t / v° y ^ /Prr. BERKELEY^ LIBRARY UNIVERSITY Of J CALIPORWA J C&e Wtsttatton of Berbpslnre, TAKEN IN 1662, AND REVIEWED IN 1663. BY WILLIAM DUGDALE, ESQ., NOEEOY KING AT AEMES. LONDON : GOLDING AND LAWRENCE, 55 GEEAT EUSSELL STEEET, BLOOMSBT7EY. MITCHELL AND HUGHES, 24 WAEDOUE STEEET, OXFOED STEEET. 1879. /frfe4 LIST OF PEDIGREES. PASS. AGARD 16 Akney 17 Allen 17 Allestry 15 Alsop 18 ashenhurst 18 Bach 19 Bagshaw 19 Balidon 18 Bateman 20 Bennet 19 Beresford 22 BlLGAY 20 Blith 20 BONINGTON 21 BOOTHBY 21 braylesford 22 Browne 23 Bullock 22 Burton 23 Buxton of Bradbourn 24 Buxton of Brasbington 24 Charleton 26 Clarke of Ashgate 25 Clarke of Somershall 26 Colwich 26 Cooke of Frusby 6 Cooke of Trubley 25 Dakin 13 Dalton 9 Deqge 38 Draper 10 Draycott 10 PAGE Every 13 Eyre 11 Eyre de Hassop 12 Eyre db Rowter 11 Eyre de Stratton 11 FlTZHERBERT 13, 14 Frechville 14 GELL 15 Gilbert 16 Graves 27 Gregson 27 Harding 27 Harper 28 Harpur 28 Harpur of Littleoveb 29 Harpur of Trocford 29 Holden 28 hopkinson 28 HORTON 29 Kendall ~ 29 Lee 31 Low of Aldewasley 30 Low of Denby 30 Meller 31 Merry 31 Meverell 32 MlLWARD 1 MOREWOOD 2 MUNDAY 2 476 IV LIST OF PEDIGREES. PAGB. Newton 3 Osbourne 3 Pegge 4 Poole 4 Poole of Radboubne 3 Poole of Wakefoedge 5 powtbell 4 Revell 5 Rhodes 6 Ropeb 7 rossington 6 Sale 7 Savill 7 PAGE. Shore 8 Sheldon 32 Sitwell 8 Sleigh 8 Spateman 32 Staffobd 9 Tayleb 34 Thackeb 34 TUNSTED 33 Waklyn 35 Wigfall 35 WlGLEY 36 WlLLYMOT 36 WOLLEY 37 woolhotjse 39 Wright 37 Wright 37 "TOttattott of Bttftgtiln'vt* MILWARD. Arms. — Ermine, on a fess Gules three plates (or bezants). William Milward of Eaton=pAnn, d. of . . . . in com. Derby. I Kniveton. Rob. Milward de Eaton.=f=Alicia fil. Savage. Robert.=pMargery fil. Wra. Dethicke Henry, of Newall. \— William.^rKatherine fil. Jo. Fleet- John. : wood de Colwich. I ""I I I II T I Sir Tho. Milward=r= . • • • Berisford. William. Jonn.=f= of Eaton Cheife Justice of Chester. fil. — — Alsop. John. Henry. Robert. John. T I II II Robert=. . . . Thorn, fil. John = Kath. fil. Robert. John. Milward Zouch. Chitwin fitzherbert. Justice vx. Eius. Mary vx. John. of Chester S r Jo. 1663. Boyer. William Milward of Chiliot & Eaton. Christian fil. Thanet vxor Eius. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. MOREWOOD. Arms. — Arg. an oak eradicated proper. Crest. — Two hands and arms holding a chaplet Vert. (No profe.) The coate Altred & Granted to Jo. Morewood of Alfreton in the County of Derby & also to Andrew, Francis & Joseph Uncles to y e ^ John viz. Vert, an oke tree Argent acorned Or ; the Crest out of a wreath Ar. & V* a dexter & sinester Arrae armed ppr. supporting a chaplett of Oake branches vert acorned or ; dated the 28 th of June 1678; 30 th of K. C. y* 2 d . William Dugdale, Henry S 1 George, Garter. Norroy. Rowland Morewood of Oakes in the=f= p'ish of Bradford com. Yorke. John.=p II II Joseph. Rowland.=p Francis. Andrew. 3 sonns. John Morewood of Alfreton com. Derby, high Shrive 1676. MUNDAY. Arms. — Quarterly. Gules and Sable, on a cross engrailed Argent Jive lozenges Purpure, on a chief Or three eagles' legs erased and erect Azure. Crest. — A panther's head erased Sable, spotted Or. Fran Munday of Marheaton.=T= John.=p I William. =fil. Gilbert Coke. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. NEWTON. Arms. — Sable, two shin bane* in saltire Argent. Crest. — A heathen king on his knees delivering his sword with the point towards him. Thorn. Ntvvton de Chadesden.=j= Thorn, of y e same.=r I I Thorn, of Duffeild et. 30, 1662.= George. OSBOURNE. Arms. — Or, on a bend Sable three dolphins Or between two wolves' heads erased Sable. Crest. — A pJwenix Or. William Osbourne de Newhall in com. Nott. _ I William of Sutton Asfeild.^ Edward of Derby .==Mary fil. Jo. Byron. John, et. 11. Edward, et. 10, 1663. POOLE OF RADBOURNE. Arms. — Argent, a chevron between three crescents Gules. Crest. — A falcon haggard balant (sic) ppr. 4 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. PEGGE. (No armes pronsd.) Rate Pegge of Sherley.=p [__ I I I Christoph. of Yeldesley. Edward of Sherley. Humph of Osmaston. Edward of Ashbourne.=pAnn fil. Hen. Jacker of Stansop. Christoph. I Edward.nrGertrude fil. Will. Strelley of Beache. Gervase, et. 7, 1 663. POWTRELL. Arms. — Argent, a /ess between three cinque/oils Gules. Crest. — A boar (? a porcupine) passant Chiles, collared and chained Or. Walter Powtrell.=p _] I John.=F Robert =p Henrey.=Ann fil. S r Hen. Hnnlake. John, et. 5. 1662. POOLE. Arms. — Argent, a chevron between three crescents Gules, a mullet Jor difference. Crest. — A falcon haggard baltant (sic) ppr. George Poole.=pMary fil. Will. Wright. Geo. Poole of Hege =fEHz. fil. Nic° Charleton de ChilwelL I George Poole, et. 4, 1662. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. POOLE. Arms. — Argent, a chevron between three crescents Gules, a canton Or. Crest. — A falcon haggard balant (sic) prop. George Poole of Wakefordge. I ftrancis.- George.^ _J I Gervase.=f= I I George et. 12, 1663. REVELL. Arms. — Argent, a chevron betw. three trefoils slipped Gules, a bordure engrailed Sable. Crest. — A dexter hand behvem two wings, holding a poignard, the point embrued. John Reuell de Ogstun.=p Robert.=f= Edward.=p Francis et. 17, 1662. 6 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. RHODES. Arms. — Argent, a lion passant gardant Gules, betw. two acorns Azure (or trefoils slipped) in bend between 2 bendlets ermine. Crest. — A dexter arm holding a sapling oak prop. S r ffrancis Rhodes. =f Ann fill' S r Gervase Clifton. S r ffrancis Rhodes de=Martha fil' Will' Thornton Staueley Woodthorp. of Bloxham in Line. ROSSINGTON. Arms. — Argent, a/ess between three crescents Gules. Crest. — A griffin's head erased Gules, armed Or. Joseph Rossington de Soopton.=i= Thomas. Clement. COOKE. Arms. — Gules, three crescents and a canton Or. ffrancis Cooke=pElizabeth fil' Tho. Leigh de Frusby. de Egington. William Cooke.=pMaude fil' & h. Henry Berisford. Richard Cooke. =f=Katherin fil' Rob. Charlton Merchant. Rob. Cooke. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. ROPER. Arms. — Sable, a parrot Or, Crest. — A comet Or. Samuel Roper of Heaner Collonell for y e Parlament. Samuell, Barrister. SALE. Richard Sale p'son of Weston.=p I I I Rich. Sale of Shardelow. William of Shardelow.=F Graunger.=p William. _] Richard et. 20, 1662. SAVILL. Arms. — Argent, on a bend between two cottises Sable 3 oivJs Argent. Crest. — An owl Argent and SabJp. Will' Savill de Blaby in Com. Lei.=f= Will' de Backwell= George. William. 8 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. SITWELL. Arms. — Barry of eight Or and Vert, three lions rampant Sable. Crest. — A demi-lion holding an escocheon per pale Or and Vert. ffran. Sitwell of Eckinton.=p George de eadem. : George de Remshaw. firan. Sitwell.=pKatherine fil' Henry Sacheuerell. George et. 5, 1662. SLEIGH. Arms. — Gules a chevron between three owls Argent. Crest. — A demi-lion rampant Ermine, holding a cross crosslet filchee, and crowned Or. Gervase Sleigh of Ash.=p S r Sam Sleigh. Samuell et. 24, 1662. SHORE. Arms. — Argent, a bend Sable between three oak leaves Vert. Crest. — A crane holding a mullet in bis r it /lit foot Argent . John Shore de Snifferton ob. 1639.=f )hn John Shore Medieini Do c . THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 9 STAFFORD. Arms. — Or, a chevron Gules letween three martlets Salle, a mullet for difference. Judde Stafford de Botham=FEliz. fil' Tho. Ashton Hall in p'ish of Glossop. of Vnde r Line. )hn John Stafford.=f=fil. Jo. Ffydd. Laurence Stafford.=pEliz. fil' Platton. I Robert Staflbrd.=p Tristram Stafford.=f= Thomas Stafford.=j=Dorothy fil' Thorn' Bagshaw. Tristram Stafford.=pChrist. fil' Tho' Jolson. _J Thomas nat. 1662. DALTON. Arms. — Azure, a lion rampant ivithin an orle of cross crosslets Argent* John Dalton of Nottingham.=p John Dalton of Derby.=p 1 Samuel et. . . 10 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. DRAPER. Arms. — Argent, on a/ess between three annulets Gules, as many covered cups Or. James Draper of Deconsfeild=p in Com. Hampshire. Thomas de Culland=pDorothy fil. Rob. in Com. Derby. Port Ilam. Robert Draper. =Eliz. fil' Rich. DRAYCOTT. Arms. — Paly of six Argent and Gules, a bend Ermine. Crest. — A dragon's head erased Gules. Marcus Draycott de Losco.=pMary, fil. Jo. Dethick of Bredshall. Henry, de Villa=pMuriella fil. Borough de Borough Derby. in Com. Rutland. I John Draycott de Losco.=j=fil. Arthur Cutler. Geo. Dravcott.- John Draycott. John, et. 6, 1662. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 11 EYRE. Arms. — Or, on a chevron Gules three quatrefoils Argent. Crest. — A leg erect cauped above the knee quarterly Argent and Sable. Stephen Eyre de Rowter.= Rowland.=F Thomas de Hassop. Roger de Rowter.=p J Adam. Thomas. Thomas Eyre de Stratton. Roberta Thomas.=F Robert. Thomas, et. 14, 1662. John Eyre. Robert Eyre. Adam Eyre.=j= A| * The same coat as above with a bordure Gules. f The same arms with a bordure. 12 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. A | George of Crankhill.=j= Robert. Thomas of Haselhed.— I I Joseph Eyre.=r= Joseph, et. 5, 1662, Arms. — Argenf r on a chevron Sable three quatrefoils Or. Crest, — A leg couped above the knee, quarterly Or and Gules, spur Gold. Stephen Eyre de Hassop. Ealfe de Hassop.=p Thorn as.=F Adam.^p Rowland. Rowland de Bradway. John et. 27, 1662. Rowland Eyre de Hassop.*= I Thomas, ob. 1637. Rowland.=FAnn fil. S r ffran. Smith. Thomas.^Katherine fil. Phil. Kemis. Phillip, et. 7, 1662. * TV" same arms as last with a crescent for difference. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 13 DAKIN. Arms. — Gules, a" lion passant between two mullets in pale Or, two ftanches Argent, each charged with a griffin rampant Sable. Crest. — Out of a coronet lozenge Or (sic) a dexter arm ppr. Iwkiing a pole axe Azure. Arthur Dakin of Stubing.=f= Henry Dakin.=f= Richard Dakin.- Arthur, et. li), 16(32. Richard. EVERY. Arms. — Or, four chevronels Gules. Crest. — An Unicorn issuant Gules, horn and mane Or. Not proved. John Every de . . .=f= Sir Simon Every K e & Baronett of Eggington.=f Sir Henry Every a Baronett.=p Henry, et. 13, 1662. FITZHERBERT. Arms. — Gules, three lions rampant Or, a crescent for difference. Crest. — A hand in armour couped at elbow erect having a mittin gaunt- let on ppr. ffran. ffitzherbert de Somershall.=FEliz. fil. John Bullock. S r Jo. Ffitzherbert^pEliz. fil. Antho. ffitz- of Tissington. herbert of Norbury. William. 14 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. FITZHERBERT. Arms. — Gules, three lions rampant, Or. Crest. — A dexter arm in armour ppr. gauntlet clenched Azure. John Ffitzherbert of Somershall.=f=Ann fil. John fferne. Robert.=F. . fil. Gilliott. ffrauncis.=pAnn, fil. W m Browne de Marson in Co. Derby. lizab< Elizabeth. John.=pMary fil. W m Cooke of Trusby. John, et. 3, 1662. FRECHVILE. Arms. — Azure, a bend between six escallops Argent. Crest. — A demi-angel ppr. holding with both hands an arrow. Peter ffrechvile Esq.=f=Margaret fil. Arthur of Staveley. I Kay of Woodsom. S r Peter ffrechvile.=pJocosa fil. Tho. ffleetwood de Vach in com. Bucks. John ffrechvile Baron=FSarah fil. et h. S r ffrechvile of Stavely. John Harington. Christiana. Elizabetha. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 15 GELL. Arms. — Per bend Azure and Or, three mullets pierced, in bend counter- changed. Crest. — A greyhound Sable, collared Or. Thorn. Gell de Hopton.=j= Fohn S r John Gell de eodem.=j=Eliz. fil. S r . . . Willoughby. John Gell of Hopton.=pKatherin fil. Jo. Packer. )hn John Gell, et. 15, 1662. ALLESTRY. Arms. — Argent, a chief Gules, on a bend Azure three escutcheons Or, each having a chief Gules, a martlet for difference. Crest. — A })eacockppr. William Allestry de Derby & Alveston.=f= r i n rr~ Thomas. =p Richard Robert. James. Astralo- — — ger. Richard James Do c . Stationer. I I I I I William, Barrister=p Thomas de George. Roger. John. of Gray's Inn. Alveston. I William. 16 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. GILBERT. Arms. — Chiles, a Ug in armour couped above the knee Argent, between two broken picks' heads Or, the staves Argent. Crest. — A dexter arm in armour ppr. holding the head of a broken pick as in the arms. Thomas Gilbert de Locko.=j=ffiran. fil. ffran. Saunders j de com. Northamp. Henry Gilbert =pDorothy fil. et c.-h. S r Rich. Harper. Henry Gilbert.=pEliz. fil. S r Jo. Bernard. Bernard, et. 3, 1662. AGARD. Arms. — Argent, a chevron Gules between three boars' heads Sable. Crest. — A horn Argent garnished Or, stringed Sable. Thomas Agard, 1310.=j= John de Sudbury .= Thomas de ffoston.^ John.^ Nims. Rad'us.=F Williams Henry de=p Dunstall Chariest John de Osbaston. Henry, Comittee Charles de=p Clarke. foston. 1 John, 5 H. 6.=f= 1 1 Rad'us, 23 H. 7.=t= 1 1 Thorn. 1 John.=p 1 Clemens.=p 1 George.=p 1 1 William.=T= 1 John, et. 16, 1662. Walter, S r Henry Jo. ffran. ob. 1657. Agard. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 17 ALLEN. Arms. — Salle a cross potent Or. Crest. — A lion issuant Salle holding between his paws a rudder Or. Charles Allen Grandson of S r John=p Allen of Ightham in Kent. Stephen. John. John, et. 21, 1662. AKNEY. Arms. — Or, on a chief Gides a lion issuant Argent {if proper cote of Inwardbg whose d. et c.-h. mar. Abneg) (sic). George Akney de Willesley.=j= James Akney .=f=fil. Milward. George.=j=fil. Charles Low. James.=pnl. Manwaring de Whitmore. I I S r Edward=Damaris George, et. 30, Akney. Andrews. 1662, ob. s.p. 18 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. ASHENHTJRST. Arms. — Or, a cockatrice Sable, combed and legged Gules. Crest. — A cockatrice as in the arms. Rafe Ashenhurst of Gossopdale. Randle, et. 77, 1662.=f= John. ALSOP. arms. — Sable, three doves volant Argent, beaks and legs Gules. Crest. — A dove close Argent, beak and legs (rules. Anthoney Alsop of=pJane fil. Ric. Smith of Coome- Alsop in y e Dale. bridge in Com. Staff. John Alsop.=i=Temperance fil. Will. Gilbert of Makhauer in Com. Derby. Anthony Alsop.=p Ellianor fil. S r Jo. Gell of Hopton. John Alsop. =Kather in fil. Cope of ffens Bentley. BALIDON. Arms. — Argent, two bars Vert, each charged with three cross crosslets Or. Crest. — A lion Vert, crowned and holding a cross crosslet Or. Paule Balidon of Derby ,=F Paule, et. 28, 1662.=fil. Rich. Cooke de Trusley. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 19 BENNET. Arms. — Argent, on a cross between four demi-lions rampant Gules, a bezant. Crest. — A demi-lion holding a bezant {no proof). Robert Bennet of Litle Over =f Geruase de Snelston.=p Robert, et. 3, 1662. BACH. Arms. — Or, a lion rampant Sable, a bordure Azure seme'e of bezants. Crest. — A demi-lion holding a bezant in his paws. Raphe Bach de Stanton.=f= TVilliam.=x= _J William, et. 10, 1662. BAGSHAW. Arms. — Or, a bugle horn Sable between three roses Gules. Crest. — .4 cubit arm erect, holding a bugle horn. Thomas Bagshaw=f Eliz. fil. W m Black- of Ridge. I wall de Alton. Thomas=7= Henry. Thomas. John. Nicholas. 20 THE VISITATION OP DERBYSHIRE. BILGAY. Thomas Bilgay.=p No Amies proued. Adam.^p __l i Thorn as.=f= Henry. Henry, et. 14, 1662. BATEMAN. Arms. — Or, three crescents, an estoile issuant from each Gules, a canton Azure. Crest. — A crescent as in the arms between two wings Gules. Richard Bateraan de Haltington.=f= l__ I I I I ' Will, de Woodhouse Hugh de Halt- Anthoney Richard of=p iuxta Tutbury. ington. Apothecary Haltington of London. Hugh Bateman, Barrister of Gray's Inn. BLITH. Arms. — Ermine three stags trippanf Gules. Crest. — A stag's head erased Gules, collared and attired Or. Jeromy Blith de Burchet.=j= Anthony.=p [A THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 21 I A I Charles.^ I Charles.^Ann, fil. Jo. Bullock. I Charles, et. 7, 1662. BONINGTON. Arms. — Sable, a chevron Or between three roses Argent. Will. Bonington de Barrowcole.=j= William.=F Rafe. I I William.^ Peter. I Rafe, et. 30, 1662. BOOTHBY. Arms. — Argent, on a canton Sable (? Gules) a lions gamb erased and erect Or. Crest. — A lion clair erased Or. Will. Boothby, Merchant of London.=f= Thomas a=j= Henry de Calercote= Merchant. in Com. Oxon. Thomas de S r William.=pffran. fil. John Tooley-park. Milward. firancis, et. 8, 1662. 22 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. BERESFORD. Arms. — Argent, three fleurs de lis between nine cross crosshts fitchet Sable, a bordure engrailed of the last. John Beresford de=FMaude fil. Rob. ffitzherbert Newton Graunge. of Tissington. John de eadem, ob. 1653 =j=Elianor, fil. Thorn. Alsop de Castlehay. ffrancis de Bentley, et. 63, 1662=p ffrancis Beresford.=f ffran. fil. Ric. Holland de Heaton. I John, etatis 8, 1662. BRAYLESFORD. Arms. — Or, a cinque/oil pierced Sable. Thomas Braylesford of Semor.=j= John.=F Thomas.=F John. Tym. Peter. Thomas, et. 22, 1662. BULLOCK. Arms. — Ermine, on a chief Gules a label of five points Or. Crest. — Seven halberts or bills, six in saltire and one erect enfiled ivith a mural crown Gules. Bullock of Norton and Onston. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 23 BROWNE. Aems. — Ermine on a/ess crenelle Salle three escallops Argent. Crest. — A crane's head erased Ermine, out of a horse coronet (sic) Gules. Not proved. Thomas Browne de Shredicote.=F I Edmund.=pDorothy, fil. S r Edw. Thomas. BURTON. Arms. — Gules, a crescent within an orle o/estoiles and a bordure Or. Crest. — A cockatrice Gules, scaled Argent, collared Or. James Burton de Linley.^r I Thorn, de Dronfield.=j= Robert de Linley. I John de Dronfield.=p I John, 2 son.=f= Thomas, 1 son.=i= I I John.=p Thomas, high Michall, Sheriff, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. Thomas of ffanshaw gate/=p ffrancis. Thomas. Michall.=j= I I ffrancis, et. 2, 1662. Michaell. Thomas. 10 all. 24 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. BUXTON. Arms. — Sable, three mullets between two bars Argent, on a canton of the last a stag of the field. Crest. — A pelican volant, wings Or, gutte Gules, nest? Argent. George Buxton de Bradbourn.^ George. 1 ^Margaret fill. Humph. German de = Pegg de Esmaston. Kirk Ireton. I I I I I I I Henry, et. German.=f George.=f= Rich.=p Hen =j= Tho. John. 52, 1662. | J Sarah. Mary. Eliz. German. Henry. Henry. German. BUXTON.* Rich. Buxton of Brasington. John.=p Henrys William. Richard.nr John of Yol-=Mary, fil. Rob. graye. Holden. )hn 4 sons. John de Ashbourne. * Arms, etc., as above. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 25 COOKE. Arms. — Cooke of Trusley gives : Gules, three crescents Or. Crest. — A crescent Or. CooJce of Melbourne gives the same coat ivith a canton Or charged with a fleur de lis Gules. Richard Cooke de Trusley ,=f= S r ffrancis of Trusley. Sr John Secretary of Melburne. Sir John Cooke, ob. s.p. Thomas.=p John, et. 9, 1662. CLARKE. Arms. — Gules, a bear rampant between three mullets Argent. Crest. — A bear rampant Argent collared Sable, holding a forest bill Gules. Ralfe Clarke of Ashgate.n= I Ralfe.=p Ralfe, ob. 1660=p I I Samuel.^p _l I Cornelius. 26 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. CLARKE. Arms. — Azure, three escallops in pale Or, between two /launches Ermine. Crest. — A pheon Argent, within a diamond ring Or, pointed Sable. Godfrey Clarke=pJane, fil. John Grundy of of Somershall. I Thurgarton, in Com. Nott. Gilbert.^ Eliz. Milward.=pGodfrey.=pElizabeth. Gilbert, et. 17, 1662. Nicholas, dead. CHAKLETON. Arms. — Azure, on a chevron Or three cinque/oils Qules between as many swans Argent. Crest. — A swan's head erased, beaked Gules, collared Vert. Thom. Charleton of Sandiawe.=f= Thomas of Risley. : John of Brason.=p Thomas, et. 7, 1662. COLWICH. Arms. — Argent, a/ess between three bats volant Sable. Not proved. "William Colwich of Stud.=p Anthony. ffrancis, et. 23, 1662. John, et. 21, 1662. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 27 GREGSON. Arms. — Argent, a saltire Gules, a canton chequy Or and Azure. Crest. — A dexter hand holding a forest Ml. Henry Gregson of Sharrowhall. George of Townedich.=p Henry, et. 25, 1662. GRAVES. Arms. — Gules, an eagle displayed Or, crowned Argent. Crest. — A demi-eagle displayed Or, wings Gules. John Graues of Graues.=F John Graues.^fil. Wm. Wood. George.=p I I John, et. 18, 1662. 5 sons. HARDING. No proof of Arms. Nicholas Harding of Knewton. 1 Rob. Harding.=j= 1 1 Nic s Harding.=f= ' 1 1 Rob. Harding.=p 1 1 Nic s ; , et. 6, 1662. 28 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSBIRE. HOLDEN. Arms. — A fess between two chevrons Ermine. No proof. Henry Holden of Welne.=p John. Robert.=p Henry. Edward. Joseph. r i i i Henry ,=p Samuell, a Barrister. John. Edward. I I I I Robert. Samuell. John. HOPKINSON. No Arms proved. Anthoney Hopkinton.= Henry.=f= George.=p James.^ Toby. I I I I I I I Anthony. William. "Will. Geo. Hen. Adam. Elizabeth. = Roger Newton. HARPER. Arms. — Argent, a lion rampant, a bordure engrailed Sable. Crest. — A boar passant, pierced through the neck with a dart in bend sinister. S r John Harper of Swarckeston. HARPUR. The same Arms and Crest with a crescent for difference. S r John Harpur of Calke. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 29 HARPUR OF TROCFORD. The same Arms with a canton of Vernon. HARPUR OF LITTLEOUER. The same Arms with a canton Gules. HORTON. Arms. — Gules, a buck's head caboshed Argent, attired Or Crest. — A dolphin pierced with a dart. Walter Horton, et. 36, 1662.=f I Christopher, a Bueher. KENDALL. Arms. — Gules, a fess cheque Argent and Gules between three eagles displayed Or. Henry Kendall de Smithsby.=j= I Henry, et. 51, 1662 =p I I George.^Eliz. fil. Tho. Pegge de Yeldesley. Henry, et. 5, 1662. 30 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. LOW. Arms. — Gules, a wolf passant Argent. Crest. — A wolfs head Argent, collared Gules, charged with three bezants. Anthony Low de=pMary fil. Rowland fferne Aldewasley. of Hognaston. Edward Low=j=Jane fill. John Low of Oldgreaue. ob. 1653. Henry Hall. Charles. John.^Eliz. fill. Antho. Arthur, fferdinand. ffran. et. 40, Croftes. =j= =r 1662. Edw. Arthur. Edmund. =p II II John et. 9, Anthony et. 8, ffran. nat. Charles nat. 1662. 1662. 1661. 1662. LOW. Arms. — Gules, a hart trippant Argent. Crest. — A wolf passant proper. Humphrey Low of Denby.^ Vincent Low.=pJane fil. S r Tho. Cockayne. Jasper Low.=pDorothy fil. W m Sacheuerell. Vincent Low.=pAnn Bastard of Will. Cauendish. John Low, 1659.=pKatherin fil. S r Arthur Pilkington. John Low et. 21, 1662. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 31 LEE. Arms. — Gules, a plate between three ducal coronets Or, a bordure Argent. Not proued. Alkmond Lee of Ladyhole.=p I John Lee.=p I I I I I Walter. John. William. Henry, ffran. MELLER. Arms. — Argent, three wood pigeons proper. Henry Meller de Derby .=p Robert Meller.=pEliz. fil. Rob. Wilmott. Henry et. 24, 1662. MERRY. Arms. — Ermine, three lions rampant Gules, crowned Or, a canton Gules. Crest. — A demi-lwn Ermine crowned and out of a crown Or. Henry Merry of Barton park. S r Henry. Edmund. Valentine. John et. 4, 1662. 32 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. MEVERELL. Arms. — Argent, a griffin segreant Salle, membered Gules. Crest. — A dexter arm holding a sword. ffran. Meverell of Throwly (?)=p Nicholas of Tideswall. : Edward.=F Cromwell.=F Obediah et. 1, 1662. SPATEMAN. Arms. — Erminois, on a fess Gules between two bars gemel, three griffins' heads erased Or. Crest. — A griffin's head out of a mural crown. John Spateman.=j= I John. No Arms proved. SHELDON. Richard Sheldon.=p Hugh Sheldon.^p THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 33 |A Richard Sheldon.=j= Hugh Sheldon.=p 1 Hugh Sheldon. =p Hugh Sheldon =p I Hugh Sheldon .=p Richard Sheldon. Henry Sheldon, Hugh Sheldon. Richard et. 30, 1662. TUNSTED. Arms. — Sable, three falcons close Argent. Anthony Tunsted of Tunsted.=p Jo hn.=p Francis.^p I I James.=f= Francis et. 32, 1664. 34 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. TAYLER. Arms. — Ermine, on a chevron Gules between three anchors Sable as many escallops Argent. Crest. — A crane Argent holding an anchor Sable. Tayler a Mercer in Ashburne. George Tayler of Chesterfeild. Hester et. 2, 1662. THACKER. Arms.— Gules, on a fess Argent between three lozenges Ermine a trefoil Azure between two falcons' heads Gules, collared Or. Crest. — A heron in a bed of reeds proper. Thorn. Thacker of Repton & Hege.=p Gilbert Thacker.=F Gilbert Thacker.=F Godfrey Thacker.n=fil. Harper of Litleouer. Gilbert Thacker.=F Jane fil. S r Tho. Burdett. Thomas et. . . 1662. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 35 WAKLYN. Arms. — Argent, on a cross Sable five lions rampant Or. Hugh Waklyn de Eden.=p Nicholas. Albania. Richard de Cordon. William de Noslaston.=p William de Bretley. George de Bretley .= Gilbert de Hilton.=T= I I I John et. 41, 1663. Gilbert. WIGFALL. Arms. — Sable, a sword erect Argent, hilt Or, on a chief indented Gules a ducal coronet between two escallops Or. George Wigfall.=j= I Henry de Eemshaw.^pEliz. fil. Jo. Gell, Barrister. John et. 25, 1662. 36 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. WILLYMOT. Arms. — Gules, on a fess Or between three boars' heads Argent as many escallops Gules. Crest. — An eagle's head Argent, langued Gules. John Willymot of Derby. Robert.=pEliz. fil. Smith. Robert of Chadesden.=p Dorothy fil. Jerm. Shrigley of Chadesden. Robert a Barrister. Edward Dr.=p Nicholas.=pDorothy fil. S r in Divinity. Hen. Harper, Robert. Edward.=fil. Wm. Cooke Rob. et. 21, Nicholas. = Ellin fil. de Trasley. 1662 ffil. et et h. h. Eardley. Chalanor de Duf- field. WIGLEY. Arms. — Paly of eight indented {or crenelly) Argent and Gules. Crest. — A griffin's head Sable, collared Or, beaked Gules. John Wigley of Midleton.=p Henry =pEliz. fil. Ralfe Gell of Hopton. Richard.=f=Eliz. fill. Hall de Gostock in com. Nott. I John.=p Bridgett fil. S r Jo. Gell. _l Henry et. 19, 1662. =fil. Jo. Spateman. THE VISITATION OP DERBYSHIRE. 37 WOLLEY. Arms. — Sable, a chevron vaire Or and Gules between three maidens' heads Argent, crined Or. Crest. — A demi-man vested Azure, face proper. Adam Wolley of Riber.=p William. Anthony. =pfill. et h. Rochett. Anthony et. 19, 1662. WRIGHT. Arms. — Sable, on a chevron engrailed between three imicorns' heads erased Or as many spear heads Azure. Crest. — A dexter hand Argent holding a dart Or. William Wright of Longston.=j= William =f Ann fil. Tho. Gawl of Underwood. William.=pPenelop fil. Tho. Leigh of Adlington. Thomas et. 1, 1662. WRIGHT. The same Coat and Crest with a crescent for difference. =p William Wright of Longson.= Thomas Wright of Unthank.=p William et. 30, 1662. John 2 son p' 2 wife et. 13, 1662. 38 THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. DEGGE. Arms. — Or, on a bend Azure three falcons rising Argent, jessed and belled Or. Crest. — Out of a ducal coronet Or a falcon close Argent. pattent p' Norroy Dugdale. R. 2. Hugh Degge of Stramshall. William Degge 3 H. 4 ob. 10 H. 6. I Jeffrey Degge ob. 5 Ed. 4. I Rob. Degge 15 H. 7. Thorn. Degge ob. 10 H. 8. Thom. Degge ob. eadem An . Thom. Degge ob. 5 Eliz.=j=fil. Thom. Smith of Coomebridge. Thomas Degge ob. 24 Feb. 1 544.=pEllin fil. Moore of Beamhurst. Thom. Degge ob. 3 Carolij I.^pDorothy fil. Chrichlow of Wolscot. 1. Jane fil.=pSymon Degge of Derby Esq.=p2. Alice Oldfeild widow Tho. Orrell. on of y e Judges of South Wales circuit 1667. of Jam. Trollop. Whitehall Degge of=pConstance fil. et coh. Symon Degge 2 son Colton per vxor prima ob. 1664. Sampson Boughey of per vxor secunda. Colton. Symon Boughey Degge. THE VISITATION OF DERBYSHIRE. 39 WOOLHOUSE. Arms. — Per pale Azure and Gules, a chevron erminois between three plates. Crest. — An eagle's head erased erminois, gorged ivith a crown Argent. Robert Woolhouse de Glapwell. Thomas.=F Thomas.=p Thomas et. 10, 1662. ( 41 ) INDEX OF NAMES. Agard, Charles, 16 ; Clemens, 16; Fran., 16; George, 16; Henry, 16 ; John, 16 ; Nims, 16 ; Rad'us, 16 ; Sir Henry, 16 ; Thomas, 16 ; Walter, 16 ; William, 16. Akney, George, 17 ; James, 17; Sir Edward, 17. Allen, Charles, 17 ; John, 17 ; Sir John, 17 ; Stephen, 17. Allestry, George, 15 ; James, 16 ; John, 15 ; Richard, 15 ; Robert, 15 ; Roger, 15 ; Tho- mas, 15 ; William, 15. Alsop, — , 1 ; Anthony, 18 ; Elianor, 22 ; John, 18 ; Tho- mas, 22. Andrews, Damaris, 17. Ashenhurst, John, 18 ; Rafe, 18 ; Randle, 18. Ashton, Eliz., 9 ; Tho., 9. B. Bach, Raphe, 19 ; William, 19. Bagshaw, Dorothy, 9 ; Henry, 19 ; John, 19 ; Nicholas, 19 ; Thomas, 9, 19. Balidon, Paiile, 18. Bateman, Anthoney, 20 ; Hugh, 20 ; Richard, 20 ; Will., 20. Bennet, Geruase, 19 ; Robert, 19. Beresford, Francis, 22 ; Henry, 6 ; John, 22 ; Maude, 6. Bernard, Eliz., 16 ; Sir Jo., 16. Bilgay, Adam, 20 ; Henry, 20 ; Thomas, 20. Blackwall, Eliz., 19 ; Wm., 19. Blith, Anthony, 20; Charies, 21 ; Jeromy, 20. Bonington, Peter, 21 ; Rafe, 21 ; William, 21. Boothby, Francis, 21 ; Henry, 21 ; Sir William, 21 ; Tho- mas, 21 ; Will., 21. Borough, — , 10 ; Muriella, 10. Boughey, Constance, 38; Samp- son, 38. Boyer, Sir Jo., 1 ; Mary, 1. Braylesford, John, 22 ; Peter, 22 ; Thomas, 22 ; Tym., 22. Browne, Ann, 14 ; Edmund, 23 ; Thomas, 23 ; Wm., 14. Bullock, — , 22 ; Ann, 21 ; Eliz., 13 ; Jo., 21 ; John, 13. Burdett, Jane, 34 ; Sir Thos., 34. Burton, Francis, 23 ; James, 23 ; John, 23 ; Michall, 23 ; Robert, 23 ; Thomas, 23. Buxton, Eliz., 24 ; George, 24 : German, 24 ; Henry, 24 ; John, 24 ; Mary, 24 ; Rich., 24 ; Sarah, 24 ; Tho., 24 ; William, 24. Byron, Jo., 3 ; Mary, 3. Cavendish, Ann, 30 ; William, 30. Chalanor, Ellin, 36. Charleton, Eliz., 4 ; John, 26 ; Nico., 4 ; Thorn., 26. Charlton, Katherin, 6 ; Rob., 6. Chit win, — , 1. Chrichlow, Dorothy, 38. Clarke, Cornelius, 25 ; Gilbert, 26 ; Godfrey, 26 ; Nicholas, 26 ; Ralfe, 25 ; Samuel, 25. Clifton, Ann, 6 ; Sir Gervase, 6. Cockayne, Jane, 30 ; Sir Tho., 30. Coke, Gilbert, 2. Colwich, Anthony, 26 ; Fran- ces, 26 ; John, 25 ; William, 26. Cooke, Francis, 6 ; John, 25 ; Mary. 14 ; Richard. 6, 18, 25 ; Rob., 6 ; Sir Francis, 25 ; Sir John, 25 ; Thomas, 25 ; Wil- liam, 6, 14, 36. Cope, Katherine, 18. Croftes, Antho., 30 ; Eliz., 30. Cutler, Arthur, 10. D. Dakin, Arthur, 13 : Henry, 13 ; Richard, 13. Dalton, John, 9 ; Samuel, 9. Degge, Hugh, 38 ; Jeffrey, 38 ; Rob., 38 ; Symon, 38; Symon Boughey, 38 ; Thomas, 38 ; Whitehall, 38 ; William. 38. Dethick, Jo., 10 ; Mary, 10. Dethicke, Margery, 1 ; Wm., 1. Draper. James, 10 ; Robert, 10 ; Thomas, 10. Draycott, George, 10; Henry, 10 ; John, 10 ; Marcus, 10. Dugdale, William, 2, 38, E. Every, Henry, 13 ; John, 13 ; Sir Henry, 13 ; Sir Simon, 13. Eyre, Adam, 11, 12 ; George, 12 ; John, 11, 12 ; Joseph, 12 ; Phillip, 12 ; Ralfe, 12 ; Robert, 11, 12 ; Roger, 11 ; Rowland, 11, 12; Stephen, 11, 12 ; Thomas, 11, 12. F. Fern, Ann, 15 ; John, 14. Feme, Mary, 30 ; Rowland, 30. Fitzherbert, Antho., 13 ; Eliz., 13 ; Maud, 22 ; Rob., 22. Fleetwood, Jocosa, 14 ; Tho., 14. Fydd, Jo., 9. Fitzherbert, Elizabeth, 14 ; Francis, 13, 14 ; John, 14 ; Kath., 1 ; Maude, 22 ; Robert, 14 ; Sir Jo., 13 ; William, 13. Fleetwood, Jo., 1 ; Katherine, 1. Frechvile, Christiana, 14 ; Eli- zabeth. 14 ; John, 14 ; Peter, 14 ; Sir Peter, 14. G. Gawl, Ann, 37 ; Tho., 37. Gell, Bridgett, 36; Eliz., 35, 36 ; Ellianor, 18 i John, 15, 35 ; Ralfe. 36 ; Sir John, 15, 18, 36 ; Thorn.. 15. 42 INDEX OF NAMES. Gilbert, Bernard, 16 ; Henry, 16 ; Temperance, 18 ; Tho- mas, 16 ; Will, 18. Gilliot, — , 14. Graves, George, 27 ; John, 27. Gregson, George, 27 ; Henry, 27. Grundy, Jane, 26 ; John, 26. H. Hall, Eliz., 36; Henry, 30 Jane, 30. Harding, Robert, 27 ; Nicholas 27. Harington, Sarah, 14 ; Sir John 14. Harper, — , 34 ; Dorothy, 16 36 ; Sir Henry, 36 ; Sir John 28 ; Sir Richard, 16. Harpur, — , 29 ; Sir John, 28. Holden, Edward. 28 ; Henry, 28 John, 28 ; Joseph, 28 ; Mary, 24; Robert, 24, 28 ; Sam- uell, 28. Holland, Fran., 22 ; Ric, 22. Hopkinson (?Hopkinton),Adam, 28 ; Anthoney, 28 ; Elizabeth, 28 ; George, 28 ; Henry, 28 ; James, 28 ; Toby, 28 ; Wil- liam, 28. Horton, Christopher,29 ; Walter, 29. Hunlake, Ann, 4 ; Sir Henry, 4. Jacker, Ann, 4 ; Henry, 4. Jolson, Christ., 9 ; Tho., 9. K. Kay, Arthur, 14 ; Margaret, 14. Kemis, Katherine, 12 ; Phil.. 12. Kendall, George, 29 ; Henry, 29. Kniveton, Ann, 1. L. Lee, Alkmond, 31 ; Fran., 31 ; Henry, 31; John, 31; Walter, 31 ; William, 31. Leigh, Elizabeth, 6 ; Penelop, 37 ; Tho., 6, 37. Low, — , 17 ; Anthony, 30 ; Arthur, 30 ; Charles, 17, 30 ; Edmund, 30 ; Edward, 30 ; Ferdinand, 30 ; Fran., 30 ; Humphrey, 30 ; Jasper, 30 ; John, 30 ; Vincent, 30. M. Man waring, — , 17. Meller, Henry, 31 ; Robert, 31. Merry, Edmund, 31 ; Henry, 31 ; John, 31 ; Sir Henry, 31 ; Valentine, 31. Meverell, Cromwell, 32 ; Ed- ward, 32 ; Fran., 32 ; Obe- diah, 32 ; Nicholas, 32. Milward, — , 17 ; Ann, 1 ; Beris- ford, 1 ; Eliz., 26 ; Fran.. 21 ; Henry, 1 ; John, 1, 21 ; Mary, 1 ; Robert, 1 ; Sir Tho.. 1 ; Thorn., 1 ; William, 1. Moore, Ellin, 38. Morewood, Andrew, 2 ; Francis, 2 ; John, 2 ; Joseph, 2 ; Row- land. 2. Munday, Fran., 2 ; John, 2 ; William, 2. N. Newton, George, 3 ; Roger, 28 ; Thorn., 3. O. Oldfeild, Alic3, 38. Orrell, Jane, 38 ; Tho., 38. Osbourne, Edward, 3 ; John, 3 ; William, 3. Packer, Katherine, 15 ; Jo., 15. Pegg, Humph., 24 ; Margaret, 24. Pegge, Christopher. 4 ; Edward, 4 ; Elizabeth, 29 ; Gervase, 4 ; Humph., 4 ; Rafe, 4 ; Tho., 29. Pilkington, Katherine, 30 ; Sir Arthur, 30. Platton, — , 9 ; Elizabeth, 9. Poole, — , 3 ; Francis, 5 ; George, 4, 5 ; Gervase, 5. Port-Ham, Dorothy, 10; Robert, 10. Powtrell, Henrey, 4 ; John, 4 ; Robert, 4 ; Walter, 4. R. Revell, Edward, 5 ; Francis, 5 ; John, 5 ; Robert, 5. Rhodes, Sir Francis, 6. Rich, Eliz., 10. Rochett, — , 37. Roper, Samuel, 7. Rossington, Clement, 6 ; Joseph, 6"; Thomas, 6. S. Sacheuerell, Dorothy, 30 ; Hen., 8 ; Katherine, 8 ; William, 30. Sale, Graunger, 7 ; Richard, 7 ; William, 7. Saunclers, Fran., 16. Savage, Alicia, 1. Savill, George, 7 ; William, 7. Sheldon, Henry, 33 ; Hugh, 32, 33 ; Richard, 32, 33. Shore, John, 8. Shrigley, Dorothy, 36 ; Jerm., 36. Sitwell, Fran., 8 ; George, 8. Sleigh, Gervase, 8 ; Samuell. 8 ; Sir Sam., 8. Smith, Ann, 12; Eliz., 36; Jane, 18 ; Ric, 18 ; Sir Fran., 12 ; Thorn., 38. Spateman, John, 32, 36. Stafford, John, 9 ; Judde, 9 ; Lawrence, 9 ; Robert, 9 ; Thomas, 9 ; Tristram, 9. St. George, Henry, 2. Strelley, Gertrude, 4 ; Will., 4. Tayler, — , 34 ; George, 34 ; Hester, 34. Thacker, Gilbert, 34 ; Godfrey, 34 ; Thorn., 34. Thanet, Christian, 1. Thornton, Martha, 6 ; Will., 6. Trollop, Jam., 38. Tunsted, Anthony, 33 ; Francis, 33 ; James, 33 ; John, 33. W. Waklyn, Albania, 35; George. 35 ; Gilbert, 35 ; Hugh. 86 ; John, 35 ; Nicholas, 35 ; Richard, 35 ; William, 35. Wigfall, George, 35 ; Henry, 35 ; John, 35. Wigley, Henry, 36 ; John, 36 ; Richard, 36. Willymot, Edward, 36 ; John, 36 ; Nicholas, 36 ; Robert, 36. Wilmott, Eliz., 31 ; Rob., 31. Willoughby, — , 15 ; Eliz., 15. Wolley, Adam, 37 ; Anthony, 37 ; William, 37. Wood. William, 37. Woolhouse, Robert, 39 ; Tho- mas, 39. Wright, John, 37 ; Mary, 4 ; Thomas, 37 ; William, 4, 37. Z. Zouch, — , 1. U£ BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD31Dbbn7