N Gifford St Cook James F (m eng '03 BS) Teach H Sch Corbey Leon J (arch eng '12 BS) Arch 225 Villa St tDaniels Harry C (sc '14) 340 Mose- ley St t Duval Merritt H (m eng '11) Eakin Morton S (m eng '10) Mech Draft 126 N Channing St . Fairfield ' Helen (h se '14 AB) Teach H Sch 375 Chicago St Ferriss Edwin A (com '15- ) Stu 153 Hill St t Fuller Frank D (c eng '03) Fuller Leon E (sc '08) Mfg 476 Stella St Gage Kobert P (ag '14 BS) Ag 839 Washburn St Giertz Arthur E (c eng '13- ) Stu 430 N Crystal St Gifford Edna M (h sc '05) Teach Art & Dom Sc 393 Chicago St Goble Mrs W L (sp '98) Home 137 N Channing St Grant Clarence T (e eng '12- ) Stu 1231 Larkin Av Gregory Carl E (com '06) Trav 218 Villa St IGriswold Elizabeth V (la '08 AB) Teach H Sch 422 Du Page St Gronlun Hubert K (arch eng '13- ) Stu 920 Highland Av Hanaford Earl J (com '15- ) Stu 2 Clifton Av Harris Alice I (la '13- ) Stu 230 Commonwealth Av Heindel John H (arch eng '13- ) ( '12; Stu 648 Spring St Hennings Elfreda V (la '14- ) Stu 1017 Center St tHintze William D (la '99) Holden Will G (ag '11) Bepr Red- path Lyceum Bur 434 Cleveland Av Hubbard William (sp '70) B Est 49 Hubbard Bldg Hueston Howard H (su '10) Supt Schs Jackman Charles H (m eng '15- ) ('13) Stu 138 Hill Av Johnson Julius N (com '15- ) (la '13) Stu 21 N Jackson St Jones William J (com '15- ) Stu 152 College St Juby Carolyn C (h sc '15) Stu 376 S Charles St Kelley Alfred P (1 '14) Stu V Mich 775 South St Kennedy Clayton F (c eng '10) 134 Hinsdale PI tKlingberg John H T (e eng '11) 802 Jay St Knodle Cary L (m eng '11- ) Stu 419 Prospect St Kohn John L (com '15- )(la'15) Stu 339 Chicago St Kromer Carrie A (la '15 AB) Teach 903 S Liberty St Kromer John C (e eng '12) Mfg 903 S Liberty St tLagerstrom Elsa M (ag '14) At home 307 N Giffard St Larsen David T" (sc '15- ) ( '13) Stu 395 Depage St Leverenz Arthur C G (m eng '15 BS) 104 Commonwealth Av Lindholm Ida H (su '15) Teach 515 Algona Av Lindholm Karin J (la '15- ) Stu 515 Algona Av t Logan John A Jr (c eng '09) Mun Contr 229 Vincent PI ILucas Frank B (chem eng '10) Chem Eng 1158 Preston Av Lunde George R (ag '12- ) Stu 306 S Liberty St tLundh Oscar A (m eng '08) Mfg # Mach 701 St Charlos St Luther Mrs W D (sp '76) Med Bet McBride Wesley R (ag '15) Merc Vine St McCornack Alexander E (la '07) Mea 164 Division St Mackh Carl A (com '09) Phar 612 Douglas Av Mann Marjorie D (h sc '15- ) Stu 392 Chicago St Markwardt Henry W (rye eng '13- ) Stu 392 Ann St t Merrill Orland P (sc '99) Nichols Ralph U (arch eng '13 BS) Bldg Contr 1033 Center St Pankow Charles J (arch '13 BS) Arch 398 Park St Pankow Grace E (la '14- ) Stu 498 Park St Parker Francis L (e eng '07) Exper Mach 632 Grace St Parkin Carl W (e eng '14) 369 St Charles St Paulson Mrs A L (la '05) Home 14 S Channing St ?Pierce Ralph R (e eng '02) Postle George R (arch eng '15- ) Stu 56 N Liberty St Rider G W (e eng '15- ) Stu 418 Algona Av Rust Clarence A (ag '15- ) Stu 624 E View St Ryan Howard R (e eng '15- ) Stu 922 ILLINOIS 504 Douglas Av Sadler Walter C (rye eng '13 BS) C Eng Great N EK 136 S Porter St Samuelson Raphael A (e eng '15 BS) Auto 466 Stella St Schoonhaven Ray C (arch eng '12) Teach Lane Tech H Sch 458 Pros- pect Blvd Schwarzwalder Clarence F (arch eng '15) 564 Division St Seidel Charles G (la '14) Stu V Mich 247 Grove Av Sercombe Rupert J (c eng '11 BS) Instrument Man CM&StP RR 769 Highland Av Seymour Claude H (c eng '05 BS) Betail Coal Dealer 128 N Gifford St Sharp Clara B (la '10) Teach 319 Villa St Sheddon Forest R (e eng '15- ) Stu 712 Highland Av Smiley Earl J (c eng '15- ) Stu 120 S Gifford St 1 Smith Howard T ('88) Smith Stanley C (la com '14 AB) Teach H Sch 420 S State St Snow Ruth L (mus '15- ) Stu 400 Chicago St Starrett David B (ag '13) 571 Center St Stene Ole (chem eng '12- ) Stu 228 Elm St Stern Renee B (lib '98) Libr 606 Douglas Av stout Earl B (m eng '15 ME) 407 Billings St Sturm Clark H (e eng '14- ) Stu 356 Chicago St Swartwout Edgar C (ag '12- ) Stu 33 N Porter St Swartwout Nelson R (la '15- ) Stu 33 N Porter St Teeple Mrs D P (su '09) Ag R3 Thatcher Frederick R (com '15- ) (eng '15) Stu 49 Commonwealth Av tThornburg Richard L ('10) 318 Perry St tTobin Elmer C (e eng '13) Stu V Notre Dame 487 Burrett PI Todd Daniel M (arch '92) Mfg 148 S State St Todd James (m eng '82) Mfg 850 Center St Torrey Arthur G (c eng '10) Sales 330 Watch St Triggs Leon A (la com '14) Constr Acct C&NW RR 371 Walnut Av Tucker Laurence E (su '14) Dir Athl H Sch 373 E Chicago St Tull Effie M (g '07 AM) (la '01 AB) Teach 359 Park St Tuthill James P (c eng '13- ) Stu 141 N Porter Av Van Driesen Winnifred M (su '11) Teach 856 Prospect St Volstorff Fred A (m eng '14- ) Stu 220 Franklin St Walsh Edward R (c eng '06) Eng 424 Sherman Av Ward Mabel C (su '00) Teach 715 St Charles St Watson William S Jr (e eng '13)" Draft Elgin National Watch Co 335 •Raymond St Western Irving M (1 '04 LL B) (la '02 AB) Law 32 Nolting Block Williams -Lawrence H (c eng '09) Gov Topog Eng 876 Larkin Av Williams Lloyd G (1 '12 LL B) Law 16 Chicago St tWing Claude P (c eng '09) Yardwood Stuart K (arch '13) Arch C&NW RR 615 Park St ELIDA ?Temple Ralph W (ag '01) ELIZA 1 Schroder David A ('93) ELIZABETH tAxtell Lee R (arch eng '12) Eade Ben C (ag'12- ) Stu Eade Gladys (la '13 AB) Teach Hagie Franklin E (sc '09 AB) Med tMonnier Harold (ag '07) Tippitt William H (ag '09) Ag Wilcox Ralph E (c eng '08) Ag ELIZABETHTOWN Warford David A (la com '15- ) Stu ELK CITY Baner Frank A ( '80) Min ELKHART Council Hardy E (ag '11) Ag tMcCue Thomas E (su '03) Prin H Sch t Murphy James R (e eng '05) t Murphy James W (ag '03) Skinner William T (sc '01) Mail Car- rier Taylor Mrs G G (mus '98) Home wiley Neva B (su '15 AM) Teach ELKVILLE Schwartz Chester R (la '05) Lumber- man ELLERY Bunting Lloyd D (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu ILLINOIS m ELLIS GROVE Neuling Harry J (la '12) Teach tSehoeppel Irving W (su '08) V olden Edward O ('09) ELLIS MOUND Draper Turner B (ag '03) ELLISVILLE Cattron Conrad L (ag '13 BS) Ag Cattron John W (ag '03 BS) Ag # Stock magee Elmer E ( '84) Ohern Patt C (la '72) ELLSWORTH Cordell Eula E (la '15 AB) Teach Vandervort Harry M ('95) tVirgiel Louis (ag '00) ELMHURST Berens Helmut (g la '10) (la '03) Instr Lewis Inst 175 Kenilworth Av Dumke Mildred (com '15- ) Stu 135 Cottagehill Av tKeiler Amanda I (la '10) Maloit Pauline G (la '12- ) Stu 248 Addison Av Miche Irene E (la '12) Home ELMO Skidmore Millard (sc '97) ELMWOOD tBowers John F (m eng '13) 700 W Main St Clinch Paul C ('07) Merc Condit Charles (su '11) Teach Dalton Arthur T (e eng '11) Teach Erlbacher Harriet C (la '11 AB) Teach H Sch Gore Roy C (la '14- ) Stu Higgins Frank L (m eng '96) B Est 4" Ins Jarman Henry P (sc '03 BS) Ag Lacey John J (ag '13- ) Stu Pulsipher Irene E (h sc '14- ) Stu ?Russell Sullivan J (c eng '74) Schulz Frank J (la com '15- ) Stu Schulz John A (la '13- ) Stu Smith Margaret H (h sc '15- ) Stu Spence Frederick M (e eng '14) Thompson Mrs G S (h sc '09) Home Vance Cornelius A (arch eng '96) Merc tVance Earle W (m eng '04) Carpen- ter Foreman ELONDALE fBonnell William L (ag '01) EL PASO Alyea Mrs C J (arch eng '06 BS) Home Andrews Mrs (la '06) Home Baker Mrs (la '06) Home Berry Claude (c eng '98) Contr Eng Beshers Paul C (la '15- ) Stu Brittin Charles H (su '09) Teach Bullock Agnes I (la '09 AB)' Teach Burroughs Edward (la '95) Teach Coburn Mildred L (la '15 AB) Teach Curtiss Mrs C F (la '04 AB) Home tDonner Clay M (m eng '11) Auto Sales t Evans Ray C ('95) Ferrell Cyrus P (e eng '12- ) Stu tFishburn Nina J (la '07) Fruin Elizabeth (h sc '13 AB) At home Fruin William M (la '09) Ag Gilbert Edward H (e eng '10) Gough Sarah M (su '11) Libr Haas Orville F (e eng '14- ) Stu tHamm Ira L (m eng '07) ( '96) Ag Hammers James R (ag '10) Ag R2 t Hammers William E (ag '08) Ag R2 Higgins Gertrude S (mus '99) Teach 1015 N Florence St Hurd Arthur B (m eng '98 BS) Ag t Jenkins Clement M (ry eng '07) t Jenkins David ('81) Patterson Nell G (arch '06) Bkpr El Paso Journal Schofield Gayle (ag '10) Ag Schroeder Alma A (la '14) Schroeder Lydia M (la '14) Taylor Milo C (c eng '15 BS) City Eng Ward Amy (h sc '12- ) Stu Ward Victor (arch eng '15- ) Stu ELVASTON t Baxter Asa E (c eng '09) fChapman Samuel S (la com '73) Ag Stevenson Dana H (ag '12 BS) Ag Stevenson Edward H (ag '13- ) Stu Rl Wilson William W (ag '15 BS) Field- man Ag Coll U 111 ELWIN f Martin Harvey J ( '87) ELWOOD Brown Frank S (ag '14- ) Stu Brown Jarvis J (ag '07) Ag 924 ILLINOIS Clinch Paul C ('07) Merc Craig David W (ag '09) Ag t Eaton Harry L (ag '11) Dairy tf Ag tForsythe John (ag '01) Hayden Edmund M (sp '13) Stu St Viator's Coll Keir Floyd E (la '14) El Lacey John J (ag '13- ) Stu Morgan Eaymond ('11) Ag K3 States William D (m eng '97 BS) Ag EMDEN Alberts Henry W . ( '96) Merc . Alexander Laurence II (ag '12) Ag Alexander William Harrison (ag '07) Lubbers Rudolph J (ag '14) Ag Moburg Cornelius F (ag '10) Ag t Sumner William T (sp '96) Wiekert Heye (ag '10) Ag E2 Wiekert Eieus (ag '08) Ag EMEESON Eeed Maurice J (m eng '13- ) Stu Eubright Franklin L (la '14- ) Stu ENFIELD t Williams William A (ag '11) EQUALITY Campbell William H (g la '10 AM) Teach Davis Carroll H (c eng '08) Merc t Moore Charles L (m eng '06) Moore Clarence A (ag '12) Ag El EEIE Arndt John A (su '13) Teach Arnett Leslie G ('08) Bracker Mabel (h se '08) Potter Emery V (e eng '15 BS) E Eng E3 Slaymaker George L (ag '05) Ag Thompson Willis E (ag '02) Ag E3 ETNA Hamblen Eosa M (sp '01) Teach Hart Otis S (ag '11) Ag El EUEEKA Butcher Harry C (ag '15) Farm Mgr Cripps Eodney L (su '06) Clk # Acct Davidson Levette Jay (g eng '15- ) Stu Delano Eufus J (ag '13) Ag Dickenson Eichard J (mun eng '94 BS) Mfg Dickinson Eobert G (ag '07) Ag Ewing Walker F (m eng '10) Fore- man Canning Factory Feltee J Frank (ag '10 BS) Ag t Fleming Eobert H (ag '03) French Guy E (su '12) Teach Hitch Charles B (la '14) Teach H Sch Jackson Euth W (su '12) Teach Johann George C (e eng '05) Ag Moore Eoy L (su '04) Co Supt Sch EVANSTON Arnold Charles N (e eng '11 BS) Trouble WJc Gen Elec Co 1709 Eidge Av Baker Adeline M (lib '02 BLS) Libr 1325 Judson Av Baker Amelia W (la '14 AB) Teach Beebe Charles D (m eng '97 BS) Purchasing Agt fy Cost Acct 811 Uni- versity PI Bell Emerson D (e eng '15 BS) E Eng 908 Clark St Bishop Jessie E (lib '14- ) Stu 1726 Eidge Av Board Harold E (m eng '04) Adv Mfg Co 640 Hinman Av Boughton Thomas H (g pathol 'Feb '16- ) Stu 1924 Grant St Brandt Eichard C (c eng '14- ) Stu 1842 Wesley Av \Brown Edward F ( '81) Burleigh Cornelius H (arch eng '98) 1526 Main St Bushnell Euth C (su '14) Stenog 730 Emerson St Byrnes James E (ag '12) Ag $• Jour 913 Maple Av Campbell Mrs W B (la '09) Home 2020 Sherman Av Carpenter Niles (la '11) Stu NW U 746 Forest Av Chapman Donald V (ag 1 '15- ) Stu 1200 Elmwood Av ?Christie Morrison (ag '08) 1113 Ma- ple Av Clayton Mrs Mark Jr (mus '13 B Mus) Mus Collins Fred A (ag '15- ) Stu 845 Chicago Av Corke Harold W (com '15- ) Stu 600 Dempster St Wean Cora E ('98) DENTON George B ( '10) Instr NVV U 2015 Orrington Av Drew Mildred E (la '11- ) Stu 1823 Hinman Av Ellis George H (sc '85) Chem Sec & Treas George W Pitkins Co Ellis Harvey (com '12- ) Stu 815 Forest Av Ermentrout Eoza L ('90) At home 1432 Wesley Av ILLINOIS 925 Ford Ernest J (sc '05 AB) Central Bldg Foster Ruth I (la '10) Teach 2236 Ridge Av Fraser Mrs G E (la '13 AM) (MO AB) Home 1103 Davis St Gatter Lincoln O (ag '12) Stu V Wis 846 Judson Av Gill George T (la '15 BS) Land Arch YMCA Bldg 618 Church St Gill Grant W (ag '15) Stu 2006 Sherman Av Gill Warren E (ag '14) 2006 Sher- man Av Gould Philip N (la '15- ) Stu 826 Forest Av t Graham Henry H ('09) 716 Clark St t Graves Boy M (c eng '14). Cement Contr 630 Forest Av Grey Newton F (ag '14- ) Stu 329 Lake St Griffin Jack M (ag '15 BS) 1127 Forest Av Guilliams Gordon B (ag '14- ) Stu 2423 Harrison St Gunn Alexander H (m eng '07 BS N ; Asst Supt Marshall Fields Co 2404 Grant PI \Hanser Warren C ('11) 722 Mon- roe St Harper Mrs M C (la '88) Teach 2115 Sherman Av tHauser Warren C (m eng '12) 722 Monroe St Hellstrom Klaus E (e eng '08 BS) Acct 2514 Pioneer Rd Hemenway Margaret (la '15- ) Stu 701 Davis St Hills David A (e eng '13- ) .Stu 839 Michigan Av holgate Thomas F (Hon LL D '05) Bean Liberal Arts NW U 617 Li- brary St tHulteen Henry W (arch eng '13) 1120 Elmwood Av tHyde Allen K (m eng '04) 1720 Ashbury St t Ingham James D (ag '08) Organist 1823 Orrington Av Joy Donald C (m eng '13) Stu NW U 733 Foster St Judson Bryant E (m eng '14) In- spector C&NW RR 912 Ridge Av Kamper Mrs C A (la '86 BL) Home 1432 Wesley Av tKean Gilbert P (eng '07) 1815 Chi- cago Av Lahman Howard S (la '14) BnTc c/o State Bk tLazear Rober S (c eng '07) Low James E (sp '74) Iron $ Steel Bus 1040 Elmwood Av Lucas Mrs W E (la '04) Home 2344 Sheridan Rd Macauley John B Jr (m eng '14- ) Stu 933 Michigan Av McElveen William T Jr (com '13- ) Stu 1110 Judson Av McJohnston Claude A (su '14) Bkpr 2622 Hartzell St McKay Ernest G (ag '15- ) Stu 2016 Sheridan Rd McKay Francis M ( '03) (la '81 BL) Prin Pub Sch McKay James R (arch eng '11) Mgr Creamery 909 Forest Av Maddock Kathryn (g hist '15- ) Stu IMathews John L (la '92) Merrill Mrs F E (mus '11) Home 716 Foster St t Miller James E (e eng '06) Morehouse Merritt J (arch eng '91) Arch 404 Greenwood Blvd fMorphy Arthur E (m eng '05) 1632 Ridge Av Murison Richard V (arch eng '15- ) Stu 904 Judson Av ?Nelson Fred I (m eng '97 BS) Mgr Kevstone Novelty Wks 1515 Chicago Av* Nightingale Augustus F ( '05) Ed $ Lit 916 Sheridan Rd nightingale Harry T (g pol sc '09 AM Fac '10) Teach Evanston Acad NW U 2O20 Sheridan Rd Nightingale Mrs H T (mus '08) Home 2020 Sherman Av Noyes Fanny A (lib '12) Libr 926 Forest Av Olin Irwin B (m eng '14- ) Stu 830 Forest Av Omer Lewis (la '02 AB) ( '96) Phys Dir NW U 716 Clark St Penny James L (ag '15- ) Stu 1325 Rosalie St Phalen Robert W (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 2418 Hartzell St Plochman Carl M (e eng '12) Mfg 903 Main St Plochman Mrs CM (la '13) Home 903 Main St Pooley William V (la '98 AB) Asst Prof NW U 828 Simpson St t Powell Alexander J (ag '10) c/o Sec Law Sch NW U Prosser John A (e eng Feb '15- ) Stu 811 Colfax St Reece Robert H (m eng '15- ) Stu 1118 Sheridan Rd Righter Pearl G (sp '13) Teach 2040 Sherman Av Rogers Gardner S (ag '12) Stu 1306 Hinman Av 926 ILLINOIS Rosenberg Ira (la com '10) Adv 1808 Sherman Av Boss Herbert E (la '14- ) (c eng '14) Stu Avenue House Boss Louise H (la '10 AB) Teach Avenue House Schuyler Henry M (arch eng '08) Arch $ City Planning Phi Kappa Psi House NW U Scott Norman B (sc '10) Merc 122 Keeney St Seller Otto E (la '12 AB) Teach $ Athl Coach 1827 Wesley Av Shipman William D (c eng '14 BS) Bailroad Acct 941 Chicago Av Smith Simeon C C ('91) Sales 1138 Elmwood Av Smith Townsend B (arch eng '10) Contr fy Builder 2235 Sherman Av steinke Martin W (g la '12 PhD) Instr NW U 822 Foster St Stewart John W (c eng '07) Mun Eng 2121 Central St Stewart Walter M (e eng '07 BS) Sales Agt 1909 Livingston St strehlow Oscar E (g c eng '11 CE) ('96) Eng $ Contr 727 Michigan Av tsw anson Arthur E (g econ '11 PhD) ( '09 AM) Prof NW U 522 Church St Thompson David G (geol '13 AM Fac '14) Instr Lehigh U 1629 Hinman Av t Turner Mrs W V (la '12) Home 553 Sherman Av Valentine George S (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 2407 Pioneear Ed Van Deusen Archibald B (e eng '13 BS) E Eng 1613 Wesley Av Van Deusen Arthur S Jr (com '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu 1613 Wesley Av Vetterliet Anna S (su '99) Teach 2204 Harrison Av ? Waterman August H (ag '01) t Whitney Lewis H (ag '13) 1637 Judson Av Wiley Donald F (la com '10 AB) Mgr 4- Mfg 2761 Woodbine Av ? Williams Myron B (ag '01) Woleben Dean P (c eng '14 BS) Surv 2736 Hartzell St Woods Ralf C (ag '13- ) Stu- 1239 Chicago Av Woods Ray J (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 1239 Chicago Av Wyland Ray O (la '15 AB) Theol Stu 4" Mintr EVANSVILLE Block Walter R (g ag '13) (ag '07 BS) Seedsman 437 Jefferson Av Hachman Logan F (ag '15) Stu Wash St L U Speck Cyrus (la com '12) Sales Mgr 314 N Water St Wicklein Elmer (ag '10) Ag $ Stock Wolff Victor A (ag '09) Ag EWING Caldwell Lloyd R (ag '15 BS) An Huso Fitzgerrell Jack A (ag '13- ) Stu Karraker William A (su '13) tLovan Fletcher A (su '10) EXETER tLeib Harvey E (la '98) Stewart John H (sp '00) Stewart Mary L ('98) Med EXLINE Dennison Mrs W A (su '05) Home FAIRBURY Bass Sam B (eng '14) Stu U Chgo Bedell Mrs H B (su '11) Home Broadwell Agnes M (h se '15- ) Stu Canine lone (su '14) Teach Chapman William C (su '02) Mintr Churchill Frank L (la '79) Grain $ Feed Merc Churchill Fred W (ag '14- ) Stu Churchill Woodford M (ag '15- ) Stu Claudon Andrew B Jr (ag '07) Bnk Cottingham Nora (la '15) At home Crossland Hiram E (rye eng '10 BS) C Eng Duzenbery Grant P (la '14- ) Stu Greeg Walter N (la '10) Adv Gould Mrs R R (su '05) Home Henry Elton B (su '15) Stu H Sch James Lois E (h sc '15- ) Stu tKelley Jennie A (su '05) King George H (ag '04) Ag R5 t Leslie Mrs F M (mus '06) Home Mapel Frances P (h sc '13- ) Stu Murphy Mrs D M (su '07) Means Helen A (su'13) Libr Morrison Ivan (ag '13- ) Stu Powers Elmer W (su '09) Supt Schs Schnetzler Charles H (arch eng '10 BS) Arch Shere Welby C (ag '15) Sales Spence William D (ag '02) Ag $ Stock FAIRDALE Blake Benjamin H (ag '12) Ag Woodard Evan E (m eng '07) Grain #• Lumber FAIRFIELD Burgess Oscar W (la '14- ) Stu Caldwell Walter R (la '14- ) Stu ILLINOIS 927 Cox George L (sc '10) Merc Creig-hton Edward W (ag '15 BS) Creighton Mary (la '14) Home 207 W Main Drew Joseph A (ag '09 BS Fac '11) Ag Orcharding Dwyer Leo T (ag '10) Trav Galeener William K (ag '11 BS) Or- chard R2 Galeener Mrs W K (mus '14 B Mus) Teach $ Some El Goudy Don C (m eng '13- ) Stu fGriffin Russell S (ag '08) Harvey Robert A (e eng '14- ) Stu Box 303 tHill Lem H (la '09) Hilliard Lyndal (la '15- ) Stu Kenshalo Ralph (1 '13- ) Stu Linsley Clyde M (ag '15- ) ('13) Stu Box 156 Marshall Thomas H (la '14- ) Stu Martin Thomas W (ag '15) Hard- ware Sales Matteson Glenn H (ag '15 BS) j$g Moore Nelle (mus '15) Teach Mus Nidkell Nellie (la '15- ) Stu Overbee William B (e eng '15- ) Stu Rapp John H (1 '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu Rapp Pete G (la '15) fStewart Henry S (g philos '10) Willard Harry D (su '01) Supt Schs FAIRGRANGE tCraig Arthur E (la '99) Craig Frank H (g la '98) Wyeth Arthur B (ag '07) Grain Merc FAIR HAVEN fJohnston James C (la '75) FAIRLANDS Watts Anna L ('99) Teach FAIRMOUNT Baker Earl B (cer eng '15- ) Stu Catlett Shirley T (ag '10) Asst Cash Exch Bk Cattell Mrs (h se '10) Home Davis Palmer (ag '15- ) Gohn Mrs L E (la '13 AB) Home Hawkins Emin W (ag '12- ) Stu Leitzbach Elizabeth (la '15- ) Stu McClenathan Mrs Effie E (a&d '99) Home tMeaser James H (e eng '12) R4 t Mitchell Joseph A (sc '12) Porterfield Millard F (ag '71) Bnk Porterfield Willard B (la '13 AB) Cash Porterfield 's Bk Rowand Kile E (1 '07 LL B) Ag ?Ryan William A (e eng '09) Salladay George R (sc '99) Ag R2 t Shepherd Fred A ('02) Tilton Walter J (sc '12- ) Stu Van Villars Victor ('97) t Washburn Samuel E (m eng '05) White Alexander B ( '06) White Edgar P ( '06) t White Leila (la '05) White Paul A (arch '09) Hardware Merc FAIRVIEW Alcott Guy F (ag '08) Ag Alcott Leonard C (ag '03) Ag Cattron Kie (ag '10 BS) ( '03) Ag ^Turner Charles A ('86) Will William G (c eng '15) Ag FALL CREEK ?Drummond Roy ( '99) FANCHER Casstevens Thomas H (ag '07) Ag FANCY PRAIRIE Lake Benny W (ag '10) Ag Shaw Mrs S S ( '06) Home FARINA Bovver Mrs G J (la '08) Home Brown Mrs W A ('06) Home Holson Juanita I (la '12) Meeks Arthur F ('96) ISwitzer Ernest} A (ag '00) Ag # Stock de Werf Emil C (ag '13) Ag tWolf Arthur A (e eng '04) tWolf Edd (ag '01) Ag tWolf Louis A (ag '04) FARMER CITY Arbogast Fred L (sc '07) Clk Brandon Eugenie J (la '15- ) Stu fCarter Harry C (su '99) Clarno Harry T (ag '15) Clifford John J ('93) Ag Rl tConvey Averte C (la '13) Cox Lafayett (ag '15- ) Stu tCrum Ellen P (la '93) t Davis Seymour M (1 '08) Eickelberg Herman D (su '14) Teach Box 300 Ewbank John R (la com '08) Ag Way Frank F ( '77) tGearhart John D (sc '00) Haggard William T ('94) Ag tHarland William O (sc '73) Herrick George W (1 '13 AB LL B) Law Herrick Lott R (la '92 BL) Law 928 ILLINOIS Herrick Lyle G (1 '03 AB) Law Herrick Wayne D (ag '13) Ag Houser Irma L (la '12- ) Stu Huddelston Eussell M (ag '13) Phar Ijams Edith H (mus '07) At home Kendall John T (la com '10 LL B) Ag Kendall Mary L (la '15) Teach Kincaid Leslie P (e eng '05) Kincaid Ruth M (la '13- ) Stu tLindeman Frank H (e eng '10) Lindsey Edith L (su '13) Libr Longmate Emma J (sp '74) Stenog McCord John M ( '09) Ag McCord William H (c eng '01) Mader August (arch eng '15 BS) Contr Moreland Carl B (c eng '08) Furni- ture Dealer Pace Ole B (la '10) Ag Par ret June E (su '14) Teach ?Patterson William M (la '93) Rawlings Howard C (e eng '14- ) Stu Reed Mrs F H (la '11) Home Reed Mrs Fay R (su '14) Teach Reeser Orrie H (ag '06) Ag Rich John L (com '13) Trans Savidge Harry (c eng '07 BS) Ag Sr Teach Box 26 Small Clarence W (la '14) Agent NY Cent RR Stensel Harlow (e eng '14- ) Stu Swigart Wanda B (la '14) \Tatman Frank ('94) Tull Nelson G (la '05) Merc Watson Grover W (1 '14 LL B) Law Willerton Fay (la '13 AB) Teach Williams Harry W (m eng '07) Plumb- er ? Williams Jay (sp '03) FARMERSVILLE Aherin Thomas (la '82) FARMINGDALE \ Child Henry ('95) Copper Mark A (ag '11 BS) Ag tHapper James H (ag '09) Knudson Harold E (ag '15- ) Stu FARMINGTON tBear Fred G (e eng '05) Cone George C (arch '00) Gentle Harry J (ag '05) Ag Gentle Ralph W (ag '07) Ag <*reen Arthur J (ag '87) Ag Hutton Mrs M F (la '09) Asst Prin H Sch Kidder Annie S (h sc '02) Teach Record Charles E (ag'08)('03) Ag $• Fruit Robertson James E ('02) Clk Steck Robert B (ag '12) Ag Steenburg Walter C (ag '14- ) Stu E Fort St FERRIS Hughes Emma E (la '98) Teach Sargent Frank A (ag '15- ) Stu Webber Charles A (la '99) Ag FIATT Hughbanks Leonard (ag '06) Ag Smith Mary P (h sc '15) Teach FICKLIN \B ear duff Frank ('07) Mgr Horton & Collins Grain Elevator iHowe James H ( '88) ?McNeill Jennie ('99) Moore Roscoe W ( '06) Merc FIELDON Bauman Mrs L P (la '13 AB) Home R3 Eagleton Ben P (ag '15) Ag $ Stock RFD FILLMORE Fessner Ray F (ag '07) Ag IHerren Harry (m eng '95) Whitten Myrtle (su '15) Willcockson John R (su '15) Teach FILSON t Gamble Jossa P (su '03) FINDLAY t Acorn William H (ag '08) Ag Brown Grace V (la '15- > Stu Davis Helen (la '15) Teach H Sch James Mary ( '06) McGilligan Homer A (ag '07) Ag R3 Rose Daniel T (sp '09) Ag Schwartz Ralph ('06) Merc Vennum Ernest M (sp '04) Bnk Wright Newton A (ag '15 BS) Ag FISHER Briscoe Lillian (la '14) Teach t Davis Willis L (su '99) Heyer Walter E (ag '10) Ag R34 t Houston Beulah J (su '12) Jones Maurris M ( '94) t Jordan Olive E (su '99) Miles Rutherford (sc '01 BS) Merc Minks Ernest W (ag '06) Ag Writchard Frank P ( '00) IRicketts Gilbert ('91) Ritchie Andrew (eng '96) Ag ILLINOIS 929 Sale Leslie O ( '91) \Schenk Clara ('92) Snook Clayton M (ag '12) Ag Stiles Abbie ( '03) Vennum Vinnie V ( '95) tWade Luther C (ag '05) FITHIAN Casteel Grace Mae (su '11) Teach \DicTcson Clarence S ('11) Fowler David ( '91) Ag cf StocJc RJ Freeman Edward E (m eng '06) Merc tLe Fevre George W (ag '02) Smoot Elizabeth E (mus '15 B Mus) Teach Watkins Nora G (mus '11) R2 tWatkins Sadie M (mus '11) Wysong Mrs A B ('96) Home FITTZHILL ?Karr Wm Alexander (la '74) FLANAGAN Barnhart Miles G (su '07) B Est # Ins ^Cornell Albert W ('89) Gardiner John J (c eng '06) Agt 4" Opr Litchfield Beulah G (la '10) Teach FLAT ROCK Ford Hanby L (la '13- ) Stu Hardin Roscoe ( '08) Drug tMagill Leslie P (su '08) Maxwell Loyal C (chem eng '13- ) Stu RFD Maxwell McKinley V (ag '15- ) Stu tNuttall Everett F (sc '10) FLORA Borgelt Clara M E (la '15 AB) Teach Brissenden Lewis A (ag '02) Mail Carrier RFD Chandler Edward C (la '14- ) Stu Chatten Carney E (su '14) Teach Greenlaw Frank A (la '12) Clk Hayward Jessie L (su '12) Libr Hill Henry A (la '14) Pub Work Hill Robert E (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu Karr William M (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu La Frenz Grace E (la '15 AB) Teach Loutzenhiser Sarah E (la '13 AB) Teach Markham William A (ag '06) Ag Meyer Ralph (la '15) Clk Mitchell Loren E (ag '12) Clk Pearce Wilbur R (la 74 Cert) Ag Skaer Edwin W (su '15) Teach H Sch Smith Claude E (la '05) S 111 Record tSouTHwiCK Joe D (la '09 AB) Tanner John R (arch '14) Stu U Pa Torrence Frank H (m eng '14) Teach H Sch Towns Mrs Mabel E (h sc '11) Some Towns Orla A (la '12 AB) Teach FLORIDA 'Bradford Culter M (sp '73) FOOSLAND Bright Leslie O (la '15 AB) Teach tDe Long Alton G (la '04) Cash Bk De Long Stanley ( '07^ Auto Sales De Long Willard E ' (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Hinton Stanley W (ag '15- ) (la '15) Stu Newcomb Walter H (la '15- ) Stu FOREST CITY Bowser Roy D ('04) Jeweler & Ag tClark George E (su '10) Neikirk Frank C ('04) FOREST PARK Buellesfield Henry ( '15 AM) ( '06 AB) Prin H Sch' FORREST McDowell Vann E (la '10) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Miller Bert A (m eng '10) Ag Ocheltree Clifford E ( '93) Asst Supt Wabash RR Parrill Dean (su '15) Supt Schs Box 195 ^Pauley Leander J ('87) tRicketts Lee H (e eng '09) White Edward (su '11) Teach FORRESTON Beebe Nathaniel W (la '71) Bnk $ Lumber Brooks Joseph C (ag '15- ) Stu iEoffa John ('91) Link Earl J (ag '14) Ag \Price Charles J ('94) FOUNTAIN GREEN Geddes Allen G ('11) Teach Law Frank F (ag '05) Teach FOXVILLE ISirner Jerome K ('01) Wham Anna G ('96) 930 ILLINOIS FEANKFOET Carroll Daniel J (c eng '07) Min Eng Chgo Wilmington & Vermillion Coal Co Clark John M (su '14) Teach Folkers Herbert P (la '15- ) Stu tGenther Edward L (sp '00) Hunter James A (ag '13) Ag El (50) FEANKLIN Flynn Frank J ('11) Ag Schaaf Kenneth A ('07) E Eng Wright Allan T (g engl '15- ) (la '13 AB) Stu FEANKLIN GEOVE Buck Earl E (ag '05) Farm Mgr $ Ins ?Fish Almira (la '76) Hussey Donald C (la '10) Lumber # Coal Merc Johnson Mildred (lib '15- ) Stu Moaris Mrs Arthur (la '12) Home FEANKLIN PAEK t Draper Eichard J (1 '08) Lalor Foster M (la '15- ) Stu Wingert Frank J (c eng '08) M Eng FEEDEEICK Eebman Lana G (la '09 AB) ( '03) At home FEEEBUEG t Archibald Charity (su '07) t Archibald Myrtle E (su '07) Fiedler George L (sp '06) Teach Sandidge Clyde E (su '10) Teach Scheid Jacob P (la '12 AB) Teach t Talbot Louis Jr (su '11) Wilderman Floyd T (ag '07) Ag Wolf Andrew J (ag '11) Ag FEEEDOM fBregg Eobert I (sp '97) FEEEPOET Arnold Benjamin A (sc '92) Med 85 N Galena Av Baldwin Leo S (arch eng '11- ) Stu 193 Van Buren St Bickenbach Frederick E (ag '11) Clk 51 Lincoln Av v Britt Eaymond L (la '13- ) Stu Brockmeier Angelina L (la '13- ) Stu 250 Carroll St Brockmeier Martha M (la '15- ) Stu 250 Carroll St Clark John D (m eng '06) Eng 249 Pleasant St Clermont Arthur E ( '06) 191 S Galena Av Coultas Wilber J (m eng '11) M Eng Stover Mf g Co Blackhawk St Courts Joseph B (c eng '09) ClTc 1st Nat Bk 394 Douglas Av Davis Leonard L (eng '13- ) Stu E6(l) t Dawson James E (arch eng '08) Ofc WJc Moline Buggy Co 328 S Galena Av ?Devoe Eay T (m eng '15- ) Stu 187 Benton St Dippell Carl B (arch eng '13- ) Stu 188 Carroll St Dippell Ealph E (arch eng '13- ) Stu 188 Carroll St Dresser Alpheus C (c eng '11) Asst City Eng 130 Washington St Eells Zelma L (ag '09) Teach 362 West St Elsesser Oscar J (sc '12) Stu U Chgo 5 Elk St Emerson Ealph W ('03) Adv $ Gen Serv Mgr W T Eawleigh Engle Eobert H (ag '13- ) Stu 369 S Carroll St Fischer Ealph (ag '13- ) Stu 278 Liberty St Foy Torrey B (ag '15- ) Stu 232 S Galena Av tFulwider Byron S (la com '13) 31 Green St Furst Frank E (la '94) Law $ Mfg 34 Harlem Av tGochnaur Orlando M (la '09) 173 Douglas Av t Graham George W ('94) Paving Contr 51 Grere St Guhl Marvin C (la '15) Baker 38 Elizabeth St ?Hahn Howard H (sp '99) Hawley Clarence E (c eng '04) 270 Douglas Av Heard Oscar E Jr ('06) Court Bep 506 Stephenson St \Hewins Lester G ('99) Mail Carrier 452 West St Hiveley Oscar G (c eng '09 BS) Co Supt Highways Hoefer Emil (ag '15- ) Stu 329 Em- pire St tHoy Harry E (la '12) Hutchins William A (sc '11) Ofc Work 38 Lincoln Av James Harold D (la '02 AB) Law 144 Stephenson St Jungkunz Louis F (com '12- ) Stu 153 Carroll St Laible Eussell J (ag '15- ) Stu 471 Empire St McCool Charles E (c eng '09) Asst Supt Moline Plow Co 588 Lincoln Av ILLINOIS 931 Machamer Ivan G (ag '07) Dist Agt Union Cent Life Ins Co 207 Carroll St McLain Ernest S (su '10) Teach H Sen ?Mathews Wilson T (ag '72) Mensenkamp Louis E (sc '15- )('12) Stu 51 Cottonwood St Miller Ezra E (1 '03) Merc 9 Pine St Montilius Howard M (la '69) Moore Harry W (m eng '11) Teach 121 Broadway Nix Julius C (e eng '14- ) Stu 416 Union St Ousley Harold P (com '14 AB) Sales Corresp 221 Stephenson St Peeples William M (se '14 AB) Eaw- leigh Med Co Pfeil Eaymond F (ag '11) Ag El Phillips Nelson C (sc '04 AB) Med 110 Stephenson St tEeber Louemma (sp '02) Eideout George E (la '15- ) Stu 39 Prospect Terrace Eockey Paul T (arch eng '13- ) Stu 170 Union St Eosensteel Jerome J (ag '81) Bet 295 Carroll St Sawyer Peter W (la com '69) tSchaub Melville G (c eng '06) Schmelzle George H (la com '09) Mgr 447 Lincoln Av Seeley Eobert M (com '15) Jour 44 Lincoln Av Shannon Agnes N (h sc '08 BS) Teach 242 Walnut St Sheetz A Vernon (com '15- ) Stu E2 Smith Dwight L (e eng '11 BS) £ Eng 229 Carroll St Smith Merle L (la '15) 45 Prospect Terrace Smith Sidney H (com '15) Stenog 45 Prospect Terrace Snyder Karl F (m eng '95) 296 Ste- phenson St Taggart James E (ag '79) Ag IWinslow Fred A ('94) 122 Lincoln Av Wright Burrell (1 '11- ) Stu U Mich 447 Stephenson St Zipf Oscar E (ag '15) Ag 171 Whistler St FEEMONT Wean Harry S ( '01) FEENCH GEOVE Wavis William ('84) FULTON Aiken Alice ('11) Teach \Barber Elizabeth L ('04) tHurlbert James E (1 '06) 51 Base St Kadyk David J (la '15- ) Stu 1006 15th Av Machamer Elmer E (e eng '10) BnJc machamer Walter E ('04) Pingel Eunice M (la '15) Stu Bruins Hotel Price Harry B (su '12) Supt Schs Rogers Myron C ('98) Law Snyder Earl C (arch eng '10) Merc Sterenberg Bert L (ag '15 BS) Ag Sterenberg John F (ag '11) Ag Thomsen Marvin W (la '15) 412 12th Av Wiersema Henry (e eng '15- ) Stu 611 15th Av Yonkman George (c eng '15- ) Stu 15th Av GALATTA Abney Bertram (ag '14 BS) Ag Eiegel Bertha (ag '14- ) Stu Small Dee (ag '15- ) Stu W-ebber Arthur ('96) GALENA Barrett Lawrence H (ag '15- ) Stu 413 Prospect St Bench Stella L (su '15) Teach H Sch 401 Broadway St Corcoran Katherine M (su '15) Teach 305 Bouthitlier St tFrieseneeker Emma K (su '15) Teach 507 Spring St Graham James E (sp '70) Homrich Leslie (su '14) Prin H Sch 213 Bench St Hornrich Grover E (1'04) Ag tKraus William C (m eng '02) Logan Eay E (sc '08) Med Schneider Arthur C (c eng '12- ) Stu 701 Bench St fShackell Leon F (sc '06) Sheean Frank T (la '99 AB) Law tSheean John O (1 '04) GALESBUEG Aldrich Harry G (arch '13 BS) Arch 543 W North St Anderson Eulalia (su '08) Teach 224 Lake St Bates Charles E (eng '15- ) Stu 542 E Grove St Beadle John G (arch BS '14) ( '88) Arch 217 E Main St Brown Verna L (mus '11) At home 1077 N Broad St 932 ILLINOIS Burns Charles N (1 '13) Jour 513 W South St Butler Charles C (su '07) Ins Butler Mrs Ruby J (su '07) Home Butt Harley M (e eng '14 BS) C Eng c/o Knox Co Court House Cabeen Joshua D (e eng '97) Dent 249 E Main St Chapman Frank (e eng '93) Osteop 422 Holmes Bldg Clay John L (ag '02) Ag R5 CONGER John L ('11) Prof Knox Coll 585 Jefferson St Cratty Stella E (la '15- ) Sub -Teach tDallach Gertrude B (su '14) 244 W South St ^Davidson Jessie F (arch '06) Davis Katherine (lib '15- ) Stu 379 W Tompkins St Davis Mrs P N (ag '14- ) Stu 291 W South St Dawson Clarence W (ag '11) Sales Nat Cash Register Co 80 S Cherry St Derby Sylvester R (c eng '15) Coach Athl Lombard Coll t Ferris Arthur T (la '95) Gregg Clarence A (ag '06) Ag R6 (69) Gregg Harry L (ag '07) Ag R6 Handke Paul A (sc '94 BS) c/o Pur- ington Pav Brick Co 135 N Kellog St Hardy Guy B (la '05 AB) Law 74 S Cherry St tHarshbarger Lulu B (su '07) 1102 E Fifth St tHazen Lewis Conn (ag'll) Ag $ Stock R5 fHenderson Alice A (su '07) Inness Lucy M (su '14) Libr 279 W South St tJudson Howard M (^la '09) Katar Lillian L (su '15) Stu Knox Coll 109 Allen's Av Keefe Anastasia L (la '02) Teach 183 N Academy St Kennedy Edward R 955 E Brooks St Kinney Carlotta H (su '15) Teach 96 Maple Av Kinney Percey L (ag '15- ) Stu 96 Maple Av Kost John C (1 '09 LL B) Law 14 E Main St Lapham Gail H (su '09) Teach 573 " Maple Av ILawrence Philip E ('82) t Lemon Louis (ag '01) tLott Harvey V (la '96) Drug McClelland Cochran B (ag '10) Ag McClelland Thomas (Hon LLD'05) Pres Knox Coll 656 N Prairie St McLaughlin Maud K (g latin '10) At home 567 E Losey St tMangrum Lillian M (su '11) Nelson Adolph L (m eng '12- ) Stu R4 Nelson Anna M (su '12) Teach H Sch Nelson Idris (sc '15 BS) Cer Chem Purington Paving Brick Co O'Brien Leo F (1 '11) Law 104 Walnut Av O'Donnell Louise L (h sc '14) At home 405 West South St Ogden Charles L (1 '03 LL B) Law 116 Cedar Av Olson Agnes M (la '14 AB) At home 576 N Chambers St Peters William W (g e eng '13) Teach 193 N Kellogg St Peterson Chester A (ag '13- ) Stu 1578 N Seminary St Peterson Eleanor S (h sc '14- ) Stu 453 E Losey St Peterson Harry W (1 '11) Dist Mgr Life Ins Co 313 Galesburg Bk Bldg POOR Charles M ('15) Instr Lom- bard Coll Powelson Horace E (su '13) Merc 90 Cherry St Rush Francis E (e eng '12) Trav 79 N Prairie St Shaw Otto (su '10) Stu 640 N Prai- rie St Shepperd James D (e eng '14 BS) Asst Eng 1142 E South St SIMONDS Wm E ( '04) Prof $ Dean Men Knox Coll Sperry Holland R (su '13) Teach H Sch 238 Holton St Springe Otto (cer eng '12 BS) Cer Eng Purington Paving Brick Co Squires Mrs H G (la '09 AB) Borne , 666 Kellogg St Stephens John R (e eng '11) Eng 111 Tract Sys 1330 E Brooks St Stevenson Fred L (arch eng '14- ) Stu 67 N Cherry St \Taggart Jeanette ('10) 308 E Main St thoreen Edna A (ger '14 AM) Teach H Sch 1397 Haynor St Tunnicliff John J Jr (1 '01 LLB) Law 663 W North St Vernes Emma M (h sc '02) Seam- stress 793 E Main St Watts Harry F ('04) Dent 302 E Main St Weech John G (g econ '15- ) Stu 512 S Cedar St Wheaton Hazel D (la '15- ) Stu 46 E Grove St Worman George R ('07) c/o Wein- berg Bros Fruit & Produce R2 Zetterholm Maurice E (1M5) Jour 539 Clark St ILLINOIS 933 GALESVILLE Swartz Wilmot (su '04) GALTON McBratney Mrs C E (h sc '02) Home Swick Curvella H (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu GALVA Best Leon H (com '15- ) (eng '15) Stu Box 359 Beals Clarence H (ag Feb '16- ) Stu Brown Edwin (m eng '02) Mgr $ V-Pres Galva Elec Light Co ?Cyrus August (ag '86) Derby Francis A (ag '06) Ins Edson Charles B (la com '76) Merc 117 NW Third Av Ford Everett P (m eng '13) M Eng 415 N W Second St Glidden Lola B (la '04) Teach tGreep Orpha E (h sc '02) tGreep Theodore W (ag '02) Hanawalt William G (m eng '15- ) Stu 317 E Division St Harris William E (ag '13) Ag El (19) \ Hayes Albert L ( '94) Hayes Percy C (sp '04) Treas Hayes Pump & Planter Co Hudson Harry H (c eng '08 BS) St ■ Highway Comm Hudson Mrs H H (la '06) Home tLarson Eollin J (la '04) t Miller Harry (ag '03) Miller Virginia A (la '15- ) Stu 604 NW First Av Mink Dwight L (com '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu 319 NW Third Av Moore Sidney S (su '12) Teach 209 NE Fourth St Morgan Meryl S (c eng '08 BS) tRoot Ralph W (la '02) Stead Rowland W (c eng '15- ) Stu 720 N Third Av Waterous Willard (sc '10) Stu NW U West Dale N (la com '07) Asst BJc Cash White Fred U (c eng '79) Teach Yocum Earl L (la '04 AB) Bnk 716 NW Fourth Av GARDENPLAIN Riordon Charles B (ag '90) GARDEN PRAIRIE McMaster Alva H (ag '11) Ag tPage Arthur T (m eng '89) Porter Harry G (ag '13) Ag Wright Wayne E (ag '13) Ag GARDNER Beltz John S (eng '14- ) Stu fBrown Harry G (su '08) Schrotberger Curtis J (ag '05) Ag Williams Earl C (e eng '14 BS) GARD'S POINT t Shearer Hallock ('93) GARRETT Sharp Mildred (su '13) Teach H Sch GARVER STATION %McCormick William ('05) GAYS (sc '12) Stu Rush (sc '13) Stu U Hardinger Burt H Med Coll Hardinger Paul M Chgo Hardinger Ralph W (sc '12 BS) Stu Rush Med Coll Kern Mrs J R (mus '80) Home Kern Vernon H (ag '13- ) Stu Rose Webster B (la '10 AB) ( '03) Prin H Sch # Edit E Moline Herald Bouse John E ('92) Teach GENESEO Andrews Alfred A (ag '12) Ag Brown Dorothy S (la '13- ) Stu Clay comb George B (la '07) Teach 214 Main St Dedrick Eva A (la '12 AB) At home 527 S Center St Ellsberry Lloyd K (la '10 AB) Mere Ellsberry Mrs L K (la '06 AB) Home Erdmann Roy A (ag '14- ) Stu Ferguson Merton M (m eng '07) Ag Fisher Abigail E (la '15 AB) At home 211 W North bt Fisher Aileen S (la '15- ) Stu 211 W North St Fisher Helen V (la '12- ) Stu 211 W North St Ford Clyde D (ag '04) Ag Gray Bartlett S (1 '04 LL B) Law 202 W Pearl St Hanford Charles C (e eng '14) Ag Haynes Henry H (ag '12) Ag Hoit Maurice E (ag '15 BS) Ag # Stock 425 S Center St Hoit Otis Willis ( '10- ) (ag '79 BS) Ag Hosford Susan E (la '13- ) Stu 316 W Pearl St Johnson Aline V (la '09) Teach 522 S State St 934 ILLINOIS tKiner Henry C (c eng '09) Masonry Insp Bridge Dept IC EE Kiner Howard D (1 '13- ) Stu 111 W South St t Lager Martin F (ag '11) Lefferty Harriet A (la '12) Com Instr \Lowes Forrest M ( '95) Luther Edward LeEoy (ag '04) Ag Magee Elon C (ag '13 BS) Ag Eichmond Warren M (ag '13- ) Stu Searle John C (1 '11 AB) Law Smith Arthur A (sp '02) Ag E3 Smith George L (ag '13- ) Stu E3 Smith John W (m eng '13- ) Stu Smith Leslie G (ag '14) Ag E3 Smith Valda E (h sc '14- ) Stu 541 E Main St Spencer John E (com '15- ) Stu 217 S State St Taylor Norris O (la '14- ) Stu 251 E Wells St Taylor Thomas H (1 '13) Law 411 W Main St Tracy Glenn K (ag '09) Auto Deal Tuttle Mrs W W (la '04 AB) Home Walheim Frank J (1 '08) Law Ward Herbert B (ag '15- ) Stu Wenke Vernon A (com '15- ) Stu 423 N College Av Whitney Elmer Z (ag '10) Ag Wilkinson Elon G (la com '15 AB) 324 N State St GENEVA Albin John M (ag '13) Trav Albin Eussell H (la '12) Clk Bennett George H (arch '11) Birch Eobert F (la '13) Mfg Third St Carlisle Gower N (c eng '10) B Est 4- Ins Dahlin Edna (ag '14- ) Stu tFord Albert G (ag '13) Surv Glassco Eoy T (ag '15 BS) (ag '05) Ag Training Seh for Girls McClenahan John E (ag '05) Flori- culture tMiller Warner D (la '10) Eeadhimer Jerome E (ag '04 BS Fac '13) Bes Sargeant Southworth S (1 '13 LL B) Law tSchutz Arthur V (e eng '07) Sigfredson Ebba B (h sc '15- ) Stu Smith Everett W (cer '15) Tract In- dex System Eecorder's Ofc County Ct House 208 Eichards St Wells Edward E (c eng '14 BS) C Eng 100 Fourth St Woolston William H (sc '13 AB) Stu NW Med GENOA 1 Belknap Henry W (la '00) Brown Bayard (ag '12- ) Stu Brown Dillon S (ag '92 MS) ('75) Bnk Brown Earle W (1 '06) Law Brown Loyal C (ag '13) Ag Corson Irene M (la '15- ) Stu Evans George E (la com '06) Ins Hadsall John E (la '71) Bus Mgr Hepburn Thomas M (c eng '14 BS) C Eng Little Adelbert D (arch eng '13- ) Stu Lloyd Sergins H (ag '15- ) Stu E3 Olmstead Clarence E (la '11 AB) Mintr Pierce Benjamin E (c eng '14- ) Stu Eowen Marjorie M (la '11) Bk Clk Sevan Mrs C J (la '07 AB) Home Stewart Charles A (ag '08 BS) Ag t Stewart Jennie M (n se '05) GEOEGETOWN fBoggess Homer H (ag '14) Ag E3 tBoggess Thomas E (ag '04) Fletcher Marcus S (sc '99 BS) Med Henderson William T (1 '10) Law Madden Alma G (su '13) Teach H Sch Mills Grace A (la '14) Teach Eichie Wilson L (sc '11) Mgr Posi- tive Elec Co 12 E West St Sheets Haven M (ag '14- ) Stu E2 Woodruff Paul A (e eng '15- ) Stu E2 GEELAW Chapman Norman W (c eng '84 Cert) C 4- Min Eng Johnson Harry J (ag '15- ) Stu El Porter Harry H (min eng '13- ) Stu Salbe Eoy M (su '12) Teach GIBSON CITY Barber Franklin B (ag '14- ) Stu Barlow Bronson (g bot '14 Fac '13) Bes Bonnen Clarence A (ag '15- ) Stu tBuckman Eay F (la '05) Chubbuck Judson E (com '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu Culter Mrs Lucy J (su '14) Lior Day Curtiss L (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu De Wall Lambert C (ag '07) Seed Impl $• Coal Eminger Evan B (ag '08) Ag Fisher Eobert F (e eng '08) C Eng Garber Alfred E (ag '13- ) Stu Gleason Matthew E (sp '03) Vet •fGrimm James A (ag '07) ILLINOIS 935 Hicks Otis E (e eng '15) Kirkpatrick Nell B (h sc '14 BS) Teach H Sch Lamb Wallace S Jr (la '12 ) Under- taker Lowry James P (arch eng '93) Jour Sj- Merc McCornell Charles (la '12) Stu U 111 Coll Dent mccullough Fred J (eng '04 BS) Mgr Operator Elec Light Plant mckeever William E (ag '10 BS) Ag McKeever Mrs W E (la '07) Home mckinney Henry T (la '15 AM) ( '13 AB) Prin H Sch & Supt Schs Main James F (la '14) Mitchell Lucile (mus '12) Superv Mus 4" Draw Mottier Julia L (h sc '12- ) Stu Myers John T (su '14) Newcomb John E (su '12) Med Nicholson Margaret (su '15) Teach Noble Harry C (la '96 ) Grain Merc Noble William (la '96 AB) Merc Onken George F Jr (ag '10 BS) Ag Peters Albert G (su '13) Stu Kush Med Coll Pinkley James P (arch eng '12- ) Stu Kandolph Hallie B (ag '14 BS) Teach Ag Reynolds Mrs E L ('02) Home E3 Eockwood Eoscoe (com '11) Coal Bus Schroeder Glenn W (ag '14 BS) Ag Shamel John G (ag '91) Med fSheen James G (sc '04) Shirley Harry ('95) Ag ?Simma William H (ag '13) Simms Wm H Jr (ag '11- ) Stu Speedie William W (sc '10) Sprowls Luna L (sc '14) Stu tStouffer Emmert T (1 '11) Swanson Claude M (1 '14 LL B) Law Walker George W (ag '03) Grain Merc Warfield Mrs A G (la '06) Home Wilson Lester E (la '07 AB) Ins Wilson Mrs L E (su '14) Home GIFFOBD tDailey John F (1 '04) t Gordon Alice M ( '10) Morse Jediddiah D (e eng '91 BS) Cash Morse St Bk Pierce Jessie E - (la '12) At home Pierce Laura E (la '10 AB) CXk Pierce Maurice J (com '15- ) Stu Ware Walter S ('91) Ag tWood Eunice L (su '03) Wood George V (1 '10 LL B) Grain Deal Wooldridge Eugene B (1 '06) V-Pres Morse St Bk | Wooldridge Fay M (e eng '13 BS) E Eng Wooldridge Mrs Hattie M (mus '80) Asst PM Wright William E (la '14- ) Stu GILLESPIE tBycroft Harry F Jr (ag '03) Dorsey Plutarch H ('81) Fitzpatrick James C (min eng '15- ) (c eng '15) Eng Hoehn Frank L (la '11) Supt Schs Huddleston Samuel D (su '12) Teach Eice Hugh M (ag '14 BS) Eice Eoscoe M (ag '06) Ag Eisk Frederic E (1 '07) Law GILMAN Allen Eobert C (la '81) ( '76) Bet t Beyer George F (gen sc '07 BS) Merc fDickson Helen S (lib '06) t Elliott Eoy G ( '00) Harris Eobert B (ag '15- ) (arch eng '15) Stu Holch Ealph E (m eng '10 BS) Teach Humphrey Glenn S (sc '12) Clk PO Kraft Adolph (la '15- ) Stu Kraft August (la '15- ) Stu Lenz Charles A (la '14- ) Stu Mann Frank I (la '76 BL) Ag t Meyer Eobert C (m eng '02) Miller Fred E (la '12- ) Stu Miller Mable L (su '10) At home Eoesner Hedwig E (mus '13) Teach HSch Eohrer Frank P (la '15- ) (chem eng '15) Stu Stevenson Dorothy (ag '13- ) Stu West Eoy C ( '97) Ag Wilson Howard W (ag '12) Stu Chgo Vet Coll E2 ? Young William W (sp '73) GILSON \Haner Earl L ('11) Poultry E30 GIEAED Carter Samuel C (c eng '10) C Eng fEverts Frank H (la com '74) t Gates Edgar F (e eng '06) ?Grotts Walter F (su '09) Teach Hopson Emet N (ag '15- ) Stu Lloyd Thomas H (g ag '15- ) (ag '15 BS) Stu Box 47 ?Orr Margaret E (su '06) fSmalley Francis A (la '81) Terry Eobert B (la '15- ) Stu Box 657 936 ILLINOIS GLASFORD Clinebell Howard J (ag '14- ) Stu Harper Ernest G (la '15) Stu Hess Samuel E (m eng '13) Mech Lightbody Howard D (su '15) GLENARM tBurtle Anna E (su '02) Stout Frank L (ag '11 BS) Ag R23 Stout Samuel P (ag '05) Ag GLENAVON t Lewis Emerson O (m eng '11) GLEN CARBON \Besele Edward L ('03) Kerchner Fred W (sc '04 BS) Med GLENCOE Antoszewski Eobert H (ag '14- ) Stu 680 Bluff St Brigham Erwin R (m eng '14- ) Stu 815 Greenleaf St Bush Alexander (la '14- ) Stu 830 Greenleaf Av Calhoun Preston B (ag '13- ) Stu 911 Vernon Av Cormack Joseph C (com '15- ) Stu 495 Greenleaf Av Dennis Rose C (h sc '13- ) Stu 823 Greenleaf Av fEdwards Dudley S (mun eng '08) Girling Mrs Winthrop (la '83 BL) Home 753 Bluff St Hammond Sarah S (su '11) Lilr 439 Hazel Av tHurford Frances (h sc '10) Hurford Roland R (e eng '06) Law Jones Tennyson C (ag '15) Stu 450 Railroad Av Johnson Gilbert D (la '12) Elec Clocks Kittermaster Dougall A (arch eng '15) Capt 42nd Bat Can Exped Force 816 Bluff St Ligare George C (sc '14) At home 765 Vernon Av McGuire Walter J (la com '12) B Est 500 Adams St Meyer Mrs C H (la '93) Home Hazel & Greenleaf Avs Meyer Husted M (com '15- ) Stu 250 Hazel Av Miller Joseph G (com '15- ) Stu 543 Grove St tRubens Harry Jr (1 '09) SAGER Fred A ('03)(g eng '98) Contr Eng Elec Mech & C Eng 105 S La Salle Sager Mrs F A (lib '03 BLS) Home 435 Skokie Rd t Sargent Chester F (m eng '10) Schnur Benjamin H (1 '09) Auto Agency 264 Hawthorne Av GLEN ELLYN Brenner Charles "W (c eng '12 BS) Valuation Dept CRI&P RR Box 532 Clare William H (eng '13 BS) Arch t Dodge Douglas R (arch eng '10) Harmon Ada D (la '80) Wheat ranch Higley Harvey V (chem eng '12) Stu V Wis Lee Mary D (sp '96) Supt Schs Newton Doris C (h sc 'i5- ) Stu Rathbun Harry R (ag '15- ) Stu Spalding Roy V (1 '98 LL B) B Est Sturges Howard P (arch eng '06) Arch GLENVIEW Hoerner Frank A (la '15 AB) Mintr GLENWOOD Buckler Carl W (sc '15 AB) Teach GODFREY Maxfield Leroy H (m eng '05 BS) M Eng Oulson Fannie F (su '15) Smith Theodore H (la '14- ) Stu Beverly Farm tStewart Charles H (ag '11) tUlrich Otto H (ag '06) t Waggoner Eugene L (la '76) Waggoner Lathy ('85) Contr GOLCONDA \Bauer Stanley A ('09) t Bauer Walter ( '09) Hacker George (ag '00) Ag R4 Jackson Walter H (min eng '98) Min Eng t Lewis Harry N ( '09) Mulconery Maurice J ( '10) Scott Winfield (c eng '15) Stanbitz Louis P ('09) Trovillion Fred R ('10) Surv GOLDEN Boger James F (eng '90) Ins Croxton Frank E (ag '07) Ag King Harry M ('01) Merc Morton Roy A (ag '10) Teach tReid Dillard (ag '07) GOLDENGATE Rigg Granville L (ag '11) Rl Rigg Joseph H (ag '15- ) Stu Rl Sunderland Glen H (ag '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 937 GOODENOW Bahlmarm Harry F ( '10) Baker George W (ag '09) Ag GOODFIELD . Eobinson Edith A (la '15- ) Stu GOOD HOPE Brown Frank L (la '77) James Carl L (ag '05) Ag GOODWINE Carman Florence (la '14- ) Stu GOEEVILLE Wiggins Eolla E (su '15) GOSHEN Mehi Wallace W (1 '14 LL B) Law GKAND CHAIN Hart Archie H (ag '15) Woodcutter Box 48 GRAND RIDGE Dille Lavina F (h sc '14) \Parshall Ralph R ( '02) Strong Willis V ('03) Wakey Earl R (ag '10) Ag GRAND TOWER tBaysinger Millard W Jr (la '10) Blake Edward L (su '01) Teach \Crow Lewis M ('10) GRAND VIEW tShoptaugh Mary E (ag '01) GRANGER Blank Warren M ( '97) Ag GRANITE CITY Bandy * Harold J (la '10) Law 19th & E St Bishop David M (la '76) B Est L $ Ins 2205 D St Booze Ralph W (ry e eng '12 BS) Supt Light & Power Co Buenger Katherine M (la '15 AB) At home Buenger Louis (la '08 AB) Merc Granite City Lime & Cem Co Buenger William G (ag '08) Ag Rl Coudy Georgia D (la Feb '16- ) Stu 8301 "C" St Eaton Margaret E (la '12) Teach R3 ?Ebert Lawrence R (c eng '07) Eisenmayer Arthur W Jr (la '10 AB) Mgr Granite City Lime & Cement Co EiiisoN Charles C (1 '11 LL B & AB) Law Fleishman George S (c eng '15- ) 2037 B St Frohardt Elmer P (ag '13- ) Stu 2223 D St Frohardt Louis P (su '13) Supt Schs 2223 D St Griffith Roland W (1 '10 AB) Law 2230 "C" St Kerch Walter W (c eng '08 BS) Eng Lime & Cement Co Kerch Mrs W W (la '08 AB) Home 2028 G St Koch Alfred R (chem eng '07 BS) Amer Steel Foundries t Lewis William H (la '14) Teach 2251 State St McCarthy Carolyn Y (su '08) Prin Washington Sch Parr Clyde H (la '13) ( '08 LL B) Law Roman Oscar (ag '14 BS) Ag Rl Rosenberg Herbert B (ag '15- )('13) Stu 2257 C St Schroeder Hugo C H (sc '05) Med Stallings Thomas ('86) Law Strong Willis V ('03) turton Mrs G W (la '08 AM) 2029 D St Webb William R (su '15) Prin Schs 2227 "D" St West Emma M (su '08) Teach H Sch Williams Oswald H (arch eng '14- ) Stu 2211 State St GRANTFORK ?Hilbert Lewis A (su '05) tSalzman Oscar R (su '05) ISchierbaum Emanuel A ('91) GRANT PARK Engelland Edmund F (e eng '14- ) Stu Esson Leroy E (la '11) Ag t Harris James W (ag '04) Harris Ray W (ag '04) Ag tKing George C (ag '04) Wheeler Herbert (gen '74) Med Wilson Jesse H (ag '10) Ag Rl GRANVILLE Nelson R (ag '09) R2 Anderson Nelson R (ag '09) Ag Bassett Clifton H (ag '08) Gar Dysart Benjamin Q (sc '15) Stu Dysart Charles A (ag '07) Ag I Dysart Howard L (ag '06) E Eng ! Dysart Leslis C (ag '03) Ag | Edgerly Kenneth H (ag '15- ) Stu tForan Patrick H ( '09) Franceway Margaret (la '05 AB) Teach 938 ILLINOIS Hullinger Charles S (77) Hunt George W (1 '14 LL B) Law Hunt Mrs G W (la '06 AB) Home Martin Helen E (h se '10) Teach tRaley Charles R (ag 78) Stetson George H (ag '15- ) Stu GEAYMONT Eyman Joe (m eng '11) Mgr Farm- ers Elevator Co GRAYSLAKE MacMillen Lloyd A (e eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu Taylor Mrs Edith C (su '12) Teach GRAYVILLE t Blackford Alice A (sc '03) Blood Alan S (ag '15- ) Stu Blood Paul R (c eng '08) Sand # Gravel Eastwood Bertram E (ag '06) Ag $ Stock Echols Elmer A (ag '09) Jeweler 4' Optician tHearn Alma (mus '13) Hehn John J Jr (ag '12) Ag Helm Harry G (la '14- ) Stu t Jennings Rienzi W (su '02) Ronalds Hugh L (m eng '85 BS) Merc 4" Ag Shelton Francis R (e eng '07) Merc Smith Madeline M (h sc '10) Mus Whitney Wallace C ('07) Williams Glenn B (c eng '07) Ag Woodham George E (ag '15- ) Stu GREAT LAKES Pease Lewis A (c eng '08) Eng US Power Plant GREENFIELD Collins Lester E (ag '15) Ag Doyle Joseph H (su '09) Law Holmes Oliver W (eng '13- ) (ag '08) Stu tKoehm George V (e eng '06) Ag Koehm Mrs V R (la '12) Ag Lawler Francis C (e eng '15) Lawler Thomas J (arch ens '14- 1 Stu 6 ' Melvin Leon R (ag '06 BS) Merc Melvin Maurice L (ag '04) Ag Metcalf Merrill B (ag '06) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Parish William L (arch eng '12- ) Stu Parks Mrs W F (la '09 AB) Prin H Sch Robbins Oscar E (ag '14) Roodhouse James P (la '90) BJc Cash Smith Glenn C (ag '13- ) Stu Smith K Taliaferro (c eng '10) Ag R2 Vandaveer Harriet (su '14) N Main St Wilhite George M (la >16) GREENUP Black Ward N (la '15) Prin H Sch Cash Madia A (su '15 ) Teach Cook Morris H (e eng '15- ) Stu Finney Calvin J (su '14) Fitch Hugh (m eng '15- ) Stu Hadley Maude (su '15) Lee Ritta (su '10) Teach Ratcliff Glenn (1 '15 LL B) Law Rateliff Maude H (su '15) Teach Box 12 TTiomen Annie (h sc '10) At home tWinslow Winnie (su '11) GREEN VALLEY Allen Paschal (ag '05 BS) Ag Allen Mrs Paschal A (sc '11 AB) Home Rl Firth Jacob G (c eng '15- ) Stu Hofreiter Jesse B (la '16) Stu Jibben Rawleigh J (ag '15- ) Stu Phillips Joseph E (ag '14- ) Stu Trowbridge Jessie E (h se '13 BS) Teach Trowbridge Mary L (g lat '15- ) ( '15 AB) Stu Trowbridge Myrtle (la '11 AB) At home Trowbridge Tessie E (h sc '13 BS) tWoodrow Charles N ('80) Woodrow Raymond B (ag '15- ) Stu Woodrow Richard L (ag '09) Ag Rl t Woodrow William L (sp '85) GREENVIEW Alkire Hazel E (sc '12 AB) Prin II Sch Bradley Perry E N (ag '10) Ag Eldridge Earle W (ag '15- ) Stu Golden Marie (la '15- ) Stu ingels Nellie L (g math '14 AM) Prof Greenville Coll ?Jones Roy A (ag '10) Mach Kincaid Todd P (ag '06) Ag Marbold Pauline (la '13- ) Stu Petrie Nina E (su '10) Teach Rathsack Mary (la '15- ) Stu Rathsack Robert E (m eng '1?- ) Stu Rice James E (su '09) Teach Smooth William E (ag '13- ) Stu Stone Mrs J H (su '06) Home Ties Evert H (1 '09 LL B) Ag ILLINOIS 939 Tice Karl J (ag '07) Ag Weensing Harry J (la '09 AB) Merc Wernsing Otto B (ag '12) Ag Wernsing Rudolph B (ag '12 ) Merc GREENVILLE Andrews Samuel W Jr (su '08) Pres 4- Mgr Model Glove Co 416 Wyatt St Baker Ernest M (su '15) Stu Green- ville Coll Barr Lola R (su '15) Stu Greenville Coll . 508 S Locust Av Baumberger Harry N (e eng '01) C Eng Beedle Herbert S (ag '07) Ag BiGGS John D (1 '11 LLB) Law Chappelear Claude S (ag '15- ) Stu Coleord Mary E (g lat '15- ) Stu 500 N Spruce St Coleman Henry C Jr. (m eng '12- ) Stu Davis Jessie V (su '09) Teach 519 Well St davis Ruth K (g latin '15 AM) Teach 519 Wells St Dietiker Edward (ag '15) tDressor Blanche A (la '09) 317 N Fourth St Gerke Roscoe H (la '15- ) Stu 416 S Fifth St Graff Mamie E (su '05) (su '95) Teach Hair Arthur J (e eng '14- ) Stu 601 Washington Av Ingels NelleL (g math '14 AM) Prof Greenville Coll Kaeser William G (1 '04 LLB) Mgr Helvetia Milk Con Co McNeill Roscoe P (la '05 AB) Ag Maynard Julia L (su '08) Teach Morey Louise (mus '10) Niedermeyer Arthur W (su '14) Act Supt Schs 336 N Third St Reid James W (la '78) Abstracts $ Loans 107 S Second St Richards Alice M (su '14) Libr 208 E Main St Sager Albert C (su '14) 422 E Main St seawell Cornelia R (g la '13 AM) Teach 406 E College Av Smith Marshall E (su '15) N Elm St t Smith Vivian T (su '12) Stoutzenberg Florence T (h sc '12- ) Stu tStreuber Emma W (h sc '09) todd Vincent H (g la '12 PhD Fac '11) Prof Greenville Coll Van Deusen John L (c eng Feb '16- ) ('12) Stu 318 W Harris St Wait Bernice C (g h sc '15- ) Stu R5 f White William H (chem '73) tWood Ethel (su '06) Woods Paul O (ag '06) Vet 316 S Second St GREENWOOD Howard A (su '08) t Mansfield fMansfield John R ( '80) fWebster Edwin G (ag '02) GRIDLEY Castle Drew W (m eng '15- ) Stu Coyle Cassius M (sc '15) Asst Cash Ger Amer St Bk Coyle Harry B (ag '11) Ins B Est 4-L Egolf Harry A (su '09) Bus Mgr de- tail Harness Kent Everett F (ag '12- ) Stu Kent Paul F (arch eng 'i5- ) Stu Neuhauser Edwin V (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu Shockley Ruth (su '15- ) Teach GRIGGS VILLE t Clark Kenneth W (ag '04) Dimmitt Lena A (su '10) BTcpr Farrand Fred H ('91) Cash Bk Farrand Ralph P (la com '15) Asst Cash 111 Valley Bk fGray Shirley E (chem '96) Haeshman Wayne F (e eng '11 BS) Ag Harvey Raymond W (sc '99) Ag Hunter Harold S (e eng '09) Betail Lumber c/o Hunter Allen & Co Moore Richard J (ag '15) Dairy Ag Newman Allan A (1 '04) Ag t Parker John K (sp '03) Stead Charles B (c eng Feb '16- ) Stu Wilkins Charles M (la '15) R3 Yates Thomas M (ag '06) Ag # Mill- ing GROVE CITY Sadler Lucille (la '15) Teach GROVELAND Rohlfing Walter L (ag '12 • ) Stu GURNEE Dady Robert H (1 '08) Impl Merc McClure Rawley W (m eng '08) Gar GUTHRIE Brotherton Roy E ( '10) Asst Cash Bk Brotherton William E (m eng '13- ) Stu tCothern Robert P (ag '03) Reynolds Ora E (la '14- ) Stu ? Wilson Love F (mus '99) 940 ILLINOIS HADLEY fSearles Frank W (sc '74) HAINESVILLE f Adams M D (sp '73) ?Bradway Augustus C (m eng '72) Shanks Clifford C (ag '06) Ag HALDANE tGood Eoy C (ag '02) HALE ? White Wallace (la '74) HAMBUEG Wilson Lyle A (arch eng '14- ) Stu HAMILTON Barber Austin D ( '07) Ret Brandt Mrs C M (com '76) Soc Serv Eighth & Broadway St Brant ChaunceyH (ag '13) Ag Eighth & Broadway Sts Byrns Harvy W (ag '06) RR Eng Dadant Clemence (mus '10) Mus Teach Dadant Harriette G (h sc '13- ) Stu Box D Dadant Henry C (c eng '04 BS) Mfg Dadant Louis C (eng '02 BS) Mfg Dadant Maurice G (la com '08 AB) Mfg Dadant Valentine M (la '06) ( '99) Asst Mgr Amer Bee Jour t Decker Charles H (su '05) t Denton Herschel P (sc '14) Denton Orion K (m eng '11) Impl Mere t Elder Eobert C (c eng '14) Hosford George Warner (e eng '01) Contr Humphrey Wallace G (1 '01 LL B) Law Johnston James A (su '15) Supt Schs Eobison Glen E (ag '09) Ag Spence John I (la '74) Ag $ C Eng E2 t Spencer J C (gen '77) Wallace Dorothy (la '14) HAMMOND Evans Earl R ( '98) Lumber # Grain Merc Harrison William C ( '99) Ct Reporter Kizer Loren P (m eng '08) Grain Dealer Leavitt Herbert A ( '08) Med 1 Lincoln Abbie A ('93) South William A (la '15- ) Stu ?Stanley Frank J (arch eng '11) Wacaser Edmund E Wampler Edgar A ('09) (ag '00) Teach HAMPSHIRE Bean Earl G (ag '08) Ag Bean Eeuben H (ag '12) Ag Bean Eichard J (ag '12) Ag Day Eichard C (ag '15) Sales Dickson Floyd H (la com '04) Ry Mail ClJc Dickson Gerald E (la .'14- ) Stu Johnson Mrs C W (la '07) Home Keyes Lois E (su '11) Mus Kimble Tone T (su '07) Merc Morgan Mrs (h sc '13) Home Morgan Lyman J (ag '12) Sales Plummer Luella (su '06) Teach H Sch HANNA CITY Cain William L ( '10) Ag Parr Eobert W (econ '03 AB) Stock Stewart Ealph W (ag '05) Ag Turbett James H (ag '04) Ag E 11 HANOVEE Bennett Earl L ('05) t Eastman Marshall D ( '05) Jeffers Stephen E (1 '02) Ag Jeffers Mrs S E (mus '02) Home Eooth Carrie L (la '14 AB) Teach Shipton Charles C ( '05) Postal ClTc ■ tSpeer John L (ag '09) HAEDIN tBrady Clarence E (la '81) Mortland Joseph F ('81) HAEDINVILLE Hicks William E (la com '11 AB) Ag HAELEM ?Hoover Floyd (ag '10) Merc HAEMON Dillon Edward L (ag '10 BS) Ag Dillon Mrs E L (la '08 AB) Home Durr Clarence J (ag '12) Ag Long Thomas H (ag '13) Ag El Tosney Mrs Minnie E (su 'li) Teach HAEPSTEE Onken John A ('98) \Onken Louise E ('99) HAEEIS Gillespie Evangeline J (la '14) HAEEISBUEG Abney Bertram (ag '14 BS) 213 N Webster St ILLINOIS 941 Barnes Mrs H P (la '04) 111 East Poplar St Berry Alvis K (ag '07) Ag R4 Bonnell Clarence (su '05) Teach Brown Roberta M (h sc '12AB) Teach Christy Glen (mus '15 B Mus) 447 W Poplar St Dean Olive G (la '15- ) ( '13) Stu R2 (102) Dewar Matthew B (e eng '15) Surv Rl Dorris Daisy e A (mus '12) Mus Teach 307 N Main St Dorris Harry W (eng '14) 321 E Yas- kin St Dosher Guy H (c eng '14) Box 112 Durham Mrs (la '07) Home Ferrell Raymond P (sc '13) Clk O 'Gara Coal Co Gholson Arthur (su '09) Prin Gustin Alpheus (1 '10 LL B) Law Hinshaw Joseph H (1 '15-. ) (la '13) Stu 411 N Granger St Horning Mary (su '15) Teach 402 N Webster St Johnson Joseph B (ag '15- ) (m eDg '15) Stu R4 Joyner Mildred (la '12- ) Stu 210 W Elm St Lehman Douglas A ('05) Spec Med 1st Nat Bk Bldg Lewis Mrs A C (sc '09) At home Lewis Alice (h sc '11) 203 S Vine St Lewis Arthur W (ag '14- ) Stu 118 S Main St Morris Nelson M (min eng '13- ) Stu 206 N Jackson St Myers Jacob W (1 '13 LL B AB) Law R3 Myers Mrs J W (h sc '11) Home Nye Charles C (ag '80) Ag Page Lloyd P (la '10) Acct Parish John J (gen '69) Law Ponzer Emma (la '09 AB) Teach II Sch Rinaker Dorothy S (h sc '15 AB) Teach Robertson Ina (su '14) Teach 2 E Walnut St ?Robinson Samuel T (su '06) Scott Leota Mrs (su '14) Libr 511 N Main St Seibert Day W (1 '11) Law Shaw Mary L (h sc '15- ) Stu 203 N McKinley Av Stiff Ethel (su '13) Taylor Harry (su '03) Prin H Sch Taylor Inglis M (la '14- ) Stu 212 E Church St Taylor Kathleen (h sc '15- ) Stu 217 W Poplar St Thompson Samuel M (1 '11 JD ( '09 AB) Fac '11) Law tTravelstead Moody E (e eng '11) Wasson Loran A (com '15- ) (min eng '15) Stu 605 E Poplar St Weaver Lana (ry c eng '12) C ftntf 310 W Church St Weaver Mrs Lana (h sc '13 AB) (mus '09) Home 119 S Vine St Whitley Hannah M (la '14) Teach 6 W Lincoln Av tWilliford Pearle (mus '12) Teach Voice 26 Rose Bldg tWise Seibert D (1 '12) Law HARRISON fAtkinson Frank E (c eng '81) HARRISTOWN Allen Edwin W (ag '84) Ag Allen Moffet B (ag '14- ) Stu t Allen Roy S ( '97) Camp George R (ag '01) Stock Camp Harry Howsmon (ag '02) Ag tGilman Bessie A (h sc '90) ( '77) Ag Gilman George A (ag '08) Ag Sr Stock \Gilman George F ('78) Leonard Mrs C E (la '09 AB) Home RFD Nye Charles C (ag '80) Ag Stookey Marshall C (c eng '07 BS) Ag HARTSBURG Bruns Clausey L (e eng '15- ) Stu HARTSVILLE \Hart Bryon E ( '09) HARVARD Andrews Thomas C (la com '15) Clk $■ Bkpr Boodel John C (sc '09) Med Brainard Adeline (mus '07) Fac '14) Superv Mus Cash Harold S (ag '12 BS) Ag R3 tDAKE LeRoy G (la '03 AB) Diener Wayne R (e eng '11) My Clk Diggins Gordon (la '15- ) Stu 406 Church St Diggins Ralph C (e eng '06) Athl Dir Eastman Otis M (g ed '15- ) (la '09 AB) Stu Engelhardt Lora M (h sc '15- ) Stu 307 W Burbank St fEvertt Charles W (ag '02) Galvin Paul V (la '15) Clk CNW RR shops 1101 Hart St Getman Roy L (c eng '14 BS) C Eng Hill Fred J (cer '11- ) Stu Light John H (la '11) Supt Schs McCauley James (la '13) Stu Kent Coll 901 N Jefferson St 942 ILLINOIS Manley Otis R (com '13- ) Stu tMegran George P (la '11) Megran Herbert B (la '09) Merc Nihan Robert E J J> eng '10 BS) Mqr Elec Light Co Nolan Albert J (ag '12- ) Stu 505 Dewey Av Pritchard Paul H (ag '13 ) Ag R6 Sehultz Clarence W (e eng '15- ) Stu R3 Shields Raymond J (c eng '10 BS) G Eng Stafford Louis D (ag '14- ) Stu 704 N Hart Blvd Treat Margaret J (la '12 AB) At home 201 E Sumner St Wakeley Leslie M (ag '11 BS Fac '13) Ag tWalsh James T (la '96) Webster Isaac W (la com '06) Merc Wells John R (ag '13 BS Fac '14) Ag Rl HARVEL Zimmerman H H ('87) Pres BnJc HARVEY Almy William H (m eng '11 BS) Dir Man Tr 15601 Turlington Av Almy Mrs W H (la '11 AB) Home 15601 Turlington Av Babcock Basil P (m eng '15) 15329 Center Av Beck Mrs Fred (su '08) Home 15613 Lexington Beck Hans F (arch eng '08) Bldg Contr 15613 Lexington Av Burnett Roland (m eng '00) IColericJc Ernest II ('06) Crossland George M (la com '13) (la '01 AB) Bnk 158 155th St Day Helen B (sc '15- ) Stu 15326 Lexington Av Dempsey John S (la '11) BJcpr 15341 Turlington Av Greenwell Earl E (la '13- > Stu 148 154th St Hackler Leo C (eng '15- ) 15425 Loomis Av Hathaway Earl E (c eng '15) 15124 Page Av Heckler Leo C (e eng '13- ) Stu 15524 Vine Av tHobson Norman T (arch '12) Contr c/o L D Hobson & Son 121 155th St Hoffman Louis A (la '13- ) Stu 15304 Lexington Av Hoffman Lynden E (la com '15) Stu U Chgo 15304 Lexington Av Howland lone F (la '15) At home 83 E 155th St tLane Henry II (com '13) BJcpr 15147 Loomis Av Lantz Cyrus W (la '14 AM ( '13 AB) Fac '15) Teach H Sch Lawson John B ( '91) McKee James H (g m eng '98 ME) ( '96 BS) Chf Draft Austin Mfg Co 79 W 150th St Mallstrom Roe E (com '14- ) Stu 15412 Lexington Av Mann Walter H (la '14) 15309 Loomis Av Miller Paul H (1 '06) Sales 15240 Turlington Av Morgan Everette H (chem eng '14) Chem 163 E 150th St Moss Mrs Lillie C (su '14) Teach 2708 W Augusta St Ohrman Ruth A I (su '14) Teach 15024 Columbia Av ?Otgen Duane B (com '07) Patterson Maude M (la '04 AB) Teach 15429 Lexington Av Pettigrew James Q (m eng '09 BS) c/o Pettigrew Foundry Co 21 155th St Pettigrew Mrs J Q (la '09 AB Fac '09) Home 21 E 155th St Ranger Katherine M (la '15) At home 97 E 155th St Ren wick Ruth M (la '14 AB) Teach Rhodes Alice L (la '15- ) Stu 15137 Loomis Av Robinson Hugh D (la '14- ) Stu 128 153rd St Robinson Paul G (ag '15- ) Stu 128 153rd St Rundquist Elmer T (ag '14- ) Stu 15025 Main St Soenksen Paul W (la com '15) Stu 187 154th St Steuart Edward P (la '15- ) Stu 15211 Lexington Av Steuart Raymond J (la '14) 15211 Lexington Av t Stevenson Augustus G (sc '13) Stu U Chgo 105 155th St Stewart Raymond J (la '14) Time Cllc 15211 Lexington Av Thompson Harwell C (la com '13 AB) Merc 15246 Columbia Av Thompson Herbert P (m eng '13 BS) Mfg 6212 Greenwood Av Thompson Orlando S (ag '12- ) Stu 15246 Columbia Av Wiedemann David Jr (la com '15) Stu U Chgo 149 115th St Willits Ward M (la com '12- ) 15516 Turlington Av HAVANA Ainsworth Joseph H (ag '14- ) Stu 403 E Market St tBarnes Maurice E (la '12 ) Law ILLINOIS 943 464 S Orange St Bollan Loris E (la '10) Bus Mgr Pub- lic Ofc Borglet Eda M C (la '10) Teach Dieffenbacher Martha M (su '13) 124 S Orange St Dixon Harriet B (su '13) England Glenn L (e eng '15- ) Stu 405 W Main St Esselman Herman R (ag '08) Ag Henry Theodore S (g ed '15- ) Stu Holzgrafe Bertha J (su '10) Teach tKreiling Christian (ag '01) C Eng $ Surv 112 Ms N Plum St tLathbury Clarence S (la '14) 626 E Market St McFadden Mrs B L (su '01) Home McFadden Stanley B (ag '12) Grain Merc McKee Josephine P (mus '14) Mus Superv Mehlhop John A (su '10) Co Supt Schs Mehlop Margaret M (li ; 15 AB) Teach 728 N Broadway St Meyer George H (ag '06) Butter Maker 409 W Main St Mitchell Elsie L (h sc '12- ) Stu 307 S Orange St Mitchell Forester I (la '15- ) Stu 302 S Orange St tMurdock Cleveland L (la '04) Pierce Mrs S E (su '02) H Sch Frin t Pierce Mrs W S (su '96) Price Bessie M (su '11) Teach Richardson Robert E (g zool '03 AM) (la '01 AB) Biol 111 St Lab Rogers Elsie M (h sc '13- ) Stu Kelsey Krest Rl (42) \Sanmann Anna J ('10) Sanman Frank P (ag '15- ) Stu R2 Sigley Estella M (la '07) Teach 709 Broadway St Spurgin Isaac M (la '98) Carpenter Tigar Anna E (su '10) Teach HAYES Price Mabel (la '03) t Price N O (sp '03) HEBRON Andrews Nellie E (h sc '13- ) Stu t Fellows Abbie M (su '09) Nichols Charles HA (ag '15- ) Stu Nichols Mary A (lib '15- ) Stu Stewart Robert W (ag '05) Ag t Turner Clara L (h sc '03) iGambach HECKER Lena S (sep '03) HEGEWISCH Knapp Warren E (chem eng '09 BS) Mfg Chem Eng Gen Chem Co HENNEPIN Boyle Esther H (ag '14- ) Stu Boyle Violet B (h sc '15- ) Stu Durley Lyle H (sc '11) Co Treas Todd Clyde L (su '15) Teach HENNING Brown George G ( '06) Ag Rl De Long Charley T (ag '15) Ag \T>e Long Mary ( '11) Ag HENRY Anderson Charles E (m eng '01) Ag Barrett Jesse L (ag '08 BS) Ag Burkhart Paul H (m eng '12- ) Stu Box 664 Cogshall Mrs T C (lib '05) Home Dewey Charles B (la '04) Bus Mgr ?Gould Llewellyn £ (la '79) Helper Kenneth L (ag '13- ) Stu Hunt Elmer L (ag '08) Stock Rl Hunt Lawrence R (ag '06) Stock Rl Hunter Lloyd H (com '15- ) Stu ? Jones Eugene L (com '77) Jones John L (mun eng '09 BS) Cash 1st Nat Bnk Jones Mrs J L (la '11 AB Fac '10) Home Jones Paul C (e eng '12- ) Stu Kane Edwin L M (ag '13) \Lash Raymond ('02) Auto Lofgren Mrs J E (mus '09) Home IMcFayden Agnes ( '89) Monier William H ( '97) Ryan Arthur C (eng '14) IScholes George ('77) Shearer Andrew W (ag '10) Ag Rl Steele James (sc '92) tStoner Howard G (su '01) Worley Jennie L (su '05) Teach tYanochowski George A (e eng '09) HERBERT Cleveland Stephen G (m eng '07) Merc HERRICK Hitt Mabel (la '15- ) (h sc '15) Stu HERRIN Attebery Clara M (h sc '13 BS) Teach Benson Joe P (la '11 AB) Asst Cash City Nat Bk 944 ILLINOIS Benson Lois P (la '12) Teach 303 S Twelfth St Berry John W (ag '12) V.erc Boyd Leo L (la '15- ) Stu 709 S 16th St Burns Kobert H (1 '08) Law Elles Edward C (la com '15 AB) Merc 409 S 14th St Garrison Harmon E (ag '10) Pruden- tial Ins Agt 620 S 14th St Jones Cletus (arch eng '08) Bid Contr 809 N 12th St Jordan Koy V (su '15) Supt Schs 413 S 16th St LEE Edward C ('15) Min Insp 2407 1st Nat Bk Bldg Miller Jessie F (la '14 AM) ( '13 AB) Teach H Sch Morgan Ambert D (sc'05LLB) Law Owen Vinnie ( '07) ClJc Carterville & Herrin Coal Co 209 S 14th St Palmer Ivan A (su '15) Teach H Sch 813 N 12th St Payne Mrs J L (la '11) Teach 901 N 12th St Eeed Daisy (la '15) Teach 300 S 13th St Spear Harry G (su '12) Prin H Sch t Williams David D ('00) Wilson James A (ry m eng '14 BS) Willson Hiram E (m eng '00) Min Eng HERSCHER Amidon James W ('11) Ag tHipke Lulu E (mus '13) Karcher Frank J (sc '14 AB) Karcher Isadore P (com '15- ) Stu Leiserwitz Benjamin S (la '11) Stu U Mich Leiserwitz Samuel B (sc '13) Stu V 111 Med Coll Chicago Mann Edith M (la '14 AB) Teach Peterson Silas C (ag'15- ) Stu Wadleigh Theodore (ag '14- ) Stu Walsh Edward J (ag '14) Whittum Florence L (h sc '15- ) Stu Wilcox Roy G (ag '05) Ag Wright Joseph W (cer eng '15) Stu HERSMAN Green well James R (la '11) Trav Hersman Bessie E (la '12 AB) YWCA Sec Newenham Raymond (su '12) Teach HEYWORTH Ells Charles S (m eng '81) Merc tFreeman Frank S (ag '05) Ag Quinton Walter R (ag '09) Ag $ Stock Ryburn Charles A (la '00 AB) Ag Spaid Joseph M (c eng '08) Ag HIGGINSVILLE Ucton William M ( '92) HIGHLAND tAmmann Stella A (mus '05) At home tBock Harry O (ag '10) tChipron Francis (m eng '88) Dietz Charles L (su '94) Supt Schs \Hennan David ('80) Hermann David (ry eng '83) Mill hand Hermann Ewald E (m eng '15) Mill- hand 520 Main St Holland Henry W (ag '15) tHuber Cecelia (su '95) Kaeser Albert F (sc '98 BS) Med Kaeser Mrs A F (g sc '01 AM ( '00 BS) Fac '04) Home Kamm Rufus Maurice (sc '12- ) Stu Kamm Wilbur F (sc '12- ) Stu 918- 920 W Broadway Knobel Wilbert G (arch eng '15 BS) 912 Ninth St tKuhnen Adolph (ag '91) Latzer Alice B (sc '91) At home Latzer Irma A (h sc '15 AB) Stu ColU Latzer Lenora L (sc '06 AB Fac '11) At home Latzer Louis (la '73) Pres Helvetia Milk Condensing Co Latzer Robert L (ag '08 BS) Mfg $ Bus Mgr Leriche Willis (min eng '14 BS) Clk Constr \Mabler Carl ('04) Mueller Harry L (sc '12- ) Stu Stocker Charles H (m eng '03) Heat- ing ^-Plumbing Stocker Harry F (c eng '12- ) Stu tTschudy Ida M (su '95) tWildhaber Addie L (su '94) HIGHLAND PARK tBock Harry O (ag '10) Buell Charles C (la '13- ) Stu 406 Laurel Av Buell Temple H (arch eng '12- ) Stu 406 Laurel Av tColburn Joseph E (e eng '06) Conrad John E (law '10) Law 801 Reaper Blk Edmundson Jessie F (sc '14 BS) Teach H Sch Ewing Fred ,su '15) Teach Deerfield Shields H Sch ?Howard George A Jr (arch eng '94) Krieger Augusta M (la '10 AB) Teach ILLINOIS 945 Lutz Robert A (ry m eng '09) E Eng McCaffrey Leslie B (com '15- ) Stu 221 N Second St MacPherson Earle S (m eng '15 BS) M Eng Exp Dept Chalmers Auto Co Moore George E ('97) Mfg 600 Ra- vine Dr Olesen Alma C (h sc '15- ) Stu 133 Moraine Rd Olesen Harold L (e eng '14- ) Stu 133 Moraine Rd Potter Earl F (e eng '12) Wire Chf Chgo Tel Co Renning Albert G (com '15- ) Stu 218 E Park Av Romero Newman (la '14) Stu 436 N Sheridan Rd t Sampson Harry C (c eng '06) Schumacher Howard J (la '15- ) Stu 26 Sheridan Rd Staehling Edwin H (arch eng '09) Teach H Sch 52 N Second St Taylor George G (la '04 AB) Law $ Teach 228 E Central Av Taylor Mrs G G (la '03) Home 228 E Central Av Tucker Gladys M (com '15- ) Stu 515 Oakwood Av tVan Duyn Paul (ag '09) 206 Beech St Whitten Jennie A (su'15) Teach 120 Laurel Av Wright Mrs C G (h sc'll BS) Home 547 S St John's St Wright George C (arch eng '12) Arch Internat Harv Co 105 W Lincoln Av HILLSBORO Atteberry Charles W (ag '12 BS) Ag Atteberry Hazel (h sc '14- ) Stu Atteberry Homer F (ag '12- ) Stu Avery John M (sc '14 AB) Prin II Sch Beckemeyer Harry J (sc '10) Supt Schs Beckermeyer Mrs H J (su '14) Homo Blackburn Earl F (ag '13) Ag t Brown Franklin S (ag '14- ) Brown Lelah C (su '15) Teach 101 Pleasant St Brown Louis S ( '94) Med Campbell Elmer F (c eng '10) M Eng 161 N Broad St Coale Elizabeth F (su '08) Prin Sch 109 Pleasant St Collins Ina M (la '15- ) Stu 821 Oak St Conner Lawrence B ('96) Mach 410 W Tremont St Cox Henry L (sc '10) Asst Cash Hills- boro Nat Bk Cress James W (ag '11 AB) Ag Dryer John L (1 '04 LL B) Law # Co Jud tGilmore Mrs Emma (su '07) Mus Superv 203 S Broad St Goad Winfred L (su '13) Test $ Chem Dept Amer Zinc Co IHillis George S ( '83) Jett Ross W (ag'll) Ag McLean Walter R (la '08) Mgr Magoon Helen C (h sc '05) Merc Missimore Russel C (su '15) Gen Wh 524 S Main St Monroe George S (la '15- ) Stu Osborn John M (c eng '10) Ag Paden James C (ag '06) Ag Parkhill Ray C (su '13) Teach fSchardon Louis F (sp '75> Shuping Dan (c eng '15- ) Stu Taulbee Horton M (ag '15- ) Stu White John B (1 '08) E Est # Ins Williams Pearle E (su '11) Teach HILLSDALE tBeacher Mabel (h sc '08) At home Bracker Emil M D (ag '08 BS) Ag Butzer (h sc '15 AB) At home Butzer Clarence D (m eig '10 BS) Auto Deal Butzer Glen D (c eng '12 BS) C Eng Butzer Goldia G (la Feb '15- ) Stu Butzer Verna V (h sc '15 AB) At home HILLVIEW Schutz Marvin E (ag '15) Ag HINCKLEY \Baie Arthur A ( '11) Bair Arthur A (sc '12) Gar Cass Mrs J L (su '04) Home Caswell Omar (g la '14 AM) Supt Schools Evans Floyd E (m eng '13- ) Stu 132 Maple St Finnie Thomas M (la com '12) Acct Haish Theodore A (e eng '13- ) Stu Keith Genevieve E (la '14- ) Stu Lincoln Av Leifheit William F (ag '09) Ag Morsch Elmer J (ag '14- ) Stu Von Ohlen Floyd W G (ag '15- ) Stu HINDSBORO Craig Helen E (la '15) Craig John A (e eng '15- ) Stu Eversole Harold B (la '15- ) Stu Green James G ( '06) Schaeffer Orville V (sc '10) Supt Sch Weller Herbert C (la '15- ) Stu HINSDALE Anderman William F (ag '93) Ag Rl t Barton Jesse B (c eng '03) 946 ILLINOIS Chandler Leslie G (la '15) Clk PO 6 S Madison Chapman Harry H (m eng '15) Stu 79 First St Colton Henry R (la '15- ) Stu 146 N Garfield Av Cortiss Frederick B (la '13 AB) Mfg Sales Dept 133 S Lincoln St Craigmile Esther A (la '96) Teach 24 S Grant St Dunn Georgiena E (h sc '14- ) Stu 118 Third St Flanders Harvey A (la '10 AB) Prin H Sch 52 N Pine St Flanders Mrs H A (la '10) Home 52 N Pine St Hales George W (ag '13) Sales 89 First St ?Hess Mildred O (h sc '11) Hildebrand Clement A (ag '04) Sales Mgr Hildebrand Mrs C A (h sc '06) Home Jarvis Bowling ( e eng '12- ) Stu 50 N Garfield Av Johnstone Jessie M (g latin '96) Min- iature Art 130 Garfield Av Melcher Woodbury R (ag '13) Land Arch 189 Walnut St Milligan Helen M (la '11 AB) Teach 109 S Washington St Myers Harold T (la com '09 AB) Ins Newell Lawrence P (ag '15) Fruit Grower , Pearson Francis H (m eng '14- ) Stu 66 N Clay St Werry Ren wick H ('89) Pruetz John C Jr (la '15) Stu Sev- enth St & Garfield Av tRuth Chester (la '08) t Shannon James S Jr (arch '90) Smart Ada A (la '15- ) Stu Smart Chauncey H (ag '13- ) Stu Smart Ethelyn M (la '15- ) Stu Smart Leslie E (ag '11) Ag Rl Smart Nellie M (la '15- ) Stu Van Inwagen Ruth (la '12) Stu U Chgo 121 S Washington St HOLCOMB Sheaff Robert P (ag '14- ) Stu HOLDER Brown Edward S (ag '14 BS) Ag HOMER t Anderson Albert (ag '08) \Arden Harry H ( '03) Barton Walter F (sc '96) Ag Brown Mrs C M (math '98) Home Case Roy L (su 'm Ag Clark Mrs L (mus '02) Home Clark Lorin (1 '14 LL B) (la '05) Law Clark Wallace (la '76) Ag Coffeen Charle B ('89) Conkey Aubert J (ag '71) Conkey Carl A (sp '84) Merc Conkey Frank L ('89) Conkey Frank M (la '91) Dent Sr Ag tCooper Edward C (su '08) Earnest ■ William F (ag '15- ) Stu 210 S Elm St t Gibson Ethel M ('10) \Hall Robert ('07) Sta Agt 111 Tract Sys Hardesty Albert V (ag '14- ) Stu S Main St Hardesty Bonnie J (la '15) At home S Main St Hardesty Charles M (ag '08) Ag Hardesty Gladys M (mus Feb '16- ) Stu S Main St \Hardin Harry H ( '04) Robertson Mrs O A ('05) Home Hartman Leah N E (mus '97 ) Mus Teach t Howell Fred W (ag '08) Ag R60 (46) Lovingfoss John C (ag '07) Ag Madden William D J (su '13) Supt Sch Mann Edna F (h sc '15) Teach Martin Wilbur F (cer eng '15- ) Stu Michener Elmo E ( '05) Merc Michener Harry J (la '10) Ag Sr Stock Michener Samuel C (m eng '70) Team- Mills Clifford P (ag '09 BS) Ag Mills Mrs Clifford (la '10 AB) Home Mitchell Helen (la '14 AB) Teach Morrison Howard M (ag '10) Ag Sr Stock Morton Robert (ag '15- ) Stu R6 tMudge Gertrude E (mus '02) Ocheltree Mabel G (su '02) Teach Ocheltree Maurice W (la '15- ) Stu Riekard Earnest T (phar '94) Bk Cash Riekard Mrs E T (la '95) Home ?Rodgers Lillian (su '01) Roloff William A (arch eng '14) tRussell George W (m eng '06) Smith Albert J ('93) Phar Smoot Bertha E (mus '04) At home Spencer Nora V (mus Feb '16- ) Stu t Summers Mrs M (su '07) Vollborn Albert L (su '01) Med Wallace Charles H (ag '79) Loans Sr B Est Sr Bnk Wallace Lewis B (la '12- ) Stu Weisiger George B (1 '11 LL B) Teach ILLINOIS 947 HOMEWOOD Bright Orville T Jr (ag '10) Supt Schs Scupham Edward J (ag '14) Stu Stu Silbermann Oscar E (c eng '14- ) Stu HOOPESTON Boardman Curtis L (arch eng '14- ) Stu 425 Second Av Boardman Vinson E (ag '15) Ag R2 (33) Boorde John R ('09) Vice-Pres Tel Co Briggs Jay (1 '07) Law Brobeck Von H (la '15) Stu U Pa 748 Penn St Brown Challen M (ag '08) Ag R2 Chace Henry E ('98) \Crary Charles W ('08) t Cromer Alba C (ag '08) tCunningham Bert ('90) Ag Dyer Charles F (1 '10) Law Dyer Lucien B (c eng '14- ) Stu 520 E Honeywell St Finch Garrett H (la '15- ) Stu 509 E Lincoln St Finley Margaret A (la '14- ) Stu R5 Finley Marion R (ag '13- ) Stu R5 Gibbons Earl E (m eng '10) Ag Harrah Clara (sc '06) Hoyt Mrs P W (mus '02) Home Huxtable Ruben P (ag '15) Ag Ingle Scott (la '03) Ag Lyons Oscar I (m eng '14- ) Stu 411 W Washington St tMcCreary Hubert (ag '10) Mgr Phillip Weber Mfg Co 805 E Main St McDowell Samuel K (su '13) Supt Schs 616 Honeywell Av McFarland Etta C (su '15) Teach R4 McGrew Mrs Hattie M (su '07) Teach 404 E Washington St Miskimen William A (m eng '04 BS) Sec 111 Canning Co Newburn Gene E (ag '14) Laborer 826 S Fourth St Newburn Hardd J (la '14) Ag 826 S Fourth St Re Veal Ivan L (chem eng '14- ) Sut 717 E Main St tRoark Peter D (ag '09) Rodman Robert R (1 '06 LL B) Law Selicovitz Mrs Max (mus '03) Home Swanson Ruth P (su '15) Teach 732 E Penn St Tilton James F (ag '14- ) Stu $ Ag Rl Trego Mrs E F (lib '04 BLS) Trego Gilbert C (su '06) Ag 715 S Fifth St Trego Walter (ag '06) Conner Troy Mary Z (lib '15 BLS) Libr Wakeland Fred R (ag '14- ) Stu R4 Wakeland Guy E (ag '13- ) Stu R4 \ Williams Paul T ( 7 01) c/o Nathan Bond Foungblood Alta M (la '15- ) Stu 901 E Main St HOOPPOLE Donaldson Ira B (chem '69) Bh Casn HOPEDALE Brenneman Jacob (ag '13) Ag Nafziger John M (ag '14- ) Stu Railsback Roy J (la '99 AB) Grain 4" Coal Merc HOUSTON Lessley James V (ag '09) Stock HUBBARD WOODS Leach William B Jr (la '15) Stu Mass Tech 185 Green Bay Rd Sargent Mrs Chester (la '10) Home 1310 Scott Av Stafford Herbert S L (min eng '14 BS) HUDGENS tMcKinney Myrtle (su '12) HUDSON Carrithers Henry H (ag '14- ) Stu Gildersleeve Charles T (ag '15- ) Stu Gildersleeve Mary E (h sc '14 AB) Teach fHolmes Elizina R (la '07) IHoughton George W ('90) Lawrence Edward J (ag '06) Ag Rl HULL tGarwin Henry B (su '12) Supt Schs HUMBOLT Brooks Francis M (la '72) Cllc Carter Harry L (m eng '85 Cert) Merc Farrar Roscoe (ag '07 BS) Ag Farrar Mrs Roscoe (la '07 AB) Home Haney John E (ag '12) Ag McDo'ugle Grace A (h sc '15) At home Morgan Mrs C E (la '02 AB) Home \Moore Edward ('91) Moore Lewis A (ag '14- ) Stu 948 ILLINOIS Mulliken Horace W (ag '15- ) Stu Poorman Paul W (sp '08) Grain Buy- er HUME t Armstrong Ernest B (ag '09) Connelly Ketta B (la '08) At home Rowland Mrs R G (h sc '15) Home Williams Belah N (la '14- ) Stu Wollenhaupt Walter F (su '15) Supt Schs HUNNEWELL marwood E N ('78) HUNT tHiles Marie A (la '13) HUNTLEY Anderson John W ( '99) Ag HUNTSVILLE Crandall Bert H (ag '15- ) Stu HUTSONVILLE ]Boyd Edward E ( '09) R2 King Noble W (ag '14) Ag Lindley Randal C (ag '12) Ag Mount Orville B (su '13) Prin Myers Lena J (la '13 AB) Teach Rains Noble (ag '05) Ag Thrasher Harry M (la '11 AB) Prin H Sch Wilson Ashbel R (m eng '14- ) Stu Winters Arthur D (sc '13) ILLIOPOLIS (la '01 AB) Jour (c eng '06) Base- Vet Teach >6) Teach Chapin Edward P Demmitt Charles R ball Fletcher Marion (ag '03) Ford Roscoe A (la '14) Graham David A (su '00) t Graham Hugh P (c eng Graham James E (su '00) t Graham John D (1 '08) Haynes A Saunders (ag'12) Ag Hesser Mrs Homer (la '87) Home t Johnson Robert C (la com '14 AB) Teach H Sch Johnston Wilbur R (ag '13) Ag Knowlton Miriam (la '14 AB) Teach H Sch ' Loose Isaac A (ag '13) Ag \ Maxwell Margaret ( '04) Mayes Corwin S (sc '09) Med t Smith George ('81) i Smith Gilbert R ( '08) INDIANOLA Baird Helen (su '13) tBarnett John (la com '72) tBaum Chester (ag '07) Live Stock Block Richard A (arch '94) BnJc Downey Mrs J D (sp '72) At home Gilkey Escho V (arch eng '15- ) Stu McSmith Laura E (mus '12) Ag Moreland Oscar E (ag '13) BnJc Odbert Mrs F N (mus '98) Home iSandushy Abe ('00) Sandusky Will J (ag '09) Ag ?Smith Laura E (mus '02) Varner David D (ag '03) Ag Zenke Mrs Roy E (mus '06) Mus Wail Murvin Murvin INDUSTRY James E ('83) INGRAHAM Garland W ( '11) John G (ag '11) Merc Merc ) At home IOLA Watson Florence E ( r 13- IPAVA Baldwin Frank D (ag '06 AB) Ag Baldwin Lewis F (ag '05) Ag Catron Bruce H (c eng '04) Ag Coleman Paul W (ag '15 BS) Stu Diehl Charles S (ag '06) Ag Hagans Corban B ( '96) Cash Bh \McCune Myron I ('83) Marshall Sherman L (la '85 BL) Pres 111 & Mich Canal Comm fRussell Joseph E (ag '91) Strouse Lena (su '14) Rl IROQUOIS Zeppenfeld Eugene W (ag '14 BS) Teach H Sch IRVING Baker Pearl R (ag '09) Ag Carriker John H (su '15) Ag Crouch Mrs J W (h sc '05) Home File Viola L (h sc '15- ) Stu Rice Grover (sc '14 BS) Teach IRVINGTON Hewette Charles W (78) Hewette Rose E ('80) IRWIN Ulrich Joseph E (1 '08) BnTc B Est $ Ins ITASCA Pfingsten Fred Wm ('98) Ag ILLINOIS 949 IVESDALE \Auth Verne J ('11) Crinigan Gertrude E (se '09) Teach f Fitzgerald Sadie J (su '00) \Foohy Thomas J ( '96) tGREEN Bertha A (mus '14 B Mus) Green Cella G (la '04 AB) At home t Green Mae F ('96) Harshbarger Ernest M (la '11) Ag Kile Mrs CO (sc '93) Home \McShane John J H ( '99) \N eagle Julia A ('83) Ross Eussell (ag '12) Ag Reeves Mrs W C (la '01) Teach Taoala Albert J ('96) Dep Game 4r Fish Warden Walsh John H ( '94) JACKSONVILLE Anderson Mary (la '04 AM) (AB '03) Prof 111 Worn Coll Black Charles R (ag '14) Motorman St RR 509 E College St Blackburn Luella S (su '15) Teach 283 Sanduskey St ?Bond Richard H (c eng '87) Bradish Horace C ('01) Trav Carriel Fred C (ry eng '04 BS) By M Eng 1152 College Av Carriel Mrs H F ('03) Home 1152 Turner PI Carter Truman P ( '88 BS & AM) Teach 475 Lincoln Av fChurch Floyd F (m eng '00) IChurch William T ('99) 532 S Prairie St clark Darwin O (g la '11) ('09 AM) Teach t Clark George W ('88) Cocking Mrs W H (sc '06) Home 310 W North St Conboy Mabelle I (su '15) Libr 301 E Greenwood Av day Anna E (la '08 AM) Teach 764 W Lafayette Av Donovan Leo F (la '14- ) Stu 767 S West St elliott Erma L (g math '15 AM) Teach 111 Worn Coll 1609 Mound Av Gibson Charles R (ag '15 BS) Ag R5 Gibson Truman W (ag '11) R5 \Gilbert Menzis E ('00) Drug Goodell Horace H (c eng '15) Stu Brown's Bus Coll Goveia Lawrence T (arch eng '15- ) Stu 425 Caldwell St Gross Meda F (la '11) Teach St Sch Blind Harmon William T (su '14) Athl Dir 516 E College Av Harris Elmer C (mus '06) Osteop 302 Ayers Nat Bk Bldg Havenhill Lillian (su '12) Libr Asst 706 W State St Hemphill Chester A (ag '15 BS) Ag 873 E State St Hubble Brownlee M (ag '15) Stu 111 Coll 305 Lockwood PI Irving Frank T (arch eng '86) Contr 4- Builder 1047 Grove St Joy Walter C ('87) King Harrison W (e eng '06) Gen Ins 305 Ayers Bk Bldg ILayton Will E ('87) linkens Ralph H (g sc '15- ( '14 AM) Fac '15) Stu 501 W State St ^McMillan Frederick R ( '94) Madden Mrs B F (la '91) 739 W State St Madden Grace E (la '12- ) Stu Madden Helen L (mus '15- ) ( '15 B Mus) Stu Madden Katherine J (la '15) Stu 111 Worn Coll Massey Esther (la '12 AM) ( '05 AB) Miller Bertha A (la '08 AB) Teach 111 Worn Coll Morrison Paul E ('07) Teach H Sch Nebold Grace (su '13) 243 Prospect St Orear George J (ag'08) Ag 1244 W College Av Potter Leroy T (ag '12) Creamery Mgr 930 S East St RAMMELKAMP Charles H ('05) Pres 111 Coll tRawlings Wayne R (jour '12) 756 W North St Reed Lester A (ag '10) Stock Farm R5 Rowe Richard Y (la '13 AB) Agen- cy Mgr Clover Leaf Casualty Co 1152 W State St Royse Lucy E (su '02) Stu HI Worn Coll Bussel Robbins (g chem '14 ) Water Chem 1109 Mound Av Russel Stuart (la '15- ) Stu 1109 Mound Av Scott Frances M (la '11 AB) Teach R4 Scott Mrs Nelson (lib '10 BLS) Home 603 Fayette St tSeegar Nellie S (su '08) ISheppard Samuel H (sc '94) Smith Mrs Owen (sc '76) Strawn Paul (ag '15- ) Stu 615 South E St 950 ILLINOIS Vasconcellos George W (m eng '12) Merc 4- Mfg 324 E College St Wacherle Lewis E ('05) 111 Wom- ans Coll Wardhaugh Sarah E (su '15) Teach 410 Jordan St Waters Edward E (la com '12 AB) Clothier 315 S Church St Webber Lorena N (lib '04 AB) Libr Pub Lib whisler Percy F (g sc '11 AM) Prof 111 Coll ?Winslow Frederick H (m eng '04) c/o J F King Wood Charles C (c eng '14- ) Stu 900 W Morton Av Wood Harry G (e eng '14 BS) 539 S Kosciusko St JANESVILLE tReed Bono (la '07) \Bichardson Fred S ('83) JEFFERSONVILLE tBrock Elmer L (su '12) t Brock Isaac V (ag '14) Shaffer Rolla F (ag '12- ) Stu Rl Smith Marshall C (ag '15) Ag $ Stock Rl JERSEYVILLE \Bonnell C M ('78) Brownlee Catherine W (su '11) Libr Carroll Franklin O (ry e eng '12- ) Stu Chapman Walter J (su '00) Law Cross Hugh W (la '15- ) Stu N State St t Daniels Louis W (ag '08) DuHadway Fred A (1 '15 LL B) Law Finnerty Mrs Frank (la '78) t Frost Don H (ry eng '08) ?Frost Edward D (chem '73) Tulkerson William H ('01) StocTc Hanley Chester T (la '15- ) Stu 208 N Liberty St Keehner Arch F (c eng '14 B3) C Eng Landon Herbert U (ag '14 BS) Ag ?Lowe Augustus J (la '80) tMcMahan Elsie M (h sc '12) 1012 W Carpenter St Newton Robert K (e eng '14- ) Stu Paul Mary J (su '10) Teach Pinkerton Francis E Jr (ag '09 BS) Edit Jerseyville Republican Towel John F (m eng '85) Ag Rentchler Edna K (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch tRoss Herbert A (arch '98) Sumner William T (sp '96) Law Van Home George H (ag '15) Bet Ag 112 E Pearl St ?Wade James B (chem '75) ?Wade Thomas A (chem '75) Warren Charles E (c eng '03) Ag $ Hgihway Eng Wedding Mrs Rose M (su '14) Yocum Clyde H ( '98) JOHNSTON CITY Clayton John H (1 '10) Law Colombo James H (la '13 AB) Own- er 4" Mgr Mfg Plant Harris William M (ag '05) Ag Harwood Frank D (su '15) Teach Henson Ray David (1 '13- ) (la '13) Stu' Ramsay Crawford J (su '15) Prin H Sch JOLIET Arbeiter George J (1 '93 BL) Law 102 Woodworth Av Archambeault Evalain E (su '14) Teach 104 Melchoir PI Archambeault Geraldine M (ag '14) Stu 111 St Nor U 104 Melchoir PI Arentz Elizabeth (la '15- ) Stu 627 Western Av Atkinson Harry J (sc '08 AB) Teach 803 Ohio St Bannon James L (c eng '06 BS) Contr Eng 701 Broadway St Bannon Robert J (m eng '08) Mgr 701 N Broadway St Bannon Winifred (la '08 AB) Teach 701 B Broadway Barber Wilber B (e eng '14- ) Stu 112 Rowell Av Barnes Harold J (arch eng '13- ) Stu 209 N Eastern Av Barnes John H (arch '89) Arch 209 N Eastern Av Barr George A (la '97 AB) Law Woodruff Bldg Barr Richard J (la '94) Law $ St Sen 818 Western Av Baumgarten Arthur W (e eng '14 BS) E Eng Chgo Joliet RR Co 1701 Washington St Buchwalter Grace M (la '12 AB) Teach 322 Mississippi Av Bush Edward M (1 '08) B Est 653 S Chicago St Bush Ralph H (la '09) Teach 653 S Chicago St Cairns Lorimer V (su '06) Teach 504 N Raynor St ?Cowan Phelps (e eng '06) 200 Third ILLINOIS 951 Av Daly Geraldine (la '14- ) Stu 201 S Center St Davis William Arthur ('05) Contr 1508 E Washington St ?Dean Arthur A (sp '74) Donaldson John E (c eng '12 ) C Eng 104 Second Av Donaldson William H (c eng '14) Stu West Point 104 Second Av Doughty Anna P (la '14) Stu Chgo Acad Fine Arts 220 Cagwin Av Douglas Matie F (su '13) 525 Mor- gan St Dyblie Hiram V (com '15- ) Stu 119 Second Av Ellis Edwin B (arch '90) Carpenter $ Bldg 229 Kelly Av Fairbairn William B (c eng '15- ) Stu 115 Catalpa St Faulkner James W (1 '10) Law 508 Woodruff Bldg Finley George A ('03) Merc 113 Bartleson St Flexer Edna H (h sc '14- ) Stu 210 Campbell St Foran Cassie A (ag '15- ) Stu 718 Oneida St Fraser Herbert A (sc '88) B Est 701 Raynor Av Goodspeed Nathan L (la '10) Ins tGorey Edward J (c eng '09) Law 504 Herkimer St Gorey George F (m eng '13- ) Stu 504 Herkimer St Gorey Thomas V (1 '07) City Atty 504 Herkimer St Grannis Frank C (ag '10 BS Fac '11) Ag Adviser Will Co Gray Harry M (sc '11) Chem 111 S Eastern Av Gray Villa ('07) Home 222 Jeffer- son St Grayback John E (c eng '12- ) Stu 1012 N Broadway Gross Albertina M (sc '00) (lib '00) Med 403 Woodruff Bldg Hagar Charles E (sp '03) Med 135 Illinois St Heald Mrs PS (la '96) Home 114 Hubbard St Hess Lawrence J (e eng '08) E Eng 108 Mound St Hess Mrs L J (la '09) Home 108 Mound St Higgins Alfred N (su '15) Teach 336 Fifth Av Hill Grant L (com '15- ) Stu 413 Campbell St Hills Louis J (mun eng '15 BS) Draft EJ&E BR 109 Parks Av Hinrichs Herbert S (ag '14- ) Stu 710 Wilcox St Hungerford Harold N (ag '15- ) Stu 210 Hunter Av Johnson Ralph B (m eng '15) Steam Effic Eng 111 Steel Co 122 Norton Av Jones George W (la '15- ) Stu 700 Second Av Kennelley Griffith S (c eng '15- ) Stu 812 Oneida St King Harless W ('92) Lumber Merc 312 Buel Av Lohr Virgil C (g sc '05) Teach H Sch 104 Sherman St Longley Ralph D (m eng '12) Mus 113 Mound St fLuke Bessie B (su '01) IMcClaughry Charles C ('80) Maclntyre Archibald D (1 '04) BnJc Joliet Trust & Sav Bank Martin James W (1 '04) (la '02 AB) Law 60 Young Bldg Martin Robert W (1 '02 LL B) (la '01 AB) Law 60 Young Bldg Martin Mrs R W (la '02 AB) Home 103 Sherman Ct Mather Myra A (g '05 AM) (la '04 AB) Teach 310 Nicholson St Maue August (la '91 BL) Teach 102 Mound St Merrill Erie R (sc '12) Chem 303 Mississippi Av Mitchell Mrs H T (su '06) Home 314 Buell Av \Moran Charles F ('11) 116 Vine St Morrison John E (1'08LLB) Law Sec Sr Mgr Peoples Abstract Co 222 Jefferson St Morrison Mrs J E ( '07) Home 222 Jefferson St Morrison Raymond K (c eng '11) V- Pres Sr Treas Joliet Bridge & Iron Co 607 Exchange St Nordstedt Einar A (e eng '15) Sec Joliet Storage Battery Co 114 Catalpa St Orr Robert E (c eng '82 BS) C Eng 717 Woodruff Bldg Palmer George D (e eng '04) Phar 603 Herkimer St Paul Harold (ag '12) Ag R2 Pepper William A (e eng '97 BS) Mfg Agt 304 Glenwood Av tPiepenbrink Louis H ( '01) Pierce Donald A (e eng '10 BS) Insp Publ Serv Co 305 Willow Av Pierce Mrs D A (la '11 AB) Home 305 Willow Av Powers Ray A (ag '13- ) Stu Mills Rd & S Richards St Radican Thomas F (su '11) Stu NW U 320 Mississippi Av Richards Helen M (sc '14 BS) Teach 952 ILLINOIS E4 Russell Carlton A (mun eng '12) Chew, 103 Mound St Seely Bessie L (h sc '15- ) Stu 702 Oneida St Smith Ellis E (e eng '08 BS) Invent 4- Appraisal Water Util 113 Park Av Snapp Dorrance D (e eng '05) Law Cutting Bldg Spangler Mary M (g '13 AM) (la '11 AB) Teach 123 Second Av t Springer Jonas R (1 '10) 632 Cass St Stern William (se '03) Fin $ B Est 1023 Collins St ?Stevens Edgar C (ag '07) fStewart Walter N (ag '84) Strong William A (c eng '14 BS) Stu 602 W Jefferson St Tompkins Roy W (la '14- ) Stu 110 Scott St Ursich Joseph E (la 15- ) Stu 115 Indiana Av Van Arman Marshall E ( '02) Arch 343 Hunter Av Vibelius Seigfred N (arch eng '12- ) Stu 312 Landen Av Vliet Elmer B (la '15- ) Stu 417 Richards St Weeks Charles H (com '15- ) Stu 1202 Cass St Wilson Edwin L (1 '08 AB) Law 700 Fourth Av With George O (mun eng '15 BS) Ofc City Eng Chicago Hgts 810 Third Av Wood Harvey A (su '11) Atty 819 Oneida St Wood Harvey E (1 '00 AB) Atty 819 Oneida St Wood Mrs H E (la '97) Home 819 Oneida St Zarley William H (c eng '00) Co Surv 329 Fifth Av JONESBORO Barringer Paul C (ag '15- ) Stu Corzine Clorah E (su '12) Teach Crawford John C (sp '92) PM Hess Helen I (su '11) Teach Karraker Edward L (c eng '05) Asst Cash St Bk Schrieger Edwin H (su '15) Prin H Sch Turner Frank C (su '10) Prin Schs JOPPA Oakes Arthur M (ag '02) Ag fRoberts Owen O (ag '03) tHubbart JOSLIN Gurth S (1 '10) JOY Campbell George H (g '00 ML) (la '95 BL) Fin t Jackson Chester H (ag '08) Rooth James (c eng '14- ) Stu JUNCTION McCue John E (ag '07) Ag R2 KANE Morgan Dean F (e eng '15- ) Stu Titus William L (mech '71) Vandersand Orman (ag '06) Ag $ Stock Witt William P (c eng '12 BS) Asst Cash Kane St Bk KANEVILLE Ames Benjamin H (ag '08) Ag Bavlin Fred J ('91) Bavlin Frank W ('91) Ag $ Stock 4- Opr Elec Light Plant Notary Public Baymond Jesse L ( '03) Shoellhorn Frank P ( '10) Blcpr KANKAKEE Baird Thomas (su '09) Expert Keat- ing 4- Vent 1204 S Washington Av Benefiel Eva M (h sc '09 BS) Dir Home Improvement Assn Bonfield Thomas E ('77) Booth Earl F (su '14) Branch James M (la '98) Ag Brenneman Ernest (la '95) Brown Elmer A (m eng '15 BS) Foreman Greenhouse Const 554 S Rosewood Av Chabot Bernice (h sc '15- ) Stu 719 S Greenwood Av Chabot Kathleen M (la '13- ) Stu 719 S Greenwood Av Clausen Elizabeth J (h sc '14 BS) Teach H Sch Cobb Charles H (m eng '78) Supt N 111 Water Co Collier John S (g bot '12) Ag Ad- viser Kankakee Co Davis Elmer L (com '15- ) (la '14) Stu 1082 E Merchant St Demmer John E (la '10 AB) Teach 1060 Maple St t Dixon Hewitt S (e eng '97) Dudman Mrs V E (la '05) Home 5096 Evans Av tDyer Clyde F (c eng '05) Bd Contr 469 S Wildwood St Fellows James P (ag '11 BS) Ag 172 Schuyler Av Word Samuel S ('89) ILLINOIS 953 tGernon Gerald D (la '15- ) Stu 241 S Chicago Av Hamilton Edwin S (sc '11 AB) Med 329 Dearborn Av Hawker Mrs Geo H (h sc '07) Home BFD Hay Clair E (ag '13 BS) Ag El tHay Mrs C E (la '11) Home El Hedquist Esther (su '13) Teach H Sch 216 S Harrison Av \HoVmes Thomas K ('04) 209 Court St Holt Clarence (77) Edit 291 E Court St \Huckings William W (77) t Jensen Anker C (la '10) Law 214 Cobb Bldg ? Jones Harry Bernard (e eng '03) fKelly Jennie P (la '89) tLangan Clarence L (ag '13) 438 E Court St Langlois Henry L (su '14) Stu Med U 111 1079 N Schuyler Av Lavery Irene B (la '09) Teach 372 S Schuyler Av Lecour Louis P (ag '13) Bis 281 S Dearborn Av Leffel Kittie M (la '10) Teach 1181 Maple St Lewin Fenton (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 279 S Chicago Av Littell Ivan (ag '08) Works St Hos- pital 1242 S Fourth Av Lockwood Frank M (arch eng '93) Asst Cash City Nat Bk 746 S Chi- cago Av McKee Edna B (la '15 AB) Teach El McKee Mary A (la '15- ) ( '14) Stu El Mann Arthur S (arch eng '14) Arch 912 Greenwood Av Mann Elsie E (h sc '10) At home (475) Mann Howard L (e eng '08 BS) Fac- tory Mgr 630 Eosewood Av Mather Eose M (lib'15) BLS) (la '05 AB) Libr t Myers Mrs A F (h sc '84) fO'Neal John E (com '08) 311 Court St Ross Ellison L (g chem '12 PhD Fac '12) Chem Physchopathic Hospital Shreffler Franc E (h sc '11) At home 1095 E Merchant St Sinclair James A (ag '01) Quarry Supt McLaughlin & Mateer Co Small Len ('15) Bk Smith Ira W (ag '08) Newsdealer 403 Harrison St Snyder Alden E (ag '12 BS) ( '04) Ag E2 snyder Mrs A E (g engl '12 AM) (ia '11 AB) Home E2 Somers Aloysius J (ag '14- ) Stu 439 Chicago Av Somers Francis P (la '14- ) Stu 439 S Chicago Av Streeter Harry S (1 '11) Law Swannell Arthur (BL '14) (la 79 Cert) Bet Merc 880 Court St Swannell Frederick W (m eng '06) Auto 153 N Indiana Av Swannell William L (e eng '13) M Eng Sr Merc Gas & Elec Co 880 Court St Tanner Eudolph H (ag '15- ) Stu E4 Taylor Howard L (sp 70) Bet 784 E Court Thompson George S (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu Box 534 Treischel Charles C (cer eng '12- ) Stu 127 S Chicago Av Troup Harold J (la com '12) Lumber 1084 E Court St Vining Eobert J (ag '14- ) Stu E4 tWertz Arthur H (ag '08) 15 Green- wood Av Wheeler Irene B (h sc '13 AB) Teach H Sch Wilkinson Stanley E (la '08 AB) Sec Kankakee Ice & Feed & Fuel Co 224 S Greenwood Av Wilson Boss B (m eng '11 BS) Plumbing ^ Heat Contr 656 E Court St KANSAS Bartmess. Ernest L (ag '11) Ag E15 Bennett Emil C (ag '15) Teach E15 Briscoe Ita (su '01) At home Briscoe Eobert W ( '02) Ag E13 Honnold Loie (ag '14- ) Stu McAdams Fred A (ag '15- ) Stu t Morris Harvey B (m eng '11) Paxton Charles M ('83) Ag 4- Pres Farmer's Nat Bk Pinnell Homer (ag '05) Ag Pinnell Winfield S (gen '69) Ins Ehodes John M (c eng '14- ) Stu E13 Bobinson Myra (h sc '15- ) Stu Smith Forrest H (ag '12) Ag E14 Wilhoit Pope ('83) Bkpr Winters Nina L (la '15- ) Stu KEENSBUEG \Epler Alva E ('06) Schrodt John E (ag '10) Ag KEENVILLE !Garrod James A (sp 76) KEITHSBUEG \Childs Merlin W ('04) Hardin William A (ag '15- )(>13) Stu 954 ILLINOIS Hiett Mable (su '15) Teach Hiett Kobert C (su '05) Newell Raymond W (ag '15- ) Stu Sheriff Mrs J P (la '07) Home Simmons John W Jr (c eng '12 BS) Gov t Smith Alfred H (sc '08) Strong Harry D (ag '14 BS) Ag $ Stock Strong James K (ag '14- ) Stu Strong Joe ('83) Stock tWolf Luther O (c eng '08) KELL Alvis Bennett Y (su '09) Stu St L U Med Coll Gaskill Daniel W (sc '12 AB) Bac- teriol Kell Lester L ( '04) Young Alvis B (la '09) Stu St L U KEMPER Palmer Lloyd E (arch eng '11) Ag KEMPTON Bute Mrs E K (mus '06) Home Clayton Harry L (ag '15) Merc Keighin Clarence B ('11) Ag Bemmers Rudolph J ('03) Ag Scott Philip C (ag '00) Ag KENDALLVILLE Seibert Kenneth S (arch eng '15- ) Stu 116 N Railroad St KENILWORTH Evans Wallis J (la'15- ) (m eng '15) Stu Essex Rd tHart Myron B (sp '13) Leonard Ruth (la '12 AB Fac '12) Teach New Trier H Sch Ware Manierre B (ag '13- ) Stu KENNY McElhiney Ruth (la '14- ) Stu KENT Finkenbinder Royal R (ag '10) Ag KENWOOD PARK Good Irene A (lib '14) 146 W First St KERRICK Cary Spencer A (ag '02) Ag Taylor Roy E (ag '08 BS) Ag Taylor Mrs R E (la '08 AB) KEWANEE Anthony George A ('13) Bnk $ Drug Bannister John H (ag '14) Stu 519 S Tremont St Barrick Nelle E (h sc '14 AB) Teach t Beadle Lucius (sc '99) Berlin Sven N (arch '84) Bldg Contr 907 N Main St Berschbach Clarence F (m eng '11) Draft Kewanee Boiler Co 411 S Chest- nut St Blair Joseph L (e eng '07) Electr 106 Lexington Av Bogardus George W (e eng '02) Sales tBowen John (c eng '94) Bryan Mabel R (la '15- ) Stu 116 E Church St Cady Laurence C (m eng '14- ) Stu 912 E Prospect St Capperrune Mrs EC (la '04) Home 318 S Vine St Clears Harry L (com '15- ) Stu 238 S Chestnut St Cobb Charles C (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 233 Dwight St ?Cole Hay dee S (la '80) Daniel Ruth (mus '15- ) Stu Demerath LeRoy (m eng '13) Draft 609 S Tremont St Errett Albert W Jr (m eng '03) V- Pres Kewanee Water Supply Co 524 S Chestnut St Errett Mrs A W Jr (lib '10 BLS) Home 524 S Chestnut St t Errett Harry B (arch eng '96) Ewan William C (1'07LLB) Law Farr Alvin I (la '12 AB) Teach 301 S Main St Francis Fred (m eng '14 BS) ( '78) Bet R5 Gamble Donald T (ag '14 BS) Ag $ Stock R2 Gilfillan Kent R (arch '09) Gen Be- pair 411 E First St Good Glen S (ag '14) Ag R4 (55) jHainds Roy ('08) Hamilton Rubey J (su '13) Teach 405 E South St \Hands Roy ('08) 318 W Second St tHewlett Maddra J (la '09) 309 N Elm St Hodge Emerit W (ag '10) Ag 611 S Chestnut St Ingham Ellis Foulds (m eng '02) Supt Water Dept 409 E Prospect St Janes Nellie (la '14- ) Stu R4 Kemp John E (c eng '01 BS) C Eng 701 E Prospect St tKirley John T (c eng '06) Cigar Dealer 116 McKinley Av Lawson Richard E (la '12) Bkpr 312 E First St McCarthy Harry (m eng '02 BS) M Eng Chf Draft Nat Tube Co Kewanee Wks 600 E Prospect St ILLINOIS 955 McCarthy Mrs Harry (la '02 AB) Home 600 E Prospect St Morse Eobert L (m eng '15- ) Stu 109 W Prospect St Nelson Emanuel (e eng '14) Clk 42* S Main St Neville Florence E (la'15AB) Teach H Sch R6 Neville Olive M (h sc '14- ) Stu R6 t Neville Kussell T (la '99) Nichols Gladys (lib '15) Libr Norris Burton H (sp '01) Clk 516 W South St Oliver Mrs MA (la '04) Home 420 S Main St Paul Frank M (m eng '14- ) Stu 109 S Lakeview Av Ray William E (ag '07) Ag t Robinson Lyle (la '02) Rounseville Roy W (m eng '08) Dept Supt Nat Tube Co fSanford Mrs Eva P (se '96) Home Sandford William E (sc '91 Fac '96) Mfg Smith Orlo D (ag '10) Sales Corresp 730 S Chestnut St tSweet Harry V (e eng '06) 224 E Prospect St Taylor Earl G (1 '07) Merc tTucker William W (su '07) Walton Joseph C (c eng '01) Clk 727 S Chestnut St Washburn Raymond A (arch eng '15) 522 E Prospect St Wedge Leslie B (la com '14- ) Stu 405 McKinley Av Wiseman Joseph S (su '10) Superv Indus Ed 434 S Main St KICKAPOO Thomas Charles V (ag '79) ?Thomas Lauren (ag '93) KILBOURNE Betzelberger John L (ag '06) Ag KINDERHOOK Churchill Delia A ('97) Ag KINGS Hayes Earle M (ag '13- ) Stu KINGSTON Branch Lloyd H (ag '04) Cash Bk tBriggs Frank R (ag '14) Lanan Guy (ag '15- )('14) Stu Tower George W (ag '77) Ag KINMUNDY Bagott Pauline G (su '14) Teach Bargh Edwin C (la '82) Thar Bargh George H (1 '15- ) ( '14 AB) Stu tCabanis Rene C (m eng '02) Conant Lewis J (la '14) Stu Fisher Laura E (la '12 AB) Supv Schs McCluer Hugh A (arch eng '87) Ag t Neville Jessie G (h sc '04) Pruett Eugene F (ag '12- ) Stu Rohrbough Elsie G (la '15- ) Stu Rohrbough Levi C (la '81) Merc tSchermerhorn May (ag '01) KIRKLAND Jones William R (ag '15) Wks Beef Cattle Barn May Clifford B (ag '13- ) Stu KIRKWOOD Med R2 Chickering George A ( '07) tFrans Raus P (ag '03) Moburg Ernest R (ag '14- ) Stu Norman Gerald W (su '15- ) Oaks Helen L (la '15) Teach Phys Tr Oaks Margaret R (h sc '13) At home Pape William P (ag '13) Ag Tinkham Ralph D (1 '02) .Ag $ Stock tTubbs Myrtle L (su '08) Teach H Sch KNOXVILLE Becker Harry F (ag '13- ) Stu Hoffman Arthur C (ag '15 BS) Teach Johnson Adolph Julius (ag '08) Ag Johnson Ralph N (ag '15- ) Stu Box 155 Lacy Ralph W (com '15 ) Lafferty George G (su '15) Teach McElwain Jennie (su '09) Teach tPickrel Roxy I (su '12) t Weber George P (rye eng '11) Wilson Arthur J ('01) Wilson Harlan R ('01) Garage LACON Bussell Frank P (ag '08) Ag Cavette Francis E (la '13- ) Stu Craig James V (e eng '02) tEBERLEiN Frederic W (sc '84 BS) Med ^Ellsworth Spencer ('77) Grieves John P (la '06) Woolen Mills Held Joseph F (ag '07) Ag Hexter Eli (1 '02) Merc Kunkle Eugene R (ag '12) Ag McCornis Samuel J (su '15) McNutt Wilma L (la '15- ) Stu Nicholls Edgar F (la '03) Co Supt Schs Nichols Floris W (la com '12- ) Stu Richards Keene (e eng '10) Dist Supt 956 ILLINOIS Pub Ser Co N 111 Richards Mrs Keene (la '09) Home Eussell Frank P (ag '08) Ag Taylor Benjamin F (la ; 15- ) Stu LADD Cochran Jennie (la '04) LAFAYETTE Green Robert R Jr (ag '15) Ag Himes Milo D (ag '11) Ag Ingels Sherman (ag '13- ) Stu Quinn Florence K (mus '14- ) Stu ?Witt Clarence O (su '11) LA FOX Barber J Kenneth (cer '15) (la '15- ) Stu Barber Hillis E (ag'15) Stu. Barber Julia M (la '13 AB) Teach Shephard Karl J (ag '11) Ag LA GRANGE Augustinus Paul (e eng '06 BS) E Eng 4- Mfg 400 S Fifth Av Bailey Mrs A D (la '06 AB) Home 21 Elmwood Av Barnes Robert O (e eng '15 AB) ClJc Valuation Dept CBQ RR 307 Ashland Av Barnum Edmund M (m eng '14) 204 Sixth Av Barnum Richard F (m eng '12- ) Stu 204 Sixth Av Barrett Edward E (c eng '93 BS) C Eng 212 S Madison Av Baxter Vaughn B (ag '14 BS) Chge Land Gard Suburban Fores Co Bent Mrs C H (la '05 AB) Home 430 S Sixth Av Blakeslee George R (la com '04) Mfg 132 S Waiola Av Bryant Robert A (la '14- ) Stu 143 S Ashland Av Caldwell Mrs S M (la '06) Home 15 Seventh Av Clark Jason M (ag '09) Print Sales 322 N Ashland Av Cooper Edward A (m eng '15) Motor Car Co 209 Sixth Av Craigmile Charles S (e eng '13) E Eng 432 S Madison Av Crofts Carson (la com '13- ) Stu 502 N Fifth Av Darlington Genevieve (lib '03 BLS) Libr 229 S Stone Av tDarlington Herbert S (e eng '02 ^ Daugherty George H (la '15- ) Stu 419 S Waiola Av Davies Robert C (com '15- ) 514 N Ashland Av Stu Davis Milton R (ag '13- ) Stu 36 5 Sixth Av DeWitt Louise E (la '06 AB) Lit $ Jour 22 Waiola Av tDiEEENBACH Arthur G (m eng '04 BS) Tel Eng Western Elect Co Chgo 336 S Madison Av Doty Lee B (sc '99 LL B) 111 Trust 6 Savings Bk Chgo 110 N Kensing- ton Av Dull Mrs (la '97) Home 133 S Sixth Av Drew Don J C (e eng '06 BS) E Eng 336 S Ashland Av Durland Alice H (la '10 AB) Teach 444 S Madison Av Edler Fred C Jr (la '09) Statistical Dept CB&Q RR 60 S Kensington Av Emmond Wyatt G (la com '12- ) Stu 109 Eighth Av Fisher Clarence (ag '14- ) Stu 324 S Waiola Av Frofts Carson (la com '13- ) Stu 502 N Fifth Av Gage Ralph H (c eng '07 CE) ( '03 BS) C Eng $ Sec 301 S Eighth Av Gaston David N (m eng '04 BS) Effic Eng Adams West Lake Co 439 S Madison Av Hill William E (la '11) Mfg Agt 101 S Madison Av Horr Leonard W (m eng '11 BS) Sales H N Johns Manville Co 131 Eighth Av Johnson Ralph M (sc '83) c/o Inter- nat Harvester Co 229 Madison Av Johnston Arthur R (sc '00 BS Fae '01) c/o Victor Chem Wks 337 S Kensington Av Johnston Mrs A R (lib '01) Home 337 S Kensington Av Kemman Alphonso H (ag '81) Ag 329 N Fifth Av Kemman Herbert F (ag '12) Pitcher Toronto Baseball Club 329 N Fifth Av \Leffler Paul E ('08) 318 S Kensing- ton Av Linn Homer R (m eng '09 ME) ('96 BS) Sales Mgr Gen Fire Ext Co 321 S Ashland Av Linn Mrs H R (la '97 BS) Home 321 S Ashland Av Llewellyn Clarine (sc '06 BS) At home 324 Sixth Av Llewellyn Harry C (ag '15- ) Stu 47 S Fifth Av Llewellyn Henry S (la '79) Med 47 S Fifth Av Llewellyn Mrs J C (sp '95 BL BS) Home 324 Sixth Av Llewellyn Marjorie K (h sc '15- ) ILLINOIS 957 Stu 47 S Fifth Av Llewellyn Ruth (la '11 AB) Stu Mus 324 Sixth Av Masley Jacob J (ag '09) Cost Dept Clk 506 N Ashland Av Mayor Hugh N (arch eng '12- ) Stu 320 Fifth Av fMaxwell John W (arch '02) Mettler Clayton H (eng '11) C Eng 111 Steel Co Chgo 229 S Ashland Av Pagin John B (m eng '12- ) Stu 168 N Catherine Av Pringle Wayne (c eng '07) Eng CB &Q PR 25 Seventh Av Eobbins Ruth (la '15 AB) Teach Sanderson Arthur K (m eng '15- ) Stu 219 S Spring Av Sanford Miles B (la '14) Stu Cor U 217 S Ashland St Schuster Fred A (ag '10) Agt Scott Edith (sc '10) Stu Willow Springs Rd Searles Donald K (ag '15) Stu NW • U 327 S Madison Av Sells Simeon W J (la '13) Merc c/o Fifth Av Garage Co Smith Alfred D (e eng '13 BS) Mfg Eng 27 N Madison Av Stamas Theodore A (la '15- ) Stu 441 Belden Av fSturgeon Alfred H (ag '08) Tiffany Hubert C (ag '13- ) Stu Townsend William (c eng '93 BS) Mgr 122 N Catherine Av Vial Alice M (la '99 AB) Vial Edmund R (ag '84 BS) Ag R2 Vial Frederick K (ag '85 BS) Chf Eng Griffin Wheel Co 312 Madison Av Vial Harold C (ag '14- ) Stu 312 Madison Av Vial Helen G (h sc '15- ) Stu 404 S Fifth Av Vial Nathaniel S (ag '13) Teach 404 S Fifth Av Vial Ralph H (ag'13)('15- ) Stu R2 Vial Robert C (c eng '93 BS Fac '03) Ag R.2 Wagenknight Oscar C (c eng '13) Stu U Pa 445 S Spring Av ? Watson Robert H Jr (la '09) 520 S Ashland Av Webb Ruth C (h sc '09) Teach 40 Harris Av Wesemann Adolph H (1 '00 LL B) Law 16 Woodlawn Av Whitney Helen W (la '13 AB) Teach 220 S Catherine St Wilson Allen C (c eng '14- ) Stu 225 Cossitt Blvd Yale Gertrude E 344 Sixth Av (la '16) At home Zook Jacob B (e eng '14) Eng Dept Gregory Elec Co 124 S Catherine Av LA HARPE Bustard John W (la '05) Merc Campbell Kent (ag '08) Ag Coulson Charles S (la '02) Merc Dickson Rolland O (ag '00) Poultry 4" Bee Keeping Rl Hamilton George G (m eng '73) Hungate Harold G (e eng '13) Mach Car Sales Lyon John B (sc '12- ) Stu Mesick Raymond F (e eng '10) Merc Robertson Jane (su '15) Prin H Sch Thomas Clair J (ag '12- ) Stu Todd Ethel (la '15 AB) Todd Ralph D (ag '15- ) Stu LAKE BLUFFS Behel Vernon W (arch '15) Behel Wesley A (arch eng '13- ) Stu Knobs Louis S (c eng '07 BS) C Eng Linneen Henry W (m eng '14- ) Stu Box 221 tNoel Claude F (la '13) Oxman John M (ag '15- ) Stu LAKE CITY Bandy Lorenson (m eng '15- ) Stu t Sherman Anna E (su '99) Wilt Alva L (sc '05 AB) Ag LAKE FOREST Campbell Neil Nelson (ry c eng '10 BS) C Eng 4" Surv Wisconsin Av Chantrey Frederick A (m eng '14) CLAPP John M ('12) Prof Engl Lake Forest Coll tHall Kenneth (ag '07) fKemp Elizabeth M (la '11) King Esther (la '15- ) Stu 121 Oak- wood Av S t Lewis Howard L (1 '09) Box 293 {Mark Clayton Jr (m eng '11) tSchaffer Otto G (ag '14) schaffer Wilhelmina M (g la '12 AM) Teach SCHMIDT William G W ('97) Prof Lake Forest Coll Smith Ernest J (g pol sc '15- ) Stu White Courtland K (la '12 AB) Field WorJc LAKE FORK Zelle Carl A (sc '12- ) Stu 958 ILLINOIS LAKE VILLA Bonner John G (ag '03) Ag Miller Gertrude E (su '11) Nelson Olive E (su '11) Teach Talbot Charles W (la '72) Med LAKE ZURICH Dymond Lida E (la '06 AB) Ag Scholz Hannah M (su '07) Teach LA MOILLE Collins Lathan H (c eng '15- ) Stu Dayton Marshall (com '15- ) Stu Feik Roy W (g ed '15- ) Stu Hall Laura B (la '08) Teach mall Mabel D ('08) Hopps Clifford C (ag '00) Ag Hopps Stephen A (ag '00) Ag tRemsburg William N (sc '14) t Skejfington James A ( '05) t Smith Martin A ( '91) tStannard Albert C (sc '83) Martin Taylor (ag '70) Ag tWells Harry J (ag '01) LAMONT Rosset Louis (e eng '15 BS) E Eng LANARK Bowers William R (ag '13) Ag tBussey Clyde G (la '93) Flicking er John F ('96) Hardware Garner James M (ag '15- ) Stu t Grossman Mabel E (la '07) Hogan Harold E (la '15- ) (chem eng '13) Stu Rahn Lester A (ag '15- .) (e eng '15) Stu tSprecher Louis H Jr (ag '04) Wolf Mrs Guy (h sc ',07) Home Wolf John E (m eng '09 BS) Farm Mgr LANESVILLE Whittemore Floyd (e eng '97 BL) Ag LANSING Prince Ben J (ag '14- ) Stu Rl - LA PLACE Hawthorne Elizabeth L (la '04 AB) At home t Leathers Clarence E (su '09) Teach Miller Mabel O (su '15) Home Winney George W ( '06) IWilson Margaret M ( '98) LA PRAIRIE Ketchum Ellen P ('00) Ketchum Fred L ( '10) tTenhaeff John A (la com '05) Stock LA ROSE Thompson William M (la '15- ) Stu LA SALLE Aplington William J (la '12) Law 636 Hennepin St Barber Harold W (ag '14- ) Stu 1053 11th Gooding St Borngasser Fred W (ag '10) Ag 549 Third St Borngasser Meta E (la '09) At home 549 Third St Brenneman Joseph (sp '73) Supt Zinc Co Burke Edmund (sc '08) Med 817 Seventh St Carman Charles M (m eng '15- ) Stu 609 Fourth St Carlson Harry L (ag '13- ) Stu 1765 Fonti St Carlson Harvey J (m eng '07) Draft Castendyck Charles H (com '15- ) Stu 227 Fifth St \Cofoid Harry E ('10) Ag Collins Mary (sc '05 AB) Teach H Sch 720 Sixth St t Collins Mary L (mus '05) Confrey Burton (su '14) Teach 1039 Ninth St t Diamond Agnes (la '05) Diesterweg Charles L (m eng '79) Pres La Salle Sav Bk & Trust Co tDonoghue John T (la '87) tDoNOGHUE Richard C (1 '99 LL B) Donoghue William J (sc '02 BS) Chem Winona Zinc Wks tDugan Florence E (la '07) Goodenough Arthur S (arch eng '11) Arch Western Clock Co Goodman Albert N (arch eng '14- ) Stu 157 Fourth St Guthrie Fred A (sc '92) Med Hamilton Ray L (ag '15- ) Stu 628 Gooding St Hazen Franklin M (cer eng '14) Sales 318 Marquette St Herrike Ernest A (m eng '11 BS) Bus Mgr $ M Eng 1339 Fifth St tHETHERiNGTON Benjamin W (1 '03 LL B) 209 Third St Huber Marie (la Feb '16- ) Stu 1345 Bucklin St Kohin Thomas C (su '08) Asst Prin Twp H Sch Krueger Kurth C (sc '15- ) ('13) Stu 839 Fourth St Locke George F (ag '15) (Feb '16) McCormack Joseph H (chem eng '12- ) Stu 1359 Eighth St ILLINOIS 959 McCormack Thomas H (cer eng '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1359 Eighth St McManns James B (su '13) Supt Schs 748 Gooding St Malone James E (su '99) Law Mason Jean F (h sc '14- ) Stu 501 Marquette St Miller Mary F (su '99) 328 Creve Cour St Mitchell Mrs Frank (sc '12) Home E23 Mounce George (sc '13 AB) Teach Nicolet Charles H (m & c eng '06 BS) ( '78) Mech # C Eng fOliver Bertha R (la '84) fOliver Florence M (la '84) tO'Rourke Eugene J (sc '95) 601 Fourth St Proelss Otto (la '15- ) Stu Eighth & Stirling Sts Robinson Ethelyn C (h sc '14- ) Stu "The Oaks" Robinson Warren I (ag '13- ) Stu Ruediger Mrs G F (lib '05 BLS) Home Schueler Herbert (m eng '13- ) Stu 1014 Seventh St Scott Gilbert W (ag '02) Auto Deal- er Steinmayer Alwin G (e eng '12- ) Stu St Vincent Av Steinmayer Reinhard (cer '12- ) Stu St Vincent Av Stever Mildred P (h sc '14) Strobridge Thomas R (c eng '10 BS) C Eng Marquette Cement Co 603 Fifth St Swift Charles C (c eng '99) Gen Supt LaSalle County Carbon Coal Co 425 Wright St t Thompson Sherman (arch '04 BS) Walsh John W (la '85) '(Ward Frank M ('78) Warren Ralph R (c eng '14- ) Stu 504 Ninth St Welch John M (chem eng '15 BS) Asst Hygienic Inst 620 Sixth St Wolf Antoinette C (la '14- ) Stu 707 Eleventh St Wvatt Kirke K (e eng '06) C Eng 801 Seventh St Yenerich George Mrs (su '11) RFD LATHAM fBerry Mrs Ben (su '01) Home t Davis Frank L ( '85) mill DeWitt C ('85) Hamilton William J (la '15- ) Stu McGrath James M (sc '14 BS) Prin Schs Martin Cline C (1 '14) \Nowlin Jonathon A ('97) LAURA Mathers Andrew J (ag '14) Ag Oakes Anna M ('08) At home Oakes Ella B (h sc '13- ) Stu Oakes Hubert L (ag '15- ) Stu Wycoff Benjamin H (ag '15 BS) Teach t Wycoff Delia (h sc '13) Young Clyde M (su '09) Teach LAWRENCEVILLE Bass Glenn W (mun eng '14 BS) San Eng c/o Cent Pub Serv Co ^Buchanan Beulah E (mus '07) Buchanan Ralph E (ag '07) Ag Rl Buchanan Victor C (ag '15) Ag Rl Cox Flemin W Jr (la '08 AB) Prin H Sch ?Cox Mrs Minnie E (su '06) Dutton Marshall S (mun eng '15 BS) Supt Filtration c/o Cent HI Pub Serv Co tGee Arthur M (la '09) Law t Gillespie Wilbur ('09) Kirkwood Roger (ag '13) Acct Kirlcwood Thomas ('09) Med Lackey Kate (la '15- ) Stu 702 E State McGaughey Guy E (1 '15) Stu 913 E State St tPinkstaff Lee (ag '12) Roberts Mrs O (mus '07) Home 404 13th St tSeed Oscar V (1 '14) Sheets Ancel J (e eng '14- ) Stu 905 12th St Spencer Ralph W (ag '14- ) Stu Stansfield James G (ag '15- ) Stu Tanquary Elmer S (mus '08) Teach k Mus Vaught Walter K (su '11) Stu St Louis U Watts George R (e eng '13) Adv 4' Auto Sales 1211 Lexington Av tWeger John E (1 '11) Whittaker Harry ('09) LAYTON fRittenhouse Joseph W (ag '04) LEAF RIVER Gaffin Charles H ( '99) Ag $ Stock Gaffin William W (c eng '93) Contr Gaffin & Gehri LEANDERVILLE fMoehrs Louis W (ag '05) LEBANAN Church Mrs Frank (sc '13 AB) Home 960 ILLINOIS Coudrey Ealph S (su '15) Crosthwait George A (arch '03 BS) Prof McKendree Coll gentry Cyrus S (g '12 AM) Dir Athl McKendree Coll Pfeffer Harold S (arch eng '13) Lum- ber Mere Pfeffer Louis H (ag '15- ) Stu sayre E Eandall (g la '14 AM) Sayre Rollo C (su '15) Teach Sullins Thomas B (su '15- ) Supt Schs Thrall William F (su '06) Prof Mc- Kendree Coll Thrall Mrs W F (su '06) Home LEE Edwards Howard M (la '15- ) Stu Hilleson Thomas E (la '06) Ag \Nordby Paul ('07) Ostewig Kinnie A ( '99 ) Lit tWickness Otto E (ag '06) LELAND Anfinsen Lyda D ( '10) At home Bjelland Harold G (ag '14- ) Stu Danielson Aden A (ag '12 ) Auto & Hardware Hansen Willard Klove (ag '11) Ag Henderson Frank H (ag '10) Ag Henderson Melvin (ag '15- ) Stu tHovda Alvin E (la com '07) LEMONT marrington DS ( '85) Rosset Louis (e eng '15 BS) E Eng LENA Baldwin Leslie W (la '06) Ins B Est" 4- Fin tDameirer Rufus F (ag '02) Ag R5 Gillette William H (la '15) Stu Howard George W (sc '10) Ag Jones Albert E (la '01 AB) Ag tKiplinger Lloyd A (la '08) Law McEathron William J (sc '83) Pearson William H (com '12 AB) Cllc \ Price Fred H ('05) Seise Kathryn M (mus '12) Charge Piano Store Shoesmith Harold J (e eng '11) Ag LENARK Bowers William R (ag '13) Ag LENZBURG Huth Alfred W ('11) Merc Schutte Tenjes H (la '12 AB) Prin H Sch LERNA Balch Nellie A (ag '15- ) Stu McDonald Georgia H (h sc '15- ) Stu LE ROY \Avey Fred ('11) \Bishop James F ( '92) ?Bishop Mahlon L (gen '00) Bonnett Mrs J Y (la '01) Home 101 E Elm St ?Chase Lottridhe E (su '07) Mintr Chase Russell L (hort '14) Cline Gerald M (la '14- ) Stu Denning Harry (ag '98) Ag Hedrick Edna M (la '13- ) Stu Hedrick George S (ag '12- ) Stu Howard Mabelle L (h sc '14- ) Stu Humphrey Ralph C (c eng '00) Merc Keenan Arthur J ( '80) Kennan Joseph ( '08) Keys Hugh C (sc '11) Cllc Kline Byron D (ag '13) Ag ?Kyner Charles L (su '09) Lowe Russel L (la '11) Mus Miles Mrs C S (mus '08) Home tMoon Gladys (la '12) Moss Delmar D (ag '14) Reeves Bert (su '15) Prin H Sch Rike Ronald V (ag '15- ) Stu Tuthill John K (e eng '14 BS) Unzicker Earl M (arch eng '11) c/o Bloomington Canning Co Box 437 Walters Mrs W A (la '07 BLS & AB) Home Wirt Verna E (h sc '15- ) Stu LEVERETT ? Abbott Cary L (m eng '07) LEVINGS mawley Wesley D (ag '07) LEWISTOWN Barrett George S (ag '08) Ag R2 Belts Claude (la '07 AB) Supt Schs Boyd Hobart S (1 '00 LLB) Co Jud Breskenridge Mrs R R (h sc '03) Home Craig John H (ag '07) Com Depler James D (ag '10) Merc We Wolfe Roy ('07) Dyekes Lawrence J (e eng '06) Ag Ford Ralph L (e eng '00) Fouts Willard H (sc '14) Ham Jerry A (1 '15- ) (arch eng '14) Stu Howell Ernest A (e eng '04) BB Tel Howell Grace L (su '15) Teach McGrew Charles B (arch '13) Draft ILLINOIS 961 Miles Thomas B (ag '13- ) Stu Millizen Edna V (mus '15 AB) Teach H Sch Pratt Chester C (ag '07) Vet Prickett Fred W (ag '98) Ag E3 Preinel George H ( '99) Ag tEandall Eobert A (e eng '04) Eogers Herbert D (arch '92) B Est Mgr Shields John E (ag '12- ) Stu E2 Box 51 LEXINGTON ?Boller Chester E (arch '83) fBrown Clarence H (e eng '09) ICrum Ethel (la '07 AB) Stu U Cal tDowell Wilson J (m eng '73 ) Johnston Ora B (ag '03) Ag El Lawrence William H (ag '09) Ag Lindsay William C (e eng '15) Morris George W (ag '74) Painter $ Decorator tPeck Eeba M (la '02) Pick Elza N (ag '14) Ag Pierson Anna M (su '15) Lior tScROGiN Edith N (la '08 AB) Stables Floyd F (sc '10) Teach Storm Myrtle P (g soc '15- ) Stu Storm William H (g philos '15- ) Stu LIBEETY ?Craig Calvin (chem '72) \Linn James A ( '82) LIBEETYVILLE Bond Bessie E (lib '06) Home Clarke Eldon B (e eng '07) Davidson Mayme (su '12) Teach Ellsworth Mark W (c eng '14- ) Stu Box 484 Holch Frederick L (la '04 AB) Supt Schs Holch Mrs F L (sc '09 AB) Home fHuson George T (ag '00) Carpenter Kimball Summer C (c eng '04) Clk Lovell Clarence B (la '15- ) Stu Miller Mortimer E ( '91) Miller William P (sc '01 BS (ag '15 BS) Fac '15) Mgr Donnelly Farm El Protine Fred L (la '15- ) Stu Smith Forest H (e eng '14- ) Stu Lincoln St Waldo Abner W (com '15- ) Stu LILLY \ Smith Ealph G ('10) \Bead Eead George H LILY LAKE Frank A ('93) (ag'88) Ag LINCOLN Andrews Eugene L (la '83) Trav 313 Eighth St tArmington Maude A (la '00) Braucher Alma E (sc '84 BS) Bet Med 227 Lincoln Av Braucher Arthur C (g arch '85) (c eng '84 BS) C $ Min Drain Eng $ Surv 302 Peoria St Burke William F (ag '14- ) Stu 503 Delavan St Caldwell Charles B (sc '99) Med Caldwell Mrs C B (la '01) Home 861 S State St Denny Josephine Mrs (la '05) Home Emmerson Ethel M (la '11) 429 N Ottawa St t Fitzgerald Herbert J (ag '12) 303 Peoria St Gaffney Emory C ( '02) Med Gassett Leo E (ag '15) Stu 418 Wyatt Av Gayle Eobert E (ag '12- ) Stu 325 N Union St Gehlbach Oscar H (la '14- ) Stu 531 N Logan St Ginzel Eoland F (arch '99) Arch Gossett Leo E (ag '15- ) Stu 418 Ayatt Av Green Jay (ag '08) Ag $ ?f Eng Hagons Mrs F M (la '04 AB) Home Handlin William C (sc '09 AB) Teach 504 Fremont St Harts David H Jr (la '00 AB) Law Hoblit Charles T ( '93) Chf ClTc Lin- coln Sch & Colony 455 Eighth St Honacker Lumbe S (su '15) Teach Lincoln Coll Jones Clarence O (ag '05) Impl Merc King Edward H (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Korb Arnold B (su '11) Prin H Sch Korb Helen L (su '12) Teach 314 Kankakee St Kuhl William P (la '10 AB) .BnTc tLAKE Elmer S (la '07 AB) 908 N Kankakee St tLake Mrs Grace (su '13) Home 908 N Kankakee St Layman Andrew H (ag '12) Ag Layman Clinton F (ag '12) Ag Lucas John A A (la '76) Mintr Sr Supt Odd Fellows Orph MacDonald Ada L (mus '15) 130 Tenth St Mangas Lyman S (1 '10 JD) (la '08 AB Law 404 Tremont St Martin Harry S (c eng '14) Dep Sher- iff Logan Co 111 626 N Kickapoo St tMiller Clarence (la '02) Miller Marie M (la '12) Teach 251 Tenth St Morris John C (c eng '74) 962 ILLINOIS OGKLEVEE Christophers ('06) Teach Lincoln Coll 1006 N Union St Orton Julian E (la '15- ) Stu 325 Pekin St Oyler Harry S (sc '96) Med Perrin Hary A (la '08) Supt Schs Pickrell Arthur A (sc '78) Mgr Pierce Le Eoy (su '15) Teach H Sch 309 Broadway Quisenberry Arthur C (la '00 AB) St Bepr 226 Latham St Robinson Glenn Warren (ag '14- ) (ag '11) Stu Ryan Frank W (eng '15) Stu 528 College Av Schwerdtfeger William K (ag '12) B Est JSimpson Edith E (h sc '05) Sims Lewis J (sc '91) Eng 4- Surv Smith Paul M (ag '15 BS) Snider Brainerd C (la '10) Jour # Tub 115 Keokuk St Tobie Willard N (la '06 AB) Mintr Trapp Harold F (1 '99 LL B) Law Trapp William E (ag '01) Employee Scully Est Zeter Harry M (ag '15 BS) Ag R5 LINDENWOOD Perry Judson M (ag '13) Ag LINN McPherson (g engl '12) Shepard Teach LINTNER Bennett Orris ( '02) Peterson George L (ag '10) Ag LIS tCarr Henry B (ag '01) LISBON Everett Lewis L (su '15) R3 1 Larson George ( '95) \Laugman John O ('96) O'Brien Paul T (su '15) Supt Schs LISLE Greene Arthur R (ag '13 AB) Ag LITCHFIELD Barthing Arthur W (e eng '15- ) Stu 911 N Jackson St Beindorf Paul A (m eng '15) Fore- man Machine Shops 723 E Ryder St Beveridge Glen L (1 '05) Theatrical Producer Blankley Alfred R (e eng '05) Mail Carrier 717 E Ryder St Bowman James L (su '12) Teach Bumann Albert T (chem eng '12-) Stu Cline James S (sp '00) Jour Costello Don ( '94) Undertaker tCratty Estella F (la '08) Fennessy Clinton L (e eng '05) Fisher George W (la '76) Bet Merc 821 N Madison St Fisher Roy S (e eng '05) Pub Util 821 N Madison St Hawkes William (sc '12 AB) ( '05) Supt Schs Hoog Ida (su '13) Teach 217 E Ry- der St Keese Frances A (su '12) Teach 904 N Jefferson St Keese Homer G (cer eng '15- ) (la '15) Stu 904 N Jefferson St Kessinger Ruth (su '11) Teach 608 N Jefferson Av t Kinder David R (la '89 BL) Law 405y 2 State St LITCHFIELD Kleinbeck Augustus G (la '14- ) Stu 710 N State St Massey Linna I (su '13) 1004 Wal- nut St Montgomery Kenyon (e eng '03) V- Pres 4- Asst Mgr Wholesale Groc Co Pappmeier John F (la '14) 409 N Jackson St Pappmeier Louis S (c eng '15- ) Stu Jackson St ^Phillips William H (la '76) Sallee Gordon F (m eng '13) 617 Van Buren St \Settlemire David P ('00) Settlemire Wilbur L {ag '10) San Eng 502 Union Av tSihler Charles H (la '14) 403 Union Av Sihler George A Jr (la '06) Med 310 N Madison St Smalley Louis A (la '15) Stuttle Harry C (1 '00) Law Telfer George A (sc '13) Stu Med Wiedrich Jacob C (su '15) Prin H- Sch Box 230 Yeager Hazel M (su '14) 409 Van Buren St LITTLETON Strong Charles M ( '11) Prin H Sch LITTLE YORK Ranney Maude E (la '15- ) Stu Ranney Nathan C (ag '14- ) Stu Warnock Harper M (ag '14- ) Stu ILLINOIS 963 LOAMI *Coons Albert M ( '01) \Corris Albert M ('00) t Flood John P (1 '09) t Foster Charles F ( '86) Keplinger Mrs C T (su '06) Home R34 ?Smith William T (ag '75) Stevens Earl a (su '15) Stu 111 St Nor U LOCKPORT t Arnold John W Jr (c eng '94) Bentley Robert L (ag '14 BS) Burch Margaret B (la '15 > Finch Winfield S (ag '97) Ag R2 Finch Mrs W S ('07) Home Frazer George C (ag '15 BS) Ag Garden Henry R (e eng '03) Pres Salem Brick Co Hamann Christian F (c eng '13- ) Stu R6 Harder Rubey O (c eng '08 BS) C Eng 1013 Washington St Harpham Ralph B (ag '11) Dent tHohn Henry C (ag '05) Kingston Elwood A (sc '03 AB) Med Lally Francis J (e eng '09) Ag R3 \Lotz George N ('91) Milne Dwight R (ag '07) Ag Milne Frank M Jr (ag '11) Ag Myers Howard D (c eng '12 BS) C Eng Box 456 t North Selah H (e eng '06) Ostrom Paul M (c eng '08) Arch Draft 6714 Wentworth Av Parr Louise C (la '15) Teach H Sch Phelps Herbert (ag '90) Ag Ro tRyan Thomas (e eng '06) Spencer Victor E (ag '15 BS) 408 E Tenth St Sprague Charles A (ag '12) Ag R3 Sprague George C (ag '15- ) Stu t Storm Walter A (ag '05) R2 Winship Mrs B N (la '07 AB) Home LODA Bradley Lura J (ag '15) Teach Currie Althea E (com '15- ) Stu tCurrie John A (la '14) Currie Nannie (la '15) Goodell Addison (la '15- ) Stu Goodell Helen E (ag '12) Land Gard Goodell Nathan P (1 '88 BL) Bnlc $ Law Handley Anna (su '14) Libr Hewins Charles F (la '81) Med Box 179 t Hewins Melvin E (min '13) Hungerford Charles E (mun eng '14- ) (c eng '14) Stu Hungerford Everett M (la com '71) Grain Deal Oathout Claude L (ag '13 BS) Ag t Schwartz Rudolph W (e eng '12) iSlocum Charles E ('89) t Smith Leo L (eng '13) Snelling John F (ag '05) Ag Turner Alexander H {ag '12) Stu Turner James C (ag '14- ) Stu Walters Prentice T (la '15) Supt Schs LOMAX t Crane Robert C Ingram Ralph E (ag '08) (ag '11) Ag LOMBARD Blake John B (m eng '87 BS) M Eng Chapin WiUiam N (ag '12) Publ Kendall Clinton D (la '13) Kendall James H (c eng '13) ?McLean Elmer L (m eng '98) Manning Claude W (e eng '04) Pur- chasing Agt Box 71 Neikirk John O (m eng '00) Mgr & M Eng Patrick Harry E (ag '10) Ag RFD Vandercook Henry P (ag '14 BS) Trav Sales LONDON MILLS Vose Dee K (ag '11) Print LONG LAKE fSloper Fred O (ag '82) LONG POINT Drummet Arthur W (ag '15- ) Stu LONGVIEW Davis Richard E (ag '09) Ag Hales Andrew R (e eng '05) Merc Hales Ralph J (1 '07) Grain Lumber Sr Coal Merc Urwin Bella B ( '95) t Irwin Claude G ( '96) \ Rector Loma M ('03) Seltzer John F ('97) Ag R63 Warnes William H ('96) LORAINE \Dougherty Mrs F ('07) Home Harris Norris D (ag '09) Ag Rl LOSTANT Hartenbower Rollin F ('03) Ag Lundgren Floyd E (e eng '14- ) Stu lOsgood Harry H (la '94) Strong Charles H (la com '14) Grain 964 ILLINOIS Merc Whitney Jay A ( '99) Bnlc LOUIS \Erwin Verna ('91) LOUISVILLE ? Austin Thomas W (la '72) Dillman Larry V (ag '11) Ag McCollum Harvey D (1 '01 LL B) Law Moore Aaron H (la '78 Cert) Merc Moore Samuel B (m eng '07 BS) He- tail Lumberyards LOVEJOY Thomas Arthur B (la '14) Thomas James H Jr (la '08) Med LOVINGTON Aschermann Eoy O (m eng '11) Ag E3 Aschermann Vade (e eng '15) Atchison O'Hal (ag '10) Ag Bicknell Fay H (h sc '14 BS) At home Dean Beatrice E (la '14 AB) Teach H Sch Drake Jacob E' (1 '15- ) Stu Funston Jesse E (m eng '10) Ag Gray William J (la '15- ) Stu Kearney Harry C ( '02) Auct $ Horse Bus Kearney Mrs OB ( '06) Home Leachman Joseph E (su '04) Ag tLorenson John H (1 '00) Munch Milton W ('02) Phar t Murphy Fred G (1 '02) Neff John S (e eng '11) Ag t Potts Phyllis C (h sc '09) Ehodes Carlyle S (c eng '13- ) ( '12) Stu Ehodes Golda M (h sc '15- ) Stu Ehodes Opal T (h sc '15- ) Stu ?Ehodes Thomas B (la '77) Shepherd Homer (1 '02) Cash BTc Shirey Mrs Leta L (su '09) Home Turner James M (su '15) E3 Wacaser Edwin E (la '10) Ins \ Wing ate Bertha T ('99) moll Henry L ( '07) LOW POINT Carrithers Calvin L E (ag '02) Ag LUDLOW Bear Bess (la '15- ) Stu Bear Chester E (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Bear Louis E (la '10 AB) Merc Condit Olive F (sc '13) Teach ?Dillon Harvey G (sc '97) t Graves Edwin N ('78) Hamilton William J (la Feb '15- ) Stu E29 Hamm Orville P (ag '15- ) Stu E29 Hammond May E (sc '81) Keyes Otis W (su '15) Teach ?Parsons Margaret M (lib '08) ( '98) Sullivan Mrs Daniel (mus '02) At home tVan Dam Ernest (e eng '11) Watson William S ('80) PM t Webber Hugh E (e eng '08) Ag tWrean James G (m eng '03) LYNN CENTEE Pillsbury Harold F (ag '15) Ag McCLUEE \Finley Mary M ('03) Lightner Levi L (ag '15- ) Stu Mattews Leigh M (m eng '12 BS) Cash BTc McCONNELL tKloutz Clayton W (sc '12) McGIEE Marston Ava (h sc '15) Teach McHENEY Mershon Mrs F J (h sc '12) Home Owen Jane (la '15- ) Stu Petesch Edythe M (la '15- ) Stu Petesch Germer (la '15- ) Stu Stoffel Clara V (su '09) Teach MACKINAW Cook Franks (c eng '09 BS) Co Supt Highways Fairweather Chas A (e eng '04) Asst Supt Constr Fairweather Mrs Chas A ( '04) Home Kinsey Jack (ag '13- ) Stu Kunkle Eoy D (m eng '06 BS Fac '08) Mgr Kunkle Furniture Co Littler Sherman H (la '12 AM) ( '11 AB) Supt Schs Littler Mrs S H (la '11) Home McCully William A (c eng '04 BS) Contr McFarland Walter E (m eng '05) Auto Mech Mathews Newman H (m eng '76) Powers Michael (su '07) tSimpson Clark (1 '06) t Tobias Cnarles C ('96) ILLINOIS 965 tViemont John H (ag '12) Walker George W (ag '12- ) Stu McLEAN Baker Feme (la '15- ) Stu Buck Daniel S (c eng '13) Ag c/o Sherman Buck McFarland Dan (ag '14) Ag Pitts George W (ag '05) Ag Pitts John J Jr (ag '15 BS) (la '14 AB) Ag Pitts Lewis E (1 '05) Ag Stubblefield Ansel F (ag '15) Ag E3(21) Stubblefield Benjamin H (ag '13) Ag Ten Broek Andrew (ag '12) Ag Tenney Walter E (ag '04) Ag Tuttle Coy K (ag '15) Ag Wright Emma (h sc '13- ) Stu Wright Mabel A (su '09) MeLEANSBORO tDale Ada E (mus '05) Davis Mrs Orlin (su '02) Home t Edwards George G (ag '08) Edwards Katherine T (su '13) Teach H Sch fEverhart Charles A (c eng '05) Hall Mrs W F (h sc '82 BL '14) At home Hogan George W (la '12) E Est # Broker t Miller William T (la '07) Stelle Raleigh B ( '99) McNABB Ash Alan N (ag '13) Ag Bumgarner Irma M (la '09 AB) Teach Bumgarner Joshua M (m eng '02) Ag Bumgarner Ruth S (la '15) At home Griffith Burdette (ag '15) Ag Griffith K (h sc '15- ) Stu Griffith Leland S (ag '09 BS) Co Ag Advisor Lee Co Griffith Walter G ( '84) Ag Gunn Henry J (m eng '03) Ag Lawrence Ernest (ag '14) Erin John Swaney Sch Mills Ernest B (ag '00) Ag Mills John T (ag '14- ) Stu Mills Willis B (la '77) Ag Spalding Louis M (ag '14) C Serv Sutherland Harold H (ag '15- ) (la '14) Stu Sutherland Wilbor M (ag '12- ) Stu Tomlinson Josiah J (sp '76) Ag Wilson Alfred D (ag '12- ) Stu Wilson Arthur G (ag '11) Ag Wilson Ralph O (ag '14- ) Stu MACOMB Bassett Herbert (sc '02 BS) Teach W 111 St Nor Birney Thomas M (la '11 AB) Supt Schs 307 N Johnson St tBlack Henry A (la '14) 927 E.Wash- ington St fBrunson Charles M (la '97) Burns Josephine E (la '13 PhD ('11 AM) ('09 AB) Fac '15) At home 1023 W Adams St Campbell Arthur H (arch eng '13) Merc 330 E Jackson St Cor dell Delia G (mus '15- ) Asst U 111 424 N Johnson St Cox Claude G (ag '15- ) Stu 820 E Jackson St Crawford James L (cer eng '15- ) Stu R6 Dagne Bess (su '07) 624 Randolph St \Belaney Edward L ('86) dowell Edward S (g pol sc '13 AM) Teach Nor Sch Downing Toliver M (la '13) Stu U Mich 409 E Carroll St tErwin Clinton O (e eng '14) 224 N McArthur St fEwing Charles R (1 '06) tFellheimer Frank M (1 '07) Clh 426 S Randolph St Franklin Dean (1 '04 LL B) Jud City Ct Ginnings Paule M (la '15- ) Stu 314 N Ward St fHampton Ethel A (la '03) 33 E Cal- houn St Harris William R (1 '14- ) Stu 707 W Jackson St Holmes George B (arch eng '05) Contr Holmes Harry C ( '05) Contr 402 S Campbell St Hudelson Clyde W (ag '14 MS) (ag '13 BS) Teach W 111 St Nor 224 Sherman Av Imes Oliver S (e eng '12- ) Stu 402 W Calhoun St Imes Ralph (la '15- ) Stu 402 W Calhoun St Jackson Fannv R (lib '03 BLS Fac '07) Libr W 111 St Nor Keener Oro S (chem eng '11- ) Stu Kettron Henry P (c eng '11 BS) Mfg 512 N Randolph St kirk James T (ed '11 AM) Teach W 111 St Nor Knappenberger George E (sc '08 AB) Med Knappenberger Harry F (arch '11- ) Stu 415 E Jackson St Lawyer John C (1 '07 LL B) Law Flack & Lawyer 9 66 ILLINOIS Leach Paul J (ag '13- ) Stu 432 S McArthur St McLean Walter E {sc '05) Teller Union Nat Bk Miller Thomas H (1 '02 LL B) Law Millsom Walter C (cer eng '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 216 Sherman Av Miner Fred G (ag '97) Ag Moore George W (ag '15- ) Stu 408 S McArthur St Morey Clara A (la '14- ) Stu Morey Sarah J (h sc '15) E2 Morgan Ealph W (la '15- ) (chem eng '15) Stu 304 N Ward St Mourning Mary K (la '11 AB) Teach 223 S White St Mustain Glen T (ag '04) Ag E2 Nesbitt Carl W (sc '14- ) Stu 421 •Woodbury St Norton Edward J (e eng '14) 826 E Washington St Olson Blenda (la '05 AB) Teach W IB St Nor Pillsbury Ithamar Jr (m eng '90) ( '83) Kin Eng 703 E Jefferson St Eigg Clinton B (ag '08) Jour Eoark Thomas L (la '10) Clk ?Eoss Joseph L (ag '76) ?Eost Arthur H (e eng '03) Simpson Nelle L (h sc '15- ) Stu 524 E Washington St Smith Nellie L (la '07) Teach 224 Sherman Av ISpence Will Porter ( '99) Sperry Ealph E (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 717 W Adams St ?Stickle Will H (ag '77) Stinson Lavina S (h sc '14 AB) Teach 348 W Calhoun St Stocker Edward L (m eng '04) Jew- eler Sr Optician 336 Lafayette St Stremmel George S (la '15- ) Stu 219 E Carroll St Switzer Francis A (e eng '06) C Eng 725 E Carroll St Switzer Ealph B (ag '14) Ag 408 S Dudley St Switser Theodore E (1 '14) Law Ofc 725 E Carroll St Thompson Samuel A (1 '11) City Edit "Daily By-Stander" tTHOMPSON Mrs S A (la '10 AB) Home 505 S McArthur St Twyman Frank A ( '96) Van Cleve Edward E (la '12 AB&AM) Exten Wh W 111 St Nor 224 N Ward St Vail James E ('83) Ag Waggoner Edwin H (la '11) Farm Mach 426 E Jackson St Watson Warner A (ag '13) Ag E7 MACON t Anderson Elsie G (sp '02) Andrews Peach H (la '13 AB) Teach t Bauer Otto F (sp '91) Brookshier Atwill (la '15- ) Stu \Carr Alfred N ('83) tDaggett Daisy V (la '98) ?Hoxsey Charles W (gen '69) ?Oxer George C (e eng '03 BS) Electr Schafer Ida Z (su '14 ) Shaddock Eolla E (ag Feb '15- ) Stu Towson Irene (la '12- ) Stu Young Clyde C (sc '93) Ag MADISON Lambroff Gregory V (e eng '15- ) ('13) Stu Box 8 Pershall Edward E (chem eng '10) Supt Kettle Eiver Co MAGNOLIA Bastion Mrs (su '10) Home E2 \Bumgarner John S ( '01) French Ealph W (ag '14 BS) Ag Glenn Murray O (sc '13- ) (sc '12) Stu Haws Joel ( '94) Lackland Margaret W (la '12) At home Lassmann Metal (su '15) ?McMurtry Ira B (su '99) Mathis George N (ag '15) \ Roberts Burt W ('96) Stansell Harry S (ag '14) Ag $ Stock Swindler Henry (com '15- )(la'15) Stu Swindler Eollin L (ag '13- ) Stu Wierman Charles L (ag '00) Ag Williams Gardner E (sp '01) Ag Williams William H (ag '16) Ag MAHOMET ? Anderson Gertrude A (mus '02) Barber Orvial W (ag '14) Barnhart Herbert (ag '14) Ag Bauman Charles P (su '15) Supt & Prin Schs Busey Martin K ( '02) Cash Bk ^Collins Austin F (m eng '03) Dickerson Euth E (la '11) Teach Gifford Eoy L ( '98) News . Gifford Mrs E L (la '01) Home ? Graham James C ( '77) Myers Mrs EL (h sc '05) Home Hazen Horace A (ag '12) Ag E40 ? Johnson Grace A ('77) Kroner Frederick L (la '15- ) Stu Miller Archie E (e eng '14- ) Stu ILLINOIS 967 Mitchell Mrs E L (mus '07) Home Morrison Elbert W ('03) Ag Pearman James O (la '81 BS) Med Pearman Mrs JO (sc '88) Home Pinkston Mrs J W ( '87) Home tPittman Charles E (m eng '02) Pittman Elmer D (ag >03) Ag Saunders Oliver C (sc '93) Ag Smith George E (ag '15- ) Stu Stidman Melissa G (ag '15- ) Stu t Stover Orville O (ag '13) t Thompson Clarence ('99) fWilson Theron C (la '97) Wright Frank E ('93) Auto MAKANDA t Bailey Thomas C ( '97) MALDEN Myers Harold E (la com '15) Ag tPerry John N (e eng '97) MALTA Larson Thornal B (e eng '05) Ag tSanderson Otto A (ag '06) MANCHESTER \Langdon Howard A ( '96) Ag IMurray Peter (ag '70) MANHATTAN Baker Hugh Clark (ag '04) RR Pos- tal Clk Keniston John L ( '89) Ag Kreimeir Werner P (ag '14) Ag MANITO Whiteford Milton (ag '02) Ag MANIX \Eaton Thomas H ( '97; MANLIUS Miller Bertha ( '07) Miller Stewart J (ag '07) Auction- eer Nelson Saidee E (la '10 AB) Teach H Sch Seibal Glee P (e eng '13) Bnk Smith Laura M (la '06) Chiropractor MANSFIELD Harry D (la '15) Stu Gem Albert City Bus Coll Beale Mrs H W (la '06) Home t Bowman Bertha E (su '02) Burns Wayne E (la '15- ) Stu Fairbanks Jennie (mus '08) Fairbanks William D Jr (la '09) \Fis~ke Charles W ( '99) Law Geiler Frank H (la '13- ) Stu midy Llora M ( '98) Howe Josephine (h sc '14- ) Stu Howe William C (ag '15) Ag Huckin Franklin R (sc '09 AB) Med James Clarence W (la com '08) Auto Sales James Phebe E (la '13) At home Myers Waldo R (com '15- ) (c eng '15) Stu Pilchard Edwin I (ag '15) Quesenberry Ruth L (h sc '13- ) Stu Ranson Ethel A (la '13 AB) Prin H Sch tRichner Frank C ('10) Swartz Jake C ('03) Warren May A (la '15- ) Stu Wells Arthur M (la '09) Mintr Wyman Wallace (arch '15 BS) MANTENO Dole Ethel M (h sc '15 BS) Stu Col U Hollister Mrs C R (h sc '10) Home Holmes Charles V (la '15- ) (m eng '14) Stu tLenehen Carolyn (su '05) Robinson Charles J (ag '09 BS) Ag Schmeltzer Chauncey B (c eng '15) Ag 4r Surv Schmeltzer J Foster (c eng '78) C Eng 4" Surveyor Snyder Logan A (ag '14 BS) Ag Viall Ely J (ag '76) Ag MAPLE PARK fJohnson John D (ag '07) Ag Nelson Raymond A (ag '12 BS) Grain Deal 4" Merc O'Brien Walter L (su '14) Teach MAPLETON Cook Clifton (ag '12) Ag Gov Cowser Thomas J (ag '03) Watrous Edward P (sp '99) MAQUON Townsend Rollin D (ag '13) Ag Wettingel Henry P (la '00) MARENGO t Barber Ruth S (la '05) Casely William J C (la '81) Med t Clover Horace N (e eng '95) tColton Ellis B (ag '09) tCoonrad Arthur V (1 '08) 968 ILLINOIS Curtiss Ralph E (ag '13- ) Stu Davis Charles (la '73) Bet Dunham Neill C (ag '07) Ag Hackley John H (e eng '14- ) Stu Hanee George M (ag '15- ) Stu E Main St Higgins James E (ag '07) Ag Lundgren Carl L (c eng '02 BS) Trav U Mich tPeak Ernest G (ag '04) Redpath Charles L (ag '03) Ag Eogers Henry S (ag '13- ) Stu Sonntag Viola H (la '08 AB) Teach H Sch Stevens Ernest B (ag '07) Sullivan Besse C (la '06) Teach 4847 Langley Av Wernham Emma L (lib '06) Dir Phy- sical Tr Woleben Fred A (ag '15- ) Stu MARION Aikman Arthur B (c eng '06) Asst BTc Cash 501 S Market St Blair Eva L (sc '12 BS) Teach 502 S Market St Bratton Arno (su '12) Teach H Sch Brooks Raymond H (ag '12- ) Stu 419 S Court St Burkhart Jean (la '03 AB) Shoe Merc Burkhart Ralph (sc '10) Dent Campbell James S (su '07) Supt City Schs 515 S Thornplace Clarida Troy W (ag '13- ) Stu 903 S Madison St Clemens William W ( '93) Law Cline Mrs A L (su '02) Teach Cochran Charles B (sc '15 AB) Lim- ber 405 S Market St Colp Leonard A (1 '04 LL B) Law Colp Mrs L A (mus '07) Home tColp Logan (su '09) Courtney Grime G (su '12) Teach 602 Washington St Cox Clare F (su '14) Teach Cox Clarence C (ag '14) 1016 N Van Buren St t Edwards Ada M (su '02) Ferrell Mrs H V (h sc '09) Home 201 E College St Goddard James D (la '14- ) Stu 800 N Market S Gulley H A (c eng '15- ) Stu 204 W Goodall St Harris Elodia F (h sc '12- ) Stu 201 E Allen Av Hoffman Frank G (c eng '07 BS) Contr Hoffman Mrs F G (la '04) 202 W Boulevard Hughes Walter B (su '14) Teach H Sch t Knight Otis E (la '06) Kuster Arthur (ag '02) Sales Cent 111 Pub Serv Co McDonald Grace (su '15) 508 E Main St Martin Fred R (e eng '07) Insp Cre- osote Treating Plant Mitchell Anderbon Q (la '72) Bet Coal Lands 907 N Market St Mitchell Everett E (la '12) Art Mitchell George W (ag '13- ) Stu 1000 S Buchanan St tNeely Bertha (la '12) 906 W Cher- ry St Schuey Claude R (su '14) Skaggs William W (su '02) Law 812 N Market St Sparks Gwynne M (eng '12) Merc Stotlar Edwin M (la '98) Merc 106 Hamlet St Townsend Rolla E (m eng '05) Contr Warder Evelyn (h sc '10) Warder Laura B (la '05 AB) ClJc Warinner Mabel S (mus '15) Teach tWelton Floy (su '12) 106 S Van Buren White Agnes C (h sc '13- ) Stu 600 S Market St Williams Marie E (su '15) Libr 708 N Garfield St MARISSA Ballard Sanford E (su '07) BB TO Clk t Campbell Lee F ('11) Collins Guy (su '15) Teach Curry James H (arch eng '15) t Finger Charles A (gen '71) Bet Ag Gillespie Thomas N (ag '93) Ag tf Stoclc R3 t Hamilton Robert G (gen '71) tLandgraf Theodore R (m eng '14) Stu Monmouth Coll Mathews Charles W (c eng '12 BS) C Eng Meek Frederick J (e eng '15- ) Stu Meier Harold I (la '15- ) Stu White Joseph G (ag '11) Ag Wilson Julius M (m eng '70) Med Young Walter F (ag '14) MAROA Alsbury Mary E (su '07) Teach Bowersock William M (e eng Feb '16-) Stu tEdwards Frank (ag '08) Ag $ Stoclc Grady Charles H (ag '06) Ag Grady Fred M (ag '05) Law Gray Otto B (ag '14- ) Stu Leach Virgil A (arch eng '11) Contr $■ Build Arch McLean William T ('78) Med 110 ILLINOIS 969 N Walnut St Mettler Joseph F (la '95) Pub 1 ' News-Times ' ' tMiller John Henry (ag '11) 'Montgomery Irma F (su '02) Potter Bruce W ( '04) Contr Potter Frank (arch '78) Contr Stoutenborough George (com '15- ) ('14) Ag Stroud Earla A (m eng '09) Warner Mrs C M (su '01) Home MAESEILLES Bosworth Walter E (ag '83) Ag Carney Clara K (h sc '14) Teach f Carney Mabel (su '05) Carney Oscar L (c eng '15) Stu U Minn Chapman Clyde H (ag '11) Ag E57 Chappie George D ('87) Prairie View Cleave Scott W (ag '11 BS) Ag Cleave Mrs S W (la '13 AB) Home Prairie View Collins Elbert A (1 '09) Supt Schs Gum Harry A (m eng, '11- ) Stu Gumm Leslie M (e eng '12- ) Stu E57 fHawkinson Francis W (m eng '78) Howland Mrs O F (la '05) Home Lewis Sherman E (m eng '05) Bk Cashier E59 Marsh George E (ag '04 BS) Ag Marsh Wallace H (arch '05) By C Eng Morrison Harry (ag '15) Teach E58 Peddicord Eaymond N (ag '03) Ag Eollo Mrs A J (h sc '12) Home Schutte William G (m eng '12- ) Stu Trumbo Jay P (ag '07) Ag West George ('92) Wykle Bertha A (la '14 AB) Teach MAESHALL Batson John T (la '14- ) Stu 515 N Third St Booth Lyman (ag '13- ) Stu 514 N Seventh St Bright Harold (su '06) Co Supt Schs Bubeck Charles M (su '05) Merc tCrossley Elijah E (sp '98) Davison Joe M (ag '15- ) Stu 214 N Fifth St Davison Euth L (la '13 AB) Teach 214 N Fifth St Dawson Sallie (su '12) Teach Doll Louis J (m eng '02) Bus Mgr iHaslit Percy ('00) Med Luckhaupt Fannie M (su '13) Teach Morton Eula G (la '15) Stu 111 Wes U 59 W Main St Murphy Everett F (ag '12- ) Stu E6 Nay Ernest O (sc '15) Stu Harv Med Sch 311 N Third St tPlaster Mary A (la '14) 1015 Mich- igan Av Poorman Arthur G (1 '01) Law Eoss Otto H (ag '06) . Stenog \Schofield Thomas ('86) Shaw Wilfred (ag '15- ) Stu 815 N Sixth St Snedeker Si (su '15) Stevens William C (e eng '13- ) titu 1203 N Michigan Av Weir • Amy A (h sc '14- ) Stu 75 W Main St Weir Pearl (h sc '14- ) Stu 714 Ash St MAETINSVILLE Abbott Edward D (e eng '10) Teach Auld Ernest E (ag '14) Stu Blankenbeker Homer F (ag '06) Ag E3 Brydon Joseph C (la '09) Asst Cash First Nat Bk Crow Jennie (su '12) Teach Duncan Lottie (su '15) Superv Mus Fasig Otho S (la Feb '16- ) Stu 412 N York St hurst Lawrence (g hist '15 AM) Lamb Edith J (la '14 AB) Teach Tarble Charles N (ag '13 BS) Ag Wilhoit Eufus A (su '06) Teach MAETINTON Drew Lynn A (ag '07 BS) Ag E2 MASCOUTAH tBachman Jacob (su '99) Bocquet Julius C ( '85) B Est & Ins t Dauber Curtis ( '11) Druggist tDickhaut Otto (su '09) Teach tFriess John P (arch '92) Guth Emma (su '11) Teach Klingelhoefer Charles B (m eng '92) Teach Sf C Eng Sr Drainage Contr t Klingelhoefer William (c eng '92) Lill Amy O (su '11) Teach Lill Herbert F (1 '07 LL B) Law Miller Lee E E ( '85) \Perrin Ada H ('10) Postel Allan J (la '11 AB) Mfg Postel Julius (la '83 Cert AB '09) Mfg Postel Mertie A (la '14 AB) Home Postel Urban S (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu \Bichardson Henry E ( '87) tSchubkegel Emil (arch '89) 970 ILLINOIS MASON Costello Albert D (sc '10) Dent MASON CITY Agnew Harry L (ag '06) Ag Ains worth Harry G (ag '15 BS) Lumber Merc Ainsworth William H (ag '13- ) Stu Buzzard Guy A (su '15) Cargill Frederick C (ag '13- ) Stu Chenoweth Leland F (la '15- ) Stu Cross Eoy W (ag '04) Ag Dietrich Harry (com '15- ) Stu Donovan Marion A (ag '04) Ag Enlows Mrs P A (la '88 BS) . Rome Harris Arthur H ( '11) Tailor ?Koons Josephine (su '06) McCreery Mrs Baymond (ag '14) Home McKnight Clark W (com '15- ) Stu Martin Claude J (ag '13) Ag Martin Dwight E (ag '15) Ag Mathers George B (c eng '84) Ag Mathers Manley B (ag '13 BS) Ag 4- Stu Chgo Vet Coll Mathers Vertus B (sp '07) Ag B5 Mulford Edgar T (c eng '13- ) Stu Kissinger Arthur J (la '15- ) Stu Seward George B (la '15- ) Stu Spear John F ('04) Spear Eoy W (ag '05) Ag Spear Samuel B Jr (ag '10) Stone John F ('81) Ag Stone Walter W (sp '00) Seed Merc t Swing Lillian M (su '07) Warnock Maude M (la '14) At home tWest Harry G (su '07) Wible Tom K (com '15- ) Stu t Young Sardius ('77) MATTESON M (com '15 Elliott Dana M (com '15- ) (arch '14) Stu Grosche Alfred G (ag '15- ) Stu Third & Locust Sts Perring Eoy D (1'08) Acct $ ClJc MATTOON Stu Adler Eugene M (com '15- ) 2705 Western Av Ames Harvey N (ag '01) Ag Andrews Koscoe C (la '12- ) Stu 1212 Lafayette Av Arterburn Marion W (ag '11) Ag E6 Ashworth Oscar B (ag '07) Ag E4 (69) Avery Mrs D M (la '08 AB) Home 1121 Charleston Av Avey Daniel M (c eng '13) ('10 BS) Bnk 3336 Prairie Av Avey Helen (h sc '15- ) Stu 1416 Charleston Av Barr Charlotte D (la '14) Teach Bovard Millard F (la '15) City Ed 1 ' Commercial Star ' ' Braunsdorff Eeginald K (e eng '14- ) Stu 2212 Marshall Av t Bridges Charles ('83) Brooks Henry M (e eng '08) Statis Cen 111 Pub Serv Co Brown George B (ag '09) Ag \Casto Ella ('78) Cavins Lorimer V (la '06 AB) Teach Chuse George X (m eng '03) Chuse Engine $ Mfg Co 1016 La Fayette Av Chuse Harry A (eng '99 BS) Asst Mgr Mfg Co 1504 Charleston Av Clark James H (m eng '15) 1612 Wa- bash Av Clayton Jean P (m eng '11 ME Fac '11) Mgr Com Dept Cen 111 Pub Co 1500 Wabash Av Conard Harriett Z (la '08) Teach Cox Frank (la '76) Ins $ B Est $ L Cox John F (ag '76) Ins B Est # L 2504 Eichmond Av Craig Edward C (la '93 BL) Law Craig James Wesley (1 '99) Law 1805 Broadway Av Cunningham Walter J (m eng '15- ) Stu 1400 Edgar Av Doepel Eobert F (min eng '15- ) Stu 1400 Shelby Av tDole Joseph C (ag '03) tDonnell Allan D (m eng '13) (e eng '15) 2520 Western Av Douglas Clarence H (1 '09) Law Drish Frances (a&d '08) ( '02) At home Evans Maurice W (la '15- ) Stu 1017 Wabash Av Findley Thomas J (m eng '10) M Eng 712 Charleston Av Fletcher Charles H (1 '13 LL B) Law ^Francis John E ('83) Eng 1512 Edgar Av \Funlchauser Paul DeWitt ('10) IGannaway Moody (1 '07 LL B) Gibbs Carrie (la '93) Teach 3001 Western Av ?Gillespy Howard H (ag '06) BE Fireman 813 DeWitt Av Glover Vernon L (c eng '15- ) Stu 304 N 22nd St t Gould George D (m eng '92) Gresham Nina V (g la '11 AM) ( '10 AB) Teach H Sch 1520 Wabash Av Gulick Byron A (c eng '05) Merc 821 Charleston St Gulick Mrs B A (1 '05) Home 821 ILLINOIS 971 Charleston Av Guthrie Helen M (la '15- ) Stu De- mar ee Bldg tHall Kay H (mus '08) Eepr Inter- nat Correspondence Sen Hampson Herbert (m eng '15- ) Stu 1108 Edgar Av Hannah Harry I (1 '15 LLD)(la '13 AB) Law Harry Stephen A D (su '95) Ins Harshbarger Harvey K (m eng '12) C Eng Draft E7 Hartley George W Jr ('98) Hartley Omer (ag '14- ) Stu 2608 Prairie Av Henley John L (ag '87) Ag E6 Henley Thomas E (ag '15- ) Stu E6 Hill James E (ag '13- ) Stu Hills Thirza L (ag '15) 806 E Charl- eston Av Holaday Kenneth M (la '14- ) Stu 1112 Edgar Av Homann Ferdinand (ag '14 BS) Ag Hoots Paul F (la '15- ) Stu 1200 Lafayette Av Hughes Chester A (c eng '06) Con- feet 1501 Champaign Av Hughes Clarence W (g 1 '05 AM & LL B) (la '00 AB) Law fJennings Edward B (la com '79) Katz Elmore (ag '07) Sales Katz Melvin L (la '14- ) Stu 1420 Lafayette Av Kelly Fred H (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 3409 Western Av Kendall Harry F (lib '89 BL) Jour 1309 Lafayette Av Kingman Charles D (c eng '96) Bay 4' Grain Merc 1020 Lafayette Av tKinzel Frederick A (la '95) Law Lehman Lewis H (c eng '13- ) Stu 1208 Wabash Av Lehman Lewis L ('09) Pres Nat Bk Lenhart Norman J (la com '12- ) Stu 1412 Charleston Av Linder Elisha ('99) Ag IMcClure Charles E ('80) McFall Dumas M (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1321 Charleston Av McFall James A (sc '75) Interurban Promoter McNutt John Jr (la '94 BL) Law tMcNutt Thomas M (1 '08) Mann Alban W (e eng '11 BS) E Eng CIPS Co Marshall Lewis M (la '02) Ag Millar Oscar M (ag '15- ) Stu 2309 Prairie Av Millar Eussell W (sc '12- ) Stu 2309 Prairie Av Miller Logan C (m eng '08) Mfg 2516 Prairie Av Miller Nellie D (a&d '01) Moore Eva E (h sc '15- ) Stu 1521 Lafayette Av Moore Genevieve (la '11 AB) Teach 1521 Lafayette Av Noble Louis E (m eng '76 BS) 7ns 2708 Western Av t Overman Benjamin C (c eng '09) Parker Joel W (c eng '14- ) Stu 800 S 14th St Parker Paul C (m eng '08) Asst Eng Cent 111 Pub Serv Co 701 S 16th St Ponder Bay B (m eng '11 BS) Draft 313 S 12th St Ponder Mrs E B (mus '13) Home 313 S 12th St Powell Harry L Jr (c eng '05) Powell Henry L (la '01) Cont? Box 172 Eeal Eaymond G (1 '12 LL B) Law Eedding Charlene C (ag '15- ) Stu 1101 Charleston Av Eiddle Lawrence S (e eng '08) Eiddle Lillian (la '13) Teach tEitter Mrs Angie (sc '90) Eogers Charles C (1 '07) 1421 Wa- bash Av tBose Edward (ag '08) tEose Helen E (mus '05) c/o Har- riet H Eiddle Eue Orlie (m eng '15 BS) Eng Dept Cent 111 Pub Serv Co 1204 Marshall Av Eumsey Lois (la '15- ) Stu 521 N 22nd St Seward Ora P (la '78) Ag Shinn Mrs (la '12) Home 1113 La- fayette Av Shinn Harry E (c eng '10 BS) Co Supt Highways 1113 Lafayette Av Snowden Ivan T (ag '12) Ag E3 Stone Mabel G (la '10) Teach 1520 Wabash Av Van Meter Craig (1 '14- ) (la '14) Stu Western Av tVause William H (sp '72) Voight Charles B (la '94) Med 1702 Broadway Walsh James J Jr (la '14) 2113 La- fayette Av Waltrip George E (ag '11) Ag Wes- tern Av fWestrup Carl (ag '06) wiley John F (g ed '14 AM) Teach Wiley Mrs J F (la '05 AB) Home t Williams Launcelot W ('10) 1509 Shelby Av MAUD fSterl John W (ag '03) 972 ILLINOIS MAXWELL Parkinson Kenneth W (ag '12- ) Stu ?Grinnell MAYFAIE Jessie C (a&d '97) MAYVIEW Wresback Joseph F ('88) tKirkpatrick Carlton A (ag '04) Ag ?Mattews Mary A (lib '03) ^Peters Walter C ('04) Truman Laurel (ag '05) Sales MAYWOOD Bahe Dorothy V (la '15- ) Stu 519 S Third Av Bancroft Anna D (la '15- ) Stu 505 N Second Av Beckington Olive E (la '12 AB) Teach Blake George W (c eng '15 BS) 217 S Seventh Av Brinkerhoff Eoelof E (su '15) Teach 4- Coach Athl Cooley Norma (la '13 AB) Teach 210 S Ninth Av Curtis Charles E (ag '06) Sales Mgr 618 N Fourth Av Day Eaymond M (la '15- ) Stu 121 S 16th Av Dennis Mabel E (la '13) Teach 514 S Second Av Dumond Louis A (mun eng '10 BS) Mun Eng 636 S 17th Av Dunlap Francis E (arch eng '12- ) Stu 604 S Seventh Av Dunlap Mathew E (arch eng '14 BS) Struct Draft 604 S Seventh Av Foster Alfred B (eng '94 BS) 413 S Seventh Av Greene Franklin Jr (ag '09) Jarmulusky Louis (e eng '14- ) Stu 122 S 12th Av Kibbe Kyle A (sc '14) Mail Dept Cont Com Nat Bk Chgo 1314 S Eighth Av Lancaster Euth E (la '14- )('13) Stu 812 S Third St Langdon Eoy M (la '11 BS) Sec Supt Committee 15 Chgo 613 N Sev- enth St Langdon Mrs EM (g '10 AM) (la '09 AB) Home 613 N Seventh Av McConnell Colvin S (c eng '12) C Eng C&NW EE 126 17th Av McMahon Grace D (lib '08 BLS) Libr 403 N Second Av Malhiot Ulysses (la '14) 1612 S Sixth Av ?Miller Benjamin H (c eng '13) 428 S 14th Av Nau Eobert H (c eng '12 BS) Eng Chgo Assoc Com 1212 S Fifth Av Oliver Marie A (h sc '14) At home 708 S Sixth Av Peterson Mabel E (h sc '15- ) Stu 124 S Fifth Av Pickard Dorothy E (la '15- ) Stu 304 S Fifth Av Pickard Marion F (la '15- ) Stu 304 S Fifth Av Eeichelt Eaymond E (e eng '11) Asst Foreman Dept 3159 Western Elec Co 702 S Fifth Av rupp Lewis W (g la '11 AM) Stu Lutheran Sem Seifried John F (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 217 S Third Av Smith Fern G (la Feb '16- ) Stu 608 S Fourth Av Smith Irene S (su '14) Asst Libr 610 S Seventh Av Taylor Eaymond A (e eng '10) Sec 4- Treas Maywood Mfg Co 401 N Fourth Av Underwood Lewis E (chem eng '06) Mgr Book Dept Popular Mech Mag- azine 704 N 12th Av Westcott Clifford H (c eng '14 BS) Merc 200 S First Av Wood Stephen G (m eng '10 BS) 221 S 19th Av Yeager Leland E (la '14- ) Stu 419 S 18th St MAZON Barker Byrl A (ag '15 BS) Ag t Barker Eollin S (c eng '02) Coleman Howard J (ag '12) Ag t Dewey Henry E (ag '01) Dromgoole Olive (su '11) Teach t Edwards Ben C (sp '04) Gibson Mable H (h sc '15 BS) Teach Jewett Manning W ( '11) Merc Keepers Floyd Williard (ag '15- ) Stu Keepers Lloyd William (ag '15- ) Stu Kelly Walter H (su '11) Grain Merc Larson Carl C (la '15- ) ( '14) Stu Murray Forrest H (sc '15 AB) Stu Murray Lyle G (ag '14) Stock Murray Sprague E (ag '13- ) Stu Eeading Clarence E (ag '15) Ag Shields Eugene C (su '11) Teach Shields Mrs Mabel H (su '12) Home Sinclair Ovid E (e eng '13- ) Stu Sproull Eaymond A (la '13- ) Stu Symons Lillie G (mus '11) Taylor Jessie E (su '11) Teach ?Vincent Alice M (h sc '14) Walker Floyd E (ag '07) Ag $ Stock Walker Myr J (ag Feb '09) Ag # Stock Wheeler Vernon (ag '07) Ag Sr Stock ILLINOIS 973 MECHANICSBURG Bullard Edward W (c eng '13) C Eng Bullard Emma M (la '06) At home tBurcham Charles ( '78) Warnell Joseph E ('78) Fullen wider Wilfred T (ag '11 BS) Ag Langley Mrs D Y (la '05) Home LeTca George W ('03) Ag McDaniel Homer W (la '15- ) Stu ^Thompson John ('82) MEDIA Beall Allen L (ag '00) Teach t Garrett Gracie F (la '04) Lewis Edgar G (e eng '05) Ag Pendarvis Glenn W (ag '07) Ag Pendarvis Wilbur O (1 '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu MEDOEA Carter Lloyd T (ag '12) Ag Challacombe Harvey E (ag '08) Ag R25 Erwin Leslie D (su '15) Teach French Ida B (su '14) Johnson Elfreth G (ag '14- ) (arch eng '12) Stu MELROSE Waker Charles F ('99) MELROSE PARK Fleming Andrew E (ag '15) Stu 13 14th Av Hummeland Ralph W (cer eng '15- ) (la '15) Stu 131 Broadway Sedgwick Ralph F (su '12) By 910 20th Av MELVIN Arends Arthur (ag '13- ) Stu Abends Fred G (ag '10 BS) Ag fBarber Margaret (la '76) Crawford Helen L (sc '15 AB) Teach Jehl Edwin A (1 '08) Bnk tMadden William S (ag '11) Perry Eugene B ('10) Stu Rush Med Coll Toben John H (ag '08) Ag MENDON Smith Tom B Jr ('07) Ag $ Stock R3 MENDOTA Black Robert S (m eng '12- ) Stu 504 E Sixth St Brannum Mrs T P (la '06 AB) Rome Burns William E (e eng '11) Clk Cavanaugh William P (la '02) Grain Broker Cook William F ('88) tCorbus Frank G (la '75) Worbus John R ('07) Dewey Sidney D (1 '02) Ag Fahler Mrs Wm E (sp '07) Home 408 Ninth St Felton Harold N (e eng '13- ) Stu 710 N Main St t Ferguson Charles L (se '02) \Fischer Robert I ('95) Geiger Lester C (com '15- ) (arch eng '15) Stu 500 Hlinois Av tGephard Earl B (c eng '06) Harmon Albert M (e eng '13) Constr Foreman Henning Caspar F (m eng '15- ) Stu Holliston Arthur A (la '11) Ag R35 MeGinnis Albert H (sp '13) R36 Madden George H ('08) Bnk Moore Edgar T (ag '09) Sales tPohl Daniel J (e eng '11) 602 Jeff- erson St t Sogers Howard E ('97) Schaller Gilbert S (m eng '12- ) Stu West Fifth St Setchell Harry C (ag '04) Ag R37 Swisher Samuel P (ag '05) Ag R36 Tower George D (la '76) Mfg Whitmore Harold (ag '05) Wills Oscar T (m eng '96) Ag $ Mfg Wright Mrs H H (la '03) Home 504 Monroe St METAMORA }Hall Ida ('83) Kemp Mrs C A (h sc '05) Home R3 Snyder Simeon M ( '98) Bnk Wagner Joseph R (sc '90) Grain Coal 4" Stock Whitmore William L ('85) Wilson Page H (sc '11) Retail Coal METCALF Bennett Parker W (la '15- ) Stu Buckler Bruce J (la '15- ) Stu Lumbrick Arthur (ag '08 BS Fac '12) Farm Mgr The Epps Farms METROPOLIS Anderson John S ( '07) Barber Box 322 Armstrong Donald A (la '14- ) Stu RFD I Austin George L ('00) Bristow George W (la '14- ) Stu 974 ILLINOIS Daly Samuel L (arch eng '12) Arch Gibbons Maud A (la '14- ) Stu Fifth & Metropolis St Grace Floyd V (la '14- ) Stu Grace George L (la '15) El Helm Herbert C (la '12- ) Stu Helm Eoy R (la '07 AB) Law Helm Mrs R R (la '07 AB) Home Henne George C (c eng '08) Garage Kerr Vergil E (la '15- ) Stu Mar- ket St Leonard Frank B Jr (g 1 '14- ) (la '11 AB) Stu Lindsay Norman W (ag '01) BB Eng McBane Wyane W (e eng '15- ) Stu Richards Percy M (ry eng '15 EE) ( '09 BS) Supt Water & Light Dept Steers William B (la '15- ) Stu Eighth & Ferry Sts MIDDLETOWN tLong Virgil C (ag '14) MIDLAND CITY Evans Mrs J M (la '13) Home Marvel Carl S (g chem '15-) Stu Smith Sylvia E (su '07) Teach MILAN t Armstrong Thomas P (ag '06) R2 IBanks William S (la '06) tCrampton Carl E (ag '08) Ag R2 \Goble Charles B ('00) MILFORD \Burnett Reid A ( '10) Bush Earl R ( '06) Mgr Cent 111 Utili- ties Comm Caldwell Ruth M (la '13) Stu N Ax- telle Av fCourtney Louis (arch eng '86) Crawford Aubrey B (la '15) Stu David Samuel G (ag '07 BS) Sugar Corn Backer David Mrs S G (mus '07) Home Disoway Dan S (la '05) Mgr Gr Elev tEndsley Frederick L (c eng '08) Frame Warren A (la com '15) Garner Robert (la '12) Merc t Griffith Sherald E (a&d '10) Harman Leroy ( '96) JR Est Hartman Laura E (la '11- ) Stu Hermanson Frank A (la com '12- ) Stu Hickman Lucile P (la '10 AB) Brin H Sch Holderman Mrs J G (su '94) Home Honeywell Gilbert C (ag '06) Ag Rl Jones Nellie H (la '08) Teach McCulloch Harry W ('15 AB) -Supt Schs Marshall William V (ag '15) Merc Mouch William G (chem eng '14) Cer Mueller Fred A (ag '15) Ag R2 Nolin Ruby E (h sc '15) (18) R3 Osborn Paul I (e eng '12) Wireless Opr Marconi Wireless Tel Co Raines Lester C (la '14- ) Stu tRussell William C (sp '00) Taliaferro Marguerite S (su '15) Teach Vennum Fred D (la '08) Bres 1st Nat Bk MILLBURN ? White William E (ag '03) MILLEDGEVILLE Bushman Virgil E (sp '03) Hendrick Lewis C (ag '01) Ag Miller Marion E (la '14) MILLERSVILLE Wilcox Charles A (ag '02) Ag MILLINGTON Finnie Ruth (la '11) At home Freeman Harry E (sc '00 BS) Med McMath Sarah A (la '79) Teach Scoggin Bernice (la '09 AB) Teach Scoggin Ruby (la '11) Teach MILLSDALE ?Leupold Frank (sc '97) MILLSTADT Etling Walter P (ag '09) Ag Rl MILMINE Biebniger Isaac N (la '97) Ag Biebinger Marguerite (la '00) Ag Gulliford Mrs G H (su '01) Home IMcMillen John H (ag '10) MILTON Johnston Paul Evans (ag '13- ) Stu MINERAL Ide Arthur W (c eng M0) Ag Ide Lucile M (la '15) Stu MINIER Albright Raymond B (la '14 AB) Briggs Ben H {corn '15- ) Stu Kilby Mrs P S (la '81) Home Railsback Fay D (ag '09 BS) Ag Railsback Mr© F D (h sc '11) Home Rost John W Mrs (la '07 AB) Home MINONK . Davison Lester S (ag '15- ) Stu Rl ILLINOIS 975 Davison Victor H (la '15- ) Stu El t Garrett Frank J (ag '08) Kennedy Kay win (la '13- ) Stu Matusewicz Veronica C (la '14- ) Stu Memmen Dean E (c eng '16- ) Stu Morris Benjamin E (eng '10) Teach Parks Harvey A (sc '09 AB) Ag Parks Louise E (mus '13) ( '08) YWCA Sec Schiffbauer Gretchen M (h sc '13) Teach H Sch Sharp Gretchen A (su '14) Teach Troxel Floyd E (m eng '12) Stu Tucker Eolland H (ag '14- ) Stu Vissering Eckhart B (la '14- ) Stu ' MINOOKA Cryder Lewis S (ag '11) Ag B2 Dirst Paul K (ag '14) Dirst Wendell F (ag '13) BJc ClTc Harp John W (su '13) Teach tSherill Lewis B (ag '11) MODESTO Allyn Hester A (h sc '13- ) Stu Allyn Howard O (ag '09) Ag Brown Harlow W (ag Feb '15- ) Stu Catlett Aren ( '78) Bet Ag MOKENA Marshall Chester A (la '07 AB) Mintr MOLINE Anderson Clark G (c eng '98 BS) Asst Gen Mgr Tri-City Bldg Co 2105 15 St Anderson Martin J (m eng '09 BS) Gov Mech Draft 1820 16th St Aram Harold B (m eng '10) Teach 434 19th Av Ashwood ' Paul E (e eng '12) Acct 408 13th St Beal Walter H (1 '15- ) (com '15) Stu 2601 Sixth Av Berg Fred L (com '15- ) Stu 829 17th Av Bergert Henry A (e eng '06 BS) M Eng Minn & St L EE 416 11th St Briley Norman P ( '00) 302 39th St Burgston Clyde H (ag '13- ) Stu 836 15th St Carlson Carl B (arch eng '09 BS) Arch 1113 11th Av Carlson Charles A (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 1532 11th Av Carlson Morton E (ag '12 BS) Ag 1132 22nd St ^Christiansen John ('01) Claar Elmer A (la '15 AB) 1605 Sec- ond Av Cochran Harry E (sc '13 BS) Foun- dry Foreman Eost & Vanderwoost 2428 Sixth Av Cochran Mrs Harry (la '12) Home 2428 Sixth St Coe John E ( '00) c/o Auto Co 2530 Sixth Av Cooper Verna M (la '13) Mus 1543 12th Av Corbin Henry P (eng '03) Prin Man Arts Sch 2119-14% St ?Cox George E (arch eng '07) 39th St & Third Av Dawson Francis A (mun eng '13) C Eng City Eng Of c Dewend Fred E (arch eng '12 BS) Contr 2028 Sixth Av Dickinson Harry S (su '03) Head Ex- per Dept Moline Plow Co Dolkart Leo (e eng '03 BS) E Eng 1703 14th Av Dunkin William V (m eng '09 BS) Chf Draft Exp Dept Deere & Co 1810 12th Av Dunn Thomas (la com '12 AB) Mgr Cooper Oil Eefinery 1723 Sixth Av Eagle Edward L (1 '12 LL B) Law McKinnie Bldg Eckland Henry (arch '95) Arch 3 McKinnie Bldg Eggert Glenn H (la com '15) Auto 1821 24th Av Ermeling Lewis B (m eng '13 BS) Trod Dept Deere & Co Ervin John F (m eng '07 BS) Foun- dry Eng 629 18th St Fiske Clarence W (g '11 MS) (m eng '03 BS) M Eng 1617% Eighth Av Fiske Mrs C W (la '12) 1617% Eighth Av Friend Eobert O (e eng '07 BS) E Eng c/oYMCA Gilmore Leonard M (ag '15 BS) 910 Twelfth Av Godehn Eeuel A (arch eng 'lz- ) Stu 221 Sixth Av graham Sappho C (g '13 AM) Teach Gripp Elmore A (la '15- ) (ry c eng '15) 1319 16th Av ?Hall John K (la '94) Hemenway Pliny F ('05) Union Tel Co 712 22y 2 St Hodgson Jonathan H (m eng '10 BS) Supt Prod $ M Eng Moline Scale Fac- tory 1919 Third Av Horblit Joseph (la '15) Stu 1532 15th Av Hull WiUiam H (m eng '12) Draft 716 21% St Huntoon George E ('98) Purchasing Agt Moline Plow Co Ingwers Alfred H (arch eng '14- ) Stu 1841 17th Av Johnson A Louise (la '03) Teach 1155 12th Av 976 ILLINOIS Johnson Arthur F (la '09) Furniture 1232 14th St Johnson Martin N (m eng '96) M Eng Inventions 1128 Fifth Av Johnston James Milton (1 '09 LLB) Law 3309 15th St Jones Truman N (la '10 AM) ( '09 AB) Ed 2401 12th Av King Bruce A (ag '09 BS) Impl Mfg Co Deere & Co 1421 12th St . King John Wilfred (e eng '10) Tool Designer 1714 11th Av Kneberg Goldie M (sp '15- ) (h sc '10 BS) Stu 1527% Fifth Av LANDEE Marion C ( '14) (la '13) Stu Col U 1207 Fifth Av Larson Nels A (1 '03 LLB) Law $ BnTc 1339 15 % St Loosley Frederick E (m eng '04 BS) Mech Draft 4430 Eighth Av Lund James C (m eng '10 MS( '09 BS) Fac '11) Eng Time Study Dept John Deere Plow Wks 1707 12th Av Lundahl Arvid L (m eng '03) C Eng 4- Merc 1150 Twelfth Av McClurg Walter S (1 '06 LL B) Law 12 Chase Bldg McCormick Elmer (m ens^ '14 BS) Eng 719 25th St MeLane Elmer C (sp '00) Supt Bldg Constr 1441 11th St Mansfield Arthur T (sc '10) Chem 513 Reliance Bldg Mansfield Warren M (m eng & sc '09 AB & BS) M Eng 2130 14% St Marquette Harry E (ry m eng '12 BS) Sp Apprentice RI RR Lines 1321 Sixth Av Master John H (m eng '13) . M Eng c/o Deere & Co Melin George E (ag '14) 1837 12th St Meltz Nathan (ag '15 BS) Chem Union Malleable Iron Co YMCA Mengel George H (chem eng >15 BS) Chem 2626 Fifth Av Morgan Rudolph B (su '12) c/o Tri City RR Co 2519 Seventh Av Myers Arthur L (m eng '13 BS) Effic Eng 1842 Twelfth Av Neighbour Leonard B (m eng '14) Bate Fixing Marseilles Co Nelson James R (m eng '14- ) ( '09) Stu 1322 15th St Nelson Myrtle P (h sc '14) Teach Dom Sc 1139 14th Av Nelson Ralph L (m eng '11) Heating 4- Vent Eng 1139 14th Av Payton Lyle (c eng '09) City Eng 1537 12th Av t Peterson Arthur B (arch '08) 1803 Fifth Av Poole Lawrence C ('07) Auto 1916 Fifth Av Pope Henry P (m eng '06) Effic Ex- pert Pope Jean A (m eng '06) Supt Union Malleable Iron Co Porter Burt N (ag '12) Gen Contr 1623 12th Av Railsback Fred H (1 '10 LLB) Law Elmwood Railsback Howard M (com '11 AB) Adv 4" Jour c/o Deere & Co Reeves Alfred J (arch eng '07) Arch 1 Ross Bldg Reeves Walter I (m eng '10) Insp 2228 Sixth Av Reno John F (m eng '08 BS) Chf Draft Moline Auto Co 628 26th St Sanford Edwin W (c eng '06 BS) Asst Eng CRI&P RR 616 18th St Schact John H (arch '03 BS) Arch 1819 14th St Schillinger Josephine (la '01 AB) Osteop Schofield Chester L (ag '11) Publ Schulzke William H (arch eng '09 BS) Arch 610 Peoples Bk Bldg Shallberg Rudolph E (la '15) c/o Wil- liams White & Co 1544 11th Av Soverhill Harvey A (m eng '06 ME) ( '00 BS) Eng $ V-Pres Moline Auto Co 623 23rd St Stewart William J (com '77) Ag Rl Strombeck George M (m eng '07 BS) Mfg 1404 11% St Sundeen Ruby M (la '10) Teach 1121 11th Av Taylor Ralph Mac (c eng '05) C Eng Tilton Kenneth D (m eng '14 BS) Foreman R&V Eng Co tTowndrow Arthur B (c eng '07) 1825 Sixth Av tTowndrow Henry A (1 '13) 1727 Sixth Av tUllman Alvin E (m eng '08) 327 13th St Van Dervort Cornelius H ('00) Gen Sales 4" Adv Mgr Moline Auto Co VAN DERVOORT William H ('99) Mfg 2711 Eighth Av Van Dukin William ( '07 ME BS Fac '12) c/o Deere & Co Velzy Charles R (m eng '14 BS) Effic Eng Deere & Co 917 13th Av Vernon Maris H (c eng '13- ) Stu 812 17th St Walker James L (la '13) Stu U Minn 2204 Sixth Av Walker Rufus Jr (la '98 AB) Mfg 2212 Sixth Av Warnock David W (chem '10 BS) Chem 4- Eng Bettendorf Steel Car Co 910 12th Av Washburn Charles A ('06 BS) Sec 4- Mgr Union Malleable Iron Co 634 17th Av ILLINOIS 977 Westerberg Glenn L (la '15- ) Stu 1430 11th St Wharton Wayne T (com '15- ) Stu 1808 Sixth Av Wheeloek Henry T (m eng '03 ) Sales Mgr Motor Vech Co 713 18th St t White Clifford E (m eng '12) 2406 Sixth Av Whiteside Koy A (1 '14) Law Peo- ples Bk Bldg Whiteside William E (1 '07 LLB) Law M&MBk Bldg Whitsitt Hammond W (arch '03 BS Fac '05) Arch 610 People's Bk Bldg Whitsitt Mrs H W (la '05 AB) (lib '04 BLS) Home 1725 11th Av ? Williams Alfred H (ag '81) Wolter Mitchell (la '11- ) Stu 350 Seventh St Woodcock Edwin W (ag '11) Pres Eoodmaker Publ Co 524 17th St MOMENCE Baechler Matilda M (h sc '15) At home Du Bridge Walter S (eng '15- ) Stu Fontaine Everett O (g mus '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu Front St Garrett Elnora (ag '09) At home Garrett Silas J (ag '07) Ag Giroux Elroy A (e eng '12) Stu U Mich Howk Charles D (la '15 AB) Teach Howk Thomas C (la '15- ) Stu Mathers Eugene (ag '83) Ag Nelson Gertrude V (su '15) Nichols Hilton C (ag '15- ) Stu R3 Parrish Carrie M (la '09) Teach Ex- pression Peterson Axsel B (ag '14) Ag E4 Seavey Harry R (e eng '14- ) Stu slough Georgia K (g '12 AM) Teach Stratton Perry J (ag '06) Ag Tuttle Charles A (e eng '15- ) Stu 156 E Fourth St Willis Gilbert A (la '12) Teach MONEE ? Jones Alfred F (m eng '71) Stuenkel Francelia (su '12) Teach MONICA Schori Margaret O (su '15) Prin Schs MONMOUTH Andrews Harry L (la '15) Teach H Sch 203 S Third St Wailey Frank A ( '83) Beal Perry L (ag '02) Ag R4 Bowen Fred A ( '97) Ins 816 E Third Av Brownell Frank I (ag '11) Ag Bruington Earl V (ag '15- ) (ag '14) Stu Butler Ralph O Jr (ag '11) Ag R7 Comstock Ralph W (sc '15) Jeweler 723 W Archer Av ICummings Joseph R ( '98) Daly Helen (la '14- ) ( '11) Stu 627 S Six and One Half St Ferguson Ralph M (c eng 06) C Eng E Fourth Av Findley Mary M (su '09) Prin H Sch 503 S Fourth St Firovd Glenn W (ag '15) Ghormley Harry K (su '14) Dir Athl Monmouth Coll t Graham Albert E ('05) Ag R3 t Graham Warren W (m eng '12) heuse Edward O (g chem '14 PhD) ( '07) Prof Monmouth Call Jamison Michal V (g latin '15- ) (la '10) Stu McBride Ralph (arch eng '15) Stu 728 E Second Av McMillan Edward A (mun eng '02) Lift Ins 501 E Clinton Av Misener Lena E (su '07) Teach 322 5 Third St nottlemann Rudolph H (g hist '13 AM) Teach 720 E Euclid Av i Parker Barton ( '06) Pinkerton Cyrus B E (la '93) Pub Pinkerton Francis E Jr (ag '09 BS) Mgr Edit Monmouth Daily Atlas Reed James B (ag '08) Ag & B Est 222 S Fifth St Sawyer George P (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 115 "B" St Senseman Harold L (arch eng '14- ) Stu 125 S Tenth St Sherrick John C (arch eng '14- ) Stu 317 E Broadway Staat Fielding B (ag '13) Ag 402 N Second St Stansbury Etta D (su '99) Prin Sch Stevenson James H (e eng '10 BS) Mgr Monmouth Pub Serv Co (517) Stevenson Mrs J R (mus '12) Home Stewart Carl R (ag '15- ) Stu R6 Stewart Frank S (ag '15- ) Stu R6 Thomas Joseph N (e eng '02) St Atty 120 S 11th St Torrence Howard J (su '12) Teach Sc 6 Ins 921 E Second Av Tubbs James A ( '01) Asst Cash Nat Bk 904 W Broadway St White Ralph H (su '15) Teach # Dir Athl H Sch 210 N First St Worcester Lenora M (h sc '15 AB) Teach 602 E Broadway Worrell Mabel F (la '13 AB) Teach 120 S Eleventh St 978 ILLINOIS MONROE CENTER \Davis Harry G ( '90) Med MONTEZUMA French George N (c eng '13) Ag McEvers Ernest (e eng '14- ) Stu MONTICELLO Allen Ruby L (la '13 AB) Teach Box 193 Bear Paul C (la '05) Ag Dighton Andrew J (g engl '15- ) Stu Bragg Lena M (su '15) Libr 520 N Charter St fBrown Charles P (la '81) Conard Davis O ('10) Conard Emmett C (ag '04) Expert Ag Conard Iva L (la '15- - ) Stu 418 E Main St Conrad Ruth (mus '15- ) Stu 418 E Main St Crawford Clementine (su '13) Teach Dighton Andrew J (g engl '15) Stu Dighton William ( '94) Ag $ Bnk .. Doss William A (1'07LLB) Law Edic Burl A (la '15- ) Stu 413 S Charters St England Mrs W H ('99) Home Evans Lois K (la '15- ) Stu Foster Mrs T J (lib '07 BLS & AB) Home Gross Alfred W (su '15) Supt Schs Haan Mary A (la '13 AM) ( '12 AB) Teach IHarris Nannie C (la '73) Hawbaker Elim J (la '08) Law 166 E Main St Hawbaker Mrs E J (la '09) Home 116 E Main St \Hubbart Edith ( '87) Ag $ Hairy Hubbart Edith P (la '09) Home James Mary W (su '13) Kastel Thomas J (1 '12 LL B) Law 114 S Market St Keatts Rolla M (m eng '15) Grocer Keel Mrs F W (mus '99) Home Keller Lydia A ( '90) Kratz James P (la '00 AB) Ag Kratz Laura (la '97 AB) Sculptor \Lange LeRoy ( '09) Lodge William F (la '90) Gen Contr $ Tel Mgr ILowry Susie F ( '81) ?Lynch Henry E (c eng '74) t Lynch Henry W ( '78) Mcintosh Charles M (su '95) Co Supt Schs tMackey Floyd E (ag '12) 802 N Charter St mcMillen Maud ( '95) Mansfield Charles F Jr (ag '14- ) Stu 813 N State St Marquiss Jean R (la '01) Ins Marquiss Ralph E (ag '15- ) Stu 417 E Livingston St Miller Alvin C (m eng '09 BS) Mgr Ice Plant Moore Allen F ( '15) Mfg # Bnk Moore Dwight M (m eng '96) BnTc Nichols Harry H (la '15) Stu 111 Wes U 1002 E Washington St Olson Milton O (su '15) 413 E La- fayette St t Peters Mary J (h sc '09) Phaenis Russell H (la com '14- ) Stu 315 W William St ?Piatt Jacob (la '82) Pinckard Harold R (com '15- ) Stu \Byder Gaylord C ( '96) \Salyers Harrison ('95) fSalyers John O (sc '02) tSalyers Roland (ag '05) Salyers Mrs Roland (mus '08) Home Scott Mrs W A (la* '07) Home 100 E Marion St Shonkwiler Francis L (m eng '14- )Stu 316 E Lafayette St tShuck Henrietta M (la '11) t Shuck Ott C (ag '10) t Shuck Roy W (ag '11) t Smith Clarence K (m eng '98) Smith Kirby (e eng '97) Merc 118 E High St Smith Marion K (la '15- ) Stu 201 E Washington St fStallcup Charlie (ag '03) Walker Roberta A (la '05) Teach Watts Charles S (ag '11) Apiarist 454 N Elm St 1 Williams E ( '80) ?Williams Roy (mus '04) Yager Harvey W (sp '69) MONTROSE Printz Mrs C S (sp '03) Home Rl Spitler John C (ag '07 BS) Ag Spitler Mrs J C (sp '10) Home MORGAN PARK Breining Wilhelmine A (la '08) At home 11141 Prospect Av Clissold Mrs Edward T (sc '91) Home 2222 Fairfax Av ?Dillon Clare E (h sc '10) 10801 Pros- pect Av Henke Frank X (su '09) Teach Man Tr 10759 S Wood St tHyde Robert M (arch '06) Lagergren Gustaf P (arch eng '14- ) Stu 2234 Fairfax Av Large John H (la '07) Law 10809 E Crescent Av fMaccoy Carleton S (ag '11) ILLINOIS 979 Moore Elbert L (su '15) Teach H Sch 10936 Esmond St Stewart Mrs R J (mus '08) Home 2316 Morgan Av Schobinger Eugene (mun eng '15 BS) 10831 Armeda Av Shimmin Robert P (m eng '02 BS) M Eng Mfg $ Sales 2316 Remington Av MORO t Montgomery William (ag '70) MORRIS Brown Harry E (e eng '07) Elec Contr 113 E Chapin St Carkhuff Le Roy F (m eng '15- ) Stu Rl Dietzer Alice M (h sc '15 AB) Teach H Sch Ferguson Eugene R (m eng '96; Eng US Gov Fletcher Edwin L (ag '15- ) Stu W Jackson St tGore George T (ag '14) Ag t Hanson Leslie C (la '13) 310 E Jef- ferson St Harrison Edward A (ag '15) Ag 1209 Chapin St Harrison Ruth (la '13) Mus Stu 217 Liberty St tHunt Elberta (h sc '12) Jones Fannie E (lib '01 BLS) At home Larson Martha S (g la '14 AM) ( '10 AB) R2 Leach Harry J (la '12) Ins $ B Est 327 E Jackson St MacDonald Alexander P Jr (ag '12- ) Stu 628 Illinois Av tMatteson Price C (ag '04) Newell Florence E (su '14) Teach 606 E Illinois St Oswood Mabel C (la '14) Teach R4 (54) Owens Joseph D (sc '80) US Express Agt 413 E Jackson St Pyatt Donald M (c eng '07) Ag R6 Sachse Edward G (m eng '94) Elec Contr $• Supplies Sachse William G (m eng '05 AB) Med 217 y 2 Liberty St Smith Dey B (lib '15) Libr Southcomb Leslie S (com '15- ) Stu 413 Washington St Thayer Ethel F (su '11) Pub Libr Vanderpool Arthur M (m eng '15- ) Stu R5 t Waters Edward S ('02) Weitz Henry J C (ag '13) Sheep Feeding Sta CRI&P RR 210 North St Woelfel Carl (sc '06) Mfg Zschtzsche Mrs (la '04) MORRISON Abbott Alfred N ( '12 BS) (ag'85) Ag Abbott Bayard T (ag '11 BS) Ag R7 Abbott Howard G (ag '14- ) Stu Abbott Louis A (ag '15 BS) Ag AitTcen Isabel ('11) Teach c/o R S Baird Roy W (ag '08) Bent George M (c eng '10) Acct tBody Elmer I (e eng '02) Borman Mabel M (la '15- ) Stu W Main St Burch William H (m eng '09 BS) Grain # Coal Dealer Elmendorff Edith M (h sc '12 AB) Teach 515 N Base St Feldman Joseph E (ag '11- ) Stu t Hammer Glen O (e eng '14) 307 S Cherry St Hazelton Mabel A (la '07 AB) At home Hulett Robert G (ag '70) Bet Klein schrodt Bernie L (ag '14 BS) 509 N Orange St Knox Leo M (ag '13) Ag Knox Leta A (h sc '13) At home Knox Loy J (ag '13) Ag Ladd Florence M (h sc '09) Meyer Henry E ( '08) Barber tMilnes George S (sc '83) Mitchell Edwin W (ag '01) Ag Nelson Leon W (ag '15) Ag R2 Nelson Mrs L W (ag '14) Home Nowlen Gladys L (h sc '13) Teach 310 E Lincoln Way Nowlen Procter A (ag '15 BS) Teach 310 E Lincoln Way Potter Ellis J (arch eng '15) Potter Emery V (e eng '15 BS) E Eng 613 N Orange St Potter Matthew B (la '10) c/o C D Galletine Co tRiley Roy L (la '06) Smith Edward G ('83) BnTc Stocking Lena K (la '01) Stone Edna L (la '12 AB) Teach t Stone Mabel G (h sc '11) Tucker William H (la '15- ) Stu MORRISONVILLE Clickener Sarah H (su '05) Teach Deal Hiram (ag '08 BS) Ag R4 Deal Mrs H L (la ^6 AB) Home R4 Pinkerton Matilda I (su '14) Prin H Sch Storm Mable F (la '15- ) Stu White Earl ('05) White James E (ag '08) Ag 980 ILLINOIS MORTIMER ICarson Jefferson ('97) MOETON Burwash Lois I (se '07 AM) ( '06 AB) Teach Carius Benjamin H (la '14) Goodyear Henry M (la '13 AB) Stu NW U fMosinian Clara (sc '05) Mosiman Joseph E (arch '11 BS) Ag Sr Arch Mosiman Levi (e eng '07 BS) Supt Elec Light Plants Mosiman Mrs L D (la '07 AB) Home Eeuling Clarence W (com '15- ) Stu Church St Reuling Fred W (com '13) T$nlc Rich Milton D (ag '14) Ag Rl Sweitzer Fred E (ag '12 BS) Ag Sweitzer John W (1 '13) Ag Rl Poehlmann Poehlmann MORTON GROVE Earl F (ag '14- ) Stu Walter G (ag '15- ) Stu MOUND CITY Armstrong Thomas H (la '15- ) Stu Bolen Eric J (mus Feb '15- ) Stu Main St Britton Floyd E (1 '15 LL B) Law Eichhorn William H (ag '14- ) Stu Gaunt Gail (la '14- ) Stu Gaunt Grace (mus '14) At home Griffin A T Mrs (la '08) ('02) Med McCabe Claude L (la '14 AB) Supt Schs Parker Tweed W (la com '76) Ins Metropolitan Ins Co (353) Roberson Mary (su '13) Prin H Sch MOUNDS Carr Melville B (ag '12) Ag Hartman Milton M (ag '14) Dairy ? Jennings John C (ag '04) Lewis Edna (lib '12 AB) Prin H Sch McCorkle Cecelia L (su '08) Teach Merrymon Mary E (su '15- ) Teach H Sch Schuler Kate (su '14) Teach Toler William L (su '01) Merc ?Webb Dwight E (ag '02) MOUNT t Blake James F (gen '69) MT AUBURN fCross Lyman (la '10) Overmier Emmons (m eng '12) M Eng MT CARMEL Anderson Almor S (su '11) Supt Schs Anderson Mrs Almor S (su '03) Home Calverley James E ('08) Ag R4 Chase Katherine T (la '12 AB) Teach H Sch Chipman Paul (c eng '94 BS Fac '96) C Eng $ B Est Condrey Ralph S (su '15) Teach 812 Cherry St Dorris Mrs J T (la '09 AB) Home Ewald John J (ag '01) Ag 4" Live Stock R5 Ewald Paul G (ag '15- ) Stu R5 t Fischer Lizzie S (su '06) Foster Joseph Kyle (la '09 AB) Sec 218 E Seventh St Geiger Walter J (e eng '15- ) Stu 318 Walnut St Goddard Henry H (la '08) V-Pres First Nat Bk \Gregory Ralph A ('10) Harrison Bernice (la '12 AB) Teach 331 Cherry St Harvey B (su '12) Teach 719 Main St Hill Loren C (ag '15- ) Stu R5 Hoffman Mrs F G (la '04) Home 216 E Fifth St Keller Arthur R (c eng '12- ) Stu 1323 N Market St tKing Mabel A (su '08) Leipold Grover C (ag '06) Ag Leipold Melchoir (ag '03) Ag Martin Charles B (com '14- ) Stu 434 Market St Martin Fay W (la com '12- ) Stu 434 Market St Orr Andrew F (com '06) Grain Merc Parkinson Frank E (ag '10) Mgr t Philips Ralph W ('11) Rowland Elbert M (1 '00 LL B) Edit tSchafer Charles H (1 '11) Schenck Sereno (sp '93) Med Schucker Oscar O (arch eng '07) Flour Mill 9 & Pear Sts Schucker Rudolph W (arch '15 BS) Arch 326 E 11th St Schweitzer Benjamin C (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 620 Cherry St Seibert Mrs A A (h sc '11) Home 327 W Fifth St Seiler Sebastian S (ag '85) Ag # Stock Dealer Seitz Mrs W S (mus '08) Home 207 E Second St Shellhorn Boyd S (la '15- ) Stu 127 W Second St Siler Sebastian S (ag '85) Ag $ Stock Dealer Sites Beulah (su '13) 123 E Fifth St \ Stow ell Charles C ('78) ILLINOIS 981 fTilton Harry W (m eng '95) Wetzel Earvey H (arch '12) C Eng f Arch 1031 W Cherry St Willis Reba (su '14) 631 Cherry Av Willis Roy B (ag '13) Ag Wirth Walter V (la '13- ) Stu 326 W Ninth St Wood Clifton J (sp '01) Ag Wood Ira F (su'05) Law 123 E Eighth St MT CARROLL % Allison Waite F ( '92) Austin Mrs C C (sc '07 AB) Mich Eugenics Comm Beard Ward P (ag '15 BS) Teach Campbell George D (sp '74) Bnk Campbell Robert H (sp '76) Ag Christian Fay F (la com '09) Furni- ture Sr Undertaking Cramer Delia L (su '15) Teach Savana tDoty William S (ag '08) tFrancke Hallie H (ag '13) Ag Fritz Ward R (ag '09) Ag Fulrath William M (c eng '15- ) Stu Graham Mrs R W (su '06) Superv Mus & Draw Hinebaugh J Charles ('11) molderman Edwin M ('96) Audit Hostetter Ross B (ag '12 BS) Ag McDonald Alice B (la '08 AB) Stu U Chgo c/o Frances Shimer Sch Mackay Henry (la '92 Hon ML) (la '76) Law Mackay Robert P (ag '12) Ag MacKey John L (m eng '85) Mahood Harry S (c eng '12- ) Stu Newcomer Floyd E (la '10) Sales Mershon Joseph I (la '08) Med fPatterson Fremont (la com '76) Patterson William F (la '76) Merc Rinewalt John M (la '76) Bet Schroeppel Harold H (e eng '13-) Stu Smith Cloyd C (e eng '12 BS) Ag Smith Mrs Cloyd (h sc '12) Home fThomas Stephen M (la '74) tVan Buskirk Fay C (m eng '13) tVan Buskirk Roy H (ag '13) MT ERIE James Fred M (la '99 BS) Mintr \ Porter field Melvin W ( '80) t Thompson Risty M (m eng '01) Truseott Laura W (su '02) tVandaveer Jennings (m eng '95) MT MORRIS Brayton Bruce L (la '02) Ag Brayton Ernest G (ag '02) Ag } Clark H Riner ('02) Contr dishing Charles F (arch eng '10) Sales Diehl Lloyd M (ag '15) Gourley Mary Jane (sc '14 AM) ('09 AB) Teach IKeltner Chas H (sc '10 AB) miller John E (g '02 AM Fac '04) Pres Mt Morris Coll Windle Clifford C (ag '15- ) ( '13) Stu MT OLIVE Berneuter Walter (sc '10 AB Fac '12) Johnson Henry W (sc '05) Electr tKeiser Katie (su '12) MT PALATINE Wallaher Fred L IWilson James F ('98) ('97) MT PULASKI t Anderson Milton K (ag '07) Baumann George W (ag '11) Ag 4" Stock Bullard Francis B (sc '76) Med \Capps Clarence G ('00) Clendenen George E (su '13) ?Cooke Thomas L (la '05 AB) Elmore Mrs Milo (la '03) Home fGross William L (su '01) Loetterle Winfred C (su '14) Teach Lucas Leigh W (ag '12) Ag t Mason Clarence J (ag '11) t Mason Louis (ag '09) tMayer Elmer B (c eng '05) Scroggin Mildred A (la '15 AB) Van Hook Forest C (sc '09 AB) Med MT STERLING Clark Meribah E (la '15- )('07) Stu Crane Mrs E F (la '07) Home Davis George R (e eng '13- ) Stu Duncan Ruth A (su '11) Teach Hurdle Ennis C (e eng '14- ) Stu 116 E North St ? Little Frank G ('93) McCoy Homer W (ag '13- ) Stu Manny Fred H (1 '98) (sc '97 BS) B Est Manny Walter I (la '14 BS) (Cert '90) Ag $• St Senator Mobley William D (ag '03) Ag Ormsby Lelia M (la '14 AB) Teach t Perry Lloyd G (ag '09) Rutledge Nellie I (la '08 AB) Teach Tompkins Rexford De (sc '13) Phar Turner Charles E (la 13- ) Stu 201 E Washington St Vandeventer Fenton R (ag '15- ) Stu Vandeventer Homer G (ag '94) Bnk ^Alexander MT VERNON Philip E (su '11) 982 ILLINOIS Allen Albert (com '08 AB) 113 12th St Beal John F ( '97) Fruit Grower Boster Minnie (su '13) Teach 318 S Eighth St Casey Howard (c eng '11) Drapi Casey Samuel ( '80) Wholesale Grocer Coffey George C (1 '14 LL B) Law fCrews HalbertO (la '01) Dale John H (ag '13- ) Stu 509 S 13th Av Echols Silas (la '05 AB) Teach 612 E Broadway Fly Vivienne E (la '13) 203 N Tenth St Gilbert James H (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 301 N 16th St Glenn Edna (su '13) Teach + Hamilton Clarence O (sc '11) Johnson George K (la '08 AB) Merc 218 S Ninth St Kattner Selma D (su '12) Teach 808 Main St ?Kelly John F (su '05) tLivingston Bay C (c eng '08) Asst Eng M&StL ER 1520 Harmon PI Marquis Faugh L (la '15) 603 Casey Ay Maxey Hugh W (sc '11) Stu 111 Coll 213 N Sixth St Minor William (su '14) Supt Schs Moss Charles N (ag '04) Gov Serv 904 Taylor Av Moss Robert A (la '12) Solicitor Citi- zen's Gas Elec & Heat Co 814 North St Moss Ruth A (la '12) Teach 1022 Prairie Av tMount Jesse R (ag '12) RFD Paisley Calvin D (ag '03) Ag R6 Paisley Robert H (ag '01) Ag R10 Paisley Mrs R H (la '04 AB) At home R10 Patton Otto C (sc '90) Solic Pub Util Corpor \Pavey Lou ('88) Bnk t Payne Gleason ( '10) Phillipps Lemuel (la '16) Stu 22 Main St Pollock James L (la '78 BL) Law Reid George H (ag '14- ) Stu 513 15th St Reid Leo W (e eng '14- ) Stu 513 S 15th St Rentchler Frieda C (su '13) Teach H Sch 810 North St Rentchler Marion D (com '16) 309 S 15th St Robinson John L (1 '13- ) Stu R10 t Robor Bruno (c eng '04) Robor Minnie (su '13) 400 N Tenth St Robor Robor Rena (su / '12) 400 Tenth St t Rogers Anna E (su '01) ?Satterfield Raymond P (c eng '12) Seymour Mrs Wm G (la '11) Home Shelley Earl F (c eng '13- ) Stu R3 Stratton Mrs Chauncey (su '12) Home 718 Jordan St tThrelkeld Harry L (su '04) Thompson Frank G (1 '07) Law Valentine Frank W (la '15- ) Stu 1808 Broadway Ward Henry B P (la com '07 AB) Watson Allen S (la '12) Stu 111 Wes U 404 N Tenth St Watson Harry W ( '88) Webber Hubbart A (arch '97 BS Fac '98) Supt US Pub Bldgs 506 Main St Williams Everett (sc '10 AB) Teach* R8 Wilson Robert E (1 '10) Teach $ Trav i MT ZION \Coombe Clarence ( '98) McGaughey Mrs D S ('01) MOWEAQUA Adams Glen L (la '06) Bnk fAttebery Jesse S (e eng '06) Clark James G (la com '15) (e eng '15- ) Stu Frazee Anna D (la '12-) Stu t Gregory Alta B ('06) t Gregory Mabel ('04) Gregory Myrtle M (la '06) Teach Gregory Richard E (c eng '14- ) Stu Gregory William H (su '03) t Harris Charles (arch eng '10 BS) Jacobs Alta G (mus '05) Uacobs Henry H (la '01) tKirker George (1 '03) Longenbaugh Joseph E (su '05) Edit Moweaqua News ?Love Justin J (sp '01) McGinley Mrs Wm ( '02) Home Park Retta A (su '03) Teach Rodman Charles S (la '04 AB) Bet Mintr Simpson Luther F (m eng '13- ) Stu 1 Smock Waverly ( '09) Snell Rolland C (e eng '09) Bnk Snyder James B (e eng '09) Ag Snyder Mrs J B (la '09) Home Snyder William N (ag '02) Ag Yerkes Charles W (su '15) Supt Schs Walker Clifton J (c eng '15- ) Stu MUNCIE t Bants Oscar E ('00) Ludwig Holly J (ag '13) Ag Rl ILLINOIS 983 Purnell William F (ag '14- ) Stu Vinson Van Earl ( '11) MUNSTER fTombaugh Muron D (m eng '01) MURDOCK ^Norton Floyd ('04) t Shirk William A (la '12 AB) MURPHYSBORO Allen Lewis R (ag '96) Hort Baer Sanford J (la '15- ) Stu 315 N 14th St Barth Joseph L (c eng '13) PO ClTc 1835 Spruce Av Blair Daniel A (la '15- ) Stu tBlaylock Robert E (arch eng '12) Wain Patrick C ( '09) Coad Bert R (su '10) Asst US Bur Entom 1817 Spruce St Deason Francis E (ag '06 BS) Ag R2 Fager Eugene P (la '14- ) Stu 430 N 11th St Fager George E K (ag '14- ) Stu 430 N 11th St Fox Hermon L (su '06) Hep Sheriff 19 S 11th St Glenn Otis F (1 '00 LL B) Law tHrabik William K (la '14) 1101 Mulberry St Jacob Eda A (h sc '14 AB) Teach tKane Charles R (e eng '08) Kennedy John ( '90) Kleinbeck Stella P (la '10) Teach Koons Guy J (la '12 AB) Prin H Sch 2128 Division St Martell Edmund A (e eng '14- ) Stu 322 N Ninth St Martin Milford M (la '14- ) Stu 423 N Ninth St Millikin Mrs EC (h sc '08) Home 2123 W Edith St Moore Edward W (la '14-. ) Stu 2028 W Walnut St Morris Josephine A (su '14) Nichol Marion S (la '08 AB) Teach Orland Frank A (e eng '15- )('13) Stu 1911 Edith St Orland Fred W (ag '15- ) Stu 1911 Edith St tPark George W (sc '13) Peirson Mary L (h sc '14- ) Stu 2015 Walnut St fQualls Guy L (ag '04) Rollo Ralph A (c eng '08) C ting 2113 Division St Rollo Robert P (la '13) Law 524 North St Shoemaker Richard W (ag '15- ) Stu 439 North St Shomaker Samuel J (su '13) Supt City Sch Stein Henry Jr (arch eng '10) Gen Contr Jeffrey Bldg Stephens Ethel G (su '15) Teach 114 S 14th St Stewart LeRoy (1 '11 LLB) Law Stewart Mrs L R (sc '11 AB) Home c/o Mrs Ellen Eck Stiritz Benjamin A (ag '14- ) Stu 217 S 14th St Taggert Anna (la '99) Teach Wright Josephine (su '03) 2128 Di- vision St MURRAYVILLE TSanford Wilber II (ag '01) ICarpenter NA-AU-SAY T S (ag '84) NACHUSA Crawford Edgar L (e eng '02) Grain Merc NAPERVILLE Baumgartner Oliver F (sc '08) Dec- orator 116 Sleight St Beidelman Jennings C (arch eng '14- ) Stu Funk Mrs J A (la '12 AB) Home tGamertsf elder Carl C (g la '10) 161 Loomis St Keller Berthold S ('01) Kendall Ralph E (c eng '09) C Eng Matter Herbert J (sc '11) Merc Nichols James L (la com '13. AB) Ag tPaeth William J (m eng '07) Royce Julian A (c eng '10) B Est $ Ins 76 Washington St Thomas Abner R (ag '16 AB) Stu Thomas Polly E (h sc '16 AB) Tillson Arthur E (chem eng '15) 152 Chicago Av Tillson Harold L (c eng '12) BB C Eng Phys Valuation 152 Chicago Av Tillson Vivian E (la '14- ) Stu 152 Chicago Av Von Oven Frederick W (c eng '98 BS) Consult Eng NAPLES Kinzel Frank M (c eng '09) Contr Supt NASHVILLE tAyers Clarence O (sc '95) Buhrman Elaine L (la '15- ) Stu Carson Marcus C (1 '15- ) (la '14) Stu Fairweather William C (sp '03) Supt Schs Groves Clifton C (su '04) Teach Hohman Elmo P (la '12- ) Stu Holston Benjamin B (sc '94 BS) Law Holston Edward E ( '84) Bet 984 ILLINOIS tHosmer Clarence C (arch '06) Hosmer Howard (la '12) Stu St L U Huegley Mrs Julius (mus '04) Home Krumsiek Walter W (su '15) Prin H Sch tLeaton Francis W (la '12) Marx Maurice (m eng '95) -Maxwell Oliver G (I'll) Law Moore Irene H (la '15- ) Stu Box 113 Moore Mabel E (h sc '14- ) Stu 1 Palmer Charles E ( '80) Schleifer Ferdinand J (ag '13- ) Stu Schroeder Paul L (la '15) Schroeder Eobert H (la '15- ) Stu Watts Amos H (la '15- ) Stu Wehrman Carl O (la com '13) ClJc Weihe Wesley H (mus '14) NAUVOO tBidamon Charles A (ag '04) Bolton Wyman J (eng 14- ) Stu tKelley Margaret G (a&d '03) tKrueger Valeria W (su '07) NEBO Clark John N (su '09) Prin Schs tKillebrew Harmon C (su '12) Stark John W (ag '15- ) Stu NELSON Stitzel Clarence M (ag '12 BS) Ag NEOGA f Caldwell Horace M (ag '04) Coen John E (ag '05) Ag $ Hort t Cross Mayme (su '11) Good Nelson B ( '10) Ins Hagan Warren L (su '14) Supt Schs t Shaffer Eobert L ('94) Short Henry C (la '05) Ag f Short William L (sc '07) Swengel Mrs C E (la '07) Home Swengel Lloyd E (su '94) Voris Louis K (ag '04) Merc ^ Ag Wilson Ambler F (sc '87) Drug wilson Lola E (g latin '15 AM) NEPONSET ballans Anna M (la '10 AM) At home Bowen Harry E (ag '14) Ag Bowen James M (ag '12) Ag Bowen John A (ag '15) Ag El (5) Craig Edwin J (ag '09) Ag Craig Harold G (ag '13) Ag NEPONSET Heise Walter O (ag '15- ) Stu E3 Hutchinson James B (ag '09) Ag Miller Lyman J (ag '09) Ag Montooth James L (ag '04) Vet Norton George L (ag '10) Ag El t Norton William E (ag '06) Stabler James W (ag '08) Ag El Stabler Jesse L (ag '13) Ag Stetson Ezra E (ag '07) Ag E3 Stetson Mrs E E (la '14) Home E3 NEWAEK Anders Joseph O (ag '03) Ag tEen Knute (ag '06) E2 Naden Gladys L (h sc '14- ) Stu Olsen Arthur A (ag '13- ) Stu Peterson Mrs Albert (sp '01) Home El Peterson Tobias (ag '04) Ag NEW ATHENS Darmstatter Helen O (h sc '14- ) Stu \Widly Ellen ('06) NEW BEELIN Boston Henry M (ag '06) Ag Clarke Dan L (ag '10) Ag Huffaker Wellington V (ag '09) Ag Taylor Frank M (ag '08) Ag Watts William H (sc '05) Bent NEW BOSTON \ Ballard Charles E ('03) t Ballard John B (.'02) Drury Clair F (arch '02 BS) Ag 4' Stock \~Drury Purne O ('01) Essley Earl C (ag '11) Ag fGilmore Charles P (ag '88) \Mannon Guy O ('06) Eoberts Harry E (m eng '12) Bus Mgr NEW BUENSIDE Heaton Calvin F (ag '04) Ag tMcGee Eleanor (sp '97) Throgmorton Norris J (su '13) Stu 111 St Nor U NEW CANTON Beatty John W (la '98) Ag $ B Est Hopkins Guy B (e eng '15- )('12) Stu Shewhart Walter A (sc '13 AB) ( '14 AM) Teach NEW CITY ?Carswell Arthur S (m eng '94) ICarswell Jessie W ('93) NEW HAVEN Pinnell Lawerence L (ag '12) Ag ILLINOIS 985 NEW HOLLAND Bolinger Emerson F (e eng '13- ) Stu McNeill Mrs J C (su '01) Home Wendell Francis G (c eng '02 BS) Ag El Wendell Frank ('98) Sec $ Treas New Holland Light & Power Co NEW LENOX Barclay Harry F (sp c eng '06) Stu Francis George H (ag '10) Ag NEWMAN Anderson Rena (h sc '14 AB) Teach Ayers Russell R (com '12) Painter Burgett Charles C (la '14- ) Stu Burgett Jay T (la '07) Cash BJc tDayton Cleve H (c eng '09) Ag fEverheart J W (sc '78) Gilkey John R (ag '13- ) (la '12) Teach Hall Mattie A ( '07) Hance James M (com '11) Ag OTughes John L (su '94) Jordan Glen J (ag '12) Ag R2 Kyde Lillie A (su *11) Mus Limerick Honore (su '14) Teach H Sch McCown Arthur L (sp ag '05) Ag R3 Mclntyre Charles E (la '95) Ag Mclntyre Joseph H (ag '15- ) Stu Mclntyre James C (com '12) Ag McIntyre Mabel (la '13 AB) t Mclntyre Mary A ('00) McIntyre Ruhama L (la '07 AB) Teach McNichols Ira A (sc '94) Drug Norris Dwight R (c eng '13- ) Stu (74) Routledge Thomas E ('03) Rutherford Cecil E (su '07) Box 11 Rutherford Cyrus (com '71) Med Rutherford Cyrus W (phar '95) Med t Rutherford Eugenia E (la '15 AB) Rutherford Florence (la '14- ) Stu tShaw Leona I (mus '03) t SidenstriJcer Franklin M ( '01) Stone Ruth E (su '14) Swickard Clinton D (sc '12) Stu Rush Med Coll Swickard Earl O (com '13) Clk t Swickard Niza E (su '14) Teague Clyston M (la '08) Trinkle John H (su '11) Teach Wagner John D (ag '07) Ag &> Stock R4 White HW ('96) Winkler Ross W (ag '14- ) Stu Young Edgar B (ag '13) Ag R3 NEW MEMPHIS Bopp Julius V (ag '08 BS) Ag NEWTON Batman Delbert E (c eng '06) Merc Brooks Edwin B (su '06) Co Supt Schs Car rick William (sc ? 91) Connor John H (la '14- ) Stu Connor Victor O (1 '11) Merc Crowley Lloyd I (c eng '15) 401 Bar- ton St Girhard Charles E (c eng '10) Teach Girhard George M (la '13) Teach Girhard Harold R (la '14- ) Stu Hinds Jessie P (e eng '06) Asst Cash Peoples St Bk Jasper Edward M (e eng '11 BS) Merc Kasserman Frederick D (ag '14) Ag Kasserman Homer F (la '15) Stu NW U Love Harry H (la '14- ) Stu May Erie O (su '12) Teach Martin Albert T (ag '13- ) Stu Payne Edwin F (ag '12) Trav Prather Tirrie O (1 '12 LLB) Law Pursifull Joseph H (1 '09 LL B) Prin H Sch Ross Charles K (ag '11) Ag t Scott Orlando F (sc '05) \Scovell Frank E ('85) Shup Laurence E (la '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu Sims Delbert E (la '13- ) Stu Wanderhoof B ('84) ?Wakefield Francis E (su '02) NEW WINDSOR Allen Frank P (su '08) Prin H Sch t Richardson Alonzo B ('06) Swanson Charles A ('99) NIANTIC Hall Russell P (ag '14 BS) Ag NILES Usis Felix M (e eng '15) NILES CENTER Brown Waldo R (m eng '15 AB) NIOTA Webb Jasper K (ag '14- ) Stu NOBLE Flanders Harry T (e eng '08) Auto Mech Sonner Grace A ( J 06) NOKOMIS tBARTON Walter E (m eng '14) ( '07 986 ILLINOIS BS) Brown Paul M (c eng '15- ) Stu Spruce & Union Sts Buellesfield Henry (la '15 AM) (la '06 AB) Teach Busby Horace V (c eng '09) TO ClJc ?Cook Francis (la '73) Jones Florence D (h sc '15) Stu Miller Harry C (g la '06) Law Smith Cecil W (min eng '13 BS) Min Eng Truitt Elmer (su '11) Teller Nat Bk Woltmann Louis W (la com '15) Merc NORMAL IBaird Walter H (la '02) ('93) fBallard Pearl L (su '00) Barclay Harry F (c eng '06) Stu Chicago Dental Coll Barger Thomas M (sc '09 AB) Teach 111 St Nor U 413 Normal Av Barton Olive L (la '05 AB) Dean Women # Asst S 111 St Nor 209 W Locust St Bates Mrs R C (su '02) Home 206 N Linden St Blair Franklin I (c eng '05 BS) C Eng 4- Ag R2(l) Blair Mrs F I (la '04 AB) Home Box 1 Brown Carter P (ag '13- ) Stu 220 Normal Av Brown Clifford A (ag '14 BS) Ag Brown Edward S (ag '14 BS) Ag Burroughs Jennie (su '10) Coen George H (sc '88) Thar 702 S Fell Av tColvin Grace S (la '05) Cooper Annetta B (sp '00) Asst 111 St Nor U 209 W Ash St Cox Fred H (la com '14) 405 Nor- mal Av Denning Bertha E (la '10 AB) Teach 506 N School St Dennis Mabel E (la '13) Teach 514 S Second Av t Dillon Claire D (sc '12) 801 Hester Av Edds Vera O (la '15- ) Stu 402 E Sycamore St felmlet David (Hon LL D '05) Tres 111 St Nor U 207 N School St Felmley John B (arch eng '14- ) Stu 207 N School St Gregory Emma (su '14) 204 E Ash St Hanson Harry H ('02) 7ns 1118 S Fell Av Heller Gertrude V (la '08) Teach Normal Sch 308 W Willow St Howe Ethan H (ag '14) 408 Normal Av Huffington Herbert L (su '14) Stu U Mich Johnson Ebert B (c eng '09) Supt Constr 208 Irving Av Johnson Lloyd E (m eng '08) Deep Well Contr $ Hydraulic Eng 113 E Willow St Lampe Margaret H (g la '00 AM) ( '97 AB) Teach 306 W Mulberry St %~Lantz Benjamin H ( '06) Little Allen (ag '15) 603 N School St Lummis Jessie I (la '02 AB) Teach 111 St Nor U 214 N University Av Madden Irwin A (ag '11 BS Fac '11) Trof Ag Miller Chester F (su ',09) Supt Schs 401 S Main St Morehouse Frances M (g hist '14 AM) ('10 AB) Superv Uni H Sch Moses Cleda V (la '12 AB) Teach 406 W Locust St Petty Dewitt T (su '14) Trin H Sch & Coach Pricer John L (la '07 AB & AM Fac '10) Trof 111 St Nor U 407 N School St Rominger William E (1 '15) TeacTi Soldiers' Orphan Home Schaefer Mary E (su '99) Teach 101 W Irving St Seeley Esther B (la '14 AB) Teach 215 N School St fSewell Earl F (c eng '10) 310 Ma- son St t Strait James F (1 '11) t Taylor Albert B (ag '02) Tobias Frank (com '15- ) Stu 501 S Fell Av ? Wagoner Joseph H (ag '04) tWatkins Albert E (ag '10) Weldon James M ('05) Williams Mrs T F NORRIS CITY t Austin Hallie (h sc '12) Barnes Frank E (la com '10) Merc Boyd Elmer L (la '09) Ag Boyd Helen ('08) At home Boyd Leland E (ry c eng ; 10) Ag Hoskins Carrie E (h sc '12 BS) At home Rl Hoskins Mary M (la '13 AB) Teach \Sigler Lawrence ('07) Thompson Albert A (ag '00) Ag NORTH HENDERSON ?Nelson Elmer G (sc '12) ILLINOIS 987 Nelson Frank E (ag '07) Mfg $ M Eng NORWOOD Gibson Oscar H (la '14- ) Stu NUNDA fGoodwin Benjamin S (m eng '03) OAKDALE Boyle Matilda (su '10) Teach Carson Warren F (ag '11) Ag Murray Eva K (su '10) Teach OAKGLEN Ward Arthur A (e eng '15- ) Stu lClarlc Lewis Plack OAK GROVE Joseph J ('85) OAK HILL John C (la 76) Ag R18 Theodore (c eng '14 BS) OAKLAND Albertson Edwin E (la '04) Jour 4219 Terrace St Black George William (ag '13) Ag Black Lois F (sc '15) At home Cash Paul ('02) Fenley Anna I (su '99) Green Joseph Donald A (ag '09) Ag ?Halsey Robert V (ag '06) Kime David O (su '13) Prin H Sch Kinzel Zadah Z (la '14- ) Stu t Martin Reese S (ag '09) Moffett Thomas O (e eng '15) fMoore Frank W (sp '01) Nesbit Mary F (la '03 AB) Teach Noble Ernest H (sp '03) Ag R3 Odell Laura O (su '15) ?Payne Thomas (m eng '72) Pemberton Carlysle (m eng '10 BS) Lumber Merc Pemberton S C (la '81) Merc Ret Pepper William W ('87) Redden Franklin D (ag '07) Ag Senter Lester T (ag '13) Ag $ Stock Shepherd John W (com '03) 7ns Sp Agt Sr Adjust Shepherd Mrs J W (a&d '04) Home Sutton George W (su '08) Supt Schs Sutton Nora (la '14- ) Stu ?Timmons Anna M (su '00) Truax Ethel I (su '13) Teach Webster Mrs R P (su '00) Home Williams Charles L (la '14) Ag Rl Winkler Frank C (1 '99) Law OAKLEY ?Kront George (c eng '84) OAK PARK Amacker Arthur J (c eng '07) PO Clk 1215 la St Ames Waldo B (la com '14- ) Stu 331 N Harvey Av Andrews Leonard E (com Feb '16- ) (la '15) Stu 308 S East Av Andrews William O (c eng '13 BS) Teach C Eng 320 Maple Av Arnold Andrew H ('98) Buyer Vaughn & Bushnell Mfg Co 422 S Elmwood Av Au Buchon Joseph M (e eng '14- ) Stu 220 Clinton Av Bagley Helen A (lib '05) Libr 439 N Grove Av Bailey Leonard L (la '96) Dist Su- perv Art Chgo Pub Schs 321 N Hum- phrey Av (e eng '15- ) Stu 719 (la com '14) 178 N Barr Forest A S 64th Av Bartz Edwin J Elmwood Av Bell Harrington A (ag Feb '15) (com '15- ) Stu 333 N Oak Park Av tBerg Oliver J (sc '11) 6222 Ran- dolph St Boleyn Charles J (ag '14- ) Stu 114 S Kenilworth Av \Bouchard Albert H ( '11) Trav Sales Franklin & Ohio Sts Bremer Mrs J S (la '05 AB) Home 738 S Grove Av Brock George W (sc '06) Eng W Elec Co 859 S Kenilworth Av Bryan Mrs Thos J (la '04) Burton Clifford K (la '15- ) ( '14) Stu 311 N Grove Av | Carlson Alice M N Harvey Av j Carr Kenneth W 538 N Cuyler Av ! Cary Malcolm C 305 S East Av Clarahan Charles H 822 N Euclid Av Clayberg Dorothea M (arch eng '12- ) Stu 214 S Oak Park Av Consoer George O (c eng '13- ) Stu 716 S Kenilworth Av Crighton James M (1 '12) Memb Chgo Bd Trade 218 S Grove Av Cuthertson George S (com '15) 418 Mus S Scovill Av Deubler Wilbur R (e eng '12) Acct 135 Linden Av Doane Edith S (h sc '11) At home 417 Oak Park Av tDowning Ernest A (e eng '93) B Est 209 S Harvey Av Dreffein Fred P (m eng '12) Mfg . 217 S Lombard Av (la '15- ) Stu 424 (arch eng '14- ) Stu (m eng '14- ) (c eng '14- ) Stu Stu 938 ILLINOIS Dutton Herbert B (m eng '13- ) Stu 325 S Scoville Av Dutton Marshall S (mun eng '15 BS) Supt Filteration Cent 111 Pub Serv Co 325 S Scoville Av Elton Alexander S (m eng '12- ) Stu U Mich 406 N" Eidgeland Av Eyman Margaret (la '15- ) Stu Plaza Hotel Fager Frank D (e eng '12) E Eng Ferguson Charles S ('08) Stereotyper 725 Marion St Fletcher Carl J (e eng '04 BS) Sales Vandalia Coal Co 831 N Euclid Av Fletcher Mrs C J (lib '03 BLS) Home 831 N Euclid Av Forbes Mrs J G (lib '03) Home 701 W Kenilworth Av tFurbeck Stanley B (sc '14) 440 Lake St Gale Walter H (sp '81) E Est Thar Sr Pub 412 N Kenilworth Av Ghislin Lloyd H (la '14- ) Stu 407 N Humphrey Av Gibbs Fletcher B Jr (la '11) Merc 6427 Pleasant St Gibbs Frederick E (com '15- ) Stu 424 Pleasant St Goelitz William H (la '15) 742 N Oak Park Av Griffiths David W (eng '15- ) Stu 245 Clinton Av Haase Elmer J (la '06) B Est 241 Wisconsin Av Haase Mrs E J (la '06) Home 241 Wisconsin Av Haase Elsa E (h sc Feb '15- ) Stu 241 Wisconsin Av Haase Harold B (la '15- ) Stu 241 Wisconsin Av Haase Herbert E (mun eng '06 BS) Mfg 241 Wisconsin Av Haeffner John G (c eng '11 BS) M Eng 208 S East Av Hall George R (la '13- ) Stu 309 S Scoville Av Hanford Mildred M (ag '14) At home 738 Gunderson Av Hanna Bessie J (la '05) Teach Dom Sc 305 N East Av t Hanna Mrs Dora L (su '06) Priv Teach 1018 Pleasant St Hanna Roberta L (la '07 AB) Teach 1018 Pleasant St JHarkness Henry H (eng '81) Harrison Benjamin H (chem eng '10 BS) Chem 216 N Scoville Av Hatowski Elijah R (e eng '14 BS) E Eng 170 N Taylor Av tHoff Rolf S (ag '11) Mech 301 Wesley Av Honens Hugh B (la '96) Thar 6347 Harrison St Hough Waldem H (arch eng '12- ) Stu 227 S Kenilworth Av Hubbard Mrs G W (la '01 AB) Home 1409 Iowa St Irish Joe (la '14) c/o Eng Ofc 50 Superior St Janes Robert B (eng '06) Acct 122 Halley St Jannotta Francis S (la '15) Stu Cor U 170 N Ridgeland Av ? Johnson Fannie B (la '05) Jones Lester S (su '15) Teach 126 Holly Ct Kelly John T (m eng '14- ) Stu 515 N Grove Av Keuhn Mrs A L (la '03 AB) Home 220 S Ridgeland Av Klooster Charles A (arch eng '12 BS) Arch Eng $ Build Contr 203 N Elm- wood Av Knight Herbert A (la '14- ) Stu 821 Washington Blvd Kraft Reynold R (min eng '14- ) Stu 192 Marion St Krebs William S (com '13 AB) Stu Yale U 475 N Grove Av Kreidler Chester J (la '14- ) Stu 244 S Scoville Av Kuehn Alfred L (c eng '00 BS Fac '02) Gen Supt Amer Creosoting Co 220 S Ridgeland Av Lackey Robert A (sp '92) Mfg 224 Wisconsin Av Langston Horace A (sc '07) 311 S Elmwood Av t Leonard Eugene T (c eng '06) 700 S Elmwood Av Lewis John C (la '96) Ag R18 t Littler Nelle M (su '07) 402 N Grove Av ILytle Paxton L ('09) 442 N Grove Av MacDonald William T (m eng '10) Sales Standard Oil Co 105 S Austin Av Mac Donald Mrs W T (h sc '09) Home 105 S Austin Av McGillivray Perry (ag '12) Sales 112 S Wesley Av tMcKinan Howard R (ag '11) Maston Charles B ( '04) Foreign Agt Wells Fargo & Co 520 Lyman Av Macomber Frank B (la '13- ) Stu 511 N Ridgeland Av Miller Elliott S (com '15- ) Stu 175 N Grove Av Millizen Edson J (la '12 AB) Tub Sears Roebuck Co 104 S Taylor Av Mills Fred L (1 '14- ) (la '14) Stu Pleasant Home Mojonnier Julius J (sc '12 BS) In- ILLINOIS 989 ventive Chem 603 East Av Morey Philip J (ag '15- ) Stu 321 N Eidgeland Av Mott Maxwell (com Feb '16- ) Stu 159 N Elmwood Av Muther Charles M (arch eng '15- ) Stu 154 N Taylor Av Neil Mark C (la '15- ) Stu 216 For- Nelson Severina E (la '15- ) Stu 448 Washington Blvd Nordenholt Walter (ag '14) 302 Chi- cago Av Parker Vilas (sc '10) Chem 524 Woodbine Av Payson Joseph E (com '75) Mfg Peck Eoy L Jr (c eng '12- ) Stu 324 N Cuyler Av Perrett Irving T ('94) Bldg Insp 150 N Scoville Av tPETERSEN John B (sc '11 BS) 153 N Cuyler Av Phelps Grace E (sp '94) At home Pinckney Frank L (sc '10 AB) Teach H Sch YMCA Poor Edwin L (1 '04 LL B (sc '02 BS) Fac '03) Adv 607 N Grove Av Poor Mrs EL (sc '04) Home 607 N Grove Av Prahman Charles E Jr (arch '13) Mfg 425 N Grove Av Pray Mrs E M (la '07 AB) Home 311 N Humphrey Av Preble Eobert C (m eng '15- ) Stu 158 N Taylor Av Prochaska Otokar L ('00 BS Fac '01) Chem 845 Kenil worth Av Prout Harold B (la '10 AB) Trav 1031 Washington Blvd Eeinniga Jacob (la '12) Bldg Constr 320 Home Av Eichardson Helen (su '14) Asst Libr 308 S Grove Av Eoberts Elmer C (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1019 Superior St Eoberts Roland G (arch eng '14) 337 N Blvd Eobinson Mrs A F (la '81 BL) Home 166 N Scoville Av Eobinson Albert W (m eng '12- ) Stu 166 N Scoville Av Eobinson Eaymond E (m eng '09 MS) ( '08 BS) M Eng 166 N Scoville Av Eobson Carl D (c eng '09 BS) Steel Sr Concrete Designer 731 S Grove Av Eogers Harry B (c eng '15 BS) Trav Solicitor McGraw Pub Co 525 N Eidgeland Av Eogers Mrs H D (mus '02) Home 166 N Scoville Av \Bose Cameron A (sc '03) Eueff Joseph A (m eng '12- ) Stu 402 Wisconsin Av Schenck Charles Jr (c eng '98) Fact Mgr Elevator Supply & Eepair Co 146 N Taylor Av Schlader Henry M (la '15- ) Stu 123 Taylor St Schultz Carl E (la '15) Stu 725 S Oak Park Av Schultz Louis W (la '15- ) Stu 725 S Oak Park Av Seaman Clayton (la '14) Asst Credit Dept Bermingham & Seaman Co 13 & Clinton Av Sears George G (c eng '12) Tel Eng 310 S Taylor Av Sharpe Alan F (la '14- ) Stu 208 N Euclid Av Shewman Joe A (ag '15- ) Stu 104 Home Av Simmons Elwyn L (arch eng '15- ) Stu 325 Linden Av Skiles Frank C (m eng '11) Efficiency Eng 225 S Cuyler Av Skiles Mrs P T (mus '11) Home 225 S Cuyler Av Smith Russell G (m eng '11) Mach 214 S Elmwood Av Snell Clarence E (com '15- ) (la '14) Stu 600 N Grove Av Snell Harry S (la '14- ) Stu 1021 Superior St Sperry Donald D (ag '14) 428 N Grove St Stiles LeEoy C (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 419 S Scoville Av IStoddard Nina L (la '04) 514 N 64th Av Stover Earl B (e eng '14- ) Stu 710 S Elmwood Av Strong John A (su '99) Prin H Sch 422 N Harvey Av Sype George (la '05 AB Fac '06) Instr Austin H Sch 147 N Humphrey Av Taylor Mrs DP (lib '03) Home 231 N Grove Av Tucker William B (ag '12) Car Insp C&NW EE 137 N Scoville Av - t Tucker William B (sc '11) 307 S Euclid Av tTull Irving C (su '11) Tuttle LeEoy H ^com ; 15- ) Stu 210 N Elmwood Av Tuttle Lowell H (ag '15) Stu U Mich 322 S Elmwood Av Uhlhorn Elmer H (ag '14) Sales 220 N Oak Park Av Unger George W A (arch eng '14- ) Stu 711 S Eidgeland Av Viner Charles H (la '08) Cash $ BJcpr Metropolitan Life Ins Co 913 N Taylor Av 990 ILLINOIS Vosburgh William R (la com '13 AB) Merc 312 S Lombard Av Wakefield Nathan E Jr (la '07 AB) Law 833 S Carpenter Av Wallace Samuel H (ag '15- ) Stu 836 U Blvd Walter Charles A (sc '01 MS) ( '98 BS) c/o Sears Koebuck Co Chicago 317 East Av Wanderer Alvin E J (c eng ' 10 BS) Merc 412 S Lombard Av Wanderer Herbert F C (eng '14) 414 S Lombard Av Wanser James M (ag '16 BS) 335 S East Av Warnshuis Edward J H (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 610 S Elmwood Av Wheeler John C (la '80 ) Merc 921 Austin Blvd Whitney Joseph L (la com '13- ) Stu 1006 Superior St Wood Eva M (su '15) Libr 217 N Taylor Av Yates James S (com '15- ) Stu 325 S Grove Av Yeaton Fred D (c eng '14 CE)('07 BS) C Eng 140 S Harvey Av Young Fred R (e eng '12) c/o Hot Point Elect Heating Co 131 S Euclid Av Young Robert G (e eng '12 BS) M Eng 930 Lake Av Ziegenhagen Walter (arch eng '15- ) Stu 22 Washington Blvd Zoller Arthur C (la com '07) Merc 412 Medinah Bldg OAKWOOD Gladish Willis L (su '15) Teach Gray Kline (e eng '15- ) Stu Green Gladys (la '13- ) Stu Green Roy E (ag '13) Ag Rose Haven Farm Rl Green Mrs R E (la '13) Home Will Jesse L ('04) Howard Charles G (la '14- ) Stu Smith Oron O (com Feb '16- ) Stu tWilmeth Lura (a&d '07) OBLONG Ames James A (ag '11) Ag Buck Oden H (m eng '14) Sales Heck Arthur F ( '14) (ag'13 BS) ( '15 f Jones Darrell C (m eng '13) ClJc i Lewis Delia H ( '97) Lively Carlos A (la '14- ) Stu Stants Bess E (la '12) Teach Vance Mahlon S (la '04 AB) Asst Cash Oil Belt Nat Bk Wall William R (ag '05) Acct $■ Gov Wiman Raymond (ag '14) OCONEE \STcinner Gershie J ('11) Stephens Warren R (1 '13) Ag Stephens Mary E (ag '15) Teach ODELL tBronson George H (m eng '02) Gray Leslie R (e eng '13- ) Stu Gutell Earl G (la '14) Janitor Mamer Mary (su '07) At home maxwell Charles E ('96) Murphy William E (ag '08) Ag Smith William M ( ) ag Swarm ' Geraldine (su '15- ) Teach H Sch tVaughan Walter M (su '07) Whitson John W (la '02 > Merc ODIN Cook Eugene (eng '13) Stu Davidson Scott M (la '15) Merc Hoskin Mrs E E (h sc '12 BS) Home Hoskins Ezekiel E (ag '09 BS Fac '12) t Jackson Ernest T (su '15) Michels Eva M (su '11) Asst Prin H Sch Morrison Charles H (la '92) Coal Operator Woodward Edwin M (arch '14) Stu Mass Tech Woodward Horace N ('78) Merchant Farmer O 'FALLON Budina Adolph O (arch eng '14 BS) Arch Draft Dorris William R (su '01) Cash 1st Nat Bk Joseph Oliver C (sc '12) Teach Lienesch Ralph (ag '10) Ag tPfeiffer Alto F (ag '10) OGDEN Brennan Wintress (lib '15- ) (la '14 AB) Stu Canady Ora L ( '04) Ag JFisher William A (su '14) tFreeman Estella V (mus '11) Harris Chester Ellis (sc'02 AB) (g sc '05) Med Harper Chester C (ag '15) Somers Lewis A (sp y 70) Brik Starkey Albert L (la '11) Teach t Wagner Charles W (su '09) Womacks Wilson E (la '82) Ag R18 OGLESBY Bernstein Charles (e eng '15- ) Stu Jones Charles S ('77) Kelley DeWitt W (c eng '05) Asst Supt Oglesby Coal Co ILLINOIS 991 OHIO t Anderson George P ('03) t Anderson Thomas N ( '03) Anderson William W (ag '14- ) Stu Aughey Edmond J (ag '03) Ag Hussey Stephen S (ag '08) Ag R2 Inks Frank E (sc '03 AB) Med Pomeroy Mrs V E (h sc '07) Home Turnbull Guy A (m eng '04) Ag $ Mach OLIVE BRANCH Roche Leon (ag '14) tWiLBURN Asa J (la '14 AB) OLIVET Hoover Joshua E (su '11) Teach OLNEY Baird John M (1 '08 LL B) Law 403 Morgan St Boley Arthur W (su '11) Teach R6 Boley Roy E (1 '12 LL B) Law R6 ^Campbell Charles D ( '02) %Casey George W ('04) Chesrown Leo M (m eng '14 BS) Struct Eng Coen James T ( '05) 7ns 115 Kitch- ell Av Connett Mrs J B (la '96) Home i Bailey Earl ( '05) Davis Gertrude P (su '00) Superv Mus $- Draw Edmiston Frank Everett ('93) Agt Wells Fargo Express Co t Elliott Kenneth R (m eng '11) tFishback Clyde M (1 '01) t Fleming George W (eng '75) Fleming Rose G (la '11 AB) Teach ?Fry Ernest G (c eng '10) 738 W Main St Gassman Zean G (la '14) Stu U Pa 411 Whittle Av Glenz Mrs A E Home Gregory Julius E (com '15- ) Stu 1120 E Chestnut St fGross Charles F (ag '08) f Hundley Wilbur E ( '04) t Hutchinson Frank (c eng '99) RR Fireman tLucas Russell H (ag '11) Ag $ Stock 603- W Butler St Lutz Charles E (chem '79) IMathews James E (m eng '95) Morse Richard I (la '15- ) Stu 225 E Main St Pfeffer Mrs W L (arch '08) Home Powers Eugene A (sc '80) Trav Scherer Oliver F H (ag '02) Poultry Breed 311 N Mill St (la jour '14 AB) Schultz Arthur E (e eng '94) Seeds- man Seiler Ernest W (ag '07) Mgr tShaw Edward B (sc '14) Shy Frank S (la '14- ) Stu 601 E Chestnut St tStearman Anna D (su '02) Sterchi Anna M (mus '08) At home S Fair St Van Cleve Charles M (la '09) Teach 403 S Mill St Weber Gertrude (la '12- ) Stu 402 S Elliott St Weber Helen (h sc '15) At home 402 S Elliott St tWham George D (su '04) Wharf Dewitt J (la '10) OMAHA West William A (su'07) Ag ONARGA "Berkema Ira J (g '15 AM) (la '10 BS) Booth Chauncey L (ag '15 ) Ag Eversole John L (ag '11) Ag Foley James S (e eng '15- ) Stu Frobish Birt E (su '15) Gifford Ralph E (com '13- ) Stu KEWLEY Mrs James ('97) Home Knoche John C (ag '13- ) Stu Knoche Rolland (1 '10) Ag R2 tLindsay Edward E (ag '04) Lindsey Leon M (m eng '13- ) Stu Search Geneva M (h sc '15- ) Stu IStimpson Edwina ( '86) tStitt William C (m eng '07) ONEIDA Ash Ian H (ag '15- ) Stu Finley Joseph O (ag '04) Ag Mitchell Maurice F (ag '02) Ag t Nelson Harry A (m eng '81) Sundell Roy D (m eng '13- ) Stu OPDYKE Roane Florence P ('08) At home Summers Henry E (ag '14) Teach OQUAWKA Gordon Kenneth H (e eng '15- ) Stu t Graham William ('84) ORANGEVILLE Fisher Lawrence G (la '15- ) (la '14) Stu Reck Edgar D (e eng '11) Bnk OREANA Kuhns George H (la '14) Ag Kuhns John C (e eng '15) Elec Contr 992 ILLINOIS OREGON t Andrew Eddy G ('01) Crowell S Wentworth (la '91) Law Davis George E (ag '12) Ag El Fisher Lawrence (arch '91 Cert) Merc Forden James R (m eng '98) Gants Mary L (la '03) Teach ?Hawthorne Leo (m eng '06) \Henry Maude M ('94) Hodge Clarence R (la '14- ) Stu Lindsay Hazel M (su '14) Teach Seeley Fonda F (la '11) Ins Warmolts Cornelia S (h sc '14- ) Stu Warmolts Earl H (la '15- ) Stu Warmolts Lambertus Jr (la '15- ) (c eng '15) Stu Wilson Sue L (sc '02) Prin H Sch ORIENT Watson Harry F (chem eng '14- ) Stu ORION Clifford Woodbridge K (ag '15- ) Stu Gustafson Benjamin F (ag '09) Ag Lewis Arthur L (su '14) Supt Schs ORLAND Dawson Owen L (ag Feb '15- ) Stu Sayers Gilbert A (ag '10) Mintr OSCO Manguson Maude B (mus '15- ) Stu Smith Walter W (sp '02) Ag OSPAR tLedden Carrie V (su '05) OSWEGO Cherry Clifford A (1 '08) B Est $ Ag tCole Francis W (su '08) Cutter Scott C (chem '94) Thar $ Mfg tCUTTER Watts C (ag '10 BS) Ag Seely John G (ag '09 BS) Ag Riv- erleigh Shoger Oscar A (ag '12) Ag t Troll Ernest C (sc '90) t Wheeler Clarence E (ag '12) Young Paul M (m eng '15- ) Stu OTTAWA Arnold Howard S (ag '13- ) Stu 433 Pearl St Baldwin Aneta (la '01 AB) Teach Baldwin Margaret H (la '14- ) Stu Barry Evelyn E (su '15) Asst Libr 1015 Post Beem Fred C (arch '98 BS) Mgr Tel Co ?Bell Fred A (ag '03) Benson Earl W (c eng '09) Gen Mgr Benson Bros Sand Co 121% Main St Bissell George F (sc '15 BS) Chgo Retort & Fire Brick Co Breckenridge Mrs F P ( '08) Ag Brooks Ira S (ag '08 BS Fac '10) Ag Brown Ralph E (cer '11 BS) Cer 740 Pearl St Cairns David G (1 '02) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg Carpenter Besse E (la '06) 1017 Paul St ?Caton William H (la '04) Clegg Isabel (h sc '13) Teach 815 Congress St tCombs James R Jr (m eng '95) Daly Ewing P (m eng '13- ) Stu 108 E Superior St Duffy Guy (la '02) Surv 813 Doug- las St Duffy John C (ag '14) R27 Dunavan Frank L (c eng '10 ) Stu Ellsworth William B (arch '97) Ag $ Stock R33 Esmond Oakley W (ag '08) Ag R27 Farley Claude W (la com '08) Jew- eler 601 LaSalle St Farnsworth George L (c eng '04) City Eng Fisher William F (ag '12) Trainman 915 Illinois Av Fleming Mrs N A Jr (ag '10) Home The Elms R29 Funk Frank F (ag '03) Ag R31 Gay Strawn A (arch '13 BS) Arch 641 Illinois Av Giehler Frederick J (arch eng '14 BS) Eng 1725 Wilson Av Gleim Mrs G J (la '02) Home 603 Illinois St Glover Clarence W (1 '14- ) (la '04) Stu 219 State St Glover Rodney C (1 '15 LL B) Law 804 Chapel St ?Gray John E (min eng '14) Grot Ernest C (m eng '15- ) Stu 812 Pearl St Gutting Hilda M (la '11) At home 716 E Main St Hanifen John W (arch '07) Arch Nertney Bldg Hanson Russell O (1 '11) Law Harrison Donald F (m eng '10 BS) Hort 1106 W Lafayette St marrison James F (e eng '04) 307 E Superior St Hess Harry C ('02) Merc 110 E ILLINOIS 993 Jefferson St Hodgson Ernest W (ag '05) Ag Hoff John Le Eoy (su '13) Teach H Sch 124 E Jefferson St Horan Lester J (la '04) Law 311 E Superior St ?Hoxie John B (la '80) Law Hoxsey Edward H (ag '06) Ag $ Auctioneer RFD t Irwin Mrs William \'10) Home IKaun Eobert F (e eng '14 BS) 625 Madison St Kaun Walter V (e eng '13 BS) E Eng 625 W Madison St Kneusel Otto (m eng '80) Art 206 Benton St Langman John O (g sc '03) (sc '00 BS) Teach 529 Guthrie St Ludwig Lester J (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu R28 McEvoy Cecil C (1 '10) Law $ Ins 312 Maloney Bldg t McEvoy Harry H ( '05) McEvoy John S (arch eng '10) 7ns Meeker Grace R (su '14) Libr 769 S Mulberry St Miller Clarence J (la '12) Stu Wm Jewell Coll Superior St Mills Glenn H (la '15) Auto 914 Illinois St fNattinger John G (la '01) Needham James (min eng '93) Gen Supt Mines CM&StP RR t Parks Albert H (e eng '12) Parrett Dent (m eng '06) Mfg Farm Tractors Peck Joseph H (ag '13) Ag R2 Pettit Roswall T (sc '06) Med Pool Ernst H (1 '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 411 State St Porcheur Eugene F (su '06) Merc \Prichard Arthur D ('05) 601 State St Prichard Frederick S (ag '05) Stock 601 State St Quirk Michael A (sp '87) Priest Retz Catherine M (h sc '13- ) Stu 1625 East St tRetz Stella M (a&d '10) Paul & Su- perior Sts Rhoads Horace A (1'01)('99 AB) c/o Ofc Supply Agency 727 W Jeffer- son St Sanders Sarah I (g la '14) 502 W Van Buren St Smurr Tom Woods (la '99 AB) Law Snook Earl W (ag '15- ) Stu 714 Chapel St Snook Vera J (la '12 AM) ( '11 AB) Libr 714 Chapel St Sparks Mrs Myrtle E (g classics '90 AM) (la '89 AB) Teach Ottawa H Sch tSTEVENSON Amos M (1 '01 LLB) 425 Catharine St Thornton Robert I (c eng '99) B Est 704 Orleans St Tucker Jesse O (e eng '.08 BS) Oper E Eng 111 Tract Sys 426 Chamber St Van Schoick Elmer H (sc '11 BS) Cer Eng 617 Pearl St Weese Glenn W (1 '10) Law 1105 Paul St Widmer Frederick W (la '92) OTTER CREEK ITerry Theodore (ag '71) OTTERVILLE Devol Arthur W ( '88) OWANECO Large George P (c eng '09 BS) C Eng Rl(17) Maguire Mrs WE (su '02) Home OZARK tREiD Mollie (la '15 AB) PALATINE Harz Albert W (ag '13- ) Stu Humphrey Arthur A (la '15) Lowman Charles E (ag '15) Supt Schs Bobertson Joseph D ('09) PALESTINE Apple Merri G (la '07 AB) At home Bussard Samuel E (ag '15- ) Stu Cawood Hervey R (c eng '09 BS) C Eng Dry Charles L (su '11) Teach $ Ag Fager Daniel B (la '14 AB) Teach Fox David L (ag '13) Ag \ Hawkins Ernest R ( '04) Mgr Gar Hawkins Ralph R (eng '13) M Eng Hughes Virgil W (ag '13) Ag Rl Humphrey Arthur G (la '15) Laughead Charles W (sp '00) Ag Loughery Harold B (la '15- ) Stu Maddox Lloyd J (ag '15- ) Stu Meisenhelder William B (la '13- ) (e eng '13) Stu Mills Ben F (ag '15) Clh t Mills Buren O (arch eng '11) Mills Guy G (c eng '12 BS Fac '14) Insp Concrete Rds Nelson Roy E (la 15- ) Stu Poor Hattie M (la '12 AB) Teach H Sch Shimer Earl L (la '15- ) Stu 994 ILLINOIS Swarm Paula (su '15- ) Teach H Sch Watters James M (la '08 AB) Teach PALMYEA Boyd James C (ag '05) Ag Maxfield Elizabeth A (la '11) Prin H Sch Ogg James B (su '14) Supt Schs Ogg Nellie M (su '14) PALOMA Booth Archie A (su '07) Ag Rl Shupe Lester C (ag '11) Ag PANA Aleen Ernest V (mm eng '13- ) (m eng '13) Stu R3 Andrews Mary A (la '14- ) Stu 211 E Third St Andrews William E (su '12) Teach 211 E Third St tBarnett Charlie J (e eng '10) 104 Vine St Barth Edward F (ag '11- ) Stu R5 Bote William A (su '15) Brown Mrs OH ( '97) Some Burt Mrs S A (su '99) Home 213 Maple St tCasey Isabel (sc '11) Cutler John (m eng '14 BS) Eng El Downs Walter E (com '15- ) Stu 417 Kitchell Av Wrench Ernest ( '91) Gilbert Arthur A (e eng '13- ) Stu Griffith Logan G (la '12 LL B Fac '10) Law Kitchell Bldg Henry Franklin H ('06) Hotel Frances Hogan Gertrude M (su '11) Teach 18 Springside Av Johns Robert (ag '71) E Est 4- Crude Oil Productions Kagy Grover T (su '13) Teach 204 S Kitchell Av Kellingar Zeta E (la '14) 600 Kitch- ell Av Kennedy Hannah E (la '14) 12 W Dewitt St Klein Joseph M (la '14- ) Stu RFD Lohr Louis W (com '13) Teach 606 S Kitchell Av %McCracken George M ( '04) Noterman George (m eng '96) E ore- man Lumber Yd Owens Bernice R (h sc '14- ) Stu 106 S Walnut St Paddock Joseph W ('89) Merc Paddock Ealf C (com '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 800 E Second St Preihs John W (1 '06 LLB) Law McCoy Bldg Eussell Wilvan J (com '09 AB) Asst Cash Pana Nat Bk \Schloz William F ('11) E6 Seiler Mrs Fred (mus '04) Home 603 S Kitchell Av Simpson Frank (ag '08 BS) Ag E4 t Simpson John A L (ag '06) E4 f Smith Laurence M (1 '09) 610 S Lo- cust St Stanton Albert J (c eng '08) Stenog 407 Fourth St tSTOCKER Lawrence O (arch eng '12 BS) 115 Sherman St Wilson William A ('98) PANOLA tGuard Edith M (la '07) R2 ^Hammers Lewis J ('97) tHerr Albert H (ag '08) PARADISE ]Hart David S ( '83) PAEIS t Baldwin Helen E (h sc '07) 202 E Madison St Baldwin Janet C (la '15- ) ('12) Stu 202 E Madison St Baum Ealph A (m eng '01) Gen Contr Best Bruce P (la '12) Bkpr 439 W Madison St Black Beryl A (su '15) Teach H Sch 302 E Edgar St t Blackburn William (eng '80) C Eng Bowles Ida H (la '08) ('99) Teach 111 E Crawford St BOYD Emma ('15) Libr tBrooks George R (ag '14) 401 W Madison St Brown John H (c eng & min eng '11) Merc 615 E Tenbraeck St Buchanan Charles A ('97) Art 223 N Central Av Butler Roland G (m eng '13 BS) M Eng Supt Light Co Clark Harry T ('88) Curl Charley E (m eng '16) Ag 548 W Prairie St Dayton Daniel V (1 '08 LL B) Law 4- Co Judge 902 Maple Av Dayton Susan L (la '09 AB) Teach H Sch Dennis William A (la '07) Ag Everhart Thomas W B (la '86 AB) Supt Schs Filson William F (ag '74) Trav 606 Elm St Fleming Denna F (la '16 AB) R4 Foley Philip O (com '15- ) Stu Box 25 Frazier Cleo (su '15) Stu NW U 114 ILLINOIS 995 E Monroe St \Erazier Edgar J ( '97) tFrazier Jacob E (1 '10) Ag R4 tFRAZiER James B Jr (ag '14 BS) Ag R4 Frazier John (ag '15- ) Stu Gillespy Charles M (ag '02) Ag Rl Gillispy George A (ag '03) Ag 4' Stock RIO Givens Harry (su '13) R8 Graham Lottie (su '09) Teach 424 E Wood St t Green Ethel E (la '08) Green Georgana (su '07) Teach 802 Tenbrook St t Griffin Wiley (la '11) Teach 710 S Central Av Griffith Grace (su '06) Teach 525 Jefferson Av Hamilton Don H (ag '13- ) Stu 601 S Alexander St Hamilton Tom S (sc '13- ) Stu 601 S Alexander St Headley Francis L (ag '12- ) Stu 415 S Central Av Hickman Wilber H (1 '09) Law Hickman Mrs W H (mus '08) Home Hilton Fred E (e eng '07) Bkpr Hodge William W (ag '11) Ag R6 Honnold James R (ag '13) Osteop HOWARD Frederick A (1 '11 Fac'll) Law 402 Chestnut St Huffman Jessie Frances (la '09 AB) Teach Hunter Collett S (ag '96) Ag Hunter Edward S (c eng '98) Grain 4- Stock Dealer 410 Marshall St Huston Perry (1 '10) Grain Merc t James William H (arch '96) Meter J Paul ('11) Stu V Pa Johnson Roy R (ag '15- ) Stu R10 Kiee Walter T (la com '13) Abstract 310 W Chestnut St Kincaid Stewart W (1 '04 LL B) (la '02 AB) Law Laughlin Logan (ag '11) Ag R2 Lauher Paul B (1 '12 LL B) Law Box 264 Leist Claude (la '14- ) Stu 413 W Edgar St Link Rue S (ag '15- ) Stu 610 Con- nelty St Logan Frank A (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 501 Alexander St Lycan Charles P (c eng '05) City Eng Box 323 ?Mc Anally Harry F (m eng '00) McColluch Mary (sp '71) McCord Fitch L (ag '14- ) Stu 419 Prairie St McCord Howard O (com '15- ) Stu 419 Prairie St %Mack Roscoe D ('83) Mapes John V (sc '02 AB) Ag R7 Marshall Olive (su '09) Teach Maxwell Leslie B (com '15- ) (la cer '15) Stu 1109 S Main St Maxwell Raymond J (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1109 S Main St Miller Helene A (la '02) Teach 518 E Court MilliJcin Thomas A ('83) Trav Sales Moffett John S (ag '12) Ag R4 Moore Mrs Flora P (su '08) W Eliza- beth St t Moore James G (la '08) 232 W Eliz- abeth Morton Ray V (e eng '15) Sales 306 S Van Buren St Nelson Jennie (su '06) Teach 524 Vance Av O'Hair Austin S (ag '12) Ag Paxton Lillian ( '83) Nurse Perkins Paul K (ag '13) Ag R9 Piper Howard H (su '13) Rahel John C (la '15- ) Stu Rowe Herbert B (la '95 BS) Mfg 4- Phar 201 N Central Av Scott Robert A (ag '15- )('13) Stu Shank John A (m eng '86) Arch 4~ Merc Shepherd John W (la com '03) 7ns Sp Agt 4- Adjust 414 Court St Shepherd Mrs J W (la '81) Home 414 W Court St iSheppard Hallie ( '99) Sholem Jerome (la '15) Merc 207 E Court St Slaughter Mrs A W (la '03 Slemmons Ella R (su '08) E Madison St Smith Clarence M ('78) Smithkamp Chester A (ag '09) R3 Smittkamp John O (cer '11) Ag 4- Stock R3 Sudduth Waldo B (ag '11) Fin 4- B Est 305 Washington St tSwango Jesse H (ag '05) Tracy Paul H (ag '14- ) Stu 201 E Blackburn Varner Joe W (ag '14- ) Stu 405 W Madison St Wade William E (la '07) Clk Wallage Stanley T (min eng '14) Stu 1603 S Central Av Wead Urith L (la '99) Teach 502 N Central Av IWells Claude E (la '03) Wenz Carolyn L (la '03) Teach H Sch \ Wiley Leo ('94) Wilkinson Daniel L ('83) State Mgr Hemlock Remedy Co AB) Home Teach 203 Ag 996 ILLINOIS Wilson Maxwell B (ag '81 Cert) Bet Ag %Wilson Nellie C ( '78) Winans Orin C (ag '11) Ag E8 Woods George E (la '13 AB) Stu Harv Law Sch 301 S Central Av Worsham Walter B (sc '12 AB) Mgr A L Sharffer's Book Store 127 E Washington St PAEKLANP Terhune Kobert E (ag '08) Farm Mgr PABK EIDGE Atwell Donald B (la '15- ) Stu 208 S Prospect Av Glass Ian (ag '15- ) Stu Box 148 Gurr William W (m eng '05 ) Roof- ing Johnson Marcus L (c eng '14- ) Stu Moffatt Frederick E (ag '12) B Est Petersen Herbert C (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 210 Lake Av t Thornton Estelle (la '11) Wilson Joseph H Jr (chem eng '13) Merc PAEKVILLE Wry an Willhelmie ('91) Minis Andrew C ('80) \Muns Andrew C ('90) PATOKA . . Davis Floyd W ('06) Sales Mgr \Eett Lyman ('07) Murfin Walter D ('06) PATTEESON Linder Leila (su '15) Teach fThompson Perry P (su '99) PAWNEE fBarnes Carrie (su '01) Borgerding Jerry W (su '15) Teach Cherry Oscar A (la '15- ) Stu Conrad Orien E (su '14) Sup Schs Davis Mrs E E (h sc '09) Home De Lay Mrs E S (su '14) Teach Box 369 Farnam Bertha L (la '14- ) Stu Farnam Earl L (e eng '10) Gar Elect Sup Farnam Eva M (la '10) fLewis Adelbert (la '90) McCormick Howard B (ag'12) Ag Sloman Mrs G S (su'12) Home Taylor Harry Y (ag '10) Ag 1 White Columbus ( '78) PAW PAW Bennett Jay S (la '96) Florist Clemons Lewis T (sc '13) Ag Faber Clayton B (ag '12) B Est Girton Thornton M (ag '08) Ag E2 Larabee Charles D (sc '05) Contr $ Ag McBride George W (sc '11) Thar Miller Samuel A (ag '15) Ag Eosenkrans Carl O (ag '13) Ag El Eosenkrans Dale D (ag '15- ) Stu Bosenkrans Mabel ('11) Teach Smith Arthur L (sc '10 AB) Teach t Smith Harry F (m eng '10) tSnapp Frank J (su '05) Taber George B (ag '11) Merc Warren Thomas J (c eng '15) Ins PAXTON Ainsworth William P ('96) Teach Mus Alford Irving S (ag '02) Vet Anderson Emile E (sp '00) Ag Anderson Frank O A (e eng '04) Mail Carrier 511 E Oak St ?Anderson John E (1 '04 AB) \Arnott LeEoy ( '00) Cannady Will M Jr (1 '13 LL B) Law tCooper Delmar G (c eng '13) C Eng Corbly George Y (ag '13) Ag E3 cushing Helen I (g philos '14 AM) Teach Dunnan Luella E (la '12) Teach 511 W Pells St Felmley Mildred H (la '13 AB) Teach H Sch tFroyd Melvin F (sc '13) 351 S Mar- ket St Fuller Spencer S (sc '94) Med Glen William M (la '08) Art $ Jour Gourley James L (ag '05) Ag Gourley Joseph E (la '10) Ag Gourley Margaret T (la '09 AB) Teach Grayson Franklin C (ag '91) Vet Hanford Marguerite M (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Healey Verne (ag '15) Auto Sales Kaar Euth A (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Karr Mrs C K (h sc '09) Home Keith Albert Jr ( '80) tKelso Elmer L (sc '81) Med tKelso Leon W (la '11) Med Kyte John F (1 '04 LL B) B Est 327 S Market St Kyte Mrs J F (a&d '04) Home 327 S Market St Lane Eaymond J (la '03) Grocer t Larson Harry P (ag '10 BS) Larson Walter N (m eng '16) 343 W Orleans St ILLINOIS S/97 La Teer Angie (h sc '15- ) Stu 406 E Pells St Laybourn Harriet F (su '09) B Est Ludlow Helen (la '14- ) Stu 440 E Pells St McCracken Howard Orr (ag '14 BS) Ag McCracken Wendell K (com '12- ) Stu Moffett Donald R (1 '14- ) (la '14) Stu 102 S Elm St Nielson Gordon F (arch eng '12) Supt Bldg Constr 640 E Paxton St Park Jay B (g sc '12 MS ('08 AB) Fac '14) Stu Harv U Park Mrs J B (la '08 AB) Home Rollins Neta (la '14- ) Stu 139 Elm St Sandstedt Emil F (com '12) Mgr Groc 427 E Orleans St tSchneiter Samuel (la '97) IShepardson Charles O ('87) yShepardson George A ('87) + Stearns Albert F (m eng '10) 311 W Holmes St Stevens E N (la '80) Jour 218 W Franklin St Stevens Herbert N (la '14) Swank Edith A (h sc '15 AB) Teach Swanson E (1 '08) Merc Thomas Elizabeth (la '15- ) Stu 211 W Orleans St tThomson Jennie H (a&d '10) White Edna E (la '09) Dram Bead- er White Weaver (sp '69) 511 N Ameri- can St PAYSON Fisher Clarence R (ag '14) Ag Gabriel Carson K (sc '13- ) Stu Maher Chauncey C (la '14- ) Stu State & Fulton Sts Rankin Charles H (c eng '85 Cert) Ag RFD Rankin Luro J (h sc '14- ) Stu Rankin Robert E (ag '14- ) Stu t Smart Gertrude M (lib '10). Thompson William A (chem eng '07) Ag PEARL CITY tEsselborn William (1 '09) PECATONICA Campbell Jeanne A (ag '15- ) Stu Derwent Everett F (c eng '06 BS) Ag Rl Guilford Elijah B (e eng '04) Marks Sarah A (la '15 AB; Teach Perley Putnam D ( '01) Merc PEKIN Albertson Robert W ('01) Electr 106 N Fourth St Baily Earl M (ry e eng '09) Electr Cent 111 Lgt Co 646 S 11th St Barnes Donald J (la '15- ) Stu Beyer Frank W (la '08) Asst Cash Farmer 's Nat Bk Brisendine Ray G (ag '15) Ins 343 St Mary St Cooney Lucille E (mus '15- ) Stu 621 Hillyer St Criss Edward (ag '15 BS) c/o Corn Prod Refining Co Crist Edward B (m eng '13 BS) M Eng 318 S Fourth St Crumbaker Edwin W (arch '07) Ly- ceum Entertainer 709 Bacon St Curran Mrs W R (sp '74) Home 726 Park Av Dempsey Ralph (la '99) Law Fehrm-an Claribel (sc '13 AB) At home 706 Washington St Fehrman Florence (la '15 AB) At home 706 Washington St Fleming Gertrude W (la '12 AB) Teach 1007 S Fifth St Gehrig Oscar T (com '15- ) Stu 912 Washington St Goldsmith Harry J (la '15) 604 Washington St Grotevant Nina (h sc '14- ) Stu 900 Prince St fHawley Millard G (la com '74) Heiple Frank C (ag '07) Supt Cent 111 Light Co tHerget Ernest L (la com '14) Acct 715 Washington St Hills Airy (la '15- ) At home 916 S Ninth St Hippen William ( '95) Jacobs Agnes H (su '05) Teach 911 Caroline St Jansen Dietrich H (c eng '94 BS) Contr Kettenring Henry S (la '01) Puol tKittewinig Henry S (la '01) tKoch George B (m eng '12) Gar 527 Henrietta St Kraeger Bertha E (su '15) Teach 701 S Capitol St Kutsch William A (sc '03 BS) Supt Corn Products Refining Co 320 S Fourth St tLantz Walter E (m eng '00) Mgr Water Co lawrence Matthew (g la '14 AM) Teach 300 Beunavista Av Lockett Lela (su '15) Teach 413 Elizabeth St Lohmann Lewis E (la '14- ) Stu 998 ILLINOIS 608 Hillyer St Meyers Mildred I (la '15) Stu 327 S Sixth St Moschel Louis C (com '05 AB) Sec- Treas Langton Lumber Co Munson Chester W (m eng '10 BS) Asst Master Mech Corn Products Re- fining Co Box 5 Nierstheimer Minnie B (h se '15- ) Stu 804 Henrietta St Nolte John E (com '13) Mfg 709 Washington St Powers James M (1 '10 LL B) Law Farmer & Nat Bk Bldg Prettyman William S (1 '04 LL B) Law 412 S Fourth St Reding Ralph S (ag '14- ) Stu 640 S 11th St Rider George C Jr (la '15) Stu U Colo 708 Washington St Robison Archie L Jr (ag '04) Ag Robison Don ('07) Stock Robison James S (ag '11) Ag Rogers Russell D (arch eng '12- ) Stu 223 Derby St Rust Harold J (com '15- ) Stu 717 Park Blvd Rust Louis J (e eng '12- ) Stu 717 x>p-pv Av 1 Smith Frederick F ('78) Smith John C ( '94) Gen Agt Fidel- ity Phenix Ins Co Smith Robert C (su '15- ) Supt Schs 1007 S Capitol Soldavedel John H ('00) Stewart Melville B (min eng '11) Min Eng 413 Park Av StocTcert William A ('01) Stoltz Fred W ( '95) t Stone Jessie R (su '07) Tinney Loraine H (la '15- ) Stu 331 Buena Vista Tompkins Samuel J (m eng '96) Gov Serv Inter Rev Velde Henry R (ag '15) 505 N Fourth St Velde John E ( '01) Merc Velde Karl E (la com '15) 505 N Fourth St Wilkins Frank J (su '99 ) Law Wise Albert T (su '04) Gov Rev Ser 706 S Seventh St Witte Bertha O (su '06) Teach H Sch Wood Daniel C (e eng '13 BS) E Eng 700 S Eighth St Wood Helen L (la '15- ) Stu 700 S Eighth St PENFIELD Britt Charles A (ag '13- ) Stu Cook Mrs.Emola M (su '14) tCoyle John F (m eng '09) ('92) Duncan Russell E (la '14- ) Stu Ellis Mrs A M (su '07) Ag Fowler Leland S (sc '14) Ag Fowler Mrs L S (ag '14) Home Fowler Wiley M (la '15 AB) Ag Hadden Stanley B (m eng '14 BS) M Eng Hadden Mrs Stanley B (h sc '14 BS) Home Hannagan Mrs A ('11) Home PEORIA Allen Arthur W (arch eng '04 BS) Contr 752 Moss Av Allen Mrs A W (la '05 AB) Home 752 Moss Av Allen William R (eng '15- ) Stu 409 Knoxville Av Anderson Alphon L (1 '10 LL B) Law 205 German Fire Ins Bldg Apple Charles H (c eng '14 BS) Jr Eng 111 Highway Comm R2 Archer Olin W (la '14- ) Stu 1221 Main St Armstrong Charles E (e eng '05 BS) E#M Eng 535 College St Alyward Frank R (ag '13) Cattle Feeding 108 Sherman Av Bacon Bruce ('06) Barnes John T (ag '08) Dep Assessor 335 Missouri Av Barnes Orlin M (e eng '10) Elec RR Eng Mech Dept HI Tract Sys 111 N Frink St tBartlett Sue Herron (su '08) 211 Monroe St Baymiller Claire B (su '99) Teach 316 N Douglas St Beasley Harrison E (c eng '94 BS) C Eng 1315 Perry Av Becker Harry T (sc '07) Bus Mgr 303 Russell St Beecher Howard B (la '11 AB) Prin Sch 408 Frye Av ?Belsley Benjamin R (sc '12 AB) Land Arch 113 N Maplewood Av Benton Eldredge M (ag '09) Ag 223 Crescent Av tBigelow Charles A (m eng '01) \Birket William E ('00) tBLACK George W (ag '03 AB) 1105 N Perry Av Blair Thomas H (m eng '03) Mgr c/o Boss Mfg Co tBloom Elmer J (la '11) 213 North St Bloom Frederick E (la com '13) 213 North St tBloompat Henry (c eng '02) C Eng 200 Rebecca PI Bocock Clyde L (la '15) Rep 166 Fredonia Av ILLINOIS 999 Boerckel Samuel ('88) B Est # L 717 Thrush Av Boggess Leaton M (1 '04) Law Boynton Mrs (la '99) Bradley Tobias E (1 '13) Law 226 Bigelow St Brannon Herbert F (1 '14 LL B) Law 705 N Jefferson St Brayshaw Walter W (sc '93) Chem 805 Spring St Brewer John H (su '09) Teach 3132 Western Av Brubaker Lewis A (arch eng '12 BS) Arch 321 Main St tBuchanan Bessie B (su '99) Burgner Harley T (e eng '10 BS) E Eng c/o 111 Traction Co fBurnett Addie E (su '00) Burnside Elizabeth H (lib '07 BLS) Libr Bradley Poly Inst Bush Frank A (la '15 AB) Merc 220 W Armstrong Av Butler Allen G (eng '14- S Bourland St Cameron Glen J (1 '05) German Fire Ins Bldg Campbell George W (arch '94) c/o Covey Campbell & Corey Campbell William S (su '99) Teach 409 Sixth St Capron Clyde (la '00 AB) Law 107 N Elmwood Av Carpenter Kate E 319 N Glen Oak St Carpenter Sara J 319 N Glen Oak St Carrier James A (eng '13) atre 313 Main St Carson Boy P (m eng '12) Clk 109 E Arcadia Av Cartwright Victor H '(sc '13 AB) Supt Brick Plant 119 Bridge St Champion Edwin Van M (1 '12 LL B) Law 549 Woolner Bldg Chandler Ernest M (sp '77) Live Stock Comm Merc Union Stock Yards Christensen Camillo C (c eng '10 BS) C Eng Chicago Elec Ey Co c/o Carl C Christensen Clark George A (c eng '02) 628 N Elizabeth St Clark Margaret (ag '14- ) Barker Av Clark Mary Chase (la 15- ) Barker Av Coffman Harry A (1 '01 LL B) Mfg 1125 Knoxville Av Coffman Mrs H A (la '02) Home 1125 Knoxville Av Cole Elwood B (m eng '15- ) Stu 1211 N Perry Av Coleman Calvin (arch '97) Gen Contr ) Stu 311 Law 205 Law (su '02) Teach (su '02) Teach Mgr The- Bus Mgr Stu 105 Stu 105 508 Fifth Av Collins Campbell S (ag '14- ) Stu 220 Bigelow St Conway John EL (c eng '11) City C Eng 1213 Second Av Cooley Mrs W M (sc '00) Home 1212 N Monroe Av Cooper Hugh E (sc '10) Med 415 Barker Av Cooper Mrs J F (la '80) Home 415 Barker Av Corrigan Edward (la '06 AB) Sales Mgr American Milling Co Covey Edwin L (la '15- ) Stu 526 Linn St Cowell Joseph G (la '08) Arch Dec- orator 211 S Adams St Crombie Robert J (1 '15) Jour 303 Hillyer PI tDaily Francis L (la '09) Stu Harv U 129 N Garfield Av Daily Joseph E (1 '07) Law 129 N Garfield Av Daily Paul (la '09) Stu Yale U 129 N Garfield Av t Davis Frank J ('90) Sec Peoria Stamping Bur 107 S Glen Av Day Clifford W L (1 '12) Adv 605 N Madison Av Day Warren W (arch eng '10 BS) Arch 606 N Madison Av Day Mrs W W (la '10 AB) Home 606 N Madison Av Dennis Singleton A (su '02) B Est 300 E Washington St DeRamus Joseph S (com 15- ) Stu 115 University St Dewey Homer H (la '06 AB) Grain Comm W W Dewey & Sons 217 N Glenwood Av Dewey William H (la '12 AB) Grain Comm 26 Bd Trade Dingledine Ira W (sc '15 AB) Prin H Sch 421 Peoria Av Ditewig George B (com '15- ) Stu 221 Fredonia Av ?Dombrowski Walter (e eng '08) 600 Fayette St Donigan Ernest E (c eng '04) Bnk 508 Voris St Dougherty Robert H (la '15- ) (ag '15) Stu 116 W Virginia Av DuBoff Abe (ry eng '15- ) Stu 701 Webster St Dunseth Roy C (su '14) 107 N Uni- versity St Dutch Charles C (la '97) Law 502-4 German Ins Bldg Eagleston Earl E (e eng '07) Mfg Collect Dept Com German Nat Bk 2505 N Madison Av Eckstein Henry C (g chem '15- ) 1000 ILLINOIS (chem '15 AB) Stu 109 Greenleaf St Engstrom Charles L (mun eng '08) Bus Mgr 210 Main St Ernst Leslie (ag '15- ) Stu 102 N Institute PI Fillmore Glenn P (e eng '09) Acct 320 Ellis St Fischer Chester O (1 '12 LL B) Ins 815 Jefferson Bldg Fitch Eobert H (m eng '04) Merc 517 Atlantic St Flagg Verna M (la '15- ) Stu E4 Fleming Dio C (su '06) E Eng In- ternat Harv Co 128 Cooper St Foersterling Frederick J (e eng '11 BS) Stu 316 Jefferson St Foersterling Mrs F J ('07) Home 108 Alice Av Fogg Alden K (c eng '15 BS) Eng 111 St Highway Comm 302 Apollo Bldg ] Francis Bruce E ( '87) Frederick Otto (1 '10 LL B) Law 424 Main St Frederick Eoscoe C (1 '10 LL B) Law 424 Main St Fritchey Paul B (la '12 AB) III Eepr Alexander Hamilton Inst YMCA Frye Calhoun L (su '01) Gov 919 Bigelow St Fuller Irwin L (1 '02 LL B) Law 801 Glen Oak Av Fuller James E (c eng '90) US Asst Eng c/o US Eng Ofc Fuller Miles C (1 '02) Blue Print Draft Fuller Blue Print & Supply Co Furst Oliver B (m eng '88) Sp Agt Bell Tel Co 118 N Institute PI Galbraith Ernest J (la '03) Law 403- 5 German Fire Ins Bldg Geiger Mabel L (lib '02 BLS) Teach 1120 Perry Av Gelder Edgar E (sc '98) Med Suite 623 Jefferson Bldg Gift Lyle H (ag '13- ) Stu 1201 Perry Av fGill Julius Q (ag '12) J Q Gill Eub- ber Co 805 Main St Gould Frank J ('97) PO Insp 115 Frye Av Graham Lester E (com '09) Mgr 1717 Columbia Ter Greene Herbert M (arch '92) 408 E Park PI GEEENE Mary W ('07) Teach Peoria Mus Coll 509 Hamilton Blvd fGrigsby Hugh (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 24 Mayer Bldg Grigsby Marion W (c eng '11 BS) C Eng Grossman William A (m eng '14- ) Stu 312 E McClure St Hall Frank A (1 '07 LL B) Law 212 S Jefferson St Hall Lisle G (BS '15) (ag '14) Eng Peoria Water Works Co Hamil John E (c eng '04) Arch Draft 1227 N -Elizabeth St Hana Leo G (1 '13 Fae '13) Law 321 Main St Hanson Eoss A (c eng '09) C Eng Harmon Eng Co 418 Dechman Av Hardin Mrs H T (sp '03) Home 128 N Garfield Av Harman Harris J (c eng '14 BS) Asst Eng Harman Eng Co 144 Fredonia Bldg Harman John J (m eng '06 ME ( '02 BS) Fac '07) M Eng Harman Eng Co 120 Fredonia Av Harms George W (ry m eng '14) 1105 Grinnell St Harris Alfred W (arch '07) Arch Harsch Eugene M (ag '15 BS) 513 Machin Av Haungs Howard C (c eng '07 BS) C Eng 434 Bigelow St Hayes Vera J (su '10) Teach 227 Missouri Av Heald Eobert P (arch eng '15- ) Stu 410 Monroe St Heidrich Arthur G (la '06) . Mfg Peoria Cordage Co Heimeramnn Florence T (su '08) Teach 1018 N Adams St ?Herschberger Harold (m eng '02) 601 Second Av Hewitt Herbert E (arch '91) Arch 321 Main St Hight Eugene S (e eng '11 MS) ( '10 BS) E Eng 111 Tract Sys Hill Chauncey S (ag '14 BS) Land Arch 402 College St Apt B Hilling David C (su '12) Teach H Sch 321 Callender Av Hofacker Olga V (la '11) 317 Behr- ends Av Holstman Frederick A (c eng '02) 413 Sixth Av Hoppin Charles A (eng '01 BS) Con- sult Eng 1707 Columbus Terrace Hoppin Mrs C A (mus '02) Home tHotchkiss Eobert J (arch '97) Arch 227 Jefferson Av tHuber Frank (arch '10) 610 N Adams St Hulsebus Bernhard L (arch '98) Arch 512 Ger Fire Ins Bldg Hunter Alfred H (c eng '09) Div Eng 111 Highway Comm 1310 Main St Mien Eeinhard ('08) 201 Butler St Ingram Henry J (1 '12 LLB) Law ILLINOIS 1001 502 Observatory Bldg Iwig Howard P (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 313 N Elmwood Av Janssen Danella (su '08) Teach Mus 711 W Nebraska Av Jobst George J (arch eng '97 BS) Gen Contr V Jobst & Sons Jobst Jacob (arch eng '85) Gen Contr Jobst Eichard V ('07) Sec O'Brien & Jobst Clothiers Johnson Ralph M (la '13 ) Stu 111 Wes U 332 Calendar Av Kammann Charles H (la '86 BL) Teach 2408 Main St Kammann Elva K (la '12) At home 2408 Main St Kanne Herbert (ag '15- ) Stu Head- ing Av E3 Kanne Raymond A (ag '15- ) Stu 507 Jefferson Bldg tKavanagh Richard J (1 '13) 923 Hurlbuit St Keeler Fred C (g '09) (la '07 AB) Teach 201 N Underbill St Keithley Giles E (1 '12) Law 408 German Ins Bldg Keller Mrs G A (su '09) Home 103 Sherman Av Kellogg Howard D (1 '02) Fire Ins 113 Crescent Av Kiefer Albert (sp '89) Arch 410 Woolner Bldg Kiefer Mrs J F (la '76) Home 1700 Columbia Terr Kingman Louis S (eng '91) 200 Ran- dolph Av Kirkpatrick Asa B (sc '00 BS) Gov 321 Caroline St Klotz Harry J (m eng '12) Oper Dept 111 Tract Sys 814 N Perry Av Klotz Vera H (la '10) Teach 1002 Glendale Av Knox William F ( '96) 207 Third Av Kohl John A ('07) 611 Second Av Krieger William E (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 241 S Maplewood Av Kupper Walter J • (ag '12- ) Stu 601 W Moss Av Kuss Harry A (sc '07) Cash Blatz Brewing Co 406 Park PI Lackland William R (com '11) Cash Grocery Co 304 S Washington St Laidlaw Elizabeth S (lib '06) Libr Bradley Poly Larson Lawrence F (g la '04 AM) ('03 AB) Asst Gen Agt NW Mu- tual Life Ins Co 724 Jefferson Bldg ?Levy Isa (su '05) 405 Hancock St Locke Alfred T ( '97) Gen Agt Soda Fountains 200 Randolph Av Lowry Thomas G (c eng '08 BS) By C Eng 4" Struct Iron Erection 1414 Peoria Av Lynch Harold W (sc '10 AB) Merc 907 Glen Oak Av McClelland George L (ag '13) 700 Bradley Av McClugage Harry B (g chem '15- ) (chem eng '15 AB) Stu 306 Morgan St McEvoy Myrtle L (h sc '13) 206 N Madison St McKee Thomas W ('10) Asst Sec RR YMCA 2300 S Washington St Maddox Wilbur C (g e eng- '09 MS) ( '07 BS) E 4- M Eng 611 Parkside Dr Mann Harold A (ag '13) c/o Avery Co 2239 N Jefferson Av Martin Walter B (su '15) Dir Phys Tr Bradley Poly 305 N Perry St Mattison John D (c eng '15 BS) St Highway Comm 302 Apollo Bldg Meals Robert W (ag '13- ) Stu 601 W Armstrong Av Meek Harold T (la '14- ) Stu 505 Bigelow St Meek James P (ag '15- ) Stu 333 Parkside Dr Middleton Anthony (la '01) Teach 221 Arthur Av Miles Grant M (m eng '03) Grain Merc 531 Moss Av Miller Albert S (la '14) Asst Pres Avery Co 2600 N- Madison St Miller Fred C (arch '04 BS) Lum- ber Merc 1023 N Adams St Milleson Cecil C (ag '15) Teach H Sch R35 Misner Francis D (e eng '13 BS) E Eng 302 S University St Montgomery Max A (arch '12 BS) Moon Paul C (ag '10) Teach H Sch Morris George H (c eng '08) Trav R36 Morris Mrs G H (h sc '08) Home R36 Mueller Louis H (m eng '07) Prick Yards Eng <$r Expert 201 Bradley Av Munns Charles W (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1003 N Perry Av Nelson William O (m eng '13- ) Stu 126 Moss Av Ocock Charles A (ag '04 BS) Ag Eng Avery Co 1209 N Madison Av Ocock Mrs C A (la '02) Home 1209 N Madison Av Off Charles D (ag '04) Ag 213 El- lis St O'Hearn Charles V (sc '10 AB) Law Jefferson Bldg Paddock Charles A (m eng '06) 237 Miller Av 1002 ILLINOIS Page George ( ; 78) Law Paul Mrs E C ( '97). Some ?Paul Wesley A (m eng '00) Pauli Adolph F (la '12- ) Stu 2922 N Adams St Werlcins Mary E ('01) Persinger Elizabeth (su '07) Teach H Sch 303 Fredonia Av Pfeiffer Benjamin S (e eng '12 BS) Consult Eng 1108 N Madison St Pfeiffer Eudolf S (m eng '13- ) Stu 1108 N Madison St Phelps Sarah L (la '10) Teach 3025 N Madison Av Wlank Delmar E ( '82) Polhemus Joseph B (ag '13) Ag 332 Moss Av ?Posey Thomas (sp '96) 303 Seventh St Powers Joseph C ('02) Sales $ 4-dv 717 Fifth Av Quisno Kaymond E (la '15- ) Stu 111 Cross St Eead Edgar N (sc '01) US Gauger 108 Greenleaf St Eeeves William H (arch '87) Arch 732 Jefferson Bldg Eeichelderfer Harry (e eng '14- ) Stu 1507 N Glendale Av Eeinman Frank L (m eng '15) Wood- work 1040 Krause Av Eeller Erna M (la '11 AB) Teach H Sch 514 Sloan St Eisor Cady A (eng '96) Plumber Eobertson Hugh S (cer eng '14- ) Stu Emerson Brantingham Implement Co Eobertson Eoy C (m eng '06) 1502 Monroe St Eobinson Samuel N (cer eng '07) Pres Peoria Film Exch 812 Fayette St Eoby Luther E (eng '93) Supt Peoria Drill & Seeder Co Eoseberry Clarence J (1 '05 LL B) Priv Sec 4" Law 117 S Jefferson Av Eyan Joseph F (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 117 N Maplewood Av Schmitt Jay S (la '15) Stu 700 Oakland Av Sehnellbacher Jacob P (com '15- ) Stu 116 S Adams St Schoeffel George W (la com '10 AB) Jour c/o Peoria Journal Schriner Emma E (la '09) Teach 724 Oakland Av tSchueler Julian L (sc '11) 306 Frye Av Schwing Eoy E (la '15- ) Stu 1619 N Monroe St Scoville John A (c eng '14- ) Stu 605 Illinois Av Sedgwick James H (ag '15) Stu V Wis 212 Flora Av Seidenberg Nathan C (1 '15 AB) Jour 4" Law 310 Johnson St Shane Mrs W H (sp '88) Home Shawl Eay I (ag '16 BS) 521 Ham- ilton St Shepperd James D (e eng '14 BS) 1209 Second Av Sheppard Martin A (la '15) 1209 Second Av tSiebernes John E (m eng '91) 125 North St Sieberns Lynn C (1 '12 LL B) Law 337 Woolner Bldg Simins Fred S (e eng '09) Chf Elec 118 Pennsylvania Av Simms Fred S (e eng '09 BS) Chf Elec 118 Pennsylvania Av Sloan John F ('94) Med 507 Jeff- erson Bldg Smith Earl L (1 '10) E Est Invest $ Ins Smith Bros & Co Central Nat Bk Bldg Smith Frank D (m eng '11) Merc Clark Smith Hdw Co 313 Bigelow St tSmith Frank E (ag '89) 313 Bige- low St Smith George G (arch eng '15- ) Stu 329 Main St Soules Eugene E (m eng '02) Adv <$• Publ 301 North St Sperling Godfrey (e eng '95 BS) Eydraul Eng E2 Spitznagel Elmer F (com '11) Sales 2603 N Madison Av Stephenson Walter E (eng '14) 1307 S Adams St Stevenson Ailsie M (h sc '13- ) Stu 604 Moss Av Stone Clyde E (1 '03 LL B) 1140 Glen Oak Av Stonier Eobert B (la com '11) Merc 3017 S Adams St Strauch Donald J (ry e eng '15- ) Stu 1007 Peoria Av Strawn James A (m eng '07 BS) Supt Steam Heat Dept Cent 111 Light Co 316 S Jefferson Strawn John E (m eng '05) Adv Specialist Strehlow Paul V (arch eng '13) c/o V Jobst & Sons 2407 Seventh Av IStuder Joseph V ('96) Med Sullivan Mrs EH (h sc '08) Home 822 Fayette St Sutherland Leon E (1 '11 LL B) Law 1019 Jefferson Bldg ?Swanson August F (arch '96) Tapping Charles H (arch eng '15 BS) Asst Estimator Wm Allen Son & Co ILLINOIS 1003 1109 Knoxville Av Thomas Hart B (m eng '03) Fact Mgr 125 Flora Av Thompson Almon D (c eng '93 BS) Mun Contr 129 S Jefferson Av Thornberry Edward H (c eng '07) Asst Eng P&P U EE 27 Union Sta Ticknor James H (arch eng '13- ) Stu 205 Eandolph Av Tinen Mary E (su '11) Teach 211 Sumner Av Todd Hiram E (sp '94) Law 319 Central Natl Bk Bldg Triebel Albert (arch eng '05 BS) Mgr Betail Monument Co 113 S Ma- plewood Av ?Truesdale Ealph N (arch '86) Tyson Eoy U (c eng '09) 727 Fayette St Ulrich Eobert V (la '79) Blcr 1515 N Madison Av Uppendahl Frank H ('03) Dent Uppendahl William J (la '96) Med Voorhees Daniel W (la '12) Mgr Solict Dept Luthy & Co Moss & Western Av Wade Fred A (sc '01) Trav Sales 243 N Garfield Av Wagner George W (m eng '15) Sales 1605 N Madison Av Wagner Harvey F (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 111 Tract Sys Wahlfeld Otto W H ('09) V-Pres Wahlfeld Mfg Co 619 Fifth St Wallace Eoss S (m eng '91 BS) V- Pres $ Gen Mgr Cent 111 Light Co 316 S Jefferson Av Walsh John E (e eng '14- ) Stu 200 N Elizabeth St Wansbrough John E (1 '14) 204 Ean- dolph Av Wead DeForest E (c eng '15) Stu 206 Fredonia Av Wead Grace E (su '15) 206 Fre- donia Av ? Weeks Lyman S (m eng '10) 318 May St Werking Laura E (la '03) Teach 834 Fayette St Wharf Allison J (c eng '98 BS) EE C Eng Boom 27 Union Sta WhitaJcer Eueben S ('90) Ganger 321 Pennsylvania Av Whiting Frank ( '86) Whitmeyer Mark H (arch '99 BS) Arch 204 S Glenwood Av Whitnall Clarence A (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 516 Bussell St Wilder Charles L (m eng '15- ) Stu 514 S Washington St tWilkinson Walter L (m eng '11) 1108 N Jefferson St ?Williams Charles A (sp '71) Williams Charles N (arch eng '14) 304 Linn St Williams George A (sc '16) Stu Bradley Poly 714 Third Av fWilson Charles M (m eng '77) Wilson Hugh E (1 '09 LL B) Law 542 Woolner Bldg fWookey Murray A ('92) Woolner Edward S ('93) Brewer 219 S Elizabeth St Wright Ethel W (la '12 AB) Sec # Stenog 403 Dechman Av Wrigley Eobert M (su '11) Coal Deal 808 Bigelow St • Wysong Mrs A B ('96) Home Yocum Ealph (m eng '06) Auto Liv- ery 818 St James St Zeller George A (sp '76) Med Peoria St Hospital Zeller Josephine M (la '15 BL) (Cert '85) 1008 Main St Zimmerman George F D (1 '10 LL B) Law Nat Bk Bldg Zimmerman Mrs G F D (la '08) Home 801 E Linn St PEOTONE Baird Stacey P (ag '13) Lumber Merc t Craig James ('00) \Deininger Fred A ( '11) Stock Fedde Harry (e eng '12 BS) Furni- ture Merc Fedde Euth C (h sc '11- ) Stu Ginter Clarence M (e eng '14- ) Stu fGoodspeed Edward (c eng '77) Issert Jules Philip (ag '02) Ag Jones Lloyd G (ag '10 BS) Ag E2 Krapf Henry A (ag '03) Ag El Lewis Thomas J (ag '08) Ag Linnard Elmer W (ag '13- ) Stu E2 Eathje Paul W (ag '14- ) Stu t Schroder George F (ag '11) tSchroeder Maurine M (mus '11) PEBEY Hannant John E (ag '11) Ag fy Stock t Hammond John E ('09) hornbeck John W (g physics '13 PhD) ( '09 AM) Prof Carleton Coll Meridith Ina V (la '14 AB) Teach Meredith Laverne (h sc '14) Teach Eeynolds Mrs Garretta (mus '11) Home PEEU Brenneman Edward (ag '81) Ag t Brown B Frank (gen '72) Brunner Camilla M (la '04 AB) At home 1406 Bluff St 1004 ILLINOIS Brunner Sidonia E (la '98) At home 1406 Bluff St Hattenhauer Eobert G (m eng '12- ) Stu 2609 Fourth St Hatton Edward H (la '97) Med 1914 Fourth St Hoberg Oscar W (1 '10 LL B) Law Masonic Temple Joyce Cathryn C (su '12) Teach fKennedy John W (sp '72) Lenzen Aloysius F (la '13- ) Stu Plum & Bluffs Sts Maze Hamilton M (la '15) 'Lumber Merc 1710 Second St Means William E (sc '87) Ins Mudge Charles H (ag '87) Ag Mudge Fred A (ag '85) Ag Neurenther Andrew H (m eng '99 ME) ('98 BS) M Eng $ Design Olson Edwin J ('02) Ag E20 Olson John E (su '01) E20 tReam Walter J (sc '11) tSeebach Marie (la '09) 1627 Sec- ond St Struever Carl C (la '14- ) Stu 1616 Second St Uthoff Herman C (la '98) Jour Wagenknecht Frank C (la com '06) Trav Sales 1619 Fourth St ?Whitaker Dick E (m eng '78) Zimmerman Arthur C (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1506 Fourth St Zimmerman Harry G (la '15- ) Stu 1506 Fourth St PESOTUM Bundy Herman W (la '03) Med Cooper Albert E (m eng '91) Ins 4" PM Davis Ethel B (h sc '12) Teach H Sc mall Frances H ('07) Hoffman Gaylord F (ag '15- ) Stu Hoffman John N (sc '12) Stu Med U Cin Hoffman Mary M (la '15- ) Stu \Lee Ealph W ('10) Meikle Mrs E S (mus '01) Borne Meneley Charles W (la '85) .Mgr Chaut & Lyceum Bur IMorris Ida M (sp '83) Rock John H (ag '93) Ag Stephens Eobert B (ag '09) Ag Summitt James L (la '15- ) Stu t Turner George E (la '06) tYoungman Wilbur B (m eng '12) PETEESBUEG Apkin Harry B (la com '07) Retail Lumber Merc Apken Mrs H B (mus '09) Some Beekman Jonathan C (c eng '96) Ag cm Hildebrant Herman Carl M (la '04 AB) Mintr Hueffner Arthur J (sc '01) Mgr Eagle Eoller Mills Irwin Emory Q (ag '08) Ag Jurgens Emmett H (m eng '11) Kirby Carl A (sc '10) Ag $ Stock E2 Lilienstein Arthur W (1 '04) Law t Miles James S Jr (ag '09) Ag & Stock Miller Anna (su '14) Montgomery Ben M (ag '10) Ag Montgomery Charles A (com '15) Furniture Sr Undertaking Pond Henry E (1 '05 LL B) St Atty Menard Co Power Paul W (m eng '14) Expert Nicholas & Shephard's Oil Gas Trac- tors Eobertson Arthur B (ag '14- ) Stu Eost Theodore A (la '15- ) Stu Sampson Lotta AD (ag '08) Ag t Sampson Luther V J (ag '07) tShaw Sidney (la '14) Shipley Ernest E (ag '11) Ag E2 Shipley Paul D (ag '15- ) Stu Smoot Harold L (la '08) Bnk t Thompson Edgar E ('85) Watkins Axie D (la '14) Wood Beulah M (la '08 AB) Teach Worthington Eobert Jr (sc '16) Teach PETEOLIA Blough Earl B (c eng '14 BS) Mov Pict Operator PHILO \Daly Mary T ('10) Doss Paul C (ag '15- ) Stu Everitt Uzz ('88) Publ fFerris Elizabeth (su '11) Godfrey David E (sc '89) Bnk Godfrey Eleanor (la '15 AB) ( '87) IGordy Alva N ( '94) Love Samuel S (ag '74) Ag Lovingfoss Mrs G A (la '84) Home Klindworth Mildred L (la '13- ) Stu tMcClintock Charles P (m eng '01) Michener Levi W (ag '71) Bet Or del Franklin (m eng '05) Ag * Warkman Charles C ('91) Penman Thomas A (ag '05) Ag \Beed John C ('95) Eice Katherine G (la '13- ) Stu Eice Nathan L (ag '15- ) Stu IRoss Eva ( '07) Eoss Gertrude D (la '14- ) Stu Servis Mary E (mus '09) Mus ILLINOIS 1005 Beekman William T (arch '11) Mail Silver Hazel M (h sc '15- ) Stu Snyder Cora E (mus '09) Teach Starkey Perry E (su '09) Teach ITinsley William P ('03) t Trust Gertrude E (mus '04) t Van Brunt MG ('85) tVan Matre Josephine M (mus '00) Walsh Ada E ('89) tWinfield Martha F (mus '07) PIERSON Hughes John W ( '90) Ag PIEESON STA Chambers Chester B (ag '11 BS) Ag » PILOT Waker Walter Edward ('02) fO'Ferrall Eobert Z (la '82) Whitaker Grover J (ag '02) PINCKNEYVILLE ) Stu Crawford William K (ag '13- IFulton Mary C (su '09) Gruner Homer E (la '09) Trav McElvain Ernest C (m eng '11) Constr Wk IC EE PINGEEE GBOVE Morgan Lotus E (la '11) PINKSTAFF Applegate Fred O (ag '05) Ag t Hughes David E (la '99) PIPER CITY t Andrews Willis G (ag '05) Cooke Delmar G (g engl '15- ) ( '15 AM la '12 AB) Stu Read Wilbur C (ag '05) Ag Bohrbach Eva I (h sc '10) At home PITTSBUEG Stearns Earl D (m eng '07 BS) 1445 Oliver Bldg PITTSFIELD Barber Harry T (ag '14 BS) Bates Theodore (ag '90) Ag tBinns Florence O (su '11) Teach H Sch 60 W Muskegon Av Carey Eussell C (e eng '14) Teller Bk Dooey Clara L (su '12) Doocy Helen L (la '15- ) Stu 218 W Jefferson St Dunham Horace E (gen '72) tDunham Nathaniel K (la '10) Dutton William D (la '15- ) Stu. . Foremen Alvin C ('11 BS)(ag'08) Ag $ Stock Geisendorfer Karl E (ag '12- ) Stu Graham Louis T (la '93 BL) Law HOLLIS David P ( ( '15) Co Supt Schs Hunter Mrs A (sc '05) Home E3 Irick Carl C (la '14- ) Stu Johnson Emma C (su '13) Teach t Johnston Clarence W (e eng '14) Kaeser William H (ag '11) Ag B5 Kelly Bay A (ag '14) Ag Knox Baymond K (arch eng '13) Arch Leslie Madge C (la Feb '15- ) Stu tMcClintock Katherine (mus '09) McFadden Sidney (ag '93) Ag $ Auc- tioneer Matthews Benjamin H (1 '07 LL B) Law Moore Nellie A (su '13) Prin H Sch Wetty Thomas J ('82) Beeder John C (su '15) Supt Schs Bush Paul W (la '14- ) Stu ?Shaw Charles L (sp '73) Smith Mark E (la '10) B Est # Ins Smith Stuart L (sc '14) Stu Eush Med Sneeden Arthur E (su '01) Ag Rl Sneeden Mrs A E (su '04) Home Sneeden Edward W (ag '10) Ag R3 Stoner Loren N (ag '15- ) Stu Rl Strauss William (sc '94 BS) Merc Strubinger Ellis ( '05) t White Charley C (e eng '04) fWilliams Clarence F (1'10) Wills Neva R (ag '15) Willsey James G (ag '12) Ag Willsey William R ('78) Ag PLAINFIELD Bethell Charles H (e eng '07 BS) Electr Boughton David W (ag '09) Ag Bronk Ernest L (ag '04) Ag R6 Clow Grace M (la '09 AB) Teach Cryder John H (ag '13- ) Stu R6 Cryder Mary E (la '13- ) Stu Evans Homer W (la '10) Ag R6 Evarts John I (sc '84) Bnk Wunk Clarence P ('83) Grommon Helen W (h sc '15- ) Stu Rl King Grant E (ag '10) Ag $ B Est Klett Howard C (ag '08) Ag Mather Asa F (la '15- ) ( '15 ag) Stu Mather Cornelia G (h sc '13 AB) At home 1006 ILLINOIS tNietz Clara S (su '05) Watterson Grace A ('97) At home Perry Edna V (la '12) Teach H Sch Smith Orrin R (la '15- ) Stu Sontag Joseph H (c eng '09) Steigle Carl F (ag '15- ) Stu STEWART Mrs Thomas ('02) (la '02) Home Stopp Gerald D (la '15 AB) Stu Van Dyke Earl H (ag '13) Stu Van Horn Merton G (ag '96) Ag Willard Adele J ('93) tWorst Herman J (su '10) PLAINVILLE Baker Loraine E (ag '12) Ag El (48) Larimore Edward N (ag '91) Eort Sr Stockman PLANO fBean Daniel H ( '78) fBurson Norman A (m eng '08) Faxon Orson E (la '08) Publ fFreeburn Walter H (sc '05) Gilpatrick Gladys (h sc '12- ) Stu jGilpatrick Leon K (ag '12) BED Carrier tGreen Joseph A (ag '10) tJay Harry B (la '02) Jones Glynn A (ag '12) Ag RFD Kilpatrick Leon K (ag '12) Ag Kugler Martin B (ag '15- ) (e eng '13) Stu Leonard Elmer B (m eng '89) E Eng Sr Contr Linguist Fred A (m eng '13) Ag McCabe Edward D (ag '12) Ag Owen Harry L (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1 Sanders Benjamin E ('07) Sears Louis A. (ag '09) Ag Tate Harry L (la '11 AB) Prin H Sch Tyler Charles V (c eng '11 BS) Mgr Collection Dept Independent Harves- ter Co Tyler E Lloyde (c eng '08) Acct PLASA Andrews Herbert F (sc '90) PLATTVILLE Hayes William K ('83) PLEASANT HILL f Barton Burt W (ag '04) Berry Frank S (ag '04) Ag Gulick Edward E (la '95) ('92 BL) Supt Schs tWebster George H (ag '04) Ag Sr Stock PLEASANT PLAINS Anderson Albert F (ag '11) Ag R41 Boynton Jay F (ag '15) Ag Dobbins John A (m eng '09) Ag Hayes Augustus W (1 '07 BS ('02) Fae '10) Co Ag Adviser Hayes Oliver H (ag '15- ) Stu Irwin George P (ag '15- ) Stu t Irwin Scott B (ag '13) tLaborence John C (1 '12) Ag Purviance Mrs W P ('97) Home Purvines George O ( '98) Cash St Bk Purvines Samuel E (la '06) Ag Strawn Robert E (ag '14- ) Stu Tomlin Harry C (ag '14- ) Stu Witty George E (ag '14- ) PLEASANT VALLEY 1 Thomas Anson ('77) ?Thomas E A (la '80) PLYMOUTH Black William H (sc '12) Stu U Chgo \ Blair Edgar ( '88) Elliott Mrs Carl (h sc '13 BS) Home IGarnett Percie E (la '09 AB) Garnett Robert E (la '08 AB) Bnk Rl Hedgecock John F (ag '15 BS) (ag Feb '16- ) Stu Hedgecock John H (ag '15 BS) Ag Sr Stock Hedgecock Martha E (h sc '15- ) Stu Hedgecock Nellie M (la '14- ) Stu King Burton E (ag Feb '16- ) Stu t Newman Wallace M (la '79) Shaffer Randolph C (rye eng '13- ) Stu Talbot Mrs S M (sc '05 AB) Home tTuck William O (a&d '87) Wear James C (ag '05) Ag Sr Stock POCAHONTAS Brown Simon (c eng '85) Merc POLO Anderson Clarence S (ag '14 BS) Teach Anthony Elizabeth V (mus '15) Teach tChaddock Blatchford (e eng '10) Wlinton Edgar M (la '98) Ins ' tClinton Eva (su '95) Coffman John D (ag '07) Ag Copenhaver Murray (ag '13 BS) Ag R4 Copenhaver Robert G (ag '13- ) Stu Cross George A (ag '13- ) Stu ILLINOIS 1C07 Curtis Homer C (ag '07) Vet Donaldson Harold J (ag '15- ) Stu Geary Clinton G (c eng '05) Ag Hey Henry W (ag '07) Ag Joiner Mrs Alvin Jr (h sc '08) Home Joiner Charles H (ag '03) Ag Moore Frank C (ag '02) Ag Pierce Fred D (chem '83 BS) Pollock Leone R (h sc '14- ) Stu Poole Lillian M (la '09) Teach Purcell Bryant (ag '14- ) Stu Sanford Elbert H (ag '05) Ag $ Dairy Urban Harvey B (sc '08 AB) Supt Pub Schs Wales Frank S (ag '15) Ag t Wolfe Irmagard H (la '08) Zollinger Eunice M (la '14) POMONA Boucher Nellie G (la '10) Teach PONTIAC Aarvig Truman O (c eng '15- ) Stu 1220 N Main St Adsit Bertram W (1 '01 LL B) Law Adsit Mrs B W (g '00) (la '99 AB) Home Annable Neil E (ry c eng '12) By Eng 819 S Mill St t Barry . Pierce ( m eng '10) 605 E Washington St fBennett Lynn C (ag '77) Bruner Mrs H C (sc '14) Home 717 S Mill St Brunskill Eylar W (ag '13- ) Stu E3 Burns Cyril A (1 '13 LL B) (la '11 AB) Law Sr Invest Sterry Blk Clore William A (su '99) Osteop t Cover Eoe H (arch eng '04) Crawford Wayne H (ag '15- ) Stu 321 Livingston St Crawford Woodruff L (la '13- ) Stu 321 W Livingston St Fagan Oona M (la '12) 111 E How- ard St Fienhold Harry J (ag '15) Ag Fienhold William H (ag '13) Gallup Harvey W (ag '08) Ag Hawk Pearl J (su '05) Teach 215 Elmwood St Henion Lora A (la '11 AM('07 AB) Fac'12) Teach H Sch Holland Leila (h sc'10 BS) Teach 618 E Washington ?Hoover Harry H (m eng '99) ?Hough George S (m eng '95) Kipp Eliakim B (com '73) Lumber Legg Clark L (la '04) Shoe Mfg 418 E Washington St Lyons Anna F (su '12) Teach 301 Polk St Lyons Bernard M (la '14- ) Stu 301 E Polk St Lyons Helen M (su '12) Teach 301 Polk St Lyons Philip G (ag'12) Ag 301 Polk St McAllister Marietta J (su '15) Teach 735 N Main St McCabe Marie B (la '12) Teach 714 S Mill St McCulloch William W (su '05) Supt Sch Mann George W (ag '12) Ag R6 Marlowe Wilma (su '15- ) 714 S Mill St Norton Harry S (sc '11) Stu U 111 Coll Med 406 Washington St Parshall Vernon V (la '02) Supt N 111 Pub Serv Co 103 W Henry St m \Pillsbury Louis L ('88) Power Margaret C (su '01) Teach H Sch Schickedanz Louis H (m eng '12- ) Stu 634 W Grove St Schroyer Malcolm E (la '15- ) Stu 621 S Mill St Sesler Philip R (1 '11 LL B) Law 404 E Water St Shapland. Earl P (m eng '14 BS) Asst Co Supt Highways Shroyer Malcolm E (la '14- ) 621 S Mill St Thrasher Mrs H M (sc '10) Home Tombaugh Glen D (ag '14- ) Stu 311 S Vermilion St Trumbo Silas M (arch eng '13- ) Stu 403 E Indiana Av Vail Frank M Jr ('10) Ag Verner Arthur (la '07) Teach Watts Claude H (1 '14) (la com '13 AB) Teach H Sch PONTOOSUC Griffiiths Carl P (ag '05) Ag El Massie Stuart M (ag '03) Ag Teesdale Hugh T (ag '08) Farm POPLAECITY Prierel George H ('99) Ag POPLAE GEOVE Tuttle Arthur L ('11) Ag Webster Adelbert W ('83) ? Webster Albert W (la '85) 1008 ILLINOIS POET BYEON Brown Mrs EC ( '77) Millinery POTOMAC Blackford James A (sc '11) Merc Collins Irvin B (la '15- ) Stu Goodwine Mary E (la '14) tKlein Francis J (ag '12) E3 tLayton Warren K (su '06) Magruder Denton A (la '13) Messner Mrs L C (la cont '82) Home Smith Mrs J C (mus '00) Home E2 Stone George W (ag '15- ) Stu Swanson Sven G (ag '09) Ag Wilber Harold C (la com '13) Teach Wise Elmer J (1 '07) Ag PEAIEIE CITY Sweney Merle A (g engl '15- ) Stu PEAIEIE DU EOCHEE Anderson Isabella (g '14 AM) (la '13, AB) Teach Conner Thomas J A ( '99) Merc PEAIEIE HALL \Belden Earle B ( '99) PEAIEIE HOME Stewart Harvey G ( '02) PEREMPTION Eathbun Eobert W (ag '10) Ag PEENTICE t Hodgson Olive M (mus '02) Eobinson Carroll E (ag '08) Ag $ M Eng PEINCETON Anderson Clarence Joseph (la com '15 AB) 23 N Pleasant St Barkman Charles P (la '15 AB) Barkman Marcus G (com 1915- ) (la '15) Stu 25 W Boyd Av Beyer Verne C (e eng '14- ) Stu 22 Park Av Bradley Marie T (su '15) E9 Bryant Arthur W (ag '01) (Fac '03) Ag Bryant Mrs AW (h sc '03) Home Bryant Lester P (m eng '93) Adv Mgr Bryant Louis E (e eng '14- ) Stu 1325 S Main St Cecil Jessie I (sc '12) Teach tCoddington Lloyd H (ag '14) 114 S Euclid Av Delano John H (la '12) c/o CB&Q EE tElliston LeEoy B (e eng '05) E5 Gibbs Forrest L (arch eng '07 BS) Ag 1225 S Main St Gillham Philip D (c eng '04 BS) Sales Mgr 205 Park Av W Graves Paul T (su '15) Coach Athl tHamacher James A (ag '09) Harris William M ( '96) t Harrison Edwin W (m eng '00) Harrison Eichard D Jr (ag '05) Ag Hostetler Euth (su '11) Teach Hussey Edith H (h sc '08) Ag E8 Isaacson Eoger S (sc'09) Merc Johnson Hortense (la '15- ) Stu E Thompson St Kaar Euth A (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 437 N Euclid St Kaar Walter J (sc '10 AB) M Eng 437 N Euclid Av Kendall Helen V (h sc '06) At home 414 Park Av W Lafferty Harriet A (la '12) Teach 14 S Vernon St Landahl Bessie Arline (la '09) At home 727 S Euclid Av Landahl Blanche T (la '09) At home Larson John C (com '14- ) Stu 215 N Virnon St ?Leslie George L (sc '80) McKean Leonard A (su '08) Teach Mann Charles J (ag '04 BS) Co Ad- visor tMiles William (ag '81) Nichols Edd M (ag'll) Ag E6 Palmer Eckels (ag '12) Ag E9 Parker Harry (c eng '88) C Eng 932 Church St Pierson Walter E (la '15) E3 Porter Katherine B (ag '04) At home Prustman Harold C (m eng '15) Stu U 111 Coll Phar 626 S Church St Eambo Mrs J (h sc '08) Home Ehyne Charles L (c eng '12) C Eng Eobinson Carroll B (ag '08) Ag $ M Eng Seibel Karl B (la '04 AB) Law Skinner Marion L (1 '15- ) Stu 810 S Euclid Av Stewart Homer W (e eng '09) Gaso- line Eng 642 E Paru St Trulson Palmer (ag '15) Stu NW U 311 N Main St Wagner William M (la '13) 303 Park Av E Waits Harmon E (la '12 BS) Supt Schs ?Wilkerson Anna A (su '06) Zearing Louis A (1 '11 LLB) Law PEINCEVILLE Adams Leota V (la '15- ) Stu Barrett Claudia M (h sc '08) Teach Callery Frank A (m eng '10) Merc Edwards Forrest G (sc'13) Supt Schs ILLINOIS 1009 Miller Kathleen W (la '14- ) Stu ?Morrissey John J (ag '13) Snook Helen C (miis '15 B Mus) Teach Mus Taylor Ellis R (la '10) Sales Mgr 612 N Parkside Av Tracy Perry A (ag '08) Ag Wolfe Viola E (la '15 AB) Teach PROCTOR De Wall William C (ag '07) Ag PROPHETSTOWN Crook Albert B (ag '11) Stu Bus Coll tFisk Roy V (ag '13) Forkey Mildred L (h sc '12- ) Stu Jessen Clifford T (la '15) Teach Martin Earl R (ag '13) Mathis Roy H (sc '00) Merc Mosher James B (ag '15) Stu U Wis Olmstead Roy W (m eng '95) Dist Supt 111 N Util Co Ott David L (m eng '12- ) Stu Richmond George K (com '15 AB) tRichmond Lilah L (la '10> Rodee Palmer (ag '15) Whelpley Cecelia (la '99) Prin PULASKI Farrin William O (ag '02 BS) Ag PULLMAN Wainwright James B (m eng '15 BS) PUTMAN t Bracken William A (ag '03) Williams James A ('82) QUINCY Allard Hazel B (la '15) Teach 1508 Kentucky St (Allard Maurine (mus '15) Teach 1508 Kentucky St Bader Will J (sc '02 BS) 1644 Ver- mont St Bacusin Alexis M (sc '15 AB) Stu Harv Med Sch Ball Elizabeth B (la '03) Med 648 Ohio St Balthrope Elizabeth M (su '15) Teach 134 S 12th St Warmeier Harry ('89) Bartlett Bennett W (c eng '09) Merc 819 N Fifth St Bartlett Richard S (e eng '09) Ins 7291/a N Fifth St Bass Ozela Z (su '15) Teach 122 N Third St Bauman Otto (e eng '94 BS) Farm Loans 1626 Kentucky St Beatty Edward C O (la '12- ) Stu 609 Sycamore St Becker Lewis M (m eng '12- ) Stu 1435 State St Behrensmeyer George P (arch '93 BS) Arch 430 y 2 Main St Behrensmeyer Helen (la '15- ) ( '14; Stu 1325 State St Best John H (c eng '02) Law 238 S Twelfth St Brakensiek Jessie D (la '09 AB) Teach H Sch Breitstadt Emma M (la '12- ) Stu 325 S Ninth St Breitstadt Hulda C (la '14- ) Stu 325 S Ninth St Breitstadt John H (sc '10 BS) ( '02 AB) Chem Dick & Bros Brewing Co 325 S Ninth St Brown Walter W (ag '15- ) Stu 1341 Broadway Bryant Martha A (su '05) Teach H Sch 803 Broadway St Buerkin Edwin G C ('08) Contr 1234Broadway St Buerkin Julius A (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1234 Broadway St Bunting Charles A (m eng '11 BS) M Eng 1229 Kentucky St Bush Kenneth B (e eng '10- ) Stu 1225 Park PI Calvin Bertrand (la '98) Hotel Sup- ply Buyer 2231 Main St Castle Frederick B (m eng '06) Ins Majestic Bldg t Chase Harry H (chem eng '09) 1618 Main St Christ George P (la '14- ) Stu 2077 Broadway St ?Clark Howard W (sp '97) 717 Broad- way St Coe Wilbur F (ag '07) Ag R4 Crafton James H (la '77) Sec 4- V- Pres Gem City Business Coll 814 Sixth Av N Dick Willis E (chem eng '12) Clk 1100 State St Durst James E (ag '15) Truck Gar- dening R7 Durst Louis H (ag '14) R7 Eaton Charles M (la '15- ) Stu 202 S 24th St Egan Lillian E (h sc '14- ) Stu 401 Elm St Eppinger Esther A (h sc '15- ) Stu 1131 Madison St Eppinger John G ( '12- ) Stu 1131 Madison St Eppinger Marie A (h sc 15- ) Stu 1131 Madison St Eull John M ('73) 1010 ILLINOIS Farrar George A ('91) 505 Locust St Foltz Leroy S (e eng '11 BS) E Eng YMCA Gabriel George (su '06) Mgr Hal- bach Schroeder Co 221 Chestnut St Gantert Cylno F (la '15- ) Stu 1432 Sixth Av Gay Ernest H (ag '15- ) (la '15) Stu 301 Maple St Geyer Helen F (la '16- ) Stenog U 111 2311 Third St Glenn Arthur B (ry c eng '12) ( '06) C Eng Big Four RR 809 W 64th Av Grieser Grandison L (sc '15) Stu 305 S 16th St Grieser Harry A (ag '10) Ag 305 S 16th St Grieser LeEoy O (ag '12- ) Stu 305 S 16th St Grieser Robert (com '15- ) Stu 305 S 16th St Grout Joseph C (la '13 AB) c/o Armour & Co Grubb Cyril L (la '13) Asst Cash Irving Paper Co 200 Sycamore St Grubb Sarah M (h sc '13) Cash Ir- win Overland Co 200 Sycamore St Gunther Felix A (e eng '13- ) Stu 1269 Kentucky St Hafner Oscar N (arch eng '09) Arch Draft 2305% Broadway Hall Marion (ag '14- ) Stu Ver- mont & Fifth Sts Halligan John E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 800 N 12th St ?Harris Borden B (m eng '00) ?Harris Phil B (sp '00) ?Hart John F (su '07) 1637 Jersey St Herr Charles O (ag '15- ) Stu Rl Hewes Floyd S (c eng '06 BS) C Eng 1428 N Fifth St Hirth Laura E (h sc '16- )('15) Stu N 24th St Irwin Burr P (m eng '07) Supt Ir- win Printing Co 1806 Grove Av Irwin Mrs B P (la '06 AB) Home 1806 Grove Av Kaempen Laura E (la '08) At home 327 S 16th St Kelker Mrs J H (mus '03) Home 436 N Twelfth St Keller Roy H L (ag'10 BS) Retail Implement Bus 1317 State St Kimlin Julia I (su '99) Teach 1200 N Fifth St . t Kissinger Herman D (sc '00) Kolker Katherine J (la '06 AB) Libr Pub Lib 308 Hampshire St Konantz Ralph H ('09) Krietmeyer Carl O F (ag '11) Ag R2 Krietemeyer Herbert G (ag'll) Ag R2 t Lambert John D (la '91) 205 York St Lauter Carl J (g chem eng '14) ("11 BS) Chem St Louis Water Wks 4511 Forest Park Blvd Lenz Andrew H (e eng '12- ) Stu 231 S Fifth St Lummis Irwin L (m eng '13- ) Stu 1601 Vermont St Lummis Merle F (la '15- ) (m eng '12) Stu 1601 Vermont St Lusk Genevieve A (h sc '14- ) Stu 438 N Sixth Av tLusk John J (la '02) 438 N Sixth Av Lyons Florence A (ag '14) 627 Main St Martin William A (m eng '92 BS) Local Mgr Quincy RR Co 2635 Maine St Menke Harry G (mun eng '15 BS) c/o Harman Eng Co 1629 Broadway Miller Daniel E (m eng '12- ) Stu 1519 N Sixth Av Montgomery Harriet E (h sc '08) Nurse 1411 Vermont St . Mueller Herbert Z (e eng '12- ) Stu 624 Elm St Musselman Thomas E (sc '13 AM) ('10 AB) Sec Gem City Bus Coll 2203 Main St Musselman Virgil G (la '04) V-Pres Gem City Bus Coll 2220 Hampshire St Musselman Mrs G V (lib '06 BLS) Home 2220 Hampshire St Ohnemus Albert A ( '02) Metal Constr Wks 317 Chestnut St Pearce Warren F (la '04) Med 1235 Broadway St • Poling Otho C ('90) BnTc Potter Curry E (ag '09) 417 S 24th St Powell Ruth M (la '15- ) Stu 2135 Hampshire St Prante Beulah W (la '15- ) Stu 421 S 14th St Reuter Helen (su '15) Teach 1018 Jersey St ?Roe Fred C (ag '11) 2531 Madison PI ?Roe Harry A (m eng '13) M Eng 436 N Ninth St Ruff Edgar J (sc '08) Supt Brewery 935 Monroe St rump Guy H (c eng '12 CE ( '04) Fac '06) C Eng 1929 State St Ruskamp Josephine A (la '07) Teach ILLINOIS 1011 1013 Ohio St Schaefer Edgar F (la '12- ) Stu 1121 Ohio" St Schwagmeyer Emil H (com '15- ) Stu 1106 Kentucky St Sellner Edna (la '13- ) Stu 1238 N Eighth St Simon Walter H (arch '15 BS) Arch 622 S 13th St Simonson George H (ag '07) Mgr Pioneer Cream Co Sinnock Pomeroy (c eng '09 BS) Contr 4" E n 9 1415 Hampshire St Sommer Walter B ( '90) Drug ?Spearman Fred E (m eng '02) Stone Albert J (m eng '97) Sec $ Treas E M Miller Mfg Co 1637 Jer- sey St Stone Charles N (m eng '04 BS) Mfg 1636 Main St Switzer Robert M (1 '02) Edit 337 Hampshire St \Thomason Conrad W ('05) 314 S Fifth St Thomason Pauline E (su '15- ) Teach H Sch 1009 Vermont St tTrescher Jessie M (la '06) Mus 721 Locust Blvd Turner Eufus P (ag '06) Ag R7 (43) Van den Boom Gerry C (m eng '12- ) Stu 2231 Locust Blvd Van den Boom Leona M (mus '15) Stenog 1117 Spring St Vasen George B (e eng '10) Jobber Elec Supplies 123 N Sixth St Vasen Maurice E (1 '07 AB) Law 517 Main St Wamsley Adalaid M (h sc '14- ) Stu 225 S 11th St Weber Hiram M ( '96) 619 Vine St ?Weeks John R (m eng '00) Weems Charles L (la '14- ) Stu 1651 York St Wessels Marie (la '14- ) Stu 1021 State St Wessels Vera G (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 1021 State St tWiEBMER Anton H (e eng '14 BS) 1502 State St Williams George A (la com '77) Ag 4" Law Williams Robert T (la '15) Stu Le- Stan U 1250 Main St Wilmes Frederick H ('92) Mach & Auto 2084 Main St Woodruff Thomas T (e eng '93 BS) E Eng 329 N Eighth St RALEIGH ? Webber Samuel T (gen '68) RAMSEY t Green Josephine M ('98) Green Nathaniel R (c eng '89) Ag Lindhorst May C (mus '03) Clk Morrison Charles B (ag '10) Stock Ogilvie Lewis (su '09) Supt Schs Thiele Joel B (e eng '15- ) Stu Thiele Ross H (arch eng '12- ) Stu RANDOLPH Munson John L (ag '13- ) Stu RANKIN fBowers John H (c eng '74) Clk Faith Mrs J H (la '10) Home tFlagg David R (ag '02) Ag \ Griffith Johnie M ('00) tHays Cole L (arch '09) Little Allen (ag '15) Ag Patton Charles (ag '15) Ag Rose Elizabeth I (mus '10 B Mus) Smith William C (ag '11) Ag Stearns Carl G (la '14 AB) Stu Col U Waggener William E (su '12) Teach RANSOM Berge Maurice A (sc '13) Stu U 111 Coll Med f Johnson Anna C ('06) Lester Bert (la '06) Teach McCabe Lester T (ag '15) Ag 210 Harrison St Smith John W (ag '07) Ag RANTOUL \Babb Charles ('08) Boyd John W (1 '01 LL B) Law Brewer Emerson W (la '14- ) Stu Brewer Mrs EM ( '94) Home Christie James (la '14) Clark Mrs J F (la '06) Home Collison Louis G (la com '13) Bnk tCook Sylvester I (su '10) Craigmile Charles J (c eng '13) E Eng Craigmile Mary A (la '13- ) (mus '04) Stu tCRANE Eva R (la '11 AB) At home t Cross Daisy D ('93) \Darnell Samuel P ('77) Diller Harold F (la '14- ) Stu Dorr Mabery I (mus '14) At home Evans Frank L (ag '05> Ag Genung Elisha N (ag '08) Ag Genung Ivaloo (ag '12 BS) Asst PM 1012 ILLINOIS Gregg Samuel E (m eng '12 BS) Ag E21 \Grindley Joseph E ('99) Ag B22 Wammel Francis ('11) Ag R20 tHicks Estella (la '91) ?Holstead Clara (la '76) Howard Frank G (1 '08) Ag Howe Edna M (la '15- ) Stu ?Hutchinson William H (c eng '84) Hyde Eussel C M ( la '15) St* tLAWRENCE Charles W (c eng '11 BS) tMeCaskrin George W (sc '94) McHarry Jessie (g hist '12 AM) (la '11 AB) Teach Martin Charles D (e eng '15) tMeneely Margaret (la '01) Meneley Jerry B ('86) Mersereau Lillie V ( '77) Miller Frank A ('95) Merc Box 657 tMorris Keith G (ag '05) Pfeiffer William A (sc '77) Bet t Phillips Hattie S ('78) iPhillips Sarah E ('77) Robinson Glenn ( '93) Cash Bit Eose Mrs F M (mus '10) Home Eoughton Beuben (gen '69) Ag Eusk Erva M (la '08) Teach Shaff Nellie F (mus '04) Mus Teach Stayton Mrs J D (sc '94 BS) Home Trickle Lenox E (arch eng '14- ) Stu Vincent Mrs Eliza (su '06) Writer Walsh Leo B (ag '13- ) Stu Webber Helen W (la '15 AB) Teach Webber Jonathan C (sc '96) ' Phar Webster Edward F (ag '06) Ag White Grace B (la '12) Teach BAPATEE Cannon Tyrone M (m eng '14- ) Stu Davis Waldo E (e eng '15- ) Stu Swigert Blanche B (la '12- ) Stu EAEDIN tFRAZiER James W (sc '02 BS) Ag El ]Lippincott Charles A ('98) EAEITAN Schenck Cornel (ag '07) Ag EAVEN DePuy Jessie M (la '06 AB) At home DePuy Orval C (la '06 AB) Bus # Ag EAVINIA Dieter Charles F (chem eng '08 BS) Efic Eng Goelitz Walter A (ag '14- ) Stu 1622 Judson Av Jones Edward W (e eng '11 BS) E Eng BAY t Sloan Fred L (ag '14) EAYMOND Beatty Joe E (la com '10) Ag Chapman Harry A (ag '15- ) Stu Doyle Frank B (eng '15- ) Stu DuFrain Frank J (la '13) Prin H Sch tGrotts Fred (su '15) Stu Eolla Sch Mines Jones Elizabeth S (h sc '15- ) Stu Moore Zadok C ('97) Scherer Harry T (su '11) Stu %Scherer Willis A ('90) EED BUD Batz Gustavus G ('94) Vet Biess John T ( '93) Bet Med Smith Irene F (sc '16 BS) EEDDICK McLane Erwin E (ag '15) Ag EEDMON Brinkerhoff Siebert W (ag '04) Ag 1 Smith Charles H ( '78) Stephenson Walter E ('11) Ag EED OAK %Mickle George E ('05) Miller Joseph H (c eng '14- )('12) Stu Wichman Charles O (ag '10) Ag EENO Dressor John C (ag '81 BS) Ag Ferguson Henry E (ag '12) Ag EENSHAW Clanahan Eobert H (ag '07 BS) Ag EENTCHLEE tEichardson Eugene W (e eng '09) Eichardson Mrs H E (la '81 BL) Home EEYNOLDS %Asay Joseph E ('87) Bopes Charles A (ag '89 BS) Ag Frail James E (su '13) Prin H Sch t Johnston Boss W (ag '05) Lee Elisha (ag '79 BS) Ag Lee Ellena (h sc '12) Lee Fannie (h sc '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 1013 Lee Izora (h sc '15 BS) At home E5 McConnel Andrew H (la '12 AB) Bk cm tMcConnel Isaac M (ag '13) Ag E2 Moore Landon L ( '09) Shearman Mrs F S (mus '11) Mus \Schoomaker Martin F ('09) tSwartout Cornelius (m eng '09) Venable Frank S (ag '03) Ag El White Fred E (e eng '09) Ag El EICHMOND Burton Eichard C (ag '15- ) Stu Cairns William E (1 '05) Ag $ Law E2 Hatch Frank W (la '80 AB) Ag Sr Atty Hatch Mrs F W (sp '78) Home Treadway Oswell G (su '12) Supt Schs Turner Hazel M (h sc '15) Winn Benjamin (ag '15- ) Stu Wray Mrs Archie (la '80) Home EIDGE FAEM tBarrick Nelle P (su '06) Wenson T C (78) Bernhardt Pearl AM (h sc '15 BS) Teach H Sch Brown Charles D (ag '10) Ag Burgan Laverne (la '15) At home Castle John E ( '84) Ag tCoggeshall Mrs Grace G (su '02) Coggeshall Lester B (la '06) Ag tCole Harry J (ag '04) Cooper Mrs (mus '03) Home Ensor Madge V (h sc '15) Bkpr Fletcher O Frank (la '13) Baseball Hazard Mrs W S ( '93) Home t Henderson Hugh ( '09) Tel Mgr Henderson Ted (ag '15) Hodges Earl S (su '13) Teach Jones Allen J (ag '15) Ag El Lancaster Allen H (su '15) Teach Newlin Florence (su '15) Libr t Perry Nelle (la '12) t Thompson Ocie (su '06) Tohill Louis A (la '14 AM AB) Prin H Sch f Williams Elmer B (ag '79) EIDGWAY Colnon Aaron J (c eng '15) Miller Colnon John T (c eng '15) Bkpr EIDOTT ^Hawkins William A ('81) Swanzey John H (ag '11) Ag Swanzey Lucius M (ag '79) Ag EINAED Milliken Amy E (sc '97) EINGWOOD Ladd James C (ag '73) Ag $ Stock EIO Simms Edna C (su '04) Teach EISING Knox Jean H (m eng '07 BS) Ag E2 Knox Mrs J H (la '09) Home EITCHEY Goodwin John H (ag '14- ) Stu ^Goodwin Philip E ('11) Williams Walter H (la chem eng '14- ) Stu Glen View EIVEE FOEEST Armstrong Horace (la com '14- ) Stu 284 Franklin Av Armstrong Lenox F (m eng '15 BS) M Eng 284 Franklin Av Armstrong Paul L (la '14- ) Stu 284 Franklin Av Barnes Eleanor (h sc '14- ) Stu 241 Ashland Av Barnes Baymond E (chem eng ; 11) Publ 4- Gen Agt O P Barnes Publ Co 241 Ashland Av Barnes Euth L (la '14- ) Stu 241 Ashland Av Barr James L (la com '13) Stu Cor- nell U 34 Quick Av Carolan Joseph P (la com '13) 277 Park Av Cost James N (m eng '14- ) Stu 344 Keystone Av Downs Myron D (ag '15) Stu 250 Ashland Av Drummond William E (arch '98) Arch 288 Edgewood PI Grant Eoger A (ag '08) Baker 320 Forest Av Hammill Chester A (m eng '10) Adv Chicago Tribune 320 Chicago Av Juergens Eobert E (ry eng '15) Adv Gage Bros 257 Lake St Laing George D (ag '12 BS) Sales 283 Franklin Av Laing Walter A (ag '13- ) Stu 283 Franklin Av Ligare Edward F (c eng '14 BS) (c eng '89) C Eng 156 Keystone Av ?Maris Marietta (lib '09) 429 Key- stone Av Munroe Courtland L (sc '13 BS) 1014 ILLINOIS Food Chem 349 Franklin Av Munroe Mary F (la '14- ) Stu 349 Franklin Av Pack Margaret (la '13 AB) Chil- dren's Story Teller 4" Entertainer 360 Franklin Av Pack Mary (h sc '14- ) Stu 360 N Franklin Av Kobertson Walter K (com '14) Stu Beloit Coll 72 Gall Av Schriener Harold C (e eng '13- ) Stu 305 Franklin Av Sehroeder Warren W (ag '15- ) Stu 305 Franklin Av Spencer Ernestine E (la Feb '16- ) Stu 453 Park Av Thatcher George W (m eng '11 BS) Supt 219 N Franklin Av Wheeler Lynn M (la '02) ClTc 263 Wright Wilbur H (la '96 AB) Asst Prin H Sch 267 Edgewood PI EIVEESIDE Ames Albert C (la '15- ) (ag '14) Stu Badger Eunice L (la '14- ) Stu ^Chambers James B ('95) ICratty Paul J (e eng '06 BS) Foskitt Boy M (m eng '05) M Eng Lyon William B (la '14- ) Stu Law- ton Ed Miner Mrs S C (la '01 AB) Home Needham Frank M (m eng '92) Mgr Bademacher Lydia B (su '05) Teach (437) siebens Thekla M (g '14 AM) Teach Thompson William A (c eng '79 BS) Broker Box 127 Vilim Mark W (la com '10) Sec $ Mus t Wells John K (ag '09) EIVEETON Lamkey Ernest M E (g bot '15- ) ( '14 AM) (la '13 AB) Stu Semple Arthur T (ag '12- ) Stu EOACHDALE Cross Mary A (la Feb '16) Cross Oakie (la Feb '16) EOANOKE Schertz Louis C (ag '07) Ag Wilcox George E (sc '09) Dent Wrenn Eobert F (ag '08) Grain Deal EOBEETS Bond John M ('00) Chambers Eobert E ( '00) Merc Cook Ellis ('07) Ag Ehresman William E (ag '08) Ag tEnsign George D (ag '04) Honk Mrs J A (ag '06) Home EOBINSON Apple Eussell E (ag '14- ) Stu E6 Arnold Mrs (la '75) Arnold William W (la '01 LL B) Law 703 W Main St Arnold Mrs W W (la '09) Home t Barlow Lulu (a&d '02) Bell Kenneth C (com '15- )(la'15) Stu 705 W Walnut St Brown Ferrel M (ag '09) Ag Cox Manford E (la '04 LL B) Law Cox Mrs M E (la '09) Teach tDorsey William E (la '13) 801 W Main St tEaton Clifford E (chem eng '09) tEmmons William E (c eng '08) tEveringham Charles (c eng '09) Ferguson James J (su '01) Supt Schs Firebaugh Esther (la '08) At home Firebaugh Eaymond S (ag '15- ) Stu Firebaugh Eichard D (la'15)(e eng '15) Heath Lawrence S (la '01 AB) Asst PM Hedden Oran E (su '02) Hurlburt Vertner W (eng '14- ) Stu 715 E Cherry St t Jones Charles B (ag '11) Jones Charles E (1 '12) Law Keiffer Lawrence E (e eng '14- ) Stu 507 S King St Langrebe Edmund C (c eng '05) Chf Eng V&SE EE Co Lathrop Ealph B (1 '08) (la '07) Bus Mgr Lowe Ethelbert C (1 '05) 502 W Main St Lowrance Eoy E (la '15- ) Stu 706 S Jackson St McCarty William A (la '14) 401 W Chestnut St Mann Lloyd C (la '14) 201 S Cross St Maxwell Jessie A (h sc '11) At home 601 S Franklin St Maxwell Stoy J (1 '06 LL B) Law Meserve Theodore D (sc'13 AB) Adv 504 W Locust St Mitchell Leroy J (ag '14- ) Stu 202 N King St \Musgrave Charles H ('86) Musgrave Oris (ag '04) Ag El Newlin Frank E (1 '11 LL B) Law Newlin Harold V (la '13- ) Stu Newlin Ealph T (la '13- ) Stu 401 W Main St Plunkett Ortha L (su '07) Law Reed Oran W ('09) Confectionery ILLINOIS 1015 Steele Roy C (ag '14) Trav Sales 206 N Jefferson St Steele Theron B (ag '13) III Mgr Kewanee Oil & Gas Co Walnut St Stephens Roger L (1 '14 LL B) Law 206 W Locust St Walker Frank W (la '93) Wesner Elmer C (1 '12) Law Wesner William A (1 '01) Law ROCHELLE Barker Frank J (chem '04) Phar 314 Washington St Beale George D (ag '09) Trav Mach Geo D Whitcomb Co Berry Charles S (e eng '02) Ins Solic Carpenter Jay I (ag '14) Law 1204 Third Av Cleveland Ralph C (ag '15) Merc 522 Sixth St t Countryman Mirton A (la '02) B Est $ Ins Box 333 Craft John C (la '14- ) Stu Eiser Lee E ( '02) Furlong Will J (la com '10) Merc 515 Seventh St Healy Charles H (ag '10 BS) Bnk Healy Thomas F ( '02) Law Healy Wellington C (1 '12- ) (la '12) Stu 426 Seventh St Healy William J (1 '06 LL B) Law Heath Edith M (la '15 AB) Teach Kepner Charles E (ag '11) B Est 4- Auct King Lulu B (sc '01) Merc Leonard Lester D (ag '02) Ag tLurquin John J (e eng '08) McConaughy Edward L (1'06 LL B) Law B Est Ins $ L 1026 Seventh St Menz Olive M (mus '15) Teach Mus 1027 N Seventh St Neff Harold (la '15- ) Stu Phelps Harvey J (la '12) Clk 621 Eighth St Tickle Walter D ('01) Packer 602 Eighth St Simons Minnie J (su '13) Libr Sipe Raymond E (ag '15- ) (la '15) Stu 521 Sixth St Smith Gladys L (h sc '15- ) Stu Thorp William W (com '15- ) Stu 11th St linger Charles P ('03) Merc Ward Arthur V (c eng '06) PO Clk 319 Woolf Court iHerndon \Herndon ROCHESTER John C ('07) Ted D ('11) Kernoll Russell F (c eng '15) Teach Twist Clarence C (ag '11 BS) Ag tf Grain Merc ROCK ? Williams Frank H (m eng '80) 1522 loth St ROCK BRIDGE Rives Oakley B (ag '10 BS) Ag ROCK CITY Vehmeir Fred E (ag '12) Honduras Colonization Co ROCK FALLS Brown John B (g chem '15- ) (la '15 BS) Stu tBuell Charles C (la '86) Cantlin Jacob (1 '06 LL B) Law Davis Philip H (arch eng '95) Acct 204 Second Av t Davison Herbert (la '98) Feighley Samuel H ('92) Geyer Howard A (ag '13) BU Clk 206 Second Av Johnston Mrs R E (la '04 AB) Home Leggett Travis W (la '14) Jour Lincoln Clovis W (m eng '13- ) Stu Meyer John T (la '14) Rl Scott Ralph A (ag '13- ) Stu Smith Helen M (la '15- ) Stu 215 E Fourth St Wheelock Samuel E (su '99) Merc ROCKFORD Adolph John P (m eng '97) M Eng 1405 Camp Av Allaben Everett (ag '15- ) Stu 974 N Court St Allen Clyde H (com '15) Clk # Bkpr Rockford Elec Co Allen James C (arch eng '94) Trav 1436 Blaisdell St Allen Paul C B (m eng '10) M Eng 131 Hinkley St App Charles M (sc '06) Ins Forest City Life Ins Co tArmstrong Charles E (sp '10) Atwood James T (m eng '03 BS) Mfg Atwood Vacuum Cleaner Co 1245 Garrison Av Baldwin Boyd (ag '87) Vet Insp Bur Animal Indus 405 S Third St Banks George S (e eng '07) Fruit Ag R2 Barloga Jesse A (arch '11 BS) Arch Draft 420 Brown Bldg Bartlett Lowell W (com '15- ) Stu 125 Guard St 1016 ILLINOIS Bauer Franklin W (la com '12 AB)' Life Ins 1232 Charles St Bear John L (c eng '10) Substa Opr E&I RR 323 Park Av Belshaw Charles F (m eng '12- ) Stu 414 N First St Bennett William W (ag '89) Law $ Mayor 1112 N Main St bergman Carl J (g la '11 AM) Teach H Sch 624 Seminary St Beyer Charles A (su '15) Teach H Sch 903 N Court St Bicket Mrs H S (h sc '04 AB) Home 1141 N Church St Bigelow Mary C (lib '10 BLS) (la '99 AB) Libr 324 N Horsman St Biggers LeRoy (ag '08) Ag Bissekumer Roger M (sc '12- ) Stu Marquette Med Sch 1136 Crosby St Blake John D (la '15) Mfg 404 Elm St Bradley Harold S (arch eng '15 BS) Struct Eng 520 Brown Bldg ?Brand Carl W (la '05) Brands Edgar G (la '11 AB) Edit The Morning Star Briggs Claude P (la '01 AB) Teach 428 Napoleon St Brolin Marion T (la '15- ) Stu 215 East St Brown Pembroke H (g econ '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 115 Oakwood Av Brown Roy H (1 '08 LL B) (la '06 AB) Law 317 W State St Campfield William S ('01) Carbaugh Philip W (la '14- ) Stu 709 Mulberry St ?Carey Will G (la '97) Carpenter Frank A (arch '94) Arch 420 Brown Bldg Carpenter Fred E (ag '90) Law 303 S First St Carter Roy R (e eng '12 BS Fac '12) C Eng 328 Kent St Chapman Arms S (la '88) Jour 1315 Andrews* St Christophersen Stanley M (g eng '15- ) Stu 327 S Third St Cleveland Warren E (eng '14- ) Stu 211 Forest Av Comstock Helen B (h sc '14 AB) Teach H Sch ?Conley Charles C (su '06) Cooling Kenneth G (arch eng '14- ) Stu 630 N Court St Cotta Homer W (ag '14- ) Stu Webster Av Cotta Ralph L (ag '14- ) Stu Webster Av fCowles Clarence G (e eng '08) Craig Arthur G (m eng '03) Ins East St 211 211 135 tCutting Harold S (m eng '13) 512 Walnut St tDay Hebert W (e eng '03) Dewey Elmer C (com '15- )(la'15) Stu 419 N First St Dewey Ritchie P (com '13) Dewey Auto Co 419 N First St DuFrain Frank J (la '13) Teach H Sch Edgar Gregory B (la '11 AB) Jour Rockford Star Elvidge Ross E (ag '11) Stu U 111 Coll Med 1129 School St Ericson Norman E (m eng '11) M Eng 1203 Tenth St Erwin Elizabeth (h sc '15) At home 212 N Central Av Essington Arthur V (1 '14 LL B) Teach H Sch 610 Park Av Essington Mrs A ■ V (mus'll)('14 Cert Pub Sch Mus) Home 610 Park Av Eyman Mrs Ralph I (h sc '14 AB) Home 218 Paris Av Ferguson Charles W ( '80) Law Fillmore James G (1 '09 LL B) Law 622 N Second St Fitch Howard J (ag '13- ) Stu R3 Folgate Homer E ('11) ClTc 1622 Peach St Ford Edith H (lib '13 BLS) Asst Pub Lib 969 N Court St Ford Nellie C (la '14) Sec to Supt Schs 1520 W State St Fox James R (c eng '05) Barber 725 N Court St Frisbie Leigh A (ag '10) Ag R7 Frost Walter K (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 712 N Court St Gallagher Fred B (mun eng '14- ) Stu 840 Woodlawn Av Gallagher George R (la '05 AB) Law 312 W State St Garrett Donald B (la '15- ) Stu 1518 National Av Garver Earl (ag '11 BS Fac '12) 1103 S Main St t Garver Frank S ('04) geyer Denton L (g philos '14 PhD Fac '14) Teach H Sch 537 N Court St Gill Thomas E (la '07 AB) Law 517 Ashton Bldg Goldman Ellis R (c eng '15 BS) Insp Eng 313 John St Grantz Raymond L (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 512 College Av Green Harry L (m eng '06) Mfg 121 Glen Rd Green LeRoy M (la '01) Law 3rd Nat Bnk Bldg Gregg Walter N (la '10) Adv Rock- ford Printing Co 226 N Church St ILLINOIS 1017 Grover Donald D (eng '14) Carpen- ter 1411 Harlem Blvd Hall Emory G (la com '13- ) Stu 222 N Fourth St Hancock Glen E (la '12) Jour 930 Eockton Av Hauter Andrew E (1 '03 LL B) Law Hauter Lena B (la '04) Cllc NY Life Ins Co 1044 Bockton Av Hazen Gladys M (h sc '15- ) Stu E9 meath Harold T ('11) Hildebrand Arthur J (la '13) 117 Barker PI fHolland James A (c eng '10) 1413 11th St HOLLINSHEAD Melvin A ('13) Sales Hoover Jacob F (ag '10) Merc Howe Harry H (ag '06) Vet Mor- gan St Hubbard William F (m eng '12) Stu U Ore 1014 N Church St Huffman Eugene S (la '15) Chem Barber & Coleman Co 844 Haskell Av Hull Walker F (1 '11 LL B) (la '10 AB) Law Mfg Nat Bk Bldg t Hunter Anne S (su '07) Teach H Sch Hunter David Jr (ag '10) Ag R4 tHunter Mary S (su '06) 222 S Third St Johns Frank A (ag '14) Ag B6 Johns Marion E (la '15- ) Stu R6 Johns Wilford E (ag '14 BS) B6 Rockcliffe Farm johns Mrs E W ('14 AM) Home E6 Johnson Albert M (m eng '03 BS) Supt Banner Drill Co 611 Auburn St Jones Milton D (e eng '15 BS) Teach Keig Frank M (ag '12) IC RE Frt Ofc 328 N Third St ?Keyes Bliss W (ag '07) 1924 E State St Kile Billye (com '15- ) Stu 634 N Church St Kile Kathryn L (su '07) Sec 634 N Church St Kile La Ehue (la '14- ) Stu $ St&nog U 111 634 N Church St Kimball Frank S (la '15- ) Stu 710 N Winnebago St King James C (arch eng '15- ) Stu 622 N Main St Kirk Howard E (arch eng '12) Car- penter 224 N Henrietta Av Knight Bradley J (1 '10 LL B) Law 419 W State St ?Koestner William (c eng '10 BS) 618 Peach St Kottman Benjamin F O (la com '11) Ofc Mgr 207 N Winnebago St Lamont James W (m eng '15- ) Stu 1239 E State St t Landry Adelbert J (c eng '13) 425 W State St Lange Lloyd H (c eng '13) Plant Dept Bell Tel Co 222 N Court St Langwill Bertha (su '15) Stu Bock- ford Coll 1413 W State St Lanning Edgar G (ag '03) Gov 404 Albert Av Large Shelby L (la '07) Law 128 Eoyal Av Larson Eoy H (e eng '11) M Eng 525 S Third St Leach Eobert L (ag '15- ) Stu 218 S Prospect St Lewis John T (arch eng '13- ) Stu 312 Elm St Lewis Philip H (la '10) Law 210 N Wyman St Lewis Philo O (1 '07) Clk 1618 Kishwaukee St Lindsay Horace W (e eng '12- ) Stu 220 Guard St Link Hilah J (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 809 Garfield Av Linn Margaret B (h sc '04) lnsp Hyg Pub Schs 814 N Court St Little LeEoy L (la '11 AB & AM) Bepr NY Tribune 623 Oak St Loos Alfred J (su '14) Teach H Sch Lundgren Arnold A (c eng '15- ) Stu 1234 Fourth Av McBarron Mrs Henry ('93) Home 204 Irving Av Mackey James C (ag '15- ) Stu 436 Jetson Av McLee Edward B (arch eng '14- ) Stu 204 S Avon St Maffioli Frank E ('06) Asst Mgr Palm Amusement Co Main Howard H (c eng '15- ) Stu 953 N Court St MAESHALL Euth ( '11) Head Dept Biol Eockford Coll Maynard Franw E (1'10) Law 1227 Garrison Av Morrison Willa A (mus '11) At home 129 Lawn PI fNelson Emma E (la '01) Nilson David V (arch eng '07) Sec 4- Treas Forest City Overall Mfg Co 219 Sanders Av Norris Albert C (su '09) Teach 110 Stanley St Parker Henry B (ag '12) Ins 633 N Church St Parker Mrs H B (mus '12) Home 633 N Church St Parr William E ('04) 1046 W State 1018 ILLINOIS St Pearman Arthur C (com '08 AB) Med Brown Bldg Pierce Mrs E M (la '96) Superv Mus Schs 318 S Madison St Pratt William C (arch ei»g '15) Struct Eng Emerson Brantingham Co 2001 E State St Price Raymond L (e eng '14- ) Stu 520 N Prospect St Pyle Laura L (su '10) Teach 1221 Burton Av Bang Carl K (1 '14- ) (la '14 AB) Stu 610 Park Av ?Ray Arthur E (e eng '07 BS) Reber Edwin P (m eng '14) M Eng Cotta-Transm Co 814 19 S Main St Redin Reuben E (m eng '07) Mach meed Frank M (sp '75) Robinson Henry D (la '13) Acct Bar- ber Colman Co 515 S Second St Rogers Mrs N C (la '05) Home 916 Garfield Blvd ?St John Homer E (sc '07) Sandehn Casper W (la '15) 1514 E State St Sargent Issac C (la '77) Mexican Timber Lands 522 Rockton Av Sawyer William W (phar '80) Mfg Rockford Wall Plaster Co 826 N Main St Schultz Hazel M (h sc '14 BS) Teach 830 N Main St Shapley Ralph P (ag '14- ) Stu 1003 S Winnebago St Sheldon Nelson E (arch eng '14- ) Stu 404 Oakley Av Slade Byron A (sc '81 BS) Phar 1027 Spafford Av Slade Katherine C (la '15- ) Stu 1027 Spafford Av Smith Barton L (la com '03) Merc 947 N Court St Smith George H (c eng '10 BS) c/o Rockford Interurban Co R9 Snow Lester J (m eng '92) Publ Spear Helen E (h sc '15- ) Stu 1402 W State St Squier George K (m eng '13- ) 528 College Av Squier Leon W (m eng '13) Tracing Dept Bratingham Co 1813 Camp Av Stockenberg Ruben (m eng '15- ) Stu 1920 Kishwaukee St Storey F Stanley (la com '15) 768 N Second St tSuter Eliza (su '04) 124 S Chicago Av Sweeny Perry J (e eng '15 BS) Draft Rockford Elec Co 540 N Court St Ten Eyck Lloyd E (ag '15) Lime- stone Wk R9 Thomas Harry A (ag '14- ) Stu 1251 Garrison Av t Thomas Raymond R (la com '12 AB) 1251 Garrison Av upson Lent D (g pol sc '11 PhD) Res 724 Kilburn Av Utter Henry B (arch eng '13- ) Stu 708 Peach St Van Cleve Laura L (la '12 AB) Teach H Sch Voeks Forrest (la com '14- ) Stu 1837 Camp Av Wagner Frank H (ag '15- ) Stu R6 IWallaver Jennie E (h sc '05) 1017 Benton St Wallin Clarence H (m eng '03) Jour 1140 Fifth Av Ward Francis H (chem eng '13) Trav Sales 524 N First St Weingartner Clyde F (arch eng '15 BS) Drafts Dept Bldg IC RR 1526 E 65th PI Welsh Roger T (ag '15 BS) Ag 1704 National Av White Frank L (m eng '14 BS) Eng 510 N Church St White John J (sp '79) Bet 419 Hinkley Av Whitten Mabel D (su '15) Teach R5 Williams Floyd E (m eng '13- ) Stu 1107 Harlew Blvd Williams Howard I (e eng '13) Clh 1422 School St Wilson Bernice C (h sc '14 AB) Dir H Sch Lunch Room 304 N Third St Winn George L (la com '72) Med Woodward Claude A (ag '07) Carp- enter fy Build 917 North Av Wray Charles W (ag '12- ) Stu 1421 Elm St Wray Harriette (la '05 AB) Teach 1421 Elm St Wray Helen R (sc '05) Grad Nurse 1421 Elm St Wright Bernice (la '14 AB) Teach Wright Clarence B (m eng '01) Cash # Ofc Mgr R 9 N Second St Yates Margaret D (la '09) 946 Grant Av • ROCK GROVE Shippy Claire T (ag '12) Ag ROCK ISLAND Anderson Carl L (su '15) Dir Athl H Sch 4503 Ninth Av Appelquist Jerome G (c eng '00 BS) By C Eng 1620 Third Av Armstrong James W (m eng '93) Mfg 1822 30th St Asay Joseph E ( '87) Med 1123 16th St ILLINOIS 1019 Atkinson Oloff (arch '90) Mfg 2414 12th St Barker Edward F (m eng '12- ) Stu 24y 2 St Barker William C (com '15) 429 Seventh Av fBarnhart John C (arch '95) 704 20th St Bassett John B (c eng '95) C Eng US Eng Ofc Bemhardi Carl O (la '98) Med 506 18th St BirJcel Lloyd O ('09) Mach 735 15th St Wlock Benjamin ( '84) Bluer Bernard F (ag '15) 1702 Sec- ond Av Bohnsen Mrs F W (la '96) Home 723 20th St Bregger Bernard H (la '14- ) Stu 1608 15th St Bregger Thomas (ag '10 BS Fac '15) Stu Cor U 1731 20th Av Brinkerhoff Verne W (la '16 BS) (m eng '10) 902 22nd St Bruner Philip R (la '15- ) Stu 1116 22nd St Burgess Ralph R (eng '04 BS) Arch 301 Robinson Bldg Carpenter Charles H (ag '03) Plumb- er 19th St Cline Albert R (ag '15- ) Stu 2408 Seventh Av Collins Herbert K (arch eng '05) Contr 4 Mfg 413 Safety Bldg Collins Mrs H K (lib '05 BLS) Home 103 Sala Apts Collins Roy T (arch eng '09) Gen Contr 413 Safety Bldg Conrad Roy M (su '15; Teach Au- gustana Coll Cook Harry V (e eng '93) 801 Fourth Av tDart Worthy L (arch eng '97) Ag 4- Grain Merc 611 22nd St tDooley Hubbard E (la com '14) 2402 Seventh Av ?Dowe Arthur W (c eng '72) Edwards Adrian C (1 '13) Law 305 Safety Bldg \Frey Joseph C ('01) Fry Ellwood R (ag '13) Hist Mgr Edison Disc Co 2916 13th Av Gest Benjamin (arch eng '12 BS) Arch 1203 Second Av Glass Will (e eng '15- ) Stu 2729 Seventh Av Harms Arthur H (la '08) Steward Hotel Harms Hart William E (ag '11 BS) Audit Dept Mod Wood Amer 1028 16th St Hart Mrs WE (h sc '08 AB) Home 1028 16th St Hasselquist Egbert J (m eng '12 BS) Draft 3427 9% Av Hayes Dale E ('08) Min Eng 930 17th St Hazard Lee H (c eng '08 BS) M Eng 1038 17th St \Heinbeck Herman ('08) Contr 922 Third Av Hoffman Robert H (m eng '07) Acct 1612 29th St Honderick Francis I (e eng '12) M Eng Draft 4215 Seventh Av Horst Anton E (m eng '11 BS) Gen Contr Horst Bldg Horst Henry T (arch eng '11) Mgr Auto Mfg 1417 Second Av Hubbart Curtis C (c eng '09 BS) Co Surv 4- C Eng 945 43rd St Hubbart Mrs CM (sc '77) Home 945 43rd St tHuber Otta (la '83) Johnson Esley E (la com '10 AB) Wood Fixturs Mfg 705 38th St Johnson Mrs E E (mus '03) Home 705 38th St Johnson Harriette A (la '93 BL) At home 1132 First Av Kaupke Lee H (m eng '09) Designer Plow Co 1519 10th Av Ken worthy Charlotte F (la '90) ?King Charles S (e eng '13) 1040 16th St Klove Fremont M ( '10) B Est 4 Ins Central Trust & Sav Bk Bldg Larkin Williard F (m eng '15- ) Stu 556 30th St Larson Karl G (su '15) Instr Au- gustana Coll Lattner Ulysses S (m eng '15- ) Stu 1406 14th St Leonard Henry P ( '07) Foreman Exp Dept RI Plow Co 610 14th Av Lerch Edward (arch eng '13- ) Stu 431 Fourth St Liitt Leon B (c eng '08) Bnk 720 21st St Livingston Albert K (com '15- ) (min eng '15) Stu 2514 Eighth Av Lundeen Curt C (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1133 15th St McCall Frank S (sc '12) Prin Sch 1603 28th St McCaskrin Harry M (sc '94 BS) Law 1700 E Second Av ?McDannell Urillo S (c eng '72) McLane Mrs Blanche K (arch '97) 3025 Tenth Av McLane Cyrus D (arch '92 BS Fac '04) Arch 301 Robinson Bldg 1020 ILLINOIS McLane Mrs C D (arch '96) Home 3025 10th Av Marshall Robert D (com '14- ) Stu 559 26th St tMcManus David E (m eng '07) 614 38th St McNamara James L (la '14- ) Stu 1005 20th St Maucker Mrs J W (la '09 AB) Home 507 Best Bldg tMEYER William (sc '12 BS) 926 Tenth Av fMiller Jacob C (su '05) 2015 Sixth Av t Mitchell Harry S (m eng '04) t Mueller August G (e eng '07) Nicholas Edward E (m eng '09) Mech Draft 2907 Seventh Av \Nourse Eobert ( '07) Nye Charles A (e eng '10 BS) Surv c/o US Engineer Olmstead Margaret (g latin '15- ) Stu 612 30th St Wsterman Axel H ('04) 4504 5th Av Payne Ben (m eng '96) Law c/o Senator Payne Payne Apts Perrin George G (su '02) Law ?Porter George F (m eng '02) \Baines Guy H ('03) 518 39th St Ralston Hugh A (la '10) Sales War- nock & Ralston Co Eeeves Harley E (c eng '95 BS) C Eng US Eng Ofc Richards Albert L (c eng '87 Cert) US Asst Eng Federal Bldg \Eoche Edward F ('97) 431 12th St Eochow Carl J F (sc '00 BS) Med 823% 20th St Eonderick Mrs F I (la '13) Home 4215 Seventh Av Schoessel Carl A (m eng '13 BS) Mfg 2828 Seventh Av Schoessel Waldo E (ag '15) Stu 1230 20th St tSchreimer Harry (m eng '99) Schroeder William B (1 '14) RFD scott Eleanor B (la '10 AM) Teach 1617 11th Av ?Sinnett Thomas P (la '09 AB) 103 23rd St Skarstedt Marcus (lib '11 BLS) Libr 4- Coll Prof 4115 Seventh Av Smedley Ealph C ('96) Specialist Ofc C D McLane Arch 301 Eobin- son Bldg ISmith William E (m eng '05) 630 11th St Souder Ealph H (m eng '08) Audit M W A 1522 Fifth Av ?Stapp William O (ag '04) Steele Frank M ( '87) Stuhr William (arch '15- ) Stu 1003 12th St Terrey William H (e eng '10 BS) E Eng 2626 Fifth Av ?Thordenberg Fred M (arch '00) Wagner Leo E (ag '15- )Stu 1720 22nd St ? Williams Frank H (m eng '80) 1522 15th St Woodin Charles K (m eng '11) Supt Hayes Pump & Planter Co 922 First Av EOCK PORT Gay Amelia L (g eng '15 AM) (la '12 AB) Teach Roosa Miller S (ag '09) Ag Shaw Delia (h sc '15- ) Stu R2 Shaw Hallie (h sc '15- ) Stu ROCKTON ?Bentley William W (la com '74) Conklin Dorsey T Jr (ag '15- ) Stu R2 Conklin James H (ag '08) Ag R2 Graham Walter T (su '15) Teach ROCKVILLE \Dickinson James L ( '95) ROLLO Thor Alfred U (ag '14- ) Stu Van Cleve Mildred M (sc '14 AB) Teach RONDOUT Sievert Carl W J (chem eng '14 BS) Chem Arcady Farms Milling Co ROODHOUSE t Allen John L (m eng '99) Bates Charles W (com '15) BnJc Bates Theron M (ag '12) Merc Foremen Orville ('90) BB Mail Serv Griffiths Claude H (su '15) Teach \Hensley Howard C ( '11) BB Bralce- man Hopkins James L (ag '14) Dairy Hopkins William C (ag '04) , Stocl' Husted Guy H (ag '15 BS) Ag Husted Lee A (ag '15 BS) Ag Husted Merle R (ag '14- ) Stu tKing Mark W (e eng '13) Lemmon Edgar G (la com '15) Stu ColU Stanberry Jesse O (su '12) Supt Schs tTruitt Louis E (m eng '11) Med Stu Van Tuyle Robert (ag '11) Ag Worcester Richard L (la '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 1021 ROSAMOND Stanley J (m eng '13- ) ROSCOE Stu Atwood John R (ag '99) Ag Conklin Helen N (la Feb '15- ) Stu Love James A (m eng '12) Ag $• Auto Rl tSyford Charles C (ag '75) Zuck Cassius H (m eng '99) Draft # Mach Tool Design ROSEFIELD Witner John E ('88) ROSE HILL Whalen Oren L (ag '15- ) Stu ROSELLE Heim William E (ag '12) Ag ROSEMOND Cutler Lloyd E (ag '15- ) Stu McAfee Robert R (ag '07) Ag Weaver Charles A (m eng '05) Ins ROSEVILLE Davis George F ('93) Ag *Everette Orelee I (hsc'09) Foster Frank W (e eng '15) Teach H Sch Kessler Mrs H L (ag '07) Home Kirkpatrick Earl H (ag '14) Ag Kirkpatrick Hugh J (m eng '10) Ag Malcolm Howard S (c eng '08 BS) C Eng $ Ag tParrish Jessie L (su '09) Patch Mrs F G (sp '97) Home Watson Blaine H (c eng '05) Ag R2 ? wilson John H (g latin '09 AM) ROSICLARE tAUard Charles E (la '69) ROSSVILLE Adams Sidney W (la '15) R2 Carter Clark C (la com '09) Bus Mgr Carter Isaac R (la '14 AB) Stu U Chgo Carter John L (ag '10) Ag fDavis John M (sp '74) Gernan Oliver P (ag '13- ) Stu Hanson Martin E (sp '01) Ag Layton Samuel E (com '15- ) Stu Le Neve Emelyn F (mus ?08) Teach Mus Le Neve Samuel N (ag '11) Mann Edward H (ag '13 BS) Ag Mann George D (ag '08) Ag Maury Daniel E (com' 15- ) Stu t Maury John A (c eng '12) tMAURY Thomas E (m eng '14 BS) Maury Walter C (ag '15- ) Stu 216 E Gilbert St Merritt Guy W (la '08) Grain Merc Smith Charles E (ag '00) Gen Ins Taylor Mrs (la '11) Home Wilson Donald E (la '15) t Crouch t Crouch ROZETTA Nannie M ( '87) Samuel (ag '03) RUMA \LarTc George M ( '97) RURAL HILL Hall Janie (su '14) R2 RUSHVILLE Alexander Lucie B (la Bagby John S (la '74) Battrell Frank (su '15) & Dir Athl Bell John H (ag '15- Stu Ernest G Clyde E 12) Teach Bnk Teach H Sch Black Brown Cobb Craske Greer Hobble ) (e eng ) Stu Ag (la '15- (ag '00) Ernest W (m eng '15) John L (1 '06) Trans Owen J (ag '00) Ag Arthur C (g e eng '11 '15) Sales MS) ( '01 BS) E Eng Knapp Charles E (su '12) Supt Sch \Lambert Karl E ( '05) Ag R5 Moore Mrs R C (la '08) Home Elm- wood Farm tMournnig Paul W (1 '15 ) Naught Adaline E ('06) Med Asst (Box 297) Reno Ona (su '13) Ritchey Royal W (ag '15 BS) Ag tShaw Lou T (su '08) Sherman Clarence A (ag '06) Ag Teel Charles H (ag '08) Ag Titchey Royal W (ag'15 BS) Ag Thompson Mrs J A (h sc'04 BS) Home Weinberg Elizabeth (ag h sc '13- )Stu Weinberg Flora J (ag h sc '15) At home Whitson Herman A (m eng '15- )(la '15) Stu RUTLAND tFoucht Cecil R (e eng '13) 1022 ILLINOIS Harvey Wilbur R (la ',08) Teach Kemp Mrs C W (sc'01) Home Marshall Glenn W (min eng '14- ) Stu Mateer Howard W (e eng '12- ) Stu SARDORUS \Bdber Earl A ('02) Chambers Clifton ('96) Ag $ Grain Dealer Chambers Clifton Mrs (la '04) Home Chambers Ralph E (ag '07 BS) Ag \Clark EH ('80) \Goudie Charles ('87) Merc Holtermann Daniel J ('89) Ag House Leone P (la '98 AB) Teach tLowry Kathryn E (mus '13) Teach %Lyons Timothy J ('95) Smick Mrs (mus '01) Nurse Steven Fannie L ('10) Steven Fred K (ag '12) Ag R51 Steven Mrs Fred K (la '12 AB) Home t Thornton Ella ('04) Thornton Etta P (a&d '05) Teach Thornton Sara (h sc '05) Teach Wise James T (su '01) Ag SAIDORA Johnson Ralph H (ag '10) Ag SAILOR SPRINGS Levitt Russell (e eng '15) ST ANNE t Baron Meddie W ( '03) tBrooks Zella (sp '08) Brown Earl (la '15- ) Stu R5 Pallissard Edward J Jr (ag '08) Ag Sf Auto Livery ?Sequin Edgar J (ag '08) ST AUGUSTINE O'Hern Thomas L (m eng '10 AB) Ag ST CHARLES Ayers George L (c eng '13) Painter 4r Decorator 19 W State St Bane Frank M (ag '15 BS) Teach St Chas Sch for Boys Campbell Arabel B (su '14) Teach Carlson Carl B (c eng '13) C Eng 239 W Second St Carlson Grant Andrew (com '14) 0*7 Jobber 36 E Fifth St Colson Harold E (ag '15 BS) 185 W Main St Colson LeRoy (la '09) Merc Colson Robert J (la '14- ) Stu 185 W Main St Fagan Ellen (su '14) Asst Pub Lib 431 E Main St Fellows Harriette J (la com '11) Kinderg Teach Gartner Andrew W (com '15- ) Stu 62 W Main St Gray Frank B (arch eng '11 BS) Arch Johanson Ralph T (arch '13) Stu U Chgo 101 W First St Johnson Everett L (ag '15) Stu 169 Prairie St Johnson Floyd H (com '15) (la '15) Stu 241 W Fourth St Mills James E (su '14) Asst Supt Schs Pollard Leila J (h sc '14 BS) At home Rockwell Louis (1 '10 LL B) Law Rockwell Van (1 '10) Merc 31 E Main St Simmons Theodore S (ag '12- ) Stu Swanson Norvid R (ag '12- ) Stu Thatcher DeWitt W (ag '15 BS) Teach 75 W Second St ST CLAIR t Baker Edward W (chem '85) ST DAVID Mercey Raymond J (sc '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med ST ELMO Dermiah Charles W (su '94) FLETCHER T E ( '08) Kelley Charles C (c eng '07) C Eng Kelley Homer N (ag '12) Ag Kuechler Ernest C (ag '15- ) Stu Mautz William P (ag '15- ) Stu Mercey Raymond J (sc '15) Stu U Coll Med ST FRANCISVILLE Corrie Lester L (ag '14* ) Stu El Corrie Wendell B (ag '14- ) Stu Faires t Stevens ST JACOB Leland S (1 '11) James M (su '07) ST JOSEPH Bennett Clarence S (la '12 AB) Mintr Black William Z (ag '08 BS) Ag Black Mrs W Z (la '10 AB) Home ?Blunk Sanford M (su '05) Curry Grace G (su '01) Teach Dukes William A (sp '95) Thar Dunn Orley O ('09) Full George C (arch eng '89) Ag Haworth Claiborne C (com '15- ) Stu Hester Elvira (la '80) Howard Paul W (ag '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 1023 Hudson Hersel W (ag '15- ) Stu El 3 Humrickhouse Katie L E (com '15- Stu Kienzle Clair L (h sc '12) At home Kienzle Edna S (mus '01) Mus Kilbury Asa ('00) Ag Kilbury Friedrick E ('06) Ag Kilbury Mrs F E ('07) Ag Knappenberger Mrs T G (mus '08) Home Kuder Frank C ('11) Ag tLeas Ernest O (ag t)0) Leas Frank S (ag '11) Ag RFD McCown Viana B (su '06) Teach McGee Edna A (la '14 AB) Teach Maddock Earl C (ag '14- ) Stu R13 Marsh Ethel C (la '15- ) Stu Marsh Nellie M (su '13) Teach Peters Everett R (ag '14- ) Stu Phares Bertha ('11) At home Phares George A (ag '12) Ag Rio fRussell Frank S (la '88) \Sims Charlie ('84) Smith Mary E (su '13) Somers Russell I (la '15- ) Stu t Thompson Cecil R ('10) tWoodin D wight E J (ag '06) IZimmerson Fred R ( '04) SALEM Adams Owen D (la '15- ) Stu Bell James F ( '08) Jour Blair Hattie M (su '15) Teach 607 W Main St Blue Harry J (su '15) Supt Schs 307 S Washington Av Blue Mrs H J (la '06 AB) Home Cattell Fred R (ag'15) c/o C&EI RR Shops t Cruse Ralph E (ag '14) Cadet West Point Davenport Maria J (su '15) Libr Davis Olney (m eng '79) Finn Samuel N (1 '09 LL B) Law $ St Atty Marion Co Finn Mrs S N (mus '07) Home Kagy John L (1 '12 JD) Law tKeip Barthal G (sp '05) ?Lydick Frank N (sc '78) fMcDonald Newton F (la '79) Mills Will A (1 '09 LL B) Law Porter Charles A ('85) Lumber Merc Rainey Edward € ( la '09 AB Fac '11) Edit " Marion Co Democrat " Schwartz Joseph (com '81 Cert) Bet Phar Skinner Melvin B (ry'15- ) Stu Slack William S (e eng '14- ) Stu 406 S Washington Av t Smith William H (la '85 Cert) tSwayze Fred E (ag '03) t Thrasher Marvin A (su '12) Co Supt Schs Vandervort Mrs E B (mus '08) Home Whitchurch Helen M (h sc '12- ) Stu White Herman T ('09) Mgr Dept Store White John W (1 '14 LL B) Law White Mrs J W (h sc'10) Home Wyatt Roscoe D (1 '09 LL B&AB) Law $ Mayor Wyatt Mrs R D (h sc '09) Home SANBURN Brady Eva M (la '02) SANDOVAL Bellamy John W (arch eng '15- ) Slu Sherman Carl L (c eng '15 BS) Toothaker Harry H (c eng '15- ) Stu Toothaker Joel E ('11) Stu U 111 Coll Med Yunk Nellie L (la '08) Teach SANDWICH Cox Anna E (la '14 AB) Teach Gengler Wilbert (chem eng '03) Ins Hay George I (ag '07) Ag R2 Howison Charles (arch '97 BS) Arch Johnson Minnie (la '11) Ag Lake Arthur H (e eng '12) Ag Lewis Harry C (la '01) Law ?Ryder Gilbert E (ry eng '06) t Ryder Olive M (la '11) t Woodward Robert F (m eng '12) SAN JOSE Adolph Milton A (ag '15- ) Stu \Braner Lydia M ('05) Copper Robert E (ag '15) Ag R2 FaulJcins George F ('11) Ag Fryer Paul G (m eng '09) Grain Merc Linbarger Mrs AS ( '06) Teach Lowe William A (ag '04) Ag Rapp William J (ag '07) Ag Siegrist Damon C (ag'15- ) Stu jSmith William M ('06) Worner Henry H (ag '14- ) Stu R2 SAUNEMIN Carrithers Harry W (m eng '05) Teach Erwin Ira (ag '10) Merc Hull Homer B (ag '12 BS) Ag Rl Hull Mrs H B (la '11 AB) Home Marsh J S (ag '16- ) Stu Shapland Fern E P (h sc '14- ) Stu Shapland George T (e eng '09) Ag SAVANNA Benedict Irvin C (com '15- ) Sti» 212 Main St Benedict Vivian I (la '11) Mus 118 1024 ILLINOIS Jefferson St Bogue Arthur R (sc '15) Stu Cramer Delia L (su '15) Teach tElliott True F (sc '12) Optometrist 22 Chicago Av fFosler Clarence A (chem eng '07) Greenleaf Kenneth (e eng '06) E Eng Greison Hans P (com '12- ) Stu Gridley Leslie H (1 '01) Law Griffith George J (la '98) Bnk 14 Fourth St Haas Solomon I (arch '83) Contr McGrath Floyd L (sc '13- ) Stu 112 Madison St Machen George B (la com '07) BnTc Miles Laurence H (com '11 AB) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Miles Paul K (m eng '12 BS) Contr Mullen Clarence C (e eng '13) Elec Plumbing $• Keating Contr Rolphe Earl E (e eng '10) Brake- man 320 Adams St Tyler Frank J (c eng '09) BB Ofc Clk 240 Milwaukee St Tyler Irvin F (c eng '10) C Eng CM & St P RR 442 Chicago Av Wallace James B (su '06) Supt City Schs Wallace Paul S (e eng '14- ) Stu 24 Mulberrv St Walter Chesley M (1 '11 LL B) Law 1st Nat Bnk Bldg t Yates Samuel (c eng '09) SAVOY Beannan Dennis J (gen '79 Cert) Burt Lauren D (la '15) Buewash Arthur E (ag '12 BS) Ag Coonrod Mrs L G (h sc '06) Rome Dunlap Henry M (sc '95 MS( '75 BS) Fac '90) Ag Dunlap Mrs H M (la '74) Home Eichelberger Frank ('01) Fisher Guy H (ag 11) Ag ?Hall Henry G (a&d '88) ?Hall Sylvia H (sp '81) Hammersmith Mrs A F (la '02) Home Jordan James M (ag '00) Hort $ Ag t Jordan John G (e eng '06) ?Jordan Theodore N (m eng '96) Ag Jutkins Leonard F ( '84) Ag Luthee Caroline (la '12 AB) Teach Noble Merle E (la '15- ) Stu %Batz ME ( '94) Smalley Edwin W (ag '05) Ag Smith Mrs ('00) Home Wisegraver William H (ag'02) Ag SAYBROOK Eales Henry C (ag'13 BS) Ag # Stock tNull Rodney E (c eng '09) tSchureman Alliene (la '07) Thompson Lee E (la '13) Asst Opr SEW RR Ward Mary W (la '14- ) Stu %Youle Claude M ('98) SCALES MOUND Adams Warren D (eng '15- ) Stu Baus John E (ag '13) Ag Carr Melville B (ag '12) Ag Hammer Albert B (ag '08) Ag SCIOTA \Breiner John F ( '98) Ag Head Glenn L (su '14) Marrs Junia) P (la '14) Teach SCIOTA MILLS Kostenbader Edmund E (ag '03) Dairy SCOTTLAND t Clark James H (sp '03) fDillon Edna E (mus '05) f Jennings Curtis G ( '01) SEATON t Jones Walker B (ag '07) Ag Orth Willis (ag '15) Ag Pollock Samuel M (ag '15) Ag Robb Frank A (ag '08) Ag $ Garage Mgr Seaton George F ('98) Bnk SECOR Clausen Clara A (la '15- ) Stu Jones Edward J ( '00) Druggist t Jones Minnie A (su '02) Bkpr Jones Susie E ( '03 ) Teach SEDALIA McKelvey James M (m eng '01) Clk MK&T RR SENECA Gage Byron F (ag '13) Ag R62 Gage Ida (gla'll) At home R62 Gage Lawrence F (ag '12) Ag R2 Grigsby Melborn R (su '15) Lebeque Julius V (su '07) Norem Harvey J (m eng '12) Ag R60 Olson Jesse M ( '94) Olson Joseph M (la '99) Ag RFD Peddicord Edwin S (ag '83) tSnook Ethel M (ag '11) At home SERENA Laffoon Mrs R N ( '98) Home Box 28 Malaise Clayton L (e eng '14 BS) Maeshall Frank E (e eng '13 BS) E LINCOLN HALL ILLINOIS 1025 Eng 1 Putney Charles R ( '04) SESSER Lewis Thurlow G (1 '15 LLB) Ag Ag SEWARD Crull George M (ag '14) Scott Clarence G (sc '02) SEYMOUR Cade Virgil B ( '10) t Carper Ulysses S ( '98) Christy Mrs Eugene (a&d'97) Borne \Conklinq Frank K ('99) Fisher Mrs Guy (la '15 BS) Hartrick Louise E (sc '01 BS) Med Herriot Opal V (su '15) Teach Johnston Dwight I (com '15-) Stu Karr Ernest C (ag '13) Dent Karr Mae (la '12) Teach tKnox Hazel S (mus '07) tMiller Floyd E (m eng '12) Scott William R (e eng '07 BS) E Eng Laclede Light & Power Co Seymour Curtis T (ag '10) Ag Shotts Florece D (mus '08) At home SHABBONA Beard Odian S (la '15- ) Stu Challand Florence E (sc '10) Milliner Husk Frederick W (m eng '01) M f C Eng t Storey Lester J (ag '13) Ag SHABBONA GROVE Bloomingdale Paul H (su '15) Teach Hyde Henry F (ag '14) Ag SHARPSBURG Mathers Leslie E (ag '13 BS) Ag Sheldon Henry K (e eng '11- ) Stu Sheldon Walter M (ag'14 BS) Ag SHATTUC Keister Mrs O C (la '11) Home SHAWNEETOWN Carroll Charles (com '15- ) Stu Goetzman John R (c eng '12) Stu Gratton William T (la '92) Med Logsdon Joseph E Jr (ag '13- ) Stu tLogsdon Thomas O (1 '07) Lowe Albert S Jr (m eng '15- ) Stu Wool Marshall ( '90) SHEFFIELD Boyd Comma N (ag '81 Cert) Ag Boyd Edith (la '14) At home "Bovd Knob" Boyd Marian C (la '13- ) Stu Boyd Roland H (m eng '12) Ag Condon Edith F (la '15- ) Stu Condon Margaret A (la '13) Teach Downey Durbin R (ag '12- ) Stu Gunkel Woodward W (la '12- ) Stu Houghton Lowell C (ag '15) tHoughton Nelson V (ag '12) Howard Wallace L (ag '03) Ag $ Lumber 8r Impl Howard Mrs W L (la '03) Home Kemp Ward E (la '06) Ag McKee Jasper B (ag '02) Ag Martin Joseph H (su '11) Supt Schs Pervier Carrie M (h sc '14 AB) Teach Pervier Clayton C (la com '77) Ag Sr St Senator Pervier Mabel I (h sc '09) At home Runft Mrs E O (la '14) Home SHELBYVILLE Abney M D (sc '12 AB) Teach Baker John J (su '11) Law Chester Charles E (c eng '92) C Eng 4r Mgr Water Co Craig Lewis P (ag '08) Clk t Davis William R ( '04) Day Harry W (ag '13- ) Stu RFD Domas Justin Aloysius (e eng '15 AB) Teach R2 Eberspacher Jacob C (la '07 AB) Cash 1st Nat Bk Eddy William C (la '14) Stu Law- rence Coll 2020 Long St Everspacher Jacob C ((' 02) A sst Cash 1st Nat Bk & V-Pres Shelby Loan & Trust Co Gault Bernie H (su '11) Teach Hamlin Mrs J G (mus '07) Home Hartley Jennie C (su '15) Teach 2015 Long St Headen Thomas M (la '00 AB) Law Hite Birney S (ry m eng '11) Ex- press Bus . 2417 W Main St Hoagland John K (ag '99 BS) Ag $ Grain Deal 2415 N First St Hoagland Mrs J K (mus '07) Home 2415 N First St Jarnagin Robert (1 '13- ) Stu 2312 S Fourth St Jenkins Elbert A (ag '01) Vet Kelley Leo H (la '15- ) Stu 2716 N Morgan t Kelley William L (la '07) Kull Karl R (ag '15- ) Stu 2402 W Main St ?Lovell Minnie G (su '05) Lyle Mary S (su '15) 2203 N Second St 1026 ILLINOIS tMiddleworth Florence (su '99) Middleworth Tarsia M (la '10) 2416 Walnut St Randall Gilbert P (su '99) Eice Edwin J ( '10) Rl Roberts George B (la com '09) Lum- ber Merc Roessler Ira P (ag '09) Ag Roessler William O (ag '16 BS) Stu S First St Steidlev -Arthur J (1 '04) Stillwell John F (ag '11) Ag R8 Meadowdale Farm Ward Ulysses G (1 '05 LL B) Law Westervelt Leverett C (1 '08 LL B) BJc Cash tWilson Luther M (ag '78) SHELDON Bundy Carroll E (e eng '11) Stu U 111 Sch Phar tCoughenour Thomas A (ag '05) Crossland Viola J (h sc '13 BS) Teach Bridgeport H Sch \Bean Otto P ('05) Disosway Charles W (ag '12) Ag Grove Pearl F (sc '13 AB) Supt Schs Harris Lois M (la '15 AB) ' Teach t Hathaway Dallas C (1 '05) mill Louis H ('97) McCloud James F (e eng '13- ) Stu tRunck Charles A (1 '06) Smith Bruce P (la '05) Purchasing Agt Scenes Carry Co RR Contr Watkins Ralph S (m eng '13) Ag SHERIDAN Abbott Seth D (ag '13 BS) Ag Bowen Ai P (ag '05) Ag tFrazee Frank F ('78) EFD Mail- carrier Fruland Ruth M (la '15) At home Jorstad Irving C (ag'14) Law Mrs Harry (la '08) Home Robinson Mrs C E (mus '11) Home SHERMAN Millar William H (ag '08) Ag Sweet Orville R (ag '14- ) Stu SHERRARD ?Blenkinsopp Joseph W (su '06) tLee Robert Jr (sp '92) Supt Coal Valley Min Co Swengel Lloyd R (su '14) Teach SHILOH Utenner Fred D ('89) SHIPMAN Metcalf James D (sc '93 BS) Bk Cash t Richardson Ethel (mus '06) Shultz Clarence M (ag '12) Dairy Ag Skaggs Allen O (1 '14- ) Stu Walker Hugh J ('08) SHIRLEY Ag Douglas Orville V (ag '02) Funk Lafayette ('92) Ag Funk Marquis De L (ag '07) Ag Haynes George E (su '07) Ag SHOBONIER Childs James B (la '14- ) Stu Dees Clyde R ((ag'04) Jig SHUMWAY Kelly Elmer L ( '01) Metzler Clarence W ('08) SIBLEY t Ashley Burton F ('00) Ashley Laurin S (1 '13) Teach Ernest Ruth (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch Oathout Mrs C L (la '14 AB) Home Rohrer Charles (eng '02) Asst Mgr Hiram Sibley Est Farms SIDELL tBarnett Daniel E (su '99) Cass Cassie M (su '11) Teach Woffman Daniel ('05) Dickinson Garnett L (mus '12) Teach Mus Green Bruce C (e eng '06) Ag Holton Henry C (la '72) Med Holton Mrs W A (g la '09) Home Klein George Minnie (h sc '14 BS) Teach McGee Charles H ('95) Ag Mclntire Virion W (su '14) Prin H Sch Miller Mildred N (mus '14) At home Gray St tOrr Harry (su '11) Pawson John T (com '15- ) Stu tRichardson Benjamin F (ag '11) tRowan Minnie J (mus '05) Eowand C Dale ('07) Ag Rowe Enos M (ag '14 BS) Teach Sconce Harvey J (ag '14) Ag Stockton Dean B (m eng '15- ) Stu Stockton Washington W (ag '15- ) Stu Strubinger Joseph R (ag '15- ) Stu Williams Lulu H (la '13 AB) Teach Williams Mrs (la '80) Home SIDNEY Bartlett Mrs (mus '02) ILLINOIS 102: IBoon Thomas J (c eng '72) Colson Etta M (su '14) Teach ?Conner John (la '81) Cunningham Mrs H M (mus '98) Eaton Herbert (la '95 BS) E58 t Groves Mabel (se '12) Teach Helm Hazel E ('10) Hess Oral V (sc '15) At home Johnston Verne I (ag '13) Sales Lawson Mary M (la '15 AB) At home Love Clara D (la '07) At home Love Clifford S (ag '12- ) Stu Love Howard F (ag '09) Ag Mitchell Lennie ( '95) Moffitt Mrs S J (mus '07) Home Mumm Walter J (ag '15- ) Stu David St IPoney Thomas ('95) \Porterfield Carrie F ('81) tPorterfield Emet (ag '77) Primmer George H (su '15) Teach H Sch Raymond Mrs Isaac (la '73) Home £58 Raymond John E (ag '99 BS) Ag Raymond Mrs John (su '06) Home Hill Crest Smith George T (la '10) Mintr Smith Helen A (mus '08) Mus Teach iSmith James Howard ('99) Smith Mrs J H (mus '08) Home Steele Eugene ( '99) Trav Sales West James H (ag '05) Ag Winston Mrs H W ( '06) Home Woodard Roma L (h sc '15- ) Stu SIGEL Moseb Lee E (e eng '12 BS) E Eng Moser Olga F (mus '09- ) Stu Penn Cora P (mus '11) At home SILVIO Vandervort Franklin C Jr (m eng '12) Ofc Asst M Eng CRI&P RR SILVIS Hill Ormand P (m eng '15) Cash Kirkpatrick Ross J (ag '15) Ag 147 Tenth St Richards John O (ag '15- ) Stu 132 11th St SINCLAIR t Wheeler Walter J (ag '05) SKIPMAN Walker Hugh J ('08) SMITHBORO tKEssLER Harvey L (la '10 AB) SMITHFIELD Rector Theodore J (ag '13) Ag SMITHSHIRE Anderson Frank A (ag '15) Ag RFD Atkins Edward L (ag '15 BS) Ag Beckett Henry L (su '08) Teach Beckett Mrs H L (su '08) Home t Davison Fred ('02) t Edwards Arthur R ('93) Ag Patch Mayhew W (ag '15) Ag fFairchild SNIDER Asa R (ag '04) SOMONAUK tHess Lucille M (la '06) Suppes Edward R (ag '11) Ag Suppes Elsie M (la '15) Teach Warner Earle A (ag '04) Merc t Wright Raymond J (ag '11) SONORA IParker George F (sp '71) SORENTO Burkhardt Arthur A (ag '02) Ag Riggins Martha F (su '15) Second Arthur W (su '15) Teach \Siemens Robert H ('07) SOUTH HOLLAND Berger Irene M (la '14- ) Stu tDallenberg Clarence (arch eng '13) Carpenter 15639 Chicago St Dalexberg Peter (eng '11 BS) Arch Supt gouwens Cornelius (g sc '11 AM) Instr la St U Gouwens Estey W (com '13- ) Stu S WILMINGTON Williams Judson (su '10) Prin Sch SPARLAND Davidson Blaine T (1 '15- ) Stu Doyle Herbert F (ag '08) Ag R2 Hunt Leslie L (ag '13) Stu tScheeler Cecil G (ag '12) SPARTA Brown Andrew (ag '10) Ag fCampbell William Henry (sp '70) Dickey Ruby (ag '13) Teach Eiker Bessie H (la '11 AB) Teach Eiker William D M (c eng '71) Merc 4' Undertaker 1028 ILLINOIS fGemmill Josephine A (h sc '13 ) Teach H Sch Lyle John D (ag '02) Vet Lynn Jane B (su '13) Teach H Sch McKee Kuth (la '12) At home McKelvey Arthur W (la '09 AB) Merc McKelvey Elizabeth A (su '13) Teach H Seh McKelvey Frank H (ag '07 BS) Ag K3 McKelvey Mrs F H (la '09 AB) Home K3 McKelvey Sidney A (ag '12) Ag McKelvey Willard F (com '09) Mgr Gar Maxwell Mrs C G (la '09) Home Newman James C (m eng '99) BJcpr Eitts Charles L (arch eng '11- ) Stu Smiley Alfred J (c eng '12) Ag Stephenson Juanita A (h sc '14- ) Stu Wasson William H W (su '13) tWoodside David A (chem eng '12) SPAULDING Lyon Henry H ('10) Ag SPEEB Gruner Elmer J (e eng '14- ) Stu Gruner Eaymond W (e eng '14- ) Stu Marshall Paul A (ag '09) Ag tTurnbull Eobert N (ag '09) Ag SPENCEE fLaurimore Tyson J (arch eng '14) SPEING BAY \Zeller Frederica ('85) ?Zeller John G (la '07) SPEINGFIELD ABEL Clara L ('12) Libr Lincoln Lib AGG Tansy E ('09) c/o St Highway Comm Allyn Norman (la Feb '16- ) Stu 452 W S Grand Av Andrews Will (e eng '04) Linotype Operator 425 Smith St Aschauer Frank H (e eng '13) 529 N Sixth St Ayres Edward B (m eng '15) Stu Pur U 819 S Douglas Av BAIN Walter G ( '08) Pathol David Prince Sanitarium West Grand PI Baker William Allan (ag '12) Lum- ber Merc 913 S Sixth St Bard Jacob W (e eng '06 BS) E Eng 1143 S First St Barnes Mrs A J (su '06) Home 1509 Whittier Av Barnes Herbert O (la '07) Teach 1422 Holmes Av Barnes Mrs PS (su '02) Home 1422 Holmes Av ?Bauman George S (e eng '06) Becker Carl V (eng '14) Pattern Maker 405 N Sixth St Bellersheim Kathryn H (la '09) Teach 1044 Fayette Av Bengel George A (c eng '09) C Eng Springfield Consol EE 808 S Fourth St Berger William L (la '98) Chf Elec 111 St Capitol Bldg ?Betts David E (m eng '0.? BS) 1100 S 13th St Blair Francis Grant ('06- ) St Supt Pub Instr 629 S Second St Bollman Jesse L (sc '15- ) ( '14) Stu 907 N Ninth St Bonham Winne M (c eng '06) 111 Highway Comm Booth Walter S (su '07) Asst Supt Schs Borne Celia A (sp '03) 319 S Lin- coln Av Bowles Walter S (m eng '15- ) Stu 130 S Douglas Av Boye Walter F (la '12- ) Stu 1100 S 13th St BEADFOED William C ('11) Brandon Imogen (su '14) 515 K Car- penter St Briggle Charles G (1 '04 LL B) Law 42-43 Myers Bldg Brinkerhoff George N (la '14- ) Stu 313 S Fifth St IBroeTcer William ( '84) t Brown Howard ( '78) Brown Lloyd W (ag '15 BS) c/o Central 111 Electric Co Eyan Bldg Brown Eussell W (la com '13) Acct c/o Bell Tel Co Bryan Harvey W (e eng '05) Asst Credit Man John Bressmer Co 819 S Fifth St fBuchanan Albyn (la '86) Buck Colburn F Jr (ag '06) Merc 629 S Sixth St Bullard Clark W (arch eng '09 BS) Arch 318 S Glenwood Av Bullard Eobert I (la '96) Med 524 E Capital Av Bullard Samuel A ('07)(arA '03) M Arch) (arch '78 BS) Arch 318 Unity Bldg Bullard Mrs S A (la '81) Home 318 S Glenwood Av Bunn Nixon L (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 823 S Seventh St Burch George F (c eng '09 BS) Asst ILLINOIS 1029 Eng St Highway Comm 1124 S Walnut St Burgleit Walter H (su '15) Cor Sixth & Capitol Sts Burggraf Carl I (c eng '14 BS) ( '04) Eng c/o St Highway Comm Burke James J (m eng '06) 413 W Adams St fBurkhardt Charles (gen ; 69) Bushnell Howard B (c eng '07 BS) Division Eng State Highway Comm Cadwallader Douglas P (sc '04) Merc 813 E Adams St Cantrall Evans E (c eng '06) Ins 208 Ferguson Bldg Carson Helen F (la '12) At home 711 E Reynolds St Carver Albert (sc '89 BS) Teach 120 W Allen St (e eng '08) Sales (la '13) Stu 820 (la '73) Reporter (1 '08 LL B) Booth (su '12) Teach 302 Chapin William L 867 S Douglas Av Chatterton John L S Sixth St Cheney Thomas H Court House t Child Walter E Bldg Chumley Edith B W Monroe St Clark Chester A (ag '14 BS) Ag # Dairy R2 Clarke Homer H (c eng '08) Watch Maker 1428 Carolina Av tClendenin Clarence B (la '08) 1009 S Second St Clendenin George M (1 '05 LL B) V-Pres 111 St Register 1009 S Sec- ond St Clyne Kathleen M (la '13 AB) Legis Bef Res Coe Harry H (e eng '10 BS) Asst Supt 111 Tract Sys 1325 S Sixth SI Colby George B (1 '04) Law Connard Marquis D (c eng '07) C ' Eng 111 Tract Sys Coolidge Elvin R (e eng '13 BS)Eng Racine Sattley Co \Crawford Henry V ('02) Contr 121 S Glenwood Av ?Crocker Paul H (ag '03) Cummins James R (ag '14) Ag R10 Davidson Gaylord S (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1302 S Grand Av W Dawson Louis E (sc '13- ) Stu 872 Park Av Day Vincent S (m eng '13- ) Stu 1326 E N Grand Av Day Walter T (1 '13- ) Stu 1326 E N Grand Av Deal John F (sc '07) Med Leland Ofc Bldg Denhart William B (la '14) Jour 126 E Jefferson St Dieckmann Thomas W (la com '15 AB) Edit c/o 111 St Highway Dept 707 E Cook St Dixon Noah M (la com '11 AB) Bonds 4- Mort 825 S 6th St Dockum Clara T (la '09) Arch 1031 N Seventh St Dollarhide Helen (la '08) 937 S Sec- ond St Dollarhide Mary E (la '08) Art 937 S Second St Donaldson Clyde W (sc '12) Clk 535 W Canedy St Dunne Edward F ('13) Gov III Eberlin Clara (su '09) Teach 1007 N Fourth St Ellis Charles J (la '14) 1505 S 17th St Engelskirchen Nellie (su '04) 505 W Monroe St English Frank K (m eng 1914- ) Stu Min Rescue Sta IFairchild James D ( '86) Far well Stanley P (e eng '14 PhD ( '07 BS) Fac '14) Chf Serv Dept St Pub Util Comm 508 Odd Fellows Bldg farwell Mrs S P (g classics '14 AM) Home Fayart Louis E (la '12 AB) 7ns R Est 4- L 1201 S Fourth St Feutz Frank C (c eng '14 BS) Asst Eng St Highway Comm Fisher Leon E (1 '08 LL B) Ins 620 S Fourth St FLINT Wesley P ('13) Entom Ofc State Entom 1231 W Edwards St Fortune Cynthia A (la '14- ) Stu 629 S Fifth Av Fowler Mrs E E (lib '12) Libr c/o 111 St Lib Franks Arthur J (la '15- ) Stu 1400 S Eighth St fFrazer Joanna V (la '99) Galster Augusta E (la '11) Teach 1447 N Third St Garrett Ray (la '08) Stu 111 Wes U George Lewis E ('00) Merc 730 S Sixth St Giblin Marv A (su '15) Libr 426 S Ninth St ~ IGibson EC ('87) Sec # Treas Peo- ples Oil Co Ginnaven Wilbyr D (e eng '12) Trav 863 S English Av Ginzel Leo A (c eng '05 BS) Mfg c/o Baker Mfg Co Glandon Edgar D (e eng '95) Mgr Tel Co 309 y 2 S Sixth St tGoltra Isaac V (la '03) 506 W Mon- roe St 1030 ILLINOIS \Gordon Ernest B ( '09) Eng St Highway Dept Gottschalk Arthur II (com '15- ) Stu 235 W Edwards St Graham Hugh J (la '00 AB Fac '01) Law 1802 S Sixth St Graham James J (1 '05 LL B) Law 216y 2 s Fifth St Graham Mary A (la '09 AB) Lit 413 S Seventh St Grant Will C (la '08) Law 427 W Washington St \Greo George ('94) 633 N Fifth Sc ?Grubb Edwin S (la '85) Gullett Noah (1 '10 LL B) Law Ridgely Nat Bk Bldg \Guy Archie ('10) 2201 S 11th St Hagler Kent D (la '15) Stu Harv U The Oaks W Lawrence Av Hahn Fred C (chem eng '12- ) Stu 1107 E Monroe St Hamilton Frank H (eng '95) Comm Pub Wks Hanes Murray S (arch eng '13 BS) Arch $ Eng 821 W Jefferson St Harmon Charles F (su '07) Med Helm Mrs ('83) Nurse 339 W Grand Av Helmle Henry R (arch '11 BS) Arch 430 S Fifth St Henry Donald A (e eng '09 BS) E Eng 111 Tract Sys Herndon John W (sc '12) Merc 421 S Sixth St Herndon Obed L (la com '10 AB) Merc 421 S Sixth St Herzer Margaretha (su '11) Teach \Hilligoss George ('02) Cash Auto Dept Ofc St Sec Hilton Ivan J (la '15- ) Stu 417 S Spring St Hippard George G (1 '11) Law 218% S Fifth St ?Hurst Huizuiga M (se '91) \Ide Albert D ('06) Ingels Henry G (m eng '89) Chf Draft A S Ide & Sons Irwin Decatur H (chem eng '05) Claim Agt Sangamo Elee Co 1159 N Fourth St Jarrett Thomas L (1 '05 LL B) Law 526 S Seventh St Jefferson Koy T (m eng '00) V-Pres Mgr Jefferson Printing Co Johnson Mrs (sp '98) Stenog Johnson Edwin R (ag '12) Clh 625 Black Av Jones' J Ruessell (com '15- ) Stu 437 W South Grand Av Jones Strother G (ag '11) Ag 437 W South Grand Av tKaup Oscar B (sp '04) 1626 S Grand Av Kercher Oscar B (c eng '14 BS) C Eng State Highway Dept Kilbride Edward R (ag '15- ) Stu 1403 S Second St Killam Samuel E (e eng '99) Chf Eng 1413 S Eighth St Kimber Alice E (mus '13 Cert) At home 914 S Second St Kincaid Arthur T (1 '07) Trav Sales 871 S Douglas St Kincaid Lee (ag '77) Sales 871 S Douglas Av Kinney Edward (su '06) Teach 530 N Seventh St Kinsey Leon B (m eng '07 BS) C Sr Mun Eng 303 S Glenwood Av Kinsey Mrs L B (la '05) Home 303 S Glenwood Av Kloppenberg George J (la '15- ) (arch eng '14) Stu 1107 Grand Blvd N KNOTE John M ('11) KOSTER John W ('14) Asst Eng US Bur Standards fKrebaum Hope B (la '05) 1400 W Allen St Kreider Paul G (la '14- ) Stu 522 E Capitol Av Kreigh Elie S (m eng '12- ) Stu 205 W Lawrence Av Laborence William P (ag '11) City Sales Armour Packing Co 217 S First St Laidlaw Elizabeth S (lib '06) Libr Lasswell William S (ry e eng '10) By Signal Eng 527 S State St tLeaverton William J (c eng '07) 415 E Lawrence Av Lewis Warren E (1 '03) Law Farm- er's Bk Bldg Liedel Russell B (1 '14- ) Stu 708 S Douglas Av Lindley Elmer E (la '81) Chf Clh 111 St Bd Ag Lindley Fleetwood H (la com '09 AB) Merc 904 S Fifth St Long William H (su '09) Law Ofc Sec St Loose Joseph (sp '70) \Loper Paul R ('07) 507 Fourth St Lowery Thomas E (ag '15- ) Stu 1422 S Eighth St Lyman Frank L (sc '01 BS) Ag 207 Ferguson Bldg McAfee Leo G (la com '12- ) Stu 822 S Illinois St McCall Arthur B (su '11) Teach 631 W Edwards St McGinnis Lulu R (la '02) At home 1004 W Edwards St MoGrath James M (sc '14 BS) Prin ILLINOIS 1031 Schs MacLean Libbie W (su '13) Teach H Sch 216% W Capitol St McVeigh Henry H (ag '14) Ag 710 S Second St Mahoney Thomas F (1 '12) Bus Mgr 1138 Spring St Manspeaker Lewis V (c eng '09 BS) Asst Eng Dept C&A KE Madison & Third Sts Matheny Eodman C O (la com '09) Bond $ Mortg 1042 S Fourth St Mathewson John W (e eng '09 BS) E Eng Springfield Light Heat & Power Co Matthews Leo (la '08) Draft Mautz George J (la '04 AB) Med 403 Myers Bldg Matthews Mrs L (mus '08) Home 616 Park Av Melin Frank L (c eng '07) Abstrac- tor Sangaman Abstract Co 916 S First St Merriman John E (ag '12) Stu Eush Med Coll 407 W Monroe St Meyer Carl T (arch eng '12- ) Stu 529 S Eighth St 'Miller Jesse (gen '71) Miller John G (arch eng '05) Mfg c/o Baker Mfg Co Miller Mrs J G (la '08 AB) Home 1440 Holmes Av tMiLLER Samuel L (mun eng '12 BS) Instr Mun Carnegie Inst Tech c/o St Highway Comm 428 W Vine St Millot Henry C (sp '72) Gen Contr 1200 Orchard Av Mischler Clara H (su '15) Teach 802 E Edwards St Mischler Lillian (su '15) Teach 802 E Edwards St Moffett Mrs C G (su '14) Teach H Sch 1210 Fifth St Morgan Effie M (g engl '15- ) Stu 1019 Gov St Myers Don E (sc '12) Clk c/o Sec State Myers Kate G (su '10) Teach 1142 N Fifth St Neuman John A (e eng '08 BS) Mfg 322 S Douglas Av Nevins Arthur S (la com '13 AB Teach H Sch 627 S Seventh St Newell Mason H (g la '01 AM) ( '09 AB) Law 424 S Second St Newman John A (e eng '15) Fore- man 322 S Douglas Av norbury Frank G (g sc '13 AM) Stu Harv Med Sch 1133 Williams Blvd Northcott Nathaniel D (1 '04) Ins Insp O'Connell Jerome A (com '15- ) Stu 1403 Whittier Av O 'Connell William E (la '14- ) Stu 1403 Whittier Av O 'Conner Charles A (1 '13 LL B) Law Unity Bldg Odiorne Alfred (ag '03) Ag B9 fOrmsby William L (la '75) Ostermeier Bertha J (su '15) Stu Mus Maple Hill Farm Page William T (c eng '11) By C Eng 210 S Spring St tPasfield George L (la '91) Patch Lloyd A (ag '12) Sec Greid- er Cafe Co 513 E Monroe St Patch Mrs L A (mus '11) Home 626-B S Seventh St Patterson Walter L (la '78) Jour 315 W Edward St Peel Elizabeth C (la '13) Stenog 510 N Fourth St Penn Josephine E (su '14) Teach 603 W Lawrence Av Perkins Eeed M (la '98 AB) Ice # Coal Bus 2025 S Sixth St Pichler • Mrs Joseph (la '06) Home 1205 S 14th St Pickering John L Jr (c eng '08) Dep Internat Bev Ofc 8th Dist 111 1105 S Fourth St Pickering Paul W (la '12) 1105 S Fourth St Pierik John C Jr (com '15. ) Stu 820 S Seventh St Polk Wesley W (m eng '15) c/o 111 St Highway Comm 820 E Adams St Poston Edmond D ('09) BJcpr 409 N Fifth St Poston Emmett V (sc '11 AB) BricJc Mfg Potter Glenn E (e eng '13- ) Stu West Grand PI Price Anna M (lib '00 BLS Fac '05) Lib Exten St House fPrice Joseph B (e eng '06) Prince David C (g e eng '13 MS) (e eng '12 BS) Asst Eng Util Comm 502 S Second St Propst Duane W (la '15- ) (chem eng '15) Stu 1010 E N Grand Av Putting Oscar J (g la '07) ('06 AB) Law 129 N Glenwood Av tPutting Mrs O J (la '04) 129 N Glenwood Av Quinlan Thomas W (1 '08 LL B) Law 209 S Fifth St Eeece Austin N (la '15- ) (ag '15) Stu 816 S Seventh St Eeid Stewart F (com '15- ) Stu 222 E Cook St Eeiger Harry J (arch eng '10 BS) Arch Eidgely Nat Bk Bldg 1032 ILLINOIS Reiger Olive V (h sc '11) Ag 603 W Capitol Av Keisner William C (arch eng '11) C Eng C&A RR 525 S Fifth St Rennick Henry L (la com '07) Jour 503 S State St Rich Mary F (la '08) Sec 303 S Glenwood Av Richardson James R (sc '98) Ridgely Temple E (la com '10) Ins 1219 S Sixth St Rinaker John I Jr (arch '87) Arch 1331 Noble Av Rinaker John I III (ag '14- ) Stu 1331 Noble Av Rinaker Lewis (arch '89) Arch 1331 Noble Av IRiordan George S ('03) Rippon Charles A (la '90) Roberts Irwin L (su '12) Eastdale Add Robertson Charles D (e eng '79) ^Robertson O ( '78) Robinson Ward R (g e eng '09 CE ('06 BS) Fac '09) Sec $ Chf Exam St Civil Serv Comm State House Robinson William E (la '78) Supreme Recorder Court of Honor 1401 Wil- liam Blvd TRobinson William R (sp '01) Roman Frank L (sc '11 BS) Testing Eng 111 Highway Dept Arsenal Bldg Rottger Russel C (la com '13 AB) Div Cash $ Chf Clh Cent Union Tel Co 416 S Seventh St Rottger Mrs Russel (h sc '13) Home 1201 West Edwards St Rourke Ellen M (su '15) Teach 1600 E Jackson St Rourke Margaret Elizabeth (su '12) Teach 1600 E Jackson St Ryder Earl (e eng '15- ) Stu 806 S College St Sampson William E (1 '05 LL B) 7 Marine Bk Bldg Sampson Mrs W E (la '02 AB) Home 403 S Seventh St Saunders Clara A (su '11) Teach 401 Adelia St Saunders Harry O (e eng '12 BS) Phone Eng 825 S Glenwood Av Sawyer Isaac C (la '15- ) Stu 800 SW Grand Av Sawyer Philetus T (ag '14- ) Stu 800 Grand Blvd SCHNEIDER Henry F (g chem '13 Fac '13) Teach H Sch 1825 S Spring- field St Schneider William H (la '15- ) (m eng '15) Stu 208 W Lawrence Av Schoknecht Robert (su '06) Teach 1549 Lowell Av Schwartz Lloyd (g eng'13) (c eng'll BS) Jr Eng St Highway Comm ?Schwartz William M (1 '11) 3213 Boquet St Scott John L (su '07) Teach 820 S Walnut St Scruggs Amos P (1 '07 LL B) Law 3807 Camden Av 1700 E Capitol St Shaver Elizabeth F (su '15) Teach H Sch Sheets Frank T (mun eng '14 BS) C Eng 221 Logan Av Shepherd Louis P (ag '04) Ag $ Cattle Feeding R3 Shinn Elmer B (e eng '11) Tel Eng 1121 S Fifth St Sikking Chester B (ag '12) Merc 1313 S Pasfield St tSims James P (su '06) 851 Lincoln Av Skoog Paul L (sc '09) San Eng $ Asst Supt City Health Dept 843 S Fifth St Slaymaker Charles M (c eng '08 BS) Eng 4- Contr 516 W Monroe St Smith Harvey J (min eng '15) Drafts St Pub Utilities Comm 520 DeWitt Smith Bldg ?Smith Howard R (c eng '03) 231 W Capitol Av Smith Sidney B (ag '07 BS) Ag Sidelbert Farm Smith Vincent EG (ag '04) Job Printer 313 S Fifth St Staples Henry A (gen '69) Stebbins Marimus W (arch '87) Or- der Tracing Dept Sangamon Elec Co 712 South Fourth St Sternaman Edward C (m eng '15- ) Stu 425 Williams Blvd Stevens James F (c eng '00) Dept Store Adv Mgr 421 W Capitol Av Stone Percy A (e eng '96 BS) Ag R4 t Stout Ray D (ag '12) 1227 S Sev- enth St t Stuart Earl K (cer '10 BS) Cllc 640 W Monroe St Stuart Mrs E K (la '10) Home 109 N Fifth St tSudduth Kenwood T (ag '13) Grain Merc 631 S Sixth St Supple Winifred M (sc '12) Teach Surman Hugo E (c eng '10 BS) Div Eng 111 Highway Dept Swett Lewis W (e eng '12- ) Stu 1177 N Third St ISwigert Arthur W ('91) Taylor Gouverneur W (su '07) Prin Dubois Sch 217 N Amos Av Telford Fred (la '10) Asst Exam St Civ Serv Comm ILLINOIS 1033 Thomas Bobert E (e eng '15 BS) Highway Eng 522 W Jefferson St Thompson Alfred F (c eng '13) 430 S Seventh St t Thompson John C (ag '13) E2 Thompson Orin G (ag '14) Teach 430 S Seventh St Tomlin Edwin T (ag '14- ) Stu 807 W Edward St Trapp Albert B (sc '96) Med 111 Nat Bk Bldg Triebel Otto L Jr (e eng '05) Mgr Eetail Shoe Bus 422 E Monroe St %Troxel George W ('00) 622 S Glen- wood Av Van Cleave Bruce (la '13- ) Stu 1119 S Fourth St Van Cleave Wallace (ag '14- ) Stu 1119 S Fourth St Vandercook Susan (su'09) City Mis- sionary WJc E4 Van Doren Theodore J (la '14- ) Stu 1144 W Cook St Washburn Ealph H (c eng '12) C Eng 207 S Walnut St Weaver Gailard E (eng '06) Treas # Gen Mgr Weaver Co 1405 S Fourth St White Calvin W (la '13) Teach H Sch Wiesenmeyer Henry E (la '13) Chem 708 N Seventh St Williams Harry C ('99) c/o Spring- field Auto Sales Co 604 S Seventh St Wilson Benjamin J (c eng '12 BS) C Eng 111 St Highway Gomm tWilson John L (ag '11) 808 S Fourth St Winterberger Ealph (ag '02) Mail Carrier 1223 N Sixth St Withrow Francis L (la '15- ) Stu 1134 S Seventh St Wolf Herman C (g e eng '14 MS) ('13 BS) Serv Insp St Pub Utili- ties Comm Wood Charles H (1 '08 LL B) Law 2291/2 S Sixth St Wood Harry T (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch YMCA Workman Eussel C (ry e eng '14) 1215 W Edwards St Wright Ida F (lib '04 BLS) Libr 720 E Edwards St Yates Richard ( '05) Law 307 Unity Bldg f Young George J (1 '05) 112 N State St ? Young Roy M (c eng '07) 112 N State St SPEING GEOVE Foster John W (ag '15- ) Stu Hatch Frederick L ('13) (Hon MS '91)(ag'73) Ag SPEING VALLEY bost Ernest L (g hist '09 AM) Supt Schs 131 W Erie St Guenther Carl F (ag '13) Ag Higgins Mary M (ag '15) Teach H Sch Hollerich Cornelius N ('96) Law 100% West St Paul St Munson Anton I (su '15) Teach H Sch Pierson Lloyd M (c eng '12) Clk La Salle Nat Bk Eathbun Hubert H (chem eng '13- ) Stu Wagner Gilbert F J (1 '11 LL B) Law STAND AED Faletti Michael J (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu STANFOED Warlow Arthur B (ag '05) Ag 4* Hog Breeder ? Wilcox Charles B (sp '70) STANNA Skillin Ealph W (m eng '09) Sec Universal Welding Co STAEK Nickolls Cecil E (ag '12- ) Stu STAUNTON Ahlers Ophelia (la '15- ) Stu Auer Lucile (mus '14) At home Eccles William E (su '07) Supt Schs George Leslie G (1 '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu Godfrey Frank (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu tGodfrey Wall (la '08) Goff Arthur C (sc '14) Stu Howells Mary G (h sc '14- ) Stu Ho wells Euth C (la '14- ) Stu Mitchell William L (sc '14) Stu Wash St L U Eeschetz Ernest M (e eng '13- ) Stu Smith Eose (sc '11 AB) Teach Wall Har>:et E (la '15- ) Stu STEELEVILLE Gilster Adolph L (cer '07) Trav Sales t Keller Bella (su '11) STEELING Andreas Lewis P (com '15- ) Stu 1034 ILLINOIS 106 Seventh Av Bell Herbert E (e eng '10 BS) Merc 805 Av B Benson Keith W (com '15- ) Stu 1007 Locust St Benson Merrill M (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1007 Locust St Birdsall Lloyd B (ag '14- ) Stu BucTcworth Dana L ('80) Thar Burch Evelyn R (la '15- ) Stu 1006 E Fourth St Bush Arthur W (arch '94 BS) Supt Utilities Co 411 Avenue B Buyers Donald E (m eng '12 BS) 1202 W Third St Clark Harold E (cer '12- ) Stu 302 W Tenth St Detrick Florence J (h sc '15) Stu N 111 St Nor 712 E Third St Ferguson Harry T ('92) Bonds $ Investments Forbes Bertha M (su '05) Teach H Sch Geyer Howard A (ag '13) Bk Clk Gould Frank E (arch '15- )(M3) Stu 208 E Seventh St Haskell Frank W (e eng '13) Elect Constr 903 E Second St Haskell James P (cer '15) 903 E Second St Hendricks Lester B (e eng '08) Drug Holsinger Charles R (su '15) Teach H Sch 412 Fifth Av Honens Frederick W (CE '07) (c eng '06 BS) Bus Mgr Sterling Foun- ' dry Co 507 Fifth Av Janssen Elmer T (la '15) Stu 1009 Locust St Jewett Clarence C (la '76) Keefe James L (e eng Feb '16- ) Stu 203 12th Av Keefer Annie E (la '14) At home 412 First Av Keefer Marie V (la '07) Teach Krause Emma A (la '12 AB) Teach 701 Locust St tLarson Charles O (m eng '13) 611 W Fourth St Lendman Alfred N (e eng '13- ) Stu 706 Locust St Linn Julius H (ag '09) Bnk pinkney Leslie A (la '15 AM) Teach 305 W Seventh St Powers Leroy T (ag '14 BS) Ag El Powers Luella F (la '12 AB) Teach Real John J (com '15) 702 Fourth Av Reisner Charles L (ag '13 BS) Ag Adv 1007 Second Av t Robinson Earl L (e eng '07) Av J W Seventh St tRodemeyer Benjamin E (m eng '13) 509 Seventh Av IRound George A (m eng '02) Rutledge Nellie I (la '08 AB) Teach c/o Mary Osborn tSeneff George P (su '12) Shaulis Charles S (su '06) Teach Sheldon Carl E (1 '02 LL B) (la '99 AB) Law Stager Frank M (eng '14) 707 First Av Staggs ' Elmer H (ag '11) Ag Rl Sterling Mrs C M (la '75 Cert) Teach Strock Faraday J (c eng '13) Fore- man Hardware Factory 811 Second Av Sturtz Harry K (1 '11) E Est # Ins 713 Second Av Talbot James (ag '15- ) Stu 901 Second Av Tibbetts Robert K (m eng '11) Exp Internat Harvester Co 10 E Seventh St Wahl Leo J (e eng '15- ) Stu 5 W Sixth St Ward Frank A (arch eng "11 BS) Designer Branch Ofc J R Fugard Arch Ward Mary H (h sc '15- ) Stu 80y Av B Ward Philip H (1 '13 LL B) Law Wheeler Mrs A W (la '10) Home 1009 W Third St \ Wheeler Frank D (c eng '09) 703 Second Av Williams Chester A (arch eng '13- ) Stu 203 19th Av Williams Eugene C (com '15-- ) Stu 606 W Fourth St Williams Scott (m eng '03) Adv Mgr Sterling Daily Gazette 810 W Fourth St Woods Grace B (la '15- ) Stu 406 Fifth Av Wyne Ervin E (1 '02 LL B) Sec $ Treas Wyne Deaver Dry Goods Co STEWARD Carney Sidney S (ag '15- ) Stu Cook Harold H (ag '12) Ag Henning Burt L (m eng '04) Ag Johnson Oliver O (ag '06) Ag ?Shippee Henry C (sc '94) ?Thompson George P (sp '00) STEWARDSON Frede Glen W (com '15- ) Stu Voris Ralph E ('98) Grain Deal ILLINOIS 1035 STILLMAN VALLEY Baker Albert H ('89) Osgood Wilbur B (ag '14) Ag Trumbull Frederick M (su '01) Ag STOCKLAND Hoskiuson Ottis (su '15) Teach Montgomery Mrs C S (h sc '08) Home Reed Cecil C (com '15- ) Stu STOCKTON Curtiss George (ag '15- ) ( '13) Stu R3 Curtiss William G (ag '82 Cert) Ag Co Surv Finkenbinder Walter E (sc '08) Merc Heindel Spencer E (c eng '13- ) Stu Johnson Porter L (ag '15- ) Stu N Main St Meyers John C (su '15) Supt Schs Moore Vivian J (h sc '15- ) Stu Front St tSchap Thomas H (e eng '12) Siemen Bertha A (la '13 AB) Teach Simmons Arthur M (ag '12) Ag STONINGTON Clements Philip L (ag '15- ) Siu Corzine Jesse M ( '04) Grain Merc Corzine Roy A (ag '03) Ag $ Stock Corzine Mrs R A (mus '03) Rome Drake Elmo S (la com '11 AB) Acct 4' Clk Drake Waldo H (la com '11 AB) Merc Garwood Frank S (ag '05 BS) Ag Garwood Herman E (ag '05 BS) Ag Gebhart Elmer F (ag '09) Aq Kincaid Albert R (ag '08) Vet tKrieger Augustus E (ag '08) R3 Livergood Alvah E (la '15) Stu St Louis Coll Pharm Lockwood Clarence M (ag '08) M Eng Lowry Guy E (su '09) Supt Schs Markwell Olen C (e eng '13) Ag RFD Midkiff John H (ag '14- ) Stu Myers Mrs (la '02) Home R2 Peabody John R ('90) Ag \Sabin- Nellie ('92) STREATOR Alband Lillian M (la '13 AB) Prob Ofc 215 S Bloomington St Arthur Mildred S (su '14) Arthur Ross C ('09) Grocer 301 E Main St Barackman Hazel B (ag '15- ) Stu 120 S Monroe St Bartells Henry H (sc '13 BS) Cer Chem 112 Ninth St Boys Thomas L (sc '11 AB) Asst Supt Barr Clay Co 506 S Monroe St Bronson Frank L (sc '05 AB) Med 304 Main St tCarlson Carl A (la '07) 617 E Main St Conley David O (sc '13) Stu NW U 115 W Kent St Conley Josephine V (la '13 AB) Teach 115 W Kent St tDixox Nellie M (la '07 AB) 209 E Bridge St Dykeman Audrey (la '12) Teach 609 S Park St Elliot Arthur R (ag '12- ) Stu Essington John W (la com '10 AB) B Est 604 Broadway St Essington Thurlow G (la '06 AB) Law 604 Broadway St Fincham Louis R (su '11) Teach 104 E Grant St Forxof Mrs G N (la '01 LL B) Home Fornop John R (la '10 AB) Publ 122 S Bloomington St Fornof Mrs John R (la '10) Home 804 S Park St Foster William G (arch eng '00 BS) Arch Opera House Blk Genseke Edward W (ag '00) 201 Washington St Guesche Edward W (ag '00) Pay Boll Mgr 305 W Morrell St Goebel Ruth (su '14) Teach 301 W Morrell St Greener Walter H (la '15- ) Stu R8 Haldeman Ralph E (arch eng '13) Clk Thatche Mfg Co tHamrin Thomas E (sc '12) 1007 Lundy St Heineke Paul H (1 '13- ) Stu 801 S Bloomington St Henry Mary Anne (la '15 AB) Teach Hoadley Marian H (su '10) Teach 317 S Bloomington St Holmes Thomas R (eng '01) Ag El Horn Elgie L (ag '12) Ag R6 Howe Mrs O H (sp '97) Home 504 N Sterling St Jackson Loretta M (su '08) Teach 708 Wasson St Jennet Harold P (e eng '15- ) Stu R3 Jones David R (c eng '12- ) Stu 712 N Bloomington St Kern Edward L (e eng '14) 506 S Park St Klopp Charles G (m eng '12- ) Stu Law Litta M (su '14) Teach 1002 Madison St Lew Beatrice E (la '15- ) Stu 206 E Kent St 1036 ILLINOIS Linskey Frances (su '13) Teach 1003 Madison St tMcCormick Cora B (la '00) McCoy John J (sc '14) Trav Strea- tor Brick Co McVay Thomas N (sc '14 BS) Cer Eng Streator Face Brick Co Mackey Sady E (mus '08) Stenog 110 W Morrell St tManahan Helen A (su '02) Miller Mrs H A (la '01) Home El Mohan John J (la '12) E Est 2 Eades Bldg Moore Joseph P (c eng '07) Ag R3 Nusbaum Emil J (e eng '15- ) Stu 208 N Lincoln Av Perry Walter O (m eng '04) Ag R2 Phillips Lawrence C (la '09 AB) Ag Plumb Ermine F (la '10 AB) Mfg 509 Broadway Poor Leonard S (la '15- ) Stu 217 S Monroe St Powers Francis M (1 '04 LL B) Law 504 S Vermillion St Reinel Bert E (1 '15- )(la'15) Stu 302 N Park St Robinson Thomas L (m eng '12 BS) Purchasing Eng 811 N Park St tSpencer LeRoy G (sc '11) 210 S Bloomington St Stevenson Elmira C (h sc '15- ) Stu Stevenson James V (ag '13 BS)('ll AB) Asst Ag Ext en Swanson Ralph A (cer '15) c/o Barr Clay Wks Swift Gertrude L (h sc '14- ) Stu Rl tSzabo Andrew J (1 '10) R5 Wagner Mrs AD (su '02) Home 310 N Bloomington St Williams Charles H (la '83) Merc Williams Helen J (la '15) At home 205 N Vermilion St t Wolfe Gertrude V (h sc '08) 308 S Bloomington St STRONGHHURST Davis Andrew J (ag '09) Ag Doak Cranston H (ag '15- ) ^Stu Foote Lorenzo S (ag '14- ) Stu Box 166 Hollingsworth Chauncey R (e ens' '15- ) Stu Melvin Glenn I (ag '10) Ag Melvin Paul R (ag '11) Ag Peasley John H (ag '09) Ag Pope Walter S (su '15) Stine Cleo E (ag '15- ) Stu SUBLETTE Lauer Elizabeth R (h sc '11) At home ?Van Tine SUEZ Clarence i '01) SUGAR GROVE fBorden Gideon (sc '97) Chapman A P ('78) ?Ricketson George H (la '87) Snow Edgar (ag '11) Ag Tanner Clarence (ag '09) Ag R2 SULLIVAN Baker Charlotte P (la '11 AB) Teach 1807 Harrison St Baker Zion F (la '00 LL B) Law Blair Mittie (h sc '10) Teach blayney Lillian (g his '14 AM) Teach H Sch Bolin William K (ag '05) Ag Butler Charles H (eng '15) Stu Nor Sch 1105 E Water St Chipps Alta F (la '12 AB) At home Chipps Earl C (ag '08) Ag Chipps Mabel B (la '14) Stu Milli- kin U 1801 W Jefferson St Chipps Paul L (ag '13; Ag 1801 W Jefferson St Climer Mary E (sc '14 BS) Teach 1807 Harrison St Corbin Ruth I (la Feb '15- ) Stu 1313 Jefferson St Daugherty Anna E (su '15 AB) (la '00) Ag ?Eden Joseph (m eng '03) tHadley Thomas A (1 '09) Hall Joseph L (chem eng '14- ) Stu 1017 Main St Harsh Harry J (la '14) B Est $ Ins 701 Washington St Harshman Lucius R (la '02 AB) Contr 207 Jackson St Hill Gertrude O (su '15) Teach H Sch t Hollingsworth Jay F (arch eng '10) Hudson Glen E (ag '15) Stu 1708 Scott St Huff Roger G (1 '12) Law Jenkins Charles W (1 '02) Jenne Charles H (ag '13) Ag R2 ?Lacv Robert W (1 '03) Magill Russell M (la '73) Merc Martin I Edgar (e eng '14) Laiv 108 Harrison St Martin Joe N (1 '14- ) (sc '13) Stu Martin John E (la '14) 2004 Jeffer- son St Martin Olive (la '07) Teach 2004 Jefferson St Martin Robert W (la '14) 2004 Jeff- erson St Miller George C (1 '10) Sales Murphy John P (ag '12) Ag R2 ILLINOIS 103^ Murphy Mary A (mus '15- ) ( '12) Stu R2 Murphy Thomas L (ag '13) Ag R2 Nathan May ('08) Nurse Patterson * Charles R (1 '15 LL B) 1012 V 2 Washington Peadro Benjamin F (la '80) (ag '72) Ag Peadro Bernice F (la '14- ) Stu 713 Hamilton St Peadro Earl D (c eng '14 BS) ( '09) 713 Hamilton St Phillips Albert V (ag '06) Ag Phillips John B (g '15- ) (sc '12 AB) Stu Phillips Minnie A (h sc '14- ) Stu Rl Ray Elva A (ag '15) Jackson St Reid Mildred (la '15- ) Stu 349 W Washington St Roney George A (la '15- ) Stu 1402 Canfield St Seass Jeanie (h sc '15) Stu 906 Jackson St t Seass Samuel L (la '96) RFD Shuman Bliss (ag '04) Ag Smith Bryan A (la '14- ) Stu 1702 Jefferson St Steele Ella (a&d '97) Titus George L (la com '14 AB) Ag 1504 Monroe St ?Underwood Clarence (c eng '11) Wiley Joseph P (la com '11 AB) Ag Wood Adeline (h sc '12- ) Stu Woods Ardie G (la '13 AB) Teach Wright Homer W (1 '09) Ins Wright Mrs H W (la '08) Home SUMMERFIELD Hirstein John A (ag '15- ) (m eng '15) Stu Hirstein Samuel A (ag '15- )('09) Stu Pletschr Adolph B (ag '06) Ag \Schumaeher Louis N ('10) SUMMER HILL Anderson Leslie L (ag '05 BS) Ag Long Jesse R (la '15- ) Stu SUMNER tBell James B (su '08) Supt Schs }Couchman Andrew B ('09) ^Cunningham Roy B ('01) Lathrop William G (la '14- ) Stu Petty Lawrence O (ag '15- ) Stu Petty Manley R (ag '13- ) Stu R5 (70) Stoltz Mrs H C (su '06) Teach tStine Guy E (ag '05) R6 ' Wagner James I (la '09) Teach $ Publ SUMWAY Petzing Edwin R (e eng '14) Stu SWAN CREEK tBirdsall Grace L (su '10) Birdsall Ralph J (su '12) Ag Ratekin Otis B (ag '11) Ag SWEDONA ?Christianson Oscar K (ag '04) SYCAMORE Arntzen Inga I (la '15- ) Stu 355 Grant St • Blagden A Dexter (la com '73) Med Butzow John M (c eng '08) Auto Chandler Zachariah E (la '11) Whole- sale Cigar $• Tobacco Merc Claycomb Amos T (la '09 AB) Ag Claycomb Edward D (ag '13) Ag Conrad Cassius B (la '13 AB) Ab- stracter 124 W Ottawa St Conrad Charles S (m eng '15- ) Stu Coultas Florence A (la '14 AB) At home 503 S Main St Fulton William J (1 '00 LL B) (la '98 AB) Law 214 Pierce Bldg Fulton Mrs W J (la '98) Home Gustafson George P (com '15- ) (cer '15) Stu 915 W State St tHall Almon F (ag '06) Harney Charles J (c eng '01) Whole- sale Shipper Hay <§• Straw Hay Walter M (c eng '91 BS) Circ Ct Clk Hohm Harley D (ag '15- ) Stu Holcomb Arthur H (eng '96) Lum- ber Coal 4- Grain Bus 720 DeKalb Av Johnson Gordon G ('02) tKellum Charles S (m eng '04) Laskey Mrs J B (la '06) Home Lattin Judson (m eng '85 BS) Mas- ter Mech 412 W High St Lindmark Edward E (cer eng '15) 403 Edward St Miller William C (c eng '10 BS) Co Supt Highways Nesbit George W (la '89) Med Parke Mila (ag '05) Teach Pike Claude O (la '02) Jour Piper William A (sc '13) Mfg Trans 217 W Sycamore St IQuinn John H (la '77) Roberts Erma D (h sc'14 BS) Teach Safford Edward B (sc '00 BS) Ag Sandall Ernest E (ag '13 BS) Ag 121 Alma St tScheidecker Glenn W (com '13) 119 1038 ILLINOIS N Maple St ^Schuyler James C ( '96) tSell Harry S (sc '07) Smith Lowell B (la '08 LL B) Law Ct House Bldg Spelce John E (la '15- ) Stu 214 E Exchange St Stephens Samuel J (la '10) Law Wetzel Ira A (su '09) Merc 422 W State St Whittemore Harry M ('88) Winders Frank E (e eng '05 BS) E Eng S W Winders Wyman Edmund S (ag '05) Ag TABLE GROVE Dilworth James R (ag '18 BS) Ag tRasmusson Mary C (su *09) TALLULA Austin Nola G (su '14) Teach Campbell Horace L (ag '18) Ag Edwards Dorothy (ag jreb '16- ) Stu Greene Birdie W (la '07) Teach Judy James William ('97) Ag Morris Bertha M (su '15 ) Supt Schs Paine Harry A (su '09) Hardivare Rogge Lena M (su '14) Prin H Sch Valentine Mrs R E (la '04) Rome TAMALCO tLangham William Y (su '11) TAMAROA Flabb Frederick (eng '15) Baker t Smith Ellen A ('88) TAMPICO Aldrich Robert D ( '04) Davis Kenneth I (com '15- ) Stu \Engel Glenn G Sippel Beth E (la '15- ) Stu Woods Riley F (sp '02) Cash 1st Nat Bk TAYLOR ^Edmonds Mabel J (la '97) % Taylor John F (c eng '84) • TAYLORVILLE Anderson Clarence (e eng '14- ) Stu 628 E Franklin St baker Clarence J (g chem '11 MS Fac '12) Teach H Sch Baker Mrs C J (h sc '12) ( '06) Home Barker Sherman (ag '11) Acct Box 156 Barnes Russell D (arch eng '12- ) Stu 417 S Clay St Beatty Edwin M (ag '08) Ag R3 Woflin Frederick D ('78) Colegrave Mrs J B (su '10) Home $ Lect 418 E Market St Collier Robert J (ag '09) Propr Creamery 805 E Ash St Consoer Meta (la '13 AB) Teach H Sch Craig Mrs W E ('99) Home Dappert Anselmo (c eng '14- ) Stu 515 E Grandy Av Wean Hiram ( '07) deffendall Prentice II (g engl'14 AM) Supt Schs ?Dorman Dean Stanley (la '09 AB) 221 E Poplar St Evans Bessie B (h sc '11) Teach 412 W First St Evans Laura B T ('03) Home 412 W First St \Gaboert Glen A ('09) Merc tGlick Abe L (mun eng '13) Meter Eng Hawkins Walter A (ag '10) Ag Hedden Prue A (su 'i0) At home 505 E Market St Oerdman Herbert O (la '94) IHershey Harry B (1 '09 AB) tHewitt Clarence T (la com '10) Asst Cash 215 E Poplar St Houser Mrs W H (la '10 AB) Home 515 S Washington St Kimball Mrs O H (mus '04) At home 829 W Vine St Kyle Harriett (su '13) Teach H Sch 418 S Cherokee St Ladd William S (ag '15- ) ( '12) Stu tLeight Cora (la '06) Long Troy L (la '05 AB) Gen Mgr Stonington Coal Co tMcBride Willis B (m eng '93) Law McCaskill Hadyn A (ag '15- ) Stu R7 McCaskill Lyman C (ag '14- ) Stu tMcCloskey Charles R (ag '09) tMiller Roy C (m eng '09) Neu Elbert (m eng '11) Stu U Tex Oyler James L (ag '15) Stu Parker Howard K (la com '09) Mil tPowEL Ellen C (la '11 AB) tPurcell • Charles D (1 '07) R2 Richmond LeVoy F (com '15- ) Stu 513 N Cherokee St Rozanski Otto (e eng '14) 516 S Cherokee St Senneff George F (ag '15 BS) Teach Dir Athl H Sch t Sharp David M ('78) Spates Alfred (m eng '15- ) Stu Spates Gladys M (h sc '15- ) Stu t Stevens Julia A (su '06) Stevens Wayne M (ag '15- ) Stu ILLINOIS 1039 210 E Adams St Tucker Bert F (e eng '08 BS) Hist Supt Cent 111 Pub Serv Co t Vaughn Arthur L (ag '11) Vollintine Lyman G (la '08) Bnk TEHEEAN Bonham Frank V ( '07) TENNESSEE Lawyer Joseph D (1 '15- )(la'12) Stu Walker Ernest D (ag '10 BS) Ag TERRA COTTA Riley Eaymond J (la '15) Asst Kiln Burner TEXICO Gage John H (se '12- ) Stu El THEBES t Brown Harry ('10) Cox Lloyd F (su '07) Bnk Cox Mrs L F (su '09) Home THOMAS Peck Blaine L (ag '15- ) Stu THOMASBOEO t Kelso Curtis E (se '02) t Seymour Charles L ( '00) THOMASVILLE Bldred William S (ag '04) Ag t Thomas Samuel (ag '04) THOMPSONVILLE Eoberts Frances E (la '15- ) Stu THOMSON Peck Blaine L (ag '15- ) Stu William Wilbur L (ag '12) Ag THOENTON Rahn Eeinhardt P (m eng '15) Eng Rahn Rudolph (m eng '15) Maeh TILDEN ^Crawford Therin E ('95) Sta Agt IC RR TIMEWELL Jennings Mrs J C (h sc '06) Home Kerley Claude (ag '08) Ag TISKILWA Albrecht William B (sp '01) Ag El t Anthony Arthur ('03) Bachman Alta M (mus '15- ) Stu Battey Bradford R (com "15- ) (la '15) Stu Battey Zilpha C (h sc '12- ) Stu \Blake Burton A ('94) Brown John L (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Duell Mrs AS (su '06) Home | Eddy Dora B (su '10) Teach Gallaher Harold T (e eng '12- ) Stu Pleasant St Gardner James H (ag '12) Ag Hunter Richard D (ag '13) Ag Kellog Howard C (e eng '07) Auto Sales Kenney Helen T (su '08) Teach Kirkpatrick Mrs LB ( '92) Home Kissick Ena (la '13) Teach Kitterman Fred R (la '98) Med $ Ag t Kitterman Eobert M (m eng '13) Powers Alice J (h sc '06) Teach Powers Fred E ('15 BS) Ag Powers Howard C (ag '06) Ag Powers Wilbur L (la '07) Prof Ore Ag Coll Quick George E (arch eng '14 BS) Effic Eng Quick Harry (c eng '12- ) Stu Eeynolds Ernest H (ag '07 BS) Ag Schertz Albert C (la com '08 AB) Ag Soverhill Wilbur H (ag '04) Ag Thompson Harold H (com '15- ) Stu VAN Devort Paul E (1 '03 LL B) Law t White Charles H (ag '01) Winship Mary A (h sc '14- ) Stu TODD'S POINT fBirkett John (sp '73) t Bland Mattie ('86) ?Lupton Thomas (la '73) t Noble John ('84) ISpitler John (la '84) fSpitler Jefferson D (la '76) TOLEDO t Anderson Stell B ('01) tAshwill Eavmond M (la com '13) Bloomfield Matt ( sc '08) Wurton Delos ('11) Cartmill John R (sc '14) Clk t Deems Owen ( '90) Everhart Philip H (la '15 AB) 1014 S Sixth St manker Walter H ('05) Lyons Roy J (ag '14 BS) Ag McCandlish Fred R (ag '14- ) Stu Miller Pearl H (su '14) Teach . Tossey Francis J (la '86) Ag $ St i040 ILLINOIS Sen Vernon Edith B (su '15) Kl Willis Benjamin C (e eng 7 08) Asst Cash 1st Nat Bk Willis Mrs E C (la '05) Home # Eloc TOLONO Armstrong Alice N (la '15- ) Stu ?Bond Joseph E (m eng '92) Boomer Kuth L (su '15) Bower Mrs AS (la '06 AB) Home Bower George J ('03) Ag Bower Robert A Jr (la '95 BL) Bnlc Brya Edward G (ag '14- ) Stu Burns Mabel M (su '00; Camp Edna C ( '00) Bloc # Art Camp Florence M (la '12- ) Stu ^.Carpenter George W ('89) Concannon James C ('85) Crawford Armon J (la '10) Asst Cash Bk t Creamer William C (ag '02) ' Ag Duell Mrs AS (su '06) Home Durfey Donald (com '15- ) Stu Durfey Dorothy (mus '15) Stu Durfey Franc A (mus '05) Stenog Bus Ofc U 111 Edwards Mrs R V (la '13 AB) Home R8 t Gates Leslie O ('99) Ag $ Stock Gunning Mary E (mus '11) At home Hartbank Frederic W (la com '13) Confect Hill Annetta A (sp mus '05) At home ?Kamp John (ag '93) ?Kamp Pete (ag '93) Leslie Mrs J W (la '06) Home tLoucks Lydia F (mus '80) MARTEN John ('94) Med Marten Redick W (la '12) C Eng Meharry Edwin T (ag '06 BS) Ag Meharry George F (la '05 AB) Ag RR48 Meharry Mrs G F (mus '05 B Mus) Home R48 Meharry Jesse E (g la '00) (la '99 AB) Ag Meharry Paul F (ag '11) Ag ?Norris Henry (gen '69) O'Beirne William F (la '09) Ag Parry Joseph L (la '94 BL) Ag Perkins Albert C (a/ eng '94) Tel Mgr Perkins Allie C (m eng '94) Tel Mgr Redhed Alice (la '13 AB) Redhed William S (com '10 AB) Ag $ Asst Cash Bk Riegel William E (ag '08) Mgr Farm Riegel Mrs WE (h sc '08) Home R46 Trost Francis H (la '14 AB) Prin H Sch Trowbridge Charles L (ag '12 BS) Ag ?Watson Francis E (mus '09) Hofp Lucy Virginia (Whall Mrs G W) (la '09 AB) Home TOLUCA \Ball JayH ('06) tBall Jonas H (ag '11) Carrithers Glenn W (ag '15) Ag Henn Hildegard AS (h sc '13- ) Stu t Martin Frederick S (1 '04) Stahl Myrtle L (la '14 AB) Teach Tracey Andrew E (1 '05 LL B) Law Tracey & Tracey TONICA Ashley Richard J (m eng '93) Ag R14 Bullock Mason ('88) Ag Elliott Charles J (ag '12 BS) Ag R15 Elliott Gertrude L (h sc '13 BS) Teach $- Lunch Boom Dir R15 Hensold Harold H (ag'13- ) Stu King DeWitt L (m eng '12- ) Stu Long Leonard F (la '15) Morris Harold B (ag '13) Ag TONTI Cope Lorin V (ag '13- ) Stu tCope Walter L (ag '85) Fruit Grower Dale Fred S (ag '15) Ag TOPEKA ?Anno E W (la com '79) tWillard William F (su '02) TOULON ballew Margaret E (g la '10 AM) Teach Berfield Clyde (la '00) Med Chase Joseph H (ag '15- ) Stu tDownsend Leslie L (ag '10) Garrison Byron K (la '14) Gemmell Anna M (su '99) Lior Jackson James E (ag '06) Ag $ Stock R3 Jackson Morris W (ag '10) Ag Box 297 fMorshouse Kent W (la com '08) Murray Marvin W (ag '07) Ag Murray Nina J (lib '01 BS) Teach tRedfield William R (la '05) Rennick Eugene H (la '09) Dist Mgr 111 Life Ins Co t Schallenberger Ashton C (sc '80) Silliman Henrietta la '05) Teach tSilliman Levi Jr (ag '07) Silliman Minott (ag '06) Ag Webster Don O (ag '07) Ag R5 ILLINOIS 104 1 Wright Eleanor M (la '04) At home Wright Helen G (la '07 AB) Wright William WJr (1 '04 LLB) Law 4" Live Stock TOWANDA Daniels Mrs J A (mus '97) Home Henline Leslie R (ag '09) Ag Howard Leola.C ('09) TOWER HILL Bess Dudley C (su '10) Clk Borton Gail L (la com '09 AB) Ag Cannon Lester C (ag '15- ) Stu ?Fry Ray E (ag '05) Galster Alma L (su '14) Teach Newkvrk Clifton E ('07) Ag Rl Schoch Arthur J (e eng '13- ) Stu R3 Weber Frederick G (ag '15- ) Stu TREMONT Eaton Mrs C D (la '07 AB) Home McFarland Leslie H (arch eng '04) M Eng Eiley Lester E ('10) Mintr TRENTON Carr James W (la '75) Carter William S (la '13- ) Stu Eisenmayer Augustus (ag '03) Grain Buyer Eeisenmayer Herman A (e eng '00) Merc tGinzel Roland F (arch '99) Arch Leonhard Adolph M ('92) Bnk ?Ramsay George H (ag '80) tRennick Arthur T (arch eng '04) Schaefer Delmont L (c eng '10) Asst Cash Farmers Bk THTLLA Randolph Glenn L F (c eng '15- ) Stu TRIMBLE Ferguson James (su '14) Teach Trimble Carleton T (la com '11 AB) Ag Homewood Farms Trimble Mrs Carleton (mus '11) Home Homewood Farms TRIVOLI Cottingham Wirt (su '03) Ag Korth Frieda E (la '11- ) Stu R12 TROWBRIDGE McClory Joseph W (ag '09) Ag TROY GROVE t Gardiner Royal T (sp '00 ) TUNNEL HILI Cover Mrs D M (la '14 AB) Home TUSCOLA Bailey Ozias (sp '73) Trader Baker Mrs (su '99) Teach 287 Court St Bassett Jonathan F (m eng '10) Meter Dept CIPS Co Blaine Walter C (sc '91) Med boyce Arthur C (g ed '11 AM) Teach Bollman Irene L mus '15- ) Stu Callaway Ralph G (ag '05) Ag Coombe Harry N (ag '01) Coombe Mrs H M (ag '00) Ag t Crawford John J (sp '73) Cresset Lucretia (la '15 AB) Teach Davis Joel T (1 '11) Law & Mntr Early Recia W (su '12) Teach R3 Edmunston Eliza (su '99) Teach Goodspeed James M (sp '71) Mintr Goodspeed Wilbur F (ag '05 BS) A a Hackett Mrs L O (la '93 MS) ( '90 AB) Home 68 E South Lin St tHanson Dayton W (ag '10) Heacock Mrs F (mus '05) Ag tHeld Rhea L (ag '14) tHowe Ralph (ag '12) Huffman Fuller R (la '09) Sales Ingram Glen R (la com '06) Med Jones Carroll C ('82) Ag Jones Mrs C C ('83) Home Jones Guy R (1 '02 LL B) Law Kerns Mrs EM ('09) Home Little Guy S (c eng '10) Merc McCarty William F (ag '05) Grain # Coal McKee Paul S (la '11) Ins Star Store Bldg Maris Ward S (ag '13) Ag Meister Edwin F (la '12) Teach 72 E Van Allen St t Meister Florence M (la '12) 72 E Van Allen St Moon Maud M (lib '11) Teach 54 E Sale St Morse Mrs ( '95) Morse Chester A (c eng '10) Com Dept Pub Util Co Morse Robert P ('95) Ag # Contr Moulden Clara B (la '15- ) Stu 40 E Pembroke St Mters Odessa M (g classics '15 AM) (la '14 AB) Teach ?Niles Ella G (su '07) Parker Bertner I la '05) Grain Merc Rahn Harry H (com '15) 61 E Scott St R«at Fred L (la '99) Edit "Tuscola Jour" Rice Mary K (ag '14) 24 E Sale St Roe Gertrude A (la '14) 104? ILLINOIS Roe Hazel M (la '14) Romine Joseph F (ag '15 BS) Ag Eomine Mrs JF (h sc '14) Home Shonle Horace A (chem eng '14- ) Stu Stacy Edward E (sc '01) Phar Taylor Nellie F (la '08 AB) Teach 25 S Indiana Av Thompson Everett B (la '15) Stu Le Stan U 33 N Main St ^Thompson James W ('01) Thornton Curt (m eng '99) Sec Bid & L Assn Van Voorhis Bentley M (la com '06) BnJc Van Voorhis Willis E (la com '11) Ag t Wells Alice A (su '06) t Wells Ruth M (su '06) Williamson Earl W (sc '11) Teach Williamson Mrs Edna G (su '15) Libr 39 E Pembroke St Williamson Myra M (la '14) Wilson Ewing (su '15) Teach Wyeth Paul J ('08) c/o Mrs E Bliss \Wyeth William E ('10) c/o Mrs E Bliss ULLIN Dunivant John B (ag '05) Ag Lingenfelter Lee E (ag '02) Ag UNION ?Clark Susan A (la '75) Jones Bruce L (mun eng '09 BS) Mgr Prairie Glen Stock Farm Jones Mrs B L (mus '05) Home Ocock Clarence H (ag '03) Ag UNION GROVE Bull Maude E (h sc '15 BS) Teach Collier Ethel A (la '13- ) Stu UNION HILL Schott William P (ag '11) Ag UNIONVILLE tLeeper Robert (ag '93) UPPER ALTON Ballinger Emma M (la '13- ) Stu Rl Ballinger Mrs H T (h sc '13) Home 442 E 12th St Coulter Frank T (c eng '10) C Eng Dept 111 Glass Co 1726 Main St URBANA Abrams Mrs Samuel A (mus '07) Home 410 High St ? Adams Alfred C (su '95) ?Adams C F (sc '78) ?Adams William W (ag '73) Agg Sarah (ag Feb '16- )('15) Stu 920 W 111 St (mus '99) At home (la-'lO) Home 303 205 W Ahlrich Augusta 109 S Lynn St Airz Mrs Rufus S North St Albee Chester L (ag '15) Stu California Av ALDEN Earle S (g engl '14- ) Instr U 111 611 W California St ^Alexander John Alva (sc '12) Stu 808 E Oregon St ? Alfred Benton (sp '74) %Alltire Arthur D ('99) \AlUre Grace E ('99) 808 W Green St \AlHre Henry H ('00) 1109 Spring- field Av Allen Alice A (h sc '11- ) Stu 1107 W Oregon St Allen Louis (g french '15- ) ( '15 AM) (la '13 AB) Asst U 111 1002 W Cal- ifornia Av Allison Ira D (ag '06 BS) Assoc U 111 804 S Bussey Av Allison Mrs I D (la '03 AB i^-ac '04) Home 804 S Busey Av Allyn Orr M (ag '12 BS) Instr U 111 1105 W California Allyn Mrs Orr (la '04 AM) ( '03 AB) Home 1105 W California St Alverson Maude L (la '09 AB) Teach 705 W Illinois St Alverson Ruth A (la '14- ) 705 W Illinois St Alverson Verna M (la '14) At home 705 W Illinois St alvord Clarence W (g hist '08 Ph D) Prof U 111 1005 California Av Alvord Mrs C W (g hist '14- ) Home 1005 California Av Alvord Genevieve R (la '12- ) Stu 1005 W University Av Alyea Erma N (mus '04) At home 1005 W University Av Amerman Howard ('07) Auto Sales 206 E Main St Amsbary Paul D (arch '12- ) Stu 706 W Green St ANDERS Paul Asst U 111 708 W High St ANDERSON C B Asst U 111 805 S Busey Av Anderson Florence E (h sc '09 BS) At home 806 W Nevada St Anderson Jennie (la '15- ) Stu 1009 W Springfield Av Anderson Perry J (com '14- ) Stu 806 Nevada St Andrews Elizabeth (h sc '15- ) Stu 706 W Elm St Andrews James B (g an husb '14- ) ( '13 BS) Instr U 111 706 W Elm St Andrews Ruth H (la '15- ) Stu 706 W Elm St ILLINOIS 1043 anthony Mamie E (g '15) (g ed '11 AM) Teach. H Sch 1008 W Cali- forniaAv Armour Phillips F (la '15 AB) B Est S Lincoln Av Armour Mrs P F (la '15 AB) Home 1008 S Lincoln Av t Armstrong Neal H ( '02) 910 W Illi- nois ASH Percy Asst Prof U 111 904 S Busey Av ATKINSON Charles E Supt Grounds U 111 1305 W Clark St \Atteoery Osbert H ('97) Atwell Clarence A (g engl '15- ) Instr U 111 610 W Oregon St Augustus Earl K (g an husb) (ag '14 BS) Asst U 111 1306 S Orchard St Aumer Joseph P (sc '08 BS) Assoc U 111 502 W Oregon St fAyers Charlotte (la '72) ?Ayers Judson F (sc '85 Cert) Ayers Lois S (a&d '97) (la '78) Art Decorator 704 W Oregon St BABBITT Harold E (g mun eng '14- ) Instr U 111 907 W Oregon St BABCOCK Kendric C Bean U 111 1107 W Oregon St Baechtold Elsie L (lib '13- ) Catg U 111 806 W California Av BAGLEY William C Prof U 111 611 W Oregon bailey Ernest W (g ag '15- ) ( 7 0» MS) Asst Prof U 111 605 Michigan Av Bailey John W (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Draft 904 W Illinois St Baines Alice E (h sc '14 AB) Teach 916 W Nevada St Baird Ellen M ('07) Nurse 608 Mathews Av Baker Mrs G H ('01) Home 601 Green St Baker Ira O (c eng '78 CE('74 BS) Fac '80) Prof U 111 1106 W Cali- fornia St Baker James C (g phil '14- ) Mmtr 1005 Green St Baker Mrs J C (mus '15) Home 1005 WGreen St BALDWIN Edward C Asst Prof U 111 1002 S Lincoln Av Barnes Allen L (arch '15 BS) Arch 511 S Babcock St Barnes Nelle (la '15 AB) Stu NW U 511 S Babcock St Barnhart Jesse M (g '12 MS)(sc '06 BS) Asst U 111 707 W Illinois St Barnhardt Mrs Jesse M (su '04) 707 W Illinois St Barnhart Mabel O (la '09) Superv Mus 707 W Illinois St Barr Mrs Andrew (g '96) (sc ; 95 BS) Home 502 S Bace St Barr Andrew Jr ('92) Brick Maker tBarricklow Joseph P (1 '08) Barth George AC (c eng '10 BS) Gov C Eng 302 Flat Iron Bldg Barth Oris (1 '09 LL B) Law Flat Iron Bldg Barto Daniel O (ag '06 BS) Assoc U 111 919 Nevada St Barto Harriet T (la '12- ) Stu 919 Nevada St Barto Margaret M (la '13- ) Stu 919 Nevada St BARTOW Edward Prof $ Dir St Water Surv 1007 W Orengon St BAYLEY William S Prof U 111 903 W Nevada St ?BEACH Alice M Asst U 111 BEAL George D Assoc U 111 801 Ne- vada St Beal Mrs G D (mus '13) Home 1010 W Oregon St BEAL James H Dir U 111 801 W Ne- vada St BEARD Joseph H Instr U 111 $03 S Race St beatty Albert J (g ed '15- ) ( '15 AM) Stu 812 W High St Beatty Owen C (ag '14- ) Stu 707 W Illinois St BECK Clyde B (g engl '14- ) Asst U HI 506 W Elm St t Becker Adam ('03) Beeby Ruth A (la '14- ) Teach 930 W Green St Beirs Grace (mus '97) Cateress Benjamin Harry W (sc'14 BS) Stu U 111 Coll Med 102 S Romine St \Bennett George ('09) 1104 Spring- field Av Bennett Nancy L (la '14 BS) (mus '08) Clk U 111 1104 Springfield Av Bennett William L (la '02 AB) Sc Asst U 111 402 S Vine St Benson Mrs O W (h sc '13) 205 W Elm St BENTLEY Isaac M Prof U 111 708 S Goodwin Av ?Benton Alfred (gen '69) Berninger Harriet J (g ed '15- ) ( '15 AB) Asst U 111 1010 y 2 California Av Werry Edna M ( '95) Beverlin Mayme H (la '12) At home 704 W University Av BEVIER Isabel Prof U 111 805 S Lin- coln Av Bevis Albon (arch '12) Insp Bldg Constr U 111 707 W Oregon St BEVIS Mrs Albon ('10) Home 707 W Oregon St 1044 ILLINOIS Beyer Vera (la '15 AB) (jour '13) Stenog 1110 W Oregon St Biegler Philip S (g e eng '15) Asst Prof U 111 1105 S Coler Av Bing Benjamin (sc '91 MS) ( '88 BS) Merc Bing Bertha H (la '14- ) Stu 105 N Orchard St Bing Louis ( '80) Tailor 105 N Or- chard St Binyon Mrs Josephine A (mus '15) Home 201 W Washington St Birchard John W (cer eng '13- ) Stu 1201 W Clark St Birchard Leola M (ag '14- ) Stu 1201 W Clark St \Bireley Frank ( '97) Bissell Don W (g org chem '14- ) Asst U 111 1003 W California Av Blackwell Mary L (su '13) Catg Typist U 111 805 W Illinois St Blaine Boyd S (sp '06) Circuit ClJc BLAIE Joseph Prof U 111 601 Michi- gan Av Blair Mrs J C (1'98) Home 601 Mich- igan Av BLAISDELL Daisy L (gger '09) Instr 111 908 Nevada St BLONDHEIM Dayid S Asst Prof U 111 University Club BLOOMFIELD Leonard Asst Prof U 111 804 W Oregon St Bloomfield Mrs Alice (su '15) Home 804 Oregon St BODE Boyd H Prof U 111 910 W California Av BOGAET Ernest L Prof U 111 806 W Oregon St Bogart Mrs E L (g '15) Home 806 W Oregon St Boggs Cassandra (la '92 BL) Boggs Fortune S (mus '06) (m eng '93) B Est 606 W Lincoln St Boggs Franklin H ('88) Judge # Law 111 W Main St Boggs Mrs F S (la '05) Home 801 W Illinois St Boggs Lucinda P (la '94 AB) Teach 811 W Illinois St Bond Lyda ( '15- ) (h sc '06 BS) Stu 1008 W California St boomsliter George P (g c eng '14 MS) Assoc U 111 608 W Indiana Av tBoone Thomas C (la '11) 110 N West St Borah Loco W (la '14- ) Stu 102 S Romine St Borden Ptaymond F (g math '15- ) Asst U 111 903 Railroad Av Borton Cecil W (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 905 W California Av Bott Margaret A (su '08) Teach ?Bouseman Francis M (1 '09) 1006 W Main St Bowditch Fred D (la ; 88 BL) Teach 504 S Race St Bowditch Fred T ^e eng '15- ) Stu 504 S Race St BOYER Clarence V Assoc U 111 908 W Nevada St braham Joseph M (g chem '15- ) ( '15 MS) Asst U 111 805 Oregon St braley Silas A (g chem '15- ) (chem • '15 MS) Asst U 111 1014 W Oregon St Bralton Ollie S ('07) Breedis John (sc '12- ) Stu 1307 W Main St Breedlove Charles (e eng '05) Bet 1412 W Beslin St Brentlinger Clell M (e eng '12- ) Stu 1008 W Green St Broaddus Florence E (la '93) At home Broadhurst Elizabeth M (su '13) Stu Urbana H Sch 201 Washington Bldv BRODERSON Henrv J Instr U 111 612 W Washington Blvd Bronson George D (ag '05) Huff Lum- ber & Coal Co 1107 W Illinois Bronson Lilly O (g la '14) (la '89 BL) At home 1107 W Illinois St Bronson Nina L (a&d '96) At home 1107 W Illinois St Brooks Edith (mus '09) At home 1004 Matthews Av Brooks Eula M (la '14- ) Stu 1202 W Stoughton St Brooks Fannie M (la '15 AB) (la '09) Asst U 111 808 W Oregon St Brooks Frances (mus '14) ( '09) At home 1004 Matthews Av Brooks Frederick A (e eng '13- ) Stu 1004 S Matthews Av BROOKS Morgan Prof U 111 1004 S Matthews Av Brooks Mrs Morgan (mus '05) Home 1004 S Matthews Av BROOKS Neil C Asst Prof U 111 705 W Green St Brooks Roger (com Feb '16- ) (e eng '16) Stu 1004 S Matthews Av Brooks Verna (la '09 AB) Instr U 111 1104 W Nevada St Brooks Viola (la '13- ) Stu 1202 W Stoughton St t Brothers Goldie E ('06) Browder Olin L (1 '06 LL B) (la '04 AB) Law $ Mayor 105 S Busey Av Browder Mrs O L (mus '06) Home 105 S Busey Av Brown Mrs Anna (mus '15) Chap- erone 630 Langdon St Madison Wis Brown Howard D (g hort '15- ) (ag ILLINOIS 1045 '14 BS) Asst U 111 906 S Eace St Brown Hugh A (g eng '13 BS) ( '11 BS) E Eng 605 W Oregon St Brown James F (1 '15 JD) (la '13 AB) 605 W Oregon St BEOWN Joseph C Prin Train Sch 412 Iowa Av Brown Kenneth G (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 402 W High St Brown Ealph E (sc '08) 604 W Green St Brown Eobert E (la com '13- ) (e eng '13) Stu 605 W Oregon St Brown Warren H ( '98) Jour 605 S .Market St t Brown William M (sc '14) 202 N Eomine St Brownfield Georgia (h sc '13- ) (mus '09) Stu 505 High St Brownfield Lelah (la com '15) (la '10 AB) Sec Sch Com U 111 505 W High St \~Bruer William ('90) Bruffett Lena (mus '00) Bruner Mary V (la '13 AB) (g lat Feb '16- ) Stu Sr Teach H Sch 510 S Goodwin St brush Elizabeth P (g hist '15- ( '12 AM) la '04) Asst U 111 807 S Lin- coln Av ?Buchanan Gertrude ('00) 501 W California Av BUCHANAN Harold C Asst U 111 412 W Nevada St Buchanan Loretta M ( '09) At home 412 W Nevada St t Buchanan Eobert E ('04)' BUCK Alonzo M Asst U 111 607 W High St Bull Sleeter (g ag '13- ) Assoc U 111 806 Michigan St Bullock Mrs David (mus '06) Home 1302 W Main St Bunch Mamie (h s c '14 BS)('09) Bern 4- Chge H Sc Exten '14- 1107 W Oregon St Burford Cary O (g la '05 AM) (la '04 AB) Bus Mgr 808 W Green St BUEGE William E Asst U 111 504 W High St BUEGEE Carl V Instr U 111 924 W Illinois St t Burke Annabelle ('11) 1103 W Illi- nois St ?Burke Ira H (ag '08) 408 W Ore- gon St Burnett Edith (h sc '09) At home 805 W Oregon St Burnett William T (eng '05 BS) E Eng 406 W California St Burres Opal ('09 AM) (la '08 AB) Teach 208 W Elm St Burt Mrs T A (sp '99) Home Busch Louis A (1 '08) Law Busey Allen (mus '98) Merc 607 N Coler Av Busey Bertha (la '05) At home 502 W Main St t Busey Carolyn E (h sc '08 AB) Busey Charles B (g la '10) (la '08 AB) Bnk 604 W Green St Busey Frances (mus '11) At home 914 W Oregon St Busev Garreta H (h sc '15) At home 503 W Elm St Busey John W (ag '69) Bnk 811 W Oregon St Busey Josephine K (la '15- )('14) Stu 914 W Oregon St Busey Mrs Mary E ('05- ) Home 4r Overseer Farm Lands 502 W Main St Busey Paul G (la '01) V-Pres Bk 911 W Nevada St Busey Mrs Paul G (mus '09) Home 911 W Nevada St Busey Simeon H ('03) Cash Bk Butterfield Francis E (e eng '13- ) Stu 1101 W Clark St Butterfield Mrs F E (la '15) Home 1101 W Clark St CADY Gilbert H (g '12 Fac '13) St Geol Surv U 111 Callahan William J (m eng '12) Clk 704 W Main St Callen Alfred C (g min eng '14- ) Instr U 111 1001 W Oregon St Campbell Charles A ( '11) Field Worker U 111 Campbell David J (ag '12- ) Stu $ Teach 103 E California St Campbell Mabel S (h sc '11) fCampbell Mary (sp '94) Campbell William F (ag '13- ) Stu 103 E California St CANN Jessie Y Instr U 111 812 W Illinois St CAED William ('73) Cardiff John L ('11) Bd Trade Oper- ator 216 W Main St Carley Mrs Eush ('87) Home 604 E Green St CAEMAN Albert P Prof U 111 908 W California Av CAEMAN Mrs A P (sp '00 Fac '00) Home 908 W California Av CAEMICHAEL Eobert D Prof U 111 904 S Gregory Av CAEMICHAEL Wilbur J (g ag 15- Fac '15) Instr U 111 906 S Good- win St Carnahan David H (la '98 AM) ( '96 AB) Assoc Prof U 111 1006 Nev- 1046 ILLINOIS ada St carnahan Mrs D H (g french '08 AM) Home 1006 W Nevada St Carnes John K (ag '15- ) Stu 1012 W Oregon St Carnes Mrs Susan M (,su '13) Home 1012 W Oregon St ?CAROZZIE Guiseppe N ('98) CARRY Charles S Asst U 111 1207 W Stoughton St Carson Francis T (1 '03 LL B) Law 310 W High St Carson Thomas Mrs (la '07 AB) Home 602 Stoughton St Case Harold C M (ag '12 BS) Asst U 111 1410 W University Av Castle Ora B (la '12) Stenog U 111 202 S Eomine St Castle Richard L (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 202 S Romine Av Castle Russell D V (la com '12- ) Stu 202 S Romine Av Cate Hubert A (ag '13 BS) Field Wk U 111 ?Catto Keith A (ag '09) 1002 W Oregon St Cavanaugh Marie E (la '15- ) Stu R7 Chadwick Francis I (mus '07) Asst to Dr D E Yantis 406 S Race St IChance Alonzo R ('99) 501 Babcock St Chase John A (cer eng '13- ) (c eng '13) Stu 906 S Goodwin Av Checkley Joseph H (g econ '15- ) (ag '13 BS) Asst U 111 907 W Ore- gon St Cheney George H (sc '05) Chesley Alice C (la '15) At home 926 W Illinois St Chesley Beulah V (la '02) At home 926 W Illinois St Christopher Daniel L (sc '08 AB) Sales Mgr 305 W Washington St Christopher Mrs D L (sp mus '09) Home 305 W Washington St Christy Grace J (h sc '14- ) Stu 704% W Illinois St Chumley Eugene E (su '13) 910 Ma- thews Av Clark Mrs F E (lib '11 BLS) Home 1110 W Oregon St Clark Fred E (g econ '15- ) '13) Stu 1110 W Oregon St Clark James Russell (arch eng '15- ) (m eng '12) Stu 206 N Romine St Clark Thomas A (la '90 BL) Bean Men U 111 928 W Illinois St Clark Mrs T A (la '91 AB) Home 928 W Illinois St Clarke Claude E ('04) 211 W Green St Clarke David R (la '14 AB) Stu Harv U 1001 W Oregon St Clarke Helen B (mus '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 206 N Romine St Clarke James R (arch '15) 1301 W Clark St Clayberg Harold D (g bot '15- ) (sc '13 AB) Asst U 111 511 S Good- win Av Clevenger Charles H (g math '14- ) Stu 104 S Babcock St CLEVENGER Clinton B (g agron Feb '14- ) Asst U 111 901 W Illi- nois St Cline Bessie F (la '14 AB)('08) Teach H Sch cobb Margaret V (g ed '15- (g sc '15) '13 AM) Asst U 111 812 Illinois St COFFEY George N Asst St Leader of Co Advisers U 111 907 Gregory PI Coffey Mrs G N (su '15) Home 907 Gregory St Coffey Walter C ( '09 MS (ag '06 BS) Fac '13) Prof U 111 607 W Oregon St Cohen Julius B (mus '06) Teach Mus Cohen Sydney N (1 '06) Mfg 511 W Elm St COLE Arthur C Assoc U 111 805 S Goodwin Av ?Cole Vinie (mus '78) 1 Collins Ora C (su '06) 204 S Busey Av Collins T B (80) Colvin Mrs Ernest (la '11) Home Colvin Esther M (su '15) 1307 W Stoughton St Colvin John T (1 '07) Merc 405 W Green St Colvin Mrs J T (mus '08) ( '03) Home 405 W Green St Colvin Mrs J T (a&d '98) Home 508 W Elm St Condit Ray W (1 '11) 304 N Race St Congleton Frank H (ag '14- ) 203 S Busey Av Conkle Maggie (mus '80) Cook Willard O (g chem '15- ) Stu 507 Goodwin St Coolidge Mrs E R (h sc '12) Home 704 W University Av ?Cooper Chas H (la '78) Corbin Carl (la com '10) Trans 509 University Av tCoughlin Hannah E (su '01) Teach 706 Stoughton St Courtney George F (la '14- ) Stu 816 W Clark St Courtney Helen I (la '15- ) Stu S10 ILLINOIS 104: W Clark St %Cox Margaret A ('08) ?Cox Nellie T (su '07) 903 W Main St Crackel Anna B (su '15) Teach 108 N Coler Av Crain Chester M (la com '15 AB) Stu Harv U 705 W Green St Crain John A (su '05) Auto Repair 705 W Green St Crain Mrs J O (su '10) Teach 705 W Green St CRANDALL Charles S Prof U 111 1106 W Oregon St crandall William T (g ag '13 MS) Assoc U 111 1107 W Oregon St ?Crane Flosse S (ag '01) CRANE Rufus (g sc '14- ) Instr U 111 707 W Green St Crane Mrs Rufus (su '15) Home 707 W Green St Crawford Emma (sp '04) At home 505 S Race St Crawford Ruth M (la '13- ) Stu 505 S Race St fCrayne John S (ag '72) creek Herbert L (la '10 PhD) Assoc V 111 501 W High St Cremeans Nida E (la '15- ) Stu 1006 W Green St Crigler Nina B (hs '06) (Feb '16- ) 916 W Nevada St Cruzan Myrtle A (la '14 AB) Asst V 111 9141/2 W California Av ?Culp Flora C (su '95) CUNNINGHAM Harrison E (g '13) Sec Bd Trustees & Asst Registrar U 111 1104 W Nevada St Cunningham Joseph O ( '73) Law 922 W Green St Cuningham Opal C (la '13- ) Stu 207 W California Av CURL Mervin J Instr U 111 916 W Nevada St Curtis Florence R (la '11 AB) Assoc V 111 908 W Nevada St CUSHMAN Robert E Instr U 111 808 Oregon St dalbey Nora E (g bot '14 AM) Asst U 111 602 S Lincoln Av Daly Thistle M (la '13) At home 813 W Main St Danely Alfred Jr (eng '04) City Eng Danely Mrs AM (la '04 AB) Home 1007 Busey Av Danely Paul J (c eng '06) Arch 606 "W Green St Danely Mrs Paul (la '11) Home 606 W Green St DANIELS Arthur H Prof V 111 805 W Nevada St DANIELS Mrs A H ('05) Home 805 W Nevada St Danielson Ralph R (ere '14 BS) Asst U 111 309 W Illinois St Danielson Mrs R R (la '14 AB) Home 309 W Illinois St DAVIDSON Carl N (g chem '14- ) Asst U 111 917 W Green St Davis Charles E (la '11) Jour 908 E Main St Davis Chester E (ag '13) Sales Swift & Co 605 W Illinois St Davis Clara E (mus '12- ) Stu 605 W Illinois St t Davis Etta V ('04) 1010 E Main St Davis Frances M (la '15- ) Stu 205 W Elm St Davis Mary B (g '14- ) (la '01 AB) Stu 606 S Lincoln Av IDavis Mary H (ag '06) 104 Central Av DAVIS Raymond E (g c eng '11- ) Instr U 111 809 Indiana Av DAVIS Robert L (g bot '14- ) Asst U 111 1110 W Springfield Av fDavis Thomas H (sp '01) ?Day Mrs Marion (chem "74) t Decker Dorothy M (la '14) 806 W Green St DECKER Edward H ('11) Prof U 111 806 W Green St Decker Mrs E H (mus '11) Home 806 W Green St WeMotte Henry C ( '02) DENT John A (g m eng '13- ) Assoc U 111 1103 W Illinois St Dent Richard W (m eng Feb '15- ) Stu 1103 Illinois St denton William W (g '12 PhD) ('09 AM) Instr U 111 1107 W Oregon St derick Clarence G (g PhD '10) ('09 MS) Asst Prof U 111 619 Indiana Av \Derrough Orville J ('98) DETLEFSEN John A Asst Prof U 111 916 W Nevada St DETLEFSEN Mrs J A (g Bot '13) Asst U 111 Home 916 W Nevada St De Turk Jeremiah A (m eng Feb '15- ) Instr U 111 706 W Green St DE WOLF Frank W Dir St Geol Surv U 111 1008 S Busey Av De Wolf Mrs F W (la '08) Home 1008 S Busey Av Dexter Grace E (la '11 AB) Teach 614 W Illinois St Dexter Lulu B (mus '15 B Mus) (la '14 AB) Instr Violin 614 W Illinois St Dexter Lydia Lior U 111 Surv 1011 W Illinois St Dickenson Robert W (ag '12 BS) Asst U 111 Dickerson Ira W (e eng '09 BS) Assoc U 111 1107 W Oregon St 1048 ILLINOIS DILLENBACK Lemual C Instr IT 111 711 Green St Dixon Clifford H (g hist Feb '16- ) 410 W High St Dodson Mattie M (mus '09) At home R12 Doherty Francis L (ag '13) 404 E Oregon St Doherty Margaret I (mus '15 B Mus) Teach Mus 404 E Oregon St Doherty Mary C (la '09 AM) ( '08 AB) Hist Clk 416 Lincoln Hall ?Donaldson Eli A (ag '73) Donaldson Elysabeth F (la '14 AB) Teach 707 W High St Donaldson Helene J (su '12) Teach 707 W High St DORNER Herman B Asst Prof IT 111 904 S Goodwin Av DORNER Mrs H B ( '15) Home 904 S Goodwin Av Dorris Sylvanus A (su '15) Teach II Sch 1202 W Stoughton St ? Drake Edwin L ('08) 503 W Green St DREESEN William H Asst U 111 1001 W Stoughton St Drury Francis K W (lib '05 BLS) Asst IT 111 706 W Nevada St DU BOIS Henry M (g geol '14- ) Asst IT 111 1203 W Springfield Av Duhuamel Lonnie (m eng '12) 909 E Water St DUNCAN James M Asst U 111 208 E Oregon St WunUn Gilbert L ('98) Dunlap Alice I (su '95) Bunlap Charles ('77) Dunlap Effie C (com '15- ) (la '13) Stu 703 W Washington Blvd t Dunlap Helen E (sp '96) „ 703 W Washington St Dunlap Leonard E (arch eng '13- ) Stu 703 W Washington Blvd Dunlap Robert L (sc '85 Cert) Car- penter 703 W Washington Blvd Dunlap Mrs R L (la '85) Nurse 703 W Washington St Dunn Harold H (e eng '11 MS) ( '08 BS) 612 W Michigan Av Dunseth James M (sp '99) Law 1203 W Springfield Av Durst Charles E (ag '15- ) ( '09 BS) '12 MS) Assoc IT 111 902 S Busey Av Durst Mrs C E (mus '10) Home 902 S Busey Av Dustin Charles S (ag '15- ) Stu 711 Washington Blvd Du Vail Nellie O (mus '15- ) Stu 910 W Springfield Av Ealey Burdelle (la '15- ) Stu 501 E Oregon St Ealey Minnie (mus '02) 501 E Ore- gon St EDMONDS James L Instr IT 111 916 W Nevada St Edwards Mrs G W (la '07) Home 403 W Oregon St Edwards Jessie M (la '07) At home R9 Edwards M Reece (ag '13- ) Stu 1306 W Stoughton St Edwards Roy V (c eng '11) Ag R FD Ekblaw Karl J T (g '13 MS) ('09 BS) Assoc IT 111 1107 W Oregon 111 Ekblaw Mrs Karl J T (g '13- ) (la '10 AB) Home 1107 W Oregon St Elder Mantie (sp '84) ELDREDGE Arthur G Instr U 111 920 W Green St ELLIS Charles A Prof U 111 502 W Elm St Ellis Orland I (ag '12 BS) Asst IT 111 Wilis Warren W ( '10) Elvis Mrs Clyde (mus '13) Home 811 W Oregon St EMCH Arnold Asst U 111 604 W Elm St Emch Walter (e eng '15- ) Stu 604 W Elm St Emmett Arthur D (sc '05 AM ( '01 BS) Fac '14) Asst U 111 608 W Illinois St Enger Mrs Mary C (la '10) Home 807 W California St Enger Melvin L (c eng '11 CE) ( '06 BS) Prof IT 111 807 W California St engle Edgar W (g chem '15- ' MS) Stu 814 W Stoughton Av Engle Jeannette M (g ed '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu R10 Engle Lawrence W (ag '15- ) Stu Engle Ralph N (ag '10- ) Stu R10 Engle Mrs Ralph N (su '15) Teach R10 Ensign Newton E (g T&AM '15- ) (c eng 13 BS) Instr U 111 104 S Math- ews Av Ensign Mrs N E (mus '06) Home ERB J Lawrence Dir Music Sch IT 111 709 W Washington Blvd Ernest Helen O (mus '15- ) Stu 1104 W Stoughton St EVANS Frederick N Assoc IT 111 915 Stu 4- Home 915 W Oregon St Evans Mrs Frederick N (mus '15- ) Home 915 W Oregon St Evans Harriet C (mus '09) 604 S Lincoln Av Everhart Leon IT (la & law '09 LL B &AB) Law 1207 S Orchard St ILLINOIS 104i> Everhart Mrs L U (h sc '12) Borne 1207 S Orchard St Fahnkopf Harrison FT (g agron '15- )('13 BS) Asst U 111 811 W Springfield Av FAIRLIE John A Prof U 111 1103 W Illinois St Fallon Vallie E (la '15- ) Stu 613 Stoughton St Fanning Ealph S (g arch '15- ) Instr U 111 915 W Nevada St Fargo Roy N (e eng '09 BS) Prof U 111 1013 W Oregon St Fargo Mrs R N (mus '08) Home 506 W Iowa St Farr Mrs Jessica H (la '05) Some 927 W Green St Faucett Mrs Philip M (la '12 AB) Home 906 W Oregon St Faulk Merrill C (la '13- ) Stu 901 W Stoughton St Fay Donald A (la com '13- ) Stu 931 W Green St fazel Charles S (g physics '15- ) ( '15 AM) Asst U 111 105 S Coler Av Feheenkamp Winifred (lib '12 BLS) Libr U 111 916 W Nevada St Felger Walter B (la '15- ) (m eng '13) Stu 708 W Green St Felsenthal Emma (lib '12 BLS) Instr U HI 916 W Nevada St Feng Kaimin K (g c eng '15- )('15 BS) Stu 930 W Illinois St fFerguson Gladys B (la '09) 1108 W Illinois St FERGUSON Harry F Asst U 111 1009 W Oregon St Ferree George B (la '15- ) Stu 508 N Goodwin Av FILBEY Edward J Priv Sec to Pres U 111 706 Michigan Av Finfrock Chancy L (1 '14 LL B) Law 107 W Main St Fisher Forrest A (g agron '15- ) (ag '11 BS) Instr U 111 902 W Illi- nois St \ Fisher George H ( '08) t Fisher Mrs V T (su '09) Fisk Ira W ( '13 MS) (e eng '09 BS) Assoc U 111 609 S Coler Av Flanders Junius A (la '09 AB) Grain Broker Kariher Bldg Flanders Mrs J A (la '09) Home 703 Illinois St flanigam Miletus L (g '14 AM) Prin H Sch 501 Indiana Av FLATTERY Amanda M Catg Lib U 111 602 S Lincoln St Fleming Georgia E (h sc '12 BS) Instr U 111 1107 W Oregon St FLEMING James R Asst U 111 Uni- versity Club Fie welling Mrs Ada W (la '90) Teach 106 S Webber St Flock Marguerite P (la '14- ) Stu 904 W Green St Flock Ward J (ag '13- ) Stu 904 W Green St FLOM George T Assoc Prof U 111 611 W Green St Foote Eva A (la '73) Home 601 W Elm St FORBES Gideon R Instr U 111 703 Michigan Av forbfs Stephen A (Hon LL D '05) Bir 111 St Lab Nat Hist 703 Michigan Av Ford Jay T (g chem '14- ) Asst U 111 1003 W Illinois St Forward Mary C (su '14) FOULON ID ('72) Fowler Finley M ( '06) 1105 W Gark St Fox Jessie L (h sc '14- ) Stu 807 S Lincoln Av FRARY Hobart D Asst U 111 410 Railroad St FRASER Viola C Loan Asst U 111 1108 W Springfield Av Frazey Alice B (la '98 AB) Superv Draw Pub Sch 1307 W Main St IFredenbur W M (sp '74) t Freeman Artemesia J ( '03) fFreeman Clytus A (g la '11) 806 Gregory St Freeman John A ( '05) Freeman Marie (h sc'13) Asst U 111 208 W Green St Freeman Paul W (e eng '09) Merc Freeman Simeon H (1 '01) R Est & Mgr Theatre 504 W Elm St FREER Louise, Bir Phys Tr Worn U 111 905 W Illinois St French Mrs I H (mus '06) Home 912 W Oregon St Frensdorff Charles A (la '15- ) Stu 603 W Green St FRISK John A Asst U 111 702 W Illi- nois St FULTON Edward Assoc Prof U 111 1009 W California Av Fung Yu Nan (ag '16- ) 506 Good- win Av Funk Ruth S (h sc '13- ) Stu 711 W Springfield Av Galpin Stella B (lib '14 BLS) Loan Besh Asst U 111 1107 W Oregon St Garland Frank D (sc '10) V-Pres Uni Supp Store 902 W Illinois St Garland Mrs F D (la '12) Home 902 W Illinois St Garman Horace B (la '15- ) Stu 601 N Lincoln Av 1050 ILLINOIS GARNER James W Prof U 111 807 W Oregon St Garrison Edith G (mus '14- ) Stu 209% W Illinois St fGarrison Elbert (sc '06) GARVER Neal B Assoc U 111 711 In- diana Av Gault Frank W (ag '14) 1306 W Stoughton St fGensel Mrs Martha E (mus '99) Gentle George E (ag '13 BS) Asst V 111 1208 Clark St tGerdes Elizabeth (la '06) Chiroprac- tor R12 ?Gere Fayette (sp '68) Gere Helen B (h sc '14 BS) At home 608 W Main St Gere Rollin C (ag '10) Jeweler 608 W Main St Gerlach Miriam (la '11 AB) Teach 1002% W California Av gernert Walter B (g agron '11 PhD) ( '09 MS) Assoc U 111 1108 W Ore- gon St fGibbs Mrs Clark (a&d '08) 914 W Illinois St Gilkerson Hiram (ag '77 BS) Ag Bet 1105 W California Av tGill Rudolph Z (arch '88) Contr 932 W Illinois St ?Gillmore George B (c eng '04) 1016 Oregon St fGillmore James M (c eng '04) 1006 California Av Wilmer Karl R ( '95) GILMORE Ross E (g chem '13- ) Asst U 111 410 W High St tGirty Maude (mus '99) *Gladden Bertha (a&d '05) 1018 Ore- gon St Glasgow Robert D (g sc '13 PhD) ( '08 AB) Instr U 111 611 W Stough- ton St Glassco Hazel (su '15) Teach 915 W Illinois St Glassco Ruth M (h sc '13- ) Stu 915 W Illinois St GLENN Pressley A Entom St Entom Ofc 506% W High St Glessing Barbara F (la '14) Teach 917 California Av Glick Everett E (ag '14- ) (ag '11) Stu 1303 W Clark St Glover Donald M (sc '12- ) Stu 306 W High St Godeke Harry F (m eng '05 BS) Instr V 111 503 W California St Goebel Irma G (mus '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 918 Nevada St GOEBEL Julius Prof U 111 918 W Nevada St Goebel Julius L Jr (la '13 AM) ( 12 AB) 918 W Nevada St Goetz Antoinette H (lib '15 BLS) Libr 914 W Green St Goindler Frantz ( '94) Goll Mrs George G (la '05) Home 509 W Washington Blvd Gonnerman Harrison F (c eng '13 MS) ('08 BS) First Asst Eng Exp Sta U 111 1009 W Illinois St Gonnerman Mrs H F (lib '11 BLS) Home 1009 Illinois St goodenough George A (eng '00 ME) Prof U 111 605 S Lincoln Av Goodpasture Gladys M (la '15- ) Stu 812 W Illinois St tGoodspeed Stella (mus '98) Goodspeed Willeta M (ag Feb '16- ) Stu 205 University Av ^Goodwin Jessie (la '80) ('74) Gordon Frank A (ag '15- ) Stu 934 W Illinois St Gordon Marie A (h sc '11) Sec U 111 910% W California Av goss William F M (D Eng '04) Dean Coll Eng U 111 1103 W Nevada St Gossard Ella L (su '15) 208 E Green St Gould Anthony R (ag '13- ) Stu 1308 W University Av GOULDING Philip S Instr U 111 810 W Nevada St Goulding Mrs P S (mus '09) Home 810 W Nevada St Grabbe Edith K (h sc '11) At home 701 W Illinois St Grabbe Florence H (h sc '12 BS) At home 701 W Illinois St Grabbe John C (ag '13- ) Stu 910 Nevada St Grabbe Lowell F (com '15- ) Stu 910 Nevada St Graham Charles W ('09) Sec 4' Treas Uni Supply Store Grant Ruth M (h sc '12- ) Stu 506 W Illinois St GRAVES Charles E Asst U 111 1001 W California St ?Graves Clinton H (mus '05) Gray Albert B (1 '07) City Collector 506 S Cottage Grove Av GRAY Cora E (g h sc '13) Assoc U 111 908 W Oregon St GRAY Greta Instr U HI 1017 W Illi- nois St Gray John (pol sc '02) Concrete Contr 511 Pennsylvania Av Gray Mrs John (a&d '95) Home GREEN Alexander Instr U 111 608 S Lincoln Av Green Bessie R ( '10 AM) (la '07 AB) Asst U 111 708 W California Av Green Esther C (la '14- ) Slu 917 ILLINOIS 1051 E Main St GREEN Mrs EC (la '89 Fac '02) Home 923 W Green St GREEN Frederick Prof U 111 1106 W California St Green Mrs L H (la '90) Home 917 E Main St fGreen N L (la '76) Green Otis M (sc '98) E Est L f. Ins 205 W Nevada St Greene James H ( '15 AM) (ag '08 BS) St Leader Ag Ext en V 111 702% W Oregon St Greene Joel W (ag '15- ) Stu 1008 Oregon St Greenfield Edman (g chem '15- ) Stu 610 W Oregon St GREGORY Allene Instr U 111 616 Michigan Av Gregory Mrs John M (Hon MS '92 Fac '77) Home 616 Michigan Av t Griffin Mrs Edith (se '00) Griffith Mabel F (su '08) Clk U 111 1106 W California Av Grindley Harry S (ag '88 BS) Prof V 111 918 W Green St GROSS Gustave A Instr V 111 50S W Illinois St ?Grotts Charles J (sp '03) fGroves Mrs Inez Myrtle W (mus '11) 1211 Main St Guild Mrs T H (land arch '14- ) (h sc '09) Home $ Stu 1008 Oregon St Gulley Lawrence R (g eng '15- (g '11 MS) m&e eng '10 BS) Stu $ M 4- E Eng 907 Nevada St Gulley Sanford J (m eng 'J3- ) Stu 907 Nevada St Gunderson Alfred J (ag '11 BS) Instr U 111 309 Washington Blvd GUSLER Gilbert (g ag '15- ) Assoc U 111 1302 S Orchard St Gustafson Axel F (ag '07 BS '12 MS) Asst U 111 709 W Nevada St \Guynn Clarence E ('06) Carpenter 103 Central St Gwinn Ethel (g'12)(la'll AB) Stu Cosmopolitan Sch Mus 806 Goodwin Av Hackley Elizabeth P (la '13- ) Stu 1016 W Oregon St Haessler Carl H (g philos '14- ) Asst U 111 907 W Oregon St HAGUE Stella M Instr U 111 908 W Oregon St Haines Forrest L (com '15- ) Stu 806 W Oregon St Halberstadt T E ( '81) Hale Mrs Jessie M (la '11) Home 1103 W Illinois St HALE William G Prof U 111 702 W Oregon St Hale Mrs W G (la '14) Home 1103 W Illinois St Hall Cecil J (com 15- ) St a 1304 W Clark St Hall Ellen E (la '74) Dressmaker 205 W Green St Hall Mrs Gene (su '14) 705 W High St Halliday Mabel (mus '16- ) Stu $ Stenog 806 W California St Hammon Clarence T (ag '16- ) Stu 1011 W Oregon St Handschin Walter F (ag '13 BS) Asst Prof U 111 702 S Elm St Hanger Paul N (ag '13- ) Stu 901 % W Green St Hanmore John L (1 '13- ) (la '06) Stu 705 W California Av Hanmore Mrs J L (la '08) Home 705 W California Wannagan Arthur J ('06) Wannon Donald W ( '11) 1006 Ore- gon St HANSEN Paul Eng St Water Sur U 111 University Club harbarger Sada A (g engl '09 AM) Asst Engl U 111 1101 W California St HARDING Harry A Prof U HI 704 W Nevada St Haynack George A (e eng '12 BS) Trav Sales 1310 W University Av Harnack Vernon L (la '15- ) Stu 1310 W University Av HARPER Arthur Instr U 111 1103 W Illinois St Harper Bertha M (h sc '07 BS) Teach . H Sc 1103 W Hlinois St Harper Claude (g an husb '14) Asst U 111 608 W California Av Harper Ernest G (la '15) Teach H Sch 408 W Illinois St Harper Julia A (mus '13) (la '12 AB) Asst V 111 1103 W Illinois St Harper Olive C (g ger '15- ) Stu 1302% Stoughton St tHarriman Elmer W (mus '11) HARRINGTON Harry F Assoc U 111 1505 S Orchard St Warrington Howard P ( '04) HARRIS Lynn H Instr U 111 1207 W Main St Harrison Florence (ag '08 BS) Assoc U 111 1001 W Oregon St HART Charles A 'Entom St Entom Ofc 923 W Green St Hartford William S ('02) Osteop 610 W Elm St Hartford Mrs W S (sp '03) Home 610 W Elm St 1052 ILLINOIS Hartrick Guy E (la '01 BS) E Est 4- Ins 718 S Market St Harvey Bessie M (la '07 AB) Dist Supt 111 Child Home & Aid Soc masting s Irena ('08) B7 Hastings Balph C ('09) E7 Hastings Teena ( '07) fHawker Frank A (la '95) Hay Eleanor B (la com '13) Teach Montessori Sch 1110 W Oregon St Hayer Paul ('10) 608 W Oregon St Hayes Edward B (la '14- ) Stu 915 Nevada St HAYES Edward C (g '11) Prof U 111 915 Nevada St Hayes Ora L (su '14) 606 Cunning- ham Av Hays Carl J (eng '11 CE)('01 BS) C Eng 602 W High St Hays Mrs C J (h se '06) Home 602 W High St Havs Gertrude (la '83) At home Hays James B ('06) Mech U 111 904 S Race St Hays Mrs J W (la '96 AB) Home 708 W University Av Hayser Julia A (la '13 AB) Asst V 111 1103 W Illinois St HECKEB, Charles H (mus '15- ) Instr U 111 904 W Green St HEILMAN Ealph E Asst Prof U 111 915 W Washington Blvd HEIMBURGEE Harry V (g zool '13) Asst U 111 701 W Washington Blvd HEKKING William M Assoc U 111 1010% Garfield Av Helt Stella M ( '98) At home Henson Margaret SV (ag '14- ) Stu 1316 S Orchard St Henson Mark (su '05) c/o Smith Ice & Cold Stor Co 706 W Elm St Hepburn Nelson W (g ag '14- )('10 MS) Asst Prof U 111 708 Goodwin Av Hepburn Mrs N W (g mus '10 AB) Home 903 Gregory PI Hess Mrs Fred (mus '06) Home 602 S Lincoln Av Hesser George B (ag '15- ) Stu 602 S Eace St Hester Elizabeth (lib '15) Order Asst U 111 1010 California Av Hickey James B (1 '06 LL B) 1102 W Clark St Hickey Eachel (mus '06) At home 1102 W Clark St HIEEONYMOUS Eobert E Commun- ity Advisor U 111 610 Pennsylvania Av Hill Jesse F ('08) 1310 W Spring- field Av Hill Jesse L (la '13) 1310 Spring- field Av Hill LucyB (mus '14- ) Stu $ Teach Piano 902 W Clark St ?Hill Sarah (sp '72) HILLEBEAND Harold N Instr U 111 506 W Elm St Hinkle Ida M (la '01 AB) At home 601 W University Av Hissong John L (sc '01) US Mail Clh Hixon Ada II (la '15- ) Stu 1207 W Clark St Hixon William M (la '14) BR Traffic ClJc 32 Orlando Flats Hixon Mrs W W (la '14) Home Or- lando Flats 32 Hofto Jacob A (g hist '14- Fac '15) Stu U 111 205 W Nevada St HOGUE James H Instr U 111 1107 W Oregon St HOLBEOOK Elmer A Asst Prof U 111 915 W Green St Holley Charles E (la '15 PhD) ('13 AM) ( '12 AB) 701 W Illinois St fHollister Minnie (mus '80) Holmes Charles B (la com '72) Sec Bd Ed 4' City Clk 701 W Oregon St Holmes Wilbur (m eng '12) Blcpr First Nat Bk 701 W Oregon St Holmes Mrs W T (mus '06) Mus 501 E Elm St Holt Arthur P (ag '14 BS) Orchard 205 Indiana Av HONOVISKI Bronislav E Res Asst U 111 805 W Illinois St HOPE Leone Instr U 111 914 W Cali- fornia Av HOPKINS B Smith Assoc U 111 706 W California St Hopkins Samuel C (la '15) Stu 504 W Oregon St Hopkins Mrs Walter S (a&d '98) Home 505 S Babcock St \Hosford Pearl W ('01) Hottes Charles F (g sc '95 MS) ( '94 BS) Prof U 111 915 W California St Hottes Flora E (la '14- ) Stu 915 W California St Houchens Josie Batcheler (g la '12 AM) (lib '05 AB&BLS) Binding Libr U 111 1106 California Av Houlihan Mrs John (su '04) Home 206 N Eace St \Houser Esta ('05) %Howard Cecil Lorraine ( '05) 1101 W Clark St %Howard Lida F ( '00) Howe Dick E (arch '91) Gen Contr 804 W Springfield Av Howell Lloyd B (g sc '15) Teach H Sch 516 W Michigan Av Hoy Lucy F (la '11 AB) At home ILLINOIS 1053 411 W Elm St Hoy Mae ( '07) At home 411 W Elm sst Hoy Mrs W M (mus '09) Home R12 \Hwbbard Frank ('07) 701 W Illi- nois St Hubbard Mrs F C (la '04 AB) Home 203 Michigan Av Hubbard George W (sp '72) Sec Citi- zens Bldg Assn 211 W Elm St Hubbard Marie E (la '15AB) CU- LM U HI 902 W Illinois St Hubbard Mrs W P (la '12) 1102% Springfield Av Huff Byron R (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 411 W Green St. Huff James O (g engl '12 AM) (la '11 AB) Teach 107 W Springfield Av Huff Marguerite L (la '15- ) (mus '15) Stu 411 W Green St Huff Norval ('08) Lumber 503 W Green St HUFFORD Charles Thurman (ag'14) Soil Surv Exp Sta U 111 HUGHITT Anna S (la '14) Asst U 111 1104 W Nevada St hulce Ray S (g '13 MS) Assoc U 111 1108 W Oregon St Hull Anna L (g hist '15- AM) (la '10 AB) Stu 502% Goodwin Av tHunt Edenia (mus '08) tHunt Guy T (ag '88) Hunt Marsden H (cer eng '15- ) Stu 901 W Springfield Av Hunter Adella A (la '15- ) Stu 1107 S Race St Hursh Mrs R (lib '07 BLS ( '06 AB) Fac '14) Home 205 W Indiana St Huss Mrs T W (la '06) At home c/o Dr Mahon Lindley 2103 W High St Huss Wesley (la '03) BnTc HUSTVEDT Sigurd B Instr V 111 805 S Coler Av Hutchins Margaret (lib '08 BLS) Libr Asst U 111 1105 S Busey Av Hutchins Marjorie (mus '15 B Mus) 203 S Broad St \Hutchinson Ethel K ('08) HUTCHINSON James Asst U 111 S Orchard St Hutherson Mrs William (la '13) Home 210 E Washington St fHutsler George L (arch '01) IHutson John E ('07) htslop William H (g physics '11 AM) Asst TJ 111 1017 W Illinois St Ingalls Horace B (ag '09- ) Stu 209 W Oregon St Jackson Martha E (h sc '15- ) Stu 107 W High St Jacobsen Walter H (la com '15 AB) Shoe Sales 906 W Illinois St James Edmund J Pres U 111 Presi- dent's House James Leonard V (e eng '13 EE ('12 MS) '06 BS) Assoc U 111 711 W California Av James Mrs L V (mus '15) Home 711 W California Av JAMISON Albert W Asst Prof U 111 807 Nevada St Jamison Mrs A W (su '15) Home 807 Nevada St Jamison Michael V (g '15- ) (la '10 AB) Stu 1009 Illinois St JANVRIN Charles E Lect U 111 911 W Green St Jaques Minnie (la '86 BS) Asst Cash Urbana Bk 207 W Elm St Johnson Ananias P (la '00) Supt Sch 936 W Illinois St t Johnson Ethel M ('06) JOHNSON Frank T I?istr U 111 702 W Washington Blvd fJohnson Goodwin J (sc '74) ? Johnson Jessie G (sp '81) JOHNSON Laurence C Asst U 111 613 W Michigan Av ?Johnson Mabel (mus '10) Johnson Mary F (la '12- ) Stu 936 W Illinois St fJohnson Roy B (c eng '12) 607 In- diana Av JOHNSTON Charles H Prof U 111 703 W Oregon St ? Johnston Ethel I (mus '01) JONES Harry S V Asst Prof U 111 906 W California Av t Jones Ina V ( '06) 510 W Green St Jones Madge D ('06) 804 W Green St Jones Marvel A (la '15- ) ( '13) Stu 914 W Illinois St Jones Opal R (la '10 AB) Teach JONES Ralph R Assoc U 111 708 W Oregon St JONES Robert T (mus '15) (arch '12 BS) Assoc U 111 608 W California Jordan Harvey H (t&am '13) Assoc U 111 412 W Elm St Jutton Mrs Lee (mus '05) Home Kamm Oliver (g chem '15 PhD) ('11 BS) Instr U 111 901 W Nevada St KAMMLADE William G (g ag '15- ) Asst U 111 1003 W California Av ?Kampf Viola M (la '07 AB) 312 W 111 St Karrer Sebastian (g physics '13- ) Asst U 111 410 W Illinois St KAY Fred H Asst U 111 803 S Lin- coln Av 1054 ILLINOIS Keeler Edna B (la '14) At home 202 N Eoraine St Keeler Max N (arch eng '06) Carpen- ter 308 W Stoughton KEITH Mary II Asst U 111 917 W California St Kelley Arthur C ('06) Kelley Francis H (ag '11- ) Stu 1306 W Main St Kelley Iva (la '14- ) Stu 1111 Uni- versity Av Kelley Marshall C ( '06) 508 High St Kelley Ealph L (arch '14 BS) Draft U 111 256 Adm Bldg Kelley Mrs EL (h sc '14 AB) Home KELLOGG Joseph M Instr U 111 924 W Illinois St Kelso Euth (g engl '09 AM) ( '08 AB) Asst U 111 1008 S Lincoln Av Kemp Ealph Garrett ('11) 507 Bab- cock St KEMPNEE Aubrey J Instr U 111 907 W California Av Kempton Forrest E (g bot '14- ) Asst U 111 1110 W Springfield Av Kennedy James W (com '15- ) Stu 606 W Stoughton St Kennedy Kathryn B (la '09) Stenog 606 W Stoughton St Kennedy Eobert E (m eng '10) Instr U 111 612 S Coler Av Kent Horace E (c eng '14- ) Stu 1001 W Springfield Av Kern Ethel M ('10) Kern John ( '11) Plumber Kern & Co kernall Morris J (g '14- ) ( '14 AM) Stu 701 Washington Blvd Kernall Mrs Morris J (h sc '15 BS) Home 701 Washington Blvd Kerr George (arch '11) Contr N Market St. Kerr Lyda K (la '14- ) Stu 610 N Market St Kerr Ealph (ag '14- ) 610 N Market St KESSLEE Ernst ('13) kessler James (g '15 AM) Asst U 111 504 W Oregon St kile Jessie J (g hist '13- ) ( '14 AM) Asst U 111 918 W Oregon St kindred James E (g zool '15 AM) Stu 708 California St ming D S ('80) KINGSLEY J Sterling Prof U 111 1011 W California Av ' Kingsley Mary W (g hist '13- ) Stu 1011 W California Av KINLEY David V-Pres U 111 1101 W Oregon St tKirby MaBelle (mus '06) Kirby Wayne I (la '15 AB)('14 BS) Arch Eoyer Ofc 932 W Illinois St IKirkland Annirene (la '14 AB) At home 502 W Illinois St Kirkpatrick Frank A " (cer eng '14 BS) Stu 504 S Goodwin Av Kirkpatrick Helen M (h sc '13- ) Sin 708 S Goodwin Av Kirkpatrick Mrs J (la '89 Cert) At home 902 W Green St Kirkpatrick Mrs L E (mus '06) ( '02) Home 208 W Illinois St Kirkpatrick Sidney D (la '12- ) Stu 708 S Goodwin Av Klein Gordon (c eng '14- ) Stu 402 S Lincoln Av Klein Nancie (la '15- ) (sc '12) Stu 402 S Lincoln Av Klotzche Bayard T (ag '14- ) Stu 1003 W California Av Klotzche Bessie M (la '14- ) Stu 1003 W California Av Klotzche Eunice E (su '15) Teach 1003 W California Av Knapp Aurella (lib '12 BLS) Order Asst U 111 910 W Illinois St fKnight Jessie M (mus '02) KNIPP Charles T Assoc Prof U 111 913 W Nevada St Knipp Mrs C T (la '09) Home 913 W Nevada St Knowles Mrs C H (h sc '12) Home 604 S Busey Av Knudsen Niels A (arch eng '13- ) Stu 206 N Eace St KOHMANN Edward F Assoc U 111 1106 S Coler Av kremers Harry C (g chem '15- ) ('15 MS) Asst U 111 1102 W Springfield Av IKuehne O K ('94) KUNZ Jacob Assoc Prof U 111 1205 S Orchard St Kyle Martha J (la '98 AM) ( '97 BS) Act Dean Women U 111 1101 W Cali- fornia St Laguardia Cincinnati (g la '15- ) Asst U 111 912 W California Av ?Laird Albert N (c eng '12) 1210 W Springfield Av Lamkins Lloyd E (ag '12- ) Stu 206 N Eace St tLampman James W (arch eng '11) 813 W Springfield Av Lang Leonard A (ag '15- ) Stu 806 Gregory St Lang Leroy (g ag'HMS)('09 BS) Assoc U 111 610 Indiana Av langelier Wilfred F (g sc '15- ) ( '11 MS) Inspec III St Water Sur 601 W Oregon St Lanham Edgar T (la '85) Instr 309 ILLINOIS 1055 N Bace St Lanham Ealph L (e eng '12) Postal Serv 309 N Bace St Lawrence Keith C (su '15) 504 S Goodwin Av Layman Mrs J M (a&d '93) Home 308 W Illinois St Layng Thomas E (g chem '13 Fac '14) Chem Amer Tar Products Co Leach Mac E (la '13- ) Stu 405 W California Av Leach Mrs P J (mus '15- ) Stu 809 W Green St Leatherman Marian (lib '12- ) Lib Asst U 111 1106 W California Av Lee Henry E (g chem '14- ) Asst U 111 917 W Green St ?Lee Howard A (e eng '12) 1108 W Main St \~Lee Walter ( '96) Lee William H (1'14LLB) Law c/o Green & Palmer Flat Iron Bldg Leggitt Frank (ag '13- ) Stu 928 W Green St Leggitt Fred W (ag '13- ) Stu 928 W Green St LEIGHTY Wilbur B Asst U 111 1001 W Oregon St Lemon Mattie A (h sc '02) Steong 411 W Illinois St Leslie Frank M (mus '04) Phar 202 W Green St Leslie Mrs F M (mus '15) Home 202 W Green St LESSING Otto E Prof U 111 905 S Lincoln Av Letjtwiler Oscar A (g m eng '00 MS) (m eng '99 BS) Prof U 111 511 W Green St Linder Grace (la '15 AB) ( '00) Asst U 111 805 S Lincoln Av Lindgren Justa M (sc '07 AM) ( '02 BS) Chem Eng Exp Sta 608 W Oregon St Lindley Austin M (sc '77) Med 312 W Green St - Lindley Mrs A M (sp '79) Home 312 W Green St Lindsay George W (ag '88) R Est 708 W Illinois St Lindsay Thomas E (sc'93) Ins 4' E Est 713 W Elm St Lindsey Ethel M (mus '12) At home 808 W Main St Lindsey John B (ag '13- ) Stu 713 W Elm St t Lindsey Maud N (a&d '00) Lindsey Mrs T E (la '88) Home 713 W Elm St Linton Margie (la '09 AB) At home 920 W Illinois St Linton Ruth ('08) At home 920 W Illinois St LITMAN Simon Asst Prof U 111 907 W California Av t Little Lew M ('97) Little Roger F ( '09 LL B) (la '07 AB) Law 4- Instr Law U 111 107 W Main St t Littler Hazel M ('01) t Littler Tudie (su'08) 713 Market St Littleton Ananias C (la com '12 AB) Instr U 111 903 W Illinois St YLoeb Oscar ( '96) Long Anna (su '06) Teach 606 W Illinois St tLong Maude (la '06) 1109 W Main St \Long Roy G ('10) 1109 W Main St LOOMIS Roger S Tutor U 111 907 W Oregon St iLoucks Ray J ( '08) Love Mary E (lib '13) Lib Asst U 111 610 W Oregon St \Love MyraA ('10) Rll Lovett Pearl M (mus '09) Teach 1404 Dublin Av Lowe Lucy (la '14) Land Gard 1303 W Clark St Lowenstern Phil A (la com '12) Merc 608 W Elm St Lowenstern Selma (la 'IV Stu U Chgo 608 W Elm St \Lucas William E ('06) 1005 Cali- fornia Av Lumley Arlene (la '15- ) Stu 1106 W California Av Lumley Mrs C G (la '88 BL) Home 1106 W California Av Lumley Harold M (ag '12- ) Stu 1106 W California Av Lumley Leslie R (ag '12- ) Stu 1106 W California Av iLundblad Claus ('09) LYBYER Albert H Assoc* Prof U 111 1009 W California Av Lynch Margaret (h sc '14- ) Stu 1007 W Springfield Av LYNN Harold H Instr U 111 922 W Illinois St Lyons Carrie F (h sc '12- ) Stu 907 W Illinois St Lvons Hazel S (la '12- ) Stu 903 W Green St Lytle Ernest B (sc '01 BS) Assoc V 111 603 S Orchard St Lytle Mrs E B (la '07 AB) Home 603 S Orchard St Lytle George W (la com '72) Car- penter 1002 W Springfield Av tLvtle Olive C (mus '05) 1306 W Clark St McCammon Martha (la '14- ) Stu 911 W California St \McClain Doyle C ( '08) 904 S Busey Av 1056 ILLINOIS McClain Mary E (la '85) At home 609 W Main St McClellan Kussel C (eng '15- ) Stu 109 W Washington Blvd McClurg Lola D (la '10 AB) Teach H Sch 108 E High St McCONN Charles M (g 7 10 ) Regis- trar U 111 916 W Nevada St MeConn Mrs C M (su '15) Home 916 W Nevada St IMcCormell William J ( '89) McCoy Mrs J (la '01) Home # Teach Beading 606 W Main St McCoy Mary E (su '07) Teach 211 W Elm St McCullough Clarence A (la '15) Stu Baker Coll McCullough Helen E (h sc '12- ) Stu R10 McCullough Marv E (la '14- ) Stu R10 McCully Clinton T (la '06 AB) 7ns 609 S Busey Av McCully Mrs C T (la '07 AB) Home 609 S Busey St McDEWELL Horatio S Instr U 111 1405 S Orchard St McDonough Joseph (eng '15) 405 E Elm St McDOUGALL Walter B Instr U 111 202 W University Av McELROY Mildred C (lib '14- ) Asst Libr U 111 1004 W California Av McFARLAND David F Asst Prof U 111 906 Gregory PI McGehee Ora M (ag '15 BS) 708 S Goodwin Av McGehee Seelye W (la '15- ) Sales 705 W High St McGehee Wilbur (ag '15- ) Stu 705 W High St MacGILLIVRAY Alexander D Assoc Prof U 111 603 W Michigan Av MacGillivray Malcolm E (la ; 14- ) Stu 603 W Michigan Av fMcGough Mrs Blanche (mus '12) 301 W Illinois St McGraw Katherine L (lib '15) (la '14 AB) Catg Asst U 111 206 W Uni- versity Av macinnes Duncan A (sc '11 PhD) Assoc U 111 614 Michigan Av Macinnes Francis J (sc '12- ) Stu 614 Michigan Av McJOHNSTON Harrison (g engl'14) Instr U 111 1104 W Nevada St McKENZIE Kenneth Prof U 111 708 W Nevada St IMcKinney Roland B ('05) 920 W Illinois St McLean Mrs A H (mus '97) Home 206 W High St McLennan Ethel (mus '12) At home 204 W Green St \McMahon Anna L ('03) 1407 W Park St McNaughton Clayton A (c eng '15- ) ► Stu 1010 W Oregon St iMcNicol Elmo P ('05) 703 Coler St McWilliams Marie L (mus '12- ) Stu 704 W Green St Madison Mary A (ag '15- ) Stu 1011% W Oregon St Maguire William C (1 '10 LL B) Law 808 S Mathews Av Mahn George W (arch eng '15- ) ('14) Stu 307 S Race St Makutchan Clyde (c eng '15- ) Stu 209% W Williams St MALLOCH John R Entom St Entom Ofc U 111 ?MALONEY Anna E ( '88) Manny Clay Y ('96) 504 Illinois St t Manny Clyde ('98) 504 Illinois St Marriott Henry B (sp '00) Ag R8 Marshall Horace W (com '12) Sec 501 N Lincoln Av Marshall Howard G ( '05) Grain Merc 404 N Lincoln Av Marshall Robert H (sc '14 AB) Asst U 111 203 S Babcock St t Martin Emmett B (sp '05) Barber 403 W Main St Martinie Charles A ('98) Ag 501 W Illinois Mason Arthur H (la com '12- ) Stu 408 W Illinois St Mason Mrs James (la '07) Home 202 S Race St Math Earle R (arch eng '11 BS) Supt Constr U 111 710 Nevada St ?Mathews Belle (mus '78) Mathews Clyde M (1'03LLB) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg 103 W Green St MATHEWS John M Asst Prof U 111 804 W Nevada St Mathews Mrs John M (la '14 AB) Home 804 W Nevada St Matthews C M ('94) ?Matthews Stanley G (ag '10) 715 S Market St ?Maxey Harold L (1 '07) 108 E Green St Maxon Maywood A ('97) 307 N Mathews Av Maxwell Mrs Frank (gen '72) Home 608 S Race St Maxwell Harold D (la '13) Tailor 206 N Romine St ILLINOIS 1057 Maxwell Irvine W (m eng '94) Ag MAY ' Henry G Bes Asst U 111 1009 W Oregon St ? May cock Mrs Rena B ( '10) IMays Corwin ('07) Means Walker W (c eng '15- ) Stu 1102y 2 Springfield Av MEARNS Robert W Commandant V 111 208 S Race St melton John N ('04) Meneley Charles W ('10) Sun # Heat Eng 404 N Randolph St Meneley Hazel D ('03) Merry Dean S ('11) Merc 404 S Race St Miles Lee E (g hort '14- ) Asst V 111 507 S Goodwin Av ' Miles Lois M (la '14 AM) ( '10 AB) Univ Sec U 111 614 Michigan Av Miles Luther F (ag '09- ) Stu 1308 Lincoln Av ?Miles Mrs Mattie (la '06) t Miles Ruth C (la '14) 1308 S Lin- coln Av Miles William D (la '04) Job Print- er 211 West Elm St Miles Mrs W D (la '07) Home 211 W Elm St Miller Clyde L (m eng '14) c/o Mil- ler Harness Factory 406 W Elm St Miller Mrs Clyde (la '15) Home 406 W Elm St MILLER Eva G Asst U 111 708 W California MILLER George A Prof U 111 1103 W Illinois St Miller Mrs G A (la '92 BL) Home 1103 W Illinois St MILLER Harry W Asst Prof U 111 605 W Green St ?Miller E Horace (la '85) Miller Horace W ('85) Med 125y 2 W Main St Miller Mrs J F (mus '88) Home 406 W Elm St Miller Mary M (la '14) 1006 W Cali- fornia fMiller Paul C (arch eng '10) 1111 Stoughton St Miner Lester W (ag '14 BS) Stu $ Teach H Sch Mitchel Ruth L (mus '08) Dress- maker Mitchell Florence F (la '11) Teach 508 W Oregon St Mitchell Harmon H (1 com '07) Merc 116 W Main St Mitchell Harold H (chem eng '15 PhD) (chem eng '09 AB) Assoc V 111 907 W Main St Mitchell Isaac (su '09) Teach 604 S Orchard St Mohlman Floyd W (g sc '14 MS) '12 BS) Asst Chem St Water Surv 1017 W Illinois St Mohlman Zenas H (ag '13- )(sc'13) Stu 1017 W Illinois St Monohon Ila E (h sc '14- ) Stu 904 W Oregon St Moore Allen R (la '14- ) Stu 1408 W Park Av Moore Allie A (la '14- ) Stu 1310 Beslin St MOORE Charles R (g e eng '14- ) Assoc U 111 715 S Market St MOORE Herbert F Prof U 111 712 W Nevada Moore Lucia T (a&d '89) Mgr Mus- ical Artists 311 W Green St MOORE Olin H Insir U 111 805 W Oregon St Moore William A (1 '15- )(la'15) Stu 922 W Illinois St Morehouse Mrs Chester (mus '07) ifome 501 W California Av Morey Lloyd (mus '11 AB & B Mus) Auditor U 111 1302 W Clark St Morey Mrs Lloyd (mus '14) Home 1302 W Clark St Morgan Grace B (la '14 AB) At home 1002 W Green St MORISON Alfred T Asst U 111 905 W Oregon St MORPHY Edson W Instr U 111 916 W Illinois St MORRIS Caroline R Asst U 111 1010 % W California Av tMorris Robinson B (sc '77) Morrison George E ('97) 207 W Green St \Morton Levi P ('07) 1109 W Spring- field Av IMorton Venia (mus '06) 1109 W Springfield Av Mosier Jeremiah G (sc '93 BS) Prof U 111 908 W Illinois St Mosier Leota I (h sc '12- ) Stu 908 W Illinois St Moss Alida H (la '14- ) Stu 806 S Mathews Av MOSS Charles M Prof U 111 806 S Mathews Av Moss Charles T (la '07 AB) Med 806 S Mathews Av MUEHLMAN Ralph E Asst U 111 924 W Illinois St Mumford Herbert W (g econ'08) Prof U 111 Exp Sta Farm House mtjncie Fred W (g chem '15 PhD) ('13 MS) Asst U 111 805 W Illi- nois St Munson Morris G (arch eng '15- ) 1058 ILLINOIS Stu 903 W Main St Murphy Fay B (mus '10) Clk 1110 W Oregon St Murray Norris F (e eng '12 BS) 904 W Oregon St Murray Olive F ('10) 507 S Good- win Av fMyers Nina C (la '14) 904 S Good- win Av NASMYTH Heber D Instr U 111 808 W Stoughton Nebel Mrs Merle (la '14- ) Stu 908 W Green St Needham Carrie I (h sc '12 AB) At home 1210 W University Av Needham Catherine (la '14- ) Stu 1210 W University Av Needham John Wilbert (arch eng'15) Contr 4' -E Est $ Ins 1210 W Univ- ersity Av Needham Lucile (h sc '11- ) Stu 1210 W University Av Nelson Clarence Q (arch eng '13) Clk 512 S Mathews Av Nelson Mrs M L (a&d '86) Home 811 W Main St Nelson Eoslyn B (la '13) At home 811 W Main St NEVENS William B (g econ '14- ) Asst U 111 208 Iowa St Newburn Iva F (h sc '14- ) Stu 1006 W Main St Newburn Naomi O (h sc '15 AB) Asst U 111 1006 W Main St NEWELL Clyde E (g s eng '15) Instr U 111 905 W Illinois St NEWELL Frederick H Prof U 111 1109 W California Av Newell Mrs F H (su'15) Home 1109 California Newell Josephine (h sc '15- ) Stu 1109 California Av newlin Charles I (ag '14 MS) Instr U 111 702 W California Av. Newton Helen C (mus '15- ) Stu 102 S Romine St Nichol Josephine S (g ger '08) Nicolaus Mrs W A (la '93 BL) Home 601 W Elm St Nicholson James C (m eng '08) Teach 702 W Elm St Nicolet Mrs J G (la '94) Home 708 W Illinois St NOLAN Aretas W Prof U 111 712 Michigan Av Norberg Alfred (c eng '15 Feb 16- ) Stu 606 Springfield Av NORDMEYER Heinrich W Instr U 111 805 S Goodwin Av Norviel Herald B (la '14- ) Stu 401 W Main St NOYES William A Prof U 111 1005 W Nevada St Nyberg Florence A (la '15) Stenog 703 W California Av Oathout Charles H (ag '07 BS Fac '08) Co Agt Ag Improv Assoc 1101 W Springfield Av ?0'Donnell Grace E (mus '02) Oehmke Charles F (su '05) Asst PM 409 W High St Oehmke Mrs Theodore (mus '05) Home 409 W High St . OLDFATHER William A Prof U 111 804 W Green St Oldham Aida P ('02) Ins 107 Co- hen Bldg Oldham Clyde C (ag '10) Druggist 409 W Illinois St Oldham Mrs Harry (mus '08) Home 409 W Illinois St olin Hubert L (g chem '14 PhD) ( '11 MS) Inst U 111 1107 Oregon St Wliver Maude ('10) 707 W Green St OLIVER Thomas E Prof U 111 912 W California Av ?0'Neal Maude P (su '09) 411 W Illinois St Oppy Glenn C (ag '14) Clk 1008 W Springfield Av Osborn Dean H (com '15- ) Stu 1104 W Clark St OSMOND Edith G Instr U 111 1004 W Nevada St Packard Bessie E (la '10) Ofc Asst U 111 607 E John St Paine Ellery B (g e eng '13) Prof U 111 606 Pennsylvania Av Paisley Sela I (mus '13- ) Stu 910 W Illinois St Palfrey John R (ag Feb '15- ) Stu R16 Palmer Mrs A W (la '95 ML) ( '91 BL) Theme Reader $ Tutor 1013 California Av Palmer Charles S (la chem '13- ) Stu 1013 W California Av IPalmer Mary L (la '09) 811 W Illi- nois St Palmer William G (1 '07 LL B (la '00 AB) Fac '06) Law 302 Flat Iron Bldg Park Wilde L (gen '69) Bet 308 E 111 St Parks Frank A (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1301 W Clark St Parks Mrs M S (la '06 AM) (la '05 AB)('77) Christian Science Pract 1301 W Clark St Parks Ralph M (Feb '16-) ('13) Stu 1301 W Clark St Parmley Miles M (la '14- ) Siu 1106 W University Av ILLINOIS 1059 Parr Harold L (cer eng '14- )(sc'14) Stu 919 W Green St Parr Rosalie M (g bot '11 AM) (la '06 AB) Asst U 111 902 Nevada St Parr Samuel W (sc '84 BS) Prof U 111 919 W Green St Parr Mrs S W (la '14 BS) ( '84) Home 919 W Green St Parsons Maud E (la '07 AB) Instr U 111 904 S Busey Av Parson Robert R (com '15- ) Stu 1308 W Main St Patton Adah (lib '02 BLS) Asst U 111 903 S Busey Av Patton Daisy D ('09) Stu Art Inst Chicago 1010 % California Av PAUL Harry G Asst Prof U 111 713 W Oregon St PAUL Mrs H G ('08) Home 713 W Oregon St PAUL Mrs Katherine H Artist U 111 209 E Illinois St Peadro Benpamin F (la'80)(m eng 72) Bet 1104 W Oregon St Peadro Mrs Eva M (mus '15- ) Stu 1104 W Oregon St Pearson Frank A (g dairy hus '13) Asst U 111 1107 W Oregon St PEASE Arthur S Prof U 111 1014 W Oregon St PEASE Theodore C Assoc U 111 907 W Nevada St Weet Thomas E ('05) Pell Hazel M (h sc '14- ) Stu 103 W Washington St peltier George L. (g bot '15 PhD) . Assoc U 111 Percival Curtis E (ag '79) Ag Percival Elmer J (ag '04) Ag R10 Percival Lilley R (h sc '14- ) Stu 906 W Green St Percival Olive B (h sc '10 BS) Asst U 111 906 W Green St Perry Edna M (h'10)(sc'09 AB) Teach 712 W California St Werry George G ('93) PERRY Lorinda Assoc U 111 Perry Margaret C (h sc '15 AB) Teach U 111 108 N Romine St Perry Robert A (m eng '15- ) Stu 108 N Romine St Perry Winifred A (g'14 AM) (la '08 AB) 712 W California St fPeters Marie E (la '05) 611 Stough- ton St Peterson Joel A (la '14- ) Stu 702 W Park St Peterson John W (ag '15) Clk 702 Park St Pettys Wilber O (m eng '15) Clk' 507 W Park St PHELPS Vergil V Exec Sec U 111 901 Illinois St Phillippe Zula ( '11) At home 411 W Nevada St Phillips Mrs E G (lib '08) Home 311 N Race St Whillips Fay M ('09) 1011 Oregon St Phillips George E (arch eng '07) Sales C N Clark & Co 803 S Race St ?Phillips Wilson A (c eng '09) 1101 Oregon St pickles George W (c eng '11 CE) Instr U 111 1016 S Lincoln St Pickels Mrs G W (mus '09) Home 1016 S Lincoln St pickett Bethel S (pomol '06 MS) Asst Prof U 111 810 W Oregon St Pickler William E (g plant phys '14) Asst U 111 507 S Goodwin Av Pieper John (ag '13- ) (e eng '09 '11) Stu 916 W Green St \Piety Samuel ( '81) fPINKERTON Charlotte M ( '03) POMEROY John N Prof U 111 910 W Oregon St Ponder Wilbur H (la '13 AB) Acct 1st St Sav & Trust Bk 909 W Cali- fornia Av Ponder Wilma E (lib'15) (la'12 AB) At home 909 W California Av ?Poor Henry I (su '03) porter Francis M (g sc '11 MS) Assoc U 111 711 W Illinois St Postlewait Harriet L (ag '15- ) Stu 814 W Main St POWELL Burt E Dir Inform Ofc U 111 913 W California Av POWERS Edwin B Asst U'lll 709 Springfield Av Price Ray (sc '01) 812 W Spring- field Av Writchard Fay T ('99) 808 Oregon St Proesel John W (ag '13) Ag R10 Provine Loring H (arch eng '03 BS) '09 AE) Prof U 111 704 S Lincoln Av PRUCHA Martin J Asst Prof U III 702 W Nevada St Pruitt Glen J (1 '09 LL B) Prop L&P Tailoring Co 302 W Illinois St PUCKETT Hugh W Instr U 111 207 Indiana Av Wulliam Archie D ('90) Putnam William J (e eng '10 BS) Instr U 111 610 W Illinois St Quandt Coramae (h sc '13- ) Stu 203 Broad St tRadebaugh Estella M (la '98) RADEBAUGH Gustav H Instr U 111 1060 ILLINOIS 202 y 2 W Green St EAHN Carl L Instr U 111 Univer- sity Club Kamseyer Ben (ag '13) Clk 1003 W University Av Eand Mrs C C (h sc '13) Home 907 California Av Randolph Oscar A (g '13 MS) Asst U 111 410 W Illinois St EANKIN Fred H Supt Ag Ext U 111 1012 W California Av Rankin Mrs F H (mus '04) Home 1012 California Av Rankin Roy (ag '08) Merc 1401 S Orchard St ?Ray Alma G (sp '03 ) IRay S ( '78) ?Ray Victor (sp '80) Rayner Mrs Horace (la '11 AB Fac '09) Home 1010 Oregon St Rayner William H (c eng '13 CE) ('09 BS) Instr U 111 807 Indiana Av ?Rea Fannie (sp '80) ?Rea Frederick S (la '80) Read Mason K (g geol '14- ) Asst U 111 1203 Springfield Av REBMAN Peter J Instr U 111 406 N Race St t Redding Katherine A (sp '02) REECE Ernest J Assoc U 111 1003 S Race St Reece Mrs E J (lib '14 BLS Fac '15) Home 1003 S Race St Reed Alice E (a&d'02) Art $ Photog Ag Coll U 111 409 W Nevada St REED Frank W (la '10) Instr U 111 1106 W California Av Reese Leal W (1 '15- )(la'15) Stu 808 W Illinois St Reese Lucile N (ag '15- ) Stu 808 W Illinois St Reeves Harry P (g la '14 AM ( '13 AB) la '09) 510 W Illinois St tReichard Ura (la '12) 210 S Grove St Rein Fred (ag '13 BS)(ag'08) Dairy Renfrew Carlos D (sc '09) Mail Car- rier 307 W High St Renfrew Clara E (mus '08) Supt Mus 604 W Main St t Renfrew Lucy C ('00) Renicii Mary E (g math '12 AM) (sc '11 AB) Teach 709 W High St Renner Mrs Ella (mus '01) Renner Enos H (la '86) Funeral Dir 201 E Elm St Renner Enos Henry Jr (ag '14- ) Stu 201 E Elm St tRenner Willey A (mus '09) 405 W High St Renz Myrtle A (lib '12 BLS) Asst U 111 914V 2 California St \Rhoads Robert B ('03) 1008 Green St Rhodes Golda M (h sc '15- ) Stu 511 W Illinois St Rhodes Opal T (h sc '15- ) Stu 511 W Illinois St RICE John B Asst U 111 901 W Green St RICH John L Instr U 111 215 W Washington St ^ t Richard Gertrude (a&d '93) RICHARDS Charles R Prof U 111 904 W Nevada St Richards Chester W (1 '06 LL B) Law 305 W High St Richards Mrs C W (h sc '06) Home 305 W High St Richards Lenore (la '15) (h sc '15 AB) 904 W Nevada St Richardson Juanita (h sc '15 BS) Dir Cafeteria H Sch Richart Berta E (h sc '14- ) Stu 918 W Illinois St Ricker Ethel V (arch eng '15- ) ( '04 BS) 612 W Green St Ricker Nathan C (arch '00 D Arch ('78 M Arch) '73 BS) Prof U 111 612 W Green St Ricketts Clara A (lib '11 BLS) (la '09 AB) Asst U 111 701 S Coler Av Ricketts Hazel W (su '15) Stenog U 111 406 W Main St Ricketts Mabel D (su '09) Teach 701 S Coler Av RIETZ Henry L Prof U 111 1107 W Oregon St Rigdon Mrs Fannie (su '09) Home 408 W California Av Rigdon Ira (su '03) . BJc Cash 408 W California Av Riley Clarence N (sp'95) Merc 603 W High St Riley Mrs C N (a&d '93) Home 603 W High St t Riley Lee W ('11) 501 W Main St rinaker Clarissa (g engl '13 PhD ('11 AM) Instr U 111 908 W Ne- vada St Roberts Elmer (ag '13 BS) Instr U 111 1107 W Oregon St Roberts Kathleen A (la '08 AB) Teach IT S.>h Robertson Nellie M (lib '13 BLS) Catg Libr U 111 602 S Lincoln St ROBERTSON William S Asst Prof U 111 908 W Nevada tt ^Robinson Benjamin F ('08) 603 S Lincoln Av ILLINOIS 1C61 Robinson Florence E (la '13 BS) At home 1016 W California Av Robinson Harold L (la '15- ) Stu 709 W Nevada St IRobinson Henry H ('03) 506 W Illinois St ROBINSON Maurice H Prof U 111 1016 W California Av Robinson Mrs M H (mus '05) Home 1016 California Av ROBINSON Rodney P Asst U 111 1303 University Av Robinson William K (g bact '15) Asst U 111 907 W California Av Roe Mrs J M (lib '07 AB) Home R7 Roefer Charles M (cer eng '13) Adv 4" Bus Mgr c/o Courier Herald f Rogers Alice D (a&d '86) Rogers Minnie O (su '15) Teach Rll Romine Mary E (mus '06) At home 512 W High St ROOT Ralph Asst Prof U 111 1104 W Illinois St Rose Harold B (m eng '11- ) Stu 501 S Babcock St Ross Glenn T (la '14 AB) Asst Cash Busey St Bk 412 Iowa St Roth Harold D (1 '08 LL B) Law Asst St Atty Champaign Co 603 W Illinois St Rowland Floyd E (g '15 AM) ('14 BS) Asst U 111 1306 W Stoughton St Royer Mrs Adelaide D (la '10) Home 801 W Oregon St Royer Joseph W (arch eng '95 BS) Arch 311 Flat Iron Bldg RUCKMICH Christian A Assoc U 111 709 W Nevada St Ruckmich Mrs C A (la '14 AM) ('13 AB) Home 709 W Nevada St Ruehe Harrison A (ag '11 BS) Assoc U 111 1014 S Lincoln Av Ruehe Mabel L (mus '14- ) Stu 1014 S Lincoln Av Wugg Arthur E ('03) RUSK Henry P Asst Prof U 111 607 Michigan Av Rusk Mrs H P (mus '12) Home 1306 S Orchard St Eussel Charles M ('82) IRussell Frances (h sc '13) 503 W Washington St Russell Robert R (g hist '15- ) Stu 905 Illinois St t Russell Virgil R (su '05) RUTH Warren A Assoc U 111 1017 W Illinois St Ruth Mrs W A (h sc '12 AB) Home 1017 W Illinois St ?Ryan John T IRyan Fannie ( '92) SACHS Ward H (ag '14- ) Assoc U 111 708 Michigan Av Saffell Gladys D (la '15- ) (mus '15) Stu 702 W Green St Saffer Louis B (1 '00 LL B) Law 911 W Oregon St SALE C Stanley Instr U 111 1206 S Orchard St Salisbury Meta E (h sc '14- ) Stu 907 W Oregon St Samson Inez R (la '04 AB) 311 W High St Saunders Mrs Earl (la '10 AM ( '07 AB) Fac '14) Home 806 Goodwin Av Saunders Thomas E (1'04) Mgr Flat Iron Store 806 S Goodwin St Savage Mrs John H (la '81) Home 605 W Main St Savage Ralph N (m eng '12) Urbana Bk Co 605 W Main St SAVAGE Thomas E Asst Prof U 111 611 W Nevada St Schenck Ralph E (arch '14) 1003 S Race St scherfee Samuel H (g bot '14 AM) Teach 701 W Illinois St SCHMIDT Edward C Prof U 111 903 W California Av SCHMIDT Mrs E C (mus '04 Fac '98) Home 903 W California Av Schneider Nora W (la '15- ) Stu 403 W High St SCHOEPPERLE Gertrude Assoc U 111 708 S Goodwin Av scholl Clarence (g chem '14 MS) Asst U 111 404 E Healy St SCHOONOVER Warren R (g ag'14) Asst U 111 912 W Nevada St SCHULTZ William E Instr U 111 711 W Illinois St SCHULZ William F (e eng '01) Asst Prof U 111 926 W Green St SCHWARTZ George F Asst Prof U 111 503 High St Schweizer Walter O ('09) 407 West Main St Scott Franklin W (la '12 PhD) ( '03 AB & AM) Asst Prof U 111 703 Michigan Av Scott Mrs F W (la '03 AB) Home 703 Michigan Av Scott Mrs W D (sc '14 AM ('08 AB) Fac '15) 1107 W Oregon St Scrubv Mildred E la '15- ) Stu 1206 W Springfield Av fSEARFOSS JS ('70) sears George W (sc '14 PhD) ( '13 MS) Instr U 111 704 W High St Sears Mrs W E (la '96 AB) Home 508 W Green St 1062 ILLINOIS seely Fred B (g m eng '15 MS) Instr U I 11 611 W Elm St Setter Herman M (ag '15- ) Stu 1111 W Stoughton St ISellen E H ( '77) Seymour Arthur E (mns '14- ) Assoc U 111 909 W Nevada St SEYMOUE Lurene Assoc U 111 1010 W Oregon St Shaffer Susan (la '15- ) Stu 706 W Elm St Shaffer Wilhelmine (h sc '15- ) Stu 706 W Elm St Shade Henry B (ag '07 BS) Ag El \Shamel S A (ac) Sharp Bertha L (mus Feb '16- ) ('14 AB) Stu 4- Fac Lib 910 W Oregon St Sharp Ethel E (mus '15- ) Stu # Stenog 605 W Washington Blvd Sharp James C (ag '13- ) Stu 403 E White St Sharpe Henry E (ag '15) Dairy Ag 708 W Elm St Sharpe Mary E (mus '15- ) Stu 708 W Elm St Shaw Mrs Charlott J (la '14- ) Stu 901 W California Av Shaw Hazel Y (la '08 AM) ( '07 AB) Lib Asst U 111 609 W Green St SHAW James B Assoc Prof U 111 901 W California St t Sheldon Jairus C (ag '07) 704 Lin- coln Av i Sheldon James C (1 '13) 803 W Main St SHELFOED Victor E Asst U 111 506 W Iowa St Shelton Wilma L (lib '15- ) (la '14 AB) Asst U HI 1004 California Av t Shepherd Bernice (mus '06) 702 W Main St Shepherd Blanche (mus '09) At home 1404 W University Av ?Shepherd Jacob H (ag '05) ]Shepherd Sarah B ('06) 702 W Main St shepherd Queen L (g '13 PhD) Instr U 111 908 W Nevada St SHEEMAN Stuart P Prof U 111 1016 Nevada St Sherman Mrs S P (su '15) 1016 Ne- vada St IShinker Eose E ('11) 814 W Clark St fShinn Wilbur T (sp '69) Shipman Mina P (h sc'15) 503 High St Shott Euth E (la '13- ) Stu 205 W High St Shroyer Mirven D (ag '15- ) Stu ES Shuck Ellen M (la '97) Trav Sales 305 S Eace St Shuck Fred V (la com '14) Grocer 305 S Eace St Shuck Helen (la '14) At home 801 W Green St Shulters John E (la '11 AM) ('10 AB) Asst U 111 1203 W Spring- field Av tSigerson Jeanette May (la '14) 908 Nevada St Signor Nellie M (lib '12- ) (la '12 AB) Stu 4- Catg Lib 501 W Green St t Signor Euth H (la '10 AB) 501 W Green St Silver Harold A (ag '15- ) Stu Ell Silver Hazel M (h sc '15- ) Stu 606 Busey Av t Silver Spencer F (e eng '06) 804 W Oregon St Sim Edward (la '75) Phar 801 W Green St Sim Keturah E (la '95 ML) ( '84 BL) At home 916 W Hill St Simpson Frances (lib '03 BLS) Asst Prof U 111 904 S Busey Av Simpson Irene E (la '15- ) Stu 1001 W California St Simpson Sebastian S (la '15- ) Stu 1001 W California Av Sims Charles B Jr ('11) Adv 1004 California St Sims Flora M (la '88) Horns 1004 California St SIS AM Charles H Asst Prof U 111 1304 S Orchard St Sisam Mrs Charles H (la '13 AB) Home 1304 S Orchard St SJOBLOM Maurice C Asst Eng St Water Surv 206 N Eace St Skelton Charles L (ag '14- ) Stu 810 W Springfield Av Skelton Maurice B (la '15- ) Stu 402 W Illinois St Skelton Winifred G (la '15- ) Stu 402 W Illinois St Skewes Helen (g geol '15) Asst II 111 608 S Busey Av skinner Glenn S (la '15 AM) Asst U 111 903 W Illinois St Sloan Daena A (h sc '15- ) Stu 901 W Green St Sloan Madelene E (h sc '15- ) Stu 901 W Green St f Sloan Thomas B (ag '71) ?Sloane Thos J (sp '70) Sloan William F (ag '15- ) Stu 901 W Green St ?Smail Blanche E (sc '02) ISmail Ernest D (su '04) 905 W 111 St ILLINOIS 1063 tSmith Mrs Adelle C (mus '13) 1107 W Springfield Av ?Smith Bertha E (la '05) 606 W Green St SMITH Constance B Asst Prof U 111 1001 W Oregon St Smith Mrs C B ( '00) Home 408 W Vine St Smith David M (ag '15- ) (mus '08) Stu R12 Smith Elijahs (sp'89) Med 311 W Elm St SMITH Frank Prof U 111 913 W California Av SMITH George M Asst Prof U 111 1106 California Av t Smith George W (ag '12) 511 Cali- fornia Av Smith Glenn C (ag '15- )(la'10) Stu 604 W Main St t Smith Harold H (su'05) 205 W Elm St Smith Hubert A (arch '15- )('13) Stu 301 W Illinois St SMITH Ira M Examiner U 111 1010 W Oregon St smith James E (g eng '09 CE) Asst Prof U 111 508 Indiana Av t Smith Mrs L H ('09) 706 W High St Smith Louie H (chem '99 MS) ('97 BS) Prof U 111 804 W Illinois St Smith Lois L (mus Feb '16- ) (la '15) Stu 301 W Illinois St t Smith Lyle H (la '12) 804 W Illi- nois St tSmith Mabel (mus Feb '16- )(la '08) 205 W Elm St t Smith Mabel J ('11) R7 ?Smith Mrs Marion M (mus '07) 1005 W California Av Smith Mayme L (la '93) Stenog $ Clk U 111 806 W California Av tSmith Nelle C (la '99) smith Orrin H (g physics '14 PhD) ('09 AM) Ed Res 710 W Stough- ton St TSMITH Ralph P ( '97) TSmith Rossie F ('05) smith William H (g an husb '12 MS) Assoc U 111 509 Iowa St Smith William J (e eng '01) Elect r Chgo Tel Board . 1208 W Clark St Snapp Roscoe R (g an husb '15- ) '13 AB) Instr U 111 1107 Oregon St Snider Howard J (ag '13 BS) Asst U 111 811 W Springfield Av ISomers Anna ('77) tSomers Cora (la '83) Soto Rafael A (g Spanish '15- ) (m eng '15 AB) Asst U 111 901 W Ne- vada St Sowers Alexander (ag '05) Gen Contr 4- Bldr 1010 Garfield Av Sparks Marion E (g classics '00 (lib '99 BLS) la '95 AB) Libr U 111 1205 W Springfield Av ISpence Minnie B ('01) fSpencer James E (m eng '91) fSpencer Julia A (la '90) Spencer Stanley F (com '15- ) Stu 219 S Poplar St tSperry Jasper N (la '73) SPERRY Joel A Instr U 111 1004 W Oregon St SPINDLER George W (g ger '13- ) Stu 1001 W California Av Spurgin William G (g classics AM) ( '94 AB) Law $ Co Judge 1st Nat Bk Bldg Staley Mrs P B (mus '78) Home 109 W Springfield Av t Staley William T (la '94) Stanford Howard R (g ag '15) ( '08 BS) Asst U 111 604 W California Av Stanford Mrs H R (sp '07) Home 604 W California Av Stanley Deane F (la '15- ) Stu 604 S Mathews Av Stanley Otis O (g sc '02 MS) ( '01 BS) Med 604 S Mathews St Stanley Mrs Otis O ( '97) Home 604 S Mathews Av Stanner Guy W (ag '05) Ag R12 Stanner James R (ag '08) Ag R12 STANTON Margaret B Instr U 111 1017 W Illinois St Stark John E (sc '15- )( , 13) Stu 1312 Eades St Stark Robert W (g ag '14- ) (sc '95 BS) Stu 809 W Nevada St Stark Mrs R W (lib '04 BLS) (la '02 AB) Home 809 Nevada St Starkey Mrs A D (sp '76) Home 701 W University Av Starkey Litta (mus '11) 1001 Ore- gon St TState Nellie (la '76) States Bertha G (la '14) Clk U 111 1010 W Green St States Mary L (la '14- ) Stu 1010 W Green St Stebbings Joel (mus '08) Prof U 111 1013 Nevada St fSTEDMAN D A ('72) ? Stephenson Josie (mus '78) STEVENS Frank L Prof U 111 1002 W Nevada St Stevens Grace E (h sc '10 AB) Instr U 111 1107 W Oregon St STEVENS James G Instr U 111 1104 W Illinois St 1064 ILLINOIS Stevens Wentworth H (ag '09- ) Stu 209 W High St t Stevenson Arthur G (la '98) Stevenson Chester E (mus '07) 712 W Illinois St Stevenson Mrs C E (mus '07) ( '03) Home 712 W Illinois St ^Steward Leslie E (mus '07) Ell STEWAED Eobert K (t&am '11) Assoc U 111 Stewart Charles L (g econ '15 PhD) Instr U 111 901 Nevada St Stewart Mary I ('11) ?Stewart Una (sp '73) Stiee Kenneth S (cer eng '11- ) Stu 1005 W Illinois St fStickling Nora B (su '11) 1010% W California Av Stidston Eussell O Asst U 111 915 W Nevada St Stillwell Genevieve M (h sc '15- ) ( '14) Stu 402 E Green St Stillwell Helen (la '13- ) Stu 402 E Green St STITES Katherine Asst U 111 920 W Illinois STOEK Harry H Prof U 111 1103 W Illinois St \Stolces Birdie C ('92) Stoltey Ethel L (h sc '14- ) Stu 206 W Elm St Stone Herbert K (g french '15- ) Asst U 111 903 W Illinois St STOEY Eussell M Instr U 111 905 S Busey Av Strauch Mrs B A (h sc '12 AB) Borne 907 W Main St Strauch Donald W (su '15) Photog Cor Busey & Ohio Sts Strickland Eay M (ag '11) Stu 810 W Stoughton St Strong Arthur C (1'14LLB) 905 W Green St t Strong Earle T (m eng '10) 507 E Green St ?Sundby John (ag '09) 610 W Cali- fornia Av Sutcliffe Constance (la '14- ) Stu 506 W Elm St Sutcliffe Dorothy (la '13- ) Stu 506 W Elm St sutcliffe Emerson G (g eng '14- ) ('14 AM) Asst U 111 506 W Elm St fSutherland Charley (su '05) c/o Mrs E Cresap t Sutton John T (sp 76) 302 Elm St t Sutton Ealph T (sp '10) Swanson Frances E (la '12- ) Stu 514 S Mathews Av Swanson Frederick C (g la '15 AM) '14 AB) Stu Yale U 514 S Mathews (mus '13- ) Stu 801 (e eng '08) E Contr Av Swartz Fay W S Vine St . Swartz Jesse W 116 S Eace St ?Swartz William C (la '95) Swick Mary E (g philos '15-) ( '12 AB) Stu 504 S Market St Swick Nellie M (la '12- ) Stu 504 S Market St Swormstedt Leroy (m eng '15) 106 S Eomine St Talbot Arthur N (c eng '85 CE)('81 BS) Prof U 111 1013 W California Av Talbot Mrs A N (sc'88)('81 BS) Home 1013 W California Av Talbot Eachel H (la '14- ) Stu 1013 W California Av tanner Fred W (g chem '14 MS) Asst U 111 601 W Oregon St tao Wen T (g '15- ) (g pol sc '15 AM) Stu 930 W Illinois St Tarbox Eobin J (ag '15- ) Stu 602 W Nevada St TAEFLINGEE John W ('09) Jani- tor Orlando Apts 206 N Eace St Taylor Charles B (la '78) Bet Mintr 803 W Main St Taylor Fay A (su '13) 203 S Broad St Taylor George T (eng '94) Ag Ell Taylor Jay C ( '07) Merc 711 W Washington Blvd Taylor Mrs J C (sp mus '05) 711 W Washington Blvd t Taylor John L (la '68) ?Taylor Warren (su '11) V Taylor William G t Taylor Willis E (ag '07) 803 W Main St ?Taylor Wilson (sc '93) IThissell George ('06) 1105 W Ore- gon St Thomas Clyde M (la '05) Merc Thomas Mrs C M (mus '07) Home 503 S Coler St Thompson Charles M (la '13 PhD) ( '09 AB) Assoc V 111 610 W Elm St THOMPSON John G Instr U 111 307 W Illinois St tThornburn Mary (mus '07) 709 W Main St Thorne Lawrence B ' (g genetics '15- ) ( '15 BS) Asst U 111 1105 W Oregon St Thornsburgh Zada G (la '14- ) Stu 2,09 W Illinois St Thorpe John C (m eng '00 BS) (Fac '10) Pres 111 Motor Car Co 407 E Main St Thorpe Mrs John C (mus '12) Home 407 E Main St ILLINOIS 1065 Thurber Carryl N (g engl '15- ) Asst U 111 808 W Illinois St Tilton Leon D (ag '15 BS) Asst V 111 601 W Oregon St tippett Ralph W (g chem '15 AM) Asst U 111 917 W Green St TITCOMB William C Asst U 111 924 W Illinois St Toland Jessie M (lib '08 AB) At home 1105 W Oregon St Torgerson Edward F (ag '14 BS) Asst U 111 104 W California St ?Torole Edwin B (sp '69) Torrance Mary (lib '13 BLS) Lib Asst U 111 804 W Green St TOWNE Loekwood J Supt Constr U 111 707 W Nevada St Townsan George L (arch eng '14- ) Stu 409 W California Av Traxler Elinor E (la com '14- ) Stu 1102 W Oregon St Traxler Ivan W (ag '14- ) Stu 1102 W Oregon St fTraynor Cecil (ag '06) TREAT Edna A Instr U 111 1107 W Oregon St Trelease Sam F (su '15) Stu Johns Hopkins U 1004 S Lincoln Av Trelease Sidney B (la '13- ) Stu 1004 S Lincoln Av TRELEASE William Prof U 111 1004 S Lincoln Av Trimble Robert M ('09) Carpenter 506 N Busey Av Trost Gertrude E (mus '04) At home 511 W High St Trost Opal W (h sc '12- ) Stu 511 W High St Trout Clement E (ag '13- ) Stu 909 Illinois St TRUE Leighton J (com '15- ) Asst U 111 1003 W California Av TRUEMAN John M {Asst U 111) 1003 W California Av Truman Brook H (ag '06) Ag R12 ^Truman John F (77) Ag R12 Truman Lenora (la '07) Seamstress R12 ?Tsen Lung N (sc '12) tTuason Alfonso (su '06) %Tuc~ker Gertie O ('99) c/o Mrs A P Whitmore Tu Ching F (m eng '15) Stu 1305 N Clark St Tullock Warren N ('07) Chf Ticket Clk 111 Tract Sys 908 W Green St Tullock Mrs W M (la '03 AB) Stenog 111 Grain Dealers ' Assn 908 W Green St Turner Frank (g econ '15 BS) Asst U 111 1107 Oregon St Turner Wavne I (ag '15- ) Stu 1003 W Oregon St TUTTLE George P Jr Asst Examiner Reg Ofc 905 S Coler Av Tyler James T (c eng '14- ) Stu 1301 W Clark St Tyler Mrs J H (la '13) Home 1301 W Clark St Underwood Gilbert S (eng arch '14) Arch 1103 W Illinois St Vallance Alexander (g t&am '15- ) Instr U 111 905 S Gregory St Van Alstine Ernest (g pol sc '15- ) Asst U 111 912 Nevada St Van Brunt M G ('85) Ag Van Buskirk Roy H (ag '13) Wks Planing Mill 708 E Park St van cleave Harley J (g zool '13 PhD) ('10 MS) Instr U 111 708 W Cali- fornia Av Van Cleave Mrs H J (sc '11 AB) Home 708 W California St Van Doren Mark A (g '15 AM) (la '14 AB) Stu Col U 714 W Oregon St Vanneman Russell W (la com '14- ) Stu 1013 W Oregon St VAN ROSSEN Hoogendijk G Instr U 111 104 N Romine St VAN TUYL Francis M Instr U 111 804 S Busey Av VAN WINKLE William A (g chem '15- ) Asst U 111 808 W Illinois St Vaubil Daniel (g '12) Stenog U 111 1009 Oregon St Vaughn Mrs Elizabeth K (su '15) 712 W Green St Vaughn Howard F (arch eng '14- ) Stu 712 W Green St Vaughn Mvra (h sc '15- ) (mus '13) Stu 712 W Green St tVeirs Dean M (c eng '08) 609 W High St Veirs Willard L (mus '14- ) Stu 702 W Elm St VENNING Frank L Instr U 111 Uni- versity Club VERNIER Chester G Prof U 111 803 W Main St Vollweiler Ernest H (g chem '14- ) Asst U 111 917 W Green St Waggoner Harry D (g bot '14- (sc '14 AM) '09 AB) 1110 W Springfield Av I Waggoner Horace G (mus '08) 307 S Race St ?Waggoner Stanley L (mus '08) 307 S Race St Wahl Louis A ('05) Sec Urbana Com Club 510 W Main St WAHLIN Gustaf E Assoc U HI 903 Railroad St Wait Edwin R 403 High St waldo Edward H (g eng '15- ) (MS '13) Prof U 111 802 W Illinois St Waldo John H (cer eng '15- ) Stu 1066 ILLINOIS 802 W Illinois St Walker Mrs C J (g-'15- ) 1203 W Stoughton St Walker Frank E (la 78) Wallis Edward (ag '15) Stu 503 In- diana Av Wallis Mrs Eobert (mus '03) Home 503 Indiana Av fWalsh Anna A (mus '06) 1210 W Main St Walworth Edward H (ag '15- ) ('13 BS) Asst U 111 1303 Univer- sity Av Walworth Stanton E (ag '14- ) Stu 1303 W University Av Wamsley Mae ('97) Ward Cecilia B (la '15- )('14) Stu 1101 W Nevada St WAED Henry B Prof U 111 1101 W Nevada St %Wardeman Charles ('96) warner Earle H (g phys , 15-)(sc , 14 AM) Asst U 111 201 W Green St WASHBURN Edward W Prof U 111 710 y 2 W Nevada St WATERFALL Harry W Instr U 111 709 W Nevada St WATSON Floyde R (su '04) Asst Prof U 111 906 y 2 California Av f WATSON William ('06) Watts Charles H (su '01) Co Supt Schs 513 W Oregon St Watts Helen M (h sc '15- ) Stu 513 W Oregon St Way George F (sc '08 AB) Med Cohen Bldg Way MrsGF (la'05AB) Home 1318 S Orchard St ?Webb Anie (mus '80) Webb James M (sc '10) 1002 Cali- fornia Av Webber Pearl (la '03 AB) At home 709 W Green St Webber Robert A (la '14- ) Stu 105 W High St Webber William B Jr (m eng '08 BS) Mech Eng Sr Contr 709 W Green St WEBER Henry C P Prof U 111 501 W Washington St Webster Harry C (c eng '14 BS) 1101 W Oregon St Weeter Harry M (g ag '14- ) Asst U 111" 1107 W Springfield Av weiland Henry J (g chem '15- ) ( '15 MS) Asst U 111 601 W Oregon Weirick Robert B (g engl '15- ) Asst V 111 1015 W California Av I Welch Thomas J (ag '74) WELLS Newton A Prof U 111 803 W Oregon St 1 Wells VernaE ('03) welo Lars A (g physics '15- )(g'15 MS) Asst U 111 905 W Nevada St fWcnger Harry A ('07) Westervelt Mayme (ag '14) 15 Or- landa Flats WESTON Jessie B (lib '14- ) Asst U HI 907 W California Av fWetherell Charles E (arch '98) WHEELER Henry C Assoc U 111 912 W Nevada Wheeler Hiram H (ag'06) ClTc U 111 812 W Clark St WHEELER Ruth Asst Prof U 111 908 W Nevada St WHIPPLE Guy M Prof U 111 405 W Illinois Whisenand James W (g ag '14- ) Asst U 111 901 W Green St Whitchurch John E (ag '10 BS) Assoc U 111 White Catherine N (mus '14- ) Stu 609 Stoughton St White Evangeline ('06) white Leile O (g hist '15- ) ( '15 AM) Clk U 111 610 S Mathews Av White Lyde E (la com '14- ) (la '09) Stu 1107 Springfield Av White Merla M (h sc '15- ) Stu 913 W Illinois St WHITFORD Robert C (g la '14- ) Instr U 111 506 W Elm St whiting Albert L (g ag '12 PhD) Assoc U 111 705 Gregory St Whiting Vivian J (h sc '13- ) Stu 801 W Green St Whitmire James S (sc '10) Asst U 111 917 W California Av Whittum Fred H (chem eng '11 BS) Asst U 111 1107 W Oregon St Whittum Mrs F H (la '07 AB) Home 1107 W Oregon St Whitver Howard C (la com '14- ) Stu 201 W University Av ?Whitzel Thomas J (ag '72) Whitsell T E ('95) wichers Edward (g chem '15- ) ( '15 MS) Asst U 111 602 S Market St Wiley Fred T ('11) ?Wilkins Marion I (la '02) WILLARD Arthur C Asst Prof U 111 1106 W California St Willard Dora A (la '15- ) Stu Rll Willard Hazel G (la '13) Teach Rll Willcox Herbert A (arch '14) Draft 909 W Illinois St Williams Anna W (h sc '12 AM) (la '07 AB) Instr U 111 901 S Busey Av Williams Arthur E (g cer '15- ) (sc '10 BS) Instr U 111 611 W Indiana Av Williams Mrs A E (h sc '10) Home 611 Indiana Av WILLIAMS Charles A Instr U 111 907 W Oregon St ILLINOIS 1067 Williams Elmer H (g phys '10 PhD) Assoc V 111 804 W Michigan Av ?Williams Marcus L (sp '97) WILLIAMS Margaret S (lib '13- ) Catg Asst U 111 1106 W California Av ^Williamson Byron (su '04) 904 W Illinois St ?Willson Howard T (su '94) WILSON Leroy A Asst U 111 1017 W Illinois St WILSON Levi T Instr U 111 704 W Green St WILSON Wilbur M Asst Prof U 111 1107 S Busey Av fWindow William B (ag '07) WINDSOE Phineas L Lior U 111 609 Michigan Av tWinn Maude E (mus '09) 205 W Oregon St \W\nn Norman E ('09) 205 W Ore- gon St Wvriek R W ('95) \Wise George Y ('04) 501 Babeock St Wolf Elsa C (h sc '15- ) Stu 709 Nevada St Wolfe William S (g '14 MS) (arch eng '13 BS) Instr U 111 504 N Busey Av Wolff Aline J (h sc '14- ) Stu 510 W Iowa St Wolff Clarence J (la '14 AB) Jour 510 W Iowa St fWollaver Jennie E (la '03) \Wood Asher G ('08) Trav 8*kk 211 W Illinois St Wood Henry A ('00) 307 W High Wood Walter R ('03) Painting # Paper Contr WOOLBERT Charles H (g psychol '15) Assoc U 111 917 W Nevada St Woolman Albert J (ag '04) Agt NY Life Ins Co 909 W Oregon St Woolman Rachel M (h sc '11- )" Stu 909 W Oregon St Woolman Richardine (la '12- ) Stu 909 W Oregon St Wright Douglas Jr (ag '11- ) Stu 1441 W Forest Av Wright Francis M (m eng '15) 911 W Green St Wright George II (la '02) Teach 901 W Nevada St ? Wright Grace M (la '11) 106 Greg- ory PI WRIGHT Mabelle G Instr U 111 902 W Oregon St Wright Sterling T D ('07) 907 California Av Wyeth Leonard A (ag '04) Ag 703 Illinois St Wyeth Ola M (lib '06 BLS) Libr Asst V 111 807 S Lincoln Av Yapp William W (g ag '15- ( '14 AM) '11 BS) Instr U 111 1111 W Spring- field Av Yensen Trygve G (g eng '15- ( '13 EE)('12MS) '07 BS) Asst U 111 701 W Green St Yensen Mrs T D (la '99 MS) ( '97 BS) Home 701 W Green St Yim Albert M (la '13- ) Stu 1201 Stoughton St tYork Charles W (su '00) Young Clinton M Asst Prof U 111 605 W Green St young Esther (g bot '15- ) ( '15 AM) Asst V 111 912 W Oregon St tYoung Harry H (su '04) 404 N Hill St ZELENY Charles Prof U 111 1103 W Illinois St IZiegler Mila (mus '09) 906 Gregory PI ZIESENHEIM Joseph R (g an husb '15- ) Asst U 111 905 W Oregon St Zeitlin Jacob Assoc U 111 1104 W Illinois St fZimlick Hegman (su '06) Zipprodt Roy R (arch eng '15 BS) T&AM Dept U 111 1107 W University Av Zirnlick Heyman (su '06) %Zoethout William D ('08) ZUPPKE Robert C Assoc U 111 1001 W Oregon St URSA Campbell Francis M (ag '15) Ag R2 Keim Boyd S (su '12) Ag Mitchell William U (m eng '08) Mgr W 111 Tel Co UTAH ? Arnold Charles M II F (e eng '83) UTICA Clement Mrs A (la '06) Home R25 Crosiar Arthur O (ag '14- ) Stu R25 tDana Mariam I (lib '09) t Gardner Samuel B ('94) Moore Marlin C (ag '14) Chem Min- eral Grinding Co Sumberg Abraham ^e eng '08) Merc Warrick Vinton P ( '07) Ag Whipple Warner F (ag '13) Ag Wylie Arthur J (ag '13) Ag R25 VALLEY Myers William H (la '15) Coal 1068 ILLINOIS VANDALIA tBEACH Harold C (1 '06 LL B) tBolt Denny (c eng '01) Burr Mrs Frank (lib '02 BLS) Home 320 S First St Clark Kichard M (ag '04) Electr Cox Claude H (ag '01) Ag B4 Cox Dan W (c eng '13) BE TO Clk E4 ?Deckmann Thomas W (e eng '13) 629 S Eighth St Hudson Alvin N (la '09) Trav Kelly Margaret A (su '15) Teach 728 South St Lynn Mrs J T (h sc '04) Home 212 S Second St McElheny Fred W (la '15- ) Stu 223 N Second St Morey Laura M (mus '13) 328 S Fourth St tRethorn William H (e eng '07) Rexwinkle Daphne M (mus '14 B Mus) At home 212 Galatin St Ritter Glen Arthur (la '14) Teach 704 W Randolph St Roe Arthur Z (1 '00 LL B) Law $ St Eepr Schenker Mrs J W (la '85 Cert) Home Smohl Barbara B (la '13- ) Stu 103 N Fifth St Spencer Mrs Blanche B (com '15- ) Stu tSpencer Eugene (ag '05) Wanderhoof Ralph ( '06) Waddell James V (c eng '08) C Eng Waddell Mrs J V (la '09 AB) Home 230 S Seventh St Wills Jerome G (la '84 BL) Merc VAN ORIN Brown John Q ('05) Evangelistic Singer VARNA Jesse Charles (su '99) Ag McBride Mrs L W (la '10) Home \McCulloch Ralph D ('00) Bnk McCuskey Winifred E (la '10) Teach Whitney Max B (la '04) Ag VENICE ?Boyer John (sp '73) ?Boyer Rachel A (sp '73) \ Dempster Robert Jr ('10) Horen Louis (c eng '14- ) Stu Wea- ver & Douglas Sts Kerr Grayson A (ag '15- ) Stu 633 Lincoln Av McClelland Charles B (ag '11) Supt Schs Scott Esther S (la '15- ) Stu VERGENNES t Perkins Effie M (mus '11) VERMILLION fBursom Luther E (la '72) Fessant Francis J (ag '00) Bnk 4" Ag Marley James A (1 '05 LL B) E Est fRaffety A L (sc '79) ?Raffety G W (sp '79) IRafferty James N (gen '71) ?Termis Israel W (sp '72) Wright Willie Z (la '15- ) Stu VERMILION GROVE Rees Oliver P (su '14) Williams Effie A (su '09) Teach VERMONT \Aten Harry E ( '07) Bartholomew Howard (la com '06) Merc Bouton Jesse R (su '10) Supt Schs Busby Beulah B (mus Feb '15) Teach Derry Herbert G (e eng '12 BS) Bus Mgr Jenkins Charles E (1 '02) Ag Leighty Dana R (ag '14) Ag Lewis Ralph D (c eng '83 Cert) Ins Mercer Ralph D (ag '14- ) Stu Nelson J Ward (ag '13- ) Stu t Rankin Earle (e eng '12) Wardell Mrs C T ('96) Home Willmarth Claude (sp '98) Painter Worsdell Arthur E (c eng '00) Met Eng Wyne Walter (arch eng '15- ) Stu VERNON Doolen Maude W ('00) Bkpr tDoolen Nannie E (mus '02) Murfin Arthur L ('07) Hardware Merc VERONA Fellingham Clark H (ag '01 BS) Ag Whittemore Leonard A ('92) Merc VERSAILLES IBunco Vincent P (sp '71) tCasteen John C (ag '14) tCasteen Marie L (su '12) Heflin James E (su '12) Teach tRoot Susie V (su '08) ^Wheeler Cyrus W (ag '70) VICTORIA Sandquist William A (ag '00) Ag VIENNA Boles Frank (la com '72) Ag R2 ILLINOIS 1069 Chapman Daniel W (la '03 AB) Bnk Chapman Mrs P T (sp '00) At home t Chapman William (sc '05) Dodd Thomas L (su '15) Teach H Sch Galeener George E (ag '03) Nursery- man Gray Basil S ('80) Express Agt \Higgins Don Nelson ( '01) Hook Charles A (m eng '06) Co Surv Supt Highways Hook Isaac H (c eng '02) Ins t Hooker Claude H (ag '05) Huffman Charles J (la '05) Law t Huffman Mrs C J (la '00) Home Huffman Francis M (la '08) Bus t Jackson Samuel A ('80) Jackson William G (1 '02) Merc Kuykendall Andrew J (1 '98 LLB) Ag tMcGee Benjamin F (la '98) MacKey John C Jr (ag '11) Ag Morray Kenneth E (ag '14) Ag Morton James F (c eng '07) BE Elect Mozley John L (ag '06) Stock f Perkins Nelle (sp '01) Price Charles B (ag '15- ) (ag '13) Stu Eosenberg David (com '06) Merc Snow Lloyd A (la '07) Ag Thacker Charles B (ag '15- ) Stu tVander Pluym C (chem eng '07) Whitehead Paul (la '15) Ag Whittenberg Daniel W (ag '13) Ag 4- Stock VILLA GEOVE Agnew Beulah I (la '13- ) Stu Burnett Don W (ag '11) Ag Cecil Eugene (m eng '12) Locom Fireman tCrowder Lenora E (la '01) De Witt Emma E (h sc '11 AB) Teach Dyar Herbert L (su '15) Teach Edgar Edith (la '15 AB) Teach Hammett Don T (com '06) Bus Mgr Henson Mrs S C (la '96) Home Harrison Benjamin S (la '14- ) Stu t Henson Milton M (ag '82) Ag Howard Hester E (su '07) Teach Macbeth Grace (mus '15 B Mus) Teach Mus Wathan May ('08) Eichman James H (e eng '14- ) Stu Eichman Mrs J S (sc '08) Home Eichmond Charles A (ag '91) Ag Eitter Lorah K (la '05) Shafer Allen A (sp '01) Merc Stevens Homer B (ag '14) Ag Trevellyan Helen E (mus '13) Teach Van Doren Frank E (ag '14 BS) Ag Van Doren Mrs F E (la '14) Home VILLA EIDGE tConant Thaddeus (ag '02) Endicott Eobert B (ag '01) Ag Spaulding Eobert L ('94) Hort # Flor Stone William S (la '15- ) Stu VIOLA t Gardner Harry C (e eng '07 BS) Ag E2 Mack John M ('96) Ag $ Stock E2 Morris Alice E (g ed '14 AM) (la '13 AB) Teach E2 VIEDEN Brittin William A Jr (ag '13- ) Stu Clemmons John G (ag '09) Ag Clemmons Lynne (la com '12) Ag Coultas Charles R,(ag '12- ) Stu E42 Coultas David E (ag '15- ) Stu E42 Evans Hatibel (su '15) Libr Gelder Tolman T (la '88) Publ $ Ag tKable Mary Alice (mus '99) Kable Eussel F (m eng '99) Ag fKirkpatrick Hugh G (m eng '03) Lumsden James L (ag '14) ?Eyan James B (la '87) Shumacher Charles C (e eng '96) Plumbing tSilloway Herbert W (ry eng '06) tSilloway Perley M (su '10) Vaniman Vernon (ag '08 BS) Ag Vaniman Mrs V (h sc '09) Home Wright Andrey L (sp '01) VIEGINIA Bowers Joseph E (ag '08) Brech Eoyal C (ag '09) Ag E2 Buck Walter E (su '12) Teach Campbell Eobert Howard (ag '04) Ag <$- Stock Conover Boy E (ag '04) Ag Crum Oscar M ( '84) B Est Fielden Harry L (ag '12) Ag E2 ! Fielden Willie J (ag '12) Ag E2 Gardner James L (ag '11 BS) Farm Mgr E4 Gridley Burton E (la '99) Ag EFD Gordley William T (1 '07) Law tHiett Harold C (1 '09) Jacobs Henry (la '98) Co Supt Sch fLindgren Charles O (sp '01) Mason Laura (su '05) Prin H Sch Maurer George O (ag '11) Ag Miles John W (ag '08) Ag Miles Nancy G (su '06) Stu 111 Worn Coll Eussell Charles W (la '93 AB) Ag E6 Charles C (1 '04) Grain Deal 1070 ILLINOIS Savage Mrs C C (la '06) Home fSmith Fred M (sp '95) Stice Henry S (se '15 AB) Supt Schs tSudbrink Warren C (ag '06) Thompson Loren B (ag '96) Ag t Turner George W (la '08) t Turner Samuel E (VIS) Virgin Eli H (ag '13) Ag Virgin Emma L (la '14) Teach Widmayer George H (la '98) Bnk WACKEK ' Wrouse John W ( '00) WADSWOBTH Dietmeyer Leslie B ( '04) McCredie Anna L (la '14) Strang Bobert L (ag '15 BS) Ag WAGGONEB Johnson Fred (ag '12) Ag B2 WALKEB Andrews Bobert H (ag '11) Grain Deal WALNUT Andrews John A (ag '15 BS) Kerchner Morris W (ag '11 BS) Ag Philip Ellen T (su '08) Teach Wilson Grover C (e eng '13- ) Stu WALSHVILLE Barlow Boscoe L (sc '13) Stu \Hoisington Alice B ( '08) t Johnson Mrs Etta M (su '08) Tiffin Joseph D (ag '14- ) Stu WANCONDA Cass Sherman (la '12 AB) Teach Stroker George D (c eng '93) Bnk WAPELLA tLeggett Bobert O (ag '06) Scott Harry (ag '08) Grain Merc Thorpe Elihu M (la '81) Ag WABDEN Eaton Edward F (ag '10) Ag B3 WARBEN *Baird Milton (c eng 70) Wole William H ('78) Conyne William F (la '80) Merc Hicks Aratus W (ag '81) Ret Ag Homrich Grover R (la '04) Ag Kane Robert C (e eng '12- ) Stu Northam George A (ag '91) Ag Rl Northam Lottie A (la '95) Home Puckett Claude E (ag '05) Ag $ Stock tStickney Ida M (lib '13) Tear Harry C (1 '11) Law Wiley Robert E (m eng '12- ) Stu WARBENSBUBG Watchelder S E ('86) Culp Wilmer E (ag '09) Ag morse Hiram B ('84) WARSAW Brinkman Carl E (e eng '07) Bnk Brinkman Emma E (la '03) At home Box 43 Dory Victor P (com '15- ) Stu 550 S 7th St Fairweather Mrs C A ( '04) Home Fulton Guy C (arch eng '11- ) Stu Bl t Fulton Perry A (ag '86) Ag Bl Eymann Mrs J K (la '03) Home Hammond Asaph C (ag '14- ) Stu Hammond Leonard A (ag '14- ) Stu Rl Hunt Milton T Jr (com .'15- ) Stu 345 Crawford St Jackson Wilbur S (ag '87) Ag Lamet Louis A (l'Ol LLB) Law Beed Bobert W (ag '15- ) Stu Van Pappelenden Walter C (ag '10) Ag 4- B Est Wemhaner George A ( '03) Ag WASCO Bergland Floyd H (ag '14 BS) Ag tVanderhoof George L (ag '14) Wilson Albert E (su '12) Teach WASHBUBN Barnes Helen M (la '15- ) Stu Coen Edward ('86) Ag Felter Mary E (h sc '14 AB) Ireland Charles H (m eng '85) Bnk $ Ag Ireland Grant B (1 '11) Bnk # Ins Ireland Matilda I (la '15- ) Stu McKee Bussell V (ag '04) Ag Shepard Lawrence F (la '08) Cash Bk WASHINGTON Bennett Hazel M (la '12- ) Stu Danforth Asa II ( '89) Ag $ Bnk Danforth Herman W (c eng '91) Ag DeMotte Mrs R J (h sc '10) Home Dougherty Horace G (su '13) Teach Engel Lloyd E (la '09 AM) ( '04 AB) Hist Mgr B Est Co Garber Emanuel (92) B Est $ Ins Geason Harold M (e eng '12) Electr Heiple Donald G (la com '15) ILLINOIS 1071 fLewis George F (m eng '90) Mansfield Willis A (la '81 BL) Med Pennewill Gilbert W (ag '12) Ag 617 Walnut St Pennewill Patience E (h sc '15) At home Rich Ernest A (1 '13 LL B) Law Rich Mrs E A (h sc '11) Home Kisser Roy E (ag '12) Ag Bobbins Ernest T (ag '00 BS) Co Ag Adviser Runkle Mrs Homer (mus '10) Home 4008 Fifth St NW Sampson Inez E (h sc '13) Stu Ober- lin Conserv Peoria St Sampson Lloyd C (1 '13) Stu NW U Slonnegers John C Jr (m eng '11) M Eng Smith Lawrence L (ag '14) Ag Box 192 Smith Paul A (m eng '11 BS) Draft Stephens Adamson Mfg Co Smith Paul M (su '12) Supt Schs \Struhhar Clyde E ('02) Tanton Glenwood C (ag '15- )(la'lo) Stu Vaubel Daniel (g ger '12) Stenog Vauble William C (ag '13 BS) Ag t Weeks Glenn (c eng '12) Zinser Robert B (la com '12- ) Stu WATAGA Goldsmith Frank F (ag '14- ) Stu R7 Robson Henry S (ag'll) Ag $ Live Stock R7 WATERLOO Adelsberger Bransford L (sc '14- ) Stu Hartman Edwin C (la '15- ) Stu Kolmer Albert C (ag '15- ) Stu R3 Kolmer Otto P (ag '15- ) Stu Kolmer Richard E (ag '10) Ag Kolmer William C (ag '13- ) Ag Meyer Emma (su '06) Teach Moeller Helen S (su '07) Teach morgan Edward T ('89) Morrison Carlisle B (1 '15) Clk Law Ofc Morrison Lethe E (h sc '14- ) Stu Morrison William R (1'13- )(la'13) Stu Raibourn Claude ( com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Raibourn James E (su '07) Sch Supt Raibourn Paul A (e eng '13- ) Stu SLIPPY Ralph B ('10) Eng 302 High St WATERMAN Fraser William Harry (ag '10) Ag Fuller Robert O (e eng '02) Ag Greeley Carleton L ( '92) Ag Greeley George H (m eng '84) Bet Ag Hippie Roy E (ag '13- ) Stu Morrison John L ( '05) Swift Ross H (ag '09) Ag WATERTOWN Dyer Wilson K (e eng '03) Med Wa- tertown St Hospital Giles George L (m eng '11) Auto Mech Kirk James B ( '80) Grain Buyer Robbins M Jennie (h sc '79) Thar State Hospital fSmith Albert E (m eng '77) WATSEKA Adams William Calvin (BS'15) (chem eng '10) tAllhands Cash L (ag '14) Benjamin Fred P ( '10 LL B) (1 '08 AB) Law Blake Charles L (c eng '06) Co Surv 610 E Lincoln Av Blake Edmund J (su '94) B Est 4' Invest Blake Frank E (la '04) Phar Beadrick Lucy C (la '13 AB) At liomt 302 N Fifth St Drew Edgar N (arch eng '13) Gen Contr Gates Silas H (ag '15- ) Stu Gilbreath Frank A (su '05) Co Supt Schs Gowen Mrs S N (mus '05) Home K5 Hardy Howard H (ag '15- ) Stu Harkins Mrs C H (la '09 AB) Home 601 E Lincoln Av marrell Maxwell ('05) Kamp Henry W (la '13- ) Stu 319 W Park Av Kendall Abner F (1 '12 LL B) Lau- Kern Lowell D (1 '14) Law tKern Murrel A (sp '10) Kuhn Leopold (sp 00) Merc Laycock Mary J (sc '06 AB)('97) Prin H Sch Long John O (la '12- ) Stu Long Ruth I (la '14- ) Stu McGill Webster D (e eng '15- ) Stu 833 S Fourth St Mohr Alba A (la '14) Teach 425 S Fourth St Morrell Melvin H (ag '15- ) Stu 306 W Oak St Perrigo Lyle D (1 '04 LLB) Law Post Mrs A E (mus '01) Home Scholl Clarence (g chem '14 MS) ( '13 BS) t Seer est Daniel C ('80) Segur John B (la '15- ) Stu 617 S Fourth St 1072 ILLINOIS Sense Mattie A (h sc '12) Teach Warren Dorothy (h sc '15- ) Stu 515 S Fourth St Waters James Merton (la '04) West Linnie M (la '15- ) Stu Williams Fenton H (la '13) Williams Grace E (la '15- ) Stu 703 S Third St Williams Henry S (1 '08) Brik Wills Mary E (la '15) Teach H Sch E5 Wise Lewis W (ag '04 BS) Ag Wise Mrs S A (su '11) Borne WATSON Abraham Arthur L ('01) Merc $ Brik 1 Abraham Mrs A L ('95) Home Hightower Clark M (su '13) WAUCONDA Cass Sherman (la '12) ('11 AB) Teach Castile Sarah M (la '10 AB) Teach McCormick Roscoe C (sc '01 BS) Med WAUKEGAN Browne Cyril G (m eng '10) Teach 1111 Lucas St Burg Bernhard B (e eng '12) Teach Dady Arthur O (m eng '09^ Bus Mgr Pfanstiehl Co 118 S Genesee St tDahringer Homer W (c eng '12) 424 Genesee St De Hart Myra L (la '15- ) Stu 369 Franklin St Douglas Robert ( '73) Edmunds Daniel A (m eng '08 BS) M Eng 1220 North Av Ekstrand Henry E (arch eng '10- ) Stu 131 Lenox Av Fulton Mrs J E ('97) Home 518 Grand Av Gatlin Mae (la '15) 228 N Genesee St Hadelman Louis (c eng '15- ) Stu 417 Ash St Hardie Francis C (ag '15) Stu Dart Coll 451 Sheridan Ed Harris Hannah J (la '14 AB)('07) Teach H Sch 210 N Utica St Hathorne Marjorie (la '15) At home 919 North Av Hathorne Wade S (la '14- ) Stu 857 Grand Av Herman Edward E (e eng '02) Merc 212 N Utica St Mackey Albert M (com '12) Estima- tor Mill Work 124 Second St Morrow George D (1 '10) Sales 702 Genesee St Polmeter Mary (su '10) Teach 636 Marion St Eeilly Raymond Thomas (mun eng '14 BS) Hyd $ San Eng 138 North St tRoSECRANS Fred B (c eng '11 BS) 310 McKinley Av ?Smith E B (c eng '78) Streed Elsie J (h sc '14 AB) Teach 796 Grand Av Streed Felix L (c eng '14- ) Stu 796 Grand Av Talcott Mancel (la com '12) Cost Acct American Steel & Wire Co 611 Sheridan Rd Wikofp Minna L (h sc '14 AB) Teach 919 North Av t Wright Fred L ('10) WAVERLY Allen Harriet E (su '15) Teach H Sch Allen Lura E (su '15) Teach t Blair Eugene K Jr ('03) Carter Wayne L (ag '07) Ag Cline Myra D (su '14) Teach $ Libr Colbert James R (la '14 AB) Prin H Sch Crain Hersey N (e eng '15- ) Stu Deatherage Fred E (la '03) Seeds- man Dikia Alfred (ag '13) Stu Harris Estella (lib '05) Soc Serv Harris Thaddeus S (sc '03) Gar Henry Helen (su '15) Teach H Sch Luttrell Arno A (ag '15) Miner Henry (ag '11- ) Stu Moulton William H (c eng '88) Trav Rohrer Wilburn H (la '01) Asst Cash 1st N Bk Smetters John L (ag '95) Ag Smith Wilson M (la '14 AB) Jour Stice Oston A (ag '15- ) Stu WAYNE Lindahl Florence E (la '15- ) Stu Box 74 Pratt George R (ag 12) Dairy WAYNE CITY t Garrison Russell P (la '12) Jacobson Guy H ('11) Stu Chgo Coll Med & Surg Newman Fred A (ag '14) Ag WAYNES VILLE Marshall Bernice H (su '06) Pub Speaker Marvel John E (sc '07 AB) Med Swan Archibald E (ag '05) Ag R2 WEDRON Hoxsey John D (ag '04) Ag ILLINOIS 1073 WELDON Whapin Clarence W ('92) tGoble Rebecca (su '94) Railsback Lee W (la '04 AB) Grain Merc Railsback Mrs L W (la '06) Home fSeaborg Amanda E (mus '98) Shaver William E ( '00) Ag ? Stone Lycurgus H ('93) ? Stone Lysias C ('93) ? Stone Sarah E ( '93) Thomas Grace (mus '15- ) Stu WELLINGTON Adsit Lois C (h sc '15- ) Stu t Boy den William H ('11) IButzow Emma B (la '14 AB) fCaswell Clarence A (ag '05) t Downey Thorton E (c eng '10) McCentee James (su '15) Teach Rothgeb Jessie B (h sc '14 AB) Stu Teach Coll Col U New York Sense William J (arch '14) Teach Snook John D (chem eng '15 BS) WENONA Axline Edward S (la com '13- ) Stu Ball Roscoe L (ag '08 BS) Ag Elliott J K (la '76) Gants Elwyn T (m eng '12- ) Stu Harter Earl C (la '13) Merc Harter Vera Z (la '08) At home Judd Herbert R (ag '00) Coal Merc Judd Orrel Perry ('05) Ins McAllister James S (ag '06) Ag McAllister Walter W (ag "09) Ag Parrett Henry F (com '10) Merc Stanton James G (la '11) Jour Steen Elmer R (ag '09) Ag Taylor Henry L (sp '70) Turner Arthur L (ag '09) Ag Wells Ralph R (ag '12 BS) Ag Winter J W (ag '01) Ag + weight Albert B (g pol sc '14 AM) Wright Bernard E (ag '10) Show Card Writer WEST CHICAGO Brauns Helen M (h sc '15- ) Stu Church Leroy (e eng '13- ) Stu Clark Charles M (ry m eng '13) Stu Colman Ruth P (su '14) Teach Dayton Wayland W (ag ; 15- ) Stu Arbor Av Hann Grace L (h sc '15) Stu 24 Al- len Av Holmes Laura C (ag '13) Stu IKiRKPATRiCK Harold H (la '97 AB) Supt Schs Leedle Jessie M (la '15- ) Stu Le Kander Roy E (c eng '12- ) Stu WESTERN SPRINGS Barnett Joseph H (ag '12) Land Arch Vaughan's Nurseries Blodgett Delbert ( '81) Cornell Donald S (m eng '13- ) Stu Morris George (la '10 AB) Reporter Chgo Tribune Murphy Louise P (h sc '15- ) Stu Straight Ruth (su '15) Teach Vial Eugene ( '86) WESTER VELT Christman Herman Jr (ag '05) Lum- ber Merc WESTFIELD Bandy William A (su '14) Teach Bigelow Lorene E M (mus Feb '16- ) Stu Bigelow Lucile L (mus Feb "16- ) Stu Briscoe Lucile S (su '14) Dawson Roscoe M (1 '00) Edit goble Roxana (g '03 AM) Teach Kinser Jessie (h sc '15) Mabry Mrs R G (mus '14) Parcel Herbert L (e eng '09) Ag Tipswood Harrison M (su '12) Pres Westfield Coll Wilhoit Cornelius Z (ag '12) Ag Rl WEST FRANKFORT Cornelius Ira ('11) Bkpr WEST PRINCETON Gillham Philip D (c eng '04 BS) Sales Mgr 205 Park Av W McHENRY Stoffel Clara V (su '09) Teach Walsh Walter J (ag '09) Ag WESTON Martin Walter C (ag '06) Ag WEST SALEM Schernekan William J (cer eng '14- ) Stu WEST UNION Clements Olen R (1 '14- ) (la '14 AB) Stu Rl Taubeneck Victor E (e eng '15- )('13) Stu WESTVILLE Buskirk Donald V (su '15) Teach Chapman Harry (su '15) Dix Mrs A A (mus '11) Teach Mus Gillison James H (la '15- ) Stu R7 Possolt Bertha T (su '15) 16 West St Roberts Herbert (su '15) 1074 ILLINOIS WEST YORK Bell Cecile M (la '15- ) Stu Bell Norma E (la '13- ) Stu Bell Rodney L (g c eng '15 CE) ( '09 BS) Div Eng St Highway Dept Hoskinson Bruce Q (g ed '15) Stu WHEATON Ballou Joseph L (m eng '14 BS) Eodman 215 N Cross St Borton Martha C (sc '09) Teach Clark Frank R (chem eng '15- ) Stu 618 Howard St tColvin Albert (la '76) 606 Main St Colvin Albert A (c eng '09) C Eng C&NW RR 606 Main St Davenport Dorothy D (la '15- ) Stu 410 E Illinois St Duner Sven (ag '15 BS) Ag Ermeling Williard W (m eng '96) Teach 811 College Av garlough Carlton D (g math '09 AM) Prof Wheaton Coll 421 N Wheaton Av Holt Herbert E (ag '15- ) Stu 612 Wesley St Jayne Eleanor E (mus '13) Violinist Box 36 Kellogg Samuel A (ag '14- ) Stu 107 President St Kennedy Josephine (h se'll) Stu Coll Med IT 111 Kross Michael (la '11) Law t Lewis Fred D (ag '12 AB) 613 West St Lewis Goodrich Q (m eng '10 BS) M Eng Lewis Thomas D (sc '13) City Buyer Mill & RR Supply House 613 West St Lloyd Nellie E (la '09 AB) At home 520 West St t Louis John E (mun eng '14 BS) 613 West St Miller Perrin C (la '15) Produce Merc 906 Cross St Opie Glen E (ag '15- ) Stu 411 N Wheaton Av Opie Hilda C (la '14- ) Stu 419 N Wheaton Av Patrick Elizabeth L (la '07) Teach 229 E Wesley St Patton Alfred R (1 '10 LL B) Law jPeironnet Clarence B ('01) Prout Mrs H B (la '10) Home 302 Center St Russell Charles C (ag '15- ) Stu Smardon William J ('11) Chief Sta- tic AE&C RR t Steven Hiram A (su '05) Straw Walter A (la '14) Chem 213 Washington Av Tweedie Norman J (la '15- ) Stu 423 Front St Van Osdell Mrs F M (la '89 BL) Webster Arthur L (c eng '04) Drain- age Eng tWelden Edmund A (e eng '09) ?Wheaton Jesse R (arch eng '12 BS) Arch $ Contr WHEELER Mason John C (ag '07) Merc WHITE ASH Camden William R (su '15) Teach WHITE HALL Auten John T (ag '12- ) Stu Baker Laura M (la '12 AB) At home Berlin Mildred L (ag Feb '16, ) Stu Berline Henry L (ag '13- ) Stu Crawford Chalmers W (ag '15 BS) StocJc 4- Ag \Culbertson Ervin ('88) Dyer Ethel G (su '15) Fraser Thomas (min eng '13- ) Stu %Givan James W ('88) ?Higbee Lulu M (gen '00) Kawin Louis (la '15- ) Stu Metzler John N (su '15) Stu tMorrow Arnold V (m eng '13) Pearce Charles E (com '15- ) Stu Roberts Harold H (m eng '12- ) Stu Roodhouse Henry (ag '13) Ag Ross Ernest F (e eng '10) Cllc Smith Lynn C (ag '11) Grocery Spangenburg Vernon F (arch eng '15- ) ^Thompson Thomas D (e eng '08) tVan Derheyden Simon H (ag '11) Stock tWinn Clarence C (e eng '08) \Winn George L ('02) WHITE HEATH Branch Thomas (la '97) Ag Heath James Roy (ag '05) Ag Heath Lillian (la '03 AB) At home Heath Noble P (sp '97) Ag Heath Payne (m eng '04) Ag $ C Eng Rankin William J R (ag '02) Spangenburg Vernon F (arch eng '15- ) Sales Thompson Herle A (ag '15- ) Stu White Seymour J ( '04) ClJc Wrench Homer (su '09) Stu George- town U WHITE OAK fSimonson Rollo J (ag '00) WILLIAMSFIELD Cation James L (ag '03) Ag ILLINOIS 1075 Kamp Mrs W L (la '09 AB) Home Kilpatrick Ealph S (min eng '14) Teach Kamp Waldow L (ag '11) Ag WILLIAMSVILLE Constant Clarence R (ag '09) Ag $ Stock Graves Hazel H K ('98) Jones John R (ag '12) Stock \ Perce Earle H ('06) t Richardson George M (ag '01) Stitt Don P (ag '12) Ag Woods Frank E (ag '12) Ag R26 Young Mrs E V (mus '06) Home WILLISVILLE Jeremiah Otis (ag '13) Asst Mgr Wiles Farms Dairy WILLOW HILL Miller Bertie E (su '15) Teach II Sch WILMETTE Arms Herbert C (arch eng '95 BS) Mfg 33 Crescent PI Beilin David S (la '15) Stu U 111 Coll Med 1166 Wilmette Av Bower Lorin A (m eng '93) Merc 1041 Ashland Av Bower Mrs LA ('93) Home 1041 Ashland Av Brown Bruce K (la '15- ) Stu 606 Washington Av Burt Mrs H J (la '93) Home 1027 Elmwood Av Cameron Charles C Jr (com Feb '15- ) Stu 922 Ashland Av Casey Augustus B (c eng '07 BS) B Est 1132 Lake Av Clampitt Edwin J (la '12) Sales $ Coll 1121 Central Av Cleal Bertram (la '08) Mfg Agt 919 Ashland Av Cornell Mrs F H (mus '01) ( '93) Home 1036 Ashland Av Doty Dorothy L (la '14- ) Stu 1010 Central Av Doty Helene E (la '14- ) Stu 1010 Central Av Dunlap D Clermont (ag '73) C Eng 427 Ninth St Field Howard Jr (m eng '14- ) Stu 913 Central Av Flanner Mrs F F (h sc '10) Home 611 Washington Av Forbes George M (la '07) News Cor- resp Gould Irene E (h sc '10) At home Lake Av & 12th St Greene Scott C (c eng '15- ) Stu 120 Ninth St tHall William T (ag '09) Heimbrodt Carl E (arch '13) Arch Draft Sr Designer 1212 Ashland Av Hess Julian C (e eng '12) Mfg 1109 Greenleaf Av fHewes Mary E (su '13) Irvine Robert P (ag '15- ) Stu 1042 Greenwood Av fKing Paul W (c eng '05) E Est 708 Park Av MacLean Lachlan W (la '14) Stu Kent Coll Law Lake Av Peirce Stanley K (la '14) 1007 Lake Av Richter Harry A (ag '15- ) Stu 1211 Hill St Rockhold Frank D (c eng '15- ) Stu 1014 Elmwood Av Scheidenhelm Edward L (eng '92 BS) Bnk 704 Lake Av Schoeneck Willard N (la '15) 815 Oakwood Av Smithers Perry L (com '15- ) Stu 1031 Greenwood Av Tuttle Charlotte (arch eng '15- ) Stu 212 Woodbine Av Webster David C (la com '15) Mach 619 Forest Av Wheelock Earle N (ag '13- ) Stu 830 Central Av WILMINGTON Bailey LaForce (g arch eng '15- ) ( '15 BS) Stu Conklin Paul S (m eng '13) Teach H Sch fCraig George H (ag '08) Elliott Robert T (ry c eng '13- ) Stu Gunning Nadine G (h sc '15- ) Stu t Martin John L (ag '07 BS) Box 68 Osburn Nye N (la com '05) Merc Osburn Ole L (la com '08) Merc Osburn Reuel S (la '13) Pawling Frank H (m eng '97) Acct ?Smith Tracy A (sp '83) Stewart Walter ( '85) fWillard Reuel (eng '86) WILTON CENTER fStroud Edward L (m eng '85) Strout Edward C (m eng '85) WINCHESTER Allan Robert H (ag '15- ) Stu Bagshaw William L (arch eng '95) Ins 1076 ILLINOIS tBoylan Archibald L (la '12) Coultas Albert L (ag '00) coultas Lois M (g ger '14 AM) Teach 111 Coll Coultas Wilson J (ag '15) Ag tDuERKOP Bertha C (la '11 AB) Evans Lecye W (mus Feb '16- ) Stu t Gordon Edgar Z ('78) Ag $ Stock R3 Gordon Mark D (su '13) B3 Hirtzel Clara L (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch \ Hubbard John E ('00) North Clyde J . (ag '12- ) Stu Overton Ralph M (m eng '13- ) Stu Watt Margaret L (su '14) Wells Olive L (su '12) Teach WINDSOR Bradley Carol (la '15) Prin H Sch Ellis Nannie I (su '06) Teach Griffith William W (su '06) Contr $ Builder Hilsabeck Hugh R (su '08) Teach Hilsabeck Mildred E (mus Feb '15- ) Stu Jones Willie A ( '87) \Loomis Foy O ('01) Olson Grant ('03) Ag tPaedro Benjamin F (m eng '80) Rose Elsie C (su '13) Teach tRose Wilber W (su '07) WING Wing Orion (la '15) Supt Schs WINNEBAGO Anderson Roy B (ag Feb '15- ) Stu Gill Richard H ('01) Ag Rl Mandeville William H (ag '15) Ag Rl Sheldon Walter W (com '15- ) (la '14) Stu WINNETKA Brown Tom (arch eng '13- ) Stu 416 Maple Av Dale Hervey M (la com '13 AB) Sales 519 E Ash St Geherty Celeste (la '14) At home 859 Elm St Hale Fraser (ag '12) Sales 569 Cherry St Herdman Carrie B (sc '14 BS) At home 554 Oak Av Herdman Frank E (m eng '84 BS) Mgr Sr Eng Water & Light Prop Herdman Mrs Frank (la '82) Herdman Frank V (m eng '15- Y Stu 554 Oak St Kroeschell Roy S (m eng '14- ) Stu Leichsenung Jane M (hs '15- ) Stu 525 Fir St Nelson Sidney W (com '15- ) Stu 516 Krier St Skinner Otis A (arch '13) Stu Ar- mour Inst 402 Willow St Sutter John H Jr (c eng '99) Contr Eng 239 Forest St Thurston Helen M (h sc '08) Teach 882 Oak St Varney Mrs R W (la '07 AB) Home 535 Cherry St t Washburn Ludlow J (sc '10 AB) 461 Maple Av Weart James G Jr (ag '15- ) Stu 278 Linden St Wehrstedt Otto C (c eng '00 BS) c/o Winnetka Motor Co 562 Lincoln Av Wehrstedt William T ( m eng '08) Propr Gar 562 Lincoln Av \Wildman Harry ('09) WINSLOW Dietmeier Clarence R (com '15- )(la '15) Stu Dietmeier Homer R (la '14- ) Stu Ellis Clarence L (ag '09) Ag $ Constr Concrete Silos WINTHROP HARBOR Fossland Gerard L (m eng '08 BS) Draft WITT Barringer Edna (la '15 AB) Teach Lounsbury John M (ag '10) Asst Cash Witt Nat Bk Short Ralph M (ag '05) Asst Cash BJc Walcher Charles E (ag '01) Vet WOODBURN \Benner William J ('97) Wood Rueben O (ag '95 Cert) ('72) t Woods Abraham D (sp '71) WOODHULL Conrad David E (ag '05) Ag Mansfield Howard A (su '08) WOODLAND Cavitt John W (arch eng '15- ) Stu Curtis Hazel B (h sc 15) Teach Molyneaux Juniata O (la '14- ) Stu Williams Mary C (la '15) WOOD RIVER Morgan John W (su '15) Supt Sch Whitelaw Arthur K Jr (la '14- ) Stu Penning Av ILLINOIS 107' WOODSON Mortimer Earl O (ag '04) Ag WOODS rocK Bardwell Eichard W (la '10 AB) Supt Schs Brown Volney E (1 '00) Grain Insp t Burger Irwin L (c eng '03) Cairns George D (la '09) BTcpr Casey Sylvia N (mus '13) At home fCoquillette George A (la '79) Eickhoff Emma M (su '10) Teach 460 W South St Francisco Elmer L ( '03) Sub Letter Carrier 316 Vine St tHass Charles M (ag '74) ? Hermann Ernest M (ag '00) fHerrington Dexter E (m eng '84) Mach Oliver Typewriter Co Hill Eoger E (la '14- ) (m eng '14) Stu Johnson Alfred E (su '08) Instr Todd Seminary Lawrence Charles H (ag '14- ) Stu 631 Jefferson St Mc Williams Emma M (la '75) Teach Salisbury Ethel I (la '13 AB) Teach 445 Judd St Saxton Harry T (su '14) Dir Athl Todd Sch Boys Seiler Erna (la '15- ) Stu 129 New- ell St Smiley Lionel D (e eng '12- ) Stu 226 Judd St Smith Gerald C (ag '10) Ag Clover- croft Sondericker William (la '83 AB) Teach 304 Calhoun St Stafford H Gordon (e eng '09) Fur- niture fy Ermbalmer fStewart Edward S (la '76) Thomas Edward C (su '10) Supt Schs t Thomas Emil W (m eng '14) 623 N Madison St t Thomas Ethel C (su '09) Tryon Charles L (c eng '10) C Eng $• Supt Highways 511 Bunker St Tupper James O (ag '16 BS) Walgenbach Mrs R H (su '11) Ag Wandrack Lura M (su '14) Libr 123 Hayward St ? Watson Clarence C (ag '02) Wright Melvin J (sc '14) Ag Wright Myron J (la '77 BS) Ag WOODWORTH ?Meier Hermann E (ag '03) WORDEN Lamb Grover C (ag 14) Lamb John Jr (ag '14- ) Stu WRAYVILLE Meyer Henry C (ag '04) WYANET Brewster Walter H (su '07) Teach Mercer George E (ag '14- ) Stu ]Mchards Arthur E ('06) Shilton Carlyle N (sc '04 AB) Bnk WYOMING Blair Orland V (ag '10) Ag Brown Harry E ('10) Med Brown Jesse L (ag '08) Ag Rl Colwell Miles G (m eng '13) PO Serv Faulkner Teresa V (su '99) t Francis Helen E (la '12- ) Stu Rogers Clarence A (ag*'ll) Ag Rogers Ethelyn A (la '09) At home Simmerman Roy F (ag '06) Garage Bus Teets Robert J (eng '15) Stu Town«end Mary W (su '15) Libr Wead John T (la '14- ) Stu tWhite John E (1 '10) XENIA Bryan John R (ag '71) Ag ?Clark Judson J (la '73) Fessenden Arthur L (m eng '76) tPifer Robert (su '03) Wooters Gordon (su '13) Prin Schs YALE Forester Charles L (la '14- ) Stu YATES CITY tBoyer Walter F (su '99) Conver Lulu M (su '09) Teach Cordell Ralph V (su '15) Teach Loomis Arthur T (ag '15) Lumber Merc McKeighan James L (ag '03) Ag tMcLamarrah Thomas F (su '09) Mathews David W (ag '12) Ag Mathews Howard (e eng '14 AM) ('13 BS) Asst Eng Utilities Comm 111 Mathews William B (la '15- )( '12) Stu t Thompson Mrs Dora B (mus '99) West Lloyd A (e eng '15- ) Stu YELLOWHEAD fRandall George M (sp '70) YORKTOWN Sheldon John R ('00) Ag RFD 1078 ILLINOIS -INDIAN A YOBKVILLE Boston Irma W (la '08) Teach Boston Paul M (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu Cutter Mrs W C (sp '10) Home Farmer Harry B (la com '09) Laic 4- PM Gallaher Thomas A (su '07) Teach Giloatrick Leon K (ag'12) EFD Car- Hatch Elizabeth M (la '12 AB & AM) Prin H Sch Hopkins Eugene C (ag '13- ) Stu R4 t Knight John C (ag '13) Ag Matlock Gerald E (ag '15- ) Stu Mewhirter Jannett L (h sc '14- ) Stu Naden Clifford F (ag '15- ) Stu Shepard Edward A (ag '07) Ag tSleezer Corell (eng '14) Sleezer Lucile B (la '15- ) Stu Smith Volney P (ag '13) Ag R2 f Thomas Edgar C (su '07) tThurber Alberta M (su '07) Widney George J (sp '00) Ag ZEIGLER Moore John B (sc '08 AB) Med $ Supt Hospital ZION CITY ?Eckles Harry E (c eng '98 BS) Eng Smith Rea & Covitt Arch 622 Shilon Bldg Eddy Josephine V (la '14) Teach Rl Eliason Rolla J (ag ; 13) Ag 1700 Hebron Av Eliason Taylor W (ag '08) Ag 1700 Hebron Av tSPEECHEB Irvin S (ag '09 BS) INDIANA ALBION Xw/ Ralph M (com '15- ) (la com '14) Stu I Wright Lawrence (sc '72) ALEXANDRIA Harting Mildred E (la '14) Teach 1104 8 Harrison St Laws Martha E (la '14) Bkpr 207 1 1 Broadway St McGOVNEY Charles S ('07) 116 E Berry St Maxwell Elsie M (la '11) Teach AMO Owen Edith (su '15) Teach H Sch ANDERSON Almond Harry H (la com '14- ) (arch '14) Stu. 1521 Noble St Applegate George E (ag '15- ) Stu 609 Madison Av Atwater Allen R (cer '14) Asst Tech Mgr National Tile Co Babcock Dan (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1322 Fletcher St Brown John L (sc '13- ) Stu 204 W Fourth St Casady Fred S (sc '14) 1425 Sher- man St Crittenberger George D (la '14) Jour 231 W 12th St Decker Fred M (c eng '04) Merc 329 Sixth St Donnelly Wade (ag '04) Ag 607 Madison Av East Anderson R (la '10) Merc 1517 Jefferson St East Bess (la '12- ) Stu 1021 Chase St tEshelman Albert (arch eng '11) 124 W Fifth St Gannaway Lelia M (la '15) Teach 225 W 14th St Greer Donald M (la '16) Stu 241 W 12th St Hancock John S (c eng '12) Concrete Eng Haugh Benjamin F (sc '13) 416 W 12th St Krannert H C (m eng 12 BS) M Eng 812 W Seventh St Manning George K (m eng ' 05) Mgr Crystal Ice Co 705 W 14th St Nichol George W (la '13- ) Stu 329 W 11th St O'Hair Edna E (la '01 AB) Teach H Sch Oswalt Alonzo B (la com '13) c/o Os- walt Printing Co 326 W Ninth St Phillips Lester L (e eng '12 BS) Ins Remy Electric Co Savage Clifford M (arch eng '14) Draft 214 W Fourth St Searle Frank F (la '12) Mgr 205 W Eighth St Stanley Walter (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 1219 Hendrichs St Storm Howard C (la '05 AB) Supt Schs 935 W Eighth St Thompson Roy M (la '11) Acct 4" Fin Box 26 Tracy Elizabeth L (h sc '13- ) Stu 332 W Ninth St t Tucker Stephens K (sc '13) 58 W INDIANA 1079 Sixth St Wagner Winton A (com '16) Sales 414 E 14th St ANGOLA Jordan James D ( '08) Prof # Electr Eummery Fay (ag'13 BS) Dairy 121 N Kinney St AEGOS Warner Lucy (la '15) ABNEY iFiscus Rilla ('97) ATTICA Albright Joseph C (m eng Feb '16- ) ('15) Stu Clark Eeid W (ag '13- ) Stu 403 Monroe St Foster Ealph N (m eng '14- ) Stu E Monroe St Hall Helen E (ag '13- ) Stu 400 E Washington St Kerr Eobert H (m eng '13) M Eng E3 Meharry Charles L (ag '07 BS) Ag fMercer Alexander V (c eng '04) Poston Floyd E (sc '14 AB) Bhpr C E Poston Brick Plant AUBUEN Beidler Herbert B (arch eng '15- ) Stu 108 North St Benson T C ('78) Teach <£• Mintr Bishop Walter G (arch eng '15- ) Stu 701 S Van Buren St Odenkirk Zellie C (e eng '15- ) Stu E5 Sheffer William H (ag '15- ) Stu 359 Ninth St Teeters Mary E (la '13- ) Stu R3 BAEGEESFIELD Shufflebarger Mrs F L ('95) Home E13 BEECH GEOVE Hall Ellis B (la '07 .BS) Chem f Eng Tests Big Four EE Shops BEDFOED Boyd Lowell T (m eng '12) Stone Draft Chem 111 Glass Co 117 N Meridan St Doney Oliver K (1 '00 LL B) Mintr 1036 Reisner St ?Duncan Aubrey D (sp '10) 1107 N New Jersey St Dungan Mrs Louis (su '06) Home 301 N Bancroft St Dunlap Elmer E (arch '97 BS) Arch 909 State Life Bldg Dwinell Mrs M (h sc '12) Home Edwards Edith A (h sc '14- ) Stu 2054 N New Jersey St Ellis Tracy W (m eng '12) Adv In- dianapolis Sun 305 YMCA Fisher Walter L (ry c eng '14 BS) Eng Corps Vandalia RR 1726 Wash- ington St t Fleck Arthur W (arch '15- ) Stu 53 N Sherman Drive Fox Patrick sp '15- ) Stu 464 Ag- nes St Freeman Herbert V (arch eng '13) Draft 235 E Pratt St Freijs Charles T (arch '79 Cert) Arch 554 Central Trust Bldg Froman Cleo R (1 '15) Stu U Colo 218 Arsenal Av Gerrard Archibald C (m eng '08) Mfg 3319 Broadway Graham Donald (arch '07 BS) Arch 1022 Hume Mansur Bldg Habbe Richard H (la '14 AB) Ins 2351 Pennsylvania St Haig Gwyn F (sc '09) Med 917 W Drive Woodruff PI Hall Berneice (la '14) At home 129 Downey Av Hanley William A (su '09) Chf Eng Eli Lilly & Co Harris John W (1 '10 LL B) Ad jus- tor Frankfort Ins Co 1326 Alabama St Harvey Ralph F (ag '12- ) Stu 25 E 24th St Hatfield Frank D (e eng '12) Auto Sales 336 Harvard PI Henning August E (c eng '07) Teach H Sch 40 Argvle Av Hewitt Nellie G (lib '04 BLS) 1116 College Av Hill Harold V (arch eng '11 BS) Arch 1812 Rucke St Hill Norma H (arch eng '09 BS) Arch Eng 1022 Hume Mansur Bldg Horning Russell D (e eng '10) Sales Ajax-Grieb Rubber Co Howe Helen (la '13) At home 2410 Park Av Hughes Kenneth R (ag '05) Con feet 9y 2 S Illinois St Hughes Mrs K R (la '04) 423 N State St HU.RD Charles H ('06) Chf Eng f Supt Indianapolis Water Co Jenks Philip D (sc '14- ) Stu 2930 Talbot Av INDIANA 1087 Jolly Wesley P (la '10) Med ? Jordan George H (arch eng '95) Karges Henry G (arch eng '14 BS) Merchants iik Bldg King Vincent P (ag '14- ) Stu 916 W Walnut St Kingsbury Theodore M (ag'10) Edit "Indiana Farmer" 5515 Lowell Av Kiplinger Walter C (sc '11) Forest 2234 Park Av Kirby Harry A (e eng '13- ) Stu 33 i8 Graceland Av Klingensmith Paul O (arch eng '13) Arch E13 Klippel Gustav C (chem eng '15) Clk R3(20) Knowles . Charles H (c eng '11 BS) Mgr c/o Carson Payson Co Kraeger John F (sc '13 BS) Phar Chem Eli Lilly & Co YMCA Kramm Harry D (m eng '91) Sec Pioneer Brass Wks 3530 Washington Blvd Krull Donald C (la '15- ) Stu 525 E 11th St Lacey Arthur R (sc '12) Clk Mfg 2545 College Av tLail Augusta B (su '07) 3302 Ken- wood Av Lambert Leo B (la '14) Begis Ap- prentice Pharm 1215 Kealing Av Leonard Edith (arch '10 MS ( '06 BS) Fac '10) Arch Draft 1219 State Life Bldg L1DDELL Mark H ('13) Prof But- ler Coll Logan Forrest M (c eng '05) Clk Union RR Co 822 Hamilton Av Long Arthur T (la '08 AB) Asst Prin H Sch 407 Muskingum Wt Longley Ruth (la '14) At home 3051 Ruckle St McConnel Marian (h sc '14- ) Stu 518 E 31st St McCotter Gage (su '10) Casualty Ins Prudential Casualty Co McGinnis Archibald M Jr (e eng '10) Stu Butler Coll c/o G P Meier 3128 N Pennsylvania St McMains Louis (sc '93 BS) R Est 3266 N New Jersey St MacNelly William A (arch eng '15) 111 E St Clair St Martin Parks M (sc '75) Tag Agt NY Cent Lines & Ag 2418 E Tenth St Marx Frederick A K (c eng '15 BS) Instrument man White River Flood Protection Mier Leo E (com '12) Clk 117 S Meridian St Miller Mrs Anna E (su '14) 1133 Villa Av Millholland Ernest (ag '09) M Enq 4- Supt W K Millhollan 1 Mach Co Moore Claribel B (la '11 AB) Teach H Sch 4. Lexington Flat t Morris George W (la '09) 1708 N Dela St Mueller Walter R (arch eng '15- ) Stu 3744 Park Av Xewlin Willard B (la '15- ) Stu 5342 E Washington St Newman Fanny (la '13 AB) Teach 708 S West St Newman Frieda (h sc '15) At home 708 S West St Nixon George R (la com '11 AB) Sales 2303 N Pennsylvania St Noland Alma E (h sc '15) Stu 3131 Boulevard PI Odell Rena M (la '02 AB) Teach H Sch 1606 Broadway St O'Hair Zella (sp '00) Teach Short- ridge H Sch 2262 N Alabama St Ohrum Dwight B (ry eng '15- ) Stu 1112 W 36th St W'Neal Robert ('83) Barber 1470 S Meridian St Payne Mrs J T ('96) Home 939 Congress Av Pierson Ora (sp '92) Arch # Build 3355 N Meridian St Pittman Claude E (sp '00) Trav Sales Spencer House Potter Merrit A (sp '69) Sec E C Atkinson & Co 1704 N Pennsylvania St Boucher Mrs S J ( '92) Bkpr 29 N Traub Av Pratt William D (ag 70) Bubl 1504 Central Av Prunk Frank H (math '85) Merc 320 W Washington St Prunk Mrs F H (la '83) Home 3746 N Illinois St Pruyn Murray K (su'08) Chem Eli Lilly & Co 1529 N LaSalle St Rahe Oscar H (la '10) Merc 2826 Clifton St Reed James Keel Jr (g chem '15- ) Stu 222 N Holmes Av Rhoads Robert B (arch '08) Mfg 1456 Lemcke Annex RICKARDS Burt R ('12) Asst Dir Biol Dept Eli Lilly Co Ritchie Raymond R (su '14) Teach H Sch Robbins Joseph (e eng '10 BS) Am Tel # Tel Co 3738 N Capitol Av Roberts Mary H (la '10) Asst Ref Libr St Lib Robinson Anna B (h sc '12 AB) Teach c/o YWCA 1088 INDIANA Rogers Dick O (ag '12) Mech Pre- mier Auto Co ?Rowe Edward A (com '75) Rubush Preston C (arch '88) Arch 430 Amer Cent Life Bldg . Sargent Charles E (g'15 ME) (m eng '86 BS) Chf Eng Lyons Atlas Co Sargent Francelia P (com '15- ) (h sc '15) Stu 2272 N Meridian St Sattinger Fanny R (su '15) 416 E 32nd St Seward Hiram B (ag '13) Merc 115 S Hawthorne Lane t Sharp Arthur R (arch eng '11) 1416 N Dearborn St Shoemaker Edwin R ( '02) Ins Agent 1656 Talbott Av Shoemaker Mrs E R (la '10) Home 1656 Talbot Av Sims Jules V (Feb '16- ) (la '12) Stu 1209 Polk St Sinclair Bernice (la '14) Teach 5535 Julian Av Sissin Frederick P (la '08) B Est # Ins 1855 Talbot Av Smith Charles A (e eng '09) Auto Sales Nordyke & Marmon Co Smith Mrs C A (la '09) Home 2237 N Capitol Av t Smith David T (la '04) 1606 N Pennsylvania St Smith Riley E (m eng '02) Treas Framer's Inst Co Sortwell Harold H (cer eng '15- ) (la '15) Stu 39 W 27th St Sortwell Mrs H H (h sc '15) t Stevenson Benjamin ('85) Stevenson Mrs E E (la '73) Home 1326 Alabama St Stevenson Milton L (la '10 AB) Teach 1129 N Senate Av Stevenson Milton L (la '10 AB) Teach 1129 N Senate Av Stewart Charles W (e eng '14) Eng 4- Electr YMCA TSwan Lillian (su '06) Teach Taylor Laurence R (la '15- ) Stu 28 Downey Av Terry Robert I (ag '13- ) (la '13) Stu 2540 Broadway St Thomas Mrs M S (la '06 AB) 611 E 32nd St Thompson William L V (la '15- ) Stu 3119 Central Av Thornton Maurice E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 2110 Central Av Van Arman Marshall E (sp '02) Arch 624 St Life Bldg Van Meter Seymour (arch '97) Arch 3948 N Delaware St Weatherly Mary E (su '09) Nurse City Hospital Weinshank Harry (m eug '15- ) Stu 2341 N Delaware St Weinshank Theodore (m eng '09 ME) (BS '06) M Eng 821 Hume Man- seur Bldg TV est fall Mrs B K ( '08) Home White Mrs C D (h sc '13) Home 1315 Oakland Av Wilson James A (m eng '14 BS) Eng Trans 112 Pleasant Av Wisehart Eugene L (ag '15) 937 E Drive Woodruff Woodard J Earle (arch '11) Arch Draft C H Byfield 923 Law Bldg ? Young Robert L (arch '85) INDIANOLA Fuqua Albert T ('97) Trav JAMESTOWN tClick Ralph R (sc '12) Martin Emma C (h sc '11) Teach JASPER t Joseph Ada K (mus '14) At home ITraylor Mrs E H (la '10 AB) Home KENDALLVILLE Bridenthal Cyrus W (1 '09) Jour Seibert Kenneth S (arch eng '15- ) Stu 116 North Railroad St KENTLAND Ade John O Jr (ag '12) Ag tKirkpatrick William S (c eng '13) Elect Contr Simons Charles L (ag '12 BS) Ag KERKLIN Hubbard Wilbert E (ag '05) Ag R3 KEWANNA Hendrickson Harold L (ag '11) B Est Willonghby June W (h sc '15- ) Stu KINGMAN Booe Genevieve (la '12) At home Meyer Frank B (ag '15- ) Stu Sowers Gordon A (ag '14- ) Stu R2 KIRKPATRICK Peterson Harry H (ag '08) Ag KNIGHTSTOWN Gregory Malcolm W (arch eng '15) Interior Decorator Henshaw Charles (sp '83) INDIANA 1089 jxNOX Craigmile Mary D (la '14- ) Stu El Craigmile Robert J (e eng '13- ) Stu Rl Emigh Hazel L (la '14) At home KOKOMO GAWNE Paul W (eng '12 Fac '12) Teach H Sch 204 N Delphos St Murphy Dennis H (su '13) Smith Grace B (lib '14) 317 W Wal- nut St tSparker Glen A (arch eng '14) c/o Haynes Auto Co 704 S Washington St LA CROSSE Knapp Elmer R (arch eng '09) Ag LADOGA Anderson George W (ag '74) Mfg Harshbarger Everett L (ag '15) Ag Warbritton Hattie M (su '15) Teach LAFAYETTE ALBRIGHT Charles C ('09) Assoc Prof Pur U 638 N Eighth St Boonstra Samuel P (arch eng '14 BS) Arch 21 S 26th St Carrier Gerald V (la com '14 AB) Acct Indiana Lgt Co 1118 Kossuth St fCrone Charles T (su '08) R2 i^avis John J (sc '07 BS Fac '11) Entom Exp Sta Bldg Daehler Albert H (la '08 AB Fac '09) Assoc Prof 120 Fowler Av Fletemeyer Frederick R (arch eng '14- ) Stu 1201 Brown St Fuller Harold C (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Draft 212 Murdock Bldg Harbison Charles H ( '05) c/o Store- keeper CS&L RR Hill Wilma M, (la '14 AB) At home Howe Amy (mus '06) Instr Pur U tKirkpatrick Charles H (la com & law '14) 1219 W Main St tKnapp Walter H (c eng '07) 105 Fowler Av W Knapp Willard A (c eng '07 BS Fac '08) Asst Prof Pur U 105 Fowler Av W Know Harry G (la '14- ) Stu 521 Waldron St MARTIN George E ( '10) Asst Prof Pur U 147 S Grant St Mayerstein Ralph M (la '14- ) Stu 802 Cincinnati St Montross Chester (in eng '11) Mach 1323 Center St MORAN Thomas F ( '14) Prof Pur U Nicol Charles W (arch eng '13) Arch Murdock Bldg Ohaver Ralph M (com '07) Sales Merc 509 N Seventh St Poorman Alfred P (c eng '07 BS) Teach 127 Sylvia fct rees Charles (g '15 AM Fac '15) Prof Pur U 1225 Sylvia St Ritchie Mrs A A ('89) Home 513 S 19th St Sears Ogle H (ag '14 BS) Instr Pur U 502 Waldron St Shook Charles W (la '15 AB) 318 Waldron St SKINNER John H ('02) Dean Sch Ag U Pur Taylor Roxie L (su '14) Teach Thomas Mrs R U (mus '00) Home 706 S Tenth St Wilson John D (la '07 AB) 430 Lit- tleton St W Wilson Mrs W B (la '77 BL) Home 630 Ferry St t Wolfe Jacob (1 '13) 1735 E Main St LA GRANGE Culp John D (c eng '11- ) Stu Nichols Gunther (la '01 AB) Cash St Bk LA PAZ Marks Maude I (la '15) Teach LAPEL t Hoffman Arthur B (arch '03) LA PORTE Boyd Landon B (arch eng '12- ) Stu 909 Michigan Av Conover Charles S (e eng '11) Mach 1109 Monroe St IHallinen Joseph E (sc '94 BS) (la '78) Hartwell Godfrey (arch eng '14- ) Stu 717 Michigan Av Miller Mrs A A (mus '05) Home Box 48 Russell Robert A (ag '09) Mgr $ Owner Leather Co 1202 Michigan Av Trees Charles x^ (c eng '08) Phar 518 Main St White Don E (arch eng '12) Sales Mgr Amer 3 -Way Prism Co LAUREL O'Hair Alice M (la '11) Teach O'Hair Lulu C (la '08 AB) Teach 1090 INDIANA LAUEENCEBUEG MacElvain Ford H (arch eng '15- ) Stu 360 Short St Sherrod Edith M (su '06) Teach 215 Main St LEBANON Adair Howard (la '05) Mintr c/o Thos Adair Adair James W (ag '02) Ag Butler Jennie B (la '15- ) Stu Ell Price Leota (su '13) Libr El Sanford Juanita L (la '15-- ) Stu Ell smith William H (g '07 AM) Law Vaught Sallie M (lib '15- ) Stu LIBEETY Moore Stanley J (su '13) Ag Man- field Stock Farm t Myers William A (sc '12) LIBEETY MILLS Hurley Luther T (com '15- ) Stu LIGONIEE Ackerman Joseph F (ag '12) Trav Sales Straus Stanley J (ag '12) Brik LIMA t Nicholson Gunther (la '99) LINTON Hunter W C (la '02) Teach H Sch Moss William D (la '10) Adv Mgr Ft Collins Beview 510 N Main St LIVINGTON ?Mathews Grace (su ; 09) 115 S Em- erson St LOGANSPOET Beyer Elizabeth G (h sc '13- )('12) Stu Campbell Mildred E (la '13) At home 819 E Market St Cochran JUverett L (arch eng '13) Mgr Lumber Bus 400 Sycamore St Espy Murray G (la Feb '16- ) Stu 938 Michigan Av Fisher Ivan L (com '15- ) Stu 2130 North St Horn Carl J (arch eng '97 BS) Arch 515 Broadway St Justice James C (,ag '15- ) Stu 424 Front St Martin Dorothy (h sc Feb '16- ) Stu 919 North bt LOOGOOTEE Brooks Fred E (arch eng '14) Mfg ?Brown Eichard A (su '99) t Patterson Eichard S (su '99) LOWELL tHayden Vernon L (su '10) Ag LUCEBNE Trickey Hardy D ('93) Mintr LYNN Meyers Paul L (ag '13) Ag E33 LYONS Brown Hazel L (la '11) At home t Brown Ina I (la '07) McCOOL Bobbins Glen L (ag '09 BS) Ag MACY Hurst Esther M (la '14) Stu Ind U MADISON ICUfton Mary V ('09) Lotz Harold B (arch eng '12- ) Stu 418 E Main St Sherlock Anna F ( '14) 603 N West St MANCHESTEE fisher Fay L (g ger '15 AM) Teach H Sch MANSFIELD Gohn Lloyd E (la '13 AB) Teach MAEION forret Claire V (g math '10 AM) Teach H Sch Forrey Edna L (g '13) Teach H Sch Garritson Hillard D (arch '13) Jour 514 W Second St LOEING Frank C (g e eng '14 Fac '14) Fin Eng Enterprises 1304 S Boots St Mail Eugene F (c eng '11 BS) C Eng Miller Mrs J H (la '99) Home tf Lit 716 W Sixth St Thomas George T (su '10) Steam Elec Eng Wiltsee Beatrice L (h sc '15- ) Stu 1002 S Boots St MARSHALL Hopkins Mrs J E (la '14) Home INDIANA 1091 MAESHFIELD Chandler Henry G (e eng '05) Ag Trimble John A (sp '71) MARTINSVILLE Anderson Lucille (arch eng '15- ) Stu 890 E Harrison St Bain Wallace B (ag '14) Stu Molinelli Cecil L (arch '14- ) Dep Surv Nutter De N (m eng '14) Timekeep- er 145 S Main St Schmidt Clyde C (ag '15- ) Stu 189 N Wayne St MARYSTOWN fZiemer Otto W (la '04) MARYSVILLE Clapp Percy G (ag '13) Dairy MASON CITY flrwin Ralph J (la 76) MAXIM IWitherspoon Jacob A ('06) MEROM Hershey Charlie B (la '14 AB) Pres Union Christian Coll MICHIGAN CITY Ahlgrim Fred H (arch '09) Arch 1719 E Michigan St Feallock Henrietta (la '11) At home 402 E Eighth St Feallock Walter H (com '08) Merc 402 E Eighth St Kerrigan Paul F (arch eng '14 BS) Eng Washington St Mayer Lester J (min eng '13) Effic Dept Haskell & Barker Car Co 122 W Baltimore St Moore Nathaniel F (ag'15) Ag Rl Southgate Helen A (sc '09 AB) Teach 218 W Sixth St Todd Robert I (ag '15) 1137 W Tenth St Vail Mrs G T (lib '04 BLS) Home 801 Spring St wilson Charles R (g math '12 AM) Teach 3153 E Fifth St MIDDLETON Yount John J (ag '15- ) Stu Lo- cust St MILFORD \Hagoee Clarice L ('00) MILTON tGingerich Emma (su '95) Teach MISHAWAKA Knorr Karl W (m eng '97) M Eng Dodge Sales & Eng Co Ruby Irving R (chem eng '13 BS) Chem Eng Mishawaka Woolen Mfg Co 928 E Second St Mitchell Wood Bonny B (su '14) Wood Lawrence A (su '14) MITCHELL Wood Bonny B (su '14) Wood Lawrence A (su '14) MONMOUTH Smith Mrs Chester (la '10 AB) Home 710 Archer Av MONROEVILLE tNieze* George B (su '06) MONTEREY Thrasher Charles O (e eng '09) Ag MONTEZUMA Powell Clarence G ('01) Law MONTICELLO Quick Charles A (su '13) MONTPELIER Shade Claude C (ag '15- ) Stu 404 W Green St MOORESVILLE Cook Ernest (la '05 AB) Ag . Halton Horace M (la '13) Stu Earl- ham Coll MOOREVILLE KELLER Oliver A (g ag '15 Fac '15) Ag MT VERNON Breece Howard D (la Feb '15- ) Stu 612 Locust St tCushman Charles W (e eng '14) Stu Ind U 513 Walnut St tKeck Louis D (m eng '12) 730 Walnut St MUNCIE tDay Pauline E (la '14) Stu Ind U Hornbaker William O (soc '12) Mintr Johnson Mrs C A (su '12) Home Manuel Earle V (g sc'08) Effic Eng YMCA Van Natter Francis M (sc '12- ) Stu 1520 N Broadway 1092 INDIANA NEW AUGUSTA tCoble George T (su '12) NEW CASTLE Fields Floyd L (ag '15) Insp 1117 Lincoln Av Gaddis Albert M (e eng '14 BS) Sales Inter-St Publ Serv Co 223 Bundy Av Eoberts Charles E (m eng '12) Contr Steel & Concrete Bridges Scotten Ernest G (la '96) Law Stretch Lena (la com '14- ) Stu 704 S Main St NEW HAEMONY Heckmann Louis F Jr (arch eng '15- ) Stu NEW HAVEN Botteron George W (su '15) El Thimlar Mrs (la '11 AB) Home NEW LEBANON Jones William H (ag '12) Ag $ C # M Eng NEWPOET Davis Samuel S (ag '15 BS) Stock El Nixon M L (ag '14) .Mach Nixon Eobert H (ag '14) Asst Cash Nixon Bk Parrett William G (c eng '04) Ag # Mgr Writ chard Or die E ( '00) Wait William C (1 '99) Law NEW EICHMOND Mason Lee (ag '15- ) Stu Miller Frank K (ag '12) Ag NEWTON tSchermerhorn Laura D (mus '98) NEWTOWN McKinney Lela F (su '13) Teach H Sch NOBLESVILLE Brown Elmer. E (ag '15- ) Stu E8 Caylor John M (la '15- ) Stu 147 S Ninth St Clarke George E (la '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu 211 E Connor St Clarke Philena (la '11 AB) Teach 211 E Conner St Duckwall Ina (h sc '12) At home McGuire Thomas F (eng '14) Stu Valparaiso U 852 E Wayne St N ANDEESON Tucker Stephen K (sc '13) 58 W Sixth St N JUDSON Turner Emery A (ag '09) Ag Turner Ernest D (ag '12 BS) Ag E3 NOETH LIBEETY Eggleston Eichard S ('05) Ag E2 N MANCHESTEE f Hoover Henry C (sp '73) NOETH TEEEE HAUTE Newton Harley B (ag '04) Ag OBEE Cressner Ford S (la com '13) Lum- ber 4" Coal OCKLEY tDawson Euth (lib '13) ODON Garten William E (c eng '15) OELAND Powell Sarah (lib '02) Teach OSGOOD Jenkins Harold L (jour '12) Sparkling Clarence E (arch eng '15- ) ('12) Stu OWENSVILLE Lockhart Harold L (m eng '15- ) Stu Smith Eonald E (e eng '15- ) Stu OXFOED Dame Ealph U (com '15- ) Stu Heath Lewis D (ag '15) Ag White Phares L (m eng '14- ) Stu PENNVILLE Cartwright Nellie G (su '15) PEEEYSVILLE Hughes John H (ag '13 BS) Ag El Jones Leola (mus '15) Teach Mus PEEU Bailey Linus M (m eng '15) 14 Cole Blk Chamberlain Eichard H (la '14- ) Stu 204 W Fourth St INDIANA 1093 tGoodall Joseph W (c eng '09) ILandauer Leo L ('95) 75 W Wa- bash St tTrippeer Allen G (c eng '96) C Eng # Contr PIEECETON Bowman Emily M (la '14- ) Stu Longfellow Mrs Homer (su '03) Home PLYMOUTH Cleveland Arthur M (la '15- ) Stu 223 N Plumb St Haag Curtis E (m eng '13) Merc 505 N Plumb St Johnson Helen M (la '15) Jour 128 Dickson St Marks Hazel F (la '13- ) Stu 809 N Michigan St Price Miles O (lib '14- ) Stu 212 W Madison St t Thomson Arthur W (arch eng '14) Co Eng Marshall Co Ind 523 Plum St POSEYVILLE Goodman Samuel W (ag '11) Acct Weatherby Mrs M T (su '08) Teach PEINCETON Herriot James S (ag '12) Mfg Sec C W White Lumber Co 211 S Gib- son St Morrison Harry C (g math '08 AM) Surv Rothschild Louis (eng '14) 401 Broad- way St RACCOON Klein Florence (h sc '13) At home RAMSEY Davis Ward O (ag '14- ) Stu RAY Bricker James I (su '13) Ag REMINGTON Lamborn Brown (ag '10) Ag Warnock Laura R (su '15) Asst Prin H Sch RENSSELAER fBARRETT Orley G (ag '12 BS) Burton Allen P (sp 71) Ag 220 Wes- ton St Gerber Guy T (la '08) Hanley Cope J (la '13) Stu U Colo Hanley Emil W (la '14- ) Stu tHardman Frank F (com '10) Healey George W (la '15) Stu Long George A (sc '11) Thar Moody Granville G (ag '14) • Perkins Ethel (su '12) Clk ?Saylor Imogean (ag '01) RICHMOND Bockhoff Harry W (eng '15- ) Stu 36 S 19th St Clawsen Clayton W (su '11) Jour 207 College Av Coale George G (g ag '09) Farm Supt R6 Kaufman Willard S (arch eng '14- ) Stu 209 National Av King Florence B (sc '14 BS) Teach 24 S Ninth St King James X (ag '14- ) Stu 24 S Ninth St King Vivian (la '13- ) Stu 24 S Ninth St Lindstrom Stanley E (arch eng '15- ) ('12) Stu 1116 N "D" St Smith Mrs W J (mus '04) Home 25 N 21st St Williams Howard C (arch '05) Starr Piano Co 1210 Main St RILEY Brunker Herschel V (sc '11) Stu Med Christy Otto (ag '15- ) Stu Harper Mrs Ethel B (su '09) Home t Newman RISING SUN Mills L (su '08) ROACHDALE Blaydes Mrs R L (sc '91) Home Rl Cross Mary A (la '14) Cross Oakie E (la '15) ROCHESTER 1 Glynn Arthur ( '05) c/o G W Fultz Pletcher Nuba M (g '03 AM) ( '01 AB) Teach Pletcher Opha B (lib '13 AB & BLS) ( '06) Lior 700 Fulton Av Pletcher Roy F (ag '06) Ag Pletcher Velma C (h sc '12- ) Stu 700 Fulton Av ROCKPORT Halbruge Charles M (la com '12- ) Stu 1094 INDIANA Schumacher Dixie H (h sc '13- ) Stu Schumacher Shirley G ('10) Ag Kl ROCKVILLE Adams Allan M (ag '13- ) Stu tAdams Joseph J (cer eng '13) Cook Eoscoe L (arch eng '08) Merc Cox Clinton E (ag '15- ) Stu R5 Hancock Howard L (1 '01) Law Philbrook Alma F (h sc '13) Teach t Smith Jacob P (c eng '12) Thomson William W (la '15- ) Stu ROLLING PRAIRIE La Rue Maurice J (ag '13) Ag R2 • - . , *..; i. £.<&*, ROSED ALE Heaton Henry H (la '15- ) Stu ROSSVILLE Ball Mary E (la '14- ) Stu RUSHVILLE Amos Georgia W (la '10) Teach Cameron Laurence (eng '14) Mach R3 Kennett David H (c eng '15) Dep Co Eng Myers Harry B (la '14) RUSSELLVILLE Grimes Earl J (ag Feb '16- ) Stu tMottern Layton R (la com '14) SCIPIO Butler Gordon H (su '12) C Eng SEYMOUR Bush Esther V (la '15- ) Stu 523 N Ewing St SHARPSVILLE Hoffman Frank J (arch eng '14 BS) SHERIDAN Snodgrass William (la '11 AB) Ag SHOAK Cox Samuel F (g chem '15- ) Stu SOUTH BEND Beers Kenneth F (sp '03) Publ Beers Printing Co Beitner Robert L (la '12) Merc 403 Michigan Av Bon Durant Walter H (la '15) Asst Foreman Studebaker Corp 521 La- fayette St Booth Norman R (ag '14- ) Stu 312 N Main St Davidson Allen M (arch eng '13) Arch Draft 837 N Sixth St t Dickey Roy N (ry eng '09) City Electr Donahue William D (com '15- ) (la '14) Stu 745 Lincoln Way E Fisher Frederick H (com '14- ) Stu 810 Park Av Fites Harold B (ag '13- ) Stu R7 Gardner Mrs Richard E (h sc '10) Home 711 Cottage Grove Av Gemberling Cameron H (ry c eng '13) Draft 220 N Francis St tGoffeney Otto J (arch eng '08) 235 S St Peters St Hacker Mrs W H (su '08) Home 1123 S 13th St Haile Warren H (arch '13) Mgr Vic- trola Dept Mus Store Box 225 Heideman George H (e eng '94 BS) Sec fy Treas Knoblock-Heideman Mfg Co 1407 Vistula Av Immel Raymond F (m eng '08) Fore- man Mach Shop 1306 S Main St Krueger Otto A (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Eng 1101 S Lafayette Blvd McGrath Sylvester J (chem eng '05 AB) Chem c/o O'Brien Varnish Co Muessel Richard A (ag '15- ) Stu 701 Cottage Grove Av O 'Conor Nicholas D (la '09) Stu Pur U c/o South Bend Mach Tool Co Perkins William E (m eng '08) Mach 904 Sherman Av Shonts Turrill D (com '15 AB) 203 E Marion St Smith Myrle E (arch eng '11) Arch 110 W Jefferson Blvd Staples Alexander D (eng '14- ) Stu 614 S Main St Staples John F (ag '14- ) Stu 614 S Main St Swigart Lois E (la '08 AB) 828 Swigart Wayne H (ag '13) Ag 828 Park Av %Tarbell Fred F ('08) 211 S Lafay- ette St Teeple Wallace D (arch '97 BS) ( '92) Chf Draft 705 S Eddy St Trowbridge Charles E (m eng '11- ) Stu 1220 Main St Trowbridge William O (ag '14- ) Stu 1220 S Main St Van den Bosch James W (ag '15- ) Stu 115 N William St Vickery Charles R (la '96 AB) Med 916 Riverside Dr INDIANA 1095 Walker John U (com '15- ) Stu 229 N Taylor St Wilkinson Laurance E (arch eng '12 BS) Arch YMCA Bldg SOUTHPOKT Inman Austin W (su '13) Bnlc S WHITLEY Obenchain Maud E (su '15- ) SPENCER Thome Charles T (ag '15) Weatherly Edmund B ('77) STOCKWELL merwig George W ('93) Clk SULLIVAN Crowder Dan M (com '15- ) Stu 317 S Main tLang Bayard T (la '09) Mason Julia A (lib '03) Libr tPittman Mervin E (ag '14) Plunkett Rollin A (sp '99) Photog Sheridan Mary B (h sc '14- ) Stu 128 W Beech St Shields Harold J (m eng '13) R6 Thomas Royle P (ag '15- ) Stu R4 Thompson Russell H (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 413 W Washington St SWAYZEE Frye Fred (sc '15) Merc Madison St Box 312 TAB Burwash Thomas C (la '14 AB) Cash Citizen 's St Bk Smiley Arval M (ag '15- ) Stu TALBOT Churchill Clarence F (sc '13 AB) Ag Rll Miller Mrs ('96) Home Mitchell Dale I (ag '15- ) Stu TERRE HAUTE Armstrong Hazel E (la '10) Libr 410 N Center St Black James H Jr (la '15) Drugs 1108 S Sixth St Black Lee M (la '09) Wholesale Drug 1108 S Sixth St Blanchard Nathaniel P (arch '01) Ins Mutual Life Ins Co Bogardus Frank S (la '04 AB) Teach Bronson Paul J (la '15- ) Stu Bron- son Sanitarium (su '12) Libr 1034 N (la '14- ) Stu 1211 S (1 '09) 2424 N Clark Rena Seventh St Clem Leona 17th St Collins Homer A O 11th St Cox Robert S (la '08) Min Eng Box 256 Doherty Walter H (e eng '06) Merc 109 S Seventh St Failing Charles H (la '79) Grain Merc Fisher Ronald M (ry e eng '15) Ofc Mgr US Tire Co Flood Grace (la '15- ) Stu 1125 S Seventh St tFunkhauser Frederick M (arch eng '10) 64 S 17th St Goldman Rae A (la '14 AB) Soc Serv 920 S Sixth St Goodman Edwin R (cer eng '14- ) Stu 410 Wabash Av Gwinn Lawrence D (eng Feb '16- ) Stu 1106 S Center St Hoskins Robert K (com '15- ) Stu 1221 S Sixth St Johnson George T (sc '06 AB) Med Terre Haute Trust Bldg Jones Mrs Clement (mus '14) Home Kornblum Isidor (m eng '03) Adv $ Merc 715 Ohio St fLitchfield William E (la '08) Locke Clara E (h sc '13 AB) Teach 1609 S Center St Luckett Coen L (sc '14 BS) Med Stu JHopk U 818 S Seventh St Lundgren Frederick G (m eng '15 BS) M Eng Amer Car & Foundry Co 19 Schuyler St Lundgren Mrs F (h sc'14 BS) Home 1411 S Sixth St Mandeville Merten J (ag '15- ) Stu 1546 S Sixth St Marshall Mabel E (lib '03) Asst Lib Ind St Nor Sch 49 S 13th St IMartin John M (la '00 AB) 316 N Sixth St Modes Sara V (su '14) Teach 1470 S Seventh St ?Moore Laura M (g hist '13) ?Negley Henry (su '02) Newton Harley B (ag '04) Ag Paddock Richard (la '15- ) Stu 620 Sycamore St Powers Samuel R (sc '12 AB) Teach 2611 N 12th St Rusher Floyd E (ag '12 BS) Sales Box 42 Schloss Philip (ag '15- ) (la com '15) Stu 608 S Fifth St Simpson John M (c eng '14- ) Stu Tribune Bldg Sink Orville E (su '11) Teach t Smith Herbert A (e eng '09) 1918 N 1096 INDIANA Ninth St IStaub Joseph A ( '02) Sulger Alden II (ag '15- ) Stu 215 215 N Seventh St Swits Marguerite M (la '12- ) Stu 1422 N Seventh St Tressbl Harry S (la '14 AB) Stu U Chgo 118 S 13th St waits Charles J (la '00 AM) Teach 1940 N Tenth St THORNTON Woody Nathan A (la '14) THORNTOWN tCrose John O (ag '14 ) *Niven Will E (com '15 ) Bk Clk Pearson Homer A (e eng '13- ) Stu Pearson Robert M (la '15- ) Stu Ross Carl W (g la '12) Teach TIGONIER Hosford Frank T (la '05) Ag TIPTON Hershman Okla H (m eng '15- ) Stu Cemetery & Adams Sts Shirk J E Mrs (mus '06) Home Wagstaff Charles D (ag '14- ) Stu 103 S West St TOPEKA Toder Maurice E (ag '08) Ag TRAFALGAR ?Ragsdale James H (su '05) UNION CITY t Grimes William H (eng '14) 239 South St UPLAND fBrown Mrs Mae C W (h sc '09) Home c/o R E Brown VALPARAISO IBrown Ray M (c eng '08) Brown Ross M (c eng '09) Ag Chester George F (e eng '09) Ag ?Henicksman Idah A (su '07) Teach ?Hoover Calvin Snyder (g hist '97) Prof Valparaiso U 208 Lincoln Av Mains Grace L (h sc '15) At home 702 Indiana Av Mavity Maurine (h sc '15) Swan Florence (su '02) Head Home Econ Dept Valparaiso U VAN BUREN Corey Austin F (sc '10) Electr VEEDERSBURG t Jacquemin Homer F (ag '14) Clk Leas Elmer E (ag '00) Ag tRowe Eugene C (e eng '13) VICKSBURG ?West Harrison (e eng '14) VINCENNES Badollet Marion S (la '15- ) Stu 517 Buntin Bennett Nelson (ag '10) Stock R5 tBonsib Louis W (la '14) 1330 N Sec- ond St Burton Harry F (su '12) Teach 1324 Broadway St Coale George G (g ag '09) Farm Supt 621 N Sixth St Crook Harry F (la com '10) Trav 609 N Sixth St Davis Miss Frank H (ag '13) Clk Woodburn PI Dixon Ralph S (la '15- ) Stu 25 E Locust St tDonaldson George R (arch eng '11) 222 N Fifth St Flint J P (com '15) Clk 519 Busse- ron Av Gaddis John W i^arch '82) Arch Gaddis Wm G (eng '06) Law Guernsey Ernest W (chem eng '14- ) 1303 Parkinson Av tHindman Walter G (m eng '09) 308 N Sixth St Kitchell Jane (su '13) Asst Libr Free Lib tMeskimen John R (ag '11) t Meyer Orval C (m eng '14) Auto 719 Seminary St Oestreicher Maud E (su '15) Asst Libr 506 Hart St Osterhage Louis H (arch '93) Arch 2nd Nat Bk Bldg Purdy Raymond H (arch eng '15 BS) Arch 1011 E Sycamore St Schucker Harvey E (arch eng '06) t Simpson Lucien M (com '12) 622 N Sixth St Stein Mrs W A (la '13) Home 304 N Fifth St Thomas Stanley J (mun eng '13- ) Stu 206 N Seventh St Walk Charles F (ag '10) Merc 208 Main St t Warner George E (ag '07) Box 119 Wilhite Ida B (su '13) 1172 DeWolf St Wissing Clement B (m eng '11 BS) M Eng Ebner Ice & Cold Stor Co INDIANA 109: WABASH Adams Mrs W H (la '03 AB) Home 243 E Hill St Ader Mrs Annie P (ag '15- ) Stu 256 W Hill St IGuernsey Charles O (m eng '11) Auto c/o Service Motor Truck Co Place Virgil A (g an husb '14 Fac '14) Co Agt Walkerly Dorothy K (h sc '15 AB) Teach H Sch 293 W Hill St WABSAW tLaudemann Harry M (sc '11) 720 E Center St Bobbins Edward E (su '13) Prin H Sch B3 WASHINGTON Allen Josiah G (ag '14) Farm Mgr Brandon Joseph F (ag '12- ) Stu 201 E George St Colbert Harold L (la '13) Ag B4 Colbert Tel E (su '12) Teach Duncan Henry L (arch '99) Gesell Egbert G (la '08 AB) Sec # Treas William H Clore Mfg Co Harris Charles L (m eng Feb '15- ) Stu 203 SE 11th St Harward Mary (su '14) 605 E Van Trees St Hayes Clarence M (ag '15- ) Stu Bl Lett Hamlet H (ag '14- ) Stu 10 W Main St Schuck Arthur F (min eng '15- ) Stu 9 E Oak St Webster Gladis G (ag '13- ) Stu 1 E Hebron St WAWAKA Forrey Edna L (g '13) Teach WAYNE Kipemger Lloyd A (la '08) Law WAYNETOWN Kemp Arnold Raman (ag'13- ) Stu Kemp Charles D (ag '15- ) Stu Kemp Orval A (ag '14) Ag Remley Walter B (ag '15- ) Stu WEST BADEN Troth Will V (sc '96) Propr Hotel WESTFIELD Ackerson Esther M (h sc '13- ) Stu E28 : Kinsey Jessie (h sc '15) Moore George H (su '95 PhB) Mintr WEST LAFAYETTE Crawford Louis N (eng '14- ) Stu 601 Russell St Daehler Albert H (la '08 AB Fac '09) Assoc Prof Pur U 120 Fow- ler Av Knapp Mrs W A (la '07 AB) Home 105 Fowler Av tLillie Jacob S (su '12) Ludwig Clinton A (g sc '13) Bes 210 Waldron St Matthews Allen B (com '15) 468 Salisbury St Pierce Raymond C (g e eng '15 CE) ( '08 BS) Hydraul Eng 210 Walden Poorman Alfred P (c eng '07 BS) Prof Pur U 127 Sylvia St rees Charles C (g '15 AM Fac '15) Pathologist Pur U 1225 Sylvi'j St I Sayre Charles B (hort '13BS) Instr Pur U 1000 Seventh St i Shook Charles W (la '15 AB) E Est 318 Waldron St WEST LEBANON t Biggs Elias D (su '07) WHITETOWN Lowder Adolphus (ag '14) Ag WHITING Beaubien Warren P (arch eng '12- ) Stu 300 La Porte Av Cash Mrs G (lib '05 BLS Fac '08) Home 420 Central Av Glair Harry F (m eng '12 BS) Standard Oil Co Greenburg Roland E (m eng '15 BS) Foreman Pipe Dept Standard Oil Co 300 La Porte Av Hall John C (la '00 AB) Law 317 Oliver St Harris Roscoe C (m eng '13 BS) M Eng 430 Pennsylvania Av Koch Charles E (m eng '15 BS) Draft Standard Oil Co Smith Lloyd G (m eng '13 BS) M Eng Standard Oil Co tStockfleth Berger (e eng '14) Teach H Sch WILLIAMSPORT Anderson Joshua C (ag '12- )('12) Stu Butt Mrs Carl (mus '13) Home Clauson Henry W (la '15- ) Stu WILMOT Makemson Samuel C (sc '76) 1098 INDIANA— IOWA WINAMAC Buchanan Mrs Harry (mus '13) Home Kell Walter V (ag '12) Co Ag Agt Thompson Luther (e eng '14 BS) ( '86 Cert) Brain Eng Thompson Mrs L (la '14 BL) ( '85 Cert) Home Thompson Susan E (la '97 AB) Teach WINCHESTER Canady Lora A (la '15 AB) Teach 257 E Franklin St McNees Franc U (h sc '12) 333 S Main St WINGATE Buxton Stanley G (ag '14) Ag Hunter Clyde H (1 '08) Mgr Retail Lumber Yard Kirkpatrick George M (ag'll) Ag Rl Meharry Vinton S ( '04) Ag $ Stock Nesbitt Herman B (ag '12) Ag Nesbit William R (ag '11) Ag WINONA LAKE Highfill Inez F (la '10 AB) Teach WOLCOTT Dibell Harry C (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu tDibell Mabel (la '13) WORTHINGTON Baker Harry J (sc '15) Asst Cash BJc Barton Raymond L (su '07) M Eng Foulke Clifton C (la com '12- ) Stu Ingersoll Charles L (ag '13) Ag Jacobson Herluf P (ag'08) Mgr ZIONSVILLE Bundy Raphael P (la '04 LL B) (la '02 AB) Law IOWA ADEL Dolan Joseph C (su '15) Teach H Sch Holtzman Wilfred D (M0) Arch Luther Mrs E A (la '07) Home Straight Halver R (m eng '07 BS) Clay Products Mfg Straight Mrs H R (la '08 AB) Home AGENCY Nye Russell G (ag '06) Mintr ALBIA Braden John H (1 '02 LL B) Law ALGONA McCormick Christie F (su '15) Teach ALLERTON McCandless Frank J ('05) Teach Rl Wage Luella E ('83) ALTOONA Lingenfelter Cleo T (la Feb '15- ) Stu ALVORD Murphy Hosmer L (arch eng '12) Asst Blc Cash ANAMOSA Beem Cash C (la '14) Chapman Wesley M (e eng '04) AMES AGG Tansy R ('09) Assoc Prof la St Coll Coffey Joel S (ag '12 BS) la St Ag Coll DE VIRES Louis ('12) Instr la St Coll 1017 Douglas St Evvard John M (ag '07 BS) Asst la St Coll 617 Ninth St Ewing Henry E (sc '09 AM) ('06 AB) Bes 509 Welch Av Faber Daniel C (g ry eng '09) (e eng '08 BS) Eng Ext en Fairfield Mrs Mary P (la '05) Instr la St Coll Fowler Chester C ('13 MS) (chem eng '09 BS) Asst Prof la St Coll 430 Ash Av \Glassourn Wayne F ('10) Under- taker Harrison Bruce M (chem '08 MS) Asst Prof la St Ag Coll Hubbard Homer C (su '14) Gar Hughes Harold D (ag '07 BS) Prof la St Coll 102 Seventh St Hughes Mrs H D (1'03LLB) Home 602 Seventh St Jones Earl J (la com '15) Bfcpr Keigley Claire T (m eng '15) 300 Main St KENNEDY Willard J ( '01) Prof la St Coll KIMBALL Allen H ( '14) Prof la St Coll 129 E Seventh St King Mrs E E (lib '02) Home t Morehouse Kossuth B (ag '74) RFD Pattengill Mrs E A (la '06) Home 432 Welch Av IOWA 1099 Pletcher Lyle J (sc '13 AB) Instr la St Coll potter Ralph S (g '13 PhD ('11 MS) Fac '14) Asst la St Ag Coll 202 Rus- sell Av Potter Mrs R S (h sc '12 AB) Home 202 Russell Av Pritehett Betty H (lib '10) Asst la St Coll Sta A Robbins Frank A (e eng '10 BS) Teach la St Coll Searle Clarke N (ag '75) Dairying Searle Mary (la '79) Artist Sta A Smith Kenneth G (m eng '05 BS Fac '09) Prof la St Coll Smith Mrs K G (sc '09) Home 1124 Second St STANFIELD William W (su '14) Prof la St Ag Coll 614 Burnette Av Stevenson William H (ag '03) Prof la St Coll 2116 Lincoln Way Stevenson Mrs W H (la '95 BL) Home 2116 Boone St SUMMERS Henry E (('97) Prof la St Coll ^Thomson Jean F ('10) c/o Morning Side Coll VANCE Thomas F ('14) Teach la State Col Sta A Webster Robert L ((sc '08 AB) En- torn St Exp Sta Wilson Guy M (la '98) Prof la St Coll Wilson Mrs Ina ('98) Home 400 Ash Av ANAMOSA Beem Cash C (la '14) Chapman Wesley M (e eng '04) ANAWA Simpson Lawrence P (m eng '15- ) Stu ATLANTIC Gillespie Paul (arch '08 BS) Arch 103 W Ninth St Osborne Isabel M (h sc '09 AB) Teach BACONFIELD Jones Isaac ( '82) Ag BAGLEY Bullock Oakley A (ag '02) Merc BARNES CITY Day Philip M Jr (su '04) Med BEDFORD Crum Herbert A (la '93) Ag BELLE PLAINE Guinn Lillian M (lib '11) Libr Hidy Henry B (sp'71) BELMOND fDunlap Frank (la com '76) fPierce Clara E (la '76) Pierce Elon A (ag '76 % Cert) Jour BETTENDORF Like Waldo E (m eng '12) Mech Draft Bettendorf Co BOONE Thomas Marion E (m eng '88) Div Eng C&NWRR Woodburn Chester C (arch eng '15) 327 Stone St BURLINGTON fBoecklin Werner Jr (m eng '87) Bowen Charles F ('97) BB PO ClTc Cowles Rollin J Jr (com '15- ) Stu 827 High St Finlay Eva L (la '15) At home 242 Barrett 9t Hall Charles M (c eng '13- ) Stu 803 Summer St fHarris Mrs Marie A (la '00) Harrison Maude L (su '00) Sec YWCA Harrover Mary A (la '12) Stenog 407 N Sixth St Higgins Allen L (ag '07 BS) Ag 1409 Aetna St Hunt Ernest A (e eng '95 BS) Ocu- list 114 Woodlawn Av Hlick Warren C (ag '14- ) Stu 625 Garfield Av' Miller Harold T (la '14- ) Stu 316 Barrett St Moir Alexander ('86) Pres Mississippi Pearl Button Co Moir James ( '86) Riepe Carl C (la '07) Law St Sav Bk Bldg Rogers Charles A (c eng '07) Ag Schwerin Arthur (c eng '08 BS) Mgr Burlington Willow Ware Shops 1616 Lincoln Av Stewart John A (su '03) Taylor Edwin G (la com '14- ) Stu 210 S Garfield Av Washburn Fred P (arch eng '10) Arch Draft 312 Garfield Av Waterhouse Charles E (sc '08 BS AB) CB&B BB 1515 S 13th St BURNSIDE Hobart Frank ('01) Ag 1100 IOWA CALLENDER Rogers Don H (ag '10) Ag CAMBRIDGE Boyle Ralph E (su '11) (c eng '09) BB C Eng Box 416 CARSON Hinshaw Harvey R (su '12) Supt Schs CEDAR FALLS Fagan William B (la com '09 Fac '09) Asst Prof la St Teach Coll 2420 Walnut St ?Johnson John P (m eng '02 BS) M Eng 1220 Washington St knoche Viola E (g ger '14 AM) Teach 1621 Tremont St Olbrick Fred G (la '15- ) (c eng '15) Stu 616 Franklin St Taber Bayard F (arch '13) Arch 509 Clay St CEDAR RAPIDS Alden Frederick S (g '97) Asst City Eng 1540 Washington Av ' Ambroz Ambrose O (la '14)" Adv 615 E Av West Brown William J (arch eng '00 BS) Arch Amer Trust Bldg Brownson Howard G (la '09 PhD ('06 AB) Fac '09) Ag 1004 Thir- ty-Ninth St Brownson Winnina E (la '08) Teach 512 Eastlock Ct Carrithers Ira T (la '08 AB Fac '14) Dvr Athl Coe Coll Connor Mrs F H ('10) Home Damour Mrs F W (la '99) Home 316 S Tenth St Dolezal Edward O (arclv eng '10) Sales Mgr Douglass Charles L (sp '88) Trav 1514 First Av EDINGER Paul E ('08) Mgr Gable George E (arch '14 BS) Arch 612 L St W Gray Frederick (m eng '93) Prop Hotel Hagey Emma J (lib '03 BLS) Libr Hale Leonard O (arch '13) Sales Chandler Pump Co Hansen Viggo (c eng '12 BS) Eng la Steel & Iron Wks 207 N 20th St Henley Margaret D (lib '15) Asst Libr Coe Coll Hunter Harry E (arch '01 BS) Arch 503 Security Bldg Kegley Eugene R (la com '05) Sales tMcLeod Robert W (arch eng '12) 1112 S Eighth St McMinds Ira F (arch eng '09) Arch 112 27th St Miller Herbert S (sp '01) Mgr 716 Fourth Av Morehead Herbert L (arch '14) Arch 359 S 16th St Rhodes John E Jr (ag '08) Ins Box 865 Rich Irwin D (arch eng '13) Trav 1407 Third Av Russett Jasper P (arch eng '13- ) Stu Mt Vernon Av Scanlan Jack A (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 1013 Av E Stark Leonard E (eng '12) Contr 1103 First Av Stookey Daniel W (m eng '76 Cert) Owner Brick & Tile Fact 1265 Second Av CENTER POINT Wormer Grace (lib '09) Libr U la CENTRAL CITY Miller Homer H (sp '00) Photog CHARITON Story Helen D (g hist '15- ) Stu 916 Auburn Av Yocom Albert L (la '73) Med CHARLES CITY Caldwell Belle (lib '08 BLS) Libr Guynn Ina M (h sc '15) Sec Ellis & Schermerhorn Land Co R3(473) hilmer William C (g ger '10 PhD Fac '08) Teach Langstaff Mrs W L (la '76) Home Moss Florence L (la '14- ) Stu 900 Kelly St Moss C Sedgwick (arch '13) 900 Kel- ly St Starr Ruth (la '14) 904 Ferguson St Wright Agnes (la '13- ) Stu 221 S Main St CHEROKEE Ferrin Dee H (la '14) Stu la St Coll 111 N 11th St Fletcher O Frank (la '13) Baseball t Green Carrie E ('90) Hall Karl W (m eng '15- ) Stu 506 W Main St ?Keeler E T Mrs (la '77) Home Lohnes Willard H (m eng '13) Mach Foreman 301 E Cedar St Lueder Herman H (arch eng '15- ) Stu 736 W Main St Lueder Roy M (arch eng '13- ) Stu 735 W Main St CLARENCE Drake Harold H (ag Feb '15- ) Stu IOWA 1101 CLAEINDA Wilis Burtis C ('00) CLARION fEssick Lyle M (c eng '10) Garth Mrs T (la '76) Home CLEARFIELD Anderson Howard F (arch eng '09 BS) Lumber Yard CLINTON Barrett Arthur E (com '15- ) 720 Park PI Booth Mrs William (la '02) Home 121 Cherry St Carters Mrs C W (la '93 BL) 203 N Center St Carstenson Theodore (su '06 ) Superv Man Tr 925 Second St Cook Samuel S (ry c eng '11 BS) Ins 1131 N Second St* Craig Noel E (su'15) Teach # Coach Athl YMCA Crawford Thomas (e eng '94 BS) Gen Mgr Gas & Elec Co 532 Kenilworth Ct Daehler Alvin A (e eng '08) Auto Bus 120 Sixth Av Dunn James ( '00) t Gardner Willis S (sp '73) John Dorette T (h sc '14 AB) At home 411 Seventh Av Jones Ollie E ('11) Ofc Mgr Swift & Co 109 Fifth Av Ladehoff Arthur D H (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1101 W Main St Lorenzen Lora D (la '06) At home 517 Fourth Av Molt Margaret E (la '14 AB) Art 900 Fourth Av Schuyler Andrew L (e eng '13) BR Insp 415 Seventh Av tSisco Frank T (sc '10) 443 10th Av COLLEGE SPRINGS Abbott Allie M (1 '00) Merc COLUMBUS JUNCTION HUSTON Mrs Howard ('15) Home Letts Warren S (ag '10) Ag Rees Edith J (g latin '11) Teach H Sch COON RAPIDS iRuthrauff Emel L ( '01) COOPER Franklin Mrs (su '08) Home CORNING Corkins Lorette O E (su '15) Teach CORRESTIONVILLE Krieger Herbert W (g sociol '10) Supt Snhs COUNCIL BLUFFS Armstrong lone (lib '11 Fac '12) Libr Pub Lib Avery Minnehaha ('82) Ag # Hort R3 Beardsley John W (la '90 BL) Farm Loans 201 Pearl St Beardsley Mrs J W (mus '99) 512 Damon St Binder Mrs F H (lib '04 BLS) Home 122 Fifth Av Campbell Albert DeL Jr (arch eng '05) Arch 325 Prank St Etnyre Samuel L (c eng '85) Supt Mun Water Wks 303 Second St Hesse Clarence K (m eng '73) Brik 603 Oakland Av Mayne Mrs W S (h sc '10) Home 134 W Washington Av fSmith Leo C (g lib '98) Wadsworth John G (la '82) Bnk 233 Turley Av CRESTON graham Sappho C (g ger '13 AM) Teach 604 W Adams St Sawyer Mrs S E J (la '98) Home 106 Summer Av fStorrs Martha (la '98) Thomson Lillian E (la '15) At home 510 W Montgomery St CUMBERLAND Weaver Lillian R (la Feb '16- ) Stu DALLAS CENTER Codlin Harry E (ag '14 BS) Ag Rl Codlin Mrs HE (la '15 AB) Home DAWS Birdsall Jessie M (mus '13) Mus Stu DAVENPORT Ach Frank von Ccom '15- ) (mun eng '15) Stu 1618 Park Av Alford William D ( '05) Mach 740 E 13th St Allen Arthur C (arch '76) Builder 1216 Gaines St Bendixen Mrs P A (mus '04) Home 1125 Rock Island St Benthien Arnold (m eng '91) Acct 210 1-3 Harrison St Berger Cora (la '14- ) Stu . 626 1102 IOWA Brown St Berger Frederick E (arch eng '13) Arch Draft 626 Brown St Berger Mrs F E (la '12) Home Brockman John ('94) Bnk 1043 W Fifth St Buckley Harry W (eng '15- ) Stu 1102 E Eiver St Burrows Park T (eng '92 BS Fac '92) Arch 221 Mississippi Av Chadwick Walter (m eng '04) Daven- port Locom Wlcs Eockingham Ed Crissey Summer E (ag '13) c/o Dav- enport Creamery Co Crowe Mrs C H (la '03) Home 1234 E Eiver St de Fries Erich Hans (la '11) 1828 Summit Av . Eels Leon F ('09) Sales Crane Co 409 W High St Flemming John H (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1603 Marshall St Gartside Benjamin W Jr (arch eng '06) Arch 1731 Park Av Gartside Mrs B J (sp '74) Home 1731 Park Av Gilchrist Hugh M (e eng '99 AB) M Eng Gilchrist John W (e eng '05) Asst Gen Supt Alden Coal Co 1206 E Eiver St Goldschmidt Alfred G (m eng '88 BS) City Elect 2222 W Fourth St Goldschmidt Erna C (la '13- ) Stu 801 W 14th St f Grant James B (c eng '73) GREGG' Eichard S (arch eng '13 BS) Arch 63 Davenport Sav Bk Bldg Hall Arthur C (su '10) Teach 208 Kirkwood Blvd Heeschen Eichard G (chem eng '15) Asst Chem Bettendorf Co 929 W Sixth St Hinrichsen Fred A (la com '13 AB) Acct 1930 Hill St Hinrichsen George C (ry eng '09) 524 W 15th St Hirschel Jackson E (arch '14 BS) Arch Draft 725 Farnam St Holbrook Erwin G (arch '08) Arch 51 Whitaker Bldg Hubbell Edward L (arch eng '15- ) Stu 2222 Harrison St Jordan Eay L (arch eng '05) Arch Draft 614 E Sixth St Kahle Mrs E C (su 08) Front & Gaines Sts Kirkland Archibald F (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Temple & Burrows Klein Carrol A (arch eng '12- ) Stu 903 Eock Island St Kruse Conrad F ('95) Ag El Jer- sey Eidge Ed \Kruse Eichard F ( '98) 518 S Fifth St Kuehcke Otto (c eng '05 BS) C Eng US Eng Ofc 521 W Eighth St Langwith Warren L (la '15- ) Stu 760 E High St Like Ealph M (m eng '15- ) Stu 615 E 15th St McKown Eussell L (ag '13- ) Stu 703 Putnam Bldg Meyer Harry (m eng '94) Chf Draft 31 Glenwood Av Miles Joseph P (ag '14 BS) Sales $ Field Expert Internat Harvester Co Moore Mrs C L (h sc '06 BS) Home 2111 Gaines St Morgan Isabelle A (h sc '03) Sec 608 Kirkwood Blvd Nabstedt Frederick (su '08 AB) Teach H Sch Nixon Eugene W (su '08) Teach' H Sch Noth Edwin F (arch '14 BS) Draft 738 E 14th St Noth Lillian G (la '12 AB) At home 738 E 14th St Paul Elmer C (sc '97) Asst Chem Pfeiffer Josef S (la '13) Sales $ Adv Eosenfield Pub Serv Co Eamsey Leonidas W (ag '14 BS) Lanch Arch Eeeves & Eamsey 515 Putnams Bldg Eeeves Herman T (ag '14 BS) Land Arch 515 Putnam Bldg Eichter Gertrude K (la '15- ) Stu 1025 W Ninth St ISchricJcer Eichard L ( '91) Skelly Ernest J (la '15- ) Stu 321 E 14th St Smart Eobert L (c eng '14 BS) Eng Monon Ey 625 E 14th St Staples Oren E (mus '05 Fac '14) Fruit Stebbins Don M (arch eng '10) In- terior Decorator 215 E 14th St Wtiblott John P ('93) Taft Frank H (m eng '99) Gov 929 Kirkwood Blvd Taft Mrs F H (la '87) Home 929 Kirkwood Blvd TEMPLE Seth J ( '04) Arch Daven- port Sav Bk Bldg Waterman Helen E (la '05) At home 616 Kirkwood Blvd Welty Wallace M (ag '14 BS) Land Arch 515 Putnam Bldg Whitaker George H (ag '00 'l Ag Whitaker Eaymond C (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Draft 502 Columbus Av Witt Otto (m eng '07) Transfer 1436 Main St ZoecJcler Leon J ('11) Ins 2220 Clausen St IOWA 1103 DAWS Birdsall Jessie W (mus '13) Mus Store DECOEAH Gamertsf elder Mrs C C (h sc '12) Home DENISON Carr Charles W ('86) Med Carr Vernon W (la com '12- ) Stu 331 N Main St Simpson Mrs A E (la '12) Home Voss Daniel E (la com '09) Abstracter Denison Bk DENMAEK fSturgis William F (gen '72) DES MOINES Armstrong Delia E (la '15 AB) Teach Highland Park ball Theodore E (g chem '15 ( '14 MS) Fac '15) Stu 2625 Cottage Grove Av ?Bartlett Ben W A (arch '82) 1216 Walnut Boone Homer T (e eng '07) Constr Eng Des Moines Bridge & Iron Co Bromberg Nathan (sc '15 BS) Cer Eng 1229 W Tenth St CLAEK Dillard H ('00) Bet Army Ofc Colean James E (arch eng '09) Arch 810 Hubbell Bldg Corley Seymore (c eng '15 BS) C Eng c/o Des Moines Bridge & Iron Co fCoulson Margaret M (lib '08) 1620 Arlington Av Davis Eeba (lib '11 BLS) Libr la St Travel Lib St Hist Bldg tDelmege Maude (la '07) 1615 Ar- lington Av Eastman Charles E ('90) Arch 2837 Brattleboro Av Gray Euth (h sc '12- ) Stu 1417 Woodlawn Av Griffiths Sarah H (lib '09) 1306 21st St Hammitt Andrew B (arch eng '15 BS) Struct Eng 834 19th St hill William G (la '13 AM) Stu Drake U 3310 University Av Hoover Joseph H (m eng '73) Bet 2810 Oxford Av muff Charles E ('08) 1337 Capitol Av tHufford Harold B (arch eng '13) 801 W Fifth St EirTcpatrich Mrs LB ('12) Home Kirkpatrick Harry L (com Feb '16- ) Stu 320 Sixth Av Koontz Alpheus G (la com '09) Asst Cash la St Bnk Leibsle Boy W (arch eng '12- ) Stu 524 E Locust St Linn Ellis G (sc '06) Oculist # Aurist 2830 Eidge Ed Lutton Francis C (la '07) US PO Carrier Lyman William E (su '14) Teach H Sch 823 Sheridan Av McGorrish Daniel H (arch eng '13) Supt Bldg Constr 1710 Croeker St Marks Mary E (lib '11 BLS) Bef Asst la Lib Comm St Historical Bldg Martin Earle W (e eng '10 BS) Sales Westinghouse Elec Mfg Co 1408 Cen- ter St Miner William (su '13) Teach Miner Mrs William (su '10) Home ?Mitchell Fred E (arch '12) Mitchell Hazel ME (g la '09 AM) Teach 1622 W 11th St Morean Clarence W (ag '15- ) Stu 1308 Lyon St Palmer Eobert C (arch eng '15) Surv 1127 28th St Parker Mrs A M (lib & la '08 AB & BLS Fac '10) Home 423 E 11th St Parr Mrs F W (h sc '07 AB) Home 922 Douglas Av Pearson William W (arch eng '90) Med 417 Equitable Bldg Putnam Forrest L (la '14) 1157 26th St Eiegelman Alfred M (arch eng '14) 1227 Eighth St Eobertson Blanche (lib '14 PhB) Libr Drake U 1149 21st St Eoss Luther S (g '90 MS ( '89 BS) Fac '91) Prof Drake U 1308 27th St Eoss Mrs L S (la '89) Home 1308 27th St fShankland Julia L (lib '01) 1204 Woodland Av Shaw Guy E (c eng '09 BS) Contr Eng Victoria Hotel Shuler Hugh M ( '96) Coal Operator Shuler Mrs H M (la '03) Home 417 Sixth St fSouers Marshall A (ag '13) 111 29th St Sprague Harold G (arch '14 BS) 1116 22nd St Steele Lavina (lib '02 BLS) Libr Teufel Alvis Jr (la '03) Gov Ey PO 2100 Olive St Wait Benjamin A (c eng '92 BS) C Eng CEI&P EE 1430 Fifth St Wickersham Clarence E (e eng '08 BS) Iowa Bepr Scott Foreman & Co 1059 W 27th St Wilson Amanda E (la '11) Dean ii04 IOWA Women Highland Pk Coll Woodrow Flossie M (se '11) Teach H Sch 1118 W 26th St DE SOTO Bell Harry (su '15) DOUGHERTY Hudson Mrs H E (sp '75 BL) Home DOW CITY Swasey Edward H (la '81) Law DOWS Houg Orville A (la '14- ) Stu Klemme La Von M (nms '13) At home Klemme Vivian G (la '15) Stu DUBUQUE Arnold Lillian B (lib '02 BLS) Libr 148 17th St tBrock George W (sc '06) 1243 Lo- cust St Burt Mrs P G (la '12 Fac '15) Home 22 Glenn Oak Av Conboy Lourde J (c eng '14) Teach c/o Franklin Sch 140 14th St Durham John B ( '10) US Insp heitkamp George W (g sc '14 AM Fac '14) Instr Dubuque Coll Longueville (arch eng '15 BS) 402 Alpine St Mannix Pauline M E (mus '14) Teach St Francis Convent & Mt St Joseph Coll 759 Bluff St Mattews Irene E (su '14) Libr 1124 Locust St tPlaister Deane M (c eng '07) 174 W 11th St Schmidt Gustavus A (sc '03' AB) Teach DUNLAP Radebaugh John W (su '00) Teach DYERSVILLE Light Curtis R (c eng '15 BS) C Eng 712 Amer Trust Bldg EAGLE GROVE Bates Patrick F (c eng '03) C Eng Newburn Francis E (ag '10) Ag Rl Tompkins Ralph H (la '14- ) Stu 116 N Iowa Av EARLHAM Kipp Marion (ag '13) Ag EDDYVILLE \Hemminger Carl G ( '92) ELGIN Straugh Bertha H (h sc '12 AB) Teach ELLSWORTH Harmon Elmer J (la '07) Ag EMMETSBURG Brereton J Edwin (la '81) Mintr Donlon Patrick H ( '83) PM Moore Laurence S (g hist '15- ) Stu ESTHERVILLE Crim Charles H (c eng '15- ) Stu 509 W Ninth St Ely Hamlin M ('02) Ag Osgood Simon M ( '96) E Est EXIRA Lekberg Carl H S (e eng '15 BS) Prin H Sch FAIRFIELD Brawner Charles L (ag '91) Ag Pierson Frank H (eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu 205 North CSt Porter Charley L (ag '13) Instr Par- sons Coll 602 N Third St Tudor Herbert O (su '15- ) Dir Athl Parsons Coll FARLEY Pringle James W (arch eng '14) FARMINGTON Linderhohm Martin J ('91) Dent FARNHAMVILLE Beachman Charles (la '88) BTc Cash FARRAGUT tWhisler Ross A (sc '11) FAYETTE Cooper Harry P (eng '15- ) Stu Hurd Mayme L (lib '08) Libr Upper la U FLORIS Baker Howard N (sc '07 AB) Med FLOYD Kindig Omer C (su '09) Cash 1st Nat Bk FONDA Fairburn Mrs E H (la '10) Home Straight Merton T (ag '14- ) Stu Wood Mrs LA (la '12 AB) Home IOWA 1105 FORT DODGE t Carney Charles J ( '07) Gustafson Carl A (arch eng '13- ) Stu 310 First St Jones John P ( '07) Lego Henry J (c eng '07 > Acct IC BR macdonald Janet M (g latin 13 AM Instr Morningside Coll 1015 Sixth Av N Reely Thomas W (arch eng '95 BS) Arch 1402 Third Av N FT MADISON Amborn Louise (la '12- ) Stu 915 Fourth St Wrown Harry A ( '03) Carpenter 1508 Second St Hansman Herbert C (la '14) Livery- man 1213 Third St Hershey Herbert E (sc '97) Indust Comm Hull Clarence T (e eng '12) Clk 219 Fourth St Lewis Russel J (c eng '05 BS) City Eng Samuels Jonathan H (m eng 88 BS) M Eng 823 Third St Smith Clarence W (arch eng '15) Stu 435 Front St Wagomer John D (la '06) 624 Fourth St GALVA Farnsworth David W (sp 74) Med GARNER Lindbebg Ruth MR (la '12 AB) Teach Box 71 GAZA Hicks George L (ag '85 BS) A g GLADBROOK Stauffer Arden N ( '10) GRAND VIEW Healey Ruth (g zool '15) Stu GRANT CENTER Egli Aaron D (m eng '11) Ag GREENE MOOREHOUSE Mrs N J ( '03) Home GREENFIELD Barrett Edwin G (la '14) Asst Cash Bk GRINNELL Cessna Maud O (la '10 AB) Teach Gibbs Charles H (c eng '05 BS) Ag R2 Hutchinson Ruth (la '14 AB) At home 1415 N Broad St GRUNDY CENTER Allison Theodore M (la '13) Asst Co Eng Fuller Purl (arch eng '14) Eng Box 295 McDowell William O (sc '98) Med GUTHRIE CENTER SBerry Charles J ('93) GUTTENBERG Wagner Harrison E (su '14) Prin H Sch HAMPTON Clock Sherwood A ('03) Law HARLAN Bacon Oliver G (ag '15- ) Stu 1603 S Tenth St Whitney Wayne K (su '15) Stu 1204 Baldwin St HOMESTEAD \Mass Johann H ( '01) HOPKINTON Laughlin Ely V (sc '09 AB) Prof Lenox Coll HUMBOLDT Haviland Altha (la '04 AB) Teach INDEPENDENCE Cilley Lillie (lib '15- ) Stu Box 28 Donnan Alexander M (arch eng '95 BS) Co Treas Fogler Harry L (su '14) Teach $ AthX Dir Netcott Roland E (arch eng '12- ) Stu INDIANOLA fCulter Charles C (c eng '88) Ag emmons Clyde W (math '10 AM Fac '10) Prof Simpson Coll IOWA CITY Arms Jessie L (lib '11 BLS) Libr U la 519 E Jefferson St Bose Sudhindra (la '09 AB) Ed U la 129 S Madison St brown Fay C (sc '06 AM Fac '07) 1106 IOWA Asst Prof U la 217 E Reynolds Av Brown Mrs F C (lib '08 AB) Home 220 Ronaldo St brumfiel Daniel M (sc '13 AM) Instr U la 118 N Johnson St GILBERT Barry ('09) Prof U la 704 N Dubuque St Oaas John M (ra eng '03) HENRY Robert L Jr ('12) Prof U la 610 Johnson Co Bk Bldg Hixson Arthur W (g chem '12) Teach Hyde Edith (lib '15 BLS) Lior U la 120 E Davenport St Marquis Stewart D (g chem '13- ) Stu MERRY Glenn N (g hist '12 Fac. '12) Prof U la 1008 E Burling- ton St Merry Mrs Glenn (mus '12) Home 1008 E Burlington St Plum Mrs H G (lib '01) Home c/o St U la Rathfon Sydney C (arch eng '12 BS) Draft 605 S Clinton St Sawyer Margaret (h sc '14 BS) Teach Iowa St U Schaffer Nina R (lib '07 BLS) Lior U la 314 N Dubuque St Sprague Cena L (lib '14 AB) Asst U la 323 N Linn St tStover Bessie E (lib '07) 336 S Clin- ton St Swisher Jacob A (1 '09) 626 S Capi- tol St Wardall Ruth A (g h sc '07 AM) ( '03 AB) Fac U la IOWA FALLS Leonard Thomas E ('87) Ag meyer Ido Franklin (la '05 AM) Pres Ellsworth Coll Meyer Mrs Susannah (mus '05) Teach Ricks Helen G (su '12) Stu 208 Fre- mont St JEFFERSON Ollrich John J ('03) Barber Seaman Grace E (la '12) Teach JESUP iMullany Thomas J ('98) KEOKUK Warnett Edward S ('89) Board Ferdinand A (sc '13) Employee Purity Oats Co 707 Franklin St Brady Joseph L (arch eng '11 BS) Arch 312 N Third St Brown Horace T (c eng '14 BS) Eng Miss River Power Co Carpenter Thomas E (la com '13) Ins 219 S Sixth St \Comegys Joseph P Jr ('85) coyle James P (sc '14 AM (sc'll) Fac '13) Teach 725 N Eighth St Craig Nelson E (c eng '10 BS) C Eng Crow Benjamin F (arch eng '77 BS) Hort 4- Ag Cedar PI ?Davis Harry Fulton (arch eng '09) 2277 High St Denison Sidney A (su '12) Teach 1408 Bank St Fulton William J Jr (la '15- ) Stu 412 High St Haggott William S (e eng '15 BS) E Eng 618 Bank St Hambleton Arthur R (sc '88) Credit Vept Kellogg B Co Hostetter Alvin (arch eng '94) Fore- man Pattern Maker 2121 Des Moines St Hulson John W (ry eng '15- ) Stu 916 Grand Av Irwin Stephen (la '09) Merc 726 Orleans St ?Kautz Paul (c eng '10 BS) 712 Franklin St ?Kelly Ada M (arch '05) 1001 John- son St Kiedaisch Edward (arch eng '10) Stu 227 S Sixth St tLourie Herbert S (m eng '01) 607 Franklin St mcGavic Fred O ( '85) McGaw Agatha A (la '12) 1227 Leighton St Rall Eugene R (c eng '15 BS) C Eng 802 High St Ratcliffe Harry E (arch '02) Arch Dorsey Bldg Safford John T (ag '76) Fruit Grow- er 1515 Main St Sheppard Lawrence D (c eng '06) C Eng 512 N Fifth St Strickler Ray S i,se'12) B Est 400% Main St Van Pappelendam Bernard C (m eng '05 BS) B Est 4- Ins 722 N Ninth St Weisman Clarence S (su '14) 1105 Blondeau Williams Ceil E (e eng '09) E Eng 804 N Ninth St Williams Louis E (ag '94 MS) Law 4* B Est 24 N Fifth St Young Henry (c eng '10) Build Contr 718 Grand Av KEOSAUQUA Carney Valentine D (ag '11) Ag KEOTA Page Harold M (la '15- ) (arch '13) Stu KINGSLEY tLittle Janet G (su '12) IOWA 1107 Thomson Jean F ('10) Stu la St Coll KNOXVILLE tBUSH Minnie M (la '09 AM) Wollins Wilbur M (la 78) LA CLAIRE t Stone Othello R (arch '13) R2 LAKE ARTHUR Braden Behring E (sc '99) Ag LAMONT Smith Wilbur H (ag '12) Ag LANSING ?Floyd Joseph J (la '73) LA PORTE CITY Cummins Wayne H (su '15) Teach $ Coach Athl 421 Maple St Whistler Eber S (ag '06) LAURENS Wheeler Adelaide A (h sc '15- ) Stu Wheeler Irene B (h sc '12 AB) Teach LEMARS Cole Thomas E (sc '85 Cert) Med Mourning Mary K (la '11 AB) Teach 233 S White St LONG GROVE t Murphy John C (sc '99) LYONS Weston Leonard F (su '05) Teach MANCHESTER Phenicie Homer W (e eng '11) Adv 4- B Est Tolmie Thomas W (arch eng '12- ) Stu 308 S Tama St MANILLA Tack William (c eng '10) Trav Audit MANNING scoggan Edward B (g '97 AM) Mintr MAQUOKETA Kopelman Leo T (com '15- ) Stu Robinson Millard M (com '15- ) Stu Vermont St Storm Mrs H C (la '05) Home MARION Ingersoll Frank B (c eng '03 BS) Bes Eng Munsen Andrew (c eng '04 BS) BB C Eng 1053 17th St MARNE tLong Fred R (su '09) MARSH ALLTOWN . Darling Charles E (ag '02) Auto Denmead Mrs J L (la '09) Rome 1011 W Main St Gale Eli P (sc '01) Mgr $ Mfg Gale Mrs E P (la '03) Home 5 N Fourth St ?Gibbs Mrs Sarah (a&d '91) Hjort Nels R (c eng '09 BS) Asst Co Eng 303 33rd St fHollister Mrs Flora (mus '80) IKemper Benj F (arch '11) Arch McKee Paul H (la '12 AB) YMCA Sec Myers Mrs C A (mus '05) Home 308 Jerome St ?Nixon John A (ag '79) Sanford Pearl C (su '15) Coach f Teach Siebens Arthur R (ag '15 BS) Sec YMCA Co MASON CITY Baird Mrs J F (lib '11 BLS) Libr 117 N Adams St Ehlers Earl E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 817 Parker St Krueger William C (ag '12) Acct c/o Internat Harv Co Martin Mrs Jack (la '15) Home Stanberry Stanely R (m eng '13) Sales 413 N Washington St Sundell Dean H (com '14) c/o Park Park Inn Vroom Quimby (la com '14- ) Stu 709 N Adams St West Charles A (su '15) Dir Athl H Sch MEDIAPOLIS Norman Alvin E (sc '10) MELCHER Mitchell Ruffin E (min eng '14) Min Eng MINDEN tKadel Mike L (sp '01) 1108 IOWA MONETA Hiner Mrs G E (la '04 BS) Home MONROE Smith Harry C (eng '15) (arch eng '14) MOOREHEAD Sandvold Conrad E (com '15- ) Stu MORNING SUN ^Courts Dell H ('10) Graham Wilmer T (la '15- ) Stu McClurkin Clifford H (1 '14) Law McClurkin Justus L (ag '14-) Stu MORRISON tKaufman George B (arch '12) MOUNT PLEASANT tDill Cora E (lib '01) 307 E Madison St Palmer Arthur B (c eng '14- ) Stu 413 N Main St Smith Clarence E (mun eng '11) Co Eng Box 205 Thomas William S (ag '90) Ag MT UNION Gorham John W (la Feb '16- ) Stu MT VERNON Cowan Adair (ag '13) Florist GILLETTE Clinton E ( '13) Asst Cor Coll Kelly Harry McCormick (su '97) (Fac '10) Prof Cor Coll Mosey Orrin Q (la '09) Vet MOVILLE Reische Robert H (c eng '09 BS) Eng MURRY Popham Edwin S (ag '05) Ag MUSCATINE Drew Herbert J (su'15) Dir Phys Tr 110 Park Av Drew Mrs Herbert (su '15') Home 110 Park Av t Garvin John M ('07) Giesler James R (com '15) Brik 617 W Third St tHoffman Mabel V (la '09) 309 W Fourth St Meyer Mrs H C (mus '12 B Mus) Home 404 Park Dr Reinsch Bernard P (arch '13- ) Stu 1104 Mulberry Av reinemund Julius A (g sociol'12 AM) Merc 117-9 W Second St Rumsey Lois (la '15) Stu 804 E Ninth St Rumsey Mary H (la '14- ) 804 E Ninth St Schmidt George J (c eng '10) Asst Eng Harmon Eng Co Box 254 ?Varner Carrie N (la '76) Shirk Joseph R (com '09) Ofc Mgr 601 E Second St Shirk Mrs J R (mus '09) Home 605 W Second St Sweney Don (m eng '96 BS) Master Mech CB&Q RR 450 Green St Trowbridge Leroy J (e eng '06) Dent 116 S Market St NEVADA Lund Everett S (ag '09) Ag R2 NEW HAMPTON Kemman Alveno F ( '82) Co Eng NEW LONDON Hayes Columbus F (com '15- ) Stu NEW SHARON Gould Maurice A (c eng '13- ) Stu NEWTON Armstrong Wayne C (arch eng '12) Mech Draft 709 SW Third St Doane Harry C (la '13) ' Stu U la Eberhard Myra (la '13) At home 421 E Third St Eustice Edward L (m eng '02) Dent Finch Walter M (arch eng '12) Sec Hunter Charles P (la '02 AB) Merc Maytag Elmer H ('02) Mfg Maytag Freda (mus '12) 211 S Race St Sitler Anna L (lib '03) Teach NORA SPRINGS Field Oscar O (ag '04) Ag OELWEIN Sheldon Maude L (m eng '03 BS) Teach Weil Ruth C (la '14- ) Stu 140 N Frederick St OGDEN Clark Mrs S P (la '02) Home Shreve Harry R (ag '01) Ag IOWA 1309 ONAWA Erickson Adrian (com '15- ) Stu Hamm Ira L (m eng '07) ( '96) Ag Simpson Laurance P (min eng '15- ) Stu ORLEANS Burnside Karl A (arch eng '14- ) Stu OSCEOLA Uouthett Gerald W (jour '12) Publ West Edward J ( '96) OSKALOOSA Belting Paul E (la '12 AB) Prin H Sch 1008 A'Av E Jameson Stewart W (la '92) Mfg 2 Elvyn PI Morris Mary L (la '09 AB) 516 High Av E Morris Sidney M (1 '09) Law Walton Mrs ED (lib '02 BLS) Libr 1 Elvyn PI OTTUMWA Capps Mrs A L (la '07 AB) Home 504 N Market St Copes Fletcher (ag '02) R5 Fritz Mrs S C (h sc '10) Home 105 Vogel Av Gilbert Mrs P L (mus '07) Home 304 N Court St Hofmann Minnie (lib '04) Asst Libr 314 W Second St Morrell Thomas F ('05) Moschel Herman (m eng '10 BS) Supt Bain Mfg Co 125 W Fifth St Munger Guy E (m eng '08 BS) Time Study Wh Dam Mfg Co 225 W Fourth St PARKERSBURG fBaker John P (c eng '91) PAULLINA tOlin Roy S (e eng '11) PELLA Glover Leonard W (mus '14 B Mus) (la '12 AB) Head Voice Dept Cen- tral Coll Glover Mrs L W (mus '13) Accom- panist Sch Mus Central Coll McWilliams Mark D (su '15) Dir Athl Central Coll 306 Main St Stoddard Ira J Jr (la '85 ME) ( '77 Cert) C Eng PERRY tMcCormick J (ag '07) Ag R3 t Pearson Pierre E (arch eng '08) Pricer George A (m eng '06) Mech Draft PISGAH t Simpson Arthur R (ag '12) POMEROY Wold Charles A (c eng '13 BS) Drain Eng $ Contr Box 344 PULASKI t Craig Jessie W ('83) RADCLIFFE Guard Lloyd A (e eng '07) Ag f Stock HODNEFIELD Jacob ('14) Ag REDFIELD Southwick Frank E (ag '02) Ag RED OAK tBass Nellie J (la '06) Fisher Glendon M (la '09) Merc Iddings Vera G (la '13) Teach 911 Corning St Lundgren Andrew V T (arch eng '13- ) Stu 103 A St Tolman Hugh H (la '12 AB) Ag # B Est 1107 Corning St Williams GuyC (sc '11) Prin H Sch REINBECK Gethman Milton (cer eng '15- ) Stu RENWICK Kegley Mary M (la '10) Stu St Teach Coll Waterman Mrs I J (la '11) Home RINGSTED Giffin Cora A (h sc '13) At home c/o Grant Giffin RIPPEY Murray Charels B (m eng '98) Ag 4- Acct R2 ROBINSON Stingley Mrs HE (la '11) Home ROCKFORD Hubbard Harold H (m eng '12) Asst PM ROCKWELL Henderson David H (ag '08) Ag 1110 IOWA EOCKWELL CITY Conard Frank E (ag'03) Ag $ Stock Conard Jonah W (la '10) ' Ag ?Engel Mrs (su '07) Home Stearns Fred C (ag '03) Auto t Thorpe Anna G (la '05) EOLFE Lighter Eugene (su '15) Stu Coe Coll SAC CITY Fitch Eva L (lib '08) Libr SANBOEN Coleman Alice J (la '02) SCEANTON Irwin Harry C (ag '06) Ag Stewart James S (c eng '09 BS) Ag E2 SHELDON Pratt James B (com '15- ) Stu 509 N Eighth Av Starrett Eobert G (com '15- ) Stu SHELLEOCK Newcomb Frank H (arch eng '11) Merc SIBLEY Fox Elizabeth L ('09) Teach Henicksman Idah T (su '07) Teach SIGOUENEY Gerard Eussell S (ag '10) Vet SIOUX CITY t Arnold Arthur J (1 '11) c/o Secur- ity Bk Bldg Arnold Ealph (arch '11 BS) Arch 610 Security Bldg Beck Ealph O (ry c eng '09 BS) Pres E O Beck Co 526 Davidson Bldg Colby Paul W (arch Feb '15- ) Stu 510 Davidson Bldg coss James A (g eng '10 MS Fac '10) Prof Morningside Coll 4654 Morn- ingside Av tCoss Lyman G (c eng '09) 2502 Morningside Av Day Mylo F (su '14) Teach Drake Jeanette M (lib '03 BLS) Libr Dwyer Catherine J (su '15) Teach Shepherd Flats 8 Fox Amy A (su '11) Teach H Sch 1220 Douglas St Gale Minnie (su '15) Teach 1011 Pearl St Gibson Charles G (e eng '91 BS) Med 2805 Nebraska St ?Hammock Claude S (su '03) Heitman Alfred G (g sc '09) Teach H Sch 2706 Jones St Heitman Mrs AG (la '09 AB) Borne 2706 Jones St Holtze Harry S (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1921 Douglas St Jarvis John A (e eng '05) Merc c/o Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co McCarty Laurence J (arch '07 BS) Arch 822 Douglas St McCoy Dwight W (la '12 AB) Teach H Sch McMein William W (e eng '12) Sales Mgr Sibley-Hess Co Pettit George M (su '07) Sales ?Salmer Clara (lib '05) Carrol Apts Smith Fred D (e eng '05 BS) E Eng Sr Bus Mgr McGraw Co Steele William L (arch '96 BS) Arch 2512 Jackson St Steele Mrs W L (la '95 BL) Home 2512 Jackson St Stout Elizabeth (1'09 AB) ( '08 BLS) Libr 1406 Pearl St Thom James D (la '15 AB) Stu Harv Law Sch 1901 Pierce St Wiley Harry H (c eng '13- ) Stu 1819 Pierce Younglove Clyde C (arch eng '15 BS) Struct Eng 412 United Bank SOMEBS Armstrong George W (ag '10) Ag $ Stock STANTON Borg Elmer A (ag '14- ) Stu Rl STEWART Baur George (ag '84) Bet STORM LAKE Bailie Eobert M (arch eng '14 BS) Arch 229 Cayugua St Stahl Elmer E (la '11 AM) ( '10 AB) Teach 318 Grand Av Troeger Phillip T (ag '12- ) Stu 109 Cayuga St STEATFORD Hawbaker Eliphalet H (su '07) Ag STUART Seward Frank O (ag '04) Vet IOWA 1111 TALLULAH Moberley Edwin S (ag '15- ) (com '15) Stu THAYER Burd Eobert H (ag '15) Ag THOMPSON Sprague Mrs Maude A (lib '02) TIPTON Cobb William H (com '15- ) Stu Lawrence Carroll G (arch '99 BS) Arch Appraiser W S Uhler TOLEDO Connell Daniel (ag '08) Arch TRAVE t Parsons Ella B (la '91) VALLEY JUNCTION Burt Charles W (g '97) Med VICTOR \Teufel Louis ('02) VINTON Countryman Jay A (ag '07) Mgr Vinton Gas Co Dunham Richard (e eng '13) Electr 516 Whipple St Norwood Mrs F P (la '08) Home WALKER stunkard Horace W ( '14 AM) (g zool '12) Stu WALES fDerrickson Emma E (su '99) WALNUT f Woods Cedar A (lib '08) WARE Vial Joseph M (ag '12 BS) Percher- on Horse Breeder WASHINGTON Harland Marion B (ag '14- ) Stu 621 E Main St Rogers Vera H (la '08) Kindergarten Teach Shields John P (arch eng '15 BS) Stu 819 N Iowa Av Winter Charles J (ag '06) Fin c/o D P Hollingsworth WATERLOO Bartley John S (arch '12- ) Stu 214 Clay St Bishops Mrs (sp '74) Bollman Arthur H (la '13) Merc Brayton Charles W (e eng '12) Eng Waterloo Cement Mach Corp Cleveland Mortimer B (g '15 M Arch) (arch eng '08 BS) Arch 309 1st Nat Bk Bldg Dixon Wilbur J (ry m eng '10 BS) By M Eng 314 Edward St Duren Fanny (lib '02) Libr Gage Robert D (ag '14 BS) Hutton Clifford (arch eng '15- ) Stu 617 Logan Av Kober Edgar I (arch eng '14- ) Stu 410 Lane St Loomer Melvin H (la '73) Bet 620 E Fourth St Miller Max F (ag '15) Ins 327 Washington St Nye Linn J (ag '14) Trav Gen Del platt Franklin C (ML '93) (la '73) Judge Hist Court 515 E Tnird St Pratt Fred A (arch '05) ?Sanders George L (m eng '89) Scales Walter H (arch eng '14 BS) Eng Black Hawk Constr Co Scales Mrs W H (la '14 AB) Home Tobey Harold E (c eng '10-BS) C Eng 424 E Sixth St Whisler Samuel L (e eng '10) Insp Corn Belt Tel Co 316 Campbell Av WAVERLY Ernst Mrs OR (lib '03) Home jGrussing John ('94) Mojonnier Oliver W (chem '10 BS) Mgr Mohawk Condensed Milk Co Whitmire Clarence L (la '15- ) Stu WEBSTER CITY Boudinot Eugene S (c eng '00) C Eng Reed Erwin A (c eng '13 BS) Struct Draft # Bd Eng Whitley Guyon C (com '15) (la com '14- ) Stu 728 First St WELLMAN Bernard Clifford S (arch eng '15- ) Stu Miner Timothy R (ag '99) Ag Miner Mrs T R (la '01 AB) Home R4 WELTON \ Powell Linda M ('02) 1112 IOWA— KANSAS WHAT CHEEE Houghton Dale N (com '15- ) Stu WHITING Hammers William E (ag '08) Ag WILLIAMSBURG gittins Elizabeth M (g '14 MS) Teach H Sch Wallace Mrs (la '10) Home Rl WILTON JUNCTION Harris Leo G (com '15- ) (la com '14) Stu WINTERSET ?Litton John K ('77) WINTHROP ?Flickinger Fred C (ry eng '85) Osborn Frank J (ag '09) Ag WOPELLO Hamilton Cecil H (c&m eng '03) Drug ZEAR1NG Gogerty Henry L (arch eng '13- ) Stu KANSAS ABILENE Merrill Emily ('93) ANTHONY Walker Arthur E (la '88) Med Walk- er Hospital ARKANSAS CITY Clayton Emanuel H (sc '05) Med Davis Thomas A (c eng '14 BS) Surv 109 N "D" St Hall Ward E (e eng '08 BS) E Eng 528 N First St Hall Mrs W E (mus'06) Home 528 - N First St • ASHLAND Donnell Mrs B F (sp'78 BS) Home ATHCHISON bailey Willis J ( '04 LL D) (ag '75) Brik tGerow Theodore M (arch '08) Glenn Edgar W (c eng '14) Dir Man Tr Hines Edward G (arch '00 BS) Supt Bldg Constr Jackson Z Edward (m eng '93) Law 112 N Fifth Av Miller Joseph C (ag '09) Stu Theol Sem Symns Mrs P K (g '13 Fac '14) Home BAILEYVILLE Melendy Clarence P (ag '78) Ins BAKER Grosfield Gabriel (arch '09) Ag BALDWIN CITY Black Mrs E T (h sc '08 AB) Home BELOIT Hubbard Willis W (arch eng '14- ) Stu BROOKVILLB McTaggart Clarence G (su '15) Teach BUNKER HILL McVey Nellie F (la '15 AB) Teach BURLINGTON Long Roy H (ag '06 BS) Live Stock 4" Grain Newcomb Edwin E (arch eng '14- ) Stu S Fourth St CHANUTE Baxter Charles P (m eng '97) Oil Producer Cooper Elmer M (la '07) Oil Gas Producer Hemphill William H (sp '71) ClJc Koenig Adolph (arch eng '96) Contr Sf Arch Mgr Planing Mills Parsons Fernando A (1'78 ML ('75 BL) Fac '80) Mgr Kan Co-Op Re- fining Co Parsons Mrs F A (g mus '78) (h sc '78 BS) Home 803 S Central Av Stewart Jay (su '15- ) Teach H Sch CLEARWATER Stanley Ethel M (lib '15- ) Stu COFFEEVILLE Valette Mrs (la '72) COLUMBUS Hitchcock Earl W (ag '15 BS) Teach 417 W Maple St KANSAS 1113 CONCOEDIA Dee Paul S (su '08) Edit Concordia Blade Quigley Laurence J (su '15) 426 W Sixth St CUBA ?adams William S (g '10 AM) DOUGLASS Burgess Frank M (ag '09 BS) Ag EFFINGHAM Salisbury George W (ag '15 BS) Teach.K Sch ELDOBADO Ferry Hoyt F (ag '05) Asst Cash Butler Co St Bk Ferry Thomas E ( '98) Ag Fisk Mrs C D (mus '98) Home 315 Mechanic St ?Hall Mira M (la '83) Hazlett Eobert H (la 70) Brik ELGIN Miles Harriette (lib '01) ELLINWOOD Bockemohle Clinton L (arch eng '13- ) Stu EMPOEIA Belting Charles H (ag '12 BS) Teach Kan St Nor 526 Union St Belting John T (sc '12) 526 Union St Braucher Herbert H (ag '94 BS) Teach Man Tr Kan St Nor 905 Neo- sha St Breneman Amos L (ag '14- ) Stu E5 Buck Gertrude A (lib '04 BLS) Prof Kan St Nor Sch Conklin Edward J ('01) Farm Mort- gages Lindsey Beatrice (la '15- ) Stu 422 Exchange St Mull Mrs Beth W (h sc '10) Prof St Nor Parker Cora (lib '13) IAbr 1011 Union St Phipps Charles E (ag '11 BS) Head Dept Ag Kan St Nor Coll 923 Con- stitution St Wade Elizabeth (h sc '16) Stu Kan- sas St Nor 527 Exchange St Wills Frank (la '81) Chem Emporia Gas Co 522 Exchange St EUEEKA Lodge Charles V (ag '91) Ag $ Stock Soper Stanley L (la '98 AB) Teach FASTOEIA Dunn Wilbur G (arch eng '13) Bnk 4- Merc FLOEENCE \Brandner Minnie F ( '00) FOET LEAVENWOETH (la '09) Asst Sec Fuller Lottie M Fire Assn FOET SCOTT Eandolph Edith S (su '14) 1042 Scott Av FEANKFOET Eeed Howard (ag '81) Ag $ Contr FEEEPOET Eowe William B (la '93 AB) Ag GALENA Best Wesley E (la com '76) Min Zinc Mines GAEDEN CITY Finn Mrs L M (la '12) Home Miles Eunice (com '15) (la com '13) At home 703 N Main St Miles May (ag '15) At home 703 N Main St Sexton Charles E (sp '84) Skinner Hazel (la '13) Stu U Kan 801 6th St Stocks Mary B (h sc '14) At home 612 Jones St Taggart James S (ag '83) Auto 613 Garden City Av HALSTEAD Baumgartner Eachel A (g zool '14- ) Stu HAMILTON Meneley Carl F ( '04) Sign Painter HAETFOED Thomas Warren W (m eng '08) Lum- berman HAVILAND Askins Adolphine E (c eng '04 BS) Ag HATS Bice Lulu M (lib '11) Libr St Nor Cox Eex W (ag '14 BS) Asst W Kan St Nor t Sullivan Ethel P (mus '14) 1114 KANSAS HIAWATHA Raymond Edith M (la '12) Sullivan Ward W (la '11 AB) (g '14 AM) Teach Ft Hays Kan Nor Sch HIGHLAND Hager Frank L (g ger '09) Teach Highland Coll Ratcliffe Isaac L (com '15- ) ( '15) Stu HILL CITY McVey Ruth F (su '14) HOLTON Canfield Mina R (mus '14) At home 526 New York Av Canfield Ruth M (la '14 AB) At home 526 New York Av Davis Mrs Chester (h sc '13) At home Davis Chester W (ag '13 BS) Ag R3 t Davis Edward C (sc '13) 215 New York Av Davis Gertrude C (la '10 AB) Teach Davis Helen P (h sc '13- ) Stu Davis Mrs J H (la '80 BS) Home R3 Davis Marietta S (la '07 AB) Teach GREEN Charles F (g math '15- ) Asst U 111 425 Iowa Av Hamilton Clyde C (g entom '14- ) Stu Rl tSwetlick John T (ag '10) HORTNER Parmely Maurice E (ag '15) Ag HORTON Bauer Leo M (arch '14 BS) Contr Eng HOWARD Green Ed (ag '87) Ag $ Stock ?New George R (ag '10) Smith Sherman ■ (arch '96 BS) Eanch HUDSON Fisher Ernest M (mus '09) Mus HUMBOLDT Knox Samuel M Jr (ag '09 BS) HUTCHINSON FERNIE Alison M ('03) 418 Av A Welsh Don M ('08) White Merril (la '06) Ag White Warren H (la '05 LL B) Law INDEPENDENCE English Jesse T (c eng '08 BS) C Eng Hadley Frank (c eng '10) C Eng Prairie Oil & Gas Co t Kelly Alfreeda R (la '10) Philbrook Lowell M ( '93) Carpenter 603 S 11th St INGALLS Thomas Leslie N (m eng '14) Ag IOLA Harriss William P (ag '10) Teach Hertwick Harry C ('86) B Est SMITH Harvey E ('15) Constr 3148 Jefferson St JUNCTION CITY Manley Marion (arch eng r 14- ) Stu Cherry Croft KANSAS CITY Barclay Herbert T (c eng '14) C Eng 740 Sandusky Av Barclay William (c eng '87 BS) City Eng Brevier Mrs R H (la '02) Home 2617 Strong Av Argentina Sta Darby Harry Jr (m eng '13- ) Stu 1318 Quindaro Blvd Eldridge Lillian M (h sc '15- ) Stu 436 Greeley Av ^Foster Benjamin L ('84) B Est 1115 Garfield Av W Gilbert Don C (su '10) Teach 921 Minnesota St Harpole Tillman H (la '13) 634 N Jersey Av Hovey Howard W (arch eng '14- ) Stu 637 Everett Av Jones Fred R (m eng '95) Fireman R I Lines 1229 Osage Av McClelland Mrs B F (su '02) Teach Acad Kansas City U Morse John H (la '81 AB) Fire Ins 4- Bonds 1806 Central Av Packer George W (arch eng '13- ) Stu 521 Armstrong St Patterson Eliza J (su '06) At home 840 Freeman Av Patterson John E (su '06) Dean Western U Paul Talbert W (e eng '08) Teach H Sch 801 N 11th St Perreault Morris S (c eng '06) Teach 1005 Lafayette Av Setter Peter W (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 1448 E 29th St LANE Abbott Edwin F (la '69) Law Hardy Mrs J I (sc '09) Home KANSAS 1115 liANGDON Railsback Charles P ( '98) Ag LARNED ICrawford Ollie G ('98) Gleim Mrs F W (a&d '97) Seiple Mrs Sara T (su '15) Libr 1102 Broadway St LAWEENCE Cornelius David W (g se 7 12 PhD) Asst Prof U Kan Cowell Roland A (com '15- ) Stu 1616 New Hampshire St Cowell William H (sc '12) Sales 1616 New Hampshire St douthitt Herman (g zoo) '12 AM) Asst Prof U Kan Folks Willis K (la '73) Ag Hyde Ida H (la '82) Prof U Kan lillehei Ingebright L (la '14 PhD Fae '14) Insir U Kan Long Walter S (g sc '13) Asst Prof U Kan Mylroie John M (la '15) Tailor Laurence House Nelson Carl F (sc '13) Prof U Kan Univ Club owen Arthur L (g Spanish '09 ( '10 AM) Fac '10) Asst Prof Kan OWEN Mrs A L ('10) 1301 New Hampshire St PATTERSON David L (su '13) Assoc Prof U Kan 1135 Ohio St Plank Ulyses S G (sc '92 BS) Sec Lawrence Bldg Loan Assoc Plowman Edward E (la '12) Stu U Kan 1007 Tennessee St Renner Ivan E (su '08) bice Mrs ME (gi sc '09 AM) Home 808 Illinois St Roberts Harry A (e eng '02 BS) Asst Prof U Kan 1733 Mississippi St skidmobe Mark (g la '10 AM) Teach 612 Illinois St Sluss #Alfred H (m eng '01 BS) (Fac '07) Asst Prof U Kan 1122 Ohio St Sprague Elizabeth E (h sc'12) Head H Sc Dept U Kan stouffeb Ellis B (g math '11 PhD Fac '14) Instr U Kan Stouffer Mrs Ellis (mus '11) Home 1525 New Hampshire St Streeter Floyd B (g hist '15- ) Stu 941 Connecticut St Teetor Paul (cer '12) Sc $ Res Kan St Geol Survey Vickbage Richard P (1 '04 LL B) Law WAMedill R9 Wellman Mrs (su '03) Home 904 NH St White Marion B (g sc '09 Fac '08) Prof U Kan Williams Clement C (c eng '07 BS) Prof U Kan 820 Missouri St Williams Mrs C C (la '10 AB) Home 820 Missouri St Williams Mrs Elrick (la '07 AB) Home 742 Ohio St LEAVENWORTH Baxteb Charles B (eng '08 BS) Fruit Farm R3 Baxteb Miles E (m eng '06 BS) Ag 4- Hort Baxteb Mrs ME (1 '03 LL B) Home R3 Smith Arthur F (su '15- ) Teach $■ Dir Athl LENAPE Clark John C (la '75) Teach $ Ag LE ROY Schenck Lawrence (e eng '14) White W Powers (ag '15- ) Stu LINDSBORG Freeburg Walter (e eng '75- ) Stu 127 N First St Swenson Ebenezer E (e eng '15- ) Stu Wahlin Edla C (la '10 AB) Teach Wahlin Vendla (lib '15) At home LORIMER fCummings Byron (la '82) LOST SPRINGS Lillard Charles P (c eng '10) Ag Mccracken Norlin Mrs J W (su '08) Home Mcdonald Phipps James B (la '14- ) Stu Mcpherson Heiple Harold R (la com '12) Ag MANHATTAN Ackeet James E (sc '13 PhD ( '11 AM) '09 AB) Fac '11) Asst Prof Kan St Ag Coll Ackeet Mrs J E (la '12 AB) Home 1422 Poyntz Av Akin Elva V (h sc'12 BS) Teach 423 Kan St Ag Coll 831 Leavenworth St baib William H (g la '14 MS) Instr Kan St Ag Coll 831 Leavenworth St Baker Carroll (ag '76) 1116 KANSAS Bender John E (su '15) Dir Athl Kan Ag Breese Carl S (g e eng Feb '15- ) Stu 318 Leavenworth St Bushnell Mrs L D (lib'06AB) Home Davis Elizabeth H (lib '14 BLS) Asst Kan St Ag Coll Davis Wilmer E (se '03 AB) Asst Prof Kan St Ag Coll DEEBY Grace E (lib '07 Fac '07) Libr Kan St Ag Coll Dunlap Fanny (lib '15 BLS Fac '15) Head Catg Kan St Ag Lib Ford Carlotte M (h sc '11 AB) Asst Kan St Ag Coll Freeman Perry J (m eng '12) ( '07 BS) Asst Prof Kan St Ag Coll 1610 Fairview Av Ginzel Carl L ( '04 BS) B Est $ L Glasgow Grace (h sc '12 MS) ('13 BS) Bes St Ag Coll & Exp Sta good John W (g engl '13 PhD) Asst Prof Kan St Ag Coll 807 Osage St Groves Pauline T (la '14) ( '11 AB) Gen Sec YWCA Kan St Ag Coll Gubzel Carl L (c eng '04 BS) B Est 4-L Gulick Mrs G W (su '14) Libr Kan St Ag Coll Gwinn Avis (h sc '14 AB) Teach U Kansas Hague Edith E (g '13) Libr 515 Laramie St Hall Homer (g'13 AM) (la '12 AB) Teach ILinder John ('87) McClurg Nelle I (h sc '12 AB) Teach Kan St Ag Coll Hoop Mrs J C Montgomery (sp '01) Home Smith Arthur B (lib '02 BLS) Libr 1020 Poyntz Av Tanquary Maurice C (sc'12 PhD ('08 AM) '07 AB) Instr Kan Ag Coll welch Paul S (g sc '13 PhD) ('11 A M) Sc MAEQUETTE Hawkinson Carl O (arch eng '14- ) Stu MEADE Sweet John F (arch eng '10) Treas Meade Co MEDICINE LODGE Simpson Keith S (la '05) Law MELVEEN Nixon Deane L (sc '11) Stock MENLO t Turner Edwin C (sp '00) MINNEAPOLIS Baird Ernest (ag Feb '16- ) Stu Templin Eichard L (g eng '15- ) Stu MONMOUTH Albrecht Harry W (m eng '03) Ag MOUND VALLEY Wiseman Esther G (g engl '15 AM) MUEDOCK Greenleaf Moses (m eng '07 BS) Ag NEODESHA Kinkead David E (m eng '89 BS) Foreman Prairie Oil & Gas Co NESS CITY Elliott John A (g plant pathol '14- ) Stu NEWTON Cronin Joe F Jr (c eng '15) C Eng 425 W Broadway Fisher George D (m eng '71) Clk 612 E Second St Hudson Edgar G (ag '13) Ag E7 Merriam Clarence L (ag '03) PO Clk 706 E Tenth St Smolt Alfred E ( '94) Med NIOTAZE Eooker James M (ag '70) Teach $- Ag OBEELIN Mellick Edwin C (su '15) Teach $ Coach OLATHE Buxton Edwin W (c eng '07 BS) C Eng 563 Park St Hamilton Cliff S (la '15) Prin H Sch Ward Henry A (c eng '74) Ag E2 OLSBUEG Ehodes Joseph W (c eng '76) Ag $ Merc ONAGA Miller Erwin F (arch eng '12- ) Stu OSAGE CITY Malapert Ernest L (com '15- ) Stu 618 Main St OSAWATOMIE Hewes Clarence A (c eng '06 BS) C Eng Mo Pac EE Co KANSAS 1117 OTTAWA Bowers Mrs B F (lib '05 BLS) (AB '02) Home 729 Cedar St t Emerson Elias Q (la com 70) Henderson Irene M (su '13) Libr 307 Cedar St McClain Fred H (e eng '10 BS) Sc 819 S Main St Powell Alfred E (g chem'15- ) Stu 111 W Fifth St Stookey Roy W (c eng '05) Arch 409 Cedar St OXFORD Johnson Alice I (su '11) Teach PARSONS Caster Mrs Estelle ('82) Home 1824 Crawford Av Patterson Ralph E ( '02) E Eng Ham Bldg PEABODY Ray Howard R (la '08 AB) Bkpr $ Cuk PITTSBURG Brower Lyle I (arch eng '98 BS) Prof St Man Tr Nor Brower Mrs Lyle (su '02) Home t Chandler Sara P (la '08) 707 W Third St Cornelison Ralph W (eng '15- ) Stu 209% W Rose St Curfman Lawerence E (c eng '05 BS) City Eng 310 W Rose Av Curfman Mrs L E (la '01 AB) 310 W Rose St Hess Paul D (m eng '15- ) Stu 1010 S College Av PODUNK Jewett Fred A (la '15) Prin H Sch POMONA Maxey John F (la com '71) Bet Whetstone Mrs J J (la '97) Mfg $ Ag Pomona Fruit Co POTWIN King Melvin (ag '07) Ag King Merton E (ag '09) Stock PRATT Clark Clifton W ( '15 AM) (sc '13 AB) Stu U Cal Fischer Estella A (su '11) Teach Garnett Harriet E ('11 AB) (la '07) Teach H Sch PRETTY PRAIRIE 1 Savage Alice E ( '78) PROTECTION Large Harry (ag '02) Clk Farmers St Bnk RADIUM Schumacher George C (ag '08) Bk REXFORD Condrey Chase L (ag '08) Prin H Sch RUSSELL tLawson Edith A (com '11) SABETHA tKneeland Austin L (la '70) Bet Ag SALINA Seitz Mrs George O (la '13) .Home 609 S Sante Fe Av SEDAN Wamon William ( '90) Wewell Samuel R ('87) SEDGWICK Mahannah A Ernest (g com '15- ) Stu Mueller Henry R (ag '14- ) Stu SENECA \Lee Charles H ('83) - Peret Cecil H (la '12) Becuperating SMITH CENTER Blaylock Mrs F M (la '80) Home STERLING Horner Robert M (su '11) Teach Box 371 Lamkin Nina B (la '93 BL) Superv Phy Ed & Hyg STOCKTON Skinner Will K (1 '07 LL B) Law STRAIGHT CREEK Davis Jeptha H (la '82 Cert) Ag TESCOTT Lee William H (ag '76) Ag TOPEKA Alexander John F (c eng '07) BB Signal 616 Jefferson St Anderson Ida V (la '80) 504 E Eighth Anderson Irving (mun eng '15 BS) Asst Eng AT&SF RR 1019 W Tenth St 1118 KANSAS Bollard Clemma E (la '15) 1419 Col- lege Av tClevenger Peter J (la '71) 303 W Fourth St Coe Decius O (la '80) Merc 119 E Sixth St Cowgill Clinton H (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1273 College Av Emery Paul (c eng '12) C Eng 1716 S Quincy St Gish Owen E (eng '15- ) Stu 1317 W 15th St Glover Walter E (arch '15 BS) 1268 College Av Hill Harry S (chem '09 BS) Asst Chem AT&SF RR fHolmes John E (sp '71) Carpenter 1252 Lane St Hougham Sarah Chase (lib '12) Libr HUGHES Thomas W ('10) Dean Law Sch Washburn Coll Jett Harry T (su '08) Teach 635 Harne St Kingman Robert H (g zool '15- ) Stu 1522 Mulvane St Kitchell Wm W (sc '75) Merc 112 Woodlawn Av tLindsay Lois (la '11) 1256 Western Av McFarland Robert B (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1100 Harrison St Miller William G (m eng '92 BS) Oyer Eng Topeka Ry Co Mussenden William S (c eng '06) C Eng Santa Fe R R Neely John C Jr (arch eng '14- ) Stu 1285 Lincoln St obrecht Rufus C (ag '07 MS Fac '07) Ag R7 Olander Ernest A (c eng '16- )('15) Stu 707 Garfield Av Powers William A (sc '93 BS) Chf Chem AT&SF RR 1020 Western Av Powers Mrs W A (la '93 BL) Home 1020 Western Av Prout Fred J (ry m eng '13 BS) By Mech Eng 20th & Hancock St Schuster George (m eng '10 BS) Test Dept AT&SF RR Searle Carl C (m eng '12) Asst Mgr Topeka Buick Co 1429 Topeka Av Smith Mrs ('99) Borne 602 John St Spicer Rauser N ('01) Com photo g Wahlin Adrian E (engl '12 AB) Teach Bus Coll Williams George A (e eng '07 BS) Contr Hoff & Williams Box 123 YOUNG Everett G (g eng '15- BS) (ry m eng '13) Apprent Eng 1105 Har- rison St TOWANDA Chase Edward E (ag '07) Ag $ Stock chase Margaret I (sc 10 AM) Teach \Bobinson Edgar ('87) Robison Frank W (ag '04) BnJc To- wanda St Bk Robison James C (ag '93) Ag Robison Leslie W (ag '87) Ag UNEDA Fetters Mrs A W (su '07) Home WASHINGTON Ingalls Mrs C E (lib '04 AB) Home WATERVILLE Thomas Glen H (arch eng '12- ) Stu WELLINGTON KELLY Edward O G ('07) Entom US Dept Ag 824 N Olive St WEST PLAINS Gould Mabel C ( '88) 'WICHITA ANDREWS Orrel M ( '14) Sc Artist 3057 E Douglas Av Berry Oren J ('90) Ag R4 Brook Elizabeth A (la '11 AB) Teach 932 Faulkner Av ?Brown Mrs (la '77) Brown Mrs L B (lib '08) (la '05 AB) Home 850 Litchfield Av Brown Samuel M (c eng '08) Bee Tel- ler Fourth Nat Bk Bldg ConUin Alfred O ('01) B Est $ L 107 S Main St Cowan Mrs A M ( '09 AM) ( '.08 AB) Fac '09) Home 523 Beacon Bldg ?Craig Robert H (ag '95) 1220 S Emporia Av Dry den Dean D (g hist '15- ) Stu 538 S Lawrence St Elder Roy S (1 '01 LL B) Law 429 429. Bacon Bldg Gunnell Palmer M (1 '15 LL B) 905 Topeka Av Hormel Dorothy S (la '13- ) Stu 351 Indiana Av Hormel Olive D (la '13- ) Stu 351 Indiana Av Hutchinson Owen G (sc '00) Med 108 E Douglas Av Kessler Clarence H (e eng '13 BS) Eng Mo & Kan Tel C 223 N Market St Long Earl V (la '07) Law 205 Mur- dock Bldg McAnulty Leona (su '15) Teach H Sch Moore George L (ag '80) Mgr Wichi- ta Stone & Iron Works First & Santa KANSAS-KENTUCKY 1119 Fe Sts Moore William D (m eng '83 Cert) Mfg 1715 University Av Noble Joseph M (la '14- )('13) Stu 1230 Waco Av Noble Mary E (la '96 AB) At home 1230 N Waco Av Osborne Edna P (la '11 AB) Teach 846 N Emporia St PIENE Arthur F (g hist '14) ( '13 AM) Prof Fairmount Coll fPreston Frederick G (su '99) tBauch Paul V (arch '14) 103 N Main St Boberta Mrs Tom (sp '13) Home 1230 Waco St Boll George W ('86) Bet Ag 323 Madison Av Schmidt Lorentz (arch '13 BS) Arch 126 N Market St Schuler Don B (arch eng >13- ) Stu 30.04 E 13th St Sim Colar L (la '77 BS) B Est Staker Ray M (1 '05) Law 1611 S Lawrence Av Van Meter George W (arch '02 BS) Arch Caldwell Murdock Bldg Van Meter Mrs G W (mus '02) Home 237 N Rutan Av WILLARD Pitts Ralph L (ag '04) Ag WINFIELD Limper Mrs H W (mus '05) Home 1438 E Third Av WYANDOTTE Tunison David B (m eng '80) KENTUCKY ANCHORAGE Fulton Edward I (su '15) Stu Cen U Ky Box 63 ASHLAND Payne Lawrence E (c eng '14) Supt Constr Union Constr Co BAGDAD IFleshman Arthur C (la '99) BEREA Lewis Charles D (g ed '15- ) Stu Spink Marcus L ( '97) Foreman BOWLING GREEN Stickles Arndt M (g '98) Prof W Ky St Nor BUTLER Schalk Michael A (ag '13- ) Stu CALHOWN Moseley Jason W (arch eng Feb '16- ) Stu CARLISLE Carter Henry L (sc '98) Acct CATLETTSBURG McComis Samuel J (ged '15- ) (su '15) Stu COLUMBUS Pennebaker Eugene S (c eng '10 BS) Bes Eng Union Ky RR Co Rl COVINGTON (mus '09) Home Deupree Mrs W J 2134 Eastern Av Orr Harold V (e eng '14 BS) E Eng 10 S Burton Big Wolfe Laura (su '15) 808 Main St DANVILLE Wolf Joseph H (ag '13) Law 306 Lexington St ELIZABETHTOWN tHansbrough John F (la '72) W Dept Rt 57 FALMOUTH King Eva G (su '12 ) Taylor Elizabeth B (su '12) Teach FT THOMAS f Houston Samuel (su '01) 4 Holmes Av FRANKFORT Cromwell William F (m eng '14) B Est 627 State St Floyd Florence M (lib '15) Sec Ky Lib Comm fGreen John T (chem '95) ?Reid Theophilus A (su '99) FULTON Alverson Shirley G (min eng '11) Stenog Gregory Porter T (e eng '15) 400 Carr St McCabe Lee V (c eng '11) Masonry Inspector ICRR 410 Eddings St Pelley John (la '99) Supt IC KB 1120 KENTUCKY Bobinson Mrs E S (mus '09) Home 309 Eddings St GEORGETOWN Allen" Henry C (ag '74) Bet Ag S Hamilton St GHENT Parker Minnie L (mus '04) Superv Pub Sch Mus HENDERSON tCohen Frank W (sc '10) 341 S Main St FitzHugh William H (com '77) Ag Lynn Chester V (e eng '15- ) Stu Van Winkle Stephen N (arch eng '14- ) Stu 42 Clark St HOPKINS VILLE Mallary Ernest N (e eng '10) Teach 905 Virginia St Sweet Marvin S (su '10) Teach Man- ual Arts HOUSTON Lancaster Raymond ('09) Cash Hous- ton Gas & Elect Co IRVING Grant David J (c eng '08 BS) BB Contr Grant Fred H (c eng '07) Eng Contr JENKINS Lyon Earl W (c eng '10) C Eng Con- solidation Coal Co LAWRENCEBERG Johnson Robert E (e eng '12- ) Stu ?Thomas Lester P (chem '09) LEWISPORT Hay den Halbert W (eng '14) LEXINGTON Beach Elinor (mus '13) Dir Mus Ken- tucky St U tBurnam Harry S (1 '13) 407 Chest- nut St GARMAN Harrison ('89) Prof U Ky 638 S Limestone St gaeman Philip (g entom '14 MS) Stu 638 S Limestone St good Edwin S (ag '06 MS Fae '06) Head Div An Huso Ky Ag Exp Sta jones Sadocie C (g ag '08 MS) Asst Prof Ky Ag Coll 327 S Upper St Kerchee Otis (la '14 BS) Teach 151 E High St tLay Chung Y (sp '13) c/o Edwin Hall 424 Linden Walk Marx Isaac E (su '05) Mintr $ Stu Transylvania U ?Paeks Dwight C (ag '07 BS) Elmdorf pogue Robert B (g ry eng '15 MS) BB WTc R8 Rice Than G (e eng '15- ) 601 S Linn St Scovell Mrs MA (h sc '78 BS) Home tScovell Mrs Nancy (la '79) Smith Marquis J (ag '14 BS) Instr An Husb U Ky Wilkins Raymond H (ag'14 BS) Chge Poultry Expl Wh $ Teach St U Ky 239 S Limestone St LOUISVILLE beady St Elmo (g chem '14) ('14 AM) Stu 824 W Magazine St Braitling Mrs E W (la '08) Home 2727 W Main St tBrown Leslie R (la '11) Sales Chester Field Co CHAMBERLAIN Mary E ('06) Teach Cheney Mrs Martha D (ag '15) Crowe Robert B (arch eng '13) Arch draft Sch Bldg Haekness C Loren (m eng '10 BS) Ins Birchville & Long Av Haekness Mrs C L (la '11 AB Fac '12) Home Heney John E (arch '06 BS) Arch $ Eng 2210 Napoleon Blvd Heney Mrs J E (la '08 AB) Home Blvd Napoleon HUTCHINGS John B Jr ('12) Arch 1015 Columbia Blvd ?Lully Rose L (su '07) 1212 Fourth St Luraan Taylor A (su '07) Law 719 Paul Jones Bldg Minnis Emma L (su '13) Prin Sch 3112 Grand Av Moegan Frederic L (arch '12 BS) Draft Chesterfield Apts Owens Cassius M (la '14) Trav Sales 141 Stoll Av ?Parks Thomas L (sc '09) 1012 13th St Pope Mrs (sp '74) Home 73Sy 2 S Second St t Richardson Charles O (m eng '75) Eighth & Florence PI Roberts Harry V (arch eng '13 BS) Supt Constr Sch Bldgs Salisbury Lucy T (mus '04) At home 1253 Everett Av Stahl Lloyd R (e eng '08) Chf Draft Signal Dept L&N RR "The Chester- field" Taylor Morris R (sc '13) Stu De Pauw U 1934 Magazine St KENTUCKY 1121 Warren Frank B (c eng '14 BS) 513 S Second St ? Washington David F (arch '07) 1005 13th Av fWatkins William W (ag '09) Webb Brent G (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1128 First St Whayne Roy C (m eng '10) Mach 4" Contr Supplies 400 Eeality Bldg WHITE Kessack D ( '14) Geol 122 . E College St Wilson Frederick H (e eng '98 BS) M Eng B F Avery & Sons McVEIGH Daily Mrs D A (g hist '14) (la '10 AB) Home MARION Melton James L (arch eng '09 BS) Contr MAYSVILLE Stu Hinton George P (m eng '14- 130 W Front St MT STERLING Hall Mrs (a&d '92) MURRAY Bowden Robert D (la '13) Teach # Chautauqua Work NEWPORT t Evans Kenneth N (la '04 AB) 551 E Third St Glazier William L (eng '15- ) Stu 627 Nelson PI Henrich Louis J (g ed '15- ) Stu 325 E Third St NORTONVILLE Scholtman Robert L (c eng '12) c/o Norton Coal Min Co ODESSA Warnell Jeff a L ( '00) OWENSBORO Evans Melbourne C (su '15) Teach # Coach Ath\ 817 Fred St Hagan Robert M (ag '11) Ag R4 McCarroll James S (ag '14- ) Stu 423 St Ann St McLaughlin Edna M (g french) (la '07 AB) Teach H Sch Hathaway Apts t Taylor Townsend J (eng '14) 205 W Fourth St Thomas Delia M (g latin '14- ) Stu OWINGSVILLE Power Oddie L ( '98). Milliner PADUCAH f Allen Norwin L ('08) Petter Stanley D (m eng '14- ) Stu 321 S Fifth St Toler Claude E (c eng '07) Trav Sales Armour & Co Walduck Charles L (cer eng '14 BS) Supt Paducah Pottery Co PARIS tSwearingen William R (c eng '08) PRINCETON Duggar Donald O (arch eng '15- ) SUi Jacobs John C (c eng '11) Bodman IC RR RICHMOND Dunn Mrs Murison (lib '07 AB) Home Box 402 Turley Robert E Jr (c eng '15 MS BS) C Eng Boggs & Forbes Co 505 S Second St ROOSEVELT tAmes Miner T (1 '12) SCOTTSVILLE Seay Paul H (la com '14- ) Stu SHELBYVILLE Hanna Charles M (su '15) Stu Centre Coll Rl SOMERSETT beck Mary L (g hist '15 AM) Teach H Sch SPRINGDALE Coryell Arthur B ( '10) Ag STANTON Evans Julia (mus '15) Teach Mus STRAIGHT CREEK EASTON Harry D ('15) Supt Con- tinental Coal Corp UNIONTOWN Dixon Ira A (1 '12) Tel VISALIA Istevens Harold E (ag '10 MS) Meidroth WEST POINT Leslie E ('07) Concrete Foreman Lock & Dam 43 US Eng 1122 KENTUCKY-LOUISIANA WICLIFFE Singleton Mrs ■ (la '05 AB) Home WILLIAMSBURG fSimpson Orman M (la '08) WILLIAMSTOWN Boles Ewing T (su '15 ) E4 Boles Stanley A (su '15) WILMORE Lee Charles Y (la com '15) Stu As- bury Coll WINCHESTER Steele Annette (g engl '15- ) Stu LOUISIANA ALEXANDRIA Roy Robert O (e eng '99) Pres Ash- ley Constr Co ARCOLA Purcell Charles A (ag '12 BS) Ag Purcell Mrs C A (la '12 ) Home BATON ROUGE ADAMS John Q ( '05) Prof La St U Balis William H (ag '10 BS) Teach 25 Bungalow Lane Bates Ruth E (su '15) Asst Libr La St U 742 College Av tDooley Irene (la '13) 1047 North St tDoRAN Edwin B (ag '06 BS) Prof La St U Box 306 Gangstad Julius S (ag '09 BS) Prop Capital City Creamery Gangstad Mrs J S (h sc '10) Home Capital City Creamery guell Antonio (g e eng '10 MS) Asst Prof La St U Kidder Albert F (ag '06 BS Fac '07) Prof U La 746 North St Read Martha M (su '12) 504 Fifth St BELLE HELENE tPROCTOR Orla A (la '90 BS BL) BENTON Doran Edwin W (g zool '04) Law BURTON Burt Angelo R (m eng '83) Sec Bur- ton-Swartz Cypress Co CANEBRAKE Maxwell Stanley L (c eng '05) Cot- ton Planter COLUMBIA Dool R B Mrs (h sc '10 BS) Home CROWLEY Foley James B (sp '70) Ag Naftel George W (m eng '04) Ag querean Friend C (ag '08 MS) Asst Dir Rice Exp Sta DAVENPORT tNebstedt Frederick (m eng '03) 1024 W Ninth St EVANGELINE ? Jones Fred E (e eng '99) Foreman Gulf Refining Co FERRIDAY Neal John D (la '93) Ag FLOYD Howser Esther B (mus '06) ( '04) Ag 4r Stock Howser Herman B (ag '04) HAMMOND Reimers Frederick W (e eng '00 BS) c/o Natalbany Lumber Co Wallace John E (m eng '95) Merc Watson Hazel F (su '14) 301 E Rob- ert St JACKSON Lee Emmett C (g chem '15) Stu JENNINGS Shear Charles V (com '10) Oil Well Driller Wiggins Buford C (ag '10) Bnk KENTWOOD tCoen Edward E (ag '14) LAFAYETTE Agate Mrs R H (la '03) Home LAKE CHARLES Carter Ira C (arch '00) Arch Hazzard Nellie (la '98) Clk 1128 Boulevard St THOMSON Alexander ('70) Bet LISMORE Shawhan William W ('01) Ag LOUISIANA 1123 LOCKPORT Rump Charles A (c eng '07 BS) LOWRY \Lowry Charles A Jr ( '04) \Lowry Clyde B ( '04) MERRYVILLE Meeker Jennie E (su '14) Teach MONROE Markey James L (c eng '07) Asst Treas Wm Lorimer Lumber Co Box 141 Woolman Collett E (ag '12 BS) Ag Exp Wk MT HERMAN Ott Edward S (la '14) Stu La St U Ott Percy W (eng '15- ) Stu NATALBANY Graves Perry H (com '15 AB) Trav Natalbany Lumber Co IBeed Wayne F ('08) NEW LIGHT Anderson Adams H (ag '10) Ag NEW ORLEANS ALDRICH Morton A ('09) Dean Coll Com Tulane U Carter John F Jr (la com '00) Mgr Ind Bur Assoc Com Cerrezin Michael S (la '12) Law 1015 Ursuline Av tChristie George M (m eng '81 ) St Charles Hotel Gosselin Mrs W E (su '07) Home 7816 Hampson St Harvey Mrs Esther F (su '15) Libr Newcomb Coll 1737 Jackson St La Clair Strawn (ag '13) c/o Louisi- ana Meadows Co 901 Maison Blanche Larkin Charles J Jr (1 '11) Metairie Ridge Levey Harold A (sc '15) Indust Eng 2846 St Charles Av Mackie Elton T (ag '14- ) (c eng '14) Stu 1578 Calhoun St Niebergall Philip A (la '15- ) Stu 1131 Henry Clay Av NORTHRUP ELLIOTT J ('10) Prof Tulane U 1715 Calhoun St Powell Ray (c eng '06) Sales Mgr 917 Maison Blanche Shelby Edwin Jr (c eng '12- ) Stu 6519 West End Blvd Soule Levin C (ag '12) 1335 Henry Clay Av Van Meter Mrs WW (su '04) Jour Camp St Von Phul William Jr (c eng '15) Stu Ga Tech Sch 496 Andubon St ?Wheeless Myrtis L ( mus '12) 1729 Gen Taylor St WheelocJc Stillman W ('89) Sales Mgr Carnegie Co 1030 Maison Blanche OAKVILLE ?Woerner Louise (su '07) PARADISE tFunk Julius F (ag '02) Ag PAULLINA Olin Roy S (e eng '11) QUEBEC fJoncas Marie C (su '11) RAPIDES Morrow Irwin G (arch eng '15) RAYVILLE Heinemann Chester C ( '03) Clk Norman Charles C (la '82) Fin Norman Elisha P (l'lO LL B) Law RUSTON Hankins Mrs O G (h sc '13) Home Kircher Mrs Otis (sc '14) Home ST MAURICE Pearry Major J (la '15) SHREVEPORT Bliss Abel Jr (c eng '74) Ag $ R Est 902 Robinson PI Bliss Helen E (la '11 AB) Teach 902 Robinson PI Heath Nathaniel P (e eng '13 BS) E Eng Robinson James J (1 '01) Field Wk Standard Oil Co Taylor Winfield C (ag '08) Purchas Agt c/o Standard Oil Co La STONEWALL Abbott Walter C (ag '10) Teach TALLULAH Moberley Edwin S (com '15) (ag '15- ) Stu WASHINGTON Lamson Richard D (ag '07) Ag 1124 LOUISIANA— MAINE— MARYLAND WILDWOOD Hassler Herbert D (sp '12) WRIGHT Weterson John C ( '07) MAINE BAR HARBOR Smith Mrs (la '12 ) Borne BREWER Woods Harry M (ag '11) Ag R6 BRUNSWICK Gross Alfred O (g '09 (sc '03 AB) Fac '06) Asst Prof Zool Bowdoin Coll HORMELL OrrenC ('15) Prof Bow- doin Coll LEWISTOWN Dyer Arthur A (la '14) Stu Bates Coll Gerry Henry L (g physiol chem '15) Teach 243 College St MILLINOCKET Sigerson Wilfred C (com '14 AB) c/o Great Northern Paper Co ORONO Burghart Lloyd M (g '10 Fac '10) Asst Prof U Me Forrest Av Craig Wallace (sc '01 MS(sc '98 BS) Fac '99) Prof U Me ROGERS Allen E ('07) Prof U Me Thompson Guy A (la '98 AB) Prof U Me PORTLAND Ackroyd Henry S (c eng '06) C Eng Field Supt Sawyer & Moulton 120 Exchange St Jackson Arthur (la 79) Lect Long- fellow Birthplace S ELIOT Brooks Elizabeth M (la '15 AB) Teach TURNER CENTER Blossom Mrs A (la '08 AB) Home WEST DRESDEN tSwarthout James P (la '72) WOODFORDS Jordan Louis (g chem '15- ) Stu R2 MARYLAND ANNAPOLIS Harrison Homer H (m eng '12) Mid- shipman Laguardia Garibaldi ('15) Instr US Naval Acad Hotel Maryland schelling Mrs J W (g engl '10 AM) Home 8 Revell St Waddell James E (chem '12) US Naval Acad BALTIMORE Armstrong James W (arch eng '95) C Eng Lake Montebello Hillen Rd Connet Oliver (eng '86) City Mun Eng Dedman Bryant (m eng '01) Design Eng 2700 Elsinor Av Denutz Charles H (arch eng '05) Sales Mgr Bank & Eighth Sts Giessler William C (mun eng '13 BS) C Eng 617 N Fulton Av Gray Carl R Jr (la '11 AB) c/o Con- solidated Coal Co G winner Harry (m eng '83) Dean M Eng Md Ag Coll College Park Md 1207 Mulberry St Haven Clarence I (mun eng '12 BS) Eng 611 N Calhoun St Kemp Geo T (mus '00 Fac '08) 8 25th St McDonough John (e eng '08) Loco- motive Dept Mt Clare Shops B&O RR Miller Milo K (sc '12 AB) Stu J Hopk 518 N Broadway St Moulton Walter R (e eng '08 BS) E Eng 1227 Linden Av Murphy Kendall T (c eng '13 BS) Gen Eng Contr 326 E Lanvale St Paige James A (c eng "75) C Eng 3204 Clifton Av Walbrook Ricker Ella V (su '01) Teach St Nor Sch Ruhl William A (ag '13) Ins 2837 N Calvert St Van Gundy Charles P (chem '88 BS) Chem B&O RR Warren George E (c eng '12 BS) Supt Constr Jas Ferry & Sons Constr Co 1510 Mt Royal Av Willson Harold E (min eng '14- )Stu 2039 Woodberry Av wilson David W, (g chem '12 MS Fac '13) Asst J Hopk Yale Louise P (ag '06) Nurse John Hopkins Hosp Nurses Home CATONSVILLE Owens Wilkens H (sc '00 BS) Gen EB Const 29 Newburg Av MARYLAND— MASSACHUSETTS 112S CHEVY CHASE tSwartzell John N (rym eng '09) COLLEGE PARK Hunt Florence J (h sc '15 ) Asst Md Ag Coll Kewley Robert J (la '15) US Entom Lab CUMBERLAND Elston Alexander (mun eng '14- ) Stu t Zimmerman Conrad W (su '06) EMMITSBURG Sperry Ralph S (m eng '10) Ag GOMBRILLS tRay Bryne L (ag '13) GREENSBORO Jarman Thomas H Jr (e eng '99 ) Clk HAGERSTOWN Kavanagh Daniel F (e eng '14) Electr 707 Hamilton Blvd Miller Frank C (m eng '12) Mfg 420 W Franklin St HYATSVILLE Hudson Mrs C S (a&d '05) Home • KENSINGTON Waters Willard O (lib '00 BLS Fac '02) Libr LANSDOWN HAAS Louis J ( '15) Design ^ Supt Mfg Jewelry RFD ROLAND PARK BRUSH Daniel H ( '98) Brig Gen US Army (Ret) 312 Woodlawn Rd Clark Frank H (m eng '90 BS) Gen Supt Ry Motive Power B&O RR 17 Midvale Rd SILVER SPRINGS Whitney Charles E (c eng '13 BS) C Eng Whitney Harold B (c eng '15- ) Stu MASSACHUSETTS ALSTON tEberman Sarah E (la '07) 9 Harvard Av AMHERST GETTELL Raymond G ('13) Prof Amherst Coll 25 College St McDonald Elmer M (g ag '12 ( '10 BS) Fae '12) Instr Mass Ag Coll MANTHEY-ZORN Otto ('06) Prof Amherst Coll 25 College" St NEHRLING Arno H ('14) Prof Mass Ag Coll Smith Frank A C ('15) Instr Mass Ag Coll strand Carl J (g econ '08 AM) Stu Mass Ag Coll WHICHER George F ( '15) Teach 8 Woodside Av ANDOVER Bailey Mrs R A (la '04) Home Por- ter Rd ARLINGTON Marsh Loren W (e eng '97 BS) Mgr 38 Norfolk Rd BALLARDVALE Scott Ralph C (la '12 AB) Stu Theol 4" Mintr Scott Mrs R C (la '14) Home BERNARDSTON DOUGLAS Henry M ('73) Mintr BOSTON Allison May (g la '07 AM) ( '06 AB) Assoc Dir Dept Res Worn Ed Ind. Union Barker Perry (la '07 MS ('04 AB) Fac '09) Fuel Eng Arthur D Little Co 93 Broad St tBigelow Charles M (m eng '05) c/o N Eng Tel & Tel Co Blackall Clarence H (g '80 MA) (arch '77 BS) Arch 20 Beacon St Brown James H (g zool '09 MS) Res Sc c/o Harv Med Sch Chang Ju Shen (com '15- ) Stu 32 Harrison St Chen Huang (chem eng '13) Stu Mass Inst Tech Chen King Yaou (chem '13) Stu Mass Inst Tech Colby Roy R (la '06 LL B) Law # Mfg 8 Irvington St Coleman Clyde B (ag '07 BS Fac '09) Ag 92 State St tCRONIN Walter L ( '07) 56 P St East Edward M (sc '07 PhD ( '04 MS) '01BS) Exper Plant Morphol Harv U 87 Robinwood Av 1126 MASSACHUSETTS East Mrs E M (lib '05 BLS) Home Eobinson Av Jamiaca Plain Emerson Frederic H (e eng '06 BS) Sales Eng Bristol Co 514 Old South Bldg English Hubert M (sc '14 AB) Stu Harv U 84 Fen wood Road Feighley Samuel H ('92) Sales Mgr 65 Shirely St FOSTER William D ('15) Jour c/o Rogers & Manson 85 Water St FRAPRIE Frank R ( '00) Edit Amer Photography 221 Columbus Av Gibbs William D (ag '94) ('93 BS) Agt Langamon Land Trust Gomez Arzapaloe (g eng '15 BS) Stu Mass Inst Tech Graves Ernest W (ag 79) Hort 95 Milk St Hale Arthur A (m eng '05 BS) Sales Agt Griffin Wheel Co 437 John Han- cock Bldg HALL Edward K ('94) Law 101 Mlk St Hazen Howard S Jr (arch eng '05 BS) Arch 31 Beacon St Holcomb Clarence E (eng '04 BS) E Eng Tech Chambers 8 Irvington St Holcomb Mrs C E (h sc '09 AB) Home 8 Irvington St t Hunter Colus C (m eng '08) M Eng Technology Chambers Johnson William P (c eng '79 BS) Eepr Dickerson Seed Co 530 Board of Trade Bldg Kelly Luke L (su '15) 30 Bayleston St Jamaica Plain McLellan Mrs William (lib '06 AB) Teach 22 Greenwich Park Mangold Charles H (e eng '08) Struct Eng 147 Milk St tMassey Henry A (la '10) YMCA millaed Earl B (g chem '14 PhD Fac '13) Instr Mass Tech MOORE Lewis E ('07) Bridge $ Signal Eng Mass Pub Ser Comm 1 Beacon St PEABODY Cecil H ( '83) Prof Bos- •ton Tech Perry Josephine W (la '12) Soc Serv Pillsbury Bertha M (g '96 (la '95 AB) Fac '99) Act Registrar Simmons Coll Puffer Joseph A (g'15) Div Beacon Vocation Bur 8 Beacon St Remick Arthur T (arch '04) Arch 8 Van Buren Hall rutledge George (sc '15 PhD Fac '14) Instr Mass Inst Tech Scott Lincoln B (ag '15- ) Stu 62 Broad St SELLARDS Andrew W ('06) Assoc Harv Med Sch Teal Lois L (la '11 AB) Stu Em- erson Coll Oratory Thomas M Edgar (c eng '06 BS) Struct Eng Stone & Webster Eng Corp 147 Milk St Voss Walter C (arch eng '12 BS) Head Dept Arch Constr Wentworth Inst Huntington Av & Ruggles St wright Sewall G (g zool '12 MS) Stu Harv U Forest Hills BRAINTREE Shrader Justin W (la '11 AB) Stu Harvard Law Sch 225 West Braintree BROOKFIELD LAWRENCE Edwin V ('09) Head Eng Dept Ideal Paper Co BROOKLINE Gibbs George Jr (sc '00 BS) Land Arch 263 Walnut St McCOBB Lois D ('13) At home 47 University Rd Stevens Parker G (e eng '04) Fin 1675 Beacon St CAMBRIDGE anerrson Benjamin M Jr (g econ '10 AM) Asst Prof Harv U Birkoff Mrs G D (lib '05 BLS) Home 44 Shepard St Blakeslee Elmer F (mun eng '11 BS) C Eng 75 Massachusetts Av Blakeslee Mrs E F (la '15. AB) Home 144 Lakeview Av Bullock Walter L (su '11) Stu Harv U 56 Matthews Hall tChu Co-Ching (ag '13) 23 Sacra- mento St CLARK George L ('09) Stu Harv U 36 Trowbridge N Crawford Harold H (arch eng '13 BS) 18 Prescott St Fairall Lawrence T (sc '07 BS) Asst Harv U FLATHER Alice V ( '08) (sc '08) Stu Simmons Coll 20 Arlington St Foglesong Lawrence E (ag '11 BS Fac '14) Land Ext 12 Park Av Fogelsong Mrs L E (la '11 AB) Home 12 Park Av GREENOUGH Chester N ('10) Prof U Harv 26 Quincy St Hanford Alfred C (g pol sc '13 AM (la '12 AB) Fac '15) Asst Gov Harv U 3 Divinity Av HANUS Paul II ('04) Instr Harv U 9 Chauncy St JONES Grinnell ('12) Instr Harv U 39 Ellery St lowell Abbott L (Hon LL D '05) MASSACHUSETTS 1127 Pres Harv U 17 Quincy St EOOS Peter ( '89) Dir Art Pub Schs 24 Sacremento St Eoss Mrs Peter (a&d '85) Home 24 Sacremento St SANBOBN Frank B ('09) Prof Tufts Coll Seymour Arthur B (sc '81 BS) Sc Cryptogamic Herbarium Harv U turner Frederick J (Hon LL D '08) Prof Harv U 153 Brattle St Whittem Mrs A F (sc '03 AB) Home 9 Vincent St CHICOPEE FALLS Constant Herbert H (m eng '13 BS) Mfg CONCOBD JUNCTION Bates Stacy C (sc 12 AB) Ag DOECHESTER Kramer Charles G (m eng '13) 99 Elmo St Mangold Mrs C H (h sc '08 AB) Home 6 Blanche St Pfeffer Frank (ag '05) B Est 102 Greenbrier St Terrall John J (cer '08) Med Sch Harv U 18 Peverell St DUXBUEY Knapp Lucia B (ag '15) Designer Mcintosh Eaymond D (1 '11) Clk FITCHBUEG Amiott C N (su '15) Teach Dunham Edward (ag '14) Trav Sales J F Chaffin Co 356 Main St Eugg Earle U (g '15- ) (la '15 AB) Stu 142 Day St FRAMINGHAM Jordan Bion S Jr (com '10) Merc 3 State St GEEAT BAEEINGTON Overholser Martin J (e eng '10 BS) c/o Gen Elec Co 131 East St GEEENWOOD Eand Mrs Eobert (g la '10 AM ( '09 AB) Home Forest Ed HAVEEHILL Brooks Alice D (g zool '13) Teach 36 Brockton Av HOLYOKE Weis Joseph B (chem '83 BS) Pres Perfect Safety Paper Co Box 15 HYANNIS Paine Mrs C C (la '94) Home JAMAICA PLAIN Goodwin Thomas G (g engl '13) Teach 238 South St. LAWBENCE Finn Edmund M (arch eng '12- ) Stu 303 Merrimac St Meyer Pauline A (su '15) Superv Pub Sch Mus 228 Bruce St LENOX DALE Cahalen Joseph D (chem eng '13) Stu Mass Sch Phar Foster George H (chem '14- ) ( '12) Stu Washburn James W (m eng '13- ) Stu LOWELL WEED Clarence M ('89) Teach St Nor Sch LYNN Euppel Arthur D (ag '15- ) Stu 23 Nahant St Thurlow Henry P (ag '13- ) Stu 6 Sheldon St MALDEN tBICKNELL Percy F ('07) Jour 524 Highland Av MEDFOBD t Lewis Georgetta L (la '83) 74 Ash- land St MEDFOED HILLSIDE Leslie Elmer A (la '10 AB) Mintr 30a Adams St MELEOSE PIEECE Charles H ('06) Dist Eng US Geol Survey 66 Elm St MELEOSE HIGHLANDS BUEGESS Albert F ('00) Agt $ Ins US Bur Entom 47 Sargent St MASSACHUSETTS METHUEN Kimball Omer H (e eng '09) E Eng 7 French St NEWTON Kerns Shirley K (la '97 AB) Prin Sch 21 Waterston Ed t Stanton Louis C (e eng '73) Bacon St NEWTON CENTER Lotz John R (c eng '01 BS) Asst Constr Mgr Stone & Webster Eng Co 59 Oxford Rd Lotz Mrs J R (lib '04 BLS) Home 59 Oxford Rd Morris Mrs P J (la '09) Home 12 Hyland St Pillsbury W.illiam F (la '85) Broker 22 Berwick Rd PILLSBURY William L ('10) Bet 1073 Center St NEWTON LOWER FALLS WESTERGREN A M ('89) NEWTONVILLE wilson Frank G (g e eng '13 MS Fac '13) Teach Went worth Inst Boston 26 Park Place NORTH ADAMS Briggs Byron G (la '15- ) Stu 49 Sumner St Gadsby James H (ag '15- ) Stu 17 Willow St Venard William J (la com 13) Stu LeStan U 1088 Massachusetts Av NORTHAMPTON Layton Katherine A W (la '08 PhD ('01 AB) AM '06) Asst Prof Smith Coll Dickenson Hall Newell Anna G (g entom '14- ) Stu Norton Margaret (lib '07) Libr Smith Coll Parker Edwin K (g entom '15- ) Stu Washington Margaret (la '13 AM) Stu Smith Coll 36 Bedford Ter WIEHR Josef ('10) Assoc Prof Smith Coll NORTH ANDOVER Bixby Madeline (g chem Feb '16- ) Stu N ATTLEBORO Bishop Mildred C (g hist '15) At home 14 Grant St NORTH BROOKFIELD Hunt Frank S (cer '14- ) Stu (672) NORTH HARWICH Stevenson Leonard J (c eng '09 ) Sta Agt NY&H RR . NORTH WOBURN Sevrens Oliver F (g zool '10) Teach 30 West St NORWOOD Carter Herbert M (g '14) Chem OCEAN SPRINGS Davidson Mrs Jerome (1 '77) Home OCEAN TERRACE SALEM CUSHING Samuel W ('14) Head Geog Dept Salem Mass Nor OLD DEERFIELD Miller Margaret (sp '89) Art OSTERVILLE tScudder Winthrop D (ag '14) PITTSFIELD Anderson Charles T (e eng '12 MS) ( '11 BS) E Eng Gen Elect Co Black Charles D (g '12 MS) (e eng. '11 BS) E Eng 239 Second St Jeter George G (e eng '10 BS) Com Eng Gen Elec Co 38 First St Miller Clarence B (e eng '08 BS) Eng Gen Elect Co 351 Tyler St REVERE Marshall Hester L home 34 Hall St (h sc '11) At ROCKLAND Hobart Albert C (CE '98) (c eng '97 BS) C Eng 57 School St ROSINDALE Ward Thomas H (e eng '15- ) Stu 37 Colberg Av SOUTH HADLEY Gaylord Frances M (com '15- ) Stu 85 College St SOUTHAMPTON Douglas Raymond T (m eng '14 BS) MASSACHUSETTS— MICHIGAN 1129 SPEINGFIELD Barker John K (c eng '92 BS) C Eng 332 Main St Bryant Mrs Martin (mus Feb '16- ) Stu Murray Leonard E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 74 Euclid Av STATE LINE Walsh Mrs W T (la '02 AB) Home STONEHAM HYLAN John P ( '99) Bus 97 Wil- liam St SWAMPSCOOT jeffers Charles F (sc '74 MS) Phar 164 Humphreys St TAUNTON Cornell Charles E (sp '70) Wood- worker THREE RIVERS Barker Louis G (m eng '92) TOWNSEND Copeland Mrs R A (su '06) Exec Sec Mass Woman Suffrage Assn WALTHAM Noyes Ralph A (ag '15) Stu E WATERTOWN KYRIAKIDES Lucas P ('10) Ees Chem Hood Rubber Co WAVERLY Seymour Mrs A B (la TS4 BS) Home 23 Agassiz Av WEST ADAMS Breggs Byron G (la '15- ) Stu 49 Summer St WESTFIELD Bourassa Cornelius P (la '15) 12 Avery St Bourassa Reginald P (ag '14- ) (arch '14) Siu 12 Avery St Bradley Cedric C (e eng '13) 26 Han- cock St Cadle Hubert A (m eng '15) Mfg 8 Howard St Farnham Albert A (ag '15- ) Siu 28 Hancock St tHart Herbert E (com '13) 53 Court St reed Susan M (g hist '11 PhD ('08 AM) Fac '10) Head Dept Hist Lake Erie Coll 54 Court St WILLIAMSTOWN MEANS Brainard (11) Asst Wil- liams Coll 230 Main St WILMOT Wilson Willard O (la '14- ) Stu WINCHESTER Metcalf Herbert E (g zool '14- ) 3 Crescent Road Small Mrs A L (la '07) Home 205 Pky WOBURN Sevrens Oliver F (g zool '10) Teach 30 West St WORCESTER Bailey Henry D (g thermatology '11) Thermatology BAIRD John W ( '10) Prof Clark U 801 Pleasant St Bennett Nelly A (la '85) Sec 20 Channing St Garst Julius (sp'75) Proprietary Med Mfg 29 Oread St HODGE CW ('01) Instr Clark U MORLEY Raymond K ('12) Asst Prof Worchester Poly nelson John H (c eng '09 MS) Prof Worchester Poly Inst PURDY Ross C ( '07) Res Eng Not- ton Co RANDOLPH Charles B (g span $9 Fac '99) Prof Clark Coll 21 Cir- cuit Av MICHIGAN ALBION CARLTON Frank T ('14). Prof Al- bion Coll Allen Place colvin Esther M (g engl '15 AM) 306 S Ingham St Lutz Gretchen K (g ger '13 AM) Teach ALLEGAN Atkinson Jesse C (c eng '03) Ag El ALMA Wise John E (ag '01) Ag ALPENA Timm Peter F W (e eng '04 BS) Sec- Treas Great Lakes Stone & Lime Co Box 321 1130 MICHIGAN ANN AKBOB Bixby Alice P ( '13 AB) (lib '00) Lior c/o U Mich Gen Lib 1306 Washte- naw Av Blum Ethyl M (lib '14) 520 Thomp- son St Calhoun Henrietta A (g la '03 AM) ( '01 BS) Asst U Mich 226 S 12th St Davis Clinton H (la '06) Merc 701 Packard St dowrie George W (g econ '13 PhD Fac '14) Asst U Mich 520 Walnut St EGGERT Carl E ('88) Prof U Mich 912 Forest Av Elder Mary E (su '13) Asst U Mich 1315 Forest Ct Fong Yu Chen (su '10) 1215 S Uni- versity Av forsyth Chester H (sc '11 (AM '10) Fac '11) Instr U Mich Forsyth Mrs C H (la '11 AB) Home 1327 Wilmot St gleason Henry A (g bot'04 AM Fac '10) Asst Prof U Mich 10 Geddes Hts HALL Arthur G ('05) Registrar U Mich 1036 Oakland Av HAUHART William F ('05) Asst Prof U Mich 616 Church St Hildebrandt Theophil H (la '05 AB) Prof U Mich 513 Elm St Hill Florence N (mus '07) At home S State St Holmes Willard C (mun eng '10) C Eng 1126 Washtenaw Av ILuff Nolan H (la '06 AB) Ed Pack- ard St ivey Paul W (g econ '13 AM) Instr U Mich 1513 S University Av Kamm Oliver (g chem '15 PhD ( '13 MS) '11 BS) Asst Prof U Mich 278 Chem Lab KIMBALL Sidney F ('13)(g arch Prof U Mich 1812 Norway St Kimball Mrs S F (la '11 AB) Lit Norway Rd la rue George R (g zool '11 PhD Fac '11) Prof U Mich 1078 Fern- don Rd Palmer Julius C (e eng '14 BS) Instr U Mich 102 S Ingalls St Rehling Charles H (ag '15 BS) Ag Brookwater Farm R7 shook Glenn A (g physics '14 PhD Fac '14) Instr U Mich 935 Green- wood Av Smith Esther A (lib '04 AB) Head Catg Lib U Mich WHITE Alfred H ('96) Prof U Mich 715 Church St Wilson Lelia S (la '08 AB) Sec YMCA 341 54th St AUGUSTA millspaugh Arthur C (la '10 AM) Teach BATTLE CREEK ?Ashby Charles W (m eng '71) mould Albert F ( '78) Kelley Eunice E (la '14) 31 Post Av Mykins Perry H (la '02) Asst Ticket Agt BE 64 Champian St fStebbins Will T (e eng '94) BAY CITY Morris Wilbert W (su '15) Teach H Sch 400 N Chilson St Olso Florence A (la '12 AB) Teach 501 Ninth St Smith George R (m eng '00 BS) M Eng 503 N Jackson St fStebbins Will T (e eng '94) BAYVIEW Rust Grace A (se '12 AB) c/o Tea Room BEAR LAKE Bradford Bernice M (g '09 AM Fac '08) Teach BENTON HARBOR Collins Helen B (h sc '14- ) Stu Rl Harr Mrs J W (sp '74) Home 661 Buss Av Logue Charles L (la '00 BS) Mamer Jacob G ('02) Mfg Mamer Brick 579 Territorial St Mess Elsa (la '09) Teach Morton Joe K (c eng '08) BE C Eng 4" Highway Eng 140 Broadway Slayton Willis F (ag '12- ) Stu R6 Sorenson Carl S (su '15) Teach H Sch 477 Maple St Switzer Vincent W (c eng '07 BS) Sales Mgr BIG RAPIDS Emmons Harry J (c eng '93) C Eng Ferris Phelps F (ag '12) Adv Ferris Inst 133 Sanborn Av BLISSFIELD tBay Alena A (su '02) BRAVO CURTISS Albert R (m eng '05 Fac '06) Ag R2 MICHIGAN 1131 BRITTON Brown Clyde E ( '07) Ag BUCHANAN Hayes Zella B (la '00 AB) Teach kean Hugh P (g math '15- (g sc '09 AM) Fac '09) Stu CALUMET Isherwood Genevieve (la '02) Teach H Sch Rodi Mrs C H (la '03 AB) Home 17 Second St Swanson Elder L (la '10 AB) Teach 1101 Calumet Av Tilton Nelle E (la '10 AB) Teach H Sch 1101 Calumet Av CAPAC Smith Howard A ('09) Ag CASSOPOLIS Cobley Howard W (ag '15) Ag R5 CEMENT CITY t flint Paul N (ag '06 MS) CHARLEVOIX Beers Cyrenius Jr (ag '12 BS) Ag Hammett Richard C (ag '91) Ag CHESANING ?Agnew Leslie V (c eng '05) Agnew Ralph (c eng '05 BS) Ag CLINTON davis Grant T (g chem '09 MS Fac '09) Ag COATS GROVE Chase Mrs J E (su '97) Ag Coats Mildred N (h sc '15- ) Stu COLDWATER Osborn Howard G (g chem '15- ) 143 Division St Vogt Ernest C (ag '14) 24 Grant St COLON Taylor William M (ag '15) Ag COMSTOCK PARK Cumings Wilber J (arch eng '99) Arch & Ag CONSTANTINE Schellhous Harrison E (su '09) Eng COURTLAND fCaukin Eugene L (arch '71) CRYSTAL FALLS Rogers Charles G (m eng '12) Auto Repair DETROIT Abraham Sane F (arch '10) Arch 512 Sherer Bldg ALGER Archie R ('13) c/o White- head & Kale Beecher Av & MC RR Allen George B (m eng '11 BS) Mach 235 Belvidere Av Bagby Francis C (c eng '07 BS) Vist Mgr Corrugated Bar Co 610 David Whitney Bldg Barlow Harry D (ag '10) Auto Sales 2500 S Michigan Av Belknap Clarence H (sc '11) Med Stu Grace Hospital Bluth Roy G (arch '12) Sec 832 Sec- ond Av Bow Loren C (cer eng '15 BS) Bus 116 Sylvester St tBow Warren E (cer eng '14 BS) 854 Sheridan Av Brown Lewis (m eng '03 BS) Pres 4 Gen Mgr Metal Co 575 Holden Av Brown Mrs ML (la '03 AB) Home 575 Holden Av Burke Paul (m eng '09 BS) Sales Eng Palm Vacuum Cleaner Co Burns Joe K (e eng '11 BS) 368 Bewick St Burrough Wilbur G (c eng '09) Instr Math 341 Merrick Av CASE John W ('10) Arch Conat Mabel L (lib '15 BLS Fac '15) Is* Bef Asst Detroit Pub Lib 751 Campbell Av Conover L Lenore (su '96) Teach 114 Marston Av Cooper Percy F (m eng '14) Foreign Corresp Dodge Bros Motor Cars 77 Garfield Av tCornwell Robert L (c eng '09) Auto c/o Packard Motor Car Co 156 E Han- cock Av Crosby Henry F (ag '15- ) Stu 992 Warren Av W Cullum Wilhelm H (g math '15- ) Stu 90 Durand St Curtis Mrs R G (h sc '09) 110 Hen- dric St Danz Harry Otto (m eng '14 BS) M Eng 60 Phil West Davis Grace O (la '02) Merc Clay- ton Hotel DEAL Edwin J (g ag '15 Fac '15) Land Arch 66 Richton Av Doherty Robert K (arch eng '12) Arch 1132 MICHIGAN 144 Pacific Av Dunlap Elmore B (arch eng '95) Arch 709 Hammond Bldg EL AM Arthur M ('09) American Blower Co England Grace A (lib '15 BLS) Chf Mun & Social Serv Detroit Lib 651 14th Av Fablinger William E (arch eng '08 ) Acct 414 Junction Av Faulkner Fay E (sc '15 AB) Cost Acct tf* Statistician 32 Watson St Flanders Paul A (ag '09) Auto Sup- plies c/o Flanders Co Furry Mrs ED (h sc Feb '13) 403 Third Av Gehrig Edward F (m eng '15 BS) Sales Eng 571 Second St Gordon Joseph J ('84) Med 489 Grand Eiver Av Gorham Edward D (sc '11 AB) Cost Acct Association Bldg Graber Howard T (sc '01 BS) Chf Chem Eey Chem Co 636 Trumbull Av Greenman Philip E (m eng '14) De- velop Eng 62 Canfield Av E Gregory Walter K (c eng '05) Adv Park Bldg Grimes George L (g m eng '04 ME) ('97 BS) M Eng g- Mfg 371 Vir- ginia Av Hammers Morgan J (eng '98 BS) Mgr Abbott Motor Car Co Pasa- dena Apts Hanke Frederick E (m eng '07 BS) Instr Shop Wk 60 Manchester Av Hoffman Eobert W (land arch '13 BS Fac'15) Land Arch Henry Ford Es- tate 425 Farwell Bldg Holloway Doris J (h sc '12- ) Stu 181 Atkinson Av HOUSTON Euth E ('15) Huntoon John S (c eng '05 BS) Chf Bridge Insp 1608 Third Av Husband Eobert M (m eng '11- Fac '15) 345 Hubbard St Hussey Alfred T (e eng '09) Ford Motor Co Hyde Wilbur G (arch '10 AB) Arch Draft Dime Savings Bldg Ingold Vivian J (arch eng '13 BS) Arch Eng 120 Philadelphia Av tKellum Charles S (m eng '04) Supt Lavinge Mfg Co 204 Hanover St Kingsolver Frank L ('07) c/o Barnes Crosby Co KreiUler Dana W (e eng '11 BS) M Eng 166 Euclid Av W Lamb Wilber E (1 '12) Law Luntz Darwin S (arch eng '09) Merc 671 Lothrop Av fMcArdle Eaymond J (arch eng '11) 85 Esmond St McIntire James F (arch '05 BS) Boiler Eng US Eadiator Co 432 Han- cock W MacPherson Earle S (m eng '15 BS) M Eng Eng Dept Chalmers Auto Co 21 Eowena St Marsh Albert L (sc '09 BS Fac '01) Mgr 4' Mfg 144 Atkinson Av Marsh Mrs A L (la '00) Borne 144 Atkinson Av Marten Charles H (eng '14) c/o Edi- son Elec Co Miner Clement L ('00) Mfg Steel Cooperage Wks The Pfandler Co Murphy Merritt N (m eng '99) E Eng 229 Euclid Av W Norris John F (m eng '05) Eng 410 Wayne Co Bk Bldg Nydegger John (m eng '07 BS) Struct Eng W E Wood Co 1805 Ford Bldg Oliver Edd C (m eng '01 ME Fac '02) Factory Mgr Detroit Instru- ment Co Pollock Charles W (e eng '12) E Eng Gen Elect Co Dime Bk Bldg Pollock Mrs C W (sc'll AB) Rome Natalie Apts 179 Henry St Pope Charles S (e eng '09 BS) Mfg 1023 E Jefferson Av Pope Lawrence A (e eng '15 BS) Mfg YMCA Post George E (g '10 (la '09 AB) Fac '10) Teach Price Neil (su '14) 124 Henry St Eanoolph Otto C F (c eng '13 BS) Insp $ Eng MC EE Eich Paul C (chem eng '14 BS) Chem 712 IS Jefferson St Eoss Walter E (ag '06) B Est 601 Stevens Bldg Eoth Jay F (m eng '09 BS) E # M Eng 296 Park Blvd Schrader Arthur C (ry m eng '09) M Eng 871 St Clair St Schutt Alfred G (e eng '05) Eng Packard Motor Co 137 Belmont Av Scott Howard B (m eng '08) Tool Designer 323 Hamilton Av Seiler Lyman E (ag '14) Ctk 689 Trumbull St Sexauer Emilie (su '15) Libr 725 Townsend Av Shannon Eichard L ('10) Mgr De- troit Branch A P W Paper Co 304 Ford Bldg Shoults Mrs C A (g'08) (la '07 AB) Home 742 14th Av Simmons Orville (su '13) c/o D C Heath & Co MICHIGAN 1133 Smith Herbert dishing (e eng '12) ('07) Min Eng (Adv) 77 Garfield Av Smith Mrs H C (la '00) Home 1120 Smith Royal L (cer '15) 914 Mt El- liott Av Soule Mrs E F (mus '05) Home 114 Holbrook Av Strohm Adam J (lib '00 BLS Fac '00) Lior Pub Lib Strohm Mrs A J (lib '99 Fac '01) 44 Englewood Av THORP Lambert ('15) Chem Park Davis Co Van Doren Eobert G (arch '10 BS) Arch 36 Nedbury Waldorf Arthur L (c eng '02) Contr 633 Marlborough Av Wardall William J (sc '08 AB) Fin 119 Griswold St s Warne Walter E (e eng '05 ) Const Supt The Ford Motor Co Warner William C (m eng '07) Esti- mator 4' Contr Sales Branch House Crane & Co 99 Hayne Av White Augustus R Jr (m eng '04) Mach c/o Henry Ford Co tWiddis Annie L (mus '11) 12 Grant Park Wild Harry L (cer eng '11) P after Box Mfg 1061 Springswell Av Williams Frank A (m eng '06) Mach Design 139 Allendale Av Williamson Charles G (su '07) Draft Winslow Charles A ('04) Dent 628 Second Av Winters Harrison (arch eng '15) Es- timator McLean Bldg Co Wipfler Robert E (c eng '07) C $ Min Eng 219 McDougal Av Wolcott Ward S (m eng '13) Eng Dept Burroughs Adding Mach Co 689 Trumbull Av Woodward Homer B (c eng '10) Field Eng Detroit United RR 710 Wood- row Av Young Orres E (la '93 BL) Assoc Edit Michigan " Farmer" 81 Lin- coln Av ZIMMERSCHIED Karl W ( '05) Chf Metall Eng General Motor Car Co DRUMMOND ISLAND King Jeff J (m eng '13) M Eng Kreetan DUNDEE Burroughs George E (e eng '06) M Eng E LANSING Bouyotjces George J (la com '08 BS) So Cade Mrs CM (h sc '08 BS) Home Coons George H (sc '08 AB) Instr Mich St Ag Coll Grantham George M (ag '14 BS) Instr Mich Ag Coll Greenman Edwin G (g m eng '07 ME ('02 BS) Fac '03) Asst Prof Mich Ag Coll Hunt Clara (mus '13) Mus Teach Johnstone George R (sc '13 AB) Instr Mich Ag Coll Karraker Perry E (ag '11 BS) Bes Asst Exp Sta Mich Ag Coll Mayne Louis B (la '10 AB) Instr Mich Ag Coll | Palm Elizabeth M (lib '15- ) Stu Robinson Charles S (sc '05) Bes Chem Ag Exp Sta Stewart Earle H (ry m eng '15 BS) Instr Mich Ag Coll WILSON Victor T ( '07) Prof Mich Ag Coll EAU CLAIRE Herring John H (ag '71) Med EDMORE Albaugh Hazen L (com '15- ) Stu Curtis Percy N (com '15- ) Stu ELTON fKlemmer Daniel (ag '06) ESCANABA Spencer Newton C (m eng '85) Law 602 S Elmore St FARMINGTON Randall Mrs H P (mus '07) Home FENTON Armstrong Louise C (la '12 AB) Teach Frackleton David S (la '77) Law FINNVILLE Barron John T (ag '12) Ag FLINT Holman Clarence L (com '15) Mech 1402 N Saginaw St Kingsbury Jessie A (g chem '12) Metallurgist 1109 Garland St FT DEARBORN Gardiner Royal T (sp '00) FRANKFORT Savage William C (ag '13- ) Stu 1134 MICHIGAN FEEE SOIL Woodworth Howard O (sc '92 BS Fac '00) Ag R2 GLADSTONE Swenson Wilhelm A (g math '13) Teach Box 925 GRAND HAVEN Wichard Hortense E (la '15 AB) Teach Akeley Hall GRAND LEDGE Smith F Raymond (su '15) Teach H Sch 112 Lincoln Av Strange John B (ag '03) Ag GRAND RAPIDS Adams Edwin B (c eng '08 BS) Asst City Eng 1415 Bemis St Adams Elisha B (m eng '98) 1415 Bemis St Adams Mrs E B (mus '03) Home 1415 Bemis Av Adams Pauline H (la '15- ) (mus '15 ) Stu 1575 Wealthy Av Burns Ella (la '14) At home 710 Franklin St Burns Wilber M (la '15- ) Stu 710 Franklin St SE Church Blanche A (la '89 BL) Teach 240 Lyon St NE Corbus Burton R (la '00 BS) Med Metz Bldg Droste Louis A (la com '12- ) (c eng '12) Stu 731 Pans Av SE Fishman Joe C (la '14) Mfg Furni- ture Hodges Duncan C (m eng '12) Teach 47 National Av McCaskill Kenneth A (ag '14 BS) Ag c/o H J Heinz Co Markley Leland S (ag '13 AB) Ag 4- Ed c/o H J Heinz Co 862 S Divi- sion St Maus Harry E ( '09) Trav Sales 523 S LaFayette St Maze Edward S (la '73) Fin 303 Crescent Av Murray Robert E (ag '15) Murray Bldg Radmore Eleda B (mus '14) At home GWINN Bacon Lewis F (m eng '06 BS) Asst Master Mech HAMILTON ter keurst Henry D (g ed '15 AM) Teach HARBOR BEAOH Moffett Ocea E (la 'S6) Mintr HARBOR SPRINGS Erwin Charles F (sc '02) Phar HARTFORD Lanyhear Charles R ( '07) Land Arch Box 51 Ottman Harley P (ag '13 BS) Ag HASTINGS Crue John S (c eng '78) Ag 301 S Park St Worrell Joseph L (ag '13 BS) Teach H Sch HIGHLAND PARK Birhs 'William A ('09) Ag Rl(86) Randall Dwight T (m eng '97 BS Fac '09) M Eng Cadillac Motor Co 161 California Av HILLSDALE ?Carleton Mabel G (la '00) Graham Mathew P (ag '12) c/o Alamo Sas Eng Co 167 S Howell St b Burley F (g la '15) ('14 AM) Stu U Pa Rl Lamb Howard E (la '15- ) Stu HOLLAND Burd Mrs B F (lib '00) Home 225 W 11th St Yntema Leonard F (g cliem '15- ) Stu IMLAY CITY Rodgers Mrs Roy (h sc '11) Smith Rufus W (ag '08 BS) Ag INDIANA HARBOR Eide Alwin C (sc '15 BS) Chem US Metals Refining Co Bay Hotel IRON MOUNTAIN t Alexander Catherine C (lib '13) 831 Stephenson Av tCook Austin C (ag '13) SOS Carp- enter Av tDaprato Nemo J (ag '14) Rundle Howard E (ry e eng '13- ) Stu IRON RIVER tTonnesen Harvey A (m eng '13) Asst Eng Jones & Laughlin Ore Co MICHIGAN 1135 IRONWOOD Bray Leonard T (eng '15- ) Stu 306 E Bonnie St ISHPEMING IDevine Herbert (m eng'14 BS) Ap- prentice Allis-Chalniers Mfg Co 404 N Main St Keese William J (sc'15) Geol $ Eng Statf Jones & Laughlin Ore Co 350 S Pine St McClure Ora D (la '91 BL) M Eng Moore Louis C (m eng '07 BS) M Eng EFD Box 101 Skoglund Carl A (m eng '13 ) M Eng 401 E Ridge St Taleen Berthae W (la '14) Stu U Mich Thompson Emmett C (in eng '07 BS) Asst Master Mech 310 Euclid St JACKSON Briggs Strother A (ag ; 11 BS) c/o Miles Concrete Mach Co Bulkeley Oscar E (c eng '12 BS) Supt Water Dept Cleavinger John S (lib '10 BLS) ( '09 AB) Libr c/o Pub Lib Core Guy C ('04) Adv Mgr Sparks Withington Co Honer William A (arch eng '13) Arch 701 S Mechanic St Steinhilber Mrs F J (la '06 AB) Home 323 Second St ?Thorne John P (ag '12) Wells Reginald E (m eng '06 BS) Auto Eng 126 Third St KALAMAZOO Braley Esther (lib '02) Libr W St Nor Sch Clark Mary H (lib '02 Fac '12) Libr 2121 Glenwood Drive De Long Arthur N (su '09) Prin Sch 138 Phelps Av Hill Rollin C (la '15) 2108 S West St Hussey Bertha (su '04) Dean Women Kalamazoo Col tKell Daisy M (su '11) Clk Gilmore Bros 123 Burdick St , Lusk Myron E Jr (e eng '07) Trav 938 Bellevue PI Pomeroy Sarah A (la '10) At home R4 Praeger William E (sc '00 BS) Prof Kalamazoo Coll Praeger Mrs W E (sp '00) Home 421Douglas Av Rowland Leslie W (la com '13) Jour c/o Gazette Stephenpon Edward (la '15) Stu U Mich 1922 East Av LACOTA Reid Wilfred E (arch '04) Arch LANSING Bassett William M ('94) Steamfitter 1220 y 2 New York Av CHITTENDEN Alfred K ( '14) Prof Mich Ag Coll Collier Joseph H (la '07) c/o Anti- Saloon League Mich 418 Trussing Bldg ?Gillette Clarence P (sc '86) Harris Samuel K (m eng '09) Locom Design 710 Seymour St ILathrop Olive C (lib '00 BLS) Price Helen L (lib '00 BLS) Lvbr c/o Bd Lib Comm Robinson Charles S ( '05) Ees Chem Ag Exp Sta Severance Lyle E (ag '15- ) Stu 817 N Pine St Thoman Mrs F H (h sc '09) Home 527 S Grand Av f WILSON Joseph H ('96) LAWRENCE Brokaw Mary I (lib '07) Libr Grewe Charles H (ag '15- ) Ag Rl ?Wright Edward B (c eng '04) c/o C W Silver LITCHFIELD Putnam Sarah M (g '02) Teacn MANISTEE Morey Drew (com '15- ; Stu 478 Fourth St Oglethorpe Thomas B (arch eng '14) 335 Third St Taylor Charles B (eng '15) c/o Man- istee Iron Wks Timmerman Frederic H (ag '15- ) Stu MARCELLUS Hough Lawrence D (arch eng '14- ) Stu MARQUETTE Seal Glen I ('11) City Foreman Bell Tel Co 325 High St Hill Carrie M (ag '08 AB) Teach H Sch 114 E Arch St Magers Elizabeth J (h sc '15- ) Stu 347 E Hewitt Av Main Roscoe C (g '07 AM) (sc '06 AB) City Health Ofc 1136 MICHIGAN MASON Salisbury Earl M (la com '13) Merc MATAWAN Senard Ora P (la '78) Ag MENDON Olney Harold E (se '10) Stu Rush Med t Osgood Leonard B (ag '10) Yaple Maud L ( '82) At home MENOMINEE Christensen Paul G (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1409 Broadway Grignon Gaston W (la '13) Bkpr 718 Main St Hutchinson Oliver C K (e eng '13- ) Stu Murray Harry E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 421 Main St Parent Eugene J (la '14) Clothing Sales 708 Dunlap Av Rappleye Willard C (sc '15 AB) Prosector Harv Med Coll 215 Van Auken St Stakel John P (m eng '11) Teach MT CLEMENS Breitmeyer John F (ag '13) Flor MT CLEMENS Deneweth Amelia E (mus '14- ) Stu Box 13 MT PLEASANT Hensley Lee Grant (sc '98) Ag R4 Hills Proctor G (ag '10) Ag Hirzel Mabel M (mus '04) Malcolm Seth W (g soc '14- ) Stu War drop Malcolm S (g sociol '14- ) Stu MUSKEGON Cone Richard W (mus '10) French Randall W B (ag '14- ) Stu 31 W Muskegon Av Mann Horace W (la com '12) Acct Cllc 4- Sec 64 W Muskegon Av Nuckolls Charles M (m eng '05 BS) Mech Eng 249 W Webster Av Still Iva M (la '03) Teach H Sch 101 Peck St Urch Melvin C (ag '13) Mfg 105 Houston Av NEGAUNEE Collins William (la '15- ) Stu Ceal Lake Av NILES Barber Herbert O (ag '69) Mfg Coolidge Orrill P (lib '04 BLS) Libr 209 N State St Hadfield Frank S (g '05 ME) (m eng '04 BS) Supt Mun Water & Elec Plant 408 S H Joseph mouser William ('95) Bkpr Kerndt Alfred H (m eng '12 BS) Supt Nat Standard Co 506 Sycamore St Kneeshaw Mary J (h sc '15- ) Stu Parkin Walter H (la com '09 AB) Mfg 707 Regent St Plym Francis J (arch '97 BS) Mfg Storms Lewis S (ag '12) Ag R4 Zimmerman Walter H (m eng '97 BS) Pres Auto Tractor Co & W H Zim- merman Co Zimmerman Mrs W H (sp'94) Home Gould ONEKAMA John Jr (ag '14) Ag OPECHEE Watson James R ( '97) OTSEGO Moncrieff James W (cer eng '15- ) com '15) Stu OVID Nixon Mrs A J (su'99) Home PAW PAW Davis Olive E (lib '06 BLS) Ag PERKINS Merrill George W (ag '15) Ag Merrill Mrs G W (ag '15) Home Richards Russell R (m eng '15) Ag PETOSKEY Durheim Elizabeth (su '99) Nurse PIGEON Sauer Alfred II (la '00) Law PLAINVIEW Fruit Charles C (ag '05) Cllc RR PONTIAC Smith Mrs Walter (lib '99) 40 Hen- ry Clay Av tWeir Henriette E (lib '08) MICHIGAN 1137 PRINCETON Lindberg Albin E (m eng '15- ) Stu REMUS Tibbits Douglas D (ag '14 BS) Ag ROCKFORD Prescott William H (c eng '75) Fruit Grower ROSEBUSH Campbell Homer W (c eng '03) Cash Rosebush Bk Co SAGINAW Fillinger Oral (su '15) 123 S Hamil- ton St Fischer John G (m eng '87) Mach Bepairs ST CLAIR Smith Clara M (la '15- ) Stu Zink Mrs (mus '07) Home ST IGNACE Brown Prentiss M (g '12) Law 1st Nat Bk Bldg ST JOHNS Clark Robert F (ag '12) Ag GREGORY John E (la '80 Fac '80) Mintr McIlhenny Mary B (sc '04 AB) Teach H Sch ST JOSEPH Rimes Harry L (com '15) Merc 323 State St ST LOUIS Wilkinson Mary S (la '07 AB) Libr 926 Academy St SARANAC Peterson Stella M (su '13) SAULTE STE MARIE t Wiley Edgar J (la '73) Whatin Blk SCOTTVILLE Kobe Marshall E (1 '15) Merc Box 58 SHELBY Huey Harold E (ag '05) Fruit Grow- er R2 Lobaugh Chas M (ag '11) Fruit Growing fy BnJc ! Smith Clarence G ('08) SOUTH HAVEN Helgeland Lillie I (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 317 Erie St Johnson Claude F (m eng '15- ) Stu Ketelhut William H (e eng '15- ) Stu 713 Maple St Waller Henry (ag '10) Ag R2 STOCKBRIDGE Fuller Elizabeth G (la '15 AB) At home Box 59 STRONACH Deer Harry C (ag '11) Fruit Grower Deer Mrs H C Jr (la '09) Home STURGIS Vogt Ernest C (ag '14) Flor SUNFIELD Wilson Harry ('96) Ag SWARTZ CREEK pasmore Daniel F (g ger '14- ) ( '14 AM) Stu TEKONSHA Teeters Boyd S (eng '15) Ag R4 THREE RIVERS Avery Guy T (m eng '13- ) Stu 222 West St t Burke Ralph (m eng '14 BS) Main St Rowe James (m eng '13- ) Stu 709 Walnut St Tombaugh Raymond S (m eng '03) Standardizing Eng griffin Clare E (g econ '15 AM) Stu 226 E Eighth St Griffin Glenn F (la '15- ) Stu 226 E Eighth St Morgan Mrs T (lib '06) Home 503 N Elmwood Av Patchin John W (la '78 Cert) Law TRENARY Foster Harry L (arch eng '13 BS) Constr Sch Bldgs VESTABURG White Alice P (h sc '15) Teach VTCKSBURG Collins Lucile M (h sc '15) VULCAN Armstrong Frank H (m eng '99 BS) MfE Eng 1138 MICHI GAN— MINNESOTA Hicks Byron W (c eng '01 BS) BE Contr WAKEFIELD Osborn Leland G (la '14 AB) Teach WATEEVLIET Harrison Samuel A (la '88 AM) ( '82 AB) Ag Yerlington John G (ag '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu E3 WELLS Hegenauer Mrs R L (mus '13) Home Phelps Howard H (ag '15 BS) Stu 19 Harland Av WEST BRANCH t Davis John F (sc '94) Cafe WHITEHALL Erickson Edwin J (la com '08) Ag El Stocks Harrie B (ag '01) Ag $ Arch El YPSILANTI Andrews Elsie V (lib '05) Bef Lior Mich St Nor 113 Normal St Brown Alice (lib '15- ) Stu 130 N Huron St Collins Vida L (la '10 AM Fac '13) Teach Ypsilanti Nor Watts Ethel F (mus '14) At home ZEELAND Van Zoeren Gerrit J (g sc '14 Fac '14) E4 MINNESOTA ALBEET LEA Hedgecock William E (ag '09 BS) Teach H Sch Hedgecock Mrs W E (la '12 AB) Home 311 E Williams St Eeed Grati J (h sc '15 AB) Teach ALEXANDRIA Van Cleave Bruce (la '13- ) Stu Victoria Lodge Woodworth Harry C (ag '09 BS) Co Agt Ag # Teach ALVAEADO Eoss Mrs M W (h sc '11) Ag ASKOO Christen sen Thomas P (su '09 AB) Prin Pub Sch AUSTIN Guy George A (1 '15) 310 College Av Mitchell Hazel ME (g la '09) Teach H Sch Smith Philip (arch eng '15) 207 Franklin St BEMIDJI War field Charles W (e eng '91) Pres Warfield Elec Co & Power Co BENTON Wakefield Mildred A (la '15- ) Stu BIG LAKE Dunshee George W (ag '86) Miller John H (sc '80) B Est Miller Mrs J H (la '79 BL) Home BLUE EARTH Fox Ray S (su '14) Ag Box 325 BRECKENRIDGE Booth Harry T (g phys '15- ) Stu Gewalt Carl H (arch eng '14- ) Stu Lamb Nellie B (la '12 AB) Teach Stallings Leland S (ag ; 13 BS) Teach BROWNS VALLEY Motter Archie R (com '15- ) Stu CHISHOLM cutler Floy F (g ger '15 AM) Teach 422 Pine St CLOQUET Harner George M (ag '13 BS) Teach Ag Koch Harvey C (m eng '15 BS) Stu 114 Chestnut St Nickelsen John M (m eng '14 BS) Teach Summerfield Ned L (la '11) Mgr Dept Store 15 Chestnut St Watkins Mrs C B (la '99 AB) Home 3 Chestnut St COLERAINE Denison Mrs R E (la '09 AB Fac '09) Home Box 95 MINNESOTA 1139 Eies Lester S (chem eng '09) Min Eng Box 209 COLLIS Murphy John D (ag '08) Ag COMFKEY Liesenfeld Harland L ('10) Ag $ Auto Repair CROOKSTON Christianson Oliver A (arch eng '13) Arch 318 S Broadway De Mott Irving P (com '12 AB) B Est 4- L Box 136 De Motte Roy V (com '14 AB) Bus Mgr Dietrich Mrs William (mus '05) Home t Graves Frank L (eng '14) Colonade Flats Smith Mary M (su '14) 221 Houston Av CUSSON Wolgast Fred W ('06) Time-Kpr $ Commissary Clk DAWSON Reyerson Lloyd H (g chem '15- ) Stu DEER RIVER Channel Clyde W (e eng '08) Teach Reid Ernest A (e eng '15 MS) (e eng '14 BS) DEER CREEK Smith Milton B (arch eng '08) Ag DODGE CENTER fleener Frank L (g '14 AM Fac '14) Teach DULUTH Belting Flora Pearl M (la '05 AB) Teach 26 Granville Apts Belting Lucretia J (su '06) Teach 26 Granville Apts Beyrer William H (arch '09 BS) Arch 507 Lyceum Bldg Blake Clarence S (su '15) Teach # Coach Athl 312 Ninth Av Davis David (ag '02) Law 405 1st Nat Bk Bldg Davis William G (ag '14) National' Iron Co 626 N 56th Av N Dwight Carl W (c eng '07) NP RR 11 Chester Terrace Gilliland William M (m eng '90 BS) c/o Pickand Mather Co 704 Lonsdale Bldg Hauter Joseph E (sp '03) Sec YMCA Keith Laurence P (arch eng '13 BS) Arch Eng Oliver Mining Co Lewis Edward R (arch '86) Asst tren Mgr DSS&A RR 904 Federal Bldg Little Charles R (la '12- ) Stu 127 43 Av E McNary Forrest C (c eng '12 BS) C Eng YMCA Olmstead George C (in eng '08 BS) Mfg Radiators Rosecrans Bennett P (ry e eng '10) BB C Eng 1325 London Rd t Sinclair J A ('96) Home Sinclair Mrs J A ( '96) Home 2510 E Sixth St Sullivan William J (arch eng '12) Arch 410 Palladio Bldg Trenthart Lloyd S (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 422 Lyceum Bldg ERJOTA Pearson Paul L (ag '14) Ag EXCELSIOR JONES Walter H ( '01) Composer # Edit FAIRBAULT t Carpenter Charles K (arch eng '15 BS) 222 Seventh St Garvey Edward J (arch eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu 1034 Second Av N Hosfield Percy C (eng '14) 818 Sec- ond St KUHLMAN Fred ('10) St Hospital Murphy George R (eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu O'Neil William G (eng '14) 520 Sixth St Walker Joseph R (su '08) Teach Shattuck School FAIRMONT CROOKER Sylvan J ('15- physics '15 MS) Stu Dean Ezra C (la '77) Law Edwards Harry P (c eng '11) Fin B Est # Ins Hines Lyle W (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 210 Budd St Kampert Mrs A F (sc '97) Home FOXHOME Sterritt Mrs (la '08) Home Box 46 GEORGETOWN Riggs Ray V (ag '13) Ag GILBERT Nolan John T (c eng '14- ) Stu 1140 MINNESOTA GLENCOE Herbolsheimer Albert J (ag '13 BS) Ag Dir Stebens Seminary GROVE CITY Bridgeford Roy O (su '13) Teach Box 17 HALSTAD Robinson Paul T (ag '12 BS) Ag HARMONY Grimes Roy L ( '06) Clk HAUG Zipf Oscar R (ag '15) Ag HENDERSON Larson Raymond V (ag '14- ) Stu HIBBING Allison Carl W (sc '13 AB) Teach Carney Mary V (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch 1013 Fourth St McMillan Walter W . ('02) Phys Dir HUTCHINSON Beach Alice L (lib '15- ) Stu Beach Walter S (g la '15- ) Asst U 111 Sheay John (ag '12 BS) Ag Exten Worker JACKSON Hansen Mabel L (h sc '14 BS) At home Box 91 KINNEY Kane Fred R (1 '05) Mine Foreman Box 211 LAKE BENTON Wakefield Mildred A (la '15- ) Stu LAKE CRYSTAL Elfmann William H (m eng '08) Teach LAKE ELMO Nichels Albert H (la '14) Stu Med LAMBERTON Isaacson Oliver T (eng '15- ) (eng '14) Stu Rl LE SUEUR Foster John R (ag '13 BS) ( '06) Teach LITCHFIELD Madsen Olav ( arch eng '15- ) ( '13 ) Stu Box 594 LONG PRAIRIE Dunbar Harry B (ag '04) Ag R3 MANKATO Carr Flora F (lib '06) Libr 509 S Broad St Nickols Marvin A (sc '06 AB) Teach Minn St Nor MANTORVILLE Gwinn Edith (h sc '15 AB) Teach MARSHALL meier Alice E (g ger '15 AM) Teach MELROSE Kemp Anna B (su '15) Teach H Sch MINNEAPOLIS ALLEN William F ('11) Instr U Minn Anderson Arthur F (1 '08) Asst Pur Agt M&StL RR 410 Penn Av N Atkinson George R (sp '71) Pres Minn Glass Co 228 Boston Blk babbitt Albert (g math '15 AM) Asst U Minn 126 Folwell Hall tBiddlecombe Thomas M (su '08) Teach H Sch 1117 E 31st St birds all Lewis I (g sc '09 AM Fac '09) Supt Filtr Filtration Plant bliss Frank Walter (sc '09 MS) Instr U Minn 1016 17th Av SE Brillhart Mrs H E (la '14 AB) Home c/o Gen Electric Co Brown Flora M (lib '13) Libr 2118 Dupont St Brown Francis A (arch eng '13 BS) Arch 2523 16th Av S BUCK Solon J ('14) Asst Prof U Minn BURTON Samuel C ('15) Instr U Minn 321 14th Av SE Cabanis John B (c eng '08 BS) Bus Mgr 323 Plymouth Bldg Castle Mrs S L (h sc Ml) Borne 712 W Franklin Av Cavanor Frank T (la '03 AB) Med 1360 Spruce PI Chase Frank L (ag '78) Grain 1221 Nicollet Av Whurch Ralph D ('88) BTc Arch 1014 McKnight Bldg Clark Harold L (arch eng '15- ) Stu Clarke Mrs J H (h sc M0) Home MINNESOTA 1141 5400 Fourth Av S Clinton Lucile A (lib '03 BLS) Libr 1318 W Lake St COFFMAN Lotus D ('15) Bean Sch Ed U Minn Colgrove Vivian G (la Feb '16- ) Stu 517 Walnut St SE COWLEY Frederick K ('14) Instr IT Minn Craig Florence M (lib '15- ) Stu 3818 Sheridan Av S DEEBY Ira H ('01) Asst U Minn Doherty Mrs Grace (su '15) Teach $ Home Dunham Arthur B (arch eng '11 BS) Arch 514 Essex Bldg Dunham Mrs A B (la '14) Home Dunn Cordelia B (la '98) Teach 2501 Emerson Av Dunn Ella M (la '97) Teach 2437 Aldrich Av S Edler George C (ag '11 BS) Trav $ Buyer The Albert Dickinson Co The Andrews Hotel Elder Ealph M (c eng '14) Mgr John Baker Jr Asphalt & Bituminous Prod- ucts 729 Andrews Bldg 512 Nicollet Av Ellison Mrs A (la '78 BL) Home Pub Libr Endsley Willis (la '82) Bnk 218 Metropolitan Life Bldg FORD Guy S ('13) Prof & Dean Grad Sch U Minn FORSYTH E James H ('14) Instr U Minn 321 14th Av SE Fullenwider Thomas I (c eng '02 BS) Struct Eng 611 Delaware St Gayne Mrs T N (g hist '12) Home 2511 Logan Av N Gluek Arthur L (c eng '14- ) Stu 2004 Marshall St NE Goss Edna L (lib '02 BLS Fac '06) Libr U Minn Gray Elmer W (sp '74) Law 535 Temple Ct Grey Elmer W (sp '74) Jud Temple Ct Guild Chester W (c eng '09) Trav Sales Barrett Mfg Co Haslund Rov H (arch '15 BS) Arch 2417 Clinton Av S Helm Harry S (arch '88) Gen Mgr Milling Co 430 Security Bk Bldg Henninger Carl G (arch '95) B Est 3849 First Av S Hertel Garfield E (la '03) Med 610 Pillsbury Bldg fHiggins Thomas J (la com '09) c/o Emerson Brandingham Co Hubachek Lambert W (arch '98) 507 Essex St Hubachek Mrs L W (lib '04) (la '03 AB) Home 507 Essex St SE Hunt Edward E (sc '93 BS) Chem Piper Johnson & Chase 820 Chamber Commerce Hyde Mrs H S (h se '11 BS) Home 1935 Bryant Av S t Johnson Esther C (lib '11) 2115 Portland Av JONES Roy C ('13) Arch Dept U Minn Jordan Robert J (la '11 AB) St Agt German-Amer Ins Co 627 Second Av Kahlert Herbert E (e eng '08 BS) Sales Mgr c/o Asbestos & Magnesia * Dept H W J M Co 251 Third Av S KAVANAUGH William H ( '98) Prof U Minn 124 State St S East Kenney Mrs R E (la '05) Home 15 E 25th St Ketzle Henry B (m eng '02) M Eng 113 N 7th St KREY August C ( '13) Instr U Minn 939 14th Av SE latimer Thomas E (g la '10 ( '09 AM Fac '10) Law 2716 Elliot St Lehman Don R (la '03) Law 206 S Fourth St Libby Howard C (e eng '08) Interior Becorator 116 Oak Grove St Livingston Lionel L (c eng '12 BS) Asst Eng MES&L RR 1520 Hermon PI Livingston Ray C (c eng '08) Asst Eng M&StL RR 1520 Harmon PI Loeffler Katherine A (mus '02) Oste- opath 620 y 2 Nicollet Av Lord Walter E (c eng '10 BS) Esti- mator fy Besign 2601 Humboldt Av Ludwig Edward R (g arch eng '12 MS) ( '11 BS) Arch 147 Cecil St SE Lyford Charles C (ag '75 BS) Vet 817 Third Av S Mabbett Leora E (g '01) Catg Libr U Minn 1107 Seventh St SE McCanna David T (ag'13) Ag 2026 Third Av S McCoy Joseph (arch '06 BS) Arch 4856 Dupont Av S McIntyre William B (la '93 Cert) Priest 2424 18th Av S maney George A (g t&am '14 MS) Instr U Minn 2409 27th Av MANN Frederick M ('13) Prof U Minn 202 Ridgewood Av Martin Elsie E (lib '14) Libr 3212 Fifth Av S Martin Sidney G (c eng '12 BS) Asst Eng MSP&SSteM RR Metcalf Herbert E (g zool '15) Asst U Minn MINER James B ( '04) Prof U Minn 428 Walnut St SE 1142 MINNESOTA Mora Robert B (e eng '14 BS) 2821 E 26th St Morton Mary G (lib '12 BLS) Asst Branch Libr 3304 Elliot Av Nixon Edward L (ag '10 ) Firth Chip Steele Co 1508 E 26th St NORTON Edwin L ( '11) Bus Metro- politan Life Bldg Parcel John I (g eng '09 BS Fac '14) Assoc Prof U Minn 806 12th AV SE Parcel Mrs John (mus '15 Fac '15) Home 806 12th Av SE Parkinson Harry G (ag '13 BS) Teach Ag 3712 Elliott Av Patten Norman B Jr (arch eng '15 BS) Estimator 1012 Logan Av Paulson Norman B (chem eng '09) Asst Sales Mgr Gen Roofing Mfg Co 802 Plymouth Bldg Penrose Alma M (lib '15 BLS) Libr West H Sch Posey Chessley J (sc '00 BS) Ed Pillsbury Hall U Minn 1627 Mel- bourne Av SE Prince Henry A ( '94) B Est $ Build- ing 244 Plymouth Bldg Prince Mrs H A (sp '92) Merc 1923 Aldrich Av Redfield George W (e eng '01 BS) E Eng $ Sales Gen Elec Co 2515 Pleasant Av ?Reed Louis A (sp '77) Law Hotel Dyckman Riff David M (c eng '14 BS) Design 4- Draft Chf Eng Soo Line Robinson Willis S (m eng '08) Mach Sales Minn Steel & Mach Co Rogers Charles B (la '03) Grain 2216 Grand Av Root George H (eng '94) Merc Root & Hageman 403 Nicollet Av Rose Fred W (eng '03 BS) Consult Eng 740 Auditorium Bldg Sears William E (m eng '97) Merc $• Mfg 926 Security Bk Bldg Seeley Blanche M (lib '00 BLS) Supt Branches Pub Lib Seidel George C (m eng '12) Locom Mach 3217 Bloomington Av Simer Jerome K (la '07 AB) Law 346 McKnight Bldg Simons George A (com '12 AB) Lum- ber Bus Plymouth Bldg Slocumb Edward C (c eng '01 BS) Supt Constr c/o Haglin & Stahr Co Gen Contr 4150 Blaisdell Av S Slocumb Maud S (sc '01) Med 3535 North Fremont Av Smith Anna M (lib '11) Lib 2902 Calhous Beach Smith Charles L (la '82 BL) Jud 2018 Hawthorne Av Smith Mrs C L (la '83 BL) 2018 Hawthorne Av Smith Leo C (g lib '98) Sec 821 Washington Av Sovensen Niels C (arch '13 BS) Arch 44 Tenth St S Steingard Joseph N (e eng '11 BS) Minn Gen Elec Co 725 E 17th St strachen Earle K (g chem '12 PhD ( '10 MS) Fac '14) Instr U Minn Strachan Mrs E K (su '11) 826 Uni- versity Av Strauch Hilda L (h sc '09 BS) Teach H Sch 3212 Clinton Av S THURSTON Edward S ( '11) Prof U Minn 911 S Fifth St SE Thurston Mrs E S (la '11) Home 911 Fifth St SE tieje Arthur J (engl '12 PhD Fac '14) Instr U Minn TODD Arthur J ( '14) Prof U Minn Tompkins Elmer J (m eng '14) Auto Sales 1206 S Fifth St SE Turner David A (ag '13) Div Superv Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co 615 First Nat Soo Line Turner Hubert M (e eng '15 MS ( '10 BS) Fac '12) Instr U Minn Turner Mrs H M ( '12 AM ( '08 AB) Fac '12) Home 719 Erie St SE Wadsworth Winthrop M (arch eng '14 BS) 1776 Dupont Av S Warner Fred M (c eng '11) Sales Westinghouse Lamp Co White Solon M - (sc '96 BS) Prof U Minn 910 Dolandson Bldg Willcox Maurice M (c eng '99) Val- uation Dept CStPM&O RR 3250 Pleasant Av Williams Robert (la '96 AB) Med 3436 Chicago Av WILLIAMS William H ('05) Sales Mgr Hart-Parr Co 228 Washington Av N willis Clifford (g sc '06 MS (sc '00 Fac '08) Mgr Orange Judd NW Farmstead 615 E 19th St Worrell Joseph Carl (c eng '04 BS) Supt Constr Widell Co 3318 Park Av S Worrell Mrs J C (sp '99) Home 3318 Park Av S Worth Lynne G (lib '03 BLS) Lib U Minn Wright Herman F (g'06(ag'05 BS) Sales Mgr Flour Milling Co WYMAN Alanson P ('11) Land Arch McKnight Bldg Nihart Fred Athl Dir MONTEVIDEO D (su '15) Teach $ MINNESOTA 1143 MONTICELLO Sorenson Niels C (arch '13 BS) Stu Harv U MOOEHEAD Eck John W (sc '11 AB) Teach Eck Mrs J W (la ; 14 AB) Home Hurlbert Flora D (lib '01 BLS) Libr St Nor Sch Kendall George B (ag '12 BS) Teach Moorhead St Nor 1108 Seventh Av MORGAN Garber Ralph J (ag '12 BS) Teach NASHUA Dun aw ay Horace (c eng '89 BS) C Eng 4" Contr NORTHFIELD erdahl Absalom C (g lang '15 AM) Teach St Olaf Coll 311 Manitou St fLAWRENCE Frederick L ('08) Prof Carleton Coll MANN Almeda F ('06) Teach Car- leton Coll Stoppel Fred H (su 15) Stu Carle- ton Coll NORWOOD Laurence Albert F (ag '11 BS) Teach Ag OGILVIE Kimball Lorenzo A (eng '12) Ag ORTONVILLE Pettersen Mrs Benjamin (la '91 BL) Some OWATONNA Kelley Mae E (la '13 AB) Teach Pillsburg Hall PAYNESVILLE Andert Fred (su '15) Supt Sch Findley Mrs F M (sp '74) Home PINE CITY tHAMMERS Jessie (la '01 AB) ( '95) PINE RIVER Jackson Manley S (arch eng '15- ) Stu PLAIN VIEW tCurran Terrance J (e eng '08) PRINCETON Peterson Joe O (la '15) RIVERTON Connard Arthur F (m eng '14 BS) Designer Steel Ore Co ROCHESTER Matthews Martha M (h sc '10 BS) Teach 109 S Cherry St Perry Leonora N (g '13) (lib '09 BLS) Edit Mayo Clinic Wagy Alva Leon (sc '03) Granite Works ST CLOUD Hirt Edward G Jr (arch '12- ) Stu 625 Eighth Av N Moore Elwain F (ag '71) Fin # R Est 398 Third St S Morgan Edith M (lib '13) Libr 812 Seventh Av S Oberg Philip W (arch eng '15- ) Stu 617 Fifth Av S ST HILAIRE Fairbanks Roland W ( '06) Ag ST JAMES ?Kolbe Benjamin R (m eng '00) ST JOSEPH Pinault Louis C (arch eng '15 BS) ST PAUL Austin Clem C (m eng '13 ME)(sc '07 BS) Sales c/o Amer Toist & Herrick Co Avison Clayton C (arch eng '14) 1393 Hewett Av Baelz George (la '83) Stenog 1669 Hague Av Baird William (a&d '01) Phys Dir c/o Hamline U Benjamin Merrill G (m eng '14 BS) M Eng 168 Lina Av Biester Alice (h sc '13 AM ('12 AB) Fac '13) Asst Prof U Minn 2134 Knapp St Bradley Arthur J (arch '12) Arch YMCA BULL Coates P ('02) Assoc Prof U Minn 2137 Commonwealth Av Burgess Harry H (c eng '09 BS)('08 AB) Eng Butner Bros 1002 NY Life Bldg Burnett Birch W ('09) 666 Holly St Burrill William T (arch '95 BS) Struct Eng 2376 Carter Av Carey Miriam E (lib '99) Libr St Bd Control St Capitol Bldg Carlson LeRoy F (ag '13) Sales 74 E Fifth St CARSON Helen D ('11) 482 Holly Av 1144 MINNESOTA Cederberg John O Jr (arch eng '08) Arch 689 Bedford St cort William W ( '14 PhD) (g sc '11 AM) Fac '12) Assoc Prof Macal- ester Coll 1728 Hague Av Cort Mrs W W (la '11 AB) Home c/o Macalester Coll crane Fred R (g ag '06 MS Fac '08) Ag Exten Agt $ Devel Comm c/o Great Northern RR DERBY Ira H ( '01) Asst U Minn 2157 Commonwealth Av Doherty Everett H ag '15 Asst U Minn 2334 Como Av Enochs Claude D (e eng '98 BS) Constr Eng Sr Patent Atty 506 Com- merce Bldg Estee Henry C (c eng '09 BS) Asst Eng CStPM&O RR 706 Holly Av Fischer Henry L (m eng '14 BS) M Eng YMCA Bldg t Gardner Frank A (m eng '95) Supt Northern Insulating Co 798 Watson Av Gauger Paul C (arch eng r 13 BS) Struct Eng 1061 Van Slyke Av Gauger Mrs Paul (g'12)('ll AB) Led 501 Fifth Av Geib George A (c eng '14- ) Stu 770 Como Blvd Highberger John Foster (ag '14- ) Stu 940 Lombard Av Horner Harry S (arch '09 BS) Arch 715 Cap Bk Bldg Hoskins Mrs H P (la '99) Home 2195 Doswell Av Johnson Edward S (c eng '87 BS) BB Contr t Kline Otto M (m eng '10) Draft 1917 Ashland Av Korsmo Edward O (c eng '11 BS) C Eng YMCA McCandless Howard A (la '11) Asst Mgr The White Garage W Third St & College Av McManis James W (c eng '07 BS) Contr $ Eng 298 Endicott Bldg McMillan Eugene C (m eng '09 BS) Sales Trussed Concrete Steel Co 817 Commerce Bldg Marquis Leo D (arch '15 BS) Insp Cement $ Steel YMCA Bldg Mather Ralph (arch '02) Arch 175 Macalister St Meier Ernest E (eng '05 BS) Eng Corrugated Bar Co The Angus Milbrad Herbert V (arch '03) 2168 Dayton Av Murrell Benjamin N (la '07) Mintr 601 Cedar St Nye Carl M (e eng '97 BS) Prin Asst Eng Gt Northern RR olson Peter J (g agron '13 MS) Asst Prof U Minn Univ Farm Piatt Silas H (sc '83 Cert) Asst Supt Great Northern Express Co 1085 Hague Av Piatt Mrs S H (la '84 BL) Home 1085 Hague Av Pletcher Erno B (la '11 AB) Ed Sec YMCA Quayle Wilfred R (ag '09) B Est 1531 Hewitt Av Rathjens George W (c eng '10 BS) C Eng Mgr $ Mfg 858 Cherokee Av Reed Charles E (sp '95) Sales 1495 E Minnehaha St Reid Harold S (ag '15) Stu 834 Ashland Av Reuler Mrs Sam (mus '05) Home 35 Lexington St Rounds Fred G (arch eng '12- ) Stu 1531 W Minnehaha St Steinwedel George O (e eng '97 BS) Comm Mgr St Paul Gas Light Co Stewart John T (c eng '09 CE)('93 BS) C Eng Univ Farm tTewes Francis X (arch eng '08) Arch 285 Endicott Bldg Vandersloot Louis A (la '06) Mdse Brolcer 667-8 Gilfillan Blk Walton T Percival (c eng '94 BS) Northwestern Agt 111 Steel Bridge Co 551 Gilfillan Block St Williamson Warren (g entom '11 AM) Asst U Minn 2228 Carter Av Young Charles (sp '85) Sawmill 312 Walnut St SPRING GROVE Smiley Proctor K (g m eng '09) Superv Man Tr STEWART McKee DeWitt T ( '05) Ag STILLWATER Leonard Harold R (ag '11 BS) Co Ag Agt Jackson Co TABOR fStritesky Louis (arch '90) THIEF RIVER FALLS Johnson Perry N (ag '11) Ag TRUMAN Steinmetz Ferdinand H (ag '15 BS) Teach TURTLE RIVER Brown Henry A (sc '78) Merc MINNESOTA— MISSISSIPPI 1145 VERNDALE Smith Mrs H N (la '14 AB) Home VIRGINIA Hannaford Elbert I (arch eng '12) Asst Min Eng 404^ Chestnut St Tupper Mrs H W (su '13) Home 524 Ash St WABASHA Beplogle William H ('96) Med WARREN Brown Ara B (ag '03) Ag Willey Gilbert S (ag '14- ) Stu WASHKISH Bowen Herbert L (c eng '91) C Eng WATARA Dougherty M L (la '82) WAVERLY PARADIS MR ('93) Mintr Paradis Mrs MR (sp ; 93) Home WELLS Best Floyd E (sc '07) Med Hegnauer Robert L (ag'13BS) Teach Hegnauer Mrs R L (mus '13) Home WESTBROOK Wright John B (sc '11 AB) Teach WEST CONCORD Andrist Victor R (com Feb '16- ) Stu WHEATON Norgaard Ralph (la '15- ) Stu WHITE BEAR LAKE Enochs Mrs C D (sc '99 BS) Home E Shore Park Herron Ernest R (su '15) Teach 4r Dir Athl WILLMAN palm Franklin C (g hist '15 AM) Stu WINDOM Larson Louis J (g t&am '15- ) Stu WINONA Dickerson Oliver M (g hist '06 PhD) ( '04 AM) ( '03 AB) Fae '06) Teach 550 W King St tGage Lester R (arch eng '12) Bridge Insp 121 E King IGERDTZEN Gerdt A ('02) 327 E Fifth St Jackson William J (c eng '97) Div Eng C&NW RR 501 E Broadway St Westman Adolph F (e eng '14- ) Stu 1151 W Broadway St White Alvin C (c eng '11) c/o C Eng Ofc C&NW RR WORTHINGTON Sims Charles E (c eng '05 BS) Ce- ment Tile Mfg Sims Mrs C E (la '05) Home Swanberg Edmund D (e eng '14- ) Stu Warrick Ruth E (h sc '10) Teach MISSISSIPPI AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Barnes Mary G (lib '14) Asst Libr A&M Coll briscoe Charles F (g sc '12 PhD (AM '05 ) Fac '12) Prof Miss Ag Coll Davis Thomas W (su'14) Libr Miss Ag Coll Garner Alfred W (g la '05) Prof A&M Coll BILOXI Falls Ida B (la '77 BL) At home 1019 E Beach St Philbrick Alvah (arch eng '86 Cert) Eng $ Contr 946 E Beach St BRAXTON Reden William F (1 '06) Teach CANTON \Gwinner Bennie F ('83) Clk CLARKSDALE Stone Mrs AH (la '01) Home CLARKSVILLE Sewall Harry B (ag '12) Ag Sewell Mrs H B (la '14) Home CLEVELAND Park Vance W (com '08) Ag Park Mrs V W (la '10) Home COLUMBUS PAINTER Lawrence G ('13) Prof Miss Indus Inst POHL Emma O ( '06) Phys Dir Miss Indust Inst 1146 MISSISSIPPI DODDSVILLE Eeden William F (1 '06) Prin Delta Indust Inst DUNCAN Wolfe Mrs O O Jr (mus '11) Home DUBANT lAlvis Julian W ('09) FALCON Fithian Sidney B (la '97) B Est Fithian Mrs SB (sp '01) Home Mabin Gordon H (1 '08) Ag GEEENVILLE Boyden Mrs Sam (sp '00) Home Claggett Ealph B (c eng '02) Sec $ Treas Elec Light Power & Mfg Co Dabney John B (mun eng '10 BS) Drainage Surv 101 Edison St Haxton Eichard K (su '15) Teach H Sch 111 S Edison St Hooker Orval N (c eng '12) C Eng Y&MV EE West Charles H (e eng '84 BS) Con- sult Eng Miss Eiver Comm 504 Cen- tral Av Woolford Samuel W (la '15- ) Stu Box 145 GEEENWOOD Hartshorn Alfred B (la '08) Ag GEENADA Brown Earl E (ag '15- ) Stu E2 HAMPTON Hoagland John C (la '97) Planter HAELOW Sullivan Ernest L (ag '15) Merc HAZELHUEST Eamsey Eobert W (la '13) HOLLY EIDGE Landel Ida S (la '99) Planter HOLLY ElbGE Nefp Mary (la '02 AB) Teach HOPEWELL \McLaurin Julius A ('10) JACKSON Farley Frank W (ag '15 BS) US Livestock Ext Bd Trade McCluer Donald (ag '15- ) Stu E5 (36) McCluer George W (ag '92 MS ( '84 BS) Fac '96) Ag E5 McCluer Mrs G W (sp '83) Home E5 Overstreet Noah W (arch eng '10 BS) Arch Sr Eng Spencer Eaymond B (arch eng '09) Arch $ Land Arch 601 Merchant's Bk Bldg Spencer Mrs E B (la '09) Home LAUEEL Perkins Frances J (la '14- ) Stu Seventh Av Welch Mrs W S (arch '98) Home LEOTA LANDING \Elkas Isaac ( '00) McCALL CEEEK Schwarzkopf Horace V (ag '14) Ag McCOMB tBradley William W (sp '12) Leggett Wilkie (la '15- ) Stu 418 Fourth St MACOMB CITY SFeote Frank H (c eng '96) MACON Chase Paul N (ag '11) Planter E2 Eichmond George B (ag '11) Ag Wood Henry C (ag '10 BS) Ag MATHISTON DuBois Lenore (mus '15) Teach Mus Bennett Acad NEW AUGUSTA Eose Earl E (1 '09 LL B) Law NEWTON ?Jayne Madison M (la '79) NOEFIELD Kuhn Henry H (m eng '14 BS) c/o Natchez Columbia & Mobile EE OCEAN SPEINGS Davison Mrs Jerome (la '77) Home PALESTINE Granberry Clara E (sp '95) MISSISSIPPI— MISSOURI 1147 RED LICK Dill Arthur W ( '94) Ag SENATOBIA Wooten Onnie B (g e eng '11) Prof Tex A&M Coll SHELBY Brewer Claude H (1 '10 LL B) Law TCHULA Watson Henry P (ag '14) Planter TUPELO Robins John Q Jr (ag '14) 434 S Church St TUTWILER Bower Samuel M (la '94) Ag UNIVERSITY tinsley Raymer W (g ger '15 AM) Instr U Miss VAUGHAN Robinson Lee E (1 '04) Planter VICKSBURG Bennerschiedt Frederick A (e eng '12) E Eng Callaway Leonard W (ag '02) Ag VICTOR Callen Mrs J A (la '09 AB) Home Econ Goff Mrs E H (mus '01) Home WATER VALLEY tBoyd Addison B (c eng '08) WAVELAND Bushnell Allen B (1 '11) Ag WEST POINT Heard Lucy E (su '15) Libr WIGGINS McKnight Joe B (ag '13) Ag WINONA Cadogan George H (ag '11) Ag R7 Cadogan Mrs G E (la '14) Home MISSOURI ASHLAND tPenter Benton J (sc '09) AURORA Hickey Daniel W Jr (e eng '14- ) Stu 322 Pleasant St AUXVASSE Reed Hazel V (h sc '13- ) Stu BARDLEY Hitt John W (ag '09) Stock Ranch BETHEL Fox William H (e eng '11) Stenog BIGELOW Brown Robert A (ag '10) Ag Wal- nut Meadow Farm BLACKBURN Hering Louis (sp '70) Bet BLOOMFIELD \Buck Charles H ( '91) \BucTc James P ( '91) BOWLING GREEN Carr John R (e eng '06) Ag Carr William H (ag '15- ) Stu BRECKENRIDGE Kenower John T (ag '83 BS) Edit BROOKFIELD Chittenden Robert M (sc '13- ) Stu 625 N Main St t Lucius Olive (h sc >12) 216 E Ro- bard St BROWNINGTON smith Pinckney F (g engl '11 AM) R4 BURLINGTON JUNCTION Caldwell Edwin F (ag '07 BS) Ag Bees Rolla H ('07) Lumber Merc BUTLER \Baniels Charlie E ( '99) Ag R8 Denton Charles A (la '76) Law Walker Elliot P (la com '76) Law Walker Elliot P (com '15- ) Stu 512 Pine St CAMERON Daughtery Louis S (sc '89 BS) Prof Mo Wes Coll 1148 MISSOURI CAMERON Furr Paul M (ag '15) Teach H Sch Jeffers Ins Sehlorff Laura B Charles E (la '02) E Est $ (ag '12) Teach CAMPBELL Saliba Habeeb T (la '04) Mfg CAPE GIRARDEAU Doeden Frederick H (la '04 AB) Teach Doeden Nellie R (su '14) 513a Themis St tGivens Albert L (e eng '12) Nance Oliver O (su '15) Prim, H Sch 825 Broadway St CARDWELL Becker John G (su '15) Asst Prin H Sch CARL JUNCTION Troutman William C (su '14) Stu Rl CARROLLTON Adams Alonzo T ( '86) Merc Brewer William E (c eng '07 BS) Highway Eng CARTHAGE Cottingham Jesse B (la '09) Jour faust Ernest C (g zool '14 AM Fac '14) Sc Bes Frankenberger Edna (la '15- ) Stu 1503 Garrison Av tHannum Philip O (1 '04) 1312 S Main St Kane Kent K (m eng '09) Thar Moxon Frank (e eng '11) Phys Dir YMCA Vinson Clarence C (1 '10) Mech R5 Wright William W (m eng '03) Ins CARUTHERSVILLE Hawkins Mrs N C (la '05 AB) Home CHAFFEE Barry Harold B (c eng '04) BB Eng & Dist Eng StL&SF RR Barry Mrs H B (la '02 AB) Home CHARLESTON Bond George T (ag '10 BS) Ag Bond Harry L (ag '10) Ag ^ E Est CLARENCE Hammet Charles B (ag '88) Ag Hammet Glenn E (ry eng '15- ) Stu CLAYTON Hollocher Stanford (eng '14) Stu Wash StL U 543 Central Av CLAYTONVILLE ?Booth J McK (ag '80) CLEVELAND Nesbit Edwin (m eng '90 BS) Graves- ville Chem Co 2027 77th St COLUMBIA Allison Harry O (g an husb '13 MS ( '06 BS) Fac '10) Ed $ Bes U Mo Baker Mary E (lib '07) Libr U Mo Dupray Martin (sc '12) Instr U Mo 708 Providence Rd Gumaer Percy W (e eng '12 BS AB) Instr U Mo tHedrick Stella B (lib '09) Hudelson Robert R (ag '12 BS) Asst Prof U Mo McGOVNEY Dudley O ('08) Prof U Mo 1321 Keiser Av MAJOR Horace F ('10) Asst Prof U Mo 407 Hitt St Miller Welby W (eom '12) Acct Bus Ofc U Mo Moulton Charles R (chem eng '07 BS) Asst Prof U Mo 1513 Rosemary Lane Moulton Henry H (sc '13) Stu U Mo 1513 Rosemary Lane Moulton Wesley H (sc '13) Stu U Mo 1513 Rosemary Lane Newberry Oliver O (1 '13) Fin Roberts Asbury (su '11) Stu U Mo 1406 Bass Av Rusk William H (arch '86) Farm Mgr 604 S Ninth St Rutherford Geddes W (g pol sc '15- ) Stu 708 Maryland PI Trowbridge Perry F (g org chem '06 PhD Fac '07) Prof U Mo 1305 Kei- ser Av DEXTER Boucher Andrew S (la '03) Supt Schs Detroy Benjamin (ag '09) Ag Rl tDuNN Joel E (c eng '06 BS) C Eng $• Surv Montgomery Lewis E (ag '12) Ag R4 Montgomery Thaddeus L (la '13- ) Stu R4 Pemberton Ina M (su '14) Teach H Sch DONIPHAN Campbell Marvine M (la '16) H Sch Gerlach Alma (h sc '14- ) Stu Teach MISSOUEI 1149 DOWNING Hedges Bertram A (la '14- ) Stu Kaiser Olive May (su '14) EAST LYNN fSharp Emma G ^sc '83) EDINA Eyman Isaac R (ag '81) Ag Senton Alberta (la '07) Teach ELDON Wilson Sue (h sc '10) Teach H Sch EUREKA Delano Rufus J (ag '13 ) Ag EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Paton Walter C (m eng '09 BS) City Eng FARMINGTON Wilkins Ernest J (la '14- ) Stu Box 27 FAYETTE Prosser Catherine S (su '15) FLAT RIVER Murrill Hosea R (e eng '15) Surv Murrill Randall T (m eng '15) Eng FLEMINGTON Roberts Howard D (ag '12) Ag FLUCOM Pricer Thomas N (m eng '08) Ag FORSYTH Wowns Roscoe F ('03) Paddock William B (su '08) Teach Sch Ozark FULTON barger Panzy L (g zool '13 AM) Prof Biol Williams Woods Coll Harner Horace H (arch '15- ) ( '13) Stu 201 St Louis Av Ismay Lottie M (su '11) Teach GALLATIN Aid Harry (e eng '15- ) Stu GLENCOE Shonkwiler Horace A (ag '11) Ag $ Vet GOLDEN CITY Jewell Albert H (ag '70) Merc GOODMAN ('13) Stu Auburn HALL Royal G Theol Sem Rl GRANBY Bruner Crane S (c eng '14) Gatch Smelting & Min Co Eng GRANT CITY Campbell Grace A (lib '15- ) Stu HANNIBAL Bash David A (la '15- ) Stu 311 S Fifth St Drescher John M (chem eng '11) Chem 1008 Center St t Drescher Margaret B (h sc '10) At home 1008 Center St Harbricht Harlan C (m eng '15- ) Stu 1101 Lyon St tHotchkiss Lulu M (la '00) Meyer John F Jr (arch eng '07 BS) Mfg Nichols Rae C (ag '15 BS) Teach 1009 Center St Walker Edward L (la '92 BL) Trav Sales 113 N Ninth St Wilson Mrs F W (h sc '07) Home 1242 Bird St Wood Mrs M L (la '74) Home In- dian's Mound Pk Rl HARDIN Brown Roger I ' (su '14) Ag Trenchard Wilma (la '15- ) Stu HARRISONVILLE Sharp Abia J (m eng '89 ME) ( '82 BS) M 4- C Eng HAYTI Brittin E B (sc '02) Ag HILLSBORO Campbell Samuel C (c eng '08 BS) Highway Eng HOLDEN Conner Francis P ( '06) HOPKINS Wolfers Robert C (la Feb '16- ) Stu HORINE Dorsey Clarence B (ag '03) Farm Supt HOUSTONIA Finley Sarah (la '00) Teach Dairy 1150 MISSOURI HUME Ross Julian J (m eng '07) E Eng $ Contr ILLMO Bell George A ('85) Mgr W P Wes- ler & Co INDEPENDENCE Wood Benjamin (com '15- ) Stu R6 IRONTON Damron Charles P ( '99) Law JASPER Gulick John F ( '77) Ag $ Stock Schooler Mrs F I ('03) Home Rl JEFFERSON CITY Brooks Charles C (ag '14- ) Stu Gramesley Margaret A (lib '04 BLS) Mo Lib Comm JOPLIN Crist y Harold E (m eng '09 BS) Mill Foreman 2507 Penn Av Grigg Jerome B (min eng Feb '15- ) Stu 116 Miners Bldg flnsley Earl F (sc '06) tMathews Howard A (la '12) Millar Clendon V M (g sc '04 MS ( '93 BS) Fac '99) Chem # Assay er 617 V 2 Joplin St Morgenthaler Oscar E (e eng '12) Clk Woolf Bros 802 Moffett Av Pratt Fred C (e eng '10 BS) E Eng Empire Dist Elec Co 511 W A St Rood John H (la com '09) Mfg Saathoff George W (e eng '06) E Eng 414 Joplin St EAHOKA Lang Mrs C G (la '97) Home KANSAS CITY Altekruse Ira B (m eng '10 BS) B Est 715 Reserve Bk Bldg Archer Elmer T (e eng '04) Consult Eng 406 New England Bldg Armstrong Arlo J W (la '15- ) Stu 4125 Hyde Park Av Armstrong Oliver M (m eng'15- ) Stu 4125 Hyde Park Av t Austin Sewall E (arch '10) 1005 Olive St Bader Iras L (h sc'15- ) Stu 1702 Grand Av Bardwell Robert C (g sc'10)('09 AB) Chem 627 Midland Bldg Bardwell Mrs R C (la '08 AB) Home 4343 Michigan Av Barnes Winfred (ag '14- ) Stu 3623 Jefferson St Barnett Robert C ( m eng '90) C Eng 510 Kansas City Life Co Bldg Barrett Benjamin F (sp '73) Grain Broker Exchange Bldg Bates Robert P (c eng '06 BS) Bridge Dept K C Terminal RR 421 S Den- ver Av Bauer Otto A (arch '11 BS) Arch Eng 901 Grand Av Temple Beardsley George D (1 '09 LLB) Law 310 Commerce Bldg Beardsley Henry M (Hon AM '05 (ML '80) BL '79) Fac '81) Law Commerce Bldg Beardsley Mrs H M (la '81 BL) Home 3634 Walnut St' Beardsley Henry S (ag '13- ) Stu 3643 Walnut St Belden Edgar S (arch '90) Arch Geo A Fuller Co 50 E 55th St Berkemeyer Walter C (arch eng '12 BS) Struct Eng 218 D wight Bldg Billingsley Mary P (lib '08 BLS Fac '09) Lior 1224 Linwood Blvd Blakeslee Frank A ('85) M Eng 1233 Prospect Av Blakeslee George F (la '77) Mfg 4025 Chestnut St Blakeslee Walter A (m eng '13 BS) Eng 1233 Prospect Av Blakesley George W (m eng '93 BS) Mfg 3240 Windsor Av Blish Frank M ('84) Bis Mgr BE Dun & Co Blocher Mrs A H (la '10) Home 4223 Oak St Boggs Harry H (1 '02) Law 610 NY Life Bldg fBoland Mary A (la '08) 2938 Mich- igan Av Bolen Mabel H la '14- ) Stu 807 & 40th St Bower Katherine M (h sc '14) 3326 Gillham Rd ^Brandenburg Albert G Jr (m eng '12) 3846 Charlotte St Brooks Raymond Wentworth (c eng '11 BS) C Eng Inter-St Bldg Byrd Oliver W (la com '76) Insp US Bur An Husb 3238 Thompson St Candor Robert J (arch eng '08 BS) Arch 602 Finance Bldg ?Claflin Charles H ym eng '81) Claplin Stephen T (sc '14 BS) Adv Graphic Arts Bldg Colton Albin B (la '79) Gen Agt Midland Life Ins Co 507 Sharp Bldg MISSOURI 1151 Colton Edwin T (mun eng '13- ) Stu 3226 Woodland Av Colton Russell S (mun eng '10- ) Stu 3226 Woodland Av Cooper Agnes B (lib '10 AB) Catg Pub Libr 3359 Wyandotte St Corley Howard (c eng '13 BS) Cre- osoter Amer Creosoting Co Corrin William G (c eng '05 BS) Field Eng Inter-St Com Comm Inter- St Bldg TCrouch William L (l'Ol LLB) Min Supt 1023 Pennsylvania Av Dart Whitman (arch eng '05 BS) Supt Constr 4031 Tracy Av Degen Albert G (arch eng '12- ) Stu 3533 Flora Av Diffenbaugh Harry (la '82) Grain 504 Board Trade Bldg Dobbins Lester C (la '99) Grain Broker 827 Penn Av Eaton Helen M (la '07 AB) Sec Cen- tral Presbyterian church 910 Harrison St . Elliott Hiram W (c eng '07 BS) Supt C A Fuller Co 301 S Kensington St tElmer Irving A (sc '79) Mgr Elm- er & Co 318 W 44th St Elmer Levellon R (gen '78) West- port Sta Emmons Mildred L (la '14) At home 3441 Chestnut Av Farquhar Donald A (arch eng '12) Sales Mgr 4121 Oak St Feller George C (e eng '15) 3137 Garfield Av Feller Laura (ag '14) At home 3137 Garfield Av Ferguson Wilbert H (com '15- ) Stu 2639 E 29th St Fizzell Robert B (la '10 AB) Law Fidelty Trust Bldg Foreman Chester A (c eng '07 BS) Chf Insp Kan City Ter RR Co 2802 Wabash St Foreman Mrs C A (la '06 AB) Home 2802 Wabash St Gentry William S Jr (arch eng '12 BS)('08) Special Bepr Barrett Mfg Co 3324 Virginia Av Gentry Mrs W S (la '11 AB) Home 2908 Charlotte St Graff Zella M (su '08) Teach 1701 E 41st St Green Julia E (arch eng '10) Art 1914 E 36th St Gregory Alfred (g '05 AM) (la '78 AB) Law 2608 Locust St Gregory John M (com '15- ) Stu 3608 Locust St Gregory Joseph V (m eng '15) 3608 Locust St Hanley Charles W (la '14) 3508 Broadway St Hardin David L (arch eng '15- ) Stu 309 N Quiney Av Harvey Alfred E (c eng '91 BS) C Eng 817 E 30th St Harvey Mrs A E (la '91 BL) Home 817 E 30th St Harvey Harry H (la '94) Law Met St RR Co Hess Harry C (la '04) Asst Mgr Knight Tire Co 1528 Grand Av Heyle Allen W (ag '11) Ag 3823 Baltimore Av Higgins Albert G (arch '93 BS) Mfg 2315 Flora Av Hill Muriel M (la '15) Sec 939 NY Life Bldg Hogg Arthur R (la com '04) Trav 3418 Michigan Av Hogg James O (arch '80) Arch 3418 Michigan Av tHogg Mrs J O (mus '78) Home 3418 Michigan Av Hogg James O Jr (arch eng '12) Arch Supt 4012 Euclid Av Huff Ralph T (ag '07) B Est 802 Com Bldg Huff Walter W (c eng '08 BS) Con- sulting Eng 717 Shukert Bldg Hutchings Paul A (c eng '10) Mgr 4- Mfg 4300 Oak St Huxtable Winnie C (su '15) 3807 Wa- bash Av Jensen Milton O (la '15 AB) Vitro- lite Constr Co 402 Wyandotte St Johnston Mrs G R (lib '03 BLS) Home 524 Cypress Av Jordan Myron K (c eng '09 BS) Draft 728 Hamilton Ter Jordan Mrs M K (la '08 AB) Home 728 Hamilton Ter kealy Philip J (c eng '07 CE) Pres Kansas City RR & Light Co Kent James M (m eng '85 BS) Teach 2446 Harrison St Ketchum Daniel C (la '04 LL B) ( '99 AB) Law 518 NY Life Bldg Kincade John D (arch eng '13) Ins 3220 Highland Av King Mrs (la '09) Home 1421 12th St Kirchlofer Emma Esther (la '15- ) Stu 3021 Grand Av Knappenberger John M (com '15- ) (arch eng '15) Stu 2708 Olive St Knight Robert F (su '95) Teach 4026 Montgall St Latham William A (ag'05) 2805 Tracy Av Lawless Loyd L (sc '09) City Milk Insp Bd Health 1152 MISSOURI Leavens Arthur B (arch eng '15 BS) Struct Eng 3126 Karnes Blvd fLee Thomas W (ag '13) 2918 Tracy Av Lewis Mrs W A (la '02 AB) Home 3537 Campbell St Lindsey James D (arch eng '07) Merc Agency B G Dunn & Co 3509 Wyan- dotte St Loclchart Horace C ('05) Sales Corn Prod Bef Co 1317 St Louis Av \Lovitt Walter U ('92) Arch 602 Finance Bldg LuTcins Charles F ('09) Sales 420 Bialto Bldg Lund Hugo (m eng '02 BS) Chf Draft Metropolitan RR Co • Lund Mrs Hugo (la '04) At home 1657 Summit St Lydon John C (m eng '10) Sales Amer Radiator Co 1230 Walnut St McCune Henry L (la '83 BL) Law 3516 Holmes St McCune Joseph M (1 '13 AB) Law 831 Scurritt Bldg Machovec Edward P (m eng '13- ) Stu 2604 Lockridge PI Mandler Henry E (chem eng '09) StocJc Clh Ford Motor Co 702 W 11th St Medill William A (1 '04 LL B) Law $ Ag 1109 Commerce Bldg Mercer Charles F (c eng '14- ) Stu 1607 Garfield Av Mitchell Frederick A (m eng '98 BS Fac '03) Contr $ Struct Eng Kan- sas City Struc Steel Co 2926 Lock- ridge St Mitchell Gay E ('90) Clk Freight Ofc Kansas City Belt Line RR tMoffett John (sp '77) Live Stock Exch Bldg tMoffett John B (la '82) c/o Moffett Bros & Andrews Live Stock Exch Bldg Morse Guy E (e eng '15- ) Stu 4238 Harrison St Munn Eugene L (c eng '05) Trav 908 Benton Blvd MURRAY Everett B (c eng '08 Fac '08) Consult Eng 920 Walnut St Murray Mrs E B (mus '09) Home 900 E 41st St Neil Edwin H (c eng '11) Contr 225 Midland Bldg Nicolet Harry L (la '85) Edit 3741 Warwick Blvd Parker Walter A ('94) Mgr Type- writer Co 237 Lathrop Blag Paton John (la '74) RR Mach Penn Victor Hugo (arch '12) Arch 317 W 13th St Phillips Grace D (lib '05 BLS) Asst Pub Lib 3021 Forest St Phillips Victor L (c eng '06) Dealer Contr Machinery Seventh & Delaware St Plunkett James W (com '15) 2704 Olive St Powell John H (c eng '91 BS Fac '92) R Est 312 Reliance Bldg Pursley Emma S (la '15 AB) Stu Col U 2510 E 11th St Raab Frank H (sc '06) Med 3838 Troost Av Randolph Cora C (sc '13- ) Stu 1100 E Armour Blvd Reber John A (su '15) Stu U Kan 1745 Summit St Redpath Mrs C (h sc '13) Teach H Sc 2510 E 11th St Renwick Ralph (arch eng '12) Bldg Supt Holabird & Roehe 1005 Wald- heim Bldg Rieger William V (ag '72) 1213 Wy- andotte St Ritchie Jeanette (ag '15) Cash Bal- timore Hotel ?Ross Whitfield (su '06) Attucks Sch Ruple Mrs R E (la. '08 AB) Home 103 Tracy Av Russell George S (c eng '09 BS) C Eng fy Chf ClTc Kansas City Sewer Div 2513 Mersington Saunders Harry J (sc'96BS) Med 1014 Broadway ?Saunerman Ramer II (arch eng '07) 1931 Hellick St Schell Edward J (c eng '11 BS) c/o Waddell & Harrington Schilling Dale R (arch eng '14) 3404 Baltimore St Schmidt Karl W (arch eng '13- ) Stu 3737 Main St Schumacher Louis G (e eng '07 BS) E Eng K C Elec Light Co Seddon Herbert R (arch eng '05) Arch 1127 Kerrick Bldg Shockley Clyde A (c eng '09) C Eng 4843 East Seventh St Siemens Annie B (la '14- ) Stu 412 E 36th St smith Avis E (la '77 MS) Med 2719 Garfield St Smith Florence S (lib '04 AB) Chge Ref Room Pub Lib 2019 E 35th St t Smith Granville Moody Jr (la '11) 3701 Baltimore Av Spencer Lawrence E (com '11) Print 6033 Main St Staker Fred M (1 '07 LL B) Mgr Comm Safe Deposit Co Commerce Trust Co Stalker James R (c eng '09) Mdse Broker 522 Scaritt Bldg Stephenson Lewis A (m eng '04 BS) Mgr Kan City Ofc Powers Regulator MISSOURI 1153 321 Reliance Bldg Stokes John W (e eng '13 BS) E Eng Gen Elee Co 510 Dwight Bldg Stophlet Anna C (la '09) Teach 3616 Charlotte St Stophlet Mrs D S (la '09) Home 1010 E 41st St Straub Ernest J (su '14) Asst Bldg Constr Foreman 2320 Harrison St IS weeny Lawrence D (hort '10) 314 W Tenth St Swenson Sidney O (e eng '99 BS) E Eng Kansas City Terminal RR Co Swetlick John T (ag '10) c/o Jones Invest Co 301 Commerce Bldg Tebbetts George E (c eng '99 BS) Bridge Eng Kan City Terr Ry 23rd & Grand Av Tennery Rederick (sp '02) Mgr Cloth- ing Store t Thomas Volney H (su '09) Ins $ Sales Mgr R F Cobb & Co 212 R A Long Bldg Thompson Horace O (la com '09) Nurse General Hospital Trogdon James E (m eng '96) Law 939 W 42nd St Underhill Harold W (arch '13 BS) Arch Underhill & Dean 3716 Central St Underhill Mrs H W (arch '13) Arch 3716 Central St Vanneman Ralph B (mus '06) Stenog 1222 Holmes St Waddington Earle C (e eng '06) Sales 1215 R A Long Bldg Wade Leonard G (m eng '91) Bus Mgr Trans 4007 S Benton Blvd Wansborough Robert ('07) Sec Wag- gener Paint & Glass Co Wansbrough Charles R (arch eng '09) Sec Waggener Paint & Glass Co 2006 Grand Av Wansbrough John E (1 '14) Law 818 Scarritt Bldg Wellman William T (arch eng '04) Arch 600 Shukert Bldg Wheeler Lyman G (c eng '13 BS) C Eng US Eng Ofc Wiles Bertha H (la '14- ) Stu 3130 Olive St Winn George P (e eng '14- ) Stu 3628 Harrison Blvd Woolington Leon S (c eng '08) c/o Studebaker Corpor 1620 Grand Av Yates Robert R (c eng '11 BS) Bridge Constr Waddell & Harrington Constr Engs 1012 Baltimore St Young John H (e eng '99 BS) V- Pres 4" Gen Mgr Hayes Mfg Co 326 Myrtle Av Young Mrs J H (la '98 AB) Home 326 Myrtle Av KIRKSVILLE Derby Harold L (c eng '13- ) Stu 715 N Franklin St Jones Warren (la '02 AB) Teach 1201 E Normal Av McCleary Ben H (la 10) Osteopathic Phys Jackson Charlotte M (lib '04 BLS) Stu American Sch Osteop 408 S Franklin St KIRKWOOD t Merry Carl E (sc '09) 136 W Wash- ington Av Schwartz Albert J (c eng '01) Ed Big Bend & Berry Rds LA CLEBE Benson Susan T (lib '13- ) (g la '11) Asst U 111 LAMAR \ O'Neal Donald B ('03) Ag LA PLATO William Edwin G W (m eng '12) Bnk LINCOLN Labahn Albert L (ag '10) Ag Labahn Charles J (ag '10) Ag LOCKWOOD Shiner Robert T (g an husb '15) Ag R3 LUTESVILLE Lutes Gifford W (arch eng '14- ) Stu MACOMB Shortridge William F (su '07) Ag # Teach MACON fNoyes Caleb K (e eng '06) c/o Mrs W L Shank MALDEN fCrum George E (c eng '01) Ag davis Exum W (la '03 AM) Ag MARIONVILLE Cannady Stephen D ('84) Phar MARSHALL Parsons Mrs N H (lib '12) Lior U Mo 315 E Vest St MARYVILLE DAY Harriet ('11) Dir Art Dept Northwest Normal 1154 MISSOURI MATTHEWS Cooper George A (m eng '10 BS) Gr 4r Coal Dealer Cooper Mrs G A (h sc '10) Borne Reiss John J (ag '06) Ag Swartz Earl W (ag '04) Ag $ Bilk Swartz Leon F (ag '15) Ag Swartz Mrs L F (sc '14) Home MEMPHIS Wellman Orpha M (la '13 AM) ( '11 AB) Teach MEXICO Crum Bird E (la '98) At home 205 Central Av Paullin William A (ag '07) Ag R2 Rusk Earl W (ag '07) Ag MINDEN MINES Nelson Jacob C (ag '07 BS) Farm Mgr Box 28 MOBERLY Griffith Clarence P (arch eng '14 BS) Draft Ray & Son Constr Co Griffth Mrs C P (la '13) Home Kayser Alfred C (c eng '16) Surv Gen Del MONETT Davison Margaret W (sc '03) Surg Asst Dr West Hospital Westbay James H (ry m eng Feb '15- ) Stu 202 Dunn St MONROE CITY Walker Ralph M (m eng '75) Ag $ Merc MONT1CELLO Walker Edward (c eng '13 BS) C Eng Wallace Wellington J H (arch '13 BS) Arch Draft MOUNTAIN GROVE fDavis Leroy (sp '74) Ag NEELYVILLE JLeers Mathew (sp '72) B Est NETHERLANDS Baker Alfred M Jr (ag '15 BS) Mgr Stock Farm NEVADA Davis George W (g sc '13) Prin H Sch fHill Julia T (sc '82) Tincher Donald L (m eng '11) Bes Box 105 NORBORNE Sawyer Albert B Jr (ag '10 BS) Ag Sawyer Mrs A B Jr (la '13 AB) Home Sawyer Mrs A B (h sc '80) Home Sawyer Gertrude (land arch '14- ) Stu NOTCH ?PRINCE S F ('13) Art ODESSA Rose Rebecca A (la '05) Teach O 'FALLON Dunlap David W (ag '15 BS) Stu Boston Theol Sch tDunlap Marcia (la '12) At home OLDEN Evans Mrs J C (lib '04 BLS) Home ORAN Black Robert O (ag '09) Ag OZARK Paddock William B (su '08) Teach PALMYRA tBashore Ethelbert J (eng '10) Gray Claudia Marie (la '15) At home PARKVILLE farver Emery C (g math '15 AM) Teach Park Coll Thompson Stella M (su '09) Teach Park Coll PERRYVILLE Huber Andrew J (e eng '14- ) Stu McBride Charles B (c eng '15- ) Asst Eng PINE LAWN Cross Charles W (arch eng '92 BS) C Eng PRINCETON Lindsey Charlie F (la '15) t Wilson Ray (m eng '12) Wilson Ray W (la com '14- ) Stu PUXICO Foster Dean L (e eng '15) Foster Ora F (ag '14 BS) Ag QUICK CITY Smith Mrs J R (mus '07) Home RAVANNA Williams Irene (h sc '14- ) Stu MISSOUEI 1155 EICHMOND Estes Earl C (la '13) Merc KOCKEPORT iDenham Miss John (.'04) EOLLA Dean Hazel (lib '15) Marti William C (chem eng '09 BS) Chem Mo Geol Surv Scott John B (su '02) Instr Strobach Richard M (ag '13) Stu U Mo ST CHAELES Arndt Paul Jr (ag '14- ) Stu Bloebaum Benjamin H (1 '13) Laiv Horn Franklin L (su '00) Dean Liu- denwood Coll ST JAMES Woodworth Levi G (ag '06) Ag ST JOSEPH fBlanchard Helen (a&d '86 ) DuBois Charles E (c eng '08) Contr 718 Corby Forsee Bldg ?Giles Mrs J M (la 'U6) 503 S Elev- enth St Gordon James A (la '14) 404 S 17th St Hornkohl Siegfried I (arch eng '14) 2903 Sherman Av Lechtenberger Ealeigh (su M5) Teach Eackliffe Thomas T (la '15- ) (sc '13) Stu 29 N Sherman Av Schreiber Allen B (arch eng '10) Grain Merc shamel Clarence A (ag '91 MS) c/o Profitable Farming tSHERMAN William H (1 '01 LL B) 601 E Missouri Av Siemens Webb M (arch eng '11- ) Stu 1513 Charles St Tooker Jesse G (arch eng '14) Clk Hospital 2 White Emily M (h sc'09) Teach 503 S Eleventh St White Marion K (h sc '13- ) Stu 503 S Eleventh St White Sarah K (mus '10) Pub Sch Mus 503 S Eleventh St ST LOUIS Adams Mary O (la '15 AB) Teach Forest Park U Adler Leon (chem eng '13- ) Stu 2818 Gamble St Agee Mrs Nellie (ag '15- ) Stu 4247a Finney Av Ainsworth Walter W (la com '12 AB) Sales Mgr 408 Olive St Allen Lucille M (su '15) Stu Miami U 1423 Goodfellow Av Arnett Anna E (la '15- ) Stu 4245 W Belle fit Bainum Curtis S (arch eng '90) Arch 6142 Victoria Av Bair Joseph H (e eng '09) CZfc. 1364 Clara Av Baker Joseph J (ag '15) Draft 4192 Farlin Av \Bauer Albert L ('95) 5240 St Louis Av Bauer Elmer F (ag '15) Stu Jones Henderson Coll Bk 4162 Cleveland St Beck Louisa (su '15) Governess 4632 Maryland Av Becker Coulton M (su '09) C Eng 5870 Cabanne St Begole Josiah F (m eng '96 BS) E $M Eng 1329 Temple PI Bell Edgar D (m eng '01 BS) Gen Supt Madison L&P Co St Louis Elec Tel Co St Louis Elec Bridge Co 3725 N Broadway St Benson James E (la '04 AB) Teach 6131 Magnolia Av Berning Augustus F (su '07) Trav Sales 4238 DeSoto St Bevington Mrs M E (su '03) Home 3816a St Louis Av Bevis Albon L (la com '12- ) Slu 5510 Cates Av Bevis Philemon (arch '89) Meirop Gen Sec YMCA Bishop George W (sc '05 AB) Teach Soldan H Sch ?Bixby Guy M (gen '98) Blackburn Eoy J (c eng '04 BS) C Eng Prendegrast Constr Co 1909d Lawrence Av Blanchard Herbert J (arch eng '84) Arch Draft 2332 Whittemore PI Blood Walter W (c eng '07) Trcas 2256 Benton PI Bohn John E (g pomol '15- ) Stu 3015 Eads Av Bokern Edward F (la com '12) E Est E A Bokern E Est Co 1015 Chestnut St Boyer George H (c eng '05) Eng Tests Mil Elec By 603 N Garrison Av t Bradbury William C (sp '03) 1405 Missouri Av Bradley Eugene P (m eng '12 BS) Mfg Agt 5327 Maple Av Bradlev John T Jr (la com '12- ) Stu 3834 Olive St 1156 MISSOURI Breitenbach Adolph H (su '00) Law 201 Title Guaranty Bldg Brinkman Edward (sc'82) Med 2651 Olive St Bristow James W (c eng '07) By C Eng 604 Frisco Bldg Brown Alexander B (m eng '75) Ofc N K Fairbanks Co ?Brown Benjamin R (c eng '05) 2603 Allen Av Brown Elmer A (e eng '15 BS) 1287 Sutter Av Buckingham Arthur W (c eng '11 BS) Asst Eng Truin Colnon Constr Co 502 Merchant's Laclede Bldg Buckingham Roswell H (m eng '79) c/o Illini Club Burge George ( '07) US Naturalisa- tion Examiner 221 Custom House Burgess Fred H (c eng '04 BS) C Eng Amer Bridge Co Burgess Wilmot A (su '13) Teach 218 Elwood St Burley Walter B (m eng '10) Sup- ply Sales Gen Elec Co Burns Valerie I (la '15- ) Stu 1282 Hamilton Av Burtis Altha (la '10) Teach Buschman Louis H A (la '12) Law 541-2 Pierce Bldg Butler Comfort S (1 '09 AB) Law 801 Chemical Bldg Butler Philip M (ag '15) 1386 Belt Av ?Campbell Elmer C (su '01) Carr Charles T (1 '11) Sec-Treas Constr Co 504 Commerce Bldsr Carter Carroll ( '07) C Eng 5025 Ca- banne Av Cartwright Charles F (c eng '14 BS) Draft 5717 Von Versen Av Casey Dawn R (la '14- ) Stu 6128 Vermont Av Chase Dean (mun eng '14 BS) Mun Eng 2849 Russell Av Clarke Victor H (eng '01) Gen Supl Bldg Constr 720 Wainwright Bldg Clendenin Adda M (la '13) At home 3511 Vista Av Cloyd Louis S (com '15- ) (la M5) Stu 1726 N Whittier St Cohen Julius (la '13- ) Stu 4705a Vernon Av ?Colburn Frederick P (e eng '05) Mgr Whitman Agriculture Co 6900 S Broadway Connell Edwin L (e eng '12 BS) E Eng 6400 Plymouth Av CooTc Walter S ('93) 4145 W Belle PI CORRUBIA Angelo B M (g '12 Fac '15) Arch Central Bk Bldg Covey Areto C (la '14 AB) At home 5897 Bartmer Av Cox Henry R (ag '13- ) Stu 3911 Lafayette Av cravens Lucile S (la '13 AM) Prof Forest Park U Crosby Clifford (sc '05 AB Fac '05) Teach H Sch Cullinane George M (e eng '15- ) Stu 5149 Cabanne St Cummings Ruth R (lib '03) Teach 5402 Bartmer Av Curtis Miriam A (la '14- ) Stu 4066 Cook Av Cutler Robert M (com '15- ) Stu 1239 Amherst PI Cutter Robert M (com '15- ) Stu 1239 Amherst PI Danforth Mrs C H (la '14) Home 4544 Clayton Av Demuth Jack E (c eng '15 BS) 2644 Russell Av Deneen Dan ('07) c/o St Louis Fish and Oyster Co Derr Mrs L E ('02) Home 4041 Newstead St IDetering Oscar C (la '15 AB) 3933 N 25th St Dicke Otto A (c eng '08 BS) Arch 1909 Herbert St tDickson George T F (sc '13) Stu Gordon Ingt Boston 2751 Walnut St Digfby Arthur ('88) Law 915 Olive St Dix Ruth M (h sc'15- ) Stu 2220a Red Beech Av Dore Waldo E (sc'03) Clk 3208 Henrietta St Dose Henry F (c eng '86) 3539 Pes- talozzi St Draper Edwin F (sp '73) Proof-read- er 5154 Minerva Av Dry den William D (arch eng '04) Carpenter # Builder 2900 Palm St Dryden Mrs (su '03) Home 4218 Athlone Av DUGGAR Benjamin M ( '96) Mo Bot Gardens 5470 Clemens Av Dunham William A (g poly sc '15) Asst Dir Boyle Memorial Center 816 N 11th St Eariner Charles W (m eng '14 BS) Sales Eng Amer Blower Co Title Guaranty Bldg East Ella G (la '06) Teach 4348 Forest Park Blvd East William H (m eng '76) Chf Eng Laclede-Christy Clay Products Co 6301 Famous Av Eide Randolph (la '10 AB) Traffic Superv South Western Tel Co 1010 611 Locust St ?Fairbanks William (arch '93) MISSOURI 1157 Fairbank William J (arch '93) Fasold Miriam R (la '12- ) Stu 5231 Kensington Av Ferguson William C (m eng '02) Con- sult Eng 4411 McPherson Av JFerguson William D (la '74) WeurbacTc William J ( '92) Fischer Louis E (mun eng '98 BS) Consult Eng 1729 Boatman 's Bk Bld£ tForster August F (la '05) c/o Mrs Minnie Brame 3242 Colepin Av Frier John (m eng '13- ) Stu 1216 Amherst PI Froehlich Hugo F (e eng '12- ) Life Guard 3721 Page Av Froehly Arthur G (e eng '15- ) Stu 3829 Delmar Blvd Garber John F (la '97 AB) Teach Yeatman H Sch Gates Orus E (e eng '10 BS) Asst Supt Cement Mfg 6604 Michigan Av Gayle Maurice R Jr (c eng '15- ) Stu 3712 Cook Av Gill Clarence S (c eng '14- ) Stu 4052 Washington St Glapion Cyrus W (m eng '11) Gov Serv 217 Bo wen St Goldman Frank L (eng '15- ) Stu 1117 Hamilton Av Goodrich Robert J (chem '16) Chem ?Goodwin John M (la '99) Law 1415 Federal Reserve Bk Bldg Gore William A (g la '08 AM ( '05 AB) Fac '08) Supt Schs 721 Good- fellow Av Gratz Mrs Benjamin (la '96 ML) ( '95 BL) 5155 Lindell Av Graves John T (ag '05) c/o Ford Car Wks 4238 Cook Av Green John N (la '15) Stu 2838 Lawton Av Griesbaum Erwin (m eng '14 BS) M Eng 4545 Choteau Av Grimmer Edwin W (c eng '09) Eng 5477 Von Versen Av Grimmer Marguerite (la '15) Stu Welles Coll 5477 Von Versen Av Gruner Irma D (h sc '12) Teach 5808 Westminster PI Grunewald Herman C (c eng '13- ) Stu 2039 E Fair Av Gutmann Ludwig (e eng '10 EE)('04 BS) E Eng 5645 Cates Av Hager Frank S (m eng '15- ) Stu 2451 DeKalb St Hagnauer Arno W (sc '06) Merc 4107 Juanita St Hake Harry G (eng '13 EE ( '10 MS) ('07 BS) Fac '13) Asst Prof Wash StL U Hake Mrs H G (la '06) Home Mc- Millian Hall Washington U Hall Fred S (la '98 AB) Law Suite 915 Cent Bk Bldg Hall Harriet (ag '13) Ag 280 Skin ker Rd HAMSHER Frank ('06) Prin Smith Acad St Louis Hargitt George H (e eng '11) Teach Man Tr 5944 A Theodocia St Harmon Ivan G (c eng '07 BS) Eng Sr Contr Racquet Club Harnist Carl W (m eng '10) Befrig Eng 2321 Whittemore PI Hasgall Myles S (sc '13) 6212 West- minster PI Hasgall Rexford T (m eng '13) Sales 17th St & Washington Av Hatfield Helen G (la '15) Bkpr $ Com Art 4546 N Market St Hays Forrest P (la com '12) Bonds 14 Washington Ter Heard John T H (ag '15- ) Stu 5708 Von Versen Av Hedgemon Ioda A (su '13) Teach H Sch 2844 St Louis "Av heffernan Ruth M (g engl '15 AM) Teach Wash St L U McMillan Hall Heinicke Herbert M (la '15- ) Stu 6637 Alabama Av Helm John J Jr (ag '11) US Light House Serv 418 Federal .Bldg Helm Lloyd L (la '12 AB) Ins 3570 Wyoming Av Henn Otho M (la '12 AB) Ins 1330 Pierce Bldg Henselmeier Frederic W (su '08) Prin Des Peres Sch 3219 Herbert St Hickey John R (c eng '15- ) Stu 4527 Washington Blvd Higdon William D (g math '06) Teach 4031 Wyoming St Hill Stanley (sc '13 AB) Teach Smith Acad Hilliard Frank W (e eng '04 BS) Sales Gen Elec Co Pierce Bldg Hilpert Martha (ag '13- ) Stu 2925 Lafayette Av Hinman John H (m eng '07 BS) If Eng 2449 E Marcus Av Hirsch Stanton P ('05) Hisey Homer R ('93) Vent Chem 10th & Olive Sts Hoffman George H (la '15) 3635 Blaine Av Hoffman Reyburn P (arch '14) Supt Bldg Cont 3635 Blaine Av HOLFERTY George M ('01) Prof Amer Med Coll & Instr Central H Sch 3513 Morgan St Hollman Edward E (sc '12 BS Fac) 1158 MISSOURI Chem St Louis Water Wks 1412 Wright St Holmes Paul A (eng '14) c/o Wag- ner Elec Mfg Co 4379 Delmar Blvd Hopkins Herbert Z (ag '10) Ins 5051 Kensington Av Hoskins Daniel T (la '10 AB) West Sales Majestic Mfg Co 2018 Morgan St Hucke Philip M (sc '93 BS) Coal Opr 3521 Park Av Hudler Charla (h sc Feb '16- ) Stu 3041 Ivanhoe Av Hufferd Kalph W (g chem '15- ) Stu 3934 Page Blvd Hughes Cornelius R (ag '11) Dealer Coal Ice 4- Express 3920 Fairfax Av Jackson Eva J (h sc '12 AB) Teach H Sch JEANS Philip ('07) Med 500 3 Kingshighway Jessen George P (arch eng '07) Sales 1248 Goodfellow Av Johnston Thomas W (e eng '10) Teach Man Tr Jones Clifford C" (ag '15- )('15BS) Stu 808 Spruce St Keith Cloyd E (1 '04 LL B) Sales 5211 Maffit Av Kelso Leon W (la '11) Med City & Co Hospital Kettle Kamp F (su '08) Med City Hospital Kidder Edward M (c eng '75) Bond 4- Stock Broker 539 Pierce Bldg Kilby Hubert StC (e eng '14 BS) Asst Eng 111 Tract Sys 3723 N Broad- way St Kipp John G E (e eng '13- ) Stu 3923 Botanical Av Kirchmer May M (h sc'15) 1410 Bremer Av Kirkpatrick Robert J (m eng '11 BS) Sales Min Mich 1127 Central Nat Bk Bldg Kleeman Arthur (la '07) Fin 405 Olive St Kock Alfred R (chem eng '07 BS) Chem 4539 A Clayton Av Koch Eloise (la '15- ) Stu 2738 Accomac St Kramer Jesse C (e eng '13 BS) E Eng Century Elec Co 1228 Aubert Av Kr eider John M ( '89) Promoter Lachman Josiah K (su '15) 311 Por- tez St Lane George J (e eng '12) E Eng Wagner Elec Co 5702 Vernon Av Lane Mrs G V (sc '15 AB) Home 5945a Minerva Av Lange Harry W (com '15) Laundry 3253 Conelin St Lauterbach Gustav A (su '11) 2S25 Russell Av Leach Robert W (m eng '09) Auto Sales tLiddy Eugene (c eng '95) 2816 Henrietta Av Lieurance Leota L (su '08) Teach 5705a Von Verson Av Lindsey George H (e eng '15 BS) Sales 6424 Hobart Av Lischer Charles (eng '91) Treas Nat Pressed Brick Co Victoria Bldg Loepfler Frank X (c eng '13 BS) c/o Consolidated Eng Co 710 Wright Bldg McAllister Ivorine (la '14- ) Stu 406 Morgan St McArdle Montrase P Jr (arch eng '15) Supt Constr 1104 Chem Bldg Eighth & Olive Sts McCollister Marcus (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 4367 Delmar Blvd McCormick Thomas P (m eng '90; 3646 Finney Av ?McCulloch Albert B (arch '01) 2734 Dayton St McFarland John A (chem '03 BS) V- Pres Bird Archer Co 513 Frisco Bldg McFarland Mrs (la '02) 6025 West- minster PI McGinnis Mary O (g bot '10 AM) (la '02 AB) Teach Yeatman H Sch 3739 Windsor PI McGrath Francis X (la '12 AB) Ins 501 Third Nat Bk Bldg McKee Edwin B (e eng '10) Commis- sion Man 4155 Flad Av McKim Lawrence J (la '15- ) Stu 3911a Page Blvd McPike Josephine M (la '09) Lior Asst Crunden Branch Maltby Mrs Frank (la '83) Home 4233 Botanical Av Manning Lewis L (sp '00) Contr 4 Build 5152 Von Verson Av tMarkman Carl B (ry e eng '13) 2154 Allen Av Marx Arthur W K (m eng '14- ) Stu 1044 Lafayette Av Mechin Rene J (m eng '15- ) Stu 5088 Raymond Av Merrill Hillwell F (sc '00 BS) Chem Purina Mills Merritt Cora L (h sc '13- ) Stu 4244 Delmar Blvd Metzger Louis C F (c eng '11 CE) ( '05 BS) C Eng 2650 Accomac St Metzler Curtice V (m eng '13) Clk Ins Co 1719 S Jefferson Av Miller Chester B (la '07 AB) Instr Man Tr 5866 Etzel Av Miller Mrs C B (la '10 AB) Home MISSOURI 1159 5866 Etzel Av Mills Ralph W (sc '99 BS) Med Wall Bldg Minnich William P (sp '71) Trav Sales Mitchell Robert S (e eng '14- ) Stu 2907 Lafayette Av Mitchell William L (sc '14) Stu Wash St L U Moll Paul (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 4549 Berlin Av Monnig Joseph T (com '15) Clk Ty- ler Warehouse Co Moore Francis C (sc '08) Nurse Jew- ish Hospital MORGAN William L ('15) Sales Mancha Storage Battery Locomotive Co fMorley Guilford S (e eng '11) 214 S Main St Morris Helen E (h sc '14- ) Stu 1001 Grisco Bldg Mosby Benjamin H (la '09 AB) Teach Summer H Sch 4342 West Belle PI Mueller Henry F (la com '13) 3824 N 11th St fMyers Estelle L (lib '04) 4221 West- minster PI Nagel Charles A (e eng '15- ) Stu 5844a Cote Brilliante Av Narkinsky Charles S (e eng '12 BS) E Eng Emerson Elec Co 2032 Wash- ington Av Neininger Alonzo B (c eng '11 BS) Sales Eng St Louis Steel Fdry Neslage Oliver J (m eng '12- ) Stu 3631 Juniata St Nettleton Ernest B (c eng '07) C Eng US Jr Eng Miss River Comm 1311 Int Life Bldg Neuhaus James J (m eng '03) Cement Test 4372 Ellenwood St Nickell Lloyd F (g sc'13 PhD ('11 AM) '09 AB) Fac '12) Asst Prof Wash U Nickell Mrs L F (la '13) Home 6169 Berlin Av Noxon Elmer W (m eng '15) Stu 1746 Simpson PI Nugent Walter A (e eng '13) Stu U Mo 5064 Cabanne Av Ockerson John A (Hon D Eng 'C3 (c eng '73 BS) '73 CE) Consul $ C Eng Internat Life Bldg O'Neil Laurence W (com '09) Supt Fulton Iron Wks 6300 Plymouth Av Orr Edward E (arch eng '96 BS) Merc 5208 Fairmount Av Osborne Edith V (ag '14) 3410 La- Salle St f Overland Amy M (la '12 AB) 1414 Shawnut PI Pahmeyer Fred O (m eng '05 BS) M Eng 1906 McCausland Av Paisley Elsie J (su '04) Tr Nurse 3811 Westminster PI Panhorst Frederick W (c eng '15 BS) Draft Bridge Dept 4007 Wash- ington Blvd Park Martha A (la Feb '15- ) Stu 2144 Fair Av Peabody Lorin W (m eng '91 BS) Eepr Lubricating Dept Standard Oil Co 456 Newstead Pease James F (ag '85) Vet Insp US Bur An Industry 2812 St Vincent Av Peck John A (la '81) E Est 5123 Maple Av Perry Mrs A L (mus '04) Home 2161 Thurman Av Phelps Cyrus E Jr (c eng '10) C Eng 626 Frisco Bldg Phillips Paul B (sc '13) Credit Cor- resp 3849 Delmar Blvd Philips Thomas L (1 '99) Atty Mo Pac RR Wlatt Harrison H ( '78) Postel Frederick (la '15 AB) c/o W R Compton Merc Bond Dealer Potter Charles P (e eng '09 BS) E Eng 5949 Minerva Av Pyron John E (chem eng '15) Stu Wash St L U 6007 Berlin Av Rader Adolphus L (sp '71 Cert) Law 1119 Delaware Av Raskas Joseph R (ag '14) Merc 1332 Washington St Rawson Mrs O G (la '07) Home 3208 Forrest PI Reess Stella G (h sc '15- ) Stu 1223 Tyler St Reismeyer Fred H (ag '13) 7ns Brok- er 3112 Hawthorne Blvd Remick Andrew B (com '10) Law RR Exch Bldg Suite 1869 611 Olive St Remington Mac (arch eng '15- ) ( '14) Stu 1117 xiamilton Av Rennick Andrew B (1'12)('05) Law Railway Exchange Rhetta Henry (su '08) Teach H Sch 1916 Goode Av Rhodes Eugene O (la '15) 3456 Law- ton Av Riche Arthur L (e eng '13) Com Ena SW Tel & Tel Co Richeson Virginia C (h sc '05 AB) Teach 305 Dover St Ritter Ferdinand T (e eng '14) 3223 Bailey Av Roa William J (arch eng '99) Chf Es- timator Amer Car & Fdry Co Robrock Lawrence M (c eng '14) Stu 1160 MISSOURI U Wis 1317 Sullivan Av Bohlping Alfred E (la '14 AB) 4165 Washington Av Rohrer Edward C (e eng '95) Invest- ments Roman Walter Jr (com '12 AB) Mgr Roman Co 940 Syndicate Trust Bldg Roos Edwin G (com '15- ) (arch eng '15) Stu 1918 Whitnall Av Ross George (e eng '07) Asst Supt Portland Cement Co 1211 Montclair Av Rossbach Ernest J (min eng '12 BS) Sales Eng Sullivan Mach Co 705 Olive St Rowland Claude K (g '10 LLB)(la '09 AB) Law 1425 Boatmans Bk Bldg Ruedi Charles H com '15- ) (arch eng '15) Stu 3733 Laclede Av JRuggles Henry P (c eng '05) 5180 Fairmont Av Runk Oliver (m eng '13) C Eng 1311 Internat Life Bldg Runkel Homer (sc '11 BS) Chem Sackett Clark H (su '08) Teach 5141 Cabanne Av Saleski Felicitas A (la '07) Libr fSalmon Charles P (la '05) 1708 Newstead Av Schadt Mabel E (h sc '14 BS) Teach c/o YWCA Schaumberg Edward George Jr (arch eng '14- ) Stu 5110 Maple Av Scheve Julius L (arch '89) Lumber - man Krebs-Scheve Lumber Co 33 St Louis Av Schmitz Erwin A (c eng '13 BS) C Eng 2114 S Conpton Av Schneider Delmont J (m eng '15- ) Stu 1404 Temple PI Schulzke Otto F (sc '10 BS) Chem St Louis Portland Cement Co 8849 N Broadway Schwartz Charles E (min eng '92) 6432 Arundel PI Scott Donald G (arch '93 BS) Asst Mgr James Stuart Co Bk Commerce Bldg Scott Elmo C (ag '09) Solicitor Ken- lock Telephone Co Seib Eugene C ( e eng '11 BS) E Eng Amer Tel & Tel Co 2920 Greer Av Sexton Leon J (chem '9?) Supt Schs 1118 S Seventh St Sheldon Victor L (m eng '03 BS) Eng Contr 5660 Vernon Av Sheldon Mrs V L (la '04 AB) Home 5660 Vernon Av Short Ulysses S (la '99) Med 3200% S Grand St Siebert William S V (su '02) Teach 5021a Page Av Siegmund Humphreys O (eng '13- ) Stu 3225 S Jefferson St Siler Roderick W (c eng '03 BS) Teach Central H Sch Simpson Clarence O ('99) Dent $ Led Century Bldg Skemp Samuel C Jr (ag '15) Gov Serv US War Dept Jefferson Bar- racks Smith George C (la '01 AB) Med 4909 Park View PI t Smith Grace C (la '87) 1339 Garri- son Av Smith Jay H ('89) Investment Bnl: 509 Olive St SMITH Rhea G ('11) Chem c/o Mansanto Chem Wks 1800 S Second St Smith Mrs R G (la '12 AB) Home 3932 Connecticut St Stauder Edward P (e eng '14- ) Stu 2933 Park Av Steinbreder William J (sc '15 AB) Mfg 2254 Red Bud Av Steinmeyer Herbert A (la com '15 AB) Merc 3962 Flora Blvd Stephenson D wight F (e eng '09) Sales 1228 Temple PI Stevens Edith H (ag '13- ) Stu 4265 Finney Av Stevens Helen G (la '13- ) Stu 4205 Finney Av Stevens Hirrel (su '02) Stevens Marie F (h ic '14- ) Sta 4265 Finney Av Stevens Wyandotte J (su '02) Prin Sch 4458 Olive St Stewart Earle H (ry m eng '15 BS) 2720 Salena St Stiegemeyer Clara M (la '15- ) Stu 2122 Benton St Stockbarger Mrs L E (la '87) Home 6703 Alabama Av Stoffel Clarence M (c eng '15) Eng 3892 Humphrey St Stowe Lloyd R (m eng '06) M Eng Laclede Christy Clay Products Co f Strauss Edwin N (sp '96) Sullivan John J (e eng '12) 4575 Cook Av Summers Abel R (e eng '15 BS) Eng Century Electric Co ITanquary Pearl ('11) c/o Nurses Training Sch Hospital Tartt Harry M (arch eng '06) Clk 3620 St Louis Av Taylor Fred C (c eng '07 BS) Mgr Insulation Dept St Louis Branch H W Johnson-Manville Co 5633 Julian Av Taylor Horace A Jr (1 '13) Law 3 N 14th St Taylor Lydia R (su '13) Teach 4534 MISSOURI 1161 Cottage Av t Taylor Rose E (su '10) 6108 Colo- rado Av Teasdale John W (eng '15) Draft 1203 Chemical Bldg Thieu Walter F (com '15- ) (e eng '15) Stu 5028 Raymond Av Thomas Maurice L (e eng '12- ) Stu 5216 Vernon Av Thomas Nelson R (com "'15- ) Stu 5216 Vernon Av Thomas Ralph R (e eng '12- ) Stu 5216 Vernon Av Thompson Willis Jr (com '15- ) Stu 4272 Garfield Av Thomson John W (c eng '10 BS) Contr Eng Strepp Bros Bridge & Iron Co Thornton August O (su '10) Teach H Sch Turpin Charles U (com '15- ) Stu 4362 N Market St Updike Hector (m eng '04) Draft 3016 Magnolia Av Updike Herbert D (la com '14- ) Stu 4569 McMillan Av Vaughn Rufus E (ag Feb '15- ) Stu 5174 Kensington Av Volk Alvin C (c eng '15) Eng Dept Frisco RR 3715 Palm St Von Dach William B (c eng '12) Eng CB&Q RR 2139 S Jefferson Av Walker George R (1 '08) 4024 Fin- ney Av Walker Michael W (su '15- ) Teach H Sch 5805a Von Versen Av Ward Owen M (e eng '07 BS) Union Elec Light & Power Co 5211 Garfield Av Warinner Charles W (m eng '14 BS) Sales Eng Amer Blower Co Title Guaranty Bldg Waters George G (e eng '15- ) Stu 1273 Amherst St Weinrich George L (la '09) Shapleigh Hardware Co Welty Duncan O Jr (ag '14- ) Stu 3232 La Fayette Av ?werckshagen Paul E (g la '08 AM) Wesseling Amalie E (h sc Feb '16- ) Stu 762 Bayard Av Wheeler Walter F (ag '96) Mgr 929 Cent Nat Bk Bldg Wilkinson Mary S (la '07 AB) 926 Academy St Williams George B (arch '99 BS) Mgr Selden Brick Constr Co 5646 Kingsburg Blvd Williams Mrs G B (g hist '08 AM) 5646 Kingsburg Blvd Williams Ira A (m eng '11) Gov 2941 Laclede Av Williford Edward A (e eng '15 BS) Electr Wagner Elec Co 5882 Julian Av Willmore Cyrus EC (1 '12) B Est 216 Merchants Laclede Bldg Wittich Fred P (e eng '13 BS) Traf- fic Eng 4061 Labadie Av Woerman Lilliam H (h sc '15- ) Stu 5108 Cabanne Av Woods Francis O (la '14- ) Stu 3537 Lawton Av Wuertenbaecher Harry E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 4247 Flora Blvd Young Frank S (c eng '05) Eng Mo Pac RR 2849 S Jefferson Av Zeis Henry C (g '15 AM) (la '13 AB) Teach H Sch IZeitinger Anthony F ( '85) Teach H Sch 3404a Cherokee St SEDALIA McKelvey James M (m eng '01) Clk MK&T RR Meriwether Shannon (arch eng '15- ) Stu Broadway & Barrett Sts Penter Eli E (su '08) Mfg 121 E Broadway St Raut Alfred (ag'14 BS) Dairy 703 W Seventh St f Scott Herman R (la '87) SHELBINA Waters Frank P (la '76) SIKESTON Galeener John H (1 '06 LL B) Law Ag #- Merc Kevil James S (arch eng '07) Whole- sale Grain SLATER Drew Nellie B (ag '13) At home Field David E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 113 Euclid Av SPRINGFIELD ? Anderson Mrs Louise C (la '10) Brittan Charles W (arch eng '12) Superv Man Tr Schs 989 N Jeffer- son St Crutcher Anna F (h sc '15) 1418 Benton Av Crutcher Walton L (e eng '14) 1418 Benton Av fDavis William G (ag '14) 434 S Jefferson St Eisenmayer Andrew J (m eng '82 BS) Mill Owner Fulton Roy A (e eng '13) Dairy 437 S Main St Gray Carl R Jr (la '11 AB) RE Offi- cial 405 Frisco Bldg Gurley Summer H (su '13) Rl Hammond Ruth E (lib '15- ) Stu 1162 MISSOURI— MONTANA 1228 Clay St Hauber Carl (arch '15 BS) 455 Cherry St Hofstetter Robert (su '12) Designer JOEDAN John C (la '09 Fac '14) Prof Drury Coll 610 E Lynn St Ledgerwood Leroy W (arch eng '12- ) Stu 819 Lincoln St f Miller Thomas W (e eng '12) 738 E Elm St Peabody Loren W (m eng '91 BS Eac '95) M Eng 515 E Elm St SHAUB Ira O ('05) Supt Demon- stration Wks Frisco Lines 412 Fris- co Bldg Steinmayer Otto C (sc '02 AB) Tim- ber Preserv Dept StL&SF EE 515 E Elm St Stephens Fay (ag '15- ) Stu 1248 N Jefferson St Stone Pearl A (lib '15- ) Stu Grand & Delaware Sts Tiffany Guy E (su '13) 836 Phillips St Wagner Charles A Jr (e eng '14- ) Stu 1361 Clay St SULLIVAN f Crawford Harry (su '06) TAEKIO rees Maurice H (g zool '05 AM) Prof Tarkio Coll TEENTON Collins William C (c eng '95) Mfg Wervees Mrs W M ( '80) Home Engle Thomas J (la '15) Surv 1010 E Sixth St Folkers Harry C (ag '05) Ag Eichards Leo J (rye eng '15- ) Stu 1617 Mable St VEESAILLES Devinna Lawerence E ('06) Ag E3 WAEEENBUEG f Chapman Howard A (e eng '13) Cook Leeson H (lib '15- ) 104 Charles St WEBB CITY Corl James D (ag '12) Stu 210 Webb St Fahrman John D (la '11) Bartender 4r Min 117 Penn Av Jaccard Elizabeth S (la '15- ) Stu 207 S Roane Av MaGee Mrs F E (la '05) Home 216 N Pennsylvania Av Reynolds Mrs B T (la '04 AB) Home 502 S Madison St WEBSTER GEOVES McArdle Montrose P Jr (arch eng '15) Supt Constr 24 Algonquin Lane t Mills Mary W (la '94) Pechmann Henry C (arch eng '15- ) 239 E Swon Av Smith Bruce (la '01 AB) Ed 310 Gore Av Whittemore Benjamin M (la '83) Mfg Sf Treas 673 Elmwood Av wright John E (la '14 Hon AM) Edit St Louis Times Wright Mrs J E (la '88 (AB '14) Fac '89) Home 215 Eosemont Av WELLSTON Hecht August F (ag '10) WEST PLAINS Taylor Grace D (h sc '13- ) Stu Taylor Thomas C (ag '14- ) Stu WHEELING Pitts Mrs R T (la '04) Home MONTANA ALDER Brearley Walter E (ag '05) Ag Williams Andrew P (ag '05) Stock ANACONDA Clark Charles R (sc '04) US Forest Serv Hicks James M (arch eng '15) Eng Anaconda Copper Min Co Dept Farms Huffman Eva E (sc '08 AB) Teach 222 W Third St Mitchel Robert A (su '15) Teach ANTELOPE t Courtney Joseph F (la '14) Electr BELGRADE Constant Lyman J (la '04) Ag BENCHLAND Moffett John K (1 '12) Stock BERCAIL Thomson Fred N (ag '07 BS) Ag $ Teach MONTANA 1163 Thomson Jennie H (a&d'lO) Rome- steading BILLINGS Birely Everett M (la '10) Ins Blanchard Bert (m eng '01) Sales Mgr Emerson Brantingham Imple- ment Co Crouch E Scott ('11) c/o Billings Drug Co Dillavou Koscoe C (1 '13 JD) (la '11 AB) Law 339 Stapleton Bldg Durland Clyde E (c eng '04 BS) Pres Mont Inst Mun Eng 216 Bur- lington Av Horr Bay L (e eng '04 BS) C Eng 4- E Eng Box 27 Moore Harry C (1 '13 LL B) Law 339-40 Stapleton Bldg Railsback Edna L (la '09) 707 N 31st St Stebbins Roy (ag '05 BS) Tate Fred R (1 '13) (la'10 AB) Law 339 Staples Bldg Wernham James I (sc '99 BS) Med BOZEMAN EVANS Augusta D ('13) Ag Exten Mont Ag Coll Hunt Ada E (h sc '13 AB) Instr Mont St Coll Joseph Walter E (ag '12 PhD Fac '16) Res Ag Exp Sta Mont Ag Coll Miller Clifford (su '10) Teach 621 S Ninth St MURDOCK Harvey E ('12) Prof Eng Mont St Coll Murdock Mrs H E ((la '07) Home Whitcomb Mrs W O (sc'll AB) 205 S Fifth Av BROWNING Thacker Americus R (la com '10) Teach Box 26 BUTTE t Angove Beverly J (m eng '05) . Trav Sales 1025 Iowa Av Buck Merryman E ('95) Electr 648 S Montana St Warly Joseph E ('06) Hannon Mrs Victor (su '05) Home ^13 W Silver St Hobbs Reuben M (la '93) Chf Acct Mont Power Co Ice Laura F (mus '01) Teach tManley Charles T (su '12) 1115 Delaware Av Murphy Norbert D (su '15) Granite St Rush Philip S (la '05) Mgr R G Dun 4- Co Smetters MacCormick (ag '95) Med 301 S Idaho St BYNUM Reid Ethel I (com '08) Teach H Sch CHESTER Wilson Clay R (sc '11) Ranch ?Woolsey Marion (g '97) CHINOOK Hoon Arthur S ('00) Med Hopkins Milton I (eng '98) Ranch CHOTEAU Greene Mrs J J (h sc '13) Home Yeager Harvey W (sp '68) Ranch CIRCLE Wilmington Arthur G (su '05) Ag CLARA Dawson Mrs G A (su '02) Home COLUMBUS Ray Julian D (ag '09) Supt Schs CULBERTON Atkinson William D (g econ '95) Law DENTON Musgrove Fred G (ag '04) Ag DILLON Carson Lucy H (g '99 AM (la '97 AB) Fac '01) Prof Mont St Nor Gilbert Minnie E (la '11- ) Stu 535 Pacific St tHocking Clarence D (ag '13) Stock Lamont Antoinette M (la '12) Lior Redman Murray A ( '03) Ranch Weenink Ruth A (h sc '13- ) Stu DIXON tLyman Frank D (1 '08) Law # R Est 413 Windom St DUTTON DuBois Alexander D (e eng '12) (eng '95 BS) Ranch FAIRVIEW Cook Phineas S (la '74) Carpenter FLORENCE Abbott Edwin I (ag '15) Stock Breed- er Bitter Root Inn 1164 MONTANA FOET BENTON Merrifield Albert W (c eng '92) C Eng GLASGOW Pease ' Chester I ('85) Med GLASS EANGE Anderson Bert A (c eng '12) Ag Anderson Mrs Bert A (h sc '12) Home Kendall Parker (ag '12) Ag GEEAT FALLS (su'OO) Home 1200 Bates Mrs G M Fifth Av N Day Eobert G (c eng '10) C Eng Deardorff George W (eng '12) M Eng Findley Mrs George (su '09) Home Finlay Gerald H (ag '07) Clk Con- rad Bnk Co Hurst Mrs G P (la '99 AB) 3205 Fifth Av North Meneley Cora F (la '08) Nurse 11th St & Sixth Av Ehoads Ida E (su'04) Prin Pub Sch HAMILTON Jeffrey Melvin E (ag '04) Dairy Jeffrey Mrs M E (la '04 AB) HAEDIN Berthold Lewis E (ag '08) Eanch HAELOWTON McMillen James F (ag '07) Ag McMillen Mrs John H (la '12) Homo McMillen Eobert E (ag '06) Mfg Mont Flour Mills Co Box 553 HELENA Leanora S (la '12) Osteop Bruner 207 Powers Bldg tFiske Kenneth Bailey (arch eng '09) 111 Seventh Av Freeman Euth M (la '13 AB) Gen Sec YWCA Eentfro Percie C (1 '10 LL B) Lieut US Army Schroeder Mrs P G (lib '05 AB) Home 621 Spruce St Wells Lansing S (g chem'15- ) Stu 721 Spruce St HOBSON Eveland Ted (eng Feb '16- ) Stu Hitch Dorris N (1 '12 LL B) (la '11 AB) Ag Hitch Mrs D N (la '12 AB) Home Lindsey William J (ry m eng '08) Eancher HUNTLEY Knutson Carlot O (la '14) Kettlecamp Frederick O (su '08) Med JUDITH GAP Perry Elmer T (ag '12) Cash KALISPELL Bullock Lela May (la '09 AB) 404 Second Av W Fruin Mary C (la '09 AB) Teach 501 Third Av E Eailsback Mrs E M (la '02 AB) (Fac '10) Home 234 Fifth Av Eitchie Elizabeth Libr c/o Pub Lib Taylor Lilian C (ag '15 BS) Teach 312 Peck St P (lib '09 BLS) KENDALL Cresap Dwight (ag '05) Ag LEE Wakefield Charles C (ag '76) Ranch LEHIGH Eobert John A (c eng '09 BS) Eng Cottonwood Coal Co LEWISTOWN Cresap Trella J (la '04 AB) Teach # Lit Downs Orrie H (ag '11) Eancher Joyce Mrs F B (mus '07) Home Martin Cline C (1 '14) ClJc U S Land Ofc Trams Theodore H (c eng '07 BS) Asst City Eng Warden Mrs L L (la '97) Home Winslow Lawson T (ag '15- ) Stu 620 W Main St LIVINGSTON Brawner William H (m eng '05) Eanch Trowbridge John M ('06) C Eng $ ClTc LODGE GEASS Megredy William A (ag '76) Eanch 4- Stock LO LO Pellens Louise J (arch '09 BS) Instr Mech fy Arch Draw Box 4 McALLISTEE Swisher Ele D (la '10 AB) Min MONTANA— NEBRASKA 1165 Swisher Mrs ED (g '10 MS) (arch eng '09 BS) Home MILDRED Norris Ralph V (ag '07) Stock Rais- ing RFD MILES CITY Howe Clifford (com '15- ) Stu 114 N 11th St Howe Earl W (ag '11) Stock Raising irwin John W (g engl '10 AM) Prin H Seh Schmidt Earl C (su '15) Teach Young James N Jr (c eng '06) Stocie Raising via Tongue River MISSOULA Buckhous Mary G (lib '01) Libr Danielson Willis C (mun eng '10 BS) US Forest Serv Howard Joseph W (sc '15 PhD) ('13 AM) Instr U Mont JESSE Richard H Jr ('12) Prof U Mont Perley Mrs L C (mus '08) Home 318 Daly St Phillips Paul C (g '11 PhD Fac '10) Asst Prof U Mont Smead William H (la '82) R Est $ Ins Higgins Blk NIARADA Hatfield Myrtle V (su '02) Home POLSON Barloga David F (1 '08 LL B) Law Sf Min Padgette Mrs L M (la '85 Cert) Med POMPEY'S PILLAR Moore Claude B (e eng '02) Ranch RED LODGE t McDowell Elmer N ('02) Dent Vail Richard R (c eng '94) Min Eng REED POINT Knapp Jacob W (e eng '09) Ag RONAN Frye Frederick W (c eng '07 BS) ROUNDUP Mercer Walter W (1 '14 LL B) Law ROY Patton James R (sp '03) Contr $ Build RYEGATE Corrington Glenwood H (e eng '06) Merc SAND SPRINGS Allen Fred E (ag '07 BS) Ranch SHAWMUT Webster Frances (la '15) At home SIDNEY Eastburn David L (e eng '08) Mgr SNOW BELT Robertson Norman S (la '07 AB) Ranch STANFORD McClure Ara M (ag '02) Ag Wineman Earl (1 '09 LL B) Law STEVENSVILLE Powell Horatio N (e eng '12) Hort R3 Powell Mrs H N (h sc '12) Home R3 Robinson Mrs Andrew (su '11) Home Stratton William T (chem eng '13) Gas Eng TEEDES tJack Robert D (sc '98) TERRY Grandey Charley W (su '07) Prin H Sch THREE FORKS Matter Raymond E (m eng '09) Merc Matter Mrs R E (la '10) Home Peine Paul C (com '10 AB) Merc TOSTON Jones John G ('98) Ag VAUGHN Storm Clarence M (ag '05) Ag VICTOR Budan Marcus B (sp '09) Ag NEBRASKA AINSWORTH Colcord Frank M (ag '15 BS) Teach Osborn Richard E (la '05) R Est $ Ins 1166 NEBRASKA ALBION Houtz Francis I (la '97) Ag ALMA Shallenberger Ashton G (la ; 80) Bnlc 4" Rancher ALVA Weed Mahlon O (sc 78 BS) Ag ASHLAND Adams Eugene F (arch eng '14 BS) Arch Eng Box 524 AURORA moblit Merritt L ('&8J BEATRICE Dalbey Dwight S (ag ''02 BS) Ag ,. Putney Nellie A L (la '02) Teach H Sch Rigg Samuel E (sp '69) Drug 418 Court St BENEDICT" Wood Mrs T A (ag '06) Ag BLAIR Capps Earl V (e eng '96 EE) ( '95 BS) Mgr Elec Light Co Capps Mrs E V (mus '96) Voice $ Piano Teach Falk Nellie F (su '10) Instr Dana Coll BLUE SPRINGS Judkins Walter W (su '15) Supt Schs BRIDGEPORT Scoggm Mrs H L ( '80) Home BRUNING Chenoweth Mrs R R (h sc '76) Home CARLETON Lichty Lester C (g m eng '14- ) Stu CHADRON Romine James S (sp '73) Ret 418 King St COLUMBUS Wurdeman Charles (sp '96) Arch COMSTOCK Gaddis Porter L (g sc '10) Teach DEWEY LAKE Sawyer George K ( '97) Ranch ENDICOTT t Lambert Cyrus W (sp '73) Ag FAIRBURY Holman George C (ag '15) Sales FAIRFIELD Ashby William M (la '84) Merc Prickatt Charles M (c eng '74) Surv 4- C Eng 4- R Est FALLS CITY Bohrer William L (com '15- ) Stu 311 W 15th St Crow William L (la '12 AB) Supt Schs Hanes Helen L (sc '14 AB) Teach H Sch 1911 Harlow St Jaquet George E (e eng '08 BS) Mgr Cent Sta Mun Plant Lee Charles M (ag '74) Ag ^ R Est FLORENCE JACOBSON Andrew ('10) Chem Metropolitan Water Dist Omaha FREMONT Brown Mrs F M (la '10) Home Mueller Fritz A (la chem eng '14- ) Stu 889 E Military Av Roessler Luther M (ag '06) City Eng GENEVA tTallmadge Floyd C (1 '06) GORDON ?Hays Nina M (su '09) GRAND ISLAND Grundy Charles E (su '14) Clk Grand Island Nat Bk Mead Leo S (com '15- ) Stu 810 W First St Neuhelfen M (arch eng '09- ) Stu 923 W First St iNewhalfen Mathias ('09) Ross Kenneth D (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 615 W First St Ross Sprague D (la '81 BS) Ag $ R Est 615 W First St Ross Mrs S D (la '81 BL) Home 615 W First St Rowe Howard L (c eng '07) Gen Sec YMCA Springer Paul B (su '15) West Lawn Sutherland George F (g sc '14 AM) ('13AB) Stu UChgo t Sutherland William S (la '12) Troyer Albert M (sc '86) Mintr NEBRASKA 1167 GRANT tLeney Flora E (sp '00) HARVARD North William F (ag '82) Ag Whisenand Grace H (la '15- ) Stu HASTINGS tLichtenberg Adam Jr (arch eng '11) Contr $ Builder 416 E Seventh St McIntyre George E (arch eng '13 BS) Arch Eng Bus Exch Nat Bk Bldg simmering Siebelt L (m eng '13 MS) Instr M Eng HAY SPRINGS Weston Charles (sp '76 BL) BnTc HEBRON Richards Charles L (ag '78 BS) Law HOLDREGE Dean Frank A (la '79 Cert) BnTc HOLLINGER t Gailey Mrs ('98) HUBBELL THolly William D (m eng '88) JACKSON McKeever Robert E (e eng '14- ) Stu KEARNEY Jennings Anna V (lib '03 BLS) Libr Langdon Margie E (lib '12 BLS) Libr Parsons Glenn R (su '14) Teach 308 W 26th St Patterson Mrs B H (mus '07) Home 716 W 22nd St LAUREL Leonard Gladys A (la '15 AB) Teach H Sch LIBERTY Huntington William ('77) Bet Ag 4' Bus LINCOLN Barber Harriet L (sp '74) Dean Women U Neb 1820 B St BARKER Franklin D ('14) Prof U Neb 1819 S 26th St Bills Charles J (la '05 AB)('80) BnTc 4- B Est 1503 H St Bills Mrs F L (la '83 BL) Home 1503 H St Brandt Eugene H (arch eng '97 BS) Arch 1619 S 23rd St Brenke William C (sc '98 MS(sc '96 BS)Fac '04) Assoc Prof U Neb 1250 S 21st St Brenks Mrs W C (la '99) Home 1250 S 21st St CALVIN John W ( '09) Asst Prof U Neb 644 N 32nd St Daft Lawrence H ('03) Credit Mgr H Hespolaheimer Co Dean Frank C (la '12 AB) Ag Ex- ten U Neb Eiker William H (c eng '06 BS) Dist Eng CB&Q RR 1435 L St Flansburg Claude C (la '77) Law 408 Funke Bldg Fordyce Charles (su '96) Dean U Neb 1921 C St Gibbs Fred (sc '10) Trav 722 S 21st St Gibbs Mrs Fred (la '09) Home 722 S 21st St grennan Mrs (g math PhD '10) ('08 AM) Instr U Neb Hayes Florence (lib '08) Libr 1435 N St Hoffman Mrs J D (la '98) Home Sta A Hollister Vernon L (e eng '07 BS) Teach 1556 S 25th St Hollister Mrs V L (g sc'07)('05 AB) Home 1556 S 25th St tHowell Ethel E (la '07) Trav Agt University Society 1212 O St Humphrey Guess (lib '05 BLS) Libr 1950 Washington St Lee Charles B (ag '09 BS) Exp Sta V Farm martin Oscar R (g '12 AM Fac '13) Asst Prof U Neb 1817 S 27th St martin Mrs OR (g classics '12 AM) Home 1817 S 27th St MOORE Burton E ('96) Prof U Neb 1900 Euclid Av Pierce Fanny (g '78) (la '75 Cert) At home 1728 Cherry St Pierce John L (la '74 AB) Ins $ L 1728 Cherry St Pierce Mrs J L (la '74) Home 1728 Cherry St Proctor Margaret E (su '06) Teach 417 S 14th St Reid Robin R (1 '05 LL B) Clk Co Ct 137 S 18th St Ritchey Felix L (la '99 AB) Gov 501 S 28th St Silver Charles W (ag '72 Cert) t Snyder F A (la '77) LOUISVILLE Yant Mrs L C (ag '07) Home 1168 Yant Raymond C Quarry Supt NEBRASKA (c eng '07 BS) LOWELL Burkhart Mrs H (la '03 AB) Asst PM 4- Home McCOOL JUNCTION Hallett David F (la com '76) Med McCOOK Archer Arthur W (arch '07 BS) Supt Constr US Public Bldgs US Treas Dept MEADOW GROVE Hines Elmer G (ag '03) Ag Rl MILFORD Salladin George E Jr (com '15- ) (la com 1914) Stu MORRILL Quick Samuel R (arch '06) Ag NEBRASKA CITY Munn Alexander M (c eng '95 BS) Contr ?Stbvenson Annie N (h sc '07 BS) NEWCASTLE Richards Mrs R C (la '01 AB) Home NORFOLK Hosman Paul D (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1400 Norfolk Av Nappe Stephenson T (ag '86) Ag $ Govt Contr 1319 Norfolk Av IPaswalk Lloyd H (c eng '14 BS) NORTH BEND Seymour Robert R (ag '09 BS) Ag Seymour Walter A (ag '09 BS) Ag NORTH PLATTE Stewart Charles S (c eng '09 BS) ( '08 AB) C Eng $ Contr 715 S Chestnut St OAKLAND Hanson Roy W (arch eng '14 BS) Contr O'CONNOR fRooney Francis P (arch '89) ODELL Drake Mrs H A (mus '02) Home Hutchinson Ella M (la '06) At home OMAHA Allan Carlisle V (arch eng '14- ) Stu 817 S 37th St Allen Cecil V (la '15) Instr Union Pacific Sch Allis Fayette H (arch '13) Arch 333 Paxton Blk Anderson Walker W (arch '15 BS) Arch 1922 Davenport St Avery Kittie C (sc '82 BL) At home 4102 Davenport St Babcock Clyde L (c eng '94 BS) Grain 4" Lumber Merc 240 Omaha Nat Bk Bldg Bead Daniel M (sc '08 AB) Mgr Omaha Branch Moline Auto Co 2421 Farnham St Benedict Emerson (la '73) Paving Contr 3520 Dodge St Benedict Ralph P (com '15- ) Stu 566 S 35th St Bloom Carl W (c eng '13) Granite Mfg 918 S 33rd St Boudrye Mrs R R (mus '09) Home 1503 Olive Av Burroughs Elmer (eng '00 BS) Acct 5107 Cummings St Burroughs William E (e eng '00 BS) Acct 802 Farnam St ICampbell Ralph L ('08) Arch Clarke Edwin B (arch '91 BS) Arch 682 Branders Bldg Clarke Frederic W (arch '91 BS) Arch 682 Brander's Bldg Ellis Herbert W (1 '04) Bnk City Nat Bk Farlow Samuel J (arch eng '14 BS) 408 N 22nd St graham Charles P (ML '93) (sp '73) Mintr 3436 S 14th St Haaker Harold H (arch eng '14- ) Stu 611 N 30th St Halderman Edwin M (la '97) Audit Disburs Neb Tel Co & la Tel Co & Northwestern Tel Co Hays Don L (e eng '12 BS) Sales 440 YMCA Bldg Holbrook Frederick S (sc '94 BS) Bus Mgr Amer Smelter & Refin Co Jobst Herman R (arch eng '15) Gen Contr 624 Paxton Blk Johnson Maurice C (m eng '12- ) Stu 1627 Locust St Kane Roy A (arch '14 BS) Arch 408 N 22nd St Klein John L (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 2573 Harney St Kraker Anna (la '09) Teach 5113 Capitol Av Lewis Walker (arch eng '10) Trav Sales Bradstreets Co tMackin Marie (arch '10) 822 N 42nd NEBRASKA 1169 MacKin Paul J (arch eng '16- ) Stu 822 N 42nd St Payne Richard F (com '13) B Est c/o Payne Invest Co 15th & Farnam Sts Peters Grant H (la '05) Broker Peters Trust Co ?Poor Robert T (su '03) Pratt Arthur C (com '12) Mgr Union Pac Tea Co 1812 St Marys Av Reabdon Neal D (la '00 AB) Prof Creighton U 210 S 18th St Row George E (m eng '96 BS) M Eng 1104 S 34th St Smith Ralph L (com '07) Sales Car- penter Paper Co stebbins Millicent (g ger '08 AM) Teach 1230 Parkwild Av Stull William (la 76) Ag $ Brik 123 S 39th St Warfield Vernon H (la com '14 AB) c/o Adv Dept Omaha Daily News 5323 N 28th St Warfield Mrs V H (h sc '12) Rome 5323 N 27th St PHILLIPS tGilmore Claude B (su '09) POLK Hewitt Henry M Jr (la '12) Cattle Feeder Sack Phillip Jr (arch eng '10) Bus Mgr 4' Lumberman RED CLOUD Boles Mrs A E (la '09) Home Doyle Bertha (h sc '15) RISING CITY Perkins Lester B (ag '15) Ag ROCKFORD Lancaster Mrs H C ('11) At home RUSHVILLE Brown Ella S (la '11 AB) Teach SCHUYLER Judkins Roy L (su '15) Teach SCRIBNER fFarrell Cornelius (m eng '79) SHELBY Stull Theodore W (sc '07) Ag S OMAHA Towl Erwin B (sp ; 71) C Eng L St Towl Mrs E B (sp '72) Home 2222 L St SPRING RANCH tStorer Frederick E (arch '90) TEKAMA tBeum Winfred R (e eng '07) Smith Charles H (e eng '11) Mech TOBIAS Atkins Herbert (ag '93) Ag R3 TRENTON Shurtleff Chas W (sp '82) Law UNIVERSITY PL Ingles Ada M (lib '01) Libr Neb Wes U Kline William G (la '06 AB) Dept Phys Ed Neb Wes U 1021 E 16th St Ward Elbert W (su '10) Teach 110 W 19th St wells Elias H (la '01 AM) Prof Neb Wes U 123 E 15th St VALLEY Harris George A ( '90) Med VERDIGRIS tScHRiER Emil P (arch '14 BS) WAHOO JMiller Jesse B (arch eng '07) Ort Emma F (h sc '13) Teach WAYNE Anthony Anna F (la '11) Teach St Nor Claycomb Edward D (ag '13 ) Ag WILBER Balderson Ted A (la '15- ) Stu Smith George W (arch eng '15 BS) Arch Eng WINNEBAGO Upchurch Oscar C (su '06) Gov In- dian Serv WISNER Kenower George F ('83)(g la '80 ML) ( '78 BL) Edit $ Publ « ' Wisner Chronicle ' ' 1170 NEBRASKA— NEVADA— NEW HAMPSHIRE— NEW JERSEY WYMORE ?Grubbs Edwin C (g '97) Howe Roy W (ag '10) Ag R3 . YORK Brott Mrs R L (la '11) Home 808 Burlington Av Haggard Ada O (la 7 10 AB) Liggett Frederick M (arch '08 BS) Lumber Bus Lincoln Lewis L (e eng '10) Auto Bus 720 Lincoln Av 1 Salle Lewis F (sp '86) White Mrs E G ( '11) Home NEVADA AUSTIN Mitchell Karl W (su '12) Prin Sch ELKO Ballantyne George H (c eng '07 BS) Dw Eng W P RR FALLON Lee Edward (m eng '07) Ranch Martin Robert S (ag '13) Ranch Box 536 GOLDFIELD Barnes Arthur E (se '78 BS) (sc '75) Min Parks James H (c eng '75 BS) C Eng Box 655 JARBIDGE Beadle Thomas B (sc '97 BS) Min Eng MASON Knemeyer Edward F (arch eng '13) Arch RENO Denny Maude A (mus '13 BM) Instr U Nev 815 N Center St Jones J Claude (sc '02 AB Fac '06) Asst Prof U Nev 736 West St lehenbauer Philip A (g sc '14 PhD Fac '12) Asst Prof U Nev LINCOLN Francis C ('13) Prof U Nevada wilson Frederick W (g an husb '13 MS) Prof U Nevada 826 N Center St SCHURY Starr Frank A E (Hon ML '91) (la '76 Cert) Min NEW HAMPSHIRE COLEBROOK Williams Simon H (la '01) Supt Schs CONCORD DENIO Herbert W (g la '10 Fac '11) Ag R2 DURHAM Ambrose Arthur S (ag '14 BS) Dairy Dept St Ag Coll GOLDTHWAITE Nellie E ('15) Prof NH Coll Prince Ford S (ag '13 BS) Asst Agron GILSUM Cuthbert Dorothy L (la Feb '16- ) Stu Box 56 HANOVER adler Frederick H (g '13 PhD) ( '11 AM) Instr Dartmouth Coll ANDERSON Frank M ('11) Prof Dartmouth Coll 28 N Main St BRADSHER Earl L ('11) Instr Dartmouth Coll HASKINS Charles N ('10) Asst Prof Dartmouth Coll Etna Rd mathewson Louis C (g math '14 PhD) ( '12 AM) Instr Dartmouth 41 S Main St YOUNG John W ('10) Prof Dart- mouth Coll 22 Accom Ridge NASHUA FLATHER Alcice V (sc'08 Fac '08) Stu Simmons Coll 20 Arlington St NEWPORT Sargent Hubert E (min eng '15- ) Stu Summer St WILTON PARKER Horatio N ('14) Bacteri- ologist NEW JERSEY ARLINGTON Gill Frederic W (g sc '10 MS ( '06 BS)Fac '10) Eng Dept Gen Elec Co 322 Beech St Kneeland Mrs F H (la '08) Home 669 Divon St Moorshead Alfred L (c eng '98) C Eng 49 Locust Av ASBURY PARK Marshall Ralph W (la '15) Teach $ Coach Athl fMiller Mrs Laura S (mus '04) NEW JERSEY 1171 ATLANTIC CITY Gildner Lowell E (arch eng '15- ) Stu 1320 Atlantic Av BLAIRSTOWN Cooke Robert H (c eng '15- ) Stu Richardson Charles (ag '14 BS) Coach Blair Acad BLOOMFIELD Hull Emerson Church (g indust chem '09) Chem 11 Park PI BOUND BROOK Wood Mrs H C (art '02) Home Wood- croft River Rd CLAYTON Silver Milton G (la '13- ) Stu COLLINGSWOOD GARLAND Claude M ('10) Eng Camder Iron Wks DOVER t Cornell William H (m eng '93 BS) Struct Eng fHalsey Herbert B (la '76) EAST ORANGE Amrine Thomas H ('08 EE(e eng '06 BS)Fac '10) E Eng Gen Elect Co 157 S Grove St Anderson Burt T (e eng '07 BS) Asst Signal Eng AT&SF RR 223 Burnett St Anderson Mrs B T (la '06 AB) Home 223 Burnett St fBaldwin George H (g cer '12) Mfg 3 Beech St Barackman Guy B (c eng '02 BS) Asst Eng DL&W RR 41 Shephard JBarton Charles F (m eng '12) Freese John A (sc '02 AB) Med 106 Carnegie Av Gurley Mrs R B (sc '00 BS) Home 40 Park Av Horton Mrs G A (mus '03) Home 153 S Grove St Janson John M (g chem '14- ) (sc '14 BS) Stu Ray Mrs G J (la '01 AB) Home 86 N Arlington Av Rothgeb Mrs W H (la '05 AB) Home 126 Sanford St Saunders Mrs A J (lib '04 BLS) Home 34 Halsted St Swart Mrs H V (h sc '06) Home 14 Nassau PI Swenson Cara F (lib '04) Sec 33 N' Walnut St ENGLEWOOD Fox James L (c eng '15- ) Stu 63 Grand Av Hazelton Hugh (m eng '90 BS) E Eng 42 Sherwood PI FRANKLIN PARK Bilik Samuel (su '15- ) Stu GLEN RIDGE Scott James R (lib '02) 328 Ridge- wood Av Webb Mrs J B (sp '72) Home 48 Woodland Av GLOUCESTER Lenton Robert E (la '15- ) Stu 502 Mercer St HACKENSACK Diebold Ralph E (c eng '08) Asst Eng 266 Main St HANOVER ANDERSON Frank M ('11) Prof Dartmouth Coll 23 N Main St HARRISON ? Anderson Claire E (g e eng '13 AM) ( '11 BS) Elec Sales HAWORTH Noone Byron M (la '15- ) Stu HIGH BRIDGE Bench Alfred R (m eng '06 BS Fac '10) Sales Eng Taylor-Wharton Iron & Steel Co HOBOKEN Brown William E (arch eng '06 BS) C Eng DL&W RR 303 Hudson St Cummings Preston W (m eng '11 BS) M Eng Constr Elev Sup & Re- pair Co 905 Clinton St Kraft Eugene W (m eng '09 BS) Mfg 525 River St Ray George J (c eng '98 BS) Chf Eng c/o DL&W RR Simpson Carl W (c eng '04 BS) BR C Eng DL&W RR 1172 NEW JEESEY JEESEY CITY Udinsky William P (chem eng '15) 386 Monmouth St LONG BEANCH Berry Glenn L (la '05) Chf Clk Gen Supt NYLB EE MONTCLAIE Burt James D (arch '91) Arch 538 Grove St Cole Edward S (m eng '92) Hydr Eng 133 Bellevue Av Crane Dudley W (ag '12- ) Stu 31 S Fullerton Av Doremus Walter L Jr (ag '15) 469 Bloomfield Av Fox Euth L (la '13- ) Stu 47 North- view Av Goldschmidt Mrs E W (sp '84 Fac '94 ) Home 21 Norman Kd Harris Mary E (lib '04) 254 N Moun- tain Av McKINNE Y Mary E (g engl '12 Fac '12) Teach St Nor 189 Montclair Av McBobie Helen (h sc '12) At home 9 Belvidere PI Monroe Will S (su '03) Morehead Gould (ag '15- ) Stu 275 Park St Patton Frederick W (ag '13- ) Stu 10 Bellaire Drive Patton Jacob A (se '88 BS) Assoc Med Dir Prudential Life Ins Co 161 Valley Ed Patton Mrs J A (la '87) Home 161 Valley Ed Pudney William K (sc '13) Med Stu 49 Union St NEWAEK Bushnell George S (m eng '01) Sales Essex Varnish Co 92 Vesey St t Forbes Zephaniah C (sc '08) 103 Washington St Hammers Lilian (la '05 AB) Teach Newark Sem Hobbs Horace G (e eng '08 BS) Auto Eng Atlantic Vehicle Co Kent Edward E (arch eng '11 BS) Indust Eng 170 Washington St Lehman Euel F (e eng '10 BS) Eng Dept Gen Elec Co 343 High St Lehman Euth T (h se '15) 343 High St Perrett Galen J ('94) Art 492 Mt Prospect Av Bay Walter T (m eng '01 BS) V- Pres Eay Subtracto-Adder Co 420 Ogden St Eay Mrs W T (la '03 AB) Home 420 Ogden St Eich Daniel H (g '08) (la '07 AB) Teach 249 Eoseville Av Sabin Eugene F (la com '76) Pur- chasing Agt Amer Ins Co Schafer Edythe A (su '13) St Organ- izer Barcley Co Schaffer Eandolph C (eng '14) Elec Signal Sew DL&W EE Strong Frank W (g hist '11) Teach Newark Acad Thomas John M (m eng '14 BS) Eng 700 Pub Serv Bldg Wilson Frank H (e eng '12 BS) E Eng 61 Seventh St NEW BEUNSWICK DODGE Fred H ('96) Prof Eutgers Coll 116 Hamilton St elstOn Leo W (sc '15 MS) Box 495 Keller Oran (chem '13) Chem 253 George St mason Mayne S (e eng '13 MS) ('11 BS) c/o Eutgers College NEW GEEMANTOWN Hall Allen H (la '15- ) Stu NEW MILFOED Thurston Henry W Jr (ag '15 BS) Stu Col U PASSAIC Dawley Earle E (c eng '15- ) Stu 86 Henry St Dawley Eobert W (la '15- ) Stu 86 Henry St Kent William E (sc '12 AB) Mfg 38 Eandolph St PATTEESON Chacey Ezra C (c eng '96) Supt Federal Creosoting Co 178 E 21st St Dole Ira B (m eng '11) Asst Fore- man Federal Creosoting Co Hannush Paul (ag '14- ) Stu 21 Montclair Av PEETH AMBOY IDass Banesvar (chem eng '14 AB) 266 McClellan St Fowler Eobert L (c eng '99 BS) Mgr Barber Asphalt Paving Co 141 Water St PLAINSFIELD Goodwin Mrs J T (la '86) Home PEINCETON dirks Henry E (mech eng '05 ME Fac '10) Instr Eng Draw & Mach Design NEW JERSEY— NEW MEXICO 1173 24 Mercer St PARKER William (g '10 Fac '10) Prof Prin U Ten Broek Carlon (sc '08 AB) Med Rockefeller Inst RIDGEFIELD PARK Corke George R (e eng '13 BS) E Eng 137 Christie St RIDGEWOOD Speidel Hugo (c eng '88) Gen Contr SEWAREN LACY Burritt S ('09) Asst Mgr Perth Amboy Chemical Wks SOMERVILLE Cornelison Robert W (sc '90 BS Fac '91) Chem $ Mfg 275 W Summit St TRENTON Applegate Frank G (la '06 AB) Teach Art Sch Bunn Frank W (m eng '86) M Eng c/o John A Roebling's Sons Co ?Bunn Mrs F- W (a&d '85) Home 138 W State St FREDERICK Frank F ( '96) Dir Sch Industrial Arts KENDALL Calvin N ('04) Comm Ed Kerr Bartlett M (m eng '09 BS) Draft Mercer Auto Co 156 Hoffman Av VINELAND PETER Amos W ('08) Bes WEEHAWKEN Ahrens August (su '06) Teach Box 105 Bell Charles M (c eng '10 BS) C Eng 584 Blvd Foley John W (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 586 Blvd East WESTWOOD McMurry Fred R ('99) Eng West- ern Elec Co NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE ANDROS Stephen O (g m eng '14 Fac '15) Brik 4r Hardware Merc Clarke Octav B (e eng '07 BS) Ag The Virginia Orchard Dry Monroe ('78) Elwood Roy S (m eng '93) B Est 4' Soc Serv 103 S Walter St flnsley Charles W (ag '08) 315 Mar- quette Av Miller Leonard J (m eng '02) Mgr 1002 N Second St Miller Mrs L J (la '02 AB) Home 1002 N Second St Peters Mrs L S (lib '05 BLS) Home Sisler Delia J (lib '05 BLS) Lib U N Mex Wand Anthony W (c eng '12 BS) Prof U N Mex ARTESIA Brainard Fred (c eng '14) First Baseman NY Giants CARLSBAD Hanson Earl P (ag '09) Lumber Bus Richards Clarence M (m eng '95) Bnlc Richards Mrs C M (la '01) Home CARRIZOZO Spellman Lorinda B (lib '01 BLS) Teach CLAYTON Jordan Ralph (ag '10) Ag DEMING Kacin Anton C (e eng '06) Ag Box 641 DE RENO THall Mrs Ben (su '06) DEXTER Mehlhop Florimond L (la '03) Ag ELEPHANT BUTTE THohnke Robert E (su '01) GALLUP Murdock Paul W (arch eng '12) c/o Sante Fe RR Vidal Stephen P (mun eng '15- ) Stu Box 223 HAGERMAN Ware Henry W (ag '05) Ag HILL Reynolds Barney W (c eng '11) Eng US Reclam Serv LAS CRUSES Hill Fred L (c eng '81) Eng $ Contr State Coll N Mex 1174 NEW MEXICO LAS VEGAS Boucher Cecil F (arch eng '13) Arch 825 Third St Bronson Mrs F L (la '06 AB) Home 812 National Av Hoskins Leonard C (m eng '13- ) Stu 620 Washington Av Kaser Mrs W E (lib '00) Home 909 Fourth St t Springer Henry S (ag '08) Stern Jay L (ag '13- ) Stu 1027 Eighth St E Stevens Frank A (la '98) Law Sundt Joseph M ('07) Locomo Eng AT&SF EE 902 National Av Van Patten Henry S (chem '84 BS) Drug MAGDALENA Day Winfield S (sc '04) Forest Serv Garst Stephen Q ('02) Gov Forest Serv MALAGA Abbott Seth D (ag '13 B$) Ag MAXWELL Hinman Glidden (chem '05 AB) MEEK Walworth Ealph W (ag '15 BS) Ag MINEEAL HILL Eoberts Mrs W E (lib '09 BLS) Home PAEEAL Jurado Miguel (sp '87) PAESONS Wright John E (e eng '12 BS) Elec Eng Parsons Mining Co EATON Ellis Charles L (sc '10 AB) Teach Ellis Mrs Charles L (h sc '07) Home 644 S Sixth St EECOEDO Mathesen Martin (la '11) EINCON Wright William P (la '07 AB) Mintr EOSWELL \Andrian Frederick M ('09) Applegate Albert A (la '14 AB) Teach Geyer Grace M (la '12- ) Stu 510 N Eichardson Av Glick Himan E (1 '04 LLB) Law Glueck Alexander F (eng '14) Hurlbert Nina E (mus '99) Ag Kinney Elmer H (ag '02) Ag Manley Pearl M (h sc '13) Teach 113 N Kentucky Av Mell John D (1 '03 LL B) Prob Jud Mussenden Euth I (h sc '11) Stu 609 N Kentucky Av Nisbit Mrs AG ( '80) Home Eobinson Grace M (la '12 AB) Teach Saunders Carl J (com Feb '15- ) Stu 200 E Deming St Tillotson Bess M (h sc '13) Teach 106 N Kentucky Av Tillotson Clara E (la 15- ) Stu 106 N Kentucky Av Tillotson Ella A (la '13- ) Stu 106 N Kentucky Av Van Horn Evalyn J (la '14) Teach 511 N Kentucky Av Vauchelet Laurie J (c eng '16) 605 N Missouri Av Ware Josiah W (ag '05) Fruit-grow- ing B 358 Wilcox Alfred E ('81) Banch SANTE FE Avery Eowland A (ag '15- ) Stu Box 281 Grimshaw Mrs I L (h sc '12) Home - 115 Sante Fe Av McFie Amelia M (h sc '14- ) Stu 130 Manhattan Av Eapp Mrs Jean M (a&d '94) Home 261 Palace Av ?Wade Mrs (la '07) Home SILVEE CITY Fowler Matt (1 '07 LLB) Law Lyons Mrs ('78) Home SOLANA Lohman Curtis S (ag '06) Ag STATE COLLEGE hammond Howard S (g bot '09 AM) Prof N Mex Coll Ag & Mech Arts TUCUMAEI Boon Harry L (1'05 LL B ('03 AB) la '98) Law Cadwallader Alfred (la '12) BB Mail CUt Hittson Charles H (1 '05 LL B) Law TYEONE Johnson Eaymond E (e eng '13) C Eng Min Co Box 94 NEW YORK 1175 NEW YORK ADAMS ?Emery Fanny L (sp '98) ADAMS BASIN tKerr Luther G (ag '11) ADDISON McDowell Sidney M (eng '15- ) Stu ALBANY Bradley John J (e eng '09 BS) Mgr Albany Branch S D Co 421 Orange St Dodds George (e eng '99 BS) E Eng 10 Stanwix St Draper Edwin L (g'03)('02 AB) Med 289 State St Draper Mrs E L (mus '04) At home 289 State St Hoagland Henry E (la '10 AB & AM) Gov Dept Labor 62 Lancaster St Horner Harlan H ( '02) (la '01 AB) Chf Exam Div St Ed Dept KEETON Eobert W (g sc '12 Fac '12) Teach Albany Med Coll Bender Hygiene Lab Weed Woolsey W (ry c eng '09) Worthington Addison M (sp '03) Arch 4 S Main Av ALFRED MONTGOMERY Earle T ('11) Assoc Prof $ Asst Dir NY St Sch Ceramics ALMOND Easterbrooks Robert H (ry c eng '10) Foreman Helmer Ida M (mus '07) Teach AMSTERDAM Grieme Henry W (arch eng '96) Arch 20 Market St Greine Henry W (arch '96) Arch Cor Grant & Glen Av ANGELICA tCoyle Edward M (eng '14) AUBURN Hubbard Lawrence R (la com '15- ) (c eng '14) Stu PIERCE Edwin H ('97) Organist # Mus Dir 16 Seminary St BANGALL Payne Albert H (c eng '08) C Eng NY State Dept Highways BATAVIA Young Ruth A (la '09) Stu Woman's Med Coll Pa R3 Maplehurst BAYSIDE Cleave Mrs H V (sp '92) (la '90) Home IMaxwell Anna M (la '92 BL) BINGHAMTON Churchill Guy F (m eng '09) C $ M Eng Churchill Mrs G F (la '11 AB) Home 97 1£ Murray St Fleming Clarence E (la '04 AB) Gen Sec YMCA Fleming Mrs C E (h sc '06) Home YMCA Halliday Ruth (la '14 AB) Teach BLOOMFIELD IPatchen Flora (la '78) BOLIVAR Carnahan Orson A (m eng '10 BS) BREWSTER Gibson Miles O (m eng '09 BS) BR M Eng NYC RR BRIAR CLIFF Watson Altha J (h sc '13) Stu Manor Sch BRONX Perry Alphonso L (m eng '05 BS) Clk Insp 1596 Crotona Pky Scholnitzky Isadore (c eng '11 BS) C Eng 879 Freeman St BRONXVILLE Bacher Eugene D (ag '14) Ag Bacher Holland R (sc '15 BS) Cer Eng BROOKLYN BALDWIN Walter J ('97) Teach Man Tr Sch 253 Carlton Av Becker Wayne A (su '08) M Eng 605 Franklin Av BoecJclm Mrs Werner ( '86) Home 176 Prospect PI Boughton Willis (la '74) Teach 364 E 21st St Brady George K (la Feb '15- ) Stu 151 Joralemon St Burkh alter Ralph M (c eng '07 BS) Pub Serv Comm 50 Court St Carson Mrs H Y (la '12) 395 E 16th St Christie George P (la '75) Pub $ 1176 NEW YORK Jour 1926 E 14th St Cbabbs Clarence L (c eng '90 BS) Eng Brooklyn Transit Sys 172 82nd St Cutshaw George W (ag '05) Base- tall 1 Parkside Ct Doron William H (e eng '04) Efflc Eng 335 St Johns PI Eide Torris (c eng '04 BS) C Eng 2406 Newkirk Av Ferguson Louis S (m eng '13 BS) M Eng 135 Remsen St Ferguson Mrs L S (mus '14) Home 5416 Fourth Av Sun Set Ct Franklin James G (sc '03) Teach 459 Hudson Av Garrett James F (sc '14 BS) Supt Factory Permutic Co 54th St & First Av Gibbs Charles A (sc '11) Sales Eber- hard Faber 305 Decatur St Gregory Grant (1 '87 BL) R Est 7106 Bennett Ct HALLIDAY Ernest M ('13) Mintr 1058 E 21st St Heater Elmer F (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 537 Third St KADISH Victor H ('07) Stu Pratt Inst Judd Garnett W (la '08) At home 925 Bushurck Av Judy Herbert B (arch eng '95) Art Brooklyn Museum Livingston Lionel L (c eng '12 BS) Asst Eng 942 Eastern Parkway MacKechnie Harry W (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1164 Pacific St McKenna Walter W (com '15- ) Stu 235 McDonough St McKnight Elizabeth B (lib '07 BLS) Lior 229 Jefferson Av McNeal Mrs W J (lib '04 BLS) Home 294 Windsor PI ?Markson Henry C (la '07) 171 Har- rison Av menely John H (g la '96 AM) Teach 220 Sixth Av Model Charles (su '15) Teach H Sch 366 Hewes St Moor Enid A (la '14) Stu Adelphi Coll 247 New York Av Moor George C (g engl '06) Mintr 247 New York Av Nilsson Olaf A (arch eng '01) Gov C Eng 271 Hicks St Pierce Clinton A (c eng '14- ) Stu 967 Madison St Price Mrs T S (la '77 BL) Home 191 S Second St Quinn Bernice M (la '14 AB) Home 546 Fourth Av Rukin Max (la '15 AB) 55 Hanson PI Schecht Max (la '13- ) Stu 1646 St Marks Av Schindler Samuel (su '15) Teach H Sch 81 Stuyvesant Av Schoonhoven Mrs J J (la '94 ML ('91BL)Fac '97) Led 773 Eastern Parkway Sharpe Richard W (sc '99 MS) ( '93 BS) Teach 99 Woodruff Av Swett Lewis E (ry e eng '10) Mfg 33 34th St Swett Mrs L E (la '09) 148 St Pauls PI Thvedt Christian B (e eng '12 BS) Electr Gen Illuminating Co 642 Cen- tral YMCA 55 Hanson PI van brunt George A (g '09 MA) (sc '08) Res Chem W Elec Co 142 St Paul's PI Vaniman Roy L (e eng '12 BS) Eng Consult Eng Ofc 301 Vanderbilt Av Walser Stephen A (ag '14- ) Stu 34 Plaza St BROWNVILLE Ross D (e eng '12 BS) Ingalls Eng 4434 Vincenens Av E BUFFALO Acer Victor 1 A (ag '14) Sales Spen- cer Kellogg Sons Bame Robert W (eng Feb '16- ) Stu 1011 Elmwood Av Beebe Fred L (sp '03) Baseball c/o Buffalo Baseball Club Boyd George E (c eng '96) C Eng 907 Elmwood Av Crawford James H (g hort '15- ) 31 Brantford PI Deiss William C (e eng '15 BS) Eng Dept Curtiss Aeroplane Co 92 Bird Av Dempsey John P (c eng '14- ) Stu 155 Lockwood Av ?Dunspaugh Mrs Leonora (la '01) Fish Julian L (ag '15 BS) 6 Gran- ger PI HARDING Louis A ('16) Memb J W Cowper Co Fidelity Bldg Lang Jeannette B (su '14) Stu Downer Seninary 183 Jewerc Av Lundquist Theodore H (e eng '14) 33 19th St McKeon Joseph M (mun eng '13- ) (m eng '13) Stu 68 Woodside Av McM ASTER Carlos L ('10) Sales RR Dept Pratt & Lambert Inc Mason William C (arch '96) Merc Cor Larkin & Exchange Sts Masson Lewis W (ag '14- ) Stu 78 Beard Av Central Park Miller John A (g sc '88 MS('85 BS) Fac '88) St Analyst 4- Assov Prof U Buffalo 176 Norwood Av NEW YORK 1177 Moore Byron L (sc '90 BS) Sec # Gen Mgr Century Tel Constr Co 6 Iff Delevan Av Ogg John H (m eng '14- ) Stu 311 Herkimer St Ogg Robert R (m eng '15- )('13) Stu 311 Herkimer St parker Karr (g '14 MS) E Eng Mc- Carthy Bros & Ford 86 Norwalk Av fPaterson William Jr (m eng '12) 303 Jersey St tRaynolds Scott H (ag '12) Russell Edwin A (c eng '14- ) Stu 1168 Abbott Rd Stephenson Hubert V (c eng '14 BS) C Eng 71 N Pearl St TSummey David L (e eng '97) 1133 Seneca St Sy Albert P (g sc '99 MS ('94 BS) Fac '99) Prof U Buffalo 219 Cres- cent Av Tresise Francis J (c eng '93 CE BS) Constr Eng 17 Dorchester Rd Turnbull Foster B (la '04) Law 13 Niagara St White George R (e eng '12- ) Stu 153 Parkview Av Wiley Wallace K (m eng '04 BS) Mfg Sr-Pres Flexlume Sign Co Inc 1453 Niagara St Wright William S (la com '10 AB) Mgr Mfg 1301 West Av CANANDAIGUA Hill Robert C (gen '99) Huntoon Alberta (su '12) Teach CARTHAGE woodin Mary E (g '14 AM) Teach H Sch 34 School St CATO Bradley Elizabeth L (sc '11 AB) Teach CHAZY Clark Harold A (ag '15) Ag Heart's Delight Farm CHILI tMilican Harold A (su '07) Prin AM Chesbrough Seminary CLYDE Arnold William H Jr (ag '10 BS) Teach R5 COHOES Targett Stanley E (sc '08) Acct Bact St Water Surv Merc 175-177 Bridge Av * CORNING Patchill Glen L (com Feb '16- ) Stu 164 Pine St CORNWALL ?Price Mollie A (la '04) CORTLAND Clark Helen (g psychol '13- ) Stu 31 Prospect St Clark Van N (com '15- ) (la '15) Stu 2 Elizabeth St DOLGEVILLE Kany Julius F (su '15) Stu Oswego Nor 18 Brockett DUNKIRK Light Herbert C (la '02) 100 Lincoln Av EAST AURORA Whittemore Kenneth S (la com '14- ) Stu 427 Main St ELLICOTT French Beals E (g la '15- ) Stu ELMIRA Bascome Bartow S (c eng '12) C Eng NY St Barge Canal 405 Lake St Horton Jay R (la '08) M Eng Hor- ton Mach Wks EMERSON HILL Nelson Frank L (la '93) FERNWOOD Hutchins Mrs J R (la '72) Home FLUSHING Henry Smith T Jr (eng '04 BS) V- Pres McGraw Pub Co 220 W 39th St Henry Mrs S T (la '05 AB) Home 15 27th St FORT JAY Buyers Archie S (g '12 (m eng '08 BS) Fac '13) 2nd Lieut US Army FORT TOTTEN Duval Elair D (ry c eng '12 BS) Supt Constr Quartermaster Corps US Army FRANKLINVILLE Streight Laura A (lib '99 BLS) FREDONIA jarrold Rachel M (g hist '09 AM) Teach c/o St Nor Sch tMackey George B (m eng '07) GANESVOORT Breckenridge Charles E (ag '74) Teach 1178 NEW YOEK GASPORT Vedder Earl C (la '15) Stu GENEVA Glasgow Hugh (g entom '13 (sc '12 BS) Fac '13) Bes Exp Sta Kane Albert J (c eng '13) Merc 31 N Genesee St Oaks Charles T (ag '10) Ag 189 Pul- teney St GENOA Scott Lucian W (la '11 AB) Mintr GOUVERNEUR Smith Howard S (ry m eng '12) Eng 73 Park St GRIFFIN CORNERS Lasher Herbert (la '08) HALL Black Hugh R (m eng '13) Ag HAMBURG Schoepperle Katherine (ghist'loAB) FT HAMILTON Kerriek Mrs H S (la '03) Borne GOVERNEUR Smith Howard S (ry m eng '12) Eng 73 Park St HONEOYE FALLS Yorks Warner R (ag '10) Ag HORNELL Henry Elma L (su '08) Teach Art 14 Erie St HUDSON Wasson Ora E (la '03) Chief Chem Knickerbocker Portland Cement Ca ITHACA t Alexander Elizabeth W (lib '02) 301 W Green St Beal Alvin C (ag '97 Fac '09) Asst Prof Cor U Beal Mrs A C (sp mus '99) Home 212 Kelvin PI CONSTANT A F (su '02) c/o Prof W A Riley Cornell U COOPER Lane ( '14) Prof Cor U 171 Goldwin Smith Hall DREW William L ('04) 13 East Av DuBuisson Johannes Petons (sc '13 AB) Stu Cor U Cosmopolitan Club Gross Cecil R (g bacteriol '15- ) Stu 101 Siles St Gutsell James S (g biol '13) Stu Cor U 301 College Av harper Merritt (g ag '02 MS) Teach 4- Ag Honey Edwin E (ag '11) Stu Cor U 411 Dryden Rd hopper Herbert A (g '07 MS Fac '07) Prof Cor U Hopper Mrs HA (h sc '07 BS) Home 1105 Heights Ct Cornell Hghts Johannsen Oskar (arch eng '94 BS) Prof Cor U johnson Gertrude A (sc '13 MS Fac '13) Asst Cor U 110 Highland PI LOVE Harry H (g ag '07 Fac '07) Asst Prof Cor U 102 Oxford PI Lunt Mrs William E (acad '04 Fac '07) Home 107 Lake St MELVIN Frank E (g hist '12 Fac '12) Asst Prof Cor U myers Clyde H (ag '10 MS Fac '10) Asst Prof Cor U 2.03 Prospect St Myers Mrs C H (lib '08 AB & BLS Fac '09) Home 203 Prospect St ?Needham James G (su '96) Prof Cor U 6 Thurston Av Phelps Albert C (arch '04 BS) Prof Cor U REDWOOD Charles W ('15) Tech Artist Cor U Swisher Charles L (sc '09 AB) Ed 317 College Av USHER Susannah ('11) Bes H Sc Cor U White Earl A (ag '11 BS Fac '14) Stu Cor U 804 E Seneca St Williams Walter L (ag '79 Cert) Prof NY St Vet College Williams Mrs W L ('85) Home 115 Valentine PI Yen King Lau (su '11) 356 Cascadillo Hall JAMESTOWN Darrow Edna R (lib '12) Libr 24 Alton PI Schenck Henry G (com '15- ) Stu 295 Hallock St Schenck Vernon G (com '15- ) Stu 118 Broadhead Av JERVIS Mallett Norman J (cer eng '15- ) (la '15) Stu c/o Mrs R W Rogers 25 Ferguson Av NEW YORK 1179 JOHNSTOWN Johnson Bertha Cornelia (su '10) Teach 43 Chestnut St KENMORE Lange Sophie (la '11 AB) Tutor $ Mus KINGSTON Johnson Lottie C (a&d '00) Art 127 Downs St LACKAWANNA TORRANCE Frederick C ('15) Asst Eng Lackawanna Steel Co LAKE MOHEGAN Field Mrs (la '83) Supt Incarnation Fresh Air & Convalescent Home LARCHMONT PARK Higinbotham Nathan J (la '02) Mgr NY Ofc Wheeling Steel & Iron Co LIVONIA Davis Arnold E (ag '11) Ag LOCKPORT Pierce Eunice M (su '10) Teach LONG ISLAND Dean Harold C (ry c eng '09 BS) E Eng 444 Jackson Av watson Minnie E (la '15 PhD MS) Teach Oyster Bay MECHANICSVILLE mosher William E (g m eng '13 MS) Gov M Eng MEDINA Acer Donald W (la com '14 AB) Mfg 223 W Center St Acer Herbert A (la com '12 AB) Mfg 223 W Center St Acer Katherine E (la '14 AB) At home 508 Ohio St Acer Victor A (ag '14) 508 Ohio St Newell George A Jr (la com '14 AB) Bnk 127 W Center St tO 'Donnell Pierre J (ag '09) 233 W Center St Whipple Helen K (la '13- ) Stu 500 W Center St MEDWAY Haas Charles M (ag '74) Ag MONTEFIORE HOME blatherwick Norman R (sc '12 MS '11 Fac '14) Stu Yale U MONTOUR FALLS Wheldon Clarence S (m eng '96) Trav Sales MORRISTOWN Richardson Harvey R (e eng '13- ) Stu MORRISVILLE eastman Jasper F (g ag '10 MS) Ag MT VERNON Bartholow James S (1 '15- ) (la '15) Stu 114 S Eighth Av Bartholow Otto F ( '85) Mintr Brown Mrs A A (a&d '04) Home 205 E Sidney Av Fitzhugh Mrs J L (mus '96) Home 129 Glen Av ?Teich^ Frederic C (arch eng '09) NAPLES Crouch Wallard S (ag '11) Ag NEWARK Buckner Orella S (cer eng '15- ) (se '15) Stu 3 Mason St NEW BERLIN tDresser Myron A (jour '14) NEW BRIGHTON Bardwell Mrs D L (a&d '80) Home Bord Willard A (m eng '91 BS) M Eng 22 Pendleton Av NEW HARTFORD Osborn Mrs W M Jr (la '08) Home Clinton Rd NEW YORK Alden John L (m eng g '14 BS) c/o Internal Harvester Co 318 W 57th St allen Chester H (g chem '14 AM) Res Chem Rockefeller Inst Med Res 66th St & Av A Applegate Alpheus M (la '01) Acct Deloitter & Co 49 Wall St Armstrong Charles G (sc '81) 292 W 92nd St Armstrong Florence A ('03) 292 W 92nd St 1180 NEW YORK ARRES Leonard P (su '10) Dir Div Ed Russell Sage Foundation 130 E 22nd St Bacon Henry Jr (arch '88) Arch 101 Park Av Beardsley Mrs Waite (mus '02) Home 100 Morningside Dr BECKER Francis C ('10) Led Col U Beebe Kenneth J (arch eng '13) AGv 318 W 57th St Bock Paul T (c eng '13 BS) Shield Insp East River 123rd St YMCA Bolles Mrs John A (la '04) Home 135 Hamilton PI Bolster Nicholas J (eng '13) Trav YMCA Sec Bonser Frederick G- (sc '02 MS ('01 BS) Fac '02) Prof Teacher's Coll Col U 525 W 120th St Boring William A (arch '83) 32 Broadway Boultenhouse John E (sc '13) Sec Bankers Trust Co 16 Wall St Brazeau Eugene F (la '13- ) Stu 135 W 79th St Broomhall Lyda (lib '07) Fin Libr William Salaman & Co 25 Broad St Brown Arthur A (m eng '98) Asst Sales Mgr Westinghouse Elec Co Bulkeley Claude A (m eng '00) M Elec Eng 511 103 Park Av Bush Lincoln (Hon D Eng '04) (c eng '88 BS) Fac '05) Consult Eng 1 Madison Av Bussey Henry M (c eng '07) C Eng 37 Wall St (/arse David B (arch eng '82) Consult Eng 165 Broadway Carson Harry Y (mun eng '11 BS Fac '14) Central Foundry Co 90 West St Chester Dick H (chem '91 BS) Chem 1405 Farmers Bk Bldg 605 W 112th St CfflJ Vee Gih (chem eng '13 BS)" Stu Col U 422 115th St Clark Ella H (sc '05 AB) Sc 607 W 116th St Columbia Thomas B (sp '72) 148 W &0th St conklin Roland R (la '89 Hon ML) Bus Mgr $• Bnk Pres Jucaro 1 & Moun RR Co V-Pres Cent Cuba Sugar Co 1 Wall St Cortelyou George B (Hon LL D '05) Pres Consolidated Gas Co 130 E 15th St ?Corwin Cecil S (arch '83) Arch 223 W 83rd St Cr«wther Sarah (la '14) Teach 150 Fifth Av Curtis Naida L (lib '04) Sec Worn Suffrage Party 505 Fifth Av Cushing John J (m eng '74) Law 37 Wall St Cushman Mrs E H (lib '83 BL) Home 532 W 148 St Dailey Arthur A (m eng '14- ) Stu 725 Riverside Dr Darrah Juanita E (g chem '15 MS (sc'13 AB) Fac '15) Asst Col U Daugherty Hale P (la '14 AB) Jour Geo Lamonto Paper Co Davies Harold Earl (ag '11) Ag Adv 326 W 23rd St Davis Frank L ( '09 BS) (arch '88) Arch 4- Marble Wk 1713 Flat Iron Bldg Deakman Homer W (c eng '15 BS) Bldg Constr Wells Brothers Co 1424 Aeolian Bldg DOOLITTLE FREDERICK W ('09) Consult Eng 8 W 40th St Dormitzer Max R (e eng '11 BS) E Eng 49 Wall St Dougherty Ralph L (1 '99) Atty Trinity Bldg Doyle Edgar D (ry e eng '10 BS) Asst Eng Elec Test Lab 80th St & E End Av DREW Celia A (mus '07 Fac '11) Teach Julia Richmond H Sch fDurkin Peter (sc '77) Eichberg Louis R (la '87) Med 22* Sixth St fElmendorf Miss Laurence (su '08 ) 142 W 137th St Ericson Lambert T (c eng '04 BS) Sales Mgr Port Reading Creosoting Co 17 Battery PI ?Evans Earle R (la '11) Sales 550 Riverside Dr Everhart Rollin O (la '98 AB) Edit 1219 Presbyterian Bldg Fellheimer Alfred (arch eng '95 BS) Arch 730 Riverside Dr Fellman Henry C (e eng '07) 146 W 65th St Fisher Charles A (g '11 ('10 AM) Fac '11) Instr Col U 353 W 17th St Foote Ralph J (arch eng '04) Bep New Eng Semi-Monthly Mag 200 Fifth Av Forbush Harry W (arch '87) Bus 203 W 103rd St FORTIER Edward J (g la '09 Fac '09) Instr Col U 557 W 124th St FOSSLER Anna K ('98) Head Cat g Dept Col U 540 W 122nd St Freund Gustav L (chem eng '14- ) Stu 1637 Bothgate Av NEW YORK 1181 Fritchey Theodore A Jr (la '13 AB) Textile Comm Merc c/o Lawrence Co 24 Thomas St Garrett James F (sc '14 BS) Chem Eng The Permutit Co 30 E 42nd St GEPHART Frank ('12) Chem Cor U Med Coll 1st Ave & 28th St tGershenzwit Eva (h sc '11) At home 230 E Third St Gershexzwit Joseph (ag '11 BS) Gardener 230 E Third St Gibbs Laura R (lib '02 BLS Fac '01) Libr Col U Golding John N Jr (ag '15- ) Stu 251 W 70th St goldmerstein Leon (e eng '11 AM) Edit 29 39th St Goldschmidt Edward W (m eng '87) Dist Mgr Wagner Elec Mfg Co (St Louis) 30 Church St Goldschmidt Otto E (e eng '94 BS) Consult Eng 9 E 40th St Goode Eslanda C (h sc '14- ) Stu 136 W 99th St Graves Lester H (e eng '12 BS) Superv Eng Nat X Ray Reflect Co 21 W 46th St Gray Fred J (e eng '12 MS) ( '11 BS) E Eng 624 W 182nd St Gray Philip F (la '10) Acct c/o Austin Nichols & Co Green Lonsdale Jr (m eng '12 BS) Acct 565 W 113th St Greene Charles T (la '01 AB) Broker 20 Exchange PI Hagedorn Frederick A (m eng '11 BS) M Eng Westinghouse Church Kerr Co 37 Wall St haig Robert M (g econ '09 AM) Instr Col U 374 Wads worth Av Hall Edward L (g eng '09 AM) (arch eng '08 AB) Internat Sec YMCA 124 E 28th St fHemstreet Bonfield V (m eng '13) 414 W 44th St Hess Rush M ('02) M Eng Ameri- can Mines Co 15 Broad St Hills Stacy R (arch eng '94) Law Tribune Bldg 154 Nassau St Hinricksen Edward E (e eng '99) E Eng Western Elec Co 463 West St Holder Vernon M (arch '03 BS) Arch 9 Wall St Holtzman Stephen F (arch eng '95 BS) Consult Struct Eng 101 Park Av Howe Paul E (g chem PhD ('07 AM) sc '06 BS) Fac '12) Prof Col U 421 121st St howe Mrs P E (h sc '09 AM Fac '13) Home 421 W 121st St Hubbart Guy (la com '06 AB) c/o Dry Goods Economist 231 W 39th St IMBERT Louis (g french '09 Fac '09) Instr Col U James Justin C ('80) Agency Dir NY Life Ins Co 1 Madison Av Jehle Ferdinand (m eng 10 BS) M Eng 4- Auto Eng 561 W 180th St JERNBERG George H ('07) Mgr Sales Dept Fairbanks Morse Co 30 Church St Jewett Milford E ('93) Ins 84 Wil- liams St JOHNSON Henry ( '04) Prof Teach Coll Col U 501 W 120th St Johnston Ernest H (e eng '07 BS) Fin Cash 60 Wall St Jones James F (c eng '77) Clk NY Tel Co Directory Dept 25 Day St Karsten Karl R G (la '08) Stu Col U Furnald Hall Kelley David H (e eng '04 BS) Sales Eng 230 W 107th St Kimball Conrad B (eng '04 BS) Asst Adv Mgr " Today's Mag" 441 W 47th St Kinead James A (sc '95 BS) Besi- dent Sales Mgr 30 Church St Kneeland Frank H (m eng '04 BS) Assoc Edit li Coal Age" 505 Pearl St Lambert Ward L (su '14) 118 W 39th St Landsea Albert F (e eng '12 BS) Tel Eng Western Elec Co Box 244 Lazear Weston B (m eng '07 BS) Chf Eng Stephens-Adamson Mfg Co 50 Church St Leonard Howard G (e eng '05) Gov Naval Ofc Custom House Leslie Eugene H (chem eng '13 BS) Asst Chem Col U 49 Claremont Av Ilowrie John M (g la '09 AM) 127 W 76th St McCandles Henry W (m eng '90 BS) Mfg 67 Park PI McCURDY Robert M ( '11) Catg 2 E 57th St McDonald Lewis (c eng '08 AB & BS Fac '10) C Eng 311-30 Church St McGill Charles C ('08) Eastern Sales Rep 50 Church St Hudson Terminal Bldg Macis Joan R (ag '14) c/o A L Mo- reno 58 Pine St JMacis John R (eng '13) 58 Pine St McKenna James A (la '05) Acct 125 W 70th St McMillan Neil Jr (arch '04) Mgr 4- Sec YMCA 124 E 128th St MacNEAL Ward J ('11) Prof NY Post Grad Med Sch 303 E 20th St IMahon Thomas F ( '96) Mathers Aaron (la '14 AB) c/o Geo Lamonte & Co Maury Charles F (arch eng '14 BS) 1182 NEW YOKK Arch Draft 548 River Side Drive May David T (e eng '05 BS) E Eng 108 W 95th St Mehren Edward J (c eng '06 BS) Edit Eng Eecord 239 W 39* h St MERRILL Katherine ('97) Led Pond Lyceum. Metropolitan Life Bldg messenger Ruth E (la '11 AM) Teach 569 West 150th St Miller Arthur E (c eng '11) C Eng NY Cont Jewell Filtration Co 15 Broad St Millican Harold A (su '07) Prin H Sch North Chili Minnick Guy F ('93) Adv Mgr Mc- Clure Publ Co Fourth Av Monser Harold E (g philos '09) Evan- gelist 825 W 179th St Monser John W (la '12) Stu Col U 825 W 179th St Montgomery Finis E (la '96) Law 740 Riverside Dr Morgan Ora S (la '05 AB) Prof Col U tMorton William C (la '04) 42 White St Moutray Mary E (mus '13) Stu Mus 400 W 118th St MUDGE Isadore G ('03) Bef Libr Col U Murrin John H (c eng '14) C Eng 419 W 115th St Nein William C (e eng '09 BS) E Eng 44 Pinehurst Av Nevins Allan (la '13 AM ('12 AB)Fac '13) Assoc Edit NY Saturday Even- ing Post 20 Vessey St Niedermeyer Frederick D (la '04 AB) Mintr 207 E 30th St Noyes Frederic J (e eng '06) Fin Hallgarten & Co 5- Nassau St Nymeyer Fred H (la '11 AB) Edit 110 W 40th St Oberlander Marie (ag '15- ) Stu 206 W 108th St Partridge Hugh R (1 '11 LL B) Law 60 Wall St Patchin Mary A (g engl '10) Dir Be- ligious Wk Barnard Coll PATTERSON Frank A ('12) Instr Col U 80 Morningside Dr Piatt Herman S (la '94 AM ('92 AB) Fac '01) Prin Pub Sch No 46 Pierce Leonard G (c eng '10 BS) E Eng NY Edison Co 55 Duane St Porterfield N Raymond (c eng '06 BS) Eng $ Contr 17 Battery PI Powell Bradford ('90) Broker 7 Wall St Powell Jessie A (la '06 AB) Teach 500 W 122nd St POWELL Thomas R ('10) Lee Col U Livingston Hall Col U Prouty Edwin C (c eng '14 BS) Eng McGraw Hill Bk Co 239 W 39th St ^Puerto Marco A ('11) c/o A M Jimenez 12 Broadway Pursley Emma S (la '15 AB) Stu Col U Whittier Hall QUICK Oscar ('02) Teach Jamaica H Sch 14 Burdette PI Jamaica Rae Henry M (la '93) 45 E 20th St Ragan Carroll S (mus '02) Adv 527 Fifth Av ravitch Max (g engl '10 AM) Hart- ley Hall Col U reddick Harry W (g math '06 AM Fac '05) Instr Col U Livingston Hall RICE George B ('16) Consult Mech Eng Schvellkoff Aniline & Chem Co Roberts Malcolm D (ag '13- ) Stu 58 Pine St Roberts Owen H (arch eng '06) C Eng 4r Arch 11 Broadway Rothgeb Wade H (la com '05 AB) Bnk # Fin 115 Broadway RUSSELL James E ('00) Dean Teachers ' Coll Col U Sample John C (arch eng '97 M Arch) ( '96 BS) Consult Eng 1 Mad- ison Av sherwin Carl P (sc '12 MS) Prof Fordham U SCHOLL Louis A ('12) 419 W 115th St ?Schroeder Charles W (la '05 AB) 3099 Broadway Schumacher Ramon (arch '09 BS) Arch 20 Dradell 414 W 119th St Schunder Leo V (e eng '12 BS) Eng Asst W Union Tel Co Sears Minnie E (lib '00 BLS Fac '03) Libr 476 Fifth Av Shaw James W (m eng '08 BS) M Eng Allis Chalmers Mf g Co 24 Park Place Smith Groves B (sc '12) Stu Col U 437 W 59th St Smith Robert M (c eng '02) c/o Buda Foundry Co SOMERVILLE Albert A ('06) Chf Physicist US Rubber Co 1790 Broad- way Souers Henry C (arch eng '10) Zeta Psi House NY U Spear Grant W (m eng '87 BS) V- Pres $ Mgr Dearborn Chem Co 299 Broadway Spear Mrs G W ('86) Some 838 West End Av Squire Willis C (m eng '85) V-Pres Hanck Mfg Co Stevenson Mrs James O (su '04) Field Sec Amer City Bur stifler William W (g physics '11 PhD NEW YOBK 1183 ( '08 AM)Fac '11) Instr Col U Swart Harmon V (e eng '06 BS) Bonds 4- Ins 19 Liberty St Swenson Bernard V (m & e eng '01 ME( '93 BS )Fac '98 ) Trans 175 Fifth Av Tallmadge Chester L Jr (la '15- ) Stu 37 Wall St Temple Jane (su '15) Stu 1230 Am- sterdam Av Toenniges Ferdinand F E (c eng '98 BS) RR C Eng Eobert Grace Cont Co 170 Broadway Turk Elkan (la '10 AB) Law 60 Wall St . Tyndale Hector H (la '85 BL) Law 49 Wall St Vail Eichard H (sc '95) Asst Edit "Eng & Min Jour" 68 Washington Sq vanderlip Frank A (Hon AM '05) (la '83) Bnk 4- BR Dir 55 Wall St VAEON David ( '12) 150 Nassau St Vonderlieth Henry L (1 '99) Circu- lation Mgr Today's Mag 461 Fourth Av Wamsley Henry E (m eng '10) Navy Mus USS South Carolina c/o PM Webster Sarah E (la '98 AB) Teach 4- Art 434 W 120th St Weeks Hugh A (la '09) Exporter $- Mfg 620 W 122nd St WEEKS Eaymond ( '09) Prof Col U Weirick Ealph W (g'00 M Arch (arch '99 BS) Arch 1142 Madison Av Weis Herman W (sc '13 AB) Adv 35 Nassau St Wheeler Edmund B (e eng '05 BS) Phone Eng Western Elec Co 463 West St WHITTEMOEE Herbert L ('10) Fayerweather Hall Col U wilber Allen S (g pol sc '14 AM) c/o Macmillan Publ Co 66 Fifth Av Wilcox Burton B (sc '04 AB) (chem '05 AM) Chem US Food Insp Lab Appraiser's Store Wildman Ernest A (g chem '14 MS Fac '15) Ees Chem Bockefeller Inst 66th St & Av A Williughby Thomas F (ag '08) Adv 1520 165 Broadway Wilson Ealph W (arch '04) Jewelry Mfg 13 Maiden Lane Wood Harvey C (m eng '05) Adv 4' Pub 227 Fulton St woodrow Harry E (g ppys '11 MS) Asst Chf E Eng Edison Co 130 E loth St WOEMSEE I Maurice ('13) Prof Fordham U Wright Samuel A (la '13) Stu Union Theol Sem 600 W 122nd St Yasie Sekiji (g pol sc '12) Edit Japanese NY Times York Gertrude I (g '12) (la '11 AB) Stu Col U 1230 Amsterdam Av NIAGAEA FALLS Kyle George L »(e eng '15 BS) US Light & Heating Co Linbarger Silas C (cer eng '15 BS) c/o Carborundum Co Mead Clarence E (e eng '04 BS) Supt US Light & Heat Co 729 Main St Vosburgh Frank J (m eng '09' BS) c/o Star Elec Co NOETH CHILI Milican Harold A (su '01) Prin AM Chesbrouch Seminary NOEWICH Johnson Sydney K (com '15) C Eng Box 158 NOEWOOD Wright Edward E (1 '05) Law OLEAN Fane James E (m eng '10) 7 Spruce St ONEIDA Kreps Mrs E H (mus '04) Home Simpson Arthur M (m eng '13) Sales Eng Oneida Steel Pulley Co ONTAEIO Harris Mrs J D (a&d '01) Home E2 OSWEGO Early James M (su '14) Instr 142 N Seneca St Griffin Fred L (su '12) Teach St Nor Sch harlan Charles L (g ed '14 AM Fac '14) Prof NY St Nor U 184 W Fifth St Kettle Charles B (e eg '10) PAEK Joseph C ('15) Instr St Nor Sch OTISVILLE Boyd Florence E (la '10) Teach PEAEL EIVER Phillips Jay H (sc '15) Bacteriol PHELPS Van Dervort Cornelius H ('00) PHOENIX Wandell Caroline (lib '00 BLS) Instr Syr U Lib Sch 1184 NEW YOEK PLAINFIELD Churton Florence H (ag '14- ) Stu 412 W Sixth St POET BYEON Palmer John G ( '89) C Eng POET EICHMOND Dowell Carl P (ag '15) (eng '15) Stu 86 Bond St POTSDAM BEOOKS John P ('11) Dir Clarkson Sch Tech Mathews George B (m eng '08) Auto 5 Pleasant St Mathews William E (c eng '10) Motor- cycle Distributor POUGHKEEPSIE olin Hubert L (g chem '14 Phd ('11 MS) Fac '15) Instr Vassar Coll PULASKI Eemington Frank S (ry trans '12) Stu Syr U EICHMOND HILL Boecklin Werner Jr (m eng '87) Lana Arch Ken Gardens EIVEEHEAD TEEEY James P (g dairy husb '12 Fac '12) EOCHESTEE Averhill William A (c eng '07) Effic Expert Bur Mun Ees 261 Broadway Beers LeEoy F (m eng '03 BS) Su- burban Eng 711 Powers Bldg Boston John E (la com '10) Lumber 551 Lyell Av Carman William B (sc '82 BS) Med 32 Upton Pk Carman Mrs W (la '76) Home 32 Upton Pk Eidam Edward G (m eng '04 BS) Mfg Mgr Schedule Dept 85 Middlesex Ed Eidam Mrs EG (sc '07 AB) Home 85 Middlesez Ed Ellsworth Frank b ' ( '90) Spec Bepr Post Express Engle Joseph W (c eng '10) Arch 401 Lake Av GOESELINE Ernest E ('09) Mgr Scranton Wetmore Co 1176 Monroe av Templin Ellis W (ry m eng '11) Instr Eochester Mech Inst 12 Shepard St Whitham Myron E (m eng '96 BS) Consult 4" Contr Eng 711 Powers Blag EOME Baker Ernest M (su '15) Stu Green- ville Coll 317 W Embargo St Eobinson Arthur S (m eng '80 BS) Chf Eng Grant Smith & Co SAEATOGA SPEINGS Anderson Wilfred M (ag '09) Ag Turtle Point Farm SAVONA Crouch Ellis L (ag '04) Ag SCHENECTADY Ball John D ( '15 EE) (m eng '07 BS) c/o Consult Dept Gen Elec Co 401 Av A Bassett John B (e eng '11 BS) .& Eng 1202 Union St BEEG Ernst J ('14) Prof E Eng Union Coll Berg Mrs Gwendolyn (la '10) Borne 30 Lowell Ed Bowditch Eoy (e eng '06) Test Dept Gen Elec Co Callan John A (c eng '07 BS) Instr Union Coll & NY St Highway Eng Collins Edgar F (e eng '13 EE)('98 BS) Tech Supt Gen Elec Co 1465 State St cox Sidney H (g engl '13 AM) Teach 35 N Wendell Av Doherty Eobert E (e eng '09 BS) Design Eng Gen Elec Co tFiCK Clarence W (e eng '12 BS) Foreman Testing Dept Gen Elec Co 144 Barrett St Hanna Max E (e eng '02 BS) Design Eng Gen Elec Co Jeffers Granville B (su '99) c/o Teach Train Sch Jenkins Emmons N (eng '15) Stu Union Coll 739 Nott St Jinguji Genjiro (g '13 MS) (e eng '12 BS) E Eng Box 737 Kasten William H (ag '14- ) Stu 1219 State St kiyohara Ippei (g e eng '13 MS) E Eng Box 737 Lagerstrom David E (e eng '11 BS) E Eng Gen Elec Co Box 810 Lee Everett S (e eng '13 BS) Instr Union Coll Linzee Albert C (e eng '98 BS) E Eng Gen Elec Co McCrea Hugh A (ry e eng '09 BS) E Eng Box 1005 McDANIEL Allen B ('16) Head Dept Union U Moore Wellington E (la '15- ) Stu 111 Walnut St Eeeves Howell H (ry e eng '10 BS) E Eng 561 Eugby Ed Eohrer Carl J (ag '11 BS) Ag Spec- ialist Gen Elec Co 7 Park St Eowland Sidney A (g sc '13 Fac '14) NEW YORK 1185 Instr Union Coll Seese Eobert S C (g '13) (e eng '12 BS) Gen Elec Co Box 894 ?Shirley Orin E (e eng '10 BS) E Eng 123 Nott Terrace Simonich John L (g '15 MS) (e en& '14 BS) Eng Gen Elec Co Sprurck Eobert M (e eng '10 BS) E Eng Gen Elec Co 123 Nott Terrace Stewart Glenville E (e eng '12 BS) Test Eng General Eng Co 706 South Av Stewart Miles V (e eng '01 BS) Chf Eng Foreign Dept Gen Elec Co Sullivan Francis J (sc '11) Gen Elec Co tanobe Stetfan F (g sc '14 MS) Phy- sicist Elect Measurements 1348 Union St Turner Charles P (m eng '04 BS) M Eng Constr Dept Gen Eng Co VEDDER John N ('13) Prof Union Coll Zee Jsehine Z (e eng '14 BS) Stu Union Coll 21 N Perry St SCOTIA Thayer William S (g eng'09 EE) (eng '05 BS) E 4- M Eng $ Pull 14 Riverside Av SILVER CREEK Fairchild Evelyn Van Zandt (la '15) At home 19 Lake St Graves Frank W (ag '13- ) Stu Rob- inson St Mead Mrs P H (h sc '03) Home SOLESVILLE Bridge Horace L (1 '99) Ag STAPLETON Bell Leo R (min eng '14 BS) 167 McKeon St STATEN ISLAND Frank L (la '93) Lit Emer- Nelson son Hill SYRACUSE Adams Charles C (g '98 Fac '14) Asst Syr U 928 Lancaster Av BAKER Hugh P ('12) Prof $ Bean NY St Sch Forestry farmer Flora E (g classics '10 AM) Teach 162 Greenwood Pi Ga Nung Howard D (arch eng '95) Arch U Wis Valentine Howard D (chem eng '15 MS ( '13 BS) Fac '15) Instr U Wis Verran Laura E (lib '05) Teach 27 W Gilman St WALTON James H Jr ('07) Assoc Prof U Wis 425 Sterling PI Watson Carl P (la com '10) Bus Mgr White Frank M (ag '09 BS) Instr Wis Ag Coll 1615 Summit Av White Mrs F M (la '09 AB) Home 1615 Summit Av Wilson Harley F (g entom '08) Prof U Wis MANITOWOC tBarnes Charlotte (lib '03) Hermann George B (c eng '05) Gen Contr Miller Earl F (arch eng '10) Arch 10 Dempsey Bldg Schmitz Karl M (com '15) Stu V Wis 314 N Park St t Sterling George E (arch eng '14) 512 Buffalo St MARINETTE ?Cross Mrs Cora (sp '07) IPaulsen George F (la com '13) 587 Menekaune Av Redeman Mrs E H (mus '08) Solo Wk 326 State St 1244 WISCONSIN MAUSTON Both William E (g math '15- ) Stu MELLEN Logeman Albert E (m eng '04 BS) Sec 4~ G-en Mgr Peoples Water Light & Power Co Logeman Mrs Albert E (h sc '14) Home MENOMONIE Brunkow Otto E (arch eng '12) Instr Stout Inst The Club Graven Anker S (arch eng '13- ) Stu 1003 S Ninth St Jefferson Lorian P (lib '02) R3 Quilling Erwin A (la '14) 902 Sev- enth St Young Adlai C (ry e eng '15) Stu U Wis 520 13th Av MIDDLE INLET Eninger Frederick B ('09) Ag K2 Eninger Helen (la '15) Eninger Keith G ('11) Ag Ferris Charles F (ag '12 MS) (BS '11) Ag Wallace Frank M (cer eng '11 BS Fac'12) % Ag MILWAUKEE t ALLEN Mary S (g zool '12 Fac '12) 867 Shepard Av Balding James P (arch '95) Ins Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co balzer George J (g '09 AM) Prin H Sch Barry Frank (la '78 BL) c/o Merc & Mfgs Assoc Boren Welzie E (su '07) Teach St Nor Sch 783 Maryland Av Borromeo Canuto O (m eng '15 BS) c/o Vilter Mfg Co 811 Mound St Bowman Mrs G A (mus '12) Home 108 31st St Brinckley William J Jr (sc '74) Asst Curator Milwaukee Museum 1303 Grand Av Burke Edmund (com '15- ) (la '14) Htu 700 Marshall St Burke Hubert (ag '14) Sales Dept A O Smith Mfg Co 700 Marshall St Campbell James F (su '15) Teach 378y 2 24th St Chamberlain Ralph G (su '15) Teach 4- Coach Athl 915 45th St CHURCH Mrs J S ( '04) Home 683 Stowell Av Coddington Edwin D (m eng '85) Mfg Sheridan Av & 37th St [ Coddington Vantile W (arch '75 BS Fac '77) Mfg Struc Steel Coddington Mrs V W (la '75 BL) Home (e e ng '09) Com Co 383 Pub Serv Sales 395 (sc '94 BS) (arch eng '08) (ag '10) Blcpr E Eng Coffin Francis A Eng TMER&L Bldg Coefman Birch D Box 1135 ?Crane Stanley P Lake Dr Crossman Arthur H Sta D R Box 17B Dace Fred E (e eng '14 BS) Milwaukee RR & Light Co Decker Leon M (la '11 AB) Sales Mgr Standard Separator Co 551 Belleview PI Devine Herbert (m eng '14 BS) Stu Apprentice c/o Allis-Chalmers Mfg Co 6702 Greenfield Av Dickey Cromwell B (sc '05 BS) Chem Eng 707 Cramer St Finkenbinder Erwin O (sc '10 AB) Teach 1115 Maryland Av Fickenbinder Mrs E O (g la'12)('10 AB) Home 572 Murray Av Fox Fred G ('03 AM (la '98 AB) Fac '06) Head Engl Dept St Nor Sch 374 24th St Gillan Paul H (arch eng '12 BS) Bus Mgr ' ' The Western Teacher ' ' & ''The American Journal of Educa- tion" 404 Jefferson Bldg Gossett John E (la '12 AB) Ins 609 Pabst Bldg Grierson Walter G (arch eng '07 BS) Arch Eng 178 18th St Gruhl Clarence J (arch eng '14- ) Stu 359 Madison St Guild Frank E (arch eng '08) 126 Fifth St Gurda Francis S R (eng Feb '16- ) Stu 920 Second Av Haggerty Frank P (la '13) News Rep Blatz Hotel Harmon Marvin F (ag '11 BS) Mgr Standard Separator Co c/o YMCA Heller Herman W (arch '09) Bus Mgr 727 Shepard Av Holl Charles L (eng '06 BS) 7ns Prof Arch 40 Otsnka Sakashitamachi Koishikawa-ku takahashi Mitsutaka (e eng '13 MS) E Eng Mitsui Bussan Kaisha tTakashima Kentoku (la '14) TOYOMAITAMACHI SHIMONOSE- KISHI kishi Terno (ry m eng '09 BS) ?Tonimaga Kotara (sc '91) Ag WAKAMATZU ?Yamada Sitsuro B (ag '90) YAMACIWAJI SH1NGU Murata Motosaburo (e eng '13- ) Stu YAMAGUCHIKEN moncriefF Jesse E (g phil '10 AM) Prof Japanese Gov Sch YASAKA OSOKA \Yasalca Hidiji ('08) YEDDO fYamaou Tunetaro (ag '73) YURAKUCHO Sadakichi Taniyama (c eng '09 BS) Eng Amer Trau Co 11-chome KOREA ANDONG tRENiCH Edward A (la '04 AB) SEOUL Mills Ralph G (sc '03 AB) Prof Path Severance Hospital SONGDO Thompson James A (ag '05 BS) Arch MALAY STATES KUALA LUMPUR Marsh Mabel (su '07) Teach MANCHURIA KIRIN CITY Hsieh Chung (m eng '14- ) Stu 589 New Road MEXICO AGUAS CALIENTES matson Ralph A ('03) ?Watson William M (m eng M2) ALLENDE Aranda Ezequiel (m eng '93) CHIHUAHUA t Enrique Ignacio C (ag '10 BS) SANTA COSADIA Garnett Grace A (la '01 AB) c/o S Pearson & Son IJaurequi Mariano ( '08) Romero Carlos N (ag '10 BS) Ag Salazar Jose U (ag '14 BS) 2100 Libertad St 1 Sanchez Alejandro ('86) Schaefer Philemon A (c & m eng '90 Cert) Min Eng Parrol ISeyffert Alberto F ( '92) tSeyffert Felipe V (c eng '91) Dist Guerrero CINBAD COMARGO Dillon Roy H (e eng '01 BS) E Eng Mex Northern Power Co COLEGIO CATOLICO PUEBLO tGandora Juan G (ag '13) 3rd de Arguitectos 123 PURANGO Coen Homer C ( '04 LL B) (1 '03 AB) Consul Serv Fragosco Gilberto (c eng '13) Merc Patoui 23 tLoPEZ Asuncion (c eng '14 BS) Tragaso Gilbert (su '11) GUADALAJARA Escobosa Guillermo F (ag '13 BS) Sugar-Cane Farm Av Libertad 1000 Gomez Arzapalo E (g c eng '15 BS) Stu Mass Inst Tech Box 100 Ochoa Jorge V (e eng '16- ) Stu 218 Jardin Minez MEXICO— NOEWAY 1265 GUANAJNATO Norris Carter (la '02 AB) Avdit LA TASQUENA COYOACAN D F tHill John C (ag '14) MEXICO CITY Alarxco Jose M (c eng '00 BS) B Est Box 2015 Espinsoa Miguel E (min eng '12) Min Eng Ira Sta Tereza No 30 tEsprin Eafael (su '07) Box 861 tHauser Albert (su.'07) ?Lewis Llewellyn K (su '12) 5 Sa- bino Barreda 101-5 ?Monroy Mrs Parley (la '11) Home Gabino Barredo St N 56 Palomares Kudolph S (su '07) 6 Adel Cipus No 176 Kodriguez Roberto S (arch eng '06 BS) Chf Struct Eng Monterrev Iron & Steel Wks 3rd Niza 54 Rutter-Lawrence Mrs J J (la '07) Home 7a Chihuahua 156 Teruel Carlos G (e eng '05) Ag 5a Velasquez de Leon 85 Wilson Edward M (m eng '12) M Eng A P 274 MONTEREY NUEVO LEON tGLASS John B (m eng '06 BS) Apt 279 Gonzalez Arturo V (arch eng '07 BS) Arch Eng Pueblo St 131 NADORES COAHUILA Fuente Jose M de la (ag '14) ORIZABA VER tBurk Frank D (e eng '11) PACHNCA EDO DE HGO Corcoran Raymond A ('07) Min Supt Cade Santa Gertrudio PARRAL ?Aguilera Rodrigo (c eng '87) Juardo Miguel (sp '87) Ag PUEBLO Gandora Juan Giron (ag '13) \Garza Leopold J ('07) Pueblo St RASCON SAN LUIS POTISI Eschauzier Louis (ag '13) Ag SABINAS HIDALGO Garza Roman de la (c eng '15) Stu SALTILLO COAHUILA Abbott Theodore S (min eng '78 BS) Eng fy Contr %Aguirra Mathias (c eng '10) IAriszpe Jesus de Valle (e eng '06 BS) t Cardenas Roberto ('07) Wavazas Eurique ('03) Garza Juan I (e eng '10 BS) E Eng f Garza Juan J (e eng '08) E Eng IMartinez Jorge (arch eng '09) 8 de Hidalgo 10 IPena Joseph R (su '04) Perez Carlos S (arch eng '12) la de Iturbide 13 Rodriquez Joseph ( '06) fUrestii Adolf o S (arch eng '04) tValerio Ricardo (m eng '09) ?de Valle Jesus (m eng '03) TAMPICO Greenwood Harris P (c eng '05 BS) Oil Invest Apartado 217 Mead Mrs Robert (h sc '08) Horns Estate de Tarn TORREON COAH Harms Armin (sc '95 BS) e/o Cia Metal urgica Harms Ernst (c eng '89) Gen Supt Cia Metalurgica VERA CRUZ IDominguez Ezequiel E (su '11) Es- tacion Chavarrillo Gourley Louis H (la '12 AB) Amer Cons Av Morelos 5 Lopez Camilo R (arch eng '15) Merc Cordoba NICARAGUA. SAN JUAN Everhart William P (c eng '05) C Eng BLUEFIELDS Lindberg Irving A I (la '10 AB) Col- lector Customs NORWAY CHRISTIANIA Gaardner Rolf H J (com '15- ) Stu 1 Yoimgsgaben Solberg Lief P B (m eng '08 BS) M Eng Kristiania Spikerwerk 1266 NORWAY— SYRIA Wriedt Christian (g genetics '15- ) Stu KONSMO Mathieson Martin (la '15) LESTAN fNelson Nels B (1 '05) NOVA SCOTIA Ambrose Harry Fulton Ag Stewicke PARAGUAY ASUNCION tVALLEJOS Emiliano E (ag '11 BS) Ca Callero 264 PERSIA TEHERAN Allen Bessie (su '05) Head Mission Sch Boghosian Melton H (eng '15) Stu Cook Mrs Joseph (la lib '02) Mis- sionary $ Teach Elearzakian Aram M (e eng '15 BS) Dipt PERU AREQUIPA Huaco Daniel O (com '15- ) Stu 114 Bolognesi Huaco Sergio A (su '15) 114 Puente Bolognesie CASAPALIA Porter George W (c eng '12) Sample Foreman LIMA tBASADRE Federico (c eng '14 BS) Calle Lezano 121 tBoza Hector J (c eng '12) tDasso David (m eng '10) Box 1171 tDasso Luis (arch eng '14) Box 1171 PACASMAYO Traverso Carlos L (la '09) Supt Schs POLAND WARSAW Amsterdam H (g philos '15) Stu ROUMANIA BUCKEREST ■ andronescu Demetrius I (g agron '15 PhD) ('14 MS) Bes Agron U Buc- kerest GALATZ Hart Albert (e eng '15) RUSSIA LINKOV tMiszeiko Vincent (m eng '04) MOHILEFF Horowitz Saul (eng '14) NAUJAMIETIS KAUNO Pavietas Charles S (ag '15) PETROGRAD tBenzin Basil (su '09) Babuson St 5 Gamble Clare C (la & ry ad '15 AB) Mgr Hotel Austoria PUER WYSRONKI LOMSA Zaleski John P (ag '13- ) Stu Za- lesic Stare ZITOMIER fGoodman Ezra (e eng '13) SPAIN BARCELONA Horns Eladio O (la '08) Pedag Eng Prov Deput SYRIA BEIRUT Boettiger Louis A (la '14 AB) Teach Nickoley Edward F (g la '15 AM) ( '98 AB) Teach Nickoley Mrs E F (g '15 AM) ( '99 AB) Home BRUMMANA tElaswoad Shukry (c eng '10) BURG SOFFITA BEIRUT Beshshur Ishir M (ag '13 ) Stu TURKEY— HAITI 1267 TURKEY CONSTANTINOPLE Ghasignian V (e eng '16) Stu 27 Eue Russell 27 Feri Keuy Per a Jacob Ernest O (la '07 BS) (AB '10) Nat- Sec YMCA Amer Bible House Jacob Mrs E O (la '07) (AB '06) Home Amer Bible House Nazmi Salih (ag '14) Pence Owen E (g soe '11) (la '10 AB) Sec YMCA Robert Coll Shasignian Vahram (e eng '16- ) Stu 27 Rue Russell Feri Keny Pera HARPOOT tRussion Hoohannes (chem '99) KIRK-KILISSE Anastassiades Ernest (c eng '14- ) Stu NAZARETH PALESTINE Farah Salim R (ag '13- ) Stu NOUHKOUYOUSSI Nazil Ismail N (ag '14) SIVAZ Arozian Channes (g chem '12) Instr Chem & Physics URUGUAY MONTEVIDEO Armstrong Robert (c eng '06) C Eng Conard Philip A (la '01 AB) Assoc Cont Sec YMCA S A Avenida 18 de Julio 968 Conard Mrs P A (la '06 AM) ('05 AB) Home Avenida De Julio McKnight Mrs W A (mus '02) Home 18 de Julio 968 Sosa Hermes A (su '10) Tech Asst Ag Comm Reconquista 634 VENEZUELA MARACAIBO Parkhurst Roger W (c eng '08) Tran- sitman Caribbean Petroleum Co Everhart William P (c eng '05) C Eng WEST INDIES BRITISH JAMAICA SHEFFIELD DISTRICT Letman John (la '14) Stu HAITI AUX-CAYES Meyer Ferdinand A E H (com '15- ) Stu BARBADOES Morrison William R (arch eng '95 BS) Mgr Bridgetown Tramway Co Ltd GRANDE RIVIERE via CAPE HATIEN Hoffman Kay H (ag '13) Pres US MC 23 Co 2R c/o PM New York ISLE OF PINES Snodgrass William Jr (eng '92 BS) Ag Nueva Gerona Snodgrass Mrs William (sp '88) Home PORT-AU-PRINCE Brumbaugh Rolland E (su'15) Lieut US Marine Corps Ind Regt Marines WITHOUT ADDRESSES Several communications have been sent to every available address of most of the persons whose names are listed below but have been returned. Any clue as to present whereabouts will be appreciated in order that we may have the information for our permanent files. The last year of residence at the university- is given. See alphabetical list for other data. Abbott James Lloyd '07 Abbott Cary Lorin '04 Abbott Ira Wilson '00 Aberly John '09 Acton William M '92 Adams Alfred C '95 Adams C F '78 Adams Clarence G '76 Adams Flora May '00 Adams M D '73 Adams William Clyde '13 Adams William Sylvester '10 Adams William W '73 Agnew Viola Blanch (Mrs Morse) '08 Aguilero Eodrigo '07 Aguirra Mathias '10 Albaugh Forrest Plate '12 Aldrich Lloyd '07 Alexander Henry O '78 Alexander Philip E '11 Alfred Benton '74 Alkire Arthur Dwight '99 Alkire Grace Ethel '99 Alkire Henry Haven '90 Allen Aleck M '83 Allen Eev Basil Louis '95 Allen James Adolphus '75 Allen Laurie Lee '10 Allen Wynfred Emory '11 Alley Mary '09 Allison Waite Fisher '92 Aim Gerhard John '14 Anderson Claire Ellmore '13 Anderson Georgia Victoria '10 Anderson Gertrude A '02 Anderson Ida V '80 Anderson John Edward '04 Anderson Mrs Louise Crenshaw '10 Anderson William N '79 Andrews William Taylor '01 Archer Frank Lehman '03 Arizpe Jesus de Valle '06 Armstrong James Loudon '89 Arnett Mrs Agnes Leona '00 Arnold Charles M H F '83 Ashby Charles William '71 Atkin Millicent '13 Atkins Thomas O '73 Atkinson Frank E '81 Attebery Jesse Stephen '06 Atwater Charles Ogden '07 Aubery James M Jr '85 Austin Thomas W '72 Ayers Charlotte '72 Ayers Judson F '85 Ayres Blanche A '80 Bacon Bruce '06 Bailey Frank A '83 Bailey Thomas Marshall '09 Bailey William J '76 Bailhache Adaline '80 Baird Milton '79 Baird Walter Hays '03 Baker Charles Francis '99 Baker E W '85 Baker John Phoenix '91 Baker Kate F '87 Baker Walter Edward '02 Baker William Alfred '01 Baldwin William H '90 Ball Harry Broucher '97 Ballard Pearl Lena '00 Banks William Stephen '06 Barber Margaret '76 Bargleganch Charles Erwin '01 Barmeier Harry '89 Barnard Webster Allen '12 Barnes Andrew Jackson '01 Barnes Carrie '01 Barnes Jesse (Mrs York) '03 Barnes Thornton Burleigh '03 Barnett Edward S '89 Barnhart John Cams '95 Barricklow Elmer J '08 Barry John D '80 Barter Duncan Mac '93 Bartlett Ben William Andrew '82 Barton Burt Wells '04 Barton Charles Frederick '12 Batchelder S E '86 Bauer Frank Michael '10 Baum Mark Winchester '08 Baumann George Stebbins '06 Baxter Mae Annie '11 Baxter Thomas Livingston '83 Beach Alice Marie '00 Beadles Charles H '85 Beattie Carroll '93 Beers Harley Minard '04 Bell Fred Armstrong '03 Belsley Benjamin Rudolph '12 Bennett Edward Martin '11 Bennett Granville J '76 Bennett Lynn C '77 Bennett Rolland H '07 Benson Oliver Newkirk '93 Bentley William W '74 Benton Alfred '69 WITHOUT ADDBESSES 1269 Berg Oliver J '11 Berry Edna May '95 Betts David Boy '05 Bieknell Fannie Buth '05 Birkett John '73 Bishop Mahon Lyle '00 Bitner John E '88 Bixby Guy Masson '98 Black Walter Bobert '03 Blackburn Etta '04 Blackburn James M '86 Blaisdell Irwin B '87 Blaisdell Luola '02 Blanchard Helen '86 Blenkinsopp Joseph William '06 Block Benjamin '84 Blodgett Delbert '81 Blunk Sanford Milton '07 Boland Mary Anna '08 Boiler Chester Edwin '83 Bond John Marshall '00 Bond Joseph Edward '92 Bond Bichard Henry '88 Bonnell C M '78 Bonnell William Lee '01 Bonner Kate Porter Harper '01 Boom Allen '94 Boon Tnomas J '72 Booth Earl Francis '14 Booth J McK '80 Boothby George W '82 Boothby Viron Joseph '08 Borden George William '07 Borden Gideon S '97 . Borne Celia Alice '03 Borton William Franklin '02 Bosworth Carroll Arthur '94 Bouldwen Darwin '99 Bouseman Francis Marion '09 Bowman Mrs Ethel Colombe '10 Bowman Bichard H '80 Boyer John '73 Bo'yer Bachel A '73 Bo vies Elsie Orena (Mrs Hall) '12 Bradford Culter Marshall '73 Bradley Gertrude Gailress '00 Bradway Augustus C '72 Brady Eva Myrtle '02 Brady Lorenzo John '70 Bralton Ollie S '07 Brand Carl William '05 Brandenburg Albert Gilson Jr '12 Brannen Agnes Margaret '06 Brewster D H '77 Brewer George W '70 Bridges Charles '83 Briley Norman Percy '00 Broeker William '84 Brophy Frank Joseph '08 Brown Albert S '80 Brown Arthur Charles '05 Brown Benjamin Boss '05 Brown Charles Parks '81 Brown Frank Earl '08 Brown Fred Eubeling '04 Brown Harry Gilbert '08 Brown Ira Broadwill '03 Brown Mrs Mae Carrie '09 Brown Mae Ellen '99 Bown Bay Manlius '08 Brown Bichard Alva '99 Brown William Bott '98 Bruce Frances Maud (Mrs Strain) '00 Bruner Francis Gilbert '00 Brunson Charles Morton '97 Bryan Willhelmie '91 Buchanan Albyn '86 Buchanan Beulah Elian '07 Buchanan Clara Gertrude '01 Buchanan Gertrude '00 Buchanan J Edgar '89 Buckingham B H '79 Buell Charles C '86 Bullwinkle Benjamin '08 Bunce Vincent P '71 Burch Leslie '00 Burgess Charles Oliver '02 Burke Annabelle '11 Burke Ira Hanna '08 Burkhardt Charles '69 Burleigh Cornelius Howard '98 Burnap Sherberne Mathews '02 Burnett Addie Elizabeth su '00 Burnett Boland '00 Burns Lubin Bay '92 Bursom Luther E '72 Burtin Louis Theodore '71 Burton Delos '11 Burton James Gaff '81 Busey Harold Karcher '13 Butler Alban '73 Butler Cyrus Waldo '82 Cain Patrick Clement '08 Caldwell Mrs Francis Baber '02 Callahan Harry Emmett '08 Campbell Charles David '02 Campbell Charles Harvey '04 Campbell Elmer Cary '01 Campbell John '73 Campbell Mae Athleen '98 Campbell Mary '94 Campbell Oliver Clinton '93 Campbell Balph Lee '08 Campbell William Henry '70 Cankin Eugene L '71 Canton Cecil Anthony '99 Canty Viola Gertrude '07 Card William L '72 Carey Charles H '73 Carey Will Gage '97 Carleton Mabel Grace '00 Carman George Lawrence '98 Carney Charles John '07 Carozzi Guiseppe Napoleone '93 1270 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Carpenter Bessie Eloese '06 Carpenter Charles Henry '03 Carpenter E '74 Carpenter George W '89 Carpenter Oliver Elijah '94 Carpenter T S '86 Carr Cela Anderson '07 Carr James W '75 Carrick William '89 Carroll Sarah Frances '01 Carson Jefferson '97 Carswell Arthur Scott '94 Carswell Jessie Whyte '93 Carter Harry Clyde '99 Casey George Washington '11 Caswell Clarence Alexander '05 Caton William Hull '04 Caton Frank Smith '02 Catterlin Lillian May '02 Catto Keith Angus '09 Cayton Cecil A '98 Caukins Eugene L '71 Cavasas Eurique '04 Chambers Samuel Sunderland '04 Chan Yoke Him '07 Chance Alonzo Roy '99 Chang Kowchow Ting-Chin '10 Chapin Agnes E '74 Chapin Charles Cox '12 Chapman Howard A '13 Chapman Norman Ward '84 Chapman Paul Reed '93 Chapman Wesly Mason '04 Chappie George D '87 Chase Lottridhe Eaton '07 Chase Willis H '72 Chase Willis Smith '74 Chatterjee Brahma Nath '14 Cheney George Hughey '05 Cheney Lellin A '78 Chester Homer Waldo '76 Chien SSS '14 Christianson John '01 Christianson Oscar Karl '04 Christianson Wilhelmine M '04 Christie Morrison '08 Church Floyd Franklin '00 Church William Theodore '99 Claflin Charles H '81 Clark Harry T '87 Clark Howard Wallace '97 Clark Joseph J '85 Clark Judson J '73 Clark Mary Naomi '74 Clark Mrs Nieta Baker '99 Clark Ray Wilson '09 Clark Roscoe Perry '12 Clark Susan Amanda '75 Clark Vinton Albert '09 Clarkson Elmer '89 Clemens Clara Josephine (Mrs Ed- wards) '03 Clements Maurice Perry '97 Clifton Mary Virginia '09 Clink William Noel '08 Cody Richard J '88 Coffeen Charles E '89 Coffin Earl W '72 Coffman Daniel '05 Coffman George Benjamin '00 Coflin Frederick D '78 Coghlan Graham '94 Cohns Charles Leonard '03 Cole Arthur Clerence '03 Cole Haydee S '80 Cole Francis Wm '08 Cole Vinie '78 Cole Wm H '78 Coleman Alice J '01 Coleman John A '82 Colerick Ernest Harold '06 Collins Austin Flint '03 Collins Homer A '09 Collins Isabel Ina '08 Collins John Milton '98 Collins Leander A '72 Collins Ora Clarence '06 Collins Wilbur Milton '78 Columbia Hattie Green '02 Colvin Franklin '77 Conant William A '06 Concannon James C '85 Cone Wibur Charles '06 Conly Charles Clarence '06 Conner John '81 Conner Henry '72 Constant Frank Semple '03 Cook Francis '73 Cook Thomas L '05 Cook Walter Scott D '93 Coons Albert Madison '01 Cooper Cedric Leslie Murill '13 Cooper Charles H 78 Coquillette George A '79 Cotton Mrs Gertrude Jacobs '02 Coulson Margret May '08 Courtney Louis '86 Cowan Phelps '06 Cowdery George Sabin '74 Cowell Forrest M '96 Cowen Roy H '76 Cowles Clarence Gustavous '08 Cowles Roy Merrick '94 Cox George Rue '07 Cox Mrs Minnie Elva '06 Cox Margret Agnes '08 Cox Nellie Theresa '07 Craig Calvin '72 Craig Cheney Earl '06 Craig George Herbert '08 Craig Robert Hanson '95 Crane Flosse Sylvia '01 Crane Stanley Parker '08 Crawford David Moffett '04 WITHOl'T ADDRESSES 1271 Crawford Harry '06 Crawford Helen Ethel '03 Crawford John S '73 Crawford Joseph Henry '05 Crawford Ollie Grace '98 Cravne John S '72 Crayne William E '92 Creelman Charles Clarence '00 Crews Halbert Ottis '01 Crissy Ruth Elizabeth '98 Croker Paul Holbrook '03 Crone Charles Thomas '08 Cross Mrs Cora '07 Cross James Christopher '79 Cross Lyman '10 Cross Wallace Jackson '10 Crouch William Liebrich '01 Crouse John Webster '00 Cruz Adriano Talbos '07 Culp Flora C '95 Cummings Joseph Ross '98 Cummings Edward C" '78 Cunningham Mrs Harriett M '98 Cvrus August '86 Dahl Merton T '03 Dahl Ralph Hulfton '03 Daniels Edward M Jr '79 Dare Harrison N '13 Darion William Edwin '10 Darnell Jeffia Lee '00 Darnell Mahalia '77 Davidson Bessie Marie '99 Davidson Benjamin F '10 Davidson Jessie Fuller '06 Davies Abbie May '76 Davies Alice J '75 Davis A L '76 Davis Frank L '85 Davis George Royal Jr '98 Davis Harry Fulton '09 Davis John M '74 Davis Mary Hazel '06 Davis Myra Leslie '02 Davis Olney '79 Davis Oscar Harmon '77 Davis Rupert Foster '13 Davis Thomas Herman '01 Davis W G '14 Davis Wibut Harlin '05 Davis William '84 Davis William George '14 Dawson Lele Tva '95 Day Charles Phillip '00 Dav Clarence Harvey '05 Day Herbert W '03 Day Mrs Marion '74 Dazey Harry Lewis '04 Dean Arthur Abbott '74 Dean Cora Edna '98 Dean Harry Snow '01 Dean Hiram '07 Deckman Thomas Wilbur '13 Decius Owen '90 De Motte Henry Claude '02 Dempsey David R '00 Derrickson Emma Eliza '99 Devine Mary Margaret J 07 Devoe Charles E '87 Devol Arthur W '88 Diaz Waldemar Ramon '08 Dickson Helen Sarah '06 Diedericks Hans Otto '08 Dietrich Benjamin Henry '09 Dillon Clare Elizabeth '10 Dillon Edna Ethel '05 Dillon Harvey Gere '97 Dittmer Harry Lerov '10 Divan W '02 Dixon Horace W '78 Doellinger Francisco Paster '03 Doering Henry L '79 Dolder Lena Josephine '97 Dollus Edgar '03 Dolph Isaac N '80 Dombrowski Walter '08 Dominguez Ezequiel E '11 . Donahue Floyd Patrick '03 Donaldson Eli Altier '73 Doty Viola Zulema '05 Dowe Arthur W '72 Dowell Willson J '73 Downs Roscoe Forest '03 Doyle Robert Emmet '05 Dragoo Essie Janette '07 Drake Edwin Louis '08 Drake Louis Sanford '95 Draper Turner B '03 Dresback Joseph F '88 Dressor James R '80 Drumond Roy '98 Drury Jean Paul '.07 Duncan Aubrey Donald '10 Duncan Richard F '15 Dunham Horace E '72 Dunkin Gilbert Leslie '98 Dunlap Alice I '95 Dunlap Charles '77 Dunlap Frank '76 Dunspaugh Mrs Leonora '01 Durkin Peter '77 Earhart Florence '77 Earl Claude Elwood '00 Earle John Henry '10 Earlv Joseph Eunice '06 Eaton Homer Tait '14 Eaton Horace David '94 Eaton William Otis '91 Eberhardt John J '89 Eberman Sarah Ellaid '07 Ebert Lawrence Rudolph '07 Eckles H E '98 Eden Joseph '03 Edmonds Mabel Josephine '97 Edson George Edmund '94 1272 WITHOUT ADDEESSES Eichberg William Nathan '94 Eichelberger Prank '01 Eichinger Will '93 Elliot J K '76 Elliott Mida Gertrude '96 Ellis George H '85 Ellis Warren William '10 Ellis William Sterling '93 Ellithorpe F T '73 Ells Burtis Claflin '00 Elmendorf Miss Laurence 'OS Emerson George '13 Emery Fanny Louis '98 Engelhart John Henry August '09 English Edith Mary (Mrs Engel) '07 Eppstein Louis B '84 Erwin Verna '91 Essick Lyle Manley '10 Evans Earle Bemington '01 Evans John Leslie '69 Evans Kenneth Neill '04 Everett Charles William '02 Everett Orrelle Ina '09 Everett Wirt '96 Everhart Charles Arthur '05 Everheart J W '78 Everts Frank Herbert '74 Ewalt George W '77 Fackler Alexander Salvinus '06 Fairbank William John '93 Fairchild Asa Eoy '04 Fairehild James D '86 Faris Israel J '90 Farrell Cornelius '79 Farrelly James Walter '96 Fellman Henry Charles '07 Fenley Anna Isabel '99 Ferguson Gladys Belle '09 Ferguson William Dugan '74 Ferris Elizabeth '11 Ferris William W '72 Fessenden Arthur L '76 Feurback William John '92 , Finkelstein Maurice Davies '09 Fish Almira '76 Fisher Charles Douglas '11 Fisher William Arthur '14 Fitzgerald Sadie Josephine '00 Flickinger Fred Clard - '85 Flvnn Mamie Agnes '00 Folkers George O '04 Foos Cora Ada '75 Foos Florence Ida '74 Foote Frank Holmes '96 Ford Samuel S '89 Forward Mary C '14 Foster Charles F '80 Foster Eugene E '80 Foster Orrington Cyrenius '05 Foulon ID '72 Fowler Charles H '73 Fowler Edward Charles '03 Fowler Elsie '75 Fowler Nellie '90 Fox Mary '77 Franklin J Gilbert '12 Frazer Joanna Vera '99 Fredenbur John W '74 Fredenbur W M '74 Freeman Clytus Allen '11 Freeman John Arthur '05 Fremer Otto William '11 French Ernest '91 Freund Leo '13 Frost Edward Disborough '73 Fry Ernest Gladhart '10 Fry Harvey B '89 Fry Eay Emmet '05 Fuentes Armando '08 Fulton Mary Charlotte '09 Funk Clarence P '83 Gaines Forrest '01 Gaither Charles '74 Gallor William Charles '1" Galloway John W '85 Gamble Fred Grant '03 Gamble Samuel Wesley '96 Gardner Eva '99 Garrison Elbert '06 Garrison Joseph M '70 Garrod James A '76 Garvin Joseph Aloysius '98 Garza Juan Jesus '08 Garza Leopold '06 Gatzert Nathan Eddy '08 Gay Frank F '77 George Alice A '83 Gerhart Frank '12 Gerald Chas P '96 Gere Fayette '68 Gerdtzen Gerdt A '02 Geringer Otto George '07 Gibbert Gertrude V '08 Gibbs Mrs Sarah '91 Gilbert Edward H '10 Gill Blanche A '88 Gill Grant Wm '15 Gill John David '76 Gill Warren E '14 Gillespy Howard H '06 Gillette Clarence P '86 Gillmore Geo B '04 Gillmore James M '04 Gilmer Karl Eex '95 Gilmore Charles P '88 Gittinger Clement A . '10 Givan Mrs Evvie '74 Givan James W '88 Gladden Bertha '05 Glynn Arthur '05 Gmunder Frederick Jr '73 Goindler Frantz '94 Golden Charles Dunning '06 Golding John Noble '15 WITHOUT ADDRESSES 1273 Goltra John C '70 Goodman Ezra '09 Goodrich Leonard '83 Goodspeed Edward '77 Goodwin Benjamin Scott '03 Goodwin Jessie '80 Goodwin Timothy Chester Jr '07 Gordy Alva Nelson '94 Gould Albert F '78 Gould Elna Stillman '08 Gould Llewellyn '79 Gould Mabel C '88 Grabowski Thaddeus Marion '09 Graham Belle (Mrs Brown) '77 Graham Edson Judson '12 Graham James C '77 Graham James Ebenezer '70 Grannis George Paul '08 Granberry Clara Estelle '95 Grannis Lawrence Eoyce '08 Grant James Benton '73 Graves Clinton Henry '05 Gray John Ernest '14 Gray Nelson A '83 Gray Shirley Eugene '96 Green John Taylor '95 Grenn N L '76 Greene Franklin Jr '09 Greene Fred William '91 Greer R Ellen '05 Gregg Robert Irwin '97 Gregory Charles Edwin '76 Gregory Sue '99 Greig Mary Agnes '05 Grevenkamp Herman Henry '00 Griffin Russel Smith '08 Grinnell Jessie Clare '97 Gross Charles Frederick '08 Gross William Lawrence '01 Grossburg Arthur Sariah '10 Grossberg Harry A '00 Grosser Edmund W '02 Grote Mae Belle '00 Grotts Charles Joseph '03 Groves Donald Karel '12 Grouch William S '10 Growden Arthur Franklin '08 Grubb Edwin Santon '85 Grubbs Edwin Chester '97 Grundler Franz '94 Gundersen Gudrun Cornelia '05 Gustafson Joel Nathaniel '08 Haas John Milton '03 Haddock Frank Dickinson '07 Hahn Howard Hartford '99 Halbertstadt T E '81 Hall Aura B '02 Hall Avis Mary (Mrs Wade) '07 Hall Henry G '88 Hall John Kress '93 Hall Mattie Adeline '07 Hall Mira Mary '83 Hall Sylvia H '81 Hallett Louis Helen '06 Halsey Herbert B '76 Halsey Robert Vern '06 Hamilton George G '73 Hamilton Virginia Louis '06 Hammerbacker Bessie Alvina '06 Hammock Claude S '03 Hammond Ida '80 Hammond May E '81 Hamon William '90 Hampton Ethel Alleyene '03 Hanes William Rombo '10 Haney Theodore Herman '01 Haney Thomas Jefferson '01 Hanker Walter Herman '05 Hankins Walter A '84 Hannagan Arthur James '06 Hannon Donald W '11 Hansen Klaus Lobek '05 Harbeson Davis Lawler '98 Hardin Robert Augustus '05 Harkuess Henry Hart '81 Harpole Byron '06 Harrell Georgia May '07 Harrell Maxwell '05 Harrington D S '85 Harrington Howard Peter '04 Harris Archibald Overton '07 Harris Borden Baker '00 Harris Herbert Benjiman '05 Harris Mrs Marie Agusta '00 Harris Nanie C '73 Harris Phil Baker '00 Harrison James Frank '04 Harrison Lester Don '07 Hart John Franklin '07 Hartman Fanny T '94 Hartman Ferris Leise '80 Harvev Nathen Albert '90 Harwel Mittie '92 Harwood C B '78 Harwood E N '78 Hastings Irena '07 Hatchitt Clarence Eugene '05 Hauser Albert '07 Haven Dwight '83 Hawker Frank Allen '95 Hawkins Morton Wells '09 Hawkins William A '81 Hawkinson Francis William '78 Hawley Millard Gideon '04 Hawley Wesley Deloss '07 Hawthorne Leo '06 Hay Lyman Trumbull '77 Hays Nina May '09 Hays Thomas Smith '94 Hazard Henry Beardsley '84 Hazlitt Albert Nichols '98 Heath Harold Thayer '11 Heaton Edward J '92 Hecox Roy '99 1274 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Hefferman John Mathews '06 Heil Julia '90 Helm James Wilson '98 Helt Stella M '98 Hemstreet Bonfield Vance '13 Henderson Alice Apalona '07 Henderson Gladys Byron '11 Hendren William '76 Henicksman Idah Apalona '07 Henry Percy Chandler '12 Herdman Herbert Orville '94 Hermann David '83 Hermann Ernest Meier '00 Herren Harry '95 Herschberger Harold '02 Heseltine Eleanoe De Murzeen '11 Hess Mildred Olive '11 Hewes Mary Edith '13 Heydenberg Charles Alvin '91 Hibbard Henry P '00 Hidy Llora Mabel '98 Higbee Lula Mae '00 Higgins Albert G '92 Hilbert Lewis Albert '05 Hill DewittC '85 Hill Fred Spates '04 Hill Julia T '82 Hill Louis Henry '97 Hill Eobert Crawford '99 Hillis Archie Edward '03 Hiflis George '83 Hinkle Mrs V '80 Hinshaw George Jacob '02 Hirzel Mabel M '04 Hippen Wm '95 Hirsh Stanton Pike '05 Hislop Tom F '12 Hitchcock Edward '07 Hoblit Merritt L '88 Hodgkiss Harold Edward '08 Hodge Edward Dwight '86 Hodge Harriet E '02 Hodgkiss Harold Edward '08 Hodson Charles Dunning '05 Hoff Theodore Spencer '08 Hoffman Ruth Crocker '01 Hogan Michael '03 Holderman Edwin McAfee '96 Holland James Andrew '10 Hollenbeck Horace Orlando '75 Hollis James Gilbert '12 Hollister Mrs Flora '80 Hollister Minnie '80 Holly William D '88 Holmes Elzina Rozella '07 Holmes Thomas Hughes '08 Holstead Clara ^76 Holt Luther '84 Hong Mun Sun '10 Hoover Harry Harold '99 Hoover Henry C '73 Hopkins Charles Albert '11 Hopper Margaret '98 Hopper Lola Gertrude '06 Horner Mattie May '95 Horrom Robert Elmer '09 Hostetter Florence Julia '03 Houch George Sim '95 Houghton George W '90 Howard Cecil Lorraine '05 Howard George Augustus Jr '93 Howard Lida Francis '00 Howlett Royal Sheffer '99 Hoxsey Chas W '69 Hoyt Chas M '85 Hoyt William Judson '91 Hsuch Ching Piao '09 Hubbart Mary F '80 Huber Grace Emma '96 Huff Charles Ritchey '08 Hughs Anna Raphael '07 Hull Harter Barnes '13 Hunsley Frank Shernean '99 Hunt George Milan '12 Hunter C R '80 Hunter Samuel Roswell '09 Hurst Huizuiga Meschert '91 Hutchinson Wm H '84 Hutsler George Lincoln '01 Hutson John Euphrates '07 Illingworth Frank '96 Ingalls Fred O '90 Ingham Humphray D '08 Inman Ira F '80 Insley Charles Wilkins '08 Insley Earl Frank '06 Irwin Ralph Judson '76 Jackson William E '95 Jacobs Alta Geneva '05 Jacobs Henry Haden '01 Jacobs Ida Katherine '10 Jacobson Charles Herman '96 Jalandoni Doreteo '12 Jame Harry Adolph '97 James Eula Elizabeth '01 James F Porter '80 Janisch George Edward '07 Jankins Albert '13 Jaques Herbert W '87 Jarvis Mary Louise '00 Jaquett Fred C '81 Jaurequi Nariano '08 Jayne Madison M '79 Jenkins Albert L '13 Jennings Curtis Garfield '01 Jennings Edward R '79 Jennings John Cland '04 Jerejian Nazareth Abraham '11 Jerry Edward Ellsworth '06 Jewett Clarence C '76 Jobbins Pomeroy Arthur Williams '12 Johnson Anna Charlotte '06 Johnson David Crawford '00 Johnson Esther Ann '74 WITHOUT ADDEESSES 1275 Johnson Fannie Buttman '05 Johnson Fred L '77 Johnson Frederick Dawson '05 Johnson Goodwin Jessie '74 Johnson Grace A '77 Johnson Gus Hugh '02 Johnson Herbert Lewis '93 Johnson Jessie G '81 Johnson James Mount '10 Johnson Mabel '10 Johnson Eobert Emery '12 Johnson Eoy B '11 Johnson Eoy Bert '12 Johnson Samuel Abraham '09 Johnson William Arthur '05 Johnston Ethel Isabel '01 Johnston James Calvin '75 Johnston Eollin A '89 Jonas Adore Lewis '06 Joncas Marie Cecile '11 Jones Alfred F '71 Jones Bernard L '70 Jones Eugene L '77 Jones Harriet Willetha '03 Jones Harry Bernard '03 Jones John Paul '07 Jones Lynch Terrill '01 Jones Madge Dorothy '06 Jordan George Horace '95 Joy Walter '86 Jue Quon Chen '11 Kaecke William August '09 Kamp John '93 Kamp Peter '93 Kampf Viola Martin 'A 7 Karnopp Esther Mary '03 Karr William Alexander '73 Kasano H Yeizo '91 Kasilaz Marcial M '06 Kautz Paul '10 Keane Joseph Pernet '04 Keating Jennie (Mrs Creighton) '00 Keefer Lois Bell (Mrs Hague) '01 Keeler George Greene '08 Keeler Eufus Bradley '09 Keith Albert Jr '78 Kell John M '81 Kellam Mary Buson '95 Keller Edward Hernly '01 Kellogg Anita Margaret '86 Kelly Jennie P '89 Kelly John Fred '05 Kemper Benj Franklin '10 Kennedy C Dell '80 Kennedy Jane '05 Kennedy John Eiley '08 Kennedy John W '72 Kennedy Chas F A '96 Kenyon Eugene Crouse '05 Kessler Ernst '13 Kester Francis Earnheart '06 Ketchum Harold '03 Keyes Bliss Ward '07 Kilpatrick Mabel '06 Kincaid Charles Howard '97 King Charles Stanley '13 King D S '80 King Hudson Marchant '09 Kingsbury Mrs Stella Edith '07 Kinsey Jessie '15 Kirby Josephus '01 Kirkpatrick Hugh Granville '03 Kirshman John E '15 Kise Stella '03 Knight Jessie Mildred '02 Knox William Forrest '96 Koch Eleanor Fae '07 Koenig Herman Henry '13 Koestner William '10 Kohn Morris '08 Kolbe Benjamin Balph '00 Koons Josephine '06 Krebaum Hope Beatrice '05 Krehbiel Junius F '07 Kront George '84 Kurtz Eobert Everett '07 Kyner Charles Leslie '09 Lacy Eobert Wilbur '03 Lagniton Isabelo Jemeno '11 Laird Albert Norman '12 Lambert Ward L '14 Lamborn Merlie '10 Lampman James William '11 Landan Julius '09 Landauer Leo Louis '95 Landt Charles Palmer '13 Lane Herrick Johnson '05 Lane Michael A '08 Larimer Cassius Stewart '04 Lark George Maronia '97 Larson George '95 Laurimore Tyson Marvis '13 Lautz Benjamin Harrison '06 Lavely John A '80 Lawrence Phillip E '82 Layman Frank '02 Layton Will E '87 Leavitt Herbert D '13 * Ledden Carrie Viola '05 Lee Harry '77 Lee Howard Alden '12 Lett Arthur Allen '95 Lennings Ernest Hjahmar '93 Leonard John Archibald '08 Leoppert Henry Christian '95 Leslie George L '80 Lester Ballard P '83 Leupold Frank '97 Levy Isa '05 Lewis Adelbert '90 Lewis George '90 Lewis George Felix '90 Lewis Llewellyn Eoy '12 Lewis Stanley M '93 1276 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Lewis McCreary '90 Libsky Rueben '00 Liang Chaun L '15 Lighthall Clarence '09 Linard Charles Wesley '75 Lincoln Abbis Adelaide '93 Linde Charles Albert '04 Linder John '87 Lindgren Charles Oscar '01 Lindley Etheldred Frank '05 Lines Edwin Fuller '07 Litchfield William Edward '08 Little Frank George '93 Little L Belle '80 Litton John K '77 Lloyd George Taylor '02 Lloyd Grace Lillian (Mrs Hathaway) '03 Lloyd Joseph J '73 Lobdell John R '08 Loomis George Duckels '73 Loose Joseph '70 Lopez Ascuncion '14 Lott Jessie '78 Lounsbury Herbert Harlet '09 Love Justin Jay '01 Love Leila Sars '04 Lovell Minnie Gertrude '05 Love Augustus J '80 Lowry Susie F '81 Lucas William Edward '06 Luke Bessie Blanche '01 Lully Rose L '07 Lundblad Claus '09 Lumby Chas L '04 Lurquin John Joseph '08 Lydick Frank N '78 Lyle Albert Francis '07 Lynch A W '79 Lynch Henry E '74 Lynch Henry W '78 Lytle Olive Clara '05 Lytle Paxton Lee '09 McAllister Paul Franklin '04 McAnally Harry Forest '00 McBride Ralph '15 McCaddon Frank '08 McCauley James J '72 McClaughry Charles C '80 McClelland Adda '02 McClelland Charles Thomas '01 McClure Charles E '80 McClure Edgar Bradfield '00 McConnell William J '89 McCormick Mary Elllen '06 McCormick Thos P '90 McCormick William '05 McCoy Earl Ellison '06 McCraken George Milas '04 McCulloch Albert Barnes '01 McCulloch Chas S '83 McDannell Urillo S '72 McDonald Alexander '74 McDonald Newton F '79 MacDonald Walter Nimmions '04 McElroy Mary '86 McFadden Cordelia '74 McFadden Sharon C '74 McFadyen Agnes '89 McFarlanl Eugene Harris '12 McGaffy Aircil '97 McGavic Fred O '85 McGill Ruel Starr '98 McGough Mrs Blanche '12 Mcintosh Harrison E '05 Mcintosh James William '06 Mclntyre William John '81 Mack Roscoe D '83 Macis John Randolph '13 Mackensie Elizabeth Grace '07 McKinney H A '76 McKinney Roland Boyd '05 McKown William Newton '81 McLain Cordelia '06 McLaughlin Ambrose '02 McLean Elmer Lyman '97 McLean Susie E '80 McMains Harrison '92 McMillan Charles Richardson '73 McMillan Frederick Routt '94 MeMillen James Foster '07 McMillen John Huston '10 MeMillen Maud '95 McMurtray Ira Benona '99 McNeill Jennie '99 McVay Camden Jacob '98 Magee Andrew Jackson '99 Magee Elmer E '84 Magers Samuel Dennis '95 Magill Leslie Paul '08 Mahan Thomas Francis '96 Makemson Samuel Clinton '76 Maloney Anne E '88 Mansfield John R '80 Maris Marietta '09 Markson Henry C '07 Martin Harvey J "87 Martin John Madison '00 Martinez Jorge '09 Marx Maurice '95 Mathews Belle '78 Mathews Grace '09 Mathews James Edward '95 Mathews John Lathrop '92 Mathews Wilson T '72 Matthews C M '94 Matthews Mary Alice '05 Matthews Stanley Grant '10 Mathewson Myron Gray '11 Maxey Harold Leroy '07 Maxon Maywood Austin '97 Maxwell Charles Edward '96 WITHOUT ADDRESSES 1277 Maxwell John Williom '02 May Anna Estelle '08 Mayall E L '06 Maycock Mrs Rena Baker '10 Mead Ellis Herman '94 Meier Hermann Ernest '03 Melby John Alexander '03 Melton John N '04 Mercer Alexander Val '04 Merrill Orlano P '99 Merritt Jennie '83 Merritt Luella '90 Merritts Louise '00 Meyer Michael Israel '09 Mickle George Earle '05 Miebach Peter John '95 Miles James Marion '96 Miles Mrs Mattie '06 Millard George Mark '11 Miller Alexander Vidder '74 Miller Arthur LeRobert '09 Miller Aylett P '79 Miller Benjamin Harry '13 Miller Charles Alexander '00 Miller E Horace '85 Miller Fred Schiller '12 Miller Garfield Lankard '06 Miller George Louis '98 .Miller Gertrude Evelyn '11 Miller Jacob Cyrus '05 Miller James M '85 Miller Jessie '71 Miller Jessie Boaz '07 Miller Mrs Laura Shubert '04 Miller Paul Campbell '10 Miller Ross Everett '07 Miller Thomas Winfrey '12 Mills Ethel Lenore '02 Mills James Leonard '08 Mills John McCuen '07 Mingle Charles J '72 Minis Andrew C '80 Mitchel Walter Ormsby '98 Mitchell Fred Eliphalet '12 Mitchell George White '93 Mitchell John Austin '00 Mitchell Lionel Earl '12 Mitchell Rufus Sterrett '74 Moehrs Louis William '05 Mofet William Raynor '03 Montgomery Irma Frances '02 Moore Frank Wesley '01 Moore Laura McAllister '13 Moore Warren Hamilton '05 Morgan Edward T '89 Morley Guilford Seymour '10 Morphy Arthur Edwin '05 Morrell Walter A '89 Morris Ida M '83 Morris John L '85 Morris N W '09 Morrissey John J '13 Morrow Clarence D '93 Morrow Minnie M '89 Morse Hiram B '84 Morse J H '74 Morse Mahlon C '72 Morse Wendell R '08 Morehouse Kent Wardell '08 Morton Cora M '95 Morton Venia '06 Moss Mrs Lillie C '14 Moss Lucretia O '83 Mowry Mary Adah '99 Moyer Maridn C '09 Mueller John '75 Mulfinger Carl W '12 Mullen Cirilo Joseph '11 Mullin Glen H '07 Mulvany Thomas J '99 Mundy Robert S '07 Munson Mary F '01 Murota Choichi '12 Murphy Dennis H '13 Murphy Francis Joseph '97 Murphy Jessie T '04 Murphy William Ignatus '09 Murray Peter '70 Myers Elsia Mae '98 Myers Estelle Lavinia '04 Myers George F '93 Myers James William '98 Myers Nina C '14 Myers Maude Ossoli '91 Negley Henry '02 Nelson Elmer George '12 Nelson Emma E '01 Nelson Fred Irwin '97 Nelson Nels Berdniers '0a New George R '12 Newell John Grittenden '07 Newell Samuel R '87 Newport Charles L '82 Newton Edgar A '77* Niles Ella Gardiner '07 Niles Willie E '87 Nixon John A '79 Norred Fenton M '76 Norris Henry '69 Norris Will L '81 Norton Fred Elmer .'87 Noyes Caleb Kirby '06 Oakes James Lowell '15 O'Brien Charlotte Louise '05 O 'Bryan Wilhelmia '93 O'Connell Nellie E '05 O'Donnell Grace Evangeline '02 O'Ferrall Robert Zacky '82 Ogata Louis Ichize '08 Ogden Joseph '93 Ogihara Tokugo '04 Ogiwara Chijokichi '96 1278 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Oliver Bertha Ross '85 Oliver Mrs Etta C '00 Oliver Florence M '84 Oliver Maud '10 Olson Joseph M '99 O'Neal Fred R '05 O'Neal John R ',08 O'Neal Maude P '09 O'Neil Joseph '89 O'Neill Marian M '93 Ormsby William L '75 Orr Margaret E '06 Osgood Anna (Mrs Eldridge) '77 Osgood Harry H '94 Osmena Mariano V '10 Ossadozi Chaskel '11 Osterman Axel H '04 Ostertag Rosa H '03 Otgen Duane B '07 Outcalt Irvin Erastns '91 Oxer George C '03 Page Charles O '83 Paine Claude James '95 Palmer Frederick H '04 Palmer Mabel '92 Palmer Mary Lois '09 Palmer May (Mrs Finnerty) '78 Palmer Vesper Papsdorf Paul G '11 Parker Charles A '90 Parker Clarence G '07 Parker George F '71 Parker William L '80 Parkinson Laurence Martin '04 Parkman Charles Chester '91 Parks Thomas L '09 Parsons Margaret M '08 Patchen Flora '78 Paterson Wm Jr '12 Patrick Jessie M (Mrs Boynton) '99 Patterson Harold Vincent '93 Paul Wesley A '00 Payne Thomas '72 Payson Edward '73 Pearce Albert E '70 Pearrce Henrietta L '78 Pearson Frank E '99 Pease Clarence E '00 Pease Tennv H '00 Peddicord Jessie May '96 Peet Thos Emory '05 Perez C '10 Perkins M E '01 Perrin F A '04 Perry D B '07 Perry G G '93 Perry Merrith S '07 Perry R H '89 Peters M E '04 Petersen C J '07 Peterson Erks '11 Peterson Ferdinand Ludwig '97 Peterson M '95 Peterson Ralph G '13 Petty L E '08 Petty T J '82 Pfennighausen O C '05 Phelps O '05 Philips Wilson A '09 Phillips Fay M '07 Phillips W H '76 Piatt Jay Cla '82 Phoenix Samuel T '72 Pierce Erne T (Mrs E T Keeler) Pierce M T '78 Pierce Ralph Allen '02 Pillars Charles '88 Pinkerton Charlotte Marie '03 Pinney Carl H '07 Pinney George W '06 Piper Charles W '85 Pitton Mrs Herman C '11 Plaine Thomas Henry '74 Poage J S '73 Plank Delmar E '82 Plant Mayme '91 Pointer L H '08 Piatt Harrison H '78 Plessner Herman '72 Pollock Augustus V '98 Poney Thomas '95 Pool Marshall '90 Poole Frank R '74 Poor Henry I '03 , Poor Robert T '03 Pope George A '92 Popham Jessie ^97 Porteous Mary S '98 Porter George F '02 Portis Henry '07 Portuondo Miyares '12 Posey Thomas '96 Potter Mary A '07 Pound Elbert E '86 Pound Maggie M '92 Pound Martha E '92 Powell Hiram C '89 Power William R '01 Powels Carrie A '03 Prather Frank '71 Pratt Frank H '04 Pratt Fred A '05 Preston Frederick G '99 Preston Floyd E '04 Preston Justin Warner Jr '02 Price Grace May '84 Price Harvey D Jr '06 Price Joseph B '06 Price Mabella '03 Price Mary H '84 Price Mollie A '04 Price N Oma '03 77 WITHOUT ADDRESSES 1279 Price William H '86 Pritchard Fay T '99 Pritchard Frank P '00 Proudfit David M '02 Pugh Miss M E '74 Pulliam Archie D '90 Putney Charles R '04 Quails Guy L '04 Quinn Jennie M '97 Quinn John H '77 Rafferty J N '71 Raffety A L '79 Raffety G W '79 Ragsdale James H '05 Ramsay George H '80 Ranch Lewis E '02 Randall George M '70 Randolph F F '81 Rapp Mrs Jean M '94 Ratz M E '94 Raum W S '01 Ray Alma Grace '03 Ray Arthur E '07 Ray Harold A '03 Ray Hugh '07 Ray James P '93 Ray Maude Lucille '94 Ray S '78 Ray Victor '80 Rea Fannie '80 Rea Frederick S '80 Read Josephine '91 Ready James H '04 Ream Herman E '07 Reed Edith May '05 Reed Frank M '75 Reed Louis Albert '77 Reed Philip C '06 Reed Wayne F '08 Reid Theopilus A '99 Reinhardt Julius E '95 Renner Ivan E '08 Rennhack Edward C '09 Rest Sarah '10 Reynolds Alice Grey '10 Rhodes Thomas B '77 Rice William O '72 Richards Minnie H '07 Richardson Laura '77 Richelsen Walter A '07 Richter Bert I '09 Ricketson George H '87 Riggen Hattie E (Mrs R Brown) '10 Rinkenberger Alexander C '89 Riordan George S '03 Rippon Charles A '90 Rittenhause Joseph W '04 Rivara Pedro L '03 Robbins Walter '96 Roberts Ethel V '08 Roberts Irwin Levi '12 Roberts Isaiah L '75 Roberts Owen O '03 Robertson Charles D '79 Robertson Henry W '76 Robertson Joseph D '09 Robertson Lloyd S '06 Robertson O '78 Robertson Roy C '06 Robinson Benjamin F '08 Robinson Hattie J '04 Robinson Henry H '03 Robinson Samuel T '06 Robinson William R '01 Rockwell Calvin Albert '05 Rodriquez Joseph '05 Roe Fred Carletan '11 Roedel Lawrence J '14 Rogers Alice D '86 Rogers John Francis '93 Rogers Josephine '02 Rohlfing Alfred Robert '13 Rolfe W J '00 Rood Ida '78 Rooney Francis P '89 Roots Annette C '72 Roots Nellie C (Mrs Nickerson) '72 Ross Joseph L '76 Rose Cameron A '03 Ross Whitfield '06 Rosset Samuel '12 Rost Arthur H '03 Round George A '02 Rounds William P '87 Rowo Clinton A '13 Rowo Edward A '75 Roval Charles C '04 Rudy Franklyn '05 Ruger William V '73 Rugg Arthur E '03 Ruggles Henry P '05 Ruppreht Edgar '95 Rush Sarah '73 Russell Frances '13 Russell Frank S '88 Russell Joseph E '91 Russell Levi D '04 Russell Sullivan J '74 Rutan Roscoe Chambers '08 Rutherford Cecil E '07 Ryan James B '87 Ryan John Thomas Ryan William A '09 Rvder Gilbert E '06 Sackett Homer M '75 St John Homer E '97 Sallee Lewis F '86 Salmer ' Clara '05 Salmon Charles P '05 Salyers John O '02 Sampson Charles C '73 Sanchez Alejandro '86 1280 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Sandberg Eskil A '05 Sanders Benjamin E '07 Sanders George L '88 Sanders John J '06 Sanford Eobert M '04 Sanford Wilber H '01 Sato Toshio '10 Satterfield Eaymond P '12 Satterlee Lewis A '73 Saunerman Earner H '07 Savage Alice E '78 Saye Agnes '93 Saylor Imogean '01 Sehardon Louis F '75 Scheld Amelia '01 Scherer Willis A '90 Schierbaum Emanuel A '91 Schlacks Joseph T '91 Sehmahl Myron E '06 Sehmalhausen Louis E '99 Schneider Lillie B '07 Schoettler Arthur C '07 Scholes George '77 Scholes Walter '06 Scholes Walter F '10 Schoolcraft Plascie L '11 Schrader David A '93 Schroeder Charles W '05 Schroll Emma E '09 Schuettler Arthur F '10 Schulte Katherine A '05 Schuricht Karl H '85 Schutte Katherine A '05 Schuyler James C '96 Schwartz William M '11 Schwartze Eudolph Alfred '14 Scoggin Alice M '83 Scoggin Charles W '80 Scott Anna M '91 Scott Harriet M '04 Scott Mrs Elsie '07 Scott John K '85 Scott Oliver J '73 Scribner Carrie Augusta '77 Scruggs Amos Potter '07 Scudder Charles E '06 Searles Frank W '74 Secrest Paul J '05 Seiler Wm C '06 Selle Emma M K '08 Sellen E H '77 Sewell Earl F '10 Seybold John W '04 Seyffert Alberto F '92 Shackell Leon F '06 Shankland Julia L '01 Sharman Juanendra N '13 Sharp Emma G '83 Shaulis John O '06 Shaw Charles L '73 Shaw Franklin D '74 Sheen James G '04 Sheffield ' Willis B '74 Sheng Mung Chin '15 Shepardson Charles O '87 Shepardson George A '87 Shepherd Jacob H '05 Shepherd Jessie A '84 Sheppard Samuel H '94 Sheridan Julia M '08 Shewade Vinayak Y '12 Shinker Eose E '11 Shinker Eose L '12 Shinn Wilbur T '69 Shirley O E '10 Shirley Zelda M '97 Shless Charles Louis • '96 Schoettler - Arthur C '08 Shu Chu Shi '10 Shuhara Hiroo '10 Shumaker Claude H '02 Shuman George W '89 Sickles^ F Henry '85 Siegel' Isaac '15 Simmons Louis J '06 Simms Edna C '04 Simile Mabel J '01 Simma William H '13 Simmons Louis Josiah '06 Simons Burton E '84 Simonson Eollo '00 Simpson Edith E '05 Simpson Orman M '08 Sims David P '83 Sims Ona N '94 Sinha Satvasarau '11 Sinn Edward W '73 Sinnett Thomas P '09 Sircar Brahma B '12 Sirner Jerome K '01 Sirpless Lora '98 Sisson Monroe G '78 Skaife Alice S '09 Skinner DeNevin '00 Skinner Ella U '75 Skinner Eichard E '08 Slade Frederick L '15 Sloan Thomas B '71 Sloane Thomas J '70 Sloneker Bertha (Mrs Slade) Sloper Fred O '82 Smail Blanche E '02 Smail Ernest D '04 Smalley Francis A '81 Smith Albert E '77 Smith Bertha E '05 Smith Chas A '99 Smith Chas H '78 Smith Clarence G '08 Smith Clarence M '78 '04 WITHOUT ADDRESSES K81 Smith De Witt '83 Smith E B '78 Smith Earl De Witt '09 Smith Erasmus E '06 Smith Ethiel B '88 Smith Frederick F '78 Smith Fred M '95 Smith Geo P '87 Smith Howard R '03 Smith Howard T '88 Smith James H '89 Smith Laura E '02 Smith Laurence Mills '09 Smith Mrs Marion M '07 Smith Naomi B '14 Smith Nelle C '99 Smith Ralph P '97 Smith Raymond R '09 Smith Rossie F '05 Smith Simeon '01 Smith Stephen P '03 Smith Tracy A '83 Smith Verna M '05 Smith William E '05 Smith William T '75 Smock Waverly '09 Snare Natalie Vane '13 Somers Anna '77 Sommer Harry '95 Soto 'Ko '13 Spearman Fred E '02 Spence Franklin '77 Spence Minnie B '01 Spence Will P '99 Spencer James E '91 Spencer Julia A '90 Sperry Fred B '83 Spiker John G '95 Spitler Jefferson D '76 Stafford James C '09 Stahl William L '03 Stahl Wm L '04 Staley Ella '76 Stanley Frank J '11 Staples Henry A '69 Stapp Melvina '02 Stapp Wm O '04 State Nellie '76 Staub Joseph A '02 Stebbins Will Theodore '94 Stedman D A '72 Steicher Lillian '01 Stephens J L '74 Stephenson Josie '78 Sterl John W '03 Stern Renee B '98 Stevens Edgar C '07 Stevens Geralda M '87 Stevens Harold E '10 Stevens Hirrel '02 Stevenson Alexander C '80 Stevenson Annie N '07 Stevers Laura A '09 Steward Leslie E '07 Stewart Edward S '76 Stewart Henry S '10 Stewart John A '03 Stewart Mary E '05 Stewart Naomi C '00 Stewart Samuel S '86 Stewart Una '73 Stewart Walter N '84 Stibott John P '93 Stickle Will H '77 Stickling Nora B '11 Stimpson Edwina '86 Stinnette Emma E '09 Stoddard Nina L '04 Stone Ethel '92 Stone Lycurgus H '93 Stone Lysias C '93 Stone Sarah E '93 Storrs Martha '98 Strauss Edwin N '96 Stribling Edgar M '72 Stribling John B '72 Stritesky Louis '90 Strong Edwin Raymond ' Strong F Leslie '11 Strong Mary E '02 Strong Sarah B '81 Stroud Edward L '85 Strouse Wm S '11 Strout Edward C '85 Stuart Chas R Jr '93 Stuart Will Taylor ' '91 Sturgeon Alfred H '08 Sturgis William F '72 Sturm Milton L '09 Sullivan John J '12 Sum ay Oscar J '09 Summers Waldo de Vere Summey David Long '97 Sundby John '09 Suppiger Albert E '91 Sutch Armand K '12 Sutherland Chas '05 Swank Olive '08 Swanson August F '96 Swartz William C '95 Sweeney Lawrence D '10 Swent James W '10 Swigert Arthur W '91 Szivickis Pranis '12 Tackaberry Elijah '71 Tait Daniel W '93 Talbot Robert M '11 Talbot Timothy R '02 Tannatt Eben T '86 Tanton Francis '06 Tanton Mrs Jennie R '06 Tarbell Fred F '08 11 '11 1282 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Taylor Chas E '00 Taylor Maggie L Taylor Warren '11 Taylor William G Taylor William O '71 Taylor Wilson '93 Teagne Clyston M '07 Temple Ralph W '01 Teng Kwang Tang '14 Terrell Lucile S '13 Terry Thedore '71 Thatcher Alice N (Mrs Maffit) '09 Thayer Erne Ellen '07 Thissell Geo '06 Thomas Anson '77 Thomas E A '80 Thomas Elizabeth R '76 Thomas John D '08 Thomas Lauren '93 Thomas Lester P '09 Thomas Ray Goodloe '09 Thomas Stephen M '74 Thomas Wm R '11 Thompson Anton '01 Thompson Geo P '00 Thompson James W '01 Thompson Malcolm E '09 Thompson Olive C '08 Thompson Perry P '99 Thomson Alice D '11 Thomson Raul W '12 Thordenberg Fred M '00 Thorne John P '12 Thornhill Chas C '95 Tilton Harry W '95 Timmons Anna M '00 Tinsley Wm P '03 Titus Wm L '71 Tombaugh Muron D '01 Tonjes John H '06 Toops Claude '06 Toops Mack '07 Torole Edwin B '69 Torres Ricardo C '12 Towner Frank M '88 Traynor Cecil '06 Trowbridge Silas '74 Truesdale Ralph N '86 Tsao Mou Chuan '12 Tsen Lung Nyoen '12 Tsou Ying-Hsunden '13 Tubbs Harold A '12 Tucker Gertie O '99 Tull Irving C '11 T unison David B '80 Tyson Roy U '09 Ullman Alvin '08 Ullrich Clara '04 Uppendahl Frank Henry '03 Urestii Adolfo S '04 Uril Alice M '78 Urtula Dalmacio '05 Utley Paul H '06 Vail Mattie E '85 de Valle Jesus '03 Vanderhoof B '84 Vanderhoof Ralph '06 Van Dervort Harry M '95 Van Hoesen Janette C '01 Van Home George G '04 Van Patten Ida '97 Van Tine Clarence '91 Varner Adam H '06 Varner Carrie N '76 Varnes Albert G '03 Vaumer J M '76 Vickerey John J '06 Vincent Alice M '14 Von Eschen Frank '05 Vorhes Ralph M '07 Wade James B '75 Wade John O '10 Wade Reginald N '04 Wade Thomas A '75 Wagoner Joseph H '04 Waggoner Horace G '08 Waggoner Stanley L '08 Wagner Alexander '13 Wagy Alva Leon '03 Waite Frederick F '73 Wakefield Francis E '02 Waldo Reginald H '06 Walduck Charles W '77 Walkden Chester A '05 Walker Frank E '78 Walker Frank W '83 Walker George S '01 Walker Louis A '99 Wall Lillian M '05 Wallace David A '06 Wall aver Jennie E '05 Walsh Anna A '06 Walsh John J '04 Walsh Richard S '04 Walsh William J '09 Walter Loretta '04 Walters Delphine B '06 Walters William John '09 Walton Andrew J '72 Ward Lester E '05 Wardeman Charles '96 Ware Willis C '08 Warke Joseph A '07 Warner Andrew '01 Warner Raymond C '04 Warren Frank '74 Warren John B Jr '89 Washington David F '07 Watanabe Onoji '12 Waterman August H '01 Watkins Williams W '09 Watson Clarence C '02 WITHOUT ADDRESSES 1283 Watson Francis E '09 Watson James Robert '97 Watson Mrs Margarette E '12 Watson Ralph A '03 Watson Ralph W '82 Watson Raymond C '10 Watson Robert H Jr '09 Watson William M '12 Weatherly Edmund B '77 Webb Amie '80 Webb Dwight E '02 Webber Samuel T '68 Weber Richard B '08 Webster Albert W '85 Webster Edwin G '02 Weeks Charles H '95 Weeks George H '84 Weeks John R '00 Weeks Julius S '02 Weeks Lyman S '10 Weiner Joseph '12 Weir Mabel M '08 Welch Thomas J '74 Weldy Ellen '11 Wells Arthur F '00 Wells Claude E '03 Wells Geneva E '98 Wells Verna E '03 Wenger Harry A '07 Werckshager Paul E '08 West Edward J '96 West Harrison '14 Westrup Carl '06 Wetherell Chas E '98 Wheaton Jesse R '12 Wheeler Cyrus W '70 Wheeler Raymond O '89 Wheeless Myrtis L '12 Wherry John L '05 Whipple Fred G '98 Whitaker Dick K '86 Whitcomb Carrol S '83 White Albert Emery '01 White Anna Blanchard (Mrs Giles) '06 White Columbus '78 White Fannie D '11 White Madge '05 White Raymond W '11 White Tessie O '05 White Wallace '74 White Wm H '73 Whitecomb Carroll S '83 Whitmore Wm L '85 Whitmore Jervis J '80 Whitney Lewis C '71 Whiton Arthur L '77 Whitzel T E '95 Whitzel Thomas J '72 Wilcox Charles B '70 Wilder Frank '00 Wiley Fred T '11 Wilkerson Anna A '06 Wilkins Marion I '02 Willard Adele J '83 Willard Reuel '86 Williams Alfred H '81 Williams Alpheus A '05 Williams Charles A '71 Williams Clarence F '10 Williams Ella '80 Williams Elmer B '79 Williams Frank H '80 Williams Jay '03 Williams Lewis H '96 Williams Lillie M '09 Williams Marcus L '97 Williams Myron B '01 Williams Paul T '01 Williams Roy '04 Williams Stacy F '02 Williamson Mrs Bertha L Williamson Byron '04 Williamson John A '92 Williamson John C '13 Wills Carl S '03 Wills Frank P '81 Willson Howard T '94 Wilmot Arthur X '95 Wilmot Frank L '84 Wilson Benjamin J '12 Wilson Charles M '77 Wilson Frank D '96 Wilson Iva Pearle '04 Wilson James F '87 Wilson John '88 Wilson John H '09 Wilson John T '01 Wilson Joseph H . '96 Wilson Love F '99 Wilson Margaret M '98 Wilson Nellie C '78 Wilson Schuyler S '07 Wilson Theron C '97 Wilson William A '99 Window William B '07 Winslow Charles K '77 Winslow Fred A '94 Winslow Frederic H '04 Wirick R W '95 Wisner Samuel E '13 Withers Arthur S '90 Witherspoon Jacob A '06 Witt Clarence .0 '11 Woerner Louise '07 Wolfarth Carl A '95 Woll Henry L '07 Wollaver Jennie E '03 Wong Ching Ying '10 Wong Tuck Ting '10 Wood Henry A '00 Woodford Harriet L '09 11 1284 WITHOUT ADDRESSES Woodrow Charles N '80 Woodruff Ralph H '98 Woods Cedar A '08 Wookey Murray A '92 Woolsey Marion '97 Wright Beatrice E '99 Wright Edward B '04 Wright Gains E '04 Wright Grace M '11 Wright James W '06 Wright Lawrence '72 . Wright Sterling T D '07 Wu Hei Lui '10 Wyeth Paul J '08 Yamanda Sitsuro R '88 Yamaou Tunetaro '73 Yao Yu Tai '14 Yim Shew '08 Youle Claude M '98 Young Arthur E '14 Young Dwayne G '07 Young George James '05 Young Ralph J '77 Young Robert L '85 Young William W '73 Zairr Byron L '05 Zeller John G '05 Zeller Sanford M '08 Ziegler Mila '09 Ziemer Otto William '04 Zika B Robert . '07 Zimlick Hegman '06 Zimmerman Fred Riner '04 Zimmerman Louis Frederick '04 Zoethout William D '08 Zukerman William '06 ; ! a *#<*£**■« LOA„ E P ARTME ^ BOR8 °^ ^ book « due on the.. t0 "»»etfaterecaii. ^fe^T? SEC Cft DEC USE <«^^i 32 338592 L E ^373 ^'VERS^OPCAL.FORN.AUBRARV