I 1RRARY XEXOPHON'S ANABASIS SEVEX BOOKS r< fj.ev yap ei/rcttta crojeiv SOKCI, rj 8e ara^ia a.TToAaiAtKei'. ANABASIS IIJ. i. 36 BT WILLIAM RAIXEY HARPER, PH.D., D.D. LATE PRESIDENT, UXIVEBSITY OF CHICAGO JAMES WALLACE, PH.D. MACALESTEK COLLEGE NEW YORK : - CINCIXNATI : CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Copyright, 1893, bg AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Copyright, 1921, by JAMES WALLACE. All rights reserved. H. & W. Anabasis. E-P 10 PREFACE. ''I ^TTE text of this edition of the Anabasis is that of the recension of J_ Arnold Hug, which is based on the Parisian codex known as C. This text is preferred on its own merits, being regarded by most textual critics as well-nigh final. No deviations have been admitted except such as have been stated in the Notes ; nor has it seemed worth while to perplex the student at this stage of his course with various readings. The Notes are brief and elementary ; but, supplemented by the refer- ences to the grammars and the historical introduction, it is believed that they will be found sufficient. They do not at all affect originality, but are drawn freely from all sources. Much help has been derived from the standard English and American editions, especially from Pretor, Macmichael, and Crosby ; while Krueger, Rehdantz, Vollbrecht, and the recent edition of Bachof, have contributed not a little to the Notes and the Introduction. We wish to acknowledge especially our obligation to the first volume of Works of Xenophon by H. G. Dakyns, who is doing for this author what Jowett has so admirably done for Plato. The first occurrence of words in the text is indicated by full-faced upright type ; and words occurring more than four times have been arranged in the Lists of Words in the order of frequency, except the prepositions, which are presented in a tabular view. The Vocabulary, though concise, has been prepared with great pains, and in connection with careful readings of the text. The more impor- tant etymologies, English cognates and derivatives, synonyms, inter- pretations of proper names, and various constructions after verbs, have received attention, enough, it is hoped, to make it clear that a Greek lexicon is an interesting and fruitful field of study. Where the ety- mology is evident from the rules of word formation, as in the case of abstracts in -i'a from adjectives in -os, it is often purposely omitted. To encourage the study of word-building and the mastery of words by etymological groups, cross-references are given under some impor- tant member of each group, so that all words of a common origin found in the Anabasis may be readily traced. Thus, under l^w are references (3) 4 PREFACE. not only to its compounds, but also to e^vpos, o^uprfs, ev-ej(vpov, fv-w\ta, (rxpXy, d-CT^oAta, vTr-icr^veo/iai. See, also, under yScuVw, ftdXXta, IOT^/AI, and other important words. Where the cognate words are in alphabetical order, such references are, of course, omitted. Books V. VII. have been edited for sight-reading. The text has been paragraphed, new and rare words translated at the bottom of the page, and various hints given for the rendering of the more difficult sentences. Thus edited, these books furnish admirable material for practice in sight- reading. It is recommended that before this is made a distinctive feature of the recitation, not less than three books be read, and the Lists of Words thoroughly mastered. Other suggestions are made elsewhere. If the time allotted for preparation in Greek for college is short, there is no good reason why the latter books of the Anabasis may not be read at sight in the Freshman year. Xenophoivs style is so charming, that the student cannot do better than familiarize himself with it before other authors are taken up. Besides the map showing the route of the Anabasis and of the Retreat we have added a map of Greece, singularly omitted from other edi- tions when it is remembered that the Greeks were levied from nearly all parts of Greece, and that when individuals are first mentioned their place of residence is usually given. In order to save the time usually lost in searching through many pages of the grammar, we have added several pages of compactly printed paradigms of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, participles, and the more difficult verb-forms, for ready reference. The bibliography essays to give only the more important editions and helps. To Professor Leotsakos of New York, a graduate of the University of Athens, Greece, and to Professor C. F. Castle, of Chicago, we are large debtors for valuable assistance. The preparation of this edition of the Anabasis has been a labor of love ; but daily duties of a very exacting nature have beset it with mam difficulties and rendered long delays unavoidable. We bespeak indul- gent criticism, and shall be thankful to have our attention called to any mistakes, whether due to ignorance or oversight. WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER. JAMES WALLACE. CO^TE^TS. PAGES INTRODUCTION 9-65 Persia 11 Persian Art of War . 15 Origin of Expedition of Cyrus .".... 18 Greek Army of Cyrus 21 Greek Art of War 22 Xenopiion 38 Bibliography ; 45 Itinerary 47 Inductive Exercises . . . 50 Themes for Investigation 64 BOOK 1 67-125 BOOK II 126-163 BOOK III 164-202 BOOK IV. 203-246 SUGGESTIONS FOR SIGHT READING: Books V.-VII. ... . . 248 BOOK V. .... 249-293 BOOK VI 294-330 BOOK VII 331-387 NOTES . . = . . . , 389-427 Book 1 389 Book II 406 Book III . . . 414 Book IV . . . 421 6 CONTENTS. PAGES LISTS OF WOBDS . . ... 429-454 Nouns ... 429 Pronouns 433 Adjectives . . 434 Adverbs aiid Conjunctions 437 Prepositions 439 Verbs ... 441 1 IDIOMS 455, 456 FOB READY REFERENCE . 457-468 Nouns 457 Adjectives 459 Pronouns 461 Participles Verbs 465 Participles of - Verbs VOCABULARY 469-575 Abbreviations Vocabulary LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGB PERSIAN FOOT-SOLDIER (from Persepolis) ....... 15 ARCHER OF ROYAL BODY-GUARD (from palace at Susa) . . . 1ft 1 ASSYRIAN ARCHER AND ATTENDANT (from Kuyiinjik) . . . 16 WAR CHARIOT WHEELS (no original) . 17 SOLDIER IN \irv (from Attic urn) . . . 23 HORSEMAN IN xXa.fj.vs (from fictile vase) ...*...... 24 SHIELDS (from Dodona) . . . . . . . ..... 24 6ij (irom fictile vase) ................ 26 OKO'VTIOV (from ancient vase) .,.<,.. 26 To'a (from vases) . . . . 26 DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING irapa-ywyTJ and c'gcXt-ytios ...... 29, 30 o-KT)va (from columns of Antoninus) . . . . 32 KTJpv . . c . . . . 33 rpoiraiov (from Boeotian coin) . . . . . 35 TpiTJpus (according to Lemaitre and Graser) ......., 37 XENOPHON (from cut of uncertain origin in the Bohn series) .00 38 XENOPHON (from Raphael's " School of Athens ') ....... 43 dirXirtis (from fictile vase) . . . , 67 GOLD DARIC (original in British Museum) ......... 70 irtXTacrTtjs with Amazonian Shield (from vase painting) . . . . , 73 PHRYGIAN avXos (from Roman bas-relief) ......... 74 TTXeyytfKs (from various sources) , , 75 SOLDIER IN \irdiv (from Attic urn) ............ 76 DIANA IN \IT&V (from statue of Diana, Villa Panifili) . . . . 76 FORMS OF GRECIAN HELMETS (1 and 2 from temple of Aegina ; 3 found in river Alpheus, near Olympia ; 4 and 5 from gems) . 77 PERSIAN WAR CHARIOT (from Persepolis) : . 77 GREEK WAR CHARIOT (from vase found at Saticola, Italy) ... 77 MAP OF MENON'S ROUTE , . . . 79 axivcix-rvs (from Persepolis) ............... 81 MAP OF VICINITY OF Issus ,.. 89 OSTRICH (Khorsabdd) , 95 MILL AND SECTION OF UPPER STONE, ovos dXe'Trjs, (from Pompeii) . 96 ROYAL NECKLACE (from Persepolis) . . . . , . .91 (7) 8 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. MI ROYAL BRACELET (from Khorsabad) . . 97 (from Persepolls) 103 (from Greek vase) 109 fix6tptvi) (from Kuyiinjik) 149 *A(hivd (from gem) 165 8tKa8pax(iov (Syracuse about 40 B. c.) 180 Jvyds (from bas-relief) 181 DIAGRAM. Xenophon's Order of March .... 183 ASSYRIAN SLINGER (from column of Trajan) 187 GREEK SLINGER (from column of Trajan) 187 DIAGRAM. Position of Soldiers in battle array 193 do-Kol 4>vo-T)0tvTes (from Kuyiinjik) 200 ROYAL BRACELET (from Khorsabid) 203 DIAGRAM. Route through narrow pass 207 DIAGRAM. Crossing of the Centrites River 219 croXiriKrfjs 220 PERSIAN ARCHER (from palace at Susa) 224 GREEK ARCHER (from temple of Aegina) 224 (from modern Italian. Rich) Ifidvrts (1 from statue, Vatican; 2 from Apollo Belvidere) I.''-'? CAESTUS (from ancient statues) 246' irr|8aXiov (from bas-relief) 2;VJ DIAGRAM. The stronghold of the Drilae 254 OLYMPIA RESTORKD (after Reinhard) 261 AMAZON IN x iTwv fo" K s (from bas-relief) 265 DIAGRAM. Position of Greek troops attacking the citadel .... 266 dp.fj>opts 267 do-teds (from painting at Pompeii) .815 GHEKK DRINKING HORNS (from various sources) 343 8tpoi (from Greek vases) . 851 \Xanvs (from Panatlicnaic frieze) GKEEK SOLDIER IN Ipcmov (from fictile vase) ... .... 361 ARISTIDES IN IjidTiov (statue from Farnese collection) . . . 36J INTRODUCTION. " No more graphic and stirring narrative than that In which Xenophon traces tha fortune of the Ten Thousand, was ever written." SIR ALEXANDER GRANT. "Due of the most valuable documents of antiquity." CURTIUS. 1. The Anabasis. The student is now to take up a story of singular interest. The Anabasis is one of the world's great classics, and the expedition of which it is the history, in some respects, the greatest mili- tary exploit of ancient times. The main facts are soon told. Thirteen thousand Greeks march two thousand miles and defeat an enemy seventy times their own number. Then, after their cause is lost, and their gen- erals are treacherously seized, they retreat a thousand miles through a strange country along mere beaten tracks, without map, compass, or trusty guides, across unbridged rivers, over high mountains, through the winds and snows of an Armenian winter, harassed by enemies in the rear, opposed at every strategic point by brave and warlike tribes, yet overcoming all obstacles they reach the shores of the Euxine with military organization intact, and are able still to muster eight thousand six hun- dred men. To this, history furnishes no parallel. It was a wonderful triumph of heroism, fertile-mindedness, buoyancy of spirit, and good discipline. So long as men have admiration for the brave, sympathy for those ii misfortune, and applause for the victorious, the story of this expedition will not lack readers. The interest it elicits is manifold. 2. Political. One reads here an impressive lesson on the value of political education and the superiority of popular institutions. This Greek army has been aptly compared to a " roving commonwealth," a marching democracy, " deliberating and acting, fighting and voting; an epitome of Athens set adrift in the center of Asia." What a striking (9) 10 INTRODUCTION. contrast is here presented between the slaves of despotism and the citizens of the free soil of Greece ! 3. Historical. Of what interest the Anabasis has been to the historian, the foot-notes and appendices of the standard histories of Greece are sufficient indication. Besides its pictures of life and character among the Persians and those little-known mountain tribes to the north, it fur- nishes an important chapter in the history of that long and irrepressible conflict between the Greeks and the Persians. Nor is the historian at fault who traces to the achievements of the Ten Thousand a change from the defensive to the offensive policy of the Greeks, which culminated two generations later in the overthrow of the Persian empire by Alexander and his thirty-five thousand Greeks. So Francis Bacon writes : " This young scholar (Xenophon) conducted these Ten Thousand foot through the heart of all the king's high countries ... to the astonish- ment of the world and the encouragement of the Grecians, in time suc- ceeding to make invasion upon the kings of Persia, as was afterwards purposed by Jason, the Thessalian, attempted by Agesilaus, the Spar- tan, and achieved by Alexander, the Macedonian." (Advancement of Learning, 1.7 80 .) That a martial race like the Romans, too, derived from the Anabasis great encouragement in all their schemes and wars of oriental conquest may safely be presumed. There is a hint of this in the fact that Mark Antony, hard pressed by the Parthians, was heard to exclaim repeatedly, " Oh, the Ten Thousand !" in admiration, adds Plutarch, of the retreat of the Greeks with Xenophon, who, though they had a longer journey to make from Babylon and enemies much more numerous to fight, yet reached their home in safety. 4. Military. As a contribution to military science, the Anabasis holds a high place. On offensive and defensive warfare and the flexi- bility of Greek tactics, the Anabasis is an invaluable commentary and illustration. An English army officer has recently written on " The Retreat of the Ten Thousand, A Military Study for all Time," and an American student of military science has put on record the opinion that " the soldier of greatest use to us preceding Alexander was unquestionably Xenophon. . . . It is he who has shown the world what should be the tactics of retreat, how to command a rear guard. More tactical originality PERSIA. 11 has come from the Anabasis than from any dozen other books. For in- stance, Xenophon describes accurately (-L8 10 ) a charge over bad ground, in which, so to speak, he broke forth by the right of companies, one of the most useful minor maneuvers. He established a reserve in rear of the phalanx, from which to feed weak parts of the line, a superb first conception. After the lapse of twenty-three centuries, there is no better military text-book than the Anabasis." (Great Captains, by Lieut.-Col. Dodge.) 5. Literary. If we inquire what are the elements that go to make books interesting to the general reader, it will appear that most of these are found in the Anabasis. Here are history, biography, travel, incident, adventure, and issues, save the death of Cyrus, accordant with the sym- pathies of the reader. Nor has the tale lost anything in the telling. Indeed, in the judgment of no less a critic than Taine, "the beauty of the style transcends the interest of the story." At any rate, the style is remarkably chaste, lucid, and pleasing. So, to the Anabasis has been conceded a high place in letters as all in all the best specimen of easy, graceful Attic prose in extant Greek literature. 6. Educational. We now understand why the Anabasis has long held an undisputed place in the college curriculum, as the best of all books to introduce the student to the language and literature of Greece. But to be appreciated, the Anabasis, like other literature, must be read in the light of its time, in its historical setting. As the expedition had its origin in the East, we begin with Persia. PERSIA. 7. Early Empires. The temperate climate and great fertility of the Tigro-Euph rates valley naturally made it at an early time the seat of great empires. Here Chaldaea rose, and flourished for centuries, till over- shadowed and finally subjugated by Assyria (710 B. c.). This empire, with better political and military organization, held imperial sway over Western Asia till 625 B. c., when Nineveh, its capital, fell before the allied powers of Media and Babylonia. 8. Persian Conquest. Under Cyrus the Great, the Persians, a brave and hardy race, went forth from the highlands east and north of 12 INTRODUCTION. the Persian Gulf in an irresistible tide of conquest. Media and its de pendencies, the Lydian monarchy under Croesus (554 B. c.), the Greek cities of Asia Minor, and finally Babylon itself (538 B. c.), all fell before these mountain warriors. 9. Oambyaeu. Killed in an expedition against the Massagetae, a tribe on the Caspian, Cyrus was succeeded by his son Cambyses. His reign (529-522 B. c.) was chiefly distinguished for the conquest of Phoe- nicia and Egypt, whence returning, he died in Syria. 10. Darius I. A pretender, Smerdis, being put out of the way, Darius /., son of Hystaspes, of a younger branch of the royal ra'ce (Achaemenidae), succeeded to the throne (521 B.C.). He suppressed rebellions among the Greek cities of Asia Minor, in Babylon, and else- where, and pushed the boundaries of his empire as far as India, into Arabia and Thrace, and still farther in Northern Africa. His vast em- pire was four times as large as Assyria, had an area of about two million square miles and contained a population variously estimated at fifty to eighty millions. 11. Administration. But it is chiefly as an organizer that Darius distinguished himself. He made Susa his principal residence, but passed his summers at Ecbatana, in Media. He also built a palace in Persepolis, where, as at Susa, valuable sculptures and inscriptions have been found. He minted gold and silver coins of a fine quality, called darics. 12. Satrapies. The empire was divided into not less than twenty provinces, each governed by a satrap appointed by the king and holding office at his pleasure. These satraps had courts, palaces, gardens, and lived in royal fashion. They collected the revenues, exercised the power of life and death, and were veritable tyrants, subject only to the great tyrant himself, called the great king. To secure their loyalty, lie sent down to each province a commander of the royal forces and a secretary who was "eyes and ears" to the king, keeping him informed on all im- portant matters. Later, the command of these troops was transferred to the satraps, and thus their power was greatly augmented. 13. Local Government. Subject tribes and nations were permitted to enjoy their own local laws, customs, and religion. Sometimes subject kin_'s retained their own title, as in the case of the king of Cilicia. PERSIA. 13 14. Revenues. A somewhat uniform system of taxation was intro- duced. Besides a tixed sum of money, each province had to make a payment in kind, furnishing those products wherein it excelled. Thus on Armenia was imposed a tribute of horses (4.5 8 *). These taxes were not intolerable, but what with water tax, fish tax, and the exactions of the satraps themselves, the burdens of citizenship (except in Persia proper, which was exempt from taxation) must have been most oppressive. 15. Couriers. Along the royal roads, connecting the capital and distant provinces, at regular intervals postal stations were built, at which couriers and relays of horses were kept by the government. Messages to and from the king were conveyed from post to post on horseback with all possible speed. 16. Roads. By " royal roads " we are not to suppose that well made military roads are meant; for it is one of the strange facts of his- tory, that no nation prior to the Romans learned the simple art of road- making. The Jews never built so much as a good road from Joppa io Jerusalem, and the Greeks, though they excelled in almost everything else, could boast of no good roads except perhaps that from Athens to Eleusis, while of other ancient roads in Greece as, for example, the one from Tripolis to Sparta, the most that can be said is that they were passable. "The feet of camels and horses," says Tristram, "are the only road-makers in the Kast," and Rawlinson writes : " Roads in our sense of the term are still scarcely existent in Western Asia, where lines of route marked merely by the foot-prints of traffic take their place. No material has been laid down along these routes, nor has even the spade or pick-ax been used except where routes cross the mountains." 17. Origin of the Graeco-Persian War. In 500 B.C., a formi- dable revolt breaking out among the Asiatic Greeks, Athens and Eretria sent troops to their assistance. Joining the insurgents they captured and burnt Sardis. Darius, greatly incensed, resolved to invade Greece, and thus began what is known in history as the Persian war. 18. The First Expedition under Mardonius was rendered fruitless, at sea by storms, on land by the wild tribes of Thrace. The second under Datis and Artaphernes was defeated in the ever memorable battle 14 INTRODUCTION. of Marathon (490 B. c.). After three years' preparation for a third inva- sion, Darius died and was succeeded by his son. 19. Xerxes I. Continuing the preparation for six years longer, Xerxes led an army of a million men and a vast fleet against Greece- He won a victory at Thermopylae (July, 480 B. c.), but suffered a crush- ing defeat at Salamis (September, 480), as did his general, Mardonius, at Plataea the next year. Thus Europe was saved from the blight of oriental despotism. 20. Decline of the Empire. From this time on, the empire rapidly declined. The trend of the history of oriental nations was ever the same, conquest, wealth, luxury, decay. " In all ages of the world's history, Eastern empires have been great only so long as they have been aggressive. In every instance the lust of conquest has been followed by satiety, and the result of luxurious inaction has been speedy decay. No other result seems possible where there is, in strictness of speech, no national life, no growth of intellect, no spirit of personal independence in the individual citizen. A society of rude and hardy warriors banded together under a fearless leader must crush the subjects of a despot who can look back only to the conquest of his forefathers as a pledge for the continuance of his prosperity ; but this infusion of new blood brings with it no change in the essential condition of things so long as the dominion of one irresponsible ruler merely gives way to that of another." (The Greeks and the Persians, Cox, ch. i.) ^ 21. Artaxerxes I. After his return in disgrace, Xerxes gave him- self up to the pleasures and corruption of Ins court, and being murdered,, in 465, was succeeded by his third son, Artaxerxes I., called "Long- hand." Though an amiable prince, he showed little force of character, and his reign is memorable chiefly for the suppression of the second revolt of Egypt by Megabyzus, satrap of Syria, and the recognition of the independence of the Greek colonies of Asia Minor, just fifty years after their revolt. Of his eighteen sons, his only legitimate one suc- ceeded him. 22. Xerxes II., after a reign of forty-five days, was murdered by his half-brother Sogdianus , who, after a reign of six months and a half, met a like fate at the hands of his brother, Darius II. See 39. THE PERSIAN ART OF WAR. 16 THE PERSIAN ART OF WAR. 23. The Old Persians and their method of warfare are often mis- understood. They were Aryans like ourselves, and under the earlier kings they were the best soldiers Asia had yet produced, strong, active, full of courage and energy, and of excellent powers of endurance. They had, too, a real military system, borrowed, no doubt, in part from the Medes and Assyrians, but still carefully elaborated. 24. The Army, when complete, was made up of infantry, cavalry, chariots. 25. The Infantry was divided decimally, i. e. into (1) tens, (2) hundreds or companies, (3) thousands or regiments, (4) tens of thou- sands or brigades, (5) ethnic or tribal divisioua (6) corps. 26. It was Officered by: (1) a commander- PERSIAN FOOT-SOLDIER j n _ cn j e f the king or some one appointed by (showing double belt and s word). ' him ; (2) corps commanders ; (3) division com- manders or generals, usually the satraps of the provinces. The corps and division commanders were appointed by the king, the others by their immediate superiors. 27. The Footmen usually wore: (1) a pair of rather loose-fitting leather trousers, reaching to the ankle ; (2) a long-sleeved leathern tunic, reaching to the knee ; (3) a soft tiara, somewhat like the modern Turkish fez, but bent forward; (4) leather shoes or half-boots, tied securely around the ankle; (5) a double girdle or belt from which the aKLvdKtfi hung. Men of rank or distinction wore over the tunic (6) a wide-sleeved woolen robe of purple or other bright color ; (7) jewelry, as bracelets, necklaces, car-rings, etc. 28 Offensive Armor. (1) a short straight sioord or large dag- ger (dxu'ttKTjs) suspended in a sheath from the belt ; (2) a spear with 16 INTRODUCTION, tapering shaft comparatively short (six to seven feet), made, according to Xenophon, of dogwood. It was tipped with a short ridged metal head and terminated at the base in a carved ball ; (3) a 6010, about four feel ARCHER OF ROYAL BODY-GDAKD. ASSYRIAN ARCHER AND ATTENDANT. long, carried swung over the right shoulder or in a case. The arrows were two and one half feet long, of reed, tipped with bronze or iron. The Persians were good archers ; (4) battle-ax, knife, and sling, were occasionally carried. In the last stones were used. 29. Defensive Armor. (1) A large wicker shield which rested on the ground and was supported with a large spike at the bottom or perhaps by a prop or an attendant, as with the Assyrians. They also made use of a small shield after a pattern common among the Greeks. Compare first cut 61 with third cut 1.8 8 . (2) Coat of mail, which is of great .antiquity, as Egyptian and Assyrian monuments show, was occasionally worn. It was made of scale armor or heavy quilted linen. 30. Cavalry. The cavalry-men wore : (1) a helmet, (2) mat of mail, (3) greaves, and carried ^4) a knife, (5) two short, stout, iron-pointed THE PERSIAN ART OF WAR. WAR CHARIOT WHEELS. javelins, (6) a short sword. The Persians set a high value on cavalry, reared fine horses, and protected them with (1) frontlets, (2) breastplates, (3) side armor. It seerus probable, as Rawlinson suggests that there was also a light cavalry without armor for rapid maneuvers, such as out- flanking, pursuing, etc. 31. Chariots. The war chariot had two wheels about four feet in diameter, a heavy axle, a curved board box open behind, and a pole. From its wheels and axle scythes projected for the purpose of mowing down the en- emy. The charioteer and warrior were the only oc- cupants, the latter armed with spears. Terrible as a scythed chariot looks, it did not prove a very effective weapon in war. 32. The Camp. .The Persians, always fearful of a night attack, en- camped a distance of five to eight miles from the enemy. The camp was pitched in the vicinity of water and on level ground, if possible. The king or commander-in-chief occupied the center and around him were ranged his attendants and advisers (01 TTIOTOI), horsemen and chario- teers. If the enemy was near, the camp was fortified with a ditch or bags of sand, sometimes also with a stockade. Around and within this were stationed the yeppovpo7rw\ai) ; (2) captains (Xo^ayoi) ; (3) first lieutenant KOCTTTJP ) ; (4) second lieutenant (e Besides there were heralds (lo/puKes), trumpeters (craXTriKTui), seers (/zaireis). The efficiency of the Spartan army was due in no small degree to the division of responsibility among carefully graded officers ; for, as Thucydides says (5.66), pretty nearly all the army, a small portion excepted, were officers over officers. SOLDIER IN X lTl *V. 59. The Phalanx was made up of Spartan citizens and Perioikoi, the latter in later times being in the majority. The Helots served as attendants or light-armed troops. 24 INTRODUCTION. 60. The Soldiers wore: (1) As the chief article of dress, a short, rather closely fitting, woolen tunic or shirt (^ITCUV), sleeved, or among the Spartans, usually sleeveless and worn under the armor ; (2) The ^Aa/uus, an oblong woolen mantle (shorter than the I/LiaTiov), in length about twice its breadth, usually thrown over the left shoulder and fastened over the right with a brooch. It was also much worn by horsemen. It v/as, of course, laid aside in battle. These two gar- ments were the uniform of a Greek soldier and were scarlet ; (3) sandals travSaXov), shoes or half- HORSEMAN IN boots (u7ro8r;/LtaTa KoTXa) ; yet Greek soldiers often went barefoot. 61. Defensive Armor. The armor of the hoplite was intended only for hand to hand encounter. The defensive armor consisted of (1) a OBLOKG SHIELD. Showing how the shield was carried. shield, of which there were two kinds : (a) large oval, oblong, shield v, o-aKos), made of four to seven plies of ox-hide, generally bound THE GREEK ART OF WAR. 25 together by a metal rim (avrvg), carried by a baldric (rcXa/tAwv) over the shoulder and by two loops on the inside through which the left forearm and hand were passed. It was about four feet long, two feet wide, and weighed twenty to thirty pounds ; (b) a small, round shield (derm's), oval, of leather or metal, wielded by two handles or loops within. The best were made at Argos. Both shields were covered with a sack, which was removed on reviews and before entering battle ; (2) coat of mail (0copa), consisting of breast, back, and shoulder pieces of leather or cloth covered with metal plates. Attached to it at the bottom were strips of leather, overlaid with metal, partly for protection, partly for ornament. It was fastened tightly around the waist by a girdle (^wo-r^p). In place of the $wpa, a coat of leather (oTroXas) is mentioned in 3.3 20 , 4. 1 18 ; (3) helmet (/cpavos), originally of leather, later usually of bronze, lined with felt or other soft material, of various patterns, the best of which had a crest (Ao0os), cheek-pieces, and visor. It weighed about three or four pounds ; (4) greaves Kv^/iiSes), extending in two pieces from or above the knee to the ankle, usually of metal, lined with felt or leather, joined by bands 62. Offensive Armor. This consisted of (1) spear (Sopu) or lance, consisting of a smooth shaft of ash or other hard wood, seven or more feet in length, with a metal point, variously shaped, six to eight inches long, and butted with a metal spike ; (2) sivord, either (a) long, straight, and two edged (t's), with blade about eighteen inches long, and carried in a scabbard (/coXec?) ; or, (b) short, slightly curved, single edged (/xa^aipa, vr;A?7), sometimes called a Lacedaemo- nian sword. 63. The Total Weight of a hoplite's armor is esti- mated by Vollbrecht at about seventy-five pounds. It was usually borne by slaves or in wagons. 64. The Pay of a hoplite varied from four obols to a drachma a day (twelve to eighteen cents); of a captain, cuyu.ai. twice, of a general, four times this amount. Out of this they were expected to furnish their own provisions. They drew pay from the time they were sworn in till the end of the expedition. Cyrus 26 INTRODUCTION. paid the Greeks a daric (exchanged for twenty drachmas = about $3.50) a month, later one and a half darics, and, what was quite unusual, promised full pay till their return to Ionia (cf. 1.3 21 , 4", 7.2 M , 3 W ). 65. Peltasts. There were three classes of troops auxiliary to the phalanx, the Peltasts, Gyranetes, and Cavalry. The peltasts (TreATaoTat), came into service during the Peloponnesian war, and ranked in efficiency next to the hoplites. They were armed with : (1) a small, light, Thracian ehield, of various shapes, consisting of a frame of wood or wicker-work covered with leather, like the Amazon shields ; (2) sword (ios) ; (3) darts (d*dvTia), hurled with the naked hand or with a thong (ayxvA?;) fastened to and wrapped round the shaft for the purpose of giving it a rotary motion ; (4) sometimes a linen corslet. OIKOVTVOV. 66. Gymnetes (yvp-vrfrai) . These were without defensive armor, and included : (1) bowmen (ro^orai), of which the Cretans were the most celebrated. The strings were made of horse-hair or ox-hide ; (2) darters (aKovTifrrai ) ; (3) slingers (tr o- 6- 5- J>-~6->B 1 2 3 4 5 6 5' 4' 3' 2' l' 81. "Words of Command. The following are some of the words of command : dyerc eis TO. OTrXa or TrapdcmjTf Trapa TO. oTrAa, " step up," "fail into line;" Trpodycre, "march;" e^eo-fle OUTWS, "halt;" ITT d(nrioa " left about " (lit. to the shield, borne on the left hand) ; eVt So'pu cTrio-Tpe'^CTe, ri<7^ (^) /AOV TO. Sopara, shoulder spears ; TrpofiaXccrOe TO. oTrAa, present arms (shield and spears) ; 6eKpa- TOVS), in four books ; a loving vindication of his great master, presenting from the philosopher's dialogues the practical side of his teachings. (2) Defence of Socrates ('ATroAoyio, SwKparovs), a tract of doubtful genuineness. (3) Economics (OIKOVO/UKOS), a dialogue after the Socratic style, on the proper management of the household and the farm, with a panegyric on farming. (4) The Banquet (Su/xTroo-iov) ; a picture of an Athenian supper-party, at which there is music, dancing, drinking, and a Socratic discussion on the superiority of heavenly love. III. Political: (1) Education of Cyrus (Kvpov IlaiScia), in eight books; this professes to be an account of the training of Cyrus the Great, and XENOPHON. 43 the early history of the Persian Empire. It is now generally regarded as a political romance, embodying Xenophon's views as drawn from the institutions of Sparta and the teachings of Socrates. (2) The Constitution of Sparta (AaxeSat/xoviW IToXiTci'a 1 ), a tract. (3) The Constitution of Athens ('A^vaiwv IIoA.iTeia), a tract. (4) Hiero ('lepojv rj TupawiKos), Tyrant of Syracuse ; a tract in which he and the poet Simonides contrast the anxieties and dangers of the tyrant with the tranquil life of the private citizen. (5) Revenues (IIopoi), a tract offering suggestions on how to increase the revenues of Athens. IV. Miscellaneous: (1) On Hunting (Kwiyy en/cos), and the rearing and training of dogs. (2) On Horsemanship (Ilcpi 'ITTTTIK^S), a tract on how to choose, groom, and train a horse. (3) The Hipparch ('linrapxiKos), a tract on the duties of a cavalry officer. 121. Style. Xenophon was not a writer of extraordi- nary originality. He had little imagination, and his diction is seldom elevated. He had no great command of language, nor is his vocabulary the purest Attic. He sometimes employs Doric and Ionic forms, a fact, however, not to be wondered at in view of his long residence among non-Attic Greeks. Po J etic words, too, are not infre- quent, and, it must be admitted, occur often in the least adorned sentences. He makes little use of rhetorical devices, such as metaphors, similes, and the like, though he is fond of that species of false syntax, quite unpardon- able in the compositions of school children, but which, when found in * Of doubtful genuineness. XENOPHON. (From Raphael's " School of Philosophy at Athens." Vatican. ) 44 INTRODUCTION. classic authors, is dignified under the term " figure of syntax/' and called anacoluthon (H. 1 063). Further, there are unmistakable proofs in some of his writings that his judgment is at times strongly biased. 122. Popularity. Despite all this, Xeuophon was one of the most popular writers of antiquity. Though not profound he has " a practical inventiveness," as has been said, a thoughtfulness in the selection of his material, and taste in presenting it, that make his works exceedingly valuable and interesting. Though not so dispassionate as Thucydides, (how could he be ?) he was yet a man of sound practical judgment, of fine culture and versatile mind. And it is quite true, as Freeman has remarked, that the profusion of small dialogue and petty personal anec- dote in Xenophon, often gives us a more vivid picture of men and things than the sober pages of Thucydides. Few so well as he have struck the golden mean between the language of daily life and the severer style of the schools. Such is his unaffected ease, purity, and sweetness, such his graceful and lucid simplicity (as Macaulay says), such his transparent candor, that " some goddess of persuasion," remarks Quintilian, "sat upon his lips." Among the Greeks of to-day, Xenophon's is esteemed the perfection of style, and is cultivated in all the schools. O SJ *col 'ATTIK)) /j.ovcra y\vKVTi)Ti TTJJ fp/HTjvelas. DlOQENES IiAERTIUS. 123. Character. A striking trait of Xenophon's character was his religiousness. As his parents were wont to sacrifice to Zeus (7.8 4 ), we infer that he was piously reared, and he seems to have retained un- questioned all through the ups and downs of life the simple faith of i his fathers. He believes not only in sacrifices, but also in signs (3.2 9 ) and dreams (3.1 U , 4.3 8 ) and is fully persuaded that in doing the will of the gods there is great reward. His child-like trust may not always strike us favorably, but it certainly makes him more interesting and a truer representative of his age. The sage and heroic Xenophon. GIBBON. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY. EDITIONS OF THE ANABASIS. MORUS. Leipsig, 1775. HUTCHINSON. Glasgow, 1817. SCHNEIDER. Oxford, 1821. TOWNSEND. London, 1823. BORNEMANN. Leipsig, 1825. DINDORF. Leipsig, 1825. KROGER (Lat. notes). Halle, 1826. POPPO. Leipsig, 1827. BALFOOR. London, 1834. LONG. London, 1837. HICKIE (Bks. I., II.). London, 1839. GRAFF. Leipsig, 1842. KRUGER (Ger. notes). Berlin, 1845. KUHNER. Leipsig, 1852. HERTLEIN. Leipsig, 1854. MATTHIA. Quedlinburg, 1859. DUBNER. Paris, 1854. SAUPPE. Leipsig, 1865. BREITENBACH (Ger. notes). Halle, 1865. BREITENBACH (Lat. notes). Halle, 1867. SCHENKL. Berlin, 1869. MACMICHAEL. London, 1878. JERRAM (Bk. II.). Oxford, 1878. HUG. Leipsig, 1878. TAYLOR (Bks. I., II.). London, 1879. PRETOR (2 vols.). Cambridge, 1881. TAYLOR (Bks. III., IV.). London, 1882. WALPOLE (Bk. I.). London, 1882. WHITE (Bks. edited separately). Lon- don, 1880-7. MARSHALL (Bk. I.). Oxford, 1885. COBET. Leydeu, 1886. MARSHALL (Bk. II.). Oxford, 1888. WELLS (Bk. I. Chaps. 1-8). London, 1888. BACHOF. Osnabriick, 1889. American Editions. 1 OWEN. New York, 1843. ANTHON. New York, 1847. BOISE. New York, 1856. KENDRICK. New York, 1873. CROSBY. New York, 1874. GOODWIN and WHITE. Boston, 1877. KELSEY and ZENOS. Boston, 1889. DICTIONARIES TO THE ANABASIS. SUHLE : Vollslandiges Schutworterbuch, Breslau, 1876. STRACK : Vollstdndiyes Worterbuch, Leipsig, 1886. VOLLBRECHT: Worterbuch fur den Schulgebrauch, Leipsig, 1888. MARSHALL: Vocabulary to the Anabasis, Oxford, 1888. 1 All the American editions except the first two contain lexicon* 46 INTRODUCTION. WORKS OP REFERENCE. On Xenophon. DAKYNS : Works of Xenophon, Vol. I. Introduction, the most complete and scholarly biography of Xenophon in the English Language. SMITH : " Xenophon " in Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography. MURE : Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece, Vol. V. MULLER: History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, Vol. II. GRANT: "Xenophon" in Ancient Classics for English Readers. MAHAFFT : History of Classical Greek Literature, Vol. II. MAHAFFY : Problems in Greek History, Chap. V. MORRIS : On the Age of Xenophon at the time of the Anabasis. Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol. V. 1882. On the Anabasis and Contemporary History. GROTE : History of Greece, Vol. IX. Chaps. LXIX-LXXL THIRLWALL : History of Greece, Chap. XXXIII. CURTIUS : History of Greece, Bk. V. Chap. III., brief, but well worth reading. DURUY : History of Greece, Chap. XXVIII. RAWLINSON : " The Fifth Monarchy," in Seven Great Monarchies. The standard history of Persia in English. PLUTARCH : " Life of Artaxerxes," found in all the editions of Plutarch's Lives. An important side light on the Anabasis. AINSWORTH : Travels in the Track of the Ten Thousand, 1844. " Geographical Commentary on the Anabasis, bound with the Anabasis, Bohn's Classical Library. KOCH : Der Zug der Zehntausend nach Xenophons Anabasis, 1850. HERTZBERG : Der Feldung der Zehntausend Griechen. HOLLANDER : Historisch-kritische Beitrdge zur Erkldrung von Xenophons Anabasis, 1893. On the Greek Art of War. SMITH : " Exercitus " and other articles in Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui- ties. 1890. VOLLBRECHT : Heerwesen der So'ldner bei Xenophon. Introduction (49 pp.) to the Anabasis. RHEDANTZ: Introduction (Einleitung, 36 pp.) to the Anabasis. RUSTOW and KOCHLY : Geschichte des Griechischen Kriegswesens, 1852. " Griechische Kriegsschriftstelfer, 1853. BI.UMNER : Leben und Sitten der Griechen, 1887. GOHL and KONER : The Life of the Greeks and Romans. RICH : Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquitie$. ITINERARY. (Based on Kiihner.) ANABASIS. (BooK I.) Parasangs. Days' March. SB I B. c. 401. (Approximate Dates. Reference to Xenophon. From Sardis to the Maeander . To Colossae 22 8 20 10 12 30 10 10 20 30 25 25 10 5 15 5 5 20 30 15 50 35 90 15 3 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 5 4 4 2 1 2 1 1 4 5 3 9 5 13 4 7 30 3 5 3 3 3 1 20 3 7 5 3 3 1 ~97~ Mar. 9. " 10-17. " 20-Apr. 19. Apr. 21-24. " 24-26. " 29-May 4. May 6. 8-11. " 14-17. " 22. " 26-29. " 30. June 3. " 23. " 25. " 26. " 28-Jnly 1. Julv 2. 3-10. " 14. " 19. " 22-27. Aug. 5-8. " 13-16. " 29. Sept. 2. " 3. i. 2. 5. i. 2. 6. i. 2. 7. i. 2. 10. i. 2. 10. i. 2. 11. i. 2. 13. i. 2. 14. i. 2. 19. i. 2. 19. i. 2. 20. i. 2. 21. i. 2. 23. i. 3. 1. i. 4. 1. ib. ib. i. 4. 4. i. 4. 6.' i. 4. 9. i. 4. 10. i. 4. 11. i. 4. 19. i. 5. 1, 4. i. 5. 5. i. 7. 1, 14. i. 8. 0. To Celaenae To Peltae To Ceramon Agora . . ... To the Plain of Cayster . . . To Thymbrium To Tvriaeum To Icoiiium Through Lvcaonia To Thoana In the Plain .... Through the Cilician Pass to Tarsus Stay at Tarsus From Tarsus to R. Psarus . . To Pvramus To Issus To the Gates of Syria .... To Myriandrus . . . To the river Chalus .... To the river Dardas .... To Thapsacus To the river Araxes .... To Corsote To Pylae Through Babylonia .... Day of the battle at Cunaxa . Sum 517 84 KATABA2I2. (BOOKS II.-V. 5. 3.) Day after the battle of Cunaxa Junction with Ariaeus . . . To the Wall of Media . . . To Sitace * 8 20 2 3 2 4 23 8 Sept. 4. 6-29. \ Oct. 2. 4. 8. ii. 2. 2, sqq. ii. 2. 8.13,16; ii. 4. 1. ii. 4. 12. ii. 4. 13. ii. 4. 25. To the river Physcus .... * It will be observed that in some instances the parasaugs and the days' halt are not given ; also that in a few cases the length of the marches (in days) can only be inferred from the context 48 INTRODUCTION. KATABA2I2. Continued, d c "1 S Ad j *IC I B C. 401-400. (Approximate Dates./ Reference to Xenophon. Through Media 30 6 Oct. 14. ii. 4. 27. To Caenae and . . ) j To the river Zapatas J ' ' ' I To some villages not named To Larissa 4 16 516 1 4 3 1 " 15. " 19-22. " 23, 24. " 25. ii. 4. 28. ii. 5. 1. Hi. 3. 11; 4.1. iii 4. 7. To Mespila 6 " 26. iii. 4. 10. To some villages not named Through the Plain 4 1 " 27, 28. " 29. iii. 4. 13, 18. iii. 4. 18. To a palace and ) ( 5 Nov. 3-6. iii.4.18,24,31. Certain villages ) ' ' ' \ Into the Plain 1 3 3 " 7. " 10. iii. iii. 4. 37. March back 1 " I 1 iii. 5. 13. Through the Carduchi . . . At the river Ceutrites .... To the sources of the Tigris . To the river Tele boas .... Through the Plain 15 15 15 7 3 3 3 1 ?' " 18. " 19. " 22. " 25. " 28-30. iv. 3. 2. iv. 3. 1. iv. 4. 1-3. iv. 4. 3. iv. 4. 7. To the Euphrates 15' 4 Dec. 4. iv. 5. 1-2. To the Armenian villages . . When the guide escaped . . . Advance beyond the Phasis . . To the mountains of the Taochi Crossing the mountains . . . Through the Taochi .... Through the Chalybes . . . Through the Scythini .... To Gymnias 101 35 10 30 50 20 90 4 3 7 2 1 5 7 4 4 7 1 3 8-15. " 18. " 25. " 27, 28. " 29. Jan. 3. B.C. 400. " 10. " 15-18. " 22. iv. 5. 3, 7; 6.1. iv. 6. 2. iv. 6. 4. iv. 6. 5, 8. 22. iv. 6. 23-27. iv. 7. 1. iv. 7. 15. iv. 7. 18. iv. 7. 19. To Mount Theches .... Through the Macrones . . . Through the Colchians . . . Battle with the Colchians . . I )elay on account of the honey . T<> Trebisond 10 7 5 3 3 ? 1 4* 30 " 27. " 30. Feb. 2. 3 6. " 8-Mar. 10. iv. 7. 20,21. iv. 8. 1-8. iv. 8. 8. iv. 8. 9-19. iv. 8. 21. iv. 8. 22. To Cerasus 3 10 Mar. 13-23. v. 3. 2, 3. To the borders of the Mossynoeci Th-ongh the Mossynoeci. . . Through the Chalybes . . . To Cotyora 1 8 1 2 48 " 24. Apr. 1. " 3-May 10. v. 4. 1,2. v. 5. 1 . v. 5. 1. v. 5. 3, 5. Sinn 122 Kiihner ends the Itinerary with the arrival of the Greeks at Cotyora, where perhaps the Retreat may be said to terminate. Compare v. 5. 4. The subsequent movements of the Greeks are shown in the following tabular view. ANOROS -Ephesus "o -^r&<^/ > '&_ i .',i V I S I I. A^o,' c V 1' ' SATRAPS AND THEIR PROVINCES. CYRUS ......... Lydia Phrygiaand Cappadocia. TISSAIMIKKSES ...... Ionia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia PlIAKNABAZUS, ..... Bithynia and Lesser Phryjjia. SvKXNKsis,("Ki>rii") . . Cilicia. ABROCOMAS, ...... Phoenicia. l;i i i sys ........ Syria and Assyria. HKKNKS, ....... Arabia. lllIOPAUAS, ...... Babylonia. OKIIM-AS, TlRlIIAZUS Arim-iiia. Western Ar MAP SHOWING THE ROUTE OF XE 50 100 I Route oftlte Ten Thousand ITINERARY. TABULAR VIEW. Movements of tlie Greeks after leaving Cotyora. (Books v. 5. 4. vii.) A z. , ?1 I s ^ a ! B.C. 400 (Approx. Dates.) Reference to X I'll Dp 111 111. Cotyora Sinope, Heraclea, PortofCalpe. Chrysopolis, Byzantium. Perinthus, Selybria. Lampsacus, Perganius. Xenophon tliinks of forming a settlement here 2 2 5? 6 45 5 5? 2 7 July 1. Aug. 7. Mid- winter, vii. 6. 24. Dec. 5. B.C. 399. Mar. 5. v. 5. 3. v. 7.1- T. 7. 35. V. 8. 1-26. vi. 1. 1. vi. 1.14. vi. 1.15-17. vi. 1. 16. vi. 1.18-19. vi. 2. 1. vi.2. 16. vi.3. lS- vi.4. 11. vi.4. 24. vi. 5. 7-32. vi. 6. 38. vii. 1.1. vii. 1.7. vii. 1.16. vii. 2. 6. vii. 2. 11. vii. 2. 23. vii. 3. 14. vii. 3.34- ( vii. 5. 15. ) vii. 6.1. vii. 8.1. vii. 8. 7. vii. 8. 12. vii. 8. 22. vii. 8. 24. Is impeached, and defends himself . . The armv purified Trial of the generals Truce made with Corylas of Paphlagonia Embarkation of the army Arrival at Chirisophus returns Xenophon offered the sole command, but declines it in favor of Chirisophus . . Vovage to The army separates into three divisions . Arcadian division in danger; relieved by Xenophon Chirisophus dies of fever Pharnabazus cuts off five hundred of the Greeks, through the rashness of Neon. Pharnabazus and his party defeated . . Cleander, harmost of Byzantium, comes to the Greeks The Greeks proceed to Anaxibius, the Spartan admiral, lures the Greeks out of Asia by promising them employment and pay .... They accordingly cross oA'er to Byzantium They find themselves deceived, and tin-eaten to pillage Byzantium . . . Four hundred of the Greeks sold as slaves by Aristarchus the successor of Cleauder Arrival at ... . . Xenophon confers with Seuthes . . . The Greeks enter the service of Seuthes, (in which thev remain two months, vii. 6. 1 ) ..." Acts of Seuthes and the Greeks in Thrace, (pav withheld, vii. 5. 2 & 9 ; paid. vii. 7. 55) . Thibron the Spartan invites them to join him in the war in Asia Arrival at March through Troas to Pergamus . . Attack upon Asidates Great spoil taken The Greeks join Thibron 11. & W. AHAB. INDUCTIVE EXERCISES. IN the following exercises, each of the first three chapters of the firs* book is made the basis of a general inductive study, in which such sen- tences and parts of sentences are drawn from the text as exemplify the more important facts of grammar. In like manner several studies on special topics are presented, based on materials drawn from the remain- ing chapters of the book. These studies are purposely left incomplete, so that while they may serve well enough as specimens of inductive study, they can also be used as practical exercises for review. The student should be required to translate the exercises and state definitely, orally or in writing, the grammatical facts or principles exemplified. Following these studies is a list of themes for investigation. CHAPTER J. 1. Predicate Noun. KXeap^o? s /i.aA.icrra, G ; on a.ira.pa.a'Ktvora.rov, 6 ; on TrXet'- CTTOVS, 6, 9. 6. The Article. a. TfXfvrrjv, -n-f.ol.ov. See context and 661. 958. 6. /SacrtA/tos, /foo-tAct, o ; /iWiAews, 6 ; j3ao-i.\ea, 7 et al. 660, e. 957. c. TOV ftiov, 1 ; TOV d8eAs Se, 7. Note six important facts concerning the article here exemplified : a. It is sometimes omitted where in English it is expressed. 6. It may be omitted with /SacriXeu's referring to the king of Persia. c. It may be used as a possessive. d. It may be used with proper names. e. With 8' introducing a sentence it means he, she, they. /. With fj.ev, Sc, it means the one, the other, some, others. 7. Adverbs and Phrases used how ? a. rfav Trap' eavrw /3ap(3dpwv, 5. rrjv Trpos lavrov f.-mftov\rfv t 8. b. TWV OIKOI ayTiaTCuria/rwv. 8. Position of Pronouns. a. TW TratSe a/x,, 1. 6. rots 6fj.vov iXd.v9a.vfv avrw TO crrpaTev/xa, 9. c. Tto-o-a^e'pvct cvo/.ue TroXc/xowTa aurdv, 8. cTroXe/xet TOIS 0pa|i', 9. ci/os a>v 10. turn? 7rpd<^ao-ts ^v aurw, 7. < (3ao~L\el } 8 ( = Lat. oof regent). e. wore avr<3 tivat, 5. y. 7ri^3owXet'ovTO Tto"O"a0pvoi>s Tai? 7rdXeo"t, 6. ^ fiT^rrjp o~w7rpaTTfv avrw, 8. TOVTW o~uyy J/( '/ / - ej/os J 9. 13, Prepositions. They are found thirty-five times in this chapter. Note especially. a. CTTI r<3 d<$eXu>, 4. 6. cot KOTO y^v xaj 52 INTRODUCTION. Kara OdXXarrav, 7. c. Karc'o-n/ eis TTJV /3acriAeiav, 3 ; and OOTIS a^iKvolro TWV Trapa /3ao-iXca>s, 5. Constructio Praegnans, 788. 1225. d. cis TT)V rpo^ryv TWV frTpaTturnov, 9 : and fJLUrOoV CIS SlO-}(lAlOUS eVoUS, 10. 14. Middle Voice, a. aOpoi^ovrai, 2. 6. t^an~rj(rap.ivri, 3. aTre- Trtp.TTf.To, 5. c. cTriKpuTrntyicvosj 6. OTJve/JaXXoi'To, 9. o~vp,/3ovXev ^ ( enc O> with Xdftot, 6, and ovpfiovXtvcrrrrai, 10 (end). 851. 1272. This dis- tinction is of great importance. 6. eVdft,ic aurof 6Wai/av, 8. 852. 1280. 17. Modes, a. TU>V /?ap/3apwi/ eTre/xcXctro ws cuvoiKtos t^oitv aura), 5. 6. TT/I' 8vvap.iv rjOpoi^tv OTTOJS dTrapao-KCDOTaToi/ Xapoi, 6. C. (3ov\tvtTai OTTCDS p.r)TTuTt la-rat tTrt TW d3cX^>u), 4. 18. Conditional Clause, rjv ovvrfrat ySao-tXcvo-ct, 4. 19. Relative Clauses. 1. Definite Antecedent. 909. 1427. a. diro -njs dp^j/s 175 avrov a-aTpaTTTfjV eVotiyo-c, 2. 6. TrarTwv oVoi cts TreSiov a6poi- ^ovrat, 2. Note that oo-ot (as well as ot) may be used after TroWes. C. OTrdo-as ti\ e ^>vXacas, 6. d. /cat CK TOJ/ TrdXeojv ail' tTvy)(avfv c^wv, 8 (end). 2. Indefinite Antecedent. a. oo-rt? ds CTTI- /JouXeuoi avT(3, 3. 22. Infinitive. (1) 7?z Indirect Discourse. a. Turo-atptpvfi ivop.\t avrov Bairavav, 8. INDUCTIVE EXERCISES. 53 (2) Not in Indirect Discourse, a. e/JouAero TO> ircuSe irapfivat, 11. 6. irapriyyuXt rots (^povpap^ot? \afj./3dveiv dv8pas TroXc/zeiv l/cavoi euycrav, 5. f, Trarras ovrw StaTt$is wore aur<3 <^)tXous etvat, 5. ^r. Trpo^acrts TOU aOpoi&iv orpaTeu/xa, 7 (end). 23. Participle. a. rbv (3acri\vovTa. 'ApTaepr)v, 4 ; TOV? ^acr/ious, 8; Karayetv TOUS eKTrtTrrwKOTas, 7. 6. Kupa) <^iA.ovcra avrdv, 4. Ticro-a^epv^ Trpoawr^o/tevos fiovXevo- fitvovs ravra, 7. C. aveftr) l^cuv ap^ovra avraiv Eeviav, 2 (end). pvou5 rats TroXeo't, 6 j u>9 OVTWS Trepiyevo/xevos &v TOJV dvrtOTao-iwTwv, 10; a>s /3ouXd/AO/os povpdp\rn<;, 6. 25. Negatives, p.^ (in /AT/TTOTE), see 17, c; and 19, 2, b. 26. Asyndeton. Read this chapter again, observing carefully whether every sentence is conjoined with the one preceding by some connective. Note (1) the connective ; (2) its position ; (3) its omission. Probably no language equal? the Greek in the accuracy and delicacy with which it expresses continuity of thought. 27. Order of Words. Study the order of words in the chapter, and establish some facts relative to the position of : (1) subject ; (2) verb ; (3) object. 28. Translating the words (except post-positives) in their original order, note how many of the sentences yield intelligible English. 54 INTRODUCTION. n. * CHAPTER IL 1. Subject. eo-oATriy^e, 17. 2. Verb with two or more Subjects, et^e S TO ttev 8eiov MeVa>v Kat ot n>v avT<3, 15. 3. Predicate Noun. TOVTOV TO evpos Suo irXiOpa, 5 ; Ta Se a$Aa ^( orAeyyt'Ses xpuo-at, 10. 4. Attributive, d0potei TO re /3ap/?apt/c6v KaAayyo5 /u,c;s, 17; Sta p.0~ov T^? TroAcws pei 6 Trora/xos, 23. 7. Pronoun of Third Person. Aeyerai 'ATrdAAwv tKSeipat Mapo-uav ep ([ovTa ot, 8 Compare I. 9< 8. Accusative, a. pet TroTa/Aos KvSvos ovo/xa, ttipos Svo irXiOptav, 23. 6. T^V Kt'Aio-o"av a7ro7re)u,7ret T^V Ta^io-rrjv boov, 20. c. e- eAawet o-Ta^/xou9 Tpets, 5 ; eeAawe/. cna6[wv eva, 6 ; l/x,etvev 9. Object and Predicate Accusative in the Passive Construction. 6 KaAetTai Mapo-va9, 8 J 8wpa a voyu,t^Tttt Ti'/xta, 27. 10. Genitive, a. iroTa/xos eJpos Svo TrAe^pwv, 23. 6. eori 8e *cal Aou /SacrtAe'ojs /Jao-t'Aeta, 8. c. TO eupo? eo-Ttv etKoo-t KCU TTC'I/TC oil', 8. vyov t 18. 13. Conditional Sentences, a. ty 6805 ap.rj^avo<; etcreX#etv a TIS e/caiXuev, 21. 6. Kvpos t8a)/< e/cetVa) ra avSpavroSa, TJV TTOV evriry^avaxriv, aTroXa/A^aveu/, 27. 14. Indirect Discourse, a. TOVS <^Trya8tt? exeXeucre o-uv avrw orpaTi;ecr$ai aurois, ei KoXais KaraTrpa^eiev e^>' a eo-TpareucTO, /x,^ iravve(ns CTTC? -f/a-OfTO ravra, 21. Write this sentence after jyxei ayyeXos and note changes. c. See examples under 16 c. 15. Caused Clause. XeAonre Suei'veo'is OTI ^/couc ravro, 21. 925 1505. 16. Infinitive, a. Hevt'a TJKCIV TrapayyeXXei \a.(36vra. (or Xa^Sovri) TOU? aXXou?, 1. i. Xeycrai 'ATroXXwv eKScipai Maptrvav, 8; Xeyerai oiKoSo/x^o-ai raura, 9 ; eXeycro Kvpa> Sowai ^p^/xara, 12 J Xeyc- TCU MiSa? TOV Sarvpov Orjpevo-ai, 13. Are these infinitives (under &) in indirect discourse ? c. fi'ora i^y^o-aTO etvai 7~^v Trapao-KevT/v, 4 ; ot ftev ^>acrav Svo Xd^ovs xaraKOTT^vai, 25 d. T<3 KXeap^a) T^/cctv TrapayyeXXei, 1 ; exeXevcrc rot's "EXX^vas or^vat, 15; a*Ttao-a/Avo5 (avrov?) lirifiovXcvcw aurw, 20. c. eSoKct aurw TTopn'co-^ai avw, 1. Is the infinitive here in indirect discourse? &46, a ; 949. 1519, 1523, 1 (end). /. TTJV \wpav 7rerpci/'e SiapTrao-ai, 19. 17. Participle, a. Trap^v e^wv oTrXtras, 3. b. TVJV TroXiv SirfpTratrav 26. c. OOTTOV TrpotdvTwv Spd/tos eyevero TOIS 56 INTRODUCTION. orpaTioorais, 17. d. rrp ^w/jav Sir/pTrcurav u>s 7roXe/u'eu> owav, 19. . eXTri'Sus Xe'yun' So/ye, 11 ; 817X0? ty d 1/05, 11; T/O-^T; rov TWV j3a.p(3dp6(3ov iScov, 1 8 j tj/coue Ta/xu>j/ e^ovra, 21. 18. TVie Relative, o et^e arpa.rf.vp.aj 1 ; oVo^ jyV aura) OTpdYeiyia, 1. 19. Negatives. inrfar^fTo /AT) Travcrecr^at, 2; ou*c ^v Trpos TOU KOpou rpOTTOu l^ovra /XT) aTroSiSdvat, 11. 20. Meanings of : KAeap^o?, Ilpo^ei/os, SwKpaTT;?, Eei/t'as, MtVcDi/, Swo-ts 1 Greek proper names furnish an interesting theme for study. They present, in many instances, the ideas that were uppermost in the minds of the Greeks. See sub dyopa, eupus, tTTTro?; KaAos, fcparos, av6iK\i)<;, L\oiAi'as TT;? x^P as 1^ 2. Apposition. "AvSpcs o-TpariaJTai, 10. 3. Article, rpi'a T;/xt8apKa TOU /IT/I/OS TW (TTpaTiurrr), 21. 4. Accusative, a. oTpaTrryr/o-oKra ratrrTrv TT/V oTpa.TT/ytai>, 15. 6. p.t Kpov ee'a.ipti(r6ai. TO *E\Xr;yas TTJ/V yr^i', 4 ; Kvpoi/ atrciv TrXota, 14; rjje/j.6va Kupov, 14 ; epwrav eVetvov TI /SovAerat T)/XIV xprjo-Oat., 18. 5. Genitive, a. rtav aXXwi/ TOV /SouXd/xcvov, 9 ; /i^SeU V/AOJI/ XcyeVw, 15 ; <5s TI? Kai aXXos avOpMTTon', 15. 6. ou^ aipa. d/AcXerv rjfjtwv aurwv, 11. c. 6 dvr;p TroXXou aios, 12 ; V/AWI/ Se tprjuos wv, 6. d. /AT) KO.KLOVS rwv Xvp.a.Lv6p.i6a., 16. e. C/AOI eVos Kvpos eyevero, 3 j avdyKrj 877 p.ot, 5 ; oure CKCIVOS eri Ty/xiv fj.Lcr0oooTr)<; } 9 j 8o/cet ou^ wpa etvai ^//.rv Ka^evSeiv, llj rots 8e (cf. 6 8e) viroif/ta. r)v^ 21. f. lfj.ol TOVTO ov TroirjTfov, 15. g. oj3oifj.r)v av TUJ rjyefJLOvi eTrecr^at, 17 j ou aweTro/Lte^a aura), 9^ trvvoiSa efiavrw, 10. A. TTfV StKT^i/ l<^; ^pg^etv eVt^etvai auTW, 20. t. 7ret'cro/i.at g Swarof /iaAto-ra, 15. _;'. T^ Kupou ^>tAt'a xpfjo-Qai, 5 ; TI ySouXcrai ^/itv xpfjaOai, 18. Note use of rt. W? tao-tv, 3 ; Kvpos Se TOT/rots 8. 7. Imperfect Tense. TOUS crTparioSra? /3iaero teVai, 1. See context. 8. Optative. OKVOLJ]V av eis ra TrXoia e/x^SatVciv, 17 ; <}>o(3oifj.r)v av ITTC- \oir]v aurov, 4 J els 8^ ctTre atreiv TrXoia d)9 aTTOTrXeotev, 14. 6. T<3 dvSpt 7TL rairra ?^ye//.ova atrerv, 14. C. ei rw rj-yeuovi iricrrevcro/xev rt KwXu'ei TO. aKpa TrpoKaraXaptLV, 16. 11. Relative Clanses. (1) Definite Antecedent. eVci eyvw on ov SUVT/O-CTOI /3iao-ao-0ai crvvrf- yaycv (KK\r)a-iav, 2 ; eTretS^ Kvpos eVdXtt eTropeuo'/XT/v, 4 J <5pa Xe'yeiv o TI Tts yiyvtia/cei, 12. 68 INTRODUCTION. (2) Indefinite Antecedent, a. 2/3aXXov TO. V7roiryio &rei aplaivri Trpotevac, 1. 6. o TI av 807 n-cto'Ofj.ai, 5 J oT/x.ai cTvai av n/xios OTTOU av w 6 ; flfj.L OTTT) av Kai v/iets (IT/TC), 6 ; a|ios $1X05 s fj.evofj.tv o-Keirreov OTTWS aox^aAe'crraTa fj.fvovfj.cv. Cf. 5 evrjOes eirj etc., 16 ; a.TTKpiva.TO on d/covot *A/3poxo/xav CTTI T<3 Ei'^par^ Trora/ial etvai, 20 ; on eirt /SacriAe'a ayoi ^KOVO-CV ovSei's, 20. 6. Trpos TOUTOV ^>r/ /3ov\cr6ai. tXOelv, 20 ; SI'KT^V <^; XPS^ tl/ fc"flKl aura), 20. C. TOIS 8c inro^ia. rjv (== VTTWTTTCVOV) on ayot Trpos ySacrtAea, 20. c?. uTTia^verTat rjfj.L6X.iov Tra.cn SoWeiv, 20. 14. Which of the following infinitives are in direct, which in indirect discourse ? a. ou f3ov\eo-0e o-v/iTropeveo-tfai, 5. 6. avdyKrj fioi fj-eO* vfj.wv flvai, 5. c. vo/j.ii'Aov w0cX^o-ai, 6. I. TreyLtTrajv 8e ayyeXov e\ye : Oapptiv, 8. TO. fjLTa.7refj.Trfcrdai 8' cKe'A.eucv avrov, 8. w. ets 8e C'TTC ! o-rparT/yoi;? eXeV^at, o-va-KfvdZecrOai, rjyffj.6va atrc"v, 14. o. apx^crOai e7ri'o-Ta/u.at, 15. />. evrjOfs (eo-nv) rjyffj.6va atTflv, 16. g. eyw yap OKvofrjv av fpflaivfiv, 17. r. avSpeq eTrtTTjSciot cpwrav tKfivov, 18. S. n' KtoXuet ra aKpa KtXeuciv KJ5poi' Trpo/caTa- Xa/Bflif, 16. <. 8oKt 8e /u.oi eTreo-^ai at fjfJ-a^, 18. 15. Infinitive with av. OVK av ixaros olfiai eivat i\.ov w^cX^o-at, 6. 1 6. Participle. dvio-ravTO 01 /u-ev Xe'^ovre? a eyiyvoxr/cov, 13; Trc'/xi/'at (avSpas) 7rpnKaTa\yj^/o/j.fi'ov<; TO. aKpa, 14; fi/Atov 8e pr)/j.o, when it signifies command, aiid So/tcZ, i/ seems 9000", may take the pres. or aor. inf., o< in indirect discourse. J/. ao* '/', 99 , see also 684. INDUCTIVE EXERCISES. 59 TOV KA captor, 8 ; /JovAoi/xiiv S* av OKOVTOS Kvpov XaOflv avTOv d.Tre\6(i)v, 17 ; OTTWS /XT) 6do-' avrdv, 8 21 ; roil' a/xv i<^> T//XWV, 9 12 ; ot (rvv avTi )8ao-tXea, 10*; TOUS ca^' aurou?, 10 4 ; TOVS (rvv avral, 10 8 ; ot d/x^>t fiacriXta, 10 12 ; TOL VTrep TOU Ao'C TOV aVTtOV, S 28 ', TO 'EAAT/VtKOV, 8 J Ta aAAa = TaAAa, S 29 ; TOVS Kaxovpyovs, 9 18 ; TOVS d^a^ovs, 9 M : I 8 indicates ch. i. 5. 60 INTRODUCTION. TOVS KOXOUS, 9 16 ; IK TOV aSiKov, 9 18 ', IK TOV 8iKaiov, 9 W ; eirl r$ fVWVVp.W, 9 J TOV iTTTTLKOV, 9 . d. cis TO tStov, 3 8 ; eis TO Se'ov, 3 8 ; TO fieyurrov, 3 10 ; TO dp^atov, I 6 ; TTJV v, 3 14 J TO , 3 1 ; eis TO irpoaOev, 1 6 ; TO fcruOev, 4 4 ; TO Trpoo-^ev, 1 10 ; TO e^o), 4 4 ; TO l)u,7raAii/ (rou/ATraXiv), 4 15 ; TOIS oucoi, 7 4 . /". TOU dOpoi&iv, l r J TOU Siaflaiveiv, 4 16 ; TO KaTa TOVTOV ctvai, 6 W ; TW SiO"7rao"^at, 5* ; TO viKav, 9 24 ; TO 7repieii/ai, 9 24 ; TW irpo9vp.Ci(r6ai ) 9 s24 ; Sta, TO e^eii/, 9 s7 ; TOU /cuetv, 6 2 ; TOU fj,dxccr6ai, 7 19 . g. TO WirO\l7TO/iVOV, 8 18 ^ TO 7TOtOUjU,VOV, 10 12 ^ TCUl/ aTTOKpUTTTO/XeVCOV, 9 19 . V. 1. Position of the Pronouns. TOIS povpdp\oi 3 1 ; TO VTro^yta Ta exeiVov, 3 1 ; TO c/ceu/wv TrXotoi/, 4 8 (but CKCIVO TO irXoiov) J TO avToO o-TpaTeu/xa, 4 18 J TOUTOJ TO> TOTTW, 5 1 ; Ta /cpe'a auraJv, 5 8 ' TO avTov ira^osj 5 14 ; rrjSe r^ r}/xpa, 5 18 ; eis T^V eavroi (TKrjvTqv, 6 4 ; 6 c/nos TraTryp, G 6 (or 6 TraTT/p /xou) ; TOU t/toi) a 6 8 (or TOV a8eAt\oviXo/jia$rraTov etvai xal /AtXcT^po 1 TaTor, 9 6 . (1) Adjectives meaning - take the genitive. (2) Do they correspond in meaning to verbs that take the genitive? INDUCTIVE EXERCISES. 61 VIL Construction with Adverbs, eicrw TWV opeW, 2 21 ; \ddpa TWV orpaTiwroiv, 3 9 ] Troppa) auTOV, 3 12 ; eio-a> Kai lco TWI/ TnAuJp, 4 4 , dvarrepa) rail/ fj.a.(TTtav, 4 17 ; irepav TOV Eupo<; Sta TOU TreSt'ov, 7 16 1 Sia TOJI/ Ta^eojv, 8 16 ; Sia TOU ^cipa*cos, 8 s8 ; Sta ro aurwv orpa' TOTreSou, 10*. (2) With accusative. Sia TOUTO 6 Trora/xos KaXeirai Mapcri;a9, 2 8 ; Sid TOV oA.e#pov TWV crv(TTpaTL(aT(i)V 6pyi^o/Ai/oi, 2 26 ; Sia KaJ5/xa ou Sw TOI oixeiv avOpwTTOL, 7 6 } fTCTifArjro inro Kvpov Siu TTLCTTOTrjra, S 29 . Meanings of Sid : 1. With genitive - 2. With accusative - . IS : )(p^fjt,ara ^v TOJV o-TpaTitoroiv, I 9 ; (Ls vo/iofi (^v) aurois eis /td^v OUTCD ra^^vai, 2 16 ; eSaxce \prjp,a.ra. TroAAa. eij TTJV crTpaTidv, 2 27 ; ai Kwfj.at IIapv(TdTi8oi; ci? tfavrfv SeSo/xeVai, 4 j ai eis Ao^ayias, 4 18 ; Kvpos 15 TTJV p-a-^v Ka^iVraTo, 8* ; ws eis K^KAwcrii/, 8 28 ; sis TO SKOKCII/ 6p/x^cravTes, S 25 ; TO>T eis TOI/ TroAe/xov epywv, 9 8 ; 19 T^V eTTiovo-av ew ^ftiv /^acriAea, 7*. 1. Usual meaning - . 2. Less common meanings - . Aru With genitive : Traprjv XeipiVo^o? CTT! TWV vewv, 4 8 ; eVi rovrtov ivov, 5 10 ; ' ov 62 INTRODUCTION. With dative : TrdAiv otKovfj.tvrji' eVt 777 6a.\a.TTT), 4 8 ; rl rots Tet a. ewmay/.u) TO^evOfjvai TIS cAeym>, 8 20 ; 01 apt- CKCIVTO TT' aura), S 37 j oi 7racSes CTTI rats ^SacTtAtws TTu'Aats irat- 9 s . With accusative : cAavvet CTTI TOV XaAov Trora/xdv, 4* ; eVt ras a?, 4 J em TOV Ev^paTT^v Trora/Aov, 4 j CTTI p-a^v lovrtav, 4 j 7ri yScwriAe'a, 4 14 ; d^>icvoivTai eVi TOV Mao-xav 7roTa/u.oV, 5* ; 7rl TrvAas, 5 6 ; eA^wv eVt T^V Sta^acriv, 5 12 ; ^Aawcv CTTI rows Mevwvos, 5 18 J rpf^fLv CTTI TO. OTrAa, 5 J eA^wv CTTI TOV 6 T J CTTI 6d.va.TOV rjyfTo, 6 10 ; TrapCTeVaTO 17 Ta^>pos ri Trapao-ayya?, T 26 ; dva)8as eVt TOV tirTrov, 8 s J tydmj KovtopTos CTTI TroAu, 8 8 j TfTO eV avrdv, 8 26 ; OVK avf(3i(3algfv CTTI TOV Ao^ov, 1 14 . From these examples we see that eVi means : 1. With genitive . 2. With dative . 3. With accusative . Trpos. 1. With genitive: OTI StWiov eon KCU irpos Oetav KOL Trpos avdpu>Tr(ov, 6* ; 6/AoAoyetTai Trpos TTCIVTCDV KpaTio-ros yeveo~6ai 6tpa- irevfLV, 9 20 . 2. With dative: TO. 8c|ia TOU KcpaTos c^wv Trpos TO! Evpdrr) Trorayu.w, 8 4 ; TrapeAauvajv ou Travu Trpos avroJ T<3 o-TpaTCt'/tiaTi, 8 14 . 3. With accusative : aTriovras TraAtv KOL ov Trpos /?ao-iAe'a, 4 7 ; d^ti/xoTepos ^v Trpos T^V dvd/Jao-iv, 4* ; ^ 6805 rrai Trpos ^ao-iAe'a, 4 11 ; atcrtv lorai eav KpaT^craxriv, 7*. rf. oux apa ITI /na^eirat ei eV Tavrats ou /ia^etrat rats i^/Aepats, 7 18 . e. et aura) Son; tTTTreas ^tXtow (i'Aovs), ou8* et ert KCIKIOV Trpd^etav, 9 W . /. ot 8e (some) a>KTtpov et aAoikroiVTO, 4 7 . Draw from the above : 1. The various forms of conditional clauses. 2. The construction of each in both condition and conclusion. X. Indirect Discourse. 1. Simple Sentences in Indirect Discourse, a. etTrayye'AXet art vyov- o-tv, 10 16 . b. ypa^et cTrurToXrjV art ?/^ot e^wv iTTTre'as, 6 8 . Compare with this (Sta/SoAAci . . . ort eVt/JovAeuoi avr<3, l.l 8 . C. ^pero TI'S o Oopvfios cirj, 8 18 ; ^pero o TI et?; TO (rvvOr)fj.a, 8 18 . Com- pare with the above the two following found in the same section : erev art (ruvOrjua. Trapep^eTat Sevrepov, 8 16 ; Kat 65 I6a.vfia.a-e TI'S Trapayye'AAei, 8 16 . $8ei atirov OTI fjifcrov l^ot TOU IIepo-tcov crTpaTev/xaTOs, 8 21 ; -fjarOovro ot EAATjves ort /Jao-tAcus eV TO~S crKevo^dpots et?;, 1 5 ; rjKov6pa cvravda ayotvro 17 aTrt'otev CTTI TO OTpaToVeSov, 1 18 ; St^A^e Aoyos OTI StaJKOt avrous Kvpos, 4 T ; lAeye OTI r) 6Sos eo-otTO Trpos /Sao-tAe'a, 4 11 ; eAeyov OTI ovrruiroff ovros 6 TTOTQ/^OS Sta/SaTos yevotTO et prj TOTC, 4 18 . 1. Indirect Discourse follows verbs meaning . 64 INTRODUCTION. I 2. Use of modes : (1) After a primary tense. (2) After an historical present. (3) After a secondary tense. 2. Conditional Sentences in Indirect Discourse, a. cl-rev ti avro> Sot?) ITTTeaS OTl &VTO.S TToXXouS O.V tXot, 6 2 ', (VLOL CU7lV Ov8' ft flovXoLO 8vvaQNTO2 KTPOT ANABA2I2. inferences to the Greek Grammars are indicated by contrasting type. Full-faced Roman (750) = Iladley-AUem Light-faced Roman (113i>. _') =Goodwin. Full-faced Italics (365) = Babbitt Light-faced Italics (509, a) = Goodell. Aoros A. Preliminary Studies. (1) Persia, Introd. 7-12, 17-21. (2) Darius IL, Introd. 39, 42. (3) Artaxerxes and Cyrus, Introd. 43-45. (4) The Anaba- sis, Introd. 1-8. Xenophon, Introd. 106-123. Origin of the war between Cyrus and Artaxerxes. I. Aapetov I Kai Ilapvcra- 1 riSo? 'yi'YvovTcu 2 -rraiScs 3 8vo, TrpecrpiJTepos jxev 'Apra^ep^r)*;, Va>Tpos 8 Kv/aos. eirel oe fjaGevci 4 Aapeto? /cat {nr- a>TTTU 5 T\UTT]V TOl) 6 pCot), cpovXcTO TO Tratoe 7 d|xOTepcd 8 \-fjj^ii^ irap-etvai. 6 fjLev g ow TT/OC- 2 10 (cf. Introd. 61). Se dir6 1 750. 1130, 2. 365. 509, a. 828. 1252. 5S5. 454, b. 634. 455. 499. '829. ".->0. 526. 45.9. 362. a. 543. 175, 1. 268. b. 658. 949. 447. 6, r !.A. 7 939. 895,1. 629. 570, d. *> 673. a. 976. 456. 554. * 666. c. 964. 452, >-. '"984. 16S6. 66O, N. 585, a. " 88, 813. 12D2, 1242, 2. 525, 6O4. 454, b. 506, b. 467) 68 ANABASIS. ^S O.VTOV o-aTpdirqv 1 en-ot^cre, /cat CXov, 6 /cat rwi/ 'EXXTji/cui/ ex? ciri-jBouXevoi T avr<. 8 6 /cat crvX-Xap.j3dvi Kupoi^ w? diro-KTCVwv 10 17 n Se |-atTT]Ta|ifcVTi 12 avroi* diro-ire^jnrei irdXiv tm 6 9 8' w? dTi-T}X6e Kiv8vvoj d8eX<^w, dXXd, i) rai, paeriXcvo-ei dvr* TopU-s for 5ituJy (1) The Daal. (2) Construction with -rvy\avu>. (3) Historicayfc|^^t;. (4) Article JLS possessive. (5) Uses of aorist indica- tive. (6) <^ dj IF l*ev Se. (8) The future participle. p^he foot of each page will readily suggest other topics. Cyrus prepares for war ; trains barbarians, collects a Greek force, deceives the king. C-' ' 16 ~ ** rr ' 17 or] 17 ^17717/3 vTr-fjpxe rw Kiy>o>, 4>iXovo-a 18 avrov jxdXXov r\ rov /SacriXevovra 19 'Apra^eo^v. 6 "OcrTis w 8' d<})-iKvoiTO ' TMV 22 irapd pacriXecos ^ TT/OO? >v / r n' ' 24" 25'~26 avrov Travra? OVTW ota-Ttoets aTT-CTre/Lt JTCTO >at ^ ^SacrtXet.f-J/cat raJy Trap' eavrcp 2< '726. \07T. See Introd. 42. 43. 341. ,1.34. 837. 52S, 1. A65. 603 '.' ui Be Introd. 7. 44-; :i, t-nd. ''595. b. 916. 3m 5W. *828. 1253, .'1V.7. 4.U, b. " 932. L>. 14-1, '.'. Svi; lutrod. !.' >'?V 775. 1171. .7.'>,f. -Mi.-,4:. <. '.'-.1 (;i). 443.1. 549, b. 10 969. c, J)7S. l.V,:;. 4, 1574. 653. r>, 656, '',. MS, b, 5US. >' (i.58 ;u.i 447. 551, d. "856. 12.S. ^ee Iiitmd. 46. .74.7. a, ls 1O18, 1O21. 1010. 431,}. UM. "885. 137-'. A'9o*. 6,?8, &. 88. )!":;. <>/. >;.W/. >"fi23. 911. 317. 50S. "704,-'. ll(. ni',11 3J6. 1(1 909. b. i;j.,'. '" 9G5. 1559. 65O. fi2. , 79. b. lU21ac). 4. ^953. 3449. 595- 6/5,b. *>765. 1174. JJ7tf. M. i'jf. "606. a. 1)52,1. 45i. 555. a. BOOK I. CHAP. I. o9 Se pappdpcov l eir-CfieXeiTO ok iroXejictv 2 T lic^voi /cat tvvoiK&s e)(Otei> avra*. 4 / TT)I> Se 'EXXrpt/ajf 8vva|uv T]0 poi^v w? 5 pfeXiora e'Sv- 6 va.ro 4m-Kp\>TTTd|uvos, OTTOJS or-, dTrapacncevdTaTov XafSoi. ^cwnXsa. 8 t/3cti/eti/ 8 clvSpas neXoTroi/i^frtou? ort TrXio-Tovs Kiat - 10 v rat? TroXecrt. 11 t Kfltt -ydp i^crap' at 'Iwt'tKal TroXeis Ttcr- cra^epi'ovs 12 TO apx^-iov lo etc ^acrtXew? ctSojievai, Tore Se d(p-s,(rrqK(rav Trpbs Kvpov Traaat irXT|V MtX^'rou. Topics for Study. (1) Construction with Strre, 5, 8. (2) 6x MtX^'rw Se Ttcrfra^epyT;*; irpo-atcredpicvos TO, aura M 7 j8ovXevofi&ovs,' fi [dirw^rnj^flw 77/30? Kvpoi^,]* rovs aTr-e'KTeti/e TOVS S' t^-'(3aXei/. 6 Sf Kupog viro- Xapa>v TOT;? <|>vY OVTas ^ (ruX-X|as v T|iOi> aotApi>7)v >^94\/O;i 26'**^ avrwi/, /cat 17 ^7/717/3 /^ef TT/JO? eavrov w empouX^v OVK 102. 3.5(7. .--?J. *9n-2. 15-2fi. 64i. W5. 3 881. 13fi5. 5.0O. C59, a. *7G5. 1174. 376. 522. 5 G51, a. 42S. <>66O, c. 957. 446, x. '995. 1037. 4S5. S 948. ^iHJ. 638. 570. 9 978. UU. 656' 10 97O. 1152. 657. 58V. u Of. 8 aurw, J 3. " 733. 109-'-. 1. 34S, 1. 503. M 719, b. 1060,2. .6. 5? t O. "716, b. 10,>4. 334: .'.;:. b. "982. 15S^. 662. 536. a. " 654. /43. I. 54'i. 17 96G. 150"'. 65O. 1. 5S5. 18 768. 1173. 379. 554, ft. '..-,!> ;.. ,.;<; ;;.'*. 575. - 7O6, b. 907. 306. .'0:?. "969. b. 1663,8. 53. 4. ,-'.s^. -948. 1519. 63. 570. *' 685. 9>7. 472. !'.>:. "741. 1109. 356 .-;>,. . a. <.'f. irap' eovr * Brackets Q indicate words supposed to be interpolations. TO ANABASIS. Tja9dvTo, d|i<|>i TO, avraii/ 5 TroXe/AOiWooi'. ytyj/o/u,eVou< Sao-fxovs 1 Se evdfut,* TroXe/xoiWa 2 Sairavdv 3 cJcrre ovSev 4 /cat yap 6 Kvpog aTT-eVe^Tr /SacrtXet 6 e/c TCOV TroXewv avrov rot"? ' Topics for Study. (1) 6 (77, ot etc.), ,u/ . . . o (^ etc.), 5e. (2) Article with the infinitive. (3) Use of pronoun of third person. (4) Case after verbs of ruling. (5) Attraction of the relative. Under various pretexts he employs Clearchus, Aristippus, and others to collect Greek mercenaries. AXXo Se 11 Kar' avrnrepas rov- GOLD DARIC (actual size). 0,776 avra) 1Q crin/-eXeyero ev Xeppovrjcra) uSou 12 rovSc rov rpoirov. 13 KXeap- ^09 AaKeSai/uoi'io? uYa-S To 14 ta e'/c rot? 19 xrnip Xep- 'EXXr;- 20 povjcrov p|JL(Ofi.VOS , ^ \ . . ,. \ r/ r<\ \ *" fTTTOVTOV OIKOV(TL Kttt OXJJtXcL TOV9 EAAT/^a? ' WCTTC XpTJIJLaTa etg r>)^ Tpo^v rwv (rrpa- TIOJTWV ai 'EXX^cTTrovrtaKat TrdXet? Kov(rai. 21 rovr-o 8* v " i, \//v 22'" v ' s au ovTo) Tpec|)ojj.evov \av6avev aurw TO crrparev/aa. 10 'A/owrrtTTTTO? 8e 6 BerraXo? |evos 23 wi> 24 avro), 25 /cat irie^6)ievos viro rajt' OIKOI ^ avTi(rracruoTu>v 77. 1177. 390.1. 555. * Cf. dv ftbove. 8 946 1B22. 646. K78. <719,b. 10fi(. 336. .V,'*. *07O. 1152. 657. ..'/. "764, 1. H->. 375. .. '994. 484. ClS,b. 8 75O. 1130. 36.5. r.M, a. Of. 10 iropwi-, -^. ' 767. 1166. 37S. 555. "668. 959,2; 9(io. 4S2. 552, b. "757. 114>. 362. . 5/S, b. 1:1 ( f. rb dpxarov, 6, oi-SeV, 8. "772.775. 1175,1171). 394. 525. 1B 497, a. 444. 158. :;. 994. '"sas. l->52, 1. 5^5. /,5/ ( , b. " Cf. 5 , 8. " Of Trcra, "Of. rn 11 :iti'i-... * Of. iio-T.-.^S 5. s. si 619, a. 926. 425. 5A. 984. 66O. N. 886 ;i. * 7OO. b. 9()7. 33C. 50?. M Cf. 10 iroowf. $ 2, iywi', $ 8. M 768. 1178. 379. 5tk, a. * Cf nap' OVTW. 5 BOOK i. CHAP, n 71 rat ny>o. 4 6 Se Kvpo? St8axrtz> aurw et? TTpatacrxiXious ^at c| ^voiv /atcr^oV, /cat Seirat avroi) 5 irpdcrQev ' Kara-Xxicrat irpos TOU? ai'TtcrTacrtwras irpiv a^ avrw crufJL-po\)XcxicrT|Tai. OVTOJ Se au TO Iv er- raXta ekdvOavtv avrepvL 18 cr-uv rots (frvydcri rots 14 MtX^crtajf. /cat eiroiaw OUTO)? OVTOt. Topics for Study. (1) Position of the article. (2) Omission of the conjunction, asyndeton, H. 1030. (3) Case after eirt and CTUJ' in composition. (4) Words or phrases in the attributive position, (5) Verbs with two accusa- tives, 3, 10. (6) n/jd TJ8r| TTOpxi /cat a9poitf.i ws eVt rourou? TO evravOa /cat Trap-ayyeX- 1 724. 1069. 34O. 535. Of. uXaTTiv. 7 cKaXeae 8e /cat roug MtXryroz/ ToXtopKOv^ra?, /cat row? crrpareveo^ai, viro-crx^iievos avrot?, 8 tl a 10 eVrpareuero, 11 /x^ 12 Trp6cr0v 13 rrav- nl4 N >v / 15e> ' ^ ^ IB > / (Tccroat Trpti/ ai^rov? /car-ayayot oiKabe. ot oe TJOCWS ijr&Bovro' eirio-TCDOV yap avrai' 17 /cat XaySoz^re? ra arrXa Trap-fjo'av et? Topics for Study. (1) Force of &j with the participle. (2) Ways of expressing possession. (3) Positions of the antecedent. (4) Constr;irrion with verbs of superiority (Spx w > *tptyiy>>of*.ai, TrpoiV TroXewv \a(3a>v is Trap- eyeVero et? iSapSets oTrXtra? et? rerpa/ctcr^tXtov?, llpo- >os 8e Trap-rjv \CDV IS OTrXtra? p,eV et? irtin-aKoo-Cous /cat X 1 ^^ 011 ?-, yup.VTiTas 8e Trevra/cocrtoi;?, So^atVero? Se .- 6 Srv/A(aXio6, c. J "' ^(JT. II-M. .??*. :.-:. ' 741. 1109,118-2. 35C. 952. 18W. ';// :n LUB. 87<>99O. I"-.-''. JX. 91*. " J. - 5i 14-!i. ? ',,"..(. u 1O24. 1611. 44.9. s. -vrio*:'. 1 '". "!>48, a. 12~i % ,. 54'J. >. 934. 1.>J. . /-".; 6U. c. Cf.68c. l. i: :r, 1 '. ll.v.t. m;n. .V?. .-,.v>. a. 968. b. 6A3. N.3. ''-'GOT. 901. 496,1. h9S, a *> 738. 1094,7. 355,. 767. 1165. 37S. BOOK I. CHAP. IL 73 (jicvos elvai J fj co? Trl FltcTtSa? TTJIS irapaaKevnv, 2 iropeverau Kal jSacriXevs ^kv 817 eVel iJKoucre Ticre/> s KvpOV (TTOXOV, dVTl-TTap-(TKud^TO. Topics for Study. (1) eh with numerals. (2) Partitive genitive. (3) Dative of interest. (4) Idiom for 'as quickly as he is able.' (5) Source. (6) 67r\Ta, Introd. 56, 60-64. (7) Light-armed troops, Introd. 65-66. He marches to Colossae, thence to Celaenae ; its palaces, park ; myth of Marsyas ; arrival of troops ; review. Se e)((ov ov? 5 tiprjKa co/j/xaro (XTTO 8id r^? AvSt'a? (TTa9p.ovs 6 rpets' irapapvyia<; TroXtv 13 oiKavfievvjv, /ieyaX^i/ t euSai/xova. IvravOa. Kvpoj 16 pao~CXeia T^ 1T /cat irapd- '946. 1522. 646. .57,9. * 039. S95. 1. 639. 570, d. 776. 1181. 3S0. 52G, b. 742, c. 11<. 365. 5i/. a. n 996. lu-26. S,-,- Introd. r.S. 4S6. C14. 72O. Introd. Si, N r ), !L\ '."'.. :i.5>. 33S 5J8. ls Cf. Ao/3, 1 *. "768. 11T8. See Introd. 12. 37ft 554, a. 17 604. 899, 2. ^9S. Add. 74 ANABASIS. Scuros /u,eya? d\pta>v OTjptcov 1 Tr\TJp-qs> a eKtlv 09 46TJpt)V 2 ITTTTOU, 6iroT yv|JLvdcrat /3ouXotTO 3 eavroV T Kal TOU? . Sta jJL(rou 4 Se TOW TTapaSctcrou pt 6 MataySpo? 6 at Se Trq^ai avrou etcm; 6 e/c TOW fkuriKeuov' pel Se Kal Sta 7775 KeXanxwi' 5 Topics for Study. ( 1 ) Omission of the antecedent. (2) The length of the ffra0fi6s and Trapao^xyjjs. See Grote, vol. ix., p. 14, N. 3. (3) Means how expressed. (4) Extent (of space or time). (5) Words of fulness. "Eo~Tt 7 Se Kal /aeyaXou /SacrtXe'&JS 8 /SacrtXeta eV KeXat^ats epujjivd eVl Tat? TTT/yat? TOU Map- o"vou TTora/xov VTTO r>J aK/aoTrdXet pet Se OUTOS Sta TTJS TToXew? Kal efi-pdXXa eis Matai'Spoi'' TOU Se Mapcrvov TO evpd? etKOO"t Kal TTVT 1T05(OV. 9 PHRYGIAN 'Eirav^a X^yeTai 'ATroXXw^ 10 K-8etpai Mapcrvav ClvXoS N'' V-*--> e 1 1 > viKTjcras ptovrd ot irepl as, Kat TO Se'pfia Kpt- (idcrai eV TO> dvrp(^ bBev at Tr^yat' Sta Se TO{)TO 6 TTOTa/xo? KaXetTat Mapo-ua?. 12 (tvTavBa Hep^r;?, ore C'K T^? 'EXXa- So? TJTT^GCLS Trj 13 fidxT) U dir-txwpei, Xe'yeTat ravra TC TO, ^SacrtXeta Kal Tr)^ KeXati/coi/ 9 'Ei/Tav^a e/xetve Kupog T^/Ltepa? rpidKovra ' Kal T^KC KXe'ap- ^09 [6 AaKeSai/u,oVtovya9J e)(ajv OTrXtVa? ^tXtou? Kal Koaious- d|JLa Se Kal 2wo~tj Traprjv 6 SupaKOvo"tos e^cot' ovrXtra? TDtaKocrtoug, Kal So^at^eTO? 6 'ApKa? e^wv OTrXt- Taq ^tXtou?. Kal IvTavOa Kupo? 4|Ta(riv Kal api.0p.6v TOJ TroLf)(rev eV TW TrapaSetVw, Kal e'yeVoi/TO ot >753, c. 1140. 357. 57?. * S3O 12M, 2. .!. 45fl. "914. B, '2). 1481,2. 625. 616, b. 671. 97^. 454. .^fl. B (524. a. '.Ml, '.'To. Si7. 116. 140. 7O. M8O, 9. 144,5. 262, 1. 20, e. 738. 1094,1. 348. 1. 50S. 738. 100-1, 5. 362, 1. 508. 944. l.V.".'. '2. 634. ,-i74, a. "778.685. 1177,987. 30, rf7. .-I-,. I'.n. U 786. b. 907. 341. 1. 5.U. b. 657, a. 444. 551. l 776- lib I. 389. 686, b. "6*4, a. 911. 317. 60i. "673. 979. 455,1, BOOK I. CHAP. II. 76 dfjL(f>l rev? /cat Topics for Study. (1) Meaning of /ue'troj in predicate position. (2) Difference beUVeen genitive and dative of possession. See notes. (3) Personal construction. (4) api with numerals. He marches to Peltae ; games ; reaches Cayster-fald ; soldiers de- mand pay ; arrival of Epyaxa. ef-eXaui/ei ora^/uou? Suo 10 Trapacrayya? 8eKa et? HeXras, tro\iv oiKovp,evr]v. eVraC^' e/xet^ei/ ^ejpa? r pels' ev at? Eem'a.8eKa et? Kepa^tco^ dyopdv, TroXti/ OLKOV , iXTO 4 17 rpiatv ^vaw? /cat iroXXaKis idirres eVl TO.? Bvpas dir-f|TOuv., 6 Se cXirCSas Xeycuj> 6 SI-T^YC /cat >?z> dvtwfievos * ou yap ^v Trpo? TOU Kupov rpdrrou 8 dTro-6i86vat. 17 u/i/ecrtO5 Ml TOV 13 /SacrtXeiw? 9 Trapa Kvpov' /cat eXeyero 10 Kvp&> Sowat Tiara TroXXa. ri) 8' ovi> J1 crrpaTt^ rdre , d. 914. *19. =664. c. 948, (b). 764. a. 115S. 375. 5*0. *647. 486. x. 4. 517, cf. t-.\. -2. 6 729. d. 10S5. 5. 35S and N. 506, a. 981. 1573-80. 66O. 5^5, a. '941. 969, d. 1563,5. 631,1,653,6. 571, c, 583. 1023. 1611. 431,1. 54. 623. 911. See Introd. 12, 13. 317. 50*. " 944. 1522.2. 634. 57A, a. 1O48, 2, 4th Une. 76 ANABASIS. KvpOS fJilCrOoV TTT' y Xeyerat MtSas TOJ/ 4 Sdrvpov Brjptvcrcu. oivco Kcpaaas 6 avnjv. u Svo irapa.- adyyas Se/ca cts Tvpt- deiov, TTO\LV TO Xeyerat KtXtcrcra 8i|ai 9 avrrj ' eirt - Set^at TTotetrat e /cat TW 7re 8ia> 15 raii> 'EXXiyi'cuz/ /cat rai^ ftapftdpoiv. e/ce'Xcvcre 8e rov? 10 avrot? n ei > 788. 1225. 3dS, N. 3. 59S, b. 158, c. 194. 966. 1659. 6SO. 58?, b. 657, K. 444. 772. 1175. 39, 1. -^S. 969. a. l.VW, 8. 653,2. 583. '497. -4-U. 1S, 8. 394. Of. filrot auroO. 1 o. 948. 15\9. 63S. 570. > sc. iji>, Oil. 3WS. W3, b. "768. 1178. 379. 63U,o. BOOK I. CHAP. H. 77 l K: 3 ^' 1RP ?:, VARIOUS FORMS OF GRECIAN HELMETS. /cat ot o~w aural, TO Se va)vu(j.ov KXe'ap^os /cat ot ;, TO Se ueVof ot. aXXot Topics for Study. (1) irapa with accusative. (2) ^' if. (3) Case after 8^0/101. (4) 4*1 T-errdptav, see Introd. 74, 76. (5) oi avv av-ry, oi ow 6 Kvpog irpwTOV /xev Tovg fiapfidpovs' ot if Se irap-TJXauvov TCTayyueVot /caTa i'Xas /cat KaTa Ta|cis* etra Se TOU? ^EXXi^av," Trap*e\avv6fiov tSwz/. 10 Topics for Study. (1) Armor of a hoplite, see Introd. 61,63. (2) irpo&a\tff6a.i TO SwAa. See lutrod. 81. (3) -npo'iovrsav, a peculiarity in the use of the genitive absolute. (4) Manner, Cyrus journeys through Lycaonia ; queen returns escorted by Menon ; march to Thoana ; traitors executed ; pass into Cilicia ; its plain. 19 'EvrevOev e^-eXawet ora^/zous rpet? Trapacrayya? et/co- CTLV tg e/xetre rpetirdc-:v. Rpi? ^EXX^crtv wg u uoXcfJiCav oucra^. 20 *Ev BCpo? r^v KtXtcrcrav et? r^ KtXt/ctW aTro- 68ov. 16 /cat (njv-TT}JLx|/V avr^ [rows] 939. 895,1. 69. 570, d. * 664, e. 988. 443,1. 549, b. *6O2. c. 897,4, 3O5. 439, a. 67, 74, b. 84, 1 ; 95, 5. 39,1. 181, (end). * 973, a. 15tK 657, u. ]. 590, a. "768. 11V.3. 379. 524, a. '729^. 1085,2. 349. 506, a. sc. ^f, cf. fo/uos, 15. f 788, a. 1225. 39S, N. 3. 983. 1580. 66O, 1. 585, d, (end). " 497. 444. 1S8, 3. 394- "666, c.' 952. 451,1. 555, a. "951= 1682. 692. 565 nd a, 14 978. 1574. 656,3. 595. o. " 710, ft. 1060. 336. 5UO- BOOK I. CHAP. 79 arparta/ra? ou , jjLeydXrjv KOL ev8at)aova. eVrav^a r)[j,pa<; rpets' eV w 2 Kvpo? atr-eKreivev av$pa B Hepcrrjv Meyapyr)i>, oiviKi(rri]v paaCXciov, /cat trcpdv riva TOJJ/ -uirapxtov 4 Suvdo^T-qv, aLTiacrd|ivos cTTL-fi avrw. 6 ' Topics for Study. (1) Aorist of liquid verbs. (2) Sid with gen., with ace. (3) T^V Toxto-TTji' 6S6v. (4) av-fip as an appositive. eVetpwi/TO l ort XcXonrws n eti] SueWecrt? TO. J 369, c. 639. i70, 2. S67. sc. xp<5" Ta/aav raia)v Kal avrov Kvpov. Kvpos S' ovi/ av-efif) em ra 6/317 ouSe^o? 6 KcoXvoi/TOSj /cat etSe ras ^'P l - 6pO9 S' avT 6xupov Kal -u\}/T|X6v iravrT) e'/c ^aXctTT^s et? OdXarrav. Topics for Study. (1) Simple supposition. (2) Time, when. (8) Rule for modes iu indirect discourse. (4) Origin of the adv. o5. (5) Declen- sion of avfi.TtK((av. (6) Compare eV $, 20, in TOVTOV, 17, ev als, 10. (7) Describe the route over which Cyrus has passed. (8) Have the cities been identified ? (9) Structure of the trireme. See Iiitrod. 105. March to Tarsus : two companies lost ; interview with Syennesis. 23 Kara-/3ct5 Se Sta TOVTOV TOV TreStov ijXao-c reTTa/aas Trapacrayya? vreVre /cat eiKocnv et? Tapcrou?, TT- \ ' '\ '\ \ >CJ / * /} T 1() rr^5 KtAt/cta? TTQ\LV ^eyakf^v /cat evoat/AOz/a, evfa T)Z/ TO, 2,vevvo~Los ^Sao"tXeta [rou KtXt/cajt' ySaa'tXeaj?] ' Sta /LteVov 1A Se T7^5 TrdXews /oet Trora/xo? KvSz/o? ovojia, zvpos 24 Svo TrXeOpojv. 13 Tavrr)i> Trjv TroXiv |-Xiirov ot tv-oncoiiv- res u %vevi>o-Lo<; et? 15 x w P^ ov o^vpo^ eVt 10 ra 0/317 ot ra KaiTT|y..cia e^o^re?' e/xetvai/ Se /cat ot OdXaTTav ot/cowre? eV SoXot. \ . SM. * 982 66i. 586. a. 07O. ll.v>. 65?'. ..'/. ' 7O. u. 1187. 3<)4. 8W, 2 -/.'AS. ',://;. " Cf. fteaij?, 17. 12 718 I(i5d. 337. 537. " 79. l. 108C, ft. 35 auU w. 006, a. > 9UG i:-iKTO. 5 Suo 25 TO XOXXovTO ' ot <^acrav dpud^ovrds Tt Kara-KOTr^vai ' VTO rail/ ot Se', 8 viro-Xi [rou? Tapcrou?] 26 $L-TrjpTraorav, Sta (TO(rTpttTtcoT(ov jxevoi, 12 /cat TO. ySacrtXeta TO, ei' avrrj. Kvpo? 8e eVet lo--fjXao-6V TOP ^vevvearLv irpbs eavrov' 6 8* OVT Trporepov ovSez/t 13 iro> KpciTTOVt eavrov 14 et? \0elv t^)ry* ovTe TOTC teVat 16 ijSeXc, 7T/3tv 17 avrov erretcre 17 *c eX.a/8e. /t/.Tct 8e Tavra eVet crvv- 27 e*> eSco/ce Kvpw iri 9S i. 443,1. 549, a. 7 946, b. 1523. 669 and 1. 65S. 8 613. 313,1. U93, b. 9 948. 1519. 63S. 570. 10 966. 65O, 1. 583. See u ' ovr, '2. J 2 , . 2 969, b. 1563, 2. 653, 4. 5SS. 13 772, a. 117T. 393.1. 555. 14 755. 1153. 363. 517. 15 Cf. 7raeo-#at ' s ra Se r^prraa-^eva dv8pd-iro8a, jjv TTOV cv-Tvyxfl-vaxriv, 4 diro- Xajjipdvciv. Topics for Study. (1) Idiom for ' into the power of any one.' (2) Con- struction after irpiv. (3) Giving presents among orientals. (4) Construction after edv or fy. The Greeks suspecting the designs of Cyrus refuse to go farther. IH 'EvravQa e/Aetz/e 5 Kvpos /cat 17 crrpaTta i^uepag ci/cotrtv* ot ya/3 crrpaTtwrat ov/c 6 acrav teVat TOV irpdao)' 7 UTT-cuTTTevoi' yd^) 1^817 em ySacrtXea teVat' 8 JJLI- (r6&)6f|vai 8e ov/c eV! TOUTW \ / . n , 10 / < TOV? avrov crTpartojra? ' cpia^cro tei^at ' ot Se avrov re epaXXov /cat rd tnroii < y ia Ta e/ceti/ov, rdre 12 |-<|)VY ftT7 13 Kara-ireTpcoOTivai, 1 * vorrcpov 12 8* eVet C'YVW 15 ort ov ^wrfcrerai /3tcuracr#ai, o-uv-fj'ya'Ycv KKXr| 1O19. 1610. 431, 1. k86. " 77& 1181. 391. 5i6, a. 768. 1178. 37. 5%, a. BOOK I. CHAP. III. 83 Kupo? eyeVeTO KaC /otc (frevyovra IK r?s trarpCSos TO. re ctXXa 1 CTijjn^cre KUI /xuptou? eSoofce ovs e'ya* Xa/3a>f OVK et? TO iSiov 2 KO.T- e/xoi ovSe Ka6-T|8uTrd8ii Trpo? row? pa/cas eVoXe/LtTjcra, feat 4 UTTep TT?p01J[JlT|V /A^ VfAWV, K Tljs Xe/3~ POVTJCTOV avrow? l^ekavvatv )8ov\o/xeVov? cu)>-(Upi\ > /!> ^ 7 * n 8 e> > ' >XO\e >_ avrov avu (DV ev Tra8ov VTT e/cet^ou. CTTCI oe u/xeis ov 5 (ri)|JL-Tropeiji\ta 11 xP^"^ ai ^ ^pos ticetvov \|/cu- trdjitvov /ae^' u/awz/ eti/at. ( et 12 /aev ST) SCKaia 13 OVK oi8a, atpT|(ro|iaL 8' ovv u v/^a? Kal c 'lfi*16^'' ' * * M i > N 17 on av oery 7reto-o/aat. /cat OVTTOTC epet ovoets ' a5? e'yai- "EXX^i/a? d'Ya'yobv et? row? /3ap/3dpov?, Trpo- Sou? rov? "EXX^j/a? rr)i> ra)i> /Bapf3oipa)v i\lav '\\>^'^18^19 ' >/l /\ '/I , aAA eTret u/xet? e/xot OUK ec/eXere Trett/e- 6 e'yco cruz/ u/att' cvj/ofjiai feat on a^ Sei) 7retcro/>tat. v >>20 / ? ^ '^21 * yap u/u,a? e/aot eu>ai /cat Trarptoa /cai (f>L\ov<; Kal 0eAi7o~at our 719. 1060. 336. 5UO. 621, c. 932. 424. 5US. Cf. jti*PJ', 2. 734. 1069. 34O. 555. s 937. 15ti3. 677. 6'. 6 881. 1365. 69O. 659 and a. '996, a. 103'!. 486. -&U. 82O. 1241. 513. 499, a. Cf. e^cu, 3. >941. 928,1. 63J, 1. 57JT, c. "777. 1183. 387, N. 12930. 1605. 57S. 655. 716. b. 1054. 334. 536. b. "As in 2". 131, a. 426. > 8 913, 916. 1429,1434. 623. ei8,&. " 103O. 1619. 433. 487. Cf. oiiSfvi, 2. 18 As in 5. 677. 985. 467. 557. W 764, 2. 1159-60. 376. 520, a. *> 768. 1173. 379. 524, a. "939. 910. 629. 670, A. M 964, (a), 900. 1303. 647. 579. M 94O. 927. 631. 571. * 913, 916. 1429,1434. 633. 620, 616, a. 2 753, g: 1112, 114n. 36, 2. 5i6, a. * See - ovSs, above. 864. 1312. 439, N. 2. 952. 1526. 641. 565. 84 ANABASIS. av l tyQpbv 6.\e|ao-9cu. a>s 2 e/Aou ovv toWos STTT) av KOI OVTG> ' Topics for Study. (1) Difference between ov and /a^. (2) Cause after verbs of feeling. (3) Verbs of depriving. (4) Purpose. (5) Mode of de- pendent clause in indirect discourse. (6) Case after xp"M a '- (") Double negative. (S) &i> with infinitive. 7%e soldiers applaud; secret understanding with Cyrus. t Tavra etnev' ol Se crrpaTtwrat ot 4 re avrou e/cet^ou /cat ol aXXot ravra d/covcrai'Teg [on ou c^atTj 5 irapa /SacrtXea, Tropevecr^at] eTr-rjvecrcLV' irapa Se Hei'tou /cat Ilacrtcovo? TrXetov? 6 r) Stcr^tXtot Xaftovres ra OTrXa /cat TO, o~Kuo(|)6pa (TTpaTOTr8vcravTO Trapa KXe'ap^ot'. 7 8 Kv/30? Se rourot? 8 cnropcov re /cat Xuirovfievos yu,ere- TrefjiTrero rov KXeap^o^' 6 Se teVai [Mev OVK XdBpa Se rwv crrparteorai^ 9 Tre^Trcov aura> eXeye Oappciv w? 10 /cara-crr^crojueVwi/ TOVTODV etg TO 8ov. j [/xera-7re)u,7reo-^at S' e'/ce'Xeuet' avrov avro? S' ov/c e^ry 9 teVat.] /otera Se ravra crvv-ayayatv TOV? ^' eavrou /cat row? Trpoov. > 18 eXe^e rotaSe. Topics for Study. (1) Declension of comparatives in -uv. (2) Case after diropew. (3) Infinitive as object (cf. Oappf'tv, 8). (4) Adverbs with genitive. Clearchus, adroitly setting forth the gravity of the situation, advises them to consult their safety. 10 " *Af Spes o-Tpartwrat, ra 14 /x,ev S^ Kvpov 15 ort trpos T||ixls t. see 932 : 14S7; 673 ; W.9. a. 236. -3. r )S. li. J4.9. ' 788. 1225. 398, x. 3. 598, b. 8 778. 1181. 391. 526, a. "756. 114-v 3(i2 3 518, b. 10 978. 97O. 1574, 15C.S. 656,3; 657. 593, c; 689. "775. 1179. 394. 525. 729, e. 1088. 355. 506, a. 966nda. 1560. 650. ! and N. !. .> :'. :i. b. 621, b, 2d ex. 953. 424. 6US, also 07. b. = 1049. 1, a. lb 611. 3O8. U>3, b. BOOK I. CHAP. in. 85 :ird|i6a avrco, cure e/cetvos ert r)fjLiv l |ua6o8oTTis. on dfiiKeurSai 2 i>o/xt'et v jaeyt- crrot' 5 alos 6 avToVy eireiTd /cat Se5ia>s 7 /AT) S Xa/3a\- tXo? w ai^ 1- ^>t'Xo5 77, 12 8' e'^^po? w a^ TroXeyutto? 77, e^et Se /cat ir^tjv /cat lirirtKT|v /cat va\)TiKT|v 77^ Trai/re? 6|ioCa>s opwfjiev re /cat TTio"Tdfi0a ' /cat yap ov8e Troppcu 8o/cou/u,eV /xot avrou 18 KaS-T^o-Sai. wore wpa 19 \4yeiv o rt rts yiyvta- (r/cet dpio-TOV " Topics for Study. (1) S^Xov Jfrt. (2) Construction after verbs of fearing. (3) ews-clauses. (4) Verbals in -re'os. (5) Superlative as adv. (6) Case with {. (7) The force of &v in a relative clause. (8) Case after e|ai, Kadpi^, iroppoi. General discussion; return under Clearchus proposed ; he refuses to lead. Tavra etTraw eTravcraro. e/c Se TOVTOV dvi-o-ravro ot 13 /xe^ 20 e/c rov avro/xarov, Xe'^o^re? 21 a tyiyvto&Kov, ot Se J 768. 1173. 379. 554, a. * 94O. 895,2. 630. 577. 979. 15T3 6562 595, b. 970, 969, e. 1563,6,1568. 657,653.7. 589,590. 719. b. 1060. 336* 6 982. a. 1590. 661, N. 2. 5^r. r 849 and b. 1263. 535. A56, c. 887 13TS. 594. 474. 996, a, (2). 1032. 4S6. 6J4. For case, see 745 and a 1121 367 BU. "952. 1521. 641. 565. "742. 110-2. 356. 511. 76O, a. 1137. 35S. 515. " 990. 1597. 665. 596, b. " 477, a. 803, 3. 261. 2. 385, b. 732. 1085, & 348,1. 508. "753^. 1135 353,1. 5J3, a. 912, 914, B, (1). 142S. 1431. 63O, 625. 616, a. For case of iJ see 765. 1174, 376, 5">2. "757. 114?. 3623 518 b.' "611, ft. 308. >654. 9S1. 443,1. fiAS. 969, c. 1568,4. 653,5. 683, b. 80 ANABASIS. /cat VTT* KLvov ^fKik^vcnoi, eTTt-Set/cvwres ola ctTj 1 r) diropia avev rrj 'EXXaSa, orparTjyous /xei> eXeV#ai 2 aXXovs wg Ta^tcrra, et 3 /m/r) 4 /SovXerat KXeap^o? dir- d'yciv* ra 8' eVtr^Set' 6 ravra, TjY l JL o va atTeu> Kv^ot' ocrrt? Sta 4>iX(as ' TT?? \a>pas a-TT-a^et. ea^ Se }i-q8 o~uv-Ta.TT.a'Oai T7)v Ta^tcrTT]^, 7re/uti//at 8e /cat X^x|/o|jLvous 8 TO, a/cpa, OTTOUS /u.^ (f>6dcrcocri |XT|T Kv/ao? ot KtXt/ce? Kara-Xapovrcs, 9 (St/ 10 TroXXous /cat TroXXa e^o/xe^ 11 dv-TipTraKOTS- ovro? ftev roiavra ' /xera 8e rovrot' KXeap^o? etTre rocroirroz'. 15 " 'O? /xet' St' a e/otot 15 rovro > ^> /N >? V 16' V 17+ "\ /I ' ou 7ron]TOV ws oe TQJ avopi ov OLV eA^crf7e Tretcro/xat ^ 18 Suvarov /LtaXtcrra, t^a etS^re 19 on /cat ap^eaBai eVtcrra/iat cS? Tt9 /cat aXXo? /xaXtcrra dvBpcoirwv." Topics for Study. (1) Meaning of tlitov with infinitive. (2) Supposi- tion of the third or more vivid form. (3) Partitive genitive. (4) Case after vttOofuu. (5) Agent after -Wov. (6) Inflection of olSa. Another shows the folly of asking ships or guide, and suggests that a committee wait on Cyrus and learn his intentions. 16 |Mera rovrov aXXo? dvecrrr), eVt-SeiKt-v? /aeV rr}V tvrj- 6iav rou ra TrXota alreiv /ceXevoi^ro?, a)cnrep' M iraXii/ 14^.7. 673. 659, a. On tlvov w. inf., see 946, b, 669. w.. 658, end. 893. 1:?',>. " )84. 1W.. 66O, N. 5S5, a. > 729, e, a. 1085, 7. 3S5, 348. 636, a. 12C.2. 536,2. "982. 1588,1593. 661. 5S6, a. 715. 1051. 331. 14 1O19. ic.i-i. 431,1. US6. "991 lls>. 666. 596. "764,2. 1159 27G. ?,->.<>. :i. "913. 916. 14*4. 62O. 623 C16, a. "622, 776. 982, 2, HM. 4V-*. .'<. 5W. 526, i.. *491. s^U. ^#5. 5a6. >978, a. 1576. 656, N Oi'J. d. BOOK I. CHAP. HI. 87 (TTO\OV Kvpov 77otov/^eVov, 1 em-Set/ci/us Se 5 v'T|0es 117 a rjyefiova alrelv Trapa rovrov a> 3 Xv|i, rt KwXuei Kal ra a/cpa 17^1^ 6 /ceXeueti' Kvpov irpo-Kara- \aj3elv ; eya> 7 yap oKvoi-qv 8 /-tev af ets ra TrXota 4(i- 17 P, *^/9\t'> <> / in aiviv a i]^iv 00117, /i?) >)/aa9 rat? rpirjpecn Kara- 8' av r&> r)yefj,6vL 12 w 13 80117 CTrecr^at, /x^ ov/c ecrrat |-\9etv ' u ^ov\oL^~qv 8' a^ 16' > rr ' \/)^16 N ' X/)' * a-TTitov Kvpov \aueiv O.VTOV cnr-ewtov o ov oi; ear iv. dXX' e'yw ^/xt ravra /xei/ ^Xuapias eu>at*f 8o/cet 8e /^tot, avSpas eX^oVra? 77/905 Kv/ooi/, omt'e? emrtj- is Seiot, o"v^ KXeap^w epcordv 1T eKelvov T 18 ySouXerat I^/UP ^fff)- Tpa /cat eiriKivSvvtm'pa, d^toui/ 23 17 Tretcra^ra ^a? ayeti> 17 Treto-^eVra 77/005 i\i.av d()>-ievai ' oureo yap KOI InopevoL ^ av (^>tXot avra> /cat i7po6u|ioi TToCp,e6a Kal air-Lowes ao"(aXaj5 av a77-tot/Mi' ' ort 8' ai> 77^05 ravra Xeyi; dir-aY'YctXai Scvpo* i7/xa5 8' d/covcraiTa? 17^65 ravra Topics for Study. (1) How do eoTijf and tarr/aa differ in meaning* (2) Potential optative. (3) Accompaniment. (4) Meaning of &rrt with the infinitive. (5) Adjectives of likeness. (6) Circumstantial participle. 1 970. 1152. 657. 589. * 932, 2. 1487. 673. 659, a. * 767. 1165. 878. 623. 4 893, c. 1391. 6O2, N. 2. 6, a. 916. 1429, 1434. 623. 6J6, a. 767. 1165. 378. .525. '677. 9S5. 467. 557. 872 and a. 1327. 563. 47(5. 9 919,a. 1439. 624. 616, b. 10 776. mi. 3S7. 526,8. "887. 137^. 694. 610, 611, b. 772. 1175. 392, 1. 525. 13 994. 1031. 484.. 613, b. "949. 1517. 637,1. 574. "gTO, 972, b. 1563. 657. 539 and a. "984. 15S6. 66O, N. 685, a. "946, a. 1517. So iirttrOai, afiovv, anayy., pov\fvf Cf. irAeious, 3 . " 755. 1153. 363. 5^7. ^eee. c. 952. 4S1, L, 429, 1. 555, a. 410, b. 499. 19. 316, b. 968. 1563, 1. 653. 53. 88 ANABASIS. Cyrus answering that he wished to punish Abrocomas the soldiers resolve to follow, but ask additional pay. 20 *E8oe Tavra, /cat aVS/aa? eXd/Aei'ot crvv KXea/D^w 7re)a7rovcrt^ ot iy/30/raiv 1 Kvpov TO, Sd^avra rrj crrparta. 6 8' dir-cKpivaTO art a/couot 2 ' AfipoKopav e^Bpov aVSpa eVt TO> Ev, 17^* Se ^vyi^, 17/xet? 21 e/cei 7T/305 TavTa /8ov\vcrd/u,e^a. aKoucra^res Se ravra ot alpcrol arr-ayyeXXovcrt rots crrpartcorat?' rot? Se 5 virovj/ia /x,ev 19^ ort ayot 6 Trpo? ySacrtXea, OJUQS Se e'So/cet irpoo'-aiTOvo'i 8e jatcr^oV ' 6 Se Kvpo? VTT- Tj|iidXiov Tracrt Swo-eti^ 7 ov ?l Trporepov epov, avri & /ecv \^9 ^10^ / oapeiKov rpia. T||JLioapiKa rou firjvos rw crrpaTLorrr) ' ort 8e evrt ySacrtXea ayot ovSe eWcu)#a vjKovo-ev ov8et? ev ye TO> Topics for Study. (1) Constructions admissible after OKOUW. (2) The optative in indirect discourse. (3) Constructions with v-Kiax"^ ^"- 1 - (*) What were the usual wages of a Greek soldier ? March to Issus ; arrival of Tamos and Chirisophus with troops. 1 IV. 'Evrevfttv efeXawei o-ra^/AOU? 8uo Trapao-ayya? Se- /ca 7rt TOV ^apov TTOTajJiov, ov TJV TO eu/30? r/3ta TrXedpa. 'Ei/rev^ef e^eXawet crraOfJibv eva Trapao-ayya? TreWe eVt rov Tlupa/xop TroTa/xov, ov T)^ TO evpos (rrdStov. 'Ei/Teu^cv e'eXawt o-Ta^/xov? Suo Tra/aao-ayya? 1TVT- KaCScica t9 'Io-o-ous, TT?? KtXt/cta? e'crxctT^ TroXtv cVt TT} 1 724. 1009. 34O. 53.T. 932, 2. 149T. 673. 659, a. 946. 1522. 646. 678. 4 898. 14i. 04. wo. B 654, e ; 768. !s*. 1173. 443, 1 ; 379. 549, b;5S4,a. "932,2. 1487. 673. r, ',!>,*. ' 948, a. 12*0. 549.2. 755. 11 M. 363. ,117. 657, c. 951. ><> 759. 11K6. Sec Introd. (U 359. filS. 621, b. 988. 484 6U3. u 7O6, b. ft. 732. 907. 3^6. oOS. 13 214. 28s. 1 14, 3. 116. BOOK I. CHAP. IV. , fjieyd\r)v Kal evSat/toz'a. evravffa rjfjiepas Tpels' Kal Kvpo> irapTJcrav ai IK IleXoTrov- 2 VT\(TOV VT]S Tpta/CO^Ta KOi TTVT6 Kal llT aVTai? VttVapXOS Tlv&xydpas Aa/ceSai/xoVto?. i^yetTo 8' aural? l Ta/xais Aiyv77Tto9 e' 'E^ecrou, e^cav 2 vavs erepag Kvpov TreVre fcal et/cocrtt', al? eVoXto/a/cet M i\f)Tov [ore Ticrcrac^epfet, (j)iXrj -r\v, Kal ia |iio-0o<|)dpoi 'EXX^i/e? airoa'TdvTes rj\9ov Trapa Kvpov TTpaKO(rioi OTrXtrat Kat o-wccrTparcvoin-o eVt ySacrtXea. Topics for Study. (1) Two ways of expressing measure. (2) Meaning of jJ7e'o/*cu with gen. 1 with dat. ? (3) Dative after adjectives. (4) Verbal in -ros. Pass through the Cilician Gates ; retreat of Abrocomas. e'^eXavVet (rraO- 4 eva Trapafrayya? TreWe 7U TrxiXas T^5 KtXt/cta? /cat ny? Svpta?. rja'av Se ravra 8 Svo Ttix^l. Ka ' T0 To 8 Trpo T^? KtXi/cta? i/eo"t? et^e /cat KtXt/cwt' TO 8e '|(0 TO 7rpO T^9 eXeyero c^vXa/o) ^>v- 8ta /aeVov Se pet TOT;- TrorajLto? Kapcro? cvpo? Tr\eOpov. dirav Se TO /xecro^ TWJ/ '7G7, 11C5. 37S. 535. =968. b. 15G5. 653, x. 3. /,S3, a, (end). 3475. 776,2. 35. ;;J1'. 4 741. llo'.l. 356. ' 510, c. " 146, n. 1SS, 3. 72, e. 6 632. 4(Z5. CW, a. '641. a. 9.VJ. 439,1. SS=i, d. Cf. TO, a. 718. 100S. 337. 557. i 610. 904. 5O1. 4*. d- 90 ANABASIS. oraStot Tpets* Kal irapcXOciv 1 ov/c jjv {Hgr* 3}v yap y irdpoSos aTVT| /cat ra Tei^r? ets n)*' OdXaTTav Ka6i]KovTa, VTTp6v 8' ^cra^ irerpai f|XCpurniicecrav 3 TruXat. rat/r^s VKa 4 TrapdSov Kvpos ra? i/avs /u,T7re/xx/;aro, OTTW? OTrXtra? etcrw /cat eifa) rail.' iru\a>v ^Statro/xeVou? row? Ct XaTTOt> 6 7Tt Tttt? Sv/3tttt9 TTvXat?, OTTCp were TTOLTJcreLv 6 6 'KOpos rov *Ay8po/co/xa^, e)(ovrcL TroXv crrpdYevjua. 'AySpo/cd/Aas 8e ov TOUT* cTrofycrev, dAX' K.vpov ev KtXt/cta ovra 7 dvacrTpex|/as /c irapa /SacrtXea dir-riXauvcv, e^o>v, o5s eXeyero, a (ivpidSas crrparta?. 8 Topics for Study. (1) Repetition of the article. (2) Agreement of the verb with the predicate. (3) Position of dfujwrfpot. (4) Genitive after ad- verbs. (5) Future infinitive. March to Myriandus ; Xeniat and Pasion desert. wet Sta Svpi'as crTad^ov va ira/)a- irei/re 6ts Mupta^So^, TrdXti/ ot/cou/xeV^i/ VTTO $>OlVLKa)V 7Tt T^ OaXaTTf) ' CfiTTOplOV 9 8' ^^ TO ^CtipLOV KO.I upfjiovv avrdOi oXKaSes TroXXat. eWav#' ^(,vav i^/xepag 7 CTTTCI* /cat He^tas 6 'Ap/ca? [trrpar^yo?] /cat Ilacrta)!/ 6 Meyapev? e/Lt^8a^re? et? TrXotot' /cat ra TrXetcrrov 10 a^ta cvOefJicvoi n aTreVXeucra^, w? /xei/ rot? TrXetVrot? cSd/covt' 12 <|>tXoTi}JLT|6VTS ort row? crrpaTtaVas avro)v rows Trapa KXeap^oi' aTreX^d^ra? i3 cu? dmovTas et? r?)^ *EXXa8a TraXii' /cat ov Trpo? ^SacrtXea cia 14 Kvpos TOV Trel 8' TJ(rav d(|>avels, 949. 1517. 637. .574. * 776. 1181. 3S7. 526, . 358, a. 609. #5S. S6S. 758. 122d,ti. 362.1.418 .-,18, o ; 599. Cf. OCTO, . 855, a. 1276. 54S. 57? and a. '982. K>,vv 66i. 5S6, a. * 79, e. 1086,7. 355. 506. a. 669. 956. 440. 55i, g. 753. f. 1185. 353,1. 5/6, a. "813. 1242.3. 5O4 600. ti "944. a; cf. 'AwbAAwc, 2. 634. 674, a. w 966. 1660. 65O. 579. 369. 587. 17, 2. BOOK I. CHAP. IV. 81 ort SuoKoi 1 avTovs Kvpos rpi^pecrt* Kal ol pev -qii cijs SeiXovs oVras aurous ^(ftOfjvai, ol 8' (jjtcrapov fct dXaxroiVTO. 2 Kvpog Be o-u-yKaXeaas TOW? orpaTTjyovs' 8 'AiroXeXoiiraa-iv 17/1619 Ee^ta? /cat IIacrta)i>. dXX eu oYt cure duoSeSaKao'tv * otSa yc yap 07717 ol'xovrai' oure cnroTTecJK-u'Yacriv ' e)(aj yap rpt>;- pet /cat ra Yp^/aara 7 dirooruXcii. dXXa IOVTOJV, etodre? on /ca/ctov? eio-l Trepl T7/aa? 17 17/1615 Trepl eKetVov?. Katroi ej(a> ye avraiv /cat reicva /cat yvz/at/cas ev TpaXXecrt poupoiL)(iva * dXX* ovSe roi/rw^ 8 (rTepTJcrovrat, aXX' diro- vx.' > '/I 10" \5\, _ > \-r)\l)ovraL 717? Trpocrvtv eve/ca vrept e/xe aperqs. Kat 6 /xe^ ravra etTrev ot 8e "EXXT/j^e?, et rt5 U /col dBufidrcpos ^f Trpos TTJV dvapacrtv, d/couorreg T^V Kvpou dpeTrjv tjStov /cat TrpoBv^oTepov 12 (TvveTropevovro. Topics for Study. (1) The article and predicate nominative. (2) Com- pare the aorist aud present participles (3) Classes of deponent verbs. (4) Conjugate the imperfect of COM (5) diro5i5poa/ca> and iurotpfvytt as synonyms. (G) Verbs of depriving. Reaching the Euphrates, Cyrus informs the Greeks that he is march' ing against the king; they are angry and demand a bounty. Merc, ravra Kvpo? e^eXavvei orafytou? rerrapas Trapao-dyya? eiKocriv eTTt TOV XdXov iroTa^ov, ovra TO evpo? TrXe'^pov, TrXijpr) 8* IxQvcov 13 /xeyctXa)^ ical 1 939, 2. 1487. 673. 659, a. * 9O7. 1420 ; also 855. a. 1287. 548, 677. 659. 9 Cf. 673 ff. 977. 457, 2. 551, ff. * 723. 1066. 344. 531. 6 1O3O. 1619. 433. US7. 914, B, (1). 1431. 625. GIG. A. '724. 1069. 34O. 525. * 748, a 1071. 362, s. 509, a. 496. 124s. 515.1. 393. 10 666, c. 952. 461,1. 655, a. 11 893; 894, c. 1890,1395. 6O2. GUI. u 649, b. 46, 1. "753. 1112. 367. olZ. 92 ANABASIS. irpae'uv, ou9 oi Supot 0COU9 1 ei>o/ztoz> /cat aSi/ceti> ou/c taw, ouSe Ta,9 TTpi|iai eV at9 (riajvoi)V IIapucraTtSo9 2 Tjcrav et9 ^WVTJV SeSo/ieVat. 10 'EiTeu^ey e^eXauVet ora#/>tou9 TreVre 7rapacrayya9 Tpta- KOVTCL eTTt TO,? 7n7ya9 TOU AapSaro? Trora/xoD, ou TO eS/ao? Tr\0pov. IvToJudo. r)v TO, BcXecTvo? )8acrtXeta rou Supta? apfavros, /cat 7rapa8to~O5 irdvu jtxeyas /cat KaXovoi)cri. Kv/ao? S' avrov |eKov|/e /cat TO, ySacrtXeta KarcKaixrcv. 11 'Ei^reu^ei/ e^eXavvei o~Ta^/iov9 T/aetg 7rapao~ayya5 7reKre/catSe/ca eVt TOV EvfipaTyv TroTafJiov, oma TO eS/309 Kal 7rdXt? OLVToOi w/cftTO /uteyaX^ /cat 6Vo/Aa. /cat Ku/aos /iTa7T/xi/;a/xet'O9 TOV9 TO>V t 'Ei\Xjjvatv eXeyei/ OTI 17 6869 ecrotTo 5 77/369 /BacriXea fj-eyav et9 Ba)8uXaii/a* /cat /ceXeuet avrou9 Xeyeti/ Taura 12 Tot9 o-TpaTta/rat9 /cat dvaTreCOciv eireaOaL. oi Se crawes e/c/cXi7O"tay aTT^yyeXXo^ Tavra' ot 8e Xa-XTraivov Tot9 o~TpaTi7yot9, 6 /cat acrav aurov9 irdXai Tavr' tSoTa9 7 Kp&UT&9, /cat ov/c 8 (f>a(Tav teVat, cai/ /XT; Tt9 avrot9 xP'ni JiaTa StSw, cjo-7rep TOt9 7rpoTepot9 9 /acTa Kupou avaftacTL [Trapa TOI> irarepa TOU Kupou], /cat Taura 10 ou/c eVt [L aTT^yyeXXov * 6 S' VTreor\TO dvbpl e/cao-Ta> Swo-et^ 12 TreWe dpyupCou 13 fjivds /cat TOI> 1 786. 1077. 341. 534. * 732. 1094,1. See In trod. 40. 348,1. 508. * Ct va-vruv 60-01, 1 *. O61. B 932. 14S7. 673. 659, . B 764. 2. 1159. 376. 5*0, a. '969, e. 1568,6. 653,7. 583. Cf.8>. sc. iMSif. 613. 3O8. A93, b. 10 612, a. 3/. s. 493, b. " -c. e " a - ($) Conjugation of at TL TTOL^CTOVCTLV oi dXXot iroTepov G^ovTcu. Kv/aw 3 T^ ou, 4 (rvveXe^e TO avrov (TTdrevJia W ' 1 S T ^ 1 ' otXXwv cat eXe^e raSe. oure Kti/Swevcra^T5 14 irpoTi|iTJ(rO'0 5 crrpa- VTTO Kvpou. Tt ovf /ceXeuw Trot^crat ; vt)v Setrat Kvpo? eirecrOan row? "EXX^i'a? eVt /3acrtXea' eya> ^/xt u/Aa? -^prjvai 7 Sta^^at TOI/ Eiv^paTrjv irora- Trplv SfjXov eivaL o rt 8 ot dXXot "EXX^^e? d,7ro/cpt- Kvpw. 171; ju,e^ yap x|rqs 7rpo0vfjLOTa.TOL<; ovttv Se cu? [jiovois Tret^OjLteVot?] irio-TOTdTOts :i ^pTJcreraL Kal et? <|>povpia /cat et? XoxcryOas, /cat dXXou 12 ovrt^o? az/ otSa ort o5? ^>tXot rev^ea'de Kupov." ] Topics for Study. (1) Constructions after irpk. (2) Case after (3) Accent of ou. (4) Wi* or fji'. (5) Explain accent of 7rei i/o/xt^ere." ot /iei/ 817 crrpartairat /oteyaXat? o^re? rfv^ovro avrov tvruxiio'ai, MeVouvt 8e /cat 8ai/3a eXeyero* 7re/xi//at ^-YaXoirpirws. ravra Se StejSati/e* crv^etVero Se /cat TO aXXo crr/Darev/Lta aiTrav. Kal Tons 8tay8atfdi/roji' TOI> irorafjibv ouSet? 18 pp'X0T] dvOJTepO) TO>V fJLaO-TOJV [uTTO TOW TTOTa/XOv]. Ot Se @ai//a/ci7^ot eXeyoi^ ort ovirwiroO' 5 ovro? 6 Trora/ios yeVotro Tre^ et /x-^ 6 rore, aXXa ffXoUKSj a Tore rpoiotv KareKavcrev, LVO, p,r) Kvpo? SiayS^ eSo/cet 8^ 0iov etvat /cat irora- vpa> 7 a5? j3acri\evcrovTL. Topics for Study. (1) Constructions after irpfi/. (2) Original form of (3) Construction after verbs of attention, care, effort. (4) Accent of March along the left bank of the Euphrates, through a desert country abounding in game. 19 'Evrev^ei; e'^eXawet Sta TT}<; Su/>ta9 crra^/aov? cvvca Trapacrayya? irevTiiKovTa ' /cat afyiKvovvTai irpbs rbv 'Afdr)V Trora/xoy. evravOa ycrav /cai/Aat vroXXat fjto-Tai 8 ets /cat Cf. 982. IRS*. 66 i, 6'S, a; cf. eovAevoM^ovt, 1. 885. 1872. 593. 6S8. a. 1O18. 1O19. 1lii. 431.1. W6. -044. 634. 574, a. 1O22. 1603. 67O, 8. '9O5, n, 1. 1414. 616,1. 656, a. * 767. 1166. 378. 6t3. 763, c. 1112,1140. BOOK I. CHAP. V 95 V. 'J^vrevOev e^eXawet Std TT} be TO> TOTTCO 77 *> /xe> 17 yrj TreStW airav ojxaXts ajcrTrep #aXarra, d\J/iv6iov) Se TrX^pe?' 2 t 3 Se rt Kat a\Xo evfiv iiX-qs 4 17 KaXdixou, airavra rjcrav evcoST] utonrtp dpcofxara* oeV- 2 8/30I/ 8' ovSei/ eV^, Bypia Se TrXetcrrot ovoi ay/atot, vroXXcu 8e (rrpouBoi at Xat ' ivr\(Ta.v Se /cat cbrtSes /cat SopKaSes ' ravra Se ra Orjpca ot tTTTret? eviore e'Stw/co^. /cat ot wot, eVet rtg Stw/cot, 5 Trpo8pa(Ji6vTs ecrracrav. 6 yap raiv tTTTrajt' TpX ov OOLTTOV ' /cat TraXtf, irXTJ(Tld^OlV Ot tTTTTOt, TO.VTOV ' CTTOLOVV, /Cat OV/C Xa/3eti>, 8 et /x>) Siao-ravrcs ot tTTTrets 6r|p [icvoi. TO, Se Kpea rwv dXtcr/co/xeVaji' T)^ Trap air XT? o~t a rot? cXa<|)Cois, 9 diraXcorcpa Se. crrpovOov Se ovSet? Ot Se Stcu^at'Te? TMV iinreuv 10 ra^v eVavofTO' TroXv 3 N,, ;/ > \ >11^'12' > yap aireo-rra (pevyouo~a, rot? yaei/ 7roo~i opo/xw, rat? Se irTpu|iv atpoucra, wo"7rep lonrta> 13 ^pw/xeV^. ra? Se amSas ai/ rt? ra^u ai/icrrf) ecrrt \a^j^av.iV ircToanrai yap Ppax^ wcrTrep TrepSiKes /cat ra^v dira-yopexiouo-i. TO, ^ \ / > td^, TO eupo? -rrXtOpiaiov. Ivravda. yv irdXts epTJp.rj, /AeydXry., ovo^a S' avr^ 1 681, c ; also 661. 932. 424. 543. 2 753, c. 1112, 1140. 357. 5J2. Of iTi ?1 4. 789, e. 1085,7. 355. 506, a. 894, 2; 914, B, (2). 14-29, 1431. 6O8, 65. 650,629. 849, c. 12C;l 535. 456, b ; 457. '76. 42. 43. 55. 8 949. 1517. 637. 574. 773. 1175. 392,1. 5t%. l 729. e. 1085,7. 355. 506, a. "777. 1183. 3S7.N. "776. 1181. 38V 526, ft. "777,8. 916. 32O (cf. last .) ukl (cf. last ex.). 96 ANABASIS. S' avTr) VTTO TOV Macr/ca KVKXw. 1 eWau#' i^/xe/oa? r/aet? /cat eVeo-m'craz'TO. e'^eXaufet crrafytous cprfpovs Tpio-KcuScKa evevrJKovra roy Ev^parrp TTOTOL^OV iv Seta v, /cat d in 4ra- AwTepa. (7) pp in irp<6ppeTo. (8) Maa/ca. Scarcity and price of provisions ; an instance of good discipline. 6 jEi> TOVTOI? rot? ora^/Ltot? TroXXa rwv virotwltov a.7roj- Xtro 2 v-rrb Xtjioi)' ov yap r)v XOR T S ouSe 3 dXXo 4 ovSeV oevopov, dXXa x|/iXT| r/v "" * / c P. > aTracra T) ^wpa' ot oe OJ/OV5 dXTas \ x TOV fat TTOtov^re? et? ^yai/ /cat TTO>- Xouv /cat MILL AND SECTION OF PITER (5vOS CTITOV j^O)V. TO dXtrns) STONE. . > rev/xa o crtro? eircXi-rre, /cat rrpiao-Gai 5 ov/c ^ et /x^ eV r>J AvSia dyopa iv ra Kvpov ^8ap^apt/cw. T^V KaTrCStiv dXevpwv 6 17 dX(f>iTa)V aC-yXcov." 6 Se (rtyXo? Swarat eirra 6f3oXovs 8 fat Tj Xiov 'Arrt/cov?' 9 17 Se KoanBvi Suo x^iKas 'Arrt/ca? X"P l - ovv torOCovTcs 10 ot crrpartwrat bityiyvovro. r^v n oe TOVTGJV TWV (rrajia)v ov? 13 14 OTTore 77 Trpos v8o>p /SovXotro lo SiareXcVai 77 Trpo? 1 776. 11*1. 389. 536, b. * Cf. liraflo* vir', 8. 1O3O. 1619. 433. 1,87. 7O5. '.n;.;. -j. 4y. N. 2 Cf. OVK jv \afttlv, '2. 72!). I. ln<,. 4. 35 and x. $06, b. T 746. 11*{. 3S3. 51S. 72O. 1062. 338. 53S. 616. !'-.M. il.i 41. ( T. AtycuK iiijy. 2". >998. H>29. 4S6, N. 674, n. "738. 1094,7. 352,1. 508. "715. H)5". 33i. 536. * 594, b and a. 919. 3O. 547. W 914, a. 1431, 2. BOOK I. CHAP. V. ROYAL NECKLACE. Kat 8>7 TTOTC pia9 Kat irr)Xoi) o"7re/3 ai^ S/actjaot 7 rts Trept viKi]9 Kat /actXa Kara irpavovs YT|Xd(j)ou, e^oz/res rovs re iroXureXcig Kat rds iroiKiXas dva|up- evioi Se Kat crrpeTrrous Trept rots TpaxT|Xoi9 Kat t//eXta uept rats vepo'tt' ' CV0V9 oe o^'i' rovrots lo"irn- ro*> TnrjXbv Oarrov r} ws rts ai> aiero 8 |iTcopoi)9 9 |Kd|JLi(rav rets Topics for Study. (1) Ancient mills. (2) Relations expressed by the circumstantial participle. (3) Material, (4) Price. (5) tariv (fo] ot (6) Verbs that admit a supplementary participle. (7) irtpt with ace., dat., gen. \tfi) Formation of the adverb. Why Cyrus marched so rapidly," traffic across the river. To Se crv/x7rav 10 Sr?Xo Se er^oXatrepoi/, TOCTOVTGJ TrXeW a6at (BacnXel 3 crr/aarev/Aa. /cat (ruviSeiv 4 8' 77^ rw irpocr- vovv 17 /3acrtXe'&>9 apx*) irXf|6ei 6 l dv0pojTT(i)v l/octTou Trora/Aov Kara row? ep-^/xou? TrdXt? evbaipw Kal /AeyaX^, ovo^a 8e Xa/3- K Taurus ot crr/jartoirat, rjyopa^ov ra eT Sta^atvo^re? cS8e. Si^Ocpas cis et^ov (rjxara 9 iri|JLirXao'av ^dprov Koi), elra . c \ ft 10 ^ I 11 N v ^ OLVLKOS rovro 13 ya/3 ^i/ eV r Topics for Study. (1) S. (2) Dative iu looser rela- tions. (3) Respect (4) Analysis of Sifo-jretaflaj and s with infinitive. |6) Verbs of touching. Clearchus punishes one of Menorfs soldiers, is assaulted; calls to arm.8 ; Cyrus, coming up, averts bloodshed. 11 * A[X(|)iX|dvT(ov 8e rt eVrav#a rait' re Me'i/awcs TOU crrpa TKOTOJV /cat TWI/ TOU KXea^ou, 6 KXea/3^o5 Kpivas d TOI^ TOV MeVcui/os irXTryds eveySaXe^ ' 6 Se e\6a>v TO eavrov crr/Dareu/xa eXeyet' ' d/covcra^res Se ot crrpa rtwrat e^aXeVat^oi/ Kat (apyi^ovro icrxvpojs ra> KXedp 12 X^- 15 T ^ ^^ avrrj v^epa. 16 K\eap^oss. 66i. 5Stf, a. 8 958, 959. 1547. 64O. 575. 780. 1080. 341. 534. 953 : 1O54, f. 1456. 395. 566, b, f i 738. IttW. 356. 5/0, b. "668. <)o9. 2. 452 552, b. I3 Cf. 63O. 464. "65O. b. 427, 1. "764,2. lift). 376. 580, a. 788. 1192. 385. 527, c. BOOK I. CHAP. V. 99 TOV Trora/xov /cat e/cet KaTacrKexj/dfievos TTJV dyo- pa.v dnnrVi eVt rrjv eavrov a-K-rjvrjv Std TOV MeVwi/os orpaTevyLtaTos crvv oXtyots rot? irepi avrov ' Kvpos Se OVTTCO Ty/cei', dXX' ert Trpo5 elSe KXeap vovra, 1170-4, TT^ d|tvT|* 2 /cal ouros /w-ei/ avrov (xXXo? Se XCGco /cat aXXos, etra TroXXot, Kpavyrjs yevo- p.v7)ov^re? ra> Topics for Study. (1) Time, wfon, Ao?r /OT?^. (2) Future of verbs in a'&>, /. (2) Declension of w\ciovts. (3) Force of perfect, infinitive, and participle. (4) Inflection of perfect and pluperfect act. O Se II/3o^evo$ e-n/^e ydp vorepo? 6 irpo eTro/AeVry raJz> OTrXtroiv ev^v? ovv ets TO H&rov dfjiffjorepajv ayajv cQero TO. OTrXa /cat e'SetTo TOV KXedp^ov 7 /XT) iroielv TavTa. 6 S' e'^aXeVatvev ort avrov oXC-you 8 Se^Vavro? 9 KaTaXcuo-Ofjvai irpdcos Xeyot 10 TO avrov irdGos, e'/ce'Xevcre TC avrbv e/c TOV /Ltecrov i(rTa- V S napa ySacrtXet OI/TQJZ/." 17 'A/covtrag ravra 6 KXeap^o? ei/ eai>r&> eye^ero * Kara a>av eBevTO ra OTrXa. Topics for Study. (1) Greek use of Sa-rtpos, irpArtpos, vpuros. ** (2) Meanings of -rlOtffdai ra 8ir\a. (3) Inflection of indicative of o75a. (4) Mean- ings of iravoi, traces of the enemy ; Orontas, his treachery and arrest. 1 VL y ^jvr.\)9ev npoiovTCDV 6 e^at^ero ixvt} iTnrwv KOL Koirpos ' clKd^ero 6 8* tlvan 6 o-rCpos a>9 Sca^&Xuvv LTTTTCDV.' ovroi TTpdiovTis eKaov /cat ^tXoi/ /cat et rt aXXo \pr\- (TljJLOV ^V. 'O/aotra? 8e llepcrqs di/^/o -yevct 8 re Trpoo-rJKwv /3a(7iXet 9 /cat TO, TToXejata 10 Xeyd^e^o? ci/ rot? apicrTOis Hepcrtov eVt^8ouXevet Kvpa> /cat rrpoa'Bev TroXe/x^'cra? 2 8e. ouro? KV/SOJ etTret', et avrai 80117 n tTTTre'a? ort row? irpoKaraKaovTas tTTTre'a? 17 KaraKavoi a 'Xip.a ett'at, /cat e'/ce'Xeucrei' avrov Xa/tySai/eti/ /xepos Tra/a' e/cacrrou rail/ 89O. 1405. 6O. 64. * 860, a. 1266. 538, N. A58. 643. 1153. 426, 2. 5/7, Cf. SerjaafTot, S H. B (T. -J". 972, a. l.V.s. 657. N. 1. flSO.a. 357. .,. ; - )iy i7, 1. 65, b. '738. 1094. 348,1. SOU. 776. 1181. 39O. 5J7, b. 764, -'. 116 (end). 376. S?o, 8. 10 718. 105S. 337. 557. " 9OO. 1408. 605. 651. " 748. 1117. 369, 1. 509, a. BOOK I. CHAP. VI. 101 *O 8* 'Op6Vra9 t'o/^tcras eroijious et^at avra) 1 rov? 3 ypd<|)i CTTKTTOX^V Trapa fiacnXea ore rji^ot 2 ej^ooi/ iTTTrc'as eJ? OLV Swrjrat TrXetcrTov? ' dXXa avrov tiTro5Xr) Se Kvpov ap-)(iv rov Xoyov 8 cSSe. " IIa/>e/caXetXot, OTTO)? CTW U/Xt^ @OV\VOfJil>O<; OTt Si'/catoV ecrrt /cat Trpo? ^eaiv /cat TT/aos av6panrr^ ' '10^ s \ Trpaa> Trept Opovra. rovrout. TOVTOV yap irpwrov (j.ev o efibs 11 TraTrjp eSai/cei^ VTTTJKOOV et^at 12 e/jtot* eVet 8e 1 767. 1174. 37S. 5J5. * 932, 2. 1487. 673. 659, a. * 739, e. 1085,7. 355. 506, a. 726. i>16. 32O. 5.?4. B 729, e. 10SS. 355,1. 506, a. 878. 717,18. ' Cf. 'A0poi/ T^I/ eV 2dpSeo-,i> aKponoXiv /cat e'yai avrov Trpo(riroX|uov eVotrjcra ware Sd^at TOVTGJ TOV irpos e'/xe TroXe'ttou 1 7ravcracr$at, /cat 8etav ehaftov /cat eSw/ca,' /u,Tw? TT)^ ^ /l^ >> * N 8 It ow, 6917 o Kiyx>9, aoiKTrjueLS VTT e/xov i^v^ TO rptrov 4 eVt/8ovXevoj^ 6 ttot avepb<; yeyovas ; " etTro^ro? 8e rov 'Opoirra ort ouSei; 6 d8t/ci7^t9, rjpwTrjcrev 6 Kupo? avrov, " 'O/xoXoyet? ow TTC/DI ette aSiKos 7 yeyevrjcrBat. ; " " T H yap a.va.yK-q" c-rj 6 'Opoiras. e'/c rot/rov ira.\t.v rj parry (Tv 6 KupotXo? /cat 7rto"ro9 ; " o Se a "9t)^> / 10*tr'* /i ort " ovo et ytvoipqV) at Kv/>e, crot y ai/ TTOTC ert Sd^atttt." 9 n/309 raOra KV/DO? eTrre rot? Trapovcnv, " 'O /xev d^ rotaOra ttei' TreTrot'rj/ce, rotaura Se Xeyet * v/xcut> Se 7T/3Q/TO9, cu KXe'ap^e, dird^vai yvatfjuqv ort crot So/cet. " 748. HIT. 363.1. 509,8. * 725. 1076. 34O. 536, c ; cf. last ex. s 928. b. 1477. 6M. 719, b. H.fi). 336. 540. B 716, b. or 725. 1061. 334 \ 336. 536, c, orSW. "981. IMS. 66O. 5&>. ' 94O. y.'V. 63i. 57J. "872. 13^7 563. 476. Cf. v 7roteicr#at w? ra^to-ra, a>s ju/rj/cert 1 Ser; (f>v\dTT60-0ai, dXXd pri^ 6^17 /cat rov? aXXov? TTpo Se dXXot dXXcos * rd(j)os Se ovSet? TTCUTTOTC aurov Topics for Study. (1) Neuter adjective as cognate accusative. (2) ort introducing direct discourse. (3) Omission of the subject of the infinitive. (4) Predicate adjective after infinitive with subject omitted. (5) Infinitive in loose constructions. (6) Part affected. (7) Modes of punishment among the Persians. See Rawliuson's Persia. March continued; review; deserters from (he king; council of war ; Cyrus appeals to the Greeks. VII, Evrev^ev e^eXawet Sta rrjs Ba/3vX&Was crraO- i /LLOUS rpet? Trapacrdyya? SwSe/ca. ev Se ra> rpirta Kupo? e^eraoav Trotetrat raiv 'EXX^Vw^ Kat rai^ y8 i 1O21. 1610. 431.1. 486. ! 956 and a. 1584-5. 64. 569. s 684. a. 775. 1179. 394. 525. 6 738 and a. 1100. 356, N. 1. 5iO, b. 996. 1026. 486. 6J4. >932, 2. 1502. 673. 659, a. 1O3O. 1619. 433. 637. 104 ANABASIS. eV ro> TreSto) 7T/3i /tie'cras vvicras ' e'So/cet -yap cts * T^ 0) 2 ^LV ficKTiXtCL (TVV TO) CTTpaTVfJiaTL /Att^OV- /cat e'/ce'Xeve KXeap^ov pev rov Se^tou Kepcos 4 iryetcr$ai, MeVwfa Se (Vov erraXo^J TOV ev avros Se TOV? eavrov Siera|. 2 Mera Se T^I/ i^iratriv apa T^ 7riov5 orpaTias. Kv/)O5 8e crvy/caXecra? TOW? o-Tparrjyovs /cat Xoxcfyovs rai^ 'EXX^i/w^ (rvvefiov- Xeverd re irws 6 ob> 6 T^I/ ^X r } v 7rot t7"o /cat avro? dappvvcov rotaSe. 3 " T !i ai/Spe? "EXXt/i/e?, ou/c avOptoirojv 7 aTropai^ 8 Pdpuv (rv/A/xa^ovg v/aa? ayw, dXXa vo^i^cov d(icCvovs /cat /cpetrrov? TroXXaiv Papftdpwv 9 u/aas elt'at, Sta TOWO irpo >>>e /* T Sepias 175 KtKnjo-Bc *cat 9)5 u/^a? eya> voai|iovCi^(i>. et. ya/3 tcrre ort TT)V eKtvOepiav eXot/A^i/ aj^ dWt c5i/ /cat aXXwv iroXXairXaaCcov. Topics for Study. 1) Declension of tut. (2) Indirect questions. (3) Omission of principal verb befoie oircos. (4) Meaning of Kra.ofj.at, of KS'KTTJ- /J.CLI. (5) Adjectives followed by a genitive. 4 ""OTTOJ? Se /cat etS^re t? ofoi' Hp\.crOe ayva., u/xa? ctSw? 6i8d| ot/caSe > 796, b. * 161. 199. 9, 3. 9U. 8 969, c. 1568, 4. 63, 5. 5S, b. 741. 1109. 356. 5iO, C. 7OO. 1600. 49O. 223. 6 Cf. av yeVoio, C 8 . '743. 1112. 36, 1. 5I. 969, b. 15t!3, 2. 653, 4. 58.9. 756. 1163. 363. 517. 10 886. 1352. 383, u. 8. 638, b. "994. 1031. 4S4. CIS, b. "744. 1126. 366. 50.9, e. 13 994, 995. 1038. 484-8. 613, b, d. "611. 891.1. 3O8. 493, b. 1B 6O9. 900. 5OO. i58, a. 18 898. c. 519. N. 1, cf. first sent. " 719, b. 1060. 336. 540. 77O 1171. 381. 6S5. 10 988. 1688. 661. 686, a. * 79, e. 1085. 1. 355. 606. a. BOOK I. CHAP. VII. 105 ctTrteVat rots l ot/cot ^Xwrbv TTOLTJO-O) aTreX- >, TroXXov? Se ot/u-at troLTjcreiv rd Trap' e/xot eXeb~$ai dirt rcu^ ot/cot." 'Ei>rav#a ravXtrrjs napan/ , etTre, " Kat /ot^V, ai Kvpe, Xeyovo-t rtve? ort TroXXa vTrto'^yet ^v^ Std TO 2 ev TOtovra> 3 etvat TOV KivSxivou Trpocrtot'TO?, a^ Se ev yeVi^rat rt, ov p.ftvrj e T PI o Kvpo?, AAA. eoTt /otei/ r)p,iv, a> ai^opeg, i) 17 irarpwa Trpo? /otei/ |i(TT|(ippLav f^^XP L ^ ^ t( * ov Svvavrat ot/cetv dj/^pcoTrot, Trpo? Se dpicrov ** 5\ x ^ v ?\' ' ' e <>> ^'^\/^J'\ * > * ot rov e/utov aoe\(f>ov cptAot. 17^ o i)/Aei? 7 -, T7/xa5 Set rovs ^/terepov? c^tXov? rowrflw* Trot^o-at. wore ov rovro Se'Sot/ca ft^ ov/c e)(&> ) s NT ^^ t * O\ i-i\ \ ' ^ t/cavov? ot? oa>. vua)^ oe rwi' EXX77i/a)i/ Kat Topics for Study. (1) Present purpose. (2) Construction after verbs of teaching. (3) Synopsis of avttrx^v. (4) Meaning of verbals in -T<$S. (5) Kto~t^ 7 eicrrat, ed^ KpaTrjo-axriv. 6 'Cf. 991. 11SS.- 666. 596. * 958, 959. 1516. 636. 638. last ex. Cf. 575. s 73O, c. 1088. 355. 507, c. 465, a. 72-2. 237, .N. 6 753. b. 1140. 357. 516, a. 866, 3. 136S. 577. A7J, a. 768. 1173. Also 683. 987. 379, 472 524, a j 19J. 106 ANABASIS. 9 Sf cjimnTrXdg aTrdinatv rrjv yvta^riv dTreVe/xTre. irapK- XCXIOVTO Se aura}, 1 Travres o TOVTO) KXe'ap^os &)Se' ircos r^pero TOV Kvpov ' " Otet yap /} "S 1 T^^ V >^ \ I / " ^^T\A i/>" crot /xa^etcraat, o> Kvpe, roi' aoeXcpo^ ; NTJ At , 6(^17 6 Kv/ao?, "siircp 6 ye Aapetov /cat IlapvcraTtSd? cart Trat?, /AO? Se dSeX^d?, OVK a\La.\f.i raur* eyw 10 'Ei/Tav#a 8^ ei^ T^ ^|oirXi(rCa dpt^io? eyei/ero /utez/ 'EXXTfi/aw dcTTrl? 6 jjivpia Kal rerpa/cocrta, TreXraoTa! 8e Stcr^tXtot /cat Tret'ra/cdcrtot, TCOI/ 8e /xera Kupov )8ap- fidpcov SeVa /i-uptdSe? /cat dp/xara Speiravi^dpa d/x^t TO. 11 etKocrt. TOJI> Se TroXe/xtoji^ eXeyotro et^at e/caro^ /cat etfcocrt javptdSe? /cat dp/xara Spevra^^dpa 8ta/cdcrta. dXXot 7 8e 7?craz/ |aKiN > " '9' / 10 / ' /co/xa? oe v5 Trpo r^5 ttd^s, /cat /xerd r^ /xd^Tp ot vcrTtpov n ravrd 12 Topics for Study. (1) Use of e?r. (2) Some uses of /<^. (3) Con- struction after verbs of thinking. (4) HJ. (5) Simple supposition. 764. 1. 1160. 375. />?0. *948. 1519. 03S. 570. * 1O5O, 4, b. 441, N. 2. 67?, a. 723. 1066. 344. 532. *893. ItfOo. 6O3. 6'47. "6O9. 3i. 7 705. 966,2. 49, N. 2. e 624, d. 914. 319. "749. ll'.'O. 364. 509, b. 10 781. 1184. 3. 5S6, o. " 7X9, . 1088. 355. 506', ft. 76 ; 77, b. 48, 2. 43. 55. BOOK I. CHAP VII. 107 March in array ; reach a ditch made for defence ; traces of the enemy ; less caution. 'Eireufez/ Se Kvpos e'^eXawet crraO^ov eVa irapacrdy- 14 ya? T/aet? crvvTeTayp,va) TO> (rrparevfJLaTL l Ttavri /cat ra> Kal TO) fiapfiapLKto aero yap ravrrj rfj yfJ-epa ftacriXea ' Kara yap pecrov rov crTa6p.bv rov- )V opuKTT] paScta. TO pel* 6V/3O5 dp-yvtai 2 TO Se (5d0os opyviai T/aet?. irapTTaTO Se 17 15 Sta TOU TreStov eVl ScuSe/ca irapacrdyyas at 8ia)puXS, aTro TOU peov&aL ' etcrt Se TCTTa/ae?, TO /nei^ e5po? 7r\e#/)tatai, jBaOelaL Se Icr^yp^, Kal TrXota TrXet eV avrat? o - iTa'yo)'Yd * eto~y8aXXouo*t Se etg TOV Evc^paTT^, 8ia\iiro\)(ri o 3 Trapacrdyyrjv, ye^vpat.S' Se TOU TTOTa/XOU Kttt T7? TCUpOV OJ? LKO(TL Se Trp Tapov y8ao~tXev? Trotet [/^^ya-?] air! 16 eVetS?) Truv6a.vf.Tau, Kvpov TrpocreXavvovra. ravrrjv $r) rrjv irdpoSov Kvpo? Te Kat 17 err par LOL Trap- Kal eyevovro etcraj TT^? rdcfrpov. ravrr) />tev ow i? r)fjLpa OVK e^a^ecraro ^8ao~tXev?, dXX' vTro^ajpovvTatv d rjcrav 5 Kal LTTTTOIV Kal avOpatTroiv I\VT) TroXXa. Topics for Study. (1) Tigro-Eaphrates canals. (2) Partitive apposi- tion. (3) Time u;Aen, within which. Kvpog StXavoi/ KaXecra? TOV 'A/xTrpa/cta/r^i/ is fiavrtv eSw/cev avra) Sapet/cou? Tpto~^tXtov?, ort T^ ev- dV Kiv7)s ^epa Trpo^vo/xej/o? etTrei/ avra) on 6 1 774. 1189. 392. 5?5. * 614. 907. 3SO. 503. 624, d. 914. 319. 729, d. 1085, 5. 352 and N. 50G. 6 604, b. 899, 2, flue print. 49 and N. It36 (end). 6 938] j. 1477. t,Va 108 ANABASIS. ov ^a^etrat Se/ca rjnepwv, 1 " Kvpo? 8* el " OVK apa ert /Aa^elrat, t eV ravrat? ou 2 /xa^etTat rat? i7/xepai ou/c e/ccu TO Kupov crrpaTetyxa 8tay8at^et^, eSo^e Kat Tot? aXXot? dircYVWKevat TOV 5 rJ varepata Ki)po9 eiropevero f||ieXT|(ievo)S 20 T>J 8e rpirri eVt TC TOV a/)/xaTos KaOrjfjievo^ r^v iroptiav e-TTotetTo Kat oXtyov? ev Ta^et e^w^ TT/SO auroO, TO 6 8e TroXv avrw 7 dvaTeTapaYjie'vov eVopeveTO /cat TOJI^ TOt9 Q-TpaTtwTat? TroXXa eVt d/xa^&Ji/ i^yeTO /cat Topics for Study. (1) Art of divination, Introd. 83, (4), (5). (2) Accent of perfect middle infinitive and participle. (3) Instances of adverbs formed from the perfect middle participle. Alarm given that the king is coming ; line of battle formed. 1 VIII. Kat 17817 TC rjv a/xc^t ayopav irXTJOoxxrav /cat 6 o-Ta#/xos ef#a cjitXXe 8 /caTaXuetj^, TjviKa Ilepo"^? TOJJ' d/x^>t Kvpoi; TTICTTCU^ irpo- (j)aLVTai e'Xavvwi' dvd Kpdros ISpovvri TO) tTTTrw, 9 /cat Trdcrtv of? eVeTvy^a^e^ pda /cat pappapiKcos /cai QTt " /3a.(TL\v<; (rvv crrparevfjiaTt, TroXXw Trpocr- a 87) TroXu? rdpaxos eyeVeTO * avrtKa yct/3 eSd/ ot 'EXX^z^e? /cat TrdWe? Se draKTOts er^>to"t^ 10 iriir(rt- 3 EuG>pctT77 TTO~ Tajaw, ITpo^ei/o? Se e^d/aei/o?, ot S' aXXot /AeTa Tovrot', MeVcui' Se [/cat TO o-TpctTCv/Aa] TO evdtvvfjioi' /cepa? ecr^e TOU 'EXXr^^t/cou. ToG Se fiapfiapiKoi) i7T7ret 5 jutei' Oa^XayoVes et? ^tXtov? Trapa KXe- ecTT^crai/ ez^ TOJ Segta> /cat TO EXX'^t't/cot' ireXTa- , ev Se TW 6va}vvp,a> 'Aptatd? TC 6 Kvpou vTrap^o? /cat 6<6pa. TO aXXo (3ap(3apii<6i>, Kvpos Se /cat ot tTTTret? TOVTOU oo-oz/ 6 |aKocrioL [/caTa TO /xeVov], cbirXi(r|JL6Voi jjiev avTot /cat Trapap.T)pi,8iois /cat 7rdWeaX^v et? rrjv fjid^rjv [XeyeTat Se /cat TOU? aXXous ITepa-a? i//tXat? Tat? /ce<^>aXat? 3 eV TW TroXeJLtw 8iaKiv8uv\iiv] . ot S* LTTTTOL Trdvres ^ [ot /xeTa Kvpou] et^ov /cat Trpo|iTcoiTL8La /cat irpoo~TepviSia ' et^oi^ Se /cat (Jiaxaipas ot tTTTret? Top*cs for Study. (1) Constructions after fj.t\\\TJ XCUKI], -^pova) 1 8e utnrep fjicXavta rt? eV rw TreSta) eVl TTO\V. ore Se YVTCpov eyiyvovro, rdxci 8r) /cat x a ^ K< ^S rt? 9 KCU at Xdyx - 1 Ka ^ a ' Ta^et? Karatfiavels eyiyvovro. KOL rf(ra,v tTTTret? /aei^ XeuKo6(opaKS CTTI rov eixovvfjiov rtov e'Xeyero rov 8e Y PP4 >( ^P 01 ? e^o/xe^ot Se o |t)XCvats OLO'TTLO'LV. AtyuTTTtot 8' ovrot eXeyovro et^at ' aXXot 8' tTTTret?, aXXot ro^orat. Traz/re? 8' ovrot Kara ez^ TrXatr)(f>6pa. /caXoujaez/a ' et^o^ 3 Se TO. Speirava e/c TO)Z> d|dva)V ets fL-^ irXd'yiov diroTTau,eva /cat 8 ^\ \ J^C^lQv*^ ^> VTTO Tots 8t(})pois et yjjv tJ*- 1 N ^ _*****rr \ e A pXeirovra, CDS 8taK6irTiv vy^a.voiev. b TJ Se ni/ cJs ets Tas Ta- era) J, Paphlagonian cavalry. 2, Grtek peltasts. 3, Greek hoplites under: (1) Clearchus, f2) Proxenus, (3) Menon. 4, Probable position of Cyrus and his six hundred cavalry x Kpavy ^ V 5, Barbarians under Ariaeus. r I I a, Artaxerxes with the six thousand cavalry. Ra,p(t)v O,V'y6(T0CLL Rrnkxn lines I 1. chariots. ' ' A TOUTO 8 ov yap t Sta/cdi//ovTa. o 7 /xeWot n elTre^ 6Ye /caXeVas Tots ""EXXr^crt far Broken lines ( ), chariots. dXXa /cat Kat iv Tovro) 9 Ku/3o? irapeXavvuv avro? truz/ TLiypyTt, 12 TW epfJLTjvel /cat aXXot? rpiaiv r} rerraptrt TW e/8oa ayetv TO crT/aareu/xa /cara /xecrov TO TWI/ v o \^ *10* ^' *J ^ ' OP , oTt e/cet pao-tXeu? etr; /cai> TOITT , 917, viKw/jiev, TTO.VU 13 i7/atv 1A TreTTot^Tat. 12 opcui' Se 6 KXe'ap^o? TO p&rov oftovfjievo? jjt,r) KutcXco- 1 sc. V, 611. 3OS. A9S, b. * 720. 1062. 33S. 538. 8 6O4 and b. 899, 2, fine print. 49S. N. * 1O54, f. ur.6. 595. 566'. b. -937. 1502. 677. 61&, b. 974. 1570. 658, N. 591. a. 7 1OO9. 1080. 31S. Ml, d. 718. 1053. 337. 537. 782, a. 1195. 3S5. 527, c. 10 925. b. 15i)C. 398, N. 625, b. " 769. 123s. 38O. 521>,b. "848. 12tU; also 898, a; 1403. 537; 6O4, N. u 75O ; 743, c. 1103. 365 609, a. " 719, b. 1060. 336. C>kd. 112 ANABASIS. , TG> Se Ku3&> oVe/cu/aTO 6Yi OTTO*? /caXai? Topics for Study. (1) Karc in composition. (2) Material. (3) Scythe- chariots, Iiitrod. 31. (4) Accusative absolute. (5) Modes in relative clauses with definite antecedent, with indefinite. (6) Auacoluthon. (7) Translation of ' to be ' with adverbs. (8) Persian mode of attack. Introd. 36. Omens favorable ; watchword passed ; charge of the Greeks ; jlighi of the barbarians ; pursuit. 14 Kat iv rovTO) ro> /caipa> TO /AeV fiapfiapiKov 6|iaX(i>s TrpOTJet,, TO Se 'EXXT^t/cof en, eV TW avro> crv^erarrero e/c rai^ ert irpocnovTaiv. /cat 6 Kv/ao? irape- \a.vvd)v ov TTcivv 77/30? avrw ra> crrparev/xart KaT6aTO CKarcpaxre aTropXcirtov et? T TOU? TroXe/xiou? /cat TO?;? 15 tdvTO?, /cat rjpero Tt? 6 6 Oopvfios 117. 6 Se [KXe'ap^o?] etTre^ OTt (rvv8Ti(ia Trapep^eTat 6 Sevrcpov ^Sry. /cat 09' IBav^acre Tt? ?rap- ayye'XXet /cat rjptTO OTt 5 117 TO (Tvv6r}^a.. 6 S' cx7re/c/3i- T vaTo " Zev? orcoTTip /cat vdcif". 6 Se Ku/ao? d/covcra? ^/.\\\R.s, . *| // N AXXa OcXOfiaC Te, ^917, /cat TOI^O eo-T ? oe 93. 1487. 673. 659, a. 886 and b. 1874. 593.1. 63,c. sc. rdn-a, 021, c. 958. 4^4. 54.5. Of. is, 10. " 700. 101'J. 49O S23. 933. 1487. See Introd. 100. 674. 66'f. ' 655, a. loaj. 2. 443, 3. 560. 1O46, 2, b. 7iO. 1062. 33S. 638. >619. 926. 4^5. iit,'. 765. 1174. 376 uud M. 5?*. BOOK I. CHAP. VIII. 11$ 7ropvo[Ji6i>(i)i> l e|eK-u|JiCuv6 Tt 2 777? c^dXayyo?, TO UTroXet- tro^vov -rjp^aTo Spd/x-oJ 0iv ' /cat dfjia i^Q^^avTO Trdires olov rat 'Ez/uaXta> eXeXOj^oixn, /cat Traces Se 0eov. [Xeyow* Se rtves GJ? /cat rats dcrTTtcrt Trpos ra Sopara 8oihrq(raV (f)6j3ov TTOtOWTCS TOt5 t7T7TOt9. 3 J 7T/3l*> Se 19 T6|t\j|xa |iKVtl(r6cu eKKXivouoav ot /Sdpfiapoi /cat epovTo ra 4 /let' St' 20 avrcov ra>v TToXefMLMv, rd* Se /cat Std ra>v 'EXX^wi/ Kevd rjvidxwv. 6 ot S* eVet irpotSotev, 6 Sttcrra^ro * eicrrt S' oo*rt? /cat KaTe\.TJ0r) wcnrep eV linTo8p6|jLco e'/CTrXayet? * /cat ovSe rourov iraOelv ea(rav, ouS' dXXo? eV ravrr) ouSeV, 7rX7)i/ eVt TW evai/v/xw To|u6ijvat rt? eXeyero. Se Taif 'EXXTi/w^ eV ravrr T o- e ' 7ra ^ I/ ovSets 8 Topics for Study. (1) Xenophon, Introd. 111. (2) Relatives intro- ducing indirect questions. (3) Account for the superiority of the Greek over the Persian soldiers, Introd. 20, 53-56. (4) Case after dvrios, after Kev6s. (5) State when an infinitive is in indirect discourse. 945, a. 1495. 632. 577-8. (6) Omens, Introd. 83, (1), (5). (7) Battle array, watchword etc., Introd. 99, 100. Cyrus with his six hundred cavalry attacks and routs the king's center ; personal encounter with the king. Kvpos S' opa>v TOVS "EXXi^va? viKwvra^ 9 ro 10 Kaff 21 I..UTOVS /cat Staj/coz/ra?, ^Sojue^o? n /cat Trpoo'/cwov/Liet'O? 77817 VTTO T(av dp, y avTov, ovS' o>s 12 e^TJX^ Stw/cetv, dXXd sc. jtepos, 621, c. '958. 44. 5W. " 969, e. 1563,6. 653,7. 535. 1Z 120 : 138, 3. 652. ls 878. 717-18. H. & W. ANAB- 8 114 ANABASIS. 22 Kal irdvTts 8* ol TO>V J3apfidpa)v ap^ovTes fjiecrov e TO avToiv rjyovvraL, j>o/uoj/Teg ouro> Kal ev eti>at, 17^ 77 17 lo"Xvs avra>v eKarepcoOzv, Kal et Tt irapay yetXai 'xprj > oiev? T|}u? e^eu eyeVero TOV Kv/aou euoj^u/xov /cepctTos. eVel 8* ovSet? avro> e'/xa^eTO e/c TOU avrlov ouSe Tot? avrou Teray^evoi^ |nrpo(T0v, TTKa|iTTTv GJ? 24 ets KVKXoxriv. e^^a ST) Kvpo? Setcra? yLfj) OTTLcrOev yevo- KaraKoijjrj b TO 'EXX^^t/co^ eXau^et di/Ttos ' 6 Kal ^aKOCTiOL? VLKO. TOU? 7T/DO ets 4>uyh v Tpe\|/ TOUS Kal aTTOKret^at XeyeTai avros Ty eavrou X 61 / 3 ' *A/)Ta- yep&rjv TOV ap^ovra avratv. Topics for Study. (1) Ti xaO' OUTOUJ. (2) Cf. 4j, fij. (3) Fourth or less vivid form of conditional sentence iu indirect discourse. (4) Force of adverbial ending -Bey. 25 *Os 8* v) Tpoirij e'yeveTo, 8iao"iripovTai Kal ot Kvpov e^aKocrtot et? 7 TO StwKett' opfATJa'avTes, ir\r)v irdvv oXtyot a/x^)' avrov KaT6\eipaKOS, W? ^Q-t KT^CTttt? 6 27 Iarp6s, Kal IdcrOat avro? 9 TO rpavfid (f>r)crL. Traiovra 8' avrov aKovrt^ei Tt9 TraXTai UTTO TOV 6 Trepl avrov Kivro cV avr&>. 'ApraTrar^s S* d moroTaros avrw 28 rail/ (TKrjTTTovxaiv [06pdira>v] Xe'yerat, eVetS?) ireTTTWKdTa et8e Kvpoi', KaraTT^S^Vas aTro row ITTTTOV TTpnropi /cal //eXta Kal raXXa aicrTrep ot dptcrrot ojv* cVeTt/i^TO yap UTTO Kvpou St* vvoidv re KCU Topics for Study. (1) The j/torp<*cfoi. (2) Augment of (3) ffrpfirrSv. See Introd. 27. Eulogy on Cyrus, early training; boyhood traits. IX. Kvpog /iev ou^ OVTWS eVeXet/TTycrei', av^p c3i/ Hep* i (Tiov 2 TOJV /xera Kvpoi/ rov dp^alov yevop,va)v pacriXi- Kwrards re /cat dp^eiv dtairaTO5, o5g Trapa irdvTtoV d/xoXoyetrat rcui' Kvpou SO/COVI/TWI/ eV ireCpa yevecr^at, irpwTov jjicv yap ert Trat? c3j OT* ciraiScvcro /cat o^v J TO) aSeX^>a> Kal o'ut' rot? ctXXotS Tratcrt, Trdvratv irdvra * KpdYio-ros eVo/At^ero. -Trdi/re? yap ot r&Jv dpiarcav Hep- 3 crcuy TratSes eVl rat? ySao-tXew? dvpai^ TratSevoirai * v0a TTO\\r)v [lev $po(r\)VT\v KarajidSoL 4 dv rt?, alerxpov S> >\ V>5 V > 9^ V fil/1'* ^ ovoe& oirr a/covcrat ovr toett' ecrrt. I c/ewz/rat o ot 4 TratSes Kal Tt/iw/^eVou? VTTO /8ao-tXecus Kal a,Kovovo-t, Kal aXXov? drtjLta^o/AeVov? ' wore evOvs TratSe? OI^TC? [iav9dvou 7ret'$ecr$at, eVetTa 8e <{>iXnnr6TaTos Kal rots ITT- Trots aptora 3 ^p^crdai ' * ttcpivov 5 8' avrov /cat TCUI> eis TOI/ ir6\fj,ov ep'yuv, 6 TO|IKTJS ' re /cat dtcovTio-ews, <{>iXo- 6 [laSeo-raTov eli^ai /cat [icXeTTjpoTaTOV. eVet Se irpTT, /cat iXoKiv8uvoTaTos. /cat apKTov irore ei ov/c Tp(T6v, aXXct o-upnrecrwv KaTTiXds e^X 6 ' T ^s ^ ' /cat rot' irpuTov juteVrot poT]6TJcravTa TroXXots 9 > / TrotTjcrej/. / Topics for Study. (1) Cyrus the Great, Introd. 7-9. (2) Education among the Persians. Rawlinson, Fijih Monarchy, ch. iii. (3) Catalogue the virtues of Cyrus as presented in this chapter. (4) Zeugma. True to his word ; aimed to outdo both friend and enemy ; severely punished evil-doers ; liberally rewarded the just. ! Se KaTTr'p.<}>(hj VTTO TOV Trarpos craTpctTn;? AvStas re /cat /3iryta9 TTJS /^eyaX^? /cat KaTTTraSo/ct'as, crr/aa- ^10^^ v ' * ' A 'Pll Q ' T^yog oe /cat Trai^rajf aTreoet^pr; ot? Kat/r^/cet et? Kaa-rwXoi) TreSto^ aOpoi^crOaii irpwrov ^ik avrov n on Trept TrXetorou Trototro, 13 [et TO> /cat et T6> vTrdcr^otro rt, 8 i/ev8ecr^at. /cat yap ow eVicrrevoi^ /xei^ avra> at TrdXei?- eVtrpeTrd/otei/at, eVtorevoi/ 8' ot a^Spe? * /cat et 14 ns TToXe'/^tto? e'yeVero, cnretcra/LieVou Kupov eVurreve /Lt-rySe^ 15 9 av Trapa ra? cnrovSds TraOelv. roiYctpovv eVei Tt 577. 259 869. i3S. M4. <412. 496. 199, A. 320. 6O2, c. 897,2. 35. 4.W, a. 753, d. 114-.'. 351. 5J6, b. T 6 24. d. 914. 3/9. 8 716, b. 1054. 334. /tffi, b. Cf. TO^ Ol ot, 7<. '0726. b. 1078. 3O. 1. 534, b. "764,2. 1159. 376. 5?0, a. "878 812, b. 717-18 804. 1 ; 932, 2. io98 ; 1497, -2. 6O9. 673. 61.7:659,*. ' eVeSet'/cfi/ro /cat eXeyei> art ov/c aV vrore 10 Trpootro, 1 eVet cnra| (tXo? aurot? e'yeVeTO. 2 ovS' et ert /u,ei> , ert Se KO.KLOV 7rpdeiai>. | 8' 77 1> /cat et rt? Tt ayaObv 3 17 KO.KOV Trot^cretei/ 11 i/t/cav Tretpw/Ltez/o? 4 /cat tvXT|V 8e' rt^e? avroi) 5 '|(j)pov a5? . ev^otro TCKTOVTOV Kat TOW? eu /cat TOUS /ca/cai? Trotout'Ta? dXe^d/xei'O?. 6 /cat 12 yap ow TrXetcrrot 877 avraJ ei/t 7 ye clt'Spt rwv eft rjjjiwv TT0v|iT|v (or iart). (8) The form ffjy. (9) tfs or efs 7* with superlatives. Ov fj.ev Sr) ovSe 8 rovr* av Tt? etTrot a>g roug KaKovp-yous 13 Kat dSucous eta KaTaycXdv, dXXa d<})i86(rTaTa eVt/xwpetro TroXXd/ct? 8' 771; tSet*> Trapa ret? oSovg /cat TroSait' 9 /cat ^etpwi/ /cat o<^9a\^v crrepO)u,eVov5 avdpaiTTOvs ' COOT' eV r^ Kupov dpxy e'yeVero /cat ^EXX^i/t /cat ySapySdpw ^17 Set' dSt/couvrt 10 d6ea>s Tropevecr^at orrfl rt? i]0eXev, fyovTt, on irpoxwpoCt]. 11 Tous ye /LteWot dyaOovs et? TrdXe/AOi' wyaoXoy^TO 8ia- 14 <{>p6vTois TLfJidv. /cat irptoTOv [lev yv avrw 7rdXe/xo? Trpo? IltcrtSa? /cat Mvaou? ' crTpaTeuo/ie^o? ow /cat avro? et? TauTa? Ta? ^a>pa? ov? ecejpa e'^e'Xovra? /ct TOVTOV? /cat dp^oi/Ta? eVotet ^? KaT(TTpTO 1 9OO. UOS. 6O5. 65i. ! 935, c. 1499. 675, 8. 6C2. s 735. a. 1073. 34O. 536, c. 981. 15>9. 66O. 585. B 937, a. 1502, 3. 677. 631. 969, a. 15(. 3. 653. 3. 583. ~ 659. b. 8 103O. 1619. 433. U87. 9 748, a. 1117. 362. N 10 969. d. 1563,5. 653,6. 583. " 914, B, (2). 1481,2. 625. 676, b. " 995, a. 1036. 48S. 61S, d. 118 ANABASIS. 15 eVeiTa 8e Kal dXXot? S&J/DOIS ert/wi* aJorc (Livcr0cu TOUS /xeV dya#ovs evSat/xoyeoraTOvs, TOUS Se KO.KOVS SovXous TOUTOJI/ a&aiv etfcu. roiyapovv iroXXr) 77^ 0.6601/10. avra* ra>^ edeXovTuv KivSwevew, OTTOV rt? 16 ototTO Kv/oov atcr#77crecr#at. eis -ye IITJV 8iKaioavepbs 2 ^v Trotetv rwv K 17 rov dSt/cov 3 <)>iXoKp5ovvT(i)v. /cat yct/3 oS^ (zXXa re TioAXa 8iKaC(OS aura) 4 6iexeipCt,To Kal OTpaTev/xari Tpov eli/ou 17 TO Kara 5 pr^va Kep8os< Topics for Study. (1) Optative in simple sentences. (2) Parts of &*. (3) Verbs of depriving. (4) Augment of . (5) Cf. 7rore dx. " (566. c. 952,1 4S1,\. 555. a. 716. b. !".4. 334 W6, b. T 764, 2. lifty. 376. 5*0, a. 767. 1165. 378. -?.'.<. 894. >. a. end. 1393,2. 61O. N. 1. A65. 729. c. 1085,8. 35O. 506. a. "91!> ft. HS'j. 3Hi 616, b. "894, 2, a. 1398,1296. 61O. x. 1. 467, a. "724. lOOy. 64O CM. "981 158S. 66O. 585. "764,2. 115U. 576. SiO.* BOOK I. CHAP. IX. 119 <5tXou9 ye fjir)v oVovs TrotT/cratro * /eat e-uvous yvo'vr] 20 oWas /cat t/cai>ou? /cptVete cruvep-yovs etfat on Tvyyavoi* KaTcp-yd^ccrOai, 6//,oXoyetrat Trpos iravrojv ST) ytvecrOan Gepcnrcvciv. /cat yd/3 avro 21 TOVTO 3 OVirep ttVTO? O>/Ca (f)L\0)V* aJCTO SetCT^ttt, OJ? CTW epyov? ^ot, /cat avros eVeiparo o~vvepybt|8av 22 Stct iroXXct ' ravra Se TTOLVTW 8 8^ /xaXtcrra rot? 5 t? TToXepov r) u's its Ka\Xacrav t- r t ro jae^ eaurou (rw/xa ov/c av Svvatro rovrot? Tracrt KO(T(iT|8f]vai, ^>tXous 8e /caXai? /ce/cocr/x^/aeVou? /oteytcrTov Kocrpov avftpl i>o/u- {ot. /cat TO 10 /otev ra 11 /xeyaXa VIKO.V ror>? <^tXov? ev 24 Trotovvra ovSev OavjiacrTdv, eVetSr; ye /cat 8wara>re/3O5 ^ TO 8e r^ 12 -mjJLXeCa Treptet^at TWI/ i\w/> /cat Setrat o*ov TTjp.pov TOVTOV 1 914, B, (2). 1431, 2. 6S5. 6/6, b, and 620. s 919, a. 1489. 65. 6i6, b ; 6IS. 626. 1815. 3iS. 49i, d. 743. 1112. 356. SJ2. 773, b. 1175. 392, 2. 525. 729, c. 10S5, 3. 35O. 506, a. Cf. Troiijo-airo, ? 20. 729, e. 10S8. 355. 506, a. "767. 1165. 37S. 523. 959. 1546. 637. 524. " 71fl, b. 1060. 336. 540. 78O. 11S2. 39O. 527, b. ls 914, B, (2). 1431,2. 625. 616, b ; 67. 14 759. 1136. 359. 515. 932, 2. 1487. 673, 669, a. 119, b. 144. 7J, & 120 ANABASIS. 26 (TVV ot? fjLd\L(TTa (tXctg. 7roXXci/as Se x*l eVe/A7re /cat aprcov T|[jLicrea /cat aXXa rotavra, /ceXevaw rov epoi>ra, Tourots * rjcrd'Y) Kv/aog 2: ow /cat ere TouTaw 2 4 ycij(rao'6aL. OTTOV Se ^tXos tXov? rot? TO, eavraiv ayovcnv linrois e/xySaXXeti' rovrov rov TTlVa>VTS Topics for Study. (1) Uses of the optative mode. (2) Three uses of &*-. 1 3) Adverbs made from /le-yaj. (4) Mode iu coiiditional relative clause after a past teuse. Publicly honors his friends ; proof of popularity and good judgment. 28 /Et Se ST^ Trore Tropevotro 3 Kat TrXetcrrot /ae'XXoief ox//ecr^at, 4 irpocrKaXwv TOU? i\ov /xeV ye e^" a>i> d/coua> ouSeVa V7TO 1T\l6v(t)V 7T(f>t,XrjO'0aL OVT6 'EXX^VoJV OVT 29 f3ap(Sa.pojv. TCKji-qpiov Se rovrov /cat roSe. Trapa Kvpou SovXou 6vro5 ovSetg aTTT^et 77/305 ftaacXea, /Cat OVTO? ST) 0V aTO TTtCTToV Ot 6 < eti'ai ra^v avrov rjvpe Kvpco 77 eavrw ' Trapa Se /3acrtXe'a)9 TroXXot Trpog K.vpov drrrj\6ov, eTretSr) TroXe'- /uoi dXX^'Xot? e'yeVoi/ro, /cat ovrot /xeVrot ot /xaXtora VTT' avroi) dvaira>u,voi, i^oat^o^re? irapa Kvpw otre? ' i * / It dya#ot d^teuTe'pa? ai/ Tiftfjs 8 Tvy^avtiv 9 77 Trapa y8ao~tXet. 30 ^te'ya Se re/cju-^'ptov /cat TO 10 eV TT} TtXevry TOV fiiov avroj yevofj-evov 10 on, ical avro? T^I/ dya^o? Kat Kpiveiv 6p86is 778. 1181. 391. 526, . * 748. 1102. 356. 511. 894, B,2. 1898,2. 61O 4 846. l-'.M. 533. 570, b. 969, e. l.V,:i. ti. 653.7. 5,9.7. 85. 987. /,"?. 1.97. i = ei tir,. 9O2. 1413. 6i4. S89 s 739. 1099. 356. 510, d. .r,4. 9OO. 14!4, 14DN 647. 579. lo 966. 1560. 650,1. S8t. BOOK I. CHAP. X. 121 l$VVCLTO TOWS TTtCTTOUS /Cat CVVOVS KOI (3e|3aiOl)S. O.TTO- 31 0VTJ(TKOVTO<; yap avrou rravre? ot Trept avrov TOU tTrm/cou dp^cov ' cJg 8* jjadeTO Kvpov e) Kvpov diroT[i,VTai rj /ce^aXir) /cat 17 i "n Septet. ySacrtXev? Se [/cat ot crvv avrw] Stotj/ca>z/ 3 i(ririirTi 3 et? TO Kvpaov aTpaTdireSov /cat ot /xe 'A/atatou ov/ceVt tcTTatrat aXXa <^)euyoucrt Sta TOV (TTparoTreBov et? TOI/ (TTad^ov v9V wpfjurjino rerrapcs S* eXe'yoi'To Trapacrayyat eti'at T^5 6Sot). 4 ySaatXeus Se 2 Kat ot crw atrw Ta TC aXXa vroXXa Stap7raoi>o~t, Kat C(j/catSa T^I/ Kvpou iraXXaKC8a T^ o-o^v /cat /caXr)i/ Vr^i/ ett'at Xa/x/Sai'et. 17 Se MtX^crta [^ veojrepa 3 ~a VTTO TCOI/ dfjiffii ySacrtXea e/C(/)evye 7T/OO9 TWI/ 'EXXryi/aJi/, ot erv^ov eV Tot? cr/ceuo^d/aot? a.TTKTeivav, ot Se Kat O.VTWV direflavov ov ye, aXXa /cat TO.VTT]V 984. 1556. 660, x. 585, a. 983. 1588. 661. 585,8. 607. 901. 496, i. Wo, o. 733. 35, 1. 50S. 64,0 911. Sl. 502. 122 ANABASIS. T KOL ol eJ? T/ata/coi/ra oraSia., ot ^teV StT9 TOV? Kaff OVTOVS [a>9 irdvra i>t/caWe9 "], ot 8' apTra^o^Tes a5? 17817 irdvra i/t/caWcs. Topics for Study. (1) Verbs of the iota class. (2) Inflection of im perfect and aorist indicative of tntivut. 5 'Eiret 8' TJcrOovro ol /xez> *EXXi7i>e9 ort ^8ao-tX>9 crvv TO) crrparev/Aart lv rots (TKvo(j>6poiv w. /cat ot /xez> "EXX^j/e? 5 ravrr) 7 7T/3oo~tdi/TO5 8 /cat 6 8e [^SaatXev?] ravrr) JJLCV OVK rrytv, rj 8e TraprjWev fa) TOV evuvvfjiov /cepaTO? ravrr) Kal a.TT'fj'yev, /cat TOUS ei/ T>7 p^XD [/caTa TOU? ^EXX^^as] 7 cravTas /cat TLa-cra^epvrjv /cat TOVS crvi' avTw. d Tto"O"a<^e/3i/T79 ej^ T^ TT parry (ruv68w ov/c .-n. 66/. 969, c. 1563,4. 053,5. 583, b. In trod. 81. '632. 1181. 4V4. SW. 8 978, a. 156a 057, N 1. 5,90. . BOOK I. CHAR X. 128 do5 TO TO>V ' t, /cat ofiov or) rrdXu/ t * 6JCCC VOL eTTOptVOVTO. Topics for Study. (1) Comparison of V /cepas, irpo r \ I / avTiav Ti]V 5 oe eloov ol *EXX7yi'e5 eyyv? T oi^ra5 Kat rrapaTTa'YjjLvovs> iraiavicravTes eirfjcrav iroXv ert trpoBv^oTepov 17 TO co> f rt ' n > >^ ' >\\ v 'ii ot o av pappapoi OVK eoe^ovTO, aAA.a /c n 17 TO irpocrOev <}>eiryov' ol 8' eucBCwKov i , d, 9, end. & r,aav Kara TO ev 'f,\\rjviav idpa.?. e, 10, napajuenioueros i? TO auT ' 9, eSoicci ai'arrTucrcreii' TO /ce'pat teal oirt< - Toi^<7a3 4 653 6. 124 ANABASIS. /SacrtXect, 7reot pev ov/cert, ro)v Se ITTTTCCDV l 6 \.<54>os ivegfajarBq, wore TO TTOLOV^VOV fir) yiyvaxrKeiv. /cat TO /SacrtXetof ai]|ieiov opav e^acrav dcrdv Tti/a ^pvcrovv eV: 13 ] dva,TTa|iVov. eTret Se *cat VTav6' ol "EXAi7i/5, XetTTOvcrt S^ /cat TOV Xo^ov oi ou /u/)i> ert d0pooi aXX' dXXot dXXo9v ' \|/iXovTo 8' 6 Xoi> aTrayyeXXct OTt favyovcriv a.va KpaTos. OTt otiSafJiov Kv/)o? ^atVotTO 2 ouS' dXXos 0,77' avroi) ovSets irapeir) ' ov yap ^Seo'at' avroi^ TeOvrjKOTa, aXX' et/ca^oi/ r} 8tor 17 KovTa ot^eo~^at 77 KaTaXr)\lt6fJLev6v TL TrpocXTjXaKcvai * /cat avrot cfiovXevovro ct aurov /xetz/a^re? T6pa. '743. Ilia. 356. 5W. '925, b. 1506. 5J>, N. 654. B- BOOK I. CHAP. X. 125 vrav0a ayoLVTO rj airioitv erii TO (rrparoTreSov. ctTrteVat ' /cat d^t/cj'Ovz'Tat d/A(t SopirqcrTov CTU ra? peit Trjs rjfjiepa^ TOVTO TO re'Xo? eyei/ero. 18 8e rai^ re aXXwv ^pr}^aT(ov ra TrXetcrra /cal et rt (TITIOV 17 TTOTOV ^v, /cat ra? a/Aaa? /u-ecrra? dXeupwt' /cat oivov, a? Tra/aecr/cevacraTO Kv/aos, ti/a et TTore a({>oSpd ro crrpdrev^a. XctySot e'vScia, StaSow; 1 rot? ^EXX^crtv ^crav 8' avrat rerpaKocriai [tu5 eXe- yovro ~\ a/xaat /cat rauras rare ot crvv /SacrtXet wcrre dSciirvoi rjdav ot 7rXeto~rot TOJI^ 'EXX^- 19 Se /cat avapicTTOi ' irplv 2 yap ST) /caraXvo-at TO CTTpctTevjaa TT/JO? apurTov ySacrtXeu? l(f>dvr). ravrrjv ovv rrjv i/v/CTa 3 OVTW SteyeVoi'TO. Topics for Study. (1) Class of t\avv 'Apra- ecrr/aarevero, KOI ocra ev rfj dvdSca Kal GJ? r) fJid-^rj eyeVero /cat w? Kvpo? eT\vnf)O' /ecu aj? eVt TO Oi "EXX^^e? * oto/u.ei'ot TO, irdvTa 1 VLKOLV" /cat ttfv, iv TO) TrpocrOev Xoyw A/xa Se T^ Tjfjiepa 5 Kvpoj - /cat FXovs o Ta/zai. OUTOI e\eyov oVt Kvpo? TO>V aXXcoi/ jSap@dpojv odtv ry TrporcpaCa ojpfJLyvTO, /cat 719, b. 1060. 336. 540. 946, 94O. 1522, 895, 2. 63O. 57i. 8 925, b. 1606. '59S, sr. 6!U. b. 937. a. 1502, 3. 677. 63J. 972. a. 1563. 657, N. i. 0, . 933. last ex. 149x 674. 6&d. ' 93, 2. 1487. 673. 659,*. (126) BOOK II. CHAP. J. 127 Xeyot on ravrrjv pep rrjv rjfMepav TTpi|ivolv avrovg, ct v 1 rJKeiv, TTJ Se dXXy aTTteVat ^cuT-y 2 CTU Topics for Study. (1) Mode in causal clauses in indirect discourse. (2) At daybreak, at sunset, on the next day, how expressed ? Tavra d/covcravre? ot crr/aar^yot /cat ot aXXot "EXX-rji/es 4 7ruvOa.v6n.evoi, pape'cos epov. KXe'a/a^o? Se rctSe " ' AXX' oS4>\ 3 /u,ei/ Kvpo9 rp * eVel 8e aTrayyeXXere 'Aptata> ort T7/xet9 VIKW^V re /SacrtXea oi? 6/>are ovSet? ert 17/111^ /Aa^erat, /cat t * /XT) v/xet? l7ropv6jji0a av eVt /SacrtXea. eiraYY^XXoficOa Se ' eav v6d6e eX^ry, ets rov Opovov rot' ySacrtXetov KaBieiv 5 avrov' ro)v 6 'yap ^XV viKtovrtav /cat ro 7 ap^eiv ecrrt. Tavra etTraii/ diro(TTXXi rovg dyye'Xovs /cat crw avrot? 5 TOI^ Ad/cajva /cat MeVwva TOV erraXbV ' /cat yd/3 avro Meixyz/ e/SovXero ' -^v yd/3 c^tXo? /cat ^eVo9 'Aptatov. ot /xez> OJ^O^TO, KXedp^o? 8e Treptejueve ' TO 6 8e o"rpdrev/Aa eVopt^ero crtroi^ OTTW? eSuvaro e/c TWV KdiTTOin-cs TOU? povs /cat 6Vou9" ^uXot9 8 8e ^9 / JN^I/X T 10 ' fJLLKpov Trpoiovres ano r^9 (paAayyo9 ov 17 eyei/ero rot9 re o LOTTO is 11 iroXXot9 ouo"tv, ov9 ot V EXXT7^9 e/c^dXXetv TOV9 avro/xoXowra9 Trapd /8ao~tXea)9, /cat Tot9 yt'ppois n /cat Tat9 dcrTTtcrt Tat9 Tat9 Atyv7TTtat9 ' TroXXat Se /cat TreXrat /cat t -^crai/ (frepecrOai w eprjfioi ovcrat ' ot9 7rdo~t x/ 30 ^" /cpea 13 evj/ovrcs 14 rjcrdiov eKeivyv TT^V rjfjiepav. Topics for Study. (1) Unattainable wish. (2) Supposition .contrary to fact. (3) Appositive with xpo/iu. (4) Infinitive denoting purpose. 898, 933, 2. 1890, 1497, 2. 6O4. 650. * 946. b. 1523. 66ft 658. 871, a. 1512. SSS. 4:0,1). 895. 139". 6O6. 649. s 425. 665,3. 215. 346. 738, c. i094, 1. 348. 1. 50S. ' 959. 1542. 636-7. 574. ' 623, 595, b. 916. 32O (of. last ex.). 547 (cf. last ex.). 72O. 1062. 338. 538. 10 76O, a. 1137. 358 (end). 575 (end). u 777. 1188. 387, N. 951. 1532. 593. 565 and a. u 191. 237. J6 (.cf. yepos). 1?4. M 969, a. 1563, 8. 653. 2. 6'53 (,note second paragraphX 128 ANABASIS. The king demands the surrender of the Greeks ; they reply with courage and moderation. 7 Kat 17817 re rfv Trept TrXi^ouo-ai/ ayopav /cat Trapa /8a(nXeiw5 /cat Ticrcra^e/^ou? KfjpuKes ot /ue> aXXot fidpfiapoi, rjv S' airrwv QaXivos efs ^EXXrji/, 05 ervy^a^e irapa Tto~o~a5 KijpvKes ' ot 8e "EX- Xrji/e? ySapeiw? /xei/ yKOvcrav, O/AW? Se KXeap^os TOQ-OVTOI/ LiTv ort ov rail/ vLKcovTuv 8 etr) TO, oVXa 7ra/Da8t8d^at ' f \\' " *J ^\^o / / " aXX , 917, ' v/iet? fiv, w avopes (rr/aar^yot, TOU- TOI? aTTOKpivavOe o Tt /caXXtcrrdt' re /cat dpicrrov e^ere ' eya> Se aurt/ca 17^0)." e'/caXeo"e yap rts avrov ro)v VTrriptTwv, OTTCU? tSot ra tepa e|i]pri}ie'va ' erv^e yap 10 v Ev#a Si) (XTre/cptvaro KXeai'cup 6 'Ap/ca? Trpecr^Suraro? ai/ ort 7rpotXtav Swpa. 5 et /xei/ yap w? /cparaif, rt Set avrov alrelv KCU ov Xa^Seti/ fXBovra ; et Se TretVas 6 1 753, d ; 621, b. 1142. 3S1.424. 516, b ; AS4, cf. 507, b. * 898. 1408. 6O4. 650. Cf. same, 4 end. = Trptf, 981, b ; 924. '-174,1436. 6^7 and N. 6'W, c. 023 ; 596, b. 916. 3#O. 5A7. 969, a. 15tW, 8. 53, 2. 5S3. BOOK II. CHAP. L 129 j3ov\Tai l \aftv, XeyeVco Tt eorrat rots lav avrw rai/ra 2 Topics for Study. (1) The office of herald, Introd. 92. (2) Which participles in tliis passage express the causal and which the conditional relation? (3) The imperative in the conclusion of conditional sentences. n/oo? raura aXtvos etTre, " BatrtXevs viKav rjyeirai, n sVet Kvpov dntKTQve. rts yap aurw 3 en, TTJS dpxfjs dvrnroieiTai ; j>o/Atet Se /cat v/xa? eavrov 4 eti^at. /cat 77X^05 avOpwTTtov ec^' v/xa? dyayelv ocrov ovS* et Trape^ot 6 v/itz/ Svi/aicr# Mera TOVTOV OeoTro/aTro? 'A^vaio? eiTrc^, "fl aXti/e, 12 w? (rv opa?, 17/ui' ovSe^ ecrnv dyaOov aXXo ct yx^ ovrXa /cal apery. OTrXa /^e^ ovt' e^oi^re? 7 ol6fJL60a av 8 dperf) xprjcrOaL, TrapaSdvre? 8* av ravra /cat CTTeprfBrjvaL. /ZT) 9 ow otov ra fj,6va dya6d yfjilv ovra vplv TrapaSaicreiv, dXXa (rui^ TOT/- rot? Kal Trept TWV v|iTpa)V dya0)v /xa^ou/^e^a." d/cov- 13 era? Se raura 6 aXt^o5 t'ycXao-e Kai et7r>, " 'AXXa 4>iXo(o 10 f*.ev oiKas ; cS veavicrKc, Kat Xeyei? ou/c pira ' Tcr^t /xeVrot dvo^ros c3f j 11 ct oiei r^v dptTrjv 9tpvyfv4trOtu 12 av TT;? /SacrtXeoj? Sui/d/xea)?." aXXov? 8e rtra? tyacrav Xeyetv tnro|iaXaiao}j.vous 005 u /cat KV/DO) 7rtoTot eyevovro /cat /SacrtXet ai' iroXXov a^tot yevoivro, et ySovXotro 14 ^>tXo? yeveaOat ' /cat etre aXXo ^ 893. 1390. 602. 647. * 716, b. 1054. 334. 556, b. 778. 1175. 399.1. 5. <738. a. 10W4, 1. 348,1. SOS. a. 969, b. 1563,2. 653,4. 5SS. 9OO 14(?. 6O5. 657. 7 9O2. 1413. 614. 585. 964, 9OO. 1308,1408. 647,605 579,651. 1O19. 1610. 43i, 1. LSti. 10 773. 1175. 30, 1. 55. "982.986. 1868. 661. Cf. 66O. x. 586-7. I2 964 (a). 1494,13-27. 647. 579. "749. 1120. 364. 509, b. " 900. 140S. 6O5. 661. 716, b. 1183. Cf. ri, 1^ ". 334. ^t>, b. H. & W. A.VAB. - ft 180 ANABASIS. Tt #e'Xoi xprj(r0ai eir* CTT' Klyvrrrov crr/aareveci/, aXu>o9 Se viroXapwv el-jrey, " Ourot /jteV, <5 KXe'apxe? aXXo? 4 aXXa Xeyet ' 5 T1 / **" **v \ " 16 Aeycis. o o enrev, Eycu ^ 8 TOV? Ta ovrXa TrapaSowat crv/A/8ovXevo/xeVot? crui^e- avTot? TaSe. 9 olcr0a Se 6Vt avdyKT) Xeyecr0ai ei/ T^ 'EXXaSt a az/ trv/A/SovXeuo'^?." 18 *O Se KXe'apxo? TavTa xnrTj < yTO ySovXo/tevo? /cat CLVTOV TOP Trapa /SatrtXeaj? irpto-jJcvovra (TVja/JovXevcrat /Ltr) TrapaSouj/at Ta ovrXa, OTTOJ? cxitXiriSes /xaXXot' 10 etev oi . aXti/05 Se viroo-Tpt'xj/as Trapa rrjv 86|av av et /x,ei/ TOJI/ pvpaiv eTrtwt' /u,ta Tts 12 e'tTTt , 2. 44. 543. "952. 1526. 642. 565. "941. 928,1. 631,1. 571, c. BOOK II. CHAP. I. 181 owrrjpias Icrrlv 07777 vj'aro. Topics for Study. (1) vir6 in composition. (2) Imperatives that accent the filial -^. (3) Use of fio-yuepos. (4) Comparison by fj.a\\ov. (5) Noons followed by infinitive. (6) &KUV, kn&v in genitive absolute. Se vr/ao? ravra etTrei', "'AXXa 2 ravra /neV 20 8\ ^ \ ' e ~ CN N / \\ /o v e 7) (TV Xeyet? Tra/3 Ty/xajf oe avrayyeXXe raoe ort.^/xet? oto/A#a, ec /xet' 8eot ySacrtXet (^tXov? et^at, TrXeiovo? a^ a^tot eu/ai ^tXot e^o^re? TO, OTrXa 17 TrapaSoi^re? aXX V SJ \'^"im / ort /cat T)/xtv rairra oo/cet aTrep /cat pacrtXet. Tt ravra ecrrti/ ; " 6(^17 6 ^aXti/o?. a7re/c piva.ro "*Hv /xei/ /AeW)/Aez>, crvrot'Sat, aTTtoucrt Se /cat Trpotovcrt 7rdXe/io?." 6 8e TrdXiv yparrrjcre, " ^770^80,5 17 aTrayyeXa) ; " KXe'ap^o? Se ravra TraXtv a " STTOvSat jaev jae^ovcrtv, ciTrtovcrt Se /cat Trpoiovcn TrdXe- ." ort Se TrotTycrot 6 ov Topics for Study. (1) The form curare. (2) Difference between ravra and ravrd. (3) Future optative. 978. b. 1152. 657. 5S9 and a. Cf. 1.8", 4. 9OO. 1408. O5. 65 1. 4 903. 1413 : so M"'ovaXu>os fj,ev Srj w^ero Kal oi crvv avrw. ol Se irapa 'Aptatov TJKOV UpoKXrjs /cat Xet/3to-o' ovrot Se eXeyoy ort TToXXovs (0,117 2 *A/3tatoai Ilepcra? eavrov ^SeXrtov?, ov? ov/c ai^ avacryecrOcLL 3 avrov 4 /SacrtXevoi/ro? ' dXX' et /SovXecr^e (ruvairtcvat, rfKtiv r)$r) xeXevet r^ 2 et Se /xi7, avpiov Trpai aTTteVat ^crtV. 6 Se " 'AXX' ovra> INSPECTING THE ENTRAILS. iroieiv ' eav yu,ei> \ ' 6 N ' ' Xeyere et oe (JLV), Trparrere OTTOLOV CLV TL VfJUV 1 OLYjCT0e /xaXto~Ta 5. 37S. 523. Cf. same, 23. 951. 1532. 64O. 565 and a *>87*. a. 1827. 6O5. 47. Cf. same, f 1. " 1O41. 1024, (a), (b). 44 1, a, end. BOOK II. CHAP. II. 188 CCTTLV ex^LV ' teWt l Se Trapa TOVS Kvpov T^yov/^eVw, TO, /xei/ V7rovyta * "> \ o \ w \ *f y > rou Trora/xov, ra oe OTTAa eg&>. Topics for Study. (1) Position of the verb in the sentence. (2) Con- struction after Ae'-ytu and <>T;/xt. (3) Synopsis of f ^p^e^, ot 8e 7rL0ovTOj ov^ eXo/xei/ot, 5 dXXa opaii^reg 6Yt /xd^o? 6<|>p6- vci 6 ota Set TOZ^ dp^pvrcL^ ot 8' dXXot direipoi ^crav. 68ov ->)V 7 ^X^oi/ e^- 'Et- Kvovvrai et? TOV Trptorov 952. 1526. See Introd. S3 (4). 641. 565. * 916. 1434. 633. 616,8. *951. 1532. 59^. 56'5 and a. * Cf. TO rpiVof, 1.6 8 ; so TO AODTOV. See Introd. 90. f 969, b. 1563, 2. 653, 4. 583. 6 936. 1489. 676. 624, o. ' 715, b. 1057. 333. 556. * 767. 1104. 378. 5.23. 134 ANABASIS. rtov 'TLXXijvaiv irap' 'Apiaioi> /cat oS|ioS /cat 6 'Aptatos /cat rait' crvi/ avra> ot /c/aoYiOTot 8UOVETAURILIA. irpo$d>(TLv l aXXi/Xov? cru/x/uta^ot 2 TC ccrecrOai' ot Se 9 Qa.pfia.poi irpocrcofjioo-av /cat yyrjo-ecrOai d56X Tai/ra 3 8* oj/jiocrav, os- (3) irp, ei?re TiW yv^r\v e^et? Trepl r^5 Tropeta?, irorepov diri^ev r) dKX-rjv Tiva. ewevoTjKevai SOKCIS 6S6z/ > 2 . *O S' (XTToXotjae^a * VTrap^ei yap vvv 4 emr^Setw^. TTTaKai8Ka yap ora^/Aaiv 6 yirrarcu ovSe Sevpo toi/reg e/c rrj? ^wpas ovSei' 7 \ap,(3dviv ' v0a Se rt -^v, ^jaetg Siairopcvdjievot 7ravii ai/ Svvd>fjie0a /MaKpordYovs, tva to? TrXetcrrov . 6Xtya> /u,ev yap OTparev/iart ov ToX|jLTJ(ri (j>ir(r6at * TTO\VV 8' e^ouv crroXov ou SVVTJ- cTrat rax^ws Tropevecrffai ' icrws Se /cat rait' eVtr^Seia)^ 16 Tfraviei. 17 Tavrrjv" 6(^17, "r^v yvdtprjv e^a> eycuye." *Hv Se aurr; 17 orpaTT/yta ovSei^ 18 aXXo Swa/aeV^ 17 13-. a,7roSpa^at 17 diro^vyelv ' 17 Se TVX 1 ! eoTpar^yrycre KaX- Xioi/. eiret yap rjfjiepa eyeVero, tiropevovro ev TOP 17X10*', Xo-yt^djicvoi 17^1^ d/x,a 17X10) Cf. fjv frdontv, 6. * 336. S5S. i2:f. i49. 9O3. 1418. 6i4. 768. 1178. 379. S, a. 759, 76O. 1136. 358. 5i5 8 668. 960. 45. 552, b. 1030. 1619. 433. 457. Cf. Strep, 10. 743. 1112. 363,1. 5J2. 10 991 1597. 666. 596. " 78O. 1062. 33S. 53S. 1! 898, e. 519, N. 1. 650, a. " 1O33. 1360. 569, 2. t9, a. " 898, a. 1403. 6O4, N. 6 774. 1189. See Introd. 33, 84. 392 Vlo. " Cf. same, 11 end. " 435. 665, 3. %15. Stf. 8 Cf. Svi-aro* . . . oSoAovf. 1. 5". 136 ANABASIS. 1 VOVTL eig Kw/Aa? TTJS a^i&ma? x&pas' Ka rovro p,ev OVK \lfve yap a/aa^? rropevofJievos Stdrt eVer/swro, Kara/Set? e9copaidTo /cat ot crvi/ avra). e^ w Se cJ?rXt- ^ovro i7/co*> Xeyoi/re? ot irpoTr[i4>6VTS (TKoirol ort ov^ t7T7ret9 te^ aXX' vvro^vyta VCJIOITO. /cat ev^u? eyvaxrav iravrts ort eyyv? TTOU ecrrparoTreSevero ySacrtXevs* ya/3 Kairvbs e^atVero eV /caJ/xat? ov Topics for Study. (1) ou /x^ w i fc h subjunctive. (2) Rare meanings of Svvauat. cf. 13, 1.5 6 . (3) Case after diroptu, atravifa. (4) Difference between ot ov and ot /dj. Bivouac in villages ; terrify the enemy ; are panic-stricken. 16 KXeap^o? 8e eVt /u-ei/ row? TroXe/xtov? ou/c ^yei> * yap /cat aimpTiKOTas rov? O"r/)arta>ra5 /cat daCrous oVra?' Se /cat 6x}/ r\v ' ov /aeVrot ovSe 4 dirK\LV, ^>vXar- ^ 6 SOKOLTJ (frevyeiv, dXX' evOvcopov aycoi/ a/u,a TO) 17X10; SvojLteVw et? ras e'yyvrara) Koj/xa? rou? TT/DO/TOV? ej(a)i' KaT(TKiiva)crV, e'^ a^ St7yp7rao~TO VTTO rov y8ao"tXt/cov 17 oT/jarevjaaro? /cat aura TO, aTro roi^ olicuov |"uXa. ot /otev ovf TrpatTOL o/zcu? rpoiro) rivl eVr/3aT07reSeuo-avTo, ot Se vcrrepoi crKOTaioi 6 7rpoo~td^re5 a>vyov e'/c rwr cricqva)- 18 pxiTwv. S^Xov Se TOUTO TT7 va-repaia e'yeVero ' ovre yap er' ovSet' 8 dmrj ovre o-r/jaroTreSoi' oi/re > As In 1.8". 729, e. 10S5, 7. 355. 506, a. 1O21, b. 142S. 61. 615. Cf. oWV, 11. 887. 1378. 594. 610,611. "619, a. 926. 425. 5W. 7 937. 1449 595. 566, b. As In 11. BOOK II. CHAP. Itt 137 rovro 015 2 KCLTTVOS ovoafjiov TrXrjo'LOv. c^tTrXdyr) Se, a>9 eot/ce, /cat 77 d8(o l TOV o~r/3arev/zaros. eS^Xwo'e Se 77 vo-repata err/oarre. Ilpotovcr^s 3 /xeVrot r^9 i/v/cro? ravrrj? 19 /cat rots EXX^crt ^>oy8o9 |xiriirTi, /cat !os /cat Soviros 77^ otov elicds > e'/ATrecrdt'ro? yiyvecrOfu,. KXtap- 20 Se ToXfALorjv 'HXetoi', 6V ervy e)(a)v Tra/3* eai/rw KTJpvKa api- (TTOv TOJV* rore, dveiirciv e/ceXeucre Kiipv|avTa art irpoa'yopcxiouo'iv ot res? os 6 av rov dc^eWa roi> ovoi/ et? ra OTrXa H^VVCTTJ, ort XT^i^/erat fJucrOov rdXavrov. 6 eVet Se ravra e/cT^pv^^, 21 eyvojcrav ot crrpartwrat ort /cevos 6 6 KXeap^o? et? Td^iv ra * \ //I /) N V T^\ \ * T " T * OTrXa rtc/eo-c/at rous li.XX77i/as ^7r/j et^oj/ ore -^i/ ^ Topics for Study. (1) Cause after verbs of feeling. (2) Synopsis of the 2 a. of YTJ/U, active and middle. (3 ) Idiom for ' at day-break.' (4) Panic* in Greek and Oriental armies. Cf. 2 Kings vii. 6-15. Heralds propose a truce ; the Greeks accept on condition of receiving provisions. III. *O Se ST) eypa\}ia ort ^ e'(oSvXaKas, ^TJTOVV roi>? eVetSr) Se a7n7yyeXXoi> ot 7rpov cure * rot? Trpo(f>vXat. 3 TOV? KTJpVKOLS TTept/XeVetV aXPt 2 ^ ai>r) tivau., CKaXecre rou? dyyeXov?, /cat avrds T irpoT^XOe rov? re evoirXoraTous e^wv Kat cxfCiSco-TaTous TOJV aurou pa(Tev. eVet Se ^v irpo? rot? ayyeXot?, avripura rt /SouXoti^ro. ot 8' eXeyo*> ort irept o'TrovSaij' ^/cote*' ai^- Speg otrtves t/cai/ot ecroi/Tat 8 ra re Trapa ^SacrtXeiw? rot? EXX^o"ti/ aTrayyetXat Kat ra irapa TMV 'EXX-^vwv y3a- 5 atXet. 6 Se a7re/c/)tVaro, " 'ATrayye'XXere TOIVVV aura) art /Lta^? 6 Set Trpwrov apL(TTOv yap OVK Sa)i> Xe'yeti/ rot? "EXXr^o't /i^ 7 iropC- 8 irTTaKTO ravra irpdrreLv ' eXeyov Se art et/cora So/cotei' Xeyetv y8ao~tXet, /cat rjKoiev vas e^o^re? ot avrov?, e'af o"7ro^Sat yeVwi/rat, a 7 eV^ev e^ovcri ra eVtr^Seta. 6 Se -^pcara et avrot? rot's >o/io '^ > \> *\*> avopacn cnrevoono rot? toucrt /cat a7Ttoucrti>, 17 /cat rot? aXXot? eVotvro (nrovSai. ot Se', " "A-Trao-ti/," e^acrav, tf fjie^pL av 11 y8ao~tXet ra Trap* v/ioiv StayyeX^." 8 'Erret Se ravra etTro^ jiTao-rri(rd}JLvos avrou? 6 KXe'ap- b, end. 69. N. 65S. *921. 1465. 6S3 65i. 952. 1528. . W5, b. 916. 32O. 547. 933 and last ex. 14'JS. 674. 6V:.'/. 743. 2, 1. 512. 1O25. 1612. 431.1. Cf. 58J, C. Of. oU irpoaTax9'(, 1-6 10 t. 591. 615. "772- 1175. 399, 1. 525. u Cf. <;*/>' $ 2. BOOK 11. CHAP. HI. 139 eySovXeveTO ' /cat eSo/cet TO,? o~7rovSa? [ra^u re] /cat /ca$' T| re cm TO, eVtT^Seta /cat Xa/Belv- 6 Se KXeap^os etTre, " Ao/cet fteV /cd/u,ot 9 ravra ' ou /uteVrot ra^u ye aTrayyeXai, dXXa Star/aii/xw ecrr' az> oKvirjo'aiO'LV oi dyyeXot /A^ diroSdlrj x T7/x,i^ ra? ? TroLijcrac70ai ' " ot/xat ye /xeWot," ^17, "/cat rot? crrpariaJrat? TO^ avrbv (f>6(3ov TrapecrecrOaL." eVel Se e'Sd/cet /catpo? eli^at, a-Tri^yyeXXev on (TTreVSotro, /cat evOvs riytia'Oa.i e/ceXeve Trpo? Topics for Study. (1) /^ with participles. (2) /er( in composition. (3) iras, OTTOS, ffuyuTras. (4) Force of cbr<{ in d-jroS(J{j7. are conducted to villages well supplied with grain. Kat ot /uei> yyovvro, KXe'a/o^o? jueWot eTropevero rets 10 cr7roi/8a? Troti^crajaevo?, TO 8e crrpdrevfjia e^ajv iv ra^et, /cat auro? a>Trii)XdKi. /cat VT-u'yX avov ra^pots /cat avXcaaiv vSaro? TT\.TJpe(TiV cus 2 fti) SvvacrQau, Sta- fiaiveiv avev ye^>upa>v * dXX' eVotowro e/c ov? evpiCTKov e'/CTreTrrcofcora?, TOU? 8e /cat e' Kat eVrav^a ^t' 3 K\eap^ov KarapaOelv w? Tr6(rTdTi, n ^ dpicrrepa x et P^ TO ^op u ^X. WV 9 ^ v Se rrj Seia ' /cat et rt? avrw So/cot^ rail' IT/DO? TOUTO reray- aK6v6tv, tKXc-ydiJLevos roz/ eTTtr^Seto^ eVato-ev 4 at, Kat a/xa aurog irpocreXdfjLfi&uev ets TOI^ TrrjXbv enfiaiva*v ' uxrre Tracrtv alaivoLTo Tots "EXXr^crt Seti>a eis TT)I> Troptiav, TOVTOV veKa /3acriXe'a vTraynrevev eVt TO TreStW TO vSto/3 d(eiKeWi. 14 IIopevo/otei>ot Se d a ot T / exdi'5 Xax8az;eii> TO, cVtTTSeta. eV 8e Ktt 15 avTwv. avral Se at {3aXavoi TO>I/ (frowLKcav ota? Tots "EXXryo-tv cmv 2 tSeu> Tot? oiKerais 3 aTreVeivro, at Se Tot? BecriroTais aTTOKet/Ae^at rftrav dirdXtKToi, 6av)id(riai TOV KaXXovs * /cat fie-yeSous, 17 8e oxjris T|XKrpou 6 ouSei/ 6ie(t>epe * Ta? 8e Tti^a? |T|patvovTs Tpa^TJiiaTa 6 direr CBetrav. 16 /cat yv Kat irapa TTOTOV 1781* /LteV, Ke^aXaX'yes 8e'. tisTavQa Kal TOV e'Y K ^4 )a ^ ov TO ^ oivLKOTov e^a^ov ot cr~pa- TtwTat, Kat ot TroXXot 0avp.a(Tav TO re et8os Kat Tr)V T^S T|8ovfis. '^i' 8e 68pa Kat TOVTO Ke^>a- 6 8e (f>olvi o0ev e'^atpe^et^ 7 6 eyKe'^aXos 0X05 avaCvero. Topit-s for Study. (1) Imperfect and aorist with tat. (2) /XT; ov. (3) Force of irapa iu Trapa irorov. Tissaphernes, arriving, proposes to lead them back to Greece, and asks why they made war against the king ; Clearchus's reply. 17 'Ezrav$a e/xetvav rjfjicpas T/aet? * Kat irapa /xeyaXov ySacrtXeiw? ^KC r Yicro'a(f>epvr)s Kal 6 Trj ' (TTpaTyyoC, eXeye 7r/3Q>ros r fLcrpvr)S ovvaip,r)v s irapa. ai7"7cra 'EXXdSa. ot/aat ya/3 ai/ 4 ov/c dx? av /x,ot ^a/Dt^otro, 6 oTt avrw Kvpdi' re eirio-TpaTevovra 7r/3WTos ^yyetXa /cat P<>TJ0iav e^wi/ a/Lta T^ d-yycXCa a(f)iK6p,r)v, /cat novos TMV /car a row? "EXXtji/as reray/xeVfu^ ov/c evyov, dXXa StifXacra /cat crvve^i^ai /SacrtXet eV ra> vfterepa) crrparo- 7reSa> [ev#a /SacrtXeu? dc^t/cero, eTret Kvpoz/ aTre/cret^e /cat rev? crui' Kvpw ftapfidpovs e'Staj^e crvt' rotcrSe rot? TrapovcTi vvv /xcr' /w,ov, oluep aurw etcrt TrtcrrdraTot]. /cat Trept jotei/ rovra>^ uTrecr^erd /xot /3ovXevcrecr^at * e'/oe- 20 cr^at 8e /me v/ads e/ceXevei' eWovra TWOS eveKev l&rpa- revcrare eV avrdv. /cat cru/x/3ovXeuw v/zt^ |iTpta)S a /cptvacr^at, tta /Ltot tnrpaKTOTpov T) ectv 6 Tt a.ya.6ov V^M.V nap' avrov 8iairpd|ao-8ai." Topics for Study. (1) Predicate appositive. (2) "Evpi)fta (3) Synopsis of eSo>/ca. (4) Formation of adverbs. 11/305 raura /Lterao-rd^reg ot "EXXr/ve? e/3ov\vovTO ' /cat 21 , KXeap^o? 8' eXeye^. a 'H/xet? oure O~VVTJ\- cu? /8a5 /cat oa> ev otcr#a, tva v/xd? re aTrapacr/ceuov? XdySot /cat Se dydyot. eVet /xeVrot 17817 avrov eatpcjfjLev 22 di/ra r&v9rv /cat #eou e0Ttt> orov eW/ca /8ouXot)ae#a 4 ai/ r/p /JatrtXe'cos ^atpav /ca/cai? Troteti/, 5 ou8* O.VTOV aTTOKTelva.1 av eWXoi/xei/, 7Topevoijj,e0a 8' ai/ et rt? 17/^015 /u,^ ^vnoi-rj ' a&iKovvTa. yuteVrot 7ret/3a- a crvv rot? ^eot? d[txiva<70ai * e'ai> /LteVrot rt? i7 /cat ev Trotoji/ virdoxii) *ol rovrov 6 et? ye r)TTr)(r6fj,60a ev TTOIOC -res." ' 'O /LteV ourtu? etTrep a/covcra? 8e 6 " Tavra," e^ry, " e'yai aTrayyeXai /SacrtXet /cat u/u,u> ra Tra/)' e'/cetVou ' pfyp* 8' a^ e'yai 17/01) at ' dyopav Se T7 Topics for Study. (1) Case after oiVxiW, f5 or *caxws ow. Derivative verbs. (3) Class of flc^a/coi, of Gtotfiv 10 rov? "EXXryva?, /catVe/3 n w? ov/c a^iov i7] /SacrtXet 12 a^etvat rov? 26 crr/3arev(rajaeVou9. re'Xo? Se etTre, a Kat ^0^ '|(TTIV v Trtcrra \a(Belv trap* r)fJLa>v fj prjv (friXtav Trape^eiv et? ri/ 'EXXaSa d 7) 13 8' at/ x u '986. 1;">S1. 66O. 1,N. 5SS, C. *951. 1532. 59. 565 and a. Cf. same, 21. 872, a. 13-^7. 563. .',7.9. 712. 1"74. 33O (<-ml). .WO, a. 749. 11*1. 364 . 509, b. '969, a. \:>M. . 653.3. 583. IT. s ecu, 1.7'. 8 948. 1519. 63S. .57". 10 939, a. 1517. 637. .-'ri. "979. 1573. 656.-.'. 5.93, b. u 766. 1174. 376 *. "916. 1434. 623. 626', a. ' 1O19. 1610. 431,1. W6. BOOK II. CHAP, IV. 143 v[jLa.<5 CK IT?? ^a>pa<; ectcro/xev ra emrTJ/'Seta. v/ta? Se au 2" ^juty Secret 6/zocrat 77 /xr)z/ Tropevcrecr^at * cJs Sta s crtra /cat TTOTO, Xa/z/3dV oi>ra? OTrorav /XT) ayop&v Trape^cofji-ev ' r^v Se vrape^w/aet' dyopdv, eoi'ou/xeVou? 2 e^et^ ra eVtr^Seta." ravra eSo^e, /cat ai/xocraf /cat Sepias as Ttcrcra^ejO^T]? /cat 6 riy? ySacrtXeaj? rot? raw 'EXX^Vwz^ crTpaT^yot? /cat /cat e\a(3ov Trapa ruv 'EXX^Vaji'. /otera Se raura Ttcr- 28 etTre, " Nui' /ACI; ST) a7ret/xt ws /SacrtXea ' ai> 8e Sta7rpaaj/>tat 3 a Seo/xat, ^cu orva"/cevacrajaevo5 epv'r)v ot re "EX- Kat 6 'Aptato? eyyu? aXX^Xcov ec rXetov? 17 et/cocrti>. eV 8e ravrat? Trpo? 'ApLaiov Kat ot dSeX^ot /cat ot aXXot d^ay/catot /cat 7T/305 row? Q-vz/ Kivo) TIepcr Tiv voui' wcrre /cat Sta TOVTO rot? /ae^ TroXXots 9 rail' 'EXX^wz' ov/c ijpe(TKOv, dXXa 1 855, a. 1276. 549. 2. 563. a. 2 969, a. 1563, 3. 653. 2. 583. 916. 1434. 653. 626, a. Cf. also 898. c. 544. 764. 1. 115S. 375. -,?<). 6 767. 1165. 37S. 523. 744. ir.'6. 366. 509, e. 1 1O3O. 1019 433. A87. 8 704. ^53, 375. 520. 8 665. 907. 444. 555, b. 144 ANABASIS. Trpoo-toVre? ro> KXedp^a) e\.eyov /cat rot? aXXot? crr/aa- 3 TTjyotg, " Tt /xeVo/xei> ; 17 ou/c eVtoTa/Ae#a ort /3acrtXeus Tj/Aa? ctTroXeVat ai> TTC/H 7rai>roycratro, u/a /cat rot? aXXots "EXX^o-i 3 T6 o"rparv/xa * eV^ 8e TraXti/ dXt 17 (TTpaTLoi, OVK CCTTLV OTTOJ? ou/c eVt^^crerat T^IIA 4 to-cu? Se' TTOU 77 diroo-KaiTTCi rt 17 diroTtxC^t, aj en' T N O> /xa^eo-^at ye Se'ry, tTTTret? eto~t^ T^/xtv crv/t- Se TroXejiicDV 'wirels ei ot 7rXe-!o-Tot /cat 952. 1521. 641. 565. * 959. IMi'.. 636. Cf. 575. 767. 1165. 37S. 523. Of. 8iairp7^. 655. 595. 10 85O, a. 1266. 538. 45S. "991. lit*. 666. 5S6. '* Cf. sams, 1.2 u . U 878. 717.1* l 823. 916. 317. 508. BOOK II. CHAP. IV. 145 TrXetcrrov d^tot* ware vt/caWes 1 /aeV rtW av aTro/cret- voLL^ev ; rirrut^voiv Se ouSeW ofoV re (T^Orfvai. e'yai 7 ev ouV /3a Se rovTCt) rJKe Ticrcrav /cat 'Opoi/ra? . . . rrjv eaurov Se /cat r^v Svyarepa ri^v /SacrtXeiw? eVl Se 17817 Ttcrcra^epi/ov? T^yovjaeVov /cat ayopav 9 eTropevovro ' eTropevero Se /cat 'Aptato? TO Kvpou /3ap/3apiKov \> v crr/oarev^a afta Ticrcrafyepvei /cat 'Opdvra /cat (ruvopwvTS TOVTOU? aurot e<^>' eavrwv e^oii- e^ovre?. eVr/aaroTreSevoi'TO Se CKacrTOTC Trapacrctyy^v /cat TrXetoV e^>vXctr- TOVTO Se d/x,(^orepot ajcrirep TroXe/xtou? dXX^XovSj /cat evBvteVot' irXCvOois oirrats eV do-(|)dXT(p 1 908. 1413. 614. * 719, c. 1060-1. 336. 540. 718. 1049. 3. 1. sc. rdffov, 681, c. 953. 424. 545. 146 ANABASIS. ev0og eucocrt 7ro8o>i>, v\f/os Se e/caroV* /XTJ/CO? 8* eXeyero eu>at et/cocrt Trapa.(Ta.yya)v' aVe^ei Se BaySvXwvo? ov 13 Evreu^ei' 8' eTTOpevBrjcrav crra^/xous Svo OKTW ' /cat Ste/S^crav Stwpu^a? 8vo, TT)^ L /aei/ eVl 8e uxeVi^ TrXotots CTrra * aurai 8* MAP SHOWING Median Wall, Canals, (Based on surveys.] SCALE OF ENGLISH MIIE avro TOT) Ttyp^ro? Trora/Ltou KaTTT(i/qvTO 8e e^ avrwv KOL TCU^pOl 67TI T^V ^(OpaVj Oil fJLV TTpWTO.1 eTTetra 8e eXarrov? ' reXo? 8e /cat fjiLKpol ox^T ev TVJ 'EXXaSt eTTt ra? fjLeXivas ' KOI TroXt? yv /xeyaXi^ /cat iroX\)dv6po)iros ^ ovofia Strra/c^, aTre^ovcra row i4 erraStou? ire^re/catSe/ca. ot /aev ovv ^EXX^i/e? Tra/3* i /cat vfjilv* evvoi, /cat /ceXeuouaa ^vXarrecr^at tTTlOtoVTCU. T7j TrXfjcriov TrapaSetcrw. /cat trapa rr)v ytfyvpav n TOV Ttyp^ro? Trora/xou 7re/x,i//at /ceXevovo"t v\aKTJv, a5? Siavoeirai avrrjv Xvcrat Ttcrcra^ep^g 7^5 i/u/cro?, eav Sv^T^rat, w? /XT) Sta^re aXX' ev /Aecrw a,TTO\'r)0fJTe TOV Trora/xou /cat 7775 Stcupv^o?." 'A/covcravreg ravra ayovcnv avrov irapa TOV KXeap- 18 /cat pd^ovo-iv a Xeyet. 6 Se KXe'ap^o? d/coucras o-(j)6$pa /cat e'LKa)o~i, TI Set Xueti^ avrov? TT)V yevpav ; ovSe yap av TroXXat yec^upat wcrtv e^ot/xei/ 9 av oiroi (^vyovre? TJ/xet? crcu^ai/tev. 10 eav Se 77/xet? vt/cai/u,ev, XeXu/MevTy? 7775 yevy&)(rtv * ouSe 784. 1069. 34O. 53,5. 872, 9O9. 1327. 563. 479. * Cf. same, 1.4". 928, b. 1477. 623. B 837. 828, \. U63. 766, 764, 2. 1174,1160. 376. 522. '759. 1136. 359. 5i5. 8 855, a, end. 1276-7. 549. 574. 9O1, a. 1421,2. 619, 1. 656, a. "> 866, 3. 1358. 577. 4/A a. 148 ANABASIS. 0f)V l OVTtoV TTtpaV, OvSeiS ttUTOl? 2 XeXv/x-eVy?? 7779 y r v Ttyp^ros /cat r^5 ^o?. 6 8e elnev on TToXXr) /cat Kojfjiai evetcrt /cat 22 TrdXets TroXXat /cat /xeyaXat. rare ST) /cat ot (3dp(3apoL TOV av0pa)7rov viro-ir(JLx|/Lav, ot ^EXXTyi/e? 8iX6vTS rr)v yefyvpav /xetVetat' 3 eV r>J VTJO-O) Ipv^ara. e\ovT<; evdev (j,i> TOV Tt'y^ra, e^^ev 8e ' ra 8' eVtr^'Seta e^oie^ e/c T^? eV /cat d.ya.6fjs ovcrr)? /cat raw pYacro|JLvcov evo tra Se /cat aTrovXa.Kr)v 7re/xi//av * /cat ovre eVe^ero ovSet? ovSa- |i60ev ovre TT/JO? T^ yvpav ovSet? -^X^e ra)i/ 7roXe/ita>^, 24 o5? ot ^>uXarTo^re? aTTT^yyeXXoi'. eVetS^ 8e ea>5 eyeVero, 8te)8atvot' T^ yevpav e^evyfJLevrjv vrXotot? rpta/coi^ra /cat eTrra a5s otdi^ re /xaXtcrra irt^uXaYfJitvws * e^ijyyeXXov ya>p rtj/e? TWI/ Trapa Ttcro'a^e/Dt'ou? 'EXX^i/ouj', a>9 Sta- /xeXXotet' eVt^iycrecr^at. dXXa ravra ia.^aivovT(t)v /AeWot 6 FXov? [avrwi'J ir ' aXXaw (TKOTTWV el 8ta^8atVot/ rof irora^iov ' Se etSe^, ai^ero avreXavt'ft)^. Topics for Study. (1) Apodoses of the four forms of condition. (2) Verbs that reduplicate with . (3) Natural resources of Persia. (4) olxo^uu, how used. ' 971, c. 1568, 1563, 6. 6*3. 7. 590. 764, 2. 1160 576 (end). 5J, a. * 887. 18TS. 594. 6W, 6'U. 969, b. 1668, 2. 653, 4. }. 973, a. 166& 657. -N. iw, a. BOOK II. CHAP. IV. 149 Crossing the Tigris they follow it northward to Caenae. Se TOT) Tty/wyros iiropevd-^a-av orafytovs rer- 25 rrapacrdyyas eiKorfiv eVt roi/ 3>u(T/co*> Trora/uioV, TO evpopei. 6 Se T7yen"o ju,eV ei? Svo, eVopeveTO Se aXXort /cat aXXoTe e'^tcrTa/xet'O? ' ocrov Se [av] -^p6vov z TO TOV cTTpaTevjixaTO? eVto-Tifcrete, 4 TOQ-OVTOI/ 771^ dvay/cr/ \povov St' oXov TOT) 0TpaTeu/z,aTO? yiyvecrOai rrjv ir((rTa- eVeyyeXaii/ 1 StapTracrat 2 rot? 'EXXi^cri^ eiTeTpetfte TrX^i/ dvSpaTToScui'. ei/^f Se (TITO? TroXv? /cat 28 irpdpara /cat aXXa ^pTJ^ara. evrevdev S' eTropevOrjcrav crradfjiov<; e'/^/iou? rerra/aa? Tra/aaerayya? et/cotrt TOI/ Trora/Aov i^ dpia~Tepa e^ovre?. e'i> 8e rw TT/XWTOJ irepav TOV irora^ov TrdXt? oj/cetro /xeyaXi 1 / /cat ovopa. Kati/at, ef 175 ot fidpfiapoi St^yoi/ eVt 8i4)0epLvais aprovs, rupovs, olvov. Topics for Study. (1) Meaning of ending -jia(T),-/uo(j), -TIJ(J). (2) ptk in composition. (3) 6 *ua/coj irorajuo'j or i iroro/tbi *i5r/coj, which? remove mutual suspicions, Clearchus holds an interview with Tissaphernes. \ V. Mcra ravra OL^IKVOVVTCLI eVt TO^ ZaTrarai/ Trora- /AOV, TO eupo? T^rrdpajv TT\e0pa)v. /cat evravda. ef rjfjLCpas r/3et5 * ei> 8e rai/rat? V7roi//tat /xe*> rjcra 2 Se ovStytta aiveTO eVt^SovX-^. eSo^ei/ oui' TO> avyytvccrdcLi TW Ttcra'a^ep^et [/cat] et TTCU? Sv^atro 3 Travcrat ra? UTroi/ita? TT/ati/ e^ avratv ir6\e^ov yez/eV^at ' /cat 7TfjL\l) TLva epovvTa* art xp-fl&i. o 8e ToifjLo>9 e/ceXever TjKeiv. 3 'ETretS-^ Se cruvrjXOov, Xeyet 6 KXeap^o? raSe. "*Eyci>, \)XatT6[i6a. eVet 8e z/ ov 4 SuVa/aat oure l ere atcr#e'cr$ai TreLpdtjjievov 17/1015 /ca/ca>5 TTOLelv eyw re cra^>ot>ot 7r/3ti/ iraOelv, eVot^crai/ dvi^KCo-Ta /ca/ca rovs 6 ovre /u.eXXot'Ta? our' a^ 7 ySovXo/xeVou? TotovVoi/ ouSeV. rag ovV rotai/ra? aYVto^oo-uvas VO^JLL^COV ttou5 etvat > \ \ /\ v $\ / 9 ' S 10 e aXX^Xot? * oo~rts oe TOVTCOV a-vvoioev avra> irap^jJL- os, rourov cyei ovTror' av evSat/Lto^tcrat/Ltt. rot' yap Tr6\fjLOv OVK olSa ovr' 0,770 Trotov a rt9 a.TTO(f)vyoi 11 our' et? irolov av o"/coro? a OTTO)? ai/ et? Xvp6v \topiov aTrocrratT;. TTO.VTTJ yap TrdVra rots ^eot? 12 viroxcipia /cat irain-ax^ Trdvrwv 18 ot ^eot Kparovcn. Topics for Study. (1) Protases in which ci or ^rfy = if perchance, in case that. Cf. ct aAwo-oji/To, 1.4 s , tl Svvaifnrjv, 2.3 18 . (2) The at/en t after the perfect and pluperfect passive. (3) Object and cognate accusative. (4) The idiom ti's \6yovs ffot (\6e'iv. (5) Construction after trvvoiSa. "Ilepi fi,v ST) ra>v ffewv re /cat TCOV opK(ov OVTCO yiyvwr & Q-/C&), Trap* ou? i^/aetg rrjv tXtaz> (rw84fiVOt KareOefjitOa' TWV 8' dvOpcomvcov o~e e'yw eV rw TrapoVrt vo/zt^a> /xe- yto~roi/ eti/at ^/Ati^ dya^oi/. o-ui/ /xe^ y(ip crot Tracra 1O44, a. cure . . . T, cf. 441. 602. * 773, a. 1177. 392, 1, 324. 1. 5. 8 937. 1503. 677. 662. 4 826. 1258. 522. 454, d. 5 684, d. 914. 319. Ct 549, a. 735, a. 1073. 34O. 536, b. ' 987. b. 1308. 662. 5&5. 8 764, 2. 1160. 376. 520, a. 742. 1102. 356. 5JJ. 10 982, a. 1590. 661, u. 2. 587. "878. 1327. 563. 473. " 765, 764, 2. 1174. 376. 62i " 741. 1109. 356. 520, c. 152 ANABASIS. 6809 tviropos, Tra? Se 7roTa/zo? Sta^SaTo?, TOW re e Set'cov ou/c aTTOpia' avev Se crov Tracra /aci; Sta cr/corovs 77 6805' ovSei> yap cu/r/7 1 ? eVtorctjue^a ' Tra? Se Trora/xo? Svo-iropos, Tra? Se oxXos oppds, <$>of3epeSpov d/yco- ; ocrcui/ 8e 817 /cat crre/37^crat/u,t, t tre Tt /ca/cov 3 eVt^etya^crat/it iroielv, ravra " 'E/yai yap Kvpoi' IneOvfJirfcrd /xot pav ] Se ySacrtXeft)? Sw>a/ui>, ^ Kv/)O5 TroXe/xta 6 e crol Tavrrjv crv^a'^pv ovcrav. TOVTMV 8e TOLOVTMV 12 ovTo>v Tt? ovrcu /aatVexa* otrrt? 7 ou ySovXerat crot eli'at / dXXa jU7)i> epw yap /cat Tavra e' cS^ e^cu /cat o~e /3ov\.TJo~(T0aL <$>l\ov rj^lv eivaL. oTSa 13 ftei> ya/3 v/xti' Mvcrov? Xuirtipovs o^ra?, ov? vopC^o) av % T * " >10' x/ ^ Totavra eti^at, a ot/x,at ai^ Traucrat evoxXovvra aet rr^ epa xi6aifiovia. AtyvTrrtov? Se', ot? n />taXtcrTa v/xa-; otSa T9u|JLa>}X6Vox)S, ot^ opai irota Sv^a^Ltet cru/z- 2 / ^ \ \ * \ A ^ 18 ^ XP' r l (Ta l J ' l ' Oi / Aa ^^- OI/ ai/ KoXacraio-Qc TT^? fu e/>tot ovcn^?. dXXa /x^ eV ye rot? ireptl ot/c overt o"i > 841 and 8. 1260. J5AJ9. AC& and a. 1O15, b. 1604. 573, N. 725, a. 1078. 34O. 586, c. Of. riv t'ryui-iiTw, 2.2". * Of. KUKOV, 10. 777, a. 916. 32O, 387, N. Cf. .v/,7, last <-x. '910. 1445. 597. 61. r >. 9640i). 1494. 647. 579. 94O. .^i.'), -'. G3O. ;;7i. I0 764, 2; 718, b. 1159, 1160. 376. 520, a. "764, 2. 1169, 1160. 376. 520. Cf. jroAt^i,, 11. " 756. 1103. 363. 517. BOOK II. CHAP. V. 153 > /> >\ / i j '\ * * ' + et /xei> povXoto TO> 91X05 eu/ai, w? tteyto-TO? ai> etrjc, 14 et Se' Tig ere Xyvtniy, a5s Sco-TroTT?? [at*] d ot o~ot ou/c ai> rov jucrov eW/ca dXXd /cat TT^S ^aptro? 77^ o~a>0eV- T? VTTO crou crol a i/ e)^ot/u,ev Si/ccuax?. e/iot /tev raura TrdvTa evOvnovfjieva) OVTCJ 8o/cet OavfJiacrrbv elvai TO 3 is wore /cat ^Stcrr' a^ d/covcratjat TO ovo/xa 4 Ti5 OUTW5 cart Sett'O? Xeyeti/ 5 wcrre ere Tretaat Xeywi' 6 cJ? 17^61? crot eVty8ovXevo/xei'.' KXeap^os /net' ovi/ Tocraura cure * Tte/3n7S 8c cSSe can^ie C4>0T|. Topics for Study. (1) The idioms for 'f/iz's being so, under these circum- stances,' 12. (2) Idiom for ' wAo is so wuc/ as not io wesA ? ' (3) Case after Tissaphernes replies with consummate duplicity. 7 OLKOVCW crov j/t/iou? Xoyou? ' ravra yap yiyvutcrKtov et Tt e^tot KO.K.OV /SouXevot?, a/xa ai/ /xot So/cet? /cat cratrw KaKovovs etvat. * ' * 8 '/) " >S' ft * fi 7 * a \" w? o ai' /Aac/ry? ort ouo ai^ v/xet? ot/cata>? cure pa eVtTt^ecr^at drropelv dv 18 o*ot ooKOVfJiev j ov rocravra /xev TreSta a v/xet? c^tXta 6Wa crvv TToXXw irovw StaTropeuecr^e, Too-avra Se opr^ i 877. 416. 14S. 5W. * Of. o-Teyoo-Mara. 1.5 10 . '959.949. 151R. 1fW2. C37. 574. sc. cKoVov. 5 953. l.V.'C.. 64/. ^*;.';. 969. :i. l.Vvi. 3. 653.-'. 5tf3. T 74iJ. c. 1103. 365. .5;;. a. 882. l:WT. 59O. N. -J. 6M, c. 87'i 1:!.'7. 563. i7fl. i" 895. 1307. 6O6. '.i. r /. 9O9, 872. 1427. 619,563. tilo, 479 "952. 1521. 641. 565. ls 611 SOS. 433, b. 154 ANABASIS. opare vfuv 1 oVra iropeuTea, a yiiiv e^eort TT/oo/caTaXa- diropa v/au> irape^Lv, TOCTOVTOL 8' eto~l Trora/aoi rjfJLiv T 3 s ~ i> * / Aa>/xec7a /la^ecrc/at ; eto-t o avraiv ous ouo ai/ Trayra- 19 Tram Sta/Sat^re, et* /Lt^ 17/xets u/xas StaTro/aeuot/Aei'. t 8* ci/ Tracrt rovrots TTrraJ/xe^a, dXXa rd 6 ye rot irvp roO Kapirov ecrrt^ ' or T7/aet 8wcu/A0' av 6 \LfJ,OV VfJLLV d^TtTCt^at, W V/X,6t? OvS' t 20 irdi/v dya^ot etTyre /xct^ecr^at ai^ 8u^ato~^e. 7ra>5 ai* OUJ> )(OVTeS TOO"OVTOU5 TTOpODS 7T/3O5 TO V/Xt^ 7ToXe/AtV, Kttt TOVTft)!/ /ATjSeW ^tt' 7riKLl>$VVOV, TTLTCL K TOVTO)V TrdvTajv TOVTOV av rov rpoirov e^eXot/xe^a o? ^otdvo? /ie^ 7T/30? ^eoii' do-ep-qs, /tdi'o? 8e TT/OO? a.v6p(aTT(av ato-^pd? ; 21 Traz/TciTracrt 8e diropcov 7 eVrl *cal a^^avotv /cat ci/ dvayKr) e^o/AeVa>^, /cat Tovreut' irovi]po)V, otrtve? IBeXovcri 8t' ciriopKias re Trpo? 0eov<; /cat aTrto-rta? 7r/)6? dvOpcoirovs irpdrreiv rt. ov^ OVTOJ? 17/1619; w KXeap^e, ovre dXd- ovre f|XC9ioC ec Topics for Study. (1) iv in purpose clauses. (2) Classify the con- ditional clauses. (3) Personal and impersonal construction with verbals. (4) en ouTwy oSj = what ? 22 "*AXXd Tt 8^, vfta? eoi> 8 aTroXeVat, ov/c CTTI TOVTO *\ n * * /i * >\w / 9* x io if)A.f7OfjLv ; ev to~6/t on o e/xos epcos TOUTOU airtog TO rotg "EXXi^crtj' e/xe TTKTTOV yevecrOcu, /cat w 11 KCpo? dve/Brj evLK(o n 8ta |iio*6o8o(rias TrtcrTeucut' Tounw 11 c/ie 23 Ka.Tafif)vai, 8t' -0p < Y* otSa* T-^J/ //,ei> yap cirl T^ /ce<^aX^ ndpav /Sa 1991. l .:. 666. ;-,9C. 2916. 1434. 63. 676. a. 998. 1029. 4S6. N. A, a. "900. 1408. 6O5. S5i. 659. 448. Cf.551,\>. 87iJ. 1*27. 563. A79. 7 732, c. 1094.1. 348,1. 508. * 973. 1560. 658. 591. 9 753, e. 1140. 3B1. 516. a. 1096O, end. 636.641. 671* end. "774. 1139. 392. 65. "718. 1008. 337. 57. BOOK II. CHAP. V. 155 fjLovat cecmv 6p0T|v e^euA, ryv 8' eVl rf) KapSCa uroo? av, vfjicov TrapovTwv, Kal ere/ao? euireTute e)(ot." Tavra dirtov eSoe ra> KXeap^a) aXi^ Xeyetv * /cat 24 , " Ov/cov**,' et^, " omve?, rotovra>v ly/ztz' ets CJ>I\LGLV TrupwvTai Sta^SaXXo^re? Troi^crai -TroXe/ttov? e > /> \v 1 /I " i)/xa? agiot etcrt ra ecr^ara Traueiv ; "Kal eyci /xeV ye/' e<^>7 o Ttcrcra^ejp^?, [i(j)avt, Xei^a> rov? TT/DO? e'/ze Xeyo^ra? w? cry e/xot eVt- O\' \^\>N ^"ir 'T-I S O ' J' * I povXeuet? /cat TT; crui/ e/xot crrparta. Eya> oe, 6917 26 6 KXea/>)(05, " a^cu Trai/ras, /cat crot au S^Xwcra) o^ey eyai Trept crov d/cova>." Topics for Study. (1) Accusative absolute. (2) Infinitive in appo- sition. (3) QVKOVV and OVKOVV. Clearchus and other generals going to Tissaphemef headquarters for conference) are treacherously put to death. E/c TOVTOJV ST) TOJV Xoyoov 6 Ttcrcrac^epi''^? (|)LXoc|)povoxi- 27 [JL6VCS Tore jafi/ fjxvetv re avrov e/ceXeve /cat o-uvSetirvov eVoi^craTo. T^ 8e vcrrepaia 6 KXeap^og aTreXOoJv eirl TO crrparoTreSov 77X0? r' T)I/ Tra^u (j)iXiKcos otd/xei/o? 8 SiaKeio~6ai rw Ttcrcra^ep^et /cat a eXeyev e'/cetvo? aTT^y- yeXXe^, 6(^17 re -^prjvai teVat irapa Tt,(Tcraepvr)v ov? 4 e/ce'Xeucre, /cat ot ctz/ ^-YxOwo-i Stay8aXXoi/re? rwi/ *EXX^- ^wv, ra, OTTCDS ro crr/Darev/ia aVai> Trpo? avrw , b. 1054. 334. 536, b. * 683. 911. 3i7. 502. * 981. 1589. 669 5S5. 996. 1026. 4S6. 6.2,4. 6 778. 1175. 3S, 1. 625. 156 ANABASIS. 29 Xa/8an> i/ eu>at. roiv Se dyTe'XeyoV rti>e? aurw /AT) teVat vwra$ TOU? /cat crrpaT^yov? /x^Se 7rtV cus Sta/co'criot. 31 'Evrel Se 7Jcrai> eVt rat? 6vpaioi>. ov TroXXw 1 Se v&repov O-TTO rov aurov ot r* v8ov crweXaiMftdvofTO KOL ot e^cu Se raura rail/ (Bap{3dpa)i> TLVCS Imreajv Sta, rov 33 ij cXeuOcpco TTOLvras CKTCIVOV. ot Se "EXX^i/e? rryv re tir- ira Nt/ca/D^o? 'Ap/ca? -^/ce (f)vya)v rerpw/xeVo? et? T^V yao-rcpa /cat TO, i'vrepa eV rat? \epa\v e)(&jv, /cat etvre irdvra. ra Topics for Study. (1) Account for the accent on ^A.7x0<"- ( 2 ) Aug- ment of i^tyvotta. (3) The seven great classes of verbs. Ariaeus and others, announce to the Greeks the death of Clearchus and that the king demands their arms. 34 *E/c TOUTOU Si) ot "EXX^^e? eOeov evrt ra 6VXa Trai/re? eKTreTrXi^y/LteVot /cat ^o/xt^oi/re? avrt/ca y^etv avrou? eVt 35 TO o"rpaTO7reSoz/. ot Se Trai/re? fteV ov/c -^X^o^, 'A/)tato? > 781 and a. 1184. 3SS. , o. BOOK II. CHAP. V. 157 8e Kal 'AprctocK Kal Mt^/aaSar^?, ot ycrav Kvpw TTMTTO- rarot * 6 Se raiv 'EXXr^vceJV ep/x/jyvevs ec^Tj Kal TOI> Ttovra- epvov Kal ytyvaxrKeti> crwrjKoXovQovv Se /cat aXXot IIepo-a>i> Te^a>/3aKtcr/tx,eVot ei? TpiaKoo~tov9. ourot CTTCI eyyvs >)o~ai>, irpocreXdelv 3 K\evov L Tt? ctT/ Twi/ 'EXX^i'wv crrpaTTyyo? 17 Xo^ayo?, aTj-ayyetXcocrt x ra Trapa ySacrtXetu?. /aera Tavra 37 (^vXarrd/xe^ot rwt' 'EXXi^VctJV crrparriyoi 'Op^o/xeVto? Kal ^oc^at^ero? Srv/xc^aXio?, avrot? 8e aevo z 'A^ryvatos, OTTW? /aa^ot ra Hpoevov ' Xei/3t(ro(^o9 8e ervyyaivev dirwv eV KW/AT^ aXXot? eVto'tTt^d/Aei'o?. cVetS^ 8e carrjaav ets 3 38 etTrev 'Aptato? raSe. cu aVSpes ^EXXTyvc?, CTrel emopKatv re dvr) Kal ra9 (TTrovSag Xvcov, e)(t rr)v SLKJJV Kal 8e Kal MeVcov on KaTTeiXav aurow e aeai Tt^y eto'ti'. vfta? 8e ra OTrXa (XTratret ' eavrov 4 ya/> eli/at Kvpov ^cra^ rov eKctVov SovXov." Topics for Study. (1) Meaning of the proper nouns in 37. (2) Prep- ositions of motion with verbs of rest. (3) Position of ^iceiVos, of 11/30? ravra d7TKpivavTO ot "EXX^ve?, eXeye 8e KXea- so 6 'O/3^o/aeVto? ' W *O KctKicrre dvOpatTTMV 'Aptate Kal Ot CxXXot OO"Ot T^re KupOU tXov5 6 Kal e^pous vo^ielv, 1 TrpoSdi^re? T7/xa5 crvi/ Ttcro-a^epvet TW dOewTarw re Kal iravovp'yoTdTW TOV? re avSpas avrovs ots tujLtvirre aTroXcDXeKare Kal TOU? 1 881, a. 1369. 674. 662. s See Introd. 106-123. 8 788, mid. 1225. 39S, N. 8. S, b. 732. 1094, 1. 34S, 1. 508. 718. 1049. 320, 1. 530. 736. 10TT. 1. 534. '425. 665,3. #15. 346. 158 ANABASIS. aXXovs f)fias irpoSeScoKore? crvv rot? TroXe/uots e<* rj 40 epxeo-#e ; " o Se 'Aptatos etTre, " KXe'apxo? yap Trp6(r0ev eirifiovXevatv avepo<; eyeVero Tto~craet T OpoWa, Kai iracnv r)p,lv rot? o~w rovrots." 41 'ETT! rovrots Ee^o^wi/ raSe etTre. " KXe'ap^o? TOLVVV el wapa TOV? op/cov? eXve ra? crTroi'Sa?, * Sucaioi/ yap avroXXvcr^at row? eVto/a/cou^ra? ' TIpo- Se /cat MeVaw eVetVe/) etcrti/ v/Acre/aoi /ae*> eue/oyerat, Se errpar^yoi, Tre/xi/jare avrou? Sev/oo * S^Xot' yap ort <^>tXot ye 6^re9 a/x^orepot? ireipdcrovTai KOL 42 v/itf /cal ij/xti' ra jSe'XrtcrTa 1 cru/z^SovXeva'at." Trpos ravra ot fidpfiapoi irokvv ^povov StaXe^^eVres Xots 2 Topics for Study. (1) Comparison of KOKOJ. (2) Synopsis of present system of fyvvnt. (3) Why not fV ireT . 41 ? (4) Of the two imperatives, present and aorist, which is used oftener ? Character sketches ; Clearchus, fond of war, jilted to command. 1 VL Ot /ie> ST) (TTparrjyol OVTOD X^^^eVre? dvr|x0T|a-av w? ^acrtXe'a Kat 0,770x^17 #eVres ra? Ke^aXag 3 e'reXevrr;- o'at', et? /xei' avrwi/ KXe'ap^o? 6)ioXo < You)ivo>s C'K iravr^v TO*V |jL-rripa)s 4 avroi) ZXOVTUV Sd^a? yeve&dai dvrjp /cat 2 uoXcjiiKbs Kat v 4<})6po)v eu? TroXefjLTjcrojv rot? vTrep Xeppoz^crov Kat 3 %pa^Lv. eVet Se jieTayvdirrcs TTW? ot ei^opot, 716,b. 10M. 334. 53i9, b. 778. 1175. 392,1. 5*5. 784. a. 12S9 . C Bawlinson's /'rjV/, ch. ill. (end). 756. 114T. 357. 51S, a. Cf. Kupoi/ BOOK II. CHAP. VI. 159 , 1 dTroiv avrbv eVapoWo e 'Icrfytov, IvravOa. ov/cert 7ret#eTat, dXX' oJ^ero TrXecov et? c EXX>7o~7roz>Toi/. C/C TOVTOV /Cat 6aVaTO)9T] V7TO TWV V ^TrdpTrj TtXtOV to? 4 d.Tra6a>v. i^Srj Se (vyd? a>v e/3^erat TT/OO? Kvpo*>, /cat oTTOtot? /xeV Xoyot? eTretcre Kv^oo^ aXXr) yey/aaTrrat, SiScocrt Se avra) Kvpo? fjivpcov g Sapet/cou? 6 Se Xa^Saif OVK CTTI 5 av er/aciTrero, a.XX' dvro rourai^ raif ^prjp,a.TO crrpdrev/xa eVoXe/Aei rot? pai, /cat pa-Xli re KOL d.TTO TOVTOV Z or) (f>epe /cat ^ye TOVTOV? /cat Kvpo? e'Se^Tj TOV o-T/)aTev/AaTO? TOTC Se av TavTa ovi' <^tXo7roXe)aov JLIOI So/cet dj^Spo? cpya etvat, e'^oj/ 3 /xev eipTjvrjv ej(eti/ avev ato-^vj^s Kal , atpetrat TroXe/xet^, e6^ Se pa6u)ieiv y86vXeTat ao-T TroXe/xeti/, e'^oi' Se ^pif/iaTa e^etv aKivSvvo>9 atpetTat TroXe/xoif * jaeto^a Tavra Trotet^ * e'/cet^o? Se at cu? Sv^aToi^ e/c TOV TOIOVTOV TpoTrov oto^ /cd/ceti/o? et^ev. t/cavo? />te^ yap w? 6 rt? /cat aXXo? (frpovTi^ew r)v OTTCU? e^ot 7 17 crTpaTia avra> TO, CTrtTTySeta /cat 7rapao"/cevct^eti/ TavTa, t/cavo? Se /cat jnroif]o - ai Tot? Trapovcriv a5? ircicrTeov 8 117 KXeap^w. Topics for Study. ( 1 ) 'To 6e acquainted with one,' how translated * (2) The force and position of 8^. (3) ^epetr ca2 i7i'. (4) Comparison of (5) The ending -i/co's. 972, a. 1688. 657, N. 1. 590, a. 681, b. 958. 404. 5W. 973. 1569. 5S. 59i. 969, a. 1503,3. 653,2. 58S. 759. 113C. 359. 5i5. Cf. same, 1.8 . T 886, b. 1374. 593,1. 6SS, c. 99O, 764, 2. 1597,1159,1160. 665. 376. 596, b : 5*0. a. 160 ANABASIS. Severe in discipline. 9 TOVTO 8* cVotet e'/c TOV l ^aXeTTo? 2 elvaL ' /cat yap opav 3 CTTvyvos yv /cat TT} <}>a>VTJ rpax^s, e/cdXae re Kal opyy eVtore, cog 4 /cat avra> !cr0' 5 ore. /cat yvat^rf 8' e/cdXaev ' a,KoXd? Scot ap^ovra. rj row? TroXe/xtov?, et /oieXXot 17 11 tei/at 77/365 TOW? TToXe/uttov?. e^ jae^ ovt* rot? Setvot? TjOtXov avrov aKovLV ai5p6v avrov ev rot? aXXot? irpocrcoTrois e^aorav |icvov 7r/>6s TOU? TroXe/xtou? e'8d/cet et^at, 12 aO~T (TCOTTIplOV, OVK6TL ^aXcTTOt' aiVTO ' OT 8' C^O) TOV Seii>ov yevoLvro 7 Kal l^tif) Trpos aXXo^ ap^o^evov^ 8 t, TroXXot avrov aTreXeiTrov ' TO ya/3 ', dXX' det ^aXeTro? ^^ /cat cbfios * wore 77/305 avrov ot (Trpariwrai oicnrep TratSe? TT/DO? 8i8a- \\ * J \ ' x v/9< / 10 13 , cr^dSpa vret^o/xeVot? fyjyfyro. eVet 8e ap^aivro vutav X e " l5 cr6a.i Se VTTO a\\a>v ov /xciXa e0e\iv e'Xeyero. ^i/ Se ore eYeXevTa ctyi(t ra irevrTJKovra err). Topics for Study. (1) The idiom j TJS cal SAAor. (2) Constructions admissible after verbs of care, effort. (3) The idiom for ' Clearchus must be obeyed.' (4) TO with neuter adjective. Proxenus, ambitious, honorable, a poor disciplinarian. 3 8' Se 6 Botwrto? ev0vs p,ev (JicipdKiov uv fire- yevecrQai dvrjp ra. /xeyctXa irparreiv i/cavd? ' /cat Sta Tavrr/v Trjv iri8u(JLCav eSw/ce Topyia. apyvpiov rut Aeov- rlva). CTret Se eyeVero 1 e/cetVw, t/caj/o? 2 vo/atcra? eli/at Kal ap^eiv /cat, (tXos wi/ rot? vrpwrotg, /u, Vp"YTo>v, rj\0ev et? Tttvra? ra? crw Kvpco /cat wero /cr^crecr^at e'/c TOT/TWI/ ovopa. peya /cat /xeyaX^v /cat xP 7 ?V ara """o^^-^ * rocroi; (T(f>6^pa v$7]Xov* av /cat TOVTO etxe^ ort at' OeXoL KracrBac /xera dSiKias, aXXa crvv TW 8t/cata> 6 /cat /caXa> a>ero 8eu> rourajt' 6 rvy^dveiv, avev 8e TOVTCUI' /u,ry. dp^eiv Se /caXaiv /MO> /cat dya6a)i> Swaro? '^i' ' 19 ov /uteWot our' al8a> 7 rot? crrpartarrat? eairrov 8 oure t/ca^o? e/xTrotrJcrat, aXXa /cat TJo'xvJ'eTO ^taXXoi/ TOU? crrpartwra? 17 ot dp^o^evoi tKtivov ' /cat /caXcu? TrotoGvTa eVatvet^, TOI> Se dSt/covz/Ta /XT) eT roiyapovv aura) ot /xei/ /caXot re /cat dya^ol 1 837. 528. \. I.6S. * 94O. 927. 63i. 71. 8 742. 1102. 35tf. 786. 1079 (end). 341. 547. 681, b and B. 933. 424. 5iS. 739. 1099. 510, d. '196. 238. 1O9. 7*9. 739, c. 10S5, 3. 350. 506.*. 7>g4, 4 1160. 376. 5?0, a. H, & W. ANAB. - 11 162 ANABASIS. VVOL tfo'av, ol Se aStKot eVej8avXevoi> Se ap^ecv, oVa)9 TrXetcu Se rt/xao"^at, ti'a ?rXeuu KepSaCvoi ' i\os TC et^at rot? iidrov u^aieot?, i 22 /Ul^ StSotT^ $LKT]V. 7Tt Se TO Ka.Tpyd > (T0aL &V CTTL0V- fjiOir) eti^at Sta TOU tTriopKeiv re /cat t//euSecr#ai /cat |airaTav, TO S' dirXoaiv Kat dXr|8S 23 TO auro TW r)XL0LO) 1 eli/ai. (rrtp'ywv Se avepb<; /LteV ^j/ ouSeVa, ora> Se (^ati? <^>iXos eli^at, TOVTO) eVSr^Xos eytyveTO eVt/8ouXeuw^. Kat TroXe/itou 2 /Ltei/ ouSe^o? /caTe-ye'Xa, TWI/ Se cru^dfTcu^ TrdvTtov a>s KaTayeXaiv del SteXeyeTO. 24 /cat TOI? /xei/ TOJV 7roXe/ua>i> KTTJ|ia(riv ou/c eVe^SovXeue ' ^aXeTrov yap WCTO eti'at TO, raw ^uXaTTO/xeVw^ Xa/xy8a- veti/* Ta Se TCUV l\vXaKTa Xa/x/3cu>eti>. Kat oo"ov9 /^e^ alaOdvoiTo erudp- KOUS Kat dStKov9 009 eu 6J7rXt(r/xeVov9 c^ofielro, Tot9 3e 6a Cots Kat aXTJGciav do-KOveriv W9 dvdvSpois CTretpaTo ?6 \pfjcrOai. to&Trep Se' Tt9 dYaXXerai CTTI 8eoo*epCa Kat dXrjQtia Kat SiKatorqTi, OVTOJ Mei/aw TyydXXeTO To> 3 e^airaTav Svt'aa^at, 8 TO> irXd(rat'Xou9 SuryeXav" TOI/ Se /t^ 4 iravovpyov TWV airatSevTcoi.' 6 act ea/at. Kal Trap* ols ftev eVexetpet irpa>Ttiiv 773, a. 1175. 39. 2. 5f*. 75. 1123. S7O. 50fl, a. 959. :547. . * 1O86. 1613. 431, 1. Cf. 5S, c. 738. 1094, 7. 355, 2. 5(W. BOOK II. CHAP. VL 163 i> l TOVS TrpaJrovs rovro alexo KTijaacrdat,. Topics for Study. (1) Case following 6 avrot. (2) Comparison of pp'Sios. (3) Constructions after verbs of feeling; cf. 778 and a 391 and N. (4) Distinguish the denominative verbs. To Se 7rL0ofjivovs TOVS crrpartaJras Trape^ecr^at e/c TOV 2? fji.evo<; avrw OUK dTrotjXecrei/ avrov. Kal ra 2 /xet' 87) atet/3a/ctoi? iJSero, olKtioTdTos [ert a>/3atog a>j/] eyei/ero, avro? 8e 7ratSt/ca el^e apv7rav a-ye'vaos wv \V6i&vra. anoOvrj- 29 cr/cdvrajv 8e rcui/ (nxrTpaTrj'Ywv ort ecrrparevcrav CTTI y8a(7t- Xea cruv Kvpa), ravra TreTrot^Kto? OVK direOave, /aero, 8e rwv aXXcoi/ OdvaTov [crrpar^yaiv] rt/Awp^^et? VTTO aTreOavev, ov^ wcnrep KXeap^o? *cat ot aXXoi crr/oarryol aTror/x^^eWe? rag /ce^>aXa?, ocnrep ra^tcrros SoKet etvat, dXXa ^wi^ aiKicrBcis eviaurbv ws Xeyerat r^5 reXei^r^g rv^et^. 'Ayta? 8e 6 'Ap/ca? /cat Sto/cpaTTjs 6 *A^atog /cat TOVTCO 30 dTreOaveTrjv. TOVTMV oe ovO' a5? eV 7roXe/ia) ica/cwv ovSet? KareyeXa ovr* et? TO. rjo-Trjv 8e ttjOK^t TO, TTCVT6 Kal TplOLKOVTO. Trj OLTTO Topics for Study. (1) S* with the infinitive. (2) Compare dioco, cu' fort'*. (3) Did Greek soldiers wear beards 1 (4) Constructions after Tiryx'- 1 969, a. 1563, 3. 653. 2. 5SS. 9 718. 1058. 337. 537. 8 741. 1109. 356. 5W, c. 773, b. 1175. 393, 2. &JS. 778. 1159, 1160. 391. 526, a. Aoros r. Recapitulation ; the Greeks much discouraged. 1 I- ["Ocra (j,v 87} eV riy Kvpov a.v a/3acret ot f.irpa$;a.v fte^pt rrjs /uta^s, /cat ocra eVet Kvpos e'reXeu- r7io~> eyeVero a.TTtoVraji' rwv 'EXX^j^wv cri'j' Ttcrcra- (f>epvL lv rats (rrroi^Sat?, eV TO> rrpoarBev Xdya> SeS^ Xwrat.] 2 'ETTCI 8e ot OT/aar^yot cru^etX^/x/xefot rjaav KOL rwv Xo^ayaii/ Kal TO)^ o-TpaTLv ot a'VJ'eTrtcrTro/xei/ot aTrw- XajXeo"av, eV TroXX^ 877 airopiq. r) 8e aurot? TrdvTrj TroXXa /cat e$fi7 /cat TrdXet? TroXe/xtat ri ort viKtovres 4 /aei> ouSeVa a^ /cara/ca^otev, ^rr-qOevr^v Se CLVTWV ouSetg av Xet^^etV;. 3 Taur* evvoov^voi /cat dB-ufios e^oi're? oXtyot avTu>v et? r7)i> to-rre'pav a"trou 6 eyevcravro, oXtyot Se , eVt 8e rd 6VXa TroXXot ov/c ~q\6ov '936. USfl. 676. 624, c. 84(i. 85.-.. :i. V-'M. 1'J7-. K33. fi4!t. \. K70, b. : 647. end. 426 N. 4. Cf. 5J7, ex. 2. 9OU. Uia. 6J4. * 748. 1102. 356. SU (164) BOOK III. CHAP. I 165 VVKTOL, aveiravovro e OTTOV ervy^avev e/cacrro?, ou Svi/d/xez/ot /ca$evSeti> viro Xvirqs /cat ir66ou Trar/atSwi/, 2 yovecov, yvvaiKtov, 7rat8a>^, ovs OUTTOT* eVd/Atoz> en 6iJ/ecr#at. oura> /uteV 877 Sta/cet/xei/ot Trdi/res d Topics for Study. (1) /^lov, peculiar use of. (2) Plural of (3) Ways of abridgiug the conditional clause. (4) Case after yeva, (5) Class of xaiw ' Xenophonp how he came to join the expedition. *Hi/ 8e l ' rts v TV) (TTpaTia zei>o<>a)v i'atos, os ovre crr/aar^yo? ovre Xo^ayo? ovre (rr/aartwr^s tot/ dXXa Ilpo^ei'O? avrov /xer7re/xi/;aTO 8e aur eaurw 6 vo^lt^iv rrj<; Trar/atSo?. 6 /oteV- 5 rot 5evo(j>(t>i> dvayvovs r^v dvaKoivovrai Stu/cpdret 7 ra> 8 Trepl Trjs Tropeia?. /cat 6 VTTOTrrevcra? /AT; TI 77/305 TT;? 7rdXea>v iirr\peTO rov 'ATrdXXaj 6 di/ ^eaiv #uajv /cat ev^djaevo? /cdXXtcrra /cat dptcrra Trjv 6801^ 12 7)V 7rtvoet /cat /caXai? TT/ad^a? crcaOeurj. /cat dvetXcv avra) 6 'A7roXXwj> ^eots 13 ot? cSet OVCLV. 1 984. a. s 729, c. 1085, 8. 350. See Introd. 109, 110. 4 948, a. 1286. 549, 2 and N. 577, a. * 94O, b, parenthesis. "767. 1165. 37S. 523. T 772. 1175. 392, 1. 525. See Introd. 108. 8 657, a. 444. 55J, a. 945. 1517. 635. :'7A. 10 941. 928,1. 631,1. 57J, c. 772. 1175. 3d, 1. 525. 715, b. 1057. 333, 53C. " 10O3. 1035. 44, 2. 6i5,o. 166 ANABASIS. 7 CTree Se iraXiv r}\0e, Xeyet rrjv fiavrcCav TW 2aj/eparci. 6 8' d/covcras yrtdro avrof ore ou TOVTO irpwrov yparra. irorepov Xcoov 117 aura> Tropeveo'Bai, 17 jaeVeti>, dXX* auro? Kpwaaii/ ourw ^vcra/xe^o? of? d ^09 e^eVXei, /tat KaraXa/x^avet ez^ SapSecri /cat Kvpoi/ jaeXXoi/ra? ^[817 oppav rr)v ava) oSdt', 1 /cai 9 cruveo-TaO-q Kvp&>. irpoOv^ov^evov 8e rov Il^o^eVou cal 6 Kupo? 0-u|iirpou6u|j.iTO /xeti/at OVTQV, elire Se ort eVetSat' ra^icrra 17 o-rpareCa \T]t;r), z ev0vs a7ro7re/xi|/et avrov. \Q eXeyero Se 6 crrdXo? etvat et? ITtcriSa?. eVrpareuero /xev ST) ovrcu? e^aTrar^^ets 8 ov^ VTTO Hpo^eVov ' ov yct/3 ^Set 717^ eVt /SatrtXea op^v ovSe aXXo? ouSet? ^ trXrjv KXea^ou ' eVet /xeVrot et9 , S Tracrtv 17817 e'Sd/cei eli^ai ort 6 aroXo? 117 eVt ^acrtXe'a. ^>o^8ou/tei/ot Se r^ 6So*> /cat oju,&>9 ot TroXXot St' aifr^vv^v /cat dXX^'Xtui'* /cat ovap. eSo^ev aurw Ppovrqs yez/o/xeV^? s dvT|-yp0il, /cat TO oVap TT) l peis e/cptvev 12 dya$oV, on Iv TTOVOLS a>v /cat /avSwot? eos /Aeya e/c Ai6 e'/ATTtTrret ' Tt KardKei^Jiai ; 17 8e vu^ irpopaivei ' a/ta Se rr/ i7/>tepa etK05 TOV? TroXe/xtou? ^etv. et Se yevqo-o^da. eVt /SacrtXet, Tt |XTro8a>v 3 /AT) ov^t irdvTa. pev TO, )(aXe- Trwrara eiriSdvras, TTO.VTOL Se TO, SetvoTaTa iraOovras vppt^o|ivous OLTTodavelv ; OTTOJ? 8' d/xwov/xe^a 4 ovSets u Trapacr/ceva^eTat ov8e eTTi/xeXetTat, dXXa /caTa/cet/Ae^a ; ou yap eywy* ert Trpecrfivrtpos ecro/iat, eaz> Ttj^epov TrpoSaJ epavrov Tot? TroXe/uois. Topics for Study. (1) The influence of dreams among the Greeks. Tntrod 83. (5). (2) Evidences of Xenophon's piety. Introd. 123. (?) Classify Xa-vx^roi, eyeipca. &a.iv, Orhoxce- 'E/c Tovrov 6 dvto-TaTat /cat ?:.h. 887. 187S 594 e//. c. 1O34. a, b. 1617. 435. 67*. a. 885. 1372. 593. 6SS, a. 973- 1569. 65S. 591. 1O39. 717,3. 168 ANABASIS. 16 ot fjiev yap TroXe/uoi, SfjXov ort, ov irporepov 1 Trpos TJ/ACIS rov TroXepov |e<|>T]vav nplv eVd/uo'av KaXois ra eavraV 7ra/oacrKevao"ao-#at, rjfJLtov S' ovSet? ovSev 2 dvTTTL|i\iTai n OTTO)? a;? /caXXtcrra dya)VLovp,0a. KOL JU,T}I> et xi(|>Tj eVt Trai' eX^ot a>5 17/^0,5 ra eV^ara 4 at/ct(ra/xevo5 Tracriv avBptimois (frofiov Trapda^oL rou 6 errpaTeucrat Trore eV avrov ; dXX' OTTOJS rot a eir' Topics for Study. (1) Cf. &c TotJroi;, fV ^, /ierek ravra. (2) Position of the reflexive pronoun. (3) Cf. 6rl Ki5/>ou, V1 Kvpep. War preferable to their oath-bound treaty. 19 " 'Eyw pel/ ovv ecrre 7 /xet' at aTrovSat ^a'av OUTTOTC eTravo/x^v 17/^015 /xev otKret/awv, /SacrtXea 8e Kat rou9 crvt' avra> [iaKapi^cov, 8ia.0ecofj.evos avraiv oa"rjv pcis -^dtpav Kat otav fyoLev, w? Se acf)6ova ra eTTtr^Seta, oo~ov5 Se 20 OepdirovTas, ocra Se KTTJI^, XP UO " V ^ e/ > ^Q^Ta Se'* ra 8 S' au raiv crr/Dartwraiv ovrore cv0v(JLOLfJLr)v } ort raV /xev ayaOwv TOVTOJV ovSevo? 9 ^/atv |tT(T], et /XT) 7r/)tat)u,e^a, orou 10 S' 0)^17 cro/u,e#a ^JSetv ert oXtyov? e^ovra?, aXXws 11 Se' TTOjg TTOjOt^ecr^at ra eVtr^'Seta 17 aj/ov/>ieVov? 12 o/o/covs 77877 Kare'^ovras T7/xas ' raur' oui' Xoyto/xevo? eVtore ras o~7rovSas /xaXXov e'^oySov/rqi/ 77 1 955, a. 627, N. 719. 1060. 336. 540. 964, a. 1494. 647. 57.9. 4 716, b. 1076. 334. 536, b. * 959. 1516,2. 630. 575. 99O. 1507. 665. 536, b. '928. 1464. 610. 6S1. Cf. ra tavruv, 16. 737. 1097. 356. 610, d. "746. 1183. 353. 613. " 1045, b. U 969, a. 1563,8. 653,2. 683. BOOK III. CHAP. I. 169 eVet /zeVrot e/ceti>ot e\vcrav TO.? o-7roj>Sd?, XeXvo~#at /xot 21 8o/cet /cat 17 Kelv, ot crw rjfuv, a5? TO t/co?, ecrovrat. ovrot /^ei/ 22 yap avrov? 2 TrL(opKTJKa(Tiv ' ^/oiet? Se TroXXa dyada (rrcppus avrwv aTret^o/xe^a 8ta rou5 opttovs ' eucrre e^elvai ftot So/cet teVat CTTI TroXu o-uv ^po^^'/xart /aet^ot't 17 TOVTOIS. crt 8' e^of^ev 23 o-w/xara LKavarrepa TOVTOJV KOL xj/vX 1 ! /ca ' QdXirii /cat TTO^OV? (frepeiv ' 4 e^op,ev Se /cat i/ar^as crvv rot? djaetVoi/a? * ot 8e ai'Spe? /cat rpwroi /cat OV^TOL Xov T/ftoii/, 17^ ot ^eol wcTTrep TO irpocrQev v'nct]v " *AXX* tcr&j? yap /cat aXXot Tavra IvOv^ovvran^ Trpo? 24 5 dvafJiva)fjLv aXXou? e<' 17/xa? e\0elv rrapa- eVt TO, /cdXXtcrTa epya, dXX' -fjfj.el's ap^a)fjiev TOV 6 e|opp.^(raL /cat TOV? dXXov? eVt T^V dpertjv ' \\ \ \ > tf in*N , , > \ aAAa /cat a,K|iauv rfyov^ai cpvKiv air e/xavrou Ta Topics for Study. (1) Construction after /ue'rei/u. (2) Synopsis of (3) The oath among the Greeks. Iiitrod. 83, (6). (4) What infer- ence is to be drawn from the last sentence in regard to the age 01 X^nophon at this time ? (5) Compare &ov\o/j.cu and 0)vf) ' 1 OUTOS 8' 17761' OTt (jxXuapOLT| ocrrts 2 Xeyot aXXtu? TTW? (rojTrjpta? ai> ru^et^ 17 /3acrtXea et Sumatra, /cat a/xa rip^ero Xeyet/ ra? 27 'O fjievroL Bevotfraiv /xera^u viroXafiuv \eev c5Se. 0avp,ao"LcaraTe avOpuTre, cruye ovSe opa>v ouSe a,Kov(t)v fjxfunfrtu, eV ravrw 4 ye /x,eVrot rjcrOa rou- rots 6 ore ySacrtXev?, eVet Kvpo? a.ire6ave, Karac{>povfjoras 28 771 TOVT(O TTefATTUV K\V 7Ta/3aSt8oi/at TO, OTrXtt. 8e ^/aet? ov TrapaSo^re?, dXX' e'^OTrXtcrct/xei'ot irap(TKiivT|ot t, KVTOv|ivoi, vfipitppevoi ouSe aTToOavelv, ot Sui'ai'Tat, /cat /aaX', otftat, tpcavres TOVTOV ; a cru Traivra etSeu? rov? /ACI> dfj,vvecr0ai /ceXevo^ra? so (jtXvapelv fl)^ Xo^ayt tav rotovrw ycraL. ovro? Trar/atSa xaTato-xiivei /cat iracrav rrjv 'EXXaSa, ort 5^ rotovros eo~rti/.*" > 780. 1182. 39O. 57, b. *91O. 1461. 619, N. . :5. 969, it. 1663, 3. 63, 2. 5SS. <- T avrov elbov AvBbv d^orepa rd Sra 1 TCTpinrmxevov." Kat 32 ovrco?. TOUTO*/ /me*/ ovv a7njXa(rav. Ol Se aXXot irapa ra. (5) vTroffrpdrtiyos. See Introd. 73. Xenophon, addressing the assembled officers, exhorts them to set an example of bravery and elect new generals. I 8e TrdWe? crui>rj\6ov, et 3 TO Trpoadev TOJI/ OTT\(OV 33 o ' KOL eyevovro ol cru^eX^oi/re? l Xo^ayol djav ^p^ero Xeyeiv wSe, w a^S/ae? (TTparriyoi Kal Xo^ayot, opSxri ra irapovra eSo^e /cat avrot? crvveXBelv Kal u/ta? irapaKa- XeVat, O7TW5 y8ovXevo~at)ae^a et rt SwaLpeOa dyaOov. ' ** *J N / < y^*i v 4 \ \ o , 917, ' /cat crv, a> aevocpuv, airep /cat TT/>OS t A M *E/c TOT/TOV Xeyei raSe 'aevo^wv. " *AXXa ravra fiev 3f 817 TTCti/re? eViora/xe^a ort ySacrtXev? /cat Tto"o~a^>e)3^5 ou? ^tei/ ebwrjOria-av o^vetX^acrtz/ 5 ^/Aoj^, 6 rot? 8' dXXot? i/ ort eVi/SouXevouo-ti/, aig ^i' Svi/ajfrat a7roXeVwcrti/c 7 8e ye oljuat Trdvra iroiyrea u5? JJLTJTTOT eVt rots 718. 1058. 335,512. 537, *914, B, (2). 1431,2. 625. 6J0, b. 788. 1225. 30S, N. 8. 598, b. sc. eAef av. * 366 5'2'2. i7, '2. SJ, b. 789, e. 1085, 7. 355. 06, a. '' 991 lisa. 666. 596. 172 ANABASIS. yvn0a, dXXa paXXov e/ceu/ot 1 e<* ^/ui/. ?6 V TOLVVV 7rtaTaO~$ OTt V/At9, TOCTOVTOt OI^TC? OO~Ol fV^ O'weXTjXu^are, /ze'yiorov ^X Te Ktupov. ol yap crrpa- Ttcorat ourot irai/res TT/SOS v/xa? /3XeVovcrt, /cai> ^teV v/xa? opcocnv dOufjiovvTas, TrdVres /ca/cot ecrovrai, 77^ Se v/xet< avroL re 7ra/3acncevao/xei>oi 2 (fravepol rjre eVt roug TroXe- /Mtou? fcal TOW? aXXou? Tra/aaKaX^re, e5 tcrre ort ex//oj/rat 37 v/u.tt' /cat Tret/aacro^Tat |U[xeLcr6cu. tcrcu? 8e rot Kal Si/catdi' rt 3 Tovraii'. 4 vx,et? a3 eVre (7T paTTjy 'oi, v/x-ets Ta|iapxoi /cat Xo^ayot' /cat ore rjv u//,et9 /cat ^p^uurt* /cat rt/xat? Tourwi/ 4 Kal vui^ TOLVVV 7Tt TToXcjad? co~Tiv d^iovv Set tyxa? aurov? djjiLvov<; re rov TrXiy^ou? eTi'at /cat irpopouXciiciv TOI;- 38 Tool/ /cat Trpoirovciv, 171^ TTOV Seiy. /cat i/u^ Trpwrov otptat av 6 v/xa? /xeya ax^eXiJcrat TO o~r/>cirev/xa, et OTTWS di^Tt TOJV aTroXajXdrw^ cu? l /cat Xo^ayot avTiKaracrTaBcoo-iv.' at/ev ya/3 ovScv av ovre KaXbv oure dyaBov yeVotro, ' c ^ v 9 ./ 10 > y ^ ' /Ltt/cot? Travrcnrao-iv. 17 /xe^ yap eirra^ta o-a>ei*' oo/cet, 17 8e dra|Ca vroXXov? Topics for Study. (1) The Greek for midday, midnight. (2) The idiom for ' in fAe power of.' (3) is avvt\6v-ri tlirtlv. (4) Greek military dis- cipline. Introd. 82. (5) Wh.it opportunities had Xeuophon had to study Greek tactics ? (6) Formation of Attic reduplication. Cf. eATJAufla, tAa>A.a. (7) Of the three classes of pure verbs (-eta, -f'w, -da>), which is most common ? (8) Difference between the restrictive and generic article. (9) Compare the ethical dative and the dative in looser relations. (10) Compare ^ir/o-To/tat and * sc. yeVwfTeu. *981. 15S9. 661. R85, a. 719, b. 1060. 336. 540. 749. 112D. 34. .M5. h. B 78O. 11S-2. 39O. 5?7, h. 964, (a). 1494. 647. 579. 885, b. 1S74 593.1. ;?. c. 8 956. 1534. 64^,1. 56&. 1O3O. 16iy. 433. 478. 0551, 1. 6S4. 279,8. U06. BOOK III. CHAP. I. 173 He advises them to assemble and encourage the soldiers ; Chirisophus seconds these proposals and new officers are chosen. az/ 8e /caracrrTicr^cr^e rovg ap^ovras ocrovs Set, 39 rjv /cat rov? aXXovs crr/aartwras tnAXeyTjTe /cat irapadap- pvvY)T, olfJLaL av l vfJids irdvv eV /catpa> Trot^crat. vvv yap 40 tcraj? /cat v/u,et y* l^ov- T(DV, 3 OVK otSa ort 4 ai/ rt? ^p^cratro avrot? etre j^v/cros 6 Scot etre /cat T^/jtejpa?. 17^ Se rt? avra>v rp&ffr) ra? ytc<>- 41 /ota?, cu? /x^ rouro povov eVi/oaij/rat rt Tretcro^rat dXXa /cat rt TTOtrycrovcrt, TroXu v9ujidTpoi ecrovrat. eVtcrracr^e 42 yap 8^ ort oure 77X^09 lanv oure tcr^u? 17 eV TO) TroXe'/xa) ra? vt/ca /cara/xa^dt'Ta?, eV rotovra) yap /catpw e'o~/u,e^, aurou? re aVSpag dya^ou? etvat /cat row? aXXous Topics for Study. (1) o5ra> ^x^w- ( 2 ) &* 6>w ^ T ^ ""oAiJ. (3) Com- parison of eppvuevos, tvSaifjuav. 9Ol,a. 1421,2. 61. 1. * Cf. 836. 125S. 2. 454, d. 972, a. 1568 657, N. 1. 550, a. 716, b, end. 1)51. 334. 5J6, b. 6 759. 1136. 359. 575 * 78O. 1162. 39O 57. 174 ANABASIS. 45 *O fjLev ravra et7row> eVavtraro. per a 8e TOVTOV Xei/3to~of), fJ ai/Spe?, clXX' a7reX^o^r5 17817 alpelcrBe oi dp^ovTas, KOL eXo/xet'Ot TJKere et? TO ^ecrov TOU crTpa.ro- TreSov /cat TOU? aipeOevras ayeTe * evretT' e'/cet cruyKa- \ovpev Toug aXXovs crTpaTLdrras. TrapecrToj 8' ty/u*'," (^77, " /cat ToX/xtSry? 6 Kr)pv." 47 Kat a/xa Tavr' etTrwi/ dvecrTr), w? /XT) /xeXXotTO dXXa irepaCvoiTo Ta SeWTa. e/c TOUTOU TJpe^crav dirt /aei' KXea^ou Tt/xao'twi/ AapSa^eu?, dim Se rovg Ha^^t/cXry? 'Abates, di/Tt 8e 'Aytov KXedvwp 'Ap/ca?, t 8e MeVwt'o? tXicrtO5 'Aatos dz^rl 8e Topics for Study. (1) Meaning of irauw, iraio^uat, of cu'peV afpov/uaj, of lx irapovTwv aVSpas dya$ovs 3 /cat /AT) v(teo~$at, dXXd Treipacrdai oVa>s 77^ /xez/ a /caXaj? viKMVTts o~w/)^ Z1 N ' "8 Trauew ota TOV? e^upov? ot c/eot Topics for Study. (1) vpbs S' In. (2) Mode in relative clause with definite antecedent. (3) Case after vi T! TOVTCO KXedvcop 6 'O/3^o/^eVto5 a-vidTf] Kal \eev 4 6j? yetrcui' re 117 7175 'EXXaSos Kal TrXetcrrov av Trot^cratro craicrat i^/Aa?, /cat eV! rovrots avro? o/xocra? -^/xt^, avro? Se^tag Soug, auro? e'^aTrar^cras crwe'Xa/Se rou? crTpar^yov?, /cat ovSe Ata |Viov i^Se'cr^, dXXa KXeap^w 4 /cat 6/zoT/3aVeo? ye^o/tei/o? avrot? 5 TOU- rots e^aTrar^cras rov? ai/Spa? a,7roXa>Xe/cet'. 'Aptatos Se, 5 6V ^/xets ^6e\ofMv ySacrtXe'a /ca^ta"rdvat, /cat eScu/ca/xe^ 6 /cat eXd/Bofjiev Tn&Ta. pr) TrpoSwcretv aXXTyXovs, /cat ouro? ovre row? #eous SetVa? cure Kvpov TeOvrjKora alSecrBets, rt/xw/xe^o? ttaXtcrra UTTO Kvpov aWos wv 77/365 TOVS e'/cetVou e'x^tVrou? aTrocrra? T^/xa? rov? Kvpou /ca/cai? Troieiv Tretparat. dXXa TOUTOVS /xe^ ot ^eot traivro * 7 ^/xa? Se Set ravra 6pa>vTa aj/iVrarat ecrTaX|ievos eVt TrdXe- fjiov cos eSvVaTO /cdXXto~Ta, 1/0/4 t^coz/, etre VIKT^V StSotez/ ol #eot, TOV /caXXtoTOf KOCT^OV TGJ 1 VLKO.V Trpe'Treti/, etre TeXevraz/ Scot, op0<; ^\^v TMV /caXXtcrrcui/ 2 eavroi/ d^'tco- cravra ev TOVTOI? r^5 reXevr^? Tuy^ai/et^ ' rov Xdyov 3 Se rjpxtTO (5Se. 8 " Tr/y /Ltei/ rai/ fiapfidpaiv ImopKLav re /cat dmoTtai' Xeyet /xet' KXeaWp, eVtVracr^e 8e /cat v/xet? ol/xai. et y8ouXd/xe^a iraXiv aurot? 4 Sta <^>tXta9 teVat, T7/Liag TroXX^ d6t)|iCav e^ett', opaWas Kal TOV? ot Sta Trtcrrews avrot? eaifrou? VXtpi(rav, ' t fJLVTOL SLdVOOVJL0a a)v etvre, a Ao/cet /not, ci aVSpes, eTret, 7re/3t cra)Ti7/3ta5 T^/aaiv Xeyd^TO)^, olcovos TOU Ato? TOU (rojTrjpos (f)dvr), evacr0ai, TO> ^cw TOVTO) OvcrtLv crojTTjpLa oirov av Trpwrov et? <^>tXta^ ^atpav d^t/cwyae^a, . t Se Ta TOJI/ ^ea^ KaXaig ctei', ero Trakiv aSe. Topics for Study. (1) auroij 5io <{>i\ias Ifvai, Sib iray-ros Tro\t/uov aurals Itvat. (2) Trrapj/imu. See Iiitrod. 83, (5). 959. 1516,2. 640. /;;5. * 746. 1135. 353. 5J3. 738. 1099. 356. 5W. b. '772, a. 1177. 392.1,324.1. 5*5. 878. 717, IS. "789. lUoO, 3. 350. 506, a. 719, b. 1060. 334. 536. D. BOOK III. CHAP. IL 177 Xeyo)i> ort TroXXat /cat /caXat e'XTrtSe? 10 etei' o~aTT7pta<. irpatTov ^kv yap ^/xets /xet' }nr- 8oii|i6V rou. OUTOJ 8' e^d^ra)^, 1 ei/cos 2 Totg^/xe^ TroXe/xtot? 3 evavrtous ett/at rou? ^eou?, ^jati' Se cru/x/xa^ou?, OLTrep t/cai^ot eitrt KCU rovg /xeyaXou? ra^u /xt/c/aov? iroielv /cat TOU? cicrt o"w{etv cvTrera;?, orav Se dvaiiin^crco 5 yap v/xa? /cat rov? ra>y irpoY^- n VODV rail/ -^/xerepaj^ /cti^Sv^ou?, t^a etS^re a5? aya$ots re TrpocnjKei eivai craj^o^rat re crvv rots ^eot? /cat e/c ot dya^ot. ikdovraw [lev yap Hep 6 a5? d(j)aviovvTo)V 7 ras , xnnxrriivai aurot 'AOrjvaloi roX/x'^crai'Te? eVt/c^- crai' avrou?. /cat ev^dfjLevoi ry 'AprejatSt OTTOCTOUS Kara- 12 7Tt ov/c et^ot' t/cava? cupet^, eSo^et' avrot? /car' Oi' 7revra/coo"ta5 Ovens, /cat ert vvf diroOaiovo'LV. en-etra ore Hep^? vcrrepov d-yeCpas TT)^ dvapC6(niTov is (TTpariav yX0ev lirl rrjv 'EXXaSa, /cat rare eviKcov ot 17/xerepot irpoyovoi rov TOVTOJV irpoyovovs /cat /cara y^v /cat /cara ^aXarrav. ai> ecrrt /xei/ re/c/xifpta 8 opai/ 9 ra Tpdiraia, /Lteytcrrov Se jj.vT)|jLeiov 17 e\ev6epia ratv TroXewv (iv at? u/xet? eyeVecr^e /cat erpaujnyrc' ouSeVa yap avOpat- TTOV oecnroTrjv dXXa rov 0eov<; Trpo&KweiTe. TOLQVTMV H,ev eore Trpoyovaiv. " Ou /Ltev 8?) TOUTO ye ep' ov a Cf. same, 8.1 . sc. corf. 772, b. 1175. 392. 2. 5?5. 4 894, 1. 1893,1. 6O9. 650. 742, b. 1069. 356.X.1. 511. 774. !!-!. 39. ,-5. ' 969, c. 1563, 4. 653, 5. 5S3, b. * Cf. 595, b. B. 916. 30. 5i6. 949. 1517. 637, 1. 574. sc. ri. H. & W. AXAB. - 12 178 ANABASIS. TOUTO15, TOtS KlV(i)V CtCydvOlS, 7TO\\a7r\a(7tOU? VfJLMV* 15 IviKare crvv rot? 0olri7/3ias 6 ay cut/ ecrrt TTO\V STJTTOX) v/Aas 77/3 ocr- Kat a/ietVoi/a? /cat irpod^orepov^ el^at. dXXa /cal 0appa\atTpov yap aTreipoi o^re? avrait' 2 TO TC 77X^0? d|JLTpov 6/>aWe?, o/xwg eVoX/i^'oraTe o'ut' TW irarpCco (j>povrj|xaTi teVat et? avTov? * wf 8e OTTOTC Kat irelpav 17817 ^Te avratv on ov 0\ovcrL Kal TroXXaTrXct- o~tot wTe? [/AI)] Se^ecr^ai v/xa?, rt 8 ert v/xu/ TOVTOVS <> Topics for Study. (1) Verbs of reminding. (2) Were there any in Xenophon's audience that had witnessed the invasion of Xerxes ? (2) Con- struction after words in TA.ao-toj. (4) How did Greece (its climate, physical features, etc.) tend to develop the individuality of its people 1 Objections answered : desertion of the barbarians ; want of cavalry, guide, market ; impassable rivers. A last resource. IT te MrSe &rot TOUTO vvv ert ya/o ouTot KaKtove? eto~t TCUZ/ vfi vyov yo'Ov [Trpo?] e/cetvou? /caTaXtTro^TC? T^/xa?. TOUS 8* e^eXoi^ra? (jjvyrjs ap^eiv TroXu Kpelrrov 5 (rvv rots TToXe/xtot? TaTTOfJLevovs rj iv rf) yfJLerepa rd^ei opav. et 6 8e Ti? v/AaJt' dOvpel OTL rfjjuv p,ev OVK elcrlv tTTTretc, TOIS 8e iroXe/xtot? TroXXot TrdptKTiv., f0v^ijOr}T OTL oi tTTTret? ouSei^ dXXo 17 yauptot etcrti^ dvBpamoi ' vrro yap ZTTTTOV ev 755. .1. 1154. 363. 517. * 753, c, end. 1140. 357. 516, b. 719. c. 10(50. 336. 540. * 874. 134G. 684. U86. 8 (iariv) boav, etc. 8 893 and b. 1890. 6O!i and N. 1. BOOK III. CHAP. H. 179 XaKTi Ifnratv Kpepavrai dXXd /cat TO Kara-ircc-clv * 17/^615 S* eVt TroXu /xet' la-^yporepov TratVo/xei/, i^i/ Tt5 vpoovfa TTO\V Se fjiaXXov orov av ^8ouXce>yote^a rev^6fji0a. evl Se ot tTTTret? [^cts] ' <^>evyetv avrots ecrnv r} Topics for Study. (1) Cavalry in the military system of the Greeks. Introd. 67-69, 72. (2) What Greek states attached most importance to cav- alry 1 Cf. Introd. 67. X x__jr\\p>\ \ \ / /I ^2" 3?^ >' " Et oe 017 ra? p,ev jita^as c/appetre, ort oe ovfcert 20 Ttcrcra^ep^? ^y^Verat ovSe /SacrtXeu? ayopav ei, TOVTO a^^ecr^e, crKe^acrOe irorepov Kpelrrov* jv r^ye^ova e^etv, 05 eVt^8ouXeua>v 17/11^ (j>ave- 17 ov? ai^ T7/aet5 avbpas XaftovTes ot eto"ovrat ort, iyi> rt 7re/ot uepl ra? eavrwi/ i//u^a? Kat a"oj/Aara rd Se eVtrr^Seta Trorepov wvela-Oai Kpeirrov K TT?? ayopas 21 ^? 6 ovrot irap^i^ov fJUKpa |xeVpa TroXXov apyvpLovf rouro ert e^ovra?, -^ avrou? Xaja/3di/etv, ij p.Tpa> xpwfte'i'ovs OTTOCTOJ dv e/cacrro? y " Et Se raura /xev ytyi'wo'Kere ort /c/aetrrova, 4 rov? Se 22 atropov 1 i/o/xt^ere etvat Kat jieYaXcos rjyelcrde Sta^8d^reg, 8 cr/cex|/ao"^e et d*pa rouro /cat (JKopoTarov TreTTonJKa(TLv ot fidpfiapoL. Trdz^re? yap Troraftot, et /cat npoa-o) rutv Trrjycov diropoi etcrt, irpo'C- 1 755. 1153. 363. 5J7. 2 712. 1049. 329, 1. 530. 3 TOUTO e a X 9(r9e on ou(tTt, etc. sc. eo-Ti. 5 994. 1031. 44. 6J3, b. 6 746. 1133. 353. 5M. 7 617. 925. 43. 552, c. 969, a. 1563, 3. 653, 2. 5S3. 67O, a. 971. 453, 1. 55, c. 180 ANABASIS. overt 2 Trpos ra? Trrjyas StaySarol yiyvovrai ovoe TO yo^v Topics for Study. (I) pdxa* Bappftre. (2) What forms of condition are found iu this passage 1 (3) Name the denominative verbs found in it. 23 " Et Se fjitjB' oi TTorafMol Bir\a-o\)(riv 2 -rjye^atv re fi/rjSets t, ouS* to? r}/Ati> 3 ye dOvjiTjTtov. emcrra- ya/3 Mvcrous, ou ort eV rot? vreStot? ra Ipvfiva KaTaXaftovres rr)v TOVTOIV 24 X^P av Kapirovvrat * /cat ly/xa? S' ai/ e^^i/ 4 eycoye (f>avepov<; eivai otKaSe , clXXa /caracr/ceva^ecr^ac w? avrov 5 TTOU ot/cifcroi/ra?. olSa ya/3 ort /cat Mixrot? /3acrtXev9 TroXXou? /-tet' ^yejaoVa? av Sot>7, TroXXov? S' ai> ofjLfjpous TOU aSdXw? KTT[JL- \j/iv, /cat 68oiroLTJ(rL y' ai/ av- rot? /cat et crvf T6p(-n-irois /8ou- \ >/ \ * Xoti^ro arrte^at. /cat -))jottv y a^, otS* ort, Tpicrdo-jxcvos ravr' eVotet, et ew/)a 6 17/105 fte 25 /carao-/ceua{o/xeVov?. dXXct ya/3 Se'Soi/ca /utr/, a fjidBfafjiev dpYot C'V^ ^ a ^ c>1/ a^^ovot? |3ioTViv, /cat 8e /cat TTepcraJi/ /caXatTO<})dYot, eTTiXaOcojieOa T^S * O e P. g ot/caoe ooou. Topics for Study. (1) Conditions of second and fourth torm after o?8a 2r, after <>>rj/xL (2) Case after 6fii\fu>, after iiri\aveiivo^ai. (3) Origin of v40piinros. (4) The lotus-eaters. See Classical Dictionary. 77l.h. 15-4. 3S. 5f3, a. * 899. 1405. 6O2. fiU8. 991. 1188. 6fi6 696. 4 895, 9O3. 1H!7. Itl.'i. Rfiff. >;',:>. 76O. 11. 11P7. 3X8 xir, 896. 1897 6O6. SW. ' 772. 1176. 3, 1. ^5. 742. 1102. 356. 611. BOOK III. CHAP. IL 181 " To journey safely we must get rid of superfluous baggage and m a into, in discipline.' ' t( Ao/cet ouV /xot et/co? /cat St/catoi> eh>at irputTOv et? Trjv 26 'EXXdSa /cat Trpo? rov? ot/cetou? Treipdo^at d(t/cz'eto~0at /cat eVtSet^at rot? "EXX^o-ti/ ort e/cdi^re? Trtvovrai, t^bv 1 aurot? rov? yvz' (rKX^pois e/cet /StorevWra? eV^aSe KOJXL- cra}iVox)S irXoixrCcos opav. dXXd ydp, co di/Spe?, TrdVra ravra rdya^d S^Xoi^ 2 ort rait' /cparovVrcoi' eVrt, rovro 2: Set Xe'yeti/ OTTOJ? di/ Tropevot/Ae^d re a5? dcrc^aXeVrara /cat, et jLtd^eo~^at Se'ot, a>? /cparto~ra /xei/ /cara/cavo-at rd? tva /U,T ret dXXa o~rparta v xv e?retra /cat ra? cr/a?- aurat yap au o^Xov /Act' Trape- dyeiv, (rvva)(|>Xov(ri 8' ovSei/ cure et? ro jLtd^ecr^at ovr' ets ro ret eTTtr^Seta e^etv. ert Se /cat raiv dXXcui' 28 o"/ceuwt/ ret ircptTTd aTraXXd^w/xei^ 3 77X77^ ocra TroXe/xou eveicev r) (TiTtav r} TTOTO>V e^oyae^, tva w? 7rXeto~rot rjfjLOiv Iv rot? oVXot? coo~t^, cJ? eXd^to~rot Se crKt /cparov/xeVwi/ /xez/ yap eVt'crrao-#e ort Trdvra dXXdrpia * 171^ Se /cparoi/Ae^, /cat rou? TroXe/xtov? Set o~/ceuo<^opov? Topics for Study. (1) Verbs admitting the accusative absolute. (2) The idiom for ''Aese t/i/m/s belong to those who conquer.' (3) The accent of com- pounds 583. 885. 94, 3OO, N. *3J/, a. >973. 1569. 658. 591. * i^Ao^ on = iijVw? . 866, 1. 1344. 585. 472. 182 ANABASIS. 29 "AotTToV 1 /not tiirelv 6Vep Kal /aeyto"roi> i>o/uco eu>at. opart yap Kal TOV? TToXe/ztous art ov TrpocrOev e'eyey/cetz> 77/30? i^/xa? iroKe^ov irplv TOV? crr/aar^yous , t>0/AtoiTe9, OVT(i)V fJLV TtoV dp^OVTOiV Kal rjpwv 7ret#o/LteWj>, LKavovs eu>at ^/aas TrepLyevecr6ai TW TToXe/aw, 2 Xa/8oj^T5 Se roug ap^ovra<; dvapxCa 3 ai 30 ara^ta evopL^ov i^/xa? airoXecrBai. Set ow TroXv TOU? ap^ovras 6iri(iX cvrvy^dvovra (TVV TCO dp^ovTi KoXdt^eiv ' ovra>5 ot TroXe/xtot 7rXeto~roi> ei|;euo-/xeVot ecrovrai ' rfjSe yap TT/ rjfjiepa /xvptov? oi//oi^- rat aj/^' evo? KXea/a^ov? TOV? ovSe^t 7rtrpei//ovTa9 /ca/ca) 32 etvat. aXXa ya/3 /cat Trepaiveiv ^817 ovi> ravra So/cet /caXw? \LV, cTHKupaxraTG) a5? ra^tcrra, t^a e/oyto"ao"^at apicrrov ewai ' /cat OTG> So/cet ravra, avarta/dra) rrjv ^etpa." dvereivav sc. at /caXcts ov TrXeW et/coo~t o~raSta>i> aTre^oucras ' OVK dv ovv Sav^d- 35 et ot TToXe/Atot, oKTirep ot SetXot KVVCS rov? irapiovras St&5/coi>Tes /cat *^/ ^^^^' OVVaJVTOLL) TOVS OC OtO>- (^evyoucrti/, et /cat avrot tz/ aTrtoucrt^ eiraKoXouSotcv. wrw? 3i dcr^aXeb-re/aov 1 TT\a.icriov Trot^o-a/xeVou? , ti^a ra o~/cevo0o/3a /cat 6 0^X05 eV dT7 rov TrXato-t'ou /cat rot TrpocrOev Ko&pelv /cat rtVa? CTTI rail' irXcvpcov e/carepcov et^at, rt- S* 6Tn(T0o(j>v\aKelv, OVK av, OTrore ot TroXe/uot c o6c rf, v, (<7O7rAvpov. et _/", ovpa, Ta O7rt6pa., o\\os \0oiev, /SovXeuecr^at 17/^015 Se'ot, dXXa x rot? reray/xeVot?. Topics for Study. (1) vXaiaiov, Introd. 103, (2), 93. (2) 84. (3) ir\evpai, Introd. 74. av j, Introd " Et /ACV ow aXXo rt? fieXriov opa, aXXa>? e'^ercu * et 2 37 Se', XetptVo^o? ju,e^ i^yotro, 3 eVetS^ /cat Aa/ceSatjao^to? eVrt ' raJi/ Se TrXevpaJi/ 4 e/carepwi^ Suo roi 7r/3eo"/8iTara> a) eVt/xeXotcr^v ' 6incrOo(j)v\aKOifJiev S' i^jutet? ot vecurarot e'yai /cat Ttjaao~ta>v ro 5 i/u^ etvat. TO Se XotTrov 38 TTLp)fievoL TauTr^g TT)? ra^ew? 6 /SovXevcro/Ae^a ort del KpaTicrTOv So/c^J elt'at. et Se' rt? dXXo opa sc. , elirtv ""OTOJ So/cei raura, di/aret^aT&j Tr)^ ^et^a." eSofe raura. 39 " Nvi> Tolvvv" ^17, " aTrtoVra? Trcudf Set TO. 8eSoy /xeVa. /cat carts re v(JLU rv^et^ ' ocrrt? re ^i' eVt^v/Aet, TTtLpdcrOo) VIK.O.V ' TtoV IL\V yCt/3 VLKMVTtoV TO KaTaKCLLVeiV, T0)l> Se r)TT(DfJi- vo)v TO diro6i>TJo-Keiv ecrrt' KCU t rt? Se -^pr^j.a.T'j)v CTTt^V/ACt, KpOLTtlv TT.ipdI> \e^BevTO)v dvo-TV)o~ai> /cat ct7reX#di>Tc Ka.TtKa.ov ra? cx/xct^a? /cat ra? cr/CT^d?, TO)^ 8e Treptrrw^ 3 orou /xei' Seotrd rt? (iCTi5ocrav dXXr^Xot?, TO, 8e dXXa t? TO 7TU/D CpplTTTOUV. TO.VTO. TTOtCTa^Te? |pllOVVTO Se L7nTevo~iv w? rptct/co^ra, /cat /caXecrdyae^o? rov? 2 yov Trtcrro? T)V, 009 u/At re /cat tvvovv /cat ftoV\6fJiVOV KOLVTJ (TUV U/Xtl^ TOf CTToXot' TTOtetCT^at." 3 BouXevo/xcVot? rot? crr/Darr^yot? eSo^ev dTTOKpivao~6a.i rdSe * /cat eXeye X6tpto*o^)O? ' " 'H/uut' So/cet, et /xeV rt? e'a T7/id? dirteVat ot/ca8e, StaTropeveo'^at 717^ 1 986 and last ex. 1592. 661 and N. 8. 58S, c. J 949. 1517. 637,1. 57A. 737. ;, 2. 356. 5W, a. BOOK III. CHAR III. 185 av Swwjue#a acnvea-rara' r}v Se' rt9 T;/xa9 rij? oSou 1 " T) , 8tairo\|JLiv rovrco 2 a>9 a*> Sww/Ae#a /cpartcrTa. e'/c TOUTOU eVetparo Mt^paSarry? StSdV/ceti' cos aVopoz/ 4 etrj /3ao-tXe'co9 d/coz/TO9 crw^Tji/at. eV#a Sr) eyty^wcr/cero ort vTrdir|i'irTos eti^ " /cat yap rcuf Ttcrcra^)epi/oii9 rt9 ot- cetai/ irapTiKoXouGTiKti Trtcrrew? eveKa. /cat e/c rovrou 5 e'8o/cet rots orrpar^yots fieKriov eivaL So^fxa iroLTja'acrOai rov TroKepov aKTJpuKTOv 3 etfat ear' eV rrj TroXe/xta etei> * 8i((>6ipov yap Trpocrtdt'Te? TOU? crrpartoiras, /cat eva ye ot' 8L(f)0eipai> Nt/cap^oi' 'Ap/ca8a, /cat cu^ero ci o5? 6t/COCTt. Topics for Study. (1) Points of difference between the Greek genitive absolute and Latin ablative absolute. (2) Position of the augment in verbs made from compounds. (3) Verbs in -e' that retain the 6 in the future. Beginning the march, they are grievously harassed in the rear. Mera raura apKrrrjo-avTts /cat Sta^dWe? TOI> ZaTrarav 6 Trora/Ltoi/ eTTopevovro reray/aeVot TO, V7rovyia /cat TOZ/ eV /xecrw e^ovre^. ov iroXv Se TrpoeXrjXvOorwv eVt^at^erat TraXtv 6 Mt^paSarTys, tTTTrea? ej^cov W9 Sta/cocrtov? /cat ro^dra? /cat . ot Se 6iri(r0o(t)vXaKS TWJ/ 'EXXi^i/ajf eVacr^ot' /xe?^ /ca/ca)9, di/reTrotovt' 8' ovSeV ' ot re yap Kp^re9 ftpa^yrepa TOJV Ilepcraj^ Iro^evov /cat a/u,a i//tXot dvre9 etcrw rwi/ oTrXcot' KaTCKtKXeivro, ot re l jSpa^urepa ^KOVTI^OV TJ* 09 e'^t/cz/eto-^ai 1 748. HIT. 363.1. 509, a. * 773. 11T7. 3.92,1 5*5. 9e Iptrod. 954. Ho;-. G45, u. 566, a. 739. 1099. 356. .510, d 186 ANABASIS. 8 'E/c TOVTOV Eei>o ^(opiat' TTO\V yap ofy ofoV re T^I/ aTro rov aXXov crT/)aTuftaro5 8ta>- 10 /cetz/ * 01 Se fidpftapOL tTTTret? /cat (frevyovres a/xa eVtr/ocu- (TKOV t? TOVTTlCrdtV TO^CVO^Te? aTTO TWI/ ITTTTUV, OTTOCTOV* 8e Stai^etap' 3 ot ^EXXi^es, TOO'OVTOI' iraXiv iravaxo)piv 11 /xa^o/oteVou? eSet. cto"re rij? -^/Aepa? 4 oXr^s St>JX^o^ ou irXcby TreVre /cat et/cocrt crraStwf, 6 dXXa SetXry? a^L et? ra? Topics for Study. (1) Stems of: flakw, aiVa>, iKvto/jmi, (fxvyai. (2) Class of : fj.dxoiJ.cn, Soictu, ^uvKo^ai, fif\.u>. (3) Words that admit a partitive genitive. Taught by experience, they equip a body of cavalry and slingers. "EiV0a 77 7raXti> dOvfJiia TJV. /cat Xeipto"oa 6Vt eStfu/cep a?ro rrj? d\ayyo<; /cat avros re t /cat TOW? -TToXe/Atov? ovSet' /xaXXoj/ e'Su^aro '12 d/covo"a5 Se ff,evo(t)v eXeyei/ art 6p0<; atrtaJ^ro /cat >> \* > />\\>/ vi avro ro cpyov avrot? p.apTupoiT|. aAA. eyco, ^^^ " yvayKacrOriv Stw/cet^, eTretS-^ la>pa)i> rjfjias tv rpovfJLv Se Tra^u ^aXeTrai?. rot? ou^ 0eot5 ^dpt? 6 ort ou crw vroXX^ pcbfit) dXXa oa't' oXtyo. 1 ,? Cf. ri^'EAX^wv, 2.2". *72O. 1062. 33S. 558. ' 914, B, (2). 1431,2. 625. W6, b. 769. 1136. 350. 525. See Introd. 95, 96. gc. >TU>. BOOK III. CHAP. III. 187 wore ^oat ptv /MI /xeyexa, Tjao'ai Se a>v 3eo/A#a. vvv yap ol /zeV TroXe/uot ro^evovcn, KCU crev- 15 ocroj/ 2 ovre ot K/^res dvTiTo|6-uiv ASSYRIAN SLINGKK. GREEK SLINGER. cure ot K ^et/30? aoi'res LKve, TTO\V JJLV OV^ OLOV T ^(OiplOV O.TTO TOV (TT/3O- rev/aaro? 8tojKtv, ei/ 6Xty crr/aarev/xart rjfjL&v 'PoStov?, acriv eVttrracr^at (T^evSo^av, /cat TO pcXos avraiv KOL SiirXd- pcr0ai TO>V Hep(TiKa)v (Tv$oi>a)i>? eKtlvai yap 17 719, b. 1000. 336. 6AO. 72O. 1062. 338. 3S. * 755, a. 1154. See Introd. 6&-7. Cf. 363. 5J7. 188 ANABASIS. Sto. TO , oi 8e 'PdStot /cat rat? |ioXup6icriv tTri is rat \pfiteVa> e^eXoi/Tt rti/a drcXciav euptcr/cwjLtei/, terw? rt^es tyavovvTai t/ca- 19 i/ol -ty/ms atfaXelv. 6pa> Se tTTTrou? oWas eV TO> crrpa- rev/xart, TOVS /u,eV rtva? vra/3* e/xot. rovs Se rcui/ 3 KaraXeXet/x^eVoug, TroXXous Se /cat aXXov? opovvTa<;. a.v ovv TOVTOVS o-Kvo6pa p.tv dvri8(o)JLev ; TOU? 8e t? tTTTrea? /caTacr/cevaa'w/Ae^, tierces /cat ovroi rt 4 rou? avicrovcriv . 20 "ESoe Kat ravra. /cat ravrr;? TT}? I'V/CTO? viJTai fjiev et? Sta/cocrtov? eyeVo^ro, LTTTTOL 8e /cat tT c8oKijjLdo-9-q(rav r^ ucrrepata t? TrevT^/coi/ra, icat Kat 0a>paK<; aurot? eVoptV^crav, /cat ItTnrapxos cVe- orrddrj Av/cto? 6 TloXvcrrparou 6 ' Topics for Study. (1) The character of the Rhodians. (2) TV/re. (3) The thing bargained for, case of. (4) Armor of cavalry, Introd. 68. (5) Idiom for ' fAe son q/'.' Attacked next day, they charge and put the enemy to flight. IV. MetWi/re? Se Tavr-rjv rrjv rjfjiepav rfj 6 a\\r) eVo- rov? Sta^S^at e^>' 17 To /AT) ifriOolvTO 8 avrots 9 2 Sta^SatVovcrtv ot vroXe/xtot. Sta^e^/cdcrt 8e avrot? TraXti/ erat 6 MiOpa^drr)^, \uv tTTTrea? ^tXtov?, roforas 8e /cat cr>ei/8oif7ra5 ets Tr)a/ct(rtXtovs ' Totroi/rov? A fler TiV. Cf. 733 and a. 356. .vw. a. 2 740. c. 1133. 353. ;1J3. s se. tffTrux. 4 719. b. UMiti. 336. 540. 5 73O :i. '.'"''. H48. *. ;',u?,it. * = rij \xrre- pa.a. '649, a. 46. 1. 56C, a. 887. 13TS. 594. 610,611. 775. 1179. 304. S&5. BOOR III. CHAP. IV. 189 1 Ti.crcraepi>riv, Kal eXafiev virocr\6^vo<;^ av TOVTOVS Xa^T/, 7ra/3aScuo-eti> auTco TOVS "EXAi^ag, Kara- T](Ta<;, s art eV TTJ TrpocrOev irpoo-poXTJ oXtyovg e^ow eVa$e /aei> ovSeV, TroXXa Se /ca/ca eVd/zte Trot^crat. eVei S Se ot "EXX-^eg Sta^Se/S^/cdre? aTret^ov r^5 ^apaSpa? ocroi/ 4 6/crw oraStou?, St^Sai^e /cat 6 Mt^/aaSarr^g e^wi/ 717^ $vva[ju.v. TrapryyyeXro Se raw rreXracrra)^ 5 ou? eSet StwKett' Kal rail/ oTrXtrwi/, Kal rot? tTTTreucrti/ Bappovcn 6 8t eVel Se 6 Mt^/oaSar^g /caretX^et, /cat l ro^ev^aara t^iKvovvro, eVif/ar^z/e rot? EXX^crt riy Kal eu^u? e^eot' ofioo-e ot? etp^ro 8 Kal ot tTTiret? i^Xaw o^ * ot Se 9 OVK e'Se'^a^ro, dXX' evyov eVt xapaSpav. eV ravTrj rfj Sia- Xaig Tropevo/zei'ot TO XOLTTOV r>Jg ^/xepag rbv Ttypr^ra Topics for Study. (1) The Greek for ' the next day.' (2) Comparison irptf. (3) Words meaning 'about' with numerals. (4) First aorist of (ftaivia, /icuVcD (5) Treatment of the dead among the Greeks, Introd. 102. e ruins of ancient Calah and Nineveh. a TrdXtg 171^ 6/nf/i?) fMeyaX-rj, ovo^a S' avrr^ ^ 7 Aaptcrcra ' WKOVV S' avrrjv TO iraXaiov MrJSot. TOV Se avr^g ^t' TO evpog TreVre Kal etKoo~t TrdSeg, vi//og 724. 1069. 34O. 55S. * 948. a. 1286. 549,2. 577, a. 8C. airii/. as in 1.8. 6 729. e. 10S5, 7. 355. 506, a. 969, a. 1563,3. 653,8. 5?. 7 971,a. 1563, 2: ir><^. 657. 1. .WO. 8 Of. ois n-potreTdxS'), 1.6 10 . i.e. oi ro\efiioi. < 767. 1165. 37S. 523. "952. 1526. 641. 5S5. 190 ANABASIS. 8* eKaToV* TOV 8e KVKXov ?) TrepLoSos Suo TTapcurayycu ajKoSd/iTjTo Se irXivOoLs Ktpafieais ' Kpiyrrls 8' vTrijv XiOCirq 1 8 TO VV//O? eiKocri TToSoii/. 2 TavTrjv /SacriXev? 6 Hepcrcov ore irapa M^Scov r^ dp^v eXdjjiftavov IIe/3o~ai ovftevl rpoTTOJ e'SwaTO eXecy * 77X101^ 4 8e \j/aaa ^avtcre ^e^/3t 5 e^e \ITTOV ot dv& pajTroi, /cat 9 eaXcu. 6 irapa 1 Tavrrjv rr)v TroXii' ryi^ uvpapiis \L0ivrj, TO ev eupos c^o? ir\0pov, TO Se ui|/o? 8vo irXeffpuv. eVl TroXXot TG>I/ @ap/3aip(t)v ycrav c/c TW// 10 'Ei>re{)#ei> 8' eiropevOrjcrav (rraOf^ov eva Trapacrayya? e^ 7T/3O5 Tet^o? eprjfjiov /teya [/cet/xefov] ' oi/o/xa Se -^i/ T^ TroXet MeVTTtXa ' M^Sot 8' O.VTTJV TTOTC MKOVV. TJV 8e T^ /u.et' Kpf)Tns /caTa^vyetv oTe d7rwXXuo~av 12 VTTO IIe/3O"a)^ MrJSot. ravTTjv Se T^f TrdXif 6 Hepcruv ^8ao"tXev5 OVK eSvi/aTO ouTe ~%p6vu> n eXetv 12 ovre y8ta * Zevs Se ftpoivf) KareirX-qlc TOW? eaXa). Topics for Study. (1) Larissa. (2) Two ways of translating '?n width.' (3) Order of numerals connected by 'and,' 291, b. 382. 153. 790. (4) The ending -tcos. (5) Cf. parts of a\lffKO(juii and dvaXtffKw. (6j Synopsis of ijXwv. (7) Mespila. (8) Material. (9) Ket/uai, dX/crKO/xat, used as pass. to what verbs? (10) Is ^Xet? ( 12) in direct or indirect discourse? 1566. 852. 288. 2. U36. * 789, d. 1085,5. 352. 50. a. 969. a. 1568.8. 053,2. 58S. 669. a. 938. 14&4. 619. GS1. 489 and 13. T'.i'.n. 729 369, c. Cf. JiKiropo iV 6801- itpijvn, 1.2 u . 8 732 5 . 1094.4. 352.x. Cf. erl TIVTTJS, 9. "581. S^2. 2. 298.x. US7-8. "776. 11M. 3S7. 5^6', a, "851,948. 1872, 1519. 539, 63S. 563. u 966. 1560. 65O. 1. 68t. BOOK HI. CHAP. IV. 191 Protected 6y Rhodian slingers, they reach certain villages. *}iVTev6f.v 8* tiropevdricrav crra0p,ov eva irapacrdyya.? i3 TTTapadvTj, ous re avro? tTTTre'as 1 yXOev e^wi/ 2 /cat rrjv 'O/>dWa 8 Swa/Atv TOV r^ /SacrtXew? dvyarepa \OVTOS Z /cat ovs Kv/3o/cev avraJ, wo"Te* TO o~T/>a- Tra/xTroXu eya'a5, TO,? 8e 19 TevS6v7]crav is /cat ot [S/cv^at] To^oTat eTo^evcrav /cat ovSetg rjpdpTavev dvSpo?, 6 ov8e ycijO et Trdvv TT/aov^v/xetTO yoaStov ^t', /cat 6 TKra-a^epvrjs /xaXa Ta^eiw? e^a> fieXav aTre^wpet /cat [at] aXXat Tct^et? aTre^atp-rjcrav. /cat TO XotTroz/ T^? 16 T7/xe/3a5 ot /xev eVo/aeuovTo, ot 8* CITTOVTO * Kat ov/cert icrivovTO ot fidpftapoL TTJ rore aKpofBoXicm ' yap ot Te 'PoStot TcDt* Ilepcra;^ ecrfavftovuv /cat MeyaXa Se /cat TO- Toa Ta ITepcrt/ca icmv ' OKTTC yv, ovrdcra aXtcr/cotTO TW^ Toevp.dT(DV, /cat SieTeXow ^pcu//,evot Tot? /cat |i\T(ov ro^eveiv aVa> teVre? vpi(TK6TO Se /cat vevpa TroXXa ei^ Tat? /cw/xatq /cat cScrTe -ra-daL 9 et5 TO,? ae 1 996. 1087. 4S5. 613. c. 968. b. 1665. 653, N. 3. 5SS. a (end). 146, . 188,8. 7, e. 4 927. 1450. 95. 63.9.8. * 739. 1099. 356. 510, d. 767. 1166, 1174. 37S. 523. 7 720. 1U6-2. 33S. 538. sc. TOUTOIS. 192 ANABASIS. 18 Kat Tavrrj jueV rfj r;/iepa, eVei KaTe9 Koi/xat? eVtrv^o^re?, dirr^Kdo^ 01 fidpfiapoi uetov \OVT.S rfj d/cpo/3oXt(ret * rrjv S' emovcrav f)fJL- pav fJL6Lvav ol "EXXrji/es /cat eVecrt,Ttcrai>To r^v yap TroXug crtro? eV rats Kto/xat?. Try Se vcrrepaia eiTOpev- ovro Sia TOU ireStov, /cal Ttcrcra^eya^r;? etTrero aKpopoXi- Topics for Study. (1) How is the second aorist known ? (2) Of what were Greek bows and arrows made? See Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiqui- ties. (3) Position of Crete and character of its civilization. (4) Ancient slingers. See Dictionary of Bible, Layard's Nineveh ; Wilkinson's works oi> Egypt. To serve in emergencies, they form an escort of six companies, 19 *Ev0a 8r) ot 'EXXrpes f.yv(t>v- pa?, K6XCpe(r6ai rov? ovrXtra? /cat iropevecrBai a/u-a /u,ei^ 7rte^o/u,eVov?, a/xa Se /cat raparrofjievovs, 20 SucrxpTJo'TOus eu'at [dt'ay/cry 5 ] dra/crov? oi/ra? ' orai^ S' aS Stacr^ry ra Kepara, dvdyKr) StacrTracr^at TOV? Tore e'/c#Xi/8o/xeVov5 /cat Ktvov yiyv rou? ravra Trcto'^ot'Ta? 7roXe/uW e7ro/xe- . /cat OTTOTC Scot ylfyvpav StaySatVei^ 17 8tdy8acrtv, eicTTreuSet' e/cacrro? ySovXo/xei'O? < To? ' /cat cvciriGcTOV r;^ evravOa rot? vroXe/xtot?. 21 'ETret 8e ravr" eyvojcrav ot orrparr/yot, liroiiqa'av c^ Xo^ov? cu'a tKarov a^Spa?, /cat Xo^ayov? eVecrrrycrai/ Kat aXXov? irVTT]icovTfjpas /cat aXXous ^vwjiordpxous. ourot Se TTopevojMevoi OTTOTC fte?/ crvy/cvTrrot TO. Kcpara '841. 1260. 529 464. 2 894, B.I. l.,93, 1. 6O9. 650. * = at *Aevpai, cf. 28. See Introd. 108. 971, . 1563, 2 ; 1568. 657, 1. 570. DC. iS*. BOOK III. CHAP. IV. 193 inr|ivov vcrrepoi [ot Xo^ayotJ, wcrre jar) ivoy\iv rotg Kepacri, 1 Tore Se irap^'yov ^a)0ei/ rwv Kepdrcav. oirore 22 Se Stdcrxotei' at TrXevpal TOV 7rXato"tov, TO pecrov av |TTt|xirXao-av, et ftej/ (rrtvorepov eoj TO Ste^ot', /cara, ci . . . <7Tfvorepov, Kara ci . . . irAarvTcpop, xard , , icepara, jrAevpat. y,,/^ TO /xe'trof, TO &ie\ov. ei . . . iracv TT\O.TV, KO.T' tv ;, et Se irXarimpov, /caTa irein-qtcocrrvs, et Se TrXaru, /caT* VdXayyo?, eirnrapfjo-av o~Ta$/ J tov Topics for Study. (1) The Anabasis as a contribution to military his- tory. Introd. 11, 103, (3). (2) The organization of a Greek military company. lutrod. 56, 57, 75. (3) The relative positions of soldiers when in battle array. Introd. 76. (4) Marching order. Introd. 77. 540. 1 764, 2. 1159. 376. 520, a. * 757. 1148. 36O. 518, b. 719, b. 1060. 886. H. & W. ANAB. 13 ANABASIS. Reaching the kills, they find them occupied by the enemy, 24 'HVLKO, Se TOV ii|nrTov eVopevoiro, elSoi/ Tl Kttl TTCpl aVTO KOJ/LAtt? TToXXtt?, T7)l> Se 68oi> TTpOS TO TOVTO Sia r\6(>a)v vrr\ov Kal KaT a>? eVl TOV erepov avaftaLvtiv, evravOa iTTiyLyvovrfi\. ol /8apy8apot Kal ctTro TOV v^rrjXov ei? TO irpaves e/3a\\ov, 26 eVc^et'Sovwv, iro^evov VTTO [laorTC'ycov, Kal TroXXov? eVt- Tp(D(TKov Kal eKparrjcrav TOJV 'EXX^aw yv^vij ran/ l KOL KaTK\icrav avrov? eto-a> TOJI/ OTrXwv ' CWCTTC Tavr-rjv rr)v r)[j,pav a.\pT\ev$ovfJTai Kal ol To^oTat. eVel 8e ot "EXXr/j/e? 7re^eLprjov ravra tyiyvero, WCTTC aTro TOV Tptrov yryXd^ov eSo^ev avrots /m^ Kivctv TOV? cTTpaTtwra? Trplf (XTTO T^5 Se^ta? TrXevpa? 29 TOV TrXaicrtov dvTJya.'yov 7reXTao~Ta? ?rpo? TO opos. cVei 8' ovTOt eyevovro vrrep TW^ eiro^votv iro\e^i(nv, ovKert 7TTL0evTc ot 7ToXe)u,tot Tot? KaTa/SatVovcTt, SeSotKoYeg /x,-^ dTTOTfJLr)0ir)(Tav Kal d^orepo^Oev avrcui/ 2 yevoivro 30 ot TroXe/LAtot. 8 ovTo> TO XotTTov T^? TjfMepa^ Tropevd/xei/oi, ol fiei/ T^ 6Sa5* KaTa TOV? Yn\boviKovTO eis TieVa? TroXXa?. ravra Se ra> crarpaTreuo^rt 2 T-? ^tupas. rerapry 8' ^/aepa KaTa.fiaivova'iv els TO 'ETret Se KareXafttv avrou? Ttao-a^ep^r;? cruv TT} 32 Swa/xei, e'StSa^ev auroug 17 dvay/CTj TrpuTov el&ov KtofJirjv /cat /AT) Tropeuecr^at ert TroXXol yap ^crai^ ot dTrdjJiaxoL, [ot TC] rerpw^eVot /cat ot /cat ot TCUV ep6vT(t)v ra OTrXa Se^a- eVet 8e /careo-/c^i/i7craf /cat eVe^etpTycrav avrot? 3 33 ot /8ap^8apot Trpo? T^ KOI^V Trpoo~i6v- T65, TToXu TrepL'Yja'av ol "EXXr/i/e? ' TroXu yap Ste^epe^ e/c xcupas op/aai^ra? dXe^acr^at 17 Topeuo/ieVou? tiriovcri rot? TToXe/atot? /xa^ecr^at. 'Hi/t/ca 8' ^^ ^817 861X17, wpa tfi/ aTrteVat rot? TroXe- 34 /xtot? ' ovTTore yap peiov 4 dTrccrTpaToircSevovro ot )8dp- /Sapot TOV 'EXXtyz/t/cou e^TJKovra o~ra8tw^, oj3ov[JLevoi fir) Trjs i/u/CTog ot "EXX^i/es eVt#aWai aurot?. irovrjpbv 35 yap i/u/cros eVrt orrpdreu/aa nepcrt/coz/ * ot re yap tTTTrot avrot? 5 St'SevTai /cat, cus 6 evrt TO TroXv, Triro8ievyeii> eVe/ca et \v0eir) crav, lav re Tt? ^opvySos t, Set -iricrd|ai TOV ITTTTOV Ilepcry dz/Spl >767. 1165. 37. 5S. * 767. 1166 or 769, 11 ?6. 38O. 54, b, or 37S. />. S 772. 1175. 59^,1. 525. 755. 1153. See In trod. 32. 363. 517. e 767 1170. 37S. 523. C.3.1. '969. 1546. See Introd. 32. 63. 575. 196 ANABASIS. XaXivp iu viiicrtap. See Lexicon. Overtaken by Tissaphernes ; Xenophon volunteers to lead a force against the enemy who are commanding the road. 36 'Errel Se eyiyvaxTKov avrovs ol *EXXip StayyeXXo/teVov?, cKtjpv^e TOIS OLKOVOVTdiV TO)V TToXe/XtCDV. Kttl Tiva eira>9 aTTto^Ta? T^Sr^ eatpatv ol evropevovTO KO.I avrol dva^v|avrS Kal crTaStou?. Kal ylyverai TOCTOVTOV /xeTa^u CUCTTC T^ ucTTepata OVK ol 7ToXe)uttot ovSe T^ Tpurrj, rf) Se TTdpTg VUKTO? 06vre<; KaTaXafjLpdvov 8 6 *'"^' ' sc. errii-. * 623. 911. 317. 50. 767. 1165. 37S. 523. BOOK III. CHAP. IV. 197 Ka.Ta/3a.crea)<; Xov eiruJHUvojJLevav. " 'AXXa /XT)^ copa yV' ^ < / >r 7) '' /3ouXeue(70at TTCOS rt? row? avSpas aTreXa aTro \ / 1 TOM Xoi (3) Reduplication of Ac^i/Savw. (4) '/t i's possible,' translate in two ways. (5) Inflect future indicative of e\awia 'Ei/rcu)#a > evoa>v opq. TOV opovs TT)V Kopv<|>i]V inrep 41 avTov TOV eauraii/ crrpaTeu/Aaro? ovo~av, Kal OLTTO rat/r^s eo$ov etrl TOV \6(j>ov ev0a yo~av oi TroXe/itot, /cat Xeyei, " Kparttrrov , w Xet/atcro^e, ^/xti^ tecr^at a>? ra^tora eVl TO oiKpov ' Tp yap TOVTO Xa/3cu/x', ou $vvrjo~ovTaL pivtiv ot uTre/3 r^5 6Sou. aXXa, et )8ovXet, /xeVe eVt ra> o~Tpa- reu/Aart, eycu 8' edeXa) iropevecrOau ' et Se ^pr>^et?, TTO- / S\ VV J\Pi\ J /> |T>A\\V C 1 'C 1 ' pevov eTrt ro opoi7 6 Xet/Dtcro^o?, " ouoTepov /3ovXet eXecr^at." etTTOJi/ 6 aevo(f)v ort vewrepo? ecmv atpetrat tropev- eo~0ai, /ceXevet 8e' ot 2 crt>)U7re > )ui//at dvro row (TTOfiaTos avSpa? ' paKpov 3 yap 77^ aTro TT}? ovpct? Xa^Setv. /cat 43 6 Xetpto~O(o > exM a '- (5) I s the in- finitive after So^eT, seems ^ood, in indirect discourse ? (6) eiropevovTO o>? eSvvavTo Ta^iora. ot 8 eVt TOV \6ov TToXejuiot eu? evdijtrav avrwv TYJV iroptiav 7Tt TO dicpov, v0v<; Kal aural ojpjjLrjcrav dfuXXd- 45 V dfuJH r icro'a(j)pjn)v 46 TOIS eavro)^ StafceXeuo/aeVcui/. Sei/o^wj' 8e irapeXavvuv CTTt TOU ITTTTOU 7ra/)KXeVTO, "*Al>S/>5, l/UJ' eVl 'EXXaSa vo^it,re a/-i,tXXacr^at, vv^ TT^O? TOV? Kat Tas yv^at/ca?, vvi' oXtyov TrovijcravTes dp,a^el rrjv \onrr)v 3 7ropeiKro/Ae#a." SojTTyptSa? Se 6 St/cvw^to? 47 eT7rei>, " Ov/c e^ wrou, cS He^o^oii/, eo~/xeV ' OT) fte^ ya/3 (^>' ITTTTOV 6x.cl, ,ey&> 8e ^aXcTrw? 8iTai avrov e/c T-^9 Ta^etu? /cat TT)^ do-7rtSa W9 e'Sui^aTO Ta^tcrTa r^wi^ CTropevero ' eVvy Se /cat OcopaKa e^wv TOV iinriKov ' WOT' eTTte^ero. /cat Tot? 6 ftev fnrpo(T0ei> vTrayeiv Trape/ceXeveTo, TOI? Se 49 oTrurQev TTapLevai jjioXis eTTO/xevo?. ot 8' aXXot o-rpa- Ttwrat Tratouo't /cat /8aXXouo"t /cat XoiSopovcn TOV SCOTTJ- p&av, ecTT -jjvay/cao-av [dva-]Xay8dvTa TT)V do"7rtSa Tropevecrdai. 6 8e dvaySd?, 6 ea)? 7 /u,ev pdcrifxa 77^, evrt TOU ITTTTOV ^yev, eVet 8e clpara ^v, /caTaXtTralv TOV ITTTTOV cIcTTreuSe Tre^iy. /cat 0dvu. (4) Conatructio ad senaum. (5) Meaning of 2o>rT)pi'5a?, of ~S,utvtav 1 -653 and a. 920. Cf. KOWTOWS, 2.1 . Ji. 6J3, a. * 764, 1. 1160. 375. 550, a. '1 15, b. 10, r )7. 333. 5?C. 655, a. 1028,2. 144, a. .TW. Cf. rots, 45. i.e. ri Tbi-iirirov. '922. ^14fri. 6J. 6Si. 084. I* 4 " 1 66O, N. 585, a. BOOK HI. CHAP. V. 199 Encamp in the plain ; the enemy try to fire the villages f a plan for bridging the Tigris. V. "Ev#a 877 ot /uteV fidpfiapOL or/>a /cat 'Apialov diroTpaird|JLVOt aXXi^ ot Se dfjL T&> TreStw irapd rov Ttypryra TrorafJiov. 8' ^v SetX^ e^aiTLvrjs ot ffoX^uot eVt^atVoi/rat 2 ei/ TepyT79 /cat ot ony^ avro) /caetv CTre^et- 3 . prjcrav Ta? /cw/xa?. /cat TOJ^ 'EXX^tuv /ictXa rjOvfJirja'dv evvoovfJLevoi. fjirj rd eTrtri^Seta, et /caotez/, OVK OTiodev Xayu,/3dVotej>. /cat ot /xei' d^t Xetpuro- 4 fr^crav e/c TTJ? fiorjOtias ' 6 Se Hei/o^aJv evrel j, Trape\avva)v Tag Ta^et? vjVLKa 0,770 T^? ^017- #t'apav -^817 rjfjLerepav eti/at; a yap, OTC ecTTreVSoi'TO, SteTrpaTTOVTO, /x^ /caeti/ 4 T^V /3ao~t Xea>5 ^d>pav, vvv avrot Kaovcriv eug dXXorpiav. aXX' eav TTOV /caTaXtVajo-t ye aurot? TO, eVir^Seia, OKJJOVTCLL /cat 17/iag IvravOa Tropevo/xeVou?. aXX' ? ,'' 6 $17, " 8o/cet /utot fioirjOeiv eVt TOV? /caovra? o5? vrrep " 6 8e Xet3tVo^v. cvt/cv /AC*; yap op^ -^iikTfiam'n^- 3 ^^/^ \/~ 7TOTa/X,05 TOCTOVTO5 TO yfia- vo? a>s uiooe Ta oopaxa 8 -Oirepex^iv Tretpw/teVot? * rou ftdOovs? aTropov^cVot? S' avrot? rrpocreXOuv TIS di/^p 'Po'Sto? .^ , ^ ^^ , ', 4 ' 'Eya 0\(i) 9 -' '< o ' t *- \ pao~at u/xa? Kara OTrXtra?, ai^ e/xol Seo/Ltat re Kal raXavrov 9 epajTatfjievos Se OTOV Se'oiro " 'Ao-Kwv," "^"^"Xtco^ Se7^o~o/xat ' TroXXa S' 6p< > 866, 1. 1344. 5S5. A72. * 718. lor*. S.??. 537. 8 1O54, f. 1456. 566, b. 771, b. 1172,2. 382. 52$, , 738- 1099. 35$. 610,1* BOOK III. CHAR V. 201 KOI atvag /cat /Sous /cat oVov?, a d-TroSapevra /cat v. Seifo-o/Aat Se 10 KOL T(i)v o-|ia>v ofs ^prjcrBe. nepl ra U7rovyta ' rovrot? eua9 row? ao~/cou9 77/309 dXXTyXou?, 6p|ucras e/cacrroi> XL&OVS dpTTJoxts /cat d^>et? aicnrep d'yKvpas et? TO Stayayai^ /cat dp,(f>OTepa)0v S^cra? eiupaXw uXi^^ /cat yyjt' irt ot /cajXuo-oi/Te? Trepav TroXXot tTTTiet?, ot Tot? TrpwTot? ouSei/ aV eTrerpeTro^ TOVTMV iroielv. Topics for Study. (1) Cf. (SaiW and Qipdfa (2\ The uses of skins in the Orient. (3) Analysis of diroSapeWa, and Return to the villages ; question prisoners as to possible routes. rrjv /xev vcrrepaiiav * crrave^djpovv ets rovp,- 13 [77 5 Trpos Ba/8vXai^a] et? Tag evOev t^rjcrav ' wore ot TroXe/xtot ov 7rpoa"r]\avi>ov, dXXa IBeojvTO /cat ofjioioi r). /cat cru^- ayayovTe? TOU? eaXw/coTa? T^Xey^o^ TT)V /cu/cXw Tracrai/ Ttg e/cdcrTT7 117. ot Se eXeyov OTt TO. /xef Trpo? 15 i^ TTj? 7 eVt Ba/SvXai^a 117 /cat MTiStW, St' TjKOLev, rj 5 Se Trpo? eepoi, evOa SepC^eiv XeyeTat /Sao-tXev?, T) Se Sta- 1 748. HIT. 3GS. 1. 50.9, a. 2 1O29. 16K>. 434. 572, c. s (u/aa?) WOT< >i^ . . . 4 M 'i^epoi'. e sc. 066? dyei. 773. 1175. 393, 2. 523. ' 733. 1094, 1. 355. ->. 202 ANABASIS. PO.VTI l TOV TTorafJiov Trpos Icnrepav eVt AuStaz/ /cat ' opeojv /cat 7T/>6s apKTov 6Yt cts KapSou^ou? ayot. rourov? 2 Se e ot/ceti/ dVa TO, 0/317 /cat TroXe/xt/covs eu>ai, /cat /SacrtXecos ov/c d/couet^, dXXa /cat e^jBaXelv vrore et? avrou? 2 ySacrtXt/c^i/ (TTpanav SaiSe/ca jau/ataSas ' TOVTWV S' ovSeVa dirovo- piav. oTrore /aeVrot TT/SO? TOI^ cra- Tpdirr)v TOV iv ra> ireSt&> (TTretcratpro, /cat 3 O"(t)V T 7T/3OS 6K6UMOVS /cat KLV(t)l> decide to cross the Carduchian mountains. 17 'A/covcra^re? ravra ot crrpa.rr]yo\ tKaOicrav TOW? Ka(TTax<$o" 4>d(TKovTas etSeVat, ovSei/ S^Xo^ crai/re? OTTOI iropevecrdai e/AeXXoi/. e'So/cet Se rot? dvayKalov eli/at Sta rait' opewv etg KapS ' TOVTOVS yap SteX^ozra? e^acrat' et? 'Ap/u,e- , 17? 'O/jd^ra? ^px e ^o^^? 4 ^ctt evSat/xo^os. S' evtropov efiacrav et^at OTTOI rt? eWXot TTO- 18 peve&Oat. evrt TOT/TOIS edva-avro, OTTOJ? ^t/ca 6 /cat So/cotTj 7175 cupa? 5 r^ Tropetaf TTOLOIVTO ' TVJV yap virep- fioXrjv ra>v op4u>v eSeSot/ceo'ai' /XT) /cat TraprjyyeL\av, eVetS?) SetTrv^cretav, dvaTrave(r0aL 9 /cat eVeo^at ^t/c' av rts irapay- Topics for Study. (1) The formation of ntffyuPpla. (2) Constrnction after a rat? crTroi/Sat? a? /3a Xoyw F 'ETTCI 8e d^t/covro cy$a 6 /xev Tiyprjs Trora/to? iravraTracrtv airopos 2 ^v Sta TO /?a^os Kai jiieye^o?, TrapoSos Se ou/c ^v, dAAa ra KapSov^eia opr; diroTOjJia vTrep avrou TOU -jrora/xov lKpep.a.TO, eSoxet 8^ rots (rrpa- TT^yois Sia TWV opeajv Tropevre'ov etvai. -^KOUOV yap TWV dXwrKO/ievwv 3 on ct Sie'A$oiev ra KapSou^tta opr^, ei/ XT) 'Ap/xevt'a ras m^yas TOV TOS TTOTa.fj.ov, r)v fj.ev /JouXcovrat, Sta/J^o-ovrat, T;V 8e r x^ liacri. /cai TOV Eu^paTOV 8e TO.S Trr^yas eAcyeTO ov Trpdcra) TOV etvai, KCU IO-TIV ovrws e^ov. T^V 8' eis TOV? KapSov^ov? cjxpoX^v Trcipw/xevot, a/>ta 8e @d(rai Trplv TOV? TroAe- 8* ^i/ a//,(t T^V reXez/ratav tKi/otW iJyetTO rod crr/aarev/xaro? Xa/3aV TO dfji(f> avrbv Kat TOVy rt?, di/cu 7 Tropevonevtov, 1 IK TOV OTTifrOev ITTLCTTTOLTO. Kat eVt jotei/ TO aKpov cxva/8atVet XetptVo^o? TrptV Tti^ag ai(T0ecr0ai Tail/ TroXe/Aia)!/ ' 7retTa 8' vKJnwetro ' ^wrefo Se ael TO 2 VTTppdX\ov TOU oT/3a,Teu/Aa,TO< et? Ta? K&jyaa? Ta9 eV TO!? d-yKecrC TC Kat jiuxo^S TWI/ opew. 8 v Ei/^a ST) ot /Aef Ka/aSov^ot efcXtTro^Te? Ta? oi/aa? ej^oz^res Kat yvi/atKa? /cat TratSa? tyevyov eirl TO. 0/317. TO, 8e eVtr^Seta TroXXa 17 1/ Xa^t/3avetv, ^o-ai/ 8e Kat X a X~ Ka>[iacri Tra/xTToXXot? Kareo-/cevao-/xeVat at otKtat, <5i/ ot8ei/ epov ot "EXXT/i/es, ov8e TOV? av6 pai-nows &UOKOV, xnro- 4>L66|iVOL, t 3 TTcu? e^eX^cretav ot Ka/aSov^ot Sttei/at avTou? a!? Sta <^tXta? T^5 ^cupa?, eVetVep /SacrtXet TroXe- 9 /Lttot lyo-at' ' TO, /AeWot eVtT^Seta OTTOU TI ovre aXXo L\iKov ovSe^ tiroiovv. 10 eTret Se ot TeXevratot TWV 'EXX^Vwi' Kareftaivov et? Ta? aTTO TOV aKpov 17817 o*KOTatot Sta yap TO O"TC- eti^ai T^r/ 68ov 0X17^ T^V ri^epav 17 d^a^acrt? avTot? eyeVeTO Kat KaTa/3acrt5 TOT Sr) crvXXeyeWe? Tti/e? Tail/ KapSov^wz/ TOI? TeXevratot? tTrerLOevTo, Kat aTreKTet- i/cti/ Tti/a? Kat Xt^ot? Kat TO^evyu,ao"t KaTeTpa)o~ai>, 6Xt- yot OI/TC? ' 4 e'f dirpO(r8oKTJTO\) yap avrot? eVe7To~e TO 11 'EXXryj/tKoz/. et 6 p,eWot TOT TrXetov? 6 (rvveXeyrjcrav, 97a, a. 1668. 657. s. 1. 5PO, a. * TO (fie'poO uirep8aAAoi>. 3 9O7. 1420. 6JI3. 652. 4 969, e. 1563, 0. 653, 7. 503. B 895. 1397. 606. 6'W. = TrAeioyej. BOOK IV. CHAR L 205 av $La eVt Topics for Study. (1) Peculiarity in the use of O-KOTCUOJ, Te\(itTdtoi, irpw- TOJ etc. (2) Difference between 5iA i\ias TJJS xra TO, UTro^vyta /cat TO, a, vroXXot 8e ot eVt TOVTOIS ot'reg aTrd/ , StTrXacrta re eTTtr^Seta eSet Tropi^o'dai /cat (T0aL TToXXai^ rail' dvOpwirtov OVTOJV. Sd^az/ 1 8e raura e/oypv^av OVTOJ iroitiv. |'E77t 8e dpLCTTTJcravTes eVopeuoi/ro, VTrocrTTycravre? ev 14 TW crrei/aJ ot crrpar^yot, et Tt eupicTKOiev ra)v etpr^/xeVcu^ ja^ d^eL/jLevov, d&rjpovvTO, ol 8' eTret^o^ro, TrX^v et rt? rt (eKXcvj/cv, otoi' i^ TratSo? 2 TTi0v[JLTJ(Ta<; rj ywai/co9 rwv tvirpcTTcbv. 3 /cat TOMTT\V /aeV T^I/ rjfjiepav our&jg eVopev- Orjcrav, ra * />teV Tt /xa^d/xe^ot Ta Se /cat dvaTravd^ae^ot. et? Se T^V vcrrepaiaiv yiyverai ^et/xcu^ TroXv?, dvay/cato^ 15 8' ^ 7ropeveo"^at * ou yap r^v t/cat'o, Ta7rtT>ySeta. /cat T7yetTO /xeV Xetptcroc^o?, o>7rtcr^o(/>uXa/cet Se Sevo^aiv. /cat ot 'jroXe/xtot tcr^vpois iirerldevTO, /cat, crTevaiv 974 and a. 1569. 65S. x. (end). 91. ! 743. 1102. 356. 5J1. 729, e. 1085, 7. 35tf. 506, a. 719, b. 1060. 443, 1. 5A9, a. 206 ANABASIS. raiv x&puav, eyyv? TrpocrtoWe? ero^evop Kal v(ov ' eoore yvayKd^ovro ot "EXXyves eViSioj/covres /cat irdXiv dvaxdovTS 0-^0X77 nopevecrftaL ' Kal 6a[uvd TrapTJyyeXXev 6 Ha>oi/ uTro/xeVetj', ore ot TroXe/uot Topics for Study. (1) Adverbial ending -ri. 860, 3. (2) How early in the morning did the Greeks set out on the march ? See Introd. 90. (3) In what latitude were the Greeks at this time ? (4) Character of the Kurds. See Encyclopedia Britannica. 17 *Eirav0a 6 Xet/3to~o7 eyiyvcTo rot? 18 6mo'#oojv eX0a)v 77/309 TOI> Xet/3tcro<^o^ TJrtaro avrov ort ov;( VTrcfjieveVf dXX' yvayKa^ovTO T<; a/aa /Lta^ecr^at. " /cat i^vv Svo KaXeu re /cat dya^a; dvSpe redvarov* /cat DUTC dve\ecr6a.i ovre Odx^ai e'Su^d/xe^a."; 20 dTTO/cptVerat 6 Xetpuroi7, " 77/309 TO, NC>> c */^ ' >' ' O> * O\c> 0/317 /cat toe a>9 apara TTO.VTO. ecrrt ' /xta o 0^717 0009 ^^ 6pa9 6/3^ta,* Kal eVt ravrr) dvOptoiraiv opav eifecrrt crot o^Xoi/ TOCTOVTOV, ot KaTiXr)(f)6T<; 4 (^uXdrrouo-i Tr)i^ Kpa- 21 aiv. 6 ravr' 5 e'yai ecrTrevSoi/ /cat Stct roGro ere ov^ vvre- P.ZVOV, ct 7TOJ9 6 SvvaLfJirjv 0dcra.i irplv /caretX-^^^ (TIM) irapA9om. * 718. 1068. 335. 537. 49O. 4. ^>4. 739 (fl^Vx 70, (4). 366. 52-2. 17S, -2. *S1, b. ' 716, b. 1054. 334. 536, b. Ct tv BOOK. IV. CHAP. 1 207 O, (!) o^bs bpOia. ; (1) r) favtpa M6f ; (2, 8 ) T) (frowpa 66os. 6, (I 20 ) e0ao-is ; (1) i/jrepjSoATJ ; (2,) pio; (2*, 15 ) jaaord? ; (2 U ) rpiros ftaorbs 6 i/irep TTJS vAaic>) ; (2 1B , w ) axpov. k, (26) ^ o-Tevrj 656?. t, (26) e>oos. A, (2 s ) arpi^et? 6Sot. /, (2 s ) x U, (2'8) a* 208 ANABASIS. VTT6pj3o\T]v ' b ol S* rjyeiMoves ov, iSe ( 20) ; why not present imperative? (5) Is the perfect of avoOfhffKw, dtroTt6i>r)Ka or They learn of another way commanded by a hill. 22 "O Se &vo(J)(ov Xeyet, " *AXX' eyat e^a) Svo 7ret yap i7/ui> TT pay para Trapti^ov, eV^S/aevcra/xe^, oirep Kal i7/u,as dvairvevo-at eVot^cre, /cat aire/cretVa/xeV rt^a? avraiv, Kat aWas Trpovdvp^O'rjiJ.ev Xa(3eli> avrov TOVTOV eve/co, OTT&j? rjyefjioa'Lv l etSdcrt r^ ^(opav ^prjcraifjieOa" 23 Kal evBv? ayayd^re? rov? avBpwTrovs rjXey^ov 8ia\a- , v so *\ \ ' x * > / ' a-t e povrcs et Ttva etoete^ a\\r)v ooov rj rrjv (pavepav. o p,v ovv erepo? OVK 6(^17 2 /xaXa TroXXwi/ dYn- o Se XOITTOS eXe^e^ ort ovrog /xe> ov <^aii7 [Sta ravra] etSeVat ort avrw e'rvy^ave 3 Ovydrrjp Kel irap dvSpl eK8eSo|xev^ ' avro? 4 S' 0^1 8\R \y/ 'A c ?'6 vvarrjv Kat uTro^i^ytot? Tropevecrfat ooov. 8' et 117 rt eV avr^ 8uv 'Aptcrrw^v/xo? Me#uSptet> (airols) ^vf/idcri. * sc. ciiccat. s sc. oCaa, 984, a. 4 94O. l>. ( ). 927. 631, 475, N. 545, (1). 05. 15-JO. 64i. 565. 6 715, b. 1057. .V33. BOOK IV. CHAP. II. 209 Ka\Xt/a.a^O5 HapyDacrto? [*A/3/cas /cat ovro?] ecfrr) TTo/oevecT^at TrpocrXafttev e'^cXo^ra; e'/c navTos TOV o-rpareu/xaro?, k> e'ya> yap" 6(^17, " otSa ort e//oi>Tat TroXXot TWI> pcai? e/Ltou Tyyov/xeVou." e/c rovrov e'pwTaicriz' 29 et Tt? /cat rwt' yv^vrjrwv Ta^tdp^cjv e^eA.ot crvfjiiroptv- ecrffcu. v^tcrrarat J 'A/atcrreia? Xto?, os iroXXaxov TroX- Xou 2 a^tog rrj (rrparta et? 3 ra rotavra eyeVero. / Topics for Study. (1) Cf. eVe'Spa, L. insidiae. (2) ilv wilh the opta- tive. (3) What forms of o?5o begin with oi- ? with et- ? with!-? (4) Origia of 5oj. e army diverts the attention of the enemy volunteers make a detour and capture the height. H. Kat rfv fjiev SetXT;, ot 8' e/ceXevoi/ avroug e/x<^a- yo^ra? Tropevecr^at. Kat roz/ rjye^ova S^'crat'Te? Trapa- StSoacrtz/ avrot?, /cat crwrt^e^rat XT) i/ /xei^ ^v/cra, T;!/ Xa/3a>crt TO a/cpoi// TO ^wpiov 9 <^vXctTTt^, d/xa 8e T^ T7jLte/)a TrJ daX-niyyi o-^/xatVet^ ' /cat TOUS /xez^ at'w oi'Ta? teVat eVt TOU? /caTe^o^Ta? TT)I/ avepav K/3a- avrol Se Tat Ta^tcrTa. Tavra, (rvvQi^voi ot 4 /ACV eVopevoi/TO 7T\rj0o<; a5? Sto~^tXtot /cat uSajp TroXv -^i/ e^ ovpavoa). Hei/o^ai^ Se e^wv TOU? OTTtcr^oc^vXa/ca? i^yetTo (fravepav e/cy8ao-tz/, OTTOJ? ravry Trj 6Sw ot TOV vovv /cat aj? ^akicrra \d6oiev ot eVet Se y&av eVt ^apdSpa d ot i)V eSet Sta/Sai'Ta? Trpo? TO opOwv b e K-OXiv8ov ot ftdpfta.poi o\onp6\ovs d|ia|iaious /cat /cat e'XctTTOv?, ot ^epo/xei'ot 77/305 Ta? Trerpa? TratovTeg 8i- /cat iravrd.TTa(TLv ovSe 7reXao-at Cf. virotrrai, 25. 2 753. f. 1135. 353. 1. 5JS. Cf. i s rijv rpo*^, 1.1 . I.e. oi Aovroi. 6 718. 105ji. 337. 537. 210 ANABASIS. 4 eurdSaj. 1 ' eVtot Se r&v Xo^ayoiv, et p.r) rairrr) Sv aXX-g eVet/3oiWo ' /cat raura eVotow e'yeVeTo' eVet Se MOVTO di> ol OTrto'^o^uXa/oyo'afTe?. ot /xeWot ovSei/ TTavcrai>TO St' 0X175 r^s I/V/CTOS TOWS Xt^ou TK|iaLpea>. Topics for Study. (1) The ending -ialbs. (2) Stem and declension of adjectives in -ijs, -es. (3) a- as a prefix. (4) What prepositions in compo- sition with verbs have an intensive force ? 5 Ot S* e^o^re? TO*/ i^ye/xoVa /cv/cX&> irepuovrts Kara- Xa/>t)8ctp'ouo~t row? iiXaKas^ dfJLl irvp Ka0rjfjLi>ov /cara/cavd^re? rov? Se KaTa8ia>|avTS avrot 6 eWav^' CfJLevov o5s TO a,Kpov g /caTe^oi^Te?. ot 8* ov , dXXa fJLaa"TO<; g r\v virep avrwv Trap 1 ov f)v % ?) 3 oSo? A e'(^)' ^ eKaOrjisro ot a/covo~ai'Tes T^S o~aX7rtyyos v * \ \ i \ n-e e ' v \\ /fc ^ tei'TO a.i/0) Kara rrjv (pavepav ooov aAAot oe * N nS x fc/t ' T* O~T parrjyojv Kara arpipcis ooovs ' enopevovro TJ CTV- e/caoroi o^Te?, /cat dVa/3aWe5 w? eSvva^TO Tot? Sopao~t. /cat OVTOL K Trp Tot? TrpoKa.Ta\a/3ovcn TO ^atpLov. 1 G.vov\a.K(i)v TOU? 5 / Pl\e> * yap 771^ Tot? uTTO^i^ytot? * TOV? Se T^/uttVet? OTncrdev lyidjv era^e. Tropeudjaevot S' evTvyxdvovcri 2 \6fy

ai/ eTropevOrjcrav ^Trep ot dXXot, Ta Se UTTO^vyta ov/c 77^ dXXry T 77 ravrrj e'/cy8^at. eV$a ST) n 7rapa/ceXeuo~ct/iei/ot dXXr^Xot? TrpocrpdXXoutri Trpo? TOV Xo- (^ov 6p$tots Tot? Xo^ot?, 71 ou /cv/cXa> dXXct /caTaXtTro^- Te? d(j>oSov Tot? 77oXe/uot?, et ySovXotvTo <^>evyetv. /cat 12 Ttcos /Aei' avrov? dvaySatVovTa? oVrj e'Svi/aTO e/cacrTO9 ot j8ctp^8apot iro^evov /cat e/SaXXoi/, eyyv? S* ov dXXd vyfj XetTTOvcrt TO ^ov p Ko.Texop.evov eirl TOVTOV av$t? eSo/cet a-^at. eVvo77O~ag S' 6 aevoffrwv prj, et eprjpov /caTaXtVot 13 rov ^Xw/cora \6ov m Xo^ayovs 779, a. 1181. SS9. 5J6, b. 778. 1175. 392,1. 5S. 1275. Cf. 851. b, . * (airrols) opwai, dat. pi. Cf. same, 1.8*. 212 ANABASIS. ' A.drjvalov Kal 'Ap^ayopav 'Apyelov I> TOt SeVTpOl> \6(j)OV, P Kal TW avra> rpoTraf Kal TOVTOV aipovcrw. Topics for Study. (1) Stem of JTJ/JLI. (2) Adverbs ending in &>. (3) Omission of substantives. 681. 953. 54.?. (4) w in evoSarrdrri. (5) Formation of the perfect middle. (6) Most common w-verbs with 2 a. of the /"-inflection. 489. 799. (6) Meaning of 6p6ios X6xos. Introd. 103, (4). (7) Attic reduplication. As Xenopkon occupies the third hill, the enemy, retreating to the rear, cut off" the Greeks left to guard the first hill. 14 "Eri 8' aVTOtS T/31TO? /ACUTTOS 9 XotTTO? r\V TToXv 6pOl(tf TttTO? 6 U7T6/0 T^? 7TL TW TTVpt KttT aXrf^B 'eta"*}? <^vXttK^5 15 r^S VVKTOS VTTO TO)V lOtkoVTWV. 7Tt 8' CyyV? lyfVOVTO ol ^EXXi^^eg, XetVovcrtv ot fidpfiapoi o.\La.\-r\Tl TOV ov, aJcrre 0avfJLao"Tov Tracrt x yeve(r0aL Kal VTTO*- Setcrai^ra? avrov? JAT) KV/cXw^eVre? iroKiopKolvro . ol 8' apa aTro TOV aKpov KaOopuvres ra OTncrOev yiyvopeva irdvre<; cVt rou? OTTLcrdoea/raTOis di/e- 7Tt TO OLKpOV? TOU? Se (tXXoV? K\V(TV , OTTO)? ot reXevratot Xo^ot irpoo-|jL(|tav, /cat Kara TT)V 6$ov iv rw 6/AaXa> * Ola'dai ra 17 ovrXa [etTre]. 2 /cat eV TOVTOJ rw XP vf P pas 6 'Apyelos Treevya><; Kal Xeyet a>? a TOV \6(j>ov Kal 6Vt redvacri Ki^^tcroSwpo? /cat Kal aXXot oo*ot /A^ aXdpevoi Kara Topics for Study. (1) Cf. ncurrSs. \Sif)ot, Trtrpa, and Wrpor (2) Can the exact relative location of the hills mentioned in this passage be fixed 1 M e. T O ;? 'EAATKTi. 1 946, b, end, of. 1.8 . 66O, N. 658 (end). BOOK IV. CHAP. II. 213 They continue the march harassed by the enemy. Tavra Se Sia7r/3actyii>ot ot fidpftapoi rJKOv eV dvrC- 18 iropov Xo(oi/' TO> /xao-Tar 1 /cat Eej>0(a>i> SteXeyeTo auTot? Si' epn'qvea)*; irepl cnrovftotv /cat row? vcicpovs aTT^ret. ot 19 Se (f>a' a> 2 ^77 Kdf.iv ra? ot/ctas. O(G)J>. eV a> Se ro //,ei^ aXXo (TTpaTvp.a iraprjeL, ot Se raura SteXeyoi'To, Tra^re? ot e'/c TOT/TOU rou TOTTOu (TUVppv-q(rav eVrau^a w TroXe/Atot. /cat eVet yp^avro /cara/3atVetv aTro TOU pacrTov 9 Trpbs 20 TOV? aXXous eV^a TO, ovrXa e/cetro, tei/ro S^ ot 7ToXXa> 7rX>7#et /cat 0opv/3(t> ' /cat eVet eyevovro eVt Kopvfjs TOV [MacrTov dfi ov &evo Xii/Soi/ TTTpous ' /cat eVo? /Ltei/ Karea|av TO criceXos, He^o- ou> Trpo^e^SXr^/xeVo? aTre^cu/aet, /cat ot aXXot 77/305 rot;? o-vireray/xeVoix? aTn}\6ov. 'E/c Se TOVTOV irav 6/xov e'yeVero TO 'EXX^i/t/coi', /cat 22 tcrKTJvrjcrav 3 avrov iv TroXXat? /cat /caXat? ot/ctat? /cat eVtTrjSetot? Sax)/iXeVi ' /cat yap otvo? TroXv? ^i/, wcrTe eV XaKKOi? Koviarots et^ot'. &evo(j)a>v Se /cat Xetpuro^os 23 ' /cat Trdvra. eiroLrjorav Tot? 4 diroOavovo-LV IK ocrairep vo^L^erai dv&pda-Lv d Topics for Study. (1) Accompaniment, how expressed ? (2) Verbs in -AAa, -TTW, -D. (3) Primary sense of ro/u/^oi. (4) The endings : -IK^J, -ioj, and -os, -pos. 554. 850-1, 855. 287, 6. 425. TT; Se varepaia dvev -^ye/xovo? eVopevoi/To * /u,a^o/xei/ot 24 8* ot TroXe/xtot /cat OTT^ eti^ crrevov yoipiov 1 7718. 1175. 399,1. 525. 5 999 and a. 14f,0. 596. 567. 609 (a collective subject, etc.). 900. 6OO. U98, a. 767. 1165. 378. 62S. 214 ANABASIS. 25 (BdvOVTCS K(0\VOV Tpa|iv TT?? TrapoSov rot? 1 Trparrois 26 dvojTepaj ir.Lpojfi,evo, OTTOTC Se rot? oiTLcrBev tiriOoivTO, Xetptcro^o? e/cy8atVwv icat d.ir6(f>pal;iv r^5 7ra/>oSou rot? omo-Oev ' /cat del ovTO)<; efiotjOovv dXX^Xot? icat tcr^upwg dXX^'Xcut' 2 e7re/xe- 27 Xovro. -^i/ 8 8e Kal OTTore aurol? rot? avaflacn TroXXa TT pay par a irapei^ov ol fidpfiapoL TraXw KaTafiaivov- pol yap rfvav cocrre Kal e'yYvOev (frevyovres a7ro(f>vyLV ' ouSeV yd/3 eT^o^ d'XXo ^ roa /cal cr^et'- 28 Soj/a?. dpLcrroL Se ro^orat ycrav ' etyov Se rd^a e'yyug TpiiTTix'n> TO, Se To^ev/xara TrXe'ov 17 SnrrjxV t\Kov Se rd? vupds, oTrdre ro^euotev, 77/36? ro 4 /cdrtu TOV rd^ou rw dpi(TTp(t) TroSl irpoo-paivovTCS- rd Se ro^ev/xara e'^wpet Sid TWJ> dcTTrtScoz/ /cal Std TOOI/ OajpaKw. e'^pw^ro Se avrot? ot ^EXX^^e?, eTrel Xd/3ote^ ? aKoi^rtots 6 XCOVTCS- eV rovrot? rot? x&>/3toig ot Kp^re? rarot e'yeVovro. ^PX e ^^ aurtuj/ Topics for Study. (1) Ancient archery. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, sub areas. (2) Conditional relative clause of the first class. Beaching the Centrites, they find a force ready to dispute their passage. III. TavTi7i> S' av T-^V rmepav f)v\i&0ri? 8Cir\8pov, o? opC^ci ra>i/ KaSovco^ ojav. Kal ot 767. 1165. 37*. 523. ! 743. l.n-2. .9.56. 5;i. * 998, b. 1029. 486, N. SM, . TbKiTO). 6 595, b. 910. 3VO. 547 (cf. last ex.). 8 668. 959,2; 960. 4. 552, b. BOOK IV. CHAP. III. 215 avtirvevcrav acr/nei'oi tSoWe? ir.&Lov' aTret^e Se To>v opeW 6 7rora/xo5 e r) eWa crraSta [TOJV KapSov- ^wv], rore /AeV ovv ^vXiO'BrjO'av //,aXa i^Se'cos /cat ram.- 2 T7?Seta e^ot're? Kal TroXXa 1 TOW TrapeX^Xv^orwv TTOVUV [AVT]|AOVVOVTS. eTTTO, -yap T^/xepas, o(ra? ovi> (17717 XXay/xeVot KOLfJiijd7]crav. z Se r^ yp'tpO' opaxnv tvrTre'as TTOV Trepav TOV 3 e^ajTrXtcryaeVou? w? /caiXucrovTa? 3 St 8' eVt rat? ox6ai9 Trapareray/AeVou? a^tu w? /caAucroi>Tatol a77et^oi/ * 6805 Se jata 17 opwftevr) r)V ayoucra ai/cu vcnrep x LpOT70i^TOS ' ravrrj eVetpaivro Sta- ol "EXX^ves. eVet Se 77et/3o>/te / i'ots 4 TO Te vSa>/3 /cat Tav? v //.eyaXot? Xt^ot? /cat dXicrBripois, /cat OVT* ey TO> TO, ov7Xa 17^ )(eLV et 6 Se ^17, TjpTra^ev 6 77ora/x,o5 ' eVt T T^? /ce^>aX^9 TO, oVXa et Tt9 <^epot, yvfjivol iyiyvovro 77pos TO- To^ev/xaTa /cat TaXXa aurov e'o-T/3aT077eSevcra^TO 77apa Topics for Study. (1 ) Steins of *W, w\e'a>, ^w. (2) Verbs ot separa- tion. (3) Cf. oo-Tt-fj, gjrXov, vt\Ti), ytppotr. (4) Cf. the parts of A^'-y**) *a^, and , collect. 1 719, b. 1060. 334. .536, b. 2 497. 444. 15, 3. 3.94. s 963. 1549. 572 and c. 771, b. 1172, 2. 3S2. 5^3, a. 906, b. 616, 3. 656, c. 216 ANABASIS. 7 *}LvOa. Se avTOt Trjv irpocrQev VVKTO. rjcrav 7Tt TOV opovs itopatv TOVS Ka/aSov^ov? TroXXov? o'v^etXey/aeVov? ei/ rot? 077X015. evroLvda ST) TroXX?) a#v/ata rjv rot? "EX- XTjo'ti', 6pa)cn /xev TOV Trora/xou r^v 8\> " e$oev ev ir8ais SeSecr#ai, avrat 2 Se avrw 3 avrd/xarat TrepLppvrjvaL, wcrre /cat Sta^SatVeti/ oiroa'ov e'ySouXero. 7ret 8e v, ep^erat TT/JO? rot' Xetpto*o^ov /cat Xeyt ort e^et /caXoi? ecreo'^at, /cat SiTi^tTai avrw TO ovap. o 8e T^SeTO TC /cat 6>? Ta^to~Ta ew? vTre^aivev eOvovro TrcivTes Trapo^TC? ot (Trparv^yoi' /cat TO, tepa /caXa ^i/ ev0v Sei/oc^wi'Tt Trpocrerpe^ov 4 8vo veavi- a~K(D ' rfiecrav yap Trai/Te? oTt e^etT; avra) /cat apio-TaWi /cat SetTT^ov^Tt Trpoa-e\0LV /cat et /ca^evSot ir'ytpavTa 11 etTTetv, et Tts Tt e)(Ot TWV TT/JO? TOV TTO\.^OV. /cat TOTC eXeyoi/ OTt rvy^avoiev pv\ava o-vXXeyo^Te? TO> irepav f.v TreV/Dat? KaBr)- /covcrat? CTT* avrov TOV TTOTCL^OV yepovrd T /cat ywat/ca /cat -iTaiSCcrKas axnrep (Jiap Introd. 88, (5), 12-% * sc. *fiofai/. 767. 1165 37. 523. 63*. Cf. ytyvov rai nai5cc vo, 1.1 >. 499. 4^7. BOOK IV. CHAP. III. 217 ev irerpa dvrpwSci. tSoucrt Se o~at StayS^at ' ouSe yap rots 77oXeyu,tots t7T7revo"t irpO(r- 12 PCITOV eu/at Kara, rovro. K8xivTS 8' e e^oi/res ra "YX t P^itt yw/wo* &5s vctxrojievoi 1 Stay8atVeti/ * vropevd- [jLtvoi Se Trp6(T0ev Sta/^z/at TT/HZ> ySpeifat ra aLSoia ' /cat Sia/3cu>re5, Xa/8o^re? ra t/xctrta iraXiv i^/cetv. Ev^u? ovi^ 6 Het'O^aii/ auros re ecr7rez/Se /cat rots veaviTJva(TL is ^eots ra re oveCpara /cat rot' Tropov /cat ra Xotvra dyaQa eTrLTeXtVai. o-7retcras S' ev^vs ^ye rous veavC- o~/covs vrapa roi/ Xetptcro^oi^, /cat St^yowrat ravra. d/couo"as Se /cat 6 XetptVo^os o'Trot'Sas eVotet. crTret- cravres Se rots /xez/ aXXots Trapijyye\\ov crvo-/ceva^ecr^at, u avrot Se o'vy/caXecrat'res rovs o-rpar^yovs e'ySovXeuovro OTTWS ai/ /caXXtcrra Sta^atei^ 2 /cat rows re e/xjrpoo- /cat UTTO roii/ OTricrOev fj,r)$ev Tracr^otef /ca/coV. Topics for Study. (1) When did the Greeks take ZpiaTov 1 (2) The ending -^STJS. (3) The use of pronoun of third person in Attic Greek. (4) Force of the ending -on (r). Kat eSo^ei/ avrots Xetptoro^ov jaev yyelcrOai /cat Sia- 15 /SatVetv e^ovra TO TH^ICTV row o-rparevjaaros, ro S' rjfjua-v ert vTro/txeVetv o"vi/ Eei/o^oWt, ra Se uTro^vyta /cat rov o^Xov eV jaeVa> rovrwv Sia/3aiVetv. eVet Se [ravra] 16 /caXais ci^ei' tiropevovTO ' yyovvro S' ot veavLcrKoi iv dpLa'YidovTo ets rot' Trora- /idi> ' ot Se TToXe/xtot ero^evov Kal e&favbovuv ' dXX' 19 OVTTO) I^LKVOVVTQ' eVet Se KaXd ^ TO, (T^ctyta, CT 7rai/TS ot crrpaTtwrat /cat dvi)XdXa^ov, Kat at yu^at/ce? avracrat. TroXXal yap ^craz/ eratpat 20 Kat Xetptcro^o? /u,ei/ e^eySati/e feat ot oe Het'O^aii/ rail/ oTTLO'do^vXaKajv XajBwv rov? TOUS e#et dt^a Kpdro iropov rov Kara K/3acriv T^V t? ra rai^ 'Appevicw opr), irpocnroLov- ravrri Sta/3a0eirj(rav fyevyov&iv ava K/actTO? eJ? Trpos T^t TOU iroTapov aw eK^acriv. eirel 8e KaTa T-^V 6Sov eyeVoi/TO, 22 ereivov av(t> rrpbs TO opo?. Av/ctos 8' 6 T^ TOL&V e^cut' TCUZ/ iTnrea)^ /cat Atcr^tV^? 6 TT)I> TOL^LV TWV Tre\.TacrTa)v TCDV dp,(f)l X.LpLcroov eTret ed>p(t)v dvd K/DCITO? etTTO^TO * ot 8e o"T/aaTteuTat J36(t)v JJLT) 23 dXXa (rvvcKpaCveiv eTrt TO 0/309- Xet/3to"o^)O5 8' av eVet TOV? /Aei' tTTTreias OVK t&uaKfv, ev0v$ Se KaTa T TOUS eavrutv tTTTrea? <^>evyo^Ta?, opwvres 8' oTrXtra? cr*,' 'on fAe /e/?'? (2) Dif ference between dfi Kptiros and Kartk /cparoi. (3) Declension of -yuv^. BOOK IV. CHAP. III. 219 The others cross protected from the rear enemy by Xenophon. ^evo(f)ojv 3' eVet ret Trepav eojpa /caXoig ytyvd/aeva, 24 aTrexwpet rrjv Ta^tcrr^^ irpbopa 6'xXog aK^v 8te)8atve, aevo^ojv Se o-Tpex/iag Trpo? TOVS ctzma TO, oTrXa eOero, /cat trappy yetXe TOIS /caT* evwjotoTta? 7roti7O~ao~^at eKacrrov rov eav- TOV Xo^ov, Trap* do"7TtSa Trapayayo^Ta? rr)z> I CTrt (^aXayyog * /cat TOV? ftet' Xo^ayov? /cat TOVS e jaoTap^ou? Trpo? TWV KapSov^w^ teVat, ovpaYoils KaTaa'Tijcraa'dai Trpo? TOV TTOTa/aov. Ot 8e KapSov^ot w? eojpwv TOV? o7rto"^o(^uXa/ca5 rov 27 o^Xov x/ftXov/xeVov? /cat oXi'yov? 17817 roi' 8-^ tTrfjcrav co8ds Tt^as a8ovTes- 6 Se 220 ANABASIS. eVet ra Trap avrw d9 c^X 6 ' TT^TTGL Trapa Hei>o- at eVt rou Trora/xov /x^ Sta/3ai>ra? ' ora^ S' ap^otv- rat avrot Sta/SatVeti', ej/a^rtov? v6ev /cat iivdev o"(^o)v fjL(3aivet,v cu? Sta/3i7ou?, 8ti7y/cvXa>/xeVou5 TOU? d/coi'- Ttcrra? /cat eVt/Se/SX^/xeVov? rou? ro^dra?' /xi) irpotroi Be rov Topics for Study. (1) T<* with adverbs as rofauretv, roSfj.ira\ti'. (2) a.KfJi'hv. (3) irop' dcririSa, eirl So'pu, ^irj ^(1X07705 as military terms. (4) Deriva- tives from $554}. (5) 29 Tot? Se Trap* eaurw TrapifyyetXei/, eTretSav cr^e e^t/ci/^rat /cat dcTTTt? xj/ofj, Tratat'tVat'Ta? ^ett' et? TroXe/xtovs eVetSaj^ 8' \jjo)cni> ot TroXe/xtot /cat e/c rov Trora/xou 6 (raXiriKTT|S TO 7roXe/Ai/coV, a eVt 8d/3v T^yetcr^at /xe^ rov? ovpayovg, ^etv Se TrdVra? /cat 8ta/3atVetv ort rd^iCTTa -rj e/ca- ort aptcrro? ecrotro 09 av iv ru> Trepan yeVrjrat. 30 Ot Se KapSovx 01 opwi/re? 6Xtyoi9 17817 rou9 Xot7rou9 TroXXot yap /cat TMV p,veiv Teray^evaiv W^OVTO eVt- \ f c \ e y ' *? v ^ e SJ' ' ** LL\OLL.l>OL Ot itei' VTTO^VytWV, Ot OC (TK6V(t)l', Ot O evravOa ST) eVe'/ceti^ro Spacrecos /cat ypyovTO o~^ 31 /cat ro^evetj/. ot Se ''EXX^^es 7ratai/to-ai're9 ' 1 Introd. 10a BOOK IV. CHAP. IV. 221 fJLO) ITT airrovs ' ol Se ov/c eSe'^ajro ' /cat yap 3j( coTrXtcr/aeVot a>? ptv eV rots opecnv i/cavaK Trpos TO eirt- Spa}jLiv /cat fyevyeiv, 77/365 Se TO ets ^etpa? Se^eo-^ai >( t/cavco?. eV TOUTOJ fTtyftaJpa 6 craXTTt/CTifg * /cat ot 32 ei' TToXe/xtot efavyov TTO\V ert Oarrov, ot Se "EXXiyve? ravavrla 1 avpol rfcrav (^evyo^reg. ot Se virain~rjV /Aera Hevo^>o>^ros Ste^o'av irdXiv ' /cat irp^d'^a'dv TLVZS /Cat TOVTCOV. Proceed through Armenia hindered only by storms. IV. 'ETret Se Sieflrjcrav, crvvTat;dp.evoL dfj,l fiecrov I 7)iJiepa)V O.(J)LKOVTO /C&J/AT^^ 3 2 fjLeydXr) re ^ /cat jSacrtXetov et^e ra> crarpaTrr) /cat eVt rat? TrXeurrais ot/ctat? Tvp(Tis eTrrja'av ' em/n^Seia S' ^v S* eTropevOycrav crra^ftov? Svo trapatrdy- 3 yas Se'/ca ^\P l virpt]X6ov 4 ra? TTT^yas rov Ttyp^ro? Trora/xov. 'E^rev^ev 8' tTropevOrjcrav o~ra^jLtov? rpet? Trapacray- ya? Trei^re/catSe/ca eVt roi^ T^Xe/Soar Trora^ov. ovro? S' ^v KaXo? /oteV, /teyag S' ov * /ceo/xai Se TroXXat ' 719, a. 1060. 336. 540. * 715, b. 1057. 333. 536, 995. 1037. 6W : c. 391, b. 133,1. JS4, 1. 26S, a. 222 ANABASIS. t TOV irorafjiov J)d/Ai/og, /cat OTTOTC Trapefy, ovSet? 5 dXXos /3ao-tXea eVt roi> ITTTTOV dvefBaXXcv. ouro? irpoa- tjXao-ev iTnreas ej(w^, /cat 7T/307re)ai//a? epjjL-rjvea tlneis on jSovXoiro StaXe^^vat rot? ap^ovcri. rot? Se o-Tparrj- yots e8oev d/couo'at * /cat 7r/JocreX^oi/res et? IITTJKOOV "ripwTtov rt deXoL. 6 8e etvre^ ort o"7reto~acr^at /3ouXoiro J *1 ' >^2 N V T~1\ \ > O / > / e

/>t>?Te ai/ro? TOU? tiAA^va? aot/cet^ /u-^re e/cet- i/ov? Kctet^ ras otKtag, \a.^dv.iv re raTrtr^Seta oo-aw Sebti^ro. eSo^e raura rot? OT/Darryyot? /cat linrcurcum eVt Tourots. Topics for Study. (1) Armenia: division, extent, products etc. (2) The idiom for ' within hearing.' f 'Ei/rev^ez/ 8' Tropev07](rav (rraOfioix; rpets Sta TreStou Tre^re/catSe/ca ' /cat Ttpt)8a^os TraprjKoXovOtL eavrov Svvap,iv aTre^cov iKovTo et? /Sacrt'Xeta /cat /caj/xa? Trept^ TroXXa? 8 SrparoTreSevo/ieVcui/ 8' avrwv yiyverai Trjs VVKTOS 7roXX^ ' /cat tcoGev e8o^ 8ia(TKT|VT]crai ra? rd^et? /cat rovg o~rpari7yov? /card rds /cw/ia? * ou ya/3 etopai ovSeva /cat do-^aXe? eSo/cet ett'at 8td ro irXrjOos 9 ^toi/o?. evravOa et^ov [rd eVtr^Seta] ocra ecrriv dya.9d, tepeta, crtro^, ot^ov? TraXatou? evwSetg, d(TTa(|)C8as, 6o-7Tp k a TravroSaTrd. rait' Se dtro(rK8ain/i)|JLva)v rti'e? aTro rov o-rparo77e'Sov eXeyov ort /cartSotei/ vvKTwp TroXXd Trupd >.o (fraivovTa. eSo/cet 817 rot? o-rpar^yot? ou/c dcr(/)aXes , dXXd o-ui/ayaycti' ro oTpdreu/xa TrdXt^. See cn-i, cf. 4.2 1B . 94O. (bV 927. 631, 475, N. 54S, (1). WI') woAAiv. 594, b. 1 J1L. 453. 1. -55. c. BOOK IV. CHAP. IV. 223 ' Kal 'yap eSo/cet SicuOpid^uv. VUKT- it peudvrcov 8' avrwv evravda eVtTTtTrret ^tcoi/ dirXcTos, wore Kal ret 6VXa /cat rou? av6 pwirovs /cara/cet- l ret v?rovyta toTacr#at ' /cara/cetfteVwz/ l yap d\6tv6v 2 ^ rj XLO>V eTTLTreTTTCDKvla OTO> /XT) irapappucir]. evret 8e 12 '5evoi> IroXfJi-rjcre yu/x^o? ctvacrrct? cr^t^et 'di/aoTct? rt? /cat aXXo? e/cetz/ou d^eXo/xei/og 3 IK Se rourou /cat aXXot avacrTavres irvp eKaov /cat e oi^ro ' TroXu ya/3 IvravOa evptcr/cero XP^M-ct, a> l^patvro 13 di^r' e'Xatov, V avruv rovratv /cat [ivpov evpLCTKero. Topics for Study. (1) Greek for ' wwcA snowfalls,' 8, It. (2) The endings denoting material. Anticipating an attack from Tiribazus, they disperse his troops. Mera ravra eSo/cet ird\Lv Stacr/c^vT^reov etfat [et? ra? u ei? (TTc^yas. ev0a $r) ot crr/aartairat /ca/cw? / ia>/cro? A^/to/cpdr^^ TrjfjiVLrrjv 15 eirt ra 0/317 eV$a a(rav ot ct7roo"/ce8a^- KaBopav ra Trupct * ouro? ya/3 e'So/cet Kat irpo- repov TroXXa ^817 01X17 ^evaat Totavra, ra oWa re cu? ovra /cat ra 6 /ai) wra a>? ou/c oVra. Tropeu^et? 8e rd is irupa OVK (j>r) c8etf, dVSpa Se 1 sc. avTir. * 617. 925. 498. 5U. 8 sc. TTJV afiKij*. 566, b. 852. , 2. 426 (end). 1085, . 1612. 43i, 1. KSS, c. 224 ANABASIS. 13 TO^OV Ilepcrt/coz' /cat (jxiperpav /cat oxryapiv olavTrep Kal at 'A/xa^d^e? fyovcnv. t'p&jrai/Aei'O? Se iroSairos 177 Hepo^? /xeV (77 cu>at, / /) O> 5 V 7ropeueo"f/at o a?ro rou o"rparo7re'Sov, OTTCO? eVirT? I x ot Se rjpaiTCDV avTov TO oTToaov re etT7 /cat eVt rtVt eiXeyfjLevov. 6 Se eiirev ort V V / C CV j 117 e^cot' r7)v re eavrou fJLLO'6o(f>6pov<; XdXvySa? /cat Tad^ov? ' 7rapeo~Kvdo~6ai Se avrov (f>r) a5? eVt r77 VTrepfioXf) rou opov? eV rot? o~re^ot? (jLOvax"Q 177 TToyaeta, eVrau^a eVt^o-d/xe^o^ rot? PERSIAN ARCHER. 19 A/couo-ao"/, rot? crrparT^yot? raura eSoe ro o-rpareu/xa GKP:EK ARCHER. tl /cat /caraXtTrd^re? /cai o~r pa.T*r)yov eVt rol? /ieVovo~t So( Xtoi' eiropevovTO dXovTa dvBpomov. eVetST) Se f >e)8aXXo^ ra 0/377, ot TreX- rao-rat Trpotdvre? Kat /cartSoVre? ro o-rparoTreSot' ou/c tpeivav rou? OTrXtra?, dXX' dvaicpa'yovTts eOeov eVt ro o"r/)aro7reSo^. ot Se /8dp- dXX' /cat tTTTrot ftapoi aKovcravTes TOV 66pvj3ov 6'^ico? Se /cat aTreOavov rtve? ^Xwo^ai/ et? et/cocrt /cat 77 0-^17^77 77 Ttpty8a^ou J /cat eV avr^ /cXti/at dpyvpOTroSe? /cat eWw/xara /cat ot dproKOTroi /cat ot olvoxdoi ^)acr/coi/re? et^at. Introd. 12. BOOK IV. CHAP. V. 225 Se eTTvOovro ravra ol ro)v OTrXtroii/ orpar^yot, eSd/cet avrot? ctmet rr)v Ta\um)V et TO TIS eruBcais 2 yeVotTO rot? /caTaXeXet/x/xeVots. /cat ev6v<; dt/aKa\eo-d|iVoi TT? o~aX7rtyyt aTr^crai', /cat daXdv. eXe- yoz^ro 8' ouS' at Tr^yat Trpdcrw eti^at. etropevovTo Sta ^tdz^o? TroXX^g /cat vreStov 3 vs T/3t? 7ra/3ao~ayya5 Se/ca. 6 Se TptVo? 3 eye'- o? /cat az^e/xo? poppas ei^a^Tio? eirvsi rravTOL- Tracnv diroKacov Travroi /cat irq-yvvs TOV? dvOpaiirow;. evOa 4 817 TWI/ n.dvTeaytacracr^at TO) d^ejaw, /cat cr(aytaeTat /cat 7raa"t 8^ irepKjxivws eSo^et' dvelvai. ro )(aXe7rov TOV irvTj}iaTos- ^ 8e TT^? ^toi/os TO opyvid ' wore /cat TOJI^ viro^vyLojv /cat TW^ di/ TToXXtt (XTTciXeTO /Cat Tail/ (TTpaTLOiTOJV a5? TplOLKOVTa. 881. 1362. 59O. Sii, c. 2 765, a. 11T4 (" With Nouns "). 393. 522. * sc. orae/ios. 4 946, b (end). 669, N. 658 (end). 226 ANABASIS. 5 SteyeVoz>TO Se rrjv VVKTO. Trvp Kaovres uXa 8* rfv Iv ra> ora#/A(u TroXXa ' ot Se 6i//e TrpocnovTes vXa ou/c el^oi/. ot ow> TraXat I^/CO^TCS /cat TTU/S KaovTes ov Trpoa- Ucrav 77/305 TO TTv/3 rot"? 6\|/L^ovTas ? et /A^ /x.Ta,8otej' 6 aurot? 7TV/3OU? i^ aXXo [rt] et n fr%oiev ppwrdv. e e/cao~TOt. cv^a 8e TO TTv/3 eVaeTo, SLaT^KOjievris T^? ^tdt'o? p66poi iyiyvovro eare eVt TO SdircSov ' ov 8^ Traprjv (jLerpeiv TO Topics for Study. (1) eTvat and eti>at. (2) Force of fjard in compo- sition. (3) co-re and eVre, ij and j. 7 'E^Tev^e^ 8e T^I/ eTTtoucrav yfjiepav O\TJV eiropevovro Sta xioi>o5, ^^ woXXot TWV dvOparrrtov poi)Xi|itaV O.V0 p(t)TT(t)V f|yVOl O Tt TO TTtt^O? 117. 8 eVet8^ Se etTre Tt? aura> TOJI/ cp.ireipcov oTt o~a^)&)5 /3ou- Xt/xtwo~t /cav Tt ^ayaMTiv ava.crTr)(TovTau,j irepiitov irepi ra vTTO^vyta, et TTOV Tt 6pwT7 /SpcuToi^, SteSi'Sov /cat SieVe/xTre StSdp'Ta? TOU? Svz>a/xeVovt)aotev, a^icrTai'TO /cat 8e d(j>iKveLTai, /cat v8po<|)opovo-as e/ ywat/ca? /cat /cdpa? /caraXa/>t/3ai/et 10 O"^I^ TOV /3V/XaTO5. ttVTttt rjpuTTCDV ttVTOV? TtVf? 6 8' epfJLrjvevs etTre irp(ri(rTi 3 ort Trapa /3ao"tXe'co5 Troptv- OVTGLI 7rpo9 TOJ^ (Ta.Tpd'mr]i>. at 8e a,7re/cptVa^TO OTt ov/c IvravOa etr;, dXX* aTre^et oo-ov Tra/Dao-a'yy-^^. ot 8', e'rret 6i//e ^, vrpo? TOJ^ Kwixdpx^v o-uveio-epxovrai ets TO * "<37. 1097. 356. 5iO, a. * sc. airi*. 360. BOOK IV. CHAP. V. 227 epvfj,a TJ0r)crav TOV arparev/AaTos IvraJvda e'crrparo- TreSetKT ai^ro, T(t>v 8' d'XXcwz' drparioyrwv ol p,r) 1 SiareXecrat rip 680^ IvvKTeptvaav dVtrot /cat rrupog ' /cat eVrau^a rti'e? aTrwXoi/ro TO>J/ (TTpaTLO)Ta>v. Topics for Study. (1) &ous in composition. (2) Pronouns used in introducing indirect questions. (3) Accent of vSp6pos i H. 582, c; G. 885. (4) ^7} with adjectives or participles. After much suffering and exhaustion they encamp in the snow. 'E^etVozro Se TMV TroXe/u'ow crwetXe-y/AeVoi Ttves /cat 12 ra fjir) Swa^ei/a rwv VTroQuyioiv rjpTra,ov /cat dXX^Xot? trepl avratv. eXetTroj/ro 8e rwi/ (rrpartajraiz/ ot TOU? 6)^aXAOV5 2 Ot TC TOU? rt? uLeXav rt evcoi/ TTOO / o\ jawy eiropevero, TOJI/ oe Trooa)^ et Tts /ctvotro 4 /cat /u/yjSeVoTe ^cru^tav ej(ot /cat ct? r^v vv/cra viroXvotTO * ocrot 8e viroScScnevoi KOLfi.(avTO, elcrcSvovro 14 et? rev? TrdSa? ot IfxdvTcs /cat ra /cat yap , e7Tt8^ eVeXiTre ra / n , jfjiaTa, Kappanvai Vo5dpTo>v ftowv. 8ta ra? rotavra? ovi' dt'ay/ca? 15 rt^es TOJV err par LOOT wv ' /cat tSoVres fj,e\a.v Std TO e/cXeXotTrei^at 5 avroOi rr)V e/c rt TTT|Kevai * /cat Std TWO, 17 ir\t)crLov r)V 1 1025, a. 1612. 431, 1. 82, c. 718. 1058. 335, 51. 557. 799, c. 1085,3. 35O. 506,8. 894, 2. 1898,2. 61O. 651. Z. 969. 1646. 638. Cfc 57A. 228 ANABASIS. aT|ut,oiKra. eV vany. evTa.\)tf cKxpairdfievoi CKaOyvro /cat ov/c eacrav iropevtcrOai. 16 'O Se avo(f>Q)i> e^ojv [TOUS] 67rtcr#os e'SetTO avrwv 770*0-77 riyyr) /cat tu^a^r} tt?) t, Xeycov ort eirovrai, vroXXot 7ro\e/xtot Xey/zeVot, /cat reXevraiv 1 e^aXeVati^ei/. ot Se 17 K\vov' 3 ou 4 yap at' Swacr^at TropevOyvai. e8oe KparuTTOv eti/at rovs eTro/xeVov? TroXe/xiou? o/3rj- crat, et rt? Suvatro, ^17 eVtoiet' rot? Ka/xvovcrt. /cat ^f /xet' cr/coro? 17817, ot 5 Se Trpofrfjaav vroXXw Oopvfico d/x^>l 18 o5i/ et^oi' 8ta<^epo/xe^ot. ev^a 8^ ot 67n, Ta? do-TTtSa? 77/305 TO, So/>aTa cKpoucrav. ot Se TroXe/xtot Seto-ai^res ^/cai^ eairrov? /cara r^5 ^toVcs et? r^f vc.Trrjv, \ >o \ >O 'J/3 X ^T /cat ouoet? ert ovoa/xov e^c/ey^aro. Topics for Study. (1) Participles used adverbially. (2) The form 19 Kat I 3,vov p,v /cat ot o~v^ avr< eiTrot'Teg rot? ort Try vcrrepaia. ^ovori rti^e? eV aurous, Trplv rerrapa o-rdSta SteX#eu> eVruy^d^ov- eV TT} 68&) di/aTrauoLteVot? eVt r^? ^to^o? rot? o-T/aartwrat? 6'yKKaXi)[JL|XVOis, /cat ovSe (j>v\aKr) ouSe/xta Ka.6tia)i>Ta yv\L(T0r)crav avrov avev irvpos KOA 1 5XJ8. a. 15f4. 653. N. 2. 5S5, a. sc. OUTOU'S. s sc. ourrff. sc. tfaaw. i -OAt/ilOt. 6 i. t .. HtVlX/MOC. BOOK IV. CHAP. V. 229 aSeivri/ot, eii' vrpoieVat. eV Se rourw Xetpuro^o? Tre/XTret 22 e'/c TTJS Ka>n7)s cr/cei/o/xeVou5, TTW? e^ote^ ot reXei^- Tatot. ot Se aa-pevoL tSdtre? 2 rov? /xet' dcr0evovi>Ta. (2) What tenses of VO-TTJ/I* are transitive ? troops are billeted among the villages. Armenian houses. l Se (rvveytvovro dXX^Xot?, eSo^e /caret ra? /cw/ta? 23 acr d^teVat eavroi' * /cat Xa/3aW row? ev^wvou?, ^ewv 7rl TT)I> KtofMrjv ^V etXry- ^et &evo(f>ojv /caraXa/x^ctvet Trctvra? e^Sov rov? Kco|iTJTa /cat roi' KajfjLoip'^rjv., /cat ircoXous et? Sao~/>t6z/ /8ao~tXer rpe- 7rra/cat8e/ca, /cat r^ Bvyarepa TOV Lpav s "vryai\LT\\Ltvt\v ' 4 6 8' dvrjp /cat ov^ 17X0) ei' r^ /cw/xry. At 8' ot/ctat ^o~a^ KaTa^ycioi, TO /xev o~TO/xa wcrTrep 25 <}>p'aTos, /cctTco 8' evpetat at Se euroSot Tot? /utev VTTO- ^i/ytot? 6pv/cTat, ot Se dvOptotroL KaTefiawov evrt KOS. eV Se Tat? ot/ctat? ^crav atye?, ote?, y8oe?, /cat TO, tKyovo, Tovr(t)i> ' TOL Se Krqmj irdvTa. '788,8. 12-2.\ 39. N.3. * sc. aurous. 661 (cf. 4.G 1 ), 721. 1U63. 33S. 816, 5. 1240. 5O6 1 . 230 ANABASIS. 26 IrpfyoVTO* fj&av Se KOL TTVpol /Cat Kpi6(U KOL OCTTTpia Kal oti'o? Kpi9ivos eV Kpa,Tfjp/) iriXOi ' /cat TTOLVV 17811 i L TO iraivr)T(u COT' aiv eV 29 aXXo> e^et yeVw^Tat. 6 Se TavTa U7rto~^i'etTO ? /cat paa"v OVV T7)V VVKTO. 8taO"/C17^O~ai/T5 OVT&JS e'/COf jjLTJBrjO'ai/ eV Tracnv a.66voi.<; Trat'Te? ot o~T/3aTtaJTat, ei* 7 \OVT<; rov K^^dp^v /cat ra reKva avrov 6/xov ei/ 6<#aX/Aot5. Topics for Study. (1) The idiom for 'wi'ne rfa^s a^o.' (2) Declension of Aa7<6s, u5w/3. (3) Idiom for A-ee/) t/nrfer one's e_ye.' so T^ 8' eVtovcny r)fi>cpa !lvov Xafiuv TOV 77/30? XeipL(TO(f>OV C7TO/3VTO ' O7TOV 8e 7Ta/3tOt 77/305 TOU? eV Tat? /cw/aat? /cat cxicoxo\)|iVO\)S /cat v0i)|iou|ie'vous. Kat ov8aju,d- 31 ^ev d<)teo~av 4 77t^ Traadeiva.1 avrot? a.i(TTov ' OVK r 8* O77OV ov irapTi6ia, xtp eia > H L( ^ pOVOVIJiev6<; TO) ^SouXotTO T7pOT7lLV 7 dX/Cet' 6 CTTt 771, a, b. 1172,1,2. *8. 523,8. 743. 1118. 356. 5. 878. 777, IS. * ac, avrovc, i.e. Bcf o^aivra Kai TOV xu/iapxi''- ' "'' ovTOf. BOOK IV. CHAP. V. 231 TOV Kpa,Tv}pa, evdev TriKv\|/avra e8et poovvTa atcnrep ftovv. /cat TO> /cw/xapxft eSt'Soo-az> OTt jSouXoiro. 6 Se aXXo /u,ei> ouSeV e'Se^ero, oVov Se Ttov (Tvyyevoiv tSot, 77/305 eavrov del e'Xdju,y8ai>ei>. 1 i 8' ri\6ov TT/DO? Xet/Dioro^oi', KareKd^^avov Ka- 33 eVre^avw/xeVov? TOV |T|pov ^tXou l SiaKovovvras 'Ap/xei/tov? TrcuSas crv^ rat? {3ap/3apiKOL<; crroXat? ' rot? vratcrt^ eSei/ci'vcraf ojcnrep VOIS OTt Sebt TTOtCtJ'. 7Tt 8' ClXX^XoU? 6(f)i\O(f>pOVTJ- 34 era^ro XetptVo^os /cat Sevo^&Jv, /cotvry 819 dvr) patrons TOV KcafJidp^v Sta TOU Trcpai^ovTos e/a/xTy^ecu? rt? 117 17 ^wpa. 6 8' eXeyez/ ort 'Ap/ze^ta. /cat irdXiv ypwrrtov TLVL ol tTTTTOt Tp(j)OLVTO. 6 8' \.yV OTL ^ttCTtXet 8tt~ 8e TrXrycrto^ ^(opav 6(^17 eti^at XaXv/8a?, /cat oS6i> e(j)pa^ev rj ecr). /cat OLVTOV Tore p,ev w^ero 35 Trpo? TOV? eavTou ot/ceVas, /cat ITTTTOV ov etXif^et iraKaCrepov 2 StSwo-t TW KcofJidp^r) dvaOpc'ij/avTi /caTa^vcrat, ort TjKovev OLVTOV S iepbv elvai TOV 'HXtou,* SeStw? /A^ dTroBdvrj ' KeKaKa>TO yap UTTO T^S Tropeta? ' avTo? 8e TOJI> 7T^ 5 Xa/n^8a^et, /cat TCUI/ aXXwv crrpa- rriyuv [/cat Xo^ayaJf] e8w/cez> e/cao~Ta> TrcuXot'. -^cra// 8' sg ot ravrr) tTTTTOt /Aetoi/e? //.eV TWV ITepo-t/caJv, 6t)|ioeiSe- (TTpoi Se TroXu. evravOa ST^ /cat 8tSao~/cei, d Trepl TOUS iroSas TO>^ LTTTratv KOI Twv U7rovytwi> irpii\6iv, OTai/ 8ta T>?S ^toi/o? aytycrtv ' ai/eu yap Topics for Study. (1) Origin of uu>xe'- (2) The ending -*.of. (3) The tribute paid the Persian king, how assessed ? See lutrod. 14. (4) Com- parison of iro\afe. > sc. OUTOV, I.e. TbKTv-yyt^. 25O, 649, b. 352. I3S. 2 ; 426, 1. i7. *i.e. .6i ITTTTOV. 754, c. 1143. 34S, 2. 5J6, b. 6 736. 1097. 356. 505. ANABASIS. After twelve days' march they reach a pass held by the enemy y council of war. * T, \ / I T C ' ^ 2 * ' VI. ETTCI o rjfjiepa rjv oyooti, rov /xev yyepova irapaStSoJcrt Xetptcrdc^w, rov? Se oi/ceras /caraXetVei ra> Kufjidpxy? 77X7)1; TOV vlov rov dpri T|pd6pT|(rav co? eSv^avro TrXetcrra, 2 KCU a^a^eu^a^re? eiropevovro, T^yetro 8' avrot? 6 /cw- XeXv/aeVo? Sia ^toi/o? ' /cat 17817 re 771^ eV rw Jia), /cat Xetptcroc^o? avrw e^a\Trdi'0rj ore, ov/c et? Kw/xa? T^yaye^. 6 8' eXeye*> ort ou/c etei> 4 ev rw roTTft) TOVT&). 6 Se XetptcTo^o? avTov CTTatcre /w,', 3 eS^cre 8' ov. e/c 8e rovrov e/cet^o? 7^5 VVKTOS aTroSpas oj^ero /caraXtTTO)!/ roi' UIOIA roi)rd ye 8^ Xet/JKrd^xw /cat Hei'cx^oWt [LOVQV 8id(j>opov ev TTJ Tropeia eyeVero, 17 row )7ye/xoi>ottou? eVt 777 V7rep/3o\f), eVavcraTO Tropevd/xevo?, aire^ojv et rpta/covra oTaStou?, ti/a /XT) /cara /cejoa? aywj> TrX^ertacrry TO?? TroXe/Atots * Cf. same, 4.5**. i.e. rbv Kwnopxi" (") ^y'M'ii'a. 767. 1165. 37S. 5^-?. BO. tcufxeu. < 841. 1'260. 529. AM. " 759. 1 l^i;. ,'<:.';.'/. J5. 7 On ending cl ?, 4.?". BOOK IV. CHAP. VI. 233 Se /cat Tots dXXots napdyeLV rovs eVt (^dXayyos yeVotTO TO Topics for Study. (1) Synopsis of eSpdi'. (2) ar& (ce'pas, eirl (JxiAay- 7cy. Introd. 77. (3) Ways of expressing purpose. 'Evret Se rfKOov ol 67rto-#o(uXa/ceg, o-we/cdXeo-e TOWS 7 crTpaTTjyov? /cat Xo^ayov?, /cat e'Xe^ei' a>Se * " Ot /ACI' TToXe/atot, cJ? opare, /care^oucrt ras VTre/^8oXa? rov opou? ' wpa Se ftov\evcr0ai OTTO)? a5? KaXXtcrra dya- viovfJitOa. 1 IfJiol jjiev ovv So/cet TrapayyetXat /^,e^ apt- 8 iei> 2 TT)V rrf^pov 17/Ae- pai', ot Te wi^ T7/jtct5 opwi/Te? TroXe/itot ^appaXearrepot ecroirat /cat aXXou? et/co?, 3 TOVT&J^ Oappovwcov, TrXetovs MeTa TOUTOI/ p,vo(t)v el-vei/, "'Eyai 8* OUT&) yi- 10 yva)crK(j). et /xe^ avdyK-q eort jLta^eo~^at, TOVTO* Set TrapacTKevda'acrOai OTTW? w? /cpctTto"Ta jaa^ov//,e^a * et Se (3ov\6fJLe0a cJ? pacrra inrepftaiXXeiv, TOVTO ftot 8o/cet (TK67TT6OV tivo.1 OTTOJ? [w?] e'Xa^to~Ta /xe^ rpavf^aTOL Xa- /5a>/w,ei', 5 OJ9 e'Xa^tCTTa Se o"a>/xaTa av^>poiv diropd\o)p.V. TO /xei> out' opo? e'crTt TO & opw/xevoi/ nXeov 17 e'^>' e^if- i : KOVTOL o-TaSta, aVSpe? 8' ovSa/xov (^vXctTTOvTe? etcrtv dXX' ' 77 xaT* avr^v rrjv oSoi^ * TroXu 8 TOU ep^/AOu opov? Kat /cXei//at Tt 6 7retpao~^at /cat apTrdo-at ^do-a^Ta5, et Swat)ae#a, /u,dX- Xoi' 17 7rpo9 tcr^vpa ^wpta /cat avOpamov*; Trapecr/ceva- 1 886. 137'.'. 593. tfSS. a. = 899. 1405. 6O2 ff/is. = ?r. av ra TT/DO TroSaii/ O/XWTJ rts 17 /cat 17 rpa\ela z rots TTOCTI^ d/xa^et \)[JLVcrTpa 17 fJiar) r? 13 /xeVot?. /cat tfXei/KU 8' OUK dSward^ /xot 8o/cet eti^at, ^6v /otei/ VVKTOS teVat, cu? /A^ opdcr^ai, e^oi/ S' direXOelv TOCTOVTOV ws 6 /AT) aur6ti opei ^p^cr^at ' pevoiev 8 yd/3 auroi) paXkov dOpooi oi TToXejatot. M " ' Ardp Tt eyai Trept K\cnrfjs crv/x^SdXXo/iat ; v/xd? 9 yap eyajye, cS Xet/otVo^), d/covw row? Aa/ceSai/xtWov?, ocrot core rail' o/xotiwi', 10 evOvs CK TratSwj/ /cXeVret^ /u,eXe- Tdf, /cat OVK ala")^pov eu/ai dXXd KO.\OV /cXeVret^ ocra 15 /U/) KwXvt I/0/XO9. 07TW? Se W? KpOLTLCTTa /cXeTTT^Te Kttl 7reipcicr$e \av0dveiv, v6\ii\iov Trap VJJLLV tfTTiv, lav /xdXa croi -^ \.r)(f>d(t)(jLei> /cXeVroi/res row 6/>ovs, n w? Topics for Study. (1) o/ 8Atoot of Sparta, Introd. 54. (2) Difference between So-a /x4j and oat K\eTrreiv ra Si^jjid- Su*/oi> ra) /cXeVroi/rt, i MX'*' fpd ... sc. 4/oiof. Toin AaiccSaifioi'tovt, /xeAtrai' KA /neV TOWW," rj 6 5evoi>, " erot/io? et/u 17 6mo-#o(vXa/ca? ^\ (av ^ eVetSdi/ SetTT^crw/xef, teWi /cara\T7i//o/xei/05 TO 0/305. e)(aj Se /cat i^ye/xo^ag ' ot yap yv/xi^res J TWV lirofMevajv rj^lv KXcoiraiv eXa/Sdt' rtva? eVeSpevcrat'Te? * TOVTOW 2 /cat irvvBdvopau, ort ov/c d'/Sa- TOV CCTTt TO O/3O?, dXXd VfJLTaL ttt^t /Cat j3oV(TlV ' WO"T tdvirep dVa Xd/Scu/xeV Tt TOU opov?, para /cat TOt ecrTat. e'X7rtco 8e ovSe TOV? TroXe/ottov? 18 ert, eTretSdt' L$a>cnv 17/^,0,? eV TO> o/aotw eVt Teuy ovSe yd/> vuv I0\ov TToXXct. Tavra (rvvOe^evoi r)pLs /LtdXtora So/cot^ ravrr) Topics for Study. (1) Source. (2) Construction after t\ir{fa. (3) The form of &/o/ta in compounds. (4) Meaning of ' ^ Se fSeLTTvycrav Kat w^ e'yeVeTO, ot* /Ltev Ta- 22 a>xovTo, /cat /caTaXa/t/8dvovo*t TO opo?, ot Se eVeiptvcrai'Tes e'Aapoi/ TIVOS. * 75O. 1103. 365. 509, a. 773. 1176. 392, 2. 522. 236 ANABASIS. aXXot avrov dvenavovTo. ol Se TroXe/uot ^Tret TO 0/309 e^d/xe^oi/, t-ypTi-Yopecrav l /cat e/caoz> Trvpa. TroXXd 23 Sta VVKTOS. eVetSii) Se rjfjiepa eyeVero Xetptcro(/>O9 /xe*> Bvcrdfjitvos >7ye Kara rr)^ 6SoV, ot Se TO 0/309 /caTaXa- 24 fi6i>Te eBeov 77/369 TOV9 Trapareray^evov^, Xet- 26 /3to~o^>o9 Se pd6r|v 2 ra^v e'^etVeTO o~vf TOt9 o7rXtTat9. ot 8\ \^ s\ e ^ O\ v* / e TToAe/xtot ot evrt T>y oow eTretoi) TO az>a> eaipaiv jjievov, evyov/>ta9 TroXXw^ Ka.ya.Boiv Topics for Study. (1) The ending -8ij/. (2) Cf. a Tropev0r)(Tav et9 TreWe 7rapao~ayya9 TpidKovra ' /cat TO, eVe'XiTre ' ^wpta yap GJ/COW Icr^vpd ot Tao^ot, eV 019 2 /cat TO, eTTtTi^Seta TroWa et^o^ dvaKKop.io-|JiVOi. eVet S' do9 /u.e> ouv 7rpo9 TOVTO ' 849, c. 1263. 535. 457 860, 2. 29O, 2. Cf. 706. BOOK IV. CHAP. VII. 237 irpo&e/BaXXev ev0vs rjKcov ' eVeiSi!) Se 17 Trpdrrrj ra^ts due tea five i/, aXXrj Trpocn^et Kal av#t dd POOLS l Trpia>v, 5 '"aXXo 3 Tt 17 ou8e^ /cwXvet TrapteVat ; ou yap 8r) e/c TOU IvavTiov optojJLei' et /xi^ oXtyou? TouTOv? 4 avBpaiTTOvs, /cat TOVTOJI^ 8vo 17 Tpet? aj7rXto~/aeVou5. TO 8e ^a>ptoi/, 6 ajo9, " eVetSav 7 dpa>fjie0a et? TO Sacrv vrpoteVat, CpovTU ot Xt^ot TroX- W n V 4 > V >J VI V O / V /) \ Avro ai>, ^917, TO oeoi/ eti7 ' uarrov yap az/aXa>o~ovcrt TOV? Xt'#ov?. dXXa 1 sc. avrois. ! Mi'a n-dpoSos eVni/ aun; fjf . . . 3 1O15. b. 1604. 73, N. <674. 456. N. 5.5-J, . * sc. eari. 776. llsl. 39J. 526, a. ' sc. x 866, 1. 1844. 555. /,?.'. eVdcf ar carat, rjv Swcu/A#a, /cat aVeX- 0eu> paStOf, -rjv Topics for Study. (1) Periphrastic forms of the verb. (2) Of what class is KOL/AVW ? dpoAierKo/icu ? 6irA.f 2 ^>I/A liropevovTo XeiptVo(os /cat Hei'o^aiz' /cat KaXXt'/Aa^os Ilappdcrtos Xo^ayos ' rovrou yap fiovia ^i/ TWI^ OTTLcr0o(f>v\dKa)v Xo^ayait' ol 8e aXXot Xo^ayot, epevov eV rw TOVTOV? ovj^ vTrrjXdov VTTO ra SeVSpa cLv , OVK aOpooi dXXa /ca^' efa, eKacrro? 9 TO/AC^O? w? e'Swaro. 'Ayacrta? 8e o Srv/x^aXto? /cat 'Aptcrrw^vyaos Me^vSptev? /cat ovrot rwi/ OTTtcr^o^vXd- KOJV Xo^ayot oi^re?, /cat aXXot Se, etftecrTacrav e^aj TU>V SeVSpwv * ov yap ^ acr^aXe? ez/ rot? Se^Spots icrrdvai 10 TrXebi/ 17 roi^ eVa Xo^oi/. ei'^a 8^ KaXXtyLta^os fjirj^afa- TCLL rt ' irpovrpe^ev dvro row SeVSpov u<^' w 17^ auro? Svo i^ rpta P'qixara ' eTret 8e ot \LOoi ^epot^ro, ave^a- tpv euTrerw? ' e'<' e/cd) Savov r\v Seafia. 13 at yap ywat/ce? p'tVrovTat ra iraiSCa etra eavras erriKaTtppCTTTOuv, /cat ot dVSpe? akjavrw?. evravQa 817 /cat Atfi'a9 2riyA0dXto9 Xo^ayo? tSa> rt^a Beovra eu? pti/iovra cavrbv crTO\r)v e^ovra KaX-qv eVtXaju.^Sat'CTai a>5 KajXucraiv ' 6 Se CLVTOV iri 7rerpa>v 6p6fJievoL /cat airedavov. IvTevdtv avBptoTTOi jj,v Trdvv oXtyot eXij(j>0r)a'av, )8oes 8e /cat oz/ot TroXXot /cat 7rpo/3ara. Topics for Study. (1) Passive deponents. (2) Formation of abstract nouns in - et a, cf . d/xAeta. Cf. 656, 3. 842 s . 2S2, 2. 429, 1. (3) Special con- struction of w\tov t f\a.TTov. Passing the Chalybes, they reach Gymnias, where they receive a guide who conducts them within sight of the Euxine. *}LvTv0ev eiropevOrjcrav Stct XaXuy8&>i> crra^/xov? eTrra 15 Trapacrayya? TTevTTJKOvTa.. OVTOL rjcrav uv 1 dX/ct/x&JraTOt, /cat et? ^etpa? 2 i^crav. el)(oi> 8e Xtvovs P'txp*' TOV iJTpot), di/rt 8e TWI/ irrepvytov o-rrdpTa TTVKVO, (TTpafj.fJii>a. etyov Se /cat /ci/^yntSa? /cat Kpdvr) 16 /cat Trapa TT)V t^vr^v fjiaxaipiov oaoi/ |\)TjXiiv & v Kparelv 'Svva.ivTo, /cat ra? /ce^>aXa,5 e^o^re? eTropeuoiro, 3 /cat ^8ov /cat OTTOTC ot TToXe/xtot avrov? oi//ecr^at e/xeXXov. et^oi' Se /cat Sdpu ok Tre^re/catSe/ca TT^ewi/ /at OVTOt V|JLVOV !/ TOt? TroXL(T|JLaTO CTU TOV * Trora/ioV, V/DOS rerrdpaji' TrXeOpcov. 'JLvrevOev eTropevBrja'av Sta ^Kv0r)va)v o~ra$/xouro. 19 'Et'Tev^et' St^X^oi^ crra^/Ltou? rerrapa? Tra/oao-ayya? 61KO(TL 7T/305 TToXtl/ ^yakl^V KOL ev$OLL[JLOVa /Cat OtKOf- 17 e/caXetro Yvpvia.<$. IK Tavrrjs [T^? X^/ 3015 ] rot? ^EXX^crti' T^yejao^a 7re/x7ret, OTTOJ? Sta r^s 20 eavraiv TroXe/Ata? ^copa? ayot aurous. \0o)v 8' e/cet^o? Xeyet ort a^et aurow? TreWe rjfjiepwv et? -^atpiov oBev a^iovra.1 OdXaTTav ' et 8e /!>;, reOvdvai eV^yyetXaro. u/xevo? 7retS>) eVe/3aXXei/ et? TT)V [eai^rovj TroXe- , Tra/ae/ceXeuero ai0iv /cat o"we'X^ot, ou rr;? 21 rail/ 'EXX^vwi/ evvotas. /cat dfyiKvovvrai eVt TO opo? TT} Tre/XTrrry ^/-tepa ' oi^o/ia Se rw opet -^^ ^'fx 1 ? 5 * >7r ^ Se ot TrpatTOi eyevovro eVt row opovs, Kpavyr) vroXXr) eyeVcro. Topics for Study. (1 ) The idiom for ' /o come z'nto x u P&*- (4) The ending -w(j) in adverbs. Cf. eufl sea / " 22 *A/couo~a5 Se 6 Hevo^cut' /cat ot OTTtcr^o^uXa/ce? torj (TO.V ep-TrpocrOev aXXovs eTTtrt^ecr^at TroXeyLttou? * yap omo-ffev ot e'/c TT;? /cao/aeVr;? ^wpa?, /cat avrwv ot o7rto-#ovXa/ces aTre'/cret^av re rtz/a? /cat ^w-ypticrciv V6- 8pav TrotT^crajLtei'ot, /cat yeppa \a/3ov Sao~etwf fioaiv 23 a>[jLo(36aa d/x^t ra et/coo"ti/. eVetSr) 8' 7) pori TrXetw^ re eytyyero /cat eyyvrepov /cat ot det eTrtot'Te? edeov eVt rows del /3oaWas /cat TroXXw /At'a>i> iylyvf.ro 17 BOOK IV. CHAP. VIII. 241 ocra) ST) TrXetou? eyiyvovro, e'So/cet ST) /xetoV TL eti'at TO; t, /cat dvaftoLS e'<' LTTTTOV /cat Au/ctoz/ /cat TOVvTO)v TOJV or/3 art a>ra)i> " dXarra " "#dXarra" /cat TrapeyyvojvTcov. tvOa 819 edeov ITOLVTZS /cat ot OTncr0o(f)v- Xa/ce?, /cat ra UTro^vyta ^Xawero /cat ot tTrvrot. eVet 8e 25 d(f>LKovTO TrdvTes eVt TO aKpov, evravda ST) irepLepaXXov dXX^'Xou? /cat o-rparryyou? /cat Xo^ayov? $a.KpvovTe Ezrev#ei> 8' euopevOycrav ot "EXXi^e? Sta ' a/c/3oj^a>^ crra^ov? rpetLKOi>TO etrl TQV troTa^ov 09 ojpc^e Tr)v ro)v M.a.Kpojva)v /cat r^i/ rail/ ^KvB^vwv. el^ov 8' 2 vrrep Se^iaiv -^wpiov olov z ^aXeTrwrarov /cat e'^ dptcrre- pa9 aXXov TroTapov, et9 6V eVeySaXXev 6 opi^wv, 8t' ov eSet Sta^vat. ^iv Se ovro? Sao-v? SeVSpeo-t 1 OTO =. TII-OS OO-TIS n ^K. * 661 (end). 42S. C(. 638, t. 8 776. 1181. Cf. VSpwi>, 2.4'< 391. 526, a. H. & W. ANAB. - 16 242 ANABASIS. fjiev ovj TTVKVOLS 8e. ravV eVet irpocrrjXOov ot eKorrrov, cr7rev8oi>Tes IK TOV ^wptou a5? ra^tcrra 9 oi 8e Met/eposes fyovres yeppa /cat Xdy^a? /cat rpi- Xtvous \LT(t)va9 Trapa- reray/jteVot ^crai' /cat dXX^Xots Ste/ceXevoKro /cat Xt^ov? et? TOZ^ Trora/ioi/ eppLTTTOi* ' I&KVOVVTO yap ov ou8' 4 "Ei>#a 8^ Trpoorcp^eTai Kevotfrcovrt, rwv dwrjp ' A.0TJv7ja'i, (frdo'Ktov ScSouXcuKcvai, Xcycav ort yiyvar a/cot TT)^ (pa)vr)v ratv av6pa>iT(j)v. " /cat otftai," e(/)T7, <4 e/i^v Tavrrjv TrarptSa ett'at ' /cat et yutTy rt /cwXvet e^eXco 5 avrots StaXe^^^at." ** *AXX* ouSe*> /cwXvet/' ^17, " dXXa StaXeyov /cat fta^e Trpurov rives et eO>> / '/-v x * " x 6 Xe/xtot ctvat. ot o cnreKpivavTo Ort /cat v/xet? CTTI T^V rjfJLerepav ^atpav ep^eo'^e." \eyeiv K\evov ot crrpaTrjyol ort " ov /ca/cai? ye TrooycroiTe?, dXXa y8ao-tXet TroXc/iifo-at'Te? aTrep^ofMeBa et? r^ 'EXXaSa, /cat eVt ^a- 7 Xarrav /8ovXo/ae^a d^t/ce'cr^at." r}pdrra)i> e'/cet^ot et Sote^ &/ rovTdiv TO. Trtcrrd. ot 8' <; 8' 8 Mera Se TO, 7rto~ra evOvs ot Md'/c/xuve? ra 8eV8pa z/ 8pia /careVri^o'a^ TOV? c. oiroO. * 376,0, d. 701. 167, d. MA, o. '671. 978. 454. BOOK IV. CHAP. Vin. 243 By a skillful attack they defeat the Colchian*. 'Ez/Tcu)#a rjv opo? jaeya* /cat errl TOVTOV ol KoX^ot 9 Trapareray/xeVot ycrav. /cat TO />tej> irpwrov ol "EXX^i/e? dvrnrapTa|avTO c^aXayya, o>? ovrtu? a^oire? TT/OO? TO opos * eWetra 8e eSo^e TOIS crrpaTiiyots * y8ovXevcracr#ai o-uXXeyeurti' 6Vws o5? /caXXtora dyajt'tovi'Tat. ^EXe^ez/ ou^ Se^o^aiv ort So/cotr; Travd- 10 Xayya Xo^ous opOiovs 2 Trotrjcrat * " 17 /xez/ yap aXayya ravrrjv 6pa>O~LV. TTLTCL rjv fJitV 7Tt TTowi/ TTay/Xeot TTpOCT- 11 aycojiiei/, irepiTTtvcrouo-iv ^/xaji/ 5 ot TroXe/uot /cat Tot? TreptTTot? ^pifcrovTat o Tt ai/ )8ouXa^Tat * eai> 8e CTT* TeTaypevoi tw/zei/, ovSei/ av 6117 OavfJiao-Tov t jfjiwv rj ^>aXay^ VTTO aOpocov /cat ySeXwv /cat d>TT(i>v fj,Treo~6vTO)v ' et Se 7777 TOUTO eb~Tat, T^ 0X17 KO.KOV eb"Tat. dXXa /tot 8o/cet opfliovs TOVS 12 otT7O~a/xevov? TOCTOVTOV ^wpiov KaTao~^elv 8ta- XiTToWa? Tot? Xo^ot? 6 oo~oi/ e^w Tovg eV^aTOv? 7 Xo^ov? yei/ecr^at TWV TroXe/itiwv Kepdrw ' /cat OUTOJ? o~6fi,e0a rrjs re TUTS noXe^Lcav ov paStoi/ eb-Tat Tot? 13 TroXe/Atot? eto~eX#etv tv6ev /cat zvdev Xo^tov OVTGJV, 8ta- /cdi/jat T ou paStoi/ eicrTat Xd^oi/ opOwv Trpocnovra. edv re Tts TTte^Tat TWV Xd^wi', 6 irX^Q-Lov fiorjOijo-ei,. rjv ois ffTXAyiriv. * See Introd. 4, 103, (8). ' *tf ^>nji . . . Cf. tn-i TTrapy. 1.2 . 749. 1120. 364. 509, b. 776. 11S1. 3S7. 56, b. * Cf. 671, 2d ex. 978 2d ex. Cf. 451 with 454. 556. Of. same, UQ 8 . 244 ANABASIS. TC ef? 7777 $vvr)0f) TMV \6\cov eVt TO aKpov dvaftrjvai, TWV Topics for Study. (1) Compounds of 6$6s. (2) Advantages of at- tacking over rough ground with opOiovs Ao'xous. H Tavra eSoe, /cat eVotow opBlovs TOV? Xd^ov?. Ee^o- ^>wv Se dm aw eVt TO evcji>v/u,oi> dirb TOV Se^iou eXeye Tot? (TTpan a/rat?, " v A^8/De5, OVTOL eicnv ovs opart [JLOVOL en rjLLi> 2 j.Tro^o)v TO 3 a> 81 etvat e^^a TraXat crvrev- TOUTOu?, 17^ TTO>S Sv^w/xe^a, Kat cu/xou? Sei 15 'Evret 8' eV Tat? ^w/aat? e/cacrTot lyevovro KOL TOV? opOiovs eTTonjo~ai>ro, iyivovro p,ev Xd^ot TWI/ dfjL(f>l TOV? 6y8o7^/covTa, 6 8e Xd^o? e/ccurro? et? TOV? Karov ' TOV? Se 7reXTao-Ta? /cat TOV? Tpix.f) 7rotr^o~a^TO, TOV? /xe^ TOV evajj-'v/xov eifw, TOV? Se TOV Se^tov, TOV? 8e /caTa [tecrov, o'^eSot' 16 e^a/coo'iov? e/ccurrov?. TOVTOV Trapr)yyvrjo~av ol crTpaTrjyol v^eo~Bai ' ev^a/xe^ot 8e /cat TratamVayTe? fTTopevovro. /cat Xetptcro^o? ttei^ /cat &tvo(f)a)v /cat ot o~w avTot? TreXTacTTat T^? Toil' TroXe/xtw^ <^ctXayyo? efw ye^d/xez/ot eVopevorro. 17 Ot Se TToXe/xtot, o5? elSa^ avrov?, avrnrapaBeovres o! /xei/ eVt TO oeibv ot Se eVt TO evcuvv/aoi/ &Leo~Trdo~0r)crav, /cat TroXv T>J? avro)v ^>aXayyo? et' TOJ tteVa> Kevov eVot- 18 Y)o~av. ot Se /caTa TO 'Ap/caSi/coz> irekrao'ra.i, 3>v Attr^tVi^? 6 'A/ca/DvdV, ^o/xtcrai'Te? <^evyetf dva/cpa 0eov ' /cat ovTot TrpwTot eVt TO dpo? dvaf3aLvovo~L iirTO Se avrot? /cat TO 'Ap/caSt/cot' oirXiTiicdv, tu^ 19 vjpx 6 KXeai^wp 6 'Op^o/txeVto?. ot Se TroXe/xtot, eu? rjp^avro Oelv, ov/cert coTqo-av, aXXa <^>vy^ aXXo? 1 1O32. Wi. ^69,2. 4S9, . 767. 1174. 378. 5f. * 961 and a ; 1029. l 642 1 434. J56S. 67*. BOOK IV. CHAP. VIII. 245 erpdVeTO. ol 8e "RXXrjves dya^SdWes eVrparoTreSeuoiTo eV 7roXXat9 /eclats /cat TaTTtrifSeta TroXXa e' Topics for Study. (1) Cf. tS/uos aiid u^.6s. (2) #AAos, 7%ey reach the sea, perform their vows, and celebrate games. Kat ra 1 />teV dXXa ovSeV 2 on /cat lOavpacrav' TO, Se 20 o-}rnvT| TToXXd 17 z> aurd#t, /cat TWI> KTjpCcov ocrot e^ayoi/ roit' o8/)a (JL8vou ouSet?, d/A^>i Se r^ avrtjv TTOJ? upav dv(|)pdvo\)v ' TPLTYJ Se /cat Terdprr) avl&TavTo ucnrep e/c 4>ap p.a Koiroa Cas . 'Ei^reu^ei/ 8* e-jropevOrjcrav Suo crra^jitou? Trapacray- ^2 ya? fTrrd, /cat -qKdov eVt SaXarrav ets 'EXXi^i/t'Sa OLKovfJLevrjv iv rw a7roi/aai> eV rry KoX^cui/ fj.ivav ^/xepa^ d/>t^)t ra? rpia/coi>ra ei/ rat? rail/ KoX- X /CW/X,at5 ' KOLVT6V06V 6pfJia>fJL6VOL \T|oVTO TT^V KoX^tStt- 23 dyopat' Se Trapel^ov r&5 crrparoTre'Sw TpaTre^ovi/rtot, cat e'Se'^ai/To re TOU? "EXXTyz/a? /cat eVia eSocrav ySov? '/cat aXc^tra /cat oivov. (ruvSicirpaTTOVTO Se /cat v?rep 24 TrXrjcriov KoX^wv rwi' eV ra> TreStw yaaXtcrra OLKOVV- /cat ^eVta /cat Trap' e'/ceiVwi' rj\dov /3de?. Mera Se rovro r^v 6vcria.v ijjV ev^avro Trapecr/ceva- 25 ^oi^ro ' rj\6ov 8' avrot? t/cavot /8de? aTroOvcrai ra> Att crcorifpta /cat T /f, 05 ecj)vye 7rat5 o3i/ oiKoOev, TratSa d/caw vij\r) Tra,Td|as, Spd/xou T* eVt/xeX-^^^at /cat TOV dyaii/o5 irpoO5 ? f^^j " /cdXXtcrTO5 rpeveLv OTTOV TO) cv TL /cat oao~et ovTa>5 ; o o etTre, " MdXXd^ Tt dj ^V^S^ 2^* : - ; ^-^"-^"-"^-- ; - : $^:^^i .-/' / > 27 HK&:: : ^'^ ^^^^: ; ^S^fN: Tat O KO.TaTTeO-(t)V. "r ^ w ? j'tt.o^To oe 7ratoe5 o*TCtSto^ J Tail/ TO>I/ ot TrXetcrTot, 86Xixov Se Kp^T5 TrXetous rj 0eov, irdX^v Se /cat iru-yiiTiv /cat iraYKpdTiov . 8ea e'yeVeTO * TroXXot yap KaTJ3r)o-av /cat aTe 28 Ttuv iraipaiv TroXXi) 4>iXoviKCa lyiyvero. HOeov Se /cat *cat eSet avrou5 /caret TOV 7rpavov5 eXdo"ai/Ta5 eV TTJ r/ V7roo~Tpa//a^Ta5 TTO,\LV avat 7rpo5 TOI^ j3(nf^w dyiv. Kat Kara) /xeV ot TroXXot e/caXt^Sov^TO ' dVa> Se 7rpo5 TO opOiov /xdXt5 fidorjv eiropevovTO ot tTTTrot ' ) Kpavyrj Kal ye'Xw5 /cat irapaKeXcucris e'yt-j Topics for Study. (1) Accusative of kindred meaning. (2) Grecian games. See Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, sub Sp4/j.os, dyuisfs, wvyn'fi, irayitpdrtoi'. (3) Subsequent history of Xenophoo. Introd. 113-119. (4) Style, Introd. 121, 122. 1 716, a. 1062. 333. 636, A. BOOKS Y.-YII. EDITED FOR SIGHT-READING: SUGGESTIONS FOR SIGHT HEADING. BOOKS V.-VIL THE Anabasis should be studied with a fixed, unalterable determination to learn to read it at sight, with only occasional use of the Lexicon. No obstacles, however great, should be allowed to cloud this set purpose. Kept distinctly before the mind, it will give a keener zest to study, prevent abuse of helps and promote a many-sided study of the language. To read at sight one must have : 1. A knowledge of the meaning of the words ; 2. Of their forms (Accidence) ; 3. Of their relations (Syntax) ; 4. Of the common idioms ; 5. Practice. These are essential and each must receive its due share of attention. The idioms found in the Anabasis are not numerous and may be soon mastered. The main facts of Syntax are not so many as to offer serious difficulty to the earnest student. They recur quite often, and most of them are exemplified in a single book of the Anab- asis. The verb-forms require more attention, but each of these has one or more characteristics or differentia, and these, all told, including endings, are not more than about seventy in number. The acquisition of a copious vocabulary is arduous, but the task is greatly lightened by rational methods. Well directed effort here is amply rewarded. There are only about 900 primitives in the Anabasis. The prepositions and pronouns occur about 8,000 times, while fu and its com- pounds are found over 1,300 times. Sight-reading should be practiced in the preparation of every lesson, but before it is made a distinctive feature of the recitation the student should master : (1) the Attic paradigms ; (2) the main uses of the Cases, Voices, Modes, and Tenses ; (3) the principal suffixes ; * (4) the Lists of Words. In the practice of sight-reading observe the following : 1. Appeal constantly to the ear as well as to the eye ; that is, read aloud. 2. Read an entire paragraph at a time and without stopping. 3. Do not translate into English nor stop to put the parts of the sentence together. Reach the sense, if possible, directly from the original, just as a native Greek would do. 4. For the meanings of the words scrutinize closely the stems and suffixes 5. For the relations of the words scrutinize closely the differentia of thf noun and verb forms. 6. Do not look up words beyond those given at the foot of the page till the passage has been read aloud again and again. 7. Review previous lessons in the same manner as often as time wil] permit. * Sep Word Formation. 54O-59O. 822-889. 268-3OO. 397-U9. (248) Aoros E. Recapitulation. I. ["Ocra /xe> ST) eV TTJ dvaftd(rei -nj ,u,Ta Kvpov i Trpaav 01 "EXX^i/eg, /cat ocra eV rr) Tropeta rf) ^XP L eVt 6d\ai-rav rrjv eV ra> Ev^etVw HOVTW, /cat w? 1 ei? TroXii' 'EXXryi/tSa d^tKo^ro, /cat w ts voteo? to sewc? Chirisophus to obtain ships for the convey- ance of the' Greeks. 'E/c Se TOUTOU (rv^eX^o^re? IftovXevovTo Trept 7779 2 Xotvnyg Tropeta? ' dv-ecrrif] Se Trpairo? Aeiwv oupto? /cat TOLVVV" 6(^17, " w ai/8pe?, aTT-etp^/ca 4 17817 v 5 /cat rpe^v /cat ra ovrXa oSSe' 4 " Ot'Xos /aot t&Tiv, co aVSpes, 'A^a^t^Stos, vauapx&v 5 Se /cat rvy^aj/et. 77^ out' Trep\n)T. /xe, ot/Ltat a^ iKdelv Kal TjOtrypet? e^&jv /cat TrXota TO, ^/aa? a^ovra ' tyxets Se t7re/3 vrXet^ /3ovXecr#e, Trept/AeVere eVr' ai/ eyw eX#ia'avTo 7 irXelv avrov ws ra^tcrra. Xenophon proposes plans for the maintenance and safety of the Greeks in the absence of Ghirisophus. Mcra TOT)TOI> Sei/o^xwi/ dveo'TT] /cat " Xetptcro<^>o5 ftei^ 8^ eVt TrXota oreXXerat, i^jaet? Se 6Va /aot oui^ 8o/cet /catpo? et^at Trotet^ raura epai. 8 Ttptorov /aev ra eVtr^'Seta Set e'/c rrjs TroXe/ata? " 9 oure yap ayopa ecrrtv v / 10' '/) ' '11 ^ * \ ' ovre OTOV cufT7O~o/xet7a cvrropta et /AT) oAtyot? Tto"tV ' 17 Se X^P a / n"^ e / At/a ' KW'Swos 12 out' TroXXoi)? aTToXXva-^at, 17^ dftcXtos 13 re /cat ai)XdKTois TropevrjcrOe 7 eTTt TO, CTrtrifSeta. dXXa jitot So/cet o~w irpovofjials 14 Xa/a- fidveiv ra eVtrrfSeta, aXXw? Se /XT^ TrXa^ao-^at, 15 o5s 16 Se rovrwz/ eVt/aeXeto-^at." 1 (^K-Te/va), stretched out (i.e. in the boat), cf. Od. xiii. 74-. 2 applauded (cf. 0<5puj8os), saying. 3 = rck OUT{. 4 irdp-ini, f/o by (to the front), come forward. vav-apxev- Cf. j}5ojuaj. 7 Cf. 4/^0o;, pebble, vote. 8 fut. of 4>i?/uf. 9 sc. x^P a * 10 o/" ?Aa< M,'(r), wandering. 16 i. e. the officers. BOOK V. CHAP. I. 251 ""En roivvv d/covcraTe Kal raSe. eVl XeCav 1 yap 8 KTropvat * eiTTilv c TOV a fjieXXovra e'^teVat, 6 (paeti> 2 Se /cat 6Vot, 3 u>a /cat TO TrXr^os etSco/Aez/ TO>*> i^iovTaiv /cat raw pevovTuv /cat [AV 4 e'dV rt 617, /cai> ^8017- 0rj(raL Ttcrt /catpo? ^ etSwyaei^ 5 OTTOI Soy'cret ftor)0elv, /cat 6 - 7 ' Trot irLpa)p,voi eiSeVat r^f Swa//,iz> e^)' ou? av *ESoe /cat ravra. 7 /act So/cet Setv Trept TO arparoTre^ov etvat * ea^ /xe/30? 10 [|jLpicr8in-S n ] (f)V\aTTO}fJiv K ai/ SVPCUITO ^//-a? 0r)pav 12 ot TroXejatot. ert roivvv TaSe opare. el fjiev ^7rto~Ta/>te^a o~a<^ai5 ort 17^61 vrXota 10 aya)v t/cai^a, ovSez> av eSet w^ jaeXXw Xe- 8* eVet TOVTO d-8T]Xov, So/cet //.ot 7reipao~$ai TrXota o~v/x,7rapacr/ceva^etv /cat avToOev. ^v fiev yap ' 13 > /] '^ ' 'j/l ' ovTuv evuaot, ev acpfoveoTepot? Se /XT) ayry, Tot? ei'^ctSe ^pria-o^eOa. n 6/3W Se e'yw TrXota 7roXXa/as irapa-irXeovTa ' et Trapa T/3a7re^owTta)v /aa/c/)a TrXota /cat >vaTTotLtev avTa TO, 14 t/ca^a TO, aovTa ye^Tat, to"cos ai^ ou/c KOfuSfjs 1G ota? 2 sta^e. 3 i. e. jue'AAei Qievai. * codperate (in preparing). 5 sc. ?/o. 6 STreipos. 7 taie zn Aanrf (et' X 6t/ P)> undertake (sc. Itvai) TTO. 8 plunder. 9 seated, posted above. 10 in^o parties. n nepifa, divide, 12 Awn<, i. e. take by surprise. 13 sc. TTAO/CO*'. 14 w7j8aAio', rudder, see cut. 15 #7, carry. 1G KouiSri, conveyance. # a, b etc., indicate the order of words. 252 ANABASIS. "ESoe ravra. C 1 ' V I o , e< et et/cos /cat Tpe 13 /aez/axrt, /cat vavcr- m\ 6Xov 4 arvv-OecrOai^ OTTWS /cat 6)Tav#a Se a5s ou Seat 68onropiv. 10 6 8e', 2 Tas Se TroXeis e/covo~as eneKrev oSoTrotett', \eyaiv 6Vt da.TTOv aTraXXa^oi/Tat, ^i^ eviropoi yevcovran at 6Sot. 15 eXa/3oi/ Se Kat irevriiKdvTopov 13 Trapa TO>V Tpaire^owTLUv, f) 7r-(TTfjo'aiv Ae^tTTTrov Aa/cwi'a ircpCoiKov. 14 OUTOS d/jte- X^o-as TOU o~vXXeyeti> uXota (XTroSpas 15 W^CTO e^w TOV Ildi/Tov, e^o)v rrjv vavv. OUTOS /xe^ ovt* St/cata 1 it is reasonable. 2 common (fund). * i.e. the boatmen. * fare. 6 agree. 6 sc. ^jUas. 7 OIK^W, dire/I, lie situated. 8 tvrt\\ofjia.i, enjoin. 9 = repair. 10 journey by land. u c-f. 6.-ptev, typ-hv, mind. l - tTri-$r)ifa, put to vote, cf. diro-. 18 penternnter, fifty-oared vessel. 14 provincial. See Introd. 54. 16 airf-^iSpda-Kw^/ice or A-///J away. BOOK V. CHAP. II. 253 vcrrepov ' iv pa/CTj yap irapa SCV^TJ 7roXvTrpayiJ,ova>v l TL aireOavev VTTO Nt/cdV8pov rov Aa/cw^o?. eXajSov Se 16 /cat rpiaKovTOpov, 2 fj eV-ecrTa#77 lloXu/cpc^g ' 05 OTrocra Xa/a/3aVot TrXota KaTrjyev eVt TO crrp /cat ra /xei^ d'yco'Yin.a, 3 et rt yyov, e^atpou/xez/ot Ka0L(TTacrav, OTTCUS era * 117, rot? Se TrXotot? e et? irapa/YtoYnv. 5 eV a 8e raura 77^, eVt Xetai^ l^ycrav I? ot 'EXXr^fe?, /cat ot jaei/ eXd^^cLvov oi 8e /cat ou. KXe- atVero? 8* e^ayaywv /cat roz^ eaz/rou /cat aXXot' Xo^oi/ npos yapiov ^aXeirw auro? re aireOave /cat aXXot TroX- Xot T 7 *? ye< supplies Xenophon leads half the army against the Drilae. II. 'Evret 8e ra eVtr^'Seta ov/cert 77^ Xa/x/8ai/etv wcrre i dirau0T|[ipL^iv 6 eVt TO crTpaTOTreSoi', e'/c TOUTOU Xafioiv "Bevo^wv r)yfj.6va<; rwv Tpa7reoui/TiW e'^ayet et? A/Dt- Xa? TO rj/Jbicrv TOV crT/saTeu/xaTo?, TO 8e rjfMLcrv ^>vXctTTetv TO o'TpaToVeSot' ot yap KdX^ot, aVe ' e/ Trraj/coTe? Taiz/ ot/ctaiv, TroXXot r)(Ta.v ddpooi /cat virepe- K(i0r)vTO eVt TWI/ aKpajv. ol 8e T/oaTre^owTtot otrodev 2 ei/ TO, CTTtT^'Seta paStoi/ 77^ \afttlv OVK yyov ' 9 ^>t'Xot yap T >C'^ N '\ /!/ T *l> 770-ai> et? oe TOV? AptXa? Trpoc/v/xw? Tjyoi', v

7%e light-armed troops attack but fail to capture a stronghold. 'Evret Se -qcrav iv rr) avai \pq- ot ^EXXrpe?, OTrota 3 Tot? AptXat? d\axrL|ia 13 et^at eSo/cet e 1 meddling u-ith. 2 thirty-oared vessel. s freight, cf . H-yca. 4 o-wos, cf. o-tiJ^w. 8 transport (-service). 6 dir-, OUTOS, rififpa, return on the same day. 7 because. 8 fK-irtvrw,fall out, be erpelled. 9 sc. TOI/S "EA\Tjvoy. 10 i.e. to the natives. 11 adj. fr. #pos. 1J ^ar<{j, verbal of /8cuW 13 ctwj'/y taken, fr. a\iffKofj.cu. 254 ANABASIS. aTTYJo'av ' Kat ov&ev TJV \afjLJ3dvcLV et JJLT) vs l r) 77 aXXo Tt KT^OS 2 TO Trvp 8ia-ir4>\)'yds- eV 8e rjv X&PIOV [iTjTpq-iroXis OLVTOJV ' t? TOVTO Trdvres crvvep- pvt]Ke(Tav. 3 Trepl Se rovro ^i^ ^apd^pa tcr^iyjw? ySa- Kat TT/ooV-oSot ^aXeTral Trpo? TO -^atpiov. ol Se a. r) xa.pa.Rfin. b, afa/3oA^, o-KoAoTre?, Tupfffi?. C, ai jruAai. gr, axpa rti'a 16. o~Ta8ia irevre r} e rwv pav, 6/5aWe6poi ToXXot ot evrt Ta ' 5 wcrTe lyevovro ot StaySa^Te? [vrXetov? 17] TO s etg VOLVTO evpeta Kat Tv/3cret9 7rvKi/at CTret 8e Kat OVK Kat 7re7rotT7/xeat, -Trteat 1 Aor.f. 2 animal. 8 ativ, {>iu>. 4 irpo--rptx.a>. t-opfjid. 6 8aA>.cu; dva-j8oA^, rampart. ''palisade. 8 r-'ip^is. tower. BOOK V. CHAP. II. 255 ot Se eV-e'/ceti>TO avrots. ai? Se ou/c eSv- 6 vavro diroTpXiv, 77^ yap e' 1/05 1 17 /caTa/3acrt? e/c rov Xa>^ irpocrayayaJv 77/309 T^I/ 8 ^apdSpav rou? /x.et' oTrXtra? 0ecr0aL e/ceXeucre ra oTrXa, avro? 8e Sta^a? /cpa- Tto"Ta olrjTai aywviela'Oai ' rjfrav yap ot Xo^ayot 77X77- o'tot' aXX^Xaj^ ot Trdvra rov ^povov dXX^Xot? Trept dvSpa'yaGias 10 avTCTrotowTO. /cat ot /xei^ TavT* eiroiovv' 12 6 Se TO!? TreXTaaTar? 7rao~t TrapTyyyetXe 1 single file. 2 i. e. the messenger. 8 tir-t-fpxoncu, sally forth against. 4 2 a. pt. of aAitTKOyuat, 6e taken. 5 f\o', alptu. 6 avy-x, consent. 7 = expedition. 8 di/o-x"'pC e '. separate, draw off", cf. X W P IJ - 9 impf. of f'au. '" mnn/ii nirtwt. ANABASIS 256 vow; l teVat, to? OTTorav rtetv., KOI roue eVt/3e/3X77o-#at 2 eVt rat? vevpals, eus OTTOTCLV cr-r)- evLv [Se^cro^], 3 Kat rou Q /cat e^eo^ S/3o/>to> ot OTrXtrat, Kat ra j3e\r) 6/xou e^epero, Xdy^at, ro^evyaara, o~(/>ei'Soz'ai, 7rXeto~TOt 8' e/c rwv ^etp&jv Xt^ot, '^a'at' Se ot /cat vrvp !5 TTpO Sevov crra? Kara ret? TrvXa? OTTOO-OV? e'Svi^aro KO.T- CKcoXue TOJI/ oTrXtrwv eaj * TroXe/xtot ya/3 aXXot e'<^atVovro i eV a/cpot? rto~t^ to~^upot9. ov TroXXoi) Se ^povov /xe- ra^v yevopevov Kpavyrj re eyeVero eVSoi> Kat <^evyov ot /xei' Kat e\ovT^ a eXa^Sov, ra^a Se rt? Kat rerpai- Kat TroXv? ^v (b6i(T|x6s 12 dfjL(f)l ra Ovperpa. 1 Kat ot eKTrtTrro^re? eXeyot' ort a.Kpa 14 re' l = with fingers in the thongs. See Introd. 65. 2 to Aare /)< Me arrows. 8 neut. of fut. pt. of 8^, smce tf would be necessary sA. 18 gate. 14 apa, citadel. BOOK V. CHAP. II. 257 evSov Kal ol TroXe/xtot TToXXot, ot TTOiiovcnv eK5e8pa|XT|- row? evbov dv0a>irovTcu)$a dv-enrelv e/ce'Xevo~e ToXjatS^t' TOV KTjpvKa 18 teWt to~8ov- |ivoi 2 /cat /cara/cXetovcrt row? TroXe/xtov? iroXiv et? T^V a.Kpav. /cat ra /xei^ e^w rrj? a/cpa? Trdvra $i-r)ptrdo'0'rj, 19 /cat ee/co/At(ravTo 3 ot 'EXX^i/e? ' ot Se OTrXtrat TO, OTrXa, ot /ACV Trept ra crrauyaw/xara, ot Se /cara 686i/ rr)i^ eTTt r^v aKpav ^epovcrav. 6 Se Sei/o<^&>i/ /cat 20 ot Xo^ayot ICTKOTTOVV el olov re eirj Trjv aKpav Xaftelv ' rjv 'yap ourcu? (Kar^pia dcropria e^ovTa? e^eirefjiTrovTO a /cat TO 7r\rj0o<; /caTaXtTrotres 10 ot Xo^ayot of? e/cacrT09 eirtcTTevev. *E7ret Se rjp^avro aTro^copetv, ir-|-0ov v8o6V 1X TroX- 22 Xot yeppa /cat Xoy^a? e^ovre^ /cat /c^ry/xtSa? /cat Kpdvrj ria<^Xayo^t/ca, /cat aXXot eVt Ta? ot/cta? dveftawov Tag v/312 ^*/312^ ' \* I / c^ evuev /cat evuev Tfj<; et? TT)^ aKpav (pepovo"rj<; ooov' ovSe Stw/cetv do~(aXe9 ^ /caTa Ta? TruXa? TO,? et? 23 aKpav fyepovcras- /cat ya/3 ^vXa peydXa eir-ppi- 1 fK-rp*x, 17, n. 12. 3 sc. aurrf, i.e. the booty. * = assured. 5 cf. aXicr/cojuai. palistirle. ~ Si-aip(a>. 8 d-xpe"os, useless. 9 01 \oxa7ol e'l-eTre'yuTroj^ro. 10 (sc. fKf(vovs) ofs. ll from within. 12 on ^/s sirfe a?ic/ OH ///a<. H. & W. ASAB. - 17 258 ANABASIS. ~ 8e . wore ^aXeTToy rjv KOI yaeVetv KOI dmeWt 24 /cat rj vv . e'^aTTtV^g yap dv-eXapf/cv ot/cta TOJI^ eV orou 8 ST) t^-dxf/avTos. w? 8' avrrj (Tw-tTrnrTev, ewyoi> 25 ot diro TWV eV Sefta OLKIMV. a5g 8e efJiaOev 6 aevo(j)wi> TOVTO irapa T^S ^X 1 ? 5 ' 4 ^" c ^ 73 " ret ^ CKeXeue /cat rag ez/ api(TTpa ot/cta?, at v\iva.i ycrav, ware /cat e/caovro. exevof ow /cat ot aTro 26 ot Se /caret 6 ro crrof^a Srj ert JJLOVOL .\VTTOVV Q /cat SiJ- Xot ort eVt-/cto"o^Tat ez^ r^ e^oSw re /cat /cara/3acra. evravOa Tra/aayyeXXet (fcepeiv vXa, ocrot ervyxcti'ov e^w oVre? ra>v ySeXwv, et? TO /aecro^ eavrwv /cat raJ^ TioXe- fjiCcov. eTret 8e t/cat'a 1^817 77^, ev-fj\}tav ' IVTJTTTOV Se /cat ras Tra/3* avro TO x a P ( ^ Ka) l JiaT ot/cta9, OTTW? ot TroXe- 27/Atot d/Lt(^)t 8 Tavra ^oiev. ovrat /xoXt? aTrrjWov diro TOV ytopiov, Trvp iv ftecrw eaurajy /cat TOW TroXeyatw^ Troif^crdi^evoi. /cat Kar-eKavOr) 9 Tracra 17 TrdXt? /cat at ot/ctat /cat at TU/3O"et? /cat Ta o"Tavyaw/xaTa /cat TrdVra Deceiving the enemy by an ambuscade, the Greeks return to their camp. 18 Tiy Se vo"Tepata aTrrjcraif ot "EXX^ve? \ovre<; ra . eVet 8e T^ KaTaftacnv IfyofiovvTo TTJV et? i'Ta, 7rpavr)<; l<) yap rjv /cat (rrevrj, \|/u6ev'6pav n 29 eiroLTtjcravTO ' /cat cti^p MfO"O5 /cat rovvo^a TOVTO fyoiv o)v Se'/ca eAei/e^ eV XaaCco 12 wLO> /cai tui, filirra>, throw. 2 means. 8 ichoever, indeed, had jlred it. * Fortune. 6 Kara rb aCvovTO /cat ovcrat. ot ^ev ovv 7roXeyu,tot ravra Si-opa>VTS e 8ovvTO ojg eVe'Spav oucra^ * 17 Se crrparta eV TOVTOJ 3 Ka.T(3a.(.vev. eVet 8e e'So/cet 17817 IKO.VOV xnr-\T|Xu6vaL, 4 rw MvcraJ e'cnf/x^^e (fcevyeLv ava /cparo? ' /cat o? e^- ^>euyet Kai ot orui^ avrw. /cat ot ju,ei/ aXXotS* cxXtV/cecr^at 6 yap e(j)acrav TOJ 8po/xa>, e'/C7reo-oWes e/c TT^? 68ov et? i/X^f /card ra? vaTras ' KaXiv8ov|JLvoi s , 6 Muo"o? 8e /cara TT)V 6Sov (^euycu^ e/3da32 /cat efioTJOrjcrav aurw, /cat dveXa/Sov rerpat- \iivov. /cat aurot evrt TrdSa 9 ave^dipovv ySaXXoyae^ot ot /3ofi@TJ(ravT<; /cat avTiTo^evovres rives TO>V Kpr)Ta>v. f > i / >v\ '^ ' "10 ourai? acpt/covro eTTt TO crrpaTOTreoov vravre? o*a> Sending the feeblest by ship, the Greeks proceed by land to Cerasus, where they hold a review. III. 'Evret Se oure Xetptcro^o? ^/cet' oure TrXota t/cava i 771^ oure ra e 5 7rtT77 / Seta ^v Xa/x^8avetv ert, e'8o/ct dir- i/rt'ov 11 eti^at. /cat et? /xe^ ra TrXota rov? re acrOevovvras V-pCpa7 /cat Trat- 8a? /cat yvz^at/ca? /cat raiz/ cfKevwv oo~a /AT) dvdyK'r) rjv C)(eLv. /cat tX77'o~tOf /cat So^atverov TOU? TOU? raif o~r par-r]ywv i iroXe/Ataw /cat ^toVcs /cat et rt)V TGJ e-el\ov /cat ry 'EvXdrTLv rot? #eots * dtrt Se Xet/ato-d^ov NeW 6 'Aorti/ato? eXa^Se. 5 Hevo^ai^ ou^ TO /xei' TOU 'ATroXXw^o? dvd6T||ia 6 /Ae^og dvcLTiOrjo'iv et? TOI^ et AeX<^ot5 Toi Brjo-aupov 7 /cat eTT-c-ypa^ TO Te avTou 6vop.a /cat TO vov, 05 oruz^ KXeap^w direOave' ^eVos yap 7)^ avrou. \o^\ ^>t ' ^ ^'r^J ' > / \ 6 TO oe Trys AprefjLioos TT^? E Ayi7O"tXaa> e/c TT;? 'Ao't'as TT)I^ et? BotcoTov? 9 oSdi', Kara- XetVet Trapa Meyay8u^a> TO> T^? *A/3Te/At8o5 vcwKopco, 10 oTt avro? Kiv$vvev(T(DV e'8d/cet teVat, /cat ir-e T-, \P>I 1 C -^ I ^ WO S^ E?ret o et/c^etTat Meya^8v^o? et? 1 See Introd. 1. 2 A^re onrf eVa> Se irapa rov TTJ? z/ecii' SeXtvov? vrorajao? Trapa-p-pei. /cat re ei> d/x^orepot? e^-etcrt /cat Ko^yX - 1 * e> ^ ^^ TOJ V S/CtXXoUI/Tt ^OJpLO) /Cat 0f|paL TTOLVTW OTTOCTa i(TTiV 9 'ETrotTjo-e Se /cat fiwpov /cat vaov aTro rod tepov dpyv- piovj KOL TO XotTTov 8e aet 8KaTxio>v ra e/c rou dypov wpata 6v(Tia.v eVotet TT) ^ea), /cat Tra^re? ot TroXirai /cat ot Trpd(rxwpoi ai'Spe? /cat ywauceg p.T-txov rrj? topTT]^. Se 17 ^eo? rot? (rxrivovcnv aX^>tra, aprov?, rpay^ara, /cat raw Bvofjievajv OLTTO TTJS tepa O^pevo^va^v Se'. /cat yap 6rjpa.v ITTOLOVVTO etg r^ eoprrjv ot re He^o^wi/rog TratSe? /cat ot TWI/ aXXwt' TToXtrwi/, ot Se ftov\6p.evoi /cat ai^Spe? oi. eo-rt Se 17 X^P a ^ ^ Aa/ceSat/xo^o? etg TTOpeuoi^rat cJ? et/coo"t oraStot 01770 rou eV ta Ato? tepou. et't S' eV ra> tepco X^PV Ka ' ^ l " [icbv /cat opi7 SeVSpwi^ p-ecrra, t/cava oS)s /cat atya? /cat /Sou? rpe(j>Lv /cat tTTTrow?, ware /cat ra rwi' et? r^y eop- 12 ri^ IOVTCJV UTTo^vyta evcu^etcr^at. ?rept Se avrov TOV vaov aXcros T||ipa>v SeVSpwt' ao ei^ 'E^ecroj. /cat crTTJX-q ecmf)K irapa TOV vaov 1 dejwsit. - av-auptw, answer, indicate. * The rest of chap. iii. should he read with the aid of the lexicon. BOOK V. CHAP. IV. 263 YpdfJ.fJ.aTa e^ovcra' " 'lepog 6 ^w/3O9* r^? 'AprejuuSos- TOV e^ovTa /cat KapTrov/jievov Trjv pev oeKaTrjv Ka.Ta.0vLv eWacrrov eroug. IK Se TOV TreptTTou TOV vaiov m-(TKud- tpa6 6 8e r YLfJ.'Y]O~L0O?. aVSpe? Mocrcrvz^ot/cot, reel's /3ouXo/xe^a 8ia-(rco0Ti- t vat TT/DO? TT)V 'EXXaSa Tre^jfj ' TrXota yap ov/c e^o/xei^ * /cwXvovo"t 8e ovrot 17/^015 ov? OLKOVO/JLEV VJJLLV TroXe/xtov? ea'at. et ou^ ^SovXecr^e, e^ecrrt^ v/xti> rjfJLas \a/3eiv crufJi- 6 1 sc. (Kon'ifrvTo, i.e. the sick, women etc., cf. ch. iii. 1. 2 guest-friend, consul. 3 St-iijui, let pass, cf. d.(j>-ir)/Li,i, 7. * of the. (district) beyond. Dalli- ance. c tpfjLrjvevta, to inter/tret. * ling, strange to say, adopts the reading x ?"^ which, if correct, must be translated, contrary to common usage, inclnsnrt. 204 ANABASIS. /cat TLJiOjTa'aa'aL et rt irore utas ourot /O7/CaO~t, Kal TO XoiTTOV 2 VfJLMV VTTYJKOOVS etfttt TOUTOU?. 7 t Se 17/1,0,5 aV c vjjilv re /cat wz'/' /cat Sevpo v/xti^ 7reyu,i//at ^a5 re /cat otrtve? Ujati> auix-^axovvTaC re /cat 7%e arrival of the allies ; their armor ; defeat. 51 'ETT! Tovrot? 8 TTtcrra Soi^re? /cat XaySo^re? w /cat i^/cov r^ vcrrepaia ayo^re? rpta/co(7ta TrXota |vXa /cat ez> /caerra> rpels ai^Spa?, aw ot /xe^ Svo e/c- \2 /Sai/re? et? rd^iv cdevTO ra OTrXa, 6 Se ef? eve^evc. * /cat ot /xez^ Xafiovres ra TrXota aTreVXeucrav, ot Se |-rd|avTo cSSe. ecrT^crat' aVa e/carof ^taXtcrra Xopoi dvTt-(TTOixovvTS dXX^Xot?, r^oi'Te? yeppa Trai/re? 8ao~ea, et/cao~jaeVa KITTOV v Se rou vXou o~(|>aipocL6S- >3 XiTcavicTKous Se eWSeSv/ceo'ai' v?rep Xti/ou (rTpcoiiaToSeViiOu, e?rt rry Kff>a\fj Se Kpdvrj 1 punish. - adv. arc. z fur irlil > 4 nA/p. 5 ^o assist * ^ roO (x^ptou) e'irl ra Tpa (juf'p 7 ?) ./''' '/<'' "f/^/- (or farther) side. ~ on the ivai/. 8 OH f/itxe condition*. * Sections 12-15 should be read with the aid of the lexicon. BOOK V. CHAP. IV. 265 olaTrep TO, IIai>, dXXa d ou ra^Bev- ie ot 8e eVet 8' e'yyu? eyeVovTO TOU ^wptov, e/c-Spa/u.dt'Te? Tpeirovrai av- Sou5, /cat aTT-e/CTetz'af crv^vovs rwv jSaLpjSdpwv /cat TOW \rvvav a. fidvrwv 'EXX^wi' Tti/ct?. /cat cStOMCOP ^XP L ^ etSoi^ TOU? "EXX-^fa? /SorjOovvTas ' eira Se a.7ro-rpa7r6- \i /xevot w^ot'TO, /cat dVoTe/xoVTe? Ta? /cec^aXd? TWI^ veKpa)v eVe8et/cz/vo"av Tot OpacruTepou? 4 /cat oTt ot e'^eX^d^Te? *EX- auTOt? eVe^evyecrat' /LtdXa oi^Te? CTV^VOL ' o 6e eVeTrot^/ceo'aj' eV rrj crrpareta. "S Se cruy/caXeVas row? "EXX^j/as The troops encouraged by Xenophon attack the citadel successfully. 19 ""Ai'Speg o-rpartajrat, firj^ev advfJLija-rjre eVe/ca ra>v yeyevrjfjiva)v ' tore 1 yap ort /cat dyadov ov yaetoi> TOV 20 fca/cov yeyeV^rat. Trpcorov fiev yap eVtcrracr^e ort ou /xeXXo^re? T^/xtv ^yetcr^at rw ovrt flroXcyuoe* olcnrep /cat 17/^015 oivdyK-q ' eTretra Se /cat TGJI> ot a/LteX^cravre? r^9 criV i^/xt^ ra^ecu? /cat t/cai^ot 3 elvai crvv rot? /3ap/3apots raura TrpdrTeiv cucrre av#ts r\Trov 21 rjfJLerepas ra^e&j? d7roXeu//oi/rat. aXX' vyLta? Set irapa- (TKevd^ecrOaL OTTW? /cat a . o . a . a . a . a . o , a . a ^ 5 / /\ T ^ tXot? ovo-t rw^ So^ere Kpetr- r aaa aaDaaaaan row? avrojv eivai /cat rot? ODD naDnannna 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S x 4/^ 6 p" /- a (4, 6p0iovc rov-s Adxov? iroii)o-aftevot. ^OVZ^Tat VVV T KCLl OT 66', TOUS /Sap^apou? eiri rb euoicvjioi' Kara J, wic rof8r Mrafi TV Aox-^xo.^. TttVTWI/ UCV OUV C C, TO VTroAeiTTo/uei'Oi' i/ot KaTa-rpX.ovTS rot? Xt#otg e/3aXXoi>. rovrovg dv(TT\\ov 2 ot To^oTat /cat TTeXra- orat. ot 8' aXXot /SaSi^ eTropevovTo TrpoJTov /xeV eVt TO Trporepata 'ot fiapfi o /cat ot CTVV aurotg ' eWav^a ya.p ot TToXe/xtot dvTt-reTay/xeVot. Toug JJLCV ovv TreXTacrTag eSe'^a^TO ot 24 /8a/>/3apot /cat e'/Ma^oj/TO, eVetS^ Se eyyvg ycrav ot 677X1- rat, erpeirovro. /cat ot /xeV 7reXTao~Tat eu$t>g etTroi^ro otai/cop'Teg ai'w Trpog T^V TrdXti', ot 8e oTrXtTat e^ Tct^et etVoi/TO. evret Se a^cu -f](Ta.v Trpog Tatg T^g M.rjTpoTro- 25 Xewg ot/ctatg, evravOa ot TroXe/xtot 6/xov Sr) TrctvTeg yei/d- /cat -T|K6vTiov Totg TraXTOtg, /cat aXXa Sd/oaTa e^ovTeg vra^e'a /xa/c/Dct, oo~a dvrjp av c/>epot /xdXtg, TOUTOtg e'/c 'ETret Se ov^ v^-tei/TO 5 ot 26 "EXXi^z/eg, dXXd 6/xdcre ^ai- povv, (f>evyov ot jSdpflapot. Kal evrevOev XetVoi/Teg aTra^Teg TO "xwpiov. 6 Se /3ao~tXeug CLVTCOV 6 eV TOJ [idcrauvi 6 TO) .-TT' aKpov w/coSo/x^/xei/w. 6V rp(f)ovcn TTot^Teg avrov pevovra /cat ^)uXctTTOvo"t^, ov/c rjOeXev Oelv, ovSe 6 7 eV TW Ttporepov aipeBevri avrov crvv Totg /xoo"o~i;z/otg KaT-eKavOrjcrav. "EXX^^eg StapTrd^o^Teg TO, ^ajpia euptcr/cov 1 <^e ran (i. e. of bow-men), being a little behind that of TOJV brKntav. 2 Ae/o 1 'n check. 3 rpeTrw, /rw, ro?. 4 ^K X*'Pi> vVT||ivcov irepuorivoxis, a5 28 KaXd|AT| dTTOKeifJievov ' rjivope-iio-iv fieva /cat (rreap eV Tvx (ri ^^ 29 ot Mocrcruvot/cot KaOdirep ot EXXi^ve? ra> eXatw' Kdpua 8e CTrt TOJV dvcuyewt' T}^ vroXXa ra TrXarea ov/c 8iac|>\)T|v ovSep,iav. TOVTOJV /cat TrXetcrrw crtra> e G//oi/re5 /cat aprou? OTTTWVTCS. ol^os Se evptcr/cero 05 a/cparo? /aei/ 6|vs ^>atVero et^at UTTO rij? avc /) \ O V > /^ \ < O / /cepacrfet? oe eworjs re /cat -rjov The country and its inhabitants. so Ot jLtev 817 "EXXi^es dptcrr^cra^Te? evravOa eTropev- ovro ets TO Tr/aocra), Trapa-Sd^res TO ^(DpLOv Tot? CTUJA- [iaxiicraVTo)v 6 Se dXXr^Xaj^ CTUV-TJKOUOV et? T^ eTepav 1 K T^? eTe/aa? vrdXew? ' OUTO>? v^X-^ T /cat KoiXr| 8 -^ X^P a fy. 32 * 'Evret Se Tropeud/aevot eV Tot? ^>iXot? T^o~av, eneSet- Kvvcrav avrot? TratSa? TWZ^ evSat/xd^wi' (TITCVTOVS, re0pafji- /aeVou? /capuot? <|)9ots, ctTraXou? Kat Xeu/cou? o"(^dSpa /cat ov TroXXou Se'oi'Ta? tcrou? TO jLrKOs /cat TO irXdros ^7Z> ouro? o~(^io~i. Xev/cot Se TraVre? ot cw/Spes /cat at 34 yvi'at/ce?. Toi/rov? eXeyot* 1 ot crTpaTevcrdfievoL ^ /cat TrXetb'TOt' rai^ 'EXX^^t/cai^ VOJJLOJV (T|JLvous- 2 ev re yap QX^ o^ Tei ? Cirotbw aTrep e eprjfjiLa TroLTcreLait, fjiovoi re o^re? o/xota aTrep av /zer' aXXwv oi^re?, SteXeyoi/rd re au- rot? /cat eyeXwv e<^>' eavrot? /cat (bpxovvro 3 e' cr /cat afyiKvovvTCLi ei? XctXv^Sa?. ovrot oXtyot re rjarav /cat VTTTJKOOL * Twv Mocrcrv^ot/CQjv, /cat 6 /3t'o? ^v rot? TrXetcrrot? avrwv airo (rtS^peias. 5 tvrevOev a^iKvovvrai et? TtySapTyvou?. 17 Se rwt' Tt/Sap^vwv X^P 01 - 7ro ^ ^ ~ 6 /cat ^wpta et^e^ eVt ^aXarrry rjrrov /cat ot crrpari7yot e^py^ov Trpog ra ^wpta 7rpoo~/3aXXeti> /cat r^v crrpaTiav 6vT\QT\vai 7 rt, /cat ra ^eVta 8 a 7?/ce ?rapa TLftaprjvajv OVK e'Se^o^ro, dXX' eVt^et^at /ceXeu- o~ayre? eo~re ftovXevcraiVTo iOvovro. /cat TroXXa /cara- 3 0vcrdvT(t)v re'Xo? aTT-eSet^afro 9 ot xavret? Tiai/re? 1 ... sa;W #A/ Aey passed through these the most barbarous, i. e. that these were the most etc. - x? Std (/>tXtav ywpifav rwv Korvcupt ov yap irapel^ov ayopdv, ov& et? 4 TO ret^o? rov? 7%e Sinopeans alarmed send ambassadors to the Greeks. 7 *Ev Tovro) ep^o^rat e/c St^cuTn^s TrpecrySet?, pOV, /Cat TTept T^5 ^Ojpa?, ort TJKOVOV 8T)ov|JiVT]v.' /cat e'X^o^re? etg TO crrparoire^ov Se 'E/caTcu^v^o? Setvo5 8 Xeyeti/ ' a "^Trep^ev T^jaa?, w a^Spe? crTpaTtwTat, 17 7ToXt-'f)5of*at, rejoice with (you). BOOK V. CHAP. V. 271 TTpay/JLaTuv crecrojcr/xeVot Trdpecrre. d^tou/Ae^ 1 Se 9 cWe? /cat avrot v^> v^wv OVTMV EXXi^vaji/ dyaBov /aeV rt Tracr^etv, KO.K.OV Se p,r)$ev ' ovSe yap 17/xet? v/xa? ouSeV TrojTrore vTT-TJp^a/jLev " /ca/cais TrotoiWes. Korua>ptrat Se ovrot etcrt /Aei/ i^/xerepot anoiKoi, /cat r^ 10 avrot? ra.vTf]v 7ra/)aSe8w/ca/xe^ fiapfidpovs ' 3 8to /cat Sacr/xo^ i^u,tz' /3tajv /3ta Xa/x/3c^t^ a>i> a> Serjcrde ov TreLBovTas? ravr' ovi^ ou/c d^ov^ev ' 9 et 8e raura FOiif- 12 crere, dvdyKrj rjfuv /cat KopuXav /cat IIa(Xay6Va5 /cat aXXoi/ oi/rtva az> Sui/aS/xe^a i\ov Trotetcr^at." Xenophon replies defending the conduct of the Greeks. IIpo? raura d^acrra? Hevo^>a)i/ UTTC^ raiv crr/aaTtar 13 " 'Hjitet? Se, tu a^Spe? StvajTret?, -rjKo/Jiev dyaTruvres 10 ort ra crcuyLtara Stecrwcra^te^a /cat ra oTrXa ' ou ya/3 T^V Su^aroi' a/xa re xprfl J ' aTa dyeiv /cat (frepeiv /cat rot? 7i:>Xe/uoi' ov 3 r)fj,a) Trdp-eLo~L yap Iv0dot ovs ly/xtf ^yejaoVa? Sta, 16 TrdXt? crvvTrefJL\lfv. OTTOL 8' av i\66vTe, dy re et- /cat Tcto^ous al XaXSatov? KaLTrep ySacrtXeiw^ vTnrjKoovs wra? o/xws /cat /xdXa (f>ofiepov<; 6vra<; TroXe/Atov? eKTrjcrd/JieOa 5 Sia TO avdyKi^v et^at Xa/zyScifet^ 18 ra eVtr^'Seta, eVet dyopdv ov Trapel^ov. Md/cpaj^a? Se fiapftdpovs o^ras, eTret dyopdv oZav (^tXov? re f.vo^it,o^ev eti'at Kat y 19 eaju,yao/Aei> ra)^ e/cetVa>v. Korvw/atra? 8e, ov\ v/xere- pov? <^are 6 cl^at, et Tt avTutv etX^a/xe^, aurot atrtot' elcriv ' ov ydp w? To r)fjiii>, dXXct K\CI- ^ 1R \ \ '\J " Ta aurcuv oaTrava)VTS, Kat Ta? TruAas (ppovpovfJiev, /a>) eVt TW vfJieTepo) dpfj.ocrrfj axnv ot 21 dXX* e<^>' ^yati^ 19 ^ KOjjLLO~ao~6ai orav (3ov\a>fJL60a. ot Sf dXXot, w? opdre, crKrjvov^ev vuaCOpioi 20 eV TT^ Ta^et, 1 so. ^ri>. 2 iroitia. :i puts si. me emphasis on 6irottav,jnnf irhat sort of. Cf. &iro?dy rt, 2. _>-. 4 ilia/ found .s (to be). 5 (KTaojuat), rn(/e enemies. 6 0W/. 7 toWinie. s /cAe/ai. .-7("/. 9 ainao/xat, blame. lo gorcr/n>i: 11 f/s ^o w7f/f, (iiiiinclv) //>'// v-. ] - a^iA-j}. 13 irenn/, e..i-li(inste<1. 14 ffreyj]. roof, hoiis*. 'j o.v-olyu. / -n. 1; toftfre the plact fae/f. '" riolent (deed) 18 Sairarcia), >/" /"/. ''' TTOU/, avr eu Trotetz^, az> Se /ca/ca>?, aX^acrOai. a Se f|TreC\T|o-as * oj? rp '^M"' So/o? /cat ts Se, yap /cat aAAot? TroXXaTrXacrtot? ay Se 80/07 "fjfJuv Ka -t tXov Trotetcruat roy Ilac^Xa- yoj/a a,Kovop,v Se avrbis /cat eVt^v/xet^ rry? v/xerepa? 23 /cat vajptajy TCOI> eiri-OaXaTTCwv Tretpacro/xeo'a, avrw coi/ eVt^Vjitet, ^>tXot yty^ecr^ai. Sinopean envoys agree to receive the Greeks hospitably. 'E/c TOVTOV jaaXa /xey S^Xot ^crav ot o-vfJL-irpeo-pets 2 24 rtXot to-t. /cat ^ /xev eXBvjTe Trpo? r^y St^ajTreW vroXtv, e/cet a, vvv Se TOW? evOdSe /ceXevo"Oju,ev StSoVat a rat ' opw/xev yap iravra d\r)0r} WTO. a Xeyere. e/c 25 TOUTOU eVta re cirefjiirov ot Korvwptrat /cat ot o~rpa- rr^yot raiy 'EXXr^vwv |CVL^OV O TOU? raiy ^IVWTT^WV TrpeVySet?, /cat Trpo? aXXr^Xov? TroXXa re /cat pa rovro TO re'Xo? e'yeVero. 1 717 Se vcrrepata crw-e'Xe^av ot crrpar^yot rov? o-rparto>- rag. /cat e'So/cet avrot? irept r^? XotTT^? Tropeta? Trapa- 1 aTi\w, threaten; as to what i/on threaten that etc. 2 his fellow-ambassadors. 8 dat. of cause. * coming (forward). 5 evtfa, entertain (as guests). 6 fr. 0/Aos. 7 marfe inquiries about (such things) a* eacA />arty desired. 274 ANABASIS. /caXecravras row? 2tz>aj7re'a? /3ouXeveo~0at. etre yap Scot 7ropeveo-#at, ^/aifcrt/aot az/ e'So/cow eu'at ot Trets ' e/ATretpot yap ^crav rrj? riatas * etre Kara ddXarrav, Trpocr-Selv 1 e'So/cet 2ti>&)7reW juoVot yap av e&oKovv LKavol eu>at TrXotcu irapa-cr^lv 2 dp/cowra 3 rf) 2 orparta. /caXeVazres oSi/ rou? 7T/3ecr/8et5 cruvefiovXev- OVTO, /cat y^iovv* "EXX^i/a? ot'ra? ""EXX^cri rourw TT/aw- roi/ KaXai Se^ecr&u rw evi^ovs re clvat /cat ra /Se'Xrtorra Hecatonymus, pointing out the difficulties of a journey by land, advises them to proceed by sea. 3 'Avaoras Se 'E/carw^v/xo? irpuTov JJLCV aTr-t\oyr\cra.To 5 Trept ov e'nrev o>9 TOJ> Ila^Xayo^a <$>L\OV TTOITJCTOWTO, ort ov^ ^^ rots EXX^crt TroXeya^cro^raj^ cr(f)ojv etTrot, dXX' ort, lbv 6 rot? j3ap/3oipoL<; ^>tXov? elz/at, rov? "EXXi^i/as aipTJy, ravavria. avrr) yap 17 tepa (rufxpouXi] 7 Xeyo/xeV^ et^at So/cet /xot Trapeu'at * z^vi' yap S^ av p.ei' eS crv/z/3ovXevo"a? (jiavoj, TToXXot 6Yepa, /cat TreSta- /cdXXtora /cat 0/317 ui/r^Xdrara. /cat Ttpwrov fj.ev otSa ev#u. ravra Se /cat Set^at/At 6 aV, et /aot rtva fiovXtcrOe cru/ J t7re)ar//at. "*E7retra Se oI8a /cat TreSt'a WTa /cat linreCav 7 i^V 8 avrot ot /3apy8apot vojat^ouo~t /cpetrraj eivat aTrao*^? r^s ^SacrtXeoj? tTTTreta?. Kat I'vv OVTOL ov Trap-eyevovTO /3a- crtXet /caXovi^rt, dXXa /xetoi> <^povet 8 6 dp^otv avraiv. " Et Se /cat SwrjOelre ra re opr? /cXa//at 9 17 (f>6dcrcu 10 9 Xa^Sd^re? /cat eV ra> TreStoj Kparrjcrai n /xa^d^u.ei'ot rov? re tTTTrea? rot/rcof /cat Tre^ait' ^tvptdSa? TT\4ov rj 85 rptrov Se "AXv^, ou pelov 8uot^ o~Ta8totf, 6V ov/c ai/ ^tvvaicrOe dvev TrXotwi/ Sta/S^at * TrXota Se rt? * ' e ^>>12 ^* ov eX^otre aV, et rov "AXv^ Sta^at^re. eycu /Ltev oui^ ov YoXcmiyv v/ui> etz^at vo/xt^&j TT)^ Tropetav 10 dXXa TravrdTracrLv aBwarov. av Se TrXeTre ecrr/-^ 13 1 thefiyhters = to fight your way. 2 m;/s< 6s sa/rf, fr. \f-yca. /vsf n'here. 4 on c/fAer szWe o/?/'/f ronrf. 5 /cai-^x' /T s & ""a"" o\iyoi etc. 6 Sffavvfjii. ~ cavalry. 8 zs ovre Kara ddXaTTav OLTTOpia. ' TroXXa yap /cat TrXota eVrli/ iv e H/>a/cXeta." The Greeks resolve to proceed by sea if they can secure suf- ficient boats. 11 'ETTC! Se ravr' eXe^ei/, ot /-teV vTrdiTTTevov r^5 KopuXa Xeyetv ' /cat yap 771; Trpo^evos avrw ' 01 Se 2 /cat cJ? Saipa \iq\li6^evov 3 8ta r^v o-vfJL/3ov\r)i> TO.V- Trjv ' ot oe VTratTTTtvov /cat rovrov ei^eKa Xeyetv ws ju,7y, vre^Ty tdi^re?, rry^ 2ti>a>7re'aji> rt ^copav KCLKOV ipyd- OIITO. ot 8' ow ^EXXi^ves \lfr)Lcravro /caret ^aXarrai^ TiyP iropeiav 7Toteto~$at. 12 Mera raura ff,vo<^ * , ot /xei^ avSpts rjprjvTaL * Tiopeiav yv ovTO) Se c^et ' 6t ^tev TrXota eb-- o"^at /xeXXet t/cava a;? 6 apt^/Aa> 6 ef ^aSe, ^et? ai> TrXebt/xev ' et Se //.e'XXot/Aez' ot /cara-Xetv/iecr^at ot Se TrXeuo'eo'^at, ov/c a 13 et? ra TrXota. ytyvwo'/coyaei' yct/3 ort OTTOV ftei' ai/ /cpa- , $vi>a.LfJL60 y av /cat o"cjeo'#at /cat ra eVtr^Seta et Se' TTOU rjTTOvs 7 rail/ OVW >>^ '^ or) ort ei^ avopaTrooajv 'A/covcra^re? raura ot Stt'WTret? e'/ce'Xevov ire^Treiv Trpe- u o~)8et9. /cat 7re)a7rouo-t KaXXt/xa^ov 'Ap/caSa /cat 'Apt- 'AOrjvcuov /cat 2a/ioXai/ 'A^atov. /cat ot 1 thence. 2 sc. 6ir(5irTuov. 8 AajujSeffw. * o/pf'w. * = fi(rre. * aptOncp 'iva n^, not one. in number = not a sinrjte individual. ~ ^rrovtt (cafrfj) worse t/mn, inferior to. * \a/j.@dvw, in the sense of Jind. BOOK V. CHAP. VI. 277 While the army is waiting at Cotyora, Xenophon thinks the circum- stances opportune for founding a colony; his purpose is thwarted by Silanus. 'Ez/ Se TOVTO) rv 'EXX^^cat', opaWt Se /cat TreXraoTag TToXXoug /cat ro^drag /cat o'c^ei'So^Tag /cat tTTTre'ag Se /cat /AaXa 77877 Sta TT)Z> Tpiptiv 1 t/ca^ov?, wra? S' eV rw vra), eV^a ov/c av 0,77' oXtyai^ ^p^/Ltarw^ TocravTTj Trap-eaKevdcrOrj., KaXov avroj 2 eSo/cet et^at /cat /cat Svva/u-tt' r^ 'EXXaSt irpo(T-KTTJ(ra(r6aL TrdXtt' KaT-oiKLcravTas- 4 /cat yeveV^at ai^ avra> e'Sd/cet ^aeyaXi^., 6 ie Kara-XoYi^ofjieva) 6 TO re avrSiv 77X^05 /cat rov? irept- oncovvras TOI' ndvToi/. /cat eVt rourot? ' e'^vero 7rpu> rtvt etTretv ra>^ crrpartwraJt' StXa^ot' Trapa/caXeVa? TOI/ Kvpov ^a.vnv yevo^evov rov > AjLt7rpa/ctcr7i7^. 6 Se StXa- 17 vog SeStoi? /XT) yeVrjrat ravra /cat KaTafxeCin] TTOU 17 (TTpana., e'/c<^epet 8 et? ro crrparev/xa Xdyo^ 8 ort He^o- (^ajv ySovXerat /carajaetvat TT)^ crrpariaLV /cat TrdXtz/ ot/ct- crat /cat eai^-&> oi/o/z,a /cat ovvapiv Trpi-'iroiTJ(ra(r6aL. 9 avro? S' 6 StXavos e^8ouXero ort ra^tcrra et? TT)^ is EXXaSa a(t/ce'cr$at ' ou? 10 yap Trapa Kvpov eXaySe Sapet/cov? ore ra? Se'/ca rfftepa? rjXrjOevcre n Kvpa), St-eo~eo~w/cet. 12 rwv Se crTpaTicoTaiv, 19 eVet qKovcra.v, rot? /xeV e'Sd/cet ySe'Xrtcrrov etz/at Kara- , rot? Se TroXXot? ov. 1 efficient by practice. 2 added because e'So/cet is far removed from Efj'o- (J)UVTI. 3 vpoa-KTaofjiai, acquire additional x^P -" etc. 4 by founding, fr. (car- ouctfa, found. 5 agrees with irdAjy. 6 reckon. 7 wvYA reference to //'*. 8 fKffifpti \6yof, spreads a report. 9 win for himself. w o6s . . . SapeiKovs. See Introd. 82 (3), (eud). " oArjeeuw, here = te// ndi/TOj y8ov- Xerat yap 'Bevocfrojv KOL 17^x0,? Trapa/caXet, CTretSat' 20 ra TrXota, rore eiirelv e^atc^^? r^ crr/saxta, vvv /aev 6pa)fj,ev 17/110.9 aTTopov? 3 oi^ra? /cat eV ra> diro- irXco 4 exeti/ ra eVtrifSeta /cat ot/caSe aTreX^ot'Tag ovf)V7)S av eVt-Trecrotre. Tfirough Timasion the Greeks are offered money on condition of their speedy departure. 21 'A/covcravre? raura ot e/JiTropoi a.TnjyyeXXov rat? TToXecrt * (rvv7Tfji^)e S' avrot OVTOJV, Xeyet rctSe" 1 merchants. 2 fc-vop/fw, provide. * un7}/x(. e irpoffTartco, manaye. 7 q/ler receiving. 8 assembly. BOOK V. CHAP. VL " Ou Set Trpoa-e^eiv 1 fi>oi>fj, u> oVS/ae?, ovSe r>J? 'EXXa- 80? ovSeV Trepl TrXetWos 7roteto~$at. a/cova> Se' Tti>as dvecrOai eVt TOVTOJ ovS' v/xti> Xe'yoz/ras. v-mcr^yov^iai 23 Se v/xtz', az> e'/c-TrXe'^re, 0,776 voujiTjvias 2 u.i(r0o<{>opdv 3 Trap-eZew Ki)iKT|v6v 4 e/cacrra) rou /XT^I/O? Kal a ets r^ TpojaSa, evBev /cat et/At ^vya?, /cat i vfj.lv r) efjLrj TrdXt? * e/coiTes yap /xe Se^o^rat. i^y^cro/xat 24 Se avro? eyco v9ev TToXXa ^/a^/xara X^ecr^e. e/^Tretpos Se etyat r^ 1 ? AtoXtSo? /cat r^5 Qpvyias /cat rrj? TpwaSos /cat 777? c&apva/Bd^ov dpx*)'* TracrTy?, TO, ftet' 5 Sta TO Ki-0V eu>ai, ra Se 5 Sta ro (Twea-TpaTevaQaL iv avry crvv KXeap^w re /cat Aep/cuXtSa." 'A^acrra? av#tpa [6 Botci/rto?], o? Tre/at err/oar^- 23 yta? He^o(/)oj^Tt e'/ota^ero, e^Ty, et e'^eX^otev e'/c row IIoV- rov, ecrecr^at aurot? Xeppovrjcrov ^copav Ka\r)v Kal euSat/xova wcrre [e^etvat] TOJ /8ovXo/xeV&> eV-ot/cet^ ? TO> Se /x?) ySovXo/xeVw aTTteVat ot/caSe. y ^^ ov6 ^^ eli^at ev r^ 'EXXaSt ovcrrjs ^wpa? TroXX^? /cat d06vov iv ry r> n ' ' 1 it * o* * i ^i>^ ' pappapaiv /xacrreveti'. ecrre o av, ^917? e/c et yei^- 26 o"^e, /caya> Kaffdirep Tt/xacrtcuv VTTtcr^^ovttat v/xtv r^ iu(r@o(f>opdv." ravra Se eXeyei* etSco? a Ttaacrtwi^t ot 'Hpa/cXeairat Kat ot St^coTret? uTTtcr^voupro wcrre 77;e conduct of Xenophon called in question ; his answer. *O Se Hei'onrt/>/ . . . part/i/. 6 ridiculous, it. yt\cas. "' desire earnestly (to live, sc. evowcetv). b privately. 280 ANABASIS. rf)<; fJLovfjs [/r) Koivov|JLvov l Trj crr/aarta], et? 8 Se TO KOLVOV fnrj^ev ayoptvtiv Trepl TOVTMV. a)o~T yva/yKcicrdr) i 6 Eei>o dva-crTrjvat, Kal eiireLv raSe' 28 " 'Eyw, tu disSpes, Bvopai /xeV w? opare oVoo-a SvVa- /cat V7re/j vfJLatv /cat UTTC^) IjjLavrov OTTW? raura rvy- /cat Xeyw^ /cat vow^ /cat TrpdrTuv onola /xeXXet re /caXXtcrra /cat apicrra. ecrecrBai /cat e/x,ot. /cat eBvofj^rjv Trepl avrov TOVTOV el o.^ivov irj ap^e- cr^at \eyeiv et? v/xa? /cat Trpa.TTf.iv Trepl TOVTMV r] TfavTa- 29 Tracrt 6 ^Se aTfTecrOai rou Tr/aayyaaro?. 2tXai>os 8e' /not 6 fj,dvTis aTre/c/nVaro TO ^tev /xeyto'TO^, 6 Ta tepa /caXa eti/at ' ^ et y^/ 3 Kct ^ ^^ ^" c oLTreipov ovra. Sta TO det irapelvai Tot? iepols' eXee Se 6Vt eV Tots te/aot? (^>at- VOLTO Tt? 86Xos 7 /cat eTn/3ov\r) e/xot, w? a/aa yty^wcr/cw^ ort avros eTrefiovXeve StaySaXXeti' /xe 71/305 v/>ta?. e^- TjveyKe* yap TOV \6yov w? eyai TrpaTTeiv TOLVTO. Sta- 30 vooifji'rjv r)$r] ov 7reto~a5 v/xa?. eyw 8e et /iei> edtpwv diropovvTas v/xas, TOVT' 9 ai^ ecTKOTrovv d ^817, TOV 8e /Lt^ /3ovXo/zei/ov, 10 eTret /cr^VatTO t/cava 31 wore /cat TOV? eai^ou ot/cetov? w^eX^a'at Tt. eTret Se /cat TO, TrXota Tre/XTro^Ta? Hpa/cXea>Tas Kai WCTTC e'/CTrXett*, /cat [jLLcrBbv VTrta'^vov/xeVov? 13 aVSpa? aTro vov/x^vta?, /caXoi^ yxot So/cet etvat 12 ev^a /8ouXojae$a picrdov TTJS eviropias lc \ap./3dveLv, /cat auros T Travo/xat e'/cetV^s T^? StavoCas, 14 1 Koiv&ofjia.i, rriinmitniraff. 2 a/jrf (going) //o f/i? />iili/ic (council or assembly) yopeueji'). 3 d/o7/ci^a). * = //(/ / //ortance (namely). 7 fraud. 8 fr. tK-tpfpa, as in 6 17 . 9 TO/TO . . . i(^' o5 etc., //rev ^TTOVCJJV ' 8ta- cr7racr#eWe rjv-ei^ovTO, aAA. ^TretAow airrw oTt et A7yi/;o^Tat a?ro- StSpdo'/coi'Ta, TT)V St/c^i^ e7rt-^o~ote^. ivTtvOev evret 35 iiyviDcrav ot 'Hpa/cXecuTat OTt e/CTrXetp' SeSoy/AeVov 6117 /cat Hei'o^wi' auro? e77-ei|n7^)t/cw? 07, TO. ^e^ TrXota 7re)u,7rovcrt, v ? v ' 12 dt/ 13 m ' v /^' Ta oe '%P r )f Jt ' aTa a VTrecr^o^TO 1 t/xacriam /cat r)aj^a/ct e'i//evo-/xeVot T^o-av [T^? /Atcr^o^opa?] . evTavOa 8e e/c- 36 14 " /cat e'SeStcra^ 10 Tr)^ r<- /'x a/so etc. 4 8J dv-f'xo/xoi. n aTri\6a>. 12 as ?o ///e money for wayes (TTJJ /j.iffdo(popa.s) which etc., or t*ta-0o 282 ANABASIS. eVpaTTOi>, TraVres 8' yo~ai> TT\r)v Neiwvos TOV os Xetptcro xiir-torTpaT^'Yei, 1 Xetptcro, eVet TrXota eart, /cat /cara-cr^et^ TT^ 37 xupav. ALTJTOV 8e taSoOs 3 ervy^ave fiacnXevcov avrwv. tiei>o(j)(t)v Se aTre/c/atVaro ort ov$ev av TOVTOJV etTrot et? r^ orrpaTidv " v/xet? Se (ruXX.e^at're?," 6^)17, " et y8oi- , Xeytre." Ivravda. a,7ro8et/cvvrat Tt/xacrtcuv 6 avu? yvto[)sr}v ou/c KKXTjs avrov KacTTov b Xo^ayou? Trpwrov vretpacr^at 7ret'#etz/. /cat ravr' ciroww. The report that Xenophon intends to lead them back to Phasis causes discontent. \ VII. Tavra ow ot crr/aartwrat av-eirvOovTO raparTO- (jLeva. Q /cat 6 Neiwv Xeyet a5? Hevo<^wi' di/a-TreTret/cai? 7 row? dXXovs (rr/aar^you? 8ta-^oetrat ayeiv TOU? crrpa- 2 rtwras e^aTrar^cra? 8 TraXiv et, /cat cruXXoyot tyiyvovro /cat /cv/cXot 9 (Tw-ia-TavTOy /cat /.taXa tfroftepol 10 ironjaeioiv ola /cat row? rw^ KoX^wi^ KijpvKas /cat TOW? a/yopavdn-ous * 12 [ocro* />t^ etg TT)V BaXarrav 3 Karecjivyov Kar-eXevcrOrjcrai'. 13 e?ret Se rjcrOdveTO Hei^o- , eSo^ev avrw a5? ra^tcrra crw-ayayeti' avroiv dyopaV) /cat /XT) e'acrat crvXXeyTyi'at avro/xarov? ' /cat 4 e/ce'Xevcre ro^ KijpvKa cruXXe'^at ayopaV. ot 8* eTret rov KTJPVKOS r)Kovcrav, (ruve'Spafxov 14 /cat /LtaXa erot/xajg. 1 be a lieutenant. 2 itnpcnted (impers.). 8 grandson, fr.vlils. * ca// an assembly. 5 fKacrrov TTftpavBai etc. 6 ic/ng agitali <1 . "' 6.va-irtlQo>. 8 ^-airoTtfw, deceive. 9 = ijrou/>ft (of soldiers). 10 wSe Xenophon, replying, shows how groundless is the report and closet with a hint at an evil beginning to manifest itself in the army, riva Sta/SaXXeti/, do-ti/. d/couo-are /xou TTOO? Oewv, Kal lav /AeV e'ycii (au>w/u,at dSt/ceu>, ov ^/3^ yxe eV^eVSe drreXdelv trplv OLV 8o3 2 ^LKTTJV' av 8' vjMtv (^atVwvrat d8t/cei^ ot e'/ae Sta/SaXXoire?, OT^TCO? < ^/l * v /" 3 o /> vi ^r v 4 auroi? -^prjorue axnrep CL^LOV. v/xet? oe, 6917, tore g 1^X105 di/tcr^et /cat OTTOU Sverat, /cat ort e'ai> rt? ?, TovfJL7ra\Lv 5 7rpo5 ea>. ecrrtv oui/ oo-rt? rovro 3 ai^ Svi^atro v/xa? e'^aTrar^crat w? i^Xto? evOev 7 /xev avicr^ei, Sverat 8e eVrav^a, eV^a Se Sverat, dj/to~^et 8' evrevOev ; dXXa 7 /x^ /cat TOVTO ye eVtcrrao'^e ort ySopea? /LteV ew rou Ilo^rou et? r^ 'EXXctSa (^epet, VOTOS 8 Se eto-a> et? dcrti/, /cat Xeyerat, oraj^ /3oppa? HVCQf oJ? /caXot irXoi 9 eto-ty et? r^ 'EXXctSa. rovr' ou^ eb~rti' OTTOJ? rt9 ai^ v/xct? > / ' >o' * ' ' ' '\\ V 10 ega7rar7yo~at ajo"re e/x-pati/etv OTTOTO.V i/oro? TT^er^ ; aAA.a yap oTTorav ya\^\\n\ 11 fi e'/x-ySt^8ai. 12 OVKOVV eyai /ie^ eV 8 ei^t vrXota) TrXeucro/xat, u/xet? Se rovXct^to"ro^ 13 ei/ e/carov. TTW? ay ov^ e'yai 17 ^lOLcrai^v u/xd? o^y e'yu,ot irXett' JU,T) /3ouXo//.eVov5 ij e'^aTrar^'o-a? dyot/xt ; Troto) u 8* v/ict? 9 /cat -- lo 1 speak against. 2 S/Saijui. 8 ifjJf (&TTII/). 4 oT8a. 5 (8f? Top i' etc. 6 roCro, cog. ace. = ^Ai/s. " Pointing to the west. 8 so;/^ wi'nef . 9 fr. irXjos, sailing, fr. irAe'w, sa(7. 10 dAAa, 6u^ (you are still suspi- cious perhaps) for etc. u a ca/m. 12 fn-pt/Bdfa, cause to embark. 13 = rb ov. 14 /ef we (make it ) assume that you etc. 15 yo-QTeixa, bf.tvitch. 284 ANABASIS. ' /cat 877 diro-paCvo|JLV etcr(r0e on OVK ev rf) 'EXXdSt ecrre' /cat eyai jjv, OTL eya) vfy vpwv rt/xw^tat. /catrot ou ot/cata>s y' di' /aot (frOovolev ' riven yap avrwv eya) 17 Xeyeiv et rt9 rt dyadbv Swarat eV vfj.lv., 17 et rt? e^eXet vrrep VJJLWV re /cat ear/roi), 17 typrjyope- vai Trept r/? v/xerepa? Tt 7 yctp, ap^ovras aipovfj, et/xt ; irap-C^fJii, 8 dp^eraj ' povov dyadov rt iroioiv v/xd? Tt 7 yctp, ap^ovras aipovfj,evajv v^v, eyta TLVI 11 " 'AXXd 9 yO/ '^10*'^'l > 1^ * * "11 ei oe Tt? vfJLiov rj avros t;a.TTaTr)UTr)i>ai av oterat ravra .2 17 aXXov [e^a7rar^o-at 12 ravra], \4ywv 8t8ao-/cerw. 6Yai> 8e Tovrwi/ clXis I3 0-17x6 otoi/ 15 6/3oi eV 777 crr/Darta '* 18 \ f< cr 17 " et e7r-eto-t /cat ecrrat otoj^ viro-otLKVuo-LV, wpa y8o[Jieda /cat 7rpo/< (110 more) /or. J|J u/ioi* offTaj ^ etc. J1 in ///? matters. } - could deceive another. 18 enouijh. 14 Translate as inijif-rativc. 15 ofo/ irpay/xa. 1(i comes /;o;i '/s. 1T sAows somewhat. Jb (K(\fvov, sc. ourJv, i.e. Xenophou. BOOK V. CHAP. VII. 285 Xenophon sets forth the folly of resorting to violent measures in dealing with the inhabitants. irov on ^wpta TJV iv Tot? opeo~t /3a/3- Tot? Kepao"owTtot?. o6ev Kar-iovres Tti'e? /cat tepeta 1 errwXovv 2 r\\^lv Kal aXXa (bv ei^ov : 8o/coucrt Se' /not /cat v/xwt' Ttz/e? 3 ei? TO e'yyvrdTcu ^a>pLov TOVTOJV s a.yopdcravT<; TL iraXiv direXOelv. TOVTO Kara- u KXeapero? 6 Xo^ayo? ort /cat fjLLKpov eirj /cat d(u- \O.KTOV 8ta 4 TO eTvy^a^oi/ ot T6<;, KCLL eV#e/z>O5 et TI ot^eo"$at e^w TOU IIovTou. /cat TavTa avTa> ot e/c TOT) vrXotov crvcrKrjvoi., cJ? e'ycu */w alcrOdvofJiai. Trapa/caXe'cra? ovi^ OTTOCTOV? eTrei^ez' 16 eTTt TO ^(apiov. iropevofjievov 8' avrov (^Odvei ? yevo/xeVi7, 8 /cat crv-crTaz/Te? 9 ot dvOpomoi avro TOTTOJV /^aXXo^Te? 10 /cat Tratoi'Te? TOV re KXea- aTTOKTewovcTL /cat TWJ> dXXwv o^^vou?, ot 8e Tt*>etet5 Set)/)' e'^-wp^tw/^ev 17 Tre^ * TW*> 8e TrXeovToj^ ert Ttz/e? ^o-ai> eV Kepao-ovirrt, ovna) d^y/xe'vot. 12 jLteTa TOVTO, to? ot Kepao~ovz/Ttot Xeyovcrti>, ac^t/cvovvTat Toiv e/c TOV ^wptou Tpet? ^ ,19\\ \14\ -ycpaLTepcav Trpo? TO KQIVQV TO 1 catt/e (originally for sacrifice). 2 usec? fo se//. 3 sowie of you also sef.m etc. 4 because (the people) supposed etc. 5 -ropBtca, plunder. 6 Sta-poew, intend. ~ ru-(r(CTji'os, tent-mate, comrade. 8 cominq, overtakes. 9 assembling. 10 hurling (missiles). 1J some few. ''- aj'-(7o / uai, se/ satV. 13 (^e'pwi'), rather elderly men. :4 public (assembly). 286 ANABASIS. 18 eX#eii>. eVel 8* 17/010,9 ou KaT-eXafiov, 1 TT/JO? Tovg Kepa crowTtov? eXeyoz> on #av/xdotez/ rt 17/^1^ So^ete^ e'X#et& eV avTOv?. eVet /zeVrot cr^et? Xeyetv, 2 et^acrav, 6Vt OUK 0,770 KOII/OU yeVotTO TO Trpayp,a, ^Seo^at re aurou? /cat jute'XXeti/ eV#dSe TrXett', to? 3 17^1^ Xe'^at ra yevo^va Kal rovs veKpovs KeXevew 4 avrou? OaiTTTeiv \a/36vTaV OTrXo>j et;ai(f>vr)<; aKovofjiev 0opv(3ov TroXXov, ^ITate Trate, jSdXXe /3dXXe/ /cat Ta^a Sr) opajpev 7roXXov9 irpo '10 ^^TT ' O\\ 22 ajraLpovfievovs. /cat ot /aev Kepao"ov^Ttot, ws OT) /cat TO Trap' eavTot? Trpay/xa, Scuraprcs 0,770- 77/305 TO, TrXota. ^cra^ Se ^ Ata /cat rjfjiwv n 23 ot e*Seto"ai>. eyw ye /XT)V rjj\6ov 77/305 OVTOV? /cat rjpaTojv OTt eVrt TO 77pay/Lta. Twv 12 Se ^crav /xe^ ot ovSet ^Seo-a^, o/xcus Se Xt^ov? etxov e^ Tats ^e/acrtV. eVei Se etSort 13 TIPI eV-eVu^oi/, Xeyet ftot OTt ot ayopa.v6fj.oL Ifind. 3 for inf. see 947. 1524. 67i,N. when, however, they (the Cerasuntines) assured them that the affair was not by public authority, they (ol liepaffo^vrioi) reported that etc. 8 = wore. * /ce\ei)etv ayroi)s Xa/36vras Bdirrtiv TOI)S ttKpotis. 6 Tvxtiv depends on <acra.v above. 8 = S?rot oJ fidpfiapoi (= oi irp^a"rrp rj crvo? dypiov rj e\d(f>ov (fravevTOS levrac ITT" avrov. " Ot S' au Ke/3ao~ovVrtot a5g etSoi^ op/xaji^rct? Ka^' 25 avrovg, cra^>a)5 vo^L^ovr^ eVl cr^>a? tecr^at, (j>evyov(TL 8/30/xa) /cat e/A-TrtVroucrt^ ets r^ ^aXarrav. cruv-iT Q ' /37** li.t out' ravra rotavra eorat, c/eacracrc/e ota "^ ecrrat TT? crrpartag. u/xet? /xei' ot 2: TrdVre? 9 ou/c ecre a/covo~at ra^ Trpo? u/za? toi/rwv. evretra 28 Se ous yu,ev at' v/^et? aTratre? eX^o-^e 12 dp^ovras, eV ovSe/xta ^wpa 13 ecroi/rai, ocrrt? 8e av iavrov (rrparriyov /cat lde\r) \4yeiv ' BaXXe ygaXXe/ ouro? ecrrat /cat dp-^ovTa Kara.Ka.vdv 14 /cat tSiwrrp ov ai^ eOeXy aKptrov, 15 17^ tucrti/ ot Tretcro/Lie^ot 16 avrw, /cat i/Cf eyeVero. ofa Se vyatv /cat 8ta-7T7T/)a^acrtr 29 ot av9aipTot 17 ovrot or paTrjyol cr/ce//acr^e. a rusA, fr. ?TJ^C. 8 TV^W, rAoie, drown. * after itrta-rd- Hfvos. 5 as to these (men). 6 sowe madness. " behold, consider. 8 con- (fttio*. 9 of irtfin-fs, ^Ac tc^o/e 6orfy. 10 Icreo-fle /cupjoj, ^ore authority. 11 prevent you from hearing the proposals etc. 12 2 a. of a = -xrc/yv. 15 without a trial. 16 vtiOt 17 self -chosen. 288 ANABASIS. fj,v 6 dyopaz^o/xo? el /xei> dSt/cet v/xd?, ot^erai a ov Sow? v[j,lv St/oii/ * et Se /XT) dSt/cet, /xoVot? /xeV rail/ 'EXA.Tp'ow et? Kepao~ovVra /XT) ao~(aXe? el^at /AT) Ts s eKeXevov TOZ/TOV? SieTrpd^avTO /xr^Se crw ioipuKt(o 4 ert rt? ya/D e^eXifo*et Krjpv & levou, Kijpv- /ca? aTT-e/crop'w? ; 6 dXV ^/tet? KepacrovvTLuv Qd^cu avrou? e'Se^'^/Ae^. Ci T?' ^ f \ ** * c* / / 7 e 31 lu />tev ow ravra /caXw? e^ei, oogarw v/xtv, ti/a, o5? ToiovT(DV ecrofjievtov, /cat (j>v\aKr)v tSta TTOLtjcrr) Tt? /cat 8 rd epvjJLvd 9 v-rrepSe^ia Tretpdrat e^w^ v dXXd /XT) dv0pa>7rcov et^at \ > * -\ ' 10 5^> ra rotavra epya, o~/co7retre iravXav rt^a avrw et Se /XT^ ? 7rpo? Ato? ira>? T^ ^eot? BvcrofMev T^Sea;? re? epya dcre/8^, 11 17 TroXe/xtot? TTCU? /xa^ou/xe^a, 33 dXXT^Xov? KaTa-KaLva)fJLev ; TrdXt? Se ^>tXta rt? T^ Several, Tjfrts a^ opa rocravrrjv dvo[iiav 12 eV ^^^' v < > /3 ^13* ^^ ' ayopav oe rt? aget uappwv, i\v nept ra /xeytora rotavra 14 |-a|JLapTdvovTS ^>at^w/xe^a ; ou lo Se ST) TrdvraiV oto/xe^a rev^eo-^at eTraCvou, 16 rt? az/ r//xd? rotovrou? oWa? fTraivtcreiev ; Ty/xet? /xet yap otS' ort av at rov? ra rotavra TrotouVra?. 1 Cf. S-8ioi. z effected (hronght it about) ^r/^ /> 's no/ s^/e /or //ov a/one etc. 8 2 a of KOTO Ka'tvtv = -KTtivai. * a herald's wand. See Introd. 92. 6 a* a herald. 6 2 pf. of airo-itrtlw. 7 /e< /V see/n 7oo(/ fo yo = so resohe. 8 col (7ra) Tf ipnrai ffKTjvovv txcav etc. 9 strongholds high on the right, pointing no doubt to bills mis 12 lau-lessness. 13 =: confidently, fr. Bappiu. u cog ace., so. ouaprv/ wara. 16 -/i^ re (meaning in Greece). praise. 17 Qalrjmv (Q-nn() rot" irooCj/ras etc. BOOK V. CHAP. VIIL 289 Resolutions are passed; disobedience is to be punished; court of inquiry is instituted. 'E/c TOVTOV av-i TOVTOJV ap^avras* Sowat 81/071;,, TOV Se XoiTrov e-eu>ai az/ojoua? a/o^at ' eav Se' ns dp^-rj, ayecr#at avrot"? eVt 0ava.T(p' rov? Se crrpar^you? eis St/cas 8 Tra^ra? KaTa-o'T'rja'cu, ' elvan Se SiKas 4 /cat et n aXXo rt? ^81^17x0 e^ ov Ku/905 aTT0av ' SiKaorrds 5 Se TOVS eVotr^crai/ro. Trap-aivovvros 8e Hevo^xw^ros 3.' /cat TWJ/ jLovTa)i> crvxovevo^TGj^ eoe Kaai 8 TO /cat e'yeVero Kadap|ids. 7%e generals tried. VIIL v ESoe 8e /cat rov? crT/aarTyyous St/ci^i/ xnro-\ 9 /cat sav0iK\r)<; r^5 <^>uXa/c^? rail/ TO |iio)[ia et/cocrt jat'a?, So^att'eTO? 8e', OTI 10 . . . Kar^jjitXci, 11 Se/ca /x^a?. Sevo^wi^TO? Se Karriyoprja-dv Ttves d(TKOvre<; Trate- o-^at VTT' avTou /cat cos vftp^ovTos rrjv KaTrflopiav ^ CTTOtOV^TO. Xenophon, charged with having struck a soldier, makes hi$ defence. Kat o Elevoojv ejceXevcrez/ etTreu/ TO/ Trpojrov Xe^avra i TTOV /cat 1 Me ringleaders in these matters. 2 ^>r the future = rb Xotirrfj'. 8 = a// (such offenders) fo frvaZ. 4 fAa? ^ere 6e Zna/s tn case an// one etc. 5 judges. * fr. Ka.6a.ipia. purify. 7 inr-exa, undergo a trial. 8 sc. TWC err partly lav 8//C7JC. 9 fr. 6\i, condemned to pay, for their (careless) custody of the ships' cargoes t the dejicicncy, (namely) etc. 10 sc. commander of the transports, cf. 3 1 . 11 KaT-oueA'tu, 6e careless w accusation. - 3 \fjTTw. *trike. 290 ANABASIS. 'O Se d-Tre/cptVaTO, " "Onov /cat pt-yei l d7rwXXv/xe#a /cat ^L0)v TrXetcmj 77 1>." 3 O Se etTrez-', " AXXct f^r^v ^et/awi/d? ye oWopai- V o^w^ -OppLO-TOTCpos 4 eli/at, of? fyacriv VTTO r^5 v/3pea>r), " IK rti/o? 6 eVX^-y^?. TTorepov rfrovv 1 rt (re /cat CTret /xot ou/c eStSou? eVatov ; dXX' aTT-yrovv ; 8 aXXa 7re)t TratStKwp' 9 aadxevo? ; dXXa eOvo^v 10 ira- 5 'Evret Se TOVTCOI> ovSev ex^rycret', eTr-Tjpero O.VTOV et 6TTXIT6V01. 11 ov/c e^>T7 ' iraXiv et TT\Td^oi. 12 ovSe rovr' (77, dXX' T||ii-ovov 13 eXavvew ra^^etg VTTO TOJZ/ cri^ 6 crKTJvo)i> \ev6epos u>v. evTav6a S^ dz^a-yty^wcr/cet avrov \ f LtfTI U \ ? * * ' 15' /}> /cat i^pero, H crv et o rov /ca/xvoi/ra ayaywv ; x/ vf 1A \ A ft V I \ \ 5 / f \ O \ Nat /xa At , e^i; ' crv yap ^^ay/ca4es ra oe ran* efjitov crvcTKijvfov (TKevrj 8i-ppix};as." 7 " *AXX' ^ /xez/ 5idppix|/is/' e^ 6 Hez/o^w rt? e'yeVero. St-e'Scu/ca dXXot? ayeiv /cat e'/ce'Xevcra e'/xe ctTT-ayayeti', /cat a.TTO\af$a)V anavra era aTre'Saj/cd crot, eVet /cat crv e'/xot aTT-e'Set^a? 18 TOV d^Spa. oto*> Se TO TT/ody/xa e'yeVero d/covcrare," e^iy * " /cat yap */ IQ a^toi'. 8 u 'A.vr)p /car-eXetVero Std TO tt^/ceVt Svz^acr^at iropev- e ot/xat, TroXejatot ^/nu/ e'c^-etVoi'TO." T| * rovro 6 avOpwTros. " OVKOVV," (f>r) 6 Kevo^Mv, a eVet 7rpouVe//,i//ct 2 ere, 9 Ka.Ta\a[j./3dva) au#t? crvv rot? 6incr6o (360 pOV 3 OpUTTOITa* OJ9 KO.T-OpV^OVTO. b TOV l eVt-crra? cir-jpotw ere. eVet Se irap- r v * Aeyet? eooga? yap /xot etoort toiKtvai on (,?). it T f f " *J 'i^'ll ''/3 >\>/ It out'; e(pi7, "qrrov Tt aTreuavev, evret eyw o~ot n > 'O/"- >' '>^T.r N 12 ^ " vj j-rt i aTT-eoetga OLVTOV ; Kat yap T)/xet5, 917 o aevcxfxav, "' TrdWe? aTToSavov/jLeOa. ' TOVTOV ovv eveKa {wi/ra9 ly/xa? Set KaT-opv^Orji'aL ; " 5 rovrov 13 /zei/ av-eKpayov w? 6Xt- 12 ya, cu a^Spe?, 13 6/xoXoya> Tratcrat S^ at-Spa? eVeKev dra^ta? ocrotg 15 o~a;ecr$at /otev rjpK6L St' vpwv iv ra^et re IOVTWV /cat ' " 5 / >^lfiC'^\' v 'i** /Lta^o/xei/aji/ OTTOV oeot, ar^-ot oe XtTrovreg ra? raget? n-po-Oeovres dpTrd^tw 11 r)0e\ov /cat ^/xwi^ TrXeofe/crett'. 18 et Se TOVTO Traz/re? eVotov/Ae^, aVai'Te? av a7ra>Xo/xe^a. ^817 Se /cat |iaXaKi^6|jLv6v 19 rtva /cat ou/c eWXozra ai^- 14 LO~Tao~uaL aXXa Trpoi^evov avrov rot? vroXe/uitot? /cat eVatcra /cat e'/^tacra^t' Tropevecrda.1. eV yap rw t 1 assented to. - irpo-irsytiira). 3 /JtV. * rf/<7. 5 6ry. 6 ' v EK TovTOv 2 /cat aXXoz>, OTTOTC t8ot/u KaOiq^evov Kal /8Xa/ceuovTa, TyXawoi/ * TO yap KivelcrOai /cat avpi- 6ep|ia(riav 3 rt^a /cat \cypoTTjTa, 4 TO Se /cat ^crv^tav ^X eLV ttopuv vTrovpybv 5 oi/ TO) 6 TO atjAa 7 /cat T&> aTrocn7recr0aL 8 TOU? 8a/CTvXov5, aTre/3 TroXXov? /cat v/xetg is a *AXXoi> Se ye to~a>5 aTroXetiro/aevoV TTOU Sta pao-rco Kat /ccoXuoi'Ta /cat v/^a? rov? TrpocrBev /cat ^/xa? TOU? OTrtcr^ev iropevecrOai eVato"a irv|, 10 OTTW? /u,^ ^-oyx?? ^ 77 17 TWV TroXe/xtajt' TratotTO. /cat ya/> ouv ^{)^ e^ecmv avTot? crojOelo'Lv, et Tt VTT' e^tov CTraBov Trapa TO St/catot', Si'/ayi/ Xa/3etv. et 8' e?rt Tot OTOV 12 //e.N^ j>yi i ' \ ' 13' v >> /J" 18 ATrXovs /xot, e e/coXao~a Ttva, a^ta> VTT-e^et^ 14 $iKr)v olav /cat yoz/et? vtot? /cat 8tSacr/caXot Tratcrt' /cat yap ot larpol KOLOVCTL 19 /cat TCJIVOIHTIV 15 eV ayaOu) ' et 8e v/3/oet vo\^itf.ri pe ravra Trpdrreiv, IvOv/jLTJOrjre oVt w^ e'yw Oappw crvv Tot? 6eols fjiaXXov rj rare /cat 0pao~vTp6s et/xt z^G^ 17 TOT /cat otvoz^ 7rXeta> TTtVw, aXX' o/aw? ovSeVa Tratw ' 20 eV v8a 16 yap 6pa> u/aa?. oVai' Se ^et/Ltaj^ >) /cat OaXaTTa. /xeyaXT; eVt^epr/Tat, ov^ opdre on /cat vev- jiaros 17 ftdvov eVe/ca ^aXevratVet /Ae> irpcopcvs 18 Tot? eV 1 7 learned that I rose etc. 2 hereupon. 3 warmth. 4 moisture, pliancy. 6 helpful. 6 com/fa/. ~ hi nod. 8 mortify. 9 /ore of ease, indolence. 10 with the fist. u oSrws ftfya, = however great. 12 /or which. |:i ;/(y defence. 14 ,9/fe satisfaction. 15 c<. 16 ./zwe iceather, j. e. in security. 17 noc/. 18 lookoutman. BOOK V. CHAP. VIII. 293 pa, 1 xaXeTratVet Se Kupepvi]TT|s 2 rots iv irpvjJLirg ; 3 LKO.VCL yap eV rw rotovrw /cat piKpa dfjiaprrjOevra TrdVra o-uv-tm-rpitl/cu. 4 6Vt Se St/catws eVatoi/ avrou? /cat 5 21 u/xets KaT-8iKd(raT e^oi/re? ^(77, ou x|/rjous ? 6 irape- crrare, /cat e'^rjz/ v/xu' emKoupeiv ' aurots, et e'/3ovXecr#e ' dXXd /zd Ata ovre rovrot? eTreKovpelre ovre crvv e/xot TOI^ aTaKToi)vTa s eVatere. roiyapovv |o\xriav 9 ITTOLTJ- 22 > ^ */>'* '^ 10'' T crare rot? /ca/coi? avrwv vppiL.eiv ecot'Te? avrov?. otjaat ya/), et e^eXere crKOTreiv, rou? aurovs evprfo 're /cat Tore /ca/acrrov? /cat i^C^ v/3ptcrrorarou?. " Bo'tcr/co? yovf 6 TrtiKT-qs J1 6 erraXo9 rore jaei> 81- 23 cos KcifjLvuv dcTTTtSa /x^ (^>epetv, j/vi/ Se, cu? d/coutu, TroXXou? 77877 aTro-Se'Su/cev. 77^ ovv 877'crere, TT)^ Se rj^epav d^-rjVere." /^>\\\ /VJ Cf/l '* > ' > AAA.a yap, ^977, uavfjia^a) ort et /xez; rtt't v/zwz/ a?r- 25 77^ #0/^77 f ? jaejai/T^cr^e /cat ou ctu, ;rarr/ o//l 13 ((rui/-6K-7ropi^ci>), helped to furnish. 17 sc. eVrt 18 M.'67'e recalling (his services). 19 came about. AOFO2 F. To end hostilities the ruler of Paphlagonia sends deputies to the Greeks, who give them a hospitable reception. 1 'E/c TOVTOV Se ev rfj Siarpipirj 1 ot /aeV OLTTO r^s dyo- pa<; el^ojv, ot Se /cat \rjt ) 6^evoi e/c TrjXay6Ves ev /xaXa TOU r^ crr/aarta /SovXevo~otvro, cVt 4 Se eSe^ovro avrov? * Trayoe/cciXecra^ Se /cat TCU^ 4 aXXwz/ dvSpojv ou? e'Sd/covi' St/catordrov? et^at. 6va~av- T? Se /3ov9 raij' at^yw,aXa>rwv 6 /cat dXXa lepela v, /cara/cet)ae^oi Se , /cat tmvov e/c KcparCvwv 8 iroT-qpCwv, 9 ots eV eV T 1 delay (at Cotyora). 2 s. (294) BOOK VI. CHAP. I. 295 And after the banquet perform national dances for their entertainment. 'Eire! Se crTroj/Scu re ty&ovro /cat eVatdVtcrai>, dve&Tij- 5 crav irptoTov /xeV @pa/ce erepoi/ Traiet, oJ? iracriv e'So/cet [TreTrXryyeVat 4 rov aVSpa] ' 6 S' 6 eVccre rcxviKws 5 TTW?. /cat dv-Kpayov ol /cat 6 jnei/ (TK\)Xv(ras 6 TO, o?rXa TOU erepou 2traX/ca^ ' ' aXXot 8e TWZ> 0/3a/cc5i/ roi/ irapa-OefJitvos ra OTrXa 8 /cat ^e\)Yn^ aT ^ J1 TTV/C^O, Se crr/oe^o/xe^o? cus ^>o- , XTJO-TTIS 12 Se Trpocrep^erat ' 6 S' eVetSav irpo- t'Sr^rat, diravTa dpirdcras ra o?rXa /cat /uta^erat irpo TOU {euyous ' /cat ourot raur* ITTOLOVV iv pvOfJup Trpo? TOV auXdi/' /cat re'Xos 6 XI^CTTT)? Sr^tra? rov dv$pa [/cat] ro {euyos aTrayet* eVt'ore Se /cat 6 ^u-yTiXdTqs 13 TOI> krjcrTijv' etra Trapa rows /Sous eva? ouCo-to 14 ra* \etpe SeSe/xeVov e'Xawet. Mera TOUTO Mvcro? etcnjX&.v ei/ e/caTCpa rrj Tre'Xrryv, /cat rare 15 /xev cu? Suo '^ ^15^^' \^ < (up^etro, TOTC ot w pvB^ 77/309 roi' cvo- irXtov 5 pvOfJiov avXo\i|JLvoi 6 /cat eTratai/tcrav Kal (op^tj- cravro aicnrep iv rat? Trpo? rou? deovs TT/DocrdSot?, Se ot IIa(Xay6Ves Seti/a 7 eVotoui/ro Trao-a? ra? 12 'Evrl Towot? opwv 6 Mvo~os e/cTreTrX^y/xe^ov? aurov?, 7reto~a5 rwf 'ApKaSoj^ rtva TreTra/xeVoi' 8 6pXT| / / 10 ' ' ' '\ \ \ > /^ eto-ayet e^-o~Kevacra5 co? eovvaro KaXAto-ra Kat ao-TTtoa 13 Sou? Kov vroXu?, Kal ot Ila^Xayd^e? el Kal yu^atKe? crure/xa^ot'TO aurot?. ot 8' eXeyoi' ort aurat Kal at rpe^dfjievai elev /3acrtXea eK 14 rou crrparoTreSou. r^ /otez/ i/vKrl TOLVTT) TOVTO TO reXos ^4 treaty being concluded, the Greeks proceed by sea to Harmene, where Chirisophus joins them with one ship. 14 Try Se ixrrepaia Trpocrrlyov auTou? et? TO Kal eSo^e Tot? o-T/DaTtwrat? /AT/TC aStKet^ jLtT^Te aStKetcr^at. /aeTa TOVTO ot /aez^ TrpecrySe ot Se ^EXXTyz/e?, eVetSr) TrXota t/ca^a e'SoKet 1 Me Persian (dance). 2 clashing torjrther. 8 /r/// on one's knees. 4 following him. . u war-dance. 1-2 nimbly. 13 clapping. 14 cf. no 8 . BOOK VI. CHAP. L 297 eirXtov -r^^epav /cat vvK.ro. Trvev^ari /caXa> Iv dptorepa e^ovres rrjv Hac^Xayoi'tai'. r$- 8' aXXr^ d eV r tXi^crtw^ Se airoLKoi etcrtv. ourot Se rot? ^EXXr^crtv dX^traj^ /xev }i8i|xvo\)S 2 rpio"^i- Xtou?, olvov Se Kpd|iLa 3 ^tXta /cat Treira/cocrta. Kat Xetptcro^o? eVrau^a ?)X$e rpnjprj ^(DI>. /cat ot |aei> crrpartairat 7rpoo"-e8o/ca)v ayoi/ra rt cr^)tcrtf rjKeLv ' t &i ? \ S^' '' XX^^ 1 * ' ' SN o o ^ye /-tei/ ovoev, a7r^yyeAA.e oe ort eir-aivoLrj airrovs /cat *AFO^3u>9 6 vavapyos /cat ot aXXot, /cat ort 'A^a^t)8to5, et d^)t/cot^ro e^co rou aurot? eo~ecr#ai. Ve remaining here, the supreme command is offered Xenophon. Kat eV Tavrrj rf) 'ApfMTtjvr) ejaeti>ai> ot o-rpartwrat 17 TreVre. a5s' Se r^? 'EXXctSo? eSo/covt' eyyv? at, ^817 fJLa\\ov rj TrpocrBtv eicr-rjeL 4 avroix; oVw? ai^ /cat e)(OVTS rt or/caSe a^t/cwvrat. yyTjcravTO 5 ovv, is et eVa eXoivro ap^oi^ra, [AaXXov OLV rj uoXvapxiciS OVCTT^? Swacr^at r6i> eVa 6 ^p^cr^at ra> o~rparev/xart /cat vv/cro? /cat T^/xepa?, /cat et rt Seat \a.v9a.veiv? paXkov av KpvTTT6cr@ai, /cat et rt au Se'ot ^>^d^etv, 8 rJTrov av vcrTpi^LV * 9 ou yap ai^ Xoyaj^ Set^ vrpo? dXX^Xovs, >\\v v 5J'^rlo -t\ / / \ > aAAa ro ooga^ ra> ei>t Trepat^ecrc/at ai/ rot' o e/>t- fa, anchor. 2 /*e'5ijii/os = measure of nearly i ^ bushels. 8 earthen /s a polyarc/ti/. 7 be kept tecrct. 8 aliri/nite (the enemy). 9 he behindhand 10 ?fAn/ seemed good. 18 is an admirable summary of the arguments in favor of absolute monarchy. 298 ANABASIS. irpocrOev ^pavov e'/c 1 rfjs vLKacrrj<; z ^irparrov iravra ol err poLTrjyoi. J9 'fl? Se TOO/TO, St-ei^OOvVrO, ZTpOLTTOVTO CTK TOV Hei>O- vTa ' /cat ot Xo^ayot eXeyov TT^ocrtoVres avraj ort 17 crrparta ovrw ytyvwcr/cet, /cat evvoiav cv-StiKvOjievos 20 e/cacrros eireiOev avrov VTro-crr^fat 3 r^v ap^rji'. 6 Se 4 ejBovXero ravra, vo^i^v /cat TT)^ eaurw ytyvecr^at Trpos rou? ^>t\ov5 /cat et? r^ TrdXtf Tovvopa p.ei^ov d^t^ecr^at avrov, oi/ G 8e /cat dyaflov rti/o? ai/ atrto? T^ crr/aarta Uncertain what to do, he sacrifices to Zeus, who plainly signifies to him not to accept the command. 21 Ta fteV ST) rotavra eV^v/^/Mara Trfjpv 7 avrov eVt- v avTO-Kparopa 8 ytvecrBai ap^ovra. oTrdre S' av ort a-S^Xo^ yaei' Trairl avOpamoy oirrf TO e^et, Sta rovro Se [/cat] /ctVSvt'o? 117 /cat Tr)i> 22 irpo-ip'yao'|jLm]v 10 Sd^af aTro/SaXeii', rjTropelro. arropov (j,va)craL ' /cat Trapa-cmycra/zei'O'i Svo 12 tepeta e'^vero r /3acrtXet, ocnrep avrw [lavreuros 13 ^ e/c AeX^ait' ' /cat ro wap Sr) d.7ro rovrov rov 6?eov evofjui^ev eajpa/ceVat o etSef ore rfp^ero 14 eVt ro fydtyyopevov, KaBij^evov joteVroi, ovirep 6 /xdVrt? [6] Trpo-Tre^TTOiv OLVTOV eXeyez/ ort /xe (JLV OtaWO? etr? Kal OVK ISlCOTlKOSj 2 Kal v8o|oS, 3 eTTLT fjLCVTOL ' ra yap opvea 4 /LtaXtcrra eTTtrt^ecr^at T&> aerw Ka6rjjj,ei>a)' ov pevroi xp'nH'-a'TKrTiKov 5 eu>at roi/ otwi'di' * TOV yap aeroit TreTOfJLtvov 6 p,a\\ov \a^^dveiv ra 771x17- Seia. ovrw 817 Ovofjievcp aura> Sia<|>avcos 7 6 #eos crTy/xatVet 24 Trpocr-8el(r0aL T^? ap^iy? /i>yre et aipolvro diro- . TOUTO /xei/ ST) ovra>5 eyeVero. 7%e assembled army offering Xenophon the command, he states his reasons for declining it. 'H Se (TTpaTia (TvvfjWe, Kal Travre? eXeyov eva cupet- 25 cr^at ' /cal eVet rouro eSo^e, TrpovfiaXkovro 8 avrov. evret Se e'Sd^et S^Xov eu>at ort atp^crovrat avrov, et rts 7rti|;T7^)t^ot, dve(TTr) Kal eXe^e raSe ' " 'Eyw, w a^S/369, iJSo/Aat /xei/ v^>* v/iaii' rt/xw/aevo?, 26 etirep avOponros et/xt, KOX X^-piv e^a> /cat ev^o/xat Sowat /xot TOW? ^eovg alnov rtvo? u/xt^ dya^ou yez/ecr^at ' TO jaeWot e/xe irpo-KpLGfjvai, 9 u^>' u/xa>i/ ap^ovra Aa/ce- Sat/xo^tou di'Spo? TrapoWo? ovre v/xtt' /xot Sofcet CTV/A- /' T > \ \ * * 10*^^ ^ ' v fyepov et^at, aAA rjTTOv av ota rovro rvy^a^etv, et rt 8eoto~^e Trap' avraiv e/xot re au ov vrat'u rt X1 vofjii^a) do~ So/cotryt', 6Vou Swatyarp 29 a-Kupov 2 TToielv TO eKeivwv d|tco|ia, 3 e'/ceti'o eWoai 4 ^77 XCav 5 a^ Ta^v <{>povi(r0iTiv. G o Se v/xetTa ' vOfU&u yap ocrrt? eV TroXe/xw w/^ crracrta^et ap^ovra, TOVTOV Trpo? TT)J> eaT/rov crairiqp'i.av crra- eav 8e e/xe eX-qcrO^ OVK av Ba.vfJLO.o'at.fJLL et evpoire Ka vfjiv /cat e/xot Agasias replying to Xenophon's objections, the latter falls lack on the expressed will of the gods; Chirisophus then, being chosen, accepts in a short address. so *E7ret Se raura etTre, noXv TrXetoi/e? l^avicrravro Xe- cJ? Scot avrov ap^e^v. 'Ayacrta? Se ort yeXotot' 117, et ovrw? ^X 01 ' " ^ Aa/ceSat/xwtot /cat 10 eai^ crv^SetTT^ot crvveXOovres Aa.Ke$a.LfjL6i>i,ov (ru[jL-iroo-iapxov n atpwi/rat ; eVet et ye rovro e^et," ^17, " ovSe Xoxcfyctv 12 ^/Lttv efecrrt^, eot/ce^, ort 'A/D/caSe? eV/xeV." eVrav^a 8r) w '14'" 1 /3 V , ^917, a> yvar- H.TJV ri/ (ace.). BOOK VI. CHAP. II. 301 /ttot ot $eot OVT605 ev rots tepotoi> aipovvTai. Xetpuro(oi>ijcra.Te 3 ou^ eXd/xe^ot c o rt 4 e'Sv^aro Kat /x,a\a e'/n,ou O.VTOV cri^d^ovTos. 6 6 8* 6^)17 vo^itf-iv avrov ' Tt/aacriaj^t ^,a\\ov ap^eus , ^So Greeks, after a voyage of two days, arrive at Heracleia and are welcomed by the people. IL E^revet' 777 wrrcptuq. dz^-ayd/ae^ot trveufunn \ /caXw rjfjLepas 8uo -rrapa yv\v. /cat [Tra/jaTrXeovre? TTJV re 'Icurovtav aKTi^v, 10 ei^^a 17 'Apya> Xeyerat op/xtcracr^at, /cat rcoi/ Trora^v ra crrd/xara, Trpwrov fjiev TOV @ep/u,a>8oi'TO9, eVetra 8e rou "iptos, eTretra Se rov ^AXuo?, /zero, rovrov roi; TlapOeviov' TOVTOV Se] napa- TT\V(ravTTe? eftovXevovro rr)v Xonrrjv iropeiav noTepov Kara yr\v 17 Kara daXaTrav 1TOpv6f)Vai K TOV IIoJ^TOV. dva&TOLS 8e AvK(DV 'A etTre ' " av/xa^cu /aeV, tS ai/S/ae?, TWI' o-T/aaT^ycSi/ 3 oTt Tretpwt'Tat T^/xti^ e/CTropteii> ) eXaTTOt^ 77 " /cat eXo/aeVov? Trpeo-ySet? avTt/ca 7 /xaXa r)/j.a)v s 7re]a7Ttv 77/30? TT)^ TroXtv, /cat etSeVat OTt a^ a7rayyeXXcuo-t, /cat Trpo? TavTa /8ouXeveo-^at." 6 'Errev^et' Trpov(3a.\\ovTO 7r/3ecry8et5 TrpvTov p.ev Xetpt- croov, art dp^ojv rjprjTO' ecrTt 9 8' ot /cat Eez>oolv yap TOLVTO. e'Sd/cet ^T) ai'ay/ca^ett' TroXt^ 'EXXry^tSa /cat va 'A^atov Kal KaXXt- jjia^ov Happdcnov Kal 'Ayacruu' Xrv/x^xxXtoi'. ourot e'X$oVres eXeyoi' ra SeSoy/xeVa ' TOI> Se Au/cwra ev crvv-rjyov Kal TVJV dyopav ttcrco av-)^ irpa^Lv ' Kal (TvvicrTavTo ot ? /cat ot "A^atot* Trpo-etcrr^/cet Se /aaXto~ra KaXXt/Aa^o? re 6 Happd 6 . ot 8e Xoyot r)a5 e^etj^, ra Se /cepSi^ aXXou?, /cat ravra 7 r^v craiTr^pLav crfywv Kar-^ipyacr^vwv ' et^at n yap row? /caretpyacr/xeVov? 'Ap/caSag /cat 'A^atov?, TO 8' aXXo (TTpdrev^a ovSei^ et^at /cat 771; Se r>J dX-rjOeia VTrep TJfjiia'v TOV o~TpareujLtaTO5 'Ap/caSe? /cat 'A^atot et ovv cr(tipovolev, aurot o"u-oi^ et rtve? 9 ^crav Trap' avra) 'A/3/ca8e? 17 'A^atot /cat Ee^o^aWa, crweVr^o'a^ /cat 1 disinclined. 2 arfrf threats. 8 /)ci- p (and carry) ffo-co etc. 4 K\/<0, S^H*. 5 rapdrru, agitate. 6 o*Tteoitai, blame. 7 Se'/ca ' rovrov? l Se tyrj- (j>L(rai>TO K rr? ow rov 7rafrov 8 e/c rourou ro (rrpdrev/xa, 15 Tn-rp7TL aura) Trotetv o rt ySovXerat. stvofiaiv 8e ert T^cre^ aTraXXayet? r^? crrpartd? e/CTrXevcrat ' Se avral rcT -^ye/xd^t 'Hpa/cXet /cat Trorepa Xwot* 9 /cat a^ivov 117 crryD are veer #at roug Trapa/xetVa^ra? ra>i/ crr/3aTtwra^ 17 dTraXXdrrecr^at, ecn7/xT7^ev 6 ^eo? rot? te/aot? crv-crTparevecrdai. ovrw yty^erat ro crrpdrev/aa rpt'^a, 'Ap/cdSe? /xei/ /cat 'A^atot TrXetov? 17 rer/aa/ctcr^tXiot /cat Trei^ra/cdcrtot, oTrXtrat Trdp're?., Xetptcrd<^w^rt Se OTrXtrat /xeV et? evrra/cocrtov? 1 tyT)(p((Ta,vro rovrovs iroifiv TOVTO o TI etc. 2 so. yvea/jnjs. 3 8C. (TTpaTev- /UOT09. 4 alpeu. 5 i.e. (if the text be correct) with Ohirisoplms :uir]s eVt-7T- aovre? rot? Bt^wot? Xa/3ote^ ort TrXetara * /cat a,7ro- et? KaA.Tr^'s Xt/xeVa /cara fjiecrov TTOI? -rrj? Xetptcrot^o? 8' ev^v? aTro r^5 TroXewg raiv 18 a;!/ ap^a/Ae^o? TTC^ eVopeuero Sta TT^S ^wpa? ' eVet 8e ets r^ QpaK-qv eVe/3aXe, Trapa rrp BaXarrav jjei ' /cat yap ^cr^eVet. Sei/o^wf 8e vrXota Kaftan? OLTTO- 19 PCLWL evrt ra opta r^5 Spa/cr^? /cat TT^? 'Hpa/cXecurtSos /cat Sta /Liea'oyeta? eTropeuero. 7%e Arcadians after plundering some villages are attacked, suffer heavy loss, and are besieged. III. * y E7rpa r ai> 8' avraiv e/cacrrot raSe. 1 ot /xei' 'Ap- 2 /caSe? a>5 aTrefirjcrav VVKTOS et? KaXTrTy? Xt/xeVa, nopev- oi/rat et? rot? Trpwra? /cw/xa?, oraSta aTro 0a\drTr)<; a5? eVet 8e (w S/u/cprjTos ^X*? cvbs (TTpaTrjytov OLTTLOVTI 17817 et? TO 1 5 /cat TroXXd ^ptj^ara dyofTt eVtrt^e^rat. /cat 7/aj? d/xa Tropevd/xe^ot ot "EXX^^es, eVt Se Sta^Sacret TpeTrovrai 2 avrous, /cat O.VTOV re roi^ S/xt/cpr^ra diro-KTiwuao-i 3 /cat rov? dXXov? Trai/ra? ' aXXou Se Xd^ou rail' 8e/ca err/aar^yaj^ rov 4 'Hyr^crai/S/Jov OKTCJ" 5 IJLOVOVS ot /xet o~w Trpdy/jLacriv 6 ot Se aWu Trpay/xarwi'. Ot Se pa/ce? eVet rjvrv^-rjcrav 7 rouro TO cvrvxtipta/ v 8 TC dXX^Xou? /cat crvveXeyovro ppo)|ieva)S 9 T^? i/u/cTos- /cat d/xa rj/j^epa KVK\O) irepl rov \6($>ov evda ot ^EXX^ve? 6teVa. Eei/o(ovTa, epcoTa CLVTOUS et irov ycrdrj^ crrparev/aaro? ot'TO? 'EXXr^ft/cou. ot 8e eXeyov irdvTa, ra n KCU i/vi' ort TroXiopKovvTai, eVt XoTTOvs rovrov? 6vXaTTV tcr^vpw?, i7ye/Lto^e9 etet' oTrot Scot * (TKOTTOVS Se crvveKt^e TOUS crrpartwra? Kat eXe^ei/ * ""Az/S/365 crrpartwrat, ra)^ 'Ap/caSwi' ot /uei> reOvacnv, 12 Ot Se XotTTOt CTTt X6(f)OV Tt^O? TrO\LOpKOVVT(U. VOfJil^(t) 8* eywye, et eVetvot aTT-oXoiWat, ovS' ^jat^ eti^at ovSe/xtav crajrrypiav, ovra> /xe^ vroXXcoi/ OVTMV [rwi>] TroXe/Atcov, ovra) Se Te0appr)KOTa)i>. B Kpdncrrov ovv r^uv aj? ra^tcrra /So??- 13 ^etf rot? dvopdcrii') OTT&J? et ert etcrt crw, o~w e/cetVot? /cat JU,T;, IAOVOL Xet^^eVre?, ^ovoi /cat /ctvSt^ ^/xetg yap d-rro-8 pair) JAW av ovSa/xot eV^eVSe'* 1 ^ fjiv ya/o," e^T/, " et? 'Hpa/cXetai^ TraXtv aTrteWi, iroXXr) oe etg XpvcroTroXtv St-eX^e^ ' ot Se vroXe'/xtot 77X77- crtoi' ' et? KaX7ri7? Se XtyaeVa, eV^a Xetpto"o<^ot' et/ca^o- etz^at, et o-eVcucrrat,, eXa^torr; 6So?. dXXa ST) e/ce? ovre rrXold i&riv ot? a7ro-7rXevo-dju,e^a, /xeVouo-t 5 Se avrou ovSe /tta? ^/xepa? ecrrt ra eVtrifSeta. rwi/ Se TTO- ^ 1 fi^eo. ' 2 alffOdvo/uat. 3 Qappfta. 4 sc. (58<5s. 5 SC. ^.u?c. * Most authorities print the text in the order indicated by the numbers in parentheses. 308 ANABASIS. (TVV TOtS /cct/ctoV e'crrt Sta/ctvSweveti' 19 rw^Se et? ravrbv eX#oVTas Kowrj rrjs crwTT^tas e^ecr^at. dXXa Trapacr/cevacra/xeov? TT yvw^v TropevecraL a> e> / 3 7 c ^ cra ' cr ^ at ' ^EXX^z/a? TOCTOVTOV? crwcra^ras. /cat 6 To" cos ayet OVTCUS, os 5 TOV? jic'yaX'q'YopTiaam'as 6 w? TT\.OV <$>povovvTas TaTTtV(0(rai ^ovXerat, ^a? Se rot"? drro rcZ ^eai^ ap^o/xeVovs eVrt/xorepou? e'/cet^co^ /cara-crr^crai. clXX' enecrOai XP*) Ka ^ vpotrfyeuf TOP vovv, w? av TO ( '/ 4) TrapayyeXXo/xei'oi' bvvY]cr8e iroieiv. vvv ^ev ovv (rrpa.ro- 7re8evcrcu/xe^a TrpoeX^d^re? ocroi^ a^ 8o/c^ /cat/aos ett'ai et? TO 8nrvoiroticr6ai ' ' ewg 8' a^ 7ropeva)fj,eda, Ti/xa- TOVS tTTTre'a? irpoeXavveTO) e-opa)v 17/1-0,9 Kat TO, ejJiTrpoo'Oep., aj? jLti^Se^ i^/xas Kd8"n. Burning everything along the march, they reach the place, but jind it abandoned. f /cat TCU^ yvfj,vi- T(i>v dv0p(jL>Trov<; evi^wvovs els ra TrXayia /cat et? Ta a/cpa, OTTcog et TTOV Tt iro0v 8 KaO-oputev, 19 K\eve 8e KOLLI> OLTTavra oro) lvrvy^a.voi. 8e tTTTrets o-Tretpd/xei'Ot e'(^' 6Vo^ /caXw? et^ei^ e/caot', /cat ot TreXTao-Tat eVt-Trap-toW^s /caTa TO, a/c/aa e/cao^ Travra. ocra /cauo~t/jta ecupcov, Kat 17 o-rpana Se, et Tti^t -rrapa- \iiro|AVco f.vrvy \dvoitv ' cuo~Te vrdcra 17 X^P a a ^ ecr ^ at ao e8d/cet /cat TO (TTpdrevfjia TTO\V etz^at. eVet Se aipa ^f, 1 2 a. mid. of ci7r-<$AAi7jUi. 2 (sc. ^/uas) iropti'>(rdai irapa.ffK^vafrap.4vovs, prepnnil in mini/ -- - Inn-nut nunlr ttfi etc. 6 spenk hoa ftfnll i/ as // w/o/v /n-iK/fiit (than others). 1 for supper. * from any quarter. 9 c^oi- bust ill e. BOOK VI. CHAP. III. 309 KaTe(TTpaTOTT$vcrai>TO eVt \6fyov eK-fidires, /cat rd re 7ToXettlCUZ> TTVpd O>pOJV, OLTTel^Ol' Se to? TeTTOLpaKOVTCL tov?) /cat avrot cuTO TrXetcrra irvpa e/caoi>. eVet Se tSeiTrvrjcrav ra^tcrra, Trap-rjyyeXBir) ra Trupa 2' : iravra. /cat r^v /u,ei^ i/i'/cra eKadevftov ' a/xa Se 777 rji^ep rot? ^eot?, cru^ra^a/xe^ot cu? et? p.d^rji' i-rropevovTO Q eSvvavTO rct^tcrra. Tt/Ltacrtajt' 8e /cat ot tTTTret? e^oi>T Xo>oj -evoJievoL tvQa. iiro\ioti\iov (rr/Daref/xa otlre 7roXe) [/cat raura aTrayyeXXoucrt TT/DO? rov Hevoc^w^ra /cat TO crrpareu/xa] ypaSta 3 8e /cat ytpovTia 4 /cat Trpo/3aTa oXtya /cat /Sows /caraXeXet/x/uteVou?. /cat TO //,ei> Trpwrov Bavjia 5 23 j^v rt 117 TO yeye^/xeVo^, eTretTa Se /cat TWI' /caTaXe- eTrvvOdvovro oTt ot /xei/ @pa/ce? evQvs d^>' ^OKTO aTTtdvTe?, 0)6ev Se /cat TOU? /xe#a u/xa? TO /xeV irpwrov, eVeiS-/) TO, TTVpd OVKC0* eajpto/Xl> 7 TT^S PV/CTOS fJ^LV eVt TOU9 TToXe- /xt'ov? ' /cat ot TroXe'jUtot 8e, a>s ye T^/xt^ eSd/cow, TOVTO Seto-aire? dirrjKBov ' (r\eSov yap ajLt( 26 j/ov dTT-f)o{3r]0VTa<; a,7ro-8pavTa9 CTTI BaXarrav ' /cat e'So/cet ^/xtt' aTroXetTTCO'^at 1 v/xaif . ovra>5 ovv /cat ly/Aets Seupo Description of the place and its surroundings. 1 IV. TaT/np /u,ei> ov^ r^v ^/xepav avrou 17^X1^0^x0 eVt TOV alYtaXov 2 Trpo? ra> Xt/xeVt. TO Se -^otpiov TOVTO o KaXetTat KaXTTT]? XijJLrjv eb~Tt /iei^ eV T^ paKy rf) eV TT) 'Ao-ta. a,p^a/u,eV)7 8e 17 pa/o? avTr; ccrrlv ano TOV oro/LtaTos TOU IIo^TOv fJ^^XP L 'Hpa/cXcta? eVt Se^ta et? 2 TOI' IldvTOf L(T-TrXOVTl. 8 Kttt TptT^pet /LteV (TTLV Ct? 'Hpa/cXetav e'/c Bu^ai^rtou KCOTTCUS 4 rjfjLepas 6 ^a/cpa? TrXov? * et' Se TW /LteVw aXX77 p.et' TrdXt? ouSe/Aia ovxe (f>L\ia ovre 'EXX^^t?, aXXa s Setz^a vftpL&iv \4yovrai TOV? ^EXX^i/a?. 7 3 'O Se KaX7D7? Xt/x^v eV /u-ecrw /MCI' /cetTat CKart 'Hpa/cXeta? /cat Bva*Ttov, eo~Tt S' e^ T$ irpo-KC|Jivov ^wptoi^, TO /xev 8 et? TT^I/ 6d\aTrav Kad-r)KOv avrov TreVpa diropp y e\, < 10> ov /Ltetoi/ et/coo-ti/ opyvtcut', o oe avx^v o et? dv-rJKcov TOU ^ajptou ^tctXtcTTa rerrdpwv TrXeOpwv TO evpo?' fall behind you. 2 ta>ac/i. 3 - TTOt? ot/cr?o~at. Xt/x^ l S' VTT' avTrj Tr) Trerpa TO Trpos 4 ea"JTpav atytaXoi' e^ajv. Kprjvr) Se i^Se'os uSaTos /cat a0ovo5 OaXdrrrj. TO Se o/3os et? jaeo"dyetav /aei^ av-rfKei ocrov CTT! et/cocrt 5 araStov?, /cat rouro "ytcoSes 4 /cat a-\i6ov ' TO Se Trapa #aXaTTai> Tr\eov rj eVt et/coo-t o~TaStou9 Sacrv vroXXots /cat TravToSaTrot? /cat /xeyaXot? ^uXot?. 17 Se aXXi^ 6 X^P a TroXXr) /cat KaXrj, /cat /cw/xat eV aurry etcrt TroX- Xat /cat ot/cov/xei/at * c^epet yap 17 y^ /cat /cpt#as /cat Trvpov? /cat ocTTrpta 6 TTO.VTOL /cat /xeXtVa? /cat cnfcra/xa /cat avKa 6 dp/coOi/Ta /cat a/ATre'Xov? TroXXa? /cat T|8u- oivous ' /cat TcxXXa Travra irXrjv The army refuse to camp on the promontory, suspecting their generals of a plot to colonize it. *E Trpos Try 6a.Xa.TTrj' et? Se TO ... 7roXto~/xa 9 av yevo/xevov ov/c IftovXovTO crTpa- TO7reSeueo"^at, dXXa e'So/cet /cat TO IXOeiv IvTavOa. e^ eVt3ouXTg et^at, SovXoxeVwt' Ttvwi^ /caT-ot/ctcrat TOJ?' yap o"Tpa.Ti(i>Twv ot TrXetcrTOt rjO'a.v ov (nrdvci 10 /3t'oi> 8 e'/c-TreTiXeu/coTe? eVt TavTrjv TJ]V /xto"^o^>opav, n dXXa T^f Kvpou dpeTT^v d/covo^T9, ot /ae^ /cat aVSpa? dyot'Te?, ot Se /cat irpocr-avT|Xf= commanded by. 3 ship-building. * earthy, i. e. has a deep soil. 5 pulse. G .//^s. " producing awed wine. 8 olives. 9 ejy . . . ytv6nft>ov = ets rb xvpi'oy i tytvero &r ir6\tff(j.a (totcn). 10 scarcity, want. n = service for pay. 12 irpo(r-ava.\iffKca, expend besides. 312 ANABASIS. avrots /cT^o-a/xez/ot l , d/couovres /cat TOV? aXXou? rou? Trapa Kupw TroXXa /cat dya$a Trpa/rreiv. rotourot ow 6Wes ir6- Sow/ 1 etq T17> 'EXXaSa o~o>eo-#at. After the burial of the dead, it is decreed that any proposition to separate the forces hereafter shall be treated as a caj>/t ' avdyKr] 'yap r\v cVt ra eVtrT^Seta e^ayeti/ ' eV-ej^oet Se /cat TOV? veKpov? /)/ \0\\t\J/ S 1 '' N '4 C7a7rretv. evret oe ra tepa eyei/ero ZLTTOVTO /cat ot -Ap- /caSes, /cat TOUS jotei/ ^c/cpou? roi"? TrXetVrof? eTTtcrov e/cao"rov5 e^ai//a^ ' 17817 yap 7?iov ' aurot? eTrotrycra^ /u-eya, /cat crrec^ai'ou? cn-edecrav. 10 ravra Se Trot^'cra^re? dv-e^atprja-av eVt TO (rTparorreSov. /cat Tore /xev ^enrvija'avre^ iKOL/xijdrja'a^. rrj Se vcrre- pata (Tvvri\dov ot crrpariwrat TratTe? ' crv^-^ye Se /xa- Xto~ra 'Ayacrta? re Srv^^xxXto? Xo^ayog /cat 'lepw^v/io? 'HXeto? Xo^ayo? /cat aXXot ot 7rpeo~ySvTarot T&J^ Ap- 11 /caSaji/. /cat Sdy/xa eVotTycrat'TO, e'cxi' rtg rou XotTrov 6 8Cxi>, "'fl dVSpes * orpartaJTat, TT)V /ae> Tropeta^, co? ebt/ce, [877X0^ ort] vre^ TroLrjTcov * ov yap ecrrt TrXota ' dvdyKr) Se Tropevea'6cu 17817 * ov yap ecrrt jaeVovcri TO, evrtrifSeta. T7/xt9 ovv" u/xa? Se Sec 7rapao~/ceua^eo~^at o>s et TTOTC /cat aXXore ' ot yap TroXejatot dva- T0appT)Ka(rtv." 'E/c roi/rov eOvovTO ot (rrpar^yot, /naVrt? Se Traprjv 13 'Apr)Ca)v 'Ap/ca ^SouXo/aet'oq TO ^(DpLov ot/ao~at TreVet/ce 4 rov fjiavnv Xeyetv cu? ra tepd ov ytyi/erat eVt d^>o8a>. IvTtvOev /c^pv^a? r?7 avpiov Trapelvai. eVt r^ 15 Ovcriav rov /SovXo/ae^ov, Kat /xd^rt? et rts 117, Trapay- yet'Xa? Trapetvat w? (ru^Oeao-ofxcvov rd tepci, el^ve ' /cat eVrav^a Traprjo-av TroXXot. #vo/xeW Se TrdXiv et? Tpis 5 16 eVt riy d aevofywv, " 'H oVSpe?, eVl /u,eV rrf Tropeta, to? opart, ra lepa OVTTO) ' T v/xa 6(^17 e-ayayelv /XT) lepav. 20 Kal TfaXiv rrf vcrrepata e^uero, /cat cr^eSov 2 rt Tracra 17 crr/aarta, Sta TO /xeXet^ aTrao~Lv ) .KVK\OVVTO irepi ra tepa * ra 8e S-OjuiTa 3 evr-eXeXotTret. ot 8e (TTpaTr/yol 21 e^-rjyov pev ou, cruveKaXeo-av 8e. etTrei/ ow &evo5 ot TToXe/ttot crvveiXeypevoi eto~t /cat dvayKr/ i ' el ovv /caraXtTrd^re? [ra cr/cevr^] eV rw * ? et9 fj,d^rjv 7ra/3-eo"/cevao"/xeVot 22 to-w? av ra tepa Trpo^ajpoCj) 17/010'." d/couo'at're? 8' ot orpartwrat av-eKpayov cu? ovSet' Seoi^ et? TO dyew, dXXa Oveo-Oai a5? Ta^to~ra. /cat Trp ov/cert 1^ 8oG? Se VTTO axa^Tg Trtaxez^ot fOvovTO' 1 yesterday. 2 (Munlal nearly = pretty nfcir/i/ * ^c i'ictim& failed * strong. 6 90 forward be favor -abU- 6 ace. ahs., or sc. eTTjj Acre KW n BOOK VI. CHAP. IV. 315 Kal '5,evo(f>a)v KXedVopo? l efteyOr) TOV 'Ap/caSo? irpo- /\ / /\ 2 * 8' ' ' \ \ 5> A > / 0v 117. aAA ovo CD? eyei/eTO. Neon> leading forth a foraging party, suffers heavy loss, and taking refuge on a hill, is rescued by Xenophon. 8e rjv /neV OTpar>7yo? Kara* TO Xetptcro- TTOV 'HpaKXea/r^v, os 6^)17 /cw/xas eyyvg etSeVat o^ei' 117 XaySetv TO, eta, itajfvfc TOV ySovXd- teVat eVl TO, eVtr^'Seta, ws 817 crw Sopariois 8 /cal dcr/cotg GuXaKois 7 /cat aXXot? d'Y'Y 6 ^ *'? 8 ets x / > /) / > CN V O > otcr^iAiou? avtJpcoirovs. eTretOT) oe 24 /cat 8t-eo"7retpovro co? CTTI TO Xa/i,- eVtTrtTrrovcrtv avrot? ot Qapva/Sd^ov tTTTret? /Senary ^17 /cores yap T^o-av rot? Bt#wot?, (3ov\6- o~vv rot? Bt^vi'ot?, et Sui/atpro, a7ro-/caXvo"at TOV? cXOelv et? TTJZ' ^puytav ' ovTot ot tTTTret? a.7TOKTiVOVO~L TU>V OLVOptOV OV fJifloV TTCJ/Ta/COCTtOU? ' Ot 8e XotTrot eTTt TO opo? dv-c^vyov. 'E/c TOVTOV aTrayye'XXet TI? TavTa TWI^ airofyvyovTtov 25 et? TO o-TpaT077eSov. /cat 6 Eei>o(ajz', eVet ov/c e'yeyeVrjTO Ta tepa TavTrj TV} ^/xepa, \a/3(*>i> (3ovv vs e^o^reg eSetTn'OTrotoiWo, /cat Std TOI> Xacrtwi> 2 Ta>v Btflwaw Ttz^es iiriyevo- Tots TrpO(f>v\ai rov? /z,eV KcureKavov rou? Se 27 e'Stw^a^ ^XP L ^ s T ^ O"r/3aro7re8oz/. /cat Kpavyrjs yevo- fjLevrjs et? ra 6VXa Tra^res eSpa/xoz/ ot "EXX-^i'e? ' /cai 8tw/cetv /xei' /cat Kwelv TO (TTpaTorreSov VVKTOS OVK do~v\aTTOjJivoL t/cai^ot? (f>v\at,. Returning, they fortify the stronghold; the omens being favorable, Xenophon leads forth a division. V. T^v jutey i>u/CTa otTo> 8t-7^yayoV a/xa Se T| ot crT/3aTi7yot ets TO epvfjusov ^copiov -ryyovvTO ' ot Se 'Te? TO, ovrXa Kat Ta cr/cevr^. Tr^ti; Se i^ etvat dir-Ta<})pucrav 3 17 17 etcroSo? ^ etg TO -^copCov., /cat aTr-(TTavpa)(rav 4 aTrav, /caTaXtTro^Te? Tpet? TrvXa?. /cat TrXotoi' e^ 'Hpa/cXetas ^/ce^ aX 8* dz/ao-Ta? He^o^wv eOvero eu e'^o8Ta. KOL TT)V rd^pov TO, oirXa riOevrai^ /cat eK-rjpv^av e'^teVat TOU? crrpaTt&jra? crui' Tot? ovrXot?, 4 TOI> Se 0^X01^ /cat TO, di'SpavroSa aurov /caTa-XtTretv. 01 877 dXXot TTct^Teg e^rfcraiv, Ne'wt' Se ov * eSo/cet yap 1 suiting. 2 ri \aV l eVt eVet 8' ot Xo^ctyot /cat ot avrov, al I^LOVTUV, /caTe'XtTrov avTov rows VTrep ireWe /cat TtTTO.pa.KOVT O. eTTJ. KOL OVTOt ^V efJ,VOV, OL 8' ttXXot eiropevovTO. Proceeding to the scene of Neon's defeat, they bury the dead. While foraging, the enemy appear ; preparation for battle. Tlplv Se TrezTe/ccuSe/ca crraSia St-eXr^Xv^eVat lv-erv^ov 5 17817 i/e/cpot? * /cat Trfv ovpav 3 rov /ceparo? vrot^cra/xevot /cara rov? npojTovs (fravevTas veKpovs eOaiTTOv Trai/ras e TO /cepa?. eVet Se TOV? vrpa/rov? 6 Trpoayayoi/re? /cat XT)^ ovpav av^t9 Trotter a/xet'oi /caret rov? TT^WTOV? TWI^ a-T(i(|>a>v 5 tOairrov TOV OLVTOV Tpo-rrov OTTOCTOV? eVeXa/xySave^ 6 17 crTpaTta. eVet Se et? e'/c r Se Trepa |Xcrovi> eXdfjiftavov TO, eTTtT^Seta o Tt Ttg o/Dwr; eVTo? T^5 ov5 Tt^a? e/c TOU evavTiov, TeTayyaeVov? CTT! apva.fia.[,ov e^oi>Te avrwv ocrov vrevTe/catSe/ca crTaStov?. e/c TOVTOV ev#v? 'Apy^Lojv [6 jitat'Ti? TWI/ 'EXX^z/w^] cr<^ayta^eTat, 1 o/" tAe (things) ;' (lit. on) cam/?. 2 no< to follon- when the others etc. 8 bringing the rear of their column beside etc. 4 as wan// as fne/r //ne embraced. 5 unburied. 6 Thus the dead were strewn over two lengths of the liue (e. at). ' tr. T(/u-a>'iK. 8 uftrooi, be middle. 318 ANABASIS. 9 Kat ey/TO eVt TOV irpdrrov /caXa ra o-vcSdKi raura Tracrtt'. " 'T/xet? /ae^ TOLVVV" ^17, "irpo- iTyciJTSe r^v 3 vrpos rou? evavTiovs, w? /u/r) ecrr^/cajjaev, 4 eVel a>0*r}nev 5 Ka! etSo/xet' roug TroXe/Atou? * eyw Sc 17^0) rovs reXeuraious Xd^ous KaraxwpC ^(rux 01 - 7 trpo-TJ'yov, 6 Se r/oetg d ra? reXeuTcuas ra^et? cl^a 8ta/cocrtou? avSpas ITTL TO 8' eVt ra> /aecrw e^w/ato-ev eTrecr^at* Hvppias ' 12 *A^i7i/ato? Tavrr) e<^-eto"TT7/eet. 7r/ootd^re? 8e, eVet VOVTO ot rjyovfJievoL eirl vdirti /aeyaXw /cat eo'Trjcrav dyvoovvres el 8tay8areb^ 177 TO LOTTOS, /cat Trapeyyucjcrt 9 crTpaT^you? /cat Xoxayou? ?ra/)teVat eVi 13 TO r)yovfj,vov. /cat 6 Hei'O^co^ ^av/xacra? o Tt TO LCT^OV eti7 TT)V Tropeiav /cat ra^v aKovwv rrjv irapeY- Yvtiv, 10 eXavvet ^ rd^icrra. evret Se crvvri\dovj Xeyet "2,o<{>aiv6TO<; TrpecrfivTaTos utv rwv (Trpar^yfav oTt pouXi]S u OV/C d^LOV i7J et StaySttTeOV eo*Tt TOtOUTOI' I/CtTTO?. 1 station companies as reserves (, on ^e roarf. 4 /way no< 6e standing, showing fear thereby. * ?er een, fr. iprfw. 6 rt/ KLV&VVOV irpo|VT|o-avTa 1 v/*tv tOeXovo-iov * 2 ou yap 80^77 5 3 6po> Seo^teVou5 Vjiia5 et5 dv8ptoTT|Ta, 4 dXXa o-ajT7?pt'a5. vw 15 Se ouTO)5 e^et ' d^a^el p,eV eV$eVSe OVK ecmv a r\v yap /XT) 17/^615 loipev eVt rovg TroXe/xtou?, ovrot ^ oTTorav avrtco/xev e//o^rat /cat em-TrecroiWai. opare 87) 16 TTorepov Kpelrrov b itvai eVt rou? avSpa? iTpo(BaXon.4vov7re(r0ai /cat Tot? /ca/ctoo-i Odppos 8 e/x-7rotet. eyw yovt' TjiSto^ ai^ o~w fjfjiiO'ecnv Irr-LOLrjv 77 o~w St7rXa(rtot9 aTro-^oipoir^v. /cat TOVTOV? 9 OtS' OTt, eTTlOVTWV fJiV T^WV, OvS' V/U,tg \7TL^T avTou? Se^eo-^at 77/>ta5, aTnovTwv 8e vrai/Te? emcrra/xe^a OTt ToXp.rja'ova'iv e^-eVecr^at. TO 10 8e 8ta^8avTa? OTTI- is o-fei' VCITTO? ^aXeirov TTOLTJa-acrBai /xeXXot'Tag /xa^eo-^at ctp' ov^t /cat dpTrd(Tai OL^LOV ; Tot? ftev yap TroXe/uots eyw ftovXoifjirjv av evTropa TraWa <^atVecr^at wcrTe a,7ro- ^(tipelv ' 1 77/u,a? 8e /cat 0,776 TOV ^wptov Set StSacr/ceo-^at 6Vt ou/c ecrTt ja?) VIKOHTL 12 crajTrjpLa. BavfJid^a) 8' eywyc 19 /cat TO vaTro? TOVTO et Tt? fjia\\ov (frofiepov vofJLil^ei eu>at ' o5i^ Sta-TreTTOpev/xe^a ^aiptcot'. 770)5 yap Sr) oi/ TO 77eSto^, et jar) viKr\- ; 771^ Se ST) /cat a^Qw^v eVt 9d\arrav, Trocrov 13 20 1 introduce. 2 willingly. 3 reputation. * ra/or. 6 (sc. &a.\ofj.evovs ievcu etc. 6 sc. ^juas, ^^ we reversing (our arms) see etc. sembles nothing noble. 8 courage. 9 Prolepsis. 10 ri 8e ndx e fQ at Siapavras iroiJitraa-Qat etc., for those who intend to fight after crossing, to put a~ difficult ravine in their rear is not (this an advantage) worfA u?Ai7e to grasp? 11 so *Aa $pei//o/xe$a * pevovTes, Seifcret Se', 77^ darrov e/cet yevw/Ae^a, Oarrov TrdXiv e^ioxu e-rrl ra. sn ov/cow 2 *>w KpeiTTOv ^pioTTj/cora? fJid)(ecrOaL rj avpi.oi> dv-apLcrTovs. a^Spe?, ra re tepa 17/^1^ /caXa ot re ota>- vot ata"tot ra re cr^ayta /caXX-tcrra * taj/Aei^ evrt row? a^Spa?. ou Set ert rovrou?, eVet ^/aa? iravrcas SetTTt/rJcrat ovS' OTTOU av ^e'Xajcrt crossing the ravine, cheered on by Xenophon, the Greeks join with and defeat the enemy. 22 'Ezrev^ev ot Xo^ayot rjyeicrOai e/ce'Xevo^, Kat ovSet? dvr-e'Xeye. Kat 05 T^yetro, TrapayyetXa? 8ta/3atVeti/ r> ;: e/caaXayya eXeyev ' " v A^8/3e?, a^a-jat/x^V/cecr^e ocra? 817 ^aa^a? a>. ^ certainty. * wherever (of) /n //(^ ravine. * ^5<5csi (//? thought) yitp rb ffrpArtufta hv oSrco Oarroif yevftrBai irtpav a.Qp6ov t) el ^{e/XT/puoi^o (dejile) etc. * 6y name. 6 7j5y TO /'< /s pleasant, you know, (by) sayinq etc., to secure a remembrance (/tvij/uTjf) q/' himself amonq etc. 7 /eac? on Hlonxj in battle u>-ra.y. BOOK VI. CHAP. V. 321 Sdpara em rov Se^toi; a>|xov 1 e^ti/, ew? evretra Se eis irpopoXt|v 2 Ka9-vras /cal /-trjSeW Spdjaw Sta>/ceti>. e/c TOVTOV "Zevs crcor^/3, 'Hpa/cXr?? ^ye/xaW ot Se TroXe/uot vofjiL^ovre^ Ka\bv ^X eLV T X^P'' ^' ^Trel 8* 26 >., dXaXa^avre? ot "EXX^i/e? TreXracrral e^eo;' eVl TOV? TroXe/xtou? Trpti/ rii>a KeXeuetv ot Se TroXejatot jcrav, ot ^' tTTTret? /cat TO o~rt^>os TOJI/ TfriBwow l TpeirovTau, rou? TreXracrra?. dXX' eTret vTr^vria^ev TJ 27 ra)^ oTrXtraii/ Tax^ TropevojMevr) /cat a/xa 17 e^^ey^aro /cat eVatai>toi' Kat /ACTO, ravra /cat a/txa ra Sopara /ca$-tecrav, IvravOa ou/cert ot TToXe/uot, dXXa effrevyov. /cat Tt/xao"ta>i' 28 ^ rou? tTTTrea? e^-etTrero, /cat oi>v[Jiov ev0vdSpa eVt \6(f>ov (Tvv-tcrTr). eVet Se etSoi/ ot "EXXryveg VTro/xe'- 29 avrovs, e'Sd/cet pacrrov T /cat a-KivSuvoTarov at T^Si^ eV auTou?. Tratat'tcravTes ovz^ ev6veuyoucrt Kara TOW Trpavovs 6/xotcug wcrTre/) UTTO tTrvreW Stco/co/xei'ot * ^dVog ya/3 auroug vTreSe^ero, o ov/c fj$ecrav ol "EXX^veSj 32 dXXa Trpo-air-eTpdiroin-o 3 Siw/coi/reg ' 6i|/e ya/3 17^. eir-av- X96vTS 8e eV'^a 17 Trpwrr) crv\i.fio\T] 4 eyeVero, (TTrja-dfjievoi Tpoiraiov aTrfjcrav eirl daXarrav irepl r)\iov Svcryaag crraStot 8' ^crcw a5g e^TJKovra eVt TO While awaiting Oleander^ the Spartan harmost, they plunder the surrounding country. 1 VI. 'EiTeu#ei> ot /aev TroXe/Atot et^oi' 5 dya^l ra eavrvv KOL aTT-rfyovTo /cat roug otfcerag /cat ra ^pij^ara 6Voi eSv^ai/ro TT/aocrajrara) ' 6 ot 8e "EXX^^eg irpoo-|ivov ftef KXeavSpov /cat rag rptifpetg /cat ra vrXota wg ^oi/ra, e^toj/reg 8' e/caarT^g -^jotepag o'vt' rotg vTro^irytotg /cat rotg di/8/3a7rd8otg e(f>epovTo d8ewg 7 Tru/oovg /cat /c olvov, ocnrpLa, jLteXu>ag, crv/ca * dnavra yap dya#a a 17 X^P " 7r ^ l/ eXatou. /cat OTTOTC /xet* /cara-jLte^ot TO dvaTravo^evov, erjv eVt Xeuxv teVat, /cat [ot] e^tot'Teg' OTTOTC 8e e^-tot Trai/ TO crrpd- et Ttg ^-LKi>ovi>TO e/c TWI/ t EXX77t't8a>^ TTO- Xewi> /cat ot Trapa-TrXeo^Teg dcrfjievoi Karr^yov^ d/couot'Teg 4 o>g ot/ct^otTO TroXtg /cat Xt/A^ etr;. firefnrov Se /cat ot TToXejatot ^817 ot TrXyjcTLOv MKOVV 77/aog aev 1 MHS, i. e. tired as they were. 2 taking courage, refresh themselves. 8 turned back before (reaching it, I/(JTOJ). * engagement. 5 Ix ol/ ^M^^ we r e 6wsy about. 6 farthest. 7 fearlessly. 8 seemed good = z was adjudged 9 provisions (for sale). 10 |)< in (to port). BOOK VI. CHAP. VI. 323 aKOvovres on OVTOS iroXi^t 1 TO ^otpiov^ epuTwvres on Sect TTotovzras LKtTO Kal eVt XetW 3 Ttt'eg ol\6^f.voi aXXocre 4 19 TO 0/305 elXT]ecrav irpofBaTa TroXXa o/cvou^Te? 5 8e JLIT) afy-aipeOelev TO) Ae^tTTTra) Xeyovcnv, os arr-eopa rrjv TrevrrjKovropov e^wv IK TpaTre^ovvros, KOLI KeXeuovo~t Sta-crakrai'Ta avrot? TO, irpoftara TO, /xev avrov Xa^Setv, TO, 8e (T(f>icriv a.TTO-^ovva.1. evffvs 8* e/cet^o? ctTreXawei 6 7re/3t-ecrTa)Ta5 TWV (TTpa.Tio)TO)v /cat Xeyovra? ort La 6117, /cat TW KXeai/S/Da> Xeyet e\6wv on dpTrd- t^iv Tn-)(Lpovo-Lv. 6 Se /ccXcvet TGI' dpTrd^ovTa dyw 7T/D05 OVTOV. /cat 6 /aeV Xaftwv "qye nva ' irept-rvxcov 7 7 8' 'Ayao-ta? d^atpeirat * 8 /cat yap ^v avraJ 6 dyd- X<>XLTT|S. 9 ot 8' aXXot ot TrapoWes TOJV t^etpouo-t /3aXXetz> TOI^ Ae^tTTTroi/, TOI/ irpooor-qv. eSeto-av Se /cat TWV TpmpiTwv 10 TroX- Xot /cat (j)evyov et? TT)I^ BaXarrav, /cat KXeaz/Spo? 8' et^evye. Svo(j)(t)v Se /cat ot aXXot crTpaTi^yot Kar-eKwr 8 XuoV TC /cat TO> KXea^Spw eXeyoi/ oTt ouSev etiy 7rpay/xa, dXXa TO Soy/xa u alnov M etry TO TOV 1 is making a city of the place. 2 o<, i. e. after booty. 3 /or * elsewhither, i. e. in a direction different from that of the main army. 8 appre- hensive. 6 fr. diro-8j8p(crc. 7 happening to be (around) near. 8 rescues the man. 9 member of his company. w o/" A ('s (Dexippus') oarsmen. u rb roD etc., i. e. that plunder should he public property. 12 ofr-i , os VTTO TOU Aet7T7roi> re dv-6pe0Lt,6}X6vos 1 /cat avros d^^ecT^el? 6Vt TrdXtv Se- avrous, ws TroXe/xtovs. rfp^ov 8e Tore iravroiv jv ot Aa/ceSat/xoVtot. 10 'Eirav^a Trovrjpov TO TT/aay/xa eSd/cet et^at Tots "EX- \r)(TL, Kal eSeovTO /XT) iroLelv ravra. 6 8' ou/c ai^ aXXcj? 6^)17 yei/eo-^at, ei /xry Tt? e/c-8wcret TOZ^ ap^avra ySaXXetv NV _/\' 2 1> X * *t ' '* ' 5 r 1^ Kat TOV a^-eXo/xet'Op'. ?}v oe o^ eg-yrei Ayao~ta? ota TeXovs 3 <^iXos T<^ Het'O^wt'Tt ' e^ 4 ov /cat SteySaXev au- TOI/ 6 Ae^tTTTTOS. /cat evrevOev eVctS 1 ^ dvropta 77^, crvt" riyayov TO o-TpctTv/xa ot ap^ovre^' /cat ei/tot /xei/ avratv Trap oXtyov 5 CTTOIOVVTO rov "KXcavBpov, T&) 8e S ou/c e'So'/cet av\ov 8o/cet ctvat TO 7rpay/xa, et rjfuv 1 OVTCDS ev/cut' TT)^ yv^f]v KXeai/S/aos aV-eto-ti> acnrep Xeyet. eta"t /xei^ ya/3 eyyv? at 'EXX^i/tSe? TrdXet? * T^? 8e 'EXXciSo? Aa/ceSat/xd^tot TrpoecrTTJKacTLv ' t/cavot Se' eto~t /cat 8 ef? e/cao"TO5 Aa/ce- Sat/xoi'tooz' ej^ Tat? 7rdXo~t^ oTt ^ov\ovrai StaTrpaTTecr^at. 13 et ovt' OUTOS irpwTov JJLCV >7/xa? Bu^ai^Ttou aTro/cXeuret, eVetTa Se Tot? aXXotg a/3/xoo-Tat? TrapayyeXet et? TO.? TrdXet? /XT) Se^ecr^at wg aTTta'Toui'Ta? Aa/ce8at/xovtot? /cat d-v6|ious 9 oz/Ta?, ert 8e TT/>OS 'A^a^t^tov TOV vavap\ov OVTOS 6 Xdyos Trept T^ttaiv 17^1, ^aXeTrot' eb-Tat Kat /xe- 1 stirred up. 2 >Ao rescued (the man), cf. 7. 8 throughout, i.e. constant. * on wfo'cA account. 8 iac?e (beside) /i/e of etc. 6 triflwg. 7 towards u* eve eacA one (emphatic). 9 lawless. BOOK VI. CHAP. VI. 325 veil/ /cat (XTTOTrXetv * /cat yap Iv rfj yrf ap^ovcn Aa/ce- Sanxdptot /cat iv rfj OaXdrry TOV vvv ^povov. OVKOVV 14 Set oure eVo9 di/S/309 eW/ca ovre Svolv 17/0,019 rows etX- Xov9 7779 < EXXaSo9 a,7r-e^ecr^at, dXXd TretcrreW art dp /ceXevajcrt * /cat yd/3 at 7rdXet9 T7/xai^ o^ev eV/xev TreiOov- rat avrot9. eycu /xei/ ov^, /cat yap a/covaj Ae^tTTTroi' 15 Xeyetv 7T/3O9 KXed^Spov W9 ov/c dv eiroirjcrev 'Ayat^ eyai avrov e/ce'Xevcra, eyai /u-ei/ out' cnro-Xvw /cat v/xct9 r^9 aiTtas 1 /cat 'Ayacrtai/, dp avro9 'Ayacrta9 TJo"ir) [jie T', TOVTOJV aLTLOv elvai, Kal Kara-St/cct^w ef rov, et eyw Trcrpo-poXCas 17 dXXou rt^o9 ^Statov e^ct ^dri79 8^179 d^to9 eti^at, 3 /cat u<-ea) T t 8e /cat et rt^a aXXoi/ atrtdrat, ^pTjvat eavrbv 16 '^elv KXedi^Spoj /cptvat ' ovra) yd/3 dv u/xet9 aTro- XeXu/xeVot T^9 atrta9 eajre. 009 Se VVP e^et, ^aXeTrop * et oto/xe^ot eV rrj 'EXXctSt /cat eVatVou /cat Tt/x^9 rei/- ^ecr^at dp-rt Se TOUTOJP ovS' o/xotot rot9 dXXot9 e'cro/xe#a, dXX' et/)o/xe^a e/c TWP 'BXXijiaSan' TroXecai/." Agasias defends himself ably, and asks to be sent to Oleander for trial ; he is sent attended by the officers. Merd raura dWcrrcU etTre^ 'Ayacrut; ' " 'Eycu, cS dp8/39, ofjLfVfjiL 6eovp VTTO Ae^tTTTrov, 6V v/xet9 u/xa9 Trpo-Soi^ra, Set^ov eSo^-ep eTi^at ' /cat , 6/xoXoyoj. /cat v/xet9 /xe^ /xi^ e/c-8a>re' tie * is e'yai 8e ettai/rdi/, wcrTre/3 Sevo^aip Xe'yet, 1 accusation. 2 began, took the lead in. 8 after KaraStKcifa. * BC. ?(T-? linrd if etc. 5 goddesses. 326 ANABASIS. Kptvavri KXedvSpa) o TL av fiovXyraL TTOLrjcrai ' rovrot eVe/ca fjLirJTe TroXe/netre Aa/ceSat/xoi'tots crw^otcr^e 1 re orrot #e'Xet e/cacrrog. crv/x-7re)ai|/aTe 2 /zeVrot avroiv eXopevoL Trpos KXea^Spo^ oirtfes, ai> rt e'yco Trapa-XtVw, /cat Xeifovcrii/ UTrep e/xoi) /cal 'E/c roirrov ebwKev 3 17 crrparta oucrrtt'a? @OV\OLTO irpo- teVat. 6 Se Trpo-etXero TOV? crT^oar^yov?. y^tera ravra eTropevovro irpo<; KXeavSpov 'Ayacrta? /cat ot (rrpaLr^yol /cat 6 dc^-at/ae^et? ai/^p VTTO *Ayacrtov. 20 Kat eXeyov ot crr/aar^yot' " "EiTrep^ev 17/^0.9 17 crr/aarta 7T/305 ere, w KXeai^Spe, /cat e/ceXevcre ere, etre atrta* Kptvavra 5 ere avrov -^prja-Oai ort az^ etre eVa rt^a 17 Suo 17 Kat TrXetov? atrta, TOUTOVS d^toucrt 6 Tra/aa-cr^eti/ crot eavrou? et? KpLcriv. etre ovj^ ^/AQJI/ rtva atrta, Trdpecrfjicv crot i7/>tet? ' etre /cat aXXoi' rtva, ' ouSet? ya/3 aTT-e'crrat ocrrt? ai^ ^ Agasias addresses Oleander. 21 Mera ravra irap-e\0a>v 6 'Ayao-ta? etTrev "'Ey' core 7 TrXota o~vXXeyeti^ a5? crcu^ot/xe^a, /cat diro-8pdvTa [Ae^tTTTroi/J /cat irp 23 row? o~rpartcura? /xe^' wi^ eo~ 00^17 . /cat rov? re 1 may you come safely etc. 2 (sc. TiVas) U/XMI' avrvv etc. * granted (him) iVvai irpo-eAo'ju'o'. 4 pres. mid. 2 sing. 5 Ma< yo yourself try- iny un tlm/ n-it/i us. 6 they (the army) at Sta rovrov, avrot re ro 1 eVt rovr- eiXofJLrjv. el Se aa 7)ye? 17 aXXog rts TG>V Trapa crou, 24 [/cat jaiy rwv irap 3 yfJLWv aTro-^pdvT(uv~^, ev Icrdi ort ovScv av rovroiv eTrofycra. yo/ue 8', lav e//,e i/ui aTro-KTivr)<;, SL av$pa SeiXov re /cat Trovrjpbv avbpa /)\ ayauov Oleander replies, asking that Agasias and his accomplice be left for trial. 'A/covcra? raura 6 KXe'ai/Spos elTre^ ort A^nnrov 25 OVK eTraivoirj, et ravra TreTrot^/cco? eti] ' ou (JLCVTOI 6 ovS' et 6 avrov, dXXa /cpt^eVra, aicnrep /cat v/xet? d^toure, r^s 8t/c7]5 ru^etv. z/vi' ovV avr-tre /cara- 26 roVSe TOV avSpa ' 7 orav 8' eyai /ceXevo~w, Tra^- eo-re Trpos r^i/ Kpicnv. atrtai/>tat Se ovre ri)v ovoeva ert, e?ret ouro? auro? 6/ioXoyet d^>- eXeV^at roi/ dVSpa. 6 Se d(f>-aip@6ls etTrev, " 'Eyw, w 2; KXeavSpe, et /cat otet /xe 8 dSt/cou^rd rt ayeo~$ai, ovre CTraiov ouSeVa ovre e/3aXXoi>, dXX* etTrov ort etTy ra 7rpo/3ara * T?I/ ya/3 rwi' o-rpartwrwt' Soy/xa, rts OTrore 17 crrparta e'^-tot tSta X^otro, S^/xoo-ta ra \r)(f)uVTa. ravra elirov ' IK rovrov /xe Xaftatv ovro? 28 et , so far as in his power. 2 i. e. the A.OX/TTJS of 7. 8 ^wrf 6een leading him away, we should expect ^-yayes here. 4 pt. for the usual inf. construction. 5 &PTJ p.4vroi ov voni&iv etc. 6 wholly depraved. ' i. e. 8 was being led away. 328 ANABASIS. T y ^ J /) ' 1 ' \ \ > * \r>^ * rjyev, iva /x?) (pt/eyyotro /xTioets, aAA avros Kapw TO /xe/>os Sta-crakrete rots XTicrrats Trapd rrjv piyrpav 2 ra X/>77//,aTa." 7r/>6? raura 6 KXeai/Spos et7rej>, " Toivvv (ruv-atTios 3 et, /cara-/x,et', tva KCU Trept crov A deputation sent by the army secures their release; supreme com- mand offered to Oleander. 29 'E/c TOVTOV ol n.ev d[jil K\eav$pov rjpL(TT(t)v ' rrjv Se crrpaTiav crv^T^yaye Eevo^xSv Kat (TvvefiovXeve 4 TTf.pl so rajv av^pwv. IK TOVTOV eoo^ev avrot? 7re/Ai//a^ra? o~rpa- Trfyovs KOL Xo^ayov? KCU kpaxovTiov TOV ^irapTidT-qv KOL TWV a\\a)v ol e'So/covv eVtrTi'Setot eu>ai Setcr^at KXeavSpov Kara Trdvra Tponov d.-elvaL rw avftpe. 31 'EX^au/ ow 6 ECVO^WV Xeyef a *E^ets /xcV, tiS KXeavSpe, rou? av$pas, /cat 77 (rr/Darta crot v-etro 6 on ej3ov\ov TrotTycrat /cat Trept TOUT dp^ovTL T 33 rov? TroXe/xt'ou? CTvt' rot? ^eot? /XT) c/>o/3etcr#at. 8e' crov /cat rovro, Trapaye^d/xei/oi^ /cat dp^avTa COLVTMV irelpav Xa^Seti^ /cat Ae^tTTTrov /cat o~(f)(t)v TWV aXXwv otos /> ^^^*?10' / ** " /cacrT09 ecrrt, /cat TT)V aiav e/cacrrot? i>et/xat. u//er (a word about the matter). 2 ordinance = S6y/jta of 6.6 2 8 jointly causing = />articeps criminis 4 make, intercession. 5 submitted. fiox^tca, endure hardship. 7 IXecos, propitious. 8 orderly. 9 txavol /x9j = incapable. 10 deserts. BOOK VI. CHAP. VI. 329 'A/covcra? ravra 6 KXe'cu>Syoos, " 'AXXa pal TOJ * Stw," 34 6(^77, "ra^u rot v/xti> a,7ro/cpti>ov/xat. /cat TO* re aVSpe vfj.lv StSw/xi /cat avTos Trape'cro/xat /cat T^V ot $eot TTapa-SiSwo'ti', 2 e'^yr/cro/xat et 'EXXaSa. /cat TroXv ot Xdyot ovYot aiTUM etcrtz^ 17 ovs e'ya> 77ept v^S)v ivuw* TJKOVOV tus TO cTT/aareuwa d^-tVrare 6 a,7ro Aa/ce- omens being unfavorable, Oleander leaves the army, which, after six days, arrives at Chrysopolis. TOVTOV ot /xei' eVatvowres dirrjWov, e^oi/re? TCO 35 ' KXeai/Spo? Se iBvero eTTt r^ Tropeta /cat OTUIM^V aevfxfrwvTi, SrjfjLocna, 9 irpofiaTa ' 6 Se Se^a/xe^o? TTO.\LV avTot? dV- e'Sco/ce. /cat OVTO? /xe^ aTT-eVXet. ot Se o~T/3aTta>Tat Sta- /) / \ ~ t\ f , If) \ \ X t/e^ei/ot TOV (Tirov ov rjcrav (ri) < YKKO|iia[JLVOL /cat TaAAa a elXij (freer av e^erropevovTo Sta TWI^ Bt^wwi'. eTret Se 33 ovSevt evtrv^ov Tropevd/xevot TT)V op6r)v o&ov, l ri ~S,i&,the twin gods = Castor and Pollux. 2 grant (it). * iroAi/ &vrlot 1j, quite the reverse of. 4 tvjot. some. 5 alienating. 6 contracted a friendship. 7 emphatic. 8 = -yt-yceTcu. 9 iKovTO CKratoi ! et? KaX^^Soz^ta?, /cat e/cet epeivav ^/Acpa? eTrra Xa<})u- on the sixth day- * setting booty. Aoros z Recapitulation. I. [*Ocra fJLev ST? eV rrj ai/a/3acrei rfj /xera Kvpov l v ol "EXXrpes ^XP L T1 7 9 /^X 1 ? 9 ' Kc " Kvpo? IreXevrrjO'ev Iv TTJ vropeta ftej(pt et? rot* dLKOvTO, Kal ocra e/c TOV ndvrov T^e^ l&ovres KOL eK-TrXeovres ITTOLOVV p-^\p^ ^a) TOV (rrd/xaro? eyevovro iv X/aucroTToXet rqs 'Acrta?, eV TO> irp6o/3ovp.ei>o<; TO n|;a9 TT/)O? 'Ai/aft^Sto^ TOI/ vavapyov, 6 S' firv^ev iv Bu^avriw av, eSetro 8ta-/8t/3ao-at TO crrpcxrev/xa e'/c 7^5 s Acrta5, /cat vir-icrx^etTO traina. Trot^creii/ avrw ocra Sebi. /cat 6 3 'Ai>at/3tos /Xre7re/xv//aro rou? O~T parity 'ovs /cat ct5 Bv^at'Ttoi', /cat uTTtcrx^etro, et Sta-ySatei^, ecrecr^at rot? crrpartcurat?. ot /Aez^ Sr) aXXot ecfracrav 4 /SovXevcra/^ei/ot a7rayyeXeu>, He^o^a)^ Se eivre^ avra) ort aTraXXa^otro 17817 aTro rrj? o-rparta? /cat ySovXotro '. 6 Se 'Ava^t/Sto? e/ce'Xeucret' avrbi> i-7rpo$v/ietcr$at l OTTOJS Sta-^SrJ TO crrpa- , /cat 6(^17 avTcu Tavra o-v/zTrpo^v/A^eWt * ort ov 6 /Aera-yaeX^'cret. 6 8' etTrei' * " 'AXXd 2 TO /neV oTpaYev/xa TOVTOV eW/ca /x^Se^ TeXetrw 3 /A^TC e/xoi aXXw fjiySevi* eVetSa^ Se Sta-y8^, eyw /xei' a7r-aX- Xa^o/xat, 7T/305 8e TOV? 8ta-|XvovTas /cat em-Kaipious 4 WTa? 7rpo(T(f>epeo'6a) & a>s av auTo) So/c^." 7 'E/c TOUTOV 8ta/3atVovcrt TTOLVT^ et? TO Bv^ai/Ttoi/ ot /cat fjaaBbv fJLtv OVK eStdou 6 *Ai>aft^8to9, Se XaySo^Ta? Ta oVXa /cat TO. cr/ceu^ TOV? crrpa- Tta/ra? e^teVat, a5? 6 a7ro7re/xi/;&j^ TC a/Lta /cat apidf^ov TTOL7](rcov. eWau#a ot o-T/DaTtQJTat rjyOovTO, ort ov/c t' apyvpiov eTTtcrtTt^ecr^at et? TT)^ froptiav, /cat OKVT]- pois 7 Oleander, the harmost of Byzantium, and Anaxibius, aided by Xenophon, secure the withdrawal of the Greeks from the city, whereupon the gates are closed. Kat 6 tzeixxfrojv KXeaVSpw TOJ ap/x,oo"TTj 7rpocr-e\6a)v rjcnrd^eTO* OLVTOV w? a * ' ^^ > \ / /^ > ' * '9 5 V 17017. o oe avrw Xeyet Mi) 7701170-175 Tairra t oe / >> vj > / >\ \ \*cj \ />ti7, ecpj? atTtai^ e^et?, CTTCI /cat ^aw Tt^e? 17017 o-e -> v > \ if* r 10 N ' O> 9 atTtwt'Tat oTt ou Ta^u eg-e^Tret TO crrpaTev/JLa. o o " *AXX' amo? /ACI^ eywye ou/c et/u TOVTOV, ot Se avrot eVtcrtTto-/aov Seo/xei^ot 8ta TOVTO a#v- 1 yo/n zealously in effecting. 2 = u?e//. 8 pa.y. 4 opportune = available (for his purpose). 6 address himself. 6 (sayiug) v i /, > / fiovcri 7T/305 TT)I/ egoooz/. ' AXX o/ao>s, e eyw 10 trot o-v/A/3ovXeva> ee\6elv /x,ei/ a5? [crv/jt-jTropeucro/Aei'oz/, eVetSaz/ 8' e&) yeV^Tat TO crr/aarevfta, rore aTT-aXXarre- cr#ai." " TaOra TOIVVV" e(f)rj 6 Hei>oi>, " 6\66vre<: 77/365 'Ai>at)8ioz> Sta-7rpao/xe^a." ourw? eX^o^re? eXe- yoi> ravra. 6 Se e/ceXevei' ovro> Troitiv KOL e^teVat r^ n / / > c\ * ra\i dpiOfjiov, on av- ro9 avrbv atrtatrerat. eVreu^ei/ e'^crai/ ot re crr/aar^yot 12 TrpaiTot, Kal ol aXXot. /cat dpSriv 1 Traz/re? TrXrp oXtycov e^a) r\v KCO^V ' etcrt 8e avrd^t TroXXat KpL0al /cat Trvpol /cat raXXa eVtr^'Seta ' Xa^o^re? Se ets Xeppofrycro^, e'/cet Se Kwtcr/co? u^ttf L." ir-aKov(ravTS 4 Se' rti^e? rail/ (TTpaTiaiTcov 14 ravra, 17 /cat TQJI/ Xo^ayaiv rt? Stayye'XXet et? TO (TTpd- /cat ot /xez/ crTpaT^yot eirvvOdvovTO nepl fou TTorepa TroXejato? etVy 17 <^>tXo5, /cat TTOTtpa Sta TOV iepov opov^ 5 Se'ot Tropevecrdai rj KVK\O> Sta The soldiers, enraged, break down the gates and reenter the city. Xenophon urged to take possession of the town. *Ei> a> Se Tavra SteXeyoi/TO ot crTpariwrai dv-apTrd- ia ra ovrXa ^eovo~t Spo/xa> TTyoo? ra? TrvXa?, a>? 1 quite. 2 cross-bar. * pay wages. * overhear. * sacred mountain, west of the Propontis. 334 ANABASIS. iraXti/ t9 TO TCI^O? etcrtoVTe9. 6 Se 'Ereoi/tKo? /cat oi crvv auraJ (09 etSoi/ TrpocrdeovTas rov? OTrXtras, o~vy/cXet- ovcrt Tct9 TrvXa? /cat TOV /xo^Xov e'/^aXXovo-tz/. ot Se 16 oTpaTiaVrai CKOTTTOV ra? TruXa? /cat eXeyop ort dSi/ca>- rara Tracr^otei/ e'/c/3aXXd/xez'ot et? TOU? TroXe/xtovs * Kara- o-xCo-civ 1 re ra? TrvXa? e, et /A^ e/co^re? av-olova-iv. 17 aXXot 8e Hdtov evrt daXarrav /cat irapa rr)v X 1 l^ vX [TO Tet^o?] tnrp-paivoucrLV etg T^V TroXtt', aXXot Se cl Tvy^a.vov ev$ov ovre' apTTO/y^v TpctTTOtTO TO cfTpdrevfjia /cat aV^/ceoTa Ka/ca yevoiro rfj TrdXet /cat eavra> /cat Tot? o-T/>aTta/rat9, e^et 19 /cat o~v^-eto"-7rt7TTet etcrw TWV TTV\WV (rvv TO> o^Xw. ot 8e Bu^ai/Ttot, w? eTSov TO o~T/DaTeu/ia y8ta etcrTTtTTTO^, vyovcrii> e/c T^9 ay 0/30,9, ot /xei> et9 TO. TrXota, ot 8e ot/ca8e, ocrot Se evSov lrvy\avov oi/T9, ei^w, ot Se Ka6- L\KOV 5 T0,9 T/9tT7/3t9, W9 eV Tttt9 Tptr)p TroLvres Se WOVTO aTT-oXeoXeVat, cu9 eaXw/cvta9 8 20 7rdXeaj9. 6 Se 'ETeo^t/co9 et9 T^I/ a/cpai^ 7 a7ro- ,re/3t-eVXet et9 r^l CLKpoiroKiv, /cat TreTat e'/c KaX^SdfO9 4>poupovs * 9 ov yap t/cai>ot P e> /\ ^10 xv ^ etz^at ot e*> TT^ a/cpoTroAet cr^ew TOV? avopas. 21 Ot Se o"T/3aTtwTat o>9 etSov Het'o^wt'Ta (riv n TroXXot avT<5 /cat Xeyovo~t ' " Nvt' o~ot e^ecrTtt', oS l^ta, nit down. 2 breakwater. * &ars. * throw open. down. oA/o-Ko/uai. 7 = d(cpo'iro\f. 8 fishing. 9 guards. /io^rf m check. ll run to BOOK VII. CHAP. I. 335 >, dz'Spt appas rocrourov?. pz> o, ei /3ouXoto, crv re 17/11015 ovijcraLS Kat i^uet? ere fj,eyav 77007- " > r ' A \ \ ' * \ ' * . o o aTreKpti'aro, AAA. ev ye Aeyere /cat 22 ravra* et Se rovrw^ eTrt^v/xetre, 0eo"(9e ra oTrXa eV ra^et a5? ra^tcrra ' [jSovXo/Aez/o? avrov eavrtov rarro/Aet'Ot ot re oTrXtrat eV 6Xtya> ^povat et9 6/cra> eyevovro /cat ot ireXracrrat eVt ro /ce]pa5 eKarepov Trap-eSeS/aa/x^/cecrat'. ro Se ^atpiov otov 2 24 /caXXtcrrot' e'/craao-#at e'ort ro @/3a/ctoz/ 3 /caXov/Mei/oi/, pr^Lov OLKLWV /cat TreSti/dv. eVet Se e/cetro ra OTrXa Kat KaTrjpp,i(rdr)(rav } cnry/caXet 6 Hei/o(^>a>z/ ri)y dTpanav /cat Xeyet raSe * Xenophon, addressing the army, counsels moderation, and recommends that a committee wait on Anaxibius. "*Ort /xeV opyt^ecr^e, cu az/Spe? crrpartwrat, /cat z/o/zt- 25 ^ere Setta Tracr^eti/ e'^aTrarfo/xet'ot ov Oavfjid^o). r)v Se ra> 6u[iw * ^apt^w/ae^a Kat Aa/ceSai/aozaovs re rou? Trapoj^ra? r^ ecrd/xe^a aTroSeSety/Ae^ot AaKe- 26 Sai/xotaois Kat rot? crv/A/aa^ot?. otos 7 S* 6 7rdXe/xo9 av yeVotro etK Sr) Trdpecmv, ecopaKora? Kat aVa- ra z/vv S^ yeyez^/aeVa. 8 i7/u,et5 yap ot 27 et? roi^ TrdXe/io^ TOP irpo? AaKeSat- fj,oviov 1 quiet. 3 oTov (eo-Tiv) K(AX(TTO' tnTda.I> |xcav 3 /cat r7? xnrepoptas* ou fjitlov 8e ra>i> vr^cruv aTrao'tav /cat cv re rr) 'Acrta TroXXa? e)(ovTe9 TroXet? /cat eV r>J Ev/awTT^ aXXas re TToXXa? /cat avro rovro TO Bu^a^rtov, OTTOU ^v^ eV//, e^ovres KaT-iroX|JLTJ0'q|jLv ourws ws TraWes v/xets eVtcrrao'^e. v as " Nu^ Se 8^ rt az> oto/xe^a Tradelv, Aa/ceSat/xot'tot? /cat ra)v dp^aiO)v crv/x/xa^cu^ virap^ovTc Se /cat 6 ot e/cetvot? rdre r^crav o~v/i/xa^ot , Tto~o~a<^e/)j/ou5 8e /cat rail/ e'rrt /Bap/Sapa)]/ TTOLVT^V 7roXe/ua)i> i7/xtj/ OVTOHS, TroXe- Se avrou rov at'a) y8ao~tXeiw5, 7 6V rjkdo^v ^ dp^rfv /cat a7TO-/crei>oiWe?, et Swat- a ; TOVTMV 81) TTOLVTUV 6/xoG OVTWV eicrrt Tt? ovrw? 29 ap)V 30 Trparrrjv TTO\LV ^X^o/xe^, TavTrjv |-a\aTrd|o|JLV. 12 e'yw /xei/ roivvv ev^o/xat Trptf ravra eV-tSett' v^>' v/xtuv ye^o- /xvpta? e'/xe ye /cara rq? y^? opyvta? yei/eicr^at. 1 dock-yards. 3 income. Aomc revenues. * foreign possessions. 6 belonging to the Lacedaemonians. 6 xai Trdcrwj' ot etc. 7 = king of Persia. 8 i)/xfi ^>o a^rwv = ^/AWV ayTwi/. 691. 1003. 477, N. 559. a all (our friends). " ^oJ (ffTpaT(vff6t*e6a) SiKalws, el etc. u .ad evytoi> T^V 'EXXctSa Trept-T^et dXXd (TTpaTTTYLtov 6 /cat eV-ayyeXXo/xet'o?, et rt? 17 TroXt? 77 eOvos (TTparriyov Se'otro * /cat rare TrpocreXOwv eXeyev ort erot/AO? 177 T^yettr^at avrot? et? TO AeXra /caXov- fjLevov 7779 Bpa/c77rj /cat o~trta /cat TTord. aK'ovovo't ravra rot? crrparto/rat? /cat rd 34 Trapa 'AvagifKatv d/xa a7rayyeXXoju,e^a oVe/cpu/aTo yd/3 ort Tret^o/aeVot? avrots ou /aera-jLteXT^cret, dXXd rot? re oucot re'Xecrt ravra aTrayyeXet /cat avro? /8ovXevo~otro Trept OVTWV o rt Sv^atro dya^oi^ e/c rovVov ot crrpa- 35 Ttarrat rot' re KotpardSai^ Se'^ovrat o~r pouryyov /cat 1 u/u,?v . . . ovras, cf. H***"* AajSoVra, 1 2 1 . 2 6y obeying rots etc. 3 sc. TWX'- 4 thouyh wronged. fut. of <^7j,ut. G a-rpa.rriyia.ta, desire to command. 1 unfiV t^y should arrive (there). H. & W. ANAB. 22 338 ANABASIS. e TOV ret^ov? aTrrjXdov. 6 Se KotparaSas crwrt^erat avTot? et? T^ vaTepatajf 7rap-e'creo~0at eVt TO arpaYeu/Aa e^wt' /cat tepeta /cat IJLOLVTLV KOI crtrta /cat TTOTO, T$ orpa- 36 Tta. eVet Se efj\0ov, 6 'A^a^tySto? e/cXetcre ra? /cat eKijpv^ev o? av aXa> 1 ev^ov cov T<$V 37 on ire-^rpdo-CTai. 2 r^ S' vo-re/aata KotparaSa? ra tepeta /cat TOI/ p,(ivTiv ~qK /cat aXv rpet? /cat (TKopdfiwv 3 dvi}/3 ocrov e'Swaro (f)opTiov /cat aXXos Kpojifi-uwv. 4 ravra Se a>s eVt 8dtera7re/xi/;a/xe^o9 KXeav8/)ov e/ceXeue Sta- irpa^ai OTTCO? t? TO Tet^o? etcreX^ot /cat aTTOTrXeuo-at e'/c 39 Bv^a^Ttou. eXdojv S* 6 KXeaz'Syoo? juaXa //,oXt9 e(/)T7 o? ij/cetv * Xeyetv yap ' Kva^ifiiov on OVK 6Lrj TOV? jotei' crTpaTtwTa? ^rXrj(TLOp eivaL TOV vo^tovra oe eK-nXelv ." 6 ^>tev S^ pZevo^ojv acr7rao~a/Aei>O9 TOUS o~T/3aTta>Ta? etcrcu TOU Tet^ov? (XTTi^et cru^ KXeavSpw. 'O Se KotpaTaSa? T^ /ae^ Trpcorr) ^/-tepa ov/c e'/caX- Xtepet 6 ovSe 8i-|ATpT]orv 7 ovSev Tot? S' vo~Tepata TO, /ze^ tepeta etcrr^/cet Trapa /cat KotpaTctSa? eo~Te^>a^&>/xeVog o5? OVCTOJP ' Se Tt/>tao~twi/ o AapSaveu? /cat Neiwt' 6 *Acrt*>ato9 Kac 1 2 a. of a\(ffKO/jiai. 2 irnrpd(TK TTJ o~rparta, et /AT) Swcret ra eVtri^Seia. 6 Se /ceXeuet Sia-jaerpetcr#ai. eVet Se TroXXaiz/ eV-e'Set 41 avraJ a>o"T i^otepa? CTITOV eKao~r Se 6 'Ao"it>atos 2 /cat ^pwtcr/cos 6 'Abates /cat i 6 'A^atog /cat 3av^t/cX^? 6 'Abates /cat Tt/xa- 6 AapSai'ev? TT-|iVov evrt r^ crrparta, Kat et? rail' QpaKtov Trpo-t\06vT. Se ywat/ca ' Nw 5 Se et? Xeppdv^cro^, oto/xe^o?, et VTTO Aa/ceSatjLto^tot? yeVotvro, Travro? av Trpo-eoToVat row crrparev/Ltaro? ' Tt/aacrtcut' Se Trpov^v/xetro Trepan et? 'AcrtW iraXiv Sta^t'at, oto/xevos ai/ ot/caSe /cat ot crrpartairat raura /3ov\ovro. Starpt^8o)aeVov Se 3 rou xpovov TroXXot raji' (TTpaTLtoTMV, ot /xe^ ra oTrXa aTroStSo/xet'ot /cara row? ^cupov? 7 dTreVXeo^ w? e'Swairo, ot Se /cat et? ra? TrdXet? KaT-|xiYVUVT0. 8 'A^a^tySto? S' 4 e^atpe ravra 9 OLKOVCOV, Sta<$etpo/Aei'oi> TO crrparev/xa ' yap ytyvo/xeVajv wero /xaXtora ^apt^ecr^at 1 renouncing. * q/ 1 ^4sme, a Spartan town, between Gythium and Taenarum. * differed in opinion. 4 conative, ?fas trying to persuade. 5 sc. f)ov\6/j.evos &yfiv. 6 subject ^e, i. e. Neon. " /forct TOUJ x^P " 5 ' throughout the districts, i e. np and down the country. The words are omitted by most editors. 8 (going) in6tp6/j.fvni> ffrpa.rtvfj.0.. 340 ANABASIS. Aristarchus, successor to Oleander, sells four hundred of the Greek* into slavery ; Anaxibius urges Xenophon to lead the army back to Asia. 8e *Ayatftup e/c BvavTtov crvv-avra Js ' eXe'ycTO a Se ort /cat v avap^o? StaSo^o? 3 6 IlaiXos ocroi/ ou 4 Trap-eLTj 17877 et? 'EXX^crTroi/ro^. /cat eVtareXXet O 6 8e Kt, dXXa /cal roug Ka/xi/o^ra? eBepdrrevev KOL avayKai^Dv oi/aa 5 8e^e(r^at ' 'A/3tcrra/3^o? 8' eVet 77X^6 ra^tcrra, OVK eXarrou? TeTpaKO(Tia)v avr-eSoro. 7 'Ava^L/Bios Se Tra/aaTrXevcra? et? Hdpiov ire/xTret Kara ra crt/y/cet/xe^a,. 6 6 8' evrel re rjKovra et? Bv^a^rtoi^ app,o TrXetcrrov? Su^rat, cat Tra.pa.ya- yovra, el? TT)^ Hepwflov 8ta^8c^8a^tt' et? TT)^ ' Acriav ort ra^to~ra ' /cat StSwcrtv aurw rpiOLKovropov /cat eVtcrro- XT)^ /cat aVSpa (rvjavre/xTret /ceXevtro^ra rou Ilept^^tous tu? ra^tcrra He^o^w^ra npoTre^aL rot? tTrvrot? eVt TO 9 o-T/)aTev/>ta. /cat 6 /LteV He^o^wi/ SiairXevo-ag 1 successor. 2 i< was sai'a 1 together. BOOK VII. CHAP. IL 341 eVi TO orpdYev/xa ol Se (rr/aartwrat eSe'^avTO T /cat evC/us etTrot/TO doyxez/oi a>s Sta^ao/xefoi e/c -njs ets TTI/ * ACT Lav. Seu/hes seeks to enlist Xenophon and the army in his service ; Neon and eight hundred followers pitch their camp apart from the rest; Aristarchus dissuades Xenophon from going into Asia. 'O Se 2eu#TT ort a>ero Ae- ireicreLv. 6 8' aTre/cpiVaro ort ouSez/ oto^ re TOVTOJIS yevecrOai. Kal 6 /ae^ ravra aKovcra? w^ero. ot 11 Se *EX\i7^e? eVet d^t/coi/ro et? TlepivOov, avO pMTTOvs ' TO 8' a\Xo crrpareu/xa Tra^ ei/ TW aura> Trapa TO rei^o? TO Tlpt.v0LOJV r^v. Mera ravra Se^oc^aj^ /xei> eTrparre 2 Trept vrXouut', OTTCU? 12 on ra^tcrra 8ta/8atei/. et Se rourw d^t/co/Mez/o? 'Apt- crrap^o? [6] e'/c Bv^airiou ap/xocrr>f?, e^wv Svo r/Dtifpet?, UTTO Qapvafid^ov rot? re va\)K\TJpois 3 aTT- /XT)* Stayet^ eXOcov re eVl TO crTpctTev/xa Tot? . 6 Se is sevo(j)ojv eXeyei/ ort 'Ava^t^to? e/ce\evo" /cat e'jiie TOT/TO e7re/xi//ei/ evffdoe. TfdKiv 8' 'AptcrTa/j^o? /xev Toivvv OVKCTL vavap^o?, eyw Se et Se' Tti^a v/xcu^ X^o/xat eV TTJ KaTaovcroj" ravT* etTraii/ W^CTO et? TO Tet^o?. TTJ 8* vcrTtpata /xeTaTre/xTreTctt TOV? o'TpaTTryov? /cat Xo^ayov? o~rpaTeu/xaTO?. ^817 Se OVTCDV irpos TW Tet^et e^ay- 14 mentioning (it). * negotiated. * ship-masters. * 1089. 1615. 572. pass over. 842 ANABASIS. ye'XXet Tt? rw Setxx^aWt 6Yt et etcreto-t, o-v\\r)(j)0rjcreTai /cat 77 avrov Tt TretcreTat * 17 /cat Qapvafid^a) 7ra/3a-So#7?- ererai. 6 Se a/covcras ravra TOUS yute^ irpoir e/xTrer at. 15 avros Se elrrev ort 0vo~ai TL ySouXotTo. Kat airekOtov IBvero el Trap-etev* avra> ot #eot Tret/aacr^at 77/309 ayetv TO o"r/3arev/xa. eojpa y&p ovre e? ov rpLijpeLS e^oz/ro? TOV /ccoXuo"o^TO5, ovr' eVt Xeppovrjcrov eXduv /caTa/cXetcr^^at eySovXero /cat TO ev TroXXTy cnrdvei TTO.VTWV yevecrOai /xev avdyKTfj TW e/cet dpfjiocrTrj, TOIV Se ei ov$ev e/xeXXef e^etz' TO Xenophon and other officers visit Seuthes by night. 16 Kat 6 jaei/ d/x,aX&J5 Trpo? *2 'Zevdrjv' eirel Se dopv/Sov Te -flo~0eTO /cat crrjfjLaLvovTaiv dXXTyXot? TWV Trept 'ZevOr/v, KaT-efiaOev OTL TOVTOV eVe/ca TO. nvpa Ke/cavju,eVa ea; TO> *ev0r) Trpo TWV v\)KTO(j>x)XTo ev T. 2 2 a. of irap-(r]/j.i. 8 ^o elsewhere. 4 night-guard*. BOOK VII. CHAP. II. 343 /caraa)i> Trapeart [jLtvos o~vy-yeveo~dai avrw. ot 8e TJpovro el ' OLTTO rov crr/aarev/xaro?. eVeiSr) Se 6^)17 ovro? ewat, dva- 20 irr|8iio-avTS eStw/cop ' x Kal oXiyov vcrrepov Traprjo-av TreXracrrat ocro^ Sta/cocrtot, /cat 7ra/DaXa/3o^res aevo(f)(t)VTa /cat rev? (7uv avra> ^yoi^ o 8' -/ eV 21 rvpcrei /cat tTTTTOt Trept avrrfv KVK\O) e-yKtxctXLVWiicvoi * 2 8ta -yap (f)6(3ov ra? /AC^ ^/aepas o\) 3 TOU5 tTTTTOV?, Ttt? Se VVKTCLS ey/ce^aXtva>/xeVot5 e^vXarrero. eXeyero yap /cat 22 Tijprjs 6 TOVTOV Trpoyovo? eV ravry rf) X^P a vroXu e^6>f (TTpdrevfJia VTTO TOVTODV rwv avftpav TroXXov? ciTroXecrat /cat ra o~Kevoa.Lpe6rji>cu, ' r}, bridle s x'^^. fodder. 5 everywhere. 344 ANABASIS. 24 "EtTTCLra 8e s ejae', ci ^evOrj, ets KaX^SoVa TOVTOVL, Seo/xei/os /xov crv^-TrpodvfJi'rjBrjvaL 8ta/3??i>at TO (TTpdrevfJia e/c r^s 'Acrtas, /cat vTTKT^yov^evo^ /zot, et raura Trpa^at/xt, eu TTonjaeiv, ok (17 MTySocraS^? ovro?.'' 25 ravra etTrwj^ einjpeTo TOV M^SocraS^i' et a\r]0rj raura etr;. 6 8' (17 * J " Av^t? ^X^e Mr^SocraST;? ovro? eVe ' TTa> /cat TO, irapa OaXdrrr) /aot ^-TJYn" ai 2 TOUTO) Tt o"ot aTre- 27 Kpiva.^f]v lv KaX^Sovt TTpwrov" " *KireKpivw OTL TO o~Tpa.TevfJLa Sta/8i7 / o"otTO t? Bu^ai/Tto^ /cat ovSe^ TOUTOM eve/ca Scot TeXet^ 3 ouTe crot OUTC aXXw' auTo? Se CTret 8ta^8ati75, aTTteVat er)(T0a ' /cat eyeVeTO OVTW? axnrep \ \ JJ // m' v 4 *\ " *J 6 < * N V \ 28 o^> eAeyes. It yap eAeyoi', 917, OTC /caTa 2,r)\v- rt ' J ' "f^/^' *J /36'? / f \ \ ' ppidv acpiKov ; Uu/c efyrjcrua oiov T et^at aAA t? TlepivOov f.\66vTa.s 8ta^8ati^et^ et? T^f 'Acrtaf." 29 " N)y TotVw," 6(^17 6 s.evo^wv, " 7rapet/xt /cat eyai /cat OVTO? 3>pvvi' TrX^ Newt'o? TOU so Aa/cwi't/cov. et ovi' /3ouXet TncrTOTepav eivaL TTJV Trpa- LV, /cat e/cett'ovs /caXecrat. TO. Se o?rXa cru eXQav etTre. ou5 eSet, Trpwrov Hevofywv eTn/jpero "Sevdrjv ort Seotro xprjcrffaL rfj crrparta. 6 Se elVret' o58e. " Matcra- 32 8175 "qv TTaTTfjp /xot, Kurov Se T^V ^PX^ MeXavStrat /cat wot /cat Tavu/at. e/c TavTrs ovv ra 'OSpuo'aj^ Trpay/xara tvocrqcrcv, 1 e/C7recra>f 6 avro? />te> aTroBfTJcrKei vocrta, eyai S' 4|-Tpd(j>Tiv 2 6p4>avos Trapa Mr^So/cw ra> vw y8ao"tXet. eVet Se veavipLOS 3 avrw lKTT|s 4 O7roo~ov5 Swaros eti7 avSpa?, OTTCO? /cat rov? e/c^8a- rjfJias et rt SwaCfJuriv KOLKOV troLOLrjv /cat ^w^f ^ti) et5 r^v e'/cetVov rpdVe^az' a7ro/8XeVa>v ajcnrep KVCOV. e/c 3* TOVTOV jaot StSwo~t rov? aVSpa? /cat rou? tTTTrou? u/^et? oi//eo~^e eVetSav "fyfi^pa yeVr^rat. /cat vui' eyai rovrov? XCDV, Xr^^o/Ae^o? TT)^ e/Aaurou Trarpwav el Se /xot ujaet? 7rapa-yeVoto~$e, oljaat av o"uv rot? $eot? paStaj? aTToXaftelv rrjv dp^tjv. raur' ecrrtv a eyo vpuv Se'o/xat." " Tt av ow," ec^Tj 6 Sevo^>a>v, " o~u Swato, et e\6oi- 35 , TT; re o~rparta StSovat /cat rot? Xo^ayot? /cat rot? Xe'^ov, tVa ourot aTrayye'XXajcrt^." 6 S' 36 rw jue^ orpartwrr; KV^K^VOV, ra> Se Xo^ayw 8i-|xoLpLav, 5 rw Se crr/DarTyyaJ TTpa-|ioiptav, /cat y^v OTTO- az> ySovXajj/rat /cat ^evyry /cat yaipiov ITTI 1 /e/^ s*'c&, i. e. inio a demoralised state. 2 e/c-rpe^a;. ;o ?-ear ;//>. companion. * suppliant, 6 fu-v'cp as wcA. See Introd. 64. 346 ANABASIS. 37 TTixifJicOa KTa. fVei 8e rjf^epa iyivero, 6 /xei' 'Apto-rap^o? TraXtt' e/cdXet row? Sei'Oa)v etTre rdSe. r/3ti7/3ets e)(o~7-ep eV Bu^a^rtw, ovre e^aTraTTjo'ecrdai ert v/Aas, dXXa ^-rj^ecrdai, fjucr06v, oure TTpi-6v(/ui> out* cr/cev|ao"0e TTorepov eV#dSe /AeVoz/re? 1 rovro /3ovXevo-ecr#e 17 eis ra emTTySeta eV-ai>-eX0diTe9. e^io! ^te> ov^ So/cet, evret 5 eV^aSe ovre apyvpiov e>(o/xev wore dyopa^et^ cure apyvpiov eojcn Xa/A^8aveti/, eVa^eX^d^ras et? ra? ot irrov? 2 ewcrt a/x^a^etv, e/cet e^oi^ra? ra a/couo^ra? d rt rt? ^aii/ Setrat, atpetcr^at d rt ai/ $OKr) KpaTUTTOv eivaL. /cat dra>," ^17, " ravra e 8oKt, dpara) rrjv ^etpa." avereivav airavres. " ' Tc? TOLVVV" (17, " crvcrK.eva.tf.cr6t., KO.L eVetSat' yeXXr; rt?, eWecr^e ra> i^ ?er setting out, they are met by Seuthes, who supplies them with provisions and persuades them to enter his service. Mera ravra tZevcxfrwv peis i^yetro, ot 8' etTrovro. 17/30- 7 Se /cat Trap* 'Aptcrrap^ou ay-yeXot eTret^oz/* BaL ' ot S' ou^ VTnjKovov. evret 8* ocrov rpioiKovra. o-raStou? ?rp 0-6X17 Xu^ecrav, anavra ^ev^rys. /cat 6 ^,vo(j)(t)v tSaif O.VTOV TrpocreXacrat e/ceXevcre^, OTTW? drt 7rXet'crTcui> aKovovrw etTrot avrw a eSd/cet crv^epeiv. cVet 8e TrpocrfjX06v, et7re "Sevcxfrtov ' " 'H/tets iropevo^eOa. 8- OTTOU /oteXXet elfeti/ TO o-rparev/>ta TpoTJv ' e/cet 8* d/cov- oi^re? /cat o~ov /cat TWI/ rov Aa/ca>vt/cou at/JTycrd/xe^a a av /cpartcrra 8o/c^ eu>at. ^i/ ou^ 17^1^ 'nytfcr'fl OTTOV TrXetcrra icrnv eTTtrr^Seta, UTTO crou vo^iov^v^ ^evi^e- cr6a.L." /cat 6 2ev#T7s e^* " 'AXXa otSa /cco/xa? TroXXag 9 /cat Trdi/ra e^ovcra? TO, eVtr^Seta 1 ti>6d$f /tsVovrfs ^ ej (/or = io ^et). 8 = ^TToi/es, wAere <^e villagers being weaker. 8 trying to persuade. * ud aoS fo/utoC/ucc {W i^oews aptcrrwr/re. Hyou 10 Toivvv" erf*'?) 6 Kevofywv. eVet 8' drat, /cat cure 2ev0T)s rotaSe " 'Eyw, cu aVSpe?, Se'o/xat v^wv crrparevecrOai (rvv e'/xot, /cat VTno-^vov^ai V^JLLV Swcreii/ rot? crrpartwrat? Kv&Krjvov, 8 Xo^ayot? Se /cat o-TjOar^yot? ra vojLtt^o/xeva ' * e^a) Se TOVTUV TOV a^tov TLfJLTjcra). crtrta Se /cat Trorcti wcrTre/3 /cat i/vt' e'/c r^g ^wpa? XafApdvovTes e^ere ' OTrocra S> * \ / >/-/5s\* v o /!/ ai/ aAtcr/c^rat agtwcrw avro? e^etv, t^a raura otartt/e- 11 [JieVOS VfJLLV TOV fJLLO-doV TTOpi^Q). /Cat TO, /cat aTroStSpacncoz'ra ^jitet? t/cat'Ot ecrojae^a Stw/cet^ /Aacrrevet^ ' 6 at' Se r/5 dv9-t 8 Se iroXXaxii' 9 13 Mera rai/ra eStSoro 10 Xeyeti/ ra> ^8ovXojLteVa>* /cat eXe- yov TroXXot /caret ravra ort Trai'ro? 11 a^ta Xeyot Seu^?* ^ELfjiwv yap elrf KOL ovre ot/caSe avroTrXet^ rw rovro /3ou- Xo/xeVw Sut'aro^ 117, Staye^eV^at re eV <^)tXta re, et Sebt eui/ouyaeVov? C^^? ^ ^^ T ^ TroXe/Ata /cat Tpeecr0aL aa-^akecrrepov /xera ^ev0ov 77 ovToiv S' ayaOoiv TO&OVTOIV, et picrBov T r ? sv ' f --/'* (4 evprjfjia eoo/cet et^at. e?rt rovrot? enrev o nevcxpwv' // i-^v > \/ \ * '> ' i J ^ 13 " " 1U rt? at'Tt-Aeyet, Aeyerw et oe /xTy, Trt\lrr)(pia) ravra. evret Se ovSet? dt'Te'Xeye^, eVei|/T7<^t(re, /cat eSo^e ravra. Se 2,ev6r) elrrev, ort crvcTT/3aTeucroti/TO 8\flJfTes, on/// so /ar /ece of good fortune. u sAa// ^u< ofe. BOOK VII. CHAP. III. 349 Seuthc* invites the Greek officers to a banquet ; presents solicited. Mera rouro ot peis dXXot /caret ra^ets ecrKTjvrjo-av, 15 o~rpar>7you- ovro? Troditov evl e/cctcrr&> ovcrrtva? wero c LV rt Sowai ^evBrj., irpwTOv pev 77/305 ITaptai/ou? ot Traprjcrav (friXiav StaTT/aa^djae^ot 77/305 MifSo/cot' rov 'OSpucrcui/ /3a? Troteti/. (ra>f)Te, TOVTO) Sa>o~er ort ct*> dy^re * /cat u/xtf 8ta-/cetcrerat 7j ea^ at/covert 8wre. roT/rou? /Ltet' ovrtu? A5$t? Se Tt/xao~ta>i/t rw AapSai/et TrpocreXOcov, eTret 18 rJKovcrev avra> et^at /cat e'/C7rw/xara /cat raTTiSas 2 ySa/3- oisj eXeyei' ort i^o/xt^otro OTrdre CTTI SetTrvov /caXeVat 8copi(r9aL 3 aurw rov? /cX^^eVra?. " ouro? 8' 77^ ev^aSe yeVryrat, t/ca^o? eVrat ere /cat ot/ca8e /carayayett' /cat e^^aSe TrXoixrtov Trot^crat." rotaura irpoup.vaTO 4 e/cao~ro> 7rpo* eVetTa Se rpCiroScs 5 elo'-^ve^Orjcrav TTCLCTLV ' OVTOL 8' rfcrav Kpea>v /Ao~Tot vevefj,r)p.v(t)vf /cat aprot ^ujxirai 7 /uteyaXot irpo(r- 22 irirpoini|jivoi 8 r)TO5 TOVTO e7rotet Seu^?, /cat N^ * e>'\9 N TOV? eai^w irapaKeifxevous aprov? 5t-eK\a /caTa /cat e'/3/3t7TTt of? aura) e'Sd/cet, /cat TO, /cpe'a o)o*avTW9, fj,6vov yevcraayelv Seti/d?, 11 TO /aei/ 8t a/3/3 nrreiv eta 12 ^at/aet^, XayScoi/ Se et? \epov. /cat iroLvres e'Se'^oi'TO * 6 8' 'Apuo-Ta?, eVet Trap avrov ep(t)V TO /cepa9 6 ot^o^do? ^/cei/, etTie^ tSau> TOI/ H ov/ceVt 8et7ri>o{Wa, " 'E/cetVa)," (^17, '* 805 1 exhort. 2 roffobrtp pelfa dyoflek irtiffti (irdffxor- tions. 7 Evened. 8 trpoff-irtpovdco, pin or fasten to, 9 8a-/cAca>, break up. V> into smalt pieces. n fearful eater. l - tta x^P^^t let himself say farewell to = neglected. 18 Mree choenixes in size. BOOK VIL CHAP. in. 351 Xaet yap 17817, eyai Se ovSc-rra)." d/coucras Se elvre ' ** Upo-TTLva) crot, Q> ^evffyj) Kal rov ITTTTOV TOVTOV Sco/aou- ou ical Stw/ca>v 6V ai' e'^e'Xry? atpi^crets /cat ov pr) Setcri^? roi' 7roXe)u,toi/." aXXos TratSa 27 etcrayayaii/ ovrcu? e'Sw/a^Varo irpo-TTivtov, Kal aXXo? t/xa- rta rrj yvvaLKL. Kal Tt/x,acrtcyf TrpoiTivcov l$a)pTJcraTO id\.r)v re dpyupav Kal raViSa, a^Lav SeVa fJLVWV. r^tTtTTTTOS Se' Tt? 'A^T/- 28 i/atos d^acrrdg etTrei' ort etry i/d/xog /cdXXtcrro? rot5 e^ojAra? StSo^ai ra> /Saa-tXet eve/ca, rot? Se /AT^ e^ovcrt StSovat 8ipoi. ^acrtXe'a, tva /cat eyto, ec^ij, ej(G> crot Scopetcr^at /cat C O Se stvo^Mv lyTropetTo Tt Trotiyo-et * /cat yap trvy\a- 29 i/ev o5? Tt/Ltw/xei/o? eV TCO TrX^o-tatrdra) St^pcu ^evdr) Ka0TJp,evo<;. 6 Se 'Hpa/cXeiSr^? e/ce'Xeuev aurcu TO /cepa? 6pc|ai rov otvo^dov. 6 Se Hevo^oip', 15)817 yap xnro- ireircoKcos * eri^y^avev, ay&Tty ^appaXe'tt)? Se^a/tevo? TO /cepa? Kal eTTrev ' " 'Eycu Se crot, o Sev^ry, StSw/xt ep.av- so OV /cat TOW? e'/nous roirrou? eratpov? <^>tXov5 etvat 1 spea& Greek. 2 trpth\tapfiXovs elvcu. Kal vvv Trdpeicnv ouSeV ere Tr/aocratTowres, dXXa /cat Trpoie^evoi /cat Troi^et^ crou /cat upo-Kiv8x)VViv eOeXovres /ae#' a>i>., at' ot ovcrav, rrjp Se /cr^cret, TroXXou? Se TTTTTOV?, TroXXov? 8e Spas /cat yu^at/ca? KaTa-KTqy3fti. 8e /cat /a/z aw attack upon the Thracians. 34 'fi? 8' 17 1/ ?JXto? eTrt Svcr^tat?, dveo'Trjcrav ot ^e /cat etTrov ort w/ja ^v/cro^uXa/ca? /ca^to"raz^at /cat (ruvBrjiAa Trapa-StSoz^at. /cat 3,ev0r)v e/ce'Xeuo^ irapay- yetXat OTTOJ? et? ra 'EXX^^t/ca O"rparo7re8a /xrySet? SpaKcov etcr-etcrt z^v/cro? ' ot re yap TroXe/uot 8 p 35 [v/uv] /cat u/xet? ot ^>tXot. w? 8' e'^crav 6 2eu#i7? ovSeV rt peOvovn e'ot/cok. e^e\do)v S' aurov? rows crrpar^yov? diro-KaXccras ' "'H a^Spe?, ot TToXe/ttot T^/AOJV ov/c tcracTt 7T&> TT)^ rjfJieTepav (Tv^^a^iav ' r}v ovv eXffajfjLev eV avrou? Trptf 0rjvaL 77 rrapaa-K6vdcra(T0aL ou'crre Xtcrr' 1 a.v Xdfioifjiev /cat dv6pa>Trovs /cat ^pTJ^aTa. ' crvv- 36 enr(VQvv ravra oi (rrpaTrjyol /cat ^yetcr^at e'/ce'Xeuov. 6 8' etTre ' *' napao~/cevao"d^tei>ot dva/xeVere ' e'yco Se oTro /catpos 17 T^OJ 7T/3OS u/xds, /cat rou? TreXracrras /cat VJ crui/ rot? tTTTrot?.' /cat 6 sevcxfrtov 37 ' '" S/cei|;at TOLVVV, eiLirep VVKTOS Tropevcro/AtBa., el 6 i^o/xo? /caXXtoi/ e^et ' ^ae^' yfMepav ^.tv yap Iv rat? Tropetat? i^yetrat row crr/aarev/xaro? OTTOLOV av del Trpos rr)y ^a>pa.v (rvjJi(f>eprj^ lav re OTT\LTIKOV edv re TreXracrrt/coi' eaV re ITTTTLKOV ' vvKTwp Se vofios rot? "EXX^crtt' rjyeicrOaL ecrrt TO ppaSvTarov ' 3 ourcu 38 ya/3 i7/cto"ra Sta-o~7rdrat ra crrpareujaara /cat -}J/cto"Ta a7ro-8t8pcto"/coi/Te? dXX>yXov5 ' ot Se Sta- TroXXd/ct? /cat TrtpLTTLTTTOvcnv dXXi^Xots /cat /ca/ca>? irotovo't /cat Trda-^pvcriv. eiirev ovv 39 Op^aj? Xe'yere /cat e'ya> ra> v6fj.a> rat v /cat v/xt^ />tez/ ^ye/xo^a5 Swcrcu TOJ rdrcuv rov? e'/xTret/aordrov? r^5 ^wpa?, auro? 8' /u,at reXevrato? rov? ITTTTOV? e^wv ' ra^u yap av Se'r^, Trap-e'cro/xat." crvvd^jfjia 8* CITTOV /card T^I/ cru'y < YViav. 4 raura etTrdvre? Setting out about midnight with the heavy-armed in the van, they surprise the villages the next day, and capture much booty. 'Hvt/ca 8' ^v d/xc^t fjL&ras vv/cra?, irap^v Sev^r/? e^wv 40 TOUS tTTTre'a? Te#a>pa/ao-/AeVov? /cat rou? TreXrao-rdg crvv rots oVXots. /cat eVet Trap-e'Sw/ce row? i^ye^tova?, ot /xev OTrXtrat yyovvTO, ot Se 7reXrao"Tat etVovro, ot 8' tTrvret? 1 mosi certainly. 2 6e suitable. Cf. Introd., 93. 8 fAe slowest (part). * kinship, cf. 2 31 . H. & W. ANAB. - 23 354 ANABASIS. 41 uTno'0ov\a.KOvv ' eVel 8' T^/xepa 77^, 6 2,ev8r)<; 7rap~ rf\a.vvv etg TO Trpoordev /cat eV^-r^ccre rov ' VQ[LOV. " TToXXd/CtS y^p," ^I^ 1 ?? " VVKTtop ttUTOS /Cat oXtyot? TTopevojJLevos diTO-cnrao~drivai crvv rots iTTTrots diTTo raij' Trenail/ ' i/w 8' w&Trep Set adpooi 7raWeaiv6fJL0a. dXXa v/xetg /ote^ Trepi-fjievere avrov Kal dva-TravearOe, eyai Se crKei//a/i,et'O5 rt r)(o" 42 Taur' t7ra^ i^Xawe St' opovs 6$6v riva, Kaftan;, eirel 8' dLKTo t? xioi/a TroXX^V, eV/ce\//aro et 117 ^^17 a.v0pa)Tra)v 17 Trpoo'a) rjyovneva r} IvavTia. eirel 8e drpLftrj l edtpa. rrjv 68oi/, T^/ce ra^v TraXti/ /cat 43 " v AvS/35, /caXw? eVrat, 17^ #eo5 ^eXry' rou? ya/) 7TOV5 X^cro/Aef 2 eTTt-TrecrovTe?. aXX' eyw jae TOt? tTTTTOt?, 07TCU5 aV TtVtt t8oJ/A^, /X^ l(L-<$>V TOt5 TToXe/xtotg v/xets 8' eirrecr0e Kctf Xet^^^re. (TTifta) ra5." *4 'Hvt/ca 8' 77^ fi&rw ^/xe/aa?, ^817 re i^ evrt rot? a/cpot? /cat /car-tSoH> ra? /ca>/xa? T7/ce^ eXavvuv TT/SO? rou? OTrXt- ra? /cat eXeyey ' a ' A.(f>-Tj(ra) 3 ^817 Kara-delv rou? tTTTrea? et? TO TreStoi/, rev? 8e TreXracrra? eVt ra? dXX' eVeo-^e ait' Ka.T-e/3r] dub rov LTTTTOV. /cat 65 rjpero ' " Tt /caraySatVet? > \ /P> P> // /-\T^ V i r/ w > > / 4 e?ret o'Treuoett' oet ; Utoa, e^, ort ov/c e/xov JJLOVOV Seet ' ot 8e oTrXtrat BOLTTOV opafjLovvTaL 5 /cat 178101;, e'ai' /cat eyw Tre^o? T^yw/xai. *6 Merct ravra aJ^ero, /cat TtfUUTMttP /uter' avrot) e)(wi' tTTTre'a? to? reTTapaKovra TO>V 'EXX^^co^. 'Sevo^wv 8e 1 untrodden. 2 Aapddpa). 3 i-/rjjui) TOI/J u' linrias KO.TO. Otiv, will send off the etc. run cfown etc. 4 on/y. 5 fut. of BOOK VII. CHAP. IV. 355 rou? et? rpioLKovra. 6x17 7ra/3-te>at air /cat avro? ev Tdxa 2 rovrou? 8' r}yetro rwv dXXwi' 'EXXrji/fov. eVet S* ez> 47 rat? /ccu/xats y rptd/covra wrTreas vr/ooo'-eXdcra? etTre * 4i TaSe 3 8^, w l evov, a crv eXe- 4 ot avd ptoiroi ' dXXa 5 yap ep^/aot ot i (JLOL aXXo? aXXTy Stw^cwi', /cat Se'Sot/ca /w,^ cri^crrai'Teg aOpooi TTOV KCLKOV n epyd ra a/cpa /cara-X^o/Aat * crv 8e KXedvopa /ceXeve 810, rov ircStou irapa-relvai rrjv 6/3ov /cat rot? aXXots ofa 7reto~o^rat, 7 az> JLI^ Treifl&v- rat, aTT-i^et TrdXiv. /cat r7)v /xei^ \zlav aireTreptyz Sta- 2 TiOedOai 'Hpa/cXetSryz/ et? HepwOov, OTTOJ? a yeVotro rot? o-r/oartwrat? avro? 8e Kat ot ecrrparoTreSevoi'ro dva ro vva>v TreStov. Ot 8' e'/cXtTroVre? eevyov et? ra 0/977. r}v Se /cat r/n)^o? our&>? wo~re ro vSajp o effrepovTO eVt eVr^yvvro /cat 6 ot^o? 6 ei' rot? dyyetot?, /cat 1 well-girt = active. 2 run a/on^r. 3 i/ TTo\\5>v /cat ptves 1 aTT-e/cdo^ro 3 /cat wra. /cat Tore SfjXov e'yeVero ou eW/ca ot pa*e9 ra.9 dXayireicds 8 CTrt rats /ce(aXat9 et8a)9 ^ev^9. Episthenes intercedes for a handsome boy. *E7Ticr#eVi79 S' ^ rt9 '0X^1/^09 TraiStpao-TTJs, 13 09 tSwv /ratSa /caXoz/ -r)ft E7Ttc7 - ^eVov9 St-i7yetrat 1 f>is,nose. 2 freeze off. 8 fox-skin cap. 4 thiah. 6 wrapper, 6 on horseback. 7 sAor< cloak, worn by Greek horsemen. 8 sc. rircfj 9 vfidofj.a.1, submit. 10 a< the foot of. J1 a-uv-t(f>-fTrofiai. , 12 Har-aitovr !,&:, down. i3 lover-of-boys. ** tn aXXo rf et rivts eiev /caXot, /cat /x,era TOVTCOV TJV dvyp dya^o?. 2 6 8e Seu^Tj? -rjpeTo' " ? H /cat eWXot? 9 aV, cS 'ETrto'^ei'e?, uvrep TOUTOU dnodaveiv ; " 6 8* virtp- ava-Ttvas 3 TOI/ rpd^r)\ov, i% Hate," 6(^17, " et /ceXevet 6 Trat? /cat /xeXXet ^apiv etSet'at." einjpeTO 6 ~2,evdr)<; TOV'IO TratSa et voMraCP avrov O.VT e/cetVov. ou/c era 6 Trat?, dXX' t/cereve |iT|8Tpov 4 /cara-/cat^etv. evravOa 6 ' e o \ v* '/3 \ ^ " \ v Tratoa. o oe zevc/i^g yekaiv ravra /xev eta. II Seuthes goes down into the plain, while the Greeks hold in check the Thracians in the mountains. Se avra) avrou avXtcr^^at, ti^a /w-^S' e/c TOVTOIV KCDfJLWV ol eVt TOU O/3OU? Tp(f)Ot,VTO. Kal ttVTO? eV rw 7reSta> xiiro-Kara-pas e'cr/cr^Vov, 6 8e aevo^ai rou? eVt-Xe'/crov? eV rry VTTO TO opo? di/wrarw ^w/xry, /cat ot aXXot "EXXryi/e? ev rot? opetot? /caXou/xeVot? /)a^t 'E/c rourou rjnepai r ov TroXXat 8t-er/3t)8oi/TO /cat ot 12 e J /c TOU opou? pa/ce? KaTa-(3atvovTe<; 77/365 TO TTCpl 8t-e7T/3CtTTOVTO. 6 Kttt 6 H (^>ajj/ e'X^aiv eXeye TW "ZevOr) OTL Iv Trovrjpols 7 /cat TrXrjcTLov elev ot TroXejottot ' T^Stot' T" cti> e^w avXt- {ecr^at 6(^17 eV e^vpot? ^wptot? /xaXXoi^ 17 eV Tots (TT- yvois, 8 CJCTTC diroXecrOaL. 6 Se Oappeiv e/ce'Xeue /cat TrapovTas avraiv. e'Se'o^To 8e /cat avrou 13 /caTa/3at^OfTe'5 Ttve? Tait* e'/c TOU opou? 1 character. 2 brave. 3 stretch out * neither. b jutfl/Tj/ 6 were trying to negotiate 7 in 6arf quarters. 8 in sheltered (places). 358 ANABASIS. Trpaa.L o~Tai e\66vTt rats /cal/j.a.t9 ' /cat yap at ot/ctat /cu/cXa> TTpt-(rTavp(ovTO 6 15 /xeyaXot? crravpot? TO)V 7T/3o/3aYaji> ei/e/ca. eVet 8* eye- vovro Kara ra-7 Qvpas e/cacrrov TOV oliaj|iaTos, 6 ot lao~a^ w? d/r^)-/cdi/>oi/re5 8 raii> Sopdraiv ra? Xdy^a?, ol o' e^67rt)u,7rpao~a^, /cat sevcxfitoVTa ovof^acrrl /caXoui^re? e/ceXeuoi/ aTro0vija'KeLVy 17 avrov a(rav /cara- 16 Kat 17817 re Sta rov 6pooi) 9 e'c^atvero Trv/3, /cat v-T8a>- paKLcr[xevoL ot Trept rot' He^o^aJi/ra eVSot' 'qa'a.v do~7rtSa /cat /xa^atpag /cat Kpav^ e^oire?, /cat StXai'o? Ma/ct- crrto? eYwv W5 6/crw/catSc/ca a-rj^aivei rrj o-dXmyyi * /cat ev0v<; K-Trq8a>6r}(ra.v rt^e? /cpe/xao-^eVre?, evexofie'vcov 12 TOJ^ TreXrw^ rots orav/aot? ' ot Se /cat aireBavov a/ia/jroWes ot Se "EXXr^i/e? e'Stw/coi/ e^ 1 pledge himself. - iriirxw. 8 s P.'/' n 9 OHt (^e camp). * ft ieinp * irtpt-ffravpSu, to /Hilisade 6 dwelling. 7 c/6. 8 /<> knock off 10 ten, quarters. u L e. of the Thracians. ]i nicking fast. BOOK VII. CHAP. IV. 359 Tolip Se VPWP UTrocrrpa^eWe? Ttpes ep rq> cr/coVet rows 18 7rapa-Tpe)(OPTas Trap* ot/ctap /caojote'p^p i7/coprtop eis TO (j)a)<; e/c TOV CTKOTOVS ' /cat erpoMTav 'lepojvvjJLOv re EuoSea Xo^ayop KOL eoye'p^p Ao/cpop Xo^ayop ' direOave Se ov8ei " 3 a>o~T /cat TOUTO (f>6/3ov e ' L * rot SouXot e&ov Tat OLVT eXevdepwv" r) avroj TO XotTTOv ofJLTjpovs Xaja/3cu>ii> TOV? SwaTo/raYou? 1 /ca/coV Tt Ttoielv, TOW? Se yepovras ot/cot eaV. ol ptv ovv ravrrj r) Trportov pa- /ca? t? TO Ae'ATa KaXov^evov ' avrr) 8' 'TJV OVKCTI a Mato"a8ou, d\Xa Tiypov? TOV 'Oftpvcrov \_ap 2 KCU 6 'HpaKXetS^? evravQa \(av rr)v TL^V* T^? Xeia? Traprjv. /cat "ZevOrjs e^ayayco^ t^vfr] T||uoviKa 3 T/)ta, ou yap ^t' TrXetw, Ta 8* aXXa poetKa, 4 /caXecras H IfCfXevc Xa/SeZi/, 6 TO, 8' aXXa Sia-vei)xai Tot? 3 /cat Xo^ayot?. Se^o<^ai^ 8e eivrev ' " 'E/xot /tev roivvv dpKti Kal av@L<; \aj3elv ' TOVTOI? 8e Tot? (TTpaTrjyols 4 SajjOou ot crt't' ejaot f|KoXov9T)(rav 6 /cat Xo^ayots. /cat TOW ^ei^ywz' Xa/a^8a^et cv fie^ Tt/Aao - tcoi> 6 AapSavevg, eV 8e KXedVajp 6 'O/D^o/uteVto?, eV 8e pwto~/co? 6 'A Ta Se (BotLKa ^tvyr) Tot? Xo^ayots KaT-|ieptw)f ax#e(T#et (frepoov TrX-rjpr) TOV picrdov /cat irpocr- 1 mos< nft^e to t/o etc. 2 price. 8 o/ mutes. * of oxen. 6 re- cen;e, i. e. for himself. e follow. 7 distribute 8 stf. * wos ra t/>tarta. GREEK SOLDIER IN tp-driov. ARIST1DES IN IfJKXTLOV. Blame falling on Xenophon, Heraclides seeks to have him displaced ; others refuse to march without Xenophon. re /cat eetcre ft? 6 6 'Hpa/cXetS^? e'/c T~rj<5 ~2,ev0ov o crrpartajrat a /cat 3 ort e'Swaro 8te)8aXXe 77/065 V-K /cat Neoz/ Tet^o? ' 0,770 8e rovrou rou ^povov ouSe^o? ert rourwv e/xe- fj,vr)TO. 6 yap 'Hpa/cXetSr;? /cat roOro 7 St-e^eySX^/cet v rf^p^v cKirXewv Trap-ecrecr^at Svotv crv-0T/mTVcr#a,t eKeXeve. Kol o 10 " 'Eyw /xev TOIVVV ovS' ai' TreVre n/r)vu>v etvai crTparevcraii^v av avev Hevo^co^ro?." /cat 6 6 Seuthes and the Greeks marching to Salmydessus, subdue the Thracians of that region and return to Selybria. 11 iTui' euTjs eotopet TOI> /Da/cetT;^ on ov Trap-eKctXet /cat 3ei/oTa. e/c Se rovrov Tra.pa.Ka.- \OV rov? re 12 yov? TTCtira? /cat rou? Xo^ayov?. /cat eTret , crvvecrTpaTevovTO /cat d^t/c^ovz/Tat eV dvrov 8ta ra>i/ MeXtvo^xzywv /caXou/u,eWi> 3 et? rov SaX/xvSrjo'croi'. ev^a TOJV et? TOV Ildv- TOV 7rXeouo~a>v 4 vewv TroXXat 6K\Xou(ri 5 /cat e/c-TrtTTTOvcrt ' 6 13 Tcva^yos 7 yap ecrrtv 7rt TrdfjLTroXv rfjs OaXa.TT'rjs. /cat ot ot /caTa Taura ot/couvTe? o"T>^Xa? 6pto~a/>tevot 8 Ta avrou? e/CTTtTTTovTa e/cacrTot X^ovTat* Teiw? 9 8e eXeyov optcracr^at apTrct^ovTag TroXXov? VTT' dXXr^Xwv aTro- 14 OvTJ(TK6LV. IvTavda. Vpl(TKOVTO TToXXat /X6V /cXtVttt, TToXXtt Se Kipwria, 10 TroXXat Se /8t)8Xot yeypa/x/Aevat, 11 /cat TaXXa 1 Ao8op^w, revile. 2 villainy. 8 so-called. 4 pres. pt. of ir\tu, sail. 6 run aground. 8 are ivrecked. " shoal. 8 se< up as a boundary. 9 T^WI 8i wplf etc., but for some tint before they erected etc. 10 5ore. J1 -ypdu, write. BOOK VII. CHAP. VL 363 TToXXa ocra eV vXtVots rev^ecrt vavK\7jpoi ayovtriv. IvrevOev ravra Karacrr/ae^a/xej/ot airycrav irv OVTOJV dLKvelTai Xap^tt^o? re 6 Act/caw /cat IloXwt/co? irapa t/3/>wi'O5 ? Kal Xeyoucrtv ort AaKeSat/AOi/tot? SOKCI trr/aarevecr^at eVl TL(Tcraepi>r)i>, Kal Qiftpaiv eKTreVXevKei/ cug TroXe/xi/crw^, Kal Setrat Tavrrjs rrj? crr/aarta? Kal Xeyei art 8a/3eiKos eKacrrw ecrrat /AICT^O? roO /A^I^O?, Kal rots Xo^ayot? 8t/xotpta, rot? 8e crrpaT^yots eVel 8* f)\6ov ot AaKeSaiyaoVtot, ev0v$ 6 ' Trv^o/xevo? ort eVl TO crrpdreu/Aa rJKOvcn Xeyet rw ort KaXXtoToV rt yeyeV^rat" "Ot )Lte^ yap AaKeSat/xoVtoi Seoirat rou (rrparevjLtaro*?. o(oiWa 8e ov/c e/cdXei, ouSe raw aXXaju * o~T/3aTT7yoji/ ouSeVa. epwTdnsTuv Se T Aa/ceSat/xoi'twi' Tts * 0^77/3 efy aevo(oi> aTreKpivaro on ra /xet' aXXa 117 ov /ca/co5, iXo(TTpaTLcoTT|S 2 Se* Kat Sia rouro -^elpov GCTTW avrw. KCU ot eiTTOi' * ** *AXX' ^ 8-qp.aYWYi 8 6 d^i)/) N * O \ C TT \ /C> // -t-r / \ f 5J 4 TOV5 avopas ; /cat o H/aa/cXeto^? " Uavu /aev ov^, 5 6^17. a> A/o* ou^," e^acra^, "fn) /cat i^/xt^ cvavTiworcrai 6 ; " 6 " 'AXX* TJV vftet?/' 6^17 6 'H/sa/cXeufys, avrous vno-a-^rjcrde rov nicrOov, 6\Lyov TT/oo-cr^oi/re? aTroSpa/xovi'Tat o-vi/ VJJLLV" " rta>9 J> VVI li*'* \\ * "^iA v > oui/ a^, etpacrav, i^/tAtv o~vXXeyete^ ; " Avpiov v/Aa?, 6^)17 6 'Hpa/cXetSry?, " 7r /^ o-^o^ev irpos avrou? * Kat TO vj ^^^ > ^v e^ O v O otoa, 917, ort TTiOav v/xa? towo'ti', ao-/xe^ot crvvopa- " OVTTJ fj,ev rj rjfJLCpa ourws address the assembled army,- Xenophon accused of misleading the Greeks and enriching himself. 7 T>7 8* vorepata ayovcrtz/ eVt TO crrpdrev^a TOVS Aa/ccu^a? Seu&ys T /cat 'H/oa/cXetSr;?, /cat o-uXXeyerat 17 o~r/3arta. TCU 8e Aa/cwve ikeyerqv OTL Aa/ceSat//,ovtot5 So/cet TroXe/ietv Ttcro'a^ejpt'et TO> v/aa? aftuci/jo'avTL ' 17^ O~V^ 17/jttl>, TO!/ T ^0pOV TlfJ,a)pTJCTeo'0 /Cat ov e/cacrro? otcret 7 TOV ^17^05 vfiajv, Xo^ayo? 8c 8 TO SnrXovv, 8 O~T paT-Yjybs 8e TO TTpa-irXo{iv. /cat 01 aToaTtcoTat aayiCPOt TC TJKOVO-O.V /cat v0v<; a.v-ia'ra.ral Tts To3^ 'A3/caSw^ TOU Ee*> l = TTO?OJ. 8 soldiers' friend, i. e. curries favor. 8 p/ay . 8 /u;/c as 7cA. BOOK VII. CHAP. VL 865 Se /cat Seu^g /SoiAo/xei'og etSeVat ri crerat, /cat iv eVrj/cdw etorif/cei e^wt' ep/x^veia * /Aez; et rovrot' tSot/xt /cara- Xevcr^eVra /cat Sovra St/c^f a!f ty/ua? Trept-etXKt, 6 /cat IJU(T0ov av p.OL So/cai ^X eLV KC ^ L v^ v ^ 7r ^ ^"t? IJ.VOLS 0.^06(70 ai." 7 /^era roi/ro^ aXXo? arec /cat aXXo?. e/c Se rovrou 3evo^>aj^ eXe^ev aiSe Xenophon makes his defence : " / came Jac^; to Trov ovra TrpocrSo/cav Set, oTrdre ye /cat eya> i/Gi' v^>* vufav atrta? e^&) et> w 9 11 TrXetcrrr;^ 7rpo9v^iav e/zaurw ye So/cai crvt'etSeVat Trept e~ '10' ' ' *? V S v/xa? Trap-ecrxTy/Aei/o?. aTT-erpaTro/xryv /xez/ ye 77077 ot/caoe (opfjiriuevos, ov /xd roi' Ata oiirot n Trvv9a.v6^evo^ v/xa? eu TrpaTTtiv, dXXa /xaXXov aKOvotv Iv airopois elvai QJ? oj(eX'>7, TOVTO />tei/ ov/c eVe^etpTycra Trotetv, wg aurot u/xet? CTTI- 1 (rui'-frjM', snderstamf, 2 /n Greek. 3 = //(^ fruits of our toils. 4 ir\ov~ rlfa, enrich. 5 S^re ^eJ 8 76 irptaros \4yiav etc., so ?Ae conscious of. 10 jrop-e'xw. X1 no indeed. 366 ANABASIS. crTao~$e. rjyov Se oOev ^fifjv raptor* av v/xd? ets rrjv 'Aouav StayS^vat. raura yap /cat ySeXrtcrTa eVd/uov v/xtv etvat /cat v/xds TjSetv /3ouXo/xeVovs. " 'ETret 8* 'Apto-rap^o? e'X#a>v crvv rpi^peaiv e'/ccoXve 13 StaTrXetv T^tids, e'/c rovrov, 6Vep et/cos 777701; 77^, a v/aa?, OTTO)? /8ovXeucrat/>te^a ort ^p^ 1 v/xet? d/couot'Te? /Aei' 'Aptorap^ou eVtrarrovros 14 v/Atv et9 X..pp6vr}(Tov Tropevecr^at, d/covo^reg Se ^ev^ov eavrw crucrrpareuecr^at, Travre? /xei^ eXeyere crvz/ ^euOfi teVat, Tra^re? S' ^^la-acrOe raura. rt eya> evravOa ^81^77 era dyayaiv v/xa? ev^a iracrLV u/xtv ^ / 2 eoo/cet ; " / should not be censured for the very conduct that has brought the enmity of Seuthes upon me." 15 " 'ETTCI ye /u,7)v i//evSe5 av /AC Kat atrt- /cat /xtcrotre et 8e irpocrOev avra) TTOLVTOIV /LtcxXttrra w^ vut' TrdvTtov Sta^opaVard? 8 et/xt, TTW? av ert 8t/cata>5 v/aa? atpov/xevo? dvrt ^ev^ov v^>* v/xwv atrtav 16 e^ot/it Trept a>v vrpo? rourov 8ta-^>epo/xat ; dXX' etTrotr* av ort eifecrrt /cat rd v/xerepa e^ovra 4 Trapct 2ev#ou rcxvd- ^iv. 5 OVKOVV 877X0^ rovrd ye eVrtv, etTrep e'/xot e're'Xet 6 Tt Sev^77?, ou^ OUTCO? eVe'Xet S^'TTOU w? 7 cSv re e'/xot 80177 crrepotro /cat dXXa 8 u/xtv d7rorto~etev, dXX' ot/xat, et eStSov, eVt Tovro) 9 dv eStSov OTTW? e'/xot Sov? /xetov /XT) 17 aTToSotT; Vjittv TO TrXetov. et TOLVVV ourw? r X a t>/ /\ >10' ^ v/xtv avrt/ca /utaXa ixaraiav TavT-rjv rr\v 1 opos, at variance. * sc. ^/ui, ^Aa< / having your pay etc. 6 s T 7 iroLrjcrai, eav Trparr^re l avrov ra para. SyXov yap on Sev^?, et e^w rt Trap' avrov, aTratrrycret /x,e, /cat dTratr^cret /xeWot St/catcu?, eaz> /xiy rpa^iv avra> l(f>* fj 8a>po8($Kovv. 8 ' iVbf on/y Aave 7 wo^ &ep iac^; yowr ja^, JM^ / have not received what Seuthes promised for myself." " 'AXXa TroXXou /xot So/c' ofjivvco i# yap vfuv Oeovs avravra? /cat Tracras f"7S' ct e;u,ot tSta vTrecr^ETo 'Zevflys ^X^^' irapea-Ti 8e /cat avro? /cat d/covaiv cruv-otSe 4 /xot et CTTtop/cai * ti^a Se /xaXXot' ^av- 1* /xacr^re, (r\)i^irc>|ivu}Jii //^Se a ot aXXot (TTparyyol eXa- /Sot' etXr^^eVat, //,^ roivvv fJLrjSe ocra Twt Xo^ayaJi' eVtot. /cat rt 817 ravr* ITTOLOVV ; w/x^v, ai/S/je?, ocrw /xaXXov 20 crvfji(j)epoLfJii b Tovro) rr)i> Tore irtvCav, 8 TOCTOVTO) paXXov avrov / TIS av, OVKOVV atcr^v^ei ovrpa>s 8 e'^a- 21 Kal />ta Ata ricrxyvo^v 9 /xeVrot, et VTTO ye ozro9 e^rjTranjBrjv ' ^>tX. 71/305 raura ST) d/covcrare d eya> ou/c av TTOTC e'nrov TOVTOV IVO.VTIOV, el fjLT] JJLOL TravTOiTracnv dyvcojiovcs 2 eSo/cetre e>ai iy Xtav et? 84 e/xe d^aptcrrot. ava-p.i'TJa-drjTe yap eV THHOI? rtcrt irpdy- fjiaKTiv wre? IruyxdveTe, e wv u/xa? eyai OLv-rjyayov Trpos ^evOrjv. OVK et? /xeV T\.tpiv6ov Troocr^re T^I/ TTO- X/, 'Apttrrayo^os S' v/xa? 6 Aa/ceSat/xoVio? ov/c eta t(rteVat avroKXetcras ra? TrvXa? ; viraiOpioi 8' e^w e'crrpa- TOTreSevere, /aeVo? Se ^et/xtoi/ ^i/, dyopa. Se (TTrdVta /Ltet' opojvres ra wvta, cnrdvLa S' e^ovre? 25 tovola'de, dvdyKr) 8e ^v /xeVetv eVt 8 paKrj<;' ya/3 e<|>-op|iov(rai 4 KO>\VOV StaTrXetv * et Se /xeVot rt?, eV 7roXe/>tta etvat, 6 eV^a TroXXot /xei/ tTTTret? r)5 av (TiTov XafJi/Bdveiv ovSeV rt d^Oovov, OTOJ Se at* 77 d^S/3a7roSa 17 7T/3o/3ara KareXa/x/Sai'o/xei' ov/c * ovre -ya/3 ITTTTLKOV ovre TreXracrrt/cov ert eya) i> u^ti' y8e/3ou- 88 Xev(7^at Trpo vfjiojv ; TOVTOJV yap ST^TTOV Kotva>vn](ravTS 9 1 pledges. 2 thoughtless. * in Thrace. * ii> /xe Kttl TJO\fJLLOV OVKTL OV$va ewpoi/Aei' eVetS^ TO t7T7rt/COl> 29 i7jati> 7rpoo~eyeVeTo ' TCW? Se 0appaXeajiiToi>TO oi 7To\e)atot /cat tTTTrt/cw /cat 7re\Tao"Tt/caj [/ca>\vovT? |rq8a}rrj 1 /caT* oXtyou? aTroo'/ceSavp'v/xeVovs TO, evrtT^Seta rj /xa? 7ropi'eo~#at] . et Se S^ 6 o~VfJL-7rap- so ravrriv rr)v dcr^aXetat' ^ irdvv irokvv fjucrBbv irpoo--TXL T7j? do-^aXeta?, TOUTO 8^ TO (rxerXiov 2 ird- 6r||ia /cat 8ta TOVTO ovSa/xrJ otecr#e xpfjvai ^MVTO. e/>te dv-ivai ; 3 31 /fc contrasts their present favoring circumstances with his own loss of reputation. "Nvv Se ST) TTOJ? aTrep^ecrBe ; ov 5ia-Xip.cloravTS 4 /Ltez/ cV a^ovot? Tot? eTTtTT^Setotg, TT^PLTTOV 8* e^a^Te? TOVTO et Tt eXd^SeTC Trapa Seu^ov ; TO, yap TO>Z> 7roXe/xta>^ /cat TauTa TrpctTTOi/Te? OVTC avSpas evr-etSeTe avro)v aTToOavovra^ ovre ^wt'Ta? a7re^8dXeTe. et 32 Se' Tt KaXov 7T/309 TOU? eV Try 'Ao-ta ftapfidpovs eVe- irpaKTO vfjilv, ov /cd/cetvo o~aiv e^eTC /cat TT^OO? e/ce>ot? dXXyv tiJKXeiav 7rpoo--etX^aTe /cat TOV? eV T^ a/ca' ov? ecrrpaTevcrao-Oe e'yw />te^ u/xa? ^/xt Si/cat'w? ai/ <5i/ e'/aot TOVT&W Tot? ^eot? *xap iv etSeVat wg dya^aji/. /cat TO, 33 ftei/ 8^ vfjicrepa TOtaura. ' AyeTe ST) Trpo? ^eait' /cat TO, e/xa o~/cei//acr^e o5s e^et. e'ycu yap OT yu,ei/ Trporepov aiT-tjpa 6 ot/ca8e, e^wv /xe^ eVat- TToXvv Trpo? v/xajz/ cnr-Tropi)o[rqv, e)(w^ Se St' u/ta? /cat 1 nowhere. 2 wretched calamity. 8 iu>-li)iu, permit. * /xm vi> Se ctTre/cr^o/xat Trpo? /xeV AaKeSat/tOftou? u<' vfAwv Sta^8e/3Xi7/xeVo9, 2ev0r) Se aTr^^^tteVo? VTrep VJJLWV, 6V 2 17X771^0^ ev TTOtTycra? /xe#' v/xa)i/ dirocrTpo(f>r)v s /cat e'/xot 35 /caX^v /cat TTaidivy et yeVotwo, 4 /cara-^o-ecr^at. 6 v/xet? S', v7re/3 a>i> eyai aTr-if^^/xat re 7rXeto~ra /cat ravra TroXu KpeiTTO S* tXewz^ ovrcov /cat r/soVata /8a/3- pdpuv TroXXa S^ o~w v/xti' o~Tr)o~dfj J evov, OTTW? Se' ye ttTjSevt TW^ c EXX>yj/&;^ TroXe/xtot yvoio~0e, TTO.V 6o~ov 37 lSvvdfj,rjv TT/3OS v/xa? Sia-Tcivdjievov. 12 /cat ya/3 o5f /cat /cara yrjj/ Kat Kara #aXarrai>. u/xet? 14 Se', ore TroXXr) v/xtv eviropia ^>at^erat, Kat TrXetre eV^a S^ e?re- ^v/xetre TraXai, Se'ovrat 16 re v/xaiv ot /xeyto-roz^ Svt'a/xevot, ' /xto"^6? Se <^>at^erat, i^ye/xd^e? Se rjKovcri AaKeSat/xdt'tot ot K/aartcrrot i^o/xt^d/xei'ot ett'at, ^u^ ST) Kat/)6? u/xti/ So/eel 38 et^ai W5 ra^to-ra e/xe Ka.Ta.-Ka.velv ; ov fjirjv ore ye eV rot? a7rd/3ot5 ^/xei/, \ 1 ybr (otherwise) iu last line of section. See Introd. 121. 16 (8r) o ntyiarov Suvduivoi Sc'ovrou etc. u oh I ye of all (men) possessing the best memory. Ironical. BOOK VII. CHAP. VI. 3T1 teal Trarepa e'/xe e'/caXetre /cat ctet a5' v/xds aicrre, a>s e'yai ot/>tai, ovSe rovrot? So/cetre ySeXrtoz/e? eu>at rotovrot 6Wes Trept e^te'." ravr* Charminus defends Xenophon ; Eurylochus suggests that they exact pay of Seuthes ; Polycrates, that they seize Heraclides. 8e 6 AcuceSat/i.oj'io? di'acrra? elvrei/, " Ov 39 ra> Stw, 1 d\X* e/xot /xeVroi ov St/catws So/cetre TG> d^8/3t TOVTOJ yaXeTraiveiv ' e^a> yap /cat avros avra> /xaprv- prjcrai. 'ZevOr)*; yap epajraj^ro? e^ov /cat IIoXiW/coi; Trept Hei'o^aii/Tog rt? 2 az^p 117 aXXo /tei^ ovSet' et^e //,e/xi//a- etvat Trpo? 4 r)p,a>v re rail/ Aa/ceSat/AO- j't&jt' /cat Trpog aurov." 'Avacrra? evrt rovrw EvpvXo^o? Aovo"taTT75 'Ap/ca? 40 etTre ' " Kat 8o/cet ye' /xot, a^Spe? Aa/ceSai/z,oVtoi, TOVTO v/xa? 5 7rpa)Tov ^^wv crrpar^yTjo-at, Trapa Sev^ov '^/x.tt' roi/ fjacrdov dv'a-irpd|at 6 T^ e/coz^ro? i^ a/covro?, /cai /x^ -nporepov T7/xa5 aTrayayetv." IIoXv/cpaT^? 8e 'A^z/ato? 41 etTrev evTos ' VTTO Het'o^oi^TO?, " 'Opw ye [JMJV" ^17, " cS ai/ope?, /cat 'Hpa/cXetS^z/ eVrav^a Trapo^ra, 05 TrapaXa- ySaiz^ ra ^prj/jLara a i7ju,et? eVov7ycra/>te^, ravra dvro-Sd' /xez/o? ovre ^ev0r) a,7re'Sco/cez> ovre '^yatz' ra dXX auTo? /cXet//a5 TreVarat. 17^ ow c /J8 ' ~. ' v ^ N T / *j /xefa avrov ov yap 017 ovros ye, e^ dXX EXX-^v o5j^ "EXX^a? dSt/cet." n'n ^oc?s (cf. 6.6 : ), sc. ou SoKflrt 0f\r(oi>es f?i>at. 2 = iro?os. * on our j>art. 8 6/uas 'Zevflrj Xe'yet, " 'H/xet9 rjv ct77t/u,ev IvTtvdev IK riy? Tourwf eVt/cparetag." /cat /Sazreg eVt rovs ITTTTOV? to^ovro dTreXavvovres et? TO 43 eavraJv (Tr/)aro7re8o^. /cat fvrevSev ' A.ftpo\iW)V rov eavrov ep^rjvea 77/36? He^o /cat /ceXevet avrov Kara-^lvat Trap eavra) e^ovra oug OTrXtra?, /cat virKT^yelraL aurw aTroSwcretv ra TC ta ra eVt 6.a\drrr) /cat raXXa a VTrecr^eTO. /cat e^ TJTO) 7roLr)(rdfjii>o<; 2 Xeyet ort a/c^'/coe IToXu^t/cou o5? et uTTOxet/oto? earat Aa/ceSat/xot'tot?, crac^ws aTro^avotro 44 VTTO 0t/3/3wi/05. eV-eoreXXoz' 8e raura /cat cxXXot TroXXot rw &vo Att r&> /3acrtXet Trdrepa ot Xwoi' 4 /cat ayLtetvoi/ etT7 ptveiv Trapa ^evdrj of? 5 Sev^? Xeyet 19 amevai crvv rut dvat/oet 6 avra> Greeks getting provisions from certain villages are ordered by Medosades and an Odrysian, in the name of Seuthes, to with*. draw from the country. VII. Ep-re{)ei> 6v-r)on the conditions. 6 (the oracle pr the god) replies. BOOK VII. CHAP. VII. 373 Iv rats Kepe ' Kai a)v aVSpa 'OSpucrrjz/ Swara>raroz> TUV civjuOev fcara- v Kai tTTTre'a? ocrov rpta/coi^ra ep^erat /cat irpo- Eei/o^aWa e'/c roi) 'EXX-i^t/coO orparev/mros. /cat 65 \a.f$(i)v TLvas TMV Xo^ayw^ /cat aXXov? rwv eVtrrySetcuz/ Trpocrep^eraL. v6a ST) Xeyet M^SocraS^?, 3 " 'ASt/cetre, s T^V ^//.erepai/ -^atpav, a>s iroXe- Xenophon's reply. *O 8e Hevo<^wi/ d/covcras ravra etirev, " 'AXXa trot 4 et' rotaura Xeyoi'Tt /cat aTroKpivdcrOai ^aXeirov ' 8 rov- 8>v / 4\'o ?'6 eveKa TOV veavKTKOv Aega>, tv et o^ otot T Vjnet? ete^ yap," c^ 1 ?? <( trplv 5 a Sict ict TropOovvres, ?)V 8* /cao^re?, /cat cru ovrore 7rpo -^jaa? eX^ot? c Xt^ou Tore Trap* T^/ztv ovSeVa ^>oy8 * v/zets 8e ov/c T^re 6 et? TTJV$ rrjv rj et Trore eX^otre, w? eV /cpetrrovwv 7 x<*>pq- e'y/ce^aXij'aj/AeVots rot tTTTrot?. eTret Se T^/xtv (f>i\oi eye- 7 vecrOe /cat Si* ^/xas on'^ ^eot? c^ere ri^vSe ri)v ^wpaf, O\ ^ \r Ht^J rso^ / A OT) egeAawere i^/xa? e/c r^croe rTy? ^wpa? TJI/ Trap e^ovra^v 9 /cara /cpctros TrapeXctySere 019 yap 1 = warn 2 sc. vop9e?v r4s /cwuay. 8 = painful. * = Sj/8pa 'O$p6ffii SwarcoraTov of 2. 6 o/ w/;ai character. 6 ?/ui. 7 o/^ people more powerful than yourselves. 8 conative. 9 holding it by our power. 1 374 ANABASIS. avros ourOa, ol 77oXe]atot ov^ t/cavo' y&av T^/uas eeXav- 8 vf.iv. Kal oux l O77W? Sw/oa Sou? /cat ev TJOLTJO-CLS avO* i\ov yeve&Ocu, ano X'QO'TcC AO e^o^ra, w? avros et^cr^a. dra/) rt /cat 77/309 e/xe Xeyet? ravra;" e^>i7 * " ov ya/3 eywy' ert oip^a), dXXa Aa/ceSat- ^tdvtot, 0*9 VjLtet? 7ray3e8 ^ / 4O^/" /cat aKraiJiTv vvv a770Otoous. Odrysian messenger, after expressing sympathy for the Greeks, returns to Medocus ; Medosades interviews the messengers oj Thibron, whereupon it is decided to send to Seuthes, demand- ing the back pay. il 'E77ei ravra TjKovcrev 6 'OS/suo-qs, elrrev, "*Eya> tev irpocrOev /, ouS' ai/ crvvr)KO\Qv0r)(rd crot* /cat i/O^ a77t/x,t ya/o at' Mi^So/co? /ae 6 /SacrtXeu? liraivoir), et e 12 yot/u rou? eve/3yera9." ravr* et?7cuv dvaftas eVt LTTTTOV OLTn/jXawe /cat o~uz> aurw ot aXXot tTTTret? TTT(ip(ov $ 77eVre. 6 Se M^Soo-aSr/?, e'Xv77t yap avrov 17 X^P a TTOpOovpevr], e/ceXeue roz/ Hevo^wi/ra /caXecrat 13 ro) 8 Aa/ceSat/aom'&j. /cat os Xaj3a>v rou? eVtr^Seiorarous Trpoo"fj\6e TO> XapfJLLvat /cat IloXwt/ca) /cat eXe^tv art 1 o&x Sirws . . dA\', no< on/y n, ctTrte'- vai e/c Trjpa?. " ot/xat av ow/ f^ 1 ?? " u/xa? airo- 14 \a/3u> TTJ crrparta TOV 6(etXoiievoj> /xio~#oV, et etTrotre ort SeSeryrat u/xaiv 17 crrpaTtd f^icrOov r} nap 3 e/coWos rj Trap' a/coiro? 2ev#ov, /cat 6Yt rov- av /cat on St/cata u/itv So/couo't Xeyetv ' /cat ort UTT- avrot? Tore aTTteVat orat' rd St/cata 4 kBaiv Se e ot o~rpaTta)Tat. 'A/covo-avres ot Aa/cw^e? ravra eacrav epelv /cat 15 aXXa OTrota a^ Suvwirat /c/3arto~ra * /cat OVTO e^ovre? Trai/ras rovs eVt/catptou?. " Et /Aev o~u rt ej(t9j ci M^Soo-aSe?, \ / fi \ ^e^ \ \ e o\ Xeyetv, et oe /x^, i^/xet? Trpo? o~e e^o/xev. o oe 16 T) t(})i|JLVO)S, 6 f< *AXX' eya> jitev Xeycu," 6^)17, " /cat 'ZevOrjs ravra, ort a^iov^v rou? vpaiv. ort yap ai> TOT/TOV? /ca/cai? Trot^re 17/^015 17877 Trotetre * rjperepoL yap eto-tv." " 'H/xet? roivvv" ar) ' eWXeve Se /LtdXtcnra fikv avrw TO> Aa/cwi/c e\6eiv Trapa ^evdrjv irepi rov fjacrBov, /cat 1 otecr#at av ^.v6f]v Tretcrat* ei Se /x>7, EefO(aWa o-w aurw /cat crvfJLirpdgeLv VTncr^velTO. e'Setro Se ras Xenophon, the mouthpiece of the delegation, addresses Seuthest "Do not barter away the confidence placed in you." to 'Eireu^ez/ Tre/XTrovcrt Be&>o ot e'So/cov*/ eVtrr/Setorarot eti/at. 6 Se eXdojv Xeyet TT/OOS n ^ev0rjv 9 " OvSei^ a7ratT7ycrajv, w ^evOy, Trapei/xt, aXXa i/, T^I/ Sww/Aat, a>? ov St^atw? />tot yyBecrBrjs on Tcuj/ (rrpcLTiOJTOJv OLTT-T^TOVV ere Trpo0vpoj<; a vTre- avrot? * crot ya/) eywye ou^ ^rrof evo^i^ov opov eli/at aTroSovt'at 1^ e/ceti'ot? aTroXafteiv. Trpa>Tov jjiev yap oTSa /xera 3 rov? Oeovs et? 4 TO avep6v ere rou? /cara-crr^crai/ra?, eVet ve y8ao~tXe / a o~e eVotT TroXX.^5 ^ojpa ovre ^^ rt atcr- >3 XP OZ/ Trotifcr^?. TOLOVTOJ Se 6Vrt di^Spt jiteya /aeV /.tot eSo/cet ewat /AT) So/cet^ a^apicrTOj^ a7ro7rejai//ao"$at ai/- Spa? eve/3yera9j fteya 6 Se eu aKovetv 7 UTTO e^a/ctcr^tXtaj^ av0pa>7r(DV, TO Se p,yL(rTov p.T)Sa|i(os 8 aTTtcrrov (ravrov u KaTaaTrjcrai ort Xeyot?. opw yap rwv jae*> d.TTi /xaratov? /cat aSwarov? /cat d-rCM-ous rov? Xdyou? vojfj.i>ov<; ' ot S' ai^ ai>epol dxriv a\r)6*La.v TOVTWV ot Xdyot, 17^ Tt Se'wvrat, ovSe> fjielov Svvavrai. dvxi(ra(r9ai 9 77 aXXwv 17 /8ta ' ^ r' - 10 1 8C. ^TJ. 2 advantageous. 8 i. e. nca-i ^o. 4 ?'n a conspicuous position 8 a(, so after fityiffrov. 7 hear well of one- self = 6e we// spoken of. % not at all. 9 dpurw, accomplish. 10 6r/n^ ;o reason. BOOK VII. CHAP. VII. 377 j3ov\a)VTaL, yiyvfiXTKo* ra? TOVTOIV dimXas ov% TJTTOV o~o)(j)povL^ovo~a<; rj ak\a)v TO 77877 /coXdetz> ' rjv re TO) Tt vTncr'xywvTa.i ol TOLOVTOI dVSpes, ouSei> ^elov Sta- irpaTTOvTai 77 dXXot irapaxp'HK'a : StSdi/re?. " ' A.vafJLvrjcr0r)TL Se /cat cru Tt irpo-TeXccras 2 V/AU> crvja- 25 ^Ses. otcr^' ort ovSeV * dXXa TTLTov TO TTtcrreuecr^at, TO /cat T^ y8ao~tXetav crot TOVTOJV TWV ^prj/jidrajv irnrpdv KETCH* alienate the Greeks, some of their officers may go over to the enemy, and you may lose your power." ' OTI 817, di>afJLVTj(T6r)TL TTOJ? jjteya 6 -^yov TOTC KaTaTrpa- 27 a i/ui/ /caTacTTpei/fd/xe^o? exet?. eycu //,ez> ev oT8' )* av Ta vvv 7re7rpay//,eVa /xaXXoi' o~ot VO.L 17 7roXXa7rXcio~ta TOVTWV Tait' ^p-rjfjidTcov e/xot Toivvv fjLel^ov /3Xdy8o? /cat alcr^iov 8o/cet eTvat TO 28 i/ui> /u,^ KCLTa-cr^elis 17 TOTE ^17 Xa^eiv^ oo~a)Trep e/c vrXovcrtou irVT|Ta 8 ye^eV^at 17 7rXovr^o~at, /cat ocrw XvTrrjpoTepov e/c ^ (pavrjvaL 77 dp^rjv /XT) ySacrtXeucrat. "Ov/covt' e7rto"Tao~at //,ei> OTt ot vuv crot VTTTJKOOL yevo- 29 p,evoi ov <^)tXta 9 TT} (rfj eneicrOrja'av VTTO o~ov dXX' dvdyK-in, /cat oYt eV(,^tpotev a^ trdkiv 1 immediately. 2 />o// beforehand. 3 yo;/ induced (iw-atpca). * subdue for i/on. 6 ^?rs<, fAen, o/8os ftar^ot. irorlfxos 1 ovv otet /iaXXov av ofiela'0ai re avrovs 2 /cat crwfypo- velv ra 3 7T/3O? (re, et 6/oa>e'v crot rows crrpartaSras ovra> Sta/cet/LteVovs cu? vuv re /le'vovras 4 av, ct crv /ceXevots, avOis T av ra^u e'X#oVra?, et Scot, aXXou? re rourw^ ire/)l \\\ <">9 / N ^Ift trot, aXAa irpo(TTaT /-* ^ ' \ > * 32 ort ye ///r)v ot vw VTTO crot vypaKes yevopevoi TroXu av irpoOvjJLOTepov totev CTTI ere 17 OT;V crot ou/c aS^Xov* crow /xev ya/3 /cparovvro9 8o\)XCa 13 VTrdp^i aurots, Kparov Se' crou e cheaper for you that the Greeks go away as youi friends, rather than remain as your enemies.*' 33 " Et 8e /cat r^? ^cujoa? irpo-voctorGai M -^817 rt Set tfv. 6 should think to your discredit. i.e. the Greek soldiers. J cf. 251, c. 353. i33. J79, a. yield. leaders (-drryj). 10 sc. Am. " i.e. of the Greeks. ^ and (i/) on ? Iv TroXe/Ata cru re aXXov? Tretpwo TrXeto- e^ajz> dvTi-O'TpaTO'TreSeiko'Sai SeotteVov? TU>I> twi' ; dpyvpiov Se Trorepcu? av TT\eov dva\i\6p.evov aTroSo^etTy, 17 et ravra re oc^eiXotro 8 aXXous re Kpetrro^as rovraiv Se'ot . ere iiivdovcrdai ; "*AXXa 4 yap 'Hpa/cXetSy, a>? Trpos e/Ae eSrfXov, Trayx- 35 TroXv 8o/cet TOUTO TO oipyvpiov eivaL. rf jArjv TTO\V y e'crTtv 17/^015 eXBelv 7rpo5 ere Se'/caTov 5 TOUTOV /ae/ao?. ou 36 yap dpt^/xo? e'crTtv 6 bpl&v TO -TroXu /cat TO oktyov, dXX' 17 Swa/xt? TOU TC aTroSiSoVTos /cat TOU XafJiftai/ov- TO?. o~ot Se vu^ 17 /caT 5 evLavrbv TrpocroSo? 7rXeta>v eb~Tat 17 fJLTrpo(rdei> TO. TrapovTCL iroivra [a e'/ce'/cTTjcro]. "Justice to me demands the payment of what you promised, and there is no possession more glorious than justice and generosity." "'Eyco /LteV, cS Seu^rj, TavTa aj? i\ov OVTOS at (Sz/ ot ^eot - crot e8w/cav dyaOatv e'ycu Te /AT) Sta^>6 ^apefyv iv rr} ev yap Icrdi OTL vvv e'yai OUT* ai/ e^Opbv 38 /ca/cw? Troirjcrat SwriOefyv crvv Tavrr) rfj ovr av et crot traXiv fiovXoLfji'rjv y8oi7#7?crai, ai' yevoi^v, OVTO) yap Trpos /u,e 17 crrpana Sia/cetTat. /catrot avrov ere [xdprvpa 7 crw ^eot? etSocrt 8 3fl OTI ouTe e^w 7ra/)a crou eVt 9 TOI? 1 ^Acy claim. 2 in which wa>/ will more money be expended. * remain due. & (you ma? think as Heraclides), /or etc. 8 sc. Ao^er^ col aTro8oiW. icpo-vof.c, lake thought for. 7 witness. 8 = who know 9 =. on the ground of. 380 ANABASIS. ovSeV ovre rfrr)(ra TTWTrore et? TO L&LOV ra eKeCvwv oint to a vTreV^ov /otot dTnyT^o-a* ofjivvfja Se' o~ot ///^Se aTroSi- SoWos * Sefao^at aV, ei ^ /cat ot crrpartwrat e/zeXXoi' ra tavTMV cr\)v-cnro-Xa}xpdvU>. alcj-^pov yap rjv* ra e'/xa Sta-7re7r/>ax#at, 8 ra 8' e/cetVa)^ Tre/x-iSeu' e/te nl )(OVT(L aXXws 4 re /cat TUJL^^VOV VTT* eKewcov. Katroi ye Xijpos 6 TraVra So/cet ett'at 77/305 ro apyv- )(IV K TTOLVTOS T/3O7TOU * eyO> Se' W ^V07] OvSeZ/ d) avSpl aXXaj? re /cat ap^ovTi /caXXtov eli^at /cr^/x-a ovSe Xa|XTTpoTpov 6 aperr)? /cat St/catocrv^? /cat y vvai " 42 TT|Tos. 7 6 ya/> ravra e^wi/ TrXovret fteV OVTMV (friXcuv TToXXaii/, TrXovret Se /cat aXXwi' ySouXo/AeVfuv ye^e'cr^at, /cat eu /otei/ Trpa-TTw e^et rows crvz>-i7O~$i7o~o//,eVous, 8 Se' rt oxJ>aXi[j, 9 ov crTra^t^et * 7%e charge of the soldiers, that I have been more careful of your interests than of theirs, is proof of my friendship." 48 " 'AXXa yap el pyre e/c ra>z> eptov epyatv /car-e/>ta^e ort (rot e/c T^? ^X^ s <^>tXo? 77^, jLt^Ve e'/c rai^ e'/xwi^ Xoyoji> Swatrat rouro yvtovou,, dXXa rou? rai^ crrpaTLOJ- ra)i> Xoyov? TraVrw? Kara-v6r)(rov ' Trap-r) p,i> ot/aat TrdWas avOpamovs vop.itf.iv tvvoiav 46 Setv a7ro-/cetcr#at l TOVTOJ Trap* ov av Sojpd rt? cru Se irplv 2 jJief vTrrjpeTrjcrai ri crot e'/xe /cat 6fjL(j.ao-L 3 /cat ^>a>^ /cat ^ei't'ot? /cat ocra ecrotro 4 U cr^i/ov/xei'o? ov/c eVeTrt/AvrXacro * 5 eVet 8e /car-eVpa^a? a IftovXov /cat yeya^crat ocrov 6 eyci f&wdfurjv /Aeytoros, I'Gv ourcu /ze art/AO^ oira eV rot? o"r/3arta>Tat5 roX/xas trepi-opav ; dXXa 7 /XT)Z/ on o~ot Sdet ctTroSoO^at Trto-revcu 4V /cat rof ^povov StSa^eti^ o~e /cat avrov y4 o~e ov^t dt'- o~ot TrpoeyuteVov? 9 evtpyecriav opuvTO. o~ot 10 Seo/xat ow o~ov, orai/ aTroStSw?, Trpodv Trapa rot? o-rpartci/rats rotovro^ Trot^crat olovirep /cat TrapeXa^Se?.' Seuthes, moved by this address, pays the Greeks one talent, six hundred oxen, four thousand sheep, one hundred and twenty slaves, and certain hostages. *A/coucra? ravra 6 Sev^? KaT-rjpdcraTO rvra). ' trpa-iijui, bestow f reel i/. ^ reproach. ll the man who was the cause of the wages not hm-inrj been paid over, l-' have a different stand>ng. * This ( 21-47) is an able address, so able indeed that one would lik^ to know how much of it was delivered on this occasion, and how much was el ibo- rated twenty years after at Scillus. See Introd. 117. 382 ANABASIS. * \ V \ V'r'/))QT so rta >w re /cat ore Trpo? ere atpiKOfJLeua.. o o eiirev, " 'AXX' ovr' eV rots cn-parta/rats ecret Si' e'/xe drt/Aorepos* ai/ re /leV^s Trap' e/AOt ^tXtovs /AoVous orrXtras c^coi', tyw crot ret re ^(opua ctTroSwcrcu /cat raXXa a V 51 jj,riv." 6 Se TtaXiv etTre, " Tavra /xei^ e^eti' ovrws r/ / O\~ iir^ v / > t e^/ otoi> re avroTre/xTre oe i)/xa9. Kat /-op, 917 o 2ei^ $17$, " /cat acrc^aXe'crrepot' ye' crot otSa oi/ Trap* e/xot 52 /xeVeti/ 17 aTTteVat." 6 Se iraXiv etTref, " 'AXXa TT)> cr^v irpd-voiav eTrat^w e/>tot Se jievfiv ov^ old^ re ' 8* ai> eyai evTLfjLOTepos co, i/d/At^e /cat crot rovro a.ya9ov 53 ecrecr#at." evrevdev Xeyet Sev^ry?, " 'Apyupiov fjiev OVK ej(a> dXX' J 17 fUKpov n, /cat rovrd crot StSw/^t, rd\av- TOV * ySou? Se e^a/cocrtou? /cat TrpofiaTa et? rerpa/ctcr^t- Xta /cat aVSpdVoSa et? et/cocrt /cat e/cardv. ravra Xa^Sai^ /cat TOV? TWV d$LKr)crdvT(DV ere o/x^ 54 XayScov aTrt^t." yeXacra? 6 Hei^o^aj^ />ti) e'^t/c^rat 2 ravr* et? rov /xtcr^d^, rtVo? 3 raXavrov vXaTrecr0ai Trer/aovs ; 5 T^/cove? Se ra? aTretXa?." Tore /Aev ST) avrov eftetve. 55 TTJ S' vcrrepaia aTre'Saj/ce re avrot? a VTreV^ero /cat rou? eXcoi^ra? 6 arwevefln^Of. ol Se crrpartairat re'ws /xei/ eXeyov w? 6 Hevo^xwv ot^otro w? 7 ^evOyv OLKTJO'WV /cat a uTrecr^ero avra> Xi^d/Aet'os " erret Se etSo^, ri&Ofja'a.v 8 56 /cat TrpocreQeov. Hei'O S' eVet etSe Xapfjuvov re /cat IIoXvi>t/coi> ? " Tavra," (17, " cre'crwcrrat Si* v/xaot Sta-Sore rrj crrparta." ot /xeV ovf TrapaXa- 1 except. a rearA ^o, suffice far. 9 whose? 4 Hfitivov (la-riv lf*l\ iiiri6vra, i. e. back to camp, or perhaps to Greece. 6 c. r6 aTo\/ ot e'mr^'Setot eV rw crr/aaroTreSa) e'Se /XT) aTT-eX^etv Trpti/ cxTraycx-yot TO or/oareu/xa Kal ij3pa)vt, TTapa-Sotij. 2%e Greeks cross over to Lampsacus , Xenophon sacrifices to Zeu* Meilichius ; he is presented with his favorite horse. VIII. 'Ei/rev#> St-eVXevcrat' et? Aa/xi//aKoi/, /cat I aTravra TW Sevo^xSi/rt Eu/cXeiS^? /xa^rt? OXtacrto? 6 KXeaydpou vto? TOU ra cvroCxLO- 4 >I/ Av/cta yeypa^oros. OVTOS crv^-^Sero TO) Het'o^aii'Tt ort ecreraxTro, /cat yparra avTov TToa'ov xpucrt'ov ^ ot ' o 8' avrw eir-o/LtoVa? etTret' 2 ry jLtr)i^ ecrecr#at /xr^Se e'^)dStov IKO.VOV ot/caSe ctTTtoWt, et /x^ aTToSotro rot' t7T7roi> /cat a a/x^)' avrov et^e^. 6 S' avrw ov/c 7TL(TTV6i>. eVet 8' e7re/xi//av Aatti//a/CT7^ot 3 eVta T&J He^o^aj^rt /cat $ue rw 'ATrdXXwvt, craro 6 TOI> Ev/cXetS^i/ tSwi/ 8e TO, tepa 6 6 ort ireidoiTO airra) ttr) eti'at xara. " 'AXX otSa," eT7 " ort /cav /aeXXTy 7 Trore eo~ecr$at, 8 c^atverat rt (jnr68iov, ai/ /x^Sei/ aXXo, o~v 9 crai^aJ." o'vt'cu/xoXd'yct raura 6 '3ei/o^>w^. 6 Se e'nrev, " 'E/x7rd8to? yap crot 6 4 Zevs 6 |iiXCxLos 10 ecrrt/' /cat eV-r^pero et 17817 Bv&eiev, " a)o"7rep ot/cot," 6(^17, " euoOciv 11 eyai u/xti/ OvecrOaL /cat 6\OKauTiv." 6 8' ov/c 6^)17 13 ef orou dircSTJjiT fccvat rovrw rw ^ew. crwe^8ouXeucrei/ ou^ avrw 1 booty-sellers. a ^os irepl (|>iO''5s, sentence of banishment. 8 br-dyw, bring forward against. See Introd. 114. 4 painted the wall-paintings. 6 p/ace 6esirfe (him ) . 6 i. e. how poor they were. 7 sc. xp^A"""a. 8 sc. o-of. 9 sc. eo-raj t(j.ir6$io>> {obstacle), i. e. through his liberality. 10 ?Ae gracious. ll wa* wont. 1J q^er wAo/e victims (holocausts). 18 soft/ rj crvv-oCcreLv* eVt TO fte\nov, ry oe v&TepaLa 6 Hei>cxajz/ rrpoeXdaiv et? *Opvviov 0vero /cat o5Xo/cavret x.tp ol) S 3 TW Trarpiut j/o/xa), /cat e/caXXtepct. 6 /cat TO.VTT) TTJ ^/xepa d crr/3arev/Aart, /cat levovvrat 4 ra) Hevofyaivn /cat ITTTTOV 6V ei> Aa)u,i//a/coj aTreSoro Kovra. SaeiKtovf viroirrevovTCS OVTOV 8t' on TKOVOV avrov Toecrat, T(o rnr(p, aircooa'av /cat r^ rt/xi)^ 6 ov*c rjOeXov a7roXa/3eu>. 7%e Greeks arrive at Pergamus ; Xenophon entertained by a woman named Hellas ; attacks Asidates. 7 'E*Tev#ei> liropevovTO Sid r^5 T/awdSo?, /cat v TT^ ^1817^ et? *A.vrav$pov d(f)iKvovvT(u irpaiTOv, etra napa OaXarrav Tropevo/xevot -ny? Mvcrta? et9 ^179 8 eWev#ei> St* 'ASpa/xirrrtov /cat KvroWov et? Kat/cou Hepyafiov KaraXa/x^Sdt'ovcrt r^5 Mucrta?. ST) ^evovrai aevotfrtov 'EXXdSt r^ FoyyvXau rov yvt'at/ct /cat Yopyiwvos /cat FoyyvXov 9 avrrj o' avra> 8 (ftpd^ei on *Ao-t8dr77? ecrrtv eV rw dvrjp IIe/3cn79 * TOVTOV"* tyy avrov* el e\0OL TT^? z^u/cro? crut' r/3ta/cocrt/u,o? 117. oenrvrjcra.*; ovv liropev- ero rou? re Xo^ayov? rou? p,d\icrra (f)i\ovca9' i, /MS< as. 2 avfj.-$>fpu>, turn out. 8 x~P s - f"ff- * ^ e entertained. 6 high price us money went in those days. 6 = price. 7 i. e. Asidates 8 v. e. Xenophon. 9 = to guide in this (raura) enterprise. 10 her own cousin. BOOK VII. CHAR VIII. 385 . . morov? yeyevrj^evovs Sid iravTos, OTTCOS eu crat auTov?. ) The enterprise failing, the Greeks with their booty retreat pursued by the enemy. I Se a(f)LKovTO irepl /tecra? ^v/cra?, ra /xei> rreptt; 12 aTToSa rry? Tvpo~ios /cat ^p^/u,ara 4 ra TrXetcrra Spa avrov? Trap-ajaeXou^ra?, eu? TOI> 'Aa'tSar^^ av- \d/3oLV /Cat TO, KLVOV. 1TUp'YO|iaXOVVTS 5 Se 7Tel 13 ou/c e'Su^a^ro Xa/3etv rr)^ rvpcnv, injjrjXr) yap fy /cat /cat irpo(iaxcovas 6 /cat d^Spa? TroXXov? /cat 7 e^oucra, 8i-opvTTtv 8 eVe^et/a^cra^ rof irup- 6 Se Totxos 10 ^ 67T 6/crai ir\LV0(iiv "yqivov 11 TO 14 evpo?. a'/xa 8e r^ ^/xe/ja 8t-w/)w/3v/cro /cat oJ? TO Tr/jor TOV Ste^di/ry, eVdYa^ei' eVSo^et' pouirdpw 12 Tt? 6/8eXto~/caXe? eti^at. KKpa < yoTa)V 13 Se O.VTWV /cat irup(rvd\rrwv 14 tK-po-qOowiv is 'lTa/ieVi75 /xet' e^wt' TT)I> eavTou Swa/xtv, e/c Ko/aa^ta? Se ovrXtTat 'Ao~cruptot /cat 'Tp/cd^tot tTTTret? /cat OVTOI 5oto"tXe / iw? fjua'0o(f>6pOL o>? oySo^/cot'Ta, /cat dXXot TreX- raorat et? o/cTa/cocrtou?, dXXot 8' e'/c TIap06VLOv, dXXot 8' e^ 'ATToXXaWa? /cat e/c TW^ TrX'Tjo'LOv ^ojpioiv /cat tTTTret?. 'Ei/Tav^a ST) wyaa ^v o'/coTreti/ irw? eb"Tat 17 dc^oSo? * ie /cat Xa/3oWe5 oo-ot ^craz^ y8de? /cat TrpofiaTa rfXavvov /cat dvSpaTToSa eVTo? 7rXato~tov 7rotT7o~d//,efot, ov TOI? forcing themselves in with the rest. 2 i. e. TOJ 0taira/j.fvovt. 8 as if ready (for distribution). 4 effects = Zive stock. 5 attacking the tower. 6 battlements* 7 warlike. 8 c/9 through. 9 tower, 1C '/;u^. 11 earthen. :i Ax-spit. W itpdfa, call. 14 waie sianal*. H. & w. 386 ANABASIS. XPIJP'OLO'LV TL TTpOO~^OVTa)vra eVet TrdVu -^817 eVte'^ot/ro VTTO rail/ To^ev^drajv /cat cr^evSot'aiv, Tropevofjievot KVK\OJ, OTTO*? TO, o?rXa e^otev TT/DO rail/ ro^ev/Aaraj^, /txdAis Sia- /SatVovcrt TCW Kap/cacro^ TTOTajJLOv, rerpw/xeVot 2 19 ot r)fJiL(TLs 8ta/cocrta /cat 7r)oara ocrov 8 In a second expedition the Greeks capture Asidates ; arrived of Thibron. TO Tjf) 8e vorepata Ovcrd^vo^ 6 He^o^ajv e'fayet vvKrcop TTO.V TO arpareu/xa, OTTW? ort jaa/cporar^^ eX^ot TT^S AvSta?, et? 4 TO /x^ Sia TO ey-yvs etvat ^>oy8eto~^at, dXX' li d4>uXaKTiv. 5 6 8e 'Ao-tSdY^? d/covo-a? oTt TrdXiv eV O.VTOV 6 T0VfJLl>O<5 CLTJ 6 Hei'O^WV Kttt TTttP'Tt TO) O"T/)a- Tv/x,aTt 17^01, |au\i^Tai 7 et? /cw/xa? VTro 8 TO HapOtviov 22 7rdXto"/ia e^ovo"a5. Ivravda ol Trepl Kvo- 23 LKvovvrai et? Ilepya/Aov. IvravBa TOV Beov rjcrirdcraTO :aevo(f>a)v ' crvveirpaTTOv 3 yap /cat ot Aa/cwi^e? /cat ot Xo^ayot /cat ot aXXot (rrpar^yot /cat ot crr/3arta)rat OJCTT' aipeTa 4 \afielv /cat ITTTTOVS /cat evy?7 /cat raAXa* ware t/cavov 5 et^at /cat aXXov ^817 ev Trotetv. 'Ei^ TOVTW if$p ov. A catalogue (of doubtful authenticity) of the governors of the pro- vinces and of the independent tribes through which the Gfreeks passed. Total distance covered and time spent in the expedition. 8e otSe r^9 ^SacrtXeiws ^w/aa? 00*17^ 35 TT-TJX0o|JLev. AvSta? 'Aprt/xa?, ^>pvyta5 'Apra/ca/xas, Av/caovta? /cat KaTTTraSo/cta? Mi0padT7) Trpecr&vTfpos, 2), the words following. f|r8Vt (a.S <|>iXov : as a friend, i. e. supposing him to be a friend. See Introd. 44. ?X from letter X) in the last sentence. dvaBalvfi . . . So often in Latin : Ratio consensit, re- pugnat oratio. CICERO. And in Eng. : He hath fed the hungry the rich he hath sent empty away. BIBLE. These to the upland to the valley those. COWPER. 3. TXWTT]cr : died had died ; cf. eVonjo-e, 2. KaT-eVrrj : settled into = was (here = had been) established in. Sia-f3d.XX.ei : the use of this word shows that Xenophon did not believe the story Plutarch has recorded. See Introd. 45. irpos TOV d8eXov : to his brother. Cf. the use of rov, 1. ^ 6v t so in eirJ r^v a.px'hv in same sentence. 4. 6 8', cf. & Sf, above. o>s : as, often = when. &irl TiS : see Lex. sub *. {nr-tjp^f (inr-dpxoa) : see Lex. 4>iXovcra (Xovs = (juXrepous. TWV Pappdptov tirtJltXetTO (OS = fTTffj.f- \(7ro us ol fidp&apoi by prolepsis. So in Kng. : " I know thee who thou art," " Con- sider the lilies how they grow." ' 6. Note the use of &s and on with superlatives. etc. = irap^yytiAe rols ) v\aKuv (nroffas . . . w$ = on the ground that. Kal Yf : and (this seemed plausible) for. Note ellipsis implied. So often. K : see Lex. d-iv Kal tls (for) . . . us : on the (alleged) ground that thus he would . . . rb Iv @TTa\a : with ffrpdrevpa. 11. <*s povXofitvos : as if wishing alleging as a reason that he wished. See Lex. sub a>j. ds LTwrCSas : = into (the country of) tht Pisidians. Kal TOVTOVS : these also. triv : with the aid of. So often. CHAPTER II. 1. avw : upward, i. e. into the in- terior. T?|V (xcv irp64a' d : that for which. viro(rxo(vos . . . : promising them that if he should accomplish. Note that the optatives follow a past tense ^eA.j/l MCXT]Tov n'vwv : were of those 'who were serving in the siege of Miletus. 4. ff ISvvaro : see Lex. sub SiWyuat. ptCtova ^ ws: greater than as (it would be) if '= too great to be. BOOK L CHAP. IL 391 5. dirb SdpSewv : " OTO rather than tit, *nce the army was doubtless mainly en- camped about the city." Crosby, Good- win, et al. Rather because Sardis is viewed merely as the point of departure, cf. airb TTJS apxT}*, I 2 - O>P|AO.TO : When ? See Itinerary, p. 47. irXcdpa : pred. nom., less common than the gen. ; cf. iroSwv, 8. 7. diro i/n-Trou : oftener d<(>' tirirov. K TWV pao-iXtuov : = in the palace (and flow forth out of it). (AtVow : in predicate position = middle of, in attributive position middle. (3ao-iXs : but Kvpcp in 7. The gen. emphasizes the possessor, the dat. the thing possessed. Kiihner, 284, (9), R. 5. Note well the distinction. 8. iroSwv : cf. ir\tdpa, 5. viKT|ias : here = musical skill as we know from the myth. (\eytTcu) Kp|id(rai. 80ev : for o5, where, as in 7, we have fK TUV for fv rots. 9. T|TTT)0is rfj (JtdxT) : after being worsted in the (well-known) battle, i. e. of Salamis. Note the personal constructions Ae'yerai ' A.ir6\\uv, 8, Eeprjy \tyercu. Stoo-is : of whom we hear nothing more. 2o4>aivTos : mentioned in 3. Why he had fallen behind is uncertain. Some think the text corrupt. v TU> TrapaSticru) : a hint as to the size of these royal parks, cf. 4 10 ; 2.4 16 . e^vovro ot (nijiiravrts : they all together amounted to . . . round numbers doubtless for lO.SOO hoplites, and 2,300 light armed. Cf. 3, b, 9. d(x<{>l TOVS : Note that apty'i with numer- als means al>out (so els), but takes the article. 10. els II&.Tas.- see Map. "This strange de'tour has always been a puzzle. Perhaps the explanation is that if he advanced straight to the east he feared lest the object of his march might be- come evident to the Greeks, and he was as yet very doubtful whether he could trust them. He therefore turned right away back towards the northwest, and, after a long circuit, ventured to lead the army eastwards." Professor RAMSAY Hist. Geog. of Asia Minor (1890), p. 41 Colonel Chesney thinks that it was t avoid a difficult route. rd AvKaia : to the Lycaean Zeue, though festivals of the same name were held in Arcadia to Pan. The Greeks, more than any other people, made amuse- ment a prominent part of their religious festivals. arXeY'y'Ses : whether flesh-scrapers, or gilt bands for the head are meant is un- certain. 11. irXt'ov : often used indeclinably (cf. L. plus, minus etc.) with words of number and measure. Here =: tr\f6va>v. Note the supplementary pts. \tyuv, avult- pevos. Cf. irapwv eTvyx a>>f > I 2 - irpos : see Lex. ?XVTCI : we should expect the gen. (but cf. \a06vToi Ktvltf, 2 1 ) : = if he had (means). 12. yuWj : often rendered wife, a word for which the Greeks had no exact equivalent. 6, rj cr6vyos (yoke- fellow) was not much used by the classic writers. tX^yero : she was said . . . personal con struction, but below impersonal, it was said that Cyrus. 8' oiv : but at any rate. So often. TTJ KuXerV (3op{3dpu>v : widely different divisions, hence repetition of the article. 15. els jia^tjv (sc. rax*''?''*') : for battle. Cf . els T)JP rpo 84 . . . : (subjective gen.), the fright of the barbarians was etc. 18. Kal T| TC . . . r and both the. o! IK T^S : rather than ol tv TTJ, from the influence of the verb (fyvyov), as in $he case of -riav irapa 0atn\ttat, I 5 . TOV CK TWV . . <}>o(3ov I8wv : seeing the (lit. out of the Greeks into etc.), terror u-hich the Greeks struck into the barbarians. 19. x.upav : obj. of fWrpe^e. Siap-rrdcrai : ad diripiendum. 20. Kal avrov : i. e. Menon. fc'rcpov riva . . . : a certain other in- fluential man of. alTiacra.fj.cvos (auroi/j) eiripovXeueiv : ac- cusinq them of platting. 21. l(rxvpps oi Menon. Kal ( Sffipiraffav) ra . . . avrrj. fiCTcircjiTrcTO : note the impf. 6 8' oirrc . . . tfyt} . . but he neither BOOK I. CHAP. III. 393 said that etc. = but he both said that . . . not (see \tip and j]/jt.i). This Necessitates rendering the second oCre, and . . . not. (s x e ?P as ) Kvpw : where we should expect Kvpov. The Greek ofteu uses the dat. of interest where the Kug. requires a possessive. Note that $Qe\f is coordi- nate with, not dependent on, el, 4 l ; TroAAa tx^- " 17 > an d wherever the plural- ity of the subject is to be emphasized. 2. eSaKpve : this stern Spartan war- rior now about fifty years old, in tears because the soldiers would not advance ! There was design in it of course, but the Greeks were true children of nature, not hampered by the restraints of modern society. So when deprived of the captive Brise'is : "Then in tears Achilles, from his friends withdrawing, sat Beside the hoary ocean-marge." ILIAD, i. 348, 349. ttrrios : standing. Eng. prefers a finite verb, stood and wept. 3. x a ^ 1T ' < '5 p rots . . . : am troubled at the present (state of) affairs. TO. TC &X\a : both honored me in other 'esvects, and tis rb . . . l[U>l did not lay up for my (ffjLoi) private use. 4. 6Ti|Aapo u(XT)v : punished them. (t rt Se'oiro : if he should have any need of me. av6* S>v : see irdax'"'- 5. |AOI . . . irpoSovTa (-npoSiowfui) . . . \|/uo-d)i.tvov : see note on s,evia . . . A.a- &OVTO., 2 1 , either betraying you. irti . . . elvai. iKavbs . . . oijTt &v . . . : either to aid a friend or. &v (after oSre . . . oKre) is the &v of flvat repeated. NOTE. Without vopifa and of/tat, i e. in dir. disc., this sentence reads : wyuels t/j.oi fffTf Kal TtctTpls Ka.1 0d(T(d(ri . . . KaTaXa(3ovTs : might not anticipate (us) in seizing (them). wv : of whom. l)(O|icv avTipiraKdrcs : = we have plun- tered and hold. 15. a>s p,iv TIS, or oSret wfiOu) : modified by /j.d\i(rra. $ Svvarbv jxdXurra: in what (way) it is possible most = to the highest degree. Kfff6ai are subject of SOKC?. oiairep (=: rojai^Tj? olavirtp^ irpbs olavittp, Kriiger), similar to that for which he for- merly ; cf. I 2 . T|fids 2ir : icith, in conjunction with = tinder, as Cyrus was commander-in-chief. iropd T?|V 0cv : the inner (wall) the one. irpb rfjs KiXixfas : in front of= on the side of Cilicia. ptfrov : middle = space between. oi>K 1\v : it was not possible. irl . . . 4irtp . . . : which very thing, Cyrus thought. fyovra : because he had. &VTO. : see O.KOVOI, 3' 2D . 6. aipfioxiv : distinguish between &ppdv and 6pufia. 7. i\oTi(xi]8^vTS . . . tta Kvpos : jealous because Cyrus permitted. aS airidvras : (cf. 3 7 ), intending to return. 8iT]\0 : went out, was spread. 01 p.Jv . . . ol 8: some . . . others. a>s 8i\ovs ivras . . . on the ground that they were cowards. 396 NOTES. cl oXuxroivTo : apodosis implied, (think- ing) what they would suj/'er in case that, 8. Note the difference between diro- StSpdffKoa and airotyfvyio, as plainly indi- cated by the 7ap-clauses. TO CKEIVWV irXoiov : is thia the position of ^iVoy in the nom. ? . ov8' tpi ovSefe : nor shall any one say. Xpwpai sc. aurw. avrows : a pron. referring to rls, forts or &\\os used in a collective sense may be plural ; cf. fora . . . irdvras, I 6 . lovrwv : impv., let them go. 4>poupovfiva : guarded, nent., rtKva. Kal yvvdixas being viewed as things. Order : fvtKa. TTJS irp6(r6fv dpeTTjs. 9. dOupoTcpov : somewhat discouraged. The comparative alone may be rendered by (1) too, very, or (2) rather, somewhat, a little. See 649, a, b. The Persians punished offenders with great severity ; but, judging from the temper that the Greeks had already ex- hibited, the capture and punishment of Xenias and Pasion might have proved a dangerous exercise of authority. cXavm : leaving the Mediterranean, Cyrus now sets out for the Euphrates. lX0vwv : " it (the Koweik, supposed to be the ancient Chalos) was found to pro- duce seventeen species." RUSSELL, Nat. Hist, of Aleppo, 1794. 0tovs: Ainsworth quotes "Russell to the effect that there is a fountain in this neighborhood where " fish are still, or were till lately, preserved unmolested, and therefore more or less reverenced or sacred in the eyes of the true believers." . . . "A remnant," says Ainsworth, " of Syro-Arabian worship of fish-gods." The Syrian goddess Derceto, according to the legend, on losing her chastity threw her- self into the sea and was partially trans- formed into a fish. Hence to her votaries fish were sacred. 10. irXtOpow gen., but Svo ir\(9pa (nom.) in 2 6 . TOW Guptas fipJ-avTos : the former gov- ernor of Syria. Note the aorist. irdvTa Sara . so irdvrwv foo,, 1*. Kvpos . . !|KO\J/ : on the principle, Qui facit per alium facit per se. avrov : meaning the park. These royal pleasure-grouu'ds, large, walled, stocked with game, watered by irrigation, in an arid climate like that of Syria, seemed a paradise indeed, and the wanton destruc- tion of this one may indicate that Cyrus was not over-sanguine of success. 11, TCTTopwv oraSlwv : " The river is here 800 yards, or 4 stadia, in width." ..." This ford was used for the passage alike of Persian, Greek, and Roman ar- mies, and more lately of Arabs, Tartars, and Turks." ..." The ruins are now called Suriyah." AINSWORTH. els Baf3vXb>va : modifies ea-ocro or ficuri- Ae'a, which ? ava-ire6iv jr|xevt] : vsing its feet in -tinning, its wings, raising (them), like a sail. 4v TIS ra\v dvi(rTfl: if one start them up quick! i/. 4. irXeflpieuov : agrees with irora^v. This is a third way of stating the width. What are the other two ? Cf. 2 5 , 2 8 . MdcrKa : what kind of a gen. ? tirco-iiio-avro : whence we infer that Corsote had been so hastily deserted that provisions had been left behind. 5. vevT|KOj/Ta : how many miles 1 dXXcr : with numerals and in enume* rating objects iAAos may often be ren- dered, besides, yet, still, also ; with a neg., at all. So here, nor any tree at all. dXtras : as adj., cf. irf\ra.agn. tirt'oTT) : halted. TOV (BappapuKov . . . : (part of) the . . . 8 Contrast the pres. inf. iroielv and the aor. ffvvfTriffirfvffai. {u'pos TI : some part = a specimen. 398 NOTES. rfjs tvTo(as : of the discipline, i. e. which was practiced in the army of Cyrus. So TOVS T , . . TOS . . . : mark those garments as parts of the well-known Per- sian dress. Zvioi 8 : sc. txovTft. ircpl TOIS : note the force of vtpi with dat., only four instances of which are found in the Anabasis. Odrrov f\ : more quickly than one etc. wi, which implies an ellipsis, t) (OUTU TOX") <5>s . . . is not required in our idiom. 9. And throughout Cyrus shoired that he was in haste. &s is not required here, but it emphasizes the fact that Cyrus him self showed haste. See M. and T. 916. 8irov JATJ : except where. 8 -irpoa-e- XOVTI rbv vovv i] Paffi\f dpx^v Iffxvpbv olffav etc. This sentence gives a brief but striking description of the char- acter of the Persian empire. irXf^Oci., \"P as ' dvOpuirwv, is not an in- stance of zeugma, since Tr\rj6os may mean either extent or number. This sec. (9) is the hardest in the Anabasis. 10. Kara : opposite. i\f^dvTd>v. dSiKiv : see Lex. On the significance of this incident, see Introd. 82. 12. v-yk : note force of prep. avrov: adv. tK-n-eirXfJxOai : were terror-stricken. The pf. inf., like the pf. impv., sometimes ex- presses permanence or decisiveness. oi 8e KO. : but others also, tite'ivovs being viewed as = o< 5e. So in 7.4 17 ol Se is used after rives. 14. Kai TO^IS : and a division of hoplites following him. On the number in a Tcfts, see Introd. 71. 8n avrov . . . : because himself lacking little of being stoned to death he (Proxenus) etc. avToO : i. e. K\eapxos. 15. 4v TOVT : sc. Tij> XP^"V' mean- while. aivTo : note force of impf . l! TI : see sub '. rd iroX^va : m military affairs reckoned. Kal irprfcrOcv: formerly even. Some edi- tors put a period after iro\/j.-fjffas. and connect Kara\\ayfls 5e with what follows. 2. 8n . . . 4vcSpivXv(Tie (SO. OUTOl/j) (ITlOVTaS (=TOV iTrifvai) etc., would hinder them from ad- vancing and burnt ny up everything. iroiTJs v . . . irXcioTovs : as he may 6e able most = as many as possible, fuller expression for &s ir\fiarovs. Cf. 651, a. dXXd Kt'Xeuv (avrbv) pdcrai : but he went on to urge. Note impf. vTro8Xv &a.p&apTa. : cf. note on ^/ct Aeuev, 3. OVKOVV iicrrtpov : did you not afterward etc., connect w. tirottis. ovSev . . . d8iKovp.vos : althouoh in no respect wronged. 8 TI cSvlvw : whatever (injury) you were able = so far as you were able. 2T] : sat'o" yes. Svvap.iv : i. e. how little it was, as the context shows. rfjs 'ApTju8os : of the (well-known) Artemis, at Ephesus probably. Altars were places of refuge, and here the Greeks were wont to take solemn oaths, laying their hands on the altar or on the statue of the god. OVKOVV . . . '4>T)o-9a fierafxeXeiv : did you not say that you repented (it repented you) and etc. 8. rt o4V : wherein, then. ovSev a.SiKi]9cis : sc. firi$ov\fvuv . . . ytyovas, but render simply : that in to- thing he had been wronged. f) -yc-P : in truth (I dojybr. cl yvoi(ir]v : sc. Svvavrai . . . &v- Opuirot. Order: irdvTa 5e TO (sc. /x^prj) . . . Note the ace. with this verb of ruling instead of the gen. (cf. TTJS xpas, 3.4 1 ). 7. &v . . . yc'vtiTai: (/"(all) goes well. Cf . the words of Gaulites in 6, bi> oe fl etc. Order : iitdtrrif 5e vjj.iav T>V 'EAA^j'ojf '. Does he mean all the Greeks, or only the ffrparijyol Kal Aox7<>' of 2 ? Kai : also, i. e. in addition to their reg- ular pay. This speech has in it a vein of oriental extravagance, but it was politic, and it shows that Cyrus knew perfectly that his fate depended on the Greeks. 8. ior-fjrav : kept going in, no doubt to urge personal claims. (,6v. 10. The hoplites previously stated are : 9,600 (2 3 , -, *>) + 700 (4 3 ) + 400 (4 3 , deserters from A hrocomas) = 10,700 less loo (:>-'"', lost in the mountains) = 10,600 as against 10,400 of the text. So the 2,300 light-armed previously mentioned now number 2,500. The discrepancy lias not been satisfactorily explained. BOOK I. CHAP. VIII. 401 11. itcaT&v . . . p.upidSes . Ctesias, doubtless more correctly, puts the num- ber at 400,000. &XXoi : besides. 13. IK TWV iroXfia>v : out of from the ranks of, the enemy. ot . . . TWV iroX(xv : those of the enemy that. ravra., not ravra. 14. opyviat : could the gen. be used ? Of. irKtQpa, 2 5 , iroSuv 2 8 . 15. irapTTaTo : had been extended. lirC : upon =. orer. MrjSias reixovs : from 2.4 11 we learn that this wall was 20 feet thick, 100 feet high, and built of brick. " As our knowl- edge now stands, there is not a single point mentioned by Xenophon in Baby- lonia which can be positively verified ex- cept Babylon itself, and Phylae, which is known, pretty nearly, as the spot where Babylonia proper commences." GROTE. See entire note ch. Ixx., pp. 65-67. But see small map 2.4 13 , based on governmen- tal surveys made since. dirb TOV TfypTjros : other writers state that the canals in that region ran from the Euphrates into the Tigris. Hence this paragraph has been bracketed. n-XtOpiaicu : instead of irXtdpov or ir\f6pov. Kal a.yopa.v irXT|0ou St . . . : but (by) some time later. |itXav(a TIS : sort of blackness, something black. lirl iroXv : see Lex. sub iro\vs. 9. AXXoi 8' . . . : and others, horsemen, others, bow men or and, besides (cf. &AAo 5 5 ), there were horsemen and bowmen. Order : . . . iiropfvtro (sing, because fol- lowing tOvos, which is in part, appos. to OVTOl) KCfd 60C7J (KUffTOV 70 fOvOS IV. 10. airoTTa|iva : airortivca. pXirovra : so our ' look ' is used in the sense of point. T| 8i yviojJ.T) . . . : and the design was apparently to etc. The parts, agree with appara, and are explained as accusative absolute, a rare construction with personal verbs. The text is uncertain, and some editors with- out authority have substituted the genitive absolute. 11. 6 : not 6. e\|/v9(tpty. Grote : From fear of being at- tacked on the unshielded side he " was in duced here to commit the capital mistake of keeping on the right flank." But we do not know how serious might have been the results if he had obeyed Cyrus. 14. tv T. d>v : note how the author of the Anabasis here first introduces himself. us : here = 5(x-yia. See In trod. 83, 4. 16. Sevrtpov : see Introd. 91. ^pTo + ctt], clirtv + iraptpxrrai : note how flexible is the use of Greek modes. So in next sentence. 17. Traidviov : began to sing the paean. ^p)(ovTo . . . : began to go to meet (avrloi). 18. u>s 84 iropvo|ivo>v : but when, as (they) proceeded. TI : sc. fj.(pos. 8p6fiw 0civ : run (in) a race, run fast, emphatic pleonasm. So 19 ; 4.6 -2S ; 5.2 14 ; 7.1 l5 . 4>6f3ov TTOIOVVTCS : thus frightening the horses. 19. 4>v-youcri : see Introd. 20. Note that the Greeks here pursue Kara Kpdros, according to their might, i. e. so as to hold out, while Pategyas ( 1) rides dva Kpdros, i. e. at the top of his speed. 20. TO. fiiv . . . TO. 8 : some . . . others. lore 8' Sorts = fa of TJJ os = certain one, some one, cf. Jt ovs, 5". Rehdantz, Bachof, Boise, et al. translate, " mancher," " mani/ a one," " now and then one ; " but what follows seems clearly against this. Cf. Macmichael, " one man ; " Crosby, '' but there was one at least who." tKirXa-ytfe : terror-stricken. ovScls ovS'v : any one, anything. Em- phatic negative. rls : a certain one. Kriiger, Boise, et al. take it (less probably we think), in tha sense of, " one here and there." BOOK I. CHAP. IX. 403 21. rb K0.9' : see Kard. irpoo-Kuvovjitvos : i. e. as king. ov8* ws : not even thus, i. e. though pleased etc. dXXct ?x wv T ^l v T< Mi l ' v a\ordT(p : sc. r6ircf>. ... &v ... alcr6av(r9at . . . : the army would learn it in etc. The inf. depends on 23. avrow : after en o>s tls KVK\O)(TIV : as if to encircle them. Aim or purpose is often expressed in Greek by els, cf. els rr)i> -rpoo|ao-0ai, slew himself. On the bearing of this defeat on the fu- ture of Greece, see Grote, ch. bdx. (end). CHAPTER IX. 1. ]t.\v oi!v : so then, often, as here, without corresponding 5e. dvqp wv . . . y VO H L * vV . . . lpY>v: of the exercises (prepar- ing) for war. 6. TO. p*'v : some hurts ; followed not by the usual rek 5e, but T'AOS tie. T&V irpwrov . . . : the Jirst (man), as- suredly, that came to his rescue, quite an unexpected statement after Ko.TtKa.vt. iroXXois : by (agent) or to (indr obj.) = in the vielv of many. Cf. note on ;Aa>ToV, 7*. 7. rfjs fify^ 7 ]* : the greater. See Map. ols Ka0T|Ki : whose duty it is. Cf. I 2 . irepl irXeCoTov : see iroitto. T<{> (not TU) = TIV: with any one=with whomsoever. How would the sentence read after irtpl irAeiVrov iroiovfiai 1 8. Kal -yap : see yap t-rriTptTrdfuvcu : in committing themselves (to him). avepbs 8' Jjv . . . impcifievos : cf. SrjAos fa, 2 11 . Kal . . . 4|'4>pov : and some also re- ported a prayer of his. VIKUT] : surpass. a.\t6/j.tvos, by requiting (both), applied hy zeugma to TOI/J to ITOJ- ovvras. Sulla's epitaph was a boast that he had lived up to this popular maxim of heathen morality. 12. 8^ strengthens the superlative. Cf. 1037, 4. avTui vt -y . . . T|(xd>v : to him the OXE man in particular of those of our time, i. e. more than to any other man of our time. See ftrl w. gen. irpoiaCve(r6ai . . . aiwv TOVS \Uv : so that he showed that he deemed the good etc. di (pres. pt., 986, 1592, 1, 660. 1, n. 588, c) agrees in case with subject of ?Tt>a (according to 940, 927, 631, 571). Still, separated so widely from its subject, we should have expected a^iovvra.. 16. ls yt p-^v SiKcuoorivnv : certainly as regards UPRIGHTNESS. yt = at least, but is best rendered by em- phasizing uprightness. iri8KVvor6ai : distinguish himself. TOVTOVS : obj. of iroitiv, pi. though refer- ring to T!J according to 609, a. Cf. rh . . . O.VTOVS, 4 8 . rtov . . . 4>tXoKp8ovvTwv : than those etc. 17. Kal -yap oCv : and (this he did) for then. Cf. same, 8, 12. : for him. : employed. Kvpto KttXuis vnrapxiv : to be nobly de- rot fd to Cyrus. Cf. virfipxf T Kvpcf, I 4 . 18 virt]pT^|iXovs : emph. both by position and by particles (cf. SiKaioa-uvriv, 16), obj. of Ofpairevftf, or of iroir)ffaiTO Serous TOVTO . . . : and (he was so) since for this very reason on account of which he himself etc. ; O.VTO TOUTO may be explained also by anacoluthon. ws : (namely) that. Order : lireipa.ro tlvai KpdTiffros ffvvepybs TO?S (pi\ois TOVTOV. TOVTOV = in that. 22. tls -y* avfa : cf. same in 12. n-dvTwv 8^ : he O/"ALL (men). Render 5^j by emphasizing all. CTKOITWV : fr. ffitoirtw. 23. avTov, i. e. of Cyrus. j marks the intention as that of rls, and not one sug- gested by the writer. Cf . us ds KvK\axnv, 1.8 28 . Kal TOVTWV . . . : even concerning these they reported that he wat wont to say that. vixav : that he greatly : in doing favors, iroiovyra avrov, implied subject of 24. rb . surpassed. c iroioOvTa agrees with VIKO.V. tireiSrj -yc Kal: since, you know (8^), (be- sides other reasons) he was also. TO . . . -n-epieivat. : that he should excel his friends. ravra : THESE things, referring to what just precedes. Cf. Siet TOVTO, 7*. T)|ii8is : half-empty, = our half -full. 25. oihrw 8-q . . . : not (yet) indeed within a long time. TOVTOV after ijSiovi. 27. TTJV eirifxeXtiav : his care, i. e. to provide. Siairs'p/Trwv : sc. avTOv, \. e. TOV \i\6v. TOIS tirirois d'yovo-iv TO, etc. ws |i^| irtivtovrts : that they (the horses) might not, while hungry etc. 28. iropcvoiTo : was on a journey. ir\iKatSa : her name Milto was changed by Cyrus to Aspasia, after the Athenian beauty of that name. r?|v (the one) XfyofWviiv Ivai . . . who was said to be etc. Plutarch says that she was born of free parents, and well educated. She now fell into the hands of Artaxerxes, who had in his harem 360 concubines. So Persia is still ransacked for beautiful women for the king and his princes. 3. vcwTCpa : the younger of the two. ^K(|>'U'Y {1 : c ^- &TO-tvy(a not naked. See Lex. 406 NOTES. irpbs (sc. titelvovs or nvas) TWV 'EX- Xt| vwv : to those o/" i/te Greeks. As this is a rare ellipsis in prose, the gen. may be regarded as a partitive after the following relative clause. Others translate vpos toward (not to). 8irXa IX.OVTCS : to be on guard. ol Si ... avrwv : and some also of them- selves. Tavrtjv : i. e. r] MtAi)rfa. cvrbs avrwv = within their lines. Kal xP 1 1K aTa Kal &v6pwrroi . . . irdvra : both effects and persons . . . all. 4. "EXXrjvs : i. e. the main army. ol (v, the latter : ol 8", the former, the king and his army. 6. WS . . . TTpOO-lOVTOS Kal (dis) 8e|d|A- voi : supposing that he would approach in this direction and intending to receive (him). $ 8 . . . Taxrrj] : in which direction . . . in this direction = but in the same direction in which . . . he also etc, Kara: down against; against. Cf. 5.T 25 . 7. ycvfo-flai : to have proved himself, L e. by his tactics on this occasion. 8. (ittov : see Lex. fvwwpx>v : i. e. the original left wing(cf. 8 4 ) = the right wing of ol "E\\r)Vfs arpa- J /SacriAca. WO-T -yi-yvwa-Kiiv : so that (the Greeks] did not know etc. Kal <|>ao-av opav rb . . . Tiva. = a kind of. 13. dXXoi dXXoOcv : a very concise idiom = some from one part, others from another. See sub SAAoy. For &\\o9fi>, &AAo0-c might have been used, but Xeno- phou is thinking of their various starting points. 14. VTT' avrdv : at the foot of it. Note the idiom, and cf. 788, 1225 ; 898, K. 3, 598, b. 15. diva Kpdros : why not Kara Kpdros 1 Kal TJXios : Kai thus placed often adds a slight emphasis to the following word, and is best rendered by the tone of the voice. Cf. /cat iyta 6 (i , /caJ rdre 6 1 ', Kal f}atri\fus 10 10 . 16. T0vTjKOTa : why not inf. ? Why not a form of airoOrfiVKv as in 6 11 , S 27 ? See sub OvfivKia. 18. KaTaXap.pdvou : dat. of advantage. A similar recapitulation prefaces each book except the sixth. As 1.10 18 is closely connected (ptv . . . ot) with 2.1-, it is thought probable that 1 was the work of a later hand, perhaps of the author of the divisions into books and chapters. It is introduced by ft4v regardless of the plv in the last sentence of Book I. 2. ds TO irpocrOcv : i. e. in an easterly or southeasterly direction. 3. tv opfifj : j'w (the act of) starting. ws dire* : descended from. the indicative emphasizes the fact. tv rtf o-raOfjuu : goes with tfij. Why ? BOOK II. CHAP. II. 407 Kal Xfyoi : and that he (Ariaeus) said. Trj dXXfl : see diAAo j. diricvai a(r) : declared that he would depart. tiri 'Iwvias : for, toward. See Lex. 4. outovo-avres . . iruv6avd(ivoi r note the chiastic order. Cf. note l.l 2 (end). viKuptv : see Lex. on force of pres. TV VIKWVTWV . why gen. ? See note on Ba'p(T0(u : to be carried off. 7. fjv 8' avrwv . . . : but of them there was one Greek, Phalinus TWV (sc. TOCIS : = 8. Av TI tryaOov : whatever advan- tage. Note the multiplication of participles in this section. 9. ttjjiws : i- e. though indignant TWV viKtovTiov : as in 4. 10. dv belongs to hoth verbs. (as Kparwv : as conqueror. Kal ov, IXOovra, Xa^clv (sc. aurd). 11. lav-rev : gen., but above, TO.IS, dat. why ? Kal Svvdptcvos d-ya-yciv Tr\f)0os . . . 8ao-av : they reported. This sug- gests that Xenophon was not present. See Introd. 120. I. (2). AfyvTov . how long had Egypt been independent ? See Lex. 15. dXXos AXXa : see Lex. 16. T)fAels : sc. "EAA.Tjvej ffffjiev. 17. dtl \-y6p.vov : whenever it is re- lated. Lit. it being ever told. The part. modifies 6. , Matt. xvii. 1" ; a.vfx^ v l ^' MjAa* iv ayd.Trri, Eph. iv. 3. f3ovXc > l et '' oe > or XP*1 "totfiv. oiroiov TI : see rl$. p.aXicrTa a-v[i,<}>piv : be most advanta- geous. 3. OvofjLt'vu) rd Upd OVK lyiyvtTo Uvai eirl etc. So in 6.6 36 . But itVat by its posi- 408 NOTES. tion may hold a double relation both to Ovofj.ii/tf and fytyvfro. irXoia 8i . . . : note the elegant order, and BOATS we etc. oldv TC : see Lex. IOTIV : not fffrlv. See Lex. 4. Kc'part : " The only passage in a Greek historian where xepas appears to be used for a Greek military signal is in Xenophon's Anab. II. 2, 4 ; and there in- terpolated from Cyrop. V. 3, 45." See Smith's Greek and Roman Antiquities, sub Tuba. Nevertheless itepari is in all the texts. ws : as if. The object was to deceive the Persians. cru'Lf0a na.KpoTO.Tovs : cf. us bv SVVVTCU ir\ti0{VTCS TJKOV X^ov- rts . . . 16. dircipTjKOTas : were weary. See airayopeixa. Kal avra. TOI . . . eren the very timbers in (lit. from) the houses, air 6 is put for iv by constructio praegnans (788, 1225; 898, N. 3). Cf. .lv tyyvrara. : the nearest of. KCU : even. 18. ofrrt -yap o68iv iirojvyiov . . . Kal (Sao-iXevs : even the king, as well as ol fitv kyyvra.ro.. 19. olov tiKbs yiyvf^vTa TOV Kvov : the man who hid let loose the ass. A timely joke to stay the panic. rd 8irXa : see Introd. 86, near the end. On position of on, not after irpoay* ptvoww, cf. first note on 1.6 2 . 21. (Tip = fftoOl. lJirp tl^ov : just as they wert. BOOK II. CHAP. IIL 409 CHAPTER HI. 1. 8 (not &) . : in 2.2 18 . 3. j K\eop^os. A TIS TOJV TTa-y|iviov irpbs TOVTO. (jff| ov : on the principle stated in 1034, 1616, irao-iv al(rx"vrtv (Jvai being equiva- lent. as Kiihner says, to none n-ere u-iiling. 12. els TpiaKovTa '4r^, cf. 7.3 46 . 13. viroTrTvwv avTo TO . , . : his sus- picions being aroused by the very fact that the ditches were etc. avrb modifies TO ... ctvai. ^8r] : already, i. e. at the outset. 15. al 8t : but those. TO.S o Tivas : but SOME. Cf. TOVS /tV Ttvas robs 8e, 3.3 19 . Kal Jjv : and it (the sweetmeat) ivas etc. irapa ITOTOV : see sub irapd, w. ace. 16. TOVTO Se Kal -rjv . . . 17. -ywaiKos : Statira by name. See Plutarch's Artaxerxes. 18. -yeiTwv oUw : cf . " quae divom incedo regina" (VERGIL, Aen. i. 46) for a similar predicate nominative. dfj.TJxava : inextricable difficulties. aiTT|o-ao-0ai Sovvai . . . : to obtain by request that he would grant me etc. ... &v ... ?\iv . . . : it would not be without gratitude, either on your part etc. 19. T|TOV[AT|V (aire'w) {Jao-iXta : made my request of the king. STI . . . irpuTos : because I was the Jirst to. avrruJ : i. e. to the king. 20. cK\tvcv Sc p. (XOovra eptVeai . . . Iva |ioi evirpaKT^Tepov . . . : in order that it may be easier for me to obtain for you etc. ol teal ol . . . : kit brothers and his . . . Scids !<|>pov : with fut. inf. (/tv7jv : = or more, as we say. 11. awrov : sc. rtirov. 12. rb . . . Tixos : see note on ..7*. irap-TjXOov t TOV Tlypirros : see no t e on dirb 'SdpStuv, 1.2 s . 6\xoC : sc. Karfrtrfartvre. wo-irep : just as (are dug). 14. trap' ov-Hjv : cf . wa/>A iV 9*wb*> 1.4 8 . pdppapoi : SC. fcrK-nvrjffav. 15. irpb TWV 8irXwv : see Introd. 86. 16. tirtOwvrai : ^irirlOtjm. 17. 6s : unknown, ws poT]0^V\aTTo'(J.VOV T)p.O.S . . . 4. ofrre . . . Tt : cf. M ... re, 2.2 8 . fls . . . eXOtiv : to have an interview with you. 5. ol8a . . . fjSt\ = I have knoiru. dv8punroi)s . . . TOVS (Uv . . . TOVS 8 : men . . . some . . . others. povXdfievci 4>9do-ai irplv . . . : wishing to anticipate (the suspected) before they suffered (anything). dvOptoirous ot . . . iroCt]o-av : instead of the usual avdpunrovs iroi^aav-ras, to avoid, as Kiihner suggests, the accumulation of par- ticiples. 6. vop.iv ovv rds . iravvi.^oip.69a : could anything else be than, = should we not cer- tainly have to contend. 11. vop.io>v (a.ijr'bv) ctvai iKavurarov. TOV Tort : of the men of his time. opw re . . . {\ovra . . . s 8vvajj.iv . . . Tav'njv (referring with emphasis to Svva/utv) (opG>) *XP'H TO f" un d ; see Lex. 12. TOVTUV . . . 8vrcov : since this is to, less common than ovrtas tx^riav. dXXd (irjv . . . ^ydp : implies aa ellipsis. but in trutli (this is not all)ybr. 13. oOs vofii^w . . . dv Taircivovs- : sc. Svras Xvirr)povs. |xdXXov TTJS . . . = ^toAA.01/ ^ T]7 (Suva fj.(l) VVV oSfffl. 14. x.dpiros : sc. tvfKa. 8T] : Homeric for dirt/cpiWro. 16. SOKCIS ... dv ... ctvcu : it (lit. you) seems to me that you would. With what tenses of the indicative is &v never used 1 17. i . . . IpovXojxeOo : contrary to fact. The apodosis niropeiv (after So/coD/uei/) omits &v to emphasize the fact that they were not in want of a sufficient force, and this fact for further emphasis is put in the form of a question. Goodwin vs. Rehdantz, Bachof, et al. regards ei t&ov\6nt9a as a simple supposition. KtvSvvos : sc. fin &v. 18. iXia ovra : even though they are friendly. TapKVEv : it is characteristic of those without resources and means. Kal TOVTWV irovT)pwv : and these, too, wicked men. oUrives eSe'Xovon here = fdtKtiv, used as if following &wopoi fieri. 22. ^|6v : when it was possible. Order: 6 fabs epvs, (viz.) ri t^e yevt- iXiKs 8iatceur0eu : usually rendered, to be friendly disposed toward (dat.), here clearly means to be on friendly terms with. ' with inf. here like elire in 1.3 14 , is nearly equal to KcAetw. 30. Itr^vpws KaTtVeivev. On the other hand Ctesias says that Clearchus was com- pelled to go against his will, and to our mind, judging from what we know of him, this seems much more probable. cos els d-yopdv : i. e. unarmed. 32. 5ruvi "EXXrjvi evrvyxavoitv. IUTIVI irdvras : as 2T|(ri : for he says that they (the arms) are HIS (gen.), since they, favrov emphatic both by case and position. 39. ol dXXoi : and (ye) others. TOXIS OVTOVIS . . vofueiv : that you will regard the same persons (as we) . . . TOVS T . . . diroXwXe'KaTe : have both killed the very men. TOVS aXXous ^H 1 *' : = tne rest of us. 40. 4irl TOVTOIS : upon this, cf. IK fo{i"rov, hereupon. 41. np<$gevos 8e Kal M^vwv avrov's : anacoluthon. Cf. the almost exact par- allel in Acts vii. 40 : 6 yiip Mwijffrjs OVTOS . . . OVK oiSa/jLff ri lyfvtro aiir. ofAoXo-yovfu'vtos : adverbs are sometimes made from participles ; cf. iretpv^ay/jievots, 2.4 2 *. So in English. Cf. confessed-ly, guarded-ly, witting-ly. tc . . . CXOVTWV : by all those who were acquainted with him. On e'/c, cf. eK 0a, tls vfj.as, 1.33. 7. Tav-rj) ; herein. ti correl. to Kal before v. Kal . . : both by day. 8. is Swaro'v . . . : as much as (was) possible with such a disposition as he had. awry: nearly equals 'his.' 9. ^K TOV ttvai : by being. &rfl' 6r : sometimct. 10. Xeyuv . . . fc'4>aiXwv a.acrav -r6rt 4>cuvecr0cu 4>a.i8po'v. s &v: as (i>0bs . . . ovrts, 1.9*. Ta (ie^ydXa : the great things (of State). dp-yvpiov : i. e. for tuition. " Topyias 6 frijrtop Kal rtx^as fnjropiKiis irptoros tfvpe, Kal KOTOt T$)V CTOtplOTTflaV TOVS &\\OVS VTTtpf- @a\fi> Siffrt niffObv \a^dv(iv irapa rSit fi.a6r)Tci>i> fj.vas eKaTOf." DlODORUS SlCC' LUS, xn. 53. 17. o-uv-ycvTo, i. e. had taken hia course of instruction. 4>iXos &v . . . : since he ivas a friend oj the great (lit. first). |if| T|TTa<5Spa but while earnestly desiring . . . 414 NOTES. eVSijXov : evident enough, slightly weaker chan 57jA.os. Or the eV may have the same force as in 2.4' 2 , viz. herein, in these matters. 19. al8w tavrov : respect for him- self. 4>opovp.vos TO dirx6dvo-6ai : afraid of being hateful to (or hated by). diria-Tiv : in the sense of ajretfleo/. 20. irpbs TO ... 8oKiv : for being, and seeming (to be), fitted to command. dir0VT)o-K : we should expect aTreflave. Cf. 29. 21. dSixcov: while committing injustice. 22. eirl . . . vXa,KTa : because unguarded. 26. TUJ Svvacrdcu c^airardv . . . TOXIS irp&rovs : i. e. in their friendship, = their best friends. 27. ^(iTj^avdro rb irape'xeo-Oai TOVS ^|{jiov : he expected. -iri8iKvv(xevos : because he showed. dSiKctv ir\tavf) : and as regards, indeed, the unapparent, a hint probably at the suspicion that Menon had been treach- erous. 8iirpdaTO o~rpa.rt\^tlv : managed to olfi tain the command of. 'Apiaia>: after olKtiAraros. Pappiptp SVTI : though a barbarian. 8rt . . . : because he, i. e. Ariaeus. He refers to the vice of iratSepaffrla, which Menon is represented as both ministering to and indulging in. avrbs d-yVK>s wv . . . Note the paro- nomasia. The above character-sketches are ad- mirably succinct and vivid. 30. Kal roiirif : these also. u>s KUKCOV : as being cowards. els : in the matter of. See Lex. BOOK IIL CHAPTER I. 1. 8 . . . correl. to Ki>K\ra 5, dyopltv Sf . . . Cf. 2.5 9 . 3. d0v(io)s : see tx^t * oX^ov : (but) few. ls T^V , I.'/ 1 . rdSirXa: their quart? rs. See Lex. 4. 8v avrJ>s %$-r] vo|ii^ei.v : iriiom lif (Proxenus) said he kinuelfrmuriittred, Sopov(Atvoi : ( though ) fearing. BOOK III. CHAP. L 415 Si* al^xvvT]v : see Lex. Kal dXXTJXwv : both as regarded each other. 11. diropCa : cf. iv TroAAfj airopla, 2- irdo-a (ri alula.) : sc. ?8o|e/. 12. TTJ f'v : in one respect. Pacri\ws : as king, hence protector of kings, including that of Persia. \i.i\ ov SVVCUTO : depends 011 ftyoftelro. virb . . . diropiwv: by some (inextrica- ble) difficulties. 13. oiroidv TI . . . : about (see Lex. sub rls), what sort of a thing it is now (8ov. Kal fit\ : and he already dead. ws iroi^o^oti(i.T]v : iter- ative. 20. TU>V \i(v . . . (xTiT) : that we have a share in none etc. Order : rjSeiy 8e o\iyous ert exovras OTOII (wherewith) wvria6fj.(6a, apuovs 8( tf$r) /care XOVTO.S tjfj.as iropitcr6a.i TO tirtrrjOfia aAAa>s TTOIS (('// an// other way) tj uvovnevous. The use of rjSfiv, instead of tiSeiri, makes it necessary to regard this sentence as a par- enthesis or an instance of anacoluthon. 4] vvv (a,VT]T : impv. Asyndeton as in 15. TWV o-TpaTirywv : after the comparative. Note the paranomasia. g 25. !op|idv : sc. rovs &\\ovs, or the verb may be intransitive. T?|V f|XiKiav : If Xenophon was now forty years old, as many argue, how silly this reference to his youth must have seemed! The generals, Agias and Socra- tes (2 6 3) ), were only about thirty -five, and Menon was en i/jcuos (2.G' 28 ). Cf. i)\ucicu'.. 14. 26. Tr\1\v : except that. This sentence is quite colloquial in style. Omit %v and O?TOJ 8' for a more classic construction. . . . &v Tuxav : that he could obtain. 27. v TO.VTW (r6irtf). TOVTOIS : with these. lirl TOVTW : see Lex. sub M. 28. TI OVK iroiT)fls TOVS fxv KcXcvovras : all which things knowing YOU affirm that those etc. 30. jifjTt . . . TC : but It not . . . and, cf. 2.2 s . els TO.VTOV (= rb aurb) . to the same rank with. tt4>Xop.vovs re: ana* that (we) depriv- ing (him) etc. l TOVS IKHTOV : so apty} TOVS Sttrx 1 ' \ioVS, 1.2 9 , dflfil T& TTfVT-flKOVTO, 2.6 15 . 34. opuxri : participle. Kal avrois : doth ourselves. (I TI : whatever, as in 1 .4 9 , 5 1 . airep Kat : just what you also (said). 35. dXXd : well. See Lex. (hi fjLfv f*.tv . . . 8', cf. same, 2.6 1 , 18 . . . . T|(JLd>V OVS [JLV . . . 36. irapaKoXfjre TOVS dAXovs : sc. 37. Sialpav : to surpass. diovv iifxas avrovs : to demand that you yourselves both. 38. a>4>e\fjaiv : note the force of the preposition. See vir6 in composition. irpoiTOv fi^v : correl. to M rovrtp, 4. St omitted as often in animated style. 2. iropdvra (iffriv} : see sub irdp-(ifj.i. otroTt : causal. r/>bj 5' : see Lex. sub irpJs, 4. 3. dXXd . . . diro6vtfjo*K|icv : but let us at least (yt) etc. ota . . . iroi^o-tiav : note opt., as may the (jods etc. 4. lirl TOVTJ) -. cf. tirl rofrroa, 2.5 40 . lirl TOVTOIS: in addition to this or . support of this. avTois TOVTOIS : by these very means. Kal () 4ScoKap.ev Kal (irap ol) cXolpofiev. 5. Kal OVTOS : even he. 6. ... TTCurxtiv TOVTO 8 TI : to suffer just whatever. The style of 4-6 is so animated that they furnish an interesting theme for rhetorical study. Examining them sentence by sentence, state just what things contribute to make this short speech so stirring. BOOK ILL CHAP. IL 417 7. l0raX|ilvo$ : equipped. tlrt . . . tlrf : if . . . and if. rip viKav : victory. 6p0tos fx tv d|uo/*(. in vvv : though the vow had been paid long since. 13. Zirtira : correl. to ^ueV, 11. dvap9[iiyrov : over 2,600,000, according to Herodotus. IVIKCOV : at Salamis, Plataea, and Mycale. 14. oil fUv &f| . . . : moreover, mark you (5ij), / d o not say THIS (yf). B. * W. ANAB- tf dXX* OVITW . . . nay, it is not yet . . . 15. irpoo~rJKi xip-ds STJITOV (of course) eiVCU TToXii . . . 16. TO'TC : at Cunaxa. &7Tipoi. 6vrs : (although) being . . , Kal . . . Svrts . . ei-en (though) . ov 8'Xovnow, not then f iroXv 8i fidXXov Tu^6(j.8a STOV . . . It is astonishing to find in a speech of such excellence reasoning so puerile as that contained in 18 and 19, and it required but little actual experience to show its alx surdity (cf. 3 17 ). It can be accounted for only on the grounds stated in Introd. 67. Perhaps with troops so unfamiliar with cavalry as the Peloponnesiaus these state- ments might have some weight. 20. TOVTO & dx0i OVKS'TI . . . ^ (*X ftv &>s rjyf novas) dvSpas o$s &V 21. (o-Kf\f>aff6e) iroTpov Kpeirrdv rri. avrovs . ourselves. XafifSdvciv : SC. avrd, i. e. tirirriSeia. 22. Prolepsis for y t Y v "" KT ^ Tl Tavra . . . airopov = on insuperable difficulty. Kal Ti-yrio-6* (suppose) p.c'ydXws 4|aira TTjBfjvai 8ia(3dvT6s (in crossing), i.e. the Tigris. l &pa TOVT KaC : whether after all (im) this even. 23. (iV|T ... T^: as in 2.2*. u>s : not on. Mverovs . . . 811 . . . : prolepsis for 8 Mucrol . . . (ixravrws : i. e. Sri $v rp . . . oiKovffiv. TOVTWV : i. e. ruv neocriav 418 NOTES. 24. ^jids 8c . . . \P*) vai : ana< * for us, 1 for my part should say that we ought not. avrov : adv. opipoxjs TOV . . . 6Kir'fJuJ/iv : hostages (as a pledge) of his conducting (them) forth. KCU el : even if. &v, with firoiet. ot8' Sri : parenthetic, like Srj\ov oV, 1.39. 25. dXXd (oti rim rovro) ~ydp (jtf| : repeated after the long clause fol- lowing. Xwrocfxryov. See Odyssey, ix. 94-102. 26. e6v avrois opdv TOVS vvv (tlwut who) PIOTSVOVTO.S . . . Kopurajuvovs lv0d.Sc: migrating hither. Or it may be ace. for dat. (cf. Aourao~6ai : sc. Se? from 30. TOV . . . WvyxdvoVTa : whoever o) you at any time (lit. always) falls in with him. aX^o~rpov : so. effrai- n-Xaio-iov : hollow square. f)|iiv . . . 7TOLT|crap.'vovs : cf . Hcfia . \a0dvra, 1.2 1 . cl . . . diroSeix.0ts to debar. ir0apov . . . -yap irpoo-io'vrts : for they (the Persians) coming were trying to corrupt. 6. 8iapdvTs TOV Zairdrav : Layard is quite sure that the Greeks crossed at a ford about twenty-live miles from the con- fluence of the Zal) anil the Tigris. " It ia still the principal ford in this part of the river, and must, from the nature of the BOCK III. CHAP. IV. 419 bed of the stream, have beer ?c From the earliest periods." 7. KaTKK\ivTO : and so had to shoot over the heads of the hoplites. Ppaxvrcpa f\ s : (shorter than so as) too short to. 8. TWV oirXiriov . . . oi . . . : (those) of the hoplites . . . who. 9. K iroXAov : from a long distance (in advance) ; cf. IK irXtiovos: 2.2 14 . n-oXv -yap ' for FAR. Note the emphatic position. 12. avrb TO fyj-yov : the result itself. tv Ti |xtviv : while remaining in our place. 13. dXt]9i] Xy*Te : i- e. in regard to what occurred, = rp d\r)Qti<} tytvero & .\7 6Te ' Hertlein. 15. oi K a.KOVTHjra.1. iroXii . . . \ : sc. x^p'^V- SU&KWV K TOOV PVJJLCLTOS : cf. IK oAAo5, 9. 16. Kal SnrXcwriov : even twice as far as (that) of. 4*po-0ai : be borne, flies, depends on 17. Sid TO o-j>v8ovdv. 18. avrwv : of them, after rifts, or in respect to them, after eTno-KeifoS/uefla Cf. note on afrr&v, 3. 1 19 , and H. 733. TUJ 8t 0XOVTL irXtKHV. rip tOe'Xovri o-<|>cvSovdv. aTc'Xciav : i e. exemption from other duties. 19. TOVS \iv TIVOS : some few. Tls often used with 6 /tip . . 4 Si, to increase the indefiniteness. CHAPTER IV. 1. Siapai'vovo-iv, pres. pt. 2. KaTa^povrjo-as : sc. avruv, i. e. the Greeks. 3. irap^yyeXTO T3v ircXTao-rwv Kal TIOV orrXiTwv : word had been passed (to those) of the peltasts and of the hoplites. cfyiTjTO : orders had been given. 5. TOIS Pappdpois : (for =) on the side of the barbarians. STI of3tpcoTaTov : cf. ori ir\tiffrovy, l.l 6 . 6. oitTw irpd|avTS : thus having fared. 7. Aapia-o-a : see Layard's Nineveh and its Remains. MfjSou : perhaps used vaguely for As- syrians, or he may refer to a time prior to 558 B. c. when Nineveh was a part of the Assyrian empire. Roughly speaking these measurements have been verified. 8. TavTTjv : i. e. T^V v6\iv. pacriXevs : i. e. Cyrus the Great. vcj>&.T) : whether the reference is to a dense fog, or to an eclipse, is much dis- puted, and history throws no light upon the subject. tg&iirov : sc. r^v ir6\ir. 9. irupafxfs : see Lex. 10. Tti^os : fortress, castle. Mto-iriXa : neither the origin nor mean- ing of this name is known. Xenophon does not seem to have known that these were the ruins of ancient Nineveh. 11. dirwXXvff-av . . . virb Hepa-av : lost their government at the hands of the Per- sians. 13. ls TOVTOV . . . : cf . cis r^v ew, 1.71. (e\tav rt rows) t-tnrc'as ofls avrbs JjXOc (=avfi\0e, i. e. to Babylon, 1.2*) ?x fjo-6at (avrois) tls . 19. ^ 68ov . . . : either because the road . . . (after dvdyKi) (trnv) TOVS : that the hoplites be crowded out. dvd-yKTj : sometimes, as here, well trans- lated necessarily. 20. TOTC: as in 16. 0acrcu : sc. TOVS aAAous. irpwros : pleonastic = Sxrrt irpiarov tlvai. 21. OVTOI : i.e. ot A.^x<". subject of virtfifvov, unless ot \ox&yoi is the correct reading, in which case the sentence is un- grammatical (auacoluthon). iropfJY<>v : marched along. 22. S-tirtfiirXewav : i. e. 01 e| \<$xoi. 23. -irov Tijs dAayyos : anywhere in the line. 24. (3a.criXei.6v TI : sort of a royal structure. 68<5v : after tTSov. Sid : = over. C'IKOS ; sc. ?iv. 25. virb lAaorfyttv : The Persian sol- diers were so little interested in the king's wars that they often fought under the lash. 26. oVXwv = 6ir \irS>v. 28. 6pos : i. e. the one ( 24) of which the yfaotpol were spurs, and which appa- rently (cf. xorek T& opos, 30)' ran parallel with the 6S6s. 29. n-oXe'fuoi : subject of ytvoivro re- fers to the Greeks. 30. Kara : along. ot (it'v : i. e. the main body. larpovs . . iicrco : a bit of interesting information. This would hardly have been said of regular army physicians. They were probably soldiers who had shown themselves good nurses. On the Greek practice of medicine see the interesting article, sub medicns. in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities; espe- cially as to the Hippocratic oath exacted of medical students. 32. ol Sej-dfuvoi TO. ftirXa TWV 4>p6v- TWV. 33. iroXv 8Upv . . . for it was a very different thing (for them) sallying forth from a position to defend themselves from (what it was) while on the march etc. Stftptpev has the force of a comparative, hence ^. 34. onrto-TpaTo-ireSeuovro TOV 'EXXtjvt- KOV fit to v cgrjKovra . . . 35. irovi]pov : wretched thing. S . . . iroXv : see sub iro\vs. ^vcKa TOV ^ ^cv^yctv : = to prevent them from getting away. II^p, am willing. See Lex. 42. ot : dat. of o5. 43. IXap : he (Chirisophus) took, i. e. to replace those who went with Xenophon. avr<}> : i. e. with Xenophon. ^iriX^KTwv : refers probably to the If \6xoi of 21, or possibly to a body-guard Chirisophus himself had. 45. crrpaTV(JiaTos StaKtXcvojA^vwv r constructio ad sensum ; cf. en-par et^o . . . TTOVTfS, 2. 1 6 . 48. %\0dvov^pVTiv ; the last mention of him in connection with the Retreat. 3. IXOIEV : refers to the Greeks. 4. airVjorav : were returning from the rescue, i. e. roov eV/ceSaa^ieVan', 2. T)viKa ot "EXXijves (returning) dirb . . . ainr|VTT]crav (sc. aurtf, i. e. Xenophon). 5. SieirpaTTovro : were effecting, i. e. by treaty, = stipulated for (namely, /u^ Katie). cvravOa : less exact for ivravOol. So we usually say 'where (not whither) are you going ? ' 6. Pot]9civ 4irl : run to the defence against. T||ieT'pas : sc. x<&P a *- 7. irtpl see Lex. irip&j(w'vois : when they tried, lit. to (one) trying. 9. d (drjpia or aia) . . . (J>vo-r)0'vTa : a brachylogy in which animals and their skins are identified = wv diroSapfvTwv TO. StpUaTO. (pVffTjdfVTCl. 10. dpTTjo-as Xi9ovs Kal : by tying stones (to them) and by. SiaYcvywv: having extended (them) across (the river). Note in this one sentence six circum- stantial participles, of which two express means. 11. TOV |i-f| KaraSvvai : from sinking. 12. ol v6vs dv irTpirov rots irpii- TOIS (i. e. those who would cross first) iroieiv ovSfcv TO^TTWV. 13. KaraKavcravres : for they had burnt (those). 15. TO. \iv : sc. pipy. rf)s (&Sov) irl . . . upon the route toward. f| Si : sc. (58a(rav, i.e. ol eoAaiicoTes) Kal cruv (TJVOS) . . . that (some) of themselves also have dealings with them (i. e. TOVS KapSov- X<>vs) and (some) of them with themselves. 17. TOVTOVS -y*P i\%tw : for pass- ing through these (TOVS KapSoi/xovs) they (the prisoners) said that they (the Greeks). 18. tirl TOVTOIS : (on =) in reference to this (cf. 5.6 16 , 22 ). oipas : at whatever (of) time- prolepsis. BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. 1. liroXen^Or] ' were done in war. 2-4 report in substance 17 and 18 of last chapter. 3. poiiXuvTcu, Sio.pT|crovTai. : note change to dir. disc. ^o-riv oiirws ?X OV : OVTWS e X 6I > c ^- fiffav tKirfirrvicdTts, 2.3 10 ; but the text is un- certain. 4. d(ia fji'v . . . &|xa 8 : both . . . and at the same time. 5. i-f|v rtXevraCav vXait/jv : three to four A. M. 8crov SieXOciv : = roip.vov : not abandoned. ol 8* : i. e. the soldiers. olov t\ . . . ^iriOvn'fjcras for example, if he coveted. ra (xv . see Lex. sub 6. 16. irapTiYyeXXtv i. e. to the van. viroplvci-v : wait a little. irpd-yfid TI: as we say, something the matter. 17. . . . fjv (rtvt) irapcXOdvTi ISciv. 18. Siatiircpls sc. ro(v9ets. 19. wo-irtp tl\tv : just as he was. 20. afi-n] ^v opas tfv) H- f MjW 686$ oijcra 6p0ia. 21. Tavra i-o-irtvSov : made this haste = thus I hastened; according to others, Tavra = 5ict vy.vra 4>9d(rcu : sc. rovs iro\ffj.tovs 22. fircl (u>Aen they, i. e. the enemy 1 irapci\ov Tjfxiv . . . 8irp : i. e. lying in ambush. avrov TOVTOV cvtKa : for this very reason, XpTitraifj-eOa : sc. avrois. 23. (xdXa . . . 4>dpwv : although many threats. 24. OTL . . . K88ofj.'vTi : l cause he hap. pened to have there a married daughter ; lit. with a husband, having been given (to him). 68J>v Swar^y vnro^VYfoiS TroptvtcrSai. 26. Kal (both) ireXTaorrds Kal (rovs Xoxa-yous) TWV OTrXiTwv. ycvc avru Tpdirw : i. e. as stated in 111. 15. irdcri : see note TO?S otKoi, 1 .7*. Kal (and they, i. e. the Greeks), xnrw- TTTCVOV avrovs d i rroXi'n-iv Stia^avras. 01 8 ' : i. e. the barbarians. 19. ty' JJ see M. Iv w . see os. irdvTS ol iroX^fxioi. T 6fj.a\(j>, 16. 21. irpoppXT)(ivos sc. TV aairioa. irpos TOVS o-wTtTa-yii^vous ' i. e. Iv rf 22. < TOVTOV hereupon, now. 23. f|Y|i<5va cf. 4. 1 22 . ^K TWV SvvaTwv : from the (things) pos sible, = according to their means. VOM-T6|ivoi (e ever takes the dative. Hence most editors, following Kiihner, translate : he ordered (his attendants) to Jill cups for the young men. tiriT\o-ai (depends on *6aff6ai) teal T& Xoiira. ci.-ya.0a : bring to a favorable, end also the things that remain, i. e. deliverance and a safe return. 17. linrt'ttv : those mentioned in 3. iropVJYY* 1 ^* : > e - to do the same. 18. tls TOV iroTap,6v : i. e. so that the blood flowed into the river as an offering to the river god. Cf. s T^V atnritia, 2."2 9 . 20. irdpov : i. e. down the river to the crossing implied in 3, 5. ?Kpcwris cf . tit&alvfiv, 3. Tavrrj SiafJas : crossing at this point. 6/iroKXto-iv : i. e. s that they could not reach the &c/3acris below. 21. ws = apparently. &vw : above = leading up from. 22. airoXttirtirOcu. : be left behind. 23. TOVS dvca iroXcptovs : i. e. the T*Cot of 3. 25. TO. dvco : i. e. at 0x60.1 of 3. 26. avria . . . ?0tTO : took position facing them. ?Kaorov TOV tavToii Xo^ov : each one his own company. firl 4>aXayyos : see Lex irpbs TWV Kap8ovxv : from (the stand- point of) the Cardiichi, = towards the Car~ dnchi. Cf. irpbs TOU iro-ra.ft.ov, 2.2 4 . 28. avroi : Xenophon and his men. (Ke\fi>fi avrovs) rvavT^ovs (meeting them) irpoo- : see Lex. (2). 424 NOTES. 29. ij : being struck with a missile. iroXt|uic6v : see Lex. dvacTTptvj/avTas . . . : that facing around to the right the Jile-closers should lead and all etc. fl : where. 31. us ... 6p(ri : as among mountains, =for mountaineers, ptt rendered by em phasis. 33. Kal irtpov : even after the Greeks were beyond (the river). oi 8i viravTT|o-avTs : those that came to meet (them), i. e. the atcovrurral and TOO- rai of 28. Kcupov . see Lex. CHAPTER IV. 2. ds . . . KtGfJLT] V : = T! KW/J.T) f IS V : i. e. Orontas. : object uncertain, perhaps for defence. 4. 'Ap|Xvia f| irpbs o~irpav : western Armenia. iiirapxos : vice-satrap of Orontas. 6 4>iXos ov8s dAXos : auacoluthon. dve^oXXcv : was helping the king to mount. 6. M. TOVTOIS : upon these terms. 8. \i\6(ivos : sc. rV a^ivnv. 13. o-vciov . . . : (made of) lard and sesame . . . d|xvySaAivov CK TCOV iriKpwv - CK rur pdViv : the eastern branch, modern Mnrad Su. 3. rpfrros . refers to aro.6tJ.6s. &vep.os Poppas : north u-irtd. 5. oi irdXai iJKOVTts : those who had come some time before and who had kimi/i-d a fire. 6. ?v0a 8^j : then indeed. ?v6a 8 : and where. oJ : at which place. 7. irCirrovras ; i. e. who had given out from faintness. 8. TOVS 8i)va(ivovs among the soldiers) 8i8dvras (= (i. e. 9. y l ' va ^ KCX 5 Ka ^ KOpaS K TT|S KM- fiT^s vSpoopovcras : irater-carriers from the villaqe. 11. ol (jt^| Svvdpicvot : such as were not able. Cf. note in 4 16 . 12. iXthrovro : fell behind. ot T . . . : both those who lost etc. 13. rots 64>0aXfioCs in.Kovpr|^a rf|s )(U o'vos : protection for the eyes against the snow. BOOK IV. CHAP. VI. 425 TWV 8i TTo8c5v (fo iiriKovpi]fi.a) : protection for the feet. us W|v v \IKTO, : for the night. vrroXvoiTo : should loose (i. e. take off) his (brogues). 14. fjo-av Kappdrivai : for they (the landals) were etc. 15. Toiauras dvd-yKas - i. e. as men- tioned in 12. The route through these regions has not been certainly traced. 16. flo-Ocro : i. e. what is stated in the foregoing sentence. d,TTti.v : to kill (them). 17. 8iapo'fivoi (quarreling) d,|juj>l wv 18. fJKav eavrovs : flung themselves. 19. ir* O.VTOVS : unto them, i. e. to fetch them. c-yKeKaXvfjLji^vois : wrapped up in their mantles. 22. W(xirti (sc. Tij/As) TOJV K T^S KW- t]S : cf. fSiV irapa. 8afft\{avT]Tai : if he shall appear to have given (lit. guided) the army some good guidance. 29. olvov Jfv8a fjv : for tvOa, fl* olvos- 30. oujnecrav : never let (them) go. 31. ap-rcus : loaves. 35. lavrov . i. e. to the comarch's family in the village where the troops of Xenophon were lodging. dva9p\|/avTi : after fattening him. Updv : sacred to. The horse was offered in sacrifice among the Persians. diroOdiT) : and so displease the deity See Introd. 123. X.a|if3dvi : sc. rtvds- 36. SiSdo-KEi (teaches how) irepiciXeiv CHAPTER VI. 1. i^ySor] : note the absence of the article. So ofteu with ordinals. Cf. tvd- TTJJ/ Tjntpav, 5 24 , and 7.7 s5 . irapaStSucrt. : sc. "S.fvoa.o-iv : i. e. (probably) the Araxes, the upper part of which is called Pasiu-sn. Some think it the Pison of Gen. ii. 11. The Phasis in Colchis certainly cannot be meant. See Map. 426 NOTES. 9. cUo's (iffriv) dXXovs irXfCovs (more in numbers). rrpoo-ycWcrOak : will join (them). 10. otiraj : in the sense of 3>$t. 11. TO 6pu>)J.evov : the part that is visible. i': = extends over. dXX' ^ : see Lex. . . . KptTTOV (^opov referred to in 3. 17, 19 favor the op- posite view. Besides Xenophon was (in sentiment) more Spartan than Athenian. 16. tea! |id\a . . . KXttrTovri : and that, too, though the risk etc. TOVS KparCoTovs : your best men espe- cially ; sc. Sfivovs tlvai . . . $r]/j.6(na.. 17. rivds TWV . . . K\cpa : refer to both Greeks and the enemy. CHAPTER VII. 1. TOVTWV : refers to K^OJ. 2. cvOvs fJKuv cf. fv8vs iu.tipa.Kiov &v, 2.6 16 , fvQvs fK iralowit, 4.6 1 *. dGpoois iripwrrfjvai : to encircle it in a body. KVK\<) : but leaving a irdpotos, cf. 4. 3. els KO\O v : see Lex. 4. ailnj . . . 6pjs : this (pointing to it) which you see is the only passage. oiirw SiarOerai : is thus served, as stated in the next sentence. 5. dXXo TI f[: = nonne = it is true, is n't it, that nothing prevents us from pass- ing by ? TOVTOVS : = there, not these, which would require the article. 6. x u ptov : space. f3aXXop.evous : being thrown at, agreeing with ri/jias understood. dv8" Jiv : behind which, lit. in front of which, from the Greek standpoint. 7. o6r6 . . . clt] : that would be the very thing we want. KvOcv : to the place whence. TOVTOV Y^P ^v : f or to HIM of the . . . captains belonged. 9. KO.I oiroi : these too. 12. dvTtirouovvTo : laid claim to. 15. els \etpas : see Lex. 16. |vfjXT]v : ace. by attraction. See ref. to Grammars. \ovTs ^jropeuovTO : = would carry them with them on their march. 19. 8id T)S . . xP a s : through their own enemy's country. 20. els ... iroXcfuav : into his own enemy's country. 22. &XXovs iroXcpiCovs 4irir(0cpcu>. 2. olov : see Lex. 6pitov . sc H-OTO/J^S. oSros : i. e. the bauks of the river. 7. Kivoi : i. e. ol MaKpeaves. TOVTWV : of these things, = to this effect. 8. 686v : pleonastic. 9. o-vXXf-yturiv : after assembling. TTJ jxtv : see Lex. sub 6. 11. firl iroXXwv : see Lex. sub tiri. Sri : for whatever purpose. 12. SioXiiro'vras : by leaving intervals. TOO-OVTOV x,wplov ocrov TOVS oVov : = &ffrf, ($)/*&), 01 Zo-\a.TQ\. X6)(oi : we, i.e. the extreme companies. 6p6iovs dlyovTes : leading the company columns. 13. TO SiaXciirov : i. e. between TOWS opdiovs \6xovs. SiaKOvJ/ai X.QXOV -rrpocriovTa 6p9iov. 14. niro8wv . . . ?v9a : ; n the way of our being already where. 15. ^copais : places. XDX.OS : sc. eyevero. ap(iaKOTroiryt : was banished. &KCUV : i. e. accidentally. Even the in- voluntary homicide among the Greeks was viewed as polluted, and had to quit the country for a time at least. 26. 8t'pn.ara : to be awarded as prizes. v (-roircf) oiirws CTK\T]pu) KO.L Sacrei. (idXXov TI : somewhat more. 27. iraiSes, ol irXeio-roi ( = mostly) KoXf) 6ta : a fine sight. Note difference of meaning of Of a and 6td. 28. irpbs TO Sp0w>v : against the, exceedingly steep ascent NOUNS. 1 1. dvVjp, avop6s, mcm=Lat. vir. 203. 2. {Joo-iXevs, e'cos, king. 171. 3. iXos (17, ov), friend ; as adj. friendly. 86. 15. Beds, ov, 6, i), god, goddess. 85. 16. 8-irXov, ov, chief, in pi., arms. 82. 17. OdXarra (or -o-ffa), T/S, sea. 80. 18. &v6p(OTros, ou, man = Lat. homo. 76. 19. pdppopos, ov, barbarian. 74. 20. tinros, ov, horse. 69. 21. 0865, oO, ri, road. 69. 22. o-rparid, as, arm^. 59. 23. oirXtTTjs, ov, heavy-armed soldier. 63. 24. vv, VVKTOS, 7], night. 61. 25. irXovov, ov, boat. 61. 26. Xdxos, ov, company (of soldiers). 60. 27. parasang. 53. 29. ireXTowTTTJs, ot), targeteer. 50. 30. 6pos, ous, TO, mountain. 49. 31. ircSCov, ou, plain. 46. 32. xp^|Jia, aros, rd, thing; pi. often money. 43. 33. TJY(xwv, oVos, leader. 42. 34. oiKid, as, linn*-. 39. 35. OTparoirtSov, on, camp. 39. 36. irais, iratSo's, i, ^, boy, girl. 37. 37. 8vva|iis, ews, rj, power. 36. 38. o-rrovS^, rjs, sing, libation ; pi. ireaty. 35. 39. (t^X 1 !. "Q 5 > battle. 34. 40. XP ( > VO S, 0", time. 34. 41. d-yopd, as, market-place. 33. 42. -rroXefiOS, ov, war. 33. 43. dvd-yKT], rjs, necessity, with or with- out tffriv, it is necessary. 32. 44. Kpa$, Kfptas, TO, wing. 31. 45. viro^vytov, ou, yoke. 29. 46. iropcid, as, journey. 28. 47. ^xxXa-yj;, 0770$, ^, a phalanx. 28. 48. efipos, ovs, T X 'P' y ' ^> ^a"^- 26. 51. ywf\, yvvaiit6s, woman, wife. 25. 52. X<>4>os, ov, hill. 25. 53. otvos, ov, wine. 25. 1 Nouns ending in -a or -17 are feminine, those ending in -os, gen. -ov, are masculine, those in -ov neuter. The gender of the few feminines in -o?, gen. -ov, is indicated. Where the grammatical and natural gender are the same, the article is not used ; e. g. yvvrj, woman / , foot-men, infantry ; wt (old dat. as adv.), on foot. 24. 57. dpxrj, TJS, beginning ; rule ; pro- vince. 23. 58. POVS, 0o6s, o, rj, ox, cow. 23. 59. 8iKTj, TJS, justice. 23. 60. Tcixos, ovs, TO', wall. 23. 61. irXfjOos, ovs, TO, multitude. 22. 62. irv\r\, TJS, gate. 22. 63. d.SeX<|>6s, ov, brother. 21. 64. yf), -yTjs, eorvXa, aos, rear-guard. 20. 68. irovs, troS6s, 6. foot. 20. 69. 4>iXla, as. friendship. 20. 70. x i " v > vos, fj, snow. 20. 71. irpdpaTov, ov, sheep. 19. 72. O-ITOS, ov, pi. TO o-tra, grain, food. 19. 73. TpiT|pT)s. ous, T;, trireme. 19. 74. (j>u\aKT|, ^s, watch, guard. 19. 75. yl(|>vpa, as, bridge. 18. 76. yvwp], T/S, opinion. 18. 77. TT]pCd as, safety, deliverance. 18. 78. (fxipos, ov,fear. 18. 79. x^ 101 - "> thousand. 18. 80. KvicXos, ov, circle. 17. 81. fxdvTts, tecs, 6, prophet. 17. 82. fivojia, OTOS, T^, na?ne. 17. 83. irX^0pov, ov, plethron = 101 ft. 17. 84. dvSpdiroSov, ov, slave. 16. 85. dp, CSaTos, TO, water. 15. 92. &paa, TJS, wagon. 14. 93. Kt4>aXr|, T}$, Aearf. 14. 94. }idpxT]s, ov, ruler of a village, mayor. 1 1 . 119. Xip.yjv, tvos, 6, harbor. 11. 120. vtKpos, ov, dead. 11. 121. irfXTtj, TJJ, a (small) shield. 11. 122. Tdf>pos, ov, ri, ditch. 11. 123. A-yy^ 05 ' ov, messenger. 10. 124. ^(^VTIS, I}TOJ (6) or vH lv ''iT> ou > a light-armed soldier. 10. 125. SoptiKos, ov, daric, Persian coin = 20 drachmas ($3.60). 10. 126. KTOS, ovs, TO, year. 10. 127. 0rfpvf3os, ov, noise, tumult. 10. 128. irirpo, oj, rock. 10. 129. dpos, ov, baggage-carrying; 6 iXo--o8os, ov, f], way-back, rttreat. 9. 139. p&os, ous, r6, dart. 9. 140. -yeppov, ov, wicker shield. 9. 141. tXiri's, iSos, fi, hope. 9. 142. 0vpd. as, floor ; Ger. thiir. 9. 143. icCv8vvos, on, danger. 9. 144. Kpdros, ovs, r6, power. 9. 145. Kfx'as, Kp^cos, r6,Jiesh. 9. 146. tfvap only in nom. and ace. or as adv. ; ovetpos or ovtipov, pi. ovei- poTo, rd, dream. 9. 147. SpKOS. ov, oath. 9. 148. irdp-oSos, ov, ri, way by, pass. 9. 149. injyrj, T}S, fountain. 9. 150. irXauriov, ou, rectangle. 9. 151. ITKCVOS, ous, Tv8ovT|, TJS, //vyfj, fa, flight. 8. 178. vXa|, OKOJ, guard, watchman. 8. 179. alrid, ds, charge, cause. 7. 180. AX^irov, ou, chief, in pi. groats. 7. 181. dfTT|, ^s, excellence- 7. 182. dpio~iov, ou, /ireakfaopd. oj, wages. 7. 193. vav-ap\os, ov^ admiral, 7. 194. v6os = vovs, ou, mind. 7. 195. irpd|is, f us, i), doing, transaction. 7. 196. ToXavrov, ou, talent. 7. 197. TO|OV, ou, 60 w. 7. 198. Tiipais, tos, ft, tower. 7. 199. ou, ^rass. 7. 201. aKpo-iroXis, eois, acropolis. 6. 202. Sr]fx6o-ios, o, OK, public, (Sjj/xos, people). 6. 203. SovXos, ou, slave. 6. 204. 5* Taori S) eft >S' ^> examination. 6. 205. iri-{JovXVj, ^r, />/of. 6. 206. 0vyd.TT]p, Tpos, daughter. 6. 207. 6copa, OKOJ, 6, breastplate. 6. 208. KVWV, /cuvo's, 6, ^, dog. 6. 209. vaos, ou (5) and VCMS, veaS (1), t, a temple. 6. 210. 64>0oXp.6s, ou, eye. 6. 211. irXeupd, as, side. 6. 212. irpo-vXa|, a/cos, outer guard. 6 213. pv6(ios, ou, rhythm. 6. 214. o^uv-6t]p.a, aTos, TO, watchword. G 215. iivj/os, ous, TO, height. 6. 216. <}>oivi|, I/cos, 6, Phoenician ; palm. 6 217. \dpis, ITOS, ff, gra ce, favor. 6. 218. ^ITWV, tavos, 6, tunic. 6. 219. dQvfii'd. as, discouragement. 5. 220. dirio-rid, ds, distrust, faithlessness. 5, 221. pios, ou, life. 5. 222. 8i-a>pvj-, UXQS, T), canal. 5. 223. elpTivi], v, /Jeace. 5. 224. ?K-pao-is, eo>y, ^, ^o/n^ ouf, ou//ef . 5. 225. mavros, ou, period, especiallv ? year. 5. 432 LISTS OF WORDS. 226. ri ^ e ' s ' urely. 5. 245. Tciiros, ou, place. 5. 246. rpdirtja., TJS, table. 5. 247. OXr], ijs, wood, (brush-wood, fire wood, etc.). 5. 248. vnr-o\|/id, as, suspicion. 5. 249. 4>uivT], ^s, voice. 5. Other important nouns, occurring less than five times, are the following 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. ^65. '266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. ?79. 0.1.710X05, ov, beach. at|ia, aros, TO", blood. j, TJS, shame, disgrace. OLKOVTIOV, ou, a?art. d\T|6ia, as, truth. apira-y^, T}S, seizure, robbery. acrKos, ou, sAr/n. aTa|ia, as, disorder. avXos, ov, flute. avT6(io\os, ou, deserter. (Baa-iXeia, as, kingdom. Po^-Otia, as, //f//), succor. poppas, a, north-wind. , ou, altar. , ou, marriage, -y^^wv, o/oj, neighbor. ^Xws, WTOS, 6, laughter. Sao-fids, oD, tribute. 8os, ous, Ta.o-is, ea>s, ^, pretext. trwXos, ou, co/t. oraTpdirt]?, ou, satrap. ertdXos, ous, rrf, leg. PRONOUNS. 433 310. O-KOTTO'S, OV, SCOllt. 311. o-irovSTJ, f;s, haste. 312. aToXf], fjj, dress, robe. 313. d l yiov, ou. victim. 314. Tpoiraiov, on, trophy. 315. iifJpis, wJ, TJ insolence. 316. vin|pris, ou, attendant. 317. virvos, ou, s/eejo. 318. 4ws. ovj, TO", cold. 321. wS'fj, T)S, sowij. PRONOUNS. 1. ofcros, 08-7-77, TOI/TO, gen. TOI^TOU, rau- T7JS, TOVTOV, t/HS. 1011. 2. avros, OUT??, avro, gen. aiiroC, T/J, oD : 1. following the article, same; 2. in an oblique case without substantive or article, as pronoun of 3d pers., hhn, her, it, pi. them ; 3. alone in the uom. or in the pred. position with a substantive = ipse, self. 872. 3. 8s, f}, o, gen. ov, ^s, o5, who, which, what. 426. 4. AXAos, SA.A.IJ, 4AA.O, gen. &\\ov, TJS, ou, o^er. 303. 5. 8, W" s - we - 364. 9. 4-yw, ^oO or yaoO, /. 353. 10. l-yw-'Ye, / indeed, I at least. 15. ' 11. u|uis, Vfj.G>v, V/JLIV, vna.s, //OH. 318. 12. caxrrov or auroD, eouTTjy or OUTTJS, r .lex., of himself, of herself. 150. 13. 8(ros, offy, ocrov, as much, great, or many as ; how much, great, many as; Sa-cp . . . TOffovrcp, bi/ how much . . . by so much, the . . . the. 100. 14. 8(ro much, great, or many, as many as. 25. 26. iroo-os, 17, ov, ftou: mucA ? how great ? or in plural how many ? 4. 27. T|fjLTepos. o, ov, our, ors. 20. 28. ^fids, i^, ov, ?y, n'ne. 19. 29. o-4>is,- (Ttpwv, ffrov, T}S, or o-avrov, TJS, of thy- self. 6. 38. o"6s, , ov, how old, how large. 6-irotos, a, ov, of what sort, what sort of. 6-irov, 9. jSeATitTTOS. ** Kpdrrcav, 19. Kpariffros, 28. \(f>itiv, 3. Aa>TToy. 6eer, 6es<. Total, ] 54. 3 254, 1. 361, 1. 736. ADJECTIVES. 435 7. fifyas OTOS, great. 98. 8. 4iriTT|8ios ) a, ov, suitable ; ra f-wir-h- 8cja, necessaries of life ; ot errr^5eto, re/a- ft i>es. 91. 9. KttXo's, ^, OV, KaAAlCOV, KttAAiO-TOS, beautiful. 79. 10. Kaicos, 1?, 1 o'v, 7JTTOIV 15. 3. worse, KOLKHTTOS, 3. TrjKlffra, 3. worst. Total, 56. ' 11. |i&ros, 2 ij, ov, middle, midst of; pe- trov, on, the middle. 53. 12. iKdvds, 'h, ov, enough, sufficient. 52. 13. rpsis, 3 rpt'o, fAree. 50. 14. cis 3 , M''<*> <"> one - 49 - 15. oXC-yos, ij, ov, 39; f \affffcav, 4; e'Ae- X'fToy, 3, little, pi. yew; oAfyov, adv., a little. 46. 16. 8vo, two. 42. 17. tKO, stronger form of iras, all. 33. o-uyu-7rds, ao-o, av, 4, a// together. 20. 8e|t6s, a, (Jv, r^A<; Sefia, on the right. 32. 21. irirr(,Jive. 32. 22. dKpos, o, ov, highest, topmost. 31. 23. irwrros, ^, 6v, faithful. 31. 24. ao-aXT|S, e'y ; -eo-repos, -e?, ov, evident ; STJ^OV STJ, it is evident that, evidently. 29. 26. irprpus, faj, an elder, ambassador ; comp. -u-repoy, sup. -t5roToj, o/rfer, oldest; elder, eldest. 28. 27. Xoiiros, 4 17, 6v, left, remaining, rest. 27. 28. TpidKovra, thirty. 27. 29. x^ w<5 s. ^ <^" difficult. 27. 30. (n^Seis, 5 , M'*> *>S nc) " e see 5. 26. 31. Stica, #en. 24. 32. Seivcs, 17, ov, fearful, wonderful. 23. 33. <)>avpos. a, ov, plain, manifest. 23. 34. d|ios, 6 id, ov, worthy. 22. 35. T^rrapes, a, four. 23. 36. iroTcpos, a, ov, which of two ? woVe- pov or -a, whether. 19. 37. SiKaios, a, ov, just. 18. 38. Upds, &, ov, sacred : rb Itp6v, a sacred place, temple ; ra If pa, sacred rites. 18. 39. evwvxifios (8 Svopa, of good name) , left, euphemistic for dpio-rcpo's, 90. 17. 40. pi]|j.os, TJ (or -01), ov, desert, de- serted. 16. 41. cvSai}jui>v, ov, prosperous. 16. 42. piicpds, a, ov, small. 16. 43. SpOios, d, ov, steep. 16. 44. eirra, seven. 15. 45. KOIVOS, "h, ov, common. 15. 46. p.pios, a, ov, ten thousand. 15. 47. levies, a, ov, hospitable, friendly. 15. 48. SwaTo's, "ft, ov, able, possible. 14. 49. IKOTOV, a hundred. 14. 50. {jiXu>s, la, ov, friendly. 14. 52. dfxoTepos. a, ov, both, ch. in pi. 13. 53. T|8vs, e?a, u, ^o^wv, !}8joTOj, sweet, pleasant. 13. 54. 9ovos, ov, abundant. 10. 68. Sur\fXu>i, 01, a, two thousand. 10. 1 254,2. 361,2. 186. 182,2. 187. * 544, c. 831. 272. 40i 1135. 353,1. 516, a. 7 753, c. 2 671. 978. 454. 556. 8 290. 375. 755. 6 1018. 1607. 437 and 4. 486. 6 753, f. 1140. 357. 512. 8 619. 926. 425. 646. 436 LISTS OF WORDS. 69. IKCOV,* oC strong. 10. 72. (xaKpo's, a, 6v, IOIHJ. 10. 73. v&s, -fartpos, -ciraros, young. 10. 74. OKTW, e<'#At. 10. 75. iroXcfuicos, {), ov, war-like, skilled it war. 10. 76. pdSios, id, ov ; C. paa^; s- parrros easy. 10. 77. TpiaKOcrioi, KoVtat, oVta, ^ree /tun dred. 10. 78. aUr\po's, ft, 6v, shameful. 9. 79. Saervs, fta, u, thick, dense. 9. 80. SitiKo'crioi, ai, a, fX^iiav. fx^ttrros, hos- tile, o i\9p6s, an enemy (personal). 8. 94. 8X6s, -n, ov, whole, all. 8. 95. irevraKoonoi, at, a, jive hundred. 8. 96. trpoOvfxos. ov, zealous. 8. 97. {i\|o]Xbs, ^. ov, hi(]h, lofty. 8. 98. ppos, d, 6v,fn l ,htful, fearful 8. 99. t^TJKOvTa. sixty. 7. 100. eCJuvos, ov, u-ell-nirt (for exercise), active, nimble. 7. 101. 8(ioios. 4 d, or, //A'fi. 7. 102. irXTjpT]?,' es, gen. ovs, full. 7. 103. a-vxvos, ^, Jv, considerable, much, pi. many. Cf. 1. 7. 104. TTpaKi(rxi\ioi, o, o, /bur *Aou- sa/irf. 7. 105. TeTTapaKovra^/orty. 7. 106. XP" " *?, ^, ovv, golden. 7. 107. O.SLKOS, ov, unjust. 6. 108. dSuvaros, ov, im/iossi'lile. 6. 109. dXt]6T]s, es ; -tartpos, -^o-raros, true. 6. 110. ava-yKaios, , o, necessary; ri 0^07x070, , ov, potable. 6. 119. irpavT|S, {*, inclined, steep. 6. 120. Tpio-)(fXioi, at, a, three thousand. 6. 121. XP'H " 1 ^ ?' ~n< ov > useful. 6. 122. dir-oi.KOs, ov, from home, subs, a colonist. 5. 123. Stvrtpos, d, ov, second ; TO Sfvrtpov, 'he second time. 5. 124. IXtvOtpos, a, ov, free. 5. 12."). i=fi-rripos, ov, (tv, 7rt?pa, trial), ex- perienced. 5. 126. Ipupvo's, OP0V, before, forward ; irp6, the outer. 37. 30. ST, when. 33. 3 1 . yy\5s, -vrepov, -vrara, or -rtpta, -rdrco, near. 32. 32. (juf|v, indeed, truly. 31. 33. 8irov, wherever, where (irov, where ? 3) 30. 34. TOIVUV, accordingly ; moreover. 30. 35. 2iriTa. then. 28. 36. dvto, -repta. -rdroa, up, upwards. 26. 37. 8ms, nevertheless. 20. 50. irXtjo-tov, near (gen.). 20. 51. 4icei, there. 19. 52. \i-rfit, and or but not, not even (see no. 13). 19. 53. iror^, once, at some or any time (wore, when?). 19. 54. la-us, perhaps. 16. 55. dXAws, otherwise. 16. 56. tr . . . drt, whether ... or. 16. 57. irws, how? 16. 58. tforw, 1 within. 15. 59. 88tv, whence 15. 60. #Tav, 2 ( = 8re + &<), whenever, when. 15. 61. ofa-ovv, not therefore? 3; OVK-OVV, 12; therefore (the neg. lost). 15. 62. SiicaCcDS, justly. 14. 63. otKa-8, 3 homeward. 14. 64. 8iroi, wh ithersoe ver ( iroi, wh ither ?) 1 4. 65. iravTa-ireuri(v), wholly, w. neg., at all. 14. 66. irws, encl. indef., somehow. 14. 67. a0is (length, from al), back, again. 13. 68. ?fvn-po, forward. 13. 72. JvBov, 1 within. 12. 73. T|viKa, at which time, when. 12. 74. 8ir] or 8ir[), in what way, whither. 12. 75. irlpfiy, 1 on the other side. 12. 76. tlra, then. 11. 77. ?OT, until. 11. 78. fj, indeed, often strength, by ^v or some other particle. 10. 79. ofl-irw, not yet. 10. 80. 68pa, ejrcefdnig/y. 9. 83. &XXoT, a/ another time. &AAore Kal &\\oTf, now and then. 8. 84. avrka, immediately. Cf. 22. & 85. cvOcvSc, In-net. 8. Cf. 46. 86. ?ws, w/ia\(is, -farepov, -tyrara, safe- ly. 8. 91. Sevpo, hither. 7. 92. c'i-irep, if indeed (stronger than el). 7. 93. |i.T]K^Ti, 6 no longer. 7. 94. jioXis, wvV/i difficulty. 7. 95. oirorav 2 (6ir6rf + iy), whenever, when. 7. 96. irdXai, /on^ a^o. 7. 97. iroXXaKis, ?aj/ u>s, clearly. 7. 99. Tavrg, dat. of place or manner, here, in this way. 1. 100. rews./or a time, till then. 7. 101. &TC, as, inasmuch as. 6. 102. atfpiov, to-morrow. 6. 103. S^irow or 8V) iron, doubtless. 6. 104. &/TOS, 1 KWtAt* (like tvSov, 72). These comm. w. verbs of rest ; (fou> (58) with verbs of motion. 105. vvKTiop, by night. 6. 106. irti, encl., #e<. 6. 107. TO, eucl., truly, often best ren- dered by emphasis. 6. 108. djtaxei, without battle. 5. 109. &ira|, once. 5. 110. ?(iira\iv, ri> {(iiraXiv, or roif p.ira- , Xiv, backwards, back. 5. 111. firtC-ircp, sj'ncc indeed, stronger form of fiffl. 5. Cf. 11, 25. 112. at4>vns, suddenly. 5. 113. oiroOtv, ichencesoever, whence (ir66fv, whence ?). 5. 114. opOws, rightly. 5. 115. ovSafiov (old gen.), nowhere. 5. ovSafj.TJ or -77, nowhere, in no way. 3. ou- Sa/io'Off, /row no (where) place. 2. ovSa- fio?, no whither. 1. 116. oti-iroT, nerer. 5. 117. 64/i. ';;.. 5. 1757. 1148. 362,3. 518, b. 2 913. 1428,2. 433, N. 627. * 217. 293 737,2. 228. *.220. 296. 76. N. #2. 6 1018. 1607. 437 and 4. 486 PREPOSITIONS. 439 718. Totyopovv, stronger form of rol- )ap, therefore. 5. 119. xoXtirws, hardly ; harshly. ^aAe- irus fX ftv > be harsh or angry. 5. 120. 4vl, on both sides about = concerning. 2. (round) about. 43. of, about. fad, up. not up from (as we upon (poetic). up, rip along, up through, might expect). throughout. 17. bvri, over against. instead of. 28. air6, from. from ; by. 113. did (cf. L. dis, through (and out of). 1. throughout. asunder, be- 94. 2. through and toward or tween), through. in view of, and so comm., on account of. 62. (Is, into. into. 321. K, out of. out of, from; by, 242. tv, in. in. 427. M, upon. on, upon, (superposi- on, upon, at, (juxta- (to and) upon, to, against. tion). 60. position). 120. 167. teard, down, down from, down. 7. down along, along; accord- ing tof Karii vofiov, accord- ing to law. 120. (i.(rd, with. with = in connection (into) the midst of, in quest with, sharing with, of, and so comm., after, hence gen. Cf. avv. cf. fji(rairefj.iro/J.ai. 59. 25. wapd : beside, near. from (the side of), beside (at, near, to (the side of), alongside from; by. 68. with). 37. of; aside from, whence Trapa VO/LLOV, contrary to the /air. 75. xtpi, around, about = concerning. 73. about, it(pl ra?s x*p- about = around, ol ir(pl about. div, 1.5". 4. 'Apiaiov. 41. irpo, L. pro, be- before; in behalf of fore. (cf. \nttp). 18. irpos, in front of, in front of, before, before, oftener be- to (the front of), toward, before. from (before); by; side, (at, on, near). against. 267. towards. 25. 13. i]|iC 2 34, impf. f 186, fut. 0^tra> 1, f 9, 2 a. tiirov 189, 1 a. ffaa. 3, pf. ftpriKa, 2, ftp-q^ai 5. ou (pTjjut 3 , say that . not, den//, refuse. Total 431. Instead of cpds, dffKta, is used. 4. 3. ?x. w (f r *X & ' originally ""^X. or ff X). 4 impf. ?x'. 5 f ut - { or ffx^a-ta, 2 a. be or do well. The form fcrx&> (for , eAf|a see 2), Ae- Ae7 / ucu, f\fx6r]i>, say, tell. 302. Cf. 176, 350. 5. iroit'w, - Cf. 311. , etc. (reg.), make, do. 268. 6. -yi-yvojiai (for yi-yfv-o/j.ai 6 ), or -yvo- ' (2 pf. 76- ), 2 a, eytv6fj.r]i>, become, take place. 260. Cf. 208, 237, 379. Xa(j.(3dvco, 9 2 a. f\a&ot>, <1\i]ipa, 11 f1\T)ft/j.ai, f\-f)fy8T]v, take, receive. 224. Cf. 68, 213, 238, 241, 242, 243, 274, 391. 8. opdco, impf tcapcav,^ 2 fut. ttyojuai (= oTroro/j.ai), 2 a. /5oj/, fcapdica 1 - or (wpa.fj.a.1, &6riv ls ( = iair-Q^v), see. Cf. 204, 300. 214. 9. iropcvo|xcu, ffofuu, ireWpeu/uai, ^iro- pevOTjj', 14 proceed, journey. 187. Cf. 358. 10. 8o>, Se^rrw (fr. St. See 15 ), fSenva, 5e- Sfr]Ka., SeSsTj/xai, eSe^Orjv, ?ieec?, wan ; mid., M-H/ /o/- oneself, and so often, os& ; impers. Set ('?, 5eoi, etc.), there is need, it is necessary, act. 106, mid. 68. Cf 5'a>, STJO-OI etc., bind. 11, i&ov\T)8iiv, 16 wish. 151. 12. Svvajiai, 17 impf. e-, or Swf)aofj.ai, able. 151. 13. e- or ij-Siivi]6r)v, be (fr. sts. eAu0, eA0 are) fut. in Attic prose 6?jut 19 (6), ^A^- ^Aflof, 21 .90, come. 138. Cf. 29, 52, 82, 126, 146, 197, 240. 14. aKovco, a.Kovffoua.1, iJKOvffa, 2 pf. d/c^/coa,- riKovaOrjv, 2 * hear. 138. 15. KeXcvco, eucrco, eKf\ev, eSwKo,- 5 Se'Sco/ca, 8e'8o- fiat, f568rii>, give. 105. Cf. 49, 70, 186. 18. olSa 26 [2 pf. from obs. e?Sw, see (whence ?8oy, 8), 7 ^are seen, and so as pres., =] 7 know, 42 ; 2 plupf . as impf. rjSeir 17, fut. ffa-ofj.cu 3. Some of the form* found in the Anab. are : fa-re 6, ei'S^re 7, etSeiri 1, fo0j 2, ctSeVat 11, ej'Sws 2, eiS^Tes 9. Total, 100. 19. fJKw,^ 3a>, o/ co?ne. 90. Cf. 29 20. (xe'vco. fut. fnvic, e/nfiva, /uf/ueV remain. 89. Cf. 224, 260, 309, 337. 1 References to Babbitt's Grammar will be found in the alphabetical list of Greek verbs found in Appendix F pp. 3, ,-421. Goodell's Grammar also contains (pp. 299-313) a list of verbs with refer- euces to the more important peculiarities. i 478. 80(5, 2. 2 481, 539, 8. 812. 8 1028. 4 73, e . 95> 4. 5 359. 537. 6 393, b. 650, (1). 7 405. 658, 2. 8 451, a. 643. 9 402, c. 605. b. i" 32. 811. " 366. 522. w 359, b. 538. is 51. 71. 14 497. 444. is 405. 658. 16 355. 517. " 487, 417, a. 627, 729. is 54. 74, 611. w 539. 2. 1257. 20 368. 529. 21 437. 650j (2). 22 505. 640. ^ 436. 535. "452. 692. 25432,334. 802,2; 506. 26491. 820. 27827. 1256. 442 LISTS OF WORDS. 21. Sia-Palvw, 1 fut. -&-fi-iKveo|iai. :i -/o/*cu, -lypai, 2 a. -In6- ftTjv, arrive ; chief, in pres., impf., and 2 a. 38. Cf. 234. 25. 4>ev-yu>, 4 , >)pfa, ^f>x> ^P7^ a '> ^px" 7 ?". be foremost, and so (1) 6e7JW, (2) comm., rw/e, 75 ; pres. part. &px, tirf/uf/a, Wiro)Ua, 9 KfXfUnat, 11 eWjuipfl^ii send. 70. Cf. 158, 183, 265, 296. 28. jj < yta|uu, i)iro/j.ai, fiyrjpat, lead; think. 68. 29. el^i, 12 impf. jja or $fiv, go ; used as fut. to *pxM*- 66. Cf. 88, 150, 232, 380. 30. vojiCjw, 18 itru or ie, 14 fv6fj.iffa, vev6- HIKO., urfwu, 15 ^vo/j.iff6r]v, consider, suppose. 65. 31. rvyx, trfiaco 17 (= ifl-, aip-^ffw, 2 a. pfpTj/xaj, rjpf6r]v ; ^ act., , -fffTijtra, trans, set up, raise up ; 2 a. -ia-Ti\v, -fffTTiKa. (as pres.), plpf- -eor^/cTj (as impf.), intrans., rise or stano? M/>. 56. Cf. 77. 37. t'-rrofiai (fir for veir, air), impf. tiir6- /tTjJV 25 ei^o/iOi, 2 a. to-iro'/i^*', 26 follow. 53. Cf. 149, 346. 38. c0eXb>, efleA^treo,- 7 i]6f\i]ffa, i]Oi\iiKa., he willing, wish. 51. 0e'A.o>, Of \-fiffta etc., shorter form of foregoing. 10. 39. cjnpoj (a (other parts not comm.), pursue. 48. 42. KoXc'to, fffta or w, 33 (Ka\taivu (for ^av-tw), 35 ^avw, 36 ?07/- i/o, 3 ' ire Qayica., 3 * ire'^ao-^at, 39 2 a. p. ityavriv : act., sAow ; mid. and 2 pf. W^njva, appear. 48. Cf. 328. 44. irckpd.op.ai, acrobat, 4 ' wmlf&fUU, (Knp6Bi]v,^ try, attempt. 46, chief, in pres. and impf. 1400. 519,7; 610. 2405. 658. 666. 450. 687. " 435. 675. m 53. 75. 11 51. 71. 12 477, a. 15 53. 16 402, c. 605, b. 1" 74. 402, d. 607. 394. 572. 6 426. 8739,741. 809,1099. 451. 643. 808, 3. is 398. 584-5. 425, 665, 3. 74. 18 73. 19 52. 71. 2 32. 31. 21 405, 423. 653, 658, 665. M 73, a. 95, 1. 23 73, c . 95, 3. 24 503, 1. 639. (b). 25 359 anf i P. 537.2. ' 26 435, a. 675,677. 27405,510. 653,658 28 368. 529. *< 53, 463, b. 75, 490, 2. so 403. 613. i 405. 653 2 73, a. 95, 1. 33 423, 504. 665. * 64-a. 64. 1-2. 85 400. 594. 86 422. 663. <" 431. 672. 8 443, b. 648. 39 463, a. 489, 2. 30. 29. 497. 444- VERBS. 45. tpwrdco, impf. rjpurwv, ^pcinjo-o, or (more comm.) 2 a. ripo^-nv (from tpo/j.ai), iipwrrjita, ash. 45, chief, in pres., impf., 2 a. Cf. 285. 46- xpdofiai, riaofj.ai, e'xpJjo'aA 17 )'', ff'xP 7 ?' /uoi, use. 3 S. xP^Ttw, 1 iiif. xp^fo". 45. 47. irdor^w (for irafl-ffK-a;,' 2 ira0, irei/0), fut. irt/o-Ojuai (for ireV0<70yitai 3 ), 2 a. tiraSov, 2 pf. WTToj/fla, 4 su^cr. 43. 48. vTr-i(rxvO(iai (see 3, end), viro-ffxh- ffouai, 2 a. vir-tffxo^v, uir-e'o'X'W* a ' hold oneself under (obligation), promise. 43. 49. diro-8i8tofii (for parts, see 17), give away or 6act ; esp. what is due, and so pay ; mid., to give away for one's own profit, sell. 41, chief, in pres., impf., 2 a. 50. VIKO.IO. fata, ^viKi)(ra, pei/iKij/ca, /uai, tvlK-fi0T}v, conquer. 41. 51. irap-^x w (f r parts, see 3), have be- side or near, and so furnish, render. 41. 52. onr-^pxofxai (for parts, see 13), go away, come from. 40. 53. , tjBovtevcra etc., delib- erate, counsel. 39. Cf. 81, 147. 55. y l "Y v yvK7]/j.at, , 5f receive, accept. 37. 59. irpdrrw (=7rpei7-ja) 13 ), irpfi^co, Tfirpdya or Tr^Trpdxa, 14 it 4* pay pat, fir do, act. 37. Cf. 345, 367. 60. Kara-XeCirw, (Anr), -Af^w, 2 a. -A- wop, 18 -AfAoiira, 16 AeAetjUyitot, 17 -eAe^OT/f, /eaw behind, abandon. 36. Cf. 117, 139, 356. 61. fxeXXco, impf. I- or ^-,ueAAoi', 18 /itA- Ai}vXa.TTw (for Aa|o, ire\iiKa, vfi.ai, fKu>\vQj]v, hinder. 30. 76. dva-paivco (see 21, 74), 90 M/>, ascend. 29. 77. ttmiiu 1 (for O-I-O-TT^UJ), trans., 7/w< j to stanc? (se, set up; stop, halt); intraus., stand, stop. 29. Cf. 36, 87, 152, 173, 223, 266, 325, 384. 78. KQ.CO and KaCw (/cow. 2 ), KO.V), firaiffa, irtiraiKa (pass, tenses supplied mainly from TTA^TTW), strike. 28. 80. firloTafuu, 3 impf. fiwrdptfr, ^?n- ffr-fiffofjiai, i)iria7^driv, know (how), under- stand. 27. 81. < or />/ace />on, impose ; mid., to put oneself against, attack. 26. Cf. 118. 85. 8c(S), live. 26. 87. Ka0-o-TT][xi (see 36,77), trans., sit down, settle, establish : intraus., 2 a., pf., and plpf. (as pres. and impf.), act. and mid., in all tenses, be set, established. 26. 88. irp6, ^, ^), prepare, make ready ; like aicfvdfa, for which it is com- monly used in prose. 25. Cf. 154, 368. 97. air-^w, impf. dir-t?xof, a<-w, 19 or diro-rx^(Tw, 2 a. iar-4, follon-ing. 24. Cf. 29. 100. irpoo--, towards, forward, on etc. 24. See 13. 101. Sia-irpaTTw (see 59), work through or out, effect, accomplish. 23. 1 70, 351. 500, 86, 500. * 396, 401. 579, 001. 487, 417, a. 729, 742 402, b. 605. 6 405. 053, 058. 73, a. 95, 1. ' 432. 670. 8 Neither H. nor G. offer any explanation for the change of Of to Oti in pf. act. and mid. According to Gnstav Meyer ((iricchishe (irammntik, 71) tl>e form 6ei was adopted after the analogy of flxa, T/xoi. 73, c. 95,3. 1" 412. 4HO. " 521,1, a. 612. 12424. 665 (end). 18 368. 529. - 4 403. (Id !. is 405. 053, 058. 16 603, 1. 639, (b). 394, a. 574. 18 398. 584-5. i 82. 92. VERBS. 445 102. ijio-XoYt'w, -*iffo>, &no-\6yi)ffa, etc., say the same thing, agree. 23. 103. -iravw, ata, eiravtra etc.; act., make to cease ; mid., cease, ceasefrom. 23. Cf. 151. 104. d.Xi(TKO[xai 1 (a\. a\o), a\wffo/j.ai, 2 a tQ\iav' 2 or fiKtav, eSAa^Ko or 7)A.o)/co, ie !aA-e ; used as pass, to aip4u>. 22. 105. diou, caffti), rj^icacra. etc., think 'vorthy,Jit, or reasonable ; demand (as rea- ionable). 22. 106. diro-KTeCvw (for-KTev-iav" 1 aTrotfTtfa), fKTfiva, 2 pf. -f/crova, 4 2 a. -fKravov, a kill. Passive supplied from diro-6vr)ffKca (see 40). 22. 107. ir 108. irXcw 6 (irAu), ?ir\tvaa., irfir\fvKa, /ia*, 7 soiV. 22. Cf. 145, 29.3, 357. P 1 !' 8 subj. XPP) O pt- XP ei/7 7> i"f- part, xpti&v, impf. fxpy" or XP')*'> ;'? ;'s necessary, one must, ought. 22. 109. 6av|idw, 9 dcrofjiai, fOavficura, re- BaiinaKa, afiai, fdav/j.dffdr)v, wonder at, ad- mire. 91. 110. ffpo-Eifu, impf. irpo-yftv, go before or forward, advance. 21. 111. eXavvw, trans., c/m-e, r;We ; intraus., ride, march. 20. Cf. 92, 262. 112. Kpareu, ifjffw, (Kpdrrjffa, have on get power over, overpower. 20. 113. liri-0vfx, -fiaw etc., (set one's) heart upon, desi re. 20. Cf. 271, 295. 114. aiTw, riffte, jjT7j(ra etc., ask, de- mand. 19. Cf. 193.' 115. d4>-aipw, 13 take from or away, deprive. 19. Cf. 35. 116. pdXXw 11 (for )8a\-w), fut. &a\ca, 2 a. ?3aAo/, /S^jSArjJco, 1 - ftf&\ii[uu, e^K^Q^v, throw, throw at. 19. Cf. 144, 177, 303, 320, 339. 117. XtCirw 13 (Aiir), Aetyoi, 2 a. IAITTOI/, AeAoiiro, 14 AeAsj/ijtcu, 15 t\fl(f>8riv, leave. 19. Cf. 60, 139, 321, 392. 118. rCOiifu (see S4),put, place; rl6tff0ai TO, '6ir\a, (1) ground arms, (2) stand in arms, (3) stack arms. 19. For the pass., Kft^iit (218) is commonly used. Cf. 84, 301, 318. 119. Tovw, fvffta, e'ro'leuffo etc., shoot with the bow. 19. 120. eir-aive'w, impf. tir-rfvow, -e'croftcu, 16 -rfvcra, eTr-Tjj/e/ca, fir-yvri/j.ai,fir-rivtQriv. praise. 18. Ihe simple form is rare in Attic prose 121. TTi-8iKvv|u, 17 and -8iKvOu, impf eTr-fdfiKi'vt' and vov, -5eico, -e8ei|a, -I'* 8x a > 18 -SfSeiyfj.ai, -eSeixd'nv, show fortli, exhibit, display. 18. Cf. 194, 279. 122. n-apa-KoXe'w (see 42), call to one's side or along, summon ; exhort. 18. 123. , i)aw, trijujjcra etc., honor. 18. 125. TirpwerKO) 22 (rpo), rpiaffta, erpctxro, TfTpw/jiat, fTpcodriv, wound. 18. 126. 8i-^pxo(iat (see 13), go or come through, pass through. 17. Attic supplies fut. and imp. from St-etfit. 127. law, impf. elW 23 (dj, d), &&ra>, 24 ffaffa, ftouca, fj.ai, fl&Qrjv, permit. 17. 128 KaT-t'x, st. KO.V), only in 2 a. Kar-fKavov, except in 7.G 26 : xara-tcTfivta, kill. 17. 130. XTJOJ, Auirco, eAJtra, AeAuxo, AeAn/uo^ e\v6r)i>, loose, loosen, in various senses, /? /ease, re/ax, break. 17. Cf. 366. 131. XavOdvw 26 (Aa0), Al7ra;, 27 2 a. ?Aa 5oj/, AeATjfla, Ae'A7ja>iat,- 8 (1) escape notice, commonly with a part., and often rendered unawares, 29 secret/ y ; (2) with ace. escape i 403. 613. 2 489, 13. 803, 2. 3 395, 400. 579. 594. 4 451. 643. S 435, a. 676. 394, a. 574. " 461. 640. 8 486. p. 406 9 396, 398. 579, 584-5. 10 82. 92. " 396, 399. 579. 593. " 44g ) c . 649, (2). is 394. 572 " 451, b. 643. 15 53. 75. 16 504, b. 639, b. n 402. e. 603, 608. is 452. 692. w 396, 400. 579, 594. 20 431. 672 . 21 4 63) a> 489) 2 . 22 403 and b. 613,615. 23359. 537. 2*30. 29. 2582. 92. 26 402, c. 605,(b). 2' 54. 74. a lengthened to T< after the analogy of Class IT., 394, 611. 53. 74 29 984. 158t 446 LISTS OF WORDS. the notice of. 17. Cf. bri-\av6dvo/Li.ai or -\-i)8onai, forget. 132. irurrtvw, fvtru, (iriffrtvffa etc., be- lieve (in), trust. 17. 133. diro-Si8pdo-K(i> J (5pd), -Spcuro^ai, 2 a. -f'Spcb' 2 (as, d), -SeSpd/ta, run away, escape, esp. by stealth. 16. Cf. 278. The simple form is not used. 134. ctixofxai, impf. TJIIX^M*?". etf{o/*a, T)va.nT)v, pray, vow. 16. The forms fux- jtTji', 8 v^ etc. (oftener as dep.), encamp. 16. 136. o-vy-KoXt'w (see 42), caZ/ together. 16. 137. aiTido|i.ai, impf. TJTt, rjrid^ai, rJTt&Briv (in pass, sense), blame. 15. 138. dir-d-yw (see 16), lead back, bring away. 15. 139. oiiro-XeCirw (see 60), leave behind, forsake. 15. 140. diro-ir\a> (see 107), sa;7 away or back. 15. 141. dirop&u, impf. ijiropovv, ^erw etc., be at a loss, be perplexed. 15. 142. dpird & (for apira5-i&))> a or ouai. ^piracra, ?}pirajca, {jpiraff^tai, ripirdaQ^v, seize, plunder. 15. 143. d^-tqtii 6 ( ), impf aQ-iijv, aty-jaw, d<-7J/ca~ (dual -t?rov s ), &-elKa, o.(p-f1fjia.i, A(p-ti6rii>, send away or back, let go. 15. Cf. 203. 144. 8ia-pdXX (see 116), throw or hurl at, then fig., calumniate, slander. 15. 145. K-ir\.tw (see 107), sail out or awai/. 15. 146 -'pxop.ai (see 13), come or go out or forth. 15. 147. firi-povXcvw (see 54), plan against, plot against. 15. 148. TrL-)^ipa> (x 'p> hand), -tjffta, fir- X'P 1 7"'a etc., take in hand, attempt. 15. 149. 4-tffir6/JLr)v, follow. (close) upon or ajler, pursue. 15. 150. irdp-i(ii (see 29), impf. vap-rjtiv, go by, past, or along. 15. 151. civa-Travw (see 103), make cease again or for a time, mid., halt, rest. 15. 152. ^-icrrrjp.1, 11 ' impf. tylari)!', t*i- arriffta, eir-(o i Trion, (up, orer, or near); 2 a. 4ir-fffrrii>, ^Tr-taranai, fir-ffrd- 6t)v (mid. and pass.), be set over or near, stand upon, (by, near, or against) ; also (act.) make to stand, halt. 14. Cf. 36. 153 er-KOircco, tanoTTow, 14 ; other tenses made from (rKfirrofiai, viz., , rp^i|/a>, frpfij/a, T^rpo^a, 11 T(Tpannat, 12 trpdiriiv turn. 14. Cf. 200. 156. Tpa>, 8p(i\ir)v, nourish. 14. 157. uvcofiai, impf twvovfniv 16 ajrijo-u- /xo, 2 a. irptd/4T]v, l ~ fti>Tifj.a.i, twi>-ti6i]t> (as pass.), buy. 14. 158. diro-irefiirw (see 27), send awcu/ or buck. 13. 159. diro-^wptw, ^ Xwp7j\l(r6riv, rtiJ\ia-fiai t lodge, (in the ou\^, o/^en yard), em-amp. 13. 162. 4v-vo&> (cJos, mine?), ^, iv-tv&- i\ffa. etc., ^awe >'n mind, think, consider. 13. Cf. 253. iirivoew, fiffw etc., have on one's mind, intend. 4. 163. !v-Tvyx_>. 10 50O. 11 451-2. 643, 692. 12 53. 75. " 435. a. 676. " 74. 95, 5. is 460, n 646. " 359. 537. "489,9. 506, pp. 121-2 is 403, 613; 64, 64. u 422. 663. VERBS. 447 2 a. tdavov, TfBvijKa,, die ; be killed, pass. to aironTtlvca. 13 Cf. 40. 165. Kdfl-Tjuai, 1 inipf. e/caflrjur/i' or KO.&-}]- ttrjv (oiily tenses used ; preferred to fjiuai), be seated, sit still. 13. Cf. 363. 166. Kptvw 2 (for Kplv-ua), KpivOa, fKplva, K^KpiKo., 3 KKpi/j.a.t, fKpiQnv, judge. 13 Cf . 63. 167. 6pjj.au), impf. 8>pfj,cav, ftpuriaui, S>p- jU7j), ffftrficra, eo-TTf KT/uai," pour a libation ; mid., maAre a treaty, by pouring libations one with another. 13. 1 70 TeXtvrdw, ^o-w etc., end, .finish ; end (life), die. 13 171 dvcvyKdJw, data, ijvdyKaffa, etc, compel. 12. 172. dir-a\AdTT 8 (for -aAAa7-i&>j, d|w, -iijAAa|a, -i}AAaxa, 9 -TjA.Aa7/xat, -r)\\dyrii/, change (and put) off or (get) away, set free ; mid. and pass., be set free, be freed from. 12. 173. dcj>-(oTT)fu (see 3C), impf. i-to-T7j/, diro-erri7-t(TTa/Ji.ai, dir-eff-rdOr]v, intrans., stand away or aloof, revolt. 12. 174. Seiirvcw, ijcrw, eStiirj/rjcro etc., f/('e. 12. 175. 8r]\6u), i6(ra>, fS-f]\wera etc., waie evident, show. 12. 176. Sia-Xc-yojiai (see 4), -Aeoyuai, 8t- (Ae7^oj, ld Si-e\4xSn v > converse with. 12. 177. l|A-f3d\\b> (see 116), fVflaAw, 2 a. throic in or /nriv, bury. 12. 180. Kara-Kda) or -Katw (see 78) bum down or completely. 12. 181. Kara-fiavOdvco 13 (uad), -uaQria*- /uai, 14 2 a. f/jLadov, -/j.tfid6rjica, learn thor- oughly, understand. 12. Cf. 290. <(>a, 16 /c^/cAe/uyucu, 2 a. p. e^dirrjv, 1 ' steal. 12. 183. (xTa-ir(xirctf, oftener op.ai (see 27), send for. 12. u, 19 lv.v4\vQi}v, remind : mid., call ; pf. as pres., have called to mind, remember ; subj. jue/tpw/iaj, 20 opt 12. Cf. 275. 185. 8(i.vxi(u 21 (o/x, OHO), and impf. &HVVV and &/J.MOV, fut. ojuou/ueu, 22 &Moo"a, o/u^yuojco, 23 6/uw/uoo-^oj, 24 w/j.odrji' and w/j.6crd7)v, swear (to, that, or by). 12. 186. Trpo-8i8&>ju (see 17), ^j'wc (forth) up, betray. 12. 187. o-vv-d-yw (see 16), 6n'n^ together, collect. 12. 188. cvSovd(o, ^o-a) etc., sling 12. 190. roX(idw, ^o- (see 92), drive, ride an-ai/, or march away or back. II. 195. a.iro-8etKvv~ni (see 121), show forth, appoint. 1 1 . i 484. 815. 2 396. 400. 574. 579. 448, b. 648. < 402, c. 605,(b). 6 Lengthened after the analogy of Class II., 394. 611. 6 56 79. 1 365. 523. 8 396-6. 579-80. 452. " 692. "> 366. 522. " 74, c. 95, 5. 2 53. 75. 18 402, c. 605, (b). i* 405. 653. 658. 395. 576. ^ 451. 643. " 471. 646. 18 403, b. 613, 615. i 365, b. 525 20 465, a. 734, 1. i 402, 1. 603, 608. 22 422. 663. 23 36& 529. 24 461. 640. 448 LISTS OF AVORDS. 196. &x e f"" Ax^ffonat? rix^ff8-ni>,' 2 be displeased. 11. 197. ei.o--pxofJLai (see 13), come (or yo) into, or in. 11 198. K-irtirro) 3 (for iri-ir(T-ia, irtT, TTTO), ^K-ireffoD/uai (= irtr-(rov/jiai*), 2 a. i-tirtaov (for orig. -eittrov), (K-itfitTUKa, fall out, be driven out, of exiles. 11. Cf. 218, 294. 199. iri-p&o|iai and eofiai, ^o-o/ua', firi-Hffi.(\vfj.cii, 3v-fne\-fi0r)v, take care (of or that). 11. Cf. 348, 372. 200. m-Tpir (see 155), turn over to; permit. 11. 201. f)8ofiai, ^ be pleased. 11. 202. TiTTOLOjiai (^rrtav, inferior), TJ ftat (as pass, rarely) or ^TTTjO^o-o^ot, rjr- T7J0TJI', 6e inferior, worsted, defeated. 11. 203. tTjin, 6 (4), impf. li\v, %Br]i>, look down or down upon, see clear/ ij. 11. 205. KTo.ofj.ai. Kr-fjffOfJLai, iKTtjffd.fj.riv, Kt- KTT^tta* 8 KTriOrii> (as pass.), acquire ; pi., have acquired, possess. 11. 206. iraiavCjci), 9 iffta or ia>, tiratdviira. etc., ting the paean (ircudv) or war-soni/. 11. 207. iroXiopK (see 69), draw tip to- 'gether, arrange. 11. 210. vir-oirrcvci), impf. \nr-unrrtvov. ei'ffco etc., suspect. 10. See fut. of 8. 211. ava-Kpd^aj 10 (for Kpay-ico), 2 a. 4v- tKpayor, the only tense found in the Anab., cry out. 10. 212. dv-^x w an( l -' hold up, back, or out ; of the sun, rise; impf mid. dv-6x c 'M'7 |/ n r ^vfix^f-'nv, 2 a. av- or T/J/ ea\6fjij]v. 10. 213. diro-Xa|jLf3dv(i> (see 7), ^/.ie (or re- ceii'e) from or /n danqer, incur danger. 10. 221. iropt, /era; 15 or lie, tiropiffa etc., furnish. 10. 222. pw (see 39), bring together i to contribute to, hence be profitable (often impers.) 10 223. O-UV-UTTI}H.I (see 36, 77), impf. avv- ivrijv, av-ari\ata, ffuv-e'o'TTjtra, trans., make stand together, and so combine, frame etc. ; 2 a. . ^fi'o-o), 1 -" fyfvaa, ei^ei/o-yuaj, 19 f\^tvaOf)v, comm dep. in Attic, lie, deceive. 10. 1405. 653,658. 461. 640. 8506,4. p. 397. * 426. 666. 652 71. 404, 476. 619, 810. ^ 432. 670. 8 365. b 525. 9 425. 665. 3. ln 396, 398. 579,584-5. "361. a r,44. " 403. c. 533, 8 617. 13369. 451. b. 537,2, 043. 482. 818- 15425. 065,3- 18396,400. 579,594. 431-a. 6?a is 54. 74. i 53, 365. 74. 5V VERBS.. 449 227. <0Xo>, 170-01, axpeAijcra, Ka, /uat, T\&T\V, assist. 10. Cf. 90. 228. awrxxivtt, 1 vvia, ri, Sr)cr 4 (for -tir\ria., -irtir\Tjya,, i} -Jrf less often -tTrATJx"'?*'. strike out of one's senses, astonish ; terrifi/. 9. 234. |-iKVO(xai (see 24), to come forth to, reach, arrive. 9. 235. tiri-o-rrt^ofiai, (Vo/xcu or tou/j.at,~ eV- efflriffa.iJ.iiv etc. ((Tiros, grain), provision oneself. 9. 236. KTjpuTTw 4 (for Kr)pvK-ia>), icripvta, icripva, KeKTjpi/xa, 8 1/7^01, f claim. 9. 237. irttpa-'Yi'y vo H Lat ( see arrive. 9. 238. irapa-Xajj. (Jdvtai ( see 7 ), receive from ; succeed to. 9. 239. irap-tyyvtuo, pass (irapd) from hand to haud (yvaKov), pass the word, command. 9. Cf. 04. 240. -irpo-pxofj.ai (see 13), go forward or before. 9. 241. irpo-Kara-Xaupdva) (see 7), take or seize before/iand. 9. 242. irpoa--Xap.pd.VG> (see 7), take (or receive) beside or JH addition. 9. 243. (ruX-\ap.pdvw (see 7), seize, bring together. 9. 244. rt}j.cop, i7(T&) etc., avenge ; mid., avenge oneself on, punish. 9. 245. Tp'x.o), Spa/j.ovfj.at, 9 2 a. fSpaftov, 8e5po;U7?ca. 10 9. Cf. 378. 246. 4>0d,v, n Qeriffonai, 1 ' 2 e^Oatra, 2 a. e<$>6-r}v, is anticipate, bejirst. 9. 247. xaf^r 10 - 114 (= X a P' 5(0 M0. ^oyuat or iov/j.a.1,' ^x a P" rt W) Kxdpt(T/jLai,/uL-or. 9. 248. a0pota>, 14 d0po/(rco, tfOpoura, ijQpoiKa, , 770-01, riaOeviiaa. etc., be a.ffQevT)s, sick ; a.or., fall 11 sick. 8. i'.")^. Si-d-yu (see 16), carry through, over, or across ; of time, spend ; lead 011, con- /me. 8. 253. Sia-voe'op.ai, TjVo^ai, -vtv6ijfj.cn, -fvorf- QJ\V (voos, mind), be minded, intend. 8. Cf. 162. 254. Sta-o-rrdco, - a-ir da ta, , 1G -4aira.ffa, -Stf- O-TTO/CO, -eo-jrao-juai, 18 -f(T7rao-077', t/raw apart, separate. 8. Cf. 352. 255. clicagw, impf. rjica&v or tf/ca^oj/, 19 ei/cafro), p/cao-o, ]7/ca0>tcu, yKaaOriv, conjec- ture. 8. 256. v-6v|X0|iai, fio'o/j.a.i, -TtttftHfUU, -f6v- u.ri6-r\v, hare in mind (OvfiSs), consider well. 8. Cf. 113. 257. ir(-Ki|Aai (see 219), //e or 6e /aid upon ; /jress upon. 8. 258. Kaavw' 20 (for KO./J., ic/ua), fut. Ka.fj.ov- jucu, 9 2 a. eKa/xof, KfK/j,T)Ka, labor ; be weary, sick. 8. 259. KdT-d-yw (see 16), lead doicn or fcacfc ; bring down from the high sea, put in, land. 8 Cf. 273. 260. Kara-p-cvto (see 20), remain behind, remain. 8. i 396, 400. 579. 594. 2 431-a. 672. 5 450. 687. 6 471, a. 713. 7 425. 1 405. 053, 658. 2. " 4O2, a. 603. 398. 579, 584-5. 15 448, a. b. 645, 64i 3 504, 1. 639. b. 4 396-7. 579-580 665, 3. s 452. 692. 422. 663. 12 611. i 3 489, 8. 799". 396, 503, I. 639. " 841. 1260. 365. 523. 19 357, a 519. 20 443, c , 402, a. 649, (2), 603. 450 LISTS OF WORDS. 261. 4mvAaK&ij, ijao> etc., guard the rear. 8. 262. irap-cXavvco (see 92), ride (or march) along, by or past. 8. 263. irpocr-eXavvw (see 92), ride (or march), toward, forward, or against. 8. 264. (TirtvSa), avevcrta, 1 fffirevaa, fffirtvica, hasten. 8. 265. -fa-TT)|u (see 36), impf. &, place under ; mid., posf secretly ; 2 a. UTT- iv (and all pass, tenses), intrans., stand under, in va- rious senses; withstand; undertake, prom- ise ; submit. 8. 267. 6'YYO|A(H, dfydfjLr]v, $8fyfjicu, shout, scream, used of most sounds of the human voice, of animals, and of many inanimate things. 8. 268. <|>pd 2 (for ), typdvca, tpapdffdr)f, tell, declare. 8. 269. \|/T|fl; (tyriQos, pebble), lavi^op.ai. iffoftat or lov/tai, i)y etc., be H-Ovpos, dis* couraged. 7. Cf. 256, 113. 272. aKovr^w, lau or iw 8 etc., hurl the javelin, hit with a javelin. 7. 273. dv-a-yw (see 16), lead or bring up; fead up to the high sea, set sail. 7. 274. dva-Xa.fjLpa.vuj (see 7), take, up or ,,6ack. 7. 275. dva-pufivVja-KO) (see 184), remind of; pass., call to mind. 7. 276. dir-avrdw, impf. &ir--fimtav, fjffta, -fivrriffa, (go) away to meet, meet. 7. 277. diro-T(iV&> 4 (rtfj., iyte), -re/uw, 2 a. -trtpov, -TT/i7j>co, 5 ^tat, -fTp-fiOyy, cut off. 7. 278. diro-<|>itya> (see 25), flee away, escape out of reach. 7. 279. 86'5e7/ua(, 280. Si /iow. 7. Cf. 121, 195. w, daw or w 8 etc., causal of Sia-fiaivw, make go over, transport. 7. 281. Sid-Ki|j.ai (see 219), lie in order, be arranged; chiefly of the mind, be af- fected. 7. 282. 86w (oftener Svvw), Svarw, eSJaa, 2 a. ZSvv, 6 OfSvKa, SeSv,u.ai, tUvQ-qv, enter ; of the sun, set ; of clothes, put on. 1. Mid. more common. Cf. 331. 283. Scupe'ofj-ai (Supov), gift, TjVo/xai, ^5tu- (as pass.), present. 7. 284. ty.-irirra> (see 198, 294), fall into, upon, or among. 7. 285. eir-jpcordw (see 45), 2 a. ask further, inquire of. 7, all in 2 a. 286. r9 9 (for fti-0-i-u), int. ZS 2 a. %(f>ayoi', eS^Sowa, 11 fS^Sefffj.at, { -riS eat. 7. 287. Kard-Kcifiai (see 219), /i'e recline. 7. 288. XTfCgopai, Attic Aj/CAia (Arjj'rj, At- tic Ae/a, boot i/), \ytrofj.at, fapadnnv, AeAjj- (T^tai, plunder. 7. 289. AvTr&ofAliTrTj, ;>a/n), ^(rwetc.,;)am. 7. 290. navOavw 13 (A^), /ta0^ffo^o, 14 2 a. ZftaBov, nffjidOnKa, learn. 7. See 181. 291. 6pxco|iai (tipxos, a rou-), impf. wpxov^v, opxtvopai, u>px"nffdfj.riv, dance. 7. 292. irap-d-yw (see 16), lead (or bring) by, along, or past. 7. 293. irapa-irXtw (see 107), sail by 01 along. 7. -294. irirr (see 198), vfffovnai (=irer~ ff60yuai 15 ), tiftffov (for eireroi/), irfTrraj/ca, fall. 7. 295. n-po-9i)(j.'o(j.ai, impf. irpo-tO- or irpov6v/jiovfj.ir]i>, -f)(rofjLat, Trpo-TffldyUTj/uaj, irpou- Ov^eriv, be eager (irp60vfjios) . 7. Cf. 113, 256, 271. 296. irpo-irfy/rrw (see 27), send before 01 forward. 7. 1 54. 74. * 396, 398. 579, 584-5. 8 425. 665. 3. < 4O2, a. 603 448, c. 649. 402, e. 607. 1 452. 692. 8 439, 17. 799?. 52. 71 " 427. 667. H368. 529. 12405. 253. 461. 640. 18 402, c. 603, 605, (b) 405. 653,668. 54. 74, VERBS. "451 297. irpoo--TJK (see 19;, have come to; oftener to pertain to, belong to, be Jilting ; chiefly impers., part. irpoai\K etc., excite a faction, be factious, quarrel (with). 7. 300. pov(o, faca etc., be prudent. 7. 303. virep-pdXAw (see 1 16), throw bei/ond, overshoot (surpass, exceed etc.) ; intraus., cross over. 7. 304. XPli? w > chief, in pres. and impf. (xpeid, need), need, want. 7. 305. \peci> (xpos, place ; see 159), flffo, oftener, ijao/j.ai, ex&5p7j(ra e ^ c - gi ye t>lace for, advance; (2) contain, of meas- arec. 7. "06. d\w, fut. dA^o/iaj (from dA^cco*), ^Aelcf/oiTji/ (other tenses wanting), (1) ward off; mid., ward off from oneself, requite ; (2) ward off for or from another (dat.), assfs*. Cf. 308. 6. 307. afiaprdva), 3 a/j.a.pr'fiffo/jiat, 2 2 a. ?i!J,ap- TOV, 7)fj.dpTr)Ka? miss ; err or fail in conduct, sin. 6. 308. dfitJvco, 4 a/j.vv, tfnvva, like dA^fw above, ward off; requite in mid. ; assist. 6. 309. dva-|uv (see 20), await, wait (for). 6. 310. dva-oj, arpfif/w, -fffTptfya, 2 pf. -e'(TTpo(|>a, J tffTpoMMtt', 6 tfTpufar, turn bac/c, round, overturn ; mid., go back and forth in a place, //t>e, cf. Lat. versari. 6, 311. dvri-iroUw (see 5), -f\ata etc., rfo in return ; mid., make counter efforts for, lay claim to. contend for. 6. 312. avri-TtxTTw (see 69), drone up against. 6. 313. J3a, /3c- /Siacr/xai, force, compel. 6. 315. SaTravdw, T^crai etc., expend. 6. 316. Sia-(nripa> 8 (for ffirtp-na), -ffirepte, -(ffireipa, -fffirapKa,' J juat, -fffirdpriv, scatter about, scatter. 6. 317. Sia-<> (see 53), (1) $r<- through (peril), or effectually, bring safe ; mid., cort t safe. 6. ' V 318. 8ia-T0rifu (see 118), put sepa- rately or in order, arrange, dispose. 6. 319. Sia-Tptf3, -VpuJ/a, -Tfrpupa, -TfTpifj.fj.at, -eTpifti)v, rub through, wear or waste awai/, esp. of time, delay. 6. 320. ^K-pdXAw (see 116), drive (throw) out. 6. 321. Itc-Xeiirw (see 117), leave out, nff, or behind. 6. 322. ^x-paCvw (see 21), go into, enter. 6. 323. v-oiKw (see 56), dwell in, inhabit. 6. 324. cg-cup&o (see 35), take out (of, from), choose. 6. 325. Jj-av-urrr]ni (see 36), trans., raise up ; intrans., rise or stand up. 6. 326. e-OTr\ij;, lau> or iw etc., arm com- pletely. 6. Cf. 374. 327. n.-opKe'a> (opxos, oath), 4\av, 6- (opK7]ffa etc., su-ear falsely, perjure. 6. 328. !m-<|>aivw (see 43), MOM; forth ; mid., appear clearli/. 6. 329. Oedofxai (Oed, a sight) Acrofj-at, eded- , Tff)edfj.ai, behold. 6. 330. Ka0-vSco, impf. Kadi<]v8oi> or fVifc , 1 ') sleep. 6 | 331. Kara-Sou), intrans., -oivca or -86o/uai (see 282), sink, set. 6. 332. KaTa-KOirrw n (KOTT-), -Kotyia, -twotpa, -K^itoQa., 1 - -KfKouuat. 2 a. -(KOTrrtv, cut down or in pieces. 6. Cf. 355. 333. Kar-cp-yd^opiai, dcrouai, -tipyaffd- nyv, 13 -flpyafffjiat, -tipydcrdijv (as pass.), wort out, accomplish. 6. 394, a. 574. 2 405. 6451. 643 365, 460, a. ' 448. 684. i" 361. 544. 653. 8 402, b. 605. 523, 646. 1 841. 1260. 11 395. 578. 12 451, a. 396, 400. 579, 694. 8 390. 400. 579, 594. 643. 358. 537. 452 LISTS OF WORDS. 334. KoXdw, ante, fi(6\affa, IMB&MJMU, ^Ko\dffdT}y, punish. 6. 335. KOp.iw, iffa* tppifj.fj.ai, (pp'Kfidrjv arid tppl (see 59), join in cfotn/;, codperate with. 6. 346. , refy>a|a, rereipay/iot, trapdxOiti', disturb, agitate. 6. 348. dficXcw, ^o-w, T)u* \77) A.atJ'a, f3t ft\aa, and tf3\df$T)v, hurt. 354. ypd4 > " yiypa/J./J.ai, typdi)v, write. 5. 355. 8ia-KOTTTw (t^ee 332), CM/ through. 5. 356. Sia-\iir(o (see 60), /errre (be- tween =) an interval, stand at intervals. 5 357. 8ia-ir\&u (see 107), sail through or across. 5. 358. Sia-iropcvw (see 9), earn/ over; comm. dep., go orer, across, or through. 5. 359. Sia-^tpw (see 39), (1) carry (or bear) through, across or IH different direc- tions ; (2) differ, often impers., ota&pfi, it make* a difference; (3) differ (and be better or easier than), surpass. 5. 360. Si-lxtt (see 3), hold apart; iutrans., be or stand apart. 5. 361. ^K-4>epw (see 39), carry or bring out ; bring forth (to the public), report, declare. 5. 362. iri-TVYxtai, s -7eA.c[(r077i'( laugh down) deride, jeer at. 5. Cf. 406. 365. KOTa-Xevu, -\evffia, -e\tv(ra, -e\tv- aQi)v, stone (down, i. e.) to death. 5 366. Kara-Xfla) (see 130), dissolve (break up, bring to an end etc.) ; with or without ir6\efios, end the war = make peace ; loose from under (the yoke), unyoke. 5. 367. KaTO-irpdrTw (see 59), achieve. 5. 368. KaTa-o-Kevd^w (see 96), prepare or equip full i/. 5. 369. KIV&O, -/iffia, eiclvijffa etc., move, stir. 5. 370. Koijidw 9 (akin to 219), <, impf. wSo-icoiovv, -i\a8o-iro<7jKa or -irrn-oirjKa, make a road ; with dat., make way for, guide. 5. 374. 6irXw, tcrta or tw, &7rAro etc., arm. 5. See 326. 375. 6p"yiw, i, Iffta or , Sipiaa etc. (Spos, boundary), bound, define. 5. 377. irapa-KcXcvop.au (see 15), wrye along, exhort. 5. 378 irapa-rpc'xtt (see 245), run by or past. 5. 379. irepi-'yi'YVOfi.ai (see 6), be superior (prevail) ; be left over. 5. 380. ircp-ci|ii (see 29), go round or about. 5. 381. jric'Jw, eW, ivUffa, press or o/>- vress. 5. 382 irXovrc'tt, 1 yjffw etc., be rich. 5. 383. irpo-tTiju (see 203), send before or forth ; ch. in mid., send forth one's own or from oneself, give up. 5. 384. irpo-o-TTjp,i (see 77), trans., set be- fore; intraus., stand before or over, be leader. 5. 385. irpoaryta.an.a.i, ^ffipayidffBrjv (as pass.), sacrifice. 5. 390. TeA&o, 2 e'ffw or w, ereAeo-o, TT^- Aefo, o>icu, 3 fffli?!/, complete. 5. 391. {nro-Xaupdvo) (see 7), to^ /) (by getting under) ; of discourse, inter- rupt. 5. 392. viro-Xtfirt* (see 117), /eai-e behind; pass. 6e /e/? or /agr behind. 5. 393. v4>-iT)(u (see 203), like Lat. sub- mitto, sub-mil, yield. 5. Other important verbs occurring less than five times are the following : 406. ycXdw (see 364), C&TO/XOI, eye\dff6i)v, laugh. 407. ycvop.ai, eucrojtai, taste. 408. cto-yw, flptt, 394. dYairdw, fata etc., love. 395. dyytXXw (for dyyeA-iw), dyye\w, ijyyft\a,ijyyf\Ka, fiat, i\yyf\Qr]i', annunnce. See 64. 396. d-yetpw (for ayep-ia>), ijyetpa, collect. 397. d-yopdjaj, a, c^o/tou, raise the war- cry. 402. d\7j0vw, e5o-ft> etc., gai/ truli/. 403. dcnrdjonai, dcrofiai etc., welcome. 404. pXe'ira), i^ai, /oot. 405. shut in or OM. The forms elpyvvpi and ?P7 are also used. 409. iXyx w > ^Ae'7f w ^Xe^fa, question convict. 410. 411. eevynai, i/oke. truth, 412. 2 a. seet, ask for. 413 Otpaircvw, ei5, serve ; provide for. 414. Orjpdco, ^, tOfipacra, TeO-fipdica, "TfQ-flpamat, ^Qripadwi', hunt. 415. O^ptviw, euo-w, td-fiptvva, Tf(H)ptvm etc. = foreff. 841. 1260. 123,503. 665,639. 3 461. 640. 454 LISTS OF WORDS. 416. OwpaK^w, law, arm (with breast- plate). 417. iKtrtvw, fi>ffo>, supplicate. 418. tcXtito, K\fia, uo-o), 6e drunk. 425. (J.&.H, /j.f\^)fffi, ^e'Arjtre, zi , c(rw, let for hire ; mid. A/re. 427. vfj.to, PE/J.O>, fveifjM, distribute. 428. OKVto, ^(Toi, hesitate, fear. 429. 6vCvri(xi (perh. for i>v-6vi)-m, st. ovi]ff6iXto (for i(j)A-w), o^ft^ijffw, wei\riKa, u(j)fi\-f]6i)v, owe, be obliged; 2 a. &<>eAo' ) 1 would that. 432. irdo|xai, ir&ro/xai, acquire ; Tre'iro^uai, potttts, 433. iropBc'w, ^crw etc., plunder. 434. irwX^w, ^o"W) se//. 435. TT\Xw, (TTeAw, IfffreiAa, /*at, ^(TT^ATJV, equip, despatch. 436. tnrijpeTtw, supply. 437. iX&), 438. x a ^P w ( , 2 a. p. Ix&PWt rejoice. Total in Lists of Words, 1135 871. a. 1512. ' 405. 666. & IDIOMS. TIME. sunset. &(ia TTJ T)fj.6pa. at day-break. d|ia T|Xiu> dvaTcXXovri, ) a(ia f)Xiu> SVVOVTI, ) ap.a TjXfw Svo^JieVu, i d<|>' o{), since. d(il d*yopdv irXr|0ovo-av, /ate in the fore- noon. Lit., about full market. SKa T|[iepa>v, within ten days. IK TOVTOV, hereupon. kv TOVTW, meanwhile. limSav Taxicrra, as soon as. ITI irais &v, while yet a boy. ev0vs K iraiSwv, even from childhood. T||upas Kal vtiKrds, by day and night. Kar" viaur6v, yearly. |Ac6' Tjfiepav, 6^ rfa//. (itcrov T](Apas, midday. fie'ra ravra, q/ier this. Trepl (icras vtiKras, a6ou< midnight. TTJ fiXXtj, #Ae nex< a*ay. r-p avrig T|Hpa, on the same day. TTJ irpdo-Oev T)[J.epa, on the day before. TTJ vo-Tpaia, on the following day. TO dpx aiov > anciently, formerly. TO Xoiirdv, henceforth, hereafter. TO vuv tvai ;- /br ' tirirow, ) , , , ,,,, f on horseback. iXiav, in a friendly manner. TO Ka0* eavrovs, the (part) opposite them- selves. TovSc TOV Tpdirov, in the following manner. (S8, as follows. (455) 456 IDIOMS. MILITARY. lirl Sdpv, to right. irop' dcrrriSa, to left. tirl dXa-yyos, /w 6a/e array, in line. Kara Kc'pas, in column. irl TTrdpwv, /bur rfee/>. lit 6\iys ^X lv ' be discouraged. AXXws ^X lv > oe otherwise. IvTipws ?X IV be held in honor. CVVOLKWS ?x iv > ' ;c kindly disposed. oiiTtos ^X tv > ^ so - KaKus ?X tv > ^ e '^ ff> 1* tn ^^ cow ' dition. KoXus ?x lv ' ^ tce ^ ^ In a .9^ con - dition. KUKUS Tiva iroitiv, S irpdTTiv, fare ill. KaXus Tiva iroieiv, rfo one good, treat one well. KaXus irpd-rrciv, /are w//, 6e successful. els Xd-yox>s o~oi cXOeiv, Ao/rf an interview with you, enter into a conference with you. ds x ^P*s Tlvl ^X0iv, come into close quarters with one ; rnnif into one's /inn-i r. avrois 8id TroXt(xov U'vai, to enter into war with. avrols Bid cf)tX{as U'vai, enter intofriendly relations with them, come to friendly terms with them. (rf|v) 8tKt]v ^X lv ) have one's deserts = (1) pay the penalty, or (2) have satis- faction. SiSovai S^KTJV, give satisfaction, suffer punishment. SlKtjv iriTi0^vai, inflict punishment. Sc^idv SiSdvai, give a pledge. ^fiol fitrafieXei, / repent; 6p.vov ^Xdv0avv, the army was secretly supported. Xapiv olSa, / am grateful. dvd-yKT] T|p.iv (^OTIV) Uvai, n-e must go- \pi\ Tjfxds Uvai, we ought to go, we must go. ol6v rt (4ircp 6$ Scopof v6ov =: VOVV Vttiv \. &v6pcairf oSe Swpoi/ v&e = VOW vet&s D. N. A. avQpdnria 6$ca 8v Swpwc votav = vwv Vf&V D. dvOpcairois &So7s Scapois vSots = vots tW>s A. av6pit>irovs 6$ovs Scopa voovs = vovs vecas V. &v6ptl>TtOl 6801 Swpa v6oi = VOI vty (457) 458 FOR READY REFERENCE. THIRD DECLENSION. d*ay G. v\aitos (pd\ayyos D. v\a.Ki A. v\af Z) N. A. G. D. PI. N. v\aKd\ayyt d\ayya.s d\ayyes 3. STEMS BNDING IN A LIQUID. 5. N. irot/uVji/ (6) 6 uf;c 6 8iip C* ' A. V. D. N. A. iroMf'"f G. D. PL /UTJ/f fjirjvoiv flrjpa 0^pe N. G. iroifj.fV(i>v D. iroi/iffft V. voifjitvti jafftt STEMS ra CLOSE VOWEL. 6rjp (pities tpiSooi Zpiai tptSas UptSfs aufiart crai/ua crwfuarc a5pa irdrtp &vep STEMS ra -$- = ows ^fVei' = ft yivos yt'vos c Spas irartpoiv iraTtpts varpdffi irartpas xaripts STEMS IN DIPHTHONG. 6 f)a(rt\fvs 7; i/aOs K7J i/6o?y j'eaii' cauo-f vavs = ytvoiv yfVfO, =: yVrAos ^tA/d fAo G. 07060? 0706^5 07060^ tAioj 0iAiou D. 07064; dyadrj dyadt? i\ia t\(tp A. dya.66v dyad-hv aya06v )iAov D. N. A. a7o6t6 07063 a7o6<> cpt\id i\l Pi. N. V. d7o6of 170601 07060 (pi\ioi i\ia G. dyadoav a7o6wj' O7a6w' $i\iuv ipi\iwv (pt\iuv D. dyadoTs 1706041 07060*5 i\iois A. dyatiuu-i dyadds 07060 t\tds (pi\ia FIRST AND THIRD DECLENSIONS. CONTRACT ADJECTIVE. STEMS ra -v. m. f. n. m. f. n. & N. xpv ff *> s Xpvo"^ "xpvaovv T)6Y;s ^Se?a ^5u G. xpvtfov Xpvffrjs xpv ff< *v ^Sf'oj ^8i'os ^8/oy D. xpv^v XpDo-p xpv ff f 1}06i 7^06ia 178(1 A. xpi7 Xpvariv xP" ffo ^" ^8uj/ T]Sf"iav ^86 V. T^Su ?;5e?a r;8u Z). N. A. xpvGtib Ypi5(Ttt XpV&& 7J6V6 ^Sei'a ^S G. D. xpuo-oii' Xpuff&iv xpu&oiv S]5foit> r]Stiaiv r)$eoi\ .P/. N. V. xpvfot Xpvffat xpwei ij8e?j ^5?o ^8f' G. xp^ ffo '* i)5ffft TjSeiais TjSetri A. xp* Xpuraj XP^ "" * 8 " S ^ 6/dj ^' a THIRD DECLENSION. STEMS IN -* ;. true. m. f . n. jQ XT Ai-vtOJ.* O* i ' CtATJC'T/s dAT)0^ />. N. A. dA7;077 G. d\r)6ovs dAr]6o?s G. D. d\j)0o?v D. aAijee" aATj6e? m. f. n. A. uA7](77? dA7j6es P/. N. V. dA7j6rs dA7767j (7. dAi)0es dA7j6^j G. aA7j6a>i/ dA7}6ctf> i). aA776fO"i o.\7jdco A. oATjdfiS ClATJC/TJ 460 FOR READY REFERENCE. STEMS m -V. fortunate. S. N. tuSalfj,(i>v eu8at/j.oi> D. N. A. tu8a(/j.ove G. fv8ai/j.ovos ,'jSaifj.ovos G. I A eu8aifj.6voiv D. fu8aifj.ovi fuSai/jLovt A. fuSai/jLova fu8atfj.ov PI. N. V. euSafjuoces t vSatfjiova V. et&atpov fu8ai[j.oi> G. tvfiaifj.oi'wi' fvSaifj.ovtoi' D. fuSai/uLoai tv8aifj.oai A. tuSaiuovas fiiSaipova, COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE. STEMS IK -ov. STEMS IN -vr. greater. all. m, f . n. TO, f. n. S, N. /ue/C" MC" was irurra iriiv G. fJ,fiol/OS /J.fi(JVOS iravrds irda-ns iravr6s D. /*tioi>i t*.fiovi itavrl irdar) iravri A. (iflfrva, /j.flfa fj-f'i&v irdvra iruaav irciv V~+ *> . itiCOV Uti\QV D. N. A. ptlCovt irdvre irctera irdvrt G. D. fj.et6iroiv irdvrotv vdaaiv trdvToa PI. N. V. /j.flovfs, fj.fiovs (.flova., f*.ft 'a> vivrfs Tracroc iravra G. //ej^j'w*' itfi^ovuv irdvTav iraauf trdvTwr D. fj.fiocri juei^b(7i iraai irdaais irafft A.^rCo^M*^ ^CO,,M^ a> irdvras irgiffas irdvra. IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES. ^rea<. much. m. f. n. m. f. n. \ S. N. niyas ntyd\i) ptya iroMs iro\\'fi iroAi G. fityd\ov fi.yd\i)s pfyd\ ov iroAAoC iro\\rjs TroAAou D. fjitydKcf fityd\p fifyd\ tf 7roAA(jt TroAA?? 7roAA^> A. fityav fj.(yd\i\v (itya vo\vv iro\\i]v iro\v V. /j.tya fi,fyd\i] fityct wo\6 iroAA^ iro\{t D. N. A. fj.fyd\w fj.tyd.K5. (Hfyd\ a G. D. fj.tyd\uii> fj.fyd\nif fifyd\ D/ XT ' f / rl* JN. fj.fya\i>i fj,tya\ai /teyd\ a. vo\\ot iroAAaJ iroAAef G. fAfya\Gi)i' (jLyd\u)v u.yd\ (ov TroAAaJj' iro\\itiv ToAAai*' D. (ji(yd\ois fj.tyd\ais jueyoA ois iroAAo?s TroAAaij 7roAAo?J A. ntydkovs Mfyd\as *tyd\ a iroAAo''s iroAAc(s iro\\d FOR READY REFERENCE. 461 PRONOUNS. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. ^ thou. he. sAe. fc m. f. n. s. N. V. ey av ai>r6s 1 avr-f) OUTO G. t.uov, uov (TOV ol l auTou avrris auToC D. f/J.01. (lot aoi ol aury avrf) auTy A. >', M* 0-6 aMv OUTTJJ/ aird D. N. A. nf (T0<6 avrib aurfi at-Tc^ G. D. VtfV 4"f ainotv aiiTOiv airor. PL N.V. yHfls 11/J.fiS CT0e?S avrol aurai OlTO G. VH&v V/J.UV (T D. rifjuf VfJ.lv atyiai auroij ai/raij aiiro's A. ituis vfjias v vfj.(av avruv D. rin'iv O.VTOIS -a?j Itffiv auTo?j -0"$ RECIPROCAL PRONOUN. Z). G. D. d\\fi\oiv A. PL G. D. oAArjAoiy A. o each other. aAAVjAon/ aAA.TJAais aAA^Aou dAArjAas THE ARTICLE. the. S r, r6 row T^J To5 ry rp ry rdf TIJX TO 1 r T^ TW rorv fdlv TOW ot T A. dV 4" 2 D. N. A. 5 2 G. D. ofv oTv olv INTERROGATIVE AND INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. who? which? what? rts rl rlvos rlvi some, any. rls rl rim nvd rl Pf. N. ot rf D. ofj alj A. 00; as off rtvt rtvoii- rivtav rivi rlva rwoiv rtv4s rtvd riari 2 rfyas rfya INDEFINITE RELATIVE PRONOUN. rtvds nvd s. N. JtffTtj fym o ri G. ovrtvos, 8TOi> f)ffnvos OVTIVOS, orou D. $rivi, OT(f fir iv i $nvi, orep A. ovriva fivriva on z>. N. A. &rivt Sinvt &nvt G.D. olvrtvotv olvnvoiv olvrivoiv p/. N. olrtvts alnvts Urtva G. covTtvtov, %ru>t> &VTIVCOV (uvrivuv, Zrtav D. olffTtat, brois dlffriffi OlffTlffl, OTOtt A. ovartvas turrtvcs &rtva FOR READY REFERENCE. 463 PARTICIPLES. Participles in -vr include : present, future, 1st aorist, 2d aorist active 1st aorist, 2d aorist passive of both -w and -ju verbs. s. N. G. AOOJTOS D. A&HTI A. At/ovTa V. Auwv ZX N. A. AiWt G. D. \v6inotv Pt. N. Afo*Tj D. Auoi/crt A. Afturai PRESENT. \VOVffO, \vovirri AOouaaj' Atfoucra AOoi'trafS \vovads Aoor AUO^TOI Al/OVTl AiJoucrj AOovra Ai^aas AOtravToj Ai/crovTa AiVai AOcrajraic Aucradi AOtravras IST AORIST. AOcrdtrai' Avadaa Adaayrt A0adi\ovyrt i\ovyrott> \vQflffy AwfleWt i AudcV \vOflatuv \v6frra \vdeicrtav \vdfiadt 0(Aovcra l\OVOTJ 0(Ao/aa i\ovvrfs (ptAovrrat t\ovat i\ovtrais (pi\ovvras The present active participle of verbs in -6u and future active participle of liquid verbs are declined like i\u>v. N. AeAuKuJs AeAvKv?a AeAywos iarus effrcvcra G. AA/(cJTOi AeAt/Ku/ds AeAy/fJros fcrriaros farcaaris 1). AcAuK^rt AcAi/Ki/t'a AfAuK^rt eariari f(ncrr) V. AsAi/KaJs AcAufi/Fa AfAwicJs cards fcrrcaTi tards /). N. A. AeAi/K^T* AcAwutd G. D. \f\vK6roiv \t\vKviaiv \t\vK6roiv tartTOiv taruaa.iv PI, N. V. \f\vK&Tf s \e\vitviat G. Ae\uKuTii}i' \e\vKuiaiv Af AU/C^TOII D. AeAvKotri \t\unviais \f\vKo(rt A. AeAi/Koras \e\UKvias \f\VKora earwrfs effrcaaai earura tarutrt lartaacus earuffi s iar&aas eartara Present and second aorist active participles of -|u verbs are declined as follows : 3ov StS6v D. N. A. Si^rffre oiSovad oi$6vrt G. D. SiSocruiv 5i5ovcra.it> ridels TiOftaa n6^v ridevros riQelaris ndtvros riOtvri nBeiar) n6evri riBfvra nBtiaav rtOev nOfis nOttaa rtQev TiBevrf rtOelad ridtvrt Tidfvroiv riOftoatv TiOfvrotv rtOfvrts riOfiacav riBfiaats n&tvra ri6^vrwv ri6f?at riQtvra SttKVvvros $fiKvi>ffr)S SfiKvvvrt SeiKVvaji StiKvvvra Savvvaav SfiKVVvros SttKvvvri FOR READY REFERENCE. 465 PL N. V. SiodvTfs Sioovirai ItMrra G. SiSovTcav SiSouo-au/ Si56vTial> D. Sioovffi SiSovcrais SiSovcri A. 8iS6vras oiSovffds SiSoiva S'. N. fel being. uuaa ov G. Svros oCffTJS 6rrot D. UVTl oijffy ovri A. fora olffO-V 6v V. &v ovaa U D. N. A. OVTt ovffd Svrt G. D. ovroiv o6aa.iv ovroiv PI. N. Svres ovffat Sina G. ovrtav OV ff CUV fivrcav D. ovat oijcrais olfft A. Svras ovaas (IVTO. oeiKvAvTes StiKvvffat SttKvvvra StiKvvvTiav SflKVUffUV SflKVWTWt SflKVVffl SdKviiaats SflKVVffl teutvvvras StiKvvffds SfiKvvvra Ur* going, lovffa, lov l6l>TOS IOVO"I)S loVTOl I6vra lOVffT) iouaav idvrt I6v UP touaa lov I6vre loved loVTf loVTOlV lovffaiv UvTOtt iovTfs lovaai lovra. loVTUV iova-uv HvTOtV lovffi iovtrais lov/ri IOVTO.S lovffds lovra * Pres. part, of ei/ti, be. Pres. part, of e'jxi, go. THK VERB. As the paradigms of the regular verbs are presented consecutively in the grammars, they are omitted here. We add, however, for ready reference, the paradigms of: (1) the infinitives, (2) participles, (3) p, (4) eifu, (5) Active. \dftv \vativ \VffOU \t\VKtvat Pres. Fut. I Aor. Perf. Fut. Perf. a. Present infinitive of pure verbs INFINITIVES, -w VERBS. Middle. KitaOcu \\Sffeadai \dcracrdou \e\6ffOcu \e\Jfffadfu Passive. \v6-fiaeff6tu \v9rivai Tifiacrdai Same as middle. $ri\ouv " Sr]\ov(r6ai 6- Future infinitive of liquid verbs : tyavtlv * tpavelffdm c. First aorist infinitive of liquid verbs : 8 Aor. Anmv 8 2X. ~ rTCS. icrravai StSdvai OfiKvvvai 2 4>iA<. fJlt VBEB9. Iffraffd SiSocrOai Same as middle. Afi'iro.. 466 FOR READY REFERENCE. F*t. I Aor. Stiaeiv Selfrv Wanting. 6f1vcu Sovveu Svvcu 1 iaTi)Kevat, or Tt6(iK(vai djaeffdat SdtxrfaOcu Wanting. Sel^aadat Wanting, Oeo-Oai S6ffdai Wanting. Wanting. StSfoBou aradrjvcu reOrivai Sodr)vat Wanting. Wanting. Same as middle * Suva. PARTICIPLES. 1. Of -w Verbs. MIDDLE. Pres. Fut. I Aor. Per/. Fut.Pf. M. r. N. \v6fifvo3 77 ov ACTIVE. F. N. Kvov \VffOV \vffav \vffdfj-fvos i) ov \e\vKv~a \t\uKih \e\vfjLtvos 7} ov \f\vff6fj.evos T; ov a. Present participle of contract verbs : rtfiuv 1 rifiiaffa. TI/JLUV rt/jK&fjifvos TJ ov (f>t\i\u. * fiTjAo'u. * /u.cVa>, fut. part., declined like verbs have second aorists of the -MI iutlectiou. FOR READY REFERENCE. 467 2. Of - ( u Verbs. Pns. ItrrAt Iffrnaa Iffrdv 'urrdufvos r] ov Same as middle rtdtls TiQflffa. riQev Ti0tutvos Y! ov " StSovs SiSovcra SlOOV StoofAfvos r) ov " SflKVlJt Oftxvvffa SeiKvv'v SfiKvvntvos r, ov " &V 1 otiaa. ov \&v- lovffa Uv Fut. ffT-flffWV ffTfoovffa ff-rriffov (TTfi verbs. Svu. I. Et/it (stem 'o--, Lat. es-se), be. PRESENT. IMPERF. Indie. Indie. Subj. Opt. Imper. S. 1. flftt & flrjv 2. fl ^s ftris 1ff6i D. 2. iar6v Jjrov ttrtrov, tlrov tarov ^ffrov, 3. (o~t ttrjffav, flev fffrwv, effrca- ^crav ffav or ovT(av Infin. tlvat Part. &v o6(ro ov Gen. SVTOS oi/trTjs ovros II. Eyu (stem t-, Lat. i-re), go. PRESENT. Indicative. Subjunctive. Optative. Imperative. 8. 1. flfj.i fh> ioirjv (toifu) 2. el fj/j fotj Wi 3. tiff t tg ot lru> FUTURE. Indie. Opt. 468 FOR READY REFERENCE. D. 2. 3. trov trov ItfTOV tirrov toiTOf lolrr\v trov trtav P. 1. 2. 3. tfJLev tre tdffi trrre toiftev fare toiev fre fruffav, to Infin. Uvtu. Part, lib lovffa I6i> Gen. I6vros lovers III. *j7/n (stem a-), sa#. PRESENT. Indicative. Subjunctive. Optative. Imperative. IMPERFECT. Indicative. &Cr | 2. 3. D. 2. 3. P. 1. 2. ari 8. a.irjs Qrfrov alrfrov, diTot> tfxira dre S}ffi alfv Part. Att. (a.Toi> idrr)v ((pare , tpdvruv fdt> (pdffKOvffa dffKov IV. O?8a (second perfect of stem 18-, o8-, S- ; see i8ov), know. SECOND PERFECT. SECOND PLUPF Indicative. Subjunctive. Optative. Imperative. Indicative. s. 1. 2. 3. oloa olffffa otSe a'Sui e/SrJj Of flSflyv et5elr)S elSeir, tffTIt) 77577, a 6fi(v) D. 2. 3. tffTOV * larov eZSiTTOi' &c. regular. forov tffTUV QffTOV Qnr. Doric. e.g. ....... for example. end enclitic. end ending. E. or Eng. , . . English. Ep Bpic. esp especial, especially. etc and so forth. f.,ff. following. fern feminine. fr from. freq frequently. fnt future. G Goodwin's Oreek Grammar. g. or gen genitive. Goth Gothic. //. Had ley- Allen's Greek Gram. Ifeb Hebrew. /'/. the same. i.e that is. I.-E Indo-European. impers impersonal, impersonally. impf. imperfect. inn' imperative. indrj. indefinite. indie. indicative. inf. infinitive. inxti: instrumental. interr. interrogative, interrogatively mil' intransitive, intransitively. Introd Introduction. Ion Ionic. L. or Lot Latin. L. & S Liddell and Scott's Lexicon. lit literal, literally. masc masculine. mid middle. iieg negative. neut neuter. iioni nominative. obj object. <<'.'- obsolete. opt optative. part, gen partitive genitive. pass passive, passively. pcrli perhaps. pers person, personal, personally pf. perfect. pi plural. plpf. pluperfect. pred predicate. prep preposition. pres present. priv privative. pfili probable, probably. pron. pronoun, pronominal. proth prothetic. pi. or part participle. reft. reflexive, reflexively. rel relative, relatively. llfin remark. x superlative. Sax Saxon. t-" in Semitic. ahnj singular. Skt Sanskrit. st stem. sulij subjunctive. milist substantive, substantively. sup. superlative. xi/it synonym. Syr. Syriac. fys system. '/'. Greek Testament. Tent Teutonic. trans transitive, transitively. inir uncertain. v.l varia lectio. viz namely. voc vocative. [?] uncertain derivation. I root. Three numbers following the definition refer to tne oook, chapter, and section. Tims 1.3* means the twentieth section of the third chapter of the first book. Where a word occurs but once the exact re'prencp is given. The single number at the end of the definition shows how often the word occurs in the ATilMisis. In a few instances the number of times a word is found in the Greek Testament (T.) Is indicated. Cognates are printed in SMALL CAPS; derivatives in fullfaced type. Starred forms [*J are theoretical or obsolete. (470) - VOCABULARY. A-, (1), privative = wn-, m-. See &v-. d-, (2), euphonic or prothetic, found esp. before X, /u, p, F or two consonants ; due to their semi-vocalic sound. Cf. dfitipta, aSo), d/j.vvia ; also e\tvdfpos, o\iffddvu for same use of e-, o-. o-, oftener d-, (3), [weak form of &/JM], copulative expressing union, participa- tion, cf. a-0p6os, a-iras, d$e\] l impassable. 3. 'AppoKojias, o, Abrocomas, satrap of Phoe- nicia, commander of one of the four divisions of the army of Artaxerxes. He seems to have pursued a doubtful course, since he arrived five days after the battle. 1.3 20 , 4 3 , 7 12 . "ApuSos, ov, fj, Abydus, a city of Asia Minor on the Hellespont, l.l 9 . a.yaytiv, -fS>v, 2 a. of &yw. d'yaOds, ^, 6v, [ 7 ], good : excellent, noble ; brave ; of land, fertile : rb dyad6v, a good, benefit, pi. goods (wealth, property, provisions, etc.). 68. Compared vari- ously, a.u.tivuv, &pi, pass, dep., admire. 1.19. d'yov [?], very, very much. 7.6 s9 . a.ya.ira.o), ^t\ita from sense or emotion, of epafnat from passion, of trrfpyw from natural ties. 'A^ao-ias, ov, [Syo/tat], Agasias, a cap- tain from Arcadia. 3. 1 31 , 4.1 27 . d/ycwrTds, -fi, ov, [liyafiai], admirable. 1.9 2 *. dyyeiov, ov, [&yyos, vessel], vessel, pail, ^ jar. 2. aY-yeXCa, as, [4-yyeAos], message, report. 2.319. dyycXXw [?], dT^eXw, ^77^4X0 etc., an- nounce, report, bring news. 3. See dir-, 5i-, ^f-, kir-, Trap-. iy-y*^ ** o". messenger. 10. angel, T. 185. Ev-angeline. d-y, impv. of &yo>, up, come. d-yctpco, 1 a. tfytipa, gather, assemble. 3 2 18 . [d-cop. + \/ytp, cf. L. grex]. See ], Agios, a general from Arcadia. 2.5 31 ; 6. 3) . d-yicos, ovs, TO, strictly a bend, hence glen, valley, 4.1 7 . From \'a.ytt, bend [cf. L. angulus, E. ANGLE (fish-hook), ANKLE,] whence , as, anchor. 3.5 10 . 472 VOCABULARY. d-y vot'io ' A0t]vala dyvoe'w [*&-yvoos, see ytyv6ffita>], impf. Ijyvovv, -fiffta, r)yi>6riaa, be ignorant of, not to know, be in doubt ; (cm, ti). 3. d-yvwfiocrvvr], rjs, want of knowledge or sense ; misunderstanding. 2.5 6 . d-*yvw|Jk), speak in the assembly, speak, declare. 5.C 27 . See air-, irpo- ; also KUT-, and irpo-rtyop^ta. d-yptvw [Ay pa chase, ft. &yu], fvtrw, Ijypevcra, hunt, take by hunting. 5.3 s . Cf. ^yft.a.i, fixO-Qv, lead ; lead on = conduct, guide ; lead hither = bring ; lead or drive off", &. Kal [-yfh], portable ; ra dy], assembly, esp. to wit- ness games; game or games, contest, strug- gle ; (S); whence dyuvla (agony) and dyuv^ofiai, Iffopai or lovpai, i]ya>vtffdfj.i}v, contend for a prize, strive, compete,' fight. 7. Cf. drr-. d-ywvo-OtYrjs, OU; [riOrjui institute], director or judg< of a contest. 3.1 M . d-Stiirvos, ov, \titiirvov}, supperless. 2. dScXipos, ov, [d-cop. St\, impf. fISov, MTouai. sing. 4. Ion. dtl~ Soa, frf-proth. + ^FtS,(FftS, FoiS), see <^6^]. dei, Ion. aid, [for alF-el (dat.) cf. Ger. ewig], for ATE, EVER, always. 24. Cf. altav (for alF-uv), L. aev-um, age. ov, [for dFi-f-r6s, L. avis], eagle, bird of omen, sacred to Zeus, symbol of roy- alty among the Assyrians, Persians, and Romans. 5. Cf. oluv6s. &-Ocos, ov, godless, impious ; c. -urrtpos, 8. (tfTOTOJ. 2.5". O^vai, v, Athens, capital of Attica and most important city of Greece 3. 1 5 . OrjvaCa, as, poet, for 'AByva, Athena. L. Minerva, goddess of wisdom and warlike 'Aflijvaios aHo-ios VOCABULARY. 473 prowess, patron goddess of Athens. 7.339. 'A6T]vaios, a, ov, ['ABrjvai], Athenian. AOT|VTj contend, dflATjTTjs ath- lete. d0poku [aflpdos], oiffca, fjdpotcra, fjdpoi(T/*ai, j}Spo(ffQt\v, assemble, muster, collect; mid. assemble (intr.) 8. Cf. s, adv. despondently, without heart ; d. fx flv be discouraged. 4. at, see d ; aK, see os. os, ov, [I], sea-shore, beach. 3. . ov, Egyptian, adj or subs. S, ov, y, Egypt, called by the na- tives Kern (black). Conquered by the Persian King Cambyses in 525 B. c., it revolted unsuccessfully in the reigns of Darius I. and of Artaxerxes I. ; again in that of Darius II. (Nothus), when it maintained its independence for sixty years (414-354). It was therefore in- dependent while the events recorded in the Anabasis were taking place. How the Egyptians mentioned in 1.8 9 came to be iu the Persian army is uncertain. alSeo|iai [aiSws], eVojuat, TjSetr/uai, rjSf- a6i\v,feel shame, comm. in a good sense, reverence, respect, ace. 21. u.UK||*uv, ov, g. ovos, reverent, respectful, 1.9 5 . alScua, ; 6.3 19 . Poet, for K&W. alKiop.ai, iaofj.a.1 or toD/uai, riKiffa.fj.rjv, TJKJ- a/j.ai, ^Kio-6-ijv, abuse, maltreat, insult, torment. 3. [di'/crjs, ej, for d-eiK-fis, un- seemly, see f'tKafa.] aljxa, aros, TO, [?], blood. 5.8 15 . T. 99. avai/j.(a anaemia, py-aemia (irvov pus), alfj.o-p-pa.yia (fffiyvvfj.1 break) hemor- rhage. AlvtCas, ov, Aeneas, captain from Stym- phalus. 4.7 18 . Alvidves, uv, Aenidnes, a Thessalian tribe. 1.2 6 ; 6.1 7 . ai^, alyos, o, i), [?], goat. 4. AloXis, i'8os, rj, Aeolis, a small district on the northwestern coast of Asia Minor. alpTos, a, ov, must be taken or chosen. 4.7 s aiperos, -fj, 6v, taken, chosen ; ol alpcrol, the persons chosen, 1.3 21 . Pee avO-, ^{-. alpe'co [?], impf. rjpovv, -fiw, 2 a. tT\ov (e\ta, f \oifii etc.), fjpiqKa, -fiat, rjpe6r]v, take, seize, capture. ; mid. take for oneself, choose, prefer ; pass, be taken, chosen. 53. See av-, a.-e, learn ; ace., on, ace. -+ pt. or gen. 26. See irpo-. ai!o-0T]cris, tons, j], perception, knowledge. 4.6 13 . aesthetic. aiaios, ov, lucky, fortunate. 2. [aiffafate. cf. Afrr-eoiros auspicious looking.] 474 VOCABULARY. dicpo; , ov, [d!ffxos],Aeschines. 4.3 22 . a, 6v, [alirxos, cf. cu'Scfcj, shameful, base, disgraceful,- c. alaxtvv, s. aJCax 1 ' ffroS. 9. aUr\pw$, adv., shamefully, disgracefully. 2. oUrxOvrj, TJJ, shame, disgrace ; sense of shame (in presence of, gen. 3. 1 10 ). 4. Stronger and more subjective than , vvw, rfffxvva, to shame, disgrace ; mostly in mid., be ashamed (at ace., dat. or pt.) ; feel shame before, stand in awe of; ace. 9. See war-. omw [?], inipf. prow, Tjaw, pr-nffo, yrrjKa etc., ask, demand, bey ; mid. ask or en- treat for oneself; nvd n, rl vapa nvos, acc. -f- inf. 19. See an--, '{-, Trap-, Trpotr-. aiTia, as, [as if fr. adj. *aTs], peril, orig. a demand made in court, accusation, charge, blame; fault; ground of blame, cause. 7. aiTido(iai &TO/UCU, iJTidtrdnriv, prid/iai, ac- cuse, charge, blame. 15. atrios, a, ov, chargeable (with, gen.), blame- worthy, to blame, the cause of; guilty : o of. the accused ; rb afriov the cause. 11. See ffvv-, vw~. alx|xd\WTos, ov, [axM spear, a\foKOfj.cu], taken by the spear, captire, captured ; subs, prisoner ; neut. booty. 8. 'ApKapvdv, avos, d, Acarnanian, native of Acarnania. the most western province of central Greece. d-KauoTOSi ov, [K&O> burn 1 ], un-bumt. 3.5 18 . d-Ki'paios, ov, [cf. Kfpatfa plunder], un- harmed ; of troops, fresfi. 6.5". d-KT|pvKTos ov, [icnpvTTto) herald], without heralds, i. e. of a war, truceless, implaca- ble. 3.3 5 . aKivaKTis, ov, [1'ers ]. straight short sword . 2. d-K^vSvvos, ov, without danger, safe. 6.S 29 . d-KivSovws, adv., without danger. 2.6 6 . dKfidJco, aata, fjKu.affa, be at the prime of life (dKfi-n), be at one's best, 3. 1 25 , whence it is inferred that Xenophon was then abont thirty years of age. OK|iTJ, T)J, [ t ax sharpen + /HTJ, cf. n-fji-fi], point, summit ; of time as adv. acc., at the point of, just. 4.3*. acme. d-K5\aoToSi ov, [ Ko\dfa punish ], unpun- ished, undisciplined. 2.6 10 . aKoXov&'w, -/iffta, r)KO\ov6r)ffa etc., follow; dat., ], throwing the javelin. 1.9 5 . dKovrioTT|s, oC, [dKovrifa], javelin-thrower. 2. Often called TeAracrT^j. aKovu) [?], aKoiKro^ai, fjicovcra., 2 pf. aKiJKoa, ijicovffdyv, hear, hear of; listen to, obey ; constr. : abs., acc., acc. + gen. (source), TtffffcKpipvovs ff-roKov, 1.2 5 , gen. of obj., Bopvfiov, ffd\iriyyos ; on, or dij with indie. or opt., oftener with acc. + infin. or, if what is heard is to be emphasized as a fact, acc.+ pt., as Kvpov ovra., 'A/SpOK^/xap df^x ovr(l f ^ or KO.KU5 a. to hear well or ill of oneself = be well or ill spoken of. 139. See din--, ffvv~, far-; lir-4}Koos, vw- flKoos. dicpa a;, [fern, of SposJ, summit, citadel, fortress. 13. d-Kpdros, ov, [ictpdvvvfjLi mix], unmixed pure ; strong. 2. d-Kpiros, ov. [tcp'trw judge], unjudged, un, tried. 2. at a distance, skirmish. 3. [d, d$ofj.cu, ^AaAaa, shout the battle- cry, give the war-cry. 3. Fr. dAaA^ [ 4/aA redupl., of imitat. orig.], war-cry. Cf. O.V-. Of like orig. is t\e\ifa (\vh. see) and oAoAi5 [ ^ oA. cf. E. HOWL, OWL], cry aloud. d\iv6s, 4, ov, [fr. lost noun = dAa warmth\, warm. 4.4 11 . dXlgco [developed fr. yaA/c, cf. dpKf'w], a\^a> or dAe|Tj, whence a\ias, threshing-floor, halo]. dXTJ9eia, as, [aATj^s], truth, truthfulness; reality. 4. d\T]6vci> [aATjd^s], eva-u, speak the truth, say or report truly. 4. d-XriO^s, , g. oCs, fA^0w = Aoveofui], un- concealed, manifest, hence true, real ; truthful, frank, rb a. the true, truth. 6. 'dXrjOivos, (], 6v, true, trusty, genuine. 1.9 17 . dXuvriKos, -fi, ov, of or for Jishing. 7.1 20 . [oAteuw toflsh, &\s sea ; SALT.] oX^w [aA^js thronged, |/oA />aci], ^Ara, fi\iffdi)i>, assemble. 2. See (rw-. Syn. &-XiOos f ov, \\i6os], free from stones, not stony. 6.4 5 . dXis [cf. oAi^co], adv., z'n crowds, in abun- dance, comm. enough. 5.7 12 . 'AXicrdpvt], ?)s, a small town in Mysia. 7.8 17 . dX^o-Kofiai [ yFa\, akin 4/FeA in efAov], a\uffo/j.ai, 2 a. eAu/ or TJAaiv, JaAuKa, used as pass, to alptus be taken, caught , seized. 21. See aAca\iffKta. &XKI|AOS, o^, [dA/c^ strength, cf. dpKc'w], brave, daring. 2. dXXd [neut. pi. of oAAos oxytoned], conj. more adversative than 8t, but, on the other hand, on the contrary; yet, still; in replies and sudden transitions often rendered, well, well now. 1 .7*, 8 17 , 2.5 10 . dAA& ydp implies an ellipsis, but (this cannot be or the like)/or; dAAa ouSe, nay but, nor yet; dAA' ^ (but than) except. " or 2 a. TjAAdVjp to make otherwise, change, exchange. See O.TT-, KO.T-, ffvv-. Ders., ti>-a.\\ayf) enal- lage, inr-a\\ayf) hyp-allage, Trop-dAAo- |is par-allax. [dat. of SAAos], in another way, place, or manner ; elsewhere, otherwise. 5. dXXVjXwv, ois, [for dAA-aAAwi/] recip. pron. one another, each other. 55. irap-eiAATj- Aos, parallel. dXXo0v [&AAos], adv.,y/-om another place, from elsewhere. 1.10 13 . &XXo|J.ai [ ya\, L. salio], aAoC/xat, ^Ad^Tjv, 2 a. ij\6fj.riv, leap, jump. 2. Cf. e'-. Syn. TTTjSaw. AXXos, "n, o, [L. alius], other, another re- maining ; rest-of-the, rb a, a-rpdTfv/j.a, the rest of the army ; besides, also, 1.5 5 ; rck &\\a or roAAa, as to the rest, in other respects; TT? &\\rj (^ue'po), the next day. 2. 1 3 , 3.4 1 ; JtAAoj iiAAa Ae'yei, one says one thing, another another; ftica.ov Se aAAot aAAws some conjectured in one way, others in another ; &\\o ri $ ; is it not so that ? 4.7 5 . 303. AXXo-s fdAAos], adv., otherwise, differently, in other respects ; otherwise than should be, hence, heedlessly, at random, vainly ; . -mas in any other way ; a. re xaL both 476 VOCABULARY. O\OY be otherwise. 1 5. d-Xo-ywrros, ov, [\oyioj4cu], unreasoning, thoughtless. 2.5 21 . dX6vTS, 2 a. pt. of oAfrr/coyuai. dXo-os, ovs, TO, [1], grove, esp. a sacred grove. 5.3 12 . "AXvs, vos, o, [named ft. the salt (oAs) works on its banks. Strabo], Halys, a large river in the northeastern part of Asia Minor emptying into the Euxine. 5.69. dXcfuTo., tav, TO", [prob. akin to L. albus, white, cf. wheat fr. white], coarse meal, esp. barley meal. 7. dXwirtKTJ, fjs, [s, a, ov, [on end. cf. raXavr-iaios], enough for a wagon, each a wayon-load. 4.2 s . ajidgiTos, ov [-irJs verbal of efyit go], trav- ersed by wagons, wagon-. 1.'2- 1 . dfJiaprdva) ['], auapT^rrojuai, 2 u. Tj^aprof, ^/uopTTj/ca, -/J.ai, rjij.apT-ft6ijv, 7>iiss the mark, miss, gen., avrov, dv$p6* ; fail, err. 6. T. 43. See ^-. d|uix<( [loc. of apaxos], adv., without battle, without Jighting. 5. ajtaxTiTC [loc. of d-/x s]. adv. = foreg. 4.2 15 . d|i(va>v, ov, g. ovos, [?], better, braver, comp. to d-ycU^f. 11. ajwXeia, as, carelessness, neglect. 4.6 3 . Fr. d-/ieA^j [/tc'Au], negligent, whence d(xeXw, ^TT]s, ov, [also 'A/t3-l, ^ffiftraciof^ from Ambracia, capital of Epirus. dfxu-ySdXivos, i\, ov, of almonds. 4.4 18 . [a.fjivySd\-i) (Phryg.), almond, orig. of the 1. unc.]. w [d-proth. + \/nw, cf. L. moenia], , ijfj.vva, ward ojf(acc.),for or from (dat.) ; with dat. only, iy- or Tin(j>t-yv6ovv, 4)i-Kpdr]S, eos, Amphicrates. 4.2 18 . dfi^i-Xe'-yw, -A^w, ^Ae{a, speak on boti: sides, dispute about. 1 5 11 . vTtis, an Amphipolitan, of Am- phipolis, an important Athenian city in western Thrace on the river Strymon, by which ic was nearly surrounded, whence the name. 1.10 7 . VOCABULARY. 477 d|ic(>opife, tu>s, o, [shortened fr. d/j.i-opfvs (Horn.), , bear], jar, two handled. 5.4 28 . djjujxSVepos, a, ov, both, ch. in dual and pi. 13. d|i.cf>oTp06v, adv.,y"rom or on both sides. 3. djjwjxo, g. oiv, [L. ambo], both. 3. Less comm. than a.^4>6rtpos. dv [? c. L. an], a conditional particle for which the Eng. furnishes no exact equivalent. 1. With the opt., infiu., pt., and past tenses of the indie., its force is comm. expressed by the auxiliaries, might, would. 2. Attached to or follow- ing relative words it renders their mean- ing more indefinite like the Eng. -ever, -soever, and is followed by the subj., is av whoever. It is post-pos., thus differing from dv [contr. fr. t, -0-fi, -f]irofj.ai, raise a shout. 5.4 31 . dva-(3o\T|, f)s, \IBd\\ie], what is thrown up, rampart. 5.2 5 . dva-'yi'Yvwa'Kb), -yvctffOfiai, -eyvciiKa, 2 a. -tyvaiv, know again, recognize ; read. 3 ; T. 33. dvcryKd^co, dcrca, fydyKaaa etc., compel, force, constrain. 12. dvo/yicaios, a, ov, act. constraining, pass. necessary; ol d. relatives (by blood), kinsmen. 6. dvd-yKi], ?>s, [?], necessity ; with or without tart, it is necessary (for, dat.). 32. dva-YvoiJs, 2 a. pt. of dva-ytyvuxTKco. a.v-a.y, -t'ev(a, yoke up, break camp. 2. dva-0app, ^j, raise a noise, esp. ap~ pfaud. 2. dva-0p\J/as. see dva-rpe^xa. dv-aipe'w, Vjo-w, 2 a. elXov, -pprjKo, take up or away, (abolish, kill, destroy) ; take up a question submitted, hence answer; mid. also take upon oneself, undertake. 1 1 . dva-KoX&o, 4, raise the war-cry. 4.3 19 . dva-Xa.fif3d.vu>, -\-{]tyonai, 2 a. -t\aftov, take up, back or away, receive back, regain. 7. ava-X.dfnra>, fyw, shine forth, blaze up. 5.2 24 . dvaXio-Kw [? a.vd-\- aXiffKOfjiai or -f o\\vfii], a.vd\(ra, dvri\caKa, -fiat, -6rjv, use up, spend, squander. 4. See irpoff-. dv-dXwTos, ov, [a\io-Ko/u.at], not to be taken, impregnable. 2. dva-|Aevu>, fj.fvw, -f/j.ftva, remain behind, stay back, wait for. 6. dva-fj.i-yvv(ii, -/ii'|a, mix up, mingle. 4.8 s . dva-fj.t,fj.VT|crKco, -fj.vfiffca, -ffj.vrj(Ta, fj.ffj.v7ifj.ai, ffj.vr](rdriv, remind one (ace.) of (ace.), 3.2 11 ; make mention of; mid. and pass., call to mind, remember. 6. 478 VOCABULARY, dvavSpos dv-av8pos, ov, [a.trfip\, unmanly. 2.6 28 . 'Ava|ipios, ov, [prince of might, (0(a)], Anaxibius, Spartan admiral stationed at Byzantium when the Ten Thousand ar- rived at Trapezus. 5.1*, 7.1 2 . 4vovpi8es, uv, at, [Pers.], trowsers, long, wide, and of bright colors. 1.5 8 . dva-Travw, ira.vo-u, make to cease (for a time dvd), stop; mid. rest, pause. 14. dva-irtl0tt, -Tcefow, over-persuade, persuade, induce. 3. dva-irtTavvvfu, -ireriVw or -veru, open up, open wide. 7. 1 17 . dva-irr]Saa>, ^ao/j.ai, leap up, mount. 7.2*. ava-irv^o), -irvtvffon.a.1, -tirvfvaa, breathe again, take breath. 2. iva-irpdrrw, -trpS^ta, esp. of money, exact, levy. 2. Cf. aw-. iva-rrrvaxrw, {, fold back, swing back. 1.10 9 . iva-iruv9dvofiai, -irei5, d or da-ofiai, snatch up, carry % off. 2. avapxia, as, [aV-apxos], u-ant of government (apx'f)), anarchy. S.2 29 . Ava-(TKtvd(i>, data, make ready by packing up, pack up. 6 2 8 . dva-ords, 2 a. pt. of a.v-(aTt\yn. Ava-crravp<5w, a>cra>, fasten up on a stake, impale. 3. 1 17 . ava-oT&Xw, (\>, send up or back; keep back, restrain. S.4 23 . Ava-oTp^4>w, ^o>, ^urrj 6aci or round, wheel round; pass, /urn oneself about (cf. L. versari), live, dwell, act ; face about. 6. 6.i>a-ffTpo(j>-fi, anastrophe. dva-(rxa-0ai, 2 a. inf. of dp-t'xco. dva-TopaTTw, d|a), s^f'r p, disorder; dvart- rapa.yfj.fvov, disordered, in confusion. 1 .7' 20 . dva-rtCvw, -Tfvui, -tTftva, -TVa^aj, stretch or //? up,rlfvate; in 1.10 12 =wi?A ow/- stretched (wings). 8. Cf. iirp-. dva-reXXo), n'se. 2.3 1 . dva-TCfrqjii, -6T}ffia, -t6r)Ka, -TfBfiKa, put up, lay up ; lay or place upon ; set up, dedi- cate. 5. Cf. dvd-OriiM. &vd-6(fj. of a thing devoted to evil, curse. T. 6. anathema. -Qpi^ta, nourish up,fatten. 4.5 8S . -o/j.cu, 2 a. -tpoW, separate again, with- draw, draw off. 5.2 11 . dvSpa-yaGia, as, [*dv$-dya6o*], manly vir- tue, bravery. 5.2 10 . ^^^ dvSpdiroSov, ov. ca/rfi'^^Bhiced to slavery, slave. 16. [avfip, ^k fr. irtSrj fetter or woi5j foot, which ^B^'tor put on the neck of the captive to signify enslave- ment]. Syn. 5ot"Aos. dvSpcios, o, o>, [di^p], manly, brave. 6.5-4. Whence dvSpciOTTjs, 17x05, fj, manliness, bravery. 6.5 1 *. dvSp^ofiai, iaofitu, show oneself a man, act manfully. 2. dv-f PTJV, 2 a. of dva-^aivta. olv-ry*'p w -tytpu, -nytpOvv, rouse up ; pass. be roused, awake. 3. 1 12 , 18 . dv-ciXov, 2 a of dv-aiptu. dv-civai, 2 a. inf. of d,v-iijp.i. dv-tiirov, 2 a. to dva-\fyta, proclaim, an- nounce. 2.2; 5.2 1 *. dve^os, ov, [y / / breathe, cf. L. animus], in'nd. 2. anemone. av-tiriXT|irTs [liri-Ka.n.&a.v, iffw or ica, stir up, excite. 6.6 9 . Cf. tpifa. dv-cpwrdw, impf . dv-nptaTuv, fiau', ask up = speak up and ask, ask. 2. dv-', impf. -fix 01 ', -^ i6s, ov, [d-cop. + j/ev, ii dvO', see drrH ^^^ of dfdefj.ov = Sa>6os], little flower, ~Jlower ; pattern. 5.4 s2 . anther. dv0-(oTT)}u, set against ; mid. stand against, resist. 7.3 11 . dv9pwirivcSj T;, ov, human, rtav dvOpuirtvwv of things human. 2.5 s . dvOpwiros, ov, o, [? dv-fip, &\f/, face = man- faced ], man as opp. to other beings, homo, human being ; pi. men, people, man- kind ; sometimes used contemptuously instead of dv-fip, cf. I." 4 ; 3. 1 27 . 76. anthrdpo-. See Interuat. Diet. dvidu [dvta, grief }, dcru, rivia, [ip&s, strap}, impf. dv-i/jitav, draw up. 4.2 8 . dv-i, ,/i// in return. 4.528. dvT-cm-fj.\O|Aai, take heed or care in re- turn. 3.1 16 . etc., do in return, retaliate; mid. act for oneself against another, con- tend with (dat.) for (gen.), lay claim to, vie with. 6. 480 VOCABULARY. dvTiiropos dircwrov ovrC-Tropos, ov, strictly, on the opp. way (irdpos) or coast ; then, over against, op- posite to. 4.2 18 . dvTi-oTcuridw, [OTO?XOJ, row, acrostic], flffd>, stand in opp. rows, front. 5.4 12 . dvTi-crrpaTOTrsStvopxu, encamp opposite or against. 7.7 s8 . avrt-TaTTw, -rei|w, draw up or array against. 6. dvn.-Tip.dti), fio'ta, honor in return. 5.5 1 *. dvTi-Tov, shoot in return or back. 3. dvTi---yov, *, earth], upper floor. dvo)0tv [&va>], adv., /rom above, from the top, from the interior. 4. d|Ca, as, ||ios|, worth, value, desert. 6.6 s8 . atvTj, 17 j, | [d|i'js], impf. riiovv, taffui, iiiffa. etc., deem worthy, Jit, proper, or rMWM- a6/e ; ask (as deserved or reasonable). 22. Cf. aTt'w, demand, beg ; Stonat, want, beseech. a|Uop.a, arcs, T(J, [a{dc], worthiness, honor, dignity ; 6 1 28 ; what is reasonable, axiom. &, 2 a. -fjyayov, lead (bring, carry) away, off, or back. 15. dir-a-ywyTi, ^s, [a>a>l, removal. 7.6 5 . d-ira0Tis, ^$, [a6os] , free from suffering. 7.7 33 . d-rraCSruTos, ov, [vaiSfvw], untrained, stupid. 2.G 26 . dir-aCpw, -apw, -^po, razse (and carry) away ; intr. depart, set sail. 7.6 s3 . dir-cuTc'u, impf. -yrovv, faco, ask from, de- mand back. 11. dir-aXXa.TTw, doo, -^AAa|a, 2 a. pass. -ijA- ACI^TJJ/, change from, set free, release, re- move; intr. get free; mid. and pass. 6e se< yree, depart, withdraw. 12. diroXos, ^, {Jv, [? ], c. -darepos, tender, soft. 2. dTr-apipojiai, ^o,ua4, a. p. -n/j.fi [a.vQ-iifj.fpov, on the very day], come back on the same day. 5.2 1 . air-yvwKa, see diro-yiyvuo-Kw. dir-t'Spdv, 2 a. of diro-Si5pd. dir-^avov, 2 a. of diro-6v^ffKu, die. dirckGcu, T)ffta, be disobedient, disobey. 2. Fr. d-wtj^y [ireiOofjicu, obey], disobedient. dirfiXc'w, ^ffw, threaten. 2. Cf. /-. OLirtt\TJ, T)J, [?], tAreaf. 2. dir-fifxi, -rfv, be away, be absent. 2. dir-ei|u, -ritiv, gofrom,awa>/,OT back, depart, retreat; pros, coinm. asfut., willgoback, depart. 90 dir-tiTrov, dir-tipr)Ka, renounce, resign, for- bid etc. See dir-a.yopf6u}. diroKpivo|uu VOCABULARY. 481 4-impos, ov, [trelpa, experience], inexperi- enced, unacquainted with. 4. dir-KTova, 2 pf. of a/iro-Krtlvo>. dir-eXavvto, -Aw (-$s, -), -^Aacra, aVtVe off; intr. ne'e or march away, retreat. 11. dir-cXGwv, 2 a. pt. of dir-e'pxo/uaj. dir-cpfaw, &ee/> awa;/ or M/WO" q/f. 5.8 25 . dir-t'pxo|i,ai, 2 a. -TjAflo*', come (or ~^ . &moT&> [cnrioros], impf. riiriffrovv, Vj, disbelieve; distrust; disobey; dat. 5. Cf. dirfiOfw. d-mcrrta, os, unbelief, distrust; faithless- ness, treachery. 5. ft-iricrros, ov, [ireldu, trust], distrusted, faith- less. 3. dir-irfov [verbal of dir-eifu], must go away, 5.31. , ov, [perh. d-priv. + irAf (irAros, TOS], boundless, immense. 4.4 11 . Si TJ, GUI', [o-COp., 4/wAa (ir^uirATj/ti), Jill], single; simple, frank, sincere; rb iar\ovv, sincerity. 2. See H. 295, b. dir<5 [instr. case, cf. L. ab, E. OF, OFF, AF- ter], prep, from, hence with gen. only, away from ; of time from, after, since, dtf>' ov, from which (time) = since ; of origin (cause, means etc.), from, by means of, by. 113. diro-paivco, -/)<7 or w, maie go from, dis- embark. 1.4 5 . diro-pXliro, f/w, /ooi away (fr. all else) at, gaze at, watch. iuiro-yi^voxTKia, -yv&aofi.ai, -tyvuica, decide (from) against, decide not to. 1.7 19 . diro-Se'SpoKa, see airo-SiSpdffK, dir-eSTJ/uTjira, go away from one's people (S^os), feaue Aome. 7.8*. diro-S'Spdf6yeo. d7ro-Sl8w|j,i, -Sdxrw, 2 a. -c'Swfca, -5e'5aj/ca. ^zwe back or u/>, esp. what is due and so, pay ; mid. give away of one's own will, sell. 41. diro-SoKi (impers.), -5J|e<, -e'8o{, it seems (far) from good, seems good not to. 2.3 9 . oiiro-Sovvai, 2 a. inf. of d-n-o-SiSuui. diro-Spdvai, -Spds, 2 a. of airo-SiSpa.ffKv. diro-8o, -Svffw, -eSv, iau>, -fitd\e(Ta, call away or aside. 7.3 s5 . d-rro-Kafivw [i(d/j.vu, toil], shrink from toil, be weary. 4.7 2 . diro-Kaw, burn off", freeze off"; blast, 4.5 s ; 7.4 8 , of the effects of intense cold. dtrd-Kt(jiai, be laid away, laid up. 4. pass. diro-KXcCw, -K\flffti>, shut off" or out, ex- clude; hinder. 3. diro-icXfvtt, -K\LVW, -^K\iva, turn aside. 2.2 16 . diro-K^irrw, -K&tyu>, -tKo\)/a, 2 a. p. -tKoirriv, cut off, strike or beat off". 4. apocope. diro-Kptvopcu, -oCjuai, -fKolvdpiiv, - 482 VOCABULARY. diroicpvirrtt ai judge (and give) back an answer, an- swer, reply. 35. diro-KpvirTw, -Kpvtyw, -ticpvfya., hide away, conceal. 2. apocrypha. diro-KTifvw, -n-rtvSi, -fn-rtiva., 2 p. -ttcrova, kill. 22. For pass, see airo-6rf)ffK8iiT, a. p. subj. of axo\anPdv. dir-dXXvfu, impf., -wAAiJj', -oAtVw, or -oAw, -, Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, brother of Artemis, chief patron of music, poetry, prophecy, and archery. His oracle at Delphi was the most popular ia the Hellenic world. 'AiroXXwvta, as, Apollonia, town in south- ern Mysia. 7.8 16 . J AiroXAv8T]s, ou, [descendant of Apollo], Apollonides, a captain, of Lydiau birth. 3.1 36 . diroXo-y^ofiai \dir6-\oyos], -fiaouai, speak in defence, defend oneself. 5.6 8 . Cf. d?ro- Ao^i'a, apology. diro-XiJw, -\4ffw, loose or release from, ac- quit. 2. dir-oXwXcKo, see iir-6\Mfju. off", resist. 6.2*. axy], not fighting, dis- abled. 2. cnro-vooriw [v6, v, leap off or back. S.4 27 . -ir\fv{rofi.cu, -fvktvffa, sail off", away, or back. 15. airo-irXovs, ou, voyage back. 5.6 20 . diro-iropevojiai, tvo-opai, go away, depart. 2. diropccd [4-Tropos], VJCTW, 6e without means or resource (iropos), be at a loss, be per- plexed (at, dat.), be in doubt; want, gen. 15. diropia, as, want of means or resource, dif- ficulty, perplexity ; want. 13. d-iropos, ov, [irdpos, way out, means], without means or resource, at a loss, perplexed^ of places, impassable ; of actions, imprac- ticable, difficult ; (TO) &iropov,a difficulty, obstacle. 11. diro-p-ptrros, ov, [ptw, speak], not to be told, secret. 2. diro-p-pw, iayos, [diro-p-frfiyvvfju], adj. broken off", abrupt, steep. 6.4 s . diro-, -tr-fi^/oa, -fffrpfia, -aiatrKa. ( as pres.), rot off, mortify. 2. anti-sep-tic. diro-o-KcLirTw, dig off", cut off" by a trench. 2.4*. diro-TK8dvvv(ii, -, impf. far-taitiivovv, tent or encamp at a distance from. S.4 35 . diro-OTrdw, -airdffta etc., a. p. -tffirdffOvv, draw off" or away, withdraw, separ- ate. 5. dTro-ords, 2 a. pt. of &-tffT-n/j.i. diro-OTavpdtt , ijcrai, deprive, rob one (ace.) o/(gen.). 3. diro-OTfivai, 2 a. inf. of dup-lffrrifii. diro-o^paToireScvofwii, encamp away from or a< a distance. 2. diro-Vi, ^s, a turning back, retreat, refuge. 2. apostrophe. diro-. diro-o-wjw, -o-ci(rcD, -eVoxra, saye (and bring) 6act, = bring back safely. 2.3 18 . diro-TO [rdtppos], ditch off", fence off" by trench. 6.5 1 . dpi.6(ids VOCABULARY. 483 diro-Tttvw, pf. mid. -rtra.ft.cu, stretch away, extend. 1.8 10 . diro-Ti\U|w \Tfix os > wall], watf off, shut off" by a wall. 2.4 4 . diro-Tl}ivci>, -rtfita, 2 a. -ertvov, -fr^8rjv, c< q/f ; diro-T/tTjflevTes ray Kt(pa\ds, be- headed. 7. diro-Ti0rj(jiu, impf. dir-eri6i)v, put away, lay up. 2.3 15 . diro-rivto, -Tjcuvto, -<^avw, -t(pr)va, show forth ; mid. and pass. sAcw oneself, appear. 1.6 9 ; 5.7 12 . diro-u i Y w ! <(>fvo/jicu, 2 a. -ftpvyov, -irttfiev- ya,fiee away, escape, beyond reach. 7. aTro-cf^vcu, aor. mid. imv. of diro-Qaivca. dird-(|>pais, teas, rj, [(ppdrroa, fence], fencing off, blockade. 2. diro-xwpw, i], go au-ay or back, depart, retreat. 13. diro-\j/Tj(|>i5op.ai, i' shine], piece of silver, silver-money, money. 13. dp-yvpd-'H'Ovs, g. -iroSos, 6, ft, silver-footed. 4.4 21 . dpyupovs, 3, ovv, of silver, silver-. 2. 'Ap'yw, ($oj, ovs, i), [apyds, swift], Argo, the ship in which Jason sailed from Thessaly to Colchis after the golden fleece by order of Pelias, king of lolcus. 6.2 1 . [ t op (olpw, lift) + 1>r)i>], adv., taken away utterly ; quite, wholly . 7. 1 12 . , in Att. only in pres. sys., to water, irrigate. 2.3 18 . a.ptv(a, fjpfffa suit, please, dat. 2.4 2 . Fr. \ ap, in *&pu, fit, join, cf. L. arma, artus ; &pa, dptlwv, ap/ua, dpiO^s. and , f)s, [-TTJ fem. of -r6s], what is fitting or proper, excellence, goodness, virtue; manliness, valor. 7. [prob. developed fr. \ ap*,of dpxcw], dp-fifa, ward off (ace.) from (dat.) ; with dat. only, help, aid. 1.10 s . Cf. 'ApT]guv, a>i>os, [helper], Arexion, sooth- sayer from Arcadia. 6.4 13 . 'Af laios, ov, Ariaeus, commander of the barbarian army of Cyrus. After the bat- tle of Cunaxa he went over to the enemy. dpi.6fj.6s, ov, 6, [ \' up, fit (see a.pt),-\- + 0/j.os, cf. trra-8-p6s], joining in a series, numbering, number, enumeration ; whole number, extent. 9. Cf. 484 VOCABULARY. dpn 'Apior-apxos, ov, [best-ruler], Aristarckus, Spartan harmost of Byzantium. 7.2 6 . dpiordat [&piffrov\, impf. ripicrrwv, fiffta, breakfast, dine. 13. 'Api], best, noblest, bravest ; &pio~ra, adv., in the best way, best. 16. See aya06s. 'Apia-Twv, aivos, [HpuTTos], Ariston. 5.6 14 . 'ApwrT-wvv(jios, ov, [of excellent name], AristonymuK, a captain from Arcadia. 4.1 27 . 'ApKO.8i.KOS, -fi, ov, Arcadian , rb "Ap/ca- OIHOV, the Arcadian contingent. 4.8 18 . 'ApKas, dSos, o, an Arradinn, fr. Arcadia, the central State of Peloponnesus, some- times called the " Switzerland of Greece." The people struggling hard fora livelihood, and being brave and warlike, many of them entered foreign service. See Introd. 50, 51. dpK^w, tffta, fjpKCffa, suffice, be enough, suf- Jicient ; dpKwv, ov, join], fiffu, fasten, suspend. 3.5 10 . "Aprevus, toos, 7i,Artemi*,~L. Diana, daught- er of Zeus and Leto, sister of A polio, god- dess of the chase and of chastity. 1 .6 ; &pn [loc. of unc. st. fr. \/ap,_fit, cf. ap/irw?]. adv., exactly, just, just now. 2. VOCABULARY. 485 s, <*-. Artimas. 7.S 25 . dpro-Koiros, ov, [-KOTTOS perh. for -irowos cf. irtirrco, cook, L. coquus], a baker. 4.4 21 . flpros, ov, [?], a loaf of bread, bread. 9. 'Aprovxas, a, Artouchas. 4.3*. 'Apvoras, a, Arustas. 7.S 23 . 'Apx-aYopas [r/er of the assembly], Ar- chagoras. 4.2 13 . dpxaios, a, ov, of the beginning, old, an- > dent ; -rb dpxaiov, adv. ace. = dpxaiws anciently, formerly ; Kvpov rbv d., Cyrus the Elder. 6. Syn. ira\at6s. opXT, TJS, beginning; being first (in au- thority), rule, command ; the province (ruled), principality; dpxtfv, adv. ace., at first, in the fast place ; with neg. at all. 23. O.PX.IKOS, T), 6v, fitted to command. 2. fipX">, &pfc, 3pa, tfpJfJ-ai, ^px & "n"> oe fi rst > and so; of time, begin, mostly in mid. ; of rank, be first, rule, command, govern, in act. and pass. In both senses with gen. 75. [Cf. Skt. yarh, be worth], cf . t-, VTT-. Der. arch-, archy. ttpX, plough (cf. E. EAR), orig. of the smell of newly ploughed ground], any spice or sweet herb. 1.5 1 . aroma. d(rdia, as, [d-, be feeble, sick ; SLOT, fall sick. 8. From d-ar0VTJs, es, [crdtvos, strength], weak, sick. 1.5 9 . Whence daOeveta, infirmity. 'As, ISos, rj,= (rrcupls, [?], dried grapes, raisins. 4.4 9 . doTpdirrw^w, gleam, flash. 1.8 8 . do-rpair^, lightning, T. 9 ; akin to dc-Hjp, epos, 6, [d- proth. i/orep, cf. ffrop^vvvfit, strew], STAR, strewers of light or strewn over the sky. astro- nomy. do-cpdXeio, os, safety, security. 2. From d-d\\<0, trip], not stumb- ling, safe, secure; c. -e'arepos, s. -^OTOTOS. 29. adv. da(f>a\ws. &oXb>s, adv., safely, securely ; c. - pov, S. -fffrara. 7. 486 VOCABULARY. , as, [&-ffxo\os, a\o\i\, leisure], want of leisure, occupation, business. 7.5 16 . draKTiw, -fiffw, (5.8' 21 .), to be d-raKTos, ov, [TOTTW, arrange], disarranged, disorderly, out of order. 3. Whence dra^ta, as, [for arcucr-ia], disorder, lack of discipline, confusion. 3. Opp. to C- TO.KTOS, evra^ia. d-dp [? perh. ar (akin to L. at) + &pa], conj., but yet, yet, however. 2. 'Aropvtvs, etas, b, Atarneus, a town on the Aegean in Mysia. drao-OoXCa, as, [draVflaAos], recklessness, presumption. 4.4 14 . 4-Tas, ov, [Td, tfT/juaa, emit vapor, steam. 4.5 15 . 'ATpajxvTTtiov, see 'A.Spa/j.vrrtov. d-Tpip-r)s, ts, [ rpiftu ], unworn, untrod- den. 2. > ATTiic6s ) -ft, ov, Attic, Athenian. 1.5 6 . a, adv., post. -pos., back ; again, further, moreover ; on the contrary. 25. [Akin to L. autem.] Cf. aldts. avpaivojiai, impf. avatvd/j.ijv, dry, wither. 2.3 16 . [ |/ow, o-au, cf. E. SEAR, SERE.] Cf. aiiffTujp^rris. avO-aiperos, ov, [alpfu], self-chosen or ap- pointed. 5.T 29 . av0-T]|ip6v [ripfpa], adv. ace., on the same day. 2. Cf. aar-au0-. a0is, length, form of av. 13. avXe'u [avAds], ^erw, TjCATjera etc., p/ay \lffdr}v), i}H\ifffj.ai, lodge for the night in the court-yard (auA.^), lodge, encamp. 13. See tv, ^{-, /car-. Cf. ffrpo-r oirt 8 io/xa . avXos, oC, o, flute, pipe. 3. [ |/aw, &F, blow, cf. drfp ( = df-ijp), E. AIR, aero- lite-, -naut], avXwv, wvos, o, [auA], going of oneself ; as subs, deserter. 1.7 2 . avro-vofios, ov, [vofnos, law], self-ruling, in- dependent. 2. avros, 4], &v,\. self, L. ipse : (1) in nom. without a subs., avrbs 3ty>7j, he himself said. (2) in pred. pos. ai/rbs o dvrip or 6 av/ip avr6s, the man himself. (3) in the reflexive pronouns, /j.-avrov, my- self. 2. In attrib. pos., same, very, 6 avrbs dvfip, the same man ; ra au'ra ravra, these same things ; often con- tracted with the art. avr6s, O.VT/I, TOVTO. 3. Alone in an oblique case, him, her, it, pi. them, (instead of ov, o?, ?, wh. in Att. are reflexive. 872. Carefully dis- tinguish from aiirov, ys, refl. of 3d pers., OVTOS, avTT], TOVTO, and adv. avTov. avrdcrt, adv., to the very place, thither. 4.7 2 . avrov [old gen.], adv., in the very place, here, there. 22. aviTOV = eavrou. aiirws [aurJs], just so, even so, often written ws, in 5.6 9 , a>s 5i a.6T VOCABULARY. 487 avx^jv, evos, o, ['], neck ; neck of land, isthmus. 2. Syn. rpdxri\os. d'-, = o.it6. d4>-cupe'w, -fiffw, 2 a. -t7\ov, -yptica, -np^Oriv, take from or away ; mid. take from (an- other) to oneself, deprive, rob, rescue ; ace., 2 aces., ace. +gen. (source). 19. d-c^avris, e'j, [aviu>, fata or ei8u>s [d-tptiSris, i'5ojua(, spare], un- sparingly, unmercifully : c. -fo-repov, s. -fffrara. 2. a4>-tiKvai, pf. ; aQ-flvai, -sis, 2 a. of dipiTjjUj. d-i-e'r0ai., fut. inf. of dir-e'x- d<|>W(rTq-, see d-t-T]-ye'o(iai, -fiffonat, lead off; relate, tell. 7.226. d6ov(a, as, abundance. 3. From &-4>6ovos, ov, [0-(r]fJLk, rj-iKve'o(A(H, -iouai, 2 a. -iKo/j.r]t>. -'ty/j.at, come from, come, arrive, reach. 78. See i^-ucveontu, I.av6s, -foiT|pi, impf. -IffTriv, airo-ffr-fieru, dir- t-o8os, ov, T), a way back, a going back, departure, retreat. 9. d|>pooruvT], ijs, want of sense, folly. 5. 1 14 . From &-cj>pc0v, ov, [(j>pfiv mind], senseless, foolish. 2. Cf. d-POTJTOS. d(f>v\aKT(o (7.8-), to be off one's guard. d-v\a.KTOs, ov, [], unguarded, off one's guard. 2. avX.d.KTs, adv., unguardedly. 5.1. 'A\ai6s, ov, an Achaean, from Achaea, the most northern state of Peloponnesus. Though more fertile than Arcadia, it was one of the most unproductive states of Greece. See Introd. 50, 51. a-xapis, i, g. tros, = dxdpiffTos. 2. 1 18 . d-xdpi(o, sub. Ppovnj. ft (for y F) = Lat. g, cf. /SoAayot , ^opvs. ^ " = " T, cf. 3aii'(o, /3aAAu>, /3ia. p = n before A, cf. / civ, awos, ^, [Assyrian Babili, Gate of II or God], Babylon, capital of Baby- lonia. It was built on both sides of the Euphrates, and contained an area of about one hundred and fifty square miles. It was destroyed by Senna- cherib 690 B. c., rebuilt by Nebuchad- nezzar and captured by Cyrus the Great 538. Its chief ruins are on the left bank of the river. BafBvXwvios, a, ov, Babylonian, fj Ba/8i>A,a>pi'a, Babylonia, the country around Babylon. (3dST]v [Qalvca], adv., step by step; j8. raxv, in gtitck step. 4. \&doos,>i-nlk, /BatVco], tov/j.at, walk, go. 5. 1 2 . 488 VOCABULARY. Pd0os pdOos, ovs, r6, depth. 7. Pa0us, tla, v,\}], deep. 3. PO.IVIO [ yfta, ftav, L. venio], #T), 6i>, passable, cf. &-, Stiff-, Sid-, d-Sid-, irp6ff- ; Sia-ftartos. See also /8arn/xoj, /37/u -., /Sw/xJs, /3e/8a(os, pa.KTt]pia, as, [jSoiVw], s*a/f, cane. 2. pdAavos, ov, r/, [L. glans], acorn ; any simi- lar fruit, 3- TOV (poivlKos, fruit of the palm tree, date. 2. pdXXw [ v aA., 0Aa, L. volare], jSoAw, 2 a. i&a\ov, fte/3\ri-Ka, jucu, or flafft\fia. (sc. Sw^ara), royal abodes, palace. 12. ews, 6, [?], king, esp. king of Persia. 171. basilisk. , tvffu etc., be king, rule, reign. 6, s, i), 6v, king-like ; ftaa-(\etos, of the king, royal. 3. basilica. Pdo-ifxos, ov, [jSaiVa], passable. 3.4 49 . PO.TOS, TJ, 6v, [/3at/a>], passable. 4.6 17 . Cf. 4-, Suer-. P^paios, a, ov, [fte/3T)Ka, jSaiVeo], steadfast, firm. 1.9 3 '. Pcpaiow, e6(7co, ate firm, confirm, make good. 7.6 17 . PPT]KdTES, pf. pt. Of 0aivw. BtXto-vs, vos, 6, Belesys, satrap of Syria. 1.4 10 . P'Xos, ovs, r6, [j8d\\oj, missile, dart. 9. peXrioiv, 9 ; ftsKriffvos, 7, comp. and sup. of dyoOds, good, brave. Pf)|xa, aros, TO, [/Sa^co], step, pace. 4.7 10 . pCa, as, [cf. L. vis], force ; violence ; /8/a, perforce; w. gen. tn spite of. 11. Pido|i(u, dcrofiai, i&iaffdfnjv, to force, force one's way ; do violence. 6. P(CUOS, a, ov, forcible, violent. 3. PICUWS, adv., forcibly, violently. 1.8 27 . Pipd^w, dffu, causal of 0a(ie, make go. CL dva.-, diro-, Sia-, tiff-, ffvv-fK-. pipXos, ov, r), [Egypt.], the pressed pith of the papyrus, used for paper; heuce paper, book. 7.5 14 . Bible. Pi0vv6s, TJ, 6v, Bithynian ; ol B. the Bithy- nians, a people of Thracian origin, who inhabited the region south of the Eux- ine, between Mysia and Paphlagonia. PIKOS. ov, [Semitic for irlOos], wine-jar. 1 .g 26 . POS, ov, 6, [akin to L. vivo, E. QUICK], life; living, livelihood. 5. bio-logy. #t'os = duration or manner of life ; O>TJ = life as opp. to death. PIOTCVW [jSioTos, poet. = i'os], to live. 2. Less comm. than &i6ia. Bio-dvOr], TJS, Bisanthe, town in Thrace on the Propontis. Bwv, oii/os, Bion, a Spartan. 7.8 6 . , (2.6 6 ), jSArfjSoj, ovs, rt, (7.7 28 ), harm, damage, (not wilful, d8iKTj/ta). [/BAa|, a/c^j, lazy] , be lazy, listless. 2. Cf. Kara-. VOCABULARY. 489 XdTTTw [ \B\a&], damage. 5. ej3Am|/o, harm see. 3. Cf. diro-. X(d(TKu> [for /j.\iacrK(o, pai, 2 a. ffjLo\oi>, go, come. 7.1 s3 . Cf fx>da> [8orj\, rjfrouai, ^SoSjira, shout, call. 9 Cf. di/a-, [fioTj-flrfs, flew, run], TJO-&>> lBor)Qi), dtrca, be faint with hunger. 3. Bov\ia'ia t/3oDs, Ai/i({s], ravenous hunger, bulimy. poO\o)xai [for 8e\io/nai, L. volo, E. WILL], 8ov\rf TOS. 7.3. 37 . Ppa^vs, ela, 0, | L. brevis for bregvis], short, (little, si/tall, brief etc.) ; 8paX" or ^ 8paxv, for a short distance ; c. -i/repos, s. -vraros. 3. brachy-logy. ]> &>'">> <3^e|a, (ftpexQw, to wet. 4. ovTtj, TJS, thunder. 2. [for Bpon-rii, fr. Bpfpie, roar, L. fremo.] s, -ft, 6v, eatable. 4.5 5 . Verbal of &iBp [ t 3op, jSpo, L. voro], eat. ^dvTiov, ot/, Byzantium, 9 city of Thrace commanding the entrance to the Bos- phorus, founded by a colony from Megara, 667 B. c., led by a Thracian named Bvfas (gen. avroy). The name was changed 330 A. D. to Constantinople by Constantino the Great. BV , mono-, poly-gamy. 'dvos, on, fi, Gnus,a town on the west coast of the Propontis. ydp [7^ +fipa], conj. post-pos causal, for, less often since, because , in introducing 490 VOCABULARY. a promised narration or explanation now, then, 1.7 4 , 2.5 11 ; in questions for emphasis, why, what, cf. L. nam joined elliptically with other words, ita ydo, etenim, and ( ellipsis suggestec by context) for, e.g. 2.2 15 , and (they knew it) for, for indeed, and indeed. Yaor^p, fpos or yao~rp6s, f), [for yFtvariip L. venter], belly, abdomen. 2. YavXiKos, rj, 6v, [yav\os, merchant vessel] of or for a vessel, vessel's. 5.8 1 . ravXiTijs, ov, [yavkos], Gaulltes, a Samian. Y^, an intensive particle, post-pos. encl. used to emphasize or restrict the word preceding, (less often the word follow- ing) or the clause in which it is found ; indeed, surely, at least, at any rate, even ; often best rendered by emphasizing the word it limits ; much used to strengthen other particles, as o-fj, pey, /JL^V, ft.tvroi, which it often precedes. YY*vf] [cf. 7^As], 7Ac(ro / ua, lauijh. 4. Cf 8to-, tit-ty-, Kara-. ?, or 7Aoos, a, or, [yt\6pos, ov, \q>t(He],wicke.r-shiel(l bearer 1.8 9 . Y^pwv, ovros, 6, [akin to GRAY], old man. 2. Cf. yepai6s, ytpovrtov, yqpas, ypfotov. Yvw [akin to L. gus-to, E. CHOOSE, KISS], iyfvo-a, give a taste of; ch. in mid. ytv- cro/j.a.1, tytvffdfiiii>, taste, (gen.). 3. , as, [?], bridge. 18. , , [yta, eloot], earth-like, earthy 6.4 5 . yr\, yris, [contr fr. yta, perh. fr. 1/70 (ylyvofioi), produce], earth, land, country- 21. ge-o-graphy, -o-logy. Cf. ftlrttv, , (4fff6-yfia, and , ov, of earth, earthen. 7.8 1 *. Y^-Xo|>os, ov, [\6os, crest], crest of earth, hill. 8. , oos, r6, [cf. ytpoiv], old age. 3.1 48 . [ \'yev, yv, yov, L. gigno, E. KIN], ytv^ffo^ai, 2 a. tyfvSftijr, ytyti/i)- fiai, 2 pf. ytyova, come into being, be born (produced, made, done etc.); become, come to pass, take place, arise, fall out ; to be. Translated in a great variety of ways to be inferred from the context ; 4v favrf tytvcro, he came to himself, 1.5 17 ; TOWS yiyvoptvovs Saffpovs, the accruing reve- nues, l.l 8 ; Sp6fj.os tytvrro rott arpanJ>- rais, the soldiers began to run ; opKovs yfytvr)ft.tvovs, oaths taken. 260. Cf. 8m-, y-, iiri-, vapa-, irspj-, vpotr-, any- ; also ^K-yovos, irp6-yovos, yovtvs, ytvos, ytvta ; yvv-ff, yd.fj.os. [ yyvo, L. (g)nosco, E. KNOW, KEN], yvc&ffojtat, 2 a. tyvuv, (yvwKa, %yv(ao-/j.at, tyvwffOr}!', know, (learn, observe, judge etc.). 39. y. to know by obser- vation and experience, oI8a by reflection. Cf. ava-, OTTO-, ft.tr a-\ yytifti), d- and d/u^u- ca. v6os, uvofj.a.. , ov, Glons, son of Tamus. After the battle at Cnnaxa he deserted the Greeks and went over to the king. 2.4 24 . fj. , ijs, [yiyvi&ffKta], the knowing fac- ulty, mind, understanding ; the result of its operations, opinion, judgment ; yvuivai Aa^va-yopas VOCABULARY. 491 yvtipri, from judgment or principle, 2.6 9 . 18 See d-yvcafuov. yvwvai, yi/dxreffBe, see yiyvffKo>. royyvXos, ov, [round, Gongylus] : 1. De- scended from one Gongylus banished from Greece for abetting Fausauias in his treason. 7.8 8 . 2. A son of the pre- ceding. 7.8 8 , 17 . YOT|Tv, enchant; cheat. 5.7 9 (yoriTfvtifv- res). [yo-qs, TJTOJ, waller, fr. yodw wail.] y>vcvs, 4as, 6, [ylyvoftai], begetter, father, pi. parents. 2. y<5vx>, y6varos, -r6, [?], L. genu, E. KNEE, joint. 4. Fop-yCas, ov, [farce], Gorgias, of Leontini, Sicily, the most famous sophist and rhetorician of his time. 2.6 16 . See Class. Diet. Fop-ytav [son of Topy6s], Gorgion. 7.8 s . yovv [yt + ovv], adv., at least then, at any rate ; certainly. 4. ypoSiov or -ypa'CSiov [dim. of ypats, f. of yeptav], feeble old woman. 6.S 22 . ypajjipa, OTOS, TO, [ypd [yvfj.v6s], da-oa, to train naked, train, exercise. 1.2". yv|Ay/is, TJTOS, and ^u/uj/Tjrijy, ov, [yvpvds naked, lie/fitly clad], light-armed foot sol- dier, including archers, slingers, and all not 67rA.?TOi. 10. I\>|j.vi.as, ciSos, i], Gymnias. 4.7 19 . ^fivtKos, 77, 6t>, 2. = yvnvao-riKos, gym- nastic. yxp.v6s, u ov, [?], naked ; w. gen. stripped of; uncovered, exposed ; often of persons clad only in the tunic (xirtav), hence lightly clad. 4. yuvf|, aiKos, [ 4/yev, yiyvo/j.ai] , woman, wife. 25. Cf. Sax cwen, E. QUEEN. Fcoppvas, ou or a, Gobryas. 1.7 12 . 5 = Lat. d = Teut. (Eng.) t. Cf. &aKpv, Seixvvm, SfKa, Siptt. SdKVto [ \ SO.K, STJK], STJ|O^OI, 2 a. te- 2. oi, vffca, fdaKpvcra, shed tears, weep. 2. SdKpvov, L. lacryma ( older dac- ), E. TEAR. [ \/8a,K,bite; cf. "bitter (= biting) tears." ] 8o.KTvXi.os, ov, finger-ring, seal-ring. 4.T 27 . SaKTvXos, ov, [cf . L. digitus], finger ; 8. rS>v irodu>v, toe. 2. Adp.dp dros, ov, [Dor. for A?;/*-, prayed for by the people, Hdt. 6.63], Damaratus, successor to his father Ariston on the throne of Sparta 526 B. c. ; deposed 491 as being illegitimate, he fled to Persia, where he was well received by Darius Hystaspes, and, for service rendered Xerxes, was given a principality in Mysia. 2.1 3 . Sairavdw, T^CTW, spend, expend; consume. 6. [Sairdvrj, expense.] Cf. KOTO-. SdireSov, ov, [8a=:a(fr. Sid),veSov],fioor, ground. 4.5 6 . AapSavtvs, tvs, a Dardanian, inhabitant of Dardanus, on the east shore of the Hellespont. 3.1 47 . Dardanelles. AdpSas, OTOS, 6, Dardas, a branch of the Euphrates, not certainly identified. 1.4 10 . V. 1. Aap5?)s. Aapa5a|. SapeiKos, ov, [sc. ffrar^p] , a daric, Persian gold coin exchanged for 20 drachmae or $3.50 ; intrinsic value about $5.50./ Whence named is uncertain, perhaps from dara, king. 10. Aapeios, ou, [Pers. darj, maintain], Darius II., surnamed Nothos (bastard), king of Persia, B.C. 424-405. l.l 1 , 3 . See Introd. 39, 42. Sdut?. 4. Sacrvs, ev-a < yopas, ov, [laurel (crowned) -speak- er], Daphnagoras. 7.8 9 . 492 VOCABULARY. Scvpo ^s, [akin to Sairdrn], liberal, abundant, plentiful. 2. 81 [cf. L. -de, -dem], conj. post-pos. with sense intermediate between d\\d but, and Kal and, comm. translated but, less often and, furt her, moreover. When it has a distinctly adversative force, the word or clause with which it is connected is commonly preceded hy another, distin- guished by fi.ev. It is then rendered but, on the other hand, on tlie contrary, whereas, however; sometimes it may be rendered, then, yet, as in the apodosis, 5.6 20 ; or or, 5.7 6 , esp. with /*aAAo?; connected with Kal (e. g. /col crrpar-nybv 5e l.l' 2 ) it is conjunctive, Kal iutens. even, also. -& [see foreg.], insep. particle affixed : (1 ) to names of places in the ace. to denote whither, -ward, to, ofaaSe homeward; (2) to demonstrative pronouns for emphasis. StSia, StSjaSs, 2 pf. of SeiSw. ScSo-yfiai, see Suftew. ScSofic'vai, see SiSwm. Ser]0fjv(u, Sffiffas, see Sew. 8ti, Sep, see St'w, want. Sei8w, SetVo/xai (both Ep.), ?8ejo&io/j.cu, of fear more transient and exciting. See 5e*A.os, Seivos, a-Sewj, vvfu [L. dico, E. TEACH], Sei'fco, 5ei|a, SeSeixa, 8e'5 typai, eSelxOyv, show, point out, indicate. 1. Cf. diro-, iv-, eiri-, viro-. SctXr), rjy, [?], afternoon; late in the after- noon, eveniny; a/j.. 12. 8tiTrvov, on, [for Sfir-ifoy, cf. 5c{ir^w, devour], chief meal, in early times dinner, later supper. 1. Cf. i-Sejirvos, ffi'-v-. 8et,TT-vo-iroi60|iai, ^aoyuai, prepare supper, take supper. 2. Seicras, see Se(Sa>. Stlrai, see Sew. 8Ka, L. decem, E. TEN. 24. 8KaTvw, evffo), exact a tenth, tithe. 5.3 9 . StKaros, i?, ov, fent/* ; i) Senary, the tenth, tithe. 3. AeXra, r6, indecl., Delta, a delta-shaped district in Thrace near Byzantium. 7.133. ScX^Cs.ri/os, 6, [? belly-fish, cf. 8eAo(, wi/, [ 7 ], Delphi, a town of Phocis at the south base of Mt. Parnassus, about six miles from the gulf of Cor- inth, the seat of the celebrated oracle and temple of Apollo. ScvSpov, ov, [perh. akin to Spvs, oak, Goth. trin, E. TREE], tree, dat. pi. StvSpots or SepSpe<7t. 12. Scov, pres. pt. of Sfu. AepKxiXi'Sas. ov, [son of &(picv\os, i. e. kten- eyed], Derci/lidas, a. famous Spartan general, under whom the Cyrean Greeks after their return served against the Persians. 5.6.- 4 . St'pfia, OTOJ, r6, [otpw, flay, E. TEAR, see diro-, fK-], skin, hide. 3. epi-dermis. S-Sfia, viro-Sfrp. S^| [akin to 8^ or ^8?j shortened], post-pos. particle used to mark exactness or em- phasis, now, indeed, truly, surely ; very, even, just, exactly ; often best rendered by emphasis. 95. 8fj\os, 17, ov, [=See\os (Ep.), ySt, SiF, shine, cf. L. divus], clear, plain, evident, manifest, with elfj.1 and pt. it has the force of an adv., ST)AOS ?iv avid/nevas, he was manifestly troubled, 1.2 11 ; S^Aov on often parenthetic, evidently. 29. Sr)Xoci>, eicra!, etc., make clear, show, declare. 12. 8t](ia < ya)'y&, be or play &i)nayo>ys [STJ/UOS, &yca], or demagogue ; curry favor with. 7.6*. At](io-KpaTtis, ov, Democrates. 4.4 15 . AT](XO, 2 a. -e&a\ov, -pf&\r)Ka, throw across ; set (apart) at variance ; comm. accuse falsely, slander. 15. Sia-f3ds, see 8. 8id-pacris, etas, rj, [fiaiitw], a crossing, pas- sage ; ferry or bridge. 8. 8ia-(3aTos, a, ov, [ftaivu], to be crossed, must be crossed. 3. Sia-paros, ^, 6v, [Paivu], that may be crossed, passable. 4. 8ia.-pfjvcu, -j8ai, 2 a. of Sia-0a.ivu>. Sia-Pipd^w, data or w, -e&i@a.o-a,, carry over or across, transport. 1. Sia-poArj, TJS, [Sia-@d\\,-^y7iAo, report (through, i e. to one at a distance or in diff. direc- tions), proclaim, announce ; mid. report from one to another, pass the word along. 4. 8ia-YAaw, laugh at, mock. 2.6 26 . Sia.--yi-yvoiJ.cu, -yevri(rofj.ai, 2 a. -eyev6fii]v, pass (lit. become) through, pass, continue, live. 4. 8i-a-yKv\oo(j.ai [ayKvXrj, loop in a thong, thong]. --r}yKu\oifj.ai, jnit the fingers into the thong of the javelin ; pf. pt. with fingers in the thongs. 4.3 28 ; 5.2 12 . Cf. fi>-ayKv\dci>. Si-a/yw, -c|a), 2 a. -fiyayov, lead (or bring) through, over, or across ; of time, spend, live (w. or without 0iov) ; lead on, con- tinue. 8. Sia-Scxoficu, receive (through a line) in suc- cession, succeed. 1.5' 2 . Sia-Si'Sojfu, -Stavca, -eSoaica, give from hand to hand, distribute. 4. 8id-8<>xos, on, [Sia-Sfxoju.ai\, successor. 2. 8ia-V-yvii|Ai., pf. -ffvyncu, unyoke; separ ate. 4.2 13 . 494 VOCABULARY. 8io.6tdop.ai 8iaav<2>s Sia-Ocdopai, look (through) into, consider. 3.11 9 . Si-ai6pida> [alQpia, clear sky], become clear, clear up. 4.4 13 . Si-aip&o, -fiffu, 2 a. -eTAoi', take apart, pull down, destroy. 3. diaeresis. Skd-KCipai, Kfiffofj.a.1, lie or be laid in order, be arranged or disposed. 7. Sia-K\cvopai, urge or cheer on, encourage. 2. 8ia-Kiv8vvvw, ei/au, run all risks, hazard all. 3. 8ia-K\d, break in pieces. 7.S 22 . SidKovtw [SI&KOVOS, servant, deacon, N. T.], serve. 4.5 s8 . Sia-Koirrtt, -Kctyw, 2 a. p. -eKomjv, cut through, break through. 5. SIOKOO-IOI, at, a, [Sia = 5uo -f KWTIOI, Dor. -xdrioi -tKa.r6v\, two hundred. 9. Sia-Kpivci), -Kpivia, -^Kptva, judge between, decide. 6.1 22 . Sia-Xa-yxo-vw, 2 a. -{\axov, distribute by lot, allot. 4.5 -23 . 8ia-\a(Ap, 7}(ra), measure out, distribute. 2. Si-ajiirtpc's [for -dva-irtpts, irtipta, pierce], adv., through and through, clean through. 4.1 18 ; 7.8.". Sia-vc'|JUi>, -v(inS), -fvfi/j.a, distribute. 7.5 2 . 8ia-vot'o(Aai, Tjiroyuai, etc., pass. dep. be fully minded, intend, purpose. 8 Sidvoia, aj, [*8td-i>oos, cf. &voia], intent, purpose. 5.6 81 . iirw, send round. 2. A.uero/uou,-f ir\tv, war orjiqht it out. 3.3 3 . Sia-iropevw, convey or carry over ; oftener pass, dep., fvvofiai, -wfTrdpfvuai, -tiroptv- (h)i>, pass through or over. 5. Sta-irpdrrw, -irpd^u, -f-rpd^a, -ireVpa-y/uw, stonger form of irpdrra, work out, effect, accomplish ; negotiate, settle. 23. Si-apirdu>, d(ro/j.cu, -^pirocra, -ta, -a-pai, stronger form of apirdfa, plunder thoroughly, seize, carry off". 11. Sia-p-p&i>, fiow through. 5.3 8 . diarrhoea. 8ia-p-pi7TT^i) = foil. 7.3 s2 . Sia-p-piTTTu, ^o), -fpptfya,, throw about, scat- ter. 5.8 6 . 8idppnj/is, coos, ^, scattering. 5.8 7 . 8ia-o-Tjjxaivu, ca>&,-eff-fifjLi]va,indicate clearly. 2. 1 28 . 8ta-o-KT]VcvSovd(i>, sling in all directions ; pass. fiy to pieces. 4.2 8 . -ff\, -Tfvu, -freiva, stretch to the ut- most ; mid. exert oneself. 7.68 s . 8ia-T\w, -Tf\>, -fT(\fffa, bring quite to an end, finish ; sc. 656v = arrive ; absoL go on to the end, continue. 4. , melt through. 4.5 6 . -Baffle, -fOrjKa, put in order, arrange, manage, dispose (cf. Sta-6-f]Kri, testament, T. 33) ; mid. dispose of one's own, sell. 6. 8ia-Tp, 2 a. p. -frpd(pr)v, nourish through, sustain. 4.7 17 . Sia-rpi^, ?}s, delay. 6. 1 1 , dia-tribe. 8ia-Tptpa(vco, 2 a. p. -ttydvijv, show through ; m. and p.appearthrough,showlightthrough. 3. Siaavws [&ia-(f>arfis, diaphanous], adr., transparently, clearly. 6.1 24 . VOCABULARY. 495 8ta4>ep6vTs [fr. pres. pt. of foil.], pre- eminently. 1.9 14 . Sta-^Kpw, -olffu), --fiveyKa o; ov, bear through, carry our; intr. differ, be different; differ from, esp. for the better, excel, surpass; pass, be at variance, quarrel. 4.5 17 , 5. Cf. 5id-v-y0tpu>, -dep6apKa, 2 a. p. -((pddpriv, destroy utterly, ruin, lay waste ; corrupt, bribe. 6. Sidcjxjpos, ov, [Sia-Qfpoai], differing, at vari- ance ; TO Sidipopov, difference, vari- ance. 2. Stacjnnj, rjs, [Sia-tyvo/jLat, grow between], cleft, division. S.4 29 . 8ia-xeind {xt'ifta, winter], atria, pass the winter. 7.6 31 . Sia-xip(ga> [xfy>] manage carefully. 1.9 17 . 8ta-x.a)pu), go through ; impers. itd-rta Si- f^iapti auTotj, they had a diarrhoea. 4.8*. StSdo-KoAos, ov, teacher. 2. 6iSd(TKw [Si redupl. -+ So. [K] + VKW, cf. L. doceo], oiodfa, toi$aa, teach, inform ; pass, be taught, learn. 10. [ ySan, akin to \ SIK in SfiKvvnt]. oiSc'cio-i, pres. 3d pi. of StSrjpt Ep. 8'w, bind. 5.8. 8l8[u [ ySo, cf. L. dare, dono], Sdxru, fScoxa, (Sea. Soitjy, Sovvai, Sous), StSaica, Se'Souai, 4S6drjv, give, grant, present, offer. 105. Cf. dvri-, OTTO-, 5ia-, IK-, fj.tr a-, irapa-, ifpo-, trpoff- ; diapsofnat, Saveifa. Si-etp-ya), iee/> apart ; lie between. 3. 1 2 . 8i-. 8t-^\w, impf. -fix ov > 2 a. -faxov, be apart, stand apart, be distant ; TO $ttx o> '> the in- terval. 5. Si-T|Yo[j.ai, set out in detail, relate, nar- rate. 3. , see Si-t\a6w. 8i-i]X0ov see St-^pxo^cu. 8i-T|s, adv., justly, rightly, properly. 14. 8iKao-TT|S, oD, [5KC (8^ij), judge, cf. Kara-], a judge. 5.7 s *. Bticrj, TJJ, [ v'SjK, see 5tiio>vfu], justice, right; legal process, lawsuit, trial ; the result of such process, penalty, punishment (for the wrong-doer), satisfaction (to the one wronged). StKrjv 5tS6vat, give satis- faction, suffer punishment ; Stici]v vTrtxfiv, stand trial, render account. 23. syn- dic. Cf. dotK^cf. Si-)ioipia, as, [fjiotpa, portion], double por- tion. 2. 8ivco [dtvrj, a whirling], whirl. 6.1*. 8u> [Si' o], adv., on which account, where- fore. 3. SUoSos, ov, ri, way through, passage. 5.4'. Aids, see Zeus. 8i-opd&>, see through, perceive. 5.2 s0 . St-opvrrw, pf. m. -opc&pvynat, dig through 2. Cf. 5ipu. 8i6ri [= Sick roDro ori], because. 2.2 U . 8i-irr|xvs, v, g. eos, of two cubits in length. 1 8i-irX.a0pa, as, [cf. lltyv, work till so/1], tanned skin ; what is made of leather, bag, wal let. 2 diphtheria. 49G VOCABULARY. 8ic}>9e'pi.vos Svo Si4>9<;pivos, 77, ov, leathern. 2.4 -28 . 8(-<|>pos, ov, [ -epo)), what bears two, i. e. driver and fighter], chariot- board, seat. 2. St\a [8i(s), cf. Tp-x<*]> '" two, afinrf. 8. iroiflv, divide. 6.4 11 . 8i4/dw [Stya, thirst], thirst, be thirsty. 4.S 27 . SIUKTCOS, a, ov, be pursued, must pursue. 3.3 8 . StwKw [? perh. cansal to 8/w ( SflSu), make flee], a, pursue, chase, follow; intr. : speed away. 7.2' 2> . 48. Cf. ^iri-, /cora-. Slants, ews, 77, pursuit. 3.4 5 . Siupi>, uxos.fi, [8i-opuTTw], trench, canal. 5. So-ypa, OTOS, TO", [So/ctco], what seems good, opinion, decree. 4. dogma. So0-i}vai, fioiijv, see 8/5a>,ut. K, cf. L. dec-et], $6co, 5oa, iS6x^"n v t think, fancy, imagine. 1.7 1 , 8 2 ; 2.2', **. SOKW /toi, met h inks; oftener of the impression made on the mind, seem, esp. seem good, seem best ; be of the opinion, be resolved, be approved; often impers., SoKel not, it seems to me, seemii good to me. ret S^favra or SeSo-y- ptva., the things thought best or resolved upon; S^s* (ace. abs.), when it seemed good. 261 . Cf . iiro-, vpoff-, auv- ; $6yfj.a, 86a, and SoKUfid^o) | SJ.Y ijuoy] , a. p. ^SoKifida-B^v, test, approve. 3.3 20 . SoXi-xos, "fi> ov, long : o $6\ixos (sc. 8p<5/uos), long race, 12, 20, or 24 stades. 4.8 27 . 86Xos, ou, [? cf. 5f'\eap, 6az7, L. dolusl, /w/iV, hence wile, craft, treachery. 5.G 29 . Cf. a8($A.&>y. AdXoires, a>v, ftolopians, a tribe of uncertain kin, inhabiting the rind us mountains in southwestern Thessaly. 1.2. 8<5a, TJS, [SOKO], opinion, esp. good opinion, reputation, glory, irapeb Sofoj/, runtnir// to expectation. 3. ortlio-dox. Cf. $v- Sofos, /caTa-8ofii. 8<5|avTo, 8J|eTe, see SoKfw. 8opa.Ti.ov, oi/, [dim. of Srfpu], small or sAort spear. &A' a . Sopicds, (8oj, ^, [Ss'pKo^tai ( \'8tpic, 8pa/c), see clearly, gleam (of the eye)], gazelle, species of antelope. 2. Dorcas. ?pei KUIV, dragon, Draco. 8opirr]OT6s, oD, [&6pirov, cf. SSJITJ/TJO-TOS] supper-time. 1.10 17 . 86pw, Sdparos, r6, [akin to SpCs, oak], shaft, spear. M 8 , to the right, opp. to iif or irop' do-jrj'Sa. 11. Cf. Sopdnov, 8opu-o'pos, ou, [], spear-bearer. 5.2*. 8ov\ia. os, slavery, bondage. 1. From SouXevw, (vffo'poSi ov, [ Qeiv, run a race or as in a race, run at fu/l speed. 15. drom- edary. Cf. tirTrd'-Spo/uos, irpo-Spo/u^. Svvajiai [st. Suca, |/ ?], impf. iSvvd.ft.riv, Svvi](TOfj.a.t, 5t$vvT)[tai, tSvvfjOriv, be able, w. iuf., can; have poicer or influence, jttyuTTOv Svvdnevot, the most powerful ; be etjunl to, mean. 1.5 6 ; 2.2 13 . Often with is or $ and adv. in sup. $ tSvvart TOX'O-TO, (is (/uickly as he was able. 151. Svvafjus, eccs, fj, ability, power, force ; force or forces, for war. els or Kara 8vva/j.tv, according to one's ability. 36. dyna- mite. 8uvdo-TT]s, ou, a man of power or influence, chief, prince. 1.2-'. dynasty. Swards, (], 6v, powerful, able, capable; pass.. piissili/e, /iracticabfe. 14. Cf. d-8uvaros. 8ovco, only in pres. sys., enter; set, of th<3 sun, ana. f)\ipos, x^P a > country], ruggedness of country. 3.5 16 . 8f5w [?], Sdffw, fSv|ui],<7(/J, present. 13. Doro- thea. v, fut. inf. E. 4a, ^j, ^5v, see tda>. saXtav, see a\iffKo/j.ai. (idv [el + Hv], or ijv, less often &, (w. subj.), i/, (/ perchance, in case that ; 4iu> /ui}, ?/ not, unless, except, lav re ... e&v re, whether .., or, be it ... or be it. idv-Tttp, stronger form of foreg., if indeed, if only. 4.6 17 . &Lom, (do-to, see tdu>. COMTOV, rjs, or avrov, rjs, [I, ourtJs], reflex, pron. of third pers., of himself, of her- self, of itself, his own, her own ; pi. their own. ol eoi/ToC, /us own (men or soldiers ) ; ri eauruv, their own (affairs, yoods, etc.); ^' iavTwv, by themselves. 150. H. Jt W. AXAB. 32 law [? for *treFcua, cf. old L. de-sev-are, cease], iiupf. e1uit> (etas, efd), toura), *lfdera, etc., let, permit ; let alone, let go, dismiss ; with ueg. = forbid, protest. 17. f3a\ov, see j8aAAa>. pSo[XT|KovTa [e&Sofji, seventh + TJ conn. vow. + Kovra = Skt. davau, ten], seventy. 1. ^pSojios, TJ, ov, [unexplained change fr. *fWTOfjios fr. eirrei], seventh. 6.2 12 . ly-j before /c, 7, x. = & ey-"ylyvo\i.a.i, take place in, arise in. 5.8 s . tyyvdw [tyyvr) (tv, yvaXov, hollow of the hand), pledge put into one's hand], ^trw, pledge ; mid. pledge oneself, promise. 7.4 13 . Cf. irop-. i adv.,yro;n near by ; near by. 4.2 27 . 77u + s, cf. /ie'xpt(s), V7Xi/ Jress ] near, absol. or w. gen., c. eyyvrfpu, s. -TOTCO or -repov, -rara ; after art. as adj. 2.2 11 , 16 . 32. [e- of unc. orig., |/7p, Skt. Vgar, watch], tytpw, tfyfipa, waken ; pass, and 2 pf. iypjjyopa, am awake, watch. 2. Gregory. Cf. d^-, , eV-ewaAeo-a, eyK^K\VKa, call in, call on or _/br, demand, call up (ace.) against (dat,), irz'n^r a charge against, blame. 4. -KaXihrrw, pf . m. fy-KfKd\vfifuu, cover (in) up, wrap up. 4.5 19 . , lie in, on or therein. 4.5 28 . ur^ea 1 on, Wrf- , head~\, brain; pith of the palm shoots or perh. the large buds that tip the stock. 2. y-Kpa,TTJs, e's, [icpdros, power], having in one's power, master of. 2. IYVW-, see ytyvctxTKta. see eyefpw. [xaAWs, 6nrfZe], ^-x-Kexa^^w- /*ot, bridle. 3. *Y"X 1 P W lxW ' a ^ e l " n ^"c? undertake. 5.1 8 . X l pt8iov, ow, [^v, x e ^p]i (hand) knife, dagger. 4.3 12 . 'X 41 ?'? 10 I 6 '*"' X 6 *'p] i ffta > tv-fxf'ipurn, put into one's hand, entrust. 3.2 8 . 498 VOCABULARY- *' w P ur '" 4.3 18 . [L. ego, Sax. ic], gen. IIMOV or /J.QV, I, me; pi., rj^els, we. 717. J-YW-Y*, 1 a ' / eas > -^./0 r m .y port. 1 5. ?8i, eSejro, fSfridijv, see 6tofj.cu. Ktitrav, see 5e/5w. 8T]8oKOTs, see faQi, TJo-w, 10, 6e willing, wish, prefer; 0t\(av, like HfffJLfvos, sometimes used ad- verbially, willingly. Syn. ySoiiAo/uaj. Cf. , see rtDTjfii. I0vos, ouj, T(, [?], nation, tribe; KOT' ?0v7j, nation by nation. 7. ethnic. cl [loc. of st. akin to e- ?], conj. with indie. and opt., //"; KO! ei, eyen (/"; ' ca/, a/- thoiigh ; el fj.'fi, if not, unless, except ; ei 5e /A^, 6u< i/" not, otherwise, 2 2-; 4.3*; ? TJS, elf TI, whoever, whatever, nearly = forts, cf. 1.4 9 ; 5 1 ; 6 1 ; in indirect ques- tions, whether ; tire . . . elre, whether . . . or. 186? etd, ffaffe, see ttito. cl&vcu, inf. of o?5a, / know, 2 pf. of (ftca non-Att., [ yFiS, L. video, E. WIT, WOT], see ; mid. appear, idea, idol, idyl. Other tenses t1, opt. flioi/LU, inf. ISf'iv, pt. iStav, saw, 2 a. to bpdia. 59. ctSos, ovs, T&, appearance, form, shape. . Whence -e<5^s, -^s (or -taS-ns fr. a- ), like, -ly, see eu-eiS^s, flOjUo-eiSrjj. see o?5a. ctrv, efrji', see ftyit/. see 1-n/ju. K<($], impf. eT/ca^bc. dff. etKa(ra, liken, compare ; infer from comparison, conjecture, .gitets. 8. 2 pf oica [lca)], and 2 pip. tifKtw as pres. and impf., 6e Vte, resemble; seem ; seems likely, proper, tc. 10. IKO'S, 6ros, r6, . pf. pt. nent. of *efrfw], likely, probable, > ^asonable, \v. or without tariv ; as subs, i likelihood, probabil- ity. 9. tKo, loir\v or luiui, Wt, Itvcu, luv; impf. fietv or rja, go, less often come ; pres. ind. mostly as fut. to tpxo/j.ai, am goini/, will go. 10i = L. age, come. 66. Cf. HIT-, ffw-ocK-, fla-, e|-, T-, K&T-, trap-, avn- fdp-, fvi-vdp-, irtpi-, vpo-, irpoff-, ffvv-} iTtov, ovff-irdp-iros ; lffd/j.&s. tlira, see tfaov. l'-Trp, stronger form of i, if really, if in- deed. 7. cVirTo, see firoutu. ctirov [= fFeirov, yFf*, cf. ftros, word, epic], 2 a. to \f-yw ; pf. ftp-qica., -pai, tp- pj\6i)v, say, speak, tell ; command (w. inf., cf. 1.3 U ). 189. Cf. di^, vpoff-av-, dr-. tl^)-y w [ t Fepy, akin to L.urgeo, E. WREAK], impf. tlpyov, etpta, shut in or out, keep away : prevent. 4. Cf. Si- ; opxos. , efprjTo, elpnu^va, see fltrov, say. VOCABULARY. 499 tlpr\vT]. i)s, [? cf. rfpw, join ; or, ttpta, say], peace. 5. irenic. il$ [for iv-s, cf. irpo, irpos], prep. \v. ace. only, into, unto, to, among, against ; of number, measure, up to, to the number of, to the extent of, et's Svvaniv, els OKT& ; of pur- pose, relation, etc.,for, in respect to, 1 .9 16 ; of time, unto, until; on, at (a time when it is come to), against, 1.7 1 ; 2.S' 25 ; 4.1 15 . See H. 796, b ; w. verbs of rest imply- ing a previous motion, in, at. 1.1 s . 321. Cf. iv, etffta. f .s, nia, 4v, gen. |j>oj, /was, **, [for Svs, for */, cf. 8/to, L. gem-el, E. SAME, SOME], one, alone; naff ifa, one by one ; els TIS, single one. 49. (l, du>, 2 a. --ijyayof, lead into, bring into, 4. lo--aKovrtt;w, shoot darts into, in otat. 7.4 18 . elcr-palvto, 2 a. -t&i)V, go into, embark. 5.7 15 . tlcr-fJaXXw, throw into ; enter into ; empty. 3. l, /cap ?>rfo. 1.5 8 . clcr-irCirrw, fall into, rush into. 3. l oear or i''^ in 7.3 21 . lo--op, (a\a.ros exotic, exoteric. 4Ka-red. 14. fios, ov, [tKaros, epithet of Apollo, , ffecatonymus. 5.5 7 . JK-paCvw, -Qjiffo/jiai, 2 a. -<*/8?jv, -/3t/37jKo, go out or forth ; disembark ; sally forth. 9, lK-pdXXw, -jSoAw, 2 a -e&a\ov, &0\i]Ka, throw out or away; drive out, txpel. 6. ?K-f5acrt.s, ecus. ??, [ftaiftt], a going out, wag out, outlet, pass. 5. 'EicpaTava, tav, [? c old Per*, hagmatan, place of assemblies], Ecoatana, capital of Media, where the Persian kings passed the summer. 3.5 15 . u, run forth to the rescue. ?.**, 500 VOCABULARY. s, ov, [ylyvouai], born of; as subs. offspring, descendant 2. -, see f/c-rpe'xw. tpw, -Stpw, -toftpa, skin (08), fay 1.2 s ress out, crowd out. 2. tK-KoXvuTtu, -KKaAu,ujuai, uncover. 1 2 16 . CKK\i](ria, as, [cK-aAe'ci>], assembly, regu- larly summoned, opp. to av\-\oyos. 2. KKXT](ridtt, ca// an assembly. 5 3 37 . CK-xXiva), 6enc? out or back, yield, give way. uv. K-KOf).u>, iau>, -tK6uicra, carry out or ojf. 3. , ^cc, -tKoif/a, cut out, off 'or down. 2. [iti/ftr], head}, turn a somer- set. 6.1 9 . JK-KV)ia(vcd [Kvfua, wave}, swell out, bend out. 1.8 18 . K-Xyw, -A^, -e'Affa, /)ici out, select. 3. eclectic, eclogue. ^K-Xcfirw, -\eify(a, 2 a. -^AITOV, -Ae'Aojira, (go) o< o/" (and) leave, abandon, forsake ; disappear. 6. eclipse. cK-fXTjpOofwii, wind out, defile. G.5 22 . K-TrejiirKv [t'/c, wows], adv , out from the feet, out of the way ; e* Tfoitlffdat, put out of the way. 1 6 9 ; 2 S 29 tK-TTOpevojiai, fvcro/uitt.i, proceed, go or march forth. 3. CK-iropij^o), fffo) or iw, stronger form of vopifa, provide, piocure 2 ?K7rwp.a, arcs, T(J, [<>c-ir^w], drinking cup. 3. CKTCUOS, d, ov, [SICTOS], on w, -Qptyta, 2 a. p. -erpd. 7.2 3 - K-rp6\a), -Spau.oiiu.ai. -8f5pau7?a, 2 a. -(Spa/toy, run out, sally jorth. 2. aivo), s/iow forth, show openly, de- c/are. 3-1 16 . K-4>t'pu>, -oi'(ra> : -^vey/ta, in'njr of, rarry ybrtA ; 9/1-6 out, report ; begin open (war). 5. -^VY", -os, ov, 6, fi, [1], deer, staff, hind. 2. Xapos, a, ov, [?], light, quick, agile. 2. tXa(f>pu>s, adv., lightly, nimbly. 2. s, see f\drrtav. t, T)\ey- ^t question, cross-examine ; prove, con- vict. 4. IXtiv, i\e(rOai. 2 a. of alptu. lXcX(co, i'|o), TjAeAjfo, sliuut tAeAeC, raise the war-cry, shout. 2. 4Xcu0epta, as. freedom, liberty. 4. eXevSepos, a, ov, [? e-proth. \*vO, akin to L. lioer (forleuber)], free, independent. 5. see , see \afjL elv, -ittv, 2 a. of ?XKto [ \ Fe\K, akin to L. sulc-o, plough], impf. elA/cov, draw, drag, pull, tow. 3. Cf. Ka.6-, in pi- ; 6\nds. 'EXXds, aSoj, rj, Hellas, the country after- ward called by the Romans Urae'cia, after a tribe in Epirus. The name was first used to designate a city and dis- trict in southern Thessaly, and was afterward extended to all Greece. 'EXXds, dSos, ?i, Hellas, wife of the elder Gougylos. 7.8 8 . "EXXriv, rjvos, b, [?], Hellen, the mythical son of Deucalion and reputed founder of the Greek tribes through his sons j Aeolus and Dorus and his grandsons Achaeus and Ion ; a (jret-k : as adj. Greek. 4XXr|vi, iffca, speak Greek. 7.S 25 . f EXXi]viK6s, -fi, ov, Hellenic, Greet:, Gre- cian ; rb 'E\\T]viKOf (, do-to or o>, -ej8i'/3a<7a, make go in or embark, j/ut on board. 2. p.-f3oXrj, ^y, [0oAAa>], entrance, invasion. 4.1*. ^'fieiva, see /u.eVa>. (j^. ^(i-iraXiv, adv., in use much like ird\iv, back, baekward* t back aqain ; often with the art. as adv. acc.,ri i. or Tovp.ira\iv. 5. tfi-ireSow [u-7re5os, in the ground], hold faxt, ratify. 3.2 1 '. ^[i-irsipos, ov, [ire?pa, trial], experienced, ac- quainted with (gen.). 5. empiric. Ijji-ireipws, adv., with experience ; fa- tx 6 '" w. gen., be acquainted with. 2.6 1 . [x-ir|xirX-q|ii, impf. -eTrifjLir\r]v, -irA^crw, a. p. -rir\-fio-Ovv,Jill in or up, Jill full; 1.7 8 , satisfy. 3. impf. -firlfj.irprji', -irp^tfai, Iv- set fire (in) to, set on fire. 3. (i-irbrT(i>, -iretroCyuot, 2 a. -fireffov, -ireirrcaKa, fall into or among ; fall upon; fall into one's mind, occur. 7. l|i-iroSCci> [iroui], impede. 4.S 29 . 502 VOCABULARY. Ivflairip s, cv, impeding, in the way ; rb ov, obstacle. 2. [after the analogy of fK-iroodv] , adv., among one's feet, in the way, efi.- tlvai, be in the way, hinder. 3. ^n-woUw, flew etc., create in, inspire in, im- press upon. 3. 4|A-7roXdw [^uiroAij, merchandise, see iruKtu], flffu, gain by sale. 7.5*. ijj.-n-cpi.ov, ov, trading-place, emporium. 1.4 tt . ^Tropos, ov, [trdpos, journey, voyage], mer- chant. 2. i(i-irpoa-yiv, 2 a. inf. of tv-etpayov, not in use], eat in; eat moderately or hastily. 4.2 1 ; 5.9. {(j.-avTJs, es, [tyalvca], appearing among, visible, clearly seen, open ; iv T$ tfj.ava>s t adv., openly. 1. iv [for evl. prob. loc., akin to av], L. in, iw, prep. w. dat. only ; of place, in, on, at, among, tv 8e{t, on the right ; of time, in, during, tv $ (xpdvcp), in which time, while ; of manner, means etc., in, with, by. 427. In comp., iv tp.- before a labial, = ty- before a palatal ; in, at ; a modified de- gree, cf. tii.Qa.yeiv; possession, cf. eftireipos, Cf. 6j's, fv, see efs. fv-o-yKvXdw [ayvv\ri, thong, cf. St-ayK-], Jit thonys in or 'to. 4.2- 8 . lv-avTido|iai, cin the opp, side; ol fv., the enemy ; ravav-ria (= TO v-), in the opp. direction. 12. ^V-dirr, dtyo}, fasten in or on ; set on jire, kindle. 7. ?vo.TO9, r), ov, \ivvd\, ninth. 4.5 s *. fv-av\i5t iat a P- -i)i\ttrOriy t lodge for the night. 7.7 s . 2v8aa, as, [tv-Htiis, Stu, want], want, need. 3. ev-SeiKvvfiL, sliotv herein or particularly, exhibit. 6. 1 19 . IvScKaros, rj, ov, [eVSexa], eleventh. 1.7 11 . v-8^w, be wanting, quite like 5e'a> ; (vSe7, impf. tv-eSei, there is need. 6. 1 31 ; 7. 1 41 . ?v-8i]\os, ov, evident in or therein, evidtr.t. 3. On eV, in adjs. cf . f/j.-avfis, avfp6s ; tv-avrios, avrlos ; ev-Ttjj.os, rlft.ios. ?v-8T](ios, ov, in or among a people, native, home-; T& evSij/xa, home affairs, revenues etc. 1. endemic. tvS^pios, ov, [Si(j)pos],on (same) seat ; o tv-, table- companion. 2. ^v5o9ev, adv.,/ro/ within. 3. ^vSov, adv., within. 12. [-Sov, ace. of pron. st. Sa, cf. 5e, L. en-do]. 2v-8oos, ov, [5o|a], held in honor, honor- able. 6. 1 23 . v-Scco, -SiHTu, -SfSvua, 2 a. -fSvv, put on. 1.8 3 ; 5.4 13 . ^v-^paXov, see ^-j3ciA\w. v-8pa, as, sitting in wait, ambush, ambus* cade. 4.7 22 . IveSpevw, lie in wait or in ambush. 3. ?v-i(xi, -rjv, -tffofiai, be in, on or therein. 10. or i(vKv [?], prep. w. gen., comm. after its case, on account of, for the sake of,for. 34. ra [unexplained modification of fvvta.-\- Kovra, cf. ijSSo/xTjKOJ'Ta], ninety. 3. v6s, a, 6v, [?], dumb. 4.5 33 . ^v-Tr\T|o-6Tj, see ^u-TrfjUTrArjjui. 1.10 12 . v-^irpTj, holdfast in, entangle. 7.4 17 . ^VTjS-, see tveS-. Iv-ijv, see 2v-ei/j.t. ?v9a [-00, akin to L. (in)-de], adv.: 1. dem., there, here; less exactly, thither, with verbs of motion ; of time, thereupon, then ; 2. rel., where ; of time, when. 64. IvOd-Se [cf. -8f], adv., A/6a], adv. : dem., thence, hence; ilvdev /j.fv . . . fvQfv 8e, on one side ... on the other, hence . . . thence ; tvQfv Ka.1 e"v0fv, on this side and on that : rel., whence. 22. tvOcvSc, stronger form of foreg.,/ro/n this very place, hence. 8. V-9v|iO|xai, Tjao/uai, -TfQvfj.nfi.cu,, -f6vfj.T)6r)v, lay to heart, consider, ponder. 8. v9tf|AT||ia, aros, r6, thought, device, plan. 2. V-9wpa,Kiw, -TfQiapa.KifffjLO.1, put on the corselet, arm fully. 7.4 16 . ?vi, for fVfffft. 5.3 11 . Ivt, see els. viavrds, ov, [?], year. 5. J-VWH, at, a, [? peril, for evi ol = %V, gen. pi. pres. pt. of tv-ftpi. ev-o-n-Xios, ov, [ov\a, arms], belonging to arms, martial. 6.1 n . ev-opdw, 2 a. -e ?8ov, pt. -ibuv, see in or here- in. 1.3 15 ; 7.7 43 . iv-o\\&a [5x^os, crowd; trouble], -fiffco, trouble, interfere with (dat.). 2. ev-o-Ktvei^w. dffta,(jet ready, dress up. 6. 1 12 . tvrav9a [prob. for fv6a.-v-Qa\, adv., here, there; less exactly, hither ; of time, then, thereupon, hereupon. 133. v-Tivw, stretch out at, lay on. 2.4 11 . Cf. s, [r^Aos, end], complete, full. 1.41 3 . , -(Tet\dfj.Tjv, raise (and put) upon, enjoin, command. 5. 1 13 . Cf . dva- ; fvro\Tfi, injunction. T. 71. repov, ov, [tv -4- rtpov], the inner part, in- testine. 2.5 s3 . VT09v [prob. for evOa-v-Qev], adv., thence, hence ; of time, henceforth, thereupon ; oi source, thence, therefore. 64. V-Ti9rjp.u, 2 a. -edrjKa (Oco, Ofirjv), 2 a. m -fdtfj.i)v, nut in or on. 3. i!v-Tt[ios, ov, in honor, honored. 3. v-Tf(iws, adv., in honor. 2.1 7 . v-Tox i S) ot> > [ T *X OS wall], on the wall. t 7.8i. 'vr6vs [ef-rovos, -re^oj], adv., strenuously, 7.5 T . tvros [^v, cf. L. in-tus], adv., within, abs. or w. gen. 6. -Tvyx^vw, -rfv^oftai, 2 a. -ervxov, happen upon, fall in with, find, come to. 13. 'EvvoXios, ov, ['Evvta, goddess of war, com- panion of Ares], Eni/alius, epithet of Ares, to whom the Greeks cried on enter- ing battle. 1.8 18 . vwjioT-apx^os, ov, [ tv(&fj.oros, stcorn in (ofj-vvfii, mi-ear)], enomotarch, leader of a band of soldiers. 2. v&)[AOTia, as, [tvcanoros, sworn in (ouvvftt, stcear)],band of soldiers, bound by oath, enomoty, containing twenty-five or, ac- cord. to Thucydides, thirty-two men. 3. ig, L. sex, six. 8. Cf. e/CTJs, 4/cTa7oj. ', see tit. , e\, -iffyeiKa, report without, bring out word, report. 4. '-a-yto, d|a), 2 a. -fiyayov, lead out or forth ; lead on, induce. 10. ov, [atptu], chosen out, choice. , "fiVTis [for -aT]s. 4|aKier-j^fXioi, a, o, six thousand. 4. , shoot out or forth. 5 4'-^. , at, a, [Dor. -KO.TIOI = e-Kar6v], six hundred. 11. e'(j-aXa.Tra.a>, a|a), stronger form of d\o- irafa, plunder, desolate. 7. 1' 29 . e'g-aXXopai. -a\ovfj.ai, -rj\dfj.i)v, spring out ol aside. 7.3 s3 . 504 VOCABULARY. c'-a|xapTavci>, err from, err, do wrong ; in 5. 7 s3 w. cognate ace. e-a.v-taTT||u, -<7T7Jffa, 2 a. -eVrTjv, raise up ; mid., 2. a. and pf. act. intr., rise or stand u/i, start up. 6. s^-airardw, ^ impf. -rjpxov, lead - a - -^^^0", come or 70 forth, depart ; of time, expire. 15. 8g-, lead out ; n /uti', tell ; disclose. 2. ^-TJ-, see r{-6t M . t^Kovra [-KOVTO, cf Skt. da^an, i tff. opTT|, ^s, [?], feast, Jest iral. 3. , --fiyyei\a, announce (and enjoin) upon, antioniirc witli authority; mid., announce as taken upon oneself, pro/ti/xc, profess, offer. 3. tir-ayyf\la, promise. T. 53. ir-d.Y<<>, brinrj against ; tir-rjKTO. 7.7 al . ^iraflov, 2 a. of 7rc, add a threat, threaten. 6.2 7 . da), launh, exult over. 2.4-". pw, -^yf'pa. rouse ;>, awaken. ret [v, ovffa., ov, following, succeeding. 24. ir--rrp, stronger form of eVef, since at all events, since indeed. 5. {irei, impf. tir-f-f0eoi>, run out against, sail;/ forth upon. 5.2-'-. ir-Xnrov, 2 a. of firi-\tliru>. ir--pxofi.a.i, iir-e-f\-fi\v9a, go (or come) forth against. 5.2'. irirdfi.qv, plpf. of ndo/tat 6ir-'ire, prai/ to; imprecate upon, utter imprecations. 5.6 3 . fir-dvT|, 2 a. p. of eirt--f{w, 2 a. -tffxov, hold on or 6nct, restrain; cease from, refrain from. S.4* 5 . Cf. ^T-OX^. cessation, epoch. ^Tr-T^tiv, yaa.v. see t-rr-tifu, no anainst. tir-^KOOS, ov, [e'ir-aKOtieo], hearing ; with es, fr or ^{ = within hearing. 4. "infjv or irdv [tirfl -f ij], conj. only with subj., whenever, when ; t. re ii/xm lir-f|V' favrtav, by themselves (i. e., strictly depending on themselves) ; then in the same general sense, ^>' ev6s, one by one ; M rerrdptav, four deep. 60. With dat. : of place, on, upon, at, in, bt/ ; of time (rare), on, at, after ; of depen- dence, u/ion, dependent upon, in the power of, eirl rip dSeAiJxp, in the power of his brother ; of cause, purpose etc., on ac- count of, for, on condition that, tirl rovrcp, on this account, 3.1' 2 ', or for this purpose, 1.3 1 ; e, plan against, plot against (dat.); scheme to get (dat.). 15. liri-povX^, rjs, plan or scheme against, plot. 6. iri--yfyvon.(u, 2 a. -fyevofjiiiv, come upon, at* tack. 2. 7rt--ypd4>a>, ^w, -{ypccfya, write upon, in- scribe. 5.3 s . -opda>. iri-8iwKw, |w, pursue after, pursue close- ly. 3. !iri-8pau.iv, 2 a. of tirt-TpfX'*- irt56(jn]v, see vie fa. iri-0aXfj.6s, mind],Ji, -ficouprio-a, assist, protect against, ward off" (ace.), from (dat.). 3. iriKovpr]fia, aroj, r6, protection. 4.5 13 . jirucpdrcia, as, [tti-Kpar-fts, having power over], power over, mastery. 2. firi-KpxrnTtt, cover over, concoal, disguise. l.l 6 . fciri-KvuTtt, ifw, -eicvtya, bend or stoop over. 4.5 32 . iri-Kvp6u, diffu, -ficvpwaa, confirm, ratify. 3.2 s2 . See Kvpios. 7ri-Xap.pdvco, 2 a. -i\aftov, seize upon, lay hold of; overtake, reach, find ; mid., hold oneself on by (gen.), seize. 4. e"'*i-\T)tyis, epilepsy. iri-\av0dvopLai [ \avQivta, escape one's notice], 2 a. -f\a66fj.r}v, let escape one's notice,ybr<7e< (gen.). 3. 2^. Tri-\y w say also or moreover. 1.9' 2 ' 1 . epi-logue. tiri-XtCiroj, -\ftyat, 2 a. -^AHTOf, -XAoiro, leave behind, rb iiri\tnr6nfvov, the part left behind ; fail (one), be wanting. 6. In-C-XtKTOS, of, [tiri-\fy-{iroft.at. tirio-rajiai [lit. stantl upon or o>-er,cf. Ger. verstehen|, impf. rjirjo-Ta^rji', A-wow, i-wo/r how (with inf.), understand, be acquainted with. 27. Cf. 4iri-dTTio, aa>, -eV, -Ta|a, -rercry/uai, put upon ( dat. ) as a duty, enjoin upon, charge : $ eTTfTfraicTo (impers. ), on whom it had been enjoined, 2.3' ; draw up next or be- hind. 3. tiri-TcXew, firta, -cre\fffa, fulfill, accomplish, complete, esp. of visions, oracles etc. 4.3 13 . iriTT)Sios, , -6+iao>, ~^8r)Ka (Ow, Oei-rjv, Oetvat, -Oeis), -TfOfiKa, put or place upon ; of penalties, impose, inflict ; mid., set oneself against, fall upon, at- tack (dat.). 26. firiOfTov, epithet. See v-tirl-6tTos. em-TptTrw, --rpi^/ta, -e'rpeij/a, -Tf-rpoaiv(i>, -fyavia, e'^Tjco, 2 a. p. -tfyaviiv, show forth, disp/ai/ (cf. tTrtSfiKvu/ui) ; mid., show oneself, come into view, appear suddenly. 6. epi-phany. iri-, bring upon or against / mid., rush upon, attack. 1.9 s , b.8*>. iri-4>opew, ir\a hand], i\ P ur upon or in. 4.5 27 . eiTi-^ajpeco, TJCTCO, -ex<*>prij(ra, pu< io I'Ote, JOM< /Ae question ; mid., vote for. 4. ir-i.ov, Tjffa), -tfKoS6fj.r]/j.a.i, build upon. 3.4". lirofiai, impf. elir6/j.tiv, e'4/o^ai, 2 a. ttrir6ft.rjv, follow (dat. or p.c'vos, 77, ov, [pf. pt. of puvvvfii, be strong], strengthened, strong, resolute, c. -eorepos, s. -eVraTOs. 2. {ppcdp^vws, adv., resolutely. 6.3 G . On its formation cf. ireuAa7/ueVci>s. epOKto, &ee/j >ac, restrain, ward off". 3. 1 25 . Cf. air-. Akin to fyi/o/icu, ware? o^", whence ?pv(jia, aroj, r6, guard, defence, stockade, fortress. 5. Ipvpvos, -f), 6v, defensible, strong ; TO tpvfuvd, strongholds. 5. ^pxop.ai [for (p-(TK-ofiai, \ f fp, later A], ^AeiJiro^ac, AfjAufla, 2 a. T^AOoj', come, go. 138. In Att. its use is confined chiefly to the pres. indie., pf. and 2 a., other parts supplied by forms of ef^i, viz., Teo, Ibi/ui, tdi, Itvat, luv; impf. $a or fifty, fut. eljui, less often ?ica, as, arros, 6, [^paco, on forma, cf. yfAwil, love, desire. 2.S 22 . erotic. IptdTOuo [?], impf. ripwTwv, ri/,-, >/ about, inquire, question ; two aces, or ace. -f clause (ri, irirtpov, 6ir6ffov, e etc.). 45. Cf. dv-, tir-, 4s, old Att. form of els. i TITOS, y, [fvvv/j.t, for Feff-vv-m, L vestis, E. WEAR], clothing, clothts. 3. Cf l/JLaTlOV. "n ( or os)> ov, ready, prepar- ed. 5. Toi|Atos, adv., readily, promptly. 2. ZTOS, ous, T(J, [for Feros, L. vetus], year. 10. The Attic year began with the summer solstice, and was divided into twelve months of twenty-nine and thirty days alternately. An intercalary month of thirty days was inserted every third, fifth, and eighth year in every cycle of eight years, eV^jerjos, annual, etesian. ETpdirero, 2 a. m. of Tp&rw. tTpd(j)T]v, 2 a. p. of rpe(p. v, see nrpiaffKoi. V, 2 a. of rvyxa- v(a - cS [neut. of Ep. evs,good], adv., (toayaOifs), well ; variously rendered to suit the con- text, good, fortunately, prosperously, hap- pily etc. 41. In comp., well, good, very, much. eu-. See Internal. Diet. vSai|U>v(a, ay, good fortune, prosperity. 2.51 3 . cvSai|iov(t, very plain or evident. 2. as, fe^-Sios (lit. very divine), calni], fair weather, calm ; metaph. tranquillity. 5.8 1 '. tv-i8T|S, es, [ e?8os, form], irell-formcd, handsome ; c. -eartpos, s. -eVraTos. 2.3 s . tfl-tXiris, i, g. 8o$, of (/ood hope, hopeful. 2.1 18 . tv-iri-0TOSi ov, [firi-ri6r]ft.i, attack], easy of attack, easy (for one, dat.) to attack. 3.4 21 . vtpY(ra, as, [for -r/a], u-ell-doing, benefi- cence, kindness. 3. v-p-yT^u>, ^crw, do a favor, show kind- ness. 2. tvep-yerrjs, ov, [*fpyw, work], well-doer, bene- factor. 4. ">7, girdle], well-girt for exercise or walking, active, nimble of troops, light-armed. 7. VTJ0eta, as, goodness of disposition, sim- plicity ; stujiidity. 1.3 1B . V-i]9T)S) fs, [$9os, disposition], good-hearted, simple; stupid. 1.3 16 . evOufMo), -fiffd), to make cheerful; intr. and mid., be cheerful, be in good spirits. 4.5 !> ^ ii-0iJ(AOS, ov, cheerful, in good spirits. 3.1 u j -u9vs x, u, [?], straight, direct, whence v6vs [neut. euOd + s, 'cf. ^77^-$], adv., directly, straightway, immediately. 52. evOviwpov [neut. of evOvwpos ; on end, -tapov, cf. irATjfl-ajpT;], adv., in a straight line, straightforward. 2.2 16 . Sos ctf-oSo$, ov, having a good road, easy to travel. 3. ov, well-armed or equipped. 2.3 3 . [fv-iw"i)s, falling well (irtVrw, fall), esp. of dice, hence east/], easily. 4. cviropio, as, easy getting through, easy means of providing; abundance, plenty. 3. ttf-iropos, ov, easy to pass through, easily passed ; easy ; going easily, well-pro- vided, well-off". 4. Ant. &-iropos. ctf-irpaKTOS, ov, [irpdrrta, Jo], easily done, practicable. 2.3- J . VKirpTTTJs, e's, [irptirio, be fitting], comely, handsome. 4.1 H . Cf. fii-tto^s. v-Trp6 . iipT)(ia, aros,r6,afind, esp. & piece of good fortune, godsend. 2. cvpuncw [i], (vpriffia, 2 a. yvpov, Ti'vpnica, -fj.ai, rivpfOyv, find, find out, discover, de- vise. 25. Cf. a.v-. cvpos, ovs, r6, [evpus], width, breadth. 27. Evpv-Xoxos, ov, [far-famed in ambushing * see tvpvs], Eurylochus, a captain from Arcadia. 4.2 21 ; 7.11. Evpv-paxos [ vide or far-famed fighter, see tvpvs], Eurymackus. 5.6 21 . tvpvs, eta, v, [Skt. uriis, wide], wide, broad, spacious. 2. In many proper names = wide, far, far-reaching, far-spread, far- and-wide. % cvpwv, 2 a. pt. of tvp'untu. Evpuin], rjs, [cf. Ileb. ereb, evening, west], Europe, the continent. 7. 1 27 . eii-TOKToSf ov, [ TctTTw ], well-arranged, orderly, well-disciplined. 2. vraKTs, adv., orderly, in good order. 6.6 s5 . (vra^Ca, oj, [for -TaKria],good order, disci- pline. 2. y, fortunate, see Ti7x < **' Cl ']' be fortunate, be success- ful. 1.4 17 ; 6.3. vrvxT|(ji,a, OTOS, r6, a bit of good fortune, a success. 6.3 6 . Ewj>pa.TT]s, ov, [Pers. Hufrat, beautiful flowing or good abounding], Euphrates river. It is formed by two branches, Frat ami Murad, which rise in Arme- nia, and flow southeasterly into the Persian Gulf. 1.3 20 . , rjs, prat/er, wish, vow. 1.9 11 . ? J imp- Tivxtwv, fvofj. Tfjvyij.ai, pray (absol. that (ace. + inf.) or for (ace.), wish, vow. 16. See ew-, (ryv-eir-, irp6ff-. v-u8r)s, es, sweet-smelling, fragrant. 3. [ofa (for o8-iw), L. odor]. See b- i>vfj.ov (nepas), the left wing of the army. 17. uX.'w [**v-o>x os > xt, support, food, fr. *X<&\> $, feast or feed (one) well; mid.,feast,bewellfed. 4.5 30 ; 5.3 11 . wwx' a ' a ^> [*eX*> "x4 support, food. IT. fx&], feast, good cheer. 6.1*. &|>', see V/. ^(f>a-yov, 2 a. of dvT]v, 2 a. p. of aiVa. &j>arjni. ty-&pos, ov, [fSpa, seat], a third contestant who sits by ready to fight the victor, antagonist, avenger. 2.5 10 . 4>-lOT-, See ^>-l'oTJJyUJ. 6-Vo(iai, impf. -ftir6/j.riv, -t\j/o/j.ai, 2 a. fir-(ffir6fjLi]v, follow after, pursue after, press upon; attack. 15. 'Entries, d, ov, Ephesian. "E4>f)fj.(. jtyrjvo, 1 a. of (palvea. <|>66s, 4, ov, [for tyrds, verbal of fyo>], boiled, cooked. 5.4 3 -. 44>-i-68iov, ou, [65Js], ch. in pi., supplies or monei/ for the way. 2. ?4>-o8os, ou, ^, way toot going to,- approach, access, o. VOCABULARY. 611 tcfj-opdco [iirl, 6pdca], 2 a. tir-e'!$ov, look upon, witness ; oversee, watch over. 4. &-op|Aw, lie at anchor against, blockade. 7.G*. ^4>-opos, ov, 6, [tvyov, 2 a. of . tyjipa., as, enmity, hatred. 2.4 12 . Old fern, of fyOpos, o, 6v, [exOos, poet, for foreg.], hated, hateful, hostile; comp. irregularly, IX^M, exOto-ros; as subs, enemy, foe, private as disting. fr. iroA^moy, a public or political enemy. 8. See dtr-fx^dvo^ai. X v Ps > <*"> [X W ]> tenable and so, strong, secure-. 2. See oxvpds- some nouns], impf. *lx ov > * 2 a. effxov, e^x^Ka, eaxW ": ! sess, occupy, inhabit etc.) ; fx (av > ovaa, ov, having, often = with, accompanied by. l.l 2 ; 2.6 15 . 2. AoW (holdfast, hold out, hold back, restrain, hinder etc.). 3. with int., have power, be able. 2.1 9 ; 2.2 11 . 4. with advs., be : eS, KUKWS, fVvoiKias, evri- (jicos, tpireiptas X '"> b 6 well, ill, well disposed, honored, acquainted with, l.l 5 ; 2.1 7 ; 6.1. 5. mid., with gen., hold to, cling to, be next to. 428. See av-, aw-, Si; tv-, 4lT-, KO.T-, /UT-, 1fO()-, ITtpl., TTpO-, irpoff-, arvv; \nrtp-, far- ; Note also O-X^M^J scheme, tKTticds, hectic, "Eitrcap, Hector. IJ/TjTrfs, -fi, 6v, [fyo>, cf. e, d. ^>, ace. e, ^, dawn, daybreak ; east. 5. [Aeol. a&cos for *aijffws, |/us, 6urn, EAST]. t'cos [akin to of], conj., unfj/, till; while, so long as. & k. j E V, cf. ^evyvvfjii, r= Sj (Si), cf. Zen's, eAirt'>, ffa, oifa, et L Zairdras, ov, [Syr. zaba, wolf], Zapatas or Great Zab, one of the principal eastern tributaries of the Tigris. 2.5 1 . iia [? J , imp. efau, ^ffo> ; a. and pf . from /3j e\awu], driver of a yoke of oxen, teamster. 6.1 s . . ju(n)g-o, E. YOKE], oke (join, bind, fasten etc.). 5. See ava,-, 5a-. levyos, ovs, r6, yoke, pair, team. 8. Qoy6v, yoke, cross-bar. See viro-6yiov. Ztvs [Skt. dyaus, ydi, div, shine], A$s, Af, Ai'a, ZeD, Zisws, son of Rhea and Cronus, whom he dethroned, the supreme divinity of the Greeks. He was the giver of victory, protector of kings and generals, guardian of oaths and of the rights of hospitality. Sax. Tiw, whence Tues-day. ZrjX-apxos, ov, [emulous ruler], Zelarchus, director of the market. 5.7 s *. JrjXwTOS, "fi t 6v, enviable ; object of envy. 1.7*. From &]\6 [rj/xfa, damage, fine, T. 4], c. TJT*W [ 7 ],^ [fats, ayptw, catch], take alive, take captive. (ay, pt. of dt*. 512 VOCABULARY. [inceptive of ri0di, fr. j}jj, youth, Hebe], come to age or manhood. 4.6 1 ; 7.4". , 2 a. of 4701. j, a. p. of ayanai. tj-yfiov(a, as, leadership, chief command. hegemony. 4.7 8 . ifyH l< > < *" uva > -, Si-, e'|-, KO.6-, irpo-, v<(>-. i\yif>9r\a-a.v, see tytipta 'HyncravSpos [leader of men], Hegesander, 6.3 s . ^yovfuvoi, ol, those in front, the van, pres. pt. of Tjyfoncu. fiBtiV, 2 plpf of o75o. r\B4o>s [ri$vf], adv., pleasantly, with pleasure, gladly ; c. TJStov, s. T^Siffra. 9. ij8T) [' perh ^ -f- 8^], adv., of the imme- diate past, a/ready, now; of the imme- diate fut., at once, forthwith 95. Syn vvv, now =: at the present moment. fjSo|iai, rjcrB'fiffo/j.ai, ^\aQ^v, be pleased, glad, delight in ; \v. dat., rovrois, linrcp or pt. IStav, rifj.tafj.fvos. 11. [ yo~FaS, L. sua(d)vis, E. SWEET]. See aw-. t|8ovTJ, TJS, pleasure, delight ; what pleases the taste, flavor, taste. 3. hedonism. f|Svvd|iT)v, see 8wayuo. T|8v-oivos, ov, producing sweet wine. 6.4 6 . T|8ws e?a, {>, g. ^oj, etas, [cf. f}5o/teu], sweet, pleasant, delicious ; pleasing, agreeable ; c. fitiitav, s. ^Surras. 13. See affpevos, Tpi, see a^iKv^o/jiai], impf. %KOV, f)fa), the pres. is comm. used as pf., impf. as plpf., fut. as fut. pf., am come t have come, have arrived, am present; come, come back. 90. Cf. otxofj.ai, am gone. See dv-, -, Ka8-, irpoff-. 'HXeios, ov, [^HAts, Elis, cf. e\os, low ground] an Elean, of Elis, a rich and populous state of western Peloponnesus. ^XtKTpov, ou, [ cf Skt. arch, shine], elec- tron, amber; in 2.3 15 is prob. meant a bright yellow metal, containing four parts of gold to one of silver, elec- tricity, Electra (brilliant). fjXOov, 2 a. of epxojuou. f|XpaTos, ov, [?], high, steep, precipitous. 1.4 4 . TjXi6ios, d, ov, [cf . ri\f6s, crazed], foolish, stupid ; TO ri\i9iov, stupidity ; rb avrb Ttf i]\i0i, the same thing with stupid- ity. 3. TjXiKfa, os, [?Af, of the same age], age, esp. prime of life, manhood. 3. T)XiKu&Tiis, ov, like $A(, an er/ual in age, comrade. I. fjXios, ov, [?], sun ; &varf\\ea, avlcrxta, of the sun's rising; $(>via, 8uofj.ai, KaraSvfw, Sv(Tfj.-(), of its setting. 13. helio-. See iiter^st. Diet. VOCABULARY. 513 , see , 2 a. p. of d\\drrca. jjAcoc, see a\lffKo/j.at. f|(X\T](i.vs [TJ/ue/VtyueVos, pf . pt. of d^e\ero3, ov, [ &i&pu>tTKu>, eat ], Aa// : eaten. 1.9 26 . ^|u-8apiKov, ov, ha/f-daric. 1.3 21 . ^|ii-8Tis, fs, [Stw, want], wanting half, half- full. 1.9". fja'.-oXios, oi/, [SAoj, whole], whole plus a half, half as much again ; r]t*,i6\wv ou irp6rtpov, a half more than what (they receive &) formerly. 1.3 21 . T);jLiovtK6s, 17, ($', of mules, mule-. T.5 2 . i'lfii-ovos, ow, 6, 77, half-ass, m/e. 5.8 5 . T|[i-irX9pov, ov, a half plethron = 50^ ft. 2 fj|iierus, fia, v, g. eoj, f aj, [^/ui-], ^a//"; V^ VKTU, /Ae half. 9. ^|u-top6Xiov, ot', [o/3o\Js = 3 cts.], a Aa//' obol. 1.5 s . V\\j.ovv, impf. of eV^aj f|[ifpu 6p.r}v, impf. of a.v-4x<^ 1, a. p. of Qipca. i]vUa. [rjv ('6s) + ma, cf auriKo], rel adv., when, more precise than Sre. 12. r\vio\os, ov, [rjvia, reins, x>]< driver. , see ritcta. , see dt6a>. 8-, or au-. TJx0T]v, a. p. of Hyv, 514 VOCABULARY. 6' Qr)|3aios B = L. f (init.) = Tout. (Eng.) d, ct fcjp, 0vy], t/eaM ; ^Trl 6a.vd.Ttp, for death, in token of death. l.G 1J . 7. thanat-opsis. Oavardo), a. p. e9avarw6r)v, put to death ; condemn to death. 2.G 1 . flaveiv, 2 a inf. of 0j/^-Tia], Odtyu, tOatya, T0o/x- pcu, IraQr]?, bnry. 12. See rd, Vj(rw, 6dppr]v, 6aTTo', comp. of ra^uj. 6av(i.a, aros, r6, \8d(F)ofjiat, gaze at], a wonder, marvel. 6.S 23 . thaumat-urge. See 6ea.ofj.cu. 0avp.d((d, d(Tofj.ai, Idauyuatra, wonder, wonder at, admire (ace., on, ei, rfj etc.). 21. 6a.Dp.ci.cri.os, d, ov, wonderful, admirable. 3. eavfxaerrds, 1\, ov, verbal of Oav/oidfa, won- dered at, wonderful, strange. 4. cuJ/aK-qvos, oO, Thapsacan of os, ou, ft, [Heb. Tiphsah, ford], Thapsacus, city on the west bank of the Euphrates. Its site and name were due to the ford at that place. 1.4 11 . Oed, as, [fern, of 6e6s], goddess rj OeJs. 1. 9d, as, [cf. Qta.op.ai, see Qav/j.a\, a seeing; sight, spectacle. 4.8- 7 . Oe'djxa, O.TOS, TO, = Qta. 4.7 18 . Ocaofxai, OeSuropa.1, ^6edadfj.riv, look on, gaze on, behold, view. 6. theatre. See 8o-, KOTO-, aw- ; Qetapfu. Oeiv, see 6tw. Sews, d, ov, [Ot6s], of or from the gods, divine, marvelous. 1.418. Oefs, 6fi>Tes, 0efj,evos, 2 a. pt. of T/07j/. OeXw, wj'sA. 10. See ^t'Aw. 066-Trofiiros, ou, [ ire/iirw ], TheopompHt, mentioned in 2.1 12 , where some manu- scripts have SfvoQiav. Otds, ov, o, TJ, god, goddess, deiti/. avv 8fo"ts, with the aid of the gods ; irpbs 6tuv before or in the sight of the gods. 85; [ y0t s (6(/ for), or \ oiF, shine, cf. L. deus]. en-thusiaam. See Ottos, &-0fos. Oto-o-tpcia, or, [9o-fff/3-fis], reverence for the gods, piety. 2.6' 2:; . Ocpairevw, evffu, serve, court ; provide for (ace.). 3. therapeutic. Gepdircov, ovros, o, ['(], attendant, servant (not servile born, cf. Sov\os). 3. 0epiu> [de'pos, SH/H/HC;-], /JQSS the summer. 3.515. OepiAacrfajas.fflep/ua^w.warmJ^armfA. 5.8 15 . Ocp|iwSwv, OVTOS, 6, Thermodon, river of Pontus. 5.6 9 . 0t, run. 25. See ^T-/C, KQTO-, irapa-, avn-irapa-, irpo-, irpoff-. 0cop(i> [Otup6s, Dor. Beapos (6tdofj.at), spec- tator], -fiffta etc., look at, view, behold; inspect (an army). 6. theory. , ou, a Tltehan, citizen of Thebee, the most important city of Boeotia. 0TJJ3T] 'Icurovios VOCABULARY. 515 r\$i], TJS, Thebe, small town iu south- western Mysia. 7.8 7 . 0T|pa, as, [07jpaa>],a hunting, hunt, chase. 2. 0T)pa.u> [Srjo, L. fera, E. DEER], atroi, /u, ffMjpevffa., rt6-fjpfVKa etc., = foreg. 3. 0Tjpiov, ou, prose word for Ofy, of which it is a dim., wild animal, beast, game. 5. treacle. 0Tio-cu>pds, ov, [0Tjo- usu. referred to rid-fim + aupos, cf. KfVT-avpos], store, /atd u/>, treasure ; treasury. 2. thesaurus. 0TJXTJS, ou, Theches, mountain in Pontus. 4.7*. 0i|Jpv, cavos, Thibron, a Spartan general who enlisted the returning Greeks against Tissapherues. 7.6 1 . Ovr|trKw [ \ 6ai>, dva], 6a.voviJ.ai, 2 a. eQavov, die ; often as pass, to a.tco-Krtivo>, be slain, be killed; T^VTJKO (pi. rtdva/jiev, inf. TfOvdvat, pt. Tfdveciis), am dead. 13. Ch. poet, except in the pf. and plpf. Other tenses supplied by airo-9t>r)ffK<0. See Odvaros, 6ava-r6ca. 0VT|T6s, T], 6v, subject to death, mortal. 8.1". 0dava, . 0v>(j.do|Acu, , Thyni, a fierce Thracian tribe. Ovpa, os, [L. foris], DOOR; at /3ao-t\/wj 0wpat = the king's quarters, court. 9. Oviptrpov, ov, door t gate. 5.2 17 . [Ovp+t-\- rpov.] Ovcrta, os, offering, sacrifice. 4. 00w [cf. L. fuinus, smoke], Odffw, H6v, iffca or (CD, arm with breastplate or coat-of-mail, arm ; rtOwpaitio-fjievoi, dad in armor. 4. See iv~. Oc&pd^, a/cos, 6, [cf. Skt. |/dhar, sw/)port], breastplate, cuirass, coat-of-mail, mad of cloth or leather, covered with plat( of metal. 6. 0c6po, o/cos, [breastplate], Thorax, Boeo- tian, enemy of Xenophon. 5.6 19 . . Icuroncu, [?|, heal ; dress. 1.8*. 'Ido-ovios, a, ov, ['ldf (healer), Jason], of Jason, Jasonian ; in 6.2 1 of a promon- tory now called Jassoon. where Jason is said to have landed when he led the Argonautic expedition to Co'chis, m search of the golden fleece. 516 VOCABULARY. os *Is], one's own, private, personal ; rb tStov, oftener TO tSia, one's own (property, interests etc.) ; i$i%, by oneself, privately, per- sonally. 9. idiom. ISidrqs, TJTOJ, rj, peculiarity. 2.3 16 . lSiu>TT]s, ov, private person (citizen or soldier), a private. 4. idiot. ISuimxos, 4, ov, of or for a private person, private, common. 6. 1 23 . t8p6o>, sweat, perspire. 1.8 1 . [ISpus, \o~Fio, cf. L. sud-o, SWEAT.] ISuv, 2 a. pt. of eTSoc, see 6pdo>. Icvai, ttvro, see njjui. U'vai, pres. juf. of e?/ii. Upeiov, on, [what pertains to a Upevs], vic- tim for sacrifice ; cattle for food (ch. in pi.), since a portion of every animal killed for food was burned in sacri- fice. 12. Upds, d, 6v, [?], sacred; TO Iep6v, temple; rii if pa, sacred rites, sacrifices, auspices, esp. those drawn fr. the inwards of the victim, cf. ffdyta Upbv opos, Sacred Mountain, in southern Thrace. 44. 'Ifpwvvpos, ov, [ifpus, uvofia, E. Jerome], Hieronymus. 3. 1 3 *. to](u [ ye, cf. |/i of ffyti], fjffw, iiKa, flxa, ff/uoi, tlQ-qv, make go, send, send forth ; of weapons, hurl, let Jly, throw; mid., send oneself, hastm, rush. 11. See dv-, a-, Si-, KO.B-, pfO-, irap-, irpo-, trpoa-, aw-, ixp- ; 4v-tr6s, v, come], one whn romes to the altar or hearth fur protection, sup/ili- um. 7 .2**. 'JK^VIOV, ou, Imninin, now Koniyeh, a city of I'hrygia. I 2 ia . , -nnrfvw. iirmKos, ^, ov, [lirvos], of a horse or horse- man ; rb liririK6v, cavalry. 9. linro-Spofios, ov, race -course. hippo- drome. 1 .8 20 , Vinros, ov, 6, horse ; dirb or (<{>' 'tirirov, on horseback ; jj or ol ?., t\- ITTTTOJ etc., showing that the Greeks were very i\-tinroi. *Ipis, tos, 6, Iris, river of Pontus, Asia Minor. 5.6 !( . fcrOi, fff/j.v, to-affi. see olSa. Ir6(ids, oC, [ t/ (ef^tj, 90), 4- 0-0 + (cf. J- orO-/j.a) + /ios], neck of land, isthmus, (>1>. the isthmus at Corinth. 2.6 ;? . iv, ol, 7s or fssus, ?. city ot Cilicia on the Gulf of Issos. brre KaOopdo* VOCABULARY. 517 lore, see o?5o. t, ecrrrjtra ffd/*.r)v, all traus., cause to stand, place, set, and so (a) stop, halt, (b) raise, set up, erect, establish ; 2 a. tarriv, effrnKa, plpf. iffrriK-r] and mid. teiises (except 1 a.) intrans., stand, make a stand, stop, halt ; the pf. and plpf. are used as pres. and impf., effTTjKtas or fcrrus, standing ; faraffav, they were standing ; fa-rriffav, they stood. The same division of teiises (into trans, and intrans.) runs through the compounds of IO-TTJ/UJ. 29. [ \/ffra, L. si-sto, sto, E. STAND, STAY]. See H. 331-6, G. 506. See avQ-, a.v, |-a/-, ffvv-av-, a], only in pres. and impf., hold, hold back, restrain. 6.3 9 ; 5. 13 . forws [Iffos, equal], adv., equally, likely ; perhaps, probably, often in strong asser- tions modestly put forth. 17. ITOV [verbal of eJ/jii], must go. 2. trvs, vos, 7], [Fi-rvs, 4/vi, entwine, cf. L. vitis], nm of a shield. 4.7 12 . IxWs, i>os, 6, [?},Jish. 1.4 9 . ichthy-. See Internat. Diet. fyvos, ovs, r6, [cf. YIK, be like, see tiitdfa], track, footstep, trace. 3. iclliio-. See luternat. Diet. iwv, pres. pt. of e?/u. 'luvia, as, ["Icav, son of Xuthtis, see "EA.ATjj'], Ionia, on the coast of Asia Minor between Lydia and the sea. It was about ninety miles in length and twenty to thirty miles in width. Its chief cities were Miletus and Ephesus. Its peo- ple were near kinsmen of the Athenians. 'lujviKOS, T/, 6v, Ionian. K = Lat. c, qu =Teut. (Eng.) h, hw (wh). Cf. KciAa/io?, KaAu>, icaAo?, xaAvirru, /cap5ia, (cepa?, Kpa.\Ti, xAu'co, Kvutv, KUTTT], Troii. Ka0', before a rough vowel for Kara. Ka0dL [ica.9' oj, adv., according as, as, just as. 7.8*. Ka0cupa> [Ka.Qa.p6s, clean, cf. L. castus, chaste ], apw, e/caffypa, cleanse, purify. S.7 35 . cathartic. Ka9apfids oC, [/caflaipw], purification. 5. 7 s5 . Ka9dirp, stronger form of *ca0a, just as, et'en as. 2. Ka.6-'o[MU, impf. e/caOe^fi7//, sf down, sit; halt, encamp. 5. [ y(, tvfSpa (-evca), f [tv5, come down to, reach, extend; impers., it comes to or belongs to one (dat.). 5. KO.9-tifj.cH [^juat, ch. poet.], sVa^juTjv or Ka.6riiJ.T)v, sit down, sit, be seated : be en- camped. 13. See truy-, uirtp- ; Ka6- ^CoM"'- Ka9-^> [7o, ch. poet, for set, place. 2. 1 4 ; 3.5 17 . Ka9-ti](ii, impf. 3d pi. -itaav, 2 a. pt. -tv-rts. let down, lower. 2. /j.r)v, trans., place or set down, settle, sta- tion, establish ; arrange, appoint, prepare, render ; intraiis., 2 a. Kar-effrnv, Ka9- TT7jKa, and mid. tenses (except 1 aor.), be placed, fired, settled, established etc. 26. See Kard-o'Taa'is. Ka9-opdco, -(iifouai, -wpaKa, KaT-ttSop (ffiu etc.), look down upon, descry, see, per- ceive. 11. 518 VOCABULARY. tccU [loc. of pron. st. ita, cf. L. -qne], conj. : 1 . Copulative, and ; ical . . . Kai, re . . . Kai or . . . Tt Kai . . . both . . . and ; Kaiye, and indeed ; ical ydp, see yap ; Kai Sri, and especially. 2. lutens. even, also, too; Kai fl, even if; ti Kai, if even, al- though. See Kaiirtp, xairoi. Kdi'Kos, ov, Catciis, river of Mysia. Kcuvai, j/, Caenae, a city on the west bank of the Tigris. 2.4 28 . KO.VW, 2 a. (KO.VOV, kill. See urtivta. Kai-irep, adv., even indeed, though, al- though. 4. xoipos, ov, [?] strictly due measure, comm., proper or Jit time, critical time, season, opportunity ; tv itaiptp, in season, season- ably ; TepoffWTfpta roii Kaipov, further than the occasion (required). 14. See eiri- Kaiptos. KO.C-TOI, conj., and certainly, and yet, and still. 4. KCUW, see K&ta. KaKCivos = Kai (Kftvos. KaKovoia, os, ill-will. 7.T 46 . From KUKO-VOVS, ovv, [v6os, mind], evil-minded, ill-disposed. 2. Ant. tti-vovs. KttKos, ri, ov, [?], bad, evil, wicked; base, cowardly ; rb KUKOV, an evil, mischief, harm; c. Kcucfwf, s. KaKurros; alsox

, work], evil-doer, malefactor. 1.9 18 . KaKow [KaK6s], plpf. ^KK, hide, cover. See ^7-, K-, irpo-. Apo-calypse, calyx. Ka\xT)Sova, os, Calchedonia, the country around Ka\xi]8wv, 6t>os, ri, Calcltedon, a town of Bithynia, opp. ByzantiuiYi. 7.1 2 '. chal- cedony (fr. the form x^^wv). KaXws, c. KoAAfoc, s. Ka.\\tffTa, adv., beauti- fully ; ch. in a moral sense, nobly, well, rightly ; happily, prosperously ; K. f\ tl "> be well ; K. irpdrrtiv, be fortunate. 25. Kdjivw | ']. Kano'vpui, 2 a. fKap.ov, KCKHTIKO., work, toil ; be weary ; be sick, 8. See diro-. Kdv = Kai 6.v. H. 76, 77 a; G. 43, 1. u) ['], bend, curve. See firi-, r|, TJS, [xdptyu, dry], hay. 1.5 1 '. KaortoXos, ov. Castolus, place near Sardis where the Persian troops under Cyrus were mustered, l.l 2 . Kara (/car 1 . Kaff), prep. down. 1. With gen., down from, down, down upon. 7. 2. With ace. down, down along, along, ofer, throughout ; KOTO yrjv, by land ; of location, along = over against, against, opposite, T& KaB' avTovs, the (part) opp. themselves ; also, in, KO.TO. \di^av, in place. l.S 1 ^; of purpose, manner etc., according to, in respect to, for. KOTO Kparor, accord- ing to one's might, at full speed (cf. dca KpaVos) or by force ; Ka.6' apirayriv, for plunder; distrib.. K. fOvos or e6v7], nation by nation, itatf eVa, one by one, \6xovs, by companies. 120. [Proii. st. (ca (cf. Kai) + pron. St. TO, cf. r6]. See Kara*. Kara-paivu), -^Tjcrouai, 2 a. -fftrjv, -f$e&r]KCi, go down, descend, dismount ; descend into the arena, enter the lists. 4.S 27 . 30. Kard-paTis, ewj, fj, going down, descent, inarch down (from the interior, opp. to dvd-&a.ffts). 11. Catabasis. Kara-pXaKcvu [3^.^f, lazy], tvffu etc., It listless about, neglect. 7.G 22 . Kar- a-yd^yoi, 2 a. opt. of Kar-d"/o. Kar-ayyeXXw, eAw, --fiyjei\a, report against, disclose, denounce. 2.5 s8 . i.os, ov, [ yea, yrj, earth ], under- ground. 4.5 -26 . ^.a.u>,dffOfjicu, -rye \affa, laugh (down) at, ridicule, deride; laugh scornfully, mock. 5. Ka.T-a.yvv\i.i, -afa>, -e'afa, break in pieces, crush. 4.2 20 . Kar-d-yw, -a|a>, 2 a. -^yayoi', /eac? down or 6(ici% restore ; bring down (from the high sea, cf. dv-dyw), bring into port; mid. aud pass., land, arrive. 8. Kara-Sairavdw, ^, -t8iiaa, pursue closely. 4.2 5 . Kara-So^d^w, do~co, form an opinion against,, think to one's discredit. 7.7 3) . Kara-Spaaetv, 2 a. of Kara-rptxta. Kara-Slico, -Soo-a), -e'Suo-a, s/nt down, drown , mid. and 2 a. -45vi>, intrans., si'n^:, drown. 6. Ka.Ta-8cdo(iai, do-o/uat, /oo/c down upon, sur- re,f. 1.8 U ; 6.5 3 '. Kara-Bco), ?!/ down. 2. Kara-Ova), -0j>, -fQvffa, offer (down on the altar), sacrifice. 4. Kar-aicrxOvo), vvio, -rj(rxvva, shame utterly, disgrace. 3.1 3) ; 2.14. 520 VOCABULARY. KO.TaKa.ivto Kara-Kaiva) [collateral form of -itrttvw], -Kavia, 2 a. -titavov, -KfKova, kill, put to death. 17. KO/ra-Kdu, -/caiJ, -fnauaa, burn down, burn up, destroy, lay waste. 12. Kard-Kcifxai, lie down, lie still or idle. 7. KaTo-KK6x|f. Kara-K\6iw, -K\tiffu>, -fK\eiaa, -KK\ti(Jiat, shut in, enclose. 3. KaT-aKovTi, ia, -A^o/uai, 2 a. -t\a/3ov, -ei\r l Qriv, leave behind, leave, forsake, abandon. 36. Kara-Xcvu [*A.t5s = Aaas, stone], -\fvtrw, -e\e6ff6i}i', stone to death. 5. Cf. Kara- Kara-XT|\|/ofjiai, fut. of Kara-Xnrciv, 2 a. inf. of Kara-\('nru. KOT-aXXdrro), cffw, 2 a. p. -a\\d.yr/i>, change back, i. e. from enmity to friendship, reconcile. 1.6 1 . Ka.Ta-Xo < yC o H iai > count up, number, reckon. 5.6 16 . Kara-Xuti), \6ffw, -t\vo-a, loose (and take) down, loose utterly, destroy, break down; break up, dismiss ; bring to an end, w. or without ir6\(^ov = make prnre (n-!th, itp6s) ; break ranks, unyoke for the night, halt, lodge. 5. Kara-pavBdvco, -/xafl^troyuai, 2 a. -f^aOov, learn thorougUy, ascertain folly, wider- stand, observe or consider well. 1 2. cb), impf. -rintKovv, be very care- less or negligent. 5.8 1 . , -fj.fva, remain behind, stay, settle down. 8. KdTa-|xep((i>, a. p. -f/j.fpiff6i}i>, divide into pieces, distribute. 7.5 4 . KaTa-(j.i-yvv|Ai, mingle, settle down. 7.2 s . Kara-voew, ^o-w, observe well, perceive, con- sider. 3. KOT* dvTiirlpas, directly opposite, see dvri- TTtpas. , tyu>, eirfftvvfj.i, to quench], quench utterly, extinguish. 6.3 21 . 25. a-sbestos. u, -tr/ce'i|/o/uaj, -eff/ce^a/xTjf, view closely, inspect. 1.5 12 . w, dffta etc., equip fully, pre- pare, furnish ; make preparations. 5. KaTa-o-KTjWw, "f)(Tci>, pitch tents, encamp. 3. KaTa-(rKT]v6w, w, -ffrp^ia, -fffrpfi^a, overturn, sulxluc, conquer. 3. cata-strophe. KaTa-d^(a, 2 a. p. fff(pdy7]v, slaughter, put to death. 4.1-''. VOCABULARY. 521 Kara-(rxiv, 2 a. inf. of Kar-^xca. Kara-crx^w, l, 1 a. -e6r}Ka, -TfdftKa, 2 a. raid, -fdefirji/, put or lay down ; mid., /// osi'rfe or M/}, /ay up i'n store ; lay up a store of (glory, friendship etc.). 2.5 8 . 7. See irapa-Kara-drfKT). Kara-TiTpwo-Kw, -rpaSo-ai, -erpaxra, wound mortally or severely. 4.1 1J . w, 2 a. -fopap.ov, run down. 5.4 ^j i, -i)v\l(r6r)i>, J odge, encamp. 7.5 15 . Ka,Ta-(}>aYiv, 2 a. inf. of KOT-eo-0/w. KaTa-4>avrjs, vy w , 2 a. -epovcw [(ppfiv, mind], -fi or iw, ar- range apart, assign to their places. 6.5 10 . KO,T-'aa, 1 a. of Ka.T-dyvvft.1. KO.T-'PT], 2 a. of Kara-palvta. KaT-0(AT]v, 2 a. mid. of KaT-i8ov, 2 a. of KaO-opdta. KaT-ii\T]0r), see K Ka.T-ip.i, pt. -iwj/, '/o down, descend. 5.7 13 . KaT-t\ov, hnpf. of Kar-exu- KaT-ep-ya^o^ai, dtrofj.ai, -fipyarrdfj.r)!', -flp- yaa-fj.at, irnrk out, accomplish, achieve. 6. Cf Ka.Ta.irpa.TTto, Kar-tpxofiat, 2 a. -rj\9ov, go down,- come back, return. 7.2-. KaT-T9{u, 2 a. -ftyayov, eat up, devour. 4.8". i-, see KaQ-(6.yt]v, 2 a p of (TdTT. KaT-Tp or KO.TO.- a\^ata hold down or back, restrain, con- trol, constrain ; hold fast, hold, possess, occupy ; hold one's IT ay down (from the high sea), arrive, land, cf. av-dyw. 17. accuser, ayopd, speaking in the assembly]. tpeak agaaut, n reuse, charge (gen.). 4. KaTTj-yopia. a j, [Ka.T-'fiyopos, accuser, ayopd, speaking in the assembly], accusation, charge. 5 8 1 . category, all-egory, par-egoric. KO,T-i]pe[Afi; [jiptpa, quietly], iota, -Tjpe/xt- ], Combustible. 2. Kalicrrpo-u ireStov, Pin in of Caijster, Cayster-field, city of Phryjyia. 1 2 11 . Kdoj, old Alt. toifoitt, [ \ KaF, vov]i Kaixrw, eKavffa. etc., burn, kindle, xtt on fire etc. ; cauterize, 5.8 18 ; rarely of the effect of extreme cold, blight. 29. See ava.-, d-rro-, KOTO-, irpo-fcaro-, r for food, in the west for fodder ; bird-seed etc. 1.2~. Keificu, fKfiprit>, He ; He asleep, dead, buried etc. ; often as pass, to rft%u, l>f 'aid, be laid up, be set or placed. 10. [ t Kfi, KOI, E HIVE.] See diro-, SKZ-, ^7-, firi-, KO.TO.-, iropa-, irpo-, avy- ] KKTT](r9, S KeXaival, ic, Ce'aenae, citv of Phrygia vo), evaia, (K(\(vra Kfice Aeu/ca, urge, request; oftener, oidtr, bid, command 522 VOCABULARY. KtvSvVOS 123. [From a lost nounst. fr. Kf\\w, urge, yVeA, cf. L. cello, celer, CALASH.] See Sia-, itapa- ; avTo-n\tvtov, ov, [rd, [/ce'pa/xos, clay ; wine-jar], of clay, earthen. 1. Kcpd|uov, ov, [icfyanos, clay; wine-jar], jar, containing about six gallons. 2. ceramic. Kepdp.wv d-yopd, [Tile-market], Ceramon Agora. 1 .2 10 . Kpdvvvp,t [cf. Skt. 4/?ri, mix], Ktpdo-ta, intpaffa, (Ktpdo-6ijt>, mix, mingle, ch. of water and wine as opp. to niyvOfii, mix in general. 1.2 13 ; S.4 29 . See above, also d-Ktpaios, a-nparos, xpoTTjp, crasis. Kpas, Ktpdros or Kipuis, to, [cf. L. cornua], HORN ; from its use or shape, a drink- ing-horn, beaker; trumpet; of a moun- tain, peak ; of an army, wing, rb 8ef ibv (xtpas), the right wing; Kara Ktpas, in column. 4.6 9 . 31. pivo(pis, nose)-Kfptas rhinoceros. See Kepd-rivos. Kcpacrovvrios, ou, a Cerasuntian, resident of Kepaaovs, ovmot, %, Cerasus,a Greek city of Pontus, on the Euxine, 5.3- : sup- posed to mean " abounding in cherries " \Ktpaffot, cherry], since, according to Pliny (hk. 15, ch. 25), the cherry-tree was imported from this place into Italy by Lucullus, after his war with Mithri- dates, A. D. 68. Kcpdrivos, 77, ov, [ittpas], of horn, horn-. 6. 1 4 . Ke'pptpos, ov, [?], Cerberus, the mythical three-headed watch-dog that guarded the exit from the lower world. 6.2 2 . KcpScUvw [xtpSos], avw, gam. 2.6 21 . KepSoXe'os, d, ov, [on end. cf. Oappa\^os], gainful, profitable. 1.9 17 . Ke'pSos, ous, TO", [?], gain, projit ; in 1.9 17 = pay. 2. K4>aX-a\Y 1 lS, e'y, [fiA/yoj, pain], causing headache. 2.3 15 , 16 . Kt}>a\T|, TJS, ['], L. caput, HEAD. 14, cephalic, a-cephalous. See 7- KT]Se|i, ^KTJpufa, proclaim, by a herald ; impers. 3.4 s6 , proclama- tion is made (cf. (co-o-So>pos. ou, [gift of K^iffSt, small river near Athens], Kephisodorus. 4.2 13 . KTj(J>uro-wv, &VTOS, [light or joy of K., see foreg.], Kephisophon. 4.2 18 . KipcoTLOv, ou, [dim. of Kifiwrds, chest], small box, chest. 7 5 14 . KiXiKfo, as, [Assyr. Chilaku], Ciliria, province in the southeastern part of Asia Minor. The western part was called Tpaxem (Rugged}. 1.2"- 2 *- KXi|, IKOS, o, Cilician. KXro-a, ijs, [for KiAfjo, cf. foffwv for f}cj&>'], Cilician woman. KivSvvcvw, euo-ai etc., be in danger, incur danger; endanger oneself, run risk (w. inf.). 10. See 8ia-, irpo-. KtvSvvos, ou, [ ? ], danger, peril ; risk; w. or without terri, th'.re is danger. 9. See KtVtW VOCABULARY. 523 Kive'co, fi, go, L. cieo, ex-ci-to, E. HIE, HONE.] kinetic. KITTOS, ov, [1], icy. 5.4 12 . KXecrydpas, ov, [famous speaker}, Clea- goras. 7.8 1 . K\aivTos, ov, [famously praised], L'leae- netiift. 5. 1 17 . KXtavSpos ov, [man of renown], Oleander, Spartan hannost. 6.2 13 ; 6 1 . KXe&vtop, opos, [man of renown], Clednor, general from Arcadia. 2. 1 10 . KXcdperos, ov, [famed for his bravery], Clearetus. S.?"- 16 - KXtapxos, ov, [famous ruler], C/earchus, Spartan general, exile (l.l 9 ), joined Cyrus at Celaenae with two thousand men (1.2 9 ), artfully prevailed on his soldiers to continue the expedition (1, ch. 3), commanded the right wing at Cunaxa (2.2 10 ), slain (2, ch. 5). K\i0pov, ov, [/cAeiV], bar, bolt. 7. 1 17 . K\UO [y/KAff, cf. L.clavis, claudo], n\eiaas et seq., K\irTti) [L. cle])oj, cAe'iJ/a>, fK\f\l/a, steal; of various .acts done thief-like, cheat, conceal, seize secretly, steal past with. 12. See K\oTff]-K\(a^i. klepto-mania. KXeuivvjios, ov, [of famous name], C/eo- nymus. 4. 1 18 . ], couch, bed. 2. clinic. K\ivco [ \'K\I, \j. in-cllno, Sax. hlaenan, LEAN], K\IVW, fK\iva,bend, make lean or recline, clime, en-, pro-clitic. See diro-, IK-. KXciTTJ, TJS, [cA7ra>], theft, stealing. 4.6 14 . klope-mauia. KXwircvci), steal, take by stealth (ace.). 6. 1 1 . K\wt(f, K\tev6s, 6, [/cAeVw], thief, marauder. 4.6 17 . KVas, ovs, TO, [?], darkness. 4.5 9 . KVTijj.is, T5oj, i], [nv-fi/nri, leg, below the knee], leggin, greave, usually of metai lined with leather or other material, and fastened by bauds (fino-i>pta,). 4. Ko-yx'H TJS, [Skt. yauhas], muscle, shell-jish. 5.3 8 . conch, coach. KO-yx^XidrTis, ov, [icoyxv*.r), dim. of K6yx"n]i adj., shelly, full of shells. 3.4 W . KoiXos, rj, of, [for KoFi\os, L. cav-us, E. , HOLE], hollow. 5.4 3; . Coele-syria. Koindw [fr. lost st. fr. K("t/jiai], yaw etc., put to sleep, mid. aud aor. p. tKoiiJ.-i\Qi}v, sleep, fall asleep. 5. cemetery, coma. KOIVOS, -fi, 6v, [for KO/J.IOS, akin to L. cum], common, common to all ; public ; TO KOIVOV, the common good, treasury, store, authority etc. ; noivfi, in common, jointly , w. dat., ffvv, perd. 12. KOLVOCO, wo-u, make common ; mid., commu nicate with, share with, consult ( dat. ) 5.6' 27 ; 6.2 15 . See di/o-. Koivtovcw, -fierce, have a share of (gen.), 7.G 28 be a KOIVWVOS, ov, [KO/J/^S, on end. cf. oiuv6s], sharer, partaker (gen.). 7.2 :38 . KoipardSas, ov, Coiratadas. 7. 1 33 . Kotroi, ol, Coetae. 7.S 25 . KoXd^u [?], dffo/uiai, tK6\av, Colossae, city of Phrygla where Menon joined Cyrus (1.2 ; ) and to the Christians of which Paul addressed one of his Epistles. KoXxfe, t'8oj, ft, Colchis, a district on the southeast of the Euxine. In 5.3 2 an adj., Colchian. K6Xx, %Kotya, 2 a. p. tK6in\v,cut, cut off or down , knock, smite, slaughter; knock up, tire out, cf. i(6iros. 4. comma, syn-cope. See airo-, Sia-, IK-, avv-fit-, Kara-. j, TJS, girl, maid. 4.5 9 . Cora. Fern. of K6pos [']. See faiKovpfu. Kopo-toTT|, TJJ, Corsote, city on the east bank of the Euphrates, the exact site of which is uncertain. See 1.5 4 , and MdffKas. KopuXas, o, Corylas, a ruler of Paphla- gonia, who had thrown off his allegiance to Persia. 5.5 12 . KopuT|, 775, [cf. Kapa, head, K.6pivOos], top, peak, summit. 2. KocTfie'co [tc6cr/j.os], fiffv etc., arrange, order ; adorn, deck. 3. cosmetic. Kocrfiios, d, ov, orderly, well-behaved. 6.6 82 . Kocr(j.os, ou, [?], order, good order; orna- ment, dress. 2. World, as evidencing order. T. 187. cosmos. Korvwpa, tav, Cotyora, coast town of Poutus. 5.5 3 . Korvpfrn)s, ov, a Cotyorite, citizen of Korvtapa KOV'itpay, imitative, like creak, crack, croak etc.] See ava- ; icpavyh. Kpdvos, ovs, TO, [1 cf. Kpavaos. hard, rugged or itdpa, head], helmet, originally of leather, later usually of bronze, lined with felt or other soft material. 8. Kpart'o) \xpdr os\, f)ata etc., be powerful; have or get power over, rule, rule over ; conquer ; get power over, hold. Abs., gen., less often ace. 20. KpaTTJp, rjpos, o, [Kfpdvvvfjit], large bowl for mixing wine aud water ; made of clay t marble, or precious metals. 2. Kparwrros, see Kpfiruv. Kpdros, ovs, TO, [cf. L. creo, Ceres], strength, might, force ; mastery. See sub avd, Kurd 9. aristo-, demo-crat. See e-y- (cpaTTjj, tiriKpaTfta, iraytcpdrioi', avTO- Kpdrwp, Kpttruv; TIo\VKpdrr)s, Sw/cpdrijs. Kpavyrj, TJS, [/cpaeo], cry, shout, shriek; clamor. 11. Kptas, Kptaos or Kptws, -r6, pi. xpta, flesh, meat, crea-sote. 9. [Cf. L. caro, Sax. hreaw, E. RAW.] Kptlrrwv, ov, [for Kperjoiv, comp. of Kparvs, strong, see Kpdros], stronger, more power- ful ; comp. to aya6os, better, braver, nobler ; s. Kpdrtaros, strongest etc. ; Kpdncrra as adv., best, in the best manner, most bravely. 47. Kp'|iap.cu, fKpf/j.d/m.T]v, hang, be suspended, 3.2 19 ; 4.1 2 ; pres. and impf. mid. and pass., with shortened stem, to hang. 1.28; 7.4 17 . , ys, [? cf. Kapa, head], fountain, spring. 4. Syu. TTTJT^. Kprjms, I5os, r/, [cf. L. crepldo], founda- tion. 2. KpT|s, Kprir6s, pi. Kprjrts, Cretan, inhabi- tant of Crete, a large island of the Mediterranean, situated southeast of Greece. The Cretans excelled in arch- ery and as light-armed troops. r), T}S, ['.], barley, ch. in pi. 7. Cf. . KptOtvos, TJ, ov, of barley, barley- ; olvos K. = beer. 2. On end. cf . irvpivos, Kpfvco [cf. L. cerno, cri-meu] , Kpi^ii. tKpiva, KtKpixa etc., distinguish ; choose ; comm., judge, decide; try (one accused). 13. critic, criterion, hypo-crite. See O.TTO-, Sia-, irpo- ; Kpiats- Kpids, oC, [cf. L. cervus, E. HART], ram. 2.2 9 . KpLcris, fias, fi, judgment ; trial. 3. Crisis. Kpofifiuov, ot, [?], onion. 7. 1 87 . Kporos, ov, [1], rattling noise, applause, 6. 1 13 . Perh. akin to VOCABULARY. 525 Kpovu [?], Kpovtrea etc., strike, knock. 4.5 18 ; Kpvirrw, Kptyw, hide, conceal (2 aces, in 1.9 19 ), keep secret. 3. [Prob. akin to Ka\virrw (A. for p)]. crypt, grotto. See O.TCO-, firi- KpwBvXos, ov, [?], tuft of hair. 5.4 13 . KTiop-ai, Krrtcrofj.a.1, ^KTTycro/uji/, acquire ; KtKTr)/*at,hace acquired possess; plpf- ^ceKTTj/tTjp (as impf.), KtKr'fia-o/j.ai (as fat.). 11. [Cf. Skt. v kshi, rfwe//, pos- sess.] See Kara-, irpocr- ; KTTJJAO, /CTTJ^OS. KTei'vco, KTfrai, e/crejj/a, )fci//. 2.5 s '- 2 . See diro- (the prose word). KTTJIAO, aros, TO, [KrBto/j.ai], possession. 2. KTTJVOS, ous, T<, [/crSoyitoj], ch. in pi., flocks and herds, cattle'; domestic animal. 5. KTT](racr9ai, see Krd.ou.at. Krrjo-ias, ov, [possessor}, Ctesias, a Greek of Cnidus in Caria, physician to Ar- taxerxes, and author of a history of Persia. 1.8-'. KvptpvrJTTis. ov, [Kv/3epvd.8-\ governor. KvSvos, ov, Cydnus, river of Cilicia. 1.2 23 . ICUVKTIVO'S, 1j, 6v, of or from Cyzicits ; 6 K. (crrarnp), the Cysicene stater, minted at KV&KOS and worth twenty-eight drach- mas or about $5.50. The stater was the standard gold coin among the Greeks, the best known being the Aapeix^s, KviK7]v6s, and 4>to/ca(T7js. 5.6 2:! . KVIKOS, ov, Ci/zicus, city on an island of same name on the coast of Mysia. 7.2 5 . KiJuXos, ov, circle; KVK\, UXTCO etc., encircle, surround- 3. See Trfpt-. KVK\WO-IS, teas, ij, surrounding. 1.8 23 . KuXivSw, roll, roll along or off, 5. cyl- inder. [ t KV\, na\ (see Ka\iv5fonai) Kop, cf. Kopcavis, L. curvus.] KvirapiTTivos, 77, ov, made of cypress (KvirdptTTOs}. 5.3 1 -, KOirra), bend, stoop [ \ KV<(>. L. cub-o, cumbo, cf. E. HOOP, HOMP]. See eVj-, ffuy-. Kvpcios, a, ov, of Cyrus, Cyrean K-Opios, a, ov, having authority; K. fini, I have authority. S.7 27 . T. Lord, 749, [tcupos, authority ; see &-Ktipos, tiri-Kvpow.] Kvpos, ou, ["perh. borrowed from the river Cyrus near Pasargadae." Sayce]. Cyrus. 1. Cyrus the Elder (ira\at6s) or the Great, son of a Persian nobleman, Cambyses, and of Mandane, daughter of Astyages, the last king of the Medes; founder of the Persian Empire, ruled from 558 to 529 B. c. See Introd. 7, 8. 2. Cyrus the Younger, son of Darius II., called Nothos ( bastard ), and of Parysatis, daughter of Xerxes II. See Introd. 43. KUTWVWV, ov, Ci/tonion, town in Lydia. 7.88. , Kw6s, o, 7], [cf. L. canis, E. HOUND], dog, bitch. 6. cynic. Xvco [?], vffta, fKia\vo~a, hinder (ace. + inf.), prevent; stop, forbid ; rb KtaKvov? the hindrance. 30. See O.TTO-, Kara-. )p.-dpxtis, ov, village-ruler, comarch, mayor. 1 1 . , ijs, village. 90. com-edy. [E. HOME, akin to Ke'ifj.at.] Kia\).i\TT\s, ov, villager. 4.S 24 . Kia-m\, rjs, handle, esp. of an oar; oar 2, [L. capio, E. HAFT.] A = Lat. 1 = Eng 1, cf. AV'KO?. \v, [ \ Aox], A7)|ojuai, 2 a. . obtain by lot or fate, obtain (ace.); get a share of, get (gen.). 3.1 11 ; 4.S 2 *. See Sta- ; Ad^or. , . Xd0pa [dat. of *Ad^pos, cf. \avOdvw], secretly ; w. gen., without the knowledge of. 2. AaKe8aifj.ovi.os, ov, - a Lacedaemonian, citizen of AaKeSauicuv, oi/os, ^, [cf Ad/ccos, hoUow, fiit], Lacedaemon or .$/>/va, capital ol 526 VOCABULARY. XdicKos XVj-yw Laconia, most southern state of Pelo- ponnesus. XCLKKOS, ov, [whence L. lacus, lake, Ir. loch], pit, cistern. 4.2 a . XoKTiJw [cf. Aa, with the feet], i0r)v. 1. take, in a wide sense, seize, capture, catch ; over- take, detect, Jind ; of the mind, seize, apprehend. 2. receive, obtain, get etc. ; mid. w. gen., seize, lay hold of. 224. Cf. dva-, diro-, 6nfvov t\dv- Oavtv, l.l 9 , (the army) while being sup- ported escaped notice = the army was secretly supported, cf. 1.3 17 ; 4.2 7 ; 6 U . See H. 984; G. 1586. 17. Lethe, lethargic. See fVt-, CIAT;^?, \ddpa. Adpitrcra, TJJ, [?], Larissa, mod. Ximriid, a name used by Xenophon (34") to des- ignate the ruins of a city identified with ancient Calah (or Kalhn), on the left bank of the Tigris, about six miles above the month of the Zapatas (Zab). Xdcrios, d, ov, [?], hairy, shaggy = Sacrvs (perh. a dialectic form); bushy; rii AdVca, thickets. 2. a, sell booty. 6.6 s8 . From , ei;, seller of booty. 7.7 s6 . Xaxv, 2 a. pt. of \a.yx* vta - Xd\os, ovs, r6, [\a.yx]> one's lot, share, portion. 5.3 9 . Xryw (A), [cf. L. lego], eAea, efAoxa, ffatyfiw, 2 a. p. e\4yT)v, these pts. iu Att. only in compds., gather, pick; pick out, count, recount, hence (B). See K-, Kara-, , lAeJa, A^A7yuat (but 5t- ftryyuu), tKt\QT]v, in compds. oftener ayopevv, f. epu> etc., see elirov, sat/, sptak, speak of, tell, mention, express ; propose ; reckon ; mean ; constr., ace., &s or Srt w. ind. or opt., inf. esp. after pass., \eyerai, eAe'-yero, is said, was said, irpcfs, itfpi etc. 302. lexicon. See d^tyi-, dvn-, Sia-, tin-, irpo- ; AeKTe'os, A^-yos, Xe(a, as, [ \yo(j.ai ], booty, plunder, esp cattle. 3. Xcifxuv, uvos, 6, [cf. \fi$ta, pour], meadow. 5.3". Xeios, d, ov, [for Aefbs, cf. \evpos, smooth, L. levis], smooth; with smooth sur- face. 3. Xtiirw [ |/Air, Aetir, AOJTT], Ae^w, 2 a. e\iirov, \f\oiira, AfAfju/ioi, 4\fi(p6i)v, leave, abandon, forsake ; pass, be left = fall behind ; be inferior ; be left over, survive, ol-lipse. 19. See diro-, 8, ^Arj^o, cease, end. 3.1 9 ; 7.6. VOCABULARY. 627 or XT]to|A. \iof [?], adv., t-ery, exceedingly. 2. Syn. Sydv. i.iOivos, 77, ov, [on end. of ^vKivos], of stone, stone-. 2. V/U0os, ov, [?], a stone, stone. 21. litho-, see Internal. Diet. See &-\t6os, Wrpos (syn.). XifiTjv, eVoj, [? cf. Aei'j8o>, jaoar], harbor, haven, refuge. 11. Xt|i6s, oC, [?], hunger, famine. 4. Xivovs, i?, oCv, [A/VOV, linen, on end. cf. Xpvffovs], flaxen, linen. 4.7 15 . Xiir-, see Aei'irw. Xo^tt ! 101 [ A(fyos ], consider, calculate. 2.2 13 ; 3.1 2: >. See KOTO-; d-A^io-ros. Xo'-yo?, ou, [A7o>] : 1. The outward form of speech, word, saying, report (1.4 7 ), speech, discourse, discussion, interview (ej's &6yovs, 2.5 4 ), account, book etc. 2. The thought expressed, opinion, reason, argument etc. 24. logo-, -logy, -logue. See Internal. Diet. ^YXI' 1 J > [ ? 1> spear-head; spear, lance, lancea. 13. Cf. S6pv, spear-shaft, spear. XoiSopew [\o($opos, railer], rail at (ace.), revile. 3.4 49 ; 7.5 11 . Xoiiros, -fi, 6v, [\tiiru], rest, remainder, rest- of-the ; rb \our6v, thenceforth, henceforth ; rest; \oiir6v(tffTi), it remains. 27. iloicpos, ov, a Locrian, of Locris in cen- tral Greece. Aov4>os, ov, [?], neck, crest; hence, ridge, hill, height. 25. Cf. -yTjAo^oy. w, be a captain. 6.1 30 . as, captaincy. 1.4 15 ; 3. 1 80 . v> [^6xs, &y>>], leader of a com- pany, captain, above the irfVT7iicoi>T-f)p and next to the ra^i-apxos; his pay twice that of a private. 99. See into-. ov, member of a \6xos, com- rade. 6.6 7 , 17 . X6\os, ov, [of. \(yo>, lay, lie, Ae'xos, bed], place or act of lying in wait, ambush ; those in ambush, company ; composed of about one hundred men, divided into two irevTr)Ko [L. luo, solvo (= se-luo)], \veroa, eAOo-a etc., LOOSE, in a wide sense, set loose, setjree, release, unyoke, undo, break, 528 VOCABULARY. break down, end, destroy etc. 17 LOSE, -LESS, ana-lysis. See uvo-, KOLTU-, irapa-, viro-. \coTo-4>d-yoi, dco [?], f)ff, rest, cease. 4.7. Xtowv, \tpov, [? cf. y\aF,gain, see Aj/fouou], more desirable, better, c. to dyafljs. 3. M. M = Lat. m = Eng. m ; cf. /xe'yas, /txeOu'w, necros, n'ji', et al. (id [?], adv. of swearing, by, w ace., always neg. unless i/al precedes. 5. Cf. HJ. |uryaSis, d-rts}, prophet, dinner. 17. necro-mancy. MdpSoi, (ov, Mardi, Mardians, people of southern Armenia. 4.3*. MapiavSvvot, uv, Mariandyni, a Bithy- ni;ui tribe, subject to Heraclea. 6.2 1 . fidpoj, long and two-edged. jjLo.xaipi.ov, ov, [dim.], dagger, knife. 4.7 16 . |idxT], T?S, 6a/e, ^gA/ ; battle-field. 34. See d-jmxff, d.-fiax^ft', air6-, iiri; and , talk big, boast. 6.3 18 . fxe-yaAo-irpcirws [-irpfirfis, fitting, vpeicca], c. 'fffrtpov, s. -e'o-TaTa, magnificently, on a grand scale. 3 (ifyaXus [yu^yaj], adv., greatli/. 3.22 s . Me-yapcvs, ews, a Megarian, of Megara, capital of Megaris, west of Attica. jie-yas, ntyd\r), fj.fya, g. fieyd\ov, -rjs, -ou. c. uttfav, 3. ntyurros, great, large ; stately, 3. 2^; powerful, important etc.; jtrya, u.eyd\a, often adv., greatli/, very, very much etc., (rb) ntyiffrov, chiefiy. \.3 l '>; 2.5 7 . 99. [Cf. L. magnus, E. MICKLE, MUCH.] ^y0os, ous, TO, \ntyas], greatness, size. 2. Mfy a< MP VT l s ) ou > 'Wegaphernes. 1 2 20 . (j.'8ifivos, ov, [cf L. modius ; on end., cf. fpv-fj.v6s], a medimnus = forty -eight quarts. p.60' = fj.trd. jji0-CT|fii, -Vjo-o), /er go, give up. 7.4 1 *. , -e$, n Methydrian, of MeO- vSpwv (between two streams), a town in Arcadia. 4.1 27 . (i0xio) \jtfBv, wine, E. MEAD], be drunk. 3. a-methyst. fiti^wv, coinp. to utyas. lAtuXlx^os, 6, ov, [on end. cf. 8JA-x be worsted ; ToOro /*., ^/'s disadvantage, 3.2 17 . 19. MeXavSiTcu, Melanditae, a Thracian tribe. fi\avo, as, blackness. 1.8 8 . From fie'Xas, fji4\aiva, fit\av. g. fj.f \avos, -afcTjj, black, dark. 2. [Akin to L. malus.] ^ueA.f'rwi', ^jtrw, care for (gen.), study, practice (ace.). 2. From /ueAeVjj, whence Xerripos, 4 (Jv, attentive, diligent in prac- ticing (gen.). 1.9 s . , TJI, [ ? ], L. melium, panic, a species of millet, widely cultivated in- the east for food and fodder; pi. panic- fields. 5. M\ivo-ftt\, think about; (1) (' tend ; (2) care for, cf. /tc'A.0, fjLt\trdia]. fw'Xo), in the act., impers. in Att. prose, fit \-f\fft i, tnt\ij(re etc., iV is a care, it con- cerns; fj.tAftfj.oi, I care ; weAfi /JLOITOVTOV, I care for this ; also w. o>y, oircoy and fut indie. 5. See eir-, avr-fin- and aw-riri -, see 530 VOCABULARY. |iofj.ai [?], (nefj.\j/ofj.ai, ene^dnnf, blame, censure (ace.). 2. M*v [weak form of fi-ftv], post-pos particle expressing: 1. confirmation, truly, verily, indeed, esp. after pronouns, / for my part, I indeed, 1.9 28 ; 3.1 19 ; 7.6 10 ; also with other particles, plir o-fi, 1.2 s ; 3.1 ^ now indeed, now, accordingly ; ou ptv or), 2.2 s ; 4.6 ; n*v olv, stronger form of olv, so then ; juev TO'IVVV, now then, then indeed. 2. correlation, marking its word or clause as set over against a following one with 8e, less often with d\\d, f-reira, fifiroi, or xal; comm. best rendered by emphasis ; also, on the one hand, Jirst. fuv-roi, in truth, assuredly ; yet, still, how- ever. 56. fw'vw [L. maneo], nevta, tueiva, fjLf^yrjKa, remain, tarry, wait ; wait for, await. 89. See O.VCL-, 8m-, ip-, 4vi-, Kara-, irapa-, wepi-, irpoff-, into- ', porf}. MVWV, cavos, [fjitvos, might], Menon, a Greek general from Thessaly, who joined Cyrus at Colossae with one thousand heavy-armed and five hundred light-armed troops. For Xenophou's estimate of his character see 2.4. |Apiw, tp.tpi(rQi)v, divide, distribute. 5.1 9 . See Kara-. fWpos, ous, r6, part, share; division ; one's turn, iv (rf) ^pti, in turn; so ava or Kara /u*'pos ; /uepoj rt, a specimen, 1.5 8 . From neipofiai. get one's share ; pass., I* allotted. See Si-ftotpla. jo-qp.^pla, as, [fieffos, rjfitpa, H. 60, G. 66, a, N.\], mid-day, noon; south. 1,7 6 ; 3.5 15 . 8. ,ir6--yia, as, [7^0 = yij], midland, inte- rior. 3. (wVos, TI, ov, [for /i0joy, L. medins], MID-. MIDDLE, the-mindle-of, foil, by same case, 8ia fi^ffov rov irapaStiffov, through the mid- dle of the park ; /u^crat vvKrcs, midnight ; rb fifffov, middle, centre, distance between; 8id fj.ttrov, through the midst, between ; tv pffftf, in the midst, between. 53. nies , meso , see luternat. Diet. p.i7a, modern Kuyiinjik, the rains of ancient Nine- veh. 3.4 1 '. (W (after day-dawn), by day. 59. In compos participation or change = elsewhere, dif- ferently, cf. /jLtra-yiyvuxTKw, /*cTa-/uAc(, fj.t6-itrrr)/*.i. See fitrai>. tuTa-{3dXXu>, 2 a. -/8aAov, cast back; mid. cast behind oneself. 6.5 1G . p-tTa-'yiyvwo-Kw, 2 a. -eyvccv, pt. pi. -^vovrcs, think differently, change one's mind. 2.6 s . u.eTa-8i8u>jj,i., -St'cro), -e'5a>Ko (Sw, So/Tjf), givf (rt) among or to (rivl), distribute; share (nt>6s) With (nvi). 4. |iTa.-fi\i.,-jue \-fjfft i, inf. -jueAciv, it concerns one differently, // repents (rivt). 5. v [juera, |i/v], adv.,m the midst, mean while; between (gen.). 5. Tos, ov, sent for. 1.4 3 . p.Ta-irp.ir&>, -irtntyu, -eVe/ui^o, send for ; eh. in mid., send for or after one, sum- mon to oneself . 12. vrts, <7T?j(T-, see /jit0-lpi)ita, change one't plact, remove. 7.2 18 . -tifjii, impers., one (dat.) has a share in (gen.). 3.1*'. T-XU, -flxov, 2 a -fffxov, have a short oj (gen.), jtnrtake of. 4. , ov, [atpu, raise], raised up, in midair. 1.5 8 . \Ltrpiot, -fitreo, measure. 4.5''. See 8a-. , a, ov, in due measure, moderate, adv. -lets, tnoderately. 2.3-'. ov, measure. 2. [ t fit, cf. L. metior, METE], meter, dia-meter, metro-. See a-ntrpos, niiv. ., also n^xpis before a vowel, [']. 1. Adv., even to, even, L. nsqne. 2. Prep, w. gen., even to, as Jar as, until.- u. oi>. VOCABULARY. 531 unto which (time or place), to where or when. 3. Conj., until, till, w. indie.; /*. &v, w. subj. 27. Syn. SXP'- jvfj [Skt. ma], adv. and conj., not mark- ing the neg. as subjective (i. e., as willed, desired) or conditional (vs. ov) ; tipi}, if not, except ; owov ^, where not = except where ; after verbs of fearing, lest, that (cf. L. ne) ; /*TJ ov, that not; often w. inf. after verbs of hindering, denying, to emphasize the negation, 1.3 2 ; 3.5 11 , SOM^I ov x i. 3.1 13 . H. 1018-, G. 1607. |it]Sa|iTJ, adv., nowhere, 7.6' 29 ; instr. case of fj.ri5a.fj.6s, none, whence (AT]8a(i(os, adv., in no way. 7.7- 3 . (iTj-8', adv. and conj., but not, and not, nor, not even. 19. M^Seia, as, Medea, wife of Astyages, last king of Media. 3.4 11 . (JLT|8t(s, */"'> -'") g- -tv6s, -ias, [uriSf", efs], not even one, not one, no one, none ; fiyofv, adv. ace., in no respect, not at all. 26. |At]8^-iroTt, never. 2. (iT|8-Tpos, d, ov, neither of two. 7.4 1U . MriSua, as, Media, a mountainous but fer- tile country lying between Assyria proper and the Caspian Sea; M^jSias Tf?xs> the Median wall, built probably for defence against the Medes. It ex- tended from river to river, and its site is perhaps indicated by the ruins now called Sidd (wall) Nimrud. 1.7 15 . MfjSoi, wv, [Madai.Gen. x. 2], Medes. 3.2' 25 . jiTjO', see fffirt. |iTjKTi [fir) -f- K + tri, cf. ovxfTi], adv., not again, no longer, no more. 7. JXTJKOS, ovs, TO, [cf. jua/cpos], length. 3. (vfjv [?], asseverative particle, post-pos., very, trul y, indeed ; yet, however ; tf /jffiv, now verily, assuredly. 31. fi^v, fj.riv6s, o, MONTH ; rov fiyv^s, by the month ; nark ,u^". monthly. 13. The Att. month was divided into three de- cades, and contained twenty-nine and thirty days alternately. [St. /xefs, cf. L. mensis, E. MOON, |/ma, measure, see fitrpov.] Cf. vovfj.r]via ; n^vy, moon, whence |j,i]vo-iS^s, es, [ eTSos, form}, crescent- shaped. 5.2 13 . p.T|vtko, vffca, make known, disclose. 2.2 20 . [Cf. \/fia.v, fii/uivria-Kw.] |i,f|-iroT, not at any time, never. 4. Cf. jurjSeTTOTe. (i^j-irw, not yet. 3.2- 4 . p.r]p6s, ov, [?], thigh. 2. See vapafi.ripi$ios. (J.TJ-T, and not, nor ; /j.. . . . p., neither . . . nor; /x. . . . re, not only not . . . but . also. 23. (rfJTTip, finrp6s, ft, [L. mater], MOTHER. 7. |M]Tp6-iro\us, ois, rj, mother city, metropo- lis. 5.2 3 . HT]^avdoji.ai ) 7J, MIX. See dva-, Kara-. MiSas, ov, Midas, king of Phrygia and hero of many legends ; caught the satyr Silenus, who was wont to frequent his garden of roses, by mixing the spring with wine. 1.2 13 . Mi0pa8ctrr]s, ov, Mithridates, satrap of Lycaonia and Cappadocia, supporter of Cyrus till his death, when he went over to the king. 2.5 s5 ; 3.3 1 . jxtKpos, a, 6v, [cf. L. mica, morsel], small, little ; of time or space, short, brief; /j.iKp6f, adv., a little space, short time; c. (Ui/cpoTspoj (or nfitav), s. fiiKporaTos. 16. micro-. See Internat. Diet. MiX^jcrios, a, ov, [for MiA^Tios], Milesian, of Miletus ; & M., a Milesian. M\T]Tos, ov, TI, Miletus, prior to its con- quest by the Persians 500 B. c., the Greek metropolis of western Asia Minor ; later supplanted by Ephesus ; now a marsh, l.l 6 . MiXTOKvOtjs, ov, Miltoci/thes. 2.2 7 . fjufi'o(j.cu \fupot, mimic], imitate, mimic. 3.1 36 ; 6.1 9 . fiip.VT|crKta) [ \//j.va, fjiav, think, cf. fj.aivou.ai], /uvfir. 12. Seedva-; fi.vrt/j.f]-fj.vi}fftKaK^(a, uW-yui'Tj/xo ; na.vda.via, (iwrtw [/j.iaos, hatred], -ffffoi, hate. 2. mis- anthropy. jucrOoSocrta, as, payment of wages. 2.5 122 fuaOoSorla), -fitrw, give pay. 7.1 13 . From p.i6pos, ov, [ [-KOKOS], -fiffco, remember wrongs, bear malice toward (dat. ) for (gen.). 2.41. jioXis, older nAyis, [cf. /j.6yos, toil], with difficulty, scarcely. 7, poXupSts, /8os, i), [dim. |, piece of lead, bullet. 3.3 17 . pioXvpSos, ov, fcf. L. plumbum (prob. for mlu-), plumb], lead. 3.4 17 . (xovopx^a, as, [fi.6v-a.pxos, sole ruler], sole command; monarchy. 6.1 31 . H LOva XTi [pov*x4*> solitary, monk], singly, only. 4.4 18 . fiovT), TJS, [fji^voa], remaining, stay; delay. 3. fiov, suck. 4.5 27 . [ 4/mn imitative, E. MOO, MEW, MUM etc.] MupiavSos, ov, i], Myriandus, Cilician town on gulf of Issus. 1.4 6 . p.vpids a5os. fj, myriad, ten thousand. 8. p.OpLoi, at, a, (en thousand ; also in sing. w. collect, nouns, ao-irls fnvpia,, 1.7 1 ' ; less definitely, countless. 15. [Cf. L. mille, 1 for p ] p.upov, ov, unguent, ointment. 4.4 18 . [(^f (o-)fjivpifa, anoint, SMEAR.] Mucria, as, Mi/sia, province in north- western Asia Minor. Mtio-ios, d, ov, Mt/sian. 1.2 10 < Mvo-ds, ov, a Mysian. 1 .6 7 . Mvo-ds, ov, J///SM*. 5.2 129 . jiv\o's, ov, nook, recess, 4.1". [/u5w, close the lips, see (tufa, nwrripiov]. mystery. jxwpos, d, ov, [L. morus, morosusj, foolish, stupid. 3.2^. (iwpws, adv., foolishly. 7.6 21 . N. v = Lat. n = Eng n. Cf cos, vtvpov, vvv, vv(, Kiioiv, fiijv et al. vat [L. n, nae], adv., yea, verily ; va\ fj.d in oaths, yes by (ace.). 3. Cf. rt\. vdo's, ov, Att. vtcat, [valca, dire/ 1], dwelling of a god, temple. 6. vdir], TJS or vdiros, ovt, TO, [?], vale (wooded), glen, dell. (3 and 10.) vauapx*'>. ^ffta, be admiral, command a ship oijieet. 2. vo.vapx.os VOTOS VOCABULARY. 533 s, ov, [apxu], admiral. 6. The Spartan vs. o-rparny6s the Athenian name. vau'-KX^pos, ov, [/cATjpos, lot, estate], ship owner or master. 2. vavXov, ov, v. 1. for va.va9\ov. 5. 1 12 . build], Jit for ship-building. 6.4 4 . vavs, vft&s, y, [L. navis, cf. veta, swim], ship, 8. nausea. Syns. irKdiov, rpi^pT/s. vavo-dXov, ov, [for VO.VXi], TJS, [dim. (in form) of vfos, cf. L. nebula], cloud. 2. vfo [cf. L. nare], vevo-o^ai, tvevaa., swim. 4.3 12 ; S.7 25 . See vavs, VTJO-OS. vtu> [?], irf), Vfrnnai, heap, pile up. S.4 27 ; vtw-Ko'pos, ov, [ Koptw, sweep ], temple guardian or warden. 5.3 s . N&ov, uvos, [neuman], Neon. 5.3*, 6. M . vetipiov, ov, [vfa>p6s (vavs, &pa, care), dock' master], dock-yard. 7.1 27 . vews, veiav, see voCs. vcus, vt or w, fvo/juo-a, regard as a custom (pass., be customary, 4.2' 23 ), consider, suppose, regard, think, deem ; w. 2 aces., 1 .4 9 , 16 ; ace. + inf., 1 .3 s ; 5. 16 ; inf. + nom. 2.6 17 ; sup. pt. 6.G 2 *. 65. vdp.t[Aos, 7i,ov,customary,lawful,4.6 15 . From vojios, ov, [v^w, assign], what is assigned or fixed, custom, usage, law ; in music, a strain. 15. Astro-, eco-nomy. See &-vo/j.os, -la, avrd-vo/Jios. voos, see vovs. voo-ew, fiffw, be sick, be disordered ; aor. fell sick. 7.2 32 . Syn. affBtvw. vo,flow.\ 534 VOCABULARY. a 6 vov\ir\vla., as, \vtos, fiffivr), moon (poet.)], nevs moon,Jirst of the month. 2. vovs, vov, (fr. 1/005), mind, sense. 7. [For yv6os, see yryvuxricd).] See eC-voi/s, -voia, (vvo'iKws, KO.KO-VOUS, -voia., tv-, Sia.-, ami irpo-voia. WKTpuw [ yvjcrepos], euffw, /KISS /Ae n/f/A*. 3. WKTO'S, see vi5|. vuKTO-4>uXo, a/foi, night-watch, sentinel. 2. VVKTWP [viJf, -], 6ac&. 5.4 32 . s, ovs, Xanthicles, 3.1". \av66s, yellow, K\t os, glory, famed for his golden hair, a favorite color among the Greeks, cf. s.avOia.3, KavOftStis.] gcvto, ay, guest-friendship, hospitality. 6.6* 1 . Qmas, ou, [hospitable}, Xenias, a general. He deserted because some of his trgops went over to Clearchus. l.l 2 , 2. 1 , 4. 7 . fyvQia, la-ui or ia>, receive hospitably, enter- tain. 3. gcviKos, -ft, 6v, foreign, mercenary ; TO %fvin6v, the mercenary force. 1.2 1 ; 2.5 2 ' 2 . ^t'vios, d, ov, hospitable ; rek |f f !'= d=^dos, light, metaph., delight, cf. KT/ipioo-^wi/], Xeno- phon, author of the Anabasis. See Introd. 106-123. H^>TIS, ov, [Pers. Khsliayarsha, fr. Khsha- ya, king, mod. Pers. shah], Xerxes I., king of Persia 485-465 B. c., invaded Greece and was defeated in the battle of Salamis, 480. 1.2 9 ; 3.2 13 . See Introd. 19 gto-Tos, -fi, ov, [|co, polish], smoothed, polished. 3.4 1 ". ^T]paivu, -ava>, dry. 2.3 18 . I'Hpos, a, oV, [?], dry, withered. 4.5 s8 . |t<})os, ous, -r6, [?], sword, straight two- edged (cf. yuaxatpa), carried in a sheath (*coAe6s), hung from a baldric (TAO- HU>v). 3. goavov, ov, [see {CO-TO**], image, statue, esp. of wood. 5.3 1 ' 2 . ^VTjXr], TJS, [fi5w= few, see {card's], tool for scraping ; Spartan sickle-shaped dagger. 4.7 la , 8&. uXiop.ai [|i5Ao'], gather wood. 2.4 11 . |vXivos, TJ, oi/, wooden, of wood. 6.' From gvXov, ou, [fww, /JO/('sA ?], wood, in a wide sense, piece of wood, Jire-wood, timbtr, log, pole. 13. vv = (though not certainly identical with) avv. o. 6, 7), T<{, g. TOW, TTJJ, TOU, the def. art., the. 1. Demons pron., its chief use in Homer, 6 /j.\v . . . o St, this . . . that, the one . . . the other, the former . . . the latter; ol ft.\v . . . ol S, these . . . those etc.; ra (ttv . . . ra 5V, partly . . .partly, 4.1 J4 ; Tj? [ifv . . . rrj St, here . . . there, on the one hand ... OH the other, 2. Pers. pron., 6 St, TJ 5, see, used as pres.], have seen, know, perceive ; x^P 1 " fi^evcu, recognize grati- tude be grateful, to one (dat.), for' ( gen. ). Other modes flow, eloeiijv, ItrOi, fiSfvat, el$ [ -Srfuos, -builder, Stfita, E. dome], TJCTW, ipKotio/ario-cietc., build, erect. 4. See 4ir-. oi!Ko-9v, adv., [o?*os], from home. 2. OIKOI [loc. of O!KOS], at home ; ol of/cot, those at home. 8. 536 VOCABULARY. oUovopos 6(10X05 oUo-vop.os, on, [vtutt, regulate], steward, manager. 1.9 lJ . economy. olKos, ov, [for FOIKOS, L. vkus, E. -WICK, -WICH], house, dwelling. 2. See &TT-, irtpi ; ottcaSf OIKOV^VI). olKovfxt'vr], 775, [pres. pt. of oiKtu], inhabited, opp. to tprinos. ecumenical. oiKTtipw [olitTos, pity, cf. L. aeger], tpta, wKTttpa, pity. 3. otpai, impf. /j.T)v, metkinks. 32. See olb/xat. oivos, on, [Foivos, L. vinura], wine. 25. See irap-otvfca. s, ov, [xX P our ], cup-bearer. 5. ], impf. (8s) -+ tos], correl. pron. ; 1. as, preceded by TOIOS, rotocrSe or rotov- TOJ, such ; 2. more comm. w. ellipsis of foreg. words, such as, of such a kind as; olov, adv., as, like as, as if, for example; w. sup. = ij, 4.8 2 ; oFoj ofteuer ofoj T w. inf., such as to able, Jit, possible, olov Tt (fo-Tiv), it is possible, 2.4 6 t ** ; of which sort, kind, or nature, how great. 56. owxr-irep, oTa-irep, olov-irfp, stronger form of foreg., just such as,_ms as etc., see ofos 5. ols, oio'y, 6, TJ, pi. o?f, ace. pi. o?os or o7j, [for oFis, L. ovis, Sax. eowu], sheep, E\VE. 4.S' 25 ; 6.2 3 . Less comm. than Trpoftarov. ol 1i "' [ 7 ]> little, small ; of time, short, pi. />!t< ; 6\iyov, adv., /!/e ,- oAf-you (w. or without 5eii/), wanting little, almost, 39. c. t\&rv, s oAi'yttTTOj or Aefx- 0-Tos. olig-archy. 6\to-0dvw [a-protli., akin to Atereros, sraoo/A], 6\ur0t]p6s, a, ov, \o\urQos], slippery. 4.3 6 . 6\Kds. dSo j, [see eA/cw, rfraw], what is towed, ship of burden, tradinc vessel. 1.4 6 . hulk. oXoi-rpoxos, ov, [for Fo\Foi (loc., cf. L. volvo), Tp'x], rolling-stone, round stone 4.2 3 . oXoKavTtu [<5A<$-/catn-oj, burnt-whole, Kaiw], burn or offer whole. 7.8 4 . 5 . holocaust. 8Xos, i), ov. [cf. old L. sollus, solidns], ?r/io/e (not akin), entire, all. 8. holo-, see Internat. Diet., cath-olic. "OXviiirCa, aj, Oli/mpia, small district in Elis, in western Peloponnesus, on the right bank of the Alphaeus, where the Olympic games were celebrated every four years in honor of Olympian Zeus (i. e. dwelling on Olympus). 5 3 7 . "OXvvOios, ov, an Oli/nthian, of Olynthus, a city of southern Macedonia on the Toronaic Gulf. 1 .2 5 . , Y 2. = foil 7J, ov, [cf. ofi.6s, L. similis, E. SAME. on end. cf. o/j.<(>a\6s], even, level, smooth VOCABULARY. 537 3. Cf. d.v-(&fjia\os, uneven, an-omaly. See O/J.OLOS, dfjiou. 6|iaXu>s, adv., evenly, in even line. 1.8 14 . 8(iT)pos, ov, surety, hostage. 8. [Cf. 6fj.ov, &p,jit, what joins together.] 6(it\e'o>, -f](T(i>, be in company with, associate with. 3.2' 25 . [ofil\os (cf. 6fj.ov, iA7j), a company.] homily. ofiCxXr), rjs, [6-proth., cf. Skt. mih, mist], mist, fog. 4.2". 6p.fi,a, OTOJ, r6, [for air-pa, see opdca], /oo&; eye. 7.7 46 . fifivvfu or ojj-vuto, [ 7 ], impf. &y.vi>v or &ft.vvov, Ofj.ovfji.at, &fjLoffa, ofjitanoKo., swear, swear by (ace.), take oath. 12. See irpoff-; (v-iafj.oria. 8[ioios, d, ov, [fr. o^s, as ofos fr. os], like, resembling, similar; of the same rank; ev rep buoiif, on the same (footing), 4.6 18 ; oj o/j.oioi, equals in rank, peers, 4.6 1 * ; o(i.oioi ficrav Oavfj.dov(Tiv, were like per- sons wondering, 3.5 13 . 7. homeo-, homo-, see Internat. Diet, ojiotus, adv., alike, likewise, in like manner. 3. See OLV-. o|io\o-yc'oX6s, ov, [cf. L. umbilicus], navel. 4.5 2 . 8(xtos [5^dj], at the same time, nevertheless, yet, still; d\\' <5., but yet. 20. 6v, pres. pt. of eijuL fivap, TO, (only in nom. and ace.), pi. ovfipara, [?], dream, vision. 9. 6vivT]}u [prob. for bvovn/ju, y ?], ov^ffta, tivrjffa, 2 a, m. uvfjfj.r]v, uiv4\Qf\v, benefit, help, aid (ace. not dat., cf. H. 764, 2 ; G. 1160). Onesimus (profitable), cf. Philemon, 10, 11. Syn. wf AeV Svofia, OTOJ, TO, [orig. for o-proth. + yvopa, cf. L. nomen, co gnomen], NAME ; fame, reputation. 17. an- and ep-onymous ; horn-, pseud-, syn-onym ; met-onymy ; par-onomasia. 6vo\iauX.aK(i> [-(J>uAa], fiffu, wiriffdocpv- Ao/cTjcra, be the rear guard, guard or com- mand the rear. 8. 6irior0ouAa.Kia, os, guarding or command- ing the rear. 4.6 19 . 6iria-9o-4>viXa, a/cos, 6, a guard of the rear ; ol birivKa.Kes, the rear-guard. 20. ) [cf. 6jri(Tdtv], adv., behind. 6.i 8 . X^w [oir\ov], icrouai, SirAura, SnrXiKa., arm, equip ; mid., arm oneself. 5. See ^-, 8ir\io-is, f(as, fj, arming, equipment. 2.5 17 . itt, fvffta, be or serve as a hoplite. 5.8 5 . From 6irAtTT|s, ov, [8ir\ov], heavy armed foot- soldier, hoplite ; pi. infantrif. So named from his large shield (SirAoj'), besides which as defensive armor he wore a helmet (updvos). coat-of-mail (8ci>pa), and jrreavps (Kvrjfj.tSf j), and for defen- sive warfare the spear (56pv), sword 538 VOCABULARY. oirXiTixds ({ it, ov, of or for hoplites ; rb 6ir\iriKov, the heavy-armed force. 3. Cf. TO linriKOV, irt\Ta. [fr. lost st. fr. |/op, Fop, cf. L. vereor, E. WAHD, WART], impf. kv, fut. o^Ofiai, 2 a. elSov, ewpaKa, a. p. &cfirTOfj.ai, look into, examine. See Si-, (v-, fpyi, |a>, iapf^a., stretch out, reach out> pre- sent. 7.3-" J . opeivds, oe r -; 6p/j.iu>. opp.r|, >), ['], motion, outset, start, imptJte, onset. 2.1 3 ; 3.1; 2 9 bpp.iu, itraj or os, oi, [c'/>t'4>b>, coi;er], roof. 7.4 15 . opvKxds, <), oV, cf<7, , &/>ua, e//avos, 19, oV, [opdxJj, cf. L. orbus], with- out parents, orphan. 7.2 J2 . opxtofiai [opxos, roii-], fiffo/j.at, v) SOI'TJ, 1.3 17 ; ov (old gen.), where; ivy, in which (time), while, meanwhile; fj (dat. of manner), in what way, often = s, j^ (ovvaro rdxtffra, as quickly as possible ; Si' 3, wherefore ; tffTiv os (of), some one, some; orig. a dem. pron.,(ca! 8j, and he, 1.8 16 ; 3.4 18 . [Skt. yds]. 626. See oOtv, offvtp, Oaj. 2. With antece- dent omitted, os much t+s, how much, as yreat (jar, lonrj etc. ) as ; pi , as many as, how many; after was, who ; iriiinwv offoi, ofa'l (us man i/ as), who: off if . . . roffovri^ = quanto . . . tauto, In/ how much . . . iy so much, (he . . . the, I.5 9 ; 7.3-' ; oaov as subs, or adv., as much ( fur, long etc.) as, as that ; with numerals, as muck as, about, 1.8"'; 3.4 3 ; as, for example, 4. 1 14 ; w. inf., 4.1; 8. ]2 . 100. 8paivo|jLai, ^ffo/jiai, smell, catch scent oj (gen.), 5.8 3 . [off , cf. oo-ju^, smell, Tds,aud used-as iudir. reflex , 540 VOCABULARY. of himself ; only in dat. in Anab. 4. [st. a Ft, Skt. sva.J For pi. see + St], conj., but not, and not, nor; not even, nor yet ; oiiSt . . . ovot, not even . . . nor yet ; ov . . . oiiSt, not . . . nor. 82. oxiSeis, oi>8e/j.ia, oi>5t'p, g. ouotv6s, oube/dias, not even one, not one, none ; ovotv, adv. ace., in no respect, not at all. 1 68. ovSc-irorc, never. 2.6 13 . ovSt-ira>, not even yet, not yet. T.3 24 . ov9* = ovrt. OUK, see oi>. OVK-TI, adv., no longer, no more. 23. otfic-ovv, adv., not therefore, not then. 3.5 6 . OVK-OVV [OUK unaccented lost its force ex- cept in questions expecting an affirma- tive answer], adv., much like oiiv, then, accordingly, so then; in questions, so then? not then? 1.6 7 ; 2.5 M . 14. ov [cf. aii], post-pos. adv., then, accord- ingly, therefore; at all events, at any rate, esp. when preceded by dAA' or 5', cf. 1.2 12 , 22 , &; certainly. 7.6*. 181. o5irp [gen. of oairtp], adv., just where. 4.8*. oflinm, adv., not at ami time, never. 5. oC-irw, adv., not yet. 10. ovirw-iroTC, never before. 1.4 18 . oiipd, aj, [?], tail; of an army, rear. 4. ovipu-yos, ov, rear leader or rearmost man in a column, file-closer. 3. ovpavo's, ov, [?], sky, heaven, 4.2 2 . Whence L. Uranus. ots, d>T{j, T<{, [L. anris (for ausis)], EAR. 3. par-otid. ovcra, ovcri(v\, pt. of tlul. otirc, OUT', before a rough vowel oi>0', [ou -f rt], conj., and not, nor; comm., ovrt . . . ofrrf , neither . . . nor ; ofrrt . . . ft, not only not . . . but also. 142. otrtvos, see 85f, TciSc. 106. OV X "X'> v - 64>i\o> ['.], 6(pfi\rit \ov, ought, of a wish that cannot be realized, would that! O that! 2.1*. 4. See H. 871 a; G. 1512. See 6eAos, r6, only in uom. and ace , [ocpe'AAw, increase, advance], advantage, profit. 2. See dxpcAc'a*. oOaX|ji6s, ov, {Boeot. 5/craAAos, cf. L. oculusj, eye ; tx fl " < v o0a\uoii, keep under the eye or in sight. 6. opthal- mia et al., see Interuat. Diet. 64>XiaKav(o, 2 a. 2>\ot>, owe or be liable to pay, esp. a fine, be adjudged to pay. 5.81. *Opvviov, ov, Ophrynium, town of Troaa. 7.8 5 . OXTOS, ov, channel, ditch. 2.4 18 . From 6\iu, cb. in pres. sys , carry ; pass., be car- ried or ride. 3.4". [oxos, carriage, I.-E. y'vagh, cf. L. veho, E. WAGON, WAIN.] T *> T <5, [^X'w]> wnat carries, vehicle. 3.2 19 . i?s, [?], oan^, Wjf- 4 - , ou, [1], crowd, throng; tumult; annoy- ance, trouble, (cf. fV-oxAw). 12. upes, a, 6t>, [fx 6 "]' *X V P*> tenable, strong ; ra oxvpd, strongholds. 3. /< [?], adv., late. 5. [oi^e], be late, arrive later. 4.5 5 . us, *u>5. ^, [see opaw], appearance, sight 2.3 16 ; 6 I 9 , thauat-opsis. 6|/oiuu, fut. of 6p. irdo|icu VOCABULARY, 541 n. = L. p = Teut. (Bog.) f Cf. JTOTIJP, Trauui, irefre, nepdui, n\eta, np6 et al. ira-yKpdnov, ov, [iray-Kpar-fts, all-powerful] pancratium ; a contest combining wrest- ing and boxing. The contestants fought naked, anointed with oil, covered with sand, and till one was killed or raised a finger, signifying "enough." 4.8 27 . tra.y\aX{iro)s [iray- ira'],adv., very hardly or harshly. 7.5 16 . iraOeiv, 2 a. of irdffxw- Trd0T](j.a, O.TOS, r6, [ifdo-xo]t a suffering, a misfortune. 7.6 30 . 'ird9os, ovs, TO, [irdo-x etc., chant the paean, sing the war-song. 11. [iraidv, avos, choral song of triumph or thanksgiving addressed to Apollo, Ares, or other god] iraiSeia, as, [ irat$fv, strike, smite, beat, wound. 28. ana-paest. [For irofiw, L. pavio.] Syns. irardaffa, ir\j]rT, poise, see iroA- irdXiv [?], adv.. back, back again, again. palin-ode. 67. See ^-. iraXXaKis, loos, [?], mistress, concubine. 1.10 2 . iraXWs, ft, 6v, [ird\\, dart, light spear. 5. ira.\L-ir\r\9i\s, , 2 a. -f&nv, pass beside ; trans- gress, violate. 4. 1 1 . irapa- (SoT]6eio, hasten along (or past others) to give aid. 4.7 24 . irap-ayytXXo), f\&, -fiyy(i\a, announce (com- mand, watchword etc., and pass it) along, pass . . . along, give the word, direct, command ; announce ; Kara TO, irop^-yyeA- fifva, according to the commands (given). 2.'>.8. 35. Trap-dyytXa-is, ewj, T), word of command. 4.1 s . Trapa.-'yiY vo r Lal > -yer^crouat, 2 a. -eytv&^v, become beside, come, arrire. 9. irap-|ii, -Starra, -eSaiKa (-5a>, -$oii}v, -Sovvcu, -Sous), -SfSoiKa, give up or over, deliver up, grant. 33. irapa-dappOvo), w>, cheer on, encourage. 2. irapa-Oe'u), run by or past. 4.7 12 . rrap-aivcw, impf. tfivovv, tcrco, -rfvfora, exhort, arti'ise. 3. parenetic. rrap-aiT60(jLai, -fiffofiau, beg of or from ; in- tercede for (ace.). 6.6 iJ9 . Trapa-KaXfw, fut. or be placed beside or near (dat.). 7.3-". irapa-KeXeuofiai, f4av/j.ai, urge on, exhort, encourage. 5. irapa-iaXeveris, eeos, r\, exhortation, cheer- ing. 4.S 28 . irap-aKoXovOcu, Vjirw, follow beside or close- ly, accompany (dat.). 3.3*; 4.4 7 . nrapa-Xafipdvu), -\rityofjiai, 2 a. -t\a/3ov, re- ceive from another, esp. office, succeed to ; receive, take to oneself, take along. 9. iropa-XcCirco, -Aetyw, 2 a. -tKivov, leave to one side, omit. 6.3 19 ; 6 18 . iropa-Xvirtw, trouble ; in 2.5 20 , by diverting attention from Clearchus. irapa-Xtfu, loose from the side, detach. 5. 1 11 , paralysis, cut down to palsy. irap-ap.eipop.at., change (one's position and go) by, pass by. 1.10 10 . irop-ap.eXo>, ^, -fitvia, -ffjifiva, stay beside or near, remain steadfast. 2.6 2 ; 6.2 1S . -rrapa-p.T]pi8ios [fapei, firipAs, thigh], along the thigh; ret IT, thigh-armor, for the upper, as rytij, for the lower, part of the leg. 1.8 6 . iropa-ir(iiro, ty, a, -tffitevacra, -tffKfva- cruai, make read// to hand, prepare, pro- vide; mid., prepare oneself or for oneself, make preparation, bf ready. 25. " riopa- to prepare what one has not ; KOTO- to prepare what one has," L. and S. irapa-crKv(i , fjr. preparation. 1.2*. irapa-oxijvca), -fivco, encamp near (dat.). VOCABULARY. 543 jrapa-T, -Spa/xoC/iicu, 2 a. -f5pa/j.ov, -StSpd/uLriKd, run along past or by. 5. irapa-\pfj(Aa [irapa = during, at the moment of], adv., on the spot, forthwith. 7.7 24 . irap-tyy vaw ' fja'ta, pass along, pass the word I or command along ; cf. Tapayy^AAa>, command : exhort. 9. irap-cyYVT], ijs, [tyyvri, pledge put into the hand, yva.\ov], charge, command, exhor- tation. 6.5 13 . irap--yvH Lt l v > 2 a. of tra.pa.yiyvop.ai. trdp-tijAi, impf. -TJV, -fffOfj.at, be by, near, with, be present, arrive : iv r-. pan-, panto-, dia-pason (8. \isa9. irtvO, cf. L. patior.] See O.VTI- ; irdQos. Ka.9-Tj5vira.0fia. iroTdo-crto [?], e7roTo|a, only in aor., strike, smite, thrust, 4. S' 25 ; 7.8 14 . See TO/W. IIaTn\vas a, Pategyas. 1.8 1 . 544 VOCABULARY. iraTTip, Tcarpos, [ |/pa, protect, L. pater], FATHER. 8. n-drpios, a, ov, paternal or ancestral. 2. iraTpts. (Sos, ri, father-land, native land. 8. irarpwos, a, ov, from one's father, heredi- tary, patrimonial. 4. iravXa, rjj, [wou-, see foil. -f \a, cf . fcvy + \il], stop, means of stopping, a.7 32 . iravw [cf. L. paucus, Sax. feava, E. FEW], iravffw, firavtra, ireVaw/ca, cause to cease, stop, put an end to ; mid. cease, pause, rest; cease from (gen.). 23. See diro-. IIa, 8({ire8ov. irvw, euffw etc., 90 on foot or 6y /arf, /oo( it. 5.5*. From irj^ds, ^, Av, [for ireStoj, cf. ir'S7j], on foot, foot- ; 6 *., foot-soldier, pi. infantrt/ ; *(&] SiWjms, infantry ; rf(rj,onfoot. 24. irttOw [ ^irifl, for ^>i6, cf. fido], irdffai, (irtiffa, TTfirftita, ireVfKr/xat, tirdffBrjv, /!- suade (ace.); mid., persuade oneself, yield, obey (dat.) ; pass., be persuaded. 62. See dva- ; ireurTtov, iriartvta-, d-rei- Qfta. n-ivd.w, -fiffta, hunger, be hungry, 1.9' 27 . [iretvo, cf. TTfvofiai.] ircipa, as, [for irtpia, cf. irepdu], a going through, trial, experiment, proof; expe- rience, acquaintance (with, gen.). 4. n-ttpau, Affu, ch. as dep. mid., dVo^cu etc., try, attempt, test, make trial of (gen.) 46. pirate, empiric. irCcras, see irddv. ir( and 7ri'0o>. trticTT^ov [irci0w], one must persuade ; must obey (dat.). 2.6 9 ; 6.6". , draw near, approach. 2 [ir(\as, near, cf. irATjer/ov.] n\\T]vvs, (cos, a Pellenian, of Pellene, a city of Achaia 5.2 15 . ZIcXoTrovvTio-ios, a, ov,Peloponnesian. l.l 6 . nXoir6vvi], drag round or about. 7.b''. )Tpi-)^, stand round. 4.7 2 ; 6.6 tt . irtpi-KUKXoofiai, uxrofjiai, encircle, surround. 6.3 11 . Trepi-Xa(j.pdvu>. 2 a. -(ha/Bois, seize round, embrace. 7.4". Cf. Trepj-jSoAAeo. irpi-}JLc'vu>, -/j.(vta, -ffjLfii/a, stay about, wait; watt for. 6. IlepivOios, ou, Perinthtan. 7.2 8 . IlcptvOos, ou, T), [on end. cf. K.6pivdos], Perinthus, a Thracian town on the Pro- pontis. 2.6 2 ; 7.2 8 . ire'pifj |JTpi' -f fj, adv., or prep. w. gen., round about, around. 3. irept-oSos, ou, fj, way round, or going round, circuit. 3.4". n . period. ircpi-oiKeu, riffta, dwell around. 5.6 16 . irepi-oiKos, ov, dwelling around; ol irepf- OIKOI, the provincials of Lacouia, a class intermediate between the Spartans and the helots or serfs ; served in the army as hoplites and light-armed troops. 5. 1 15 . irpi-opdw, -6\l/o/j.at. (?oov. overlook, neglect, allow. 4. irept-iraros, ou, [irdros, walk, cf. L. pon(t)s], a walking about, walk. 2.4 13 . irept-irecrtiv, 2 a. inf. of ir(pi-ir'nrra>. TTtpi-irr\yvvii.i., freeze around. 4.5 14 . jrepi-TriTTTu, 2 a -eitearov, fall upon and embrace (dat.). 1.8^ 8 ; 7.3 38 . irpi-irX(o, sail round. 1.2- 1 ; 7. 1 20 , irepi-iroit'w, make to remain over and above, ac, -firrv^a, /old round, enclose. 1.10 9 . ircpi-p-pcaj, 2 a. -tppvm, flow round, sur- round ; fall or slip off. 1 5 4 ; 4.3 8 . irtpi-erravpow, tiffot, fence about with pali- sade. 7.4**. jrepio-repd, as, [?], dove, pigeon. Semir- amis, queen of Assyria, daughter of 546 VOCABULARY. Derketo (= Syrian Astarte), was fabled to have beeu changed into a dove. 1.4 9 . irtpi-rpe'xu, run round or about. 4.5 8 . irepiTTtvw, be over and above, reach beyond (gen.). 4.8". ircpiTTos, r], ov, [iff pi + ros ], over and above, superfluous, surplus ; ol ir., the men beyond. 4.8 11 . 5. irpi-Tvyx<>' vw i 2 a. -f-rvxov, happen to be about, happen upon, meet. 6.6". irtpi-cJHXvuis [irepi-avris], adv., conspicu- ously, manifestly. 4.5 4 . irtpi-4>cp(i>, carry round. 7.3' 24 . periphery. s, ov, very fearful, much terrified. s, ov, [anc. Parsa], a Persian, of Persia, orig. a mountainous district boraeriug on the Persian Gulf, but ex- tended by the conquests of Cyrus the Great and of Darius, so as to include nearly all the territory lying between the Mediterranean Sea and the river Indus. ^w, speak Persian. 4.5 s4 . Kos, -fi, ov, Persian ; rb II. opxfto~0ai, dance the Persian dance. 5. Ilcpcrurrf, adv., in Persian, cf. 'EAATjiwrf. irepvcrivos, -ft, 6", [irfpvai, last year}, of last year. 5.4- 7 . iretrtiv, 2 a. inf. of iriirru. irtroXov, ov, leaf. 5.4 12 . petal. Orig. nent. of we'raAoi, out-spread, from irTdvvvp.i [ cf. L. pateo, E. FATHOM ], spread out, open. See ana-. irro|iCH, iTTT/ffo^ai, 2 a. firr6ft.Tiv,fiy. 1.5 3 ; 6. 1 23 . [ yirtr, wre, IT, cf. L. p6to.] Cf. TTTtp&V, FEATHER. See Ttrtpv^. ir^Tpa, as, [?], rock, mass or ledge of rock. 10. petr-. See Internal Diet. irtTpopoXfa, as, [;8aAAu>], throwing stones, stoning. 6.6 15 . ir^rpos, ov, [cf. wfVpa], Stone, bowlder. Peter. 3. Ch. poet, for \(8os. See KaTa-ircrp6u>. irc^vXa-y^vus [adv. of pf. pt. of (f>v\dfT(a], gnardedli/, oontUWf/jf. 2.4 24 . On forma. cf vQttfjifvoas. vfj [instr. case of *iros, see roi5], adv., encl , in some way, in any way. 4.8 U > 18 . , T}S, [?], orig., a stream ; comm. = Kpi]VT\, spring, fountain, source. 9. ^yvvpi [cf. L. paciscor, pax], irf}ia, make fast, solid, or stiff, freeze. 4.5 3 ; 7.4 s . See O.TTO-, TCfpt-. mjScLXiov, ov, [TTTjSdc, oar], rudder, large and oar-shaped, attached to each side of the stern and worked by hand or cross- bar (feiryArj). 5. 1 11 . irrjXds, oD, [?], mud. 3. irfjxvs, fias, &, forearm ; cubit =. 17J inches. [Skt. bahiis, arm.] See ol-, rpl-. nCYpTjs, Tiros, Pigres. 1.2 17 . JTIU> [?], few, tirieaa, press, press hard or tight, oppress. 5. iriKpos, o, ov, [ Vpi, hate, cf. FOE], bitter, pungent. 4.4 18 . ir(|iirX7](j.i [ |/irAa, irAe, L. com-ple-re], impf. fffi/xTArjc, wA^erw, FILL. 1 5 l . See (K-, e'/x-, d/T-6/x-; TroAuy, ir^Aty, TTATJ- irfvw [ yiri, ito, L. poto], fat. flo^ai, 2 a. firtov, drink, sym-posium. 3. See 6K-, (fvv-tK- ; viro- ; Trit>fj.a, fK-Trw/^a, iror6s, ir6ros, , cf. ir^ro/io.] See flff-, ffvv-tiff-, K-, e'/u-, fai-, Kara-, ITfpt-, 1TpO(7-, (TVfJ.- ; f U1T6TWJ. nr(!8T]s, ou, Pisidian, of Pisidia, a pro- vince in southern Asia Minor. irwrrtvu), fva-ta etc., frusf, believe, put faith in (dat.). 17. irf(TTis, teas, TI, [for iriO ris,cf.iret6<0], faith, confidence, good faith, fidelity ; pledge of faith =r ri TrrTc. irrTOS, ^, 6v, [for TTJ^-TOS, cf. ireibw], faith- ful, trusty, trusted, trustwoi'thy ; ol viaroi confidential advisers or attendants of Persian kings and princes; T& jiledqes. 30. See dirio-r^ai etc. TTKTTOTI]?, TITOS, TJ, fidelity. 1.8 29 . 1TITVS TTOUW VOCABULARY. 547 , uos, i), [cf. L. pinus], pine, pine-tree. d, ov, [ir^dyos, side], sideways, oblique : (Is v\dyiov, obliquely ; ro.ic\a.yia, the flanks. 1.8 1 '; 3.4 U ; 6.3 15 . ' irXaio-iov, ov, [cf ir\aTvs, broad], rectangle ; f. Iff6ir\fvpov, square. The Persians usually went to battle as at Cunaxa, massed nation by nation in solid squares. 9. See Introd., 38, 111. -Xavdoficu [wAdVTj], j]-'*; 5.1 7 ; 7.7-*. 3. planet. irXdros, vt, r6, [w\arvs], breadth. 5A 32 . T\d.TTw, wAdVo>, ?irAa, plait, twist. 3.3 18 . ir\eovKTw [irAeof e/CT7js ( ], blow, stroke. 3. plague. n-XfjGos, ovs, r6, [cf. irA7J0w, L. plebes], mu/- titude, crowd, main bodi/ : extent. 22. ir\T|9a> [intr. to irt/xirATj^j], ch. in pres. pt., be or become full : ir\-fi0ovtra dyopd full market. 2. plethora. irArjv [ir\ftv by-form of irAeoi/, more than], prep. w. gen., except ; conj., except that, only. 25. TrXfipTjs, j, g. ous, [irf/iirA^jUi, plenus],/W, full of (gen.), Jilled with. 7. See , come near, approach (dat.). 1.5-; 6.5-6; 4>6 6. irXrjo-ios, d, ov, [akin to x^Aas, ireAa^a;], near; s. irA^trjatVaToi, 1.10 5 . irATjo-iof, adv., near, close by ; as attrib., 2.4 1(i , w. gen.. 5.2 11 . 18. 7rXT)TTu> [cf. L. plango], act. rare in Att. except 2 pf. wfVATrya ; 2 a. p. t^Kitynv, strike, smite apo-plexy. 4. See -, Kara- , iraicu. iraTciffffu. irXivfiivos, 77, ov, of brick, brick-. 3.4 11 . irXiv9os, ov, rj, [?], 6/-/C/:. 3. plinth, FLINT ? irXoiov [irAeVJ, boat, any kind, from a canoe up , IT fj.a.Kpoi>, long or war froa( , ship, merchant vessel. 61. Syns. voCi, irXovs, ov, [ir\6ot, irA^w], sailing, voyage ; ir. ftrri, it is good sailing. 4. irXovo-ios, d, ov, [wAot/roj], rich. 4. irXouo-ius, adv., richli/, in wealth. 3 2 26 . ir\ouTw [irAoDroj], ^ffw, 6e n'c/i. 5. irXovTiJw [irAoCros], iVa> or ia>, enrich. 7.6 9 . TrXovros, on, [akin to rrA^prjy], riches, wealth. Whence irKovaios, irAour^w, , arcs, rrf, [irv^w], M-inrf, breeze. 3. pneumatic. irve'u [ | TTJ/U, Tri/eFj, irveuo-o^tat, 6/01^, breathe, 3. dys-pncea. See d/a-. irvi-yw [akin to *Wce], irvt^ca, choke, drown. 5 7- 5 itoSairds, ^, ov, [?], q/" w^ai country ? whence f 4.4 17 . iro8T|pTis, ej, |iroi5$, -riprit, of unc. orig.], reaching to the feet. 1.8 9 . iroS^w [TOUS]. Teiro8i(r/x6voi, fetter. 3.4 s5 . See fyi-, aru/t-. iroSo;, see irons. rfs]. w-Afnce ? 5.4 7 . c'v [*ir<{s], encl , yVom some (or any) p/ace. 6.3 15 . , rfjo-w. long for (ace.), fo (inf.). 6.4 8 . ird9os, ov, [akin to w&Oos?], longing, yearn- ing (for, gen.). 3. 1 3 . Trot [loc. of *iros], encl., some u-hither, somewhere, anywhere. 3. irouo> [?]. -fiffu etc., mate, rfo, variously rendered to suit the context, produce 548 VOCABULARY create, form, cause, bring about (often with ffio-re + inf.); do (like Trpdma), effect ; call (an assembly ), celebrate (a fes- tival), compose (poetry, whence poem); (v TT., do good to (ace.), benefit ; KUKUS IT., do ill to, injure ; mid., do etc. for oneself; also, hold, deem, irtpl tcKtiirrov ( or iravrbs) IT., deem of the highest impor- tance. 268. See dm- , tfj.-, irepi-, TTOOIT-. iroiTjTtos, d, ov, must be made or done. 4. p-oiKiXos, 77, ov, [ \'irnt, cf. L pingo], many- colored, variegated ; tattooed. 2. irotos, d, ov, [*ir6s as otos fr. 3s], of what kind ? what sort of? what ? 6. iroXciu'w, -ffffu etc., to war, make war, carry on war, absol., dat., or eiri, irp6s w. ace. 35. See 8ia-, Kara-, irpoj-, ffv/j.-. iroXcjiiKOS, fa 6v, skilled in or fitted for war, warlike ; like iroA//utos, of or for war or battle, ri> iroAe/uiKoj/, war signal or shout ; rek iro\t/j.ii(d, military affairs, science etc. 10. polemic. TroXefUKus, c. -tartpov, s. -wTaTa, hostile/;/ ; . $Xfiv, be hostile. 6. 1 1 . TToXtjAios, d, ov, of or pertaining to war, or the enemy, hostile; ol irok.tfj.iot, the enemy ; ri iro\tfjiia, the affairs- of the enemy or = TO. tro\ffj.iKd ; rj iroAejuia, the enemy's country; c. -^repos, S. -], lit a building ; town. 3. iroXtrT]S, ov, [ir6\ts], citizen, politics. 2. iroXXdiKis [iroAus], <\.dv.,many times, often. 1. iroXXairXdrios, a, ov, manifold ; manifold more (than, gen.) , many times as many (or as much). 6. iroXAa\r) or -TJ, [instr. case, *jroAAax [-irpdyfjLCfv, over busy], busy oneself, intrigue, meddle. 5. 1 15 . iroXvs, iroAA^. iroAu, g. TroAAoC, T)S, C. irAei'an/, or w\fo>v, s. jrAelo-Tos, much, sometimes rendered great, far, long etc., pi. many; ol TroAAoi, the many, the majority ; TO iroAu, the greater part, the most ; iro\v, adv. ace., much, very, greatly, far etc. ; firl IT., over or for a long distance ; &s eiri rb iro\v,for the most part ; woAAd", in many respects, much ; (K ir\ftovos,from a greater distance, 1.10 11 ; ir\fov, often as adv. ; ij ir\f1o-Toi, as many as possi- ble. 418. poly- andry, -gamy et al., see Internal. Diet, pleonasm. [ t woA, irAf (see irifjfir\rifj,i), L. plus.] IIoXv-o-rpaTos [he of many armies], Poly- stratus. 3.3' 20 . iroXv-T\^js, ^J, g. ovs, [re\os, expense}, very expensive or costly. 1.5 8 . iropurri, Tjr, [ire'/xTrw], escort, solemn proces- sion. 5.5 5 . pomp. irovcw, riffta etc.. toil; undergo hardship; gain by toil, like IK-. 6. Syn. />x<^co. iroi^r|pc>Si o. ov, toilsome ; bad, base, wicked 9. See iro/t-. irov^ptus, adv., laboriously, with difficulty. 3.4 19 . irovos, ov. [irfvo/j.ai], labor, toil, hardship, difficulty. 8. See tin-. TTOVTOS, ov, (?], sea. 5. Comm. of tie smaller seas. esp. the Euxine ; 6d\ar-ra sea in general, esp. the Mediterranean. iropcia ay, \iroptv, law or tea, tir6piffa etc , furnish, supply, provide. 10. See K-, eruc-e/c-. rropos, ov, [see sub irtpdw], way through or across, way ; passage ; way out, means of accomplishing or providing, means ; pro- viding (cf. iroplfa). pore. 2. See airopos (-ecu, -fa), avri-, ova-, (-fa), l/x-, eu-. voppo> later Att. irp6ffu>, forwards, farther ; far from (gen.). 2. ropvpovs, 2, ow, [-rropcpvpa, purple fish], purple. 1.5 8 . porphyry. iro, 6e, or 70 as, an ambas- sador. 3. From Trprpvs, ftas, old man, pi., elders ; ambas- sador ; c. -vrepos, older, elder, s. -vraros, eldest. 28. [irpta-- (cf. L. pris-cus), akin to Trprf, + flu, Cretan 71; = ytv.] pres- byter, priest. See vvu.-. irpo-pvrr|s, ov, old man. 6.3 10 . jrpa, 2 a. -elXor, ta&e 6e/bre ; mid. choose beforehand or m preference to. 6.6 19 . irpo-ai.a-0dvop,ai, 2 a. -n, -ySoAw, 2 a. -t before or forward ; mid., */ - o> before oneself, present (SirAo) ; finny forward, propose. 6. problem. irpo-para ur, [-/3o, cf. o,/eed,3Ta2e], catt/e ; in Att., shte/i. 19. irpo-poX^j, ijs, [-/3aAAa>], putting forward, presenting (arms). 6.5'-^. jrpo-jiovXtvw, plan for, provide for. 3. 1 3 ". irpo-'yovos, ov, [-ytyvofjiai], forefather, ances- tor. 5. irpo-SiSu>p.i, -owffta, -e'Soxca, (5a, SOI'TJV etc.), -SfSw/co, ^zi'e u^>, betray, abandon, for- sake. 12. irpo-Sonjs, ov, [-SiSufu], betrayer, traitor 2. irpo-Sovs, 2 a. pt. of *po-$i8wfj.i. irpo-8pafuov, 2 a. pt. of trpo-rpix^o|iai, pf. -eipyafffiai, work out or gain beforehand. &.l' 2i . irpo-c'p\O|i.ai, fut. Wpt+tfU, 2 a. -rj\6ov, -fA7}Ai/6o, gv bt/ore or forward, ad- vance. 9. irpo-or6ai, 2 a. iaf. of irpo-(j/u. irpo-^x, hold before ; be before, excel (gen.). 3.219. t tea d forward. 6.5 10 . irpo-T]-yopw [vpo-'fiyopos, dyopd], speak for, advocate. 5.5". rrpo-^tiv, see irpd-eijui, go forward. irpo-fjXOov, 2 a of irpo-fpxofjcu. irpo-0(i), run before or forward. 5.8 18 . irpo-0up.eop.ai, -f)ffOfj.s, adv., eagerly, zealously ; c. -^Tepov. 4. irpo-0vw, sacrifice for or before. 6.4--, irpo-iSoicv, 2 a. opt. of irpo-opdte. irpo-w'vaij see irp6-ft/jii. irpo-itjfii, -riffu, -riKa, (-&, -eirjy, -eiva.i), 2 a. m., -eVl", (>nf. -eV0u, pt. -ifttvos), send forth or forward ; ch. in mid., (71 re />, Ze< (/o, abandon ; give over, entrust. 5. irpo-o-TT|p.i, p/ace before ; -eVrTjKO, stand before, be leader of, command (gen.). 5. irpo-KoXcw, call forth or forward. 7.7 2 . irpo-KoXvirrw, v\l/ia, hang before or across, conceal. 3.4 8 . n-po-Kara-Kdw, burn or destroy in advance. 1.6 2 . irpo-KaTa-Xap.pa.vu, -A^i//ojua(, 2 a. -t\a.&ov, -d\rja, -fi\ii/j.fj.ai, seize in advance, pre- occupy. 9. irpo-Kcipai, lie before or out, project. 6.4 8 . irpo-KivSvvcvw, incur danger in behalf of. tovs, [far-famed], Procles, gov- ernor of Teuthrania. 2. 1 3 . irpo-Kptvw, -Kptvia, -iKpidnv, judge or select before, prefer. 6. 1 26 . irpo-XtY w i sa y beforehand, proclaim, bid. 7.7 3 . pro-logue. irpo-p.axwv, tiros, 6, place of defence, ram- part. 7.8 13 . On -wi/, cf. H. 561, 2 ; G. 129, 6. irpo-p.Tir8iov, ov, [ft.tr-iroi>. forehead], head protector, frontlet. 1.8". -rrpo-pvaop-ai, impf. ifpovfi.va.To, court for, solicit. 7.3 18 . irpo-voop.at, take thought for, provide, 7.733, 37 irpo-voia, or, [irp6 voos], forethought. 7.7 U irpovo|ifj VOCABULARY. 551 irpo-vo|AT|, TJJ, [wpo-re'/xoyua , jo forth in amazing], jbraging party. 5.1". irpo-^6Vu>, i]ffu>, act as irpo^tvos, manage, effect ; in bad sense, bring upon. 6.5 14 . irpo-vos, on, public guest, friend, or pat- ron ; consul. 5.4 2 ; 6 11 . npd^tvos, ov, Proxenus, Boeotian, general of Cyrus, friend of Xenophon who de- lineates his character in 2.6 16 - 20 . trpo-oiTO, 2 a. opt. of irpo-iijfii. irpo-opdw, -i5oiv, -1877x01, see before or in front. 1.8 2 '; 6.1 s . irpo-ir^jrrra), -Wyu4""> -firf/j.0riv, send be- fore or forth ; escort. 7. irpo-irCvco, fut. -irto/xat, 2 a. -firiov, wfiruKa, drink before or Jirst (for another (dat.) to follow), drink to one's health. 4. irpo-iroWw, toil for. 3. 1 37 . irpos [akin to irp6], confronting, in presence of, at. 1. With gen., from in front of, from the standpoint of = our toirards, 2.2* ; before, on the part of; by ; of what nat- urally proceeds from any source, in ac- cordance, ic/th, towards, 4.3- B , 1.2 n . 25. 2 With dat., before, in the presence of, at, near, on, on the border of, besides, it. TOVTOIS, besides this. 13. 3. With ace., to the front of, to the presence of, before, towards, to, against, upon ; of time, towards, near ; in view of, with a view to, in relation to, in respect to, ir. ravra, IT. , 2 a. -^70701', lend to or against; bring to, apply ; w. ohj. omitted, draw near, march. 6. TrpoT-aiTt'w, ricru, -rJTrjffa, ask besides or for more. 3. irpoer-av-aXio-KO), -a\c&a-ia. -^Xafa, expend in addition. 6.4 s . irpoo--av-nreiv, 2 a. inf. of irpocr ayopf va>. >// or proclaim in addition. 7. 1 11 . irpoo--paiva>, -Pri(ro/j.ai, step upon ; go tmrtird. 4.2 28 . Trpoo--pd\Xa), -/SaXco. 2 a -f&a\ov. B f B\riKa.. throw or dash against, advance against, attack ft. irpocr-paTos, ov, [-ftatvoa], accessible. 4.3 12 . irpo, run to or towards. 4. irpocr-id, -\tyo/j.ai, 2 a. -f\a&ov, take besides, receive in addition ; take hold, take part in (a work). 9. irpoir-jwvw, wait or await still, wait expect- ing. 6.6 1 . irpo, war against. '.6 8 . irpooraT^w, riffta, preside over (gen.), man- age. 4.8 25 ; 5.6 21 . irpo, -fTaa, -erdx^nv, en- join (rl) upon (rivl), command; in 1.6 1} = it had been enjoined. 1.9 18 . irpo(r-TXw, pay besides. 7 6 8:) . irpo-oTcpviSiov, ov, [ffrtpvov], breastplate. 1.8 7 . On forma, cf. vpo fifTwiriSiov, jtapa-fj.Tjpio'iov. irpoo--T^3T]ni, 2 a. m. -tOenyv, place to; place oneself to, agree to (dat.). 1.6 10 . Trpoo--Tp\w, -Spa./j.ov/j.ai, 2 a. -t'Spauov, run to (dat.). 4. irpo, bring to; mid., bear oneself toward. 3. irpopa) adjoining], neighboring. 5.3 9 . irp<5i]/, o^ofjiai], face, looks, pi. comm. for sing. 2.6 11 . irpo-raTTw, -TtrayfMt, post in front. 5.2 18 . irpo-TtXe'w, to-Q>, pay in advance. 7.7 2S . irpoTpaios, 6, ov, preceding, rfj IT. (rj^pcf), on the day before. 2. 1 3 . irpoTtpos, d, ov, [irp6], former, earlier; (rb) irportpov, adv. ace., before, previ- ously. 11. irpo-Tlnaw, ficrta, honor above (gen.), prefer in honor, 1.6 5 ; fut. mid. as pass., 1 4 U . 7rpo-Tp^x.u, 2 a. -fSpanov, run forward or before; outrun. 3. irpov- =r irpof-. irpovSeS- = irpo-foto-. irpQ-$a.ive>, show before ; mid., appear be- fore or in a distance, 1.8 1 ; 2 3 18 . Trpoaao-is ews, fj, [vXa, O.KOS, out-guard, pi. picket, out- post. 6. irpo-xwpf'w, jo-aa, go forward, go on, pros- per, be favorable ; impers., be conven- ient. 1.9 18 ; 6.4 21 ; ".S 26 . irpvuva, rjs, [fern, of irpvnv6s, (*p6), hind- most], stern, of a boat. 5.8 20 . irpw [irprf], early, in the morning; c. irpifai- Tepov, earlier (than usual), very early. 3.4 1 . 4. n-piopa, as, [irp<$, cf. irpvuvd], prow. 5.8 20 . ar, prow-officer, next to the in rank. S.S 2 '*. irpwrevw, 6e ,/zrs/, stanrf first (in, dat.). 2.628. irpwros. 77, ov, [for irptJ-aros, sup. of irp6], Jirst, foremost, most eminent ; rovsirpiarovs, the van ; it. tfyyei\f, I Jirst announced = T trus the first to announce, 2.3 19 ; often w. force of an adv., (cf. tutStv, see H. 619 and a, G. 926, n.), first, in the first place ; (TO) irpwrov, first, at first, in the first place ; it. nsv . elro, firerra, or dra of. 95. proto-, see Internal. Diet. VOCABULARY. 553 -irrdpwp.a.1 [cf. L. sternno], sneeze ; omi- nous, comm. of good, among both Greeks and Romans. 3.2 9 . jrr^pv, vyos, i], [trrepov, feather, see wrro- IMI], wing; skirt, at the bottom of the corselet. It covered the loins, and from it hung strips of leather or felt covered with plates of metal. 2. mryji^, TJS, [TU], fist ; boxing. The con- testants dieted and trained for months, fought naked, but with hands and wrists weighted with the cestus (*ce (= Delphi), a part of many proper names. truKVos, -fi, &v, [akin to iru|], close, dense, thick; irvKvd, adv., often. 5. mJKTT^s, ov, borer, pugilist, L. pugil. 5.S 23 . See Trv, irvy/j.-fi- TTV\T], Tjy, [cf. ir6\os, axis, E. pole], gate, (opp. to Gvpa, door), ch. in pi. gates ; entrance, pass, because barred with gates, 1.4 4 . 22. pylorus, Pylae. IlvXai, wv, at, [see foreg.], Pylae or Gates. Those of 1.5 5 known in later geogra- phy as at Ba&v\ [irvpaos, torch, see irvp], light beacon fires. 7.8 15 . trw [instr. case of *vos], adv., encl., yet, only w. neg., oS-irw, /iTj-irw etc., not yet. 6. irwXea), fjau etc., sell. 4. [Prob. fr. irt'Aw, be in motion, be busy, through a lost noun stem.] mono-poly. See ^-iro\ao. irwXos, ov, [L. pullus, FOAL], colt, filly. 3. IIwXos, ov, [colt], Polus. 7.2 5 . irwjia, arcs, TO, [irfvai], drink. 4.S 27 . TrcG-iroT, ever yet. 8. irs ['TOS], how? 16. irws [*irds], somehow, in some way, in any way ; &\\ws irws . . . 1j, in any other way than. 3.1 20 . 14. P. p = Lat. r Eng. r. Cf. pe'a, of unc. kin.] paSiws, adv., c. paov, s. p^ffra, easily. 3. 'Pa0vr]s, ov, Rathines. 6.5". pa.9vp.eoj \pa-8vfjLos], 4}ffa,-6vfj.os], easiness of disposi- tion, life of ease. 2.6 5 . paov, pciffros, see paSto? pijioTwvii [p&o-ros, cf. a.vtfid>vi} fr. &Wyuo?], ijs, easiness, ease, indolence. 5.8 16 . peed, f>fv *ppty a > throw, hurl ; throw off', away, or down. 4. See 5ta- ( Sidp- ), rr-, ^iri-ifora-. ff, ^, [?], nose. 7.4 8 . 'PoSios, a, of, Rhodian ; as subs., a Rho- dian, of Rhodes, a large island off the coast of Asia Minor. The Rhodians were famous slingers. po4>'o>, -fiffonat, [cf. L. sorbeo], sup greedily, gulp down. 4.S* 2 . |Sv0p6s, ou, [pV (ptta), on end. cf. (rra- 0/uo's], measured motion, time, rhythm. 6. pvpia, aroj, rrf, [^5o/tai, rfrozr], a rfraw of the bow, ex r&^ou pharos, from (the distance) of a bow-shot. 3.3 15 . p)ut, mate strongf], strength, force. 3.3 14 . See pa.s, 3.4 31 ; also ace., T& tv uttrep irdvTa, 1.7 6 . SXtvovs,oDi'Tos, [a e\ivov, parsley, celery], Sellnus, small river, 5.3 8 . irtTpo- [O-TJUO-], avia, ^(ri^Tjya, give a sign,- signal, signify, indicate, point out, de- clare ; sometimes impers., ffijfia.ii'ft, the signal is girt>n, 2.2*. 18. See 8a-. O-TJJIIOV, ou, [o-^jua], sign, signal, mark. 4. Syn. rtx/i^piop. o-t]o-d|xtvos, rj, ov, of sesame. 4.4 18 . From o-f| [ff'irosltfeed, see Vt-. (ririov, ov, ch. in pi., food , provisions. 5. ertrosi ov, irreg. pi. o-'ira, tav, [ 1 ], grain, esp. wheat ;food, esp. provisions, in this sense jiriov is preferred in prose. 19. ZiTTaKT], ijj, Sittace, a city on the left ban!; of the Tigris near Cunaxa, exact site uncertain. 2.4 13 . (ritjirda; [o'lco"^], impf. tauairtav, ^jero/*a(, be or keep silent. 1.3-; 5.S' 25 . a-KSdvvv|ii [ yc/tfS, E. SHED, SHATTER], a(r&>, 6a-, av/j.-Trapa-. From {TKtvrj, ^s, [cf. Skt. 4/sku, cover, L. ob-scu- rus], dress, equipment. 4.T 27 . op'io, ^(rw, 6e a baggage, carry bay- gage. 3.2^, 3 19 . From dpos, ov, [fp, dry. skeleton.] s, adv., hardly, with difficulty. S.2 26 . v, Scythinians, one of the numerous mountain tribes of northern Armenia. 4.7 18 . cncuAivco [ (TKV\OV, spoil, -aivtTOS, ow, [praised for his skill]. Sophainetus, Cyrean general from Arca- dia. 1.1", 2 3 ; 2.5 37 . (a, as. skill, wisdom. 1.2 8 . sophist, philo-sophy. From tropes, ^, ov, [cf. (rcupjs], skilled, clever, wise. 1.10' 2 . (rrravijw [cr-a-im], tVa or tu, be scarce of, /ac/t(gen.). 2.2 12 ; 7.7. o-irdvios, o, ov, [ffira.vis\, scarce, scanty. 3. (nrd.vis, fa>s, rj, [ 7 ], scarcity, lack. 2. SirdpTq, TJS, [ fficfipw, scatter], Sparta, capital of Laconia. In 404 B. c., three years before the expedition of Cyrus, the Spartans ended the Peloponnesian war with the capture of Athens, and held undisputed leadership among the Greek states till the battle of Leuctra, 371 B.C. ZirapTid-rns, ov, a Spartan. The Spartans were the military class or aristocracy (ol SfjLoioi, peers), below whom were (1) the provincials (irtpj'oiKoi), (2) the Helots or serfs CEAWTOJ). 4.8 26 . nrdprov, ou, [o-ireipa, coil, spire], rope, cord. 4.7 15 . See (Tv-ffirtipdo^ai. eriraio [cf. E. SPAN, SPIN], o-irdaw, fffiraira, f [cf. L. spondeo], ffTrdau, lo-ireio-a (= tffirtvocra), fcrirtiarinat, pour a libation, make a drink-offering ; mid., pour a liba- tion one with another (dat.) to ratify a treaty, hence, make a treaty or truce with (dat.), make peace with. 13. See inrovoi). crirevSw [cf. L. studeo, E. SPEED], a-irevcrca, tairtvaa, urge or press on, hasten, be in haste. 8. See avv-firi-; trirouoT), , pa/e in, palisade. See di/a-, diro-, iff pi-. p.a, oror, TO", paling, palisade. 4. or&ip, oWdTos, TO", fat, tallow. 5.4 28 . [? Usu. derived fr. TOTTJ/U, standing, i. e. . aros, TO", [. o-repCo-Kw, , [fr. ffrepew, rare in pres.], IffTtpi/iffa,, deprive (one, ace.) o/" (gen.) ; passive is (rrepofJiai, ffrep-fiffofiai, ttrrep^Q^v, be de- prived of (gen.), be destitute oj '. 8. See diro-. ore'pvov, ov, = sternum, breast. 2. [o-ropeV- vvfti, spread]. Ch. poet, for a-rrjOos. See irpo-ffTfpviStov. errcppws, adv., Jirmly, steadfastly, 3.1 22 . [artppos ffTfpf6s,Jirm. stereo-type.] avos, ov, [arrttpta, encircle], crown, wreath, chaplet, made of leaves, olive, myrtle, laurel, or oak, of parsley, ivy, or roses; used as a festal ornament and to crown victors. 3. Stephen. OTt^avdw, itxria etc., crown ; mid., crown oneself, put on a wreath or garland. 4.31', 533 . 7J40. OTT|\T], ?7s, [tar-rim], pillar, post. 5.3 12 ; 7.5 18 . o-rp-, see TorTj/ut. , (Tri^ai, fffri^a, ftmyfjicu, prick, tatoo. 5.4 32 . Stigma. [ t arriy, L. in-stig-o, E. STICK, STITCH, STING.] oricjx)?) ovs, TO, crowd, mass, column. 3. [or'4>a> in orig. sense, pack close, cf. avos]. Syn. ^x^ oy - (rrXeyyts, itios, f), [cf. L. strigilis], flesh- scraper, used in the bath and after ex- ercise for scraping the body ; also a sort of ornamental comb or tiara. 1.2 W . [&T parity 6 si], faw etc., be gen- eral, lead, command (gen.). 7. strata- gem. See \nro-. (TTpaniyia., as, generalship ; in 1.3 15 a cog. ace., exercise this generalshi/>. 4. oTpaTTj-yidw [desid. of (rrparijy^u], dcs-ire to become general. 7- 1 33 . (rrpaT-Tryds, ov, [ayca, cf. a.px-i\yos\, leader of an army, general, commander ; Persian 558 VOCABULARY. rrpaTid etc., encamp, 7.G 24 ; comm. mid. encamp, be in camp. 16. See dvrt-, OTTO-, icara-, -, see o-Tpe'^w. orptirros, "hi ov, [crrptQu], twisted; as subs., necklace, much worn among the Persians. 3. [(], arptyai, ftrrpt^a, etrrpo(pa, fffrpaij./j.ai, tT}v, twist, turn ; turn or face about. 5. strophe. See dvu-, Airo-, Kara-, ffvy-Kara-, inro-. trrpovOos, ov, 6, rj, [ 7 ], sparrow; fi^yas or fneyd\r) ov, [* = , hat?], hateful, sullen, opp. to aiop6s ', rJ arv- yvbv, sullenness. 2.6 9 i n . 2T\i(xd\ios, d, oi/, Stymphalian, of Stym- phalus, a town in Arcadia. l.l n . crv, , -Kavo-u, -e'/cauffo, 6urn up with. 3.2-'. (rvy-KaTa-ov, the (place or thing) agreed on. 6.3 4 ; 7.2 7 . o~vy-K\tC(a, -K\ficru>, shut together, close. LI", 15. |/oyuot, 2 a. -faa&ov, -- A?;i|)a, seize, /a^ hold of, apprehend, (ace.). 9. syllable. o-vX-Xfyw, -A{o, -t'Aox, -iA7/iai, 2 a. p. , -jSaAw, 2 a. -f&aKov, -f'j8Aij/ca, ], conflict, encoun- ter. 6.5 a . (rvvSmrvos VOCABULARY. 559 |j.-{Jo\jXiJci>, evcru, plan with, ad vise (dat.); mid., consult, get one's advice, confer with or ask advice of (one, dat.}. 27. crvfi-povXTJ, fis, counsel, advice. 2. [-/uaxos], riffta, be an ally, form an alliance with. (dat.). 5A 3 \ crufi-p.axta, as, [-^toxoy], alliance. 3. > -nl w > -*V'> m ^ x or mingle with, unite with, join, (dat.); join battle with. 6. }i-iropcuo|j.ai, -tvffo/j.ai, go or journey with, join in the expedition. 3. a-vp.iroTt-apx.os, ov, master of a feast or symposium. 6. 1 80 . rufi-irp(iTTw, d^a>, fellow-ambassadors or envoys. 5.5-*. 9vfiOfiai, impf. -irpov6vnou/j.Tiv, s^ore in eagerness with (dat.) or in desire that (Situs), join in urging. 4. rv(i-c|>tpu>, fut. ffw-oiT]fii, crw-ftyTiv, say with one, assent, agree. 5.8 8 ; 7.2 -2ti . (rvjji-4>opos, ov, [tpa], profitable, useful. 2. , assemble together, collect. 6.5 80 ; 7.2 8 . OTJv-aivt'w, 4ffu, join in commending, agree to, grant. 7.7 31 . , 2 a -cIXoc, irin^r together, or in/o small compass; us avvt\6m (sc. Ttvl) eiirerv, to speak concisely, 3. 1 38 . See H. 771, b; G. 184, 5. , 2 a. -^$i)v, cross with. 7.1*. o-uv-Sia-irpdrrw, accomplish with ; mid., negotiate with or at the same time. 4.S 24 . o-uv-SoKtw, seem good also. 6 ^ . , -|-Wpi(ra, joi'n in fur- nishing or supplying. 5.S 25 . (ruv-e'Xapov, 2 a. of 0-uA-Aayu0ai'ct>. crvv-^Xtla, see . ^'om in approving. 7 S 36 . OT)v-ir--uxofJiai, -e^ojuai, t'i a/so or a/ fAe same . (rxiv-lpx.O(xai, 2 a. -7J\0ov, -eA^Auflo, 90 come) with or together, assemble. 27. crviv-t'crrrtov. impf. oi . i\[av. 7. synthetic. o-vv-TOftos, oi>, [-rffivM], cut (aud drawn) together, cut short, concise, short, 2.6--. crvv-TpdireJos, ou, [rpdirefa], table-com/ian- ion. 1.9-u. Cf. 6/jio-. , e\, help at the same time, join in helping. 3.2 2T . SvpciKocrios, or -KOV, avv-fppeov, -eppvyKa, 2 a. -eppurfv, flow o? flock together. 3. , join in making haste, be earnest or active also. 2.3 11 . rv--OTpaTT]YOs, ov, fellow-general. 2.G. 29 . TT]s, ov, fellow-soldier. 1.2 2C . trv-oTpaToirtSexioiAai, tvaop.au, encamp with. 2.4 9 . a-yido|JLCU, acrowcu, s/ay a victim, sacri- Jice. 5. enjxvyiov, ou, [17^)07^], victim, offering ; omens, from its motions or appearance. 4. See drrta. aipo-i8T|S, (i, [ffd\Xa>, a(pa\ca, 2 a. p. fffaA, E. FALL, FAIL.] (raTTw ["?], afa), t(Taa, slay, esp. by cutting the throat, slaughter, kill. 3. See fir<-, Kara-. is, lav, [st. crFe, cf. ou], ffevSovdw, TJv8dvrj, TJS, [cf. fffpatidfa, toss about]. sling ; by meton. for what is slung, stone, bullet. 8. 68pa [adv. ace. pi.], vehemently, exceed- ingly, very, very much. 8. o-4>o8pds, a, 6v, [?], vehement, excessive. 1.10 18 . ^ e c/ose], closely, nearly, almost. 10. .f orm > sna P e > cf. L. habitus. 1.10 10 . scheme. W [L. scindo], ax't, dffu, be at leisure, have leisure. 2.3 2 ; 7.3- 4 . s, adv., leisurely, slowly ; c. -ore- pov. 2. cr)^o\T|, rjs, [ffx^v, ex^l' leisure ; ffxoAfj, M>/- Kpartis, SoxppovlffKos et al. 2wcns, ewj, [deliverer], Sosis, of Syracuse. 1.2. o-TT]p, ypos, o, [o-iafa], savior, deliverer. 3. TT]p(a, as, safety, deliverance. 18. 2wTT]piSas, ov, [son of Star-ftp], Soteridas. 3.4. o-MTTJpios, ov, saving, bringing safety ; rii trtaTnpta, thank-offerings for deliver- ance. 4. 4>pov&i>, TJO-O), fa-4>poviw, i(pp6i>i4>pocrvvti , rjy, prudence, discretion, self- control. 1.9 3 . From o-to-tjjpwv, of, [ar&os, fypyv, mind], sound- minded, prudent. T. r = L. t == Teut (Eng.) tb ; cf. rtivia, rpei?, werdi^ I'V/ii, Tiarijp, (rv. r for I.-K. ku = L. qu ; c T, rt, T'TTOP. r&Sc, see 85e. rdXavTov, ow, [rAaw, L. tollo], balance, weight ; talent, sum of silver money, -- 60 minae or 6,000 drachmae, about $1,100. 7. Ta(j.i\io) [ra/i/ar, steward, TC/UPCD, cu<], , Tamos, of Memphis in Egypt, governor of Ionia under Cyrus and commander of his fleet ; upon the death of Cyrus fled to Egypt with his treasures, where he was slain by Psammitichus. 1.2 21 ; 4 2 . To-apxos, ov, commander of a rs, T], [riirrca], arrangement, order, military order, array, line, Jile, division, company ; /caret r^eiy in companies of infantry. 1.2 10 . 44. Tcioxoi, , Taochi, tribe of Pontus near Armenia. 4.4 18 . raircuv^s, "fi, 6v, [?], low, humble, submissive. 2.5 13 . raimvow, dxrta, humble, abase. 6.3 18 . rdiris, iSos, f), [Pers. 1], carpet, rug. 2. tape, tapestry. rapArrw, (|a>, erdpa^a, Tfrdpayfiai, irapi- xOnv, agitate, disturb, throw into confu- sion. 6. [rapax, length, fr. rpax, cf. v*]- See di/a- ; 8 [rdptxos, preserved meat], pre- serve, pickle. S.4 28 . Tapcroi, S>v, comm. Taparos, Tarsus, chief city of Cilicia. 1.2- 3 . Tdrrw [ \/ray ], TOW, ?ra|a, rerayuat, ^rdx^v, arrange, put in order, esp. in military order, draw up, form in line ; station, order, appoint ; rcra.yp.fvoi, drawn up. 34. tactics. See 8a-, V, itri-, trapa.-, avn-irapa.-, irpo-, irpoff-, aw- ; H-raxros, -eta ; tv-ranros, fu-raia; rdl,is. TaOpos, ov, [prob. for trrapvos, Goth, stiur, E. STEER], bull. fc.2 9 . ravra, see ovros. ravrd, =: rii avrd. vTT) [ouros], dat. of manner or place, m this way or respect, thus; in this place, here. 7. rdos, ov, [Odirrv], burial ,. grave, tomb. 1.6 11 . rd4>pos ov, it, [?], ditch, trench. 11. See aTro-Tntppfvca. ra.\9tis, raxOrivai. see TOTTW. rd\o [raxvs, cf. S>KU, UKVS], adv., quickly, VOCABULARY. 663 soon ; perhaps, may be, a sense hard to derive from ' quickly.' 4. [raxs], =rax& 11. ouj, rA, [raxvs], swiftness, speed ; airb TToiov rdxovs, with what speed. 2.5". TOX.V, c. Oao-ffov, s. rdxurra, swiftly, quickly, speedily ; soon ; &>s (or ori) rdxiara, as quickly as possible ; frrtl (or evav) rd- X'trra, as soon as. 62. ra^vS) <(, v, g. (os, elas, c. Qarrtav (for TO- X'w), s. rdxto-ros, swift, quick, speedy ; TV TaxiVrTj" (6S6v), adv. ace., by the quickest way, most quickly ; see Sia. 16. opp. to QpaSvs. ri (0* before a rough vowel), [akin to L. -que, Kat], end. post-pos., conj., and; re . . . re, both . , . and ; rt . . . Kat or . . . T Ka.1 . . . , both . . . and ; not only . . . but also, sometimes best rendered and, the Greek expressing close correlation where the Eng. does not, cf. 1.5 11 ; 10*; afire . . . rf, not only not . . . but even ; rarely without Kat or TS, 1.5 U . On re in are, oloarf, ore, Sore, see 1041 ; 1024 (a), 44 /.a. T0vt]Ka, see QvricrKta. r^Opnriros, ov, [rerraptf, TTTTTOS], U'ith four homes abreast ; rb TfQpiirirov (ap/j.a), four- horse chariot. 3.2 24 . TtCvw [ ^Ttv, rav, L. tendo, E. THIN], Tfvia, Hrftva, Tfraxa, Terafiat, trdOT)i>, stretch, strain ; intr., extend; exert one- self, hasten. 4 3 21 . tone, tune. See ava.-, airo-, Sia-, K-, tv-, Kara-, irapa-. f&.\i\ > ], end, ter- mination ; end of life, death. 4. Cf. T\OJ. reXcw, fo-oa, (re\f>- , ovs, TO, [Tfux^, make, |/T/X, akin to rlKrw], tool, piece of armor ; vessel (pot, jar etc.). 2. book (late), penta- teuch. xvd'{w \rfxvn]. dffw, use art or cunning, deal subtlij. 7.6, 16 . 564 VOCABULARY. TirerapvT]s Tt\vr\, ijs, [rex, akin to \'reit, T(KTs [to T& as eus to 8s], adv., meanwhile ; for a while, until now, hitherto. 7. rrj ^v . . TTJ 8, 3. 1 12 , 4.8 10 ; 6. 1 20 . See 6, f), TJ. r/JKw [Skt. f/takjfMD], T^|W, ?TTJ|O, rrrij/fo (intr.), 2 a. p. trdnriv, weft. 2. See INK TtjXtpoas, ow, [if a Gk. word = roaring afar], Teleboas, small river of Armenia flowing into the eastern branch of the Euphrates. 4.4 s . nfjficpov, less Att. ff-fipepov, [r-, TJ ; TJ/tepo], adv., to-day ; fi v. rjfjiepa, this day. 4. Tt)fi.vfTT]s, ov, Temmtes, of Temnos in western Lydia. 4.4 15 . r^viKafira, stronger form of r-nvina, at that time, then. 2. IVjpTjs, ovs, 6, Teres, founder of the king- dom of the Odrysae in Thrace, and father of Sitalcas. 7.2' 2 ' 2 . rt, see rls. ndpa. as, [Pers.], oriental head-dress, tiara ; that of the Persian king was erect or cone-shaped, that of his subjects soft like a turban. 2.S' 23 . ndpo-tiS^s, e's, |e?8os], tiara -shaped. 5.4 13 . TifSap'nvoi, iav, Tihareni, people of Pontus on the coast of the Euxine. 5.5 1 , 2 . I'tyP'*! 5 ' 7 J TOS > [swift as an arrow (Tigra, Pers.)], Tigris : formed like the Euphra- tes by two main branches which rise in ! the mountains of Armenia, it flows south about eight hundred miles, and unites with the Euphrates some seventy miles above the Persian Gulf. fithjui [<\/Oe, L. facio, E. DO], impf. MQt\v, Ofato, %6r)Ka (dual, tderov, suhj. QS>, opt. v, inf. 0tVai, pt. 6eis), rt0tiKa, 2 a. m. ; for pass. Kt't/j.at is comm. used ; put, place, set, net up, institute, estn'ifixh ; mid., esp. in the phrase, ri6f(T0ai ra oir\a, place one's arms= 1. ground unns, stand under arms, ready for action, 1.5 14 ; place oneself in battle array, 2.2 8 21 . 2. stack or lay down one's arms, 1.2 16 ,5 17 . 19. thesis, theme. See dva-, dwo-, Sia-, ev-, fin-, Kara , irapa-, irpoff-, ffvv-. TIKTU) [for -ri-TK-dl, \ TfK, TK\, Tfo/J.O.l, 2 a. ere/coi/, beget, produce. See rfKvov iwv, tavos, [bestowing honor], Tima- swn, a Dardauiau from Troas, successor to Clearchus, and afterward leader of the cavalry. 3. 1 47 . Tl|icuo [rl/jLT]], impf. ertyuwv, TJO-W, ^rf/iTjo-a etc., honor, esteem, ralue. 18. See avn-. icpo-. Note : TJ> (a, o) is found in mam proper names ; as, Ti/icov, Ti/teas, Tt/jia>i>l- Sris, Tin-dvup, Ti/j.a-y(vrjs, Tj/id-8rj/ios etc. TIJIT|, T)S, ITJ'W, esteem], honor, esteem ; price, value. 9. See &-, Zv-, and <(>i\6-Tinos ; OTrO-TlJ'W. Tl|XTjer-6os, ou, [honoring God, cf. Tijj.6- 6eos, Timothy], Timesitheus. 5.4 2 ~. rt|jiios, d, of, [rlfty], honorable. 1.2 27 ; 3 6 . Ttficopeu), impf. f-rlfjidipovv, ^crco, ^Tjyuojprjcra etc., avenge, punish : mid. unin/r one- self on, punish. 9. From rlfj.fap6<; [rifui- opos, 6pdTov.] TO, roV, see 6, fj, r6. rot [orig. eth. dat. of TV=O-V], adv., post- pos. eucl., in truth, truly, verily, doubt- less ; sometimes best rendered by emphasis. 6. roi-yapovv, particle of inference, stronger form of rot-yap, so then, therefore, accord- ingly ; so for example, 1.9 9 . 5. TO-WV, much like roiydp, therefore, then, now, accordingly ; resumptive, moreover, further. 30. Toidcr-Se, rota-Se, roidV-Se, [to r6 as olos to os], = ro?os (poet.), such, prop. foil, by olos, as ; without the latter, such as, suck like ; rotdSe, adv. ace , such as the follow- ing, as follows. 1. TOIOVTOS, roiauTTj, ToiouTo (or -ov), [to rows as roaovros to roaos], foreg.,but more comm., and usu. refers to what precedes, such, such an one, such as ; rotavra, such as precedes, as above, thus. 50. TOI\OS, ov, [cf. reixos], wall, of a house, court, and the like. 7.8 14 . ToXjxdw, ^icrta, ^ro\fjLr]ffa etc., have the cour- age, dare, venture. 12. [r6\fia, daring, cf. TA^UWJ/.] roA, TATJ, in many proper names, e.g. TAijen'os, "A-rAas and ToXnCSTjs, ov, [son of daring], Tolmides. 2.2 -2 ; 3.1 4 6. Toev|Aa, O.TOS, r6, arrow, of wood or reed, notched for the bow-string, feathered and loaded with metal. 9- TO|VCI> [ro^oy], tvffta etc., shoot with the bow, shoot. 19. See av-n-, IK-. TOIKOS, -f], 6v, of or for the bow ; ^ TO^JKT) (so. rex^n), bowmanship, archery. 1.9 d . To|(/cJy (sc. ^ap/ioKOj/J.toxicum, poisot for arrows, iu-toxicate. TO^OV, ov, [= roitffov, akin to rtxruv (for TfKffuv, akin to TJ/CTW], bow, one of the oldest of all weapons, the use of which Apollo was said to have taught the Cre- tans, another way of saying that they excelled in archery. It was commonly made of flexible wood, and turned back at both ends. 7. TOOTI]S, ov, bowman, archer. Bowmen were light-armed troops (yvfju/TJTfs), car- rying only the bow and arrows 14. TOTTOS, ov, [?], place, region, district. 5. topic, topo-graphy, u(= ou)-topia. TOvy^v ; turn, = change, yvufnas, 3. 1 41 ; mid., turn oneself to, resort to ; turn back, turn and flee ; irpftydnrjv, put to flight, 5.4 16 ; pass, be turned ; of a road, lead, 3.5 16 . 14. See CMTO-, irpo-airo-, fK-, iirt- ; rp6iraiov et seq. ; cf. ], flpevfoi, fOpttya, rf- 6pafjt.ft.ai, frpd supplemented by ySpa/j], Spafiovfjiai, 2 a. topa^uv. SfSpdfuijKa, run. 9. trochee. See diro-, dtr-, in-, fat-, Kara-, -na.pa.-j irept-, irpoff-, irpo-, ffvv- ; rpiu [ yrpts, akin to L. terreo], trpfva, flee from, shrink from. 1.9 6 . rpfo, rpi&v, see rpf?5. rpiaKovra [cf. f--fiKovra], thirty. 27. TpiaKovropos, ov, thirty-oared ; fi rp. (sc. i/avs), a thirty-oared ship, fifteen oars on each side. 2. TpLdKocnoi, at, a, [on -K^criot, cf. irfvraK^- ffioi], three hundred. 10. Tpi3t|, ris, wearing away ; practice. 5.6 15 . See Sia- ; a-rpt&-fis. From rptpaj [akin to rtipia, rub hard], rp'tyw etc., rub, wear or waste away. See Sta-, i-, ie\oiov; also a transport. 19. See Introd. 105. TpiT]ptTT)s, ov, oarsman or soldier, on a trireme. 6.6 7 . Tp-irr]xvs, v, g. eo$, t^ree cuifVs Zona. 4.228. rpi-irXdio-ios, d, ov, [cf. airXoCs], threefold, thrice as great. 7.4' 21 . TpC-irX6pos, ov, three plethra in extent, of three plethra. 5.6 9 . TpC-irovs, ovv, g. -iroSos, three-footed. 7.3 21 . tripod. rp(s [rpelj], adv., THRICE. 2. tri-. Tpi(r-d(rp.vos, rj, ov, thrice glad, most gladly. S.2 2 *. Tpur-KdC-StKa, thirteen. 1 .5 5 . Tpt containing three quarts. 7.3 W . rpdiraiov, ou, |Tpo7ra?oj, a, ov, fr. rpo-n-fi], trophy, monument of the enemy's de- feat. Captured weapons were fixed on trees or posts set up where the enemy turned (rpoirfi) and dedicated to Zens. 4. rpoirfj, rjs, [rpfirw], turning, flight, defeat. 2. also solstice, whence tropic. rpoiroS) ov, [rpeirtaj, turn, direction, way, manner ; often as adv. ace., rovSe rov rpSirov, in the following, manner ; e/c irav- rbs rpdirov, by every means, in any man- ner, 3. I* 3 ; one's turn, disposition, char- acter, irp&s rov rp6irov, in keeping with the character of. 1.2 11 . 16. , TJS, [rpf rttn like a wheel, run quickly. 7.3*". rpvirdw vircp VOCABULARY. 667 rovTrdtu [rpthra, hole, rpvu, rub], fate, trpv- Trqaa. etc., bore, pierce. 3. 1 31 , trepan. Tpiods dtios, fj, [Tpofa], Troas, the Troad, the district about Troy in Mysia. Tpwicrds, i\, 6v, edible. 5.3 12 . [rpwyu, qnaw, munch.] Cf. rpcaicriji, gnawer (trout), rpy-\ri, hole, troglo-dyte. rpuTos, /!, ov, [rirpctffKu], vulnerable, liable to be wounded. 3. 1 28 . [ t Tl/ x]> Tfvo/j.at, 2 &. frvxov, t, hit (gen.), 3.2 19 , hit upon, meet irith ; gain, obtain (gen., less often ace., from one (gen.)) ; oftener intrans. w. supp. pt., happen, variously rendered, by chance, just, just now ; irapwv ervy- Xave, happened to be present, was by chance present ; trvyxavf \eyuv, I was just saying ; sometimes the context sug- gests the pt, 2.2 17 ; 3.1 3 ; rvxov (2 a. pt.), ace. abs., perchance, 6.1 2 \ 63. See tv-, iiri-, ffvv- ] Ti/X'/- Tvpidciov, ov, Tyriaeum, city of Phrygia, exact site uncertain. 1.2 1 *. rvpos, ov, [?], cheese. 2.4 28 . ftov-rvpov. bu-t-ter. rvpo-is, ioj, ri, later rvppis ^ L. turris. tower, bastion. 1 . v, -utv, 2 a. of rvyxdvu. rit, [riryx^vw], chance, fortune, luck. 3. See (v rqp = rtvi. nfSc, see 88*. Y. , tffw or <, vffptira etc., be insolent toward, insult, abuse, (ace.) ; be inso- lent. 6. pis, s, f), [? cf. uWp, L. superbus], m- soltnce, violence, abuse. 4. hybrid ? pio-ros, i?, ov, [prob. an old super, of SBpis], insolent, abusive ; c. vftpiffTorfpos, a. -(/TaToi. 5.8 s , M . >-aivw, arw, Cryfafa, 6e i"n health, be sound. 4.5 18 . From ^71^1 [cf. L. vigor, E. WAKE], healthy, hygiene. O?. ^, [frypw, cf. L. nveo], meN- , softness, pliancy. 5-8 15 . ), carry water. 4.5 9 . 5ajp, 0f'/>, water-carrier vi8po<)>opc(i>, vSpo-46pos 4.5 1 '. {!Swp, SSaroi, TO*, [ v'"8, (5oDs, brother's son. vlds, oO, or os, [Goth, su-nus], SON. 4. v\t], TJJ, [for ffv\Fa, L. silva], tt-oorf, in s broad sense, forest, brush-wood, tim her. 5. vjwis, iv, [Goth, jus], YE, YOU. 318. vfjUrcpos, , ov, your, yours ; T& v/j.tTtpa, your affairs, property etc. 16. VTr-aY", /ecuf on slowly or craftily ; intr. advance slowly ; mid. /carf on _/br one'* advantage, suggest craftily, 2. 1 18 ; try tc beguile into. 2.4 s . 4. vtr-ai6pios, ov, [cuBpla, open air], in the open air. 2. vnr-aCTios, ov, [alrta, blame], under blame, censurable ; rl irpbs rrjs WAtaij vira.iTt.ov, some ground of censure on the part of the state. 3.1. tnr-aKovw, hear (under =) submissively, hearken, obey. 4. 1 9 ; 7.3". vrir-avrdw, rjffw, vir-4)VTr)ffa, 4.S 84 , inc- avrtdfa, G.5 27 , go to meet, come up. tiir-a.px.os, ou, subordinate commander or officer, lieutenant, pice-satrap. 3. {nr-dpx, begin (beneath or) at the very foundation, begin; be from the beginning, be originally, exist, be ; belong to (w. dat.), hence favor, support (rare), 1.1*; 9 17 ; rek inripxovTa., existing circumstances, means at hand, one's goods. 12. vira, carry a shield], shield -bearer, armor-bearer, for officers and sometimes for hoplites. 4.2 20 . , -ttu. -r|a. submit to (dat.). 7.7 81 . ii, impf. -TJV, be nnder. 3.4". [for virtpi (loc.), L. super, Goth nfar], OVER. prep. 1. With gen., o?-er, above, beyond; standing over to protect, hence, for, in behalf of, for the sake of, instead, cf wpo, w. gen. 37. 568 VOCABULARY. viroirrcvw 2. With ace., going or extending over, beyond, above, exceeding. 4. See hyper- inlnternat. Diet. i, leap or jump over. 7.4 17 . w, stretch up over. 7.4 9 . inrtp-fia.ivu>, 2 a. -(&r]v, go over, cross. 3. irjrcp-pdXXw, -jSaAw, 2 a. -t@a\oi>, -j8f/3A.7jKa, throw over or beyond ; iutr., pass or cross oer, abs. or w. ace. 7 . tMrep-poXV], fjs, a passing-over, passage, pass. 8. hyperbole. virtp-S^ios, ov, above on the right, lying above. 2. xnr-tpxo|u, 2 a. -TJAflov, 170 ower or beyond, cross. 4.4 3 . vnrep-e'xw, 6e above, project, overhang. 3.5 7 ; 4.7*. inrep-flev, adv., from above, above. 1.44. virp-KcL0T|)icu, impf. -eKaO-^fjLvv, be seated, or posted , above. 5. 1 9 , 2 1 . inrtp-opios, d, ov, [opos, boundary], over the borders, foreign. 7.1 27 . iTrp-vxJrrjXos> ov, exceedingly high. 3.5 7 tnr-^pxo(i.ai, 2 a. -fjAfloi', -eA^Ai/Oa, (70 under, under cover or secretly. 2. ii7r-, -yptTTiffa, serve as a rower, but in use = serve, dat., adv. ace. rl ; sc. Tof/Ta, 3.5 8 , 4 vir-TjpTT)s, ow, j^peTTco, -ou.'], under rower, servant, assistant. 4. {>7r-i(r\v^o(iai, -trx^fo/uaj, 2 a. -fffx^>^v, -fffxi]/j.a.i, \lffxv = %X U ]< no ^ oneself under obligation, promise. 43. iiirvos, ov, sleep, 3. 1 11 , [for , -\t\ei/jL/j.at, leave behind ; pass., be left behind, fall or remain behind. 6. vTro-\6\a.yos, ov, lieutenant. 5.2 18 . viro-Xvw, loose beneath, take off one's shoes or sandals. 4.5 18 . {nro-|xaXaK^O|iai. [yuoAaK^y, soft], be some- what softened, yield somewhat. 2. 1 14 . f irrro-\Uv, -/j.ev], secretly sent. 3.3*. viro-irfp-irw, -irt/jL^ca, send secretly or treach- erously. 2A' 22 . viro-irtvw, -weircaKa, drink a little ; pf. be somewhat tipsy. 7.3 29 . viir-oirTeva) [VIT-OTTTOS, v-opavepos VOCABULARY. 569 a. inf. of { ) ^av*>, show a little ; of the day, begin to dawn. 3. viro-tSopiai, spare somewhat. 4.1 8 . tnro-xeCpios, ov, in the hands of, subject to (dat.). 3. {nro-\p&i>, i\a], suspicion ; inrotyiav Trapfx fl>f > create suspicion. 5. 'YpKdvcos, a, ov, ["fpKdvoi, Pers., Varka- nija, wolf's land], Hyrcanian, from Hyrcania, a province southeast of the Euxine Sea. 7.8 15 . 5s, v6s, see o-Ds. 5.2 s . vcTTtpaios, d, ov, following, next; rfj vffrt- palq, on the following day. 35. uortpe'aj, -fjffta, be late or too late ; be later than (gen.), arrive after. 1.7 12 . vorspi, = foreg. 6. 1 18 . {iorepos, a, ov, [vff-, cf. E. OUT, UT-most], sup , vffraros, later, behind ; Sffrepov, adv., later, afterward. 14. 64*', see {nr6. v(j>ti|ievs [fr. pf. pt. of vp-irjui], adv., submissively. 7.7 16 . {KJHTTY&IUU, lead slowly or go just before, lead. 4.1 7 ; 6.S 35 . V-T)|AI, /e< gro, ^iwc up, concede, 3.5 5 ; mid. -lefj.a.1, -itui}v, --fiffouai, 2 a. -flurtv, give up or in, yield, relax. 5. 6(J>-(, -fffrrjffa, put or station under, post secretli/ ; 2 a. yir- tffrnv, -fffT-riKa, and mid., s/anf under, resist, withstand, oppose (dat.) ; under- take, promise ; offer oneself; stand aside or in covert, 4. 1 1 *. 8. v-opdu>, suspect. 2.4 10 - See uiro^ja, i5w- OTTTfVO). v\|rriX6s, ^, <^i/, ni^A, lofty ; -ri> eminence, 3. 4 s5 . 8. See virtp-. tixj/os, ouj, TI^, height. 6. [From an adj. of which the adv. ityi, on A^A, is prob. a loc.] = L. init. f, mid. b, = Teut. (K.), b. Cf. fpvu>, parrip (E. BROTHER), iv, 2 a. inf. ai8pos, a, ov, [akin to aiT]v, pres. opt. of tptinl. (|>aCvo> [ \ a, cf. nva, itfa.jKa, ire'0advnv, make to appear, show, make known ; mid. and pass., show one- self, appear, be seen, seem ; atrtp6s, - Kara- and ircpt-^af^j. The ya\, o.Xa-y|, 07701, rj, [1], phalanx, composed chiefly of heavy-armed soldiers, battle array. The phalanx was comm. drawn up eight men deep, the ranks being three feet apart in close array (irvKvfi), and twice that in marching order. The van was called oXivos, ov, Pha/inus, a Greek from the island Zacynthus. 2.1". 4>aveis, 2 a. p. pt. of Qaivoo. avpds, &, 6v. [<^aiW], risible, plain, mani- fest , often with supp. pt. (like v ftot $avfp6s, mani- festly plotting against me, so iretptfytcfoj, 570 VOCABULARY. 1.9 11 , o-Ttpyiav, 2.6 23 , iv rf a.t>tp$ = (pavfpws, openly. 23. 4>avpu>s, adv., manifestly, openly. 1.9 19 . (j>avTJ, -rival, 2 a. p. of aptTpa, as, [(ptpu], quiver, of leather or wicker-work, and holding from twelve to twenty arrows. 4.4 16 . 4>dpnaKov, ov, [?], drug, medicine. 6.4 11 . pharmacy. 4>apfj.aKO-i7-ocria, as, [-rotr/a, cf. ifivca], tak- ing (lit. drinking) medicine. 4.8 ai . 4>apvdpaos, ov, Pharnabazus, satrap of Bithynia and Lesser Phrygia under Darius and Artaxerxes. 5.6 M . j>ao-f, see tpnft.1. ^ao-idvoi, uv, Phasiani : 1. Inhabitants of Armenia along the river Phasis, sup- posed to be the Araxes, 4.6 5 ; 2. Dwell- ers along the Phasis in Colchis, S.6 36 . $ddo-Kci> [incept, to dfficuv, say, affirm. 4. 4>avXos, T>, ov, [?], trivial, paltry, mean. 2. 4>nSop.a.i [?], spL e, see into-', d-^pw [L. fero, E. BEAR (BIRTH, BASIN)], fut. otffte, ffveyKO., 2 a. ijveyicov, tvrfvoxa, lviivtyna.i, ijvfxOriv, bear, carry, bear to, bring ; carry off ; of wages, receive ; bring forth, produce; br-nn (revenue), pay; bear up, endu,e; of a road, lead. 50. See 8a-, da-, K-, tin-, irpo vy, L. fugio], fi/(o^ai or (pfvovu.a.i, iffQtvya, 2 a. vy/f\- 4>t](ii, impf. dp-ny, fut. 4>^o-w, fyyffa; other parts are wanting r say, say yes, affirm, assert, declare ; 06 Q-nm, say no, say that . . . not, deny, refuse, tp-fjtria, ^(pncra, tltra, are not common. 431. [ \ T|vw, -as, see tpa'ivta. 6dvw [ j 6a6dffai /caTaXa- /Sofres, to get possession first ; often with irpiv and inf. 9. 4>9{YYF kai > <}>0fyofjiai, t, t6ap\, dfpu, f8tipa, de- stroy, ruin, lay waste; corrupt, 4.7' 2) . See 5m . 4>9ovc', ricrta, envy, be envious (dat.). 3. From (pdovos, envy, see &-9ovos- id\T>, TJS, I 7 ], broad shallow bowl used in drinking and pouring libations. 2 vial 4>i\o), rtffdi etc., love. 3. See dyairdta. 4>i\T|i\ia, as, friendship ; vpbs i\(av, in a friendly manner. 20. <}>iAi.K6s, ^, ov, befitting a friend, friendly 2. 4>iXiKu>s, adv., in a friendly way, as a friend. 2. 4>i\ios, ei, ov, friendly, of a friend ; tf>i\la (X<6pa), friendly country. 19. 4>(X-iirrros, ov, fond of 'horses. 1.9 5 . Phil-ip. <|>iX6-0iipos, ov, [6-fipa, hunt], fond of the chase. 1.9 s . i\o-Kp8eio [xfpoos, gain], fiffu, fond, or greedy, of gain. 1.9 16 . 4>iXo-Kiv8vvos, ov, fond of danger, adven- turous. 2. i\o-fia9r|S, ff, [navBdvw], C. -(iXo-iroX[xos, ov, fund of irnr. 2. 4>tXoS, 77, OV, [?1, C. iAocro(J>os VOCABULARY. 571 os, ov, fond of wisdom ; subs., philosopher. 2. 1 13 . 4>iX.o-iXoTLfiojiai [iAoT / u7J07ji' ) be fond of honor, be ambitious or jealous. 1.4' i\o(t>poi>r)ad/jiT)i/, be kindly dis- posed toward (ace.), treat kindly, greet kindly. 5. 4>\id\v\vapos [, bubble up ; cf. L. fluo], whence 4>\udpa, as, babbling, nonsense ; pi. fool- eries. 1.3 18 . 4><>pp6s, a, 6v, c. -fafpos, S. -t&raros, act., frightful, terrible, cf. oftv6s : pass., fear- ful, afraid, cf. Sn\6s. 8. o[&w, T]ffta etc., frighten, terrify ; mid. and pass , fear, be afraid, be frightened. 29. See Sti'Sco. 4>6|3os, ov, [ff$onat, flee from fright], fear, fright, terror, panic ; rbv tit riav 'E\- \J\viav (Is rovs etc., 1.2 18 , the fear which the Greeks inspired in the barbarians. 18. -phobia. fcoCvlKcs, o>v, the Phoenicians, inventors of oar alphabet, founders of Carthage, famed for their skill in the arts and navigation. 3>oi.vtKti, T/S, Phoenicia, called by the in- habitants themselves Canaan, that part of Syria lying between the Lebanon mountains and the sea. oivtKioivi, IKOS, o, the palm tree, palm ; olvos Qotv'iKtav, palm-wine. 6. its, Pholoe, mountain range be- tween Arcadia and Elis. cpope'io [, bear constantly, wear, bring repeatedly. 2. See eiV-, 4>6pos, ov, [epo>], tribute. 5.5 7 . 4>opriov, ov, [dim. of pdb>, [? ] , dffw, t(ppaffa, tell, bid, direct, declare. 8. phrase, peri-phraatic. Its mid. sense, think, ponder, appears in 4>pao-ias, ov, Phrasias. 6.5 11 . pap, tppfaros, TO, [cf. L. ferveo], well,' cistern. 4.S'- 25 . <|>poveu> [ippijv, mind], i\ap6r)ara etc., think, be thoughtful or sensible ; be minded, peya (p., be high-minded, be proud; understand. 3. phrensy. See dva-, Kara- ; &-pot>fOf*ai. pdvr)|xa, aros, ro, one's mind, thought, spirit, resolution. 2. (j>p6vi(ios, ov, [povrl [(ppomis, thought, care], [povp-apxs, ov, [Qpovpd, watch], com- mander of a garrison, l.l 6 . 4>poup6u) [(ppovp6s], -fiffw etc., keep guard, watch, guard. 1.4 8 ; 5.5 20 . <|>povpiov, ov, [pertaining to a povp6s], watch-post, citadel. 1.4 15 . cf>poxjpos, ov, [irp6, opdta], watcher, guai<\* 7.1 20 . c^pv-yavov, ov, [pvyd>, parch], ch. in pi., dry-sticks, ftreivood. 4.3 11 . 4>pvyta, as, Phrygia : 1. A large province in the central part of Asia Minor, some- times called Phrygia Proper or the Great ; 2. Lesser Phrygia, a small dis- trict in Mysia. 5.6- 4 . ^puvCflricos, ov, [dim. of Qpvvos, brown], Phryniscus. 7.2 1 . &pv%, *piryrfs, [ freeman ?], Phrygian, in- habitant of Phrygia. 1.2 13 . iryds, dSos, 6, [tjxvyw], fugitive, exile. 7. wyrj, ^s, \], flight, exile. 8. 572 VOCABULARY. xryeiv, -&V, 2 a. of f6yuXaKT|, rjs, [\, watch, (act, place, time, also collect, of those oil guard), watch-post, post ; garrison ; night-watch. The night was divided^ into three watches, of which the first lasted till midnight, the second till early dawn, the third till breaking camp. 19. v\a|, aicos, o, a watchman, guard; pi. guards, garrison. 8. See irpo-, oiricrdo- ; <(>vX [?J, <|w, v\ayfj.at, ftM.aas ., keep watch ; mid., be on one's guard, guard oneself, take care; be on one's guard against (ace.). 35. phy- lactery, pro-phylactic. See O.VTI- ikrda> [vva-(]6riv, blow up, inflate. 3.5 9 . 4>vurevu> \v(a\,fvffiii, tyvrevOwv, plant. 5.3 12 . j)vu [L. fu-i, E. BE, BEEN], tpvaa>, produce. 1.4 10 . physics-, phy si-. See Internal. Diet. See Sia-irf]. i>o)Ktts, (Sos, r), [*w/co(a, city of Ionia], a Phocaean woman, a concubine of Cyrus, whose name, Milto (rosy), was changed by Cyrus to Aspasia after the celebrated Athenian beauty of that name. 1.10' 2 . 4>u>VT|, f/j, [fr. ws, Cairo's, r6, [fr. 0aos, see epfiv, bear ill, be troubled. 5. Xtvow [xoAi>^s, bridle], ix a ^ v brazen utensil or vessel. 4.1 s . XoLXos, ov, Chalus, mod. Koeik, a river of Syria which loses itself in a morass a few miles below Aleppo ; it still abounds in fish. 1.4 9 . Xd\x>Ps, wv, Chalybes, a tribe of Pontus, prob identical with the Chaldaeaus; famous workers in iron ; whether named from the metal (xd\v\f>, steel), or the metal from the people is uncertain, the former if, as some think, x^ v ^ ' s akin to x a ^ K ^ s 4.4 18 XapoLSpa, as, [cf. L. grando], torrent ; ra- vine or gorge, cut by a torrent. 10. XapaKco|ia, O.TOS, TO, a, paling, palisade. 5.2- 6 . [xapaKow, x<*P a > stake, fr. x a ~ pdTTta, sharpen, cf. x a P aKT 'hp (charac- ter)]. Syn. ffTavpw/Jia. is, tffffa, ft>, g. -itvTos, -effcrns, \xdpts], graceful, elegant ; clever. 3.5 12 . api^op.ai, lffo/.iai or tov/j.at, 4x a P lff f*' r l t '> (cX^P''M'../" f "' '' 9 ra t(fy> please (dat.) ; grant (TI) as a furor (to one, dat.), grant cheerfully. 9. See i-xdpi f ee ^ grateful to one (dat.) for (gen.); \a.piv eiSercu (o75a), recognise, a favor, be grateful. 6. eu-charist. See d-, 6n-. Xapp.dvST), 777, Charmande, a city on the right bank of the Euphrates, the exact site of which is uncertain, perh. the modern Hit. 1.5 10 . Xop[juvosi ov, [joyful], Channinns. 7.6 1 . Xifiwv, S>vos, 6, [L. hiems], winter ; wintry weather, storm, cold. 9. \tip, x ei p6s, V, [cf- Skt. j/har, take hold of], dat. pi. \fpffi, hand ; tls x e *P a$ ^A.fleii' nvi, come into the power of am/ one, 1.2-, or come into a hand to hand conflict with, 4.7 1S ; %K x fl pds, by hand, with the hand. 26. See chiro-, chir-ur- in Internat. Diet. See 4y-, iiti-x*ipfos, on, [s/ci/ful-handed], Chiriso- phus, a Spartan general who joined Cyrus at Issus in Cilicia with seven hundred hoplites, 1.4 3 ; appointed to lead the van, 3.2 37 ; chosen sole com- mander, 6. 1 32 ; died of a fever at Calpe, 6.411. Xtpo-ir\Ti0T|s, ts, [ir\-f]6o>, Jill], jilling the hand, of stones. 3.3 :T . Xipo-iroiT]Tos, ov, hand-made, artificial. 4.35. Xipowi oftener mid. x ft P^ at - handle, master, subdue. 7.3 11 . Xiprater, from its hoof-like projec- tion at the base. 7.1 n . X^jv, x 7 ?" '*. ^. ^. [for x a "J- L. (h)anser, Ger. gans], GOOSE, GANDER. 1.9*. . heri (for hesi)],adv. 6.41 8 . , at, a, [for *xe ar U grass, hay. 7. XtX., fvata etc., dance a choral dance, dance. 4.7 16 ; 5.4 17 . Xopos, ov, [1], dance; chorus, choir, band of dancers. 2. Perh. akin to Xopros, ov, [cf. L. hortus, E. GARDEN, YARD], an enclosed place, esp. for feed- ing, then fodder, gras* : x- ov ne found them very obedient, 2.6 13 . 45. See &-, Svcr-xpTlo't'os ; XP^ \f(\, impf. txp-nv, subj. xpp. op*- inf. xpy" ai > P l - XP e ^" f ut - XP^fffi .574 VOCABULARY. deliver an oracle, perh. orig. o 0&j XP*I> God decrees], it is necessary, one must, ought, inf. or ace. + inf. 22. Syiis., &ti, TJJw [xp*?'a or xp fta > nee^, akin to M]> in Att. only in pres. sya., want, wish, desire, w. inf. 7. XpTJp-a, aros, TO*, [xpao/nai], a thing used, ch. in pi., things, goods, possession*, esp. money. 45. Cf. irapa-. XpflfMiTiOTiKOS, f}, 6v, [xpr)na.Tiofncu, miike money], money-making ; portending gain. 6. 1 23 . Xpijvcu, inf. of xpi Xpfjo"6ai, inf. of xpao/xai. Xpr|6os. Xpv X*P OJ - \fa>p'u), Vjcro) or fio-o/j.cu, txdp'nva, Kex^P 7 ?" etc., make place for, hence: 1. go for- ward, move on, journey ; 2. hold, contain, 1.5 6 . 7. See d^a-, diro-, Sia-, 4iri-, fnfra-, irpoa-, irpo-, crvy-, VTTO-. Xwpt [x^p's]. iffw or 10, ^x < *P" ra e * c - > separate ; pass, fee separate, different. S.4 84 ; 6.5 11 . See d^a-, Kara-. Xopiov, ou, [dim. of xpos], a particular place; post, position, stronghold; space. 87. separately ; prep. w. gen., apart from. 4, X>>pos, ou, [I], a place, jield, estate, country 3. See SUIT-, ttpoff- ; o~rtvo xwpfa. 'I'dpos, ov, Psarus, a river of Cilicia. 1.4 1 . \\iiyia ['], 4/f|o), rensure, blame. 7.7**. \J/\LOV, ou, [1'ers. '], ch. in pi. bracelet, armlet, worn by the Persians and indicative of rank. It consisted oi three or four massive coils of bronze or gold. 3. vf/tv8-V8pa, as, false or feigned ambush. 5.2- s . \J/u8T|s, f's, g. oCy, false, lying ; TO tyfvori, falsehoods. 2 \)/v8w [ j tyvo, cf. ij/vOifa, whisper], comm. dep. tyfvffofjiai. e^euq-o^Tjc, c^cucr/iat. ^tw- , deceive, cheat ; say falsely ; be or prove false ; rovro tytv- o-0n, in this he was deceived, 1.8 11 , so irivra, 1.3 10 . ni)0ei>, 1.9 7 . 10. pseud(O)-, see Internal. Diet. vj/r|4uu> [^^<^os], icrouai or lofuai, tytjfyiaa.- /xT/f, ty-f), n//)), pebble; from its use, a vote. White pebbles were affirm., black neg. 2. iJ/iXos, TJ. ov, [ 7 ], 6a?-e, (stript-of, uncovered, smooth etc.) ; light-armed, of archers and slingers as opp. to 6ir\trcu, cf. yw/tviJTfs. 5 e-psilon, u-psilon. 4/rXdw, tao-ca etc., make bare; pass., be left bare, be deserted of (gen.). 2. ^cxjx'iu, ^o-co etc., rrt/e, sound. 4.S 29 . 4/6(|)OS, ou, [?], noise, sound. 4.2 4 . Ti, TJS, breath, life, spirit, soul. 4. psycho-logy. From if&x 6 "- breathe, blow, make cool, whence vs, r6, cold , pi. frostt, cold weather. 3. & VOCABULARY. 575 &, subj. of fi nt. u>, dat. of 8s. &, ! oh ! in Greek the voc. comm. has the interjection. 46 ? J>8e [abl. of '65 1], adv., thus, as follows, in this manner. 23. (pSrj, rjs, [o8co, sing], song, ode, 4.3 2T . ep-, palin-ode ; com-, trag-edy (for ody) ; mel-, mon-, par-, pros-, psalm-ody. UTO, 6ifa = uOfta], pushing, press- ing. 5.2". UKITO, illlpf. Of OIKfU. wKTtipov, see otKTfipca. w|iv, subj. of ei.uf. ufio-po'eios, d, ov, [/Sous], q/" raw or un- tanned ox-hide. 3. ip.6s, Vj, ov, [Skt. amas], raw; crue/. 2. (Sfios, ov, [cf. L. hume'rus], shoulder. G.5 25 . <5|xoira, see 0/j.viJ/j.i. &v, pres. pt. of /xt. toy, see 5s u>ve'o|icu [a>Hj, a buying], impf. f"uvov/j.T)v, ttifTJcro/uai, (iivrj/^at, 2 a. firpid/j.r]v, buy; uvovfMvos, buying, by purchase. 14. oSvios,' d, o^, [5vos, price], ybr sa/e ; T& fiwa, goods, wares. 2. cuo|it]v, impf. of ofoyuai. T f2ms, iSoj, ^, 0^(s, an Assyrian city of un- certain site ; on, perhaps near the mouth of, the Jfhyscus river. 2.4 125 . wpo, as, [cf. E. YEAR], a (fixed) s rd.xis j, as many as oossible. 4. With numerals, as it were, = about, &s 8o, about ten ; so in the phrase, &s M ri iro\{>, for the most part. 5. With a pt. to represent its action as (a) pretended, assumed ; (b) as thought or asserted by some person other thau the speaker or writer ; variously rendered, as, as if, as though, apparently, ostensibly, saying or intending that, on the ground that etc., ws a.iroKTtva>v, as if or apparently to put him to death, l.l 3 ; so is 7roAe/^o-ores, &s &ov\6nfvos ; (c) as causal, as, since, <>s 6\lyot oVres, since they were few; (d) to emphasize the purpose denoted by the pt., 2.321, 29. 6 . With a prep &J 6<>J r ^ y ^x~n v > as \f f or battle. Out of this use by omission of the prep, arose 2. 2. Prep., only before names of per- sons, = irpo's, to. us 0a' $re, on condition that, for tfye purpose of. 6. I* 2 . wrtiX^, TJS, [cf. ovrdw, wound], wound, scar. 1.9 6 . Xc [S0eAos, benefit], impf. w