/ SERK6LY\ LI- r>v ! UNI >ITY OF j V CALIFORNIA 7 SCIENCES LIBRARY A MANUAL OF PRECIOUS STONES AND ANTIQUE GEMS. LONDON : GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE. THE DEVONSHIRE GEMS. Wl A MANUAL OP PRECIOUS STONES AND ANTIQUE GEMS. HODDER M. WESTROPP, ' M ATTTHOB OF "HANDBOOK OF AECH.EOLOGY," "PEE-HISTOEIC PHASES.' Eontton : SAMPSON LOW, MAKSTON, LOW, & SEARLE, CROWN BUILDINGS, 188, FLEET STREET. 1874. [All rights reserved.'] ENCES PREFACE. I HAVE been induced to compile, for the benefit of amateurs and collectors of antique gems, a concise account of precious stones and antique gems ; those usually called hard or fine stones, and also of some other stones and substances which cannot be comprised under the head of precious stones, but are frequently used in jewellery, and for ornamental and glyptic purposes. In this compilation I have frequently adopted the words of the best authorities, Dana, Bristow, Mr. Maskelyne, and others. In the second part I have noticed the principal precious stones, and other substances employed for glyptic purposes, known to the ancients, and described by ancient writers, and have attempted an identification of them with those known to mineralogists of the present day, in which I am much indebted to the writings of Mr. King and Mr. Maskelyne. In all ages precious stones and engraved gems have been favourites of men of taste, not only for the transcendent beauty of colour and the brilliancy displayed in these stones, but also for the art exhibited in the engravings on them. Even warriors in ancient times testified their admiration of gems and precious stones. Alexander the Great was a M56315 PREFACE. great patron of the glyptic art displayed in them, and such an admirer of gems, that he would allow no artist but Pyrgoteles to engrave his royal countenance, and that only on an emerald. Mithridates was a great gem collector. The gems and precious stones acquired by Pompey's con- quest of his dominions were the first that gave the Romans a taste for these precious objects. Julius Cassar was an enthusiastic collector of gems and other works of art, six cabinets of which he dedicated in the temple of his patron goddess, Venus Victrix. Augustus, Maecenas, and Hadrian, were also gem collectors: though Maecenas passionately loved gems, the sight of his emeralds, beryls, and pearls, he declared, could not console him for the departure of Horace. Among the Romans in the time of Pliny there was quite a rage for precious stones and engraved gems, Roman Senators outvying one another in the extravagant prices given for them. Nonius, a Roman Senator, was content to suffer proscription and exile rather than give up to Antonius a priceless opal which he possessed. In modern times we find the Medici, Frederick the Great, Winkelman, Goethe, Visconti, devoting their atten- tion to this exquisite branch of art. A century ago men of rank and wealth in this country were vying with each other in collecting antique gems. The Dukes of Marlborough and of Devonshire, the Duke of Montague, the Earls of Carlisle and Besborough, and Lord Algernon Percy, were among the noblemen whom culti- vated tastes induced thus to expend wealth on collections of classical and archaeological interest. In the last few years a fresh impulse has been given to their study in England by PREFACE. ix the publication of Mr. King's works on Precious Stones and Antique Gems, and by the acquisition of a wonderful collection, the Blacas, by the British Museum. A number of collectors of the last few years and of the present day may be enumerated, who are the fortunate possessors of some priceless and exquisite gems. Mr. Townly, Mr. Payne Knight, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Hertz, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. King, Mr. Maskelyne, 1 Mr. Beresford Hope, the Rev. C. H. Townshend, in England ; the Duke de Luynes, the Duke de Blacas, the Count de Pourtales, M. Fould, M. Roger, in France; Cardinal Antonelli and Signer Castellani in Italy. Among the most famous public collections we may mention the Florentine, the Berlin, the Bibliotheque, Paris, the St. Petersburg, the Hague, the British Museum, the Museum, Naples ; and among private, the Marlborough, the Devonshire, the Royal. 1 Mr. Maskelyne's collection is not only remarkable for the exquisite specimens of glyptic art it contains, but also for the beauty of the stones themselves, which have been selected with deep mineralogical knowledge. CONTENTS. PRECIOUS STONES. NON-METALLIC MINERALS. Carbon : Diamond, page 1. Bort, 9. Alumina : White Sapphire, 15. Yellow Sapphire, or Oriental Topaz, 16. Green Sapphire, or Oriental Emerald, 16. Sea-green Sapphire, or Ori- ental Aquamarine, 17. Aluminates of Magnesia : Spinel Ruby, 18. Balas Ruby, 18. Aluminates of Glucina : Chrysoberyl, 19. Carbonado, 9. Lemon-coloured Sapphire, or Oriental Peridot, 17. Blue Sapphire, 13. Ruby, or red Sapphire, 10. Star Sapphire, 17. Star Ruby, 17. Girasol, 17. Rubicelle, 18. Almandine, 18. Cymophane, 19. Silicates of Alumina, Magnesia, Lime, Iron : Garnet, 20. Essonite, 21. Carbuncle, 21. Hyacinthine Garnet, 21. Almandine, 21. Star Garnet, 21. Siriam, 21. Vermeille, 21. Pyrope, 21. CONTENTS. Silicates of Alumina and Glucina : Emerald, 23. Yellow Beryl, 25. Beryl, 25. Euclase, 25. Aquamarine, 25. Silicates of Alumina and Fluorine : White Topaz, 26. Pink Topaz, 26. Yellow Topaz, 26. Blue Topaz, or Brazilian Sap- phire, 26. Silicates of Magnesia : Chrysolite, 27. Olivine, 28. Peridot, 27. Silicate of Alumina, Magnesia, and Iron : lolite, 30. Silicates of Zirconia : White Jargoon, 28. Ked Jargoon, or Jacinth- Yellow Jargoon, 28. Hyacinth, 28. Green Jargoon, 28. Silicates of Alumina with Boracic Acid : Yellow Tourmaline, 30. Red Tourmaline, or Eubellite, 29. Green Tourmaline, 30. Blue Tourmaline, or Indicolite, 30. Silicate of Alumina : Kyamte, 31. Silicates of Alumina, Potash, Soda : Moonstone, 31. Amazon Stone, 31. Sunstone, 31. Silicate of Alumina, Magnesia, Lime : Hyperstene, 32. Silicate of Lime, Magnesia : Diopside, 32. Silicate of Alumina, Iron, Lime, Magnesia: Idocrase, 32. CONTENTS. Silicate of Lime, Magnesia, Iron : Crocidolite, 31. Silicate of Alumina, Soda, Lime with Sulphur : Lapis Lazuli, 32. Silicate of Magnesia (hydrous) : Noble Serpentine, 33, Silicate of Magnesia (anhydrous) : Jade, Nephrite, 33. Silicate of Alumina and Magnesia : Jadeite, 34. Silicates of Alumina, Lime, Soda : Labrador, 35. Obsidian, 35. Silicate of Alumina and Potash : Agalmatolite, 35. Silicate of Magnesia : Steatite, 36. Sulphate of Lime : Selenite, 36. Phosphate of Alumina : Turquoise, blue, green, 36. Bone, coloured "by copper : Odontolite, or Bone Turquoise, 37. SILICA. Vitreous Quartz : Eock Crystal 40. Iris, 42. Amethyst, 40. Eubasse, 42. Citrine, 42. Avanturine, 42. Cairngorm, or Yellow Quartz, 41. Prase, 43. CONTENTS. Chalcedonic Quartz: Chalcedony (White or Grey), 43. Sapphirine, or Blue Chalce- dony, 43. Carnelian, 44. Light Eed, 44. Dark Red, 44. Sard, 44. Sardonyx, 45. Onyx, 44. Chalcedonyx, 45. Jasper Onyx, 46. Nicolo, 46. Plasma, 46. Jaspery Qua/rtz : Jasper, 50. Eed Jasper, 51. Yellow Jasper, 51. Green Jasper, 51. Egyptian Pebble, 51. Hydrous SiUca : Opal, 38. Noble or Precious Opal, 38. Harlequin Opal, 38. Golden Opal, 38. Common Opal, 38. Heliotrope, 47. Agate, 47. Moss Agate, 49. Ribbon Agate, 49. Eye Agate, 49. Fortification Agate, 49. Zoned or Banded Agate, 49. Brecciated Agate, 49. Jasper Agate, 46. Mocha Stone, 49. Cat's Eye, 50. Chrysoprase, 50. Ribbon or Banded Jasper, 51. Bloodstone, 51. Porcellanite, or Porcelain Jasper, 52. Matrix of Opal, 39. Fire Opal, 39. Hyalite, 39. Hydrophane, 39. Cacholong, 39. METALLIC MINERALS. Iron : Magnetite, 52. Haematite, 52. Copper : Dioptase, 52. Silicate of Copper. Malachite, 53. Green Carbonate of Copper. Marcasite, 52. Azurite, 53. Blue Carbonate of Copper. CONTENTS. ANTIQUE GEMS. PAGE Adamas .... Corundum . 58 Carbunculus Indicus . The Kuby . 62 The Spinel 62 Hyacinthus .... The Sapphire . . 63 *, Chrysolithus The Yellow Sapphire . 65 i Astrion .... The Star Sapphire . . 65 Lychnis .... The Balas Euby . 66 Asteria .... The Cymophane . 66 j, Smaragdus .... The Emerald . . . 67 ? Beryllus .... The Beryl . 70 Carbunculus Garamanticus . The Garnet . 71 7 Topazios .... Chrysolite . 74 j Topazios Prasoides Peridot .... . 75 tt> Chrysoprasius Green Jargoon . 76 Melichrysos Yellow Jargoon . 76 Lyncurium .... . . 76 'J.Sapphirus .... Lapis Lazuli . . 77 Solis Gemma Moonstone . 78 Selenites .... Adularia .... . 78 Sandastros (Male) Sunstone . 79 ' c Chrysoprasius Amazon Stone . . . . 79 Nilion Jade .... . 80 Tanos Jadeite . . 81 Callais .... Turquoise . 81 Callaina . ... Green Turquoise . 81 Opalus . . . Opal . . . . . 83 Mithrax . . . . Matrix of Opal . 84 Anthracitis .... Hydrophane . 85 Crystallus .... Crystal .... . 85 f % Amethystus Amethyst . 86 Craterites .... Yellow Crystal . 89 xvi CONTENTS. PAGE Iris Iris . . 90 Sandastros (Female) . Avanturine . 90 Sandaresos . Green Avanturine . 91 Sardius .... Sard . 91 Sardonyx .... . . 94 Onyx ...... . . 103 Jasp-onyx .... . . 103 Beli Oculus .... Eye Onyx . 104 ^Egyptilla .... Nicolo . 104 Prasius .... Plasma . 105 Prasius Sanguineis Punctis . Heliotrope . 106 Jaspis Chalcedonies of different colours . 106 Achates .... Agate . 108 Astrobolos .... Cat's Eye . 110 Jasper . . 110 Molochites .... Green Jasper . . 112 Heliotropium Bloodstone . 113 Smaragdus Medicus Malachite . 114 Haematites .... Hematite . 114 Magnes .... Magnetite . 114 Obsidianum .... Obsidian . . 115 Gagates . " . Jet . . 116 Succinum .... Amber . . . 117 Corallium .... Coral . 121 Margarita .... Pearl . 122 Murrhina .... Fluor Spar . 124 Onyx . . . . . Oriental Alabaster . 132 Basanites . . . Basalt . 134 Porphyrites Leptosephos . Porphyry . . 134 Ophites .... Serpentine . 135 Svenites Granite . 136 A MANUAL OF PKECIOUS STONES AND ANTIQUE GEMS. THE DIAMOND: THE diamond is pure carbon crystallized. It is found both in regular crystalline forms, and in an amorphous state. (i) Crystals of the Diamond. The crystals are principally octahedrons and dodecahedrons. 1 1 According to Professor Goeppert, (" On the Vegetable Nature of Diamonds,") experiments show that diamonds cannot be produced by Plutonic agency, as they become black when subjected to a high degree of temperature. That they are, on the contrary, of Neptunian origin, and were at one time in a soft condition, is proved not only B PRECIOUS STONES. The most famous mines of India were those of Golconda, in the territory of the Nizam; and at Raolcondal, near Visiapoor, in the Mahratta empire. Diamonds also occur in Bundelcund, near Panna, and in the Mahanuddy, near Ellore. By far the largest quantity are, however, now imported into Europe from the Brazils. They are found mostly in alluvial soil derived from the materials brought down from the hills bordering the higher parts of the valleys in the district of Cerro di Fria, Minas Geraes, and San Paulo, and in the beds of rivers. 2 ' by ihb' impression of grains of sand and crystals on the surface of ( , , them, .but also by the enclosure of certain foreign bodies, such as fc '.otJ4erf dry-stals, ^germinating fungi, and even vegetable structures of a higher organization. If Professor Goeppert's conclusions be ac- cepted, confirming and extending as they do the views held by New- ton, Brewster, and Liebig, diamonds seem to be the final product of the chemical decomposition of vegetable substances. Professor Morris writes, however (" On Gems and Precious Stones "), " The supposition that the diamond has been derived from organic matter must not be adopted too hastily. The crystallized carbon may have been produced by condensation from a state of vapour, or by the gradual displacement of carbon, from its combination with chlorine or sulphur by some other element, or, as suggested by Professor Maskelyne in the following passage : ' There is another direction iu which the production of the diamond may be looked for. It is well known that iron, when surcharged with carbon, though it may dis- solve it in a state of fusion, deposits the excess of carbon when it cools, but in the graphitic modification. Some other metal, or some change in the conditions with the same metal, might cause the ex- trusion of the carbon in the form of diamond/ " In illustration of this suggestion, Mr. Morris exhibited a fine specimen of crystallized graphite, prepared by Mr. David Forbes from its solution in iron at a high temperature, and subsequently cooling. The varieties of crystalline forms would infer a slow process and freedom of motion among the molecules, due to a viscous state. 2 Until lately the diamond had never been traced to its matrix, but this has now been done in at least two instances in Brazil. The first was in 1839, and the rock which contained it was described by THE DIAMOND. The Brazilian diamonds are of different specific gravity to the Indian, and are inferior in lustre and brilliancy. Diamonds of the best quality come from Borneo (Sarawak). Diamonds are also found in the gravels and sands of valleys and water-courses, on the sides of mountains, in Australia and in South Africa. The Cape diamonds lately imported are said to be of an inferior quality, and to have a greasy, oily look. Yellow is the prevailing colour. The diamond has been in all ages held in the highest estimation. Its brilliancy and play of colour is attributed to its high refractive and reflecting powers, and it was the observation of these properties which led Newton to infer it was combustible, a conclusion which was verified in the same year (1693) by the Florentine Academy. The diamond possesses also the property of flashing out the colour of the rainbow, which a piece of the heavy glass used to counter- feit the diamond possesses to, at least, as effective a degree. It becomes phosphorescent on exposure to the light, and the smaller diamonds become phosphorescent by a much shorter exposure than those of larger size. The most valuable diamonds are perfectly colourless, and are then said to be of the purest water. The colour suite is, however, exten- sive, blue, green, pink, yellow, brown, and black. 3 It occurs also opalescent. M. P. Chasseau as gres psammite, a sort of sandy freestone, the locality being the Serro de Santantonio de Grammagoa. The dis- coverers of the deposit took from it many diamonds, as the rock was soft, but deeper it became harder, and consequently, more difficult to work. (King, "Precious Stones," page 59.) Professor Maskelyne also writes : " In Brazil it has been traced to its rock home in itacolumite (a micaceous quartzose schist often con- taining talcose minerals and intersected by quartz veins) and also in a hornblende, also continuous with the itacolumite." 3 M. Gallardo Bastant, who has much studied the origin of precious B.2 PRECIOUS STONES. Though the hardest known substance, a diamond is very brittle; a slight blow struck in the direction of the plane of cleavage, would have the effect of causing it to split* The diamond is valued according to its weight in carats (3| grains each), the value rising very rapidly with the size. Diamonds, when cut, are called brilliants, rose diamonds or rosettes, and table diamonds. Of these the brilliant is the most esteemed, as it displays the lustre of the stone to the greatest advantage. In a brilliant, the table is the upper surface, the girdle i.s the broadest part of the stone, and should be at one-third of the whole depth, the portion above it being the bezel; the culet is the base, and should be two-thirds below the girdle, the whole depth of the stone being equal to the width across the girdle. Rose diamonds have triangular facets over the surface of the stone, the under side being flat. Lasque diamonds are the flat thin stones used much in stones, has communicated to the Academy of Sciences at Paris his opinion in regard to the change of colour in the diamond produced by heat. "The yellow diamond," he says, " is a compound of carbon and the fluoride of aluminium, and its yellow colour is changed into rose-colour. The same phenomenon is observed with the topaz, which is a compound of aluminium, silex, and fluoric acid, the yellow colour of which also changes to rose-colour at an elevated tempera- ture. This change of colour is due to the absorption of carbonic acid, and analysis shows traces of this gas." A green diamond is the rarest of all gems. A small one (about 1 carats) sold lately at Mr. Hancock's for 300Z, The large rose-tinted brilliant belonging to the late Duke of Brunswick sold at the sale, of his things for 2824L 4 This gem being composed of infinitely thin laminae deposited over each other in a direction parallel to the faces of the primitive crystal, it can be easily split by a blow of a knife in the direction of these laminee. (King, " Precious Stones," p. 49.) THE DIAMOND. native Indian work, in neck and head-bands, bangles, rings, &c. The art of cutting and polishing diamonds was discovered by Louis van Berguen, a citizen of Bruges, in 1456, pre- viously to which time the diamond was only known in its rough, or in its cleaned state. At the present day the cutting is effected chiefly by the Jews of Amsterdam. The diamond was sometimes, but very rarely engraved. In the Paris Exhibition, 1867, was a ring Avith an engraved diamond, said to be by Jacopo da Trezzo. In the Royal Collection is the signet ring of Charles II., when Prince of Wales, bearing the device the ostrich plumes between the letters C. P., very neatly cut, upon a large yellow diamond, a table Jxf in diameter. The Cavalier Costanza is said to have made several engravings upon the diamond in the beginning of the last century. Mr. King gives a notice of three engraved diamonds in the possession of Messrs. Hunt and Roskell. Small natural crystals, of the octahedral form, have been occasionally found, set in sixteenth-century rings, used for writing on glass, &c. The largest dia- mond of which there is any record is that described by Taver- nier as belonging to the ' Great Mogul. According to him, it is a very high rose diamond, and weigh- ing 280 carats. When Mirgimola, Taver- The Great Mogul. (4.) iiier writes, who be- 6 PRECIOUS STONES. trayed the Great Mogul, his master, made a present* of this stone to Shah Sehan, with whom he took refuge, it was in the rough, and weighed then 787J carats. Another diamond, cele- brated for its size, is that of the Rajah of Mattam, in Borneo. It is of a pear- shaped form, and weighs in the rough 367 carats. The Darya-i-Noor, or sea of light, the gem of the Persian collection, is a stone of 186 carats. Another fine diamond in the same collection is the Crown of the Moon, 146 carats. The following are the The Mattam. (5.) n most celebrated diamonds Europe : The Russian or OrloiF dia- mond, 194i carats. It has the under side flat, and is rose-cut. It was bought by the Empress Catherine II. for 90,0007., and a pension of 40007. It is said to have formed one of the eyes of an idol in a Brahmin tem- ple. It is now in the Russian Imperial sceptre. The Austrian diamond, 139| carats. It is yellow, rather thick, and is covered with facets, like a rose diamond, being pointed both at top and bottom ; it is valued at 40,0007. The Orloff. (6.) THE DIAMOND. The Regent or Pitt diamond, 136| carats. It was bought by the Duke of Orleans, then Regent of France, of Pitt, the Governor of Fort St. George, in the year 1717, for 135,0007. It was found in Golconda. It forms part of the French crown jewels. The Pigott. The Austria The Hope Diamond (10.) The Regent. (9.) PRECIOUS STONES. The Piggott diamond, 82J carats, was disposed of l.y lottery in London (1801) for 30,000/. The Hope diamond, 44J carats. This brilliant, formerly the property of the late Mr. Hope, is of a most brilliant sapphire blue. It is valued at 30,000/. The Xassack diamond (the Marquis of Westminster), 893f carats, re-cut as a brilliant, 78f carats, captured from the Peish- wah of the Mahrattas. The Star of the South, in the rough, 254|- carats, cut as a brilliant, 124i carats, found at TheNassack. (io.) the Bogageni mine, Brazil. The Star of South Africa, 46J carats. It has been valued at 20,000/. It is now in the possession of Messrs Hunt and Roskell. The most celebrated diamond of modern times is the Koh-i-noor, which became the property of the Queen of England on the annexation of the Punjaub by the East India Company in 1850. It is reputed to be 4000 years old by Indian tradition. It is said to have belonged to the Rajah of Mjayin 60 B.C., and to have remained in the pos- session of his successors until India was subdued by the Mohammedans. It is mentioned by Tavernier in 1665, as the property of the Great Mogul. It was called the Koh-i-noor, or " Mountain of light." When brought to this country it- weighed 186^ carats. The beauty of this stone being greatly marred by its irregularity of form, and the imperfect manner in which it had been cut, it was determined to re-cut it. This was skilfully and successfully accomplished, under the care of Messrs. Garrard, by two workmen from the great atelier of Mr. Foster of Amsterdam. Although the weight THE DIAMOND. of the stone has been reduced from 186i to 103f carats, its brilliancy and general appearance have been greatly improved. In addition to its value as a precious stone, the diamondjs employed for engrav- ing and cutting glass, in splinters for drill- ing, arid, reduced to powder, for polishing and cutting gems. This kind, which con- sists of fragments of diamond too small for jewellery, is termed Bort. Carbonado is a term applied to an amorphous, black, imperfectly crystal- lized variety which comes from the pro- vince of Bahia, Bra- zil. It is said to occupy a position be- tween diamond and anthracite. Koh-i-noor betore re-cutting. (1 1.) Koh-i-noor after re-cutting. (12.) 10 PRECIOUS STONES. THE KUBY. THE ruby, the sapphire, the oriental topaz, the oriental emerald, the oriental amethyst, are pure crystallized alumina, and are all classed under the name of corundum. They are identical in every particular, dif- fering only in colour. The ruby is said to be tinted by the peroxide of iron, the sap- phire by the protoxide, and the violet tint may possibly be pro- duced by an admixture of man- ganese with the iron. They occur crystallized in variously termi- nated hexagonal prisms, and in rolled masses, and are generally found in beds of rivers, or asso- ciated with crystalline rocks. The ruby or red sapphire is considered, next to the diamond, the most precious of all gems. When of a large size, good colour, and free from flaws, it exceeds even the diamond itself in value. Rubies are for the most part small, seldom exceeding eight or ten carats. The specific gravity is 3'9 to 4*1, its hardness superior to any known substance except diamond, being numbered 9 in Moh's scale. It is THE RUBY. 11 composed of alumina, and coloured by traces of metallic oxides, chrome, &c. Alumina . . . 98'5 Oxide of iron . . I'O Lime .... 0*5 The colour of the ruby varies from the lightest rose-tint to the deepest carmine. The colour most prized is a rich and lovely crimson known as the " pigeon's blood," but its scarlet tints are also beautiful. It is never a large stone ; for whereas the sapphire occurs in very considerable masses, a ruby above the size of three carats is worth more than a diamond of the same weight. The finest stones are found in the sands of rivers in Ceylon and in the Capelan mountains, near Siriam, a city in Pegu. The ruby mines of Burmah, whence come the finest stones, have been long famous. They are said to be situated about sixty or seventy miles from the capital, in a north-easterly direction. These mines are rigorously guarded, no European being allowed to approach them on any pretence. They are a royal monopoly. The King of Burmah is said to retain for his own use the rarest and finest specimens. One of his titles is the " Lord of Rubies." The largest known ruby is that mentioned by Chardin, on which was engraved 'the name of Sheik Sephi. Another, also belonging to the Shah of Persia, a draw- ing of which has been given bv Tavernier, weighed 175 Ruby of the Shah of Persia. (14.) < carats. The King of Bur- 12 PRECIOUS STONES. mah is said to possess a ruby as large as a pigeon's egg- The largest ruby ever seen in Europe is that presented by Gustavus III., of Sweden, to the Czarina, upon his visit to her in 1777. It is equal in bulk to a small hen's egg, and is of fine colour. A very large one is in the French crown jewels. It adorns the order of the Golden Fleece, and is cut into the form of a dragon with extended wings. 5 5 At the sale of the Duke of Brunswick's jewels (April, 1874), a Chinese idol, cut out of a single ruby of immense size, was sold to M. Achard, of Paris, for 15,000 francs (600?) . It was taken from the summer palace of Pekin on the sacking of that place by the French troops, and was purchased by the Duke on the return of the expe- dition from China. The stone was not to say of remarkable purity, but the workmanship of the image was excellent. THE SAPPHIRE. 13 THE SAPPHIRE. THE sapphire is the blue variety of corundum. Like the ruby, it is composed of pure alumina coloured by oxide of iron. In hardness it is equal to that of the ruby. It occurs of all tints and shades of blue. Jewellers have divided them into two kinds, the male and female, the first being' of a deep indigo colour, and the second a light blue. The latter is also sometimes termed a water sapphire. The colour which approximates to blue velvet of the shade formerly called " bleu de roi " is the most valuable. The sapphire occurs generally in crystals of much larger size than the ruby. This stone is chiefly brought from Ceylon and Pegu. The largest sapphire known, weighing 132 carats, is in the Musee de Mineralogie, Paris. It has been called the "Wooden-Spoon Sellers," from the occupation of the man who found it in Bengal. It is also called the " Ruspoli," after a former owner. It is lozenge-shaped with six faces, and was bought by Pcrret, a Parisian jeweller, for 170,000 francs (6800/.). A statuette of Buddha, about an inch high, carved out of one entire and perfect sapphire, is in .the Mineralogical Department of the British Museum. Among the sapphires famous for their historical interest is that in the Lennox or Darnley jewel, belonging to her Majesty. This historic relic is a pendant golden heart, set 14 PRECIOUS STONES. with a heart-shaped sapphire. Its date is about Io7o, and it was made for that Margaret Douglas whose husband and son, the Regent Earl of Lennox and Darnley, Mary's consort, came both of them to their ends by murder. Another, not less interesting, is the sapphire which, set as a ring, was at the moment of Queen Elizabeth's death, when all the doors were closed by order, thrown out of a window by Lady Scrope to her brother, Robert Gary, son of Lord Hunsdon, and later Earl of Monmouth, who at once took horse to Scotland and presented the token to James VI. in proof of the truth of that fact, of which he brought the first tidings. It now forms the centre of a diamond star, and is in the possession of the Countess of Cork and Orrery. The Talisman of Charlemagne, which was found suspended from the neck of the Emperor on the opening of his sepulchre in 1166, has two large rough sapphires, and a portion of the Holy Cross in the centre, set round with gems. It was presented to Napoleon by the clergy of Aix-la-Chapelle. It afterwards came into the possession of the late Emperor, Louis Napoleon III. In the centre of the cross on the summit of the Imperial State Crown of England is a rose-cut sapphire, which tradition says came out of the famous ring of Edward the Confessor, so long treasured up on his shrine, and the heritage of which gave his successors the miraculous power of blessing the cramp-rings. In the front of the crown is a large, broad-spread sapphire (partly drilled), purchased for the crown by his Majesty King George IV. A superb sapphire, engraved with the heads of Henry IV. and Marie de Medicis, face to face, signed 1605, by Coldore, the gem portrait-painter of Queen Elizabeth, was lately in the collection of M. T. F. Leturq of Paris. In the Duke of Brunswick's collection lately sold at THE SAPPHIRE. 15 Geneva was an engraved sapphire ring, bearing the royal arms of England, which once belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots. The sapphire was the stone generally used for the Episcopal ring, as prescribed by Pope Honorius. 6 In the Londesborough collection is an Episcopal ring, gold, with sapphire, French work of the twelfth century. It was found in the tomb of Thierry, Bishop of Verdun, 1165. The ring of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, was a massive plain gold ring set with a sapphire. The word " sapphire," according to some, appears to come from the Syriac saphilali, ,the name in that language of the sapphire. The sapphire, in Greek sappheiros, M. Maskelyne writes, was the name applied by the Greeks and Romans to what we call lapis lazuli. But it is obviously a word foreign to the Greek tongue. According to the Talmud, the tables 01 the law were fashioned of sappir ; the word is connected with the roots from which are derived the Hebrew terms for a book, writing, or engraving. This root is "safar," to engrave, but it seems also to have the meaning " to shine," and this may be the source of the application of the name sappir to a precious stone. WHITE SAPPHIRE. White sapphire is the pure colourless crystallized alumina, 6 The writer of an article on Finger-Kings in the " British Quarterly Eeview" (July, 1874), says, "In 1194 the fashion of the episcopal ring was settled by Pope Innocent III., who ordained that it should be of- solid gold, and set with a precious stone, on which nothing was to be cut. The stones usually chosen were the ruby, indicating glory, the emerald, for tranquillity and happiness, and crystal, for simplicity and purity. A cardinal's ring is set with a sapphire to denote the high-priesthood, and is given when a title is assigned to him." 16 PRECIOUS STONES. generally, however, exhibiting a faint blue tint, which is sometimes expelled by heat. When cut and polished, from its brilliancy it has been passed as a diamond. It is also called Lux Sapphire. ORIENTAL TOPAZ. The oriental topaz is a name given by jewellers to the yellow variety of corundum. It is generally of a pale straw yellow, but sometimes exhibits a beautiful golden tint, and almost equals the diamond in brilliancy, for which it is frequently mistaken. Some good specimens set in rings are in the Townsheud collection, S.K.M. ORIENTAL AMETHYST. The violet variety of corundum is termed the oriental amethyst. It is often formed by a mixture of ruby and sapphire in the same crystal. It may be distinguished from the ordinary amethyst by its superior brilliancy and play, as well as by its hardness. It is a gem of rare occurrence. Jewellers frequently confound it with the ordinary amethyst. A fine specimen set in a ring, from the Hope collection, is in the Townshend collection, S.K.M. ORIENTAL EMERALD. The oriental emerald is the green variety of this species, but it lacks the rich hues of the splendid mineral after which it is named, the true emerald. It is lustrous, but almost invariably of an extremely pale hue.' It is said to be the rarest of all gems ; there are some fine specimens in the Grime Gewolbe, Dresden. In the British Museum are two specimens of this rare stone. The author also possesses a small one of a deep green colour. THE SAPPHIRE. 17 ORIENTAL AQUAMARINE. The oriental aquamarine is a greenish-blue sapphire. When the green is of an olive tint, it 'is termed an oriental peridot. STAR SAPPHIRE. The star sapphire, or, as it is sometimes called, asteria, is formed from the more opaque kind of stones, which when in the boss form (or en cabochon\ exhibits a six-rayed star corresponding in the direction of the rays with the direction of those planes along which the crystal may be " cleaved " or easily split. Care is taken to get the centre of the star as nearly as possible in the middle of the stone. Star sapphires are generally of a pale blue, sometimes nearly white, but when these stones possess a fine blue colour, large prices have been obtained for them. ' STAR EUBY. The star ruby is a similar stone to the above, but of a red colour. It generally occurs of a smaller size than the star sapphire, and is much rarer. These stones are much valued in the east. All these star stones come from Ceylon. In the Townshend collection, S.K.M., are some good specimens of these stones. GIRASOL SAPPHIRE. The girasol sapphire is a stone similar to the above, which shows a glimmering light on the surface. Sapphir chatoyant is a name given by French jewellers to a similar stone, which displays very brilliant pearly reflections on a red or blue ground. OPALESCENT SAPPHIRE. This sapphire is of a milky white tint, exhibiting opales- cent reflections. A fine example is in the Geological Museum, Jermyn Street. c 18 PRECIOUS SI ONES. PRECIOUS SPINELS. THE precious varieties of spinels, which comprise a large mineralogical group, consist essentially of alumina, combined with magnesia, and tinted, perhaps, with iron. They generally occur in octahedral crystals. These are the spinel ruby, the balas ruby, the almandine ruby, and the rubi- celle. They are found in Ceylon, Siam, Pegu, and other eastern countries, in rolled pebbles, in the beds of rivers. The spinel ruby is a scarlet variety of considerable fire, and of a rich colour. The balas ruby is of a delicate rose-pink colour, showing a blue tint when looked through. Its name is said to be derived from Beloochistan, anciently Balastan. Both these stones are termed rubies by jewellers, and deeper tinted kinds are sometimes sold for the true ruby. They may be readily distinguished from the Oriental or true ruby by inferior hardness, and specific gravity; and also by the crystallization, which is of an octahedral form. Many of the famous stones that pass under the name of rubies belong to this species. The famous ruby said to have been given to Edward Prince of Wales, the Black Prince, by Don Pedro of Castile, after the battle of Nagara, A.D. 1307, and now in the Imperial State Crown of England, is a spinel. Almandine is the name applied to the variety which sometimes occurs with a tint containing more blue than the balas ruby, and approaching the alman- dine garnet in hue. Rubicelle is a name given to the orange-red variety. THE CHRYSOBERYL. 19 THE CHRYSOBERYL. THE chrysoberyl, called also by jewellers the Oriental chrysolite, is a compound of alumina and the oxide glucina. It belongs to the rhombic system of crystallization. It usually occurs of a greenish-yellow colour, and sometimes of a yellowish-brown hue. It is a very brilliant gem, and is sometimes used in jewellery. In brilliancy and trans- parency it nearly equals the diamond, while in hardness it is very nearly the rival of the sapphire. It is found in Brazil and Ceylon, in rolled pebbles, in the alluvial deposits of rivers. A fine specimen of this stone, for which Mr. Hertz is said to have received 300 guineas from Mr. Hope, is among the recent acquisitions of the mineral department of the British Museum. CYMOPHANE. Cymophane is a term given by French jewellers to the mineral species of the chrysoberyl, which, when cut en caboclion, exhibits like a drop of water, or the pupil of an eye, moving about inside it, and also a band of light floating on its surface. Its name is derived from Kv/*a, a wave, and pos, kidney, in allusion to the belief entertained in former times of its influence in frequently curing diseases of the kidney. The French name jade is said to be derived from hi-jada, the Spanish word for kidney. According to Estner it is from the name igida, by which it is called in India. JADEITE. A silicate of alumina and magnesia. It is an opaque stone, of a green colour mixed with white. It is often used in India for sword-handles and other ornaments. The Chinese variety is of a delicate green. The rude figures of green colour, not transparent, mixed with white, carved and skilfully polished, found in tombs in Mexico, are of this stone. It was named Chalchituitl by the Aztecs, who held it in high estimation. The elaborate clasp fastening the monarch Montezuma's imperial robe was of this stone. It was supposed by the Spaniards to be an inferior emerald (baja esmeralda). quarries extend over an irregular belt of a mile or so in length, and 200 or 300 feet in breadth along the mountain side, and in this space there are the entrances of at least 100 mines. " Jade-rocks were often many feet in thickness. The colour of the cut surface varies from a light straw-green, through the diffe- rent shades of green up to nearly black. The latter resembles the nephrite of Siberia." " The Jade Quarries of Kuen-lun," by Cayley. Macmillan's Magazine, Oct., 1871. Dr. Rennie (" Peking and the Pekingese," vol. i. p. 291) mentions seeing at Peking a very rare variety of green jade, to which great value is attached. It was termed Fate-su-ee. SILICATES. 35 LABRADORITE, OR LABRADOR FELSPAR. A silicate of alumina, lime, and potash. It exhibits beautiful chatoyant and golden reflections, and is usually of greyish-blue colour. It is found in Canada, Norway, and Sweden, and on the coast of Labrador, whence it was origi- nally brought, and hence derives its name. It occurs also in the Oriental verde antique of Greece, and in porphyries. From its play of colour and chatoyant reflections it is some- times used in jewellery for ornamental purposes, and also for carving grotesque heads in relief. OBSIDIAN. It consists in general of 80 silica, 10 alumina, with various minor percentages of potash, soda, lime, oxide of iron. It is a volcanic glass of various colours, but usually black or greenish-black; a green variety occurs in Cali- fornia. The principal localities in which it is found are Iceland, Siberia, Hungary, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Ascension, Teneriffe, the Lipari Islands, Mexico, Peru, Madagascar, South Sea Islands, Melos, and other islands in the Grecian Archipelago, California, and N.W. America. It is remarkable for its perfect conchoidal fracture, and for its sharp, cutting edges, advantage of which was taken by the ancient Mexicans, the inhabitants of Teneriffe, and other primitive races, who made it into arrow-heads, knife- blades, razors, &c. The ancient inhabitants of Mexico, and also the Romans, made mirrors of obsidian, and sometimes used it as a gem. AGALMATOLITE. A silicate of alumina and potash. Its usual colour is white or red, or both colours intermingled in bands and D 2 36 PRECIOUS STONES. patches. It is also called figure-stone, pagodite, and is brought from China, carved into grotesque figures and seals. It is distinguished by its chemical composition from steatite, which always contains magnesia, but no potash. STEATITE. A silicate of magnesia, of various tints of white, grey, yellow, green, and red. It has generally a soft and unctuous feel, and yields to the nail, but does not adhere to the tongue; It is also called soapstone. The white variety is carved into beautiful ornaments at Agra, in India. SELENITE. A hydrated sulphide of lime, a translucent variety of gypsum. It is frequently used for ornamental purposes for necklaces, bracelets, &c. TURQUOISE. A phosphate of alumina, tinted with phosphate of iron, and phosphate of copper, of a beautiful sky-blue. It occurs reniform, stalactitic. This is the true turquoise de la vieille roche, the Oriental or mineral kind. The best comes from Persia, from the mines of Ansar, near Nishapur, in Khorasan. It has also been found in Arabia Petrasa. It takes a fine polish, and is much employed in jewellery, cut in low cabochon. It is much used in Oriental countries for ornamenting swords, daggers, cups, &c. This stone is very liable to lose its colour under the action of alkalies, such as . are contained in soap, or even by exposure to the light and the action of the air. The Mexicans had also a turquoise which they used, as the Persians have always done, to orna- ment objects in clustered masses. There is also a green variety. TURQUOISE. 37 According to Mr. Eastwick, in the Persian Treasury is the finest turquoise in the world, three or four inches long and without a flaw. ODONTOLITE. Odontolite, or turquoise de la nouvelle roche, also termed occidental, or bone turquoise, appears to be bone or ivory- coloured by oxide of copper. It is found in Languedoc. The colour is generally fine, but of an inky-blue, which is never seen in the Persian turquoise. Its texture is very compact. 38 PRECIOUS STONES. PRECIOUS OPAL. OPAL is a hydrate of silica, consisting of from 90 to 95 of silica, and 5 to 10 of water. There are several varieties. The most highly prized is the noble or precious opal, which exhibits a rich play of prismatic colours, which flash from minute fissures apparently striated with microscopic lines, due it may be to lamina, formed by incipient crystalli- zation. The colour is not due to any colouring matter, but is in consequence of the diffraction of the light produced by these fine lines. When held between the eye and the light it appears of a pale red and wine-yellow tint, with a milky transparency. By reflected light it displays the most beautiful iridescent colours, green, yellow, red, blue, violet. It is always cut with a convex surface. Fine stones are extremely rare, and seldom large. This variety is called the Harlequin opal. Golden opal is a term applied to that variety in which only one colour, an orange-yellow, is present. The common varieties do not exhibit the peculiar play of colours termed opalescence. They are sometimes made into pins, cane-heads, and other ornaments. The finest opal of modern times was the Empress Josephine's, entitled the "Burning of Troy," from the innumerable red flames blazing on its surface, the reverse being perfectly opaque. The largest opal known is in the Imperial Cabinet of Vienna. It is the size of a man's fist, and weighs seventeen PRECIOUS OPAL. 39 ounces, but is full of fissures. Good specimens may be seen in the Townshend Collection, S.K.M. The opal is found in Hungary, Mexico, and Honduras, and in small rounded pieces in sand, in Ceylon. FIRE OPAL Is a rich hyacinth-red variety of opal, from Mexico. It is also called Girasol and Sun opal. A fine specimen is in the Beresford Hope Collection, S.K.M. HYALITE. A semi-transparent variety of opal, occurring in small reniform, botryoidal forms, resembling glass. HTDROPHANE. A variety of opal of a dull appearance, but which when immersed in water acquires all the opalescent tints of the precious opal. It is also of an opaque yellow, which when moistened becomes quite transparent. It adheres to the tongue. Its name is derived from t>Swp, water, and a<; opvKros, or fossil ivory of Theophrastus, is, probably, the odontolite, or bone turquoise de la nouvelle roche. The word yu,eAaiva, applied to it by Theophrastus, evidently means deep blue, as Dr. Hill suggests, as he applies a similar word to sapphirus or lapis- lazuli. OPALUS. OPAL. " Of all precious stones," Pliny says, " it is opal that presents the greatest difficulties of description, displaying at once the piercing fire of carbunculus, the purple bril- liancy of amethystus, and sea-green of smaragdus, the whole blended together, and refulgent with a brightness that is quite incredible. India is the sole parent of these precious stones. This stone, in consequence of its extraordinary beauty, has been called 'paederos' (lovely youth), by many authors; and some who make a distinct species of it say that it is the same as the stone that in India is called sangenon. These last-mentioned stones, it is said, are found in Egypt, also Arabia, and of very inferior quality in Pontus." Pliny mentions also, as being in existence in his time, a stone of the size of a hazel nut, on account of which Antonius proscribed the senator Nonius. On being pro- scribed, Nonius took to flight, carrying with him, out of all his wealth, nothing but that stone, the value of which was estimated at vicies U.S., 20,000. of our money. There can be no doubt of this stone, described by Pliny, being the opal of modern times. " Some mineralogists," Mr. King writes, " doubt the fact that any region of the East Indies ever produced the true, merely because no such gem is now brought from G 2 84 ANTIQUE GEMS. thence; but the same argument applies here as in the case of the true emerald, not at this moment found in that country, formerly the principal source of the stone." " The precious opal," Mr. Maskelyne says, " is so rare a stone, that with our mining enterprise and geological research over the far vaster world of modern geography, we know of only two certain localities for it, in Hungary and Mexico." It is said, however, to be found in small rounded pieces in sand, in Ceylon, whence probably the Romans obtained it. Mr. Maskelyne mentions a quartz in the trap rocks of the ghauts above Bombay, which sometimes shows an iridescence on certain of its crystal plains that seems to be due to the presence of this kind of opal. This may be the sangenon of India. The stones of Egypt and Arabia are likely to be of a similar substance. " From its enormous value," Mr. King writes, " as well as on account of its fragile nature, the opal must have been rarely submitted to the skill of the Roman engraver, for the earlier Greeks were totally unacquainted with the gem." Hence Professor Urlicks justly pronounces unique the opal of the (former) Praun Collection, engraved with the head of Sol between those of Jupiter and Luna. The somewhat debased style," Mr. King remarks, " shows it to be a work of the Lower Empire." Another magnificent opal, though corroded by time, set in a cabalistic ring of the thirteenth century, is now in the Braybrooke Collection. MITHRAX. MATRIX OP OPAL. The mithrax, which Pliny tells us comes from Persia and the mountains of the Red Sea, a stone of numerous colours, and reflecting various tints when exposed to the sun, may be identified with the matrix of opal, which ANTIQUE GEMS. 85 exhibits various opalescent tints, from the veins of opal running through the porphyry stone. ANTHRACITIS. HYDROPHANE. " There is a stone," Pliny says, " found in Thesprotia, known as anthracitis, resembling a burning coal in appear- ance, and which when drenched with water becomes doubly glowing. Some of these stones," he adds, " are said to be surrounded with a vein of white." These pecu- liarities would lead us to identify this stone with hydro- phane, which acquires all the beautiful opalescent tints of the opal when immersed in water. The vein of white is evidently cacholong, which is frequently associated with hydrophane. CRYSTALLUS. CRYSTAL. Rock crystal was supposed by the ancients to be a kind of ice, and that it was a substance which assumed a con- crete form from excessive congelation. Hence its name from the Greek /cpvo?, cold. According to Pliny, the best crystal came from India, but that found on the Alpine heights was also highly valued. It was never used for iutagli by the Greeks or in the Roman period. It was exclusively employed for vases and cups. Nero is known to have possessed two very sumptuous vases of this material sculpture, with subjects from the Iliad, both of which we are told he dashed to pieces in a paroxysm of rage, when he received the tidings that all was lost. Pliny relates that there was such a mania for it, that a Roman lady, who was by no means rich, gave 150,000 sesterces for a single bowl, made of crystal. According to Pliny, Xenophanes speaks of having seen a vase of crystal, which held one amphora. Pliny also men- 86 ANTIQUE GEMS. tions, as the largest work of crystal that has ever been beheld, the one that was consecrated by Julia Augusta in the Capitol, and which weighed about 150 pounds. Under the Lower Empire, crystal seems to 'iave been much in use for making solid finger-rings, carve 1 out of a single piece, the face engraved with some intaglio serving for a signet. In Italy, during the Renaissance period, some important intagli in crystal have been executed. Valerio Vicentino was famous for this style of work. In the Cinque-cento Collection in the museum at Naples is a magnificent casket of silver, gilt, with engraved plaques of crystal, representing mythological subjects, and various events in the history of Alexander the Great, in complimentary allusion to the achievements of Alessandro Farnese, to whom it belonged. It bears the name of Joannes di Bernardi. A casket of rock crystal, on which are engraved the events of the Passion, by Valerio Vicentino, is in the cabinet of gems in the Florentine Gallery. It was a present from Pope Clement VII. to Francis I., on the marriage of his niece, Catherine di Medici. Crystal has been often used, both in ancient and modern times, for the purpose of fraud. In Pliny's time the art was well known how to stain crystal, so as to pass for emerald or any other transparent precious stone. AMETHYSTUS. AMETHYST. Among stones of a purple colour, Pliny gives the first rank to the amethyst of India, a stone which is also found, he says, in the part of Arabia that adjoins Syria, and is known in Petra, as also in Lesser Armenia, Egypt, and Ga- latia ; the very worst of all and the least valued being those of Pharos and Cyprus. Another variety approaches more ANTIQUE GEMS. 87 nearly the hyacinthus (sapphire) in colour : the people of India call this tint socon, and the stone itself socondion. Another was in colour like that of wine, and a last variety but little valued, bordering very closely upon that of crystal, the purple gradually passing off into white. A fine ame- thyst should always have, when viewed sideways (in suspectu), and held up to the light, a certain purple effulgence, like that of carbunculus, slightly inclining to a tint of rose. To these stones the names of pcederos and ' Venus' eyelid ' ( Veneris gena, 'A^poS^TTys /3Aeapov) were given, being con- sidered as particularly appropriate to the colour and general appearance of the gem. The name which these stones bear, originates, it is said, in the peculiar tint of their brilliancy, which, after closely approaching the colour of wine, passes off into a violet, without being fully pronounced. "All these stones," Pliny adds, " are transparent, and of an agreeable violet colour, and are easy to engrave. Those of India have in perfection the very richest shades of purple." At the present day the finest amethysts come from India, and lapidaries apply the term Oriental to the amethystine quartz when of a very brilliant violet tint, and of two shades of colour (qualities distinguishing the Indian from the German). This stone must be, however, carefully distin- guished from the true Oriental amethyst, which is a sapphire of a violet colour. " Intagli of all dates," Mr. King says, " and in every style, occur upon amethysts, but so much more generally on the pale sort that an engraving upon one of a rich dark colour, may, on that very ground, be suspected as modern. Although the amethyst came into use amongst the earliest materials used by the gem engraver, for we nd in it an abundance of Egyptian charms (pendants for necklaces), in ANTIQUE GEMS. the form of vases, shells, bands, &c., and sometimes Scara- bsei, the last of Etruscan work also, and Roman intagli in it are sufficiently numerous, yet it is a singular fact that we rarely meet with works in the highest style executed in this material. Probably the superior kind was too precious to be so employed, whilst the paleness of the other and cheaper sorts was repugnant to the taste of first-rate artists." 6 Some fine Greek intagli occur in this stone. Mr. King mentions, among others, the Marlborough Omphale, on an amethyst (of the Indian kind) of superior lustre and rich- ness of colour, and the Berlin Atalanta engraved on a large circular convex stone. Among other celebrated engravings Diana of Appollonius. Pallas of Eutyches. Medusa. in amethyst are the Pallas of Eutyches, deeply engraved on' a pale amethyst, the Achilles Citharredus of Pamphilus (Paris). The Diana, of Appollonius (Naples), the Medusa (Blacas), the Mecasnas of Dioscorides (Paris), a head of Pan, deeply sunk in a pale amethyst inscribed 2KYAAH, in the Blacas Collection. In the Devonshire Collection is a magnificent amethyst intaglio, bearing the bust of Shappur I. " Natural History of Gems," p. 31. ANTIQUE GEMS. of the race of the Sassanides. 7 This stone (\\ x 1 inch oval) forms the centre in the comb 8 belonging to the parure of antique gems, the property of the Duke of Devonshire. In the Florentine collection is a large amethyst with the portrait of Mithridates the Great. " Heads, and even busts," Mr. King writes, " both in full and in half relief, often occur of antique workmanship in this stone, as some perfectly-preserved remains show they served to complete statuettes in the precious metals. The grandest of Medusa heads, the Blacas, is carved out of an amethyst of the dark- est violet, two inches in diameter." According to some authorities, the name amethyst has been derived from a not, peOvw to intoxicate, on account of its being a supposed preservative against inebriety. Von Hammer suggests the Persian shemest as the true origin of the word. CRATERITES. YELLOW QUARTZ. Craterites, which Pliny describes as in colour a medium between chrysolithus and amber, and as remarkable for its hardness, may be a yellow quartz which is often met with of a rich orange yellow, partaking of the colour of amber. Pliny's Pontic Chrysolectri, and his Chrysolithus, twelve pounds in weight, may be also identified with yellow quartz. Yellow crystal was seldom engraved upon by the ancients. Only a few examples are known. The best are a head of Julia Titi (Rhodes), a replica of the famous beryl of 7 According to Mr. Thomas, the legend surrounding the central portrait proves that it constituted the royal signet of Bahrain Ker- man Shah, the son and second eventual successor of Sapor the Great, (Postumus, A.D. 310. 381), so celebrated in the wars of the Lower Empire as the too-successful opponent of the Byzantine Constantius. 3 See frontispiece. 90 ANTIQUE GEMS. Evodus, and a large double uneven stone of great lustre, covered with a Gnostic formula on both sides (British Museum). An intaglio with the head of Horace, in the Blacas Collection, is also of yellow crystal. Cinque-cento and recent engravers have largely turned to account this material. Citrine or yellow-green quartz was sometimes used by the ancients for intagli. This stone and yellow quartz are the only yellow stones which have come down to us from antiquity. It would appear that yellow stones were not in favour with the Romans, with the exception of those partaking of an orange tint. Yellow was, however, a colour much affected by the Greeks in their choice of gems ; with the Romans, as children of Mars, red was the favourite. IRIS. Pliny mentions this stone as found in a certain island of the Red Sea, forty miles distant from the city of Berenice. It is partly composed of crystal, and is hexahedral in form, like crystal. It takes its name iris from the properties which it possesses ; for, when struck by the rays of the sun in a covered spot it projects upon the nearest walls the form and diversified colours of the rainbow. Opinion seems divided as to whether this is Hyaline quartz iridized internally (called at the present day iris) or the prismatic crystals of limpid quartz, which decompose the rays of the sun. SANDASTROS (female). AVANTURINE. The female sandastros, which Pliny describes as possess- ing a flame of a more softened nature, and which may be pronounced to be lustrous rather than brilliant, is doubtless the stone termed avanturine. Pliny further writes that ANTIQUE GEMS. 91 " Isinenias asserts that sandastros, in consequence of its extreme softness, will not admit of being polished." This can alone be applied to the male sandastros (sunstone), which being a felspar is softer in its nature than the female sandastros (avanturine quartz). One point, Pliny adds, upon which all the authorities are agreed is, that the greater the number of stars upon this stone the more costly it is in price. The best specimens of sunstone and avanturine present a number of starlike specks in it, the first being scales of oxide of iron, and in the second minute spangles of mica. Hammichrysos, which Pliny describes as resembling sand in appearance, but sand mixed with gold, was evidently another name for this stone. SANDARESOS. GREEN AVANTURINE. Pliny tells us that a stone of the name of sanclaresos is mentioned by Nicander as a native of India as well as sandastros. The colour of it is that of an apple, or of green oil, and no one sets any value on it. This is un- doubtedly the green avanturine, which comes from India. SARDIUS. SARD. The sardius of the ancients is the rich and bright red, or yellowish red chalcedony, or Oriental carnelian. According to Pliny it derived its name from Sardis, where it was first found, but modern writers derive it from zerd, the Persian for yellow, the yellow sard being the stone most affected by the Greeks. The red was the favourite of the Romans. or"ll inches, is "le Grand Camee de France," known as the Agate of the Sainte Chapelle, repre- senting the Triumph of Germanicus, and the Apotheosis of Augustus. This stone has also five strata. Gemma Augustea. Third in point of magnitude, but superior as a work of art, is the " Gemma Augustea " of Vienna, the subject of which is the reception of Drusus (father of Germanicus) by Augustus as Jupiter, and Livia as Roma after his victory ANTIQUE GEMS. 99 over the Rhasti and Vendelici, B.C. 1 7. Its shape is ellipti- cal, 9x8 inches. It has only two layers. In the Marlborough Collection is, perhaps, the most extraordinary sardonyx in the world, for it presents stratp- of transparent sard, purple, or rather lilac, opaque white, and a ground of opaque black colours not united in any other example known to the world. It bears in flat relief two imperial busts, attributed without much reason to Didius Julianus and Manlia Scantilla. It is a very late and tame work, and may have belonged to some series of imperial portraits wrought at a late period, Tazza F*rnese. ii 2 100 ANTIQUE GEMS. so late a period, perhaps, as the age of Constantine, but it presents no marked likeness to any imperial pair of heads. It is 8 inches wide by 6 deep. The Tazza Farnese in the museum at Naples is a beautiful specimen of sardonyx, 8 inches in diameter. In the inner portion of the tazza is a cameo, the subject of which is supposed to be The Prosperity of Egypt. The outer portion is ornamented with the head of Medusa in relief. The Gonzaga or Odescalchi Cameo. According to Visconti the portraits are those of Ptolemy Euergetes and Berenice. Mr. King finds a resemblance in the male head to that of Nero, and the female to Agrippina. It is a sardonyx of three strata, but is 1 composed of several pieces. The collars and ornaments given to each head conceal the joinings. Size 6x5 inches. It is now in the Imperial Collection of Russia. The two-handled cup or carchesium of St. Denis, usually ANTIQUE GEMS. 101 styled the cup of the Ptolemies, is made of a splendid sar- donyx, 5 inches high. Its sculptures represent masks, vases, and other Bacchic emblems. It was supposed to have been executed for Ptolemy Dionysus, but, as Mr. King says, it may be assigned to Nero, a great amateur in vases of this material. Another celebrated vase of sardonyx is the Brunswick vase, which represents the myth of Ceres in search of Proserpine, and that of Triptolemus. It is an alabastron, or tall perfume jar, with narrow neck; 5 inches high by 2 in the greatest diameter. Its style is supposed to indicate the age of the Antonines. Augustus. The noble bust of Augustus, with the aegis on the breast, in the Blacas Collection, is a cameo of sardonyx of three layers. It is of an oval form, measuring 5i inches by 3|. It has been generally considered to belong to the Augustan age. The variety termed chalcedonyx, in which antique camei sometimes occur, is not mentioned by any ancient writer, 102 ANTIQUE GEMS. A cameo of this stone of two layers, white and grey, repre- senting Neptune and Amymone, is in the possession of the author. ONYX. Numerous and conflicting are the definitions of onyx given by ancient writers. Theophrastus defines onyx as a mixture of white and dark brown placed alternately. Pliny gives different descriptions of the Indian and Arabian varieties of onyx according to Zenothemis and Sotacus, and tells us that Sudines says that in this stone there is a white portion which resembles the white of the human finger-nail, in addition to the colours of chrysolithus, sarda, and iaspis, and lastly says that the real onyx, according to Satyrus, has numerous veins of variegated colours, inter- spersed with others of a milk-white hue. Kohler makes the following distinctions between onyx and sardonyx, basing his view on the definitions of onyx given by ancient writers. " The question, how is the onyx to be distinguished from the sardonyx, is now easily to be answered out of Pliny. As far as regards the substance and the colours, both are one and the same stone. It is called onyx when the red, brown, or yellow ground is covered with white veins irregularly and capriciously dis- posed. If therefore these veins formed sometimes stripes, sometimes spots, sometimes eyes, then was the stone the onyx. But if the various colours of this stone lay in regu- lar strata, one over the other, then it became the sardonyx." The onyx of the ancients would thus appear to be our agate, an irregularly-stratified stone, the layers of which are wavy and often concentric, and the sardonyx the regu- larly stratified stone. The description, however, of Theophrastus and of the Arabian onyx would seem to point to the onyx as consisting v ANTIQUE GEMS. 103 of parallel horizontal white and black layers, like the onyx of our day. In the modern acceptation of the word, onyx is defined as consisting of only two layers, a white over a black. The onyx or agate seems to have been in much use among the ancients for vases. The earliest notice extant of onyx vases occurs in Appian (Bell. Mith., 115), where he enumerates amongst the treasures of Mithridates, captured at Talaura, 2000 vessels of onyx (\i6ov o^in'Sos). Posido- uius describes a collection of onyx bowls, found in nests, and Epiphanius speaks of the Oriental princesses as delighting in drinking-vessels cut out of the onyx. Fragments of cups of onyx (agate) are frequently found among Roman ruins. In the possession of the author are some fragments of these cups, which present all the irregu- larly-stratified features of the onyx as defined by Kohler, and as described by Satyr us. The banded, or so-called tri-coloured agate, so cut that the strata are seen crossing the stone, was much affected in the earlier, and also common in the late phase of ripened Greek taste, especially in Magna Grecia. The finest onyxes or agates came from India in ancient times. They are mentioned by the author of the " Periplus of the Red Sea," as being brought from Ozene (Ougein) down to Baryguza (Broach, in the Gulf of Carnbay) for exportation. At the present day a great abundance of the finest varie- ties of agates or onyx-stones come from the Nerbudda, and from Malwa, above the Vindhyas. JASP-ONYX. Pliny's " onychi juncta quae jasp-ouyx vocatur," Mr. King writes, is indicated by the very composition of the name, as 104 ANTIQUE GEMS. that extremely rare onyx, in which a true opaque red jasper is superimposed upon a plasma, to use modern terms. In such material was engraved the wonderful Corinthian helmet, the glory of the (old) Poniatows'ky cabinet. BELI OCULUS. EYE ONYX. Beli oculus, which Pliny describes as a stone of a whitish hue, surrounding a black pupil in the middle, which shines amid a lustre like that of gold, was only some highly- shaded variety of the eye onyx. Pliny adds, " This stone, in consequence of its singular beauty, has been consecrated to the Deity (Bel), and held in the highest veneration by the people of Assyria." It is much prized at the present day in India. Another variety of the eye onyx is Leucopthalmos, which he describes as of a reddish-hue, and presenting all the appearance of an eye, in white and black. ^EGYPTILLA. NICOLO. " The stone commonly known by that name," Pliny writes, " is black at the lower part, and blue on the surface." This is an exact description of the variety of onyx known as nicolo, consisting of a layer of a bluish tint over black. When used for an intaglio, the design was cut down through the blue layer into the black. Intagli in this stone are invariably in the Eoman manner, and in style all posterior to the reign of Nero. They usually have bevil edges. The nicolo continued to be a rather favourite stone so long as gem-engraving existed as an art, and among the gems of the Sassanian empire we find mingled with many luminous and lovely sards, and with transcendent garnets, ANTIQUE GEMS. 105 nicolos presenting the finest contrasts in their colours, all these stones carrying the singular and rudely-worked sub- jects which seem to have represented an art inherited from the days of Mesopotamian cylinders, and Persian conical stamps, but modified in its technique by the introduction of methods, especially the use of a coarse wheel from the West. Mr. King mentions a splendid specimen of an intaglio in this stone formerly in the Hertz collection. It is an oval nearly 2 inches high, of the richest blue and black, engraved in a very bold manner, with Apollo resting his lyre on a column, and standing before a tali smoking tripod. A nicolo with the head of Caracalla is in the Blacas Collec- tion. PRASIUS. PLASMA. The prasius of Pliny is a plasma, a chalcedony of leek- green colour, with a waxy lustre. By Pliny it is con- sidered the commonest among the numerous kinds of green stones. It was extensively used for intagli among the Romans at a later period, the subjects engraved being mythological figures, such as Victories, Venus and the Graces, Eagles, &c., of a late epoch of Rome. Mr. King mentions only one intaglio in plasma possessing great artistic merit a bust of Severus, in a large gem of remarkable beauty, in the British Museum. Camei in this stone are abundant, but seem, with few exceptions, to belong to the times of the Renaissance or later. Plasma di smeraldo and prasina, terms by which this stone is known in Italy, are corruptions of prasius. According to an authority, the o/x ANTIQUE GEMS. 133 and thirty columns of larger size were erected in the banqueting-room of Caliistus. St. Mark's " alabaster box of ointment " (aXa/Sdcrrpov fj.vpov vapSov), and Horace's " nardi parvus onyx " were of this material. In the passage of Propertius, " Et crocino nares murrhetts ungat onyx " (L. iii. El. x.) the " murrheus onyx " is evidently also alabaster, the epithet " murrheus " being added, from the resemblance of this onyx in its winding zones and layers to those of the murrhina or fluor spar. The ointment was sealed up in small ala- baster jars. They were never to be opened, but to let the scent escape slowly and sparingly through the porous stone. From the above passage it would appear that the ointment exuded through the porous alabaster, and anointed the nostrils. The Egyptian squat jars, generally termed canopi, which contained the principal intestines of the mummy they are found in connexion with, are generally of this material. In Sir John Soane's Museum is a sarcophagus cut out of a single block of Oriental alabaster ; it is covered inside as well as outside with hieroglyphics. In the museum of the Vatican are some magnificent vases and baths of this beautiful stone. Superb examples of the magnificence of Caliistus in using columns of this beautiful material are still preserved in some of the older Roman churches, relics of the times alluded to by Pliny, but none have ever approached to the magnitude of those presented by Mohammed AH to the new fabric of St. Paolo fuori le Mura, columns and pilasters, forty feet long, each of a single block and the most beautiful quality. Under this Pasha the ancient Egyptian quarries 134 ANTIQUE GEMS. had been reopened, and furnished the material of which his sumptuous mausoleum at Cairo is exclusively constructed, ft piece of extravagance beyond the ambition of even Nero. 8 BASANITES. BASALT. " The Egyptians," Pliny writes, " have discovered in ./Ethiopia the stone known as * basanites,' which in colour and hardness resembles iron, whence the name has been given to it. A larger block of it has never been known than the one forming the group which has been dedicated by the Emperor Vespasianus Augustus in the Temple of Peace. It represents the river Nilus, with sixteen children sporting around it, symbolical of the sixteen cubits, the extreme height to which, in the most favourable seasons, that river should rise." The basanites described here by Pliny is the stone known at the present day under the name of basalt, an igneous rock of a deep black, but showing a tinge of green when viewed at a certain angle, and of an extremely fine grain. Intagli and scarabaei of a very late period among the Egyptians are to be met with of this material. There are also some Gnostic amulets of this stone. It was frequently employed for statues by the Egyptians, and by the Eomans of the age of Hadrian. Basalt was also known as Marmor Tliebaicum. PORPHYRITES LEPTOSEPHOS. PORPHYRY. The porphyrites leptosephos, which Pliny describes " as the production of Egypt, and of a red colour mottled 8 C. W. King, "Natural History of Geins," p. 21. ANTIQUE GEMS. 135 with white blotches," is undoubtedly porphyry, a stone of a dark crimson ground, thickly disseminated with white crystals of felspar. Pliny further states that the quarries in Egypt are able to furnish blocks of any dimensions, how- ever large. Talismanic intagli of a late Roman date occasionally occur in this stone. Under the Lower Empire it was largely employed in the most sumptuous edifices then erected, in the forms of columns, of labra for baths, and of sarcophagi. The Sarcophagus of the Empress Helena in the Vatican is made out of a single block 19| palms high by 12 long (13 X 8 feet) of this stone, of the finest texture and deepest colour. The sarcophagus of Constantia, daughter of Con- stantine, is also cut out of a single block of the same stone (7* X 5J feet). The lower parts of later Imperial busts, having the head alone in white marble or bronze, were occasionally carved of this material. It was also employed by Italian artists at the Revival. The porphyrites of Pliny is the red marble known among the fragments found at Rome as rosso antico. OPHITES. SERPENTINE. The ophites marble, which Pliny describes as marked with white streaks, which resemble serpents in appearance, and which derives its name from this, is identified with the serpentine so frequently met with among Roman ruins, and which has been termed serpentino antico. It is of a dark dull-green colour, with long, whitish spots. Egyptian scarabasi, bearing hieroglyphics, frequently 136 ANTIQUE GEMS. occur of this material. Gems of a late Roman period are sometimes met with in serpentine. 9 SYENITES. GRANITE. " In the neighbourhood of Syene," Pliny says, " in The- bais, there is a stone found that is now known as syenites, but was formerly called pyrrho-paecilon." This can be no other than the well-known Egyptian stone, granite, a primi- tive rock whose constituent parts are felspar, quartz, and mica. This red or Egyptian variety of granits (the red felspar predominating) was principally used by the Egyp- tians for their statues and obelisks. " Monarchs," Pliny writes, " have entered into a sort of rivalry with one an- other in forming elongated blocks of this stone, known as obelisks, and consecrated to the divinity of the sun." 1 The variety of granite called at the present day syenite is composed of felspar, quartz, and hornblende. Though 9 A portion of an ancient dish, found at Ostia, of antigorite (ser- pentine), is in the possession of the author. 1 " The hieroglyphics in the obelisks are rather engraved than sculp- tured, and, judging from the minute manner in which they are exe- cuted, we may suppose they adopted the same process as engravers, and even, in some instances, employed the wheel and drill. That they were acquainted with the use of emery powder is not at all improbable, since, being found in the islands of the Archipelago, it was within their reach ; and if this be admitted, we can account for the admirable finish and sharpness of the hieroglyphics on granite and basaltic monuments, and explain the reason of their preferring tools of bronze to those of harder and more tempered steel, for it is evident the powder enters more readily into the former, and its action upon the stone is increased in proportion to the quantity re- tained by the point of the chisel, whence we prefer tools of soft iron to hard steel for the same purpose." Sir Gardner Wilkinson, " Ancient Egyptians," vol. ii. p. 157. ANTIQUE GEMS. 137 deriving its name from Syene, in Egypt, but little of it is met with in that place, the rock there being chiefly granite. The syenites of antiquity was the red Egyptian granite of Syene. It was the Ai'0os AI&OTTIKOS TTOLKL\OO. Black jasper. Julius Cassar, full face, inscribed AIO2KOPIAO2. Hya- cinthine garnet. Julius Caesar. Sardoine. Livia Augusta, her head veiled, and wheat-crowned as a Ceres ; surrounded by seven groups in relief of objects, the recognized attributes of all the other goddesses. Agate onyx. Livia, with the attributes of Ceres, in a car drawn by elephants. Yellow sard. Portraits of Germanicus and Agrippina, held up by a Victory. Onyx. Galba. Sard. Vespasian. Sard. Hadrian. Sard. Sabina, inscribed ANTIOXIC. Sard. Heads of Commodus and Hercules. Sard. Caracalla ; on the reverse Plautilla. Nicolo. Called Caracalla, but supposed with more probability to be Galerius Maximian ; 2 in. by 1| in. Onyx, two layers. Head of Gordian. Sard. Heads of Carinus and Magnia Urbica. Red jasper. Silanus and Messalina. Red jasper. Plato with Psyche-wings attached to his temples, and represented as a terminal bust. Sardoine. Horace. In the field the letter H. Yellow quartz. Herodes Atticus. Sard. Posidonius. Sard. IN THE B LAC AS COLLECTION. 155 ETRUSCAN AND ARCHAIC SCARAB^EI. Herakles slaying Kyknos, inscribed HEPKAE KYKNE in Etruscan characters. Burnt sard. Herakles approaching the warm springs of Himera, indi- cated by a stream issuing from a lion's mouth. Burnt amethyst. Herakles seated on the funeral pile. Banded agate. Kapaneus struck by a thunderbolt, kneeling on one knee ; on the back of the Scarabseus, in low relief, a male figure, from whose left arm hangs a vase. Banded agate. A warrior kneeling, armed with a bow and club ; a ser- pent approaches to bite his foot. This figure has been called Orion. Sard. Patroklos taking leave of Achilles on going to battle. Sard. Herakles and Hermes. Sard. Wounded warrior at the feet of another warrior, im- ploring his life. Banded agate. Ulysses, entering his house, is recognized by his dog. Sard. Apollo holding out a faun. Sard. Apollo Hyakinthios. Sard. Hermes kneeling on a tortoise. Sard. Tantalus trying to drink. Sard. ' Danaides carrying water-pitchers. Sard. Sisyphus. Sard. Head of the Indian Bacchus. Green jasper. DEVONSHIRE GEMS. 1 AMONG the most remarkable antique gems in the Devon- shire Parure are the following : THE COMB. Head of Leander. Onyx cameo. Bacchante and Centaur. Onyx cameo. Bust of King Shahpur. Intaglio. Amethyst. Faun dancing a young faun. Onyx cameo. THE STOMACHER. Head of Silenus. Garnet cameo. Head of Medusa. Hyacinthiue garnet. Cameo. Hercules strangling the giant Antaeus. Intaglio. Hya- cin thine garnet. Tiberius, sitting on a throne by the side of a veiled female, presenting a sword to a warrior (Drusus) who stands before him. Onyx cameo. 1 See Frontispiece. DEVONSHIRE GEMS. 157 The Emperor Alexander. Agathe-onyx cameo. Mars. Lapis-lazuli. Clotho, the youngest of the three Fates. Onyx cameo. Ganymede feeding an eagle. Intaglio. Sard. Head of Cupid. Intaglio. Sard. THE BANDEAU. Faun crowned with vine. Intaglio. Ruby. Head of Augustus. Intaglio. Sapphire. Head of Medusa. Cameo. Emerald. Diomed stealing the Palladium, inscribed AIO2KOYPIAOY. Intaglio. Sard. Minerva Victrix. Intaglio. Plasma. Head of Silenus. Cameo. Hyacinthine garnet. Venus and Cupid. Ruby. THE BRACELET. Terpsichore tuning a lyre. Intaglio. Garnet. THE NECKLACE. Daedalus. Intaglio. Sard. Head of ^Esculapius. Intaglio. Garnet. Julia Sabina, wife of Hadrian. Intaglio. Garnet. Venus Victrix. Onyx cameo. The Emperor Tiberius. Onyx cameo. Head of Mars. Intaglio. Sard. Head of Apollo. Intaglio. Sard. 158 DEVONSHIRE GEMS. THE DIADEM. Head of Socrates. Intaglio. Sard. Apollo with the lyre. Intaglio. Garnet. Lion. Cameo. Onyx. Emperor Commodus. Cameo. Onyx. A figure in a chariot with two horses. 2 Cameo. A figure in a chariot with two horses. Cameo onyx. Dancing figure of a Bacchante. Intaglio. Sard. THE CORONET. Bust of Clytia. Cameo. Onyx. A Dancing Bacchante. Intaglio. Sard. The Emperor Severus. Cameo. Amethyst. Head of Hercules. Intaglio. Lapis-lazuli. Head of Apollo. Intaglio. Amethyst. Achilles at the tomb of Patroclus. Intaglio. Sard. Among those exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, at the Loan Exhibition, 1872, the following are the most remarkable : Theseus standing regarding his father's sword. Intaglio. Sard. Scylla slaying a mariner. Sard. Achilles Citharosdus, inscribed HAM^IAOY. Sard. 2 The ground dark ; one of the horses of a bluish tinge, the other horse brown and white, with the mane blue ; the figure is blue with brown drapery. DEVONSHIRE GEMS. 159 Diomede, master of the Palladium, inscribed TNAIO2. Banded agate. Muse seated in a chair, tuning her lyre. Sard. Tiberius, when young. Sard. A cow lying down, inscribed AIIOAAONIAOY. Onyx. THE following extract from The Times, of Sept. 25, may prove not uninteresting to readers of this Manual : " A valuable addition has just been made to the collection of gems in the British Museum, through the acquirement by purchase of a splendid specimen of the Zircon or Jacinth. It cost upwards of 700/., and is no larger than a common garden pea. It is one of the finest known. It flashes and glows with a red lustre which seems to denote the actual presence of fire and flame." A notice has, however, since appeared in The Times to say that the price was not more than 70/. We are in a position to state, on the best authority, that this Jacinth weighs about 3 carats, and cost 121. INDEX. Achates, 108, Adamas, 58. w?Egyptilla, 104. Agalmatolite, 35. Agate, 47, 102, 108. Agate of the Salute Chapelle,98. Agathe-onyx, 46. Alabaster, 132. Almandine ruby, 18, 66. garnet, 21, 72. Amazon stone, 31, 79. Amber, 55, 117. Amethyst, 40, 86. Amethystus, 86. Anthracites, 85. "Avepat, 71. Aquamarine, 25. Asteria, 17, 66. Astrion, 65. Astrobolos, 110. Augustus (Blacas cameo), 101. Austrian diamond, 7. Avanturine, 42, 90. Azurite, 53, 114. Balas ruby, 18, 66. Banded agate, 46, 103. Basalt, 134. Basanites, 134. Beli-oculus, 104. Bel-occhio, 50. Berguem, Louis van, 5. Beryl, 25, 70. Beryllus, 70. Black jasper, 111. Black tourmaline, 30. Blue crystal, 41. Blue topaz, 26. Blue tourmaline, 30. Bohemian garnet, 21. Bort, 9. Brazilian diamonds, 2. sapphire, 26. ruby, 27. emerald, 30. Brecciated agate, 49. Brilliants, 4. Brunswick vase, 101. Cabochon, 17. Cacholong, 39. Callais, 81. Callaina, 81. Camei, 97. Cameo, Carpegna, 98. of the Sainte Chapelle 98. of Vienna, 98. Marlborough, 99. Farnese, 100. Gonzaga, 100. Augustus, 101. Cape diamonds, 3. Carbuncle, 21. 162 INDEX. Carbunculus Indie us, 62. Carbunculus garamanticus, 62, 71. Carbonado, 9. Carchedonia, 72. Carchesium of St. Denis, 100. Carnelian, 44, 91. Carpegna, cameo, 98. Cat's eye, 50, 110. Ceraunia, 66. Chalcedony, 43, 106. Chalcedonyx, 45, 101. Chalchituitl, 31, 81. Chalco-smaragdus, 68. Chatoyant sapphire, 17. Chessylite, 53. Chryselectrum, 74. Chryselectri, 89. Chrysoberyl, 19, 65. Egyptian jasper, 51. Eleuchi (pearls), 123. 5 E\e>os opvKrbs, 83. En cabochon, 17. Engraved diamonds, 5. 'Hpa/cXem \iOos, 115. Essonite, 21, 74. Euclase, 25. Eumithres, 80. Exaluminatge (pearls), 123. Eye agate, 49. Eye onyx, 104. False topaz, 41. Felspar, 31, 35. Female sapphire, 13. _ _ , rnmnt^ ^ sandastros, 96. Fortification agate, 49. Gagates, 116. Garnet, 20, 71. Gemma Augustea, 98. Gemme di Vesuvio, 32. Girasol, 39. Chrysolite, 27, 74. Hrvlnn 20 Orinnfnl 1Q Chrysolithus, 65, 89. Chrysoprase, 50, 80. Chrysoprasius, 76, 79. Chrysopteron, 75. Cinnamon stone, 21, 41. Citrine, 42, 65, 90. Coral, 56, 121. Corallis, 111. Corallium, 121. Cornaline, 44. Corundum, 10. Craterites, 89. Crocidolite, 31. Crown of the moon, 6. Crystal, 40, 85. Crystallus, 85. Cylinders, 107, 114, 116, Cymophane, 19, 66. Darnley jewel, 13. Darya-i-noor, 6. Dendrachates, 108. Diamond, 1, 62. Diopside, 32. Dioptase, 52, 68. Egyptian emerald, 67. Golden opal, 38. Gonzaga cameo, 100. Gorgonia, 122. Granite, 136. Green avanturine, 42, 91. Green jasper, 69, 112. chalcedony, 46, 50, 106. felspar, 31. jargoon, 76. tourmaline, 30. Guarnaccino, 21. Hammichrysos, 91. Harlequin opal, 38. Heliotrope, 47, 106. Heliotropium, 113. Heemachates, 119. Haematite, 52, 114. Hsematitis, 114. Hope diamond, 8. Hyacinth, 29, 74, 77. Hyacinthus, 63. INDEX. 163 Hyacinthine garnet, 21, 74, 77. Marcasite, 32. sard, 93. Margarita, 122. Hyalite, 39. Marlborough cameo, 99. Hydrophane, 39, 85. Matrix of opal, 39, 84. Hyperstene, 32. Mattam diamond, 6. Matura diamond, 28. Idocrase, 33. Melichrysos, 76. Indian diamond, 2. Minas novas, 27. Indian emeralds, 24. Mithrax, 84. ard 91 Mocha stone, 49, 109. Mogul diamond, 5. Indicolite, 30. Molochites, 112. lolite, 30, 64. Moonstone, 31, 78. Iris, 42, 90. Morio, 74. Jacinth, 29, 74, 77, 159. Jacut, 29, 64. Moss agate, 49, 109. Murrhina, 124. Jade, 33, 80, 81. Nassack diamond, 8. Jadeite, 34, 81. Nephrite, 33, 80. Jargoon, 28, 29, 76, 77. Nicolo, 46, 104. Jasper, 50, 110. Nilion, 80. Jaspis, 106. Noble serpentine, 33. of India, 106. aerizusa, 106. Obsidian, 35, 115. terebinthyusa, 106. monogrammos, 107. Jasper onyx, 46, 94. Obsidianum, 115. Odescalchi cameo, 100. Odontolite, 37, 83. Jasper agate, 46. Olivine, 18. Jasp-onyx, 103. Jaspro sanguineo, 51. "O|Ua, 105. Onyx, 44, 102, 132. Jet, 56, 116. Opal, 38, 83. Kimmeridge coal money, 117. Koh-i noor, 8. Kyanite, 31. Opalescent diamond, 3. sapphire, 17. Opaline, 43. Opalus, 83. Labradorite, 35. Lapis lazuli, 32, 77. Lasque diamonds, 4. Leucachates, 106. Ophites, 135. Oriental topaz, 16, 65. amethyst, 16, 63. emerald 16 68 Leucopthalmos, 104. aquamarine, 17. Lux sapphire, 16. ^^ t 9 l' Lychnis, 66. fL-^r^i/oT, '01 Lyncurium, 76. nardonvx 96 Magnes, 114. Magnetite, 52, 114. Orloff diamond, 6. Malachite, 53, 114. Male sapphire, 13. Pearl, 54, 122. carbunculus, 62. Peridot, 27, 75. garnets, 72, Pietra d'Egitto, 81. sandastros, 79. Piggott diamond, 8. M 2 164 INDEX. Pink topaz, 27. Pitt diamond, 7. Plasma, 46, 105. di smeraldo, 47, 105. Poenamu, 34. Porcelain jasper, 52. Porcellanite, 52. Porphyrites, 135. leptosephos, 134. Porphyry, 135. Prase, 43, 106. Prasius, 105, 113. sangnineis punctis,106. Precious garnet, 20. opal, 38. spinel, 18. Punctum lapidis, 60. Purpura, 131. Pyrope, 21. Quartz vitreous, 40. chalcedonic, 43. jaspery, 50. violet, 40. yellow, 41, 89. rose, 41. smoky, 42. . iridescent, 84. Eed chalcedony, 44. jasper, 111. sapphire, 10. Kegent diamond, 7. Eibbon agate, 49. jasper, 51. Eock crystal, 40. Eose diamond, 4. quartz, 41. Rosso antico, 135. Eubasse, 42. Eubellite, 29. Eubicelle, 18. Euby, 10, 62. of the Shah of Persia, 11. Sandaresos, 91. Sandastros (male), 79. (female), 96. Sangenon, 84. Sappheiros, 15. Sapphirus, 77. Sapphire, 13, 63. white, 15. yellow, 16, 65. violet, 16. green, 16. star, 17, 65. girasol, 17. chatoyant, 17. opalescent, 17. d'eau, 30. de France, 41. Sapphirine, 43, 106. Sarcophagus, 133, 135. Sard, 44, 48, 91. Sardachates, 109. Sardius, 91. Sardoine, 44, 93. Sardonyx, 45, 94. Scarabsei, 108, 112, 114, 115, 116, 134, 135, 137. Schorl, 30. Selenite, 36, 79. Selenitis, 79. Serpentine, 135. Sicilian agate, 48, 108. jasper, 51. Siderite, 29. Siriam garnet, 21. Smaragdus, 67. Scythian, 18, 67. Bactrian, 67. Egyptian, 67. medicus, 114. Smaragdachates, 109. Smoky quartz, 42. Solis gemma, 78. Sphragis, 112. Spinel ruby, 18, 62. Spinels, 18. Star of the South, 8. of South Africa, 8. sapphire, 17, 65. ruby, 17. garnet, 21, 73. Steatite, 36. Succinum, 117. Sun opal, 39. Sunstone, 31, 79, 91. Syenites, 136. Syrtites, 72. INDEX. 165 Tanos, 81. Tazza Farnese, 100. Terebinthyusa (jaspis), 106. Topaz, 26. oriental, 26. occidental, 26. blue, 26. white, 27. Unio (pearl), 123. Venneille, 21. Water sapphire, 18, 30. White carnelian, 43. topaz, 27. sapphire, 15. yellow, 26. rn'nlr 7 false, 41. Topazios, 74 Yellow Beryl, 25. chalcedony, 108. crystal, 41, 89, 90. Tourmaline, 29. red 9 jasper, 111. green, 30. blue, 30. yellow 30 sard, 93. topaz, 26. 5jiTVrm 28 1 'iQ Turquoise, 36, 81. Zoned agate, 49. LONDON : GILBERT AND RIVINGTON, PRINTERS, ST. JOHN'S SQUARE. RETURN EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY * 642-2997 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Books needed for class reserve are subject to immediate recal DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAR 2 200 FORM NO. DD8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 315 ,.Y,,9.BERKELEY LIBRARIES