GIFT OF DOCUMENTS OEPT. A MANUAL FOR COURTS-MARTIAL Revised in the office of the Judge Advocate General of the Army and published by direction of the President EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 1921 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1920 ^> DOCUMENTS DEPT. WAB DEPABTMENT. Document No. 1053. o/ ffte Judge Advocate General, " Justice ought to bear rule everywhere, and espe- cially in armies; it is the only means to settle order there, and there it ought to be executed with as much exactness as in the best governed cities of the king- dom, if it be intended that the soldiers should be kept in their duty and obedience." The Art of War, by Louis de Gaya, in 1678. (Title page, Glode, Adminis- tration of Justice under Military and Martial Law, 1892.) The discipline and reputation of the Army are deeply involved in the manner in which military courts are conducted and justice administered. The duties, therefore, that devolve on officers appointed to sit as members of courts-martial are of the most grave and important character. That these duties may be discharged with justice and propriety it is incumbent on all officers to apply themselves diligently to the acquirement of a competent knowledge of military law, to make themselves perfectly acquainted with all orders and regulations, and with the practice of mili- tary courts. Army Regulations, 1835, Article XXXV, paragraph 1. m '52124 INTRODUCTION. This book is a revision of the 1917 edition of the Manual for Courts-Martial, which was prepared in the office of the Judge Advocate General and issued by direction of the Sec- retary of War under date of November 29, 1916, to take effect March 1, 1917, for the purpose of introducing and in- terpreting to the Military Establishment the Articles of War enacted August 29, 1916. The general plan and scope of that Manual have been approved by the service. They are retained in this edition. The Articles of "War of 1916 were the outgrowth of long experience and careful study ; but since their enactment the World War has supervened. It would have been strange if the unusual experiences of such a war, where upward of 200,000 new officers were commissioned in the service, largely with brief training, and nearly 4,000,000 men were suddenly called into the Army, had not developed some defects in the system of military justice. It was to be expected that the conditions of such an unprecedented World War would show many respects in which the existing code might be improved. Nevertheless, while some defects developed, the system as a whole worked well. A mighty army was quickly dis- ciplined; indeed was raised within a few months to such a high pitch of discipline that, tested at the front, not only did it do its duty magnificently, but the relative number of courts-martial was markedly less than in ordinary peace times. In one respect it made an unexampled record it proved not to be necessary, during the whole war, to carry the death sentence into effect a single time for a purely mili- tary offense. The War Department board created in the spring of 1919, under the presidency of Maj. Gen. Kernan, to examine into the administration of military justice dur- ing the war and make recommendations for its improve- INTRODUCTION. ment, reported (Report of Kernan Board, July IT, 1919. p. 13): " In the opinion of this board, the existing court-martial system is fundamentally sound and well calculated to serve successfully the ends for which it was created. It is an evolution representing con- stant change and growth. No claim is made that it is a perfect sys- tem; rather it is definitely admitted that in the light of experience changes may be made now in the direction of improvement. Under it errors in the proceedings, the findings, and in the measure of punish- ment occur from time to time. This has always been so and will always be so in some measure. But this is not peculiar to the court- martial ; it is true of all agencies created and administered by man. Military justice is carried out at all times under great urgency and stress, where the nice deliberation and finish of the civil procedure is utterly impossible." Meeting needs as they developed, the War Department, upon the recommendation of the Judge Advocate General, by General Orders, No. T, January IT, 1918, early in the war established a judicial advisory review in the office of the Judge Advocate General (or in a branch office, under an acting judge advocate general in France) of sentences of general courts-martial involving death, dismissal of an offi- cer, or unsuspended dishonorable discharge of an enlisted man; and at the same time recommended to Congress that appellate power to review sentences of general courts-martial be lodged in the President. In March > 1919, the Judge Advocate General recommended consideration of certain changes in the administration of military law ; and, early in April, 1919, submitted to the Secretary of War drafts of general orders and changes in the Manual for Courts-Martial designed to carry into effect the following purposes : (a) To prevent the return to a court-martial of a record of trial for reconsideration of an acquittal. (6) To prevent courts, at proceedings in revision, from increasing in severity sentences previously adjudged by them. (c) To provide for greater care in the preliminary investigation of charges. (d) To encourage the use of the power of commanding officers to administer disciplinary punishment under the one hundred and fourth article of war in preference to resort to courts-martial. (e) To encourage the reference of cases to inferior courts rather than to general courts-martial. VI INTRODUCTION. (/) To definitely require (what had theretofore been the usual practice) the reference of charges to a staff judge advocate before re- ferring them to a general court-martial for trial. (0) To definitely require the reference of records of trials by gen- eral courts-martial to a staff judge advocate for advice, before action thereon by a reviewing authority. After having been considered by the General Staff, the Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of War, these recommen- dations were embodied an substance in General Orders, No. 88, War Department, 1919, and " Changes, Manual for Courts Martial,' 5 No. 5, July 14, 1919. All of these purposes were afterwards realized in statutory form in the recent revision of the Articles of War. REVISION OF THE ARTICLES OF WAR. During the early part of the year 1919 several proposed revisions of the Articles of War were introduced in both Houses of the Sixty-fifth Congress, third session, and re- ferred to the Military Affairs Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives, respectively, and during the month of February, 1919, hearings were held by the Senate Committee on Military Affairs upon a bill providing for amendments to the Articles of War, which had been intro- duced in the Senate by the chairman of that committee. However, no bill was reported to either the Senate or the House of Representatives during that session of the Con- gress. Beginning early in the year 1919, careful consideration and study was given to the whole system of court-martial procedure, with a view to its revision and improvement in the light of experiences of the war. This consideration and study was carried on by the War Department through the special War Department board on " Courts-Martial and Their Procedure," composed of Maj. Gen. Francis J. Ker- nan, U. S. Army, Maj. Gen. John F. O'Ryan, New York National Guard, and Lieut. Col. Hugh W. Ogden, Judge Advocate; by a committee of civilian lawyers appointed by the president of the American Bar Association; and by the Office of the Judge Advocate General, including a special study of the system of military justice in the British, French, and Belgian Armies by an officer detailed for that purpose. Through the courtesy of the various Governments, VII IIH'RODUCTION'. statistical and other information relating to the experiences of those armies in administering military justice during the war were thus placed at the disposal of the Judge Advocate General's Office. Particular acknowledgment is due to Sir Felix Cassel, Judge Advocate General of the British Forces ; to M. Edouard Ignace, French Undersecretary of State for Military Justice; and to Gen. Baron van Zuylen van Nye- velt, Auditeur General of the Belgian Army. The first session of the Sixty-sixth Congress began on May 19, 1919, and several proposed revisions of the Articles of War were introduced in both Houses of the Congress at that session, and referred to the Military Affairs Commit- tees of the Senate and House of Representatives, respec- tively. A subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Military Affairs held very extensive hearings on one of the bills, and went into the subject very fully. Besides the views of a large number of well-informed witnesses, there were pre- sented, for the consideration of the subcommittee, the re- sults of the studies referred to above. At the conclusion of those hearings, upon the invitation of the subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Military Af- fairs, a bill providing for a revision of the Articles of War wns prepared and submitted to the subcommittee by the Judge Advocate General. That revision, with few changes, was adopted by both the subcommittee and the full Committee on Military Af- fairs of the Senate, and by the Committee on Military Af- fairs of the House of Representatives; was favorably re- ported to both Houses of the Congress by those committees ; and subsequently was enacted into law as Chapter II of the Army Reorganization Act of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 787). The salient features of the revision are as follows : 1. Enlisted men are placed on a parity with officers in respect of the right to prefer charges against persons in the military service; but all charges must be verified by affidavit. (A. W. 70.) 2. The preliminary investigation of charges is made more strict than in the former code; particularly by the new requirement that, at the preliminary investigation, full opportunity shall be given to the accused to cross-examine witnesses who appear against him, if they are available, (A. W. 70.) Yin IISTRODUCTIOIT. 3. The present regulation (C. M. C. M. No. 5, July 14, 1919, par. 76a), which requires that, before directing the trial of a case by general court-martial, the convening 1 authority shall refer the charges presented to his staff judge advocate for consideration and advice, is made mandatory by statute. (A. W. 70, par. 3.) 4. UnEeeessary delay on the part of an officer in investigating charges or carrying a case to a final conclusion is made an offense punishable by trial by court-martial. (A. W. 70.) 5. Resort to arrest instead of confinement pending trial in the cases of enlisted: men charged with minor offenses is prescribed instead of merely being authorized. This places enlisted men upon the same footing as officers in respect of such offenses. (A. W. 69.) 6. Resort to the power of commanding officers to administer dis- ciplinary punishment under the one hundred and fourth article of war, in preference to resort to courts-martial, is encouraged. 7. The appointment by the convening authority of defense counsel, and one or more assistants, in the same manner in which trial judge advocates and their assistants are appointed, is made mandatory by statute. This places the defense upon the same footing as the prose- cution before the court, but does not prevent the man tried from be- ing represented by his own counsel, if he so desires. (A. W. 11, 17.) 8. A " law member " is provided for every general court-martial (A. W. 8, par. 2), with power to rule upon all interlocutory ques- tions, except challenges, subject (except as to rulings on the ad- missibility of evidence) to an appeal to the court itself. (A. W. 31.) 9. The requirement (which heretofore has existed by regulation) that every record of trial by a general court-martial or military com- mission shall be referred to a staff judge advocate or to the Judge Advocate General for advice before action thereon by the reviewing or confirming authority, is made mandatory by statute. (A. W. 4(5.) 10. The words, " in time of peace," are eliminated from the forty- fifth article of war, thus enabling the President to fix the maximum limits of punishment in time of war, as well" as in time of peace. 11. The prohibition (which heretofore has existed by regulation), against (a), the reconsideration by a court, at proceedings in re- vision, of an acquittal ; a finding of not guilty of any specification ; or a finding of not guilty of any charge, unless the record shows a finding of guilty under a specification laid under that charge, which sufficiently alleges a violation of some article of war; and (6), the adjudication by a court, at proceedings in revision, of a sentence more severe than that previously adjudged by it (unless the sentence previously adjudged was less than the mandatory sentence fixed by- law for the offense or offenses upon which a conviction was had), is made mandatory by statute. (A. W, 40.) 12. Provision is made for a new trial in proper cases. (A. W. 40, 47, 49, 50i.) INTRODUCTION. 13. A unanimous vote of the members of the court for death sen- tences, a vote of three-fourths of the members of the court for sen- tences involving confinement for life or for more than 10 years, and a vote of two-thirds of the members of the court for all other sen- tences, is required. (A. W. 43.) 14. Provision is made for a system of appellate review for all gen- eral court-martial cases. (A. W. 50 .) 15. Provision is made for greater flexibility in the suspension of sentences. (A. W. 52.) Other changes in the interest of better administration and greater flexibility which may be mentioned are: An amendment to Articles of War 5 and 6, removing the maxi- mum limit as to the number of members for general and special courts-martial ; a change in Article of War 18 which allows each side one peremptory challenge (the law member of the court not being subject to challenge, except for cause) ; and a change in nomenclature from " judge advo- cate " to " trial judge advocate," to avoid possible confusion with the staff judge advocate. With the exception of Articles 2, 23, and 45, which took effect on June 4, 1920, the date on which the act was ap- proved, the revision will go into effect on February 4, 1921. The provisions of the act which have already become ef- fective are as follows: Article 2, " Persons subject to military law," is amended so as to include members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, and field clerks Quartermaster Corps. Article 23, " Refusal to appear and testify," is amended so as to provide that every person not subject to military law, who before any court-martial, military tribunal, or military board, or in con- nection with, or in relation to any proceedings or investigation before it, is guilty of any of the acts made punishable as offenses against public justice by any provision of chapter 6 of the act of March 4, 1909 (35 Stat. 1088 commonly known as the Federal Penal Code), or any amendment thereof, shall be punished as provided therein. Article 45, "Maximum limits" (of punishment), is amended so as to enable the President to prescribe the maximum limits of punish- ment for trials by courts-martial in time of war, as well as in time of peace. The present revision of the Manual for .Courts-Martial has been prepared primarily to conform the manual to the changes in the Articles of War accomplished by the act of INTRODUCTION". June 4. 1920, and to embody the results of decisions made by the Office of the Judge Advocate General and the War De- partment, and such other changes in the regulations for the government of courts-martial and courts of inquiry as have been approved by experience. The aim is to adhere to the principle observed in drafting the present revision of the Articles of War, viz, to make changes dictated by experi- ence, while at the same time holding fast to ancient prin- ciples that have proven their value. The salient changes in the Manual, besides those required to conform to the new Articles of War, are: (a) Paragraph 219, procedure in cases of insanity, has been en- tirely rewritten. (6) Depositions may be taken on oral, as well as upon written, interrogatories. (c) The chapter on evidence has been rewritten. (d) More definite provisions have been made concerning the cura- tive effect of the thirty-seventh article of war. (e) With a view to reducing the number of court-martial trials, greater stress is laid upon the disciplinary powers of organization commanders ; and (f) The appendices have been, in large measure, rewritten, and some new ones added, e. g., Appendix 9, forms for use of the president and the law member of courts-martial. For the convenience of the service, the numbering of the paragraphs in the Manual of 1917 has been retained and the paragraph numbers placed at the top of the page, for ready reference. Where additional paragraphs have been neces- sary, they are inserted as extra paragraphs at the proper place (e. g., par. 89a, " Duties of the law member ") ; or, in some instances where it seemed necessary for clarity, with half numbers (e. g., par. 181J, "Depositions on oral inter- rogatories Procedure"). Where paragraphs have been wholly omitted a note to that effect is inserted in small type. (See, e. g., pars. 51 and 54, which are omitted from this re- vision.) Changes in the text are indicated by bold-face type. This Manual takes effect February 4, 1921, at the same time as the new Articles of War. E. H. CROWDER, Judge Advocate General. JANUARY 1, 1921. XI Introduction to 1917 Edition. This Manual introduces and interprets to the Military Establishment the revised Articles of War which become effective March 1, 1917. The revision supersedes the exist- ing articles, sometimes designated the Code of 1874, and re- peals all other laws and parts of laws inconsistent therewith. It will facilitate an understanding of the scope and effect of the revision to refer to the history and development of the amended Code of 1874, indicate briefly its most serious de- fects, and summarize the principal changes introduced by the revision. HISTORY OF UNITED STATES ARTICLES OF WAR PRIOR TO 1916. Passing over the earlier enactments of the American Colo- nies of Articles of War for the government of their respective forces, examples of which are found in the articles adopted by the Provisional Congress of Massachusetts Bay, April 5, 1775 (Am. Archives, 4th series, vol. 1, p. 1350), and the sim- ilar articles adopted in May and June of that year by the Provincial Assemblies of Connecticut and Rhode Island and the Congress of New Hampshire (idem, vol. 2, pp. 565, 1153, 1180), we come (a) to the first American articles enacted by the Second Continental Congress June 30, 1775, and copied largely from the British Code of 1765 and the Massachusetts Code; (&) the Code of 1776, an enlargement and modifica- tion of the Code of 1775; and (c) the supplemental Code of 1786, regulating the composition of courts-martial and gen- erally the administration of military justice. The articles in force on the adoption of the Constitution of the United States were, by act of the First Congress, made to apply to the then existing Army " so far as the same are applicable " and were continued in force by successive enactments until April 10, 1806, when, by act of Congress of that date, revised xnr INTRODUCTION TO 1917 EDITION. articles, adapted to the changed form of government, were enacted, superseding all other enactments on the same sub- ject. Thus the Code of 1806 was, in effect, a reenactment of the articles in force during and immediately following the period of the Revolutionary War, with only such modifica- tions as were necessary to adapt them to the Constitution of the United States. It comprised 101 articles, with an addi- tional provision relating to spies. During the War of 1812 four of the articles of this code were amended, during the Seminole wars three articles were amended and one new arti- cle added, and during the Civil War seventeen articles were amended and eight new articles added. All of these new articles and amendments were gathered into the restatement of the articles which appears in the Revised Statutes of 1874, making a code of 128 articles, with the additional provision relating to spies. Between that year and 1912, when this re- vision was submitted to Congress, the more important amend- ments have been the summary court and maximum punish- ment acts of 1890; the repeal of articles 80 and 110 in 1898; the repeal of article 123 and the amendment of articles 122 and 124 in 1910. DEFECTS OF ARTICLES PRIOR TO 1916 REVISION. The more serious defects of the Code of 1874 were those incident to its development by compilation from a now obso- lete and replaced foreign code, and by piecemeal amendment made during periods of war and under the stress of war con- ditions. Eighty-seven articles of the Code of 1806 survive4 in the amended Code of 1874 without change or with only minor changes of style, and most of the remaining articles of that code without substantial change, with the result that the latter code was unscientific in its arrangement and con- tained many provisions either wholly obsolete or illy adapted to present service conditions. We may cite as examples illustrating its archaic character the following of its pro- visions : The fifty- fourth and fifty-fifth articles prohibited any kind of riot to the disquieting of " citizens of the United States," and article 59 made mandatory the turning over to a civil XJT INTRODUCTION TO 1917 EDITION. magistrate of officers and soldiers accused of an offense against the person or property of any " citizen of the United States," but only " upon application duly made by or in be- half of the party injured," ignoring the more modern doc- trine that all persons residing within the United States are entitled to the equal protection of the laws, and that crimes are now punished, not at the instance of an individual but at the instance of the public. Article 126 regulated adminis- tration upon the effects of deceased soldiers and devolved the duties incident thereto upon the commanding officer of the troop, battery, or company to which the deceased soldier be- longed, but made no provision for similar cases arising among the large class of soldiers who, under the present-day organization, do not belong to troops, batteries, or compa- nies ; and similar instances might be multiplied indefinitely. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN REVISION. The limits assignable to this introduction permit only the following brief summary of the more important changes in- troduced by the revised articles : 1. Certain provisions of the Revised Statutes and of the Statutes at Large in the nature of Articles of War, and proper for this reason to be incorporated in a military code, are reenacted in their proper places in the revised articles, and certain other statutes relating to the procedure and prac- tice of the criminal courts of the United States are made the basis of new articles. Examples of legislation incorporated and of new articles suggested are found in revised articles 2, 4, 7, 8, 22, 23, 25, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 42, 45, 48, 52, 80, 82, 106, 107, 108, 112, 114, 117, 118, and 119. 2. Articles 1, 10, 11, 36, 37, 52, 53, 76, 87, and 101 of the Code of 1874, either wholly obsolete or embracing only matters properly within the field of Army Regulations, have been dropped. 3. Related provisions have been brought together under five separate headings, and where subheads would serve a useful purpose they have been employed to complete the classification. 21358 20 ii XT INTRODUCTION TO 1917 EDITION. 4. Provisions relating to the same subject-matter have been consolidated into a single article. Examples of such consoli- dation may be found in revised article 48, which reenacts with modifications the substantial provisions of four articles of the Code of 1874 and one section of the Revised Statutes, all relating to the confirmation of sentences of courts-martial ; and in revised article 61, which reenacts in brief form the material provisions of six of the existing articles of that code relating to unauthorized absences. 5. The authority to convene general courts-martial has been extended to include " the commanding officer of any dis- trict or of any force or body of troops" when empowered by the President, thus providing for the case of expedition- ary forces not the equivalent of a brigade or higher unit, and other emergent services, and permitting general court- martial jurisdictions to be multiplied as the exigencies of the service may require. (Art. 8.) 6. The jurisdiction of the general court-martial is made concurrent with that of the military commission and other war tribunals in the trial of offenses against the laws of war, and further extended to include the capital offenses of mur- der and rape when committed in time of peace at places out- side the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia. (Arts. 12, 15, and 92.) 7. Authority is granted for the detail of one or more assist- ant trial judge advocates for each general court-martial, with power to act for the judge advocate, thus largely in- creasing the capacity of these courts in the disposition of cases. (Arts. 11 and 116.) 8. The provision of the Code of 1874 making regular officers incompetent to sit on courts-martial for the trial of officers and soldiers of other forces is abolished, and all dis- tinctions as to eligibility of officers of the several forces for the performance of court-martial duty is removed. (Art. 4.) 9. A disciplinary court, intermediate between the general and summary court, with adequate power to impose discip- linary punishments but without the power to adjudge dis- honorable discharge, is providtd for the trial of offenses XVI INTRODUCTION TO 1917 EDITION. where the retention of the offender with his command, to be disciplined rather than his dishonorable discharge, is con- templated, leaving the general court-martial with its ex- tended jurisdiction to be resorted to in grave cases calling for discipline, dishonorable discharge, or prolonged deten- tion in confinement with or without dishonorable discharge, and the summary court for the trial of minor offenses call- ing for light punishments of confinement and forfeiture. 10. The power to prescribe the procedure, including modes of proof, in cases before courts-martial and other military tribunals has been expressly delegated to the President. (Art. 38.) 11. The statute of limitations of the Code of 1874 (art. 103, as amended by act of Apr. 11, 1890) fixed a uniform period of two years of liability to trial and punishment by general court-martial (not expressly excepting any capital offenses), to be reckoned from the date of the commission of the offense to the date of the issuing of the order for trial, except in case of peace desertion, when the period was re- quired to be reckoned from the date of expiration of enlist- ment from which the soldier deserted to the date of his arraignment. No period of limitation was presecribed in the case of inferior courts. The new military statute of limita- tions (art. 39) expressly excepts from its operation the capi- tal offenses of desertion committed in time of war, mutiny, and murder, fixes the period of limitation at three years for the graver common law and statutory felonies denounced and punished in revised articles 93 and 94, conforming to the rule governing Federal civil courts with concurrent juris- diction of these offenses ; and the same period for the offense of desertion in time of peace, a study of statistics having shown that few, if any, deserters of this class are arrested after three years from date of desertion. The two-year period of limitation prescribed by the Code- of 1874 is re- tained in the revised articles for all other offenses than those above named, and the uniform rule is established that all these periods shall be reckoned from the date of commission of the offense to the date of arraignment. The new statute covers trials by any court-martial. XVII INTRODUCTION TO 1917 EDITION. of the former chapter this office has had the assistance of Prof. Wigmore of the Northwestern University, recently commissioned a major and judge advocate in the Officers' Re- serve Corps. Prof. Wigmore has given liberally of his time in the preparation of this chapter, has lent the authority of his name to what appears therein, and has performed a work of great value for which appreciation will be general throughout the service. In the chapter on " Punitive arti- cles " an effort has been made to meet what is conceived to be a very urgent need in our service, namely, a statement of the essentials of proof under the more important offenses de- nounced and punished by the new code, for the guidance of trial judge advocates. Due to the brief interval between the enactment of the new code and the date when the Manual had to go to the printer in order to be available for troops on foreign station prior to the taking effect of the new code, the preparation of the Manual has necessarily been done with a haste which in a work of such importance it would have been desirable to avoid. It is hoped, however, that no fundamental errors appear therein. In using the Manual it should be borne in mind that over attention to technicalities represents a fail- ure to grasp the spirit of the revision and will lead to re- quests for interpretation which may usually be avoided by the application of broad principles. It is hoped that by the amplification of chapters of this Manual and the inclusion of new chapters on such subjects as "The law of riot duty," " Martial law," and " Military government," future editions may be made to embrace all that is necessary to the service at large regarding the general subject of military law. JANUARY 1, 1917. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Promulgation Executive order xxvi Chapter I. Military jurisdiction 1 Section I. Source and kinds of military jurisdiction 1 Section II. Exercise of military jurisdiction 2 Section III. Persons subject to military law 3 Chapter II. Courts-martial Classification Composition 8 Section I. Classification 9 Section II. Composition 9 Chapter III. Courts-martial By whom appointed 16 Section I. General courts-martial 16 Section II. Special courts-martial 20 Section III. Summary courts-martial 21 Section IV. Trial judge advocate 24 Section V. Defense counsel 24 Chapter IV. Courts-martial Jurisdiction 25 Section I. Jurisdiction in general 25 Section II. Jurisdiction of general courts-martial 31 Section III. Jurisdiction of special courts-martial 33 Section IV. Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial 35 Section V. Jurisdiction of other military tribunals 36 Chapter V. Courts-martial Procedure prior to trial 37 Section I. Arrest and confinement 37 Section II. Arrest of deserters by civil authorities 41 Chapter VI. Courts-martial Procedure prior to trial (con- tinued) 43 Section I. Preparation of charges 44 Section II. Action upon charges 55 Chapter VII. Courts-martial Organization 75 Section I. The members 76 Section II. The trial judge advocate 86 Section III. Assistant trial judge advocate 90 Section III-A. The defense counsel 92 Section III-B. Assistant defense counsel 94 Section IV. Individual counsel for the accused 94 Section V. Reporter 96 Section VI. Interpreter 100 Chapter VIII. Courts-martial Organization (continued) 101 Section I. Challenges 102 Section II. Oaths 109 Section III., Continuances 112 Section IV. Completion of organization 113 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Chapter IX. Courts-martial Procedure during trial 114 Section I. Arraignment 115 Section II. Pleas 115 Section III. Refusal to plead 127 Section IV. Motions and other incidents of the trial 127 Chapter X. Courts-martial Witnesses and depositions 132 Section I. Attendance of witnesses 133 Section II. - Depositions 143 Section III. Fees, mileage, and expenses of witnesses 149 Chapter XI. Courts-martial Evidence 154 Section I. Introductory provisions 157 Section II. Circumstantial evidence 165 Section III. Testimonial evidence 169 Section IV. Documents 197 Section V. Examination of witnesses 205 Section VI. Credibility of witnesses 211 Section VII. Depositions and former testimony 216 Section VIII. Presumptions 220 Section IX. Judicial notice 231 Chapter XII. Courts-martial Concluding incidents of the trial. 234 Section I. Statements and arguments 235 Section II. Findings 236 Section III. Previous convictions 242 Section IV. Sentences 244 Chapter XIII. Courts-martial Punishments 256 Section I. Disciplinary power of commanding officer 256 Section II. Confinement in a penitentiary 261 Section III. War Department policy regarding punishments. 264 Section IV. Prohibited punishments 272 Section V. Death Cowardice Fraud 273 Section VI. Maximum limits 274 Chapter XIV. Courts-martial Procedure of special and sum- mary courts and procedure on revisions 287 Section I. Special courts-martial 287 Section II. Summary courts-martial 287 Section III. Procedure on revision 289 Chapter XV. Courts-martial Records of trial 291 Section I. General courts-martial 291 Section II. Special courts-martial 300 Section III. Summary courts-martial 302 Section IV. Correction of records of trial 302 Section V. Disposition of records of trial 303 Section VI. Loss of records of trial 305 Chapter XVI. Courts-martial Action by appointing or superior authority Appellate review 306 Section I. Action on the proceedings 307 Section II. Appellate review , 324 Section III. Action after promulgation of sentence ._ 329 XXII TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Chapter XVII. Punitive articles 332 Section I. Enlistment Muster Returns 337 Section II. Desertion Absence without leave 342 Section III. Disrespect Insubordination Mutiny 350 Section IV. Arrest Confinement 365 Section V. War offenses 377 Section VI. Miscellaneous crimes and offenses 392 Chapter XVIII. Courts of inquiry 467 Section I. Constitution 468 Section II. Jurisdiction 468 Section III. Composition 469 Section IV. Powers 470 Section V. Procedure 470 Section VI. Records 474 Chapter XIX. Habeas corpus 475 Section I. Purpose of the writ 475 Section II. Where restraint is by the United States 475 Section III. Return to writ issued by State court 476 Section IV. Return to writ issued by United States court 477 Section V. Writ issued in the Philippine Islands 478 Chapter XX. Miscellaneous and transitory provisions 479 Section I. Miscellaneous provisions 479 Section II. Transitory provision 484 Appendices : 1. The Articles of War 487 2. System of courts-martial for National Guard not in the service of the United States 556 3. Form of order appointing a general court-martial 558 4. Form of order appointing a special court-martial 559 5. Charge sheet 560 6. Forms of charges 565 7. Forms for synopses of convictions by court-martial (for entry in service record) 592 8. Suggestions for trial judge advocates 602 9. Forms for use of president and law member 609 10. Form for record of trial by general court-martial, and revision proceedings 616 11. Form for record Special court-martial 629 12. Form for record Summary court-martial 633 13. Forms for sentences 634 14. Forms for synopses of sentences 636 15. Forms for action by reviewing authority 637 16. Court-martial orders 641 (a) General court-martial 641 (&) Special court-martial 642 17. Form for interrogatories and deposition 644 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Appendices Continued. Page. 18. Form of report of investigating officer (549 19. Subpoena for civilian witness 651 20. Warrant of attachment j_; 655 21. General Order No. 1, War Department, December 1, 1920 Exemptions of certain classes from jurisdic- tion of special and summary courts-martial 656 22. Returns and briefs in habeas corpus proceedings 657 23. Voucher : Civilian witness not in Government employ 667 24. Voucher: Civilian witness in Government employ 670 25. Voucher: Personal services, reporter 674 26. Report of inquest 678 27. List of common errors to be avoided 679 XXIT ABBREVIATIONS. A. R -r- .. ^. Army Regulations, 1913. A. W Articles of War, Code of 1920. Bishop , Bishop's New Criminal Law, 8th edition. Brit, M. M. M British Manual of Military Law [Army], Ed. of 1914. Clark Clark's Criminal Law, 2d edition. Clark and Marshall The Law of Crimes, 2d edition. Cyc Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure. Davis A Treatise on the Military Law of the United States, 2d edition. Digest Digest of Opinions of Judge Advocates General of the Army, 1912. Dudley Military Law and Procedure of Courts-Martial, 1910. Greenleaf Law of Evidence, 16th edition. Hgs., S. 64 Testimony before subcommittee of Senate Military Affairs Committee (66th Cong.), on hearings on Senate bill 64, "A bill to estab- lish military justice," 1919. Kernan Board Report of special War Department board Maj. Gen. Kernan, Maj. Gen. O'Ryan, and Lieut. Col. Ogden on " Courts-Martial and their Procedure," July 17, 1919. R. S Revised Statutes of the United States, 1878. Stat United States Statutes at Large. Thompson - Law of Trials. Wharton Criminal Law, 9th edition. Wigmore Law of Evidence. Wigmore, P. C Pocket Code of Evidence. Winthrop Military Law and Precedents, 2d edition, 1896. xxy EXECUTIVE ORDER. By virtue of the powers in me vested as President of the United States of America, and pursuant to Article 38 of Chapter II of an Act of Congress entitled "An Act To amend an Act entitled 'An Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes', approved June 3, 1916, and to establish military justice," approved June 4, 1920 (41 Stat 759), I prescribe the following rules of procedure, including modes of proof in cases before courts-martial and courts of inquiry in the Army of the United States and direct them to be published^for the government of all concerned. These rules shall be known and designated as the Manual for Courts- Martial, and shall be in force and effect on and after Feb- ruary 4, 1921. WOODROW WILSON, THE WHITE HOUSE, 17 December, 1920. CHAPTER I. MILITARY JURISDICTION. Section I : Source and kinds of military jurisdiction : p a ge. 1. Source 1 2. Kinds 1 (a) Military government 1 (&) Martial law at home 2 (c) Military law 2 Section II : Exercise of military jurisdiction : 3. Military tribunals 2 (a) Military commissions and provost courts 2 (5) Courts-martial, general, special, and summary 2 (c) Commanding officers exercising disciplinary pow- ers under A. W. 104 3 (d) Courts of inquiry 3 Section III : Persons subject to military law : 4. Classes enumerated 3 (a) Regular Army, National Guard, Volunteers, Draft- ed Forces 4 (6) Cadets 6 (c) Marine Corps 6 (d) Medical Department of Navy serving with de- tached marines 6 (e) Retainers to the camp and others 6 (/) Persons under sentence of court-martial 7 SECTION I. SOURCE AND KINDS OF MILITARY JURISDICTION. 1. SOURCE. The source of military jurisdiction is the Con- stitution, the specific provisions relating to it being found in powers granted to Congress, in the authority vested in the President, and in a provision of the fifth amendment. 2. KINDS. Military jurisdiction is of three kinds, viz: (a) Military Government (the law of hostile occupation) ; that is, military power exercised by a belligerent by virtue of his occupation of an enemy's territory, over such terri- tory and its inhabitants. This belongs to the law of war 1 21358 20 1 3 CHAPTER I. and therefore to the law of nations. When a conquered territory is ceded to the conqueror, military government continues until civil government is established by the new sovereign. (b) Martial Law at Home (or, as a domestic fact) ; by which is meant military power exercised in time of war, insurrection, or rebellion in parts of the country retaining their allegiance, and over persons and things not ordinarily subjected to it. This is an application of the doctrine of necessity to a con- dition of war, springing from the right of national self-pres- ervation. (c) Military Law; which is the legal system that regu- lates the government of the military establishment. It is a branch of the municipal law, and in the United States de- rives its existence from special constitutional grants of power. It is both written and unwritten. The sources of written military law are the Articles of War enacted by Con- gress June 4, 1920; other statutory enactments relating to the military service; the Army Regulations; this official Manual for Courts-Martial; and general and special orders and deci- sions promulgated by the War Department and by area, department, post, and other commanders. The unwritten military law is the " custom of war," consisting of customs of the service, both in peace and war. This Manual deals primarily with military law. SECTION II. EXERCISE OF MILITARY JURISDICTION. 3. MILITARY TRIBUNALS. Military jurisdiction is exercised through the following military tribunals : (a) Military Commissions and Provost Courts, for the trial of offenders against the laws of war, and under martial law, and military government. (b) C owts-martial General, Special, and Summary for the trial of offenders against military law. (A. W. 3.) NOTE. 1. The general court-martial has concurrent Jurisdiction with military commissions and provost courts to try any offender who MILITARY JURISDICTION. ^f 4 by the law of war is subject to trial by military tribunals (A. W. 13, 15). Over a few offenses general courts- martial and military commis- sions are expressly, by statute, given concurrent jurisdiction (A. W. 15, 80, 81, 82). NOTE 2. It has generally been held that military commissions have no jurisdiction of such purely military offenses specified in the Articles of War as those articles expressly make punishable by sen- tence of court-martial (except where the military commission is also given express statutory jurisdiction of the offense A. W. 80, 81, 82) ; and in repeated instances where military commissions have as- sumed such jurisdiction their proceedings have been declared invalid in general orders. But this rule has not always been strictly observed, especially in cases of such offenses as forcing a safeguard (A. W. 78) or intimida- tion, A. W. 88) of persons bringing supplies (2 Winthrop, 2d Ed., p. 1312, and note 1 [Reprint, 1920, p. 841, note 19]; Davis, 3d Ed., p. 311). NOTE 3. For- the authority to appoint courts-martial in the Na- tional Guard not in the service of the United States, and the jurisdic- tion and powers of such courts, see sections 102-108, National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, 39 Stat 208, 209; Appendix 2, infra. (c) Commanding Officers exercising disciplinary powers under the one hundred and fourth article of war. (d) Courts of Inquiry, for the examination of transac- tions of or accusations or imputations against officers or soldiers. (A. W. 97.) NOTE. A court of inquiry will also be ordered, upon the request of the officer in question, to inquire into the propriety of classifying an officer in class B. (Sec. 24b, Chap. I, act of June 4, 1920; 41 Stat. 773.) The composition, jurisdiction, procedure, etc., of these tribunals are treated in the succeeding chapters of this Manual. SECTION III. PERSONS SUBJECT TO MILITARY LAW. 4. CLASSES ENUMERATED. The following persons are sub- ject to the Articles of War (A. W. 2) : NOTE 1. Wherever the following words are used in the Articles of War or this Manual, they are to be construed in the sense indicated below, unless the context shows that a different sense is intended, viz : (a) The word "officer" shall be construed to refer to a commis- 4 CHAPTER I. sioned officer ; ( & ) the word " soldier " shall be construed as includ- ing a noncommissioned officer, a private, or any other enlisted man; (c) the word "company" shall be understood as including a troop or battery; and (d) the word "battalion" shall be understood as In- cluding a squadron. (A. W. 1.) NOTE 2. Members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, and field clerks Quartermaster Corps, are " officers of the Army," but not commissioned officers, and, therefore, are not included within the definition of " officers " contained in the first article of war. The word " officers " is used in this Manual in the same sense as in the first article of war, to designate commissioned officers only. Whenever in this Manual, it is intended to embrace any other persons within the term " officers," it is expressly so stated; and, unless expressly so stated, none of these classes is ever included by the terms " soldiers," or " enlisted men," either in the Articles of War or in this Manual. (a) All officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, field clerks Quartermaster Corps, and soldiers belonging to the Regular Army of the United States; all volunteers, from the dates of their muster or ac- ceptance into the military service of the United States ; and all other persons lawfully called, drafted, or ordered into or to duty or for training in the said service, from the dates th.y are required by the terms of the call, draft, or order to obey the same. NOTE. (a) Regular Army. Composition of the Regular Army: The Regular Army of the United States shall consist of the Infantry, the Cavalry, the Field Artillery, the Coast Artillery Corps, the Air Service, the Corps of Engineers, the Signal Corps, which shall be designated as the combatant arms or the line of the Army; the Gen- eral Staff Corps; the Adjutant General's Department; the Inspector General's Department; the Judge Advocate General's Department; the Quartermaster Corps; the Finance Department; the Medical Depart- ment; the Ordnance Department; the Chemical Warfare Service; the officers of the Bureau of Insular Affairs; the officers and enlisted men under the jurisdiction of the Militia Bureau; the chaplains; the professors and cadets of the United States Military Academy; the present military storekeeper; detached officers; detached enlisted men; unassigned recruits; the Indian Scouts; the officers and en- listed men of the retired list; and such other officers and enlisted men as are now or may hereafter be provided for. Except in time of war or similar emergency when the public safety demands it, the number of enlisted men of the Regular Army shall not exceed 280,- 000, including the Philippine Scouts. (Sec. 2, act of June 3, 1916 V 39 Stat. 166, as amended by sec. 2 of the act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat. 759.) MILITARY JURISDICTION. ^f 4 (&) Volunteers. The volunteer forces shall be subject to the laws, orders, and regulations governing the Regular Army in so far as such laws, orders, and regulations are applicable to officers or enlisted men whose permanent retention in the military service, either on the active list or on the retired list, is not contemplated by existing law. (Sec. 4, act of Apr. 25, 1914, 38 Stat. 347.) (c) National Guard. The National Guard, when called as such into the service of the United States, shall, from the time they are required by the terms of the call to respond thereto, be subject to the laws and regulations governing the Regular Army, so far as such laws and regulations are applicable to officers and enlisted men whosfi permanent retention in the military service, either on the active list or on the retired list, is not contemplated by existing law. (Sec. 101, act of June 3, 1916, 39 Stat. 208.) [NOTE. The militia when called into the service of the United States is also subject to military law. (35 Stat. 399.) ] (d) National Guard When Drafted into Federal Service. Members of the National Guard, when drafted into the Federal military service, stand discharged from the militia, and shall be subject to such laws and regulations for the government of the Army of the United States as may be applicable to members of the Army whose permanent reten- tion in the Army is not contemplated by law. (Sec. Ill, National De- fense Act June 3, 1916, 39 Stat. 211, as amended by sec. 49, Chap. I, act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat. 784.) [NOTE. Members of the National Guard and of the militia and un- organized reserves, when drafted into the Federal service, are sub- ject to the Articles of War and to Military Law, since such articles and law are " laws and regulations for the government of the Army of the United States " which are " applicable to members of the Army whose permanent retention in the military service is not contemplated by law."] (e) Eeserve Officers on Active Duty. To the extent provided for from time to time by appropriations for this specific purpose, the President may order reserve officers to active duty at any time and for any period; but except in time of a national emergency expressly declared by Congress, no reserve officer shall be employed on active duty for more than 15 days in any calendar year without his own consent. A reserve officer shall not be entitled to pay and allow- ances except when on active duty. When on active duty he shall re- ceive the same pay and allowances as an officer of the Regular Army of the same grade and length of active service, and mileage from his home to his first station and from his last station to his home, but shall not be entitled to retirement or retired pay. (Sec. 37a, Chap. I, act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat. 776.) (f) The Enlisted Reserve Corps. The Enlisted Eeserve Corps be- ing a part of the Army of the United States (sec. 1, Chap. I, act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat. 759), its members when placed on active duty *[ 4 CHAPTER I. by direction of the President, tinder section 55b of the National De- fense Act as amended by section 35, Chap. I, of the Army Reorganiza- tion Act of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 780), become subject to the Articles of War, as " persons lawfully * * * ordered into or to duty or for training in " the military service of the United States " from the dates they are required by the terms of the * * * order to obey the same." (Par. (a), A. W. 2.) (g) The Militia Unorganized Reserves Drafted Forces. The militia, or unorganized reserves, whenever called, drafted, enrolled, or mustered into the Federal military service, become subject to the Articles of War, as " persons lawfully called, drafted, or ordered into, or to duty or for training in, the said service, from the dates they are required by the terms of the call, draft, or order to obey the same." (A. W. 2.) (6) Cadets. ( supra.] 52. ARREST AND CONFINEMENT OF SOLDIERS. Except as provided in A. W. 68, or when immediate restraint is neces- sary, no soldier will be confined without the order of an officer, who shall previously inquire into his offense; it is proper, however, for a company commander to delegate to noncommissioned officers of his company the power to place 39 ^f 35 CHAPTER V. enlisted men in arrest as a means of restraint at the instant when restraint is necessary, but such action must be reported to the company commander at once. (Digest, p. 481, 1, E. 1.) NOTE. The chief object of Congress in changing, by the code of 1920, the provisions of A. W. 69 relating to arrest and confinement was to lessen resort to confinement, particularly of enlisted men, in cases where restraint is not a necessity, either to prevent the escape of the accused or to restrain him from further violence or for other like reasons. No soldier or officer will be ordered into, or retained in, confinement prior to trial by court-martial except where confinement is necessary for one of the reasons indicated. 53. STATUS OF Warrant Officer OR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER IN ARREST. Warrant officers and noncommissioned officers will not be confined in company with privates if if can be avoided. When placed in arrest, they will not be required to perform any duty in which they may be called upon to ex- ercise authority or control over others, and when placed in confinement, they will not be sent out to work. [Paragraph 54 omitted in this revision.'] 55. REFUSAL TO RECEIVE AND KEEP PRISONERS. No provost marshal or commander of a guard shall refuse to receive or keep any prisoner committed to his charge by an officer belonging to the forces of the United States, provided the officer committing shall, at the time, deliver an account in writing, signed by himself, of the crime or offense charged against the prisoner. Any officer or soldier so refusing shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (A. W. 71.) NOTE. A. W. 72 requires every commander of a guard to submit a report in writing to his commanding officer within 24 hours after the confinement of a prisoner (or as soon as he is relieved from his guard) showing (a) the name of such prisoner, (b) the offense charged against him, and (c) the name of the officer committing him. Such report is ordinarily contained in the " Guard report " and presented to the commanding officer by the old officer of the day at guard mount- ing. For duty of commanding officers to surrender prisoners to civil authorities, see paragraph 35, supra. 56. PLACING PRISONERS IN IRONS. Prisoners will not be placed in irons except in the extraordinary case of a prisoner w4io, in the judgment of the commanding officer, is a desperate or dangerous character, in which case report of 40 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. ^[57 action and the circumstances will be immediately made to the area or department or tactical division commander. When a prisoner is removed from irons a report of that action will be made to the area or department or tactical di- vision commander. A prisoner may be shackled or hand- cuffed while being transported from one post to another, or from a post to a penitentiary, when, in the judgment of the officer in charge, the escape of the prisoner can not other- wise be prevented. 57. RELEASING PRISONER WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORITY. Any person subject to military law, who, without proper authority, releases any prisoner duly committed to his charge, or who, through neglect or design, suffers any prisoner so committed to escape, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (A. W. 73.) SECTION II. ARREST OF DESERTERS BY CIVIL AUTHORITIES. 58. AUTHORITY FOR APPREHENSION. It shall be lawful for any civil officer having authority under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, or pos- session of the United States, to arrest offenders, summarily to arrest a deserter from the military service of the United States and deliver him into the custody of the military au- thorities of the United States. (A. W. 106.) 59. AUTHORITY OF CITIZENS OTHER THAN PEACE OFFICERS TO ARREST DESERTERS. The statute conferring authority upon civil officers to apprehend and deliver deserters (A. W. 106) should not be construed as taking away the authority for their apprehension by a citizen under an order or di- rection of a military officer, but the legislation should be treated as providing an additional means of securing the ar- rest of deserters by conferring authority upon civil officers to apprehend them without military orders leaving the former method still legal. The offer of reward for the ap- prehension and delivery of a deserter, coupled with the act of Congress which provides for the payment of such a re- 41 ^[60 CHAPTER V. ward, is considered sufficient authority for the arrest of the deserter by a citizen. (C-17327-A. J. A. G., July 20, 1909.) 60. MINORITY OF DESERTER. The right of the United States to arrest and bring to trial a deserter is paramount to any right of control over him by a parent on the ground of his minority. (See Digest, p. 401, III, G; In re Cosenow, 37 Fed. Kep., 668 ; In re Kaufman, 41 Fed. Rep., 876 ; and compare In re Grimley, 137 U. S., 147, and In re Morrissey, 137 U. S., 157.) CHAPTER VI. COURTS-MARTIALPROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. [Continued.] Section I : Preparation of charges : Page. 61. Definitions 44 62. Who may initiate charges 44 G3. Who may prefer charges 45 64. Signing and swearing to charges 45 65. Accumulation of charges 46 66. Duplication of charges 46 67. Consolidation of charges 47 68. Refusal to submit to medical treatment 47 69. Joint charges 47 70. Charges not to be preferred upon uncorroborated con- fession 48 71. Charges for private indebtedness 48 72. Numbering charges and specifications 49 73. Additional charges 49 74. Rules to be observed in pleading 50 (a) Statement of charge 50 (b) Statement of specification 50 (c) Alternative pleading 51 ((?) Evidence not to be pleaded 51 (e) Specific articles, when used 52 (f) Forms for charges 52 (g) Time and place 52 (7i) Christian name 53 (i) Charging under alias 53 (j) General prisoners 53 (k) Change of grade 54 (1) Written papers and oral statements 54 (m) Scandalous and disgraceful offenses 54 (n) Desertion followed by fraudulent enlistment 54 (o) Larceny and sale of public property 55 (p) Wording of statute to be followed 55 Section II : Action upon charges : 75. Submission of charges 55 76. Receipt of charges action 57 76a. Investigation of charges 58 76b. Further investigation of general court-martial charges. 66 76c. Appointment of medical board by convening authority- 68 77a. Prompt action required 72 77b. Service of charges and other papers on accused 72 78. Determination of proper trial court . 72 79. Disposition of copies of charges 73 80. Service of charges upon accused 74 ^[ 61 CHAPTER VI. r SECTION I. PREPARATION OF CHARGES. 61. DEFINITIONS. A charge corresponds to a civil indict- ment. It consists of two parts the technical " charge," which should designate the alleged crime or offense as a vio- lation of a particular article of war or other statute, and the "specification," which sets forth the facts constituting the same. The requisite of a charge is that it shall be laid under the proper article of war or other statute ; of a specification, that it shall set forth in simple and concise language facts sufficient to constitute the particular offense and in such man- ner as to enable a person of common understanding to know what is intended. The general term " charges," in the sense that the word " charge " is used in the first sentence of this paragraph, includes any number of technical charges and their specifications. NOTE 1. It is to be carefully borne in mind that every specifica- tion must state facts constituting some particular offense recog- nized and punishable either under the articles of war or some other Federal statute, civil or military, or statute for the District of Co- lumbia, or at the common law as recognized in the District of Co- lumbia, or by the unwritten law military, the " custom of war." Otherwise the specification -is insufficient to support a sentence. NOTE 2. For forms for charges see Appendix 6. 62. WHO MAY INITIATE CHARGES. Military charges, though commonly originating with military persons, may be initiated by civilians. Indeed, it is but performing a public duty for a civilian who becomes cognizant of a serious offense committed by any officer or soldier, or other person subject to military law, to bring it to the attention of the proper commander. But the law requires (A. W. 70) that charges and specifications must be signed and sworn to by a person subject to military law. Charges proceeding from a person outside the Army and based upon testimony not in the pos- session or knowledge of the military authorities, should, in general, be required to be sustained by affidavits or other reliable evidence, as a condition of their being adopted (Dig., p. 482, II, B) ; particularly since, under the code of 1920, the 44 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL,. *[[ 63 formal charges and specifications must be substantiated by the oath of the person subject to military law who adopts and form- ally prefers them. NOTE. Prior to the code of 1920 charges and specifications were not required to be sworn to, but, by custom of the service, were for- mally preferred by that is, authenticated by the signature of a commissioned officer. The code of 1920 (A. W. 70) introduced the requirement that all charges and specifications be preferred under oath, and provided that they may be preferred by any person subject to military law, thus doing away with the prior custom of the serv- ice requiring them to be signed by a commissioned officer. 63. WHO MAY PREFER CHARGES. Any officer or soldier or any other person subject to military law may prefer charges. An officer is not disqualified from preferring charges by the fact that he is himself under charges or in arrest (Dig., p. 483, II, C), or in confinement; nor is a soldier or other person subject to military law disqualified from preferring charges by reason of being himself under charges or in arrest or in con- finement. 64. SIGNING and Swearing to CHARGES. The person pre- ferring charges will sign his name following the last speci- fication, adding his rank and organization in the Army, or other words indicating his rank and status as a person subject to military law, and will append thereto his affidavit in accord- ance with the requirements of A. W. 70 and of paragraph 75, infra. NOTE. For form for affidavit see Appendix 5. The signing of charges, like orders, with the name of an officer, adding "by order of" his commander, is not permis- sible since under the requirements of the code of 1920 (A. W. 70) no officer or other person can prefer charges unless he is able to make the required oath on his own responsibility that he has personal knowledge of, or has investigated the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief. The signature of the person pre- ferring charges forms no part of the charges themselves, nor does the affidavit thereto appended, but such signature and affi- davit will nevertheless be copied into the record of trial by a general or special court-martial in order that it may 45 <[[ 65 CHAPTER VI. affirmatively appear whether the person preferring the charges (who is prinia facie the accuser) was an officer who sat as a member of the court (see A. W. 8, 9), and also that it may affirmatively appear in the record whether the charges were preferred, signed, and sworn to in accordance with the re- quirements of the law. 65. ACCUMULATION or CHARGES. It may sometimes be ex- pedient, where the offenses are slight in themselves and it is deemed desirable to exhibit a continued course of conduct, to wait before preferring charges till a series of similar acts have been committed, provided the period be not un- reasonably prolonged; but, in general, charges should be preferred and brought to trial immediately or presently upon the commission of the offenses. Anything like an accumulation or saving up of charges, through a hostile animus on the part of the accuser, is discountenanced by the sentiment of the service. (Digest, p. 490, II, F, 2.) 66. DUPLICATION or CHARGES. The duplication of charges for the same act or omission will be avoided except when by reason of lack of definite information as to available evidence it may be necessary to charge the same act or omis- sion as constituting two or more distinct offenses. When the same act or omission in its different aspects is charged as constituting two or more offenses, the court, even though it arrives at a finding of guilty in respect of two or more specifications, should impose punishment only with ref- erence to the act or omission in its most important aspect, and if this rule be not observed by the court the reviewing authority should take the necessary action. Thus a soldier should not be punished for disorderly conduct and for as- sault when the disorderly conduct consisted in making the assault. And so a person subject to military law should not be charged under A. W. 61 for failure to report for a routine duty at a time included in a period for which he is charged with absence without leave under the same article; otherwise, when the duty is not a routine duty. Routine duties are those that are regularly scheduled, such as reveille, retreat, stables, fatigue, schools, drills, and parades, but do not include practice marches or other previously specially COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. ^ 67 appointed and important exercises of which the accused is chargeable with notice. 67. CONSOLIDATION OF CHARGES. Ordinarily all the charges against the accused should be consolidated into one set of charges, and one trial had upon the consolidated set instead of having two or more trials, one upon each set. To avoid taking up unnecessarily the time of a court with minor offenses, where charges are preferred for serious offenses, there should not be joined with them charges for minor derelictions unless the latter serve to explain the cir- cumstances surrounding the serious charges. For instance, charges for desertion should not ordinarily be joined with charges for losing through neglect, Government property of small value; nor should charges for willful disobedience of the orders of a commissioned officer ordinarily be joined with charges for an absence from a routine duty. 68. REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT. An offi- cer or soldier may be charged for refusing to submit to a surgical or dental operation or medical or dental treatment at the hands of the military authorities if it is designed to restore or increase his fitness for service and is without risk of life. A soldier who refuses to submit to a surgical operation that the attending surgeon certifies is without risk to his life and is necessary for the removal of a disability that prevents the full performance of any or all military duties that properly can be required of him will, for such refusal, be brought to trial by general court-martial; but if in any such case the attending surgeon is in doubt as to whether the proposed operation involves risk to life the soldier will not be brought to trial, but will be discharged on surgeon's certificate of disability. (Par. 53, C. of 0., 1881-1915.) 69. JOINT CHARGES. Where two or more persons jointly and in pursuance of a common intent commit a crime or offense which can be committed by a combination of persons acting in concert they may be separately charged and tried for such crime or offense or may be jointly charged and jointly tried. The actual presence of all of the accused persons at the actual commission of the offense is not neces- sary, for all who take part in the enterprise are equally guilty, though they may be absent from the place of actual 47 Tf 70 CHAPTER VI. commission of the offense with which they are charged. The fact that justice may require that different degrees of pun- ishment be awarded to the different parties constitutes no objection to such a joint prosecution. The mere fact of their committing the same offense together and at the same time, although material as going to show concert, does not neces- sarily establish it. Thus the fact that several soldiers have absented themselves together without leave will not, in the absence of evidence indicating a concert of action, justify their being arraigned together on a joint charge, for they may merely have been availing themselves of the same con- venient opportunity of leaving. Nor is desertion, unless in execution of a conspiracy, chargeable as a joint offense. (Digest, p. 484, II, D, 7.) In joint charges the form of the charge does not differ from that in other charges. The form of specification will read as follows : In that Private , Company , - Infantry ; Private , Company , Infantry ; and Private , Com- pany , Infantry, acting jointly, and in pursuance of a common intent, did [here allege the offense in the language prescribed where the offense is committed by only one person]. The right of challenge (including the right to one separate individual peremptory challenge) may, of course, be exercised separately by each of the accused. 70. CHARGES NOT TO BE PREFERRED UPON UNCORROBORATED CONFESSION. Charges should not be preferred for an offense unless there is some evidence other than the confession of the accused that the offense has been committed. This ap- plies particularly in cases of fraudulent enlistment. The mere confession by the accused that he had prior service, or was under a certain disability at the time he enlisted, and concealed that fact, should not be made the basis for charges unless there is something confirming the confession. Charges should not be preferred in such cases until corroborating evidence that the offense was committed has been secured, or that, the existence of such evidence being ascertained, the necessary steps to obtain it have been taken. (See par. 225.) 71. CHARGES FOR PRIVATE INDEBTEDNESS. The military authorities will not attempt to discipline officers and sol- 48 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. ^f 72 diers for failure to pay disputed private indebtedness or claims that is, indebtedness or a claim where, in the opin- ion of the military authorities, there is a genuine dispute as to the facts or law nor will the military authorities attempt to decide such disputed indebtedness or claims. If the indebtedness is disputed the creditor should resort to the civil courts to establish the liability. If, in the opinion of the military authorities, the facts and law are undisputed and there appears to the military authorities to be a private indebtedness, and the officer or soldier does not claim to have a legal or equitable set-off or counterclaim to urge against it, an officer may be brought to trial if his failure is considered to be a violation of A. W. 95 or A. W. 96, and a soldier may be tried if his failure is considered to be a violation of A. W. 96, but no action will be taken by the military authorities to enforce payment. If an officer or soldier by his conduct in incurring the indebtedness or by his attitude toward it or his creditor thereafter reflect dis- credit upon the service to which he belongs, he should be brought to trial for his misconduct. If the facts and law, in the opinion of the military authorities, are undisputed and there appears to the military authorities to be no in- debtedness, the department will take no further action. Where a soldier was largely indebted and failed to pay his indebtedness and the commanding officer denied the soldier all pass privileges until the indebtedness was paid, it was held that such action on the part of the commanding officer con- stituted an attempt to enforce payment of the indebtedness and was contrary to the policy of the War Department and such action should be revoked. (Digest, p. 878, IV.) 72. NUMBERING CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. Where there are several specifications under one article, the usual procedure is to place them all under one charge, rather than to make several charges with one specification under each. Where there are several specifications under one charge they will be consecutively numbered, and where there are several charges, the charges will be consecutively numbered. 73. ADDITIONAL CHARGES. New and separate charges which are preferred after others have been preferred are known in military law as " additional charges." Such 21358 20 4 49 ^[74 CHAPTER VI. charges may relate to past transactions which were not known by or brought to the attention of the person framing the original charges at the time they were preferred ; or they may, as is more frequent, arise from acts of the accused sub- sequent to the time the original charges were preferred. Thus, if after charges have been preferred he commits a " breach of arrest," an additional charge will properly be preferred in the case, and should be designated as an " additional " charge. Charges of this character do not require a separate trial, but may and preferably should be tried by the same court that tries the original charges, and at the same time, subject to the limitations regarding investigation and service of charges contained in A. W. 70. (See paragraphs 75, 76, 78a, and 76b, infra.) If practicable to consolidate the two sets of charges this should be done, otherwise the second set will be denominated " additional " charges. After the court has been duly sworn to try and determine " the matter now be- fore it " additional charges which the accused has had no notice to defend and regarding which the right to challenge has not been accorded him, can not be introduced or the ac- cused required to plead thereto. Such charges must await a separate trial. (See Winthrop, pp. 225, 226.) 74. RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN PLEADING. (a) Statement of charge. The charge should be limited to a statement of the article violated, as " Violation of the fifty-eighth article of war," or " Violation of the eighty-fifth article of war." Common law and statutory crimes, not specified in the Arti- cles of War, over which courts-martial have jurisdiction, should, if not capital, be charged under A. W. 96. (b) Statement of Specification. The specification must be appropriate to the charge. The offense must be distinctly and accurately described in the specification and the utmost care must be exercised that every element of the offense, as denounced at common law or in the article of war, or other statute, is set forth. (See forms, Appendix 6.) More specifically, (1) the name, rank, title, and organization of the accused person, if he belongs to the Army of the United States, will be stated; or if he is a civilian or other person not belonging to the Army of the United States, he will be so described that it appears 50 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL,. ^f 74 that he is a person subject to military law, or that he is by statute, or by the law of war, subject to trial by military tribunals; and (2) the facts that constitute the offense charged, and each element thereof, will be set out briefly, but clearly, together with the place and time of commission. The specification need not, however, possess the technical nicety of, or the same fullness of detail as is required in, an indictment at common law. In general, a bald statement of the facts in simple and concise, but accurate, language, in any such manner as to enable a person of common understanding to know what is intended and for exactly what offense it is con- templated the accused be tried, is sufficient; but this does not dispense with the requirement that every element of the offense must be set forth. The failure to set forth any essential ele- ment of the offense renders the specification defective. (See pars. 15Sy Fraudulent Enlistment. En- listment by a soldier in desertion is fraudulent. Such soldier should be charged with desertion under A. W. 58, and with COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL, ^f 75 fraudulent enlistment under A. W. 54. (Cir. 28, War Dept., 1908.) A fraudulent enlistment is no defense to a charge of desertion but is proof of such desertion, for a soldier can not be excused from repudiating a pending contract by sub- stituting another in its place. In such a case the status of desertion remains, notwithstanding the deserter's presence in the military service under a fraudulent enlistment, until he surrenders as a deserter or is apprehended as such. For a single desertion followed by a fraudulent enlistment, but one specification for desertion will be preferred, in addition to the specification for fraudulent enlistment. NOTE. A. W. 28 constitutes a rule of evidence and is not a punitive article. (o) Larceny and Sale of Public Property. In cases of larceny of property (not described in A. W. 94) where the accused has sold the stolen property, the charges should not include specifications alleging the sale except where the same has been made to an innocent party and constitutes such a fraud upon the purchaser as to warrant the preferment of a specification based upon such fraud. Proof of a subsequent sale of stolen property goes to show intent to steal, and, therefore, evidence of such sale should be introduced to sup- port charges of larceny, wherever available. Larceny and sale of United States property in violation of A. W. 94 should each be charged in separate specifications, since that article denounces both offenses. (p) Wording of Statute to be Followed. Wherever prac- ticable the exact words of the articles of war will be fol- lowed. A person under the influence of intoxicating liquor which incapacitates him mentally or physically for the proper performance of duty is " drunk." Therefore, under A. W. 85 the word " drunk " will be used. So in charging other offenses involving drunkenness no other word or phrase will be used as a substitute for "drunk." Under such charges the court should not in its findings substitute such phrases as " under the influence of intoxicating liquor " and " intoxicating " for " drunk." SECTION II. ACTION UPON CHARGES. 75. SUBMISSION OF CHARGES. Charges for trial by courts- martial may be preferred by any person subject to military law. 55 ^1 75 CHAPTER VI. (A. W. 70.) They will be preferred only when the person prefer- ring them either has personal knowledge of, or has investigated, the matters set forth therein, and from such knowledge or in- vestigation is of the opinion that there is reasonable ground for believing that an offense has been committed, that the accused is guilty of the offense, and that the offense can not be properly or adequately dealt with in any other manner. All charges and specifications must be signed by a person subject to military law, and under oath either that he has personal knowledge of, or has investigated, the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief. (A. W. 70.) All charges for trial by courts-martial will be prepared in trip- licate, using the prescribed form of charge sheet for each of the three copies. Should the space on the charge sheet be insuffi- cient to accommodate all the charges and specifications proposed, such additional sheets of ordinary paper will be used as may be required. In the preparation of charges care will be taken to observe the provisions of paragraphs 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, and 67, supra. The charges and specifications will be signed as indi- cated in the form on the prescribed charge sheet (see form, Ap- pendix 5), and the affidavit thereto, in substantially the pre- scribed form, will be sworn to before any officer, civil or mili- tary, authorized to administer oaths (see, as to the competency of military officers to administer oaths, par. 138, infra), and will be forwarded, containing a list of known witnesses both for and against the accused, mentioning where they may be found, and a memorandum of any documentary evidence bearing upon the case which may be obtainable, to the commanding officer immediately exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused belongs or pertains. NOTE. The affidavit to the charges must state positively either that (1) the affiant preferring the charges has personal knowledge of the matters set forth therein, or else (2) that he has investigated them and has thus satisfied himself of the facts. It must clearly ap- pear upon which ground he places his statement of the truth of the facts alleged in the charges and specifications. He is not to be per- mitted to say alternatively, as to any particular specification, that he either has personal knowledge or has investigated. Such an indefinite statement is wholly insufficient to satisfy the requirements of A. W. 7C, and will not be accepted. 56 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. If 76 He may, however, base some of the allegations in a specification, or some of the specifications, on his personal knowledge, and others upon his investigation of the facts. In such cases he will, in the affidavit, state which are based upon personal knowledge, and which upon investigation. 76. Receipt of Charges Action. Upon receiving charges pre- ferred for trial by court-martial, a commanding officer will ex- amine them for the purpose of determining whether, on their face (a) They are (1) signed by a person subject to military law, and (2) under oath, in substantially the pre- scribed form, either that the person preferring them has personal knowledge of, or else that he has in- vestigated, the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact, to the best of his knowl- edge and belief, as required by the seventieth article of war; (&) That the accused therein named (1) is a person sub- ject to military law and (2) belongs or pertains to his command; (c) That the charges and specifications are substantially in the prescribed forms (see forms, Appendices 5 and 6) ; (d) That each specification (1) states an oifense cogniz- able by a court-martial and (2) is laid under the appropriate article of war; and (e) That the specifications and charges are drawn in substantial conformity with the requirements of paragraph 74, supra. In case the charges do not appear, on their face, to be signed by a person subject to military law, or if they are not properly signed and sworn to, or are not in proper form, or appear to be defective or irregular in any other way, the commanding officer may return them for correction, or consideration, and may permit them to be withdrawn or amended, or new or additional charges or specifications to be preferred. In case the accused does not be- long or pertain to his command, the commanding officer may either return the charges, or transmit them through channels to the commanding officer immediately exercising summary court- martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused be- 57 <[f 76a CHAPTER vi. longs or pertains, or may take such other proper action as cir- cumstances may require, or superior authority may direct. 76a. Investigation of Charges. If the charges and specifica- tions (1) appear to be in proper form, and (2) properly to allege one or more offenses cognizable by a court-martial, against an accused, who is (3) a person subject to military law, and (4) belongs or pertains to his command, the commanding officer so receiving them will proceed as follows : 1. If the accused is not an officer, and it appears to the commanding officer that the charges are trivial or inconsequential, he may disregard them ; otherwise, 2. He will consider whether the case presented is one which he can properly dispose of under the one hun- dred and fourth article of war; and, if so, he will so dispose of it. (See par. 336a, infra.) Other- wise, he will investigate it, as follows: 3. He will cause the person preferring the charges, to- gether with all available witnesses mentioned in the memorandum in the charges, and also the accused, and any available witnesses desired by the accused, and any other available witnesses of whom he may learn, to appear before him at a stated time (to be fixed either by standing orders or otherwise), at his office or headquarters, or other available place, within the next twenty- four hours (except in the case of an intervening Sunday or holiday, and then within the next succeeding 24 hours thereafter), with all avail- able documentary evidence, including the service record of the accused, and will there informally investigate the charges, substantially in the same manner as upon a hearing before a summary courbxJThe witnesses (except the accused) will be sworn, but no record will be made of the testi- mony, and no counsel will ordinarily appear either for the accused or for the prosecution (although in exceptional cases an available defense counsel of a general or special court-martial, or other coun- sel, may be permitted by the commanding officer, in COURTS-MARTIAL. PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL, ^f 76a his discretion, to appear for the accused, and a trial judge advocate of a general or special court-mar- tial, or other officer, for the prosecution) . At such investigation full opportunity will be given to the accused to cross-examine the witnesses whose state- ments are unfavorable to him, and to present any- thing he may desire in his own behalf, either in defense or mitigation; and all available witnesses requested by the accused will be called and ex- amined. The commanding officer will, before re- ceiving any statement by the accused, carefully warn him that it is not necessary for him to make any statement with reference to the charges against him, but that, if he does make one, it may be used against him. (See par. 225b, infra.) NOTE. If exigent circumstances make it im- practicable for the commanding officer to conduct any particular investigation himself, he may or- der it to be made by the second in command, or by such other officer as he may designate on ac- count of rank, experience, and attainments. 4. If, and whenever, upon such investigation, it appears to the commanding officer that the charges can prop- erly be disposed of by him under the one hundred and fourth article of war, he will so dispose of them. 5. If, and whenever in the course of such informal investi- gation, it appears to him that the charges can not properly be disposed of under the one hundred and fourth article of war, but are within the jurisdic- diction of a summary court-martial within his command, and can properly be disposed of by trial by such court, and that there is probable cause for trial, he will thereupon immediately, without further investigation, refer the charges to a sum- mary court-martial for trial. 6. If, upon such informal investigation, it appears to the commanding officer that there is no substantial evidence tending to show that an offense has been committed, or no substantial evidence tending to 59 76a CHAPTER vi. show that the accused is guilty of the offense charged, he (unless the accused is an officer, and such commanding officer is not himself the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command) will dismiss the charges; but if, in any case, he finds there is substantial evidence tending to show that the accused (whether or not probably guilty of the offense, or some of the of- fenses charged) is guilty of some other offense or offenses, he may permit new or additional or amended charges to be preferred (or may himself prefer them), and proceed as if such new or addi- tional or amended charges had been among the ones originally before him. 7. If either (a) The accused is an officer, and, upon such in- formal investigation, the commanding of- ficer is of opinion (1) that the charges are not such as can be disposed of under the one hundred and fourth article of war and (2) that trial by a general court-martial will probably be necessary; or (b) The accused is any person subject to military law other than an officer, and upon such in- formal investigation the commanding officer is of opinion that (1) an offense has been committed, and that (2) there is substan- tial evidence tending to show that the ac- cused is probably guilty, and that (3) the charges are not such as can be disposed of under the one hundred and fourth article of war, or (4) by trial before a summary court-martial within his command, and that (5) trial by special or general court-mar- tial will probably be necessary; he will either himself proceed with the investiga- tion either then or at such other convenient time and place as he may determine, or else he will refer COURTS-MARTIAL, PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL, ^f 76a the charges for further investigation to the sum- mary court officer of the command, or to some other officer (other than the officer, if any, preferring the charges) whose rank, experience, and qualifications are such as to fit him for the performance of this important judicial duty. NOTE. If such commanding officer is him- self the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command, he will proceed in case the accused is an officer, in the same way as if the accused were not an officer. No author- ity inferior to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command will dismiss properly drawn charges against an officer, except upon disposing of them by pun- ishment under the 104th Article of War. 8. The officer so proceeding with the investigation (whether the commanding officer himself or an- other officer) will examine all available witnesses and documentary evidence in the same manner hereinbefore directed in clause No. 3 of this paragraph, except that he will, upon such exam- inartion, reduce the material testimony given by each witness, on direct examination and on cross- examination, to a clear, succinct statement or sum- mary (for form, see Appendix 18), which, in the presence of the accused, will be read over to the witness and signed and sworn to by him. When it is not practicable to obtain personal testimony from any distant witness, whose testimony is deemed material, either for the prosecution or for the defense, a signed written statement from such witness will be obtained by the investigating officer, if practicable, of the testimony which the witness would give if present, and will be shown to the accused, and included with the summaries of the testimony of the witnesses examined in per- son, among the documents returned with the re- port of the investigation. Any available papers or documents which may serve to throw light on the case will be likewise shown to the accused. 61 If 76a CHAPTER vi. and returned with the report of the investigation. Any statement made by the accused will likewise be reduced to writing, and will be read over to him, and he will be offered an opportunity to sign it, if he so desires, but he will not be required to do so, and will be advised that it is not necessary for him to do so. Care will be taken to insure that the accused is fully advised of the nature of the offense, or offenses, charged against him, and of all his legal rights in the premises. An officer charged with the important duty of investigating charges for trial by court-martial will maintain throughout the investigation an at- titude of judicial fairness, the object of his inves- tigation being to prevent unjust or unnecessary trials quite as much as to establish the existence of facts upon which the accused may properly be brought to trial. 9. If the commanding officer shall determine, in accord- ance with the provisions of clause 7, supra, of this paragraph, either to proceed further with the in- vestigation himself or to refer the charges for further investigation, he will cause the accused, in any case where he finds indications of mental defect, derangement, or abnormality, to be brought before a medical officer (who should be a psy- chiatrist, if one be reasonably available) for ex- amination as to his mental condition, such exami- nation to concern itself solely with the mental capacity and condition of the accused, with a view to learning whether he suffers from any mental defect or derangement marking him as either tem- porarily or permanently abnormal or peculiar from the medical point of view. In such medical exami- nation no attempt will be made to define his legal responsibility for crime or to apply any legal tests or definitions, but the examination will be directed solely to ascertain whether in his mental condition 62 COURTS- MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. *([ 76<1 there is any feature of abnormality which renders him not susceptible to ordinary human motives or appreciations of right or wrong, or to the normal control of his actions, and as to whether he is capable of conducting his defense intelligently. The medical examiner should, however, endeavor to ascertain, and should consider and weigh, the accused's mental condition at the time of the act charged, as well as at the time of such examina- tion. The medical officer will report the result of such examination to the investigating officer in writing, stating his opinion as to the subjects to be considered by him as hereinbefore prescribed, and giving his reasons for his opinions and con- clusions; and, if he is of opinion that there is substantial reason to doubt the accused's mental normality and considers that a further inquiry into his history is desirable, he may so recommend. His report will be inclosed by the investigating officer, with the other papers in the case. 10. The investigating officer will, if practicable, complete the investigation within 24 hours, or else a& promptly as circumstances will permit, and (if he is not himself the commanding officer) will submit his report in writing to the authority appointing him, inclosing the summaries of the testimony of the witnesses and all the papers mentioned in any of the foregoing clauses of this paragraph, and recommending the disposition which he believes should be made of the case. His report will be in the form of an original communication, carry- ing the other documents mentioned as inclosures thereto, and will not be made as an indorsement on the charges, on which no indorsement will be made. The report will also include a reference to any known document or other matter of evidence not inclosed, but which it is believed may become important or necessary in the case, and will also include a statement of all explanatory or extenu- 76a CHAPTER vi. ating circumstances which shall have come to the attention of the investigating officer. NOTE 1. When the officer immediately exer- cising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused belongs or pertains is the officer preferring the charges, he will cause them to be investigated by some officer other than himself before reaching a decision as to their disposition; except (1) in the case of new or amended or additional charges preferred by him as a result of an investigation conducted by him or under his direction, or (2) where he decides to dispose of them under the one hundred and fourth article of war or to refer them for trial to a summary court-martial within his jurisdic- tion; or that (3) when the officer preferring the charges is the only officer with the command and is of the opinion that the case is one for spe- cial or general court-martial he may himself in- vestigate the charges and make the prescribed report. NOTE 2. The report of the investigation, summaries of the testimony of the witnesses, re- port, if any, of the medical officer, and all other papers prepared in connection therewith and in- dorsements thereon, will be upon paper of legal- cap size; and, if in typewriting, will be prepared in triplicate. If in longhand, only originals will be prepared, without copies, and in case of ulti- mate reference to a special or general court- martial for trial, two copies will be prepared at the headquarters at which the reference for trial is ordered. NOTE 3. Bulky reports or official documents will not ordinarily be appended or copied, but listed, and the place where they may be found stated in the report. 11. From this investigation the commanding officer will decide what disposition is to be made of the charges, and will either (1) dismiss them (unless the accused is an officer and the commanding officer is not himself the officer exercising general court- martial jurisdiction over the command), (2) dis- pose of them under the one hundred and fourth article of war, (3) refer them for trial to a sum- 64 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL, ^f 76a mary court-martial within his jurisdiction, or (4) forward them for action by superior authority (unless he himself has power to convene a special court-martial or a general court-martial, in which case he will consider and dispose of them as here- inafter prescribed in the next succeeding clause of this paragraph and in par. 78, infra). Unless such commanding officer is the accuser or prose- cutor of the person to be tried (or unless the accused is an officer), he will not ordinarily forward charges to superior authority, except in cases where he desires to recommend trial by a court-martial not within his competency to appoint; all other cases he should dispose of with- out reference to higher authority. Action for- warding the charges to superior authority will be in the form of an indorsement on the report of the investigating officer, forwarding the report with all accompanying papers, and inclosing the charges, with his recommendations as to the dis- position thereof, and with a statement of any ex- planatory or extenuating circumstances which may have come to his attention (except that, in case the commanding officer has himself completed the investigation, such communication to superior au- thority will be in the form of an original com- munication embodying his report of the investiga- tion, with his recommendations and statement of any explanatory or extenuating circumstances, and inclosing the summaries of the testimony of the witnesses and the other papers and documents and the report, if any, of the medical officer, as hereinbefore prescribed for the report of the in- vestigating officer, and also inclosing the charges), and inclosing any available evidence of any pre- vious convictions of the accused proper to be con- sidered under paragraphs 306 and 307, infra, in conformity with the requirements of paragraph 306. 12. Each commanding officer superior to the one imme- diately exercising summary court-martial jurisdic- 21358 20 5 65 ^j 76b GHAPTBE VI. tion over the accused, into whose hands charges may officially come, will either dismiss them, dis- pose of them under the one hundred and fourth article of war, refer them for trial to a court- martial within his jurisdiction, or forward them to the next superior authority exercising court- martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused belongs or pertains, as the circum- stances may appear to require. (See par. 78, infra.) NOTE. A. W. 70, as amended by the code of 1920, provides (a) " No charge will be referred for trial until after a thorough and im- partial investigation thereof shall have been made "; and (b) " Charges and specifications must be signed by a person subject to military law, and under oath either that he has personal knowl- edge of, or has investigated, the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief." Taking these two statutory provisions together, they prohibit (1) reference of any charges for trial without prior investigation (which will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph to which this note is appended), and (2) any commanding officer from directing charges to be preferred against any person, since he can not properly direct anyone to make the oath to the charges required by the statute. He may, however, of course, direct that any facts or the conduct of any person be looked into with a view t determining whether grounds exist for preferring charges. 76b. FURTHER INVESTIGATION OF GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL CHARGES. Before directing trial of any charge by general court-martial or military commission, the convening author- ity will refer it to his staff judge advocate for consideration and advice. (A. W. 70.) Should the investigation of the charges appear not to be complete and satisfactory, the charges may be returned for further investigation, to be conducted, reported, considered, and acted upon in like man- ner as the original investigation; or, in a proper case, the necessary further investigation may, when practicable, be conducted in like manner by the staff judge advocate, an inspector, or other suitable officer. Should any charge or specification appear to be improperly drawn, the staff judge advocate may secure its correction or the substitution of an- other through direct correspondence or personal interview. The staff judge advocate may, over the signature of the 66 COURTS-MARTIAL, PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL,, ^f 76b person preferring the charges, and without any new oath thereto, make corrections in the phraseology of any charge or specification, by addition, substitution, or elimination, whenever such correction does not change the substantive character of the charge or specification, as preferred by the person signing it. He may also properly advise that new or substituted specifications and charges, based upon the indi- cated competent evidence, be preferred. When the charges are returned J^y tho staff judge advocate to the convening authority he will in writing over his signature (or over the signature of an assistant staff judge advocate, with an indication of approval or disapproval and any further comment or recom- mendations, signed by the staff judge advocate) advise the lat- ter (1) whether or not they are correct and complete in form, and (2) appropriate to the indicated competent evidence in the case; (3) whether or not, in his opinion, a prima facie case, justifying trial or other proceedings, exists; (4) whether each specification states an offense cognizable by court-martial; (5) whether the indicated competent evidence justifies trial on each of the several specifications and charges, and, if not on all, then on which ones; (6) whether any, and if so what part, of the evidence, contained in the summaries of the statements of the witnesses or documents or other evidence submitted is incompe- tent or improper to be introduced as evidence at the trial for any reason; (7) whether, in view of the report, if any, of the medical officer to the investigating officer, or on any other grounds, there is reason to believe that the accused may be men- tally defective or deranged, either temporarily or permanently; (8) the age of the accused; and will recommend the disposition which he believes should be made of the case, including particu- larly whether it should be: 1. Dismissed without trial or further proceedings; 2. Disposed of under the one hundred and fourth article of war; 3. Referred for trial to a summary court-martial; 4. Referred for trial to a special court-martial (either under the second proviso to A. W. 12, or other- wise) ; 5. Referred for trial to a general court-martial (or to a military commission) ; 67 ^ 76C CHAPTER VI. 6. Disposed of by taking proper steps looking to the dis- charge of the accused, if an enlisted man, under the provisions of Army Eegulations, in case of in- dicated mental defect or derangement, or in other proper cases ; or if the accused be an officer or per- son subject to military law other than a soldier, by taking proper steps looking to his dismissal, drop- ping from the rolls, or other proper procedure ; and also 7. Whether a medical board should be convened under the provisions of paragraph 76c; and 8. Whether the charges should be retained for further investigation, or pending the recovery of the ac- cused from illness or from temporary mental de- rangement, or for any other purpose; or 9. The accused should be surrendered for trial to the civil authorities, or the case disposed of in any other manner than in one of the ways above mentioned; and 10. In case he recommends separation of the accused from the service without trial, on account of indicated mental defect or derangement, whether (and if so, what) relatives or civil authorities should be ad- vised. He will also submit a form of order designed to carry his recommendations into effect. 76c. Appointment of Medical Board by Convening Author- ity. Before directing the trial of any charge by general court- martial or military commission the convening authority may, 'in his discretion, either before or after receiving the advice of his staff judge advocate upon the charges, cause a medical board to be convened to examine the accused, and will do so in every case where it appears to him, either in view of the report, if any, of the medical officer under paragraph 76a, supra, or on any other grounds, that there is reason to believe that the accused may be mentally defective or deranged, either temporarily or perma- nently. Such medical board will consist of such number of medi- cal officers, not less than three, as the convening authority may see fit, at least one of whom should, if practicable, be a psychia- trist or expert in mental diseases. There is ne legal objection 68 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL, ^f 76C to the appointment as a member of such board of the medical officer or psychiatrist, if any, who examined the accused under the provisions of paragraph 76a, supra. Such board will pro- ceed as promptly as practicable to examine the accused, and will take the accused under its personal observation for such reason- able length of time as may be necessary. It will take into con- sideration the report, if any, of the medical officer under para- graph 78a, supra, and any other available information bearing upon the purposes of the investigation, and may in case of doubt extend the examination to written inquiries directed to probation officers, physicians, clergymen, school and prison authorities, mayors, postmasters, etc., as well as to relatives and friends of the accused, for the purpose of developing from any sources which it deems trustworthy any informa- tion that may aid it in its investigation. Their examination and investigation will be directed to, and concern itself solely with, the same matter as an examination by a medical officer under paragraph 76a, supra, viz, the determination of the mental capacity and condition of the accused, with a view to learning whether he suffers from any mental defect or derangement marking him as either temporarily or permanently abnormal or peculiar from the medical point of view. The board will make no attempt to define or determine the legal responsibility of the accused for crime, or to apply any legal tests or definitions; but the examination will be directed solely (like that of an exami- nation by a medical officer under par. 76a, supra) to ascertain- ing whether in the accused's mental condition there is any fea- ture of abnormality which renders him not susceptible to ordi- nary human motives or appreciations of right or wrong, or to the normal control of his actions, and as to whether he is capable of conducting his defense intelligently. The board will, how- ever, endeavor to ascertain, and will consider and weigh the ac- cused's mental condition at the time of the offense charged, as well as at the time of the board's examination. The medical board will make a written circumstantial report of its examination and investigation to the convening authority, appending thereto all such written evidence and documents as it may have considered. Such report will state its opinion as a board, or individually if there is any difference of opinion, as to the subjects to be considered by it as hereinbefore prescribed, ^f 76C CHAPTER VI. and giving its reasons for its opinions and conclusions, and stating its conclusions as to the mental condition of the accused at the time of the act charged and at the time of its examination of him, with reference to any form of mental derangement, defect, or other mental abnormality ; but will not attempt to determine the accused's legal responsibility nor to apply any legal defini- tion of insanity or the like, the members confining themselves to the facts of the accused's mental condition as viewed by them as medical men. The report should include in its description of the accused's mental condition (both as to the time of the al- leged commission of the offense and as to the time of their examination of the accused) an opinion as to whether he lacked the ordinary understanding of right and wrong and whether he lacked the ordinary capacity to control himself from wrong actions. It should also specifically express an opinion as to whether or not he is capable of conducting his defense intelligently; on this point the inquiry relates particularly to the time of trial and should consider whether the accused is mentally capable of communicating intelligently with his counsel, of understanding the nature of the proceedings, and of doing the things necessary for an adequate presentation of his defense, If the opinion or report, or any material part thereof, is founded upon information received by correspondence or inter- views, with third persons, the report will specifically so state, noting briefly the data so obtained, and will mention the persons giving such material information, with their names and ad- dresses, so that the convening authority as well as (in case of ultimate reference of the charges for trial) both the trial judge advocate and the accused and Ms counsel may be informed thereof, to enable them to make further inquiries and to summon such persons for examination at the trial if desired. The convening authority upon the receipt of the report of the medical board will refer it to his staff judge advocate for con- sideration and advice in connection with the other papers in the case, and may in cases where mental defect or derangement of the accused, either temporary or permanent, is indicated, and where, except for such indication, reference of the charges for trial would be proper, take action as follows, as he may deter- mine! 70 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL. ^[ 76C 1. If he concludes that the accused is at the time not capable of conducting his defense intelligently, but that after a reasonable lapse of time the accused will become capable of so doing, he may direct that fur- ther action on the charges be suspended for the time being, pending such further action as he may after- wards determine. 2. If he concludes that the accused, whether or not at the time capable of conducting his defense intelligently, is a person of such mental abnormality that the pur- poses of justice and discipline will not be well served by his trial and punishment, and that his further continuance in the military service will be detri- mental to the service, he may properly direct that further action on the charges be suspended and that proper steps be taken looking to the discharge or retirement of the accused or his commitment to St. Elizabeths Hospital, or take such other steps as may be appropriate. 3. If he concludes that the accused, whether or not capa- ble of conducting his defense intelligently, was at the time of the offense charged in such an abnormal mental condition that there is no probable ground for finding him guilty, by reason of probable lack of criminal intent as defined in subparagraph (g) of paragraph 219, infra, he may properly direct that the charges be dismissed, and should take such further steps, if any, as the facts may suggest. 4. If he refers the charges for trial he will cause the report of the medical board and one copy thereof to be sent to the trial judge advocate with the charges and the other accompanying papers. (See par, 219, infra.) NOTE. In case the accused is, without trial, discharged under Army Regulations or otherwise separated from the service or retired because of indicated mental defect or mental derange- ment, The Adjutant General will so notify such person's rela- tives and any other proper local civilian authorities with a view ta enabling measures to be taken, if desired, for the proper care of such person and the protection of the public. To that end, a conven- 71 ^[ 77a CHAPTER vi. Ing authority directing proceedings taken with a view to the sepa- ration from the service without trial of an accused person because of such indicated mental defect or derangement will so advise The Adjutant General, giving any available information as to the rela- tives of the accused and as to local civilian officers who should properly be so notified. 77a. Prompt Action Required. When any person subject to military law is placed in arrest or confinement, immediate steps will be taken to try the person accused or to dismiss the charges and release him. Any officer who is responsible for unnecessary delay in investigating or carrying the case to a final conclusion shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (A. W. 70.) If a person held for trial by a general court-martial is placed in arrest or confinement, the commanding officer will, within eight days after the accused is arrested or confined, if practicable, forward the charges to the officer exercising general court-martial juris- diction and furnish the accused a copy of such charges. If the same be not practicable he will report to superior authority the reasons for delay. NOTE. The provision of the law making any officer who is re- sponsible for unnecessary delay in investigating or carrying a case to final conclusion punishable at the discretion of a court-martial (A. W. 70) was introduced by the code of 1920. 77b. Service of Charges and Other Papers on Accused. The trial judge advocate will cause to be served upon the accused a copy of the charges upon which trial is to be had, together with the order of reference for trial and the report of the investigating officer, with the summaries of the testimony of the witnesses and any exhibits thereto, and the report, if any, of the medical officer on the preliminary examination, and, all other inclosures and indorsements thereon, including the report of the staff judge advocate and the report, if any, of the medical board under paragraph 76c, supra. A failure so to serve such charges will be ground for continuance unless the trial be had on charges theretofore otherwise officially furnished the accused. (A. W. 70.) 78. DETERMINATION OF PROPER TRIAL COURT. When an officer who exercises court-martial jurisdiction receives charges against any person subject to military law, or triable before a military tribunal under the law of war, it is his duty 72 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE PRIOR TO TRIAL,, If 79 to consider whether such trial should be by summary, special, or general court-martial, or other military tribunal. Subject to jurisdictional limitations, he should not withhold charges from trial by special or summary court solely for the reason that the maximum limit of punishment is beyond the jurisdiction of such courts to impose. An officer compe- tent to appoint a general court-martial may, when in his judg- ment the interests of the service shall so require, cause any particular case to be tried by a special court-martial notwith- standing the limitations upon the jurisdiction of the special court-martial as to offenses set out in A. W. 13; except that the limitations upon jurisdiction as to persons and upon punishing power set out in A. W. 13 must be observed. (A. W. 12.) On the other hand, he should not refer to a special or sum- mary court offenses which y by reason of their inherent grav- ity, or of the circumstances surrounding their commission, merit greater formality of trial or more condign punishment than is found in the procedure or jurisdiction of such courts. As a general rule no case should be tried by a special or general court-martial in which, under the apparent cir- cumstances of the case, adequate punishment can be imposed by a summary court-martial; and no case should be tried by a general court-martial in which, under the apparent circumstances of the case, including the previous military record of the accused, adequate punishment can be imposed by a summary or special court-martial. Beyond this no fixed rule can be laid down and the matter must be decided after careful consideration by commanding officers, with the benefit of the advice of their staff judge advocates. 79. DISPOSITION OF COPIES OF CHARGES. (a) When trial is to be had by summary court martial the original charge sheet (see par. 75, supra), will be completed as the record of trial. This record will be delivered to the adjutant who will, after noting the necessary data on the pay card of the accused, initial it in the place provided and transmit it to the company or other commander, who will, after making the necessary entries on the service record, initial and return it to the commanding officer who appointed the court, in whose office it will be carefully preserved. A certified copy thereof will 73 ^f 80 CHAPTER VI. be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army by the adjutant with the memorandum of transmittal of reports of changes for the day upon which the sentence was ap- proved, for file with the record of the accused. The re- maining copy duly certified will, with the least practicable delay, be transmitted as the required report of trial to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command, there to be filed in the office of the staff judge advo- cate until the statistical information required for the annual report of the staff judge advocate has been secured, when it may be destroyed. (Z>) When trial is to be had by special or general court- martial the charges with the order of reference for trial indorsed thereon, together with the report of the investigating officer with the summaries of the testimony of the witnesses and the report, if any, of the medical officer on the preliminary ex- amination and all other inclosures, and indorsements thereon, including the report of tlic staff judge advocate, and the re- port, if any, of tlie medical board under paragraph. 76c, supra, and one copy of such charges and of such order of reference and of all such other papers and documents will be referred to the trial judge advocate direct, the copy to be furnished by him to the accused (see par. 77b) ; and the other copy will be used for record purposes in the office of the officer appointing the court. The originals will be returned by the trial judge advocate with the record of the trial to the officer appointing the court, and in the case of a general court martial will be forwarded with the record of trial to the Judge Advo- cate General. 80. SERVICE or CHARGES UPON ACCUSED. In order that the accused may have sufficient time to prepare for his de- fense it is provided by A. W. 70 that in time of peace no person shall, against his objection, be brought to trial be- fore a general court-martial within a period of five days sub- sequent to the service of charges upon him, (See par. 79b, supra.) 74 CHAPTER VII. COURTS-MARTIALORGANIZATION. Section I: The members: 81. Place of meeting Duties of members 76 81a. Appointment of law member for general courts- martial 76 82. Uniform 77 83. Seating of court 77 84. Roll call 77 85. Absence of member 78 85a. Absence of law member 78 86. Decorum to be observed 78 87. Control of court over accused 79 88. Accused not to be tried in irons 79 89. Duties of the president 79 89a. Duties of the law member of a general court-martial- 81 90. Voting Method of 83 90a. Number of votes required Death sentence, when lawful 84 91. Closed sessions 84 92. Sitting with closed doors 85 93. Change in membership 85 Section II : The trial judge advocate : 94. Selection 86 95. General duties 86 96. Duty toward accused 87 97. Examination of charges 88 98. Whole truth to be presented 88 99. Legal adviser of the court 88 100. Freedom in conducting case 89 101. Closed sessions 89 102. Accuser or prosecutor 89 103. Expediting trials 90 lOSa. Penalty for delay 90 104. Weekly reports 90 105. Detail of orderly 90 Section III : Assistant trial judge advocate : 106. Appointment 90 107. Duties 91 Section IIIA : The defense counsel : 107a. Selection '. 92 107b. General duties 92 107c. Whole truth to be presented 92 107d. Legal adviser to the court 93 107e. Freedom in conducting the case 93 107f. Personal interest Relief from duty 93 107g. Detail of orderly 93 75 TI 81 CHAPTER VII. Section IIIB : Assistant defense counsel : Page. 107h. Appointment 94 107L Duties 94 Section IV : Individual counsel for the accused : 108. Appointment 94 109. Duty of officer as individual counsel for the accused 95 109a. Opportunity to prepare for trial 90 110. Right to interview the accused 96 111. Witnesses, how questioned during trial 96 Section V: Reporter: 112. Employment 96 112a. Duties 97 113. Compensation :_ 97 Decisions (a) to (f) 97 114. Disposition of vouchers 98 115. Detail of soldier 99 116. Time limit for completing record 99 117. Carbon copies of the record 99 118. Extra compensation for clerical duties 100 Section VI: Interpreter: 119. Employment and pay 100 SECTION I. THE MEMBERS. 81. PLACE OF MEETING DUTIES OF MEMBERS. The au- thority appointing a general or special court-martial desig- nates the place for holding the court, hour of meeting, the members of the court, including the law member for every general court-martial (A. W. 8), the trial judge advocate and his assistants, if any, and the defense counsel and his assistants, if any. A general or special court-martial assembles at its first session in accordance with the order convening it ; there- after, according to adjournment. Courts will be assembled at posts or stations where trial will be attended with the least expense. A member stationed at the place where the court sits is liable to duty with his command during adjournment from day to day. Subject to any instructions that may be given by the authority that appoints the court, the court will determine the hours of holding its sessions. 81a. Appointment of Law Member for General Courts-Mar- tial. The authority appointing a general court-martial shall 76 COURTS-MAKTIAL ORGANIZATION. If 82 detail as one of the members thereof a law member, who shall be an officer of the Judge Advocate General's Department, except that when an officer of that department is not available for the purpose the appointing authority shall detail instead an officer of some other branch of the service selected by the appointing authority as especially qualified to perform the duties of law member. NOTE. For the duties of a law member of the court, see infra, paragraph 89a, " Duties of the Law Member." As to his rank, see supra, paragraph 12 (c). 82. UNIFORM. For regulations regarding uniform to be worn by members of courts-martial, the trial judge advocate, the assistant trial judge advocates, the defense counsel, the assist- ant defense counsel, the accused, and witnesses, see Regu- lations for the Uniform of the United States Army. In any case of doubt (as where the court consists of members but recently mustered into the service) , the president of the court will designate the uniform in the notice sent to members, trial judge advocate, and defense counsel, and to their assist- ants, if any, notifying them of the place and hour of meeting of the first session. 83. SEATING OF COURT. When the court is ready to pro- ceed it is called to order by the president. Members will be seated according to rank, alternately to the right and left of the president; except that the law member of a general court-martial (if he is not the president nor the next ranking member) will be seated next to the president, on the left. The trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, the assistant trial judge advocates, and the assistant defense counsel, the accused, and his counsel, are seated so as to be most easily seen and heard by all the members of the court. The reporter should be seated near the trial judge advocate. 84. ROLL CALL. At the beginning of each session the trial judge advocate notes in the record the presence or ab- sence of the members of the court, of the trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocates, the defense counsel and assistant defense counsel, the accused and any other counsel for the accused upon calling their names or by informally noting the presence or absence of each of them, (See Appendices 10 77 J 85 CHAPTER VII. and 11, forms of record of general and special courts-mar- tial.) When the accused appears before the court for the first time the trial judge advocate will announce his name to the court, and also whether he has any counsel besides the de- fense counsel and assistant defense counsel of the court, and, if so, the names of such other counsel. NOTE. For number necessary to constitute a quorum of a general or special court-martial and the procedure to be taken when the number is reduced below 5, see paragraph 7. 85. ABSENCE or MEMBER. A member of a court-mnrtial who knows, or has reason to believe, that he will, for a proper reason, be absent from a session of the court, will in- form the trial judge advocate accordingly. When a member of a court-martial is absent from a session thereof the trial judge advocate will cause that fact, together with the reason for such absence, if known, to be shown in the record of pro- ceedings. If the reason for such absence is not known, or disclosed at the trial, the trial judge advocate will cause the record to show the member as absent, cause unknown. In any event, the appointing authority will take such action, if any, relative to such absence as he may deem proper. 85a. Absence of Law Member. In case of the absence of the law member of a general court-martial from, or at any time dur- ing, the trial of a case which has been directed to be tried with the law member present, or at a portion of the trial of which the law member has been present, the court will take a recess, or if necessary continue the hearing until the law member or another law member is present, or until directed by the convening author- ity to proceed without the presence of a law member, and in case of continuance, will report the facts to the convening authority. 86. DECORUM TO BE OBSERVED. Trials before courts- martial will be conducted with the decorum observed in civil courts. The conduct of members should accordingly be dignified and attentive. Reading of newspapers or other evidence of inattention by members of a court-martial dur- ing its sessions constitutes a neglect of duty to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. It is the duty of the president of the court to admonish against such inattention, and charges may be preferred against a member who does 78 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^ 87 not heed the admonition. A court-martial has no power to punish its members, but a member is liable to charges and trial for improper conduct as for any other offense against military discipline. Improper words used by a member should be taken down in writing and any disorderly conduct reported to the appointing authority. During the reading of the order appointing the court and the arraignment the trial judge advocate and Ms assistants, the defense counsel and his assistants, the accused and his counsel, will stand; while the court and the trial judge advocate and his assistants are being sworn all persons concerned with the trial, including any spectators present, will stand ; when the reporter, an in- terpreter, or a witness is being sworn, he and the trial judge advocate will stand; and when the trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, the accused or his counsel addresses the court, he will rise. (For punishment for contempts, see Chapter X, Section I, par. 173.) 87. CONTROL or COURT OVER ACCUSED. A court-martial has no control over the nature of the arrest or other status of restraint of a prisoner except as regards his personal freedom in its presence. For the relation between a court- martial and the accused during trial, as regards arrest, see Chapter V, Section I, particularly par. 47 (c). 88. ACCUSED NOT TO BE TRIED IN IRONS. The accused should not be brought before the court in irons, unless there are good reasons to believe that he will attempt to escape or to conduct himself in a violent manner, but the fact that a prisoner has been tried in irons can not in any case affect the validity of the proceedings. 89. DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT. A president of the court will not be announced. The officer senior in rank present will net as such. The president does not, by virtue of being such, exercise command of any kind. He is in no sense the commanding officer of the court, and can not by virtue of being president give an order to a member. As the organ of the court he gives the directions necessary to the regular and proper conduct of the proceedings ; but a failure to com- ply with a direction given by him, while it may constitute a neglect to the prejudice of good order and. military dis- 79 Tf 89 CHAPTER VII. cipline, can not properly be charged as a violation of the sixty- fourth article of war. (Digest, p. 508, VI, G, 3.) Neither the court nor the president is authorized to place the trial judge advocate or tlie defense counsel in arrest. Only the proper commanding officer can impose arrest. It is the duty of the commanding officer to secure the attendance of the accused before the court. (Digest, p. 509, VII, C, 2; id., VII, C, 3.) The president is the presiding officer of the court, and as such is the organ of the court to maintain order and conduct its business. In addition, he has the duties and privileges of other members. He has an equal vote with other members in deciding all questions submitted to a vote or ballot of the court, including challenges, findings, sen- tence, acquittal, and any interlocutory question submitted to the vote of the court pursuant to the objection of any member to a ruling of the president or of the law member under A. W. 31. He speaks and acts for the court in every instance where a rule of action has been prescribed by law, regula- tions, or its own resolution. He administers the oath to the trial judge advocate, and authenticates by his signature all acts, orders, and proceedings of the court requiring it. (See Winthrop, p. 249.) It is his duty to take proper steps to insure prompt trial and disposition of all charges referred for trial and to keep the court advised thereof. Ruling Upon Interlocutory Questions. The president of a gen- eral court-martial in the absence of the law member of the court, and the president of a special court-martial in all cases, will rule in open court upon all interlocutory questions, other than chal- lenges, arising during the proceedings. (A. W. 31.) Under this authority, conferred upon him by the thirty-first article of war as amended by the code of 1920, he will open and close the court (subject to any directions relating thereto given by vote of the court), and will in open court, without closing the court, rule upon and determine all interlocutory questions of every kind (other than challenges) arising during the proceedings, including questions of the admissibility of evidence, the competency of witnesses, continuances, adjournments, recesses of the court, motions, and other questions, and methods of procedure, such as the order of the introduction of witnesses or other evidence, the 80 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 89a recall of witnesses for further examination, whether expert wit- nesses shall be admitted or called upon any question, whether the court shall view the premises where an offense is alleged to have been committed, and as to the competency of children as wit- nesses, or of witnesses alleged to be mentally incompetent, or whether the existence of mental disease or mental derangement on the part of the accused has become an issue in the trial, whether the accused shall be required to submit to physical ex- amination, whether any argument or statement of counsel for the accused or of the trial judge advocate is improper, and all other questions of every kind (except upon challenges, and the find- ings and sentence of the court) ; provided, however, that if any member object to any ruling of the president upon any question of any kind arising during the trial or proceedings, the court shall be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote, viva voce, beginning with the junior in rank. (A. W. 31.) 89a. Duties of the Law Member of a General Court-Martial. (1) The law member of a general court-martial, whenever pres- ent, will, instead of the president, rule in open court on all in- terlocutory questions other than challenges arising during the proceedings. (A. W. 31.) His ruling will be addressed to the president of the court, and will take the form of a statement of his opinion and his recommendations. (See form, Appendix 9.) The law member will so rule upon all questions arising during the proceedings, except (1) upon challenges, (2) on the findings, and (3) on the sentence. (2) On any question arising on any objection to the admissi- bility of evidence offered during the trial, such ruling of the law member is, by the thirty-first article of war, made the decision of the court upon the question, and will be so announced by the president. (3) Upon any other interlocutory question arising during the proceedings, such ruling of the law member will be accepted and announced by the president as the decision of the court, unless either the president or any other member of the court objects to the ruling, in which case the court will be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote, viva voce, beginning with the junior in rank. (A. W. 31.) 21358 20 6 81 ^[ 89a CHAPTER vii. (4) The phrase "objection to the admissibility of evidence offered during the trial," as used in A. W. 31 and in this para- graph of this Manual, will not be construed to include any ques- tions as to (a) The order of the introduction of witnesses or other evidence (including calling of witnesses on behalf of the court). (b) Recalling witnesses for further examination. (c) Whether expert witnesses shall be admitted or called upon any question. (d) Whether the court shall view the premises where an offense is alleged to have been committed. (e) As to the competency of witnesses; as for instance, of children, or witnesses alleged to be mentally in- competent, and the like. (f ) As to insanity of the accused. (g) Whether the existence of mental disease or mental derangement on the part of the accused has be- come an issue in the trial, (h) Whether the accused shall be required to submit to physical examination. (i) Whether any argument or statement of counsel for the accused, or of the trial judge advocate, is im- proper, (j) Any ruling in a case involving military strategy or tactics or correct military action. Upon all these questions arising at the trial, if any member object to any ruling of the law member, the court will be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote of the members, viva voce, beginning with the junior in rank. (A. W. 31.) (5) The phrase "interlocutory questions," as used in the thirty-first article of war and in this paragraph, will be deemed to include all questions of any kind arising at any time during the trial or proceedings while the court is convened in open or closed session, except the action of the court on challenges, on the findings, and on the sentence. (A. W. 31.) (6) In addition, the law member has the duties and privileges of other members of the court. He has an equal vote with other 82 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 90 members in deciding all questions submitted to a vote or ballot of the court, including challenges, findings, sentence, acquittal, and any interlocutory questions submitted to a vote of the court pursuant to the objection of any member to a ruling of the law member under A. W. 31. (7) The law member of a general court-martial, when pres- ent, will (instead of the president) make the explanation to the accused of the effect of a plea of guilty required by paragraph 154 (d), infra, and will advise the accused of his right to tes- tify or make a statement as required by paragraph 215, infra, and, in a proper case, advise the accused of his right to plead the statute of limitations, as required by paragraph 149 (h), infra. He may, like any other member of the court, put questions to the witnesses which appear necessary or desirable to elucidate the truth. (See as to questions by members of the court, par. 253a, infra.) NOTE 1. Whenever upon the objection of a member to a ruling of the law member the court is cleared and closed and proceeds to vote np on a question under tlie provisions of A. W. 31, the members, in voting upon the question, will bear in mind that while the court as a whole are responsible for the legality of their decisions, they should ordinarily be guided j,y th e opinion of the law member upon any point of law or procedure, and should not overrule it except for very weighty reasons, nor without considering the grave consequences which may result from a disregard of his advice on any legal point. The court in sustaining the opinion of the law member on any ques- tion may enter in the record that they have so decided in consequence of that opinion. 90. Method of VOTING. (a) On voting upon any interlocu- tory question other than challenges arising during tha proceed- ings the members of the court shall vote, viva voce, beginning with the junior in rank, and the question shall be decided by majority vote; a tie vote on any objection or motion is a vote in the negative. The objection or motion is not sustained, (b) Voting by members of a general or special court-martial upon questions of challenge, on the findings, and on the sentence, shall be by secret written ballot. (A. W. 31.) The junior mem- ber of the court shall in each case count the votes, which count shall be checked by the president, who will forthwith announce the result of the ballot to the members of the court. A tie vote on a challenge is a vote in the negative; the challenge is ^f 90a CHAPTER vii. not sustained. When the offense charged includes a minor offense, voting shall first be had upon the major offense. In all deliberations, including those on challenges, findings, sen- tence, acquittal, and adjournments, the law secures the abso- lute equality of the members, neither the president nor the law member having any greater rights in such matters than any other member (although, as already stated [see par. 8Sa, supra], the other members should not disregard the opinion of the law member of a general court-martial on a legal question arising in the trial, except for very weighty reasons). 90a. Number of Votes Required Death Sentence When Law- ful. No person shall, by general court-martial, be convicted of an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law, nor sentenced to suffer death, except by the concurrence of all the members of said court-martial present at the time the vote is taken, and for an offense expressly made punishable by death by the articles of war. No person shall be sentenced to life imprisonment, nor to confinement for more than 10 years, except by the concurrence of three-fourths of all of the members of the court present at the time the vote is taken. All other convictions and sentences, whether by general or special court- martial, may be determined by a two-thirds vote of those mem- bers of the court present at the time the vote is taken. All other questions shall be determined by a majority vote. Refusal to vote on any question arising during the pro- ceedings constitutes a neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline punishable under A. W. 96. For voting on findings and sentence, see Chapter XII, Section II. 91. CLOSED SESSIONS. (a) Members take an oath not to disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court-martial upon a challenge or upon the findings or sentence. (See A. W. 19.) In order to avoid disclosing or discovering such vote or opinion the court is closed while voting upon such questions. When the court is closed all persons (including the trial judge advocate) withdraw. In important cases, where delay would ensue due to the number of spectators present, the court itself may withdraw to another room prepared for the purpose for deliberating in closed session. 84 COURTS-MARTIAL. ORGANIZATION. If 92 It is not necessary, however, for the court to go into closed session upon a challenge where it is manifest that the action thereon will be unanimous. Thus, if the accused objects to a member because he preferred the charges and is the accuser and the member admits the fact, or upon a peremptory chal- lenge, he may be excused without going into closed session. Care will be taken in such cases that no votes are taken in open session, and if any member believes the matter should be passed upon in closed session, it is proper for him to move that the court be closed, whereupon the president will an- nounce that the court will be cleared. (b) All questions arising during the trial, except upon ques- tions of challenge, on the findings, and on the sentence, will be decided by the ruling of the president or the law member, as the case may be, in open court, in accordance with the provisions of A. W. 31, without closing the court, subject, however, to the right of any member to object to the ruling (except upon those questions of admissibility of evidence upon which the ruling of the law member is made final by the thirty-first article of war), upon which objection the court will be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote, viva voce, begi?ming with the junior in rank. (See A. W. 31 and pars. 89 and 89a, supra.) 92. SITTING WITH CLOSED DOORW. A court-martial is au- thorized, in its discretion, to sit with doors closed to the public. Except, however, when temporarily closed for de- liberation, courts-martial in this country are almost invari- ably open to the public during a trial. But in a particular case, where the offenses charged were of a scandalous nature, it was recommended that the court be directed to sit with doors closed to the public. (Digest, p. 516, IX, C.) 93. CHANGE IN MEMBERSHIP. Although it is undesirable to change the membership of a court during a trial, it is within the discretion of the appointing officer in a proper case to relisve members or appoint new members, including the law member of a general court-martial. The promotion of a member during the trial of a case does not affect his com- petency as a member. He should sit according to his changed rank. The rule is that no member who has been 85 *[f 94 CHAPTER VII. absent during the taking of evidence shall thereafter take part in the trial ; but the nonobservance of this rule (particu- larly as regards the law member of a general court) shall not be construed as invalidating the proceedings of courts- martial if no objection is made and the court permits the member to sit. The rule, however, should be complied with when practicable. Especially should a member, other than the law member, who has been absent during an important part of the proceedings not be permitted to resume his seat. When a member who has been absent is permitted to resume his seat, or a new member is added after the trial of the case has begun, all proceedings and evidence during his ab- sence should be read over to him in open court before the case proceeds further, and the record should show this fact; but in proceedings in revision the presence of any member who did not vote on the findings and sentence will invalidate the proceedings in revision. SECTION II. THE TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATE. 94. SELECTION. The prompt, speedy, and thorough trial of a court-martial case is largely dependent upon the trial judge advocate. He will, accordingly, be carefully selected. Where it can be avoided, no officer who has not had experi- ence as a trial judge advocate will be detailed as trial judge advocate of a general court-martial unless he has had experi- ence as a member or as defense counsel of a general court- martial, or as an assistant trial judge advocate of a court- martial, and is otherwise qualified by character and attain- ments for this duty. 95. GENERAL DUTIES. The trial judge advocate of a gen- eral or special court-martial shall prosecute in the name of the United States, and shall, under the direction of the court, prepare the record of its proceedings. (A. W. 17.) Before the court assembles the trial judge advocate will obtain a suitable room for the court, see that it is in order, procure the requisite stationery, summon necessary witnesses, make a preliminary examination of the latter, and, as far as pos- sible, systematize his plans for conducting the case. Dur- COUKTS-MAKTIAL, ORGANIZATION. ^ 96 ing the trial he executes all orders of the court; reads the appointing order and any modifying orders to the accused; swears the members of the court, the reporter, interpreter, and all witnesses; arraigns the accused; exam- ines witnesses; keeps or superintends, under the direction of the court, the keeping of a complete and accurate record of the proceedings ; and affixes his signature to each day's pro- ceedings. Whenever the court adjourns to meet at the call of the president, the trial judge advocate will notify the members, as well as the defense counsel, the accused, and coun- sel for the accused, of the time designated by the president for reassembling. In conjunction with the president of the court, he authenticates the record by his signature, and, at the end of the trial, transmits the same to the reviewing authority. In case the record can not be authenticated by the president and trial judge advocate by reason of the death, disability, or absence of either or both of them, it shall be signed by a member in lieu of the president and by an assist- ant trial judge advocate, if there be one, in lieu of the trial judge advocate; otherwise by another member of the court. (A. W. 33.) 96. DUTY TOWARD ACCUSED. It is not the office of the trial judge advocate, under the articles of war as amended by the code of 1920, to offer any advice to the accused; that is the duty of the defense counsel of the court and of the individual counsel, if any, of the accused. If, at any time prior to the trial or arraignment, the trial judge advocate desires to ask how the accused intends to plead, such question will be asked of the defense counsel or of other counsel, if any, of the accused. The trial judge advocate will in no case try to induce the accused to plead guilty, or leave him to infer that if he does so his punishment will be lighter. (Winthrop, p. 293.) When the accused determines to plead guilty the trial judge advocate will formally advise him in open court of his right to intro- duce evidence in explanation or extenuation of his offense and should assist him and the defense counsel and any other counsel for the accused in securing it. 97. EXAMINATION OF CHARGES. The trial judge advocate will note and report to the convening authority any irregu- ^[98 CHAPTER VII. larity in the order convening the court or in the charges or other accompanying papers, either in substance or form. He may ordinarily correct obvious mistakes of form, or slight errors in names, dates, amounts, etc., but he will not, without the authority of the convening officer, make substantial amendments in the allegations, or reject or withdraw a charge or specification or substitute a new and distinct charge for one transmitted to him for trial by the proper superior (Di- gest, p. 496, IV, B, 1), except as provided, infra, in paragraph 158 and the various subparagraphs thereunder. It is the duty of the president as well as the trial judge advocate and the defense counsel of every court-martial to examine carefully the charges and the order of reference for trial, when referred for trial, in order that an accused may not be brought to trial before the wrong court. NOTE. Any corrections in the charges made at any time, either by the trial judge advocate or by the staff judge advocate will, each, be carefully initialed by the officer making them. 98. WHOLE TRUTH TO BE PRESENTED. Throughout the trial the trial judge advocate should do his utmost to present the whole truth of the matter in question. He should oppose every attempt to suppress facts or to distort them, to the end that the evidence may so exhibit the case that the court may render impartial justice. 99. LEGAL ADVISER OF THE COURT. While the court is in open session the trial judge advocate should respectfully call the attention of the court to any apparent illegalities in its action, and to any apparent irregularities in its proceedings. He should act as legal adviser of the court so far only as to give his opinion upon any point of law arising during the trial, when it is asked for by the court, in open court, but not otherwise. (See, however, par. 197.) In case the accused desires to plead guilty the trial judge advocate, as well as the defense counsel, will, whenever necessary, invite the attention of the president of the court to the fact that the effect of such plea must be explained to him. (See Chap. IX, Sec. II. " Pleas to the general issue.") 100. FREEDOM IN CONDUCTING CASE. The trial judge ad- vocate should be left free by the court to introduce his evi- COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 101 dence in such order as he sees fit, and in general to bring cases to trial in such order as he deems expedient. (Win- throp, pp. 281-284.) But, while it is not the province of the court to direct or control the trial judge advocate in his prose- cution of the case, it is responsible for the thorough investi- gation of the case, and need not content itself with the evi- dence brought out by the prosecution and defense. It is proper for the court as a body or for any member to ask questions of a witness if it is believed the examination al- ready submitted has failed fully to develop the case. Usually such questions are not asked until after the prosecution and defense have fully completed their examination of the wit- ness. The court may direct that the trial judge advocate recall a witness, or to secure the attendance of a particular wit- ness, or that he introduce evidence on a particular point. It is the duty of the court to take such action if it believes that thereby the facts in the case will be more clearly presented. 101. CLOSED SESSIONS. Whenever a general or special court-martial shall sit in closed session, the trial judge advo- cate and the assistant trial judge advocate, as well as the defense counsel and the assistant defense counsel, and any other counsel for the accused, shall withdraw ; and when their assistance in referring to the recorded evidence is required, it shall be obtained in open court, and in the presence of the accused and of both the trial judge advocate and the defense counsel as well as of the accused's individual counsel if there be any. (A. W. 30.) If through mistake or inadvertence the trial judge advocate should be present during all or a part of the closed session of a court, such irregularity is, subject to the provisions of A. W. 37, the ground for a disapproval of the proceedings by the reviewing authority, but it does not deprive the court of jurisdiction, and courts of the United States do not interfere in such a case to release a prisoner by a writ of habeas corpus. (Ex parte Tucker, 212 Fed. Rep., 569 ; see also A. W. 37.) 102. ACCUSER OR PROSECUTOR. The trial judge advocate is not challengeable ; but in case of personal interest in the trial or of personal hostility toward the accused he should apply to the convening authority to be relieved. If 103 CHAPTER VII. 103. EXPEDITING TRIALS. When charges have been ordered to trial by a general or special court-martial they are re- ferred to the trial judge advocate of the court. It is his duty to bring them to trial promptly. In most cases tried by court-martial the facts are few and simple, and the witnesses are officers or soldiers stationed at the post where the trial is had. Usually the members of the court, the trial judge advocate, defense counsel, and the accused and his individual counsel, if any, are stationed at the same post. In such cases the trial should take place promptly. If the other official duties of the trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, and other counsel do not leave time to prepare cases properly and to bring them to trial promptly, the president will advise the commanding officer, with a view to their being relieved from other duties. 103a. Penalty for Delay. Any officer responsible for unneces- sary delay in investigating or carrying a case to a final conclu- sion shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. (A. W. 70.) 104. WEEKLY REPORTS. On Saturday of each week each trial judge advocate of a general court-martial will report, through the president of the court and the commanding officer, to the appointing authority, a list of charges on hand, showing the date of receipt of each ; and if any case has been in the hands of the trial judge advocate for more than two weeks and the record of trial has not been forwarded to the convening authority, the report will include a statement of the reasons for the delay. No record need be made of this report by the president of the court or the commanding officer. 105. DETAIL OF ORDERLY. The commanding officer will de- tail, when necessary, suitable soldiers as clerks or orderlies to assist the trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial or military commission, or the recorder of a court of inquiry. SECTION III. ASSISTANT TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATE. 106. APPOINTMENT. The authority appointing a general court-martial shall appoint one or more assistant trial judge 80 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 107 advocates when necessary. (A. W. 11.) An assistant trial judge advocate of a general court-martial shall be competent to perform any duty devolved by law, regulation, or custom of the service upon the trial judge advocate of the court. (A. W. 116.) 107. DUTIES. An assistant trial judge advocate will per- form such duties in connection with the trial as the trial judge advocate may designate. Ordinarily he will be ex- pected to assist the trial judge advocate in the preparation of cases for trial, in interviewing witnesses, looking up law and authorities, preparing a trial brief or memorandum for the use of the trial judge advocate at the trial, and trying such less important cases as the trial judge advocate may, with the con- sent of the court, direct, or taking charge of the investigation before trial and proof during the trial of any particular phase or phases of the charges in any case, and also to relieve the trial judge advocate of minor details, such as arranging for a place of meeting of the court, stationery, messenger serv- ice, stenographers and interpreters, subpoenaing witnesses, and notifying the court and the defense counsel and ether counsel for the accused of the place and hour of meeting. During the trial he will be expected to see that witnesses are on hand when needed, that all details of procedure are observed, and the record accurately kept. As provided in A. W. 33, he may, in certain cases, authenticate the record of trial in lieu of the trial judge advocate; and in cases tried by him where the trial judge advocate was not present he will authenticate the record in lieu of the trial judge advocate. While a trial judge advocate and an assistant trial judge advocate will ordinarily be present during trial, if their duties require the presence of either of them elsewhere, he may be excused by the court, but the fact of his withdrawal or absence, the reason therefor, and his return to the court will be noted in the record. (See form for record of gen- eral court-martial, Appendix 10.) Wherever in this Manual the trial judge advocate of a general court-martial is mentioned, the term will be under- stood to include assistant trial judge advocates, if any, unless the context shows clearly that a different sense is intended. 91 ^f 107a CHAPTER vii. SECTION IIIA. THE DEFENSE COUNSEL. 107a, Selection. The thoroughness and fairness of trials, as well as the proper protection and rights of the accused before and at the trial, and promptitude in the preparation and in the trial, depend very largely upon the defense counsel of the court. He will, accordingly, be carefully selected. Where it can be avoided, no officer below the rank of captain will be detailed as defense counsel of a general court-martial. Officers so detailed should have the qualifications prescribed in paragraph 94 for trial judge advocates, and should be selected with the same care. 107b. General Duties. The defense counsel of a general or special court-martial will assist the accused in the preparation for trial and at the trial, and will examine the record of the proceedings of the court each day before it is authenticated. He will, as counsel for the accused, perform such duties as usually devolve upon the counsel for a defendant before the civil courts in criminal cases. He should guard the interests of the accused by all honorable and legitimate means known to the law, but should not obstruct the proceedings with frivolous and manifestly useless objections or discussions. Should the accused have counsel of his own selection, the defense counsel of the court will, if the accused so desires, act as associate counsel for the accused (A. W. 17), or will, if the accused so desires, turn over the entire defense at the trial to counsel of the accused's own selection, but in such case the defense counsel will never- theless remain present in court and will make any suggestions to the accused's counsel, for the benefit of the defense, which he may think proper, and will remain ready to assist the defense at any time if requested; except that, if the accused (whether or not he has individual counsel) specially requests that the defense counsel or any particular defense counsel take no part in the case, the court will excuse him from attendance at the trial. 107c. Whole Truth to be Presented. Throughout the trial the defense counsel of the court should do his utmost to present COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 107d the whole truth of the matter in question, and at the same time to place the facts before the court in the most favorable light for the accused. He, equally with the trial judge advocate, should oppose every attempt to distort facts, to the end that the defense may so exhibit the case that the court may render impartial justice. 107d. Legal Adviser to the Court. The defense counsel of the court, equally with the trial judge advocate, is a legal adviser to the court. While the court is in open session the defense counsel should respectfully call the attention of the court to any apparent illegality in its action, and to any apparent irregularity in its proceedings. He should, equally with the trial judge ad- vocate, act as legal adviser of the court so far as to give his opinion upon any point of law arising during the trial, when it is asked for by the court. As a general rule, the court will not ask for the opinion of the trial judge advocate upon any question arising during the trial without also asking for that of the defense counsel, and vice versa. When the legal advice or assistance of the defense counsel is required it will be obtained in open court. 107e. Freedom in Conducting the Case. The defense counsel and other counsel for the accused should, equally with the trial judge advocate, be left free by the court to introduce his evi- dence in such order as he sees fit. But while it is not the prov- ince of the court to direct or control the defense counsel, or other counsel for the accused, in his presentation of the defense, the court is responsible for the thorough investigation of the case, and need not content itself with the evidence brought out by the prosecution and defense. (See par. 100, supra.) 107f . Personal Interest Belief from Duty. The defense coun- sel of the court is not challengeable, but in case of personal in- terest in the trial or of personal hostility toward the accused or toward the accuser he should apply to the convening authority to be relieved. 107g. Detail of Orderly. The commanding officer will detail, when necessary, suitable soldiers as clerks or orderlies to assist the defense counsel of a general or special court-martial or mili- tary commission, in like manner as for the trial judge advocate thereof. If 107h CHAPTER VII. SECTION IIIB. ASSISTANT DEFENSE COUNSEL. 107h. Appointment. The authority appointing a general court-martial shall appoint one or more assistant defense counsel when necessary. (A. W. 11.) In general, the same number of assistant defense counsel should be appointed for a general court-martial as assistant trial judge advocates. An assistant defense counsel of a general court-martial shall be competent to perform any duty devolved by law, regulation, or the custom of the service upon counsel for the accused (A. W. 116) or upon the defense counsel of the court. 107i. An assistant defense counsel will perform such duties in connection with the trial as the defense counsel of the court may designate. Ordinarily he will be expected to relieve the defense counsel of the court and the counsel for the accused of minor de- tails, and in conjunction with the assistant trial judge advocate to see that witnesses are on hand when needed, that all details of procedure are observed, and that the record is properly kept. He may also be entrusted by the defense counsel of the court with advising the accused before trial and with the preparation of the case before trial and proof during trial of any special phase of the defense. While the defense counsel of the court and the assistant defense counsel will ordinarily both be present during trial, if their duties require the presence of either of them elsewhere he may be excused by the court, but the fact of his withdrawal or absence, the reason therefor, and his return to the court will be noted in the record. (See form for record of gen- eral court-martial, Appendix 10.) Wherever in this Manual the defense counsel of a general court-martial is mentioned, the term will be understood to in- clude assistant defense counsel of the court, if any, unless the context shows clearly that a different sense is intended. SECTION IV. INDIVIDUAL COUNSEL FOR THE ACCUSED. 108. APPOINTMENT. In addition to the services of the de- fense counsel of the court, the accused has the right to be 04 COURTS-MARTIAL, ORGANIZATION. ^ 109 represented before a general or special court-martial by civilian counsel of his own selection, or by military counsel of his own selection if such counsel be reasonably available. Such military counsel will, if requested by the accused, be detailed as soon as practicable after the charges are referred for 'trial (or, in case the accused is placed under arrest or in confinement, then as soon as practicable after such arrest and confinement). Civilian counsel will not be provided at the expense of the Government. Should the accused have counsel of his own selection, either military or civilian, the defense counsel and assistant defense counsel, if any, of the court, shall, if the accused so desires, or unless the accused objects, act as his associate counsel. (A. W. 17; and see par. 107b, supra.) When- ever the accused introduces individual counsel at the trial he will be asked whether he is willing to have the defense counsel act as his associate counsel. Should the accused request the appointment as his individual counsel of an officer stationed at the station where the court sits, and such officer be not a member nor trial judge advocate nor assistant trial judge advocate of the court, the commanding officer will appoint such officer as such individual counsel if he is reasonably available. Should the commanding officer decide that the officer so desired by the accused is not reasonably available, the accused may appeal to the officer appointing the court, whose decision shall be final. If the counsel desired by the accused is not under the control of the commanding officer where the trial is held, timely application for such individual counsel will be submitted by the accused in writing to the appointing authority, whose decision as to whether the offi- cer desired is " reasonably available " is final. 109. DUTY or OFFICER AS Individual COUNSEL for the Ac- cused. An officer acting as individual counsel for the accused before a general or special court-martial should perform such duties as usually devolve upon the counsel for a de- fendant before civil courts in criminal cases. He should guard the interests of the accused by all honorable and legiti- mate means known to the law. He should not obstruct the proceedings with frivolous and manifestly useless objections or discussions. He will ordinarily, unless the accused per- If 109a CHAPTER vn. sonally objects thereto, avail himself of the services of the defense counsel of the court and assistant defense counsel, if any, as associate counsel in accordance with the provisions of A. W. 17. 109a. Opportunity to Prepare for Trial. Ample opportunity will be given to trial judge advocate, defense counsel, and individual counsel for accused properly to prepare the prose- cution and defense of each case, respectively, and for that purpose they will be excused from any other duty that may interfere with such work. 110. RIGHT TO INTERVIEW THE ACCUSED. An accused, even in close arrest, will be allowed to have such interviews with the defense counsel of the court and with his individual coun- sel, military or civil, as may be required in order to prepare his defense. The defense counsel and other counsel for the accused will also be permitted to have interviews with any other person who may be a witness for the accused or for the prosecution, or whose knowledge of facts may be useful to the accused in preparing his trial. 111. WITNESSES, How QUESTIONED DURING THE TRIAL. If the trial judge advocate personally prepares the record, the defense counsel and other counsel for the accused will be required to reduce his questions and arguments to writing; but if the court has a stenographic reporter, counsel will be allowed to question witnesses and address the court orally. SECTION V. REPORTER. 112. EMPLOYMENT. Under such regulations as the Sec- retary of War may from time to time prescribe, the presi- dent of a court-martial or military commission or a court of inquiry shall have power to appoint a reporter, who shall record the proceedings of and testimony taken before such court or commission and may set down the same, in the first instance, in shorthand. (A. W. 115.) Eeporters are author- ized for all general courts-martial, military commissions, and courts of inquiry, and for special courts-martial when the COURTS-MARTIAL, ORGANIZATION. ^ 112a appointing authority directs that the testimony be reduced to writing. NOTE. For form of oath for reporter see paragraph 135. 112a. Duties. It is the sworn duty of a stenographic reporter to take down in his notes and to transcribe into the record everything that actually occurs in open court, unless otherwise directed by the court itself. Neither the trial judge advocate ncr counsel for the accused may direct the reporter to omit any- thing, either from his notes or from his transcript thereof for the record. It is the reporter's duty to disregard any such instructions from anyone except the court itself. 113. COMEEK SATION DECISIONS. The reporter shall be paid at the following rates of compensation by the Finance Department on vouchers certified to be correct by the trial judge advocate or recorder: (a) For each day in attendance at court $5, and in addition thereto 50 cents an hour for time actually spent MI court during the trial or hearing. Time will be reckoned to the nearest half of an hour. (b) Twenty cents for each 100 words for transcribing notes and making that portion of the original record which is typewritten; but no allowance shall be made for the first carbon copy of that portion of the record which is type- written or for original papers which are appended as ex- hibits. (c) Fifteen cents for each 100 words for copying papers material to the inquiry, and 2 cents for each 100 words for each carbon copy of the same, when ordered by the court or commission for its use. (d) Two cents for each 100 words for the second and each additional carbon copy of the record when authorized by the convening authority. (e) Except for such part of the journey as may be covered by Government transportation, mileage at the rate authorized i'or a civilian witness not in Government employ, and $4 a day for expenses when the trial judge advocate or recorder keeps him, at his own expense, away from his usual place of employment for 24 hours or more, on public business re- ferred to the court or commission, shall be allowed the re- 21358 20 7 97 I] 114 CHAPTER VII. porter for himself, and, when ordered by the court or commission, for each necessary assistant. (/) An Army field clerk, or a field clerk Quartermaster Corps, warrant officer, or member of the Army Nurse Corps, is not entitled to any extra pay or other compensation for services as a stenographic reporter for a court-martial, court of inquiry, military commission, or military board, although performed while on leave of absence or any time outside of regular duty hours. (Dec. of the Comp., Uov. 15, 1920; A. D. No. 5245.) NOTE. The following decisions regal-ding compensation of reporters will be observed in preparing vouchers: (a) In determining the period for which a reporter is entitled to the allowance of $3 (now $4) a day for expenses wlien kept away from his usual place of employment time, should be counted from the date on which he is required to leave his usual place of business by the terms of his employment to the date of his return thereto, pro- vided there be no unnecessary delay in the travel to and from the place where the court meets. (Par. 1274, Manual Q. M. Corps, 1916.) (&) The fact that a reporter returns each night to his home does not preclude the view that he was kept away from his place of busi- ness for 24 hours. He is not, however, entitled to mileage for such journeys unless the sessions of the court are held on nonconsecutive days. (Op. J. A. G., Sept 7, 1910.) (c) A reporter serving two separate courts-martial on the same day is entitled to have his allowances (except -mileage) computed sepa- rately for each court. (Op. J. A. G., Oct .13, 1910. ) (d) A -reporter duly employed, but who, after arrival at court, performs no service, owing to adjournment, is entitled to mileage, $5 for constructive attendance, and also to the additional $4 if kept away from place of business for 24 hours. (See Op. J. A. G., Feb. 18, 1911; June 4, 1914.) (e) The abbreviations "Q.," standing for the word question, and "A.," standing for the word answer, and all dates, as "25th" and "1914," will each be counted as one word. Punctuation marks will not be counted as a word. It is not necessary for the trial judge advocate to count the actual number of words on every page to jus- tify him in certifying the account of the reporter. He may ascer- tain the total number of words by counting the words on a sufficient number of pages to enable him to ascertain a fair average of the number of words on a page and then ascertain the total by multiply- ing this average by the number of pages. (Op. J. A. G., Oct. 22, 1909; Feb. 8, 1915.) 114. DISPOSITION OF VOUCHERS. The original voucher for payment of the reporter will be properly completed and cer- 93 COURTS-MAETIAIJ ORGANIZATION. ^f 115 tified by the trial judge advocate and will be sent for pay- ment to the nearest disbursing finance officer. A carbon copy of the voucher will be forwarded with the record for the in- formation of the appointing authority. NOTE.- For form of voucher for payment of reporter, see Appen- dix 25, 115. DETAIL or SOLDIER. A soldier may be detailed to serve as a stenographic reporter for general courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions, and while so serving shall receive extra pay at the rate of not exceeding 5 cents for each 100 words taken i,n shorthand and tran- scribed, such extra pay to be met from the annual appropri- ation for expenses of courts-martial. (Act of Aug. 24, 1912, 37 Stat. 575.) Such detail will be made only when a re- porter is authorized by paragraph 112, supra, or by the ap- pointing authority. 116. TIME LIMIT FOR COMPLETING RECORD. The trial judge advocate or recorder shall require the reporter to fur- nish the typewritten record of the proceedings of each ses- sion of the court or commission (together with one carbon copy of the same) not later than 24 hours after the adjourn- ment of that session. The complete record will be finished, indexed, bound, and ready for authentication not later than 48 hours after the completion of its action by the court or commission on the merits of the case or hearing. NOTE. The provisions of A. W. 70 should be borne in mind, making punishable as a court-martial may direct any unnecessary delay in carrying a case to final conclusion. 117. CARBON COPIES OF THE RECORD. Whenever a record of a trial by court-martial is to be typewritten by a reporter, the trial judge advocate will inform the accused of his right to demand a copy of the record, and will require of him a statement as to whether or not he desires a copy. If the answer be in the affirmative, the trial judge advocate will cause the reporter to prepare a carbon copy; this copy will be turned over to the accused personally, whose personal writ- ten receipt therefor will be attached to the record; unless the accused declines to sign the receipt, in which case an affidavit of the delivery of such carbon copy to the accused made by the H 118 CHAPTER VTI. person delivering it to him, will be attached to the record of trial. 118. EXTRA COMPENSATION FOR CLERICAL, DUTIES. No per- son in the military or civil service of the Government can lawfully receive extra compensation for clerical duties per- formed for a military court, except as a reporter duly ap- pointed or detailed as such, as provided in paragraphs 112 and 115, supra; and, except as authorized in paragraph 115, no person in the civil or military service will be entitled to extra compensation for service as a reporter unless such serv- ice is rendered in time outside of the business hours of his regular employment and does not interfere with his per- formance of his regular duties. NOTE. See, however, paragraph 113 (f), supra. SECTION VI. INTERPRETER. 119. EMPLOYMENT AND PAT. Under such regulations as the Secretary of War may from time to time prescribe, the president of a court-martial or military commission, or court of inquiry, or a summary court, may appoint an interpreter, who shall interpret for the court or commission. (A. TV 7 . 115.) Interpreters may be employed whenever necessary without application to the appointing authority. They will be allowed the pay and allowances of civilian witnesses, which will be paid by the Finance Department on vouchers certified by the trial judge advocate or recorder. NOTE. For oath of interpreter see paragraph 136. 100 CHAPTER VIII. COURTS-MARTIALORGANIZATION. (Continued.) Section I: Challenges: 120. Occasion for 102 120a. Peremptory challenge 103 121. Grounds for challenge 103 (a) Principal challenges (1) to (8) 103 (?>) Challenges for favor 104 122. Challenge of new member 104 124. Member can not challenge 104 125. Procedure upon challenges 104 126. Member disqualified but not challenged 105 127. Waiver of objection 107 128. Liberality required 107 129. Member as accuser or witness for the prosecution 107 130. Member signing charges Accuser 108 131. Member of court as witness 108 Section II: Oaths: 132. Oath of members 109 (a) Oath, (ft) Affirmation, (c) Court sworn for each case, (d) Additional ceremony, (e) De- corum in administering oath 109 133. Oath of trial judge advocate 110 134. Oath of witness 110 (a) Oath, (&) Swearing trial judge advocate 110 135. Oath of reporter 110 136. Oath of interpreter 110 137. Oath to test competency 111 138. Oaths for administrative purposes 111 (a) R. S., Section 183, (&) A. W. 114 111 Section III : Continuances : 139. Authority for 112 140. Reason for application to be stated 112 141. Number of continuances 112 Section IV: Completion of organization: 142. When accomplished 113 101 fl 120 CUAFTER, VIII. SECTION I. CHALLENGES. 120. OCCASION FOR. The composition of the court-martial having been made known to the accused by the reading of the appointing order, together with any orders which have operated to modify the composition of the court as origi- nally constituted, it becomes the duty of the trial judge advo- cate on behalf of the prosecution to challenge any member of the court present named in the order and modifying orders to whom the prosecution objects. The trial judge advocate performs this duty by challenging, in turn, each member to whom he objects. Members of a general or special court-martial may be chal- lenged by the trial judge advocate or by the accused, but only for cause stated to the court, except that each side is entitled to one peremptory challenge; but the law member of the court shall not be challenged except for cause. (A. W. 18.) Chal- lenges by the trial judge advocate shall ordinarily be presented and decided before those by the accused are offered. The trial judge advocate may use his one peremptory challenge either before presenting any challenges for cause or after presenting one or more challenges for cause and while he still has others to present, or after presenting all his challenges for cause, at any time he sees fit, until he announces his acceptance of the panel. He may, if he sees fit, after challenging a member for cause, if the challenge be overruled, use his peremptory challenge to remove such member from the court. After a trial judge advo- cate has presented all the challenges which he has to present and they have been decided, or in case he does not object to any member of the court, he will ask the accused whether lie objects to being tried by any member present named in the order and modifying orders. This question by the trial judge advocate will be considered as a statement that the prosecution accepts the panel as it then stands and has no further challenges to pre- sent and tenders it to the accused. If the reply of the accused be in the negative, the court and the trial judge advocate and the assistant trial judge advocate, if any, are sworn; if, on the other hand, the accused desires to object to any member or mem- bers of the court, he exercises his right in this respect, in person 102 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 12 Q& or through counsel, by challenging, in turn, each member to whom he objects, in like manner as the trial judge advocate, and may likewise use his peremptory challenge at any time he sees fit until he has finally accepted the panel. The court shall determine the relevancy and validity of challenges for cause, and shall not receive a challenge to more than one member at a time. (A. W. 18.) Neither the prosecution nor the accused may challenge the law member of the court except for cause. Neither a summary court officer nor the trial judge advocate nor the defense counsel of a general or special court-martial is subject to challenge. (Digest, p, 502 IV, N; Davis, p. 85, n. 3.) NOTE 1. The various classes of challenges far ca-ase recognized at common law have been practically reduced in courts-martial prac- tice to two, viz, (1) principal challenges, or those where the member must be excused upon proof of the ground for challenge as alleged; (2) for favor, -where the court must decide whether the facts proved constitute cause'to excuse the member. NOTE 2. For procedure of the court in ruling and voting on chal- lenges see paragraph 125, infra. 120a. A peremptory challenge does not require any good reason or ground therefor to exist or to be stated. 121. GROUNDS FOR CHALLENGE (a) Principal Chal- lenges. In the following cases a member will be excused when challenged upon proof of the fact as alleged : (1) That lie sat as a member of a court of inquiry which investigated the charges. (2) That he has personally investigated the charges and expressed an opinion thereon, or that he has formed a posi- tive and definite opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused. (3) That he is the accuser. (4) That he will be a witness for the prosecution or for the defense. (5) That (upon a rehearing of the case) he sat as a mem- ber on the former trial. (6) That, in the case of the trial of an officer, the member will be promoted by the dismissal of the accused. (7) That he is related by blood or marriage to the accused, (8) That he has a declared enmity against the accused. 103 Tf 122 CHAPTER VIII. (b) Challenges for Favor. Where prejudice, hostility, bias, or intimate personal friendship are alleged it is for the court, after hearing the grounds for challenging stated and the reply, if any, of the challenged member, as well as any other evidence presented, to determine whether the grounds stated and proved or admitted are sufficient in fact to dis- qualify a challenged member. 122. CHALLENGE or NEW MEMBER. Where new members join or are added to the court after its organization the order detailing such new members shall be read and the trial judge advocate and the accused be given full opportunity to challenge. The record will show affirmatively that the right has been accorded the accused to challenge every mem- ber of the court. Either side may use its one peremptory challenge against any such new member, unless it has" already been used. [Paragraph 123 has been omitted in this revision.] 124. MEMBER CAN NOT CHALLENGE. There is no au- thority of law or custom of the service for a member of a court-martial to challenge another member, but where one member has knowledge of the fact that another is the ac- cuser in the case or will be a witness for the prosecution, or investigated the case, or is subject to challenge for any other reason, he will bring the fact to the attention of the court in order that proper action may be taken. (See par. 129, below.) 125. PROCEDURE UPON CHALLENGES. A positive declara- tion by a member challenged on the ground of prejudice or interest that he is not prejudiced for or against the accused nor interested in the case should ordinarily be satisfactory to the trial judge advocate and the accused, and, if so, the chal- lenger should be permitted to withdraw the challenge and the record should so show. If, however, the statement is unsatis- factory, or the member makes no response, the challenger may offer testimony in support of his challenge or may sub- ject the challenged member to an examination under oath as to his competency as a member. In such a case the trial judge advocate administers the oath to the challenged mem- ber. Witnesses may be introduced in rebuttal on behalf of the 104 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION-. ^f 126 challenged member and arguments may be made. All chal- lenges which are not withdrawn, except where a member is challenged as the accuser or as a witness for the prosecution and such fact is admitted, must be passed upon by the. court. After all evidence pro or con has been received, or the chal- lenger or challenged member, either or both, has declined to introduce any evidence, the court will be closed, and the court will deliberate and vote upon the challenge by secret written ballot, which ballot may be in the form " sustained " or " not sustained." The junior member of the court shall in each case count the votes, which count shall be checked by the president, who will announce the result of the ballot to the members of the court. All ballots shall be destroyed as soon as the result is announced, unless some member of the court de- sires first to verify the count, when they shall be immediately destroyed after such verification. A majority of the ballots cast by the members present at the time the vote is taken shall de- cide the question of sustaining or not sustaining the challenge. (A. W. 31.) A tie vote on a challenge is a vote in the negative, and the challenge is not sustained. Upon the court being opened, the president shall state, in the presence of the trial judge advocate, assistant trial judge advocate, defense counsel and assistant defense counsel, other counsel for the accused, and the accused, that the challenge has been sustained or not sus- tained. The whole proceedings will, in the case of a general court-martial, or a special court-martial where the evidence has been ordered recorded, appear in the record; and in the case of any other special court-martial, the record will show that evidence touching the eligibility of the challenged member was heard, if such be the fact, and that the challenge was sus- tained or not sustained upon the taking of a secret ballot. During the deliberation of the court the challenged member will withdraw. If but four members of a general court- martial, or two members of a special court-martial, remain they may pass upon the challenge. (See Chap. II, Sec. II.) NOTE. For form of oath to be administered to challenged member see paragraph 137. 126. MEMBER DISQUALIFIED BUT NOT CHALLENGED. (a) In the absence of a challenge the court of itself will not 105 ^[ 126 CHAPTER VIII. ordinarily excuse a member from sitting on the trial of a case, but a member not challenged, who has formed an opin- ion concerning the case or any of the material facts thereof, or who for any other reason thinks himself disqualified, or who is aware of any facts which he believes might cause either party to desire to challenge him, or who thinks himself dis- qualified for reasons other than those indicated in paragraph 129, below, will announce in open court his supposed dis- qualification, or the facts which he thinks miglit cause either party to desire to challenge him (that is, that he has some knowledge of the facts, or has formed some opinion, etc., but will carefully refrain from stating his opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused, or the particular facts of which he has knowledge), in order that he may be challenged; or he may apply to the appointing authority to be relieved. (b) While a member is not, strictly speaking, " a witness " within the meaning of the eighth or ninth articles of war, or of this paragraph, unless he actually testifies at the trial, still, as a matter of good administration and in harmony with the spirit and purpose of the articles of war, a member may be excused by the court without challenge, and should be so excused (unless the objection is voluntarily waived by the defense) whenever it appears to the court either that (1) he testified or submitted a written statement on the preliminary investigation, unless at the request of the accused; (2) he investigated the charges either under paragraph 76a, supra, or otherwise, or made any official report or indorsement expressing his opinion thereon; (3) he was the medical officer before whom the accused was brought for examination under the provisions of paragraph 76a, supra, during the investigation of the charges, or was a member of a medical board convened in the case under the provisions of paragraph 76c, supra, or of paragraph 219d, infra, or has in any other case where the sanity or mental condition of the accused is made an issue in the trial officially expressed his opinion thereon; or (4) if, on the opening of the trial or at any time during the trial, the trial judge advocate announces that the member is a witness for the prosecution or that it is expected that he will be called as a witness for the prosecution. NOTE 1. As to statutory disqualification see paragraphs 129 to 131, infra. 106 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 127 NOTE 2. Where a member of the court was a member of a medical board convened under paragraph 76c, supra, or under paragraph 219d, infra, whose report is received in evidence at the trial under any of the provisions of paragraph 219, infra, he thereby becomes a witness within the meaning of the eighth and ninth articles of war, and is a witness for the prosecution and as such disqualified to sit further on the trial, if the report of such medical board (unless such member signed a minority report dissenting therefrom), or a minority report signed by such member, is to the effect that the accused did not at the time of his examination by such medical board, nor at the time of the commission of the alleged offense, suffer from any mental de- fect or derangement whatever. 127. WAIVER OF OBJECTION. The rule is that challenges should be made before the arraignment, and if an objection to the competency of a member, except his ineligibility under paragraph 129, infra, was known at that time and not made, it will be considered as waived ; but if the cause of a mem- ber's incompetericy was not known at the time of arraign- ment or did not arise until later, the court will entertain a challenge on such cause at any stage of the proceedings. NOTE. Ineligibility under paragraph 129, infra, being mandatory under the statute (A. W. 8, 9), can not be waived. If, therefore, it develops, at any time during the trial, that a member is (a) an accuser or (b) a witness for the prosecution, he must be excused, although not challenged. 128. LIBERALITY REQUIRED. Courts should be liberal in passing upon challenges, but they will not entertain an ob- jection that is not specific, and they should be reluctant to sustain one upon the mere assertion of the challenger, except where it is admitted by the challenged member. 129. MEMBER. AS ACCUSER OR WITNESS FOR THE PROSECU- TION. No officer shall be eligible to sit as a member of a. general or special court-martial when he is the accuser or a witness for the prosecution. (A. W. 8, 9.) After the ac- cused is brought before the court, preferably before the court is sworn, any member thereof who is or believes him- self to be the accuser in the case will formally announce that fact to the court, whereupon he will be excused. When the accused, his counsel, the trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, or any member of the court, at any time before the sentence, shall have reason to believe that any member thereof is the accuser in the case, or may be called as a wit- ^f 130 CHAPTER VIII. ness for the prosecution, such belief shall be communicated to the court, and if the court, after hearing the facts, find that such member is the accuser or is to be called as a witness for the prosecution, he shall be excused. If at any stage of the proceedings prior to the findings any member of the court be called as a witness for the prosecution, he shall, before qualifying as a witness, be excused from further duty as a member. 130. MEMBER SIGNING CHARGES ACCUSER. Whether or not an officer who is a member of the court is the accuser in a particular case is a question of fact. If, notwith- standing his ineligibility, he does sit as a member of a general or special court-martial, the proceedings are neces- sarily invalid. (A. W. 8, 9; Op. J. A. G., Oct. 11, 1913; id., Nov. 13, 1913, Bui. 38, War Dept, 1913, p. 6.) An officer who has signed and sworn to the charges in a particular case is necessarily an accuser in that case, and therefore ineligible to sit as a member of the trial court. But, while prima facie the person who signs and swears to the charge is the only accuser in the case, that is not always true. There may in fact be another or several others who are real accusers, and therefore also ineligible to sit on the trial court. If such a question arises at any time during the trial it is within the province of the court tp hear evidence on that issue and to decide the question. If in such a case the court should decide that any member so in question is eligible, such decision and all the evidence upon which the court reached its decision will, in the case of a general court-martial, or in the case of a spe- cial court-martial where the evidence has been- ordered recorded, be made of record ; and in the case of any other special court- martial the record will show that evidence touching the eligi- bility of the officer was heard by the court, and a summary of such evidence, and the finding arrived at thereon. NOTE. As to the procedure of the court in determining the question of the eligibility of the member, see paragraph 125. 131. MEMBER OF COURT AS WITNESS. (a) For the Prose- cution. No officer shall be eligible to sit as a member of a general or a special court-martial who is a witness for the prosecution. (A. W. 8, 9; Bui. 38, War Dept, 1913, p. 6.) 108 COURTS-MARTIAL, ORGANIZATION. If 132 (Z>) For the Defense. The fact that a member is a wit- ness for the defense will not necessarily disqualify him to sit as. a member of the court, and the fact that such a witness sits throughout the trial as a member of the court will not in any way affect the validity of its proceedings. (c) When Called by Court. Whether a member called as a witness by the court is to be considered as a witness for the prosecution depends on ~the character of his testimony, which should be carefully considered before a conclusion is reached that he is not. In any case of doubt he should be excused from further participation in the trial as a member. SECTION II. OATHS. 132. OATH OF MEMBERS. (a) The challenges having been disposed of, the trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial shall administer to the members of the court, before they proceed upon any trial, the following oath or affirmation (A. W. 19) : You, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly try and determine, according to the evidence, the matter now before you, between the United States of America and the person to be tried, and that you will duly administer justice, without partiality, favor, or affection, according to the 'provisions of the rules and articles for the government of the Armies of the United States, and if any doubt should arise, not explained by said articles, then according to your conscience, the best of your understanding, and the custom of war in like cases; and you do further swear (or affirm) that you will not divulge the findings or sentence of the court until they shall be pub- lished by the proper authority or duly announced by the court, except to the trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocate; neither will you disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court-martial upon a challenge or upon the findings or sentence, unless required to give evidence thereof as a witness by a court of justice in due course of laio. So help you God. (b) In case of affirmation the closing sentence of adjura- tion will be omitted. (c) When more than one case is tried by the same court, the oath must be administered anew for each case. 109 ^[ 133 CHAPTEK VIII. (d) The oaths or affirmations prescribed in A. TV 7 . 19 for the members, the trial judge advocate, a witness, and others will always be administered, but in addition there may be such additional ceremony or acts as will make the oath or affirmation binding on the conscience of the person taking it. {e) For decorum to be observed during the administra- tion of oaths see Chapter VII, Section I. 133. OATH OF Trial JUDGE ADVOCATE. When the oath or affirmation has been administered to the members of a gen- eral or special court-martial, the president of the court shall administer to the trial judge advocate and to each assistant trial judge advocate, if any, an oath or affirmation in the following form (A. W. 19) ; You, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully and impar- tially perform the duties of a trial judge advocate, and will not divulge the findings or sentence of the court to any but the proper authority until they shall be duly disclosed. So help you God, 134. OATH OF WITNESS. (a) All persons who give evi- dence before a court-martial shall be examined on oath or affirmation in the following form (A. W. 19), administered by the trial judge advocate: You swear (or affirm) that the evidence you shall give in the case now in hearing shall he tJie truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So h-elp you God. (b] If either the trial judge advocate or assistant trial judge advocate is to testify, the oath or affirmation will be administered by the other or by the president. 13o. OATH OF REPORTER. (a) Every reporter of the pro- ceedings of a court-martial shall, before entering upon his duties, make oath or affirmation in the following form (A. W. 19), administered by the trial judge advocate: You swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully perform the duties of reporter to this court. So help you God. (b) For authority for hiring reporters and compensation see Chapter VII, Section V. 136. OATH OF INTERPRETER. Every interpreter in the trial of any case before a court-martial shall, before entering upon his duties, make oath or affirmation m the following form (A. W. 19), administered by the trial judge advocate: 110 COURTS-MARTIAL ORGANIZATION. ^f 137 You swear (or affirm) that you will tr-uly interpret in the cane 11.010 in hearing. So help you God. 137. OATH TO TEST COMPETENCY. When a member of a general or special court-martial is challenged and it is de- sired to question him regarding his eligibility to sit as a member in the trial of a case, the trial judge advocate will administer to him the following oath : You sivear that you ^oiU true answers make to questions touching your competency as a member of the court in this case. So help you God. 138, OATHS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES. (a) Any offi- cer or clerk of any of the departments lawfully detailed to investigate frauds on, or attempts to defraud, the Govern- ment, or any irregularity or misconduct of any officer or agent of the United States, and any officer of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Revenue-Cutter Service detailed to conduct an investigation, and the recorder, and il there be none the presiding officer, of any military, naval, or Reve- nue-Cutter Service board appointed for such purpose, shall have authority to administer an oath to any witness attend- ing to testify or depose in the course of such investigation, (R. S., 183, as amended by the act of Feb. 13, 1911, 36 Stat., 898.) (b) Any judge advocate or acting judge advocate, the president of a general or special court-martial, any sum- mary court-martial, the trial judge advocate or any assistant trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial, the president or the recorder of a court of inquiry or of a military board, any officer designated to take a deposition, any officer detailed to conduct an investigation, and the adjutant of any command shall have power to administer oaths for the purposes of the administration of military justice and for other purposes of military administration; and in foreign places where the Army may be serving shall have the general powers of a notary public or of a consul of the United States in the administration of oaths, the execution and acknowledgment of legal instruments, the attestation of documents, and all other forms of notarial acts to be executed by persons subject to military law. (A. W. 114.) in 11 139 CHAPTER VIII. SECTION III. CONTINUANCES. 139. AUTHORITY FOR. A court-martial may, for reason- able cause, grant a continuance to either party for such time and as often as may appear to be just. (A. W. 20.) If before the first meeting of the court a continuance is deemed necessary by either party, application therefor should be made to the appointing authority, but if made after assembling the application will be made to the court. When application is made to the court for an extended delay which appears to be well founded, it may be referred to the appointing authority in order that he may determine whether the court should grant it or whether he should dis- solve the court. 140. REASON FOR APPLICATION TO BE STATED. The party desiring a continuance must state the reasons upon which his application is based. When it is desired because of the absence of a witness he should distinctly show that the wit- ness is material, that he has used due diligence to procure the testimony or attendance of the witness, and that he has reasonable ground to believe that he will be able to procure such testimony or attendance within a reasonable time, which time shall be stated, and the facts which he expects to be able to prove by such witness, and that he can not so well prove the same by any other testimony or evidence in the case. If the opposite party will admit that the absent witness, if pres- ent in court, would testify as stated, the* the court may, in its discretion, refuse a continuance for the purpose of procuring such testimony. (See notes 3 and 4 to par. 159, infra.) 141. NUMBER OF CONTINUANCES. The number of continu- ances which may be granted is not limited, but where ex- tended delays will ensue the court will be justified in exact- ing proof of due diligence on the part of the party request- ing the same, and may even require tin 1 reasons to be stated under oath if it has reason to suspect that the intention is merely to delay the proceedings. 112 COURTS-MARTIAL, ORGANIZATION. ^f 142 SECTION IV. COMPLETION OF ORGANIZATION. 142. WHEN ACCOMPLISHED. The court having met, the accused and his individual counsel, if any, having been intro- duced, and the defense counsel of the court being present, the reporter sworn, and the convening order read, the right of challenge accorded, and the court and trial judge advocate sworn, the organization of the court is complete for the trial of the case. 21358 20 3 113 CHAPTER IX, COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL. Section I: Arraignment: 143. When made 115 144. Procedure 115 Section II: Pleas: 145. Kinds of pleas 115 (a) To the jurisdiction; (b) in abatement; (c) in bar of trial ; (d) to the general issue 115 146. Plea to the jurisdiction 116 Grounds for, enumerated, (a) to (d) 116 147. Plea in abatement 117 148. Plea in bar of trial 117 ' 149. Statute of limitations 117 1. Definition 117 2. Limitations as to time, (a) to (d) 118 3. Limitation as to number of trials, (a) to (g) 119 150. Pardon 121 151. Constructive condonation 121 152. (a) Former punishment 122 (5) Illegal enlistment 122 (c) Release from arrest 122 (d) Other forms of inadmissible pleas 122 153. Action upon special pleas 123 Procedure, (a) to (d) 123 154. Pleas to the general issue 124 Discussed, (a) to (ff) 124 Section III: Refusal to plead: 155. Action 127 Section IV : Motions and other incidents of the trial : 156. Motion to sever 127 157. Motion to elect 127 158. Nolle prosequi 128 158a, Aider of defective specification 129 158b. Variance 130 15Sc. Finding of not guilty at the close of the case for the prosecution 130 158d. Convening authority Action when court-martial re- quests directions 131 114 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 143 SECTION I. ARRAIGNMENT. 143. WHEN MADE. Upon the completion of the organi- zation of the court in accordance with the provisions of para- graph 142, supra, the court is ready to proceed with the trial of the charges in the case then before the court. In each case tried by the court the appointing order must be read anew, a new opportunity to challenge must be given, and the members, trial judge advocate and assistants, if any, reporter, and interpreter must be sworn anew. In each case the proceedings must be complete without reference to any other case. 144. PROCEDURE. The court being organized, and both parties ready to proceed, the trial judge advocate will read the charges and specifications, separately and in order, to the accused and ask him how he pleads to each. The order pursued, in case of several charges or specifications, will be to arraign on the first, second, etc., specifications to the first charge, then on the first charge, and so on with the rest. The reading of the charges and specifications and the pleas of the accused in answer thereto constitute the arraignment of the accused. In reading the charges the trial judge advocate will also read the name and rank of the officer preferring them. NOTE. For decorum to be observed during the arraignment see paragraph 86. SECTION II. PLEAS. 145. KINDS OF PLEAS. In court-martial procedure the usual pleas are the following: (a) Pleas to the jurisdiction; (b) pleas in abatement; (c) pleas in bar of trial; and (d) pleas to the general issue. The first three mentioned are also known as special pleas. These pleas should be made in the order named. (Dudley, p. 93; Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Rawle, 3d Rev., p. 2603.) 115 ^ 146 CHAPTER IX. 146. PLEA TO THE JURISDICTION. A plea to the jurisdic- tion denies the right of the court to try the case. The follow- ing are grounds for a plea to the jurisdiction of a court : (a) That it was appointed by an officer who did not have the legal authority to do so (see Chap. Ill, Courts-martial By whom appointed) ; (5) That it is composed wholly or in part of members not authorized by law to sit upon such court-martial (see Chap. II, Courts-martial Composition) ; (c) That the accused is not subject to its jurisdiction (see Chap. I, Persons subject to military law) ; or ( d) That it has not legal power to try the offense charged (see Chap. XVII, Punitive articles). A plea to the jurisdiction, if well grounded and sustained by the court, bars further prosecution before the court. If well grounded and not sustained by the court, the proceed- ings may be disapproved by the appointing authority, or, even though approved, may be reviewed on writ of habeas corpus by a United States court, which will cause the pro- ceedings to be set aside as illegal and void. Waiver of objec- tion will never avail to confer jurisdiction upon a court not legally possessing it, even though the accused fails to submit a plea to the jurisdiction at the proper time. The objection may be taken at any time during the proceed- ings, and after a plea of either " guilty " or " not guilty " ; and failure of the record to show jurisdiction will be ground for dis- approval, or for setting aside the proceedings, findings, and sentence. NOTE 1. It is the imperative duty of the trial judge advocate to see that the record shows all the essential jurisdictional facts, includ- ing particularly evidence that (a) the accused is a person subject to military law, and (b) that the person arraigned before the court as the accused is actually the same person named as the accused in the charges. A plea of not guilty or of guilty to a specification, without raising any question of identity, is sufficient evidence that the accused so pleading is the same person named in the specification. NOTE 2. Whenever the findings and sentence are disapproved or vacated because of failure of the record to show jurisdiction, a re- hearing or new trial before another court may be ordered, unless the 116 COURTS-MAKTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 147 record of trial affirmatively shows that accused is not a person mbject to military law. But in any such case, if execution of the sentence had been ordered by the reviewing authority (or, if there be one, by the confirming authority) before it was so disapproved or vacated (A. W. 40, 50^), the accused may, at such second trial, plead to the juris- diction that the court at the former trial did in fact although not so shown by its record have jurisdiction; and if such plea be sustained by the proofs, the proceedings will thereupon be terminated for want of jurisdiction. 147. PLEA IN ABATEMENT. A plea in abatement is based upon some defect in the charge or specification and is one that operates merely to delay the trial, such as an error in the name, rank, or organization of the accused or in the allegation as to time and place in the specification. An accused who submits a plea in abatement must show how the error may be amended. When a plea in abatement is sus- tained, the trial judge advocate will correct the charge and specification objected to so as to meet the objection, and the trial will proceed on the corrected charges. To enable him to make the correction a continuance may be granted. Mat- ters which might have been objected to by a plea in abate- ment will be considered as waived by pleading to the general issue. 148. PLEA IN BAR OF TRIAL. A plea in bar of trial, if sustained, is a substantial and conclusive answer to the charge or specification to which it is addressed. Such a plea may be made on the grounds set forth in paragraphs 149, 150, and 151. NOTE. Insanity or mental defect cr derangement need not be specially pleaded, but the question may be raised on the trial at any time before sentence. (See paragraph 219, infra.) 149. THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. (1) Definition. Statutes of limitation in criminal law are statutes of which the accused may take advantage and deprive the Govern- ment of the power to try and punish him after the lapse of a specific period since the offense was committed. They are enacted to secure the prompt punishment of criminal offenses and with a view to obtain the attendance of the witnesses at the trial while the recollection of the event is still fresh in their minds. In court-martial practice prosecutions are lim- ited both as to time and as to number. (A. W. 39, 40.) 117 ^[ 149 CHAPTER IX. (2) Limitations as to Time. (a) In the following cases there is no limitation as to time upon trial by court-martial (A. W. 39), viz: (1) Desertion committed in time of war; (2) Mutiny; or (3) Murder. (&) The period of limitation upon trial and punishment by court-martial shall be three (3) years in the following cases (A. W. 39), viz: (1) Desertion in time of peace; (2) Any crime or offense punishable under A. W. 93; or (3) Any crime or offense punishable under A. W. 94. (c) No person subject to military law shall be liable to be tried or punished by a court-martial for any crime or offense not enumerated in subparagraph (a) or subparagraph (&), supra, committed more than two (2) years before the ar- raignment of such person (A. W. 39). (d) Computation of the period of limitation. The point at and from which the period of limitation is to begin to run is the date of the commission of the offense. The point at which the period of limitation is to terminate and from which said period is to be reckoned back is the date of arraignment of the accused. There must be excluded in com- puting this period (1) The period of any absence of the accused from the jurisdiction of the United States; and (2) Any period during which by reason of some manifest impediment the accused shall not have been amenable to military justice. NOTES. M Manifest impediment " means only such impediments as operate to prevent the court-martial from exercising its jurisdiction, and includes such conditions as being held as a prisoner of war in the hands of tlte enemy, or being imprisoned under the sentence of a civil court upon conviction of crime (In re Davison, 4 Fed. Rep., 5l6) ; hut any concealment of the evidence of their guilt or other like fraud on their part while they remain within the jurisdiction of the United States by which the prosecution is delayed until the time the bar h/is run does not deprive them of the benefit of the statute. (14 Op. Atty. Gten., 268.) 118 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 149 The thirty-ninth article of war does not have the effect to authorize trial or punishment for any crime or offense barred by the provisions of law existing at the date of its taking effect, viz, February 4, 1921. (3) Limitation as to Number of Trials. (a) No person shall be tried a second time for the same offense. (A. W. 40.) (5.) A person subject to military law has not been " tried " in the sense of A. W. 49 in any of the following cases : Where the party, after being arraigned or tried before a court which was illegally constituted or composed, or was without jurisdiction, was again brought to trial before a competent tribunal; where the accused, having been ar- raigned upon and having pleaded to certain charges, was rearraigned upon a new set of charges substituted for the others which were withdrawn ; where one of the several dis- tinct charges upon which the accused had been arraigned was withdrawn pending the trial, and the accused, after a trial and finding by the court upon the other charges, was brought to trial anew upon the charge thus withdrawn; where, after proceedings commenced, hut discontinued with- out a finding, the accused was brought to trial anew upon the same charge ; where, after having been acquitted or con- victed upon a certain charge which did not in fact state the real offense committed, the accused was brought to trial for the same act, but upon a charge setting forth the true offense ; where the court was not sworn; where the first court was dissolved because reduced below five members by the casual- ties of the service pending the trial; where, for any cause, without fault of the prosecution, there was a "mistrial," or the trial first entered upon was terminated, or the court dissolved, .at any stage of the proceedings before a final ac- quittal or conviction (Digest, p. 167, C, II, B) ; or, in any case, until either an acquittal has been announced in open court, or else, after conviction, the reviewing and, if there be one, the confirming 1 authority shall have taken final action upon the case (A. W. 40), i. e., shall have ordered execution of the sentence or dismissed the case. As to new trials or rehearings see paragraphs 377 and 399, infra. (c) The same acts constituting a crime against the United States can not, after the acquittal or conviction of the ac- 119 Tf 149 CHAPTER IX. cused in a court of competent jurisdiction, be made the basis of a second trial of the accused for that crime in the same or in another court, civil or military, of the same govern- ment. Although the same act when committed in a State might constitute two distinct offenses, one against the United States and the other against the State, for both of which the accused might be tried, that rule does not apply to acts com- mitted in the Philippine Islands. The government of a State does not derive its powers from the United States, while that of the Philippine Islands does owe its existence wholly to the United States. A soldier in the Army, having been acquitted of the crime of homicide, alleged to have been committed by him in the Philippine Islands, by a military court-martial of compe- tent jurisdiction proceeding under authority of the United States, can not be subsequently tried for the same offense in a civil court exercising authority in that Territory. (Graf- ton v. U. S., 206 U. S., 333.) A similar rule applies in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Eico, the Panama Canal Zone, or any other locality where the civil courts derive their authority from the United States. ' (d) There can not be a second trial where the offense is really the same, though it may be charged under a different description and under a different article of war. Thus, where the Government elects to try a soldier under A. TV. 61 for absence without leave, and the testimony introduced develops the fact that the offense was desertion, the accused, after an acquittal or a finally approved conviction, can not legally be brought a second time to trial for the same absence charged as desertion. (Digest, p. 169, C, II, D.) If a con- viction in snch a case should be disapproved before its execution was ordered, the accused could be ordered tried for desertion as well as for absence without leave on a rehearing of the case. (A. W. 40, 47, 49, 50 J.) (e) It is not misrepresentation or concealment by an ap- plicant for enlistment, but the procuring of his enlistment by means of misrepresentation or concealment, together with the receipt of pay or allowances, which constitutes the mili- 120 COURTS MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 150 tary offense of fraudulent enlistment under A. W. 54-. Therefore, where a soldier was tried for and convicted of fraudulent enlistment in procuring his enlistment by means of a misrepresentation or concealment, to try him again for the same enlistment on account of another misrepresentation or concealment subsequently discovered would be a second trial for the same offense. (Digest, p. 169, C, II, E, 1.) (/) The thirty-ninth article of war does not deprive a court-martial of jurisdiction of an offense after the periods prescribed. The court still has jurisdiction. The article gives the accused a right of exemption from trial if the accused claims the exemption and proves it. In other words, the exemption from trial is a defense that the accused must assert in order to take advantage of it. The defense may be made by entering a plea in bar, or it may be made after a plea of not guilty by introducing evidence showing the facts that entitle him to the exemption. (g) In each case tried by general court-martial in which, upon the face of the record, it appears that the accused might successfully plead the statute of limitations but in which he has not interposed such plea, it shall be made to appear of record that the president of the court, or the law member advised the accused of his legal rights in the premises, and such advice of the president or law member and the response of the accused thereto will appear in the record. The same rule will apply in a special court-martial in any case where the evidence is made of record. 150. PARDON. A pardon is an act of the President which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has committed. (See Words and Phrases, vol. 6, p. 5168, and authorities there cited.) 151. CONSTRUCTIVE CONDONATION. Where a deserter has been restored to duty without trial by authority competent to order his trial, this action is regarded as a constructive condonation of the offense and may be pleaded in bar of trial subsequently ordered; unless such authority, before or at the time of such restoration, directed that he remain subject to trial for the offense. 121 If 152 CHAPTER IX. 152. (a) FORMER PUNISHMENT. Former punishment, i. e., that he has already been punished for the same offense by a commanding officer, under the one hundred and fourth article of war, may be pleaded in bar of trial, and, if proven, will be a bar to further proceedings. But such punishment is not a bar to trial for another crime or offense growing out of the same act or omission. (A. W. 104: Grafton v. IT. S., 208 U, S. 333, 350-351.) For instance, the fact that the accused had been so punished by his commanding officer for reckless driving resulting in a collision would not prevent his subsequent trial for involuntary manslaughter when a victim of the accident afterwards died. (b) ILLEGAL ENLISTMENT. The accused, upon arraign- ment, has sometimes pleaded that on account of some ille- gality in his enlistment, as that he was under age, or that he was enlisted for a shorter period than the law required, etc., he was not amenable to trial. But no such form of special plea is recognized in our law. If the accused, by reason of his invalid enlistment, is not duly or legally in the Army, he should regularly offer the facts in evidence under a plea to the jurisdiction or bring them out under the general issue. (Winthrop, p. 411.) (c) RELEASE FROM ARREST. Release from arrest upon the charges and restoration to duty before trial already no- ticed as not a ground for a plea of pardon or condonation is, similarly, no ground for a special plea in bar of trial. (d) OTHER FORMS OF INADMISSIBLE PLEAS. Such objec- tions (which have been taken in some cases) as that the accused, at the time of the arraignment, is undergoing a sen- tence of general court-martial; or that, owing to the long delay in bringing him to trial, he is " unable to disprove the charge or defend himself"; or that his accuser is actuated by malice or is a person of bad character, are, it need hardly be said, not proper subjects for special pleas, however much they may constitute ground for continuance, or affect the questions of the truth or falsity of the charges, or of the meas- ure of punishment. So as to all such objections as are properly matters of defense under the general issue for 122 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 153 example, that the accused committed the offense charged when insane, or intoxicated, or in obedience to a military order, or under a mistake of fact or law, etc. these are not within the scope or purpose of special pleas in bar. nor can they properly be raised in an interlocutory form, or other- wise than upon the trial and by the testimony, being, as they are, of the very substance of the defense. (Winthrop, p. 412.) 153. ACTION UPON SPECIAL PLEAS. (a) Each special plea should be stated briefly and clearly. It must also be sup- ported by evidence or legal argument to show that it is well taken. The burden of supporting a special plea by a pre- ponderance of proof rests on the accused. Both sides should be heard and the proceedings and arguments under the plea in trial by general or special court-martial recorded. The accused may make several special pleas to any charge or specification, {&) When a special plea to the jurisdiction or in bar of trial as to all the charges and specifications has been sus- tained by a court, the record of the proceedings as far as had will be forwarded to the reviewing authority with a state- ment of reasons which, in the opinion of the court, sustain its action. If the reviewing authority is in disagreement with the court in respect of the validity of the plea, the proceedings will be returned by him to the court, with reasons for such disagreement and with instructions to the court to reconvene and reconsider its action. To the extent that such pleas present issues of law, the court properly defers to the views of the reviewing authority. The order returning the proceedings for reconsideration should direct the court, upon vacating its prior action, to proceed with the trial of the case. If the reviewing authority approves the action of the court in sustaining such pleas his action will be indorsed on the proceedings and published in the final review of the case. {c) If the charge and specification to which a special plea has been sustained are not capable of amendment and 123 ^f 154 CHAPTER IX. there are other charges and specifications in the case, the trial may proceed on the other charges and specifications. (G. O. 28, W. D.,1905.) (d) When all the special pleas to a given charge or speci- fication are overruled, the accused must plead to the general issue as to that charge or specification. 154. PLEAS TO THE GENERAL ISSUE. (a) Usually the plea of the accused is "guilty" or "not guilty" to each charge and specification ; or, guilty to a specification excepting cer- tain words, and to the excepted words not guilty; or, as when charged with an offense which includes a lesser one of a kindred nature, guilty to the specification except certain words, substituting therefor certain others, to the excepted words "not guilty," to the substituted words "guilty," and to the charge not guilty, but guilty of the lesser included offense. (5) A court-martial is authorized, in any case, in its dis- cretion, to permit an accused to withdraw a plea of not guilty and substitute one of guilty, and vice versa, or to withdraw either of these general pleas and substitute a spe- cial plea. And wherever the accused applies to be allowed to change or modify his plea, the court should, in general, consent, provided the application is made in good faith and not for the purpose of delay. (c) A plea of guilty does not exclude the taking of evidence, on behalf of either the accused or the prosecu- tion, or at the request of the court. In cases where the punishment is discretionary a full knowledge of the circumstances attending the offense is essential to the court in measuring the punishment and to the reviewing author- ity in acting on the sentence. In cases where the punish- ment is mandatory, a full knowledge of the attendant cir- cumstances is necessary to the reviewing authority to enable him to comprehend the entire case and correctly judge whether the sentence should be approved or disapproved or clemency granted. The court should therefore take evi- dence after a plea of guilty, except when the specification is so descriptive as to disclose all the circumstances of mitiga- tion or aggravation. When evidence is taken after a plea 124 COURTS-MARTIAL, PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL. If 154 of "guilty," the witnesses may be cross-examined, evidence may be produced to rebut their testimony, and the court may be addressed by the prosecution or defense on the merits of the evidence and in extenuation of the offense or in mitigation of punishment. After a plea of guilty the accused will always be given an opportunity to offer evi- dence in mitigation of the offense charged if he desires to do so. NOTE. It is only in very rare cases that the specification is so de- scriptive as to disclose all the circumstances of mitigation or aggrava- tion. Therefore, as a rule the court will direct testimony taken after a plea of guilty. (d) In each case tried by a general or special court-martial in which the accused enters a plea of guilty in whole or in part as to any charge or specification, the president or the law member of the court (see par. 89a, supra) shall explain to him as to that part : First. The various elements which constitute the offense charged, as set forth in Chapter XVII, concerning the puni- tive articles of war ; and Second. The maximum punishment which may be ad- judged by the court for the offense to which he has pleaded guilty. The accused will then be asked whether he fully under- stands that by pleading guilty to such a charge or specifica- tion he admits having committed all the elements of the crime or offense charged and that he may be punished as stated. If he replies in the affirmative, the plea of guilty will stand; otherwise a plea of not guilty will be entered. The explanation of the president or law member of the court and the reply of the accused thereto shall appear in the record of trial by a general court-martial. The same rule will apply in cases tried by special court-martial when the evidence heard is made of record. In other trials by special court- martial, the fact of such explanation being given in the form prescribed in Appendix 9 to this Manual will be noted in the record. NOTE. For the form of such explanation see Appendix 9. 125 ^f 154 CHAPTER IX. (e) When the accused pleads "guilty.," and, either before or after such plea, at any time before the sentence, makes a statement or gives testimony inconsistent with his plea, the statement or testimony and plea will be considered together, and if guilt is not conclusively admitted the court will pro- ceed to trial and judgment as if he had pleaded "not guilty." (A. W. 21.) The most frequent instances of inconsistency are in cases involving a specific intent, as in desertion, lar- ceny, etc. In such cases, where before or after a plea of guilty the accused at any time before the sentence makes a statement, or gives testimony, the latter should be carefully scrutinized by the court, and if in the case of desertion in any part there is a statement that the accused had no inten- tion of remaining away; that he expected to return when he had earned some money ; or that when arrested he was on his way back to his organization, etc. ; or that (if such be the desertion alleged) he did not intend to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service; or, in the case of larceny, that he intended to return the property alleged to have been stolen, etc., the court will proceed to trial and judgment as if he had pleaded " not guilty " (A. W. 21) ; but the criminality of an intent once formed is not affected by a subsequent change of intent. (/) A plea of "guilty without criminality" is irregular and contradictory. (Winthrop, p. 414.) It is practically equivalent to a plea of " not guilty," and the court and trial judge advocate should proceed as if that plea were entered. Unless a plea of guilty is unqualified the prosecution must prove all allegations that are not specifically admitted by the accused. (g) Insanity at the time of the commission of the acts charged is a defense which may be properly made under a plea of not guilty. Insanity at the time of arraignment, or at a later stage of the trial, is a proper ground for the ar- rest of further proceedings on the charges. (See par. 219 infra.) 128 COUHTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 155 SECTION III. REFUSAL TO PLEAD. 155. ACTION. When the accused, arraigned before a court-martial, fails or refuses to plead, or answers foreign to the purpose, or when it appears to the court that he entered a plea of guilty improvidently or through lack of understanding of its meaning and effect, the court may proceed to trial and judgment as if he had pleaded not guilty. (A. W. 21.) If the court finds that the failure to plead is the result of insanity, it will proceed as indicated in Section II, para- graph 154 (#), supra, and in paragraph 219, infra. SECTION IV. MOTIONS AND OTHER INCIDENTS OF THE TRIAL. 156. MOTION TO SEVER. A motion to sever is a motion by one of two or more joint accused to be tried separately from the other or others. It will regularly be made at the ar- raignment. Except where the essence of the charge is com- bination between the parties (as in mutiny), the motion may properly be granted for good cause shown. The more common grounds of motions for severance are that the mover desires to avail himself on his trial of the testimony of one or more of his coaccused, or of the testimony of the wife of one, or that the defenses of the other accused are antagonistic to his own, or that the evidence as to them will in some manner prejudice his defense. This motion has rarely been presented to the court in our military practice. Where the prosecution desires to use one of two or more joint accused as a witness against another or others, the practice is not to move to sever, but, by order of the con- vening authority, to withdraw charges as to such one. (See Winthrop, p. 379, and authorities there quoted.) 157. MOTION TO ELECT. The prosecution is at liberty to charge an act under two or more forms, where it is doubtful under which it will more properly be brought by the testi- mony. In the military practice the accused is not entitled 127 If 158 CHAPTER IX. to call upon the prosecution to " elect " under which charge it will proceed in such, or indeed in any,- case. (Digest, p. 504, V, F.) 158. NOLLE PJROSEQUT. A nolle prosequi is a declaration of record on the part of the prosecution that it withdraws a charge or specification from the investigation and will not pursue the same further at the present trial. This authority can only be exercised by the superior who, as the representa- tive of the United States, ordered the court, and in a proper case he may, on his own initiative or on application duly made to him, instruct the trial judge advocate to enter a nolle prosequi. The principal grounds for this proceeding when duly authorized will be (a) The fact that the charge or specification is dis- covered to be substantially defective and in- sufficient in law, or (5) That it is ascertained that the allegations can not be proved, or (c) That the testimony available is not sufficient to sustain them, or (d) That the criminality of one of the accused, where there are several, can not be established, or (e) That it is proposed to use one of the accused as a witness. The withdrawal of such a charge or specification is not in itself equivalent to an acquittal or to a grant of pardon and can not be so pleaded. It simply removes from the pending case a particular charge or specification without prejudice to its being subsequently renewed in its original or a re- vised form. In court-martial practice when authorized by the appointing authority a nolle prosequi may be entered either before or after arraignment and plea. If after ar- raignment it is found that a charge or specification can not be sustained or it is determined for other reasons that the same shall not be pursued, while it would be legal to enter a nolle prosequi thereto (see form, Appendix 10), it will be the preferable course as well as most just to the accused not to do so, but to allow the accused to be formally acquitted thereon at the finding. (See Winthrop, pp. 369-371.) 128 COURTS-MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 158a 158a. Aider of Defective Specification. If a specification, while defective because of failure to allege some particular fact or element essential to the offense, nevertheless contains suffi- cient fairly to apprise the accused of the offense intended to be charged, then, if at the time of arraignment, there be no objec- tion to the specification on the ground of such omission, and if either (1) the accused pleads not guilty thereto and the record shows that the omitted fact or element has been proved at the trial without objection by the defense, or (2), upon the accused's plea of guilty to such specification, the president (or the law member of a general court) explains to the accused the various elements which constitute the offense charged therein in accord- ance with the requirements of paragraph 154d, supra, and in such explanation states and includes such omitted fact or element as one of the elements of the crime or offense charged, which the accused, by pleading guilty to such specification, admits having committed, then, in either such case, a finding of guilty will cure such defect in the specification, and neither the finding nor sen- tence need be disapproved by reason of such defect; unless it appears from the record that the accused was in fact misled by sucn failure, or that his substantial rights were in fact other- wise injuriously affected thereby; or unless the existence of such omitted fact or element is negatived by the language of the defective specification or by the language of some other specification. If, at the arraignment, or at any time during the trial, the accused objects to the sufficiency of the specification on the ground of the omission therefrom of such essential fact or ele- ment, or objects to evidence offered as to such omitted fact or element, on the ground that it is not alleged in the specification, or in case such defect is brought to the attention of the court in any other manner, the court will either (1) direct that speci- fication to be stricken out and disregarded, or else (2) the court may, in its discretion, either on motion of the trial judge advo- cate or upon its own motion, continue the case to allow the trial judge advocate to apply to the convening authority for direc- tions as to further proceedings in the case (see par. 158d, infra), or may (3) permit the specification to be so amended as to cure such omission, and continue the case for such time, as in the 21358 20 9 129 ^f 158b CHAPTER IX. opinion of the court may suffice to enable the accused properly to prepare his defense in view of the amendment (provided, however, that the court may proceed immediately with the trial upon such amendment being made, if it clearly appears from all the circumstances before the court that the accused has not in fact been misled in the preparation of his defense, and that a con- tinuance is not necessary for the protection of his substantial rights) . 158b. Variance. If at any time during the trial it appears to the court that the evidence as to any specification or charge is not legally sufficient to sustain a finding of guilty thereof or of any lesser included offense thereunder, but that there is sub- stantial evidence, either before the court or offered, tending to prove the guilt of the accused of some other offense not alleged in any specification or charge before the court, the court may in its discretion, instead of proceeding with the trial upon the plead- ings as they stand, either 1. Direct that the specification or charge in question be stricken out and disregarded; or 2. Continue the case pending an application by the trial judge advocate to the convening authority for direc- tions as to further proceedings in the case. (See par. 158d, infra.) 158c. Finding of Not Guilty at the Close of the Case for the Prosecution. Upon the close of the case for the prosecution and before the opening of the case for the defense, or the introduc- tion of any evidence for the defense or statement by the ac- cused, or at any time thereafter during the trial, before the close of the evidence, the court may, either upon its own motion or upon the suggestion of the trial judge advocate or upon sug- gestion or motion by the accused or his counsel, consider whether the evidence introduced by the prosecution, or before the court, is legally sufficient to support a finding of guilty, either as to all of the specifications and charges before the court, or as to any particular one or more thereof. And if it thereupon appears to the court that the evidence then before the court in favor of the prosecution, if that most favorable to the prosecution should all be accepted as true (regardless of any question of veracity of the witnesses or of the chances of its being successfully con- 130 COURTS- MARTIAL PROCEDURE DURING TRIAL, ^f 158d troverted or explained by the defense) with all the inferences in favor of the prosecution that may reasonably be drawn there- from, is not legally sufficient to sustain the specifications and charges, or any particular one or more thereof (that is, if there is no substantial evidence fairly tending to prove each of the essen- tial facts and elements therein alleged), then, in any such case, the court may in its discretion forthwith direct and announce in open court a finding of not guilty, either of all the specifications and charges, or of such particular specifications or charges, if any, as the court shall so find not to be supported by legally suffi- cient evidence, Every such question will be determined purely as a question of law, without any consideration of the weight of the evidence before the court or any part thereof; and such ques- tion will be determined, in the first instance, by the law member of the court, if any, or if there be no law member of the court, or he be not present, then by the president, by his ruling in open court upon the question (A. W. 31) ; but if any member of the eourt object to such ruling the court will be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote by secret ballot, as provided by the thirty-first article of war; but a denial of such motion shall never be regarded as ground, in itself, of disapprov- ing a finding or sentence. 158d. CONVENING AUTHORITY. ACTION WHEN COURT- MARTIAL REQUESTS DIRECTIONS, Whenever a trial judge advocate, by the directions of a court-martial, under the pre- visions of paragraph 158a or of paragraph 158b, supra, or under any other paragraph of this Manual, or otherwise,, applies to the convening authority for directions as to further proceed- ings in a case, the convening authority will refer the matter to his staff judge advocate for consideration and advice, who will report to him thereon in accordance with the provisions of para- graph 76b, supra, The convening authority will thereupon take such action as may appear to Mm to be proper under the cir- cumstances of the case. 131 CHAPTER X. COURTS-MARTIAI^-WITNESSES AND DEPOSITIONS. Section I: Attendance of witnesses: Page. 159. Process to obtain witnesses 133 160. Service of subpoena 134 161. Summoning of witnesses 134 162. Advance notice to witnesses 135 163. Attendance of military witnesses 135 164. Procedure to secure attendance of civilian witness 135 165. When accused must be confronted with witness _ 136 166. Procedure to obtain books, documents, or papers 137 167. Civilian witness in confinement 137 168. Warrant of attachment. 137 169. Habeas corpus proceedings in connection with attach- ments 138 170. Punishment for refusal to appear or testify 139 171. Same in Philippine Islands 140 172. Tender of fees preliminary to prosecution 141 173. Contempts 141 (a) Authority to punish 141 (&) Persons who may be punished for contempt 141 (c) Direct and constructive contempts 142 (d) Procedure 142 Section II: Depositions: 174. When admissible 143 174a. Depositions upon oral interrogatories 143 175. Before whom taken 143 176. Interrogatories, how submitted 144 177. Procedure to obtain deposition 144 178. Tracing delayed depositions 146 179. Designation of deponent by official title 146 180. Deponent's answers to be responsive 146 181. Fees for taking depositions 146 181J. Depositions upon oral interrogatories Procedure 146 182. Taking depositions in foreign country 148 Section III : Fees, mileage, and expenses of witnesses : 183. Officers and soldiers, active or retired 149 184. Civilians in Government employ 149 185. Civilians not in Government employ 150 186. Payment for return journey 151 132 COURTS-MARTIAL WITNESSES AND DEPOSITIONS, ^f 159 Section III, Fees, mileage, and expenses of witnesses Contd. Page. 187. Contents of vouchers 151 188. Witness in several trials on same day 151 189. Voucher to be delivered to witness 151 190. Lost voucher 152 191. Fees for service of subpoanas 152 192. Employment of experts 152 193. Expenses of courts-martial, etc., how payable 152 SECTION I. ATTENDANCE OF WITNESSES. 159. PROCESS TO OBTAIN WITNESSES. Every trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial and every summary court-martial shall have power to issue the like process to compel witnesses to appear and testify which courts of the United States having criminal jurisdiction may lawfully issue ; but such process shall run to any part of the United States, its Territories, and possessions. (A. W. 22.) The authority to issue such process is in terms vested solely in the trial judge advocate of a general or special court- martial and in a summary court-martial, and it is by them alone that the process can be initiated. The trial judge advocate, however, will sometimes properly consult the court as to the desirability of resorting to an attachment, espe- cially where any considerable time may be required for the service and return of the same, and an unusual adjournment may thus be necessitated. He will also properly resort to it whenever the court in its desire to secure the best or mate- rial evidence not otherwise procurable calls upon him for the purpose. (Winthrop, p. 298.) It is the duty of the trial judge advocate to issue process to compel the attendance of witnesses desired on behalf of the de- fense upon the request of the defense counsel or of other counsel for the accused, but he may properly consult the court as to the desirability of resorting to an attachment for such purposes where any considerable time may be required for the service and return of the same and an unusual adjournment may thus be necessitated, if the evidence desired by the accused can be ob- 133 *[ 160 CHAPTER X. tained in another manner, or if the trial judge advocate is will- ing to admit that the absent witness or witnesses, if present, would testify as stated by the accused. (See par. 140, supra.) NOTE 1. For power to issue process to secure the attendance and testimony of witnesses before courts-martial in the National Guard not in the service of the United States, see section 108, National Defense Act of June 3, 1916, 39 Stat. 209, Appendix 2. 2. Wherever in this section reference is made to issue of such process by a trial judge advocate, a summary court-martial will be understood to be included. 3. An admission that an absent witness would, if present, testify in a particular manner does not admit the fact to be as the witness would testify. The admission simply stands in the place of the testimony of the witness and may be attacked or contradicted or explained in the same way as though the witness had been sworn and had testified to the tilings covered by the admission. 4. The admission of the truth of a statement or of the existence of a fact is a wholly different thing. 160. SERVICE OF SUBPOENA. A subpoena for the attend- ance of a civilian witness is issued in duplicate. It may be legally served by either a person in the military service or a civilian. Usually service is made by an officer or noncom- missioned officer. Service is made by personal delivery of one of the -copies to the witness. The proof of service is made by indorsing on the remaining copy a sworn statement that service was made. (For service by mail and accept- ance of same, see par. 161, infra.) After making service a copy of the subpoena will be promptly returned to the trial judge .advocate of the court with the proof of service. If the witness can not be found, the trial judge advocate should be promptly so informed. A trial judge advocate can not subpoena a civilian witness to appear before himself for pre- liminary examination. NOTE. For form and subpoena and proof of service, see Appendix 19. 161. SUMMONING OF WITNESSES. The trial judge advo- cate will summon the necessary witnesses for the trial, but will not summon witnesses at the expense of the Govern- ment without the order of the court, unless satisfied that their testimony is material and necessary. In order that the accused may not be denied a full opportunity to make 134 COURTS-MARTIAL WITNESSES AND DEPOSITIONS. If 162 his defense any witness requested by him is usually sum- moned, and any witness designated by the defense counsel of a general or special court-martial will be summoned. But a reasonable discretion should be exercised by the defense coun- sel where the summoning of the number of witnesses re- quested by the accused or by individual counsel would result in an unreasonable inconvenience or expense to the Govern- ment. In such instances the defense counsel should ascertain whether the testimony required of the witness is not merely cumulative, or as to an unimportant point that one or two witnesses would be sufficient to render conclusive, or as to which the trial judge advocate will consent to admit the facts expected from the witness's testimony. 162. ADVANCE NOTICE TO WITNESSES. The trial judge ad- vocate will endeavor to issue subpoenas to civilian witnesses and to make -request for the attendance of military witnesses at such time as will give each witness at least 24 hours' notice before starting to attend the meeting of the court. 163. ATTENDANCE OF MILITARY WITNESSES. The attend- ance of persons in the military service stationed at the place of meeting of the court, or so near that no expense of trans- portation will be involved, will ordinarily be obtained by informal notice served by the trial judge advocate on the person concerned that his attendance as a witness is desired. If for any reason formal notice is required, the trial judge advocate will request the proper commanding officer to order him to attend, but if mileage is involved the area or department commander or other proper superior will be requested to issue the necessary order. Fees will not be paid to military witnesses on the active list, and they are entitled only to the mileage allowances due them under their travel orders. The attendance as witnesses of persons on the re- tired list (not assigned to active duty) should be obtained in the same manner, and they are entitled to the same fees and mileage as civilian witnesses not in the Government em- ploy. No travel order will be issued in such cases. 164. PROCEDURE TO SECURE ATTENDANCE OF CIVILIAN WIT- NESS. Unless he has reason to believe that a formal service of subpoena will be required, the trial judge advocate will 135 ^[ 165 CHAPTER X. endeavor to secure the attendance of a civilian witness by correspondence with him, sending him duplicate subpoana properly filled out, with a request to accept service on one by signing the printed statement, "I hereby accept service of the above subpoena," and to return same to the trial judge advocate, for which purpose a return addressed pen- alty envelope should be inclosed. Ordinarily there will be no difficulty in securing the voluntary attendance of a civil- ian witness if he is informed that his fees and mileage will not be reduced by reason of his voluntary attendance and that a voucher for his fees and mileage going to and return- ing from the place of the sitting of the court-martial will be delivered to him promptly on being discharged from attendance on the court. If such informal methods are in- effective, formal duplicate subpo3na will be issued by the trial judge advocate with a view to service on the witness. If the witness is at or near the post where the court is sit- ting, the service will be by the trial judge advocate or by some person designated by him. If the witness is not at or near the post where the court is sitting, but is at or near another military post, command, or detachment, the trial judge advocate will send the duplicate subpoena direct to the commanding officer of such post, command, or detachment, requesting service of the same. Upon receipt of the request the officer receiving it will serve the subpoena or cause it to be served. The service will be made without delay, and the retained copy of the subpoena, with proof of service indorsed on it, will be sent at once direct to the trial judge advocate. If in any instance travel is necessary to serve the subpoena, a request will promptly be made by the commanding officer of the post, command, or detachment on the proper author- ity for travel orders. If the witness does not reside near a post, command, or detachment, the subpoena will be sent direct to the area or department or other proper commander requesting service of the same. (See par. 159, notes, supra.) 165. WHEN ACCUSED MUST BE CONFRONTED WITH WIT- NESS. Depositions can not be introduced by the prosecution in capital cases. (A. W. 25.) (As to what are capital cases, see par. 41, supra.) In such cases, therefore, as well as in 136 COURTS-MARTIAL WITNESSES AND DEPOSITIONS. *[j 166 others in which the trial judge advocate or the defense counsel believes that the interests of justice demand that the accused be confronted by a witness against him, or believes that for any reason a witness should testify in the presence of the court, the trial judge advocate will take the necessary steps to secure the attendance of such witness or witnesses. NOTE. A case referred to a special court-martial for trial, under the provisions of the last proviso of A. W. 12 as amended by the code of 1920, is not a " capital case " within the meaning of this paragraph, since a special court-martial has no power to impose the death penalty. 166. PROCEDURE TO OBTAIN BOOKS, DOCUMENTS, OR PAPERS. If a civilian has in his possession a book, docu- ment, or paper desired to be introduced in evidence, a sub- poena duces tecum will be prepared and issued by the trial judge advocate directing the person to appear in court and to bring with him such book, document, or paper, which should be described in sufficient detail to enable it to be readily identified. NOTE. For form, see Appendix 19. 167. CIVILIAN WITNESS IN CONFINEMENT. The testimony of a witness who is in confinement in the hands of the civil authorities will ordinarily be obtained by means of a depo- sition (A. W. 25), but if for any reason it is necessary that such a witness testify in court, an endeavor should be made by the trial judge advocate to make arrangements with the civil authorities to obtain his appearance. 168. WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. In view of the provi- sions of A. W. 23 providing for the punishment on informa- tion before a district court of the United States or in a court of original criminal jurisdiction in any of the territorial possessions of the United States of a civilian who willfully neglects or refuses, after he has been duly subpoenaed, to ap- pear as a witness before any military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, or before any officer, military or civil, designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before such court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, cir- cumstances requiring the issue of a warrant of attachment will be very rare. (For form, see Appendix 20.) When- 137 If 169 CHAPTER X. ever it becomes necessary to issue a warrant of attachment, the trial judge advocate or summary court-martial will direct or deliver it for execution to an officer designated by the area or department commander for the purpose. (12 Op. Atty. Gen., 501.) As the arrest of a person under a war- rant ol attachment involves depriving him of his liberty, the authority for such action may be inquired into by a writ of habeas corpus. For this reason the officer executing the war- rant of attachment should be provided with the following papers to enable him to make a full return in case a writ of habeas corpus is served upon him : (a) A copy of the charges in the case, sworn to be a full and true copy of the original by the trial judge advocate of the court (or summary court-martial). (b) A copy of the order appointing the court-martial, sworn to be a full and true copy of the original by the trial judge advocate of the court (or summary court-martial). (c) A copy of the order referring the charges to the court for trial, sworn to be a full and true copy of the original by the trial judge advocate (or summary court-martial). (d) The original subpoena, showing proof of service of same. (e) An affidavit of the trial judge advocate or summary court-martial that the person being attached is a material witness in the case; that he has failed and neglected to appear, although sufficient time has elapsed for that pur- pose; and that no valid excuse has been offered for such failure to appear. (/) The original warrant of attachment. In executing such process it is lawful to use only such force as may be necessary to bring the witness before the court. Whenever force is actually required, the post com- mander nearest the residence of the witness will furnish a military detail sufficient to execute the process. 169. HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH ATTACHMENTS. (a) If, in executing a warrant of attach- ment, the officer detailed for that purpose should be served with a writ of habeas corpus from any United States court, or by a United States judge, for the production of the wit- 138 COURTS-MARTIAL WITNESSES AETD DEPOSITIONS. DEPOSITIONS. ^ 186 occupied to be determined by the official schedules, reasonable allow- ance being made for unavoidable detention. 2. These rates apply to the Philippine Islands. (See Cir. 45, A, G. O., 1902.) 3. A civilian not in Government employ, when furnished transporta tion on transport or other Government conveyance, is entitled to 57.142 per cent of 5 cents per mile (equal to 2.857 cents per mile). (Cornp. Dec., Aug. 20, 1902, published in Cir. 45, A. G. O., 1902.) 186. PAYMENT FOR RETURN JOURNEY. The charges for re- turn journeys of witnesses will be made upon the basis of the actual charges allowed for travel to the place of giving testi- mony, and the entire amount thus completed will be paid upon discharge from attendance, without waiting for com- pletion of return travel. 187. CONTENTS OF VOUCHERS. The items of expenditure authorized for civilian witnesses will be set forth in detail and made a part of each voucher for reimbursement. No other items will be allowed. The certificate of the trial judge advocate, or other officer, will be evidence of the fact and period of attendance, and will be made upon the voucher. When payment is made under the provisions of paragraph 184, the correctness of the items will be attested by the affi- davit of the witness, to be made, when practicable, before the officer who certifies the voucher. 188. WITNESS IN SEVERAL TRIALS ON SAME DAY. A civil- ian attending as a witness in several court-martial trials on the same day is entitled to a separate fee for attendance in each case (Dig. Dec. Comp., 1894 to 1902, p. 476), but will receive mileage in only one case. 189. VOUCHER TO BE DELIVERED TO WITNESS. A civilian witness not in Government employ who appears to testify is entitled, upon his discharge from attendance, to receive from the trial judge advocate, if any (or summary court, recorder of court of inquiry or board, etc.), his witness voucher prop- erly filled out. If not practicable to deliver to the witness his voucher at that time, his address will be obtained and his witness voucher will be promptly forwarded to the nearest disbursing finance officer. To entitle a witness to the pay- ment of fees and mileage it is not essential that he should produce a subpoena. 151 ^[ 190 CHAPTER X. 190. LOST VOUCHER. Where the voucher of a witness has been lost, a new voucher may be issued by the trial judge advocate upon a satisfactory showing of such loss, supported by affidavit. The new voucher should be so noted as to in- dicate its character and should be forwarded to the Chief of Finance for settlement. 191. FEES FOR SERVICE OF SUBPCEXA. There is no fee or compensation fixed by statute or regulation for the service of subpoena to secure the attendance of witnesses before mili- tary courts. Ordinarily service will be made by an officer or soldier or other person subject to military law, but if service by a civilian is deemed by the trial judge advocate or area or department, division, camp, or other superior commander to be preferable, the services of a civilian may be used, and the fees and mileage allowed by law in that locality for similar services may be paid by a finance officer from the appropria- tion " for expenses of courts-martial, etc." 192. EMPLOYMENT OF EXPERTS. When the employment of an expert is necessary during a trial by court-martial the necessity for such employment should be made to appear by a resolution of the court. This resolution will be forwarded by the trial judge advocate, in advance of the employment, to the authority appointing the court, with a request for authority to employ the expert and for a decision as to the compensation to be paid him. The request should, if practi- cable, state the compensation that is recommended by the trial judge advocate and the defense counsel. The compensa- tion of the expert, including the compensation for photo- graphs that may be necessary in connection with his testi- mony, will be paid out of the appropriation " for expenses of courts-martial, etc." NOTE. Where, in advance of trial, the trial judge advocate or the defense counsel knows that the employment of an expert will be necessary, he should, without delay, apply to the appointing authority for authority to employ the expert, stating the necessity therefor and probable cost thereof. 193. EXPENSES or COURTS-MARTIAL, ETC., How PAYABLE. The fees of civilian witnesses, the mileage of both civil and militan' witnesses, the legal fee of the proper official for certified copy of a marriage certificate, the expense of pro- 152 COURTS-MARTIAL WITNESSES AND DEPOSITIONS, ^f 193 curing a transcript of a stenographer's notes of testimony taken before a United States commissioner, the fees of a notary for swearing a witness, and the expenses (in- cluding railway fare and hotel bills) of a United States consul stationed in a foreign country in taking depositions, when such items are incurred in connection with a trial be- fore a court-martial or military commission, or investi- gation before a court of inquiry, and other necessary expenses, are paid by the Finance Department out of the annual appro- priation " for expenses of courts-martial, etc." If no finance officer be present at the place where the court it sitting, the vouchers may be transmitted direct to any finance officer. Such vouchers are not transferable. NOTE. Blank vouchers may be procured from any disbursing finance officer. 153 CHAPTER XI. COURTS-MARTIALEVIDENCE. (Revised and approved by Professor Wigrnore, Colonel, Judge Advocate, Reserve Corps.) Section I. Introductory provisions: 194. General remarks 157 195. The issues 158 198. Analysis of evidence by trial judge advocate and counsel 159 197. Duties of court Opening statements 160 198. Rules of evidence for courts-martial 161 199. Rules where found 162 200. Rules of evidence to be applied irrespective of rank 163 201. Protection of witnesses 163 202. Evidence must be material and relevant 163 202a. Court-martial should reject improper evidence al- though not objected to 165 Section II. Circumstantial evidence : 203. Circumstantial evidence 165 204. Illustration of difference between good and bad circum- stantial evidence 166 205. Accused's bad character 167 206. Same Exceptions 167 Section III. Testimonial evidence: 207. Testimonial evidence 169 208. Competency rule in general 169 209. Elements of competency of witness 169 210. General capacity of witness 169 210a. Children as witnesses 170 211. Moral incapacity of witness 170 212. Mental incapacity of witness 170 213. Interest or bias 170 214. Where accused is witness 171 215. Procedure where accused fails to testify or make a statement 172 216. Effect of turning state's evidence 173 217. Competency of accused when testifying against an ac- complice 173 218. Expert capacity 173 219. Insanity or mental defect or derangement of accused 174 220. Testimonial knowledge 179 221. Hearsay rule ISO 221a. Exceptions to the hearsay rule 1S1 222. Dying declarations 183 223. Res gestse 184 154 COURTS-MARTIAL* EVIDENCE. Section III. Testimonial evidence Continued. Page. 223a. Identification of the accused 185 224. Evidence of conspirators and accomplices 185 225. Confessions 186 226. Admissions against interest 190 227. Privileged communications 190 228. Privilege of wife and husband to testify 192 229. Telegrams not privileged 193 230. Confidential papers 193 231. Communications from officers or soldiers to medical officer not privileged 193 232. Communications between civilian physicians and pa- tients not privileged 194 233. Compulsory self-crimination prohibited 194 (a) Where privilege as to self-crimination ceases- 194 234. Privilege against self-crimination is a personal one 195 235. Procedure where alleged incriminating question is asked 195 236. Not self-crimination to require accused to submit to physical examination 195 Section IV. Documents: 236a. General rules applicable to documents 197 (1.) Rule 1. Production of the original 197 (2.) Rule 2. Giving testimonial status to a writing 197 (3.) Rule 3. Hearsay rule exception for official statements 197 (4) Rule ^Authentication 198 236b. Writings not in dispute 198 237. Manner of proving contents of writing 199 237a. Report of investigation officer Summary of evidence of preliminary investigation 200 238. Public records 201 238a. Certain official writings are evidence of facts recited therein 201 239. Authentication of writings 202 240. Comparison of handwriting 202 241. Use of memoranda 203 242. Memorandum as evidence 204 243. Memorandum for refreshing recollection 204 244. Books of account 204 245. Maps, photographs, etc ; 205 Section V. Examination of witnesses : 246. Witnesses examined apart from each other 205 247. Objections to competency; when made 205 248. Number of witnesses required 205 249. Order of examination of witnesses 206 250. Direct, examination Identification of accused 207 i 155 CHAPTER XI. flection V. Examination of witnesses Continued. Page. 251. Cross-examination 207 252. Redirect and recross examination 207 253. Examination by the court 207 253a. Questions by members of the court 208 254. Leading questions Double questions 208 255. Recalling of witnesses 211 Section VI. Credibility of witnesses : 256. What credibility consists in 211 257. Proof of character by general reputation 212 258. Conviction of crime 212 258a. Corroborative statements Identification of accused. 212 259. Contradiction by other witnesses 213 260. Inconsistent statements 214 261. Prejudice, bias, etc 215 262. Credibility of accused as a witness 215 262. Impeachment of one's own witness 215 Section VII. Depositions and former testimony: 263. Depositions admissible 216 264. Depositions for defense in capital cases 216 265. Objections as to competency of witness and adniissi- bility of evidence 216 266. Examination of deposition by counsel 217 267. Reading of depositions 217 268. Miscellaneous provisions as to depositions 217 269. Affidavits not admissible 218 270. Certificate of discharge 218 271. Statement of service 218 272. Former testimony before csurt of inquiry 218 273. Evidence of pardon 219 274. Evidence of former trial by court-martial or civil court 219 275. Former testimony in civil courts and courts-martial 220 Section VIII. Presumptions: 276. Presumptions 220 277. Presumptions of law 220 278. Presumptions of fact 221 279. Prima facie evidence 222 280. Intent in connection with crimes 222 281. Intent in military cases 223 282. Ignorance of law 224 283. Ignorance of fact 224 284. Evidence of desertion 225 (a) Statutory rules of evidence 227 285. Drunkenness as showing absence of intent 228 286. Drunkenness in military cases 229 287. Proof of drunkenness 229 288. Reasonable doubt and burden of proof 230 Section IX. Judicial notice: 289. Judicial notice 231 156 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. *f 194 SECTION I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS. 194. GENERAL REMARKS. The oath taken by members of general and special courts requires them to try and determine " according to evidence " the matter before them. A sum- mary court, although it does not take such an oath, will also determine the matter before it solely on the evidence in the case, and no evidence would be admissible before a sum- mary court that is not admissible before general and special courts. The evidence thus referred to, according to which the court must decide the case, means all the matters of fact which the court permits to be introduced, or of which it takes judicial notice, with a view to prove or disprove the charges. Every item of this evidence must be introduced in open court, and it would be seriously irregular and im- proper for any member of the court to convey to other mem- bers, or to consider himself, any personal information that he possessed as to the merits of the case or the character of the accused without stating it in open court and, if a wit- ness for the prosecution, retiring as a member of the court, as provided in A. W. 8 and 9. But while their knowledge of the facts must come to them from the evidence, the members are expected to utilize their common sense, their knowledge of human nature, and the ways of the world in weighing the evidence and arriving at a finding. In the light of all the circumstances of the case, they should consider the in- herent probability or improbability of the evidence given by the several witnesses, and with this in mind the court may properly believe one witness and disbelieve several whose testimony is in conflict with that of the one. The methods which are employed by courts of justice to ascertain the facts that is, the truth respecting any past transaction closely resemble those resorted to by an indi- vidual for a similar purpose. If A desires to ascertain whether a particular act did or did not take place, he ad- dresses himself to those who were in a situation to observe the occurrence itself, and so endeavors to obtain from each person present his version of the occurrence. From the 157 ^f 195 CHAPTER XI. testimony thus obtained he forms his conclusion as to whether or not the act took place. In the course of his in- vestigation, however, he finds that all who were present and witnessed the occurrence as bystanders do not give testimony of equal importance or value. Some having greater powers of observation or better memories than others give in conse- quence more valuable testimony. Some of the witnesses, being children or persons of weak or unsound mind, are without the requisite mental capacity to observe facts or to appreciate their relations to each other; others, by reason of their moral character, are not regarded as worthy of belief by their fellow citizens; still others were insane or quite under the influence of intoxicating liquor at the time of the occurrence, and so were incapacitated from observing. A, therefore, rejects some of the statements as entirely un- trustworthy; to others he attaches weight in proportion to their worthiness of belief, and so endeavors to reach a con- clusion as to the truth of the occurrence or event which was the original subject of his inquiry. (Davis, p. 244.) 195. THE ISSUES. It is well to understand, in the begin- ning of this consideration of the rules of evidence, the purpose for which the evidence is to be introduced in the manner prescribed and laid down by the rules. The pur- pose is to elucidate and settle the issues raised in the case and to confine the evidence to such issues, under a well devised and developed system of limitations that experience has shown to best conserve the interests of all concerned. In every criminal case the burden is on the prosecution to prove, by relevant evidence, (a) that the offense charged was really committed, (6) that the accused committed it, and (c) that the accused had the requisite criminal intent at the time. These three facts broadly constitute the issues in the case. Incidental issues will be formed by the necessity for proof of the essentials of an offense. Not only the allega- tions set out in the charges and specifications, but the com- ponent parts of such allegations as well, raise the issues to be decided. For instance, in a case of larceny, where it is charged that the accused " did take, steal, and carry away " certain articles of value, the component parts of the alle- 153 COTJRTS-MAKTIAL EVIDENCE. If 196 gallon not specifically set out are that such articles were taken (a) fraudulently and (b) with the felonious intent of depriving the owner of them. 196. ANALYSIS OF EVIDENCE BY Trial JUDGE ADVOCATE AND COUNSEL. The ends of justice and saving of time of all con- cerned imperatively demand careful analysis by both trial judge advocate and counsel for accused of the evidence re- quisite for proof of and defense against the offenses charged. As a prerequisite to such analysis the law as to the offenses charged should be studied with a view to determining the essential elements of the offense ; that is, the things that must be proved by the trial judge advocate in order to justify a conviction and those that must be offered by the defense to disprove or place in reasonable doubt the proof offered by the prosecution. In other words, the prosecution and defense should limit the proffer of testimony to that which is relevant to these issue's, and these only, and should prepare the case with only that in view. The essentials of the offense (see Chap. XVII) should be so clearly defined in the preparation of the case that both the trial judge advocate and counsel for accused may be ready, by appropriate objections before the court, to limit the introduction of evidence to relevant matter only, bearing in mind that only the essentials of the offense must be proved and that what may be properly con- sidered surplusage may be disregarded. Before trial an examination of all the sources of the evi- dence to be submitted should be made by the trial judge advocate and counsel for accused, and a determination as to the order in which it will be introduced should be reached. The case should be presented in sequence of events as nearly as possible, just as a story would be told by one party who had seen everything to which the different witnesses will testify. When several offenses are charged, especially if un- related, the evidence should be directed to the development of their proof in the order charged, so that neither the court nor the accused may be in doubt at any time as to the specific offense to which the testimony being given refers. Counsel for accused should adhere to the same principle in present- ing evidence for the defense. 159 T[ 197 CHAPTER XI. NOTE 1. Wherever the phrase "counsel for the accused," or any similar phrase, is used in this chapter, or elsewhere in this Manual, it is to be understood, unless the context indicates otherwise, as including both the defense counsel of the court and any individual counsel for the accused. NOTE 2. It is the duty of the defense counsel to begin the prep- aration of the case for trial on behalf of the accused, immediately upon charges being referred for trial to a court of which he is the defense counsel, without waiting for the appointment or retaining of any individual counsel; and, if individual counsel be afterwards assigned or retained, to give him the benefit of such preparation. In case individual counsel has been assigned or retained prior to the ref- erence of the case for trial, the defense counsel will, if the accused desires, cooperate in the preparation of the case for trial, in accord- ance with the provisions of A. W. 17, as associate counsel for the accused. 197. DUTIES OF COURT OPENING STATEMENTS. If the court will augment the preparation invoked in the preceding paragraph by constantly bearing in mind what the issues are and holding the trial judge advocate and counsel strictly to them, it will tend to the expedition of business, the securing of justice, and the conservation of the interests of all con- cerned. The court should have before it as a guide, always by reference to this Manual in each case, the following essen- tial considerations as to any evidence that may be tendered : (1) That it is relevant to the issue; (2) that it is not within the rule rejecting hearsay evidence; (3) that, if it is a con- fession or admission, it is legally admissible ; (4) that where documents are used the original should be obtained (except when a copy is admissible) and that the genuineness should be verified; (5) that any witnesses called are legally compe- tent to give evidence; (6) that the examination of witnesses is fairly and properly conducted. (Confer, Brit. M. M. M., Ch. VI, par. 105.) Further reference will always be had to the paragraphs of the Manual that set out the gist of the offenses charged (see Chap. XVII) , and these will be read to the court in each case by the trial judge advocate immediately after the ac- cused has pleaded to the charges and specifications. It will be appropriate in all cases and in an important or complicated case it will be required by the court for the trial judge advocate, before proceeding with the introduc- tion of evidence, to make a brief statement of " the nature 160 COURTS -MARITAL EVIDENCE. ^f 198 of the issues to be tried and what he expects to prove" (1 Thompson on Trials, 246) to sustain them. Counsel for the accused may also make an opening statement as to his de- fense, either just following the statement of the trial judge advocate or just after the trial judge advocate has rested his case, as counsel deems better, but the latter course is cus- tomary. It would be highly reprehensible for either trial judge advocate or counsel to get before the court in such opening statement, as a probable means of influencing its judgment, matters as to which no evidence is intended to be offered or as to which it is known that the evidence to be offered is clearly inadmissible, just as it would be so repre- hensible for either to suggest for the same purpose, by ques- tions propounded to a witness, matters known not to exist or that the rules of evidence clearly make inadmissible. NOTE. A violation by the trial judge advocate of the rule stated in the last sentence may require disapproval of the findings and sentence of the court, particularly in a close case. 198. RULES OF EVIDENCE FOR COURTS-MARTIAL. Prior to the acts of August 29, 1916, and June 4, 1920 (A. W., 38), courts-martial followed in general the rules of evidence, in- cluding the rules as to competency of witnesses to testify, that are applied by Federal courts in criminal cases. These consisted of the rules of the common law as they existed in the several States at the adoption of the Federal Consti- tution in 1789, as modified from time to time by subsequent acts of Congress. But courts-martial were, however, not re- quired by express statute to follow these rules, and had always been allowed to pursue a more liberal course in re- gard to the admission of testimony than do, habitually, the civil tribunals. Their purpose was to do justice ; and if the effect of a technical rule was found to be to exclude material facts or otherwise obstruct a full investigation, it was deemed that the rule may and should be departed from. Proper occasions, however, for such departures were regarded as ex- ceptional and unfrequent. (Winthrop, 473.) It was be- lieved that " courts-martial had much better err on the side of liberality toward a prisoner than, by endeavoring to solve nice and technical refinements of the laws of evidence, 21358 20 11 161 If 199 CHAPTER XI. assume the risk of injuriously denying him a proper latitude for defense." (G. C. M. O. 32, 1872; see 3 Grecnleaf, sees. 469, 476.) But now, by the provisions of the acts of August 29, 1916, and June 4, 1920 (A. W. 38) : " The President may, by regulations, which he may modify from time to time, prescribe the procedure, including modes of proof, in cases before courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military commissions, and other military tribunals, which regulations shall, in so far as he shall deem practicable, apply the rules of evidence generally recog- nized in the trial of criminal cases in the district courts of the United States: Provided, That nothing contrary to or inconsistent with these articles shall be so prescribed: Provided further, That all rules made in pursuance of this article shall be laid before the Con- gress annually." The modes of proof, therefore, including the rules of admissibility for testimony of witnesses and other evidence, are now by express congressional enactment placed under the authority of Executive regulation; and the rules laid down in this Manual have the force of such regulation. They therefore form the only binding rules, except such rules of evidence as are expressly prescribed (1) in the Articles of War; (2) in the Federal Constitution; and (3) in such Federal statutes as expressly- mention courts-martial. 199. RULES, WHERE FOUND. The common-law rules of evidence, with their legislative modifications, form the basis of the present regulations. These rules have been the sub- ject of much interpretation by the courts, which will be found in the published decisions of such courts. While re- sort to textbooks and decisions will sometimes be necessary in the trial of an especially difficult case, it is the purpose of this chapter to state the rules of evidence applicable to trials by courts-martial in sufficient fullness to cover the field in prac- tically all cases. Where the rule herein laid down is clear it should be taken as law (subject to the discretionary relaxa- tion noted in par. 198), unless modified by Federal statute or some decision of the Federal courts thereunder made since the date of the publication of this Manual. Where, in the preparation of a case, the trial judge advo- cate or counsel finds that the rules laid down in this chapter are not sufficiently specific clearly to settle a specially impor- tant question as to the competency of a witness to testify or 162 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 200 as to the admissibility of evidence intended to be introduced or likely to be offered against him, he should secure in ad- vance of the trial and have with him in court authorities to sustain his contentions for such admission or exclusion. But it should be kept in mind that the use of such au- thorities is merely to inform the court of the reason of a rule or the good sense and fairness of a proposed ruling, and not to control the decision of the court with binding effect. This caution rests on two grounds of principle : First, because the State decisions and statutes and the writers of treatises never have had any binding effect on courts-martial, the Federal statutes and decisions being the only ones that are entitled to such effect; and, secondly, because since the Federal statutes -of August 29, 1916, and June 4, 1920 (A. W. 38), the modes of proof in courts-martial are governed by regulations -issued by presidential order, as explained in paragraph 198, supra, 200. KULES OF EVIDENCE TO BE APPLIED IRRESPECTIVE OF HANK. The rules of evidence should be applied by military courts irrespective of the rank of the person to be affected. Thus a witness for the prosecution, whatever be his rank or office, may always be asked on cross-examination whether he has not expressed animosity toward the accused, as well as whether he has not on a previous occasion made a statement contradictory to or materially different from that embraced in his testimony. Such questions are admissible by the es- tablished law of evidence and imply no disrespect to the witness, nor can the witness properly decline to answer them on the ground that it is disrespectful to him thus to attempt to discredit him. (Digest, p. 529, XI, A, 3.) 201. PROTECTION OF WITNESSES. It is the duty of the court to protect every witness from irrelevant, insulting, or im- proper questions; from harsh or insulting treatment; and from unnecessary inquiry into his private affairs. The court must forbid any question which appears to be intended merely to insult or annoy a witness, or which, though proper in itself, appears- to be needlessly offensive in form. 202. EVIDENCE MUST BE MATERIAL AND RELEVANT. (1) Evidence to be admissible must be not only competent and 163 If 202 CHAPTER XI. material, but relevant to the issues in the case. Evidence is not material when the fact which it aims to prove is not a part of the issues in the case. Evidence is not relevant when, though the fact which it aims to prove is material, yet the evidence itself is too remote or far-fetched to have any probative value for that purpose. (2) Where evidence is apparently irrelevant it may, how- ever (but only rarely and under exceptional circumstances), be admitted provisionally upon a statement of the trial judge advocate or counsel that other facts later to be proved will show its relevancy, but the court should afterwards exclude it if its relevancy is not ultimately shown.. NOTE. Resort should rarely be had to the practice of allowing either side to introduce apparently irrelevant evidence, upon a promise to connect it up later. It frequently leads to controversy as to whether the promise has been made good, and often results in getting improper matter into the record, which may sometimes require a disapproval of the findings and sentence of the court. It is always safer, and will usually be found to save time and shorten the record in the end, to require the party offering the evidence to first prove the facts showing its relevancy. He may, for that purpose, be permitted to temporarily withdraw a witness or witnesses and to fecall one or more witnesses who have been partially examined. (3) Indirect evidence is known as circumstantial evidence, and signifies merely any and all evidence which is not testi- monial; i. e., the assertion of a witness or other person. For example, on a charge of larceny of a wallet, the state- ment of a witness that he saw the accused take the wallet from the owner's overcoat is testimonial evidence ; the find- ing of the wallet hidden in the blanket belonging to the accused is circumstantial evidence. Obviously a fact consti- tuting circumstantial evidence must itself usually be proved in its turn by testimonial evidence ; for example, the finding of the wallet as indicated above would be evidenced by a sergeant's testimony that he searched the accused's blanket and found the wallet. (4) Testimonial evidence is thus classed by itself, because the weight to be given to testimony is subject to a group of considerations which affect all human assertions alike, as dis- tinguished from circumstantial evidence which is of infinite 164 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 20 2 a varieties having relatively few features in common with each other. 202a. Court-Martial Should Reject Improper Evidence Al- though Not Objected To. A court-martial should refuse to re- ceive improper evidence, either testimonial or documentary, even though not objected to by the accused. The reception of im- proper evidence may be so injurious to the substantial rights of the accused as to require disapproval of the findings and sen- tence of the court, even though it was not objected to by the defense. (C. M. No. 134116, Woodland, Dec. 11, 1S19; C. M. No. 116667, Partridge, July 11, 1918; C. M. No. 132922, Davis, Nov. 18, 1919; C. M. No. 128323, Woodin, Apr. 16, 1919; C. M. No. 134057, Massey, Sept. 20, 1919.) SECTION II. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. 203. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Circumstantial evidence is not resorted to as a secondary or inferior species; i. e., be- cause there is an absence of direct or testimonial evidence. It is introduced even when there is direct evidence. Cir- cumstantial evidence may furnish a safe and satisfactory ground for belief, while on the other hand direct or testi- monial evidence may leave the court in doubt. The proper effect of circumstantial as compared with direct evidence has been stated as follows : When circumstances connect themselves closely with each other, when they form a large and strong body so as to carry conviction to the minds of a jury, it may be proof of equal or even more satisfactory sort than that which is direct. In some lamentable instances it has been known that a short story has been got by heart by two or three witnesses ; they have been consistent with themselves, they have been consistent with each other, swearing positively to a fact, which fact has turned out afterwards not to be true. It is almost impossible for a variety of witnesses, speaking to a variety of circumstances, so to concoct a story as to impose upon a jury by a fabrication of that sort, so that where a chain of circumstances is cogent, strong, and powerful, where 165 ^204 CHAPTER XT. the witnesses do not contradict each other or do not con- tradict themselves, it may be evidence more satisf actory than even direct evidence, and there are more instances than one where that has been the case. (Wiginore, sec. 26.) In a case depending upon circumstantial evidence the court, in order to convict, must find the circumstances to be satisfac- torily proved as facts, and must also find that those facts clearly and unequivocally imply the guilt of the accused and can not reasonably be reconciled with any hypothesis of his innocence. (Davis, p. 265.) 204; ILLUSTRATION OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOOD AND BAD CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. The accused is charged with stealing clothes from the locker of a comrade. The following circumstances are not admissible as circumstantial evidence : (1) The accused is very much disliked by other mem- bers of his company. (2) A number of thefts from comrades have taken place in the company, and the general belief in the company is that he was connected with them. (3) He was tried once before for larceny of clothes from a comrade and was convicted. (4) He is suspected of being a deserter from a foreign army. (5) He belongs to a race or enlisted in a locality that does not entertain very strict notions of right ' and wrong as to the manner of acquiring pos- session of property. But the following series of circumstances should be ad- mitted in evidence : (1) The clothes were taken while the company was at drill, and there was no one known to have been in the room where the locker was. (2) The accused was not at drill, but was detailed as kitchen police that day. (3) He was absent from his duty as kitchen police a short while during the time when the clothes disappeared. (4) One of the articles stolen was found in the locker of the accused. 166 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. f 205 (5) The accused was known to be without money the day before the larceny, and that evening left the post with a bundle under his arm and was seen to enter a certain house and the same night had money in his possession. (6) Upon the house being searched next day most of the missing clothes were found there. (7) The person found in the house identified the ac- cused as the one from whom he had purchased the missing clothes. 205. Accused's Bad Character. A fundamental rule is that the prosecution may not evidence the doing of the act by invok- ing the accused's bad moral character or former misdeeds as a ground of probability for his guilt of the offense charged. This forbids any resort to his bad character in any form, either by general repute or by personal opinions of individuals who know him. The rule is based on the well-known tendency of human nature to find an accused guilty without positive belief in his present guilt, but because of the prejudice caused by his former bad record. This rule also forbids any reference in the evi- dence to former specific offenses or other acts of misconduct, whether he has or has not ever been tried and convicted of their commission. All attempt to evidence guilt of the present charge by resort to the accused's moral disposition, whether shown by repute or by specific former misdeeds, must be rigor- ously avoided. 206. Same Exceptions. There are, however, four contin- gencies in which the prosecution may resort to the accused's bad character or specific prior misdoings, partly by way of excep- tion to the foregoing rule and partly as falling outside its scope : 1. If the accused offers his own good character to show the probability of his innocence, the prosecution may dispute the fact of such good character by offer- ing in rebuttal the reputation of the accused in his organization as to the bad quality in question. 2. If the accused takes the stand as a witness, his moral character for credibility as a witness (par. 257) may be evidenced in rebuttal. 3. If the accused is found guilty, then his service record may be made known to the court, as provided in 167 If 206 CHAPTER XI. paragraphs 271, 306, and 307, subject to the provi- sions of Article V of the Executive order concerning maximum punishments (par. 349 infra). 4. If the intent or motive or plan or guilty knowledge of the accused is material under the issues of the case, all his prior conduct tending to show his mo- tive or intent or other state of mind at the time of the act charged becomes relevant; and thus this conduct may include various acts which in them- selves are immoral or criminal. In such case the fact that such an act is criminal or immoral does not prevent its admission, even though incidentally the act might reflect upon the moral character of the accused. The consideration of such conduct in order to reach a conclusion as to the accused's in- tent or motive is necessary; but the court should reject from its mind any bearing of such conduct on the accused's general trait of bad character. This distinction is fundamental. It may be illustrated as follows : (a) On a charge of wrongfully disposing of Government property, viz, one blanket, by selling it to a civilian (the fact of the sale being proved), the accused's conduct on recent former occasions in offering for sale a pistol and a saddle to the same or other persons may be offered to show his wrong- ful intent at the time of the act charged. (b) On a charge of assaulting a fellow soldier with intent to wound, a former assault on another sol- dier six months before and under entirely different circumstances would not be admissible, having no bearing on the intent in the case charged. (c) On a charge of attempt to desert, the fact that the accused had recently assaulted and beaten another soldier and was under arrest awaiting trial would be admissible to evidence a probable motive to attempt to desert. (d) On a charge of falsification of accounts of stores, the fact that the accused had embezzled some of the same stores, if offered to evidence a motive 168 COUKTS-MAETIAL EVIDENCE. If 207 for concealing the embezzlement by falsifying ac- counts, would be admissible; but a conviction of falsification before enlistment in a totally distinct transaction would be inadmissible as bearing solely upon his general moral character and not upon his present intent or motive. SECTION III. TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE. 207. TESTIMONIAL EVIDENCE. Testimonial evidence is the statement of some person offered as evidencing the fact asserted by it. For example, a statement that a rifle was dis- charged at a certain hour and place is testimonial evidence that it was so discharged. Such statements may be made either in court or out of court. If made in court as a witness, then the witness must be " competent." If made out of court, then even if the person making it is competent, the statement is not admissible, be- cause the hearsay rule forbids. (See par. 221 infra.) The competency of the witness is therefore the important thing to determine before admitting testimonal evidence. 208. COMPETENCY RULE IN GENERAL. The modern tend- ency, as evidenced to a great extent by statutes of different States, and to a limited extent by Federal statutes, is to recognize practically no grounds for incompetency, but to admit the material and relevant testimony of a witness offered by either side and leave his credit to be estimated according to all the circumstances. 209. Elements of COMPETENCY OF WITNESS. The compe- tency of a witness depends upon several elements, which may be divided thus: (1) His general moral and mental capacity; (2) his special expertness in subjects on which ex- pertness is required; (3) his knowledge of the specific facts on which he testifies. 210. GENERAL CAPACITY OF WITNESS. The general capac- ity, mental and moral, of an adult witness is always pre- sumed; i. e., the party must always prove to the court the specific ground of incapacity or else the witness should be allowed to testify. 169 f 210a CHAPTER xi. 210a. CHILDREN AS WITNESSES. The admissibility of chil- dren as witnesses is not regulated by their age, but by their apparent sense and understanding. The court may, in its dis- cretion, receive the testimony of any child, regardless of age, and give it such weight as it may appear to deserve; provided, only that, in the opinion of the court, the child understands the moral importance of telling the truth, for which purpose the court may examine the child. NOTE. This abolishes, for courts-martial, the technical common-law rules as to the competency of children. The admission of the testi- mony amounts to a statement of the court's opinion that the child understands the moral importance of telling the truth, and makes tho testimony prima facie competent. 211. MORAL INCAPACITY OF WITNESS. Moral incapacity was recognized in the common-law rule that rendered in- competent as a witness any person convicted of treason, felony, or the crimen falsi. But tliis incapacity has long been abolished in almost all the States, except that several retain it with a restriction to convictions for perjury. In courts-martial, conviction of any offense does not disqualify a witness. But it may, of course, be shown to dimmish his credit. (See "Credibility of Witnesses, Sec, VI, infra.) 212. MENTAL INCAPACITY or WITNESS. Mental incapacity is a disqualification, but only to a limited extent, as follows : Insanity or intoxication may disqualify, but only to the ex- tent to which they affect the subject of the testimony. For example a religious hallucination as to angels saving a man from bullets does not disqualify the person from testifying us to the time of lighting a camp fire or the persons on duty at a certain post. But such, hallucinations, like general inac- curacy of memory ox comprehension, liability to occasional lapses of memory, mental defect, and the like, may fee inquired into, on cross-examination, as affecting the general accuracy and credibility of the witness. 213. INTEREST OR BIAS. Interest or bias does not dis- qualify; i. e., the fact that a person owes a party money or has a property interest with or against a party does not disqualify him from testifying for or against that party. 170 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. II 214 A person who is a relative or an avowed enemy of the accused is not disqualified from testifying for or against the accused. The weight of such testimony when admitted is a different matter. (See "Credibility of Witnesses," Sec. VI, infra.) Marital relationship was a disqualification at common law. Except in certain cases, husband or wife could not testify either for or against one another. This rule has been abolished in most States. In courts-martial the rule is as follows: (1) Wife or husband of an accused may testify on behalf of the accused without restriction. (2) Wife or husband of an accused may not be called to testify against the accused without the con- sent of both accused and witness, unless on a charge of an offense committed by the accused against the witness. (See par. 228.) (3) Wife or husband of any person may not testify to confidential communications of the other, unless the other give consent. The last two rules are rules of privilege and are more fully stated under " Privilege." (See pars. 227 et seq.) 214. WHEKE ACCTTSED Is WTTXESS. It was provided by act of Congress of March 16, 1878 (20 Stat. 30), that in trials by courts-martial and courts of inquiry as well as by United States courts and Territorial courts, the accused " shall at his own request^ but not otherwise, be a competent witness," and that " his failure to make such request shall not create any presumption against him." (a) An accused person thus may, at his option, take the stand as a witness, and in doing so he occupies no exceptional status and becomes subject to cross-examination like any other witness. The same rules as to the aclmissibility of evi- dence, privilege of the witness, impeaching of his credit, etc., will apply to him as to any other witness, and the only notice- able difference between his examination and that of other witnesses will be that he will in general, naturally and prop- erly, be exposed to a more searching cross examination. (Winthrop, 507.) So far as the latitude of the cross-ex- amination is discretionary with the court, a greater lati- ^f 215 CHAPTER XI. tude may properly be allowed in his cross-examination than in that of other witnesses. (Id., 545.) (b) When the accused testifies in denial or explanation of any offense, the scope of his direct examination (under para- graph 251) is considered to be the whole subject of his guilt or innocence of that offense. Any fact relevant to the issue of his guilt or relevant to his credit as a witness, is properly the subject of cross-examination. (c) If he fails to take the stand at all, this failure must not be commented on, for such comment would violate his privilege to remain silent (par. 251). But if he testifies and if he fails in such testimony to deny or explain specific facts of an in- criminating nature that the evidence of the prosecution tends to establish against him, such failure may not only be com- mented upon by counsel, but may be considered by the court, with all the other circumstances, in reaching their conclusion as to his guilt or innocence. (Caminetti v. U. S., 242 U. S., 470, 493. ) Where, however, an accused is on trial for a num- ber of offenses, and, taking the stand in his own defense, testifies to one or more of them only, he can not be cross- examined as to the others, and no comment can be made or inference drawn from his failure to testify as to the others. 215. PROCEDURE WHERE ACCUSED FAILS TO TESTIFY OR MAKE A STATEMENT. In each case tried by a court-martial in which the accused does not testify or make any statement in his own behalf, it shall appear on record that the presi- dent or law member of the court (see pars. 89 and 89a), or the summary court, explained to the accused that he may testify in his own behalf if he so desire, or may make an unsworn statement to the court in denial, in explanation, or in exten- uation of the offense with which he stands charged. In every case tried by general court-martial, or by special court-martial where the evidence is recorded, the explanation by the presi- dent or law member and the reply of the accused thereto shall appear upon the record of trial. (See form, Appendix 9.) In other cases tried by special court-martial, and in cases tried by summary court-martial, the fact of such explanation being given in the form prescribed in Appendix 9 to this Manual will be noted in the record or report of trial. 172 COURTS-MAKT1AL EVIDENCE. ^f 216 216. EFFECT OF TURNING STATE'S EVIDENCE. The fact that an accomplice turns state's evidence does not make him im- mune from trial, unless immunity has been promised him by the authority competent to order his trial. But, if an accomplice goes on the stand and makes a full and frank statement of the circumstances of the offense, it is customary to pardon his offense, or impose upon him a milder punish- ment than upon his accomplices. 217. COMPETENCY OF ACCUSED WHEN TESTIFYING AGAINST AN ACCOMPLICE. An accused who is one of two or more per- sons concerned in an offense is always competent to testify, whether he be charged jointly or separately, and whether he be tried jointly or separately, and whether he be called for the prosecution or for the defense. He can not, however, be called except upon his own request, since he is privileged not to in- criminate himself (par. 233), and therefore, unless he first waives the privilege and elects to testify, can not be called or used as a witness by either side. (See also par. 224, infra.) NOTE 1. This abolishes, for courts-martial, the ancient common- law rule that any person charged with complicity was interested in the event of the trial, and was therefore disqualified, whether he sought to testify for the prosecution or for the defense, under which resort was formerly necessary to various expedients when the prosecu- tion desired to use the testimony of an accused; e. g., entering a nolle prosequi, directing an acquittal, or placing him on trial sepa- rately. NOTE 2. This does not prevent entering a nolle prosequi or a find- ing of " not guilty " as to any particular accused in those exceptional cases where it becomes necessary to call one of the oifenders, against his will, and thus secure his testimony for the purpose of convicting others. While this course will not be encouraged, and will not be adopted without the authority of the convening authority, it may sometimes be the only means of obtaining the necessary evidence to convict the ringleaders in a conspiracy or other joint crime. 218. EXPERT CAPACITY. On most matters the ordinary ex- perience of any adult qualifies him to observe and testify. Hence, all persons are ordinarily qualified to testify on ordi- nary matters. But, when the subject is one upon which special experience is required, it will not be presumed that a witness possesses such special experience, for ordinarily he does not. Hence a witness called upon such a subject must 173 ^ 219 CHAPTER XI. be shown to possess such special experience; he is therefore called an "expert" on that subject. A person may be an e-xpirt on one subject but not on another. Hence, whenever such a topic calls for testimony, the witness's special expe- rience in it must first be shown. Whether a piece of leather has been recently tanned; whether a stain is human blood or animal blood, are instances of topics which might well require experts, if important to the issue. In applying this rule pedantry would be out of place. Experts on all subjects are seldom within reach of a court- martial, and liberality of application is a necessity. Good sense and ordinary caution will determine whether an expert is needful for accurate discovery of the truth. For example, an expert in alcohol would hardly be needed to testify to whether the contents of a certain bottle were sufficiently alcoholic to be intoxicating, but in a homicide case, where the cause of death was disputed, obviously a medical man's testimony should be secured. 219. Insanity or Mental Defect or Derangement of Accused. (a) The questions whether (1) the accused was of such mental condition as to be not legally responsible for the act or omission charged, if committed, or (2) is mentally so defective or de- ranged as to render inadvisable his punishment for crime, or as to render him (3) mentally incapable of conducting his defense intelligently, may be raised orally on the trial at any time before sentence, without any special plea or other formality, either by any member of the court, by the trial judge advocate, the de- fense counsel or other counsel for the accused, or by the accused himself. The court may then, in its discretion, suspend other proceedings for the examination, hearing and consideration of the matter of the mental condition of the accused, and proceed to determine, in accordance with the thirty-first article of war (see pars. 89 and 89a, supra), whether the existence of mental disease or mental derangement on the part of the accused has become an issue in the trial. (b) Whenever it is so determined that such question has be- come an issue in the trial, then upon such issue the burden of proof is upon the prosecution to establish, to the satisfaction of the court, the mental condition of the accused, both at the time 174 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 219 of the alleged offense and at the time of the trial, and the presi- dent of a special court-martial or of a general court-martial in the absence of the law member, or the law member of a general court-martial if present, as the case may be, will so advise the trial judge advocate; and, if there is in the case a report of a medical board under paragraph 76c, supra, such report will bs read in evidence on behalf of the court, and (unless the court, and also both the trial judge advocate and cou]osel for the ac- cused, as well as the accused himself, think it unnecessary, and accordingly waive it) at least one of the members of such medi- cal board will be called as a witness for the court, to be thor- oughly examined, as if on cross-examination, by counsel for the accused, and also by the trial judge advocate and by any mem- bers of the court, as to any feature cf the report ; and on request of the accused the remaining members of the board shall, if available, likewise be called as witnesses for the court, for such cross-examination. (c) But if there is in the case no report of a medical board under the previsions of paragraph 76c, supra, the court may, in its discretion, and will in every case where it appears to the court that there is reason to believe that the accused may be (or may have been at the time of the alleged offense) mentally defective or deranged, either temporarily or permanently, stop the proceedings and continue the case, and immediately report the facts to the convening authority with a request that a medical board be convened. In considering the question of so requesting a medical board, a court-martial may receive in evi- dence the report cf the medical officer made to the investigating officer under the provisions of paragraph 76a, supra, in case such report, if any, be offered in evidence by the defense ; but not otherwise. (d) The convening authority, upon receiving such a request from a court-martial, will convene a medical board in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph 76c, supra, which will proceed and report in the same manner as though it had been convened under the provisions of that paragraph before the reference of the case for trial, and its report will be received, referred to the staff judge advocate, and disposed of in the same manner as therein directed, and the convening authority 175 1) 219 CHAPTER XI. may thereupon dispose of the case in any of the different ways therein stated; except that, if he determines that the trial should proceed, he will refer the report of the medical board to the court with directions to proceed. If the convening authority disposes of the case in any way without returning it to the court, such action will be deemed a rescission of the order referring the case for trial and a withdrawal of the charges from the court-martial. If the report is so referred to the court-martial by the con- vening authority, the court will thereupon proceed in the same manner hereinbefore directed in subparagTaph (b) of this para- graph, as though the medical board had been convened under paragraph 76c, supra, in advance of reference of the case for trial. (e) Whenever any question of mental defect or derangement of the accused is raised or suggested in any manner, as con- templated in any of the foregoing subparagraphs of this para- graph, a court-martial may, in its discretion, either while con- sidering the statutory question (A. W. 31) whether the existence of mental disease or mental derangement on the part of the ac- cused has become an issue in the trial, or upon a question of continuing the case and requesting the convening authority to appoint a medical board, or after receiving in evidence the re- port of a medical board whether convened in advance of the trial under the provisions of paragraph 76c, supra, or after the trial has begun under the provisions of subparagraphs (c) and (d) of this paragraph, call witnesses as to the mental condition of the accused, either for the court or on motion of either of the parties (including the medical officer who made the report, if any, on the accused to the investigating officer under the pro- visions of paragraph 76a, supra). (f) If, at any time before a special court-martial or a general court-martial is closed to consider its findings, it appears to the president of a special court-martial or of a general court-martial in the absence of the law member, or to the law member of a general court-martial, as the case may be, that the accused is not mentally capable of conducting his defense intelligently (that is to say, is not mentally capable of communicating intelli- gently with his counsel, of understanding the nature of the 170 COUKTS-MARTIALr EVIDENCE. H 219 proceedings, and of doing the things necessary for an adequate presentation of his defense), he will so rule, subject to the right of any member to object to such ruling under the provisions of A. W. 31 (see pars. 89 and 89a, supra) ; and if such ruling is so made and not objected to (or is sustained by the court upon a vote in accordance with the provisions of A. W. 31, in case of objection), the trial will thereupon be discontinued and a record of the proceedings will be prepared and forwarded to the con- vening authority, together with the charges and all the papers in the case, with a report by the court at the end of such record to the effect that " the accused is not in proper mental condition at this time to be brought to trial " ; whereupon the convening authority will dispose of the case in any of the ways contem- plated in paragraph 76c, supra, except reference of the case for trial ; provided, however, that if the convening authority directs that further action on the charges be suspended for the time being pending such further action as he may afterwards deter- mine, he may at any time thereafter, whenever he is of opinion that the accused has become mentally capable of conducting his defense intelligently, again refer the case for trial, either, to the same or to another court-martial. (g) In any case in which it has been determined as provided in subparagraph (a) that the question of the existence of mental disease or mental derangement on the part of the ac- cused has become an issue in the trial, or in which a report of a medical board has been received in evidence, as indicated in subparagraphs (b) or (d), or a report has been made to the appointing authority, as indicated in subparagraph (f), or the question of the mental condition of the accused is raised by any member of the court while in closed session to deliberate on the findings, the court in balloting upon its findings in the case will separate such question from all other questions in the case, and will consider it by itself. Thereupon the court will proceed to ballot, in the manner pre- scribed in paragraph 294, infra, upon the questions: (1) "Is the accused in proper mental condition at this time to undergo trial ? " If upon such ballot the court determines such question in the negative by a majority vote (or by a tie vote, since a tie i 21358" 20 12 177 ^[ 219 CHAPTER XI. vote is a decision in the negative), then the court will return a finding in this form : " The accused is not in proper mental condition at this time to undergo trial," and will forward the record of trial with such finding to the convening au- thority in the same manner and with the same effect for all purposes as hereinbefore prescribed in subparagraph (f) of this paragraph. Other- wise, the court will then proceed to ballot in order on the following further question: (2) " Was the accused at the time of the commission of the alleged offense so far free from mental defect, mental disease, or mental derangement as to be able, concerning the particular acts charged, both (1) to distinguish right from wrong and (2) to adhere to the right?" This question will be balloted upon as to each specification, and if answered negatively or by a tie vote the court will acquit the accused as to such specification. If upon such ballots both of such questions are answered in the negative, the court will then proceed to consider and ballot upon the specifications and charges in the manner prescribed in para- graph 294, infra, in the same manner as though no such question of mental defect or derangement had been raised or suggested. In determining the foregoing questions, the court will take into consideration not only the medical evidence, but all the evi- dence in the case. (h) In any case of conviction of an accused by any court- martial, whether or not any question of mental defect or mental disease or derangement became an issue or was raised or suggested at the trial (or if the question was raised or suggested at the trial, but disregarded by the court), the reviewing authority, or the confirming authority if there be one, may of his own motion at any time before taking final action on the record (and in cases forwarded for consideration by the Board of Eeview and the Judge Advocate General under A. W. 50J, either before or after such consideration, or pending it), in his discretion, cause a medical board to be 178 COURTS-MAKTIAL EVIDENCE. *J" 220 convened to examine the accused and report in the same man- ner contemplated in paragraph 76c, supra, for the purpose of advising and assisting him in his decision as to the proper action to be taken upon the record. If, in view of such report when made, he shall disapprove the, sentence in whole or in part, or any finding either in whole or in part, he will state in his action that such disapproval was on that ground; and in case he disapproves the sentence on such ground he may prop- erly take any such action concerning the accused as is con- templated in paragraph 76c, supra. NOTE. TTo findings or sentence of a court-martial need ever "be disapproved solely because of failure to comply with any of the pro- visions of this Paragraph, since the reviewing or confirming authority may always remedy such defect by availing himself of the advice of a medical board under subparagraph (h), supra. 220. TESTIMONIAL KNOW:LEDGE. A prime qualification in a witness is that he should speak only of what he has ob- served with his senses or had an opportunity to observe; e. g., a witness on sentry post at night might testify that he heard three shots and saw two persons running in the distance, but should stop with telling what he heard and saw. To proceed further and state that the shots killed a mule, and that the accused was one of the persons running (unless he saw the mule fall or recognized the accused at the time) may involve beliefs of his that are based on rumors and gossip picked up afterwards, beliefs for which he has no status as a witness. An important feature of correct trial methods is to summon every person who saw or heard any- thing relevant, but to require every such person to limit his testimony to what he himself saw or heard. In this way the court arrives (if the testimony be credited) at the basic circumstances on which the proof must be built up. This rule also has, of course, its liberal side, based on practical experience. For example, if the issue be as to a stolen case of soap, and the quartermaster has an invoice showing 400 cases received, and he is asked how many are remaining in stock, it is not necessary that he should per- sonally count every case; it might suffice if he ticked off 39 large bales of 10 cases, each intact, and then found a bale of 9 with 1 missing. 179 H 221 CHAPTER XI. 221. Hearsay Rule. This fundamental principle of requiring personal knowledge (or opportunity to observe) leads up to the hearsay rule, applicable to statements made by persons not in court. The hearsay rule signifies that when a witness testifies not to what he himself saw or heard, but to what he heard some one else say, his testimony on that point shall be rejected, and the person who said it shall be produced in the court to testify, the object being to get at the first-hand source of knowledge. Experience shows again and again that when that other person is produced either what he actually said was something very dif- ferent, or else when cross-examined he turns out to have only a scanty trustworthiness. For example, if the sentry in the above instance testifies that he did not identify the person running, but afterwards in barracks Sergt. S said that it was X, the court would exclude what Sergt. S said, would summon S to testify in person, and then it might appear that all Sergt. S knows about it is that X came into barracks half an hour later looking as if he were out of breath, and this might be connected up with an errand on which X had been sent, by testimony of his captain. The hearsay rule, therefore, is a corollary of the principle that a witness must testify from what he has himself seen and heard, and not from what another person has told him or written to him. The following are familiar instances of hearsay in court- martial cases : (1) A soldier is being tried for desertion. Pvt. A is able to testify that Pvt. B told Pvt. A that the accused told Pvt. B that he (the accused) intended to desert at the first oppor- tunity. Such testimony from Pvt. A would be hearsay and would be inadmissible. Pvt. B himself should be called. (2) A soldier is being tried for larceny of clothes from a locker. Pvt. A is able to testify that Pvt. B told Pvt, A that he (Pvt. B), about the time the clothes were stolen, saw the accused leave the quarters with a bundle resembling clothes. Such testimony from Pvt. A would be hearsay and would be inadmissible. Pvt. B himself should be called. (3) A soldier is being tried for selling clothing. Police- man A is able to testify that, while on duty as policeman, he saw the accused with a bundle under his arm go into a shop, 180 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 2 2 la that Le (the policeman) entered the shop and the accused ran away and the policeman was unable to catch him. The policeman the next day asked the proprietor of the shop what the accused was doing there, and the proprietor replied that the accused sold him some clothes issued by the Government and that he paid the accused $2.50 for them. The testimony of the policeman as to the reply of the proprietor would be hearsay and would be inadmissible. The fact that the police- man was acting in the line of his duty at the time the pro- prietor made the statement would not render the evidence admissible. In the foregoing instances the fact that the accused said he intended to desert, that the accused left the quarters with a bundle, and that the accused sold the proprietor the clothes, constitute most important evidence and can be proved in the first two instances by Pvt. B and in the third instance by the proprietor, but they can not be proved by hearsay evidence. If evidence is hearsay it does not become admissible be- cause it was made to an officer in the course of an official in- vestigation. For instance, in illustration (1), if Pvt. B had made his statement to Capt. C in the course of an official in- vestigation by Capt. C, the statement would still be hearsay and inadmissible. Official statements and opinions as to either guilt or inno- cence expressed by an officer, as, for instance, a company, regimental, or department commander, or by a staff officer, in an indorsement, are not admissible in evidence by reason of the official character of the indorsement or the rank or posi- tion of the officer making it, as it would be hearsay. Nor is such a statement- or opinion evidence because it is among papers referred to the trial judge advocate with the charges. It would be irregular to permit such statements or opinions to come to the attention of the court. If they do become known to the court they should, of course, not be considered in arriving at a finding or sentence. 221a. Exceptions to the Hearsay Rule. The hearsay rule is subject to some well-established exceptions; most of them are based on the general principle that there is an unavoidable necessity for using the hearsay, because the person is deceased 181 If 2 2 la CHAPTER xi. or for some other reason can not be secured as a witness. These exceptions are now settled, however, into fixed rules, irrespec- tive of the above principle. The principal exceptions likely to be presented for applica- tion in court-martial trials are the following (cross references are given to those which are later more fully stated in this Manual). (1) Dying Declarations (par. 222). (2) Statements of Facts Against Interest. A statement of a fact against the pecuniary or proprietary interest of the declar- ant is admissible; e. g., where he states he has received pay- ment for a debt, or that he is not the owner but only bailee of a chattel. But this exception applies only where the declarant is deceased, or out of the jurisdiction, or otherwise unavailable as a witness on the stand. (3) Statements about Family History. A statement by a family member, or the general family repute, about a fact of family history, such as birth, parentage, relationship, marriage, age, etc., or the date or place thereof, is admissible. But if the statement is by an individual family member (and not general family repute), the declarant must be shown to be deceased, out of the jurisdiction, or otherwise unavailable as a witness on the stand. (4) Regular entries in a book of business transactions (par. 244). (5) Official Statements in Writing. An official statement in writing (whether in a regular series of records, or a report, or a certificate) is admissible when the officer had the duty or au- thority to do or to know the matter so stated (par. 238a) . (6) Scientific Treatises. A treatise or essay on a subject of science or art, composed by a person expert therein, is admissible. But there should be usually preliminary testimony by a qualified witness that the author is approved in his profession as an ex- pert or that the treatise is a standard one. (7) Commercial Lists, Registers, etc. A list or register or report containing data of general interest to some commercial, industrial, or professional occupation, and published for use therein, is admissible. 182 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. 222 ^ (8) Statements of Mental or Physical Condition. A person's statements of his present mental condition or physical sensation are admissible, without calling him to the stand or accounting for his absence; but the statement must relate to his present condition, and not to past external events ; e. g., a person's state- ment that he has pains in his back, or that he intends to take a certain train next day, or that he is angry with a certain person, or that he refuses to go because he is afraid of some- thing, is admissible. When interviewed by a physician, his statement as to the cause of his suffering is admissible. State- ments of an accused, when doing an act, as to his intent or motive are admissible under this rule, even when they are oifered in his own favor ; when offered against him, they are also receivable as a party's admissions under par. 226. (9) Statements, Exclamations, or Ees Gestae (par. 223). (10) Statements of Deceased Persons in General. In courts- martial the liberal principle, now adopted in one or two States, may well be followed in extreme cases, viz, wherever the person, whose statement is desired to be offered (whether written or oral), is deceased at the time of the trial, and was a person having personal knowledge of the facts, his statement may be admitted, in the discretion of the court. 222. DYING DECLARATIONS. On trials for murder and manslaughter, the law recognizes an exception to the rule rejecting hearsay by allowing the dying declarations of the victim of the crime, in regard to the circumstances which produced his condition, and especially as to the person by whom the violence was committed, to be detailed in evidence by one who heard them. The reason for admitting such declarations where the victim believes death is impending is that his belief is equal to the sanctity of an oath in causing him to tell the truth. It is no objection to their admissi- bility that they were brought out in answer to leading ques- tions or upon urgent solicitations addressed to him by any person or persons ; and if, instead of speaking, he answered the questions by intelligible signs these signs may equally be testified to. Dying declarations are admissible as well in favor of the accused as against him. It is to be remarked 183 H" 223 CHAPTER XI. that evidence of dying declarations made as such usually are under circumstances of mental and physical collapse or ex- treme weakness and without being subjected to the ordinary legal tests are generally to be received with great caution. (Winthrop, p. 493.) 223. RES GEST^:. Another exception to the hearsay rule consists of the inculpatory or exculpatory declarations or statements that constitute part of the res gestse. By the res gestae is meant the circumstances and occurrences substan- tially contemporaneous with the facts at issue that explain and elucidate the character and quality of such facts. Such are threats or declarations of the accused in connection with his commission of the crime that indicate his intent or knowledge; declarations or exclamations of a party injured that go to indicate the nature of the violence and the parties responsible; language of accomplices; cries of bystanders; facts, circumstances, and declarations showing premedita- tion and preparation for the crime. All such may be estab- lished by the testimony of persons who heard the utterances, etc. All such declarations and statements must be made so near in time to the principal transaction as to preclude the idea of deliberate design or afterthought in making them, but it is not essential that they should have been made in the presence or hearing of the accused. Where the crime com- mitted is the culmination of a series of acts, such as in riots, etc., the res gestae rule applies to all acts and declarations of the rioters and of bystanders that would tend to indicate purpose, motive, etc. The res gestse is considered as an act connected with or an incident of a main transaction, and not as testimony ; and as soon as it assumes the character of a narration rather than a spontaneous exclamation, there is probable ground for be- lief that it was inspired by a desire to influence the case, and it is then inadmissible, as falling under the hearsay rule. The application of the rule of res gestae is not limited strictly to circumstances and occurrences contemporaneous with the principal facts at issue nor with the transactions leading up to the principal facts. The following examples illustrate what constitute the res gestse : 184 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 223a Where a soldier is charged with murder, manslaughter, or assault, and the party against whom the violence is offered is another soldier, and the wife of the former, while walking with the latter, exclaims, "Run! here comes my jealous husband, and he will kill you!", her exclamations would be admitted as part of the res gestae. If the soldier had then fled to his house pursued by her husband and she had fol- lowed to deter him from injuring the other party and later had run from the house shouting, " My husband is killing Jones !", or " has just killed Jones!", her exclamations would be admissible as constituting part of the res gestse. If a party in the next room had heard a shot and then a voice that he recognized as Pvt. Jones's say, " You shot me for revenge and nothing else,"^ the declaration would be con- sidered as a part of the res gestse. 223a. Identification of the Accused. This identification of the accused involves two distinct elements, viz: First, that the person now in court as accused is the same person described in the charges by name, rank, title, and organization; secondly, that the person now in court as accused (irrespective of his name, rank, etc,) is the very person who did the act charged and to which act the witness's testimony will refer. The first of these elements is usually proved by witnesses who know the accused and the facts as to his rank and organization, and when necessary, by official records or duly authenticated copies. The second element involves the question whether the person now in court (his name, rank, and organization being assumed to be otherwise duly evi- denced) was the actual person who, e. g., took part in the affray or the rape, or made the false pretenses, or did whatever is the offense charged. Whenever this fact is disputed, care must be taken to offer all available evidence that may serve to remove doubt as to identity; for no injustice is more pronounced than that of convicting an innocent person by reason of mistaken identity. 224. EVIDENCE OF CONSPIRATORS AND ACCOMPLICES. In cases where several persons join with a common design in committing an offense all acts and statements of each of them made in furtherance of the offense are admissible against each of the others. Only where the statements of such con- 185 ^ 225 CHAPTER XT. spirator fall within the rule laid down for admission of evidence as a part of the res gestsG could such statements be admissible for the defense. The acts and statements of a conspirator, however, made after the common design is ac- complished or abandoned, are not admissible against the others, except acts and statements in furtherance of an escape. It is immaterial whether such acts or statements were made in the presence or hearing of the other parties. They are bind- ing upon all parties if they are in furtherance of the common design. Foundation must first be laid by either direct or circumstantial evidence sufficient to establish prima facie the fact of conspiracy between the parties. But as it sometimes may interfere with the proper development of the case to re- quire the trial to begin with proof of the conspiracy, in such case the prosecution may, at the trial, prove the declarations and acts of one made and done in the absence of the others, before proving the conspiracy between the defendants, though such proof will be treated as nugatory unless the conspiracy be after- wards independently established. (See, however, note to sub- paragraph (2) of paragraph 202, supra.) While in Federal courts and courts-martial corroboration of the testimony of a coconspirator, or accomplice, need not be required, yet from the character of the associations formed the uncorroborated testimony of a coconspirator, or accomplice, should be re- ceived with great caution. 225. CONFESSIONS. Another exception to the rule exclud- ing hearsay evidence is the rule that admits testimony as to confessions of guilt made by the accused. The most common form of confession is that contained in the plea of guilty made by the accused in open court in answer to a charge. This is not the kind of confession referred to as constituting an exception to the hearsay rule. The confessions referred to are those made out of court. The following rules limit the use of such confessions: (a) A confession must be offered in its entirety, so that the accused receives the benefit of having all of his statements con- strued together to reach their full and actual meaning. A con- fession can not be used as evidence by taking only one or more parts specially unfavorable to the accused. But this rule only 186 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 225 applies to all the statements made at a single interview or in a single document; statements made by the accused at a separate time or in another document need not be used. (b) It must be shown, before admitting it, that the con- fession was entirely voluntary on the part of the accused. If the confession is voluntary on its face, the burden is on the defendant to show that it was incompetent (Wharton Crim. Ev., 1419; Underbill Crim. Ev. 127.) A confession is, in a legal sense, " voluntary " when it is not induced or materially influenced by hope of release or other benefit or fear of punishment or in j ury induced or influenced by words or acts, such as promises, assurances, threats, harsh treatment, or the like, on the part of an official or other person competent to effectuate what is promised, threatened, etc., or at least believed to be thus competent by the party confessing. And the reason of the rule is that where the confession is not thus voluntary there is always ground to doubt whether it be true. (Winthrop, p. 496.) In military cases, in view of the authority and influence of superior rank, confessions made by inferiors, especially when ignorant or inexperienced and held in confinement or close arrest, should be regarded as incompetent unless very clearly shown not to have been unduly influenced. Statements, by way of confession, made by an inferior under charges to a commanding officer, judge advocate, trial judge advocate, or other superior whom the accused could reasonably believe capable of making good his words, upon even a slight assurance of relief or benefit by such superior should not in general be admitted. Thus in a case where a confession was made to his captain by a soldier upon being told by the former that " matters would be easier for him," or " as easy as possible," if he confessed, such con- fession was held not to have been voluntary and therefore im- properly admitted. And it has been similarly ruled in cases of confessions made by soldiers upon assurances being held out or intimidation resorted to by noncommissioned officers. (Winthrop, p. 498.) Confessions made by private soldiers to officers or noncommissioned officers, though not shown to have been made under the influence of promises or threats, etc., should, in view of the military relations of the parties, 187 If 225 CHAPTER XI. be received with caution. Of course, the above principles apply to a written confession as well as to a verbal one. In some cases before courts-martial it appears that the ac- cused has signed a paper confessing his guilt, stating in the paper that he confesses freely without hope of reward or fear of punishment, etc. Such statements are not conclusive that the confession was voluntary. Evidence may be introduced. If the evidence shows the statement was not in fact voluntary, it should not be considered by the court. Where the confession was made to a civilian in authority, such as a police officer making an arrest, the fact that the official did not warn the person that he need not say anything to in- criminate himself does not necessarily in itself prevent the con- fession from being voluntary. But where the confession is made to a military superior the case is different. Considering the relation that exists between officers and enlisted men and between an investigating officer and a person whose conduct is being investigated, it devolves upon an investigating officer, or other military superior, to warn the person investigated that he need not answer any question that might tend to in- criminate him. Hence, confessions made by soldiers to officers or by persons under investigation to investigating officers should not be received unless it is shown that the accused was warned that his confession might be used against him, or unless it is shown clearly in some other manner that the confession was entirely voluntary. (c) At some time during the trial, corroborating evidence must be introduced either direct or circumstantial, outside of the confession itself, that the crime charged has been com- mitted. This is what is technically known as the rule re- quiring proof of the corpus delicti; that is, some proof of the fact that the crime charged has probably been committed by some one, so that there will be some corroboration of the confession. Usually the corpus delicti is evidenced before any other main fact. But for the convenience of the court or wit- nesses a confession may be received, subject to being stricken out upon failure to prove the corpus delicti, and if the corpus delicti is afterwards proven, the rights of the accused will not be prejudiced. (But see note to subparagraph (2) of par. 202.) It 188 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^ 225 is not requisite that this outside evidence constituting proof of the corpus delicti shall be sufficient to convince the court beyond a reasonable doubt of the guilt of the accused, nor need it cover every element contained in the charge. For instance, where desertion is charged proof of absence with- out leave would be considered as proving the corpus delicti ; where the charge is that a sentinel had left his post before being regularly relieved it would be sufficient to prove that he was not on his post during his period of duty; where a homicide is charged the proof of the death of the person charged to have been killed amounts to proof of the corpus delicti ; and in cases of larceny and selling clothing the fact that the property alleged to have been stolen or sold was missing is sufficient proof. (d) In view of the peculiar conditions of mind and body under which, accused persons are often placed when making confessions, of the liability to mistake on the part of the wit- nesses who repeat them when oral, and of the tendency of these latter to exaggerate through a zeal for conviction, evi- dence of confessions, unless corroborated by other reliable evidence, is in general to be received with caution. Where, however, a confession is explicit and deliberate as well as voluntary, and, if oral, is proved by a witness or witnesses by whom it has not been misunderstood and is not misrepre- sented, it is indeed one of the strongest forms of proof known to the law (Winthrop, p. 499). Courts should bear in mind that mere silence on the part of an accused when questioned as to his supposed offense is not to be treated as a confession. (e) Although the confession, because not voluntary, is inadmissible, yet any information given in the confession that leads to the discovery of relevant facts will not render testimony of such facts inadmissible, and it may be further shown, by way of corroboration of such facts, that the dis- covery was either wholly or partially due to the information thus obtained. NOTE 1. It has been held that where alleged confessions were offered in evidence and the court directed the trial judge advocate to hand the statements to the accused and the accused was asked "if that was his statement," this was an invasion of the substantial rights 189 ^[226 CHAPTER XI. of the accused, in that it compelled him to give evidence against him- self (even though not objected to by the defense), C. M. No. 135096, Anderson, August 2, 1919. 226. ADMISSIONS AGAINST INTEREST. Somewhat connected with the subject of confessions is that of declarations or ad- missions against one's own interest. This constitutes an- other exception to the rule excluding hearsay. The law makes a distinction between mere admissions and complete confessions of guilt, and there is no requirement that before an admission can be received in evidence there must be an affirmative show- ing that it was voluntary. In many instances the accused, after the commission of an offense, makes statements which fall short of a full confession of guilt but do constitute im- portant admissions as to his connection with the offense. The rule is that such admissions if against his own interest may be admitted in evidence. For instance, in a case of homicide in a dance hall, if the accused when arrested made the statement that he was in the hall when the homicide took place, such a statement is admissible as against his interest. On a trial for desertion, a statement of the accused to the sheriff that he was " tired of working for the Government," and that he did not want to work for them any longer, was an admission and not a confession. An admission does not necessarily involve a criminal intent, while a confession is an acknowledment of guilt. Instances of such admissions would be (a) concealment by an alleged deserter when he knew he was being searched for ; (b) destruction of, or an effort to destroy, documentary evidence which an accused knew was to be used against him; (c) bribery or attempted bribery of a prospective witness by the accused to testify that the accused was at a certain place at a certain time (when he was not). (See also Wigmore, Pocket Code, Ev., 641-665.) 227. PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS. A privileged com- munication is one that relates to matters occurring during a confidential relation, which it is the public policy to protect. A witness can, and usually should, decline to answer a ques- tion touching such a communication, and where the privilege is that of the accused, or of the Government, or of any person other than the witness, the court will not permit the witness to 190 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 227 answer such question, except with the consent of the person entitled to the benefit of the privilege or of the proper govern- mental authorities, as the ease may be. The confidential rela- tions that were protected at common law and which are met with in court-martial practice are the following : State Secrets. Communications made by informants to public officers engaged in the discovery of crime are privi- leged. The deliberations of courts and of grand and petit juries are privileged, but the results of their deliberations are not privileged. Diplomatic correspondence, and, in gen- eral, all oral or written official communications which, in the opinion of the President, would be detrimental to the public interests, and official communications between the heads of the departments of the Government and their subordinate officers are privileged. Were it otherwise it would be im- possible for such superiors to administer effectually the pub- lic affairs with which they are intrusted. Husband and Wife. Communications between husband and wife are privileged. (But see par. 228, infra.) Attorney and Client. The testimony of the attorney or his interpreter or stenographer, as to communications be- tween the client and the attorney, made while the relation of attorney and client existed and in connection with the matter for which the attorney was engaged, will not be received by a court, unless such communications clearly contemplate the commission of a crime; i. e., perjury, subornation of perjury, etc. Of course, communications prior to or subsequent to the relation are not privileged. The client, but not the attorney, may waive this privilege. Police secrets. The privilege that extends to communica- tions made by informants to public officers engaged in the discovery of crime should be given a common-sense interpre- tation. The public interests would ordinarily be prejudiced by reason of the disclosure of such communications in a case as involved the identity of parties employed for the detection of criminals or would endanger the party who made such communication, or would injuriously affect the chances of securing such agents for the detection of crime in the future. But the material interests of the accused to vindicate his in- 191 ^| 228 CHAPTER XI. nocence should not be allowed to suffer by reason of the exclusion of such evidence. The purpose of the privilege, extended to communications between husband and wife and attorney and client, which grows out of a recognition of the public advantage that ac- crues from encouraging free communication in such circum- stances, is not disregarded by allowing outside parties who overhear such privileged communications to testify to what they have overheard. It would not be permitted, however, for one of the minor children of the parents, who might reasonably be presumed by the parents not to understand what they were talking about, to testify to communications overheard by such child. 228. PRIVILEGE OF WIFE AND HUSBAND TO TESTIFT. At common law the rule was that neither husband nor wife is competent as a witness against the other, except in a case of bodily injury inflicted by one of them upon the other. A married woman is excluded as a witness from motives of public policy. (Lucas v. Brooks, 18 Wall., 436, 453.) Certain departures have been made from the common-law rule by Federal statutes and decisions. In any prosecution for bigamy, polygamy, or unlawful cohabitation under any statute of the United States, the lawful husband or wife of the accused shall be a competent witness, and may be called, but shall not be compelled to testify in such proceedings, and shall not be compelled to testify * * * without the consent of the husband or wife, as the case may be. (Act of Mar. 3, 1887, 24 Stat., 635.) The wife should be permitted to testify against her hus- band, even without his consent, whenever she is the par- ticular individual directly injured by the crime committed by her husband. It would, therefore, be appropriate in such cases against a husband as bodily injury of any character inflicted by him upon her, bigamy, polygamy, or unlawful cohabitation, abandonment of wife and children, or failure to support them, or designating another woman beneficiary under the War Risk Insurance Act (C. M. 112488, McCollister, May 22, 1918), or using or transporting her for "white-slave" pur- 192 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 229 poses (C. M. 114676, Wilson, May 22, 1918), or immoral pur- poses, for the wife to be permitted to testify against her husband; but she can not be compelled to do so, and her state- ment of her reason for declining to testify can not be treated as proof of the marriage. (C. M. 121028, Dorton, Nov. 14, 1919.) 229. TELEGRAMS Nor PRIVILEGED. Neither private tele- grams nor the information regarding them that comes to the knowledge of telegraph operators, either military or civil, are privileged. Telegraph operators, both military and civil, may be subpoenaed to testify before a court-martial as to pri- vate telegrams, and private telegrams may be brought before a court-martial by the usual process. 230. CONFIDENTIAL PAPERS. The reports of special inspec- tions by the Inspector General's Department are confidential documents and the testimony taken is considered a part and parcel of such reports. There is no law or regulation which requires copies of the evidence contained in these confidential reports to be furnished to officers whose conduct has been un- der investigation. So also the reports of the Judge Advocate General to the Secretary of War have always been regarded as confidential communications and it has not been the prac- tice to furnish copies of them to parties outside the depart- ment in the absence of special authority from the Secretary of War. If the prosecution has had access to any such docu- ment, fairness requires that the accused should have eqnal access to it. 231. COMMUNICATIONS FROM OFFICERS OR SOLDIERS TO MED- ICAL OFFICERS NOT PRIVILEGED. It is the duty of medical officers of the Army to attend officers and soldiers when sick, to make the annual physical examination of officers, and ex- amine recruits for enlistment, and they may be specially directed to observe an officer or soldier or specially to examine or attend them; such observations, examination, or attend- ance would "be official and the information acquired would be official. While the ethics of the medical profession forbid them to divulge to unauthorized persons the information thus obtained and the statements thus made to them, such in- formation and statements do not possess the character of privileged communications. If the medical officer, when 21358 20 13 193 Tf 232 CHAPTER XI. called as a witness before a court-martial, refuses to testify to such matters, he is subject to charges under A. W. 96. 232. COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN CIVILIAN PHYSICIANS AND PATIENTS NOT PRIVILEGED. Neither are the communications between civilian physician and patient privileged, and the refusal of a physician to testify to such communications would subject him to the prosecution provided by A. W. 23. 233. COMPULSORY SELF - CRIMINATION PROHIBITED. The fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides that in a criminal case the person shall not be com- pelled " to be a witness against himself." The principle em- bodied in this provision applies to trials by courts-martial and is not limited to the person on trial, but extends to any person who may be called as a witness. A. W. 24 provides that no witness before a military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, or before any officer, military or civil, designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence be- fore a military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, shall be compelled to incriminate himself or to answer any question the answer to which may tend to incriminate him, or to answer any question not material to the issue when such answer might tend to degrade him. Thus, it is error requiring a disapproval of the findings and sentence of the court for the trial judge advocate to call the accused as a witness against himself and thus elicit important admissions from him (C. M. 108428, Hamilton, Jan. 5, 1918; C. M. 129804, Jones, May 20, 1919; C. M. 128735, Soldier, Apr. 23, 1919). It must be noted that this rule draws a distinction between questions that tend to criminate and those that tend to de- grade, the constitutional protection extending in the first in- stance against questions whether material or not, while in the second instance the statutory protection extends only to questions which are not material to the issue. (a) Where privilege as to self -crimination ceases. As in the following cases the witness would not be liable to the law's punishment, his privilege as to self-incrimination ceases : Conviction and the suffering of the punishment; acquittal; former jeopardy (except a former trial, upon a rehearing or new 194 COURTS-MARTIAL, EVIDENCE. If 234 trial, or where a rehearing or new trial has been or may be ordered) ; abolition of the general crime, subsequent to its commission (provided the rule of criminal law thereby exon- erates prior offenders) ; lapse of time barring prosecution of the particular offense; executive pardon for the particular offense; statutory amnesty, before or after the act, for the particular criminal act or for the offender. (Wigmore, p. 3163.) 234. PRIVILEGE AGAINST SELF- CRIMINATION is A PERSONAL ONE. The privilege of a witness to refuse to respond to a question, the answer to which may incriminate him, is a per- sonal one, which the witness may exercise or waive as he may see fit. It is not for the trial judge advocate or accused to object to the question or to check the witness, or for the court to exclude the question or direct the witness not to answer. Where it appears that the witness is ignorant of his rights and that the answer to a question might incriminate him, the president of the court will inform him of his right to decline to make any answer which might tend to incriminate him. 235. PROCEDURE WHERE ALLEGED INCRIMINATING QUESTION Is ASKED. Where the court overrules an objection made by a witness that the answer to a question will incriminate him the witness should answer the question. If he is a person subject to military law and refuses to answer, charges may be preferred against him under A. W. D6. If he is a civilian witness the facts should be certified to the United States dis- trict attorney by the court with a view to his prosecution as provided in A. W. 23. (See A. W. 23 as to other tribunals and agencies.) In any case of refusal to answer a question after the court has held it to be a proper one, the refusal may be commented on by the trial judge advocate or counsel in his remarks to the court, 236. NOT SEIjF-CRIMINATION TO REQUIRE ACCUSED TO SuB- MIT TO PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. "The prohibition of the fifth amendment against compelling a man to give evidence against himself is a prohibition of the use of physical or moral compulsion to extort communications from him and not an exclusion of his body as evidence when it is material." (Holt v. U. S., 218 U. S., 245.) 195 ^f 236 CHAPTER XI. The following are illustrations of what might be required without violating the privilege contained in A. W. 24. or the principle embodied in the fifth amendment: (a) The admission of testimony as to marks and scars found upon the person of a defendant, in a criminal prosecu- tion, during a forcible examination of him with a view to ascertaining his identity for the purpose of arresting him, is not prohibited. (O'Brien v. Indiana, L. R. A., Book 9, 1890, p. 323; see also 12 Cyc., 401.) (b) Upon the trial, a question was raised as to the identity of the defendant. One witness testified that he knew the de- fendant, and knew that he had tattoo marks (a female head and bust) on his right forearm. The court thereupon com- pelled the defendant, against his objection, to exhibit his arm, in such a manner as to show the marks to the jury. (State v. Ah Chuey, alias Sam Good, 14 Nev., 79.) (c) An officer of the Army was "ordered to a place for identification by civilian witnesses in relation to charges which were pending against the officer, and it was held that such an order would not be in violation of the officer's privi- lege, as it called for no testimonial communication from him. It follows that it would be appropriate for the court to order the accused to remove his clothing for the purpose of examination by the court or by a surgeon who would later testify as to the results of his examination ; and, upon refusal to obey the order, the accused might have his v clothing re- moved by force. The accused might likewise be compelled to try on clothing or shoes or place his bare foot in tracks, etc. But, where resort to extreme force would be necessary to compel compliance in the presence of the court, it would comport more with the dignity of the court to have a surgeon make the examination out of the presence of the court and testify as to the result of the examination, or to advise the accused as to the purpose of the examination, and to warn him that his refusal to obey would be considered as an ad- mission on his part of what was sought to be ascertained by the examination. This conclusion would be quite within legal bounds as to presumption of facts. 196 COUKTS-MAKTIAL EVIDENCE. ^ 236a SECTION IV. DOCUMENTS. 236a. General Rules Applicable to Documents. In the use of documents (written or printed) in evidence, there are four fundamental rules to be satisfied, each of them resting on ex- perience demonstrating them to be necessary or useful, where any real dispute exists. (1) Rule 1. Production of the Original. When the con- tents of a document are to be proved, the original should be produced, if it can be obtained; if not, and then only, resort may be had to a copy, or to oral testimony based on recollection. (2) Rule 2. Giving Testimonial Status to a Writing. When a document is not one having a per se legal effect (such as a note, check, deed, or will) it is virtually written testimony. Hence, it must be made a part of the testimony of some witness, who on the stand adopts it and verifies it. Two common appli- cations of this are the use of memoranda (par. 241) and maps, etc. (par. 245). (3) Rule 3. Hearsay 'Rule; Exception for Official State- ments. When a document is of the foregoing sort, i. e., a testi- monial writing requiring adoption by some witness, and if the author of it does not appear as a witness, it remains only as a hearsay statement, i. e., by some one not sworn or cross-examined ; hence it can be received only under some exception to the hear- say rule (par. 221). Entries in books of accounts of deceased persons (par. 244) are an example of this. Official records and certificates (pars. 238 and 238a) are another common example; here the principle is that an official statement is admissible only if the officer making it had the duty or authority to do or to know the matter stated by him. A principal application of this rule occurs where a purporting copy is offered to prove the contents of an original not available for production under Rule (1) above. Here the copy, being somebody's testimony to the contents of the original, must be verified by calling a witness to the stand; or else the statement of the absent person signing it as a true copy must be received under the exception to the hearsay rule for official statements (pars. 238 and 238a). 197 Tf 236b CHAPTER xi. (4.) Rule 4. Authentication. Any and every document must be authenticated; i. e., it must be shown to have been actually made by the person who purports to have made it; in short, its genuineness must be shown. This may be proved like any other fact by calling a witness who saw it executed, or, specially, by calling a witness to the style of handwriting (par. 240). It may also be done by using the (hearsay) statement of an ab- sent person, under the exception for official statements (pars. 238 and 238a), as where a notary's certificate of the party's acknowl- edgment is used, or where an official copy by the custodian is used. In all such cases of the use of official documents, proof of genuineness is facilitated by the presumption of genuineness which attaches to an official seal or signature, with recital of the official title of the person signing. No further evidence of genuineness is needed, where this presumption applies. The foregoing four principles are not all called into play for every document, but sometimes one, sometimes two or more, are concerned in using the same document. But all of the ensuing specific rules are based on, and reducible to, one or another of the foregoing four principles. Hence, the question will be, in every case of objection to a document, which one or more of these principles is at the root of the objection, and thus it may be determined how to overcome the objection and satisfy the requirement of the principle involved. 236b. Writings Not in Dispute. Where a document is offered in evidence, the application of the foregoing principles, viz, that the original be produced if available; that a testimonial writing be verified on the stand, or, if not, that the document or entry be made by an officer having a duty to make it; that an official copy be shown to have been made by an officer having custody of the original; and that the signature be authenticated; should not be rigorously enforced where it appears to the court there is no real issue or dispute as to the correctness or authenticity of the document or entry. Unless such strict proof is called for, on the request of the accused, or by reason of necessity of showing in the record the facts giving jurisdiction or involving the sub- stance of the offense, the observance of the general rules in every detail will not ordinarily be deemed a requisite. 108 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. f 237 (RULE 1:) 237. MANNER OF PROVING CONTENTS OP WRITING. A writing is the best evidence of its own contents and must be introduced to prove its contents. But if it has been lost or destroyed or it is otherwise satis- factorily shown that the writing can not be produced, then the contents may be proved by a copy or by oral testimony of witnesses who have seen the writing. Under this rule if it is desired to prove the contents of a private letter or other unofficial paper, or an official paper such as a pay voucher, written claim against the Government, pay roll or muster roll, company morning report, enlistment paper, etc., the strict and formal method of doing so is to prove by proper evidence that the writing is in fact what it purports to be, and then introduce in evidence the original or a properly authen- ticated copy. When the original consists of numerous writings which can not conveniently be examined by the court, and the fact to be proved is the general result of the whole collection, and that result is capable of being ascertained by calculation, the calculation may be made by some competent person and the result of the calcula- tion testified to by him, as, for instance, if the fact to be proved is the balance shown by account books. In such case the opposite party should have access to the books and papers from which the calculation is made. It is customary for the party introducing a writing in evidence to read it to the court. But unless the court directs it to be read at once it may be read at any time. NOTE. Care must be exercised in making use of the foregoing re- laxation of the general rule relating to testimony resulting from ex- amination of numerous writings. Thus, for example, where on a prosecution for embezzlement of company funds the only evidence for the prosecution of the amount which should have been in the fund, was that of an officer who testified that he had examined the books and found the shortage complained of, it was held that this evidence was incompetent, and so much of the finding of guilty as was based on that evidence was disapproved, because the books themselves, con- stituting the best evidence, were not introduced in evidence; since, while the rule is that where the originals consist of numerous docu- 199 ^ 237a CHAPTER xi. ments which can not be conveniently examined in court, and the fact to be proved is the general result of an examination of the whole col- lection, evidence may be given of the result by any person who has. examined the documents and who is skilled in such matters, provided the result is capable of being ascertained by calculation, yet it was not shown in that case (a) that the books could not have been conveniently examined by the court, nor (b) that the officer testifying was " skilled in such matters." (C. M. 130729, Tengler, June 4, 1919.) In such cases it must be shown to the court that: (a) The writings are so numerous or bulky that they can not con- veniently be examined by the court. (b) The fact to be proved is the general result of the whole collec- tion. (c) The result is capable of being ascertained by calculation. (d) The witness is a person skilled in such matters, and capable of making the calculation. (e) He has examined the whole collection and has made such a calculation. (f) The opposite party has had access to the books and papers from which the calculation is made. (g) Opportunity is afforded the opposite party to cross-examine the witness upon the books and papers in question, and to have them, or such of them as the cross-examiner may desire (or properly authenti- cated or proved copies), produced in court for the purposes of the cross examination. 23 7a. Report of Investigating Officer Summary of Evidence of Preliminary Investigation. Neither the report of an investi- gating officer nor the summary of the testimony of a witness on a preliminary investigation of a charge is competent evidence, whether or not the investigating officer or the witness in question be called as a witness at the trial. The witness should be re- quired to testify personally to the facts, regardless of any former statement. NOTE 1. On cross-examination he may be asked if he did not say such or such a thing or things in his former statement or report, for the purpose of testing his memory, accuracy, or veracity, or of laying a foundation to impeach him; and, if the cross-examiner reads any part of the report or former statement into evidence in connection with the cross-examination, the opposite party may offer in evidence so much of the do'cument as bears upon 'the same immediate subject, for the purpose of getting the whole former statement of the witrfess on that immediate subject fairly before the court. NOTE 2. The investigating office* can hot testify to any statements made to him in the course of the investigation, since "his repetition of such statements would be hearsay. The witness making the state- 200 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 238 ments must be called to testify to the facts. (See pars. 221 and 22Ia, supra, " Hearsay.") (RULE 1:) 238. PUBLIC RECORDS. An important exception to the rule that the contents of a writing must be proved by the writing itself is in the case of public records required to be preserved on file in a public office, in which case duly authenticated copies may be admitted in evidence equally with originals without first proving that the originals have been lost, destroyed, or their absence ac- counted for in some other way. This exception is made necessary by the inconvenience to the public business that would result if such records were removed. War Department and Army Kecords. Copies of any rec- ords or papers in the War Department, in any of its bureaus ; or in any office of any of the supply depart- ments; or at the headquarters of an Army, field army, corps, division, brigade, or regiment ; or of an army area, corps area, territorial division, territorial department, or post, if authenticated by the impressed stamp of the bureau, office, or headquarters having custody of the originals (for example, " The Adjutant General's Office, official copy"), may be admitted in evidence equally with the originals thereof before any military court, commission, or board, or in any administrative matter under the War Department, provided the originals would be admissible under the rules of evidence. NOTE. It is to be borne in mind that the mere fact that a docu- ment is~an official report does not in itself make it admissible in evi- dence. It must be admissible, if at all, either under the general rules of evidence or under some specific provision of law or of this Manual. RULE 3:) 238a. Certain Official Writings Are Evidence of Facts Re- cited Therein. Where an official duty or authority exists to record certain facts and events, the writing containing the evidence is competent (i. e., prima facie) evidence of the facts and events recorded in it, without calling to the stand the officer who made it. For instance, the original of an en- listment paper, the physical examination paper, outline- figure and finger-print card, and the original morning re- 201 ^f 239 CHAPTER XI. port sheet are competent evidence of the facts recited in them. (A descriptive and assignment card, however, is not an original paper. All the information it contains is compiled from other original sources, and therefore it is not evidence of the facts recited in it.) (RULE 4:) 239. AUTHENTICATION OF WRITINGS. In order to prove that a writing is what it purports to be, in case of a private letter, the person who received the letter should testify that he received it and he should identify it. Then it should be proved that the signature is in the hand- writing of the purported writer of the letter. But in proving the genuineness of letters the rule is that the ar- rival by mail of a reply purporting to be from the ad- dressee of a prior letter duly addressed and mailed, is sufficient evidence of the genuineness of the reply to jus- tify its introduction in evidence. A similar rule prevails as to telegrams purporting to be from the addressee of a prior telegram or telephone message. If the writing is an official document such as a pay voucher, the person having official custody should pro- duce it in court and testify that he is the custodian of the writing and that it is the pay voucher of the person whose name is signed. The signature to the voucher should be proved to be genuine if that^is not admitted. In court-martial practice the opposing party usually ad- mits a public document without requiring such strict proof. The entries in pay vouchers, muster and pay rolls, company morning reports, and other public rec- ords used in the Army, are open to inspection by both parties, and contain numerous entries not pertaining to the case being tried. It is the practice, in the absence of an objection, to prove their contents by the oral testimony of a witness, usually the custodian, reading the material matter in court. 240. COMPARISON OF HANDWRITING. The common-law rule of evidence would not permit a comparison of handwriting unless the writing to be used as a standard was properly in the case'for other purposes than mere comparison. This rule 202 COURTS-MAKTIAL EVIDENCE. II 241 was changed by act of Congress approved February 26, 1913 (37 Stat., 683), which provides That in any proceeding before a court or judicial officer of the United States where the genuineness of the handwriting of any person may be involved, any admitted or proved hand- writing of such person shall be competent evidence as a basis for comparison by witnesses, or by the jury, court, or officer conducting such preceding, to prove or disprove such genu- ineness. But before admitting such specimens of handwriting, satis- factory evidence should be offered as to the genuineness of the same. The rule prescribed by Congress will govern in court-mar- tial procedure. 241. USE or MEMORANDA. Memoranda may be used to aid the memory or to supply facts once known but now forgotten. Memoranda are therefore of two sorts : First, if the witness does not actually remember the facts but relies on the memo- randum exclusively (as in the case of a bookkeeper using an old account book) , then the witness must be able to guarantee that the record accurately represented his knowledge and recollection at the time of its making, but it is not necessary that he should himself have made the record if he can state from his present recollection that it was correct when made and the entries must have been made at or near the time, and the recollection at such time must have been fresh as to the facts recorded. Second, if the witness can actually remember the facts and merely needs the memorandum to stimulate or revive his memory, or a part of it, then the above limita- tions do not strictly apply. But the court should see to it that no attempt is made to use such a paper to impose a false memory on the court under guise of refreshing it. The memorandum to be used must always, on demand, be shown to the opponent for purposes of inspection and cross- examination, and fairness and justice require that where a memorandum is consulted before trial for refreshing a wit- ness's recollection, statement should be made by the trial judge advocate or counsel to that effect, and the memoran- dum should be brought into court by the side whose wit- ness has so consulted it. 203 f 242 CHAPTER XI. 242. MEMORANDUM AS EVIDENCE. Where a memorandum does not serve to refresh the recollection of the witness, but he can state that it was made when his memory was fresh and can give the guaranty of accuracy and recollection called for by the preceding section, the memorandum itself will be admissible. Where the witness's certainty rests on his usual habit or course of business in making memoranda or records, it is sufficient. 243. MEMORANDUM FOR REFRESHING RECOLLECTION. Where a witness states that the memorandum to be used refreshes his recollection to the extent of his now remember- ing the data contained therein, the common rule is to have him testify as to such facts without admitting in evidence the memorandum itself. 244. BOOKS OF ACCOUNT. Entries in books of account, where such books are proven to have been kept in the regular course of business, and the entrant is dead, insane, out of the jurisdiction of the court, or otherwise unavailable to testify, are admissible as evidence. Also the lack of an entry in a series of written entries is admissible as an implied state- ment that no events occurred of the kind that would have been recorded. Where the entrant is available to testify in court, books of account will be used, just as memoranda are used for the purpose of refreshing the recollection of the witness, and may be introduced in evidence in connection with his testi- mony. Where the entrant only records an oral report or written memorandum made in the regular course of business by an- other person or persons, such other person or persons, if available, must be called to testify. The original document of entry must be produced or ac- counted for. W'here a composite entry is used, the extent to which intermediate memoranda must be produced depends on the circumstances of each case. As between ledger and daybook or other kinds, the book required is that which con- tains^the first regular and collected record of the transac- tions. (Wigmore, sec. 1530.) 204 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. If 245 245. MAPS, PHOTOGRAPHS, .ETC. Maps, photographs, sketches, etc., as to localities, wounds, etc., are admissible as evidence when , properly verified by (1) the party that made them, or (2) by anyone personally acquainted with the locality, object, person, etc., thereby represented or pictured, and able to state their correctness, from his own personal knowledge or observation, or (3) when coming from official sources that are a guaranty of truthfulness and accuracy. This character of evidence is capable of gross misrepresentation of facts and should be carefully scrutinized. Finger prints, upon such verification or guaranty, are admissible. SECTION V. EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. 246. WITNESSES EXAMINED APART FROM EACH OTHER. Witnesses, after having been first sworn as provided in para- graph 134, are usually examined apart from each other, no witness being allowed to be present during the examination of another who is called before him. But this rule is not inflexible; it is in practice subject to the discretion of the court, nor is it ever so rigidly observed as to exclude the tes- timony of a person because he has been present at the ex- amination of other witnesses ; but the fact of such presence may be commented upon in argument by either party, in relation to the weight to be given the evidence of 'the witness, 247. OBJECTIONS TO COMPETENCY ; WHEN MADE. Any ob- jection to the witness's competency should be made before he is sworn. If his incompetency should later appear, however, a valid objection should be sustained, or the court, of its own motion, should refuse to hear him further, and order that any testimony he may have already given will be disregarded. 248. NUMBER OF WITNESSES KEQUIRED. Though there are occasional dangers in trusting to a single witness, the testi- mony of a single qualified witness to the facts in issue would suffice to sustain a conviction, except as to (1) treason, where there must be two witnesses testifying credibly to the same overt act, or (2) perjury, where there must be either (a) a 205 ^[ 249 CHAPTER XI. second witness to the falsity alleged or () a corroboration of a single witness by some other form of evidence. The rule as to perjury does not apply, however, where the falsity can be inferred from a contradictory statement made by the ac- cused. (Wigmore's P. C., 338, 339.) For instance, where a person is charged with a perjury as to facts directly dis- proved by documentary or written testimony springing from himself, with circumstances showing the corrupt intent; in cases where the perjury charged is contradicted by a public record, proved to have been well known to the defendant when he took the oath ; and in cases where the false swearing can be proved by his own letters relating to the fact sworn to, or by other written testimony existing and being found in the possession of a defendant and which has been treated by him as containing the evidence of the fact recited in it. (U. S. v. Wood, 14 Pet., 430.) (See par. 224 as to corroboration of an accomplice and see par. 225 as to corroboration of a confession.) 249. ORDER OF EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. The proper and usual order and sequence of examination of witnesses contemplates that the witnesses for the prosecution shall be called first and then the witnesses for the accused, and after- wards the witnesses for the prosecution in rebuttal of testi- mony brought out by the accused, and then the witnesses for the accused in rebuttal of those last introduced by the prose- cution, and then witnesses by the court ; and that the method of examining each witness shall be direct examination, cross- examination, redirect examination, recross-examination, and examination by the court. However, the court may, in the interest of truth and justice, call or recall witnesses, or per- mit their recall at any stage of the proceedings; it may permit material testimony to be introduced by either party quite out of its regular order and place, or permit a case once closed by either or both sides to be reopened for the introduc- tion of testimony previously omitted, if convinced that such testimony is so material that its omission would leave the investigation incomplete. In all such cases both parties must be present, and any testimony thus received would be subject to cross-examination and rebuttal by the party to whom it may be adverse. 200 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. If 250 250. DIRECT EXAMINATION Identification of Accused. The first question to be asked each witness, whether called for the prosecution or defense or by the court, will be, whether he knows the accused, and if he does to state who he is. This question is always asked by the trial judge advocate. The accused having been identified, the examination of the witness is continued by the person calling him. All questions and answers are recorded in full, and as far as possible in the exact language of the witness. If an objection is made to a question, the reason for the objection will be stated. The identification of the accused should be carefully proved, both for the establishment of the court's jurisdiction over him, and also for the proof of his actual complicity in the offense where any doubt is raised on this point. Attention is here called to the specific modes mentioned in paragraph 223a supra (iden- tification), and. paragraph 239 supra (documents), and to the proof of the allegations required by paragraph 74b to be made in the specifications, as to the accused's name, rank or grade, title, and organization. 251. CROSS-EXAMINATION. In general the cross-examina- tion will be limited to matters brought out by the direct ex- amination of the witness, but in the discretion of the court exceptions may be made to this rule. As it is the purpose of the cross-examination to test the credibility of the witness it is permissible to investigate the situation of the witness with respect to the parties and to the subject of the litigation, his interest, his motives, inclinations, and prejudices, his means of obtaining a correct and certain knowledge of the facts to which he bears testimony, the manner in which he has used those means, his powers of discernment, memory, and description. Leading questions may be freely used on cross-examination. (Davis, p. 285.) 252. REDIRECT AND BECROSS-EXAMINATION. Ordinarily the redirect examination will be confined to matters brought out on the cross-examination, and the recross-examination will be confined to matters brought out on the redirect examina- tion. But in these matters the court, in the interest of truth and justice, should be liberal in relaxing the rule. 253. EXAMINATION BY THE COURT. The court or a member may ask questions of a witness when it is apparent that the 207 Tf 253a CHAPTER xi. examination of the witness already made has failed to bring out matters material to the issues, and for the same reasons a witness may be recalled or a new witness summoned by the court. 253a. Questions by Members of the Court. Questions asked by members of the court and testimony sought or elicited thereby are subject to the same rules of evidence as though the questions had been proposed by the trial judge advocate or counsel for the accused, and are subject to objection by either party or by an- other member of the court in the same manner as questions asked by the trial judge advocate or the defense. No questions should be asked by a member of the court of any witness called by either party, nor permitted to be answered, which under the rules of evidence, neither of the parties could ask. It is the duty of members of the court to carefully observe the rules of evi- dence in any questions they may ask, and the duty of the court to enforce the rules, of its own motion, and without waiting for objection from either party, more carefully, if anything, against questions asked by the president or by any other member of the court than against questions asked by the trial judge advocate or counsel for the accused, because of the natural hesitancy of the parties themselves to object to questions asked by a member of the court, and because improper testimony elicited through ques- tions by members of the court is likely to have more weight, and any error in admitting it likely to be more seriously prejudicial to the accused than if brought out by questions of the parties. If new matter be elicited by questions of the court, the party toward whom such new matter is unfavorable, will be permitted to cross-examine" thereon, whether or not the witness was called by him. 254. LEADING QUESTIONS Double Questions. (a) Leading Questions. Leading questions ; that is, questions which either (1) suggest the answer it is desired the witness shall make, or (2) which, embodying a material fact, are susceptible of being answered by a simple yes or no, must not be asked on direct examination of a witness by the party calling him. For example, the question, "Did you hear the accused say he did not intend to come back?" would be leading. The proper form of the question would be : " Did the accused say 208 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^[254 anything?" If the answer is in the affirmative, add " State what he said." Or, where a knife is introduced in evidence a witness should not be asked on direct examination whether that is the knife he saw the accused stab Pvt. A. with, but he should be asked first whether he recognizes the knife, and if he answers that he does, then he may be asked where he saw it, and what was done with it, etc. (b) Double Questions. Double questions are questions embody- ing two or more separate elements or questions. Double ques- tions must not be asked either on direct or cross-examination, since they are always confusing to a witness, frequently leading to misunderstanding and unintentional misstatements by the witness; and since, furthermore, particularly if asked on cross- examination in the form of a leading question to which a direct answer yes or no may be demanded, a double question may con- stitute a trap for the witness. Such a question may, in fact, not be susceptible of a categorical answer either yes or no. It will therefore never be permitted to be asked. For example, the question " Did you see the accused leave his quarters with a bundle under his arm?" is, besides being leading, a double ques- tion, and may not be susceptible of a categorical answer yes or no. It consists, really, of three questions, viz: (1) Did you see the accused? (2) If so, was lie leaving his quarters when you saw him? and (3) if so, did he have a bundle under his arm? Manifestly the witness may have seen the accused, at the partic- ular time in question, and yet not have seen him leave Ms quarters, and not have seen him with a bundle under his arm; or he may have seen him leave his quarters but without a bundle under his arm, or he may have seen him with a bundle under his arm but not leaving his quarters ; or again he may have seen him (either leaving his quarters or otherwise) with a bundle, but not under his arm. Each of these various circumstances may, very possibly, have a material bearing on the case. The injustice of such a question, both to the witness and to the accused, and its misleading effect, is apparent from a consideration of the fact that if the witness be required to answer yes or no to such a question he may, for instance, answer " no," meaning simply that the accused when he saw him did not have a bundle under his arm, or perhaps meaning that although he saw the accused 21358 20 14 209 ^ 254 CHAPTER XI. with a bundle under his arm he was not then in the act of leav- ing his quarters. But the negative answer may be construed as a complete denial of having seen the accused at all. On the other hand, if he should answer " yes " to the question, he might . mean simply that he saw the accused at the time in question, or saw him leaving his quarters, whereas his answer would be quite properly construed as meaning that he not only saw him at the time in question but also in the act of leaving his quarters, and with a bundle, and also that the bundle was under his arm. Such a question will never be permitted to be asked of a witness at any time or under any circumstances. (c) The following are exceptions to the rule that leading questions will not be asked: (1) Leading questions ma} 7 be asked on cross-examination. (2) To abridge the proceedings, the witness may be led at once to points 011 which he is to testify. The rule is there- fore not applicable to that part of the examination of a wit- ness which is purely introductory. For example, in a, deser- tion case, a policeman, who apprehended the accused, may have his attention directed at once to the occasion by such a ques- tion as whether at a certain time and place he arrested the accused, but it is improper to include in such a preliminary ques- tion anything which may bear on the merits of the controversy, as, e. g., that he arrested the accused as a deserter. (The grounds of the arrest, if material, should be brought out by other not leading questions, as, for example, "What did you say to the accused when you arrested him?") The witness having an- swered the question in the affirmative, in the next question he might properly be asked to state the details connected with the arrest. So a witness might properly be asked whether he was present at a certain place where and time when the ac- cused was placed in arrest by a certain officer (unless the fact of the arrest be also disputed). The witness having answered in the affirmative, he may be asked to state all the circum- stances. (3) When the witness appears to be hostile to the party calling him or is manifestly unwilling to give evidence, the court may, in its discretion, permit the party calling him to put leading questions. 210 COURTS-MAETIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 255 (4) When there is an erroneous statement in the testimony of the witness, evidently caused by want of recollection, which a suggestion may assist, as, for instance, where he mis- states a date or an hour (provided, no attempt is made to get him to change his mind, but only an opportunity offered to cor- rect, if he desires, what appears manifestly to be a mere slip of the tongue). (5) Where, from the nature of the case, the mind of the witness can not be directed to the subject of the inquiry with- out a particular specification of it, as where he is called to contradict another witness who has testified that the accused made a certain statement on a certain occasion in the hearing of a number of soldiers, each of them may be asked whether he heard the accused make the statement. The court, in its discretion, would be justified in allowing liberal departures from the rule; but must always be careful, in so doing (a) not to allow an untruthful witness an oppor- tunity to reshape his testimony as he thinks counsel desires, or the reverse, or to try to match it up with the testimony of other witnesses, from suggestions he may gather during his examina- tion, and (b) not to allow either the trial judge advocate or coun- sel for the accused, on direct examination, to intimate to a wit- ness that his testimony on a material point is wrong, or ought to be changed (except within the limits of the rules above stated). 255. RECALLING or WITNESSES. Where a witness is re- called to the witness stand he will not be sworn again, but will be reminded that he has been sworn in the case and is still under oath. A failure to so remind him, however, does not affect the validity of the trial and will not be ground for re- jecting the testimony. SECTION VI. CREDIBILITY OF WITNESSES. 256. WHAT CREDIBILITY CONSISTS IN. The credibility of a witness is his worthiness of belief, and is determined by his character, by the acuteness of his powers of observation, the Mccuracy and retentiveness of his memory, by his general manner is giving evidence, his relation to the matter in issue, 211 If 257 CHAPTER XI. his appearance and deportment, prejudices, by his general reputation for truth and veracity in the community where he lives, by comparison of his testimony with other statements made by him out of court, by comparison of his testimony with that of others, etc. From all these the court will draw its own conclusions as to the credibilty of the witness, attach- ing only such weight to his evidence as all the facts seem to warrant. There may even be cases in which the court will reject all the testimony of a witness. This may be for any of the reasons set forth above. No statement will be made by the court of the weight given to any testimony or the amount rejected, except as it may desire to inform the reviewing authority of the reasons which have led to its findings. 257. PROOF OF CHARACTER BY GENERAL REPUTATION. Where impeachment of a witness for bad character is under- taken it must be limited to proof of his general reputation for truth and veracity in the community in which he lives or pursues his ordinary vocation. For a military man this would mean the reputation that he bore amongst the mem- bers of his regiment or company, or organization or command, or amongst those stationed at a post, or, if stationed at or near a town, amongst the residents of the town. Personal opinion as to his character is not admissible, except that a witness may, after testifying that he knows the reputation of the person in question as to truth and veracity in the community in which he so resides or pursues his ordinary avocation, and that such reputation is bad, be further asked whether or not from his knowledge of such reputation he would believe the person in question on oath. 258. CONVICTION OF CRIME. Evidence of the conviction of any crime, even by a foreign tribunal and whether felony or misdemeanor, is admissible for the purpose of diminishing the credit due to his testimony. (1 Greenleaf, sec. 376.) It is allowable to ask a witness on cross-examination whether he has ever been convicted of a crime, but if he denies it, proof may only be made by copy of the record of his conviction. 258a. Corroborative Statements Identification of Accused. In general, a witness gains no corroboration merely by repeat- 212 COURTS-MAKTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 259 ing his statements a number of times to the same effect. Hence, similar statements made by a witness prior to the trial consistent with his present testimony are in general not admissible to cor- roborate him. But this is only a general rule, and there are some situations in which such statements, having a real evidential value, are admissible. For example, if a witness's testimony is impeached on the ground of bias due to a quarrel with the ac- cused, the fact that he made an assertion similar to his present testimony before the date of the quarrel tends to show that his present testimony is not due to bias. So, also, where his testi- mony is sought to be impeached on the ground of collusion or corruption, the circumstances of the case may show whether such statements should be admissible as having such evidential value. 259. Contradiction by Other Witnesses. A witness may be im- peached by calling other witnesses to contradict some part of his testimony. How seriously this may affect his credibility is a mat- ter to be determined by the tribunal upon weighing all the cir- cumstances. Assuming that the tribunal believes the fact to be as asserted by the contradicting witness, it does not follow that the contradicted witness is to be wholly discredited ; his misstate- ment may have been due to error of memory or observation on that particular point, and not necessarily to deliberate falsehood; and he may even have falsified on that particular point and still be speaking the truth on other points. So that no general rule can be laid down as to the effect to be given to a proved error on one point; the court is to determine the credibility of the witness on other points in the light of all the circumstances. But this mode of impeachment by calling other witnesses to contradict is subject to one important limitation, viz, the matter upon which the contradiction is offered must not be a collateral one. The object of this rule is to prevent the prolongation of the trial and the confusion of the main issues by entering into numerous controversies on minor matters which are not material to the case and do not throw substantial light on the credibility of the witnesses as to the main issues. Whether a matter is thus " collateral " depends largely on the circumstances of each case. For example, in a trial for escape, where a witness for the prose- cution incidentally states that he had seen the accused and two others, naming them, buying cigarettes at the post exchange at 4 213 ^f 260 CHAPTER XI. p. m. the day before the alleged escape, contradiction as to the purchase being of cigars and not cigarettes would ordinarily be deemed collateral. But if the case was one of conspiracy to escape, and the iden- tity of one of the conspirators was in dispute, and a certain brand of cigarettes was found in the possession of all three accused, then presumably the contradiction as to the purchase being of cigars and not cigarettes would cease to be collateral. The court's dis- cretion must here be used to allow such liberality in construing " collateral " as will best tend to reveal the credibility of the wit- ness in all its aspects. NOTE. By "collateral facts" is meant facts not material to any issne in the case on trial. As to facts material to tlie issues in the case, any contradictory statements made by the witness out of court may be shown by the testimony of other witnesses. (See par. 282, infra.) 260. Inconsistent Statements. A witness may be impeached by showing that he has made elsewhere statements inconsistent with his testimony on the stand. Such inconsistent statements may be evidenced by asking the accused on cross examination to state whether he made them, or by calling other witnesses who will testify to them. But if the proof is desired to be made in the second manner mentioned, the following two limitations apply and must be strictly observed: (a) The matter to which the self -contradictory statement refers must not be a collateral one : " collateral " here being con- strued in the same sense as in paragraph 259, the same policy being involved. (b) While the witness desired to be impeached is on the stand for cross-examination his attention must be called to the sup- posed statement, by mention of the time, place, person addressed, and subject, so that he may then and there have an opportunity to deny it or to explain it, if he sees fit. For the purpose of thus calling his attention, he may be recalled to the stand if he had already left it. If the supposed statement is contained in a writing, this also must be mentioned, and he may be asked to identify his signature on it, and thus save calling another witness to prove the signature. But it is not necessary in thus calling his attention to a writing to show him the contents of 214 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 261 the writing or any part of it other than the signature. If he then admits the signature, or if the signature is later proved hy another witness, the writing is to be introduced at the proper time later, when the cross-examiner is putting in his own case. The witness may of course make any explanation he desires as to the supposed statement, either on cross-examination when his attention is called to it, or on recall for the purpose when it has been evidenced by calling other witnesses. 261. PREJUDICE, BIAS, ETC. Prejudice, bias, relationship, etc., may be shown to diminish the credibility of the witness, either by the testimony of other witnesses or by cross-exami- nation of the witness himself. Such matters are never re- garded as collateral. 262. CREDIBILITY OF ACCUSED AS A WITNESS. If the ac- cused testifies, his credibility as a witness may be attacked on any of the grounds stated in the preceding paragraphs. NOTE. If the contradictory statement was made in the course of another trial, so much only of the testimony or record of such other trial should be offered as shows the contradictory statement; it would not ordinarily be proper to offer the whole record of that case. (C. M. 134184, Benson, June 25, 1919; C. M. 134*268, Shannahan, June 26, 1919.) 262^. IMPEACHMENT or ONE'S OWN WITNESS. The general rule is that a party can not impeach his own witness. This is subject to but few exceptions; as, where a party is com- pelled to call a witness whom the law, or circumstances of the case, make indispensable, or where a witness proves unexpect- edly hostile in his testimony on the stand. In such excepted cases the impeaching party must first show that the evidence as given has taken him by surprise, and that the witness is hostile. The witness may then be asked if he has made con- tradictory statements out of court, the time, place, and cir- cumstances of the statement being described to him in detail, and upon his denial witnesses may be called in proof that ha did make them. In order that one's own witness may be con- tradicted, mere silence or ignorance on his part is not suffi- cient. While a party taken by surprise may impeach his own witness in the cases indicated, he is not permitted to attack his reputation by showing that his general character is bad. 215 ^[ 263" CHAPTER XI. SECTION VII. DEPOSITIONS AND FORMER TESTIMONY. 263. DEPOSITIONS ADMISSIBLE. Depositions taken under the provisions of A. W. 25 and 26 " may be read in evidence before any military court or commission in any case not capi- tal, or in any proceeding before a court of inquiry or military board." (A. W. 25.) NOTE. A case referred to a special court-martial for trial under the second proviso of A. W. 12 is not "a capital case " within the meaning of this paragraph or of A. W. 25, since the special court- martial has no power to impose the death penalty. 264. DEPOSITIONS FOR DEFENSE IN CAPITAL CASES. Depo- sition testimony may be adduced for the defense in capital cases. (A. W. 25.) Where the defense calls for such testi- mony in capital cases the witnesses may be cross-examined as fully as witnesses in a case not capital. 265. OBJECTIONS AS TO COMPETENCY OF WITNESS AND AD- MISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE. The same rules as to competency of witnesses and admissibility of evidence apply in the taking of evidence by deposition that apply in the examination of a witness before the court, except that a wider latitude than usual should be allowed as to leading questions. If the interrogatories and cross-interrogatories for deposi- tions are prepared for acceptance by the court, in open ses- sion, objection to the competency of the deponent, if grounds of objection are known at the time, as well as objections to questions, should be raised at such session, and ordinarily be passed upon by the court at that time. The court should, however, in the interests of justice, entertain such objections when the depositions are offered in evidence, but might in a proper case call upon the trial judge advocate or counsel for explanation as to why they had failed to make the objection at the proper time. If the interrogatories and cross-interrogatories are agreed upon by both parties in advance of the assembling of the court and this is the usual practice objections to questions and to the admissibility of evidence will be made when the depositions are offered in evidence. 216 COURTS-M MJTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 266 2G6. EXAMINATION OF DEPOSITION BY COUNSEL. Upon re- ceipt of the deposition the trial judge advocate will advise the accused or his counsel of that fact and will give them an opportunity to examine the deposition before the trial. 267. READING OF DEPOSITIONS. Ordinarily depositions will be read to the court by the party in whose behalf they are taken, but if the accused is not represented by counsel the trial judge advocate will read to the court the deposition taken on his behalf, unless the accused requests to read them, or does not desire to offer them. (See par. 268, infra.) After being read to the court a deposition will be properly marked for identification purposes and attached to the record, and the record will show that it has been introduced and read to the court. 268. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AS TO DEPOSITIONS. The party at whose instance a deposition has been taken is not required to offer it, unless he sees fit to do so. If the party at whose instance a deposition has been taken decides not to put it in, the opposite party may (subject to the general rules as to competency, materiality, and relevancy of evidence) offer in evidence either the whole or any competent or relevant part of it which is not clearly fragmentary and misleading, as lie may see fit, and in such case the party on whose behalf it was taken may put in evidence any other like part. The trial judge advocate should not be permitted (except as stated in the last clause of the preceding sentence) to introduce only such parts of a deposition taken at his instance as are favorable to him or as he may elect to use; he must offer such a deposition in evidence as a whole or not offer it at all; the accused, however, will be permitted to offer either the whole of a deposition taken on his behalf or any competent or relevant part of it which is not clearly fragmentary and misleading, as he may see fit, and in such case the trial judge advocate may put in evidence any other like part. The court may direct either the whole or any competent part of a deposition, not clearly fragmentary and misleading, if not offered in evidence by either party, to be read as evidence for the court and not on behalf of either party, and in such case either party may offer and put in evidence any other like part or parts. 217 ^f 269 CHAPTER XI. NOTE. "Upon the reading of a deposition or any part of it offered in evidence by either party, or on behalf of the court, under any of the provisions of this paragraph, any question or answer or exhibit or any part thereof, which may not be properly admissible under the general rules of evidence, may be omitted, or ordered suppressed and disregarded either upon the motion or the objection of the party offer- ing it, or of the opposite party, or of any member of the court. 269. AFFIDAVITS NOT ADMISSIBLE. Affidavits taken with- out notice and not as depositions under the provisions of A. W. 25 and 26 are in no case admissible as evidence unless ex- pressly consented to by the trial judge advocate and the accused with full knowledge of his rights. 270. CERTIFICATE OF DISCHARGE. The " certificate of dis- charge " may be used by the defense, either before or after the findings, for proof of good character. 271. STATEMENT OF SERVICE. The statement of service of the accused, as found on the front page of the charge sheet, will not be permitted to be seen or examined by members of the general or special court-martial trying him until after they have reached their findings. In the event of conviction the accused will be asked whether such statement of service is correct, and such statement will be examined and con- sidered by the court, together with the evidence of previous convictions of the accused, if any, for the purpose of deter- mining proper punishment in view of length of service. (See pars. 306 and 307 infra.) The statement of service may, nevertheless, be used by the defense, either before or after the findings, for proof of good character. 272. FORMER TESTIMONY BEFORE COURT OF INQUIRY. The record of the proceedings of a court of inquiry may, with the consent of the accused, be read in evidence before any court- martial or military commission in any case not capital nor extending to the dismissal of an officer, and may also be read in evidence in any proceeding before a court of inquiry or a military board: Provided, That such evidence may be adduced by the defense in capital cases or cases extending to the dismissal of an officer. (A. W. 27.) The same tests of admissibility laid down in paragraph 275, infra, as to examination and cross-examination on the same 218 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 273 issues, and as to correctness and completeness of the record, where former testimony before civil courts and courts- martial is offered, will be applied where a record of a court of inquiry is offered. NOTE. "Any Case Not Capital nor Extending to the Dismissal of an Officer." No case referred to a special court-martial for trial under the provisions of the second proviso to A. W. 12 as amended by the code of 1920 is within the meaning of this phrase as used ia. this para- graph, since the special court-martial has no power either to impose a death sentence or to sentence an officer to dismissal. 273. EVIDENCE OF PARDON. When a special plea in bar of trial, based on a pardon, is offered by the defense, the best evidence of such pardon, if in the nature of an individual pardon, will be the document signed by the President him- self, and, if in the nature of a general amnesty, by an official copy of the proclamation or order publishing such amnesty. If such document or order is not sufficiently explicit to de- termine whether or not the offense for which the accused is on trial is the same as that covered by the pardon, then other evidence must be introduced to fill the gap. Where the par- don is in the nature of a constructive pardon, the evidence will be of such facts and circumstances as it is contended constitute such pardon. 274. EVIDENCE OF FORMER TRIAL BY COURT-MARTIAL OR CIVIL COURT. Where a plea in bar of trial, based on a former trial by court-martial for the same offense and conviction or acquittal of the same, is offered for the defense the best evidence of such conviction or acquittal will be the order of the reviewing authority publishing the case. Where such order is not sufficiently explicit to determine whether or not the offense for which the accused is on trial is the same as that the conviction or acquittal of which he pleads in bar, then the original court-martial record should be offered in evidence. Where a plea in bar is on a former trial and conviction or acquittal by a Federal court the action of a State or any other than a Federal court does not operate as a bar to second trial the best evidence of such conviction or acquittal will be a duly certified copy of the indictment and findings and conviction or acquittal, given by the public officer whose duty it is to keep the original. 219 "ft 275 CHAPTER XI. 275. Former testimony in civil courts and courts-martial. Where a witness, who has testified in either a Federal or State court at a former trial of the same person, on the same issues raised in the case on trial, and was fully examined and cross-examined, is dead or is beyond reach of the process of the court and his personal attendance can not be secured, then the stenographic report of his testimony, if proven to be correct and complete by the person by whom it was re- ported, will be admissible and may very properly be accorded the same weight as a deposition duly taken on notice. (Ey. Co. v. Myers, 80 Fed. Rep., 361, 365.) Ordinarily, however, this situation should be met by the trial judge advocate and counsel for accused procuring in advance of trial a transcript of the stenographer's notes, duly sworn to by him as correct and complete, and submitting it to the opposite party for his inspection. If acknowledged to be correct and complete, then such transcript will be received in evidence. Where the testimony desired is of a witness who had testi- fied in a former trial by court-martial, all conditions being approximately the same as those cited in the first paragraph of this section, so much of the original court-martial record itself as contains the desired testimony may be read in evi- dence, subject in all cases to the provisions of paragraph 377a infra, and the stenographic reporter will only be called where a question is raised as to the correctness or complete- ness of the recorded testimony. SECTION VIII. PRESUMPTION. 276. PRESUMPTIONS. Presumptions constitute a large part of the law of evidence. They are of two kinds presumptions of law and presumptions of fact. 277. PRESUMPTIONS OF LAW. Broadly speaking, a pre- sumption of law is a rule of law that when certain circum- stances exist the court must presume certain other circum- stances. Presumptions of law are divided into conclusive and disputable presumptions. In case of a conclusive pre- 220 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. If 278 sumption of law the presumption can not be contradicted. For example, all residents of a country are conclusively pre- sumed to know its laws. This presumption is in force in the practice of courts-martial so far as concerns offenses that con- stitute civil crimes. (As to the modification of the rule as regards knowledge of the Articles of War in case of re- cruits, see par. 282 ; as to intent, par. 281 ; as to ignorance of law, par. 282.) In case of a disputable presumption of law, the presumption can be contradicted. For example, it is pre- sumed that a sane person intends the natural and probable consequences of his acts ; a person is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty ; all persons are presumed to be sane ; per- sons acting as public officers are presumed to be legally in office and to properly perform their duties; and malice is presumed from the use of a deadly weapon. Evidence may be introduced to rebut such presumptions. 278. PRESUMPTIONS OF FACT. Presumptions of fact are nothing more than logical inferences, from facts already proved, as to the existence of other facts. This kind of a pre- sumption is not made as a rule of law but as a matter of human reason. All evidence in a case, except that which di- rectly proves the allegations in the specifications, leads at once to presumptions of fact. Such presumptions are the basis of all circumstantial evidence. (See pars. 203 and 204.) It is in making such presumptions that the members of the court should especially exercise their common sense and their knowledge of human nature and the ways of the world. Facts in evidence showing a motive or absence of motive on the part of the accused, preparations, or the absence of prep- arations for the commission of crime, a failure to account for suspicious circumstances, acts showing a criminal conscious- ness (as concealment, disguise, or flight), the suppression of evidence, the possession of weapons or instruments that might have been used in the commission of the offense, the possession soon after larceny or embezzlement of the articles stolen or embezzled, are a proper basis for presumptions of fact. Also where the existence at one time of a certain condition or state of things of a continuing nature is shown, the general 221 ^[ 279 CHAPTER XI. presumption arises that such condition or state continues to exist, until the contrary is shown, so long as is usual with con- ditions or things of that particular nature. For example, there is a presumption of continuance as to one's residence, until a change is shown, also that one holding an office con- tinues to hold it until the end of the term for which appointed or elected and that personal habits have not changed. There is a presumption of fact from the regular course of business in the Post Office Department that a letter when properly deposited in a post-office box or in the place in which letters for mailing are usually deposited, postage prepaid, is received by the addressee. The presumption with regard to the de- livery of letters duly posted has been extended and applied to the delivery of telegrams deposited with a telegraph com- pany for transmission; but delivery of the message to the telegraph company must of course be shown. There is also a presumption of fact that persons of the same name are the same person. The strength of this presumption will of course depend upon how common the name is and other cir- cumstances. 279. PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. Prima facie evidence is that which suffices for the proof of a particular fact until con- tradicted and overcome by other evidence. In other words, prima facie evidence justifies the court in finding the facts presumed, but in view of the doctrine of reasonable doubt that always inures to the benefit of the accused from a considera- tion of all of the evidence presented the court is not required to find the facts presumed. The court may decide, for in- stance, that the prima facie evidence presented does not outweigh the presumption of innocence. 280. INTENT IN CONNECTION WITH CROIES. In respect to the element of intent, crimes are distinguished as follows: Those in which a distinct and specific intent, independent of the mere act, is essential to constitute the offense, as murder, larceny, burglary, desertion, and mutiny; and those in which the act is the principal feature, the existence of the wrongful intent being simply inferable therefrom, as rape, perjury, sleeping on post, drunkenness on duty, neglect of duty. In cases of the former class the characteristic intent 222 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. IF 281 must be established affirmatively as a separate fact; in the latter class of ases it is only necessary to prove the unlawful act, for every man is presumed in law to have intended to do what he actually does, and the burden of proof is upon him to show the contrary. (Winthrop, p. 475.) 281. INTENT IN MILITARY CASES. Military offenses being created by statute, the peculiar statutory intent described in the article, if there be one, must be alleged in the specification. The enlistments prohibited in A. W. 54, for example, must have been knowingly made in order to constitute an of- fense under the statute. It is similarly essential to some of the offenses described in A. W. 55, 56, and 57 that they be knowingly committed; offenses under A. W. 83 and 84 must have been committed "willfully " or " through neglect" ; an officer quitting his post on tender of resignation must do so " with intent to absent himself permanently therefrom " to be triable for the offense described in A W. 28 ; and an officer who refuses or " willfully neglects " to deliver an offender to the civil authorities upon application duly made by such au- thorities subjects himself by such refusal or willful neglect to the penalties set forth in A. W. 74. (Davis, 642.) In some instances, however, as in the offenses described in A. W. 61 and 86, no statutory intent is set forth in the article, and none need be alleged in the specifications. In still other cases, while no intent is expressed in the article, a particular intent is, nevertheless, implied, and is, therefore, an essential element of the offense, and though not required to be alleged in the specification, must be established in evidence. Such is the case with respect to the offense of desertion, the requisite intent being either not to return, to avoid hazardous duty, or to shirk important service. But whether the intent is that presumed from the com- mission of an unlawful act or is the specific one express or implied in the article in either ca&e the prosecution must prove such actual intent. If the evidence does not substantiate such intent, the accused must be acquitted, or the grade of the offense reduced, as, for instance, from assault with intent to kill, to assault. (See also pars. 74b, 158a, and 158b, supra.) ^j 282 CHAPTER XI. 282. IGNORANCE OF LAW. Every person is usually pre- sumed to know the provisions of Federal, State, and munici- pal law applicable to the community in which he lives, and a person subject to military law is presumed, in addition thereto, to know the statute law, as particularly applicable to the Army, as well as Army regulations, the different manu- als, orders, and circulars issued for the information and government of the Army. This really means that on grounds of public policy a person is responsible whether he knows the law or not. His ignorance is immaterial. An exception may sometimes be made where enlisted men are charged with the knowledge of the Articles of War. This exception would be based primarily upon the fact that A. W. 110 makes it one of the features of enlistments into the mili- tary service that certain of the " Articles of War shall be read to every enlisted man at the time of, or within six days after, his enlistment." A. W. 109 enjoins that he shall take an en- listment oath in which, among other things, he swears that he will observe and obey military orders " according to the ules and Articles of War." While in the case of an old or reenlisted soldier, or one who had been for a considerable period in the service and had had a sufficient opportunity to inform himself as to the provisions of the code, a failure to have complied with the injunction of this article could scarcely constitute a defense, such failure might perhaps nave this effect, or should usually at least act as an extenuation in the case of a recruit, especially one imperfectly acquainted with the English language. In such a case it would cer- tainly be admissible for the accused to show the fact, and if the offense charged was one of the criminality of which he could not, in his ignorance of military law, have been aware, or the gravity of which he could not have appreciated, the omission of the reading of the articles upon his enlistment would properly be regarded by the court, if not as a defense, certainly as a palliation of his misconduct. (Winthrop, p. 438.) 283. IGNORANCE OF FACT. It is generally laid down that ignorance of fact excuses crime. But this must be an honest or innocent ignorance and not an ignorance which is the result 224 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. If 284 of carelessness or fault. The theory, of course, is that where a bona fide ignorance of fact exists there would be an absence of the requisite wrongful intent. The general rule applies equally to military cases, and the ignorance, to constitute a defense therein, must appear not to have proceeded from any want of vigilance, or from failure to make the inquiries or obtain the information reasonably called for by the obliga- tions and usages of the service. Thus a soldier who neglects to report for guard or other duty because ignorant of the fact that he has been duly detailed therefor is not guilty of a breach of A. W. 61 unless his ignorance is a result of his own neglect or wrongdoing (Winthrop, p. 436) ; and if the soldier should disobey an order given to him by an officer in civilian clothing without the officer having first stated to the soldier that he was an officer, where the soldier did not know that he was an officer-nor have reason to believe that he was an officer, then his ignorance would be an excuse for his act of disobedi- ence which might otherwise have been a very serious offense. Of course, a soldier is presumed it is his duty to know the officers of his command where reasonable time and oppor- tunity after joining the command are shown to have existed for this purpose. NOTE. See Insanity of accused, paragraph 219. 284. EVIDENCE OF DESERTION. Absence without leave is usually proved by the evidence of an officer or noncommis- sioned officer of the company of the accused to the effect that he was absent from his organization without authority for a certain period, but if such witnesses are not available it may be proved by the entries on the morning reports. In making the latter kind of proof, that portion of the morning report (or reports) relating to the accused, or a copy of it certified by the officer having official custody thereof, showing the accused was absent without leave, beginning a certain date, and (if such is the case) was dropped as a deserter, should be attached to the proceedings as an exhibit. But the morn- ing report, even though it refers to the accused as a " de- serter," is not complete evidence of desertion; it is evidence only of absence without leave, and it is still necessary for the trial judge advocate to prove an intent to remain perina- 21358 20 15 225 ^[284 CHAPTER XI. nently absent, or else to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk im- portant service (A. W. 28) ; that is, to desert. The condition of absence without leave having once been shown to exist will be presumed to continue in the absence of evidence to the contrary until the accused came again under military control. It is therefore necessary to prove only that the accused went absent without leave a certain date and came under military control a certain date. During the inter- mediate time it is presumed he was absent without leave. If the condition of absence without leave is much pro- longed, and there is no satisfactory explanation of it, the court may be justified in presuming from that alone an intent to remain permanently absent. The presumption of such intent will be strengthened by such circumstances as that the accused attempted to dispose of his uniform or other property ; that substantially all his clothes were missing from his locker when his absence was discovered; that his civilian clothes were missing; that he attempted to board a train that took him away from his station; that he purchased a ticket for a distant point or was arrested or surrendered at a considerable distance from his station; that while absent he was in the neighborhood of military posts and did not surrender to the military authorities ; that he was dissatisfied in his company or with the military service; that he had made remarks indicating an intention to desert the service; that he was under charges or had escaped from confinement at the time he absented himself; that just previous to ab- senting himself he stole or took without authority money, civilian clothes, or other property that would assist him in getting away, etc. On the other hand, such incidents are not always incon- sistent with a guilt of mere absence without leave. They should be carefully weighed by the court. Previous excellent and long service, the fact that none of the property of the ac- cused was missing from his locker, and the fact that he was under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs when he absented himself, and that he continued for some time under their influence, etc., are incidents going to show there was not an intent to remain permanently absent. 226 COURTS-MAETIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 284 NOTE. Where, to a charge of desertion, accused files a plea deny- ing desertion but admitting absence without leave, and pleading, by exception and substitution, not guilty of violation of the fifty-eighth article of -war, but guilty of violation of the sixty-first article of war, such plea of guilty is net in itself sufficient basis for a conviction of desertion, no matter how long the absence without leave thereby admitted; since the plea, which mast be taken as a whole, expressly negatives the intent to desert. In case of such a plea the court should receive evidence of the facts and circumstances and determine from the evidence before it, as upon a plea of not guilty, whether or not the accused is in fact guilty of desertion or nly of the lesser included offense of absence without leave. The fact that a reward has been paid for the apprehension of the accused as a deserter neither proves nor disproves an intent to desert, and is not admissible in evidence on that issue. So also the opinions of witnesses as to whether the accused intended to desert and statements from them that the ac- cused is a " deserter " or " deserted " are not only incompetent, but are valueless for any purpose to prove desertion. (a) Statutw^y Rules of Evidence. (1) A. W. 8 provides that it shall be sufficient proof of the offense of desertion by an officer that, having tendered his resignation and prior to due notice of the acceptance of the same, he quits his post or proper duties without leave and with intent to absent himself permanently therefrom. (2) And similarly in the case of a soldier, A. W. 28 pro- vides that it shall be sufficient proof of desertion in his case when it is proved that, without having first received a regu- lar discharge, he again enlists in the Army or in the militia when in the service of the United States, or in the Navy or Marine Corps of the United States, or in any foreign army, and shall, further, be proof of fraudulent enlistment where the enlistment is in one of the forces of the United States mentioned above. (3) And also, in case of any person subject to military law, A. W. 28 provides that it shall be sufficient proof of desertion when the evidence siiows he quit his organization or place of duty with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk im- portant service. 170TE. Subparagraphs "(1)" and "(2)" supra, do not apply to (1) warrant officers, (2) members of the Army Nurse Corps, (3) Army field clerks, nor (4) field clerks, Quartermaster Corps. 227 ^f 285 CHAPTER XI. 285. DRUNKENNESS AS SHOWING ABSENCE or INTENT. It is a general rule of law that voluntary drunkenness is not an excuse for crime committed in that condition. But the ques- tion whether or not the accused was drunk at the time of the commission of the criminal act may be material as going to indicate what species or kind of offense was actually com- mitted. Thus, there are crimes which can be consummated only where a peculiar and distinctive intent or a conscious deliberation or premeditation has concurred with the act which could not well be possessed or entertained by an intoxi- cated person. In such cases evidence of the drunken condi- tion of the party at the time of the commission of the alleged crime is held admissible, not to excuse or extenuate the act as such, but to aid in determining whether, in view of the state of his mind, such act amounted to the specific crime charged or which of two or more crimes similar but distinguished in degree it really was in law. Thus, in cases of such offenses as larceny, robbery, burglary, and passing counterfeit money, which require for their commission a certain specific intent, evidence of drunkenness is admissible as indicating whether the offender was capable of entertaining this intent or whether his act was anything more than a mere battery, trespass, or mistake. So, upon an indictment for murder, testimony as to the drunkenness of the accused at the time of the killing may ordinarily be admitted as indicating a mental excitement, confusion, or unconsciousness incompatible under the circumstances of the case with premeditation or a deliber- ate intent to take life and as reducing the crime to the grade of manslaughter. On the other hand, where, to constitute the legal crime, there is required no peculiar intent no wrongful intent other than that inferable from the act itself as in cases of assault and battery, rape, or arson, evidence that the offender was intoxicated would, strictly, not be admissible in defense. (Winthrop, p. 440.) Where drunkenness is pleaded as an excuse for crime such excuse should be received with caution. Drunkenness is easily simulated. It is sometimes resorted to for the purpose of stimulating the nerves to the point of committing the act. Where premeditation and intent first exist, followed by vol- 228 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 286 untary drunkenness and the commission of the crime during such state of drunkenness, the necessary intent to commit the crime will be presumed, whatever the state of drunkenness at the time of its commission may have been. 286. DRUNKENNESS IN MILITARY CASES. In military cases, evidence of drunkenness of the accused, as indicating his state of mind at the time of the alleged offense, whether it may be considered as properly affecting the issue to be tried, or only the measure of punishment to be adjudged in the event of conviction, is in practice always admitted in evi- dence. And where a certain knowledge or a deliberate pur- pose or specific intent is necessary to constitute the offense, as in cases of violations of A. W. 63 or A. W. 64, or of deser- tion, mutiny, or cowardice, or of fraud in violation of A. W. 94, the drunkenness, if clearly shown in evidence to have been such as to have incapacitated the accused from having that knowledge or entertaining that purpose or intent, as, for example, in cases under A. W. 63 or A. W. 64 from recognizing his superior officer to be such, or from entertaining the specific intent to disobey a lawful command, will ordinarily be treated as constituting a legal defense to the specific act charged. In such cases, however, if the drunken act has involved a disorder or neglect of duty prejudicial to good order and military discipline, the accused may be convicted of that offense under A. W. 96. (Winthrop, p. 441.) " It is to be noted that drunkenness, to be admitted in evidence or to constitute a defense, need not be caused by indulgence in spirituous liquors, but may, with the same effect, result from the voluntary excessive use of an intoxicating drug." (Winthrop, pp. 441-442.) 287. PROOF or DRUNKENNESS. Upon a trial for drunken- ness it is not essential to confine the testimony to a description of the conduct and demeanor of the accused, but it is ad- missible to ask a witness directly if the accused " was drunk," or for a witness to state that the accused " was drunk," on the occasion or under the circumstances charged. Such a state- ment is not viewed by the authorities as of the class of ex- pressions of opinion which are properly ruled out on objec- tion unless given by experts, but as a mere statement of a 229 ^[288 CHAPTER XI. matter of observation, palpable to persons in general, and so, proper to be given by any witness as a fact in his know- ledge. It is preferable that all witnesses introduced to prove drunkenness should describe the conduct and demeanor of the accused in addition to giving their opinion as to whether the accused was drunk, but in every ease the witness will also be asked the direct question whether the accused was or was not drunk. 288. REASONABLE DOUBT AND BURDEN OF PROOF. In order to convict, the court must be satisfied, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused is guilty as charged. By "reasonable doubt" is intended not fanciful or in- genious doubt or conjecture but substantial, honest, consci- entious doubt suggested by the material evidence in the case. It is an honest, substantial misgiving, generated by insuffi- ciency of proof. It is not a captious doubt, nor a doubt sug- gested by the ingenuity of counsel or court and unwarranted by the testimony ; nor is it a doubt born of a merciful inclina- tion to permit the defendant to escape conviction, nor prompted by sympathy for him or those connected with him. The meaning of the rule is that the proof must be such as to exclude not every hypothesis or possibility of innocence but any fair and rational hypothesis except that of guilt ; what is required being not an absolute or mathematical but a moral certainty. A court-martial which acquits because, upon the evidence, tke accused may possibly be innocent falls as far short of appreciating the proper amount of proof required in a criminal trial as does a court which convicts because the accused is probably guilty. (Winthrop, p. 476.) In trials before courts-martial the prosecution has upon it the burden of proving the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt, and, whatever the defense of the accused may be, this burden never changes. After the evidence is all in the court must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of every element necessary to constitute the offense in order to justify it in convicting the accused of the offense charged. In collateral issues arising in the course of the trial as to the competency of witnesses, the admissibility of testimony, and the like, the burden of proof rests upon the party who 230 COURTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^ 289 alleges incompetency or objects to the admission of particu- lar testimony. (Davis, p. 267.) SECTION IX. JUDICIAL NOTICE. 289. JUDICIAL NOTICE. Certain kinds of facts do not need to be evidenced by the parties, because the court is empowered to recognize the existence of the facts without any formal offer of evidence. This recognition of the facts by the court, dispensing with the introduction of evidence thereon, is termed "Judicial notice." 1. In general, the matters to which the principle applies are of three sorts, viz, matters which a court is officially bound to know as a part of its own special duty and function; matters which are so notorious in common knowledge of all intelligent persons that a requirement of evidence thereon would be super- fluous; matters which are so easily ascertainable in authentic form that the court may readily inform itself by reference to some accessible and authentic source of information. Of the first sort, an example is the law itself, of which the court naturally requires no proof. Of the second sort, an example would be the fact that the Philippine Islands are located in the tropics. Of the third sort, an example would be the date of the adoption of the United States Constitution, or the name of the present incum- bent of the post of United States ambassador to Italy, either of which could be ascertained by consulting a reliable book of refer- ence. 2. The principal matters upon which the court may thus be asked to take judicial notice may be listed as follows : (1) The Constitution, treaties, and other general laws of the United States; the law of nations; the common law; the laws of the State in which the court is sitting. (2) The great seal of the United States, and those of the several States; the seals of all Federal and State courts of record; the seal of a notary public. (3) The ordinary divisions of time, as to years, months, weeks, days, and hours ; general facts and laws of nature^ in- 231 ^289 CHAPTER XI. eluding their ordinary operations and effects; and general facts of American history and world history. (4) The political organization of the Government of the United States and of the several States, and their chief offi- cials; and current political conditions of war and peace. (5) The organization of the Army, including the statutes and regulations relating thereto, the bulletins or circulars of the War Department, the Army Regulations, the provi- sions of this Manual and of the several other official man- uals, the existence and location of military departments or corps areas, reservations, posts, and stations of troops, as published to the Army ; the fact that an officer belongs to a certain organization, etc. (6) General and special orders of the War Department; general court-martial orders ; general and special orders and bulletins and circulars of the department or corps area, or other command in which the court is sitting; special and summary courts taking notice of the orders, bulletins and circulars of the commander appointing them and of all higher authority. (7) Price of articles furnished by the Government when published to the Army in orders, bulletins, or price lists. 3. The principle of judicial notice does not require the court to take notice of all such matters of the above sorts, but authorizes the court to do so. When in a specific case the court is not en- tirely satisfied as to the precise tenor of the fact to be noticed, it therefore may satisfy its mind by resort to any authentic and available source of information, such as a book of statutes or regulations, a collection of general or special orders or bulletins, a dictionary, a standard work of history, or the like. This resort to authentic sources enables the court, in using the principle of judicial notice, to satisfy itself completely, where otherwise it might feel disinclined to notice the fact. For example, where the terms of a general order of a department are material, the court, though not having actually in mind the precise terms of the order, will send for and refer to the published order and thus take judicial notice of its terms. So also where a special order of the post or other command in which the court is sitting is mate- rial, the court may secure from the files of the adjutant the orig- 232 COUKTS-MARTIAL EVIDENCE. ^f 289 inal order, though not published, and satisfy itself of the exact terms, On this principle the court may enable itself to take ju- dicial notice of numerous facts, within the above classes, on which it does not have any actual knowledge until it has re- sorted to a suitable authentic source of information. The general principle underlying the foregoing instances is that the court is authorized in these general classes of matters to take judicial notice, but that it is not required to do so in a spe- cific instance where its mind is actually in doubt as to the pre- cise terms of the fact; and that in such a case it is at liberty to resort to an authentic source of information for the purpose of removing its doubt and of taking judicial notice. Where, for example, a general order is material, and no authentic source of information happens to be accessible, the court is not required to notice what it actually does not know and can not ascertain. On the other hand, where a special order of a post command is mate- rial, and some adequate source of information is available, such order may be judicially noticed, even though the order may not have been published in printed form so as to be available to the command at large. In all these cases the trial judge advocate and defense counsel should endeavor to provide, ready at the trial, such authentic sources as the court may have occasion to refer to. 233 CHAPTER XIL COURTS-MARTIALCONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF THE TRIAL. Section I: Statements and arguments: Page. 290. Scope of statement 235 291. Freedom of expression 235 292. Admissions 236 293. Arguments 236 Section II: Findings: 294. Voting 236 295. Number of votes necessary to conviction and sentence. 237 296. Reasonable doubt 238 297. General principles controlling findings 239 298. Guilty of a lesser included offense 239 299. Guilty with exceptions and substitutions 239 300. Finding of guilty of lesser included offense Substi- tutions of the general or other special article 240 301. Joint charges 241 302. Reasons for findings 241 303. Findings where no criminality is involved 241 304. Findings under charge of drunkenness 241 305. Recording of finding or sentence by reporter 242 Section III : Previous convictions : 306. Procedure as to previous convictions 242 307. Character of previous convictions 243 Section IV: Sentences: 308. Voting on sentences 244 309. Mandatory and discretionary punishments 246 310. Sentences for officers 247 310a. Sentences for members of Army Nurse Corps, warrant Officers, Army field clerks, and field clerks, Quarter- master Corps 248 811. Sentences for soldiers 248 312. Dismissal 249 313. Loss of rank or files 249 314. Suspension from rank 250 315. Suspension from command 250 316. Suspension from duty 250 317. Fine 250 818. Reprimand 251 319. Restriction to limits 251 820. Dishonorable discharge 251 821. Suspension of dishonorable discharge 251 234 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 290 lection IV : Sentences Continued. Page. 322. Confinement *it hard labor 251 823. Hard labor without confinement 252 324. Forfeiture of pay and allowances 252 325. Courts can not stop pay in favor of Government or an individual 252 326. Forfeiture of deposits 253 327. Reduction of noncommissioned officer : 253 328. Detention of pay or of part of pay 253 329. When reward for apprehending deserter not to be stopped 253 330. Sentences of general prisoners 253 331. Reasons for sentence 254 332. Recommendations to clemency 254 332a. Announcement of sentence or acquittal in open court- 254 SECTION I. STATEMENTS AND ARGUMENTS. 290. SCOPE OF STATEMENT. After the introduction of evi- dence hns been completed the accused, personally or by coun- sel, and whether or not he has testified as a witness, may make an unsworn verbal or written statement as to the case. If the statement is in writing it should be signed by the accused, or by counsel in his behalf, and appended to the record. The statement may consist of a brief summary or version of the evidence, with such explanation or allegation of motive, ex- cuse, matter of extenuation, etc., as the party may desire to offer, or it may embrace, with the facts, a presentation also of the law of the case and an argument both upon the facts and the law. (Winthrop, p. 450.) Such statement is not testi- mony and, therefore, is not subject to cross-examination, but as a personal defense or argument, however, it may and prop- erly should be taken into consideration by the court. (Digest, p. 506V, ILL) 291. FREEDOM or EXPRESSION, Eatire freedom of expres- sion in his statement to the court is allowable to an accused, and his counsel, within the bounds of courtesy and ordinary pro- priety, especially in his comments upon the evidence. So, an accused may be permitted to reflect within reasonable limits npon the apparent animus of his accuser or prosecutor, though a superior officer or of high rank. But an attack upon 235 ^[ 292 CHAPTER XII. such a superior of a personal character and not apposite to the facts of the case is not legitimate; nor is language of marked disrespect employed toward the court. Matter of this description may indeed be required by the court to be omitted by the accused as a condition to his continuing his address or filing it with the record. (Digest, p. 506, V, H, 3.) 292. ADMISSIONS. While the statement proper can not, as previously stated, be regarded as evidence, and the accused is not in general to be held bound by the argumentative decla- rations it contains, yet if he, in a statement made by him person- ally, not by counsel, clearly and unequivocally admits in his statement certain facts material to the prosecution, such may properly be viewed by the court and reviewing authority in the case. Such facts must, of course, not be inconsistent with the plea. But admissions of this sort can scarcely in any event constitute a sufficient basis for a conviction unless sup- ported by material testimony on the trial. NOTE. See Chapter IX, paragraph 154, as to procedure where, after a plea of guilty, the accused makes a statement inconsistent with his plea. 293. ARGUMENTS. After the accused has made a state- ment, if any, arguments may be presented to the court by the trial judge advocate, the accused, and his counsel. The trial judge advocate has the right to make the opening and closing argument, but the court, in its discretion, may permit the defense to answer any new matter brought up in the clos- ing argument of the trial judge advocate. SECTION II. FINDINGS. 294. VOTING. After the statements and arguments, if any are made, have been concluded, the court will proceed to its judgment, which consists of the findings and sentence. Vot- ing by members of a general or special court-martial, on the findings, shall be by secret written ballot, and the junior member of the court shall in each case count the votes, and the president shall verify the count and announce the result of the ballot to the members of the court. (A. W. 31). If the ballots are in 236 COURTS-MAETIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 295 excess of or less than the number of members of the court present at the time the vote is taken, the result will not be announced, and a new. ballot will be taken. The votes of the members must be based upon and governed by the testimony in the case considered in connection with the pleadings, The charges and specifications will be voted upon in the same order that is followed in arraigning the accused, the first specification to the first charge being first voted upon, then the second, third, and thereafter in order, followed by a vote upon the charge itself; and so on with the other charges. Each member will write on his ballot, without signature, as to each specification, either (1) "guilty," or (2) "not guilty," or (3) " guilty, with exceptions or substitutions " (setting them out in full on the ballot) ; and as to each charge (1) "guilty," (2) " not guilty," or (3) " Not guilty, but guilty of violation of the article of war," (setting it out). If the requisite number of votes of " guilty " without qualification is not re- ceived to convict the accused of the specification or charge, as prescribed in paragraph 295, infra, the accused will be found acquitted of the specification or charge; unless one or more such exceptions or substitutions have been so proposed on the ballots, in which case the president shall read all such proposals to the members of the court, together with any others which may then be proposed, and the members will then vote (each ballot to be written, without signature, " guilty," or " not guilty ") on each such proposed finding with exception or substitution, in order, beginning with the one which the president considers the severest, until all have been so voted on, or one has received the requisite number of votes prescribed in paragraph 295. If none of such proposed exceptions or substitutions is adopted by the requisite number of votes prescribed, the accused shall be deemed entirely acquitted of that specification or charge. All ballots will be destroyed as soon as the result is announced, unless some member of the court desires first to verify the count, when they will be destroyed immediately after such verification. NOTE. For refusal to vote a member is chargeable under A. W. 96, see Chapter VII, paragraph 90a. 295. Number of Votes Necessary to Conviction and Sentence. (a) Convictions. All convictions, whether by general or spe- 237 IF 296 CHAPTER xii. cial court-martial may be determined by a two-thirds vote of those members present at the time the vote is taken (see par. 294, supra, and 308, infra, and notes thereto), except that no person shall by general court-martial be convicted of an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law (i. e., either upon the specification or the charge), except by the concurrence of all the members of said court-martial present at the time the vote is taken. Where the death pen- alty is not mandatory but is discretionary a conviction may be determined by a two-thirds vote, but all of the members present at the time the vote is taken must concur in the death penalty before it can be imposed. (A. W. 43.) (b) Sentences: (1) Death sentence. No person shall by general court- martial be sentenced to suffer death, except by the concur- rence of all the members of said court-inartial present at the time the vote is taken, and for an offense expressly made punishable by death by the articles of war. (A. W, 43.) (2) Life imprisonment Confinement for more than 10 years. No person shall by general court-martial be sen- tenced to life imprisonment, nor to confinement for more than 10 years, except by the concurrence of three-fourths of all of the members present at the time the vote is taken. (A. W. 43.) (3) All other sentences. All other sentences, whether by general or special court-martial, may be determined by a two-thirds vote of those members present at the time the vote is taken. (A. W. 43.) NOTE. All other questions arising during the trial will be de- termined by a majority vote. (A. W. 43.) 296. KEASONABLE DOUBT. Where issues arise during the progress of a trial, as for instance as to the competency of members or witnesses, and evidence is taken, the question at issue is determined by preponderance of evidence; but in order to convict of the charges and specifications or any part of them the court must be satisfied of the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt. NOTE, For description of reasonable doubt, see Chapter XI, para- graph 288. COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^j" 297 297. GENERAL PRINCIPLES CONTROLLING FINDINGS. The finding on the charge should be supported by the finding on the specification (or specifications), and the two findings should be consistent with each other. A finding of guilty on the charge would be quite inconsistent with a finding of not guilty on the specification. So a finding of guilty on a well- pleaded specification apposite to the charge, not followed by a finding of guilty either of the article charged or of some other proper article, would be incongruous. No matter how many specifications there may be, it requires a finding of guilty on but one specification (apposite to the charge) to support a similar finding upon the charge. (Digest, p. 536, XII, A. 2.) Evidence can not be taken after a finding has been readied (except as provided in par. 154 (e), supra). 298. GUILTY OF A LESSER INCLUDED OFFENSE, If the evi- dence proves the commission of an offense which is included in that with wliich the accused is charged the court may ex- cept words of the specification, and if necessary substitute others instead, pronounce the innocence and guilt of the ex- cepted and substituted words, respectively, and then find the accused either guilty of the charge or not guilty of the charge, but guilty of a violation of another proper article of war as the finding on the specification may require. Of this form of verdict the most familiar is the finding of guilty of absence without leave under a charge of desertion. In such a case the court should find as follows where the charges are in the usual form : Of the specification, guilty except the words " desert " and " in desertion " substituting therefor respectively the words " absent himself without leave from " and " without leave," of the exeepted words not guilty, of the substituted words guilty. Of the charge, not guilty but guilty of violation of the sixty-first article of war. NOTE. For a discussion of the incidental power of appointing and confirming authorities to approve and confirm a finding of guilty of a lesser included offense see Chapter XVI, paragraphs 377 and 379. 299. GUILTY WITH EXCEPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS. It is a peculiarity of the finding at military law that a court- 239 If 300 CHAPTER XII. martial, where of opinion that any portion of the allegations in a specification is not proved, is authorized to find the ac- cused guilty of a part of a specification only, excepting the remainder; or, in finding him guilty of the whole (or any part) , to substitute correct words or allegations in the place of such as are shown by the evidence to be incorrect. And provided the exceptions or substitutions leave the specifica- tion still appropriate to the charge and legally sufficient thereunder, the court may then properly find the accused guilty of the charge in the usual manner. Familiar instances of the exercise of the authority to except and substitute in a finding of guilty occur in cases where, in the specification, the name or rank of the accused or some other person is erroneously designated, or there is an erroneous averment of time or place, or a mistaken date, or an incorrect statement as to amount, quantity, quality, or other particular, of funds or other property. But the authority to find guilty of a lesser included offense, or otherwise to make exceptions and substi- tutions in the findings, does not justify the conviction of the accused of an offense entirely separate and distinct in its na- ture from that charged, thus " selling " and " through neglect losing '' property are separate offenses though each is a viola- tion of A. \V . 84. 300. Finding of Guilty of Lesser Included Offense. Substitu- tion of the General Article or Other Special Article. The specifi- cation apprises the accused of the allegations against him. He is therefore put on trial as to all the allegations in the specification. If but a part of such allegations be proved he may be found guilty of such part, provided it constitutes an offense at military law. Thus, on a specification alleging desertion for a certain period, where the evidence proves an absence without leave for all or a part of such period, but does not prove desertion or an attempt to desert, the court may find the accused guilty of absence without leave for such period or part thereof as may be proved. Like- wise, where a specification of misbehavior before the enemy under the seventy-fifth article alleges that the accused was ab- sent without authority from his organization or post of duty for a certain period and the evidence proves that he was so absent but does not prove the other elements necessary to constitute the 240 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL, ^f 301 misbehavior denounced in the seventy-fifth article of war, the accused may be found guilty of absence without leave for the period charged and proved. And on the same principle man- daughter or assault and battery may be found on trial for mur- der (Par. 377). Indeed, in any case where such parts of the specification as are proved constitute an offense denounced in a special article of war, or a disorder or neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline as denounced in the general (ninety-sixth) article of war or a crime or offense punishable under that article, a finding of guilt may be made under the ap- propriate article. An attempt to commit a crime, since it is an element of the crime, may be found on a specification alleging such crime. NOTE 1. " The prisoner may be convicted not merely of the offense with which he is charged, but of any lesser offense that can be carved out of the indictment." (May's Grim. Law, 93.) NOTE 2. Where the article of war does not include " attempt " in its express terms, the attempt should be found as a violation of the general article. 301. JOINT CHARGES. Where joint charges are tried, if one or more of the accused persons is acquitted and one or more is convicted, the findings should by proper exceptions eliminate the words showing that the acquitted person or persons was a joint participant in the offense, and should expressly acquit those persons whom it finds not guilty. 302. REASONS FOR FINDINGS. A court-martial may spread upon the record of trial a brief statement of reasons upon which its findings are based. In many cases such a statement will aid the reviewing authority in determining the action to be taken by him. 303. FINDINGS WHERE No CRIMINALITY Is INVOLVED. A finding of " guilty without criminality " is not consistent and should not be made. If the accused is found to have com- mitted the act and done the things alleged in the specification, but without the guilty intent or knowledge essential to con- stitute the offense, the court should, as to the specification, find the accused " not guilty." 304. FINDINGS UNDER CHARGE OF DRUNKENNESS. A per- son "under the influence of intoxicating liquor " or " intoxi- 21358 20 16 241 If 305 CHAPTER XII. cated " is " drunk." Therefore, under the eighty-fifth article of war, in charging that the accused was found " drunk " the word " drunk " will be used. So, in charging other offenses involving drunkenness, no other word or phrase will be used as a substitute for " drunk." Under such charges the court should not in its findings substitute such phrases as " under the influence of intoxicating liquor " and " intoxicated " for "drunk." 305. RECORDING OF FINDING OR SENTENCE BY REPORTER. A court-martial, member of court, or trial judge advocate can not, of course, lawfully communicate to a reporter or clerk, by allowing him to record the same or otherwise, the finding or sentence of the court unless the sentence or acquittal has been announced in open court. But the fact that the finding or sen- tence or both may have been made known to a reporter or clerk can not affect the legality of the proceedings or sen- tence. (Digest, p. 558, XIV, E, 7, g.) SECTION III. PREVIOUS CONVICTIONS. 306. Procedure as to Previous Convictions. Courts-martial will, after a finding of guilty, be opened for the purpose of ascer- taining whether evidence of previous convictions has been re- ferred to the court by the appointing authority, and, if so, of re- ceiving it. The introduction and use of evidence of previous con- victions in the case of officers, warrant officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, Army field clerks, and field clerks Quarter- master Corps, will be limited to that pertaining to convictions by court-martial of an oifense or offenses committed by the accused during his status as such officer, warrant officer, member of the Army Nurse corps, Army field clerk, or field clerk Quartermaster Corps, and within three years next preceding the commission of any of the offenses of which he stands convicted before the court. In the case of soldiers it will be limited to that pertaining to con- victions by courts-martial of an offense or offenses committed by the accused during the current enlistment and within one year next preceding the commission of any of the offenses of which he stands convicted before the court. These convictions may be 242 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL, ^f 307 proved only by the records of previous trials and convictions or by duly authenticated copies of such records, or by duly authenti- cated copies of orders promulgating such trials and convictions. Copies of such records or orders promulgating trials and convic- tions are duly authenticated when impressed with the stamp of the bureau, office, or headquarters having custody of the original, or when certified as a true copy by an officer having custody of such records. An entry of a fact of a previous conviction in the service record of the accused is prima facie evidence, a duly authenticated copy of which may be accepted ; unless the accused denies the correct- ness of the entry, or objects to it as not fairly representing the nature of the previous conviction. On such denial, or objection, the court may, in its discretion, suspend proceedings until a duly authenticated copy of the court-martial order or trial record is obtained; otherwise it will not consider the entry in the service record whose correctness is denied, or whose fairness is objected to by the accused. The record of previous convictions, as shown by the service record, is duly authenticated when certified as a true copy by the officer having custody of such service record. In a trial by general court-martial, when the proof is the copy of the record or of the order promulgating the sentence furnished to the regimental or other commander, it will be returned to him, and a certified copy will be attached to the record of trial. When the proof is a copy of the entries of previous convictions in the service record, such copy will be attached to the record of trial. The evidence of previous convictions referred to a special or sum- mary court will, after trial, be returned to the appointing author- ity and will, after action by the latter on the case, be returned to the command to which it pertains. 307. CHARACTER or PREVIOUS CONVICTIONS. By " previous conviction " is meant a previous conviction by a court-martial where the sentence has been approved, and confirmed if con- firmation be necessary, and ordered executed by competent author- ity, or which has received such final approval or confirmation (after examination by the Board of Review and the Judge Advo- cate General in cases where so required by A. W. 50y 2 ) as may be necessary to its execution. Such previous conviction may be ad- 243 Tf 308 CHAPTER XII. mitted even where the whole sentence was remitted. A previous conviction by a civil or naval court, an acquittal, or an ap- proved conviction by a court-martial that has been set aside as illegal, is not a "previous conviction" as the phrase is used here. Previous convictions are not limited to those for offenses similar to the one for which the accused is on trial. The object is to see if the accused is an old offender and therefore less entitled to leniency than if on trial for his first offense. This information might not be fully obtained if evidence of previous convictions of similar offenses only were laid before the court. -The consideration of previous con- victions has no bearing upon the question of guilt of the particular charge on trial, but only upon the amount and kind of punishment to be awarded. They are not considered until after the findings have been reached. SECTION IV. SENTENCES. 308. VOTING on Sentences. After the findings have been determined upon and resulted in conviction upon the charge, or some one at least of the charges when there are several, or in a conviction of a lesser offense included in one charge, and evidence of previous convictions, if any, has been introduced, the court proceeds to adjudge the sentence. In voting, the thirty-first article of war requires that the voting shall be by secret written ballot, and that the junior member of the court shall in each case count the votes, which count shall be checked by the president, who will forthwith announce the result of the ballot to the members of the court. The balloting will be (except as in this paragraph otherwise directed) in the same manner pre- scribed for voting upon findings in paragraph 294, supra. Be- fore the voting begins, any member desiring to propose a sen- tence will write it on a slip of paper without signature and hand it to the president. The president, before the voting be- gins, will read the proposed sentences to the court and the members will vote on them in order, beginning with the lightest, until a sentence has been agreed upon by the number of members required by the forty-third article of war. 244 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 308 A. W. 43 requires : (a) For a death sentence, the concurrence of all the mem- bers of the court-martial present at the time the vote is taken (and for an offense expressly made punishable by death by the Articles of War) ; (b) For a sentence to life imprisonment or to confine- ment for more than 10 years, the concurrence of three-fourths of all the members of the court-martial present at the time the vote is taken; (c) For all other sentences, whether by general or special court-martial, the concurrence of a two-thirds vote of those members present at the time the vote is taken. When a sentence of death is proposed all of the members present at the time the vote is taken must agree upon the death sentence before it can be adopted, regardless of whether the death penalty is mandatory or merely discre- tionary in the case on trial. Even in a case where the pun- ishment is fixed, as for instance, under the eighty-second article, where the punishment for lurking or acting as a spy is death, and under the ninety-fifth article, where the punishment is dismissal, the members must by vote impose this punishment. All the members of the court present at the time the vote is taken those, if any, who voted for an acquittal equally with those who voted for conviction will vote for some sentence. A proposed sentence which does not receive the number of ballots requisite for its adoption is rejected, and a ballot will then be taken upon the next heavier proposed sentence, and so on until a sentence has been adopted or until each proposed sentence has been balloted upon. If, after all the proposed sen- tences suggested in the first instance have been voted upon, none has received the number of ballots requisite for its adoption, then each member will make a new proposal of a sentence, in the same manner as in the first instance, and these new pro- posals will be balloted upon in the same order and manner as before. This procedure will be continued until some sentence is legally adopted. The written ballot on each proposed sen- tence will be without signature and may be expressed " For " or "Against." The ballots will be destroyed as soon as the 245 IT 309 CHAPTER XII. result of the ballot is announced, unless some member of the court desires first to verify the count, when they will be de- stroyed immediately after such verification. NOTE 1. In determining whether a two-thirds or three-fourths vote, as the case may require, has been cast in favor of any sentence, wherever the mathematical two-thirds or three-fourths, as the case may be, of the number of members present, includes a fraction, one vote will be required to represent such fraction. Thus, for example, since two-thirds of eight is five and one-third, in case eight members are present, five votes not constituting the full statutory two-thirds required, the ballots of six members will be required to agree upon a sentence. Similarly, in a court where seven members are present, a sentence requiring a three-fourths vote will require the votes of six members. NOTE 2. If a question arises as to which of two or more proposed sentences is the lightest, the president will determine the question (with the benefit of the advice of the law member of the court, if present) and will direct the order in which the proposed sentences shall be balloted upon. 309. MANDATORY AND DISCRETIONARY PUNISHMENTS. Punishment, under the Articles of War, is either manda- tory that is, a certain punishment is prescribed by the terms of the article or is discretionary that is, it is left to the discretion of the court-martial. If the punishment is pre- scribed in the article violated, any other punishment than that prescribed is illegal. For instance, the punishment imposed by a court for a violation of the ninety-fifth article of war must be dismissal ; it can not be less and it can not be more, though a conviction under other articles at the same trial might authorize the inclusion of other forms of pun- ishment in the sentence. Before pronouncing sentence the court should, therefore, examine the article violated to see what punishment may be legally awarded. As to discre- tionary punishments, the President, by virtue of an act of Congress, has by Executive order prescribed maximum lim- its of punishment for certain offenses. The latest order is found in Chapter XIII, paragraph 349. If the punishment is discretionary the court, before proceeding to award a punishment, will ascertain whether a limit is fixed in the order, and if no limit is fixed the court may impose any punishment that is sanctioned by the custom of the service, except that, in time of peace, the period of confinement in a 246 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 310 penitentiary must in no case exceed the maximum period pre- scribed by the law which, under A. W. 42, permits confinement in a penitentiary, unless, in addition to the offense so punishable under such law, the accused shall have been convicted at the same time of one or more other offenses. (A. W. 45.) NOTE 1. See mandatory and discretionary punishment, Chapter IV, Section II, paragraph 40. NOTE 2. If a general court-martial, after finding an accused guilty of an offense for which a mandatory punishment such as death, dis- missal, or dishonorable discharge is prescribed by the Articles of War, shall find upon a ballot being taken upon the question of imposition of such mandatory sentence that the number of votes required by A. W. 43 for the imposition of such sentence have not been cast in its favor, then a second ballot shall be taken upon the same question. If upon such second ballot the requisite number of votes for imposition of such sentence is still lacking, the court will reconsider its findings in the case, and may revoke its former findings and find the accused not guilty, or "guilty of a lesser included offense. NOTE 3. The fact that but one or two punishments are mentioned as the maximum for a specified offense in the maximum punishment order does not preclude awarding a lesser punishment of a different kind. The maximum punishment order is not to be treated as a state- ment of the punishments to be awarded for specified offenses, but only as a limitation upon the extreme penalty. 310. SENTENCES FOR OFFICERS. For officers the legal sen- tences by court-martial, depending on the nature of the offense and the jurisdiction and punishing power of the court, include death; dismissal with confinement at hard labor; dismissal; loss of rank or files; suspension from rank, com- mand, or duty, with or without loss or detention of pay or part of pay; fine; forfeiture of pay or part of pay; detention of pay or part of pay; restriction to limits; reprimand; and admonition; but if tried by special court-martial the limita- tions upon the punishing power of the court set out in A. W. 13 will be observed. (A. W. 12, 13.) NOTE. Immediately upon the promulgation of any sentence of court- martial in the case of a commissioned officer involving suspension from rank and command, confinement, reduction in lineal rank, or any other material change in the officer's status, the commander who has author- ity to approve such sentence and carry it into execution will advise The Adjutant General of the Army, by telegraph, of the sentence im- posed as approved or mitigated and the date of promulgation thereof. (G. O. No. 6, War Dept., 1910.) 247 *H 311 CHAPTER XII. 310a. Sentences for Members of Army Nurse Corps, Warrant Officers, Army Field Clerks, and Field Clerks Quartermaster Corps. Members of the Army Nurse Corps have relative rank (act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat. 767-768), and are officers of the Army, although not commissioned officers. Warrant officers, Army field clerks, and field clerks Quartermaster Corps are like- wise officers, although not commissioned officers. Therefore the punishments prescribed in paragraph 310, supra, as appropriate for commissioned officers are those appropriate for these classes of persons subject to military law. Being officers of the Army and no part of the enlisted personnel, they can not be reduced to the ranks, nor to the grade or status of a noncommissioned officer. A dismissal from the service, however, does not require confirmation under A. W. 48. 311. SENTENCES FOR SOLDIERS. For soldiers, the legal sen- tences, depending on the nature of the offense and the juris- diction of the court, include death ; dishonorable discharge ; confinement at hard labor; hard labor without confinement, with or without restrictions to limits; restrictions to limits of command, post, camp, or reservation; forfeiture of pay, or of part of pay; detention of pay, or of part of pay; and repri- mand ; for enlisted men of the sixth or of any higher grade, re- duction to the seventh grade; for specialists; loss of specialist rating, with or without reduction to the seventh grade; and for those holding a certificate of eligibility to promotion, deprivation of all rights and privileges arising from such certificate. That portion of pay which is required to be allotted to dependent relatives of class A, under the provisions of Article II of the War Risk Insurance Act of October 6, 1917, as amended by the act of December 24, 1919 (41 Stat. 372), is not subject to be detained or for- feited by sentence of court-martial. Similarly the Comp- troller of the Treasury has held (a) that portion of pay voluntarily allotted for the support of dependent rela- tives of class B under said War Risk Insurance Act; (5) 248 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 312 that portion of pay allotted for the payment of insurance premiums under said act; and (c) that portion allotted for the purchase of liberty loan bonds are not disturbed or affected by a sentence of court-martial imposing a forfeiture of pay (24 Comp. Dec. 621), and such allotments will be excluded from the effect of any sentence of detention or for- feiture of pay or part of pay. A sentence imposing detention or forfeiture of a part of pay means the detention or forfei- ture of the specified part of that portion of the pay which is not so allotted. NOTE 1. Confinement without hard labor should never be imposed. NOTE 2. For forms of sentence see Appendix 13. NOTE 3. For limitations on punishing powers of special and sum- mary courts-martial, see A. W. 13 and 14, and paragraphs 42 and 44, supra, and Appendix 21. NOTE 4. For War Department policy respecting punishments, see infra, paragraphs 340-345. NOTE 5. As to punishments generally, see infra, Chapter XIII, paragraphs 333-349. 312. DISMISSAL. Under the ninety-fifth article of war which prescribes the mandatory sentence of dismissal upon conviction " of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," no punishment in addition to dismissal is authorized. Therefore no punishment in addition to dismissal can legally be imposed upon conviction of an offense under the ninety- fifty article of war alone. NOTE. For statement by whom a sentence of dismissal or dishon- orable discharge imposed by National Guard courts-martial, not in the service of the United States, must be approved, see section 107, act of June 3, 1916, 39 Stat, 166 ; Appendix 2, infra. 313. Loss OF RANK or Files. Loss of rank or files is ac- complished by a sentence directing that an accused be placed at the foot of the list of officers of his grade on the promotion list of the Army, or of his department, branch, or service, if he belongs to a department, branch, or service, not carried on the general promotion list of the Army, or that he remain at the foot of such list for his grade until he shall have lost a cer- tain number of files, or for a certain length of time, or that he lose a certain number of files, or that his name shall appear in the lineal list of officers of his grade on the general promo- 249 f 314 CHAPTER xn. tion list of the Army, or on the promotion list of his department, branch, or service, as the case may be, below that of a certain officer named. 314. SUSPENSION FROM RANK. Suspension from rank in- cludes suspension from command. It deprives an officer of the right to promotion to a vacancy in a higher grade occur- ring pending the term of suspension and which he would have been entitled to receive by virtue of seniority had he not been suspended. It does not, however, deprive the officer of the right to rise in files in his grade. Suspension from rank also makes an officer ineligible to sit upon a court- martial, court of inquiry, or military board, and deprives him of privileges that depend on rank, such as the selection of quarters. 315. SUSPENSION FROM COMMAND. This punishment merely deprives the officer of authority to exercise his proper military command, and consequently of his right to give orders to or exact obedience from his juniors or perform any other duties that go with the exercise of command. It does not affect his right of promotion or any military rights or privileges other than those attaching to command. It is therefore not an appropriate punishment for a staff officer. 316. SUSPENSION FROM DUTY. Suspension from duty is practically equivalent to a sentence of suspension from com- mand. It is appropriate in the case of an officer holding a position involving the performance of administrative duty, as distinguished from actual military command, as in the case of officers of the staff. 317. FINE. A fine is distinguished from a forfeiture in that it is a punishment which imposes a pecuniary liability in general, not necessarily affecting pay. It is especially recognized as a form of punishment in the ninety- fourth article of war. It is usually accompanied in the sentence by a provision, in order to enforce collection, that the person fined shall be imprisoned until the fine is paid or until a fixed portion of time considered as an equivalent punish- ment has expired. Fines as well as forfeitures accrue to the United States and can not be imposed or collected for the benefit of any individual. 250 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 318 318. REPRIMAND. This sentence is usually awarded to officers for minor offenses where a mild penalty is to be in- flicted. It may be awarded to any other person subject to military law under appropriate circumstances where other penalties are not necessary. A summary court-martial may im- pose this punishment where it is believed it will be more effec- tive than a forfeiture or other punishment. The proper au- thority to administer the reprimand is the reviewing au- thority, and he may administer it orally or in writing, vary- ing it in severity or mildness according to his views in the case. 319. Restriction TO LOUTS. This form of punishment is rather a deprivation of privileges than confinement. It will usually be so qualified as to enable the person upon whom it is imposed to perform his military duties. 320. DISHONORABJLE DISCHARGE. A dishonorable dis- charge can be imposed only pursuant to a sentence of a gen- eral court-martial. (A. W. 108.) The discharge should be dated as of the day on which the order promulgating such approval is received at the post where the soldier is held. A sentence adjudging a dishonorable discharge to take effect at such period during a term of confinement as may be desig- nated by the reviewing authority is illegal. 321. SUSPENSION OF DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE. Members of a court-martial may properly recommend, in a commu- nication made separately but forwarded to the reviewing authority with the record, that sentence of dishonorable dis- charge be suspended. (See par. 332.) 322. CONFINEMENT AT HARD LABOR. In the case of officers this punishment is imposed only in connection with a sen- tence of dismissal. Where " hard labor " is intended, it should be stated in the sentence, but the omission of these words will not prevent such punishment being required where it is authorized in the maximum-punishment order. (See A. W. 37.) NOTE. Chapter XVI, Section I, paragraphs 396-398, state the rules as to whether a post, the United States Disciplinary Barracks or one of its branches, or a penitentiary shall be designated as the place of confinement. 251 Tf 323 CHAPTER XII. 323. HARD LABOR WITHOUT CONFINEMENT. This punish- ment is regulated by the provisions of the Executive order fixing the maximum limits of punishment, Chapter XIII, Section VI, paragraph 349. It is the policy of the War Department to encourage the use of this punishment, wherever practicable, in lieu of confine- ment at the post or in a guardhouse. 324. FORFEITURE OF PAY AND ALLOWANCES. Pay and allowances can not be forfeited in a sentence by implication. If the court intends to forfeit pay or pay and allowances, the penalty of forfeiture will be adjudged in express terms in the sentence. No other punishment imposable by court- martial not even a sentence of death, dismissal, suspension, dishonorable discharge, or imprisonment involves of itself a forfeiture or deprivation of any part of the pay or allow- ances due to the party at the time of the approval or taking effect of the sentence. It is not customary to provide in sentences for a forfeiture of allowances unless the sentence also imposes forfeiture of pay. A sentence of forfeiture of pay, without mention of allowances, does not forfeit allowances, and a sentence of forfeiture of a certain number of days' pay, or two-thirds of a soldier's pay for a certain period, does not forfeit extra -duty pay. (Digest, p. 544, XII, B, 3, e (1) ; Bui. 18, War Dept., 1915, pp. 8, 9.) 325. COURTS CAN NOT STOP PAY IN FAVOR OF GOVERNMENT OR AN INDIVIDUAL. A court-martial can direct a forfeiture only in favor of the United States, and can not assign the pay of a soldier to -any other person ; nor can a soldier be re- quired to receipt for money paid without his consent. A sen- tence can not appropriate or stop pay for the reimburse- ment or benefit of the Government or a Government agency, such as a company fund, post fund, hospital fund, nor of an individual, civil or military, however justly the same may be due him, either for money borrowed, stolen, or embezzled by the accused or to satisfy any other pecuniary liability of the accused, whether in the nature of debt or damages. The " stoppage " of pay to reimburse the Government or a Government agency on account of losses for which officers and enlisted men are responsible is purely an administra- 252 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^f 326 tive matter with which courts-martial have nothing to do. Sentences providing that a soldier shall be dishonorably dis- charged, forfeiting all pay and allowances due or to become due, " except such amounts as may be due the post exchange, Fort , and the company fund, Company , Infantry," in no way hasten or facilitate the settle- ment of the debts due the exchange or company fund. Such matters in a sentence are mere surplusage. 326. FORFEITURE OF DEPOSITS. Deposits of soldiers and interest thereon are forfeited by desertion, but the forfeiture can not be imposed by sentence of a court-martial. They are exempt from liability to meet a sentence of a court-martial imposing forfeiture of pay or allowances. A sentence that a soldier shall deposit a certain part of his pay is illegal. (Digest, p. 547, XII, B, 4, c.) 327. REDUCTION OF NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. This punishment is regulated by the provisions of the Executive order fixing maximum limits of punishment, Chapter XIII, Section VI, paragraph 349, and by General Orders No. 71, War Department, December 1, 1920 (Appendix 21). 328. DETENTION OF PAY or of Part of Pay. This punish- ment was revived by the Executive order of September 5, 1914, fixing the maximum limits of punishment, and is recog- nized now by statute (A. W. 14), and is regulated by A. W. 14 and the provisions of the Executive order contained in Chapter XIII, Section VI, paragraph 349, infra. It is the policy of the War Department to encourage the use of this punishment, where applicable, instead of forfeiture of pay. 329. WHEN REWARD FOR APPREHENDING DESERTER NOT TO BE STOPPED. If a soldier be brought to trial under a charge of desertion and acquitted, or convicted of absence without leave only, any amount paid as a reward for his arrest will not be stopped against his pay, and a sentence providing for such a stoppage is not authorized. 330. SENTENCES OF GENERAL PRISONERS. Courts-martial in imposing sentences upon general prisoners are restricted to imposing additional confinement at hard labor to be served upon the completion or termination of their existing 253 f 331 CHAPTER XII. sentences, and will not interfere with the manner of execut- ing such sentences by prescribing loss of good-conduct time, solitary confinement, or confinement on bread-and-water diet, leaving all such punishments to be imposed by the com- manding officer as the ordinary means of enforcing dis- cipline. 331. REASONS FOR SENTENCE. A court-martial may spread upon the record of trial a brief statement of reasons upon which its sentence is based. In many cases such a statement will aid the reviewing authority in determining the action to be taken by him. 332. RECOMMENDATIONS TO CLEMENCY. When a court- martial, or any member thereof, desires to submit a recom- mendation to clemency, including a recommendation for the suspension of the whole or of any part of the sentence imposed by the court, such recommendation will be signed by each member of the court desiring to participate therein. The communication carrying the recommendation will in- clude a statement in succinct form of the reasons upon which the recommendation is based, and of the specific amount and character of clemency recommended, and will be appended to the record of trial. (See par. 357 (d).) NOTE. It is extremely annoying to a reviewing authority to re- ceive a vague, indefinite recommendation to clemency. Both he and his staff judge advocate, in advising him, desire, and should have, the benefit of the specific opinion and recommendations of the mem- bers of the court recommending clemency as to the amount and character of the clemency which should be extended. 332a. Announcement of Sentence or Acquittal in Open Court. Whenever the court has acquitted the accused upon all specifications and charges, the court shall at once announce such result in open court. (A. W. 29.) Whenever a general or special court-martial has sentenced the accused, the court shall at once announce the findings and sentence in open court, unless, in the court's opinion, for reasons that will he stated in the record, the findings and sentence should not he made puhlic at that time. Immediately upon the announcement of the sentence or ac- quittal (or in case the court directs, as ahove, that the sentence be not announced in open court, immediately thereupon) the 254 COURTS-MARTIAL CONCLUDING INCIDENTS OF TRIAL.^[332a trial judge advocate will notify the commanding officer in writ- ing, direct, whereupon, if the accused has been acquitted, or if he has been convicted and the sentence does not include con- finement, the commanding officer will at once, if the accused is in arrest or confinement, release him from such arrest or con- finement, unless he is awaiting trial or the action of the review- ing or confirming authority upon conviction under other charges, on account of which the commanding officer deems it necessary to continue him in such arrest or confinement. No person sub- ject to military law convicted by a general or special court- martial shall be ordered to duty outside of the jurisdiction of the reviewing authority until the case has been finally disposed of, except by the authority of the Secretary of War. 255 CHAPTER XIII. COURTS-MARTIALPUNISHMENTS. Section I : Disciplinary power of commanding officer : Pa?e. 333. Authority for 256 834. Record of punishment 259 335. Appeals 259 336. Not limited to soldiers 259 336a. War Department policy Disciplinary punishment preferred to court-martial 260 336b. As to officers in time of war or emergency 260 336c. Procedure 261 336d. In case accused demands trial 261 Section II : Confinement in a penitentiary : 337. When authorized 261 338. Classes of sentences to be executed in a penitentiary. 262 339. Authority for penitentiary sentence to be cited 264 Section III : War Department policyl regarding punishments : 340. Desertion 264 341. Segregation of prisoners 267 342. Adaptation of punishments 267 342a. Same subject Penitentiary confinement 268 343. Relative severity of punishments 269 343a. Limits of punishments upon rehearing 269 Section IV: Prohibited punishments: 344. By statute 273 345. By custom and regulations 273 Section V: Death Cowardice Fraud: 346. Death penalty 273 347. Cowardice Fraud Accessory penalty 274 Section VI : Maximum limits : 348. By whom prescribed When applicable 275 349. Executive order 277 SECTION I. DISCIPLINARY POWER OF COMMANDING OFFICER. 333. AUTHORITY FOR. While courts-martial are the judi- cial machinery provided by law for the trial of military offenses, the law also recognizes that the legal power of com- 256 COURTS-MARTIAL PUNISHMENT. ^f 333 mand, when wisely and justly exercised to that end, is a powerful agency for the maintenance of discipline. Courts- martial and the disciplinary powers of commanding officers have their respective fields in which they most effectually function. The tendency, however, is to resort unnecessarily to courts-martial. To invoke court-martial jurisdiction rather than to exercise this power of command in matters to which it is peculiarly applicable and effective, is to choose the wrong instrument, disturb unnecessarily military func- tions, injure rather than maintain discipline, and fail to exercise an authority the use of which develops and increases the capacity for command. Legal sanction is now given to the exercise of such discipli- nary power by the following article of war : "ART. 104. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, the commanding officer of any detachment, com- pany, or higher command may, for minor offenses, impose disciplinary punishments upon persons of his command without the intervention of a court-martial, unless the ac- cused demands trial by court-martial." The disciplinary punishments authorized by this article may include admonition, reprimand, withholding of privi- leges for not exceeding one week, extra fatigue for not exceed- ing one week, and restriction to certain specified limits for not exceeding one week, and hard labor without confinement for not exceeding one week, but shall not include forfeiture of pay or confinement under guard ; except that in time of war or grave public emergency a commanding officer of the grade of brigadier general or of higher grade may, under the provi- sions of this article, also impose upon an officer of his command below the grade of major a forfeiture of not more than one- half of such officer's monthly pay for one month. A person punished under authority of this article who deems his punishment unjust or disproportionate to the offense may, through the proper channel, appeal to the next superior authority, but may in the meantime be required to undergo the punishment adjudged. The commanding officer who imposes the punishment, his successor in com- mand, and superior authority shall have power to mitigate 21358 20 17 257 ^[333 CHAPTER xm. or remit any unexecuted portion of the punishment. The imposition and enforcement of disciplinary punishment under authority of this article for any act or omission shall not be a bar to trial by court-martial for a crime or offense growing out of the same act or omission; but the fact that a disciplinary punishment has been enforced may be shown by the accused upon trial, and when so shown shall be con- sidered in determining the measure of punishment to be ad- judged in the event of a finding of guilty. (But see par. l$2(a) supra. While commanding officers should always use their utmost influence to prevent breaches of discipline and compose con- ditions likely to give rise to such breaches, they should also impose and enforce the disciplinary punishment authorized by the above article. This authority, involving the power, judgment, and discretion of the commander, can not be dele- gated to or in any manner participated in by others, but must be exercised by the commander upon his own judgment and in strict compliance with the article and the regulations prescribed by the President pursuant thereto. Accordingly, the commanding officer of a detachment, company,, or higher command will usually dispose of, and may award disciplin- ary punishment for, any offense committed by any enlisted man of his command which would ordinarily be disposed of by summary court-martial, when the accused does not demand trial by court-martial before the commanding officer has made and announced his decision in the case. As remarked by the major general commanding in G. 0. 73, W. D., 1892: " The increasing number of trials by summary court and the trivial character of many of the offences tried indicate that com- manding officers frequently fail to make use of this power. They are therefore reminded that it is their duty to use all reason- able means to prevent the occurrence of delinquencies rather than to punish them. In the discharge of this duty they may not only deprive unworthy soldiers of privileges but take such, steps as may be necessary to enforce their orders. It is believed that the proper use of this power will make it unnecessary to bring before the summary court many of the trifling delinquen- cies which are now made the subject of trial; indeed, that such 258 COTJRTS-MAKTIAL PUNISHMENT. If 334 trifling delinquencies will in great measure be prevented. De- partment commanders will see that their subordinate command- ing officers fulfill their duties in this regard." 334. RECORD OF PUNISHMENT. For each punishment awarded the commander will cause to be made in the com- pany punishment book a brief statement showing (a) The offense, including date. (b) Punishment, if any, with date on which awarded. (c) Decision of higher authority, if appeal is made; but will not make any entry thereof on the service record of the accused. 335. APPEALS. If an appeal is made to the next superior authority, it shall be in writing through the immediate com- mander awarding the punishment or his successor, who will immediately forward it to the superior with a copy of the record. An appeal shall consist of a brief statement signed by the accused, giving his reasons for regarding the punish- ment as unjust or disproportionate, and shall be accom- panied by a like brief statement by the commander in sup- port of the punishment awarded. The superior will, in passing upon the appeal, hear no witnesses and will con- sider no statements other than those forwarded with the appeal, but will be limited strictly to the consideration of the punishment awarded. When justice requires such ac- tion he will modify the punishment or set it aside, but will not increase it, and will in no case award a different kind of punishment. After having considered the appeal he will return the record to the commanding officer from whom received, with a statement of his disposition of the case. 336. NOT LIMITED TO SOLDIERS. The power is not limited in its application, either in law or principle, to enlisted men, but may with propriety be applied as well to any other per- son subject to military law, including commissioned officers, especially those of junior grades. Obviously, in the case of officers the occasion for such action will be less frequent, the variety of punishment available more restricted, and the selection of the most effectual punishment more perplex- ing, but when the best interests of discipline require such action will be taken with firmness, and in no wise restrained 259 If 336a CHAPTEK xiii. by an unwarranted regard for the commissioned grade of the offender. 336a. War Department Policy Disciplinary Punishment Pre- ferred to Court-Martial. It is the policy of the War Depart- ment that commanding officers should resort to their disciplinary powers under A. W. 104 in preference to employing courts-mar- tial, and more especially summary courts-martial. In accord- ance with this policy trials by court-martial, and particularly by summary courts-martial, will usually be resorted to only where disciplinary punishments have failed to prevent infrac- tions of discipline, and in consequence the instances of disci- plinary punishment should far exceed the number of trials. It should be a very rare case where a soldier is tried by summary courts-martial without having previously been repeatedly sub- jected to disciplinary punishment. This policy does not leave it optional with the commanding officer of the detachment, company, or higher command to either impose disciplinary punishment or prefer charges in his discretion. On the contrary, it requires him to resort first to disciplinary punishment. Inability to maintain discipline with- out frequent resort to court-martial, and particularly to trials by summary courts-martial, strongly suggests inefficiency, unless the circumstances be very exceptional. As it is the duty of a senior commanding officer to see that subordinate commanders follow this policy, he must accept the ultimate responsibility for the number of inferior court trials in the commands of his subordinate commanding officers. No commanding officer exer- cising court-martial jurisdiction can escape responsibility for an excessive number of such trials by the excuse that organiza- tion . commanders have represented that trials are necessary to maintain discipline. Discipline must be maintained subject to this War Department policy, which commanding officers will rigidly enforce. 336b. As to Officers, in Time of War or Emergency. It is notable that in time of war or great public emergency the power of punishment by a commanding officer of the grade of brigadier general or of higher grade extends (under the one hundred and fourth article of war, as amended by the code of 1920), as to officers of his command below the grade of major, to 2GO COURTS-MARTIAL PUNISHMENT. ^f 336C forfeiture of not more than one-half of such officer's monthly pay for one month. 336c. Procedure. It is not necessary that formal charges be filed. But the accused will be informed orally or in writing of the accusation, and, where he does not admit the commission of the offense, the commanding officer will carefully investigate the case in the same manner as a summary court-martial, ad- ministering oaths to all persons testifying for the prosecution or defense. (But see par. 76a.) The investigation will in all ordinary cases be held at the office of the commanding officer. 336d. In Case Accused Demands Trial. If the accused de- mands trial by court-martial, then (a) if charges have been filed steps will promptly be taken to investigate the charges in the usual manner, or (b) if charges have not been filed the commanding officer may himself prefer charges or may direct an investigation to be made to determine whether charges should be preferred, and, in either case, if formal charges are preferred they will be investigated in the usual manner. No notation or memorandum of any kind of accused's demand for trial by court-martial will appear upon the charges. SECTION II. CONFINEMENT IN A PENITENTIARY. 337. WHEN AUTHORIZED. The forty-second article of war follows the rules of the Federal Penal Code and practice respecting the imposition of penitentiary confinement in so far as they can be applied to court-martial procedure. Under the Federal Penal Code any offense is a felony which is punishable under the code or other statute of the United States by death, or by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year. (Sec. 335, Fed. Pen. Code of 1910.) But no person may be confined in a penitentiary unless the punishment actually adjudged for an offense of which he has been convicted exceeds one year. Under civil procedure it is not permissible to join in a single indictment and trial offenses of a different nature. As a matter of practice, also, confinement is never ordered to be executed in a penitentiary unless among the offenses upon which the sentence is awarded is found a felony ; that is to say, an offense of a civil nature, separately 261 ^ 338 CHAPTER xm. punishable by confinement to exceed one year. The practical result is that no person is confined in a penitentiary unless both o-f the following conditions subsist : (1) The confinement that could lawfully be awarded as punishment of some one of the offenses of which he stands convicted (if that conviction stood alone) would exceed one year. (2) The confinement actually adjudged exceeds one year. The ninet}'-third and ninety-sixth articles of war now confer upon courts-martial jurisdiction to try all crimes and offenses, not capital,, of which persons subject to military law may be guilty. Under the military practice, dissimilar offenses may be joined in the same set of charges ; convictions may be had on one set of charges joining crimes of a civil nature with purely military offenses, and a single sentence may be adjudged on all the convictions. Also, there are certain purely military offenses which are by statute made punishable by confinement in a penitentiary, regardless of the term of confinement imposed. Notwithstanding these departures from the practice of Federal courts,, the juris- diction granted to courts-martial to punish offenses of a civil nature is not to be exercised with greater harshness than is practiced under the criminal jurisdiction of United States courts, and the analogies with the penal rules of those courts are maintained, as far as they can be preserved under court-martial procedure, by the forty-second article of war and the following rules of practice, which result from that article. 338. CLASSES OF SENTENCES TO BE EXECUTED IN A PENI- TENTIARY. Sentences of the following classes may be exe- cuted in a penitentiary : Glass 1 Commutation of death sentence. Any confine- ment, whether more or less than a year, awarded by way of commutation of a death sentence^ may be executed in a peni- tentiary; and this is true whether the offense for which the sentence of death was awarded was of a military or of a civil nature, and whether the sentence was awarded on con- viction of a capital charge alone or on conviction on a capital charge coupled with conviction on other charges not capital. 262 COURTS-MARTIAL, PUNISHMENT. ^[ 338 Class % Military offenses. A sentence of confinement awarded upon conviction of one or more of the military offenses enumerated in this class may be executed in a peni- tentiary, regardless of the length of the sentence imposed, but in practice a penitentiary should not be designated un- less the confinement adjudged exceeds one year. However, if a conviction is had on several offenses, either military or civil in nature, one of which is included in this class, and the sentence adjudged on all the convictions together ex- ceeds one year, the confinement may be executed in a peni- tentiary. The military offenses comprised in this class are : (a) Desertion in time of war. (b) Repeated desertion in time of peace. (c) Mutiny. Class 3 Offenses of a civil nature. A sentence exceeding one year's confinement, awarded, either on conviction of any one or more of the several offenses of a civil nature de- scribed below, or on conviction of any one or more of such civil offenses coupled with a conviction or convictions of one or more military offenses, may be executed in a penitentiary, if any one of such several offenses of a civil nature standing alone would be punishable by penitentiary confinement for more than one year, by some statute of the United States, of general application within the continental United States (ex- cepting section 289, Penal Code of the United States, 1910), or by the law of the District of Columbia, The civil offenses contemplated in class 3 are: (a) An act or omission specified and denounced as an offense in the Penal Code of the United States (Federal Penal Code of 1910, except section 289 thereof), and made punishable thereby by confinement in a penitentiary for more than one year. (b) An act or omission specified and denounced as an offense in any other statute of the United States, of general application within the continental United States (always excepting, however, section 289 of the Federal Penal Code), and made punishable thereby by confinement in a penitentiary for more than one year. This heading has reference particularly to penal provisions not properly 263 If 339 CHAPTER XIII. separable from the administrative laws of the several branches and departments of Government, and not in- cluded in the Penal Code. Such offenses will rarely be encountered in court-martial practice. (c) An act or omission recognized as an offense by the law of the District of Columbia, wherever committed or omitted, and made punishable thereby by confinement in a penitentiary for more than one year. By the phrase " the law of the District of Columbia " is meant the entire body of law, both statutory and common law, in force in the District of Columbia on the date of the commission of the offense. Offenses under this head that may be encountered in court- martial practice include the offense of sodomy. 339. AUTHORITY FOR PENITENTIARY SENTENCE TO BE CITED. In each case tried by general court-martial in which a penitentiary is designated as the place of confinement of the person tried, the record of trial, when forwarded to the Judge Advocate General of the Army, will be accompanied by a signed statement indicating the law or laws authoriz- ing the confinement in a penitentiary of the person sentenced. If the law relied upon as authorizing confinement in a penitentiary be a Federal statute, an accurate citation will be regarded as sufficient to indicate the law, but if any other law is relied upon as authorizing such confinement, the law will be quoted in full in the required statement. SECTION III. WAR DEPARTMENT POLICY REGARDING PUNISHMENTS. 340. DESERTION. The policy of the War Department re- specting punishment for desertion was announced in Gen- eral Orders, No. 77, War Department, June 10, 1911. Cor- rective confinement and forfeiture were suggested in cases of inexperienced soldiers who by surrender manifested a disposition to atone for their offenses. The number so pun- ished and saved to the service has so increased each year that this policy has been enforced with fairly satisfactory results. In addition a limited number of this class of of- 264 COURTS-MARTIAL PUNISHMENT. ^f 340 fenders has been restored to duty without trial under the provisions of A. R. 131. Since that order was issued important changes have been introduced in our military penology. Purely military of- fenders serving sentences in the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth and its branches may be re- stored to an honorable status and complete their enlistment. By the act of August 22, 1912 (37 Stat. 356), reenlistment of this class of offenders is authorized with the approval, in each case, of the 'Secretary of War. Under the provisions of the act of April 27, 1914 (38 Stat. 354), dishonorable discharge may be suspended with a view to restoration to duty by remission thereof should the conduct of the offender v\ T arrant. There are now additional means of saving men to the colors men whose offenses are thoughtless acts due to youth or inexperience or committed under some special stress, and for these reasons have in them less of the element of culpability. Supplementing these methods is the estab- lishment of disciplinary organizations at the United States Disciplinary Barracks, where the offenders of this class who desire reenlistment or restoration may receive an intensive practical training to fit them for efficient service from the moment of rejoining. These periods of confinement are graduated so as to pre- vent inequalities of punishment for like degrees of culpabil- ity and are sufficient, it is believed, to meet the ends of pun- ishment where restoration to duty is not in contemplation. Where restoration is in contemplation, as in case of purely military offenders, including deserters, the period of con- finement imposed is, under the new policy, in practical effect the maximum of an indeterminate sentence. In other words, the period for which the offender is held depends entirely upon himself. With good conduct and proper progress to- ward reform evidencing efficiency in training and fitness to resume service relations the sentence of confinement ter- minates and the honorable status of duty with the colors is resumed. While it is the effect of this policy to mitigate the condi- tion of the peace deserter who desires to redeem his record and earn an honorable restoration to duty with the colors, 265 If 340 CHAPTER xm. it carries no substantial mitigation as to other classes of deserters. Experience has not thus far demonstrated the wisdom of any change in the policy of severe punishment for this latter class. An engagement for military service has little in common with an ordinary private contract for personal service, and the fact that an individual may aban- don such a contract with only minor consequences to himself furnishes no suggestion that a corresponding rule may be properly adopted in the Army. Nor does the fact that the early requirement of the common law that a call to civil office or civil employment under the Government could not be disregarded by the citizen, nor the obligations of such office or employment be laid down at his will, no longer obtains, furnish any such suggestion. An engagement for military service creates a special status, and many obliga- tions flow from that status which are not obligations of the citizen in the civil service of the Government or under a private contract for personal service. Other closely related considerations inherent in the nature of military service sup- port this view. The Army is an emergent arm of the public service which the Nation holds ready for a time of great peril. Military service is an obligation which every citizen owes the Government. It is settled law that such service may be compelled, if necessary, by draft. Nor is the obli- gation of the soldier who volunteers for a fixed period dif- ferent from that of the drafted soldier. By his act of volun- teering he consecrates himself to the military service. His engagement, supported by an oath of allegiance, is that the Nation may depend upon him for such service during the fixed period, whatever may be the emergency. When this engagement is breached a high obligation to the Nation is disregarded, a solemn oath of allegiance is violated, and the Government is defrauded in the amount of its outlay incident to inducting the soldier into the military service, training, clothing, and caring for him while he remains in that service, and transporting him to the station from which he deserts. Desertion is thus seen to be, not simply a breach of contract for personal service, but a grave crime against the Government; in time of war perhaps the gravest that 266 COURTS-MABTIAL PUNISHMENT. If 341 a soldier can commit^ and at such times punishable with death. These facts furnish ample justification for a con- tinuance of the policy of severe punishment for the offense of desertion in time of peace, subject only to the qualification that it should not be severe to the degree of barring an honorable restoration to duty of the thoughtless, young, or inexperienced offenders who desert and who, on return, manifest a desire to atone for their desertions and qualify themselves in character and training for such restoration by service in the disciplinary battalions and companies now organized at the United States Disciplinary Barracks. 341. SEGREGATION OP PKISONERS. It is the policy of the War Department to separate, so far as practicable, general prisoners co/nvieted of offenses punishable by penitentiary confinement from general prisoners convicted of purely mili- tary offenses or- of misdemeanors in connection with purely military offenses. In furtherance of this policy, reviewing authorities will designate a penitentiary as the place of con- finement of general prisoners sentenced to be confined for more than one year according to the rules laid down in Sec- tion II, supra, except in individual cases in which the proved circumstances show that the holding of the prisoners so convicted in barracks associations with misdemeanants and military offenders will not be to the detriment of the latter. Instructions will be issued from time to time by the War Department to commanders having general court-martial jurisdiction regarding the place of confinement for general prisoners sentenced to confinement in penitentiaries. 342. ADAPTATION OF PUNISHMENTS. In cases where the punishment is discretionary the best interests of the service and of society demand thoughtful application of the fol- lowing principles : That because of the effect of confinement upon the soldier's self-respect confinement is not to be ordered when the interests of the service permit it to be avoided; that a man against whom there is no evidence of previous convictions for the same or similar offenses should be punished less severely than oe who has offended re- peatedly; that the presence or absence of extenuating or aggravating circumstances should be taken into considera- 267 If 342a ' '"CHAPTER "xm.' tion in determining the measure of punishment in any case ; that the maximum limits of punishment authorized are to be applied only in cases in which, from the nature and cir- cumstances of the offense and the general conduct of the offender, severe punishment appears to be necessary to meet the ends of discipline; and that in adjudging punishment the court should take into consideration the individual char- acteristics of the accused, with a view to determining the nature of the punishment best suited to produce the desired results in the case in question, as the individual factor in one case may be such that punishment of one kind would serve the ends of discipline, while in another case punishment of a different kind would be required. As an instance of the necessity for adapting punishment to the particular case under consideration, it is to be noted that prior experience with detention of pay by sentence of court-martial indicates that this form of punishment, while not generally applicable, w r as nevertheless found to be an effective means of restraint and discipline for a considerable number of offenders. 342a. Same Subject Penitentiary Confinement. For exam- ple, in accordance with the principles of the preceding para- graph, by no means every offense that is legally punishable by confinement in a penitentiary need be so punished in order to uphold justice and discipline in the Army. The dividing line be- tween offenses legally punishable by penitentiary confinement and those which are not so punishable is necessarily, in many cases, more or less arbitrary. For instance, the difference of a single cent in the value of two articles stolen may make the offense in one case grand larceny, legally punishable by peni- tentiary confinement, and in the other case petty larceny not legally punishable by confinement in such an institution. Ac- cordingly, in considering the place of confinement to be desig- nated, the reviewing authority should take into consideration all of the circumstances, the nature of the offense, the offender's age, his mental condition and development, and his prior civil and military record, with a view to determining whether the interests of justice and discipline demand confinement in a peni- tentiary where such confinement may be legally directed, or whether confinement in a disciplinary barracks would serve to 268 COURTS-MARTIAL PUNISHMENT. ^f 343 vindicate the law and not violate the reformatory character of the disciplinary barracks, or whether any other disposition should be made of the case. In the cases of youthful offenders, who have not exhibited fixed criminal tendencies and whose offenses are not of such a character as to endanger the future of the disciplinary barracks as a reformatory institution, the propriety of designating the disciplinary barracks, instead of a penitentiary, as the place of confinement should always be carefully considered. 343. Relative severity of punishments. The usual punish- ments imposed upon soldiers are the following, beginning with the le.^st severe : (1) Detention of pay, (2) Forfeiture of pay, (3) Reduction, (4) Ha^d labor without confinement, (5) Confinement at hard labor, and (6) Dishonorable discharge. In the absence of evidence of two or more previous convic- tions, a minor offense, the nature of which appears to de- mand punishment by hard labor, should ordinarily be pun- ished by hard labor without confinement, rather than by con- finement at hard labor. For offenses properly punishable by detention of pay, forfeiture of pay, reduction, or hard labor without confinement, those forms of punishment should, as a rule, be resorted to before confinement at hard labor is imposed. 343a. Limits of punishments upon reheari^igs. In determining whether or not a punishment adjudged upon a rehearing is in ex- cess of or more severe than a punishment adjudged at the orig- inal hearing within the meaning of A. W. 50Vi, reviewing authorities will be guided by the following, none of fche punish- ments enumerated in any one of the following groups to be re- garded as in excess of or more severe than the first punishment mentioned in the same group : WHEN ACCUSED IS AN OFFICER. GROUP A. (1) Death. (2) All other legal punishments. *f 34 3a CHAPTER xiii. GROUP , (1) Dismissal with Confinement at Hard Labor. (2) Dismissal. (3) Loss of rank or suspension from rank, command, or duty, and fine or forfeiture not in excess of what accused's pay would have been during the period of confinement provided in original sentence and confinement to limits of posts or reservation for period not in excess of period of confinement provided in original sentence and reprimand or admonition; or any one or more of said punishments. GROUP C. (1) Dismissal. (2) Loss of rank or suspension from rank, command, or duty, and fine or forfeiture not to exceed half of one year's pay of the accused and confinement to limits of posts or reservation not to exceed six months and reprimand or admonition; or any one or more of said punishments. GROUP D. (1) Loss of rank. NOTE. This punishment varies so much that its equivalents can not be stated in the abstract. GROUP B. (1) Suspension from Eank, Command, or Duty with Loss of Pay or Part of Pay. (2) Fine or forfeiture not in excess of loss of pay provided in original sentence and confinement to limits of post or reservation for period not exceeding period of suspension adjudged in origi- nal sentence and reprimand or admonition; or any one or more of said punishments. GROUP F. (1) Suspension from Bank, Command, or Duty without Loss of Pay. (2) Confinement to limits of posts or reservation for period not exceeding period of suspension adjudged in original sentence and reprimand or admonition; or any one or more of said punish- ments. 270 COURTS-MARTIAL PUNISHMENT. ^f 343a GROUP G. (1) Fine or Forfeiture of Pay. (2) Confinement to limits of post or reservation for such num- ber of months as shall result from dividing the fine or forfeiture adjudged in the original sentence by one-fourth of the monthly pay of the accused and reprimand or admonition; or any one or more of said punishments. GROUP II. (1) Confinement to Limits of Post or Reservation. (2) Reprimand or admonition. GROUP I. (1) Reprimand. (2) Admonition. NOTE. The foregoing scale applies also to warrant officers, mem- bers of the Army Nurse Corps, and field clerks, so far as practicable. WHEN ACCUSED IS A SOLDIEB. GROUP A. (1) Death. (2) All other legal punishments. GROUP B. (1) Dishonorable Discharge with Confinement at Hard Labor. (2) Dishonorable discharge. (3) Reduction and deprivation of rating and deprivation of rights and privileges arising from certificate of eligibility to promotion, and confinement at hard labor or hard labor without confinement for period not exceeding period of confinement pro- vided in original sentence, and forfeiture or detention of pay not in excess of what accused's pay would have been for period of confinement in original sentence, and reprimand or admoni- tion; or any one or more of said punishments. GROUP C. (1) Dishonorable Discharge. (2) Reduction and deprivation of rating and deprivation of rights and privileges arising from certificate of eligibility to 271 ^[ 34 3a CHAPTER xiii. promotion, and confinement at hard labor or hard labor without confinement for a period not exceeding six months, and forfei- ture or detention of pay for a period not exceeding six months, and reprimand or admonition ; or any one or more of said punish- ments. GROUP D. (1) Reduction or Deprivation of Eating or Both of Said Pun- ishments. (2) Forfeiture or detention of pay for period not in excess of three months and reprimand or admonition. GROUP E. (1) Confinement at Hard Labor. (2) Hard labor without confinement. (See table of equiva- lents in Executive order.) (3) Forfeiture or detention of pay. (See table of equivalents in Executive order.) (4) Reduction and deprivation of rating if period of confine- ment in original sentence exceeded three months. (5) Reprimand or admonition. GROUP F. (1) Hard Labor without Confinement. (2) Confinement at hard labor, (See table of equivalents in Executive order.) (3) Forfeiture or detention of pay. (See table of equivalents in Executive order.) (4) Reprimand or admonition. GROUP G. (1) Forfeiture of Pay. (2) Confinement at hard labor or hard labor without confine- ment. (See table of equivalents in Executive order.) (3) Detention of pay. (See table of equivalents in Executive order.) (4) Reprimand or admonition. 272 COURTS-MARTIAL, -PUNISHMENT. ^ 346 GROUP H. (1) Detention of Pay. (2) Confinement at hard labor or hard labor without confine- ment or forfeiture of pay. (See table of equivalents in Execu- tive order.) (3) Reprimand or admonition. GROUP I. (1) Reprimand. (2) Admonition. SECTION IV. PROHIBITED PUNISHMENTS. 344. BY STATUTE. Cruel and unusual punishments of every kind, including flogging, branding, marking, or tattooing on the body, are prohibited. (A. W. 41.) 345. BY CUSTOM AND REGULATIONS. Many punishments formerly sanctioned have now, under a more enlightened spirit of penology, become so obsolete as to be effectually prohibited by custom without the necessity of regulations; among these are carrying a loaded knapsack, wearing irons (both handcuffs and leg irons these are now used only in exceptional cases for the purpose of preventing escape and not as a punishment), shaving the head, placarding, pillory, stocks, and tying up by the thumbs. To impose military duty in any form as a punishment must tend to degrade it, to the prejudice of the best interests of the service. Such punishments, therefore, as imposing tours of guard duty or requiring a soldier to sound all calls at the post for a cer- tain period are forbidden. 'Solitary confinement on a bread and water diet and the placing of a prisoner in irons are regarded as means of enforcing prison discipline. They will not be imposed as a punishment by a court-martial. SECTION Y. DEATH COWARDICE FRAUD. 346. DEATH PENALTY. Xo person shall, by general court- martial, be convicted of an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law, nor sentenced to suffer 21358 20 18 273 <[[ 846 CHAPTER xm. death, except by the concurrence of all of the members of said court-martial present at the time the vote is taken. Where the death penalty is not mandatory but is discretionary, a conviction may be determined by a two-thirds vote of those members present at the time the vote is taken; but all of the members present at the time the vote is taken on the sentence, must concur in imposing the death sentence. Courts-martial have no power to impose the death penalty, except for offenses expressly made punishable by death by the Articles of War. (A. W. 43.) A court-martial, in im- posing the sentence of death, should not designate the time and place for its execution, such designation not being within its province, but pertaining to that of the reviewing or confirming authority. If it does so designate, this part of the sentence may be disregarded and a different time and place be fixed by the reviewing or confirming authority. (Digest, p. 165, XCVI, B.) If the designated day passes without execution, the same authority or his superior may name another day. Death by hanging is considered more ignominious than death by shooting and is the usual method of execution designated in the case of spies, of persons guilty of murder in connection with mutiny, or sometimes for de- sertion in the face of the enemy; but in case of a purely military offense, as sleeping on post, such sentence when imposed is usually "to be shot to death with musketry." Hanging is the proper method of executing a death sentence when imposed for violation of A. W. 92. For the sake of example and to deter others from committing like offenses, the death sentence may, when deemed advisable, be executed in the presence of the troops of the command. 347. COWARDICE FRAUD ACCESSORY PENALTY. When an officer is dismissed from the service for cowardice or fraud, the crime, punishment, name, and place of abode of the delinquent shall be published in the newspapers in and about the camp and in the State from which the offender came or where he usually resides ; and after such publication it shall be scandalous for an officer to associate with him. (A. W. 44.) The terms " cowardice " and " fraud " as employed in this article refer mainly to the offenses made punishable by A. 274 COURTS-MARTIAL PUNISHMENT. ^ 348 W. 75 and 94. With these, however, may be regarded as included all offenses in which fraud or cowardice is neces- sarily involved, though the same be not expressed in terms in the charge or specification. (Digest, p. 166, C, A.) The publication throughout the United States in press dispatches of " the crime, punishment, name, and place of abode " of the accused is a sufficient compliance with the article. (See Digest, p. 167, C, B.) SECTION VI. MAXIMUM LIMITS. 348. BY WHOM PRESCRIBED WHEN APPLICABLE. When- ever the punishment for a crime or offense made punishable by these articles is left to the discretion of the court-martial, the punishment shall not exceed such limit as the President may from time to time prescribe: Provided, that in time of peace the period of confinement in a penitentiary shall in no case exceed the maximum period prescribed by the law which, under article 42 of these articles, permits confinement in a penitentiary, unless in addition to the offense so punishable under such law the accused has been convicted at the same time of one or more other offenses. (A. W. 45.) 275 EXECUTIVE ORDER. MAXIMUM PUNISHMENT. 276 349. Executive order, The following Executive order becomes operative on February 4, 1921. (See, as to offenses prior to that date, Article IX of the order.) THE WHITE HOUSE, December 10, 1920. Under authority of Article of War No. 45, as amended by an act of Congress approved June 4, 1920, the following maximum limits of punishments of soldiers are prescribed: AETICLE I. Article of War. f Oflenses. Punishments. Dis- honor- able dis- charge, forfeit- ure of all pay and allow- ances due and 4j become due. Confine- ment at hard labor, not to ex- exceed For- feiture of two- thirds pay per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of pay. not to ex- ceed Months. i Q Months. | 54 m c 58 e c c 9 1 Enlistment, fraudulent: Procured by means of willful misrepre- sentation or concealment of a fact in re- gard to a prior enlistment or discharge, or in regard to a conviction of a civil or military offense, or in regard to imprison- ment under sentence of a court. Other cases of Yes 6 Yes 3 Attempting to desert: After not more than six months in service. . After more than six months in service In execution of a conspiracy or in the presence of an unlawful assemblage which the troops may be opposing. Desertion: Terminated by apprehension Not more than 6 months in service at time of desertion. More than 6 months in service at time of desertion. Terminated by surrender- After absence of not more than 60 days. After absence of more than 60 days . . . Yes fi Yes Yes 3 9 .... Yes 1 Yes ?. Yes... fl Yes .... 1 In the execution of a conspiracy or in the presence of an unlawful assem- blage which the troops may be oppos- ing. Advising another to desert Yes | | 6 Assisting knowingly, or persuading another to desert. Absence without leave: From command, quarters, station, or camp For not more than 60 days, for each day or fraction of a day of absence. For more than 60 days Yes 1 3 2 Yes A From guard 15 For more than 1 hour.. . 3 3 * The letter "c" in the margin indicates thit the former limit of punishment is changed by this order. 2T7 EXECUTIVE ORDER. Articles of War. Offenses. * Punishments. Dis- honor- able dis- charge, forfeit- ure of all pay and allow- ances due and to become due. Confine- ment at hard labor, not to ex- exceed For- feiture of two- thirds pay per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of pay, not to ex- ceed Months. 1 ft Months. 1 62 63 65 Failing to repair at the fixed time to the prop- erly appointed place of assembly for, or place for: Z Brill Fatigue Gallerv practice Guard mounting Inspection Instruction ? 2 Parade Prison guard Review School Stable duty Target practice March ' Reveille or retreat roll call 1 1 5 2 Leaving without permission the properly appointed place of assembly for, or place for: Athletic exercise Drill Fatigue Field exercise .... Gallery practice Guard mounting Horse exercise Inspection. Instruction Muster Parade Prison guard .... Review School Stable duty Target practice . ' . Reveille or retreat roll call Using contemptuous or disrespectful words against the President, Vice President, etc. Behaving with disrespect toward his superior officer. Attempting to strike or attempting otherwise to assault a warrant officer or a noncommis- sioned officer in the execution of his office. Behaving in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a warrant officer or a non- commissioned officer in the execution of his office. Disobedience, willful, of the lawful order of a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. Striking or otherwise assaulting a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. Yes i fi 6 6 2 6 6 ? fi Yes i 278 EXECUTIVE ORDER. Articles of War. Offenses. Punishments. Dis- honor- able dis- charge, forfeit- ure of all pay and allow- ances due and to become due. Confine- ment at hard labor, not to ex- exceed For- feiture of two- thirds pay per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of pay, not to ex- ceed Months. OT % Months. 1 ft 68 c c c 69 73 83 84 Threatening to strike or otherwise assault, or using other threatening language toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. Using insulting language toward a warrant offi- cer or a noncommissioned officer in the exe- cution of his office. Drawing a weapon upon a nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or a noncommis- sioned officer quelling a quarrel, fray, or dis- order. Refusing to obey a nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or a noncommissioned offi- cer quelling a quarrel, frav, or disorder. Threatening a nurse, band leader, warrant offi- cer, field clerk, or a noncommissioned officer quelling a quarrel, fray, or disorder. 4 4 2 2 Yes 3 Yes 1 fi 6 1 1 Escaping from confinement Yes .. 1 Releasing, without proper authority, a prisoner committed to his charge. Suffering a prisoner committed to his charge to escape: Yes 1 Yes 1 6 6 3 6 Suffering, through neglect, military property to be damaged, lost, spoiled, or wrongfully dis- posed of: O f a value of $20 or less T Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 . Of a value of more than $50 ft Yes 1 Suffering, willfully, military property to be damaged, lost, spoiled, or wrongfully dis- posed of: Of a value of $20 or less 6 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 . Of a value of more than $50 Yes .. 6 Yes 2 Injuring or losing, through-neglect, horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, or items belonging to two or more of said classes: Of a value of $20 or less 3 3 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than 820. Of a value of more than $50 Yes 1 Injuring or losing, willfully, horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, or items belonging to two or more of said classes: Of a value of $20 or less. . . ... 6 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 . Of a value of more than $50 Yes 6 Yes ? Selling or otherwise wrongfully disposing of horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, or items belong- ing to two or more of said classes: Of a value of $20 or less Yes... 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 . Yes 1 Yes... 6 279 EXECUTIVE ORDER. Articles of War. ( Punishments. Offenses. Dis- honor- able dia- charge, forfeit- ure of all pay and allow- ances Confine- ment at Lard labor, not to ex- exceed For- feiture of two- thirds P&7 per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of pay, not to ex- ceed ;o become due. {H j | | 4 85 8Gc 90 93 c c Found drunk: At formation for or at Athletic exercise 20 6 Drill . . Fatigue . .... Field exercise Gallery practice Guard mounting Horse exercise Inspection Instruction March Muster Parade Review School. Stable duty . . Target practice ft 8 On duty as 20 Company clerk .. .. ..... Cook T)iruTip room orderly Farrier. . Horseshoer Kitchen police Mechanic Mess sergeant . Yes. Yes. fi Noncommissioned officer in charge of quar- ters Saddler Stable sergeant . . Supply sergeant Wagoner . . ' Found sleeping or drunk on post, sentinel Leaving post before regularly relieved from, sentinel. Using a provoking or reproachful speech or gesture to another. Arson 1 3 3 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes . 20 5 10 20 10 Assault: With intent to do bodily harm. . With intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing. With intent to commit any felony except murder or rape. With intent to commit murder or rap* Burphiry Embezzlement or larceny: Of property of a value of $20 or Jess . 6 Of property of a value of $50 or less, and more than $20. Of property of a value of more than $50 ... Yes 1 Yes 5 ... ... ... ... 280 EXECUTIVE OKDER. Offenses. Punishments. Dis- honor- able dis- charge, forfeit- ure of all pay and allow- ances due and to become due. Confine- ment at hard labor, not to ex- exceed For- feiture of two- thirds pay per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of pav, not to ex- ceed E Months. 1 Months. 1 Forgery ... ........ Yes... 5 Yes .. in Manslaughter: Involuntary, in the commission of an un- lawful act not amounting to a felony, or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution or cir- cumspection. Voluntary, upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion. Perjury Yes 3 Yes... 10 Yes... 5 Robbery Yes... 10 Sodomy . . Yes... 5 Forging or counterfeiting a signature, making a false oath, and offenses related to either of these. Other cases: When the amount involved is $20 or less . Yes . ft Yes . 6 When the amount involved is $50 or less, and more than S20. When the amount involved is more than $50. Abandoning gnard, by member thereof Yes 1 Yes fi 6 6 3 3 4 busing ft piiblic afii'iTval a Allowing a prisoner to receive or obtain intoxi- cating liquor. Appearing in civilian dothing without author- ity. Appearing in unclean uniform, or not in pre- scribed uniform, or in uniform worn other- wise than in manner prescribed. Assault... 3 10 i 1 3 R Assault and battery 6 6 Attempting to escape from confinement Yes B Attempting to strike or attempting otherwise to assault a sentinel in the execution of his duty. Behaving in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a sentinel in the execution of his duty. Breach of restriction (other than quarantine) to command, quarters, station, or camp. Carrying a concealed weapon 6 6 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Committing a nuisance ........... K Concealing," destroying mutilating, obliterat- ing, or removing willfully and unlawfully a public record, or taking and carrying away a public record with intent to coneal, destroy, mutilate, obliterate, remove, or steal the same. Conspiring to escape from confinement Destroying willfully, public property: Of a value of $20 or less Yes ^ Yes Yes 6 6 ff Of a value of $50 or less, and more than $20. Of a valjip nfmoro t^a^J $50 Yes 1 Yes 5 Discharging, through carelessness, a firearm.... Disobedience, willful, of the lawful order of a sentinel in the execution of his duty. 3 3 Yes . 1 281 EXECUTIVE ORDER. Articles of War. 1 Offenses. Punishments. Dis- honor- able dis- charge, forfeit- ure of all pay and allow- ances due and to become due. Confine- ment at hard labor, not to ex- ceed For- feiture of two- thirds Pay per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of Pay, not to ex- ceed- 1 Months. 6 5 Months. * & c c c c Disorderly in command, quarters, station, or camp. Disorderly under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service. 1 1 4 4 ? 2 3 6 Drunk and disorderly in command, quarters, station, or camp. : Drunk and disorderly under such circum- stances as to bring discredit upon the mili- tary service. Drunk in command, quarters, station, or camp. 3 6 15 Drunk under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service. 1 3 3 6 3 3 s Failing to obey a lawful order: 6 3 3 Failing to pay a just debt under such circum- stances as to bring discredit upon the mili- tary service. False official report or statement knowingly made: By a noncommissioned officer . ..... Yes... . fi 3 3 1 1 False swearing Yes 3 Gambling: By a noncommissioned officer with a per- son of lower military rank or grade. In command, quarters, station, or camp in violation of orders. Indecent exposure of person ... 3 2 3 ? 3 Introducing a habit-forming narcotic drug into command, quarters, station, or camp: For sale ?es... ? All other cases es 1 Introducing intoxicating liquor into com- mand, quarters, station, or camp: fi 6 3 3 1 All other cises 3 Loaning money, either as principal or agent, , at an usurious rate of interest to another in th military service. Loitering or sitting down on duty by sentinel 1 Obtaining money or other property under false pretenses: When the amount obtained is $20 or less.. Yes... 6 When the amount obtained is $50 or less and more than $20. When the amount obtained is more than $50. Refusing to submit to medical or dental treatment. Refusing to submit to a surgical operation Yes 1 Yes 3 Yes.... 6 Yes. 1 Unnatural crimes Yes ft Straggling 3 3 282 EXECUTIVE OKDER. Articles of War. Offenses. Punishments. Dis- honor- able dis- forfeft- ureofall pay and allow- ances due and to become due. Confine- ment at hard labor, not to ex- ceed For- feiture of two- thirds Pay per month, not to ex- ceed Forfeit- ure of Pay, not to ex- ceed >< I Months. 3 Months. I Striking or otherwise assaulting a sentinel in the execution of his duty. Yes... 1 Yes i Threatening to strike or otherwise assault or using other threatening language toward a sentinel in the execution of his duty. Unclean accouterment, arm, clothing, equip- ment, or other military property, found with. Using insulting language toward a sentinel in the execution of his duty. Violation of condition of parole by general prisoner. 4 4 1 1 3 T 1 ARTICLE II. EQUIVALENTS. Subject to the limitations set forth elsewhere In this order, sub- stitutions for punishments specified in Article I thereof are authorized at the discretion of the court, at the rates indicated in the following table of equivalents : Forfeiture. Confinement at hard labor. Detention. Hard labor without confinement. 1 day's pay. Iday. 1$ days' pay. li days. ARTICLE III. GENERAL LIMITATIONS. SECTION 1. A court shall not, by a single sentence which does not include dishonorable discharge, adjudge against a soldier: (a) Forfeiture of pay at a rate greater than two-thirds of his pay per month. (&) Forfeiture of pay in an amount greater than two-thirds of his pay for six months. (c) Confinement at hard labor for a period greater than six months. SEC. 2. A court shall not, by a single sentence, adjudge against a soldier : 283 EXECUTIVE ORDER. (a) Detention of pay at a rate greater tban two-thirds of his pay per month. (6) Detention of pay in an amount greater than two-thirds of his pay for three months. ishment, shall be performed in addition to other duties which fall to the soldier, and no soldier shall be excused or relieved from any mili- tary duty for the purpose of performing hard labor without confine- ment which has been imposed as a punishment, but a sentence imposing such punishment shall be considered as satisfied when the soldier shall have performed hard labor during available time in addition to per- forming his military duties. SEC. 2. Pay detained pursuant to the sentence of a court-martial will be detained by the Government until the soldier is discharged from the service or mustered out of active Federal service. ARTICLE IX. DATE ON WHICH OPERATIVE. This order shall become operative on February 4, 1921, as to offenses committed on and after that date and as to criminal acts committed prior to that date whose maximum punishment was not prescribed in the Executive order of December 15, 1916. The Execu- tive order of December 16, 1916, published in the Manual for Courts- Martial, 1917, prescribing limits of punishment, shall remain operative as to offenses committed before February 4, 1921, except as to criminal acts whose maximum punishment has been decreased by this order, which will not be followed by severer punishment than is hereinbefore prescribed. WOODROW WILSON. THE WHITE HOUSE, December 10, 1920. 286 CHAPTER XIV. COURTS-MARTIALPROCEDURE OF SPECIAL AND SUMMARY COURTS AND PROCEDURE ON REVI- SION. Section I. courts-martial : -age. 350. Procedure - 287 Section II. Summary courts-martial: 351. Procedure (a) to (;) 287 Section III. Procedure n revision: 352. Of general or special courts-martial 289 353. Of summary courts-martial 290 SECTION I. SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. 350. PROCEDURE. The procedure of and before special courts-martial will, so far as practicable, be identical with that prescribed for general courts-martial. SECTION II. SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. 351. PROCEDURE. (a) The summary court will be opened at a stated hour daily, except Sundays, for the trial of such cases as have been properly referred to it for trial. Trials will be had on Sunday only when the exigencies of the service make it necessary. (b) The summary court will at the beginning of each trial, in the order of such trial, give to and enter in the proper place on the charges in the case a serial number. (c) The procedure of and before summary courts-martial will, so far as practicable, be identical with that prescribed for general courts-martial. In the trial of a case the sum- mary court represents both the Government and the accused. He will see to it that the interests of both are fully con- served. 21358 20 19 287 Tf 351 CHAPTEK xrv. (d) When the accused pleads guilty he will (1) Explain to him (a) the elements constituting the offense to which he has pleaded guilty, and (>) the max- imum punishment therefor. (2) Ask him whether he fully understands (a) that by pleading guilty thereto he admits all the elements of the crime or offense, and (>) that he may be punished as explained to him. (For form see Appendix 9, infra.) The report of trial will show that such explanation was made, (See Appendix 12, infra.) In any such case he will also, in the manner below stated, make such impartial investigation as the doing of justice may appear to require. (e) In the absence of a plea of guilty he will make a full, thorough, and impartial investigation of both sides of the entire matter before him. On behalf of the accused he will obtain the attendance of, swear, and examine such witnesses, and will obtain such other evidence, documentary and other, as may tend to disprove or negative guilt of such allega- tions, or explain the acts or omissions charged, or show ex- tenuating circumstances or establish good character. He will permit the accused fully to examine all witnesses that appear, and will, to the fullest extent, aid him in making such examination. He will, in every proper way, encourage and aid the accused in making his defense. In all cases he will extend to the accused full opportunity to testify in his own behalf and to make a statement in denial, in ex- planation, or in extenuation, and will, before arriving at a finding, assure himself, by inquiry of the accused, that he has no further testimony to offer and no further statement to make. (f ) If the accused does not testify or make any statement in his own behalf, the summary court will explain to him that he may testify in hi* own behalf if he so desire, or may make an un- sworn statement to the court in denial, in explanation, or in ex- tenuation of the offense with which lie stands charged. (See Porm 4, Appendix 9.) The report of trial will show that such explanation was made. (Par. 215, infra.) 288 COURTS-MARTIAL, PROCEDURE OF COURTS, ^f 352 (g) Having done so, he will, as soon as the trial is con- cluded, arrive at his findings and record them in the proper place on the charges. (h) In the event of conviction he will consider the evi- dence of previous convictions, if any, referred to him. (i) In any case of conviction he will, as soon as trial is concluded, impose sentence and record it in the proper place upon the charges. (j) In the event of a finding of not guilty of all the charges and specifications he will record an acquittal instead of a sentence, and immediately announce it in open court. (A. W. 29.) (k) Having recorded his findings and an acquittal or sen- tence, he will subscribe his name, rank, and organization as summary court, and then without delay transmit the record of trial to the appointing authority. SECTION III. PROCEDURE ON REVISION. 352. OF GENERAL OR SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. The pro- cedure of general or special courts-martial when reconvened for the purpose of revising their action or correcting their records will in general be as indicated by the form of record of proceedings on revision. (See Appendix 10 and par. 364, infra.) The members of the court who participated in the findings and sentence, together with the trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocate, if any, and except in those rare cases where a sentence which, under paragraph 332a, supra, was not announced in open court is directed to be recon- sidered by the court the defense counsel of the court and as- sistant defense counsel, if any, will assemble and the court will meet. It is not ordinarily necessary that the accused or his individual counsel, if any, be present, but except in rare cases there is no objection to their presence, and there may be cases in which the presence of the accused and of his indi- vidual counsel, if any, should be required by the court. The trial judge advocate will read to the court the indorsement of the appointing authority returning the record and di- 289 If 353 CHAPTER XIV. recting the reconvening, or if the record of trial by a special court-martial has been returned to him orally for revision, may state briefly to the court the views of the appointing authority as communicated to him. The court is then closed, considers and takes action upon the matter before it, is opened, and adjourns. As the action so taken is entirely corrective, a case will not be reopened by the calling or recalling of witnesses or otherwise. "No authority shall return a record of trial to any court- martial for reconsideration of (a) An acquittal; or (b) A finding of not guilty of any specification; or (c) A finding of not guilty of any charge, unless the record shows a finding of guilty under a specifica- tion laid under that charge, which sufficiently alleges a violation of some article of war; or (d) The sentence originally imposed, with a view to in- creasing its severity, unless such sentence is less than the mandatory sentence fixed by law for the offense or offenses upon which a conviction has been had. And no court-martial, in any proceedings on revision, shall re- consider its findings or sentence in any particular in which a return of the record of trial for such reconsideration is herein- before prohibited." (A. W. 40.) 353. OF SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. What has been said in respect to the procedure on revision by general or special courts-martial will, so far as applicable, govern such proce- dure by summary courts-martial. (See also par. 365, infra.) 290 CHAPTER XV. COURTS-MARTIALRECORDS OF TRIAL. Section I. General courts-martial: Page. 354. Record required How authenticated 291 355. What the record is and by whom prepared 292 355a. Carbon copy of the record 292 356. Separate record 292 357. Contents of record 292 (a) In general 292 (&) In detail 293 (c) Record of revision 300 (d) Clemency recommendation 800 Section II. Special courts-martial: 358. Form and substance, (a) to (h) 800 359. Number of copies 801 360. Not indexed Exceptions 301 361. Briefed 802 361a. Recording testimony . 802 362. Bound _ 302 Section III. Summary courts-martial: 363. Form and substance 302 Section IV. Correction of records of trial: 364. Records of general or special courts-martial 802 365. Records of summary courts-martial 303 Section V. Disposition of records of trial: 366. By trial judge advocate 303 (a) Original record 803 (&) Carboncopy 803 867. By appointing authority 304 (a) Records of trial by general courts-martial 304 (&) Records of trial by special courts-martial 304 (c) Records of trial by summary courts-martial 805 (d) Reports of trial by summary courts-martial 305 Section VI. Loss of records of trial: 368. Action to be taken__ 805 SECTION I. GENERAL COURTS-MARTIAL. 354. RECORD REQUIRED How AUTHENTICATED. Each gen- eral court-martial shall keep a separate record of its pro- ceedings in the trial of each case brought before it, and such 291 Tf 355 CHAPTER XV. record shall be authenticated by the signature of the presi- dent and the trial judge advocate, bat in case the record can not be authenticated by the president and the trial judge advo- cate, by reason of the death, disability, or absence of either or both of them, it shall be signed by a member in lieu of the president, and by an assistant trial judge advocate, if there is one, in lieu of the trial judge advocate, otherwise by another member of the court. (A. W. 33.) 355. WHAT THE RECORD Is AND BY WHOM PREPARED. The legal record of a court-martial is that record which is finally approved and adopted by the court as a body and authenti- cated by the signatures of its president and the trial judge advocate. The record is prepared by the trial judge advo- cate under the direction of the court, and in consultation with the defense counsel of the court te whom it is subriitted (except finding* and sentence- in cases where the same are not an- nounced) for examination before signature, but the court as a whole is responsible for it, and the instrument which it approves as such is its record, however the same may have been made up. It is immaterial to the sufficiency of a record whether the same was kept or written by the trial fudge advocate or by a clerk or a reporter acting under his direction. 355a. Carbon Copy of the BecorxL Whenever a record of a trial by general court-martial is to be typewritten by a reporter (see Par. 117, swipra), a carbon copy will always be jnrepared, and, if not desired by the accused: (see Par. 3'86 (b), infra), will be forwarded, with, the record, to the reviewing authority. 356. SEPARATE HECORD. Where several cases are tried by the same court the record of each case should not only be complete and independent in itself and as much an entirety, both in form and in substance, as if it were the only case tried, but should contain all that is essential to an original and independent official paper, and should be so perfected as to leave no material detail to be supplied from any pre- vious or other record. Where sentence is pronounced the record should contain everything necessary to sustain it in fact and in law. 357. CONTENTS OF BECom?. (&) In G-eneral. The record of proceedings of a general court-martial will in each case 282 COURTS-MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. ^ 357 show that all statutory requirements incident to that case have been complied with ; will state a complete history of the proceedings, regular and irregular, had in open court in that case; and will set forth the material conclusions arrived at in both open and closed sessions. The only acts of the court or members not properly stated or set forth in the record of trial are the discussions, votes, etc., had while the court was closed for deliberation upon a challenge, or upon the findings or sentence. Such discussions, etc., are no part of the formal record, and, as to votes and opinions of particular members upon a challe-nge or upon the Sndings or sentence, a statement of these is precluded by A. W. 19. It is, in fact, only the result of a deliberation in closed session that is to be entered upon the record ; except that it must appear there- from that such result was reached by the concurrence of the number of votes required, as the ease may be, by the forty-third article of war. (b) In Detail. The record of proceedings in each case will show, among other things, each in its proper place : 1. A brief of itself in the prescribed form. (See Appendix 10, infra.) 2. An index of itself in the prescribed form. (See Appen- dix 10, infra.) 3. Whether a carbon copy of the record of trial was pre- pared and, if so, the disposition made thereof. (See pars. 117 and 355.a, supra, and 366 (b), infra.) 4. The place and date of each meeting of the court. 5. The fact and hour of each meeting. 6. The number, date, source, and a copy of the order ap- pointing the court, and of each amendatory order, each stated at the proper place in the record of trial. 7. The fact of the presence und the name, rank, and or- ganization of each member, including (and so designating) the law member, if present, the trial judge advocate, the as- sistant trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, the assistant defense counsel, and the individual counsel for the accused, if there be one, present at the assembling of the court, and at any proceedings in revision. 8. The fact of the presence and the name, rank, and or- ganization of each new member (including law member), new 293 ^f 357 CHAPTER XV. trial judge advocate or assistant trial judge advocate, or new defense counsel or assistant defense counsel, who begins to participate therein, together with citation of the authority for his so doing. 9. The fact of the absence and the name, rank, and or- ganization of each member, including the law member, and of the trial judge advocate or assistant trial judge advocate, or defense counsel or assistant defense counsel, absent at the as- sembling of the court or at any reassembly after recess or adjournment, or at any proceedings in revision, together with a statement of the reason for such absence. 10. That the accused was given opportunity to introduce individual counsel, and the action thereon. 11. That the defense counsel and assistant defense counsel (or at least one of them at all times) were present during all the open sessions of the court in the case (unless excused at the ex- press request of the accused, under par. 107 (b), supra, in which case that fact will be stated in the record) ; and that the accused and his individual counsel, if any, were present dur- ing all the open sessions of the court in his case (except during proceedings in revision in which it will be shown whether or not they were present; and, in those rare cases in which, under paragraph 352 supra, their presence is improper during revision proceedings, the record will show their absence during such proceedings). 12. The name (and if in the military service, grade, and or- ganization) of each person who acted as reporter during any part of the trial, and that each such person was sworn. 13. The name, rank, and organization of each member present who, during the trial, was challenged by either party, or who announced himself as, or was alleged to be, ineligible to sit as a member, together with the alleged reason therefor, and the action had thereon. 14. The name of each person, if any, who acted as inter- preter during any part of the trial, and that each such person was sworn. 15. That the accused was informed of his right to demand a copy of the record of his trial, and was asked whether or not he desired a copy thereof, together with his answer thereto. 294 COURTS- MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. ^f 357 16. That the order appointing the court and each amend- atory order was read to the accused in court, and that he was given opportunity to challenge each member of the court (including an opportunity to exercise his right to one peremptory challenge in accordance with the provisions of A. W. 18) who sat as such during any part of the trial in his case, and the action had thereon. 17. That each member of the court who sat as such during any part of the trial of the case and each trial judge advo- cate and assistant trial judge advocate who appeared before the court in the case was sworn. 18. The several charges and specifications upon which the accused was arraigned, including the signature and the oath thereto, by the person preferring them, required by A. W. 70. 19. The name, grade, and organization of the person who subscribed the charges and swore to them. 20. The pleas of the accused to the several specifications and charges upon which he was arraigned. 21. In a proper case, that the law member if present, or otherwise the president, advised the accused of his legal right to plead the statute of limitations. 22. That after a plea of guilty the law member if present, or otherwise the president, in substance in the form prescribed in Appendix 9, infra (a) Explained to the accused (1) the elements con- stituting the offenses to which he pleaded guilty; and (2) the maximum punishment for each such offense ; and also (b) Asked the accused if he fully understood (1) that by pleading guilty thereto he admitted all the elements of the crime or offense; and (2) that he may be punished as explained to him. 23. The answers of the accused thereto, and the action, if an}*, had thereon. 24. That the trial judge advocate read to the court the paragraphs of the Manual for Courts-Martial that set out the gist of the offense or offenses charged (stating specifically which paragraphs and parts of paragraphs were so read). 25. That the several witnesses were sworn. 295 ^[357 CHAPTER XV. 26. In a proper case, that the law member if present, or otherwise the president, advised a witness ignorant of his rights that he might decline to answer any question where his answer might tend to incriminate him, or to answer any question not material to the issue when such answer might tend to degrade him. (A. W. 24.) 27. That each witness recalled to testify was cautioned, upon being so recalled, that he was still under oath. 28. That, if the accused was sworn as a witness, he was so sworn at his own request. 29. The questions propounded and the answers given by each of the several witnesses, as nearly as possible in the language used. 30. That the accused was given full opportunity to ex- amine each witness called or recalled for the defense, and to cross-examine each witness called or recalled by the prosecution or by the court. 31. The fact of the introduction of each deposition and other paper received in evidence by the court and what parts were offered by either side, or were not offered, or were ex- cluded, and that it is appended to the record properly marked. 32. The exact and entire text read to the court by the prosecution or defense from any publication, together with the title of the publication, the edition thereof, and the proper page (or paragraph or section) number. 33. In a proper case, that the accused had no testimony, or no further testimony, to offer, or no statement to make, or both. 34. That when the accused did not testify or make a statement the law member if present, or otherwise the presi- dent, explained to him in open court in substantially the form prescribed in Appendix 9, infra, that he might testify in his own behalf if he so desired; or might, without being sworn, make a statement in denial, in explanation, or in extenuation ; or might do both. 35. Each motion, objection, argument, statement, etc., made in open court, and the action, if any, had thereon. 36. The fact of each closing of the court. 29G COURTS-MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. ^f 357 37. The fact of each opening of the court, and that the members (including; and so designating, the law member), trial judge advocate, assistant trial judge advocate, defense counsel, assistant defense counsel, the accused and his individual coun- sel,- if any, and tke reporter, if any, were present when the court was opened (without, however, repeating their names, in any reopening, except where necessary because of or absences). 38. If a note was made of recess taken, that the members (including, and so designating, tfee law member) , tbe trial judge advocate, assistant trial judge advocate, defense counsel, as- sistant defeBse counsel, the accused and his individual counsel, an-d the reporter, if any, were present when the court again proceeded to business* 39. In a joint trial, that each and every one of the several accused was accorded each and every right and privilege he would enjoy if tried separately; and, as to each accused,, proper findings and sentence or acquits!. (The erf here sought, however, will, so far as practicable, be attained by the use oi appropriate general language without unduly burdening tbe reeord with repetitions.) 40. The findings on each of the several specifications and charges not disposed of as a result of a special plea. 41. The fact that each finding, as to each speeiieation, and also as to each charge, was determined by secret written ballot. (A. W. 31.) 42. That,, after the findings y the court was opened lor the purpose of receiving evidence of previous convictions, and its action. 43. That the statement of accused's service, as shown on the clarge sheet, was; thereupon read to him by the trial judge advo- cate, and he was asked whether it was correct, or whether fee bad any statement, ar correction, to make concerning it, and his answers thereto, 44. In case of receipt by th court of evidence of previous convictions, that a copy of each is appended to the record, properly marked. 45. In case of the receipt of evidence of previous convictions, that the accused was asked whether the evidence of such- 297 ^[ 357 CHAPTER XV. previous convictions was correct, and whether he had any statement to make in explanation or extenuation thereof, or in relation thereto, and his answers. 46. The sentence, acquittal, or other action finally taken, and that the same were (or were not) announced in open court; and, if not so announced, the reasons therefor. 47. In case of conviction of an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law, that all of the members of the court present at the time the vote was taken concurred in such findings of guilty, both as to the specification and also as to the charge. (A. W. 43.) 48. As to every other finding of guilty, whether upon a specifi- cation or a charge, that two-thirds of the members of the court present at the time the vote was taken concurred therein. (A. W. 43.) 49. In case of a sentence to suffer death, that all of the members of the court present at the time the vote was taken concurred in the sentence. (A. W. 43.) 50. In case of sentence of life imprisonment or to confinement for more than 10 years, that three-fourths of the members of the court present at the time the vote was taken concurred therein. 51. In case of any sentence other than death, life imprison- ment, or confinement for more than 10 years, that two-thirds of the members of the court present at the time the vote was taken concurred therein. (A. W. 43.) 52. The adjournment. 53. That the trial judge advocate, or in a proper case, the assistant trial judge advocate, subscribed each day's pro- ceedings. 54. That the president and the trial judge advocate; or, in a proper case, the president and an assistant trial judge ad- vocate; or, in a proper case, a member in lieu of the president, and the trial judge advocate; or, in a proper case, a member in lieu of the president, and the assistant trial judge advocate; or, in a proper case, a member in lieu of the president, and another member in lieu of the trial judge advocate if there is no assist- ant trial judge advocate; or, in a proper case, a member in lieu of the president, and another member in lieu of both the trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocate if both are 298 COURTS-MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. ^f 357 unable to authenticate the record, subscribed the record. In any case where the record is subscribed by a member in lieu of the president, or by the assistant trial judge advocate or another member in lieu of the trial judge advocate, or by another member in lieu of both the trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocate, the facts which make such action proper will appear in the record by the signature, as follows : Name and rank. A member in lieu of the president, be- cause of his (death) (disability) (absence). Name and rank. Assistant trial judge advocate, because of (death) (disability) (absence) of trial judge advo- cate. Name and rank. A member in lieu of trial judge advo- cate, because of his (death) (disability) (absence). (This to be used where no assistant trial judge advocate was appointed for the court.) Name and rank. A member in lieu of trial judge advo- cate and assistant trial judge advocate, because of (death) (disability) (absence) of trial judge advocate, and of (death) (disability) (absence) of assistant trial judge advocate. 55. In case the trial judge advocate has recorded the find- ings and sentence with a typewriter, then a certificate that he recorded the findings and sentence of the court, in those exceptional cases only, where the sentence has, under the pro- visions of paragraph 332a, supra, been directed by the court not to be announced in open court. 56. Appended to the record (but not as exhibits, except where received in evidence at the trial), and securely bound with it, will be (1) The original counterpart of the charges upon which is indorsed (2) The order referring the case for trial; together with one copy of each of (3) The report of the investigating officer, with (4) The summaries of the testimony of the witnesses, and the report, if any, of the medical officer, on the preliminary investigation, and all other accompany- 299 *f 858 CHAPTER XV. ing documents and inclosures and indorsements thereon, and including (5) The report of the staff judge advocate under para- graph 76b, snpra, and (6) The report of any medical board convened either nnder paragraph 76c or paragraph 219d, supra. 57. Where the trial was a rehearing of the case there will also be similarly appended the record of trial on the prior hear- ing or hearing's, including the original order referring the case for such rehearing, together with all other papers and docu- ments referred to the trial judge advocate under paragraph 377a, infra. (c) Record of Revision. Subject to the modifications in- dicated by the form of proceedings in revision, Appendix 10, infra, the foregoing will, so far as applicable, govern in re- spect to such proceedings. (d) Clemency Recommendation. A recommendation to clemency will not be embodied in the record proper, but will be bound into the record immediately after the exhibits. (See par. 332.) SECTION II. SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. 358. FORM AND SUBSTANCE. (a) Except as otherwise in- dicated by the form for record of trial by special court, or elsewhere, the requirements in respect of the form and sub- stance of such -records are in general the same as for records of trial by general courts-martial. (See form, Appendix 11.) (b) Neither oral testimony received by the court nor state- ments or arguments made will be recorded unless herein spe- cifically required, -or ordered by competent authority (see par. 154 (d) ) ; but (except in cases where the testimony is ordered recorded) a brief written summary of the testimony (including at length any questions to which objection is made, and the action of the court thereon, whether sustaining or over- ruling the objection, and the answers thereto, if answered) of each witness (and of the accused, if sworn as a witness), and 300 COURTS-MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. ^f 359 also of any statements or arguments, will be made in open court by the president, or by one of the other members under the direc- tion of the president, and will be made a part of the record. (c) Documentary evidence received by the court, the orig- inals of which can properly be appended to the record, such as depositions, letters, canceled checks, if not required else- where, and other documents, and also any written statement or argument made by or on behalf of the accused, and any rec- ommendations to clemency, and other similar papers, will be so appended. (d) Copies of writings received in evidence, the originals of which can not properly be appended to the record, such as certificates of discharge, recommendations as to character, and similar papers will be so appended. (e) If a special plea is made, and upon any challenge or motion, the record will set out in full the proceedings had thereon, including all testimony taken thereon and state- ments made relative thereto, as well as the disposition thereof made by the court. (/) Evidence of previous convictions, if any, will not be appended to the record, but will be returned by the trial judge advocate with the record of trial to the appointing authority. (g) If the findings and sentence or acquittal are announced in open court no certificate that the trial judge advocate recorded typewritten findings or sentence is required. (h) The record will, at the end, contain sufficient space for the action of the reviewing authority. If necessary for this purpose, an extra sheet will be included. ^ 359. NUMBER OF COPIES. One copy only of the record will be prepared, except in cases where the testimony is ordered recorded, when a carbon copy will be prepared for, and de- livered to, the accused, upon his request, in the same manner prescribed in the case of a general court-martial. (See pars. 117 and 357 (b) 3, supra, and 366 (b), infra.) 360. NOT INDEXED Exceptions. The record will not be indexed, except in cases where the testimony is ordered re- corded, when it will be indexed in the same manner as the record of a general court-martial. (See par. 357 (b) 2, supra.) f 360a CHAPTER xv. 360a. The testimony will ordinarily be ordered recorded, and the employment of a reporter authorized, in cases where the seriousness of the charges, or other circumstances, such as the liability of the accused to be deprived of a valuable military status, warrant it in the opinion of the appointing authority. 361. BRIEFED. The record will be briefed as prescribed for the record of a general court-martial. 362. BOUND. The record will be securely bound. The method of binding is not prescribed, but it must be such as will securely fasten together all the leaves and parts that comprise the record. Easily removable clips or paper fas- teners will not be used for this purpose. SECTION III. SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. 363. FORM AND SUBSTANCE. The requirements in respect of the form and substance of records of trial by summary court are indicated in the form for record of trial by sum- mary court. (See Appendix 12, infra.) Except as otherwise re- quired by Paragraphs 215 and 351 (d) and (f), supra, and by the note to Paragraph 43, supra, or indicated by the form of record of trial in Appendix 12, the pleas, findings and sentence or ac- quittal only are required to be recorded and subscribed by the summary court as such. The action of the commanding officer on the record, with date and his signature, completes the record. ^ SECTION IV. CORRECTION OF RECORDS OF TRIAL. 364. RECORDS OF GENERAL OR SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. A record of trial by general or special court-martial, which by reason of omission, error, or other defect is substantially incomplete or incorrect, or which in the opinion of the ap- pointing authority shows improper action by the court, may be returned by the appointing authority to the president of the court (but see A. W. 40, and par. 352, supra), directing that the court be reconvened for such action as may be ap- propriate. In any such case the defective part of the record 302 COURTS-MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. "If 365 will be left unchanged and without erasure or interlinea- tion, and the record of proceedings in revision will show specifically, ordinarily by page and line, the part of the original record that is changed and the change made. (See par. 352, and Form for Revision of Record, Appendix 10, infra.) 365. KECORDS OF SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. A record of trial by summary court which by reason of omission, error, or other defect, is substantially incomplete or incorrect, or which, in the opinion of the appointing authority, shows improper action by the court (but see A. W. 40, and par. 352, supra), may be returned by the appointing authority to the summary court for such action as may be appropriate. ( See par. 353.) SECTION V. DISPOSITION OF RECORDS OF TRIAL. 366. BY TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATE. (a) Original Record. The trial judge advocate of a court-martial shall, with such expedition as circumstances may permit, forward to the appointing authority, or to his successor in command, the original record of the proceedings of the court in the trial of each case. The. record should be forwarded as an inclo- sure to a letter of transmittal from the trial judge advocate, returning to the appointing authority the charges and other papers referred to him, and forwarding at the same time the required copy of the reporter's voucher. The original record of the proceedings of a general court-martial appointed by the President will be sent by the trial judge advocate directly to the Judge Advocate General of the Army. (b) Carbon Copy. The trial judge advocate of a general court-martial, or of a special court-martial where the testimony has been ordered recorded, shall, if the accused so desires, de- liver or cause to be delivered to the accused personally, the car- bon copy, when one is prepared (see pars. 355a and 359, supra), of the record of his trial, after it has been corrected, com- pleted, and certified as a true copy (except as to findings and sentence, in the exceptional cases where the same are not an- nounced in open court); and except as to exhibits not copied; and will take, and forward to the convening authority with the 21358 20 20 303 ^f 367 CHAPTER XV. record of trial, the receipt of the accused therefor; or, in case the accused declines to sign such receipt, the affidavit thereto of the person making such delivery, stating the time and place thereof, and that the accused personally declined to sign such receipt, will be so forwarded to the convening authority. 367. BY APPOINTING AUTHORITY. (a) Records of Trial ~by General Courts-Martial. After having been acted upon by the officer appointing the court, or by the officer com- manding for the time being, and by the confirming authority, if there be one, the record of each trial by general court- martial, with the decisions and orders of the appointing authority made thereon, and of the confirming authority, if any, will be transmitted direct to the Judge Advocate Gen- eral of the Army, accompanied by the statement of service, if there be any, and by the receipt of the accused, if any, for a copy of the record, or affidavit, if any, of delivery of a copy to him, and one original counterpart of the charges ; the report, if any, of the psychiatrist or medical officer under paragraph 76a, supra; the report of the medical board, if any; the summaries of the evidence on preliminary investigation, and the report of the investigating officer with all indorsements thereon, including forwarding indorsements of the commanding officer and of all intermediate commanders ; the report of the staff judge advocate to the appointing authority, under A. W. 70, and the order of reference for trial; and also by the report or review of the staff judge advocate upon the record of trial under A. W. 46, and by five copies of the order, if there be any, promulgating the result of the trial. (b) Records of Trial ~by Special Courts-Martial. After having been acted upon by the officer appointing the court, or by the officer commanding for the time being, the record of each trial by special court-martial, accompanied by an order publishing the result of the trial, and by one original counterpart of the charges ; the report of the investigating officer, with the summary of the evidence on the preliminary investiga- tion; the report, if any, of the psychiatrist or medical officer; the report, if any, of any medical board and all indorsements and other accompanying papers; and the order of reference for trial; and, if any, the receipt of the accused for (or affidavit of delivery 304 COURTS-MARTIAL RECORDS OF TRIAL. ^] 368 to him of) a copy of the record, will be forwarded ordinarily without indorsement or letter of transmittal, to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the com- mand, there to be filed in the office of the staff judge advocate until the completion of the accused's sentence, whereupon it will be forwarded by the staff judge advocate direct to' the Judge Advocate General for permanent file. (A. W. 36, ) (c) Records of Trial ~by Summary Courts-Martial. The several records of trial by summary courts-martial within a command shall be filed together in the office of the com- manding officer and shall constitute the summary -court rec- ord of the command. (d) Reports of Trial ~by Summary Courts-Martial. The report of trial by summary court (copy of record of trial) will, with the least practicable delay after action has been taken on the sentence, be completed and transmitted to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command, there to be filed in the office of the staff judge advocate until the statistical information in it required for the annual report of the staff judge advocate have been se- cured, when it may be destroy ed. {A. W. 36.) SECTION VI. LOSS OF RECORDS OF TRIAL. 368. ACTION TO BE TAKEN. When, prior to action by the reviewing authority, a record of trial by court-martial is lost or destroyed, a new record of trial in the case will, if practicable, be prepared and will become the record of trial in the case. Such new record will, however, only be pre- pared when the extant original notes or other sources are such as to enable the preparation of a complete and accurate record of the case. In any case of loss of a record of trial by court-martial the summary court, trial judge advocate, or other proper person will fully inform the appointing authority as to the facts and as to the action, if any, taken* 305 CHAPTER XVI. COURTS-MARTIALACTION BY APPOINTING OR SUPERIOR AUTHORITY APPELLATE REYIEW. Section I : Action on the proceedings : Page. 369. Reviewing authority 307 370. Review by Staff Judge Advocate 307 371. Sentence not effective until approved 310 372. Effect of approval and disapproval 310 873. Manner of approval 311 374. The officer commanding for the time being 811 375. Action where accused is transferred to another depart- ment 312 376. Reviewing authority must act in person 312 376a. Error Effect of Article of War 37 313 377. Powers incident to power to approve 313 377a. Rehearing 315 378. Confirmation of sentences 317 379. Powers incident to power to confirm 318 380. Mitigation of punishment Definition 318 381. Mitigation or remission of sentences 318 382. Mitigation when permissible 819 383. Effect of remission at time of approval 320 384. Commutation of sentences 320 385. Adding to sentences 320 386. Sentences in excess of legal limit 320 387. Action on sentence may be modified before publication- 320 388. Where conviction or desertion is disapproved Grounds to be stated 320 389. Place of confinement Change of 321 390. Loss of files 821 391. Suspension of sentences until pleasure of President be known 821 392. Suspension of sentences 822 893. Execution or remission Confinement in disciplinary barracks 822 394. Place of confinement to be designated by reviewing au- thority 823 895. Forms for action on sentence by reviewing authority 823 896. When confinement in a penitentiary may be directed.. 323 897. When confinement in disciplinary barracks will be directed .. 324 398. When confinement in post will be directed 324 899. Cooperation of reviewing authorities 324 306 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. If 369 Section II : Appellate review : 399a. Review of general court-martial cases under Article Page, of War 50* 324 400. Court-martial orders 329 Section III : Action after promulgation of sentence : 401. Date of beginning of sentence 829 402. Applications for clemency 330 403. Remission of suspended sentence of dishonorable dis- charge - 331 404. Clemency applications limited to one in six months 831 SECTION I. ACTION ON THE PROCEEDINGS. 369. REVIEWING AUTHORITY. The term reviewing au- thority is employed to designate the officer whose province and duty it is to take action upon the proceedings of a court- martial after the same are terminated, and, when the record is transmitted to him for such action, to approve or disap- prove the sentence. This officer is ordinarily the com- mander who has convened the court. In his absence, however, or where the command has been otherwise changed, his successor in command, or, in the language of A. W. 46, " the officer commanding for the time being " is invested (by that article) with the same authority to pass upon the pro- ceedings and order the execution of the sentence in a case of conviction. (Digest, p. 554, XIV, A, 1.) The term "ap- pointing authority" is sometimes employed to denote the reviewing authority, but the latter term is the more correct one. 370. Review by Staff Judge Advocate. " Under such regu- lations as may be prescribed by the President, every record of trial by general court-martial or military commission received by a reviewing or confirming authority shall be referred by him, before he acts thereon, to his staff judge advocate or to the Judge Advocate General." (A. W. 46.) The staff judge advocate or one of his assistants will prepare a written review, or report, as circumstances may require, in each case of conviction by gen- eral court-martial or military commission. Such review or re- port is intended primarily to advise the reviewing or confirming authority as to the essential features of the case and as to the action that he should take thereon. Where the evidence in 307 Tf 570 CHAPTER XVI. support of each specification upon which the accused is convicted is clear and conclusive and there are no errors or irregularities which may be regarded as affecting the substantial rights of the accused or as invalidating the sentence in whole or in part, a review will not be required, but a report to that effect will be sufficient. When the evidence in support of a specification is weak or conflicting, or where the evidence for the defense tends to weaken the evidence for the prosecution or to disprove the allegations in the specification, a review will be prepared and all the material evidence relating to the specification will be weighed; and the reviewer will state his opinion, both as to the weight of evidence and any error or irregularity that may be involved, and as to whether or not the finding of guilty should be approved, together with his reasons for such opinion. Where the accused has been convicted, however, upon other specifica- tions upon clear and conclusive evidence it is sufficient that the reviewer state that fact with reference to such specifications in the review. The review will contain a statement of such errors as may have been committed to the prejudice of the accused in the course of the trial or in the preparation of the record, and all such irregularities as may have affected the validity of the proceedings or sentence. Each of such errors or irregularities will be carefully weighed in the review for the purpose of in- forming the reviewing authority whether he should or should not, in view of the provisions of the thirty-seventh article of war, hold the sentence invalid or direct a rehearing; and the reviewer will expressly state as to such errors or irregularities whether or not in his opinion the sentence or any part thereof should be held invalid or whether or not in his opinion a rehear- ing should be directed. When reference is made to any error the page of the record which discloses such error will be cited, and, when testimony is referred to, the name of the witness giv- ing such testimony and the page on which the same is recorded will be cited. The judge advocate making a report or review will begin the same by stating the place and dates at which the accused (stat- ing his name and age) was tried, and the sentence that was adjudged, and will then set forth the charges and specifications, 808 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION". If 370 ' either verbatim or in substance, as may be thought best, upon which the accused was convicted. After such remarks as may be necessary in view of the above paragraphs of this regulation the officer making the review or report will make specific recom- mendation as to the sentence, either (a) that the sentence be approved or disapproved in whole, or (b) that it be approved in part, or (c) that a rehearing be directed, giving his reasons for his recommendation in each case; and the report or review will conclude with a draft of the action to be taken by the reviewing authority which the officer making the report or review rec- ommends. (See par. 339.) The report or review will be signed by the officer making the same. If signed by an assistant staff judge advocate, the staff judge advocate will indorse thereon either (a) his approval or (b) his disapproval, with his reasons therefor, and will incorporate in his indorsement of disapproval a draft of the action to be taken by the reviewing authority which he recommends. The signed copy of the report or review will be transmitted with the record of trial to the Judge Advocate General. The reviewing authority will state at the end of the record of trial in each case his decisions and orders. NOTE 1. The review or report is intended to supplement, not to replace, the personal interview which the reviewing authority has with the staff judge advocate or the assistant who studies the case. This interview should toe had in all cases where the reviewing authority does not regard the review or report as giving all tne information or advice required, or where he differs from the officer making the same as to any statement or recommendation. NOTE 2. The regulations in this Manual specifying the contents of a review or report will not preclude the reviewing authority from directing in any case that a more complete review or report be prepared than the regulation requires. NOTE 3. Should the reviewing authority after receiving the advice of his staff judge advocate still be in doubt as to the action that lie may or should take upon the sentence he may transmit the record to the Judge Advocate General with request for advice either (a) as to the whole case, or (b) as to any particular matter in- volved in the case; and will so transmit it for advice on the whole case before acting on it, if there be no staff judge advocate or officer acting as such on duty with his command. NOTE 4. The duties herein defined for a staff judge advocate will be performed by the officer acting as such, if no judge advocate is on duty on the staff of the reviewing authority. Tf 371 CHAPTER XVI. 371. SENTENCE NOT EFFECTIVE UNTIL APPROVED. No sen- tence of a court-martial shall be carried into execution, or ordered executed, until the same shall have been approved by the reviewing authority as defined in paragraphs 369 and 374, and confirmed if confirmation be necessary (see par. 378, infra), and until, also, if it be a sentence of a general court- martial involving the penalty of death, dismissal not suspended, or any sentence (not based solely upon findings of guilty of all specifications and charges, all supported by pleas of guilty) in- volving dishonorable discharge not suspended, or confinement in a penitentiary, or requiring the approval or confirmation of the President under A. W. 46, 48, or 51, it shall have been examined and acted upon by the board of review and the Judge Advocate General as required by Article of War 50 ^. Upon acquittal, or upon conviction where the sentence does not include confinement, the accused, if in confinement or arrest, shall be released from confinement or arrest as pro- vided in paragraph 332a. The announcement of the result of trial in orders is not necessary to the validity of the sentence or acquittal. It is not necessary for the review- ing authority to approve the findings and proceedings. 372. EFFECT OF APPROVAL AND DISAPPROVAL. (a) While approval gives life and operation to a sentence, disapproval, on the other hand, nullifies it. A disapproval of the sen- tence of a court-martial by the reviewing authority is not a mere expression of disapprobation but is a final determinate act putting an end to the disapproved sentence (or findings) and rendering them entirely nugatory and inoperative ; and the legal effect of a disapproval is the same whether or not the officer disapproving is authorized finally to confirm the sentence. But to be thus operative a disapproval should be expressed. The effect of the entire disapproval of a sentence is not merely to annul the same as such but also to prevent the accruing of any disability or forfeiture which would have been incidental upon an approval. (Digest, p. 563, XIV, E, 9, b, (1).) (b) An acquittal is not a " sentence " within the meaning of the Articles of War, or of this Manual, and does not require approval or confirmation. It will not be either approved or 310 COURTS-MAKTIAL ACTION. ^f 373 disapproved; but will merely be promulgated in a court-martial order, The same rule applies to any finding of " not guilty " of any charge or specification. (c) "No authority will disapprove or return for reconsidera- tion either (a) An acquittal; or (b) A finding of not guilty of any specification; or (c) A finding of not guilty of any charge, unless the record shows a finding of guilty under a specifica- tion laid under that charge, which sufficiently alleges a violation of some article of war; or (d) The sentence originally imposed, with a view to in- creasing its severity, unless such sentence is less than the mandatory sentence fixed by law for the offense or offenses upon which a conviction has been had. And no court-martial, in any proceedings on revision, shall reconsider its findings or sentence in any particular in which a return of the record of trial for such reconsideration is herein- before prohibited." (A. W. 40.) 373. MANNER OF APPROVAL. The approval of the sen- tence should properly be of a formal character. The article requires the sentence to be approved. A formal approval of the findings only does not meet the requirement of the article. The sentence should be approved by "the officer appointing the court," or the officer commanding for the time being, although as in a case of a sentence of dismissal in time of peace he may not be empowered finally to confirm and give effect to the sentence. His approval is required as showing that he does not, as he is authorized to do, disapprove. (Digest, p. 174, CIV, A, 1, and A, 2.) 374. THE OFFICER COMMANDING FOR THE TIME BEING. The " officer commanding for the time being," indicated in A. W. 46, is an officer who has succeeded to the command of the officer who appointed the court; as where the latter has been regularly relieved and another officer assigned to the command ; or where the command of the appointing officer has been discontinued, and merged in a larger or other command, at some time before the proceedings of the court 311 ^ 376 CHAPTER XVI. are completed and required to be acted upon. Thus where, under these circumstances, a separate brigade has ceased to exist as a distinctive organization and been merged in a division, or a division has been similarly merged in 'an army or department, the commander of the division in the one case and of the army or department in the other, is "the officer commanding for the time being," in the sense of the article. 'So, where a court was convened by a division com- mander, but before the reviewing authority had acted upon the sentence the division was discontinued and the organiza- tions composing it were distributed among the divisions of another corps, it was held that the commander of this other corps was the officer " commanding for the time being." So, where, before the proceedings of a special court convened by a post commander were completed, the post command had ceased to exist and the command became distributed in the department, it was held that the department commander, as the legal successor of the post commander, was the proper authority to approve the sentence. (Digest, p. 174, CIV, C, 1 ; p. 175, CIV, C, 2, and see C, 4.) 375. ACTION WHERE ACCUSED Is TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER DEPARTMENT. Where an accused who has been tried by general court-martial proceeds with his command, from the division, army, or force, or corps or army area or department or other general court-martial jurisdiction in which he has been tried to another division, army, or force, or corps or army area or department, or other general court-martial jurisdiction, be- fore action has been taken on his case by the reviewing au- thority, the commanding general of the division, army, or force, or corps or army area, or department or other general court-martial jurisdiction in which he has been tried, is the proper reviewing authority of the case. (Digest, p. 554, XIV, A, 3.) 376. REVIEWING AUTHORITY MUST ACT IN PERSON. The reviewing authority can not delegate to an inferior or other officer his function as reviewing authority as conferred by the forty-sixth article of war; nor can he authorize a staff or other officer to subscribe for him his decision and orders on the proceedings. He will sign in his own hand the action 812 COURTS-MARTIAL, ACTION. ^[ 376a taken by him on the proceedings, his rank and the fact that he is the commanding officer appearing after his signature. 376a. Error Effect of Article of War 37. "The proceed- ings of a court-martial shall not be held invalid, nor the find- ings or sentence disapproved, in any case on the ground of im- proper admission or rejection of evidence or for any error as to any matter of pleading or procedure unless in the opinion of the reviewing or confirming authority, after an examination of the entire proceedings, it shall appear that the error complained of has injuriously affected the substantial rights of an accused: Pro- vided, That the act or omission upon which the accused has been tried constitutes an offense denounced and made punishable by one or more of these articles." (A. W. 37.) The thirty-seventh article of war vests a sound legal discretion in the reviewing authority to the end that substantial justice may be done. It directs him to disregard the improper admission or rejection of evidence or errors in pleading or procedure, unless such erroneous action by the court appears to him to have oper- ated to the substantial injury of the accused. The effect of the erroneous action of the court should be weighed by him in the light of all the facts as shown by the record, and, if it appears to him that the court was materially influenced in its finding or sentence by its erroneous action, he should disapprove the findings and sentence, in whole or in part, as circumstances may require. The review by the staff judge advocate will be espe- cially thorough as to the effect, in his opinion, of any error which the court may have made to the prejudice of the accused. 377. POWERS INCIDENT TO POWER TO APPROVE. The power to approve the sentence of a court-martial shall be held to include : (a) The power to approve or disapprove a finding and to approve only so much of a finding of guilty of a particular offense as involves a finding of guilty of a lesser included offense when, in the opinion of the authority having power to approve, the evidence of record requires a finding of only the lesser degree of guilt. The authority here conferred to approve only so much of a finding of guilty as involves a finding of guilty of a lesser included offense is coextensive with the power of 813 Tf 377 CHAPTER XVI. courts-martial to convict of lesser included offenses. The more frequent occasions for the exercise of this authority are indicated below. (1) Affray. (a) Assault. (b) Breach of peace (disorder). (2) Assault with intent to commit murder. (a) Any of the minor degrees of assault. (3) Battery. (a) Assault. (4) Murder. (a) Manslaughter. Voluntary. Involuntary. (b) Attempt to commit. (c) Felonious assault. (d) Assault and battery. (e) Assault, bodily harm. (5) Mayhem. (a) Assault with intent to commit. (b) Assault and battery. (c) Assault, bodily harm. (6) Rape. (a) Assault with intent to commit rape. (b) Assault and battery. (c) Assault. (7) Robbery. (a) Assault with intent to rob. (b) Larceny from the person. (c) Assault and battery. (d) Assault. (8) Desertion. (a) Attempt to desert. (b) Absence without leave. (9) Willful disobedience of superior officer, (a) Failure to obey. (10) Willful disobedience of noncommissioned officer. (a) Failure to obey. 314 COURTS-MARTIAL* ACTION. ^f 377a (11) Refusal to receive and keep prisoners. (a) Failure to receive and keep. (12) Quitting post to plunder or pillage. (a) Quitting post. (13) Drunk on duty. (a) Drunk. (14) Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. (a) Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. () The power to approve or disapprove the whole or any- part of the sentence. (c) The power to remand a case for rehearing-, under the pro- visions of A. W. 50y 2 . (See par. 377a, infra.) NOTE. The reviewing authority (A. W. 47) may approve, or the confirming authority (A. W. 49) may confirm, so much of a finding of guilty as involves an attempt to commit the offense alleged. 377a. Rehearing. "When the President or any reviewing or confirming authority disapproves or vacates a sentence, the execution of which has not theretofore been duly ordered, he may authorize or direct a rehearing. Such rehearing shall take place before a court composed of officers not members of the court which first heard the case. Upon such rehearing the ac- cused shall not be tried for any offense of which he was found not guilty by the first court, and no sentence in excess of, or more severe than, the original sentence shall be enforced unless the sentence be based upon a finding of guilty of an offense not considered upon the merits in the original proceedings." (A. W. 50%.) When a rehearing is directed the record of the former pro- ceedings and the other papers mentioned in paragraphs 77b and 79b, supra, will be referred with the charges to the trial judge advocate, who will permit the defense counsel and other counsel for the accused to examine them equally with himself. No member of the court which rehears the case should be permitted to examine such record, or other documents (other than the charges), except if and when (if at all) received in evidence at the rehearing in accordance with law or some provision of this Manual. 315 5[ S77a CHAPTER If a witness at the former hearing is dead, or too old or infirm to attend at the rehearing, or resides, or is stationed, more than 100 miles from the place where the rehearing is had, or can not be found, his testimony at the former hearing, or any part of such testimony, will, in cases not capital, be admissible in evi- dence at the rehearing, subject, however, to the same objections as it would be were the witness present and testifying at the rehearing; provided, that in capital cases also, on motion of the accused or his counsel, the testimony at the former hearing of a witness thus absent may be so received in evidence at the re- hearing, and when, in a capital case, a part of the testimony of a witness thus absent is received in evidence on motion of the accused or his counsel, the remainder of the testimony of such witness will thereby be rendered admissible in evidence subject to objections as aforesaid. But when a rehearing is ordered because of an error in the admission or rejection of the testimony of a witness, or other error in his examination, his testimony given at the former hearing should not be received in evidence at the rehearing if it is reasonably practicable for him to appear as a witness before the court. In the evnt that his testimony at the former hear- ing is received, extreme care must be taken by the trial judge advocate that the errors made at the former hearing be not repeated. To that end, the reviewing authority will in all cases refer to the trial judge advocate with the record of the former hearing, a copy of the holding of the board of review or the review by the staif judge advocate or such other opinion or holding as may inform the trial judge advocate of the errors made at the former hearing which necessitated a rehearing. The papers thus referred to the trial judge advocate will be ac- cessible to the defense counsel and any other counsel for the accused, and such parts thereof as relate to the errors com- mitted at the former hearing may be examined by the law mem- ber when necessary to enable him to decide upon the admis- sibility of testimony or other questions of law involved ; and may be read to the court when necessary for the court to decide such questions under the provisions of A. W. 31. When a rehearing is directed neither the action of the court at the former proceeding nor the action of the reviewing or 816 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. * 378 confirming authority thereon will be published in orders, but the general court-martial order promulgating the final action in the case will in a separate paragraph publish such charges and specifications at the former hearing as may not have been referred for rehearing, together with the action of the court and reviewing authority thereon. The record of the former hearing will be forwarded to the Judge Advocate General with the record of the rehearing. NOTE 1. These regulations authorizing the receipt of testimony given at a former hearing to be received at a rehearing shall not be construed as preventing the calling of the witness to testify in person, or the taking of his deposition, either in lieu of or in addition to his testimony at the former hearing. NOTE 2. A rehearing may be directed either before a new court especially convened for that purpose, or before some other court already in existence, or before members of the original court who did not sit on the prior hearing. Ordinarily it will be preferable to detail the same trial judge advocate and defense counsel who served as such at the former hearing, if they are available, because of their familiarity with the case. 378. CONFIRMATION OF SENTENCES. In the following cases confirmation by the President is required before the sentence of a court-martial is carried into execution: (a) Any sentence respecting a general officer. (&.) Any sentence extending to the dismissal of an officer except that in time of war a sentence extending to the dis- missal of an officer below the grade of a brigadier general may be carried into execution upon confirmation by the commanding general of the Army in the field or by the com- manding general of the territorial department or division. (c) Any sentence extending to the suspension or dismissal of a cadet, and (d) Any sentence of death, except in the cases of persons convicted in time of war of murder, rape, mutiny, desertion, or as spies, and in such excepted cases a sentence of death may be carried into execution subject to the provisions of Article of War 50J, upon confirmation of the commanding general of the Army in the field or by the commanding gen- eral of the territorial department or division. 317 If 379 CHAPTER XVI. When the authority competent to confirm the sentence has already acted as the approving authority no additional con- firmation by him is necessary. (A. W. 48.) NOTE 1. The power of confirmation of certain sentences in time of war, conferred by A. W. 48 upon the commanding general " of the territorial department or division ", can not be exercised by the commanding general of a corps area or Army area. NOTE 2. For statement by whom a sentence of dismissal from service or dishonorable discharge imposed by National Guard courts- martial, not in the service of the United States, must be approved before its execution, see section 107, act of June 3, 1916, 39 Stat. 166, Appendix 2, infra. 379. POWERS INCIDENT TO POWER TO CONFIRM. The power to confirm the sentence of a court-martial shall be held to include (a) The power to confirm or disapprove a finding, and to confirm so much only of a finding of guilty of a particular offense as involves a finding of guilty of a lesser included offense when, in the opinion of the authority having power to confirm, the evidence of record requires a finding of only the lesser degree of guilt ; (b) The power to confirm or disapprove the whole or any part of the sentence ; and (c) The power to remand a case for rehearing, under the pro- visions of Article of War 50^. (A. W. 49.) (See par. 377a, supra.) The manner of the exercise of the power conferred upon confirming authorities is indicated in the remarks in para- graph 377 and the subparagraphs thereunder, relating to the powers incident to the power to approve a sentence as pro- vided for under A. W. 47. 380. MITIGATION or PUNISHMENT DEFINITION. By miti- gating a punishment is meant a reduction in quantity or quality, the general nature of the punishment remaining the same. (Digest, p. 177, CXII, B.) 381. MITIGATION OR REMISSION OF SENTENCES. The power to order the execution of the sentence adjudged by a court- martial shall be held to include, inter alia, the power to mitigate or remit the whole or any part of the sentence. Any unexecuted portion of a sentence adjudged by a court- martial may be mitigated or remitted by the military 318 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. ^f 382 authority competent to appoint, for the command, exclusive of penitentiaries and the United States Disciplinary Bar- racks, in which the person under sentence is held, a court of the kind that imposed the sentence, and the same power may be exercised by superior military authority; but no sen- tence approved or confirmed by the President shall be re- mitted or mitigated by any other authority, and no approved sentence of loss of files by an officer shall be remitted or miti- gated by any authority inferior to the President, except as pro- vided in the fifty-second article of war. When empowered by the President so to do, the commanding general of the Army in the field, or the commanding general of the territorial department or division, may approve or con- firm and commute (but not approve or confirm without com- muting), mitigate, or remit, and then order executed as com- muted, mitigated, or remitted, any sentence which under the Articles of War requires the confirmation of the President before the same may be executed. The power of remission or mitigation extends to all un- collected forfeitures adjudged by sentence of court-martial. (A. W. 50.) 382. MITIGATION WHEN PERMISSIBLE. A sentence provid- ing for dishonorable discharge only can not be mitigated; although it may be commuted by the President. Subject to the limitations expressed in the Executive order prescribing maximum limits of punishment, forfeiture of pay adjudged by a court-martial may be mitigated to detention of pay for a like period, or less, and confinement at hard labor may be mitigated to hard labor without confinement for a like period, or less. A sentence of dishonorable discharge, for- feiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due, and confinement at hard labor for a definite period may be mitigated to a lesser punishment, for example, to confinement at hard labor and a forfeiture of a specified portion, for ex- ample, two-thirds of the soldiers' pay per month for a period not exceeding that prescribed in the sentence, or to hard labor without confinement for a definite period not exceeding the period prescribed in the sentence, and forfeiture of any portion not exceeding two-thirds of the soldier's pay per month for a period not exceeding that prescribed in the sentence. 21358 8 20 21 319 ^ 383 CHAPTER XVI. 383. EFFECT OF REMISSION AT TIME or APPROVAL. The action of a reviewing authority in approving a sentence and simultaneously remitting a portion thereof is legally equiva- lent to approving only the sentence as reduced. (Bui. 12, p. 5, War Dept., 1912.) 384. COMMUTATION OF SENTENCES. The power to com- mute sentences imposed by military tribunals, not being vested in military commanders, can be exercised by the Presi- dent alone, except when the President has empowered a com- manding general of the Army in the field or the commanding general of the territorial department or division so to do under A. W. 50 in certain cases. (See par. 382.) 385. ADDING TO SENTENCES. Neither the reviewing au- thority nor any other officer is authorized to add to the punishment imposed by a court-martial. Where post orders classify all soldiers at a post according to their conduct, and provide that soldiers undergoing sentence of a court-martial will be denied pass privileges until the sentence is completed, such a provision adds to the punishment and is unlawful. (BuL 46, p. 7, War Dept., 1914.) 386. SENTENCES IN EXCESS OF LEGAL, LIMIT. Where a sentence in excess of the legal limit is divisible, such part as is legal may be approved and executed. (Digest, p. 564, XIV, E, 9 c.) Thus: W T hen a sentence to confinement, hard labor without confinement, forfeiture, or detention of pay is in excess of the legal limit, the part within the limit is legal and may be executed. 387. ACTION ON SENTENCE MAY BE MODIFIED BEFORE PUB- LICATION. Action taken by a reviewing officer upon the proceedings and sentence of a court-martial may be recalled and modified before it has been published and the party to be affected has been duly notified of the same. After such notice the action is beyond recall. An approval can not then be substituted for a disapproval or vice versa. (Digest, p. 565, XIV, E, 9 e.) 388. WHERE CONVICTION OF DESERTION Is DISAPPROVED, GROUNDS TO BE STATED. Where the reviewing authority dis- approves a sentence for desertion he should indicate in his review whether his disapproval is based upon his belief that the evidence does not show an intent to desert, or is for 320 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. ^f 391 some other reason that assumes the accused was guilty as charged. The reason for so indicating the grounds of his disapproval is to enable the Finance Department to decide whether the pay and allowances due at date of alleged de- sertion should be forfeited and whether the reward paid for apprehending the deserter and the expenses incurred by the Government in transporting him from point of ap- prehension, delivery, or surrender to the station of his company or detachment or to the place of trial, including the cost of transportation of the guard, should be set against the alleged deserter's pay, under A. E. 127, 1913. (12 Comp. Dec. 328; 15 idem., 661.) 389. PLACE OF CONFINEMENT CHANGE OF. The authority which has designated the place of confinement or higher authority may change the place of confinement of any pris- oner under the jurisdiction of such authority; but when a military prison or post has been designated as the place of confinement of a prisoner under sentence, no power is com- petent to increase the punishment by designating a peniten- tiary as the place of confinement. 390. Loss OF FILES. Where a court-martial convened by a corps area commander or other officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction, for the trial of an officer sentences the accused to the punishment of a loss of files, the approval of the appointing authority is sufficient to give full effect to the sentence, and no action by superior authority can add anything to its effect or conclusiveness. Confirmation by the President is not essential to the execution of such a sentence; and the fact that the same involves a change in the Army Register does not make requisite or proper a revision of the case by the War Department, except as pro- vided by A. W. 50y 2 . The corps area, or other commander, however, can not restore the files; such action can be taken only by the President. (See A. W. 50.) &91. SUSPENSION OF SENTENCES UNTIL PLEASURE OF PRESI- DENT BE KNOWN. Any officer who has authority to carry into execution the sentence of death, or of dismissal of an officer, may suspend the same until the pleasure of the Presi- dent shall be known j and in such case, he shall immediately 321 If 392 CHAPTER XVI. transmit to the President a copy of the order of suspension, together with a copy of the proceedings of the court. (A. W. 51.) 392. SUSPENSION OF SENTENCES. The authority compe- tent to order the execution of the sentence of a court-martial may, at the time of the approval of such sentence, suspend the execution, in whole or in part, of any such sentence as does not extend to death, and may restore the person under sentence to duty during such suspension; and the Secretary of War or the commanding officer holding general court-martial jurisdiction over any such offender may, at any time thereafter, while the sentence is being served, suspend the execution, in whole or in part, of the balance of such sentence and restore the person under sentence to duty during such suspension. A sentence, or any part thereof, which has been so suspended may be remitted, in whole or in part, except in cases of per- sons confined in the United States Disciplinary Barracks or its branches, by the officer who suspended the same, by his successor in office, or by any officer exercising appropriate court-martial jurisdiction over the command in which the person under sentence may be serving at the time, and, subject to the foregoing exceptions, the same authority may vacate the order of suspension at any time and order the execution of the sentence or the suspended part thereof in so far as the same shall not have been previously remitted, subject to like power of suspension. The death or honorable discharge of a person under suspended sentence shall operate as a complete remission of any unexecuted or unremitted part of such sentence. (A. W. 52.) 393. EXECUTION OR REMISSION CONFINEMENT IN DISCI- PLINARY BARRACKS. When a sentence of dishonorable dis- charge has been suspended until the soldier's release from confinement, the execution or remission of any part of his sentence shall, if the soldier be confined in the United States Disciplinary Barracks or any branch thereof, be directed by the Secretary of War. (A. W. 53.) (See Ch. X, Army ap- propriation act of July 9, 1918; 40 Stat., 883.) A. W. 52 and 53 embody in court-martial practice the modern principle of the suspended sentence. This principle 322 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. ^f 396 is of peculiar significance in Army administration in time of war, since it not only enables the reviewing authority to extend to soldiers an opportunity to redeem themselves but also serves to save for the Army the highest possible per- centage of the man power of the Nation. 394. PLACE or CONFINEMENT TO BE DESIGNATED BY REVIEW- ING AUTHORITY. When the sentence of a general court- martial prescribes dishonorable discharge and confinement, so much of the sentence as relates to confinement will be expressed in substantially the following form: To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing au- thority may direct for [leaving to the reviewing authority the designation of the place of confinement]. 395. FORMS FOR ACTION ON SENTENCE BY REVIEWING AU- THORITY. (See Appendix 15.) 396. WHEN CONFINEMENT IN A PENITENTIARY MAY BE DIRECTED. Except for desertion in time of war, repeated desertion in time of peace, and mutiny, no person shall under the sentence of a court-martial be punished by confinement in a penitentiary unless an act or omission of which he is convicted is recognized as an offense of a civil nature and so punishable by penitentiary confinement for more than one year by some statute of the United States, of general applica- tion within the continental United States, excepting section 289, Penal Code of the "United States, 1910, or by the law of the District of Columbia, or by way of commutation of a death sentence, and unless, also, the period of confinement author- ized and adjudged by such court-martial is more than one year: Provided, That when a sentence of confinement is adjudged by a court-martial upon conviction of two or more acts or omissions any one of which is punishable under these articles by confinement in a penitentiary, the entire sentence of confinement may be executed in a penitentiary : Provided further, That penitentiary confinement hereby authorized may be served in any penitentiary directly or indirectly under the jurisdiction of the United States: Provided fur- ther, That persons sentenced to dishonorable discharge and to confinement not in a penitentiary shall be confined in the United States Disciplinary Barracks or elsewhere as the 323 f 397 CHAPTER XVI. Secretary of War or the reviewing authority may direct, but not in a penitentiary. (A. W. 42.) NOTE. For a full statement of the law relating to penitentiary con- finement, the War Department policy with reference to the segregation of general prisoners convicted of offenses punishable with penitentiary confinement and requirements placed upon appointing authorities in stating the law applicable where such confinement is directed, see Chapter XIII, Section II, paragraphs 337, 339, and 341. 397. WHEN CONFINEMENT IN DISCIPLINARY BARRACKS WILL BE DIRECTED. The United States Disciplinary Bar- racks at Fort Leavenworth, Kans., or one of its branches will be designated as the place of confinement of all general pris- oners other than residents of Porto Kico, the Canal Zone, Hawaiian Islands, or the Philippine Islands who are to be confined for six months or more and who are not to be con- fined in a penitentiary pursuant to the preceding paragraph. From time to time detailed instructions will be issued as to which of the barracks shall be designated and as to when the prisoners shall be transferred to them. 398. WHEN CONFINEMENT IN POST WILL BE DIRECTED. A military post, station, or camp will be designated as the place of confinement of any general prisoner whose case does not come within the terms of paragraphs 396 and 397 of this section. 399. COOPERATION OF REVIEWING AUTHORITIES. The suc- cessful segregation of general prisoners according to the grade of their offense as prescribed by the three preceding paragraphs must depend to a considerable extent upon the cooperation of officers exercising general court-martial juris- diction. The demand for prison labor at posts is not deemed a sufficient reason for a departure from the rule of segre- gation prescribed. SECTION II. APPELLATE REVIEW. 399a. Review of General Court-Martial Cases under Article of War 50%. (a) Sentences not effective until acted upon by Board of Review and Judge Advocate General. No sentence requiring approval or confirmation by the President under the provisions of Article of War 46, 48, or 51, and, except as here- inafter provided, no other sentence, which, as approved or con- 324 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION". ^f 399a firmed by the authority having power to direct its execution, involves the penalty of death, dismissal not suspended, dishonor- able discharge not suspended, or confinement in a penitentiary, shall be carried into execution or ordered executed unless and until the record of trial has been acted upon by the Board of Review and the Judge Advocate General, as provided in Article of War 5Q l /%', except that the proper reviewing or confirming authority may, upon his approval or confirmation of a sentence involving dishonorable discharge or confinement in a peniten- tiary, order its execution if it be based solely upon findings of guilty all supported by pleas of guilty. (b) Cases requiring approval or confirmation by the President under Articles of War 48, 48, and 51. In every case in which a sentence requires approval or confirmation by the President under the provisions of Article of War 46, 48, or 51, the record of trial, transmitted with the other papers in the case as pro- vided in paragraphs 366 and 367, supra, will be examined by the Board of Review. The opinion of the Board of Review will be submitted in writing to the Judge Advocate General, who will transmit the record and the Board's opinion, with his recom- mendations, directly to the Secretary of War for the action of the President as reviewing or confirming authority as the case may be. (See pars. 377 and 379, supra.) (c) Death, dismissal, dishonorable discharge, and peniten- tiary cases not included in subparagraph (b). In every case, not included in the provisions of the preceding subparagraph (b), in which a sentence, as approved or confirmed by the authority having power to direct its execution, involves the penalty of death, dismissal not suspended, dishonorable dis- charge not suspended, or confinement in a penitentiary, such authority, in entering in the record of trial his action thereon approving or confirming such sentence, in whole or in part, will, except as hereinafter provided, withhold the order of execution until after the Board of Review and the Judge Advo- cate General shall have passed upon the legal sufficiency of the record to support the sentence as thus approved or confirmed; except that such authority may, upon his approval or confirma- tion of a sentence involving dishonorable discharge or confine- ment in a penitentiary, order its execution if it be based solely 325 If 399a CHAPTER xvi. upon findings of guilty all supported by pleas of guilty. Such action approving or confirming the sentence in whole or in part and withholding the order of execution will be entered in the record of trial in substantially the following form, the necessary changes being made to conform the action to the facts of each particular case: Headquarters (Place) (Date) In the foregoing case of the sentence is ap- proved (or confirmed), (but the period of confinement is reduced to ). The is designated as the place of confinement. Pursuant to the provisions of Article of War 50} applying to this case, the execution of the sentence will not be ordered until the Board of Review and the Judge Advocate General shall have passed upon the legal sufficiency of the record to support the sentence. (Signature) (Rank) Commanding. The record of trial will thereupon be transmitted with the other papers in the case, as provided in paragraph 367, supra, directly to the Judge Advocate General. Should the Board of Review, with the approval of the Judge Advocate General, hold the record of trial legally sufficient to support the findings and sentence, as approved or confirmed, the Judge Advocate General will so advise the reviewing or con- firming authority from whom the record was received, who may thereupon order the execution of such sentence (with such miti- gation, remission, suspension, or commutation, if any, as he may have theretofore directed or may then direct under A. W. 47, 49, 50, or 52), and will publish the general court-martial order. (See par. 400, infra.) Should the Board of Review, with the concurrence of the Judge Advocate General, hold the record of trial legally insuffi- cient to support the findings or sentence in whole or in part, or that errors of law have been committed injuriously affecting the substantial rights of the accused, the Judge Advocate Gen- eral will so advise the convening authority to whom the record shall be transmitted through the proper channels for vacation of such findings and sentence in whole or in part by such convening 326 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. ^ 399a authority in accord with such holding and the recommendations of the Judge Advocate General thereon, and for a rehearing (see par. 379%) r Slic ^ other action as may be proper; and such authority will, unless he directs a rehearing, publish the general court-martial order (see par. 400, infra). Should the Judge Advocate General not concur in the holding of the Board of Review, he will forward the record of trial and all other papers in the case, including the opinion of the Board of Eeview and his own dissent therefrom, directly to the Secre- tary of War for the action of the President, who may confirm the action of the reviewing authority or confirming authority below, in whole or in part, with or without remission, mitigation, or com- mutation, or may disapprove, in whole or in part, any finding of guilty, and may disapprove or vacate the sentence, in whole or in part (A. W. 50y 2 ), and will order accordingly; and, in the event the President shall disapprove the sentence, he may authorize or direct a rehearing in accordance with the provisions of Article of War 50^. (See pars. 377 (c) and 379 (c), supra.) After such action of the President shall have been taken, the record of trial, together with such action, will be returned to the Judge Advocate General, who will, unless a rehearing has been authorized or directed by the President, notify the reviewing or confirming authority of the President's action, and the review- ing or confirming authority will thereupon promulgate the action of the President, and direct execution accordingly. If the Presi- dent authorizes or directs a rehearing, the Judge Advocate Gen- eral will also transmit the record of trial to the reviewing or con- firming authority for his further proper action in accordance with the action of the President. (d) All other cases. Every record of trial by general court- martial, examination of which by the Board of Review is not in this paragraph hereinbefore provided for, shall be examined in the Judge Advocate General's office and, if found legally insuffi- cient to support the findings of guilty and the sentence, in whole or in part, shall be examined by the Board of Eeview. The Board of Eeview, if it also finds that such record is legally insufficient to support the findings of guilty and the sentence, in whole or in part, shall submit its opinion in writing to the Judge Advocate General, who shall transmit the record and the Board's opinion, 327 If 399a CHAPTER xvi. with his recommendations, directly to the Secretary of War, for the action of the President. In any such case the President may approve, disapprove, or vacate, in whole or in part, any findings of guilty, or confirm, mitigate, commute, remit, or vacate any sentence in whole or in part, and direct the execution of the sentence as confirmed or modified ; and he may restore the accused to all rights affected by the findings and sentence or part thereof held by him to be invalid ; and the President's necessary orders to this end shall be binding upon all dspartments and ofiicers of the government (A. W. 50y 2 ). NOTE. Article of War 50% provides that the Judge Advocate General shall constitute in his office a Board of Review consisting of not less than three officers of the Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment; that, whenever necessary, the Judge Advocate General may constitute two or more Boards of Review in his office, with equal powers and duties; that the President, whenever he deems such action necessary, may direct the Judge Advocate General to establish a branch of his office, under an assistant Judge Advocate General, with any distant command, and to establish in such branch office a Board of Review or more than one; and that such assistant Judge Advocate General and such Board or Boards of Review in a branch office shall be empowered to perform for that command, under the general supervision of the Judge Advocate General, the duties which the Judge Advocate General and the Board or Boards of Review in his office would otherwise be required to perform in respect of all cases involving sentences not requiring approval or confirmation by the President. The words " Board of Review " and " Judge Advo- cate General " as used in this Manual will be deemed to refer, re- spectively, to a Board of Review established in a branch of the office of the Judge Advocate General and to an Assistant Judge Advocate General, in cases within a command where such branch office is established, except cases requiring approval or confirmation by the President. NOTE 1. In all cases in which the order of execution is with- held under any of the provisions of Article of War 50^, the staff Judge advocate, before transmitting the record of trial to the Judge Advocate General, will take therefrom the data necessary for draft- ing a general court-martial order. NOTE 2. When under the provisions of A. W. 50^ the Judge Advocate General advises the reviewing or confirming authority of the holding of the Board of Review, and his concurrence therein, he may in a separate communication, for reasons stated therein, advise such reviewing or confirming authority (1) that he deems the sen- tence unnecessarily severe, or (2) that in his opinion one or more of the findings of guilty should be disapproved. 328 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION". ^f 401 400. COURT-MARTIAL ORDERS. Trials by general courts- martial, including so much of the proceedings as will give the charges and specifications, the pleas, findings, and sen- tence, or acquittal, and the action of the reviewing authority, and of the confirming authority, if any, and also of the Board of Review and the Judge Advocate General, in cases requiring their action under A. W. 50%, and of the President if his action thereon be required by A. W. 48, 50y 2 , or 51, will be announced in general court-martial orders issued from the War De- partment or from other headquarters exercising general court-martial jurisdiction. If the charges contain matter which for any reason is unfit for publication, such matter will be omitted from the order, but," in case of final convic- tion, a copy thereof will be promptly furnished by the re- viewing authority to the commanding officer of the post at which the accused is stationed (or, if in arrest or confine- ment, at which lie is being so held in arrest or confinement), to be included with the papers required to be sent to the commanding officer of the post or other place where the sen- tence is to be executed. Trials by special courts-martial will also be published in orders similar in form to general court- martial orders. (For forms, see Appendix 11.) A copy of the special court-martial order will be for- warded to The Adjutant General of the Army by the adju- tant of the command with the memorandum of transmittal of report of changes for the day upon which the order is pub- lished, for file with the "record of the accused. SECTION III. ACTION AFTER PROMULGATION OF SENTENCE. 401. DATE OF BEGINNING or SENTENCE. (a) The order pro- mulgating the proceedings of the court will be of the date that the reviewing or confirming authority takes final action on the case. The order of promulgation of a sentence of confinement ordered to be executed will state the date upon which such sentence was an- nounced in open court; or where, in exceptional cases, the same was not announced, the order will state the date upon which the sentence of confinement was adjudged by the court. Such date 329 ^f 402 CHAPTER XVI. will mark the beginning of the sentence of confinement, whether the accused had then been placed in confinement or not. A sen- tence of confinement, hard labor without confinement, restriction to limits, or deprivation of privileges, is continuous until the term expires, except where the person undergoing such sent- ence is absent without authority, or under a parole which proper authority has revoked, or is delivered to the civil authorities under A. W. 74. When the reviewing or confirming authority takes final action upon the case it is proper for him to consider any period of confinement served by the accused prior to and during the trial, and in a proper case to make it the basis of mitigation of the sentence. (b) When soldiers, or other persons subject to military law, awaiting the result of trial or undergoing sentence, commit offenses for which they are tried, the second sentence will be executed upon the expiration of the first, except that when the first sentence does not involve confinement, and the second sentence does involve hard labor with confinement, the second sentence will take precedence. If a soldier, while awaiting the result of a trial that terminates in a sentence of confine- ment without dishonorable discharge, or while undergoing a sentence of confinement without dishonorable discharge, is tried for a further offense and sentenced to confinement without dishonorable discharge, the period of confinement imposed by the second sentence will be executed upon the expiration of the period of confinement imposed by the first ; but if the second sentence imposed confinement with dishon- orable discharge (whether or not the dishonorable discharge be suspended), the period of confinement on the first sen- tence will be regarded as having terminated upon the date the second sentence takes effect, leaving to be executed only the confinement imposed by the second sentence. 402. APPLICATIONS FOR CLEMENCY. The power to remit or mitigate punishment imposed by a court-martial, vested in the authority who appointed the court or the corresponding authority under whose jurisdiction the sentence is being exe- cuted, extends only to unexecuted portions of a sentence. If the punishment be one imposed by a general court-martial, it may be remitted or mitigated only by an officer competent to 330 COURTS-MARTIAL ACTION. ^f 404 order a general court-martial and under whose jurisdiction the sentence is being executed, exclusive of penitentiaries and the United States Disciplinary Barracks, or any branch thereof, or by superior military authority. (A. W. 50, and see pars. 381- 383, supra.) The fact that a soldier or other person subject to military law has been dishonorably discharged or dismissed through his sentence does not affect this power. An appli- cation for clemency in case of a prisoner sentenced to con- finement in a penitentiary or in the United States Disciplin- ary Barracks or any branch thereof will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army for the action of the Secre- tary of War and the President. A military prisoner sen- tenced to confinement in a penitentiary or in the United States Disciplinary Barracks or any branch thereof will, so far as concerns the exercise of clemency, be considered to have passed beyond the jurisdiction of the department or other commander from the date of the approval of his sen- tence. NOTE. For power to commute sentences, see paragraph 384, supra. 403. REMISSION OF SUSPENDED SENTENCE OF DISHONOR- ABLE DISCHARGE. Requests to remit the dishonorable dis- charge under a suspended sentence of dishonorable discharge are requests for clemency, and will be made to the authority empowered to extend clemency. 404. CLEMENCY APPLICATIONS LIMITED TO ONE IN Six MONTHS. It appearing that the expenditure of much un- necessary time and labor is involved in the reexamination in the War Department upon further applications for clemency of cases relating to military prisoners which have received recent and thorough consideration in connection with prior applications, the Secretary of War has directed that where such further application is received at the War Department within six months of such prior consideration the case will not be reexamined unless there be set forth in the application new and material reasons for the granting of clemency, but that the applicant will be advised of the recent consideration and of the action had thereon. 331 CHAPTER XVII. PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. Section I. Enlistment Muster Returns: 405. Fifty-fourth article of war 337 I. Fraudulent enlistment . . 338 406. Fifty-fifth article of war 3HS I. Officers making unlawful enlistment or muster in 339 407. Fifty-sixth article of war 339 I. Making false muster 340 II. Signing, etc., false muster rolls 340 III. Taking money, etc., on muster or signing muster rolls 340 IV. Mustering as an officer or soldier one who is not 341 408. Fifty-seventh article of war 341 I. Making false returns 342 II. Omitting to render returns- 342 Section II. Desertion Absence without leave: 409. Fifty-eighth article of war 342 I. Desertion 344 II. Attempting to desert - 345 410. Fifty-ninth article of war__ 346 I. Advising desertion 347 II. Persuading desertion 347 III. Assisting desertion 347 411. Sixtieth article of war 348 I. Retaining a deserter 348 412. Sixty-first article of war. 348 I. Absence without leave 349 Section III. Disrespect Insubordination Mutiny : 413. Sixty-second article of war 350 I. Disrespect toward the President, etc 331 414. Sixty-third article of war 351 I. Disrespect toward a superior officer 352 415. Sixty-fourth article of war 353 I. Assaulting a superior officer 354 II. Disobeying a superior officer 355 332 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. Section III. Disrespect Insubordination Mutiny Continued, page. 416. Sixty-fifth article of war 356 I. Assaulting a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer 357 II. Disobeying a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer 358 III. Using threatening or insulting language or behav- ing in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer 358 417. Sixty-sixth article of war 359 I. Attempting to create a mutiny (or sedition) 359 II. Beginning a mutiny or sedition 360 III. Joining in a mutiny or sedition 360 IV. Exciting a mutiny or sedition 361 V. Causing a mutiny or sedition 361 418. Sixty-seventh article of war 361 I. Failure to suppress mutiny or sedition 361 II. Failure to give information of mutiny or sedition. 362 419. Sixty-eighth article of war 363 I. Disobedience of orders into arrest or confinement- 364 II, III, IV. Threatening, drawing a weapon upon, or offering violence to, an officer, member of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, band leader, or noncommissioned officer 365 Section IV. Arrest Confinement: 420. Sixty-ninth article of war 365 I. Breach of arrest 366 II. Escape from confinement 366 420}. Seventieth article of war 367 I, Unnecessary delay in investigating charges against an accused in arrest or confinement 368 II. Unnecessary delay in carrying a case to a final con- clusion where an accused is placed in arrest or confinement 369 421. Seventy-first article of war 369 I. Refusing to receive or keep prisoners 370 422. Seventy-second article of war 370 I. Failure to render report as prescribed 371 423. Seventy-third article of war 371 I. Releasing a prisoner without proper authority 372 II. Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect 373 III. Suffering a prisoner to escape through design 373 333 CHAPTER XVII. Section IV. Arrest Confinement Continued. Page. 424. Seventy-fourth article of war 374 I. Refusing or willfully neglecting to deliver an ac- cused person 374 II. Refusing or willfully neglecting to aid in appre- hending and securing an accused person 375 Section V. War offenses: 425. Seventy-fifth article of war 377 I. Misbehavior before the enemy 378 II. Running away before the enemy ; 378 III. Shamefully abandoning or delivering up any com- mand 878 IV. Endangering the safety of any command by any (1) misconduct, (2> disobedience, or (3) neglect 379 V. Speaking words inducing others to so misbehave, run away, or abandon or deliver up, or endanger the safety of any command 379 VI. Casting away arms or ammunition 380 VII. Quitting post or colors to plunder or pillage 380 VIII. Occasioning false alarms 381 426. Seventy-sixth article of war 382 I. Compelling commander to surrender 382 II. Attempting to compel commander to surrender 883 427. Seventy-seventh article of war 883 I. Making known parole or countersign 383 II. Giving different parole or countersign 384 428. Seventy-eighth article of war 384 I. Forcing a safeguard 885 429. Seventy-ninth article of war 385 I. Neglecting to secure captured public property 385 II. Wrongful appropriation of captured public property 886 430. Eightieth article of war 386 I. Dealing in captured or abandoned property 887 II. Failure or delay in reporting receipt of captured or abandoned property 888 431. Eighty-first article of war 888 I. Relieving the enemy 889 II. Attempting to relieve the enemy 889 III. Harboring or protecting the enemy 389 IV. Holding correspondence with the enemy 390 V. Giving intelligence to the enemy 890 432. Eighty-second article of war 391 I. Being a spy 891 Section VI. Miscellaneous crimes and offenses: 433. Eighty-third article of war 392 I. Suffering military property to be lost, etc 893 334 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. Section VI. Miscellaneous crimes and offenses Continued. 434. Eighty-fourth article of war 394 I. Selling or wrongfully disposing of military property 395 II. Willfully or through neglect injuring or losing mili- tary property 395 435. Eighty-fifth article of war 396 I. Being found drunk on duty 398 436. Eighty-sixth article of war 398 I. Being found drunk on post 399 II. Being found sleeping on post 399 III. Leaving post before being relieved 400 437. Eighty-seventh article of war 400 I. Laying a duty or imposition upon the bringing in of victuals, etc 401 II. Being interested in the sale of victuals, etc 401 438. Eighty-eighth article of war 402 I. Intimidating, etc., persons bringing necessaries 402 439. Eighty-ninth article of war 403 I. Committing waste or spoil 403 II. Willfully destroying property 404 III. Committing depredation or riot 404 IV. Refusing or omitting to see reparation made 405 440. Ninetieth article of war 405 I. Using provoking speeches or gestures 405 441. Ninety-first article of 'war 406 I. Fighting or promoting a duel 406 II. Being concerned in or conniving at fighting a duel- 407 III. Failing to report knowledge of a challenge 407 442. Ninety-second article of war 407 I. Murder 408 II. Rape 411 443. Ninety-third article of war 413 I. Manslaughter ._ 414 II. Mayhem 415 III. Arson 416 IV. Burglary 418 V. Housebreaking 420 VI. Robbery 422 VII. Larceny 424 VIII. Embezzlement 430 IX. Perjury 432 X. Forgery 435 XL Sodomy 439 21358 20 22 835 CHAPTER XVH. Section VI. Miscellaneous crimes and offenses Continued. 443. Ninety-third article of warContinued, rage. XII. Assault with intent to commit any felony 435) 1. Assault with intent to murder 443 2. Assault with intent to commit manslaugh- ter 444 3. Assault with intent to commit rape 444 4. Assault with intent to rob 44." 5. Assault with intent to commit sodomy 415 XIII. Assault with intent to do bodily harm with a dan- gerous weapon, instrument, or other thing 447 XIV. Assault with intent to do bodily harm 447 444. Ninety-fourth article of war 448 I. Making or causing to be made a false or fraud- ulent claim 450 II. Presenting or causing to be presented for ap- proval or payment a false or fraudulent claim 451 III. Entering into an agreement or conspiracy to de- fraud the United States through false claims. 452 IV. Making, using, procuring, or advising the mak- ing or use of a false writing or other paper in connection with claims 453 V. False oath in connection with claims 454 VI. Forgery, etc., of signature in connection with claims 454 VII. Delivering less than amount called for by re- ceipt 454 VIII. Making or delivering receipt without having knowledge that the same is true 455 IX. Embezzlement, misappropriation, sale, etc., of military property 456 X. Purchasing or receiving in pledge of military property - 458 XI. Former officer guilty, while he was in service, of embezzlement of ration savings, post ex- change, company, or other like funds, or of money or other property entrusted to him by enlisted men 459 445. Ninety-fifth article of war ! 459 I. Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman 461 446. Ninety-sixth article of war 461 I. Disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good or- der and military discipline 461 ..II. Conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service 462 III. Crimes or offenses not capital 463 336 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^ 405 SECTION I. ENLISTMENT MUSTER RETURNS. 405. Fifty- fourth Article of War: Any person who shall procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of. the United States by means of willful misrepresentation or concealment as to his qualifications for enlistment, and shall re- veive pay or allowance* under irach. enlistment, shall be imalshed as a court -tuartial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. A fraudulent enlistment is an enlistment procured by means of a willful misrepresentation in regard to a quali- fication or disqualification for enlistment, or by intentional concealment of a disqualification which has had the effect of causing the enlistment of a man not qualified to be a sol- dier and who but for such false representation or conceal- ment would have been rejected. Willful means intentional, thus excluding cases of mis- take or forgetfulness. Misrepresentation and concealment include any act, state- ment, or omission, however made, which has the effect of conveying an untruth or concealing the truth concerning the applicant's qualifications or disqualifications for enlistment. The misrepresentation or concealment may be in mat- ters which are designed to open the door to inquiry concern- ing the qualifications or disqualifications for enlistment, such as questions aa to previous service, previous applications for enlistment, etc. The qualifications or disqualifications may be prescribed by iaw, regulations, or orders. Answers to questions having no bearing on the appli- cant's qualifications for enlistment, such as questions as to applicant's name, address, or immaterial statements as to age, are not sufficient. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies only to enlisted men. The article defines one offense, i. e., fraudulent enlistment. 337 Tf 406 CHAPTER XVII. I. FRAUDULENT ENLISTMENT. PROOF. (a) The enlistment of the accused in the military service as alleged. (&) That the accused willfully misrepresented a certain fact or facts regarding his qualifications or disqualifications for enlistment, or willfully that is, intentionally con- cealed a disqualification, as alleged. (c) That enlistment was procured by such misrepresenta- tion or concealment. (d) That under such enlistment the accused received either pay or allowances, or both, as alleged. (e) Where a soldier enlists without a discharge (see A. W. 28), the proof should include the fact that at the time of the alleged enlistment the accused was a soldier, and that the enlistment was entered into without a regular discharge from the former enlistment. 406. Fifty-fifth Article of War: Any officer who knowingly enlists or musters into the military service any person whose enlistment or muster in is prohibited by law, regulations, or orders shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such, other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article. The prohibited enlistment must be knowingly made, i. e., it must be shown that the accused knew that the person en- listed or mustered in by him was within the prohibited class. Knowingly includes not only a certainty of belief but also such a degree of belief as the ordinarily prudent man acts upon. The enlistment or muster in of the person must be at the time prohibited by law or by regulations or orders that were operative as to the accused. This excludes cases where the enlistment or muster in was prohibited by regulations or orders of the existence of which the accused was not aware or at the time chargeable with knowledge. 338 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 407 ANALYSIS AND PKOOF. The article applies only to commissioned officers. While members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, and field clerks Quartermaster Corps are officers, they are not commissioned officers, and hence, as the word " officer " used in this article is used in a penal statute, it must be con- strued strictly to mean a commissioned officer. Should any of the aforementioned persons subject to military law commit acts which if done by a commissioned officer would be an offense under this article, they should be charged under A. W. &6. The article defines two offenses which may be treated under one heading, as follows : i. Officer making UNLAWFUL ENLISTMENT (OR MUSTER IN). PROOF. (a) The enlistment or muster in by the accused commis- sioned officer of the person named, as alleged. (b) That such person was within the classes whose enlist- ment or muster in were prohibited at the time of such enlist- ment or muster in. (c) That the accused knew this at the time of the enlist- ment or muster in of such person. 407. Fifty-sixth Article of War. Any officer who knowingly makes a false muster of man or animal, or who signs or directs or allows the signing of any master roll knowing the same to contain a false master or false statement as to the absence or pay of an officer or soldier, or who wrongfully takes money or other consideration on mastering in a regiment, company, or other organization, or on signing master rolls, er who knowingly musters as an officer or soldier a person who is not such officer or soldier, shall be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article for requirements as to muster rolls and definition of the offenses. Muster has been defined as the assembling, inspecting, en- tering upon the formal rolls, and officially reporting as a component part of the command of persons or public ani- mals. (Winthrop, p. 852.) ^[407 CHAPTEE XVII. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article .applies only to commissioned officers. (See com- ments tinder A. W. 55.) The article defines a number of offenses which may be treated under the following heads : I. Making false muster. II. Signing, directing, or allowing the signing of false muster rolls. III. Taking money or other consideration on muster or signing muster rolls. IV. Mustering as an officer or soldier one who is not. I. MAKING FALSE MUSTER. PROOF. (a) That the muster of a certain man or animal was made by the accused officer, as alleged. ( b) That the muster was false as alleged. (c) That the accused officer knew this at the time of mak- ing the muster. n. SIGNING, DIRECTING, OR ALLOWING THE SIGNING OF FALSE MUSTER ROLLS. PEOOF. (a) That the accused officer signed the muster roll or di- rected or allowed the signing of the muster roll as alleged. (&) That such muster roll was false in certain particulars as alleged. (c) That the accused officer knew this at the time he signed the roll or directed or allowed it to be signed as alleged. III. TAKING MONEY OR OTHER CONSIDERATION ON MUSTER OR SIGNING MUSTER ROLLS. PEOOF. (a) That the accused officer made the muster of the or- ganization or signed the muster rolls as alleged. 340 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. * 408 (5) That he accepted money or other consideration as a compensation or reward for making the muster or signing the muster rolls. (c) That the taking of such money or other consideration was wrongful that is, without legal excuse. IV. MUSTERING AS AN OFFICER OR SOLDIER ONE WHO IS NOT. PEOOP. (a) That the accused officer mustered as an officer or soldier a certain person, as alleged. (b) That the person so mustered was not such officer or soldier. (c) That the accused knew this when he made the muster. 408. Fifty-seventh Article of War: Every officer whose fluty ft is to render to the War Depart- ment or ether superior authority a return of the state of the troops natter his command, or of the arms*, ammunition, cloth- ing;, fund*, or other property thereunto belonging, who knowingly mi'.kes a false return thereof shall he dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. And any officer whe, thrnffh effect w fteslgrn, omits to render such return shall be pujaisfced a orart-cnartial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIFIJES. See the terms of the article, the penal part of which ap- plies broadly to " every officer whose duty it is to render to the War Department or other superior authority a return of the state of the troops under his command, or of the arms, ammunition, clothing, funds, or other property thereunto belonging." ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to commanding officers only. The article defines two offenses : I. Making false returns. II. Omitting to render returns. If 409 CHAPTER xvn. I. MAKING FALSE RETURNS. As to knowingly, see remarks under fifty-fifth article, (Par. 406, supra.) PROOF. (a) That the accused officer was a commanding officer, as alleged. (b) That it became his duty as such to render to a certain superior authority a certain return as specified. (c) That he complied with such duty, and that the return so made was false in certain particulars, as alleged. (d) That the accused officer knew that the return was false at the time of making it. II. OMITTING TO RENDER RETURNS. The term "neglect" involves the idea of culpability and includes the case of an officer who, knowing the return to be due, fails to render it through remissness or procrasti- nation. PROOF. (a) That the accused officer was a commanding officer as alleged. (5) That it became his duty as such to render to a certain superior authority a certain return as specified. (c) That he omitted through neglect or design to render such return. SECTION II. DESERTION ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE. 409. Fifty-eighth Article of War: Any person subject to military law who deserts or attempts to de- sert the service of the United States shall, if the offense be com- mitted in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment s ;i court-martial may direct, and, if the offense be committed at any other time, any punishment, excepting; death, that a court -martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. Desertion is absence without leave accompanied by the in- tention, either (a) not to return, (b) to avoid hazardous duty, or (c) to shirk important service. (A. W. 28.) 342 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 409 A. Absence Without Leave, with Intent Not to Return. Both elements are essential to the offense. The offense be- comes complete when the person absents himself without au- thority from his place of service with intent not to return thereto. A prompt repentance and return are no defense, nor is it a defense that the deserter at the time of departure intended to report for duty elsewhere. Thus, where a soldier leaves his post intending never to go back unless a certain event happens, or leaves his post with such intent and reports at another post, he is a deserter ; but unless such intent exists at some time the soldier can not be a deserter whether his purpose is to stay away a definite or indefinite length of time. Where a soldier, without having been discharged, again enlists in the Army or in the Militia in the service of the United States, such enlistment is, by the twenty-eighth article of war made sufficient evidence of desertion. In such a case, other proof of the intent permanently to stay away from his former place of service and of the status of absence without leave therefrom are unnecessary. B. Absence Without Leave, with Intent to Avoid Hazardous Duty. C. Absence Without Leave, with Intent to to Shirk Important Service. " Short desertion." Under the twenty-eighth article of war as amended by the code of 1920 any person subject to military law who " quits his organization or place of duty with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service shall be deemed a deserter." Congress thereby adopted the principle that willful absence from dangerous or hazardous duty is deser- tion, as it is in the British service (" short desertion "). Tinder this article a man who absents himself in a deliberate or clandes- tine manner, with, a view of (1) avoiding some hazardous duty or (2) of shirking some important service, though he may in- tend to return when the evasion of the duty or the service is accomplished, is liable to be convicted of desertion, just as if an intention never to return had been proved against him. 343 ^[409 * CHAPTER XVII, (Brit. M. M. M., Chap. HI, sec. 16, pp. 18-19). Thus, if a man on the eve of the embarkation of his regiment for overseas service, or when ordered to aid in the suppression of riot or insurrection, or on strike duty, conceals himself in barracks, or is absent without leave, the court may be quite justified in presuming an intention to escape the hazardous duty or impor- tant service on which he was ordered, and in convicting him of desertion. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article includes all persons subject to military law. The article covers two offenses, as follows: I. Desertion. II. Attempting to desert. I. DESERTION. FROOF. (a) That the accused absented himself, or remained ab- sent without authority, from his place of service, as alleged. (b) That, either, 1. He intended, at the time of absenting himself or at some time during his absence, to remain away perma- nently from such place: or, 2. That at the time he absented himself either the or- ganization to which he belonged, or he himself, was under "orders or anticipated orders involving either (a) hazardous duty or (b) some important service, and that Ms absence without leave was so timed as to appear calculated to enable him to avoid such hazardous duty or to shirk such important service, as the case may be. (c) That his absence was of a duration and was termi- nated as alleged. (d) That his act was done, if so alleged, in the execution of a certain conspiracy, or in the presence of a certain out- break of Indians, or of a certain unlawful assemblage which his organization was opposing, or in time of war where the court will not take judicial notice of the existence of a status of war. 344 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 409 (e) Where the soldier enlisted without a discharge (see A. W. 28), that the accused was a soldier in a certain organi- zation of the Army as alleged ; and that, without being dis- charged from such organization, he again enlisted in the Army, or in the militia when in the service of the United States, or in the Navy, or the Marine Corps of the United States, or in some foreign army, as alleged. In this case proof of the absence without leave and of the intention not to return become unnecessary. (f) When an officer, having tendered his resignation, and prior to due notice of the acceptance of the same, quits his post, etc. (see A. W. 28), that the accused was a commissioned officer of the Army as alleged; that he has tendered his resig- nation; and that, prior to due notice of acceptance thereof, he did quit his post or proper duties without leave ; and that he did so with intent to absent himself permanently from his post or proper duties. HOTE. In proving a specification alleging that the accused quit his organization or place of duty with the intent to avoid hazardous duty, or with the intent to shirk important service, the trial judge advocate should offer in evidence proof of facts tending to show that the accused knew with reasonable certainty that he would be required for such hazardous duty or important service, as the case may be. To prove this the prosecution should show (a) that the accused was warned; or (b) that the organization, as a whole, was warned, if possible on parade at which the roll was called and the accused was present; or (c) that, having regard to the orders, or the usual cus- toms of reliefs, the accused must have known that the turn of his company, etc., was imminent (an officer or senior noncommissioned officer should give evidence of the usual custom of reliefs, and of the dates of the hazardous duties or important service which the accused missed or which his absence was timed to miss) ; or (d) that the period of absence was so long that the accused must have known that he would miss hazardous duty or important service. H. ATTEMPTING TO DESERT. An attempt to desert is an overt act other than mere prep- aration toward accomplishing a purpose to desert. Usually the endeavor of the accused toward getting away will be frustrated by an agency independent of his own will ; but once the attempt is made a turning back by the accused 345 If 410 CHAPTER XVII. of his own accord does not obliterate the offense. An in- stance of the offense is : A soldier intending to desert hides himself in an empty freight car on the post, intending to effect his escape from the post by being taken out in the car. PBOOF. (a) That the accused made the attempt by doing the overt act or acts alleged. (b) That he intended to desert at the time of doing such act or acts. (c) That his act was done, if so alleged, in the execution of a certain conspiracy, or in the presence of a certain out- break of Indians, or a certain unlawful assemblage which his organization was opposing, or in time of war where the court will not take judicial notice of the existence of the status specified. NOTE. The attempt to desert may be with the intent either (a) not to return, (b) to avoid hazardous duty, or (c) to shirk important service. (See subpar. I of this paragraph, supra.) The proof should correspond to the allegations of the specification, as the case may be. 410. Fifty-ninth Article of War: Any person subject to military law who advises or persuades or knowingly assists another to desert the service of the United States shall, if the offense he committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, and, if the offense he committed at any other time, any punish- ment, excepting; death, that a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the definition of desertion under the next preceding article. As to knowingly, see remarks under the fifty-fifth article. The offenses of persuading and assisting desertion are not complete unless the desertion occurs; but the offense of ad- vising is complete when the advice is given, whether the person advised deserts or not. It is not necessary that the accused act alone in giving the advice or assistance, or in the persuasion; and he may act through other persons in committing the offenses. 846 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^ 410 ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to all persons subject to military law. See article 2. The article defines three offenses, as follows : I. Advising desertion. II. Persuading desertion. III. Assisting desertion. I. ADVISING DESERTION. PEOOF. (a) That the accused advised a person subject to military- law to desert the service as alleged. (b] That the act was done, if so alleged, in time of war, where the court will not take judicial notice of the status of war. II. PERSUADING DESERTION. PROOF. (a) That the accused used persuasion to induce a person subject to military law to desert the service as alleged. (b) That the person whom he persuaded deserted as alleged, and was induced to do so by such persuasion. See proof of desertion in the next preceding article. (c) That the act was done, if so alleged, in time of war, where the court will not take judicial notice of the status of war. in. ASSISTING DESERTION. PROOF. (a) That the accused knowingly assisted a person subject to military law to desert the service as alleged. (b) That the person given such assistance deserted as al- leged. See proof of desertion in the next preceding article. (c) That the act was done, if so alleged, in time of war, where the court will not take judicial notice of the status of war. 347 fl 411 OHAPTES XVII. 411. Sixtieth Article of War: Any officer who, after having discovered that a soldier in his com- mand is a deserter from the military or navl service or from the Marine Corps, retains such deserter in his command without inform- ing superior authority or the commander of the organization to which the deserter belongs, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES, See definition of desertion under article 58. Discovered does not imply a certainty on the one hand or a mere suspicion on the other. It implies such a belief as the ordinarily prudent officer would act upon. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies only to commanding officers. The article defines one offense: I. RETAINING A DESERTER. PBOOF. (a) That the accused officer exercised a certain command as alleged. (5) That white so in command he discovered that a certain soldier in his command was a deserter from the military or naval service, or from the Marine Corps, as alleged. (c) That such soldier was in fact such a deserter. See proof of desertion under fifty -eighth article. (d) That he retained such deserter in his command with- out informing superior authority or the commanding officer of the organization to which the deserter belongs, as alleged. 412. Sixty-first Article of War: Any person snfcject to military law who fails to repair at the fixed tine to the properly appointed place of duty, or goes from the snme without proper leave, or absents himself from his command, guard, quarters, station, or camp without proper leave* shall be punished as a court-martial *aey direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The article is designed to cover every case not elsewhere provided for where any person subject to military law ia through his own fault not at the place where he is required to be at a time when he should be there. 84S PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAE. * 412 The first part of the article that relating to properly ap- pointed place of duty applies whether such place is ap- pointed as a rendezvous for several or for one only. Thus, it would apply in the case of a soldier failing to report as the kitchen police or leaving such duty after reporting. A soldier turned over to the civil authorities upon appli- cation is not punishable under this article for the period he is held by them under such delivery. So, also, where a sol- dier is absent with leave and is held, tried, and acquitted by the civil authorities, his status does not change to absence without leave. But where the soldier is absent without leave when tried, although acquitted, or being absent with leave is convicted and held beyond the expiration of his pass, or being absent without leave is unable to return through sick- ness or lack of transportation facilities, or other disabilities, the period of the absence without leave will include the time he is so detained j but, in view of the fact that the absence during such time is enforced, it would be appropriate not to consider the length of such detention for the purpose of administering punishment in the case. In computing the length in days of a period of absence for the purpose of determining the maximum punishment for an absence without leave under this article, periods of 24 hours are considered one day. Thus, a soldier who absents himself from 11.59 p. m. one day to 12.01 a. m. the next is absent only a fraction of a day as far as the maximum pun- ishment order is concerned, although the period of absence cover parts of two calendar days. ANALYSIS AND PEOOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. See Article 2. The article defines a number of offenses which may be treated under the general term "Absence without leave." I. ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE. PROOF. (1) Where the accused fails to appear at or goes from a place of duty. (a) That a certain authority appointed a certain time and place for a certain duty by the accused, as alleged. 349 If 413 CHAPTER XVII. (b) That he failed to report to such place at the proper time, or having so reported went from the same without authority from any one competent to give him leave to do so. (2) Where the accused is charged with absenting himself without proper leave. (a) That the accused absented himself from his command, guard, quarters, station, or camp for a certain period, as alleged. (b) That such absence was without authority from any one competent to give him leave. SECTION III. DISRESPECT INSUBORDINATION MUTINY. 413. Sixty -second Article of War: Any officer who uses contemptuous or disespectful words against the President, Vice President, the Congress of the United States, the Secretary of "War, or the governor or legislature of any State, Terri- tory, or other possession of the United States in which he is quar- tered shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punish- ment as a court-martial may direct. Any other person subject to military law who so offends shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The contemptuous or disrespectful words, as used in this article, cover language disrespectful and contemptuous in themselves, such as abusive epithets, denunciatory or con- tumelious expressions, or intemperate or malevolent com- ments upon official or personal acts, etc., or words disre- spectful or contemptuous because of the connection in which and the circumstances under which they are used. It is essential that a person against whom such words are used be in one of the offices named at the time ; but it is immaterial whether the words are spoken against him in his official or private capacity. The truth or falsity of the statements is, as a rule, imma- terial. Trials for offenses covered by this article have usually been for the use of " contemptuous or disrespectful words against the President," or the Government mainly as represented by 350 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. the President. The deliberate employment of denunciatory or contumelious language in regard to the President, whether spoken in public or published, or conveyed in a communica- tion designed to be made public, has, in repeated cases, been made the subject of charges and trial under this article, (Digest, p. 120 ; Winthrop, p. 872.) The language used must be disrespectful or contemptuous. Adverse criticism of the Executive expressed in emphatic language in the heat of political discussion, but not ap- parently intended to be personally disrespectful, should not be made the basis of trial under this article. (Idem.) ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. The article defines a number of offenses which may be treated under the general term of " disrespect toward the President, etc." PEOOF. (a) That the accused used certain contemptuous or dis- respectful words against the President, or other of the au- thorities mentioned in the article, as alleged. ( b ) Where such words are not contemptuous or disrespect- ful in themselves, that the words were used under certain cir- cumstances or in a certain connection, or that a certain in- tended meaning gave them the character of contemptuous or disrespectful words, as alleged. 414. Sixty-third Article of War: Any person subject to military law who behaves himself with dis- respect toward his superior officer shall be punished as a court- martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The disrespectful behavior contemplated by this article is such as detracts from the respect due to the authority and person of a superior officer. It may consist in acts or lan- guage, however expressed. 21358 20 23 351 ^ 414 CHAPTER XVII. It is not essential that the disrespectful behavior be in the presence of the superior, but in general it is considered objec- tionable to hold one accountable under this article for what was said OF done by him in a purely private conversation. The officer toward whom the disrespectful behavior was directed must have been the superior of the accused at the time of the acts charged; but by superior is not necessarily meant a superior in rank, as a line officer, though inferior in rank, may be the commanding officer, and thus the superior of a staff officer, such as a surgeon. Disrespect by words may be conveyed by opprobrious epi- thets or other contumelious or denunciatory language. (Win- throp, p. 874.) Disrespect by acts may be exhibited in a variety of modes as neglecting the customary salute, by a marked disdain, in- difference, insolence, impertinence, undue familiarity, or other rudeness in the presence of the superior officer. (Win- throp, p. 875.) It is not essential that the behavior be intentional, and it is immaterial that only facts were stated ; but where the person who did the acts or spoke the words did not know that the person against whom they were directed was his superior offi- *ier, such ignorance is a defense. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. See Article 2. The article defines one offense, that is, disrespect toward a superior officer. I. DISRESPECT TOWARD A SUPERIOR OFFICER. PROOF. r (a) That the accused did or omitted to do certain acts or spoke certain words toward a certain officer, as alleged. (5) That the behavior involved in such acts, omissions, or words was. under certain circumstance, or in a certain con- nection or with a certain meaning, as aEeged. 352 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. 415 (c) That the officer toward whom the acts, omissions, or words were directed was the accused's superior officer. 415. Sixty-fourth Article of War: Any person swfojeet tx military law wlie> on any pretense whatso- ever, strikes his superior officer or draws or lifts up any weapon or offers any violence against him, being: in the execution of his office, or willfully disobeys any lawful command of his sttperfor officer, shall s-.:lTcr death or such other punishment as a court -martial m:ty direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The phrase "on any pretense whatsoever" is not to be understood as excluding as a defense the fact that the strik- ing was done in legitimate self-defense or in the discharge of some duty, such as is enjoined by the sixty-seventh article. By " superior officer " is meant not only the commanding officer of the. accused, whatever may be the relative rank of the two, but any other commissioned officer of rank supe- rior to that of the accused. That the accused did not know the officer to be his superior is available as a defense. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. See Article 2. The article embraces ofi'enses indicated by the following diagram : Any person subject to military law who Strikes or Draws ) 1 Any weapon Lifts up] a ^ inst His superior officer being in the ex- ecution of his or office. Offers any violence against or On any pretense whatsoever Willfully disobeys any lawful command of his- superior officer. These offenses may be treated under the following heads: I. Assaulting superior officer. II, Disobeying superior officer. 353 ^j 415 CHAPTER XVII. I. ASSAULTING SUPERIOR OFFICER. The word " strikes " means an intentional blow with any- thing by which a blow can be given. The phrase " draws or lifts up any weapon against " covers any simple assault committed in the manner stated. The offense consisting either in a mere threatening of vio- lence without anything further being proposed, or in an attempt to do violence which is not effectuated. The weapon chiefly had in view by the word " draw " is no doubt the sword; the term might, however, apply to a bayonet in a sheath, or to a pistol; and the drawing of either in an aggressive manner, or the raising or brandishing of the same minaciously in the presence of the superior and at him is the sort of act contemplated. The raising in a threatening manner of a firearm (whether or not loaded) or of a club, or any implement or thing by which a serious blow could be given, would be within the description " lifts up." (Win- throp, p. 879.) The phrase "offers any violence against him" comprises any form of battery or of mere assault not embraced in the preceding more specific terms " strikes " and " draws or lifts up." But the violence where not executed must be physically attempted or menaced. A mere threatening in words would not be an offering of violence in the sense of the article. (Winthrop, pp. 879 and 880.) An officer is in the execution of his office " when engaged in any act or service required or authorized to be done by him by statute, regulation, the order of a superior, or military usage." (Winthrop, p. 881.) PROOF. (a) That the accused struck a certain officer with or with- out a certain thing or weapon or drew or lifted up a certain weapon against him or offered violence against him, as alleged. (I)) That such officer was the accused's superior officer at the time. (c) That such superior officer was in the execution of his office at the time, as alleged. 354 PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. ^f 415 II. DISOBEYING SUFERIOR OFFICER. The willful disobedience contemplated is such as shows an intentional defiance of authority, as where a soldier is given an order by an officer to do or cease from doing a particular thing at once and refuses to do what is ordered or simply omits to do it. Where the order is operative in futuro, a mere neglect to comply with it " through heedlessness, remissness, or forget- f ulness is an offense chargeable not in general under this article, but under the general article" (Winthrop, p. 884), and the same is true of a mere refusal to obey such an order before the time set for its execution. The order must relate to military duty and be one which the superior officer is authorized under the circumstances to give the accused. Disobedience of an order which has for its sole object the attainment of some priv.ate end, or which is given for the sole purpose of increasing the penalty for an offense which it is expected the accused may commit, is not punishable under this article. An accused can not be convicted of a violation of this article if the order was in fact unlawful ; but, unless the order is plainly illegal, the disobedience of it is punishable under the general article, i. e., the ninety-sixth article. To justify from a military point of view a military in- ferior in disobeying the order of a superior, the order must be one requiring something to be done which is palpably a breach of law and a crime or an injury to a third person, or is of a serious character (not involving unimportant conse- quences only) and if done would not be susceptible of being righted. An order requiring the performance of a military duty or act can not be disobeyed with impunity unless it has one of these characteristics. That obedience to a command involved a violation of the accused's religious scruples is not a defense. Failure to comply with the general or standing orders of a corps area, department, division, district, post, etc., or with the Army Regulations, is not an offense under this article, but 355 f 416 CHAPTER XVII. under the ninety-sixth article; and so of a nonperformance by a subordinate of any mere routine duty. The form of the order is immaterial, as is the method by which it is transmitted to the accused; but the communica- tion must amount to an order and the accused must know that it is from his superior officer; that is, a commissioned officer who is authorized to give the order whether he is su- perior in rank to the accused or not. PEOOF. (a) That the accused received a certain command from a certain officer as alleged. (b) That such officer was the accused's superior officer. (c) That the accused willfully disobeyed such command. 416. Sixty-fifth Article of War: Any soldier who strikes or assaults, or who attempts or threatens to strike or assault, or willfully disobeys the lawful order of a war- rant officer or a noncommissioned officer while in the execution of his office, or uses threatening or insulting language, or behaves in n insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer while in the execution of his ofiice, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. This article has the same general objects with respect to warrant officers and noncommissioned officers as the sixty- third and sixty-fourth articles have with respect to commis- sioned officers, namel} 7 , to insure obedience to their lawful orders, and to protect them from violence, insult, or dis- respect. The terms " wiHful disobedience," "lawful order," and " in the execution of his office " are used in the same sense as in the sixty- fourth article. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to enlisted men only. The article embraces offenses indicated by the following diagram : 356 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAK. 416 Any soldier who Strikes or Assaults or Attempts 1 rStrike or !to | or Threatens J [Assault or Willfully disobeys the lawful order of or (Threatening language Uses J or [insulting language or [Insubordinate manner Behaves in an < or [Disrespectful manner A warrant officer or a noncom- missioned officer while iu the execution of his office. ("Toward a war- rant officer or a noncommis- sioned officer while in the execution of his office. These offenses may be briefly treated under the following headings : I. Assaulting a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer, IL Disobeying a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer. III. Using threatening or insulting language or behaving in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer. i. ASSAULTING A warrant officer or a NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. For definition of the offense, see ninety-third article. (Di- vision XII, par. 443, infra.) The part of the article relating to assaults covers any unlawful violence against a warrant officer or a noncommis- sioned officer in the execution of his office, whether such vio- lence is merely threatened or is advanced in any degree tow- ard application. PROOF. (a) That the accused soldier struck a certain warrant officer or noncommissioned officer as alleged, with a certain 357 ^f 416 CHAPTER XVII. thing, or assaulted or attempted or threatened to strike or assault him in a certain manner, as alleged. (b) That such warrant officer or noncommissioned officer was at the time in the execution of his office, as alleged. ii. DISOBEYING A warrant officer or a NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. PBOOF. (a) That the accused soldier received a certain command from a certain warrant officer or noncommissioned officer, as alleged. (b) That the warrant officer or noncommissioned officer was in the execution of his office. (c) That the accused soldier willfully disobeyed such com- mand. III. USING THREATENING OR INSULTING LANGUAGE OR BEHAV- ING IN AN INSUBORDINATE OR DISRESPECTFUL MANNER TO- WARD A warrant officer or a NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. The phrase " while in the execution of his office " limits the application of this part of the article to language and be- havior within sight or hearing of the warrant officer or non- commissioned officer toward whom it is used; the word " toward " not being used in the same sense as in the sixty- third article of war. PKOOF. (a) That the accused used certain language or did or omitted to do certain acts under certain circumstances, or in a certain manner or with a certain intended meaning, as alleged. (b) That such language or behavior was used toward a certain warrant officer or noncommissioned officer. (c) That such warrant officer or noncommissioned officer was at the time in the execution of his office, as alleged. 358 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 417 417. Sixty-sixth Article of Wur: Any person subject to military law who attempts to create or wh begins, excites, causes, or joins in any mutiny or sedition in any company, party, post, camp, detachment, guard, or other command shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. Mutiny imports collective insubordination, and necessarily includes some combination of two or more persons in resisting lawful military authority. Sedition implies the raising of commotion or disturbance against the State ; it is a revolt against legitimate authority and differs from mutiny in that it implies a resistance to law- ful civil power. The concert of insubordination contemplated in mutiny or sedition need not be preconceived nor is it necessary that the act of insubordination be active or violent. It may consist simply in a persistent and concerted refusal or omission to obey orders or to do duty with an insubordinate intent. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. The article defines five offenses relating to mutiny and five relating to sedition. I. Attempting to create a mutiny (or sedition). II. Beginning a mutiny (or sedition). III. Joining in a mutiny (or sedition). IV. Exciting a mutiny (or sedition). V. Causing a mutiny (or sedition). I. ATTEMPTING TO CREATE A MUTINY GC SEDITION. An attempt to commit a crime is an act done with specific intent to commit the particular crime and proximately tend- ing to, but falling short of, its consummation. There must be an apparent possibility to commit the crime in the manner specified. Voluntary abandonment of purpose after an act constituting an attempt is not a defense. The intent which distinguishes mutiny or sedition is the intent to resist lawful authority in combination with others, 359 ^f 417 CHAPTER XYH, The intent to create a mutiny or sedition may be declared in words, or, as in all other cases, it may be inferred from acts done or from the surrounding circumstances. A single individual may harbor an intent to create a mutiny and may commit some overt act tending to create a mutiny or sedition and so be guilty of an attempt to create a mutiny or sedition, alike whether he was joined by others or not, or whether a mutiny or sedition actually followed or not. PROOF. (a) An act or acts of accused which approximately tended to create a certain intended (or actual) collective insubordi- nation. (&) A specific intent to create a certain intended (or actual) collective insubordination. (c) That the insubordination occurred or was intended to occur in a company, party, post, camp, detachment, guard, or other command in the Army of the United States. II-III. BEGINNING OR JOINING IN A MUTINY OR SEDITION. There can be no actual mutiny or sedition until there has been an overt act of insubordination joined in by two or more persons, and so no person can be guilty of beginning or joining in a mutiny unless an overt act of mutiny is proved. A person can not be guilty of beginning a mutiny unless he is the first, or among the first, to commit an overt act of mutiny; a person can not join in a mutiny without joining in some overt act. Hence presence of the accused at the scene of mutiny is necessary in these two cases. PROOF. (a) The occurrence of certain collective insubordination in a company, party, post, camp, detachment, or other com- mand in the Army of the United States. (5) That the accused began or joined in the certain collec- tive insubordination. 360 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 418 IV-V. CAUSING OK EXCITING A MUTINY OR SEDITION. As in II and III, supra, no person can be guilty of causing or exciting a mutiny unless an overt act of mutiny follows his efforts. But a person may excite or cause a mutiny with- out taking personal part in or being present at the demon- strations of mutiny which result from his activities. PROOF. (a) The occurrence of certain collective insubordination in a certain company, party, post, camp, detachment, or guard, or other command in the Army of the United States. (b) Acts of the accused tending to cause or excite the cer- tain collective insubordination. 418. Sixty-seventh Article of War: Any officer or soldier who, being present at any mutiny or sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or knowing or having reason to believe that a mutiny or sedition is to take place, does not without delay give information thereof to his commanding officer shall suiter death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See " Mutiny and Sedition," paragraph 417, supra. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies only to officers and soldiers. It does not apply to members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, field clerks Quartermaster Corps, or any other persons subject to military law, except officers and enlisted men. It defines two offenses relating to mutiny and two relating to sedition. I. Being present at a mutiny (or sedition), failing to use the utmost endeavor to suppress it. II. Having knowledge or reason to believe that a mutiny (or sedition) is to take place, failing to give information thereof to his commanding officer without delay. I. FAILURE TO SUPPRESS MUTINY ( OR SEDITION ) . Mere presence countenancing such collective insubordina- tions and disturbances as mutinies, riots, and seditions has been considered criminal for over a century. The article 361 ^ 418 CHAPTER XVII. goes a step further and requires of officers and soldiers their utmost endeavors to suppress such disorders. One is not present at a mutiny unless an act or acts of col- lective insubordination occur in his presence. Utmost endeavor is a relative term. The rule governing the lawful use of force to suppress crime or arrest wrong- doers is that as much force may be used as is reasonably neces- sary to accomplish the desired purpose, and no more. This article has been construed as authorizing and requiring the most extreme measures even to the using of a dangerous weapon and the taking of life where such extreme measures are reasonably necessary. But all the circumstances of neces- sity are to be considered. Means which in war and before the enemy would be not only justified but laudable, might, in time of peace, render the person employing them crim- inally and civilly liable for abuse of authority. PROOF. (a) The occurrence of an act or acts of collective insubor- dination in the presence of the accused. (b) Acts or omissions of the accused which constitute a failure to use his utmost endeavor to suppress such acts. II. FAILURE TO GIVE INFORMATION OF MUTINY (OR SEDITION.) Where circumstances known to the accused are such as would have caused a reasonable man in the same or similar circumstances to believe that a mutiny or sedition was im- pending, these circumstances will be sufficient to charge the accused with such reason to believe as will render him cul- pable under the article. It is not a necessary element of the crime that the im- pending mutiny or sedition materialize. " Delay " imports the lapse of an unreasonable time with- out action. The expression " commanding officer " here includes in its meaning any officer having a military command over the person who has knowledge or reason to believe that a mu- tiny or sedition is impending. 302 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. If 419 PEOOF. (a) That the accused knew that a mutiny or sedition was impending or that he knew of circumstances that would have induced, in a reasonable man, a belief that a mutiny or sedition was impending. (b) Acts or omissions of the accused which constitute a failure or unreasonable delay in informing his commanding officer of his knowledge or belief. NOTE. Similar acts or omissions by a member of the Army Nurse Corps, a warrant officer, an Army field clerk, a field clerk Quarter- master Corps, or any other person subject to military law, except a commissioned officer or an enlisted man, are chargeable under A. W. 96. 419. Sixty-eighth Article of War: All officers., members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Array field clerks, field clerks Quartermaster Corps, and noncommissioned offi- cers have power to part and quell all quarrels, frays, and dis- orders among? persons subject to military law and to order offi- cers who take part in the same into arrest, and other persons abject to military law who take part in the same into arrest or confinement, as circumstances may require, until their proper superior officer is acquainted therewith. And whosoever, being so ordered, refuses to obey such officer, nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or noncommissioned officer, or draws a weapon upon or otherwise threatens or does violence to him, shall he punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. A fray is a fight in a public place to the terror of the people, in which acts of violence occur or dangerous weapons are exhibited or threatened to be used. All persons aiding or abetting a fray are principals. The word " frays " is thus seen to be somewhat restrictive, but the words " quarrels " and " disorders " include any disturbance of a contentious character from a mere war of words to a rout or riot. To quell is to quiet, allay, abate, or put down. It is immaterial under the article whether the officer, mem- ber of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, noncommissioned officer or other person authorized by the article so to do who essays to part or quell quarrels, frays, and disorders is on a duty status or not, as it is immaterial whether the persons engaged in the disorder are superior to him in rank or not. 363 *y 419 CHAPTER XVII. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The punitive portion of the article applies to all persons subject to military law. It is designed to enforce the au- thority of officers and noncommisisoned officers, and the other persons so authorized in the article, to part arid quell certain disorders and to order the participants into confinement or arrest. The article defines four crimes : I. Refusal to obey an order of an officer, member of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, band leader, or noncommissioned officer placing the accused in arrest or confinement. II. Upon being ordered into arrest or confinement, draw- ing a weapon on the officer, member of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, band leader, or noncommissioned officer giving the order. III. Upon being ordered into arrest or confinement, threat- ening the officer, member of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, band leader, or noncommissioned officer giving the order. IV. Upon being ordered into arrest or confinement, doing violence to the officer, member of the Army Nurse Corps, war- rant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, band leader, or noncommissioned officer giving the order. I. DISOBEDIENCE OF ORDERS INTO ARREST OR CONFINEMENT. It should appear that the power conferred by the article was being exercised for the purpose stated, and therefore the charges and proof should refer to the order given during the disorder. It should be made to appear that the accused heard or understood the order and knew that the person giving it was an officer or noncommissioned officer, or other person thereunto authorized by the article. PROOF. (a) That the accused was a participant in a certain quarrel, fra} T , or disorder occurring among persons subject to mili- tary law. 364 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. *J 420 (l>) That, during, the disorder a certain officer, member of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army fie]4 clerk, field clerk Quartermaster Corps, band leader, or noncommissioned officer ordered the accused into arrest (if accused is an offi- cer) or into arrest or confinement (if accused is a person subject to military law other than an officer), with a view to quell or part the disorder. (c) That the accused refused to obey. II, III, IV. THREATENING, DRAWING A WEAPON UPON, OR OFFER- ING VIOLENCE TO, AN OFFICER, member of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officer, Army field clerk, field clerk Quarter- master Corps, band leader, OR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. The proof of the second, third, and fourth crimes -defined b v the article should follow in form and essentials the proof required under the first crime (disobedience of order inta arrest or confinement, supra), except that instead of proving a refusal to obey (clause "(c)", supra), drawing a weapon, making a threat, or doing violence must be proved as the consummation of the particular offense. The word threat as here used includes any menacing action, either by gesture or by words. SECTION IT. ARREST CONFINEMENT. 420. Sixty -ninth Article of War: Any person ul>ject to military law chargred with crime OP with a serious offense under these articles shall be placed in confinement or in arrest as circumstances may require; but when charged wttli a minor effene only such person shall not ordi- narily be placed in confinement. Any person placed in arrest under the provisions o this article shall thereby he restricted to his Imrraefcs, quarters, or- ten4, unless such limits shall fo enlarged by proyer authority. Aiy officer or cadet who brealts his arrest or who escapes from confinement, whether before or after trial or sentence and ?efore he I set at liber-ty Uy proper authority, shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment ;;s a court-martial may direct; and any other person subject to military Law who escapes from conituement or who bi-eaJks his arrest, whether before or after trial, or sentence and before he i set at liberty by proper authority, shall be punished as a court- martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The distinction between arrest and confinement lies in the difference between the kinds of restraint imposed. In arrest 3C5 If 420 CHAPTER XVII. the restraint is moral restraint imposed by the orders fixing the limits of'arrest, or by the terms of the article. Confine- ment imports some physical restraint. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to all persons subject to military law. The article defines two crimes : I. Breach of arrest. II. Escape from confinement. I. BREACH OF ARREST. The offense is committed when the person restrained in- fringes the limits set by orders, or. by the sixty-ninth article of war, and the intention or motive that actuated him is im- material to the issue of guilt, though, of course, proof of in- advertence or bona fide mistake is admissible to guide the court in assessing punishment. The unlawfulness of the arrest is a valid defense, but innocence of the accusation upon which the arrest is imposed is entirely irrelevant. PEOOF. (a) That the accused was duly placed in arrest. (5) That before he was set at liberty by proper authority, whether before or after trial or sentence, he transgressed the limits fixed by the sixty-ninth article of war or by the orders of proper authority. II. ESCAPE FROM CONFINEMENT. An escape may be either with or without force or artifice, and either with or without the consent of the custodian. Any completed casting off of the restraint of confinement, before being set at liberty by proper authority, is an escape from confinement, and a lack of effectiveness of the physical re- straint imposed is immaterial to the issue of guilt. It seems, however, that an escape is not complete until the prisoner has, momentarily at least, freed himself from the restraint of his confinement, so, if the movement toward escape is opposed, or before it is completed an immediate pursuit ensues, there will be no escape until opposition is overcome, or pursuit is 3G6 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^[ 42 Oj shaken off. In cases where the escape is not completed the offense should be charged as an attempt under the ninety- sixth article of war. PBOOF. (a) That the accused was placed in confinement. (b) That he freed himself from the restraint of his confine- ment before he had been set at liberty by proper authority, whether before or after trial or sentence. 420. Seventieth Article of War: Charges and specification* must be signed by a person subject to military law, and under oath either that he has personal knowledge of, or has investigated, the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief. No charge will be referred for trial until after a thorough and impartial investigation thereof shall have been mad*. This investi- gation will include inquiries as to the truth of the matter set forth in said charges, form of charges, and what disposition of the case should be made in the interest of justice and discipline. At such investigation full opportunity shall be given to the accused to cross- examine witnesses against him if they are available and to present anything he may desire in his own behalf, either in defense or miti- gation, and the investigating officer shall examine available wit- nesses requested by the accused. If the charges are forwarded after such investigation, they shall be accompanied by a statement of the substance of the testimony taken on both sides. Before directing the trial of any charge by general court-martial the appointing authority will refer it to his staff judge advocate for consideration and advice. When any person subject to military law is placed in arrest or con- finement immediate steps Trill be taken to try the person accused or to dismiss the charge and release him. Any officer who is responsi- ble for unnecessary delay in investigating or carrying the case to a final conclusion shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. When a person is held for trial by general court-martial the com- manding officer will, within eight days after the accused is arrested or confined, if practicable, forward the charges to the officer exercis- ing general court-martial jurisdiction and furnish the accused a copy of such charges. If the same be not practicable, he will report to superior authority the reasons for delay. The trial judge advo- cate -will cause to be served upon the accused a copy of the charges upon which trial is to be had, and a failure so to serve such charges will be ground for a continuance unless the trial be had on the charges furnished the accused as hereinbefore provided. In time of pence no person shall, against his objection, be brought to trial be- fore a general court-martial within a period of five days subsequent to the service of charges upon him. Definitions and Principles. As to distinction between " arrest " and " confinement " see the preceding article. 21358 20 24 367 ^f 42 Oi CHAPTEE XVII. The punitive clause of this article, above quoted, has no ap- plication, except in cases where the accused is placed either in arrest or confinement. But in cases where the accused is not arrested or confined,- an officer responsible for unnecessary and unusual delay, either in investigating the charges or in carrying the case to a final conclusion, may be charged with neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline under the ninety-sixth article of war. The purpose of the provision above quoted, which was in- troduced into the seventieth article of war by the code of 1920. is to insure expedition in disposing of charges, and the punish- ment of officers responsible for unnecessary delay in connection therewith. Analysis and Proof. The article applies only to officers. The article defines two offenses: I. Unnecessary delay in investigating charges against an accused in arrest or confinement. II. Unnecessary delay in carrying a case to a final conclusion where an accused is placed in arrest or confinement. I. Unnecessary Delay in Investigating Charges Against an Accused in Arrest or Confinement. PROOF. (a) That the accused is an officer. (b) That, as alleged in the specification, the accused was, as such officer, charged with the duty of makiag or directing, or assisting in, or some other duty in connection with, the investi- gation of charges against an accused who was at the time in arrest or in confinement, as the case may be. (c) That in such investigation there was unnecessary delay, as alleged in the specification. (d) Facts and circumstances indicating that the accused was responsible for such unnecessary delay, as alleged in the specifi- cation. 80S PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR, ^ 421 II. Unnecessary Belay in Carrying a Case to a Final Conclusion Where an Accused Is Placed in Arrest or Confinement. PROOF. (a) That the accused is an officer. (b) That the accused, as such officer, was charged with a certain duty, as alleged in the specification, in connection with the case of an accused person who was placed either in arrest or in confinement. (c) That a certain unnecessary delay, as alleged in the specifi- cation, occurred in carrying the case of such accused to a final conclusion. (d) Facts and circumstances indicating that the accused was responsible for such unnecessary delay. 421. Seventy --first Article of War: No provost marshal or commander of a gruard shall refuse to re- ceive or keep any prisoner committed to his ehnrgc by an officer be- longing to the forces of the United States, provided the officer com- mittiiu; shall, at the time, deliver an account in writing, signed by himself, of the crime or offense charged ugrainst the prisoner. Any officer or soldier so refusing shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The words " commander of a guard " include a commander of any rank or grade, and hence a noncommissioned officer or private. The term " any prisoner " includes civil as well as military prisoners who are committed according to the terms of the article. A provost marshal or commander of a guard may receive a prisoner without an account of the charge against him or other due formality of commitment, but he must receive the prisoner where the required account in writ- ing accompanies the commitment. A mere name or description of the offense charged in com- mon parlance when written and signed by the committing officer is a sufficient " account in writing." ^f 422 CHAPTER xvn. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to officers and soldiers. The article defines one crime : I. REFUSING TO RECEIVE OR KEEP A PRISONER COMMITTED WITH A WRITTEN ACCOUNT OF THE OFFENSE CHARGED AGAINST HIM SIGNED BY THE OFFICER COMMITTING THE PRISONER. PEOOF. (a) That the accused was a provost marshal or com- mander of a guard in the military forces of the United States. (6) That a certain prisoner was committed to his charge by a certain officer belonging to the forces of the United States. (c) That at the time of commitment the committing officer delivered to the accused a written account of the crime or offense charged against the prisoner, which account was signed by the committing officer. (d) That the accused refused to receive or keep the pris- oner. 422. Seventy-second Article of War: Kvery commander of a guard to whose charge a prisoner is com- mitted shall, within twenty-four hours after such confinement, or as soon as he is relieved from his guard, report in writing- to the commanding officer the name of such prisoner, the offense charged against him, and the name of the officer committing him; and if he fails to make sucli report, he shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The term " commander of a guard " includes commanders of any rank or grade. The term " prisoner " includes civilian as well as military prisoners. The term " commanding officer " imports the commander to whom the guard report is properly made. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to all persons subject to military law. It defines one offense: 370 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 423 I. FAILURE TO RENDER A REPORT AS PRESCRIBED. PEOOF. (a) That the accused was commander of a certain guard in the military forces of the United States. (I) That a prisoner was committed to his charge. (c) That the accused 1. Failed to make any report at all, or, 2. That the report rendered was not in writing, or, 3. That no report was rendered within 24 hours after con- finement, or as soon as accused was relieved from his guard, or. 4. That the report failed to set forth one or more of the particulars prescribed. 423. Seventy -third Article of War: Any person subject to military law who, without proper authority, releases any prisoner duly committed to his charge, or who through neglect or design suffers any prisoner so committed to escape, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The article describes three long-recognized common-law crimes. It looks to the punishment of any person who is respon- sible for the unauthorized release or escape of a prisoner duly committed to his charge, and hence any member of a guard, party, escort, and convoy, or any person subject to military law to whose charge a prisoner is committed may be guilty of an offense under this article. Where a prisoner is committed to the commander of a guard, party, escort, or convoy, and is released by, or escapes from, a subordinate or subordinates to whom the commander has duly delegated custody of the prisoner, or to whom that custody duly falls as an incident of duty, ;ill will be re- sponsible under this article, except those who can show that the escape or release occurred under circumstances against which they could not reasonably guard. 371 ^f 423 CHAPTER XVII. The words "any prisoner" import both military and civilian prisoners. A person may receive a prisoner in his capacity as com- mander or member of a guard, or he may be burdened with such a responsibility as a personal trust. In the former case, the lowest authority competent to release the prisoner is the chief of the command of the guard by which the pris- oner is held. In the latter case, the authority who has im- posed the trust, and who was competent to do so, is the lowest " proper authority " to order a release. While a commander of the guard must receive a prisoner properly committed by any officer, the power of the commit- ting officer ceases as soon as he has committed the prisoner, and he is not a " proper authority " to order a release. An officer is not responsible under this article unless the prisoner was duly committed, but, as was pointed out in the discussion of the seventy-first article, an officer may receive a prisoner not committed in strict compliance with the terms of that article or other law, and if, having so received a prisoner, he releases such prisoner, or suffers him to escape, he may be held to answer, under the ninety-sixth article, for any dereliction of duty that may be predicated on his conduct in the case. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. The article defines three crimes: I. Releasing a prisoner without proper authority. II. Suffering a prisoner to escape through neglect. III. Suffering a prisoner to escape through design. I. RELEASING A PRISONER WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORITY. A release imports a removal of restraint from the prisoner in which the custodian is the sole actor, and in which the pris- oner takes no initiative. PROOF. (a) That a certain prisoner was duly committed to the charge of the accused. (fr) That the accused released him without proper au- thority. 372 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. *[f 423 II. SUFFERING A PRISONER TO ESCAPE THROUGH NEGLECT. The word " neglect " is here used in the sense of the word " negligence," Negligence is a relative term. It is denned in law as the absence of due care. The legal standard of care is that which would have been taken by a reasonably prudent man in the same or similar circumstances. This test looks to the stand- ard required of persons acting in the capacity in which the accused was acting. Thus, if the accused is an officer, the test will be, "How would a reasonably prudent officer have acted?" If the circumstances were such as would have indi- cated to a reasonably prudent officer that a very high order of care was required to prevent escape, then the accused must be held to a very high order of care. The test is thus elastic, logical, and just. A prisoner can not be said to have escaped until he has overcome the opposition that restrained him and shaken off immediate pursuit. Once he has done these things, the fact that he returns, is taken in a fresh pursuit, is killed, or dies, will not relieve the person accused of guilt under this article. PROOF. (a) That a, certain prisoner was duly committed to the charge of the accused. (ft) That the prisoner escaped. (c) That the accused did not take such care to prevent escape as a reasonably prudent person, acting in the capacity in which the accused was acting, would have taken in the same or similar circumstances. (This constitutes neglect.) (d] That the escape was the proximate result of the neg- lect of the accused. Til. SUFFERING A PRISONER TO ESCAPE THROUGH DESIGN. In law a wrongful act is designed when it is intended or when it results from conduct so shockingly and grossly de- void of care as to leave room for no inference but that the act was contemplated as an extremely probable result of the course of conduct followed. Thus, on a charge of suffering a prisoner to escape through design, evidence of gross negli- gence may be received as probative of design. 373 ^ 424 CHAPTER XVII. It sometimes happens that a prisoner has been permitted larger limits than should have been allowed, and an escape is consummated without hindrance. It does not at all follow that such an escape is to be considered as designed. The con- duct of the responsible custodian is to be examined in the light of all the circumstances of the case, the heinousness of the crime with which the prisoner is charged, the notoriety of the prisoner's guilt, the probability of his return, and the intention and motives of the custodian. PROOF. (a) That a certain prisoner was duly committed to the charge of the accused. (5) That the prisoner escaped. (c) 1. Acts of the accused tending to permit escape. 2. Acts of the accused probative of a design to suffer the escape. (d) That as a result of these acts and of this design the prisoner escaped. 424. Seventy- fourth Article of War: When any person subject to military law, except one -who is held by the military authorities to answer, or who is awaiting trial or result of trial, or who is undergoing sentence for a crime or offense punishable under these articles, is accused of a crime or offense com- mitted within the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia, and punishable by the laws of the land, the commanding officer is required, except in time of war, upon applica- tion duly made, to use his utmost endeavor to deliver over such accused person to the civil authorities, or to aid the officers of justice in apprehending and securing him, in order that he may be brought to trial. Any commanding officer who upon such applica- tion refuses or willfully neglects, except in time of war, to deliver over such accused person to the civil authorities or to aid the oflicers of justice in apprehending and securing him shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial ma) direct. "When, under the provisions of this article, delivery is made to the civil authorities of an offender undergoing sentence of . court- martial, such delivery, if followed by conviction, shall be held to interrupt the execution of the sentence of the court-martial, and the offender shall be returned to military custody, after having an- swered to the civil authorities for his offense, for the completion of the said court-martial sentence. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. I. REFUSING TO DELIVER ACCUSED PERSONS. The words "commanding officer," as here used, import the officer who is chief of the complete integral place, body 374 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. If 424 of troops, or detachment, wherein the person accused is serving at the time application is duly made. The words " upon application duly made " prescribe a condition prece- dent to responsibility. They are inserted to prevent the possibility of false arrests, and to enable the commanding officer to satisfy himself of the true official character of him who makes the application, of the subsistence of an actual accusation against the person sought, and of the locus of the charged crime or offense. The commanding officer should require that the applica- tion show that the crime or offense is alleged to have been committed within the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia. A sufficient form of application will be a written communication setting forth the fact of such an accusation of a crime or offense com- mitted within the prescribed limits as would subject the accused person to arrest by the civil authorities for the pur- poses of trial, or that a warrant for such arrest has issued, and a request that the commanding officer deliver the per- son accused to the civil authorities or assist them in ap- prehending or securing him. When the military jurisdic- tion has actively attached in any of the ways prescribed in the article, the commanding officer may, but he is not required to, make the prescribed delivery. II. REFUSING TO AID IN APPREHENDING ACCUSED PERSONS. The commanding officer is required not only to deliver the person accused but to aid in apprehending and securing him. The article therefore contemplates cases where, after apprehension by either the military or civil authorities, an application is duly made to a commanding officer for his assistance in securing a person subject to military law and accused of crime. " Utmost endeavor " is to be understood in a reasonable sense with reference to the circumstances of the particular case. Thus, if the accused is not within military control, as where he is absent as a deserter, nothing more can be required of a commander than to furnish civil authority 375 ^f 424 CHAPTER xvn. such information of his whereabouts and the prospect of his return as may be available. While commanding officers are enjoined to use their ut- most endeavor in carrying out the provisions of this law, a mere inadvertent neglect to take some necessary step toward delivery, apprehension, or securing of the person accused will not constitute an offense under this article, which con- templates only refusals and willful neglects to act. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The punitive portion of the article applies only to officers, but the obligation to deliver or assist in apprehending and securing rests on all persons subject to military law. The article defines two offenses : I. Refusing or willfully neglecting to deliver an accused person. II. Refusing or willfully neglecting to aid in apprehend- ing and securing an accused person. The essentials of proof are similar in both cases. PEOOF, (a) That the accused was the commanding officer of a certain integral place, body of troops, or detachment. (b) That a certain person subject to military law under his command stood accused of a certain crime or offense, commit- ted within the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia. (c) That application was duly made to the accused offi- cer by a person in proper civil authority 1. To deliver the accused person to the civil authori- ties ; or 2. To aid the officers of justice in apprehending and securing, or either, the accused person. (d) Acts or omissions of the accused officer which consti- tute a refusal or a willful neglect to deliver the accused per- son or to aid in apprehending or securing him. 870 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^ 425 SECTION V. WAR OFFENSES. 425. Seventy --fifth Article of War: Any officer or soldier who, before the enemy, misbehaves himself, runs away, or shamefully abandons or delivers up or by any mis- conduct, disobedience, er neglect endangers the safety of any fort, post, camp, guard, or other command which it is his duty to defend, or speaks words inducing others to do the like, or casts away his arms or ammunition, or quits his post or colors to plunder or pillage, or by any means whatsoever occasions false alarms in camp, garrison, or quarters, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. Misbehavior is by no means confined to acts of cowardice. It is a general term, and as here used it renders culpable under the article any conduct by an officer or soldier not con- formable to the standard of behavior before the enemy set by the history of our arms. Running away is but a particu- lar form of misbehavior specifically made punishable by this article. " The enemy " imports any hostile body that our forces may be opposing and well includes a rebellious mob, a band of renegades, or a tribe of Indians. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies only to officers and soldiers. It defines eight offenses : I. Misbehavior before the enemy. II. Running away before the enemy. III. Shamefully abandoning or delivering up any com- mand. IV. Endangering the safety of any command by any (1) misconduct, (2) disobedience, or (3) neglect. V. Speaking words inducing others to so misbehave, run away, or abandon or deliver up or endanger the safety of any command. VI. Casting away arms or ammunition. VII. Quitting post or colors to plunder or pillage. VIII. Occasioning false alarms. 377 ^ 425 CHAPTER XVII. I. MISBEHAVIOR BEFORE THE ENEMY. Under this clause may be charged any act of treason, cow- ardice, insubordination, or other unsoldierly conduct com- mitted in the presence of the enemy. PROOF. (a) That the accused was serving in the presence of an enemy. (b) Acts or omissions of the accused not conformable to the standard of soldierly conduct set by the history of our arms. II. RUNNING AWAT BEFORE THE ENEMY. (a) That the accused was serving in the presence of an enemy. (5) That he misbehaved himself by running away. III. SHAMEFULLY ABANDONING OR DELIVERING UP ANY COMMAND. While the word " abandon " is broad enough to include a case in which a soldier or a subordinate officer leaves a fort, post, guard, or command which it is his duty to defend, it is probable that this clause of the article looks only to offenses by the commanding officers of such commands, and that abandonment by a subordinate should be charged as misbe- havior or running away. The words " deliver up " are synonymous with the word " surrender." The surrender or abandonment of a command by an officer charged with its defense can only be justified by the utmost necessity and extremity, such as the exhaustion of provisions or water, the absence of hope of relief, and the certainty or extreme probability that no further effort could prevent the place, with its garrison, their arms, and magazines, from presently falling into the hands of the enemy. Unless such absolute necessity is shown, the conclusion must be that the surrender or abandonment was shameful within the mean- ing of this article. An officer's duty to defend may be imposed by orders or by the circumstances in which he finds himself at a particular 878 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 425 stage of operations; but an officer will find less justification in abandoning a post that he has been ordered to defend than in abandoning one that he has decided to defend. He will have less justification in delivering up a post than in abandon- ing it, and in delivering up a post that he has been ordered to defend he will have no justification at all except such as can be found in proof that no further resistance was possible. PEOOF. (a) That the accused was charged by orders or by circum- stances with a duty to defend a certain fort, post, camp, guard, or other command. (b) That without justification he abandoned it or surren- dered it. IV. Endangering the Safety of Any Command by Any (1) Misconduct, (2) Disobedience, or (3) Neglect. " Misconduct," like misbehavior, implies a wrongful inten- tion, and not a mere error of judgment. It means in general " a transgression of some established and definite rule of action, where no discretion is left, except what necessity may de- mand " ; whereas on the other hand carelessness and negligence and unskillfullness are transgressions of some established, but indefinite rule of action where some discretion is necessarily left to the actor. " Misconduct " is a violation of definite law ; " care- lessness a forbidden quality of an act and is necessarily in- definite." (Vol. 5, " Words and Phrases," p. 4531.) As to " disobedience," see Subparagraph II, paragraph 415, supra, under A. W. 64. PROOF. Facts and circumstances showing that the accused endangered the safety of a certain command, as alleged, by certain (1) mis- conduct, (2) disobedience, or (3) neglect, as alleged (as the case may be). V. SPEAKING WORDS INDUCING OTHERS TO MISBEHAVE, RUN AWAY, OR ABANDON OR DELIVER UP or endanger the safety of ANY COMMAND. The words "to do the like" refer to the offenses of mis- behavior and running away, as well as to abandoning or delivering up or endangering the safety of a command. 379 ^f 425 CHAPTER XVII. The inducement contemplated is verbal only, but it may include any argument, persuasion, threat, language of dis- couragement or alarm, or false or incorrect statement which may avail to bring about an unnecessary surrender, retreat, or any misbehavior, or endanger the safety of the command, before the enemy. The offense will not be complete, hovv T - ever, unless the words spoken do induce some person other than tfie accused to misbehave, run away, or abandon or surrender, or by some misconduct, disobedience, or neglect endanger the safety of, a command. It is to be noted, how- ever, that speaking words whose natural tendency is to in- duce others to do any of these things may in itself constitute misbehavior of the speaker within the meaning of the article, although the words spoken induce no misconduct on the part of others. PROOF. (a) That some person other than the accused misbehaved in the presence of the enemy or ran away or abandoned or delivered up, or by some misconduct, disobedience, or neglect endangered the safety of, any command which it was his duty to defend. (b) Words spoken by the accused which induced such action. VI. CASTING AWAY ARMS OR AMMUNITION. PBOOF. (a) That the accused cast away certain arms or ammuni- tion as specified. VII. QUITTING POST OR COLORS TO PLUNDER Olt PILLAGE. The word " post " includes any place of duty, whether per- manently or temporarily fixed. The term " colors " was used to include cases where the offender's organization is moving, but the words " quits his post," as here used, import any un- authorized leaving of that place where the accused should be. In proving this crime an intent to pillage or plunder must be shown. The words " to pillage or plunder " may be prop- erly paraphrased " to seize and appropriate public or pri- vate property." The offense is no less committed, though 3SO PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 425 the quitting is by quasi authority, as where soldiers quit the place where they should be to go forth and maraud in com- pany with an officer or noncommissioned officer. The act is complete when the accused has left his post with the described intent, although he may never have consum- mated his design. (a) That the accused left his post of duty. (6) That the intention of the accused in leaving was to seize and appropriate private or public property. VIH. OCCASIONING FALSE ALARMS. The article is intended as well to guard the repose and tranquillity of troops as to avoid the ill effect or morale which must" inevitably follow needless excursions and alarms. The article contemplates the spreading of false and disturb- ing rumors and reports as well as the needless giving of such alarm signals as the beating of drums and the blowing of trumpets. The intent is immaterial. If the alarm was given, and it appears that there was no material cause or occasion which should reasonably justify a general alarm, the offense is com- plete. PROOF. (a) That an alarm was occasioned in a certain camp, gar- rison, or quarters. (&) Conduct of the accused which occasioned the alarm. (c) That there was no reasonable or sufficient justification in fact for occasioning the alarm. NOTE. " Officer or Soldier." No one except a commissioned officer or an enlisted man can be tried under the seventy-fifth article of war. Any other person subject to military law, such as a member of the Army Nurse Corps, a warrant officer, an Army field clerk, or a field clerk Quartermaster Corps, can not be charged under this article, but for the offenses denounced in this article may be tried under the ninety-sixth article of war, under which, however, the death penalty can not be inflicted. 381 f 426 CHAPTER XVII. 426. Seventy-sixth Article of War: Any person subject to military lavr who compels or attempts to compel any commander of any garrison, fort, post, camp, guard, or other command, to give it up to the enemy or to abandon it shall be punishable with death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. When the surrender or abandonment of a command is induced or attempted to be brought about by words spoken, the offense should be charged under the seventy-fifth article. Where the surrender or abandonment is compelled or at- tempted to be compelled by acts rather than words, the charge should be laid under the present article. The offenses here contemplated are very like that of a mutiny which results in the surrender or abandonment of any command, or like an attempt to mutiny, but, unlike mutiny, no concert of action is an essential element of these offenses. The offense of compelling the giving up or abandon- ment of the garrison, etc., is not complete until the command is abandoned or given up to the enemy. The offense of at- tempting to compel any commander of any garrison, etc., to give it up to the enemy or to abandon it does not require an actual abandonment or giving up of the garrison, etc., to the enemy; but there must be some act done with this purpose in view, but which falls short of an actual accomplishment of the purpose. See paragraph 425 for meaning of abandon; to " give up " is to be interpreted as meaning the same as " de- livers up " in paragraph 425. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. The article defines two crimes. I. COMPELLING COMMANDER TO SURRENDER. (a) That a certain commander has abandoned his com- mand or given it up to the enemy. (5) Acts or omissions of the accused that compelled the commander to abandon his command or give it up to the enemy. 882 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 427 II. Attempting- to Compel Commander to Surrender. TROOP. (a) That a certain commander was in command of a garrison, fort, post, camp, guard, or other command. (b) Acts or omissions of the accused done or omitted with the intent or purpose of compelling such commander to abandon it or give it up to the enemy. 427. Seventy -seventh Article of War: Any person subject to military law who makes known the parole or countersign to any person not entitled to receive it according to the rnles and discipline of war, or gives a parole or countersign different from that which he received, shn.ll, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. A countersign is a word given from the principal head- quarters of a command to aid guards and sentinels in their scrutiny of persons who apply to pass the lines. A parole is a word used as a check on the countersign. It is imparted only to those who are entitled to inspect guards and to commanders of guards. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. It defines two offenses : I. Making known the parole or countersign. II. Giving a parole or countersign different from that re- ceived. I. MAKING KNOWN THE PAROLE OR COUNTERSIGN. The class of persons entitled to receive the countersign will expand and contract under the varying circumstances of war. Who these-persons are will be determined largely, in any par- ticular case, by the general or special orders under which the accused was acting. It is no defense under the terms of this law that the accused did not know that the person to whom he communicated the countersign or parole was not entitled to receive it. Before imparting such a word it behooves a person subject to military law to determine at his peril that 21358 20 25 383 CHAPTER XVII. the person to whom he presumes to make known the word is a person authorized to receive it. The intent or motive that actuated the accused is imma- terial to the issue of guilt, as would also be the circumstance that the imparting was negligent or inadvertent. It is like- wise immaterial whether the accused had himself received the password in the regular course of duty or whether he obtained it in some other way. PROOF. (a) That the accused made known the countersign or parole to a certain person, known or unknown. ( b ) That the person was not entitled to receive it. II. GIVING A PAROLE OR COUNTERSIGN DIFFERENT FROM THAT RECEIVED. The intent or motive that actuated the accused is imma- terial to the issue of guilt. PROOF, (a) That the accused received a certain countersign or parole. (b) That he gave a parole or countersign different from that which he received. 428. Seventy -eighth Article of War: Any person subject to military law who, In time of war, forces a *afernarl ahull suffer death, or anch other puiiiMliment an a conrt-mnrtinl may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. A safeguard is a detachment, guard, or detail posted by a commander for the purpose of protecting some person or per- sons, place, or property. The term also imports a written order left by a commander with an enemy subject or posted upon enemy property for the protection of the individual or property concerned. Any trespass on the protection of the safeguard will con- stitute an offense under the article, provided that the accused was aware of the existence of the safeguard. PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 429 ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to all persons subject to military law. It defines one offense: I. FORCING A SAFEGUARD. PROOF. (a) That a safeguard had been issued or posted for the protection of a certain person or persons, place, or property. (7)) That, with knowledge of the safeguard, or under cir- cumstances that charged him with notice of the safeguard, the accused trespassed upon its protection. 429. Seventy-ninth Article of War: All pnbllc property taken from the enemy la the property of the United' States and shall be secured for the service of the United Stntes, and any person subject to military law who neg- lects to seenre such property or is guilty of wrongful appropria- tion thereof shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES, Immediately upon its capture from the enemy public prop- erty becomes the property of the United States. Neither the individual who takes it nor any other person has any private right in such property. On the contrary, every person subject to military law has an immediate duty to take such steps as are within his powers and functions to secure such property to the service of the United States. and to protect it from destruction or loss. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to all persons subject to military law. (See A. W. 2.) It defines two offenses: I. Neglecting to secure captured public property. II. Wrongful appropriation of captured public property. I. NEGLECTING TO SECURE CAPTURED PUBLIC PROPERTY. The neglect will consist in a failure to take such steps as a reasonably prudent man acting in the capacity in which ac- 385 If 430 CHAPTER XVII. cused was acting would have taken in the same or similar circumstances to secure the property in question to the service of the United States. PROOF. (a) That certain public property was captured from the enemy. (b) That the functions of the accused vested him with a certain power and imposed on him a certain duty to secure such property to the service of the United States. (c) Acts or omissions of the accused which evidence a failure to take such steps to secure the property to the serv- ice of the United States as would have been taken by a rea- sonably prudent person acting in the capacity in which the accused was acting and in the same or similar circumstances. II. WRONGFUL APPROPRIATION OF CAPTURED PUBLIC PROPERTY. Any unauthorized and unjustified act in disposition of property which is inconsistent with the true owner's right of complete dominion over it is a wrongful appropriation of it. A wrongful appropriation is distinguished from a neglect in that it presumes some act, while a neglect may consist solely in an omission. PROOF. (a) That certain public property was captured from the enemy. ( ~b ) Acts of the accused in disposition of the captured public property, inconsistent with the United States right of com- plete dominion over that property. 430. Eightieth Article of War: Any person subject to military law who buys, sells, trades, or in any way deals in or disposes of captnred or abandoned prop- erty, whereby he shall receive or expect any profit, benefit, or advantage to himself or to any other person directly or indi- rectly connected with himself, or who fails whenever such property comes into his possession or custody or within his con- trol to R-ive notice thereof to the proper authority and to turn over such property to the proper authority without delay, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine or imprisonment, or by such other punishment as a court-martial, military commis- sion, or other military tribunal may adjudge, or by any or all of said penalties. PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 430 DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. This article is broader than the preceding one in the fol- lowing particulars: It protects abandoned as well as cap- tured property, and private as well as public captured or abandoned property. Unless the captured or abandoned property is private, or unless the acts charged fall within the descriptions of this article, the offense should be charged under article 79, supra. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to all persons subject to military law. (See A. W. 2.) It defines a number of offenses which may be treated as follows : I. Any dealing in or disposition of captured or abandoned property whereby the accused receives or expects to receive an advantage. II. Failure or delay in reporting the receipt of and in turn- ing over to proper authority captured or abandoned prop- erty. I. DEALING IN CAPTURED OR ABANDONED PROPERTY. This portion of the article addresses itself to several spe- cific acts of wrongful dealings and looks especially to cases where, instead of appropriating the property to his own use in kind, the accused in any other way deals with it to ad- vantage. The article prohibits receipt as well as disposition of captured or abandoned property by barter, gift, pledge, lease, or loan. It lies against the destruction or abandon- ment of such property if any of these acts are done in the re- ceipt or expectation of profit, benefit, or advantage to the actor or to any other person directly or indirectly connected with himself. The expectation of profit need not be founded on contract ; it is enough if the prohibited act be done for the purpose, or in the hope, of benefit or advantage, pecuniary or otherwise. PROOF. (a) That the accused has disposed of, dealt in, received, etc., certain public or private captured or abandoned prop- erty. 387 If 431 CHAPTER XVIL (b) That by so doing the accused received or expected some profit or advantage to himself or to a certain person connected in a certain manner with himself. II. FAILURE OR DELAY IN REPORTING THE RECEIPT OF CAPTURED OR ABANDONED PROPERTY, Proper authority is any authority competent to order the disposition of the property in question, and the required re- port should be direct or through such channels as the cus- toms and rules of the service prescribe. PROOF. (a) That certain captured or abandoned property came into the possession, custody, or control of the accused. (b) Acts or omissions of the accused which evidence his failure in reporting the receipt of, and in turning over with- out delay, such property to proper authority. 431. Eighty-first Article of War: Whosoever relieves or attempts to relieve the enemy with nrniM, ammunition, supplies, money, or other thing, or knowingly harbors or protects or holds correspondence with or gives intel- ligence to the enemy, either directly or indirectly, shall suffer death or such other punishment us a. court-martial or military commission may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. " Enemy " imports enemy citizens as well as soldiers and does not restrict itself to the enemy government or its army. All the citizens of one belligerent are enemies of the Gov- ernment and of all the citizens of the other. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article describes, in nearly every phrase, an overt act of treason. The word whosoever, as it is here used, sub- jects to the jurisdiction of courts-martial and military com- missions all persons, either military or civil, who, in the the- ater of operations and during the continuance of war, traffic with the enemy in any of the ways herein denounced. PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. <|j 431 The article defines five offenses: I. Relieving the enemy. II. Attempting to relieve the enemy. III. Harboring or protecting the enemy. IV. Holding correspondence with the enemy. V. Giving intelligence to the enemy. I. BELIEVING THE ENEMY. " Relieves," in the sense here used, is substantially equiva- lent to furnishes or supplies. It is immaterial whether the articles furnished are needed by the enemy or whether the transaction is a donation or sale. Knowledge or intent is not an essential in proof of this offense. PROGS'. (a) That the accused either directly or indirectly fur- nished the enemy with a certain article or articles. EL Attempting to Believe the EjLemy. As to the meaning of " attempting " see paragraph 426, supra, under A. W. 76. PROOF. That the accused committed some act done with the purpose in view of either directly or indirectly furnishing the enemy with a certain article or articles, whether or not the articles actually reached the enemy. III. HARBORING OR PROTECTING THE ENEMY. An enemy is harbored or protected when he is shielded either physically or by use of any artifice, aid, or representation from any injury or misfortune which in the chance of war may befall him. It must appear that the offense is know- ingly committed. But, as in all other cases where knowledge must be proved, circumstances sufficient to put a reasonable man on notice will be sufficient to charge the accused with notice. ^[ 431 CHAPTER XVII. PROOF. (a) That the accused harbored or protected a certain person. (b) That the person so protected was an enemy, and that the accused had notice or is chargeable with notice of this fact. IV. HOLDING CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE ENEMY. Correspondence does not necessarily import a mutual ex- change of communication. The rule requires absolute non- intercourse, and any communication, no matter what may be its tenor or intent, is here denounced. The prohibition lies against any method of communication whatsoever, from the winking of an eye to the sending of script, and the offense is complete the moment the communication emanates from the accused whether it reaches its destination or not. The words " directly or indirectly " are construed as applying to this offense, and they include within the prohibition com- munications printed in newspapers and intended for the enemy and communications conveyed to the enemy through friendly or neutral hands. It is essential to prove that the offense was knowingly committed. Citizens of neutral powers resident in or visiting invaded or occupied territory can claim no immunity from the cus- tomary laws of war which threaten punishment for communi- cation with the enemy. The offense of communicating with the enemy when committed by a resident of occupied terri- tory constitutes war treason and is properly charged under this article. PBOOP. (a) That the accused uttered a certain communication. (&) That the communication was intended for a certain person, and that the accused had notice or is chargeable with notice that this person was an enemy. V. GIVING INTELLIGENCE TO THE ENEMY. This is a particular case of corresponding with the enemy, rendered more heinous by the fact that the communication 390 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 432 contains intelligence that may be useful to the enemy for any of the multifarious reasons that make information valuable to belligerents. As in the preceding case, knowledge must be proved, and it is immaterial to the issue of guilt whether the intelligence was conveyed by direct or indirect means. The word " intelligence " imports that the information conveyed is true, at least in part. (a) That the accused knowingly conveyed to the enemy certain information. (b) That the information was true, at least in part. 432. Eighty -second Article of War: Any person who in time of war shall be found lurking or acting as a spy in or about any of the fortifications, posts, quarters, or en- camyments of any of the armies of the United States, or elsewhere* shall be tried by a general court-martial or by a military commis- sion, and shall, on conviction thereof, suffer death. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See below. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The words " any person " bring within the jurisdiction of courts-martial and military commissions all persons of what- ever nationality or civil status who may be accused of the offense denounced by the article. The article defines one crime being a spy. I. BEING A SPY. The principal characteristic of this offense is a clandestine dissimulation of the true object sought, which object is an endeavor to obtain information with the intention of com- municating it to the hostile party. Thus, soldiers not wearing disguise, dispatch riders, whether soldiers or civilians, and persons in aircraft who carry out their missions openly and who have penetrated hostile lines are not to be considered spies, for the reason that, while they may have resorted to concealment, they have prac- ticed no dissimulation. 391 *J 433 CHAPTER xvn. It is necessary to prove an intent to communicate informa- tion to the hostile party. This intent will very readily be presumed on proof of a deceptive insinuation of the accused among our forces, but this presumption may be rebutted by very clear evidence that the person had come within the lines for a comparatively innocent purpose, as to visit his family or that he has assumed a disguise to enable him to reach his own lines. It is not essential that the accused obtain the information sought or that he communicate it. The offense is complete with the lurking or dissimulation with intent to accomplish these objects. An act of espionage completed by the escape of the accused to his own lines can not be the subject of trial if the quondam spy is later captured. A person living in occupied territory who, without dis- simulation, merely reports what he sees or what he hears through agents to the enemy may be charged under the pre- ceding article with communicating or giving intelligence to the enemy, but he may not be charged under this article with being a spy. PROOF. (a) That the accused was found at a certain place within our lines, acting clandestinely, or under false pretenses. (>) That ho was obtaining, or endeavoring to obtain, in- formation with intent to communicate the same to the enemy. SECTION VI. MISCELLANEOUS CRIMES AND OFFENSES. 433. Eighty-third Article of War: Any person subject to military law rvko willfully, or through neglect, suffers to be lost, spoiled, damaged, or wrongfully disposed of, any military property belonging to the United Stnte* shall make good the IO*A or damage find suffer such punishment as a court- martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The loss, etc., may be said to be willfully suffered when the accused knowing the loss, etc., to be imminent or actually go- 892 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^J 433 ing on, takes no steps to prevent it, as where a sentinel seeing a small and readily extinguishable fire in a stack of hay on his post allows it to burn up. A suffering through neglect implies an omission to take such measures as were appropriate under the circumstances to prevent a probable loss, dam- age, etc. The willful or neglectful sufferance specified by the article may consist in a deliberate violation or positive disregard of some specific injunction of law, regulations, or orders ; or it may be evidenced by such circumstances as a reckless or un- warranted personal use of the property ; causing or allowing it to remain exposed to the weather, insecurely housed or not guarded; permitting it to be consumed, wasted, or injured by other persons; loaning it to an irresponsible person by whom it is damaged, etc. (Winthrop, p. 862,) ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any one subject to military law. See article 2. The article embraces eight off enses, indicated by the follow- ing diagram : Any person subject military ^Willfully or > Suffers to be [Lost, Spoiled, Damaged, Through neglect law who J J or Wrongfully disposed of Any mili- tary prop- erty be- longing to the United States. These offenses may be briefly treated under the heading " Suffering military property to be lost, etc." I. SUFFERING MILITARY PROPERTY TO BE LOST, ETC. PEOOF. (a) That certain military property was lost, spoiled, dam- aged, or wrongfully disposed of in the manner alleged. (b) That such loss, spoiling, damage, or wrongful dispo- sition was suffered by the accused through a certain omis- sion of duty on his part. II 434 CHAPTER XVII. (c) That such omission was willful, or negligent, as al- leged. (d) The value of the property, as alleged. 434. Eighty-fourth Article of War: Any Holdier who sells or wrongfully disposes of or willfully or through neglect injures or loses any horse, arms, ammunition, ac- coutennents, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See definitions under A. W. 80, paragraph 430, supra. Accouterments applies in the military sense to those parts of the soldier's equipment which are issued by the Ordnance Department * * * in connection with his arms and am- munition, such, for example, as belts and cartridge pouches. (Digest, p. 1084.) Clothing includes all articles of clothing whether issued under a clothing allowance or otherwise, for example, over- coats and sweaters as now issued are articles of clothing. D That the property sold, disposed of, lost, or injured was issued to someone other than the accused is immaterial ; the article applies to any property issued for use in the military service. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to enlisted men only. The article defines a number of offenses, indicated by the following diagram: Any soldier who Sells or Wrongfully disposes of or Willfully fin lures or Through neglect I Loses Horse, Arms, Ammunition, Issued for Accouterrnents, use in the Any Equipment, milita ry Clothing, service. or other property 394 PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. If 434 These offenses may be treated under the following heads : I. Selling or wrongfully disposing of military property. II. Willfully or through neglect injuring or losing military property. I. SELLING OR WRONGFULLY DISPOSING OF MILITARY PROPERTY. See matter under A. W. 80, Item I. PEOOF. (a) That the accused soldier sold or otherwise disposed of certain property in the manner alleged. (b) That such disposition was wrongful. (c) That the property was issued for use in the military service. (d) The value of the property as alleged. II. WILLFULLY OR THROUGH NEGLECT INJURING OR LOSING MILI- TARY PROPERTY. A willful injury or loss is one that is intentionally occa- sioned. A loss or injury is occasioned through neglect when it is the result of a want of such attention to the nature or probable consequences of an act or omission as was appro- priate under the circumstances. PROOF. (a) That certain property was injured in a certain way or lost, as alleged. (b) That such property was issued for use in the military service. (m- mitted in time of war, be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment a a court-martial may directs and if the offense he committed in time of pesce, he Khali be punished an a court- martial may direct. Any person subject to military law, except an officer, who is found drunk on duty shall be punished as a eauvt- uiurtial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The article does not require that the accused shall have become drunk, but that he shall have been found, i. e., dis- covered or perceived, to be drunk, when on duty, and it does not therefore necessarily follow that his drunkenness shall have commenced after the duty has been entered upon. To permit an officer or soldier, when inebriated, to go upon any duty of importance, while in general involving an injustice to the individual, is also a reprehensible act and a military offense in the superior who knowingly suffers it. But the fact that he was already intoxicated can not render the party himself any the less legally liable under the article, if, after having entered upon the duty, his intoxication con- tinues and his condition is detected. But, on the other hand, a soldier (or officer) is not "found" drunk in the sense of the article, if he is simply discovered to be drunk when or- dered, or otherwise required, to go upon the duty, upon which, because of his condition, he does not enter at all. (Winthrop, pp. 944, 945.) Whether the drunkenness was caused by liquor or drugs is immaterial, but where the sole cause was a liquor or drug duly prescribed by a medical officer of the Army or a civil physician and taken in good faith according to the prescrip- tion no offense is committed. The fact that the accused, owing to an unsuspected sus- ceptibility, permanent or temporary, was made drunk by in- dulging in a very small amount of intoxicant is not a defense. Any intoxication which is sufficient to sensibly impair the rational and full exercise of the mental and physical faculties is drunkenness within the meaning of the article. (Digest, p. 540.) S96 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. <[[ 485 Where the accused is charged under this article, a convic- tion under the general article of l>eing under the influence of liquor is wholly inconsistent if he was found in such condi- tion while on duty. The article requires no particular degree of drunkenness, and if the accused was found so far under the influence of liquor as to be punishable at all he was found drunk on duty within the meaning of this article. The term " duty " as used in this article, means of course military duty. But it is important to note every duty which an officer or soldier is legally required, by superior military authority, to execute, and for the proper execution of which he is answerable to such authority, is necessarily a military duty. (Winthrop, p. 949.) The words " on duty," as used in this article, have also re- ceived an authoritative interpretation. As applied to the commanding officer of a post, or of an organization, or de- tachment in the field, the senior officer present, in the actual exercise of command, is constantly on duty; the term being here used in contradistinction to " on leave." In the case of other officers, or of enlisted men. the term " on duty " has been held to relate to the performance of duties of routine or detail, in garrison or in the field ; the words " off duty," in respect to such persons, relating to such periods or occasions when, no duty being required of them by orders or regula- tions, officers and men are said to occupy that status of leis- ure known to the service as being u off duty." (Davis, p. 408.) In time of war and in a region of active hostilities the cir- cumstances are often such that all members of a command may properly be considered as being continuously on duty within the meaning of this article. A medical officer of a post, where there are constantly sick persons under his charge who may at any moment require his attendance, may, generally speaking, be deemed to be " on duty " in the sense of the article during the whole day and not merely during the hours regularly occupied by sick call, visiting the sick, or attending hospital. If found drunk at any other hour he may in general be charged with an offense under this article. (Digest, p. 127.) 397 T| 436 CHAPTER XVII. So, also, an officer of the day and members of the guard are on duty during their entire tour within the meaning of this article, but a sentinel found drunk on post is chargeable under the next succeeding article. The article also applies to cases where the duty being performed is merely a preliminary one, such as a reporting for inspection by a soldier designated for guard or a reporting under orders for duty at a post to the commanding officer. The offense of a person who absents himself from his duty and is found drunk while so absent, or who is relieved from duty at a post and ordered to remain there to await orders, and is found drunk during such status, is not chargeable un- der this article. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to any person subject to military law. See article 2. The article defines one offense, namely, being found drunk on duty. I. BEING FOUND DRUNK ON DUTY. PROOF. (a) That the accused was on a certain duty, as alleged. (b) That he was found drunk while on such duty. 436. Eighty -sixth Article of War: Any sentinel who is found drunk or sleeping upon his post, or who leaves it before he is regularly relieved, shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; and if the offense be committed in time of peace, he shall suffer any punishment, except death, that a court- martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. As to drunkenness, see matter under eighty-fifth article, supra. The term " sentinel " does not include a watchman. PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 436 A sentinel is on post within the meaning of this article not only when he is walking a duly designated sentinel's post, as is ordinarily the case in garrison, but also " when he may be stationed in observation against the approach of an enemy, or on post to maintain internal discipline, or to guard stores, or to guard prisoners while in confinement or at work." (Di- gest, p. 128.) A sentinel's post is not limited to an imaginary line, but in- cludes, according to orders or circumstances, such contiguous area within which he may walk as may be necessary for the protection of property committed to Ms charge or for the dis- charge of such other duties as may be required by general or special orders. The sentinel who goes anywhere within such area for the discharge of his duties does not leave his post, but if found drunk or sleeping within such area he may be convicted of a violation of this article. The fact that the sentinel was not posted in the regular way is not a defense. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies only to sentinels. The article defines three offenses, namely : I. Being found drunk on post. II. Being found sleeping on post. III. Leaving post before being relieved. I. BEING FOUND DRUNK ON POST. As to drunkenness, see matter under eighty-fifth article, paragraph 435, supra. PBOOF. (a) That the accused soldier was posted as a sentinel on a certain post, as alleged. (Z>) That he was found drunk while on such post. II. BEING FOUND SLEEPING ON POST. The fact that the accused had been previously overtaxed by excessive guard duty is not a defense, although evidence to that effect may be received in extenuation of the offense. 21358 20 26 If 437 CHAPTER xvn. PBOOF. (a) That the accused soldier was posted as a sentinel on a certain post, as alleged. ( b) That he was found sleeping while on such post. m. LEAVING POST BEFORE BEING RELIEVED. The offense of leaving post is not committed when a sentinel goes an immaterial distance from the point, path, area, or object which was prescribed as his post. PBOOF. (a) That the accused soldier was posted as a sentinel on a certain post, as alleged. (b) That he left such post without being regularly re- lieved. 437. Eighty-seventh Article of War: Any officer commanding: in any garrison, fort, barracks, camp, or other place where troops of the United States may be serving; who, for his private advantage, lays any duty or imposition upon or Is interested in the sale of any victuals or other necessaries of life brought into such garrison, fort, barracks, camp, or other place for the use of the troops, shall be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article. ANALYSIS OF PROOF. This article applies to commanding officers only. The article defines offenses which may be treated under two heads, as follows: I. Laying a duty or imposition upon the bringing in of victuals, etc. II. Being interested in the sale of victuals, etc. 400 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 437 I. LAYING A DUTY OR IMPOSITION UPON THE BRINGING IN OF VICTUALS, ETC. A commanding officer who should prohibit the entry into his camp of peddlers of vegetables for the troops, permitting it only if the peddlers pay him for the privilege, would be guilty of this offense whether any money was actually paid or not. PROOF. (a) That the accused officer was in command of a certain place where troops of the United States were serving, as alleged. (b) That he laid a certain duty or imposition upon the bringing into such command of victuals or other necessaries of life for the use of such troops, as alleged. (c) That such duty or imposition was laid for his own private advantage. II. BEING INTERESTED IN THE SALE OF VICTUALS, ETC. The interest need not be a direct interest, such as that attaching to a partnership, or part ownership, of the articles introduced for sale, but may be one of an indirect or contin- gent character, as for instance, an interest arising from an agreement or mutual understanding between the officer and the owner of the supplies that the former shall receive a per- centage on the sales, or a commission on all profits above a certain sum, or some present of money or goods in return for his sanction of the speculation or promotion of the business. (Winthrop, p. 870.) Thus a commanding officer commits this offense when he agrees with a peddler to exclude others in consideration of some advantage to himself. A commanding officer might become interested in the sale of articles by the post exchange within the meaning of this article. PROOF. (a) That the accused officer was in command of a certain place where troops of the United States were serving, as alleged. 401 If 438 CHAPTER XVII. (b) That he became pecuniarily interested in a certain way in the sale of certain victuals or other necessaries of life to such troops, as alleged. (c) The he so became interested for his own private advantage. 438. Eighty-eighth Article of War: Any person subject to military law who abuses, intimidates, does violence to, or wrongfully interferes with any person bringing pro- visions, supplies, or other necessaries to the camp, garrison, or quar- ters of the forces of the United States shall suffler such punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article. This article in no way interferes with the lawful powers of a military commander to exclude persons or supplies inimi- cal to health or good order of his command. The purpose of this article is to prevent the diminishing or cutting off of the supply of necessaries brought in by private persons through any abuse, intimidation, doing violence to, or wrongfully in- terfering with such persons. The prohibition against inter- ference, etc., therefore, applies not only while such persons are coming to the camp, etc., but also while they remain and during their return therefrom. The wrongful interference contemplated would include not only any wrongful act not included in the terms " abuse, etc.," which prevents, obstructs, or delays the movements of the per- son, but any wrongful interference with the supplies them- selves, such as stealing or destroying them. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to any person subject to military law. The article defines a number of offenses which may be briefly treated under one head, as follows : I. INTIMIDATING, DOING VIOLENCE TO, OR WRONGFULLY INTER- FERING WITH PERSONS BRINGING NECESSARIES. PROOF. (a) That a certain person named or described was bring- ing provisions, supplies, or other necessaries to a certain 402 PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAK. ^f 439 camp, garrison, or quarters of the forces of the United States, as alleged. (b) That the accused abused, intimidated, did violence to, or wrongfully interfered with such person while so engaged and in the manner alleged. 439. Eighty-ninth Article of War: All persons subject to military law are to behave themselves or- derly in quarters, garrison, camp, and on the march; and any person subject to military law who commits any waste or spoil, or willfully destroys any property whatsoever (unless by order of his commanding officer), or commits any kind of depredation or riot shall be pun- ished as a court-martial may direct. Any commanding officer who, upon complaint made to him, refuses or omits to see reparation made to the party injured, in so far as the offender's pay shall go* toward such reparation, as provided for in article one hundred and flve, shall be dismissed from the service, or otherwise punished, as a court- martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article and the definitions under the respective offenses as given below. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article divides itself into two parts, one embracing all persons subject to military law, and the other commanding officers only. The article defines a number of offenses which may be briefly treated under the following headings : I. Committing any waste or spoil. II. Willfully destroying property. III. Committing depredation or riot. IV. Refusing or omitting to see reparation made. I. COMMITTING ANY WASTE OR SPOIL. The terms " waste " or " spoil " as used in this article re- fer to such acts of voluntary destruction of or permanent damage to real property as burning down buildings, tearing down fences, cutting down shade or fruit trees, and the like. If 439 CHAPTER XVII. PROOF. (a) That the accused being with a certain command in quarters, camp, garrison, or on the march, committed waste or spoil on certain property in the manner alleged. (b) That such acts were not ordered by his commanding officer. II. WILLFULLY DESTROYING PROPERTY. To be destroyed it is not necessary that the property be completely demolished or annihilated. It is sufficient if it is so far injured as to be useless for the purpose for which it was intended. PBOOF. (a) That the accused being with a certain command in quarters, camp, garrison, or on the march, destroyed cer- tain property, as alleged. (b) That such destruction was willful and was not ordered by his commanding officer. III. COMMITTING DEPREDATION OR RIOT. The term " any kind of depredation " includes plundering, pillaging, robbing, and any other willful damage to property not included in the preceding specific terms of the article. A riot is a tumultuous disturbance of the peace by three or more persons assembled together of their own authority, with the intent mutually to assist one another against anyone who shall oppose them in the execution of some enterprise of a private nature, and who afterwards actually execute the same in a violent and turbulent manner, to the terror of the people, whether the act intended was of itself lawful or unlawful, (McClain, Grim. Law, sec. 992.) PBOOF. (a) That the accused being with a certain command in quarters, camp, garrison, or on the march, committed certain acts of depredation on certain property, or certain acts of rioting, as alleged. 404 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 440 IV. REFUSING OR OMITTING TO SEE REPARATION MADE. Refusing to entertain a proper complaint at all ; refusing or omitting to convene a board for the assessment of damage ; or to act on such proceedings, or to direct the proper stop- pages, are instances of this offense. PROOF. (a) That the accused was the commanding officer of a cer- tain command in quarters, garrison, camp, or on the march, as alleged. (6) That a complaint was duly made to him by a certain person of damage to or loss of certain property occasioned by troops of the accused's command, as alleged. (c) That the accused either refused to see reparation made or omitted in the manner alleged to see reparation made to the party injured in so far as the offender's pay would go toward such reparation. 440. Ninetieth Article of War: No person (subject to military law shall use any reproachful or provoking 1 speeches or prestures to another; and any person subject to military law who offends against the provisions of this article shall he pnnished as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article. The article is intended to prevent what frequently are the first steps toward quarrels, fights, or serious offenses. Reproachful speeches and gestures are such as involve cen- sorious comment on the actions or opinions of another. Pro- voking speeches and gestures are such as tend to exasperate or to arouse anger and resentment. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to any person subject to military law. The article defines offenses which may be treated under one heading, as follows : I. USING PROVOKING SPEECHES OR GESTURES. PBOOF. (a) That the accused used certain speeches or gestures to a certain person, as alleged. 405 ^f 441 CHAPTER XVII. (&) That the speeches or gestures were reproachful or pro- voking. (c) That the person to whom such speeches or gestures were addressed is in one of the classes of persons subject to military law. 441. Ninety-first Article of War: Any person subject to military law vrlio fights or promotes or is concerned in or connives at fighting? a duel, or who having; knowledge of a challenge sent or about to be sent fails to report the fact promptly to the proper authority shall, if an officer, be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; and if any other -person subject to military lair, shall suffer such punishment as a court-martial may direct. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the terms of the article. A duel is a concerted fight between two persons with deadly weapons, the object of which is claimed to be the sat- isfaction of wounded honor. (Wharton, vol. 2, p. 2283.) NOTE. The offenses made punishable by this article are of such in- frequent occurrence that it is considered inadvisable to comment more fully upon them. In a case of doubt, works on military law should be consulted. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to any person subject to military law. The article embraces a number of offenses which may be briefly treated under the following headings : I. Fighting or promoting a duel. IT. Being concerned in or conniving at fighting a duel. III. Failing to report knowledge of a challenge. I. FIGHTING OR PROMOTING A DUEL. Fighting or promoting a duel would include such acts as the sending, giving, or accepting a challenge, or the carrying of a challenge or acceptance, the arrangement of the pre- liminaries, and, in general, any act by which a duel is inten- tionally furthered, encouraged, or incited, whether the duel takes place or not. 406 PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. ^f 442 PROOF. (a) That the accused fought a duel with a certain person as alleged, or that he promoted a duel between certain per- sons in the manner alleged. II. BEING CONCERNED IN OR CONNIVING AT FIGHTING A DUEL. Being concerned in or conniving at fighting a duel would include the being present thereat in some capacity other than a principal, as in the case of seconds and doctors. PROOF. (a) That the accused was concerned in or connived at fighting a certain duel in the manner alleged. III. FAILING TO REPORT KNOWLEDGE OF A CHALLENGE. A challenge is a written or verbal demand, request, or in- vitation to another to fight a duel. To constitute a challenge no particular form is necessary. It is enough if what was sent or about to be sent, considered in connection with the circumstances, amounts to such a de- mand, request, or invitation. However, an effort to provoke a challenge or an announcement of a willingness to accept one is not a challenge. As to knowledge, see matter under fifty-fifth article. PROOF. (a) That the accused knew that a certain challenge had been sent, or was about to be sent, as alleged. (5) That he either did not report the fact to the proper authority at all, or that he unnecessarily delayed making such report, as alleged. 442. Ninety-second Article of War: Any person subject to military law who commits murder or rape shall suffer death or imprisonment for life, as a court- martial may direct; but no person shall be tried by court- martial for murder or rape committed within the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia in time of peace. 407 Tf 442 CHAPTEK XVII, DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The crimes and offenses of which courts-martial are given jurisdiction by the ninety-second and ninety-third articles of war, and by the phrase " and all crimes or offenses not capital " in the ninety-sixth article, are the same " offenses of a civil nature " mentioned in the forty-second article of war. Their definition is, therefore, to be sought, as the forty-second article prescribes, (1) in the "statutes of the United States of general application within the continental United States, excepting sec- tion 289, Penal Code of the United States, 1910;" and (2) where not defined in such statutes then " in the law of the District of Columbia," i. e., if defined by a statute in force in the District of Columbia, e. g., the Code of the District of Colum- bia, then in that statute, otherwise in the common law as in force and recognized in the District of Columbia. Where an offense is defined by the Federal Penal Code or other statute of general application throughout the continental United States, such definition will govern courts-martial and military tribunals, although there may be a different definition in the Code of the District of Columbia; the principle being that, wherever the general statutes conflict with any statute ef the District of Columbia, the latter must give way, since resort is to be had to the law of the District of Columbia only where the general Federal statutes are silent. ANAL* sis AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. See articles. The article defines two offenses, as follows : I. Murder. II. Rape. I. MURDER. Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. (Federal Penal Code, 1910, sec. 273.) " Unlawfully " as used in the definition of murder means without legal justification or excuse. A homicide done in the proper performance of a legal duty is justifiable. Thus, executing a person pursuant to a sen- 408 PUNITIVE ABTICLES OF WAE. ^f 442 tence of death ; killing in suppressing a mutiny or in prevent- ing the escape of a prisoner where no other available means are adequate; killing an enemy in battle; and killing to pre- vent the commission of a felony attempted by force or sur- prise, such as murder, burglary, or arson, are cases of justifi- able homicide. The right and duty of a sentinel over a prisoner in his charge in case of attempted escape is discussed in the Manual of Interior Guard Duty, 1914. This right and duty extends to other members of the guard whose duties include the safe-keeping of such prisoner. (Di- gest, p. 583.) The same principles apply to the arrest of a soldier by offi- cers or soldiers authorized to make the particular arrest. A party of soldiers left their camp at night in time of war without leave contrary to positive orders and proceeded to a neighboring town, where they created a disturbance. Their commanding officer followed them, found them in a saloon, and was about to arrest them, when they broke from him, and knowing who he was disregarded his order to halt and ran away from him. He repeated his order, and not being obeyed and having no other means of detaining them, fired upon them while fleeing with a pistol, and shot and killed one of them. Held) that he did nx)t use undue force in endeavor- ing to maintain discipline and to arrest the offenders whom he was endeavoring to return to their stations, and that he was not guilty of an offense requiring punishment, and that his conduct under the circumstances in which he was placed was justified. (Digest, p. 480.) The general rule is that " The acts of a subordinate officer or soldier, in compliance with his supposed duty, or of su- perior orders, are justifiable, and he will be protected against the consequences, unless they are manifestly beyond the scope of his authority, and such that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know to be illegal, where he acts in good faith and without malice." (Wharton on Homicide, 3d ed., p. 731.) The foregoing principles should not be construed as con- ferring immunity on an officer or soldier who willfully or 409 If 442 CHAPTER XVII. through culpable negligence does acts endangering the lives of innocent third parties in the discharge of his duty to pre- vent escape or effect an arrest. But where a guard fired on a prisoner fleeing down a pub- lic street which was apparently clear, under circumstances that would have justified the homicide of the prisoner, and thereby accidentally killed a young woman whom he did not see at the time he shot, it was held that the homicide was excusable. A homicide which is the result of an accident or misadven- ture in doing a lawful act in a lawful manner, or which is done in self-defense on a sudden affray, is excusable. Thus, where a lawful operation, performed with due care and skill, causes the death of the patient, the homicide is excusable. To excuse a killing on the ground of self-defense upon a sud- den affray, the killing must have been necessary to save tho person's life or the lives of those whom he is bound to pro- tect, or to prevent great bodily harm to himself or them. The danger must be believed on reasonable grounds to be imminent, and no necessity will exist until the person, if not in his own house, has retreated as far as he safely can. The person doing the killing must not have been the aggressor and intentionally provoked the difficulty; but if he with- draws in good faith and his adversary follows and renews the fight, the latter becomes the aggressor. The death must take place within a year and a day of the act or omission that caused it, and the offense is committed at the place of such act or omission although the victim may have died elsewhere. Malice does not necessarily mean hatred or personal ill will toward the person killed, nor an actual intent to take his life, or even to take anyone's life. The use of the word " aforethought " does not mean that the malice must exist for any particular time before commission of the act, or that the intention to kill must have previously existed. It is suffi- cient that it exist at the time the act is committed. (Clark, pp. 187, 188.) Malice aforethought may exist when the act is unpremedi- tated. It may mean any one or more of the following states 410 PUNITIVE AET1CLES OF WAK. ^f 442 of mind preceding or coexisting with the act or omission by which death is caused; (a) An intention to cause the death of, or grievous bodily harm to, any person, whether such per- son is the person actually killed or not (except when death is inflicted in the heat of a sudden passion, caused by adequate provocation) ; (5) knowledge that the act which causes the death will probably cause the death of, or grievous bodily harm to, any person, whether such person is the person actu- ally killed or not, although such knowledge is accompanied by indifference whether death or grievous bodily harm is caused or not, or by a wish that it may not be caused ; () That such killing was with malice aforethought; that is, that the accused was in one or more of the states of mind described above. II. RAPE. Rape at common law is the having of unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman by force and without her consent. The Federal Penal Code provides (Federal Penal Code, 1910, sec. 278), "Whoever shall commit the crime of rape shall suffer death " ; but does not define the crime, thereby adopting the common law definition, which governs conrts-martial. 411 If 442 CHAPTER XVII. As the carnal knowledge must be unlawfully had, a hus- band who has carnal knowledge of his wife forcibly where she does not consent is not guilty of this offense; but he is guilty when he assists another man in having such carnal knowledge. Any penetration, however slight, of a woman's genitals is sufficient carnal knowledge, whether emission occurs or not. The offense may be committed on a female of any age, on a man's mistress, or on a common harlot. Force and want of consent are indispensable in rape ; but the force involved in the act of penetration is alone sufficient force where there is in fact no consent. Where there is actual consent to the connection, though such consent be obtained by fraud, there is no rape; thus, where a woman agrees to connection with a physician on his false representation that the act is part of the required treat- ment, or where a man successfully passes himself off to a woman as her husband and is admitted by her to connection as such, the crime of rape is not committed. There is no consent where the woman is so idiotic as to be incapable of consenting, and a man having connection with her not believing that he has her consent is guilty of rape. So also where the woman is insensible, unconscious, or asleep, or where her apparent consent was extorted by violence to her person or fear of sudden violence. Mere verbal protestations and a pretense of resistance do not of course show a want of consent, but the contrary, and where a woman fails to take such measures to frustrate the execution of the man's design as she is able to, and are called for by the circumstances, the same conclusion may be drawn. If the girl is very young, and not enlightened on the ques- tion, the court will demand less clear opposition than in the case of an older and intelligent female, (Bishop's New Criminal law, sec. 1124, subsec. 1.) It has been said of this offense that " it is true that rape is a most detestable crime * * * ; but it must be remembered that it is an accusation easy to be made, hard to be proved, but harder to be defended by the party accused, though in- nocent," 412 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 PROOF. (a) That the accused had carnal knowledge of a certain fe- male, as alleged ; (b) That the act was done by force and without her consent. NOTE. As to carnal knowledge of a female under the age of con- sent, see under A. W. 96, par. 446, Division III (4), infra. 443. Ninety-third Article of War: Any person subject to military law who commits manslaughter, mayhem, arson, burglary, housebreaking, robbery, larceny, em- bezzlement, perjury, forgery, sodomy, assault with intent to commit any felony, assault with Intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, Instrument, or other thing, or assault with intent to do bodily harm, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. . DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See matter under several offenses listed in the article. And see the remarks under "Definitions and Principles," para- graph 442, supra, concerning the definitions of offenses under A. W. 92, 93, and 96. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to any person subject to military law The article embraces the following offenses, namely ; I. Manslaughter. II. Mayhem. III. Arson. IV. Burglary. V. Housebreaking. VI. Bobbery. VII. Larceny. VIII. Embezzlement. IX. Perjury. X. Forgery. XI. Sodomy. XII. Assault with intent to commit any felony. XIII. Assault with intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing. XIV. Assault with intent to do bodily harm. 413 ^[ 443 CHAPTER XVII. I. MANSLAUGHTER* Manslaughter at common law is unlawful homicide with- out malice aforethought and is either voluntary or invol- untary. The Federal Penal Code provides (Federal Penal Code, 1910, sec. 274), "Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice. It is of two kinds: "First Voluntary. Upon a sudden quarrel or heat of pas- sion. " Second Involuntary. In the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to a felony, or the commission of a lawful act which might produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and circumspection." This statutory definition governs courts-martial. It is, how- ever, declaratory of the common law, to which, therefore, ref- erence may be had for the principles underlying the statutory definitions. In voluntary manslaughter the provocation must be such as the law deems adequate to excite uncontrollable passion in the mind of a reasonable man ; the act must be committed under and because of the passion, and the provocation must not be sought or induced as an excuse for killing or doing bodily harm. (Clark, p. 197.) The killing may be manslaughter only, even if intentional ; but where sufficient cooling time elapses between the provo- cation and the blow the killing is murder, even if the passion persists. Instances of adequate provocation are: Assault and battery, inflicting actual bodily harm or a gross insult ; an unlawful imprisonment ; and the sight by a husband of an act of adultery committed by his wife. If the person so as- saulted or imprisoned, or the husband so situated at once kills the offender or offenders in a heat of a sudden passion caused by their acts, manslaughter only has been committed. Instances of inadequate provocation are : Knowledge by the brother of a female of her seduction; insulting or abusive words or gestures ; and injuries to property. In involuntary manslaughter in the commission of an un- lawful act the act must be malum in se and not merely malum prohibitum. Thus the driving of an automobile in slight 414 PUNITJVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^ 443 excess of the speed limit fixed by ordinance is not the kind of unlawful act contemplated, but voluntarily engaging in an affray is such an act. To use an immoderate amount of force in suppressing a mutiny is an unlawful act, and if death is caused thereby the one using such force is guilty of man- slaughter at least, Instances of culpable negligence in performing a lawful act are : Negligently conducting target practice so that the bullets go in the direction of an inhabited house within range; pointing a pistol in fun at another and pulling the trigger, believing, but without taking reasonable precautions to ascertain, that it would not be discharged : carelessly leav- ing poisons or dangerous drugs where they may endanger life. Instances of culpable negligence in performing an act re- quired by law are : Gross negligence or inattention by those in charge of controlling or operating trains in the discharge of their duties ; culpable failure on the part of a parent to provide food, shelter, and medical attendance for his help- less child where able to do so. Where there is no legal duty to act there can, of course, be no neglect. Thus where a stranger makes no effort to save a drowning man, or a person allows a mendicant to freeze or starve to death, no crime is committed. PROOF. (a) See item (a) under " Proof of murder " under ninety- second article. (b) The facts and circumstances of the case, as alleged, indicating that the homicide amounted in law to man- slaughter. II. MAYHEM. The Federal Penal Code does not recognize the crime of mayhem. (The offense of " maiming," denounced by section 283, Federal Penal Code, is a different offense; see par. 446, infra, " maiming.") The Code of the District of Columbia pre- scribing a punishment for mayhem (D. C. Code, sec. 807) does 21358 20 27 415 ^f 443 CHAPTER XVII. not define the offense, thereby adopting the common-law defini- tion, which will govern courts-martial. Mayhem at common law is " a hurt of any part of a man's body whereby he is rendered less able, in fighting, either to defend himself or to annoy his adversary." (Bishop, vol. 2, p. 579.) The offense at common law did not include such injuries which merely disfigure, such as cutting off the nose or ear; but did include such injuries as knocking out a front tooth, or castration, which were supposed to weaken a man's fight- ing ability. The injury must be willfully and maliciously done, but need not be premeditated. If the hurt is done under circum- stances which would excuse or justify a homicide, no offense is committed. A person inflicting such a hurt upon himself is guilty of this offense, and if another does it at his request, both are so guilty. PROOF. (a) That the accused inflicted on a certain person a certain injury in the manner alleged. (&) The facts and circumstances of the act showing such injury to have been inflicted intentionally and maliciously. III. AKSON. Arson, at the common law, is the malicious burning of an- other's house. (Bishop, vol. 2, p. 5.) The Federal Penal Code provides (Federal Penal Code, 1910, sec. 285), "whoever shall willfully and maliciously set fire to, burn, or attempt to burn, or by means of a dangerous explosive destroy, or attempt to destroy, any dwelling house, or any store, barn, stable, or other building, parcel of a dwelling house, shall be imprisoned not more than twenty years." The crime denounced in this statute, which governs courts- martial, is substantially the common law crime of arson (TJ. S. v. Cardish, 143 Fed., 640), and is the crime punishable as such under A. W, 93. 41G PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. If 443 The house must be the dwelling house of another, as the offense is against the habitation, not against property as such. The term " dwelling house " includes, as laid down in the Federal statute quoted, outbuildings that form part of the cluster of buildings used as a residence. A mere scorching is not a burning. To constitute a burning some part, how- ever small, of the house must be actually consumed or dis- integrated by charring or by a blaze. A shop or store is not the subject of arson unless occupied as a dwelling. It is not arson to burn a house that has never been occupied or which has been permanently abandoned; but it is arson if the occupant is merely temporarily absent. It is not arson to burn one's own dwelling, whoever owns it, or even the dwelling of another at his request, and this is so even if there is an intent to burn an adjoining house belong- ing to a third party ; but it is arson if such house is actually burned. A house occupied by another than the owner is a subject of arson by the owner. The burning must be willful and malicious, which excludes a burning arising from negligence or mischance, unless the accused was engaged in the commission of a felony. Where a man, who, in setting fire to his own house to get the insur- ance, burns his neighbor's, he is guilty of arson in burning the neighbor's house. PKOOF. (a) That the accused either: (1) burned, (2) set fire to, (3) attempted to burn, (4) destroyed by means of a dangerous explosive, or (5) attempted to destroy by means of a dangerous ex- plosive, a certain dwelling house of another, as alleged. (7>) Facts and circumstances indicating that the act was willful and malicious. NOTE. The offense of burning other buildings, denounced by sec- tion 286, Federal Penal Code, is not arson, but another offense (U. S. v. Cardish, 143 Fed., 640), and is not punishable under A. W. 93, but under A. W. 96. (See par. 446, infra.) 417 TI 443 CHAPTER XVII. IV. BURGLARY. Burglary is not defined either by the Federal Penal Code or by the Code of the District of Columbia. Therefore the offense made punishable under that name by A. W. 93 is the common law crime of burglary. Burglary at common law is the breaking and entering, in the night, of another's dwelling house, with intent to commit a felony therein. (Bishop, vol. 2, p. 56.) To constitute burglary the house must be a dwelling house of another, the term " dwelling house *' including outhouses, within the curtilage or the common inclosure ; there must be an actual breaking, or there must be the constructive break- ing involved where an entry is effected by fraud or false pre- tenses, by intimidation, by conspiracy with a servant or other inmate, or by descent of a chimney ; there must be an entry ; the breaking and entry must both be at night, but not nec- essarily on the same night; and there must be an intent to commit a felony in the house at the time of the breaking and of the entering, but the felony need not be committed. (Clark and Marshall, pp. 595, 596.) A store is not a subject of burglary unless part of or used also as a dwelling house, as where the occupant uses another part of the same building as his dwelling ; or where the store is habitually slept in by his servants or members of his family. The house must be in the status of being occupied at the time of the breaking and entering. It is not necessary to this status that anyone actually be in it; but if the house has never been occupied at all or has been left without any in- tention of returning to it this status does not exist. Separate dwellings within the same building, as a flat in an apartment house or a room in a hotel, are subjects of burglary by other tenants or guests, and in general by the owner of the build- ing himself. At common law a tent is not a subject of bur- glary. There must be a breaking, actual or constructive. Merely to enter through a hole left in the wall or roof or through an open window or door, even if left only slightly open and pushed farther open by the person entering, will not consti- 418 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. U 443 tute an actual breaking; but where there is any removal of any part of the house designed to prevent entry, other than the moving of a partly open door or window, it is sufficient. Thus opening a closed door or window or other similar fixture, or cutting out the glass of a window or the netting of the screen is a sufficient breaking. So also the breaking of an inner door by one who has entered the house without break- ing, or by a servant lawfully within the house, but who has no authority to enter the particular room, is a sufficient break- ing, but unless such a breaking is followed by an entry into the particular room with intent to commit a felony therein, burglary is not committed. There is a constructive breaking when the entry is gained by a trick, such as concealing oneself in a box; or under false pretense, such as personating a gas or telephone inspector ; or by intimidating the inmates through violence or threats into opening the door; or through collusion with a confederate, an inmate of the house ; or by descending a chimney, even if only a partial descent is made, and no room is entered. An entry must be effected before the offense is complete ; but the entry of any part of the body, even a finger, is sufficient ; and an insertion into the house of an instrument, except merely to facilitate further entrance, is a sufficient entry. Both the breaking and entry must be in the nighttime, which at common law was the period between sunset and sun- rise, when there is not sufficient daylight to discern a man's face, and both must be done with the intent to commit a felony in the house. It is immaterial whether the felony be committed or even attempted, and where a felony is actually intended it is no defense that its commission was impossible. The felony intended may be a statutory felony. PBOOF. (a) That the accused broke and entered a certain dwelling house of a certain other person, as specified. (b) That such breaking and entering was done in the nighttime. (c) The facts and circumstances of the case (for instance, the actual commission of the felony) which indicate that 419 If 443 CHAPTER XVII. such breaking and entering were done with the intent to com- mit the alleged felony therein. NOTE. When, in charging burglary, it is expected that the evi- dence will show that larceny was also committed, a separate specifica- tion charging larceny should always be inserted in the charges, so that, if the court does not find that a burglary has been committed, but that the accused is guilty of larceny, it can find the accused guilty of the larceny, or the reviewing authority can approve only so much of the findings of guilty as find the accused guilty of the larceny. V. Housebreaking. The common law does not recognize any offense known by the designation of " housebreaking." Such an offense is, however, recognized and made punishable by section 823 of the Penal Code of the District of Columbia which was in force at the time of the enactment of the revision of the Articles of War of 1920, and is the offense made punishable as " housebreaking " by the ninety-third article of war. Section 823, Penal Code of the District of Columbia, provides: Housebreaking. Whoever shall, either in the night or in the day time, break and enter, or enter without breaking, any dwelling, bank, store, warehouse, shop, stable, or other building, or any apart- ment or room, whether at the time occupied or not, or any steam- boat, canal boat, vessel, or other water craft, or railroad car, or any yard where any lumber, coal, or other goods or chattels are deposited and kept for the purpose of trade, with intent to break and carry away any part thereof or any fixture or other thing attached to or connected with the same, or to commit any criminal offense, shall be imprisoned for not more than fifteen years. The offense is akin to burglary at common law, but differs therefrom principally in these five particulars : (1) The house is not required to be a dwelling house; but may be a bank, store, or other building, boat, car, etc., named in the statute. (2) It is not necessary that the house, bank, store, apartment, room, etc., be occupied at the time of the break- ing and entering, or entering without breaking. (3) It is not essential that there be a breaking, as an entry without breaking, if made with the required intent, also constitutes the offense. 420 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 (4) The breaking and entering, or the entry without breaking, may be either in the night or in the day time. (5) The intent need not be to commit a felony, but may be (a) to commit any criminal offense (misdemeanor or felony), or (b) to break and carry away any part of the building (etc.) or any fixture or other thing attached to or connected with the same (but such intent is an essential element of the offense, and must therefore be alleged and proved, in order to support a conviction of this offense). The caution in the Note under " burglary," supra, as to plead- ing, where larceny has actually been committed, applies here also. PROOF. (a) That the accused broke and entered, or entered without breaking, as alleged A dwelling 1 , A bank, A store, A warehouse, A shop, A stable, A building of any other kind, An apartment, A room, A steamboat, A canal boat, A vessel or other water craft, A railroad car, or A yard where any lumber or coal or other goods or chat- tels were at the time deposited and kept for the pur- pose of trade. (b) The facts and circumstances of the case (as, for instance, the actual commission of a felony or of petit larceny) which indicate that the intent was, as alleged, to commit some crimi- nal offense (whether felony or misdemeanor), or to break and carry away some part of the building, etc., or some fixture or other thing attached to or connected with the same. 421 ^ 443 CHAPTER xvii. VI. ROBBERY. Section 284 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides: Whoever, by force and violence, or by putting in fear, shall felon- iously take from the person or presence of another anything of value, shall be imprisoned not more than fifteen years. This statute governs court-martial. Robbery at common law is the taking, with intent to steal, of the personal property of another, from his person or in his presence, against his will, by violence or intimidation. (Clark, p. 323.) The felonious and forcible taking from the person of an- other goods or money to any value by violence or putting him in fear. (Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Rawle's 3rd Re- vision, vol. 3, p. 2971.) Robbery includes larceny and the elements of that offense must always be present and must be alleged in the specification and proved at the trial. See matter under heading "VII" under this article. Thus it is not robbery to take one's own property, unless the person from whom it is taken has a special property in the goods and the right to possession; nor is it robbery to take property that is honestly believed to be one's own or to take it for a merely temporary use. It is not necessary that the person from whom the prop- erty is taken be the actual owner it is enough if he have a possession or a custody that is good against the taker. .The property must be taken from the person or in his presence; but to be in the presence it is not necessary that the owner be within any certain distance of his property ; it is enough if he be near enough to be in control of his prop- erty. Thus where some persons entered a house and forced the owner by threats to disclose the hiding place of valuables in an adjoining room, and then, leaving the owner tied, went into such room and stole the valuables their offense was held to be robbery. The taking must be against the owner's will by means of violence or intimidation. The violence or intimidation must precede or accompany the taking. Thus where property is 422 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. If 443 taken by stealth from the person of its owner it is not rob- bery in case the thief overcomes a forcible effort to retake it ; or the owner is deterred by the threats of the thief from mak- ing an attempt to retake it. The violence must be actual violence to the person, but the amount of violence used is immaterial. It is enough where it overcomes the actual resistance of the person robbed, or puts him in such a position that he makes no resistance, or suffices to overcome the resistance offered by a chain or other fastening by which the article is attached to the person. Where an article is merely snatched out of another's hand or a pocket is picked by stealth and no other force is used and the owner is not put in fear, the offense is not robbery. But if in snatching the article resistance is overcome, there is sufficient violence, as where a woman's earring is torn from her ear or a hair ornament entangled in her hair is snatched away. So, also, when a person's attention is diverted by be- ing jostled by a confederate of a pickpocket, who is thus en- abled to steal the person's watch, it is a robbery. Other instances of robbery by violence are where a man is knocked insensible and his pockets rifled, and where an officer steals property from the person of a prisoner in his charge after handcuffing him on the pretext of preventing his escape. It is equally robbery whether the robber prevents resist- ance by rendering his victim physically incapable of making any, or by putting him, by threat or menaces, in such fear that he is warranted in making none. The fear must be a reasonably well-founded apprehension of present or future clanger, and the goods must be taken while such apprehen- sion exists. The danger apprehended may be, for instance, his own death or some bodily injury to him, or the destruction of his habitation, or a prosecution for sodomy. In the last case it is immaterial whether the person threat- ened with the prosecution is innocent or guilty of the offense. A danger of being prosecuted for any other offense is held not to be sufficient. (Clark and Marshall, p. 556.) When the evidence falls short of proving the force or fear, or other facts, necessary to robbery, the accused, "by proper ex- ceptions, may be found guilty of larceny, when properly alleged. 423 ^ 443 CHAPTER XVII. PBOOF. (a) The larceny of the property. See proof under larceny infra. (b) That such larceny was from the person or in the pres- ence of the person alleged to have been robbed. (c) That the taking was by violence or putting in fear, as alleged. VII. LARCENY. Section 287 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides: Whoever shall take and cany away, with intent to steal or pur- loin, any personal property of another, shall be punished as follows: If the property taken is of a value exceeding fifty dollars, or is taken from the person of another, by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or both; in all other cases, by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not more than one year, or both. If the property stolen consists of any evidence of debt, or other written instrument, the amount of money due thereon, or secured to be paid thereby, and remaining unsatisfied, or which in any contingency might be collected thereon, or the value of the property the title to which is shown thereby, or the sum which might be recovered in the absence thereof, shall be deemed to be the value of the property stolen. This is substantially the common-law offense of larceny. In larceny there must be a taking and carrying away. When actual physical possession is obtained and the property moved the least distance, the taking and carrying away is complete. Such possession must, however, be complete; thus, enticing a domestic animal a short distance, or seizing property secured by a chain, or causing another to drop prop- erty by knocking his hand is not a taking of such property. The taking need not be by the hands of the thief. Thus, where one, having the required intent to steal, entices a horse into his own stable without touching him, or procures an in- sane person to take the goods, or procures a railroad com- pany to deliver another's trunk by changing the check on it, he is guilty of larceny. The taking must be from the actual or constructive posses- sion of the owner without his consent. One who has a lawful right to the possession of the prop- erty of another can not steal it. Thus where an article is bor- 424 PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. f 443 rowed or hired in good faith the bailee does not commit lar- ceny if he subsequently during the bailment decides to and does convert the article to his own use. But if at the time the article is borrowed, etc., the borrower intends to convert it, such a taking is larceny. And where the possession of an article is obtained by fraud, although no intent to steal ex- isted at the time, a subsequent forming and carrying out of such intent is a larceny. Thus acceptance of the possession, knowing of the mistake and with the required intent, is a larceny ; but if he accepts it in ignorance of the mistake and in good faith as intended for him, his subsequent appropriat- ing to his own use is not a larceny. This same rule applies where a person is paid by mistake more money than he is entitled to. The possession of goods may be in one person although the goods themselves be in the actual manual control of an- other, who is said to have the custody of them. Thus, where the owner of a coin gives it to a friend to examine on the spot, he still retains the possession, and if the recipient goes away with the coin intending to steal it he is guilty of larceny. So, too, a guest at a hotel or a private house has the bare custody of articles such as those in his room or given him for use at the table and can commit a larceny of such articles. Where a servant receives goods or coins from his master to use, care for, or employ for a specific purpose in his service, the master retains possession and the servant has the eustody only and may commit larceny of them. The fact of the ex- istence of the relationship of master and servant does not prevent the latter from being a bailee of the former's prop- erty, in which case the rules as to bailees apply; for instance, a master might lend his servant a horse to use on the latter's own business. Where, however, a servant receives goods or coins from a third person on behalf of his master he has the possession of the goods or coins and can not commit a larceny of them until they have reached the possession of his master, which they do when delivered into his hands or deposited in the receptacle or place provided for the purpose. Thus, if a clerk receive some coins for his master in the course of busi- ness and place them in the cash drawer or safe belonging to 425 *[[ 443 CHAPTER XVII. the master, he no longer has the possession of the coins and his taking of them with the requisite intent would be larceny ; but he does not relinquish possession if, merely for his own convenience, he uses the safe or drawer as a hiding place. His subsequent taking of the coins would not, therefore, be larceny. The distinction between custody and possession is of the utmost importance, for it is often very difficult to determine whether the crime is larceny or embezzlement, each particular case depending upon the peculiar circumstances. To illus- trate the doctrine : Where a third person hands a clerk money to pay a bill which he owes the clerk's employer, and the clerk, instead of putting the money into his employer's safe or other proper place, puts it into his own pocket and appro- priates it, or hides it on the premises and afterwards carries it off, he does not commit larceny, for, as the money has not reached its destination, but is merely in transit, the master has not obtained'possession, either actual or constructive. If, however, the clerk puts the moneys in the safe, it is in his employer's constructive possession; and if he takes it out again and converts it, he is guilty of larceny. If it is not the duty of the clerk to put the money in the safe, but he is re- quired to keep it on his person for his master, then, as soon as he received the money, it has reached its ultimate destina- tion, and he will be guilty if he appropriates it, instead of holding it for his master. If a -master gives his servant a check to take to the bank and get cashed he has mere custody of the check itself, and commits larceny if he appropriates it ; but if he cashes the check and appropriates the money he commits embezzlement only, as the money has never been in the master's possession. (Clark, pp. 285, 286.) Where the owner of an article delivers ifc to another, in- tending at the time an unconditional passing of the property as well as the possession, the other can not be guilty of larceny, whatever the inducement employed by him. Thus where property is obtained from a dealer on the false pretense of being sent for it by a regular charge customer, or where property is bought on credit with no intention of paying, or where a bogus check is given in payment of goods or in ex- 426 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAK. ^f 443 change for money, or where money is borrowed on false pre- tenses with the understanding that different coins or bills are to be returned, there is no larceny. In the case of property delivered by servants or agents, such delivery can not go beyond the actual or apparent au- thority of the servant or agent. So where a master sends his servant with a c. o. d. package, and the purchaser induces the servant to give him the package without payment or pays with a worthless check, intending to keep the package, it is larceny. The reason for the rule above stated, as to an intention to pass the property preventing the taking from amounting to larceny, is that the consent of the owner precludes the exist- ence of an essential element of larceny. But where the taking overlaps the consent given, and where the other elements of larceny are present, he who does the taking is guilty of the offense. Thus where one gets candy from a slot machine by using a counterfeit coin, or where a customer after buying a cigar takes the whole box of matches provided by owner of the store for the use of his customer, the offenders are guilty of larceny if the other elements of that offense are present. Another application of the rule that the consent must be as broad as the taking is made in cases where the owner's intent is to pass the property in the goods only when a condition is fulfilled. Thus where goods are handed to a purchaser on a cash sale the title is not intended to pass until the price is paid; and if the person receiving them runs off with the goods without paying for them and with the required intent he is guilty of larceny. This rule applies in many analagous cases. For instance, it is larceny " for a man to whom money is handed to be changed to run off with it or keep it, animo furandi, and re- fuse to give the change, though the intention may be that he shall keep part of it as pajment for goods purchased or as a loan, for there is no consent to part with the money without receiving the change." (Clark and Marshal, p. 467.) In these cases of conditional delivery the recipient has only the bare custody, and it is therefore immaterial whether the in- tent to steal existed at the time of the delivery, or was formed later. 427 ^[443 CHAPTER XVII. The taking may be from any one having possession of the property; hence, property may be stolen from one who him- self has stolen it, and the owner of goods may steal them from a bailee with a special property in them. One retains the constructive possession of property al- though it is actually out of his control until some one else takes possession, except in the case of abandoned property. So where a desk was sold and coins were afterwards found by the purchaser in a secret drawer and taken by him, he takes it from the possession of the owner. Where a person finds property he has a right to take it and examine it. If the circumstances give him no clue to the ownership he can rightfully appropriate it, and this act or a subsequent refusal to give it up to the owner will not be a larceny. If the cir- cumstances do give him such a clue he can rightfully assume possession for the owner and a subsequent change of intent and an appropriation of the property would not be a larceny, but where he intends to appropriate it at the time he assumes possession he is guilty of larceny, and none the less so if he intends to return it in the event that a reward is given. In larceny, as in other crimes, the evil intent and the act must coexist; that is, as stated in the definition of larceny, the taking and removing must be with the particular intent described. Where the original taking was wrongful, there a subsequent felonious intent makes the offense larceny in all cases in which there is concurrently with such intent, although subsequent to the taking, a fraudulent conversion or transmutation of the goods. Thus it has been held that where a man, driving away a flock of lambs, negligently took a lamb belonging to a third party, and then, upon subsequently finding out the fact of the true ownership, fraudulently converted the lamb to his own use, taking it from the rest of the flock, that this was larceny. (Keg. v. Riley, 14 Eng. L. & Eq. Rep. 566; 6 Cox, C. C. 88.) The felonious intent in larceny is that entertained by a thief; i. e., a fraudulent intent to deprive the owner perma- nently of his property in the goods or of their value or a part of their value. Unless such a purpose exist with the taking and carrying away there is no larceny. 428 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 Thus larceny is not committed where the taking was with- out any intent at all as regards the property, as in the case of property taken by mistake or accidentally; or where the intent was to take one's own property, as in the case of prop- erty taken under a bona fide claim of right, however un- founded ; or where the intent was to take another's property temporarily from his possession, as in the case of property taken for a temporary use, or in fun, or out of curiosity, or to keep for him, or to deprive him of the power of using it. Thus if one takes a horse merely to enable him to escape with stolen property, or takes property from a drunken friend in order to prevent him from losing it, or taking a cudgel out of the owner's hand to prevent a beating there is no larceny. Whether the required intent exists where property is taken to pawn or hold for a reward depends upon the circumstances. Some cases of taking property to pledge would come within the above rule as to temporary use, as where the intent is in good faith to redeem and return it ; but in the absence of such intent the taking is larceny. Where the taking is with the design of returning it to the owner, but in the hope of obtaining a reward, it is not lar- ceny ; but if the purpose is to keep the property until a re- ward is offered it is. Taking property with the intent to sell it back to the owner or return it to him for some other consideration is, of course, more indicative of than incon- sistent with the existence of the required intent. Thus, steal- ing a railroad ticket is none the less stealing because it was intended to be returned to the railroad when made use of. Once the goods are taken and removed with the felonious intent above described the offense is complete and is none the less a larceny because the thief may have had in mind a disposition of the property without benefit or advantage to himself. Thus, an intent to give it to another or to destroy it out of revenge, or to prevent its use as evidence or other- wise against himself or another, does not prevent the felon- ious taking of another's property from being larceny. In line with this principle it has been held that a servant who clandestinely took his master's oats for the purpose of feeding them to his master's horse was guilty of larceny. 420 TJ 443 CHAPTER XVII. When a larceny has been committed a prompt repentance by the thief, followed by a return of the property or pay- ment for it, is no defense. Personal property only can be stolen. Thus, where trees, fences, crops, or fixtures are cut down or severed by a tres- passer and immediately taken away by him, there is no larceny. But should the trespasser, after cutting down some trees, for instance, leave the fallen timber and relinquish his possession, the possession of the owner attaches to the prop- erty in its new character as personal property, and a sub- sequent taking by the trespasser with intent to steal is larceny. A piece of paper may be stolen, though its value is less than that of the smallest coin. A promissory note, a bank note, or a post-exchange check or other writing evidencing a chose in action is, under section 287, Federal Penal Code, supra, subject to theft and is to be deemed of the value of the amount of money due thereon, or secured to be paid thereby and remaining unsatisfied, or which in any contingency might be collected thereon, or the value of the property the title to which is shown thereby, or the sum which might be recovered in the absence thereof. PEOOF. (a) The taking by the accused of the property as alleged. (b) The carrying away by the accused of such property. (c) That such property belonged to a certain other per- son named or described. (d) That such property was of the value alleged, or of some value. (e) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating that the taking and carrying away were with a fraudulent intent to deprive the owner permanently of his property or interest in the goods or of their value or a part of their value. VIII. EMBEZZLEMENT. There is no section of the Federal Penal Code defining, for general purposes, the crime of embezzlement. Therefore, courts- martial will be governed by sections 834, 835, and 85 Ib of the Code of the District of Columbia, which provide : 430 FUGITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. H 443 Sec. 834. Embezzlement by Agent, Attorney, Clerk, or Servant. If any agent, attorney, clerk, or servant of a private person or co- partnership, or any officer, attorney, t agent, clerk, or servant of any association or incorporated company, shall wrongfully convert to his own use, or fraudulently take, make way with, or secrete, with intent to convert to his own use, anything of value which shall come into his possession or under his care by virtue of his employment or office, whether the thing so converted be the property of his master or employer or that of any other person, copartnership, asso- ciation, or corporation, he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than ten years, o* both. Sec. 835. Embezzlement of Note Not Delivered. Every embezzle- ment of any evidence of debt negotiable by delivery only, actually executed by the master or employer of any such clerk, attorney, agent, officer, or servant, but not delivered or issued as a valid in- strument, shall be deemed an offense within the meaning of the last preceding section. Sec. 851b. That if any person intrusted with the possession of any- thing of value, including things savoring of the realty, for the purpose of applying the same for the use and benefit of the owner or person so delivering it, shall fraudulently convert the same to his own use he shall, where the value of the thing so converted is $35 or more, be punished by imprisonment for not less than 1 nor more than 10 years, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or both; and where the value of the thing so converted is less than $35 he shall be punished by im- prisonment for not more than 1 year or by a fine of not more than $500, or both: Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall be construed to alter or repeal the foregoing sections contained in Subchapter II .of Chapter XIX of this code. Act approved March 3, 1913 (37 Stat. 727.) Embezzlement differs from larceny in that the original taking of the property was lawful or with the consent 6f the owner, while in larceny the felonious intent must have existed at the time of the taking. (Cyc., vol. 15, p. 488.) Embezzlement is not a common law but a statutory of- fense. The purpose of embezzlement statutes is to meet the case of a servant, clerk, bailee, or other person to whom the pos- session of property is intrusted by or for the owner, and who misappropriates it to his own use or otherwise, the circum- stances being such that the act is not larceny. The gist of the offense is a breach of trust, and can not be committed unless some fiduciary relationship exists between the owner and the person in possession of the property and 21358 20 28 431 ^443 CHAPTER XVII. unless such possession was taken by virtue of such relation- ship. PKOOF. (a) That the accused was the clerk or servant of a certain other person or stood in some other fiduciary relationship to that person, as alleged. (b) That in such fiduciary capacity the accused received into his possession certain money or property of such per- son, as alleged. (c) That he fraudulently converted or appropriated to his own use such money or property. (d) The facts and circumstances showing that such conver- sion or appropriation was with fraudulent intent. NOTE 1. Section 905 of the Code of the District of Columbia pro- vides: " Sec. 905. The words ' anything of value,' wherever they occur in this chapter, shall be held to include not only things possessing in- trinsic value, but bank notes and other forms of paper money, and commercial paper and other writings which represent value." IX. PERJURY. Section 125 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides: Whoever, having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes aa oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed is true, shall willfully and contrary to such oath state or subscribe any material matter which he does not believe to be true, is guilty of perjury, and shall b fined not more than two thousand dollars and imprisoned not more than five years. The words "competent tribunal, officer, or person" do not necessarily mean that the tribunal by which the oath is adminis- tered shall have been created by the Government which required it to be taken, nor that the officer who administers it shall be an officer of that Government. But the statute means that the oath must, at any rate, be permitted or required by some law of the "United States, and be administered by some tribunal, officer, or person authorized by a law of the United States to administer oaths in respect of the particular matters to which it relates, (United States v. Curtis, 107 U. S., 671, 673.) 432 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF "WAK. '[f 443 The usual and ordinary meaning: of the word "deposition" is written testimony in legal proceedings. The words " declara- tion " and " certificate " are used in the statute in the ordinary and popular sense, and signify any statement of material mat- ters of fact sworn to and signed by the party charged. (United States v. Ambrose, 108 IT. S., 336, 340.) To constitute perjury it is not sufficient that the oath taken be false and untrue as to some material matter, but it must further appear that the party knew at the time of taking the oath that the same was false and untrue, or else that he swore to his knowledge as of a fact, knowing that he had no such knowledge. Perjury may be committed either by swearing to a fact which the witness knows is untrue or by swearing to his knowledge of the fact when he knows that he has no such knowledge. So also a witness may commit perjury in testifying falsely as to his belief, remembrance, or impression, or as to his judgment or opinion on matters of fact. Thus, where a witness swears that he does not remember certain facts, when in fact he does, he commits perjury, if the other elements of the offense are present. So, also, where a witness testified that in his opinion a certain person was drunk, when in fact he entertains the contrary opinion. It is not necessary that the proceeding in which the oath is taken should be a judicial proceeding. (United States v. Eardi- son, 135 Fed. Hep., 419, 423.) Thus perjury is committed where a false oath is taken as to a pension claim before a justice of the peace; where one inten- tionally swears falsely in making return of his income, although the statute imposing a tax upon income does not provide for compulsory disclosure under oath; where one testifies falsely to the credibility of a witness, such credibility being material; or where one testifies that he has never been in prison, the fact being otherwise ; and where statements which the deponent does not, believe to be true are made on a justification as bail. Per- jury committed at an examination before a United States com- missioner, under an act of Congress, is within this section. (Ex parte Bridges, Brown v. United States, 4 Fed. Gas., 99, 105.) ^[ 443 CHAPTER XVII. It is not perjury to testify by mistake to what is really be- lieved to be true, however unfounded the belief may be; hence a witness may contradict under oath testimony formally given by him without committing perjury, since he may on such occa- sion have believed his testimony to be true. Where a form of oath has been prescribed, a literal follow- ing of the statute is not essential. It is sufficient if the oath administered conforms in substance to the statutory form. An oath includes affirmation, where the latter is authorized in lieu of an oath. It is no defense that the witness voluntarily appeared, or that he was an incompetent witness, or that his testimony was given in response to questions that he could have de- clined to answer, even if he was forced to answer it over his claim of privilege. It is a defense, however, if the tribunal or magistrate had no jurisdiction of the cause in which the false testimony was given. The false testimony must be material to the issue or matter of inquiry, but the issue or matter of inquiry may be a collateral one. The issue may be proved by that part of the record of trial showing the pleadings, or by a duly authenticated copy thereof, or by a properly authenticated copy of the general court-martial order promulgating the proceedings of such trial, or in case of the loss or destruction of such evidence by secondary evidence thereof. It is for the court to determine whether or not the perjured testimony was in fact material to those issues properly established. To constitute perjury an oath must be taken under or required by some law of the United States. A voluntary or extrajudicial oath, though false, is not perjury ; neither is an oath taken under a departmental regulation for the enforcement of the oleomar- garine law (no statute authorizing it) ; but where the depart- mental rules requiring the affidavit are in accord with the re- quirements of a statute a false affidavit constitutes perjury. (Van Gesner v. United States, 153 Fed. Rep., 46, 53.) The authority of the officer who administers the oath upon which perjury is predicated is sufficiently alleged by stating that such officer was then and there a person having authority to administer such oath. A notary public is authorized to admin- 434 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^[443 ister oaths in affidavits required by the Secretary of War under the act of March 3, 1863, and false swearing in reference to facts so required is perjury. (United States v. Sonachall, 27 Fed. Gas., 1259.) The specification need not allege that the false oath was taken deliberately and corruptly, or otherwise than as indicated by the language of the statute. But the oath must be willfully taken. (United States v. Edwards, 43 Fed. Rep., 67; United States v. Lake, 129 Fed. Rep., 499, 502.) And the fact that the accused was sworn must be distinctly stated. There can be no conviction for perjury unless the false oath or affidavit was taken, or made with a corrupt intent, and this is a question for the jury. (United States v. Smith, 27 Fed. Cas., 1175, 1183.) It is not necessary that the false affidavit should have been used. (Noah v. United States, 128 Fed. Rep., 270, 272.) The unsupported testimony of a single witness is insufficient to con- vict. (United States v. Hall, 44 Fed. Rep., 864, 868.) But oral evidence is unnecessary if the jury believes documentary evi- dence. (United States v. Wood, 14 Pet., 430, 444.) NOTE. For false swearing, see paragraph 446 II, infra, " False swearing." PROOF. (a) That the accused took an oath in any of the cases pro- vided in section 125, Federal Penal Code, 1910, as alleged in the specification. (b) That such oath was administered by a person having au- thority to do so. (c) That upon such oath accused testified, declared, deposed, or certified as alleged. (d) That such testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate was false and material to the inquiry as alleged. (e) The facts and circumstances showing that such testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate was taken or made willfully with a corrupt intent. NOTE 2. Falsely certifying to a claim or document under the War Eisk Insurance Act (sec. 25, as amended by the act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 Stat. 402)), is not perjury within the meaning of that term as used in the ninety-third article of war, but is chargeable under A. W. 96. 435 ^[ 443 CHAPTER XVII. X. Forgery. Forgery is not defined by the Federal Penal Code; but sec- tion 843 of the Code of the District of Columbia provides: Whoever, with intent to defraud or injure another, falsely makes or alters any writing of a public or private nature, which might operate to the prejudice of another, or passes, utters, or publishes, or attempts to pass, utter, or publish as true and genuine, any paper so falsely made or altered, knowing the same to be false or forged, with the intent to defraud or prejudice the right of another, shall be im- prisoned for not less than one year nor more than ten. This statute will govern courts-martial, as to the definition of this offense. Some of the instruments that are subjects of forgery are checks, indorsements, orders for the delivery of money or goods, railroad tickets, and receipts. A writing falsely made includes a false instrument that is in part or entirely printed, engraved, written with a pencil, or made by photography or other device. A writing may be made falsely by filling in a paper signed in blank, or by signing an instrument already written. The writing must be false must purport to be what it is not. Thus, signing another's name to a check with intent to defraud is forgery, as the instrument purports on its face to be what it is not. But where, after the false signature of such person is added the word by, and the signature of the person making the check, thus indicating an authority to sign, the offense is not forgery even if no such authority exists, as the check on its face is what it purports to be. Forgery may be committed by signing one's own name to an instrument. Thus, where a check payable to the order of a certain person comes into the hands of another of the same name, he commits forgery, when, knowing the check to be another's, he indorses it with his own name, intending to defraud. Forgery may also be committed by signing a fictitious name, as where a person signs a check payable to himself with a fictitious name ; but when he passes a check signed by him with a fictitious name, credit being extended to him without regard to his name, forgery is not committed. 436 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 To constitute a forgery the instrument must have apparent legal efficacy. The fraudulent making of an instrument affirmatively invalid on its face is not a forgery. But this requirement does not ordinarily prevent the fraudulent mak- ing of a signature on a check, for instance, from being a forgery even if there be no resemblance to the genuine signa- ture and the name is misspelled. The false writing must be made with intent to defraud or injure another. A person who signs another's name to an instrument believing that he has authority to do so does not commit a forgery. It is immaterial, however, that anyone be actually de- frauded or injured, or that no further step be made toward carrying out the intent to defraud than the making of the false writing. Analysis and Proof. Section 843 of the Code of the District of Columbia defines four crimes: I. Falsely making a writing. II. Falsely altering a writing. III. Uttering a paper falsely made or falsely altered. IV. Attempting to utter a paper falsely made or falsely altered. PROOF. I. Falsely Mkingr a Writing. (a) That a certain writing was falsely made, as alleged in the specification. (The instrument itself should be produced, if available.) (b) That such writing was of a nature which might operate to the prejudice of another. (This will usually, but not always, appear from the face of the paper itself.) (c) That it was the accused who so falsely made it. (d) The facts and circumstances of the case, as alleged in the specification, indicating the intent of the accused thereby to either, as the case may be, (1) defraud or (2) injure another certain person. IT. Falsely Altering: a Writing-. (a) That a certain writing was falsely altered, as alleged in the specification. (The instrument itself should be produced, if available.) 437 ^[443 CHAPTER XVII. (b) That such writing was of a nature which might operate to the prejudice of another. (This will usually, hut not always, appear from the face of the paper itself.) (c) That it was the accused who so falsely altered it. (d) The facts and circumstances of the case, as alleged in the specification indicating the intent of the accused tKejeby to, as the case may be, (1) defraud or (2) injure another certain person. III. Uttering a Paper Falsely Made or Falsely Altered. (a) That, as alleged in the specification, a certain paper was (1) falsely made or (2) falsely altered. (The instrument itself should be produced, if available.) (b) That such writing was of a nature which might operate to the prejudice of another. (This will usually, but not always, appear from the face of the paper itself.) (c) That the accused, as alleged in the specification, passed or uttered or published such paper as true and genuine. (d) That the accused, when so doing, knew said paper to have been falsely made or falsely altered as alleged in the specifi- cation. (e) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the in- tent of the accused in so doing to either (1) defraud or (2) preju- dice the right of a certain other person, as alleged in the speci- fication. IV. Attempting: to Utter a Paper Falsely Made or Falsely Altered. (a) That, as alleged in the specification, a certain paper was (1) falsely made or (2) falsely altered. (The instrument itself should be produced, if available.) (b) That such writing was of a nature which might operate to the prejudice of another. (This will usually, but not always, appear from the face of the paper itself.) (c) The facts and circumstances of the case showing that, as alleged in the specification, the accused attempted to pass or utter or publish such paper as true and genuine. (d) That the accused, when so doing, knew said paper to have been falsely made or falsely altered, as alleged in the specification. (e) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the in- tent of the accused in so doing to either (1) defraud or (2) preju- dice the right of a certain other person, as alleged in the speci- fication. PUNITIVE AKTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 XI. Sodomy. Neither the Federal Penal Code nor the Code of the District of Columbia defines sodomy. Courts-martial are therefore governed by the common-law definition of this offense. Sodomy at common law consists in sexual connection with any brute animal, or in sexual connection, per anum, by a man with any man or woman. (Wharton, vol. 1, p. 965.) Penetration of the mouth of the person also constitutes this offense. Both parties are liable as principals if each is adult and consents ; but if either be a boy of tender age the adult alone is liable, and although the boy consent the act is still by force. Penetration alone is sufficient. An assault with intent to commit this offense consists of an assault on a human being with intent to penetrate his or her person per anum. That which has been before stated, with regard to the evi- dence and manner of proof in cases of rape, ought especially to be observed upon a trial for this heinous offense. When strictly and impartially proved the offense well merits strict and impartial punishment ; but it is from its nature so easily charged and the negative so difficult to be proved that the ac- cusation ought clearly to be made out. The evidence should be plain and satisfactory in proportion as the crime is detest- able. 4 Bl. Com., 215 (Archbold's Criminal Practice and Pleading, 8th ed., vol. 1, p. 1016.) PROOF. That the accused had sexual connection with a certain brute animal, or had sexual connection per anum, or by the mouth, with a certain man or woman, as the case may be, as alleged in the specification. XII. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO COMMIT ANY FELONY. An assault with intent to commit any felony is an assault made with a specific intent to murder, rape, rob, or to commit manslaughter, sodomy, or other common-law or statutory felony. 439 CHAPTER xvn. An assault is an attempt or offer with unlawful force or violence to do a corporal hurt to another. (Clark and Mar- shall, p. 271.) Raising a stick over another's head as if to strike him, pre- senting a firearm ready for use within range of another, strik- ing at another with a cane or fist, assuming a threatening atti- tude and hurrying toward another, are examples of assaults. Some overt act is necessary in any assault. Mere prepara- tion, such as unfastening the catch on a pistol holster in order that the pistol may be drawn, or picking up a stone at a con- siderable distance from another without making any attempt or offer to throw it, is not an assault. The force or violence must be physical ; mere words, how- ever threatening, or insulting gestures are not by themselves sufficient to constitute an assault. Furthermore, in an assault there must be an intent, actual or apparent, to inflict corporal hurt on another. Where the circumstances known to the person menaced clearly negative such intent there is no assault. Thus, where a person accompanies an apparent attempt to strike another by an unequivocal announcement in some form of his inten- tion not te strike, there is no assault. This principle was ap- plied in a case where the defendant raised his whip and shook it at the prosecutor within striking distance saying, " If you weren't an old man, I would knock you down." Viewed solely as an attempt to commit a battery there must be an actual or constructive intent to do a corporal hurt to another, and an act of unlawful violence or force begun to be executed with a view to inflicting such hurt. How such pur- pose is defeated is immaterial. The following have been held to be assaults : Riding after a person so as to compel him to seek safety in an inclosure to avoid a beating, though the assailant was never near enough to hit him; rushing upon another in a threatening attitude although before quite close enough to strike, the person threatened strikes in self-defense or the attack is frustrated by a third person. It is also an assault where the person in order to avert the taking effect of the unlawful violence yields to a demand of 440 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. If 443 his assailant. Thus, where A, being within striking distance of B, raises a weapon for the purpose of unlawfully striking him, stating that he will strike unless B does a certain thing, and B does that thing, thereby averting the blow, A commits an assault. It is not a defense to a charge of assault that for some reason unknown to the assailant his attempt was bound to fail. Thus, where a soldier loads his rifle with what he believes to be a good cartridge and, pointing it at a person, pulls the trigger, he is guilty of assault although the cartridge was so defective that it could not be used. The same principle was applied to a case where a person in a house shoots through the roof at a place where he supposed a policeman was con- cealed, though the policeman was at another place on the roof. The intent need not be to injure a particular person, and mere recklessness may supply the place of intent. Thus, where one strikes at A believing him to be B, he is guilty of assaulting A ; and where one fires a loaded and capped pistol at another recklessly, and not knowing or seeking to know whether it is loaded or not, he commits an assault. To constitute an assault, however, it is unnecessary that there be an actual or constructive intent to hurt anyone or a believed ability to inflict such hurt If there be, to the person set upon, an apparent present in- tent to injure, coupled with an apparent present ability to do so, it is sufficient. The better opinion, however, is to the effect that if a person presents a gun at another, or threatens him with a stick or other weapon, and thereby reasonably puts him in fear and causes him to act on the defensive, or to retreat, there is an assault, whether there is any actual intention to injure or not. In a comparatively late Massachusetts case it was held that a man who pointed an unloaded gun at another was guilty of an assault, although he may have known that it was not loaded and may have had no intention to injure. " It is not the secret intent of the assaulting party," said the court, " nor the undisclosed fact of his ability or inability to commit a 441 If 443 CHAPTER XVII. battery, that is material, but what his conduct and the attend- ing circumstances denote at the time to the party assaulted. If t him they indicate an attack, he is justified in resorting to defensive action. The same rule applies to the proof neces- sary to sustain a criminal complaint for an assault. It is the outward demonstration that constitutes the mischief which is punished as a breach of the peace." (Clark and Marshall, pp. 277, 278.) If there be such a demonstration of violence, coupled with an apparent ability to inflict the injury, so as to cause the person at whom it is directed reasonably to fear the injury unless he retreat to secure his safety, and under such cir- cumstances he is compelled to retreat to avoid any impending danger, the assault is complete, though the assailant may never have been within the actual striking distance of the person assailed. (Clark and Marshal, p. 281, note.) There must, however, be an apparent present ability. To aim a pistol at a man at such a distance that it clearly could not injure would not be an assault. A battery is an assault in which force is applied, by ma- terial agencies, to the person of aiiother, either mediately or immediately. Thus, it is a battery to spit on another ; to push a third person against him ; to set a dog at him which bites him ; to cut his dress while he is wearing it, though without touching or intending to touch his person ; to shoot him ; and to cause him to take poison. So it is a battery for a man to fondle against her will a woman not his wife. The force may be applied through conductors more or less close. Thus, to strike the dress of the person assailed, or the horse on which he is riding, or the house in which he resides, may be as much a battery as to strike his face ; and sending an explosive ma- chine by express from New York to San Francisco may be as much a battery as taking it to San Francisco in person. It is not, however, a battery to lay hands on another to attract his attention, or in a party falling to seize another for sup- port. Sending a missile into a crowd also is a battery on any- one whom the missile hits ; and so is the use, on the part of one who is excused in using force, of more force than is required. 442 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 1. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO MUEDEB. This is an assault aggravated by the eoncurrence of a specific intent to murder ; in other words, it is an attempt to murder. As in other attempts there must be an overt act, beyond mere preparation or threats, or an attempt to make an at- tempt. Thus, it was held not an assault with intent to murder where the defendant drew a pistol from his hip pocket, but because of its becoming caught in the lining of his coat, did not make any actual attempt to inflict an injury with the pistol on the person alleged to have been assaulted. To constitute an assault with intent to murder by firearms it is not necessary that the weapon be discharged ; and in no case is the actual infliction of injury necessary. Thus, where a man with intent to murder another deliberately assaults him by shooting at him, the fact that he misses does not alter the character of the offense. Where the intent to murder exists, the fact that for some reason unknown the actual consummation of the murder is impossible by the means employed does not prevent the per- son using them from being guilty of an assault with intent to commit murder where the means are apparently adapted to the end in view. Thus, where a soldier intending to murder another loads his rifle with what he believed to be a good cartridge and aims and discharges his rifle at the other, it is no defense that he, by accident, got hold of a cartridge so defectively loaded that the bullet did not leave the gun. In order to constitute this offense the specific intent to murder must exist, and the facts must be such that had death been caused by the act the offense would have been murder, but the converse of this latter proposition is not always true, as a man may be guilty of murder without in- tending to kill. Thus, where a workman recklessly throws a heavy object from the roof of a building into a street where he knows people are likely to be passing and thereby kills a person, he may be guilty of murder ; but where the person is merely injured, the offense of assault with intent to commit murder is not committed. 443 ^[443 CHAPTER XVII. To constitute this offense there must be a specific intent to murder the person assaulted and this intent must exist at the time of the assault. A general felonious intent of a specific design to commit another felony is not sufficient, and where a person is too drunk to entertain the specific intent the offense is not murder. But where the accused intending to murder A shoots at and wounds B, mistaking him for A, he is guilty of assaulting B with intent to murder him ; so also where a man fires into a group with intent to murder some one he is guilty of an assault with intent to murder each member of the group. 2. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO COMMIT MANSLAUGHTER. This offense differs from assault with intent to murder in the lack of the elements of malice necessary to constitute the latter crime. It is an attempt to take human life in a sudden heat of pas- sion. The specific intent to kill is necessary and the act must be done under such circumstances that had death ensued the offense would have been manslaughter. What has been said under the head of assault with intent to commit murder applies to the offense of assault with intent to commit manslaughter. 3. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO COMMIT RAPE. This is an attempt to commit rape in which the overt act amounts to an assault upon the woman intended to be rav- ished. Indecent advances, importunities however earnest; mere threats; and actual attempts to rape wherein the overt act is not an assault do not amount to this offense. Thus, where a man, intending to rape a woman, stealthily concealed himself in her room to await a favorable opportunity to exe- cute his design but was discovered and fled, it was held that he was not guilty of an assault with intent to commit rape. No actual touching is necessary. Thus where a man entered a woman's room and got in the bed where she was and within 444 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. If 443 reach of her person for the purpose of raping her he commits the offense, although he did not touch the woman. This offense may be committed on a woman who is insane or an imbecile, or while she is drugged or intoxicated, or asleep, provided the offense would be rape if the purpose was carried out. But an attempt to have connection with a woman capable of consenting and whose consent thereto has been ob- tained by fraud is not an assault with intent to commit rape. 1 hus an attempt to have connection with a woman who has consented thereto in the belief that one personating her husband is her husband can not be an assault with intent to commit rape. The intent to have carnal knowledge of the woman assaulted by force and without her consent must exist and concur with the assault. In other words, the man must intend to over- come any resistance by force, actual or constructive, and penetrate the woman's person. Any less intent will not suffice. Thus where a man assaults a woman, his purpose being to seduce her, the offense is not committed. Once an assault with intent to commit rape is made, it is no defense that the man voluntarily desisted or that the woman yields her consent to the connection, so that no rape is committed. 4. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO ROB. This is an attempt to commit robbery wherein the overt act is an assault and the concurrent intent is forcibly to take and carry away property of the person assaulted from his per- son or in his presence by violence or putting him in fear. The accused can not set up as a defense that he intended to take only money and that the person he attempted to rob had none. 5. Assault with Intent to Commit Sodomy. For definition of sodomy, see Division XI of this paragraph, " sodomy," supra. For definition of assault, see supra, this Division XII of this paragraph. The assault must be against a human being, and must be with the specific intent to commit sodomy. Any less intent, or differ- 445 If 443 CHAPTER XVII. cnt intent, will not suffice. (Compare, as to the requirements of the intent, which must be proved, the preceding subdivision! of this division of this paragraph.) PEOOF. (1) Assault with intent to murder: (a) That the accused assaulted a certain person, as alleged. (5) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the existence at the time of the assault of the specific intent of the accused to kill such person and that the killing would have been murder had death resulted. NOTE. Both the specific intent and the malice may be inferred from the deliberate use of a deadly weapon in a way calculated to cause death, or from other deliberate acts of violence likely to result in death or great bodily harm. (2) Assault with intent to commit manslaughter: (a) That the accused assaulted a certain person, as alleged. (>) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the existence at the time of the assault of the specific intent of the accused to kill such person and that the killing would have been voluntary manslaughter had death resulted. (3) Assault with intent to commit rape : (a) That the accused assaulted a certain female, as speci- fied. (b) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the existence at the time of the assault of the intent of the accused to penetrate the person of such female at all events by over- coming any resistance on her part by actual or constructive force; and the facts and circumstances indicating that the offense of rape would have been committed had the accused succeeded in carrying out his purpose. (4) Assault with intent to rob: (a) That the accused assaulted a certain person, as alleged. (b) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the existence at the time of the assault of the intent on the part of the accused forcibly to steal property of such person from his person or in his presence by violence or putting him in fear. 446 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 443 (5) Assault with intent to commit sodomy: (a) That the accused assaulted a certain person, as alleged. (b) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the concurrent intent to commit the offense on such person. XIII. Assault with intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing. The offense denounced in this article as an assault with intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing was, by Congress, meant to describe the offense of that nature, denounced in section 276, Federal Penal Code of 1910, as follows : Whoever, with intent to do bodily harm, and without just cause or excuse, shall assault another with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing- shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Weapons, etc., are dangerous when they are used in such a manner that they are likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Mere capability of being so used is not enough. Boiling water may be so used as to be a dangerous thing, and a pistol may be so used as not to be a dangerous weapon. PROOF. (a) That the accused assaulted a certain person with a certain weapon, instrument, or thing. (b) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating that such weapon, instrument, or thing was used in a manner likely to produce death or great bodily harm. (c) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating that the assault was without just cause or excuse. XIV. ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO DO BODILY HARM. This is an assault aggravated by the specific present intent to do bodily harm to the person assaulted by means of the force employed. It is not necessary that any battery actually ensue, or, if bodily harm is actually inflicted, that it be of the kind intended. Where the accused acts in reckless disregard for the safety of others it is not a defense that he did not have in mind the particular person injured. 21358 20 29 447 If 444 CHAPTEB xvru PEOOF. (a) That the accused assaulted a certain person, as alleged. (&) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating the concurrent intent thereby to do bodily harm to such person. 444. Ninety -fourth Article of War: [1] Any person subject to military law who makes or causes to be made any claim ngjiinst the United States, or any officer thereof, knowing; such claim to be false or fraudulent; or [2] "Who presents or causes to be presented to any person in the civil or military service thereof, for approval or payment, any claim against the United States, or any officer thereof, know- ing? such claim to be false or fraudulent; or [3] Who enters into any agreement or conspiracy to defraud the United States by obtaining:, or aiding; others to obtain, the allowance or payment of any false or fraudulent claim; or [4] Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding; others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or payment of a-ny claim against the United States or against any officer thereof, makes or uses, or procures, or advises the making; or use of, any writ- ing: or other paper, knowing; the same to contain any false or fraudulent statements; or [5] Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding* others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or payment of any claim agrainst the United States or any officer thereof, makes or pro- cures, or advises the making; of, any oath to any fact or to any writing: or other paper knowing: such oath to be false; or [6] Who, for the purpose of obtaining:, or aiding; others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or payment of any claim against the United States or any officer thereof, forges or coun- terfeits, or procures, or advises the forging: or counterfeiting: of any signature upon any writing: or other paper, or uses, or pro- cures, or advises the use of any such signature, knowing; the same to be forged or counterfeited; or [7] Who, having: charge, possession, custody, or control of any money or other property of the United States, furnished or in- tended for the military service thereof, knowingly delivers, or causes to be delivered, to any person having authority to receive the same, any amount thereof less than that for which he re- ceives a certificate or receipt; or [8] Who, being authorized to make or deliver any paper cer- tifying the receipt of any property of the United States furnished or intended for the military service thereof, makes or delivers to any person such writing, without having full knowledge of the truth of the statements therein contained and with intent to defraud the United States; or [9] Who steals, embezzles; knowingly and willfully misappro- priates, applies to his own use or benefit, or wrongfully or knowingly sells or disposes of any ordnance, arms, equipments, HIII munition, clothing, subsistence stores, money, or other prop- erty of the United States furnished or intended for the military service thereof; or [1O] Who knowingly purchases or receives in pledge for any obligation or indebtedness from any soldier, officer, or other person who Is a part of or employed 1m said force* or aerviee. 448 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. If 444 any ordnance, arms, equipment, ammunition, clothing:, srbsist- ence stores, or other property of the United States, such soldier, nicer, or other person not having: lawful right to sell or pledge the same: Shall, on conviction thereof, he punished hy fine or imprison- ment, or by snch other punishment as a coiirt-martial may ad- judge, or by any or all of said* penalties. And if any person, being: guilty of any of the offenses aforesaid while in the mili- tary service of the United States, receives his discharge or is dismissed from the service, he shall continne to be liable to be arrested and held for trial and sentence by a court-martial in the same manner and to the same extent as if he had not received such discharge nor been dismissed. [11] And if any officer, being guilty, while in the military service f the United States, of embezzlement of ration savings, post ex- ciiange, company, or other like funds, or of embezzlement of money or other property intrnsted to his charge by an enlisted man or men, receives his discharge, or is dismissed, or is dropped from the rolls, he shall continue to be liable to be arrested and held for trial and sentence by a court-martial in the same man- ner and to the same extent as if he had not been so discharged, dismissed, or dropped from the rolls. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See the respective headings under which the offenses de- fined by this article are treated below. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law, except that the last sentence is applicable solely to an officer who has been in the military service of the TJnited States. See ar- ticle 2. The article embraces a large number of offenses which may be treated under headings, corresponding to the paragraphs of the article, as follows : I. Making or causing to be made a false or fraudulent claim. II. Presenting or causing to be presented for approval or payment a false or fraudulent claim. III. Entering into an agreement or conspiracy to defraud the United States through false claims. IV. Making, using, procuring, or advising the making or use of a false writing or other paper in connection with claims. 449 TJ 444 CHAPTER XVII. V. False oath in connection with claims. VI. Forgery, etc., of signature in connection with claims. VII. Delivering less than amount called for by receipt. VIII. Making or delivering receipt without having knowl- edge that the same is true. . IX. Embezzlement, misappropriation, sale, etc., of mili- tary property. X. Purchasing or receiving in pledge of military property. XI. Former officer guilty, while he was in service, of embezzle- ment of ration savings, post exchange, company, or other like funds, or of money or other property entrusted to him by enlisted man. I. MAKING OR CAUSING TO BE 'MADE A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM. Making a claim is a distinct act from presenting it. A claim may be made in one place and presented in another. This section does not relate to personal claims against an officer of the United States, but to claims against the United States made to such officer or otherwise. It is not necessary that the claim be allowed or paid nor that it be made by the person to be benefited by the allowance or payment. The claim must be made or caused to be made with knowledge of its fictitious or dishonest character. This does not include claims, however groundless they may be, that are honestly be- lieved by the maker to be valid, nor claims that are merely made negligently or without ordinary prudence, but it does include claims made by a person who has the belief of the false character of the claim that the ordinarily prudent man would have entertained under the circumstances. (See also the discussion under " II " of this article.) An instance of making a false claim would be where an officer having a claim respecting property lost in the military service knowingly includes articles that were not in fact lost and submits such claim to his commanding officer for the action of the board. 450 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAK, ^f 444 PHOOF. (ct) That the accused made or caused to be made a certain claim against the United States, as alleged. (b) That such claim was false or fraudulent in the par- ticulars specified. (c) That when the accused made the claim or caused it to be made he knew that it was false or fraudulent in such par- ticulars. (d) The amount involved, as alleged. II. PRESENTING OR CAUSING TO BE PRESENTED FOR APPROVAL OR PAYMENT A FALSE OR FRAUDULENT CLAIM. See second paragraph of the article and matter under head- *ig "I." The claim must be presented to some person having au- thority to approve or pay it. False and fraudulent claims include not only those containing some material false state- ment, but also claims that the person presenting knows to have been paid, or for some other reason knows he is not au- thorized to present or receive money on. Where an officer knows that a certain duly assigned pay account of his is outstanding and that the assignee can collect on it if he chooses to do so, it is no defense to a charge against such officer of presenting for payment a second account cov- ering the same period as the assigned account, that the second account was presented relying on the assignee's statement that he would not present the first. But where the accused has good grounds to believe and actually does believe when he presents the second account that the assigned account had been canceled or surrendered by the assignee, his presentation of the second claim does not constitute this offense. A can- cellation or surrender of the first account after the presenta- tion of the second account is, of course, no defense to the charge. Presenting to a paymaster a false final statement, knowing it to be false, is an example of an offense under this para- graph. 451 ^[ 444 CHAPTER XVII. PROOF. (a) That the accused presented or caused to be presented for approval or payment to a certain person in the civil or military service of the United States a certain claim against the United States, as alleged. (b) That such claim was false or fraudulent in the par- ticulars alleged. (c) That when the accused presented the claim or caused it to be presented he knew it was fictitious or dishonest in such particulars. (d) The amount involved, as alleged. III. ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT OR CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD TIIE UNITED STATES THROUGH FALSE CLAIMS. See the third paragraph of this article. A conspiracy is the corrupt agreeing together of two or more persons to do by concerted action something unlawful either as a means or an end. (Bishop, vol. 2, p. 98.) The mere entry into a corrupt agreement for the purpose of defrauding the United States through any of the means specified constitutes the offense. An example of this offense is an agreement between a contractor and an officer to de- fraud the United States by means of a padded voucher to be certified as correct by the officer. PEOOF. (a) That the accused and one or more other persons named or described entered into an agreement. () That the object of the agreement was to defraud the United States. (c) That the means by which the fraud was to be effected were to obtain or assist certain other persons to obtain the allowance or payment of a certain false or fraudulent claim, as specified. (d) The amount involved, as alleged. PUNITIVE AETICLES OF WAR. ^ 444 IV, MAKING, USING, PROCURING, OR ADVISING THE MAKING OR USE OF A FALSE WRITING .OR OTHER PAPER IN CONNECTION WITH CLAIMS. See the fourth paragraph of the article, and matter under headings "I" and "II." It is not necessary to the offense of making a writing know- ing it to contain false or fraudulent statements that such writing be used or attempted to be used, or that the claim in support of which it was made be presented for approval, al- lowance, or payment. The false or fraudulent statement should, however, be material. In the offense of procuring the making or use of the writing or other paper, the paper must be made or used ; but in the offense of advising such acts the making or use of the paper is not necessary. Examples of offenses under this paragraph are : Willfully inducing another to make to the United Stales a lease of premises containing a false and fraudulent state- ment with a view of obtaining the allowance of a false claim for rent against the United States ; falsification by a soldier of an entry in the company clothing book for the purpose described in this paragraph of the article; and the making by an officer in his pay account of false and fraudulent state- ments with a view to securing the payment of such account. PEOOF. (a) That the accused made or used or procured or advised the making or use of a certain writing or other paper, as alleged. (b) That certain statements in such writing or other papers were false or fraudulent, as alleged. (c) That the accused knew this. (d) The facts and circumstances indicating that the act of the accused was for the purpose of obtaining or aiding certain others to obtain the approval, allowance, or payment of a certain claim or claims against the United States, as specified. (e) The amount involved, as alleged. ^f 444 CHAPTER XVII. V. FALSE OATH IN CONNECTION WITH CLAIMS. See the fifth paragraph of the article and matter under headings "I," "II," and "IV." PKOOF. (a) That the accused made or procured or advised the making of an oath to a certain fact or to a certain writing or other paper, as alleged. (b) That such oath was false, as alleged. (c) That the accused knew it was false. (d) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating that the act was for the purpose of obtaining or aiding certain others to obtain the approval, allowance, or payment of a certain claim or claims against the United States, as alleged. VI. FORGERY, ETC., OF SIGNATURE IN CONNECTION WITH CLAIMS. See the sixth paragraph of the article and matter under headings " I " and " II " above. The term " forges or counterfeits " includes any fraudu- lent making of another's signature, whether an attempt is made to imitate the handwriting or not. PKOOF. (a) That the accused forged or counterfeited the signature of a certain person on a certain writing or other paper or that he procured or advised the act as specified; or that he used the forged or counterfeited signature of a certain person or procured or advised its use, knowing such signature to be forged or counterfeited, as alleged. (&) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating that his act was for the purpose of obtaining or aiding cer- tain others to obtain the approval, allowance, or payment of a certain claim or claims against the United States, as alleged. VII. DELIVERING LESS THAN AMOUNT CALLED FOR BY RECEIPT. See the seventh paragraph of the article. It is immaterial in this offense by what means, whether by deceit, collusion, or otherwise, the accused effected the trans- action, or what his purpose was in so doing. 454 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 444 Instances of this offense are : A contractor gave a receipt for a greater amount than was due him from the United States. Thereupon the disbursing officer gave him the full amount called for by the receipt, but received back from the contractor the excess over the amount actually due. A disbursing officer, having delivered to a creditor of the United States less money than was actually due, received a receipt signed in blank by the creditor, which he afterwards completed by writing the true amount due. PROOF. (a) That the accused had charge, possession, custody, or control of certain money or property of the United States furnished or, intended for the military service thereof, as al- leged. (b) That he obtained a receipt for a certain amount or quantity of such money or property, as alleged. (c) That for such -receipt he knowingly delivered, or caused to be delivered, to a certain person having authority to receive it an amount or quantity of such money or property less than the amount or quantity thereof specified in such re- ceipt. (d) The value of the undelivered money or property, as alleged. VIII. MAKING OR DELIVERING RECEIPT WITHOUT HAVING FULL KNOWLEDGE THAT THE SAME IS TRUE. See the eighth paragraph of the article. Where, for instance, an officer, or other person subject to mili- tary law, is authorized to make or deliver any paper certifying the receipt of any property of the United States furnished or in- tended for the military service thereof, and a receipt or other paper is presented to him for signature, stating that a certain amount of supplies has been furnished by a certain contractor, it becomes his imperative duty before signing the paper to have full knowledge that the full amount of supplies therein stated to have been furnished has in effect been furnished, and that the statements contained in the paper are true. If he signs the 455 If 444 CHAPTER XVII. paper without such full knowledge, then he is guilty of a viola- tion of this clause of the article, whether or not he knows or has reason to know that the statements in the paper are untrue, since it is his duty to know that they are true before signing it. If in fact he knows that a less amount of supplies has actually been furnished than the amount stated in the receipt, then of course such definite knowledge of the falsity of the paper makes it impossible for him to have full knowledge that the amount stated in the receipt to have been furnished is true, and there- fore makes him guilty of a violation of this clause of the article ; but he is equally guilty under this clause if in fact he does not know whether or not the statement in the paper is true and signs it without first taking the necessary steps to procure full knowl- edge on the subject and without actually having full knowledge that it is true. If he fails in that duty, and signs the paper without taking the proper steps to procure knowledge of the facts, his action in so signing without full knowledge of the facts will be deemed prima facie evidence of an intent to defraud the United States, and the burden of proof is on him to show, if he can, that he did not in fact have such intent, if it turns out afterwards that the paper was in fact false. PROOF. (a) That the accused was authorized to make or deliver a certificate of the receipt from a certain person of certain property of the United States furnished or intended for the military service thereof, as alleged. (>) That he made or delivered to such person such cer- tificate, as alleged. (c) That such certificate was made or delivered without the accused having full knowledge of the truth of a certain material statement or statements therein. (d) The facts and circumstances indicating that his act was done with intent to defraud the United States. (e) The amount involved, as alleged. IX. EMBEZZLEMENT, MISAPPROPRIATION, SALE, ETC., OF MILITARY PROPERTY. For definitions and principles respecting larceny and em- bezzlement, see headings "VII" and "VIII" under the ninety- third article. 456 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 444 Misappropriating is devoting to any unauthorized purpose. The misapplication meant is where such purpose is for the party's own use or benefit. For the definition of " disposes of," see heading " I " under the eightieth article. The larceny, embezzlement, etc., must be of the particular kind of property mentioned in the article. Post exchange and company funds and money appropriated for other than the military service do not come within the description " money of the United States furnished or intended for the military service thereof." The term " embezzlement " as used in this article does not include acts or omissions not within the definition of embezzlement under sections 834 and 835, or 851b, of tlie Code of the District of Columbia (see " Embezzlement, Division VIII, par. 443, supra), but which may be expressly de- clared by some other special statute to be embezzlements. Such other statutory embezzlements are chargeable, however, under the ninety-sixth article. The misappropriation of the property or money need not be for the benefit of the accused ; the words " to his own use or benefit " qualify the word " applies " only. Instances of misappropriation are: An officer of the Quartermaster's Department used teams, tools, and other public property in his possession as such officer in erecting buildings, etc., for the beneft of an associa- tion composed mainly of civilians, of which he was a member. An officer of the Quartermaster's Department loaned public property (corn) to a contractor for the purpose of enabling him to fill a contract made with the United States through another officer. An instance of misapplication is the temporary use by a quartermaster of Government horses in his charge to draw hie private carriage on nonpublic business. PBOOF. In larceny and embezzlement : (a) See proof under headings " VII " and " VIII " under the ninety-third article. (>) That the property belonged to the United States and that it was furnished or intended for the military service thereof. 457 ^f 444 CHAPTER XVII. In misappropriation and misapplication: (a) That the accused misappropriated or applied to his own use certain property in the manner alleged. (&) That such property belonged to the United States and that it was furnished or intended for the military serv- ice thereof. (c) The facts and circumstances of the case indicating that the act of the accused was willfully and knowingly done. (d) The value of the property, as specified. X. PURCHASING OR RECEIVING IN PLEDGE OF MILITARY PROPERTY. See the tenth paragraph of the article and matter under fifty-ninth article. To constitute this offense the accused must know not only (1) that the person selling or pawning the property was in one of the specified classes and (2) that the property was the property of the United States, but also (3) that the person so selling x>r pawning it had no lawful right so to do. As to " knowingly " see " Definitions and principles " under fifty-fifth article. PROOF. (a) That the accused purchased, or received in pledge, for a certain obligation or indebtedness certain military prop- erty of the United States, as alleged, knowing it to be such property. (b) That such property was purchased or so received in pledge from a certain soldier, officer, or other person who was a part of or employed in the military service of the United States, as alleged, and that the accused knew the person selling or pledging the property to be such soldier, officer, or other person. (c) That such soldier, officer, or other person had not the lawful right to sell or pledge such property. (d) That the accused knew, at the time of such lack of lawful right in such soldier, officer, or other person, to so sell or pledge such property. (e) The value of the property, as alleged.' 458 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 445 XI. Former officer guilty, while he was in service, of embezzlement of ration savings, post exchange, company, or other like funds, or of money or other property entrusted to him by enlisted men. See the last sentence of the article and see also " Embezzle- ment," Division VIII, paragraph 443, supra, and also Division IX of this paragraph, supra. No one can be tried under this paragraph of the article except a person who was formerly an officer of the Army and who has been discharged, dismissed, or dropped from the rolls, and for one of the offenses mentioned in this paragraph, committed while the accused was in the military service of the United States, and within the limitation of time fixed by the thirty-ninth article of war, that is to say, committed within three years before arraignment. PROOF. (a) That the accused was formerly an officer of the Army of the United States. (b) That the accused has received his discharge from the Army or has been dismissed or dropped from the rolls. (c) That the accused, while in the military service of the United States, was guilty, as alleged in the specification, of em- bezzlement of (1) ration savings, (2) post exchange funds, (3) company funds, (4) other like funds, or (5) of money or other property entrusted to his charge by an enlisted man or men. (For proof of embezzlement see under " Embezzlement," supra, Division VIII, par. 443.) 445. Ninety-fifth Article of War: Any officer or cadet who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be dismissed from the service. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. The conduct contemplated is action or behavior in an of- ficial capacity which, in dishonoring or disgracing the in- dividual as an officer, seriously compromises his character and standing as a gentleman, or action or behavior in an un- official or private capacity which, in dishonoring or disgrac- ing the individual personally as a gentleman, seriously compromises his position as an officer and exhibits him as 459 ^[445 CHAPTER XVII. morally unworthy to remain a member of the honorable pro- fession of arms. (Winthrop, p. 1106.) There are certain moral attributes common to the ideal of- ficer and the perfect gentleman, a lack of which is indicated by acts of dishonesty or unfair dealing ; of indecency or in- decorum; or lawlessness, injustice, or cruelty. Not every one is or can be expected to meet ideal stand- ards or to possess the attributes in the exact degree demanded by the standards of his own time; but there is a limit of tolerance below which the individual standards in these re- spects of an officer or cadet can not fall without his being morally unfit to be an officer or cadet or to be considered a gentleman. This article contemplates such conduct by an officer or cadet which, taking all the circumstances into consideration, satisfactorily shows such moral unfitness. This article includes acts made punishable by any other article of war, provided such acts amount to conduct unbe- coming an officer and a gentleman ; thus, an officer who em- bezzles military property violates both this and the preced- ing article. Instances of violation of this article are : Knowingly making a false official statement ; dishonorable neglect to pay debts ; opening and reading another's letters ; giving a check on a bank where there were no funds to meet it, and without intending that there should be ; using insult- ing or defamatory language to another officer in his presence, or about him to other military persons ; being grossly drunk and conspicuously disorderly in a public place ; public asso- ciation with notorious prostitutes; cruel treatment of sol- diers ; committing or attempting to commit a crime involving moral turpitude ; failing without a good cause to support his family. For other instances, see Digest, pages 140-143, and Win- throp, pages 1107-1115. ANALYSIS AND PROOF. This article applies to officers and cadets only. The article defines one offense, viz: PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^[446 I. CONDUCT UNBECOMING AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN. PROOF. (a) That the accused did or omitted to do the acts as alleged. (b) The circumstances, intent, motive, etc., as specified. 446. Ninety-sixth Article of War. not mentioned in these articles, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service, and ail crimes or offenses not capital, of which persons subject to military law may he guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general or special or summary court-martial, according to the Mature and degree of the offense, and punished at the discretion of such court. DEFINITIONS AND PRINCIPLES. See matter under the respective headings under which the offenses are treated. ANALTSIS AND PROOF. The article applies to any person subject to military law. See article 2. The article embraces offenses falling within the classes described therein, and not mentioned in the other punitive articles. The offenses may be treated under the fol- lowing headings: I. Disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. II. Conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the** mili- tary service. III. Crimes or offenses not capital. I. DISORDERS AND NEGLECTS TO THE PREJUDICE OF GOOD ORDER AND MILITARY DISCIPLINE. The disorders and neglects include all acts or omissions to the prejudice of good order and military discipline not made punishable by any of the preceding articles. By the term "to the prejudice," etc., is to be understood directly prejudicial, not indirectly or remotely merely. An irregular or improper act pn the part of an officer or soldier 4G1 If 446 CHAPTER XVIJ. can scarcely be conceived which may not be regarded as in some indirect or remote sense prejudicing military dis- cipline ; but it is hardly to be supposed that the article con- templated such distant effects, and the same is, therefore, deemed properly to be confined to cases in which the preju- dice is reasonably direct and palpable. (Winthrop, p. 1123.) Instances of such disorders and neglects in the case of officers are : Disobedience of standing orders, or of the orders of an officer when the offense is not chargeable under a spe- cific article; allowing a soldier to go on duty knowing him to be drunk; rendering himself unfit for duty by excessive use of intoxicants or drugs; drunkenness. Instances of such disorders and neglects in the cases of enlisted men are : Failing to appear on duty with a proper uniform ; appearing with dirty clothing ; malingering ; abus- ing public animals ; refusing to submit to treatment necessary to render him fit for duty ; refusing to submit to a necessary and proper operation not endangering life (see par. 53, C. of O., 1881-1915) ; careless discharge of firearms; personating an officer; making false statements to an officer in regard to matters of duty. PEOOF. (a) That the accused did or failed to do the acts alleged. (b) The circumstances, intent, etc., as specified. II. CONDUCT OF A NATURE TO BRING DISCREDIT UPON THE MILITAY SERVICE. Instances of such conduct on the part of persons subject to military law are unlawful violations of local State statutes (not enacted by authority of any law of the United States), or mu- nicipal ordinances or regulations, or of the laws of friendly foreign countries; or where they are guilty of any other dis- creditable conduct not made punishable by any specific articles, or by the other parts of the ninety-sixth (the general) article. " Discredit," as here used, means to injure the reputation of. Another principal object of including this phrase in the general article was to make military offenses those acts or omissions of retired soldiers which were not elsewhere made 462 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. ^f 446 punishable by the Articles of War but which are of a nature to bring discredit on the service, such as a failure to pay debts. False Swearing. Giving false testimony before State courts and other tribunals not organized or acting under any law of the United States, and making false oaths or affidavits in any other case in which no law of the United States author- izes an oath to be administered, is not perjury under section 125 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 (see " Perjury," Division IX, par. 443, supra), and is, therefore, not punishable as perjury under the ninety-third article of war. Such false swearing is chargeable as conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service under the ninety-sixth article of war. PKOOP. (a) That the accused did or failed to do the acts alleged. (b) The circumstances, intent, etc., as specified. III. CRIMES OR OFFENSES NOT CAPITAL. The crimes referred to in A. W. 96 manifestly embrace those not capital committed in violation of public law as enforced by the civil power (U. S. v. Grafton, 206 U. S. 348), the " public law " here in contemplation being that of the United States; that is, that enacted or adopted by the authority of the Government of the United States. This includes the laws of the District of Columbia and of the several Territories and posses- sions of the United States as well as all laws of the United States; but it excludes city ordinances and regulations and State statutes, as well as the laws of friendly foreign countries (vio- lations of which are, however, chargeable as conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service. (See, supra, Divi- sion II of this paragraph.) All crimes or offenses in violation of such public law of the United States, wherever committed, that are not thereby made punishable by death, are excluded, except such as are specifi- cally included in some other article. Within this description would be a noncapital crime which, although designated by some special enactment for some special purpose, or if committed by some special person or 21358 20- 30 463 f 446 CHAPTER XVII. class of persons, or under some special circumstance, with one of the names used, for instance, in the ninety-third article, is not within the general definition of the offense. Thus section 90 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides that a failure by an officer to render accounts for public money received by him unless authorized to retain it as sal- ary, pay, or emolument is an embezzlement of such funds. Such an embezzlement not being within the general definition of embezzlement as the term is used in the ninety-third and ninety- fourth articles would be chargeable under the general article. The elements of some of the more common crimes that are chargeable under this article will now be discussed. (1) Assault. (2) Assault and battery. See matter under heading " XII " under ninety-third article. A battery is any unlawful touching or injury, however slight, to the person of another directly or indirectly done in an angry, revengeful, rude, or insolent manner. Throw- ing water or spitting in a person's face is a battery. So, merely taking hold of another's clothing, or pushing another against him, or striking a horse on which he is riding caus- ing him to be thrown; striking his cane while in his hand, is a battery when done unlawfully and in the manner de- scribed. If the injury is accidentally inflicted in doing a lawful act without culpable negligence the offense is not committed ; but where personal injury results from the reckless doing of an act likely to result in such injury, the offense is committed. It is no defense that the injury took place on a person for which it was not intended, or that the injury was not the im- mediate result of the defendant's acts. Thus, if a person throws a firecracker in a crowd where it is tossed from hand to hand and finally explodes and puts out a man's eye, the offense is committed. (3) Maiming.- Section 283 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides : Whoever, with intent to maim or disfigure, shall cut, bite, or slit the nose, ear, or lip, or cut out or disable the tongue, or put out or destroy an eye, or cut off or disable a limb or any member of another 464 PUNITIVE ARTICLES OF WAR. *[[ 446 person; or whoever, with like intent, shall throw or pour upon another person any scalding hot water, vitriol or other corrosive acid, or caustic substance whatever, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both. This is more inclusive than the common-law mayhem punish- able under A. W. 93 (see "Mayhem," Division II, par. 443, supra) in that mayhem only includes such hurts as render a man " less able, in fighting, either to defend himself or to annoy his adversary/' and does not include such injuries as merely disfigure. Injuries of the latter class, therefore, together with such injuries as scalding with hot water, vitriol or other cor- rosive acid, or a caustic substance, which constitute violations of section 283 of the Federal Penal Code above quoted, should be charged as maiming, under A. W. 96. (See also "Assault with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing," Division XIII, par. 443, supra.) (4) Carnal Knowledge of Female under Sixteen. Section 279 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides: Whoever shall carnally and unlawfully know any female under the age of sixteen years, or shall be accessory to such carnal and unlawful knowledge "before the fact, shall, for a first offense, be imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, and for a subsequent offense be impris- oned not more than thirty years. This offense is not rape and, therefore, it is not punishable with death, and can not be charged under the ninety-second article of war. (As to rape, see Division II, par. 442, supra.) Neither force nor absence of consent of the female is essential to be proved in a prosecution under this section, but evidence of absence of consent is admissible as affecting the measure of punishment. The essential elements of the offense are (1) the carnal knowl- edge and (2) that the female was under 16 years of age, and was not the lawful wife of the accused. (As to carnal knowl- edge, see, supra, " Rape," Division II, par. 442.) (5) Burning Buildings, Vessels, Lumber, Stores, Arms, Ammu- nition, etc. Section 286 of the Federal Penal Code of 1910 provides : Sec. 286. Whoever shall maliciously set fire to, burn, or attempt to burn, or by any means destroy or injure, or attempt to destroy or in- jure, any arsenal, armory, magazine, ropewalk, shiphouse, warehouse, ^[ 446 CHAPTER xvn. blockhouse, or barrack, or any storehouse, barn, or stable not parcel of a dwelling house, or any other building not mentioned in the sec- tion last preceding, or any vessel built, building, or undergoing repair, or any lighthouse, or beacon, or any machinery, timber, cables, rig- ring, or other materials or appliances for building, repairing, or fitting out vessels, or any pile of wood, boards, or other lumber, or any mili- tary, naval, or victualing stores, arms, or other munitions of war, shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars and imprisoned not more than twenty years. This section covers the burning and destruction of buildings which are not the subject of arson. (IT. S. v. Cardish, 143 Fed. Hep., 640.) (As to arson, see Division III, par. 443, supra.) This section of the Penal Code is broad enough to cover any burning or destruction or injury, or attempt to burn, destroy, or injure any structure, machinery, appliances, equipment or stores, or arms or ammunition of any kind whatever. PEOOF. Crimes in general: (a) That the accused did, or failed to do, the acts alleged. (5) The circumstances, intent, etc., as alleged. 466 CHAPTER XVIII. COURTS OF INQUIRY. Section I. Constitution : Page. 447. When and by whom ordered 468 447a. Retention of officers in the service 468 448. Limitation upon power to convene 468 449. Discretion as to ordering court 468 Section II. Jurisdiction: 450. As to persons 468 451. As to time _, 469 452. As to subject matter 469 Section III. Composition: 453. Members 469 454. Recorder 469 455. Convening order 469 456. Rank of members 470 457. Reporter and interpreter 470 Section IV. Powers: 458. To summon and examine witnesses 470 459. Refusal to appear or testify 470 Section V. Procedure : 461. General principles 470 462. Presence of party whose conduct is being investigated- 471 463. Counsel 471 464. Challenge 471 465. Reduced numbers 471 466. Oaths 472 467. Examination of witnesses 472 468. Depositions 472 469. Conclusions 473 470. Obligation of secrecy 473 471. Revision by court 473 472. Publication of proceedings 473 Section VI. Record: 473. How authenticated 474 474. Disposition of 474 475. Admissible in evidence. 474 467 1f 447 CHAPTER XVIII. SECTION I. CONSTITUTION. 447. WHEN AND BY WHOM ORDERED. A court of inquiry to examine into the nature of any transaction of or accusation or imputation against any officer or soldier may be ordered by the President or by any commanding officer, but a court of inquiry shall not be ordered by any commanding officer except upon the request of the officer or soldier whose conduct is to be inquired into. (A. W. 97.) 447a. Retention of Officers in the Service. A court of inquiry may also be ordered to inquire into the propriety of the action of a classification board in classifying an officer in class B, " officers who should not be retained in the service." (Sec. 24b, act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat. 773.) 448. LIMITATION UPON POWER TO CONVENE. There is no statutory restriction to the meaning of the term "command- ing officer," consequently any commander of the officer or soldier who makes the request would have authority to con- vene the court, but if the charge to be inquired into is beyond the jurisdiction of a court-martial which such commander can appoint, he would not, by analogies of the service in the administration of military justice, be the proper convening authority in such case. (Op. J. A. G., approved by Secre- tary of War, Sept. 19, 1874.) 449. DISCRETION AS TO ORDERING COURT. Neither the Pres- ident nor a commanding officer is obliged to order a court of inquiry on demand of an officer or soldier. Where the facts are thoroughly understood by the authority who is requested to order a court of inquiry or can be satisfactorily ascer- tained by an investigating officer, the commanding officer may, in his discretion, refuse the application; but in the event of such refusal the party, if not satisfied, may appeal to higher authority. (Winthrop, p. 803.) SECTION II. JURISDICTION. 450. As TO PERSONS. A court of inquiry may examine into the conduct of officers or soldiers only (A. W. 97), and the inquiry is confined to those actually in the service. (Di- gest, p. 586, XVIII, B.) 468 COURTS OF INQUIRY. If 451 451. As TO TIME. The statute of limitations (A. W. 39) does not apply to courts of inquiry. There is no legal objec- tion therefore to investigating transactions that are remote in time. 452. As TO SUBJECT MATTER. The inquiry is limited to transactions of or accusations or imputations against officers or soldiers. (A. W. 97.) The principal uses which courts of inquiry are expected to serve are: (a) For determining whether there should be a trial by court-martial in a par- ticular instance; () for informing and advising superior authority in cases which appear not to call for trial by court- martial, but for some other military or administrative ac- tion; (c) for the vindication of character or conduct (Win- throp, p. 805) ; and (d) for inquiring into the correctness of the action of classification boards in classifying officers in class B as not to be retained in the service, under the provisions of section 24b of the Army Reorganization Act of June 4, 1920 (41 Stat., 773). SECTION III. COMPOSITION. 453. MEMBERS. A court of inquiry shall consist of three or more officers. (A. W. 98.) The Secretary of War may assign retired officers, with their consent, upon courts of inquiry. (Act of Apr. 23, 1904.) In time of war retired officers may be employed on active duty in the discretion of the President. (Sec. 127a, subpar. 3, act of June 4, 1920; 41 Stat., 773.) 454. RECORDER. For each court of inquiry the authority appointing the court shall appoint a recorder. (A. W. 98.) The recorder is not an adviser of the court nor a prosecutor before it, but will assist the court, if it so desires, in all matters leading to correct conclusions of fact and law. 455. CONVENING ORDER. The form of the convening order is similar to that for a court-martial. It details the members and recorder by name, fixes the time and place of meeting, specifies the subject matter of inquiry, and directs a report of the facts only, or of the facts with an opinion on the merits of the case. ^[456 CHAPTER XVIII. 456. RANK OF MEMBERS. There is no statute prescribing the rank of members, but when it can be avoided they should not be inferior in rank to the officer whose conduct is being inquired into. The decision of the appointing authority, as indicated by the order convening the court, is conclusive as to whether or not it can be avoided. 457. REPORTER AND INTERPRETER. The president of a court of inquiry has the same power to appoint reporters and in- terpreters as is delegated to the president of a court-martial. (A. W. 115.) They will be paid at the rates fixed by para- graph 113, supra. An enlisted man may be detailed to serve as stenographic reporter and will receive extra pay as pro- vided by paragraph 115, supra. (Act of Aug. 24, 1912, 37 Stat., 575.) A reporter will always be appointed for a court of inquiry convened to consider the classification of an officer in class B, under section 24b of the Army Reorganization Act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat., 773. SECTION IV. POWERS. 458. To SUMMON AND EXAMINE WITNESSES. A court of inquiry and the recorder thereof shall have the same power to summon and examine witnesses as is given to a court- martial and the trial judge advocate thereof. (A. W. 101.) 459. REFUSAL TO APPEAR OR TESTIFY. Any person not sub- ject to military law who, being duly subpoenaed to appear as a witness before a court of inquiry or before any officer, mili- tary or civil, designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before such court, willfully neglects or refuses to appear, or refuses to qualify as a witness, or to testify, or to produce documentary evidence which such person may have been legally subpoenaed to produce, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as in like offenses with respect to courts-martial. (A. W. 23.) [Note. Paragraph 460 is omitted in this revision.] SECTION V. PROCEDURE. 461. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. A court of inquiry is governed by the general principles of military law, applying the 470 COURTS OF INQUIRY. *[[ 462 analogies of a court-martial where they are applicable, and recurring to adjudged cases, precedents, rules, authoritative legal opinions, and approved books of legal exposition where there is no pertinent paramount stated rule. A court of inquiry is not really a court in the legal sense of the term, for no criminal issue is formed before it, it arraigns no accused, receives no plea, makes no findings of guilt or in- nocence, awards no punishment, and expresses no opinion unless specially ordered to do so. 462. PRESENCE or PARTY WHOSE CONDUCT Is BEING IN- VESTIGATED. The presence of the party whose conduct is being investigated is not essential and his absence does not affect the authority of the court to proceed with the hearing ; but nevertheless lie will ordinarily, in all cases (and always in cases of courts of inquiry convened to consider the classification of an officer in class B, under section 24b of the Army Reorgani- zation Act of June 4, 1920, 41 Stat., 773) be given an opportunity to be present. 463. COUNSEL. The party whose conduct is being inquired into shall have the right to be represented before the court by counsel of his own selection, if such counsel be reasonably available. (A. W. 99.) So also the accuser, where there is one, should usually be allowed to be present with counsel, and a similar privilege may properly be extended to any officer who will be materially involved in the inquiry. (Winthrop, p. 812.) 464. CHALLENGE. Members of a court of inquiry may be challenged by the party whose conduct is being inquired into, but only for cause stated to the court. The court shall deter- mine the relevancy and validity of any challenge, and shall not receive a challenge to more than one member at a time. (A. W. 99.) 465. REDUCED NUMBERS. Where the number of members is reduced by casualty or challenge, the court may proceed with the reduced number, if not below the minimum, but the appointing authority should be notified in order that he may detail new members if he desires to do so. If any testimony has been taken before a new member is added, it should be 473 T[ 466 CHAPTER XVIII. read to him in the presence of the other members. In the absence of the recorder the junior member can not act as recorder. The proper procedure is to notify the convening authority and adjourn to await the appointment of another recorder. 466. OATHS. The recorder of a court of inquiry shall ad- minister to the members the following oath : You, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly examine and inquire, according to the evidence, into the matter now befoi'e you, without partiality, favor, affection, prejudice, or hope of reward. So help you God. After which the president of the court shall administer to the recorder the following oath : You, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will, according to your best abilities, accurately and impartially record the proceedings of the court and the evidence to be given in the case in hearing. So help you God. In case of affirmation the closing sentence of adjuration will be omitted. (A. W. 100.) Witnesses shall take the same oath or affirmation that is taken by witnesses before courts-martial, and a reporter or interpreter shall, before entering upon his duties, take the oath or affirmation required of a reporter or an inter- preter for a court-martial. (A. W. 101.) 467. EXAMINATION OF WITNESSES. The examination of witnesses may be by the court, by a member thereof, or by the recorder, in the discretion of the court. The party whose conduct is being inquired into or his counsel, if any, shall be permitted to examine and cross-examine witnesses so as fully to investigate the circumstances in question. (A. W. 101.) A witness may not be compelled to answer any question the answer to which may tend to incriminate him, or any question not material to the issue when such answer might tend to degrade him. (A. W. 24.) 468. DEPOSITIONS. Depositions to be read in evidence be- fore courts of inquiry are taken and admitted in evidence under the same rules governing their taking and admissi- bility in evidence before courts-martial. (A. W. 25, 26.) 472 COURTS OF INQUIRY. f 469 469. CONCLUSIONS. The court must, as a finding, give its conclusions as to the facts, and, when ordered, must also give an opinion on the merits of the case. The conclusions or opinion may not be unanimous, in which case a dissenting conclusion or opinion is authorized. 470. OBLIGATION OF SECRECY. The oath of members of a court of inquiry, unlike that of members of a court-martial, does not enjoin upon them secrecy as to the votes and opinions of members, but under the custom of the service it would be conduct prejudicial to discipline to divulge the recommenda- tion or opinion of the court until announced by the appoint- ing authority, or to disclose the vote or opinion of a member unless legally required to do so. 471. REVISION BY COURT. If not satisfied with the investi- gation, or with the report or opinion, the reviewing authority may reassemble the court, in the same manner as a court- martial, and return the proceedings with direction either to have the investigation pursued further and completed, or the report of the facts made more detailed and comprehensive, or the opinion expressed in terms more definite and unequivo- cal or more responsive to the original instructions, or to correct or supply some other error or defect. The inquiry not being a trial but an investigation merely, the court may properly be required, upon revision, to reexamine witnesses or to take entirely new testimony, or it may do so of its own motion without orders in connection with the revision. (Winthrop, p. 819.) 472. PUBLICATION OF PROCEEDINGS. The reviewing author- ity, having taken final action upon the report or opinion, may publish in orders, in whole or in part, or in substance, the re- port of the court upon the subject of the inquiry, with the opinion, if any, and the determination had or action taken thereon. Upon considerations, however, of policy or justice, the President or commander may, in his discretion, delay the publication, or omit altogether the publication of, the report, etc., or may publish the result alone, as, for example, that it is determined that no further proceedings are called for in the case. 473 If 473 CHAPTER XVIII. SECTION VI. RECORD. 473. How AUTHENTICATED. Each court of inquiry shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be authenticated by the signature of the president and the recorder thereof. In case the record can not be authenticated by the recorder, by reason of his death, disability, or absence, it shall be signed by the president and by one other member of the court. (A. W. 103.) 474. DISPOSITION OF. The record shall be forwarded to the reviewing authority. (A. W. 103.) Should the court be appointed by the President the proceedings will be sent direct to the Judge Advocate General of the Army. To his office will be forwarded the original proceedings of all courts of in- quiry with the decisions and orders of the reviewing authority made thereon, accompanied by five copies of the order pub- lishing the case, if there be any, also a copy of every subse- quent order affecting the case. When more than one case is embraced in a single order, a sufficient number of copies will be forwarded to enable one to be filed with each record. 475. ADMISSIBLE IN EVIDENCE. The record of the proceed- ings of a court of inquiry may be read in evidence before any court-martial or military commission in any case not capital nor extending to the dismissal of an officer, and may also be read in evidence in any proceeding before a court of inquiry or a military board: Provided, That such evidence may be adduced by the defense in capital cases or cases extending to the dismissal of an officer. (A. W. 27. See par. 272.) 474 CHAPTER XIX. HABEAS CORPUS. Section I. Purpose of writ: Pag. 476. To determine legality of restraint 475 Section II. Where restraint is by the United States: 477. State court without authority 475 Section III. Return to writ issued by State court: 478. To show authority for restraint 476 (a) Witness held under warrant of attachment 476 (&) Enlisted man or general prisoner 477 Section IV. Return to writ issued by a United States court : 479. Contents . 477 Section V. Writ issued in the Philippine Islands: 480. When return conclusive 478 SECTION I. PURPOSE OF WRIT. 476. To DETERMINE LEGALITY OF RESTRAINT. The purpose of the writ of habeas corpus is to bring the person seeking the benefit of it before the court or judge to determine whether or not he is illegally restrained of his liberty. It is a summary remedy for unlawful restraint of liberty and it can not be made use of to perform the function of a writ of error or an appeal. Where it is decided that the restraint is unlawful he is ordered released, but if the restraint is lawful the writ is dismissed. If the restraint be by virtue of legal process, the validity and present force of such process are the only subjects of investigation. SECTION II. WHERE RESTRAINT IS BY THE UNITED STATES. 477. STATE COURT WITHOUT AUTHORITY. A State court la without authority to inquire into the legality of the restraint 475 1f 478 CHAPTER XIX. where it appears that the custody is by virtue " of the authority of the United States," the principle being that no State can authorize one of its judges or courts to exercise judicial power, by habeas corpus, within the jurisdiction of another and independent government. No State judge or court, after they are judicially informed that the party is held under the authority of the United States, has any right to interfere with him or to require him to be brought before them. (Robb v. Connolly, 111 U. S., 624, 632; Able- man v. Booth, 21 How., 506, 514; Tarble's case, 13 Wall, 397, 409.) If a party thus held be illegally imprisoned, it is for the courts or judicial officers of the United States, and those courts or officers alone, to grant him release. (Tarble's case, 13 Wall., 397, 411.) SECTION III. RETURN TO WRIT ISSUED BY STATE COURT. 478. To SHOW AUTHORITY FOR RESTRAINT. The return should be sufficient in its detail of facts to show distinctly that the imprisonment is under the authority, or claim and color of the authority, of the United States and to exclude the suspicion of imposition or oppression on the part of the officer making the return. The process or orders under which the petitioner is held should be produced with the return and submitted to inspection in order that the court ox the jucjge issuing the writ may see that the officer is Acting in good faith, under the authority or claim and color of authority of the United States, and not under the mere pretense of having such authority. (Tarble's case, 13 WalL, 397, 409 ; Covell v. Heyinan, 111 U. S., 176, 183.) (a) Witness Held Under ~W arrant of Attachment. Where the petitioner is a civilian who has been apprehended under a warrant of attachment to be taken before a court-martial U> testify as a witness, the officer making the return to the writ issued by a State court or judge will not produce the body, but will, by his return, set forth fully the authority by which he holds the person and allege that the State court, or judge, issuing the writ is without jurisdiction to 476 HABEAS CORPUS. If 479 issue the same and ask to have it dismissed. He will ex- hibit to the court or judge issuing the writ of habeas corpus the warrant of attachment and the subpoena (and the proof of service of the subpoena) on which the warrant of at- tachment was based, and also a certified copy of the order convening the court-martial before which the witness was subpoenaed to testify, together with a copy of the charges and specifications in the case in which he was subpoenaed to testify, and an affidavit showing that the witness has failed to appear in response to such subpoena. NOTE. For form of return see Form B, Appendix 22. (b) Enlisted Man or General Prisoner. The return to a writ of habeas corpus issued by a State court or judge to produce an enlisted man or a general prisoner and show cause for his detention will show in writing that the subject of the writ is a duly enlisted soldier of the United States or a general prisoner, as the case may be, and set forth fully the cause of his detention, but the officer making the return will decline to produce in court the body of the prisoner named in the writ, giving as a reason for such refusal the fact that the Supreme Court of the United States has de- cided that a State court or judge has no jurisdiction in such a case. NOTE. For form of return see Form D, Appendix 22. A deserter apprehended by a civil officer authorized by a statute of the United States to apprehend deserters is in the custody of the United States. (See U. S. v. Reaves, 126 Fed. Rep., 127.) SECTION IV. RETURN TO WRIT ISSUED BY A UNITED STATES COURT. 479. CONTENTS. A writ of habeas corpus issued by a United States court or judge will be promptly obeyed. The person alleged to be illegally restrained of his liberty will be taken before the court from which the writ has issued and a return made, setting forth the reasons for his restraint. The officer upon whom such writ is served will at once report the fact of such service by telegraph direct to The Adjutant General of the Army and the commanding general of the 477 ^f 480 CHAPTER XIX. corps area or department, stating briefly the grounds on which the release of the party is sought. NOTE. For form where a civilian witness is held under warrant of attachment, see Form A, Appendix 22. For form where an enlisted man or general prisoner is held, see Form G, Appendix 22. For brief of authorities when writ is applied for on grounds of age, see Ap- pendix 22. SECTION V. WRIT ISSUED IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 480. WHEN RETURN CONCLUSIVE. It shall be a conclusive answer to a writ of habeas corpus against a military officer or soldier and a sufficient excuse for not producing the prisoner if the commanding general or any general officer in command of the department or district shall certify that the prisoner is held by him either (a) As a prisoner of war; or (b) As a member of the Army, civilian employee thereof, or a camp follower and subject to its discipline ; or (c) As a prisoner guilty of violation of the laws of war committed in any unpacified province or territory and who has escaped into provinces officially declared to be under civil control and has been there captured by military authorities and is held for trial for such violations of the laws of war. NOTE. Section 1, Act No. 272, Philippine Commission, October 21, 1901, and section 4, Act No. 421, id., June 23, 1902. Respectful return in writing will be made in the case of prisoners who may be exempted from jurisdiction by the provisions of these acts stating the facts of the case, but the body of the prisoner will not be produced. In all other cases the return will be made and the body produced before the proper tribunal. 478 CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANEOUS AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. Section I. Miscellaneous provisions: Page. 481. Injuries to persons or property Redress 479 482. Effects of deceased persons Disposition 481 483. Inquests 482 484. Removal of civil suits 483 485. Complaints of wrongs 484 486. Articles of War When effective 484 Section II. Transitory provision: 487. Prior offenses subject to previous laws 484 SECTION I. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. 481. INJURIES TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY REDRESS. Article 105 imposes upon a commanding officer, upon receipt of a complaint that damage has been done to the property of any person, or that his property has been wrongfully taken, by any person subject to military law, the duty to convene a board of officers consisting of any number from one to three to investigate the complaint. The article provides the ad- ministrative machinery by which money reparation for acts of waste, spoil, destruction, or depredation, denounced in A. W. 89 as offenses, shall be made effective. The article is not limited to the injuries covered by A. W. 89, but includes also other forms of damage to, and wrongful taking of, prop- erty, including negligent injuries thereto. (Dig. Ops. J. A. Cr., April, 1918, p. 8.) The complaint will more properly be made in writing by the injured party or his representative, and should set forth the details of the injury and be sus- tained by evidence showing it to be meritorious and well founded; and this evidence may also properly be required to be exhibited in the form of affidavits or written statements. It is competent, however, for a commanding officer, apprised 21358 20 31 479 [[ 481 CHAPTER XX. by the report of any person in the military service, or by the oral complaint of the party injured, of any such damage, to proceed with the investigation as here outlined in case of written complaint submitted by or in behalf of the party in- injured and supported by affidavits or written statement. The board will be convened with the least practicable delay, is empowered to summon witnesses, examine them under oath or affirmation, receive depositions or other documentary evi- dence, and assess the damages against the person or persons determined to be responsible for the damage or wrongful taking. The board's assessment of damages is subject to the approval of the commanding officer and an assessment thus approved will be stopped against the pay of the offender. The order of the commanding officer directing stoppages authorized by the article is conclusive on any disbursing officer for the payment by him to the injured party of the stoppages. The occasions for resorting to the procedure under this article are more frequent in a period pending or immediately succeeding a time of war, or during field operations and maneuvers. As the absolute identity of the guilty parties can not always be determined, the article further provides that in such a case, and when the organization or detachment to which they belong is known, stoppages to the amount of damages inflicted may be made and assessed in such propor- tion as may be deemed just upon the individual members thereof who are shown to have been present with such or- ganization, or detachment at the time the damages com- plained of were inflicted, as determined by the approved findings of the board. The guilty parties may be tried and punished for the mili- tary offense involved in his and their act under A. W. 89, quite irrespectively of any proceeding for the reparation of the parties injured had under this article. A trial, however, will preferably be first ordered, since, if reparation be sub- sequently sought to be made, the commander and the board will have the benefit of any material facts developed upon the original investigation. So, if the accused be acquitted, such acquittal will furnish persuasive but not necessarily 480 MISCELLANEOUS AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. 5 482 conclusive ground for not favorably entertaining the com- plaint or for reducing the amount to be assessed. 482. EFFECTS OF DECEASED PERSON DISPOSITION OF. In case of the death of any person subject to military law, the commanding officer of the place of command will permit the legal representative or widow of the deceased, if present, to take possession of all his effects then in camp or quarters; and if no legal representative or widow be present, the com- manding officer shall direct a summary court to secure all such effects, and said summary court shall have authority to collect and receive any debts due decedent's estate by local debtors and to pay the undisputed local creditors of decedent in so far as any money belonging to tire deceased which may come into said summary court's possession under this article will per- mit, taking receipts therefor for file with said court's final report upon its transactions to the War Department; and as soon as practicable after the collection of such effects said summary court shall transmit such effects and any money collected, through the Quartermaster Department, at Government ex- pense, to the widow or legal representative of the deceased, if such be found by said court or to the son, daughter, father, provided the father has not abandoned the support of his family, mother, brother, sister, or next of kin in the order named, if such be found by said court, or the beneficiary named in the will of the deceased, if such be found by said court, and said court shall thereupon make to the War Department a full re- port of its transactions ; but if there be none of the persons hereinabove named, or such persons or their addresses are not known to, or readily ascertainable by said court, and the said court shall so find, said summary court shall have authority to convert into cash, by public or private sale, not earlier than thirty days after the death of the deceased, all effects of the deceased except sabers, insignia, decorations, medals, watches, trinkets, manuscripts, and other articles valuable chiefly as keepsakes; and as soon as practicable after converting such effects into cash said summary court shall deposit with the proper officer, to be designated in regulations, any cash be- longing to decedent's estate, and shall transmit a receipt for such deposits, any will or other papers of value belonging to 481 ^ 483 CHAPTER XX. the deceased, any sabers, insignia, decorations, medals, watches, trinkets, manuscripts, and other articles valuable chiefly as keepsakes, together with an inventory of the ef- fects secured by said summary court, and a full account of its transactions, to the War Department for transmission to the Auditor for the War Department for action as authorized by law in the settlement of the accounts of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Army. The provisions of this article shall be applicable to inmates of the United States Soldiers' Home who die in any United States military hospital outside of the District of Columbia where sent from the home for treatment. (A. W. 112.) 483. INQUESTS. Article 113 imposes upon the summary court-martial the principal duties of the office of coroner at common law, viz, to investigate the cause of sudden, violent, and unnatural deaths. When a person is found dead at a place described in the article, and there is reasonable belief that his death has occurred from violence or other unlawful means, the commanding officer will immediately designate and direct a summary court-martial to investigate the cir- cumstances attending the death, to the end that the cause thereof may be determined and the persons criminally re- sponsible therefor may be brought to justice. The summary court-martial will with the least practicable delay view the body of the deceased and summon and examine, under oath or affirmation, such witnesses as may have knowledge of the cause and circumstances of the death. The summary court- martial should warn every person testifying at the inquest who is accused or suspected that he is not required to give evi- dence incriminating himself, and that any statement or evi- dence he gives may be used against him in the event of any further proceedings being instituted. If expert medical testimony is necessary, the commanding officer will, at the request of the summary court-martial, direct a medical officer to make such examination of the body of the deceased as may be necessary and to appear as a witness at the inquest. The testimony of each witness will be reduced to writing, and will, except when stenographically reported, be subscribed by him, and will be appended to the report of the inquest. 482 MISCELLANEOUS AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. ^ 484 If the body of the deceased shows wounds or bruises such as to indicate or create suspicion that he came to his death by violent means, it shall be the duty of the summary court- martial to ascertain with as much exactness as possible the precise nature of the wounds or blows and the character of the instrument by which the wounds were inflicted ; the per- son or persons by whom the fatal blow or blows were dealt ; if there were any aiders or abettors ; and such other particu- lars as may afford the means of drawing up, with the pre- cision required by law, the necessary charges and specifica- tions against the person or persons accused of the homicide. The summary court officer will render a written report of his investigation to the post or other commanding officer, which report will state his finding as to the cause of the death and the names of the persons criminally responsible therefor, if in his opinion there be any such. Such persons, though not subject to military law, may, if found at any post over which the United States has exclusive jurisdiction, be con- fined by the commanding officer for such time as may be neces- sary for their delivery to the civil authorities. If such per- sons are subject to military law and appear to be guilty of an offense not triable by court-martial, they will be confined by the commanding officer, who will immediately furnish the proper United States district attorney with a copy of the findings of the summary court officer. If the person over whose body the inquest is held is not identified as an officer or soldier, the report of the summary court-martial shall give a description of the deceased, which shall specify the name, if known, the apparent age, the sex, the color of the eyes and hair, and all marks or other par- ticulars which may assist in the identification of the person. NOTE. For form of report of inquest see Appendix 26. 484. REMOVAL OF CIVIL SUITS. When any civil suit or criminal prosecution is commenced in any court of a State against any officer, soldier, or other person in the military service of the United States on account of any act done under color of his office or status, or in respect to which he claims any right, title, or authority under any law of the United States respecting the military forces thereof, or under the 483 If 485 CHAPTER XX. law of war, such suit or prosecution may at any time before the trial or final hearing thereof be removed for trial into the district court of the United States in the district where the same is pending in the manner prescribed in section 33 of the act entitled "An act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary," approved March 3, 1911 (36 Stat. 1097), and the cause shall thereupon be entered on the docket of said district court and shall proceed therein as if the cause had been originally commenced in said district court- and the same proceedings had been taken in such suit or prosecution in said district court as shall have been had therein in said State court prior to its removal, and said district court shall have full power to hear and determine said cause. (A. W. 117.) 485. COMPLAINTS OF WRONGS. Any officer or soldier who believes himself wronged by his commanding officer, and, upon due application to such commander, is refused redress, may complain to the general commanding in the locality where the officer against whom the complaint is made is sta- tioned. The general shall examine into said complaint and take proper measures for redressing the wrong complained of; and he shall, as soon as possible, transmit to the Depart- ment of War a true statement of such complaint, with the proceedings had thereon. (A. W. 121.) 486. ARTICLES OF WAR WHEN EFFECTIVE. Chapter II of the act of Congress entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes,' approved June 3, 1916, and to establish military justice," approved June 4, 1920, repeals section 1342 of the Revised Statntes of the United States and contains the Articles of War. It is provided by section 2 of the act cited that the provisions of Chapter II of that act shall take effect and be in force eight months after the approval of that act: Provided, That articles 2, 23, and 45 shall take effect immediately. SECTION II. TRANSITORY PROVISION. 487. PRIOR OFFENSES SUBJECT TO PREVIOUS LAWS. It is provided by section 3 of the act of Congress entitled "An act to 484 MISCELLANEOUS AND TRANSITORY PROVISIONS. ^ 487 amend an act entitled 'An act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense and for other pur- poses,' approved June 3, 1916, and to establish military justice," approved June 4, 1920, that all offenses committed and all penal- ties, forfeitures, fines, or liabilities incurred prior to the taking effect of Chapter II of that act, under any law embraced in or modified, changed, or repealed by Chapter II of that act, may be prosecuted, punished, and enforced in the same manner and with the same effect as if that act had not been passed. 485 APPENDICES. 1. THE ARTICLES OF WAR. 2. SYSTEM OF COURTS-MARTIAL FOB NATIONAL GUARD NOT IN TEM SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. 3. FORM OF ORDER APPOINTING A GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. 4. FORM OF ORDER APPOINTING A SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL. 5. CHARGE SHEET. 6. FORMS OF CHARGES. 7. FORMS FOR SYNOPSES OF CONVICTIONS BY COURT-MARTIAL (FO ENTRY IN SERVICE RECORD). 8. SUGGESTIONS FOR TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATES. 9. FORMS FOR USE OF PRESIDENT AND LAW MEMBER. 10. FORM FOB RECORD GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL AND REVISION PBO- CEEDINGS. 11. FORM FOR RECORD SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL. 12. FORM FOR RECORD SUMMARY COURT-MARTIAL. 13. FORMS FOR SENTENCES. 14. FORMS FOR SYNOPSES OF SENTENCES. 15. FORMS FOR ACTION BY REVIEWING AUTHORITY. 16. COURT-MARTIAL ORDERS: (a) GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. (&) SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL. 17. FORM FOR INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITION. 18. FORM OF REPORT OF INVESTIGATING OFFICER. 19. SUBPCENA FOR CIVILIAN WITNESS. 20. WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. 21. GENERAL ORDER No. 1, WAR DEPARTMENT, DECEMBEB 1, 1920 EX- EMPTIONS OF CERTAIN CLASSES FROM JURISDICTION OF SPECIAL AND SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. 22. RETURNS AND BRIEFS IN HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS. 23. VOUCHER: CIVILIAN WITNESS NOT IN GOVERNMENT EMPLOY. 24. VOUCHER : CIVILIAN WITNESS IN GOVERNMENT EMPLOY. 25. VOUCHER: PERSONAL SERVICES, REPORTER. 26. REPORT OF INQUEST. 27. LIST OF COMMON ERRORS TO BE AVOIDED. 486a APPENDIX 1. THE ARTICLES OF WAR. (CHAPTER II. ACT OF JUNE 4, 1920, 41 STAT. 787.) TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. PRELIMINABY PROVISIONS: Art. 1. Definitions. Art. 2. Persons subject to military law. II. COUBTS-MABTIAJL : Art 3. Courts-martial classified. (a) Composition Art. 4. Who may serve on courts-martial. Art. 5. General courts-martial. Art 6. Special courts-martial. Art. 7. Summary courts-martiaL (6) By whom appointed Art. 8. General courts-martial. Art. 9. Special courts-martial. Art 10. Summary courts-martial. Art. 11. Appointment of trial judge advocates and counsel. (c) Jurisdiction Art 12. General courts-martial. Art. 13. Special courts-martial. Art 14. Summary courts-martial. Art. 15. Not exclusive. Art. 16. Officers, how triable. (d) Procedure Art 17. Trial judge advocate to prosecute; counsel to de- fend. Art. 18. Challenges. Art 19. Oaths. Art 20. Continuances. Art. 21. Refusal or failure to plead. Art. 22. Process to obtain witnesses. Art. 23. Refusal to appear or testify. Art. 24. Compulsory self-mcrimination prohibited. Art. 25. Depositions when admissible. Art. 26. Depositions before whom taken. Art 27. Courts of inquiry records of when admissible. Art. 28. Certain acts to constitute desertion. Art 29. Court to announce action. Art. 30. Closed sessions. 487 APPENDIX 1. II. COURTS-MARTIAL Continued. (d) Procedure Continued. Art. 31. Method of voting. Art. 32. Contempts. Art. 33. Records general courts-martial. Art. 34. Records special and summary courts-martial. Art. 35. Disposition of records General courts-martial. Art. 36. Disposition of records special and summary courts- martial. Art. 37. Irregularities effect of. Art. 38. President may prescribe rules. (e) Limitations upon prosecutions Art. 39. As to time. Art. 40. As to number. (/) Punishments Art. 41. Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited. Art. 42. Places of confinement when lawful. Art. 43. Death sentence when lawful. Art. 44. Cowardice; fraud; accessory penalty. Art. 45. Maximum limits. (g) Action by appointing or superior authority Art. 46. Action by convening authority. Art. 47. Powers incident to power to approve. Art. 48. Confirmation when required. Art. 49. Powers incident to power to confirm. Art. 50. Mitigation or remission of sentences. Art. 50^. Review; rehearing. Art. 51. Suspension of sentences of dismissal or death. Art. 52. Suspension of sentences. Art. 53. Execution or remission; confinement in disciplin- ary barracks. Ill, PUNITIVE ARTICLES: (a) Enlistments; muster; returns-* Art. 54. Fraudulent enlistment. Art. 55. Officer making unlawful enlistment. Art. 56. False muster. Art. 57. False returns omission to render returns. (&) Desertion; absence without leave Art. 58. Desertion. Art. 59. Advising or aiding another to desert. Art. 60. Entertaining a deserter. Art. 61. Absence without leave, (c) Disrespect; insubordination; mutiny Art. 62. Disrespect toward the President, Vice President, Congress, Secretary of War, governors, legisla- tures. Art. 63. Disrespect toward superior officers. Art 64. Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior officer. 488 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. III. PUNITIVE ARTICLES Continued. (c) Disrespect; insubordination; Mutiny Continued. Art. 65. Insubordinate conduct toward noncommissioned officer. Art. 66. Mutiny or sedition. Art. 67. Failure to suppress mutiny or sedition. Art. 68. Quarrels ; frays ; disorders. (d) Arrest; confinement Art. 69. Arrest or confinement. Art. 70. Charges ; action upon. Art. 71. Refusal to receive and keep prisoners. Art. 72. Report of prisoners received. Art. 73. Releasing prisoner without proper authority. Art. 74. Delivery of offenders to civil authorities. (e) War offenses Art. 75. Misbehavior before the enemy. Art. 76. Compelling commander to surrender. Art. 77. Improper use of countersign. Art. 78. Forcing a safeguard. Art. 79. Captured property to be secured for public service. Art 80. Dealing in captured or abandoned property. Art. 81. Relieving, corresponding with, or aiding the enemy. Art. 82. Spies. {/) Miscellaneous crimes and offenses Art. 83. Military property willful or negligent loss, damage, or wrongful disposition. Art. 84. Waste or unlawful disposition of military property issued to soldiers. Art. 85. Drunk on duty. Art. 86. Misbehavior of sentinel. Art. 87. Personal interest in sale of provisions. Art. 88. Intimidation of persons bringing provisions. Art. 89. Good order to be maintained and wrongs redressed. Art. 90. Provoking speeches or gestures. Art. 91. Dueling. Art. 92. Murder rape. Art. 93. Various crimes. Art. 94. Frauds against the Government. Art. 95. Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman. Art. 96. General article. IV. COURTS OF INQUIRY: Art. 97. When and by whom ordered. Art. 98. Composition. Art. 99. Challenges. Art. 100. Oath of members and recorder. Art. 101. Powers ; procedure. Art 102. Opinion on merits of case. Art. 103. Record of proceedings how authenticated. 489 APPENDIX 1. V. MISCELLANEOUS Art. 104. Art. 105. Art. 106. Art. 107. Art. 108. Art. 109. Art. 110. Art. 111. Art. 112. Art. 113. Art. 114. Art. 115. Art. 116, Art. 117. Art. 118. Art. 119. Art. 120. Art. 121. PROVISIONS : Diselipinary powers of commanding officers. Injuries to property redress of. Arrest of deserters by civil officials. Soldiers to make good time lost. Soldiers separation from the service. Oatli of enlistment. Certain articles to he read arid explained. Copy of record of trial. Effects of deceased persons disposition of. Inquests. Authority to administer oaths. Appointment of reporters and interpreters. Powers of assistant trial judge advocate and of assistant defense counsel. Removal of civil suits. Officers separation from service. Rank and precedence among Regulars, Militia, and Volunteers. Command when different corps or commands hap- pen to join. Complaints of wrongs. NUMBERING OF ARTICLES OF WAR CODE OF 1920 AND EARLIER CODES. The present Articles of War are herein referred to as the Code of 1920. (a) Code of 1920 and code of 191. The Code of 1920 retains the numbering of the Articles of War contained in the code of 1916, except that: (1) Article 29 of the code of 1916 is the second para- graph of article 28 of the code of 1920. (2) Article 29 of the code of 1920 is new. (" Court to announce action.") (3) Article 50-J of code of 1920 is new. (" Review; re- hearing.") NOTE. The following articles contain new matter of substance not in Articles of 1916 or omit similar matter which was therein : 2 21 38 67 94 4 23 40-43 C8-70 104 5 24 45-50 75 112 6 27 50i 76 116 8 28-33 52 81 119 11-19 36 66 93 490 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. Articles not appearing in the above list are either identical with the corresponding articles iu the Code of 1916 or merely differ in details not affecting the substance (e. g., the word " trial " has been inserted in several sections before the words " judge advocate " for the sake of clarity). (b) The relationship of the numbering of the articles in the code of 1916 to the prior code of 1874 and its various amend- ments is shown in the following table : TABLE SHOWING NUMBERS OF ARTICLES IN THE CODE OF 1874 AND AMENDMENTS (OLD CODE), AND OF CORRESPOND- ING ARTICLES IN THE CODE OF 1916. ouo CODE: AND CODE OF i9ic. Old number. Code of 1916. Old number. Code of 1916. Old number. Code of 1916. Old number. Code of 1916. 1 H 61 63 2 96 43 2 3 4 5 109,110 . 55 108 56 33 34 35 36 61 61 61 64 65 66 67 2 69 69 71 97 98 99 100 42 41 118 44 6 56 37 68 72 101 7 8 9 10 57 57 79 38 39 40 41 41, 85 86 61 75 69 70 71 172 73 70 70 8 102 103 104 105 40 39 46 48 11 42 75 173 8 106 48 12 13 14 56 56 56 43 44 45 76 77 81 74 '75 76 11 5 107 108 109 48 48 46 15 16 17 M 19 20 21 83 84 84 87 62 G3 64 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 81 58 107 28 29,60 59 77 78 79 181 182 183 84 4 4 16 6,9,13 6,9 13 13 14 19 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 51 50 35 111 97 98 100 22 66 53 85 19 118 101 23 24 67 68 54 55 89,105 89 105 86 87 82 119 120 102 103 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 90 91 91 91 121 121 61 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 88 78 92,93 74 2,94 95 93,96 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 18 21 17 25 19 20,70 31 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 27 120 119 112 112 112 110 * Old articles 72, 73, 75, 81, 82, and 83 were replaced by the act of Mar. 2. 1913 (37 Stat., 723), effective July 1, 1913. NOTE. The Code of 1920 (except arts. 2, 23, and 45, which took effect on June 4, 1920) becomes effective on February 4, 1921. ARTICLES OF WAR. These new Articles of War comprise, as above stated, the substance of the former Articles of War, as revised by the act approved August 29, 1916 (39 Stat 619), referred to as the Code of 1916, as amended by the acts of Congress approved July 9, 1918 (40 Stat. 882), with reference to articles 52, 53, and 57; February 28, 1919 (40 Stat. 491 APPENDIX 1. 1211), with reference to article 50; and November 19, 1919 (41 Stat 356), with reference to article 112; all of which were repealed by the present code (see sec. 4, Chap. II, act of June 4,1920; 41 Stat. 812). The existing amendments to the Code of 1916 as set forth in the acts approved July 9, 1918 (arts. 52, 53, 57), February 28, 1919 (art 50), and November 19, 1919 (art. 112), are printed in italics, and the changes made by the Code of 1920 are printed in bold-faced type. The matter existing as contained in the Code of 1916 is printed in the ordinary roman type. Where matter appearing in a former article has been omitted in the new article, reference is made thereto in a note following the new article, and where the new article is so changed in substance or form that it is impossible clearly to indicate the changes in this matter, the old article, or as much of it as necessary, is reproduced in the note. It is therefore possible in every case where the former article, as it existed immediately prior to the taking effect of the Code of 1920, is not given in a note, to reconstruct the same by omitting the matter in bold-faced type in the new article and making the changes to the remaining text called for by the note. The article numbers in the new code correspond to those of the Code of 1916, except that, as above stated, article 29, Code of 1916, is in new article 28, and articles 29 and 50J, Code of 1920, are entirely new. An index follows the text of the articles. An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes," approved June 3, 1916, and to establish military justice. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. CHAPTER II. The articles included in this section shall bo known as the Articles of War and shall at all times and in all places govern the armies of the United States. I. PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS. ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS. The following words when used in these articles shall be construed in the sense indicated in this article, unless the context shows that a different sense is intended, namely : (a) The word "officer" shall be construed to refer to a commissioned officer ; 492 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 2 (b) The word "soldier" shall be construed as including a noncommissioned officer, a private, or any other enlisted man; (c) The word " company " shall be understood as includ- ing a troop or battery ; and (d) The word "battalion" shall be understood as includ- ing a squadron. ART. 2. PERSONS SUBJECT TO MILITARY LAW. The follow- ing persons are subject to these articles and shall be under- stood as included in the term " any person subject to military law," or " persons subject to military law," whenever used in these articles : Provided, That nothing contained in this Act, except as specifically provided in Article 2, subparagraph (c), shall be construed to apply to any person under the United States "naval jurisdiction unless otherwise specifically provided by law. (a) All officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, field clerks Quartermaster Corps, and soldiers belonging to the Regular Army of the United States ; all volunteers, from the dates of their muster or acceptance into the military service of the United States; and all other persons lawfully called, drafted, or ordered into, or to duty or for training in, the said service, from the dates they are required by the terms of the call, draft or order to obey the same ; (b) Cadets; (c) Officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps when de- tached for service with the armies of the United States by order of the President: Provided, That an officer or soldier of the Marine Corps when so detached may be tried by mili- tary court-martial for an offense committed against the laws for the government of the naval service prior to his detach- ment, and for an offense committed against these articles he may be tried by a naval court-martial after such detachment ceases ; (d) All retainers to the camp and all persons accompany- ing or serving with the armies of the United States without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, and in time of war all such retainers and persons accompanying or serv- ing with the armies of the United States in the field, both 21358 20 32 ART. 3 APPENDIX 1. within and without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, though not otherwise subject to these articles; (e) All persons under sentence adjudged by courts- martial ; (f ) All persons admitted into the Regular Army Soldiers' Home at Washington, District of Columbia. This article became effective on June 4, 1920. II. COURTS-MARTIAL. ART. 3. COURTS-MARTIAL CLASSIFIED. Courts-martial shall be of three kinds, namely : First, general courts-martial; Second, special courts-martial; and Third, summary courts-martial. A. COMPOSITION. ART. 4% WHO MAY SERVE ON COURTS-MARTIAL. All officers in the military service of the United States, and officers of the Marine Corps when detached for service with the Army by order of the President, shall be competent to serve on courts-martial for the trial of any persons who may law- fully be brought before such courts for trial. When appoint- ing courts-martial the appointing authority shall detail as mem- bers thereof those officers of the command who, in his opinion, are best qualified for the duty by reason of age, training, experi- ence, and judicial temperament; and officers having less than two years' service shall not, if it can be avoided without mani- fest injury to the service, be appointed as members of courts- martial in excess of the minority membership thereof. ART. 5. GENERAL COURTS- MARTIAL. General courts-martial may consist of any number of officers not less than five. Art. 5, Code of 1916, read following word " officers " : " from five to thirteen, Inclusive; but they shall not consist of les%. than thirteen, when that number can be convened without manifest injury to the service." ART. 6. SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. Special courts-martial may consist of tiny number of officers not less than three. Art. 6, Code of 1916, read following word " officers " : " from three to five, inclusive." ART. 7, SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. A summary court- martial shall consist of one officer. 494 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 10 B. BY WHOM APPOINTED. ART. 8. GENERAL, COURT-MARTIAL. The President of the United States, the commanding officer of a territorial division or department, the Superintendent of the Military Academy, the commanding officer of an army, an army corps, a division, or a separate brigade, and, when empowered by the President, the commanding officer of any district or of any force or body of troops may appoint general courts-martial ; but when any such commander is the accuser or the prosecutor of the per- son or persons to be tried, the court shall be appointed by su- perior competent authority, and no officer shall be eligible to sit as a member of such court when he is the accuser or a wit- ness for the prosecution. The authority appointing 1 a general court-martial shall detail as one of the members thereof a law member, who shall be an officer of the Judge Advocate General's Department, except that when an officer of that department is not available for the pur- pose the appointing authority shall detail instead an officer of some other branch of the service selected by the appointing au- thority as specially qualified to perform the duties of law mem- ber. The law member, in addition to his duties as a member, shall perform such, other duties as the President may by regula- lations prescribe. ART. 9. SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. The commanding officer of a district, garrison, fort, camp, or other place where troops are on duty, and the commanding officer of a brigade, regiment, detached battalion, or other detached command may appoint special courts-martial ; but when any such com- manding officer is the accuser or the prosecutor of the person or persons to be tried, the court shall be appointed by su- perior authority, and may in any case be appointed by su- perior authority when by the latter deemed desirable; and no officer shall be eligible to sit as a member of such court when he is the accuser or a witness for the prosecution. ART. 10. SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. The commanding of- ficer of a garrison, fort, camp, or other place where troops are on duty, and the commanding officer of a regiment, de- tached battalion, detached company, or other detachment may appoint summary courts-martial; but such summary courts- ART. 11 APPENDIX 1. martial may in any case be appointed by superior authority when by the latter deemed desirable : Provided, That when but one officer is present with a command he shall be the sum- mary court-martial of that command and shall hear and de- termine cases brought before him. ART. 11. APPOINTMENT OF TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATES AND COUNSEL. For each general or special court-martial the authority appointing the court shall appoint a trial judge advocate and a defense counsel, and for each general court- martial one or more assistant trial judge advocates and one or more assistant defense counsel when necessary: Provided, however, That no officer who has acted as member, trial judge advocate, assistant trial judge advocate, defense counsel, or as- sistant defense counsel in any case shall subsequently act as staff judge advocate to the reviewing or confirming authority upon the same case. c. JURISDICTION. ART. 12. GENERAL COURTS-MARTIAL. General courts-mar- tial shall have power to try any person subject to military law for any crime or offense made punishable by these arti- cles, and any other person who by the law of war is subject to trial by military tribunals : Provided, That no officer shall be brought to trial before a general court-martial appointed by the Superintendent of the Military Academy: Provided further, That the officer competent to appoint a general court- martial for the trial of any particular case may, when in his judgment the interest of the service shall so require, cause any case to be tried by a special court-martial notwithstanding the limitations upon the jurisdiction of the special court-martial as to offenses set out in article 13; but the limitations upon jurisdic- tion as to persons and upon punishing power set out in said ar- ticle shall be observed. ART. 13. SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. Special courts-martial shall have power to try any person subject to military law for any crime or offense not capital made punishable by these articles: Provided, That the President may, by regu- lations, except from the jurisdiction of special courts-martial any class or classes of persons subject to military law. 496 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 15 Special courts-martial shall not have power to adjudge confinement in excess of six months, nor to adjudge forfei- ture of more than two-thirds pay per month for a period of not exceeding six months. Art. 13, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 13. SPECIAL COURTS-MARTIAL. Special courts-martial shall have power to try any person subject to military law, except an officer, for any crime or offense not capital made punishable by these articles : Provided, That the President may, by regulations, which he may modify from time to time, except from the jurisdiction of special courts-martial any class or classes of persons subject to military law. " Special courts-martial shall not have power to adjudge dishonorable dis- charge, nor confinement in excess of six months, nor to adjudge forfeiture of more than six months' pay." ART. 14. SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. Summary courts- martial shall have power to try any person subject to mili- tary law, except an officer, a member of the Army Nurse Corps, a warrant officer, an Army field clerk, a field clerk Quartermaster Corps, a cadet, or a soldier holding the privileges of a certifi- cate of eligibility to promotion, for any crime or offense not capital made punishable by these articles: Provided, That noncommissioner officers shall not, if they object thereto, be brought to trial before a summary court-martial without the authority of the officer competent to bring them to trial before a general court-martial : Provided further, That the President may, by regulations, except from the jurisdiction of summary courts-martial any class or classes of persons subject to military law. Summary courts-martial shall not have power to adjudge confinement in excess of one month, restriction to limits for more than three months, or forfeiture or detention of more than two-thirds of one month's pay. The words " which he may modify from time to time," which followed the word " regulations," in the second proviso of the first paragraph, have been omitted. The second paragraph of art. 14, Code of 1916, read as follows : " Summary courts-martial shall not have power to adjudge confinement In excess of three months, nor to adjudge the forfeiture of more than three months' pay : Provided, That when the summary court officer is also the com- manding officer no sentence of such summary court-martial adjudging confine- ment at hard labor or forfeiture of pay, or both, for a period in excess of one month shall be carried into execution until the same shall have been approved by superior authority." ART. 15. JURISDICTION NOT EXCLUSIVE. The provisions of these articles conferring jurisdiction upon courts-martial shall not be construed as depriving military commissions, 497 ART. 1G APPENDIX 1. provost courts, or other military tribunals of concurrent jurisdiction in respect of offenders or offenses that by statute or by the law of war be triable by such- military commis- sions, provost courts, or other military tribunals. The word " lawfully " appeared in the former article, preceding the word " triable." ART. 16. OFFICERS ; HOW TRIABLE. Officers shall be triable only by general and special courts-martial, and in no case shall an officer, when it can be avoided, be tried by officers inferior to him in rank. D. PKOCEDUEE.. ART. 17. THAI JUDGE ADVOCATE TO PROSECUTE; COUNSEL TO DEFEND. The trial judge advocate of a general or spe- cial court-martial shall prosecute in the name of the United States, and shall, under the direction of the court, prepare the record of its proceedings. The accused shall have the right to be represented in his defense before the court by coun- sel of his own selection, civil counsel if he so provides, or mili- tary if such counsel be reasonably available, otherwise by the defense counsel duly appointed for the court pursuant to article 11. Should the accused have counsel of his own selection, the defense counsel and assistant defense counsel, if any, of the court, shall, if the accused so desires, act as his associate counsel. Article 17, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 17. JUDGE ADVOCATE TO PROSECUTE. The judge advocate of a gen- eral or special court-martial shall prosecute in the name of the United States, and shall, under the direction of the court, prepare the record of its proceed- ings. The accused shall have the right to be represented before the court by counsel of his own selection for his defense, if such counsel be reasonably available, but should he, for any reason, be unrepresented by counsel, the judge advocate shall from time to time throughout the proceedings advise the accused of his legal rights." ART. 18. CHALLENGES. Members- of a general or special court-martial may be challenged by the accused or the trial judge advocate for cause stated to the court. The court shall determine the relevancy and validity thereof, and shall not. receive a challenge to more than one member at a time. Chal- lenges by the trial judge advocate shall ordinarily be presented and decided before those by the accused are offered. Each side 493 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 19 shall be entitled to one peremptory challenge ; but the law mem- ber of the court shall not be challenged except for cause. The words " but only " appeared in the former article, preceding the words " for cause " in the first sentence. ART. 19. OATHS. The trial judge ach r ocate of a general or special court-martial shall administer to the members of the court, before they proceed upon any trial, the following oath or affirmation : " You, A. B., do swear (or affipm) that you will well and truly try and determine, according to the evi- dence, the matter now before you, between the United States of America and the person to be tried, and that you will duly administer justice, without partiality, favor, or affection, according to the provisions of the rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United States, and if any doubt should arise, not explained by said articles, then ac- cording to your conscience, the best of your understanding, and the custom of war in like cases ; and you do further swear (or affirm) that you will not divulge the findings or sentence of the court until they shall be published by the proper au- thority or duly announced by the court, except to the trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocate; neither will you disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any par- ticular member of the court-martial upon a challenge or upon the findings or sentence, unless required to give evidence thereof as a witness by a court of justice in due course of law. So help you God." When the oath or affirmation has been administered to tha members of a general or special court-martial, the president of the court shall administer to the trial judge advocate and to each assistant trial judge advocate, if airy, an oath or affirmation in the following form : " You A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of a trial judge advocate, and will not divulge the find- ings or sentence of the court to any but the proper authority until they shall be duly disclosed. So help you God." All persons who give evidence before a court-martial shall be examined on oath or affirmation in the following form: " You swear (or affirm) that the evidence you shall give in the case now in hearing shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God." 499 ART. 20 APPENDIX 1. Every reporter of the proceedings of a court-martial shall, before entering upon his duties, make oath or affirmation in the following form: " You swear (or affirm) that you will faithfully perform the duties of reported to this court. So help you God." Every interpreter in the trial of any case before a court- martial shall, before entering upon his duties, make oath or affirmation in the following form: " You swear (or affirm) that you will truly interpret in the case now in hearing. So help you God." In case of affirmation the closing sentence of adjuration will be omitted. The words " by the same," concluded the first sentence of the second para- graph of the former article. ART. 20. CONTINUANCES. A court-martial may, for rea- sonable cause, grant a continuance to either party for such time and as often as may appear to be just. ART. 21. REFUSAL OR FAILURE TO PLEAD. When an accused arraigned before a court-martial fails or refuses to plead, or answers foreign to the purpose, or after a plea of guilty makes a statement inconsistent with the plea, or when it appears to the court that he entered a plea of guilty improvidently or through lack of understanding of its meaning and effect, the court shall proceed to trial and judgment as if he had pleaded not guilty. Art 21, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 21. REFUSAL TO PLEAD. When the accused, arraigned before a court- martial, from obstinacy and deliberate design stands mute or answers foreign to the purpose, the court may proceed to trial and judgment as if he had pleaded not guilty." ART. 22. PROCESS TO OBTAIN WITNESSES. Every trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial and every sum- mary court-martial shall have power to issue the like process to compel witnesses to appear and testify which courts of the United States, having criminal jurisdcition, may lawfully issue ; but such process shall run to any part of the United States, its Territories, and possessions. ART. 23. REFUSAL TO APPEAR OR TESTIFY. Every person not subject to military law who, being duly subprcnaed to appear as a witness before any military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, or before any officer, military or civil, 500 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 24 designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before such court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, willfully neglects or refuses to appear, or refuses to qualify as a wit- ness, or to testify, or produce documentary evidence which such person may have been legally subpoenaed to produce, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, for which such per- son shall be punished on information in the district court of the United States or in a court of original criminal jurisdic- tion in any of the territorial possessions of the United States, jurisdiction being hereby conferred upon such courts for such purpose; and it shall be the duty of the United States district attorney or the officer prosecuting for the Govern- ment in any such court of original criminal jurisdiction, on the certification of the facts to him by the military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, to file an information against and prosecute the person so offending, and the pun- ishment of such person, on conviction, shall be a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both, at the discretion of the court: Provided, That the fees of such witness and his mileage, at the rates allowed to wit- nesses attending the courts of the United States, shall be duly paid or tendered said witness, such amounts to be paid out of the appropriation for the compensation of witnesses: Provided further, That every person not subject to military law, who before any court-martial, military tribunal, or military board, or in connection with, or in relation to any proceedings or investigation before it or had under any of the provisions of this act, is guilty of any of the acts made punishable as offenses against public justice by any provision of chapter 6 of the Act of March 4, 1909, entitled " An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States " (volume 35, United States Statutes at Large, page 1088), or any amendment thereof, shall be punished as therein provided. This article became effective on June 4, 1920. ART. 24. COMPULSORY SELF-INCRIMINATION PROHIBITED. No witness before a military court, commission, court of in- quiry, or board, or before any officer conducting an investiga- tion, or before any officer, military or civil, designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before a military court, 501 ART. 25 APPENDIX 1* commission, court of inquiry, or board, or before an officer conducting an investigation, shall be compelled to incriminate himself or to answer any question the answer to which nuiy tend to incriminate him, or to answer any question not ma- terial to the issue when such answer might tend to degrade him. Art. 24, Code of 1916, read as follows : "AnT. 24. COMPULSORY SELF-INCBIMINATION PROHIBITED. No witness be- fore a military court, commission, court of Inquiry, or board, or before any officer, military or civil, designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before a military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, shall be com- pelled to incriminate himself or to answer any questions which may tend to incriminate or degrade him." ART. 25. DEPOSITIONS WHEN ADMISSIBLE. A duly au- thenticated deposition taken upon reasonable notice to the opposite party may be read in evidence before any military court or commission in any case not capital, or in any pro- ceeding before a court of inquiry or a military board, if such deposition be taken when the witness resides, is found, or is about to go beyond the State, Territory, or District in which the court, commission, or board is ordered to sit, or beyond the distance of one hundred miles from the place of trial or hearing, or when it appears to the satisfaction of the court, commission, board, or appointing authority that the witness, by reason of age, sickness, bodily infirmity, im- prisonment, or other reasonable cause, is unable to appenr and testify in person at the place of trial or hearing : Pro- vided, That testimony by deposition may be adduced for the defense in capital cases. ART. 26. DEPOSITIONS BEFORE WHOM TAKEN. Depositions to be read in evidence before military courts, commissions, courts of inqury. or military boards, or for other use in mili- tary administration, may be taken before and authenticated by any officer, military or civil, authorized by the laws of the Tinted States or by the laws of the place where the deposition is taken to administer oaths. ART. 27. COURTS OF INQUIRY RECORDS OF, WHEN ADMIS- SIBLE. The record of the proceedings of a court of in- quiry may, with the consent of the accused, be read in evi- dence before any court-martial or military commission in any case not capital nor extending to the dismissal of an 502 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 31 officer, and may also be read in evidence in any proceeding before a court of inquiry or a military board: Provided, That such evidence may be adduced by the defense in capital cases or cases extending to the dismissal of an officer. ART. 28. CERTAIN ACTS TO CONSTITUTE DESERTION. Any officer who, having tendered his resignation and prior to due notice of the acceptance of the same, quits his post or proper duties without leave and with intent to absent him- self permanently therefrom shall be deemed a deserter. Any soldier who, without having first received a regular discharge, again enlists in the Army, or in the militia when in the service of the United States, or in the Navy or Marine Corps of the United States, or in any foreign army, shall be deemed to have deserted the service of the United States ; and where the enlistment is in one of the forces of the United States mentioned above, to have fraudulently enlisted therein. Any person subject to military law who quits his organiza- tion or place of duty with the intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service shall be deemed a deserter. The first paragraph is the same as art. 28, Code of 1916, except that the former title of that article was " Resignation without acceptance does not release officer." The second paragraph is the same as art. 29, Code of 1916. The third paragraph is new. ART. 29. COURT TO ANNOUNCE ACTION. Whenever* the court has acquitted the accused upon all specifications and charges, the court sJiall at once announce such result in open court. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, the findings and sentence in other cases may be similarly announced. ART. 30. CLOSED SESSIONS. Whenever a general or special court-martial shall sit in closed session, the trial judge advo- cate and the assistant trial judge advocate, if any, shall with- draw ; and when their assistance in referring to the recorded evidence is required, it shall be obtained in open court, and in the presence of the accused and of his counsel, if there be any. The words " their legal advice or " appeared in the former article, follow- ing the word "when." ART. 31. METHOD OF VOTING. Voting by members of a gen- eral or special court-martial upon questions of challenge, on the findings, and on the sentence shall be by secret written ballot. The junior member of the court shall in each, case count the votes, 603 ART. 31 APPENDIX 1. which count shall be checked by the president, who will forth- with announce the result of the ballot to the members of the court. The law member of the court, if any, or if there be no law member of the court, then the president, may rule in open court upon interlocutory questions, other than challenges, aris- ing during the proceedings : Provided, That unless such ruling be made by the law member of the court if any member object thereto the court shall be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote, viva voce, beginning with the junior in rank: And provided further, That if any such ruling be made by the law member of the court upon any interlocutory question other than an objection to the admissibility of evidence offered during the trial, and any member object to the ruling, the court shall likewise be cleared and closed and the question decided by a majority vote, viva voce, beginning with the junior in rank : Provided further, however, That the phrase, " objec- tion to the admissibility of evidence offered during the trial," as used in the next preceding proviso hereof, shall not be con- strued to include questions as to the order of the introduction of witnesses or other evidence, nor of the recall of witnesses for further examination, nor as to whether expert witnesses shall be admitted or called upon any question, nor as to whether the court shall view the premises where an offense is alleged to have been committed, nor as to the competency of witnesses, as, for instance, of children, witnesses alleged to be mentally incom- petent, and the like, nor as to the insanity of accused, or whether the existence of mental disease or mental derangement on the part of the accused has become an issue in the trial, or accused required to submit to physical examination, nor whether any argument or statement of counsel for the accused or of the trial judge advocate is improper, nor any ruling in a case involv- ing military strategy or tactics or correct military action; but, upon all these questions arising on the trial, if any member ob- ject to any ruling of the law member, the court shall be cleared and closed and the question decided by majority vote of the members in the manner aforesaid. Art. 31, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 31. ORDER OF VOTING. Members of a general or special court-martial, in giving their votes, shall begin with the junior in rank." 504 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 35 ART. 32. CONTEMPTS. A military tribunal may punish as for contempt any person who uses any menacing words, signs, or gestures in its presence, or who disturbs its proceedings by any riot or disorder : Provided, That such punishment shall in no case exceed one month's confinement, or a fine of $100, or both, Art. 32, Code of 1916, read as follows : "ART. 32. CONTEMPTS. A court-martial may punish at discretion, subject to the limitations contained in article fourteen, any person who uses any menacing words, signs, or gestures in its presence, or who disturbs its pro- ceedings by any riot or disorder." ART. 33. RECORDS GENERAL COURTS-MARTIAL. Each gen- eral court-martial shall keep a separate record of its pro- ceedings in the trial of each case brought before it, and such record shall be authenticated by the signature of the presi- dent and the trial judge advocate; but in case the record can not be authenticated by the president and trial judge advocate, by reason of the death, disability, or absence of either or both of them, it shall be signed by a member in lieu of the president and by an assistant trial judge advocate, if there be one, in lieu of the trial judge advocate; otherwise by another member of the court. Art. 33, Code of 1916, following the semicolon, read as follows: " but in case the record can not be authenticated by the judge advocate, by reason of his death, disability, or absence, it shall be signed by the president and an assistant judge advocate, if any ; and if there be no assistant Judge advocate, or in case of his death, disability, or absence, then by the president and one other member of the court." ART. 34. RECORDS SPECIAL AND SUMMARY COURTS-MAR- TIAL. Each special court-martial and each summary court- martial shall keep a record of its proceedings, separate for each case, which record shall contain such matter and be authenticated in such manner as may be required by regu- lations which the President may from time to time prescribe. ART. 35. DISPOSITION OF RECORDS GENERAL COURTS-MAR- TIAL. The trial judge advocate of each general court-mar- tial shall, with such expedition as circumstances may permit, forward to the appointing authority or to his successor in command the original record of the proceedings of such court in the trial of each case. All records of such proceed- 605 ART. 36 APPENDIX 1. ings shall, after having been acted upon, be transmitted to the Judge Advocate General of the Army. The -word " finally " appeared in the former article, preceding tiie word " acted." ART. 36. DISPOSITION or RECORDS SPECIAL AXD SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. After having been acted upon by the officer appointing the court, or by the officer commanding for the time being, the record of each trial by special court-martial and a report of each trial by summary court-martial shall be transmitted to such general headquarters as the President may designate in regulations, there to be filed in the office of the judge advocate. When no longer of use, records of summary courts-martial may be destroyed. The -words " special and " appeared in the former article, preceding the word " summary " in the last sentence. ART. 37. IRREGULARITIES EFFECT OF. The proceedings of a court-martial shall not be held invalid, nor the findings or sentence disapproved, in any case on the ground of improper admission or rejection of evidence or for any error as to any matter of pleading or procedure unless in the opinion of the reviewing or confirming authority, after an examination of the entire proceedings, it shall appear that the error coai- plained of has injuriously affected the substantial rights of an accused: Provided, That the act or omission upon which the accused has been tried constitutes an offense denounced and made punishable by one or more of these articles : Pro- vided further, That the omission of the words " hard labor " in any sentence of a court-martial adjudging imprisonment or confinement shall not be construed as depriving the au- thorities executing such sentence of imprisonment or confine- ment of the power to require hard labor as a part of the punishment in any case where it is authorized by the Execu- tive order prescribing maximum punishments. ART. 38. PRESIDENT MAY PRESCRIBE RULES. The President may, by regulations, which he may modify from time to time, prescribe the proceedure, including modes of proof, in cases before courts-martial, courts of inquiry, military com- missions, and other military tribunals, which regulations shall, in so far as he shall deem practicable, apply the rules of 506 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 4Q evidence generally recognized in the trial of criminal cases in the district courts of the United States: Provided, That noth- ing contrary to or inconsistent with these articles shall be so prescribed : Provided further, That all rules made in pur- suance of this article shall be laid before the Congress annually. E. LIMITATIONS UPON PROSECUTIONS. ART. 39. As TO TIME. Except for desertion committed in time of war, or for mutiny or murder, no person subject to military law shall be liable to be tried or punished by a court-martial for any crime or offense committed more than two years before the arraignment of such person : Provided, That for desertion in time of peace or for any crime or offense punishable under articles ninety-three and ninety-four of this code the period of limitations upon trial and punishment by court-martial shall be three years : Provided further, That the period of any absence of the accused from the jurisdiction of the United States, and also any period during which by reason of some manifest impediment the accused shall not have been amenable to military justice, shall be excluded in computing the aforesaid periods of limitation : And provided further, That this article shall not have the effect to authorize the trial or punishment for any crime or offense barred by the provisions of existing law. ART. 40. As TO NUMBER. No person shall, without his con- sent, be tried a second time for the same offense ; but no pro- ceeding in which an accused has been found guilty by a court- martial upon any charge or specification shall be held to be a trial in the sense of this article until the reviewing and, if there be one, the confirming authority shall have taken final action upon the case. No authority shall return a record of trial to any court-mar- tial for reconsideration of (a) An acquittal; or (b) A finding of not guilty of any specification; or (c) A finding of not guilty of any charge, unless the record shows a finding of guilty under a specification laid under that charge, which sufficiently alleges a violation of some article of war; or 507 ART. 41 APPENDIX 1. (d) The sentence originally imposed, with a view to increasing its severity, unless such sentence is less than the mandatory sen- tence fixed by law for the offense or offenses upon which a convic- tion has been had. And no court-martial, in any proceedings on revision, shall re- consider its finding or sentence in any particular in which a re- turn of the record of trial for such reconsideration is hereinbefore prohibited. F. PUNISHMENTS. ART. 41. CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENTS PROHIB- ITED. Cruel and unusual punishments of every kind, including flogging, branding, marking, or tattooing on the body, are prohibited. Art. 41, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 41. CERTAIN KINDS PROHIBITED. Punishment by flogging, or by branding, marking, or tattooing on the body is prohibited." ART. 42. PLACES OF CONFINEMENT WHEN LAWFUL. Ex- cept for desertion in time of war, repeated desertion in time of peace, and mutiny, no person shall under the sentence of a court-martial be punished by confinement in a penitentiary unless an act or omission of which he is convicted is recog- nized as an offense of a civil nature and so punishable by pen- itentiary confinement for more than one year by some statute of the United States, of general application within the continental United States, excepting section 289, Penal Code of the United States, 1910, or by the law of the District of Columbia, or by way of commutation of a death sentence, and unless, also the period of confinement authorized and adjudged by such court-martial is more than one year: Provided, That when a sentence of con- finement is adjudged by a court-martial upon conviction of two or more acts or omissions any one of which is punishable under these articles by confinement in a penitentiary, the entire sentence of confinement may be executed in a peni- tentiary: Provided further, That penitentiary confinement hereby authorized may be served in any penitentiary directly or indirectly under the jurisdiction of the United States: Provided further, That persons sentenced to dishonorable discharge and to confinement not in a penitentiary shall be confined in the United States Disciplinary Barracks or else- 508 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 45 where as the Secretary of War or the reviewing authority may direct, but not in a penitentiary. The language between the words " offense of a civil nature " and the first proviso in Art. 42, Code of 1916, read as follows : " by some statute of the United States, or at the common law as the same exists in the District of Columbia, or by way of commutation of a death sentence, and unless, also, the period of confinement authorized and adjudged by such court-martial is one year or more : " ART. 43. DEATH SENTENCE WHEN LAWFUL. No person shall, by general court-martial, be convicted of an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law, nor sen- tenced to suffer death, except by the -concurrence of all the members of said court-martial present at the time the vote is taken, and for an offense in these articles expressly made punishable by death ; nor sentence to life imprisonment, nor to confinement for more than ten years, except by the concurrence of three-fourths of all of the members present at the time the vote is taken. All other convictions and sentences, whether by general or special court-martial, may be determined by a two-thirds vote of those members present at the time the vote is taken. All other questions shall be determined by a ma- jority vote. Art. 43, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 43. DEATH SENTENCE WHEN LAWFUL. No person shall, by general court-martial, be convicted of an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law, nor sentenced to suffer death, except by the concurrence of two-thirds of the members of said court-martial and for an offense in these articles expressly made punishable by death. All other convictions and sen- tences, whether by general or special court-martial, may be determined by a majority of the members present." ART. 44. COWARDICE; FRAUD ACCESSORY PENALTY. When an officer is dismissed from the service for cowardice or fraud, the crime, punishment, name, and place of abode of the de- linquent shall be published in the newspapers in and about the camp and in the State from which the offender came or where he usually resides; and after such publication it shall be scandalous for an officer to associate with him. ART. 45. MAXIMUM LIMITS. Whenever the punishment for a crime or offense made punishable by these articles is left to the discretion of the court-martial the punishment shall not exceed such limit or limits as the President may from time to time prescribe: Provided, That in time of peace the period of confinement, in a penitentiary shall in no case exceed 21358 20 33 509 ART. 46 APPENDIX 1. the maximum period prescribed by the law which, under article 42 of these articles, permits confinement in a penitentiary, unless in addition to the offense so punishable under such law the ac- cused shall have been convicted at the same time of one or more other offenses. This article became effective on June 4, 1920. The words " In time of peace " appeared in the former article, preceding the word " exceed." O. ACTION BY APPOINTING OR SUPERIOR AUTHORITY. ART. 46. ACTION BY CONVENING AUTHORITY. Under such regulations as may be prescribed by the President every record of trial by general court-martial or military commission received by a reviewing or confirming authority shall be re- ferred by him, before he acts thereon, to his staff judge advocate or to the Judge Advocate General. No sentence of a court- martial shall be carried into execution until the same shall have been approved by the officer appointing the court or by the officer commanding for the time being. The former article was entitled, " Approval and execution of sentence." ART. 47. POWERS INCIDENT TO POWER TO APPROVE. The power to approve the sentence of a court-martial shall be held to include: (a) The power to approve or disapprove a rinding and to approve only so much of a rinding of guilty of a particular offense as involves a finding of guilty of a lesser included offense when, in the opinion of the authority having power to approve, the evidence of record requires a finding of only the lesser degree of guilt ; and (b) The power to approve or disapprove the whole or any part of the sentence. (c) The power to remand a case for rehearing, under the pro- visions of article 5Q l / z . ART. 48. CONFIRMATION WHEN REQUIRED. In addition to the approval required by article forty-six, confirmation by the President is required in the following cases before the sentence of a court-martial is carried into execution, namely : (a) Any sentence respecting a general officer; (b) Any sentence extending to the dismissal of an officer, except that in time of war a sentence extending to the dis- 510 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 50 missal of an officer below the grade of brigadier general may be carried into execution upon confirmation by the command- ing general of the Army in the field or by the commanding general of the territorial department or division : (c) Any sentence extending to the suspension or dismissal of a cadet; and (d) Any sentence of death, except in the cases of persons convicted in time of war of murder, rape, mutiny, desertion, or as spies; and in such excepted cases a sentence of death may be carried into execution, subject to the provisions of article 50 1 / 2 , upon confirmation by the commanding general of the Army in the field or by the commanding general of the territorial department or division. When the authority competent to confirm the sentence has already acted .as the approving authority no additional con- firmation by him is necessary. ART. 49. POWERS INCIDENT TO POWER TO CONFIRM. The power to confirm the sentence of a court-martial shall b? held to include : (a) The power to confirm or disapprove a finding, and to confirm so much only of a finding of guilty of a particular offense as involves a finding of guilty of a lesser included offense when, in the opinion of the authority having power to confirm, the evidence of record requires a finding of only the lesser degree of guilt ; and (b) The power to confirm or disapprove the whole or any part of the sentence. (c) The power to remand a case for rehearing, under the provisions of article 50J. ART. 50. MITIGATION or REMISSION OF SENTENCES. The power to order the execution of the sentence adjudged by a court-martial shall be held to include, inter alia, the power to mitigate or remit the whole or any part of the sentence. Any unexecuted portion of a sentence adjudged by a court- martial may be mitigated or remitted by the military author- ity competent to appoint, for the command, exclusive of pen- itentiaries and the United States Disciplinary Barracks, in which the person under sentence is held, a court of the kind that imposed the sentence, and the same power may be 511 ART. 50 \ APPENDIX 1. exercised by superior military authority; but no sentence approved or confirmed by the President shall be remitted or mitigated by any other authority, and no approved sentence of loss of -files by an officer shall be remitted or miti- gated by any authority inferior to the President, except as provided in the -fifty-second article. When empowered by the President so to do, the command- ing general of the Army in the field or the commanding gen- eral of the territorial department or division, may approve or confirm and commute (but not approve or confirm without commuting), mitigate, or remit and then order executed as commuted, mitigated, or remitted any sentence which under these articles requires the confirmation of the President be- fore the same may be executed. The power of remission on mitigation shall extend to all uncollected forfeitures adjudged by sentence of court- martial. The last sentence of the former article read : " The po^er of remission and mitigation shall extend to all uncollected forfeitures adjudged by sentence of a court-martial." ART. 50J. REVIEW; REHEARING. The Judge Advocate General shall constitute, in his office, a board of review consist- ing of not less than three officers of the Judge Advocate Gen- eral's Department. Before any record of trial in which there has been adjudged a sentence requiring approval or confirmation by the President under the provisions of article 46, article 48, or article 51 is submitted to the President, such record shall be examined by the board of review. The board shall submit its opinion, in writing, to the Judge Advocate General, who shall, except as herein other- wise provided, transmit the record and the board's opinion, with his recommendations, directly to the Secretary of War for the action of the President. Except as herein provided, no authority shall order the execu- tion of any other sentence of a general court-martial involving the penalty of death, dismissal not suspended, dishonorable dis- charge not suspended, or confinement in a penitentiary, unless and until the board of review shall, with the approval of the Judge Advocate General, have held the record of trial upon which such sentence is based legally sufficient to support the 512 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. sentence ; except that the proper reviewing or confirming author- ity may upon his approval of a sentence involving dishonorable discharge or confinement in a penitentiary order its execution if it is based solely upon findings of guilty of a charge or charges and a specification or specifications to which the accused has pleaded guilty. When the board of review, with the approval of the Judge Advocate General, holds the record in a case in which the order of execution has been withheld under the pro- visions of this paragraph legally sufficient to support the findings and sentence, the Judge Advocate General shall so advise the reviewing or confirming authority from whom the record was received, who may thereupon order the execution of the sen- tence. When in a case in which the order of execution has been withheld under the provisions of this paragraph, the board of review holds the record of trial legally insufficient to support the findings or sentence, either in whole or in part, or that errors of law have been committed injuriously affecting the sub- stantial rights of the accused, and the Judge Advocate General concurs in such holding of the board of review, such findings and sentence shall be vacated in whole or in part in accord with such holding and the recommendations of the Judge Advocate General thereon, and the record shall be transmitted through the proper channels to the convening authority for a rehearing or such other action as may be proper. In the event that the Judge Advocate General shall not concur in the holding of the board of review, the Judge Advocate General shall forward all the papers in the case, including the opinion of the board of review and his own dissent therefrom, directly to the Secretary of War for the action of the President, who may confirm the action of the reviewing authority or confirming authority below, in whole or in part, with or without remission, mitigation, or commutation, or may disapprove, in whole or in part, any find- ing of guilty, and may disapprove or vacate the sentence, in whole or in part. When the President or any reviewing or confirming authority disapproves or vacates a sentence the execution of which has not theretofore been duly ordered, he may authorize or direct a re- hearing. Such rehearing shall take place before a court com- posed of officers not members of the court which first heard the 513 ART. 50 J APPEITDIX L. case. Upon such rehearing the accused shall not be tried for any offense of which he was found not guilty by the first court, and no sentence in excess of or more severe than the original sen- tence shall be enforced unless the sentence be based upon a find- ing of guilty of an offense not considered upon the merits in the original proceeding : Provided, That such rehearing shall be had in all cases where a finding and sentence have been vacated by reason of the action of the board of review approved by the Judge Advocate General holding the record of trial legally insufficient to support the findings or sentence or that errors of law have been committed injuriously affecting the substantial rights of the accused, unless, in accord with such action, and the recommen- dations of the Judge Advocate General thereon, the findings or sentence are approved in part only, or the record is returned for revision, or unless the case is dismissed by order of the reviewing or confirming authority. After any such rehearing had on the order of the President, the record of trial shall, after examination by the board of review, be transmitted by the Judge Advocate General, with the board's opinion and his recommendations, directly to the Secretary of War for the action of the President. Every record of trial by general court-martial, examination of which by the board of review is not hereinbefore in this article provided for, shall nevertheless be examined in the Judge Advo- cate General's Office; and if found legally insufficient to support the findings and sentence, in whole or in part, shall be examined by the board of review, and the board, if it also finds that such record is legally insufficient to support the findings and sentence, in whole or in part, shall, in writing, submit its opinion to the Judge Advocate General, who shall transmit the record and the board's opinion, with his recommendations, directly to the Secre- tary of War for the action of the President. In any such case the President may approve, disapprove, or vacate, in whole or in part, any findings of guilty, or confirm, mitigate, commute, re- mit, or vacate any sentence, in whole or in part, and direct the execution of the sentence as confirmed or modified, and he may restore the accused to all rights affected by the findings and sen- tence, or part thereof, held to be invalid; and the President's necessary orders to this end shall be binding upon all depart- ments and officers of the Government. 514 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 52 Whenever necessary, the Judge Advocate General may consti- tute two or more boards of review in his office, with equal powers and duties. Whenever the President deems such action necessary, he may direct the Judge Advocate General to establish a branch of his office, under an Assistant Judge Advocate General, with any dis- tant command, and to establish in such branch office a board of review, or more than one. Such Assistant Judge Advocate Gen- eral and such board or boards of review shall be empowered to perform for that command, under the general supervision of the Judge Advocate General, the duties which the Judge Advocate General and the board or boards of review in his office would otherwise be required to perform in respect of all cases involving sentences not requiring approval or confirmation by the Presi- dent. ART. 51. SUSPENSION OF SENTENCES OF DISMISSAL OR DEATH. The authority competent to order the execution of a sentence of dismissal of an officer or a sentence of death may suspend such sentence until the pleasure of the President be known, and in case of such suspension a copy of the order of suspen- sion, together with a copy of the record of trial, shall im- mediately be transmitted to the President. ART. 52. SUSPENSION OF SENTENCES. The authority compe- tent to order the execution of the sentence of a court-martial may, at the time of the approval of such sentence, suspend the execution, in whole or in part, of any such sentence as does not extend to death, and may restore the person under sentence to duty during such suspension; and the Secretary of War or the commanding officer holding general court-martial jurisdiction over any such offender, may at any time thereafter, while the sentence is being served, suspend the execution, in whole or in part, of the balance of such sentence and restore the person under sentence to duty during such suspension. A sen- tence, or any part thereof, which has been so suspended may be remitted, in whole or in part, except in cases of persons confined in the United /States Disciplinary Barracks or its branches, by the officer who suspended the same, by his suc- cessor in office, or by any officer exercising appropriate court- martial jurisdiction over the command in which the person 515 ART. 53 APPENDIX 1. under sentence may be serving at the time, and, subject to the foregoing exceptions, the same authority may vacate the order of suspension at any time and order the execution of the sentence or the suspended part thereof in so far as the same shall not have been previously remitted, subject to like power of suspension. The death or honorable discharge of a person under a suspended sentence shall operate as a complete remission of any unexecuted or unremitted part of such sen- tence. ART. 53. EXECUTION OR REMISSION CONFINE- MENT IN DISCIPLINARY BARRACKS. When a sen- tence of dishonorable discharge has been suspended until the soldier's release from confinement , the execution or remission of any part of his sentence shall, if the soldier ~be confined in the United States Disciplinary Barracks, or any branch thereof, be directed by the Secretary of War. III. PUNITIVE ARTICLES. A. ENLISTMENT; MUSTER; RETURNS. ART. 54. FRAUDULENT ENLISTMENT. Any person who shall procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States by means of willful misrepresentation or concealment as to his qualifications for enlistment, and shall receive pay or allowances under such enlistment, shall be pun- ished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 55. OFFICER MAKING UNLAWFUL ENLISTMENT. Any officer who knowingly enlists or musters into the military service any person whose enlistment or muster in is prohibited by law, regulations, or orders shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 56. FALSE MUSTER. Any officer who knowingly makes a false muster of man or animal, or who signs or directs or allows the signing of any muster roll knowing the same to contain a false muster or false statement as to the absence or pay of an officer or soldier, or who wrongfully takes money or other consideration on mustering in a regiment, company, 616 THE ARTICLES OF WAB. ART. 59 or other organization, or on signing muster rolls, or who knowingly musters as an officer or soldier a person who is not such officer or soldier, shall be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. This article is the same as the last sentence of art. 56, Code of 1916. The portion of the former article not retained read as follows : " ART. 56. MUSTER ROLLS FALSE MUSTER. At every muster of a regi- ment, troop, battery, or company the commanding officer thereof shall give to the mustering officer certificates, signed by himself, stating how long absent officers have been absent and the reasons of their absence. And the com- manding officer of every troop, battery, or company shall give like certificates, stating how long absent noncommissioned officers and private soldiers have been absent and the reasons of their absence. Such reasons and time of absence shall be inserted in the muster rolls opposite the names of the respec- tive absent officers and soldiers, and the certificates, together with the muster rolls, shall be transmitted by the mustering officer to the Department of War as speedily as the distance of the place and muster will admit." ART. 57. FALSE RETURNS OMISSION TO RENDER RETURNS. Every officer whose duty it is to render to the War Depart- ment or other superior authority a return of the state of the troops under his command, or of the arms, ammunition, clothing, funds, or other property thereunto belonging, who knowingly makes a false return thereof shall be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court- martial may direct. And any officer who, through neglect or design, omits to render such return shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. This article is the same as art. 57, Code of 1916, except that the first sen- tence of the former article, reading as follows, has been omitted: "ART. 57. FALSE RETURNS OMISSION TO RENDER RETURNS. Every officer commanding a regiment, an independent troop, battery, or company, or a garrison shall, in the beginning of every month, transmit through the proper channels, to the Department of War, an exact return of the same." B. DESERTION; ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE. ART. 58. DESERTION. Any person subject to military law who deserts or attempts to desert the service of the United States shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may di- rect, and, if the offense be committed at any other time, any punishment, excepting death, that a court-martial may direct. ART. 59. ADVISING OR AIDING ANOTHER TO DESERT. Any per- son subject to military law who advises or persuades or knowingly assists another to desert the service of the United 517 ART. 60 APPENDIX 1. States shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may di- rect, and, if the offense be committed at any other time, any punishment, excepting death, that a court-martial may direct. ART. 60. ENTERTAINING A DESERTER. Any officer who, after having discovered that a soldier in his command is a deserter from the military or naval service or from the Marine Corps, retains such deserter in his command without informing su- perior authority or the commander of the organization to which the deserter belongs, shall be punished as a court- martial may direct. ART. 61. ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE. Any person subject to military law who fails to repair at the fixed time to the properly appointed place of duty, or goes from the same without proper leave, or absents himself from his command, guard, quarters, station, or camp without proper leave, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct, C. DISRESPECT ; INSUBORDINATION ; MUTINY. ART. 62. DISRESPECT TOWARD THE PRESIDENT, VICE PRESI- DENT, CONGRESS, SECRETARY or WAR, GOVERNORS, LEGISLA- TURES. Any officer who uses contemptuous or disrespectful words against the President, Vice President, the Congress of the United States, the Secretary of War, or the governor or legislature of any State, Territory, or other possession of the United States in which he is quartered shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court- martial may direct. Any other person subject to military law who so offends shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 63. DISRESPECT TOWARD SUPERIOR OFFICER. Any per- son subject to military law who behaves himself with disre- spect toward his superior officer shall be punished as a court- martial may direct. ART. 64. ASSAULTING OR WILLFULLY DISOBEYING SUPERIOR OFFICER. Arty person subject to military law who, on any pretense whatsoever, strikes his superior officer or draws or lifts up any weapon or offers any violence against him, 518 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 68 being in the execution of his office, or willfully disobeys any lawful command of his superior officer, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 65. INSUBORDINATE CONDUCT TOWARD NONCOMMIS- SIONED OFFICER. Any soldier who strikes or assaults, or who attempts or threatens to strike or assault, or willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer or a noncom- missioned officer while in the execution of his office, or uses threatening or insulting language, or behaves in an insub- ordinate or disrespectful manner toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer while in the execution of his office, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 66. MUTINY OR SEDITION. Any person subject to military law who attempts to create or who begins, excites, causes, or joins in any mutiny or sedition in any company, party, post, camp, detachment, guard, or other command shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 67. FAILURE TO SUPPRESS MUTINY OR SEDITION. Any officer or soldier who, being present at any mutiny or sedition, does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, or knowing or having reason to believe that a mutiny or sedition is to take place, does not without delay give information thereof to his commanding officer shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 68. QUARRELS; FRAYS; DISORDERS. All officers, mem- bers of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, field clerks, Quartermaster Corps, and noncommissioned officers have power to part and quell all quarrels, frays, and dis- orders among persons subject to military law and to order officers who take part in the same into arrest, and other per- sons subject to military law who take part in the same into arrest or confinement, as circumstances may require, until their proper superior officer is acquainted therewith. And whosoever, being so ordered, refuses to obey such officer, nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or noncommis- sioned officer, or draws a weapon upon or otherwise threatens or does violence to him, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. 519 ART. 69 APPENDIX 1. ART. 69. ARREST OR CONFINEMENT. Any person subject to military law charged with crime or with a serious offense under these articles shall be placed in confinement or in arrest as circumstances may require; but when charged with a minor offense only such person shall not ordinarily be placed in confinement. Any person placed in arrest under the provi- sions of this article shall thereby be restricted to his bar- racks, quarters, or tent, unless such limits shall be enlarged by proper authority. Any officer or cadet who breaks his arrest or who escapes from confinement, whether before or after trial or sentence and before he is set at liberty by proper authority, shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; and any other person subject to military law who escapes from confinement or who breaks his arrest, whether before or after trial or sentence and before he is set at liberty by proper authority, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Art. 69, Code of 1916, reads as follows : " ART. 69. ARREST OR CONFINEMENT OP ACCUSED PERSONS. An officer charged with crime or with a serious offense under these articles shall be placed in arrest by the commanding officer, and in exceptional cases an officer so charged may be placed in confinement by the same authority. A soldier charged with crime or with a serious offense under these articles shall be placed in confine ment, and when charged with a minor offense he may be placed in arrest. Any other person subject to military law charged with crime or with a serious offense under these articles shall be placed in confinement or in arrest, as circumstances may require ; and when charged with a minor offense such person may be placed in arrest. Any person placed in arrest under the provi- sions of this article shall thereby be restricted to his barracks, quarters, or tent, unless such limits shall be enlarged by proper authority. Any officer who breaks his arrest or who escapes from confinement before he is set at liberty by proper authority shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, and any other person subject to military law who escapes from confinement or who breaks his arrest before he is set at liberty by proper authority shall be punished as a court-martial may direct." ART. 70. CHARGES; ACTION UPON. Charges and specifica- tions must be signed by a person subject to military law, and under oath either that he has personal knowledge of, or has investigated, the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief. No charge will be referred for trial until after a thorough and impartial investigation thereof shall have been made. This in- 520 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 70 vestigation will include inquiries as to the truth of the matter set forth in said charges, form of charges, and what disposition of the case should be made in the interest of justice and disci- pline. At such investigation full opportunity shall be given to the accused to cross-examine witnesses against him if they are available and to present anything he may desire in his own behalf either in defense or mitigation, and the investigating officer shall examine available witnesses requested by the ac- cused. If the charges are forwarded after such investigation, they shall be accompanied by a statement of the substance of the testimony taken on both sides. Before directing the trial of any charge by general court- martial the appointing authority will refer it to his staff judge advocate for consideration and advice. When any person subject to military law is placed in arrest or confinement immediate steps will be taken to try the person accused or to dismiss the charge and release him. Any officer who is responsible for unnecessary delay in investigating or carrying the case to a final conclusion shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. When a person is held for trial by general court-martial the commanding officer will, within eight days after the accused is arrested or confined, if practicable, forward < the charges to the officer exercising general court- martial jurisdiction and furnish the accused a copy of such charges. If the same be not practicable, he will report to su- perior authority the reasons for delay. The trial judge advocate will cause to be served upon the accused a copy of the charges upon which trial is to be had, and a failure so to serve such charges will be ground for a continuance unless the trial be had on the charges furnished the accused as hereinbefore provided. In time of peace no person shall, against his objection, be brought to trial before a general court-martial within a period of five days subsequent to the service of charges upon him. Art. 70, Code of 1916, read as follows : " ART. 70. INVESTIGATION OF AND ACTION UPON CHARGES. No person put In arrest shall be continued in confinement more than 8 days, or until such time as a court-martial can be assembled. When any person is put in arrest for the purpose of trial, except at remote military posts or stations, the officer by whose order he is arrested shall see that a copy of the charges on which he is to be tried is served upon him within 8 days after his arrest, and that he is brought to trial within ten days thereafter, unless the necessi- 521 ART. 71 APPENDIX 1. ties of the service prevent such trial ; and then he shall be brought to trial within thirty days after the expiration of said ten days. If a copy of the charges be not served, or the arrested person be not brought to trial, as herein required, the arrest shall cease. But persons released from arrest, under the provisions of this article, may be tried, whenever the exigencies of the service shall permit, within twelve months after such release from arrest : Provided, That in time of peace no person shall, against his objection, be brought to trial before a general court-martial within a period of five days subsequent to the service of charges upon him." ART. 71. REFUSAL TO RECEIVE AND KEEP PRISONERS. No pro- vost marshal or commander of a guard shall refuse to re- ceive or keep any prisoner committed to his charge by an officer belonging to the forces of the United States, provided the officer committing shall, at the time, deliver an account in writing, signed by himself, of the crime or offense charged against the prisoner. Any officer or soldier so refusing shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 72. REPORT or PRISONERS RECEIVED. Every com- mander of a guard to whose charge a prisoner is committed shall, within twenty-four hours after such confinement, or as soon as he is relieved from his guard, report in writing to the commanding officer the name of such prisoner, the offense charged against him, and the name of the officer committing him ; and if he fails to make such report, he shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 73. RELEASING PRISONER WITHOUT PROPER AUTHOR- ITY. Any person subject to military law who, without proper authority, releases any prisoner duly committed to his charge, or who through neglect or design suffers any pris- oner so committed to escape, shall be punished as a court- martial may direct. ART. 74. DELIVERY OF OFFENDERS TO CIVIL AUTHORITIES. When any person subject to military law, except one who is held by the military authorities to answer, or who is awaiting trial or result of trial, or who is undergoing sentence for a crime or offense punishable under these articles, is accused of a crime or offense committed within the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Colum- bia, and punishable by the laws of the land, the commanding officer is required, except in time of war, upon application duly made, to use his utmost endeavor to deliver over such accused person to the civil authorities, or to aid the officers of 522 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 76 justice in apprehending and securing him, in order that he may be brought to trial. Any commanding officer who upon such application refuses or willfully neglects, except in time of war, to deliver over such accused person to the civil authorities or to aid the officers of justice in apprehending and securing him shall be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. When, under the provisions of this article, delivery is made to the civil authorities of an offender undergoing sentence of a court-martial, such delivery, if followed by conviction, shall be held to interrupt the execution of the sentence of the court- martial, and the offender shall be returned to military cus- tody, after having answered to the civil authorities for his oifense, for the completion of the said court-martial sentence. E. WAR OFFENSES. ART. 75. MISBEHAVIOR BEFORE THE ENEMY. Any officer or soldier who, before the enemy, misbehaves himself, rims away, or shamefully abandons or delivers up or by any mis- conduct, disobedience, or neglect endangers the safety of any fort, post, camp, guard, or other command which it is his duty to defend, or speaks words inducing others to do the like, or casts away his arms or ammunition, or quits his post or colors to plunder or pillage, or by any means whatsoever oc- casions false alarms in camp, garrison, or quarters, shall suf- fer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. The words preceding the word " fort " in art. 75, Code of 1916, were as follows : " Any officer or soldier who misbehaves himself before the enemy, runs away, or shamefully abandons or delivers up any " ; otherwise the same. ART. 76. SUBORDINATES COMPELLING COMMANDER TO SUR- RENDER. Any person subject to military law who compels or attempts to compel any commander of any garrison, fort, post, camp, guard, or other command, to give it up to the enemy or to abandon it shall be punishable with death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. Art. 76, Code of 1916, read as follows : "ART. 76. SUBORDINATES COMPELLING COMMANDER TO SCRRENDER. If any commander of any garrison, fort, post, camp, guard, or other command is compelled, by the officers or soldiers under his command, to give it up to the enemy or to abandon it, the officers or soldiers so offending shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct." ART. 77 APPENDIX l. ART. 77. IMPROPER USE OF COUNTERSIGN. Any person sub- ject to military law who makes known the parole or counter- sign to any person not entitled to receive it according to the rules and discipline of war. or gives a parole or countersign different from that which he received, shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punish- ment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 78. FORCING A SAFEGUARD. Any person subject to military law who, in time of war, forces a safeguard shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct, ART. 79. CAPTURED PROPERTY TO BE SECURED FOR PUBLIC SERVICE. All public property taken from the enemy is the property of the United States and shall be secured for the service of the United States, and any person subject to mili- tary law who neglects to secure such property or is guilty of wrongful appropriation thereof shall be punished as a court- martial may direct. ART. 80. DEALING IN CAPTURED OR ABANDONED PROPERTY. Any person subject to military law who buys, sells, trades, or in any way deals in or disposes of captured or abandoned property, whereby he shall receive or expect any profit, ben- efit, or advantage to himself or to any other person directly or indirectly connected with himself, or who fails whenever such property comes into his possession or custody or within his control to give notice thereof to the proper authority and to turn over such property to the proper authority without delay, shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine or im- prisonment, or by such other punishment as a court-martial, military commission, or other military tribunal may adjudge, or by any or all of said penalties. ART. 81. KELIEVING, CORRESPONDENCE WITH, OR AIDING THE ENEMY. Whosoever relieves or attempts to relieve the enemy with arms, ammunition, supplies, money, or other thing, or knowingly harbors or protects or holds correspondence with or gives intelligence to the enemy, either directly or indirectly, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial or military commission may direct. ART. 82. SPIES. Any person who in time of war shall be found lurking or acting as a spy in or about any of the fortifi- 624 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 87 cations, posts, quarters, or encampments of any of the armies of the United States, or elsewhere, shall be tried by a general court-martial or by a military commission, and shall, on con- viction thereof, suffer death. F. MISCELLANEOUS CRIMES AND OFFENSES. ART. 83. MILITARY PROPERTY WILLFUL OR NEGLIGENT LOSS, DAMAGE, OR WRONGFUL DISPOSITION. Any person subject to military law who willfully, or through neglect, suffers to be lost, spoiled, damaged, or wrongfully disposed of, any mili- tary property belonging to the United States shall make good the loss or damage and suffer such punishment as a court- martial may direct. ART 84. WASTE OR UNLAWFUL DISPOSITION OF MILITARY PROPERTY ISSUED TO SOLDIERS. Any soldier who sells or wrongfully disposes of or willfully or through neglect in- jures or loses any horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 85. DRUNK ON DUTY. Any officer who is found drunk on duty shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, be dismissed from the service and suffer such other punish- ment as a court-martial may direct; and if the offense be committed in time of peace, he shall be punished as a oourt- martial may direct. Any person subject to military law, except an officer, who is found drunk on duty shall be pun- ished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 86. MISBEHAVIOR OF SENTINEL. Any sentinel who is found drunk or sleeping upon his post, or who leaves it before he is regularly relieved, shall, if the offense be com- mitted in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; and if the offense be com- mitted in time of peace, he shall suffer any punishment, ex- cept death, that a court-martial may direct. ART. 87. PERSONAL INTEREST IN SALE OF PROVISIONS. Any officer commanding in any garrison, fort, barracks, camp, or other place where troops of the United States may be serv- 21358 20 34 525 ART. 88 APPENDIX t, ing who, for his private advantage, lays any duty or imposi- tion upon or is interested in the sale of any victuals or other necessaries of life brought into such garrison, fort, barracks, camp, or other place for the use of the troops, shall be dis- missed from the service and suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 88. INTIMIDATION or PERSONS BRINGING PROVISIONS. Any person subject to military law who abuses, intimidates, does violence to, or wrongfully interferes with any person bringing provisions, supplies, or other necessaries to the camp, garrison, or quarters of the forces of the United States shall suffer such punishment as a court-martial may direct. ART. 89. GOOD ORDER TO BE MAINTAINED AND WRONGS RE- DRESSED. All persons subject to military law are to behave themselves orderly in quarters, garrison, camp, and on the march ; and any person subject to military law who commits any waste or spoil, or willfully destroys any property what- soever (unless by order of his commanding officer), or com- mits any kind of depredation or riot, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. Any commanding officer who, upon complaint made to him, refuses or omits to see repara- tion made to the party injured, in so far as the offender's pay shall go toward such reparation, as provideo for in article 105, shall be dismissed from the service, or otherwise pun- ished, as a court-martial may direct. ART. 90. PROVOKING SPEECHES OR GESTURES. No person sub- ject to military law shall use any reproachful or provoking speeches or gestures to another; and any person subject to military law who offends against the provisions of this article shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 91. DUELING. Any person subject to military law who fights or promotes or is concerned in or connives at fighting a duel, or who, having knowledge of a challenge sent or about to be sent, fails to report the fact promptly to the proper authority, shall, if an officer, be dismissed from the service or suffer such other punishment as a court-martial may direct; and if any other person subject to military law, bhall suffer such punishment as a court-martial may direct. 526 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 94 ART. 92. MURDER RAPE. Any person subject to military law who commits murder or rape shall suffer death or impris- onment for life, as a court-martial may direct ; but no person shall be tried by court-martial for murder or rape committed within the geographical limits of the States of the Union and the District of Columbia in time of peace. ART. 93. VARIOUS CRIMES. Any person subject to military law who commits manslaughter, mayhem, arson, burglary, housebreaking, robbery, larceny, embezzlement, perjury, for- gery, sodomy, assault with intent to commit any felony, as- sault with intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, instrument, or other thing, or assault with intent to do bodily harm, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. ART. 94. FRAUDS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Any person subject to -military law who makes or causes to be made any claim against the United States or any officer thereof, know- ing such claim to be false or fraudulent ; or Who presents or causes to be presented to any person in the civil or military service thereof, for approval or payment, any claim against the United States, or any officer thereof, knowing such claim to be false or fraudulent ; or Who enters into any agreement or conspiracy to defraud the United States by obtaining, or aiding others to obtain, the allowance or payment of any false or fraudulent claim ; or Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to obtain, the approval, allowance, or payment of any claim against the United States or against any officer thereof, makes or uses, or procures, or advises the making or use of, any writing or other paper knowing the same to contain any false or fraudulent statements ; or Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to ob- tain, the approval, allowance, or payment of any claim- against the United States or any officer thereof, makes or pro- cures, or advises the making of, any oath to any fact or to any writing or other paper knowing such oath to be false ; or Who, for the purpose of obtaining, or aiding others to ob- tain, the approval, allowance, or payment of any claim against the United States or any officer thereof, forges or counterfeits, or procures, or advises the forging or counter- r>27 ART. 94 APPENDIX 1. feiting of any signature upon any writing or other paper, or uses, or procures, or advises the use of any such signature, knowing the same to be forged or counterfeited ; or Who, having charge, possession, custody, or control of any money or other property of the United States, furnished or intended for the military service thereof, knowingly delivers, or causes to be delivered, to any person having authority to receive the same, any amount thereof less than that for which he receives a certificate or receipt; or Who, being authorized to make or deliver any paper certi- fying the receipt of any property of the United States fur- nished or intended for the military service thereof, makes or delivers to any person such writing, without having full knowledge of the truth of the statements therein contained and with intent to defraud the United States ; or Who steals, embezzles, knowingly and willfully misap- propriates, applies to his own use or benefit, or wrongfully or knowingly sells or disposes of any ordnance, arms, equip- ments, ammunition, clothing, subsistence stores, mone}^ or other property of the United States furnished or intended for the military service thereof; or Who knowingly purchases or receives in pledge for any ob- ligation or indebtedness from any soldier, officer, or other per- son who is a part of or employed in said forces or service, any ordnance, arms, equipment, ammunition, clothing, sub- sistence stores, or other property of the United States, such soldier, officer, or other person not having lawful right to sell or pledge the same ; Shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine or impris- onment, or by such other punishment as a court-martial may adjudge, or by any or all of said penalties. And if any per- son, being guilty of any of the offenses aforesaid while in the military service of the United States, receives his discharge or is dismissed from the service, he shall continue to be liable to be arrested and held for trial and sentence by a court- martial in the same manner and to the same extent as if he had not received such discharge nor been dismissed. And if any officer, being guilty, while in the military service of the 528 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 99 United States, of embezzlement of ration savings, post exchange, company, or other like funds, or of embezzlement of money or other property intrusted to his charge by an enlisted man or men, receives his discharge, or is dismissed, or is dropped from the rolls, he shall continue to be liable to be arrested and held for trial and sentence by a court martial in the same manner and to the same extent as if he had not been so discharged, dismissed, or dropped from the rolls. ART. 95. CONDUCT UNBECOMING AN OFFICER AND GENTLE- MAN. Any officer or cadet who is convicted of conduct un- becoming an officer and a gentleman shall be dismissed from the service. . ART. 96. GENERAL ARTICLE. Though not mentioned in these articles, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service, and all crimes or offenses not capital, of which persons subject to military law may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general or special or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and punished at the discretion of such court. IV. COURTS OF INQUIRY. ART. 97. WHEN AND BY WHOM ORDERED. A court of in- quiry to examine into the nature of any transaction of or ac- cusation or imputation against any officer or soldier may be ordered by the President or by any commanding officer ; but a court of inquiry shall not be ordered by any commanding officer except upon the request of the officer or soldier whose conduct is to be inquired into. ART. 98. COMPOSITION. A court of injuiry shall consist of three or more officers. For each court of inquiry the au- thority appointing the court shall appoint a recorder. ART. 99. CHALLENGES. Members of a court of inquiry may be challenged by the party whose conduct is to be in- quired into, but only for cause stated to the court. The court shall determine the relevancy and validity of any challenge, and shall not receive a challenge to more than one member at 529 ART. 100 APPENDIX 1. a time. The party whose conduct is being inquired into shall have the right to be represented before the court by counsel of his own selection, if such counsel be reasonably available. ART. 100. OATH OF MEMBERS AND RECORDERS. The recorder of a court of inquiry shall administer to the members the fol- lowing oath: "You, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will well and truly examine and inquire, according to the evidence, into the matter now before you without partiality, favor, affection, prejudice, or hope of reward. So help you God." After which the president of the court shall admin- ister to the recorder the following oath : " You, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that you will, according to your best abili- ties, accurately and impartially record the proceedings of the court and the evidence to be given in the case in hearing. So help you God." In case of affirmation the closing sentence of adjuration will be omitted. ART. 101. POWERS; PROCEDURE. A court inquiry and the recorder thereof shall have the same power to summon and examine witnesses as is given to courts-martial and the trial judge advocate thereof. Such witnesses shall take the same oath or affirmation that is taken by witnesses before courts-martial. A reporter or an interpreter for a court of inquiry shall, before entering upon his duties, take the oath or affirmation required of a reporter or an interpreter for a court-martial. The party whose conduct is being inquired into or his counsel, if any, shall be permitted to examine and cross-examine witnesses so as fully to investigate the cir- cumstances in question. ART. 102. OPINION ON MERITS OF CASE. A court of inquiry shall not give an opinion on the merits of the case inquired into unless specially ordered to do so. ART. 103. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS How AUTHENTICATED. Each court of inquiry shall keep a record of its proceedings, which shall be authenticated by the signature of the presi- dent and the recorder thereof, and be forwarded to the con- vening authority. In case the record can not be authenti- cated by the recorder, by reason of his death, disability, or 530 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 104 absence, it shall be signed by the president and by one other member of the court. V. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. ART. 104. DISCIPLINARY POWERS OF COMMANDING OFFICERS. Under such regulations as the President may prescribe, the .commanding officer of any detachment, company, or higher command may, for minor offenses, impose disciplinary pun- ishments upon persons of his command without the interven- tion of a court-martial, unless the accused demands trial by court-martial. The disciplinary punishments authorized by this article may include admonition, reprimand, withholding of privi- leges for not exceeding one week, extra fatigue for not exceed- ing one week, restriction to certain specified limits for not ex- ceeding one week, and hard labor without confinement for not exceeding one week, but shall not include forfeiture of pay or confinement under guard ; except that in time of war or grave public emergency a commanding officer of the grade of brigadier general or of higher grade may, under the provisions of this article also impose upon an officer of his command below the grade of a major a forfeiture of not more than one-half of such officer's monthly pay for one month. A person punished under authority of this article, who deems his punishment unjust or disproportionate to the offense, may, through the proper channel, appeal to the next superior authority, but may in the meantime be required to undergo the punishment ad- judged. The commanding officer who imposes the punish- ment, his successor in command, and superior authority shall have power to mitigate or remit any unexecuted portion of the punishment. The imposition and enforcement of dis- ciplinary punishment under authority of this article for any act or omission shall not be a bar to trial by court-martial for a crime or offense growing out of the same act or omis- sion; but the fact that a disciplinary punishment has been enforced may be shown by the accused upon trial, and when 531 ART. 105 APPENDIX 1. so shown shall be considered in determining the measure of punishment to be adjudged in the event of a finding of guilty. This article omits matter which appeared in the first paragraph of art. 104, Code of 1916, as follows : After the words " President may prescribe," the words " and which he may from time to time revoke, alter, or add to," and after the words " minor offenses " the words " not denied by the accused." The first sentence of the second paragraph of the former article read as fol- lows: " The disciplinary punishments authorized by this article may include admo- nition, reprimand, withholding of privileges, extra fatigue, and restriction to certain specified limits, but shall not include forfeiture of pay or confinement under guard. ART. 105. INJURIES TO PROPERTY REDRESS OF. Whenever complaint is made to any commanding officer that damage has been done to the property of any person or that his prop- erty has been wrongfully taken by persons subject to military law, such complaint shall be investigated by a board consist- ing of any number of officers from one to three, which board shall be convened by the commanding officer and shall have, for the purpose of such investigation, power to summon wit- nesses and examine them upon oath or affirmation, to receive depositions or other documentary evidence, and to assess the damages sustained against the responsible parties. The as- sessment of damages made by such board shall be subject to the approval of the commanding officer, and in the amount approved by him shall be stopped against the pay of the of- fenders. And the order of such commanding officer directing stoppages herein authorized shall be conclusive on any dis- bursing officer for the payment by him to the injured parties of the stoppages so ordered. Where the offenders can not be ascertained, but the or- ganization or detachment to which they belong is known, stoppages to the amount of damages inflicted may be made and assessed in such proportion as may be deemed just upon the individual members thereof who are shown to have been present with such organization or detachment at the time the damages complained of were inflicted as determined by the approved findings of the board. The words " person of " appeared in the title of the former article, preced- ing the word " property." ART. 106. ARREST OF DESERTERS BY CIVIL OFFICIALS. It shall be lawful for any civil officer having authority under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, 532 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 109 or possession of the United States, to arrest offenders, sum- marily to arrest a deserter from the military service of the United States and deliver him into the custody of the military authorities of the United States. ART. 107. SOLDIERS TO MAKE GOOD TIME LOST. Every soldier who in an existing or subsequent enlistment deserts the service of the United States or without proper authority absents himself from his organization, station, or duty for more than one day, or who is confined for more than one day under sen- tence, or while awaiting trial and disposition of his case, if the trial results in conviction, or through the intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquor, or through disease or injury the result of his own misconduct, renders himself unable for more than one day to perform duty, shall be liable to serve, after his return to a full-duty status, for such period as shall, with the time he may have served prior to such desertion, un- authorized absence, confinement, or inability to perform duty, amount to the full term of that part of his enlistment period which he is required to serve with his organization before be- ing furloughed to the Army reserve. ART. 108. SOLDIERS SEPARATION FROM THE SERVICE. No enlisted man, lawfully inducted into the military service of the United States, shall be discharged from said service with- out a certificate of discharge, signed by a field officer of the regiment or other organization to which the enlisted man belongs or by the commanding officer when no such field officer is present ; and no enlisted man shall be discharged from said service before his term of service has expired, except by order of the President, the Secretary of War, the commanding of- ficer of a department, or by sentence of a general court- martial. ART. 109. OATH OF ENLISTMENT. At the time of his enlist- ment every soldier shall take the following oath or affirma- tion: "I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of Amer- ica; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever ; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the Rules and Arti- 533 ART. HO APPENDIX 1. cles of War." This oath or affirmation may be taken before any officer. ART. 110. CERTAIN ARTICLES TO BE READ AND EXPLAINED. Articles 1, 2, and 29, 54 to 96, inclusive, and 104 to 109, in- clusive, shall be read and explained to every soldier at the time of his enlistment or muster in, or within six days there- after, and shall be read and explained once every six months to the soldiers of every garrison, regiment, or company in the service of the United States. ART. 111. COPY OF RECORD OF TRIAL. Every person tried by a general court-martial shall, on demand therefor, made by himself or by any person in his behalf, be entitled to a copy of the record of the trial. ART. 112. EFFECTS OF DECEASED PERSONS DISPOSITION OF. In case of the death of any person subject to military law the commanding officer of the place of command will permit the legal representative or widow of the deceased, if present, to take possession of all his effects then in camp or quarters ; and if no legal representative or widow be present, the com- manding officer shall direct a summary court to secure all such effects, and said summary court shall have authority to collect and receive any debts due decedent's estate by local debtors and to pay the undisputed local creditors of decedent in so far as any money belonging to the deceased which may come into said summary court's possession under this article will per- mit, taking receipts therefor for file with said court's final report upon its transactions to the War Department; and as soon as practicable after the collection of such effects said summary court shall transmit such effects and any money collected, through the Quartermaster Department, at Government expense, to the widow or legal representative of the deceased, if such l>e found by said court, or to the son, daughter, father, provided the father has not abandoned the support of his family, mother, brother, sister, or the next of kin in the order named, if such be found by said court, or the beneficiary named in the will of the deceased, if such be found by said court, and said court shall thereupon make to the War De- partment a full report of its transactions; but if there be none of the persons herein-above named, or such persons or THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. 114 their addresses are not known to or readily a-scertainable by said court, and the said court shall so find, said summary court shall have authority to convert into cash, by public or private sale, not earlier than thirty days after the death of the deceased, all effects of deceased except sabers, insignia, decorations, medals, watches, trinkets, manuscripts, and other articles valued chiefly as keepsakes; and as soon as prac- ticable after converting such effects into cash said summary court shall deposit with the proper officer, to be designated in regulations, any cash belonging to decedent's estate, and shall transmit a receipt for such deposits, any will or other papers of value belonging to the deceased, any sabers, in- signia, decorations, medals, watches, trinkets, manuscripts, and other articles valuable chiefly as keepsakes, together with an inventory of the effects secured by said summary court, and a full account of its transactions, to the War Department for transmission to the Auditor for the War Department for action as authorized by law in the settlement of accounts of deceased officers and enlisted men of the Army. The provisions of this article shall be applicable to inmates of the United States Soldiers' Home who die in any United States military hospital outside of the District of Columbia where sent from the home for treatment. ART. 113. INQUESTS. When at any post, fort, camp, or other place garrisoned by the military forces of the United States and under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, any person shall have been found dead under cir- cumstances which appear to require investigation, the com- manding officer will designate and direct a summary court- martial to investigate the circumstances attending the death ; and, for this purpose, such summary court-martial shall have power to summon witnesses and examine them upon oath or affirmation. He shall promptly transmit to the post or other commander a report of his investigation and of his findings as to the cause of the death. ART. 114. AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTER OATHS. Any judge advocate or acting judge advocate, the president of a general or special court-martial, any summary court-martial, the trial judge advocate or any assistant trial judge advocate 535 ART. 115 APPENDIX 1. of a general or special court-martial, the president or the recorder of a court of inquiry or of a military board, any officer designated to take a deposition, any officer detailed to conduct an investigation, and the adjutant of any command shall have power to administer oaths for the purposes of the administration of military justice and for other purposes of military administration ; and in foreign places where the Army may be serving shall have the general powers of a notary public or of a consul of the United States in the administration of oaths, the execution and acknowledgment of legal instruments, the attestation of documents, and all other forms of notarial acts to be executed by persons sub- ject to military law. ART. 115. APPOINTMENT or REPORTERS AND INTERPRETERS. Under such regulations as the Secretary of War may from time to time prescribe, the president of a court-martial or military commission or a court of inquiry shall have power to appoint a reporter, who shall record the proceedings of and testimony taken before such court or commission and may set down the same, in the first instance, in shorthand. Under like regulations the president of a court-martial or military commission, or court of inquiry, or a summary court, may appoint an interpreter, who shall interpret for the court or commission. ART: 116. POWERS OF ASSISTANT TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATE AND OF ASSISTANT DEFENSE COUNSEL. An assistant trial judge advocate of a general court-martial shall be competent to perform any duty devolved by law, regulation, or the cus- tom of the service upon the trial judge advocate of the court. An assistant defense counsel shall be competent likewise to per- form any duty devolved by law, regulation, or the custom of the service upon counsel for the accused. ART. 117. KEMOVAL OF CIVIL SUITS. When any civil or criminal prosecution is commenced in any court of a State against any officer, soldier, or other person in the military service of the United States on account of any act done under color of his office or status, or in respect to which he claims any right, title, or authority under any law of the United States respecting the military forces thereof, or under the law of war, such suit or prosecution may at any time before the 536 THE ARTICLES OF WAR. ART. H9 trial or final hearing thereof be removed for trial into the district court of the United States in the district where the same is pending in the manner prescribed in section 33 of the Act entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary," approved March 3, 1911, and the cause shall thereupon be entered on the docket of said dis- trict court and shall proceed therein as if the cause had been originally commenced in said district court and the same proceedings had been taken in such suit or prosecution in said district court as shall have been had therein in said State court prior to its removal, and said district court shall have full power to hear and determine said cause. ART. 118. OFFICERS, SEPARATION FROM SERVICE. No officer shall be discharged or dismissed from the service except by order of the President or by sentence of a general court- martial; and in time of peace no officer shall be dismissed except in pursuance of the sentence of a general court-martial or in mitigation thereof ; but the President may at any time drop from the rolls of the Army any officer who has been absent from duty three months without leave or who has been absent in confinement in a prison or penitentiary for three months after final conviction by a court of competent juris- diction. ART. 119. RANK AND PRECEDENCE AMONG REGULARS, MILITIA, AND VOLUNTEERS. That in time of war or public danger, when two or more officers of the same grade are on duty in the same field, department, or command, or of organizations thereof, the President may assign the command of the forces of such field, department, or command, or of any organization thereof, without regard to seniority of rank in the same grade. Same as first sentence of art. 119, Code of 1916. The omitted portion read as follows : " In the absence of such assignment by the President, officers of the same grade shall rank and have precedence in the following order, without regard to date of rank or commission as between officers of different classes, namely : First, officers of the Regular Army and officers of the Marine Corps detached for service with the Army by order of the President ; second, officers of forces drafted or called into service of the United States ; and, third, officers of the volunteer forces : Provided, That officers of the Regular Army holding com- missions in forces drafted or called into the service of the United States or in the volunteer forces shall rank and have precedence under said commissions as if they were commissions in the Regular Army ; the rank of officers of the Regular Army under commissions in the National Guard as such shall not, for the purposes of this article, be held to antedate the acceptance of such officers into the service of the United States under said commissions." 537 ART. 120 APPENDIX 1. ART. 120. COMMAND WHEN DIFFERENT CORPS OR COMMANDS HAPPEN TO JOIN. When different corps or commands of the military forces of the United States happen to join or do duty together, the officer highest in rank of the line of the Regular Army, Marine Corps, forces drafted or called into the service of the United States, or Volunteers, there on duty, shall, subject to the provisions of the last preceding article, command the whole and give orders for what is needful in the service, unless otherwise directed by the President. ART. 121. COMPLAINTS OF WRONGS. Any officer or soldier who believes himself wronged by his commanding officer, and, upon due application to such commander, is refused redress, may complain to the general commanding in the locality where the officer against whom the complaint is made is sta- tioned. The general shall examine into said complaint and take proper measures for redressing the wrong complained of ; and he shall, as soon as possible, transmit to the Depart- ment of War a true statement of such complaint, with the proceedings had thereon. Sec. 2. That the provisions of Chapter II of this Act shall take effect and be in force eight months after the approval of this Act : Provided, That articles 2, 23, and 45 shall take effect im- mediately. Sec. 3. That all offenses committed and all penalties, forfei- tures, fines, or liabilities incurred prior to the taking effect of Chapter II of this Act, under any law embraced in or modified, changed, or repealed by Chapter II of this Act, may be prose- cuted, punished, and enforced in the same manner and with the same effect as if this Act had not been passed. See, 4. That section 1342 of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and the same is hereby, repealed, and all laws and parts of laws in so far as they are inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. R. S. 1342 contained the former Articles of War. 633 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. Art. Abandoned property, dealing in 80 Abandonment, of command to enemy 75 Absence without leave : Officer dropped from rolls for 118 Punishment for 61 Time lost to be made good 107 Abuse of persons bringing in provisions 88 Accouterments, wasting, injuring, or losing 84 Accused : Appeal to superior authority by 104 Copy of charges furnished to 70 Counsel for 17 Refusal or failure to plead 21 Right to copy of record of trial 111 Right to cross-examine witnesses 70 Right to trial by court-martial . 104 Rights prejudiced by irregularities 37 Acquittal : Announcement by court 29 Reconsideration of 40 Acting judge advocates: Oaths administered by 114 Power to act as notary public in foreign places 114 Adjutants : Oaths administered by 114 Powers of notary public in foreign places 114 Ammunition : Casting away 75 Wasting or unlawfully disposing of 84 Appeal from disciplinary punishment 104 Appointing authority. See Convening authority. Approval : Powers incident to power of 47 Sentences, by convening authority 46 Sentences, in whole or part 47b Arms: Casting away 75 Wasting or unlawfully disposing of . 84 539 APPENDIX 1. Army field clerks: Art. Not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Subject to military law 2a Army Nurse Corps: Members not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Subject to military law 2a Army of the United States, Articles of War govern 2 Arrest : Breaking, punishment for 69 Deserters, by civil officials 106 Disobedience of order of 68 Duration of 70 Of accused - 69 Officers charged with offense 69 Soldiers charged with offense 69 Arson, punishment for 93 Articles of War: Army of the United States governed by 2 Certain to be read to enlisted men 110 Jurisdiction 2 Persons subject to 2 Assault : Upon superior officer, punishment for 64 With intent to commit felony 93 With intent to do bodily harm 93 Assistant defense counsel: Associate counsel with civil counsel 17 One or more with each general or special court-martial 11 Powers and duties of 116 Assistant judge advocate : Oaths administered by 114 Powers and duties of 116 Powers of notary public in foreign places 114 B. Battalion, definition of term Id Board of Review : Constituted by Judge Advocate General 50J Duties 501 Rehearing ordered by 50$ Branding prohibited 41 Bribes, taking of, on muster 56 Burglary, punishment for 93 540 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. C. Cadets. See United States Military Academy. Art. Camp retainers subject to military law . 2d Capital offenses : Depositions, use of in trials for 25 Records of courts of inquiry adduced by defense in trial for_ 27 See also Death sentence. Captured property: Dealing in 80 Secured for public service 79 Wrongful appropriation of 79 Certificate of discharge, compulsory for enlisted men 108 Challenge : Member of court of inquiry 99 Method of voting on 81 Procedure 18 Challenge to duel, knowledge of, or aiding 91 Charges : Copy furnished to accused ! 70 Investigation of 70 Referred to staff judge advocate 70 Who may sign 70 Civil authorities: Arrest of deserters by 106 Conviction by, effect on courts-martial sentence 74 Delivery by, of persons subject to military law 74 Delivery of offenders to 74 Civil suits, removal of, instituted against members of military forces 117 Claims: False, against Government 94 False oaths in connection with 94 False writings or papers in connection with 94 Clothing, wasting or unlawfully disposing of 84 Command, when different corps or commands join 120 Commander compelled by subordinates to surrender 76 Commander of guard: Refusal to receive or keep prisoners 71 Report on prisoners by 72 Commanding general, complaint of wrongs made to 121 Commanding officers : Disciplinary powers of 104 Duty in connection with redress of injuries to property 105 Refusal to see reparation of wrongs made 89 Company, definition of term Ic 21358 20 35 641 APPENDIX t, Conduct: Art. Prejudicial to good order and discipline 96 Unbecoming an officer and gentleman 95 Confinement : Escaping punishment 69 Officer charged with offense 69 Officer in prison or penitentiary, dropped from rolls 118 Places of, when lawful 42 Soldier charged with offense 69 Special courts-martial, power of 13 Summary courts-martial, power of 14 Confirmation : Sentences, by President 48 Sentences, powers incident to power of 49 Confirming authority, action by, required 40 Congress of the United States, disrespect toward, punishment for 62 Conspiracy, to defraud the United States by false claims 94 Consuls of United States, powers of, when granted to Army officers 114 Contempts, punishment for, by military tribunals 82 Continuances, courts-martial may grant 20 Convening authority : Action by 46 Power of approval 46, 47 Referring of charges before trial 70 Conviction, civil, effect on courts-martial sentence . 74 Counsel : Appointment of, for courts-martial 11 For accused 17 For accused before court of inquiry 99 Powers of assistant defense counsel 116 Countersign : Divulging of 77 Improper use of 77 Courts-martial : Charges. See Charges. Classified 3 Evidence. See Evidence. General Accused entitled to copy of record of trial-- 111 Accuser may not sit on 8 By whom appointed 8 Closed sessions 30 Composition 5 Disposition of records 85 542 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. Courts-martial Continued. General Art. Examination of records 501 Jurisdiction 12 Records 33 Witness for prosecution may not sit on 8 Interpreters, appointment of 115 Irregularities, effect of 37 Judge Advocate. See Judge Advocate. Jurisdiction Not exclusive 15 Limitations as to number of trials 40 Limitations as to time 39 Military Detached members of Marine Corps triable by 2c Naval- Detached members of Marine Corps triable by 2o Persons under sentence subject to military law 2e Procedure , 17 Proceedings Effect of irregularities 37 Qualification of members 4 Records returned for reconsideration 40 Right of accused to demand trial by 104 Rules prescribed by President 38 Special Accuser may not sit on 9 Closed sessions 30 Composition 6 Disposition of records 36 Jurisdiction 13 Limitation of punishment 13 Records 34 Who may appoint _ 9 Witness for prosecution may not sit on 9 Summary Composition 7 Disposition of records 36 Effects of deceased persons, dispositions of 112 Investigation of death by 113 Jurisdiction 14 Records 34 Wljo may appoint 10 Trial by, for murder or rape , 92 Who may serve 4 Witnesses. See Witnesses. 543 APPENDIX 1. Courts of Inquiry: Art. Authentication of proceedings - 103 Challenge of member 99 Composition of 98 Functions of 97 Interpreters, appointment of 115 Oath of members and recorders 100 Opinion, when given 102 Powers 101 Procedure 101 Recorder of, powers 101 Records as evidence 27 When and by whom ordered 97 Witnesses for _' 101 Cowardice, accessory penalty 44 Crimes not capital 96 Cross-examination, witnesses for courts of inquiry, by accused 101 D. Damages : To military property 83 To property, redress of 105 Dangerous weapon, assault with 93 Death: Investigation by summary court-martial 113 Remission of suspended sentence by 52 Death sentence: Advising or aiding desertion 59 Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior officers 64 Confirmation of, by President 48d Desertion in time of war 58 Failure to suppress mutiny or sedition 67 Forcing a safeguard 78 Improper use of countersign 77 Misbehavior before the enemy 75 Murder 92 Mutiny 66 Rape 92 Relieving, corresponding with, or aiding enemy 81 Sedition 66 Sentinel drunk or sleeping on post 86 Spies 82 Subordinates compelling commander to surrender , 76 Suspension of 51 When lawful 43 Deceased persons, disposition of effects of 112 544 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. Defense counsel : Art. Accused's rights as to 17 Appointed for each general or special court-martial 11 Associate counsel with civil counsel 17 Definitions : Any person subject to military law 2 Battalion Id Company lc Officer la Persons subject to military law- 2 Soldier Ib Delivery : Less than amount receipted for 94 Offenders to civil authorities 74 Depositions: Before whom taken 26 When admissible 25 Desertion : Advising or aiding 59 Arrest of deserters by civil officials 106 Enlistment before regularly discharged 28 Quitting organization to avoid duty 28 Officer entertaining and retaining deserter 60 Officer leaving before resignation accepted 28 Punishment for 42, 58 Destruction of property : Punishment for , 89 Redress for 105 Detached enlisted men: Marine Corps, when subject to military law 2c Detached officers: Marine Corps, when subject to military law 2c Discharge : Before expiration of term 108 Officers 118 Remissions of suspended sentence by honorable 52 Soldiers' 108 Disciplinary punishment : Appeal from 104 Imposition by commanding officer 104 Dismissal : Cadets- Breaking arrest or escaping confinement 69 Confirmation by President 48c Officers Breaking arrest or escaping confinement 69 Conduct unbecoming 95 545 APPENDIX 1. Dismissal Continued Officers Continued Art Confirmation by President 48b Cowardice 44 Disrespect toward President or other officials 62 Drunk on duty 85 False returns 57 Fighting or promoting a duel 91 Fraud 44 How effected 118 Making false muster 56 Making unlawful enlistment 55 Personal interest in sale of provisions 87 Kefusal to deliver offenders to civil authorities 74 Refusal to have reparation of wrongs made 89 Suspension of sentence 51 Disobedience, command of superior officer, punishment for 64 Disorders : Prejudicial to good order and military discipline 96 Who may stop 68 Disrespect : Toward President or other officials 62 Toward superior officer (53 Double jeopardy, limitation as to number of trials 40 Drafted men, subject to military law 2a Drunkenness : Officer drunk on duty 85 Sentinel drunk on post 86 Dueling, fighting or promoting 91 Duty, officer found drunk on 85 BL Effects of deceased persons, disposition of 112 Embezzlement : Military property 94 Punishment for . 93 Enemy, relieving, corresponding with or aiding 81 Enlisted men: Definition of "soldier" lb Marine Corps. See Marine Corps. Oath of enlistment 109 Separation from the service 108 Time lost to be made good 107 Enlistment : Certain articles of war to be read on 110 Fraudulent Misrepresentation or concealment of qualifications 54 Reenlistment before regularly discharged 28 546 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAB. Enlistment Continued Art. Oath of 109 Time lost to be made good 107 Unlawful, making of punishable 55 Equipment, wasting or unlawfully disposing of 84 Escape : From confinement, punishment . 69 Suffering prisoner to escape 73 Evidence : Depositions, before whom taken 26 Depositions, when admissible 25 Records of courts of inquiry 27 Execution of sentences: In disciplinary barracks 53 Order withheld 50* F. False muster, punishment for 56 False returns, punishment for ' 57 False writings, in connection with claims 94 Felony, assault with intent to commit 93 Field clerks: Army Not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Subject to military law 2a Quartermaster Corps Not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Subject to military law 2a Findings : Irregularities, effect on * 37 Method of voting on 31 Reconsideration of 40 Flogging prohibited 41 Forgery : In connection with claims 94 Punishment for 93 Fraud : Accessory penalty 44 Against Government, or officers thereof 94 Fraudulent enlistment, by misrepresentation or concealment of qualifications . 54 Frays, who may quell 68 547 APPENDIX 1. G. Art General officers, confirmation of sentence of 48a Gentleman, conduct unbecoming an officer and 95 Gestures, reproachful or provoking 90 Good order : Conduct prejudicial to 9G Maintenance of 89 H. Horses, Injuring or losing 84 Housebreaking, punishment for 93 L Inquests, by summary courts-martial 113 Insubordination toward noncommissioned officers, punishment 65 Intent to commit a felony 93 Interpreters : Appointment of 115 Courts of inquiry 101 Oath administered to 19 Intimidation of persons bringing in provisions 88 Investigation : Charges 70 Death^by summary courts-martial 113 Delay in, punishment 70 Injuries to property 105 Irregularities, effect on courts-martial proceedings! 37 J. Judge Advocate : Oaths administered by 114 Power to act as notary public in foreign places 114 Staff, charges referred to, before trial 70 Staff, restrictions on officer who may act as 11 Judge Advocate General : Board of review constituted by 50J Branch offices established by 50$ Review of records of trial 46 Judge Advocate General's Department : Board of review in 50$ Officer detailed to general courts-martial 8 Judge Advocates. See Acting Judge Advocates, Assistant Judge Advocates, Trial Judge Advocates. 548 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. I* Larceny: Art. Military property 94 Punishment for 93 Law member: Appointment 8 Rulings 81 Life imprisonment: Murder 92 Rape 92 Limitations : Maximum limits of punishment 45 Upon prosecutions, as to number 40 Upon prosecutions, as to time 39 M. Manslaughter, punishment for 93 Marine Corps :- Enlisted men, subject to military law when detached 2c Officers, subject to military law when detached 2c Mayhem, punishment for 93 Military commissions: Court of inquiry records admissible before 27 Jurisdiction, concurrent with courts-martial 15 Military instruction, persons in training subject to military law_ 2a Military law. See Articles of War. Military property: Loss, damage, or wrongful disposition of 83 Purchasing or receiA 7 ing in pledge 94 Waste or unlawful disposition of, issued to soldiers 84 Military tribunals: Contempts punished by 32 Jurisdiction concurrent with courts-martial 15 Militia, rank and precedence among regulars, volunteers and 119 Misappropriation of military property 94 Misbehavior : Before the enemy, inducing 75 Before the enemy, punishment 75 Sentinel 86 Misrepresentation, fraudulent enlistment 54 Mitigation of sentences 50 Money, taking of, on muster 56 Murder : Punishment for 92 Trial by courts-martial 92 Muster, false 56 549 APPENDIX 1. Muster In: Art Certain articles of war to be read on 110 Unlawful 55 Mutiny : Failure to suppress, punishment 67 Punishment for 42, 66 N. Navy, articles of war not applicable to ; exception 2 Neglect of duty, prejudicial to good order and discipline 96 Noncommissioned officers : Insubordinate conduct toward, punishment 65 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Notary public, powers of, when granted to Army officers 114 o. Oaths: Administration of, in eourts-inartia! 19 Authority to administer 114 False, in connection with claims 94 Members and recorders of courts of inquiry 100 Of enlistment 109 Offenders, delivery of, to civil authorities 74 Offenses : Minor, confinement for 69 Minor, disciplinary punishment for 104 Not capital 96 Officers : Arrest of, who may order 68 Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior (54 Conduct unbecoming 95 Definition of term la Dismissal. See Dismissal. Disrespect toward Federal or State 62 Disrespect toward superior 63 Drunk on duty 85 General, sentences respecting, to be confirmed by President 48a How triable 16 Marine Corps, when members subject to articles of war 2c Separation from the service 118 Subject to military law Trial by inferiors 16 Opinions by courts of inquiry 102 550 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR, P. Art, Parole, divulging 77 Pay: Forfeiture Special courts-martial, power of 13 Summary courts-martial, power of , 14 Stoppage for damage to property 105 Penitentiary : Confinement in, when lawful 42 Officer confined in, dropped from rolls 118 Power to mitigate or remit sentence does not extend to 50 Perjury, punishment for 93 Pillage, quitting post to 75 Pleading, error in, effect on proceedings 37 Pleas, refusal or failure to plead 21 Pledge, receiving military property in 94 Plunder, quitting post to 75 President of the United States : Action on rehearing 50$ Confirmation of sentences, when required 48 Dismissal or discharge of officer by 118 Disrespect toward, punishment for 62 General courts-martial appointed by 8 Persons excepted from summary courts-martial jurisdic- tion by 14 Prescribes rules for courts-martial procedure 38 Prisoners : Refusal to receive or keep 71 Releasing, without proper authority 73 Report on, by commander of guard 72 Property : Abandoned, dealing in 80 Captured, dealing in 80 Captured, failure to secure 79 Captured, misappropriation of 79 Captured, securing for public service 79 Injuries to, redress of 105 Willful destruction of, by persons in military service 89 Provisions : Intimidation of persons bringing in 88 Sale of, officer's personal interest in 87 Provost courts, jurisdiction concurrent with courts-martial 15 Provost marshal, refusal of, to receive or keep prisoners 71 Punishment : Cowardice - 44 Cruel and unusual, prohibited 41 Disciplinary powers of commanding officer 104 APPENDIX 1. Punishment Continued. Art. Fraud 44 Maximum limits 45 Places of confinement, when lawful 42 Special courts-martial, power of 13 Summary courts-martial, power of 14 Q,. Quarrels, who may stop 68 Quartermaster Corps, field clerks: Not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Subject to military law 2a R. Rank, precedence among regulars, militia, and volunteers 119 Rape: Punishment for 92 Trial by courts-martial 92 Receipt : Delivery of less than amount specified 94 Making or delivering, with fraudulent intent 94 Reconsideration of courts-martial records 40 Records : Courts-martial, reconsideration 40 Courts of inquiry . 103 General courts-martial, keeping and authentication of 33 General courts-martial, disposition of 35 General courts-martial, examination of 50i Of trial, copy of, for accused 111 Special courts-martial, keeping and authentication of 34 Special courts-martial, disposition of 36 Summary courts-martial, keeping and authentication of 34 Summary courts-martial, disposition of 86 Recorder : For court of inquiry 98 For courts of inquiry, oath of 100 Redress : For wrong to person 121 Of wrongs, by commanding officer 89 Regular Army: Inmates of Soldiers' Home, Washington, D. C., subject to military law 2b Rank and precedence among volunteers, militia, and mem- bers of 119 Soldiers subject to military law 2a Rehearing : Procedure 50i Who may authorize 50J 552 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. Art. Release of prisoners without proper authority 73 Relieving enemy, punishment 81 Remission : Sentences 50 Sentences, in disciplinary barracks 53 Unexecuted sentence . 52 Reporters : Appointment of 115 Courts of inquiry 101 Oath administered to . 19 Retainers, camp, subject to military law 3d Returns : False, punishment for 57 Omission to render 57 Reviewing authority, action by, necessary 40 Revision, reconsideration of finding or sentence 40 Riot, punishment for 89 Robbery, punishment for 1 93 s. Safeguard, forcing 78 Safety of command, endangering 75 Sales : Military property 94 Provisions, officer's personal interest in 87 Unlawful sale of military property 84 Sedition : Failure to suppress, punishment 67 Punishment for 66 Self-incrimination, compulsory, prohibited 24 Sentences : Approval by convening authority 46 Approval or disapproval by appointing authority 47b Confirmation, powers incident to power of 49 Courts-martial, effect of civil conviction on 74 Execution of, in disciplinary barracks 53 Irregularities, effect on 87 Mitigation of, in whole or part 50 Powers incident to power tp approve 47 Reconsideration of 40 Remission of, in disciplinary barracks 53 Remission of, in whole or part 50 Suspension of, until pleasure of President is known 51 Suspension of, who may order 52 Sentinel: Drunk on post 86 Sleeping on post 86 553 APPEBTDIX L Separation from service. See Discharge; Dismissal. Art Sessions, closed 30 Signatures, forging, in connection with claims 94 Sleeping on post, by sentinel ' 86 Sodomy, punishment for 93 Soldiers. See Enlisted men. Soldiers' Home, Regular Army, Washington, D. C., members sub- ject to military law 3b Specifications, who may sign 70 Speeches, reproachful or provoking 90 Spies : Lurking about fortifications 82 Punishment for 82 Squadron included in " battalion " 1 Staff judge advocate: Review of records of trial 46 Statute of limitations 39 Stoppage of pay. See Pay. Subordinates : Commander compelled to surrender by 76 Insubordinate conduct toward noncommissioned officer 1_ 65 Superior officer: Assaulting, punishment for 64 Disrespect toward, punishment for 63 Willfully disobeying, punishment for 64 Surrender, subordinates compelling commander to 76 Suspension : Cadets Confirmation by President 48c Sentence, See Sentences. T. * Tattooing as punishment prohibited 41 Testimony : Compulsory self-incrimination prohibited 24 Depositions. See Depositions. Witnesses. See Witnesses. Threats against warrant or noncommissioned officers 65 Trial: Copy of record of, for accused , 111 Delay in bringing, punishment 70 Second for same offense 40 Speedy trial required 70 Time for 70 Trial judge advocates: Appointment of 11 Assistant, powers and duties of 116 554 INDEX TO ARTICLES OF WAR. Trial judge advocates Continued. Art. Assistant, qualifications 116 Duties 17 Oaths administered by 114 Powers of notary public in foreign places 114 Withdrawal at closed session 30 IT. United States Disciplinary Barracks: Confinement in 42 Execution of sentence when confined in 53 Power to mitigate or remit sentence does not extend to 50 Remission of sentence when confined in 53 United States Military Academy : Cadets breaking arrest or escaping confinement 69 Cadets' dismissal or suspension 48c Cadets not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Cadets subject to military law 2b Dismissal of cadets 69 General courts-martial appointed by Superintendent 8, 12 Verdict: Announcement by court 29 Volunteers : Rank and precedence among regulars, militia, and 119 Subject to military law 2a Voting : Method of 31 On convictions and sentences 43 w. Warrant officers : Insubordinate conduct toward 65 Not triable by summary courts-martial 14 Power to stop quarrels, frays, disorders 68 Subject to military law 2a Waste : Military property issued to soldiers 84 Property 89 Weapon, assault with dangerous 93 Witnesses : Compulsory self-incriminatiou prohibited 24 Courts of inquiry 101 Inquests 113 Oaths administered to . 19 Process to obtain 22 Refusal to appear or testify 23 Wrongs : Redress of 89 Redress, refusal of, procedure on 121 555 APPENDIX 2. SYSTEM OF COURTS-MARTIAL FOR NATIONAL GUARD NOT IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. SEC. 102. Except in organizations in the service of the United States, courts-martial in the National Guard shall be of three kinds, namely, general courts-martial, special courts-martial, and summary courts-martial. They shall be constituted like, and have cognizance of the same subjects, and possess like powers, except as to punish- ments, as similar courts provided for by the laws and regulations governing the Army of the United States, and the proceedings of courts-martial of the National Guard shall follow the forms and modes of procedure prescribed for said similar courts. SEC. 103. General courts-martial of the National Guard not in the service of the United States may be convened by orders of the Presi- dent, or of the governors of the respective States and Territories, or by the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia, and such courts shall have the power to impose fines not exceeding $200 ; to sentence to forfeiture of pay and allowances ; to a reprimand; to dismissal or dishonorable discharge from the service; to reduction of noncommissioned officers to the ranks ; or any two or more of such punishments may be combined in the sentences imposed by such courts. SEC. 104. In the National Guard not in the service of the United States the commanding officer of each garrison, fort, post, camp, or other place, brigade, regiment, detached battalion, or other detached command, may appoint special courts-martial for his command; but such special courts-martial may in any case be appointed by superior authority when by the latter deemed desirable. Special courts-mar- tial shall have power to try any person subject to military law, ex- cept a commissioned officer, for any crime or offense made punish- able by the military laws of the United States, and such special courts-martial shall have the same powers of punishment as do gen- eral courts-martial, except that fines imposed by such courts shall not exceed $100. SEC. 105. In the National Guard, not in the service of the United States, the commanding officer of each garrison, fort, post, or other place, regiment or corps, detached battalion, company, or other de- tachment of the National Guard may appoint for such place or com- mand a summary court to consist of one officer, who shall have power to administer oaths and to try the enlisted men of such place or com- mand for breaches of discipline and violations of laws governing such 556 COURTS-MARTIAL FOR NATIONAL GUARD. organizations ; and said court, when satisfied of the guilt of such sol- dier, may impose fines not exceeding $25 for any single offense ; may sentence noncommissioned officers to reduction to the ranks ; may sen- tence to forfeiture of pay and allowances. The proceedings of such court shall be informal, and the minutes thereof shall be the same as prescribed for summary courts of the Army of the United States. SEC. 106. All courts-martial of the National Guard, not in the serv- ice of the United States, including summary courts, shall have power to sentence to confinement in lieu of fines authorized to be imposed: Provided, That such sentences of confinement shall not exceed one day for each dollar of fine authorized. SEC. 107. No sentence of dismissal from the service or dishonorable discharge, imposed by a National Guard court-martial, not in the service of the United States, shall be executed until approved by the governor of the State or Territory concerned, or by the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia. SEC. 108. In the National Guard, not in the service of the United States, presidents of courts-martial and summary court officers shall have power to issue warrants to arrest accused persons and to bring them before the court for trial whenever such persons shall have dis- obeyed an order in writing from the convening authority to appear before such court, a copy of the charge or charges having been de- livered to the accused with such order, and to issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum and to enforce by attachment attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers, and to sentence for a refusal to be sworn or to answer as provided in actions before civil courts. All processes and sentences of said courts shall be executed by such civil officers as may be prescribed by the laws of the several States and Territories, and in any State where no provision shall have been made for such action, and in the Territories and the District of Co- lumbia, such processes and sentences shall be executed by a United States marshal or his duly appointed deputy, and it shall be the duty of any United States marshal to execute all such processes and sen- tences and make return thereof to the officer issuing or imposing the same, (Act of June 3, 1916, 39 Stat, 208, 209.) 21358 20 36 557 APPENDIX 3. FORM OF ORDER APPOINTING A COURT-MARTIAL. GENERAL Headquarters (Corps Area) (Division) (Department). (Place) - SPECIAL ORDERS, 1 No. j A general court-martial is appointed at , on (Date) 19 to meet at 19 , or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it, Col. DETAIL FOR THE COURT. 5th Cavalry. , 1st Infantry. , 3d Field Artillery. J. A. G. D., law member. 3d Field Artillery. 4th Infantry. 5th Cavalry. 1st Infantry. 3d Field Artillery. 5th Cavalry, trial judge advocate. First Lieut. , 3d Field Artillery, assistant trial judge advocate. Capt. , 4th Infantry, defense counsel. ^ First Lieut. , 4th Infantry, assistant defense counsel. (In case travel is necessary, the following sentence will be added:) The travel directed in compliance with this order is necessary In the military service. By command of Maj. Gen. . (name), Official : Adjutant (rank) (General Staff), Chief of Staff. NOTE. A succession of orders modifying an order appointing a court-martial is liable to result in serious errors. When practicable it should be avoided by appointing a new court 558 APPENDIX 4. FORM OF ORDER APPOINTING A SPECIAL COURT- MARTIAL. f SPECIAL OBDEES, Headquarters No. - . (Place) - (Date) - 19 A special court-martial is appointed to meet at - , - at -- , - , 19 - , or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. DETAIL FOB THE COUBT. Maj. - , 1st Cavalry. Capt. - , 3d Cavalry. Capt. - , 4th Coast Artillery Company. First Lieut. - , 3d Cavalry. First Lieut. - , 1st Infantry. Capt. - , 4th Coast Artillery Company, trial judge advocate. Capt. - , 3d Cavalry, defense counsel. (In case the appointing authority desires that the testimony be re- duced to writing, the following sentence will be added:) The testimony will be reduced to writing, and the president is authorized to employ a reporter. By order of Colonel - : Adjutant. 659 Form No. 594, A. G. O. December 8, 1920. APPENDIX 5. CHARGE SHEET. (See Instructions on page 4.) No. (In summary court record.) (Place.) (Date.) (Surname of accused. (Christian name.) (Army serial No.) (Grade,) (Company and regiment, or corps, or department.) Date of current enlistment, , 19 ; age at enlist- ment, years months. Term of current enlistment years. Rate of pay, $ Class A allotment, B allotment, $ per month. Allotment for insurance premium, $ per month. Prior service, per month. Class (Give dates, with character given on each discharge.) Witnesses, both for and against the accused, so far as known, are as follows (see Instruction 4) ; Against the accused To be found at For the accused To be found at Memorandum of documentary evidence bearing on the case (see In- structions 4 and 9) : List of documents. Original ap- pended. Copy ap- pended. If original is not appended, state place where it may be found. , Is accused now in arrest ?- If so, date of arrest or in confinement ?- -, 19 , or confinement If so, place where accused is now in arrest or confinement -,19- 560 CHARGE SHEET. CHARGE : Violation of the Article of War. Specification: (Signature of accuser) ( Grade and organization and arm, or staff corps, or department.) (Additional sheets; if necessary, for charges and specifications will be attached here. Ordinary 8 ly 12 inch paper loill be used for ad- ditional sheets.) AFFIDAVIT. Before me, the undersigned, authorized by law to administer oaths in cases of this character, personally appeared the above- named accuser this day of , 19 , and made oath that he is a person subject to military law and that he per- sonally signed the foregoing charges and specifications, and further that he * has personal knowledge of the matters set forth in specifications" ; and * has (Indicate by specification and charge numbers.) investigated the matters set forth in specifications (Indicate -, and that the same are true by specification and charge numbers.) in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Name) (Rank and organization.) (Official character, as summary court, notary public, etc.) NOTES. (1) At (*) strike out words not applicable. (2) If the accuser has personal knowledge of the facts stated in one or more specifications or parts thereof, and his knowledge as to other specifications or parts thereof is derived from investigation of the facts, the form of the oath will be varied accordingly. In no case will he be permitted to state alter- natively, as to any particular charge or specification, that he either has personal knowledge or has investigated. (See note to par. 75, M. C. M.) (3) If the oath is administered by a civil officer having a seal, his official seal should be affixed. IST IND. (See Instruction 6.) Headquarters , , , 19 . (Place.) (Date.) Referred for trial to (Rank, name, and organization. Summary court, trial court-martial ap- Judge advocate. ) ( Summary, special, or general. ) pointed by paragraph Special Orders, No. Headquarters , 19 . of (Command or order.) (Rank and name of commanding officer.) , Adjutant. 561 APPENDIX 5. I have semed copies hereof and of accompanying papers, in accord- ance with the requirements of paragraph 77&, Manual for Courts- Martial, on the above-named accused, this day of , 19 {Name) , Trial Judge Advocate. (Rank and organization.) Pleas : Findings : Sentence : Days in arrest (or confiement), ; maximum punish- ment, Remarks: NOTE. The foregoing blank spaces will be filled Jn. by summary courts. In other cases they will not be filled In by trial Judge advocates or otbera at the trial, but will be reserved for use for record purposes at the head- quarters of the officer appointing the special or general court-martial. Entered oo pay card (forfeiture only). (See Instruction 8) (Initials of adjutant.) Entered on service record in cases of conviction (see Instruc- tion 8) (Initials of company or detachment commander.) DESTRUCTIONS. L Before preparing charges on tliis form the provisions of the seventieth article of war and of paragraph 75, Manual for Courts- Martial, and the note thereunder, together with paragraphs 62, <33, 64, 65, 66, and 67, Manual for Courts-Martial, and of the particular article or articles of war alleged to have been violated, and the paragraphs of the Manual for Courts-Martial relating .thereto, will be carefully con- sidered. 2. Charges for trial by courts-mnrtial may be preferred by any person subject to military law. All charges and specifications must be signed by a person subject to military law, and under oath either that he has personal knowledge of or has investigated the matters set forth therein, and that the same are true in fact to the best of his knowledge and belief. (A. W. 70.) Charges will be preferred only when the person preferring them either has personal knowledge of or has Investigated the matters set forth therein, and from such knowledge or investigation is of the opinion that there is reasonable ground for believing that the offense has been committed, that the accused Is guilty of the offense, and that the offense can not be properly or adequately dealt with in any other manner. (Par. 75, M. C. M.) 562 CHARGE SHEET. 3. All charges for trial by courts-martial will be is triplicate and may be prepared by carbon process. This charge sheet form will be used for each of the three copies, and all copies will be signed by the accuser and the officer administering the oath. Should the space on this form be insufficient to accommodate ail the charges and specifica- tions proposed, such additional sheets of ordinary paper will be used for that purpose as may be required. The charges and specifications will be signed as indicated on this prescribed form and the affidavit thereto, in substantially the form hereon prescribed, will be sworn to before any officer, civil or military, authorized to administer oaths in cases of this character (see as to the competency of military officers to administer oaths, par. 138, M. C. M.), and will be forwarded to the commanding officer immediately exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused belongs or pertains, 4. All known witnesses, both for and against the accused, will be listed in the prescribed place on this charge sheet, mentioning where they may be found; and all documents bearing upon the case which may be obtainable will be listed in the prescribed place under " Mem- orandum of documentary evidence bearing on the case " above. Wherever available, original documents which may be useful as evi- dence will be appended and securely fastened hereto. If the originals are not available, copies will, if available, be so appended. In any case where the originals are not so appended (whether or not copies are appended), the place where the originals may be found will be noted in the appropriate place under " Memorandum of documentary evidence bearing on the case " above. . 5. The affidavit to the charges must state positively either that (1) the affiant preferring the charges has personal knowledge of the matters set forth therein, or else, (2) that he has investigated them and has thus satisfied himself of the facts. It must clearly appear upon which ground he places his statement of the truth of the facts alleged in the charges and specifications. He is not to be permitted to say alternatively, as to any particular charge or specification, that he either has personal knowledge or has investigated. Such an in- definite statement is wholly insufficient to satisfy the requirements of the seventieth article of war, and will not be accepted. He may, however, base some of the allegations in a specification, or some of the specifications, on his personal knowledge, and others upon his investigation of the facts. In such cases he will, in the affi- davit, state which are based upon personal knowledge and which upon investigation. ( See note to par. 75, M. C. M. ) 6. If trial is ordered, the order of reference for trial will be in- dorsed on one original counterpart hereof, as " 1st Ind.," in the form hereon prescribed. The counterpart on which such order is indorsed will be the one retained by the trial judge advocate during trial and returned by him 563 APPENDIX 5. with the record of trial to the convening authority. (See par. 796, M. C. M.) 7. The trial judge advocate will also enter on this same counter- part, in substantially the form hereon prescribed, his certificate of service of the charges and accompanying documents on the accused, as required by paragraph 77&, M. C. M. 8. The initials of the adjutant indicating entry on pay card when forfeiture is awarded, and the initials of the company or detachment commander indicating entry on service record in case of conviction, will be placed on the original charge sheet of summary courts-martial, completed as the record of trial. 9. Bulky reports or official documents will not ordinarily be ap- pended or copied, but listed, and the place where they may be found stated in the column so headed, on page I. 1 * " Page 1 " of A. G. O. Form 594, Is page 560 supra. 564 APPENDIX 6. FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. INSTRUCTIONS. The forms for charges and specifications set forth below constitute a general guide for use in the drafting of charges and specifications under the several articles of war, not only for offenses specifically provided for in the forms but also for like offenses not specifically mentioned therein. In preparing charges the following general rules should be observed: (a) When there is more than one charge the charges will be num- bered, using the Roman numerals, viz, I, II, etc. (&) When there is more than one specification under a charge the specifications under that charge will be numbered, using the Arabic numerals, viz, 1, 2, etc. (c) The form provided for the charge will not in any case be ab- breviated, added to, or deviated from. (d) The several forms provided for specifications will be added to or deviated from when circumstances require such addition or de- viation. (e) The words inclosed in parentheses or brackets, or both, in the forms for specifications may or may not be used, as circumstances require. (f) The blanks inclosed in parentheses in the forms for specifica- tions, indicate that a proper substitute may be used. (g) The name of the accused as stated in the specification should, except in a case in which the jurisdiction of the court over the per- son is not dependent upon his being a person subject to military law (e. g., see A. W. 81 and 82), be accompanied by such descriptive lan- guage as will show that he is a person subject to military law and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the court. Thus, in the ordi- nary case of an officer or soldier in the service, the specification should read " In that Captain John Smith, Field Artillery, did," etc., or " In that Private John Smith, Company A, 7th Infantry, did," etc. These forms are applicable for all persons in the military service whether members of the Regular Army or volunteer forces accepted or mustered into the military service of the United States or members of the National Guard or of other forces which may have been drafted, called or ordered into, or to duty or for training in, the military service of the United States, provided the accused has ac- tually answered such call, draft or order; if, however, the accused has not obeyed the call, draft, or order, his name should be followed 565 APPENDIX 6. by the words "lawfully called (drafted) or (ordered) into the military service of the United States." If the accused has not been assigned to an organization, the word " unassigned " may be employed. In the case of a cadet, the specification should read " In that Cadet John Smith, United States Military Academy, did," etc. In the case of a member of the Marine Corps detached for service with the Armies of the United States by order of the President, the words " detached for service with the Armies of the United States by order of the President" should follow 'the other words of identification and de- scription. When the accused is an officer or enlisted man of the Medical Department of the Navy, serving with a body of Marines detached for service with the Armies of the United States by order of the President, this fact should be alleged as follows : " In that , Medical Department of the Navy, serving with a body of Marines detached for service with the Armies of the United States by order of the President, did," etc. As to the persons subjected to military jurisdiction by paragraph (d) of Article of War 2, the words " a retainer to the camp of United States troops without the terri- torial jurisdiction of the United States," or " a person accompanying the Armies of the United States without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States," or " a person serving with the Armies of the United States without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States," should be employed, unless it be in time of war, when the words " a retainer to the camp of United States troops in the field," or " a person accompanying the Armies of the United States in the field," or "a person serving with the Armies of the United States in the field," should be used, according to the circumstances of each case. As to the persons designated in paragraph (e) of Article of War 2, the name of the accused should be followed by the words " a person. under sentence adjudged by court-martial." (7i) The place and date of the commission of the alleged offense will ordinarily be stated in the body of the specification and not in a separate line at the end thereof. () The words "officer preferring charge," or words of similar import, will not be used in connection with the signature of the person who subscribes the charges. SPECIMEN CHARGES. I To be placed on charge sheet, Appendix 5.] CHAEGE I: Violation of the 54th Article of War. Specification: In that Pvt. Richard Roe T Company A, Second In- fantry, alias Pvt. John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, did, without a discharge from said Company A, Second Infantry, procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States at Fort Jay, N. Y., on the 24th day of July, 1917, under the name of John Doe, by willfully concealing from Capt. William White, Medical 566 FORMS FOR CHARGES A3SV SPECIFICATIONS. Corps, a recruiting officer, the fact of his prior enlistment in said Company A, Second Infantry, and has at Fort Jay, N. Y., since said date, received allowances under said enlistment CHARGE II: Violation of the 58th Article of War. Specification: In that Pvt. Richard Roe, Company A, Second In- fantry, alias Pvt. John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, did, at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about the 6th day of March, 1917, desert the service of the United States, and did remain absent in desertion until he was apprehended at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about July 24, 1917. CHARGE III: Violation of the 8th Article of War. Specification 1: In that Pvt. Richard Roe, Company A, Second In- fantry, alias Pvt. John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, did, at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about March 6, 1917, wrongfully strike in the face with his fist Pvt. John W. Davis, Third Company, Fort Hamilton, then a sentinel in the execution of his duty. Specification 2: In that Pvt. Richard Roe, Company A, Second In- fantry, alias Pvt." John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, hav- ing at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about the 6th day of March, 1917, re- ceived a lawful order to halt from Pvt. John W. Davis, Third Com- pany, Fort Hamilton, then a sentinel in the execution of his duty, did willfully disobey the same. JOHN JONES, Captain, C. A. C. FORMS. [See instructions at the beginning of this appendix,] CHAKGE: Violation of the 54th Article of War. 1. Specification: In that Pvt. , Company , In- fantry, alia-s Pvt. , Company , Infantry, did, without a discharge from said Infantry, procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States at , on the day of , 19 , under the name of , (by means of willfully misrepresenting to , a recruiting officer that he had never been enlisted in the service of the United States and) by means of willfully concealing from (said) ( , a) recruiting officer, the fact of his prior enlistment in said Infantry; and has, at and since said date, received (pay) (allowances) (pay and allowances) under said enlistment. 2. Specification: In that - did procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States, at , on the day of , 19 , [by means of willfully misrepresenting to , a recruiting officer, that he had never been discharged from the service of the United States (on account of disability) (ou account APPENDIX 6. of a sentence imposed by a civil court) (pursuant to the sentence of a general court-martial) (except with good character) and] by means of willfully concealing from (said) ( , a) recruiting officer the fact that (under the name of ) he had been discharged at on the day of , 19 , from (on ac- count of disability) (on account of a sentence imposed by a civil court) (pursuant to the sentence of a general court-martial) (not with good character) when, except for such (misrepresentation) (concealment) he would not have been enlisted; and has, at and since said enlistment received (pay) (allowances) (pay and al- lowances) thereunder. 3. Specification: In that did procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States, at , on the day of , 19 , [by means of willfully misrepresenting to , a recruiting officer, that he had never been (convicted of a felony) (imprisoned) in a (reformatory) (jail) (penitentiary) and] by means of willfully concealing from (said) ( , a) recruiting officer, the fact that (under the name of ) (he had been convicted of a felony, to wit, by the court in and for ,) (had been imprisoned In a (reformatory) (jail) (penitentiary) under a sentence of a civil court) when, except for such (misrepresentation) (concealment) he would not have been enlisted; and has, at and since said enlistment received (pay) (allowances) (pay and allow- ances) thereunder. 4. Specification: In that did procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States at , on the day of , 19 , [by means of willfully misrepresenting to , a recruiting officer, that he was ( years of age) (un- married) ( ) and] by means of willfully concealing from (said) ( , a) recruiting officer, the fact that he was then (under the age of eighteen years) (a married man) ( ), when, except for such (misrepresentation) (concealment) he would not have been enlisted ; and has, at and since said enlistment, received (pay) (allowances) (pay and allowances) thereunder. CHARGE: Violation of the 55th Article of War. 5. Specification: In that - - did at , on the day of , 19 , knowingly (enlist) (muster) into the military service of the United States one , who, as he, the said , then well knew, was (an) (insane) (intoxicated) ( ) (a) person (who had been convicted of a felony) (under the age of sixteen (16) years) ( ), whose (enlistment) (muster) was prohibited by (law) (regulations) (orders). CHARGE: Violation of the 56th Article of War. 6. Specification: In that , did, at , on the day of , 19 , knowingly make a false muster of ( ) as 568 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. (present) ( ) when the said - , as he, the said - , then well knew, was not (present) ( - ), but was (absent with leave) ( - ). 7. Specification: In that - did, at - , on the - day of - , 19 , knowingly make a false muster of ( - ) as a soldier and a member of ( - ), when the said - , as he, the said -- then well knew, was not a soldier and a member of said ( - ) but was a (civilian) ( - ). 8. Specification: In that - did, at - , on the - day of -- , 19 , (sign) (direct - to sign) (allow - to sign) the muster roll of - , for the period -- to - , 19 , he, the said - , then well knowing that the said muster roll con- tained the name of - as (a soldier and a member of said - ) (an officer of said - ) (and as present for duty therewith), and that the said - was not (a soldier) (a member of said - ) (an officer of said - ) (present for duty) but was then (a civilian) (a member of company - ) (wholly absent from military duty) 9. Specification: In that - did, at - , on the - day of , 19 , (sign) (direct - to sign) (allow - to sign) the muster roll of - , for the period - to - , 19 , he the said - , then well knowing that the said muster roll contained a false statement that - (a) (private) ( - ) of said - ) was (present) (present and mustered) ( - ), and that said state- ment was false, in that the said - was not (present) (present and mustered) ( - ) but was then (absent with leave) (absent without leave) ( - ). 10. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the day of - , 19 , wrongfully take from - (the sum of $ - ) ( - ), as a consideration to him - , for knowingly permitting the muster-in roll of -- on the mustering in of that falsely to show as (mustered in) ( - ), - , who, as he, the said - , then well knew, was (were) not (mustered in) 11. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the - day of - , 19 , wrongfully take from - the sum of $ - , ( -- ) as a consideration to him - , for allowing the muster roll of - , for the period of -- to - , 19 , to show - as (present and mustered) ( - ), when, as he, the said - , then well knew, he (they) was (were) not present and mustered as shown on said muster roll. 12. Specification: In that - did, at - , on the - day of - , 19 , knowingly muster one - as (an officer) (a sol- dier) of , when the said -- , as he, the said , then well knew was not (an officer) (a soldier) of - , but was then a (civilian) ( - ). 569 APPENDIX 6. CHARGE: Violation of the 57th Article of War. 13. Specification: In that , being in command of , and it being his duty to render to a return of the state of (the troops under his command) (the thereunto belonging) for the period to , 19 , did, at on the day of , 19 , knowingly make a false return for said period, which return was false in that it showed (one as absent with leave) ( ), when as he, the said , then well knew (the said was absent without leave) ( ). 14. Specification: In that , being in command of , and it being his duty to render to the a return of the state of (the troops under his command) (the thereto belonging) for the period to , did (on and after the day of , 19 ) (from until ), through (neglect) (design), omit to render such return. CHARGE: Violation of the 58th Article of War. 15. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , desert the service of the United States, and did remain absent in desertion until he (was apprehended) (surren- dered himself) at on or about the day of , 19 . 16. Specification: In that did, at on or about the day of , 19 , in the (execution of a conspiracy to desert the service of the United States previously entered into with and ) (presence of , which the forces, of which the ac- cused was a member, were then opposing), desert the service of the United States and did remain absent in desertion until he (was ap- prehended) (surrendered himself) at on or about the - day of , 19 . 17. Specification: In that and did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , acting jointly, in pursuance of a common intent and in the execution of a conspiracy to desert the service of the United States previously entered into by them (and in the presence of , which the forces, of which they were mem- bers, were then opposing), desert the service of the United States and did remain absent in desertion until they (were apprehended) (sur- rendered themselves) at on or about the day of -, 19. 18. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , desert the service of the United States, in that he, having tendered his resignation as an officer of the Army, did, prior to due notice of the acceptance of said resignation, and with the intent to absent himself permanently therefrom, quit his (post) (proper duties) without leave. [NOTE. See A. W. 28.] 19. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , desert the service of the Unk^d States, in that he, without having first received a regular discharge from the 570 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. military service, did, again enlist in the (Army) (militia, in the service of the United States) (Navy) (Marine Corps of the United States) (Army of ). [NOTE. See A. W. 28.1 20. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , desert the service of the United States, by quitting his (organization) (place of duty), with the intent (to avoid hazardous duty, to wit: ) (to shirk important service, to wit: ______, \ [NOTE. See A. W. 28.] 21. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , attempt to desert the service of the United States by (seeking passage to on the steamship ) ( ), with intent permanently to remain away from the military service. 22. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , in the (execution of a conspiracy to desert the service of the United States previously entered into with and ) (presence of , which the forces of which he was a member were then opposing) attempt to desert the service of the United States by (seeking passage to on the steamship ) ( ), with intent permanently to remain away from the military service. CHARGE: Violation of the 59th Article of War. 23. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (advise) (persuade) to desert the service of the United States by (saying to him , or words to that effect) ( ). 24. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , knowingly assist to desert the service of the United States (by supplying him with a railroad ticket from to ) ( ), he, the said , then well knowing that the said intended to use the (railroad ticket) ( ) so supplied him in furtherance of his plan to desert CHARGE: Violation of the 60th Article of War. 25. Specification: In that , having discovered that , a soldier in his command, was a deserter from the (military service) (naval service) (Marine Corps) did, at , from about the day of , to about the day of , 19 , retain said deserter in his command without informing superior authority or the commander of the organization to which the deserter belonged of the presence of said deserter in his command. CHARGE: Violation of the 61st Article of War. 26. Specification: In that did, at - , on or about the day of , 19 , fail to repair at the fixed time to the properly appointed place (of assembly) for . 571 APPENDIX 6. 27. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , without proper leave, go from the properly appointed place (of assembly) for , after having re- paired thereto for the performance of said duty. 28. Specification: In that , did at , without proper leave, absent himself from his from about , 19 , to about , 19 . CHARGE: Violation of the 62d Article of War. 29. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , use (orally and publicly) ( ) the following (contemptuous) (disrespectful) (contemptuous and disre- spectful) words against the (President) (Vice President) (the Con- gress of the United States) (Secretary of War) [(Governor) (Legis- lature) of the (State of ) (Territory of ) ( , a possession of the United States), in which he, the said - was then quartered] to wit : , or words to that effect. CHARGE: Violation of the 63d Article of War. 30. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , behave himself with disrespect toward , his superior officer, by (saying to him , or words to that effect) (contemptuously turning from and leaving him while he was talking to him the said ) ( ). CHARGE: Violation of the 64th Article of War. 31. Specification: In that - did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , strike , his superior officer, who was then in the execution of his office, (in) (on) the with (a) (his) . [NOTE. For assaults upon officers amounting to felonies see A. W. 93.] 82. Specification: In that did, at ? on or about the day of , 19 , (draw) (lift up) a weapon, to wit, a against , his superior officer, who was then in the execution of his office. 33. Specification: In that - did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , offer violence against , his superior officer, who was then in the execution of his office, in that he, the said , did . 34. Specification: In that , having received a lawful command from , his superior officer, to , did at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully disobey the same. CHARGE: Violation of the 65th Article of War. 35. Specification: In that - did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (strike) (assault) , a (war- rant officer) (noncommissioned officer) who was then in the execu- 572 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. tion of his office, by him (in) (on) the with (a) (his) . [NOTE. For assaults upon warrant and noncommissioned officers amounting to felonies see A. W. 93.] 36. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (attempt) (threaten) to (strike) (as- sault) , a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) [(in) (on) the ] with (a) (his) , while said was in the execution of his office. 37. Specification: In that , having received a lawful order from , a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) who was then in the execution of his office, to , did at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully disobey the same. 38. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , [use (threatening) (insulting) (threaten- ing and insulting) language,] [behave in an '(insubordinate) (disre- spectful) (insubordinate and direspectful) manner] toward , a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) who was then in the execution of his office, by (saying to him , or words to that effect) ( ). CHARGE: Violation of the 66th Article of War. 39. Specification: In that did, at , on the day of , 19 , (attempt to create) (begin) (excite) (cause) a mutiny in by [urging the members of said concertedly to refuse to obey the lawful orders of , their (commanding) (superior) officer, to ] [unlawfully assuming control over about soldiers of said (command) ( ), and in the execu- tion of such control causing said soldiers concertedly to disregard and defy the lawful orders of , their (commanding) (superior) officer to (assemble for drill) ( ),] [ ], with the intent to (usurp) (subvert) (override) (neutralize) (usurp, subvert, over- ride and neutralize), for the time being, lawful military authority. 40. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , voluntarily join in a mutiny which had been begun in against the lawful military authority of - , the commanding officer thereof, and did, with intent to (usurp) (subvert) (override) (neutralize) (usurp, subvert, over- ride, and neutralize) for the time being, in concert with sundry other members of said assembled on the (parade ground) ( ), refuse to (disperse) (do any further duty) (assemble for drill) ( ). CHARGE: Violation of the 67th Article of War. 41. Specification: In that , being present at a (mutiny) (sedition) among the soldiers of , did fail to use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, in that, (having commanded the 21358 20 37 573 APPENDIX 6. men of his own company to return to their quarters, he took no means to compel their obedience or reduce them to discipline upon their refusal to obey said command) ( ). 42. Specification: In that , being at and (knowing) (having reason to believe) on the day of , 19 , that a (mutiny) (sedition) was to take place in , on or about the day of , 19 , did fail to give without delay in- formation of said intended mutiny to his commanding officer. CHARGE: Violation of the 68th Article of War. 43. Specification: In that , being engaged in a (quarrel) (fray) (disorder) among persons subject to military law, and hav- ing been ordered into (arrest) (confinement) by , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , [(refuse to obey) (draw a weapon, to wit a - upon) the said ] [threaten the said hy (saying to him (her) , or words to that effect) ( )] [do violence to the said , by ]. CHARGE: Violation of the 69th Article of War. 44. Specification: In that , having been lawfully placed In (arrest at ) (confinement in ) on or about the day of , 19 , did at on or about the day of , 19 , (break his said arrest) (escape from said confinement) before he was set at liberty by proper authority. CHARGE: Violation of the 70th Article of War. 45. Specification: In that , being then charged with the duty of investigating charges preferred against , a person subject to military law, who had been placed in (arrest) (confinement), was at ? on or about , 19, responsible for unnecessary delay in investigating said charges, in that he (did ) (failed to CHARGE: Violation of the 71st Article of War. 46. Specification: In that , being on duty as (provost mar- shal) (commander of the guard) at on or about the - day of - , 19 , did refuse to (receive) (keep) one - , a prisoner duly committed to his charge by , an officer belonging to the forces of the United States who, at the time of committing said prisoner, delivered to the said an account in writing, signed by himself, of the (crime) (offense) charged against said prisoner. CHARGE: Violation of the 72d Article of War. 47. Specification: In that , (having been) (being) on duty as commander of the guard at , did, on or about the day f , 19, fail to report in writing to the commanding officer 574 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. of that (as soon as relieved from his guard) (within 24 hours after the confinement of said prisoner) the name of , a prisoner committed to his charge, the offense charged against him, and the name of the officer committing him. CHARGE: Violation of the 73d Article of War. 48. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , [without proper authority release] [through (neglect) (design) (suffer)] , a prisoner duly com- mitted to his charge (to escape). CHARGE: Violation of the 74th Article of War. 49. Specification: In that , being at the time the command- ing officer at , and an application having been duly made to him by the of for the (delivery) (apprehension and securing) of , a (soldier) (officer) under his command, who was accused of a (crime) (offense) committed against the laws of , in order that the said might be brought to trial did, at - , on the day of , 19 , (refuse) (willfully neglect) to (deliver said to said of ) (aid the said of in apprehending and securing the said ). CHARGE: Violation of the 75th Article of War. 50. Specification: In that did, at , on the day of , 19, misbehave himself before the enewv, (by (refusing) (failing) to advance with his command, which ;l then been or- dered forward by to engage with , which forces, the said command was then opposing) ( ). 51. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , run away from his (company) ( ), which was then engaged with the enemy, and did not return thereto until (after the engagement had been concluded) ( ). 52. Specification: In that - , being present with his while it was engaged with the enemy, did at , on or about the day of , 19 , shamefully abandon the said and (seek safety in the rear) ( ), and did fail to rejoin it until (the engagement was concluded) ( ). 53. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , while before the enemy shamefully (deliver up) (abandon) to the enemy , which it was his duty to defend. 54. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , while before the enemy, by his (mis- conduct) (disobedience) (neglect) endanger the safety of , which it was his duty to defend, in that he ( ) ( ) (failed and neglected f> post a sufficient number of sentinels). 55. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , while before the enemy, speak words in- 575 APPENDIX 6. ducing [(the officers) (the soldiers) (the officers and soldic-fcs) of ] [ ] (to misbehave themselves before the enemy) (to run away from , which was then before the enemy) (shame- fully to abandon their command, which was then engaged with the enemy) (shamefully, to deliver up to the enemy, , which it was their duty to defend), to wit or words to that effect. 56. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , while before the enemy speak words inducing - - who was then on outpost duty, (shamefully to aban- don his post) ( ), to wit - or words to that effect. 57. Specification: In that , while before the enemy, did at , on the day of , 19 , unlawfully cast away his (rifle) (ammunition) ( ). 58. Specification: In that did, while before the enemy, quit his (post) (colors) at , on the day of , 19 , for the purpose of (plundering) (pillaging) (plundering and pillaging) ( ). 59. Specification: In that did, while on duty before the enemy, occasion a false alarm in the (camp) (garrison) (quarters) ( ) at , on or about the day of , 19 , by (needlessly and without authority causing the call to arms to be sounded) ( ). CHARGE: Violation of the 76th Article of War. 60. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (compel) (attempt to compel) , the commanding officer of , (to give it up to the enemy) (to abandon said ), by . CHARGE: Violation of the 77th Article of War. 61. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , make known the (parole) (countersign), to wit, - , to - , a person who, according to the rules and discipline of war, was not entitled to receive it. 62. Specification: In that - , having received as the proper (parole) (countersign) the word - , did at - , on or about the - day of , 19 , give to - , a person to whom he knew it was his duty to give the proper (parole) (countersign), a (parole) (countersign) different from that which he had received, to wit - . CHARGE: Violation of the 78th Article of War. 63. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the - day of - , 19 , force a safeguard, known by him to have been placed over the premises occupied by - , at , by (overwhelming the guard posted for the protection of the same) 576 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. CHARGE: Violation of the 79th Article of War. 64. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , neglect to secure the following public property of the United States, which had been taken from the enemy, viz, of the value of about $ and of the value of about $ , and all of the total value of about $ . 65. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully appropriate to (his own use) ( ) the following public property of the United States, taken from the enemy, viz : of the value of about $ and of the value of about S , and all of the total value of about CHARGE: Violation of the 80th Article of War. 66. Specification: In that did, at , on about the day of , 19 , unlawfully (buy) (sell) (trade in) (deal in) (dispose of) the following (captured) (abandoned) property of the United States-, namely: of the value of about $ and of the value of about $ , and all of the total value of about $ , thereby (receiving) (expecting) as (profit) (benefit) (advantage) (profit, benefit and advantage) to (himself) , his (brother) ( ), (the sum of ) ( of the value ). 67. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , fail to give notice of and to turn over without delay to proper authority the following (captured) (aban- doned) property of the United States, which had come into his (pos- session) (custody) (control), namely: of the value of about $ and of the value of about $ , and all of the total value of about $ . CHARGE: Violation of the 81st Article of War. 68. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (relieve) (attempt to relieve) the enemy with (arms) (ammunition) (supplies) (money) ( ), by fur- nishing and delivering to certain members of the enemy's army , of the value of about $ , and , of the value of about $ , all of the total value of $ . 69. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , knowingly (harbor) (protect) (harbor and protect) , a person whom he, the said , then knew to be a member of the enemy's forces (and who was then being sought by a patrol of the United States forces), by (concealing the said member of the enemy's forces in his house) ( ). 70. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , knowingly give intelligence to the enemy, (by in- forming a patrol of the enemy's forces of the whereabouts of a military patrol of the United States forces) (by ). 577 APPENDIX 6. 71. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , knowingly (hold correspondence with) (give intelligence to) (hold correspondence with and give intelligence to) the enemy (directly by writing and transmitting secretly through the lines to one , whom he, the said , then knew to be an (officer) ( ) of the enemy's army, a communication (in woids and figures as follows) (substantially as follows) (indirectly by pub- lishing in - , a newspaper published at , a communication in words and figures as follows) (substantially as follows), to wit: , and which communication was intended to reach the enemy. CHARGE: Violation of the 82d Article of War. 72. Specification: In that was, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , found (lurking) (acting) (lurking and acting) as a spy in and about , the (fortification) (post) (quar- ters) (encampment) of the Armies of the United States there situ- ated, ( ) for the purpose of (collecting) (attempting to collect) material information in regard to the (numbers) (resources) (op- erations) ( ) of the military forces of the United States, with intent to impart the same to the enemy. CHARGE: Violation of the 83d Article of War. 73. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (willfully) (through neglect) suffer , of the value of $ , military property belonging to the United States, to be (lost) (spoiled by = ) (damaged by ) [wrong- fully disposed of by (sale to ) ( )]. CHARGE: Violation of the 84th Article of War. 74. Specification: In that - did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (unlawfully sell to ) (wrongfully dispose of by ) of the value of $ , issued for use in the military service of the United States. 75. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (willfully) (through neglect) (injure by ) (lose) , of the value of $ , issued for use in the military service of the United States. CHARGE: Violation of the 85th Article of War. 76. Specification: In that was, at , on or about the day of , 19 , found drunk while on duty as . CHARGE: Violation of the 86th Article of War. 77. Specification: In that , being on guard and posted as a sentinel, at , on or about the day of , 19 , was found (drunk) (sleeping) upon his post. 78. Specification: In that , being on guard and posted as a sentinel, at - , on or about the day of , 19 , did leave his post before he was regularly relieved. 578 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. CHARGE: Violation of the 87th Article of War. 79. Specification: In that , who was then commanding in , where troops of the United States were serving, did, on or about the day of , 19 , for his private advantage, lay a (duty)' (imposition) (duty ami imposition) of ( per cent) ( ) upon the sales of (victuals) (certain necessaries of life, to wit, ) brought into said , for the use of the troops thereat. 80. Specification: In that , who was then commanding , where troops of the United States were serving, did on or about the - day of , 19 , for his private advantage, become inter- ested in the sale of (victuals) (certain necessaries of life, to wit ) ( ), brought into said for the use of the troops thereat by - , by (receiving) (entering into an agreement to re- ceive) from the said - ( per cent of the profits on said sales) (the sum of $ ) as a consideration for the privilege (of ) ex- tended by him to said . CHARGE: Violation of the 88th Article of War. 81. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , unlawfully (abuse) (intimidate) (do violence to) (and wrongfully interfere with) , a person bring- ing (provisions) (supplies) (certain necessaries) to wit - , to the (camp) (garrison) (quarters) of the forces of the United States at - by [striking and beating the said ] [threatening to kill the said if he continued to bring such (provisions) (sup- plies) (necessaries) into said (camp) (garrison) (quarters)] [ ] [preventing the said from passing over a road leading into said - ] [ ]. CHARGE: Violation of the 89th Article of War. 82. Specification: In that , being with , (in the (quar- ters) (garrison) (camp) at ) (while on the march from- to ) did, at , on or about the day of , 19, commit (waste) (spoil) upon the property of , by . 83. Specification: In that , being with , (in the (quar- ters) (garrison) (camp) at ) (while on the march from to ) did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully and unlawfully, and without having been ordered by his commanding officer so to do, destroy - the property of - , of the value of . 84. Specification: In that . being with , (in the (quar- ters) (garrison) (camp) at ) (while on the march from - to ) did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , commit a depredation upon (an) (a) (orchard) ( ) belonging to , and situated at or near , by unlawfully (entering the same and removing growing fruit from the trees of said orchard) 579 APPENDIX 6. 85. Specification: In that , and , being with (in the (quarters) (garrison) (camp) at ) (while on the march from to ) did, at , on or about the day of ~, 19 , commit a riot, in that they, together with certain other (soldiers) (persons) to the number of - , whose names are unknown, did, (with force and arms) unlawfully and riotously, and in a, violent and tumultuous manner, assemble to disturb the peace of , and having so assembled, did (unlaw- fully, riotously and in a violent and tumultuous manner disturb, enter and break up ) (unlawfully and riotously assault by ,) to the terror and disturbance of . 86. Specification: In that - , who was then the commanding officer of , at , did, on the - day of , 19, complaint having been made to him that (damage had been done to , the property of ) ( , the property of , had been taken by) ( , a ) ( soldiers) of his command, (a) person (s) subject to military law, , (refuse) (omit) to see reparation made to the said so far as said 's pay would go toward such reparation and as provided for in the 105th Article of War, by . CHARGE: Violation of the 90th Article of War. 87. Specification: In that did at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully use a (reproachful) (pro- voking) (reproachful and provoking) (speech to wit: - - or words to that effect, against) (gesture to ) (by shaking his closed fist in the face of the said ) ( ). CHARGE: Violation of the 91st Article of War. 88. Specification: In that (and ) did at , on or about the day of , 19 , fight a duel, (with ) using, as weapons therefor, (swords) (pistols) ( ). 89. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , promote a duel between and by knowingly acting as a messenger for and knowingly carrying from said to said a challenge to fight a duel. 90. Specification: In that , being officer of the day at - and having knowledge that and intended and were about to engage in a duel near that , did on or about the day of , 19 , connive at the fighting of said duel by knowingly permitting , one of the parties to said proposed duel, to leave the post and go toward the place appointed for said duel and at the time and at the hour which he, , then knew had been appointed therefor. 91. Specification: In that , being officer of the day at , and having knowledge on or about the day of , 19 580 FORMS FOB CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. that a challenge to fight a duel (had been sent) (was about to be sent) by - to - , did fail to report that fact promptly to the proper authority. CHARGE: Violation of the 92d Article of War. 92. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , with malice aforethought, willfully, deliberately, feloniously, unlawfully, and with premeditation kill one , a human being by (shooting him with a rifle) ( ). 93. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , forcibly and feloniously, against her will, have carnal knowledge of . [NOTE. For charging the offense denounced by section 279, Federal Penal Code (having carnal knowledge of female uuder 16), see Form 178. infra.] CHARGE: Violation of the 93d Article of War. 94. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully, feloniously, and unlawfully kill , a human being by him (in) (on) the with 95. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , unlawfully, willfully, and feloniously cut off the (hand) (arm) ( ) of . [NOTE. For the offense of maiming, see Form No. 170, infra.] 96. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully, maliciously, unlawfully and feloniously [(set fire to) (burn) (attempt to burn)] [by means of a dangerous explosive, to wit (destroy) (attempt to destroy) ] the (dwelling house) (store) (barn) (stable) (a building, to wit: , parcel of the dwelling house) of . 97. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , in the nighttime feloniously and burglari- ously break and enter the (dwelling house) ( within the curtil- age) of , with intent to commit a felony, viz, (larceny) (rape) (murder) ( ). 98. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of 19 , unlawfully and feloniously (break and enter) (enter without breaking) the (dwelling) (bank) (store) (warehouse) (shop) (stable) ( ) (apartment) (room) (steam- boat) (canal boat) (vessel) ( ) (railroad car) (yard, where Oumber) (coal) ( ) was deposited and kept for the purpose of trade) with intent (to break and carry away a part thereof, to wit, ) (to break and carry away a (fixture, thereof, to wit, )' ( , a thing (attached to) (connected with said ) (to com- mit a criminal offense, to wit, ). 581 APPENDIX 6. 99. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , by force and violence and by putting him in fear feloniously take, steal and carry away from the (person) (presence) of , , the property of , value about $ . [NOTE. While under section 284 of the Federal Penal Code a specification in the following form (No. 99) is sufficient, it is generally preferable to follow Form No. 98, in order that the court may make a finding of guilty of the lesser included offense of larceny should only this offense be proved.] 100. Specification: In that - did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , by force and violence and by putting him in fear, feloniously take from the (person) (presence) of , , value about $ . 101. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , feloniously take, steal, and carry away , value about $ , the property of . 102. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , fraudulently convert to his own use and benefit , value about $ , the property of , intrusted to him (by the said ) (for by ), for the purpose of applying the same to the use and benefit of the said , (the owner) (the person so delivering) said property. 103. Specification: In that , being at the time the (agent) (attorney) (clerk) (servant) ( , an officer) of ( ) (an association) (an incorporated company) did [wrongfully convert to his own use] [fraudulently (take) (make way with) (secrete) with intent to convert the same to his own use] , of the value of , the property of - , which came (into his possession) (under his care) by virtue of his (employment) (office). 104. Specification: In that , having taken an oath in a (trial by court-martial of ) (deposition for use in a trial by court-martial of ) ( ), a case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, before , a competent (tribunal) (officer) (person) that [he w r ould (testify) (declare) (depose) (certify) truly] [(certain written tes- timony) a (declaration) (deposition) (certificate) subscribed by him was true] did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully, corruptly, and contrary to such oath, (state) (subscribe said - , stating) in substance that ] which (statement) (declaration) (deposition) (certificate) was a material matter and which statement he did not believe to be true. [NOTE. For perjury under Section 25 of the War Risk Insurance Act, see Form No. 178.] 105. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19, with intent to (defraud) (injure) (de- fraud and injure) falsely (make) [alter] (in its entirety) a certain (check) ( ) in the following words and figures, to-wit: 582 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. [by - ] which said (check) ( - ) was a writing of a (public) (private) nature, which might operate to the prejudice of another. 106. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the - day of - , 19 , with Intent to (defraud) (prejudice the right of another) (defraud and prejudice the right of another) will- fully, unlawfully and feloniously, (pass) (utter) (publish) [attempt to (pass) (utter) (publish)] as true and genuine a certain - in words and figures as follows: - , a writing of a (public) (pri- vate) nature, which might operate to the prejudice of another, which said - was, as he, the said - then well knew, falsely (made) (altered) and forged. 107. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the - day of - , 19 , commit the crime of sodomy, by feloni- ously and against the order of nature having carnal connection with ( - ) (a mare, the same being a beast) ( - ). 108. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the day of - , 19 , with intent to (commit a felony, viz, ) (do him bodily harm), commit an assault upon - , by willfully and feloniously (striking) ( - ) the said - (in) (on) the - with a - . 109. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the -- day of - , 19 , with intent to do him bodily harm, commit an assault upon - , by (shooting) (striking) (cutting) ( - ) him (in) (on) the - , with a dangerous (weapon) (instrument) (thing) to wit, a (pistol) (a pickax) (bayonet) CHAEGE: Violation of the 94th Article of War. 110. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the day of - 19 , (make) (cause to be made by ) a claim against the [United States by presenting to - ,] [(Finance Officer at - ) ( - )] an officer of the United States, duly authorized to (approve) (allow) (pay) (approve, allow and pay) such claims, in the amount of $ - for (private property alleged to have been (lost) (destroyed) in the military service) ( ), which claim was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that - , and was then known by said -- to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent). 111. Specification: In that - did, at - , on or about the - - day of - , 19 , (present) (cause to be presented by - ) for (approval) (payment) (approval and payment) a claim against the [United States by (presenting) (causing to be presented) to ,] [(Finance Officer at ) ( ) an officer of the United States, duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (approve and pay)] such claims, in the amount of $ , for (services alleged to have been rendered to the United States by - ) ( - ), which claim was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that - , and was then known by the said - - to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent). 583 APPENDIX 6. 112. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , enter into an (agreement) (con- spiracy) (agreement and conspiracy) with , to defraud the United States by (obtaining) (aiding - to obtain) the (allow- ance) (payment) (allowance and payment) of a (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) claim against the United States in the amount of $ , for (supplies) ( ) alleged to have been fur- nished to the United States by , which claim was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that , and was then known by the said to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent). 113. Specification: In that , for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, , to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the [United States, by presenting to - ] [(Finance Officer at ) ( ), an officer of the United States duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (allow) (approve, pay and allow) such claims] did. at , on or about the day of , 19 , (make) (use) (make and use) [(procure) (advise) the (making) (use) (making and use) of] a certain (writing) (paper) to wit: , which said , as he, the said , then knew contained a statement that , which statement was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraud- ulent) in that , and was then known by the said to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent). 114. Specification: In that , for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the [United States by presenting to - ,] [(Finance Officer at ) ( ), an officer of the United States duly authorized to (approve) (allow) (pay) (approve, allow and pay) such claims] did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (make) [(pro- cure) (advise) (advise and procure) the making of] an oath (by ) to (the fact that ) (to a certain (writing) (paper) to wit , to the effect that ) which said oath was false in that , and was then known by the said to be false. 115. Specification: In that , for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance and payment) of a claim against the [United States by presenting to ,] [(Finance Officer at ) ( ) an officer of the United States, duly authorized to (approve) (allow) (pay) (approve, allow and pay) such claims] did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (forge) (counterfeit) (forge and counterfeit) [(procure) (advise) (procure and advise) the (forging) (counterfeiting) (forging and counter- feiting) of] the signature of upon a , ( ) [by ] in words and figures as follows : . 584 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 116. Specification: In that , for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the [United States by presenting to ] [ (Finance Officer at ) ( ), an officer of the United States, duly authorized to (approve) (allow) (pay) (approve, allow and pay) such claims] did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (use) (advise the use of) (procure the use of) the signature of on a certain (writing) (paper) to wit, such signature, being (forged) (counterfeited) (forged and counterfeited), and then known by the said to be (forged) (counterfeited) (forged and counterfeited). 117. Specification: In that , having (charge) (possession) (custody) (control) of (money) ( ) of the United States, (fur- nished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , knowingly (deliver) (cause to be delivered) to , the said , having authority to receive the same, (an amount) which, as he, , then knew was ( dollars cents) ( ) less than the (amount) for which he received a (certificate) (receipt), from the said . 118. Specification: In that , being authorized to (make) (de- liver) (make and deliver) a paper certifying the receipt of property of the United States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (make) (deliver) (make and deliver) to a writing in words and figures as follows: , without having full knowledge of the truth of the statements therein contained and with the intent to defraud the United States. 119. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , feloniously take, steal, and carry away of the value of about $ , property of the United States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof. 120. Specification: In that , being at the time - , did, on the day of , 19 , feloniously embezzle by fraudulently converting to his own use and benefit, of the value of 1 the property of the United States, (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof, intrusted to him the said by for the purpose of applying the same to the use and benefit of the United States. 121. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (knowingly and willfully misappropriate) (knowingly and willfully apply to his own use) (knowingly and will- fully apply to his own benefit) (knowingly and willfully apply to his own use and benefit) [(wrongfuly) (knowingly and without proper authority) (wrongfully and knowingly) (sell) (dispose of by )] of the value of about $ , property of the United 585 APPENDIX 6. States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and Intended) for the mili- tary service thereof. 122. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , knowingly (purchase) (receive in pledge for an (obligation) (indebtedness) ) from -, (in) (em- ployed in) the military (service) (forces) of the United States , of the value of about $ , property of the United States, the said not having the lawful right to (sell) (pledge) the same. CHARGE: Violation of the 95th Article of War. 123. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , [with intent to defraud] [with intent to (deceive) (injure) (deceive and injure)] wrongfully and unlaw- fully make and utter to , a certain check, in words and figures as follows, to wit: , [and by means thereof, did fraudulently obtain from ($ ) ( of the value of about $ ) ] [in payment of ], he, the said , then well knowing that he did not have and not intending that he should have (any account with) (sufficient funds in) the Bank for the payment of said check. 124. Specification: In that was, at , on or about the day of , 19 , so (drunk) (disorderly) (drunk and disorderly) while in uniform, in the presence and hearing of several persons, as to disgrace the military service. 125. Specification: In that , having assigned to his claim (against the United States) for pay in full for the month of , 19 , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , again assign to said claim (or for the use of) against the United States for pay in full for the said month of , 19 , which second assignment was by him known to be false and fraudu- lent. 126. Specification: In that , being indebted to in the sum of $ for , which amount became due and payable (on) (about) (on or about) , did, at , from , 19 , to , 19 , without due cause, fail and neglect to pay said debt, notwithstanding the fact that heshad been repeatedly requested by the said to pay the amount thereof, thereby bringing discredit upon the military service. 127. Specification: In that , having on or about the day of 19 become indebted to in the sum of about $ for , and having failed without due cause to liquidate said In- debtedness, and having on or about the day of , 19 , promised in writing to said that he would on or about the day of , 19 , (settle such indebtedness in full) (pay on such indebtedness the sum of $ ), did, without due cause, at , on or about the day of 19 , to tiie disgrace of the military service, fail to keep said promise. 686 FORMS FOR CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 128. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , with intent to deceive .officially (report) (state) to the said , that , which (report) (statement) was (known by the said to be untrue) (believed by the said to be untrue) (made by the said with dis- regard of a knowledge of the facts) (made by the said as true when he did not know it to be true) in that . 129. Specification: In that , with intent to defraud , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , unlaw- fully pretend to that , well knowing that said pretenses were false, and by means thereof did fraudulently obtain from the said (the sum of $ ) (merchandise of the value of 130. Specification: In that , having at -, on or about the day of , 19 , voluntarily given his pledge in words and figures as follows : , which pledge was accepted by his com- manding officer , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , in disregard of his honor violate said pledge by . CHARGE: Violation of the 86th Article of War. 131. Specification: In that , being on guard as a , did, at - , on or about the day of , 19 , abandon his guard. [NOTE.- This form will be used only in case -where absence from guard is coupled with an intent not to return during the tour of duty. Ordinary absence from guard duty will be charged under X W. 61.) 132. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully [kick a public (horse) in the belly] ( ). 133. Specification: In that , a (sentinel) (overseer) ( ), being in charge of prisoners, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully allow , a prisoner under his charge, to (go to) (enter) (go to and enter) an unauthorized place, to wit: . 134. Specification: In that , a (sentinel) (overseer) (- ), being in charge of prisoners, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully allow , a prisoner under his charge, to (hold unauthorized conversation with ) (loiter) (neglect his task by ) (obtain ) ( ). 135. Specification: In that , a (sentinel) (overseer) ( ), being in charge of prisoners and having received a lawful order from , to require a prisoner under his charge to , did, at ( on or about the day of , 19 , fail to obey the same. 136. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , without authority, appear -in civilian clothing. 587 APPENDIX 6. 137. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully appear (at) (on) - (without his ) (with his not buttoned) (in an unclean 138. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully attempt to (strike) ( ) (in) (on) the with . [NOTE. For assaults upon officers, warrant officers, and noncommissioned officers amounting to felonies see A. W. 93.] 139. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , commit an assault upon by wrong- fully (striking) ( ) - (in) (on) the with . [NOTE. See note under Specification 138.] 140. Specification: In that - did, at (on or about the day of , 19 ), (between and ), with the intention of evading his (duty) ( ) as a (soldier) ( ), feign (illness), (disability), (insanity), ( ). 141. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , unlawfully (attempt to) (threaten to) (strike) ( ) , a sentinel in the execution of his duty, [ (in) (on) the ] with . 142. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully strike ( ) - , a sen- tinel in the execution of his duty, (in) (on) the with . 143. Specification: In that , a prisoner lawfully in confine- ment in the post guardhouse, ( ), did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , attempt to escape from such confine- ment. 144. Specification: In that , a prisoner, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , use the following disrespectful language to , a sentinel in the execution of his duty : *' ," or words to that effect. 145. Specification: In that , having been restricted to the limits of , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , break said restriction by going to . 146. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , unlawfully carry a concealed weapon, viz, a . 147. Specification: In that did, at - , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully (urinate) (defecate) ( ) (on the floor of the squad room) ( ). 148. Specification: In that did, at , or or about the day of , 19 , willfully and unlawfully [(conceal) (remove) (mutilate) (obliterate) (destroy)] [attempt to (conceal) (remove) (mutilate) (obliterate) (destroy)] [take and carry away with intent 'to (conceal) (remove) (mutilate) (obliterate) (destroy) (steal)] a public record, to wit: (the descriptive list of ) 5S8 FORMS FOB CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. 149. Specification: In that , a prisoner lawfully in confine- ment in the post guard house, ( ), did at , on or about the day of , 19 , conspire with and to escape from such confinement. (For joint charge see par. 69.) 150. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully, wrongfully, and unlawfully destroy , value about $ , property of the United States. 151. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the - - day of , 19 , through carelessness, discharge a (service rifle) ( ) in his (squad room), (in his tent) ( ). 152. Specification: In that , having received a lawful order from - , a sentinel in the execution of his duty, to , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , (fail to obey) (willfully disobey) the same. 153. Specification: In that was, at , on or about the day of - , 19 , (drunk) (disorderly) (drunk and dis- orderly) in (camp) (post) (quarters) ( ). 154. Specification: In that was, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , (drunk) (disorderly) (drunk and dis- orderly) in uniform and did thereby bring discredit upon the military service. 155. Specification: In that , a sentinel ( ) in charge of prisoners, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , drink intoxicating liquor with , a prisoner under his charge. 156. Specification: In that , a prisoner, was, at , on or about the day of , 19 , found drunk. 157. Specification: In that , having received a lawful order from - - to - , the said being in the execution of his office, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , fail to obey the same. 158. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , violate (standing orders) (regulations) of by . 159. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , wrongfully use , a narcotic drug. 160. Specification: In that , being indebted to in the sum of $ , which amount became due and payable (on) (about) , did, at - , on or about the day of , 19 , without due cause, fail and neglect to pay said debt, notwithstanding the fact that he had been repeatedly requested by the said to pay the amount thereof, thereby bringing discredit upon the military service. 161. Specification: In that , having been directed to report for prophylactic treatment at (the post hospital) ( ) did, at , on or about the day of , 19, fail and neglect to report as directed. 21358 20 38 589 APPENDIX 6. 162. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , with intent to deceive , officially (report) (state) to the said , that , which (report) (statement) was (known by the said to be untrue) (believed by the said to be untrue) (made by the said with disre- gard of a knowledge of the facts) (made by the said as true when he did not know it to be true) in that . 163. Specification: In that (Sergeant) (Corporal) did, at on or about the day of , 19, gamble with Pri- and , Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , gamble in quarters, in violation of orders. 165. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , while (at a barrack window) ( ) willfully and wrongfully expose in an iadecent manner to public view his ( ). 166. Specification: In that (for and in behalf of one ) did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , loan to $ , under an agreement whereby he, the said , was to receive for the use of said money for (months) (days) interest at the rate of per cent per (annum) (month) (the sum of $ ), thereby (demanding) (receiving) (demanding and re- ceiving) an usurious rate of interest for said loan. 167. Specification: In that , while posted as a sentinel, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , loiter on his post. 168. Specification: In that , with intent to defraud, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , unlawfully pretend to that , well knowing that said pretenses were false and by means thereof did fraudulently obtain from the said (the sum of $ ) (merchandise of the value of $ ) ( ). 169. Specification: In that , while suffering (with) (from) , did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , refuse to submit to the (dental or medical treatment) (surgical opera- tion) prescribed by , the attending (dental) surgeon for the (disease) (injury), the said (treatment) (operation) consisting in , (said operation having been certified by the attending surgeon as) being necessary (for the removal of a disability that prevents the full performance of military duty) and without risk to his life (and the accused having been advised that such certificate had been made). 170. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , willfully maim himself in the by (shooting himself with ) ( ), thereby unfitting himself for the full performance of military service. 171. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , with Intent to (maim) (disfigure) (maim and disfigure), willfully, unlawfuHy, and feloniously [(cut) (bite) FORMS FOB CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. (slit) the (nose) (ear) (lip)] [(cut out) (disable) the tongue] [(put out) (destroy) the eye] [(cut off) (disable) the (limb) ( , the member)] of by . 172. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , with intent to (maim) (disfigure) (maim and disfigure), willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously, (throw) (pour) upon -, (scalding hot water) (vitriol) , a corrosive acid) ( a caustic substance). 173. Specification: In that - , while posted as a sentinel, did, at - , on or about the - day of - , 19 , wrongfully sit down on his post. 174. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , while accompanying his organization oil (a practice march) (maneuvers) without just cause straggle. 175. Specification: In that - - did, at , on or about the - day of , 19 , procure to commit per- jury, by inducing him, the said , to take an oath before a competent (tribunal) (officer) (person) in a (trial by court- martial of ) ( ), a case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered that [he, the said - , would (testify) (declare) (depose) (certify) truly] [(certain written testimony) a (declaration) (deposition) (certificate) subscribed by him was true] and, willfully, corruptly, and contrary to such oath, to (testify) (declare) (depose) (certify) as follows: , which (testimony) (declaration, deposition, etc,) was false, was (material) (a material matter) and was known by the said : and the said to be false, 176. Specification: In that , a prisoner on parole, did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , break his parole by . 177. Specification: In that did, at , on or about feloniously receive, have, and conceal (describe property as in lar- ceny), of the goods and chattels of (name owner), then lately before feloniously stolen, taken, and carried away; he, the said (accused), then well knowing the said goods and chattels to have been so felo- niously stolen, taken, and carried away. 178. Specification: In that - - did, at - , on or about the day of , 19 , in a claim for (family allowance) (com- pensation) (insurance) [in , a document required by (regula- tions made under) the War Risk Insurance Act, in the making of a claim for (family allowance) (compensation) (insurance), to wit ] willfully and unlawfully make a statement that which statement was a material fact, and known by the said to be false, in that . 179. Specification: In that did, at , on or about the day of , 19 , carnally and unlawfully know a female under the age of sixteen years. 591 APPENDIX 7. FORMS FOR SYNOPSES OF CONVICTIONS BY COURT-MARTIAL. (For Entry in Service Record.) INSTRUCTIONS. The forms for recording the synopses of convictions by court-martial as set forth below constitute a general guide for use in entering con- victions on the service record, the synopsis of the record being entered in the following sequence in each case: (a) Article of War; (&) synopsis of specification; (e) date of com- mission of offense. (See forms for synopses of sentences, Appendix 14.) [The figures " /18," at the end of each form, indicate the place to fill in the year. Thus, e. g., for 1921, write " /21."] FORMS. These forms cover the charges and specifications given in Appen- dix 6. CHARGE: 54 AW. 1. Fraud, enl. while already in service, /18. 2. Fraud, enl. after (dishonorable discharge) (conviction of fel- ony) ( ), /18. 8. Fraud, enl. after imprisonment in (jail) (reformatory) (peni- tentiary), /18. 4. Fraud, enl. while (under 18) (married) ( ), /18. CHARGE: 55 AW. 5. Omitted; refer to officers only. CHARGE: 56 AW. 6 to 12, inclusive, omitted ; refer to officers only. CHARGE: 57 AW. 13 and 14 omitted; refer to officers only. CHARGE: 58 AW. 15. Attempting to desert, /18. 16. In the (execution of a conspiracy with - ) (presence of the enemy) attempting to desert, /18. 17. Desertion from until (apprehended) (he surrendered himself) on , /18. 18. In the (execution of a conspiracy with ) (presence of the enemy) desertion from until (apprehended) (he surrendered himself) on , /IB. 592 APPENDIX 7. 19. Jointly with others in the execution of a conspiracy (arid in the presence of the enemy) deserted from until they (were apprehended) (surrendered themselves) on f /18. CHARGE: 59 AW. 20. (Advising) (persuading) to desert, 21. Knowingly assisting to desert, CHARGE: 60 AW. 22. Omitted ; refer to officers only. CHARGE: 61 AW. 23. Awol., from - to, /IS. 24. Absent from (retreat) ( ), 718. 25. Leaving place (of assembly) for (retreat) ( ), 718. CHARGE: 62 AW. 26. Using (contemptuous) (disrespectful) (contemptuous and dis- respectful) words against the of the (United States) ( ), /To. CHARGE: 63 AW. 27. Disrespect toward his superior officer, /18. CHARGE: 64 AW. 28. Willfully disobeying a lawful command of his superior officer, /18. 29. Willfully, (drawing) (lifting up) a against his supe- rior officer, /18. 30. Willfully striking his superior officer, /18. CHARGE: 65 AW. 31. Willful disobedience of a lawful order of a NCO, /18. 32. (Attempting) (threatening) to (strike) (assault) NCO, 718. 33. (Insubordinate) (disrespectful) (insubordinate and disre- spectful) behavior toward NCO, 718. 34. Willfully (striking) (assaulting NCO, 718. CHARGE: 66 AW. 35. Attempting to create a mutiny, 718. 36. Causing a mutiny, 718. 37. Joining in a mutiny, /18. CHARGE: 67 AW. 38. Failing to give information of an intended mutiny, 718. 39. With others attempting to break into a jail and release a prisoner, 718 40. Not using his utmost endeavor to suppress a mutiny, 718. SYNOPSES OF CONVICTIONS BY COURT-MARTIAL. CHARGE: 68 AW. 41* Being engaged in a (quarrel) (fray) (disorder) and having been ordered into (arrest) (confinement) by (re- fused to obey (drew a upon) (threatened) him, /18. CHARGE: 69 AW. 42. (Breach of arrest) (escape from confinement), /18. CHARGE: 71 AW. 43. Refusing to (receive) (keep) a prisoner, while on duty as /-IQ , ~~" / --O. CHARGE: 72 AW. 44. As commander of the guard failed to report the name of a prisoner committed to his charge, /IS. CHARGE: 73 AW. 45. [Without proper authority releasing prisoner] [suffering through (design) (neglect) prisoner to escape], /IS. CHARGE: 74 AW. 46. Omitted; refers to officers only. CHARGE: 75 AW. 47. (Abandoning) (delivering up to the enemy) , which (it was his duty) (he had been ordered) to defend, /18. 48. Casting away his (rifle) (ammunition) while on duty before the enemy, /18. 49. Being (present with) (in command of his ) abandoned said , and (sought safety in the rear) ( ), while engaged with the enemy, A8. 50. Causing a false alarm in the (camp) (garrison) (quarters) ( ), at , while on duty before the enemy, /18. 51. Quitting his (company) (post) ( ), at , to (pil- lage) (plunder) (pillage and plunder) while on duty before the enemy, /18. 52. Running away from his (company) ( ), which was then engaged with the enemy, /18. 53. (Inducing) (seeking to induce) soldiers (and officers) to (abandon) (deliver up) to the enemy , which it was their duty to defend, - /18. 54. (Inducing) (seeking to induce) , then with his company engaged with the enemy, to (run away from) (abandon) his (post) ( ), /18. 55. (Inducing) (seeking to induce) , on outpost duty before the enemy to (run away from) (abandon) his (post) ( ), AS. 594 APPENDIX 7. CHARGE: 76 AW. 56. In combination with others of his command compelled the commander to (surrender) (abandon) , to the enemy, 718. 57. Jointly with others refusing to perform further duty in de- fense of , thereby compelling the commander thereof to (abandon) (surrender) said (fort) (post) (camp) (guard) ( ), /IS. CHARGE: 77 AW. 58. Giving to a person entitled thereto the wrong (countersign) (parole), - /18. 59. Making known the (countersign) (parole) to a person not en- titled thereto, /18. CHARGE: 78 AW. 60. Violating a safeguard, /18. CHARGE: 79 AW. 61. Appropriating to (his own use) ( ), public property taken from the enemy, viz, of the value of $ , /18. 62. Neglecting to secure for the service of the United States public property taken from the enemy, viz, , of the value of $ , /18. CHARGE: 80 AW. 63. (Buying) (selling) < ) (captured) (abandoned) prop- erty, viz, , of the value of $ , /18. 64. Failing to report (captured) (abandoned) property coming into his (possession) (custody) (control), viz, , of the value of $ , /18. 65. Failing to turn over (captured) (abandoned) property coming into his (possession) (custody) (control), viz, , of the value of $ , /18. CHARGE: 81 AW. 66. Informing an enemy patrol of the whereabouts of a United States patrol, /18. 67. Knowingly (harboring) (protecting) (harboring and protect- ing) a member of the enemy's forces who was then being sought by a United States patrol, /IS. 68. (Holding correspondence with) (giving intelligence to) (hold- ing correspondence with and giving intelligence to) the enemy, /18. 69. Furnishing and delivering to members of the eaeiny'a army, to the value of $ , /18. CHARGE: 82 AW. 70. Acting as- a spy, /18. SYNOPSES OF CONVICTIONS BY COURT-MARTIAL. CHARGE: 83 AW. 71. (Through neglect) (willfully) suffering , of the value of $ , military property of the United States, to be (lost) (spoiled by ) (damaged by ) [wrong- fully disposed of by (sale to - ) ( ) ], /18. CHARGE: 84 AW. 72. [(Through neglect) (willfully)] [(injuring) (losing)] , of the value of $ , issued for use in the military service of the United States, /18. 73. (Unlawfully selling to ) (wrongfully disposing of by ) , of the value of $ , issued for use in the military service of the United States, 718. CHARGE: 85 AW. 74. Found drunk while on duty as , /18. CHARGE: 86 AW. 75. Sleeping on post, /18. 76. Leaving post before being regularly relieved, /18. CHARGE: 87 AW. 77 and 78 omitted ; refer to officers only. CHARGE: 88 AW. 79. Doing violence to, by striking and beating, an inhabitant bringing (supplies) (provisions) to (camp) (garrison) (quarters), /18. 80. Acting jointly with (another) (others) interfered with an in- habitant bringing (supplies) (provisions) to (camp) (garri- son) (quarters), /18. 81. Intimidating an inhabitant, bringing (provisions) (supplies) ( ) into (camp) (garrison) (quarters), by threaten- ing to kill if he continued to bring (provisions) (sup- plies) ( ) into (camp) (garrison) (quarters) ( ), 718. CHARGE: 89 AW. 82. Committing a depredation upon (an orchard) ( ) by en- tering same without authority and (removing fruit from trees) ( ), /18. 83. Rioting in the public streets of , by (resisting and fight- ing against the peace officers of ) ( ), /18. 84. Willfully destroying a growing crop (of oats) ( ) by (permitting the horses of his troop to graze therein) ( ), 718. 85. Unauthorized (destruction of) ( ) (a building) ( ), 718. 86. Omitted ; refers to officers only. CHARGE: 90 AW. 87. Using a (reproachful) (provoking) (reproachful and provok- ing) speech against - (accompanied with a provoking gesture), /IS. 596 APPENDIX 7. CHARGE: 91 AW. 88 and 89 omitted ; refer to officers only. 90. Fighting a duel, 91. Promoting a duel, CHARGE: 92 AW. 92. Murder, killing , by (shooting him with a rifle) ( ), 718. 93. Rape, 718. CHARGE: 93 AW. 94. Arson, burning a (dwelling house) ( ), /18. 95. With intent to (do him bodily harm) (commit a felony, viz, ) striking ( ) (in) (on) the with a , /18. 96. Burglary, /18. 97. Embezzlement of , of the value of $ , /18. 98. Larceny of , of the value of $ , /18. 99. Manslaughter, /18. 100. Mayhem, cutting off the (hand) (arm) ( ) of , /18. 101. Perjury, in a (trial by court-martial of ) (deposition for use in a trial by court-martial of ) (military in- vestigation) (civil suit) ( -), 718. 102. Robbery by (force and violence) (putting in fear) of of the value of $ (from ), 718. CHARGE: 94 AW. 103. (Making) (causing to be made by ) a (false) (fraudu- lent) (false and fraudulent) claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), in the amount of $ , for (private property alleged to have been [lost] [destroyed] in the military service) ( ), /18. 104. (Presenting) (causing to be presented by ) for (ap- proval) (payment) (approval and payment) a (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), in the amount of $ , for (services alleged to have been rendered to the U. S. by ) ( ), - 718. 105. Entering into an (agreement) (conspiracy) (agreement and conspiracy) with , to defraud the U. S. by (obtain- ing) (aiding to obtain) the (allowance) (payment) (allowance and payment) of a (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) claim against the U. S., in the amount of $ , for (supplies) ( ) alleged to have been fur- nished to the U. S. by - , 718. 106. (Making) (using) (making and using) a (false) (fraudu- lent) (false and fraudulent) statement for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others to obtain) the (approval) (al- 597 SYNOPSES OF CONVICTIONS BY COURT-MAKTIAL. lowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), 718. 107. (Advising) (procuring) (ad vising and procuring) the making of a (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) state- ment for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others to ob- tain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the (D. S.) ( at ) ( ), /18. . 108. (Making) (advising the making of) (procuring the making of) (advising and procuring the making of) a false oath by that , for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (pay- ment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), /18. 109. (Forging) (counterfeiting) (forging and counterfeiting) (the signature of upon a ) (a ) for the pur- pose of (obtaining) (aiding others to obtain) the (ap- proval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), /lo. 110. (Advising) (procuring) (advising and procuring) the (forg- ing) (counterfeiting) (forging and counterfeiting) by , of (the signature of upon a ) (a ) for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), /IS. 111. (Using) (advising the use of) (procuring the use of) a (forged) (counterfeited) (forged and counterfeited) for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allow- ance, and payment) of a claim against the (U. S.) ( at ) ( ), /18. 112. Having (charge) (possession) (custody) (control) of (money) ( ) (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service, knowingly (delivered) (caused to be delivered) to , (an) (a) (amount) (number) (quantity) less than the (amount) (number) (quantity) for which he received a (certificate) (receipt), at , /18. 113. (Making) (delivering) (making and delivering) a paper certifying the receipt of property of the U. S. (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military serv- ice, without having full knowledge of the truth of the statements therein contained and with the intent to defraud the U. S., 718. APPENDIX 7. 114. (Stealing) (embezzling) (misappropriating) (applying to his own use) (applying to his own benefit) (applying to his own use and benefit) (wrongfully selling) (knowingly and without proper authority selling) (wrongfully and know- ingly selling) , of the value of about $ , property of the U. S., /18. 115. Wrongfully and knowingly (purchasing) (receiving in pledge) from (in) (employed in) the mili- tary service for an (obligation) (indebtedness) , of the value of about $ , property of the U. S., 718. CHARGE: 95 AW. 116 to 124 omitted ; refer to officers only. CHARGE: 96 AW. 125. Abandoning his guard, /18. 126. Kicking a public (horse) ( ) (in the belly) ( ), /IS. 127. As (sentinel) (overseer) ( ), in charge of prisoners, allowing a prisoner t^ (go to) (enter) (go to and enter) an unauthorized place, /18. 128. As (sentinel) (overseer) ( ) in charge of prisoners, allowing a prisoner to (hold unauthorized conversation with ) (loiter) (neglect his task by ) (ob- tain ) ( ), /18. 129. As (sentinel) (overseer) ( ) being in charge of prison- ers, and having received a lawful order from - , to require a prisoner to , failed to obey the same, 718. 130. Appearing in civilian clothing without authority, 718. 131. Appearing (at) (on) (without his ) to be called for the court. 35. Offer accused opportunity to make a statement and argwmont 21358 20 39 05 APPENDIX 8. 36. Make sure, and see that it appears in the record when the time comes, that the accused has no further evidence to offer, testimony to give, or statement or argument to make. 37. Make closing statement or argument. 4. ADJOURNMENT BTTHING TEIAL. * 1. Note time of adjournment (hour and date). 2. Arrange, if practicable, to have completed record of proceedings to date ready before next assembling of court. 3. Subscribe the record of proceedings for the day. 5. FINDINGS. 1. After both prosecution and defense have concluded the court closes for findings. 2. After making its findings the court is reopened, and in case of acquittal the president announces the acquittal in open court. Otherwise, the court will ask for the evidence of previous convic- tions, if any, in which case the trial judge advocate will read aloud duly authenticated evidence of any previous convictions referred to the court by the appointing authority, or (if such be the fact) state that there is no such evidence to be presented. 3. Invite the attention of the court to any apparent irregularity in the evidence of previous convictions. 4. In case such evidence of previous convictions is offered, ask the accused whether the evidence of such previous convictions Is correct and whether he has any statement to make in explanation or exten- uation thereof or in relation thereto. 5. Read aloud the statement of service of the accused as shown on the charge sheet, and ask the accused whether the same is correct and whether he has any corrections to state or any statement to make in relation thereto. 6. SENTENCE. 1. The court will then close to determine upon and award sentence (except in case of acquittal). 2. After awarding the sentence the court is opened and the president announces the findings and sentence in open court (except in those rare cases where the court has ordered, under paragraph 332a, M. G. M., that the findings and sentence should not be announced, In which case the president announces that fact). 3. Invite the attention of the court to any apparent irregularity in the findings or sentence. 600 SUGGESTIONS FOE TRIAL, JUDGE ADVOCATES. 7. ADJOURNMENT AT CLOSE OF TRIAL. 1. After acquittal or sentence has been announced the court either proceeds to other business or adjourns. 2. Note time (hour and date) of proceeding to other business or of adjournment. 3. Notify commanding officer in writing, direct, of result of trial. (See Par. 332a, M. C. M.) 8. AFTER TRIAL. 1. Complete vouchers for civilian witnesses and deliver same if practicable before the witnesses leave. 2. In those rare cases where the court has not announced the sen- tence, but has ordered that it be not announced, under paragraph 332a, M. C. M., take proper measures to insure the security of the findings and sentence, and that they are not disclosed to any but the proper authority. 3. When record is received back from reporter: (a) Examine carefully to see that it is in proper form, com- plete, and correct as to both form and substance. (&) Make proper notation on index sheet as to copy of record. Deliver copy (if any) to accused personally, and get his receipt (or make affidavit of delivery) and attach same to record. (c) See that copies of evidence of previous convictions, if any, are correct, certify same, and return originals to organizations. (d) If not so attached, attach index sheet and all exhibits. {e) Attach charges and all other papers received from the con- vening authority, as required by paragraphs 79 and 357 (b) (or 358), M. C. M. (/) See that record is securely bound. 4. See that findings and sentence are properly transcribed. (In those rare cases where under paragraph 332a, M. C. M., the findings and sentence have not been announced in open court, enter findings and sentence, and if so entered in typewriting add proper certificate.) (See par, 357 (b), item 55, M. O. M.) 5. Authenticate record. 6. Have president (or in his absence a member) authenticate record. 7. Certify original voucher and send it to reporter or to a near by disbursing finance officer, and inclose copy with record of trial. 8. Verify completeness and correctness of record by making sure that, so far as necessary in the particular case, each requirement stated in Chapter XV, Section I, paragraph 357(&), (or 358) M. C. M., has been complied with. 9. By separate letter of transmittal, placed on the front of (and bound with) the record of trial, forward charges with record of trial, with original charge sheet and all other papers received with the GOT APPENDIX 8. case, to the appointing authority ; and also, if the trial was by general court-martial, the carbon copy of the record, if not desired or accepted by accused. 9. WEEKLY REPORT. Each Saturday, report through the president of the court and the commanding officer all charges, if any, which have been on hand more than two weeks, and which have not been returned to the appointing authority, showing date of receipt of each and reasons for delay in trial. 10. RECORD WHICH MAY BE KEPT. It is suggested that when deemed desirable at least the following record be kept by the trial judge advocate in each case. This record may be conveniently kept on an envelope to be used as a container for the charges and various papers: Date of receipt by him of charges or other papers. Date of service of charges and other papers on accused. Date of preliminary consultation with defense counsel. How accused intends to plead, if stated by defense counsel. Individual counsel for accused: Desired? If so, name? If so, date on which commanding officer was in- formed. Date on which trial judge advocate was informed of appointment of individual counsel. Result of examination in preparing for trial, and dates and other necessary facts pertaining to each other incident connected with the case, such as mailing interrogatories, subpoenaing witnesses, etc. Date of trial. Date and hour commanding officer was notified of result of trial. (See par. 332a, M. C. M.) Date and hour record received back from reporter. Date and hour record forwarded to appointing authority. Date of return to commanding officer of evidence of previous con- victions, if any, to be so returned. APPENDIX 9. FORMS FOR USE OF PRESIDENT OR LAW MEMBER. FORM I. FORM OF RULING IN OPEN COURT. 1. Ruling by president of special court-martial or by president of general court-martial in absence of law member, on any question aris- inff during the trial, except on (1) a challenge, (2) the findings of the court, and (3) the sentence. The ruling may be substantially in this form: It is the opinion of the president that (stating his opinion) and such will be the ruling of the court unless some member objects. Are there any objections? (Pausing for objections.) (If there are no objections, add:) " No member objecting, the ruling of the court is that the objection (is or is not sustained) and that the question (will or will not) be answered" (or whatever the ruling may be). If any member objects, the court will close to consider and vote on the question. (A. W. 31, and par. 89, M. C. If.). 2. Ruling by law member of a general court-martial. (Whenever present, the law member of a yeneral court-martial rules in open court on all questions arising during the trial, accept on (1) a chal- lenge, (2) the findings of the court, and (3) the sentence.) It frs the opinion of the law member that (stating his opinion). It is therefore recommended that the objection be (sustained or 7ioi sustained) and that the question (be or not be) an- swered. (Addressing the president.) (The record will slioio that the president thereupon announced the opinion of the law member as the ruling of the court. Such announce- ment may be substantially in this form:) Under the thirty-first article of war the recommendation of the law member is the ruling of the court. Accordingly the objection is (sustained or not sustained) and the question will (be or not be) answered. 3. (If the ruling by the laic member be upon any question other than the admissibility of evidence, so that under the provisions of A. W. 31, and of paragraphs 89 and 89a, M. C. If., it is subject to objection by a member of the court, the president will announce the ruling in the folloiving form:) Under the thirty-first article of war the opinion and recom- mendation of the law member is made the ruling of the court and will stand as such, unless any member object thereto. Are there any objections? APPENDIX 9. (// no member objects the president will announce:) There being no objection the recommendation of the law mem- ber is, under the thirty-first article of war, the ruling of the court, and the objection is (sustained or not sustained) and the question will (be or not be) answered (or whatever the ruling may be). If, however, in such a case, any member objects to the ruling, the court will be closed and proceed to consider and vote upon the ques- tion. (See A. W. 81; and par. 89a, M. C. M.) FORM II. EXPLANATION OF THE RIGHT OF ACCUSED TO PLEAD THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. (See Par. 149 (h), M. C. M.) (To be made by the president of a special court-martial, or by the president of a general court-martial in, the absence of the law member, or by the law member of a general court-martial whenever present.) (Private Doe), it appears on the face of these charges that the offenses with which you are charged (or, the offenses alleged in specification - under charge - , as the case may be) were committed more than (two years or three years) ago. It, therefore, appears that if you wish to do so you are legally entitled to plead what is known as the statute of limitations, that is, that under the thirty-ninth article of war you are not now liable to be tried or punished therefor, because of the time that has gone by. If you take advantage of your rights under the thirty-ninth article of war by pleading it at this time you can not be tried for such offenses, unless the prosecution can show some legal justification for the delay in bringing you to trial; but you do not have to take advantage of this statutory time limit unless you desire to do so. But, if you do not do so, and do not raise this objection that is, unless you plead the statute of limitations, as it is called, or raise this objection to being tried on account of the delay in bringing you to trial this court will proceed to try you, and if you should be found guilty will have power to punish you for such offenses, regardless of how long ago the offenses were committed. Do you understand all I have said to you? Q. Do you understand what I mean? That if you do not take advantage of this right you will lose it? Q. Knowing your rights, do you not want to object to this trial proceeding because of the length of time that has gone by since the commission of the acts charged against you ; that Is, do you not desire to plead the statute of limitations? 610 FORMS FOR USE OF PRESIDENT OR LAW MEMBER. FOEM III. EXPLANATION TO THE ACCUSED OF PLEA OF GUILTY. (To be made by a summary court (see par. 351 (d), M. C. M.), by the president of a special court-martial, or by the president of a gen- eral court-martial in the absence of the law member, or by the law member of a general court-martial whenever present. (See par. 15% (d), M. C. M.) Such explanations and questions may be in substantially the fol- lowing form, varied to suit the particular charges and specifications; but the lain member or president will not confine himself to a stereo- typed statement in this form, but will in all cases elaborate it suffi- ciently io assure himself (as well as to make it appear in the record) that the accused actually understands all the essential elements of each offense to which he has offered a plea of guilty and understands what the specifications allege, and also clearly understands the maxi- mum punishment that may be adjudged thereon, and actually com- prehends that by pleading guilty he admits having committed all of the various elements of the crimes or offenses charged, and under- stands that he may, upon a plea of guilty, actually be punished as stated. The explanation should include at least substantially what follows: THE LAW MEMBER (or the president, in the absence of the law member) : (Private Doe), it is my duty to tell you that in pleading guilty to (Specification or Charge , insert the num- ber of the specification or of the charge, as the case may be) you are admitting that you are actually guilty of all of the things that are charged against you in that (Specification or Charge) ; that is, that you actually committed all the elements of the offense charged. Those elements or parts of the of- fense consist of certain acts committed with a certain intent. The elemental acts charged and which you admit by pleading guilty are (here read over the specification or specifications to which the plea of guilty is offered, phrase by phrase, each phrase being an elemental fact, if the specification is properly drawn, and explain them carefully in simple language, making sure that the accused actually understands them. Then con- tinue:) As to the intent with which the acts were committed, you admit by your plea of guilty that you knowingly did these things ; that is, you knowingly committed those acts as charged and of which you plead guilty, and that you were conscious and knew what yon were doing and that you intentionally com- mitted those acts; that is, that you had the intention to com- mit the offense of (desertion, larceny, burglary, etc.), with which you stand charged here; that no one forced you to do it, or any part of it, but that you did those acts all of your own 611 APPENDIX 9. free will, not under any compulsion nor misunderstanding of the facts or innocently, but with the intention ot committing this (crime or offense). (If desertion, add) : and you are further informed that the word " desert " includes the charge that, either at the time you left or at some time during your ab- sence, you had the intention not to return to your proper sta- tion, or else that you left for the purpose of avoiding hazardous duty or shirking important service, as stated in the specifica- tions to which you are pleading guilty; and you are further informed that the maximum penalty which the court may im- pose upon you under your pleas of guilty is (be sure to state all of the elements of the maximum punishment which may be awarded, including, if imposable, dishonorable discharge, for- feiture or detention of pay and allowances, as well as confine- ment or other punishment). (In a proper case, add:) If evi- dence is presented to the court, which it can properly consider, of five or more previous convictions against you, you may, in addition, be dishonorably discharged from the service and months' confinement at hard labor may be adjudged against you. Do you fully understand all that I have said to you? A. Q. Do you also fully understand that by pleading guilty to Specification (or Charge , as the case may be), you admit having committed all of the elements of the crime or offense charged, as I have explained them to you? A. . Q. Do you also understand fully that upon your plea of guilty you may be punished as I have stated? A. . Q. You may either let your pleas of guilty stand, or you may now, if you wish, change them or any of them to " not guilty." If you change them to " not guilty," then the prosecution will have to present the necessary evidence to prove you guilty before the court can find you guilty or punish you. Now, knowing all this do you still want your pleas of guilty to stand, or do you want to change them or any of them to " not guilty " ? FORM IV. EXPLANATION TO THE ACCUSED OF HIS EIGHTS AS A WITNESS. (To be made by a summary court, or by the president of a special court-martial, or by the president of a general court-martial in the absence of the law member, or by the law member of a general court- martial whenever present; see par. 215, M. C. M.). (Private Doe), it is my duty to tell you that you have the legal right now to do any one of several things, just as you 612 FORMS FOR USE OF PRESIDENT OR LAW MEMBER. choose. First, if you want to do so, you may be sworn as a witness and testify under oath in this case like any other witness ; or second, if you do not want to be sworn as a witness you may, without being sworn, say anything about the case to the court which you desire that is, make what is called an unsworn statement or you may, if you wish, file a written statement with the court ; or third, you may, if you wish, keep silent and say nothing at all. I will explain these rights to you in order: First. If you desire to be sworn as a witness and testify in your own behalf, you may do so, but you are not required to do so, and you can not be sworn unless you ask it. If you are sworn as a witness in your own behalf that means that you take the witness stand like any other witness and promise, under oath, that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about this case. If you do that, whatever you say will be considered and weighed as evidence by the court just like the testimony of any other witness, and you can be cross- examined like any other witness that is, the trial judge ad- vocate 1 and any member of the court can question you to find out whether or not you are telling the truth and what weight should be given to your testimony. Their questions will not be confined to just that part of your denial or explanation which you may give while testifying yourself under the guidance of your counsel, but they can question you about the whole subject of the offense charged against you, and may also ask you ques- tions to test your worthiness of belief; (if, as is usually the case, there are more than one specification) but if your testi- mony should only be in denial or explanation of any statement about just one or two of the offenses charged against you here, and not about the others, and you should not say anything about the others, then they can question you about the whole subject of those offenses concerning which you testify, but they can not question you about any offenses concerning which you do not testify. If you do take the witness stand and fail to deny or satis- factorily explain any of the alleged wrongful acts about which you testify at all, and about which any evidence has been presented against you here, such failure on your part may be commented on to the court by the trial judge advocate when he presents his argument to the court at the end of the trial, and the court can take it into consideration in determining whether you are guilty or innocent of the offenses. Do you understand fully all that I have said to you so far? If not, tell me and I will try to make it clearer. A. . 1 Summary court will omit inapplicable words and phrases. 613 APPENDIX 9. {If the accused says that he does not understand it fully, or if he does not appear fully to understand all that has been said, go over it attain and elaborate it until he does fully understand it, then proceed:) Second. Your second choice is, that if you do not want to testify under oath you may, without being sworn, say anything you desire to the court as an unsworn statement, denying, explaining, or excusing any of the acts charged against you here. You can do this yourself, or you can have your counsel do it for you, or you can do both; that is, you may say any- thing yon desire yourself in this way, and have your counsel add anything else for you which you want him to do. In making such a statement you are not a witness and do not have to take an oath and can not be questioned or cross-questioned by anyone. If you wish you can file your statement in writing, or have your counsel file a written statement for you, or you may both make an oral statement and also file a written statement, if you want to do so. In such statement you can refer to the evidence produced against you here and you can explain your motive in doing anything you may have done, or you can deny or contradict any of the testimony given or offer any excuse or explanation you see fit, and you may also, if you wish, discuss the legal principles applying to your case and make an argument to the court, both upon the facts of the case and upon the law. Since such a statement is not given under oath, and you can not be cross-examined upon it, it can not be given the same weight with the court as sworn testimony under oath, but it will be considered by the court and given such weight as it may seem to deserve. Furthermore, even though you may be sworn as a witness you may also, if you wish, afterwards make a statement of this kind, not under oath, either verbally or in writing. Do you understand clearly all that I have said thus far? If not, tell me and I will explain it again and try to make it clearer. A. . (As before make sure that the accused understands, and then pro- ceed:) Third. Your third choice, if you do not want to testify as a witness in your own behalf, and do not desire to make an un- sworn statement, either orally or in writing, is, if you so wish, to remain silent ; to say nothing at all. You have a perfect right to do this if you wish, and if you do so the fact that you stand on your legal rights and do not take the witness stand yourself, or make any statement, will not count against you in any way with the court. It will not be considered by the court as any admission that you are guilty, nor can it be com- mented on in any way by the trial judge advocate in addressing the court. It is your legal right to remain silent if you wisli 614 FORMS FOR USE OF PRESIDENT OR LAW MEMBER. to do so. Do you now understand all that I have said? If not, tell me and I will explain it more fully and try to make it clear to you? A (Make sure as before that the accused fully understands, then pro- ceed:) Q. Do you understand now your right to do any one of these different things as I have explained them 1 to you ; that is, first, to testify as a witness, if you wish ; second, to make an unsworn statement, either verbally or written, as you wish, or hoth, either without having been sworn as a witness or in addition to your testimony if you shall be sworn; and third, your right to remain silent and say nothing at all? Knowing these various rights, take time to consult with your coun- ^el and then state to the court which you will do. 615 APPENDIX 10. FORM FOR RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL, AND REVISION PROCEED- INGS. Record of Trial by General Court-martial * of PBIVATE , A. S. No. , COMPANY , INFANTRY. INDEX. Page. Arraignment Pleas Statement by accused Address by counsel Reply by trial judge advocate- Findings Previous convictions submitted. Sentence (or acquittal) Proceedings in revision TESTIMONY. Name of witness. Direct. Cross. Redirect. Exam- ination by court. Recalled. Page. Page. Page. Page. Page. 1 See " Courts-martial, Records of trial, Chap. XV." The record will be clear and legible and, if practicable, without erasure or interlineation. Erasures or interlineations will be authenticated by the initials of the trial judge advocate or of the president, or, in a proper case, of the assistant trial judge advocate. The pages of the record will be numbered at the bottom, and margins of 1 inch will be left at the top, bottom, and left side of each page. 616 RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. EXHIBITS. Number. Page where in- troduced. Deposition of Capt. . D eoosition of P v t. Letterof Knife . !not desired by accused | and forwarded here- 1 Receipt (or) \ Attached to with a | Affidavit of delivery./ record, furnishe^ the accused] Proceedings of a general court-martial which convened at , pursuant to the following order (or orders) : (Here insert a literal copy of the order appointing the court and, foUoiwng it, copies of any orders modifying the detail.) 3 Fort - , , -jo , , -Lt> . The court met pursuant to the foregoing order (or orders) at o'clock . Col. - , 5th Cavalry. Lieut. Col. - , 1st Infantry. Lieut. Col. - , 3d Field Artillery. f j. A. G. D., law member. Mnj. , 3d Field Artillery. Capt. - , 4th Infantry. Capt. - , 5th Cavalry. Capt. - , 5th Cavalry, trial judge advocate. First Lieut. - , 3d Field Artillery, assistant trial judge advocate. Capt. - , 4th Infantry, defense counsel. Gapt. , 4th Infantry, assistant defense counsel. A carbon copy will always be prepared whenever the record is to be type- written by a reporter. (See pars. 355a, 357 (b), and 366 (b), M. C. M.) 2 Line out Inappropriate words. 9 Words in italics will not be copied into the record. * In the record of the proceedings of a court-martial at its organization for the trial of a case the officers detailed as members (including, and so designat- ing, the law member), trial judge advocate, assistant trial judge advocate, defense counsel and assistant defense counsel, will be noted by name as present or absent. In the record of the proceedings of subsequent sessions In the same case (except in proceedings in revision) the following form of words will be used, subject to such modification as the facts may require : " Present, all the members of the court, the trial judge advocate, the assistant trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, and the assistant defense counsel." 617 APPENDIX 10. ABSENT.* Capt. , 1st Infantry (detached service). Gapt. , 3d Field Artillery (leave of absence). The court proceeded to the trial of Private - , Array Serial Number , Company - , Infantry, who, on appearing be- fore the court (introduced as his individual counsel) or (stated, upon being asked by the defense counsel in open court, that he did not desire to introduce any individual counsel, and was de- fended by the defense counsel). was sworn as reporter. (If an interpreter is to be used lie should be sworn ivhen his services are required.) The order appointing the court (and tfce order or orders modifying the detail, if any) was (or were) read to the accused. Capt. , 4th Infantry, announced that he was the accuser in the case and was excused and withdrew. (Insert here any challenge by ihe trial judge advocate, and the action thereon; see par. 120, M. C. M.) The accused was asked if he objected to being tried by any member present named in the order or modifying orders appointing the court, or desired to exercise his right to one peremptory challenge against any member except the law member; to which (after being in open court advised of his right to do both or either, if he desired) he replied in the negative; or Defense: (Insert statement.) (In case of a peremptory challenge by either side the challenged, member will be excused by the president and forthwith withdraw. ) (Except in case of a peremptory challenge insert the statement of the challenged member, who ordinarily should respond to the challenge by briefly admitting or denying the grounds of the challenge. Should the accused, after the statement, desire to call upon the member to testify as to his competency, the record should continue:) The accused having requested that the challenged member be sworn as to his competency to act as a member of the court, was sworn by the trial judge advocate, and testified as follows : (Evidence pro and con may be introduced, and, except in cases where the member is the accuser or a witness for the prosecution, and such fact is admitted, challenges which are not withdrawn must be passed upon by the court. In such case the record ivill proceed:) The challenged member withdrew, the court was closed and voted upon the challenge by secret written ballot, and, upon being opened, A member of a court-martial, or a defense counsel, who knows, or has reason to believe, that he will, for proper reason, be absent from a session of the court, will inform the trial judge advocate accordingly. When a member of a court-martial, or a defense counsel, is absent from a session thereof, the trial Judge advocate will cause that fact, together with the reason for such absence, if known to him, to be shown in the record of the proceedings. If the reason for such absence is not known to the trial judge advotate, he will cause the record to show the member as absent, cause unknowo. 618 RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. the president announced in the presence of the trial judge advocate, the assistant trial judge advocate, the defense counsel and the assist- ant defense counsel, the accused and individual counsel, if any, for the accused, that the challenge was (not sustained) or (sustained}. (If the challenge is sustained:) then withdrew. The accused was asked if he objected to any other member present, to which he replied in the negative, or Defense : (Insert objection or peremptory challenge, as the case may be m full in the record, and continue as before until accused replies in the negative.) The members of the court, the trial judge advocate, and the as- sistant trial judge advocate were then sworn. (A nolle proscqwi may be entered either before or after arraignment and plea; par. 15S, M. C. M.) (The foUou'iny form may be used:) Prosecution: By direction of , the officer who ordered this court, the prosecution withdraws the following charges and specifica- tions and will not pursue the same further at the present trial. (If delay is desired, request should now be made and the proceedings recorded. If no continuance is requested, the record should continue:} The accused was then arraigned upon the following charges and specifications : 8 CHARGE I : Violation of the Article of War. Specification: In that, etc. CHARGE II : Violation of the Article of War. Specification 1: In that, etc. Specification 2: In that, etc. (Signature of accuser) (Name and grade.) (Organization and corps, service or department) AFFIDAVIT. 3 Before me, the undersigned, authorized by law to administer oaths in cases of this character, personally appeared the above- warned accuser this day of , 19 , and, made 6 All words that precede the charge proper are not parts of the charges and will not ~be copied into the record, but the name, grade, and organization of the person subscribing the charges and the affidavit thereto, and the order of reference for trial, will be copied fnto the record after the charges and specifications. (1) At (*) strike out words not applicable. (2) If the accuser has personal knowledge of the facts stated in one or more specifications or parts thereof, and his knowledge as to other specifications or parts thereof is derived from investigation of the facts, the form of the oatli will be varied accordingly. In no case will he be permitted to state alter- natively, as to any particular charge or specification, that he either has personal knowledge or has investigated. (See note to par. 75, M. C. M.) (3) If the oath is administered by a civil officer having a seal, his official seal should be affixed. 619 APPENDIX 10. oath that he is a person subject to military law and that he per- sonally signed the foregoing charges and specifications, and further that he * has personal knowledge of the matters set forth In specifications ; and * has (Indicate by specification and charge numbers.) investigated the matters set forth in specifications (Indicate , and that the same are true by specification and charge numbers.) in fact, to the best of his knowledge and belief. (Name) (Rank and organization.) (Official character, as summary court, notary public, etc.) (Copy in here also showing that it was read to the accused as a part of the arraignment the order referring the case for trial.) (In the case of a plea to the jurisdiction or of the statute of limi~ tations, or other special plea, the record will show it fully and the action thereon, after which it will show the pleas on the general issue [guilty or not guilty].) The accused then pleaded as follows: To the Specification, Charge I : Guilty or Not guilty. To Charge I : Guilty or Not guilty. To Specification 1, Charge II : Guilty or Not guilty. To Specification 2, Charge II : Guilty or Not guilty. To Charge II : Guilty or Not guilty. The following paragraphs or parts of paragraphs of the Manual for Courts-Martial that set out the gist of each of the several offenses charged were read to the court by the trial judge advocate, to wit : (If it appears upon the face of the charges that the accused might successfully plead the statute of limitations thereto, or to any specifi- cation or charge, but has not interposed such a plea, the record will show at this point that the law member, if present or in the absence of the law member the president advised the accused of his legal rights in the premises (par. 149 (h), H. G. M.) t and such advice and the response of the accused thereto will appear in full in the record at this point. Such advice may be substantially in the form set forth in Appendix 9, Form II.) (In case the accused pleads guilty in whole or in part to any charge or specification, the record will show that the laio member, if present, or in his absence the president of the court, made to the accused the explanation and asked him the questions required by paragraph 15 (d), H. C. M., and the answers of the accused to such questions. Such explanations and questions may be substantially in the form set forth in Appendix 9, Form HI.) (If the accused then abides by a plea of guilty, the trial judge advo- cate icill formally advise him in open court of his right to introduce evidence in explanation or extenuation of his offense and should assist 620 RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. him and the defense counsel and any other counsel for the accused in securing it; par. 96, M. C. M.) (The opening statement of the trial judge advocate will be inserted in the record at this point.) Sergt. John Jones, Company - , - Infantry, a witness for the prosecution, was sworn and testified as follows : Q. Do you know the accused? If so, state who he is. A. I do ; Private - . Q. Is he in the military service of the United States? (If accused is not in the military service of the United States, show how otherwise subject to military laiv.) Q. What is his grade and organization ? A Q. What is his Army serial number? 1 A. - . (The succeeding questions of the prosecution and their answers should follow in order.)* CBOSS-EXAMINATION. Questions by defense: Q. - ? (// the defense declines to cross-examine the witness the record should state:) The defense declined to cross-examine the witness. KEDIRECT EXAMINATION. Questions by prosecution: Q. - ? KECEOSS EXAMINATION. Questions by defense : Q. - ? A. - . Q. - ? Prosecution: (Insert objection.) Defense: (Insert reply, etc.) The law member (or the president in the absence of the Taw mem- ber) ruled (insert here ruling in full). (See Appendix 9, Form 7, pars. 2 and 3.) 7 It is not necessary to ask every witness as to the serial number of the eccused. But it should be established by the testimony of one witness, at least, who knows it. & The record should set forth fully all the testimony introduced upon the trial, the oral portion as nearly as practicable in the precise words of the witness. If the court should decide to strike out any part, it will not be literally stricken out or omitted from the record, but will not be thereafter considered as part of the evidence. 21358 20 - 40 621 APPENDIX 10. (If the ruling by the law member be upon any question other than the admissibility of evidence, so that under tlie provisions of A. W. St, and of paragraphs 89 and 89a, M. C. M., it is subject to objection by a member of the court, and in such case a>ny member objects to the ruling, the court will be closed and proceed to consider and vote upon the question.) (See A. W. SI; and par. 89a, M. C. M., and Appendix 9, Form I, par. S.) (If the ruling be by the president in the absence of the law member, the record icill read:) "The president (in the absence of the law member) ruled (insert here the ruling in full)" (See Appendix 9, Form I, par. 1.) (If any member objects to any ruling by the president, the court will close to consider and vote on the question.) (A. W. 31, and par. 89, M. C. M.) (Whenever the court closes to vote on any question, except on a challenge, on the findings, or on the sentence, upon opening the record will continue:) The court was closed, and upon being opened, the president, in the presence of the accused and his counsel, announced (If the objection is not sustained the record will continue as m a case where there is no objection. If the objection is sustained there will be no further entry about the matter of that objection.) (If the objection be by the defense or a member of the court the record will proceed in a corresponding way.) EXAMINATION BY THE COURT. Q. ? (// the court considers it necessary to hear the testimony of a icitncss read, or the witness desires to have any part of his testimony read for correction, the record will show that fact and the correc- tions, if any.) (After the proper foundation for the introduction of a icriting is laid, the record will continue:) Prosecution: "I offer in evidence the (describing the writing or other proposed exhibit)." Defense: (Insert his reply.) (If there is no objection the record will continue:) The paper (or oilier proposed exhibit) was then received and read in evidence and marked exhibit .* All documents and papers made part of the proceedings, or copies of them, will be securely fastened (6f not pasted) to th record, in the order of their introduction, after the space left for the remarks of the reviewing authority, and marked " 1," " 2," " 3," etc., so as to afford easy reference. Documents or other writings, or matter excluded by the court will not ordinarily be appended to the record, except documents excluded and marked for identification, but the record should simply specify the character of the writings and the grounds upon which they were ruled out. RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. (If there is objection, the record will continue by stating any fur- ther remarks of the prosecution:) (Show ruling d% outlined above.) (If it is the defense that seeks to introduce the writing, the record will proceed in a corresponding manner, except that if the objection to the paper be sustained the defense coun-sel or counsel for the accused may, if he thinks the ruling of the court wrong, and con- siders it material to the rights of the accused that the paper should be brought to the attention of the reviewing authority, ask that the paper be marked for identification and appended to the record, in which case the paper w-ill be marked with the initials of the trial judge advocate and appended to the record as a " paper marked for identification." ) (At the close of the prosecution, the record will continue:) " Prosecution : The prosecution rests." (If upon the close of the case for the prosecution or at any time therafter during the trial, before the close of the evidence the court should under the provisions of par. 158c, M. C. M., consider whether the evidence, introduced by the prosecution, or before the court, is legally sufficient to support a finding of guilty either as to all of the specifications and charges before the court, or as to any particular one or more thereof, such question wiU be determined, in the first instance, by the law member of the court, if any, or if there be no law member of the court, then by the president, by his ruling in open court upon the question.) (Insert here ruling in full.) (A. W. 31.) (If, however, in such a case, any member of the court objects to such ruling, the court will close and vote by secret written ballot on the question.) (A. W. 81, and par. 158c, M. C. M.) (If the court should so determine that the evidence then before the court in favor of the prosecution is not legally sufficient to sustain the specifications and charges, or any particular one or more thereof, then, in any such case, the court will forthwith direct and the president will on the opening of the court announce in open court a finding of not guilty, either of all the specifications and charges, or of such particular specification and charges, if any, as the court shall so find not to be supported by legally sufficient evidence.) (If the court adjourns to meet another day, the record should con- tinue:) " The court then, at o'clock . m., on , 19 , adjourned to meet at o'clock . m., on . Captain t 5th Cavalry, Trial Judge Advocate, C23 APPENDIX 10. Fort, - , , 19 . The court met, pursuant to adjournment, at o'clock . in. Present : All the members of the court, the trial judge advocate, the assistant trial judge advocate, the defense counsel and the assistant defense counsel. (The record also should shoiv the names of all absentees, if any in- cluding those absent at preceding sessions; the cause of absence of each absent member shall appear in the record.) The accused, his individual counsel (if any), and the reporter were also present. (If the proceedings of the previous day are required to be read, that fact will be recorded in the following form:) The proceedings of were read and approved or corrected, as follows: (Date.) (In the latter case enumerate corrections for insertion in the record at this point, giving page and line on which they occur; and then indi- cate them in their proper places on the face of the record, the trial judge advocate initialing each place.) (Insert at this point the opening statement of the defense counsel or counsel for the accused in full.) Corpl. John Smith, Company , Infantry, a witness for the defense, was sworn and testified as follows : QTTESTION BY THE TRIAL JUDGE ADVOCATE. Q. Do you know the accused? If so, state who he is. A. I do ; Private . QUESTIONS BY THE DEFENSE. Q. ? (The succeeding questions of the defense and their answers should follow in order.) CROSS-EXAMINATION. Questions by prosecution: Q. ? REDIRECT EXAMINATION. Questions by defense: Q. ? A. . (Should the accused test.ify in his own behalf the record will con- tinue:) EXAMINATION OF THE ACCUSED. The accused, at his own request, was sworn and testified as follows : Questions by defense: Q. ? A. . 624 RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. CROSS-EXAMINATION. Questions by prosecution : Q. ? REDIRECT EXAMINATION. Questions by defense : Q. - -? A. . (Should the accused make an unsworn oral statement, it will be inserted in full.) (If the accused does not testify or make any statement in his own behalf, the record will show at this point the explanation of his rights and the questions asked him by the law member (or, in the absence of the law member, the president) as required by par. 215, M. C. M., and his answers thereto.) (Sec Appendix 9, Form IV.) (If the defense offers no other witness, the record should co-ntinue:) The defense had no further testimony to offer and no statement to make or having no further testimony to offer, made the following oral statement, Or, having no further testimony to offer, submitted a written state- ment, which was read to the court, and is hereto appended and marked . 30 Or, requested until o'clock . m., to prepare his defense. (// the court takes a recess during the time asked for, the record will continue:) The court then took a recess until - o'clock . m., at which hour the members of the court, the trial judge advocate, the assistant trial judge advocate, the defense counsel, the assistant defense counsel, the accused, his individual counsel (if any), and the reporter resumed their seats. (Or, if the court has other business before it, the record may continue:) The court then proceeded to other business, and at o'clock . m. resumed the trial of this case, at which hour, etc. Defense: (Insert statement.) -Or, the defense read to the court a statement, which is hereto appended and marked . The prosecution: (Insert statement.) Or, the prosecution read to the court a statement, which is hereto appended and marked - . The court was closed, and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present at the time the vote was taken concurring in each finding of guilty (if any), finds the accused: 10 The statement of the accused, or argument in his defense, and all pleas to the jurisdiction, in bar of trial, or in abatement, when in writing, should be sijrned by the accused himself, referred to in proceedings as having been sub- mitted by him, and appended to the record. 625 APPENDIX 10. Of the Specification, Charge I : Guilty or Not guilty. Of Charge I : Guilty or Not guilty. Of Specification 1, Charge II: Guilty, except the words ** substituting therefor the words " " ; of the excepted words, " Not guilty " and of the substituted words " Guilty." Of Specification 2, Charge II : Guilty or Not guilty. Of Charge II: Guilty or Not guilty; or Not guilty, but guilty of violation of the Article of War. (If the accused is found not guilty upon all specifications and charges, the record will continue:) The court was opened, and, in the presence of the accused and his counsel, the president announced in open court that the accused was acquitted upon all specifications and charges. (In case of a finding of guilty upon a specification charging an offense for which the death penalty is made mandatory by law, or upon the charge under which such specification is laid, the record will shoio at this point that all the members of the court present at the time the vote was taken concurred therein.) (If the accused is found guilty, the record should continue:) The court was opened and the trial judge advocate stated, in the presence of the accused and his counsel, that he had no evidence of previous convictions to submit. Or, read the evidence of previous convictions" (copies of which are hereto appended and marked "4," "5," etc), or (the accused having first stated that he did not object to the fairjiess or correctness of the summaries, from the service record of the accused, synopses of previous convictions, as follows: - ), and thereupon asked the accused whether the evidence of such previous convictions was correct^ and whether he had any statement to make in explanation or extenuation thereof, or in relation thereto, to which the accused answered . Thereupon the trial judge advocate read to the accused the state- ment of accused's service, as shown on the charge sheet, and asked him whether it was correct, and whether he had any statement or correction to make concerning it, to which the accused answered The court was closed, and upon secret written ballot sentences the accused to (%or % or all) of the members present at the time the vote was taken, concurring. See A. W. 4$, and pars. 29J f and 808, M. C. M.) The court was opened, and in the presence of the accused and his counsel the president announced the findings and sentence in open court." 11 For form of evidence of previous conviction, see par. 306, M. C. M. " To be omitted in those rare cases where under the provisions of par. 332a, M. C. M., the court directs that the sentence be not announced in open court. 626 RECORD OF TRIAL BY GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL. The court then, at . m., proceeded to other business. Or, adjourned until . m., the instant. Or, adjourned to meet at the call of the president. ~~~i Colonel, 5th Cavalry, President. Captain, 5th Cavalry," Trial Judge Advocate." (At least two blank sheets will be inserted after the and before the exhibits for the decision and orders of the reviewing authority.) BINDING AND BRIEF. (The papers forming the complete record, together with those re- quired to be appended thereto (see clause 56 of subpar. (&), par. 357, M. C. M.), will be securely bound together at the top, leaving a margin of at least 2% inches at the top of each page (easily removed clips or paper fasteners will not be used) and briefed on the back, as follows: Private , A. S. No. Company , Infantry. Trial by General Court-MartiaL FORM FOR REVISION OF RECORD." Fort . -, 19. The court reconvened at o'clock . m., pursuant to the fol- lowing indorsement: (Insert copy of indorsement.) TEESENT. Col. - , 5th Cavalry. Lieut. Col. , 1st Infantry. 13 In case of the death, disability, or absence of the president or the trial judge advocate, gee A. W. 33 and par. 357b, M. C. M. When the record is completed the trial judge advocate will forward it without delay to the ap- pointing authority. 11 In those rare cases in which, under par. 332a, M. C. M., the court has directed that the sentence be not announced in open court, if the trial judge advocate records the findings and sentence by the use of a typewriter medium, he will certify immediately after the authentication of the record as follows : " I certify that I recorded the findings and sentence of the court." 16 See " Record of revision," par. 357, supra. The court is usually recon- vened by indorsement on the charges returning them to the president of the court with the directions of the appointing authority. The record should show the name of each member of the court present during the proceedings in revision. Care must be taken that no member of the detail for the court is present except those who were present at the former proceedings and voting on the original findings and sentence. 627 APPENDIX 10. Lieut. Col. , 3d Field Artillery. Maj. , J. A. G. D., law member. Maj. , 3d Field Artillery. Capt. , 5th Cavalry. . Capt. , 5th Cavalry, trial judge advocate. First Lieut. , 3d Field Artillery, assistant trial Judge advo- cate. Capt. , 4th Infantry, defense counsel. Capt. , 4th Infantry, assistant defense counsel. ABSENT. Capt. , 1st Infantry (detached service). Capt. , 3d Field Artillery (leave of absence). Capt. - , 4th Infantry (did not participate in findings or sen- tence). (Insert names of absentees and state cause of absence, if knoivn.) The trial judge advocate read to the court the foregoing indorsement of the convening authority. 11 The court was closed and revokes its former findings and sentence, and by secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present at the time the vote was taken concurring in the findings of guilty (if any), finds the accused, etc. Or, revokes its former sentence and by secret written ballot, etc., sentences the accused, etc. (See A. W. 40, and pars. 3o2 and 864, M. C. M.) (See A. W. 40, and pars. 352 and 364, M. C. H.) Or, amends the record by, etc. The trial judge advocate and assistant trial judge advocate and the defense counsel and assistant defense counsel were then recalled and the court at o'clock . m., etc. > Colonel, 5th Cavalry, President. Captain, 5th Cavalry, Trial Judge Advocate. (The record of revision will be appended to the original proceed- ings, following them immediately, before the exhibits, and will be returned to the appointing authority.) 17 The trial judge advocate will also read any other indorsements that may be connected with the proceedings in revision. 628 APPENDIX 11. FORM FOR RECORD OF TRIAL BY SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL. Proceedings of a special court-martial which convened at , pursuant to the following order: (Here insert a literal copy of the order appointing the court and, following it, copies of any orders modifying the detail.) FORT , -1Q , -LO . The court met pursuant to the foregoing order at o'clock . m. PRESENT. 1 Maj. , 5th Cavalry. Capt. , 1st Field Artillery. Capt. , Medical Corps. First Lieut. , 10th Infantry. First Lieut. , 5th Cavalry. First Lieut. , 29th Cavalry, trial judge advocate. First Lieut. , 1st Field Artillery, defense counsel. Capt. , Coast Artillery Corps. The court proceeded to the trial of Private * , Company , Infantry, who 4 (on appearing before the court introduced as his individual counsel) (was defended by the defense counsel). ( was sworn as reporter.) 8 (Capt. , because ineligible, (being the accuser) (a witness for the prosecution) ( ) was excused and withdrew.) (First Lieut. was, upon (peremptory) challenge, 8 excused and withdrew.) "' In the record of the proceedings of a court-martial at its organization for the trial of a case the officers detailed as members and as trial judge advocate and defense counsel will be noted by name as present or absent. 2 Statement of neither reason nor authority for the absence is required. * Insert name and Army serial number. * Words inclosed in parentheses will in a proper case be omitted. 6 When authorized by the appointing authority, a stenographic reporter may be employed for a special court-martial, to be paid at the rates fixed in par. 113. (See par. 112, M. C. M.) Upon a challenge the record will set out in full the proceedings had thereon, including all testimony taken and statements made relative thereto, as well a the disposition thereof made by the court. 629 APPENDIX 11. The accused stated that he had no objection to trial by any member (remaining) present. The members of the court and the trial judge advocate were sworn. The accused was arraigned upon the following charges and specifi- cations : CHARGE I : Violation of the Article of War. Specification: In that, etc. CHARGE II : Violation of the Article of War. Specification 1: In that, etc. Specification 2: In that, etc Captain, Infantry. AFFIDAVIT. (See form, Appendix 10; page 619, supra.) (Insert here also a copy of the order referring the case for trial.) PLEAS. To all the specifications and charges: . To the Specification, Charge I: . To Charge I : - . To Specification 1, Charge II : . To Specification 2, Charge II : . To Charge II : - . The following-named witnesses were sworn and testified : (If a reporter has been authorized, or the testimony ordered re- duced to writing, the record will be prepared in the same way a* the record of a general court-martial. (See Appendix 10.) Otherwise the record may be in substantially the following form:) Sergt , Infantry. (Here insert brief written summary of the testimony of the witness.) Corpl. , - Infantry. (Here insert brief written summary of the testimony of the witness.) Pvt. , - Infantry. (Here insert brief written summary of the testimony of the ivitness.) (In case of any question to which objection is made such question will be inserted at length and the action of the court thereon, whether sustaining or overruling the objection; and, if the question be answered, the answer of the witness, thereto; see par. 358 (6), If. C. M. In sutfi case the ruling will be by the president in the form shown in Appendix 9. The record may be in substantially the same form as in the case of an objection to questions in a general court- martial. See form, Appendix 10.) The defense was given full opportunity to examine each witness. (The depositions of the following-named persons were received in evidence and are hereto appended, marked , - f .) 630 RECORD OF TRIAL BY SPECIAL COURT- MARTIAL. The accused (at his own request was sworn and testified) (made an oral statement to the court, in substance as follows : here inserting summary of the accused's statement) (submitted a statement in writ- ing, which is hereto appended, marked .) (The rights of the accuse'd as a witness were explained to him, as required by par. 215, M. G. M., in the form prescribed in Appendix 9. ) T The accused stated that he had nothing further to offer. (An argument was made by counsel on behalf of the accused, in substance as follows : ) (The trial judge advocate made an argument In substance as fol- lows : ) (A written argument was submitted on behalf of the accused, and is hereto appended, marked .) The court was closed, and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present at the time the vote was taken concurring in each finding of guilty (if any) finds the accused.* Of all specifications and charges : .' Of the Specifications, Charge I : . Of Charge I : . Of Specification 1, Charge II : . Of Specification 2, Charge II : . Of Charge II : . The court was opened and the president in open court in the pres- ence of the accused and his counsel announced that the court (acquits the accused on all specifications and charges) or (will receive evidence of previous convictions of the accused, if any. In the latter case, the record will continue in form similar to that of a general court-martial, Appendix 10). The court then, at o'clock . m. (proceeded to other business) (adjourned). 10 Major, Infantry, President. First Lieutenant, Infantry, Judge Advocate. Approved, , 19 . Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 7 In a case where a stenographic reporter is employed or the evidence is ordered recorded, the explanation of the president and the reply of the accused thereto will appear in full in the record of trial. (See par. 215, M. C. M., and form Appendix 10.) 8 See A. W. 43, and par. 294, M. C. M. 9 For action when the accused pleads guilty in whole or in part, see par. 154 (d), M. C. M. 10 One copy only of the record will be prepared, except in cases where the testimony is ordered recorded, when a carbon copy will be prepared and delivered to the accused, upon his request, in the same manner prescribed in the case of a general court-martial. (See pars. 117, 357 (&), clause 3, and 359, M. C. M.) 631 APPENDIX 12. FORM FOR RECORD OF TRIAL BY SUMMARY COURT. Complete the original charge sheet (see form, Appendix 5) upon which is indorsed the original order of reference for trial, as the record of trial by summary court. (See pars. 79 (a) and 363, M. G. M.) (The indicated spaces on the third page of the charge sheet will be utilized by the summary court for pleas, findings, and sentence. The form may be substantially as follows :> Findings: * (If the findings as to all the specifications and charges are the same, a single proper entry, such as " Guilty " or " Not guilty," will be made* If necessary, 3 however, in order to show the facts, detailed entries will be made.) Sentence : 4 . Captain, Infantry, Summary Court. Approved, , IP. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 1 If a special plea is ma,4e the record will set out in full the proceedings had thereon including tke substance of all testimony and statements made relative thereto, as well as the disposition made thereof by the court. 2 For action in case the accused does not testify or make any statement in his own behalf, see par. 215, M. C. M., and Form IV, Appendix 9. 3 In case the accused is a noncommis?ionsd officer (i. e., a corporal, see Appendix 21), he will be asked, at the outset of the trial, whether he objects to trial by summary court-martial ; and the fact of his being so asked, and his answer to the question, will be written down in the record of tria?, and also in the report of trial. (See "note" to par. 43(fe), M. C. M.) 4 For action in case accused pleads guilty, see par. 351 (d), M, C. M< and Form III, Appendix 9. 632 APPENDIX 13. FORMS OF SENTENCES. (For forms for action by reviewing authority on sentences by courts- martial, see Appendix 15.) A sentence adjudged by a court-martial will, in a proper case, be expressed substantially in one or another of the forms following. When desirable, in a proper case, two or more of the forms may be combined. 1. To have his pay for days detained. 2. To have two-thirds (or oilier fraction) of his pay per month for months detained. 3. To forfeit days' pay. 4. To forfeit two-thirds (or other fraction) of his pay per month for months. 5. To perform hard labor for days (or months). 6. To be confined at hard labor for days (or months). 7. To be confined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for days (or months or years). 8. To be confined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for months and to forfeit two-thirds (or other fraction) of his pay per month for a like period. 9. To be dishonorably discharged the service and to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due. 10. To be dishonorably discharged the service, to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due, and to be confined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for days (or months or years). 11. To be reduced to the grade of private. 12. To be deprived of all rights and privileges arising from his certificate of eligibility to promotion. 13. To be admonished. 14. To be reprimanded. 15. To be restricted to the limits of his post (or other place) for months. 16. To be suspended from duty for months. 17. To be suspended from command for month 18. To be suspended from rank for months. 19. To be reduced in rank files. 20. To be reduced in rank so that his name shall appear in the lineal list of officers next below that of . 633 APPENDIX 13. 21. To be dismissed the service and to forfeit all pay and allow- ances due or to become due. 22. To pay to the United States a fine of dollars and to be confined at hard'labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, until said fine is so paid, but for not more than months (or years). 23. To pay to the United States a fine of dollars, to be con- fined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for months (or years), and to be further confined at hard labor until said fine is so paid, but for not more than months (or years), in addition to the months (or years) here- inbefore adjudged. 24. To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due, and to be confined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for the term of his natural life. 25. To be shot to death with musketry. 26. To be hanged by the neck until dead. 634 APPENDIX 14 FORMS FOR SYNOPSES OF SENTENCES. [For Entry in Service Record.] INSTRUCTIONS. (See also "Instructions," Appendix 7.) The forms for recording the synopses of sentences adjudged by court-martial, as set forth below, constitute a general guide for use in entering the sentences on the service record, the entries being made in the following sequence in each case: (a) Sentence as approved; (&) date of approval of sentence. (These forms cover the forms for sentences given in Appendix 13.) 1. Pay for 10 days detained, /18. 2. | pay for mo. for 2 mos. detained, /18. 3> Forfeit 10 days' pay, /IS. 4. Forfeit pay per mo. for 2 mos., /18. 5. Hard labor for 5 days, /18. 6. Confrat 10 days, /18. 7. Confmt. 2 mos., /18. 8. Confmt, 2 mos. Forfeit $ pay for like period. 9. Dishon. disch., /18. 10. Dishon. disch. conf. 6 mos., A8. 11. Reduced, /18. 12. Loss of privileges of certificate of eligibility, /18w 13 and 14 omitted ; refer to officers only. 15. Restricted to limits of post for 6 mos., /18. 16 to 24 omitted; refer to officers only. 25. To be shot, /18. 26. To be hanged, /18. APPENDIX 15. FORMS FOR ACTION BY REVIEWING AUTHORITY. [For forms for sentences see Appendix 13.] The following forms will serve as a general guide for reviewing authorities in recording, in cases in which such forms are appropriate, their action on sentences imposed by courts-martial. In a proper case the substance of two or more of the forms may be combined. Like- wise, the action as recorded may contain proper matter additional to that set out in any of the several forms. A. FORMS FOR ORIGINAL ACTION. 1 Approved and ordered executed (or disapproved) , 192. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 2 Headquarters , , 192 . Approved and ordered executed (or disapproved). Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 3 Approved and suspended , 192 . Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 4 Approved and ordered executed, but forfeiture (or confine- ment) suspended, , 192 . Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 5 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of , the sentence is approved and will be duly executed (or is disapproved). Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 6 Headquarters , , 192. In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved, but owing to the length of time the accused has been in confinement days (or months) of the confinement imposed are remitted. As thus modified the sentence will be duly executed. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 636 FORMS FOR ACTION BY REVIEWING AUTHORITY. 7 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of the findings of Specifications 1 and 2, Charge II, are disapproved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 8 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of only so much of the findings of guilty of the specification of Charge I and of Charge I as involves a finding of guilty of absence without leave from to , ter- minated by apprehension (or surrender) is approved. Only so much of the sentence as provides for is approved and will be duly executed. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 9 Headquarters , , 192. In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved, but the execution thereof is suspended. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 10 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved, but the execution thereof, in so far as it relates to forfeiture of pay (or to confinement) is suspended. Colonel, Infantry, Commanding. 11 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved and will be duly executed, but the execution of that portion thereof adjudging dishonorable discharge is suspended until the soldier's release from confinement. is designated as the place of confinement. General, Commanding. 12 Headquarters , , 192. In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved and will be duly executed. is designated as the place of confinement. General, Commanding. 13 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of it Appears from the record of trial that the ofiicer who had subscribed the charges participated as a mem- ber of the court in the findings and sentence. As such officer is prima facie the accuser in the case, and as the record of trial contains noth- 21358 20 41 637 APPENDIX 15. ing to indicate that the court upon investigation arrived at a finding that he was not in fact such accuser, the proceedings are, in view of the provisions of the article of war, invalid. General, Commanding. 14 Headquarters , f 192. In the foregoing case of it appears from the record of trial that an officer who testified as a witness for the prosecution partici- pated as a member of the court in the findings and sentence. In view of the provisions of the article of war the proceedings are invalid. General, Commanding. 15 Headquarters , , 192 . To . In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved and the record of trial is forwarded for action under the forty-eighth article of war. General, Commanding. 16 Headquarters , , 192. To the Judge Advocate General of the Army. In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved, but the execution thereof is suspended until the pleasure of the President be known, and the record of trial is forwarded for action under the fifty- first article of war. General, Commanding. 17 Headquarters , , 192. In the foregoing case of the sentence is approved and will be duly executed at on , 192 , under the direction of the commanding , - General, Commanding. 18 Headquarters , , 192 . In the foregoing case of the sentence is confirmed and will be duly executed at on , 192 , under the direction of the commanding . , General, Commanding. 19 Headquarters , , 192 -. In the foregoing case of the sentence Is approved (or -on- firmed) (but the period of confinement is reduced to -). The 638 FORMS FOR ORDERS VACATING SUSPENSIONS. is designated as the place of confinement. Pursuant to the provisions of Article of War 50 applying to this case, the execution of the sentence will not be ordered until the Board of Review and the Judge Advocate General shall have passed upon the legal sufficiency of the record to support the sentence. General, Commanding. B. FORMS FOR ORDERS VACATING SUSPENSIONS. 1 Headquarters , , 192 . So much of the order published in Court-Martial Order No. f ^ 192 f these headquarters, , 192 (or found in a record of trial by summary court approved , 192 ), as suspends execution of sentence in the case of is vacated and said sen- tence will be carried into execution. By order of Col. ; Adjutant. 2 Headquarters - , , 192. So much of the order. published in Court-Martial Order No. , - , 192 , these headquarters, , 192 (or found in a r word of trial by summary court approved , 192 ), as suspends execution of sentence to confinement (or forfeiture of pay) in the case of - is vacated, and that part of said sentence will be carried into execution. By order of Col. : Adjutant. 3 Headquarters , - , 192. So much of the order published in General Court-Martial Order No. , , 192, these headquarters, as suspends execution of sen- tence to dishonorable discharge in the case of is vacated, and that part of said sentence will be carried into execution. By order of Col. >: Adjutant. 639 APPENDIX 16. COURT-MARTIAL ORDERS. A. FORM FOR GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL ORDER. GENERAL COURT-MARTIALJHEADQUARTERS EASTERN DEPARTMENT, ORDER No. 447. J Governors Island, N. Y., July 27, 1919. Before a general court-martial which convened at Fort Hamilton, N. Y., pursuant to paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 93, Headquarters Eastern Department, April 24, 1919, 1 as modified by paragraph 7, Special Orders, No. 101, Headquarters Eastern Department, May 26, 1910, was arraigned and trie'd : Private John Doe, 1,682,364, Company F, 29th Infantry. CHARGE I : Violation of the 58th Article of War. Specification: In that Private John Doe, Company F, 29th Infantry, did at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about March 27, 1917, desert the service of the United States and did remain absent in desertion until he was apprehended at Brooklyn, N. Y., on or about June 30, 1919. CHARGE II : Violation of the 84th Article of War. Specification: In that Private John Doe, Company F, 29th Infantry, did at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about March 27, 1917, through neglect, lose one overcoat, olive drab, value $14.84, and one blanket, light weight, value $3.79, issued for use in the military service. PLEAS. To the specification, Charge I : " Not guilty.'* To Charge I : " Not guilty." To the specification, Charge II : " Not guilty." To Charge II : " Not guilty." Or To all the specifications and charges: "Not guilty."* FINDINGS. Of the specification, Charge I : " Guilty." * Of Charge I : " Guilty." Of the specification, Charge II : " Guilty." Of Charge II : " Guilty." Or Of all the specifications and charges : " Guilty." * 1 The orders appointing the court and all orders modifying the convening order will be cited. 3 Where the accused pleads guilty or not guilty to all the specifications, of Is fouud guilty or not guilty of all, the form may be abbreviated as indicated, * If a special plea has been made and sustained "by the court, the wording will be : " Plea in ( '- ) sustained by the court" C40 COURT-MARTIAL ORDERS. SENTENCE. To be dishonorably discharged the service; to forfeit all pay and allowances due, or to become due; and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for two years. (Four previous convictions considered.) The sentence was adjudged on , 19 -. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. (In cases where Article of War 50$ requires that before execution of the sentence is ordered the record of trial be reviewed by the Board of Review and the Judge Advocate General:) The record of trial having been reviewed by the Board of Review and the Judge Advocate General, as required by Article of War 50, and held legally* suffi- cient to support the findings and sentence, the sentence is approved and will be duly executed) ; or, from asterisk (insufficient to support so much of the sentence as is in excess of (reciting the holding, as the case may be), so much of the sentence is approved as does not exceed .. As thus modified the sentence will be duly executed.) The United States Disciplinary Barracks is designated as the place of confinement. By command of . Colonel, General Staff, Chief of Staff. Official. Adjutant General, Adjutant. B. FORM FOR SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL ORDER. SPECIAL COURT-MARTIAL! HEADQUARTERS FORT JAY, N. Y., ORDER No. 43. J j u i y 27, 1919. Before a special court-martial which convened at Fort Jay, N. Y., pursuant to paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 93, these headquarters, April 24, 1919, as modified by paragraph 7, Special Orders, No. 101, these headquarters, May 26, 1919, was arraigned and tried: Private John Doe, Company F, 29th Infantry. CHARGE I : Violation of the 58th Article of War. Specification: In that Private John Doe, Company F, 29th In- fantry, did at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about March 27, 1917, desert the service of the United States and did remain absent in desertion until he was apprehended at Brooklyn, N. Y., on or about June 30, 1919. CHARGE II : Violation of the 84th Article of War. Specification: In that Private John Doe, Company F, 29th In- fantry, did at Fort Jay, N. Y., on or about March 27, 1917, through neglect, lose one overcoat, olive drab, value $14.84, and one blanket, light weight, value $3.29, issued for use in the military service. 2 Where the accused pleads guilty or not guilty to all the specifications or is found guilty or not guilty of all. the form may be abbreviated as indicated. 641 APPENDIX 16. PLEAS. To the specification, Charge" I: " Not guilty'.** To Charge I: "Not guilty." To the specification, Charge II: "Not guilty.** To Charge II : " Not guilty." Or To all the 'specifications arid charges: "Not guilty."' FINDINGS. Of the specification, Charge I: "Guilty."* Of Charge I : " Guilty." Of the specification, Charge II : " Guilty." Of Charge II : " Guilty." Or Of all the specifications and charges : " Guilty]" * To be confined at hard labor for six months and to forfeit two- thirds of his pay per month for a like period. (Two previous con- victions considered.) The sentence is approved. By order of -- . Adjutant. Official : ~^ Adjutant. 2 Where the accused pleads guilty or not guilty to all the specifications, or is found guilty or not guilty of all/the form tnay be abbreviated aa indicated. If a special plea lias been made and sustained by the court, the -wording will be: "-Plea in - ( - ) sustained by the court." 642 APPENDIX 17. INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITION. To be read in evidence before a 1 , United States Army, ap- pointed to meet at - , by paragraph , Special Orders, No. , Headquarters , , 191 , in the case of (in the matter of)' . To : Please cause to be taken (on the interrogatories herein contained" 1 ) the deposition of , to be found at . HEADQUARTERS, , 191 . To , who will take or cause to be taken 4 the deposition of the person named above (on the interrogatories* herein contained)* By of Adjutant. First interrogatory:'' Are you in the military service of the United States? If so, what is your full name, rank, organization, and station? If not, what is your full name, occupation, and residence? Answer : 9 . Second interrogatory: . Answer : . First cross-interrogatory: Answer : . First interrogatory by the Answer : . (Witness sign here) 1 General (or special or summary) court-martial, or military commission, or court of inquiry, or military board. 1 Name, rank, and organization of the accused, or other proper words identify- ing the particular matter In which the deposition is desired to be used. 3 To be subscribed by the trial judge advocate or other proper person wiUi his name, rank, organization, and official title, as " trial judge advocate," " summary court," " recorder," etc. * Strike out word or words not used. * If it is desired to give special instructions, or if a travel order is necessary, the remaining space will be used for the purpose. 6 If the spaces for answers are not sufficient, extra sheets may be inserted by the officer taking the deposition. In such case he will rewrite the interroga- tories, writing the answers immediately below the respective interrogatories. ? If the deposition is to be taken on oral interrogatories (see pars. 174a and . M. C. M.). this form will be changed accordingly. 643 APPENDIX 17. I certify that the above deposition was duly taken by me, and that the above-named witness, having been first duly sworn by me, gave the foregoing answers to the several interrogatories, and that he sub- scribed the foregoing deposition in my presence at , this day of , 191 . (Name) , (Rank and organization) (Official character, as " summary court," "officer designated to take the deposition," " notary public," etc. ) [Back.] INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Interrogatories, how submitted. (a) The party desiring the deposition submits to the opposite party the interrogatories which he wishes propounded to the person whose deposition he desires, and the opposite party then submits to him such cross-interrogatories, if any, as he may desire. Such additional direct and cross-interrogatories may be submitted as desired ; or (b) The party desiring the deposition submits to the court, military commission, or board the interrogatories which he wishes propounded to the person whose deposition he desires. The opposite party then submits to the court, military commission, or board such cross-interrog- atories, if any, as he may desire. The court, military commission, or board then submits such additional interrogatories as they may deem proper and desirable, and such additional direct and cross-interrog- atories may be submitted as are desired ; or (c) Where the court, military commission, or board desires that the deposition of a particular person be obtained it will cause interroga- tories to be prepared accordingly. The prosecution and defense (or other party or parties in interest) then submit such interrogatories as they may desire. Such additional interrogatories may be included as are desired by the court, military commission, or board, or by a party in interest. (M. C. M., par. 176.) 2. Procedure to obtain deposition on written interrogatories. (a) All the interrogatories to be propounded to the person are entered upon the form for interrogatories and deposition, and the trial judge advocate, summary court, or recorder will take appropriate steps to cause the desired deposition to be taken with the least practicable de- lay. In the ordinary case he will either send the interrogatories to the commanding officer of the post, recruiting station, or other military command, at or nearest which the person whose deposition is desired Is stationed, resides, or is understood to be, or will send them to some other responsible person, preferably a person competent to administer 644 INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS. oaths, at or near the place at which the person whose deposition Is desired is understood to be. In a proper case the interrogatories may be sent to the corps area or other superior commander, or to the wit- ness himself, and in any case they will, when necessary, be accom- panied by a proper explanatory letter. (&) When interrogatories are received by a commanding officer he will either take or cause to be taken the deposition thereon. He may send an intelligent enlisted man preferably a noncommissioned officer, if available to the necessary place for the purpose of obtaining the deposition, or he may properly arrange by mail or otherwise that the deposition be taken. The deposition will be taken with the least prac- ticable delay, and when taken will be sent at once direct to the trial judge advocate of the court-martial trying th case, or other proper person. (c) If the witness whose deposition is desired is a civilian, the trial judge advocate, or other proper person sending interrogatories as above, will inclose with them a prepared voucher for the fees and mileage of the witness, leaving blank such spaces provided therein as it may be necessary to leave blank, accompanied by the required number of copies of the orders appointing the court, military commission, or board. The trial judge advocate, summary court, or recorder will also send with the interrogatories duplicate subpoena requiring the witness to appear in person at a time and place to be fixed by the officer, military or civil, who is to take the deposition. If the name of this officer is not known, the space provided for it will be left blank. If a military officer takes the deposition, he will complete the witness voucher, certify it, and transmit it to the nearest disbursing finance officer for payment. When the deposition is to be taken by a civil officer, he will be asked to obtain and furnish to the military officer requested or designated to cause the deposition to be taken the necessary data for the completion of the witness voucher, and the latter will complete the voucher, certify it, and transmit it to the nearest disbursing finance officer for payment. In the case of a military witness, a subpoena will not accom- pany the interrogatories, but the officer before whom the deposition is to be taken will take the necessary steps to have the witness appear at the proper time and place. (M. C. M., par. 177.) 3. Procedure to obtain deposition on oral interrogatories. Follow the provisions of paragraph 181, M. C. M. 4. Payment of civilian witnesses, etc. (a) A civilian, not in Gov- ernment employ, duly summoned to appear as a witness before a mili- tary court, commission or board, or* at a place where his deposition is to be taken for use before such military court, commission or board, will receive $1.50 for each day of his actual attendance before such military court, commission or board, or for the purpose of having his deposition taken, and 5 cents a mile for going from his place of resi- dence to the place of trial or of the taking of his deposition, and 5 cents a mile for returning, except as follows: 645 APPENDIX 17. (1) In Porto Rico and Cuba he will receive $1,50 a day while in attendance as above stated, and 15 cents for eaca mite necessarily traveled over stage line or by private conveyance, and 10 cents for each mile over any railway or steamship line. (2) In Alaska, east of the one hundred and forty-first degree of west longitude, be will receive $2 a day while in attendance as above stated, and 10 cents a mile; and west of said degree -$4 a day und 15 cents a mile. (3) In tlic States of Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona he will receive $5 a day for the time of actual attendance as alvwe stated, and for the time necessarily occupied in going to and return- ing from the same, and 15 cents for each mile necessarily traveled over any stage line or by private conveyance, and 5 cents for each mile by any railway or steamship. (M. C. M., par. 185.) (b) Civil officers before whom depositions are taken for use in the military service will be paid the fees allowed by the law of the place where the depositions are taken. (M. C. M., par. 181.) 5. Articles of War. ART. 26. DEPOSITIONS BEFORE WHOM TAKEN. Depositions to be read in evidence before military courts, commissions, courts of inquiry, or military boards, or for other use in military administration, may be taken before and authenticated by any officer, military or civil, author- ized by the laws of the United States or by the laws of the place where the deposition is taken to administer oaths, ART. 114. AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTEB OATHS. Any judge advocate or acting judge advocate, the president of a general or special court- martial, any summary court-martial, the trial judge advocate or any assistant trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial, the president or the recorder of a court of inquiry or of a military board, any officer desi^aated to take a deposition, any officer detailed to con- duct, an investigation, and the adjutant of any command shall have power to administer oaths for the purposes of the administration of military justice and for other purposes of military administration; and in foreign places where the Army may be serving shall have the general powers of a notary public or of a consul of the United States in the administration of oaths, the execution and acknowledgment of legal instruments, the attestation of documents, and all other forms of notarial acts to be executed by persons subject to military law. 6. Taking depositions in foreign country. If the evidence de- si rod from a witness residing in a foreign country 'is necessary and material and is desired to be read before a court-martial, military Mission, court of inquiry, or military board sitting within any of the States of the Union or the District of Columbia, interrogatories I :;<" > c t onapanted by the necessary vouchers for fees and mileage) will ordinarily be forwarded through military channels to The Adjutant General of the Army. They will then be transmitted by the Seere- C46 INTERROGATORIES AND DEPOSITIONS. tary of War to the Secretary of State with the request that they be sent to the proper consul of the United States and the deposition of the witness taken. In the case of troops serving along the interna- tional boundaries outside of the United States proper, or in foreign countries, the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction may, in his 'discretion, detail an officer to take the deposition of a civilian witness or he may send the interrogatories direct to the consul of the United States nearest the place of residence of the wit- ness with the request that the deposition be taken. In the latter case the interrogatories will be accompanied by the proper vouchers for the fees and mileage of the witness. (M. 0. M., par, 182.) 847 APPENDIX 18. FORM OF REPORT OF INVESTIGATING OFFICER. Under paragraph 76a, Manual for Courts-Martial. Headquarters (Place:) (Date:) , 10. To: Subject: Inclosed charges. 1. I have investigated the inclosed charges, dated , 192 , against (Private John Doe, Army Serial No. 235789, Machine Gun Troop, 2nd Cavalry), in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 76a, Manual for Courts-Martial. I have, in the presence of the accused, examined all available witnesses and documentary evidence, and have reduced the material testimony given by each witness, on direct examination and on cross-examination, to a clear, succinct state- ment or summary which, in the presence of the accused, was read over to the witness and signed by the witness and sworn to by him before me. 1 Following is such summary of the material testimony given by each witness. 8 Sergeant JAMES JONES, Machine Gun Troop, 2d Cavalry. While on duty as stable sergeant, 12th May, 1920, about two o'clock, I told accused, Private Doe, then working on stable police, to put out the bedding hay. About three o'clock that afternoon I missed accused. I searched fol him, but could not find him ; but found that two horses were gone from the corral, and two bridles were gone. I reported it to the first sergeant. They were cavalry horses, Government horses, issued to Ma- chine Gun Troop, 2d Cavalry, for drill purposes; and were valued at $184.40 each. CROSS-EXAMINATION. I missed the horses about two o'clock or 2.30 in the afternoon, while I was looking for the accused. I did not see the accused take them. Horses sometimes get away from the troop; but I have never known one to get out of the corral. Sc/t., Machine Gun Troop, 2d Cavalry. 1 If any witness declines to sign or swear to his statement, that fact will be noted. If a witness desires the statement changed before signing it, it will be changed as desired. 2 For action when it is not practicable to obtain personal testimony from a distant witness, see par. 76a, clause 8, M. C. M*. C48 FORM OF REPORT OF INVESTIGATING OFFICER. First Sergeant WILLIAM K. BLACK, Machine Gun Troop, 2d Cavalry. I was on duty as first sergeant of the Machine Gun Troop on May 12, 1920. I put the accused on stable police that morning. (Continue in the same form as with the other witness:) CROSS-EXAMINATION. We knew the tracks were those of cavalry mounts by the marks of the horseshoes. 1st Sgt., Machine Gun Troop, 2d Cavalry. Corporal ALBERT M. YOUNG, Machine Gun Troop, 2d Cavalry. (Same form as before.) NO CROSS-EXAMINATION. The accused " having been carefully warned by me that it was not necessary for him to make any statement with reference to the charges against him, but that if he did make one it might be used against him, (said that he did not desire to make a statement) or (made the follow- ing statement:) . (// such be the case: " Appended is the report of examination of the accused in accordance with paragraph 76c, Manual for Courts-Martial, by Captain John Smith, Medical Corps.") I have not examined any documentary evidence. (Or, if such be the case: "The following documents have been ex- amined and shown to the accused, 4 and (copies thereof) are ap- pended.") (If neither the documents nor copies of them can oe appended, then list them, and state where they can be found.) 6 Evidence of two previous convictions of the accused is appended. Explanatory or extenuating circumstances: (Here set out any such circumstances which have come to the attention of the investigating officer; see clause 10, par. 76a, M. C. M.) Disposition of the case which is recommended : . Captain, 2d Cavalry, Investigating Officer* 8 The accused will not be sworn. If he makes a statement It will be read over to him and he will be offered an opportunity to sign it if he so desires, but will not be required to do so, and will be advised that it is not necessary for him to do so. (See clause 8, par. 76a, M. C. M.) 4 See clause 8,' par. 76a, M. C. M. 6 Bulky documents or official reports will ordinarily not be appended or copied, but listed and the place where they may be found stated. While this form may be used by the investigating officer, it is to be regarded as suggestive only, and not obligatory. 649 APPENDIX 19. SUBPGENA FOR CIVILIAN WITNESS. The President of the United States to , greeting: You are hereby summoned and required to be and appear in per- son on the day of , 191 , at o'clock . in. 1 Ve- f ore 1 a 1 designated to take your deposition to be read In evidence before a * of the United States, at , appointed to meet by paragraph , Special Orders, No. , Headquar- ters - , dated , 191 , then and there to testify and give evidence as a witness for the in the case of " , " and you are hereby required to bring with you, to be used in evidence in said case, the following described documents, to wit: . And have you then and there this precept. Dated at this day of , 191. To be subscribed by trial judge advocate, recorder, etc.) The witness is requested to subscribe on one copy of the subpoena the follow- ing and to return to the person serving the subpoena the copy thereof so subscribed. , -191. I hereby accept service of the above subpoena. Form No. 76, A. G. O. (Signature of witness.) [Back.] Personally appeared before me the undersigned authority, , who, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that at on , 191 , he personally delivered to in per- son a duplicate of the witiiin subpoena. Subscribed and sworn to before me at this day of , 191. (Rank, organization, and official character.) 1 Line out when inappropriate "before , a :'.! to take your deposition to be read in evidence." 2 When used, enter name, rank, and organization, if any. 8 When used, enter official chai^acter, if any, such as trial jud^e advocate, summary court, notary public, etc. <noral (or special, or summary) court-martial, etc. * Enter name, etc., of accused or other subject c" investigation. Line out when inappropriate " and you are hereby required to bring with you. to be read in evidence in said case, the following described documents, to wit." APPENDIX 19. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Articles of war. (a) Process to obtain witnesses. Every trial judge advocate of a general or special court-martial and every summary court-martial shall have power to issue the like process to compel witnesses to appear and testify which courts of the United States, having criminal jurisdiction, may lawfully issue; but such process shall run to any part of the United States, its Territories, and possessions. (A. W. 22.) (b) Refusal to appear or testify. Every person not subject to mili- tary law who, being duly subpoenaed to appear as a witness before any military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, or before any officer, military or civil, designated to take a deposition to be read in evidence before such court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, willfully neglects or refuses to appear, or refuses to qualify as a witness, or to testify, or produce documentary evidence which such person may have been legally subpoenaed to produce, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, for which such person shall be punished on information in the district court of the United States or in a court of original criminal jurisdiction in any of the territorial possessions of the United States, jurisdiction being hereby conferred upon such courts for such purpose; and it shall be the duty of the United States district attorney or the officer prosecuting for the Government in any such court of original criminal jurisdiction, on the certification of the facts to him by the military court, commission, court of inquiry, or board, to file an information against and prosecute the person so offending, and the punishment of such person, on con- viction, shall be a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both, at the discretion of the court : Provided, That the fees of such witness and his mileage, at the rates allowed to witnesses attending the courts of the United States, shall be duly paid or tendered said witness, such amounts to be paid out of the appro- priation for the compensation of witnesses; Proinded further, That every person not subject to military law, who before any court-mar- tial, military tribunal, or military board, or in connection with, or in relation to any proceedings or investigation before it or had under any of the provisions of this act, Is guilty of any of the acts made punish- able as offenses against public justice by any provision of chapter G of the act of March 4, 1909, entitled "An act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States" (volume 35, United States Statutes at Large, page 1088), or any amendment thereof, shall be punished as therein provided. (A. W. 23.) 2. Tender of fees preliminary to prosecution. In case a civilian witness is duly subpoenaed under the authority of A. W. 22 and will- fully neglects or refuses to appear or refuses to qualify as a witness, or to testify or produce documentary evidence, which he may have been legally subpoenaed to produce, he will at once be tendered or G51 APPENDIX 19. paid by the nearest finance officer one day's fees and mileage for the journeys to and from the court, and will thereupon be again called upon to comply with the requirements of the law. Upon failing the second time to comply with the requirements of the law, a complete report of the case will be made to the officer exercising general court- martial jurisdiction over the command with a view to presenting the facts to the Department of Justice for the punitive action contem- plated in A. W. 23. (M. C. M. 172.) 3. Civilians not in Government employ. A civilian not in Govern- ment employ, duly summoned to appear as a witness before a mili- tary court, commission, or board, or at a place where his deposition is to be taken for use before such court, commission, or board, will receive $1.50 for each day of his actual attendance before such court, commission, or board, or for the purpose of having his deposition taken, and 5 cents a mile for going from his place of residence to the place of trial or of the taking of his deposition, and 5 cents a mile for returning, except as follows: (a) In Porto Rico and Cuba he will receive $1.50 a day while in attendance, as above stated, and 15 cents for each mile necessarily traveled over stage line or by private conveyance, and 10 cents for each mile over any railway or steamship line. (&) In Alaska east of the one hundred and forty-first degree of west longitude he will receive $2 a day while in attendance as above stated and 10 cents a mile, and west of said degree $4 a day and 15 cents a mile. (c) In the States of Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, Cali- fornia, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, he will receive $5 a day for the time of actual attendance as above stated and for the time necessarily occupied in going to and returning from the same, and 15 cents for each mile necessarily traveled over any stage line or by private conveyance, and 5 cents for each mile by any railway or steamship. (M. C. M., par. 185.) [NOTE. 1. Travel must be estimated by the shortest usually traveled route by established lines of railroad, stage, or steamer the time occupied to be determined by the official schedules, reasonable allowance being made for un- avoidable detention. 2. These rates apply to the Philippine Islands. (See Cir. 45, A. G. O., 1902.) 3. A civilian not in Government employ, when furnished transportation on transport or other Government conveyance, is entitled to 57.142 per cent of 5 cents per mile (equal to 2.857 cents per mile). (Comp. Dec., Aug. 20, 1902, pub- lished in Cir. 45, A. G. O., 1902.)] 4. Civilians in Government employ. Civilians in the employ of the Government when traveling upon summons as witnesses before mili- tary courts are entitled to transportation in kind from their place of residence to the place where the court is in session and return. If no transportation be furnished, they are entitled to reimbursement of the cost of travel actually performed by the shortest usually traveled route, including transfers to and from railway stations at rates not 652 SUBPOENA FOR CIVILIAN WITNESS. exceeding 50 cents for each transfer, and the cost of sleeping-car accommodations to which entitled or steamer berth when an extra charge is made therefor. They are also entitled to reimbursement >f the actual cost of meals and rooms at a rate not exceeding $3 per day for each day actually and unavoidably consumed in travel or in attend- ance upon the court under the order or summons. No allowance will be made to them when attendance upon court does not require them to leave their stations. (M. C. M. t par. 184.) 21358 20 42 653 APPENDIX 20. WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT. UNITED STATES] I The President of the United States to , greeting: WHEREAS , of , was on the day of , 192 , at , duly subpoenaed to appear and attend at , on the day of , 192 , at o'clock m., before a court-martial duly appointed by paragraph , Special Orders, No. , dated Headquarters , , 192 , to testify on the part of the in the above-entitled case ; and whereas he has failed to appear and attend before said court-martial to testify, as by said subpoena required, and whereas he is a necessary and material wit- ness in behalf of the in the above-entitled case : Now, THEREFORE, by virtue of the power vested in me, the under- signed, as trial judge advocate of 1 said court-martial, by arti- cle 22 of Chapter II of an act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act for making further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes,' approved June 3, 1916, and to establish military justice," approved June 4, 1920 (41 Stat 787), you are hereby commanded and empowered to apprehend and attach the said wherever he may be found within the United States, its Territories, or possessions, and forthwith bring him before the said court-martial at to testify as required by said subpoena. "~~ Trial Judge Advocate of said Court-Martial.' Dated , , 191 * If a summary court-martial, line out the words " trial Judge advocate of." * If a summary court-martial, line out and substitute the necessary words. 654 APPENDIX 21. EXEMPTIONS FROM THE JURISDICTION OF SPE- CIAL AND SUMMARY COURTS-MARTIAL. GENERAL OEDEBS, "I WAR DEPARTMENT, No. 71. Washington, December 1, 1920. By direction of the President, under authority of the thirteenth and fourteenth articles of war, Chapter II, section 1, act of Congress ap- proved June 4, 1920, the following regulations exempting certain classes of persons from the jurisdiction of special and summary courts-martial, are published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned : 1. Effective February 4, 1921, the following classes of persons are excepted from the jurisdiction of special courts-martial : Officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, Army field clerks, field clerks Quartermaster Corps, and cadets. 2. Effective February 4, 1921, the following classes of persons are excepted from the jurisdiction of summary courts-martial : Noncom- missioned officers above the rank of corporal ; that is, enlisted men of a grade higher than the " fifth grade," as defined by section I, General Orders, No. 36, War Department, 1920. 3. Noncommissioned officers sentenced to reduction will be reduced to the grade of private, and not to the grade of private, first class. (250.4, A. G. O.) By order of the Secretary of War: PEYTON C. MARCH, Major General, Chief of Staff. Official : P. C. HARRIS, The Adjutant General. APPENDIX 22. FORM A. HABEAS CORPUS BY UNITED STATES COURT (WHERE A WITNESS IS HELD UNDER A WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT). RETURN TO WRIT. In re (name of party held). (Writ of habeas corpus Return of respondent.) To the (court or judge) : The respondent, Maj. , United States Infantry, upon whom has been served a writ of habeas corpus for the production of , respectfully makes return and states that he holds the said by authority of the United States, pursuant to a warrant of attachment issued under Chapter II, act of June 4, 1920, twenty-second Article of War, by a trial judge advocate of a lawfully convened general (or "special") court-martial (or "by a summary court-martial " ) and duly directed to him, the said respondent, for exe- cution ; that he is diligently and in good faith engaged in executing said warrant of attachment, and that he respectfully submits the same for the inspection of the court, together with the original subpoena and proof of service of the same, a copy 1 of the order appointing the court- martial, sworn to as such, before which the said has been subpoenaed to testify, a copy of the charges and specifications in the case, sworn to as such, in which said is a witness, a copy of the order referring the case to the court for trial, sworn to as such, and an affidavit of showing that said is a material witness in the case; that he has failed to appear and has offered no valid excuse for such failure. In obedience, however, to the said writ of Jialeas corpus the re- spondent herewith produces before the court the body of the said , and for the reasons set forth in this return prays this honorable court to dismiss the said writ. Major, United States Infantry. Dated - , , , 192. 1 The copy of the order appointing the court and of the charges, and of the order referring the case for trial, will be sworn to by the triat judge advocate (or summary court-martial) before an officer authorized to administer oaths. 656 FORMS. FORM B. HABEAS CORPUS BY STATE COURT (WHERE WITNESS IS HELD UNDER A WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT). RETURN TO WRIT. (Make return as in case of writ by a United States court, supra, Form A, except as to the last paragraph, for which substitute as follows:) And said respondent further makes return that he has not produced the body of the said , because he holds him by authority of the United States as above set forth, and that this court (or " your honor," as the case may be) is without jurisdiction in the premises, and he respectfully refers to the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in Ableman v. Booth, 21 Howard, 506, and Tarble's case, 13 Wallace, 397, as authority for his action, and prays this court (or "your honor.") to dismiss the writ. Major, United States Infantry. Dated , , FORM C. HABEAS CORPUS BY UNITED STATES COURT (WHERE PRISONER IS HELD FOR TRIAL OR UNDER SENTENCE). RETURN TO WRIT. In re (name of party held). (Writ of habeas corpus Return of respondent.) To the (court or judge) : The respondent, Maj. , United States Infantry, upon whom has been served a writ of habeas corpus for the production of , respectfully makes return and states that he holds the said by authority of the United States as a soldier in the United States Army (or " as a general prisoner under sentence of gen- eral court-martial " ) under the following circumstances : That the said was duly enlisted as a soldier in the service of the United States at , , on , 192, for a term of years. (If the offense is fraudulent enlistment, this recital should be omitted.) (Here state the offense. If it is fraudulent enlistment by represent- ing himself to be of the required age, it may be stated as follows:) That on the - - day of , 192, at , the said , being under 18 years of age, did fraudulently enlist in the mili- 657 APPENDIX 22. tary service of the United States for the term of years, by falsely representing himself to be over 18 years of age, to wit, years and months ; and has, since said enlistment, received pay and allowances (or either) thereunder. (If the offense be desertion, it may ~be stated substantially as follows:) That the said deserted said service at , , on , 192 , and remained absent in desertion until he was apprehended at - , , on , 192 , by - , and was thereupon committed to the custody of the respondent as commanding officer of the post of . The said has been placed in confinement (or " arrest," as the case may be), and formal charges have been preferred against him for said offense, a copy of which charges, and of the order under which said is held in confinement (or "arrest," as the case may be), duly certified and verified,* are hereto annexed; and that he will be brought to trial thereon as soon as practicable before a court-niartial, to be convened by the commanding general of the - Department (or "convened by Special Orders, No. , dated Headquarters - Department, 192 , a copy of which, duly certi- fied and verified, 8 is herein annexed"). (If the party held is f a general prisoner, the folloiving paragraph should be substituted for the preceding paragraph:) That the said was duly arraigned for said offense before a general court-martial, convened by Special Orders, No. , dated Headquarters Department, 192 , was convicted thereof by said court, and was sentenced to be , which sentence was duly approved on the day of , 192 , by the officer ordering the court (or " by the officer commanding said Department for the time being " ) as required by the article of war. A copy of the order promulgating said sentence, duly certified and verified, 2 is hereto attached. 1 The copies of the charges and of the order under which the accused is held in arrest, or confinement, will be certified by the adjutant and sworn to before an officer authorized to administer oaths for military administration, in the following form : I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true copy of the original charges preferred against , and of the original order for his arrest (or " confinement," aa the case may be), and that the same are in the usual form of military charges, and that such charges and order conform to the rules regulating military procedure, , Adjutant. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 192 . Trial Judge Advocate of Court-Martial (Or "Summary Court-Martial"). The copy of the order convening the court or publishing the sentence will be certified and verified in a similar manner. FORMS. In obedience, however, to the said writ of habeas corpus the respond- ent herewith produces before the court the body of the said , respectfully refers to the decisions cited in the annexed brief (if the case does not involve a minor under the required age the words " respectfully refers to the decisions cited in the annexed brief *' will be omitted), and for the reasons set forth in this return prays this honorable court to dismiss the said writ United States Infantry. Dated FORM D. HABEAS CORPUS BY STATE COURT (WHERE PRISONER IS HELD FOR TRIAL OR UNDER SENTENCE). BETUBN TO WRIT. (Make return as in case a writ by a United States court, except as to last paragraph, for which substitute the paragraph set out in Form B, Appendix 22.) INSTRUCTIONS AS TO RETUENS TO WRITS OF HABEAS CORPUS. The following instructions in regard to returns under A. R. 998 and 999, in the cases of soldiers who have committed military offenses and are held for trial or punishment therefor, and of general prisoners, are for the information and guidance of all concerned : 1. The return under A. R. 999 will be made in accordance with Form C (Appendix 22), and if the person whose release is sought has com- mitted the offense of fraudulent enlistment by representing himself to be of the required age, will refer, as in last paragraph of that form, to the brief of authorities which follows these instructions, and a copy of that brief will be annexed to the return. Should the court order the discharge of the party, the officer making the return, or counsel, should note an appeal pending instructions from the War Department, and he will report to The Adjutant General of the Army the action taken by the court and forward a copy of the opinion of the court as soon as it can be obtained. 2. The return under A. R. 998 will be made in accordance with Form D (Appendix 22), but a copy of the brief of authorities is not intended to be attached to the returns to writs of habeas corpus issuing from a State court. C59 APPENDIX 22. BRIEF TO BE FILED WITH A RETURN TO A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS ISSUED BY A UNITED STATES COURT IN THE CASE OF A SOLDIER WHOSE DISCHARGE IS SOUGHT ON THE GROUND OF MINORITY. Tiie right to avoid the contract of enlistment of a soldier on the ground of minority will be considered under the following heads: L Under the common law ; II. Under the statutes ; III. Where the minor is held for punishment. I. UNDER THE COMMON LAW. The enlistment of a minor is not avoidable by the minor nor by his parent or guardian at common law, but is only avoidable where the right to avoid it is conferred by statute. This proposition is clearly established by the decision of the Supreme Court (In re Morrissey, 137 U. S., 157, 159), where the court said : An enlistment is not a contract only, but effects a change of status. ( Grimley's case, 137 U. S., 147. ) It is not, therefore, like an ordinary contract, voidable by the infant. At common law an enlistment was not voidable either by the infant or by his parents or guardians. The court cites, in support of these statements, Rex v. Rotherfield Greys (1 Barn. & Cress., 345, 350; 8 Eng. C. L., 149) ; Rex v. Lytchet Hatraverse (7 Barn. & Cress., 226, 231; 14 Eng. C. L., 107; Common- wealth v. Gamble (11 Serg. & Rawle (Pa. R), 93) ; U. S. v. Blakeney (3 Grattan, 387, 405.) In Rex v. Rotherfield Greys, supra, it was said by Best, J. : By the general policy of the law of England the parental au- thority continues until the child attains the age of twenty-one years ; but the same policy also requires that a minor shall be at liberty to contract an engagement to serve the State. When such an engagement is contracted it becomes inconsistent with the duty which he owes to the public that the parental authority should continue. The parental authority, however, is suspended, but not destroyed. When the reason for its suspension ceases the parental authority returns. In Rex v. Lytchet Hatraverse, supra, Bayley, J., after quoting these views of Best, J., says : Lawrence, J., in Rex v. Roach (6 T. R., 254), seems to take the same view of the subject and to consider the authority of the State paramount to that of the parent so long as the minor con- tinues in the public service, but as soon as he leaves it then the parental authority is restored. It is clear from these authorities and others which could be cited that at common law the enlistment of a minor of sufficient capacity to bear arms was valid regardless of age. The right of the State to the services of such minors is forcefully laid down in Lanahan v. Biroe (30 Conn., 438). See also Cooley's Constitutional Law, page 99, where G60 FORMS. on the authority of Ex parte Broivn (5 Crunch, C. C., 554; Fed. Cas., No. 1972), and United States v. Bainbridge (1 Mason, 71; Fed. Gas., No. 14497), it is said: Minors may be enlisted without the consent of their parents or guardians when the law fails to require such consent. II. UNDER THE STATUTES. The pertinent statutes are the following : SEC. 1116, R. S. Recruits enlisting in the Army must be ef- fective and able-bodied men, and between the ages of sixteen and thirty-five years at the time of their enlistment. This limi- tation as to age shall not apply to soldiers reenlisted. This section was modified by the act of March 2, 1899 (30 Stat, 978), which provides : That the limits of age for original enlistments in the Army shall be eighteen and thirty-five years : and again modified by section 7 of the selective draft act of May 18, 1917 (40 Stat., 76, 81), and by Chapter XIII of the Army appropriation act of July 9, 1918, providing : That the qualifications and conditions for voluntary enlist- ment as herein provided shall be the same as those prescribed by existing law, for enlistments in the Regular Army, except that recruits for service in the staff corps and departments may be accepted who are between the ages of forty-one and fifty-five years, both inclusive, at the time of their enlistment, and that all other recruits must be between the ages of eighteen and forty years, both inclusive, at the time of their enlistment. SEC. 1117, R. S. No person under the age of twenty-one years shall be enlisted or mustered into the military service of the United States without the written consent of his parents or guardians: Provided, That such minor has such parents or guardians entitled to his custody and control. This section is replaced by the provision of section 27, national de- fense act of June 3, 1916 (39 Stat., 186), which reenacts it in the same words, substituting the age of 18 years for the age of 21. SEC. 1118, R. S. No minor under the age of sixteen years, no insane or intoxicated person, no deserter from the military service of the United States, and no person who has been con- victed of a felony shall be enlisted or mustered into the military service. This proviso was not changed by the Army reorganization act of June 4, 1920, which struck out of section 27 of the national defense act (see 41 Stat. 775) only the first part of the section, up to and in- cluding the third proviso, but did not affect the proviso (fifth proviso) here in question. 1. The statutes confer no right upon the minor to avoid his enlist- ment, certainly not if he be 16 years of age or over. No case has been found directly in point holding that a minor under 16 years of aye, if of sufficient capacity to bear arms, may avoid his enlistment. 661 APPENDIX 22. Section 1116, R. S., as amended, prescribing the age limits of original enlistment, was made for the benefit of the Government, and not the minor. (In re Morrissey, 137 U. S., 157 ; In re Grimley, 137 U. S., 147 ; In re Wall, 8 Fed. Rep., 85 ; In re Davison, 21 Fed. Rep., 618 ; In re Zimmerman, 30 Fed. Rep., 176 ; In re Spencer, 40 Fed. Rep., 149 ; In re Lawler, 40 Fed. Rep., 233; Solomon v. Davenport, 87 Fed. Rep., 318; Wagner v. Gibbon, 24 Fed. Rep., 135.) Section 1117, R. S., as amended, while recognizing the right of the parent to the services of the minor, confers no right in the minor to avoid his enlistment See the cases cited above. In the Morrissey case the Supreme Court of the United States said that the provision of section 1116, R. S., is for the benefit of the parent or guardian * * * but it gives no privilege to the minor * * * an enlistment is not a con- tract only, but effects a change of status. It is not, therefore, like an ordinary contract, voidable by the infant * * *. The contract of enlistment was good, so far as the petitioner is con- cerned. He was not only de facto but de jure a soldier amen- able to military jurisdiction. Whether the designation of the age limit of 16 years in section 1118, R. S., is such as to make the enlistment of the minor under 16 years of age void or voidable by the minor has not been decided. On principle, the minor, if of sufficient capacity to render military service, should not be permitted to avoid his enlistment obtained through his fraudu- lent statements as to his age. However this may be, if the minor con- tinued to serve and receive pay after passing that age he acquires the status of a soldier like one who was enlisted when over 16 years without the consent of his parents, and a court- martial has jurisdiction to try and sentence him to punishment for desertion, from which sentence he can not be discharged on habeas corpus on petition of himself or his parents. (Ex parte Hubbard, 182 Fed. Rep., 76.) 2. The statutes requiring the consent of the parent or guardian of a minor to his enlistment (section 1117, R. S., amended by section 27, act of June 3, 1916) impliedly confer upon the parent or guardian the right to avoid an enlistment entered into by a minor under the pre- scribed age 'without the required consent, where the minor is not held for trial or punishment for a military offense. In support of this proposition see the cases cited under II, propo- sition 1. 3. A parent or guardian with knoioledge of the enlistment of a minor under the prescribed age and acquiescing therein for a considerable period, may be held to be estopped from asserting the right to avoid the enlistment. In support of this proposition see Ex parte Dunakin (202 Fed. Rep., 290), where it was held, quoting from the syllabi: Where a minor enlisted without the consent of his parent or guardian, and his mother, who was his surviving parent, on 662 FORMS. learning of his enlistment shortly thereafter, did nothing to repudiate the same or to secure his release, and testified that she would have been reconciled to it had he remained in the Army and not deserted, hut that after his desertion she wanted to keep him out of the Army, her acts constituted an implied consent to his enlistment. 4. A minor fraudulently enlisting and remaining in the service after alii.tining the legal age of enlistment, or the age beyond which parental consent is not required, thereby validates his enlistment. In support of this proposition see the case of Ex parte Ilubbard (182 Fed. Rep., 76), where the court held, quoting the syllabus: A minor enlisted in the Army when under the age of 16, who has continued to serve and receive pay after passing that age, acquires the status of a soldier like one who was enlisted when over 16 without the consent of his parents, and a court-martial has jurisdiction to try and sentence him to punishment for desertion, from which sentence he can not be discharged on habeas corpus on petition of himself or Ms parents. III. WHERE THE MINOR IS HELD FOR PUNISHMENT. Neither the minor nor his parent nor guardian may avoid the enlistment where the soldier is held for trial or under sentence for a military offense. In support of this proposition see the cases cited above under II, proposition 1, and also the following: In re Kaufman (41 Fed. Rep., 876) ; In re Dohrendorf (40 Fed. Rep., 148) ; In re Cosenow (37 Fed. Rep., 668) ; In re Dowd (90 Fed. Rep., 718) ; In re Miller (114 Fed. Rep., 838) ; United States v. Reaves, (126 Fed. Rep., 127) ; In re Les- sard (134 Fed. Rep., 305) ; Ex parte Anderson (16 Iowa, 595) ; McCon- ologues case (107 Mass., 154, 170) ; In re Carver (142 Fed. Rep., 623) ; lit' re Scott (144 Fed. Rep., 79) ; DilUngham v. Booker (163 Fed. Rep., 696) ; Ex parte Rock (171 Fed. Rep., 240) ; Ex parte Hubbard (182 Fed. Rep., 76) ; Ex parte Lewkowitz (163 Fed. Rep., 646) ; United States v. Williford <220 Fed. Rep., 291). The reasons given for these decisions are that the enlistment of a minor in the Army without the consent of his parent or guardian required by section 1117, R. S., " is not void, but voidable only " ; that the soldier being not only de facto but de jure a soldier, he is subject to the Articles of War and may commit a military offense ; and that if held for trial or punishment for a military offense, the interests of the public in the administration of justice are paramount to the right of the parent or guardian, and require that the soldier abide the consequences of his offense before the question of his discharge will be considered by the court. In the Miller case (114 Fed. Rep., 842), the court supported its holding by the analogy of a minor held for punishment for a civil offense, saying: 663 APPENDIX 22. The common law, unaided by statute, fully recognizes the parents' right to the custody and services of their minor child ; but it has never been held that they could, by the writ of habeas corpus or otherwise, obtain his custody and his immunity when he was held by an officer of a civil court of competent jurisdic- tion to answer a charge of crime. His enlistment having made the prisoner a soldier notwithstanding his minority, he is amenable to the military law just as the citizen who is a minor is amenable to the civil law. The parents can not prevent the law's enforcement in either case * * *. The views here cited were approved in the Reaves case (126 Fed. Rep., 127), where upon full consideration of the authorities the Circuit Court of Appeals remanded Reaves, a minor, who had deserted from the Navy, to custody of the naval authorities as represented by the chief of police who had apprehended him. In the Carver case (142 Fed. Rep., 623), the syllabus is as follows: A minor under the age of 18 years who unlawfully enlisted in the Army without the consent of his father can not be dis- charged from the service on a writ of habeas corpus sued out by his father so long as he is under arrest for desertion nor until he has been discharged from such custody or has served the sentence imposed on him by the military tribunal. In the Lewkmvitz case (163 Fed. Rep., 646), the syllabus reads: A minor who by misrepresenting his age has fraudulently en- listed in the Army without the consent of his parents and thereby subjected himself to punishment under military law will not be relieved from such punishment by the civil courts by discharging him on a writ of habeas corpus on the application of his parents, even though the military prosecution is not instituted until after the writ was issued. This was followed by the unanimous opinion in the Circuit Court of Apeals in the Love case (United States v. Williford, 220 Fed. Rep., 291), in which the court expressly approved the view stated in the Lewkowitz case, quoting section 761, R. S., relating to procedure under writs of habeas corpus, which reads as follows : The court, or justice, or judge shall proceed in a summary way to determine the facts of the case by hearing the testi- mony and arguments and thereupon to dispose of the party as law and justice require. The court added : Law and justice do not, in our opinion, require Love to be withdrawn from the military authorities and relieved of liabil- ity for his offense in favor of his mother's right to his custody. By act of July 27, 1892 (27 Stat., 278), " fraudulent enlistment and the receipt of pay or allowance thereunder " was made a military offense, punishable under the sixty-second article of war. The offense is now defined in article 54, revised Articles of War, approved June 4, 1920 (41 Stat., 800), which provides that the offense "shall be punished as a court-martial may direct." A minor who procures his G64 FORMS. enlistment by willful misrepresentation or concealment as to his quali- fications for enlistment commits this offense, and the statute authorizes his punishment therefor. In general, it may be stated that where a minor has committed a military offense the interests of the public in the administration of justice are paramount to the right of the parent and require that the soldier shall abide the consequences of his offense before the right to his discharge be passed upon. The soldier should not be allowed to escape punishment for his offense, even though his parents assert their right to his services. A minor in civil life is liable to punishment for a crime or misdemeanor, even though his confinement may interfere with the rights of his parents; and the above authorities clearly apply the same rule to a minor held for trial or punishment for a military offense. 665 WAE DEPARTMENT, - Form No. 338. APPENDIX 23. [Sheet 1.] WAR DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC VOUCHER. COMPENSATION, CIVILIAN WITNESS. Appropriation: Pay, etc., oj the Army, 192 THE UNITED STATES To , DR. Address: 2 5 I I o Object Symbol. Amount. U. S. notations. For mileage as a witness from to and return, being miles, at cents per mile. . For allowance as a witness while in attendance On a court-martial at Giving deposition at for use before a court- martial from ,191 ,to ,191 , as per certificate hereon, days, at $ per day TOTAL I CERTIFY that, as stated above, I attended as a witness for the period named, and as such the travel between the places named was required. (PAYEE) (Do not sign in duplicate.) EXAMINED (Account to be completely filled in before certification, and no alteration or erasure to be made thereafter.) 1 CERTIFY that , a civilian not in Government employ, has been in attendance from , 191 , to , 191 . ias a material witness before a court-martial duly ] convened at this place, giving deposition for use of a I and court-martial convened under attached orders, that he was duly summoned thereto from M , , and waa 666 FORMS. not furnished transportation by the Government for any portion of the journey. PLACE, DATE, , 191 (Title.) Paid by check No , dated ,191 , of on , in favor of payee named above for $ OR Received , 191 , of , IN CASH, the sum of dollars and cents, in full payment of the above account. $ ( Thisjorm to be used only for payment of civilian witnesses not vn Government employ.} WAR DEPARTMENT. Form No. 338. APPENDIX 23. (Sheet 2.] WAR DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC VOUCHER. COMPENSATION, CIVILIAN WITNESS. Appropriation: Pay, etc., of the Army, 192 . & g, j THE UNITED STATES, To , DR. '" 5 Address: e Amount. __j For mileage as a witness from to and return, being miles, at cents per mile For allowance as a witness while in attendance On a court-martial at Giving deposition at . . .for use before a court-martial from ,191 ,to ,191 ,asper certificate hereon, days, at $ per day.. TOTAL EXAMINED BY MEMORANDUM VOUCHER. (To be filled in and retained by paying officer.) Voucher certified by Voucher approved by Paid by check No , dated , 191 , of on , in favor of payee named above for $ OR Paid in cash by dollars and cents (Date.) Funds derived from check No on $.. (This form to be. used only for payment of civilian witnesses not in Government employ.) 668 WAR DEPARTMENT. Form No. 350. A pproved by Comptroller of Treasury July 25, 1919. APPENDIX 24. [Sheet 1.] WAR DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC VOUCHER. REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES. Appropriation: Item No $ Appropriation: Item No $ Appropriation: Item No $ THE UNITED STATES To , DR. Address: . . FOE REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES incurred in the dis- charge of official duty from , 19. ., to , 19- ., under written authorization from the , dated , 19.., a copy of which is as per item- ized statement on reverse hereof AMOUNT CLAIMED, DIFFER- ENCES. I DO SOLEMNLY * that the above account and EXAMINED BY statement on reverse hereof are true and correct; that the distances as charged have been actually and necessarily traveled by me on the dates therein specified; that the amounts as charged have been actually paid by me for travel expenses; that no part of the account has been paid by the United States, and the full amount is due; that all expenditures included in said account other than my own personal travel expenses were made under urgent and unforeseen public necessity, and that it was not, for the reasons stated herein, feasible to have such expenditures paid directly by a disbursing officer. (PAYEE) (Do not sign in duplicate.) Subscribed and f day of to before me at , A.D.19, ., this * Swear or affirm. t Sworn to or affirmed. 21358 20 43 6G9 APPENDIX 24. I CERTIFY that the person rendering this account was traveling on public business under proper authority, for the period covered by this account; that I believe the expenses were necessarily incurred and paid as stated ; and that I have examined the account which is hereby approved for $ "("Title.")" Paid by check No , dated , 19.., for $ OR Received , 19.., of in CASH, the sum (Date.) of dollars and cents, in full payment of the above account. (Do not sign in duplicate.) [Reverse side of sheet 1.] Date, 19 Statement of expenditures. voucher No - Ajnount ' Differences TOTAL, S T - - -"-'- r--- MEMORANDUM OF TRAVEL PERFORMED UPON TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS. No. of From To Via R. R. Amount. Differences, request. 670 FORMS. [Sheet 2.] WA^M^RTMENT WAR DEPARTMENT. Approved by Comptroller of Treasury July 25, 1919. PUBLIC VOUCHER. ^ , REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES. e Appropriation: Item No $ .... i ' Appropriation: Item No $ .... Appropriation: Item No $ . THE UNITED STATES To , DR. Address : For reimbursement of travel expenses incurred in the discharge of DIFFER- official duty from ,19.., to ,19.., under written authorization from the , dated , 19 . ., a copy of which is as per itemized statement on reverse hereof TOTAL, S MEMORANDUM VOUCHER. EXAMINED BY (To be filled in and retained by paying officer.) Voucher certified by Voucher approved by Paid by check No , dated , 19. ., for $ OR Paid in cash by , (Date) dollars and . , . . cents. 671 APPENDIX 24. (Reverse side of Sheet ?.) Date, 19.... Statement of expenditures. Sub- voucher No. Amount. Differences. TOTAL, $ : MEMORANDUM OF TRAVEL PERFORMED UPON TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS. Date of travel. No. of trans- portation request. From To ViaR. R. Amount. Differences. 672 APPENDIX 25. [Sheet 1.] /TAR DEPARTMENT Form 335. Approved by Comptroller of Treasury July 25, 1919. WAR DEPARTMENT. PUBLIC VOUCHER. PEESONAL SEEVICES. Appropriation: Item No $.... Appropriation: Item No $ THE UNITED STATES To , DR. Address : Desi Dis mp tion, sing Date. From To Character of services. Num- ber of days. Rate. Amount. For. Under authority of. Dated ,19 Per attached certified statement, Form 335a, which is hereby made a part of this voucher whenever used. Less deduction for NET AMOUNT OF THIS VOUCHER. I CERTIFY that the above bill is true and correct, and that payment thereof has not been received, or (that I am not related to the patient named on certifi- cate;. EXAMINED BY (Do not sign in duplicate.) . 673 APPENDIX 25. I CERTIFY that was employed by me as a reporter for a , under the attached authority, and that the account for his services as stated is correct. (Official title.) APPROVED for $ (Title.) Other certificates not appliea- Date , 19 ble to reporter are omitted . Paid by check No , dated , 19.., for $ OR Received , 19.., of , in CASH, the sum of dollars and cents, in full payment of the above account. (Do not sign in duplicate.') * 674 FORMS. WAR DEPARTMENT. Form 335. (Sheet 2.) Approved by Comptroller of Treasury July 25, 1919 WAR DEPARTMENT, PUBLIC VOUCHER. PERSONAL SERVICES. lation: Item No $ . Item No $.. THE UNITED STATES To , DR. Address: . 5 f|I n ! I o c o Date. Fr om Character of services. Num- ber of days. Rate. Amount. For Under authority of. Dated ,19.... Per attached certified statement, Form 335a, which is hereby made a part of tbjs voucher whenever used. Less deduction for. . . . NET AMOUNT OF THIS VOUCHER. MEMORANDUM VOUCHER. (To be filled in and retained by paying officer.) Voucher certified by.. Voucher approved by. EXAMINED BY Paid by check No , dated , 19 , for$ 673 APPENDIX 25. WAR DEPARTMENT , Form 335-A. Approved by Comptroller of Treasury July 25, 1919. WAR DEPARTMENT. STATEMENT OF PERSONAL SERVICES. RENDE1 THE UNIT* IED AS SHOWN IN DETAIL BELOW. :D STATES To , DR. o (i) Date. (2) Character of services rendered. (3) To whom rendered. Disease or disability. (4) Rate. (5) Amount. From 19 To 19 (This statement must be completely made out by payee before certification and attached to voucher. There must be no alteration or erasure.} I CERTIFY that the above statement is true and correct, and that the amounts are the customary charges and not excessive. See reverse side for information. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING STATEMENT ON FORM 335-A. This statement must be made in duplicate, showing in detail Column 1. Inclusive dates of sarvices. Column 2. To whom the services were rendered, giving rank, com- pany, regiment, or organization, where necessary. Column 3. Character of services. If for medical attendance of any kind, or nursing, state necessity for such services, also kind of disease or disability; if for clerical, tech- nical, or professional services, state classification; if for court reporting, give number of hours or number of words in hundreds. Column 4. Rate of pay for services when on per diem basis; per hour or per hundred words if for official reporter. Column 5. Total amount of compensation. If this voucher is for payment of reward for apprehension and delivery of deserter or escaped military prisoner, so state in column 2, and give full name of deserter or escaped prisoner, also company, regiment, or organiza- tion in column 3. 676 APPENDIX 26. REPORT OF INQUEST. summary court-martial. To : Commanding officer. Subject : Report of inquest over body of , deceased. 1. Pursuant to your letter (or, your oral instructions) of , I viewed on the - day of , the body of - , found dead at this post, and have examined the following witnesses, whose testi- mony is appended to this report : 2. From a view of the body and from the evidence before me I find that at or about m., on the day of (or, on or about the day of ) . , a of , Regiment of (or, a civilian), died a natural death (or, committed sui- cide ; or, was accidentally killed in manner and circumstances as fol- lows ; or, was killed by or by some person or persons unknown, in manner and circumstances as follows: (or otherwise, as the case may be). 677 APPENDIX 27. IRREGULARITIES AND ERRORS IN COURT- MARTIAL TRIALS. The following list of irregularities and errors in records of proceed- ings before courts-martial is not intended to be complete or exhaustive. It is appended for the purpose of pointing out those irregularities and errors that have been most common, and of specifically warning against them. Most of the irregularities and errors contained in this list result from carelessness or oversight. No attempt has been made to classify them. Some of them are not serious ; but they should not occur. I. The record is not accompanied by the order referring the case to the court for trial. 2. The record shows that the accused was tried by a different court from that to which the case was referred by the convening authority. 3. No report of investigation of the charges accompanies the record. 4. Charge sheet missing. 5. Allotments not entered on charge sheet. 6. Record not briefed on back as required by Appendix 10, M. C. M. 7. Index incomplete or not in proper form. 8. Army serial number of accused omitted. 9. Variance between Army serial number of accused as shown in the charge sheet and as shown in the record of trial. 10. Variance in initials or names of members of the court, the trial judge advocate, assistant trial judge advocate, defense counsel, assistant defense counsel, or witnesses, in different parts of the record. II. The record shows that an officer who had officially recommended that the accused be tried by court-martial sat as a member of the court by which the accused was tried. 12. The record shows that an officer who subscribed the charges sat as a member of the court by which the accused was tried. 13. The record shows that a member of the court who testified as a witness for the prosecution continued to sit as a member of the court. 14. Variance in rank of members of the court shown in different parts of the record, without any copy of, or reference to, any order showing changes in rank. 15. The record does not show that the accused was informed of his right to demand a copy of the record of his trial, or that he was asked whether or not he desired a copy thereof. 16. No receipt of the accused for a copy of the record of trial, or affidavit of delivery of it to him, is appended to the record. 678 ERRORS IN COURT-MARTIAL TRIAL. 17. The record does not show that a member of the court who was challenged withdrew when the vote on the challenge was taken by the court. 18. The record does not show that the order appointing the court and each amendatory order was read to the accused. 19. The record does not affirmatively show that the accused was afforded the right to challenge each member of the court (including his right to one peremptory challenge). 20. The record shows that an officer sat as a member of the court without apparent authority, i. e., the record contains no order detailing him as such. 21. The record does not show that all members of the court, the trial judge advocate, the assistant trial judge advocate, the reporter, and the interpreter were sworn. 22. Offenses charged under wrong Articles of War. 23. One or more specifications constitute unnecessary duplication of charges. 24. The name of the person signing the charges is not shown by the record. 25. The oath to the charges is not copied into the record. 26. The grade and organization of the person signing the charges are not shown by the record. 27. The words " officer preferring charge," or " by order of " a com- manding officer, or other unnecessary or prohibited words, are used in connection with the signature of the person signing the charges. 28. The record does not show that the accused entered a separate plea to each charge and specification. 29. The pleas of the accused are irregular in form, e. g., " not guilty of desertion, but guilty of absence without leave." 30. The record does not show that the accused was properly or sufficiently instructed in regard to the effect of a plea of guilty and the maximum penalty for the offenses charged. 31. In a proper case, i. e., one in which the accused makes a state- ment inconsistent with his plea of guilty, or qualifies his plea of guilty, the record does not show that the court ordered the accused's plea of guilty changed to a plea of not guilty. 32. The record does not show that the paragraphs of the Manual for Courts-Martial that set out the gist of the offense or offenses charged against the accused were read to the court by the trial judge advocate ; or does not specifically show which paragraphs or parts of paragraphs were read ; or shows that the wrong paragraphs were read. 33. The record fails to show that each witness was sworn. 34. The record does not show that, before testifying, each witness for the prosecution was required by the trial judge advocate to identify the accused, as required by paragraph 250, M. C. M. 35. The record fails to show that the accused is a person subject to military law. G79 APPENDIX 27. 36. The record shows that a witness was recalled and permitted to testify without being reminded that he was still under oath. 37. Clearly improper evidence admitted by the court, e. g., the ad- mission of a confession without proper foundation, or the admission of a deposition in a capital case. 38. The record does not show that the court ruled on an objection to evidence. 39. The record fails to show that the law member (or the president of the court) explained to the accused his rights as a witness; or that he did so properly. 40. The record does not show that the prosecution rested. 41. The record shows that the trial judge advocate made use of improper argument, e. g., that he commented upon the failure of the accused to testify in his own behalf. 42. The record does not show that the court made any findings upon one or more of the charges or specifications. 43. The findings of the court are not in proper form, e. g., "not guilty of desertion, but guilty of absence without leave." 44. The record shows that evidence concerning previous convic- tions of the accused was read to the court before the court's find- ings were made. 45. Although the trial judge advocate was present at the trial, the record is authenticated by the assistant trial judge advocate, and con- tains no statement that the trial judge advocate could not authenti- cate the record on account of his death, disability, or absence. 46. Interlineations or corrections in the record are not initialed by the trial judge advocate or by the person by whom they were made. 47. Exhibits missing from record. 48. A specification is incomplete or legally insufficient because of the omission of some necessary allegation, e. g., the allegation that the act described was committed unlawfully or feloniously, or because it does not allege every essential element of the offense sought to be charged. 49. The record fails to show that the accused had (1) no evidence (or no further evidence) to offer, or (2) no statement (or further statement) to make, or (3) no argument (or further argument) to offer. NOTE. This appendix should be included in the courses of instruction in the Manual for Courts-Martial at officers' schools. C80 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, "A. W. ' indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] It being impossible to index every paragraph In every possible logical place, the Index aims to be as specific as possible. Consult, therefore, the more specific heads e. g., for Depositions, look under " Depositions," and not under " Evidence." Abandoned property. (See Property.) Abandoning or delivering up command : Par. Analysis and proof of offenses 425, p. 377 ; A. W. 75 Definitions and principles 425, p. 378 Forms for specifications App. 6 Abandonment of wife and children: Wife may testify against husband accused of 228 Abatement, pleas in. (See Pleas.) Abbreviations used in Manual for Courts-Martial xxvii Absence : Of appointing authority, who may act during 369 ; A. W. 46 Of area or department commander for any considerable period, effect 18 Of member of court-martial Excuse, report 85 Procedure upon his return 93 Absence with leave: Of area or department commander, effect on appointing powers 18 When converted into absence without leave because of civil arrest 412 Absence without leave (see also Desertion) : Analysis and proof of offense 412 ; A. W 7 . 61 As joint offense, proof necessary 69 Definitions and principles 412 Finding of, on charge of misbehavior before enemy 300 Forms for specifications App. 6 (26-28) Ignorance of detail as defense for not reporting 283 Interrupts execution of sentence 401 Method of finding or pleading, on charge of desertion 298 Methods of proof of, enumerated 284 Morning report, entries in, as proof of 284 No statutory intent described in A. W. 61 nor to be alleged. 281 Periods of 24 hours equal 1 day 412 Presumption of continuance and of intent 284 Proof of, establishes corpus delicti of desertion 225 (c) Routine duties missed during, not separately punishable 66 Time lost to be made good 38(note) ; A. W. 107 Trial for desertion after trial for 149(3) (e) 681 682 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page. " A. W." indicates Articles of War, ana " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Abuse, defined 438 Accomplice (see also Conspiracy) : Acts and statements, when admissible against each other_ 217, 224 Confession as ground for pardon or milder punishment 216 Must first waive his privilege before testifying 217 Nolle prosequi, to secure testimony of 217 (notes) Account, books of: Use; conditions, refreshing recollection, authentication, originals 244 Accounts, proof of 237 Accouterments. (See Military property.) Accused. (See also generally throughout index the more spe- cific titles) : Army serial number should be adduced at trial p. 605 (22) ; p. 621 (note 7) Arrest. (See Arrest.) As witness for self, failure to take stand can not be com- mented on 214 (c) As witness for self, noted in record 357 (b) (28) As witness for self, scope of cross-examination 214 As witness for self, status like any other witness 214 (a) 262 As witness for self, statute permitting cited 214 Asked as to desire to have defense counsel act 108 Character of. (See Character evidence.) Charges. (See Charges.) Civil authorities, delivery to; when required, penalty for refusal 35, 424 ; A. W. 74 Confession. (See Confessions.) Confinement. (See Confinement.) Confronted with witnesses, when to be 165 ; A. W. 25 Considerations respecting, in determining place of con- finement 342, 342a Copy of record for; inquiry, receipt 117, 366 (b) Counsel. (See Counsel; Defense counsel.) Court-martial has no control of person of, except in its presence 47(c),87 Cross-examination of witnesses, opportunity for, noted in record 357 (b) (30) Examination by medical board, when proper 76c Explanation to, of right to testify or make state- ment 215, 357 (b) ; (34) ; App. 9, p. 610 Freedom of expression in statement to court 291 How described in charge and specification 74 (b) (h) (i) Identification Care requisite; specific modes enumerated 250 Elements, care if disputed 223 (a) INDEX. 683 f References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Accused Continued. Identification Continued. Par. Prior to trial by witness of greatest value 223 (a) Questions by trial judge advocate to establish p. 605 (22) Informing court as to member being accuser or witness 129 Insanity. (See Insanity, etc., of accused.) Interviews with counsel permitted 110 Investigation of charges, rights upon, in general 76a Irons, not ordinarily to be tried in 88 Officer having custody or command responsible for 47(b,c) Pleas. (See Pleas.) Presence at open sessions to be shown in record 85, 357 (b) (11) Presence or absence at proceedings in revision 352, 357 (b) (11) Procedure where not testifying or making statement- 215 ; App. 6 Refusal to plead, procedure 155 ; A. W. 21 Self-crimination. (See Self -crimination.) Trial judge advocate has no control of person of 47 (b) Uniform to be worn at court 82 Where seated in court 83 Witnesses requested by, duties of defense counsel 161 Accuser : Challenge, ground for 121,125 Convening authority as ; discussed, as defense, procedure- 17, 22 Convening authority of general or special court can not be_ 14, 21 Counsel for, should be allowed in court of inquiry 463 Form for affidavit on charge sheet App. 5, p. 561 Ineligible as member of general or specaal court-mar- tial 6(a), 129; A.W.8,9 Member as ; ineligible, making fact known, excuse. 129 ; A. W. 8, 9 Member as, question of fact ; invalidity of proceedings 130 Member signing and swearing to charges; procedure 130 Trial judge advocate as, relief 102 Where only officer present with command, as summary court 6 (a) ; A. W. 10 Acquittal: Announcement in open court 332a At close of prosecution's case ; procedure 158c Former, for same offense, how proved 274 General principles applicable to findings 297 *' Guilty without criminality " equivalent to 303 Joint changes ; procedure where also conviction 301 Nolle prosequi is not equivalent to 158 Not a " sentence " nor approved, confirmed, or disapproved- 372 (b) On lack of requisite number of votes required for conviction 294 Privilege of self -crimination ceases upon 233 (a) Record, general and special courts-martial 357 (b) (46), 358 Record, summary court-martial 351 (i). 363 Release from confinement or arrest upon 332a, 371 Return of record for reconsideration prohibited- 352, 372 ; A. W. 40 684 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Acting judge advocate : Oaths for administrative purposes may be administered Par. by 138 (b ); A.W. 114 Powers of notary public or consul in foreign places where Army serving 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Action by reviewing authority. (See Reviewing authority.) Additional charges defined; when tried separately; when tried with original charges 73 Adjournment of court-martial : Duties of trial judge advocate during or at close of trial App. 8 Power of general or special court-martial to adjourn 81 Records of general and special courts to show 357 (b) (52) Adjutant of a command : Oaths for administrative purposes may be administered by 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Powers of notary public or consul in foreign places where Army serving 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Adjutant General, The. (See The Adjutant General, reports to.) Admission against interest (see also Confessions) : Distinguished from confession; examples 226 On statement of accused, how far considered 292 Admonition : As disciplinary punishment, proper 333 ; A. W. 104 By president of court-martial to members 86 Legal sentence for officer 310 Advising desertion : Analysis and proof of offense 410 ; A. W. 59 Capital offense in time of war; any other punishment in peace 41 ; A. W. 59 Definitions and principles 410 Forms for specifications App. 6(23) Lesser included offense in desertion 377 Aero squadron, when a detachment for disciplinary purposes 28 Affidavit (see also Oath) : Not admissible as deposition unless expressly consented to_ 269 Person making in general court-martial charges named in record 357(b) (19) To charges and specifications ; who may administer ; form, 75, 75 (note) ; A. W. 70 ; App. 5, p. 561 To charges, copied into record 64 To charges, forms on charge sheet App. 5, p. 561 Affinity as ground for challenge 121 Affirmation (see also Oath) : Closing sentence of adjuration in oath omitted in 132 ; A. W. 19 Oath includes, where affirmation authorized in lieu of oath 443, p. 434 INDEX. 685 [References are to paragraph^ except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Affray, lesser included offenses ; assault and breach of peace 377 Agreement, fraudulent. (See Conspiracy.) Aider of defective specification 158a Aiding desertion. (See Assisting desertion.) Alaska : Double jeopardy rule in 149 (3) (d) Fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 (b) Trial in either civil or military court in, bar to trial in other for same offense _ 149(3) (d) Alias, how pleaded 74 (i) Allotments : Compulsory (Class A) may not be detained or forfeited 311 Voluntary (Class B) may not be detained or forfeited 811 Alternative pleading improper 74 (c) Ammunition :. Casting away ; offense stated, proof 425, p. 380; A. W. 75 Casting away ; form for specification : App. 6(57) Wasting of, offense stated, proof 434 ; A. W. 84 Wasting of, form for specification App. 6(74) Ammunition train, when a detachment for disciplinary pur- poses 28 Amnesty (see also Pardon) : Evidence of, as basis of plea in bar ; how offered, other evi- dence 273 Privilege against self-crimination ceasing on 233 (a) Appeal : From courts-martial to civil courts not permitted 33, 33a From disciplinary punishment ; effect, contents, procedure. 833, 335 ; A. W. 104 From disciplinary punishment ; no witnesses heard 335 Appointing authority (see also Reviewing authority). Absence of law member, can direct to proceed in 85 Action as to offenders against laws of community 35 Adding to membership of general court-martial 7 (a) (notel) Appointment of law member 81, 89 (a) ; A. W. 8 Appointment of medical board ; action thereon 76c Appointment of trial judge advocate, defense counsel, and their assistants 81 Arrest of officer without charges, report to 50 As " accuser " or " prosecutor " ; discussed, as defense, pro- cedure 17, 22 Authority to add members to general court-martial- 7 (a) (note 3) Authority to add members to special court-martial 7(b) Change of membership of court during trial, power of 93 Consults staff judge advocate on questions raised by trial judge advocate 158d 21358 20 44 686 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates r "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Appendix.] Appointing authority Continued. rr. Continuances, authority for, may be asked of 139 Designates first time and place of courts-martial 81 Duration of power to appoint general courts-martial 18 Final decision on availability of military counsel 108 For courts of inquiry 447-449; A. W. <> 7 For general courts-martial, who may be 14-16 ; A. W. 8 For special courts-martial, who. may be 21; A. W. 9 For summary courts-martial, who may be 25 ; A. W. 10 Insanity, etc., of accused raised at trial, duties 219 Judicial notice of orders appointing special or summary courts 289 Limitation on powers over courts-martial 20 May refer any case to a special court-martial ; purpose of article 41a ; A. W. 12 Membership of general court should be an odd number 7 (a) (notel) Membership of general court usually kept near mini- mum : 7(a) (notel) Power dependent on command or duty, not rank 18, 19, 23 Rank, may order trial by juniors to accused in__ 12 (a) ; A. W. 16 Records of general court-martial, how disposed of by 367 (a) Records of general or special court forwarded to 366 (a) Records of special courts-martial, how disposed of by 367 (b) Records, receipt, or affidavit as to delivery to accused for- warded to 866 (b) Selection of best qualified officers for courts-martial. 6(c) ; A. W. 4 Use of term for " reviewing authority " 369 Variance, directions as to continuing case showing 158b Appointing orders, judicial notice of 14 (notel) Apprehension of accused persons, duty of commanding officer in aid of civil authorities ; penalty for refusal 424 ; A. W. 74 Appropriation of property. ( See Property. ) Approval of sentence. (See Sentence.) Approving authority (see also Confirming authority; Reviewing authority). Power to confirm sentence "378 ; A. W. 49 Review of cases under A. W. 50$, duties in connection with. 399a Area, corps. (See Corps area.) Arguments to court: By accused, trial judge advocate and counsel for accused 293 Freedom of expression; limitations 291 Statements of the accused 290-292 Trial judge advocate may open and close ; answer by de- fense 293 Written by counsel for accused In absence of reporter ill INDEX. 687 r References are to paragraph*, except that the letter "p" indicates pa go, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Arizona, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Arms : Casting away, offense stated, proof 425, p. 380 ; A. W. 75 Casting away; form for specification . App. 6(74) Army, judicial notice of organization, circulars, orders, location of posts, troops, etc 289 Army (tactical), commanding officer may appoint general court- martial 14 ; A. W. 8 Army areas, commanding officer without power to confirm sen- tonces under A. W. 48 378 (notel) Army corps, commanding officer may appoint general court-mar- tial, 14 ; A. W. 8 Army field clerks. (See Field clerks Army and Quartermaster Corps. ) Army Nurse Corps, member of : A. W. 55, 56, 67, and 75 not applicable to ; A. W. 96 proper for such offenses 406, 407, 418, 425, p. 380 Compensation as reporter of court-martial, etc., not allowed- 113 (f) Excepted from jurisdiction of special and summary courts- martial by G. O. 71, W. D. 1920 p. 656 False muster, etc. ; A. W. 56 not applicable to 407 Misbehavior before enemy ; A. W. 75 not applicable to 425 Mutiny or sedition, not suppressing, etc., under A. W. 96 and not A. W. 67 418 (note) Not eligible for courts-martial 6(c) Not subject to summary court-martial 43 ; A. W. 14 Officer but not commissioned officer; use of term. 4 (note 2), 6(c) Power to quell frays, disorders, etc. ; penalty 419 ; A. W. 63 Previous conviction, three-year limitation on introduction of 306 Sentences legal for, enumerated 310a Subject to Articles of War 4 (a) ; A. W.2(a) Unlawful enlistment, etc. ; A. W. 55 not applicable to 406 Army Regulations : A source of military law 2(d) Judicial notice of 289 Military person presumed to know 282 Army serial number, identification of accused by p. 605(22), p. 621 (note 7) Ai raignment : Defined ; procedure 144 Follows organization of court 143 Plea. (See Pleas.) Time of, on additional charges 73 688 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Arrest (see also Confinement) : Par. Accused persons not to be placed in ; exceptions 46 (a) ; A. W. 69 Breach Analysis and proof of offense 420 ; A. W. 69 Definitions and principles of offense 420 Forms for specifications App. 6(44) Offense same before or after trial or sentence- 46 (b) , 420 ; A. W. 69 Punishment for officer or cadet, for others 40, 420 ; A. W. 69 Commanding officers only may place officers in, except under A. W. 68 47 (a) Court-martial has no control over nature of accused's 47 (c) Defense counsel not subject to, by court or president 89 Disobedience of order into ; penalty 419 ; A. W. 68 Disobedience of order into; form for specification App. 6(43) Distinguished from confinement 420 Jurisdiction of court-martial not affected by accused not being in 46 (note) Limits of ; punishment for breach 46 ; A, W. 69 Limits of restriction upon 40 ; A. W. 69 Of deserter Authority of citizen 59 Authority of civil officer 58 ; A. W. 106 Of officer By subordinate, when taking part in frays, etc 419 ; A. W. 68 How executed 48 Only by commanding officer, except under A. W. 68 47 (a) Procedure where no charges preferred 50 Status in arrest, applications and requests in writing 49 Of soldier- By noncommissioned officers, purpose, limitations 52 How effected 52 Only on order of officer ; exceptions 52 Release after trial, when required 332a, 371 Release from, and restoration to duty ; not ground for cer- tain pleas 152 (c) ; A. W. 70 Status of officer in 49 Status of warrant or noncommissioned officer in 53 Trial judge advocate not subject to, by court or president 89 Trial judge advocate without authority to order 47 (b) Who may order 47 Arson : Burning and destruction of buildings not subject of, how punishable 446, p. 465 Burning other building than dwelling house, punishable under A. W. 96 443, p. 417 Definition and principles, proof, penalty 443, p. 416 ; A. W. 93 INDEX. 689 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Arson Continued. Par. Drunkenness not strictly a defense 285 Forms for specifications App. 6 (96) Limitation of three years 149(2) Articles of War: Set out in full and indexed, see Appendix 1. " A. W. 2, 23, 45, effective June 4, 1920 486 ; App. 1 As source of military law 2(d) Certain read to enlisted men 282 ; A. W. 110 Effect of failing to read prescribed articles to enlisted men discussed 282 Effective, except three, February 4, 1921 486 ; App. 1 Exact words followed in charges, if practicable 74 (p) National Guard, applicable to, upon draft into service 4 (a) (note d) ; App. 2 Offenses against, how charged 74 (p) Persons subject to, enumerated 4 ; A. W. 2 Persons subject to naval jurisdiction not usually subject to 4 (d) (note); A.W.2 Rules of evidence in, as binding 198 Specific article used where possible, not general article 74 (e) Substitution of general or other specific article for article named in charges ___ 300 Assault : (See also the specific Jcinds of assault indexed immediately 'below.') Defined ; examples 443, p. 440 ; A. W. 93 Forms for specifications App. 6 (108,109,138,139) Lesser included offense in affray 377 Lesser included offense in assault with intent to murder, rape, robbery 300, 377 Assault and battery : Assault included in battery 377 Battery defined; examples 443, p. 442 ; 446, p. 464 Disorderly conduct consisting in not to be treated as separate offense 66 Drunkenness not strictly a defense 285 Felonious assault, a lesser included offense in murder 377 Lesser included offense in murder, mayhem, rape, robbery 377 Assault with intent to commit any felony : Definitions and principles _ 443, p. 439 ; A. W. 93 Limitation of three years 149(2) Assault with intent to commit manslaughter : Definitions and principles 443, p. 444 Limitation of three years 149(2) 090 INDEX, [Deferences arc to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates "A. W." indicates Articles f War, and " App." indicate* Appendix.] Assault with intent to commit murder: Par. Definitions and principles ; proof 443, p. 443 Limitation of three years 149(2) Minor degrees of assault included in 377 Assault with intent to commit rape : Definitions and principles 443, p. 444 Limitation of three years 149(2) Assault with intent to commit sodomy: Definitions ; specific intent required 443, p. 445 Limitation of three years 149(2) Assault with intent to do bodily harm: Definitions and principles : proof 443, p. 447 Evidence of similar act, example when inadmissible 206(4) Lesser included offense in murder, mayhem 377 Limitation of three years 149(2) Assault with intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, etc.: Definitions and principles ; proof 443, p. 447 ; A. W. 93 Limitation of three years 149(2) Assault with intent to rob : Definition ; defense, proof 443, p. 445 ; A. W. 93 Limitation of three years 149(2) Assaulting superior officer : Analysis and proof of offense 415 ; A. W. 64 Capital offense at all times 41 ; A. W. 64 Definitions and principles 415 Drunkenness as defense 286 Forms for specifications App. 6 (31-33) Assaulting warrant or noncommissioned officer: Analysis and proof of offense 416 ; A. W. 65 Definitions and principles 416 Forms for specifications App. 6 (35,36) Assignment of pay, court-martial can not order 325 Assistant defense counsel (see also Defense counsel) : Appointment for each general court-martial 31a, 107li ; A. W. 11 Closed sessions, not present at; duties in open court 101 Duties enumerated 107i In general court-martial, one for each assistant trial judge advocate, if possible . 31b, 107h Name, presence, etc., in record 357 (b) (7-9, 11) Power to appoint can not be delegated 18 Presence or absence at opening and after recess, in record 84, 357(b)(37,38) Relation to individual counsel 108, 109 ; A. W. 17 Review proceedings, presence at 352 INDEX. 691 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Ap[>eiidix.] Assistant defense counsel Continued. P ar . Usually present but .may be excused by court; noted in record 107i When included under term "Defense counsel " lOTi Where seated in court 83 Assistant staff judge advocate (see also Staff judge advocate) : Report or review of records 379 Assistant trial judge advocate (see also Trial judge advocate) : Appointment ; duties 30, 106, 107 ; A. W. 11, 116 Authentication of general court-martial records, when by 354, 357 (b) (54) ; A. W. 33 Closed sessions, not present at ; effect if present 101 Name, presence, etc., in record 357 (b) (7-9) Oath administered to trial judge advocate as witness 134 (b) Oath for administrative purposes administered by 138 (b) ; A. W. 1U Power to appoint can not be delegated 18 Presence or absence at opening and after recess, in record 84,357(b) (37, 38) Revision proceedings, presence at 352 Subscribing each day's proceedings, when shown in record ._ 357(b) (53) Taking of oath noted in record 357 (b) (17) Trial of less important cases 107 Usually present but may be excused by court; noted in record 107 When included under term trial judge advocate 107 Where seated in court 83 Assisting desertion : Analysis and proof of offense 410; A. W. 59 Capital offense in time of war, any other punishment in peace 61; A. W- 59 Definitions and principles 410 Forms for specifications App. 6(24) Attachment of witness : As process to obtain attendance; power, procedure, discre- tion in exercise 159, 168 ; A. W. 22 Form for warrant App. 20 Papers to be used in making return, enumerated 168 (a f) Procedure on habeas corpus out of Federal court 169 (a), 479; App. 22 Procedure on habeas corpus out of State court 3 69 (b), 478 (a) ; App. 22 Trial judge advocate's duties, how executed _ 168, 169 692 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Attempt : (See also the specific offense attempted.) rar. A lesser included offense of offense alleged 300, 377 (note) Conviction, when properly under general article 300 (note 2) Defined 417 Attorney and client (see also Privileged communications) : Communications are privileged; client only may waive; third parties may testify 227 Auditor for the War Department : Receives report on disposal of deceased person's effects 482 ; A. W. 112 Authentication : Court of inquiry records, by whom 473 Documentary evidence; fundamental requirement, pro- cedure 236a Documentary evidence; method; letters, telegrams, official documents 239 Forms for, in absence of president or trial judge advo- cate 357 (b) (54) General court-martial records, by whom 354, 357(b) (54) ; A.W.33 Previous convictions ; how made for use at trial 306 Autrefois acquit, evidence to support plea of 274 (See also Former jeopardy.) Bad character. (See Character evidence.) Band leader, power to quell frays, disorders, etc.; pen- alty 419; A. W. 68 Battalion : Assignment to disciplinary, legal sentence for soldier 311 Detached; commanding officer may appoint special courts- martial 21 ; A. W. 9 Detached ; commanding officer may appoint summary courts- martial 25 ; A. W. 10 Detached; defined and discussed 28 Word includes squadron 4(note 1) ; A. W. l(d) Battery : Assault and. (See Assault and battery.) Included under word "company" 4(notel) ; A.W. l(c) Beginning mutiny or sedition, defined 417 Behaving in insubordinate or disrespectful manner to warrant or noncommissioned officer : Analysis and proof of offense 416; A. W. 65 Definitions and principles 416 Form for specification App. 6(38) INDEX. 693 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Best evidence : Par General rule as to writings 236a(l),237 Of former trial by court-martial or civil court 274 Of pardon 273 Bias, hostility, etc.: Challenge, ground of 121 Defense counsel may be excused from duty 107f Of witness does not disqualify but affects weight of testi- mony 213 Trial judge advocate may be excused from duty 102 Bigamy, wife may testify against husband accused of 228 Binding : Records of general courts-martial; documents and papers, App. 10, p. 627 Records of special courts-martial 362 Board of review: Action on death, unsuspended dismissal or dishonorable discharge, penitentiary cases and cases requiring Presi- dent's approval or confirmation 371 ; A. W. 50$ Duties under A. W. 50* described in detail 399a Nonconcurrence of Judge Advocate General with ; procedure 399a(c),399(note2) Board, refusal to appear before a 170 ; A. W. 23 Board to investigate injuries to property. (See Injury to prop- erty, redress of.) Bodily harm: Assault. (See Assault with intent to commit bodily harm.) Wife may testify against husband accused of inflicting 228 Books. (See Documentary evidence.) Books of civilian witness; obtained by subpoena duces tecum, form 166 ; App. 19, p. 651 Books of account, use; conditions, refreshing recollection, au- thentication, originals 244 Branding prohibited 344 ; A. W. 41 Breach of arrest. (See Arrest.) Breach of peace, lesser included offense in affray 377 Breaking defined 443, p. 418 Bribe : Laying duty or imposition upon bringing in of victuals, etc. 437 ; A. W. 87 Wrongful taking of money, etc., on muster 407 ; A. W. 56 Brief : Records of general and special courts-martial 357 (b) (1), 361 To be filed with return to State court on habeas cor- pus App. 22, p. 661 694 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter *'p" indicates page. " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " Appt" indicates Appendix.] Brigade : Par. Commander may appoint special courts-martial 21; A. W. 9 Commander's duties where officer arrested without charges preferred 50 Detached ; defined and discussed 28 Powers of commander respecting summary courts-martial 29 Separate; commander may appoint general courts-mar- tial 14 A. W. 8 Bulky reports not appended to record pp. 564 (9), 650 (5) Burden of proof : Finding of not guilty at close of prosecution's case lf>8c In collateral issues 288 Mental condition of accused, on prosecution 219 (b) On prosecution ; reasonable doubt defined 288 On special plea, rests with accused 153 (a) Bureaus of War Department, copies of records as evidence 238 Burglary : Definition and principles, proof, penalty. 443, pp. 413, 418 ; A. W. 93 Distinct and specific intent, independent of act, essential 280 Drunkenness as defense 285 Form for specifications App. 6(97) Housebreaking distinguished 443, p. 420 Limitation of three years 149(2) Specifications should set out facts as to any accompanying larceny 443, p. 420 Burning buildings, vessels, stores, etc. (see also Arson) : Arson distinguished from offense of 446, p. 4G6 Offense defined 446, p. 466 Cadet : Conduct unbecoming officer and gentleman; offense de- fined, proof 445 ; A. W. 95 Confirmation by President of sentence of suspension or dis- missal 378(c) ; A. W. 48 Excepted from jurisdiction of special and summary court- martial by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 p. 656 Subject to Articles of War 4(b) ; A. W. 2(b) Summary courts-martial, not triable by 43 ; A. W. 14 What article to be used in charging offenses 74 (e) (note) When military jurisdiction over ceases 38 California, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Call: As subjecting person called to Articles of War__ 4(a) ; A. W. 2 (a.) National Guard; laws and regulations applicable upon 4 (a) (noted) INDEX. G95 I References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] As place of confinement of general prisoner _______________ 398 Camp followers subject to military law __________ 4(e) ; A. W. 2 Commanding officr may appoint special courts-martial _____ 21 ; A. W. 9 Commanding officer may appoint summary courts-martial __ 25 ; A. W. 10 Canal Zone: Double jeopardy rule in ____________________________ 149(3) (d) Trial in either civil or military court in, bar to trial in other for same offense _________________________________ 149(3) (d) Capital offenses (see also Death sentence) : Accused must be confronted with witnesses against him__ 165; A. W. 25 Case referred to special court-martial under A. W. 25 not capital _____ _: _________________________________________ 263 Cross-examination permitted of witness deposing for de- fense in ______________________________________________ 264 Court of inquiry records admissible for defense only. 272 ; A. W. 27 Depositions may be introduced by defense only_ 263, 264 ; A. W. 25 Enumerated ____________________________________________ 41 Former testimony, when admissible in __________________ 377a Captured public property. (See Property.) Carnal knowledge of female under 16 (see also Rape) : Definition; distinguished from rape; essential ele- ments ________________________________________ 446, p. 465 Form for specification _____________________________ App. 6(179) Casting away arms or ammunition: Analysis and proof of offense ______________ 425, p. 380 ; A. W. 75 Definitions and principles ______________________________ 425 Form for specifications _____________________________ App. 6 (57) Certificate, use of typewriter in recording findings and sen- tence _______________________________________________ 357 ( b ) ( 55 ) Certificate of discharge, use as proof of good character before or after findings _________________________________________ 270 Certificate of eligibility to promotion: Deprivation of rights and privileges under, legal sentence by general court-martial for enlisted men __________________ 311 Soldier holding not subject to summary court-martial. 43 ; A. W. 14 Challenge : Classes, practically two; principal and for favor _____ 120 ( note 1) Court of inquiry ; for cause only ________________ 464 ; A. W. 99 Defense counsel not challengeable ____________________ 107f Defined; proof, penalty _________________________ 441 ; A, W. ft Failure to report knowledge of _________________ 441 ; A. W. 91 696 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Challenge Continued: Par. For favor; enumerated, proof 121 (b) Grounds enumerated 121 Joint offenses; each accused has one peremptory 69 Joint offenses; each accused may challenge 69 Law member challengeable only for cause 120 ; A. W. 18 Liberality in passing on 128 Medical board member 126(note2) Member as accuser or witness for prosecution 129 ; A. W. 8, 9 Member as witness for either side, discussed 131 Member becoming witness; procedure 126 (b) Member disqualified but not challenged; procedure 126 (a) Member not to challenge another member ; procedure 124 Member signing charges 130 New member 122 Oath to test competency ; form 137 Opportunity to challenge noted in record 357 (b) (16) Peremptory, each accused has one, in joint trials 120a ; A. W. 18 Peremptory ; may be used against new member 122 Peremptory, no reason need be stated 120a Power of four members of general court-martial to pass on_ 7 (a) Principal challenges enumerated, proof 121 (a) Procedure in making described 120 ; A. W. 18 Procedure upon, detailed 125 Record to show who challenged and action thereon 357b(12) Summary court officer not subject to 120 ; A. W. 18 Trial judge advocate not challengeable 120 Voting on ; method, secret written ballot 90a ; A. W. 31 Waiver of right, what action deemed 127 Chaplain, not usually detailed as member of court-martial 6(b) Character evidence: Accused as witness, character for credibility 206 Bad character of accused may not be shown ; exceptions- 205, 206 Certificate of discharge as proof of good character 270 How affected by rule as to motive 206 Service record of accused introduced after conviction 206 Statement of service as proof of good character 271 Charge sheet, form of App. 5 Charges : (Of a particular offense, see the specific title.) Accumulation usually improper; exception . 6c Accused demanding trial in disciplinary punishment case 336of Additional ; defined and discussed 73 Alias should be used in preparing 74 (i) Charge sheet ; form, preparation, contents App. 5 Christian name should be used in preparing 74 (h) INDEX. 697 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Charges Continued. Pa^ Consolidated distinguished from r dditional charges 73 Consolidation ; serious and minor offenses not to be joined- 67 Copies, disposition of 79 ; A. W. 70 Correction of defective, may be permitted by commanding officer 76 Corrections and amendments of, by trial judge advocate 97 Definitions; charge and specification; requisites 61 Dismissal, after receipt, by commanding officer 76a( 1,11,12) Disposed of by reference to special court in commanding officer's discretion 76a(ll, 12) Disposed of by reference to summary court in commanding officer's discretion 76a(5,ll, 12) Disposed of under A. W. 104 in commanding officer's discre- tion 76a (2, 4, 7, 11, 12) Disposition of, with accompanying papers, by trial judge advocate 79 (b) Duplication for same act usually improper ; when permitted- 66 Examination on receipt by trial judge advocate for errors 97 Finding of guilty on other charges than named 298, 300 Findings on, must be consistent with and supported by find- ings on specifications 297 Formal, not required for disciplinary punishment 336c Forms in Manual cover most offenses, but not mandatory.- 74 (f) App. 6, p. 565 Forwarded in form of indorsement on letter of investigat- ing officer 76a(ll) Forwarded to commanding officer exercising summary- court jurisdiction 75 Guilty of but one specification supports like finding upon 297 Initiation of, by civilians ; affidavits or other evidence 62 Investigation : By staff judge advocate ; procedure in detail thereon 76b Form; number of copies 76a(10 notes 2, 11) Further, by return for that purpose 76b Further, by staff judge advocate 76b Informal, by commanding officer personally 76a(3-7) Procedure in detail described 76a Report of investigating officer; form, inclosure 76a(10) Time limit after receipt 76a(3, 10) Joint ; when may be preferred, form, challenges 69 List of witnesses for both sides forwarded with 75 Medical board, appointment in connection with; duties, report, action thereon 76c Memorandum of documentary evidence forwarded with 75 Method of voting on 294 698 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Charges Continued. Par. Numbering 72 Oath to ; knowledge or investigation clearly set forth 75, 75 (note) ; A. W. 70 Offenders against laws of community ; procedure 35 Original counterpart appended to general court-martial record 357 (b) (56) Originals, with accompanying papers, disposition of 79 Pleading to, in what order 144 Preferred by any person subject to military law 63, 75 ; A. W. 70 Preference ; knowledge or investigation required 75, A. W. 70 Prepared in triplicate on prescribed form 75 ; App. 5 Private indebtedness ; when nonpayment an offense 71 Prompt action on; period; penalty for delay 77a; A. W. 70 Receipt by commanding officer, action upon described 76, 76a Record of general court-martial to contain 357 (b) (18) Record of general court-martial to contain name of person subscribing and swearing to 367 (b) (19) Return for correction or reconsideration 76 Return for reconsideration, when prohibited 352 ; A. W. 40 Service on accused Failure to serve as ground for continuance 77b ; A. W. 70 Five days before trial, in peace time 77b, 80 ; A. W. 70 Of charges and other papers 77b ; A. W. 70 Signature and affidavit by person subject to military law; forms 62; A. W. 70; App. 4 Signature and affidavit ; contents ; form of oath 75 ; A. W. 70 ; App. 5, p. 561 Signature and affidavit; name, rank, organization, or rank or status of person preferring 64 Signature and affidavit no part of 64 Signature " by order of " forbidden 64 Statement of article violated 74 (a) Summary court; given serial number 351 (b) Transfer to proper commanding officer 76 Triplicate; additional sheets; form 75 Uncorroborated confession not sufficient basis for 70 Witnesses, list of, forwarded with 75 Check-list, on record of trial 357 Child as witness: Common-law rule abolished in courts-martial 210(a) (note) Competency not regulated by age but by sense and under- standing 210 (a) Circumstantial evidence (see also Evidence) : Defined and explained 202 (3), 203 Examples of admissible and inadmissible 204 INDEX. 699 [References are to paragraphs, except tbat the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Citizen, right to arrest deserter ; reward 58, 59 ; A. W. 10G Civil authorities : Absence without leave as affected by detention by 412 Civil courts (see Civil courts). Delivery of person found responsible on inquest for death on post, etc., to 483; A. W. 113 Delivery to, as interrupting execution of sentence 401 ; A. W. 74 Depositions, when may be taken before 175 ; A. W. 26 Deserters, power to arrest and deliver to military authori- ties 58 ; A. VV. 106 Refusal to deliver offender to, in peace time, offense ana- lyzed, penalty 35, 424 ; A. W. 74 Refusal to deliver offender to, specific intent required 281 State courts. (See State courts.) Witnesses in, confinement, attendance at court-martial 167 Civil courts : Concurrent jurisdiction with military courts of certain offenses 35 Federal ; habeas corpus in attachment proceedings, pro- cedure 169 ( a ) Federal ; power to inquire into legality of detention of per- son in military control 33 Federal; punishment of recalcitrant witness before court- martial by 170 Federal; removal to, of suit against member of military service 484 ; A. W. 117 Former testimony in, when admissible in courts-martial 275 Former trial in, when bar to second trial 149(3), 274; A. W. 40 Powers of, over judgments of courts-martial 33 State courts. (See State courts.) When accorded priority of jurisdiction 35 Civil offenses. (See Civil authorities; Civil courts.) Civil officers (see also Civil authorities) : Certain officers serving with Army abroad have powers of notary public or consul 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Fees for taking depositions 181 Civil suits, removal to Federal court of civil or criminal suit against member of military service 484 ; A. W. 117 Civilian witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Civilians : May initiate court-martial charges 62 Warning by arresting civilian as to incrimi nation not nec- essary 225 (b) Claims, (See False claims against United States.) 700 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Class A allotment not subject to detention or forfeiture 311 Class B allotment not subject to detention or forfeiture 311 Class B, officer placed in : Court of inquiry may be ordered to inquire into correct- ness 3(d) (note), 447a, 452 Discharged officer lias no right to trial under R. S. 1230 38 (b) (note) Clemency : Applications for, who may pass on ; excepted places 402 Applications limited to one in six months 404 Recommendation by court-martial; contents, form, specific character 332 Recommendation in special court trial, appended to record- 358 (c) Recommendation not embodied in but bound into record of general court-martial 357(b) (57) Remission of suspended sentence of dishonorable discharge, a matter of 403 Clerk : Extra compensation forbidden except to reporters 118 Finding or sentence not communicated to; legality unaf- fected if done 305 For defense counsel 107g For trial judge advocate 105 Record- may be prepared by 355 Closed sessions: Effect of presence of trial judge advocate during 101 Sitting with closed doors, practice and propriety of 92 Trial judge advocate, defense counsel, etc., not present at 101 When voting on challenge, findings or sentence; pro- cedure 91 ; A. W. 31 Clothing defined 434 Coast Artillery district commander: Duties where officer arrested without charges preferred 50 Code of District of Columbia : As guide for penitentiary sentence and duration of same 40, 338 ; A. W. 42, 45 As source of definitions for offenses under A. W. 92 and 93, after Penal Code 442, p. 408 Collateral issues: Burden of proof in 288 Limitations on contradiction or impeachment of witnesses as to 259 Prejudice, bias, relationship, etc., never regarded as 260 Colorado, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 INDEX. 701 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Command : Par Assignment of, among regulars, militia, and volunteers 12; A. W. 119 Authority to exercise in absence, etc., of area or depart- ment commander 19 Compelling surrender; analysis, proof, penalty__ 426; A. W. 76 Detached; commanding officer may appoint special courts- martial 21 ; A. W. 9 Detached; commanding officer may appoint summary courts-martial 25 ; A. W. 10 Endangering safety of ; analysis, proof, penalty 425, p. 379 ; A. W. 75 Officer in arrest may not exercise 49 Power to appoint general court-martial a personal attribute of 18 President of court-martial does not exercise 89 Shamefully abandoning or delivering up; analysis, proof, penalty 425, p. 378 ; A. W, 75 Suspension from. (See Suspension from command.) When different corps or commands join 10, 11 ; A. W. 120 Commander of a guard : May receive prisoner without account of charge, etc 421 Refusal to receive or keep prisoner, accompanied by written account of offense ; penalty 55, 421 ; A. W. 71 Report on confinement of prisoners within 24 hours 55 (note) ; A. W. 72 Term includes noncommissioned officer or private 421,422 Commanding general of Army in field: Confirmation of sentences by, when sufficient 378(b) (d) ; A.W.48 Mitigation or remission of sentences, when empowered 381; A. W. 50 Commanding officer (see also Appointing authority; Confirming authority; Reviewing authority): Arrest of officer only ordered by; exceptions 47 (a) Arrest of officer without preferring charges, duties on 50 As "accuser" or "prosecutor," discussed, as defense, pro- cedure 17, 22 Being interested in sale of victuals, etc. ; offense described, penalty 437 ; A. W. 87 Charges, action upon receipt of, described 76, 76a Compelling surrender by, analysis, proof, penalty 426 ; A. W. 76 Complaints of wrongs alleged to have been done by; pro- cedure 485 ; A. W. 121 Courts of inquiry, discretion as to publication of proceed- ings of 472 21358" 20 45 702 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p** indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and "App," indicates Appendix.] Commanding officer Continued. Par. Courts of inquiry, limitation upon power to appoint 447, 448 ; A. W. 97 Courts of Inquiry ; power to order, discretion 447, 449 ; A. W. 97 Deceased persons' effects, duties respecting 482 ; A. W. 112 Definition under A. W. 74 relating to delivery of accused 424 Definition under A. W. 67 relating to mutiny 418 Definition under A. W. 72 relating to report of prisoners.. 422 Delegation of appointing powers respecting courts-martial, forbidden 18 Disciplinary powers defined and discussed 333 ; A. W. 104 Disciplinary punishment, responsibilities affecting 336a Disrespect toward ; analysis and proof, penalty.- 414 ; A. W. G3 Duration of power to appoint general court-martial 18 Duties where general or special court-martial likely to be reduced below quorum 7 (a) (b) Eligibility for appointment as summary court-martial 26, 27 ; A. W. 10 Eligibility for membership in special court-martial 24 Exercises military jurisdiction under A. W. 104 3 (c) General court-martial, duration of power to appoint 18 General court-martial ; duties respecting quorum, new mem- bers, officers thereof, etc 7 (a) Injuries to property; duties under A. W. 105 481 Inquests, duties respecting holding of 483 ; A. W. 113 Interest in sale of victuals, etc., forbidden ; penalty- 437 ; A. W. 87 Interrogatories, duties as to securing 177 Laying a duty or imposition upon bringing in victuals, etc. ; offense described, penalty 437 ; A. W. 87 Prompt action on charges ; duties, penalty 77a ; A. W. 70 Refusal to deliver offenders to civil authorities ; penalty. 35 ; A. W. 74 Release of accused after trial, when required by ; 332a Reparation for damage, duty to provide for; penalty for failure 89, 439 ; A. W. 105 Report of, upon arrest of officer without preferring charges. 50 Senior officer on duty at recruiting sentence as 26 Special court-martial ; duties respecting quorum, new mem- bers, officers thereof, etc 7(b) Special court-martial, higher authority may appoint on 24 Special court-martial, not to appoint self on 24 Summary court-martial, defined with reference to appoint- ing 26 Summary court-martial, when not to designate self as 26 Who may appoint general courts-martial 14 ; A. W. 8 Who may appoint special courts-martial 21 ; A. W. 9 Who may appoint summary courts-martial 25 ; A. W. 10 INDEX. 703 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Comment by prosecution: Par. Accused as witness silent on certain facts, permitted 214 (c) Accused failing to take stand, no comment permitted 214 (c) Commercial lists, registers, etc., admission as exception to hearsay rule 221a(7) Commission, military. (See Military commission.) Committing any waste or spoil : Analysis and proof of offense 439 ; A. W. 89 Definitions and principles 439 Forms for specifications App. 6 (82-84) Committing depredation or riot : Analysis and proof of offense 439 ; A. W. 89 Definitions and principles 439 Forms for specifications App. 6(82-85) Common law : Accomplices not disqualified as at 217 (note 1) As applicable to the rules of evidence in courts-martial 198, 199 Competency of children in courts-martial not governed by_ 210 (a) (note) Judicial notice 289 Of District of Columbia 338 (c) Commutation of sentences, President alone may exercise power of, unless delegated under A. W. 50 384 Commuted death sentence may be executed in penitentiary 338 ; A. W. 42 Company : Company commander initials charge sheet of summary court as to entries on service record App. 5(6) Company commander's duties respecting record of summary court conviction 79 (a) Detached ; commanding officer may appoint summary courts- martial 25 ; A. W. 10 Detached; defined and discussed 28 Disciplinary punishments entered in punishment book 334 Embezzlement by former officer of funds of, how punish- able 444, p. 457 ; A. W. 94 Word includes troop or battery 4(notel) ; A. W. l(c) Compelling commander to surrender: Analysis and proof of offense 426 ; A. W. 76 Attempt a like offense ; analysis, proof, penalty 426 ; A. W. 76 Definitions and principles 426 ; A. W. 76 Form for specification App. 6(60) Compensation : Extra, for clerical duties ; when forbidden 118 Of reporter, (See Reporter.) 704 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Competency of witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Par. Complaint of wrongs, to general commanding in locality; pro- cedure 485; A. W. 121 Concealment : Defined, as to fraudulent enlistment 405 Presumption of fact arising from 278 Concurrent jurisdiction : Of civil and military courts 35 Of other military tribunals with courts-martial 45 ; A. W. 15 Condonation, constructive, by restoration of deserter to duty without trial ; as plea in bar 151 Conduct, insubordinate, toward warrant or noncommissioned officer, definition and proof 416 ; A. W. 65 Conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service : Definitions and principles, instances, proof 446, p. 462 ; A. W. 96 Forms for specifications App. 6 Conduct prejudicial to good order, etc., offenses where drunken- ness shows lack of intent 286 Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman : Analysis and proof, instances 445 ; A. W. 95 Cadet may be guilty of 445 ; A. W. 95 Definitions and principles 445 Forms for specifications App. 6(123-130) Lesser included offenses thereunder enumerated 377 Confession (see also Admission against interest) : Accused can not be required to admit his statement 225 (note 1 ) Admissions against interest distinguished 226 Affirmative showing that voluntary 225 (b) Facts discovered from, admissible in evidence 225 (e) Of accomplice as ground for milder punishment 216 Rules for admission of 225 Silence is not a confession 225 (d) Uncorroborated, caution in receiving 225 (d) Uncorroborated, not sufficient basis for charges 70 Confidential relations. (See Privileged communications.) Confinement (see also Arrest) : Accused persons not to be placed in ; exceptions 40 ; A. W. 69 At hard labor Executive order limiting duration p. 283 For officers only to accompany sentence of dismissal 322 Legal sentence for officer 310 Legal sentence for soldier 311 May be mitigated ; how 382 Only proper sentence for general prisoners 330 Relative severity to other sentences 343 Statement in sentence, effect of omission 322 INDEX. 705 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Confinement Continued. Tar. Change of place of 389 Commanding officer's disciplinary power does not extend to_ 333 ; A. W. 104 Consideration of past, in determining sentence proper 401 Court-martial without authority to order but may make recommendations 47 (c) Date of beginning sentence of 401 Designation of place of, by whom 394 Disobedience of orders ordering into ; penalty 419 ; A. W. 68 Distinguished from arrest 420 Escape Analysis and proof of offense 420 ; A. W. 69 Definitions and principles of offense 420 Forms for specifications App. 6(43) Offense same before or after trial or sentence 46 (b), 420; A. W. 69 Punishment for officer or cadet, for others. 40, 420 ; A. W. 69 Exceeding six months, special court-martial can not ad- judge 42 ; A. W. 13 Forfeiture of pay and allowances not implied from 324 Hard labor without, use of punishment encouraged 323 Imports some physical restraint 420 In post, when proper 398 In penitentiary, when proper 40, 337-339, 396 ; A. W. 42, 45 In disciplinary barracks, when proper 397 Jurisdiction of court unaffected by failure to place accused in 46 (note) Mitigation of sentence of 382 Of accused awaiting investigation or trial, no unnecessary delay ; penalty 420* ; A. W. 70 Of soldier only on order of officer ; exceptions 52 Officer, sentence affecting, reported to The Adjutant Gen- eral 310 (note) Place : Authority to change 389 Designated by reviewing authority 394 Disciplinary barracks as 397 Military post, station or camp as 398 Penitentiary as 396 ; A. W. 42 Release after trial, when required 332a, 371 Restriction to limits, nature of 319 Second sentence, when taking effect if first sentence in- volves 401 (b) Segregation of prisoners 341, 396-399 Sentence of, continuous; exceptions 401 706 INDEX. (References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " A pp." Indicates Appendix.] Confinement Continued. Par. Summary court-martial can not impose in excess of one month 44, A. W. 14 Without hard labor should not be imposed 311 ( note 1) Witness, civilian, in ; how testimony obtained 167, A. W. 25 Confirmation of sentence : As affected by review by Board of Review and Judge Advo- cate General 399a ; A. W. 50J As necessary to validity 38, 33a As unnecessary to validity 378 (d) Manner of exercise of power ' 379 Powers incident to power to confirm 379 Sentence of death 378 (d) Sentence of dismissal of a cadet 378 (c) Sentence of dismissal of an officer 378 (b) Sentence respecting a general officer 378 (a) When by commanding general of Army in the field 378 (b) (d) ; A. W. 48 When by the President 378 ; A. W. 48 Confirming authority (see also Commanding officer) : Action by, as necessary to make sentence effective 371 Forwarding of records after action by 367 (a) Medical board on insanity, etc., of accused may be convened on own motion by 219 (h) (note) Power as, under A. W. 48, not exercisable by corps or Army area commanders 378(notel) Review of cases under A. W. 50$, duties in connection with. 399a Confrontation, right of 165 ; A. W. 25 Congress : Disrespect toward Member of; penalty 413; A. W. 62 Powers granted to, as a source of military jurisdiction 1 Consanguinity as ground of challenge 121 Consent : Admission of affidavit not taken in form of deposition, by_ 269 Trial by general court-martial within 5 days of service of charges only, in time of peace, by 77b, 80, A. W. 70 Consequence of acts, presumption of law that sane person knows 277 Conspiracy (see also Accomplice) : Acts and statements of conspirators, when admissible against each other 217,224 Conspirator must waive his privilege before testifying 217 Defined, when joint trial permitted, examples, challenge 69 Nolle prosequi; to secure testimony of conspirator 217 (notes) Order of proof on trial 224 To defraud United States through false claims 444, p. 452 ; A. W. 94 INDEX. 707 [References are to paragraphs, except that the tetter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Constitution of United States: Par. Judicial notice 289 Rules of evidence in, as binding 198 Source of military jurisdiction 1 Constructive breaking defined 443, p. 418 Constructive condonation, by restoration of deserter to duty without trial; plea in bar 151 Constructive pardon, evidence to support plea of 273 Consul, general powers of, in certain named officers in foreign places where Army serving 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Contempt : Action of district attorney on constructive 173 (c) Authority of courts of inquiry to punish 460 Authority 'of military tribunal to punish, limits, ap- proval 173(a) ; A. W. 32 Charge under A. W. 96 as substitute for proceedings in 173 (d) Direct and constructive defined 173 (c) Persons who may be punished; treatment of civilians 173 (b) Procedure of court-martial in punishment of 173 (d) Toward certain Federal or State officials by military persons 413 ; A. W. 62 Contemptuous words. (See Disrespect toward President, etc.) Continuance : Authority for; when and how granted; reference to ap- pointing authority 139; A. W. 20 Number not limited; extended delays 141 Of a condition or state, presumption as to 278 Plea in abatement as ground for 147 Reasons for required; absent witnesses 140 Contradiction of witness. (See Witnesses Contradiction.) Convening authority. (See Appointing authority ; Reviewing authority.) Conviction : As including lesser offense; cases enumerated 377 Former, for same offense, how proved 274 Forms for synopses of convictions App. 7 General principles applicable to findings 297 " Guilty without criminality " an improper finding 303 In courts-martial does not disqualify witness 211 Joint charges; procedure where also acquittal 301 Lesser included offense ; procedure for court 298, 300 Method of voting requisite to finding of 294 Not prevented by escape of accused during trial 36 Previous. (See Previous conviction.) Privilege of self -crimination ceasing upon 233 (a) Votes necessary to 295(a) With exceptions or substitutions, described 299 708 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Copies (see also Documentary evidence) : Par. Charge sheets in triplicate; use of form App. 5(3) Charges and accompanying papers for accused 77b ; A. W. 70 Court of inquiry, record of ; number 474 Of record; offer to accused noted in record 357(b) (15) Of record of general court-martial when not desired by ac- cused, disposition 355a Record of general or special court-martial; preparation, for accused 117, 357 (b) (3) , 359 Record of general or special court, to accused; receipt 366 (b) Special courts-martial records, when appended to 358 (d) Corps area: Commander, successor on death or disability of 19 Commander without power to confirm sentences under A. W. 48 378 (note 1) Commander's duties when officer arrested without charges preferred 50 Commander's power to appoint general courts, when termi- nated or suspended 18 Habeas corpus, telegraphic report to commander on writ out of Federal court 169(a),479 Judicial notice of existence 289 Judicial notice of general or special orders, discussed. 289 Witnesses, duties of commander respecting 163, 164 Corpus delicti, defined; proof; sufficiency 225(c) Corroboration : Admissions in statement before court-martial by accused require 292 Confession, uncorroborated, not sufficient basis for charges. 70 Corpus delicti; nature and order of proof 225 (c) Of coconspirator or accomplice not required but caution necessary 224 Perjury ; by second witness or other form of evidence ; exceptions 248 Prior statement as, usually not admissible ; exceptions 258a Prior statement of identification of accused as 223 (a) Single witness sufficient except in treason and certain cases of perjury 248 Treason ; by two witnesses to overt act 248 Counsel (see also Defense counsel) : Analysis of evidence by ; discussed 196 Appointment of, when selected by accused 108 ; A. W. 17 Civilian, not provided at Government expense 108; A. W. 17 Closed sessions, not present at ; duties in open court 101 Courts of inquiry 463; A. W. 99 Defense counsel. (See Defense counsel.) INDEX. 709 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Counsel Continued. Par Depositions taken upon oral interrogatories 181i(c) Examination of depositions before trial, permitted 266 Freedom of expression to the court ; limitations 107e, 291 Individual ; appointment and availability of 108 Individual; duties, defense counsel as associate. 109, 196 (note) ; A. W. 17 Individual ; preparation for trial, excuse from other duties 109a Individual ; presence or absence at opening and after recess, in record 357(b) (37, 38) Individual ; requesting witnesses ; duties of defense counsel- 161 Individual ; right to interview accused and witnesses 110 Informing court as to member being accuser or witness 129 Insanity, etc., of accused raised at trial, duties 219 Investigation of charges, when counsel permitted at 76a(3) Opening statement as to defense; improprieties 197 Process to obtain witnesses, request for 159 Questions in writing, when required 111 Record to show opportunity to introduce individual.. 357(b) (10) Record to show presence of individual, at all open ses- sions 84, 357(b)(ll) Rehearing, rights as to record, etc., on 377a Represents an escaped accused as though he were present- 36 Summary court acts for both sides 351 (c) Where seated in court 83 Counterfeit money, drunkenness as defense to passing 285 Countersign, improper use of: Capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 77 Giving different countersign ; analysis and proof of of- fense 427 ; A. W. 77 Giving different countersigns; definitions and principles 427 Giving different countersign; form for specifications App. 6(62) Making known countersign; analysis and proof of of- fense 427 ; A. W. 77 Making known countersign; definitions and principles 427 Making known countersign; form for specifications App. 6(61) Courts, civil. (See Civil courts.) Court-martial orders. (See General court-martial orders; Special court-martial orders.) Courts-martial. (See also the specific court-martial.) Jurisdiction Control of person of accused; freedom in its pres- ence 47(c),87 Conditions necessary to show, enumerated 34 Defined ; special and limited ; must conform to statute. 32 710 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates pnge, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Court-martial Continued. Jurisdiction Continued. p a r - Entirely criminal; can not award damages or collect debts 33 Escape during trial does not divest 36 In general, for trial of offenders against military law_ 3(b) Nature of, discussed and defined 32, 33, 33a Not territorial; difference from civil courts 37 Termination by separation from service; exceptions. 38 Wrongful act of accused can not divest 36 Members Competency issue by preponderance of evidence 296 Detail of best qualified ; two years' experience. 6(c) ; A. W. 4 Marine Corps officers, when eligible 10 ; A. W. 2 No distinction between regular and other officers 11 Not to communicate finding or sentence to reporter or clerk 305 Reserve officers eligible when ordered to active duty 6(c) Retired officers, when eligible 9(b) Suspended officer ineligible 9(a),314 Temporary officers, when eligible as 9(c) Volunteers eligible from date of muster or acceptance. 9(c) What officers competent and incompetent to serve 6; A. W. 4, 8-10 Nature discussed 32, 33, 33a Powers, appointing authority can not control exercise 20 Proper court for trial, considerations governing 78 Questions of witnesses Court or a member may ask 253 Subject to rules of evidence ; care requisite 253a Recommendation of suspension of dishonorable discharge 321 Records. (See Records of courts-martial.) Revision proceedings. (See Revision.) Three kinds general, special, and summary 5 ; A. W. 3 Courts of inquiry: Challenges for cause only; one at a time 4G4; A. W. 99 Class B, to inquire into classification of officers as of_J_ 447a, 4;~2 Composition ; three or more officers 453 ; A. W. 98 Conclusions as to facts and, when ordered, opinion on merits 469 Conclusion, dissenting, authorized 469 Convening order, contents 455 Counsel, privilege may be allowed accuser or any officer in- volved 403 Counsel, right of, in party whose conduct being inquired into 463 ; A. W. 99 INDEX. 711 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Courts of inquiry Continued. Par. Depositions ; same rules as for courts-martial 468 ; A. W. 25, 26 Exercise military jurisdiction . 8(d) Information of superior officer, a proper subject for 452 Interpreter; appointment and compensation 457 Jurisdiction of conduct of officers and soldiers only, in service 450; A. W. 97 Jurisdiction of subject matter; principal uses of 452 Limitation upon power to convene of commanding officer 448 Members; suspended officer ineligible 314 Membership in, as ground for challenge at court-martial 121 New member, testimony read to . 465 Oath of interpreter as in courts-martial 466 ; A. W. 101 Oath of members ; form, administered by recorder. 466 ; A. W. 100 Oath of recorder ; form, administered by president- 466 ; A. W. 100 Oath of reporter as in courts-martial , 466 ; A. W. 101 Oath of witnesses as in courts-martial 466 ; A. W. 101 Ordered to inquire into class B classification of offi- cer 3(d) (note) Presence of party whose conduct being investigated, not es- sential but opportunity ordjnarily given 462 Presence, opportunity always given class B officer 462 President has power to appoint reporter and interpreter 457 President or recorder may administer certain oaths 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Propriety of court-martial, a proper subject for 452 Publication of proceedings permitted but not required 472 Rank of members to that of officer appearing before 456 Recorder, absence of, procedure 465 Recorder for each ; not adviser or prosecutor but may assist- 454 ; A. W. 98 Record admissible in evidence, in what cases 475 Record, authentication of 473 Records, disposition of 474 Reduced membership of court; procedure 465 Reporter always appointed on class B classification in- quiry 457 Reporter ; appointment, compensation, enlisted man eligible. 457 Retired officers on 453 Secrecy not enjoined but prejudicial conduct to divulge rec- ommendations, etc 470 Statute of limitations not applicable to 451 Vindication of character, a proper subject for 452 When and by whom ordered 447; A. W. 97 Witnesses; examination, cross-examination, incriminating questions 467 ; A. W. 24, 101 712 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter *'p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Courts of inquiry Continued. Par. Witnesses ; refusal to appear or testify, penalty 459 ; A. W. 23 Witnesses; same powers to summon and examine as given court-martial and trial judge advocate 458 ; A. W. 101 Cowardice : Drunkenness as showing lack of knowledge or intent 286 Misbehavior before the enemy; defined, proof, pen- alty 425, pp. 377, 378 ; A. W. 75 Publication of officer's sentence in newspapers; non-asso- ciation with him 347 ; A. W. 44 Crimes and offenses: (See the specific offense by name.) Abolition as affecting privilege against self-crimination- 233 (a) Conviction of attempt on specification alleging completed crime, proper 300 Definitions and principles under A. W. 92, 93 442, p. 408 Evidence of conviction of crime to impeach witness 258 Executive order as to maximum punishment, etc 348, 349 General court-martial, how and when punishable by 40; A. W. 42, 45 Intent in connection with ; discussed, examples 280, 281 Jurisdiction of civil and military courts 35 Military jurisdiction over, not territorial 37 Not capital and not elsewhere in Articles of War, punish- able under A. W. 96 446, p. 463 Of civil nature, when executed in penitentiary ; described. 40, 338 ; A. W. 42 Presumption of fact from preparation to commit 278 Specific article of war used where provided 74 (e) Statute of limitations 149 Transitory provision concerning 487 Criminal prosecution, removal to Federal courts when against member of military service 484 Cross-examination. (See Witnesses.) Cross-interrogatories. (See Depositions.) Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited 344 Cruelty, wife may testify against husband accused of 228 Cuba, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Custody distinguished from possession 443, p. 426 Custom, punishments now obsolete by, enumerated 345 Custom of war as source of military law 2(d) Damages : Courts-martial can not award 33 Reparation ; duty of commanding officer, penalty 89, 439 A. W. 105 To military property as offense; analysis and proof. 433 ; A. W. 83 INDEX. 713 LKefei-ences are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Dangerous weapon defined 443, p. 447 Deadly weapon, malice presumed from use of 277 Death, investigation of by summary court : Persons suspected of criminal responsibility, disposition of_ 483 Procedure described , 483 ; A. W. 113 Death sentence (see also Capital offenses) : Commuted sentence of, may be executed in penitentiary 338; A. W. 42 Confirmation by President, when required 378 (d) ; A. W. 48 Execution. (See Execution of death sentence.) Forfeiture of pay and allowances not implied from 324 Officers, may be imposed on 310 Procedure where insufficient votes to sustain mandatory 309 (note 2) Record to show necessary concurrence 357 (b) (47) Requires prior action of board of review and Judge Advo- cate General 371 ; A. W. 50 Review by board of review and Judge Advocate General 399a ; A. W. 50i Soldiers, may be imposed on 311 Suspension of, until pleasure of President known 391 ; A. W. 51 Voting ; all members must agree whether mandatory or dis- cretionary 308 Voting; number of votes required for conviction and sen- tence 90a, 295, 308, 346 ; A. W. 43 Voting; -where mandatory, w r here discretionary 295 (a) (b) When authorized ; when mandatory ; cases enumerated 40, 40(notel),41 Debts : Courts-martial can not collect 33 Stoppage by courts-martial to pay, invalid 325 When nonpayment a military offense and when no action taken 71 Deceased persons : Dying declarations as exception to hearsay rule 221a(l),222 Disposition of effects of 482 ; A. W. 112 Statements of, in general, when admissible as hearsay ex- ceptions 221a (10) Declarations against interest as evidence 226 Decorum at courts-martial 86 Defense : Convening authority alleged to be accuser, as 17 Ignorance of Articles of War as 282 Ignorance of fact as 283 Ignorance of law as 282 Member of court-martial as witness for 131 (b) 714 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates pag, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Defense counsel (see also Counsel) : Par. Aid in providing authentic sources for judicial notice 289 Appointment for each general or special court-martial 31a ; A. W. 11 Arrest by court or president, not subject to 89 As associate counsel of accused 107b, 196 (note) ; A. W. 17 Assistant. (See Assistant defense counsel.) Challenge, not subject to 107f, 120 Clerks or orderlies for 107g Closed sessions, not present at ; duties in open court 101 Commanding officer to make recommendations as to chang- ing, etc 7 (a) Consulted in preparation of court-martial record 355 Depositions taken upon oral interrogatories, presence ISli(c) Examination of order of reference for trial required 97 Excuse from attendance at court 107i Excuse from part In trial, when allowed 107b Excuse on account of interest or hostility 107f Expert, duties relating to employment of 192 Freedom of expression to the court, limits 107e, 291 General duties enumerated 107b Informing court as to member being accuser or witness 129 Interview with accused and witnesses, right of 110 Investigation of charges, when permitted at 76a(3) Legal advice or assistance obtained in open court 107d Legal adviser of court, with trial judge advocate 107d Not challengeable ; relief in certain cases 107f Plea of guilty, requesting explanation of 99 Preparation for trial ; excuse from other duties 109a Presence or absence at opening and after recess, in record- 84, 357(b)(37,38) Process to obtain witnesses, request for 159 Questions in writing, when required 111 Record to note name, presence, absence, etc 357 (b) (7-9, 11) Rehearing; detail preferable of same 377a(note2) Rehearing, rights as to record, etc., on 377a Relation to individual counsel 108,109; A. W. 17 Revision proceedings, presence at 352 Selection, rank 107a Term as including assistants 1071 Where seated in court - 83 Whole truth to be presented by 107c Witnesses designated by, summoned 161 Definitions : Abandon 42o, p. 378 Abuse 438 INDEX. 715 I References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Definitions Continued. . Par. Accuser 17, 22 Additional charges : 73 Appointing authority 369 Arrest 46c ; A. W. 69 Arson 443, p. 416 Articles of War, for purposes of 4, 8 ; A. W. 1 Assault 443, p. 440 Assault with a dangerous weapon, etc 443, p. 447 Assault with intent to commit a felony 443, p. 439 Assault with intent to commit manslaughter 443, p. 444 Assault with intent to commit rape 443, p. 444 Assault with intent to commit sodomy 443, p. 445 Assault with intent to do bodily harm 443, p. 447 Assault with intent to murder 443, p. 443 Assault with intent to rob 443, p. 445 At or near 74 (g) Attempt 417 Attempt to create a mutiny or sedition 417 A. W. 66 Attempt to desert I 409 A. W. 58 Attempt to strike noncommissioned officer 416 A. W. 65 Attempt to strike superior officer 415 A. W. 64 Battalion 4 (note), A. W. 1 Beginning a mutiny : 417 Battery 443, p. 442 ; 446, p. 464 Breaking 443, p. 418 Burglary # 443, p. 418 "Capital case," under A. W. 12 263 Capital case, under A. W. 27 272 (note) Causing a mutiny 417 Certificate 443, p. 433 Challenge to fight a duel 441 Character evidence 257 Charge 61 Charges 61 Circumstantial evidence 202(3)203 Closed session 91 Clothing 434 Collateral facts 259 (note) Commander of guard 421-422 Commanding officer 418,422,424 Commanding officer for the time being 374 Commanding officer, with reference to court of inquiry.. 448 Commanding officer, with reference to summary court- martial ,26 Company 4 (note), A. W. 1 716 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Definitions Continued. Par. Concealment 405 Conduct unbecoming officer and gentlemen 445 Confinement 218 Constructive breaking 443, p. 419 Constructive condonation 151 Constructive contempt 173 (c) Contempt 173 (c) Contemptuous words 413 Corpus delicti 225 (a) Corroborative evidence 248 Counsel for the accused 196 (note) Countersign 427 Credibility 256 Dangerous weapon :_ 443, p. 447 Declaration 443, p. 433 Delay 418 Deposition 443, p. 433 Depredation 439 Desertion 284 ( a ) 409 ; A. W. 28, 29, 58 Detached battalion 28 Detached unit 28 Detachment 28 Direct contempt 173 (c) Direct evidence . 202 Discovered 411 " Dismissal of an officer " case, under A. W. 27 272 (note) Disobedience '. 415 Disorder 419 Disrespectful behavior 414 Disrespectful words 413 Double questions 254 (b) Drunk 74 Drunkenness 435 Duel 441 Duty 435 Dwelling house 443, p. 418 Embezzlement 443, p. 431 Enemy 425, p, 377 ; 431 Exciting a mutiny 417 Execution of office 416 Expert witness * 218 False writing 443, p. 436 Felony under Penal Code 337 Forgery 443, p. 435 Found drunk on duty ._ 435 INDEX. 717 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Definitions Continued. Par. Fraudulent enlistment 149(3) (f), 405 Fray 419 General prisoner 74 (j) Hearsay rule 221 In the military service of the United States 9 Indirect evidence 202 Interested 437 Interlocutory questions 89a(5) Joining in 417 Joint offense 69 Judicial notice 289 Jurisdiction of a court-martial 32 Knowingly 406 Knowledge 441 Larceny 443, p. 424 Law of the District of Columbia ! 338 (c) Lawful order 415 Leading question 254 Legal record of a court-martial 355 Loss - 433, 434 Malice 442, p. 410 Malice aforethought 442, p. 410 Manslaughter 443, p. 414 Martial law as applied to Army 2(c) Martial law at home 2(b) Material evidence 202 Mayhem 443, p. 416 Military Government 2 (a) Military law 2(d) Misappropriation 444, p. 457 Misbehavior 425, p. 377 Misrepresentation 197 Mitigation of punishment 380 Motion to sever 156 Murder 442, p. 408 Muster 407 Mutiny 417 Negligence 423 Nolle prosequi 158 Oath 443 Officer 4 (note), A.W.I Officer commanding for the time being 374 On duty 435 On or about 74 (g) 21358 20 46 718 INDEX. [References, are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and M App." Indicates Appendix.] Definitions Continued. Far. Pardon 150 Parole 427 Perjury 443, p. 433 Person (as spy) 432 Persumption of fact 278 Presumption of law 277 Pretense 415 Previous conviction 307 Prima facie evidence 279 Prisoner 421, 422, 423 Privileged communications 227 Prosecutor 17, 22 Provoking speeches and gestures 440 Quarrel 419 Rape 442, p. 411 Reasonable doubt 288 Relevant evidence 202 Relieves (the enemy) 431 Reproachful speeches and gestures 440 Res gestre 223 Reviewing authority 369 Riot 439 Robbery 443, p, 422 Routine duty 66 Safeguard 428 Scandalous and disgraceful offenses 74 (m) Sedition 417 Sentinel 436 Sentinel's post 436 Soldier 4 (note), A. W. 1 Specification 61 Spoil 439 Spy 432 Statute of limitations 149 Suffering loss, etc., of military property 433 Superior officer 414 Testimonial evidence 202, 207 Threat, under A. W, 68 419 Trespass 443, p. 430 Trial 149 (3c) Tried 149 (3c) Unlawfully (in definition of murder) 442, p. 408 Voluntary confession 225 (b) Waste 439 Weapon, dangerous 443, p. 447 INDEX. 719 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Definitions Continued. Par. Willful 405 Willful disobedience 415 Willful injury 434 Willful loss 433, 434 Definitions of crimes and offenses under A. W. 92 and 93 442, 443 Degrading questions, can be asked if material; distinguished from incriminating questions \ 233 Delay. (See Unnecessary delay.) Delegation of powers: Of disciplinary powers, not permitted . 333 Of power to appoint courts-martial, not permitted 18 Delivering less than amount called for by receipt, definitions, ex- amples, proof 444, p. 454 ; A. W. 94 Delivery of offenders to civil authorities. (See Civil authori- ties.) Dental treatment, refusal to submit to; an offense, procedure if doubt L 68 Department. ( See Military department.) Deposit of pay : Court-martial can not adjudge forfeiture 326 Desertion forfeits principal and interest 326 Depositions (see also Former testimony) : Admissible under A. W. 25, when 263 Admissibility as evidence; same rules applicable, lead- ing questions 265, 268 (note) Affidavits not taken as, not admissible unless expressly consented to 269 Before whom taken 137, 175 ; A. W. 26 Capital case, adduced for defense only 165, 174 ; A. W. 25 Case before special court-martial under A. W. 25 not " capital " 263 Certain officers authorized to take, under R. S. 188 138 Civilian witness in confinement 167 ; A. W. 25 Competency of witnesses, same rules applicable to 265 Courts of inquiry, same rules as for courts-martial 468; A. W. 25, 26 Delayed, how traced 178 Designation of proposed deponent by official title 179 Examination before trial by accused or counsel 266 Fees of civil officers, law of place determines. 181 For defense in capital cases; cross-examination permitted- 264 Foreign country, taking in; procedure 182 Form for App. 17 Interrogatories, form for App. 17 Interrogatories, procedure for submitting 176 Interrogatories, voucher and subpoena to accompany 177 (c) 720 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Depositions Continued. Par. Interrogatories, when taken upon oral ; procedure 174a, 181i Notation in records as to receipt, how offered, appending, etc 357(b) (31) Objections; method of making 265, 268 (note) Offering in part ; procedure, court may direct reading 268 Officer designated to take, may administer oaths_ 138 (b) A. W. 114 Perfunctory examination to be prevented 181 (d) Procedure at trial as to introduction of 267, 268 Procedure to obtain, in general, prescribed 174-182 Receipt and presentation of accomplished, with vouchers- 181 (e) Responsiveness, care to secure 180 When admissible 174; A. W. 25 Depredation. (See Committing depredation or riot.) Deprivation of privileges, sentence of, continuous, exceptions 401 Descriptive and assignment card : Not original paper nor admissible in evidence as such 238a Desertion : Absence without leave, included offense 377 Absence without leave, presumption from continuing 284 Advising, aiding, etc., desertion; analysis and proof of of- fense 410 ; A. W. 59 Advising, aiding, etc., desertion ; capital offense in war time_ 41 ; A. W. 59 Analysis and proof of offense 409 ; A. W. 58 A. W. 28, a rule of evidence and not a punitive article 74 (n) 284(a) As joint offense, proof necessary _ 69 Attempt to desert ; analysis and proof of offense 409 ; A. W. 58 Attempt to desert; forms for specifications App. 6(21,22) Attempt to desert, included offense 377 Attempt to desert; nature of intent should be shown 409 (note) Authority of citizen to arrest deserters 59 Authority of civil officer to arrest deserters-, 58, A. W. 106 Capital offense in time of war; punishable as court may direct in peace ; Executive order 41 ; A. W. 58 ; p. 277 Constructive condonation in bar of trial 151 Conviction of, confirmation by whom required 378 (d) A. W. 48 Corpus delicti established by proof of desertion 225 (c) Definitions and principles . 409 Disapproval of conviction ; grounds to be stated, purpose 388 Distinct and specific intent, independent of act, essential 280 Drunkenness as showing lack of intent 286 During trial, no effect on jurisdiction of court 36 INDEX. 721 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p ** Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Desertion Continued. Par. Effect of honorable and dishonorable discharges on charge of 38 (e) Entertaining and retaining of deserter by officer 411 ; A. W. 60 Evidence to prove 284 Finding or pleading absence without leave under charge of 298, 300 Followed by fraudulent enlistment 74 (n) ; 284, 409, A. W. 29 Forfeiture of deposits 326 Forms for specifications App. 6(15-24) Fraudulent enlistment, joinder with charge of 74 (n) Hearsay evidence, instance of, in trial for : 221(1) In peace time; three-year limitation 149(2) In war time; no limitation of time 149(2) ; A. W. 39 In war time, penitentiary offense ; rule to be applied 40, 338 ; A. W. 42 Intent not expressed in A. W. 58 but to be proved 281 Joint offense, when chargeable as 69 Minor may be arrested and tried for : 60 Morning report, entries in, as proof of absence without leave. 284 Officer quitting post before resignation accepted, a deserter. 281, 284(a); A.W.28 Payment of reward for deserter no proof of intent 284 Repeated, in time of peace, penitentiary offense; rule to be applied 40, 338, 396 ; A. W. 42 Requisite intent one of three enumerated kinds 281 Retaining a deserter. (See Retaining a deserter.) " Short desertion " principle adopted in A. W. 28_ 284 (a) (3) ; 409 Statutory rules, in certain cases, as to 284 (a) ; A. W. 28 Time lost to be made good . 38 (note) ; A. W. 107 Trial for, after trial for absence without leave 149(3) (2) Unsustained charge prevents stoppage of pay to collect reward paid 329 War Department policy regarding punishments for 340 Destruction of records before action of reviewing authority 368 Detached enlisted men part of Regular Army 4 (a) (note a) Detached officers part of Regular Army 4(a) (note a) Detachment : Commanding officer's summary court powers, although part of brigade 29 From command, effect on power to appoint general courts- martial 18 General courts-martial ; when appointed for 14 ; A. W. 8 Special courts-martial ; when appointed for 21 ; A. W. 9 Summary courts-martial ; when appointed for 25 ; A. W. 10 Term denned a*nd discussed 28 722 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that tb letter ** p ** Indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Detention of pay: Par. Executive order limiting amount. p. 283 Forfeiture of pay may be mitigated to 382 Found to be effective punishment 342 In whole or part; Executive order ; A. W. 14 ; policy of War Department 328, 349 ; A. W. 14 In whole or part, legal sentence for officers 310 In whole or part, legal sentence for soldiers 311 Paid at time of discharge p. 286 (VIII) Summary court limited to two-thirds of one month's pay 44 ; A. W. 14 Direct evidence defined 202 Direct examination. (See Witnesses.) Disapproval of sentence, effect of. (See also Sentence.) 372 (a) Discharge : Accused found abnormal mentally 76 (b) (6,10); 76(c)(2); 76(note) Before expiration of term, methods stated 320 ; A. W. 108 Certificate to be furnished enlisted man of A. W. 108 Dishonorable. (See Dishonorable discharge.) Habeas corpus. (See Habeas corpus.) Liability of officer for embezzling certain funds continues after 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Liability to trial by court-martial after ; cases enumerated 38 Obtained by fraud; cancellation, punishment 38(d) Officer discharged under selective service act not entitled to trial 38(b)(note) Disciplinary barracks : As place of confinement in place of penitentiary. 396, 397 ; A. W. 42 Clemency applications in case. of prisoners in 402 Propriety of designating as place of punishment discussed- 342a Remission of suspended sentences by Secretary of War_ 392, 393; A.W.52 Treatment of deserters at 340 Disciplinary battalion : Assignment to, as mitigated punishment 382 Assignment to, legal sentence for soldier 311 Disciplinary punishment : Commanding officer may treat charges as involving case only for 76a(2, 4, 7, 11, 12) Disposal of case after charges received under A. W. 104 76a (2, 4, 7, 11, 12) Exercise of power an exercise of military jurisdiction 3(c) Powers of commanding officer enumerated and discussed 333 ; A. W. 104 Prison discipline, matters of, named * . 345 USTDEX. 72 3 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p** Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Artietes of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Disciplinary punishment Continued. Par. Sentence of general prisoner not to interfere with prison discipline 330 Discovered, defined as to discovery that soldier a deserter 411 ; A. W. GO Discredit, conduct teading to bring, etc. (See Conduct of a na- ture to bring discredit tipan the military service.) Discretionary sentence. (See Sentence.) Disgrace to service, how pleaded _, 74 (m) Disguise, presumption of fact arising from 218 Dishonorable discharge: Clemency power not affected by d 402 Executive order as to propriety of adjudging p. 285 (VII) Forfeiture of pay and allowances not implied from 324 General cpurt-martial only may impose 320; A. W. 108 Legal sentence for soldiers-., 311 Not suspended; sentence requires prior action of board of review and! Judge Advocate General 371; A. W. 50i On account of previous convictions _ p. 284 Procedure where insufficient votes to adjudge mandatory. 309 (note 2) Releases from all military offenses in any enlistment ; ex- cept A. W. 94 38 (e) Review by board of review and Judge Advocate General of cases 399a ; A. W. 50* Sentence may be commuted but not mitigated if providing only , 382 Sentence providing, with other punishments, may be miti- gated, how ' 382 Special court-martial can not adjudge 42 ; A. W. 108 Summary court-martial can not adjudge 44 ; A, W. 108 Suspension. (See Suspension of sentence.) To take effect at date during confinement to be designated, illegal 320 Dismissal : Clemency power not affected by_ 402 Conviction under A. W. 95 precludes any other punishment- 312 For what offenses mandatory , 40 (note.) ; A. W. 95 Forfeiture of pay and allowances not implied from 324 Legal sentence, with or without confinement, for officers 310 Liability of officer for embezzling certain funds continues after 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Liability to trial by court-martial after ; cases enumerated- 38 No case referred to special court-martial is a case extending to, under A. W. 27 272, 724 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Dismissal Continued. Par. Not suspended; sentence requires prior action of board of review and Judge Advocate General 371 ; A. W. 50$ Of cadet, confirmation by President required 378 (c) Of charges, on investigation 76a(l, 6, 11, 12), 76b(l,6,10),76c(2, 3), 76 (note) Of officer ; confirmation by President in time of peace ; rule in time of war 378 (b) ; A. W, 48 Of officer for cowardice or fraud, publication thereof 347 ; A. W. 44 Of officer, for disrespect toward President, Congress, gov- ernors, etc : 413 ; A. W. 62 Of officer, in time of peace, only by sentence of court-mar- tial 38 (b) (notes) ; A. W. 118 Of officer, special court-martial can not adjudge 42 ; A. W. 118 Of officer under A. W. 95, no additional punishment allow- able 312 Of officer under R. S. 1230; right to court-martial 15, 38 (b) Of officer under R. S. 1230; decision of Court of Claims. 15 (note) Procedure where insufficient votes to adjudge mandatory 309 (note 2) Promotion of member by dismissal of accused, ground for challenge 121 Review by board of review and Judge Advocate General of cases involving 399a;A. W. 50 Voting on mandatory penalty of 308 Disobedience of orders : Failure to obey included in willful disobedience of superior officer or of noncommissioned officer 377 Of officer, because of ignorance of officer's status, as de- fense 283 Of president of court-martial, not chargeable under A. W. 64 but under A. W. 96 89 Of superior officer ; analysis and proof of offense ; definitions and principles 415 ; A. W. 64 Of superior officer; capital offense at all times 41; A. W. 64 Of superior officer; drunkenness as defense 286 Of superior officer; form for specifications App. 6(34) Of warrant or noncommissioned officer ; analysis and proof of offense; definitions and principles 416; A. W. 65 Of warrant or noncommissioned officer ; forms for speci- fications *. . App. 6 Disobedience of orders into arrest or confinement : Analysis and proof of offense 419 ; A. W. 68 Forms for specifications App. 6(43) Principles and definitions 419 INDEX. 725 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, 44 A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Disorderly conduct: P ar . Contempt by military person may be charged as 173 (d) When consisting of assault not to be punished in both aspects 66 Who may quell disorders, etc., of military persons.. 419 ; A. W. 68 Disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline: Definitions and principles, instances, proof 446, p. 461 ; A. W. 96 Forms for specifications App. 6 Intent to neglect duty as inferable from act 280 Members of court-martial liable for inattention, etc., for neglect of duty ^ 86 No negligence where no duty 443, p. 415 Disqualification of member. (See Challenge.) Disrespect toward President, etc. : Analysis and proof of offense 413 ; A. W. 62 Definitions and principles 413 Form for specification , App. 6(29) Disrespect toward superior officer : Analysis and proof of offense 414 ; A. W. 63 Definitions and principles 414 Drunkenness as showing lack of knowledge or intent 286 Form for specification App. 6(30) District : Coast Artillery; commanding officer's duties where officer arrested without charges preferred 50 Commanding officer may appoint special courts-martial_21 ; A. W. 9 Commanding officer may be empowered to appoint general courts-martial 14 ; A. W. 8 District attorney, United States: Action on constructive attempts of courts-martial, etc 173 (c) Duty to prosecute recalcitrant witnesses before courts- martial 170 ; A. W. 23 Findings of inquest, when transmitted to 483 ; A. W. 113 Trial of certain suits against military persons removed from State courts 484 ; A. W. 117 District of Columbia: As source of definitions for offenses under A. W. 92 and 93, after Penal Code 442, p. 408 Code of, as guide for penitentiary sentence and duration of same *- 40, 338 ; A. W. 42, 45 "Law of," defined 338 (c) Division : Dismissal of officers in time of war, confirmation by com- manding officer of 378 (b) ; A. W. 48 726 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that th letter ** p " indicates page, " A. W." Indicates Artieles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Division Continued. Par. Mitigation or remission of sentences, when by commanding officer of 381 ; A. W. 50 Report to commanding general of habeas corpus in attach- ment proceedings 169 (a) Tactical division commander may appoint general courts- martial 14 ; A. W. 8 Territorial division commander may appoint general courts-martial 14; A. W. 8 Documentary evidence : Authenticated copies of documents at certain headquarters, admissible 238 Authentication, as fundamental rule 23Ga Authentication of writings, method of 239 Before special courts, what and when appended to record. 358 (c-f) Books of account; use, conditions, refreshing recollection, originals 244 Bulky reports not appended to record; procedure pp. 564(9) ; 650(5) Court of inquiry, record of, when and where admissible 272, 475 Exceptions to hearsay rule enumerated 221a Expenses of obtaining certified copies, how paid 193 Four fundamental rules in use of, enumerated 23Ga Handwriting comparison, statutory rule governing courts- martial 240 Improper, rejected by court on own motion 202a Investigation of charges, consideration upon 76a(3, 8, 10, 11) Listed on charge sheets; appending of originals or copies p. 563(4) Manner of proving contents of writing 237 Maps, photographs, sketches, etc 245 Memoranda; kinds, use, proof, refreshing recollection 241-243 Memorandum of, forwarded with charges 75 Official documents not appended to record, procedure, pp. 564(9) ; 650(5) Official documents recording certain facts admissible 238a Official report not admissible because of that fact alone. 238 (note) Originals 197 Pardon as basis of plea in bar, how proved 273 Procedure to obtain; subpcena duces tecum 166 Procedure where original consists of numerous writings 237, 2S7 note Production of official documents in court 237 Production of original, as fundamental rule 236a Public records; originals not required to be produced, reason ___ 238 INDEX. 727 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Documentary evidence Continued. Par. Record of conviction necessary to impeach witness denying same 258 Record of general court-martial, noted in: 357(b) (31, 32) Strict proof of undisputed writings not ordinarily re- quired 236b Testimonial status to be given writing, as fundamental rule 236u War Department and Army records; when copies ad- missible 238 Witness, procedure to obtain from civilian 166 Double jeopardy. (See Former jeopardy.) Double questions : Defined; examples 254 (b) Draft : Officer, drafted, eligible for membership on court-martial 9(c) Persons subject to Articles of War under 4(a), 4(a)(noteg), A.W. 2(a) Drawing weapon, etc., on order into arrest or confinement: Analysis and proof of offenses 419 ; A. W. 6-8 Definitions and principles 419 Forms for specifications App. 6(43) Dropping from rolls : Liability under A. W. 94 for embezzlement of certain funds continues after 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Of officer absent three months; effect, R. S. 1230 38(b) (note 3) ; A. W.I 18 Drunk on duty : Analysis and proof of offense 435 ; A. W. So Definitions and principles 435 Drunkenness, a lesser included offense 377 Form for specification App. 6(76) Intent inferable from act 280 "On duty" defined, under A. W. 85 435 Drunk on post : Analysis and proof of offense 436; A.W. 86 Definitions and principles 435, 436 Form for specification App. 6(77) No statutory intent described in A. W. 86 nor to be alleged 281 Drunkenness : As a defense; discussed, examples 285 As a defense in military cases 286,435 As violation of A. W. 95 445 As violation of A. W. 96 446, p. 462 Being drunk an Included offense under drunkenness on duty 377 " Drunk " defined 304 Manner of proof; direct question; describing conduct 287 728 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except tliat. the letter " p " Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Drunkenness Continued. Par. May result from use of intoxicating drugs 286 Substitutes for word " drunk " not to be used iu charges or findings 74(b) , 304 Duelling : Being concerned in or conniving at duel ; offense described, penalty, forms 441; A. W. 91; App. 6(91) Failing to report knowledge of challenge ; offense described, penalty, forms 411; A. W.91; App. 6 (91) Fighting or promoting a duel; offense described, penalty, forms 441 ; A. W. 91 ; App. 6(87) Duty: Acts in performance of, as justification or excuse for homicide 442, p. 408 Drunk on. (See Drunk on duty.) Restoration to, as condonation of desertion 151 Restoration to, during suspension 392 ; A. W. 52 Suspension from, effect 316 Duty, neglect of. (See Disorders and neglects, etc.) Dying declaration: Exception to hearsay rule in murder and manslaughter; discussed 221a ( 1 ) , 222 Election, motion to require not permitted J. 157 Embezzlement : Analysis and proof ; penalty 443, pp. 413, 430 ; A. W. 93 By former officer of funds of company, etc., or of enlisted men ; limitations and proof 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Definitions and principles 443, p. 413 Forms for specifications App. 6(102, 103) Larceny distinguished 443, p. 431 Limitation of three years 149(2) Of military property ; defined, proof 444, p. 457 ; A. W. 94 Presumption from possession of embezzled articles 278 Enemy : Attempting to relieve; analysis and proof of offense, pen- alty 431 ; A. W. 81 Giving intelligence to; analysis and proof of offense, pen- alty 431 ; A. W. 81 Harboring or protecting ; analysis and proof of offense, pen- alty 431 ; A. W. 81 Military government exercised over territory of 2 (a) Misbehavior before ; offense defined, proof, penalty 425, p. 378 ; A. W. 75 Relieving ; analysis and proof of offense, penalty 431 ; A. W. 81 Relieving, corresponding with, etc., or so attempting, capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 81 INDEX. 729 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Engineer train, when a detachment for disciplinary purposes 28 Enlisted men (see also more specific titles) : Funds of, embezzlement by former officer an offense__ 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Included under word " soldier " 4(notes 1, 2) ; A. W. 1 (b) Reporter for court-martial, etc., detail of soldier as 115 Reporter for court of inquiry 457 Retired, subject to military law 4 (a) ; A. W.2 Sentences which may be imposed on soldiers enumerated 311 Soldier holding certificate of eligibility to promotion may be sentenced to loss of privileges 311 Soldier holding certificate of eligibility to promotion not subject to summary court-martial 43 ; A. W. 14 Soldiers of Regular Army subject to Articles of War 4 (a) ; A. W.2 (a) Enlisted Reserve Corps when on active duty subject to Articles of War 4(a)(notef) Enlistment : After dishonorable discharge does not revive prior offenses. 38 (e) Fraudulent. (See Fraudulent enlistment.) Illegal, how pleaded 152 (b) Original enlistment paper admissible without calling offi- cer making 238a Time lost to be made good 38 (e) (note) ; A. W. 107 Trial after expiration of term for offenses during 38 (e) (note) Trial after expiration of term for offenses while making good time 38 (e) (note) ; A. W. 107 Unlawful by officer Analysis and proof of offense 406 Definitions and principles 406 ; A. W. 55 Forms for specifications App. 6(5) Must be " knowingly " made 281 Entry into service as subjecting entrant to Articles of War 4 (a) ; A. W.2 (a) Equivalent punishments, table of 349 Errors, list of common % App. 27 Errors not invalidating trial 376a ; A. W. 37 Escape : Acts and statements of conspirator in furtherance of 224 Does not divest court, during trial, of jurisdiction 36 From arrest or confinement. (See Arrest; Confinement.) Suffering or permitting. (See Suffering a prisoner to escape. ) Espionage. (See Spying.) 730 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page. "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Evidence : Par. (In connection urith a particular subject, see the specific title.) Admissibility ; rulings by law member 89a ; A. W. 31 Admissibility ; rulings by president of court 89 ; A. W. 31 Aider of defective specification 158a Analysis by trial judge advocate and counsel 196 A. W. 28 not a punitive article but prescribes rule of_ 74 (n) ; 284 (a) Circumstantial, denned and explained 202(3), 203 Circumstantial, illustration of difference between admis- sible and inadmissible 204 Corroboration. (See Corroboration. ) Documentary evidence. (See Documentary evidence.) Duties, in general, of court in consideration of 197 Findings preclude taking of further 297 General remarks concerning 194, 195 Identification of accused. (See Identification of accused.) Improper, should be rejected by court on own motion. 202a Indirect, defined and explained 202(3) Irrelevant, inadmissible ; admitting conditionally 202(2) Material to the issues; when not material 202(1) Objections, reasons for, to be stated 250 Ortter of proof in presentation of. 196 Pleading, in specifications, improper; explained; effect 74 (d) Record to show whether accused off ered testimony, etc_ 357 (b) (34) Relevant to the issues; when not relevant 202(1) Res gestae. (See Res gestae.) Rules of, applicable irrespective of rank 200 Rules of, for courts-martial, where found 198, 199 Statement of accused is not 290, 292 Suppression of, as creating presumption of guilt 278 Taking after plea of guilty 154 (c) Testimonial; defined, examples 207 Testimonial knowledge discussed 220 Testimonial, why classed by itself 202(4) Use of texts and State decisions 199 Variance, procedure in case showing 158b Witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Exceptions and substitutions: Findings varying from specifications as to date or place 74(g) Guilty of lesser included offense , 298 Guilty with; power of court-martial to find- 299 Required when evidence improperly pleaded 74 (d) Substitution of general for specific article in the charge 300 Excessive sentences, part approval of 386 Exclamations. (See Res gestae.) INDEX. 731 [References are to paragraphs, except tbat the letter " p Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Execution of death sentence. (See also Death sentence.) par. Court-martial not concerned with time or place 346 In presence of troops as example 346 Manner of execution stated 346 New date fbred if date passed 346 Reviewing or confirming authority fixes time and place 346 Execution of sentence as affected by review of board of review and Judge Advocate General 399a ; A. W. 50} Executive order : As to maximum punishments, etc. ; when effective 349 Maximum punishments named therein do not preclude less punishments of different kind 309 (note 3) Promulgation of Manual for Courts-Martial xxl Reference to, to determine what is legal punishment 309 Expediting trials : Duty of; penalty for unnecessary delay 103, 103a, 420; A. W. 70 Expert: Capacity to testify as, discussed 218' Employment of, as witness 102 Extenuation : Drunkenness as matter of 285 Ignorance of articles of war as 282 Statement of accused as matter of 290 Statement of accused failing to testify at trial 215 Statement of accused on investigation 76a Extra-duty pay, forfeiture of 324 Extra fatigue : As disciplinary punishment ; one week limit 333; A. W. 104 Failure to obey standing orders : Distinguished from willful disobedience of superior officer. 415 Failure to plead 155 ; A. W. 21 Failure to render report of prisoners by commander of a guard : Analysis and proof of offense 55 (note), 422 ; A. W. 71 Definitions and principles 422 Form for specification App. 6(46) False alarms, occasioning 425, p. 381 ; A. W. 75 False claims against United States: Agreement or conspiracy ; defined, proof 444, p. 452 False oath in connection with claims ; proof. 444, p. 454 ; A. W. 94 Forgery, etc., of signature in connection with claims, proof, 444, p. 454 ; A. W. 94 Liability to trial by court-martial after discharge or dis- missal 38(a) ; A. W. 94 Limitation of three years 149(2) Making or causing to be made ; defined, proof. 444, p. 450 ; A. W. 94 732 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] False claims against United States Continued. Par. Making, using, etc., false writing in connection with; de- fined, proof __r 444, p. 453 ; A. W. 94 Offenses under A. W. 94 enumerated and classified 444, p. 448 Presenting or causing to be presented for approval or pay- ment ; defined, proof 444, p. 451 ; A. W. 94 False muster: Analysis and proof of offense 407 ; A. W. 56 Definitions and principles 407 Forms for specifications App. 6(6-12) Must be made " knowingly " 281 False returns : Analysis and proof of offense 408 ; A. W. 57 Definitions and principles 408 Forms for specifications App. 6(13-14) False swearing (see also Perjury) : Defined and distinguished from perjury 446, p. 463 False writing. (See Forgery.) Falsification of accounts : Evidence of similar occurrence, example of 206(4) Family history, statements about: Exception to hearsay rule; when applicable 221a(3) Federal judicial system, courts-martial not part of 33, 33a Fees of witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Felonious assault. (See Assault, and references there given.) Field bakery, when a detachment for disciplinary purposes 28 Field clerks (Army and Quartermaster Corps) : A. W. 55, 56, 67, and 75 not applicable to ; A. W. 96 proper, for such offenses 406, 407, 418, 425, p. 380 Compensation as reporters of courts-martial, etc., not al- lowed 113 (f) Excepted from jurisdiction of special and summary courts- martial by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 p. 656 False muster, etc. ; A. W. 56 not applicable to 407 Misbehavior, etc., before enemy ; A. W. 75 not applicable to_ 425 Mutiny or sedition, not suppressing, etc., under A. W. 96 and not A. W. 67 418 (note) Officers, but not commissioned; use of term 4(note2) Power to quell frays, disorders, etc. ; penalty 419 ; A. W. 68 Previous conviction ; 3-year limitation Subject to Articles of War 4 (a) ; A. W. 2 (a) Summary court-martial, not subject to 43 ; A. W. 14 Unlawful enlistment, etc. ; A. W. 55 not applicable to 406 What sentences legal for 310a Field signal battalion, when a detachment for disciplinary pur- poses 28 INDEX. 733 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Fifth Amendment (see also Self-crimination) : Par. Accused can not be required to admit his statement 225 (note 1) Applies to courts-martial, both accused and witnesses' 233 As a source of military jurisdiction 1 Compulsory submission to physical examination does not violate 236, 236(a) Files, loss of: How accomplished 313 Legal sentence for officers 310 What approval necessary, President need not confirm but alone can restore 390 ; A. W. 50 Finance Department: Desertion disapproved, grounds stated for benefit of 388 Nearest finance officer to tender witness fees and mileage 172, 177 (c) Payment of all necessary expenses of courts-martial, etc., by 193 Payment of interpreters on certified vouchers 119 Payment of subpoena fees, appropriation for 191 Transmittal of effects and money of deceased person to 482 ; A. W. 112 Findings: Approval, powers incident to power of 377 At close of prosecution's case 158c Communication to reporter or clerk improper ; legality un- affected , 305 Court to be closed for 91 ; A. W. 19 Evidence can not be taken after 297 General principles applicable to 297 Guilty of but one specification supports like finding upon charge 297 Guilty of general and not of specific article 300 Joint charges; form where both conviction and acquittal 301 Lesser included offenses 377 (a) Of courts-martial 294-305 Of courts of inquiry 461,469 Of no criminality, equivalent to acquittal 303 Of not guilty not to be approved or disapproved but merely promulgated in orders 372 (b) On summary court record 363 Reasons for, may be spread upon record 302 Reconsideration where insufficient votes to sustain manda- tory sentence 309 (note 2) Record to show certain facts concerning 357b(40) Recording by reporter ; communication to him 305 Return for reconsideration, when prohibited 352 ; A. W. 40 21358 20 47 734 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that ths letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Findings Continued. Par. Voting. (See Voting.) With exceptions and substitutions 299 Fine: Accrues to United States and not to an individual 317 Denned ; alternative of imprisonment 317 Legal sentence for officers 310 Finger prints : Conditions under which admissible 245 Original admissible without calling officer making card 238a Flight, presumption of fact arising from 278 Flogging prohibited 344 ; A. W. 41 Force. (In rape, see Rape. In robbery, Robbery. In sodomy, Sodomy. ) Forcing a safeguard: Analysis and proof of offense 428 ; A. W. 78 Capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 78 Definitions and principles 428 Form for specification App. 6(63) Foreign country: Powers of notary public or consuls to certain officers where Army is serving in 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Procedure to obtain deposition in 182 Forfeiture : Deposits Court-martial can not adjudge forfeiture 326 Desertion forfeits principal and interest 326 Pay and allowances Accrues to United States and not to an individual 317 Allowances, without pay, not customary 324 Class A allotments not forfeitable by court-martial 311 Class B allotments not forfeitable by court-martial 311 Deposits of soldier not forfeitable 326 Executive order limiting amount p. 283 Extra-duty pay, when not forfeited 324 Fine distinguished 317 In whole or part, legal sentence for soldiers 311 In whole or part, legal sentence for officers 310 Mitigation to detention of .pay 382 No forfeiture by implication ; express terms 324 Not within commanding officer's disciplinary powers; exception 333 ; A. W. 104 Officer's pay as disciplinary punishment, when forfeit- able 333 ; A. W. 104 Pay does not carry allowances 324 Power of remission or mitigation extends to un- collected 381 ; A. W. 50 INDEX. 735 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] forfeiture Continued. Pay and allowances Continued. Par. Special court limited to two-thirds per month for not over six months . 42 ; A. W. 13 Summary court limited to two-thirds of one month's pay 44 ; A. W. 14 Forgery : Analysis and proof; penalty 443, p. 435 ; A. W. 93 .Definitions and principles 443, p. 435 Falsely altering a writing ; proof 443, p. 438 Falsely making a writing ; proof 443, p. 437 Forms for specifications App. 6(105, 106) In claims against United States 444, p. 454 ; A. W. 94 Uttering a paper falsely made or falsely altered ; attempt to do so ; proof 443, p. 438 Former jeopardy: Action of other than Federal court no bar to trial by court- martial 274 Advice to accused as to right to plead, in record 149(3) (h) Defense must be asserted to take advantage of it 149(3) (g) Evidence of former trial by military or civil court, how offered . 274 Former punishment, when having another trial 152 (a) Fraudulent enlistment; example 149(3) (f) Nolle prosequi is not a pardon or acquittal 158 Privilege against self-crimination as ceasing 233 (a) Punishment as disciplinary measure, in bar or mitigation 333 ; A.W. 104 Rehearing not allowed on offenses of which found not guilty 377a ; A. W. 50* Same acts, when trial on is or is not barred 149(3) (d) Second trial where offense same but charged under different description or article 149(3) (e) Trial in either military or civil courts of certain territorial possessions 149(3) (d) "Tried" denned; cases where person not "tried" 149(3) (c) Former testimony (see also Depositions) : Before court of inquiry admissible by A. W. 27 if accused consents ; exceptions 272, 475 Before court of inquiry ; same rules applicable as where tes- timony of other courts offered 272 On rehearing, when admissible 377a Former trial: As double jeopardy; instances where no defense 149(3) (c) Membership on, as ground for challenge 121 736 INDEX. {References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Forms : Par. Action on sentence by reviewing authority App. 15, p. 637 Brief on return to habeas corpus out of United States court in minor's enlistment case App. 22, p. 661 Charges against general prisoner 74j Charges and specifications under Articles of War 74 (f) ; App. 6, p. 565 Charge sheet App. 5, p. 560 Depositions taken upon interrogatories App. 17, p. 644 Explanation to accused of his rights as witness App. 9, p. 612 Explanation to accused of plea of guilty App. 9, p. 611 Explanation to accused to right to plead statute of limita- tions App. 9, p. 610 For offenses, use not mandatory 74(f) ; App. 6, p. 565 General court-martial order App. 16A, p. 641 General court-martial, order appointing ; App. 3, p. 558 Habeas corpus out of State court, for prisoner, return to writ App. 22D, p. 660 Habeas corpus out of State court, for witness, return to writ App. 22B, p. 658 Habeas corpus out of Unifed States court, for prisoner, re- turn to writ App. 22C, p. 658 Habeas corpus out of United States court, for witness, re- turn to writ App. 22A, p. 657 Inquest, report of App. 26, p. 678 Interrogatories and depositions App. 17, p. 644 Law member, for use of App. 9, p. 609 Pleading change of rank 74k Pleading guilty to absence without leave on charge of de- sertion 298 President of court-martial, for use of App. 9, p. 609 Record of trial by general court-martial and revision pro- ceedings App. 10, p. 616 Record of trial by special court-martial App. 11, p. 629 Record of trial by summary court-martial App. 12, p. 633 Report of inquest App. 26, p. 678 Reviewing authority, orders of, vacating suspension of sen- tence App. 15 B, p. 640 Reviewing authority, original action by App. 15A, p. 637 Revision of record of general court-martial App. 10, p. 616 Ruling in open court App. 9, p. 609 Sentences by court-martial App. 13, p. 634 Special court-martial order App. 16B, p. 642 Special court-martial, order appointing App. 4, p. 559 Subpoena for civilian witness App. 19, p. 651 Suspension of sentence, orders vacating App. 15B, p. 640 Synopses of convictions by court-martial App. 7, p. 592 INDEX. 737 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Forms Continued. Par. Voucher for compensation of civilian witness in Govern- ment employ App. 24, p. C70 Voucher for compensation of civilian witness not in Govern- ment employ App. 23, p. 667 Voucher for personal services of reporter App. 25, p. 674 Warrant of attachment App. 20, p. 655 Fort : Commanding officer may appoint special courts-mar- tial 21 ; A. W. 9 Commanding officer may appoint summary courts-mar- tial 25 ; A. W. 10 Fraud : Discharge obtained by; cancellation, arrest and court-mar- tial 38(d) Discharge obtained by ; serving out enlistment on cancella- tion 38(d) Drunkenness as showing lack of knowledge or intent 286 Publication of dismissal of officer for, in newspapers ; non- association with him 347; A. W. 44 Fraud against United States. (See False claims against United States.) Fraudulent enlistment (see also Enlistment) : Analysis and proof of offense 405 ; A. W. 54 Definitions and principles 405 Desertion ; A. W. 28, a rule of evidence and not a punitive article 74 (n) Desertion, joinder with charge of 74 (n) Desertion, no defense to charge of 74 (n) Double jeopardy, example of, in trial for 149 (3) (f) Forms for specifications App. 6(1-4) Uncorroborated confession insufficient 70 Willful intent must be alleged and proved under A. W. 54__ 281 Fray: Defined 419 Power to quell, persons enumerated, penalty for dis- obedience 419; A.W.68 Freedom in conducting case 100, 107e, 291 Funds : Embezzlement of enlisted man's, by officer; liable after discharge : 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Embezzlement of ration savings, post exchange, company, etc., by officer ; liable after discharge 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Power of court-martial to correct averment as to 299 738 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. w." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] General article: Par. Attempt, when conviction of, properly under 300 (note 2) Members of Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers and field clerks not included under A. W. 55, 56, 67, but for like offense liable under 406, 407, 418 (note) Offenses under, defined, instances, proof 446 ; A. W. 96 Specific article to be used for offense specifically pro- vided for 75 fe) Substitution of, by court, for article named in charges 300 General court-martial orders: Form for App. 16 A, p. 641 Judicial notice 289 On rehearing; contents 377a Publication, contents, copies, etc 400 ; App.16 Staff judge advocate, when to secure data for 399a(notel) General courts-martial (see also Courts-martial and generally throughout index) : Adjournment, record to show 357 (b) (52) Advice in open court Of defense counsel 107d Of trial judge advocate 09 Appointing order Form App. 3 Reading to accused noted in record -357 (to) (16) Appointment By President of United States 14, 15 ; A. W. 8 By Superintendent of Military Academy, but not for officers 16 ; A. W. 8 Duration of power to appoint 18 Each order affecting in record 357(b) (6) Form for order of App.3 Who may appoint 14 ; A. W. 8 Challenge. (See Challenge.) Charges. (See Charges.) Closed sessions when required ; when not required 91 Composition, not less than five officers 7 (a) ; A. W. 5 Conduct of case Freedom in 100, 107e, 291 Powers of trial judge advocate and court 100 Death sentence. (See Death sentence.) Decorum, observation of; when standing required 86 Defense counsel. (See Defense counsel.) Judicial notice. (See Judicial notice.) Jurisdiction Concurrent with military commissions under A. W. 12, 15, 80-82 3(b)(notel) ISTDEX. 739 [Bfernces are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix ] General courts-martial Continued. Jurisdiction Continued. Par. Exclusive power to impose dishonorable discharge 320 ; A. W. 108 Failure of record to show, ground for disapproval 146 Over pei-sons and offenses, enumerated 39; A. W. 12 Persons subject by law of war to trial by military tribunals 13 ( b ) Procedure on second trial when first trial vacated be- cause of record not showing 146 (note 2) Waiver of objection never confers 146 Law member. (See Law member.) Meetings Fact and hour in record 357 (b) (4) Place and date in record 357 (b) (4) Times and places 81 Members Absence ; duty, noted in record, reason 85 Absence, procedure upon return after 93 Accuser or witness for prosecution ineligible 6 (a), 129 ; A. W. 8 As witness for prosecution, for defense or called by court 131 Authentication of records, when by_ 354, 357 (b) (54) ; A. W. 33 Challenge. (See Challenge.) Challenge or in eligibility noted in record 357 (b) (13) Change in membership, rank, during trial ; effect 93 Closed session, right to require 91 ; A. W. 31 Duty with command during adjournment 81 Informing court as to member being accuser or witness. 129 Eligibility 6, 9, 11, 129-131 ; A. W. 4, 8 Informing court as to member being accuser or witness- 129 Law member. (See Law member.) No maximum limitation 7 (a) (note 2) ; A. W. 5 Js T ot less than five; rules in determining number 7 (a) (notel) ; A. W. 5 Oath; form, administration, when taken 132 (a) Oath to test competency ; form 137 Organization completed for each case separately 142, 143 Presence or absence at opening and after recess, in record 357b(37, 38) Record to note names, presence, etc 357 (b) (7-9) Taking of oath noted in record 357 (b) (17) Taking seat after absence; advisability, procedure, effect 93 Uniform 82 Usually near prescribed minimum ; odd aumber. 7 (a) (note 1) 740 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] General courts-martial Continued. Par. Offenses punishable by 39 ; A. W. 12 Order of appointment, contents 81 Order of reference Appended to record of trial 357 (b) (56) Examination for errors 97 Forwarded by appointing authority 367 (a) Organization completed for each case separately 142, 143 Persons triable by 39 ; A. W. 12 Power of appointment Officers who may appoint enumerated: 14 ; A. W. 8 President's power as Commander in Chief 15 President's power under A. W. 8 14 ; A. W. 8 President's power under R. S. 1230 15 President of general court-martial Acts not by appointment but by seniority 89 Administers oath to trial judge advocate and assistants as such or as witnesses 133 Advice to accused, as to limitations, in record 357(b) (21) Advice to accused as to pleading limitations 149 (3). (b) Advice to accused, ignorant of rights, in record 357b(26) Authentication of records ; absence, etc 354, 357 (b) (54) ; A. W. 33 Duty to preserve decorum ; admonitions 86 Examination of order of reference for trial 97 Explanation to accused as to right to testify 215, 357(b)(34) ;App.9 Explanation to accused on plea of guilty 154 (d), 357 (b) (22, 23) Explanation to accused on plea of guilty; record 154 (d) Form for use of App. 9 Informs ignorant witness as to self-crimination 234 Insanity, etc., of accused raised during trial 219 (b) (f) Oaths for administrative purposes 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Powers and duties enumerated and discussed 89 Rulings on interlocutory questions, except challenges, in absence of law member 89 ; A. W. 31 Punishment. (See also Punishment) Limits; when mandatory, discretionary 40 Penitentiary sentence, when may be imposed- 40 ; A W. 42, 45 Quorum Addition of members to secure ; procedure. 7(a),7(a) (note 3) Addition of members to secure, when permitted 7 (a) Powers of less than five members 7 (a) Records. (See Records of courts-martial.) Reporter. (See Reporter.) INDEX. 741 [References are to paragraphs, except tbat the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] General courts-martial Continued. Par. Revision of proceedings 352, 364 ; App. 6 Rulings Interlocutory questions 89, 89a; A. W. 31 Reliance on law member may be stated in record 89a(note 1) Seating According to rank; when changed, according to new rank 12 (a), 83, 93 Of trial judge advocate, accused, counsel, reporter 83 Sentence. (See Sentence.) Sessions, record to show opening, sessions, closing, etc., 357 (b) (7-9,36-38,52) Trial judge advocate. (See Trial judge advocate.) Voting. (See Voting.) What offenses should be tried by 78 General hospital : Inmates, at Fort Bayard, N. Mex., subject to Articles of War 4(f) (note 2) Inmates, at Hot Springs, Ark., subject to Articles of War 4(f) (note 2) General issue. (See Pleas.) General officer, confirmation of sentence of 378 (a) ; A. W. 348 General orders : As source of military law 2(d) Judicial notice of certain kinds enumerated 289 General prisoner. (See Prisoner.) Gentleman, conduct unbecoming an officer and. (See Conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman.) Gestures, reproachful or provoking. (See Reproachful or pro- voking speeches or gestures.) Gist of offense read to court after pleading 197, 357 (b) (24) Giving intelligence to enemy. (See Enemy.) Government employee as witness. (See Witnesses.) Government, frauds against. (See False claims against United States.) Governor of State, etc., disrespect toward ; penalty 413 ; A. W. 62 Grade, reduction to seventh, of enlisted man, legal sentence 311 Grand jury deliberations privileged 227 Guilty. (See Conviction; Pleas.) Habeas corpus : Brief with return to writ out of Federal court to obtain discharge of minor App. 22, p. 661 Forms for returns and briefs in App. 22, p. 657 From Federal court to review attachment of witness.. 169 (a) From State court to review attachment of witness 169 (b) Philippine Islands, procedure on writ in 480 INDEX. [RefertMices are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App," indicates Appendix.] Habeas corpus Continued. Par. Powers of Federal courts over courts-martial, in general 33, 33a Purpose of writ, to determine legality of restraint 476 Review of plea to the jurisdiction by 146 State courts, return to writ; enlisted man or general prisoner; form 478(b) ; App. 22, p. 660 State courts, return to writ ; witness held under attach- ment 478 (a ); App. 22, p. 658 State courts without authority where restraint by United States 477 To review proceedings of court-martial 33 United States Court ; return to writ, prompt obedience, pro- cedure 479 Where restraint by United States, State court without authority 477 Handwriting, statutory rule as to comparison of 240 Hanging (see also Execution of death sentence) : More ignominious than shooting; for what offenses 346 Harboring or protecting the enemy. (See Enemy.) Hard labor: Confinement at; for officers only with dismissal 322 Confinement at, legal sentence for officer 310 Confinement at, legal sentence for soldier 311 Confinement at; statement in sentence, effect of omis- sion 322 Without confinement as disciplinary punishment; one week limit 333 ; A. W. 104 Without confinement, as mitigation from confinement at hard labor 382 Without confinement; Executive order, War Department policy p. 283(111) ; p. 286 (VII) ; 323 Without confinement, legal sentence for soldier 311 Without confinement ; sentence continuous, exceptions 401 Hawaii : Double jeopardy rule in 149(3) (d) Trial in either civil or military court in, bar to trial in other for same offense 149 (3) (a) Hazardous duty, absence with intent to avoid : Analysis and proof of offense 409, 409 (note) ; A. W. 28, 58 A. W. 28, a rule of evidence and not a punitive article 74 (n) Deemed desertion under A. W. 28 409 Form for specification App. 6(20) Hearsay evidence: Admissions. (See Admission against interest.) Books of account 244 Confessions. (See Confession.) INDEX. 743 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App," indicates Appendix.] Hearsay evidence Continued. Exceptions Par Commercial lists, registers, etc 221a(7) Dying declarations 221a(l),222 Official statements in writing 221a ( 5 ) , 236a, 238a Regular entries in a book of business transactions... 221a(4), 244 Statements concerning family history 221a(3) Statements, explanations, res gestae 221a(9),22S Statements of deceased persons, in general 221a(10) Statements of fact against interest 221a(2) Statements of mental or physical condition 221a(8), 226 Treatises or essays on subjects of science or art 221a(6) Hearsay rule stated 221 On investigation, not admissible because so made 221 In official statements, etc., not admissible because so made- 221 Instances of, enumerated 221 Investigating officer, statements to 237a(note 2) Memoranda. (See Memoranda.) Rule defined; reasons for; discussed 221 Homicide : By sentinel to prevent escape of prisoner 442, p. 409 Corpus delicti established by proof of death 225 (c) Death must result within year and day 442, p. 410 Example of justification or excuse 442, p. 410 In compliance with orders or supposed duty 442, p. 408 In self-defense 442, p. 410 Manslaughter. (See Manslaughter.) Murder. (See Murder.) Honorable discharge (see also Discharge) : Certificate to be furnished enlisted man A. W. 108 No release as to desertion in prior enlistment by 38 (e) Horses, losing, injuring, etc: Analysis and proof, definitions, penalty 434 ; A. W. 84 Form for specification App. 6(74) Housebreaking (see also Burglary) : Burglary distinguished 443, p. 420 Definitions and principles, proof, penalty 443, pp. 413, 420 ; A. W. 93 Form for specification App. 6(98) Limitation of three years 149(2) Husband and wife: Cases enumerated where wife may testify against husband. 228 Communications are privileged ; third parties may testify. 227, 228 Competency as witnesses for and against each other 213, 228 744 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Idaho, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Identification of accused. (See Accused.) Identity, plea to specification as admission of 146 ( note 1) Ignorance of fact, as defense 283 Ignorance of law: All residents presumed to know law applicable to their resi- dence 277, 282 Articles of War; effect of failing to read to enlisted men discussed 282 Persons subject to military law presumed to know statute law applicable to Army, regulations, manuals, orders, and circulars 282 Immunity, promise of 216 Important service, absence with intent to shirk : Analysis and proof of offense 409, 409 (note) ; A. W. 28, 58 A. W. 28, a rule of evidence and not a punitive article 74 (n) Deemed desertion under A. W. 28 409 Incrimination. (See Self-crimination.) Index : Records of general and special courts-martial 357(b) (2), 360 Separate, of Articles of War App. 1, p. 539 Indirect evidence defined 202 Individual counsel. (See Counsel.) Indorsement : Certificate of service by trial judge advocate as second, on charge sheet 77b; App. 5(7) Order of reference for trial as first, on charge sheet App. 5(7) To report of investigating officer as form for forwarding charges 76a (11) Inducing misbehavior before the enemy, etc.: Analysis and proof of offenses 425, p. 377 Definitions and principles 425, p. 379 ; A. W. 75 Forms for specifications App. 6(55, 56) Injury to property, redress of: Assessment for damages; approval by commanding officer, stoppage 481; A. W. 105 Board of officers ; scope of powers ; assessment of damages, powers as to testimony, etc 481 ; A. W. 105 Trial under A. W. 89 proper and preferably before board's investigation 481 Innocence : Presumption of law until guilt proved 277 Prima facie evidence may be outweighed by presumption of_ 279 Inquest : Form for report App. 26 Summary court to hold 483; A. W. 113 INDEX. 745 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Inquest Continued. Par. Procedure in case of sudden, violent or unnatural death on post, etc 483; A. W. 113 Insanity, etc., of accused : Action to be taken because of failure to plead as result of_ 155 At arraignment or later stage, arrest of proceedings 154 (g) At time of commission of facts; plea of not guilty proper 154(g) Medical board to examine accused, when 76b Medical officer to examine accused, when 76a(9) Procedure to determine when raised at any time in trial 219 Rulings on, in courts-martial ; by whom 89, 89a Special plea not necessary; raised before sentence 148 (note) Voting by court on question of, procedure 219 (g) Witnesses may be called before court 219 (e) Insanity of witness as affecting competency 212 Inspector General's Department, reports of special inspections confidential 230 Insubordination : Toward superior officer; offense defined, proof, penalty 415; A. W. 64 Toward warrant or noncommissioned officer; offense de- fined, proof, penalty 416 ; A. W. 65 Insular possessions, fees and mileage, civilian witnesses in 185a-c Insurance premiums, war risk, pay of soldier alloted for, may not be detained or forfeited 311 Intent : Change by court of plea of guilty because accused denies, 154 (e) ; A. W. 21 Character of accused, when admissible to show ; examples. 206 Crimes distinguished in respect to 280 Desertion not proved by payment of reward for deserter 284 Desertion, presumption as to continued absence without leave 284 Drunkenness as showing absence of 284, 285 " Guilty without criminality " an improper finding 303 Ignorance of fact as showing lack of ; how far a defense 283 In homicide; malice aforethought 442 No statutory intent in A. W. 61 or 86 to be alleged or proved Prosecution must prove actual, to sustain conviction 281 Statutory intent described in certain articles must be alleged arid proved Statutory intent not expressed but matter of proof 281 Interest : Does not disqualify, but affects weight of testimony 213 Statement against, as hearsay exception 221a(2) 746 I2TDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Interest of commanding officer in sale of victuals, etc. : Par. Analysis and proof of offense 437 ; A. W. 87 Form for specification App. 6(80) Interlocutory questions : Record to show ruling on certain 357 (b) (35) Rulings on, by president of court 89 ; A. W. 31 Term defined 89a(5) International law (see also War). Definition of " enemy " 431 Judicial notice 289 Military government a part of law of nations 2 (a) Interpreter : For courts-martial, military commission or summary court ; appointment, compensation 119 ; A. W. 115 For court of inquiry; appointment, compensation 119, 457 ; A. W. 115 For court of inquiry ; oath 466 ; A. W. 101 For courts-martial, oath 136 ; A. W. 19 Record to show who acted as, and oath 357b(14) Interrogatories. (See Depositions.) Intoxication of witness as limited disqualification 212 Introduction to Manual for Courts-Martial : Edition of 1917 xiii Edition of 1920 v Investigating officer: Accused furnished copy of report of 77b Gross-examination as to report, when permitted at trial 237a (notel) Duties prescribed in detail; impartiality 76a(7-10) Duty to warn accused as to incrimination 225 (b) Form for report App. 18 Power to administer oaths 188 (a) ; A. W. 114 Report attached to record of trial 357 (b) (56) Report forwarded by appointing authority 367 ( a, b) Report not competent on trial ; personal testimony required 237a Report on charges; form, inclosures 76a(10) Investigation : As ground for challenge 121 By court of inquiry. (See Courts of Inquiry.) By summary court; how made 351 (e) Disciplinary punishment cases ; manner, where held 336c Hearsay evidence not admissible because made in 221 Of charges, (Bee Charges; Investigating officer.) Of sudden, violent, and unnatural deaths, by summary court 483 ; A. W. 113 INDEX. 747 (References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Irons, placing in : Par. Accused not tried in irons; exception, validity unaf- fected 88 Forbidden ordinarily ; exceptions 36 Issues in a trial, deiined 195 Jeopardy, former. (See Former jeopardy.) Joining in mutiny, defined 417 Joint offenses: Effect of conviction or acquittal on joint charges 301 Form for charges ^_ 69 Motion to sever for trial by one or more of accused 156 Record to srhow each accused had rights as if tried alone. 357 (b) (39) Use of one of the accused as witness by prosecution 156 When joint charges proper ; right of challenge 69 Judge advocate: Administration of oaths by 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Staff. (See Staff judge advocate.) Trial. (See Trial judge advocate.) Judge Advocate General: Action on death, unsuspeiided dismissal or dishonorable dis- charge, penitentiary cases and cases requiring President's approval or confirmation 371 ; A. W. 50J Advice of reviewing authorities, when 370 (note 3) Authority for penitentiary sentence to be stated in forward- ing record to 339 Duties in cases requiring approval of President 399a(b) Duties, in general, on review of cases under A. W. 50i 399a Law member an officer in Judge Advocate General's Depart- ment, when available 81 (a) Nonconcurrence with board of review 399a(c) ; 399 (note 2) Record of general court appointed by President directly to_ 366 (a) Record of general courts from appointing authorities; pa- pers therewith 79(b),267(a) Rehearing, record of, with that of former hearing, to 377a Reports to Secretary of War confidential; not furnished without authority 230 Special court-martial records, permanent file of 367 (b) Staff judge advocate's report or review to 367, 370 Judgment (see Findings; Sentence) 294 Judicial notice: Defined ; cases enumerated ; general principles 289 Facts of which courts take, to be considered as evidence 194 General orders convening general courts in special juris- dictions 14(notel) Principles and limitations respecting doctrine 239 748 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Juries, deliberations as privileged communications 227 Jurisdiction : Concurrent with civil courts; rules, procedure 35 Military, not territorial 37 Of courts-martial. (See Courts-martial and the specific court. ) Of courts of inquiry. (See Courts of inquiry.) Knowingly defined, as to making fraudulent enlistment 406 Larceny : Corpus delicti established by proving articles missing 225 (c) Definitions and principles 443, p. 413 Distinct and specific intent, independent of act, essential 280 Distinction between custody and possession, examples. 443, p. 426 Drunkenness as defense 285 Embezzlement distinguished 443, p. 426 Evil intent and act must coexist ; exception 443, p. 428 Forms for specifications App. 6 From person ; included in robbery 877 Hearsay evidence, instance of, in trial for 221(2) Included in robbery 443, p. 423 Intent lacking, offense is not; examples 443, p. 428 Intent to return in some other form, examples 443, p. 429 Limitation of three years 149(2) Of military property ; defined, proof 444, p. 456 ; A. W. 94 Of paper not valuable in itself, chose in action, etc 443, p. 430 Personal property only subject of; real becoming personal property 443, p. 430 Presumption from possession of stolen articles 278 Repentance immediately after offense committed, no de- fense 443, p. 430 Sale of same property as evidence of 74 (o) Sale of same property, when joined 74 (o) Taking and carrying away necessary, examples 443, p. 424 Taking from one having possession only, sufficient 443, p. 428 Taking from possession of owner without consent neces- sary ; examples 443, p. 424 When committed in burglary, facts should be set out 443, p. 420 Lawful order, nature of 415 Law member: Absence, procedure upon 85 Advises accused as to pleading limitations 149(3) (h) ; 357 (b) (21); App. 9, p. 610 Advises accused, ignorant of rights 357 (b) (26) Advises accused of right to testify or make statement 89a(7) ; 215 ; 357b (34) ; App. 9, p. 612 INDEX. 749 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Law member Continued. Par. Appointment and rank 12 (c) ; 81 (a) ; 89 Challengeable only for cause 120 ; A. W. 18 Change of, during trial, procedure 93 Designated as such in order appointing court 12 (c) Duties respecting insanity, etc., of accused raised during trial 219 (b) (f) Equal rights, in addition to special duties, with other mem- bers 89a(6) Explains effect of plea of guilty; shown in record 89a(7), 154 (d), 357b(22) ; App. 9, p. 611 Form for use of App. 9 Ordinarily of field rank 12 (c) Overruling by court, effect to be considered. 89(a) (notel),90(b) Presence or absence at opening and after recess, in rec- ord 357(b) (37, 38) President's duties in absence of. (See General courts-mar- tial President of general court-martial.) Procedure if no qualified officer available 12 (c) Record to note name, presence, etc 357 (b) (7-9) Rehearing, duties on 377a Reliance on ruling of, may be stated in record 89(a) (notel) Rulings on interlocutory questions 89a ; A. W. 31 Where seated in court 83 Law of nations. (See International law.) Law of war. (See War.) Laying a duty upon bringing in victuals, etc. : Analysis and proof of offense 437 ; A. W. 87 Form for specification App. 6(79) Leading questions: Court has discretion to permit; care to be exercised 254 (c) Defined; examples 254(a) Exceptions permitting asking, enumerated 254 (c) Permissible on cross-examination 251 Wide latitude allowed in depositions 265 Leaving post before being relieved: Analysis and proof of offense 436 ; A. W. 86 Capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 86 Corpus delicti, proof of 225 (c) Definitions and principles 436 Form for specification App. 6(78) Lesser included offense: Conviction of separate and distinct offense not proper as a__ 299 Enumerated, in part 377 Method of pleading guilty of absence without leave only 298 Power to approve 377 (a) 21358 20 48 750 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Lesser Included offense Continued. Par. Power to confirm ,. 379 (a) Power to convict of; procedure 377 Procedure to be followed by court on finding guilty of__ 208, 300 Letters. (See also Documentary evidence.) Method of authenticating in trial 239 Presumption as to receipt of properly mailed 278 Liberty loan bonds, pay allotted for not subject to detention or forfeiture 311 Life imprisonment: Or death, mandatory for murder or rape 40 (note 1) Sentence requires three-fourths vote 295, 308 ; A. W. 43 Sentence, record to show necessary concurrence 357 (b) (50) Limitations : Clemency applications, not more than one in six months 404 Of disciplinary power 333-336 ; A. W. 104 On punishment by general court-martial__ 40 ; A. W. 42, 45 On punishment by special court-martial 42; A. W. 13 On punishment by summary court-martial. 44 ; A. W. 14 Time. (See Statute of limitations.) Trials. (See Former jeopardy.) Upon power to convene court of inquiry ^_ 448 List of common errors , App. 27 Loss of military property defined 433, 434 Loss or destruction of records before action of reviewing authority , 363 Mail, presumption as to receipt of 278 Maiming defined; distinguished from mayhem (see also May- hem) _ 446, p. 464 Making false muster. (See False muster.) Making false returns. (See False returns.) Making or delivering receipt without knowing of its truth, 444, p. 455 ; A. W. 94 Malice, definition of 442 Mandatory sentence (see also Death sentence; Dismissal): As permitting return of record for reconsideration 352, 372 ; A. W. 40 Manslaughter (see also Homicide) : Assault with intent to commit 443, p. 444 ; A. W. 93 Conviction of, under charge of murder 300, 377 Definitions and principles, voluntary and involuntary. 443, p. 413 Dying declaration, when receivable in trial for 222 Instances of adequate and inadequate provocation 443, p. 414 Instances of culpable negligence 443, p. 415 Lesser included offense in murder T 377 Limitation of three years ,. 149(2) INDEX. 751 [References arc to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Manual for Courts-Martial : Par. A source of military law 2(d) Executive order promulgating, xxi Introduction to 1917 edition xiii Introduction to 1920 edition v Modes of proof prescribed in, force of regulation 198 Reading of pertinent paragraphs to general court- martial 357 (b) (24) Maps as evidence, when admissible -245 Marine Corps : Distinction between cooperation with and incorporation into Army 10 Members of Navy Medical Department serving with, when subject to Articles of War 4(d) ;4(d)(note) Officers of, when eligible as members of courts-martial 10 When officers and soldiers, triable by military court- martial 4 (c) ; 4 (d) (note) ; A. W. 2. (c) When officers and soldiers triable by naval court- martial 4d (note) ; A. W. 2 (c) Marking body prohibited 344 ; A. W. 41 Marital relationship. (See Husband and wife.) Marriage, not proved by wife's refusal to testify against hus- band (see also Husband arid wife) 228 Martial law, at home; defined, source 2(b) Materiality of evidence: Defined 202 In prosecution for perjury 443, p. 433 Maximum punishments: Executive order effective February 4, 1921 349 In time of peace, limited as to penitentiary sentences 348; A. W. 42 Limits prescribed by President in discretionary cases- 38 ; A. W. 45 Policy in applying, discussed 342 Mayhem : Certain assaults included in offense of . 377 Definition and principles ; proof, penalty. 433, pp. 413, 415 ; A. W. 93 Limitation of three years 149(2) Maiming distinguished 46G, p. 465(3) Medical board: Accused furnished copy of report of 77b Appointment to examine accused before trial ; personnel ; observation ; evidence considered ; report ; contents 76c Challenge of member of 126 (note 2) Convened when insanity, etc., of accused raised at trial, procedure 219 (d) 752 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Medical board Continued. rar. Members, when called as witnesses at trial 219(b) Report, action on, when insanity, etc., raised during trial- 219 Report and copy sent to trial judge advocate with charges- 76c(4) Report appended to record of general court-martial 357 (b) (56) Reviewing or confirming authority may have convened at any time before final action to consider mental condi- tion of accused (219 (h) (note) Medical Department, Navy, when members subject to Articles of War 4(d) ;4(d)(note) Medical examination : Compulsory submission to, not violation of self-crimination rule 236, 236 (a) Of accused as step in investigating charges; nature 76a(9) Testimony as to scars, marks, etc., on accused not violation of self -crimination rule 236 (a) Medical officer: Accused furnished copy of report of 77b Examination of accused during investigation of charges 76a(9) Examining accused as member of later appointed medical board 76c Report appended to record of general court-martial 357 (b) (56) Report forwarded by appointing authority 367 ( a, b) Report on insanity, etc., of accused may be offered by defense 219 (c) Statements to, not privileged 231 Medical treatment, refusal to submit to 68 Members of courts-martial. (See Courts-martial and the specific courts.) Memoranda (see also Documentary evidence) : Two kinds as evidence; proof, refreshing recollection 241-243 Mileage : Based on shortest usually traveled route 185 (note 1) Of court-martial reporter 113 (e) Of witnesses (see Witnesses). Military Academy: Professors and cadets, part of Regular Army 4(a) (note a) Superintendent may appoint general court-martial, but not for officers 14,16; A. W. 8, 12 Military board : President and recorder have powers of notary public or con- sul in foreign places where Army serving 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 President and recorder may administer oaths for military purposes, etc 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Suspended officer ineligible as member of 814 INDEX. 753 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates pa^e, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Military commission : Par. Concurrent jurisdiction with courts-martial 45 ; A. W. 15 Concurrent with general courts-martial under A. W. 15, 80-82 3(b)(note 1) Investigation of charges by staff judge advocate 76b Jurisdiction stated; where concurrent with general courts- martial 3(a) ; 3(b)(notel) Limitations on jurisdiction of military offenses discussed 8(b) (note 2) Military department: Authenticated copies of records of, as evidence 238 Commander may appoint general court-martial 14 ; A. W. 8 Commander, successor on death or disability of 19 Commander's duties when officer arrested without charges preferred 50 Commander's power to appoint general courts, when termi- nated or suspended 18 Dismissal of officers in time of war, confirmation by com- mander of 378(b); A. W. 48 Judicial notice of existence 289 Judicial notice of general or special orders of, discussed 289 Mitigation or remission of sentences, when by commander of 381 ; A. W. 50 Report to commander of habeas corpus in attachment pro- ceedings 169 (a) Report to commander of habeas corpus out of Federal court, by telegraph 479 Witnesses, duties of commander respecting 163, 164 Military discipline, conduct prejudicial to. (See Conduct preju- dicial to good order, etc.) Military duty as punishment, forbidden 345 Military government defined; kind of military jurisdiction, part of law of nations 2 (a) Military jurisdiction : Exercised through certain enumerated military tribunals 3 Not territorial 37 Sources enumerated 1 Three kinds enumerated 2 Military law: Defined; nature; written and unwritten; sources 2(d) Persons subject to 4 ; A. W. 2 Unwritten military law is "custom of war"; source 2(d) Military prisoner. (See Prisoner.) Military property (see also Property) : Embezzlement, misappropriation, sale, etc. ; definitions, ex- amples, proof 444, p. 456 ; A. W. 94 754 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Military property Continued. Par. Offenses under A. W. 83 or 84 " willfully " or " through neg- l^t" 281 Purchasing or receiving in pledge; offense defined, proof 444, p. 548 ; A. W. 94 Sale, analysis and proof, penalty 444, pp. 449, 458 ; A. W. 94 Sale of stolen, how charged 74 (o) Similar offense under A. W. 84, evidence of as bearing on intent 206 (4) Soldier selling; example of what would be hearsay evi- dence 221(3) Soldier selling, injuring, etc. ; analysis and proof of offense- 434 ; A. W. 84 Soldier selling, injuring, etc. ; definitions and principles 434 Soldier selling, injuring, etc. ; forms for specifications App. 6 (74,75) Suffering to be lost, etc. ; analysis and proof of offense 433 ; A. W. 83 Suffering to be lost, etc. ; definitions and principles 433 Suffering to be lost, etc.; form for specification -App. 6(73) Military service, conduct tending to bring discredit on. (See Conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service. ) Military tribunals: Concurrent jurisdiction with courts-martial 45 ; A, W. 15 Kinds of, enumerated 3 Military witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Militia (see also National Guard) : When subject to Articles of War 4 (a) (noteg) ; A. W.2(a) Minor : Habeas corpus. (See Habeas corpus.) Right to arrest and try deserter paramount to parent's rights 60 Testimony of child; rule as to admissibility, change from common law 210(a) Misappropriation of military property 444, p. 456 ; A. W. 94 Misbehavior before the enemy: Analysis and proof of offenses 425, p. 377 ; A. W. 75 Capital offense 41 ; A. W. 75 Definitions and principles 425, pp. 377, 378 . Finding of absence without leave under charge of 300 Forms for specifications App. 6(50-59) Misbehavior of sentinel. (See Sentinel.) Misrepresentation defined as to fraudulent enlistment 405 Mistrial not regarded as a trial 149(3) (c) INDEX. 755 CReferences are to paragraphs, eaccept that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Mitigation : Par. Confinement already served as basis 401 Of punishment, denned ^ __^_, 380 Of sentence ; described ; by whom exercised ; extent. 381 ; A.W. 50 Of sentence ; officers who may be empowered by President. 381 ; A. W. 50 Of sentence; when permissible.^. 382 Modification of sentence before publication ,. 387 Money, taking of. (See Bribe.) Montana, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Morning report: Original admissible without calling officer making 238a Proof of absence without leave from entries in , 284 Motion to elect not proper 157 Motion to sever in joint charges 156 Motive: Admission of evidence to show, when proper 206 Proper presumptions of fact as to 278 Statement of accused in explanation of 290 Murder (see also Homicide) : Analysis and proof 442, pp. 408, 411 ; A. W. 92 Assault and battery, conviction of, on trial for 300, 377 Attempt to murder, a lesser included offense in 377 Capital offense at all times 41 ; A. W. 92 Conviction of, by whom to be confirmed 378 (d) ; A. W. 48 Death by hanging, usual capital penalty . 346 Definitions and principles 442, p. 408 Distinct and specific intent, independent of act, essential 280 Drunkenness as defense 285 Dying declaration, when admissible in trial for 222 Form for specification App. 6(92) Lesser included offenses enumerated 377 Manslaughter, conviction of, on trial for 300, 377 No limitation as to time of trial for 149(2) Muster in, unlawful by officer : Analysis and proof of offense 406 Definitions and principles 406 ; A. W. 55 Forms for specifications App. 6(5) Muster, making false: Analysis and proof of offense 407 ; A. W. 56 Definitions and principles 407 Forms for specifications App. 6(6-12) Muster, taking money in connection with: Analysis and proof of offense 407 ; A. W. 56 Definitions and principles 407 Forms for specifications App. 6(6-12) 756 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Mustering false officer or soldier : Par. Analysis and proof of offense 407 ; A. W. 56 Definitions and principles 407 Forms for specifications App. 6(6-12) Mutiny : Analysis and proof of offenses under A. W. 66 417 Analysis and proof of offenses under A. W. 67 418 Capital offense at all times 41 ; A. W. 66 Conviction of, whose confirmation required 378 (d) ; A. W. 48 Definitions and principles under A. W. 66, 67 417,418 Distinct and specific intent, independent of act, essential 280 Drunkenness as showing lack of knowledge or intent 286 Failure to suppress, capital offense at all times 41 ; A. W. 67 Five offenses under A. W. 66 : Attempting to create, begin- ning, joining in, exciting, and causing 417 Forms for specifications under A. W. 66 App. 6 Forms for specifications under A. W. 67 App. 6 No limitation as to time of trial for 149(2) Penitentiary offense ; rule to be applied 40, 338 ; A. W. 42 Two offenses under A. W. 67 : Failure to suppress, and fail- ure to give information 418 Name: Alias, use of, in preparing charges 74 (i) Christian name used in preparing charges 74 (h) Power of court-martial to correct, on conviction 299 Presumption from identity of names 278 National Guard: Court-martial system for, when not in Federal service App. 2 When subject to military law 4 (a) (notes d, g) ; A. W. 2 National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers : Inmates subject to Articles of War 4(f) (note 2) Naval court-martial, trial of Navy personnel for offenses against Articles of War 4d(note) ; A. W. 2(c) Navy, members of Medical Department serving with marines, when subject to Articles of War 4(d) ; 4(d) (note) Neglect of duty. (See Disorders and neglects, etc.) Nevada, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 New Mexico, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Nolle prosequi : Acquittal as preferable to . 158 Definition, principal grounds, effect, when entered 158 Entering against accomplice, to secure his testimony __ 217 (notes) Form for__ App. 10, p. 619 Noncapital offenses (see also Crimes and offenses) 446, p. 463; A. W. 96 INDEX. 757 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Noncommissioned officers : Par. Arrest of enlisted men, as means of restraint, by, when permitted 52 Arrest, status when in 53 Excepted, above rank of corporal, from jurisdiction of summary courts-martial by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 p. 656 Included under word "soldier" 4(notel) ; A.W.I (b) Insubordinate conduct toward 416 ; A. W. 65 May be "commander of a guard" under A. W. 71 421 Members of Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers or field clerks can not be reduced to grade of 310a Offenses against in execution of office ; penalty 416 ; A. W. 65 Power to quell frays, disorders, etc. ; penalty 419 ; A. W. 68 Reduction to the ranks. (See Reduction to the ranks.) Reprimand proper penalty for 318 Summary court-martial, not triable by, on objection; pro- cedure 43 ; A. W. 14 Nonsupport of wife and children ; wife may testify against hus- band accused of 228 Not guilty. (See Acquittal ; Pleas.) Notary public: Authorized to administer certain oaths for War Depart- ment; perjury 443, p. 434 Certain officers have powers of, in foreign places where Army Is serving 138 (b) ; A. W. 114 Oath (see also Affidavit) : Additional ceremony permitted, to make binding 132 (d) Administered anew for each case 132 (c) Affirmation; closing sentence of adjuration omitted 132 (b) Affirmation included in, if affirmation authorized 433, p. 434 Authority to administer, officials enumerated 138 ; A. W. 114 Decorum during administration of 86 Delivery of record of trial to accused 117, 366(b) Depositions taken before military or civil officer authorized to administer 175 False, in connection with claims against Government- 444, p. 454 ; A. W. 94 For administrative purposes, who may administer 138 Forms for, enumerated 132-138 Includes affirmation, where affirmation authorized 443, p. 434 Of accuser ; form on charge sheet App. 5 Of allegiance, how violation pleaded 74(1) Of enlistment ; failure to read Articles of War 282 ; A. W. 109 Of interpreter of court of inquiry, same as of court- martial 466 ; A. W. 101 Of interpreter of court-martial ; form 136 ; A. W. 19 758 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Oatli Continued. Par. Of member of court-martial, form 132 ( a) ; A. W. 19 Of member of court of inquiry ; form 466 ; A. W. 100 Of members 'of general court-martial; taking, noted in record 357(b) (17) Of recorder of court of inquiry ; form 466 ; A. W. 100 Of reporter of court-martial ; form 135 ; A. W. 19 Of reporter of court of inquiry, same as of court- martial 466; A. W. 101 Of trial judge advocate and assistants ; form 133, 134 (b) ; A. W. 19 Of witness before court-martial; form 134(a) Of witness before court of inquiry, same as before court- martial 466; A. W. 101 Of witness; form, administration 134 Of witness, general court-martial record to show 357(b)(25) Recalled witness not resworn but warned ^ 255 Recalled witness warned as to; noted in record 357(b) (27) Standing in court during administration of 86 Substance as in statutory form sufficient 443, p. 434 To test competency ; purpose, form____ 137 Trial judge advocate and assistant ; taking by, noted in record , 357 (b) (m Objections, reasons for, to be stated 250 Offenses. (See Crimes and offenses.) Officer : (In a particular capacity or icith a reference to a particular offense, see the specific title.) Arrest. (See Arrest.) As witness. (See Witnesses.) Conduct unbecoming ; offense defined, instances, proof 445 ; A. W. 95 Discharged under selective-service act; no right to court- martial , 38 (b) (note 2) Disciplinary punishment of ; forfeiture of pay- 333, 336 ; A. W. 104 Dismissal. (See Dismissal.) Drunk on duty ; offense discussed, penalty 435 ; A. W. 85 Eligibility for court-martial duty 6, 9-11 ; A. W. 4 Excepted from jurisdiction of special and summary courts- martial by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 ^ p. 656 General officer, confirmation by President of sentence re- specting 378 (a) ; A. W. 48 Investigation of charges as applicable to 76a (2,6,7,9) Not triable by general court-martial appointed at Military Academy 14; A. W. 12 Not triable by summary court-martial 43 ; A. W. 14 Previous convictions; 3 year limitation on introduction 306 Quitting post or duties before resignation accepted ; specific intent 281 ; A. W. 28 INDEX. 759 f References are to paragraphs, except that the letter w p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Officer Continued. Par. Refusal or willful neglect to deliver offender to civil au- thorities ; specific intent 281 ; A. W. 74 Reprimand proper punishment for 318 Retired. (See Retired officer.) Sentence affecting status reported to The Adjutant General 310 (note) Sentences which may be imposed on, enumerated 310 Status, when in arrest 49 Statutory rule of evidence as to desertion 284 (a) ; A. W. 28 Subject to Articles of War 4(a) ; A. W. 2(a) Trial of, by inferiors in rank, not usually permitted ; how decided 12 (a) ; A. W. 16 Who may arrest, if taking part in fray, etc 47; A. W. 68 Word as used in Manual for Courts-Martial 4 (notes 1, 2) Word construed- as " commissioned officer " ; classes ex- cluded enumerated 4 (notes 1,2) A. W. l(a) Officer commanding for time being defined, powers, examples 369, 374 ; A. W. 46 Officer preferring charges (see also Accuser) : Investigation when commanding officer is 76a(10) Investigation when only officer with command is 76a(10) Name and rank stated in reading charges to accused 144 Phrase not used in signing charges App. 6(i) Right to prefer 63 Signature with rank and organization to be added 64 Officers' Reserve Corps: When ordered to active duty 4 (a) (note) When reserve officers eligible for membership on court- martial 9(c) Official documents: Bulky, not appended to record; procedure pp. 564(9), 650(5) Foundation for admission of 237 Omission in records of trial, correction of: General and special courts-martial 364 Summary courts-martial 365 Omitting to render returns : Analysis and proof of offense 408 ; A. W. 57 Definitions and principles 408 Form for specification App. 6(14) Open court: Advice of defense counsel obtained in 107d Advice of trial judge advocate obtained in 99, 101 Announcement of complete acquittal, required 332a ; A. W. 29 Announcement of findings and sentence unless court deems inadvisable 332(a) 760 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Opening and closing, right of trial judge advocate 293 Opening statements to court 197 Operation, refusal to submit to, an offense 68 Opinion evidence (see also Expert; Hearsay evidence) : As to drunkenness 287 Not admissible as to reputation of witness 257 Of expert 218 Permissible as to belief in veracity of impeached witness 257 Oral statements, how pleaded 74(1) Orderly : For defense counsel 107g For trial judge advocate 105 Orders, court-martial : Acquittal merely promulgated in 372 (b) Announcement in, not necessary to validity of sentence or acquittal 371 Date of beginning of sentence as indicated in 401 Oregon, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Original documents 197 Panama Canal Zone. (See Canal Zone.) Papers. (See Documentary evidence.) Pardon : Defined 150 Evidence of; how offered, other evidence, constructive par- don 273 Nolle prosequi is not equivalent to 158 Power to mitigate or remit sentence 381 ; A. W. 50 Privilege against self-crimination ceases on 233 (a) Parents of minor deserters, rights of 60 Parole : Giving different parole; analysis and proof of offense 427; A. W. 77 Giving different parole; definitions and principles 427 Giving different parole; form for specification App. 6(62) Making known ; analysis and proof of offense 427 ; A. W. 77 Making known; definitions and principles 427 Making known; form for specification App. 6(61) Revoked, interrupts execution of sentence 401 Violation of, how pleaded 74(1) Patients, statements to military or civilian doctors not privi- leged 231, 232 Pay and allowances : Court-martial can not order assignment of 325, 329 Court-martial can not order deposit of 326 Detention. (See Detention of pay.) INDEX. 761 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Pay and allowances Continued. Par Extra, for clerical duties, when forbidden 118 Forfeiture. (See Forfeiture.) Stoppage. (See Stoppage of pay.) Pay card of accused, data on 79(a) ; App. 5(6) Pay voucher, authentication of 239 Peace : Delivery of offenders to civil authorities in time of__ 35 ; A. W. 74 Desertion in time of; Department policy regarding pun- ishments 340 Judicial notice of condition of 289 Maximum limits of punishment in penitentiary cases 348 Officer dismissed in time of, only by sentence of court- martial 38 (b) (notes) ; A. W. 118 Repeated desertion in time of, penitentiary offense ; rule to be applied 40, 337 ; A. W. 42 Penal code of United States : As guide for penitentiary sentence and duration of same. 40, 338 ; A. W. 42, 45 As source of definitions for crimes and offenses under A. W. 92, 93 442, p. 408 Penitentiary : Authority for sentence to, cited in forwarding record 339 Classes of offenses to be executed in 40, 337, 338 ; A. W. 42 Clemency applications in cases of prisoners in 402 Directly or indirectly under Federal jurisdiction, as place of punishment 396 ; A. W. 42 Instructions as to place of confinement by Department 341 Limits in peace time on sentence to 309 ; A. W. 42 Propriety of designating as place of punishment discussed 342a Review by board of review and Judge Advocate General of sentences to 371, 399a ; A. W. 50* Segregation of classes of prisoners 341 Sentence to ; analogy to cases of a civil nature.. 337 When sentence in, may be imposed 40, 337, 396 ; A. W. 42, 45 Peremptory challenge, right of- - 120, 120a ; A. W. 18 Perjury (see also False swearing) : Analysis and proof of offense . 443, p. 432 ; A. W. 93 Definitions and principles - 443, p. 413 Forms for specifications - App. 6 Intent inseparable from act 280 Limitation of three years Number of witnesses required to sustain charge- Personal interest of commanding officer in sale of provisions... 437; A. W. 87 762 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and ' App." indicates Appendix.] Personnel adjutant : Par. Duties respecting record of summary court conviction 79 (a) Initials charge sheet of summary court as to pay card entries App. 5(6) Special court-martial order, forwarding by 400 Special court-martial records; delivery to and return by 367 (b) Persons subject to military law , 4 ; A. W. 2 Persuading desertion : Analysis and proof of offense 410 ; A. W. 59 Definitions and principles ^ 410 Form for specification App. 6(23) Petit juries, deliberations as privileged communications 227 Petition for writ of habeas corpus. (See Habeas corpus.) Philippine Islands: Civilian employees in, when not Federal employees 171 (note) Fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 (note 2) Trial in" either military or civil court in, is bar to trial in other for same offense 149(3) (d) Witnesses before general courts-martial, procedure to obtain in 171 Witnesses; no provision as to special and summary courts in 171 Writ of habeas corpus issued in , ,_ 480 Photographs as evidence 245 Physical examination : Compulsory submission to, not self-crimination 236, 236 (a) Paper containing, admissible without calling officer mak- ing 238a Rulings on, in courts-martial ; by whom 89, 89a Physicians : Statements to civilian, not privileged; penalty for refusal to testify 232 Statements to military, not privileged; penalty for refusal to testify 231 Pillage, quitting post to, analysis and proof, penalty, forms 425, pp. 377, 380 ; A. W. 75 ; App. 6(58) Place : Allegations of in specifications discussed; exaiiip'.es.^ .. 74 (g) Of meeting of courts-martial, how determined . 81 Where troops on duty, when commanding officer may ap- point special courts-martial 21 ; A. W. 9 Where troops on duty, when commanding officer may ap- point summary courts-martial 25 ; A. W. 10 Pleading (see also Pleas) : Absence without leave to charge of desertion 298 Alias 74 (i) INDEX. 763 [References are to paragraph* except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicate* Articles of War, and " App." Indicate* Appendix.] Pleading Continued. Par. Allegations of time and place 74 (g) Alternative, forbidden 74 (c) Change of rank 74 (k) Charge should be limited to statement of article violated 74 (a) Consideration of pleadings in voting on findings 294 Description of accused 74 (b) Desertion followed by fraudulent enlistment 74 (n) Disgraceful offenses 74 (m) Evidence not proper 74 (d) General prisoner, description of 74(j) In words of statute 74 (p) Larceny and sale of public property 74 (o) Method of oral, to charges and specifications 144 Name of accused , 74(h, i) Necessity of alleging intent 281 Offenses against specific articles 74 (e) Oral statements 74(1) Place ^ 74 (g) Sale of stolen public property 74 (o) Scandalous offenses 74 (m) Specification must be appropriate to charge 74 (b) Time . 74 (g) Written instrument 74(1) Pleas (see also Pleading) : Change by permission of court 154 (b) Guilty Before summary court; procedure 351 (d) Change to not guilty by court, when 154(d) (e) Explanation to accused, what to contain 154 (d) Explanation to and answers of accused, required in record 357(b) (22, 23) ; App. 6 Taking evidence after; procedure; matter in mitiga- tion 154(e) "Without criminality," equivalent to not guilty 154(f) In abatement- Nature, error indicated, procedure, waiver 147 In bar of trial- Constructive condonation of desertion 151 Disciplinary punishment 333; A. W. 104 Double jeopardy may be raised by 149(3) K Former punishment 152(a) Former trial as basis; proof required 274 Insanity, etc., need not be specially pleaded 148 (note) Nature, grounds 148 Pardon, proof required 150, 273 764 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p M indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Pleas Continued. Par. Kinds enumerated 145 Not guilty Change by court of plea of guilty to : 154 (d) (e) Fermer jeopardy may be raised by 149(3) (g) Insanity, etc., at time of commission of acts 154 (g) Record of general court-martial to contain 357 (b) (20) Refusal to plead ; procedure ; insanity 155 ; A. W. 21 Special Certain matters enumerated inadmissible under_ 152(b) (c) (d) Illegal enlistment is not 152 (b) In special court-martial ; record to set out in full 358 (e) . Not necessary to raise question of insanity, etc., during trial 219 (a) Pleading to general issue when overruled 153 (d) Procedure when sustained; action of reviewing au- thority 153 (b) Procedure when sustained as to certain charges and specifications 153 (c) Several, to any charge or specification permitted 153 (a) Statement of, evidence, burden of proof, record 153 (a) Three kinds of 145 To the general issue; usual form described 154 (a) To the jurisdiction Failure of record to show jurisdiction as invalidating proceedings 146 Nature; grounds for; if sustained, bars further prose- cution 146 Objection taken at any time 146 Pledge of military property, taking ; offense defined, proof. 444, p. 458 ; A.W. 94 Plunder, quitting post to, analysis and proof, penalty, forms 425, pp. 377, 380 ; A. W. 75 ; App. 6 (58) Police secrets as privileged communications 227 Policy of War Department. (See War Department.) Polygamy, wife may testify against husband accused of 228 Porto Rico: Fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Trial in either civil or military court in, bar to trial in other for same offense 149(3) (d) Possession in larceny defined 443, p. 428 Post: As place of confinement of general prisoner 398 Demand for prison labor not to affect segregation policy 399 Judicial notice of orders of 289 Quitting, to plunder or pillage 425, p. 380 ; A. W. 75 INDEX. 765 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Post Continued. Par. Restriction to limits, nature of punishment 319 Sentinel's misbehavior on 436 ; A. W. 86 Post exchange: Commanding officer interested in sale of articles by, offense under A. W. 87 437 Embezzlement by former officer of funds of 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Post Office Department, presumption as to receipt of letters from course of business in 278 Premeditation. (See Intent.) Preponderance of evidence 296 President of United States : Appointment of court-martial to try officer dismissed on his order 15 (note) Authority vested in, as a source of military jurisdiction 1 Clemency applications forwarded for action of ; six months' interval 402, 404 Commutation of sentence of dishonorable discharge by 382 Commutation of sentences, sole power of, unless delegated under A. W. 50 384 Confirmation of what sentences required by 378 ; A. W. 48 Courts of inquiry Discretion as to publication of proceedings of 472 May be ordered by, in his discretion 447, 449 ; A. W. 97 Disrespect toward ; penalty 413 ; A. W. 62 Exception of classes from trial by special court by 41(1) ; A. W. 13 ; App. 21, 656 Exception of classes from trial by summary court by 43(2) ; A. W. 14 ; App. 21, p. 656 Limitations of punishment on order of 40 ; A. W. 45 Loss of files; confirmation not necessary, alone can restore files 390 ; A. W. 50 Marine Corps officers on duty with Army by order of, eligible for court-martial duty 6, 10 ; A. W. 4 May appoint general courts-martial as commander in chief. 15 May appoint general courts-martial under A. W. 8 14 ; A. W. 8 May appoint general courts-martial under R. S. 1230 15 May empower any commanding officer to appoint general courts-martial 14 (note 1) A. W. 8 Mitigation or remission of sentences; powers, in general- 381; A. W. 50 Officer discharged under selective draft act by, not entitled to trial 38(b) (note2) Pardon as act of, defined; how evidenced 150,273 Power to drop officers from the rolls 38(b) (note 3) Power to prescribe maximum punishments- 309, 348, 349 ; A. W. 45 21358 20 49 766 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] President of United States Continued. Par. Power to prescribe modes of proof 198 ; A. W. 38 Procedure on sentences under A. W. 46, 48, 51, requiring approval or confirmation by 399a, 400 ; A. W. 50} Record of general court-martial appointed by, sent direct to Judge Advocate General 366 (a) Regulations as to disciplinary punishments 333 Regulations for review of general court or military commis- sion records prescribed by 370 Rehearing of disapproved or vacated sentence may be di- rected by : 377a ; A. W. 50} Reserve officers ordered to active duty by, eligible for court-martial duty 9(c) Retired officers ordered to active duty by, eligible for court- martial duty 9(b) Review of cases under A. W. 50$, duties in connection with. 399a Sentence requiring approval or confirmation of, requires prior action of board of review and Judge Advocate Gen- eral 371 ; A. W. 50} Suspension of sentence until pleasure of, known 391 ; A. W. 51 Presumption : Genuineness of document from official seal, signature, etc 236a Intent in connection with crime 280 Of general capacity of witness 210 Of desertion, from absence without leave 284 Of fact- Condition or state of things as continuing 278 Defined, nature, examples 278 Of law- Defined, conclusive and disputable, examples 277 Knowledge of Federal, State, and municipal law 282 Knowledge of military law, regulations, orders, etc 282 Prima facie evidence, defined r 279 Prima facie evidence may be outweighed by presumption of innocence 279 Soldier presumed to know officers of his command, when 283 Two kinds, of law and of fact 276 Pretense defined under A. W. 64 415 Previous convictions : Accused asked concerning, shown in record 357 (b) (45) Appending to record, shown in record 357 (b) (44) As ground for dishonorable discharge 349 (VI), 284 Considered by court before determining sentence 271 Considered by summary court-martial 351 (g) Defined; effect of remission; why considered 307 INDEX. 767 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Previous convictions Continued. Par. Not considered until after findings 271, 307 Not proof of present guilt 307 Opening of court to receive, shown in record 357 (b) (42) Procedure as to consideration ; limitations of time p. 284 ( V) ; 306 Proof of ; how made, copies, disposal 306 Statement of, not shown court before findings 271 Prices, judicial notice of Government 289 Prima facie evidence defined (see also Presumption) 279 Prior offenses subject to previous laws 487 Prison discipline: Means of enforcing 345 Sentence of court-martial not to interfere with 330 Prisoner (see also Accused) : Absence of, effect on date of beginning sentence of confine- ment 401 Change of place of confinement 389 Clemency applications ; who may pass on, when 402 Confinement. '(See Confinement.) Escape through neglect or design; offense analyzed; pen- alty 57, 423 ; A. W. 73 General; form of specification in charging 74(j) Habeas corpus. (See Habeas corpus.) Instructions by Department as to penitentiaries for con- finement 341 Offense by, when second sentence takes effect 401 (b) Placing in irons not permitted, exceptions ; shackles, hand- cuffs 56 Refusal to receive or keep ; penalty 55, 421 ; A. W. 71 Release without proper authority ; offense analyzed ; pen- alty 57, 423 ; A. W. 73 Remains subject to military law 38 (c) ; A. W. 2 Report by commander of a guard on receipt of- 55 (note) ; A. W. 72 Segregation by classes of offenses 341 Sentences legally imposable on general 330 Term includes civil or military prisoner under A. W. 71-73- 421-423 Prisoner of war : Forcing a safeguard,; penalty 428; A. W. 78 Return to writ of habeas corpus in Philippine Islands con- cerning 480 Private : Included under word "soldier" 4 (note 1) ; A. W. l(b) May be " commander of a guard " under A. W. 71 421 Reduction in classification may be made by special court unless changed by Executive order 42 (note) 768 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Private Continued. Par. Reduction in classification may be made by summary court unless changed by Executive order 44 (note) Reduction of noncommissioned officer by sentence to be to grade of p. 656 Private claims against officers and soldiers, when matter for discipline 71 Privileged communications : Attorney and client, communications between; third par- ties may testify 227 Civilian physicians, statements to, not 232 Confidential papers, reports, etc 230 Defined ; w r hen privilege available 227 Deliberations of courts and juries, but not results thereof 227 Diplomatic correspondence 227 Husband and wife ; third party may testify 227, 228 Husband and wife; wife may testify in bigamy, etc., prose- cution 228 Matter which President directs to be withheld 227 Medical officers, statements to, not 231 Official communications between heads of departments 227 Police secrets 227 Reports of Judge Advocate General to Secretary of War 230 Special inspection reports, Inspector General's Department- 230 Telegrams not, subject to usual process 229 Privileges, sentence of deprivation of, continuous, exceptions 401 Process. (See Witnesses.) Prohibited punishments 344, 345 Promotion : Of member of court by dismissal of accused, ground for chal- lenge . 121(6) Soldier holding certificate of eligibility to, may be sen- tenced to loss of rights and privileges thereunder 311 Soldier holding certificate of eligibility to, not triable by summary court-martial 43 ; A. W. 14 Suspension from rank deprives of right to 314 Prompt action on charges 77a; A. W. 70 Promulgation of Manual for Courts-Martial xxi Promulgation of sentence, date of beginning of sentence from order of 401 Proof : (Required in a specific offense, see that offense ly name; see Evidence.) Property : Captured or abandoned Dealing in ; analysis and proof of offense, penalty 430 ; A. W. 80 INDEX. 769 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter **p" Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Property Continued. Captured or abandoned Continued. Par. Dealing in or not reporting; forms for specifica- tions App. 6(66,67) Definitions and principles concerning 430 ; A. W. 80 Failure or delay in reporting receipt of; analysis and proof of offense, penalty 430 ; A. W. 80 Captured public Belongs to United States, misappropriation, penalty 429 ; A. W. 79 Definitions and principles concerning 429 Neglecting to secure ; analysis and proof of offense, pen- alty, form for specification 429; A. W. 79; App. 6 (64) Wrongful appropriation of; analysis and proof of of- fense, penalty, form for specification 429 ; Injuries to A - w 79 > A PP- 6 < 65 > Board of officers, scope, procedure, assessment of dam- ages 481 Redress under A. W. 105, procedure 481 Larceny. (See Larceny.) Military property. (See Military property.) Personal property only subject of larceny 443, p. 430 " Selling " a distinct offense from " through neglect losing "_ 299 Willfully destroying Analysis and proof of offense 439 ; A. W. 89 Definitions and principles 439 Forms for specifications App. 6(28-84) Willfully or negligently losing Analysis and proof of offense 433 ; A. W. 83 Definitions and principles 281, 433 Form for specification App. 6 (73) Prosecutor (see also Accuser; Trial judge advocate) : Defined and principles discussed 17, 22 May not appoint general or special court-martial to try ac- cused 14, 21 ; A. W. 8, 9 Provisions for camp, post, etc. : Abusing, intimidating, etc., person bringing; offense de- scribed, penalty 438 ; A. W. 88 Commanding officer not to be interested in ; penalty- 437 ; A. W. 87 Commanding officer not to lay duty on entry into post, etc. ; penalty 437 ; A. W. 87 Provoking speeches or gestures. (See Reproachful or provok- ing speeches or gestures.) Provost courts: Concurrent jurisdiction with courts-martial 3 (a), 45; A. W. 15 Jurisdiction stated 3(a), 3(b) (notel) 770 INDEX. [Inferences are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Provost marshal: Par. May receive prisoner without account of charge, etc 421 Refusal to receive or keep prisoner, accompanied by written account of offense ; penalty 55, 421 ; A. W. 71 Psychiatrist : Accused furnished copy of report of 77b Examination of accused during investigation of charges 76a(9) Examining accused may be member of later appointed med- ical board 76c Public officers: Presumption as to holding to end of term 278 Presumption as to legality of appointment and of perform- ance of duties 277 Public property. (See Property.) Public records. (See Documentary evidence.) Public trial, when proper 92 Publication : In newspapers of officer's conviction of cowardice or fraud- 347 : A. W. 44 Modification of sentence before 387 Of court-martial orders 400 Of court of inquiry proceedings ; discretion 472 Publications read to court-martial 357 (b) (32) Punishment (see also Sentence) : Of a particular kind; for more detailed treatment, see the specific title.) Adaptation to offenders discussed 342, 342a Appeal from disciplinary ; effect, procedure, contents 333, 335 By general courts-martials ; penitentiary sentences, limits 40 ; A. W. 42 Capital crimes and offenses enumerated 41 Classes of 343 Confinement at hard labor 322 (See also Confinement.) Considerations governing selection of court for trial 78 Contempts; approval by reviewing authority 173 (a) ; A. W. 32 Cruel and unusual prohibited 344 ; A. W. 41 Death. (See Death sentence.) Detention of pay or part of pay 328 Disciplinary Applicable to any person subject to military law 336 As applicable to officers, discussed 336, 33Gb Formal charges not neceisary ; procedure 33Cc Procedure where accused demands trial 336d Should be preferred to summary court-martial 336a Discretionary, defined and discussed 309 TKDEX. 771 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Punishment Continued. Par. Dishonorable discharge 320 Dismissal 312 Effect of previous conviction on 307 Effect of turning State's evidence on 216 Executive order 348, 349 Proper construction of 309 (note 3) Fine 317 For field clerks, Army or Quartermaster Corps 310a For general prisoners 330 For members of Army Nurse Corps 310a For officers 310 For same act, charged as two or more offenses improper 66 For soldiers 311 For warrant officers 310a Forfeiture of pay and allowances 324 Hard labor without confinement 323 Limitations by Executive order 349 Limitations in peace time on penitentiary sentence. 309 ; A. W. 42 Loss of rank or files Mandatory Can not be varied 349 Defined and discussed 309 Maximum, as prescribed by Executive order 349 Military duty not to be imposed as 345 Mitigation. (See Mitigation.) Obsolete enumerated 345 Offenses committed before present Articles of War effective- 487 Penitentiary sentence, when may be imposed 40 ; A. W. 42, 45 Policy of War Department regarding 340-343 Procedure to be followed by court in considering 349 Prohibited "kinds enumerated 344, 345 Proper as prison discipline 345 Pvecord of disciplinary, how kept 334 Reduction of noncommissioned officer 327 Reprimand 3lS Restriction to limits 319 Severity can not be increased by reviewing or other officer 385 Suspension from command 315 Suspension from duty 316 Suspension from rank 314 Table of equivalents 349 ; p. 283 Table to determine relative severity 343 Punitive articles 405-446 Purchasing military property unlawfully; offense defined, proof 444, p. 45S; A. W. 94 772 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Quarrels, power to quell, persons enumerated, penalty for diso- bedience 419 ; A. W. 68 Quartermaster Corps, field clerks. (See Field Clerks Army and Quartermaster Corps.) Questions and answers: Set out in record of general court-martial 357 (b) (29) When questions reduced to writing by counsel 111 Quitting guard. (See Absence without leave; Misbehavior of sentinel. ) Quitting post or colors to plunder or pillage : Analysis and proof of offenses 425, pp. 377, 381 ; A. W. 75 Definitions and principles 425, pp. 377, 380 Form for specification App. 6(57) Quitting post an included offense 377 Quitting post or duties before resignation accepted : Analysis and proof of offense 409 ; A. W. 28, 58 A. W. 28, a rule of evidence and not a punitive article 74 (n) Specific intent required 281 Form for specification App. 6(18) Rank: Arrest or confinement on orders of subordinate in__ 419 ; A. W. 68 Change during trial of member's 93 Change, how pleaded . 74 (k) Court of inquiry, members of 456 Hearsay not cured by reason of rank of declarant 221 Loss of How accomplished 313 Legal sentence for officers 310 Report of sentence affecting officer to The Adjutant General 310 ( note ) Members of a court of inquiry 456 Members of general and special courts-martial named and sit in order of 12 (a) Not to affect the rules of evidence 200 Of defense counsel, not below grade of captain if avoidable. 107a Power of court-martial to correct designation of, on con- viction 299 Power to appoint courts-martial not dependent on 19, 23 Precedence among regulars, militia and volunteers 10-12 ; A. W. 119 Rules for determination among officers 12 (b) ; A. W. 119 Seating of members of court-martial according to 83 Sentence to reduction in, of officer, illegal 40(note4) Statement of in charge, when changed since offense 74 (k) Suspension; effect 314 INDEX. 773 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Rank Continued. Par. Trial by juniors in, forbidden if avoidable ; question of dis- cretion 12(a) ;A. W. 16 Rape: Capital offense at all times 41 ; A. W. 92 Carnal knowledge of female under 16, distinguished 446(4) Certain assaults included in offense of 377 Conviction of, confirmation required by whom 378 (d) A. W. 48 Definitions and principles, proof, penalty 442, pp. 408, 411 ; A. W. 92 Drunkenness not strictly a defense 285 Form for specification App. 6(93) Hanging, usual form of execution if death penalty imposed- 346 Intent inferable from act 280 Statutory, not included under offense of 446, p. 465 (4) Rating, specialist, loss by sentence of general or special court- martial, legal 311 Ration savings, embezzlement by former officer of_ 444, p. 459 ; A. W. 94 Real evidence, exhibition of body of accused 236 (a) Reasonable doubt: Corpus delicti need not be established beyond 225 (c) Defined; burden of proof on prosecution 288 Issues arising during trial settled by preponderance of evi- dence 296 Prima facie evidence as affecting doctrine of 279 Proof of guilt must be established beyond 296 Reasons : For findings, may be spread on record 302 For sentence may be spread on record 331 For weight given testimony or amount rejected not stated ; exception 256 Receipt : Court-martial can not require soldier to give 325 Delivering of less than amount called for; examples, pen- alty 444, p. 454 ; A. W. 94 Making or delivering without knowledge that it is true; examples, penalty .- 444, p. 455 ; A. W. 94 Recollection. (See Refreshing recollection.) Recommendation : For clemency, by court-martial or member thereof 332 For suspension of dishonorable discharge 321 Reconsideration (see also Rehearing; Revision): Of findings where insufficient votes to sustain mandatory sentence 309 (note 2) Recorder of court of inquiry. (See Court of inquiry.) 774 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Records of courts-martial: Par. Bulky documents not appended; procedure pp.564 (9), 650 (5) Carbon copy for accused, when made 117, 3G6(b) Contents of record stated generally and in detail 357 Defined, how prepared, by whom, supervision 355 Disrespectful or otherwise improper matter may be omitted. 291 General court-martial Appendages to, enumerated 357 (b) 56 Carbon copy not desired by accused, disposition 355a Disposition by trial judge advocate 366 (a) Disposition, with accompanying papers, by appointing authority 367 ( a ) Form App. 10, p. 616 Record required in each case, authentication 354 ; A. W. 33 Return for correction of error, omission, etc.; restric- tion 364 Signature and affidavit no part of charges but copied into record 64 Legal record defined 355 Loss or destruction; procedure 368 Original as evidence of former trial 274 Prepared by trial judge advocate under direction of court and in consultation with defense counsel 355 Previous convictions ; use on trial, disposal, return 306 Receipt of accused as to delivery of copy or affidavit of de- livery 366(b) Recommendation that dishonorable discharge be suspended may accompany 321 Revision. (See Revision.) Separate, complete, and independent for ench case 356 Special court-martial Binding of records 3G2 Briefed as for a general court 361^ Certain named data appended to 358 (b-f) Disposition by trial judge advocate 366 (a) Disposition, with accompanying papers, by appointing authority 367 (b) Form App. 11 Form and substance, in general, as for general court 358 Index not required 360 Number of copies 359 Space at end for action of reviewing authority 358 (h) Oral testimony not recorded, exceptions, summary 358 (b) Return for correction of error, omission, etc. ; restric- tion 364 Signature and affidavit no part of charges but copied into record _. 64 INDEX. 775 [References are to paragraphs, cept that the letter "p" Indicates page, " A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Records of courts-martial Continued. Summary court-martial Par. Company commander initials charge sheet as to service record entries App. 5(6) Disposition of copies of charges 79 (a) Entry of " only officer " present with command 27 Form and substance of records 363 ; A. W. 12 Matter to be noted on, described 351(d) (f) (h) (i) (j) Personal adjutant initials charge sheet as to pay-card entries App. 5(6) Records filed in office of commanding officer 367 (c) Records of what action by court and commanding officer required 363 Records transmitted to appointing authority 351(j) Return- for correction of omission, error, etc 365 Time limit for preparation erf 116 Records of court of inquiry. (See Court of inquiry.) Records of disciplinary punishment, how and where kept 334 Recross examination. (See Witnesses.) Recruiting duty : " Commanding officer " defined, with reference to appointing summary court 26 Retired officer as summary court when on 9(b) Recruits : Articles of War read to 282 ; A. W. 110 Unassigned; part of Regular Army 4(a)(notea) Redirect examination. (See Witnesses.) Redress : For injuries to property 481 ; A. W. 105 Of wrongs ; duty of commanding officer, penalty for refusal, etc 439, 481 ; A. W. 89 Officer or soldier may seek of higher authority 485 ; A. W. 121 Reduction in classification of privates : By special court-martial unless changed by Executive order. 42 (note) By summary court-martial unless changed by Executive order 44 (note) Reduction in rank, sentence of officer to, illegal 40(note4) Reduction to seventh grade, legal sentence for enlisted man of sixth or higher grade 311 Reduction to the ranks : Executive order as requiring in certain cases p. 2S4(IV) By special court-martial, when legal sentence 42 (note) By summary court-martial, when legal sentence 44 (note) Of noncommissioned officer by special court unless changed by Executive order 42 (note) 776 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p** Indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Reduction to the ranks Continued. Par. Of noncommissioned officer by summary court unless changed by Executive order 44 (note) Punishment regulated by Executive order 827,849 Sentence improper for members of Army Nurse Corps, warrant officers, or field clerks 310a To be to grade of private and not private, first class p. 656 Refreshing recollection : Books of account may be used for 244 Leading questions may be asked for purpose of 254 (c) Memoranda used for purpose of 241-243 Refusal to aid in apprehending accused person : Analysis and proof of offense 281, 424 ; A. W. 74 Definitions and principles 424 Form for specification App. 6(49) Refusal to deliver accused person : Analysis and proof of offense 281, 424 ; A. W. 74 Definitions and principles 424 Form for specification App. 6 (49) Refusal to plead 155 ; A. W. 21 Refusal to receive or keep prisoner : Analysis and proof of offense 421 ; A. W. 71 Definitions and principles 421 Failure to receive or keep, an included offense 377 Form for specification App. 6(46) Regiment : Commanding officer may appoint special courts-martial- 21 ; A. W. 9 Commanding officer may appoint summary courts-martial. 25; A. W. 10 Commanding officer's summary court powers, although part of brigade 29 Regular Army : Composition 4 (a) (note a) Officers and soldiers in, subject to Articles of War 4 (a) ; A. W. 2(a) Rehearing : Different court to hear ; what will satisfy A. W. 50*_ 377a(note2) Double jeopardy rule as applicable to ' 149(3) (e) Former witnesses, procedure as to testimony 377a Power to remand a case of conduct unbecoming an officer for : 377 Power to remand for, under power of confirmation 379 (c) Privilege against self-incrimination continues on 233 (a) Procedure described in detail 377a ; A. W. 50} Record, appendages to 357 (b) (57) INDEX. 777 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Rehearing Continued. Par. Records ; duties of trial judge advocate ; rights of counsel, examination by members 377a Review or opinion on errors ; duties of trial judge advocate, rights of counsel 377a Right to order ; new court ; limitation 377a ; A. W. 50i Table to determine relative severity of punishments, for use on 343; A. W. 40(d) Witnesses may testify in person on 377a(notel) Release of accused at conclusion of favorable trial 332a ; A. W. 29 Releasing a prisoner without proper authority : Analysis and proof of offense 423 ; A. W. 73 Definitions and principles 423 Form for specification App. 6(48) Relevancy of evidence defined 202 Relieving the enemy. (See Enemy.) Reminder of recalled witness of oath 255 Remission of sentence (see also Sentence) : At time of approval, effect 383 Commanding generals who may be empowered by President to remit sentences 381; A. W. 50 Does not prevent use as previous conviction 307 During suspension 392 ; A. W. 52 Of suspended dishonorable discharge, a matter of clemency. 403 Removal of causes from State courts : Civil suits against persons in military service 484 ; A. W. 117 Criminal prosecutions against persons in military service- 484; A. W. 117 Reparation, refusing or omitting to see made : Analysis and proof of offense 439 ; A. W. 89 Definitions and principles 439 Form for specification App. 6(86) Repeal of former Articles of War not to affect prior offenses 487 Report : Of inquest, form App. 26, p. 678 Of prisoners received ; penalty for failure 422 ; A. W. 72 Of receipt of captured or abandoned property, penalty for failure 430; A. W. 80 Of trial judge advocate as to acquittal, etc., of accused 332a Official. (See Privileged communications.) Weekly, of trial judge advocate, of uodisposed-of cases 104; p. 607 Reporter : Appointment, when authorized 112 ; A. W. 115 Carbon copy of record, when prepared by 117 Compensation ; rates prescribed 113 778 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, esrept that the letter "p" Indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Reporter Continued. Par. Compensation, when payable to person in Government serv- ice 113 (b) ; 118 Court of inquiry ; always appointed on Class B classification inquiry 457 Court of inquiry ; appointment, compensation, enlisted man eligible 457 Detail of soldier as ; compensation 115 Duties enumerated 112a Finding or sentence not communicated to; legality unaf- fected 305 Oath; form, administration 135 A. W. 19 Omits nothing at direction of trial judge advocate or coun- sel 112a Questions asked witnesses may be oral where there is 111 Record may be prepared by 355 Record to show who acted as and oath 357b(12) Takes down everything except as directed by court itself 112a Voucher for pay of personal services, form App. 25 Voucher; original to disbursing finance officer, copy for- warded with record 114, 366 (b) When employed for special courts-martial 360a When seated in court 83 Who can not receive compensation as 113 Reprimand : As disciplinary punishment, proper 333, A, W. 104 Legal sentence for officer 310 Legal sentence for soldier 311 Usually for officers but may be administered to others 318 Reproachful or provoking speeches or gestures: Analysis and proof of offense 440, A. W. 90 Definitions and principles 440 Form for specification App. 6(86) Insulting gestures do not constitute assault 443, p. 440 Reputation : Of accused, (See Character evidence.) Of witness ; how proved, personal opinion 257 Res gestre: Acts and statements of conspirators and accomplices must be part of 224 Defined; exception to hearsay rule; discussed; examples. 221a(9), 223 Reserve officers: On active duty 4(a) (notee) When eligible for membership on court-martial 9(c) Residence, presumption of continuance until change shown 278 Resignation, quitting post or duties before acceptance 281 INDEX. 779 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter **p** indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Restoration to duty : Par. Of deserter without trial, as constructive condonation 151 Release from arrest and; not ground for certain pleas 152 (c), A. W. 70 Restriction to limits: As disciplinary punishment ; one week limit 333 ; A. W. 104 Legal sentence for officers 310 Legal sentence for soldier 311 Nature of punishment ; not to conflict with duties 319 Sentence continuous ; exceptions 401 Summary court can not impose for over three months 44 ; A. W. 14 Retainers to the camp subject to Articles of War 42 Transmission of cases from board of review and Judge Ad- vocate General to 399 a (b) (c) (d) Sedition : Analysis and proof of offenses under A. W. 66 417 Analysis and proof of offenses under A. W. 67 418 Capital offense at all times 41 ; A. W. 66 Definitions and principles under A. W. 66, 67 417, 418 Failure to suppress, capital effense at all times 41 ; A. W. 07 Five offenses under A. W. 66 : Attempting to create, begin- ning, joining in, exciting, and causing 417 Forms for specifications under A. W. 66 App. 6(39, 40) Forms for specifications under A. W. 67 App. 6(41,42) Two offenses under A. W. 67 : Failure to suppress and fail- ure tO give infnrmnHnn 418 INDEX. 783 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates pag, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Segregation of prisoners according to offenses 341, 396-399 Self-crimination (see also Fifth Amendment) : Accomplice not called except at own request 217 Accused can not be required to admit his statement 225 (note 1) Accused may uof be called as witness against himself 233 Cases where privilege ceases enumerated 233 (a) Compulsory submission to physical examination is not- 236, 236 (a) Person ordered to appear for identification can not claim privilege 236 (a) Privilege against applies to courts-martial, and to accused and witnesses 233 Privilege is personal, to be asserted by witness; ignorant witness 234 Procedure on objection to question ; punishment ; comment on refusal to answer 235 Tending to criminate distinguished from tending to degrade- 233 Testimony as to scars, tattoo marks, etc., does not violate privilege 236 (a) Selling military property. (See Military property.) Sentence (see also Punishment) : (To a particular punishment or for a particular offense, see the specific title.) Action after promulgation of 401 Action by reviewing authority, forms for App. 15, p. 637 Adding to, by reviewing or other officer, illegal 385 Announcement in open court; when, procedure if not an- nounced . 332a Application for clemency, effect on 402 Approval 360-377 ; A. W. 46, 47, 50* Approval ; action of board of review and Judge Advocate General, when must precede 371 ; A. W. 50$ Approval as including power to remand for rehearing 377 (c) ; A. W. 47 Approval by officer commanding for time being 374 ; A. W. 46 Approval, formal, of findings, not sufficient 373 Approval; manner, by whom 373 Approval necessary to validity 33, 33a, 371 Approval of, forms App. 15, p. 637 Approval of, in excess of legal limit, effect 386 Approval of lesser included offense 377(a) ; A. W. 47 Approval of whole or any part of 377 (b) ; A. W. 47 Communication to reporter or clerk improper; legality un- affected 305 Commutation. (See Commutation of sentence.) Confinement already served as basis for mitigation 401 784 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Sentence Continued. Par. Confirmation, action of board of review and Judge Advocate General, when must precede 371 ; A. W. 50$ Confirmation, not effective (if confirmation necessary) without 371 Date of beginning is date of announcement in court or when sentence was adjudged by court 401 Death. (See Death sentence.) Disapproval; effect as final determination 372 (a) Effect of approval or disapproval of 372 Excess of legal limit, part legal may be approved and exe- cuted 386 Execution on vacation of order of suspension 392 ; A. W. 52 For field clerks 310a For member of Army Nurse Corps 310a For officers 310 For soldiers 311 For warrant officers 310a Forms for, by courts-martial App. 13, p. 634 Forms for synopses of App. 7, p. 592 Increasing on review unlawful 352, 385 ; A. W. 40 Interrupted by delivery to civil authorities; completion of 35; A. W.74 Life sentence ; three-fourths vote required__ 90a, 295, 308 ; A. W. 43 Lightest sentence, how determined in voting 308, 308 (note 2) Mandatory. (See Death sentence.) Maximum punishment. (See Punishment.) Mitigation. (See Mitigation.) Modification of action before publication of 387 Number of votes necessary ; death sentence, life sentence, over 10 years, under 10 years 90a, 295, 308 ; A. W. 43 Of courts-martial ; approval or confirmation necessary to validity 33, 33a Of courts-martial; when approved or confirmed, as effective as in civil courts 33, 33a On rehearing can not be more severe 377a ; A. W. 50i On summary court record 363 Over 10 years; three-fourths yote required- 90a, 295, 308: A. W. 43 Penitentiary. (See Penitentiary.) Persons under military, subject to court-martial 38 (c) ; A. W. 2 Powers incident to power to approve 377 Publication, modification before 387 Reasons for, may be spread on record 331 Record must be complete, to sustain 356 Record to show, and necessary concurrence therein 357 (b) (46-51) Remission at time of approval, effect 383 INDEX. 785 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Sentence Continued. Revision. (See Revision.) Par. Second sentence, when taking effect 401 (b) Statement of service to be considered in determining 271 Ten years or under ; two-thirds vote required 90a, 295, 308 ; A. W. 43 Term does not include acquittal 372 (b) Voting on. (See Voting.) When effective 371, 401 Sentinel : Defined ; does not include " watchman " 436 Drunk on post ; analysis and proof of offense, penalty 436 ; A. W. 86 Drunk on. post ; form for specification App. 6 (77) Leaving post before relief; analysis and proof of offense, penalty 436 ; A. W. 86 Leaving post; form for specification App. 6 (78) Leaving post; proof of corpus delicti 225 (c) Misbehavior, a capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 86 Post of, defined 436 Right and duty over prisoner 442, p. 409 Sleeping on post ; analysis and proof of offense, penalty 436 ; A. W. 86 Separate brigade, commanding officer may appoint general court-martial 14; A. W. 8 Service of charges five days before trial by general court-mar- tial SO; A. W. 70 Service of process. (See Witnesses.) Service record: Disciplinary punishment not entered on 334 Entries on, forms for synopses of convictions App. 7 Entries on, from summary court charge sheet 79 (a) ; App. 5(6) Service schools, when detachments for disciplinary purposes 28 Severance, motion for; nature, grounds, procedure 156 Shirking important service as desertion under A. W. 28_ 409, 409 (note) Shooting as mode of execution ; for what offenses 346 " Short desertion" (see also Desertion) : A. W. 28, a rule of evidence and not a punitive article 74 (n) Shorthand, use of, authorized in taking testimony 112 ; A. W. 115 Sickness as affecting absence without leave 412 Signature : Comparison of handwriting 240 Of accused to his statement 290 To charges by person subject to military law 62 ; A. W. 70 Silence not treated as confession 225 (b) Sketches, when admissible as evidence 245 786 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Sleeping on post : Par. Analysis and proof of offense 436 ; A. W. 86 Capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 86 Definitions and principles 436; A. AY. 80 Form for specification App. 6(77) Intent inferable from act 280 No statutory intent described in A. W. 86 nor to be alleged. 281 Sodomy : Analysis and proof, penalty 443, pp. 413, 439 ; A. W. 93 As punishable by law of District of Columbia 338 (c) Assault with intent to commit 443, p. 445 ; A. AY. 93 Definitions and principles 443, p. 413 Forms for specifications App. 6 (107) Limitation of three years 149(2) Soldier (see also Enlisted men) : Includes noncommissioned officer, private, or any other en- listed man 4 (notes 1,2) ; A. W.l(b) Soldiers' Home, inmates as persons subject to military law; constitutionality . 4(f)(note2); A.W.2(f) Special court-martial orders: Form for App. 16 B, p. 642 Publication in form similar to those for general courts 400; App. 16 Special courts-martial (see also Courts-martial and generally throughout index) : Advice in open court Of defense counsel 107d Of trial judge advocate 99 Appointment : Form for order of App. 4, p. 559 Who may appoint 21; A.W.9 Cases referred under A. W. 12 Limits on punishment still continue 41a ; A. W. 12 Not capital cases within A. W. 25, when referred 263 Not capital cases within A. W. 27, when referred 272 (note) Not dismissal cases within A. W. 27, when referred 272 (note) On investigation by commanding officer 76a( 11,12), 78 Challenge. (See Challenge.) Charges. (See Charges.) Closed sessions ; when required ; when not required 91 Composition, not less than three officers 7(b) ; A. W. 6 Conduct of case Fveedom in 100, 107e, 291 Powers of trial judge advocate and court 100 Decorum, observation of; when standing required 86 INDEX. 787 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter "p" indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.! Special courts-martial Continued. Defense counsel. (See Defense counsel.) Judicial notice, (See Judicial notice.) Jurisdiction Par. Cases specially referred by convening authority for general courts-martial 41a, 76a(ll, 12), 78 ; A. W. 12 Certain classes of persons excepted by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 p. 656 Failure of record to show, ground for disapproval 146 Over persons and offenses, enumerated 41 ; A. W. 13 Procedure on second trial where first trial vacated be- cause of record not showing 146(note2) Waiver of objection never confers 146 Meetings, times and places of 81 Members Absence; duty, noted in record, reason 85 Absence, procedure upon return after 93 Accuser or witness for prosecution ineligible 6 (a), 129 ; A. W. 9 As witness for prosecution, for defense or called by court 131 Challenge. (See Challenge.) Change, in membership, rank, during trial ; effect 93 Closed session, right to require 91 ; A. W. 31 Commanding officer not to appoint self; higher au- thority may appoint him 24 Duty with command during adjournment 81 Eligibility 6, 9, 11,129-131 ; A. W. 4, 9 Informing court as to member being accuser or witness. 129 .No maximum limitation 7(a)(note2) ; A. W. 6 Oath; form, administration, when taken 132 (a) Oath to test competency ; form 137 Taking seat after absence; advisability, procedure, effect 93 Uniform 82 Offenses punishable by 41 ; A. W. 13 Order of appointment, contents 81 Order of reference Examination for errors 97 Forwarded by appointing authority 367 (b) Organization completed for each case separately 142, 143 Persons triable by 41 ; A. W. 13 President- Acts not by appointment but by by seniority 89 Administers oath to trial judge advocate and assist- tants as such or as witnesses 133 Advice to accused as to pleading limitations 149(3) (h) 788 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page. "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Special courts-martial Continued. President Continued. Par. Duty to preserve decorum ; admonitions Sft Examination of order of reference for trial 97 Explanation to accused on plea of guilty; record 154 (d) Explanation to accused as to right to testify 215 ; App. 9 Form for use of App. 9, p. GOO Informs ignorant witness as to self-crimination 234 Insanity, etc., of accused raised during trial 219 (b) (f) Oaths for administrative purposes 138 (b) ; A. W .114 Powers and duties enumerated and discussed 89 Rulings on interlocutory questions 89 ; A. W. ^1 Summary of testimony made by, in open court 358 (b) Procedure identical, where practicable, with general courts- 350 Publication, similar to general court cases ; forwarding 400 ; App. 11, p. 629 Punishment (see also Punishment) : Limits as to nature, duration, and amounts 42 Limits of court not changed in cases specially referred- 41a ; A. W. 12 Quorum, addition of members to secure; procedure 7 (a) (note 3) 7(b) Records. (See Records of courts-martial.) Reporter. (See Reporter.) Revision of proceedings 352, 364 ; App. 6 Rulings, interlocutory questions 89 ; A. W. 31 Seating- According to rank ; when changed, according to new rank 12 (a), S3, 93 Of trial judge advocate, accused, counsel, reporter ,._ S3 Sentence. (See Sentence.) Trial judge advocate. (See Trial judge advocate.) Trial of officers, limitations upon punishing po\ver_^ 310 ; A. W. 13 Voting. (See Voting.) Special orders : As source of military law 2{<1) Judicial notice of certain kinds .. 289 Special pleas. (See Pleas.) Specification : Aider of defective Finding of guilty as covering defective specification.- 158a Objections of accused during trial ; courses open to court 15Sa Allegations of time and place in 1_ 74 (j,') Alternative pleading in, improper 74 (c) Defined; requisites 61, 61 (note 1) Evidence not to be pleaded in ; explained ; effect 74 ( J) Finding guilty on other specifications than named__ . 298, 300 INDEX. 789 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, "A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Specification Continued. Par. Forms under punitive articles App. 6 General prisoner, form for; allegation . 74(j) Method of voting on 294 Names in; Christian, alias 74 (h, i) Numbering 72 Order of pleading 144 Rank, change of, since offense committed 74 (k) Record of general court-martial to contain 357 (b) (18) Relation of, to charge . 61, 74(b) Signature and affidavit ; contents ; form of oath 75 ; A. W. 70 ; App. 5 Single desertion followed by fraudulent enlistment 74 (n) Statement of; utmost care, essentials 74 (b) Technical similarity to indictment at law not required 74 (b) Two or more inconsistent offenses may be set forth in sep- arate 74 (c) Written papers and oral statements, when set forth in 74(1) Speeches, reproachful or provoking. (See Reproachful or pro- voking speeches or gestures.) Spoil, committing 439 ; A. W. 89 Spying : Analysis and proof of offense 432 ; A. W. 82 Capital offense in time of war 41 ; A. W. 82 Conviction of, confirmation by whom required 378 (d) ; A. W. 48 Death by hanging usual capital penalty 346 Definitions and principles 432 Form for specification App. 6(72) Voting on mandatory penalty of 308 Squadron included under word "battalion" 4(note 1) ; A. W. l(d) Staff judge advocate : Accused furnished copy of report of 77b Advice as to proper court for trial 78 Advice to appointing authorities on appointments to courts- martial 6(c) (note 2) Annual report, data for 3G7(b, d) Assistant's report or review of record, action on 370 Consulted on questions raised by trial judge advocate 15Sd Duties may be performed by an officer acting as such_ 370 (note 4) General court-martial charges referred to, for consideration and advice; procedure in detail 76b Medical board's report referred to 76c Order of execution withheld, secures data for order_ 399a(note 1) Possible recommendations as to charges described 7Gb Records of special courts-martial ; receipt, how long held, forwarding 367 (b) Report appended to record of general court martial 357 (b) (5G) 790 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Staff judge advocate Continued. Far. Report of medical board on insanity, consideration and re- port -- 219 ( d ) Report on investigation forwarded by appointing author- ity 367 (a, b) Reports of summary courts-martial ; receipt, data, destruc- tion 367 (c) Review or report, nature of; additional data 370 (notes 1,2) Review, thorough, on whether errors affected substantial rights _J 37Ga ; A. W. 37 Submits order to effect recommendations as to charges 76b Summary court records; receipt, data, destruction 79 (a) Staff officer : Suspension from command not appropriate punishment 316 Suspension from duty appropriate punishment 316 Standing in court 86 State : Civil authorities. (See Civil authorities.) Courts. (See State courts.) Same act as offense against United States and 149(3) (d) State courts (see also Civil courts) : Attachment of witnesses, no jurisdiction by habeas corpus_169(b) Habeas corpus, can not interfere with Federal custody by_ 477 Habeas corpus in connection with attachment 169 (b) Habeas corpus, return to writ of, issued by 478 ; App. 22 Removal of civil or criminal suits against military persons in certain cases from 484 ; A. W. 117 Trial by, no bar to second trial by court-martial 274 Use of decisions as precedents in courts-martial 199 State laws, judicial notice ._ 289 State secrets as privileged communications 227 Statement by accused : In special court trial, appended to record 358 (c) Inconsistent with plea of guilty, action by court- 154 (e) ; A. W. 21 On investigation of charges; form, signature, warning 76a(S) Right to make; when; forms; disposition; not evidence 290 Statement concerning family history, exception to hearsay rule ; when applicable 221a(3) Statement of accused, freedom of expression in making 291 Statement of fact against interest, exception to hearsay rule; when applicable 221a(2) Statement of mental or physical condition, admission as excep- tion to hearsay rule; conditions 221a(8) Statement of service : Record to show procedure respecting 357(b)(43) Shown court after, but never before, findings 206, 271 Use on conviction ; consideration in determining sentence 271 INDEX. 791 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Par. State's evidence 216 Station as place of confinement of general prisoner 398 Statute of limitations : Advice to accused as to right to plead, in record 149(3) (h) Computation ; excepted periods named and described 149(2) For military offenses, enumerated^ 149(2), A. W. 39 For various offenses 149(1,2), A. W. 39 Form for explanation to accused App. 9, p. 610 Homicide; death within a year and a day 442, p. 410 Law member's advice to accused in record 357 (b) (21) Must be pleaded to be of avail 149(3) (g) Not applicable to courts of inquiry 451 Number of trials. (See Former jeopardy.) Previous convictions 306 Privilege against self-crimination as ceasing because of of- fense barred by 233 (a) Purpose 149(1), A. W. 39, 40 Statutes : Citation and quotation as authority for penitentiary sen- tence 339 Judicial notice 289 Rules of evidence in, as source of authority 198 Statutes (United States) : As guide for penitentiary sentence and duration of same. 40, 338, A. W. 42, 45 As source of military law 2(d) Citation as authority for penitentiary sentence 339 Statutory rape. (See Carnal knowledge of female under 16; Rape.) Stoppage of pay : An administrative matter ; court-martial without power 325 As affected by disapproval of conviction of desertion 388 For injuries to property under A. W. 105 481 Reward if desertion charged not sustained can not be col- lected by ' 329 Strategy, questions of, rulings in courts-martial, by whom 89, 89a Subpo2iia. (See Witnesses.) Substantial rights, disregard of, errors not affecting 376a, A. W. 37 Substitution of general for specific article 300 Substitutions, guilty, with 299 Suffering a prisoner to escape : Through design Analysis and proof of offense 423, A. W. 73 Definitions and principles 423 Forms for specifications App. 6(47) 792 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Suffering a prisoner to escape Continued. Through neglect Par. Analysis and proof of offense 423, A. W. 73 Definitions and principles 423 Forms for specifications App. 6(47) Suffering military property to be lost, etc. : Analysis and proof of offense 433, A. W. 83 Forms for specifications App. 6(72) Principles and definitions 433 Suggestions : By commanding officer as to membership, etc., of general court-martial 7a For law member ; forms for use at trial App. 9, p. 609 For president of court-martial ; forms for use at trial App. 9, p. 609 For trial judge advocate App. 8, p. 602 Of common errors in records to be avoided App. 27, p. 679 Summary courts-martial (see also Courts-martial and generally throughout index) : Acquittal immediately announced and recorded 351 (i) Appointing authorities enumerated 25, A. W. 10 Appointment by brigade commanders, discussed 29 Appointment by detached commanders, discussed 28 Attachment of witnesses 168,169 Attendance of witnesses 159(note2) ; 351(e) ; A. AV. 22 Cases specially referred by commanding officer 76 a (5, 11) Challenge not allowed 120 Composition ; one officer 7(c) ; A. W. 7 Effects of deceased persons ; duties prescribed 482 ; A. W. 112 Explanation to accused of right to testify or make state- ment 215 Findings at conclusion of trial; recorded on charges 351 (f) Inquests, duties respecting 483 ; A. W. 113 Judicial notice 289 Jurisdiction over certain classes of persons excepted by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 p. 656 Jurisdiction over persons and offenses, enumerated 43 ; A. W. 14 Oaths for administrative purposes 138(b) ; A. W. 114 Only officer present; no order of appointment necessary, procedure 27 ; A. W. 10 Previous convictfons, consideration of, on conviction 351 (g) Previous convictions; use, return 306 Procedure described in detail 351 Procedure identical, where practicable, with general courts 351 (c) Punishments, limits of 44; A. W. 14 Records. (See Records of courts-martial.) INDEX. 793 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Summary courts-martial Continued. Report of trial Par. Form, contents 351 ; App. & Forwarding, destruction 367 (d) Reprimand, may impose as a punishment 318 Revision of proceedings 353,365 Sentence imposed and recorded when trial concluded 351 (h) Sessions, stated time daily; when on Sundays 351 (a) Superior authority may appoint when desirable 25 ; A. W. 10 When more than one officer present with command 26 When only officer with command is accuser or wit- ness 6, 6(a) ; A. W. 10 Summary of evidence : Appended to record of trial by general court-martial- 357 (b) (56) Forwarded by appointing authority 367(a, b) In preliminary investigation, not admissible on trial- 237a (note 2) Incorporated in special court-martial record 358 (b) On challenges in record^ 125 On investigation of charges 76a(8) Special court case ; member as accuser 130 Sunday, when summary court-martial held on 351 (a) Superior officer: Assaulting or willfully disobeying 415 ; A. W. 64 Disrespect toward 414 ; A. W. 63 Forms under A. W. 63, 64 App. 6(30-34) Surgical operation, refusal to submit, specification 68 ; App. 6 ( 167 ) Surrender, compelling or attempting to compel : Analysis and proof 426 ; A. W. 76 Capital offense 41 ; A. W. 76 Definitions and principles 426 Forms for specifications App. 6(59) Suspension from command: Effect; not appropriate punishment for staff officer 315 Included in suspension from rank 314 Suspension from duty : effect ; appropriate punishment for staff officer 316 Suspension from rank: Includes suspension from command 314 Officer, legal sentence for 310 Officer not to sit as court-martial member during 9 (a) Officer; report to The Adjutant General 310 (note) Suspension of sentence: Disciplinary Barracks ; remission of suspended sentences 392, 393 ; A. W. 52 Of dishonorable discharge may be recommended by court- martial 321 794 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates pajre. " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Suspension of sentence Continued. Par Power, in general ; who may exercise, restoration to duty_ 392 ; A. W. 52 Principle involved 393 Suspended sentence of dishonorable discharge, remission of, a matter of clemency 403 Until pleasure of President be known 391 ; A. W. 51 Suspension of cadet, confirmation of sentence of 378 (c) ; A. W. 48 Synopses of convictions, forms for App. 7, p. 592 Tables : Contents of Manual xxiii Corresponding sections of Codes of 1874 and 1916 App. 1, p. 491 Equivalent punishments 349 Maximum punishments (Executive order) 349 Relative severity of punishments 343 Tactics, questions of; rulings in courts-martial, by whom 89, 89a Tattooing as punishment prohibited 344 ; A. W. 41 Telegrams (see also Documentary evidence) : Method of authenticating 239 Not privileged; subject to usual process 229 Presumption as to receipt after delivery for transmission 278 Temporary officer : No distinction from other officers in court-martial duty 11 When eligible as member of court-martial 9(c) When subject to laws and regulations for Regular Army 4 (a) (notesb-e) Territorial department. (See Military department.) Territorial division, copies of records authenticated as official as evidence 238 Territorial jurisdiction, military jurisdiction is not 37 The Adjutant General, reports to : Clemency applications in Disciplinary Barracks and peni- tentiary cases 402 Copy of special court-martial order 400 Copy of summary court record 79 (a) Court-martial sentence involving change in officer's status, by telegraph 310 (note) Data from special court records in reports of changes 307 (b) Depositions to be taken in foreign country, when for- warded 182 Discharge of accused for mental defect so relatives may be notified 7Gc (note) Habeas corpus in attachment proceedings, by telegraph 169 (a) Habeas corpus out of Federal court, by telegraph 479 Law member of field rank not available 12 (c) Officers in arrest not recommended for trial, with papers 50 Offenders against civil laws not recommended for trial, with charges 35 INDEX. 795 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Testimonial evidence: Pas. Denned 202, 207 When hearsay 207 Testimony, false. (See False swearing; Perjury.) Threatening, etc., on order into arrest or confinement : Analysis and proof of offense 419 ; A. W. 68 Definitions and principles 419 Form for specification App. 6(42) Threatening or insulting language to warrant or noncommis- sioned officer: Analysis and proof of offense 416 ; A. W. 65 Definitions and principles 416 Form for specification App. 6(37) Time: Allegations of, in specifications discussed; examples 74 (g) For holding sessions of court-martial, how determined 81 Judicial notice of divisions of 289 Periods of 24 hours equal one day, for absence without leave 412 Power of court-martial to correct averment of 299 Records of trial, when to be completed 116 Time lost, court-martial while making good, legal 38 (e) (note) Trains, when detachments for disciplinary purposes 28 Transfer of accused to another jurisdiction 375 Transitory provision, prior offenses subject to previous laws 487 Travel allowance of witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Treason : Communicating with the enemy as war treason 431 Number of witnesses to sustain conviction of 248 Treaties, judicial notice of 289 Treatises, admission as exception to hearsay rule 221a(6) Trespass defined 443, p. 424 Trial (see also more specific titles throughout the index) : Counsel for both sides to have freedom of expression at 100, 291 Excuse of certain officers for preparation for 109a Reopening to receive further testimony after close of case_ 249 Witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Trial judge advocate: Accused as witness failing to explain incriminating facts, can comment on __ 214 (c) Accused not taking stand, can not comment on 214 (c) Accuser or prosecutor, relief when 102 Advises court only in open sessions in presence of accused and counsel 101 Aid in providing authentic sources for judicial notice 289 Analysis of evidence by ; discussed 196 796 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page. " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Trial judge advocate Continued. par. Appointment for each general or special court-martial. 30 ; A. W. 11 Arguments to court; opens and closes 293 Arrest by court or president, not subject to SO Arrest of officers or soldiers, no power to place in 47 (b) Asks preliminary question as to identity of accused 250 ; p. 605 (22) Assistant. (See Assistant trial judge advocate.) Attendance of civilian witnesses, how secured by 164 Attendance of military witnesses, how secured by 163 Authentication of general court-martial records; absence, etc 354,357(b)(54); A. W. 33 Challenge, not subject to 120 Challenges for the prosecution ; procedure 120 Charge and accompanying documents; receipt, disposition of original and copies 79 (b) Clerks or orderlies for 105 Closed sessions, not present at ; effect if present 101 Commanding officer to make recommendations as to chang- ing, etc 7 (a) Communication of finding or sentence to reporter or clerk improper 305 Convening authority consults staff judge advocate on ques- tions raised by 158d Depositions, duties as to obtaining 177 Depositions, permits accused or counsel to examine before trial 266 Depositions ; when read to court by, limit on use 238, 267 Disposition of records of trial, manner 366 (a) Duty toward accused, in general 96 Essential jurisdictional facts, imperative duty to estab- lish 146(note 1) Examination of charges; what errors he may correct 97 Examination of order of reference for trial incumbent on 97 Expedites trials 103 Expert, duties relating to employment of 192 Freedom in conducting case 100 General duties enumerated 95 Informing court as to member being accuser or witness 129 Insanity, etc., of accused raised at trial, duties 219 Investigation of charges, when permitted to act in hearing on 76a (3) Legal adviser of court; when to give opinion 99 Not challengable, relief in certain cases 102 Notification of commanding officer as to result of trial 332a Oath administered to members by 132 (a) INDEX. 797 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Trial judge advocate Continued. Par. Oath administered to witnesses by 134 (a) Oath of; form, administration, when taken 133 Oaths for administrative purposes may be administered by i 138 (b); A. W. 114 Opening statement; improprieties 197 Plea in abatement, duties on 147 Plea of guilty, requesting explanation of 99 Powers of notary public or consul in foreign places where Army serving 138(b) ; A. W. 114 Preparation for trial ; excuse from other duties 109a Presence or absence at opening and after recess, in record. 357 (b) (37,38) Process to obtain witnesses, rights and duties 159 Quorum of general court-martial, duties respecting obtain- ing 7 ( a ) Quorum of special court-martial, duties respecting obtain- ing ,*_ 7(b) Reading of paragraphs of Manual describing offense 357 (b) (24) Record of court-martial prepared by ; consults defense coun- sel , 355 Record to note name, presence, etc 357 (b) (7-9) Rehearing; detail preferable of same 377a(note2) Rehearing, duties as to record, etc., on . 377a Revision proceedings; presence at, duties 352 Roll call or notation for record, each session 84 Selection, qualifications j 94 Service of charges, etc., on accused 77b ; A. W. 70 Subpoena, return to, after service 160, 164 Subpoena to appear before, improper 160 Subpoenas duces tecum 166 Subscribing each day's proceedings, shown in record 357b(53) Suggestions for App. 8, p. 602 Summoning of witnesses ; duties, satisfied of necessity 161 Taking of oath noted in record 357 (b) (17) Term as including assistants 107 Weekly reports of general court cases ; contents 104 ; p. 607 Where seated in court 83 Whole truth to be presented by 98 Witness's refusal to answer proper question may be com- mented on 235 Witness's privilege against self-crimination can not be as- serted by 234 Trial defined 149(3) (c) Troop included under word " company " 4(note 1) ; A. W. l(c) Twice in jeopardy. (See Former jeopardy.) 21358 20 51 798 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Typewriter, certificate as to use 357 (b) (54) ; 858 (g) Unclassified offenses triable under general article 446 ; A, W. 96 Uniform for members and others at courts-martial 82 United States Soldiers' Home, A. W. 112, as to disposal of de- cedent's effects, applicable, when 482 ; A, W. 112 United States : Courts. (See Civil courts.) Property of. (See Military property; Property.) United States Disciplinary Barracks. (See Disciplinary bar- racks. ) Unlawful cohabitation, wife may testify against husband ac- cused of 228 Unnecessary delay: Carrying case to conclusion ; analysis and proof of offense 420i ; A. W. 70 Carrying case to conclusion ; definitions and principles 420* Form for specification App. 6(45) Investigating charges ; analysis and proof of offense 420$ ; A. W. 70 Investigating charges; definitions and principles 420* Utah, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Uttering forged writings. (See Forgery.) Variance: Between pleadings and findings as to date and place 74(8) Courses open to court on discovery of 158b Danger. of, by pleading evidence 74(d) Of proof, from specifications as to elate and place, when allowed 74(8) Venue, rules of, not applicable in military courts 87 Vice President of United States, disrespect toward 413 ; A. W. 62 Victuals. (See Provisions for camp, post, etc.) Viewing premises, rulings on, by whom 89, 89a Violence (see also Assault) : Assaulting superior officer 415 ; A. W. 64 To persons bringing In provisions 438 ; A. W. 88 Toward officer, warrant or noncommissioned officer ordering* into arrest or confinement 419; A. W. 86 Voluntary confession, proof required to establish 225 (b) Volunteers : Laws, regulations, and orders applicable to 4 (a) (noteb) Subject, from muster or acceptance, to Articles of War 4 (a) ; A.W.2(a) When eligible for membership in court-martial 9(c) Toting : Challenges Secret written ballot 90 (b); A. W. 81 Tie vote a vote In negative 90 (b) ; A. W.31 INDEX. 799 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Voting Continued. Par. Closed sessions on challenge, findings, or sentence 91 ; A. W. 19 Findings Ballots destroyed after announcement or verification. 294 Method, in general, prescribed by A. W. 31 90 (b) ; 294 Method to be followed by each member 294 New ballot when votes not equal to number of members- 294 Procedure to secure requisite number of votes 294 Record to show use of secret written ballot 90 (b), 357 (b) (41) ; A. W. 31 Interlocutory questions, method of voting on 90 (a) Interlocutory questions when law member rules 89a ; A. W. 31 Interlocutory questions when president of court rules 89a ; A. W. 31 On mental condition of accused, procedure 219 (g) Order of, by courts-martial 90, 308 ; A. W. 31 Refusal to vote as offense under A. W. 96 90a Sentence Ballots destroyed after announcement or verification 808 Fractional part of necessary vote must be represented by one vote 1 308 ( note 1) Lightest sentence first considered ; how determined 308, 308 (note 2) Method, in general, prescribed by A. W. 31 90, 308 Procedure to secure legal adoption of 308 Votes necessary for sentence of death, life imprison- ment, 10 years, less than 10 years 90a, 308 Tie vote, effect of 90 Vouchers : Forms for App. 23-25 Reporter. (See Reporter.) Witnesses. (See Witnesses.) Waiver : By plea to general issue, of possible plea in abatement 147 Jurisdiction can not be conferred by 146 War: Capital crimes and offenses under Articles of War in time of, enumerated 41(2) Captured property. (See Property.) Delivery of offenders to civil authorities not required in time of 85 ; A. W. 74 Judicial notice of condition of 289 Law of, concurrent jurisdiction of offenses against, of gen- eral courts-martial and military commissions and provost courts 3 (note 1) ; A. W. 15 800 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter M p ** indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] War Continued. Law of; correspondence with enemy, status of citizens of Par. neutrals, war treason 431 Law of; jurisdiction of general court to try under 39 Law of, trial by general court-martial of persons subject to 18 (b) ; A.W. 12 Law of, trial by military commissions and provost courts of persons subject to 8 (a) War Department (see also Secretary of War) : Decisions as source of military law 2(d) Instructions as to penitentiaries for confinement 341 Policy as respecting disciplinary punishment 836a Policy as to detention of pay in whole or in part 328 Policy as to hard labor without confinement 823 Policy regarding punishments for desertion ; 340 Policy regarding segregation of prisoners 341 Public records of, use as evidence of authenticated official copy of 238 Report by commanding general on wrongs complained of, to 485 ; A. W. 117 Report to, concerning effects of deceased persons. 482 ; A. W. 112 War risk insurance premiums, pay of soldier allotted for, may not be detained or forfeited 311 Warrant of attachment (See Attachment of witness.) Warrant officers: Arrest, status when in 53 A. W. 55, 56, 67 and 75 not applicable to ; A. W. 96 proper for such offenses 406, 407, 418, 425 Compensation as reporter of court-martial, etc., not allowed 118 (f) Excepted from Jurisdiction of special and summary courts- martial by G. O. 71, W. D., 1920 p. 656 False muster, etc. ; A. W. 56 not applicable to 407 Misbehavior, etc., before enemy; A. W. 75 not applicable to 425, p. 380 Mutiny or sedition, not suppressing, etc.; under A. W. 96 and not A. W. 67 418(note) Offenses against in execution of office ; penalty 416 ; A. W. 65 Officers but not commissioned officers; use of term 4 (note 2) Power to quell frays, disorders, etc. ; penalty 419 ; A. W. 68 Previous convictions; 8 year limitation 306 Sentences legal for, enumerated 310a Subject to Articles of War 4 (note 2) Summary court-martial, not subject to 43 ; A. W. 14 Unlawful enlistment, etc., by, A. W. 55 not applicable to, A. W. 96 proper 406 INDEX. 801 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page; " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Par. Washington (State), fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 Waste by persons subject to military law 439 ; A. W. 89 Watchword, disclosure of 427 ; A. W. 77 Weapon, dangerous, defined 443, p. 447 Weekly, reports of general court-martial cases 104, p. 607 Western States, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in certain 185 ( a ) Whole truth to be presented 98, 107c Wife. (See Husband and wife.) Willful defined 405 Willful disobedience defined 415, p. 355 Willful injury defined^ 434 Willfully destroying property. (See Property.) Withholding of privileges as disciplinary punishment ; one week limit 333 ; A. W. 104 Witnesses. (See also Evidence) : Absent; agreement as to testimony, effect 159 (note 3) Accused for self. (See Accused.) Accused must be confronted with, when 165 ; A. W. 25 Accused furnished copy of summary of testimony 77b Advance notice given 162 Attachment Form for warrant App. 20, p. 655 Habeas corpus on. (See Habeas corpus.) Warrant to secure attendance; procedure, accompany- ing papers 159, 168, A. W. 22 Attendance of military, how secured 163 Bias or interest as affecting competency or credibility 213 Challenge. (See Challenge.) Civilian Attendance, how secured; orders, mileage, fees 164 Books, papers, etc., of, how secured 166 In confinement ; obtaining testimony of 167 ; A. W. 25 In Government employ ; fees and mileage, form of voucher 184 ; App. 24, p. 670 In Government employ, transportation in kind, etc 184 In several trials on same day 188 Incriminating questions of, procedure 235 Not in Government employ; fees and mileage, form of voucher 185, 186 ; App. 23, p. 667 Subpoena, service and form 160 ; App. 19, p. 651 Competency Conviction of any offense no disqualification, but matter of weight 1 211 802 INDEX. [fieferencea are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Witnesses Continued. Competency Continued. Depositions; same rules applicable, leading ques- Po- tions 265,268; (note) Determination, in general 207,208 Elements * 209 Husband and wife, testimony against each other 228 Issue during trial settled by preponderance of evidence. 296 Mental incapacity a disqualification to limited extent; examples 212 Moral incapacity not recognized as disqualification 211 Of accomplice 217 Of adult always presumed , 210 Of child, not by age but by sense and understanding. 210 (a) Of child, not governed by common-law rule 210 (a) Rank without effect on 200 Rulings on, by whom 89, 89a When objection made; later appearing incompetency_ 247 Confrontation; right in capital cases; in others cases 165; A.W.25 Contempts Authority to punish 173 (a) Courts of inquiry 460 Direct and constructive 173 (c) Persons who may be punished for 173(b) Procedure for punishment of 173 (d) Contradiction Cross-examination as to former statement or re- port 237a(note) Inconsistent statements; how shown, limitations 260 Leading question to* effect contradiction of another witness 254 (c) Rule; collateral issues excepted 259 Contradicting statements made in other trials, how shown 262 (note) Corroboration of single, offenses requiring 224, 225, 248 Court may ask questions of, call or recall, etc 100 Courts of inquiry Examination, cross-examination, incriminating ques- tions 467 ; A. W. 24, 101 Power to summon and examine 458 ; A. W. 101 Refusal to appear or testify 459 ; A. W. 23 Credibility (See also above, this title Contradiction.) Accused as witness subject 'to ordinary rules 262 INDEX. 803 f References are to paragraphs, except that the letter * p " indicates page, " A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and " App." Indicates Appendix.] Wi tnesses Continued. Credibility Continued. Contradiction by other witnesses as affecting ; collateral Par - issues L 259 Conviction of any offense merely affects 211 Conviction of crime ; question permissible, procedure If denied 258 Defined ; weight given ; rejection of testimony 256 Impeachment of own witness not permitted ; exceptions. 262$ Inconsistent statements; how shown, limitations 260 Prejudice, bias, relationship, etc., may be shown ; never collateral 261 Proof of character by general reputation 257 Cross-examination How limited; purposes, proper subjects 251 Leading questions may be asked 254 (c) Of accused as witness, scope 214 On new matter brought out by court of own or ad- verse witness 253a Questions as to former statements or reports. 237 (a) (note 1) Recalled witness subject to 249 Record of general court to show opportunity for, to accused 357 (b) (80) Statement of accused not subject to 290 Witness deposing for defense in capital case subject to_ 264 Direct examination 250 Examination apart as usual rule ; effect of nonobservance 246 Examination by court Court or a member may ask questions 253 Subject to rules of evidence ; care requisite 253a Expert Capacity to testify as, discussed 218 Employment of 192 Rulings on calling or recalling 89 ; 89a Fees Civilians in Government employ 184 Civilians not in Government employ 185, 186 Civilians, not reduced by voluntary attendance 164 For one day, when paid 172 Officer serving subpuena may pay and be reimbursed 170 (note) Officers and soldiers 163, 183 On interrogatories 177 (c) Payment prior to prosecution for refusal to appear, etc_ 170, 172 ; A. W. 23 Several trials on same day 188 804 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " indicates page, *' A. W." Indicates Articles of War, and "App." indicates Appendix.] Wi tnesses Continued. For accused Par. Members of courts-martial as 131 (b) Summoned by trial judge advocate 161 For prosecution Eligible as summary court if only officer present 6 (a) ; A. W. 10 Ineligible as members of general or special court-mar- tial 6 (a), 129; A. W. 8,9 Member ineligible making fact known, excuse. 129 ; A. W. 8, 9 Former trial, use of testimony at 275 Habeas corpus. (See Habeas corpus.) Hostile, leading questions may be asked of 254 (c) Impeachment. (See above, this title, Credibility.) Inquests 488 ; A, W. 113 Interest, bias, etc., not disqualification but affects weight 213 Interviews with, by defense and other counsel 109, 110 Investigation of frauds, etc., administration of oaths 138 (a) Leading questions, grounds for 254 List for both sides, forwarded with charges 75 Listed on charge sheets App. 5(4) Materiality of testimony should be known in advance r _ 161 Mileage For one day, when paid 172 Of civilian furnished transportation by Government 185 (note 3) Of civilian witness not reduced by voluntary attend- ance 164 Of military witness 163 Officer serving subpoena may pay and be reimbursed 170 (note) On interrogatories 177 (c) Payment prior to prosecution for refusal to appear, etc 170, 172 ; A. W. 23 Military- Attendance, how secured, orders, mileage, fees 163 Interrogatories, appearance to answer ;_ 177 (c) When entitled to mileage 163 Number Coconspirator or accomplice, second witness not re- quired 224 Single witness sufficient except in treason and perjury ; exception 248 Oath. (See Oath.) On investigation of charges; oath, examination 76a(3, 8) On rehearing 377a INDEX. 805 [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Witnesses Continued. Par. Order of examination, usual ; exceptions and changes 249 Order of introduction, rulings on 89. 80a Philippine Islands, before general courts-martial I 171 Process to obtain Authority of trial Judge advocate, attachment.. 159 ; A .W. 22 For accused ; manner, propriety of attachment 159 Protection by court from improper questions 201 Questions and answers recorded in general court-martial 857 (b) (29) Rank of, without effect on rules of evidence 200 Recalcitrant Attachment 168 Punishment by Federal courts -. 170; A. W. 23 Report for Department of Justice on 172 ; A. W. 23 Tender of fees preliminary to prosecution 170, 172 ; A. W. 23 Recall- Not resworn on but reminded of previous oath; effect of failure 255 Permitted at any stage of proceedings 249 Warning as to oath noted in record 357 (b) (27) Recross-examination, how limited; relaxation of rule 252 Redirect examination, how limited ; relaxation of rule 252 Reputation Proof of bad, not permitted, in impeaching own wit- ness 262} Proof of character by ; method, personal opinion 257 Rulings upon interlocutory questions by law member 89a ; A. W. 31 Rulings upon interlocutory questions by president of court 89 ; A. W. 31 Subpo?na Form of App. 19, p. 651 Fees for service, how determined 191 Personal service ; by whom, how, proof, return 160, 164 Service by military person, where practicable 191 To appear before trial judge advocate, improper 160 Summoning of, how done 161 Tender of fees, preliminary to prosecution 170, 172 Trial judge advocate or assistants as; oath 134 (b) Vouchers Civilian witness, contents 187 Delivery to witness . 181 Forms App. 23. 24 Lost- 190 Warrant of attachment. (See above, this title, Attachment) 806 INDEX. [References are to paragraphs, except that the letter " p " Indicates page, " A. W." indicates Articles of War, and " App." indicates Appendix.] Words and phrases. (See Definitions.) Par. Words not an assault-! 433, p. 440 Writings. (See Documentary evidence.) Written instruments, how pleaded _^ 74(1) Wrongs suffered by officers and soldiers, redress of 485 ; A. W. 121 Wyoming, fees and mileage of civilian witnesses in 185 O