A A i i [ 4 i 9 I 2 I 2 i 7 1 1 I 2 - : c: 1155 J£WISH THEOLOGICAL ScMINARY OF AMERICA BIBLICAL MANUSCRIPTSl AND RARE PRINTS i : THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Ij/^ f -,^7 Sf>M^' ^ ■^ijfif •^'^ "•** ifxljibitcD at tljc ^cmiuara at tlje (Celebration of tlje QJampletion of tlje Sihle EentBion UlueBbaa. 3f[ebruarH ID, 1914 BIBLICAL MANUSCRIPTS AND RARE PRINTS (Mostly from the Sulzberger Collection) IN THE LIBRARY OF THE JEWISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF AMERICA wv 777/ Genizah Manuscripts (Loaned by the Courtesy of President Solomon Schechter) Shorthand-Bible. 2 leaves. Gen. 36, 14—38, 25; 49, 26— Exod. 3, 6. Targum on Exodus. 14. 20—15, 8. Palestinian Targum on Ezekiel. 1, 1. Treatise on the differences between Ben-Asher and Ben-Naftali. 1 parchment leat. Masora (?) 2 parchment leaves. Lexicographicail Work. 2 parchment leaves. Zakkai ha-Dayyan ben Mosheh. 12th c. Commentary on Songs of Songs. Unknown commentary on Psalms. Letter to the Khazars. Published by Dr. Schechter, (J.Q.R. New Series. Vol. III). Samuel ibn Hofni. Introduction to the Talmud in Arabic. Written Jerusalem, 1336. Deed of manumission of a slave. Cairo, 1085. Maimonides. .Autograph letter. Scrolls 1. Scroll of the Pentateuch from China. From the Barrow Library brouglit from China bj^ Dr. W. A. P. Martin. 2. Scroll of the Pentateuch on leather. Tafillet, North Africa. 3. Scroll of Pentateuch from North Africa (in case). 4. Fragments of an Old Scroll on leather. 5. Samaritan Hebrew Pentateuch. Modern copy on paper. 6. The Five Scrolls on parchment (in case). 7. Seven Scrolls of the Book of Esther in different sizes. Two on leather, with some crude illuminations. Codices "J 8. Bible with Masora. J Italian Ms. — l-ltli C — Parchment. "^ 9. Pentateuch with Haftaroth and Hagiographa written on the mar- gin of an illuminated Italian Mahzor. Italian Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. ) 10. Pentateuch with Haftaroth. Italian Ms. — li'.th C. — Parchment. 4 11. Pentateuch with Masora. Illuminated at the end. Italian Ms. — Nth C. — Parchment. ^12. Pentateuch and Haftaroth. Italian .Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. 13. Pentateuch with Masora. Ral)binic ciiaracters. Spanisli .Ms. — 1.")lh C. — I'archment. 14. Leviticus with Masora. Written by Isaac Graziano. Italian Ms. — 16th C. — Parchment. lOGfeOOS ^, /© Genesis and Exodus with the commentary of Immanuel Ben Solomon of Rome. Text followed by the Targum with vowels and then the elaborate commentary. ^,^ Italian AIs. — loth C. — Parchment. neS Genesis and Exodus. Each verse of the text is followed by ^^ Targum Vxith superlinear vowels and Saadia's Arabic trans- lation. ©Yemen ^Ms. written in 1560. Lev., Num. and Deut. with Targum and Saadia's Arabic trans- lation on the margin, Rashi's Commentary in Rabbinic charac- ters under the text and under this the Haftaroth with Targum. Yemen Ms. — 19th C. — Jeremiah 12-21, with xMasora. Oriental Ms. — 10th C. — Parchment. 1'.). Haftaroth with Targum in parallel column and commentary in Rabbinical script on bottom of page, Yemen Ms.— 18th C— 20. Haftaroth, each verse is followed by Targum, with superlinear vocalization. A-^ Yemen Ms. — LSth C. — 2U Lamentations, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, in prayer book with sub- ^^ linear vocalization. The rest of the book in superlinear vocali- zation. / Yemen Ms. — 1652 — 1/42. Psalms and Job. Spanish Ms. — 15th C. — Parchment. \/23. Psalms. ^,^^ Oriental Ms.— 14th C— ^Ip Psalms with Saadia's Arabic translation in Hebrew characters, and on the 25 first leaves with vowels. Oriental Ms. — 18th C. — 25. Songs of Songs, Ruth, Ecclesiastes with Targum, Rashi and various notes in Rabbinic characters. Yemen Ms.— 18th C— 26. Songs of Songs, ch. 1-2,1; 7,9-8,7. Each verse is followed by the Targum both having superlinear vocalization. /Vv Yemen Ms. — 15th C. — . /(27J Song of Songs with Targum following each verse. Superlinear ^ vocalization which differs from other texts. Yemen Ms. — 15th C. — TRANSLATIONS 28. Samaritan Targum. Modern copy — 1903 — 29. Targum on Ruth 3, 13-end, Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes 1-10 ;8; the vowels seem to have been added by a later hand. Italian Ms. — 16th C. — Parchment. 30. Bible. Unknown Arabic translation. North African Ms.— 19th C— 31. Saadia's Arabic translation of the Pentateuch without the text. Yemen Ms. — 15th C. — 32. Former Prophets. Arabic. North African Ms.— 18th C— 33. Psalms, Job, Daniel, unknown Arabic translation. North African Ms.— 18th C— 34. Former Prophets in Spanish written in 1580 in the house of Donna Reyna, widow of the Duke of Naxos, Don Josef Nasi. 35. Haftaroth in Spanish with Hebrew characters. Written in Con- stantinople 1741. 36. Book of Esther with Targum Sheni in Italian translation. Writ- ten by Hannah Piperno, 1840. COMMENTARIES 37. Commentary on Exodus. Hebrew and Arabic by an unknown author. Oriental Ms. — 12th C. — 38. Tobiah ben Eliezer, Lekah Tob on Exodus. Italian Ms. — loth C. — 39. Rashi on the Pentateuch. German Ms. — 13th C. — Parchment. -10. Rashi on Daniel, Ezra i-G and Job 12, 26-40, 20; 40, 2i-ond sup- plemented by Jacob Nazir. Spanish Ms.— 15th C. — Parchment. 41. Abraham ibn Ezra. Commentary on the Pentateuch written by Juda ben Namer in ]\Iagnesia, 1347, with many marginal notes by Moses "Twenty-four"' (Esrim we-arba) who bovigin the Ms. in 1478. 42. Abraham ibn Ezra. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Spanish Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. 43. David Kimhi, commentary to Joshua, Judges and Samuel. Spanish i\ls. — loth C. — Parchment. 44. David Kimhi, commentary on Minor Prophets. Spanish Ms. — 15th C. — Parchment. 45. Commentary on Job, wrongly ascribed to David Ivimhi. Spanish ^Is. — 14th C. — 46. Commentary on Numbers (fragment). Unknown njrthern French author. Provence Ms. — 15th C. — 47. Menahem Meiri. Commentary on Psalms. Spanish Ms. — 15th C. — 48. Levi ben Gershon, commentary on the Pentateuch, Former Prophets, Chronicles, Ezra and Job. Spanish Ms. — 15th C. — 49. Benjamin ben Judah, commentary on Proverbs. Spanish IMs. — 14th C. — Parchment. 50. Shethet ben Isaac Gerundi, commentary on Proverbs. Benjamin ben Judah, commentary on Ezra. Isaiah DaTrani, commentary on Kings. Spanish Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. 51. Shem-Job ibn Gaon, Super commentary on Xachmanides' com- mentary on the Pentateuch, written by different scribes. Spanish and Oriental IMs. — 15th C. — 52. Josef ibn Shoshan, commentary on Song of Songs. Provence Ms. — 15th C. — 53. Obadiah Sforno, commentary on the Pentateuch. Italian Ms. — KUh C. — 54. Homiletical commentary on the Pentateuch (beginning at end of Exodus), unknown authorship. Oriental Ms.— 1529— 55. Midrash Zuta on Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, Spanish Ms. — 15th C. — 56. Midrash Hagadol. Midrashic Catena on Numbers. Yemen Ms.— 15th C— 57. Jacob Sikeli, Talmud Tora, Catena on Genesis. Written Damascus, 1521. 58. Jefet ben All (Karaite), Arabic commentary to minor Prophets. Karaitic Ms. — 19th C. — 59. Aron ben Josef (Karaite), commentary on the Pentateuch. Karaitic Ms. — l.")th C. — 60. Aron ben Elija (Karaite), commentary on the rentateiich. Karaitic Ms. — 15th C. — GRAMMARS 61. Prophiat Duran, Maase Efod, Hebrew grammar. Written in Bologna, 1456. 62. Juda Messer Leon, Libnat ha-Sapir, Hebrew grammar. Italian Ms. — written 1475, by a boy of 14 years. 63. Solomon Dafiera, Imre Noash I-III, Dictionary of rhymes anJi synonyms. Oriental Ms.— 15th C— 64. Hebrew Grammar (Manuel dii Lecteur), compiled in Yemen. Yemen Ms. — 16th C. — 65. Hebrew Grammar in Arabic language compiled in Yemen. Yemen Ms. — 18th C. — 66 Hebrew Italian Glossary in 88 chapters. Italian Ms.— 16th C— VARIA 67. Mishna with vowels. Oriental Als. — 11th C. — Fragment on Parchment. 68. Mishna Zeraim, with Maimonides' Arabic Commentary. Yemen Ms.— 1317— Parchment. 69. Mishna Abot with Maimonides' and Raschi's commentary. Spanish Ms. — 15th C. — Parchment. 70. Mishna Abot with Raschi's commentary. German Ms. — loth C. — Parchment. 71. Mishna Abot with old anonymous commentary by a German author. (Identical with Ms. Oxford 388.) German Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. 72. Prayer Book according to the French rite, with commentary. In the middle of the 15th century a code called "Book of Paper" was added on the margin and in the back. French Ms. — 13th C. — Parchment. 73. Mahzor (German Rite). German Ms. — 1279 — Parchment. 74. Malizor (German), with unique anonymous commentary. German Ms. — 13th C. — Parchment. 75. Mahzor Vitry. French Ms. — loth C. — Parchment. 76. Passover Haggada and Mishna Abot. Worms, 1329 — Parchment. 77. Mahzor (Italian Rite). Illuminated. Italian Ms. — 15th C. — Parchment. 78. Prayer Book. Italian. Illuminated. Italian Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. 79. Prayer Book. Italian. Written by Farrissol. Ferrara 1528 — Parchment. 80. Yemen Prayer Book with superlinear vocalization, including Megillath Bne Hashmonai. Yemen ]\Is. — 1611. 81. Zohar on Numbers. North African Ms. — 16th C. — 82. Maimonides, Guide of the Perolexed, in Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation. At the end a collection of poems on Maimonides. Spanish Ms. by various scribes — 15th C. — Parchment. 83. Maimonides' Letter to Yemen and other letters in Arabic. Unicum Yemen Ms. — 15th C. — 84. Commentary on Aristotle, ascribed to Thomas Aquinas, in Hebrew translation. Spanish Ms.— 14th C.— 8 Anti-Christian. Unicum. 85. John Versoris. Quaestiones super VIII libros physicorum Aristo- telis in Eli Habillo's Hebrew translation. Spanish Ms. — 14th C. — 86. Lipman of Mulhausen, Sefer Nizzahon. German Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. S7. Lipman of Mulhausen. Sefer Ha-Eshkol. Abraham Maimuni, Milhamot Adonai. Maimonides, Commentary on Abot. German Ms. — 14th C. — 88. Isaac of Corbeil, Semak and Pesakim. Simson ben Tsadok, Tashbets. Israel of Dueren, Issur we-Heter. Samuel Schlettstadt, Mordekai Katon. German Ms. — 1386 — Parchment. 89. David D'Estella, Sefer Ha-Batim, part IV. Bet Menuha. Unicum. Spanish Ms. — 14th C. — 90. Natan ben Joel Palaquera, Tsori Ha-Guf, parts III-IV. Mesne, Antidotarium. Hippocrates, Prognostikon. Hippocrates, Aphorisms with Maimonides' Commentary. Italian Ms. — 14th C. — Parchment. Printed Books Incunabula 1. Bible. Second complete edition. (This edition was used by Luther.) Brescia, 1494. 2. Pentateuch with Targuni and Rashi's commentary. Editio princeps. Bologna, 1482. 3. Pentateuch with Targum. ca. 1480. Two leaves of an unknown print discovered in the Genizah, by Prof. Schechter. 4. Pentateuch, with Targum and Rashi's commentary — Fragment. Ixar, 1490. 5. Pentateuch with Targum and Rashi's commentary. Lisbon — 1491 — Parchment. 6. Pentateuch — Fragment. ca. 1480-90 — unknown edition. 7. Former Prophets. Edito princeps, with David Kimhi's commen- tary. Soncino, 1485. 8. Judges, with Targum, David Kimhi and Levi ben Gershon's commentaries. Leiria, 1494. 9. Later Prophets. Editio princeps with David Kimhi's commentary, Soncino, 1486. 10. Isaiah and Jeremiah, with David Kimhi's commentary. Lisbon, 1492. 11. Psalms, with David Kimhi's commentary. [Bologna] 1477. Editio princeps. 12. Proverbs. Editio princeps with Immanuel ben Solomon's com- mentary. Naples [I486.] 13. Job. Editio princeps with Levi ben Gershon's commentary. Naples, 1486. 14. Five Scrolls. Second Edition and Editio princeps of Daniel. Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles, with Raschi's commentary. Naples, 1486. 15. Rashi. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Second Edition. [Rome, 1480?] 16. Abraham ibn Ezra. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Editio princeps. Naples, 1488. 17. Moses ben Nachman. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Editio princeps. [Rome, 1480?] 18. Levi ben Gershon. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Ed. princ. ^lantua [1476?] 19. Levi ben Gershon. Commentary on Daniel. Editio princeps. [Rome ca. 1480?] 20. Bachja ben Asher. Commentary on the Pentateuch. Naples, 1492. Sixteenth Century Books. 21. Vetus Testamentum multiplici lingua nunc primum impressum. (Complutensian Polyglot) Alcala, 1514-17. 22. Pentateuch with Targum neo-Greek and Spanish translations in Hebrew characters. Constantinople (Soncino) 1547. 10 24. Psalteriiim. Hebreum, Grecum, Arabicum et Chaldeum cum Tribus Latinis interpretationibus. Genoa, 1516. 25. Psalterium in quatuor linguis, Hebraea, Graeca, Chaldea [i.e.. Ethiopica] Latina. Cologne 1518. 26. First Rabbinical Bible, edited b^' Felix Pratensis. X'enice (Bomberg) 1516-17. 27. Second Rabbinical Bible, edited by Jacob ben Hayyim. \'enice (.Romberg), 1524-25. 28. Third Rabbinical Bible. Venice (Bomberg) 1548. 29. Bible. Romberg's second Quarto edition. Venice, 1521. 30. Bible. Romberg's third Quarto edition. Venice, 1525. 31. Bible, with Sebastian Miinster's translation and notes. Basle, 1534. 32. Bible, with Sebastian Miinster's translation and notes. Second edition. Basle, 1546. 33. Bible. Basle. 1536. 34. Bible, with David Kimhi's commentary to the Minor Prophets. Paris, Stephanus 1539-44. 35. Bible. Paris, 1544-6. 35a. Bible. Amsterdam — 1705, with W. Heidenheim's Ms. notes. 36. Pentateuch, without vowels. [Salonica, ca. 1520.] Unicum. 37. Pentateuch, with Targum, Rashi's and Moses ben Nahman^s commentaries. Salonica, 1520. 38. Pentateuch, with Targum, Rashi's Ibn Ezra's and Moses ben Nachman's commentaries; live scrolls. Haftarot with David Kimhi's commentary. Constantinople, 1522. 39. Pentateuch, with Targum, Rashi's and Haskuni's commentaries. Venice (Bomberg), 1524. 40. Pentateuch, five scrolls and Haftaroth. Venice (Bomberg), 1527. 41. Pentateuch, with Targum and introduction by Jacob ben Adoniyah Venice (Bomberg), 1527. 42. Pentateuch, with Targum, Rashi's and Moses ben Nachman's commentaries. Venice (Bomberg), 1548. 43. Pentateuchus, Hebraico-Latinus. Venice, 1551. 44. Pentateuch and five Scrolls without vowels. I'^rrara, 1554. 45. Pentateuch, with vowels. .Sabbioneta, 1554. 46. Pentateuch and five scrolls. Sabbioneta, 1557 — Parchment. 47. Pentateuch, with Targum. Sabbioneta, 1557 — Famous edition of the Targum. 48. Pentateuch, with three Targums and Rashi (Ed. princeps of Pscu'lr)-Jonathan). Venice, 1500. 49. Pentateuch, with three Targums and Rashi. Tlanau, 1610 — Parchment. (No other parchment copy of this edition is known.) II 50. Pentateuch. Amsterdam, 1726 — Parchment. (No other parchment copy of this edition is known.) 51. Former Prophets, with Isaac Abarbanel's commentary. [Pesaro (Soncino), 1511] — Parchment. (No other parch- ment copy of this edition is known.) 52. Later Prophets, with David Kimhi's commentary. Pesaro (Soncino), 1515. 53. Later Prophets, with Isaac Abarbanel's commentary. Pesaro (Soncino), 1520. 54. Psalms, Proverbs, Job and Daniel, with Rashi's commentary. Salonica, 1515. 55. Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes. Venice (Bomberg), second edition, 1521-24. 56. Psalms, with David Kimhi's and Josef Hayyun's commentaries. Salonica, 1522. 57. Commentarius Hebraicus. R. David Kimhi in X Primos Psalmos Davidicos cum versione latina per Paulum Fagium. Constanz, 1544. 58. Proverbs, Hebrew and Latin, with preface by Conrad Pellicanus. Ed. Seb. Miinster. Basle, 1520. 59. Proverbs, with commentary of Isaac Arama. Constantinople (1565?). 60. Job, with Meir Arama's commentary. Salonica, 1517. 61. Job, with commentary of Isaac Cohen. Constantinople (Soncino), 1545. 62. Job, with commentaries by Simon Duran and by Obadiah Sforno. Venice, 1589. 63. Song of Songs, with commentary by Abraham Tamak. Sabbioneta, 1558. 64. Song of Songs, with commentary of Baruch ibn Jaish. Constantinople, 1576. 65. Ecclesiastes, with commentary by Isaac ibn Latif. Salonica (1585?) 66. Ecclesiastes, with commentary by Samuel Aripol. Constantinople, 1585. 67. Esther, with commentary of Isaac Arama. Constantinople, 1518. 68. Esther, with commentary by Yomtob Zahalon. Safed, 1577. 69. Esther, with Judaeo-German paraphrasis. Cracow, 1589. 70. Ruth, with commentary by Samuel Uceda. Kuru Tschesme (Donna Reyna), 1597. 71. Bible, Judaeo-German translation by Jekutiel Blitz. Amsterdam, 1676-8. 72. Bible, Judaeo-German translation by Josef Witzenhausen. Amsterdam, 1687. 73. Biblia en langua Espafiola. Ferrara, 1553. 74. Psalterium Spanish. Ferrara, 1553. 75. Bible in Tataric, printed in Hebrew characters, for the use of the Karaites. Eupatoria, 1841. 76. Pentateuch, with Tataric translation in Hebrew characters. Orta Koei. 1832-35. 77. Pentateuch, with Targum and Saadia's arable translation. Jerusalem— 1894-1901. 12 78. Song of Songs, Ruth and Ecclesiastes, with Targum and Saadia's Arabic translation according to Yemen Mss. Jerusalem, 1911. 78a. Proverbs with Irish translation. (Dublin, 1840.) 79. Mekilta. Tannaitic commentary on Exodus. Constantinople, 1515. 80. Sifra. Tannaitic commentary on Leviticus. 81. Sifre. Tannaitic commentary on Numbers and Deuteronomy. Venice (Bomberg), 1545. 82. Yalkut Shimoni, Alidrashic Catena on the Pentateuch. Salonica (Soncino), 1526-7. 83. Solomon ibn Melek, grammatical commentary on the Bible. Constantinople, 1549. 84. Supercommentaries on Rashi to the Pentateuch, by Samuel Al- mosnino, Jacob Canisal, Aloses Albelda and Aaron Abulrabi. Constantinople (ca. 1520). 85. Israel Isserlein, supercommentary on Rashi's commentar}^ to the Pentateuch. Venice (Bomberg), 1519. 86. Elijah Mizrachi, supercommentary on Rashi's commentary to the Pentateuch. Venice (Bomberg), 1527. 87. Abraham ibn Ezra, commentary on the Pentateuch (second edi- tion). Constantinople, 1514. 88. Samuel Motot, supercommentary to Ibn Ezra on the Pentateuch. Venice, 1554. 89. Isaac Aboab, supercommentry on Nachmanides' commentarj- on the Pentateuch. Constantinople, 1525. 90. Menachem of Recanate, Kabbalistic commentary on the Penta- teuch. Venice (Bomberg), 1523. 91. Jacob ben Asher, commentary on the Pentateuch, Constantinople, 1514. 92. Abraham Saba, commentary on the Pentateuch. Venice (Bomberg), 1523. 93. Isaac Karo, Toledot Isaac, commentary on the Pentateuch. Constantinople, 1518. 94. Jacob D'lUescas, Imre Noam, commentary on the Pentateuch. Constantinople, 1539. 95. Moses Alsheik, commentary on Genesis. Belvedere (Donna Reyna), 1595. 96. Don Josef ibn Jahja, commentary on Hagiographa. Bologna, 1538. 97. Immanuel ben Solomon of Rome, commento sopra i Salmi, ed. Perreau. Parma 1880 (autograph edition). 98. Solomon Alkabetz, commentary on Esther, with copious ex- tracts from Targumim. Venice, 1585. 99. Samuel ben Phinehas, commentary on the Targum Esther. Prague, 1601. 100. Isaac ben Josef ha-Cohen, commentary on Ruth. Salonica, 1551. GRAMMAR 101. Moses Kimhi, Hebrew grammar with Levitas commentary. Ortoiia, 1510. 102. David K'mhi, Miklol, Hebrew grammar. Constantinople, 1532. 13 103. David Kimhi, dictionary. Second edition. Naples, 1490. 104. David Kimhi, dictionary. Constantinople, 1513. 105. Makre Dardeke, Hebrew, Italian, Arabic glossary to the Bible. Naples, 1488. 106. David ibn Jahja, Leshon Limmudint. Constantinople, 1506. 107. Abraham de Balmes, Peculium Abrae. Grammatica Hebraea uno cum latino. Venice (Bomberg), 1523. 108. Elijah Levita, Pirke Elijahu. Pesaro, 1520. 109. Elijah Levita, Masoreth ha-Masoreth on Masora. Venice (Bomberg), 1538. 110. Elijah Levita, Tub Taam on accents. Venice (Bomberg), 1538. 111. Anshel, Merkebet ha-Mishna. Hebrew and Judaeo German glos- sary to the Bible. Cracow, 1534. 112. Moses Saertels, Beer Mosheh, Hebrew and Judaeo-German glos- sary following the order of the Bible. Prague, 1605. 113. Alfonso de Zamora, Introductiones artis grammatice Hebraice. Complutum, 1526. 114. Boeschenstain. Introduction to Hebrew letters. Augsburg, 1514. 115. Theodoricus Martinus, Dictionarium Plebraicum. J^oewen, 1520. 116. Reuchlin, De accentibus et orthographia linguae Hebraicae. Hagenau, 1518. 117. Alphabetum Hebraicum, Paris, 1566. VARIA 118. Petrus Niger, Contra perfidos Judaeos (contains the first Hebrew characters printed in Germany). Esslingen, 1475. 119. Isaac Sahula, Mashal ha^Kadmoni (first Hebrew book with wood cuts). Soncino, 1491. 120. Mishna, Editio Princeps with Maimonides' commentary. Naples, 1492. 121. Talmud Babli, Nidda. Soncino, 1488. 122. Talmud Babli, Yebamoth. Pesaro, 1508. 123. Talmud Babli, Rosh ha-Shana. \V(iz. ca, 1516] — Unicum. 124. Talmud Babli, Pesahim (first volume of first complete Talmud edition). v'^enice (Bomberg), 1520. 125. Talmud Babylonicum. Codex Hebr. Monacensis photolitho- graphice ed. H. L. Strack. Leiden, 1912. 126. Zohar, first folio-edition. Cremona, 1560. 127. Prayer Book. German rite. Editio princeps. (1490?) 14 128. Prayer Book. German rite. Thiengen, 1560. 129. Mahzor. German rite. Prague, 1525. 130. Mahzor, rite of Romania. Constantinople, 1574. 131. Prayer Book. Spanish rite. Editio princeps. (ca 1490) Unicum. 132. Mahzor. Spanish rite. Venice (Bomberg), 1524. 133. Mahzor, rite of the Catalonian congregation :it Salonica. Salonica, 1526. 134. Mahzor, rite of the Aragonian congregation at Salonica. Salonica, 1529. 135. Rituals for North African communities: Algiers, Tunis, Oran, TIemcen. Tripoli and Gerba. Livorno. 136. Sidorello, Ed. princeps of Italian prayer book and Haggada. Soncino, 1486. 136a. Mahzor. Roman rite. Editio princeps. Soncino-Casal Maggiore, 1485-6. 137. Prayer Book, rite of the Avignon, Carpentras, etc. Avignon, 1767. 138. Prayers, rite of the communities of Cochin-China. Amsterdam, 1688 and 1769. 439. Prayers, rites of the Jews of Cafifa (Crimea). Mezyrow, 1793. 140. Liturgical Poems for the Yemen Jews. Aden, 1891. 141. Passover Haggada, with Illuminations. Prague, 1526. 142. Passover Haggada, with Illuminations. Mantua, 1560. 15 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. REC'D LD-URL ^ NOV ^\^n MOV 8197 ^ om^fBknm \^ DEC2 0I97F Form L9-Series 4939 AA 000 492 271 y I