EOPLE iktrhcrt bg HARLES EENE. Jfrora iijf Collcttion if "Sr. |inulj." JAMES R OSGOOD & CO Our People. ■•« i=HI«*- At Home. Our People. ••.•.J=HjH=^.. Street-Life. Our People. ".-►>:-*■«... In the Country. Our People. ••.^=;-*«s^" Travelling. Our People. ••.■^-»*^.. Professional. Our People. .«5=H(H=S^••• Ofticial. Our People. -.►>;-*«:—• In the Army. Our People. ■■-^•^••SS*- Art and Artists. Our People. ■■•<->}•*«••• Vol unteers. Our People. •.•■^=i-*«*.. At Business. Our People. ■•M.>H(K=S«. Domestics. Our People. Working Folk. Our People. ••.*>:■*&,*.. In Ireland. Our People. In Scotland. &€.. &c. II f E M T 1^7 --^ <» PAGE PAGE t PACE PAGE A^ustmeut -25 Bon Voyage! . 100, 152 Concert, the Morning 97 Distinction, a • . .51 A Fortiori . no Boon Companions . .96 Conclusive . . 58 Distracting . • ■ 47 Alarming .... 4.^ Boxing-Day . . . -55 Confederate, a Treacherous =3 District Visitor, Trials of a 127 Alma Mater ■ ■ . 50 Boys, those Dreadful . ■ So 'Confession .... 134 Durance 3 Angling Eitraordinary 81 Breaking the Ice 24, 156 in Confusion iS Duty and Pleasure . 69 Answer, a Soft . .22 Brie a Brae . ... 144 Confidence, in ... 98 • Anything for a Change .118 Brother Brush ■ ■ 84 Connoisseur, the 16 Education! . . 23, loi Appeal, a Final • ■ 37 Brushing Pa's New Hat . 136 Connoisseurs, the . 60 Embarrassing . . . • 50 Appearances . nS Business! ■ ■ 6g Conscience, a Guilty . 74 Encouraging! . 90, 145 Arbiter Elegantiarum . . 35 a Stroke of. . 135 Conscience Clause, the . lOI Equal to the Situation . 74 Arcadian Amenities . . 56 Bus-Measure 147 Considerate . 52 Exchange ! . . . . 25 Archery Meeting, the . . 76 By the Card . ■■41 Convalescent, the . 74 Excuse, a Perfect . . .107 Architecture (Irish) . .123 Cool Card, a 97 Exempli Gratia • . -102 Argnmentum ad Hominem 2 1 Candid .... 132 Cricket .... 23 Extenuating Circumstances 70 Artful-Very! • • 57 Canny • . 68, 122 Criticism, Considerate 109 Extortion . • • -130 Artist. Our . .54 Casual Acquaintance, a . 43 Legitimate . 127 Art-School Conversazione, Catechism under DifBculties 78 Culture for the Working Fahrenheit .... 107 Our 119 Cavalry Criticism . . . 142 Classes • 43 Failiiig, a Little ... 60 As Well as can be Expected 46 Chaff 31 Cure, a Perfect ■ 45 Failures, Our. . • • 149 Awkward! 75, 108 Change for the Better, a 65 Curious .... iiS amiliarity breeds Con- Character a Satisfactory . 98 Customer, Bad 2 empt . . ». .124 Badinage .... 146 Chronology . • . . 147 Family Man, a . 15 Bagpipes and Classical Music $6 Circumlocutory! 43 Dear, Dear Boy ! • 83 Family Pride . . . i Banting in the Yeomanry 155 Civil Serv.^nts, H.M., What Decimals on Deck «3 Family Ties . . . . S Bargain, Driving a . -132 they have to Endure ■ 117 Definition, a . 70 Foather, the last (Co-oper- Barometrical 14 Civil Service Miseries . 49 Degenerate Son, a • 25 ative) • '25 Beard Movement, the ■ 1 06 Club Law .94 Delicacy .... 40 Fiat Experimentum . -153 Beauty, a Thing of . .126 Colloquial Equivalents 65 Delicately Put . 73 Fine Art ■ • . .145 Benediction! a ■■ ^33 Commissariat, the • . 69 Depression ,S(T Finishing Touch, the ■ • 109 Bereaved ... 96 Copiparisons .73 Desperate Case ! . 25 , 100 Fish, a Big . . . .56 Between two Shoeblacks Compliment, j. . 47 Dignity . . . . i , 102 Fishing, an Evening's (be- we fall. &c. . . 1 20 Complimentary . ■ 39 Dilemma, a ■ 20, 91 ,•38 hind the Distillery at Bird Show, the ■ .5 Compliments of the Season Dinners. Little, How w Sligo) . .121 Birthday Dinner-Party, 82, 85, 131 arrange our • 58 Flattering . . -72 Mrs. Prummage's . 1 34 Compliments of theCSketch- Disaffection ! • '25 Flunkeianum . ■ • > 37 Blank Firing ■ • ■ '55 ing) Season .84 Dish, a New ■ 53 For Better for Worse '. 7 iContrnlS of ■©SlU ^J «£ O iJ Ibe." Game (a) Two can Play at Gamut, the . Garrison Instruction ■ Grandiloquence Gratitude - Grey Mare, the Gentility in Greens ■ Geology . . ■ • Golden Age Restored, the Habit, Force of „ a Luxurious - Ha! Ha! the Wooin' o' it Happy Thought Hard Lines . Hardship, a • Hard-up on a Wet Day Harp in the Air, the Heresy .... He thought he was Safe Hibernian Veracity High Life below b rs ! Hoist with his own Pon. Hunting Appointments Hunting Idiot Hygiene Hyperbole Ignorance, Crass • Im-pertincnt ■ Incidit in Scyllam, &c. locombinahle Elements Ingennas Didicisse, &c. Ingenuity, Irish In the Long Bun Initiative, Obvious • Inspection, Our . Intelligent! . In Vino Meraoria lo Bacche ! Irish Grievances, Real Irreverent Inovocablc . Is it Pos-siblc ? ! . It's an HI Wind, &c. . It's the Pace that K Jeopardy, in ■ Just in Time PACE 13 141 142 77 93 58 9 96 63 50 63 ■50 82 35 140 99 122 4» 108 I II 94 47 89 54 108 88 99 36 12 ■5" '3 = 89 129 78 60 8S ■53 55 3' 90 141 4> Knowledge, Pursuit of Labour, Division of ■ Lapsus Lingux Last Word, the • Le Jeu ne vaut pas la Chandelle Lessons in the Vacation Let Well alone ! • Levelling tip Liberal to a Fault Like her Impudence Lingua East Anglia Little and Good • Look before you Leap Lucid! Lucus a Non, Sic. Luxury, Seasonable PACE • 95 38 76 9' 28 •38 28 77 48 140 62 '35 27 26 88 Making Things Pleasant ■ 81 Mai Apropos ■ .18 Manners! ■ ■ .116 Manoeuvres, Our . • 19, 59 March of Refinement ■ ■ 2 Master of the Situation ? ! 1 1 6 Matter! . . . •37 Meat Supply, the . .66 Menace 126 Men were Deceivers ever 49 Mens Conscia ■ ■ i Mercies, Small, (not) Thankful for . . 30 Military Manceuvres , .19 Mind and Matter . 79 Mine of Speculation, a . 21 Misnomer, a . . . . 128 Mistakes will Happen . 136 Mistletoe Bough, Oh the . 42 Model, an Irish ■ ■ '33 More than one for his Nob 137 M. P., a Pledged ■ . 4 Music in the Midlands . 106 Music of the Future- Sen sation Opera . 94 Mystery solved, the 3 Mystification .71 Nae that Fou! .110 Narcotic, a ■ '5 Natural Advantages Nature and Art Never say ' Die ' . Nimble Ninepence, the No accounting for Taste Noblesse oblige! No Mistake, this Time No such Luck Not Proven. Not so Fast ! ■ Not to put too fine a Point on it ■ Obliging • Off! ... . Offender, an Old Offer, a Fair Officer (an) and a Gentle- man! Once for All . . On the Pace of it . Order, an Eitensive • Ornaments for your Fire- Stoves? . PAGE "3 Panic in the Kitchen, a Parthian Shaft, a Particular! ,, to a Hair . Partner, Vivifying Treat- ment of a Passage of Arms, a - Penny Wise . Perils of the Deep . Personal! Perepectivc ! Pet. Intelligent Pickles, Mixed . Pic-nic, the . Pink of Fashion, the Plain to Demonstration Pleasant for Simpkins ! Pleasuring ! Plutocrat, a - ■ Point of View, a Point of View, from one Poor Humanity! Precise . . , Presence of Mind "3 36 129 64 '05 »7 3° 121 '54 36 7' 38 55 I II '43 92 '3' 30 131 Prevention's better than Cure Profanation - Proof Positive . . Prospect, a Pleasant Prospect, a Nice Provinces, Something from the .... ,55 Prudence, Common . . 6 Pulpit-Critics, Stern . 68 32 "5 34, 90 '47 34 '37 46 4 100 79 3 126 57 5 9 128 107 37 87 119 7 29 '44 g . 80 • 3» 67.85 • 95 Qualifications . Quantity, not Quality Quite another Thing Quite Superfluous Races not yet Extinct Rather too Literal • Ready ! . . . Reason in Woman Reassuring . • 67, Rsddctio ad Absurdum Refrigerated Tourists Rsfusal, a Rash Register! Register! . Reminiscences • Reproof. Proper Res Augusta Domi Reserves, Our— the Battle of Amesbury Auxiliary Forces, North of Ireland ■ Restraints of Society Retributive Justice • Revenge for the Union More Riding Lesson, the • RoU-Call, the . . Romance of the Kitchen Run of the House, the Running Drill, the New Rural Simplicity . Rustic Recollections Sacrifice ... Satisfactory ! Sausage Machine, the . Scruples ... 33 148 I II 'OS 'S» 83 '49 1 12 86 2 73 120 97 46 •35 59 146 "4 4' 13 26 9 82 103 '9 78 52 '50 t6 Contents of '©aiE 13 «£© 13 ly(E.-' Scrupulous ' PACE 12 PAGE Suit your Talk to your Ticket of Leave, a • PACE . 66 Wages and Wives P.\CF- 93 Season, a Bad • 124 Company .75 'Tis better not to Know • 30 Warning, Awful 16 Secrets «'5 Suspicion! .86 Too Bad ! . . 141 Ways and Means '53 Selling him a Peniijwortl 65 Sweet is Bevenge— especially Too Late. 106 Weather, a Change in the 1 1 Sermon, the First 24 to Women ! • S4 Too True ! . . 92 Weights and Measures 44 Servants, the 35, 40, 104 , 127 Sympathy 48, 103 Tourists. Refrigerated 2 Well Meant . "3 Service (the) going to, Sc 143 Tracts! . 66 Wet and Dry '54 Shocking! • '56 Tailors' Strike, in conse- Trade, SUte of -7 What Nest? 104 Silence is Golden . 14 quence of the . . 45 Travellers. Tricks upon .48 What's in a Name ? 35 Silly Suffolk (?)Pastorals- Temper, the Triumphs of . 6 Truth, a Half 7 What's the Odds ? . 61 Beciprocity ■ 7<; Temptation - .vi Trying. 5 When you are about it '03 Silver Lining to a Cloud Terms, Cash 93 Turk, a Regular . II- Where Ignorance is Bliss &c 30 not a 53 Theatricals, Our 73 Turn .iliov.t. Si Where there's a Will there's Simple Addition 114 The Better the Day, &c 5 1 Two Sides to a Question ■ S5 a Way!. '50 Simplicity, Sweet . "5 The Way we Build now 151 Tyranny . 4.^ Wimbledon '39 Sinister Slip, a - 49 The Way we had in Winkles! . 12S Slip 0' the Tongue, a i3 Army 143 Ulster, the . 14 Woman-hater, a 102 Small Mercies 44 The Way we Live now -112 Unconscionable 15 Woman of Business, a '49 Sold-Cheap 64 The more Haste, the less Unprejudiced ' 10 Woman's Rights 6,S Son, a Kind 10 Speed . - ,'<- Up and Down Stairs 9- Words and Weights 17 ., a Degenerate = 5 Themis, Irish Ideal of 12.- Spoiling it • . . 33 There's many a Slip 62 Veneration 22 XXX cellent Reasons • 4S Straightforward View, a SI Tho' lost to Sight- . :q Vested Interests. • 3' Struggle for Existence, the 98 Thrilt . . 123 Veteran, a • . . . 61 Zoology ... 130 cfoMP/^^N ION To"OUf\^PEOPL^E',' ENGLISH ^{)CIETYATf(OME, S o c i ety ~P i Q t u res i3y OeOF(G-E J3u MAURlEy^. ,JA)vrES R.. OSGOOD 8^Qo , PUB LiShCCRS . i[i1fH'">^i Mens Conscia . Inspector {icho notices a lacliranhiess in History). "Who signed Map.na Chakta i" (Xo atisiccr.) Inspector (more urgnttly). ""Who signed Magna Chauta?" (.V» (ajsircr.) Inspector {nngrily). "Wiio signed Magna Charta ! ! ?" Scapegrace (Ihinlhtg inaficrs arc hrcfinninfj to look scrwvn). "PiKAsr, Sm, 'hv-a.^n't me, Su: ! ! " Didniiy. Club •' Buttons.'* " I 'm at the *Ji'mou Peninsulak' now." Friend. "What! Did you 'Gkt the Sack''fi:om 'the KeynoldsM" Buttona (jm/iyi'""'). "<;«► ALONG with yer ! 'Cet the Sack:' I sent jn MY liICSl'.VATION TO THE C'.M3inTi:i-:! " 1 Fa miiy Pri de. First Boy. "My FAxnEii's a OitFicnr.." Second Boy. "'W'iiat Okficep.?" First Boy. "Why, a CokI'oral ! " Third Boy {fvidcnfli/ "comic"), "So 'a jiy I'AIIIETt— he's a OkFICER, TOO —A CKNEi:At, HE IS ! " FoUTth Boy. *'Go ALONG ■WITH YEii ! " Third Boy. "So he is— he's a Gexeral Vsalbr/J" Bad Customer liandlady. "What Cestlemas's Lcccace is this, Sam ?'' Ancient Waiter. "'Ck'tleman's Lcgcage, 'ji I 'Ou' bleshveh, xo. Mum ! That's .iKTtsi rK.irs, tdat is. Tiiet'i,i.avi! Tea nfiHE to-sioiit, take a little Lodcin" to-mokkow, and there they'll be a Loafix Acoi-T the place F'ip. Months, inns' so Good to Nobody I " "March of Refinement'! Brown {Whintt Ou Jijc, hit huvfjry). "Give we the Bill cr Faije, Waitee." He*d Waiter. " Beo rArnroTincial Waiter. " Ice : Oe.vtlemes I There ain't no Ice is AuTlM.v Time. BfT it s easy to See you are Gents rnoii Ijosdos, as don't Know MUCH AnoLT Nature, and 1 do.n't Blasik you foi: it, in couilse. But, Ice IN August !" [Ezit, snujgtriny. Intelligent Pet. "Ma, de-vk what do thky Tj^y the Organ so Loud foh, when 'CHUutu' IS OVER? Is IT TO AV'aKE US t T ? " " Dura nee." Little Daughter. "'Won't tiiey let is Oirr without pAVrsG, Ma'?" The Mystery Solved. Effie {our Parson's im/c tlmujhtcr: her first cxpciicucc of "Church." Aloiul—nUh intense surprise). "'1'a aM' ai.i. tiik IIeaK tUTi-t Boys, ly tiikir NiCHTfj'iWNs, going to Byk-Uvk ! ! " iJ^S'^^ A Pledged M.P. M.P. t Bride "On; Wilmam, deaj!— if you are— a LlnKliAl,— no bkisg in a Bill— next Sk.sion— foi: iiiat rNDERcnol'NJi TlNNEl. I ! " "Perils o-f the Deep." Unprotected Female {aiivLiuj itU , «/, xrl.o ... «u( i.rirKr.. AMI EMUKNii.v imujis't K.vuw iit^ ows Mliii!!" 'The Pink of Fashion." ■Oir. FtowHiL S:io\v was a DEcrDED Scrcnss rjiis vKvr;, and Little Fid:;ins tx ax l-;Mni:cjiD::nF.Li Fi.okai, Waistcuai- WAS KlI.I.INc!" The Bird 6 ho w . That CharmlnfT Oal ir.V/i //re blue fmtlicr {to Prhr 'Mmtrij). "SWRSiv, I»K.\K !" Comic Man (" Dohissuiw ran Jhiu," ffom Otc othcf aiWc •/ jKilftt'iit). " Yll-*, J>i I KY !" [UU'-rly rntiiiirj the fuij/rji, uml tidiiiy (he triad onf u* t/if. Mi'/jt uf hs lull frifuil {tirrwnM niitu), ffw hul h.ni .'tfuMutjiiij aiwat ftrr nil //c; I'/tcriiMii, .tail thntfih' '"■ h •■' ■,>->-{r nil iiHjuysHioitf 5 Happy Swain (xA-: /m-v " .m»r./ /A- ffci.-/"). "Ani> now, ukauksv Ijimi, IHAT IS A[.I. HKrri.l!H. WiTII KKUAUD TU JhWI- I.LKUY, MY I-!)VK; WOlLU YuU LIKE A Si:r IN 1'I.AIS Gol.i>, "K " Edith {'fO}Wiin\itl tinii c<'Mrtf;/«ii(*, tttul tKh-j siiffent a tjw(l ttotl /to»t ("^/ihtuihr). "On, At-»;Lsris, .now y<>i: ask mk— hu yui- know— I-jtKALi.Y-.BOT— "Mt*. Cunl-ii Toi.n Miv Yi-XMCi:i>AY 'iiiAT UK rui i.H ]-:xTi:Ai:r ai.i. I iiavs ami> put IS A iii-.Anib-LL M-w Si:r run mm.v Futckn (.In.SKAb I :" ^■•:;^^ Common Prudence. Bnob. "Oil, let's c!:t out o' this Mor, "Aiinv : tkkyli. think wk'kk a coin' lo Cinnm: The Triumphs of Temper. Fare {oiU of p-niimer at Utf fourth "jil" in a MUt). " Hf, TBI'- won't i>o ! I miau- get out !" Cabby {through tht trap, in a yrhispcr^. "All Ttiiv, foR, MVF.n MiMi HEi; ! Sit fcTiLL ! Don't give urn tdk Satibfaciion Av knowin" hiik'm got eid av te!!" " For Better for Worse " Our frknl EiujnUlfjr (luisti't a y-p) Jul^ Just mnrricd the v;id')iv {rich) of chf Iltirh'sihni Vf stwliii\>hi\ llrs. B. (ftcliriiuf). "Shall I sr,xi> my Poppet his Slippkiis?" Mr. B. " X-s-N-N-o— 'NOT AT PnKsEXT, TuASKS ! " (Sotio rocc to his guest when the dwr vas closff.) "Nui so i-uMi av iiavinc TPIK }>\V7.7.l.KS ON MY FeET AT ElfillT o'ci.OtK IX TIIK EVKNINO, VOV KNOW, liAUNKY ! '." A Half Truth. Cuard [of Ijte Fnlnuiis lUiHuan Cunijaiaj, thitt stiU furliih Ivbacto). " Sti.Om; Smpxl (IF Smuku, Sill !" Passecffcr {his ci'jnr covered ly his ncirsj.nper). " Ya — As ; tmk rAi;r\' XMiu JUS JUM (.iiT oiT HAU hkkk Smokinu yi mot sly ! !" Poor Humanity ! Bride. "I think— Cii;oi:ui% ?ii;An— 1 sum i.D-ni'. potei:— if wu Walkj;i. AUUUT " Huaband {imc wonMut have leluvfii H of him). "Yt.if can Do as YOU likk. Love. I'm veuy WEi.L(!t as I am M" Fam i ly Ti es. {,IU9^('faU>j iLtliaUcd to Mr. Punch's czctlUtit ffinids at the Ey^ptian Jlnil—V. and C.) Aunt. •■*;i;aciovs (Jijodness : wii.vr arb ahu doing in my Cipiwakd, voi: XAur.ii-n- llovs?" Jftcky. "On, AiXT, wv/ixv. 1'L.\mng 'Masijiline ash Cook'; I tie iiiu to the Ciiaiii, ash \vi:kx tiik IKkiu lllft HAM»>i AKK VV.r.K. TlIFS HE IIOIvS SIK!1" " Prevention Better than Cure" Q«rm*n Impostor [ngtctinj concrfH). " DkuR u ?*o^K \ in Il.l. !" JsaoDM '• Wti.i., Nor jl'st yei I ISci iiini:*; i'i:w lors s^inx wii.i. nr, ir vit nos "i Ks'k.;; Oki The Roll-Call. Serjeant. "Ali-ster McAlisteu!" Answer. "Hamisuo!" Sergeant. "Donal' McBeas!" Answer. "Hamisiio! Sereroant. *' Teteb McKay ! " Answer. " HAMisno ! " Servant. "Juhn Smith!" Answer. "Hcr.E, Sir!" Serg-eant (icUh a Sniff). " Ucii I ' Esulish Pock-Pudding'"!! Gentility in Greens. (Mrs. Broxrii finde Saiutj/myu^lh ti rmj different p7a:: jrotH what she remnubcrs it yatrs ago/) Oreen«Tocer. "('AnflAfiK, Mi'M ! • Wr. don't krki' so SKro.vD-CLA.stt Vko>> TABLES, Mum. You'll cet it at the Lower End u* the Town ! ' 9 — ^ ?^v Pieinto Demonstration. Customer [ncrvou-tly). "Ah! imev >:V.-i le VKr.v Iuksome at kikst." Dentist [cx'uUnntly). " XoT A i;iT oy it.- Sik ! LroK iif.p.k, Fill!" {Drjrtf rMOily catchin'j his entire srt-) " Hiiiii: "ft^MY *L'i'n;it3, Asu iiruK >* mv I'siiEns ■ ' Unprejudiced '. Swall (al ihr li. A. Erhiiilwii). " Haw : 'vt Tou Axv InEA— w WUAT Fei-law's riCTU-AiB we 'nr. to Admi-abe this Yk-au '.'.'.V A Kind Son. Pftt«r&tzLiliaa {to hit EUUst Son, }cho U tU SarthofLmeio's). "GKOltr.f, TnftiK AKK I.SrOllilONLV OtKJU ClUAlU ! | (.AST AfFOIlD TO SllUKK SUCIl EXIKSSIVK Ck;akm as tuhse." Osorr* {jran^lyi. "Flu, TovB Cask— riix TOCE Cask, Gov'see! !" Cra5.s Ignorance Fir«t SweU. "Let's see— Tc-Mouiiok's Wmais t'uav, byth'ut I " B«cond Sw«U. " TlK-SDAV, isk'T )T !— All >li)SnAT >— WAS TEST 'jav, Sisoat! Ne' jiisii— (jnimi)— my Mas'ei. be hlks Pwesentlt-i-wkcious siiwEWD Fellow— Tkll ti like a Shot!!" A Change in the Weather. Patarfan.iU.s («,». a sigk : M. family *«.. ice. U l>mto,.c for ,kr kM, '■ Ifa AtL V ! " Bachelor PHend (•* H.S cj^^ these UUU Dinner.). " Wh.t's t„. MAJ^Er 1 ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ .. Pa.erfamiUa.. "T.L.cn.M ! S„E SAT. rUEV •vE AnBUED SArE Ar JoLKESTONE. "Res Angustae Doml " ,-C-_-iIiS^,v. .^^^m^^^mi^-^'^^-- . Irish Ingenuity. Saxon TooTllt. "WuAT ON Eakih ak- TOU LoWEBlNO HIE SllAHS kok!" (tfc Am jlW Mini Olil '/.■■' "■/ thmtt/h at every asoent.) Car-Driver. " Slant, TER 'oNXEB, WEIL MAKE 'm Ulave he's Cols' I)0«S HlLI. I" "^"V. !T.^'-\_ "^^^^jssi." "^ '^^^'^'C' J'**. "' ?r>'&%^35^^*^ Scrupulous 3h»ph.id. ■O. Jims, Min' Cas ve SO ciE A WHISTLE OS TiiA li.iMiis' lir.vTE u' uist; I UAi USA utsel' ; iTi JIST Fast- Day is oob I'Aiiisii I '. " 12 A Game Two can Play at. Guard (/.. i'.oUat Pnsxmjfr ,il III' Eiliiihm:jh SI'itioii, just iis llic Train is Slartinj). " Yli'r.n Too Latk, Sli:. Stalwart Aberdonian. "A" .matn:" Quarl ^/lolUiiifj liiin inck). "Yecanxa!" Aberdonian. "TKri, vr. a' maux— a' wkel 1 ' i.Uriiijiiioj O'liniil.) "If a' MAl-SS*, YE SASXA ! ! ! " Yf. lASSA KsiKl: Decimals on Deck. Iriah Mate. 'MIi'M .\i \NNY IV vi; Tutuv inii:-ui;'I Voice from tho Hold. •■TlIltKK, Sun !" Hate. "Thin IIm.k iv YK rnMr. Vl- in-.i:u lMMADI.vn-:i.y ! I'' More "Revenge for the Union," Siion Tourl.t [a! Iris\ IlniUm>j SUitiiii). "What Tnii: n..r,s titi: Ma..^ l'v. H'tvi-.s, m»-.\r. r.u;iAi:' " Bailway Porter, "vhw TVmijvi- A/t* 6fH xjmu'Ii). "Sash: a> ANVWiiEr.rs Eijse. I s'rosr.— Sixty AIixitk-s :" (P^u ri»:^. };.>:!,.■„„ p...t.-r t..,>rfu-s up OUi Oi'nf^-^ /'iron rile corn, ami rnalta o^.'\ Old Gent, " Ph— o— o — o— o — I " MLlfflll Bs rometri ca I . Draper. 'Licnr SiMslEr. Dutis? Yi;s M'm. SmUi a crrvx manv the last few iiavs, Mm, iuk Wi.athfi: iiavjs i:i»i \ rttuyt A Fr.i".>Tii MKi;tN^> to a Ciikxadink ! " 14 A Fa m ily Man. Cabby. "Vr, I'm a F. riiKU of a Fasi'ly mvsi:ij, Mi-m,— kot so 'andsomk as Y(iru littlb Dkai:s,. Mum, I i>o.\*r say,— an' D*Ynu THINK I'd t;o fur to ovkhi'Iiakok r<»i: 'km? Not I, Mtu ! Not a Sixpkncb, nnuss their little 'eai'.ts !" &c., &c. \Chxi>n allowed. Unconscionable. A N a rcoti c Head of the Firm. ■■\V\m \ ll.n.n.w ! / Wnv. vcf 'vr. Ji'sr iiEKx^AT HoKr. 1 1 1. till: A MiiN'i'ii !" 15 Doctor. ■■I.MUk m:;;|-. Ml:-, M.C wvi.l.l.. Jt-.Ni i.|\ i;' him'anV .Mni:i; Pinsir- A soi'Mt Sr.i:i:i- wim. im iiim Mni:r. Gn.ni TirAX AsvririNo." Gudewife. "K-ir. Doi-ruoi:. if \ sav ! I H::t.iKVK it's liUITK AS CuOU AS SuMK 1 i;A\ B Si*. FOIl TIIK UTIIKK DaV." Awf u i Wa rn t ng ! Guest \iU at;/ t.'oinptttiy Diuncr.) ** 1 'm I-NcOJIUuSI.Y IllJSfir.v!" Ancient Uveryman {icith fecliivj). "Takk Cauk. my dkar Sir, ror. Guou- Nh;ss' Sakk, takk Cake! D' yoi- know ir ]lAE-rp.NEi> to me at tiik last I^IKO MaYDK's DixMKU to UflES MY TOSOUK Wirii MY FIIUT Sl-04iNrL'L or Cl-EAIl TrilTLE; VoNMKQVENCE %VAS (sM/As)— 'COL'I.DS't TasTR AT ALI.— .iSV- TIIINC— FOK TUi: KK.ST OF THE EvESISG ! ! " The Sausage Machine, le r Jin^Uf). "0 l V' II.F-ASK, M, SO WOXPKi; THE FlAVIOUU o" THEM SA-^tKNliKllS WASST TO-RICHT^, 'M, wniCH I'VE JMT .VOW KETIHED MwTEIt ALFRED A CiriTIS' JUS 'CaVEMUMI' IN THE MACHINE I " Just in Time. Veteran FiEcator. " ITiiCir ! iitT viin's^ a SIrcuLi; Fi>ll l.oi:rix' .must ,mk:" (/( irus liirhj lie huknl rnmdl—h:s Friend fma Lmuhm- litnl' j rrfci red SkMiinij mi Ihr Jl.iuh, Jiml xtiniil.lnl mn a JJoiildcr, irnil "Gonrn Hrmlir'' into a drr-jt hole, lie m,.<. g„ff,d III his liiKl kick!) Words and Weights, Anffler. " Dkitkd nun, DoN'Ai.li, 1 can't u|.;i a Fimii ovku Si;vi;n' I'ui'nd.s, wims tiiky h\y Majit. Grant aIjove us Klt.l.Ki> II.VLf A llDZliS LAST WbBK THAT TUKSED TwM.NTV TouSIW Al'IIiCE*" Donald. "Awkki.. Siit, n\ no thai' MrtKM: oinw i'th' SAWitriN, — iili iuaf. Fowic it thk \V\rrKi! !•; iiii:i:ci: Ltn.vii.s than WK AKK I>OON IIKIIK.'" 17 Mai Apropos. Rector s "Wife. ** \Vi:r i . Vi \ \v.\ i -. ui.w Ot> YoV niiNK we Soi.u the Jer>ly Cow » " Venables .y-r-'t»,..> " Wki.i, Mm, Masteu Bvi.cs has cot TiiK BerrKi: i-' wi: a masy Time.s nvr-{j>iviullti!- I riii.NK .\> WK a" !■.■>(-, lit . Tri:N [**.V» iitrlirtinU—aml Ik/otc the Ardulcacon, Vx 'A Slip o' the Tongue." Tachtlnr Biped. "Then vmu'll Iam>k I's vr at ri:i«i;"SK ju. T' Kew Acqn&intance (genthmnultf v\(ni\. "On, Yi>— nkaii tiik 'Zou,' ihs'i IT* W'f. lUTf.N I'lli'l' IS AM> MWV \ l..roi: \l Mil M..^k^^v'■* 18 Confession in Confusion. Prieat. " Now, nai, me, I)uoi-\n, Tr.VTiiPi:i.i.Y, how often />o you <;o t rHAI'KI,!" Pat. "\Vii.i.„Now, .■.ninK oi'll till yep. Ktv'r.EXcK the Tiicr*. Faix, I i:0 AS uFTKN I I'aS AVuIIi!" ^■- ^ %Vs| The New Running Drill. lA nspcdlul "iti-ml to Jlis Jtoijal niijhness IhctCimmaiukr-iii-'Mc^.) Captain Bluai;d, as he appeared ix Command of his Company. Our Military Manoeuvres. Irish Drm.Eergcant ('. f,,.m( of miUc.ma,). "PnV.sT 'Rrms !"-M»;»..Mo.!, ,r.„.H.)-" H.Vns ! what a ■Pnls.Nl'! J.sr sr,,- OUT HEIIE SOW, an' LOOK AT TFIiSIl \ Iv< '. 1 " i9 Th e Race not yet E xt i n c t . Country Excursionist 0"''' I'oulal ai G. II'. 7rr}niiius). "Coii.n \ov isfokm me what tiikse 'kiii; IU'sm^s ciiai;<;k fj:um 1'.M>I>IM;I»»N IM THE I'.ANK.'" Sundreary {uUh tin f^*^v(). "Au-H, i-o' m'Soui^ irAVKN'r an Idka -ii ! Nivki: wopk 'n onk in* m'I^ife I Si:ni:Ln say a mkre Twin.r. : r'«AVJi A SiiiLMNc, OP. Two Sjiii.dncs. 'Dont think the Wascaijs coi-i.n have tok t'oNsciKNt-R td ciiAitCE voir mouk THAN Thwkf. Siiii.i.inos: '\Viu:i.iin't I'av Mciii; THAN Fui'ii ! I'll si;k 'em at tiif. I)-l>-lloM.(i( rt: : " A DHemm& . Party {umrouir hy thr htut of the ^Tm/Arr), '* HuY 1 Car ! " Driver. "Ai.L Rieiir. Sii*^ ir you'll ji'st Walk to tiik tiATK.'" Party. "0, IWniF.n ! AValkino to 'Oate I " Driver. "Wki.i., Sii:, if vm- can't cet tiirovcu, I ijok't tKE in-w I ian ckt ovk: :" 20 Adjustment Bootmaker (fAn has a dral of irouUt trilh (fiin Cusfomer), "1 think, Sin, IF VuU WKi:E TO t'lT YOl'lJ t'OUNH, I COl'Lll llOUE E^VSILY FISIJ YOV A VmH *' Choleric Old Gentleman. 'Trr my Cokns, Sir. !— I Aii^K you to Fit me a Taii: !•* IVi'fs TO Mv Fill. Sii: :— I *M not i;oin« TO Plane wv Fekt iwvin Ti> Ktr Yiu i: lloors '.'.'." A Mine of Speculation. Dealer [fu JVarerini Cm'oiiwr). "WtLi-, "tF C'l'i r.>K wr. all Knuw iiivi— iiks cot 'is iiAD Ioints an' 'is tloiii) Points; jjut WHAT I s\Y IJ=, THKltK's NO DECEPTION AHOLT 'iS RaII PoISTS— WE CAN SeK 'eM. BVT \VF. CAN't NONE OF VH TKLI. 'OW MANY <:ot)0 r»ii\TS iir. M\Y 'avk till wv. comks Tn Kxow "imI!" [T/ic '*P(ir!y" took time to coualdrr. oj'OiTi^jJ^ ''Ar^umentum ad Hominem!' I " l>e&l«r. "I KNOW VtH: noN'i MKK lll.S 'KaD, and I ALLuW UK AIN'i UOi A I'Ur.TV 'KaIi; lUM- I.OU'— NOW LOOK AT Gl.APSTONr, THE CLEVRRUT MaN IN ALt BSOlJ^SD 1— ANn LOOK AT 'IS 'KaD"'!!! 21 Veneration. IfOdg«r. "1 SHALL Nui Dine at Hume tu-day, Ma'am, but I'vk a Ki:ii:nd coming this Evi:nisg. If you could Give vs Something Nice foe Sltper " Irfindlady (Lotr Cfnirch). "Woi'LD TOti ukv. tui: IlF.MAiNDKr. uf tuk Colp TfnKEY— ah {'/tv!s a dclicnci/')—nzn I BssLZt- BVBBBD, Sir..'" A Soft Answer. Irascible Old Qent. "Waiiki:! THl^ Tlaik v- t^riiK t'»iLh!" Wftiter. ■■ Yr>.*iit, blt the THur is "ui. Sin. WHirii ] thivk v»h *li. find it'll Wakm I'p rHF. ViJiXv. nicely, Si:: '' 22 Old Gent ^ilis-ju.Ktiil i-ii 1 vit IN TKln <.'lt a— iikke'i* a— a— rATKii- Awitr lilt: TiMK u' Yk.vi: f«oxk is Ckicket thi> II.u.f?"* Tom. "Oh, blesx vol*, Unclr, wk'vk bkkx 'nowhkiek,' this Si;\si.\ : m.l OUR BEST 'MKN,' you KNOW, WKI'.E DoW.S WIIH IIIK MHASLBi:-.' " Treacherous Co nfederate Uncle Oeorire >"/,.. /,/«> /„,,, u,u,is>,iii ih- Ymunj I'toiilc mih some ikrci t.'u,tjuri>iij). I ur.\- THi; HAsi'Ki:i[<.im:K. — Woilu Vmi- jji; Si:i!ri:iM;D tu FiXV—(Jionia of lnnjh/(i)~l hhai.i. fUuDirr iiKUK WAS ,si. OiitiuiNf; As TM otn-.ij Hi Takk Vwa: £3 * Now, LAIiIt:s AMI l.l.MI.IMI.V, \uL >AkS Mli i.n%v—\div>'i!i »j #,....j/i«./— . o..^.... ...M4>vvK THK OUAXCE Oil' VouxG FllirNU M) Ixsinii wiiicir, I'vii so Dorirr, ivr. muall Fimj tuk SiiiLiixof!" ^^m it^ts Breaking -the Ice. Sprightly Lady. "Mi;. DnEniKiis, woi li. \ov OnM<;F, mi; with- - Bashful Curate (hAo hnif srtnrrly itj.olen to /m.« Fnir Aet'jKiviir). " 0, cF.r.iAiNLv. What sh-ili. I have ti:k Pi.kam t.k th 0:tki! ' " Lady. " A IIeuai.K ! ! ' The First Sermon. Aont. " Wki.i., Dai.sv, how viu vuu like 'Chitxh' yestf-bDav !" Daisy. *'0, Ai'.sTV, they were all so QriET and lucked so Cr-tiw, I TIIurCMT i XVST a' 8Ca£AMUl ! ! " "Sweet is Revenge Especially to Women!" CaITAIN OiLEUY, «UO ANNoVt TItK MiSh LaSKYSTEIIS Ml MUlll OK THE PliOMKNADE BY UI8 OBTUfSIVE Al.MIRATlOX, IJ* PI8- O.VF.UKI. EAllLY ONE MoitXIXG, RY IMH EXH.TAST VllTIMS IN THE A*T OF lIAVlSii AS " KaSV SHAVK " IX THE W.MEWHAT MSIITED rK»13ll8£S OF TIIR YlLLXUE FlUAUO. 24 ^IMliiiiililili Desperate Case ' U.A. (rnd'-ntmiriny to instil Euclid into the mind of Piiratf Pupil going into the Jnivj). "Now, IF THE Three Sides of tuis Ti;iaxgle ai;e all EgrAL, WHAT WILL Happen?" I Pupil (eon^fidcntly). "Well, Sin, 1 shoi'ld Say the Foit.tu would be EtjUAL, TOO ! ! " Exch a nge Toffswell (iK fffc ]Vn.tlj (■■: '/.■ /V,y..«'. <„r..(ry,. "Il Vki: 'Kai. was ONtv TLl.SEh ml. ..TIlEi: " vv. What a Sn.Ksnin Chfj*t ymi'ii *am:, Mi:. n«wiiHit. !" 26 Look before you Leap. 3aiddle-A«ed Uncle. "Not Pr.orosED TO HER YET ! WiiT, WHAT A siiiLLY-sn.VLi.TisG Fellow voir are, Gedroe ! You'll HAVE THAT M H LI'. WllniW RXAITED VP FROM USDER TOVR NosE, AS SURE AS TOU 'RE BORX ! TrETTY Gal LIKE TH.VT— SICE LITTLE PROrEUTY— EVinENTLY LTKES YOU — WITH AX EST.VTE IX THE HlGHL.VXDS, TOO, AXD YOU A SpORTIXO MaX " Nephew. "An! th.\t 's where it is, U.xcie ! Her Fishixg's good, I Kxow ; but I'm xot so Sure about her Groxjss!" No Mistake, this Time. Lodger. "Dear mi, Mi:-^. f'ltiiiiti.Rs Yni i; Cai '^ RLi'.N AT THIS Mutton Ai \|N ! " Landlady. "On xo, MuM, IT CAX'r RF. Tlir Cat. Mv Tsdaxd says he ii'i.iK\ i:-* it's the Coi.lerlauda Hkeu.e:" 27 State o' Trade. Small GirL "Please, Mri. l;m!r,M.Tnri;ir, JIitTilER says will you Oivb HEi: A I-ErrfcE ?" Mrs. O. "i;iveM Tei.l tiiee Motheii Civ'um's nKAn, axd Lkkdum 's VERY RAH. XmUMNK yi>ir NoTHiXK 'ei.e, Axli l'r.Erlor.« l.rnLE for SlS- PESl K I 1 " 'mwte "Let Well Alonei" Swell. "Ah— what's Toun Fadb to Hampstead by tiie— ah— Xew L.iwM " Cabty. *'0h, I don't Kxow xotuin' 'cui"t no New Laws, Sir ! — same Old Fare, Sir—' Leave it to Yof,' Sir !" al^iUfsCnW " Le Jeu n e Vaut pas la Chandelle.' oil 0«nt 7,111.17 had la lutj (ic.Tl, "UlT I 'M lo-ilTlvt 1 II AN DSD VJU TUJ MoXFV I ll >1 »V lUi,u»'IIV HI Hi HUOIIXD BOWS Tim >1.1T IN llIK Itoul: : ■' Conductor. ■ Slu in the Dour :— Well, 'iain't usilv I m tois' 10 Ttr.N tuk But ii>ii.e1"iwx foh SJiL'txiit:" 28 ■ ' T h ' L st; to ^ I g n t " Aunt Jemima (Jrom 'U couninj^hcr Jirst experience of. a " J/ansoiu"). " HoY ! Hoy ! Stop the Hniti^K ' Wheuk's teie Cuachman ' Precise. Driver {imjxitietU). "Now, liiLL, what's'it ALL aboutI" Conductor. "Ge'tlemas wants to de put down at No. 20 A in C'lakixodus Squailk, vvat Portico ox the IliniiT aktek YOU PASS the 'Ked Lion,' private Entrance hounu the Corner;" Driver. "0, certainly! Ask the Ge'tleman if wk shall Drive I'p-staikm, an" set 'm nows at "is Bed-Kuum Dol>r in THE Three-Pair Back V 29 An ExtensivQ Order. "O, ri.r-\BF., Ml--f!, WIl.I, VOr give TS two 'A'i'KNMM FOIt a rENNV, ANl> iii' ME A DniNK o' Watkii, an' tku. is tiik Biuiit Timk? As' Father WAXTif A PlI'E ; AND LEND MOTIIEII VEsTKIiUAV's 'TlZF.R." ' ! ! "No such Luck." Toung: Lady. "Is ir IIi'Ncnv, then? C'iime ai.ono, i.title Darling, it SHAM. UWK irs Dinsei:." Street-Sweeper {ovcrfu-^rhu/, and misa}>j>lyiiig). "Heuf Y'Anr, Miss I Right Yiif Ai:K : 1 JfNT AM ! " [Ah.' biU U vat Fuio she was xpfnli'ng to.' O Kjjt )) T0\' "'Tis Better not to Kno\^:' Impudent Boy {gnvmlUj). "Ti:y yki: WKiniiT— om.v a Penny ! ' {To Ltnht «;/ i"Uifiti(/ ju-opiriiviix /w pnrih:»f.tr,\ ■' Tei.i. vku 'xAtT Weight to a IIoiscf, Mim ;" 30 Vested Interests. Sweeper " Ir vof wn'i ckt off mv Ckusmn', rci. ev voi-i: KfMr.E:: "C/Jaff Anple-Stall Keeper (/.. //.. &.;/-. ">'"«. ""■'•. ""•>' •"■'• ^'"^' ''■*''■'''• • \Vii T ri" v.. I- Wam •■■ Street Boy. "Nothin'." Apple-Stall Keeper. "TuRX Takk it, axI) m Off!'' • VkKY Wk.I.I. : WllAV IT IT FOV. IS IS A VlH E i.' TaVKI!: ' "/,y /t Possible ?i" SweU i;«;».-.«5 yuK""' ift"'"-r V J/...."/"rf"ri>., CV,,/,r). "You SHOULP ,iw.vY»-Aii— Toriii yiiuii Hat to a Gentleman " Factory Lad. " ri.KAsF, SlK, I wns'T Know as tf.k was one!!" Street ^oy. 31 A Panic in "the Kitchen. Facetioua Pare. " Xuw, Tiiiix, heue's the Cknsis, an'd JIastki: 's ESME\ and Wisitoks ' i-eu Ann.,' I'iike u' KirrHEN-STiKK, Average o' Bueakages ic, kc." (^,,^j;,|j|l„,,: „.:,.;;,., r ■, v:i i'ji:(i;iii'iii.,;;.,' Proof Positi\/e. MUtnu. "Vcllr. ClIABAl-TliK 18 SaTI^FACTOUV, llir I'M VI;l:V rAKTIl lUli ABOll ONE rillXU : 1 HIMl \1V SEr.VAXT.N Tu IIAVi: J'Lt.STY, III'T I IKiN'r ALLOW ANY WaRTE." Pace. "Oh, xo, 'M, wkicu I'd Eat asd Uiiixk till I Bunrti), Jl, uatmeii hias Waste vnvtjiisk, M : :' 32 "Qualifications." Painter iir/io hns ohnn/s hrrn njuhifiniis i./ " uiiliiuj hinisrfj t!o"ii 'ut If..l.'). "TiliSK IMKY MiciiT itAVi: i.l.r.rTi:n Mr. IIAVINO KxinillTKIl AND HAD MY KaMK VOWS MA. TIU-SK YkaKS .' I MIOllT HAVE " Friend {.Vn.i t' tin- jrwlf/). "My dkaii Fkllow, I'vk always told vor, you kun't no the Ricitt Way to W'w.k. Votj see i|iF,Y COULD I'VJ.Y Er KtT V"C vou Youu rAiNTixn, Fou >vuY DO YOU ^v^:AU suiii Thick IJuurs * I !" Tem p t at i o n . Painter. "Yor dox't mi:\\" ti» Say yku want Mk tu Sicn it, \viiiis I tell YOU I DID NOT Paint it? Asd a Hkahtly Cui-y it is tuo ! " Pioture-Dealer. '* Vv not. r.our Siu? VT xorl Trr ! tit! rvT * I only visH you Ar.ris's mw Mi:n* »v Il(^'^■^>s!" 33 "Spoil in^ 1 1' Lord Dabbley. "Wa-ai„ Stkeaky, why I vk hkaki)— ah— y<>v 'rk not COIXO to— (J/fTICXJfj — HAVK A ThT-YAR AT THE KXIIIIIITION ! " Streaky, B. A. "Haw, vkky j-iionAUiA' Sot. m'1/>ud. AVni.i., I timxk it ,,M,Y— AH — CrtArMfUT., M"UH{I», WK SHOILH nCi'AMONAI.I.Y KimrRO r)UK riEIVlLEGKD M'AfE Foi; TUK bake OK Ol'li YOUXCF.U TAIN TCltS— AH ! Ur.SIUFW— I QUESTION ir I SHAI.I. HE AIir.K TO FINtsH MY I'UIU.IC Poi:Ti:An;> IN TIMK THIS VK-AR ! " Particular' " Tourg Mumford I'tinhj, Imi-i.i'j hi>' (iioi ii- Ltiti; ,.,„■':•, i,o.„ lus jurt u/ f/o- coitu.'i-ir-. "Diss.w vor know iirr CmwhtY". < K r.ii.' iir^iKi; '— AwFVi.LY Jolly PeoI'le ! I " Eauehty Beauty. "Oil no, we only vi-^it tiiv r,.i mv F»Mtt h ^. ami we JI'sed them ! I" [I/rr ptrfiirr iris/ir.t t/iis '* ftrtt Sft" iras ** The L"iiit;\ ' V/v/fyin^ Treatment O'f a Partner. (A Tmijehj of //«■ /""' J/anvjnU ItttMu.) Young Lady {tv Pnrliirr, inxf'iHtbj mi thrir (alia>j fhn'r rhcfx) " KoW I'VK liElS To r.iiNTAiN^ Alil:KY, AND TO HoiTON, ANu I've sKh.N the Riumiiam Kikks, and thk J^koitinc "Wkii, am* the View vnoji the Ocsekvatohv, anh vk iiau a JIoiiNrNc; IN YonK MlN^TEI!, AXI» \VK HAVE IIERX HKI:K A FnllTNICJHT, ASP WK AKE COISi! TO StAV ASOTIIKIl, ANU TaTA IAKKS THE (.'HAI.V- i:KATE \VATrt>. ,\Nli I AH VEKY V.\.SU THE ( AVA1,I;Y At E luVINT. -Vt.r Mil MAY BECIN ( ONYEIISAIInN." [I'tUr Coltu}Sr iif r»ir!Hr,. 34 Arbiter Ele^ani'iarum. Hoasemaid. " i>ii, i•l.F_\^^■.. 'J[, » in in I iii- ..n iiiiis EvKMNt; > "i-aisi! Cook kex" I>'».il "> njy a • I^^nijaue o' Fi/i"'i.::s Ukk," and mik's uiiQUKiTKK ME TO DE ONK o' IIIK Jl'DULS ! " "The Serve fits." Cook. "TiiKN, MtAi.i, V(n; go as 'Oi semaih ' "' Young Person. •' Nu, inukkh! If I cm ai ail, I c;o as T.auy 'Ei.r! " Ha rd L ines'.' BElatrus Ho farmer Cook). *' Wk.li, Eliza, what ahf. Vou roisCook. " W'Ki.r., SIiM, as vou woi'i.un'i i;ivf mk nu (.'iiauaci F.i:, \'\i- v.v.i.s (1;I-m;i.i» ii) Macuv a tfiji.iiiiiii 33 "Wot to Put too Fine a Point on It." Trsnaatlantio Party. "Look 'khe, W^iieh: t iiaske this Kmfe ror. a Ptvl llATET.. StkaMEK and me All: ox MFFEnrST Pl-nFOnjIS, AXU I MICHT BtRT HIM." ^Jl- - i 'Never Say 'Die" Nephew. ".Sn:F. IT isn't Ooft, L'nclf.?" Uncle. "O'iit! .^Iiitvff as' Nonshensii ! KoT A bit or it! No, Fact I-;— rilEW— ((r/.«r«) TIIF£K CON-FOVKDEIi ItOOTUAKEF.S — THEV MAKE VOFR IJOOW TioHi::" "Jngenuas D i d i cj sse" 3c. Vrbana Forelner. "The— aii-Contemiutiox of these— ah— Relics of AxcinNT .\r.T in the Oauieries of Emoif, must te MOiT iNT'r.'.-TINr. TO THE— AH— EdL-CATEH AMEP.IrAS:" ▲merican Toariat. "Wa'ai, nos'r SEEM TO fAr.K MFrH Fop. these Stoxe '.'.iLn s-'MEHow, .'^TEAXCE^. ! " 36 A Plutocrat, mi! Am IS ao \Vai:m I would Swell. *'"D vou oiiiiiiK MR— All— nv SiiLniNt; voi'i: Wixnow ?— ah " Second Passenger (jutli/rly). " Ukai.i.y, Shi, if you wilt, not Pkess ir, a-j yoi:i:-S is Siif i IL\ini:i: KKKP THIS Oi'KX. YoU SEIvM TO TAKK GKtAT CARE OF YOURSELF, SlP- " Swell. '"fAKK OF MVsM.f ! Sh'Ci.u w ATM Eli TiusK SO. So WOULD YOU, Mv d::\i; Fei.-i.\h, II-' YOU 'd S:x Tiiou.svsd a VR-Ar. ' ! " ' Matter A Finai Appeal. Portly Old SwjU (o.i r;xliiij Prjfcsior TyniuU's S^ioch). " Dkap. me! Is IT ross'iiLB ! Mosr 'xru'onn'NAHY ! — {throtct down l/ie Jteview) —that I should iiAVK BKKy oni,;iNvu.Y A 'riuMo::uiAi, Atjmic Gloditle'!!" 37 " N0A\ CKN'ir.KMES OF THE JUUY, 1 THISOW ,MVSR:,:' Ul'OS VOUIL l.MI'AUII.VL Ji;DnM::sT a-* Hushaxii.'* asd F.vtiikih, and I uonfidrsti.y ask, Dobs tub rmsosKii i,oo:c likb a Man who would Knock down and TiiAMi'f.K mi-on TUB Wife of his Uis3.m ? Gbntlemkn*, I have dune!" Division of Labor, Facetious Volunteer Sub. "Look iJKr;K, Caitain ; I'm iiuk.d ok ritiN Fi v. I>o \"i minp i..ukim. ahf.i: iiik Mia wiiii 1 0'» AM< V.rn TAKKV PlMSoNKR ? '* ~_^,2^i' >^>\; f/f^^^'S^'^' ^ '^^A/".^'' ^""'^v-'-^-^^./- ..x^ Off.' B*re«ant 0'L««ry. 'Hoiulk: I.t.n ; llii.irr ! AVmr rici IlLAity, r.vi Kiium:v, r.'vi m\m i>v kc.i Duiniis' wii. iuk SwAu : .' ■ Pat. "Sliri:n, SEKttAXT, 'xwv^x'r a f.mi: Stai:t r ' 38 "Where 1 norance Is Bl Iss" &c. Prusal Housewife ijmn a. l„.;jc FumihjS. "Q\v,-iXv..Zm.v.V%i.->:\ siil'. BV TOE D.ULV l'An;i;s ni.vi liii, I'l:"'!; "i' M"t li i~ Tvixkn TlV"rKN< 1. A I'lilNIi. I IIILNK- Yiif CriMEl Tc' MAKK MIMK liKIUXTrO^ IN Vofl! C'lfAKUKS I " Country Butcher. " \Vl:l:r.v Siil:l:v, MlM, l;i i wt; X«^-S.\ TAKE_lS so llAli.v I'll-i:!-.", MlM ' '■ " f. r' Comp/fmentary. Collier -tlmul Ihr Jiitj). *'Yv>, Sli;, AW UOT HIM fN M AN* IU>I Ki:, Y(tM)i:i:, ,\n' liii.n.i: \\v'< tiiHNi! r' AX VK, iiKV v' u.w oiuwiinN Tiv IB Namin' iiim MTIIT r. ^■| ' ' ■' TounK Medical Man (r«(///..- {ihrncd). " Olt, 1)»:ai: NO, liV AM. .A[KAys — 'don't KmjU \Hi>i I ij(i: CuMrt.lllKNT, TIH*L'<:H, IIK's NOT A IJKAITV TO I.O(»K AT ! " Collier. '-Mi.i-.ntKs M.r, D.k T"U ; in r— Smami !~JIi \, iii:V \ l!i.' cai: m Kill. ! : ' 39 "(Not) Thankful for Small Mercies" Cat'a-Meat Man. " What 'a vki: (;ot >'ni! Dinnki: To-hAV, h>v.V' CroaainK-Sweepor. "Oir, \ i!iT 0* I'mast WitAt., nkm' mi; ii- yisuM Xu. C IN Tint l'KF>ti:Nr "kkk— an' vkk wovi.kn't ii'i.i.kvk it !— not a MOh-Hia. o' Stii-fin — .Mf, an' not »*i» Mri;ii as a Si.n k i»' Lkmhs ! -am* ("vV/i it s,t'ft) c AI.I.S iiitiKNKLV.Ks l;iM'i:i I'lii.i: ri.on.i;, 1 ^ i nm ihiihi ''" ''i.lll i't'"""i|i:'*l1!3'ifl'T'llM!|f|lli!r Delicacy Edwin (.nMc Srimal ,V /«■«-«(). " Ah- r'tTTAV SEP.— Alt— lils.vnoiMAV BK XK ias vuo vwoue a la Rikk ck Mattasc:— rouii- jw>\v EsKKl; !" Angelina. "All »Kb, 5IAIS MosiMosc ' Parlonr-Xald. " Ht;>i 1 IlK". V"ir. PAnniiX, His.* ; bit I rxnF.ii.-TAsn tiik I.AM;viDr.E I '" "The Servants." Mistmi. "J.I.NK, TE-.l. C.WX I'LI. C.>;43 ons ASP SE3 WUAr >11F. WA-.TN DWS To lH.iI STOVF, AS THB nilLia-.'j COJIIXS TO-MOHROW." Jue. "O, ri.E.v»E, 'iM, 1 iiMN'r tiii\k in; can A-tr vou isto the KlTrHi.vt. Tu Day. Mum, .« Cook a-.d mk's i:ot a Sm.-.li. AND Eahly 'at Ojit' IIIH AnK(:NtH»N, ill'Ml" 4D r-\5- Retributive J u si ice. Fanner (yiviu'j the Culprit ft I!o.r o' ///-• I'-tr). " IIn\v daisf, you IIkat TBOSE GoStlNS, YOU YOUNG RascAL ? 1 SAW YUU I " Boy. "Boo, 00, oo, WHAT Fi'i:i:'u ihey Goks-ciitcks Fkytiiei: iioitk i)r -iHEN FURU?!"' "By the Card." Pedestrian. " H"\v iai; is ii to Si.unGKCOMBE, Boy?" Boy. '"Why "nour twicnty "undeimj tiieausas' Mild 'f \' goo 's y'aiib \GaoiN' Now, an' "iiouT Hai.f a Milu 'f you rui;N kigut reaousd an' goo t' oiHEi: WAY ! : " In Jeopardy. The new Boy was enjoined to tif. very CAr.BtUL now »k cA^itiED the FinDi,K-CAsr.— "By nn: li\xin.K, and to mind not to Knock it against anything!" Imagine the Honnou of Mr. Pitsey Cartkii, iiis Mastki:, who was following, to uosui uroN the Rarlal, with the Invaluable "Josemi " ox ni8 IIiud, RxncVTiNO a I'as-Skul uveii a Sku'I'Isg-Uoi'I'; : ! V 41 leresy Uamma. "Yuu know wko BriLT the Ark, GeorckT" 0«orB« {promptly\ "Noah, *ilA. " Mamma. "And vteat did he Bvilu it for?" Qeorff« {iluhiovaly\ "For. little Boys to Plat with, "IIa!! "Oh, the Mistletoe Bough!" Or6«nBTocer, Jun. iOt tcfnm t/tir LUth Fiiaul in Velrtt had a):yUct for a piec^ of Mi$thtoe for his ctni prirate divenioni. " I \ i: COT TEH a bit, MaSTF.R GeOCGE. It AIn'T A VKUT EIG PlECE, BIT TIII:ke'S LOTS o' ReHLIES OS IT; ^.v" IT's THS BERIilBS .1^ 42 Culture for the Workin<> Classes. Philanthropic Employer {who Juis jxiid his Workpeople's c;t}>fnxs to n Hciyhi/ouring Fii'-Aii ErMibilLoif). "Well, JoHSson, what i»i]» YOU THINK OK IT? TlCK VP AX IDEA OK TWO?" Foreman. " Wei.i, tep. see. Sib, it were a this Wat. Wbex rs oot tiieki:, wj; wan a cossiuekis" what was best to be no.SE, so WK APP'lNTED A DePPERTATIOS o' ThP.EE ON US TO SEE WHAT IT WEP.E LIKE *, Un' WIIEV TIIF.Y COME OUT AN* SAID IT WEUE OXLV PhtXRS an' sUfll, WE TUOUGHT IT A PITY TO SPEXD Ol'K ShII.LISs OS 'EM. Sh WK WEST TO THE TeA-GaP.DESs, AND WEtlY ] Pleasant rr wkp.r, too. Thask yep. kindly. Sir!" A Casual Acquaintance West-End Man {ntlrlrfMin(j, as he supposes, JniKHigciU Mec'ianie). "Cas YOU DiRK.rr me l" THE MOOBCATK STI'.EET STATION?" Seedy Party. "Mo'roate Siheet Statios, Sin t Stiiaight on, Sin, fust Tuiimn" t' the Right, and jt 's jist opfosyte. And now, you've inter- inKK Ell riiE Subject, Sir, if vou could Assist me with a Triple, Sik, wiiiiH I've ao sothin' to Eat since last Friday- — " IfVest-End Man not having an anstccr ready, fcrks out, ami exit. 43 .■ef? " C i rc 'J rr I oc uto ry ! " Polite CoBter {seeijuj STnoke issuituj from Ilnm'n'.s ivit-jtocl'-t). '* Vuu'li. e.vcusk ME ALII'KKSSIN' o' YOU, SiR,— CoMMUS MaS IS A MANNEP. u' SPEAKIX'— OES'l.E- MAN LIKE vur, Sir— BEntjis" Pardon for takjs' the Lihertv, which I should NEVER a' TnoL'GHT o' DOIN' UNDER ORDINAKY SUCCUM»TANl*E»*, SiR, OX'Y VOU didn't seem TO »E AWARE ON IT, RUT IT STRUCK 5IK AS I SEE YOV A GOIS ALONO, A8 YOU WERE A-FIKE. SiR ! " lliij this time Brown's right eoat-tail icas aittrehj eviisumnl. ///» ficets had igiiitcd by jtrivatc arrangeutatU amoiut fhnuselrrs. AJa rm i n^ . Buttons (Vm he bunt intj his Master's rcHi oh tJii- uijlit »/ H'tdntSflttj, t/ic 7th: he had Ji:st sctn that icoiuier/ui shocLitg ttar). *'0u, PLEA«K, Sn:, riiKM AtETium; is a koin' off ag'is ! ! " Scientific Old Ocnt \\t»rthd out of his Jtrst slrtp, and uiisimdersta}idin3 the infe'ligcnce)i "Oil '— F,:i I— weat!— TrrN IT OFF at ttie JH.tt.x/!" We/^hts and Measures. vihi',1 irirh int.f/iijrnf Pawiffffr, irhom 'XoW, WUAT 8IIUL'M> VOL' IIIINK WAS Valet udinarUn [i.i tin .,.,ir\- ot (■<•„>:. hr tnl.M /.. /-■ ,1 J/i,j„H,f,y ,/ f/ir ihinxh,. IIT WkiuiitI" Oentlemaji in BUck. '* Wkli, Sin— i.kt mk jsf.f.— you *tand Anorr Fivk Fkei Ki.k\en, Tiiiinv I>tiii;-* mi;, v^ CiirAT, and we'i.1. s\y Elevkv I.sriics DBB»- WKM., I MiMri.n v\v, >-i-(:aki\(: at kaniom, Yor wufLii 'Lirr' at AtouT tLi-VLN ijiis' AMI 'I"iii:r:t: '.'i m;h:i;-. ■ " "Small Mercies.*' First Jolly Angler ;«r.M 'iwyj/f/ Vfr*l). '■ WkLI, WK'\E HAD A VERT TLEAKAUT l*.\\' '. M'nM A I'lriiiiiTH'L l*L'r>L'iT ir is ! ' Second Diao (i^i/A (/t/^). *'Ci.iH;iotM I I sin^ ' i -i .1 i that Xiiii;Lt \v£ IIAn Jl»T AFTF.Il Ll'NlU, AS L'tSI AS I LIVK;" Both. *'.\ii;r" ^4 Tyranny. First Rouffll. " Wi;'i:f. a oois' TO BE Edgicated XOvr, c'Ml-ULSORV, < r.isE r;o T'» IMF, Ti;F.AriMri.L !" Second Rou?li. "All ! No VrNDEU so MANY I'oon PEorLE's A Ejiichatin' A Perfect Cure. Town Han. ''How Joli.y if mfst nr. Living down nr.nE ly the CoFNTRV ! " Country Gentleman. "On, I dos't know. It's rather Torpid sort of Life; Time pa-sses vekv Si.owlv." 'Town Han. "Time PASSES Slowly I You should gkt Somebody to Draw oj you at Tiirke Moxths ! ! " In Consequence of the Tailors' Strike, GEORGE A.N'D THE GOVERNOR HAVE THEIR CLOTHES M,VD3 AT DOME. Oeorse, "Ar.E You suF.E YOU TOOK MY RioHT Measure, CUARLonEr" Charlotte. "Ou, George, I'm sure it Fits Beautifully I ;" 43 "As Well as Can be Expected." Horsey Faiiah Sector [laU for the Mccl), "Well, JUotiicu, and how's tolt. Daichtek, ..no the BAniiv— roonf.v, i;ii • An. wkli, GIVE HIU A PlN'Cil O' BUIU&TONE IN UIS PaF, AND I'LL LOOK IS TO'UOIEEUW." ^iil',fktoi«h!teito!i!i| Penny Wise Rational Sohoolmalter {tjoiuff rounj irilA OoTtrnmmt iHitjieetvr). "Wu-KlNs, How no VOL- ur.iNo Siiili.inos into I'CNrK f " Pupil. " TiEvsr, Sic, 'lAKis IT i^orxu to ihb Pitduc-'Acsk, Sir:!" 40 Reminiscences. OoverzieBa. "Snow Mil SMrrilKl::) Yon: Nkw iJotL, AuA." Old Brstlc. "All— I,ok'— t>E.\r.v mk. Him, ik it ai.st rim vkiiy MoCAt. OF uv Old Woman whks siik was is hkp. I*miiK ' !" Cxistomer {worried into it). "Well, I don't mini> Taking a Small BorrLE " Barber. "Bktter 'ave A Two Siiillin* ore, Sin ; it 'olds Fouu Times as much as iiin otheii " Ciutomer [turning upon him). "0, THEN IF I take this Suilusg Bottle, I shall dr Done out of Half my Money's wouth * Then I won't haye axy!" [Escapes in triumph! Distract! ng. Customer. "Whai inn you think of the Ilisimv'.s Seumon on Sunday, Mi:, W'li.NiiY ?" Hairdresser. "Wklt., p.eallv, Sir, jheiie was a Gent a-sktiin' in fuont o' Ml' AS Ai. ir:s 'Air paiited that Crooked I couldn't 'ear a Word!" 47 A Com pi i ment. Hairdresser. *'Anv off tuk Beaiui, Sir?" Customer. "No, thank you. I've lately TiiiMsiEi) it mysel*." Hairdresser. '• ]si>KED, SiR ' I khould Kor have rilOUfillT ANY tiKNTLE- MAX out of THE PROKl'JtSION COULD UAYK DOM: IP ^0 WELL I !" XXX Cellent Reasons. Frea and Indevendent {lo imvtrinn) Elector. "Yoc pon't aiimirf. nis rOLlTICS ? TOLITK-S BE BLOWED ! LCOK AT IllS PlJSCtri.E..* I TUAT MaN MXVS llfCE^rs FivE-AND-TwenTY Bt'SQKLIi to tbe Hogsuead ! " Sympathy. Giles [rurftiUy). "ViLLlAM, I've bees an' cone as' 'Listed!" William. " Lok' I 'ave yeu, xnoi'uu T Got the ShillinT' Giles. "Yes." WiUlam. "WeI.1, T1IE.N-, lET's CO ax' 'AVE A Cl_l.«s .VT THE ' P.AE '.T- Mow.' Don't let's be down'e-vbted 1 " Liberal to a Fault. The MlssM i>/(7W»). "Mv 'ii8B.\s '8 Out just .vow, Sie. IE by DOtSO IT VV LIKK CoX— OlOVES or I'lOWERS, oh SdMETllING o" THAT SOKT ! ! " 49 A Sinister Slip. Smith,. "HrLLo, liitow.s- ! 'Been von your annual Cullis I mzxs Youu annual Excursion, yet?" [Brown was hijkly ncrootis, ani Otis mali-jii sujjcjitioji qaii^ upset him. He spent ki« holiday at hoiml Force of Ha bt t. City Uerchant {bliss/uHif dozhij i>i liii Country Chuixh). "Skasos Tkket ! "A/ma Mater." Youruf Puiuh(onby "cuts" the Attitf/, nnd rfoesh Oxford to read for "the Chittxh." Tutor. "YOL' AHK PliErAUED 10 SuUaCLlUE TO THK Tlllin Y-JClSE AhTICLES " Puncheonby {icith alacrity). "All *Til tlkask 'mi,— ah— iiuw Ml*-cu— ." 60 Embarras3/njf. Nerroua Spinster (to vary Old Ifnchrhr). "Ojr, Mi:. >Iai:H!mi.ii, J 'm >f> ^Frigiitksed ! May I takk iiold <'K v-'I-'- M»v- "Pim wi 'rr <...|\ij "hitiioucH THIS TvysrxV A Straightforward Vie w Sigh Church Curata. "AxD what do you Think, Mb. Simison, about Clergyman's TrnxiNr, to the East?" liiteral Churchwarden. "Well. Sir, my Opinion* is, that if the Clei:ct MAS IS GOOI»LOOKIN', HE KON'T WANT TO TURN HIS BaCK TO THE CONCUEGA- TIOS ! " "The Be-tter the Day," &c. Bnstic {to Curat/: icho dabbles in Photogitijjh y). "I'd be Trnu'cLE iii'cit Obliged, Zui^ if y'ov'd Map off my Pictuu', Zl-r T" Curate. "Well, my M.\n, I'll take your Likeness for you. AVur.x will Tou Come?" Bustle. "Well, Zur, if you've no 'bjections, I be moastly Cleaned vi- and HAS moast Time o' Zund.vy Marnins, Zur 1 1 " A Dibtinction. The "Good Parson'* (to ApplKant/or iHatntciUm in the Kigftt Sc/tooT). "Have you bkks Cunfikmeu, mv Hoy Boy (hcsitatini/). "Please, Sir— I— don't know " Parson. "You understand me; has the Bishop laid his Hands on you I*' Boy. " Oh, no. Sin ; dlt his Keeper have, Sir— very uften, Sir ! 1" ei Considerate. ChorcliwaTdfcn. "Tkll te what 'tis, Smi. The Cong&bgation do wish you wouldn't tut that "eke Curate up is Pulpit — NoBODT can't HE.vi: vs." Old Bportlnff Rector. "Well, Bix^t "^^^ Fact is, Tweedler's such a Good Fkllow fob Parish Work, I'm obliqed to OIVK HIM A MOVXr SOMETIMES," 82 Rustic Recoileclion5. Boy. "PiT-Asr, Pa-ai:son, MuTiii:i: wants souk Soup." The Bector. "But I t«ild tour Mothkr she must sksd SoMExmsn to put it in.' Boy. "Oh, iLF-vsit, siie've sent this year Pa-ail vok 'un, Pa-aesos 1 1" Not ai"Siher Lining" to a Cloud," Adolphus UjrniuUy ; he is R nv, BUT sous VlSITOns COES TO St. WoBIlLEOK'f, SiH. TlIEllI': TJIK Clkhovman -RCACQES DlSTBUPERTl !" [Clearly vot the placf for him, the old gcntlcitifni Ihtnkty n:itft. a itluuUlcr. B3 A New Dtsh. Sympafaislnff Swell {wxitinj for some chicken). "You'vr. got so Si'Ceourb rnin'.i;, TiioM \-> ! " Persplrinjr Footman. " Vnr.v Souuv, Sir.— lusr 'KLrF.D tub last or it away, Sir. ! " Our Artist IS NOT IX TUK DEST OF TEMPKrS. HE HAS BEEX DISTURBED OFTEX BY BARGES. AXD DOTHEREU BV THE BI.L'EBOTTLES, AND THEK IIES ACCOSTED EV WHAT APPEiRS TO HIM IK THIS IRRITABLE MOOD TO BE AX Art-Critic (/oj.) "The rimnE looks Ucttek a Goodish Bit off, Gov'xoi;ii : " Artllt (lAodJru-J). "Cox— rorxD So lo Yor, SlE : " [rmiti mnlr.i off luulil-i, " uot likin] llic hoknof him." Hunting Idiot, REIl-RXIXG FROM THE CHASE, FLOPOSES TO 'CHAFF THAT ARTIST FELLER." Palntar hriV.oui the ii:,jhlca Imilalimt). "\ Sxoul , Hunt»m»a. "Wuatll vr.R Take me For, Gov'xolt. ! 64 Bo.xino-Day. (Sin. Busttel/m's favmtriU Catynum has called/or his usual Christmas-Dor in a slatt of tia-cr mitid.) Mrs. B. "Oh, Sawtee, I'm Surpeiskd— I thoioht von such a Steady Man! I'm sonnv to see vou cives to Deisk I Sawyer. "Beg t' Par'n Mum, no s'li 'mso lIi'M (/«). Dkisk 'asu oi'm t' me, Mum, Vii Monx'x, Mum I!" An Old Offender. ■J/'/^ rrevoca b le. Oonntry Oentleman (ryeing his ilardaier si spicituaty). "Deaie, keah MP, jEFrniE!!, THIS IS Tiio liAU ! AFTER WUAT I SAID TO VOU YestEUUAV, 1 didn't think to Find voc " Oardencr. " Vi.u can't Siiay— (/lie)— I WASH I>BUNK Ye6Bt'»av, Sh ! " Country (Hntleman {sttrrUy). "Ap.E vou Sober this AIoKNINi;, Sill I" Gardener. "I'm— hu'-ightly Shober, Sum!!" B3' Customer {for U-r Hot/al Wcd'liug jJwtoyntyh). "Cas't I havk tur Lady ONLV ? I lioNT SU ML'CH WANT THE OKSTLKMAN ! ! " Tounff FerBon {with dcciaion). ">'o, SlB; wz cA^'T Takt them. Sin, A'OH'/" Mrs. Jingleton. Learning that Young M Skirlygy (FuoM wHosK Family sue Reckivkd six:i TolitenenS whe ." she was is tiik Uirhlands) was is T-iwx, and having Hkahd m MLCH OF HIS Playing, a>ks him to one of hek I,rm.i-: Pai:tie3 fo:: Classical Music, axu hocks he will 'Oblige' durimg thk KvKMNO. — Ha! Ha! Shk didn't Know what his iNsriiiMtNi" was! ■' ■ ■ ■ ■ ' -V Js, • Arcadian Amenities. Llttlo Rustic (a/trt- a "gttme" uttiufijU^ friilrntlt/ orciuxiyhit'l). *'0h, tlRASR, HELP rs AIONV; 'nH THIS LiNRS VI' TO MOTIIEllK— " Aml&blfl Swell (nyhnsl). "Eh! oh, RimcuLofs— how cas I? — LonK heue, I've r.or a IIao— hkavv Bao— to taurv hvaelf " I4ttle Rustic. " I'll cAUiiV Yoiii Rao, Sin." Swell. "¥.n—nvT {to gnin timf) WH— what's Yoi'R MoTHEu's ABsunu NAMKf" [TkisUultiot Kclphim %nud%. There icaa no cscnjy ; and uUitiuxUbj b»t ir: dmtv a iviV otff the h»miliaiing tetfuel. 66 A Big Fish. A.rtfUl Dimssl {wJm hts mile a swrsttul Otroic). '*0, LoRD FlUBlbOlIf^ IIOWRVKK SHAM. I MaNIIIE " Lord Penbiffffln {otujht, too). 'That let he Show too! Ail OBPimiM • o«« HOW VOL' Pl\y roup. Fish!" {Wf hriraij eonjidenee /m- ona. This Pidmrt fiimrs fro-n a l/:tL'r aent bt/ a ruichj-nutrrud Lady {now of title), to a partteulMr t'riaii of hers, an'i is eatUd a '^ Ji^minisefHce oj Scotland." Perhaps our Solders' am gtuta at the Story— wt cnnnot.] Playful Widow. "Ji'Mr MF. Down, Mu. Ficciss! !" [The fi„llmil liUlc Man dUi his hat, hut fcU—in lur cstimrUiov /or riw.' Artful - Ver^ ' Uary. "Dux'r KEF.P A ScilEOUCl!!' o' ME, John! ' John. " Wii'oi iieax't a Sckeovcix' iin vkk ! " Kary (i'.ir HAVE THE PoNv rA< KEit 1 Xo! That rr.usfN mi-st have seen is ome iXT" THE Lane fiust; and ir the JIas's cmt cummun rul.lTtXKs" " 2fr. B. "ItrT, MV 1>EA1:, we've msI.V Jl>T Tl'llSED THE '' Mrs, B. *'I don't CAtlE, l!l:u\VN : Xo ! I won't r.u nAVK, IF I STAY HERE TILt " Farmer. "All iiir.HT, Sii:;— I'll r.ACK, Sip.. I've gov .ust .sicn AsoTHEK I'lxtx ,\t Home, Siu:" How We Arrange Our Little Dinners. MUtrau. "Oh, Vm.k, we sham, want Uixnei: for Foub thii Evesiso, AVhaT Wi AOr THINK, IIE'IUU THE JulNI. oK II\.1A1I S..rr, l.iili-ill: I'aTEs, AN1> AN KSTI;4e-SAV, liEEC!" Cook. " YE.'*, 'M— FuEkii, on Aisrr. TH*tntM. "Let'.s see! It's oslt the ItuunNs— Tinxeu will do: " 68 Co n c/ u sive Xiodcer. "I detect ratmru a Dis,\GitKEAni.E Suki.l in the Horse, Mas. JoN^;s, Ai:E voir svi:K tue Drains " Welah Landlady, "Oil, IT cAS'i BE THE Drains, Sir, whatever. There ARE .NONE, Sir ! '." Our Manoeuvres. Captain of Skirmisliers rxs/n.ij i,t to seize /'u/:c( .'^ciftki o/ ihr £,ir.,i>/). "HiM.1.0 ! Hk-ai: ; Vou Si:i:rksdei: ro this C'omi-anv ! Opposition Lance-Corporal. "IJf.c Paicdon, Sir. I It's the otheu "Way, Sir. We'i'.k a Bkicade, Sir I!!" 'I vv 'Our Reserves"— The Battle of Amesbury. Aide-de-Camp. *' OnoD Gracious. Sir ! wnr don't tou Order yoi'r Mkn to Lie T>o\tn rKhicn thh Hili. ? Can't vou Si:e THAT UaTTI:KV PlAVIStl RrnilT ON THKM?" Colonel of Volxmtoert. "Su I hid, Sir. Blt tret won't Lie Down. Tiikv sav tiiiiv wast to See tiik Rkview ! :" 39 ^^^' '~-^CT(lllllilillillillilllllllli!iBM ~r^ Nervous Look .' " Cabby. * A Little Falling, Old Lady. "Now, Cabman', yoc'ke Sice Torit House is Quiet? AVhat's he layixo Back his Eaks likk that poi: '0 that's only hek Femi-.\7.v« CfK'osiTY, MfM. ■ She likes to Heat: woeie she's a Coin' to!" The Connoisseurs. Oroom. " Wimv'H Beec do you Like IJ»:&t — this "eue Hom'brewed o' Fisk'b, ok that thkhe Ale they gives yeii at the Whiie Ho's?" K««per (critienlhf). "WELL, o' THE Tew I riiEFEibs this 'eke. That theuc o' WfM'fMJD'a pun't Fare to me to Taste o' Nawthl'N at all. Now this *Ei:E pew Taste u' the Ca&k .' ! " 60 " lo Bacche ! JeunM, "Monsis', Mr. jAitvirt, What's the XewsT" itr. J. (tJu old Coachrtuin), " Wkli, I've 'eaed the best bit o' Nkwu this MniisiNo A« I 'tb 'eap.d for waxv a Day, from olb Butleb. He tell mk the Winyakwi h 'a comis' RorsD,' ASO there's every Pbosi-ec' of cub. CErriN' SOME KOBik oooi> Madeiry ! I " ^Qi A Veteran , Civil Service Captain. ""Will— he— ah— stand Tow-dab?" Dealer. '• 'IVwDEr. ?' Why he was all through the battle o* Watzkloo that Charger wajs ! "What's the Odds?'^ Purchaser, "He's rather Heavy about thb Head, isn't he ?" Daaler {can't deny il). "Well, Sik ! {Ha^ipy lluughl.) But y'bke, Sib, he'll bev to Caekt it iiisselt ! 61 "There's Many a Slip"&-c. WAcr.iRi SAW A srr.KsiiiD Tiir.i;nroi-.\n Tkiht Frxnixo is k Quiet Puie os the Tii.iMiis oxe Evesisu last Week. Down HE COMtS THE NEXT Nr';HT, MAKING SVIIE OF HIM ! Bl'T SOME OTHEU PKOri-E HAT> SEEN IIIM TOO ! ! I -^^"^^^^ ^'^^ ksm. <#* ^.^mw M^^^^^ w Lingua" East An^lia. FlT«t Anffler {/o Country Itoit). "1 say, mv LaPj Jl'sr GO TO MV KeieSO uS THE BlIfHOE TUEEE, ANO 8AV 1 SHOEEIi HE MUCH Obi.IUEO TO UI3I IF UE'U SeND ME SOUK liAlT." 62 Country Boy ((» Svuu:! AmiUr, In Ihf Tiul-rn r;H,ii:,t hll^llirj.-). "Tha' TMEUE R'l' »AnV HE WANT \ \Vl I ii " ' " ^SffiS^Fcl''^^ A Luxurious Habit. Philanthropist {.to Uiiilimij Purler). "TllEX what Timk DO TOl' CtT TO Bim!" Pcrier. "Will, I SELDOM wirAT VEE MAY CALL GKTS TO BeD MVSEIF, 'CAfsE o' THE XlcllT Tl'.AIXS. lii I MV Ul.iil lltl!, AS IVKIi T" WOltK T1!E P'lVTS Kl CTIIEI: l»n\vx THE I, INK. WEST TO BED LAST ClIllISTMAS AlTi:r. THE At< IDEST. ANI» NEVET. " ITt-ain riiy/irs i,i, and the Vaylirs rifsh off'. The Go/den Aav, l'>iiiiEl:f Has ihki.k iill.n a KftrE?" Porter {fisloiiMnt). " Bles-; thee, I.aks I TiiBiiF.'s XEA Feiohtix' soo-A-iiAYs; Va Aoix t' La-aw !— NoiincT A FlooeuSuow ; " 63 "No Accounting for Taste." Materf&miUas (Jusl drrivti at S\rimptille—'M ClUldrm hi! lc:a. damn n UMlh b-fon). '"WgLl. Jaxe, ii.vve yoo fobxd it DrtL?" Nurse. "It was at rusr, M'm. Tukre was kothink to Impkuve tue JIisd, SI'm, till the Xiggers ivme dows !:" Sold Cheep. lattl« Brown (to " Siggrr Mixtlrel." trAo aUoij/i addrasa hia IMtncn at •• ily Lord"). "Ah, how Din Tou Ksnw MV AH -Ili.w mi, v,.L KS..W 1 WAS A LoKD t " [SoiKiUon avumg the byilandml KlnBtr«l. "BLFiiit VF.n, MY LoKD, I KF.vKn LOSE Sight o' mt Schoolfellciw ! " ( Kmn n/ ImighUr. LMli II. mra j n, and botu • 64 Selling Him a Pen ny worth. Philanthropist. "Tuki:k"s a Fksxy foil you, my r.Ai>. Wh.vi- will you DO WITH IT?" 8we«j»*r. "What all this at Once! I'll Tuss yeh For. it, Dovdle or i;,' \\n a ' Wax '*' 63 'The Meal Supply.' Bftthins-Man. " VEji, Mcu, ur.'s a Cood oli> 'Orse ykt. Asd he's bees in the Salt AVate!*. so I/U'c, iii;"i.l makk r.vniAi. iiiLKD Beep when we're dose wiru uim ! !!" "Tracts." First MftTvy. "Tnkw Mirmonakt cave me this eke Ti;a«:k jist wow, Biu.." Second Navry. ''Ain't se»:s him. M'hat ioikk is HEf" fint Nawy. " I.irrii: Ciiai*— rr.EACHtJi Atutr ekjht Sus ten, I f>iioi;i.ii Gcesk;" 66 "A Ticket of L eave Swell (l'7c» ^rvHt I.- liuiir). "H'YAr.S MY KVAKIt IK YOU 'i>— All— LIKE 10 SimMmS MV-" Cabby {trho hit pulM up n.tit hfttnl the tiixjnUr), " DoN't Vol' take it, RiLL. It's uis Tkket o" Lr.Av». 1" A pleasant Prospect. Traveller [in Trelaiul). '" Hi.— I'ui.i. iiF.r. vv, Man: Don r you sbe the Mai;e is RrxNixc away?" Paddy. " Hoi l;i tight, vkp. "Oxtu: 1 Fun VKi: life noN'a^Torcii the Reixs I— sihe t«ey'j:e as i:oiien as i-eai-.s : 1 'i.r- TUI:N her into the RiVEU at the IlKlUnE DEI-UW keek. SlI:E that'll stop her, TME rLACYAlll);" rtt^trt I i-'>^>l^'f^'i^^^^'^)^ Reassurin Ki:i.rit\v, Jr.sivvi" Keeper. "Av, Siii, a tiliAMt BiiiD T«t K».xn ti> \itri: Kimkn 68 Stern Pulpit Critics. First Scot. "Kat Sour o' MiNiKTi::t hae yb tJuTTEN, GeordieI" Second Ditto. ■•On. \Vi.i:i, he'b x« mcckI-E wcctb. Wk seldom get a i;ii.\r •■ iiiM. .Sax Dat> u th' week he's t.xVrot'BLE, asd om the Se\»_vtii Uf.'.S C.NCOUI'ltKllKNd'ULi: '. ! " The Commissariat. Squire (to nnv RiUl-r). "1 have THREE on. four CLERtivMEN coiuk:; to Dine with m". tc-mo^row, P;;odgsrs, A^D " Mr. Frodg-ers. "'Igii or Low, Sir?" Squire. "Weli,— I hardly But wht no yof ask, Prodcers?" Mr. Proiffera. "TVELt, vou see, Sir, the *'Icn' drinks most Wine, and the 'I.uw' eats most Vittles, and I must perwtde ACCORDIS' ! ! ' Duty ar\6 Pleasure. Bnrai Butler {itc/craitiuUif). "And what do you Think of oin Country (JlAMIV liiiWN HERE, SiR ? " Town Qentleman (" in waiting" In Lord 2farylone, nho tnia i-isitintf the Squire). "■\Veu., 'f col i;sr., you see, Smitiiars, I don't mind Waiiin* on 'eh.— hut— 'cant Say I should cai:k to Sit Down with 'km" : ! ! 69 "Business !" Bath-Chairman. "I s'msK THE Duke of Edindoro* and his Missis will HE IlY DiriKCTLY ?" Policeman. "No, they won't. They ain't in Town." Bath -Chairman. "Ain't they?— I ray, if that Oi.» Lady in .my Cham ASTS vou, SAV 'you don't KNOW,' 'lAUf-K SIIE's A WAITIN' TO SEE 'EM, A'S. ] M ENCAGED IlY THE HOUK.'"' 3a c rificG . Good Templar. **Tct— t— t— Rkally, Swizzle, it's DiscnACEFUL to see a Mas is tour Position is this State, aftep. tiii: Expense wkve ixllrked and the Exektiu.vs Wk'vk tsED to Tit Down the Liql'op. ThaffiC" Swizzle. "V MAY PREASU AS MLSU AS y' LiKE, OeN'l'm'K, BUB I CAN TELL V' I'VE MADE MOKE PERsirNAL EkKuI:*!! TO (Alc) PunuowN I.iguop. than *vv of yk !" Ex tenuat ing Circi msta nces. Employer {uh hm imy to iu-itiiev on Mcwfutj moiniuy). "All, SaUNDEKs! I'm *ti;i:v Tij SHE YOU is this AVay. 1 tholgut you'd tik>ed ovkr a Ktw Leaf ! " Saunders {rrji(MtitHt). "Siio Tap, Sinn, but (AiV) 'tsii all aloxc o* thesii '*jtB Wa'er Co'pamj:*— I 'ssiiure you, Shiu, ."tit wa>hx't Dvxr v' W'a'eu 4n err. Slll^Il^'liN all Yk^ht'p.iiay t ! : " 70 A Defiin ti on. Shoeblack {poi>tti»'J to U»MmJ'j Putty ttj Ihr la »}}>■/ vsf). " TEX-ToTALLEC OS 'the Stmke,' Sil!" M y$ tifica t lo n . Our i/ouiuj Lamhc'ip'- Fa/iit'-ys Prcixirations are Jlfjit,\lcl v.itk Intense Interest by fhr ViUayc Juveniles, jb7io evidently cj-pcci a Gymnastic Entertainmmi — {he frames an Ima'jinary Picture with his Hi'ntfs). Omnes. "Kk's a coin' to sav uih rr.AYEits fist:!" Excursionist {to /ni.i^dj). " I'luj ! 'niE's osE o' TiirM AnTisTS. 'DnSsAV 'i:'r.i. want a (.;i;xti:i;l Fiur.r.n roi: is Fur.ECiiut'N'n. 1 'l.T. jr.l.Vfl MR '«f.'/.''* 7V Our Theatricals. Brown (rehearsitig his part as Ihc "Vimnle de Chtn'aac"). "Yas, JIaeif. ! I've fcinhly Loved vr. {Sobs Jntmnlltallii ) "Tis wpi.< -BUT KO HAT-TAR-R ! " Housemaid {to Cool^ cvltidc the J^car). " Lavkp, Xiz'beth, ain't Masteu a civin' it to Missis ! " Flatter! n;?. Houasmaid ^1; Cook; IxhiHj llu laimb). "He's a Haffabi.e Yoixg Max, that iai'mn Ldibeh, Missis's Biwtiiei:. Hmv Becomis' he'd I/ioK IS ooR Livery, wodlpn't he!!!" 72 Comparisons. Barber. *"'Aik's exti:'iiiumnai:y Drv, Sih. {t'uitfomrr •rplains he has been iu t/u: Comttnj, and out o' doors a good deal.) An! jus' 60, SiK. liriSATlOV TO TH K 'Alll. Silt! If I WAS HJ 111; KSiHKlX" ABOUT 'UnTING AND FlMIIx', Loll", SiR, MY 'AlR WOULDN'T BE IK SO nr-HTRr. Statk than viu'ks, Piu;.'" Delicately Put Cuatomer. "I'm akuaid I'm oEm.N-; a i.ii-[|,k Hald!" Operator. "Well, Sir, I think, Sir, wuf.n vou aitend Pitblit Wuauii", IF I WAS YOU, I'd Sit in the Galleuv." 73 A Rash Refusal. Caatomer (flyinij from Impurtuunk TraiPsmaH). "No, thank \oi', hIt't;(u:n»cE, vol" ur.iiK I:k:.ikvk:» iam M'kik fihim hik i'nw- Uvig-^idse. "(mmmi-mux Ahmp, Sti: ! 'S tc.lk's I Stand heki:, nkvki: vas insii*;-: tiik 'Oi'sp. iv am. my I.IK^:, Sn; : Xkvki: iirnni xk ir, Sn: :" "^^^S^i:: Equal to the Situation. The Par»on. "WKti., lAr.r.iy\ y«h r. MoniKit's iomk otr of Tr-isoN, I iiiixi:. Ilt'W IS MIIR NtiW f" X F*nt iinr. Fon It" Awk w kwa re Literal Servant Girl (/n Lhr i)i/tf!i'''i-i/iM\ "Vi.r.\-iii'-d Uk t4^rfittioii)~Ur. 1— {/h n lotit jrhiHjitr)—UK I to Chanck my Tr.owsK's, Mim V 75 Silly Suffolk C') Pastorals. Fteciprocity. Parson. *' I HAVE Missed you from your Pew of late, Mr. Studding6 ' 7uin«r {npologdimtty). " Wei.1-, Sin, [ HEv' been to MEEr'.s* LATELY. Bur— v" .sek, Sik, th; Kkvkuesd Me. Scowles »»' the Chapel, he bought soue.Pigs o" me, and I thought I ought to gi' 'm a Takn ! !" Lap6us Lingues. Oor Athlttlc OtumU iirhn, \ritK Hit ./imnj men i,/ Au fnrM, had bttn viUtriouj 1,1 ,1 yrr.i( malck Uu .(ay ^^^c ; i,lnuc ytrjirr km Ait oner, j). "Oh dear ko ! *Ciii;Rcii ok England,' I assuhc Yoo : " Gran d i Iquence Captain of Schooner. "WiiAi 'a' vni- nui ihkkk, Pat?" Pat. {iiiiu Jfits been hnjing in svinc Fircti\ml niiU Potniocs). "Tlmder and Fkuit, YKit HoNori: ! L e veiling Up . Sub. {Jiist arrived hj mil). "How much to the Bahuacks?" Car-Driver. "An, siivuK this, Cai-tin, niu Masest ov 'em rives mk Tree and SixienceI 77 Rural Simplicity "Ckex to Suiool, I.11T1.I'. Lassie r" "Ay, Sin." "Good Cirl— tube's a Pexsy fob tov." "TuASK vor. Sin. I'll iiae to iie sTEprix'— bct awm o.vcx to Skkixl i riir. Mok.\is'— mill ve be imis wav i' tue EfTEr.SEis ; Catechism under Difficulties. Fr«« Ktrk Elder {jtrrjifieatorti t>} prr»r»tunj n Trfi-t), "SIv ri;lK\r>, lio YOU Know rut: ''hike Enk iif JIan r" Piper (Mtftoorit//>/>. "Ka, I PiXNA MiMt iirE i'lirsL! Can ve ,\i. M'iu-:«TLr ;! In Vino M emo na Kajor Portsoken (.( i>rrllij nmliiiil GHrti). "I ,av, liinrASAN, rlll^ isxt- {niiotJicf at/i — IIIK SAME L'lrAWI-AU.VE '." Scotch Batler. '• Xa. tii.vt s .i' Dixr: Thcke \va> Tiiiiitia I>izze.v; anu VE '\ K MAD VEKi: SlIAUE o"T. M.VJuE '. '. " 78 M I nd and Matter, Augustus {j>o*-(>'.->iI). '-Look, Hunn ! How Lovr.i.v \ur. thusk t'LEEi-v Cutdlkt-s daitled over Tin; Edith [jhosftii). *' Ves 'Xactlv like Ckavy wues it's Gnrnso Onrn Tss'r it?"!! ^/^•;-: 5i//v>' Conr.KcTisc ins I'liKnv Coumns rKi;si'Einvn, ok corusc KiiEBHuiCK's F.u-k .Mr,T ni; as xi:M:t.v as kissiulk IS JliE SAME I'LACK AS HEnS !— TABLEAU I— Pa (fX TlIK liACK'-lllOl SD) IS EVIPESILV MAKIXG UP HIS MiSU TO SEB ABOUT THIS ! jVi'/c. Fl:Kl» hasn't o rnp! 79 Those D readfu I Boys! Algernon. "And, dearest, if the Devution of a Life " [At this momcui his hit is Inockcd onr Au ctfcs Ifj a commuix .Star- fsh, or IXrC'^ngcrs {^Astcrias rubcuj), fliromi, tcith considcrahlc fvrce ani }irccisioii, iy one of those i t ^ *m* high-spirited littic ftUatcs her younger IrvOters, Tommy and Ulutie! ! ! Pro fan at ion. Oent. "I LEFT A Lock of Hair here a few X'ays ago to de Firrtn iv a Locket, is it— An~RE.U)T»" ATUst«. "VtRY SORRY, SlR» IT BAS IlEEN UULAID. BUT IT "S OF SO C0N8»JUK>'CE, SlR— WE CA>' EASILY GET IT MaTCOED, Si». " M 80 "Turn A bout." Ooorre. "I SAV, T<»M, do take (.are I You nearly Shot my Fathep. then ;" Tom. '"Sh ! DoN*T say anvthixg, there's a good Fellow : Take a Shot at mine ! ! Making Things Pleasant Irishman ^lo Eaglish Sjtortsman). "Is n Th;:olt!.I Be jaders, the AV'ArniF.K '3 stikf wid 'em III" ['* Jicgnrdlcjs 0/ strict Irtitfi, in his love of fii/perloh nud ffcnerowt tlcsire to jilaisf," inn diiu-orcrcd.'). " 0, you Deckitfi'i. Girl, to say there was Xodody here I And aftci: I'd gives tod wstin'CTLY to understand I dius*t allow 'FoLix)WEr^' ; and HERE, YOU UAVES'T BEEN HERE A WeEK " Cook. " I.M'KS, M'M, it ML-Sr EE ONE O* THE FoLLEKERS AS TOE LAST CoOK LEFT Hf/INH 'EU ! ! " Romance of -the Kitchen Cook (/nwi the Arai\ "O, 'Liza, ci' mb mv AVinicbettc— I've 'ad a- OFFEC— Fr.>ll T«K DCSTITAX/.'" 82 "Com pi Im ents of the Season." Comely Housemaid. "O, Mi:. Jauf^, I'm 80 Frightened in the Railway t ScpiHiSK Tnr. lJii.ri: \v,\s tu Bust I " Kr. James. "Then, my Dear, yul* 'd be a Singin auong the Angels ik ABoiT Ten MiNi'T&t : !'* Emily. "What's Capital Pi-nishmest, Mamma?" Master Harry. " Wiiv, BEING Locked up is the Pastry ! / should considlu it so Dear, Dear Boy ' Qeorffe. "Oh! Shouldn't I jrsT like to sen Somt-body in that Den, Aist Serious Aunt. "YE-Ed. Daniel, I suitosk, deai: !" Oeor^o. "Oh no, Aint; I mevs 'Old Twkimiv," lui: IIi;ai>-J[asteii ! : ' 83 ^.^^>^ NT "Brother Brush" Eblp Painter. " XiiE Dnvi.N' \VE.\THr.B For. ovr. ElslXEss, ain't it. Sir.!" Am«t«ur frf.jcuirtrtcrfl. "Va-as:" (r'nnt,itri/). "Hullo, Woodulff 1 what an eye you'vb got! How ihd you CKl- THAT? !" Labourer. "O, it's nawtmin' Tautic'lar, Sir.. LAt^x Nicin— at tiik AVim-E 'Aijr, Siu. Hut— (/» ''.,f,„,uttwii)~Ciuimiyi.\sii Time. Sir— o.v'v Onti: A Vi:au !" Two Sides to a Question . Squire. *'YotjK Na.mk S,\[nii ?" Smitb. "Yessik." Squire. '*Air, I v'.ndehstaxd vuu'jik the Mas who cives so much Tnoi:hLE TO MY KKEPEKS! " Smith. "A.v YEii rAKDo.s', Sgiirir, yolk KEEPEns is mlcu moke Tkouulk in ME ! *' Suspicion ' Stout Visitor {on diKoixrimj that^ Uttring his usunl ICap after luncheon', he has,hten suhjcdcd to a grossly personal Practical Jolx). "It's one o' THOSE Dasbrd Aktists tuat are Staying at the 'Loud Nelson' 'a' doke tdis, I kxuw '." KM mij^i r^ y Depression. Scene— 7/"- Ejrhn.tgc. LuUistriat Centre. First Commerciml Kan i'lnjly). "Mohmn' Second ditto rvMhr. "JIuUNlsV" rir»t C. M. ' . ■•''!'). "OwtT" Secoud ditto - ■ .'"''?'). "Xowi !" Plrst C, M. v/ . i/v. "MonMN*!" Secoud ditto '■/. v-'.,. , '/ :. "MoiiNiN*"" 8e in-ri-iw. Reductio aa Absu rdum. Stout Party ,//*'• jinti time he icciit for hii DuiitcmU .li.'^c his Annt left him thni L-jnoj). "W'nr.Mt. DO YOf Go FOR THESE DlVlDENU AVaUKANTB ? " Bank Beadle. "What Stock, Sir?" Stout Party. "W'eli, Three ier Cent. Souetuiso '* (//-e irord stuck in his t/i.vat). Bank Beadle. "Ah!— (yniM^ him Ute In/vrmalivn, n»d snijiuQ the irortl fur him\ — r^EDOOCBO, Sl»^ \ " [Stottt J\trty ri'jhx, ami c^if. iaste the Less Speed.' Intelligent Peasant [icko has been overlooking oto- Artist-i u-ith much interest). " Vak Mate s a Stainin o' jiis'n a READY, Sir ! ' My. A T/)e Po I n t of View. Tomkins ^/i-- has /ifftnt his friend Stwlgc talk so iiiucit nloiU that lo\-:hj sjiot It'M'l'-Attri'k, Khillifi- he IC(W (joiiifj sktUhiitfjt Ihat /<«■ trtiK iudncat to acoy.ujxiny him. A *E A Vake TO-Mniii:i'W 1 r.VT F,v HE doesn't i:i:Tn:N the Dav afthkii, SIII|:i; JIE'ir. a' I'.KIX AWAY A K"I:T.\M.MT SEXT Tin.ir.sIlAV ! I '' H vperb o / e. Saxon Sportsman. Pat. '*SNirF>, IS llEKEABOl'TS!" **,\NY Ssn'E AnoiT iiehf, my Man?" r?! FAIX, THKV'r.E HINKUAM-Y JOSTLfN' ACH OTIfEK Irish Uodcl ,,-.,«../.,//.. j.,i Real Irish Grievance. .,1 . ., .1.1 ;.,;.-,; ,,„(, I., '•Till nll^s^■.l) Saints hkict we into Tins Coat, Sup' .■^S ■ w C^-: Our Inspection. Uentenant-Colonol. '■llfl.l.o: t'uSFol'ND it! TutKLs A Mas m.owixi; llis Xose-and wnil a I'.u Klii-llAXnKr.r.cniEl , roo ! Tur-T-T-T-T : " Hunting Appointments- Scientific Colonel. "j\kK YOU GOING TO TIIK * KltlEGSrlKL' TO-MORROW ? '" Cavilry Sub. (//iiudiij itim). "AuoK ! 'Tiiixic NOT, Sin. Arnii I Meet tbeake, m. tiievI Xevai: heauu op thu Clace: WHKItWE o.v Kautii M 1— t?"!! 89 .i!Nliite:^n!f:fe:i E^n CO u ra ^ i n^ ! Biding^Uaster \li Si'b. l.eh,ir,l,i] to i>;k n/ ttt iiric J/oioifcf EaUcria). "Wli.i, Siu : You 'r.E am. 'of a Heac' ox tKf. Hmkses N'fXK — Yoi-vi: Lost voiru S«iii:n axu yuii: FoKACE-CAr, axd you've Lost yolk SriiiKire— axu you'll Lose Yolkself xext::" pl''i|!;|li|'l|i!l|l^jli|j||!| 'ii'il'hi';i •'Ifs an HI Wmd'&c. Sportlnff Sub. " I hiiol'LD like to have hv Leave as wiox as i-osmi \:.\ CoLOXEL, Eoi; I've ju»t heard my Father's had a dad Fall oit IIuxtino ColoneL "Dear me I I'm sorry to hear that: I hove He's xotIUrtI" . Sportlsc Sub. "On, IT isn't that ;— oxly I wast to have his 1Iol£e: :' 90 Pa.rtlcular! AiUut&nt of Voluntoer* (t^ RtanU]. " WEir . Sic, axd w hat Compasv do Y03 WISH TO BE IX .' " Seoruit. "Alou I 1 ve reix— .>u— i.-ed to the Co'iasv o.-— ah— Ce'tle- mex. Sir \'.\'." The Last Word. Cabby {(.. /.Iiilcli/ Tartij, irko lias gimi him his tvjal Far ). " Makis' vek For.TUNr, Sin, no doubt '." Swell [ind rj-aethj mtcltiug Uic Jlcmarl-). *'Eh?" Cabby. "yni-'i;E A L-vvis' UY A oooD DIT o" Mo.NEV, Sn:, I'll he bou.nd ! " Swell {rniliijmiathj). "What u'you mean, Sin?" Cabby. "Wllv vou dos't Si'End mviii, sleminiv I " [Drives off in Iriuuqilt. A Dilemmd Cabby. "Erk's a co, r'i.irEMA.N ! What am 1 to ro?-I vos Ourr.r.Bi. to take thesb 'eee Okxts as 'a hees a Dinmn' T0U-8r.E, TO TIIE.K 'SPECTABIE 'OMES, VUS VOS KO.l 'AsoV, K SjlAP.r, ANOM,E:= KT. IIIK HAl.RANV, AS.l THE TOTKEUS EI.SEVEr.r.s V„LI„ TIIEV VCS ALL rAnunM.I.V SollTBD VEX I St.MITEI-, An' SOW Tin V 'VE ILEX AS' OOXE AX' Y.XED TlIKL.SELVES UI-, AN don't k^uw vicii IS vrcH I !" 91 Too Tru e ' Xamma. "Mv ]»e.mi Ciiii.n, wirr.iiK 11:1 Yor Cfrr iiiAr itiiiiAi-n 1. Shiakii » >■ yovp. Ai:m?" little Ada. "Oh, Ma, it was j isikth's wt; lIli'.^s Br. k»lii wnu Tin-: Gi:kin Class ix m, iiiai- tuk T.'.r.i. S« i.uir.i: oavi: tii:i; "Once -for All." MlatrMi. "Bv Tiic Way— Anna — IIanxaii— 1 m xot .Si'ke. Is vo;k Xamk *Annv. uu 'Haxxaii f" NaiT Cook {tttrtlj). " WuiCH MY >i*ame is Asna, Mim -M \icii, II v, IIks, Hk\, Ha, Hakh,— ' Anna*" Mlatreu {jiti'ij it uji m tie^air). "All! Thank yol'.' 92 Up and Down Statrs Toanr lCi«treu (a.' £^ Parlour Djjr)^ *'Eur.\ \ya\x is tuat Brll Hins- IVO fin bO VIOLENTLY !" Cjolt I'Wmr). '"It's os'v me, Sl'trji. I want you ur.vs ix tub EirciiiNa A MlNlTK 1 : " Laiy Bountiful, '* Hi:r.E, |my gj)d Mvs, ii::?.E'i a TiciiEr For. the On^vst-Jisi CiriniTULc Hi:i-tEF and Ui:rr.EiiiXii JInNni " Prof©33lonal Bayjar ('C.^'i a 5/r;r). "0, Tii\s;iv TOR Xonnys, Mf\i, II )i\ti i> j RF.Aur Mox£r Bcsiyuss:" Gratitude Fastidious Vayrint. "And Tiir:v ain't 'alf Butteued ! I could 'a Donk a« weu. if i'u Oom: ui- the Lave to the 'Union ! 93 Music of the Future. Sensation Opera. Uanaffer {tu his Prima Taiore, triumphanthj). "My peau Fellow, I've bkouoiit you the Score of the kew Oi-eua. We've AnnANGKD sum A SlEXA FOE YOU IX TUE ThiRD AcT ! o' DOARD OF THE PiRATE ScKEW, AFTER THE KeELHADLING SoENE, YOU KNOW? Heavy rollixg Sea, eh ?— Yes, and we can have some real Spray pumped on to you from the Firk-Enuine ! Volumes of Smoke FROM the FUNNtL, CLOWE BEHIND YOUR HeAD — IN PACT, YOU 'LL BE ENVELOPED AS YOU BUSH ON TO TUE BRIDGE ! AnD THEN YOU 'l.I. Sing that lovely Barcarolle through the Speakixg-Trumpet ! And hind you hold tight, as the Ship blows up just as tou COME UPON YOUR HIGH D IN THE LAST BAR I ! I*' Club Law. Waiter. **DlD Yoc Rixo, SiRf" Member [trutnij to U calm). "Yfa Will Y-j>, irifh (ht Pitj-cr /irmiy fUitchri, ft;- thr li'it lira flours. Ma«t«r {xHt'^iig). "There's a most extkauruin.vrv Smli.i., Jaml.^-. I've SOTKEU IT SEVERAL——" Hall Porter. "I nox'T wonder at it. Sir. I've spmkf aihhv it Down- Stairs. Tiik Butler, Sir, you bke is ''Igh Church.' which hk *as fit vp A HoRATORV IN THE PANTUV, AND BURX"* IIiXCKX.hJ:. Wk lOl I.)» STAXK THAT J BUT THE Cook IS THE 'Low t'HUIlCH ' PEIlSUAW'oN, AXIf Mil BURNS HicriWX r.\PEi: To Hoin lAir TIIK IIlXlEXSE. 1 1 's lT.Rrn.KLV HAWH I OX SAISTb' Days, Sir!'!" vtii^'* Wages and Wi\/es. Fbilanthropic Farmer. "W'Ei.h, Tomkixs, after Tins "Week, issteab of I'aVIS*: you I-AILTI.V IS ClliEH, I SHALL CIVK YnU TwO SniLLINClS EXTRA WaGES." Tomkins. "No, inANKv', Masteu; that won't do fou Me!" Fanner. "Why, Man, you'll up. the Gainer; for the Cider tou dad wasn'v uokth Two SniLLiNua!" Tomkins. "An, hut you see I DriNKS the Cidek bjyself ; but the Ow'd *JUMA.N 'id. 'eV IHE Two SHILLVN' ! I " Pursuit o' Knov/ledoe First Agricultural (quite a Year n//cr our Branch fiad been Opened). ""WHAr BE they i'osT-r,s vui!, Mas'r Sam'l ? " Second Ditto (Jrtuj of tJie Village). "Why, to carry the Telegbaft "WoinKs, Gi;aii*;e ! " * First Ditto. "What be the Woires vun, then?" Second Ditto. "What be the Woinp.s Fur? Why, to hoold |op thb- PosT-Es sari's'y, Gearge." .' ! ! / Nice Prospect .' Traveller {heniyhtrd in the Bhuh Coiinlry), "Nut A IIedroom DiSFJfGACED ! Tut-T-t-t ! ' Landlady [irho is eiittently in the Coal Business as iccll). "Oh, we'll accommodate you somlhow, Sii:, if me and my 'Usbaud CIYES YOU Ur OUR OWN BeD, 93 Sin I ^-../^- Boon Compan ions' 2arffe«. "Wnir! Ge-akkk : ' [I^u.stie (jrins ia rcxiwisf.] SarK«e. "I'm au.is main Ci.ad to sek tiiev:, Oe*ai:CE!" Sustio. " WiioY ? " 3argee. "'Cal\k 1 know niKi:F, mvst ni; a rinur-'OisE close nv !" Bereaved. First Pitman. "Tiiou iit-wEVT dees at tde Tors lately, Geordis. II>n)'s THAT, Man ?" Second Pitman. **Thou knaws the Dog's deed, axd xvr kennet cett£X ANOTUEit; an' a Chap lei'ks sa Fond wivout a Doo !" Geo/ogy. Scientlflo Pedestrian. "Do you Find' any Fossils iinr.ET" Excavator. " Dinno wuat yoi: Calls 'Vossft-*.* We Finds youT heke nrT Milk am* 'Aud Wokk ! 96 |^5s=^^|^ The Morn i ng Concert SweU {ihicsiit ciu' !•■,■ .V™,; /ii'jnsc!/). -Mv w.sv., is jMcs— All— (le/ir-t) — Ti:-Dr'M o\'Ai: T' I ! A Cool Card. SwtsM ihniidiaij " Ximlitfj Lifr" lu CUilrfl Piniij). " Aw— W"lI.Ii Ym— AW — rn ME IIIK ?'AVnLK TO WEAB IIIB I.IST OF THE AVaCES TO JIK WllII.E WK'RK WfNXING DOWN ?— I've — AW— FOEGOTIEN MY KVEIJLASS. TJon't MIND WAISINQ Yon: Voice— I'M I'wr.ciOL's deaf!" "Relapse." Squirfl. *' AViiv, Pat, what are you doing, Standino cv Tltr, AVai.i. of the rrni-ic-lIoLsn? I thought you were a Tee- tutai.i.ei; 1 ■' Pat. "Yes, yek Honnok. I'm Just listemn' to them Imi'Enitest Coys Dr.is'Kis'c Inside:" 97 ^1 ^-^;,;.i^^.->:!'i,.vt^ '/ n Coniidence." Hungry Customer. "'Taint Ti.\r>.'* Chet "ClLAU Yoi* Like it; for, to Tei-l vn; hie Tr.fTii, .v'Tnorcn I've rKF.s A Makin' o' this' S»iir roi: Fiftkex Yii.\i;, I ain't never T.isted it Myself ! ! " "The Struggle for Existence." Savwinlan Coster {lo thn/iij ffoHsetrijc). "Well, Fisn is dear, Mc«; vou SEE II S A-GErriN' IVEf.Y SCA'cK IN COSSESENCE o' THESE *Kr.E Akvt. niiTrir. - jakis ui^ Aorro.v- jp.i:j: IlFo'i-vr. '■ First Driver {fiossuraT). *'All !" "Bon Voyage Bas-CoBductor ('o PoHli/ FcmaU, xcito icas iittlitpmitt ai fiaving beat cfrrUd n tlltlc heyvml licr dejtiimthii). *' V7ELL, THERR y'auk, Mum, Fl'st TO YKP. Left. Y'ai.vt coi so vecy Far to Go, and tue W/.vd's at vex Back!!" Persona I ' Driver (i?«;m/(V»/). "Xow thkk, Bill!" Condaotor. "O, looK Ai.ivr, PLEASE, M'a I {To the Drirtr.) Cas'v i:Ki.r it! All ix the 'Amiqie' Line this Moknix' ! 'Eiik'» Thbee Mor.E o.s 'em!" [•••JnHqtlr,' imitril' A'""' n't-rlrhl" lltiui/lil OIK n/ Ac parlia alluded to. 100 "The Conscience Clause" Rector's Wife. " Ast) \Mi.\rV Yol-j: Faiiiki:, my Buy?" Boy. "My Fatimmi's a ' llAulTAjni!,' as' hi: says ilr. wus r have me i.eaksf no Catechism, 'k et^e you'll all op yeu EAu «iv IT :" E d u ca 1 1 o n . Squire. " Hoiisos, riiEv 1'i:i.i. MK Yui;'vE lAKEs Yoin Uiiv A^v.lv rr.uji T[ir. Natio.nal School, What's that for!" ViUager. -C'AUSF. THE JfASTELI AIS'T Pn' TO TEA. H in!" Sauire. "O, I'VE HEAIID HE's A YEnY OOOD UA3TER." ViUarer. "Weli, all I ksoty.s is, hb wastku to Ti.mh my Bov TO Spell ''Tatbiis' with a ' I* ' : I : " ' -> > "Exem pi i Gratia." Ancient Uariner {to cr.tlulous YaeJitsman). *'A'.Mir..\L Loi:d Kklsos ! Bless YEB, I KNOWEI) HIM ; SERVED U.NDKU HIM. JIaNV's THE TlJIE I 'VE As'ED HIM FOB A Bit o' 'Baci'o, as I might he a Astin' o' yoi: ; and says he, 'Well, I "ain't cot no 'Bacco,' jest as you uicnT SAY TO jJi;; 'BfT ueke's a SUILLIS' iVR YEll,' BAYS HE " !! D igni ty. Shipping Clerk. "Ar.K vr rut SIate n' the ' ifAOGiE i.(FZ)£«,' of Stose- haven ? " State Utfrultf). "AsK IK I '.M the Fir.-B-n-si OKKirEr., yovnc Man, as' II VTKE I'll. OIK VK AN ANf^WKi; 1 " A Woman-Hscer Spltaful Old Party (ic/io u (..r.inj lAe Xtnijs of Uif. Flagtlaf). "SlBU'EO Gi)W.\l.i SKHSl All. Illl 'liu' WITH 'KM. KU ! (C*i/ci7fi.> I'LL SriiiiE 'EM ! Pit a kxtua STi:r_VK o' Ii.k ix, o' I'i-rtose— wos't Dry pun a Mi'Mii : C«m>; L'M.ioris' AiwLr hbbk with theiii <'iiis'l\.vei) as' Ts'ixes, iHty must take tde Coksekesses I ! " 102 When You are About It. Mafflster Famllias {i?arliiij with his Bn(kr), "Heue IS THE Lr.TTEn, Flavacan'. I c.\s coNsuiENTiorsLV say you auk JIo.nksi' AND .AtTF.STIVF., ULT I SlIiil'f.D HAVF. TO STHETCH A PoiST IF 1 WERE TO SAY YOU ARF. SoiIEU." Mr. Flanag-an. "Thank you, Sou. Itrr wuen you are AJTUeu sthhitchin' a Point, Soi:, woui.PN"r you, m.asi;, .vniuiTdi n a TITTr.K FlkfirKi;, ANO SAY I'M AFTKx\ SOBEU I I " S ympa thy. Epicuma. ''Pah : O, good ciiacious, Uivin.s that last Oystep. wa« - UGH ! " "BMXltx {xcilh fccliH>j). "T-T-T-T— DEAR WE ! CORKED, SlR ? ! I " 103 THq Run of the House. First Flunkey. "Wi.ni- you co'mi; in, John, asjj take SoMnrmsu?" Second Ditto. "Thank*, no; 1 'u. look you vv next Wei;k. 'Iti: ox RoARD-WaoES IHEV, You KNOW!" "What Next^" UistreBS {lo Xnr Uotisfiiwlil). ".Ianh, I'm quite Srp.rnisED to iikat. ynu ias't Read on AViiiri-:! I'm mt:e oxk of mv l^MT.lliKCJ; wnrLD CLAni.V VNDKl'.TAKK TO TeaCH Yof " Maid. "O. I,ou', Mi'M, IF THE YoiM; Ladies wovi-D be so Kind as to Leai-.n me anytiiing, 1 mioim.d so mke to Play I UK CiANNEl;!" ; ! "The Servants: COOIC. ■•'i'F.S S|»A\, I'm a WkITIS' to .\1a1;Y IIaS.V mIcGS. She'VE AIIUKD to me FuU the CllAr.KTEK or MY LAST Misiis, MHiiii she's Thiskis' of takis' the SiTiwATiox " Suaan. "Will, you Give heu One!" Cook. "Weli, I've Said this. (llraJs.) 'Mns. PEnKslTS piiesests hee CoMrUMlSKs to Miss Mines, and nEr.s to Isform HER that I lU.VSIDEIl Mes. DUoWK A IIE^PEK'AIILE VOtNO PeBSOS, AND ONE AB KNOWS HEI: Pj0TIF.S ; HIT SHE CAS'T COXSIIENSEY RetoMUEND her TeMI'EE, which 1 HAD TU PaET with deb O.N THAT ACCOr.NT.' It S ALLVS BEST TO BE (.AilDIEU, Tol KNOW, SlsAS '." I04 Quite Superfluo us . Stont Passenger (.;WrcK«.a»!»). "Huv! Hov ! H..V ! : • , Bus.Dri,er. "Au. li,n.,T, S,n, «K ,AS Sk,-: vn,:, S.u ; wk can S.. vsn v,n, vnr, >AK,.n h, ,„ !=.r. . ijiii'i |j "Noblesse Oblige." «„,. („. „„.„,. . .. ,^-«.cv>.^ i^^^ofu. cv,^.,). ■■^VK.... n.., vouu R,,.. ^-^^ ^ -^ "^^ ^;;::^,i: ;;t'" C...,. ..00 : .„,„■ r« W.LL .w.„P. o. THAT, S,„, B.T— (••..«« ." -... «-» m .,„. )-As *^. ^^.^^^^ ^^^_^^^^^^^^ 105 The B^a rd Movem ent. Policeman (invidionshj). ''It's ruFFK-B£HT 'Ats A*. BEtN GUNE 'ALF-AX-HOUK AGO, SlU ! " Music in the Midlands. InteUlffent Youth of Country Town. "Au SAY, Bill, vll tu.vt le t' Elijah cois* oor l' that Biu IloxM" loe * A Perfect Excuse. Bector {to his Keeper). "'Morning, 'Woodgate. Didn't I See vou at Chl'kcu vissterday J" Keeper {apolojcticuUy). "Yes, Sir. But— I felt I was a coin' Wrong all the Time, Sib!" "Fahrenheit." Hector. "Ah, wv. siiai.i. in; LOMFoiiTAKi.n this moknisg, Grufkles, 1 seb you've gut TUE TkMI'ERATURE up JCItELY. Sixty, I IlEtLAREl" Clerk. "Yes, Sm, I allus iiev ^ TitOL'ui.E to get that thino ur. 1 took AND ■Warmed it jest this misuteI" 107 Pleasuring I Vicar {lo Old Liubi, whu is rctfrniiuj /ivni a FtiMral). "Well, Martua, I'm akiiaii) you've had a sad Aftebnoon. It has bken a long Walk, too, Fun \<,v " Martha. "Suue-i.v, 'tis, Sir! Ah, Sih, 'tain*t much Pleasure now for IIB TO CO TO FUNEUALS; 1 nK TOO OlD AND FULL O' RhRUMATIZ. It V. AS VElllf DIFFERENT WHEN WB WAS YoUNG^TUAT 'rWX& ! ! " ''>x ■y//:///^.{r/////y'''/////'///'///'7^ Aw k w a rd ! FUTlIEnS SPENDS HIS C'HnisTMAS AT A Cul'NTrv Ht.rsr, AND THE FIILST IiAV, ox THK I.ADIES I.E.\VIN.: TIIK T.vtLK AFTtr. DiNSEI:, HE JTMl-S L-|', ANI» OfENS THE It'ttOXG LWJK ' ! He Thought He vi/as Safe Xmdbls Old 0«ntleinan. " BiY A Cojin! What the DEVir »uot'LD I iiL'v A (..'Mn rtir. ' Y'-r i-'n't see any Haik on my Head, do vor(" T7iiUc«ni*d Hawker. "Iaii;' Bliss YKK, SiU.'— YEE don't WANT No 'Ale ON YEi; 'V.XD ri'U A TiNiTH-L'nMD! ! " 108 ws^^ y.'^\-.v."'^f' ^yS t en €. Hearty Old Ottntleman {to ihis}>rj« at Hbl'-IDtK, AND lio FAsT A^I.KK.l', AX' LMT 'jf FtUIlT 'T OCT 'MOSQ 'msmltes/ '-■" Con siderate C'r/t icism. Bastic 'J^ his /rirjitf). "\\'\—m, tux's Bctteh tiias DOlN* o* Xawth'n*, I s'r«>"V«', GFAr<:E ! " Th e Finish i n^ To u c h ! " F&rmor (irAo /mi\ \ta-n mtssl Obtigiurf^ amt (alcn tjrfof Interest in fUc Pictiur). "(iooP Mor.s'N^ Siij I \\VT—{a(jhnst)—\ s.VT. WHAT ARK VOU A DOIS' OF, MlSTEUl! A P'INTIN" AM. TIIKM UKASTI.Y PoITIKS IN MY CoP.N I— ' A BIT O' CoLOURT' — WllAT "OII.D MY Landlord say, ii' you Think!— ani* ArrEr. I'd mt off Ciitin' cavsk yoi: hadn't Finished, to odmce vEt:, I didn't Think Yor'D A Done it! You don't Come a P'jntin' on my La.nd ant motjk:" [Ej^i, in ffrtnt diidfftou. 109 A Fortiori. Ticket Collector. "Now, then, make Haste! "Where's youk Ticeet!" Bandsman [yfixsh^l). "Au'vE Lost it!" Ticket Collector. "Xonsf.nse! Feel is your Pockets. Ye casxot hev Lost it; " Bandsman. "AwrAworM "Whv, M\^-, \r vr \ '^^r trw. BJO Dltvu f" "Nae That Foul" Country OSDUamau (.tv.o llwa;M he'd got svrh a lixiuiin of a wic Uorttciicr). "TlT. TlT, Tul ! Bless MY S.HI, Saimiers ! Hgw aviiat'6 ail iiiisl DiicnACEFCLLY Intoxicated at tuis Hovr of the MoitMSC ! Ain't vor Asiluied ok VouhselfH" Saunders. " SlIllAUrUJ! (//.V.; Na, NA, M nae SAI; UniNK As rilAT loMES T' 1 All KEN VAHUA >VEtL WIIAI AM ACOOii:" no Hibernian Veracity. PaterfamlliaB {uiih hli Family in Irchm'f). "IIavl vol* any "West India Pickiks, Waiter?" Faddy. "We've noi» Sou. Paterfamilias, "iso Hot Puki.es of any Descrh-tion '." Paddy. "Vo; shuee they'iie all CorLD, Son." ■V^vf^ x'^i Quite Another Thin^. Paddy t^tht ' '-r), •'AniiAH, o'al<»n« 1 1 sAii* I j» lAV you FoivE to "Wan. IVT I WASX'l JIN' TO Bki' MY lU'F-CnOWS AGIX VOUB TATn'BIN IITTLE S'Xl SSCE : " [^Ezmiit ftghUiij. A Fair Offer. Athletic Barman. " Noiv, if i.j^ l..;,i t ,i,u voruSKLF Oil', Vu. rr.EOlous Roos Tuns Yor Ol*t!" Pat (inW a yell). "TuB-n-BX «E Oir! Is it Ttc-R-RS mf Or: ; Thik. Bedad! come Outside, a.n' Trii-r.-i!S me Out! I" m "The Way We Live Now." Swell Coachm&n (wUh his eye on Uu Brougham's eocka^). "YOCR Guv'xer in the Army?" BroUffham [artlessly). "NOT'ZACTLY IN THE HaHMV. BUT MI8SW SAT AS THEY SoLD MiLISGTARY CUR OSITIES WHEX THEY KEP' A Shop in 'Olbors ! !" l'\l'^^1|4|,!fl'fiirii'ill?*^f^i; Re- Assurin g. Ntrroua Old Lady [Band in the DiManrr). "Oh, tiiehf. are iuosk dreadful Volusteers, JosErn ! I know the Horse wiil T.IKE Foioni; Haun'i vor better Ti'ES iiix Rocnd!!" Caaehmui (ir*o iri7( han his ou~n irny). "Oh, let 'im AIOXE, 'M ; he'll Tcrn 'issELF RolXD, ASD PBETTT QLItK, TOO, IF he's Frightened: !" 112 We// Meant. Shoeblack {to daily Ciisfoin-'r), "Srrir a Tnr.\T uk'vr got to-nioiit, Sit: Tka as' P.i ns, an' Si*i:kciii:s at Kxrtki: '.\u. l \Vi)ri.iiN"r Yt>u like jo go, Sh; V City Magnate. "On. iiri;Y w.-rLns'T i.kt iii; is, mv IJoy." Shoeblack. "Um I f Pmulcis.) " Wei,i.— louk 'li:i:. I ihisk I coild Ssiri, YEll I.N AS MY FATULR.'/" Naiure and Art. Pedestrian. "Tim 'a an Extraordixary Looking Doc, my Bot. Wkat no vm I AM, HIM ?" Boy. "Fi-.-T UP Air, uf. wtt.' a Orey'ouxd^ Sir, an' 'I8 Name was 'Flt,' AN* thi:n thev err 'i» Kaus an' Tail off, an' made a Masti' Doo ok 'im, an' no\y 'is Name's 'Lion' ;" Natural Advantages. T«»oher. "What Bikd pin Noah send out or the Auk?" BmaUeit Box In the Clau {afli-r a Paiut). "A Dovi, Sia." Te»oher. " Vkhy Wr.u.. lii-r I siiovld have TnonsBT some Of voii Bin Il'.va woi-i.r itaik K.nown that I" Tall PuuU. " Please, Sir, that Bov oucjut to Know, Siii, 'cacse his Fathei; 's a Bibd-Ketcueh, Sir! !:" 113 /^/' /IvM The Restraints oi Society. JuTenile Bohemian. '*Hat£ coin' orr to Tea ! 'Have to ee Good such a Prccioi's I^ong Tiue : Simple Add it ion . Kew Govemea*. "Why auk tou Starinii so Ivtkvtlt, Bian'chf, hearT' Blanche. "I was TiiYisu TO Coi'.sT the Fuecklm os vock Face, Miss Saxottoie, lvt I cast; 114 Secrgts, Int«Uisent Housemaid. "On, please, Miss, tiierk was a young Gentleman called when you ivas or CaCD, SIiss; bit I IAN show you who he is, 'cause TUEnt'« THHEE of his PHOrYGRAVlIS IN r. He ixdn't i VulK Al.CUM." "A Parihian Shaft." Cook. "Now, I'm a Lkavis' or Yrn, Mum, I may as wtm. Tki.l ' Ti!K Key o' the KiTCiiiNc-Duur. nrs Youit Stohl-Koom I" Sweet Si m pi i ciiy. VlBitor. "Jast, has vovk MisTiiiB' COT A Boi)t-.Iai-k T" Maid of iiU "Work. "Kn, Sin; :*LEA'iK, Siii, 1 clean all the Booi^j, Sik!*' Master of the Situation?! ScF.NK — Mr. TetlicrsJtoft's Sanctum. Entei: J/rj. T. and her Cool: Cook (if ilh hrr iismi pTom]tlUudc—snt >icr.-r kciJ nny'/oWy }pail!itg). "Oil, ir vou please. Sib, 1 wish to Complain of Missis ! WHICH SHE COME A nilTATEKIx' AND A HiNTELFEHIX' IS YOUR KiTCBISO IX A WAY AS 1 JI SIKE YOf WOULliX'T AlPEOVE OS," *C., ic, 4c. ! ! [r. mi/rssea he /ctl I/or the Jinil and last tittu) a deliciout Knsation of Umj apimrcntly maattr in his oicn kotof. She xrat an admirable Cook, and altogether a most cjxcll Frr iloirsrsR sHi 'MO ro so/ Manners I Toonc Xlatnw. "Jane, I'm scrpkiseh that sose of too Stood ip whes 1 west isto the Kitchex just kow !" jKne. *' Indeed, Mt'M ! which we was sc'ritisED ofRSELVEs at your a comin' isto the Kitchisg while we wa8 a 'avis* OUR Lu.vcaiON9 f t " 116 A Regular Turk! Adjutant. ""Well, Sergeant, Howte your Phisoner getting on?" Serjeant of the Onard. " Bedad, Sor, he's the vi'lentest Blaggtaed I iver had to do wid ! OUR LoivEs ! Shuke we 're obliged to Feed hcm w:d Fixed Bat'nits!" AVe're all is Tir.KOR iv "Incidit in Scyllam/' &c. Enslffn Mufllea {ailmiing to his Mmutachr). "You sek, some say, 'Wear IT,' YOU KNOW ; AND SOME SAY, 'CUT IT OFF,' TOU KNOW ; BUT IF I TOOK KVERYDODY's AnVIfE I SHOULD BE LIKE THE OlD MaN AND HIS DoNKF.Y." Serjeant 0'Bo\irk«. "Your'h Hos'rb WOULD — (but not WISHINO TO HE rERSONAI, AliiiUT HIS OfKICEIi's AGE) THAT IS — LA8TE-WATS,— BARRIN THE OULD JfAN, yitlR HON-R-B-B I ! ] " 117 What H. M. Civil Servants have to Endure. (BESIDES THE RIDICULOUSLY LOW SALARIES.) Mr. BeiriBtrar. "What's the Number of your Deed, Sir?" Attorney's Clerk. "H-eight, H-ought H-eight, H-ouoht, Sevin, Sir!" Mr. JLegiBtTUT (Jnintly). " Oh DEAR ! Oh dear !— (notes down the number) — that WILL DO." [And is so up^el Otat he taixs a mXD THEUKS NO FfRllST ThRAIN SOW AT ALL AT ALU BUT I'LL AX AT THE HaR. SOP.R '. !" Anything for a Change. Artiat {Ui Old FettowStudeiU). "And what havk yoi: ukkn doing ai.i. THF-SE YEARS,— WHAT ARE YOU PAINTINOt" SwelL "Oh, I gave up PAiNTiSfi, my Dear Fki.i.ow— thbn I took to Tkachinc. ! But you can't find Pui'IM in GKNtis, vmr knuw, so now I no IN roil Art Criticism ! I know 1'« Stkonu in that ! l*iu you see uv Articlk in this W£F.k'd ' Now A Days!'" 118 Appearances. PluBhinrton. "I s\v, Sni|t.;>; Sis.it.Ai; THING— Yi'UP. Lasi'LADY Alt- hRE-i-KKD ME 'My lAtRh' WHEN I ASKI'.K IF YoU WERE WITHIN:" ArtlBt. '• XoT AT AM-, MY i»KAU Feli.hw. I r 's YOUR Hat anh Pkr-sonal All'EARANCE ! If YuU IKIS'T MIND, WE 'tl. ENCOURAGE THE Il>KA. It WILL otvK UER Confidence in hk, and Enf" [VlmhiiigtoniciU U deU'jhi^d, From One Point of View. Slt.se— £riUh JilTi/ r.oom. All (fjrccd o,L tliclr Vcrdic: c-mpt IrUh Juryman Ucho JM o,.,\ "An, THIS, iLiy-.s MOKE OBsTIS.I Sta I-SIVI,. m.:t is all »k lo.vk!-- Our Art-School Conversazione „ .„K:„ „>• CONSEQUENCE OP TI.E INXBEASED Sr.CK ANTIC.P.TKD AT THE ..A. EXUmiT.ON, THEUK ,S A CI.EATEB C«OWD THAH USUAU Model (..*<, 7,^ cnar,r of 0. Bats ani C«U». No. 97. Y....... T,.E,-,H .ow : Ir I n.nx'x skb that ■;.^-^-^";; «;';^^^'' 119 Between Two Shoeblacks We Fall to," &c. Flnt ShoebUok. "I cotchzd 'old os 'ik Fust!" 8«ond Umo. "Yoo'eB a '■" [Old Genlkman is /ujij *<■<"'. I m- pert! nent. stout 0«iit. inaluraUy tiapicmu 0/ lie Street Boi/). "Gn' orr o'. hi Wat, v.ii: Yol-so Rascal ! " Street Boy. "VicH TAT noKXD, Got'sohr!" Register Register : ! Aunt Bort.7. "Noxv supro... 0«.l.o«, as a Sinolk Wo«a.v I 6,iou,.l, iiavf, «v Kamk .it os t,:e IIeo.^kb, wbat 8B0»u, I OCT " 'f.I Hwh«r. "OH, A GOOD DEAL. T0»'D « ALLOWED TO SERVE OX CoEOSEK JUEIES, CoWlOX J.n.tS AnNOYASC J"™- '" PowDEP T« A.VO AaxoEiAL Beae.xo., act a. PAr.»H Beadle a>d S.a.n- Ooscta-le ot the Cascal \^aed, an» In.pecto. or HOISAKCE*, »«rOKT ON FeTEB DlCTEKHl, AKD ALL JOLLV ThiXOS OF THAT BOEI." ISO " Not Proven/' Pre3byt«riaji Uinlster. "Don't you know it's "Wicked to catch Fish on the Sawbath It" SmaU Boy ynol having had a rise all the Morning). "Wha's catchin' Fesfi ? ! " An Evenings Fishing (Bet'ind the Distillery at Sligo). First Factory Lad. " UoJi'SICK, DID \0V GET e'er A BlTE AT ALL?' Second Ditto. "SoitoA wax, Pat. Only wan small wan!" Tir*t lltLtO. ''YriiUA'J ; i,AVK IV TULRE, /.N" tOMK H'JME. SHUKE YOU _LL OKT MuKK THAN THAY IN BeU ! 121 'iv^^J,,. "The Harp in ihe Atr" Irish Gentleman («7«» An* raiitly ertdcnvoui'd to eyrnih a Ji'j to th>- fff"^ Mtis..- of OiC Telegraph Wifcn). "Shike: wiiuivri; y"ai:k ve ( axt Ti.ay a nil ! How CAX A JiNTLEMAS DANCE— (A.V/)— IV YK PONT KAPE ThIME?" !! Irish Idea) oi Themis. Biddy {/•> Put in clinvgr n'joiU a difUuHtj). "Xevep. fe.\p., Pat! Siicuk y'avk got an rmuJiiT Jidt.e to Thry ye!" Pat. "All, RfnnY pAni.ix*, the Divel an Upright Jidse I want! 'Ti* WONK THAT 1,1, L.XXE A iirrrv ' '■' " Ca n ny' '3 ^v First North Briton. " T s K Fine Pav, this?" Flrat North Briton. " Veil UK. Ti:.»VElllN' !" ... Flrit North Briton. "Gau.s iAbekokes, uaydk!" Second Ditto. " S.i li.i. ava. Second Ditto. " Weei, vay'be I'm no." Second Ditto. "Ve'kb x.i kaii: afk't:!" 122 Irish Architecture Antler (*'.» //v'ci/;. "Hii.Lo, Tat, wii.vi swv. vol' mwut nu«' Pat. "SHVitK, I'm Raisin" me Hoof a hit, vf.i: HoNoun-i: ; 1" Thrift Peebles Body {.'« 7wh nwman who v-.as su)tj)oxd to le in Londui ini a visit). '■ K~EH, Mai I vk'ke sink Hamk again !" Kao. "K— EH, rr'« .irsr a iti'isou3 Placb, that! Min, a hah na' bken TI:K-KHIIK AllVNK TWA HouVIlS WHLN— iJjAC— WhNT Sjxiexcb.'//" 123 Scrup/es. English Tourist {httiiiiif arrircil at (7rfC)ioct: on Sunday moniiiig). "My Mas, what's youu CHARtiL ran liowiso me Atrnsis the Fkith?" Boatman. ""Weki., Sii:, I w,\s .tist TnisKis' I c.vssA Bkm.\k the Sawhath- Day yaii NO less than F'ukkn Siuli.'n's 1 ! " A Bad Season. Sportsman. *'l can abi-vrf voi', what witu the Rest of the Moor, and uy Expensfs, and *what kot/ the Bibds HAVR COar ME— AH— A SOTEBEIGN APIECE I !" Keap«r. "A' weel> Sia! 'Deed it's a Mairct ye didna Kill na uaip. o' 'em!!" "Familiarity breeds Contempt.' EMper (ifA* vanU to drin he lUitaiUt to Ou Squiret comer). " Hooo-o-o-sH ! Hmie, Bill, come behe I Thlt on t oet VI' roB he! Tuey know he too well!" I 124 Intelligent ! Arti,t ^.cho t'u,Uc. /« has/ou,ui a go. TRUE sjie's a Disskntki;), hit I've allowed hep. to go lo Cuai'F.l Thi:ek Times eveuy Sl-xday since she has Lived with mk, and I AJvsniE vol' she doesn't Cook a iut Betteu than she md the Fiilst Day!;" ^<^v\V>\ ^^\N .;\. V -x. 'Pleasant f o r S i m p k i n s I Photographer (to Mr. Simpkim). "Keep tour Head Steady, please, Sir, axd Look in the DiREcrios of rnosr. vousc Ladies. Steauy now, Sin I Dun't Wink, Sir!" Mn, 8. (f'y a look that Mr. S. quite understood), *'JrsT let me See him ^VI^K \ !" A Misnomer. CoontzT Vftletndinarl&B. *'Ah ye«, Mc'm, I've had the 'LvuBAnKB tvrk'blc nw, Min : Kktches he in the Shall o" the Back 'hue, Mu'm ! I" 128 "Winkles!" Philanthropic Coster' (who tnu beat eryiag ** Peny-teitd- — mink — unnk/" till ke'thoarte — and »o bupera), "I wonder what THE r'oB usfobt'nate Cbaetei* IN THESE 'ere LoW NeIGHB'b'OODS DO LiVE OX ! I " 'The Last (Co-operative) Feather." * My Lady.' "Just take asd Tie vp a Cocple of those Sacks Behisd the Careiage, James. There'll he Room, if ONE OF Tou Rides on the Box ! ! " D isaffection ! Adjutant. "What's the Matter, DiiUM-M.uoRt" Drum-Major. "Please, Sib, the Drums is in a state^of Mltixv, ani» these ake the Risoleaders I 123 Zoology. Bailwa7 Porter (fo Oil Lad»j tmvilllihj vrilJi a Maingerk of Fets). IS 'Docs,' AND so's Paubots ; but this ebe 'Tortis' '"Station" Master sat, Mc«, as Cats is 'Dogs,* axd Rabbits IS A Insect, so thebe aint xo cdabgr for it! ' Extortion. Porter, s. E. E. "Ticket for Ml'sical Instrument, PLi:.\et:, Siu." Amateur ViolonoallUt {fcho nnrr tmvcU witfmtt his bags, indignanthj). " Wuat ! Pat for this? 1 vr. ^zyzt. nAi) to Pav O.N ANY OTHER LiNE. Tills IS MY 'CeLLO!*' Port«r {calmhj). **NoT Pebsosal Ligoacf^ Sir. All the same ir you'd a HuRnY-CuRDv, Sir I! " [Oiir Amattur'9 feelings art too mitch fvr Jiim^ 130 "Any Ornaments for your Fire-Stoves''' Uttle Flora (;,, pml ,>,yra.). " 0„, Ma«ma, look i..nr ! Jack s*v-s ,i's Avxt Fanny ! Sh. s cor on hep. E.a.t.fcl Ball- DEESS WITU THE EOSES OS IT, AND SHE 's StVCK IK 7nE CHlllMi ■' Cornpiimeiits of the Season Fond Parent. "I HOPE YOU wiix BE VERY Caukfii,, Mk. Stimpsos. 1 HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ACCISTOMED TO CCT THEIP. HaiB MYSELF." JKt. Stlmpaon. "So 1 should have TimucilT, Madam!" 131 On the Face of It Protty TeaohM. ■SVovv, JonNNV Wells, cas you Tell ml «iiat .s MkANT nV A MlltACI-E?" Johnny. " Ves, TEAcnrn. Motiiei. savs if tov dvnt Maery new Pauson, 'twull bf. a Mubbacle ! " Obvious I nitiati ve. {A Hvrhj Xatirc of Ote I>rfp .Sat seizes hold of a SlicphcriCa Dog by the Tail, vho maX-cs off as fast as he mh.) Fisbmonffer {in a rage). " Whi'stle ON yeh Doo, Mux ! " Hiffhlander {cuollij). "Wiil'stle ok m' Dog ? Na, na, Fiuexd ! Wuvstle you on your PABTAif/.'" Ipt Driv! ng a Bargain Economical 7>roTer. "A Tkeck't tab Faakiuk." Polite Cleric. " Five-and-Ninepesoe, ple-vse.' Brovar. "Aii'll oie vr Five Suillincs !" Clerk {(Jstonishfft). "Eh !" DroTer. "Weel, ah'll gie ye FivE-AN-Tiir.ii'PENCp, an Deh. a Bawhrs «aib! Is'r A Bacgai.nI !" 132 Candid, Tain {rcry dry, at door of Counh-y Tun, Sundajf Morning). " Aye, ilAX, *^ MICHT CIK UE A BIT GiLt OOT IN A BoTTLE !" Landlord (from trt/Aiti)- '* Weel, ye ken, Tammas, I daurna sr.LL ONY- TriiNc THE Day. And roRnvE ye cot a 1Ialf-5Ii*tchkin awa' wi' ye last NiciiT (aftep. Hoors tae); it canna be a' dune yet!" Tam. "Dune! Loku, Man, d'ye think a' could Sleep an' TVjiuskey i THE HoosE ? ! " A n I rish Model. Mrs. MaffilUcuddy (/o her Daughter), "Wuv, why, Hosekn : what's been' i>elayin' ye- "Why I and me waitin' this Hora PAST TO CO.ME IN WID THE illLK ! " Bose. "0, suBE, THIS', Mother deab, os ue Way back from the Meada* I met sl*ch a pauus' Exglish Jjxtleman— a n\LK Artist. "Why, a>1) he axed me to Allow him to take me Laxdskii*; and 0, Mother uaviionu, it's a "NVonder how MliK ME he's MED IT, GLORY BE TO THE SaIXTS t " A Benediction Irish. Beffffarwoman {to our friend. Dr. O'Gorman, whose Nose is 0/ the slwrkst). " Won't yf. give me A Cori'EU, DocTUEtt I>EARt TnCY, now, if YE HAVEN't WAN PbNNY CONVANIENT ! — AND MAY THE BlISSED SaINTS INCJLUE Yfi !" Dr. 0'Gh>rm&n. "Stand *»ide, my good Woman. I've nothing for you." Begwarwonuui, "O, thin, the Laru presarte yer Eyesight, for the Divil a Nose ye have to Mount the 'Specs UPON ! ! " 18S Mr6. Frummage's Birthday Dmner-Party. Krs. F. {" eomituj /rvni Mtiiid the Snwti, siuaXia JMt like her"). •'Tuki-.e! Oh vol' Goodfoiinothin*; Bov, noxv I've found YOU OIT. How PARK YOU TOUCH TUB "WlNE, SiR t ' Bobert. " ]'i.kasf, 'M, I vas— I was only just a coin' to wish Yours as' Masteu's wkry good 'kai.th 'M!" Confession. OH I,ad7 liMo ran'l sitiiul her Pagt'$ datructiK tanUsmas nay lonyer). "Kow, BoBEKT, I WA>rr voc CIEARIT TO r.vDEBSTANO THE Rkasos I TART WITU VOr. C.VN YOU TELL Im!" Bob«rt I ../ecfarf lo tors). "Yes, 'M." Old Lady. '•What, RoBEBTr" Bobcit. "Cacse I •»!—<«((>)— 'cause I'm— 't-AusE I'm so VaLT'l" 134 r^'iT''^,.^ A Stroke of Business. VUlagre Hampden {" ic/u) trith duuiUkss trcasl" kus undertaken, Jot su;pcncc, to keep oj? the other hoi/s). "If any of YEr. wants to SEE WUAT WKJIF, A PaINTIN' OF, IT "s A 'AlFPENXY A 'EaD, BVT YOU UAUN't MAKE NO KemAI:KS.' P roper Reproof. Fussy Party. "WiiY don't vou Touch vouu Hat to mf.. Buy!*' Country Boy. ".So I wur, i' yf.aou'i.i. howd the Ca-ai.f!" 133 Little and Good. Oentleman. "Who do tuese Pios bklonq to, BoyT" 'Chaw. "Why, this 'eke owd Zow." OeQtleman. "Yes, Y'Es ; hut I mean who a theib Master?" *Chaw.' "Why, that there Little Vn ; he's a Vabmun to FoiohtI" Mistakes Will Happen." , {alarmed). "What is it, mv Darlisg?" Pet. "Ya— AH, Boo— oon— ah!" Kamma. *'What'8 the Matte!:, then! Come and Tell its owx " Pet. "Ba — H-oo-H— She — She did — Wash ub once — .v>' — say3 — she didn't — an'— Sue's pees — as' cose an' "Washed mk ovF.n aoatn ! ! " ^^■r''''il,!''f'''i(i,(!i:i'?;ii:a:ii!iMll;jiiii|i Brushing ' Pa's New Hat-. Edith. "Xow, Tommy, ■you keep Ti'nsixo slowly, till we've Done it au. eouxd." lae More Than One for His Nob. Irritable Old Oeatlem&n \ir!io is rather jmrticititir uboiit his ajyjmtrujicc). '-Iwisii yui; U Jii; CArj;fL-(,. TrlAi "i illF. Thiijd or Foi'RTH TiMi: voL-'vK Prkkkd mk with yocR Scissor.^ I" Tounsr Man {from.'' Jtouiid the Comer"). "HEa>Er. PiRDOS, Sin, but the Fact is, Sir, I 'aven't reex ix the aiut o' Cuitis' 'Am, Sir. We're bather Short of 'Akds, so " [Old OciU crjihda. i(.Siii|)iil| A Passage o-f" Art>TS. HairdroMer. "'Am 'a VEiiY Dky, Siii!" Customer {n^ho knows wkaCs coming). "I like it Dkv ! " Hairdreaser {a/Ur awhile, agiiin, advanciwj fv ihc alUtck). "'Ead's VEiiV SCUUFV, SiC 1" Customer {still cautiously rctirin'j). ** Ya-as, I rnsFKU ir Scurfy!" \^Assxilant givu in dt/cated 137 Flunl^elanum. blaster. *'TaoMPSON% I iiF.Lir.VK that I uave rkpkatedly BX?BrasED AH OllJF.<-TIo;f TO BEISa SlCftVKD WITH StaLE BitEAD AT DlNNKB, HOW IS IT MY AViSIIKS it WE NOT UKRV Al'JKN'DBD TO?" Thomiison. " Wiit.i,, Sirt, I itEKLY pon't know what 13 to be Dosz I Ir WUNT I>n lU U'AyTr. iT, AND WIS CJA"*! E-Vf IT DOWII-STAIRS M " A Dilemma Auxiliary Becruit {to himset/). *'Mi-i:pf,k! MiRDtu ! ^Vn.u 'i.L I do now! 'Di:ii.t.-SAr.JiNT lorLD >ii: always to Salute mk Officer wid the fac-off Hand, and hei:k'» Two iv em ! Faix, I'll make it Straight fok mkself anyhow I" [Throics up MA ffatub. Lessons in the Vacation- Public Schoolmtn. "Hear, Caobv, we'll orvK tou EicuTr.E.v-rENCi to take h T'i Bcixton." Cabbjr. " Well, I cesekallv do cadry Childcex "alf tkice, bit I'm ExcAoaD.«»Is MucsiNn, Cexts ; 138 Wimbledon. The IrrepreBSible 'Arry (to 5,«;;-,S'»,«»-!»« Ma„-ul,o l.as j.u,> /„r,l). •■Va-a,.! N.vui: Tr ,r! Wimbledon. Volont^r Mounted OOcr (Midni^U). "Hl-l.o ..ekk ! W„v .,.,s't v.,f T,nN Ol-t thk Cua,.u t I'm the F,E..D.Orr,.-,-... or THE Day 1 " Volunteer Sentry. "Then wiiat the Dix'ce ace yov Doin' out this Ti.me u Nii;>n?" 130 A Hardship. Uistresa. "I TinxK, Elizabeth, I must .isK you to go to Chuiich thi? Aftersoox instead of this Morning, because " £lizabetb (iHttufnantiy). " Well, Mum, which in my last Place I was xever As'ed to go an' 'ear a Curate Preach ! " "Like har Impudence." HiMit and the Touue Ladlai ((w^cr). "Goodness Gracious, J'mima! what have voc viicns't voiii Ck'.n'i.in'" {This |ry,l/ attifl'l'l'ltfit'/,) Jemima. "Ou M, I i.k.vse '.M, which 1 Usotbstwd as tmev was a Cuis' Oct, 'M " [Rmira mmluj on Ih; t^ 140 :p5 ^fhm "Too Bad!" Coxnlo Man {in an audible WJiispert while ?iis Friend in **obliyittj" uiOi "Adelaide"). "Look ottT ! He's coming to the Passionate Part njw. You'll bee niM Wag his SnouLDtRS !" ^IMmm "l-t's -the Pace that Kills." Miss Rattleton {icho means IVaUzin— '* [ATid Joins the Card-players. The G-amu*t. Jack Bowbell {U./inni^tg his Song). '"Api-v Land, 'Aity Lanp-^" Tom Belfrrave. "Onk Moment — excuse mp, my dear Pellow — but dos't vou think the Soso would go better if you were TO Sound yolr ITc just a little!" Jack BowbelL "Eu? Soukd my JTsT" {Chuckles.) "'Snows now much you know about MusicI— No sucn Note— only uoks UP to O/" {Continufs.) "'Aity Land, 'Ai'fY Land " 141 0-arr'ison Instruction. InBtructor (talunaj). "Oextlkmf.x, a Tubee-leoged Tuestle is A ir.EiTLE wrTU Three Less. Vou uad better make a Note of tii\t, Gentlemen." {LiIciik xfi'ibUiuj.) Oeneral in Embryo (fiul not nl pMf.U Holcd for Miorfaai), afln a jnus: of aj„K Mim'cs. "I be : voir, pardox, M.vjor, bit now jiAsv I.ECS vio vof say the Trestle had?" (if/! siUUg.) Cavalry Criticism. Adjutant lo BMng-Uaatorj. ■An, nitiits Mr. QflCKSTEr!" (»•>() had jiat Erduinjc-t into llu JtljimeiU /nm t)u Infantry.) " H')\v 1>"HS lit i;KT ON?" Kl toiutlicr i "Goodness, Gracious, < J ( I Pa' .' ■ PapK (irV) » '^'" Tine Art. aural ConaoU.ear. " Hk 's a P.ct.s' Two r.cruua .u- Osce, d' •U.s AS he's oot '"s Tuomd TUllOUOn, IHK BL>1 VER SeeI 'Blest if I.dos-t l.M;r. vn,r iheue Liitlk 143 - <:^ Our Reserves. (AUXILIARY FORCES, NORTH OF IKELAXU.) Lait Joined Supemamerary. "Now, THEN, Sentrv, why don't vol' SaiA'tk Ytiri: Oi'VKKn ^" XlUtU S«ntry [M r.nilc.-c IrUh VeUmn, icJo A EU'-ll IH.' FoKEAIIDEtT LkAUEU IN ItlE (;UE.KT Ueak'" Tricks upon Travellers. Bonsor (limni ii;»« liUU Sliimfij/, irAo'j !'' Brown, Junior. "Aw— 'pox it' WORD, 'don't know what I saw 'xAtTLT, 'oxLY know ? i" Eight Towns, and Foi'k Mocntains. than Smith did in the same time:" iiv Thi;ki I ilI'NTRIK-*, A Vyoman of Business' Hn8band (wlio hia Iccn m A'. CmUiimil, Oteiidrawn at the Bank !" and Irjt Im Wife some Blank Vlu^qufs). "MV DEAr. LOL-ISA, I flSU VOU HAVE CONSlUEIiABLY Wife. "0. K0>.SES»K, W,....V, HOW CAS THAT BE? WhV. I'vE TWO OK THO .sE Bla^-k Cheques left yet : I "Reason in Woman." TOM, wife. •■GK..UOE. BEAK, TVE HAD A TaI.K WITH THE SeKVASTS TH13 MOR°^' AND rVE Aand. ■•! SAY, Lizzie, what os Eabth did yo Sauce of!" „ „.,„., i ■> ■Zouiit Witt {^ 'Fiat Experimentiim," &c. TO Trt him. Sib; " ! r reverent. P„u..»« («,, «K .™..» o/»ur ..C-.»/n,.<.-o."). "S.-..! STor! Go ..ck ■ Yc. must o' lUt HliHOP EVKIY MiSUIEl" , C^bby ,M,^,mo). "AIL B.ouT ! VThVve oot tue old Bukfeb .ns.de . 1S3 HTC.MK.X HEUEl WKUEEXPKT.y Wet and Dry. Cakreful Wife. "Abe tou very wet, Deab?" Ardent Angler {turning up his jUak). "No; DRY AS A LiME-KiLN— nAr£.\'T had a drop these Two Hours: 'Not so Fast.!" Old 0«at. (KMajKoitxj, in ilu U'ilda c/ GlrHmucHe). "All, wkll, this is VKKt Jolly! Weilth's a cceat BLUsma - yor TBAT I'k A Rich Mas- uit ajtcr iiii: Tikmipm. am. W.ip.iiv or llLsisiiss, to dk adle to RmKE to thlse cuaumiso SoLiTiont. THE SlLBSTE ONLY BlloKIIV UY THE CEATKri'I. iJ'irNDS OF THE EIPl'LINO StKEAM (' HuilN," I MEAM. AU ! I WKAr.I.Y UAU HISI TUE.N '.)^ AMD THE IllM or THE I!ec ; To BE ABLE TO LEAVK LOSDOS XSO ITS Tir.ESOME MILLIONS, AXO roKorr ALL THE U)W " ToiM from th« Brl(lc« (<*t uliquUaua •"Any"). "Colli) YEP. 'liLlct US WITH A VTolul, Gov'soUB !" ! ! 1S4 Banting In the Yeomanry. Troop-Serff«ant Major. *' It comes to this, Captain, 'a mun e'thzh azv' X New Jacket ok kkock off one o' my Meals I" Something fiom the Provinces. ExcoTBionlst (polUchj). "Can YOU KINDLY Direct me the Nf.akest Wm to SLAfM.EY ?" Powerful Navvy. " Ah CAN PooNCH th' Head <> thee!" lExcursioiiisi Tctircs hastSjf^ ■■ Ways and Means/' First Country a«ntlemBn. '"Mean Hustino THIS WiNTEii, Chahlie?" S«coiid Country Qentleman {dmM/uUy). "'Shall thy and 'Work' it.' First Country Gentleman. **HowT" Second Country Gentleman. "Give up the Uxder-Nurse, I think." 153 B la tik Firing. Ancient ^iwrtaman (ir/u>5« Sight it not what ii tucd to be). " I'lcK 'eu James, ikk 'j;m irl Why don't you pick 'em uri" Veteran Keeper. " 'Cauu thkre bean't Kxnc down, hy Lord I " UC SOUTHERN REGIONAl LIBRARY FACILITY D 000 665 378 6