UmivUMMi^^ ^M' mimm&M. ^€%MT'^ KwawaggsBaasgags. •_ SITY OF CALIFORNl LOS ANGELES Addr ^Northwestern School Supply Company I4th Jive, and Fourth St. S. E., Dept. Jt. (Branch at 706 Hennepin Mve.) Minneapolis, Minn. When in the city do not fail to make us a call. DICTIONARY OF THE UNIVERSITY ^^ MINNESOTA By E. B.JOHNSON, '88, Formerly Registrar, now Secretary of the General Alumni Association First Edition January, 1908 Minneapolis Copyrighted, 1908. G^ FOREWORD. This dictionary, so far as we know, is the hrst of its liind. It is hoped that it may ser\-e a useful purpose ajid tliat the demand lor it may justify other editions which will be brought up to date and which will contain much material which it was impossible lO get into this edition. The dictionary has been compiled from material gathered from numerous sources, naturally a large p%rt of it being from Uni- versity publications, official and otherwise. Great care has been taken to verify every item. Doubtless, inaccuracies have crept in, due to errors in the sources from which the information was drawn. It will also be found that many items which might well have been included, have been passed over, some through inadvertance, others tlirough inability to determine the facts in the case. Persons — ^We have endeavored to state the facts of the official connection of every person connected with the University fac- ulty, holding a rank of instructor, or higher rank. We have also made an effort to state the main facts concerning all persons now connected with the University. A second call was made upon many persons, however, without securing the desired information. Suggestions for the improvement of future editions will be thankfully received by the author, who will also welcome any cor- rections to the present edition. Grateful acknowledgement is hereby made '.o Messrs. D. W. Sprague, J. D. Bren and E. B. Pierce, for courtesies extended and valuable aid given in the preparation of this volume. This book is published by the author in the interests of the General Alumni Association of the University of Minnesota, and all profits from its sale will go into the general fund of that asso- ciation. January 20th, 1908. THE AUTHOR. 85368G John S. Pillsbury 'Father of the University." HISTORICAL. The history of the University divides itself naturally into two oarts the first being in a sense pre-historic-a history .of the struggles, discouragements and disaster before any real umversity work wa^ undertaken. Indeed the whole period Irom 1851 to the late of the re-organization in 1868 might be wholly eliminated from consideration, were it not for the fact that the forces set in motion, during that period, have had their influence upon the University a,s it finally took shape and developed into the great and useful institution it is to-day. The history of the period from 1851 to 1868 is given with some particularity because it was completed many years ago and can be definitely treated as something finished. The history of the later period is given in outline, in very condensed form. A Chapter of Beginnings. It is one of the things, which we, the citizens of Minnesota, count among our choicest blessings, and for which we are most profoundlv grateful, that the early settlers of the Territory which afterward became the State of Minnesota, came from that part of New England where a good education is considered second only to the fear of God and an honest name. This explains the fact that in 1851, when the whole territory contained less than 10,000 inhabi- tants, 'its citizens were already making provision for a future university which should give to every young person within its borders the best education to be had anywhere. While other territories of the West were given up to more or less lawlessness, our own wag law-abiding. Up to 1856 there had never been a saloon in St. Anthony, although at that time it stood third in rank among the cities of the territory. To Colonel John W. North, more tJhan any other one man, belongs the credit of starting the movement which resulted in the establishment of the University. He it was that framed the act which was adopted by the Legislature February 13th, 1851, as the charter of the University. Governor Ramney, in his message to the Legislature of 1851, called attention to the necessity of an endowment for a univer- sity, and recommended that the Legislature memorialize Congress for an endowment of 100,000 acres of land. This memorial was passed on the 10th of Februar>^ and on the 19th of the same month Congress passed an act granting two townships (about 46,000 acres) "for the use and support of a university in said territory, and for no other use and purpose whatever." The charter of the University, previously adopted, provided that the Universifiy should be located "at or near the falls of St. Anthony," and that this grant should be and remain a perpetual fund, and that the Interest alone should be appropriated for the support of the Uni- versity. , -r • 1 4. On the 4th of March, of the same year, the Legislature in joint ses.=inn. elected a board of twelve regents. This board met May 31st, at the St. Charles Hotel, in the village of St. Anthony. , ^^ ^ ^u On motion of William R. Marshall it was resolved that the board deem it expedient to proceed at once to the erection of a building, and that a subscription paper be circulated to secure jQ DICTIONARY OF THE the necessary funds for this purpose. Of the $2,500 needed for thia purpose. Franklin Steel gave $'J00 and the remainder was made up in smaller subscriptions. The Doard met again on the 14th of June ajid a committee was appointed to take steps toward the immediate location of the lands of the congressional grant of two townships. Offers of land were received as follows: W. A. Cheever, Esq., offered five blocks of ten lots each (twelve and one-half acres) for such purpose. J. McAlpine, Esq., offered twenty acres near the village. Messrs. W. S. Farnham, C. T. Stinson, R. Cunmiings and H. H. Angell offered sixteen acres near town. After a careful survey of the various locations offered, upon motion of William R. Marshall, it was resolved, to accept the offer of Franklin Steele, Esq., ' Deing a part of the green set apart for public purposes, together with six lots in the rear." This was about four acres of land, and was located between what is now known as Central avenue and First avenue South Eaist, and Sec- ond street and University avenue. It was also decided to begin the erection of a building at once, the maximum cost of which was to be $2,500 and the secretary was instructed to advertise for competitive plains for the building. The Old "Academy Building." William R. Marshall and Isaac Atwater who were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions for the money necessary to build, were successful in raising the desired amount. Before the building was finished, a second subscription -was necessary. The building was of two stories with a high basement, and was thirty by fifty feet on the ground. The basement was built up with stone five or six feet above the level of the ground, and was reached by going down two or three steps. Above the base- ment was the frame part. For years this building served as the abode for the '"Preparatory Department of the University of Minnesota." At the time of the puchase of the new site, October, 1854, this building was purchased of the regents by Franklin Steele, he pay- ing them the full amount of its cost, by assuming the amount of the indebtedness of the University to Paul R. George, incurred by the purchase of the new site. The building and land passed from under the control of the regents. May 26th, 1856. From the time it passed out of the regents' hands, until it was burned, in November, 1864, it was used for private and public school purposes. Professor D. S. B. Johnston, now a St. Paul millionaire, kept a private school in it for one year, after him cajne a Mr. Taylor and others. It was finally rented by the school board of St. Anthony, who fitted it up and carried on an excellent school until it was burneid. In those early days the First Congregational Church folks used to hold services regularly in this building. This school, as long as it was under the control of the Regents, was taught by Mr. E. W. Merrill. School was opened for the first time November 26th, 1851, with an enrollment of about twenty. At this time only two rooms were in shape to be occupied, and these two were not entirely finished. Before the end of the year forty had been enrolled. During the second year about eighty-five were in attendance artd Professor Merrill had three assistants. The following summer the school was discontinued, the regents hoping to be atole soon to open another school under more favor- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. II able conditions, in the new building which it was proposed to erect But their hopes were destined not to be realized; and ror eleven years there was only one. and that a feeble and unsuccess- ful attempt to re-establish a school. During the whole existence of this school, it was no expense to the state. Private individuals paid for the building and fur- nished all the apparatus that was used. All the books in its horary, which was not very extensive, were contributed. Mr. Merrill who taught this school, came here through; a misunder- standing. He understood that he wa3 to be paid by the board, while in reality he only received what he had left out of what he had received from tuition, after paying all the expenses of the school It was a genuine missionary effort on his part, and too much credit cannot be given him for his successful prosecution of the work of the school. ^ It is very evident from the notices which appeared in the St. Anthony Express" concerning tnis school that it was held in estimation by the people of the Territory. It was a mis- take on the part of the regents that they did not continue this school for several years longer, even though a new site was chosen. Its great growth and popularity and the good work that it was doing was warrant enough for its continuance, at least so it would seem to us now. The New Site. Scarcely a year had passed after the first site was selected, •before the agitation concerning the selection of a new site was begun. St. Anthony and the territory at large were growing so fast that the regents saw that the time would soon come when the University would need more land. In the early days, when ■tthe territorial institutions were located, the prison went to Still- water; the Capitol to St. Paul, and the University to St. Anthony. There is an interesting story in connection with this location which, unfortunately is refuted by Colonel North— the story is to the effect that it was the result of a compromise in the location of the State Public Institution. Since that time the territory had grown so rapidly that the people from other parts were clamoring for a re-distribution. St. Anthony was then in danger of losing the University. Both of these considerations, viz: the rapid growth of popula- tion and the agitation concerning removal, had their influence in causing the regents to purchase the new site. They wished to secure the location of the University permanently in St. Anthony. Another consideration wnich had its influence in hastening the purchase of the present site was the fact that the property in St. Anthony and vicinity was rapidly rising in value, and if a site was to be secured at a reasonable price, it must be done immedi- ately. The purchase of twenty-five and one-third acres of the pres- ent site, was finally consummated, October 21st, 1854. This land was purchased of Paul R. George and Joshua Taylor. For this piece of land, which is now worth — at a conservative estimate — $350,000, the regents paid only $6,000. Of this amount, $1,000 was paid in cash, and the regents gave their note for the remainder. Up to the time of the purchase of this land, the income of the University had been nothing. The $1,000 in cash, paid for the site v/as borrowed money. The legislature of 1856 (February 21st) passed an act authorizing the regents to borrow $15,000 secured on the site already purchased. This was ample security, so cheaply had the site been purchased in the first place, and so J 2 DICTIONARY OF THE rapialy had it increased in value. The regents were instructed to pay for the site already purchased and erect a new building with this money. The New Building. With the erection of the new building, began the trouble, which, before it was finally settled, cost the University $125,000. One who was a member of the board of regents at that time, after- ward said: "That was our first mistake. But we had to build as we did, lor public opinion demanded it." In justice to the regents it must be remembered that this was in the time of the great prosperity, just preceding the terrible nnancial panic of 1857-'58. The regents, remembering now soon they had outgrown their former quarters, resolved to build such a building as would be sufficient for many years to come. And so far as human wisdom could foresee they were abund- antly justified in their judgment. And w^ho could possibly fore- see the rude awakening from the dreams of prosperity which tne hard times of the next year would surely bring about. Then came the deluge. The notes for stumpage were tto be paid when the logs were floated to market and sold. Most of the University stumpage had been sold along the Rum river. In 1857 the Rum river dried up and so no money could be realized from stumpage, for a time at least. The campus, on account of the hard times, did not increase in value as it had been expected that -it would, and so no money could be realized by incumbering it. Interest began to count up, and the regents could not raise the money to meet even the inter- est on their debts. The legislature of 1858 (March 8th) came to the rescue with an act authorizing the regents to issue $40,000 in bonds, secured by certain lands (.21,000 acres in the counties of Pine, Mille Lacs and Sherburne) of the congressional grant. Under ordinary circumstances this would have been amply sufficient. But the times were so hard and money so scarce, and it was such a difficult matter to negotiate the bonds at all, that it was lamentably insufficient. Such was the predicament in which the regents found them- selves when they made their report to the legislature in 1860. These men were not careless of the interests of the state, nor were they indifferent as to their own responsibility in the matter. This board was made up of men whose integrity and patriotism cannot be doubted. They had among their number as careful busi- ness men as could be found anywhere. That they were not careless and indifferent is evidenced by the fact that they gave liberally of their own time and money to the service of the University. It is said, by competent authority, - that Franklin Steele, while a regent of the University, paid out over $20,000 of his own money as a seal to nis loyalty to the University; Isaac Atwater gave about half that amount and John H. Stevens, Henry M. Sibley and other members of the board gave to the utmost limit of their means and time. In the winter of 1851, Colonel Stevens and Captain Rollins spent over two months giving their whole time and paying their own expenses, 'in locating the lands of the congressional grant in the northern part of the state. These are only a few of the many instances of self-sacrific- ing devotion of the members of the board, and other friends of the University. There can be no ooubt but that the regents acted to the best of their knowledge, at that time, for the best interests of the state. As careful business men, they took only such risks, for what they UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. I3 considered the best interests of the University, as they would have taken with their own property. And had it not been for the unfore- seen panic there is no doubt but that they would have been sue- ccssf ul. The' final outcome of their action was beneficial to the Univer- sity The land and building, which originally cost about $12o,000 (even under the unforeseen calamity) is today worth over thre« times that amount. And they also secured for the University, a site— than which there is none more favorable, if there be another as favorable — in the whole state. The "Old Main." The new building was the west wing of the "old main." Ima- gine if you can, all the "old main," east of the main stairway, removed and all of the part thus left exposed to be boarded up with rough boards, and you will have an idea of the appearance 01 uie only building then on the campus. The original plan of build- ing, embraced a wing on the east side of the main .part, similar to the wing on the west side. Each of these wings as originally planned, was to hav been four stories in height, while the mam part was to 'have been six stories in height, summounted by an observatory. The building was to have faced the north, instead of the east, as it actually did. For more than ten years the building stood gloomy, and deserted. The rough boards on the east end gave it a decidedly barn -like appearance. It was a most sorry monument to mistaken judgment. A school was carried on here for a short time but was soon dis- continued. The building fell into a state of diplapidation; the doors were oh: their hinges and the cattle used to seek its lower halls for protection from the winters' storms. Such was its con- dition, when in 1867 the legislature voted $15,000, the first appro- priation ever made for the University, to repair the building. In the spring of 1858, the building was so nearly completed that the regents employed Professor Barber to take charge of the preparatory department, at a salary of $800 per annum. They ex- pected to be able to pay that amount out of the tuition fees re- ceived. After the school had been in session about six months it was uiscontinued. The tuition received did not amount to one- half of the salary of the leacner. During the winter ot 1859 -'60, Professor Butterfield kept a pri- vate school in this building. The regents gave him the use of the building, and he was simply to leave it in as good condition as it was when he took it. From this time until 1867 there was no at- tempt to carry on a school. In the lall of 1858, November 1st, Rev. E. D. Neill was appoint- ed Chancellor of the University. This office he held until the Ter- ritorial Board was legislated out of office by an act of the State Legislature, approved February 14th, 1860. The Investigation. ^Vhen the legislature of 1859-60 met, the affairs of the Univer- sity were in such bad condition that a committee was appointed to investigate and report. This committee made a report giving a somewhat extended view of the situation. In this report, al- tbnneh thev exonerated the territorial board from all suspicion of dIshoncTt dea"fngs, they censured their carelessness. They nointed out the fact, to which the regents in their annual reports had Repeatedly called attention, viz.: That the board was too Targe for the best business results. Important business had often Ken delayed or entirely neglected because it was impossible to get a quorum for the transaction of business. They also pointed out the fact that the method of their election was a most pernicious 14 DICTIONARY OF THE one. A body of men elected directly by the legislature was apt to be so mixed up with politics that the interests of the institu- tion intrusted to their charge were likely to suffer. They also re- ported that the proceedings of the board had been marked by un- necessary haste and precipitation. In the main this report seems fair and trustworthy, thougli perhaps it is a little too severe in its criticism of the motives of the board in certain of their trans- actions. The Re-organization, The legislature passed an act, approved February 14th, 1860, re-organizing the University and giving it an entirely new charter. The Board of Regents prov'ide-mnasium for both men and women and provides quarters for athletic teams. It is provided with a main hall which runs through the two stories. 32 DICTIONARY OF THE with a gallery, which will seat 4,000 persons; and two wings, one of which is used for a gymnasium for men and the other for women. Offices for the officials who have their headquarters in Armor}' this building are provided. In the basement are baths and toilet rooms, a running track and in the sub-basement a shooting gal- lery for target practice. ARMSTRONG, John Milton— Born April, 18(5, St. Paul. M. D., University, 1901; laboratory assistant, pathology and bacteriology, 1900-1901; member of staff. City and County Hospital, St. Paul lYee Dispensary; first assistant, Health Commission, St. Paul; chairman. Library Commission, IMedical Society; member. State ixeaical Association, American Medical Association. Clinical as- sistant in Genito-TJrinary Diseases, University of Minnesota, 1905- date. Author of book reviews; abstracts and articles in St. Paul Medical Journal, 1905-1907. 230 Dowry Bldg., St. Paul. ARNOLD, M. LeRoy — Instructor in English, 1904-06. Graduate student at Columbia Universitj-, 1906-08. ARNOLD, L. B. — President of the American Dairymen's Asso- ciation, lecturer on dairy liusbandry, 1SS2-83. ARRAPAHOE — An inter-fraternity organization made up of rep- resentatives of the following, Chi Psi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Igiappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Chi. Artisans' Training School — See College of engineering. ASTRONOMICAL Observatory — Completed in 1892 at a cost of $2,266, and is a small lime stone building for the accommodation of the telescope, transit circle, astronomical clock, etc. The equip- ment cost $7,734, making total cost of building and equipment $10,000. ATHLETIC Association, The — An organization Of persons con- nected with the University, having for its object the general phy- sical well-being of the students and the encouragement of a proper spirit in favor of hearty, manly sports. ATHLETIC Finances — For the year ending February 1. 1907. Balance, February 1, 19G6. $8,087.69. Receipts, basketball, ?1,339.- 55; baseball, $633.25; track meets. $283.85; Football— Ames. $2,534.- 70; Sophomore-Freshman, $31.50; Nebraska, $3,506.40; Carlisle, $27,- 155.13; Chicago, Minnesota's share, $11,353.75; Indiana, $1,727.00; UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 33 cushion privileges, $20; interest on bank deposits, $150, miscel- laneous, $510.90. Making the total receipts, $49,:i46.03 and total money available, $57,333.72. Expenditures — Tennis, Nebraska, $69.10; Basketball, $881.80; Baseball, $.^41.40; Track meets, $48i.50; Football, $16,597.74 (guar- antees); Officials, referees and umpires, $1,407.75; Gate men, ath- letic attendants, and field work, $1,738.63; Salaries a-nd wages, $6,009.19; Athletic supplies, $4,676.27; Travelling expenses, $4,106.34; Incidental expenses, $634.40; Piinting- and stationery, $149.65; Ad- vertising, $187.29. Permanent lmproven>ents, $129.64. Making a .total expenditure of $37,614.70. This leaves a net balance of $19,- 719.02. The net earnings of the year were, $11,631.33. ATHLETICS, Control of — The athletics of the University are under the supervision of a board of control made up of seven stu- dent members, two faculty members and two alumni members, 'ihis board has general supervision of all matter cop/^gcted with athletic contjests and the arrangement of the schedules of games and all details connected with the same. The final ' authority, howe\er, lodges in the faculty committee of five members, created in conformity with a resolution adopted by the board of regents, May 3, 1906. By virtue of the authority conferred upOh this com- mittee by the said resolutions, the committee has charge of all ticKets and other sources of revenue. An auditing committee, of this committee, has charge of all expenditures and no bills can oe paid without its approval. This committee also is vested wltn power to determine the eligibility of all candidates for participation in athletic contests. The committee also has the veto power over al! proposed expenditures by the athletic board of conti-ol. and of Northrop field and all grajidstands thereon. In short, this com- mittee is given full and absolute control of athletics, subject to the revision and ratification of the University Council. See. min- utes of the board of regents meeting of May 3, 1906. ATTENDANCE — The following is a statement of attendance, by years, since the opening of the University in 1868. 1868, 72; 1869, 146; 1870, 212; 1871, 225; 1872. 265; ■IS.'^ 278; 1874, 287- 1875, 237; 1876, 267; 1877, 304; 1878, 371; 1879, 386; 1880. 308; 1881 271; 1882, 253; 1883, 223; 1884, 289; 1885, 310; 1886, 406; 1887, 412;' 1888, 491; 1889, 781; 1890, 1,002; 1891, 1,183; 1892, 1,374; 189«, 1620; 1894, 1,828. 1895. 2,171; 1896, 2,467; 1897, 2,647; 1898, 2,890; 1899, 2,925; 1900, 3,236; 1901. 3,413; 1902, 3,656; 1903, 3,788; 1901, 3,845; 1905, 3,790; 1906, 3.956; 1907, 4,145. In 1881-82, there were 42 students enrolled in the summer school of science; in 1882-83, there were 23 enrolled, in 1883-84. 105 were emolled. During the same years, the attendance at the Farmers' Lecture courses was, 191; 281; and 1,118. ATTENDANCE. Department of Agriculture. School College . daio' short Men. Women. sciiool course 1888-89 47 1889-90 7S 18:K>-91 104 1891-92 101 ... 3 2S 1892-93 114 ... 7 30 1893-94 144 ... 7 59 1894-95 204 •59 9 90 1895-96 223 *46 10 97 1896-97 265 •70 14 91- 1897-98 272 37 23 ,; 83 1898-99 253 ■"" 21 75 ... 1899-00 327 ^ 23 73 34 DICTIONAHY OF THE 1900-01 301 86 27 101 24 1901-02 328 122 21 114 33 1902-03 358 123 17 82 57 1903-04 375 147 30 106 47 1904-«&0 3S7 143 S4 87 1)21 1905-06 381 155 45 1U9 915 1906-07 385 175 68 106 81 ♦Summer courses. — ^Women were not admitted to tjhe regular courses until tlie season of 1897-98. ATWATER, Isaac, St. Anthony— Regent 1851-1860. ATWATER, John B. — Lecturer on the law of real property, 1888-89. AURAND, William Henry— Bom June, 1875, Oakley, Wis. Cen- tral high school, Minneapolis; M. D., University; interne, St. Bar- nabas Hospital; clinical assistant in 'medicine, University, 1904 to date. 300 Walnut street southeast. AUSTIN, Edward E., — Professor (homeopathic) of diseases of women, (gynecology), 1895 to date. Andrus building. AUSTIN, Horace, St. Paul — Regent, ex-offlcio member, as Gov- ernor of the State, 1870 to January 7, 1874. AUSTIN, Lloyd B.— Instructor in rhetoric, 1896-98. Now edu- cational director of Y. M. C. A. at Los Angeles, Calif. AUSTIN, IVlarshail P. — Professor (homeopathic) of clinical and orthopedic surgery, 1895-02. AZEIVIAR, Arnold — Instructor in French, 1902-04. Born in Eng- land. Early education in France arid New Zealand. BABCOCK, Charles Kendrick — Instructor in English and his- tory, 1890-93; instructor in Enghsh, 1893-94. Graduate of the University class of 1889. Now president of th3 University of Ari- zona. BABCOCK, Judge P. M. — ^Lecture on wills and administration, 1888-89. BABENDRIER, F. A. — ^Lecturer on (homeopathic) pharmacy, 1903-04. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES'— The first baccalaureate ad- dress was delivered by President Folwell, in 1882, upon "The secu- larization of education," and the following j'^ear, 1883, he delivered the second address, "The genuine university: what and how." There is no record of any baccalaureate service for 1884. In 1885 the custom was revived and a service was held in the First Con- gregational Church, the program having been arranged by the Rev. John L. Scudder. The date was Sunday evening, June 7th, and addresses were made by President Northrop and Professor Downey, several other University professors participated in the program, in various ways. The following year. May 30th, 1886, a service was held and addresses were made by Rev. John S. Mac- intosh and Rev. Joseph Anderson. Since 1886 the service has been held annually on the Sunday preceding commencement day. President Northrop has delivered the address for the following named years, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1898, 1905, 1906. The addresses for the re- maining years have been delivered by the following named gentle- men, 1890. Bishop Whipple; 1894, Bishop Charles H. Fowler; 1897, Rev. C. B. Mitchell; 1899, Dean William S. Pattee; 1900, Professor Frederick J. E. Woodbridge, 1901, Rev. Leavitt H. Hallock; 190:i, Rev. Marlon D. Shutter; 1903, Rev. William H. Sallmon, president of Carleton College; 1904, Professor Jabez Brooks; 1907, Rev. John W. Powell, '93, the first alumnus to deliver the address upon this occasion. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 35 BACH MAN, Gustav — Instructor in pharmacy and laboratory- assistant, 1903 to date. Member of the board of directors of the General Alumni Association. BACCN, Selden.— Lecturer on civil procedure, including- evi- dence, iss9-isy4. BAILEY, Charles M. — Secretary of the college and professor of prosthetic dentistry, 1SSS-1S90; professor of prosthetic dentistry and metallurgy, 1890-91; also orthodontia, 1891-96. BAINBRIDGE, Mahlon — Superintendent of the University farm and instructor in agriculture, 1869-1871. BALCOM, St. A. D., Winona— Regent 1857-1860. BALL, Charles R — Clinical assistant in mental and nervous diseases, 1897 to date. Endicott Arcade, St. Paul. BALLARD, Caswell A.— Instructor in botany, college of phar- macy, 1S93-94. BARBER, J. P. — Assistant in diseases of children, 1899-02. BAR.N (on Campus) — Erected in 1901 at a cost of $1,200. BARR, John H.— Born in 1861, at Terre Haute, Ind. He en- tered the University in 1879, having received his preparatory in- struction at Mankato. He graduated with the class of '83 from the mechanical course of the college of engineering. For two years he was employed as mining engineer in the celebrated "Lake Superior" mines. In the fall of 1885 he became instructor in me- chanical engineering at the University. Made assistant professor in 1889, and professor in 1890 and resigned in 1891 to accept a posi- tion in Cornell. Now Manager, Smith Premier Typewriter Co. BARTO, Alphonso, Long Prairie — Appointed regent March 28th, 1895, serving until day of his death, November 5th, 1899. Born at Hinesburg, Vt. 1834. Three years in Civil war. Came to Min- nesota in 1867. Member of the legislature in 1871. Lieutenant Governor 1873. Register U. S. Land office, 1889-93. BASEBALL — Information concerning this sport is so meagre that it was thought best to omit all records before that of the season of 1907. Owing to the lateness of the spring and the con- sequent difficulties of securing the proper training of teams, base- ball has never held a large place in student activities. Record for season of 1907— Minnesota vs. east high, 12 to 0; vs. central high, 7 to 1; vs. south hig-h, 8 to 2; vs. north high, 7 to 2; vs. Macalester, 6 to 3; vs. south high, 12 to 6; vs. Winnipeg, 5 to 6; vs. Iowa, 5 to 0; vs. Notre Dame, to 5; vs. Winnipeg, 1 to 6; vs. Nebraska, 7 to 8; vs. North Dakota, 18 to 2; vs. Fargo Agricultural College. 11 to 0; vs. North Dakota, 7 to 1; vs. Luther College, 2 to 6; vs. Creighton University, 8 to 5; vs. Chicago, 9 to 1; vs. Armour In- stitute, 3 to 2; vs. Notre Dame, 2 to 1; vs. Chicago, 15 to 9; vs. Wisconsin, 4 to 5. BASKETBALL — Basketball at the University, really began with the students of the school of agriculture, who used to have a winning team in the days before the 'Varsity team was thought of. The first 'Varsity team of which there is record is that of 1897- 98. The fcore cards for the v.-xrious years tell the tale of develop- ment in this line of sport. In 1901-02 the 'Varsity team had a clear title to the college championship of the United States and since that time has been one of the teams to be reckoned with In figuring out the championship of the country. 1897-98 — Minnesota vs. Minneapolis Y. M. C. A. triangles 6-18; 11-5; vs. Alphas, 6-23; 6-13; vs. Coalites, 11-7; vs. Picked team, 5-5; vs. Macalester, 11-9. 25 DICTIONARY OF THE 1898-1899— Minesota vs. St. Paul Y. M. C. A. 4-28; 9-23; vs. Macale.ster, 9-7; 9-8; vs. Minneapolis Y. M. C. A., 12-2; 0-2; vs. School of Agriculture, 7-10; 9-20. 1898-1899— Minnesota vs. St. Paul Y. M. C. A., 4-28; 9-23; vs. C. A., 3-27; vs. St. Cloud Normal, *7-14; 2-32; vs. Iowa, 4-30; vs. Wisconsin, 15-18; vs. Superior Normal *26-ll; *19-15; 7-27; 9-13. 1900-1901 — Minnesota vs. Alumni, 31-2; vs. Carleton, 12-3; vs. central high, 27-4; vs. School of Agriculture, 17-4; vs. St. Paul Y. M. C. A., 37-19; vs. W. Superior Normal, 23-5; 12-14; vs. Iowa, 38-5; vs. Fargo Y. M. C. A., 37-7; vs. Fargo College, 26-5; vs. N. D. A. C, 24-5; vs. Wisconsin, 15-3. 1901-02 — Minnesota vs. Alumni, 44-11; vs. Sophomores 13-8; vs. Seniors, 18-1; vs. South high, 2-0 (default); vs. Yale, 32-23; vs. East high, 44-4; vs. Central high, 22-5; vs. N. D. A. C, 47-7; 60-9; V.9. Fargo high school, 50-4; vs. Fargo college, 56-24; Co. E., Fond du Lac, 22-16; vs. Nebraska, 52-9; vs. Wisconsin, 30-10; vs. Iowa, 49-10. 1902-03 — Minnesota vs. Facultj^ 44-4; Central high, 42-6; Grin- nell, 39-2; Fargo college, *57-ll; Fargo high school, *41-20; N. D. A. C, *31-13; Superior normal, *37-10; *44-6; Anoka high school, *37-4; FargvO college, 40-7; Wisconsin, 38-11; Nebi-aska, 41-4. 1904-05 — Minnesota vs. Alumni, 36-18; vs. Holcomb, 61-10; vs. Iowa, 49-17; vs. Nebraska, 21-22; 25-28; vs. Rochester, *41-12; vs. Washington Continental, *27-35; vs. Columbia, *15-27; vs. Co. E. Sclienectady, *18-47; vs. Dartmouth, *16-16; vs. Williams, *ll-32; vs. Ohio State, *27-25; vs. Purdue, *34-19; vs. Chicago, *22-25; *33-22. 1905-06 — Minnesota vs. Hig-h school, 27-11; vs. Macalester, 49-9; vs. Holcomb, 47-12; 47-13; vs. Faculty, 27-11; vs. Illinois, 31-19; *27-25; vs. Fargo A. C, 36-15; vs. Wisconsin, *24-31, 16-10; vs. Purdue, *27-25; vs. Wabash, *16-26; vs. Chicago, *31-29; 20-17; vs. Nebraska, 25-16. 1907 — Minnesota vs. Wisconsin, 18-11, 20-31; vs. Illinois, 42-3, 36-29; vs. St. Thomas, 44-6; vs. All-stars, 25-12; vs. Nebraska, 20-19, 20-18; vs. Purdue, 37-26; vs. Chicago, 24-27, 21-10; vs. Stout, 47-28. BASS, Frederick A. — Bom in 1875, Hyde Park, Mass. Grad- uate in civil engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Four years' experience as assistant engineer on public works of Massachusetts; one year as engineering assistant with the corps of engineers of the U. S. Army; assistant engineer Hering & Ful- ler, of New York. Instructor in civil engineering, in charge of sanitary engineering, 1901 to 1904; assistant professor of same, 1904 to date. Author of articles contributed to the engineering press. Member of the American Public Health Association; American Water Works Association; associate member American Society of Civil Engineers; Six O'clock Club. IW Beacon street southeast. BASSETT, L. B. — Instructor in farm machinery, school' of ag- riculture, since 1907. BATCHELDER, George F., Faribault — Regent January 13th, 1861-November, 1863. BAUER, George Meander — Born January, 1872, Minnesota. B. S. University, 1890; M. S., 1894; Ph. D., Columbia, 1900. Teacher, high school, 1894-1895; University of Iowa, 1895-1898; Instructor in mathematics;. University, 1900-02; assistant professor of mathe- matics, 1902-07: professor of mathematics, 1907 to date. Author of "Parallax of Cassiopeia and the positions of f>G neighboring stars;" "Simpler elements of analytical geometry;" "Plane and UNrV'ERSITY OF MINXBSOTA. 37 spherical trig-onometi-y" (with W. E. Brooke). 5034 Thirty-fourth avenue south. BAXTER, George N. — Lecturer on common law and code plead- ing, 18S8-S9. BEACH, Elizabeth S. — Instructor in history, 1899-02. Now Mrs. Willis M. West, of this city. Born in Faribault, Minn., in 1873. Graduate from Faribault high school in 1891, with highest honors. Graduate Minnesota in 1896, as valedictorian. Phi Beta Kappa. Three years' experience as teacher in Faribault high school. BEACH, John Parsons — Assistant professor of music, 1902-04. BEACH, Joseph Warren — Born, January 14, 1880, Gloversville. N. Y. Educated at Gloversville high school; B. A., University; 1900; M. A., Harvard, 1902; Ph. D., 1907. Assistant in rhetoric' University of Minnesota, 1900-1901; instructor in rhetoric and Eng- lisli. 1902-1904; assistant professor of English, 1907. Author of "Sonnets of the head and heart;" "Richard Badger Burton," 1902. 225B Eighth avenue southeast. BEAR, U. S.'— Instructor in cheese making, 1895-96. BEARD, Richard Olding— Born December 20th, 1856, Middlesex, England. M. D., Northwestern University. Teacher of physiology; practicing and consulting physician in nervous and nutritional dis- eases. Professor of physiology-, University, 1889 to date. Author of medical and sanitary monographs. 812 Pillsbury building. BEARDSLEY, Arthur— 1869-72. Member of the first University faculty as tutor. Afterward he was made professor of civil en- gineering and industrial drawing. BEAUMONT, John F. — Professor (homeopathic) of ophthalmolo- gy, 1888-94. BECK, James F. — Instructor (homeopathic) in minor surgery 1897-99. BECKLEY, Fred S. — Assistant (homeopathic) in g^Tlecol02-v•, 1903-04. BECKMAN, Frederick E. — Born in Goettingen, Germany, 1865. Received early education at the Royal Gymnasium. Came to Amer- ica in 1889. Held a position in Illinois Trust and Savings Bank seven years. Studied romance languages at Goettingen in 1897, and spent 1898 in Spain. Received Ph. D. from Chicago University in 1899. Came to I'niversity as instructor in Spanish and French in the fall of 1S99. Resigned in 1901. Now in Pomona college, California. BEEBE, W. L. — Instructor in bacteriology, college of agricul- ture, 1907 to date. BELL, Charles J. — Born Sommerville, Mass., October 2. 1853. Son of Dr. L. V. Bell. Educated in Chauncey Hall School, Boston; Phillips Exeter Academy. 1872; Harvard, 1870; six years abroad under BayeT' and Hoffman in Germany. Professor of chemistry, Pennsylvania State College, several y^ars; fellow at Johns Hop- kins to 1888. Professor of medical chemistry at LTniversity, 1888 to .ranuarv 3d. 1903, the date of his death. Married December 3d, 1902, to Miss Ragna Hoegh of Minneapolis. BELL, John W. — Professor of physical diagnosis and diseases of the chest, 1888-1906; emeritus professor, 1906 to date. 1037 Andrus building. BENJAMIN, Arthur E. — Born, Dec. 19, 1868, Hutchinson, Minn. M. D.. University; teacher, country schools; farmer, two years; clinical Instructor in gynecology, University, since 1901; specialist ;J53G8G 38 DICTIONART OP THE in gynecology and surgery. Author of "Appendicitis;" "Some prob- lems in gynecological survey." "Inguinal hernia;" Ectopic preg- nancy;" "Gynecological surgery." 2222 Blaisdell avenue. 302 Pills- bury building. BENNETT, Estelle (now Mrs. Boot) was the first general sec- retary of the Y. W. C. A., and the first general secretary of a college Y. W. C. A., in the United States, 1896-99. Mrs. Boot now resides at 1943 Sherman avenue, ii.Vanston, 111. BENSON, Jared, Anoka — Regent January 23d, 1861-March 4th, 1864. BENTON, Charles William— Born, 1852, Tolland, Conn. Edu- cated at Normal College, Beyrout, Syria; B. A., M. A., Yale; "\vest- ern University of Penn. Litt. D. University of Paris. Teacher, high school New England, 1S77-1S79. Assitant professor of French language and literature. University, 1880-81; professor, 1881 to date. Editor, the Lake Series, Scott, Foresman & Co., Easy French plays. 516 Ninth avenue southeast BERKEY, Charles P. — Scholar in mineralogy, 1892-93; instructor 1893-1904. Now connected with same department in the school of mines, Columbia University, New York City. Graduate of the University, '92, M. S., '98, Ph. D., '97. .BERNHAGEN, John F. — Instructor in military science, 1901-02. Graduate of tne University, class of 1901. Now assistant county attorney. BERRY, John IVI., Faribault.'— Regent February 28th, 1860-Jan- uary 13th, 1861. Appointed regent in 1868 but <3eclined to serve. BERTIN, Emma. — Born, Saint-Quentln, France. Educated at private schools in Saint-Quentin and Paris, also Acadamie de Paris. Teacher, private schools in England, 1870-1880; Mrs. Cady's school. New Haven, Conn., 1880-84; Judson Institute and Bennett Semi- nary% 1884-1893; instructor, University of Minnesota, 1893 to date. 1223 Fourth street southeast. BETA THETA PI.— Beta Pi chapter established in 1889. Found- ed at Miami University 1839. 1625 University avenue southeast. BIBLE SECRETARY for Students — The Baptist, Congregation- al, Methodist and Presbyterian churches have united to make their influence felt upon the religious life of the University and have practically determined to support a Bible secretary who is to co-op- erate with the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associa- tions of the University. It is expected that the one chosen to fill this place will have charge of the religious work of these bodies and win be able to give direction and force to the work undertaken by them. BISHOP GILBERT SOCIETY, The— This society was organized by the Episcopal students in 1906. Its purpose is to promote the interests of the Episcopal church among ttie students of the Unl- vers'ity and to draw together in bondiS of friendship and for mutual helpfulness, the students of the University who are connected with that church. This society is accustomed to provide lectures during the year and maintains, with the assistance of the denomination, a student pastor. The present pastor is Stanley S. Kilbourne, '03, A club house for this society is to be erected near the campus In the immediate future. The cost will be about $20,000.00 and a student pastor, the Rev. Stanley S. Kilbourne, '03, is to be in charge. BLACK, Captain Mahlon — Regent from January 22nd, 1855 to February 14th, 1860. Captain Black was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, October 4th, 1820. He died, in Minneapolis, October 25th, UNTVBRSITY OF MINNESOTA. 39 1901. He was member of the old first Minnesota and lost his health while serving in the army. He wa^ an invalid for nearly twenty-five years before his death. He came to Minnesota in the spring of 1842 and wa^ the first white man to take up a claim on the site of what is now tlie c'ity of Winona. He had studied sur- veying and took up the work of "cruising" for lumber companies and became one of the most prominent and widely known lumber- men of the northern part of Minnesota. He was a member of the first territorial legislature, also a member of the third and of the last territorial legislatures. Captain Black surveyed and platted the town of St. Anthony, now^ east Minneapolis. He was married September 17th, 1850, to Miss Jane M. Stough, a daughter of one of the pioneer residents of St. Anthony. He enlisted as a private and rose from that rank to the rank of captain by sheer force of merit. The friends who helped Captain Black and his wife celebrate their golden wedding, in 190O, represented practically all of the survivors of the territorial days of the state. His fu- neral was held, at his request, under the auspices of the G. A. R., and the pall bearers were members of the old First Minnesota. See Weekly November 4th, 1901. BLACKSTONE — A law literary society organized in 1899. BLAIR, Margaret — Instructor in sewing, 1896-03; sewing and household art, 1903 to date. St. Anthony Park, Minn. BLISS, Gilbert Ames — Instructor in mathematics, 1900-03. BLOCK, E. Bates — Demonstrator of pathology and bacteriology, 18!i7-98. BOARDMAN, Charles H. — ^Professor of medical jurisprudence, 1SS8-90. BOARD OF CONTROL, The^The act of 1901, creating the state board of control, was not primarily designed to include the educa- tional institutions of the state. In the fight against the whole proposition, an amendment was proposed to the bill, making it include the educat'ionar institutions of the state in its provisions. Greatly to the surprise of those who were opposing the bill, and who hoped thus to defeat it, the bill was passed and became a law, Th3 bill, as it was passed, was believed to be unconstitutional by all friends of the University, since the title was not amended to In- clude the educational 'institutions. No attempt was made by the board of control to assert its authority over the University. The regents, for two years, continued in undisputed control. The nor- mal schools, in like state with the University, voluntarily waived their technical right under the law and placed themselves under the supervision of the board of control. In a short time, friction arose over the administration of the affairs of those schools, and the normal board attempted to withdraw from the position into which it had voluntarily put itself. The case was taken into the courts, and a ruling was secured which declared the educa- tional institutions of the state "charitable" in tliieir nature and the law was held to be constitvitional. Still no attempt was made to bring the TTniversity under the supervision of the board of control. The legislature met and an attempt was made to have the University released from such control by a special act specin- cany declaring such -freedom for the University. A combination of Interests which desired to use the University to secure their own release from board of control supervision, managed to pre- vent the passage of this act. When the legislature of 1903 ad- journed without affording the desired relief, the board of regents, made overtures to the board of control and the board assumed the pariial control given it under the law. This control extended 40 DICTIONARY OF THE only over the purctiase of supplies, the purchase of fuel and plac- ing of insurance, the erection of new building-s, Tnis dual control could result in but one outcome, unsatisfactory conditions all around. After a two years' trial conditions were such as to make further continuation of the arrangement wholly intolerable. The legislature of 1905, by a practically unanimous vote, afforded the long-sought relief and the University again came back under the sole supervision of the board of regents, save in the matter of placing insurance, purchase of fuel and tlie erection of new build- ings; 'in all these matters the board of control still has control. For further 'information on this matter see the "Weekly, fall and winter numbers, of 1904-05, during the session of the legisla- ture. BOARD OF REGENTS'— The revised statutes of 1894 say — "The government of the University shall be vested in a board of twelve (12) regents, of which the Governor of the State, the State Sup- erintendent of Public Instruction, and the President of the Uni- versity, shall be members ex-offlcio, and the nine (9) remaining members thereof shall be appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. "Whenever a;y therein occurs, for any cause, the same shall be filled for the un- expired term in the same manner. After the expiration of the term of the members of the present board of regents, their suc- cessors $ha!l be appointed in a like manner and snail hold their office for the full term of six (6) years from the first (1st) "Wed- nesday of March succeeding their appointment, and imtil their successors are appointed and qualified. The president of the University shall be ex-oflicio the corresponding secretary of the board of regents." Ex-oflicio members— Cyrus Northrop. TjL.D., Minneapolis, The President of the University; John A. Johnson, St. Peter, The Gov- ernor of the State; John "W. Olsen, Albert Lea, The State Superin- tendent of public instruction. Appointive membersi — .Tames T. Wyman, Minneapolis, 1908, The President of the Board; S. G. Comstock. Moorhead, 190«, Thomas "Wilson, St. Paul, 1909, A. E. Rice. AVillmar, 1909, B. F. Nelson, Minneapolis. 1910, Pierce Butler, St. Paul. 1910, Daniel R. NoyeS, St. Paul, 1910. S. M. Owen. Minneapolis, 1913, "W. J, Mayo, Rochester, 1913, C. D. Decker, Minneapolis, Secretary but not a member of the board. BOND, Charles E. — Instructor in justice court practice, 1897-98. BOOTH, Albert Edwin — Born September 30th, 1871, at Pater- son, N."^ J., Tracy high school, freshman and sophomore work at Hamllne University; University college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, 1899. Some experience in common schools of state as teacher; dispensary assistant 1897; lecturer on surgical emer- gencies, 1899-1903; lecturer on orthopedia. 1903-04; professor of orthopedia 1904-date. Clinical surgeon homeopathic free dispen- sary T^niversity; surgical staff of the Minneapolis city hospital; medical examiner for the Penn Mutual Life insurance Co., the Na- tional T-ife Association of Des Moines, la., I. O. O. F., and others; member of the city and state medical societies. BOSS, Andrew — Born June ;id, 1867, Wabasha Co., Minn. Edu- cated m common schools, school of .agriculture: assistant instruc- tor and professor. School and College of Agriculture, T'^niversity of Minnesota. Division of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. 1894- '02: nssnciate profes.sor of airricultnre, 1902-05, professor of agri- culture and animal husbandrv since 1905. Author — Exper'iment Statibn-tlRAlletins 31 and 62; United States Dept., of Agriculture, Parmers Biilletin no. 83; contributor to Bailey's Encyclopedia of Agriculture. 1443 Raymond avenue, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul. UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 41 BOSS, William — Instructor in carpentry and engineering (power machinery) school of agriculture, 1895 to date; 'instructor in farm structures, also, 1904-1907; professor of farm structures and farm mecnanics, 1907 to date. St. Anthony Park, Minn. BOSTON, Mass. — New England Association of Minnesota Al- umni — Organized May 31st, 1907. Fred L. Barawell, '81, president and A. E. Stene, Ag. '97, secretary. Mr. Bardwell is to be aa- dressed care of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bos- ton, Mass., and M'r. Stene, care of the Rhode Island College, Kingston, R. I. BOTANICAL PLANT HOUSE — This was built and equipped in 1906 at a cost of i^lO.OOO. It consists of five connected glass houses covering a ground area of about 3,700 square feet, and an adjoining v. ork room 17x25 feet, with basement of same size. The various houses are maintained at different temperatures to meet the needs of the various plants cared for. The Xerophitic house (25 X 25 ft.) provides for the culture of cacti, euphonbias and other succulent and 'heat loving plants; the palm house (28 X 33 ft.) has a gable height of 18 feet, and provides for palms, cycads, tree ferns and bamboos; the temperate liouse provides for the common plants familiar as house plants; the aquatic house (18 X 3o ft.) contains a large cement tank for water lilies, papyrus and other aquatics and a bog for the culture of pitcher plants, Venus fly traps, and sundews; this house contains many portable tanks for the culture of smaller aquatics, and many perching orchids occupy hanging baskets in this house; the lily house (18 X 33 ft.) is devoted largely to lilies, amaryllids and other plants requiring similar cultural conditions. It is expected that in time provision will be made to make the part of the campus about the plant house a botanical garden and that further provision w'ill be made for a laboratory greenhouse for the use of the de- partment oi botany. BOTANICAL STUDENTS' JOURNAL CLUB, The— is an organization of juniors, seniors and graduate stvidents, of the department of botany, for the review of current botanical litera- ture. BOTANY MUSEUM — The general herbarium numbering about 2o,000 specimens and comprising the series of plants collected by the state botanist; an alcoholic collection of material for dissec- tion; a collection of woods of Minnesota; a limited series of car- boiKferous and cretaceous fossil plants, including the Lesquereaux collection from the Minnesota River localities. BOTHNE, Gisle Christian Johnson — Born September 7, 1860, Prederickshald, Norway. Educated in gymnasium of Frederick- .s-haid; I>uth,er College, Decorah, Iowa, 1878; Noithwestern Univer- sity, Watertown. Wis., 1S79. also .Johns TToplvins; one year in Europe. Head professor of Greek and Scandinavian, Luther Col- lego. 1SS1-1907; associate professor of Scandinavian, T'^niversity of Minnesota, May, 1907; head of department, Octooer, 190)7. Son of Professor Thrond .1. Bothne. a well-known Norwegian scholar and writer. Author of History of Uuther College. 1897; contribu- tions to the Norwegian papers in the I'nitiMl Suites; "Language of Modern Norway" in publications of the Modem Language Asso- ciation. BOUTELL, Fannie C. — Pr?ceptress of the school of agricul- ture, lOO.'j to date. Also instructor in English and social culture. BOWEN, Edgar C, Capt., U. S. A.-— Professor of military sci- ence and ra. tics, 1881-83. 42 DICTIONARY OF THE BOW EN, James — Instructor in horticulture and superintendent of the horticultural department. Born in Bodenham, England, October 3, 1843. He was apprenticed at an early age at the New botanical gardens of which his uncle was manager. After serv- ing his apprenticeship he went to Dublin, where he had charge of the government gardens. In 1875 he came to Chicago, and for six years had the management of the Chicago botanical gardens. In 1881, he became connected with the University. Died May 20, 1883. BOYS' DORMITORY— This building was erected for the school of agriculture in 1903, at a cost of $40,000. BRACKEN, Henry Martyn— Born February 27th, 1854, at Nobel- town, Pa. Early education in public schools and Eldersridge Acad- emy. Medical departments of the Universities of Michigan, Col- umbia, and Edinborough. Professor of materia medica and thera- peutics from 1888 to 1907. Professor of preventive medicine 1907-. Author of Outline of Materia Medica and Pharmacology; Thera- peutic Notes; Disinfection and Disinfectants; Numerous papers In various publications upon medical and sanitary topics. 1010 Fourth street southeast. BRADY, W. J. — Demonstrator in charge of the dental infirmary and technical teaching, 188-8-1890. BRAZIE, Henry W. — Born in Ohio, in 1845. Graduate of Grand River College, '61. Served in tne war, and was discharged as captain. Graduate of Cleveland Homeopathic College, 1871. Presi- dent of the State Lunacy Board, and Chairman of the Board of Health of Minneapolis. One of the founders of the Minnesota homeopathic medical college in 1SS6. Secretary of the college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, from its establishment, in 1888 to 1892, dean 1892-93. Professor of paedology. Resigned in 1893. In active practice in Minneapolis at the present time. BREDA, O. J.— Bom at Horton, Norway, in 1853. In 1870 he passed the first, and in 1871 the second examination at the Royal University of Christiania, and there commenced the study of classical philology. In 1873 he came to the United States and en- tered the German Concordia Seminary, of St. Louis, Mo., where he pursued the study of theology till the summer of 1875. He then took charge of a Norwegian Lutheran congregation in St. Paul, Minn. Two years later he resigned this charge and accepted a call to the Norwegian Lutheran College at Decorah, Iowa. Be- fore entering upon his new duties he spent two years studying classical and modern pbilology at the University of Christiania. From 1879 to 1882 he taught Latin and Norwegian in the Lutheran College, and then resigned and returned to Norway. After an- other year spent at the University of Christiania, he was appointed to a position in the Gymnasium of Skien, Norway, which he, tiow- ever, resigned upon being tendered the newly created professorship of Scandinavian languages and literatures in the University. With the permission of the regents in this institution he spent another year in Christiania, and entered upon his duties here in the fall of 1884. Besides meeting all the duties Incumbent upon the head of the Scandinavian department. Professor Breda had sucess- ful charge over many classes in Latin. As a lecturer. Professor Breda was in great demand. In 1884, when he came to the Uni- versity he organized a volunteer corps of cadets and aroused much enthusiasm among the students in this line of work. BREN, Joseph D. — Born January 27th, 1874, at Hopkins, Minn. Early education in public schools of Hopkins; Minneapolis Central high school; three years at the University. General business ex- perience. Chief accountant July 1899 to 1902. Cashier 1902 to date. 2438 Grand avenue. UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 43 BREWER, Flora E.i— Instructor in Latin, 1897-98. BREWER, William H. — Professor of agriculture in Tale, lec- turer on stock breeding, 1882-83. BREWSTER, Florence — ^Librarian of the school of agriculture, 1892-1900. BREWSTER, Henry Webb — Instructor in mathematics, school of agriculture, 1890-92; assistant principal and assistant professor of mathematics, 1892-93; in charge of the school, 1893-94; princi- pal of school of agriculture and professor of mathematics, 1894- 1900. 154 Higgins avenue, Chicago, 111. BRIGGS MEDAL, The — See Briggs prize in foundi-y practice. BRIGGS PRIZE IN FOUNDRY PRACTICE— For the encourage- ment of studies in foundry practice, Mr. O. P. Briggs, Commis- sioner of the National Foundrymen's Association, Detroit, Mich., offers $75 annually, in two prizes, which are to be accompanied by gold medals. The competition is open to sophomores in the college of engineering, and the prize awarded for the best essay relative to the subject. No prize will be awarded if less than five essays are submitted in competition. Essays contain about 3,000 words, and must, be submitted to the professor of rhetoric on or before May 1st of each year. Awarded to C. F. Bohm, 1st and H. V. Fuller, 2nd, in 1902; to R. A. Lundquist, 1st and Robert Morris, 2nd, 1903; H. C. Estep, 1st, and S. G. Harwood, 2nd, with honorable mention for T. C. Morris. Not awarded 1904, '0'5, '06, '07. BRIGGS, Warren S. — Professor (homeopathic) of clinical sur- gery, 1888 to date; now senior professor of same. Etnst building, St. Paul. BRIM HALL, John B. — Clinical instructor in orthopedic surgery 1902 to date. Moore building, St. Paul. BRIM HALL, S. D. — ^Lecturer on veterinary surgery and materia medlca, 1890-92. BROOKE, William Ellsworth — Bom October 7th, 1870, at Minier, 111. B. C. E. University of Nebraska, 1892; M. A. '96; graduate work at the University of Chicago. Taught in the University of Ne- braska for three years; Omaha high school four years; instructor in mathematics, University 1901-05; assistant professor, 1905 to date. Member of the American Mathematical Society; member of Circolo Mathematico di Palermo; member of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education; Sigma Xi; Sigma Zeta. Author of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (with G. N. Baiuer). 405 Oak street southeast. BROOKS, Jabez — Born September 18th, 1823, England. Ele- mentary education in English schools; Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris 111.; Wesleyan University, Middleton, Conn.; B. A., 1850; M. A., 1853; D.D., 1864. Teacher, private, district and classical schools, preparatory school and college; University of Minnesota, 1869 to date. Member of Normal School Board; Agricultural College Board; president, Minnesota Educational Association; president of Haml'ine University, 8 years. Author of Introduction to Attic Greek. 1708 Laurel avenue. BROOKS, L. May — Assistant in library since 1898, cataloger. 1708 Laurel avenue. BROWN, Edna Jeraidine (Mrs. S. W. Batson). — General secre- tary of the Y. W. C. A., 1905-06. Mrs. Batson now lives at 2722 Park avenue, in this city. BROWN, Edward J. — Acting professor of materia medlca and pharmacology, 1907 to date. Syndicate block. 44 DICTIONARY OF THE BROWN, Frederick V. — Lecturer on chattel mortgages, 1897- 1900. Judge of the district court of Hennepin county. BROWN, John C. — Born August 30, 1876, Carthage, Mo. Edu- cated in Carthage high sctoool; University of Minnesota; Stanford University, 1899. Teacher, high school, FuUerton, Cal. ; San Diego, Gal., Normal school; demonstrator in zoology, Hopkins Seaside Station, 1898-1899. Instructor in zoology and comparative anat- omy, University, 1900-'07; assistant professor of animal biology, 1907 to date. 934 Fifteenth avenue southeast. BROWN, Rome G. — Born June 15, 1862. A. B. Harvard, mag- num cum laude. Admitted to bar, Vermont, 1887. Practicing law- yer. Special lecturer on water rights, college of law, 1907 to date. 1918 Queen avenue south. BRUDE, Julia — Instructor in sweet curd cheese work, 1902-05. BRYANT, Charles S.— St. Peter— Regent 1870-1875. BUCKHAM, Thomas S.— Faribault— Regent 1876-1887. BULL, Alvah M. — Instructor in drawing and farm buildings, 1904 to date. BULL, Coates Preston — Bol-n Oct. 11, 1872, Edina Mills, Minn. Educated in common schools, school of agriculture, University; Teacher and experimenter; assistant in agronomy, Illinois College and Station, Urbana, 111., 1901; assistant in agriculture, University, 1902; assistant professor of agriculture in College of Agriculture and assistant agriculturist, Minnesota Experiment Station, 1907 to date. Author of press bulletins; press articles; bulletin on corn breeding now in press; treatise on flax, Bailey's American Encyclo- pedia of Agriculture; bulletin on bromus inermis and bulletin on flax now in preparation. 2137 Commonwealth avenue, St. Paul. BUNN, Charles W.— Lecturer on suretyship, mortgages and practice in the United States Courts. 1888-1895. From 1904 to date, special lecturer. General counsel for the N. P. Ry. BURCH, Edward P. — Assistant in physics, 1890-91. Graduate of the college of engineering, 1892, now consultinig engineer in the city. Member of the board of directors of the General Alummi As- sociation. BURCH, Frank E. — Clinical assistant in diseases of eye and ear, 1907 to date. Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. BURGAN, J. H.'— Assistant in dermatology, 1899-00. BURGER, C. C. — Assistant in chemistry, experiment station, 1890-91. BURGESS, Amelia \. — Instructor in freehand drawing, 1891-1901. Now Mrs. Leo M. Crafts, of this city. BURGESS, Florence E. — Registrar's oflfice, assistant, since 1906. B. A., University, 1906. 814 Fourth street southeast. BURKHARD, Oscar C— Instructor in German, 190i2-190i6; leave of absence, studying in Europe, 1906-0i8. BURT, David, St. Paul — Regent, ex-ofHcio 1875-1881, superin- tendent of public instruction. BURTON, Frank — Demonstrator of anatomy, 1891-92. BURTON, Richard— Born March 14th, 1859, at Hartford, Conn. A. B. Trinity; Ph. D. Johns Hopkins. Taught \01d English at Johns Hopkins; professorial lecturer, University of Chicago; chair of English, University, 1898-1902; 1906 to date; has been managing editor of the New York Churchman; literary editor of the Hart- ford Courant; associate editor of Warner's Library of the World's Best Literature. Has published five volumes of verse and four UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 45 of pi-ose, the latest, 1907-08. "The Evolution of the Modern Novel" and a vblume of lyrics, "Peace on Earth.'' Member of the Boston Authors' Club; New York Authors' Club; Delta Kappa Ep- silon; American Modern Laiiguage Association. The Hampton, 2109 Blaisdell avenue. BUSH, Ethel Estelle — Bom at Dover, Minn., In 1882. Dover grades and hig'h school; Winona normal school; partial course at University; assistant instructor in English, school of agriculture, since 1900. 1119 Sixth street southeast. BUSSEY, William Henry— Born October 24th, 1879, Chicago. Finished the Chicago public schools in '96; A. B., Northwestern University, '00; M. A., Harvard, '02; Ph. D., Chicago, '04; Taught in the University of Chicago summer schools of 1903, '04; in acad- emy of Nortli-western University, '04-'05; Barnard College, Columbia University, '05-'07. Assistant professor of mathematics, 1907 to date. Author of Generational relations for the abstract group simply isomorphic with the group; Finite projective geometries; Galois field tables. Fellow in iiiathematics. University of Chicago, 1902-04. 728 Fourth street southeast. BUTLER, Pierce, St. Paul — Appointed regent June 15th, 1907. Term expire.s March, 1910. Born in Dakota county, Minn., March 17th, 1866; graduated from Carleton College, 1887; studied law in St. Paul, assistant county attorney, Ramsey county, '91-'93; county attorney, '93-'97; general practice, '97-'99; firm of How & Butler; general attorney for C. M. & St. P. Ry., '00-'0'5; member of firm of How, Butler & Mitchell; member of the board of directors of St. Paul public library; president of the Ramsiey county bar asso- ciation. Fire & Marine building, 1347 Summit street, St. Paul. BUTNER, Anna M. — Instructor in physical culture for women, since IhOO. 1915 Portland avenue. BUTTERS, Frederic K., M. S. — Instructor in botany and prac- tical pharmacognosy, 1901 to date. 815 Seventh street south. CADY, LeRoy — Born January 9th, 1879, at Buffalo, Mmn. School of agriculture, 1900; college of agriculture, 1907; taught 'in school of agriculture 1903 to date; college of agriculture, 1906 to date. Department of horticulture, experiment station; appointed assistant horticulturist 1907. Address, experiment station, St. An- thony Park, Minn. CAHILL, Thomas — Instructor in rhetoric, 1905-1907. CAINE, W. A. — Deeturer (homeopathic) medicine and surgerv, 1901-02. - CALAIS, Albert I.— Instructor in French, 1895-98. Descended frOm a Hugtienot family, a native of Normandy, ana a graduate of the University of France. Sen-ed in the Fi-anco-German war, later went to Hingland where his ready command of English se- cured for him; important posts at Brighton, Stony Stratford, and later at Wellington, a Royal college which prepares students for tne army and for the universities. There he became 'instructor to several members of the royal family of England, was offered a life tenure. Declining this offer, however, he accepted the chair of French Language and Diterature at the University of Adelaide. South Australia, which he held for six years. Author of a number of text books on French. CALHOUN, Frederick D. — Instructor in rhetor'ic, 1905-07. Grad- uate of tlie University, class of 1907. Now in business in Seattle, Wash. CAMERA CLUB, The— An organization of instructors and stu- dents interested in photography and photographic chemistry. Close- Iy,.identifled with thq department of chemistry. DICTIONARY OF THE The heavy lines around blocks across University avenue from the campus indicate property which It was hoped could be pur- chased. There is no hope of securing these blocks in the near future and it is hardly probable that the money available for the purpose will allow of the purchase of much property between Church and Howard streets. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 47 CAMPBELL, Gabriel — Professor of moral and intellectual phil- osophy and instructor in German from 1869 to 1880. Member of the first University faculty. CAMPBELL, Robert Allen— Born December 27th, 1868 at De- troit, Mich. Graduated high school, Alexandria, Minn., 1887; aca- demic student one year; College medicine and surgery, 18%; assistant in diseases of nose and throat, 1897 to 190(4; clinical in- structor, 1904 to date. Four years' experience in civil engineering work. Author of various magazine articles upon diseases of the nose and throat. 844 Andrus building. CAMPUS — The first purchase of land for the present site was made by the University, October 21st, 1854, twenty-five and one- third acres being purchased at that time of Paul R. George and Joshua Taylor. A mistake was made in making out this deed and to correct the same a new quit claim deed was made by Calvin Tuttle, who quit-claimed the land intended to be conveyed in the previous aeed, on July 21st, 1856. The quit-claim deed covered twenty-seven and eight-one-hundredths acres. This piece of land was bounded on the south by the section line running eighty-nine rods from the east bank of the Mississippi river, thence 39% degrees west to a point approximately at the corner of the present intersection of 14th and University avenues southeast, thence back to the river on a line conforming very closely with the pres- ent railroad tracks. The consideration paid by the regents was $6000, $10i>0 in cash advanced by friends and $5000 in notes se- cured by mortgage, bearing 12 per cent interest. So rapidly did the land increase in value, that the legislature, which met the same year of the purchase, authorized the regents to borrow $15,000 se- cured on the land purchased for $6,000. No additions were made to the campus until the legislature of 1877 appropriated $18,000 to enlarge the campus. At that time, Thatcher's addition was purchased and a part of the land which now lies north of the Great Northern tracks. Two years later tne legislature made another appropriation for increasing the cam- pus, $20,000 being given for the purpose, and following year, 1880, $20,000 more was appropriated for the same purpose. With thl3 money ihe purchase of the land to the north of the Great Northern tracks, fsave a little strip, on eleventh avenue, 26 1^ by 181 feet, which was afterward contributed by Mr. S. H. Chute) and four and. one-half blocks bordering the south side of the campus, ex- tending to Arlington street. In 1903, the legislature appropriated $11,000' for the purchase of more land and for grauing the campus. With this money was purchased four lots in block 3, part of the land now enclosed in Northrop Field. Governor Pillsbury, before his last illness, had begun the purchase of the lots in this block and his heirs gave six lots in this block to carry out what they knew to be his wishes. The city council' voted to vacate Arlington street from the river to Harvard street and to vacate Union street from Arlington to University avenue for the benefit of the Uni- versity. See Campus extension. With the appropriation of 1907 for the purchase of more land for the campus, the state has spent $525,000 for this purpose. CAMPUS EXTENSION— The legislature of 1907 appropriated $450,000 for purchase of additional land for the campus. The al- umni of the college of medicine and surgery, assisted by the fac- ulty of that college, raised $50,000 by private subscription, to pur- chase a site for the Elliott hospital, giving a clear half million for additional land. The board of regents have settled upon the purchase of the Mocks bounded by the campus. Union street, the river and Washington a.venue and blocks bounded by Church 48 DICTIONARY OF THE street, "Washington avenue and the rivei-. The Park Board owns a wide boulevard along the river bank which will be,, for all prac- tical purposes, a part of the campus. , If. this land_ can be secured and the streets vacated, it will add nearly fifty acres, or nearly double tne size of the present campus. CAMPUS QUARTET — One of the most famous of 'Varsity mu- sical organizations. Edward J. Borncamp, Episcopal clerg>-man ot Winona, Minn.; Harry O. Hannum, Congregational clergyman, of Holyoke, Mass.; George L. Huntington, a physician, of St. . Paul; John W. ir^owell, a Methodist clergyman, of Duluth, were the mem- bers of ttiis quartet and were all members of the class of 1893. CAREL, Hubert C. — Instructor in cnemistry, department of medicine, 189.5-1898; assistant professor of chemistry, 1898 to 1904; professor of chemistry, 1904-07. CARLSON, John S. — Professor of Scandinavian languages and literatures, 1899-1907. Born in Frodinge, Sweden, Nov. 9th, 185.. Came to America at age of sixteen. Graduated Gustavus Adolphus (^St. Peter, Minn.) 1881. Augustana (Rock Island, 111.) 1885. Stud- ied two years in Sweden and tooK his Ph. D. in 1887. Professor of history and philosophy in Gustavus Adolphus college eleven years. Lecturer, editor, and contributor to many magazines and pa- pers; very prominent in church work and member of many church and educational boards. Author of "Om filosofien i Amerika," 1887; Swedish Grammar and Reader, 1907. Member of the American Academy of Political Science; American Statistical Association; Swedish-American Historical Association. CARR, A. B. — Instructor in medical chemistry, 1905 to date. CARR, W. Frank — Instructor in civil engineering, 1884-85. CASTALIAN LITERARY SOCIETY, The — Organized November 11, 1896 and slill in existence. GATES, Abraham Barker — Borii May 12th, 1854, at East Vas- salboro, Maine. A. B. Colby, 1874; M. D. Harvard, 1880- Princi- pal of Cerryfleld, Me., high school, 1874-77. Adjunct professor of obstetrics, 1888-;. later clinical professor of obstetrics and then professor of obstetrics. 2824 Park avenue. 413 Pillsbury build- ing, GATES, John F.— Engineer, 1894-1903. CENTRAL DEBATING CIRCUIT OF AMERICA, The— In 1906, the universities of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Ne- braska Organized a debating league, the constitution of which provides that each university shall have two teams, one on the afflrmative and one on the negative of the question which is to be the same for alLthe Universities in the league, 'me affirmative is always supported by the home team and the negative by the visit- ing team. On April 5th, 1907, Minnesota" debated with Illinois at St. Paul, ai'd Iowa at Iowa City. In December, 1907, Minnesota met Wisconsin at Madison and Nebraska at Minneapolis, in 1909 Tllinois at Champaign and Iowa at Minneapolis; in 1910, Wis- consin at Minneapolis and Nebraska at Lincoln. The result of the first series of debates was that Minnesota won from l)oth her opponents, Iowa at Iowa City and Illinois in the House of Representatives, bt. Paul. Wisconsin likewise won both her debates. Iowa and Nebraska lost both debates, while Illi- nois won and lost one. The question discussed was — "Resolved that the cities of the United States should seek the solution of the street railway problem through private ownership." The result of the second debate, held December 13th, 1907, was that the affirmative won in every case, each college in the league winning one^nd losing one. The question argued was — "Resolved, UNIVERSITY OF MINNEJSOTA. 49 that the Federal government should have absolute control of all corporations doing an interstate business, constitutionality granted." CENTRAL DEBATING LEAGUE, The — ^Was composed of the debating associations of the University of Michigan, the University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, and the University of Chi- cago. Its purpose is to discuss in puolic leading questions of the day and to develop ready and forceful speakers. The four uni- versities were arranged in two groups for the semi-final debates. Which were neld tue second Tuesday in January. On the nrst FViday in April in each year, the winners from the groups met in a final debate in tlie city of Chicago. Minnesota withdrew from this league in lu06 and proceeded at once to organize the new Central debating circuit of America. CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS'— A series of concerts devoted to the interpretation of classical composers, offered during the season of 1894-95. Miss Elizabeth Cushman presided at the piano, Mr. Heinrich Hoevel, played the violin and Dr. Clarence Strachauer, the 'cello. The concerts were arranged by Professor Harlow Gale, who, on each Friday afternoon, preceding the concerts, gave a lecture on the psychology of music. The lectures were partly historical and biographical, and in addition a demonstration of the anatomy and physiology of hearing, an outline of the psychology of music and some experimental and statistical work in rhythm, melody, and harmony. CHAPEL EXERCISES — From, its very beginning down to date, the University authorities have conducted daily religious services. In the early days attendance was required, but since about 1885 at- tendance has been voluntary. The exercises have always consisted of a short scriptural selection and prayer. University notices are given at these exercises and frequently prominent men and women talk to the assembled students. Naturally the attendance is largely froin the so-called academic department of the University, but on special occasions students from all departments fill the chapel to oversowing. CHAPMAN, Herman H. — Superintendent of the sub-station at Grand Rapids, 1897-02; instructor in forest exploitation, 1902-04. CHANCELLOR' — This office was provided for under the organi- zation which obtained from Februarj' 14, 1860. to March 4, 1864. Rev. Edward D. Neill was the only person holding this office. CHASE, Raymond P. — Instructor in rhetoric, 1904-05. Graduate of the University, class of 1903. Afterward law student and now manager of the Anoka Herald. CHEMICAL Laboratory Building — This building was erected in 1890, for the use of the department of chemistry and physics, and was remodelled in 1902, when the department of physics vacated the building. The first cost of the building was $81,.iOn: the co.=t of remodelling was $8,000, making the total cost practically $90,000. The building has a frontage of 190 feet and provides for the de- partment of chemistry, with its various laboratories, lecture rooms, amphitheatre seating 345 students, offices, seminar room and class rooms, storage and preparation rooms, -dark rooms, etc. It is constructed of a romanesquo brick of light reddish yellow tint with iron spots. L. S. Buffington was the architect. CHEMISTRY Museum — Considerable space is given to a collec- tion in industrial, technical and applied chemistry. There is a large collection of chemicals, with specimens of each in. the va- rious stages of preparation and purification; a collection -6t- nearly all the elements, with most of their important salts; a large num- CQ DICTIONARY OF THE ber of m'ining and metallurgical specimens, including most of the important ores, together with many rare specimens in crystallog- raphy. The collections of coals and petroleums are especially valu- able for lecture and technical work. There is a large collection of dyes, organic and inorganic, mordants, textiles, and other mate- rials used in dyeing and bleaching, with a rapidly increasing col- lection of clays and materials used in making of glass, earthen- ware, porcelain and brick. A collection of furnace products, models and series of charts, blue prhits and photographs illustrating a wide range of technical and chemical processes is being added. CHEMISTRY, The School of — This school did not exist, as an independent organization until 1903. Prior to that time it existed as an attachment to some other college. Provision was originally made for instruction in a complete course, in 1891, when the col- lege of engineering was re-organized and made the college of engi- neering, metallurgy and the mechanic arts. In the course of study, as then established, there was a full four-year course in chemistry but It was not until the following year that the first student elected this course. When the re-organization of 1895 took place, the school of chemistry was established as the school of technical and applied chemistry and was made a subsidiary organization in the college of science, literature and the arts. It existed in this way until 1903 when it was made a separate organization, with ita own faculty and dean and independent in the government of its internal affairs. George B. Frankforter, Ph. D., professor of chem- istry, was made dean. The school of chemistry, as it is now known, offers three courses of study, courses in analytical and applied chemistry, the former affording preparation for teachers, analysts and general scientists; the latter is really an engineering course and is intended to fit men to become manufacturing and applied chemists or chemical technologists. The third course is a fivb year course leading to the degree bachelor of arts and bachelor of science, in chemistry. The degrees granted by this school are bachelor of science, in chemistry and bachelor of science, in chem- ical engineering. The enrollment for 1906-07, 60; graduates, 25 men and 1 woman. The faculty includes twelve professors, seven as- sistant professors, seven instructors and eleven as.«istants. CHENEY. L. S. — Instructor in agricultural botany, 1903-04. CHEYNEY, Edward G.— Born November 24, 1878, Washington, D. C. Washington high school; A. B., Cornell, 1900; 1904-05, In Yale Forestry School. Tutored for one year; student assistant in bureau of forestry, one and one-half years. Assistant in forestry. University, 1905-07; assistant professor of forestry, 1907 to date. 2116 Knapp street, St. Paul. CHI PSI — The oldest fraternity at the University. Alpha Nu chapter established 1874. Lodge located at 1515 University avenue southeast. National fraternity established in 1841, at Union Col- lege. CHORAL Union — A musical organization winch was founded in 1893 by Fraulein Schoen-Rene. The first concert was given May 1, 1894, at the Coliseum and May 2, at the Peoples' Church, S(t. Paul. At these concerts, Nordica, Hegner and Wetzler, assisted. June 2, the same year, a grand concert was given in the Coliseum. During the year 1894-95, chamber music concerts were provided, under the direection of Professor Gale. November 29, 1895, the choral union gave a concert at the old exposition building at which Melba, and other world-famous artists appeared. On December 14, 1896, at the T.,yceum and the next evening at the People®' Church, In St. Paul, the union gave concerts, at which Madame Lillian Nordica-Doehme and Charles Gregorowitsch appeared on UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 5 1 tha program. May 17, and 18, of the following year, the great May festival was held. At this concert Madame Blauvelt, Mrs. Blood- good, Mt. Bertliald, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Mayn, and Sig. Campanari, Mr. Morenhaut, Miss Little, Miss Stewart, Miss Spencer and Mme. Calv^, were soloists. November 22, 1897, occurred the long to be remembered Blauvelt concert, at the Lyceum. Anton Hegner, the celloist, assisted. The records do not s'how any later activity of this organization. CHOVVNING, William M.— Junior demonstrator of pathology and bacteriology, 19U1-04. CHRISTIANSON, Peter — Instructor in assaying, 1891-92; Instruc- tor in metallurgy, 1S92-1905; assistant professor of assaying, 1905- date. CHRISTISON, James Trent — Clinical instructor in diseases of children, 1897-1901; clinical professor of same, 1901-1906; professor of same, 190lj to date. Endicott Arcade, St. Paul. CHUTE, Richard, St. Anthony, IVlinneapolis — Regent August 17, 1863-March 4, 1864, also 1876-October 20, 1881. Secretary of the board for a number of years. CIVIL Engineering IVIuseum — The department is collecting sam- ples of road material typical of the various localities of the State, and leading materials used in street paving, such as granite, trap rock, brick and asphaltum. A set of standard sections of steel and wrought iron is provided for illustration in the study of struc- tural design. CLARKE, George E. — Professor of tneory and praJctice of (liome- opathic) medicine, 1894-05. CLARK, Greenleaf — Appointed to the board of regents, by Gov- ernor Pillsbury, December 15, 1879, vice Morris Lamprey, deceased. He was reappointed in 1880, 1883, 1886. 1889, 1898. He was elected president of the board, vice John S. Pillsbury, deceased, December 10, 1901, and held tliat oflTice until the day of his death, December 7, 1904. Greenleaf Clai-k was born August 23, 1835. He was of Puritan descent, the son of Nathaniel (the seventh of that name in direct line) and Betsy (Brickett) Clark. Judge Clark was fitted for coN legc in Atkinson academy, in New Hampshire, and entered Dart- mouth colleg-e in 1851, graduating in liS55. He graduated from nar\-ard law college in 1857 and was admitted to the Boston bar. He came to Minnesota in 1858 and for thirty years was engaged in the active practice of his profession, attaining an enviable posi- tion as recognized leader of the State bar. For a year he was a member of the supreme court of Minnesota having been appointed to the position to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Judge Cor- nell. See Weekly of December 16, 1901. CLARK, John S. — Born February 25, 1849, in Nova Scotia. Com- mon schools of Nova Scotia, preparatory and academic depart- ments of the University, A. B. '76. Two years graduate work at Leipsig. Taught for four years in common schools of Nova Scotia; assistant librarian of the University, 1874-77; instructor in Latin, 1876-80; assistant professor, 1880-1886; professor, 1886 to date. 729 10th avenue southeast. CLARK, Thomas A. — Instructor in mathematics and civil engi- neering, 1899-01. Born in Iowa, 1876. Graduated from Purdue University. 1897 with the degree of B. S. Served as assistant in Civil Engineering at Purdue for two years and took his degree of C. E. in 1899. 52 DICTIONARY OP THE CLASS Day Plays — The custom of giving a class play usually in a theatre was begun by the class of 1891, when they gave their play, A picture of 'Varsity life, at the University chapel, June 2, 1891; May 31, 1892, Helen, Paris and the Apple, at the Grand; 1893; the Princess, adapted from Tennyson; June 4, 1894, "Wheels, or J ufashy- foamalafe, Peoples' theatre; June 3, 1895, Olympia up to date, at the Metropolitan; June 1, 1896, Idyllia, at the Lyceum; May 31, 1897, Mr. Cramlet of Goribattledor, at the Lyceum; May 31, 1898, A bachelor girl of laws, at the Lyceum; 1899, Rediviva; or. The return of college spirit; June 4, 1900, 17 to 6; June 2, 1901, When bugles blow, at the Lyceum; June 2, 1902, The Oneoga, the story of the magic stone, at the Lyceum; June 1, 1903, A sovereign and a cop- per, at the Metropolitan; May 28, 1904. The apple of discord, at the Metropolitan; June, 1905, The pledgeling, at the M'etropolitan; June 9, 1906, A check from home, at the Metropolitan; June 7, 1907, The braino man, at the Metropolitan. Prior t'o 1891 the senior class had given a program, usually in chapel, including a class oration, prophecy, history, poem, songs, etc. CLASSICAL Museum — Includes material illustrating classical geography, topography, chronology, mythology, archaeology, and ueen collected, consisting mainly of plans and charts, casts, pic- torial illustrations, facsimiles of manuscripts ajid inscriptions. CLASS Memorials — Reserved for fuller treatment in a later edition. CLASS of 1890 Fellowship — This fellowship was awarded in 1901 for the year 1901-02, to Charles E. Stangeland, who spent the year in Germany. CLEMENTS, Frederick Edward—Born September 16, 1874, Lin- coln, Neb. Lincoln high school, '90; University of Nebraska, '94; Master, '96; Ph. D., '98; fellow in botany, 1894-96; instructor in same, 1896-98; adjunct professor and associate professor, same, 1898-1906; professor plant physiology, 1906-07; president of botanical seminar, 1894-07; secretary of the botanical survey, 1894-0'7; presi- dent of Nebraska Academy of Science, 1907; professor of botany, University, 1907 to date. Author of Histogenesis of Caryophyllales, 1897; Phytography of Nebraska, 1898; second edition, 1900; Manual of High School Botany, 1900; Greek and Latin in Biological Nomen- clature, 1902; Development and Structure of Vegetation, '04; Re- search Methods in Ecology, 'Q5; Plant Physiology and Ecology, '07; also many articles for current botanical magazines. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi; Botanical Society of America; the American Geogra,phicaI Association; the American Mycological Society. 800 Fourth street southeast. CLINICAL Building — Located at 1810 WasTiington avenue south, 1. e. just across the rtver from the University campus. It was erected in 1899 at a cost of $15,000 and has been improved since. Its location in a thickly settled portion of the city provides ample outdoor service and it contains laboratories, examining rooms, amphitheatres, drug rooms and treatment rooms. It is a two story brick building with high basement and is 40x150 feet. CLINICAL Opportunities in Medicine — Senior students in medi- cine keep a record of all cases observed during the year, the fol- lowing is not an exceptional case. Cases obser^'ed by a single senior — 128, of internal medicine; 39, diseases of children; 144, gen- eral surgery: 35, orthopedic surgery; 72. mental and nervous dis- eases; 104, skin and genito-urinary diseases; 40, nose and throat; 38, diseases of women; 59, eye and ear; 9, obstetrics; total. 668. CLOPATH, Henrietta — Born and educated in Switzerland. Tra- velled extensively In Europe studying art at Dresden, Munich, and UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 53 other art centres. Seven years head of the art cepartments of the American college in Constantinople. Instructor in freehand drawing 1897 to date; in charge of the depa,rtment since 1903. Writ- er and lecturer on art subjects. Had a picture accepted by the Nationa". juiy of election for the St. Louis World's Fair, 1904. Made a special study of methods of art education in the United States, attending summer schools at Chicago, New York and the normal art school of Columbia University. 701 Delaware street southeast. CLOUGH, David M., Minneapolis — Regent ex-ofRcio, governor January 31, 1895-Jaiiuary 2, 1899. Born in Lyme, N. H., 1846. Came to Minnesota at tlie age of ten. Engaged in farming till 1873, when he moved to Minneapolis to devote himself to the lumbering business. Elected to the State Senate in 1886, and lieutenant governor in 1895. Became governor in 1895 upon the resignation of Governor Nelson. CLOYD, David E. — Instructor in pedagogy, 1900-02. Graduate of the University, class of 1901. Since then engaged in educational work at \arious places, now at Ogden, Utah. CLYDE, IVIrs. M. C. — Professional nurse, college of dentistry, 1906 to date. COBB, Frederick E. — Assistant in technics and clinics, college of dentistry, 1895-96. COBB, Sheridan Grant — Born August 14, 1862, at Cascade, Minn. District school of Cascade, Niles' Academy, Rochester, Hahnemann College, Chicago, 1884; New York Polytechnic, 1894; Chicago Clinical School. 1898; Vienna General Hospital, 1900. Taught district school. Assistant in Homeopathic clinical medicine, 1903, clinical surgery, 1904; clinical gynecology, 1905 to date. Founded Cobb Hospital 1902. Surgeon for the G. N. Ry., N. P. Ry., W. C. Ry., C. & G. W. Ry., C. R. I. & P. Ry., C. M. & St. P. Ry., C. M. & O. Ry., Soo Ry., and formerly attending surgeon to the Children's Home So- ciety of Minnesota. 366 Prior avenue, St. Paul. COHEN, Lillian — Born June 19, 1878, Minneapolis. Early edu- cation grade and high schools of city. B. S. University, 1900; M. A. '01; one year of graduate work in chemistry at Eidgenos Poly- technic, Zurich, Switzerland. Taught one year 'in high school. Instructor in chemistry, 1902 to date. Sigma Xi; Phi Leta KJappa, American Chemica.1 Society. 415 East Fourteenth street. COLE, Gordon E., Faribault — Appointed regent 1888, continued In office until his death, October 4, 1890. Lecturer on corporations, 1888-90. COLE, Hadyn, S., 1st Lieut., U. S. A. — Professor of military science and tactics, 1900-03. Now in business in St. Paul, Minn. COLISEUM — This building was erected in 1884, at a cost of $35,- 000. It was officially known as The Military Building, but was popularly known as the Coliseum. It was so constructed as to serve the purpose of a drill hall and auditorium, and would seat comfortably three thousand five hundred people. It was entirely of wood construction and was burned July 24, 1894. The cut which appears elsewhere gives a better idea of the building than any verbal description can give. Mr. Buffington was the architect. COLLEGE Court Prize — This prize was offered by Judge A. C. Hickman, of the law faculty, and consisted of $25 worth of stand- ard books on the subject of procedure, and was awarded to that member of the graduating class who should write the best legal argument upon a given iegal proposition. This prize was awarded to Ransom J. Powell, in 1898; to John N. Berg, in 1899; and to Frank G. Sasse, in 1900. 54 DICTIONARY OF THE COLVIN, A. R. — Assistant in surgery, 1900-1903; clinical in- structor in surgery, 1903 to date. Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. COMFORT, Catherine — Instructor in Englisli, school of agricul- ture, 1901-03; instructor in English and preceptress, 1903-05. Now professor of English, Pomona College (Calif). COMMENCEMENT Addresses and Speakers — The first com- mencement speaker was the Honorable A. S. Welch, EL. D., president of Iowa State Agricultural College, who spoke upon "Higher education in its transition state." This address was in addition to orations by each of the two members of the class. When the custom of having members of the graduating class deliver ora- tions on commencement day was discontinued in 1899, President Northrop dehvered the address and has since delivered the ad- dress in 1900. 1902. The addresses for the remaining years have been delivered by the following named gentlemen, 1903, Andrew S. Draper, LL.D., president of the University of Illinois; 1903, James Brooks Dill; 1904, Thomas Wilson, member of the Board of Re- gents; 1905, Knute Nelson, United States Senator; 1906, Harry Pratt Judson, LL. D., President of the University of Chicago; 1907, Wil- liam H. Taft, Secretary of War. COMMENCEMENT, The First University — An account of the first University commencement is published in appendix "A" of tne regents' report for 1873, pages 45 to 52. COMPANY Q — A company of young women who wore a, military costume and who pursued a modifled form of the military drill pre- scribed for young men. T'his company was organized in 1889 and a picture of the company may be seen by consulting the Gopher of 1890, opposite page 127. COMSTOCK, Alfred Erwin — Born February 21, 1872, Fayette, la. Graduate Fayette high school; B. S. Upper Iowa, 1895; M. S. '98; Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, 1899; taught in common schools, high school one year, and demonstrator in chemical labora- tory Hahnemann, for three years. Lecturer on clinical and ortho- pedic surgery ('homeopathic) 1898 to 190*1; professor of renal sur- gery, 1901. Author of Pathology vs. diagnosis; Race division and its influence upon derivation and temperament; Some experiments with paraftiii. A study of bluod in surgical diseases. Visiting surgeon to the City and County Hospital, St. Paul; president of the Minnesota State Homeopathic Institute, 1907; president of the St. Paul Homeopathic Hospital Club, 1906; ex-president of the Homeo- pathic Society. 416 New York Life Building, St. Paul. COMSTOCK, Ada Louise — Born December 11, 1876, Moorhead, Minnesota. Moorhead high school, 1892; University, 1892-1894; B. L., Smith College, 1897; Moorhead Normal School, 1898; M. A., Columbia, 1899; Sorbonne and college de France, 1903-1904. As- sistant, Department of rhetoric, 1899; instructor, 1900; assistant professor, 1904; dean of women, 1907. Member of Delta Gamma; Pill Kappa Psi, of Smith College; Association of Collegiate Alum- nae; Woman's Club of Minneapolis; Alumnae Associations of Sm'th College and University of Minnesota. "The Concord." COMSTOCK, Elting Houghtallng — Born June 26, 1876, Mil"wau- kee, Wis. B. S., Wisconsin, 1897; Oliver Graduate Scholar, Cornell, 1897-9S; Follow in mathematics, Chicago, 1898-99; Honorary fellow in mathematics, Wisconsin, 1899-1900; M. S., University, 1907. Taught in high school, Superior, Wis., 1900-01; principal of Hougli- tbn, Mich., h'igh school, 1901-03; superintendent of same, 1903-06. Instructor :n mathematics school of mines, 190-3 to date. 1530 Como avenue southeast. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 55 COMSTOCK, S. G., Moorhead' — Appointed regent as the last official act of Governor Van Sant, January, 1905. Term expires in March, 1908. Born May 9, 1842, Argyle, Me. Educated in com- mon schools and hampden Academy, Me., and Wesleyan Seminary. Admitted to bar in 1S71. County attorney of Clay county, 1872-78; member of Minnesota House of Representatives, 1875-82; member of Senate, 1882-88; Congressman from 5th Minnesota district, 1889- 81. Member of state normal board. CONDIT, William Henry— Born August 4, 1872, Jersey, Ohio. B. S., University, 1896; M. D., 1899. Instructor in materia medica, University, 1896-07; instructor in therapeutics, 1907 to date. 1018 Fourth street southeast, 827 Andrus building. CONDITIONS at the University— W. F. Webster, 1886, principal of the east high school of Minneapolis read a paper before the Six O'clock Club of the city in the early spring of 1906. This paper was repeated, by special request, in the University chapel, later in Lhe spring. It was reprinted in the Minnesota Alurnrii Weekly of May 21 of that year. This address was one of the factors re- sponsible for the strenuous campaign for an increase of salaries ol University professors, which was made by the alumni in 1907. CONGRESSIONAL LAND GRANTS — In his second message to the legislature, in 1851, Governor Ramsey recommended the estab- lishment of a University and added — "As an endowment of a Uni- versity will also naturally, in this connection, attract your attention, it might be proper to further memorialize Congress for a grant of 100,000 acres of land, applicable and available, at a future day, for this most desirable object. The propriety of urging, at this time, the request, arises from the importance of making early selection, with a view to securing a fair proportion of choice lands." This memorial was passed on the 10th of February and Congress passed an act upon the 19th of the same mOntii, granting two townships for this pui-pose. The University received from this grant, 46,468.- 35 acres of land. Of this amount 15,410.85 acres were sold by the regents, under authority of the acts of 1864 and 1866, to pay the debts of the territorial institution. So this grant, netted the Uni- versity 31,057.5 acres. The second grant, by act of Congress ap- proved .July 2d, 3 862, gave the state 120,000 acres for' the endow- ment and support of an agricultural college,' including instruction in mechanic arts and military science. This grant was first given to the agricultural college which had been established in McLeod county, and was afterward, by the act re-organizing the University,' approved February 18th, 1868, granted to the University. These lands were chosen and certified to the University as follows: 68,928.08 acres at the minimum or single value, mentioned in the act. and 25.511.20. at double the minimum value, counting as 51,022.40 acres, making the total 119,950.48 acres, under the terms of the grant. The third grant, being really the second grant in point of time of the act of Congress making the same, was that provided for in the enabling act authorizing the people of the territory to set up a state government, passed Februai-y 26th, 1857, which granted two townsliips for the endowment of a state uni- versity. The interior department ruled against the University, on this grant, and it was hot until the pas.=age of another act of Congress. July 8th. 1870. that this grant was made available for the endowment of the University. Afterward, there was another ruling of the interior department, in which it was held that since 9,764.60 acres of the .territorial grant had not been selected and certified, until after the admis.=ion of the state into the Union, this amount should be charged against the second grant, reducing tne number of acres available under that grant. t'O 37,079.24. This 56 DICTIONAUT OF THE ruling was later overruled, for the University finally received 45,661.14 acres. Owing probably to the fact that the records of the early days were not kept with sufficient exactness, many pieces of land chosen by the regents were afterwards entered by settlers and the settlers were given the preference in the matter and the regents were afterwards allowed to select other lands to replace those lost in this way. Many thousands of acres of land had to be thus duplicated. The total amount received from the National Government for the endowment of the University is thus 186,&68.77 acres. In securing the second grant of two townships, the regents employed an attorney, named Beard, to lobby the bill through Congress and also made appropriations of land to pay for his services. This matter was finally settled by vote of the regents, September 3rd, 1872. This action of the regents was authorized by joint reso- lution of both houses of the legislature, approved February 18th, 1867. So that the amount available for an endowment for the University, was but 184,568.77 acres. The latest report of the state auditor shows that the University has received from the two grants to the University, $818,110.51. There has been received from the agricultural land grant, $570,747.50. Making a total of $1,388,- 858.10. Of the agricultural land grant but 40 acres remain unsold. Of the University grants, 34,603.67 acres remain unsold. This immense fund came from the following sources: Sales of lands, $816,892.00; forfeitures, right of way, etc., $15,064.36; stump- age $494,672.81; mineral permit and leases, $63,444.00; royalty on iron ore, $462.20; transfer from state institutions fund, $7,292.73, transfer from internal improvement land fund, $150; profits on sale of bonds, $900.00. See also Mineral lands and leases. CONSTANT, Frank Henry— Born July 26, 1«69, Cincinnati, Ohio, Educated in public schools. Woodward high school of Cincinnati; C. E., University of Cincinnati, 1891. Instructor in structural engri- neering. University, 1895; assistant professor of structural engineer- ing, 1895-1S07; professor 1897 to date. Also assistant engineer, King Bridge Co., 1891-1893; structural engineer, Osborn Engineering Co., 1893-1895; various other professional engagements during vaca- tions. Member Sigma Xi; Beta Theta Pi; American Society of Civil Engineers, Society for the Promotion of Engineering Educa- tion. Author of engineering pai>ers for eng'lneering periodicals. 1801 University avenue southeast. COOK, Estelle — Partial course in University. Instructor in Eng- lish, school of agriculture since 1905. COOKE, Louis Joseph — Born February 15th, 1868, Toledo, Ohio. Public schools of Toledo; private instruction, two summer sessions 1. M. C. A. Training school, Springfield, Mass.; M. D., University of Vermont Medical Department, 1894; eight years Y. M. C. A. physical drector; director of the University gymnasium since 1897. 909 Sixth street southeast. COON, George M. — Clinical instructor In genito-urinary diseases, 1895 to date. Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. CORNISH, W. D. — Lecturer on life and fire insurance, 1888-1894. CORSON, Juliet — Lecturer on domestic economy, 1883-84. COVELL, Grant A. — Instructor in mechanical engineering and woodworking, 1888-89. COX, Norman J. — Instructor in operative dentistry, 1905 to date. Masonic Temple. CRAFTS, Lettle May — Born Minneapolis. Educated in public schools; B. L., University, 1881; graduate study along historical and UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 57 linguistic lines; special course in library science. Teacher, Albert Lea High School; assistant librarian, University of Minnesota, 1883 to date. Member of Phi Beta Kappa; Minnesota Library Asso- ciation president. 190€-(y7; Twin City Library Club; American Library Association; Board of Directors, Minneapolis Public Li- brary. lSOO-06; secretary of board, 1903-07. Author of papers read before the Minnesota Library Club and Woman's Council. 124 Thirteenth street south. CRAIG, George — Instructor in animal husbandry, school of agri- culture, since 1905. CREDICOTT, H. J. — ^Assistant Instructor in cultures and .starters 1903-05; instructor in dairy manufacture, 1905 to date. CROOKSTON EXPERIMENT STATION BUILDINGS— The buildings at this station consist of a- comfortat)le farm house, a stock and grain barn and some minor buildings. The total cost being $5,000. The school of agriculture which wa^ estab- lished at this place in 1905, is provided with buildings, as follows. School building, at $15,000; dormitory and dining hall, $50,000 and an industrial building, $15,000, provided for by appropriation of the legislature of 1907, and to be erected during the year 1908 and 1909. The legislature of 1907, also made an appropriation of $1,000 for additions to the dwelling house and barn. CROSS, John Grosvenor — Born May 8, 1870, Rochester, Minn. B. S., University of Minnesota, 1892; M. D., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1895; M. S., 1895. Clinical instructor in medicine. Uni- versity of Minnesota. Address, 422 Ridgewood avenue, 610 Pills- bury building. CROSS, Nellie M.'— Instructor in physical culture, 1895-97. Now Mrs. T. M. Knappen of this city. CUTTS, Rollin E. — Assistant in surgery, 1895-97; assistant In clinical medicine, 1897-98; clinical instructor in obstetrics, 1898- 99; clinical instructor in gynecology, 1899-02. Died, March 19th, 1902. CUZNER, Edwin Anthony — Superintendent of plant houses and grounds, 1883-date. DAIRY HALL — Erected in 1891 at a cost of $30,000. It Is 69 X 122 feet, and contains the dairy operating and recitation rooms, the offices of the dean, secretary, professor of agrriculture and assistant, and professor of dairy husbandry and assistant. The building is two stories high, with basement, and is built of red pressed brick. DAKIN, W. W. — Instrument maker, college of engineering, 1895-98. DALAKER, Hans H. — Instructor In mathematics, 1902-06. On leave of absence, 1906-08, studying at Cornell and acting as in- structor. DALRYMPLE, Oliver, St. Paul— Regent 1872-74. DARTT, E. H. S. — Superintpndent of the Owatonna experiment station, 1887 to date. DART, Leslie O. — Assistant in pediatrics 1902-06; clinical assist- ant in diseases of children, 1906 to date. Masonic Temple. DAVIS^ Cushman K., St. Paul — Governor of the State and ex- officio regent 1874, 1875. Appointed regent 1883 and re-appointed three times serving until January 1898. Lecturer on Internationaa law 1895-00. Bom in Henderson, N. Y., in 1838. Graduated from Michigan University in 1857. Served during the Civil War. Came to Minnesota In 1864. Appointed U. S. District Attorney In 1868, ^8 DICTIONARY OF THE Governor of Minnesota in 1874. Elected to the U. Si Senate in 1887, re-elected so that he served continuously to date of his death, November 27, 1900. DAVIS, F. C. — Assistant in surgery, 1899-01. DAVIS, Herbert W. — Clinical instructor in obstetrics, 1895 to date. DAWSON, Charles A. — Dispensary assistant, 1901 to date. DAY, Lester W. — Assistant in medicine, 1901-04. DEAN OF WOMEN — This office was established by resolu- tion of the board of regents at its December, 1906, meeting. The dean of women is to be the friend and adviser of every young woman in the University needing such help as a wise, cultured and sympathetic woman can give. Professor Ada Comstock was elected dean at the May, 1907, meeting of the board of regents. DEBATE — Debate has always been a prominent feature of the work of the literary societies of the University. In the very becinnins, ".vhen there were but the two literary societies, the Delta Sigma and the Hermean, these societies used to hold joint debases, sometimes as often as four times a year, while the weekly programs of the societies provided, almost always, for a debate. The first intercollegiate debate was held May 26, 1893, w'itli the University of Iowa, in Minneapolis. Several debates were held with Iowa and Wisconsin, without any formal organization of any kind to back the Minnesota teams, which teams were com- posed of volunteers who were willing to devote what little time used to be devoted to the preparation for a debate. In 1896, the federated literary societies took up the subject and formed plans for the choosing of debaters to represent the University. This rather loose form of organization and supervision was kept up until 1898 when the University debating board was formed and plans made for s'ifting the material available for debg/te un- til the best material was secured to make up the teams to rep- resent the University. See University Debating Board. DEBATES WITH CHICAGO — Minnesota has met Chicago in debate three times, as members of the Central debating league, January 14, 1899. Minnesota, represented by E. F. McGinnis, A. J. Finch, and W. M. Jerome, were defeated, at Chicago, while up- holding the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That United States senators should be elected by direct vote of the people." January 10, 1901, Minnesota won from Chicago, while upholding the negative of the question "Resolved, That the action of the United States' in granting the franchise to the negro was hasty and ill advised." The debate was held at Minneapolis and Minne- sota was represented by Hugh J. McClearn, B. F. Drake, Jr., and W. I. Norton. January 21, 1905, Minnesota lost to Chicago, at Chicago. Min- nesota was represented by G. Loevinger, J. P. Devaney, and B. C O'Brien, who upheld the negative of the question. "Resolved, That the United States should continue its present policy of op- posing the combination of railroads." DEBATES WITH ILLINOIS — The University has 'held but one debate with Illinois, that of Apr'il 5, 1907, this being the first debate in the new series planned by the Debating Circuit of Amer- ica. Minnesota upheld the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the "ities of the United States should seek the solution of theif street railway problem through pr'ivate ownership." The debate was held iri the House chamber of the Capitol building. UNIVERSIT\ OF MINNESOTA. 59 St. Paul, and Minnesota was represented by John P. Devaney, Srtanley B. Houck, and C. Richard Thompson, and won the decis- ion by two to one. DEBATES WITH IOWA'— The University has held thirteen annual debates with representatives of the State University of Iowa. The first was held in 1893, May 26, at Minneapolis. The question debated was "Resolved, That the United States govern- ment should own and operate the telegraph system." In this debate Minnesota was represented by A. M. Berseth, Thomas Mc- Elligott, and Williaim A. Godward and had the affirmative. Iowa won. In 1895 there was no debate held. May 15, 1896, Minnesota was represented by E. F. McGinnis, L. T. savage, and G. Sidney Phelps. The debate was held in Minneapolis and Minnesota had the affirmative of the question, "Resolved that it would be de- sirable for American cities of 5000 or more inhabitants to organize and administer their own local government, subject only to the constitution of the state; and that the legislative powers of the state should not be exercised in such a way as to interfere with the plain .and obvious purpose of the measure." Iowa won. May 17th, 1897, the debate was held at Iowa City and Minne- sota's representaitives were R. W. Nelson, Hubert Russell, and W. D. Lane, who stood for the affirmative of the question, "Should the United States senators be chosen by direct vote of the peo- ple?" Iowa won. In 1894, Minnesota upheld the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That international bimetallism is correct in theory and can be applied in practice." Minnesota had the affirmative and was represented by E. P. McCaffrey, W. T. Coe, and F. E. Green. The debate was held at Iowa City and Minnesota won. May 13th, 1898, the debate was held at Minneapolis and Minne- sota was represented by S. C. Scott, W. B. Stewart, and W. C. Hodgson. Minnesota stood against the proposition, "Resolved, That the United States should regularly raise a part of her rev- enue by a graduated income tax, the constitutionality of which shall not enter into the discussion." Iowa won by a vote of 2 to 1. May 11, 1899, Minnesota was represented by N. N. Bergheira, R. A. Lee, and Elizabeth Graham, who stood for the a/ffirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the United States should con- tinue the policy of territorial exipansion." Iowa won by a vote of 2 to 1. In May, 1900, Minnesota supported the negative of the question, "Resolved, That all disputes between organized labor and organ- ized capital should be settled by compulsory arbitration." Minne- sota was represented by W. M. Jerome, J. B. Ormond, James Mc- Intyre, with J. P. Simith, as alternate. This team won a unani- mous decision. The debate was held 'in chapel. March 8th, 1901. at Iowa City, Minnesota w^as represented by Owen P. McElmeel, H. B. Gislason, and P. J. Thompson. The question was, "Resolved. That it is unwise for the state to tax personal property," and Minnesota stood for the resolution. Iowa won. March 27th, 1902, Minnesota supported the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the United States should permanently retain possession of the Philippines." Minnesota was represented by O. A. Lende, O. P. McElmeel, and A. L. Janes. The debate was tield at Minneapolis and Minnesota won. April 24th. 1903, Minnesota upheld the affirmative of the ques- tion, ■ "Resolved, That the adjudication of disputes between em- ployers and employees should be made a part of the administra- tion of justice — granted, that special courts with appropriate rules 60 DICTIONARY Ot THE of procedure may be established if desirable, and granted, that labor unions may be required to incorporate, if necessary." The debate was held at Iowa City and Minnesota was represented by I. A. Churchill, W. O. Williams, and H. L. Wildey. Iowa won. February 26fh, 1904, the debate was held at Minneapolis and Minnesota was represented by R. P. Chase, I. W. Choate, John P. Devaney, winning the debate while upholding the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the United States should now perma- nently abandon the protective policy." March 3d, 1905, Minnesota was represented at Iowa City, by R. P. Chase, Jesse G. Steenson, Bernard Robinson. The decision was a tie. Minnesota had the affirmative of the debate upon the question, "Resolved, That freight rates in the United States should be fixed by government authority, constitutionality not to be considered." February 23d, 1906, Minnesota upheld the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the United States should establish a fiscal protectorate over any West Indian, Central or South Amer- ican Republic that s'hall manifest a chronic failure to meet its foreign financial obligations. Granted: that neither these repub- lics nor any other nation would object," and was represented by J. P. Devaney, E. A. Robinson, Gustavus Loevinger. Minnesota won. April 5th, 1907, at Iowa City, Minnesota upheld the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the cities of the United States should seek the solution of the street railway problem throug"!* private ownership," and won the unanimous decision of the judges. Minnesota was represented by Algernon Colburn, Michael Doherty, and Albert G. Evans. This was the first time Minne- sota met Iowa as a member of the new debating circuit. DEBATES WITH M ICHIGAN— The University has held four debates with Michigan, as members of the Central debating league. April 6th, 1900, Minnesota had the negative of the ques- tion, "Resolved, That the economic advantages of trusts are sufficient to justify their existence under the law." This debate was held at Chicago and Michigan won. Minnesota was repre- sented by J. A. Burger, O. P. McElmeel, a;nd H. B. Gislason. January 11, 1901, the debate was held at Ann Arbor and Mich- igan won. Minnesota supported the negative of the question, "Resolved, That it is unwise for the state to attempt to tax per- sonal property," and was represented by O. A. Lende, A. L. Janes, and James Mclntyre. January 16th, 1904, Minnesota upheld the negative of the ques- tion, "Resolved, That the adjudication of disputes between em- ployers and employees should be made a part of the administra- tion of justice — granted, that special courts with appropriate rules of procedure may be established if desirable, and granted, that labor unions may be required to incorporate, if necessary." Minnesota was represented by I. A. Churchill, Philip Carlson, and Jesse G. Steenson. The debate was held in Minneapolis and Michigan won. April 4, 1902, at Chicago, Minnesota won over Michigan, op- posing the permanent retention of the Philippines. Minnesota was represented by Hugh J. McClearn, Benjamin Drake, Jr., and Willis I. Norton. DEBATES WITH NEBRASKA— December 13th, 1907, Minne- sota, represented by Harold Deering, Algernon Colburn and Stan- ley B. Houck, met the team representing Nebraska in the Uni- versity chapel and won while uptiolding the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the federal government should have UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. gj exclusive control of all corporations doing an interstate business." The vote was two to one for ihe afflrmative. DEBATES WITH NORTHWESTERN UNI VERSITY— Minne- sota has met Northwestern Univeisity in debate three times, as members of the Central debating league. January 12th, 1900, in a debate held in Minneapolis, Minnesota upheld the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the Gothenburg system, modified, of controlling the liquor traffic offers the best solution of the liquor problem in this country, modification to be the Inclusion of malt liquors and government ownership by each state," and won the debate. Minnesota was represented by J. A. Burger, O. P. Mc- Elmeel, and S. E. Moon, W. W. Massee was alternate. January 16, 1903, at Chicago, Minnesota upheld the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the importation of Chinese la- borers into our insular possessions snould be prohibited," and lost the achate. Minnesota was represented by R. P. Chase, D. L. Grannis, E. C. Lundeen. January 19th, 1906, at Minneapolis, Northwestern won^RIinne- sota was represented by Theodore Christiansen, C. R. Thomp- son, and S. B. Houck, upholding the affirmative of the (luestion, "Resolved, That the United States snould establish a fiscal pro- tectorate over any West Indian, Central or South American Re- public whenever it shall manifest a chronic failure to meet its foreign financial obligations, granted that neither these repub- lics nor any otner foreign nation would object." DEBATES WITH WISCONSI N— Minnesota has met Wiscon- son seven times in debate. April 20th, 1894. at Madison, Minne- sota had the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the com- plete exclusion of foreign immigration for a period of ten years would be preferable to a continuation of the present freedom of immigration for the same period. Minnesota was represented by Carl Fowler, Charles E. Adams, and Warren W. Pendei^ast. Wisconsin won by a vote of 2 to 1. May 24th, 1895, Minnesota won the debate held at Minneapolis. Minnesota was represented by F. L. Anderson, B. L. NewkirK, and Elizabeth Beach, who upheld the negative of the question, "Resolved, That United States senators should be elected by di- rect vote of the people." April 14th, 1896, at Minneapolis, Minnesota was represented by A. H. Lee, J. B. Miner, and E. A. Snow, who upheld the af- firmative of the question, "Would it be sound policy for congress to legalize contracts for the division of competitive freight earn- ings of railroad companies engaged in inter-state commerce: pro- vided, that all such pooling contracts shall be filed with the in- terstate commerce commission, which shall 'have power to abro- gate such contracts whenever, in the opinion of such commiss'ion, said contracts are detrimental to public policy." Wisconsin won. April 30th. 1897, at Minneapolis, Minnesota was represented by J. U. Hemmy, C. H. Christopherson, N. N. Bergheim, who up- held the negative of the question, "Resolved, That a system of municipal government concentrating all executive and administra- tive powers in the mayor should be adopted in cities of the United States of over 40,000 inhabitants. Executive and administrative powers shall be interpreted to Include the sole power to appoint and remove all heads of departments and city officers (except the treasurer and comptroller — the comptroller to have only the powers of an accounting officer). All subordina.tes shall be ap- pointed by- the heads of their respective departments, under civil service rules, and may be removed for reasons other than politi- cal. The mayor, the heads of departments, and the city officers 62 DICTIONARY OF THE in their respective capacities shall have power to make all con- tracts, to purchase all material and supplies, to have charge of the construction, improvement, extension, and management of all public streets, works and property; to grant all licenses and franchises subject to the confirmation of the common council; to make all estimates for the following fiscal year, said estimates not to be increased by the council." Wisconsin won. May 1st, 1902, Minnesota had the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That railroad rates should be fixed by governmental authority," Minnesota representatives were James Kane, J. B. Laau, and R. C. Wedge. The debate was held at Wisconsin and that university won. May 8th, 1903, at Minneapolis, Minnesota was represented by H. J. McClearn, Benjamin Drake, Jr., and R. P. Chase, and won iiie debate while upholding the affirmative of the question, "Would the relinquishment by the federal gov-ernment oi Its rights to tax inheritances to the states exclusively, be preferable to the relinquishment by the states of their rights to tax inheritances to the federal government? It being mutually conceded: (1) that all rights of taxation of inheritances now possessed by the states or by the federal government can and will be transferred by either to the other. (2) That the federal government stands in need of revenue, and that the federal tax can become a law." December 13th. 1907, the University, represented by Albert G. Evans, Zenas L. Potter and Michael J. Doherty, met the team representing Wisconsin, at Madison, Wis., and lost the debate by a vote of two to one. Minnesota defended the negative of the proposition. "Resolved, That the federal government should have exclusive control of all corporations doing- an interstate business." DECKER, Calvin D.— Born August 18, 1858, Austin, Minn. B. S., Carleton college, 1SS6. Teacher, purchasing agent and secretary of the board of regents of the Universitj^ of Minne- sota, 1905 to date. 3356 Park avenue. DECKER, Wilbur F. — Instructor in shop work, drawing and physics, 1881-1885. Now in business in the city of Minneapolis. DEGREES — The University 'has conferred 6685 degrees upon 6010 persons, as follows: bachelors degrees — Arts, 1491 — men 693, women 798; Science, 598 — men 446, women 152; Literature, 463 — men 132, women 331; Philosophy, 10 — men 4, women 6; Civil engineering, 48 — men only; Mechanical engineering, 22' — men only; Electrical engineering. 23 — men' only; Science (in chemistry) 13 — men 12, women 1: Science (in chemical engineering) 1 — man; Mining engineering, 6 — men only; Science (in home economics) 4 — women only; Science, (in agriculture) 19 — ^men only; Science (in forestrj-) 5- — men only; Agriculture, 31 — -men only; Laws, 1509 — men 1490, women 19; Medicine, 9 — men 8, women 1; Arts (in education) 4 — 'men only; Architecture, 5 — men only; Science (in engineering) 7 — men only; Masters degrees have been granted as follows: Arts, 163 — men 96, women 67; Science, 62i — men 54, women 8; Literature, 21' — men 10, women 11; Agriculture, 3 — men only; T^aws, 163 — ^men 158, women 5; Pharmacy, 2— ^men only; Engineers degrees have been granted as follows: Civil, 101 — men only; Mechanical, 78— men only; Electrical, 134 — men only; Chem- ical, 4 — men only; Mining, 10 — men only; of Mines, 85 — men only; Metallurgical, 4 — men only; Chemists degrees have been granted as follows; Analytical, 8 — men only; Pharmaceutical, 120 — 'men, 105, women, 15. Doctors degrees have been granted as follows: Philos- ophy, 37 — men, 33, women, 4; Medicine (regular) 843— men, 794, UNIVERSITY OF MINNBSOTA. 63 women, 49; (homeopathic) 89 — men, 74, women, 15; Dental sur- gery, 202 — men, 200, women, 2; Dental medicine, 210 — men, 206, women, 4; Pharmacy, 75- — men, 69, women, 6. DEINARD Samuel N. — Born January 25, 1872, Rossieny, Russia. Educated at Elder von Lamel Schule, Jerusalem, Palestine; Teach- ers' Normal Schf>ol, Cologne on the Rhine, Germany; B. A. De Puaw University, 1897; M. A., University of Chicago, 1901; Ph. D., Uni- versity of Minnesota; 1905. Preacher; teacher, evening and. reli- gious schools; instructor, University of Minnesota, Semitic lan- guage and literature, 1902-04; assistant professor, 1904 to date. Author of The New Tear's Day and Day of Judgment of the Jew- ish calendar; Contributions to the Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures and other periodicals. 1715 Fifth avenue south. DE LA BARRE, William — Assistant in nose and throat dis- eases, 1895-96. DELTA CHI— Law fraternity. Established at Minnesota in 1892. Founded at Cornell in 1890. 327 Fifteenth avenue soutneast. DELTA DELTA DELTA — Theta chapter established in 1894. Founded at Boston in 1S89. 312 Sixteenth avenue southeast. DELTA GAMMA — Lambda chapter established in 1882. Founded at Warren Female Institute in 1872. 1221 Fifth street southeast. DELTA KAPPA EPSILON— Phi Epsilon chapter established in 1889. Founded at Yale, 1844. Chapter house 1711 University ave- nue southeast. DELTA PHI DELTA — Gamma chapter established in 1902. Law fraternity'. 1214 Fifth street southeast. DELTA SIGMA' — The first literary society organized at the University. Organized November 22, 1867. The purpose of this society was the promotion of general culture and training in de- bate, oratory and literary work of various kinds and the promo- tion of a spirit of goodfellowship among its members. This so- ciety was disbanded in . DELTA SIGMA DELTA — Dental fraternity. Theta chapter es- tablished in 1892. Founded at Michigan in 1882. 303 Washington avenue southeast. DELTA SIGMA RHO, THE— See Forensic Honor League. DELTA TAU DELTA— The third fraternity to be established at the University. Beta Eta chapter established in 1883. Founded at Bethany College in 1859. 1009 University avenue southeast. DELTA UPSILON — Mu chapter established in 1890. Founded at Williams College, 1834. 400 Washington avenue southeast. DENNIS, Warren A. — Assistant in surgery, 1899-1903; clinical instructor in surgery, 1903 to date. Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. DENNISON, Laura M.'— Instructor in drawing, 1893-94. DENTISTY, The College of— In 1883. the board of directors of the old Minnesota Hospital College, backed by the newly organized state dental association organized a course in dentistry of two years of five months each. This course was pursued in common with medical students and the clinical work required for a diploma was the treatment of two or more patients, one plate, one thesis on an original subject and one mechanical specimen to be de- posited in the museum. When the college of medicine and surgery was re-organ"ized in 1888 and the department of medicine was established as a teaching instead of an examining institution, provision was made for the establishment of the college of dentistry and a faculty was appointed with Dr. Charles M. Bailey, as secretary, Dr. Mil- 64 DICTIONARY OF THE lard being dean of the department. The work of the college was carried along for four years, in the old building at the corner of ninth avenue south and sixth street, since occupied by Asbury Hospital, and in 1892, the college came to the campus, witli other colleges of the department and a re-organization took place which gave the college larger freedom in the management of its own affairs, and Dr. W. Xavier Sudduth was elected dean, which office he held until 1895, when he was succeeded by Dr. Thomas E3. Weeks, who was dean until 1897. The deanship was dropped for a time and Dr. William E. Dickinson was made secretary, afterward, in 18S9 being made acting dean; in 1900 he was made dean, continuing in that office until 1905, when Dr. Alfred Owre, of the class of 1894, M^as made dean, being the first alumnus of the Uni- versity to be appointed to that ofHce. This college course has always been a minimum of three years and the entrance requirement has been raised, at various times, so that it is now practically a full high school course, with the demonstration of mechanical ability. In 1904, it was decided to make the course a four-year course, and announcement was made of the plan. However, the plan was never put into operation and no class has ever been required to complete four years work for a diploma. The work of the first year is quite similar to the work of the college of medicine and surgery, the same subjects are pursued but less time is devoted to the same and the time so saved is devoted to subjects directly bearing upon the practice of dentistry. The work of the second and third years is devoted ex- clusively to subjects directly bearing upon dentistry. The tui- tion required in this college is a level fee of $150 a year. The de- gree granted is that of doctor of dental surgery, though from 1893 to 1902, inclusive, the degree granted by this college was that of doctor of dental medicine. The college is a member of the Na- tional association of dental faculties and its diploma is recog- nized by the dental examining boards of every state in the union. The faculty includes thirteen professors, three assistant profes- sors, eighteen instructors, and eight lecturers, demonstrators, and assistants. The enrollment for 1906-07 was 162. The college year is co-incident with that of other departments of the University. The college has granted 406 degrees, 400 to men and 6 to women. 200 of these degrees were doctor of dental surgery and 206 doctor of dental medicine. DENTON, Frederick W. — Associate professor of mining, 1895- 96; professor of mining, 1896-98. Native of New Jersey. Early education at Charleston, S. C, including part of Wis college work. Columbia School of Mines, 1889. Fellow in engineering, Columbia, 1889-90. In charge of departments of civil and mining engineering, Michigan, 1890-92. Professor in same position, 1892-94. Mining engineer, Minnesota Mining Company, 1894-96. DERBY, Ira H. — Instructor in medical chemistry, 1903-1906; demonstrator in same, 1906-07: assistant professor same, 1907 to date. DETWILER, Samuel Bertolet— Born September 18, 1881. Phoe- nix\'ille. Pa. Educated, Tale Forestry School; B. S., in Forestry University of Minnesota. Five years experience in work of U. S. Forest Service; assistant professor in forestry. University of Min- nesota, 1907 to date. St. Anthony Park. DEWEY, John — Professor of mental and moral philosophy and logic, 1S87-89. Now professor in the T^niversity of Chicago. B. A. '79, University of Vermont; Ph. D. '84, John Hopkins; Phi Beta Kappa. UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 65 DICKINSON, William P. — Professor of operative dentistry and dental therapeutics, 1891-92; professor of therapeutics and crown and bridge work, 1892-94; professor of therapeutics and clinical professor of operative dentistry, 1894-97; also secretary, 1897-98; also acting dean, 1898-99; professor of materia medica and dean, 1899-1904; professor of materia medica, 1904-05. DINING Hall— Erected in 1895, at a cost of $42,500, and re- modelled and added to in 1906, to the extent of $10,000, is builc of Milwaukee cream colored brick, three stories, 80x146 feet. The first story contains roomy kitchens and a well lighted dining room, capable of seating 450 persons. The upper stories contain dormi- tory room for sixty-eight students. These are arranged 'in suites of three, intended for two students, — a common sitting room and two alcove bedrooms. DIXON, Harry W.— Engineer, 1890 to date. DODGE, James Albert — Born in Salem, Mass., in 1848. He went through the regular course of public schools. Graduated irom the Salem high school when fifteen years old. He entered Harvard College in 1865 and pursued the classical course. He graduated with '69, three years later took his degree of M. A. 0. aught one year as assistant in a private school for boys, in New- port, R. I. For the next three years he held the position of sub- master in the Salem high school, Mass. In the fall of 1873, went to iilurope to study scientific specialties. He spent a half year at the University of Berlin, in the chemical laboratory under the direction of Hofmann; tnen a half year at the University of Heidel- berg as a pupil of Bunsen, Kirchoff and Kopp. He next went to i:.ngland and studied under Professor Roscoe for eight months, at Owen's College, now known as Victoria University, Manchester. In the summer of 1875 he returned home and taught one year in the high school at Omaha, Neb. In the fall of 1876 he again went abroad and spent six months at the University of Leipzig, chieflj'- in the chemical laboratory, airecteu by Professor Kolbe. In the spring of 1877 he went to Heidelberg again and remained one year working in Professor Bunsen's laboratory. A year later ne received the degree of Ph. D., summa cum laude. Returned home, he became Professor of Natural Science in Baldwin Univer- sity, at Berea, Ohio, where he remained for two years. In 1880 he was elected as professor of chemistry in the University. Re- signed in 1893 to go west on account of his wife's health. DONALDSON, Arls B. — Professor of rhetoric and English liter- ature from 1869 to 1874. Deceased. Member of the first Uni- versity faculty. DONALDSON, Ronald S., Farmington — Appointed regent 1869, re-appointed 1869, served to end of 1871. DONNELLY, Ignatius, Ninninger — Regent ex-ofRcio, as lieuten- ant-governor, February 14, 1860-March 3, 1863. DO RIVI I TORIES— The policy of the University has been not to provide dormitories for students, save for those attending the school of agriculture, where conditions have made such a policy almost imperative. DORR Drinking Fountain, The — This fountain was erected in 1902 by Caleb D. Dorr, of Minneapolis. It is a graceful shaft of granite mounted on a suitable pedestal of the same stone, de- signed by Ernest Kennedy, Ex-'88. It is located at the Intersec- tion of the driveways nearest the physics building a,nd about equally distant from that building and the chemistry building. DOWNEY, Hal.— Born October 4, 1877, State College, Pa. Edu- cated in Minneapolis Public Schools; Realgymnasium I, Hanover, ^5- niCTIONAKY 'OF THE Germans-; B. A., University of Minnesota, 1903; M. A., 1904. With U. S. Army in the Philippines, 189i8-1899. Scholar in animal biol- ogy, University, 1901-03; assistant, 191)3-04; instructor, 1904-07; assistant professor, 1907 to date. 1206 Seventh street southeast. DOWNEY, John F. — Born January 10, 1846, Hlramsburg, Ohio. B. S., Hillsdale, 1870; M. S., same, 1873; M. A., same, 1877; gradu- ate work at Michigan, 1871-72; C. E., State College, Pa., 1877; at- tended lectures in mathematics at Universities or Edinburgh and Goitingen, 1901-02. 11th Michigan infantry, 1864-6i5; instructor In Hillsdale, 1870-71; principal of schools, Cassopolis, Mich., 1871-72; proiessor of mathematics, State College, Pa., 1873-80; professor of mathematics and astronomy, University, 1880-94; mathematics only, 1894 icT date; dean of the college of science, literature and the arts, 1903 to date. Author of Higher Algebra; Elements of Dif- ferentiation and Integration. Lecturer on scientlHc, educational ^nd popular subjects. Member of the Mathematical Society; G. A. R. ; Phi Beta Kappa. 825 Fifth street southeast. DRAGON, The — An organization of men of the freshman class for tne purpose of promoting good-fellowship. DRAMATIC Club, The — An organization of students of the University wno are interested in dramatic affairs ana who have demonstrated dramatic ability. This organization gives one, or more, plays annually, usually in some down-town theatre. The Club has also taken short trips out into some of the larger cities of the state for the purpose of presenting plays whicn have been put on at home. Organized February 21, 1896. There seems to have been some sort of a dramatic organization in existence, as far back as the spring of 1892, but it is impossible to learn defi- nitely about its doings. A play entitled "A Box of Monkeys" was given in chapel in the spring of 1892, and it was at this play that a fire was started which destroyed the top floor of the old main. No record can be found of anything between this date and the following: In 1896, soon after the organization of the club, David Garrick was given under the direction of Professors IvicDermott and Mc- Clumpha. The next spring, under the direction of the same pro- fessors, The Rivals was put on. 1897-98 — Play presented In the Armory, February 22, "Our Boys." 1898-99 — -Twelfth Nig-ht" was given. 1899-00— Play presented at the Lyceum, February 26, 1900, "The School lor Scandal." Under direction of Clayton D. Gilbert. 1900-01 — ^Plays given at the Lyceum Theatre, February 11, 1901, were "A Woman's Won't," "At the Barricade," and "A Flower of Yeddo." 1901-02 — Plays presented at the Lyceum Theatre, February 10, 1902, "The Old Musician" and "The Romanesques." 1902-03 — Play given was "One Summer's Day," at the Lyceum Theatre, February 23, St. Cloud, February 26, Fergus Falls, Feb- ruary 27, Moorhead, February 28, Mankato, April 17, and Faribault, April IS, 1903. 1903-04 — "One Nig-ht Only," was given February 3, at the East high school auditorium. 1904-05 — Plays were given as follows: "A Pair of Spectacles," at the Lyceum Theatre, November 4, 1904. "The Pillars of So- ciety." Under direction of Charles Mead Holt and Richard Bur- ton. 1905-06 — "Nance Oldfield" and "Cricket on the Hearth" — Unique Theatre, December 14, 1906; Faribault, February 22, 1906; Hast- ings, March 2, 1906. Under direction of Charles M. Holt and Samuel Andrews. UNIVERSITY OF MINNEJSOTA. 67 1906-07 — The plays, '"My Lord in Livery," "Her Picture," "A Man of Letters," were given by the club assisted by Dr. Richard Burton, at the Johnson School, November 8, 1906; "Tulu," was presented in Ghapel, March 22, 1907; Twelfth Night," given on the campus afternoon and evening of May , and June 14, 1907, under direction of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mead Holt. 1907-CS^'Esmeralda" Avas given at Litchfield, "Willmar, Ben- son, vjranite Falls, and Glencoe, during the holiday vacation. It was also given at the Holt School hall, on the evening of January 16, under the direction of Professor Charles M. Holt. DREW, James Meddick — Born February 17, 1863, Rollingstone Valley, Minn. Graduate of the "Winona Normal; two years Cor- nell course in agriculture; taught in tne district school for a term. Instructor In School of Agriculture since 1893. Registrar of the school since 1903. 1307 Chelmsford street, St. Anthony Park, Minn. DRILL Hall— Erected in 1893 a,t a cost of $30,000. It is built of red pressed brick, and contains an armory, which on occasion is used as an auditorium, gymnasium, the offices of tne entomologist, veterinarian, and profeiisor of animal industry. It also contains class rooms for instruction m carpentry and drawing. It has dor- mitory facilities for eight students. DULUTH, Minn., — Northern Minnesota Alumni Association — This is one of the most vigorous and the largest .local associations of ainmni. Its membership embra-ces alumni living in Duluth and vicinity. The off'cers are Fred C. Bowman, 1879, president; H. J, Grannis, vice-president; John W. Powell, 1893, secretaxy; Wm. H. Hoyt. treasurer. This association usually holds its annual ban- quet in June. DUNKEL, Otto — Instructor in mathematics, 1905-06. DUNN, James H. — Professor of diseases of genito-ui'inary or- gans, 1888-04. DUNNELL, Mark H., Owatonna-— Superintendent of public in- struction and ex-officio regent, 1868 to July 31, 1870. DUNNING, A. W. — Clinical instructor in mental and nervous diseases, 1897 to date. EYidicott Arcade, St. Paul. DUNSMOOR, Frederick A. — Professor of clinical and operative surgery, 1888 to date. Andrus building. 1413 Harmon Place. DUNWOODY Prize, The — Mr. William H. Dunwoody, president of the St, Anthony and Dakota Elevator Company, ha.? provided an annual cash prize of $75 for the members of the team winning the senior debate. See Peavey-Dunwoody prize. In 1903. when these prizes were first offered, M. H. Halloran. B. B. Heuston and Nellie Cashman won the debate prize and E. C. O'Brien won that for oratory. In 1904. the prize for debate went to Paul Straton, J. Z. Nebbergall and J. F. Sinclair. In 1907. the debate prizes went to T. H. Uzzell, S. H. Peterson and Max Lowenthal. DURMENT, Edmund S. — Born March 19, 1860, Brown county, Ind. LL. B., Columbia University, 1884. Special lecturer on rights of eminent domain, college of law, 1907 to date. General practice of law, Durment & Moore. St. Paul. DYBEVICK, Ivare O. — Born April 21, 1872. Norway. Public schools of Norway and tne United States. Two terms at the Min- nesota Dairy School. Twelve years as practical butter maker and two years as dairy and food inspector. Instructor In pasteurizing, 1903 to date. Address Dairy and Food Commission, St. Paul. DYE, John W. — Director of the gymnasium of the school of agriculture, 1903-04. 68 DICTIONARY OF THE EARNINGS of Students — In the spring of 1907, forty-seven typical students reported the facts concerning then- earnings for one year of tneir college course. The statistics follow: $11,613.50 was earned annually by these students. The amount of time, per week devoted to earning money, ran from four to forty-four hours per week; the amount of money earned, during the college year, from $25 to $800, averaging, $247.10, the average amount of time devoted to outside work, oy these students, 315 hours per week; the amount of time devoted to recitations in the University, from nine to twenty hours, averaging 17 nours pei* week; with required preparations this would average at least forty hours per week. The student earning the largest sum, $800, was a poor student. He devoted 30 hours per week to outside work, less time than many of the students who have made excellent records. The student devoting the maximum of 44 hours has an excellent record, while u.e second highest 42 hours to outside work has a passable record. With one other exception, a student who devotes 15 hours per week to outside work and earnea $240 per year, the general rules held that the students earning the hig*hest sums were students who have records above the average. Of the four students earn- ing $400, or more, the records were — one fair, two excellent, and one very gooa. Twelve of these students did simply passable work; eight did fair work; four did good work; twelve were ranked as very good; and six as excellent; two poor. ECKERSON, Charles H. — Instructor in mining, 1899-00'. Bom at Closter, New Jersey, 1877. Graduated from Drisler school. New York City as honor scholar in 1897. Took 'his degree of E. M. at Columbia University, 1898. Appointed University scholar in geol- ogy in 1898 and took special work in geology, palaeontology and metallurgy. ECONOMIC Club, The — Is an organization connected with the department of political economy, which meets twice a month to de- bate economic and political subjects. EDDY Henry Turner — Born June 9, 1844, Stoughton, Mass. B. A., Tale, '1867; Ph. B., Sheffleld Scientific School, 1868; A. M., Yale, 1870; Cornell, C. E., 1870; Ph. D., 1872; .LL. D., Center College, I89z; studied in Berlin in 1879, and in Paris, 1880); instructor in field work, Sheffleld, 1867-68; instructor in Latin and mathematics, University of Tennessee, 1868-69; assistant professor of mathe- matics and engineering, Cornell, 1869-73; adjunct professor of mathematics. Princeton, 1873-74; professor of mathematics, astron- omy and civil engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1874-90; dean of the academic faculty of same, 1874-77; and 1884-89; acting presi- dent and president-elect, 1890, same; president of Rose Polytech- nic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind., 1891-94; professor of engineering and mechanics. University since 1894; dean of graduate school, since 1905. Member of the American Philosophical Society; Ameri- can Association for the Advancement of Science, vice-president for mathematics and physics, 1S84; American Mathematical So- ciety; American Physical Society; Society for Promotion of Engi- neering Education; president in 1896; Ehi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. Author of Analytical Geometry; Researches in Graphical Statics; Thermodynamics; M'aximum Stresses and Concentrated Loads; a.3o papers in numerous scientific and technical journals. 916 Sixth street southeast. EDGAR, Caroline B. — Student assistant in operative clinic, 1892- 93; D. M. D.— same title, 1893-95. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 69 EDGERTON, A. J., Kasson — Regent 1S78, re-appointed 1881 and immediately resigned. EDITORS-IN-CHIEF of the Gophers— A list of the editors-in- chief of all Gophers, to 1907, will be found on page 179 of the Gopher of 1907. EDUCATIONAL Club, The — This is an organization of instruc- tors in the college of education together with students registered for advanced work. Meetings are held from time to time during ihe college year for the discussion of current questions in ed^lca- tion and for reports and discussions upon recent educational litera- ture, booRs, magazines and journals. EDUCATION, The College of — The first work in education as a part of the regular college course was offered in 1885-86, when Professor Harry P. Judson, now President of the University of Chicago delivered a course of lectures, one hour a week, to seniors in tne third term. This course was continued until 1892, when a teachers' course, of two years, was established, upon the comple- tion of which a University teachers' certificate was granted. For one year Dr. David L. Kiehle, then superintendent of public in- struction conducted the course, and in the following year was appointed prolessor in charge. The two-year course was discon- tinued in lS9b, and from that time on the University teachers' certificate was granted to graduates of the college of science, literature and the arts who had completed certain prescribed work in psychology and in the history, theory and practice of educa- tion. This certificate is a license to the holder to teach in any school of the state for two years without examination, and at the end of two years of successful experience may be endorsed and made permanent for this state. In 1902, Dr. Kiehle resigned from his work in the University, and Dr. George F. James was appointed in his place. In the three succeeding years the enrollment of students in this work increased from less than 100 to over 300. Additional courses were offered, the attendance in these indicating the need of larger opportuni- ties at the University for the training of teachers. In response to the act of the Legislature in 1905 the college of education was authorized by the regents as a separate school. Dr. James was appointed dean and was directed to organize a course of study. The college ofr'ers the practical and theoretical training for high school teachers and principals, principals of elementary schools, supervisors of special studies and superintendents of school sys- tems. Students are enrolled after two years of collegiate work lor a two-year and' three-year course of study leading respectively to the degrees bachelor of arts in education and master of arts. Ttie faculty includes now two professors, one assistant professor and one instructor, in addition to fifteen or twenty professors from various faculties of the University who are interested in one phase or another of teachers' training. The first class of four members was graduated in June, 1907. Terms of tuition same as for the college of science, literature and the arts. EDUCATION in Minnesota— A book published by the H. "W. Wilson Company, in 1903. This book which contains a vast amount of valuable historical material, relating to the University as well as to education in Minnesota in general, was written by Dr. David L. Kiehle, while professor of pedagogy in the University. Very valuable to anyone interested in looking up the history of the University. It also contains a carefully prepared report upon and systematic study of and arrangement of the school laws and sources of school support in the state of Minnesota. 70 DICTIONARY OF THE EIGHTY-NINE Memorial Prize in History, The — The class of 1889, at graduation, established a pi'ize of $25, each year, to b<} known as the '89 Memorial Prize, and to tie given for the best thesis upon a historical topic to be assigned by the department. The award is made by a professor of history in some other insti- tution. This prize has been awarded as follows: the i-ecords do not show an award for 1890 and 1891; in 1892, to J. Edward O'Brien; in 1S93, to Hubert C. Carel; in 1894, to Clarence EUithorpe; in 18S5, to Alex W. Caldwell; in 1896, to Alexander N. Winchell; in 1 97, to George C. Dunlap; in 1898, to John C. Knox; in 1899, to LiUian B. Marvin; in 1900, not awarded; in 1901, to George B. Otte; in 1902, to Willard A. Rossman; in 1903, to Ruth West; in 1904, to Elizabeth McLaughlin; in 1905, to Frederick A. Wirth; in 1906, to Arthur R. Barnes; in 1907, to Harriet Switzer. ELECTRICAL Engineering Building — This was constructed in 1900, at a cost of $20,000, with expectation that it would eventually form one of the wings of a main engineering building to be later constructed. The building is of brick and slow burning construc- tion. The main portion is 80x60 feet and two stories high A wing, 70x90 feet, adjoining is used for the University lighting plant and for instruction in connection with the practical work of the course; The building contains a standardizing laboratory, electro- chemical laboratory, shop, battery room, stock and toilet rooms. On the first floor are the dynamo laboratory, high tension labora- tory, research laboratories, instrument rooms and office. On the second floor are the laboratories for photometry, photography, meter and lamp testing rooms and class, drawing and library rooms and offices. ELECTRICAL Engineering IVluseum — This museum contains a growing collection of samples furnished by various manufacturers and dealers for demonstrating the merits of different products and for illustrating ipodern practice; an excellent collection showing the development of electrical instruments, lightning arresters, switches, primary and secondary batteries, early forms of dynamos and motors, lighting apparatus and various industrial applications of electricity; also a collection of samples from repa'ir shops and elsev.'here, illustrating the effects of wear, accidents and abuse. ELLIOTT, Adolphuis F. and Mary Ellen Hoar Elliott— Dr. Elliott left his estate to his wife, and she left property which netted the sum of $114,000, to Walter J. Trask, formerly of Minneapolis, but later of Los Angeles, Calif., an attorney, to be used to secure the erection of a building upon the University campus, as a memorial to her husband. Dr. Elliott. Mr. Trask, naturally decided that no other niemorial could be so fitting to a physician as a hospital and so made a tender of the property to the board of regents of the University, for that purpose. The regents were willing to accept but felt that tney should not bind the state to support such an institution, as they would virtually by accepting the gift outright, and so p.sked to be allowed to hold the same in abeyance until the legislature could be consulted. This the trustee, Mr. Trask, very readily agreed to and the legislature also authorized the acceptance of the gift. Dr. Elliott was formerly a practicing physician in Minneapolis and his wife, was formerly Miss Mary Ellen Hoar, a daughter, of Michael Hoar, employed on the Sibley estate at Weston, fifty years ago. On, her mother's death she was cared for by Mrs. Richard Holbrook and assumed the name Holbropk. She and Dr. Elliott were married ab6ut 1895. Prior to iier death, Mrs. Elliott gave UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 71 the school of mines' $5,000, the income of which is to be used to assist students needing financial aid to finish their courses in that school. ELLIOTT, Charles Burke — Born in Morgan county, Ohio, Janu- ary 6, 1861. Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio; L.L,. B., State Uni- versity of Iowa, 1881; LL. D.. same. 1895; Ph. D., University, 1888; honorary LL. D., Marietta, 1904. Practice of law in Minneapolis, 1884-89; judge of the municipal court, 1890-94; judge of 4th judicial district, 1894-05; associate justice supreme court, 1905 to 1912, end of term. Declined an offer to be chief justice of the Philippines. L-niversity lecturer on corporations and insurance, 1889-93; corpo- rations only, 1893-95; corporations and international law, 1895-96; international law only, 1896-00; special lecturer, 1907 to date, m college of law. author of Law of Private Corporations, 3d edition, lo9o; Law of Public Corporations; Law of Insurance, 3d edition, 1902; Minnesota Practice on Appeal; The United States ana che Northeastern Fisheries, 1888; numerous public addresses and arti- cles in American and foreign reviews. Member of tlie American Bar Association; the Minnesota Bar Association; International I>aw Association; American Society of International Law; International society of Comparative Jurisprudence and Public Law, Berlin; Phi Beta Kappa; Delta Chi. 1003 Eighth street southeast. ELLIOTT Hospital — Funds for the erection of this hospital were provided by the will of Mrs. Adolphus F. Elliott, who desired the net proceeds of the sale of certain property to be used to erect a memorial to her husband. The trustee, Mr. Walter J. Trask, asked that the money, $114,000 be used to erect a hospital. This will be done in the near future and the hospital will be erected on the site purchased with the $50,000 raised by the medical alumni for the purpose. ELLIOTT Scholarship Loan Fund, The — To fulfill the wish of the late Dr. A. F. Elliott to aid young men who find their efforts to obtain a practical education embarrassed through lack of means, $5,000, the income from which amounts to $250 per year, was placed in the hands of the regents in 1902, to be used as a scholai-ship loan fund for assisting young men in the school of mines. The money was not formally turned over to the regents until 1905, being held by Mrs. Elliott, only the income $350, being turned over. On the death of Mrs. Elliott the hioney was turned over to the board of regents and is now invested in N. P. gold 5 per cent' bonds. The conditions of granting the scholarship loans are: the finan- cial needs of the applicant, his scholarship, moral character, en- thusiasm stiown in his work and promise of usefulness in his pro- fession. When money Is available it may be loaned to pay ex- penses of worthy students during sickness. The loans are to be re- paid, without interest, at the earliest convenience of the recipients. EMERY, Sloan M., Lake City— Regent 1889, resigned April 26, 1893. ENDOWMENT of the University— See Congressional Land Grant. ENGINEERING, College of — History — Gopher of 1S99. pp. log- 123. ENGINEERING and the mechanic arts, The college of— In the first action taken by the regents. In the organization of the Univer- sity, this college was organized as part of the college- of, agricul-' " ture and the mechanic arts. In the re-organization of. two years, later, July, 1871, this college was , made an independent cpllege 72 DICTIONARY OF THE with its own faculty and course of study. Practically, however, this college continued as a part of the college of science, litera- ture and the arts down to the year 1885-86, when for the first time the college outlined its courses for the full four years, the fresh- man and sophomore x'ears having been previously pursued in com- mon with the students of the college of science, literature and the arts. The following year, Professor William A. Pike was made di- rector, which office he held until 'he was made dean in 1890. He continued as dean until 1891, when Professor Christopher W. Hall was made dean. Professor Hall was dean until 1896, when he re- signed. The college was without a dean until Frederick S. Jones, professor of physics, was made dean in 19u2. Originally courses were provided in civil and mechanical engi- neering and architecture. Beginning with the year 1882-83, special courses were provided in shop work and drawing and a special evening course in drawing. The following year these courses were more formally organized into the "Artisans training school," which made special provision for giving instruction in practical shop work and mechanical drawing, for those not prepared to take up the work of the regular college courses. This school was continued until 1892, when it was dropped. The course in electrical engineering was first organized in 1887. In 1887. the artisans training school became the school of practical mechanics and design, courses in wood carving and design being offered for the first time. The fol- lowing year these two courses were separatea ana the school of practical mechanics and the school of design, freehand drawing and wood carving existed side by side, and Henry T. Ardley, wa3 given special charge of the school of design and was made prin- cipal of tne school the following year. From 1898 to 1904 a 4-year course in drawing and industrial art, for which no degree was offered, was provided in this college. In 1891, the school of mines and the college of engineering were consolidated and made the college of engineering, metallurgy and the mechanic arts. In addition to the courses previously pro- vided in the college of engineering, new courses In mining, metal- lurgy and chemistry, were provided. The course in architecture was dropped at the close of the year, 1892-93. In 1896 the college of engineering and the school of mines were finally separated and the college became, what it is today, the college of engineering arid the mechanic arts. Under the new organizaton, 'instruction was provided in civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, and railway mechanical enginering was provided as a special course for seniors In mechanical engineering. In 1898, a course in science and technology, was offered. The purpose was to gTve a general scientific training to students desiring such courses, and offering additional work leading to the professional degree in the line In which the student might chance to be interested. Until 1897, the degree granted by this college, was the bachelor's degree. Since 1897, the degree has been the engineer's degree, in the line of work pursued. The growth of this college, in the past few years has been phenomenal, the attendance having doubled in six years. The department is housed in the old mechanic arts building, and the two shops, for electrical and mechanical engineering. The work in chemistry and physics is provided for in those buildings. The legislature of 1907 made provision for a main building for this college, by making an appropriation of $250,000. It is ex- pected that this building v.'ill be located Just across the Northern Pacific tracks from the present shops, and later it is hoped to group all of the buildings about the blocks bounded by Pleasant and Church streets and the N. P. tracks and Washington avenue, the buildings being so arranged as to enclose this tract and leave UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. j^ an open court in the center. The faculty of this college includes fifteen professors, ten assistant professors, eleven instructors, and eleven machinists, engineers and assistants. Ten non-resident lecturers lectured to the students during the year 1906-07. Enroll- ment for same year, 45S. Tuition is $30 a year for residents and double that for non-residents. The entrance requirement is the completion of a full high school course. Total number of degrees granted by this college, 455. By recent action of the faculty, approved by the board of re- gents, the degree to be hereafter granted at the end of the four- year course is to be bachelor of science, in the particular line of ■work pursued. The professional degree is reserved for those who complete the fifth year's work. It is expected that this will eventu- ally result in making the course a five-year course. ENGINEERING Libraries — The reference libraries of the several departments of this college are well supplied with technical litera- ture. In the mechanic arts building is a library consisting chiefly of books devoted to civil engineering, comprising over one thousand volumes; the library of the department of engineering and me- chanics numoers eighteen 'hundred volumes of choice mathematical and scientific works; the departments of mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering have excellent collections of standard works which number over fourteen hundred volumes; the chemistry library contains over five hundred technical works; the drawing department has a collection of between one and two hundred vol- umes relating to drawing, architecture and design. The above number, upwards of four thousand volumes, comprises many works which are the private property of professors but ttccessible to the students. ENGINEERING Mathematics Museum — This department has a collection of apparatus used for illustration in teaching, several types of slide-rules, including those of Thatcher, Faber, KeufEel and Esser, Schureman's computer, Boucher's calculator; also Am.s- ler's polar planimeter. ENGINEERING shops — This building was erected in 1901, at a cost of $32,000. It was intended to be one wing of a main engi- neering building tc be constructed later. The building is about 60x164 feet and two stories high. It provides offices, class rooms, snops, laboratories, drawing rooms, library room, foundry, ma- chine shops. It is of slow burning mill construction and the ex- terior is red brick. ENGINEERS Society, The — An organization of students of the college of engineering for mutual help and for the promotion of Interest in engineering topics and for the discussion of current engineering literature and problems. The society publishes a year- book. Organized in 1887. Meets twice a month, during the col- lege year. ENGINEERS jear book — This is an annual publication of the society of engineers. It is devoted to the publication of articles prepared by professors and students upon subjects of special im- portance to engineers and is an expression of interest in engineer- ing activities on the part of the students. Published annually since the spring of 1887. ENGLISH Museum — A few fac-similes of manuscripts plates that may serve for the purpose of archaeological instruction, publi- cation of texts, reprints of blackletter books and of orignal editions, photographs and portraits have been gathered. 74 DIGTIONAUT OF THE 31BA s -Si 2 o . . ;S S3 2 : :f f IS ■M a)saoDS!Al PI siiss^i c^S BinisjiA 1 2 ;f jigs h i t • •■ h i : : i§ s ; H Ktiiii M^ 1 1 asnOBjXs S SgSS :SS : : : .gg : :gS :!2 o pjojneis cot-i-^ -N :::::::::;:;: gsj iiiii ■" uo,»... |iiiii=MiMiMiM!itiiil5S§5iiM^li ^ BinBAiXsnnsj R ioo§-§ 1 o M^ j_|5l 1 |5§§ ii \ ajF^S omo g§5 ?a|g2| S" IU9)S3Mq)JON Oil- iWt- 1 1 1 t loot- iCO iCI icpc^. P'l liiiil ?\ICffl h 3IJOA Max s^sisil i ! is i i i i§ i" i£ ??S3'§^5CSSS im u> »3IsEaqaN ffiy|S||g? jS j 1 i Jl*" ; ! il — ■* ro - O pi T^ - -.D ,,r 1 Igj PC Id unossiH 1^11^23 j i i i i i ja 1 1 ||ji*3 ■^ X 15 B^ossnaiw P^ISRSg 1 1 IS l-^SS ! 1 1 P- liilii i^ neSmDiiv aCCDCI-»'-fC* 1 I 1 t«3 I 1 t IC» I ICO OJeCMt-'* I I i!^ III! l!"^ ii| t-i-1- — o '^ ^ ji 2 SBsn»x o'. 'xrt'^»octo 1 iin i i i it- rco i i^ft ci rt "^ -^ ac CO 1 1 ci 1 J 1 1 o t CO 1 [ ^ PI ili ..,<.oHs.^: |Miii^SiiJiiJiiiiMil§iil^^^g^S||»|| BMOI Basils ! r"*"^ i*5-^S p§ ps liilii iS BUBipUJ 51 jMHI 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 j iS ssfi o L': CO ^ 1 'C 2 ite s!ou!„i isiHis^s--- rrs"'-|ii| assess ;s ^Ss,SS4?S I-* c5 z paBAJEH c^co^t-m-* I j [ J^-'j5ZlC KSStS^o »m 1 § til -1 (1. o UJ o 5 lIs»JOD a> r^ototfitco I — -*irt t- coo— 'OOIO " 1 1 > > ' » lOO-*^" t-iXi'MCOCJCO»-0Q < s ■2 If !^3 u (n63 < g::::: H Q O V ! 3 • o 1 f i i3o } ^ .'2 ^ ^3 1 6^1 Z B a V ^ n 'C 3 S ". := 3 °s5 1-2 S 3 3 < a. 3 I UNrV^ERSITY OF MINNBSOTA. 75 ERDNIANN, Charles Andrew— Born August 3, 1866, Milwaukee, Wis Public and high schools of Milwaukee. Ph. G.. Wisconsin, 1887'- M D University, 1893; Vienna and London, 1899-1900. Dem- onstrator of anatomy, 1893 to 1896; assistant professor of anatomy. 1897 to 1901; professor, 1901 to date. Author of Manual of dis- section of human oody; The carpal articulations In the light or X-ray photography; Autointoxication; The lymphatic system; and many lesser contributions to the medical press. 612 Ninth avenue southeast. ERIKSON, Henry Anton— Born July 30, 1869. Mt. Morris, Wis. E E University, 1896; taught one year in Rochester high school. Instructor in physics, 1897 to 1906; assistant professor 1906 to date. Author of various articles upon physical measurements. Sigma XI. 220 Church street southeast. EUTERPEAN Club, The— An organization of young women, Similar to the glee club of tae young men. Membership in thi3 club is conditioned upon the demonstration of musical abihty^ The club gives public concerts each year and is under the direc- tion of Professor Scott of the department of music. This club was organized in 1905, and is the successor of the glee club which the young women of the University had previously maintained. EVVING, Addison Uuther— Born September, 1853, LaGrange, Wis State normal school, Wisconsin; B. S. Cornell, 1880; M. S 1885. Taug-ht in district schools, Jefferson, Wis., 1876-77; in- structor in botanv, Cornell, 1882-84; professor geology and zool- ogy Pa, State college; 1884-88, science teacher, Workingman 3 school New York City; 1888-1906, professor of science, state normal school. River Falls, Wis. Instructor in agricultural physics, 1906 to date. Author of report of geology of Center county Pa.- An attempt to determine the time for chemical erosion of Uiltany valley, Pa. Member of the Awierican associa- tion for the advancement of science; New Tork academy of sci- ence; Wisconsin academy of science; and other scientific soci- eties. St. Anthony Park, Minn. EXPENDITURES— See Finances. ■ f EXPENSE OF STUDENTS — This varies so with the individual that it Is impossible to give definite estimates that will be of much use! A number of years ago, several typical students were secured to keep definite account of their expenses and to report tne same at the end of the year. The result was that the young men ranged from $217 to .$397; the same students earning from from S150 to $272 each. The young women in the list varied from $150 to $355. These figures do not include fees. The cost of living has increased during the past few years and it is prob- able that 25 per cent should be added to these figures to make them a safe estimate for the present time. Board ranges at the present time from $2.10 upward, in private families from $3.00 to $6.00 per week and furnished rooms from $10 to $20 per month. A fair average for a student, not including fees, ought to be about $260. to $275 a year. EXPERIMENTAL FARM, The— In 1868, when the University was re-organized, provision was made for teaching agriculture and the purchase of a farm was a matter of necessity, and the regents purchased 120 acres of land of Baker & Willis, for $8,500. This farm was located along both sides of University avenue from Oak street to Prospect Park, and was used as an experi- mental farm until 1882. With the appointment of Professor Por- ter, In 1881, came a change. Professor Porter reported the farm as being of little value for experimental' purposes, recommended -jd DICTIONARY OF THE the sale of this farm and the purchase of another better suited to the ends to be sought, experimental demonstration of practical methods of farming. Professor Porter finally decided to recom- mend the purchase of two tracts of land, aggregating' in all about 250 acres. This land was purchased by Governor Pillsbury, the tract of 165 acres, of Captain Bass, at $300 an acre and the second piece, of 95 acres, of Governor Marshall and Mr. Lang- ford, for $200 an acre, a total of $60,000. The old University farm was platted into city lots and a maximum and minimum price fixed for each lot, and the whole put up at auction with the condition that if the minimum price was not bid, the lot would be withdrawn from sale. At the first sale, which took place 1882, only one-half the lots were offered for sale, but the sum of $47,500 was netted. The following spring, 1883, a second auction was held, and together with certain pri- vate sales, netted $80,500.00, making a total of $128,000. From the proceeds of these sales, the purchase price of $60,000, paid for the new farm by Governor Pillsbury, was refunded to him and a farm house, barn and station building, costing about $48,000 were erected and the first school of agriculture building was erected at a cost of $20,000, the balance wus used to fence the farm, purchase stock and machinery. In 1906, the state purchased twenty acres, which were added to the farm, at a cost of $20,000. In 1907, the legislature appropriated $76,000 for the purchase of 149 acres to be added to the farm. The farm, whic'h now consists of 419 acres, is divided, rough- ly, as follcws: forty acres for campus, fifty acres for permanent pastures, and the balance, for experimental purposes. The department of agriculture also has an experimental' farm, of 480 acres, at Crookston, in the northwestern part of the state, another farm of 352 acres at Grand Rapids, in the northeastern part of the state A farm, in southwestern Minnesota, at Lynd, is available for experimental purposes, and five seres, constitut- ing an apple experiment station, at Owatonna is also under the direction of the board of regents. This station was authorized by act of the legislature, approved March 2, 1887. The legis- lature of 1907 made an appropriation for the purchase of an experimental fruit farm at Minnetonka. EXPERIMENT STATION BUILDING— This building was erected in 1884. from the profits on the sale of the first Uni- versity farm. It was totally destroyed by fire, October 5th, 1890. EXTEMPO ORATORICAL AND STORY CONTEST— March 15th, 1901, a contest was held with the University of Nebraska in which the representatives of both institutions were obliged to speak extemporaneously upon a sub-topic, chosen by chance, at the opening of the contest from a number of such topics related to two general topics previously announced. In this con- test G. L. Caldwell, Minnesota's representative won. The con- test was held at Minneapolis. Nebraska won the story contest. FACULTY DINING CLUB — This is an informal organization which includes all men of all the various faculties of the Uni- versity. The club meets one Saturday night each month of the college year to dine together and discuss topics of interest con- nected with various phases of university life and activities. FARLEY, F. A. — ^Instructor in animal husbandry, school of agriculture, since 1906. FARMERS' CLUB OF MINNESOTA— An organization com- posed of students and ex-ctudents and members of the faculty of the school of agriculture. Any one who has ever registered as a student in the regular, dairy or short course or who Is or UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. -j-j has been a teacher in the school of agriculture, is eligible to membership. The objects of the association are to foster and strengthen the ties between the school and its former students and to extend the work of the school and experiment station, among the farmers of the state. To this end the members of the State club have formed county clubs which hold annual meetings for the benefit of the farmers of the community. To quote from the annual address of its president: "The school of agriculture is an institution of the farmers, for the farmers, and supported in a large measure by them, and each student of the school should use his Knowledge to better the conditions about him. The state has invested from one to several hundred dollars in his education and expects to realize on that invest- ment by the knowledge which he will distribute." FARMERS' INSTITUTES, THE — These institutes, or rather the system under which these institutes are provided, is a direct product of the University. In the early eighties, when the Uni- versity was making the most strenuous efforts to get the farmers to send their children to the University to be educated in agri- culture and to become farmers, and when the feeling against the University ran high and every session of the legislature saw determined efforts to divide the University and make the depart- ment of agriculture an independent institution, someone con- ceived the brilliant idea of taking education to the farmer. Presi- dent Northrop became convinced of the necessity of doing this and looked around for the proper man. F. Amos Johnson, then registrar, suggested the name of O. C. Gregg, of Lynd and he was sent for. After a short talk with President Northrop, the president was convinced that he had found the right man and sent him to Governor Pillsbury, the president of the board of regents. Governor Pillsbury became an enthusiastic convert to the new plan and the man who proposed it and volunteered to provide the expenses of the work, if Mr. Gregg would take hold of it. This was in the winter of 1885, early in January. The work began that same winter. A year later it was taken up by the board of regents officially and provision was made for carry- ing on institutes during the spring of 1886. This plan was fol- lowed for one year when the legislature of 1887, made an appro- priation of S7,500 for carrying on this work on a larger scale. Mr. O. C. Gregg, was chosen superintendent, in April 1887, and has held that position for twenty years. The board of regents have always been represented, officially, on the board of mana- gers of these institutes, and at the present time it is repre- sented by three members, the other three members being the presidents of state societies of agriculture, and horticulture and the state dairy association. Ttie appropriation has increased to $12,500 annually. The school of agriculture was a direct out- growth of the field work of the farmers' institutes. The organ- ization of the institutes under University supervision is undoubt- edly responsible for the fact that the University has been kept intact and its agricultural department an integral part of the University. FARM HOUSE— Erected in 1884, at a cost of $25,000, from the profits on the sale of the first University farm. It is a frame structure 38 x 701 feet, and contains, besides apartments for the professor of agrriculture and foreman, rooms for laborers and stu- dents, and one wing temporarily serves as a seed breeding lab- oratory. FARM MACHINERY BUI LDING— This building was erected in 1904, at a cost of $5,000. 78 " DICTIONARY OF THE FARM STUDENTS' REVIEW, The — A monthly agricultural paper owned and published by the Alumni association of the school of agriculture. The paper is intended to be a medium by which the former students of the institution shall be kept in touch with each other and also with the school and experiment station. It also endeavors to bring the farmers throughout the state generally, into closer connection with the Institution and to this end strives to present the latest progress in experimental work at the various stations. It is the official organ of the Alumni association and of the Farmers' club. FARR, R. E. — Assistant in surgery, 1902-1906; clinical assist- ant, same, 1907 to date. Syndicate block. FEDERATED LITERARY SOCIETIES Of the University of Minnesota, The' — The purpose of this federation of literary soci- ties of the University is the promotion of general literary and oratorical work in the University. Organized in 1896. This federation holds four meetings each year at which programs are given by members of the various societies composing the federa- tion. Societies represented are the Forum, Shakopean, Castalian, Minerva, and Arena. This federation is now known as the Minnesota literary union. FERGUS FALLS, Minn. — There has been an alumni association in existence at Fergus Falls, for a number of years, its activi- ties 'have been mainly confined to holding an annual banquet and reunion. FELLOWSHIP ASSOCIATION, The— Incorporated March 10th, 188S. Its object being the encouragement of graduate students in special lines of work, and to that end to raise a fund by endow- ment, gift, or bequest, or annual contributions of members, to carry out the purpose of the organization. This association has supported fellows as follows: 1888, U. S. Grant; 1889, K. C. Bab- cock and O. L. Triggs; 1890, J. B. Pike and Louise Montgomery; 1891, T. G. Soares and C. P. Lommon; 1892, Andrew Nelson; 1893, Elizabeth Peters: 1894 no appointment; 1896, Alexander N. Win- chell; 11896 appointee ill, no call for funds; 1897. Paul W. Glasoe; 1898, Harold M. Stanford; 1903, Ernest E. Hemmingway. FIELD, Walter E.— Superintendent of the farm 1871-1873. FINANCES — The income of the University is received from five principal sources. The first is the direct appropriations made by the state legislature for general expense and special appro- priations for buildings and standing tax levies. The second is direct appropriations from the United States government, from the Hatch, Morrill, Nelson and Adams bills. The third is from fees for tuition and to cover the cost of laboratory material'. The fourth is fnjjTi th*^ income from the permanent endowment, which has been created by the Gale of stumpage, lands and mineral rights, from lands granted by Congress to endow the Univer- •sity. The fifth is from sales and miscellaneous sources. The following statement shows the income from each of these sources for the year ending July 31st, 1907. RECEIPTS. Auditor's balance, August 1, 1906 $37,269.53 Auditor's balance in fuel fund, August 1, 1906 4,794.65 Receipts, year 1905-06, turned Into treasury after August 1. 1906 40,091.96 Receipts from kitchen and dining hall fund, school of agriculture to replace amount advanced from current ext)ense' fund ..................' 2,045.46 Total ..."., $84,201.61 UNTVBRSITY OF MINNESOTA. 19 Less June and July bills paid after August 1, 1906 14,821.38 Total $69,3i0.23 Revolving fund 2,800 . 00 True balance August 1, 1906 $72,180.23 From the United States government — Grants made by the government approved March 2, 1861, and July 2, 1862, being interest on the bonds of vari- ous states in which the resulting funds are invested 50,885.54 Interest on bank deposits 1,011 . 06 United States Treasurer Hatch fund, year 1906-07... 15,000.00 United States Treasurer Morrill fund 25,000.00 United States Treasurer Nelson fund 5,000.00 United States 'treasurer Adams fund' — three quarterly payments - 5,250.00 (First quarterly payment for year 1906-07 and $5,000 for year 1905-06 included in auditor's balance August 1, 1906). Total from United States government $102,146 . 60 From state appropriations — Twenty-three one hundredths of one-mill revenue tax. . .$205,051.09 Additional appropriation 60,000.00 Total from the state $265,051.09 From the University — Students' fees $137,946.15 Dental infirmary receipts 10,470 . 65 Miscellaneous receipts , j 1,493.25 School of agriculture — sales and fees 10,478 . 61 The experiment station — sales 8,818.22 Total from the University $169,206.88 Total receipts $608,584.80 DISBURSEMENTS. Pay rolls. Bills. August , $10,937.42 September 34,767.26 $7,205.58 October 37,005.57 11,990.67 November 37,918.00 9,911.60 December 37,101.25 14,262.53 January 37,510.53 8,703.98 February 37,760.28 8,864.24 March 39,974.07 6,641.87 April 37,701.13 12.369.73 May 38,769.54 8,314.48 June 38,401.37 6,f06.02 July 12,398.20 9,414.25 Total $400,244.62 $104,584.95 Fees paid county treasurer by state auditor 168. OC Bi'i.s paid from curront expense, later transferred to insectary equipment fund ; 183.45 Fuel bills 32.590.46 Payrolls 400,244.62 Total disbursements $537,771.54 True balance August 1. 1907 $70,813.26 3o DICTIONARY OF THE FIRES — The Univiersity has had fifteen fires during the course of its existence. December 3d, 1888, the agricultural building, on the campus, which contained the plant house and chemical laboratory, was totally destroyed, insurance received, $'5,087.00. October 5th, 1890, the station building, at the Uni- versity farm burned, total destruction, insurance received, $1G,000.00 Pillsbury liall suffered by fire December 3d, 18S9, the msurance received covered loss, $10,355.50. The old main was partially burned twice and was finally destroyed, September 24th, 1904. The first fire occurred January 3d, 1890, the loss was cov- ered by insurance which was collected to the extent of $5,587.06. The second fire was that of April 30th, 1892, the evening when a "Box of monkeys" was being given in chapel. The loss, fully covered by insurance, was $2,887.90 on contents and $6,423.99, on the building. When this building was finally destroyed, insur- ance was collected on the contents to the extent of $5,000, and on the building itself, $58,000.00. The Coliseum was totally detroyed by fire, July 24th, j.894, insurance collected was $19,000. A fire in the mechanic arts building, January 13th, 1895, caused a loss of $1,662.32 on contents and $806.00 on the building. A second fire occurred in this building, October 29th, 1904, the loss on the contents being $3,646.30, and on the building, $1,285.46., fully covered by insurance. The laboratory of medical chem- istry, suffered by fire, February 23d, 1901, the loss on the con- tents being $1,664.11 and on the building, $2,571.71; fully cov- ered by insurance. The medical building, now Millard hall, was injured by fire, July 22nd, 1905, the contents suffering to the extent of $1,083.45, and the building to the extent of $3,540.22. The anatomical building, was partially burned January 29th, 1902, the loss was fully covered by insurance, and was $2,564.70, and on the building, $5,006.73. The ore testing building was injured by fire, August 29th, 1902, the loss, covered by insurance, was $2,300.00 on the contents and $4,112.33 on the building. July 25th, 1905, the anatomical building, suffered a second time by fire, the loss was covered by insurance and was $1,226.56 on the contents and $881.84 on the building. The physical laboratory was injured by fire, to the extent of $50, in June 1898, the in- surance being collected to cover loss. Originally, all money col- lected from insurance was used by the regents to replace the loss occasioned by fire. Later, when the Coliseum burned, the state auditor ruled that money collected on buildings burned, when the loss was complete, must go into the general revenue fund of the state and must be appropriated to the institution by the legislature. This rule has not always been followed strictly, but it has been the rule, and the latest case in point is the appropriation of the $58,000 insurance collected on the old main toward the erection of Folwell hall. Information furnished by D. W. Sprague. FIRKINS, Ina — B. L., University, 1888; assistant In the library since 1889. Now reference librarian. 1528 Fourth street south- east. FIRKINS, Oscar W.— B. A., University, 1884; M. A., 1898; assistant rhetoric 1891-97; instructor in rhetoric, 1897-1905; in- structor in English and rhetoric, 1905-06; in English only 1906 to date. 1528 Fourth street southeast. FIRST BUILDING — What was known as the "academy build- ing" was erected in 1851, at a cost of approximately $2,500, by public subscription. The building had two stories with high basement and stood 30 x 50 feet on the ground. The building UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 8l was erected on grround donated by Franklin Steele, "being that part of tile green set apart for public purposes, together with six lots in the rear." This amounted to about four acres and was locaied somewhere between what is now known as^ Central and First avenues and University avenue and Second street southeast. This land was never formally transferred to the University and was finally quit-claimed by the board of regents in 1862 to the St. Anthony water power company, in considera- tion of the surrender by the said company of certain notes of the board of regents held by it. These notes, with interest amounted to $4,387.50. The building was sold to Franklin Steele, who paid for the same by assuming the amount or the Indebt- edness of the University to Paul R. George, incurred by the purchase of the new (part of the present) campus. The build- ing practically passed out of the hands of the regents May 28th, 1856. It was finally burned in November 1864. FIRST FACULTY— Appoinited August 23id, 1869. William Watts Folwell, president and professor of mathemaitcs; G. Camp- bell, professor of moral and intellectual philosophy and instructor in German; Edward H. Twining, professor of chemistry and instructor in French; Versal J. Walker, professor of Latin; Jabez Brooks, professor of Greek; A. B. Donaldson, professor of rhet- oric and English literature. Major-general R. W. Johnson, U. S. A., professor of military science and tactics; D. A. Robert- son, professor of agriculture; Arthur Beardsley, tutor. FISH, Daniel— Born January 31st, 1848, Cherry Valley, In. Admitted to bar, Iowa 1871; member of commission to codify Minnesota laws. Special lecturer on statutory construction, 1907 to date. Engaged in general practice of law. New York Life building. FISK, James A. — Instructor in dairy laboratory, 1905-06. FJELDE RELIEF FIGURES, Library cortile— See Ariel of May 16th, 1896, article by D. W. Sprague, accountant. FLAG POLE — The pole is a magnificent specimen of Puget sound fir tree and the gift of Messrs Lewis Schwager, '95, Law, '96, and Walter Nettleton, ex-' 00, of Seattle, Washington. The pole is six inches in diameter at the top and sligntly over two feet at the base and stands one hundred fifty feet clear of the ground. The pole had to be shipped in two pieces and splicing it caused a loss of six or eight feet. The pole is set in a bed of solid concrete extending twelve feet below the surface. FLETCHER, Henry J. — Professor of property, 1894-98; real property, 1808 to date. 75 Dell place. FLIGMAN, Louis H. — Assistant in physiology, 1900-02. FOLWELL HALL— Named in honor of Dr. William Watts Fol- well, first president of the University. The legislature of 1905 made an appropriation of $350,000 for the erection of this build- ing. It was also agreed that the insurance received from the "old main" should be used to help erect and equip this building. This action added 165,000 making the amount available $415,000. The building faces University avenue and stands back about forty feet from the sidewalk, extending from I'Sth to 10th avenues. The building is fire-proof throughout and is constructed of brick, terra cotta made In imitation of granite, with cut granite used for foundation and basement. Concrete is tised for floors and .•wme walls, and tiling for the balance of the walls. The wood work is oak, stained dark and the furniture is mission style 82 DICTIONART OF THE UNIVERSITY OP MINNElSOTA. 83 throughout. "The hall of the main floor is lined throughout with a very fine grade of marble. The building is 322 x 80 feet and provides about 90,000 square feet of floor space. It has three stories above the basement and provides for the departments of astronomy, drawing, education, French, German, Greek, Latin, mathematics oratory, philosophy, philology, rhetoric, Scandinavian, sociology, Spanish. In addition to tlie full equipment of class- rooms, ofRces, studies, seminars, museums, etc., for the depart- ments above mentioned, the building contains the office of the deans of the college of science, literature and the arts, and the college of education; the office of the General alumni associa- tion; offices for the various University publications; for the liter- ary societies; study looms for men and women; a faculty parlor; the University post oliice; janitors' rooms, toilet rooms, work rooms, etc. Work on basement was begun in the fall of 1906 and the building was completed and occupied in September, 1907. FOLWELL, William Watts— Born at Romulus. N. Y., Febru- ary 14th, 1S33. Hobart college, 1857; J^L. D., same, 1880; taught languages in Ovid academy, 1857-58; adjunct professor of mathe- matics, Hobart, 185S-60; student in Berlin, 1860-61; member of the 50th New York volunteers; 1st lieutenant tO' major; brevet lieutenant colonel, 1862-ii5, engineers corps; professor in Kenyon college. Gambler, Ohio, 1869; President of the University of Min- William Watts Folwell nesota. 1869-84; ex-offioio le^eut fur same period; professor of political science from 1875-07; librarian from 1869-06. Minnesota centennial commissioner 1870; president of Minneapolis society of fine arts, 1882-92; member of the Board of park commissioners, 1SS9-06; president of same, 1894-01; acting president of the Amer- 84 DICTIONARY OF THE lean economic association, 1892; chairman of the State board of corrections and charities, 1895-01; president of tlie Minneapolis Improvement league, 1902-05; author of numerous addresses and papers and a History of Minnesota which is about to be pub- lished. For fuller biographical sketch, see Gopher of li889, pp. 107-112. 102C Fifth street southeast. FOOT BALL — This publication was issued during the fall of 1899, the first issue coming out October 17, the last issue being that of November 24th. It was started for the express purpose of arousing interest in football and to support the team. This publication was the direct forerunner of the Minnesota Daily which was started in the spring of the following year. FOOTBALL — There is no record of the date of the introduction of football at the University. The first game with an outside team was played September 30th, 1882, with Hamline university. The occasion was the first inter-collegiate athletic meeting in which Minnesota ever participated. The game lasted fifty-six minutes and Minnesota won by two goals. Later the same sea- son Hamline defeated the University through a misunderstanding of a call made by one of the spectators which members of the team supposed tc be the call of the umpire. The following year, 1883, Minnesota won every game but the one at Northfield, and there she got a hard drubbing. In 1884 and 18S5, football seems to have dropped out of existence, save on paper, the Ariel mak- ing futile appeals for candidates to come out and for the stu- dents to support the team. In 1886, Professor Jones gave the team some instrurtion in the elements of the game and the team went to Faribault and defeated Shattuck. Later in the season Shattuck came to Minneapolis and defeated the University 18 to 8. This was the first game for which admission was charged In 1SS7, the high school team was defeated and there was talk of t.aking od Michigaji, but it ended in talk only. In the fall of 1888, "the mighty football class" of 1892 entered the University and football began to assume a larger place in University life. That fall but two games were played and those with Shattuck, honors being easy. The following year, the usual games were played with Shattuck and the usual results followed. With this season began a series of games with the "ex-collegians," made up of men who had played football in the east and who knew the game. For several years, these games were the main train- ing received by the Minnesota team. The proceeds from these games went to Minnesota and helped along in the day when a dollar looked as big as a cart wheel to the business manager. The same year agitation was begun for a game with Michigan, but the guarantee asked by Michigan, the expenses of the trip, which amounted to about $200, was too much for Minnesota. From 1889, down to the present, the score cards tell the tale of growing interest in the game, the period of supremacy, the slump, the revivification and the securing and keeping of a leading place among western institutions. The season of 1890 marked a decided change in football. Byron H. Timberlake was elected business manager and under his lead- ership was brought about the beginning of what may properly be called "scientific" football. A trainer was secured and the men signed iron clad agreements to observe training lules. The sea- son was an unqualified success and was marked by two events of great moment, the first football jollification, after the victory over Shattuck. 68 to 0, and the first game with Wisconsin, in which Min- nesota was the victor by a score of 63 to 0, the first time a Minne- sota team ever met a team from another state, the game with UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 85 Grinnell which was played in a snow storm and which was won, after a fierce fight, by a score of 18 to 14. The following year started out unfavorably. A defeat, by the eastern alumni shook things up and a training table was started, the first at the Uni- versity. This season was marked by the first trip which the Minnesota team ever took outside of the state, two games being played, one with Grinnell, on Saturday and one with the State university of Iowa on Monday; the first resulted in a tie, 12 to 12, and the second in an easy victory of 42 to 4. Later in the season the tie was played off at Minneapolis and Minnesota won by 22 to 12. The following year, 1892, the intercollegiate athletic associa- tion of the Northwest was formed, including Minnesota, Michi- gan, Wisconsin and Northwestern universities. Michigan had the advantage of an eastern coach but Minnesota came through the season with a series of brilliant victories. The victory over Mich- igan, particularly, gave the friends of Minnesota greater satis- faction than anything else, for at that time- Michigan was the leader in the west and to win a victory in football raised Min- nesota in the estimation of the whole western college world. The victory was celebrated in a way to make the event long remem- bered. The game with Northwestern, which team had for its captain an old Yale player, was one of the most desperately contested games ever played by tlie Minnesota team, but it ended with victory and for the first time, Minnesota came through the season without a defeat chronicled against her. In 1893 came another clear string of victories. In 1894, began the decline, and Wisconsin won her first vic- tory over the maroon and gold. In 1895, for the first time, Min- nesota had a regular coach, Walter Heffelfinger, the famous Yale guard, being employed to help along the work of getting the team in shape for the season's games. The season was marked by brilliant victories and humiliating defeats, tihe bright par- ticular spot being the victory over Chicago, by a score of 10 to 6. The season, was financially the greatest success, and a large sur- plus was left in the treasury. The year 1896 Minnesota had a chance to get Phil King, but chose A. N. Jerrems, instead, and the two big games were lost by low scores. The outcome was not otie to discourage the followers of the maroon and gold, for both games were lost under circumstances not at all discreditable to the losers. The season of 1897 contains little that is creditable from any point of view. The games were by humiliating scores, and though the income was the largest ever received up to that time, there was a deficit at the end of the season. Certain it is that every loyal Minnesotan would like to see the record of football for that season wiped off the slate, for it contains not one item to be proud of. Beginning with 1898, changes for the better were inaugurated. The management of football was placed in the hands of a board which could be held responsible. This fact alone, insured stu- dent support, which had been alienated by the practices of years just preceding. The sejusons of 1898 and 1'899 were not wholly successful, from the standpoint of games won, but they showed fine spirit and served as a foundation upon which later success was won. The business management of the season 1898 was one of the most remarkable records of such management in the his- tory of the University. Against all but overwhelming odds, the management came through the season with a decreased deficit, the main credit belonging to M'essrs. Piilsbury and Phelps, who 86 DICTIONARY OF THE devoted themselves to the work in a way that won success. The year 1899 marks the securing- of Northrop field and the bringing of football contests to the campus. This is due almost wholly to the work of Professor Jones and to Governor John S. Pillsbury. This year the system of alumni coaching was tried, and was reasonably successful, and to this day the coaching of the alumni, who have volunteered their assistance to the paid coach, has been a large factor in the success of ihe teams of later years. In IGOC, Dri Henry L. Williams was brought to the Universi- ty, under a three-year contract and placed in charge of athlet- ics, as athletic director, and especially as coach to the football team. While prospects were none too bright at the opening of the year, he succeeded, with the cooperation of the members of the squad, the student body and the alumni, in turning out, what he himself has since declared to be one of the most efficient teams ever turned out anywhere. The years since then have seen the growth of a widespread interest in football, such as the greatest enthusiast of the early days never dreamed. Foot- ball was everything until there grew up a feeling that it was occupying entirely too large a place in University life and the wave of reform came in the fall of 1905 and caused a complete overhauling of the rules and regulations governing the game and the administration of everything connected with the same. These reforms were of two kinds, the one affecting the game itself, in wliich the main thought was to make the game less dang'erous to life and limb and, as secondary to this end, the making of the g-ame more open and consequently of greater interest to the spectator; the other directed to righting the abuses which had grown up through the prevalence of the "everything to win" spirit, which had become predominant. The season of 1906 was the first in which these reforms worked out in actual practice, and the general opinion seems to be that great gains have been made in both directions and that little, if anything has been lost, through the changes which have been wrought. Footliall nas gone through five periods of changes, at this institution. The first, that of beginnings, from 1880 to 1890; the second, that of supremacy, from 1890-94, inclusive; third, de- cline. 1895-97, inclusive; fourth, revival, growth, and finally what was popularly termed, "football run mad;" fifth, reform and sane football and sane management. Football has teen a large factor in University life. Beg-inning with the victory over Michigan, in 1892, gave Minnesota a stand with the best in the west, and that idea, ornce planted, grew until Minnesota was recognized as a factor In western education to be reckoned with. The growth of a college spirit, has been par- allel with the growth of football and the triumph of sane ideals of the past two seasons, has been a distinct step in advance for tollege spirit. See Gopher of 1901, page 268, for a history of football in the University. 1889— Minnesota vs. ex-collegians, 10-0; vs. *Shattuck, 8-2<8 vs. Shattuck. 26-0; vs. ex-collcgians, 2-0. IggO—Minresota vs. *Shattuck, 58-0; vs. ex-oollegiaiis, 0-0; vs Grinnell, 18-13: vs. Wineonsin, 63-0; vs. ex- collegians, 11-14; vs ex-colleglans, 14-6. 1391 Minnesota vs. ex-collegians, 0-4; vs. Wisconsin, 26-12 vs. Grinnell, 12-12; vs. University of Iowa, 42-4; vs. Grinnell 22-14. Iggo Minnesota vs. ex-collegians, 18-10; vs. Michigan, 14-« vs Grinnell 40-24; vs. Wisconsin, 32-4; vs. Northwestern, 18-12. UNTVBRSITY OF MINNESOTA. gy 1893 — Minnesota vs. Michigan, 34-2&; vs. Wisconsin, 40-0; vs. Northwestern, 16-0; vs. Grinnell, 36-6; [vs. Kansas, 12-6; vs. Ham- line, lOi-6.]? 1894 — Minnesota vs. Grinnell, 10-2; vs. Purdue, 24-0; vs. Beloit, 40-0; vs. Wisconsin, 0-6. 1895 — 'M'irnesota vs. high school, 20-0; [vs. Macalester, 40-0;] vs. Grinnell, 4-6; vs. VVisiconsin, 14-10; vs. boat club, 6-0; vs. Ames, 24-0; vs. Chicago, 10-6; vs. Michigan, 0-20; vs. ex-oollegi- ans, 14-0; vs. Grinnell, 4-6: vs. Purdue, 4-18. 1896 — 'MinTiesota vs. South high school, 34-0; vs. Central high school. 50-0; vs. Carleton, 16-6; vs. Grinnell, 12-0; vs. Purdue, 14-0; vs. Ames, 18-6; vs. ex- collegians, 8-0; vs. Michigan, 4-6; vs. *Kansas, 12-0: vs. * Wisconsin, 0-6. 1897 — Minnesota vs. South high, 22-0; vs. M'acalester, 26-0; vs. Carleton, 48-6; vs. Grinnell, 6-0; vs. Ames, 10-12; vs. *Purdue, 0-6; vs. *Michigan, 0'-14; vs. Wisconsin, 0-3& 1S98 — Minnesota vs. Carleton, 32-0; [vs. Rush medics, 12-0;] vs. Grinnell, 6-16; v.s. Ames, 0-6; vs. Wisconsin, 0-28; vs. N. D., 15-0; vs. Northwestern, 17-6; vs. Illinois, 10-11. 1899— Minnesota vs. .Shattuck, 40-0; vs. Carleton, 35-5; vs. Ames, 6-0; vs. Grinnell, 5-5; [vs. Alumni, 6-5; vs. Beloit, 5-5;] vs. Northwestern, 5-11; vs. Wisconsin, 0-19; vs. *Cliicago, 0-29. 1900^Minnesota vs. Central high, 0-0; vs. St. Paul high, 26-0; vs. Macalester, 65-0; vs. Carleton, 44-0; vs. Ames, 27-0; vs. Chi- cago, 6-6; vs. Grinnell, 26-0; vs. N. ©., 34-0; vs. Wisconsin, 6-5; vs. Illinois, 23-0; vs. Northwestern, 21-0; vs. Nebraska, 20-12. igOi—Minnesota vs. St. Paul high, 16-0; vs. Carleton, 35-0; vs. Chicago P. and S., 27-0; vs. Nebraska, 16-0; vs. Iowa, 19-0; vs. Haskell, 28-0; vs. N. D., 10-0; vs. Wisconsin, 0-18; vs. North- western, 16-0; vs. Illinois, 16-0. 1902— Minnesota vs. Hamline, 59-0; vs. Central high, 24-0; vs. Carleton, 33-0; vs. Ames, 16-0; vs. Beloit, 29-0; vs. Nebraska, 0-6; vs. Iowa, 34-0; vs. Grinnell, 102-0; vs. Illinois, 17-5; vs. Wiscon- sin, 11-0; vs. College team, 11-5; vs. Michigan, 6-23. 1903— Minnesota vs. Central high, 21-6; vs. St. Paul high, 36-0; vs. East high, 37-0; vs. Carleton, 29-0; vs. Macalester, 112-0; vs. Grinnell, 40-0; vs. Hamline, 65-0; vs. Ames, 46-0; vs. Iowa, 75-0; vs. Beloit, 46-0; vs. Wisconsin, 17-0; vs. N. D. Ag. Col., 49-0; vs. Illinois. 32-0; vs. Lawrence, 46-0; vs. Michigan, 6-6. ]904 — Minnesota vs. Minneapolis and St. Paul Central high school team.s, 176-0; vs. S. D., 77-0; vs. Shattuck, 74-0; vs. Carle- ton P5-0; vs. St. Thomas, 47-0; vs. N. D., 35-0; vs. Ames, 32-0i; vs. ' Grinnell, 146-0; vs. Nebraska, 16-12; vs. Lawrence, 69-0; vs. Wisconsin. 28-0; vs. Northwestern 17-0; vs. Iowa, 11-0. 1905 — Minnesota vs. Minneapolis and St. Paul Central high teams 74-0: vs. Shattuck, 33-0; vs. St. Thomas, 42-0; vs. N. £>., 45-0- -vs. Ames, 42-0; vs. Iowa, 39-0; vs. Lawrence, 46-0; vs. Wis- \consm, 12-16; vs. S. D., 81-0; vs. Nebraska, 35-0; vs. North- western, 72-6. , ,„ n /-.I,! 1906— Minnesota vs. Ames, 22-4; vs. Nebraska, 13-0; vs. Chi- cago 4-2; vs. Carlisle, 0-17; vs. Indiana, 8-6. ig'oY—Minnesota vs. Ames, 8-0; vs. Nebraska, 8-5; vs. Chicago, 12-18- vs Carlisle, 10-12; vs. Wisconsin, 17-17. FOOTBALL CAPTAI NS— 1887, Howard T. Abbott; 1888, Alfred F Pillsbury 1889, Alfred F. Pillsbury; 1890. Horace R. Robinson; 1891 William J. Leary; 1S92. Alfred F. Pillsbury; 1S93, James E. Madigan: 1894. Everhart P. Harding; 1895, Augustus 1. Lar- son- 1896 John M. Harrison; 1897, John M. Harrison; 1898. Henry A. Scandrett; 1899, Henry A. Scandrett; 1900, Leroy A. Page; 1901 Warren C. Knowlton; 1902, John G. Flynn ; 1903 Edward Rogers: 1904, Moses L. Strathern; 1906, Earl Current; 1906, Earl Current; 1907, John Schuknecht. 88 DICTIONARY OF THE THE FORENSIC HONOR LEAGUE— Organized at the Uni- versity as a purely local honorary fraternity, in 1904. Its mem- bership is limited to men who have represented Minnesota in an intercx).Ilegiato forensic contest. Its active membership is con- fined to men duly elected and resident at the University. In May, 1906, representatives of the universities of Michigan, Wis- consin, Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa and Northwestern, ujxin the ini- tiative of Minnesota, met and organized this previously local fra- ternity into an intercollegiate honorary fraternity, under the name of Delta Sigma Rho. FORAGE SHOP— Erected in 1895 and remodeled in 1901, at a cost of $5,000. It is 33x60 feet and is equipped with 44 forges, seven vises, a footpower trip-hammer, drill press, shear, tire shrinker, and all necessary tools for farm blacksmithing. A blast fan furnishes blast for all the fires, and two large exhaust fans take away the smoke, giving almost perfect ventilation. FORUM, The — An organization of men limited to thirty mem- bers who are banded together for the purpose of cultivating the spirit of fraternity, honesty, good citizenship and culture, and to secure training in oratory and debate. Organized October 11, 1894. FOSTER, Burnside — Born in 1861 at Worcester, Mass. A. B. Yale, 1882; M. D., Harvard, 1886; clinical professor and demon- strator of dermatology since the organization of the college of medicine and surgery to date. Editor of the St. Paul Medical journal. Lowry building, St. Paul. FRAIKEN, Harry J. — Instructor in iron work, 1891-92. FRANKFORTER, George Bell— Born April 22, 1860, Potter, Ohio. Lincoln, Neb., high school; B. A., Nebraska, M. A., Ne- braska; Ph. D., Royal university of Berlin, where he studied four years: one year in Royal mining academy, Berlin. One year teacher of chemistrj', geology and physics, Lincoln, Neb., high school; four yearp as instructor in chemistry and music. Uni- versity of Nebraska: lecturer on chemistry and professor of ana- lytical chemistry, same institution; commissioner of the United States mint; special water analyst for U. _S. geological survey. Professor of chemistry, University, 1893-95;" and director of the laboratory, 1895 to date; and dean of the school of chemistry, 1902 to date. Author of papers Opium Alkaloids Resulting in the Synthesis of Alkaloidal Narceine; Preparation of Sodium Nar- ceiate (Anti-spasmine) ; The Alkaloidal Vertarine; on Isopyrum Resulting in the Discovery of the Alkaloidal Isopyroine; on Phy- tolacca Decandra; on Formaldehyde, including a new method of volumetric determination; its liberation from solution for disin- fecting purposes, by means of potassium permanganate; on the Terpines, including two new terpines; The Chlorohydrochlorides; Some New Forms of Lecture Apparatus; Qualitative Analysis, Staedoler, Kolbe, Abeljance, Frankforter, translated, revised and enlarged. Fellow of American association for the advancement of r.clence; member Deutchen chemischen gesellschaft; member Electrochemischen gesellschaft; Society of chemical Industry; American chemical society; Society for the promotion of engineer- ing education; American health association. 526 East River Park- way. FRANKLIN, Benjamin, Winona— Regent 1868 to date of deatn, August 19th, 186S. FRARY, Francis C. — Instructor in chemistry, 1905 to aate Leave of absence, studying in Germany, 1906-07. 3108 Garfield avenue. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 3q FRATERNITIES AT MINNESOTA— Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kap- pa Kappa, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Zeta, Beta Theta Pi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Phi Delta, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Kappa Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Pi. Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Rho Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Scabbard and Blade, Sigma Alpha E.psilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Phi (local, extinct), Xi Psi Phi, Zeta Psi. FRATERNITY HOUSES— The following named fraternities own their own houses. Alpha Delta Phi, 1725 University avenue southeast; Beta Theta Pi, 1625 University avenue southeast; Chi Psi, 1515 University avenue southeast; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1711 University avenue southeast; Delta Tau Delta, 1009 University avenue southeast; Delta Upsilon, 314 Union street southeast; Phi Kappa Psi, 1611 University avenue southeast; Sigma Nu, 40O Washington avenue southeast; Theta Delta Ohi, 100 Beacon street southeast. The following own their lots and will build in the near future: Alpha Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, FRAZIER, William Hardy— Born March 6, 18S3, Waynetown, Ind. Wabash college, preparatory and two years college work; B. S., University school of chemistry, 1907. Assistant in chemical laboratory, Wabash college, 1903-04; assistant in chemistry. Uni- versity experiment station, 1906-07; instructor in agricultural chemistry, 1907 to date. 1155 Raymond avenue, St. Paul. FREEMAN, Edward Monroe— Born February 12, 1875, St. Paul, Mmn. St. Paul high s-jhooi; B. S., University, 1898; M. A., 1899; Ph. D. 1905; did graduate work at Cambridge, England, 1901-02. Instructor in botany and pharmacognosy. University, 1898-01; assistant professor of botany, 1902-05. Pathologist in charge of diseases of grain crops, U. S. Department of agriculture, 1905-07; professor of botany and vegetable pathology, department of ag- riculture, 1907 to date. Author of Seed Fungus of Lolium Temul- entum L. Th. Darnel; Observations on Constantinea; Observa- tions on Chlorochytrium; a Preliminary List of Erysipheae; a Pre- liminary List of Minnesota Uredineae; Mycoplasm; Experiments in Brown Rust of Bromes; Symbiosis in the Genus Lolium; Min- nesota Diseases. St. Anthony Park, Minn. FRELIN, Julius T. — Born March 13, 1870, in France. Public schools of France; Mankato state normal school; B. A., Universi- ty, 1905. Taught nine years in the graded and high schools of Minnesota; nine months among the Igorrote head hunters on North Luzon, P. I., and two years among the semi-civilized tribes of same. Scholar in Fiench, University, 1904; instTuctor, 1905; assistant professor since 1907. 1523 Seventh street southeast. FRIDLEY, A. M., St. Anthony— Regent 1855-1860. FRUIT BREEDING FARM — This farm was purchased by the regents July 20. 1907, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 334 of the laws of 1907. The farm was purchased of Daniel i^lnk for $105 per acre, there being 77.89 acres, the purchase price was $8,178.45. The land lies in section 7, of township 116, range 23 West (Carver county). The buildings on the farm Include a farm house, dairy house and log barn and lumber sufficient to erect a frame barn. There is also a good well and a wind mill on the farm. It was figured that the cost of the land, exclusive of improvements, was about $75 an acre. The appropriation for this purpose was $16,000, and it is expected that eighty acres more will be purchased. The appropriation also included, $2,000 annually for support. 90 DICTIONARY OF THE FRY, Susannah — Born in Ohio. Ohio Wesleyan university, 1878; Syracuse, 1881. Traveled and studied in Europe 1873-74. Professor of belles letters in Illinois Wesleyan university from 1876-90. Professor of English in University Minnesota for 1892, during the absence of Dr. MacLean in Europe. FULTON, John F. — Professor of ophthalmology and otology 1888-03. FURBER, J. W., Cottage Grove— Regent 1851-54. FYANS, Joseph E. L.— Instructor in French, igOS-OS. GAINES, Alvin D. — Instructor in language, history and music,' school of agriculture, 1895-98. GALE, Harlow Stearns — A native of the city of Minneapolis. Graduated at the Central high school in 1880. Entered Yale in the fall of 1881, and w^as graduated with degree of A. B. in 1885. The tvsro following years were spent at the University of Minne- sota, pursuing post-graduate work in economics under Dr. Fol- well, while he studied ethics by himself. Spent two years in philosophy at Yale, one year at Cambridge under Professor Sidg- wick in logic and ethics four years in Leipsic spent under Wundt, ■wnth the exceptions of one semester at the University of Minne- sota. In the fall of 1894 accepted the positon of instructor in psychology which position he held until 1903. Independent in- vestigator and teacher in this city. GALLOW, John E.— Janitor 1881-86. GAMMA PHI BETA — Kappa chapter established in 1902. Founded at Syracuse in 1784. 1413 University avenue southeast. GAUMNITZ, Daniel A. — B. Ag., University, 1904; assistant in- structor in animal husbandry, 1904-07; assistant professor of ani- mal husbandry, 1907 to date. Member of the board of directors of the General alumni association. St. Anthony Park. GEIST, Emil S. — Clinical assistant in orthopedia, 1905 to date. 1030 Andrus building. GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION — Movement started at commencement time in 1900. Constitution adopted January 30th, 1904. Membership composed of graduates of all departments of the University. Any matriculate of the University, who 'has not graduated is entitled to associate membership, and any member, or ex-member, of the teaching or governing staff of the Univer- sity is entitled to honorary membership in this association. Life membership fee is $10. Annual dues for those not life mem- bers, 50 cents. The object of this association Is the promotion of the welfare of the University in any way possible and to keep the alumni in touch with their alma mater and with each other through the offlcial organ of the association, the Minnesota Al- umni Weekly; the furnishing of such specific information as may be sought by any graduate or former matriculate of the Univer- sity; in connection with the University or any of its organiza- tions; the disbursing of contributions made for specific objects connected with the University; and the maintenance of a list of the names and addresses of all graduates and former matriculates of the University. The affairs of the association are managed by a board of directors, made up of two representatives elected from each college alumni association. Each representative serv- ing two years, their terms expiring on alternate years. The an- nual meetings of this association are ordinarily two — the annual business meeting held on the anniversary of the founding of the University, February 18th, and the annual picnic on alumni day UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 9I of commencement week. The association employs a secretary to give liis whole time to the work of the association. The officers are Henry F. Nachtriel/, '82. president, Oscar K. Richardson. 90. Hom^93, vice-president. Charles F. Keyes, '96, Law '99. treas- urer, and E. B. Johnson, '88, secretary. GEOLOGICAL CLUB, The— An organization of Instructors and students of the department of geology, for the discussion of geol- ogical problems. GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF THE STATE— While this survey is not technically a part of the uni- versity it is so closely identified with the University departments of animal biology, botany and geology that its work is practically identified with the work of the University. To quote from the state geologist in one of his early reports, "There is no question but one of the prime motives of the law (creating this survey) was to introduce another auxiliary force into the State university, by making it a center whence should radiate information con- cerning the natural features of the state, and toward which 'should gravitate all collections of natural history that should otherwise be brought to light." The act creating this survey was approved March 1st, 1872, and carried an appropriation of SI 000 annually for the prosecution of the work of the survey. On the 10th of the following March, 1873, an act amending the act creating the survey was passed. This act increased the an- nual appropriation to $2,000 and gave the regents custody and control, and power to sell certain lands granted to the state of Minnesota by the national government to aid In developing the brines of the state. See "Salt spring lands." This act also appropriated $500 for the purchase of apparatus to equip a lab- oratory for the survey. The regents have received cash appro- priations from the state, for prosecuting the work of the survey to the amount of $50,500. The sale of salt spring lands has netted $303 475.23 more; the sale of reports has netted $343.71, and there are still 5000 acres left unsold. The geological survey was natur- ally the first line to be started and prosecuted with vigor and this survey was brought to such a point that the regents thought wise to discontinue further work, for the time being, Decem- ber 1st, 1900. ^ „ m * The State Geologist has published reports as follows: Twenty- four annual reports, from 1872-98; and in addition, special and final reports as follows: On Lake Superior region, 1866; Final reports, six volumes: I, 697pp. 43 pi. 1872-82; II, 695pp. 42 pi 1882-85- III, pt. 1, 1885-92, paleontolog>-, 474pp. 41 pi.; pt. 2, 1892-96, paleontology, 607pp. 44 pi; IV. 629pp. 31 pi. 1896-98; v, 1027pp. 6 pi. structural and petrographical geology, 1898-00; VI, geological atlas with synoptical descriptions, 88 pi. Circulars, 1) law ordering survey; 2) relating to botanical survey; 3) museum; 4) duplicates and exchanges in museum; 6) to builders and quarrymen; 6) hydrology and water powers; 7) distribution of specimens. Peat for domestic fuel, 1874. Salt spring lands due the state, 1874. Preliminary report on building stones, clays, cements, limes, roofing and flagging, and paving stones of Minnesota. Distribution of specimens to normal and high schools. Bulletins: 1) history of geological surveys of Minnesota; 2) preliminary description of perldotytes, gabbros, diabases, and an- desytes of Minnesota; 3) report on botanical work In Minnesota; 4) Synopsis of aphidae of Minnesota; 5) natural gas In MInne- 92 DICTIONARY OF THE sota; 6) Iron or«s of Minnesota; 7) mammals of Minnesota; 8) the anorfhosytes of the Minnesota coast of Lake Superior: the laccolitic sills of the norfhwesti coast of Lake Superior: prefatory note on the norian of the northwest; 9) metaspermae of the Min- nesota valley: 10) iron bearing rocks of the M'esabi range. The State Botanist has publis'lied, Metaspermae of the Minne- sota vallley, 1892; Minnesota botanical studies, 1894-98; Minnesota plant life, 1899; Minnesota botanical studies, 1898-02; Minnesota plant diseases. The State Zoologist has published: Notes on the birds of Min- nesota, 1892; Synopsis of entomostracae of Minnesota, 1895; pre- liminary report on the fishes of Minnesota; Collembola of Minne- sota, 1903. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY MUSEUM— This includes the Kunz collection of minerals, purchased of George F. Kunz; sev- eral suites of crystalline rocks secured from various sources; the Ward collection of casts contributed in part by citizens of Minne- apolis; collections of the rocks, fossils, minerals and economic products of Minnesota; upwards of 9,000 entries gathered by the geological survey of the state; the Sardeson collection of pale- ozoic fossils of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and nelgnboring states, comprising 30,000 specimens: a series of 3,000 thin sections of typical rocks and minerals largely representing Mmnesota locali- ties; purchased material comprising a fine collection of crystals; 5,000 minerals and 3,000 specimens of economic minerals and crys- talline rocks, and a collection of over 4,000 photographs and lantern slides. Located in Pillsbury hall as part of the general Univer- sity museum. See also A. S. Williams collection. GEROULD, James Thayer— Born October 3d, 1872, Goffstown, N. H. Graduate of Gushing academy of Ashburnliam, Mass., and Dartmouth. Assistant in Dartmouth college library, 1891-96; assistant librarian General theological seminary, 1896-97; chief of department, Columbia university library, 1897-00; librarian of the University of Missouri, 1900-1906. Librarian of Vae University, 1906 to date. Author of various articles upon library administi-a- tion in professional journals. 135 East Grant street. GIBSON, Frederic M. — Professor (homeopathic) of ophthal- mology, 1895-04. GIBSON, Paris, Minneapolis — Appointed regent 1871, re-ap- pointed 1874 and 1877, resigned January 1st, 1880. GIDEON, Peter M.— Superintendent of the Minnetonka fruit farm, 1887- GIPTS AND BENEFACTIONS— The University has received gifts and trust funds as follows: 1872, $720 from citizens of Min- neapolis for the Ward casts for the museum; 1888, the Students' Christian association building costing $12,000.00; 1890, Pillsbury hall, costing $131,000.00; 1892, $1,000 for the Moses Marston schol- arship in English; $5,000 from the citizens of the city for an ore crushing plant; $7,000 from the city of Minneapolis for sidewalks; 1893, small piece of land from S. H. Chute, valued at $1,500.00; 1895, $4,166.81, for the Albert Howard scholarship; 1900, the Pills- bury statue, costing $15,000.00; 1901, $5,000.00 from Mrs. Mary E. Elliot, to establish a loan fund to aid needy and deserving stu- dents in thei school of mines, in honor of her husband. Dr. A. P. Elliot; $5,000.00 from John D. Ludden, to be Invested by the regents and the income used to aid needy and deserving students in the school of agriculture; $50,000.00, the gift of John B. Gil- fillan, to be invested by the regents and the income used as a loan fund to aid needy and deserving students to secure an edu- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 93 cation at the University; 1902, the Dorr fountain, costing about $2,500.00; 8,000.00 by Mrs. Sarah Pillsbury Gale (Mrs. E. C.) the memorial fence in honor of her fatjier, John S. Pillsbury; 1904, six lots in block 3, by the Pillsbury heirs to carry out the ex- pressed wish of John S. Pillsbury, the lots being valued at $15,000; Alfred Fisk Pillsbury enclosed the athletic field with a brick fence at a cost of $15,000.00; Mrs. Martha Smith Cutts, (Mrs. R. E.) gave $500 to be invested and the income thereof to be used to provide a prize in surgery, in memory of her husband, Rollin E. Cutts; John D. Ludden added $5,000.00 to the amount previously contributed by him for a trust fund for the aid of students in the school of agriculture; 1905, by the will of the late Mary E. Elliot, $114,000.00 was left to establish a hospital at tbe Univer- sity in honor of the memory of her husband Dr. Adolphus F. El- liot,; 1906, Thomas H. Shevlin, of Minneapolis, gave the Univer- sity Alice Shevlin hall, at a cost of $60,000'.00; tne students' me- morial statue was erected by subscription of private individuals, aided by a $500 grant by the state and the donation of the cost of a foundation of concrete, by the University, at a cost of about $5,000.00; 1907, by the will of the late John D. Ludden, $15,000.00 was added to the $10,000.00 already contributed to a trust fund to aid students in the school of agriculture; $40,000.00 was raised among the business men of Minneapolis, through the efforts of the faculty and alumni of the college of medicine and surgery, for a site for the Elliot hospital. In addition to all these gifts, various individuate have con- tributed nearly if not quite $10,0*0 to establish prizes, scholar- ships and fellowships of a more or less permanent nature. A contribution of $500 from citizens of Minneapolis for books for the library of the Scandinavian department has been received this year. GILFILLAN, John B., Minneapolis— Regent 1881-1887. Born Barnet, Vt., February 11th, 1835; common schools and academic education; came to Minnesota in 1855; admitted to the bar in 1860; four times city attorney of St. Anthony, four times county attorney of Hennepin county; state senator 1876-85; congress- man 1885-87; president 1st National Bank 1903-05; since 1905, chair- man of the board of directors; member of the Minneapolis soci- ety of fine arts; member of the Minneapolis and LaFayette clubs. See Gilflllan trust fund. 222 Clifton avenue. GILFrLLAN, James T. — Clinical assistant in medicine, 1902 to date. 388 Prior avenue. St. Paul. GILFILLAN PRIZES, The — These prizes were established by the Honorable John B. Gilflllan, in 1894, for the Tiest specimens of English prose divided as follows: $40, $35, $10. In 1905, these prizes were awarded to Arthur L. Helliwell, for an essay on "Eng- lish Puritanism," first; McD. White, for an essay on "Social func- tion of art," second; Edwin H. Hewitt, for an essay on "Art impulse," third. In 1896, to Edwin H. Hewitt. In 1897, first prize was not awarded. Second prize was awarded to Jessie M. Young, for an essay entitled "Grover Cleveland." Third prize went to George C. Dunlap for an essay on "Evils of the county jail sys- tem." In 1898, the first prize was awarded to Charles W. Jerome for "The monkj a parable;" second to W. M. Jerome for "Joan of Arc;" third to Hettae G. Bue'hler for "One of nature's gentle- men;" In 1899. the first prize was awarded to W. M. Jerome, for an essay upon "Joan of Arc;" second and third places were tied between Vesta M. Cornish, with her essay upon "Abolition of war" and Harriet L. Helliwell, with her essay upon "The ser- vices of the Jesuits." 94 DICTIONARY OF THE GILFILLAN TRUST FUND, The — The Honorable John B. Gu- fillan has given to the University the sum of fifty thousand dol- lars, yielding an annual income of two thousand dollars, to be used by the board of regents to assist worthy students, needing such aid, to secure an education. The regents are empowered to give this aid in the way of loans or gifts, according to the circum- stances of the case. As a rule the fund is used as a loan fund, and a small rate of interest is charged. The details or the regu- lations which have been adopted by the regents for tne adminis- tration of the fund may be learned by addressmg the president of the University. GILL, James H. — Instructor in iron work, 1892-01. GILLETTE, Arthur J. — Clinical instructor in diseases of chil- dren, 1895-96; clinical instructor in orthopedia, 1896-97; professor of orthopedia, 1897 to date. Seven corners, St. Paul. GILLETTE-HERZOG PRIZES, The — Established in 1892, by the Gillette-Herzog manufacturing company. Three cash prizes, $75, $50, $25, each accompanied by a gold medal, for the best, second best and third best, theses upon a civil, mechanical or electrical engineering subject. These prizes have been awarded, as follows: in 1892, first to Leo Goodkind; second to James H. Gill; in 1893, first to D. C. Washburn, for a design of a steel frame for a machine shop or iron foundry; in 1894, to A. O. Cun- ningham, for a design of a steel arch bridge; and second to Hat- tde E. Wells, for a design for wrought iron gate; in 1895, first to L. .H. Chapman, for a design for a swing bridge; second to H. L. Tanner, for a design for a rotary induction motor and alternate current generator; in 1896, first to C. Paul Jones, for an original design for the steel frame of a ten-story office building; second to C. Edward Magnusson, for specifications for an electric light plan1\ for the Gillette-Herzog company; in 1897, first to E. A. Lee, for an original design for a Bascule bridge; second to F. B. Walker and C. H. Cross, for tests of shearing strength of wire nails; in 1898, first to F. G. Tracy and W. L. Kinsell for a study of lighting trains; second to T. L. Daniels, a study of friction of shaft bearings; in 1899, first to W. P. Richardson and E. K. Wennprlund, for a thesis entitled Pressure and power required to drill sheet metal; in 1903, first to Paul I. Gunstad, for thesis. Effect of freezing on concrete, and second to M. E. Anderson and S. G. Reque. for thesis on Train lighting by electricity, and third to G. J. Houts and Jake Danner, for Re-design of power plant for C. M. & St. P., Ry. shops. GIRLS' HOME BUILDING— Erected in 1897, at a cost of $37,000. Constructed of Milwaukee brick, 62 x 114 feet. This con- tains a large parlor and rooms for the preceptress, lecture room for department of home administration and dormitory rooms for ninety students, arranged in suites of three — a common sitting room and two alcove bedrooms, for the accommodation of two students. Located at the University department of agriculture. GLASOE, Paul M. — Assistant in chemistry, 1895-96. Instructor in chemistry. 1898-02. Alumni Fellow, 1897-98. M. S. in 1898 for original work on the camphor group. Ph. D. '02. Sigma Xi. Later professor of chemistry and treasurer of St. Olaf College, North- field, Minn. Now president of Spokane college, Spokane, Wash. GLEE CLUB, The — Is an organization of men who associate themselves for the purpose of securing training in music and to give public concerts both in the city and in other cities near by. The members are chosen on the basis of musical ability and the club usually numbers about twenty members. Rehearsals are kept up UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 95 during the college year under the direction of a competent in- structor and concerts are usually given in connection with the mandolin club, which is an independent organization. GLENN, Edwin F. — Professor of military science and tactics, 1888-1891. Born in N. C, in 1857. West Point, '77. Assigned to 25th infantry in Texas. Transferred to Port Snelling, in 1882. Promoted to first lieutenant in 1884 and assigned to Co. B. 25th infantry. Graduate in law at the University in 1891. After grad- uating in law he was associated with Flandreau, Squires & Cutch- eon, of St. Paul. Later, for two years, he was a member of the law firm of Stevens, O'Brien & Glenn. In 1894 he was appointed captain and acting judge advocate U. S. A., and assigned to duty at the headquarters of the department of Dakota. He had several years service in the Philippines and now holds rank as Major in U. S. A. and is stationed at Columbus barracks, Columbus, Ohio. GLENN, W. M.— Assistant in medicine, 1894-98. GLOVER, A. J. — Instructor in sweet-curd work, 1895-01. GOODALE, Thomas H, ("Sid") — Mr. Goodale was placed in charge of the construction of the old main building, 'away back in the seventies and it is said that this building was one of the best constructed on the campus. In later years he became dement- ed and spent most of his time wandering about the city telling his "story" to anyone who would listen. The campus was one of his favorite haunts, and the old gentleman surrounded by a group of students listening to his "story" was a familiar sight on the campus for many years. Mr. Goodale died May 8th, 1907, at his home in this city. GOODRICH, Asa F. — Professor (homeopathic) of skin and gen- ito-urinary diseases, 1897-99. GOODRICH, Judd — Born June 3d, 1869, Minneapolis. Minneap- olis high school; one year academic, M. D., 1895, University. Clin- ical instructor in surgery since 1899. 155 Lowry Arcaide, St. Paul. GOPHER, The — The custom of issuing an annual by the Jun- ior class of the University, was inaugurated by the class of 1888. But one annual had been issued prior to that date, that which was issued by the class of 1885. The Gopher has been issued each year since the series was started In ISSS. The Gopher, in common with other annuals of similar character, deals with Uni- versity life from the student standpoint. It chronicles the prog- ress of the University and the various societies and organization's, the serious and valuable work being done by student organiza- tions, and includes humorous hits at various members of the stu- dent body and of the University faculty. GOULD, Chester N. — Instructor in rhetoric. 1899-1900. Grad- uate of the University, class of 1899. Ph. D., Chicago. 1907. Gi-aduate student abroad, 1907. Instructor in German, Dartmouth college. GRADUATE CLUB — This is an organization of instructors and students in the graduate school for the purpose of fostering a greater interest in graduate work, for mutual help, and for the discussion of topics under investigation. GRADUATE SCHOOL, The — Gathers Into a single organization and unites for the purposes of administration all the activities of the University in all its schools and colleges in so far as they relate to advanced instruction offered for the second or higher degrees, viz; Master of arts and Doctor of philosophy conferred for advanced, non-technical study; Master of science and Doctor of science for technical study; Master of laws and Doctor of civil 06 DICTIONARY OF THE law for advanced legal studies. The privileges of this school are in general open to all bachelors of arts, of science, pure and applied, and of laws, from reputable colleges and universities 'having courses substantially equivalent to those at this University. More or less graduate work has been provided from the very beginning of the University, and there has been an informal organ- ization of the graduate work of the University into a graduate department, but its formal organization and recognition did not come until the meeting of the board of regents, held December 12th, 1905. The fee for graduate work was made $20 a year, and Dl'. Henry T. Eddy, was elected dean at that time. The grad- uate school embraces all the work of all departments offering graduate work and its faculty consists of all persons giving in- struction to graduate students. It is specially provided that any pei-son giving instruction in the school shall not be required to pay fee for work done in the school. GRADUATES, School of Agriculture — 870 — men 674, women 196. GRAHAM, Christopher — Professor of veterinary medicine and surgery, 1892-93. Now a member of the firm of Drs. Mayo, Graham and company of Rochester, Minn. GRAND RAPIDS EXPERIMENT STATION BUILDINGS— These include a dwelling house, a general ,barn, a dairy barn, a small 'house and root cellar. $3,000 was appropriated by the legis- lature of 1907, to make additions to these buildings. GRANGE, E. A. A. — Lecturer on diseases of domestic animals, 1882-83. GRANRUD, John Evenson — Born August 5th, 1863, Hedenmark- en, Norway. Came to Minnesota in 1865; A. B. '86, A. M. '90, Luther college; Ph. D. 1892, Cornell, magna cum laude. Teacher at Albert Lea Lutheran academy, 1888-89; principal of Bode acad- emy, 1889-90; professor of Latin, St. Olaf college, 1892-94; acting professor of Latin, Luther college, 1894-97; assistant, later instruc- tor in Latin at Michigan university, 1897-99; instructor in Latin at the University, 1899-1903; assistant professor of Latin 1903 to ■date. Author of Five years of Alexander Hamilton's Public Life, 1894 ; Roman Constitutional History 1902; papers before various classical and philological and educational associations; contributions to newspapers and various other periodicals; Member of the Thu- lanian cUib; member of board of regents of United Norwegian Lutheran church; vice-president for Minnesota of the Classical association of the Middle West and South. 605 Delaware street southeast. GRANT, ULYSSES S.— Instructor in geology, 1897-98. Grad- uate of the university class of 1888. Now professor of geology of Northwestern university and geologist on the U. S. geological survey. GRAVES, Charles W. — Instructor of military band at Univer- sity 1893-: Principal musician of the 3d Infantry U. S'. band. GRAY, John Henry— Born March 11th, 1859, Charleston, 111. Illinois State normal. Normal, 111.; B. A., Harvard, 1887, with special honors in political science; instructor at Harvard, three semesters, 1888-89; Harvard travelling fellowship, 1889-92; two semesters at Halle, 1889-90; seven months at Paris, 1890-91; sum- mer semester, 1891, at Vienna; seven months, 1891-92 at Berlin; Ph D., Halle, 1892: Professor of political science, head of the de- partment, 1892-1907, Northwestern university, Evanston, 111. Pro- fessor of political science, head of the department. University, 1907 to date. Chairmon of the "World congress on political science, Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893; chairman of municipal com- UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 97 mittee of the Civic federation of Chicago, 1894-96; first vice-presi- dent American economic association, 1897-98; expert, U. S. de- partment of labor, 1902-03, to investigate restriction of output in Great Britain; represented the U. S. commissioner of labor at the International cooperative congress, Manchester, England, June 1902; represented the United States at the International congress on insurance of laboring men, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 1902; and the InternatiomU congress on commerce and industry, Ostend, Belgium, August, 1902. Author of Die' Stellung der Privaten . Beleuchtnugsgeselschaftcn zu Stadt und Staat; Die Erfarungln Wein, Paris, and Massachusetts, Jena, 1893, The Pacts of Munici- pal Ownership, being full report of National civic federation com- mission, about three hundred pages supplied by Dr. Gray; author of many miscellaneous articles dealing mainly with various prob- lems relating to his specialty; editorial writer on the World Re- view, Chicago, for 1901-02; various articles upon municipal owner- ship of public utilities corporations; public lecturer on economic subjects: Dr. Gray's writings have been collected into three vol- umes, (not published). 406 Eleventh avenue southeast. GRAY, THOMAS J. — Professor (homeopathic) of the principles and practice of surgery and the history and methodology of medi- cine, 1S95-1901. Deceased. GREEK CLUB, The — An organization of students, and alumni, and faculty, who are interested in the study of Greek life, lan- guage and literature. A monthly meeting is held and papers are read, old Greek games indulged in and a social time enjoyed. Its purpose is to promote interest in the study of Greek and to unite the efforts of those who are interested in the subject for mutual help and enjoyment. GREEN, Eugene K.'— Born September 12th, 1870. Minneapolis, Minn. B. A. University, 1895; M. D. 1903. Principal of Lamber- ton, Minn., schools, 1895 to 1899. Assistant clinical instructor in medicine, 1906 to date. 1225 Washington avenue north. Res. 1419 north Emerson avenue. GREEN, Samuel B. — Born September 15th, 1859, Chelsea, Mass. Public schools of Massachusetts and Massachusetts agricultural college. Nine years practical experience in nursery business, fruit, vegetable and seed growing. Professor of horticulture and for- estry, 1888 to date. Author of Amateur Fruit Growing; Vegetable Gardening; Principles of American Forestry; Forestry in Minne- sota; Outline for Greenhouse I.,aboratory Work; Course in Fruit Growing for Movable Schools of Agriculture; and various bulletins of the Minnesota experiment station. Secretary of the Minnesota state 'horticultural society, 1890; President of the same. 1907; mem- ber Minnesota state forestry board; member of the Board of administration of state farmers' institutes. 2095 Commonwealth avenue, St. Paul. GREEN, Charles Lyman — Born Sept. 21. 1862, Gray, Maine. Educated at High school, Portland, Maine; Ann Arbor. Michigan; M. D., T^niversity 1890; graduate work in London, 1890-91; Johns Hopkins. 1893; Harvard, 1894. 1895. and 1897; London. 1902; Heidel- berg and Berne. 1906. Home physician. City and county hospital, St. Paul, 1889-1890; Interne, Great Ormond St. hospital. London, 1890; assistant city and county physician. St. Paul, 1891; attend- ing physician. City and county hospital. St. Luke's ho.spltal. St. Paul free dispensary: medical director of ttie Minnesota mutual life insurance company; member of the State board of health; Instructor in applied anatomy, TTniversity of Minnesota, 1891-93: physical diagnosis and clinical medicine. 1893-97; clinical professor 1897-1903; professcr of theory and practice of medicine, 1903-date. q8 dictionary of the specialist, internal medicine; member of the Association of Amer- ican physicians; American medical association. Author of "New Method of Controlling Pernicious Vomiting," "Widal Reaction;" "Diago Reaction;" "Early Recognition of Aneurism of the Aortic Arch;" "New Fluoroscopic and Percussion Sign of Unilateral Pleuritic IiTxudate." Textbooks "Medical Examination for Life Insurance and its Associated Clinical Methods;" "A Manual of Medical Diagnosis." Address, 150 Dowry Arcade, St. Paul. GREENWOOD, W. W. — Instructor in mechanical drawing, 1891- 92. GREGG, Oren C. — Born November 2nd, ISl."), Enosburgh, Vt. Educated in the common schools and academic and collegiate in- stitute of Vermont and New York. Came to Minnesota in 1865, CJounty auditor of Dyon county for ten years. Superintendent of the Farmers' Institutes from the spring of 1885 until August 1907. Breeder of dairy cattle, Coteau Farm, Dynd, Minn. See North- western /igricultuiist. May 11th, ls)07. GROAT, Benjamin F. — Instructor in mechanics, 1898-00, in- structor in mathematics and mechanics, school of mines 1900-01; assistant professor, 1901 to date. School of mines. GROUT, Frank Fitch— Born January 24th, 1880, Rockford, 111. Rockford high school, 1897; Throop polytechnic institute, 1900; B. S. University, 1904. Assistant in chemistry, 1901-04; instructor in mineralogy. University of Oklahoma, 1906; instructor in mineral- ogy. University, 1907. Chemist of Zenith furnace company, 1904; assistant chemist, "West Virginia geological survey, 1905; assistant chemist, Illinois geological survey, 1906. Author of papers upon The Plasticity of Clay; The Hydrogen of Coal; The Classification of Coal. 1202 Seventh street southeast. GROVER, M. D.— Special lecturer, college of law, 1902-03. General counsel for the G. N. Ry. Co. GUILD, Allen W. — Superintendent of buildings since 1893. GUINEA PIG, The — This publication was issued by the junior classes of the college of the medical department of the Univer- sity, in May 1906. It dealt with the departments which it rep- resented in a manner somewhat after the Gopher. The publica- tion was not continued in 1907. GUTHRIE, ANNA LORRAINE'— B. A., University, 1892; ref- erence libraria?!, University, 1893-1904. Editor of the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, since 1902; editor of the Cumulated Readers' Guide, published by the H. "W. Wilson company. GYMNASIUM, The — Located in the armory, and is well equipped with a variety of gj'mnastic appliances. The object of the gym- nasium is to provide all of the students of the University oppor- tunity for exercise to build up their general health. It also provides special training to correct physical defects and functional derangements. The gymnasium is in charge of a professional medical director and assistants, and the training is under their direct supervision. A thorough physical examination is offered each student immediately before and after the gr>-mnasium course, and a record is made of the same. The examination of these records shows a marked improvement in the standard of health of the average student during his college course. The gymnasium is open at all times to all young men In the University who are free to use the apparatus and to pursue a course of physical training under the direct supervision of the director and his assist- ants. The young women are under the charge of an instructor who devotes her whole time to the work and the north wing of the Armory is set apart for their use. Work in physical culture UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 99 Is required of all young men and women of the freshman class in the college of science, literature and the arts. HAAS, Edward — Assistant in technics and clinics, college of dentistry, lS9o-96. HACK, Charles W. — Assistant in practical anatomy, 1897-99. HAECKER, A. L.— Instructor in milk testing, 1895-96. HAECKER, H. A.— Instructor in dairy laboratory, 1896-99. HAECKER, Theophilus L. — Instructor on dairying, 1891-94; professor of dairy husbandry 1894'-1907; professor of dairy hus- bandry and animal nutrition 1907 to date, in charge of dairy husbandry in the Experiment station. Author of many reports on his investigations in the line of dairy husbandry, which appear In the bulletins issued by the experiment station and in the agri- cultural press. HAGGARD, George Delaney — Born January 19th, 1857, Pair- port, Minn. Common and high schools, Eau Claire, Wis. Chris- tian college, Oskaloosa, la. 1880; taught three years in schools of Wisconsin and Iowa. M. D. University, 1893; assistant for three years in the department of physiology. Ten years general experi- ence as a machinist. Assistant in physiology, 1903-4; instructor in physiology, 1904 to date. 2400 Chicago avenue. HALL, Alexander Ritchie — Born in 1874, Washington, Ont., Canada. Matriculate Ontario, Arts; M. D., C. M., McGill, 1900; M. R. C. S. Eng., L. R. C. P. Lond. 1902. Clinical instructor in medicine 1904 to date. Moore building, St. Paul. HALL, Christopher Webber— Born February 28th, 1845, Wards- boro, Vt. Honor man, Middlebury college, 1871; M. A., same, '73; .studied at Leipzig, 1875 77; principal of Glenn's Fall, N. Y.. academy, 1871-72; principal of Mankato high school, 1872-73; super- intendent of city schools, Owatonna, 1873-75; instructor in Uni- versity, 1878-80'; professor of geology, mineralogy and biology, 1880-1891; botany instead of biology, 1891-92; professor of geology and mineralogy, 1892 to date; curator of the geological museum, 1889 to date; Dean of the college of engineering, metallurgy and the mechanic artjs, 1892-97; Author of History of the University of Minnesota; Geography of Minnesota; and a large number of papers upon subjects related to his specialty. Fellow of the Geological society of America, Association of American geogi-a- phers; American association for the advancement of science; pres- ident of the Geographical society of Minnesota. 803 University av- enue southeast. HALL, Earl — Dispensary assistant, 1899 to date. HALL, Oscar H. — Professor (homeopathic) of history and methodology of medicine, 1902-1903; associate professor of renal diseases. 1903 to date. Pittsburg building, St. Paul. HAMILTON, A. S. — Assistant in the pathology of the nervous system, 1904-06; instructor in same, 1906 to date. 600 Washington avenue southeast. HAMILTON CLUB PRIZE, The — The University competes an- nually for this prize. Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Northwestern, and Chicago universities and Knox college constitute the league. Each of the colleges named submits one oration upon Alexander Hamilton or some character or event connected with his time. From the orations submitted four are chosen to be delivered before ttie Hamilton club of Chicago. In the four years Minnesota has succeeded but once in winning the right to compete in the finals, Theodore Christiansen repre- 100 DICTIONARY OF THE senting the University, the first year, with an oration upon Pat- rick Henry and was given third place in the finals at Chicago, January 11th, 1905. HAMLIN, Edward C, St. Cloud — Regent February 14th, 1860- March 4th, 1864. HAMLIN. George B.— Born February 10th, 1871, Minneapolis. Grammar and part of high school. Minneapolis; two years Col- orado college; M. D. University, (hom.) 1896. Professor (hom.) pedology, 1906 to date. 126 West Grant street. HAMMOND, Asa J. — Assistant in chemistry, 1891-93; instruc- tor, 1893-94. Graduate of the University, classes of 1891. Hom., 1896. Now practicing physician in Minneapolis. HAND, Daniel W. — Professor of surgery, 1882-1887. HANDY, John A. — Instructor in chemistry, 1907 to date. Ph. C, University, 1906. 124 State street southeast. HARDING, Everhart Percy — Born August 15, 1870. Waseca, Minn. j>istrict school; Waseca high school, ISSS; B. S., Univer- sitj-, 1894; M. S., 1895; University of Heidelberg, two years gradu- ate work. Ph. D.. 1900. Taught one year in district school; as- sistant In chemistry, 1894-96; irstructor, 1896-99; lecturer, 1901- 05: assistant professor, 1905 to date. Author of Chemistry of Wheat; Synthesis and Reduction of Analines; Derivatives of Al- dazine, Reduction Products; Synthesis and Derivatives of Hy- drazmes; Iniproved Apparatus and Modification of Drehschmidts Method for Determining Total Sulphur in Illuminating Gas; Er- ror in Duparquier's Method for Determining Hydrogen Sulphide in Illuminating Gas; A Quantitative Method for Determining Car- bon Bisulphide in a Mixture of Benzene and Carbon Bisulphide; A Quantitative Method of Determining Carbon Bisulphide in Il- luminating Gas; Synthesis of 2.5 Bimethylbenzaldehyde, the Es- tablishment of its Constitution and Preparation of Some Deriva- tives; Synthesis of Dimethylbenzaldazin and Salts of Derivatives. Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi; F. A. A. 1316 Seventh street south- east. HARE, Earl Russell — Born 1872, Summerfield. Ohio. Kansas City high r;chool, 1890; Iowa Wesleyan, A. B., 1894; University, M. D., 1900; prosector in anatomy, 1900-07; instructor in anatomy, 1907 to date. 327 Fourteenth avenue southeast HARPER, David N. — Chemist of the expeiiment station, 1888; professor of agricultural chemistry, 1890-91. HARRINGTON, C. D.— Assistant in surgery, 1000-02. HART2ELL. Mary V. — ^Student assistant in operative clinic, 1892-93; D. M. D.— same title, 1893-96; instructor in operative technics 1S96-97; instructor in dental anatomy, 1897-1901; instruc- tor in comparative dental anatomy, 1901 to date. HARTZELL, Thomas B. — Instructor in dental anatomy and assistant in oral surgery clinic, 1892-93; D. M'. D.— instructor in comparative dental anatomy, physical diagnosis, and assistant on oral surgery clinic, 1893-95; M. D.— lecturer on pathology, physical diagnosis and oral surgery, 1895-96; professor pathology and oral (Burgery. 1896-98; professor of pathology, therapeutics and oral surgery, 1898-05; professor of clinical pathology, therapeutics and oral surgery, 1905 to date. HARWOOD, A. A., Austin— Regent, 1868 to date of resignation, February 9, 1878. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. loi HATCH BILL — This bill was signed and became a law of the United States, March 2, 1S87. Under its provisions the Univer- sity experiment station was organized and has been supported. This bill is intended solely to encourage agricultural experimenta- tion and the University board of regents receive annually, under Its terms, the sum of $15,000. HATCH, Dr. P. L. — Author of the bird book of the geological and natural history survey of the state. He was born in 1823 and died M'ay 22, 1904, at the age of 81 years. He was at one time a proniinent physician of this city, but for about twenty years before his death had resided in Los Angeles, California. His great interest in the subject caused him to be selected by Professor N. H. Winchell, when he had charge of all the work of the geological and natural history sun-ey, to write a report on the birds of Minnesota. The report appears as volume one of the zoological series of the reports of the State geological and natural history survey and was issued in June, 1892. The volume contains 4S7 pages and is now very scarce, though in consider- able demand. HAUGDAHL, Samuel — Instiucior in cultures and starters, 1901- 04. H AVI LAND, Willis Henry — Professor (homeopathic) of mental and nervous diseases, 1SS9-90. HAW LEY, Elizabeth McK. — Assistant in library since 1896; now head of loan department. 323 Eleventh avenue southeast. HAW LEY, George M. B. — Quiz master, college of law, 1895- 9G. HAYNES, Arthur Edwin— Born May 23, 1849, Onondaga county. New York Scientific course. Hillsdale college, subsequently stud- ied four summers at Michigan, Harvard and Cornell. Taught five terms in village schools; five in college before graduating; nine in University summer schools. 15 years in Hillsdale college; three years m Michigan school of mines; assistant professor of mathematics, 1893 to 1896; professor of mathematics, college of engineering. 1896-1901; professor of engineering mathematics, since 1901. Contributor to the annual reports of the Society for the promotion of engineering education, also other educational pa- pers; Member of the Society for the promotion of engineering ed- ucation; American association for the advancement of scienue. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi. 703 River road east. HAYNES, Rowland— Bom July 30, 1878, Worcester, Mass. Public schools of Worcester; A. B. Williams, 1902; 1902-06, stu- dent of Columbia university and Union theological seminary. New York City. 1904-05, fellow in psychology of religion, Clark uni- versity, M. A. '05: 1905-06, assistant in philosophy, Columbia uni- versity. 1902-04. coach of the Williams college debating team. 1903-04, social settlement work in New York City. Instructor In psychology, 1907 \o date. 306 Seventh street southeast. HAYS, Willet M.— Assistant in agriculture, experiment sta- tion, 1887-90; professor of theory and practice of agriculture, 1800-91. Professor of agriculture, 1893; vice chairman and agri- culturist, experiment station, 1894-04. Now assistant secretary of the U. S. Department of agriculture. HEAD George Douglas— Born September 19, 1870, Elgin, Minn. Fargo N D. high school, 1888; B. S., University, 1892; M. D.. 1895- graduate work at Johns Hopkins, 1897-00; graduate work In internal"" medicine, Vienna, 1903. Public school teacher, 1888; 102 DICTIONARY OP THE assistant in histology, University, lS93-9'5; instructor in clinical microscopy, 1896-04; professor of clinical microscopy and medi- cine, 1904 to date. Author of Protozoa in Human Disease; Experi- ment Demonstration in the use of Tuberculin as a Diagnostic Agent; Leucocyte Count in the Diagnosis of Abdominal Diseases; Cerebro-spinal Meningitis; Value of Newer Signs and Procedures In Diagnosis; Chlorosis, study of twenty cases; L.eucocyte Count in Diagnosis of Diseases of Children: Tuberculin as a Diagnostic Agent; Leucocyte Count in Haemorihage; A Case of Suspected Rabies with Isolation of Bac Dipth; Vienna Letters; Symptoma- tology of Acute Nephritis; Etiological Relationship Between Can- cer and Ulcer of the Stomach; Glenard's Disease, study of twen- ty-five cases. 802 Andrus building. HEATH, A, C. — Assistant in diseases of nose and throat, 1898- 00. HEATING Plant — Completed in 1S90 at a cost of $20,000, and contains the heating apparatus for all the buildings on the cam- pus. H EATON Committee — This was a committee of both houses of the legislature of 1860. The report, which was printed, scored very strongly the practices of the boards of regents up to that date. The creation of the special board of three regents is doubt- less due, largely, to their report. HEATWOLE, Joel P., Northfield— Regent, 1891-97. Born in Waterford, Ind., in 185G. Received a common school education. Taught school, and in 1876 engaged in publishing a paper. Came to Minnesota in 1882, Elected to Congress in 1894. HELENA, Mont. — This association includes all alumni of the University living in Montana. Harry K. Jones, Law '04, is the nmoving spirit in this association. HELLER, A. A. — Instructor in botany, 1896-98. Graduate of Franklin and Marshall college, 1892. He became much interested in botany and spent two vacations making collections for the principal herbaria of Europe and America. Member of a govern- ment expedition to Idaho. He also went to Hawaii to study its flora. He studied at Columbia university and was a member of the Torrey botanical club and associate editor of its publications. Wrote much for the technical press upon botanical subjects. HENDERSON, Andrew M. — ^Assistant in clinical medicine, ls?98-04. HENDRICKS, George A.— Professor of anatomy, 18S8-89. HERMEAN— The second literary society of the University. Organized in 1870, disbanded in — '— and reorganized in 1898 and continued in existence for five or six years. The object of this Kociety was originally the promotion of culture and literary activ- ity, especially oratory and debate and the cultivation of a spirit of friendship among its members. HERRICK, Carl Albert — Instructor in engineering mathema- tics, 1902-Oa. HERRICK, Clarence L.— Instructor in zoology, 1883-84. Died September, J904. HERTZ, E. Fran klyn— Instructor in prosthetic dentistry, 1898- 01; also in dental anatomy, 1901-02; professor of dental anatomy axiC prosthetic technics. 19'02-07. Now in business in Portland, Oregon. UNrV^ERSm OF MINNESOTA. 103 HEWITT, Charles N.— Non-resident professor of public liealt3i> 1874-Ci2. Born in New York in 1835. Hobart medical college, I80S. Demonstrator of anatomy while attending medical college. Practiced medicine at Geneva, N. Y. Assistant surgeon oOth New York engineers, IStJl, and surgeon, 1862. Surgeon-in-chief of Engineers' brigade, iSG2-65. President of state medical society, 1865. Mairied April 22, 1S69, to Helen Robinson. Secretary arad executi\e orficer of the Minnesota State board of health, 1872-97. Director of the Minnesota vaccine station since 1889. Address, Red "Wing, Minn. HI BEAR D, H. Wade — Born in India in 1863. His parents were American missionai-ies to Burmali. Boyhood was passed in Ver- mont, wheie his father was engaged in religious and educational work. Attended Middlebury high school, graduated from Ver- mont academy, 1882. Entered Brown university, graduating in 1886 with the degree of A. B. M'ithin a week after his gradua- tion he entered the Rhode Island locomotive works and remained there three full years, when he was placed in charge of a gang of men to set up and adjust the link motions and locate the eccentrics and slide valves, an important position. He spent his evenings in a drawmg and technical school in preparation for a professional course which he was about to take up. The two following years were spent as a graduate at Cornell. Here he distinguished himself as a scholar by winning a Sibley prize which is offered annually to the one "who shall, in the opmion of the faculty of that institution, show the greatest merit in a college course." In 1891 he received the degree of Mechanical Engineer, and at once entered into the employment of the Penn- sylvania railroad as draftsman and mechanical engineer. He de- signed a compound locomotive which is now used for the heaviest exprf»«s between New York and Philadelphia. The summer of 1892 he spent in Europe studying locomotive en°-ineering and visiting the leading technical schools in Eng- land Germany and France. In 1894 he was made chief drafts- man' of the Lehigh valley railroad system. This position he held till October 1895, when he was elected assistant professor of me- chanical engineering at the University. Resigned in 1898 to ac- cept a position in Cornell, where he is now. HICKMAN, Adam C— Born April, 1837, Columbia county, Ohio. Graduate of Allegheny college, Meadville, Pa.; Ohio state and union law college, Cleveland, Ohio. Thirty-three years' practice of law. Lecturer in law, 1892-94; professor pleading and practice, 1894 to date. 1229 Sew nth street southeast. HIGBEE, Albert E.— Professor (homeopathic) of gynecology, 18X8-94. HIGBEE. Paul A.— Assistant (homeopathic) in surgery, 1903- HIGH School Board— Act creating this board was approved March. 1S7S. Legally and technically this board has no^«^; nection with the University, but, owing to the ^^ct that the president of the University is ex-oflicio a member ^^ ^^e b^o^^^ Tnd its examiner, it has practically been very closely 'de^ntifled with the growth and development of the University. The act 7roatin" the board is to be credited directly to Dr. Folwell who was hen president of the University. The act creating the board ^al bfen 'ameS many times but its essential f-t--„n: ^ the same and these features are— an inspection of the schools Dom high a"d graded, by a person appointed to that duty, or, by an examination of its pupils, or. both; by state financial aid to high school and graded schools. This act gave Minnesota one of the 104 DICTIONARY OF THE best school systems in the country. It unified and simplified and so made more efficient the whole system from the kindergarten to the University. HILL, Hibbert Winslow.— Born September 16, 1871, St. Johns, N. B. CoUeg-iate Institute, Woodstock, Ont. M. D., University of Toronto, 1803; M. D. 1S99; Johns Hopkins, graduate work, 1895; epecial work, 1S98; George Brown scholar, 1883-94; Starr Gold medal, 1899. Taught in private school; demonstrator of clinical chemistry and pathology and bacteriology, Toronto, 1893-96; in- structor in bacteriology. Harvaid Medical School, 1903-05; asist- ant professor of bacteriology. University 1895 to date. First as- sistant bacteriologist, Louisville Water Filtration Experts, 1896; acting first assistant Philadelphia board of healthi laboratory, 1896; biologist, director and chief of bureau, Brooklyn, N. Y., water- shed laboratory, 1896-98; director of Boston board of health labor- atory, 1898-190S. Assistant director of the state board of health of Minnesota, 1905-date. Author of papers on pathology, on morphology of bacteria; on various public health problems; on technique; annual reports of various laboratories, about forty to fifty in all. Managing editor, now associate editor, American Jour- nal of Public Hygiene, 1903 to date. Member and chairman of various comrnitloes on public health subjects; vice-chairman and chairman of the laboratory section of the American Public Health Association: charter member Society of American Bacteriologists; American association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists; laborato- ry section of the A. P. H. A. ; Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Nu Sigma Nu; Sigma Xi. University of Minnesota. HILLESHEIM, Catherine — Instructor in animal biology, 1902-03.' HILLMAiN, Ada B. — Second general secretary of the University Y. W. C. A., 1899-03, and 1906-07. Now secretary of the city as- sociation of Tacoma, Wash. HINTON, Charles H.— Educated at Rugby school. He obtained a scholarship at Balliol college, Oxford, and took highest honors in the mathematical schools. Subsequently studied physics in Oxford and Berlin and was for some time engaged in teaching' science. He was appointed head master of Victoria public school in Yokohoma, Japan, but resigned the position for one under the Japanese government, which afforded him the opportunity of prosecuting his mathematical work. In 1893 he was offered a post at Princeton, New Jersey, where he remained for four years as instructor. He was appointed assistant professor of mathematics at the University in 1897 and resigned three years later. Author of several books besides papers on mathematical and physical subjects. Among the best of his publications are "Scientific Romances" and "Stella." In the last named book he has used fiction as a vehicle for representing in a popular form some of the thoughts and speculations of m,oderni mathe- matics. He was the author of several books devoted to scientific re- search, the chief of Which is "The Fourth Dimension." His particular field work in mathematical lines was upon the subject of "transcendental space." He was widely known as the inventor of the bascvball gun to shoot curves. At the time of his death, April, 1907, he was employed In the patent office at Washington, D. C. HISTORICAL Sketch of the University— A pamphlet contain- ing an address delivered before the state historical society D©- cember 11, 1905, by Honorable John B. Gilfillan, at one time a regent of the University. 46pp. and cover. Contains much valu- able data. UNIVERSITY OF MINNE^SOTA. I05 HISTORY of the University — A pamphlet containing a full re- port of an address made by John S. Kllsbury, president of the board of regents, June 1, lb;93, before the alumni of the Univer- sity at their annua', dinner at the West hotel. Contains much valuable material. HISTORY of the University, Early — The report of the board lOf regents made to the legislature in 1S61, contains a very full and careful review of the history of the University down to that date. HISTORY— "An historical sketch," by Professor C. W. Hall, Gopher of 1897, pp. 11-88. HISTORY— "A leaf from the past," by Dr. Folwell, Gopher 1.S95, pp. 15-19. HOAG, William R. — Born in Fillmore county, Minn., in 1859. Here he spent his boyhood, attending school in winter and doing Ifarm work in summer. A year at Spring Valley schools, three years at the Rochester high school, an extended visit to Eastern cities, one year of teaching, then he entered the University. The next three years was devoted to his studies and work with the Northern Pacific railroad. He graduated with "84 with the degree of B. C. E., and received Ihe degree M. S., in 18SS. Became in- st:uctor in civil engineering in 1SS5, made assistant professor in 1886, and professor in 1890, resigned in 1907 to take up profes- sional work. HOBBS, Fred E. — Instructor in moot court practice, 1902-03; justice and moot court practice, 1903-date. Graduate of the Uni- versity, class of 1888, and law '92. Practicing lawyer in this city. HOFF, P. A. — Assistant in clinical medicine, 1901-05; clinical instructor in medincine, 1905 to date. iMvrry Arcade, St. Paul. HOG BARN— Erected in 1902, at a cost of $3,000. Provided with the necessary equipment to furnish instruction in the care and breeding of swine. HOLM, John G. — Instructor in rhetoric, 1904-05. Graduate of the University, class of 1904. Since engaged in newspaper work. Now with the Free Press, Milwaukee, Wis. HOLT, Charles M. — Scholar in pedagogy, 1902-05; instructor in education since 1905. Has charge of training the members of the dramatic clubs for the plays presented by the club. Weaver- ly Hotel. HOME BUILDING— The first school building erected for the school of agriculture. It contains accommodations for twenty-four students. The building is 60 x 70 feet, two stories and basement. It was erected in 18S7, at a cost of $18,000. HOME ECONOMICS BUI LDING— This building was erected in 1890, at a cost of $6,500, from the profits on the sale of the first University farm. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY, The College of— For general statement of the organization and history of the department of medicine see statement under the college of medi- cine and surgery. This college is the direct and lineal descendant of the Minne- sota homeopathic medical college which was established In 1886. The old college ceased to exist and the new came Into existence by the acceptance, by the board of regents of the University, Io6 DICTIONARY OF THE of tlie proposition of the trustees of the Minnesota college, to surrender the charter of that institution and to become merged in the department of medicine which was then being formed. The college faculty was appointed in the spring of 1888 and instruction was begun in the fall, with Dr. H. W. Brazie, as sccretarj' of the faculty and Di'. Perry H. Millard, as dean of the department. In the fall of 1892, this college, together with the others constituting the department removed to the Universi- ty campus, the work having been previously conducted in the building now occupied by the Asbury hospital, on the corner of ninth avenue south anj sixth street. With the removal to the campus, this college was made more independent in the govern- ment of its affairs and Dr. Brazie was made dean. The work was carried along without special incident until 1893, when Dr. Alon- zo P "^'illiamson, became dean, in place of Dr. Brazie, resigned. Dr. Williamson continued as dean until 1903, when he resigned and Dr. Eugene L. Mann was elected in his place. The college, as first organized, provided a course of three years, which was increased to a four-year course in 1895. This college has increased its entrance requirements, at various times, until now it requires two full years of college work for admission. In 190-3, the attend- ance fell off so that a proposition was made to abolish the college altogether, providing for the work of the college by the creation of two professorships, one in homeopathic materia medica and one in therapeutics. The movement failed and the college con- tinues, as in the past, to furnish a full college course in homeo- pathic medicine and surgery. The work in anatomy, physiology, histologj", chemistry and bacteriology is pursued in common with tlie other students of the department. The college has graduated 74 men and 15 women. The enroll- ment is now, 190'J-07, IC. The faculty includes five paid profes- sors and two other employes. The full faculty consists of twenty- six professors, and eight lecturers and assistants. It has all of the advantages of the equipment of laboratories and buildings of the department, for which see statement of the college of medi- cine and surgery. Tuition $100 a year. See also Six-year med- ical course. See Hospitals. HONORARY FRATERNITIES AT M IN NESOTA— Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Beta Nu (local, extinct). Pi Sigma, Sigma Xi. HORNING, D. W, — Associate professor (homeopathic) of dis- eases of heart and lungt,, and clinical medicine and physical diag- nosis, 1903 to date. Pillsbury building. HORTICULTURAL BUILDING— Erected in 1899, at a cost of $35,000. It contains the office and recitation rooms of the horti- culturist and the department of physics and botany, and a large room specially arranged for classes in sewing and dressmaking. Connected with this building are extensive rooms under glass for winter plant propagation, experiment and demonstration work in classes. The building proper is 50x80, of red pressed brick and Btone, with greenhouse of about 4,400 square feet, a laboratoi-y 26x50 feet and a machine shed, 20x90 feet. HOSPITALS— The hospitals of the "twin cities" have, very generally, ooened their doors to the students of the department Of medicine". Thursdays and Saturdays during the junior and senior years are devoted to clinics at the various hospitals. These hospitals include— the city hospital of Minneapolis, one hundred forty beds places its entire clinical material at the command of the clinical teachers of the department; St. Barnabas hospital, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. I07 elgrhty-four beds, the Asbury hospital, one hundred sixty beds, the Swedish and Northwestern hospitals, each with fifty beds, iplace their clinical facilities at the disposal of the students of the department. This makes Minneapolis hospitals, with a total capacity of four hundred eighty-four beds, available for the use of the department. In St. Paul the city and county hospital with three hundred beds and its orthopedic department which is under the direct charge of the professor of orthopedic surgery, St. Joseph's hos- pital, one hundred twenty-five beds, St. Luke's, with ninety beds all welcome the clinical staff of the department and make provi- sion for making their clinical material of the greatest use to students of medicine. HOU3H, W. S. — Assistant professor of mental and moral phi- losophy, 1SS9-91. Professor of philosophy 1891-94. M. Ph., Mich., 1S84. Two years at Berlin, a year in England and one in Paris studying philosophy. Instructor in philosophy, Mich., 18S8-89. HOVDA, Olaf — Instructor in engineering mathematics, 1906 to date. 8 Florence Court. HOVERSTAD, Torger A. — Superintendent of the sub-station at Crookston, 1893-06. Now living at Dennison, Minn. HOW, Jnred — Lecturer on landlord and tenant, 1898-07; spe- cial lecturer, same. 1907 to date. Fire and Marine building, St. Paul. HOWARD, Seth E. — Assistant in clinical medicine, 1897-98. HOWELL, Daniel B.— Bom July 1st, 1878, Dousman, "Wis. Ph. B., University of Wisconsin. Two years experience as principal of a graded school. Instructor in mathematics, school of agri- culture, 1903 to date. St. Anthony, Park, Minn. HUBBARD, Lucius F., St. Paul — Regent ex-oflficlo, as govern- or of the state, 1881-87. HUFF, Ned L. — Born September 21, 1876, Pendleton county, Ky. Littlp Falls high school, 1897; B. A., University, 1903; M. A., 1906. Taug-ht in district school, 1897-99; science in Fergus Falls high school, 1903-0.5: instructor in botany. University, 1906 to date. Assistant on botanical aurvey of Minnesota, 1899-03. 3905 North Sixth street. HUGGINS, IVIajor E. L.— Born in 1842, his parents removing to Nicollet county, Minnesota the same year. He was a student at Hamline university, and afterward located at Red Wing. He enlisted in 1861 in the 2d Minnesota Infantiy. participating in the battles and campaigns of the Army of the Cumberland until the battle of Chicam.auga, in September, 1863. In this battle he was wounded and made a prisoner, but was exchanged the fcllowing year. Again he enlisted and served until the close of the war as a first lieutenant m the 1st Minnesota Heavy Artillery. In Febru- ary. 1866, Major Huggins was appointed as second lieutenant in the regular army, and was as.iigned to the 2d Artillery stationed on the Pacific coast, whore he served at various posts until 1871. He was then ordered to the Artillery school at Fortress Monroe, where he graduated the following year, and in 1872 was detailed for duty at the University of Minnesota, where he remained until I08 DICTIONARY OF THE 1SV5, when he was ordered back to his regiment. In 1879 he was transferred to the 2d Cavalry, then serving in Montana; since then lie has served continuously with his regiment, with the ex- ception of five years, during which time he performed the duty of aiue-de-camp to Major General Miles. On January 13, 1897, he wt!S ]3romoted to the rank of major and assigned to the 6th Regiment of Cavalry. Major Huggins has been awarded what Is known as the "Medal of Honor" for most distinguished gallantry in action against Ogallala Sioux near O" Fallow Creek, Montana, April 1, 1580. HUGHES, Percy — Instructor in philosophy, 1904-06. HULL, Blanche — Registrar's otfice, assistant, since 1907. B. A., University, 1904. 1408 Seventh street southeast. HUMMEL, John A.— Born June 12, 1875, Cottage Grove, Minn. Hastings high school; University school of agi'iculture; B. Ag., '99. Assistant chemist and instructor in agricultural chemistry, 190O- 07: assistant professor of agricultural chemistry, 1907 to date. Member of the boaid of directors of the General alumni associa- tion. 2143 ComTOonwealth avenue, St. Anthony Park, Minn. HUNTER, Charles H.— Born February 6, 1853, Clinton, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin. Professor of clinical medicine, 1888 to date. Author of many medical papers. Member of the State medical society; Academy of medicine; American medical associa- tion, etc. 519 First avenue south. HURD, Anna H. — Lecturer (homeopathic) on diseases of the blood and ductless glands, 1903 to date. Pillsbury building. HURD, Ethel S. — ^Assistant (homeopathic) in ophthalmology, 1903-04; lecturer on electro-therapeutics, 1904 to date. Pillsbury building. HUTCHINSON, Henry. — Professor of theory and practice of homeopathic) medicine, 1888-94. HUTCHINSON, John Corrin— Born May 11, 1849, Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, Great Britain. Came to the United Stiates in 1&67, with his mother after the death of his father. Educated at Peel, Isle of Ma,n; preparatory department of the University; B. A., 1876; tutor in Greek, 1873-76; instructor in Greek and Latin 1876- 78: instructor in Greek and mathematics, 1879-82; associate pro- fe-^sor of Greek and mathematics, 1882-90; professor of Greek language and literature since 1891. Member of the American phi- lological association; National educational association; Classical association of the middle west and south; Psi Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. 3806 Blaisdell avenue. HYNES, John Eldon— Bom July 25, 1878, Winnebago, Minn. Winneoago high school, 1898; University, Ph. C, 1900i; M. Di, 1904. Interiie St. Luke's hospital, 1904-05; assistant in medicine, 1905 to date. 3349 University avenue southeast. INCOME — See Finances. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. log oo oc oo >: cc 00 00 ^ -] -a — 1 C-. 05 c O ^ ^-^ ^ '-0 -^ t-3 I ) j^ t\5 :o CO ^ ^ c^ o ■£». -^ t-i ►- )-o-'a5ina5Cocoi-**qtoa^ooo6cca^ooc 3 CO :;! ^o ^ H^ 4^ h-i :d Lo ^ ^ ri i;i to cc c-T lo tc t— ' c I 00 00 4^ CO iO 05 CO to 05 OS CT H' Sfl CO CO to 03 00 C^ OC O O ^ O "^ c. -^ to StOK'l-'t-'l-'tOI-'l-'l oo <50t0-j 3> O O Lot o» CJIt II— ^:oi— '3stoa50i^osos*^cocots3tot^Lwi.-^i — ■ — p — ■ — t^i — ^^ 3h^— ^"^OOtD^DCTCnO— UlC'ICOCOCOCOCOtOCDCCCDOCOcD 34». >o:.TCo ocniji oo oo o ooo'oo OOCJIOC-OOo! 50C0^O0OOOOOOO'3C>OOCOOOCC^OOc^ >^ — — ^-. ^ — -qcn--oi-*^oooooooooooooooooooo 3 :aoco^gsrfa-ooc::'OooooooooooooC>oo o CJl. to. J^. 00. CO. CO. ) oo )00 o ; o <5 o o . i> . o o. d. o o. o. o 9. O. 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CO to ^-» o -x) oo-)c3j en o = 2222222 ='2222 2222^ MOiHi>-(5> "en o o l-l to en o p oo o oo ocn o o 3 2: Up S3 BO •^3 CO mm; to CO CO M ,4^ S ajj^ejio-a.-^Oksjcoen'^'^fo^tocoMtocoM o>o2^^»>^"''^to'~5''^~''OvOCjT;nMo:noooo"-n-j-]e3co-j.i>-encoenS5 oo _jt CO -q _3> _i». _— ' en CO p _a> :3_eo.o— .10^ en_o_-to-coeo_-j_— '_co.&_M :tioj ^jj-5 3-. coo-^ M J... 35^^^J~'**o5 CJ1 3j-> o— ' eo >o--i eo'jj'eo o-ji^M oe=io':oto"-j4^c;ro eo^ oo oo'-j'cn oo *.'.tk"_j >5 o ■,o'^'*~'^"cj> '*."... Oen;']co-^eoioJi_j— iM4»..*»ioeoeooiooio.i»coM.t-— ,co o j^toooooo. OjkCO-qMj555;3tj2ehcneo35en350-. I o en en M o en *-o 4^ to en 00 00 -J 'to CO sOO-qrf^Cn' 'too-t'OOrf^-eoiOi^t CO no DICTIONARY OF THE •State appropriations. **State appropriations to replace money taken from the permanent endowment fund repaid at rate of $12,000 a year for seven years. tDirect appropriation by the national government for agricultur.T,! education, ttlncome from land grantS) by the national government, constituting the perma- nent endowment of the University. The state has approjiriated $191,500, sice 1895, for the support of the sub -experiment stations, and construction of buildings thereon. The national government has appropriated directly, $15,000 annually, (The Hatch bill) beginning with 1887, for the support of agricultural experimental work. During the past three years the national government has appropriated $5,000, $7,000 and $9,000, respectively (the Adams bill) for the same general purpose. The state has appropriated $3,731,215.77 for the support of the University. It has appiopriated $3,191,162.32 for buildings, equip- ment and lands, which are today worth more than they cost tho state. The balance of the support of the University has been pro- vided by the United States government, $l,80i3,934.31; and fees paid by students, $1,895,563.82. Making up the total cost of the University, to tho end of the college year, 1908-09, $10,921,876.22. IN Memnriam — A pamphlet of forty pages and cover, contain- ing the addresses made on commencement day, June 5, 1902, in honor of John S. Pillsbury, "Father of the University." INSTITUTE of Public Health and Pathology— The newest of anj in the medical quadrangle. Completed and occupied Febru- rary, 1907. at a cost of $100,000 with an appropriation of $25,000 for the University and $5,000 for the State board of health labora- tory equipment. The building which is 213 feet over all and 100 feet deep in the central portion, consists of a central main por- itlon 60 by 3 00 feet, with north and south wings each 56 by 7© ■feet. In the siouth wing are housed the State board of healthi laboratories, connected with the adjoining laboratory of animal research of the Minnesota state board of health. This wing con- tains a suite of rooms for a Pasteur institute in which the spe- cial treatment of and research in rabies is carried on by the State board of health. Diagnosis laboratories are provided for the bacteriological, chemical and pathological work of the State board of health, with workshops for the repair and construction of spe- cial apparatus for ah of the work carried on in the building. Un- packing, shipping, storage, washing and media rooms are also pro- vided. The wing al?o contains reseai'ch laboratories for the pro- fessional members of the staff, together with vaults for records and ofRces for the clerical staff. The central portion qnd north wing provide for teaching and research work for the University departments of pathology, bac- teriology, and public health. The central portion of the building, 100x60 feet, is three stories in front and four stories in the rear, where three of the stories are devoted to museum and library purposes. Here special booky and periodicals are provided and Interesting pathological and bacteriological specimens and mate- rials, apparatus, methods of construction and other illustrative features of public health are on exhiliition. On the first floor is a preparation room for the museum and lecture room, beneath the museum and adjacent to the lecture and autopsy room. Six special laboratories and oflices are provided for members of the staff. The remainder of the central portion is occupied by th>e lecture nnd autopsy amphitheatre, special research laboratories, photographiic laboratories and a cold storage plant. UNIVERSITY OF MINNEJSOTA. Ill In the north wing the main teaching laboratory occupies the full floor space of 75 by 56 feet. It is lighted on three sides and by a skylight and is dividtd by low partitions into twelve loges, each intended for the use of a group of students. Each loge is fully equipped with all apparatus and supplies which the students may need in the practical work of pathology, bacteriology or public health, so as to render each group independent. A coat room and a room for the distribution of supplies open off the main laboratory. Beneath this is a similar students' research lal-oratory containing six loges which are to be used for the teach- InfT of such special courses as pathology of tumors, neuro-pathol- Ogy, practical public health, laboratory work, etc. Opening off this is a special laboratory tor the teacher in charge, for the issuing of supplies and also a coat room. Other special labora- tories, including rooms for the preparation and storage of media and the storage of stock cultures of bacteria, and living quarters for the janitor are also in this wing. The institute of Public Health and Pathology, equipment, mu- seum and ;ibrary, represent approximately, $200,000. INTER-SOCIETY debates— The action of the federated literary societies, in 1S95, looking toward better provision and support for intercollegiate and intersociety debate, resulted in the forma- tioti of the league of the five members of the federated societies, which then included the Forum, Delta Sigma, Miner\-a, Law Lit- erary and Shakopean. In 1897. the Castalians came into the league and Minerva won the championship, having defeated the Delta Sigmas and Castalians. In 189S, Minerva dropped out and Kent came into the league, and won the championship. In 1899, Minerva came back and the Hermean was also admitted, and this year the S'lakopeans and Kents proved to be the leaders. In 1900. Blackstones came into the league and in the finals the Shakopeans won from the P'orums and so held the championship. In 1901, the same teams competed as in 190O and the Forums lend with Minerva a close second in the finals. In 1902, the Law Literary society fought its way to victorj^ in the finals, defeat- ing the Kents, the Minervas and Castalians. In 1903, by the Shakopeans: in 1904, by the Shakopeans; in 1905, by the Forum; In 1906, by the Forums: in 1907, by the Law Litoraries. In this contest, the Minpr\-as were in the finals. IOWA- MINNESOTA League, The — Included the two universi- ties named and for many years held an annual contest in del>ate. Dissolved in 1906 upon the organization of the Central debating circuit of America. JACOBS Cup, The — This cup is the property of the Mirmesota Jebating a.<=^ociation and was presented to it by S. Jacobs & Com- pany, JeweU'rs. to be awarded to the winner of the inter-society scries of debates each year. It is provided that any society •which w'ns this cup. three times in succession, shall become its permanent owner. Twice has it been won two years in succession, by the Shakopeans in 1903-04. and by the Forums in 1904-06. The cup was first won by the Shakopeans in 1900. JACKSON, Anson B. — Born February 17. 1850, Brooklyn, N. T. B. A., Kobart. '70: Lli. B., Columbia, '73; practicing lawyer In Minneapolis since 1879. Special lecturer on conflict of laws, col- lege of law. 1907 to date. New York Life building. 1623 Third avenue south. JAGGARD, Edwin Ames — Born June 21, 1859, Alloona, Pa. Prepared for college at .Stewart and Hollidaysburg, Pa.; A. B., Dickinson, Carlisle, Pa.; '79; A. M., Idem, 1882; LL. B., Unlver- / OFFICE s-rA-riorvjERY C AT AI_OC3U ES BOOKUETS M EtVJUS B A MQU EXS l=>ROC3RAMMES SOCIETV S-rATlONERV \ / \ (jncorrorated) Printing anli Publialiing 14ni HuiurrHttg Awp. ^. IE. JHimtrapnlia, IHitttt. C9|i)JiiBitr illain iEntranrr to Univrraitg OlampuB \ / \ Gi. R. MARTI N, PRESIDENT H. W. WILSON, VICE-PRESIDENT C. 1_. SWAI ISJ, SECRETARV E. A. MORRISSEY, TREASURER AND MANAGER / UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 113 alty of Pennsylvania, 1S82; LL.. D., idem, 1906; 1SS<3, lecturer on medical jurisprudence, St. Paul medical college. University lec- turer on taxation and torts, 1S91-95; professor of torts and crimi- nal law, 1895-96; lecturer on taxation and torts, 1896-97; torts and criminal law. 1897-98; professor of taxation and modern phases of law of torts. 1899-1900; professor of torts, 1900-01; professor of taxation, 1901 to date. Justice of the supreme court of Minne- sota, since 1905. Author of Jaggard on Torts, 2 vols.; Jaggard on Taxation. Minnesota 1 Vol., Iowa 1 Vol.; An article in Cyclo- pedia of Law and Practice, on False Imprisonment and Malicious Prosecution. 302 South Exchange street, St. Paul. JAMES, George Francis— Born August 18, 1867, Normal, lU. tvanstcn. 111., public schools; Northwestern university, 1882-85; [Michigan university, 1S85-S7; B. A., ■86; M. A., '87: Sorbonne, Palis. 1888-89; University of Hahe, 1893-94; Ph. D., '94. Taught In Decatur, 111., high school; Peabody normal college, Nashvile, Tenn.; Los Angeles, Calif., normal college; Lecturer, Chicago uni- versity. Professor of pedagogy, 1902-05; professor of education and dean, 1905 to date. Secretary of University extension, PTiil- adelpnia; secretary of Educational commission, Chicago. Editor of John A. Logan,' Memorial, 1899; of the Proceedings of Univer- sity Extension Congress, Philadelphia, 1892; of Hancock of Uni- versity Extension, Philadelphia, 1893; of Report of Chicago Edu- cational Commission, 1899; and author of various monographs. Member of Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Beta Kappa. 308 Eighteenth ave- nue southeast. JENKS, Albert Ernest— Born November 28, 1869, Michigan. B. S., Kalamazoo, 1S96; B. S. Chicago, 1897; Ph. D., Wisconsin, 1899. Special lecturer, University of Wisconsin, on Philippine ethnology. 1905; assistant professor of sociology, 1906-07; professor of an- thropology. 1907 to date. Economic editor of the American Thresh- erm.nn. 190C-01; assistant ethnologist of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1901; ethnologist of same, 1902; assistant chief of the bureau cf non-Christian tribes, Philippine Islands, 1902; chief of ethnological survey of the Philippines, 1903-05. Author of the Childhood of Jishib, the Ojibwa; Balonglong, the Igorot Boy; The Wild Rice Gatherers of the Upper Lakes; The Bontoc Igorot. The first two are popular children's books, the third and fourth axe scientific books; also about twenty scientific and popular magazine urticlos. Honorary fellow. University of Wisconsin, 1898-99; chief of ethnological department of Philippine exposition, Ijouisiana purchase exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 190i4. JERREMS, Alexander N. — P'ootball coach season of 1896. Born in Sidney, Australia. Star football player in the Pottsdam, Pa., high school and on Tale teams from 1893 to 1895, playing right half-back and in his senior year full back. JETT, C. Coleman — Instructor in machine design and draw- ing. 1900-02. JEWETT, J. Dudley — Instructor in the administration of anaes- thetics, college of dentiPtry, 1890-92; lecturer of anaesthesia, 1892- 93: al-so chief of the anaesthetic clinic, 1893-95. JEWETT, James Richard — Born in West Port, Me., March 14, 1862. During his whole boyhood he accompanied his father on various voyages to Cuba, China and Japan. He fitted for college at Mowry and Goff's English and classical school. Providence, R. I. In 1S80 he entered Harvard, pursuing the classical course, and upon his graduation in 1884 he was granted a fellowship, which he held three years. In August, 1884, he went to Syria to con- 114 DICTIONARY OF THE tinue the study of his favorite language. With the exception of a winter at Cairo he spent three years in Syria, assisting part of Ihe time in an American mission school at Zahleh, Mt. Lebanon. During the college year of 1887-88 he was instructor in Semitic languages at Harvard. At the close of the college year in June he went abroad again and spent about six months in Berlin and Strassburg, taking the degiee of Ph. D. at the latter place in 1890. Plis dissertation, entitled ""Arabic Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases," at once won for him a reputation as a scholar. Upon his return to America he was elected professor of Semitic lan- guages at Brown University, Providence, R. I., which position he held till his election to the Weyerhaeuser chair of .Semitic languages and history in the University of Minnesota in 1895. He resigned this position to accept a professorship in Chicago University m 1903. M'ember of the Everett Athenceum and Har- vard Signet. JEWETT, W. Fred — Assistant in technics and clinics, college of dentistry, 1895-96. JOHNSON, Adolph W. — ^Lecturer on (homeopathic) pharmacy, 1904 to date. JOHNSON, Charles E.— B. A., University, 1906. Instructor in animal biology, 1907 to date. 714 Sixteenth avenue southeast. JOHNSON, Edward — Instructor in foundry practice, 1902-06. JOHNSON, E. Bird— Born Sugar Grove, Pa., November 24, 1865. Came to Minnesota the fo}iowing year. Lived on farm, attend- ing district school, from 1872-83. Entered the Mimieapolis Acade- my in fall of 1883. Entered the sub-freshman class of the Uni- versity a1 the opening of the second term of the same year; B. S., 1888; deputy registrar until August 1, 1889; taught in city night schools for two years, 188S-91; registrar from August 1, 1889 to 'August 1, 1905. Secretary and treasurer of the H. W. Wilson company from July, 1904, to March, 1906. Manager of thie Index Press from fall of 1905 to April, 1906. Was elected secretary of the General alumni association in March, 1906, and entered upon his dutir-s, April 21, of the same year. Established the Minnesota Alumni Weekly in the spring of 1901, and was its editor, publisher and proprietor until he turned it over to the General alumni asso- )Ciation when he becanie its secretary. He has been its editor since that date also. "An Optimistic Equation and Other Opti- mism," 1903; eight editions of the Alumni directory and several reports upon specific matters connected with the University; editor and publisher of the "University Dictionary." JOHNSON, Edward C— Student assistant in botany, 190«-a7. JOHNSON, Frank Amos— Registrar, 1884-89. Bom in Pennsyl- vania, June 3, 18G1. Removed to Minnesota with his parents in 1866. Entered the University in the fall of 1878. After three years spent at the University he left the University to teach and study shorthand. He re-entered the University in the fall of 1883, and graduated In June, 1886. Duiing the first year after his return to the University he acted as secretary to President Fol- well, and upon the coming of President Northrop, he continued as his secretary and was appointed registrar, a position he held until 1889; pursued work In college of law for a few months, then passed the state bar examination before the supreme court, and was admitted to practice, 1888. Soon afterward, Mr. Johnson became interested in typesetting machines and has given himself to this work since the fall of 1888. He has invented and patented UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 115 nuiny machines and mtmy improvements. Now in New York City, 143 Liberty street, as a consulting- engineer and patent at- torney. JOHNSON, John A.— Born' July 2S, 1861, St. Peter, M'inn. Edu- cated in public schools of St. Peter, Early years was clerk in a drug store; became part owner and publisher of St Peter Herald m 1SS6 and continued in the business till igO'T. Was state senator from St. Peter district and has been twice elected governor of Minnesota, the second term will expire January 7, 1909. Served seven years in M. N. G., retiring with rank of Captain. Regent of the l'ni\ersity ex-ofhcio. Angus Hotel, St. Paul. JOHNSON, R. W., MaJ. Gen., U. S. A.— Professor of military science and tactics, 1869-71. Member of the first University faculty. JOHNSTON, George H. — Instructor in psychology, 1903-05. Graduate of the University, class of 1S97, now cashier of a bank at "Wales, N. D. JOHNSTON, John Black— Born October 3, 18G8, Belle Center, Ohio. Ph. B., Michigan, lc;93; Ph. D., same, 1899. Marine bio- logical laboratory, summers 1896-1901; zoological station, Naples, ar.d University of Freiburg, Germany, 1904-0'5; assistant instruc- tor In zoology, Michiga,n, 1893-99; assistant professor of zoology, University of West Virginia, 1899-1900; professor, same, 19CK)-07; assistant professor of anatomy of the nervous system. University, 1907 to date. Author of The Brain of Aeipenser; The Brain of Petromyzon: Das Gehirn and die Crainalnerven der Anamnier, 1902; The Morphology of the Vertebrate Head; The Cranial Nerves of Petromyzon; The Nervous System of Vertebrates; A Text Book of Comparative Neurology; and numerous lesser papers. Member of the American society of zoologists; American natu- ralists; Association of American anatomists; Fellow A. A. A. S. 12s Beacon street southeast. JONES, Albert I.— Instructor in metal working, 1888-90. JONES, Frederick Scheeta— Born April 7, 1862, Palmyra, Mto. St. Paul's school. Palmyra; Shattuck school, Faribault; B. A., Yale, 18S4; TJniversity of Berlin, 1S87-88; Royal polytechnic, Ber- lin, 1887-88; Swiss polytechnic, Zurich, 1888-89; M. A., Yale, 1892. Taught at Shattuck, 1884-85; instructor in physics. University, l'885-87; professor of physics, 1889 to date. Elected dean of the college of engineering, June, 1902. Author of short articles upon scientific subjects; lecture notes; commencement addresses, and reports on laboratory tests for commercial purposes. Has in prep- aration a text on physics for use in the University classes. Pel- low of the American association for the advancement of science* member of the society for the promotion of engineering education; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Psi Upsllon; and Yale Skull and Bones. 712 Tenth avenue southeast. JONES, H. W. — Clinical instructor In nervous and mental dis- eases, 1905 to dale. 2418 West Twenty-second street. JONES, Harry W. — Instructor in architecture, 1891-93. JONES, William Alexander — Born May 24, 1859, St. Peter, Minn. St. Peter high school; University of the city of New York, Medical department, 1881; Instructor in mental and nervous diseases, 1888 to 1890; adjunct professor of same, 1890-95; clinical professor, same. 1S95 to date. Assistant physician St. Peter state hospital for insane, four years; member of the board of trustees two years; member of state board of health. State Hospitals for Il6 DICTIONARY OF THE the Insane. Author of various articles in medical journals; editor of Minnesota State Medical Journal and Northwestern i^ancet. Attending neurologist to City hospital; Chief of staff of North- western, St. Mary's, Asbury, Norwegian, .Swedish hospitals. 513 Piilsbury building. JOSLIN, John Carlos — Born April 25, 1876, Richland county, Wis. Coinnion schools and high school. Practical butter maker for eight years. Won many high scores and the grand prize at the World'.'. Fair at St. Liouis, with the title of the World's champion butter maker. Creamery inspector with the State dairy and food commission for three years. Assistant in cream- ery, dairy school, 1905 to date. 42-6 Nicollet avenue, M'ankato, Minn. JOURNAL Club in Psychology, The — Composed of upper class- men and graduate students who have completed at least two courses in psychology in llie University. Its purpose is to keep its members in touch witii periodical literature of psychology. JUDSON, Harry Pratt — A native of the state of New York. Prepared for college at Louisberg, N. Y., and graduated from WlUiams in 1870 with the degree of B. A. For fifteen years he was connected with the public schools of Troy, N. Y., teaching principally history and the classics. In 1883 he received the de- gree of M. A. from his alma mater. For the next two years he was principal of the Troy high school. In the fall of 1885 Mr, Judson was called to the chair of history in the University. Re- signed in ISOl to accept a position in the University of Chicago. Now president of the University of Chicago. Author of many texts, mainly historical, and many contributions to periodical literature. JUDSON, Leulah Jeannette — Born at Ltohbs Ferry, N. Y. B. A., University, 19U3; M. A... Columbia, 1901. In charge of the de- partment of history of the Western college for women, Oxford, Ohio, 1904-06. Instructor in history. University, 1906-07. 901 Sixth street southeast. JUERGENSEN, Hans— Born April 22, 1872, Hadersleber, Nor- way. Comnion schools of Germany and Fort Wayne, Ind., high school and college; six years in Concordia college, Ft. Wayne; three years in divinity course of Concordia seminary, (Lutheran) St. Louis, Mo.; graduate work at the Universities of Leipzig, one semester; Munich, one semester; Johns Hopkins, one year; work- ing in Greek, Latin and modern languages. Protessor at Con- cordia college, St. Paul, nine years, teaching at various times Greek, Latin, English, German, French, history, music. Instruc- tor in German, University, 1904 to 1907; assistant professor, 1907 to date. Joint editor, with Professor Schlenker, of Deutsche Gedichte, 1906. 1612 Eleventh avenue south. JUNIOR Ball Association — This is an independent organization of each junior class and exists for the sole purpose of managing the function known as the junior ball, which usually is held early in February. KAPPA ALPHA THETA— Upsilon chapter established in 1890. Founded at DePauw university in 1870. 220 Church street south- east. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA— Chi chapter established in 1880. Founded at Monmouth college, 1870. 1318 Seventh street southeast. KAPPA SIGMA — Beta Mu chapter estahlished in 1901. Founded at the University of Virginia, 1867. 1107 Fourth street southeast. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 117 KAVANAUGH, William Harrison— Born August 19, 1873, Wil- liamsport. Pa. Williamsport high school; M. E.. Lehigh, 1894; principa' of minors and mechanics institute, Freeland, Pa., 1894- 95; instructor in meclianical engineering, University of Illinois, 1897-98; inctructor in charge of experimental engineering. Uni- versity, 1901-02; assistant professor of mechanical engineering in charge of experimental engineering, 1902-07; professor of experi- mental engineering, 1907 to da,te. Had experience in mercantile business, Williamsport, Pa., 1895-97; draftsman, motive ixjwer department, Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 1897-99; chief draftsman of same, 1899-01. Author of various articles for the engineering press. Junior member of the American society of mechanical engineers; member of the Society for the promotion of engineer- ing educatif^n; member of the American society for testing ma- terials; Tau Beta Pi; Sigma Xi. 118 State street southeast. KELLER, Frank H.— Instructor in chemistry, 1899-1900. Gradu- at'^ of the University, 1S9S. Now metallurgist for the Utah con- solidated smelter company, Murray, Utah. Sigma Xi. KELLEY, William Lcuis — ^Special lecturer, college of law, 1903- '07. Judgi- of the district court of Ramsey county. KELLOGG, Frank B. — Lecturer on equity jurisprudence and procedure, 1889-94. From 1904 to date, special lecturer in the col- lege of law. General counsel for the Chicago, Great Western Ry. Co. KENNEDY, Jane— Medical examiner for women, 1900-04. KENT Literary Society, The — A law literary society whose membership is limited to thirty. Established in . Accomplish- ments essential to the successful attorney are given special atten- tion in the programs of this organization. To train skillful de- baters, poli.'jhed orators, and well-rounded literary persons capable of expressing thenoselves with ease and force, aj-e its main objects. KERR, Charles D.^Lecturer on law of partnership, 1888-90. KESSON, Floy — Instructor m music, school of agriculture, 1904 to date. KEYES, A. D. — Lecturer on Minnesota practice, 1894-1900. KEYES, Charles F. — Instructor in langriage, music, school of agriculture, 1898-99; registrar and instructor in reading and his- tory, 1899-00; registrar, geography and history, 1900-03. Practic- ing lawyer. 902 New Yoi'k Life building. Treasurer of the Gen- eral alumni association. KEYS Makhlout — This was the junior annual of the class of 1885. This was the first junior annual, but does not belong to the series of Gophers which began publication in 1888. This was a paper covered book of 130 pages and followed somewhat along the line of the earlier Gophers. KIEHLE, Fred A. — Instructor in medical Latin, 1898-02. Now practicing medicine in Portland, Oregon. KIEHLE, David L., Preston — Regent ex-offlcio, state superin- tendent of public instruction, 1883-91. Secretary of the board for many year.':. Lecturer on pedagOgj-, 1891-92, 1892-93; professor of pedagogy. 1S93-1902. Of German ancestry, born in Dansville, N. Y. in 1837. Graduated from the State normal school at Albany, N. Y., in 1856, and from Hamilton in 18G1, from which he received the degrees of A. M. in 18G4, and LL. D. in 1891. In 18G5 he was graduated from Union theological seminary. New \orK, and or- damed in the Presbyterian church. Came to Minnesota same Il8 DICTIONARY OF THE year and organized the Presbyterian church of Preston, where he remained until 1875 and to which he returned in 190'2. Was county superintendent of schools six years; a member of the state normal board five years. In 1875 he was elected principal of th© state normal school at St. Cloud, remaining in that position until his appointment, by Governor Pillsbury, as superintendent of public instruction in 1881, and to which he was reappointed six .successive terms, resigning September 1, 1893. During these twelve years, in which he was also ex-offlcio a regent of the University, he was active and influential in secur- ing a generous expansion, and a more perfect organization and articulation of the several departments of our public school sys- tem. Institutes and teachers' summer training schools were pro- vided for ail counties of the state; the state one-mill tax for the support of common schools was established; the system of state high schools was organized, and by an original plan proposed and supported by him, there was established and developed by the regents of the University the School of agi-iculture, which has finally solved the problem of agricultural education to the satis- faction of all concerned. KIEHLE, Louise G. — Instructor in physical culture, in charge of the department, 1892-1900. KIENHOLZ, William S., '04— Baseball coach for the season of 1907. Mr. Tvienholz has been in charge of athletics at a number of institutions and has always turned out winning teams both In football and baseball. KILBOURNE, Stanley S. — In charge of the Bishop Gilbert so- ciety as student pastor, 1907 to date. KIMBALL, William M., Minneapolis — Regent February 4th, 1860-M'arch 4th, 1864. KING, Roy S. — Instructor in mechanical engineering, 1903-'0'5. KIRCH NER, William H.— Born at Templeton, Mass. The Templeton high school; graduated at the Worcester polytechnic institute, 1887, having completed the course in drawing and de- sign; From 18S8-89 he was an instructor in drawing and design at the Rose polytechnic institute, Terre Haute, Indiana. In 1889 he was promoted to the Junior polytechnic institute library. He remained at Rose nearly six years, and came to the University of Minnesota January, 1894, first as instructor in drawing, later as assistant professor, in charge of the department, which position he has held to date. KLAEBER, Frederick J.— Bom October 1, 1863, Beetzendorf, Germany. Konigliche Landesschuie Pforta; Universities of Leip- zig; Halle; Kiel; and Berlin; Ph. D., Berlin, 1892. Instructor in Old and Middle English, University, 1893-96; assistant professor of Fnglish philology, 1896-98; professor of comparative and Eng- lish philology, 1898 to date. Author of Das Bild bei Chau- cer; Old English Historical Prose Texts; Zur Alt-Englishchen Be- daubersetzung; Studies in Textual Interpretation of Beowulf; Beo- wulf Notes; Zur Altenglischen Bedentungslehre; Notes on Old English Prose Texts; becide numerous other articles and reviews In the leading philological journals of the world. Dr. Klaeber is considered one of the leadmg authorities of the world upon Old English. 616 Ninth avenue southeast. KNAPP, Miland Austin — Instructor in dental technics, 1891-92; clinical instructor in orthodontia, 1892-93, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. ng KOCH, Margaret, — Assistant (homeopathic) in paedolo&y, 1903 to date. Member state board of medical examiners. Masonic Temple. KOERNER, Arthur C. — Instructor in music, school of agricul- ture, 1S99-04. KOLLINER, Robert S.— Lecturer on sales, 1897-98; professor ot personal property, 189S to date. Practicing lawyer. New York Life buildins. KOMENSKY— An organization of University men of Bohemian descent, for mutual helpfulness and sociability. It is primarily a literary club whose object is to meet for the study of the Bohem- ian language, literature and history. At the meetings of the club all conversation Is carried on in Bohemian. Established in the spring of 1907 as No. 10 of the national organization of Komensky. KOON, M. B.— Special lecturer, college of law, 1902-06. Prac- ticing lawyer of this city. KOVARIK, Alois F.— Born March 8th, 1880, Spillville, la. Pri- vate and public schools of Spillville; Decorah institute, Decorah, la.; Univerr,ity.. 1904. Taught at Decorah institute, four years; as- sistant m physics, 1902-04; instructor in physics, 1904 to date. Author of Decorah Ice Cave and its Etxplanation, Sci. Am. Sup., 1S98. Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa. 1523 Seventh street southeast. KREMER, Frederick B. — Clinical instructor in prosthetic den- tistry. 1892-93; also crown and bridge work, 1893-95; Piofessor of prosthetic dentistry and crown and bridge work, 1895-96. Bom Biddleburg, Pa., 1861, Graduate at University of Iowa. Came to Minnesota in 1SS2. KUNZE, William F.— Assistant in chemistry, 1895-96. Super- intendent of schools at Hastings and Lake City, 1906. Graduate of University class of 1897. Co-editor with Professor C. W. Hall, of a text book on physical geograpiiy. LABORATORY OF ANIMAL RESEARCH, built by the state foj the Minnesota state board of health in the investigation of in- fejtious diseases of animals and for the proper care of experi- mental animals. It is built on the University campus, next to the laboratories of the Minnesota state board of health, located in one of the University buildings, the Institute of public health and pa- thology. It was erected in 1902 at a cost of approximately JS.OOO completed and contains a crematory for the waste of the labora- tories with which it is associated. It is two stories in height, constructed of dark colored pressed brick and it is expected that it will be connected with the Institute of public health and pathol- ogy by an underground tunnel. LABORATORY OF ANATOMY is a two-story and basement building, 35 x 60 feet. In the basement are the morgue, injecting room, cold storage vaults, and engine and apparatus for the car- bon dioxide freezing plant. On the first floor there is an amphi- theatre seating one hundred and seventy-five students, the pri- vate offices of the professors and instructo'-s, a private dissecting room and a small laboratory for research work. The entire sec- ond floor is devote The board of regents of the University cannot make promissory notes in the commercial sense, but may make contracts for erect- ing buildings and give written evidence of debt incurred therein, paj^able at a futuie day, out of the fund provided by the legisla- ture; and judgments may be brought against the board for such debts, but such judgments bind only the fund on the faith of which the credit was given. All persons dealing with the regents must take notice of their powers. The title to all lands reserved by Congress for the use and support of the university, and of all property, real and personal, acquired by the regents, with the fund placed at their disposal, is in the state. — 7 M. 61 (Gil. 45). 300. Board of control divested of authority— Upon and after August first (1st), nineteen hundred five (1905), the board of con- trol of this state shall be and is hereby divested of all authority, jurisdiction and control over the state university and the state normal schools of the State of Minnesota, except as hereinafter stated. The state university on and after said date shall be under the management, jurisdiction and control of the board of regents of the state university, and the state normal schools on and after said date, shall be under the management, jurisdiction and con- trol of the state normal school board; and the said board of re- gents and said normal school board shall, on and after said date, have and possess all of the powers, jurisdiction and authority, and shall perform, subject to the restrictions herein contained, all of the duties by them possessed and performed on and prior to April first (1st), nineteen hundred one (1901), except as herein^ after stated. (Chap. 119, Sec. 1, 1905) UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 123 301. Board of regents — purchasing agent — Upon the date of assumption by the board of regents of the said management and control of the said university, the president of the said board of regents by and with the consent and approval of the members of said board, shall appoint a purchasing agent, whose duties shall be as herein provided for, and whose compensation shall be fixed by the said board of regeits and paid out of the funds provided for the maintenance of said university. The said purchasmg agent shall attend to th^ purchasing of all necessary supplies for the several departments of the university. Previous to the termination of each quarterly period of the year the dean or other executive head of ea-ch of the several departments of the state university shall pre- pare estimates in detail of all the supplies required for such depart- ment for the ensuing quarterly period. Prior to the opening of such quarterly period such estimate shall be submitted by the said dean or other executive head of each of said departments to the executive committee of said board of regents, which estimate so submitted shall be carefully examined and, if necessary, revised by said executive committee. Upon the approval of such esti- mate by such executive committee the same shall be prepared in triplicate, and one of said estimates shall be retained by the said (board of regents, and one thereof shall be delivered to and filed with said purchasing agent and one thereof shall be delivered and filed with the state auditor of this state. Such estimates bearing such approval shall govern and control said purchasing agent in the purchasing of supplies for the se\eral departments of the state university. No disbursements for such purposes shall be made except on the w.-a.rrant or requisition of said purchasing agent. The said purchasing agent shall give bond in such sum as said board of resrents shall require for the faithful and diligent performance of his' duties. (Chap. 11.9, Sec. 2, 1905) 302. This section relates to purchasing agents for normal schools. 303. Each purchasing agent shall at the close of each month prepare in triplicate statements showing all purchases made by Mm during said month for the several institutions, the names and addresses of persons fiom whom said purchases were made and the several prices paid therefor. He shall accompany the same with an affidavit that the statement is correct, that the articles therein specified were duly authorized by the proper board up- on prepared statements, and estimates were received under his di- rection at the institution named therein, that the several prices paid therefor were reasonable, that said goods were of proper and stipulated quality and grade, and that neither he nor any person in his behalf has any pecuniary or other interest in said purchas- es, or has received or will receive in any way any pecuniary or other benefit therefrom. He shall also each month prepare in triplicate and cause to be receipted by the signatures of the several parties named therein, pa>Tolls showing the monthly salaries and compensation of all of- ficers, teachers and employes in said several institutions, and shall file one copy of said statement and said payroll with the president of the hoard of regents or president of the normal school board, as the case may be, and two copies with the state auditor. The auditor upon receiving the same shall draw his warrant upon the Btate treasurer for the amount called for in each expense list and pajToll, and transmit the same to the treasurer, attaching thereto a copy of said expense list and payroll. Upon receipt of the same the treasurer shall send his checks to the several persons named therein for the amount of their respective claims. (Chap. 119, Sec. 3, 1905) 124 DICTIONARY OF THE 304. Limitation of expenses — ^No member of the board of re- gents or of the normal school board, and no person in the employ of either board shall be paid for any expense incurred, unless it shall appear that said expense was duly authorized by the execu- tive committee or the president of the board, and an itemized, verified account of the same, accompanied by sub-vouchers, where said sub- vouchers aie practicable, is furnished by the claimant, and filed with the state auditor for his written audit. .Such verifi- cation shall state that said expense bill is just and correct and for money actually and necessarily paid or to be paid for the purpos- es therein stated. If said expense is to be incurred in visiting- an- other state, then, before said visit is authorized or undertaken, the said executive committee or president must certify, in writing, the purpose of said visit, the necessity existing for the same, and the maximum expense to be incurred therefor, which certificate must be presented to the governor of the state for his approval. If he does not approve the same, the said visit shall not be under- taken. If the above provisions are ooimplied with, the auditor shall pay such expense accousit in the same manner as monthly expenses and salaries are paid under the provisions of this act (Chap. 119, Sec. 5, 1905) 305. Appropriation not to be exceeded— It shall be unlawful for the board of regents or the normal school board to permit any ex- penditures for any purpose in excess of the amount appropriated or contemplated by law, and any member or agent of either of said boards violating this provision, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) or more than one thousand dollars ($1 000) or be imprisoned in the county jai! for not less than six (6) montlis, or by both fine and imprisonment. (Cihiap. 119, Sec. 6, 1905) 306. Financial authority of board of control— The board of con- trol shall have and exercise full authority in all financial matters of the several institutions named in this act, so far only as relates to the erection and construction of new buildings, the purchasing of fuel and the placing of insurance on buildings and contents. When new buildings are to be erected and constructed by author- ity of the state, it shall be the duty of the board of control to cause to be prepared plans and specifications for the same but In so doing it shall consult with the local boards in respect 'to said plans and specifications, and shall adopt and carry out so far as It deems practicable their requests and desires in the matter (Chap. 119, Sec. 7, 1905) The board of regents cannot erect a dwelling house for the jan- itor on the univer.sity grounds by the use of funds appropriated for other purposes, nor from the annual expense fund.— Young p 3«9 Under Sec. 1887 R. L. and Chap. 110, Laws of 1905, the board of regents may construct an addition to a building, provided they keep inside the appropriation therefor.' — Young, p. 388. 307. Funds, how provided— The board of regents of th« state university is hereby authorized to acquire by gift, purchase or condemnation, such lands, together with the buildings thereon, as It may deem necessary, for campus, and to erect an engineering building and laboratory to cost not to exceed two hundred and fifty thousand ($2r)0,000) dollars, and thereafter deal with the same as said board shall determine that thie needs of said univer- sity miay require. To provide the necessary funds therefor, the state auditor is authorized and directed to levy and collect in the same manner as other state taxes, for the year 1907 and next suc- ceeding three years, the sum of one hundred and seventy-five UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. I2S thousand ($175, aOd) dollars for each of said years, and a tax levy suflicient to produce such sum shall be levied each year on all of the tajcable proi)eily of the state; and pending the levy and col- lection thereof said board may, if it seems necessary or desirable, Issue and Oispose of its certificates of indebtedness, payable with interest thereon, in such form and upon such terms and conditions as it may determine, in an amount not exceeding the amount to be raised by taxation hereunder. The buildings herein provided for shall be constructed under the supervision of the board of control, as provided in chapter 119, section 7, General Laws of 1005. (Chap. 359, 1907) 308. Term of office — Vacancies — The term of office of the re- gents shall be six years, and until their successors qualify, begin- ning on the first Wednesday in M'arch succeeding their appoint- ment. Any appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the unex- pired term. (1471) 309. Officers — Meetings — Bonds — The board shall elect one of its members as president, and also a recording secretary and trea- surer, neither of whom may be a regent, and in its discretion it may elect a vice president. They shall hold office during the plea- sure of the board. The annual meeting shall be held on the second Tue.<5day in December. Such special meetings may be held as the board may direct. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the president .=ihall file with the secretary of state a bond to the state in the sum of ten thousand dollars, and the treasurer a bond in the sum of fifty thousand dollars, both to be approved by the governor, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their respective offices. (1472) 310. Duties of board — The board shall enact by-laws for the educational government of the university, and shall elect proper professors, including a professor in Scandinavian language and lit- erature, teachers, officers and employes, and fix their salaries and terms of office, determine the moral and educational qualifications of applicants for admission, prescribe text-books and authorities and courses of study, and, in their discretion, confer such degrees and diplomas as are usual in universities. It shall have supervi- sion and control of the agricultural experiment station, and of the experimental tree station, and, with the advice of the president and secretary of the state horticultural society, shall appoint a su- perintendent of such tree station, who shall report to the board as it may direct, and to such society annually in person at its winter meeting. (1473) 311. Surveys and reports— It shall continue until csompleted all surveys and statistics as now provided by law, and make annual re- ports thereof to the governor, on or before the second Tuesday in December, showing the progress of the work, with necessary and proper maps, drawings, and specifications, and shall lay the same before the legislature. Upon the completion of any separate por- tion of such surveys, it shall prepare a final report, embodying all importaiit matters relating to such portion, and submit the same in like manner and upon final completion of any survey, shall in like maimer make a final report thereof. (1474). 312. Specimens — The board shall cause proper collections, skillfully prepared, secured, and labeled, of all specimens discov- ered or examined in such surveys, to be preserved in the univer- sity, in convenient rooms, and in charge of a scientific curator, for public inspection. It shall also prepare duplicate collections for each state normal school, and for exchange with the Smithson- ian institution and with other universities and scientific institu- tions. (147'5; 126 DICTIONARY OF THE 313 Report of board — On or before the second Tuesday in De- cember, the board shall make an annual report to the governor, sliowing- in detail the progress and condition of the university dur- ing the preceding university year, its wants, and nature, cost, and result of all improvements, experiments and investigations, the nuriLber and names of professors, teachers, and students in each department, the amount of money received and disbursed, and such other matters, including industrial and economic statistics, as it may deern important. A copy of such report shall be trans- mitted to each college or university endowed by act of Congress, and to the secretary of the interior. (1476) 314. Power to accept bequests, etc. — The University of Minne- sota may accept, in trust or otherwise, any gift, gi-ant, bequest, or devise for educational purposes, and may hold, manage, invest, and dispose of the same, and the proceeds and income thereof, in accordance with the terms and conditions of sucn gift, grant, be- quest, or devise, and of the acceptance thereof; and any person or persons contributing not less than fifty thousand dollars to the university may endow a professorship therein, the name and oto- ject of which shall be determined by the board. (1477) 315. Gifts to University — The University of Minnesota may ac- cept, in trust or otherwise, any gift, grant, bequest or devise for educational purposes, and may hold, manage, Invest and dispose of the same ana the -proceeds and income thereof, in accordance with the terms and conditions of such gift, grant, bequest or de- vise, and of the auceptance thereof; and any person or persons con- tributing not less than fifty thousand dollars ($'50, 000) to the uni- versity may endow a professorship therein, the name and object of which shall be determmed by the board of regents. (Chap. 187, Sec. 1, 1905) 316. Power to use; eminent domain — If the purposes of such gift, grant, devise or bequest are not otherwise limited by the do- nor the University of Minnesota may use the same or the proceeds thereof for any of the purposes of the university, and may, among other things, construct buildings and acquire land. In case it is desired to use the same for the acquisition of land the power of eminent domain may be exercised either in accordance with sec- tions 40S'5 to 4091, inclusive, General Statutes 1894, or chapter 41 of the Revised Laws 190-5. (Chap. 187, Sec. 2, 1905) 317. Funds to be deposited in state treasury — All such gifts, grants, bequests, and devises, and the proceeds and Income there- from, and all securities pertaining thereto, shall be deposited in the state treasury for the use of the university,- and subject to its order. (1478) 318. Bonds to bear not less than 3 per cent — The permanent school and university funds shall be invested in the bonds of the United States, or in bonds of this or of any other state, or In bonds of any school district, or county drainage bonds of thlg state, bearing not less than three per cent interest, and in bonds of any ooimty (other than drainage bonds) and in the bonds of any city, town or village of this state, bearing not less than four (4) per cent Interest, as provided by law; but no investment shall be made in bonds is-sued to aid in the construction of any railroad. The governor, treasurer and auditor are hereby constituted a board of Investment, whose duty it shall be to invest all funds de- rived from the sale of public lands, except as otherwise provided by law. The auditor shall be secretary of said board, keep a rec- ord of its proceedings and publish the same with his annual report. Tlie treasurer shall place on credit of the respective fund the In- terest received on said bonds. They shall not be transferable ex- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 127 cept upon the ordei of the governor and auditor, and on each shall be written, "Minnesota School Fund Bond," or "Bond on the Uni- versity of Minnesota," as the case may require, transferable only upon the order of the governor and state auditor. The auditor shall keep a record showing the name, and amount of each bond, wher issued, when redeemable, the rate of interest, when and where payable, by whom executed, when purchased, when with- drawn, and for what purpose. (2435, as amended by Chap. 348, 1907) 319. Organization — The university shall comprise: (1) A college of science, literature and arts; (2) a college of agriculture, includ- ing niilitary tactics; (3) a college of mechanic arts; (4) a coUega or department of law; (5,> a college or department of medicine; (6) a college or department of dentistry. (1479) 320. Department of pedagogy — That it shall be the duty of the beard of regents to organize and establish in the University of Minnesota as soon as practicable a teacher's college, or department of pedagogy, for the purpose of affording proper professional train- ing for those persons who intend to become public and high school instructors, principals and superintendents of schools. (Chap. 120, 1905) 321. School of agriculture at Crookston — There shall be estab- lished at or near the city of Crookston, in the county of Polk, un- der the direction and educational supervision of the board of re- gents of the University of Minnesota, a school of agriculture, which shall be a department of the University of Minnesota, un- der such name and designation as the board of regents may de- termine, and wherein shall be taught such studies and branches of learning as are related to agriculture and domestic economy. (Chap. 132. 1905) 322. Sectarian instruction prohibited — In the selection of pro- fessors, insti-uetors, officers and assistants of the university, in the studios and exercises, and in the management and government thereof, no partiality or preference shall be shown on account of political or religious belief or opinion, nor shall anything sectariaji be taugnt therein. (1480) 323. Duties of president — The president of the university shall be president of the general faculty and of the faculties of the sev- eral colleges or departments and the executive head of the uni- versity in all its departments. Subject to the board of regents, he shall give general direction to the practical affairs and scientif- ic investigations of the university, and, in the recess of the board, may remove any employee or subordinate oftlcer, not a member of the faculty, ajid supply for the time any vacancy among such em- ployees and officers. He shall be ex officio corresponding secre- tary of the hoard of regents, and may be charged with the duties of one of the professorships. (1481) 324. Reports of president — On or before the second Tuesday In December of each year, he shall make a report to the state Buperintt ndent, showing in detail the progress and condition of the university daring the previous university year, the number of professors and students in each department, and such other mat- ters relating to the educational work of the institution as he shall deem useful, or as the state superintendent may require. He shall also at the same time report to the board of regents the progress and condition of the university during the same time, tha nature and results of all important experiments and investiga- tions, and such other matters, including industrial and economic facts and statistics, as he may deem useful, or as such board may require. (1482) 128 DICTIONARY OP THE 325. Standing appropriation — There Is hereby annually appro- priated for the general maintenance of the university: 1. The Interest and income of the permanent university fund, arising from the sale of lands granted to the state by act of Con- gress entitled "An act donating lands to the several states and territories v/hich may provide colleges for the benefit of agricul- ture and the mechanic arts," approved July 2, 1S62, or from any other source. 2. The proceeds of twenty-three one-hundredths mills on the dollar of the state school tax. The lands granted by the general government to the state to aid in the development of brines, and known as the state salt lands, and those granted by an act of Congress entitled "An act granting lands to the state of Minnesota in lieu of certain lands heretofore granted to said state," approved M'arch 3, 1879, and the funds arising from their sale, are hereby appropriated for the completion of the geological and natural history survey. (1483) 326. Same — School of mines — The following sums are hereby appropriated annually, out of the state treasury: For the support of the school of mines of the state university, five thousand dol- lars. For the salaries of instructors in said school of mines and for the salary of a professor of eJectrical engineering in said uni- versity, forty-five hundred dollars. (1484) 327. University — Free tuition — Any resident of the state grad- uated from the school for the blind, upon coinpliance with all oth- er requirements, shall be entitled to pursue any course of study in the state university, without expense for tuition, and the board of regents shall, receive him into any department thereof, (1935) 328. University depository of state tubiications — The general library of the University of Minnesota is hereby made a deposit- ory of all books, pamphlets, documents, maps and other works published by or under the authority of the State of Minneso,ta. (Chap. 278, Sec. 1, 1905) 329. State officials to deliver publications— It shall be the duty of the Secretary of state, and of all other officials and boards hav- ing the custody or distribution of such publications, to deliver to the said library one copy of each so soon as ready for distribu- tion; and thereafter whenever different works are bound up to- gether, one copy of volume provided that the said library shall be entitled to receive 5 copies of the Legislative Manual. The said officers may in their discretion issue to the said library additional copies as requested by the librarian. (Chap. 278, Sec. 2, 1905) 330. Appropriation for agricultural experiment station — ^That the State of Minnesota does hereby assent to the grants of money authorized by an act of the congress of the United States, enti- tled, "An act to provide for an increased annual appropriation for agricultural experiment stations and regulating the expenditure thereof." (Chap. 101. 1907) 331. $16,000 appropriated for fruit breeding farm — There is hereby appropriated out of money In the state treasury not oth- erwise appropriated, the sum of sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000), or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the purchase of a fruit breeding farm for the state university for the board of re- gents of the State University as hereinafter provided. (Chap. 334, Sec. 1, 1907) 332. $2,000 annually appropriated — There Is hereby annually appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, not other- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 129 wise appropriated, the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000), for the care and management of said fruit breeding farm. (Chap. 334. Sec. 2, 1907) 333. Regents to select a fruit farm— As soon as may be after the passage of this act, the board of regents of the state univer- sity shall select a fruit farm which shall meet with the approval of the executive board of the Minnesota state horticultural soci- ety as being well adapted for fruit breeding purposes. (Chap. 334, Sec. 3, 1907,1 334. Visitors committee— The executive board of the Minneso- ta state horticultural society is hereby required to appoint a com- mittee oi two suitable persons to visit said fruit breeding farm, at least once in each year, to examine the fruit breeding work being done thi-re, and to report on the progress of such work to the Minnesota state horticultural society and board of regents of the state university, togethi?r with such recommendations for the fu- ture conduct of said farm as may seem to them best. (Chap. 334, Sec. 4, 1007) 335. Penalty for selling liquors — Any person who shall sell any intoxicating liquor or cigarettes, or maintain a drinking place, within one mile of the University farm of the school of agriculture of the University of Minnesota, located in Ramsey county, Minne- sota, on section 21, towxiship 29, and range 23 west, or shall aid or abet another in either of such acts, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor and shall be punished for the first offense with a fine of not more than $100.(;0 or imprisonment for not less than sixty days nor more than ninety days; for each subsequent offense, by a line of not less than $500.00 nor more than $1,000.00, or by im- prisonment in the county jail for not less than six months nor more thar. one year, or by both. (Chap. 37S, 1907) 336. Donation for hospital for sick poor — That the action of said uni\ers!ty and its coard of regents in accepting said donation of one hundred and thirteen thousand dollars ($113,000) from Wal- ter J. Trask of Los Angeles, California, for a clinical hospital to be known as Elliott memorial hospital building is hereby ap- proved, ratified and confirmed and the said donation is hereby accepted in behalf of the Dtate of Minnesota. (Chap. SO, Sec. 1, 1907) 337. Donation for site — That the said donation of the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), and any fui-ther sum or sums which may be donated for the purixise of acquiring a site for a universiry clinical hospital is hereby accepted by the state, and the board of regents of the university is hereby authorized to ac- quire such a site by purchase or condemnatioji near the campus of the state university in the city of Minneapolis, as it may deem most suitable for the purpose and to erect thereon such Elliott m.emorial hospital building and other buildings of like character. (Chap. SO, Sec. 2, 1907) 338. Free treatment for indigent persons — That said Elliott memorial hospital building shall belong to and be forever a part of the University of Minnesota. It shall receive for free care and treatment indigent persons suffering from 'disease who have re- sided in the state of Minnesota for not less than six months. The said hospital building shall be managed and controlled by the board of regents ot the state university, who shall adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem proper and necessary for the ad- mission, discharge, government, care and treatment of such .sick poor by the members of the staff of the department of medicine of the said university. (Chap. 80, Sec. 3, 1907) 130 DICTIONARY OF THE 339. Free education for soldiers of American-Spanish war — That any person, who, being at the time a resident of the State of Minnesota, enlisted in tlie army or navy of the United States during tl;e late war between the United States for the war against the Kingdom of Spain, and wlio was lionorably discharged there- from, shall, upon complying with all other requirements for ad- mission, be entitled to pur.sue any course or courses in the Uni- versity of Minnesota without expense for tuition. (Chap. 158, Sec. 1, 1907) 340. Duty of regents— It is iiereby made the duty of the board of regents of the University of Minnesota to accept in any college, school or department thereof, any student who comes within the definition of section 1 of this act, without any charge to said stu- dent for tuition, and to refund to any student who may come un- der the provisions of this act, any money which he has paid iri as tuition since his discharge. (Chap. 15Sr Sec. 2, 1907) 341. Forest demonstrations — The board of regents of the state university may. in their discretion, use for their forest demon- strations work in connection with the forestry course in the state university, any suitable tracts of land in Itasca .State Park that may be assigned to them for this purpose by the state forestry board, or may undertake forestry work in the said park or eilse- where in conjunction with the state forestry board. (Chap. 90, Sec. 3, 1907) LEAVENWORTH, Francis P.— Born September 3, 1S68, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Mt. Vernon high school, 1S75; A. B., Indiana, ISSO; A. M., same. Taught at Harvard college, 1887-92. Assistant pro- fessor of astronomy, 1S92; professor of astronomy, 1S9G to date. Cincinnati observatory, 1880-82: Assistant, observatory University of Virginia, 1882-87. Author of Double Star Obs.ervations; Stellar Parallax; List of New Nebulas; Photographic Measures of Eros for Dctormaiing the Parallax of the Sun; Photographs of Nebulas and Star Clusters. Member of the Astronomical society of Ameri- ca; Sigma Xi. 1028 Fourth street southeast. LEAVITT, Frederick— Bern November 10, 1861, Grand Rapids, Mich. Common school education. M. D., University, 1894. Clini- cal instructor in obstetrics, Hamline, 1898-00. Instructor, clinical, in obstetrics, 1900-0'6; clinical professor of obstetrics, 1906 to date; clerk of clinics. Author of numerous contributions to medical jour- nals: inventor of the Leavitt Uterine Dilator. 513 M'arsh.ill avenue. 126 Dowry Arcade, St. Paul. LEAVITT, Henry Hooker—Born April 1, 1861, Waterloo, la. A. B., Beloit, 18S4; M. A, same, 1887; Chicago homeopathic col- lege, M. D., 1880. Professor of diseases of children, college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, 1893-01; professor of diseases of nose and throat, 1901-04; professor of ophthalmology, 1904 to date. 2015 Jamco avenue south. 810 Pillsbury building. LECTURE COURSE— During the school year, a lecture and entertainment course, consisting of six lectures and concerts, is given in the chapel of the school of agriculture, at a cost of sev- enty-five cents for the series. These entertainments are strictly high grade, and furnish a pleasant relaxation from school work, as well as mental stimulus. LEE, Thomas G — Born November 27th, 1860, Jacksonville, N. Y. B. S. and M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1886; B. S., Harvard, 1892; University of Wurzburg, 1887. University of Pennsylvania. Assistant in histology and embryology, 1884-86; lecturer on his- tology and embryology, Yale, and director of the laboratory, 1886- 91; assistant in histology, Radcliffe, 1891; instructor in histology, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 131 bacteriology and urinalysis. -University, 1S91-92; professor oi- his- tology, embryology, bacteriology and clinical microscopy, 1892-93; professor of histofogy and embryology, 1S93 to date. Secretary of the college of medicine and surgery and librarian of the medical department of the University. Author of biological reports Con- necticut state board of health; Implantation of Ovum in Spermoph- ilus- Early Development of Geomys; Decidual Cavity in Dipodo- my«'- Early Stages of Development of Cynomys; other papers re- lating to embrvology of North American mammal, particularly rodPHtia. Member of the American Association of anatomists; fellow A A. A. S.; secretary-treasurer of the American society of zoologists f central branch): secretary-treasurer of the American society of naturalists (central branch); Anatomisches Gesellschatt; Minnesota academy of medicine; Minnesota academy of science; American medical association; Hennepin county medical society; Minnesota state medical. 509 River road southeast. LEIB William H.— Instructor in vocal music 1S80-84. LEHNERTS, Edward M.— Born March 29, 1873, Winona Minn St Francis conservatory of music. 1892; Winona normal, advanced cour.-T, 1896; undergraduate work at University of Chicago, 1900- 01; 15. S. Pennsylvania, 1902. Taught in rural school of Winona county, 1SS9-1S91: principal of village schools, same, 1891-92; prin- cipal of night schools, Winona, 1894; instructor, Winona normal, 1896-O0I; head of department of geography, Winona normal, 1900- 07. Assistant professor of geography. University, 1907 to date. Author of many pedagogical articles in educational journals. 1519 Seventh street southeast. LENHERR, Jacob — Instructor in sweet curd cheese work, 1899- 02. LEONARD, Henry C. — Instructor in botany, 1876-7S; professor of obstetrics (homeopathic) 18S8-94. Now practicing in Duluth. LEONARD, L. D.— Professor of pathology and oral surgerj-, ISSS-fil. LEONARD, Vvilliam Edwin— Born July 27, 1855, Minneapolis. Public schools rf Minneapolis; B. A., University, 1876; M. D., Hahnemann medical college. Philadelphia. 1S79; service of the Metropolitan hospital. New York City. 1879-80. Professor of ma- teria mcdic.T. and therapeutics, college of bomeo2. MALEY, Linda Helen. — Born June 9, 1S79, Faxon, Minn. Rural schools; Mmneapolis, east iiigh school; B. A., University, 1901; M. A., same, 1907. Assibtajit in rhetoric, University, 1901-04; in- structor in same, 1904 to date. Phi Beta Kappa. 613 Washington avenue southeast. MANAGING EDITORS OF THE ARIEL— IS,"?. John H. Lewis; 18VS, John l?". Ooodnow; 1879, A. W. Rankin; IS5O, James Jenni- son; 1881, F'rank N. Leavens; 1SS2, David Percy Jones; 1883, Thom- as E. Trussell; 1884, Howard S. Abbott; 1885, Henry J. Grannis; 1886, Frank N. Stacy; 1887, Percy R. Benson; 1888, Arthur E. Giddings; 1859. Patrick Kennedy; 1890, George A. Clark; 1891, Otto K. Folin; 1892, Knut Gjerset; 1893, C. Elon Young; 1894, Arthur L. Helliwell; 189o, Charles H. Topping; 189o, Alexander Caldwell; 1897, Conrad H. Christopherson; 1898, Charles A. Johnson; 1899, Waldron M'. Jerome. MANAGING EDITORS OF GOPHERS— A list of managing edit- ors of Gophers will be foui.d in the Gopher of 1907, page 179. MANAGING EDITORS OF THE MINNESOTA DAILY— 1900, Sidney D.-W, Artam.s; 1901, Waltor 11. Murfia; 190'2, Jay I. Durand; 1903; Henry S. Ives; 1904, Charles Gilman; 1905, John P. Devaney; 1906, Edward Hall and Carol K. Michener; 1907, Algernon H. Col- burn and J^enas L. Potter. MANCHESTER, James Eugene — Born August 16, 1855, Pitcairn, N. Y. B. S., University; D. Sc, Tuebingen, Germany; studied at Gottingun. one semester; Heidelberg, three semesters; Leipsic, two semesters; Tuebingen. tliree semesters. Superintendent of schools, various places in Minnesota, five years; professor of math- ematics, Vincennes university, three years; President of Vincennes university. Instructor in mathematics. University, 1905 to date. Author of Hohere Singularitaten Ebener Kurven. Member of the American mathematical society; member of the Indiana academy of science. 405 Oak street southeast. MANDOLIN CLUB, The — Is an organization of men for the purpose of securing the necessary practice to give public con- 140 DICTIONARY OF THE certs. The instruiments used are the mandolin, violin, 'cello and guitar. Public concerts are given, usually in connection with the glee club, both in and out of the city. Practice is liept up during the college year, under the direction of competent instructors. Membership is secured through competitive trials of skill. MANN, Arthur Teall — Born in 1S66, New York City. Minne- apolis high school, 1S84; B. S., University, 188S; M. D., Harvard, 1895. Taught in Minnesota high schools one year and was super- intendent of same for tliree years. Four years in Massachusetts hospitals; the Channing hospital for mental and nervous cases, 1895-96; surgical service of the Boston City hospital 1896-98; first assistant physician, Massachusetts hospital, 1898-99; studied sur- gery in German hospitals in 1904. Assistant in clinical surgery, 1901-03; instructor in clinical surgery. 1903-07; professor of clinical surgei'y, 1907 to date. Author of Hemorrhoids, including an orig- inal operation; Tin Splints, the Manufacture and Use, with some original devices; Fractures of the Lower Jaw, including an orig- inal method; Rapid Healing in Septic Cases, including the use of iodoform wax in bone cases; Cases of Appendicitis, illustrating some common mistakes m diagnosis; Acute Pancreatitis. Secre- tary-Treasurer of the Western surgical and gynecological associa- tion; Surgeon to the Northwestern hospital, Minneapolis; member of ttie American medical association; the Minnesota state medical association; the M'innes,polis medical club; the Hennepin county medical association; the Commerciai club; the Minneapolis club. 704 Fillsburv building. MANiN, Eugene Lansdon— Born May 20', 1861, Minneapolis. Graduate of St. Paul public schools and Hobart college, Geneva, N. Y. Professor of physical diagnosis and laryngology, college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, 18S8-1902; dean of same 1902 to date. Contributor to medical journals. Graduate work in Aus- tria, London, and Halle, Germany. Phi Beta Kappa. 881 Fair- mont avenue. Endicott Arcade. .St. Paul. MANSON, Frank M.—Instructor in animal biology, 1894-97. Graduate of the University class of 1894; M. S., 1895; Med., 1899. Now a practicing physician at Worthington, Minn. MARSHALL, William R., St. Paul— Regent 1851-52. Ex-offl- cio member of the board 1868-OS. Appointed 1873 and three times re-appointed, resigned January 31, 1882. MARSTON, Moses — Born in Williamstown, Vermont, in 1832. He graduated from Middlebury college in 1856, and for many years was a Universalist minister. He was subsequently called to the professorship of Latin and Greek in St. Lawrence university. New York, where he remained several years. About 1874 he was forced to resign his position on account of ill health, and came to Min- neapolis, hoping that a change of climate would be beneficial. For a time he preached in the Church of the Redeemer, in Min- neapolis; was elected to the professorship of English in the Uni- versity in 1874 which position he filled until his death, July 11, 1883. His friends and pupils raised a fund of $1,000 to endow a scholarship in English in his honor. This scholarship is known as the "Moses Marsten scholarship" and is awarded annually. MARTEN IS. John V. — Instructor in machine design, 1907 to date. 215 Pleasant street southeast. MATCH EN, Robert D. — Professor (homeopathic) of the princi- ples and practice of surgery, 1888 to date; now senior professor of same. Masonic Temple. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 141 MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, THE— Composed of professors, as- sistant profes'-ors and instructors whose work is in pure or applied mathematics, and meets the third Wednesday of each month for the discussion of mathematical subjects. MATHEMATICS MUSEUM— This includes tbe Schroeder wood- en and the Scnilling- gypsum, string and paper models for solid analytical geometry, many of the Schilling models for illustrating the theory of surfaces, several of the Schilling mechanical devices for describing various loci, the Keufel and Esser models for solid geometry, and large slated globes, suitably mounted, for use in splierical geometiy and spherical trigonometry. MAVES, Herman A. — Instructor in operative dentistry, 1907 to date. 601 Masonic Temple. MAYNE, Dexter Dwight— Born May 14, 1863, Beetown, Wis. State normal school, Plattesville, Wis.; some work at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin; other institutions. Taught one year in country school; one year in graded scliool; principal of Fennimore, Wis. liigh school one year; same for Elkhorn high school, five years; same for Fort Atehinson liigli school, four years; principal and surierintendent, Janesville, Wis. schools, seven years, also one year in schools of Ishpcming, Mich. Two years experience as a commercial traveller; practical farm experience; conducted sum- mer schools and institutes for a number of years. Principal of the sc-hocl of agriculture since 1902; also instructor in farm mathe- matics, civics, and economics; instructor in elements of agricul- ture, college of education, 1906 to date. Author of Modern Busi- ness Speller; Geography of Wisconsin (Morton's); Office Methods and Business Practice, parts I and II; The Old Fort at Fort At- kinson; First Principles of Agriculture (with Professor Goff ) ; Mavne's Sight Speller; Modern Business English (with C. J. Smith) ; other publications in preparation. St. Anthony Park, Minn. MAYO, E. D. — Instructor in mechanical drawing, 1SS6-S7. MAYO, William J., Rochester — Appointed regent 1907, term ex- pires 1913. Born ISGl. LeSueur, Minn. Private schools of Roch- ester and medical department of the University of Michigan, M. D'., 18S3. Specialist in surgery wl)ich> he has practiced at Rochestei since 1883. Member of the firm, of Drs. Mayo, Graham and com- pany. Member of the American medical association, president 1906-07; Minnesota state medica-1 association; Olmstcad county medical society, etc. MEAD, Marlon A. — Assifatant in laryngology, 1902-05. MEAT HOUSE — Erected in 1901, at a cost of $7,500. It pro- vides accommodations fur one imndred and twenty students in the lecture room. The killing and cutting rooms on the main lloor are well adapted to large details for practice work, and the base- ment curing rooms offer excellent opportunity for training in this branch of the work. The store rooms are refrigerated by the am- monia process and are so arranged that work started by a stu- dent at any time can bo held almost indefinitely. MECHANIC ARTS BU I LDI NG— This building was erected in iSS6, at a cost of $30,000. It was remodelled and a large addition made to it in 1903, at a cost of $10,000. It is constructed of red pressed brick with rod sandstone trimmings and is a three story and high basement building. It provides quarters for the depart- ment of mathematics, drawing, civil, municipal and structural engineering; tlie testing laboratories of these departments together with some of the laboratories of the department of mechanical 142 DICTIONARY OF THE engineering, and some sliop and bench work. The building con- tains many large class and lecture rooms and private offices of professors, and drawing rooms for the department of drawing and for the drawing work connected with the various departments connected v/ith the departments housed in the building. The building provides nearly thirty tliousand square feet of floor space. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MUSEUM— The collection con- sists of models of mechanical motions especially relatmg to the work in kinematics; sectioned apparatus, such as injectors, water meters and steam separators; various collections of drop forging In iron, steel and copper; miscellaneous samples of commercial work representing the product of special machines; groups of stand- ard nuts, bolts and screwa; samples of belting, ropes, steel and iron cables, rawliide gears, and other material especially useful for illustrative purposes. MEDALS — The Alumni Weekly gold medal, the Briggs medals, the Rollin E. Cutts medal. MEDICAL LIBRARY— This library consists of (a) The general clinical and reference collection of some 4,000 books and bound periodicals, and thirty-four current peiiodicals; (b) The college collections of the college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, the college of dentistry and the college of pharmacy; (c) The departmental libraries, being special collections of books and cur- rent periodicals belonging to tlie laboratories of anatomy, chem- istry, histology and embryology, pathology and bacteriology and physiology. In addition, the libraries of the Hennepin county medical society, some 3,800 volumes and 50 journals, and that of the Ramsey county medical society, some 4,500 volumes and 150 journals, are accessible to ihe medical student for reference work and collateral reading. MEDICAL SCIENCE BUI LDING— Completed in 1S96. The ini- tial cost of the building was $40,000, but with an addition made in 1898 and the changes and improvements made since, it prob- ably represents an expenditure of $J'5,0'00, and with its museums, libraries and other contents at the present time, could not be re- placed for more than .flOO.O'OO. It is a large four story brick building, (7r>xl50 feet) and is especially designed for laboratories. Tliis building liouses the department oj histology and ambryology and tliie department of physiology of this college. A portion of the south wing is temporarily occupied by the college of phar- macy. The department of histology and embryology occupies the four floors of thf^ north wing and center of the building, (about 17,0'00 square feet) and contains a large laboratory (44x70 feet) wiiich is finely lighted by windows on three sides and part of the fourth. On the second floor is a laboratory of neurology and lecture room besides the departmental library and ofTices of the staff. The tliird floor contains a special laboratory and smaller rooms for research students as well as, rooms for photographic and recon- struction work. On the lower floor are found numerous prepar- ation and storage room? for the different laboratories. The department of physiology occupies the greater part of the south wing and center- of the building and provides large well equipped laboratories for experimental and physiological chemis- trv together with numerous finely equipped workshops, storage and preparation rooms, animal rooms, lecture rooms, departmental library and offices of the staff. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. I43 MEDICAL SOCIETY, The— An organization of students of the college of iiicdicine and suigiry, whose purpose is the extension of the knowledge of its members in medical science and the pro- motion of good-fellowship. Organized in MEDICINE AND SURGERY, The College of— This college was authorized by the chartc-r of the University and as far back as 1873. agitation for its organization was begun. It was not until 18&2, however, that the matter began to assume definite form. The subject was brought to the attention of the board of regents through a communication from Dr. Charles N. Hewitt, secretary of the state board of health. Df. Hewitt wrote a letter to the board, and appeared peraonally before it, and as a result a resolu- tion was adopted by the board, authorizing the appointment of a rommittoe consisting of Dr. Charles N. Hewitt, Dr. W. H. Leon- ard, and President FolvvcU, to prepare definite plans for the es- tablishment of such a college. Their report recited the then pres- ent condition of medical education, and recommended the creation of a faculty whose duties sliouid be that of an examining board, to subject every candidate to an examination of a nature to de- termine the candidates preliminary literary and scientific ciualifi- cations, to rigidly but fairly examine into his professional fitness, and require the submission and successful defense of an original thesis upon a professional topic. This report was accepted and adopted and the college, as an examining institution was estab- lished Januai-j- 5, 18S3. Under this form of organization the col- lege existed until 1887, nine persons receiving the degree of bachel- or of medicine, under tiie regulations governing this organization. On the 7th of April, 1887, a committee consisting of Drs. Hand, Hewitt and Millard, waited upon the board of regents and urged the estal.'lishment of a teaching college of medicine. The matter was referred to a special committee of the board of regents, and at a meeting of the board, held February 28, 1888, the representa- tives of the board of trustees of the Minnesota hospital college and the St. Paul medical school, tendered the regents their prop- erties for five years, for the purpose of establishing a medical college of high grade. The offer was accepted by the board. In March of the same year, the board of trustees of the Minne- sota homeopathic medical college, voluntarily surrendered their charter and offered to provide a place for the work of this college to be carried on. if the regents would establish a homeopathic college of medicine. A committee was appointed to nominate a faculty for the college of medicine and surgery and a college of dentistry and another committee to nominate a faculty for the iollege of homeopathic medicine and surgery. The three institu- tions were thus merged into the department of medicine and work was begun under the auspices of the University in the fall of IS'^S, in the building which has of recent years been occupied by Asbury hospital, on the corner of Sixth street and Ninth avenue south, with Dr. Perry H. M'illard, as dean of the department. For four years instruction was carried on in this building. The legislature of 1891, appropriated $80,000 for a new building, to be erected on the campus, and tins was completed so that the work of the following year was pursued in the new building. "With the removal of the department to the campus there was a Change made in administration, so that each of the colleges of the depart- ment was given its own dean, Or. Millard, continuing as dean of the college of medicine and surgery instead of the whole de- partment, and Dr. H. "V\'. Brazie, being made dean of the college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, and Dr. "W. Xavier Sudduth 144 DICTIONARY OF THE being- made dean of the college of dentistry. The college of phar- macy was organized at the same time and Frederick J. Wulling was brought to the University as dean. The work of the first two years is devoted wholly to the study of anatomy, histology and embryology, chemistry, physiology, bac- teriology and pathology, materia m.edica and therapeutics. The work of the last two years is mostly technical and a study of diseases and proper treatment for the same. The degree granted is doctor of medicine. The entrance requirements of this college have been steadily advanced from the ordinary requirement for admission to a high school to two years of college work. The course has been length- ened from three to four years. This was done in 1S95. The college is now resident in six buildings specially erected for its use, Millard hall, the first medical building erected on the campus; the Laboratory of medical chemistry; the Laboratory of medical sciences; the Anatomy building; the Animal building; the Institute of public health and pathology building, on the campus, and a dispensary building located on Washington and Cedar ave- nues. The college of medicine and surgery has advanced its re- quirements, until now two fall years of college work are required for admission. Dr. Perry H. Millard, was dean until his death in 1S37; he was succeeded by Dr. Parks Ritchie, professor of ob- stetrics, who lield that office until the spring of 1906, when he resigned and was succeeded by the present dean. Dr. F. F. Wes- brook. The college has graduated 794 inen and 49 women. The faculty is composed of men wlio are paid for their services and a still larger number of active practitioners who provide clinical instruction in various lines. There are thirteen professors, and forty-three assistant professors, instructors, prosectors, demon- strators and assistants^ wlio are paid for their services, and whose main work is devoted to the service of the department. The full faculty Includes forty-one professors, four assistant professors, thirty-three clinical and laboratory instructors and demonstrators, nineteen clinical and laboratory assistants, :5ixteen scholars assist- ing in laboratories. The enrollment for 1906-07 was ISO. Tuition, $10iO a year. The college is closely associated with the state board of health and both have the use of certain laboratory equipment which is mutually beneficial, the dean of this college being secretary of the state board of health. See Hospitals and Elhott Hospital. See also Six year medical course. See special announcement 1884 and catalog of 1887. MEEDS, Alonzo D. — Instructor in chemistry, 1890-94. Gradu- ate of the University class of 18S9, now city chemist of Minneapolis. MEEKER, B. B., St. Anthony— Regent 1853-56. MELCHER, William P.— Instructor in German, 1873-74. MELOM, Carl Marcus — Born June 26, 1874, Franklin, Minn. Red Wing seminary, ISDP; B. L., University, 1901; M. A., 1902; studied at the University^, of France ten months, as follows: Sor- bonne. two months: Dijon, four months; and Caen, four months; now working for Ph. D. at the University. Three years experience in teaching, one in rural schools, two in the Government schools of the Philippines. Scholar to teach Spanish, 1904-05; instructor In Spanish and French, 190'5 to date. 2029 Seventh street south. MERCER, Hugh V. — Lecturer on jurisprudence, college of law, 1906 to date. Practicing lawyer, Wilson & Mercer, 510 Security Bank building. Member of board of directors of the General alum- ni association. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 145 MEREDITH, Virginia C— Preceptress of the school of agricul- ture, lSy7-9y; also professor of home economics, 1899-0'3. MERRIAM, WIIMam R., St. Paul— Regent ex-oflicio, as governor of the state, 1889-1891'. MERRILL, Rev. Elijah W.— First principal of the University, was born at Conv;ay, N. K., in 1S16. Died in Minneapolis, Feb- ruary 15, 1901. Graduate of Wesleyan university (Conn.), taught at Port Huron, Mich., afterward Albion college, Mich., of which he was, for some time the principal. He was called to take charge of the preparatory depaitment of the University in 1851, and actu- ally opened a school on the 26th day of October of that year, in a small building, erected by public subseription, on or near the site of the old exposition building. The school was carried on by Mr. Merrill for four years, he paying all of the expenses, including his own compensation out of tuition fees received. Mr. Merrill was the chief mover in calling and organizing the first teachers' a.ssociation of the territory and was superintendent of public in- struction for one year, parts of 1S54, 1855. He was ordained a Congregational minister in 1SG3, and was pastor of various church- es in this state until his health failed him in 1875, when he was obHged to give up his v\'x>rk. See Ariel, 1891. MERRIMAN, Orlando C, St. Anthony, Minneapolis — Regent March 4, 1864-February 18, 1868; March 2, 1868- January, 1871. Member of the special board of three regents to which board the task of righting the tangled affairs of the University was referred March 4, 1S64. MERRIMAN, Wiljiam H. — Instructor in machine work, 1900-07. MERWIN, T. Dwight — Lecturer on patent law, 1889-99. MEYER, Arthur W.— Born August IS, 1873, Cedarsburg, Wis., E. S., Wisconsin, 189S; M. D., Johns Hopkins, 1905. Taught coun- try schools. 1891-93; principal of grammar school, 1893-95; teacher of physics, St. Johns military academy, 1898-01; assistant and in- structor in Johns Hopkins university, 1905-07; assistant professor of anatomy, University, 1907 to date. Author of The Endothelium of the Peritoneal Cavity of the Cat; the Human Umbilical Vesicle; Rogerieration of the Lymph Glands in the Dog; the Lymphatic Glands in Pregnancy; the Hemolymph Glands of the Sheep; Sub- cutaneous Lymph Glands; the Physician and Surgeon in-.Shakspere; Some Characteristics of the Medicine in Shakespere. 212 Church street southeast. MILES, A. D. E. — Demonstrator in charge of prosthetic clinic, 1891-93. MILITARY Drill — The act of Congress of 1862, providing for the establishment of "Land grant colleges," requires that instruc- tion be given in military science and tactics at all institutions that are its beneficiarie.-?. The Armory is located on the Univer- sity campus and has all the facilities usually provided in a modern Armory. The United States government supplies the University with the necessary arms, equipment and ammunition for instruc- tion in infantry and artillery drill, and details a commissioned ofPcer of the regular anny to take charge of the department. The office of professor of military science . Catherwood, coming in the order mentioned. In 1884, the same result was secured and the University was represented by John W. Bennett and James Uray, in the order mentioned. In 1885, Carle- ton college dropped out of the league and Minnegola took second, third and fourth places, being represented by F. N. Stacy, T. E. Trussell, and E. R. McKinney. In 1886, the University took first, second and sixth places and was represented by N. M. Cross, F. N. Stacy, and G. E. Burnell. In 18S7, the University was repre- sented by A. B. Gould. J. I). Hinshaw and Edward Winterer, and won first and second places. In 1888, the University was repre- sented by J. E. Erf and P. R. Benson, who won second and third places respectively. Macalester was, at this time, admitted into the league, and signalized her entrance by carrying off first honors. In 1SS9, Minnesota was represented by H. D. Dickinson and T. G. Scares, who won first and second places respectively. In 1890, the University was represented by B. H. Timberlake and H. P. Bailey, who won first and second places respectively. In 1891, Minnesota was r-^preserited by B. H. Timberlake and T. G. Scares, who won second and third places. In 1892, the University was represented by P. J. Neff and C. S. Pattee, who won second and third places. In 1893, by C. S. Pattee and W. A. Smith, and took first and third places. In 1894, by Laura Fi^ankenfield and J. G. Briggs, Mr. Briggs took second and Miss Frankenfield fourth place. In 1895, Minnesota was represented by Clair E. Ames and Arthur L. Helliwell, Mr. Helliwell received second place and Mr. Ames fourth. In 1896, Minnesota was represented by A. Eliason and W. Pendergast. who tooiv first and second places. In 1897, the University was represented by Booth and Savage. Mr. Booth, won first and Mr. Savage third place. In 1898, by E. A. Slocum and F. E. Force, who took third and fourth places. In 1899, for the first time, tlie winner of first place in the Pillsbury contest, was sent to represent the University in the Northern Oratorical League oontest £.nd the v/inners of second and third places represented the University in the state contest; Joseph W. Beach, won first place and A. J. Finch and F. G. Sasse, second and thiid and so repre- sented Minnesota in the state contest, winning second and sixth places. In 190O, W. M. Jerome won first place in the Pillsbury con- test and represented the state in the N. O. L. contest, while 11. G. Spaulding and W. R. Hubbard, won second and third and repre- sentee the L'niversity in the state contest, where they won second and third honors. In 1901, T. D. Schall, won first and went to the N. O. L. contest as Minnesota's representative, and R. L. Dillman and O. A. Lende, represented the University in the state contest. Lende got fourth place and Dillman was debarred on a technicality. In 1D02, T. D. Schall, won first in the Pillsbury and first in the N. O. L., J. A. Layne and J. G. Steenson, winning second ''nd third in the Pillsbury contest. Minnesota, at the time dropped out of the old state league and as a consequence out of the old inter-state league. In 19C3, George P. Jones, won first, with J. A. Layne, second and Jesse G. Steenson, third. Mr. Jones won third in the inter- state. In 1P04, G. P. Jones, again won first, and won first also in the Northern Oratorical League contest. A. J. Bushfield and W. I. Norton followed in the order mentioned. In 1905, Theodore Christianson, won first and Fanny Fligelman and H. L. Brock- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. i6l way cam( iti tho order mentioneu. la 190fl, Lucile Way won first and was followed by O. B. Flinders and Fanny Fligelman. In 1907, Vi\ian Colgrove won first and Louis Schwartz and Algernon Colhurn followed, in that order. ORE-TESTING WORKS — This building is located on the bank of the Mississippi, and was erected in 1894, at a cost of JS,^^. $4,100 of this sum was provided by the state and $3,900 by pri- vate subscription of citizens of Minneapolis. It is constructed of white brick and limestone and is 94 x 66 feet. The building pro- viJes quaiters for the work indicated by its name, and contains the machinery used for such purposes. ORGANIZATION Of the University — The plan of organization adopted by the regents, to carry out the provisions of the charter of the University, was mainly the creation of President I-'olwell. The plan is showa: by the following diagram: Collegiate Third. t Sci. Lit. and Arts. Cl;;.>^h. *■ Junior; Senior. Hemarks.- — 1. The collegiate department, receiving llie student from tho Latin school or from the public high school, brings him. In the course of four years, to the end of the second (commonly called th>?i Sophomore) year of the ordinary college course. At this point he has his option, whether, equipped with the fair prepara- tion for ?pecial studies accjuir«d in the collegiate department, to enter at once some one of the professional schools as they may hereafter be established, or to proceed with higher academic studies, cla.ssical, scientific or literary, in the "college of science, literature and the arts," witli a view to securing the best and full- est .preparation for professional or technical studies. The courses of study offered in this college cover, at present, a period of two years (Junior and Senior), and lead to baccalaureate degrees. 2. It is a part cf the plan, of organization that the studies, not only of the Latin scho'->l, but also of the collegiate department, shall be dropped off as fast as the high schools can take the work. The University begins wherever they leave off. It is hoped that not very many years may pass befora the whole work of the col- legiate department will have been assumed by those schools. Actual courses were organized and instruction was offered in a so-called collegiate department, l>eing the department of elemen- tary instruction called for by the charter of the University; a col- lege of science, literature and the arts; a college of agriculture, which offered work in both elementary and college grade, and plans were formed for offering a "special course of winter instruction;" a college of engineering offori>:g courses in civil and mechanical engineering and architecture. The Latin rehool was dropped at the end of the college year, 1873-74, leaving but two years of preparatory work, as the Univer- 1 62 DICTIONARY OF THE sity now counts college work. The work of the "fourth/' or sub-sub- freshman class, was dropped at the end of t'he college year, 1875-76. The subfreshman class was not dropped until the close of the col- lege year, 1SS9-90. The revised plan of organization which was adopted July, 1871, may be found in the University catalogue of 187 1 -To, page S3. ORMOND, Alexander T. — Professor of mental and moral philo- sophy and history, lSSO-83. Now professor of philosophy in Prince- ton university, a position he has held since leaving the University. ORTON, Forest Hoy — Instructor in treatment of cleft palate, 1891-93. OSWALD, W. L.— Born September 20, 1879, Lancaster, Wis. Lancaster high school; Milwaukee normal and special work in the University of Wisconsin. Four years in the high school at Grand Rapids, Mich. Instructor in botany in the school of agriculture, 1904 to date. St. Anthony Park, Minn. OWEN, Sidney M., Minneapolis — Appointed regent April 28, 1892; re-appointed in 1895 and serving until March, 1901. Reap- pointed March, 1907, term expii-es 1913; editor of the agricultural paper. The Farm, Stock and Home. OWRE, Alfred — Born in Norway, December 16, 1870. Gradu- ate in dentistry, University, 1894; M. D., Hamline, '95. Student assistant in dental college, 1893-94; assistant in operative technics, 1894-96; instructor in metallurgy, 1896-97; instructor in operative dentistry, 1897-98; professor, same, 1900 to 1905; dean of the col- lege, 1905 to date. Contributor in dental journals; chapter of Fil- ling IMaterials and Insertion, in new text book in preparation. Member Twin City academy of dentistry; Twin City dental club; Minnesota state dental association; President, same, in 1902; Na- tional dental association; vice-president, same, 1907; Life member Asiatic society of Japan; same of Japan society of London; Cor- responding honorary member of the Norwegian dental association of Norway. 1700 Portland avenue. PAIGE, James. — Born November 22, 1863, Minneapolis. Phillips Academy, Andover, 1883; Princeton, A. B., 1887; A. M., 1888; LL.B., University, 1890; LL.M., 1893. Instructor in college of law, 1891 to 1896; professor in same, since 1896. Author of Selected Cases in Torts; Commercial Law; Commercial Paper; Agency; Partnership; and Domestic Relations; Published lectures on fore- going topics. 1414 Yale Place. PALACE CLOTHING HOUSE PRIZE FOR DEBATE— The Manager of the Palace Clothing House, Mr. Maurice L. Roths- child, has. given $100 to be used by the debating board to encour- age debate. Just how this is to be used has not yet been deter- mined. PARKER, Edward Cary— Born August 4, ISSil. St. Paul. St. Paul Central high school, 1899; school of agriculture, 1904; B. S. Ag., 1905. Two years' experience in instruction to freshmen in instructor for short course students in corn and grain judging; school of agriculture, in elementary agriculture, soil management, tillage, etc.; also instructor in portions of field crops to juniors; college students in agricultural economics; two years in seed prain lecturing; special agent of the U. S. Department of agri- culture, bureau of statistics, five years. Main work has been • along the line of seed breeding, experimental, and agricultural statistics. Student assistant in agriculture, 190O to 1905; assist- ant agriculturist, 1905 to date. Author of Bulletin number 97, with W. M'. Hays; Press bulletin number 24, with Andrew Boss, article in Review of Reviewts, January 1906; article on wheat pro- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 163 (luction, in hands of Century Magazine, at present time. 1272 County road, St. Anthony Park. PARKIN, Arthur W.— Born September 18th, 1871, Pine Island, Minn. Public scnool training; Dairy School, Madison, Wis. Thir- teen years practical experience as a butter maker. Instructor in cheese-making in Dairy School since 1902. Appointed, June 1906, "n'ith State Dairy and Food Depai'tment as cheese instructor and inspector. Cannoa Falls, Minn. PARSONS, Arthur L. — Instructor in mineralogy, 1903-OC. Now in the corresponding department of the University of Montreal. PASTEUR INSTITUTE — This institute was opened at the medical department of the University in August 1907. This insti- tute was authorized by the legislature of 1907 and its services are free to all residents of the state of Minnesota. It is operated in connection with the department of pathology of the University medical department and is under the direct charge of Dr. Orian- na McDaniei. PATTEE, The — A law literary society. PATTEE, William S.— Born September 19th, 1846, Jackson, Maine. Graduata of Bowdoin College, Brunswick, M'e., 1871.; M. A., 1874; LL.D., Iowa, 1894. Taught Greek in Lake Forest Uni- versity, 111., J 872-74; public schools of Northfield, 1874-7S; practiced law from 1878 to 18S8; member state legislature, 1SS4-85. Profes- sor of law and dean of the college from September 11th, 1888 to date. Author of many legal works, including Contracts; Real Property; Personal Property; and Equity. Delegate to the Uni- versal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists. St. Louis, 1904. Alpha Delta Phi, ini9 Fifth street southeast. PEABODY, Eunice D.— Born November 25th, 18G8, Alden, Wis. St. Mary's Hall. Faribault, 1SS8; Teachers' Training School, St. Paul. 1889; B. A., University, 1904; M. A., 1905. Taught in ele- mentary schools for ten years; assistant in psychology, University, 1905 to 1007. Now teaching in St. Paul city schools. 272 Prescott street, St. Paul. PEASE, Levi B. — Instructor in assaying, 1902-OG; assistant professor of metallurgy, 1906 to date. PEAVEY PRIZE, THE— Mrs. Heffelfinger continues the prize of JlOO, established by her father, the late Frank H. Peavey. This prize consists of $75 for the members of the team winning the freshman-sophomore debate. See Peavey-Dunwoody prize. In 1901, the debate prizes were won by Benj. Drake, Jr., J. B. Ladd and John Thelen, while the prize for oratory went to J. A. Layne. In 1902, the freshman te.^m, J. P. Devaney, R, Weiskopf, L. H. Joss won the debate and George Ward, the prize for ora- tory. In igo."}, E. C. O'Brien, R. H. Pratt and J. P. Devaney, sophomores, won the debate prize and Robert Weiskopf the prize for oratory. In 1904. A. E. Arntson, Kenneth McManigal and W. L. Badger, won the prize for debate. In 1906, the prize for de- bate went to A. Evans. M. Doherty and H. Deering. In 1907. the debate prize went to Ray Chamberlain. Harold Knopp and Zenas Potter. The second debate of 1907, coming in the next college year, was won by the sophomores, who were represented by L. F. Prigge, C. Arthur Carlson and H. B. Duff. PEAVEY-DUNWOODY PRIZES IN ORATORY— Mrs. Heffel- finger, daughter of the late Mr. Peavey, gives $100 annually in prizes, $75 of which is used for the Peavey freshman-sophomore debate and $23 is combined with $25 given by Mr. Dunwoody for l64 DICTIONARY OF THE the spnior debate, and the $50 is offered hi three prizes to winners of the freshman-sopliomore oratorical contest. Tlie prizes are di- vided into $?5. $15, $1'0. In 1904, inioodore Christianson, Magnus Aygarn and L. A. Hamlin were the winners. In 1906, Zenas Pot- ter. Harold Deering- and A. Evans won. In 1907, Sigurd Peterson, Max Lowenthal and Ztnas L/. Potter won. PECK, A. E. L. — Instructor in crown and bridge worlc, 1890-91. PECK, Louis W. — Instructor in physics and drawing, 1874-7i. Assistant professor in charge of pliysics, 1878-79. PECK, Mary Grey. — Born October 21, 1867, Seneca Castle, N. T. B. A., Elmira; graduate worlv at the University; graduate work at University of Cambridge, England. Taught English in private and public schools. Instructor in English, University, 1901 to 1907; assistant professor, 19'37' to date. Author of Gerrnelshausen (in collaboration with Professors Potter and Schlenker). PECKHAM, Stephen F. — Professor of chemistry and physics, 1874-1880. PEEBLES, Thomas — Born in Ireland in 1857. After acquiring the best education the common schools of his native land could give, he came to the United States. After a few- terms of further preparatory study in this country, he enrolled at Princeton college, in 3 879. Here ho early distinguished himself as a student, espe- cially in metaphysics and psychology. He was under the direct instruction of the celebrated Dr. McCosh, and, on account of his marked ability in his favorite studies enjoyed his warm personal friendship. From Princeton he graduated with highest honors, and after spending one year in the employ of the Steel Works Company at Pittsburg he came to the University in 1883, as in- structor in mental and moral philosophy. He resigned his posi- tion in ISSS for the practice of law. Now engaged in business in Minneapolis. PENDERGAST HALL.— Erected in 1889 at a cost of $2i5,O00', is a large, four-sto/y brick building a4x54 feet. It contains Y. M. C. A. room, small recitation room, and dormitory facilities for nine- ty stud.:>nts attending the school of agriculture. PENDERGAST, Sophie M.— Instructor in English, school of ag- riculture, 1899-01. PENDERGAST, W. W., Hutchinson— Regent ex-ofRcio, state superintendent of public in.struction, September 1st, 1893-January 21, 1899. Born in 1833 at Durham, N. H. Prepared at Phillips Exeter, and in 3 850 entered Bowdoin. Came to Minnesota in 18.56 and taught school. Appointed clerk in the state department of public instruction in 1832, and principal of school of agriculture m lSSS-1893. State superintendent of public instruction, 1893-1899. PENDERGAST, Warren W., jr.— Superintendent of the sub- station at Grand Rapid-:, 1C96-97. Died August 26, 1897. PENNY, Lincoln E. — Professor (homeopathic) of skin and gen- ito-urinary diseases, 1834-9i5. PENSIONS FOR TEACH ERS— Address by Professor John H. Gray, delivered before the Faculty Dining Club, Novemiber 30th, 1907. at the St. Anthony Commercial Club rooms. Printed in full in the Minnesota Alumni Weekly of December 2'3d, 1907. PERRY, Ralph E. St. John — Lecturer (homeopathic) on skin and i,MMiilo-:ii-jnai,v diseases, 1902-03. PETERSON. Peter — Instructor in foundiy practice, 1906 to date. 710 Nineteenth avenue south. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 165 PFAENDER, Albert— Instructor in German, 1S97-9S. Graduate the University class of 1897. Law student 1897-98. Now practic- injr attorney at New Ulm, Minii. PHARMACY, COLLEGE OF, The.— This college was created and made one of the colleges of the department of medicine, in 18['2. Frederick J. AVuliing, Ph. G., was made dean soon after the creation of ihe college. The entrance requirement of this college includes English, algebra, physics and Latin, being about the equi\'alent of half of a high school course. The course is ar- ranged -io that it can be pursued as a two- or a three-year course, to suit the desiie of the student. The work of the college is largely laboratory and practical work and the standard main- tained by the college is in all respects equal to that which is ad- vised by the throe most representative pharmaceutical associa- tions in the land. The college is resident in the Laboratory of Medical Sciences and its equipment is up to the standard. The fee for the course $1(55, which is divided so as to be paid in three or two installments, according as the work is taken in three or two years. The state board of pharmacy meets at the college four times each year, to examine candidates for registration as ph.'irmaeists. Graduates of this college ai-e admitted to state board examinations, wherever standards of efliciency have been established, and ics diploma is recognized in all other states as well. The degree granted by this college is bachelor of phar- macv and graduate work is offered leading to the degrees master of pharmacy and doctor of pharmacy, the first requiring one and the st>cond," two years of gi-adaate work. When the college was first organized the degree granted was that of doctor of phar- macy, and sixty-nine men and six women, in all seventy-five, were granted this degree. In 1900 the degree was changed to pharma- ceutical chemist, and one hundred six men and fifteen women have been granted this degiec. There have been two graduates receiving the master's degr.;e. The faculty includes six professors, two assistant professors, eleven instructors and assistants. The enrollment for 1906-07. was 76. In accordance with recent action of the faculty, approved by the !x)ard of regents, .students entering this college on and after 1909 will be required to possess a full high school training. The digree of b.ichelor of science, in pharmacy will be granted to stu- dents who have had two years of college work and who complete the required work for the pharmacy degree. No one will be al- lowed to become a candidate for the degree of master of phar- macy who does not possess the degree of bachelor of science, in pharmacy, and no one will be allowed to become a candidate for the dog) ee of doctor of pharmacy who has not received the de- gree master of pharmacy. PHELAN, Raymond Vincent.— Born December 7th, 1877. Cleve- land, Oh;o. Public schools of Cleveland: Ph. B., Western Reserve, 1902: M. A., same, 1904; Ph. 1)., Wisconsin, 190U; graduate work in economics, Wisconsin, and University fellow in same, Wisconsin. Private tutor in Cleveland, Ohio, 1902-04; substitute work in University of Wisconsin, 1906; assistant professor of economics and sociology, Miami University, 190fi-O7; instructor in economics. University, 1907 to date. Autlior of the Financial History of ^Vis- consin; Elastic Currency; Centralized Tax Administration; various articles upon political equality; book reviews upon political and social science; in preparation, a Labor History of Minnesota. Of- ficial representative of the University at the National Conference on Taxation held in Columbus, Ohio, November 1907. Member of 1 66 DICTIONARY OF THE the American Economic Association; American Association for Labor Legislation; American Statistical Association; Minnesota Academy of Social Sciences. PHELPS, A. G. — Assistant in (homeopathic) clinical medicine and physical diagnosis, 1903 to date. 118 Minnehaha Parkway. PHI BETA KAPPA — An honorary society whose members are elected from the senior class who have shown special attainments in scholarship and general culture. The National society w^as founded December 5th, 177G. The Minnesota Alpha Chapter was established Decem'ber 13th, 1892. PHI BETA PI — ^Xi cnapter established in 1903. Medical fra- ternity. 611 Thirteenth avenue southeast. PHI CHI — Pharmacy fraternity. Theta chapter established in 1904. Founded at Michigan 18S3. PHI DELTA PHI — Law fraternity. Dillon chapter established in 1891. Founded at Michigan 1864. PHI DELTA THETA — The second fraternity to be established at the University. The Minnesota chapter established in 1881, the national chapter at Miami University in 1848. 1013 Univer- sity avenue southeast. PHI GAMMA DELTA— Mu Sigma chapter established in 1890. Founded at Jefferson college in 1848. 1110 6th street southeast. PHI KAPPA PS! — Minnesota Beta chapter established in 1888. Founded at Jefferson college in 1852. Chapter house at 1611 Uni- versity avenue southeast. PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY, THE— This society is organized to promote philological investigation and study. PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB — Meets bi-weekly in the evening dur- ing the winter months to read and discuss contemporary philo- sophical literature. The membership consists of the professors, instructors, and qualified students of the department. PHI RHO SIGMA — Tau chapter established in 1903. Medical fraternity. 728 Thirteenth avenue soutiieast. PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM, THE — Composed of instructors and graduate students of the department of physics, and meets regularly for the discussion of recent investigations in physical science. PHYSICS Building— This building cost $55,600.00. This was provided by two appropriations, one of $25,000 in 1899, and one of $50,000, in 1901, the balance of the appropriation went into equip- ment. The building is practically fire proof and is two stories high, with high basement. It is built of light tinted brick and is 68x115 feet. It provides 23,500 square feet of floor space for the department of physics to whose use it is wholly devoted. The basement contains laboratories for advanced research work, dark room for research work in optics, rooms and apparatus for the production of liquid air, a constant temperature room, battery room, students' work shop and mechanical room, precision room, an electric standard room and janitor and toilet rooms. The first floor is provided with oihce rooms with fire proof vaults attached, two recitation rooms 28x34 feet, private laboratory and physics li- brary room, private research laboratories, general physics labora- tory with attached store room and balance room. The second floor contains laboratories for research, chemistry, for under-graduate work in electricity, dark room, apparatus room and preparation room, store room and lecture room, 38x58 equipped with 310 desk arm seats. UNIVERSITY OF MDSfNBSOTA. 167 PI BETA NU — An honorary society founded by the seniors of the class of 18SS, wliose object was to promote the study of sci- ence, literature and the arts and to mark distinguished merit in thu faithful performance of duties at the University of Minnesota. The founders were Helmus "VVells Thompson, Albert Graber, Wil- liam Dodsworth Willard, Albert Ames Finch, and Ulysses Sherman Grant. The membership was not based wholly on marks but lists of men recommended by the various departments of the Univer- sity, submitted lists of the men they considered the strongest in the junior class, these were arranged in order of designated pref- erence and the first ten chosen as a tentative list, and the out- going members elected live from this list, to constitute the society for the following year. This society continued in existence until the establishment of Phi Beta Kappa, a national society of sim- ilar aim.s and ends, December 13, 1892. PI BETA PHI— Alpha chapter established in 1890, re-estab- lished in 1906. Founded at Monmouth college in 1867. 313 Six- teenth avenue southeast. PIERCE, Ernest Boynton— Born August 20, 1879, St. Paul. St. Paul, mechanic arts high school, 1897; Mankato normal, 1898; B. A., University, 1904. Taught district school one year; graded school one year; Mankato high school, one year. Assistant reg- istrar, 1901-05; registrar, 1905 to date. 132 Orlin avenue south- east. PIERCE, Judge James O. — Lecturer on the law of domestic re- lations, 1888-89, lecturer on constitutional and statutory law, 1889- 92. From 1892, to date of his death, 1907, Judge Pferce was lec- turer on constitutional jurisprudence and history. Judge Pierce was a prolific contributor to legal and semi-legal periodicals and the author of Studies in Constitutional History. He was at one time judge of the Circuit court of Memphis, Tenn. PIKE. Joseph Brown— Born 1866, Chicago, 111. St. Paul high school, 1886; B. A., University, 1890; M. A., '92; Fellow in classics, University, 1891; student in France and Italy, 1893. Instructor in Latin, University, 1892-93; same, Latin. Fi-ench and Greek, 1893- 94; assistant professor of Latin, 1896-99; professor of Latin, 1899 to date. Taught at the University of Iowa, summer session of 190'5-06. Author of Lives of Suetonius; Articles on Teaching of Latin, in Proceedings of M. E. A. Phi Beta Kappa; Psi Upsilon; member of the Classical association of the middle west and south. 525 Tenth .aveniie southeast PIKE, Jay N. — Born October 1, 1876, Lake City, Minn. Uni- versity college of engineering, Massachusetts institute of technolo- gy; liental college. University, 1903. Demonstrator in operative dentistry, 1903-05; instructor in prosthetic dentistry, and dental anatomy, 1906 to date. Active practice in dentistry. 409 Masonic Temple. PIKE, William A. — Born in Dorchester, Mass. He was the son of the Rev. Richard Pike, a Unitarian minister. He received his early education in the public schools of Dorchester, and fi-tted for the Massachusetts institute of technology. He entered the Massa- chusetts institute of technology when barely sixteen years of age, from which institution he graduated in 1871. During his last year as a student he was principal of the first free evening drawing school established by the city of Boston; in which, machine, archi- tectural, ship and free-hand drawing were taught. He was also student-instructor in civil engineering. 1 68 DICTIONARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNKSOTA. 169 Immediately after graduation he was engaged to take cliarge of the survey of tlie Beech Ba> improvements in Boston, in which work he was engaged until August of the same year when he was elected profc-ssor of civil engineering in the Maine state col- lege, being, it is claimed at that time the youngest professor in the United States. This position he held until August, 1S80, when he was elected professor of engineering, in charge of physics, in the Unisersity. Professor Pike was immedia,tely made secretary of the faculty of that college of engineering, a position which he held until he was made director of the college in 188G. In 1890, Professor Pike was made dean of the college taut he resigned a year later, 1891, to go into business. Mr. Pike continued, as a lecturer in the college for a year, se^■ering all connection witli the inr.tituition in 18b2. PILLSBURY HALL — So named in honor of its donor. Governor John S. Pillsbury, who erected the building in 1889, at a cost of $i31,0'00.00, and presented it to the state. The building is two hundred forty-five feet long and is constructed of sandstone, the basement of red and the upper stories of white with an occasional red stone mixed in. The building is a two story and high base- ment building. It provides quarters for the departments of animal biology, botany, geology, mineralogy and paleontology. The Uni- versity museums are also located in this building. PILLSBURY, John Sargent— Regent November 18G3-March 4, 1864: JMareh 4, 1 SG4-FelH-uary 18, 1808; March 2, 1868-January 7, 1870, when he became regent as Governor of the state, continu- ing to hold office by virtue of his being Governor until January 10, 1882; appointed Februry 1, 1882 and re-appointed regularly until March 27. 1896, when he was made regen,t for life, holding the office Mrtil the day of his death, October 18, 1901. Governor Pillsbury, "Father of the University"' was borji July 29, 1828. He came to Minnesota in 18&5. Was married to Mahala Fisk, November, 1856. He was engaged in the hardware business from date of coming to Minneapolis to 1875, when he sold that bu.siness to devote himself mainly to milling business. He was a member of the city council for six years. Elected to the state senate in 18U3 and served continuously for ten years. Elected governor in 1875, again in 1877 and 1879. He gave the University the magnificent science building, which is known by his name, in 1889. In 1892 he presented his native town with a flne citj- haJl in memory of his father and mother. In 1898, in conjunction with his wife, he established an endowment fund of $100,000, for the erection of a honie for children and aged women. In same way he erected a home for worlcing ^v■omen, in 1900, at a cost of ;2-j,000. In 1901 he gave the city of Minneapolis a fine library building, erected at a cost of $75,000, known as the Pillsbury branch of the uublic library. Pillsbury statute was erected in his honor and dedicated in September, 1900. As it would be impossible to give here full inforn-.ation con- cerning Go\-ernor Pillsbury's services to the University the follow- ing references are given to inaterial easily available to anyone interested. The Minnesota Alumni Weekly of October 21. 1901; also June 5, 1902. Pamphlet containing full repoi-t of the exer- cises of the memorial services held at Commencement of 1902. For the story of his early connection with the I'niversity see pam- phlet containing speech of Governor Pillsbury at the Alumni ban- quet h.'ld at tlie West liotel. June 1. 1893. PILLSBURY MEMORIAL FENCE— This fence which extends along University avenue from 14th to 17th avenues was erected in the summer of 1902 by Mrs. Sarah Pillsbury Gale, 1888. in mem- 170 DICTIONARY OF THE ory of her father, John S. Pillsbury. The fence is of stone and iron anc! ornamental design. The main gateway at 14th avenue en- trance is shown In the accompanying cut. PILLSBURY STATUE— Dedicated September 12, 190O. This statue was erected by alumni and friends of the University and by the alumni presented to the University, as a token of honor and appreciation of the services of Governor Pillsbury to the Uni- versity. The committee which had the raising of the funds in Pillsbury Statue. charge, consisted of tlie following named gentlemen: Edward C. Chatfield, 1874, George H. Partridge, 1S79, James A. Quinn, Ex-'T6. and IjOuIs S. Gillette, 1S76. The statue is of bronze, heroic size, mounted on a pedestal of granite. The sculptor, Daniel C French, is recognized as one of the foremost sculptors of his day, and this creation is one of his masterpieces. For fuller information, see pamphlet. "The unveiling of the statue of John S. Pillsbury." PILLSBURY PRIZE, The— Three prizes of $100, $50 and $25 are offered by the heirs of the Honorable .lohn S. Pillsbury award- ed for the best work in the department of rhetoric, as evidenced finally by an oration in public. These prizes were established in 1888. The first contest, however, appears to have been held June 6, 1889, and T. G. Soares, O. L. Triggs, and Henry Johnson were the winners. June 2, 1S90, T. G. Soares, B. H. Timberlake and M. D. Purdy were the winners. June 1, 1891, M. D. Purdy, P. J. Neff and J. O. Jorgens were the winners. May 29, 1892, W. A. Smith, C. S. Pattee and Albert D. McNair were the winners and were also by virtue of having won .this contest made the Uni- versity representatives in the state contest. This plan was fol- lowed until Minnesota dropped out of the state contests in 1900. In 189.3, Estelle Sins'heimer and Arthur L. Helliwell won. March 15, 1894, John G. Briggs, Laura Frankenfleld and William UNIVERSITY OF MINNE^SOTA. 171 A. Smith, won. In 1893, Clair E. Ames, Arthur L. Helliwell and James Steenson were the winners. ATarch 14, 1896, A. O. Eliason, W". W. Pendergast were the winners. In 1897, L. T. Savage, L. N. Boot!) and .1. B. Miner, won. March 1898, E. A. Slocum, F. E. Force, and Joseph W. Beach won. In 1899, Joseph W. Beach, A. J. P^nch and F. G. Sasse won. In lOW, W. M. Jerome, H. G. Spauld- ing and W. R. Hubbard won. In 1901, T. D. Schall, R. L. Dillman and O. A. Lende, won. In 1902, T. D. Schall, J. A. Layne and J. G. Steenson won. In 1903, G. P. Jones, J. A. Lane and J. G. Steenson won. In 1904, G. P. .Tones, A. J. BushfieJd and W. I. Norton won. In 1905, Theodore Cliristianson, Fanny Fligelman and H. L. Brock- way won. In 1905, Luciie Way, O. B. Flinder and Fanny Fligel- man won. In 1906, Vivian Colgrove, Louis Schwartz and Algernon Cfilburn won. In 1901-C2, the Pillsbury and Dunwoody prizes w^ere combined and offered for the same purpose as the Pillsbury prizes were offered. In 1902 Governor Pillsbury gave $100 to encourage debate among the sophomores, and I. A. Churchill, A. F. Kovarik, and J. P. Kranz, won PI SIGMA — An honorary engineering society established in 1894. PORTER, Edward D. — Professor of theory and practice of agri- culture, 1880-87. Professor Porter was in charge of the agricul- tural department during the transition! stage and played a large part in the development of the solution to the problem reached by the University, as exomplified in the scliool of agriculture and in the establl.shment of the farmers' institutes. POST ELS I A — The yearbook of the Minnesota seaside station. Vol. 1 was issued in 1901 and contains seven essays. Vol. II was issued in 1906 and contains seven essays, or papers. POST-OFFICE — The University post office was originally owned and controlled by the University and managed by 'the registrar. With the growth of the University this branch became too much of a burden to be cared for and was taken over by the proprietor of the University book store and was managed by liim for several years. When the book store removed from the campus, the post- office was managed by the business manager of the Ariel, who employed a stenographer to take charge of the office, the fees for boxes paying the necessary expenses. The post office was finally placed in charge of Miss Clara Poucher, who dCA^oted her Whole time to the work, receiving the rental fees for her services. Later, J. C. Poucher. a brother of Miss Poucher, was placed in charge of the post office and has continued m charge to this day. The post office was formerly located in the basement of the old main build- ing, but when that building was burned, it was remo\-ed to the rotunda of the library building. With the completion of Folwell hall, the post office wa.s transferred to a room, set apart for the purpose, in that building. POTTER, Frances Boardman Squire — Born November 12, 1867, Elmira, N. Y. B. A.. Elmira, 1887: M. A., same, 1889; honorary alumna. Universitv, 1904. Studied Fi-ench language and literature in France, 1891; research work in English, Cambridge university. England, 1906. Taught in Elmira college, French and mathemat- icf;, 1889-90; senior teacher, Minneapolis east high school, 1899. Instructor in English, University, 1900-04; assistant pro- fessor, 1904-07; professor, same, 1907 !o date. Author of Germels- hausen. in collaboration with Professors Schlonker and Peck; magazine stories under name of Frances Boardman; The Balling- tons, (novel) Frances Squire; short stories and pedagogical articles, 172 DICTIONARY OP THE Trances Squire. Member Lyceum club, London, 190C; Society American vromen in London, 19&7; education committee of tlie Gene»-al federation of women's clubs of the United States. POTTER, Marion — Instructor in Englisli, 1899-01. Graduate ot the LTniversity, class of 1897. Now editor of tlie Cumulative booli index, publislied by the H. W. Wilson company of this city. POULTRY BUILDING— Erected in 1896, at a cost of $1,000. Eemodelled in lOO'O. Contains apartments for a number of breeds of fowls, and is CQuipped fur experiments in breeding- and feeding poultry. POWER HOUSE— Erected in 1S87, at a cost of $18,000, and re- miodelnd in 1904 at an additional cost of $10i,000. Contains one lecture room with a seating capacity for seventy-five students, in which lectures are given on carpentry, power machinery and creamery engineering; also a small room containing a simple en- gine, steam pumps, injectors, and other maiterials used for the purpose of instruction. Tlie steam heat, electric light, power and water are fuTnished from this building for the department of agri- culture. For this work, four one-hundred horse-power boilers, two engines and dynamos, and tvv'o deej) well pumps are employed. POUMERLIE, Charles — Assistant in horticulture, experiment station, 1887-89. POWELL, Ransom J. — Librarian of the college of law, 1S9G-98; inbtructoi- iu justice practice, 1898-02. PRATT, Chelsea C. — Junior demonstrator in pathology and bac- teriology, 1907 to date. M. D., University, 1906. 223 Harvard street southeast. PREPARATORY DEPARTM ENT— This department was organ- ized by t!ie special board of three regents, and opened for instruc- tion Octcbor 7, 1867. The legislature, of the previous year had m.ide an appropriation of $1.5,000 "to be expended in repairing and furnishing the University building, and for the employment of a teacher or teachers for the purpose of commencing the gram- mar and norma! department of the University of Minnesota." Tliis sum was spent- as follows: $5,804.38 for current expense, in- cluding salaries, and the balance for repairs. The faculty of this school consisted of W. W. Washbui-n, principal and instructor in German and Latin, Ira Moore, mathematics, E. H. Twming, nat- ural science, and A. J. Richardson, English branches. The at- tendance, during the first session was 72, of which number 16 were young women. The enrollment of the second session was 109, including 35 young women. The enrollment for the third ses- sion was 14G, including 38 young women. The formal organization adopted by the regents and the election of the first University faculty, August 23, 1869, closed this chapter of University history. PRIZES, Cash — The Pillsbury, the Eighty nine . memorial, the Dunwoody, the Peavey, the Peavey-Dunwoody, the Wyman, the William Jennings Bryan, the Briggs, the Lowden, the Minneapo- lis life imdfM writers, the Rollin E. Cutts. PS! UPSILON — Mu chapter established 1891. Founded at TTnion college in 1833. 310 Twelfth avenue southeast. This fraternity absorbed the local fraternity, known as the Theta Phi, which was established in 1S79. QUARTERLY BULLETIN, The—Published from May 1892 to June, 1891, six numbers, by the University. Edited by a com- mittee of the faculty. Professor Conway MacMillan, editor-in- chief. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 173 QUENSE. J. H.— Instructor in drawing, 1903-06. QUILL The— A good-fellowsliip club, the members of which are elected from among the young women connected with the various Diil)lications of the University. „i^„,r RAMALEY, Francis-Instructor in botany and pharmacology. 1894-95; instructor in botany and practical pharmacognosy, 189o- '' RAMSEY, Alexander, St. Paul-1851-56. Bx-officio regent, goy- ernoi of tu; state. February J 4. ISOO-July 10; 1863. -War gov- ernor'' of the slate. RAMSEY, waiter R.-A^siscant in medicine, 1900-03; ^^f^^J^^ in pediatrics. 1903-05; clinical instructor m diseases of chUdien, 1905 to .iate. 115 Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. RANDALL, Clarence B.— Instructor in drawing and farm build- ings. 1902 -Hi. RANDALL, Eugene W.— Born January 1, 1859, Winona, Minn. Hi^h sc'ioo; and normal school.' Principal of the Mtorris, Minn., hi 'h schcol, two years. Other experience in country schools. Re- gent of the University 1904 to date of resignation, June ]3, 190i. Dean and director of the department of agriculture, 1907 to date. Secretary of the State agricultural society, 1895-07. RANKIN, Albert W. — Born in Canada, in 1852. B. A., Uni- versity, 18S0; has been engaged in school work since graduation. Eleven' yeais was state inspector of graded schools. Associate p-ufessor of education since 190fi. Author of many articles for educational journals. 91G Fifth street southeast. RAWSON, Ralph H.— Instructor in drawing, 1906-07. READ, H. K. — Demonstrator of anatomy, 1899-07. REAMER, E. F.— Assistant in ophthalmology and otology, 1899- 02. REED, Frank E., 1902, law 1904— Manager of athletics, 1904-07. ' Mr Reed is cnga^ed in the practice of law at Glencoe. REES, Soren P.— Born September 27, 1870, Denmark, Europe. Stillwater !iigh school, 1890; B. S., University, 1895; M. D., 1897; interne, one year at St. Barnabas hospital. Instructor in physical diagnosis and clirical medicine, since 1901. Member of the boara of directors of the General alumni association; Theta Delta Chi; Phi Beta Kappa. Author of articles for medical journals; member of various medical societies. REGENT FOR LIFE — By a special act of the State legislature, approved March 27, 1905, Honorable John S. Pillsbury was made regent for life, as a special token of respect and appreciation of his services to the University. REGENTS— See Board cf regents. REID, Harry M. — Instructor in prosthetic dentistry, 1896 to date. 21114 ijueen avenue south. REYNOLDS, Myron H. — Born November 5, 186'5, Wheaton, 111. Iowa state college, four years scientific course, three years vet- erinary medieine; three years course in medicine and two years course in pharmacy at Iowa college of physicians and surgeons, B. S. A., D. V. M., M. D., Ph. G. Two years' experience in country schools. Professor of veterinary medicine and surgery, and vetei-inarian of the experiment station, since 1893. Author of Fi.stula; A Study of Cathartics; State Control of Hog Cholera; State Control of Glanders; Prevention Bettor than Treatment; Hog Cholera and Swine Plague, bulletin; AzDturia; Bovine Tuber- 174 DICTIONARY OF THE cii!osis, bulletin; Some Parasitic Diseases of Slieep; Modern "Vet- erinary Practice; State Work with Inspection of Diseases of Ani- mals; Hemorrhagic Speticaemia; Infectious Abortion; Recent Vet- erinary Literature of Surgery; Veterinary Studies; Stable Ventila- tion, bulletin; Milk Affected by Handling and Exposure. Organ- ized the Minnesota Jive stock sanitary control; the board is con- sidered one of the two most efiicient in the United States. RHAME, Mitchell D. — Instructor in civil engineering and indus- trial drawing, 1872-73, assistant professor 1873-74, professor, 1874- 80. Now assistant chief engineer of the Milwaukee Railway. RICE, A. E., Willmar— Appointed regent May 7, 1897, reappoint- ed in 19(V3, term expires in 1&09. Born in Norway, September 24, 1847. Member of Co. K. Loth Wisconsin volunteer infantry, dur- ing the Civil war. Entered the banking business in 1S82; presi- dent of the bank of Wilmar; vice-president of the Wilmar Sash and door co.; member of the Minnesota house of representatives, from Hennepin countj% 1870; member of senate, Kandiyohi coun- ty, 1874 -S6, except one term; lieutenant governor of Minnesota, 18&6-91. President of the board of farmers' institi'tes. RICE, Henry M., St. Paul— Regent 1851-59. RICHARDSON, A. J — Instructor in English branches in the preparatory department of the University, 1867-69. RICHARDSON, Oscar K. — Lecturer (homeopathic) on life in- surance examination. 1898-03. Assistant in clinical medicine, 1907 to date. RICKER, George E. — Professor of clinical (homeopathic) medi- cine, 1888-89; and phvsical diagnosis, 1SS9-0j. Died, September, 1905. RIDDLE, William Halderman — Born on a farm in western Pennsylvania. ([Completed the work of the country public school, "select" .school, a private tutor, grammar school, academy, and a small college. In the fall of 1SS9 he entered Kansas University. After graduation, in 1893, he taught mathematics and English in the Lawrence high school for one year, and then went to Har- vard, entering as a member of the class of 1895. He received Ms degree of B. A. the following spring, with "honorable mention" in mathematics. During 1S95-96, he continued his work at Har- vard as Townsend scholar in mathematics and received his mas- ter's degree. Positions in two of New England's best and most famous secondaiy schools were offered him, but he refused theni to come to the University as instructor in mathematics. On Jan- uary 9, occurred the street car collision, in which Professor Riddle was fatally injured; he died January 23, 1897. RIDER, Don DuVello — Instructor in prosthetic technics, 1905 to date. RIGGS, Charles Eugene— Born in 1S53, "West Unity, Ohio. Grad- uate of Ohio "Wosleyan university, Delaware, Ohio. Professor of mental and ner\-ous diseases since the organization of the de- partment, in 1888. 595 Dayton avenue, St. Paul. RIHELD.AFFER, J. G., St. Paul— Regent 1853-59. Rl NGN ELL, C. J. — Assistant in laryngology, 1894-95. RIPLEY, G. C. — Lecturer on equity jurisprudence and proced- ure, 1888-89. RITCHIE, A. F.— Professor of anatomy, 1888-89. Died 1907. RITCHIE, Harry Parks— Born March 2, 1873, "Wellington. Kan- sas. Public schools of St. Paul, Minn.; high school, 1890; Ph. B., UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 175 Yale, 1S93; M". D., University, 1896. Surgeon U. S. volunteers, 1898-00. Assistant in gynecology, 1897-01; instructor in gynecolo- gy, 1901 to date. RITCHIE, Parks-Born December 15, 1845, Bainbridge, Ind. Graduate of Pianklin academy, Franklin, Ind. Ohio medical col- lege, M. D., 1870; practiced medicine at Petersburg, Ind., re- moved to Wellington. Kansas, 1871-73; returned to Indiana and prac- ticed eight years at Martinsville; graduate work at the College of physicians and surgeons, New York, and Bellevue hospital col- lege, ISSO-Sl; practiced medicine in .St. Paul since 1881. Professor of obstetrics from the organization of the college of medicine and surgery, 18SS to date. Dean of same college lS97-€6. Member of the medical and surgical staff of St. Luke's hospital; obstetrician of City and county hospitals, St. Paul; member of the American medical association; Minnesota state medical association; ex-pres- ident of same, Minnesota academy of medicine, ex-president of same; Ramsey county medical society; Obstetrical council of the 9th international medical congress. 597 Summit avenue, St. Paul. 125 Dowry Arcade. ROBERTS, George F. — Pi'ofessor (homeopathic) of diseases of women, 1895-04. ROBERTS, Thomas S. — Professor of diseases of children, 1900 to date. 1GC3 Fourth avenue aouth. ROBERTS, William B. — Lecturer (homeopathic) on general sur- gery, 19G3-04; professor general surgery, 1904 to date. Pillsbury building. ROBERTSON, D. A.— Professor of agriculture 1869. Died March 16, 1905, at the family residence, in the city of Minneapo- lis, in his 83d year. ROBERTSON, William — Instructor in physics and language work, school of agriculture, 1892-05; superintendent of the sub- station at Crookston, IWS-OG; also principal of the Crookston ag- ricultural scliool, 190G to date. ROBINSON, Edward VanDyke— Born December 20, 1SG7, Bloom- ington, 111. Graduate of University of Michigan, and received mas- tor's degree there also; Ph. D., Leipzic; principal of Rock Island, 111., high school; principal of St. Paul high school; acting professor of economics and politics, Albion college; lecturer on physiography and geography. University summer school; several summers in railway offices securing practical knowledge of certain railroaxx problems; profen.sor of economics. University, 1907 to date. Au- thor of many articles upon high school matters, and the following of scientific character relating to his specialty — War and Econom- ics in History and Theory; Division of Governmental Powers in Ancient Greece: The Caroline Islands and the Terms of Peace; The Isthmian Canal; Crete and the Cretan Question; The Study of History- in Relation to the Formation of Character; The Con- trol of the Nicar^.gua Canai; also many reviews of standard pub- lications for leading journals. 1213 Seventh street southeast. ROGERS, John T. — Clinical instructor in diseases of children, lS9'5-98; clinical instructor in surgery, 1898-02; clinical professor of surgei->'. 1902 to date. Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. ROLLIN E. CUTTS PRIZE IN SURGERY, The— Dr. Mar>- E. Smith Cutts, Med. '91, has given the University, as a memorial of her husband. Dr. Rollin E. Cutts, Med. '91. the sum of J500.O0, the income from which is to be awarded in the form of a gold 176 DICTIONARY OF THE medal to that member of the senior class of the college of medi- cine and surtrery who presents the best thesis showing original work upon a surgical subject. ROME, Robert Rasmussen — Born March 4, 1865, Denmark. Uni- versity academy, Chicago; Denison University, Granville, Ohio. One year at Rush, 18S3; Hahnemann college, Chicago, 1891; Uni- versity. M. D., 1892. Supplied the_ pulpit of the Albert Lea Bap- tist church, 1SS9. Ad.iunct protessor, in charge of clinical obstet- rics, college of homeopathic medicine and surgery, 1894-90; clini- cal professor of obstetrics, 1896-02; professor of diseases of women>' 10'02-0'3; senior professor of gynecology, 1903 to date; author of many articles for medical and surgical journals; inventor of an instrument for measuring the internal conjuge of living women to ascertain if childbirth is possible. 90'0 Twenty-second avenue south ROSE, Bert A. — Born August 18, 1866, St. Paul, Minn. Gradu- ate of high school; music teacher for twenty years. Band master, University. 710 Seventh street southeast. ROSE, Norman W. — In-slructor in drawing, 1906 to date. 209 State street southeast. ROSEN DAHL, Carl Otto— Born October 24, 1875, Spring Grove, Minn, .attended countr\- schools; Decorah, la., institute, 1896; B. S., University, 1901; M. S., 1902; Ph. D., Berlin, 1905, after two years of graduate work at that institution. Taught one year in country school. Scholar in botany, 1900-01; instructor, same, 1901- 02; assistant professor, same, 190-5 to date. Author of Contribu- tions to Flora of Southeastern Minnesota; Die Nordamerikanischen Saxifragineen urd ihre Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse in Bezeihung zu ihrer Geographiscbeu Verbreitung (doctor's thesis); Observa- tiori on Plant Distribution in Renfrew Distiict of Vancouver Isl- a.nd. 626 Sixteenth avenue southeast. ROTH ROCK, John L. — Clinical instructor in pathology, 1898- 03, and gynecolog>-, 1903-05; clinical professor of diseases of wom- en, 1905 to date. Dowry Arcade, St. Paul. RUGGLES, Arthur Gordon — Born May 30, 1875, Annapolis Roy- .al, N. S. Normal school and agricultural college, Trui o, N. .S. ; B. S. A., Cornell; M'. S., same. Taught four years in public schools of Nova Scotia. Instructor in entomology and zoology, school of agriculture, and experiment station, 1904 to date. 14e5 Raymona a\enue, St. Anthony Park. RUSSELL, Ber^t — Irsxructor in chemistry, 1902-03. Now assist- ant examiner of patents, Washington, D'. C. RUSSELL, H. L. — Instructor in bacteria in dairy products, 1902 to date. RYAN, Gussie K. — Stenographer, office of purchasing agent, 704 E. Sixth street, St. Paul. RYAN, Wiltiam — In>jtructoi- in electrical engineering, 1907 to date. 1406 Seventh street southeast. SALT SPRING LANDS— The United States government, in 1857, ceded to Mnincsjta 46.080 acres of so-called "salt spring lands." The legislature of Minnesota gave 7,643 acres to the Belle-Plaine salt company to encourage the investigations of this company into the possibility of using the lands for the production of salt. No residts were accomplished through this grant. The company di.sposing of the land at a good figure and doing almost no work in return fTr the same. A second grant was asked by the same company, and the legislature called Professor Winchell, of Uni- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. \^^ versitv of Michigan, to invnstigate and report. His report showed that nothing wa.s to be hoped from such grants, and in IS/Z an art was passed creating the geological and natural history survey and grantin,-; to that survey, for Its support, all of the ands tlien remaining of the congressional grant of 18.57. It was found that of the 40.080 acres granted by Congress, 11,520 acres were situ- ated on land.« belonging to the Indians; G,750' acres had oeen taken up bv settlers, under the homestead laws, and 1.600 acres covered bv a" previous swarnp and gi'ant, making a total of acres not available for the encowment of the survey, and leaving but 18 751 acres available for that purpose. Governor PiUsoury intro- du'ced into the legislature, and secured the passage of a resolution asking Concress to cede other lands to cover those which had Sen fost to" the state thrc^ugh no fault of its own. In 1879. this w?«. done, and twenty-fou;- sections, 15,360 acres were ceded to the state and by the state made over for the endowment of the survev! maUiSg the total amount of land available for the pur- nose '34 114 acres. The .«al5S of these lands, to August 1. 1906, amounted to $303,475.23. There w..d then due on contracts out- s andhig $r 815.17. There were about 5,000 acres of land un- sold For tliis information we are indebted to D. W. Sprague. University accountant. SALUTATORIANS-1S76, W. E. Leonard; 1877. E. A^ Currie; 1S78, Marv W. Robinson; 1879, George H. Partridge; 1880. GW^ Smiih; 1881. Margaret Campbell; 1882, A. F HUyer; 1883 ^illiam E. Fay; 1SS4, Emma Zwinggi; 1SS5, Mary I Irving; 1886. Ada L. Kiehle; 1887. N. M. Cross; 1888, Alice A. Adams; 1889. W.B. La- due 9135; 1890. Milton Rex, 92.66; 1891. T. G. Soares. 94.<6; 1892, Clii- E Banev 94.55; 1893, A. C. Knudson, 96.34; 1894, Theodore Clark, 94.05; 'iSaS, Clarence B. Miller. 94.43; 1896, J- N Berg, 92.05; 1;1 to date. Professor Sanforu has always taken a deep interest in the various works of a charitable and religious nature. She has been a director of the Northwestern hospital, and president of the Woman's auxiliary to the Young Women's Christian associa- tion. In temperance work her influence is felt throughout thie state. As an eloquent, forcible, popular and earnest speaker. Miss Sanford is well known to the people of Minnesota, having given numerous, addresses in practically every part of the state. She was recently introduced to an audience as the "best known and best loved woman in the state of Minnesota." She is actively connected with various women's organizations and takes an ac- tive interest in everything that piomises civic betterment. lOoO- Thirteenth avenue southeast. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. — The Minnesota alumni association of northern California. President, George A. Clark, 1S91; secretary, Frank V. Cornish, 1893. SARDESON, Frederick William — Born February 22, 1866, Wiota, Wis. B. L., University. 1891; M. S., '92; Freiburg in Baden, Ger- many, Ph. D., '95. Scholar in Geology, University, 1892-93; in- structor, 1894-90 ; instructor in paleontology, 1897-06; assistant pro- fessor of same, 1906 to date. Field geologist, U. S. Geological survey, 1SS9-90; geological survey of Baden, 1894-95; field work summers for various purposes. Author of many scientific articles on geology and paleontology, in professional journals. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Fellow of the Geological society of America; Fellow cf American association for the advancement of science. 414 Harvard street southeast. SAVAGE, Charles Albert — Born September 4, ]866, Stockbridge, M'ass. Attended various grade and high schools, Stockbridge, Mass., and Plainfield, N. J., and St. Paul, Minn. University; A. B. Johns Hopkins, 1S95; Ph.D., same. 1903. Several years experience in business, grain and insurance. Instructor in Latin, 1899-03; as- sistant professor of Latin, 1903-04; same of Latin and Greek, 1904 to date. Author of dissertation entitled, The Athenian Family, a sociological and legal study, based chiefly on the works of Attic orators. Now in press. 454 Ashland avenue, St. Paul. SAWYER, John E. — Professor (homeopathic) of the history and methodologi" of medicine, 1894-95. SAWYER, Wesley G.* — Assistant professor of German, 1873-74. SCABBARD AND BLADE, The — A branch of the National mil- itary organization was established at the University in 1905. This is a fraternal oi'ganization among the officers of the University corps of cadets. The Minnesota branch is known as Company B, of the National organization. SCANDINAVIAN LITERARY CLUB, The— An organization of students of the department of Scandinavian, whose purpose is to promote interest in the studv of Scandinavian languages and liter- atures. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 179 SCHADLE, Jacob E. — Clinical instructor in diseases of nose and throat, 1S95-98; clinical professor, same, 1898-03; clinical pro- fessor laryngology, rhinoloyy and otolog-y, 1903-04; of rhinolog-y and larynsoiogv, 1904 to date. I.o^vry Arcade, St. Paul. SCHAPER, William A.— Born April 17, 1SG9, L«, Crosse, Wis. State n.'rnial, Ri\ or Falls, Wis., 1886-91; B. L., Wisconsin, 1895; M. A., Columbia, 1S9S; Ph. D., same, 1901. University of Berlin, Germany, 1900-01: University scholar at Columbia, 1896-97; Uni- versity fellow, sajne, 1897-98. Winner of the Justin Winsor Prize, l&OO. T.aught in common school, 1887-88; Dubuque, la., higit school, 18S9-9'0. Some retail business experience; U. S Census, population division, 1890; secretary of the convention of employers and employes, 1902; instructor in political science, 1900-01; assist- ant professor, 1902-04; profcs.sor, same, 1904 to date. Author of Sectionalism and Representation in North Carolina, lOOO; Report of Employers and Employes Convention, 1903; What .Students know about American Government; suggested the organization of the American Political Science Association in Philadelphia, 1902; mem- ber of the executive committee of same, 1902-07; chairman of comjnittee on instruction in political science. 623 Fulton street southeast. SCHEFICK, J. Francis — Instructor in materia medica, college of dentistry, 19u5 to date. Masonic Temple. SCHINZ, Albert— Instructor in French, 1898-99. Born at Neu • chatf^l. Rwiizerland, 1870. Educated at the same place, receiving hi? B A. In ISSS and his A. M'. in 1889. He received the degree of Eicentiate in theology in 1892; Ph. D., Tubingen, 1894. Student in Paris 1S94. During the year 1896-7 he was associate professor of philosophy at the University of Neuchatel. The year 1S97-S he spent at Clark University, Worcester, Mass. Specialized in phil- osophy and the German and French Literatures of the XIX cen- tury. SCHLENKER, Carl— Born .Tune S, 1869, Wilkesbarre, Pa. A. B., Michigan, 1892; University of Iowa, 1896-98; Berlin, 1900. Pro- fessor of English and modern languages, Carthage college, 1892-96; instructor in German, Iowa University, 189fi-98; instructor in Ger- man, Universitv, 1898-00; assistant professor of German, 1900-05; professor same, 1905 to date. Editor of Collegian, 1892-96; con- tributor to various periodicals and daily press on subjects deal- ing with tlio drama; Germelshausen, in collaboration with Professors Potter and Peck; editor of Deutsche Gedichte. 422 Union street southeast. SCHMIDT, Gottfried— Dispensary assistant, 1901- SCHOEN, Ida— Instructor in German 1897-98, during the ab- sence of licr sister Marie. SCHGEN, Marie — Instructor in German, 1892-96. SCHOEN-RENE, Anna — Born in Prussia. Her father was Roy- al Cc:\nt ("nimsolior tmdrr Emperor AVilliam I. Slie received a lib- eral cducaticn and at the age of fifteen entered the Royal Conserv- atory in Berlin, where she made .- of Plant and Animal Life; Dairy Chemistry; Soils and Fertilizers; and numerous minor bulletins issued by the station. Fellow of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science; member of the Society for the promotion of Agricultural Science; Sigma Xi; Associate in Nutrition investi- gation being conducted by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. 2090 Commonwealth avenue, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 1 86 DICTIONARY OF THE SOCIETAS LATIN A— A society in tlie depai-tment of Latin, having- for its special aim tlie securing of greater proficiency in reading and writing Latin. SOLDIERS' MEDAL-— See Student Soldier Memorial Monu- ment. SOLENBERGER, Edward D. — Lecturer in economics, 1905-06. SONDERGAARD, Hans T.— Born October 10, 1S67, Bendstrup, Gram, North Schlesvig, Europe. Attended Waterloo Business Col- lege; North Indiana Normal; graduate University school of agri- culture. Assistant instructor in butter making, 1899-04, Dairy school; instructor in cultures and starters, '04-05, instructor in creamery work, 1905 to date. Litchfield, Minn. SORORITIES AT M I N NESOTA— Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Omego Psi (inter-sorority, local, extinct), Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Alpha Delta (junior inter-sorority), Sigina Tau Ca permanent local society of senior young women). SPANISH, CLUB, The — An organization of faculty and stu- dents who are specially interested in Spanish language and litera- ture, for the purpose of furthering their knowldege of the same, the same. SPAULDING. Salthiel M. — -Pi'ofessor (homeopathic) of mental and nervous diseases, ISSS-SJ. SPAULDING, W. M. — Instructor in appliances for the treat- ment of cleft palate, 1890-91. SPENCER, E. C— Professor of surgical anatomy, 1888-91. SPENCER, Herbert R. — Lecturer on admiralty law, 1893-1904. SPOKANE, Wash. — An alumni organization is maintained in Spokane, Miss Lilian Siegler, '96, who lives at 1223 4th avenue, is secretary. SPRAGUE, Daniel W. — Accountant and recorder of the experi- ment station, 1887-1890; accounting office, 1890-04; assistant in ac- counting office 1904 to date. New York State Normal School; Pompey Academy, N. Y. , Bryant & Shelton Commercial College. Taught forty-five terms. 509 Eighth avenue soutneast. SPRINGER, Frank W. — Scholar in electrical engineering, 1895- 97; instructor in same. 1897-1900; assistant professor 1900 to date. B. E. E., University, 1893; E. E. '98. Author of articles for engi- neering journals, including special reports upon extended investi- gations into the sparking devices of gas engines. 1206 Fifth street southeast. STADON, John H. — Assistant in pharmacy laboratory, 1906- 1907. Graduate of the University college of pharmacy. STANDING TAX LEVY — The University receives a consid- erable portion of its income for current expenses from the tax levy of 23-100 of a mill. This plan was first adopted by the Legis- lature of 1893, and was to go into force August 1st, 1894. The tax was then fixed at 15-100 of a mill and was afterwards changed to 23-100 of a mill. It was evidently the intention of the legisla- ture to have this tax levied and collected and in the treasury to the credit of the University on the first day of the fiscal year next en.'iuing, and to this end, there was appropriated $60,000 as an emergency measure to provide for the one year that must ensue before this plan could lie put into operation. Governor Nelson vetoed this item in the appropriation bill and the Univer- sity was without resources to pay its professors, salaries and cur- reiit expense bills. The state auditor ruled that the money wluch UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 187 liaa b=en received from the levy was available as soon ^fjt vras n thP trea-urv and all auditors who have come after him have ^nni, /thts Drac^Re The legislatures also, seven of which have / rMnvtnffal"o accounts for the actual surplus which exists Fir HHSin ts^J'SoS-r ,^;= =~ i:-oS;i4:?ur\^^cf?,T^'te^s.v.rpoS■r.'S^rro^ the purpose specified. •,- ■ „ STAPLES, Franklin-Professor of the practice of medicine, Staples, Henry U.-Born September ^1. lB59^Wales Main^. Limerick, Me., Academy; Bowdoin, A. B., 1881, M. ^■'^°°^'t^- B Se Medical School, 1886; graduate work in New York City, and Vienna Had exper ence in common and high schools In- tttictcr"r medfcal Latin. 1S90-9- instructor in cUnical medicine 189->-% p^of^ssor of clinical medicine, 1896 to date. Author of pipers 'pubUshed in medical Journals. 430 Oak Grove street. 40o Andrus building. STEARNS, Ozora P., Duluth-Appointed regent Deoen.t^|r 1. 1890 re-appointed 1901, and resigned March 26, 189o. Born a.t ue Kaib St. Lawrence County, New York, on the 13th of January, 1831 The family removed to Lake county, Ohio, where he passed his boyhood In 1858 he graduated with honors at tiie Umversity of MTchigan In 1860, he graduated from the Law Department of ?Je same universit;. The same year he came to Minnesota where he opened a law office at Rochester, later moving to Duluth. STEELE, Franklin, Fort Snelling— Regent 1851-1860. STEVENS, H. F.— I;ecturer on the law of real property, 1889- 97, on law of trusts, 1897-98. STEVENS, Homer W.— Librarian of the college of law. 190o to date. STEVENS, John H., St. Anthony— Regent 1853-1858. STEVENS SEMINARY— See Agricultural land grant. STEWART, J. Clark— Born October 21, 1854, Camden. N. J. First man to enter the freshman class of the University 1871, B S and C. E., 187i5; College of Physicians and Surgeons M.D., 1884 Taught chemistry and astronomy, University. 187o-(b ±^0- fessor of histology. University, at the organization of college of medicine and surgery; later made professor "^ Pathology and later still, professor of principles of surgery. Author of contribu- tions to American Practice of Surgery, now in press; also numer- ous contributions to the current medical literature. Member of the American Medical Association; Western Gynecological Asso- eiation; and State and County Medical Societies; also Minnesota Academy of Medicine. 1628 Fifth avenue south. STOMBERG, Andrew Adin— Born March 29. 1871. Car%-er. Minn. B A.. Gu.sUivus Adolphus, St. Peter. 1895; M. S.. University. 1896; graduate work at Leipzig. 1897-98; Austin Fellow. Harvard. 1904- 05 Professor of history and political science, Gustavus Adolphus College 1898-1907. Professor of Scandinavian languages and lit- erature's, since October 3, 1907. Engaged in newspaper work in St Paul part of 1896-97; travelled in Europe as correspondent for tlie Minneapolis Journal. 1897. 709 Delaware street southeast. - l88 " DICTIONARY OF THE STONE, Alexander Johnston — Born September 7, 1845, Wis- casset, Me. Abbott's School and Oak Grove Seminary, Me., Eng- lish and Classical School, Newton, Mass.; Harvard Medical; Bow- doin Medical; and Pittstield Medical colleges. Considerable experi- ence in common school teaching. Has been connected with vari* ous medical institutions. Professor of gynecology, since the or- ganization of the department, in 18S8. Editor of Northwestern Medical and Surgical Journal and Northwestern Lancet, for nearly thirty years; articles and correspondence for other journals. Ex- president of Ramsey County Medical, State Medical, Northwestern Editors' Assocation and Association of Military Surgeons of the U. S. ; twice vice-president of the American Medical Association, Surgeon General N. G. S. M.; and at present member of the State Board of Health. 120 Lowry building, St. Paul. STRANGE, Dalston P. — Instructor in agriculture and natural science, 1872-73; assistant professor of agriculture 1873-74. STRICKLER, D. A. — Professor (homeopathic) of ophthalmology and otologj-, lSSS-95. STRICKLER, O. C, New Ulm — Appointed regent February 7, 1901, and sei-ved to March 1907. Physician, New Ulm, Minn. STRONG MEN — The Universty for several years was entered in the strong men's contests among the colleges of the United States. Each year Minnesota was among the leaders, and in 1900- 01, had a liberal lead over all others. The records for the years when Minnesota w^as in the competition, are as follows: 1898-99, M. Ferch, '242.4 kilos; 1899-00, R. W. Allis, 1558.8 kilos; 1900-01, R. »v. Allis, 17S2.S kilos. STUDENTS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, The— Was organized in the year 1S69-70 by a few of the students and faculty — Pro- fessor Jabez Brooks and the late Professor Moses Marston being prii e movers in the enterprise. The association was incorporated, under the laws of the state, in October 1883. The object of tne .society being to unite Christians, of whatever denomination, for the purpose of spiritual development and also for a more effective moral influence throughout the University. Its constitution ex- pressly forbids me exclusion of any person on sectarian grounds, and in its Articles of Incorporation is found the following state- ment: "It shall be forever free from denominational control or influence," thus giving it the broadest basis of activity. With the growth of the organization it became more and more evident to all interested in its success, that a permanent place should be provided for holding all meetings — social and religious. In 1883, at the suggestion of Professor Marston, a subscription was opened, and subsequently the consent of the board of regents was secured to erect a building on the University campus. It was thought that $10,000 would be sufficient to cover the ex- pense of a suitable building, and after the subscriptions had been started among the faculty and student-body, the work was taken up by President Northrop and- Professor Geo. E. McLean, and $12,000 was secured for the purpose. The building is located on the college campus, the first to the right as the main gateway is entered. It is a two-story brown stone sti-ucture, consisting of a main floor and a high basement, the entrance facing the walk from University avenue to the main building. The main floor consists of three parlors that can be thrown into one large lecture room. On the lower floor are kitchen, game rooms and toilet room. The building was dedica- ted June 6, 1888. In the early days of the University, when thi.s was the only religious organization in the University, the work done by this UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 189 association played a large part in University life. Active religious work was kept up and a course of lectures was provided, at which first class speakers were always to be heard. For four years, this course of lectures was provided through the courtesy of the First Congregational Church, which footed the bills. The association continued to thrive until about the end of the eighties, when the religious work, formerly done through this association, was largely taken over by the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations, this association being an incorporated body continues to exist in form and holds the building which it has leased ^.o the Young Men's Christian Association and which has been occu- pied by them since 1889. STUDENTS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION BU I LDi NG— This building was erected in ISSS at a cost of $1-J,OUO, by private sub- scription. It was dedicated June G, ISSS. The building is a single story and high basement building. IIJ provides, reading rooms, offices, ' assembly rooms, game rooms, bath, toilet rooms. Since 1889 it has been rented by the Young Men's Christian Association, who carry on their work for the student body using this build- ing as headquarters. It is built of red sandstone, the side to- wards the campus being bricked up. It was thought, at the time the building was constructed, that it would be but a few years before a large addition would be made to the building. STUDENTS' GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION— An organization of young women of the University, founded in January 1907, for the purpose of the self-government of every member of the asso- ciation, in respect to Alice Shevlin Hall, and, subject to the author- ity of the board of regents, to manage all affairs relating to Alice Shevlin Hall. Every young woman in the University is considered a mimiber of this association. STUDENTS' HANDBOOK — This is published by the Young Mens and Young Women's Christan Associations of the Uni- versity and is for free distribution to those interested. It is is- sued in the form of a vest pocket memorandum book and is full of information of value to students. STUDENTS' LIBERAL ASSOCIATION, The — This association was organized January 25, 1SS7, and its avowed object a union of the student body, irrespective of creed or belief, to establish upon a broad and catholic basis, a course of lectures upon moral and religious topics. STUDENT PASTOR — The Episcopal churches of Minneapolis are supporting a student pastor of that denomination at the Uni- versity. The Rev. Stanley Kilbourne, '03, took up his work, in connection with tihe work of the Bishop Gilbert Society in the fall of 19U7. STUDENT SOLDIER MEMORIAL MONUMENT, The— The project to erect such a monument had its l)eginning with the appointment of a committee to secure and send Christmas pres- ents to the students members of the 13th Minnesota which was then stationed in Manila. After the presents 'had been forwarded, Professor Arthur Edwin Haynes, conceived the notion of sending to every student, and former student of the University, who had enlisted and served in the war with Spain, a simple medal of honor, as a token of appreciaton of the faculty and students of the University. This was done and two hundred eig*hteen of these medals were struck off and presented to those entitled to them. The idea kept growing in the mind of this enthusiastic patriot who wrote a letter to the board of regents and made the first donation of "$10 toward a fund for placing on the University cam- 190 DICTIONARY OF THE pus a fitting memorial for tlie former students of the University w'ho served our country, in its army or navy, during the recent war with Spain." In response to his request, a committee was appointed, he taeing made tlie cliairman, the otiier members being Governor Samuel R. VanSant, John S Pillsbury, and A. E. Rice. Soldiers' Monument. The active work of securing a design, making plans and soliciting funds was begun at once, and upon Professor Haynes fell the real burden of carrying the work through to completion, the monument being unveiled and dedicated on Memorial day 1'j06. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. igi The sculptor, Theo. Alice Ruggles-Kltsoii, the most famous woman sculptor this country has produced, threw her heart into this piece of work in a way that made it one of her best. It is notable not only for what it commemorates but as a wonderful work of art. The statue of bronze stands nine feet high, six Inches above heroic size and portrays the soldier of 1S9S. See illustration. Cost, almost exactly $G000. The pedestal is of Ver- mont green granite and stands six feet high, weighing about seven tons. On the , pedestal is a bronze table bearing the words — "Erectjed in honor of the students of the University who served their country in the war with Spain, 1898-9." The monument is located opposite the entrance to the Armory. On either side of the entrance to the Armory, facing the monu- ment, is a bronze tablet, the two bearing the names of two hun- dred eighteen men, giving their regiment and rank. On the base of the tower, by the main entrance is a smaller tablet which has the following inscription — "Brave souls survive the storms of shot and flame, Their furloughs blossom in eternal fame." Our Soldier Heroic Dead. C. E. Payson Colwell, 13th, Minn. Vol. Inf. Harry L. Currier, Corp., 13th Minn. Vol. Inf. George H. Edwards, Q. M. Sergt., 3d Wis. Vol. Inf. August Foss, Corp., 2nd Neb. Vol. Eng. T. P. A. Howe, 1st Sergt., 1st Mont. Vol. Inf. Charles McClure, Jr., 1st Lt.. 30th U. S. Inf. Sidney Pratt, 13th Minn. Vol. Inf. Olaf H. Rask, 1st Lt., 14th Minn. Vol. Inf. Fred C. O. Stmith, Sergt., 1.5th Minn. Vol. Inf. Unselfishness is a divine virtue: No unselfish life is ever lived In vain; it will have its effect in uplifting the world. Men may forget such lives, but they are treasured forever in the memory of God. In so far as humanity perpetuates the memory of these lives, does it exalt itself. STUDENTS' TRUST FUND— The class of 1902, of the school of agriculture, left with the school a fund of $100 "to assist by temporary loans at a reasonable rate of interest, deserving stu- dents needing such help, who are not below the B class in the school. This fund is in charge of a committee consisting of the secretary, the principal, the preceptress, and the president of the A class. STUMM, Thomas Wesley— Born 1872, Cartersville. 111. B. S.. 1897; M. T>.. Rush Medical, 1901; interne Cook County hospital. Chicago. 1901-03; graduate work in Vienna. 1903-04. Three years experience in common schools. Clinical assistant in medicine since 1904. Author of Spastic Constipation; Diagostic Significance of Albumen and Casts in Urine; Pathology of Syringomelia; Infiuenza; Some Remarks on Gastric Ulcer; The Diagnosis of Organic Dis- eases of the Stomach. Lowry building. St. Paul. SUDDUTH, W. Xaxier — Bora in Illinois in 38.j3. Graduate of Illinois Wesleyan university. 1S73, from which institution he re- ceived the degree of M. A. Graduate of Philadelphia dental college, 1881. Studied at Heidelberg and Berlin and in Vienna, 1S88-S9. Lectured on pathology and hygiene at the University of Iowa. University Summer School Under the direction of the Stale Superintendent of Public Instruction Six Weeks Annual Session— Minneapolis June, July Elementary Section Courses are offered in all the subjects, required for the first grade teachers' certifi- cate and successful students may gain credit in two studies, exempting them from later examination. Arithmetic, civil govern- ment, composition, gram- mar, geography, history, penmanship, physiology, reading, algebra, plane geo- metry, physics, physical geography and agriculture. College Section Courses in all the subjects re- quired for the'first grade pro- fessiona certificate: — Alge- bra, astronomy, botany, chemistry, economics, geol- ogy, solid geometry, history, literature, physics, psychol- ogy, rhetoric, trigonometry, and zoology, with profession- al courses in the history, the- ory and practice of education. Additional courses in French, German, Latin and bookkeeping. SPECIAL COURSES in rural and graded school methods, in school organization and law, in the his- tory of education, educational psychology, secondary education, and general pedagogy. ADVANCED COURSES in drawing, music and physical culture, in sewing, cooking, nature study and manual training. CREDITS gained in the college section are good toward graduation in the University of Minnesota. For Bulletin, address the Registrar, University of Minnesota. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 193 In 1890 entered ..pon his work at the University as secretary of *he college of dentistry and professor of embryology, oral surgery and pathology; dtan, 1802-95. SUMMER SCHOOL-In 1881 the University offered for the first time summer courses in science for teachers and others mter- estediu subjects offered. The -W-ts offered at that session were botany chemistry, geology, mineralogy and zoology, ihe course Sten^ed through the month of July. The attendance was forty- tvvo InlSs'the school was continued and the subjects of botany eeo lo-y Geunan, English, rhetoric and elocution were oifered and f'e a tendance was seventy-three. In 1883 the school offered courses m geology, chemistry. French and didactics. Professor Hall had special charge of the school. . , ,. . „..„ In 189'^ the state department of public instruction made pro- vision t^Jr ' holding a ..chool at the University. Provision was made for giving the worlv in two sections, a university sec- tion to provide thi training required by the teachers in high schools v^ho desired further training in the subjects they were to teach or to carry work in the same lines of university grade and elementary, for the training of teachers tor the grades. The school has been carried along on substantially these lines to the present time. The work of the university section has been devel- oped and advanced until it represents real uniyersity grade of vL-k The University is not officially connected with the school save for the fact that it furnishes its buildings and equipment for the use of the school and the further fact that the faculty of the University section is largely made up of University professors and instructors The attendance has been as fohows: 189-, 741, lS9d, 489 1894 lOOS; x895, 1217; 1896, 1234; 1897. 1245; 1898. 1187; 1899. 1015- 1900 1019; 1901, 931; 1902, 1105; 1903, 818; 1904, 863; 1905, 868; 1906' 1019- 19U7, 1035. The school, while under the general direction of tiie department of public instruction, is under the direct super- V sion and management of the University department of education The University work completed in this school is accepted for credit on t' e various University courses. The attendance i" the Univer- sity section has been as follows: 1892. ; 1893, 148; 1894, 243, 1895 234 1896 257; 1897. 302; 1898, 380; 1899, 389; 1900. 290; 1901. 237;'l902.'31S; 1903, 212; 1904. 210'; 1905. 269; 1906. 256; 1907, 332. SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY— A rare and unique addition to the law librarv was secured by the donation of Judge Collins and former Attorney-General Childs to the University of all the briefs and paper books in the cases argued in the supreme court of Minne- sota since 1883, making a fine collection of over five hundred bound volumes. SUTHERLAND, Helen— Preceptress and assistant professor of Latin, lSTl-<6. SWEENEY, Arthur— Professor of medical jurisprudence, 1897 to dote. Uowry Arcade, St. Paul. SWEET, John C— Lecturer on mortgage foreclosure, 1897. SWEETSER, H. B.- Clinical professor of diseases of children, 1898-99. SWEITZER, Samuel B.— Clinical assistant in dermatology and genito-urinary diseases 1905 to date. 1729 Irving avenue south. SWENSON, David Ferdinand — Born in Sv.eden. 1876. B. S., Univcr^^itv 1S9S; graduate student. 1898-02; same Columbia. 1905-06. Tau-ht in' ar ungraded school, 1893-94. Assistant in philosophy. 1899-0-^ • instructor, same. 1902-07. assistant professor, same, 1907 to date Columbia University, was assistant in charge of classes I*' GOOD COAL ONLY WE WATCH OUR QUALITY AND PREPARATION CONSTANTLY TRUNKS HANDLED CAREFULLY -:- -:- TWO MEN ARE ALWAYS SENT AFTER BAGGACE | NO CHANCE FOR DAMAGE TO I TRUNKS OR FLOORS • WE DELIVER THE GOODS Swain-Farmer Company 408 14th Ave. S. E. TELEPHONES: T. S. 16076, 16603. N. W. East 222. I ■■■ ^BBV ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■A CHUTE JlEJiLTY COMPANY HANDLES ALL CLASSES OF DESIRABLE PROPERTY IN EAST MINNEAPOLIS. INSURANCE IN THE BEST COMPANIES. LET US HANDLE YOUR REAL ESTATE MATTERS. 7 Univ. Jive. N. E., Chute Block, Minneapolis, .... Minn. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 195 in Barnard Colkge and Cjlumbia College; frequent lecturer in Swedish and English, to young people; contributing editor on Veckobladt, a Minneapolis Swedish weekly. Author of reviews and articles in various philosophical and psychological journals. Member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Western Philosophical Asso- ciation, American Philosophical Association. 3101 Sixteenth avenue south. SWENSON. L. S., Albert Lea— Appointed regent March 1895 served until his successor was appointed in May, 1897. Born in Nicollet, Minn., in 1865. Graduated from Lufher College, Decorah, Iowa, in 1886. Post graduate of Johns Hopkins, 1887. Appointed principal of Luther ncademy in 1888. Later in the United States consular service. SWIFT, Fletcher Harper — Assistant professor of education 1907 to date. Author of The Most Beautiful Thing in the World; Joseph: a drama for children. 505 Eighth avenue southeast. SWIFT, Henry A., St. Peter — Regent ex-offlcio March 4 to july i:;, 15';:"., and governor July 11, 1SG3 to January 11, 1864. TALES OF THE OLD UNIVERSITY TIMES — Gopher of 1892, pp. 272-276. TATE, James M.— Born December 10, 1852, Mercer county. 111. Public schools of Illinois. Long practical experience as a pattern maker and in constructing and erection of machinery. Instructor in woodwork and pattern making and foundry practice, University, 1890 to 1907. Author of text-book on Manual Training, Foundry Practice. TAYLOR, N. C. D., Taylors Fails — Regent 1851-154. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES— This certificate is granted to all graduates of the college of education, who have maintained a good average of scholarship through four years of college work. Gradu- ates of the college of literature, science and the arts, Who have maintained a good average of scholarship through four years, re- ceive the certifieate. if they secoure one "major" recommendation and have completed one course in general psycholog>-, and three courses in education. This certificate has been granted to 1131 persons, including the class of 1907. TELESCOPE — The students' astronomical observatory contains a ten and one-half inch refracting telescope furnished with a third lens for converting it into a photographic telescope; a filar microm- eter, a spectroscope by Brashear; a students' meridian circle and zenith telescope; a Repsold photographic measuring machine, a chronog'-aph, and astronomical clocks. THALER, Joseph A. — Instructor in engineering mathematics, 1900->)1. Instructor in drawing. 1902-03. Graduate of the college of engineering, class of 1900. Now professor of electrical engineer- ing in Montana agricultural college, Bozema,n, Mont. THALIAN LITERARY CLUB, THE— Began at an informal meeting of half a dozen young women who met in Professor Com- stock's room lo study modern (uamatists and their plays. One year the lyric dramas were studied, another year the great operas. The work is varied and supplemented by talks by members of the faculty and prominent musicians. Meetings bi-weekjy. The social interests of its; iv.embers are not neglected and social fea- tures are fro(|uently added to the regular programs. THETA DELTA CHI— Tau Deuteron charge established in 1892. Founded at I'nion college in 1848. Chapter house, 100 Beacon street southeast. 10 " DICTIONARY OF THE THETA EPSILON LITERARY SOCIETY, TH E— Organized in February, 19O0, by young women of the University for tiie study of current literature. Its object lias been to strive to promote an earnest and sincere appreciation of the best things in the world of books, and tjrue fellowship among its members. THETA PHI FRATERNITY— A local fraternity which was establi.-hed in 1S79 and which afterward became, Friday, May 22, 1891, the Nu chapter of the Psi Upsilon. The name Theta Phi was not adopted until the spring of 1881, at which time steps were taken to secure a society pin. A pin was adopted and members ■of the society first wore them at the annual Thanksgiving recep- tion of that year. THOMAS, EDITH— Insauctor in chemistry, 1902-03. Graduate of the University class of 1902, M. A., 1903. Died in 1903. THOMAS. Uriah, Minneapolis— Regent February 28, 1860, to August 17, 1863. Died October, 1865, at Doylestown, Penn. Born Norristo'.vn, Pa. Came to Minnesota in 1853. THOMAS, William I.— Instructor in rhetoric, 1903-04. THOMPSON, Edwin J., Rushford — Appointed regent 1869, re- appointed 1S70, resigning the same year to accept an appointment to the University faculty as professor of mathematics and astron- omy, which position 'he held until the end of the college year, 1879-80. Entered the ministry of the Presbyterian church and continued tlierein until his death, January 23, 1907. He was born in Vermont in 1834. He was educated at Middlebury college. For two years was president of Albany college. THOMPSON, John — Assistant in agriculture, experiment station, 1902-03. TH ULAN IAN CLUB — An organization of students and pro- fessors of ^Norwegian descent for mutual pleasure and helpfulness. It is practically a Norwegian fraternity. TIFFANY, Francis B. — Lecturer on criminal law, 1894-98. TILDEN, Josephine Elizabeth — Born Davenport, la. Received .'her training in the Minneapolis city grades and central high school. B. 9., University, 1895; assistant in botany, 1896-98; instructor, 1898-03; arsistant professor 1903 to date. Spent the summers of 1901 to 1907 at the Minnesota seaside station at Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, B. C. Published Fresh-water Algae in Minne- sota; a contribution to the bibliography of American Algae, 1895; papers on Calcareous Algae. Hot-Spring Algae, Yellowstone Al- gae, Vancouver Island Algae, Hawaiian Algae, etc. TILLIKUM CLUB, THE — An organization whose object is to promote acquaintance among the fraternity men of the class of 1909. TIMES GOOD ROADS PRIZES— The prizes were offered but once, in 1892. These prizes consisted of three gold medals, which were won by Mark Woolery, Jessie Stevens and N. B. Nelson. TITLES AND SALARI E9— The University has no clearly defined system of designating the rank of a member of its teaching staff by an appropriate title. The title "professor," for example, may Indicate the head of a department or any one of three or four other members of that same department of varying lengths of service. The one in charge of a deparment may be an "assistant professor," or, in rare cases, even an "instructor." Likewise titles have no relation to salaries. There is no system of minimums and no provision for regularity of advances. All advances are made by specific action in individual cases. UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. I97 TODD, Frank C. — Born 1869, Minneapolis. Public schools, man- ual training schools, St. Louis, two years academic, University; D. D. S., University, 1891; M. D., 1892, graduate work in eye, ear, nose and throat, in America and Europe. Clinical assistant and instructor, eye and ear, 1894-98; clinical professor eye and ear, 1898-02; professor of diseases of eye and ear, 1902 to date. Author of a method of performing tenotomy, which enables the operator to limit the effects as required, 1907; Fourth of July casualties and what can be done in Minneapolis toward their suppression, 1907; Some points relating to oral cavity to the eye, ear, nose and throat, 1906; The ripenin.... K»eut>v^e Co.„, ,, the board ot regents, upon t e ^^^^'^ ^^ approval by the ment in which the i^ desirea 41 ^ graduate or faculty: 2. Recipients of scholarships ma, be e^t^^ .^^^^^^^ ^^ undergraduate st^^^ents 3. Ihe scholars p^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ p^^_ ssr i^^^i^ ^^^|^S^i^a?r:? a^atu;;risSt ?. ;;;SlttS;r:fTmSe?^^^e: L: of wonc in ^e depart- men in which the scholarship is provided. UNIVERSITY SONG. The-The Uni^-eisUy song Ha.^ Mi^^^^ sota, was originally \he class song of the class of 1^ ^^^^^^^ so appealed to the student hod> that it soon ^^ ^^^^ consent, considered the Unn-ersity son The^s^e^co^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^-;iti^^^/ir^/|;£^^^^----, - -s ropSTanra^s^onl-^-err wriftin by'^Arthur Upson. '05, was 202 DICTIONARY OF THE suibstituted therefor. T'he song as it is now sung, consists o£ the first verse of the original, composed by Truman Ricliard, '04, in collaboration with Rev. E. W. Shurtleff, and the second verse from the pen of Mr. Upson. The music was composed by Mr. Rickard. Hail! Minnesota. Minnesota, hail to thee, Hail to thee our college dear; Thy light shall ever be A beacon bright and clear; Thy sons and daughters true Will proclaim thee near and far; They will guard thy fame And adore thy name; Thou s'halt be their Northern Star. Like the stream that bends to sea Like the pine that seeks the blue; Minnesota, still for thee Thy sons are strong and true. From thy woods and waters fair; From thy prairies waving far, At thy call they throng With their shout and song Hailing thee their Northern Star. See Minnesota Alumni Weekly of April 22, 1907, page 10. UNIVERSITY SPRING, The — In the early days of the Uni- versity this spring was used to supply water to the University, a hydraulic ram raising the water to the buildings. Later the use of the hydraulic ram was discontinued and the class of 1885 built a wall about the spring and fixed it up as a memorial. The spring was the source of drinking-water supply for many families living in southeast Minneapolis, for many yeai-s. Owing to changes about the University and grounds the imderground feeders of the spring were diverted and the spring ceased to exist. UNIVERSITY YEAR — The University year covers a period of thirty-eight weeks beginning on the second Tuesday in Sep- tember, Commencement day being always the second Thursday in June. L''p to 1901, the year was divided into three terms, the first ending at Thanksgiving time and the second about the last of February. The college of law still follows the old plan of divi- sion. The school of agriculture has two terins. the first beginning about the first of Octtober and running to Christmas time and the second from the first of January until late in March. The Dairy school term runs during December and the short course for farmers during January and part of February'. UNIVERSITY YELL— Rah! Rah! Rah! Ski-I%Mah! Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah! 'Varsity! 'Varsity! Minn-so-ta! also — Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Ski-U-Mah! Min-ne-so-ta! UNVEILING OF THE STATUE of John S. Plllsbury— A pamphlet of forty-six pages and cover, containing a full report of the addresses made on the occasion of the unveiling of the statue of John S. Pillsbury, September 12, 1900. OF-RICE STATIOISI E:F=JV CATAL-OQUES BOOKLETS MEN US B A MQU EXS F^FROOFJAMMES SOCIETV S-TA-riONERV (incorporated) Printing anti Jlnhlial^ing 1401 lutiirrsita Aup. i*. !£. ilimtrajinltH. iHnut. tiDttiiaBttr Main Sntraurp tu Mniurraitt; (Campus C3. F?. MARTI N, PFteSI DENT I. \^/. WIL-SOM, ^rce- PRESIDENT C. l_. SWA I IM, SEGWETARY . A- MORRISSEY, :asurer and manager 204 DICTIONARY OP THE VALEDICTORIANS— 1875, Helen Mar Ely; 1876, Martha A. Butler; 1S77, Matilda Jane Campbell; 1878, Nettie Getehell; 1879, W. W. Keysor; 1880, A. W. Rankin; 1881, George B. Alton; 1882, M. Louise Henry; 1883, Louise Hollister; 1884, Oscar Firkins; 1885, James Gray; 1886, W. F. Webster; 1887, A. B. Gould; 1888, P. R. Benson; 1889, Margaret, L. Sewall, 91.73; 1890, Joseph Brown Pike, 93.20; 1891, C. P. Lommen, 95.18; 1892, Effie Ames Rochford; 94.55; 1893, Elizabeth Peters, 96.60; 1894, J. Harry Dewart, 94.28; 1895, J. J. Boraas, 95.33; 1896, Elizabeth Beach, 96.68; 1897, Marion Potter, 96.13; 1898, Mary E. Olson, 96.58; For the following year, the honor of '.'valedictory" was not awarded, but the students named were granted first honors for scholarship — 1899, Ethel C. Brill, 94.59; 1900, Ida P. Llndquist, 95.21; 1901, Dagny Sunne, ; 1902, Lee O. Kellogg, . Scholarship honors were abolished after 1902. VALEDICTORY— Up to and including the class of 1888 the val- edictorifin and salutatorian were elected by the members of the class, without any specific reference to the question of scholarship. Beginning with the class of 1S89, these honors were made a reward of scholarship, the valedictory going to the highest and the salu- tatory .to the secor.'d highest student in point of scholarship. These honors were always confined to the members of the senior class of the college of science, "literature and the arts. This custom was kept up until the commencement of 1899. when President Northrop delivered the first commencement address. From that time on student speakers for commencement exercises have been dispensed with. Bo long a.3 the old custom of student orations was followed the salutatory was always given in Latin. VAN BARNEVELD, Charles Edwin— Born at The Hague, Hol- land, November 26th, 1S69. Educated at the Lysee de Sainte Andre, France: Kings College, Windsor.- N. S.; McGill University, M'ontre- ai, Canada. Practical work as a mining engineer and metallurgist in Colorado, New Mexico, California. Arizona, Mexico and Central America. Associate professor of mining, 1898-99; professor, same, 1899 to date. 41 Oak street southeast. VANDER HORCK, Max P. — Professor of diseases of the skin, and genito-urinary organs since 1888. Pillsbury buliding. VAN DUZEE, Charles A. — Instructor in operative dental tech- nics. 1890-01. Instructor in operative dentistry, 1899-01; clinical professor of operative dentistry, 1901-02. VAN SANT, Samuel R., Winona — Regent ex-officio, governor, January 10th 190i -January 1905. VAN SLYKE, Letitia.— Instructor in farm accounts, school of agriculture, since 1906. VAN VOORHES, Abram, Stillwater— Regent 1851-1860. VETERINARY BUI LDI NG— Erected in 1901, at a cost of $25,- 000. It contains, on the lower floor, the operating room with am- phitheatre seats for eiglity students; pharmacy and instrument room; box stall ward; open stall ward and contagious ward; and two dissecting rooms. On the upper floor are a large museum and physiology class laboratory and private office. There are a num- ber of new features in the stalls and stall fixtures of the hospital. VYE, John A. -Born October 28th, 1867, Fair Haven, Minn. Common and high schools. Taught country school two years; busi- n"FS college two years; Indian school, three months. Secretary of the department of agriculture since 1891. Has, at Various times taught arithmetic, grammar, and penmanship in the school of agri- UNIVERSITY OV- MINNESOTA. 205 culture. Is now teaching farm accounts in same school. Author of Creamery Accounting; Farm Accounts. 1449 Cleveland avenue, North St. Paul. WADSWORTH. Joel E.— Assistant professor of civil engmeer- ins 1S92-93. also in charge of mechanics and structure engmeering, 1S93-94; professor of structural engineering 1894-95. WAITT, Henry M.— Instructor in engineering 1882-1884. WALKER VERSAL J.— Professor of Latin from 1869 to date of his death, May ISth, 1876. Member of the first University fac- ulty. , . .„-„ WALLS, James M.-3tudent assistant in crown technics, 189^- 94: assistant in crown technics, 1894-96. Instructor in operatn^e technics and demon.strator of cperative dentistry. 1902 to date. Gcrmania building, St. Paul. WANGELIN, Hugo E.— Instructor in dental technics, 1890-91. WARD, Mary (Mrs. G. S. Phelps), general secretaxy of the T. W C A . 1900-01. Mrs. Phelps now resides in Kyoto, Japan, where Mr. Phelps is engaged in work under the direction of the in- ternational committee of the Y. W. C. A. WARREN, Frank M.— Instructor in military sc-.ence, 1898-99 in charge of th; department. Now engaged in mining engineering business, with headquarters in this city. WASHBURN, Frederick Leonard— Born April 12, 18G0, Brook- line Ma^s Educated at Roxbury Latin school. Harvard Lniyer- luv PA 188^ M A., 1895; graduate student at Johns Hopkins Urdversitv;' assiVtant in'zoclog,? University of Michigan; professor of zoology and entomology, State Agricultural Co lege of Oregon, • f.lJ^ r.f v>inin°v T^niver«itv of Oregon; state biologist of Ore- ^o? professor o^eAtomooJy.Universiry of Minnesota, also ento- mologist a sTate experin.ent station and for the state of Minneso- M lfo2 to date Fe low, A. A. A. P.; member of the American As- sJ;:iation of Sconomic Entomologists, Entomology Society of Amer- icT imedcan Societv of Naturalists. Writingsr-Various publica- tions oT the economics of insects. 1112 Sixth street southeast. WASHBURN W. W.— The principal of the University frorn ISe^to 18^9 Thi^was iu the days when the University existed if^nlv as a prepara^orv department and before it was organized as a Unfversiry Mr. Washburn was professor of German and Latin in n= ^Hnrinnl of the preparatory school, which opened Octo- ZT'Vl^^^^i^ o" existence with the re-organization and ele tion of a University faculty, August 23d, 1869. WASHINGTON. D. C.-An alumni organization is maintained - T^B .9^ tS^^en^S^rgf • T^^^^^'^^^ Secretary; W. C Gerdsen, 1898, treasurer; The address of the sec- retary is 326 Maryland avenue, N. E. WATERS. Claire C— Instructor in French, 1901 -Oo. WATSON, Nathan L.-Assistant in technics and clinics, college "' WEBSTER. 'Albert M. -Instructor in medical and pharmaceu- ^" WE^/^omas^^Born m Ohio ^. Studied ^e^stry. "?,?s"o'Tra:;=t?f pracliJarde'nUst^y I the Hospital College until 1880. P':ot«'^..or oi V department of the Uni- elrsR>n^l88S. Proflsso7'Tf"operative dentistry, 1888-91; profes- 206 DICTIONARY OP THE sor of operative technics and dental anatomy, 1891-94; operative dentistry and dental anatomy, 1891-95; dean, Iiolding same profes- sorial title, 1895-97; profossoi" of operative dentistry and crown and bridge work, 1897-01. First president of the Minneapolis Dental Society and the State Dental Association. WEISS, Andrew J.— Born June 30th, 1868, Stephensville, Wis. Country and village schools. Experience on farm, carpentry, cab- inet making, painting and wood finislaing. Two years' experience in dentist's office. Instructor in technics, college of dentistry, since 1900'. ;1708 Stevens avenue. WEISS, Oscar A. — Student assistant in operative technics, 1892- 93; D. M. D. — Assistant in operative technics, 1893-95; instructor in operative technics, 1895-96; clinical profes.sor of prosthetic dentis- try and crown and bridge work, 1896 to date. WELLS. Amos C— Assistant demonstrator in histology and dental anatomy, 1905 to date. Andrus building. WELLS, Charles L. — Pi'ofessor of diseases of children, 1888-1897. WELLS, Charles Luke— Born in Boston, Mass., June 23, 1858. He prepared for college at the faraou.s Boston Latin school, and entered Harvard in ]875, graduating with degree of B. A. in 1879. Pursued a course in Canibridge Episcopal Theological school, grad- uating in 1832 with degree of D. B. He was ordained deacon in the same year and priest in 18&3. The next six years were spent in the two parishes of Hingham, Mass., 18S2-S4; and Gardiner, Maine, 1884- 88. In. 1886, Mr. Wells mai'ried Miss Mary L. Goddard, of Nashua, N. H. He was elected professor of ecclesiastical history in the Seabury Divinity School at Faribault, Minn., in 1888, and continued until 1892. part of the time as acting warden. In the summer of 1892, he obtained the degree of Ph. D. from Harvard. In 1S9S-4; he studied abroad in the Public Record Office and British Museum. Accepted the offer of a position of assistant professor of history at the University in 1894, made professor of history in 1897. Resigned in 1899 to accept the position of dean of the Cathedral church, New Orleans, L.a. WELLS, H. Journey. — Clinical assistant in diseases of the ej-e and ear. Masonic Temple. WELLS, James O. — Instructor in crown and bridge work, 1898- 1901; also operative technics, 1901-02; professor of crown and bridge worlc and porcelain art. 1902 to date. Masonic Temple. WESBROOK, Frank Fairchlld.— Born July 12, 1868, Oakland, Ont., Canada. Scholastic training. London, Ontario, private and public scliools and public schools and collegiate department, Win- nipeg, Manitoba. B. A., University of Manitoba, 18S7; summer, 1888, McGill Medical College, Montreal, Canada; University of Manitoba, M. A., 1S90 and M. D., C. M., 1890; house surgeon, Winnipeg General Hospital, 1890; railway surgeon, 1890, Banff, N. W. T., Canada; graduate work at King's College, London, 1891; St. Mary's Hospi- tal Great Ormoncle Children's Hospital, London; Rotunda, Lying-in Ho.'^pital, Dublin; Diploma, L. M., Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, 1892. Cambridge University, 1892-1895 inclusive, John Lucas Walker stu- dentship in pathology. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and Hygienisches and Pathologisches Instituts, Marburg, 1894. Taught cx,unti*y school. M'anitoba, 1887; demonstrator for two years and had charge of the bacteriolcgical teaching for one year. University of Cambridge, J 892-1895. At aamo time, professor of pathology-. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Manitoba. Member of the Minnesota State Board of Health, 1896-1900; Director of its labor- atories 1896 to date. Professor of bacteriology. University 1895; UNIVERSITY OP MINNESOTA. 207 professor of pathology and bacteriology, 1S9G to date; dean of the CoJlese of medicine and surgery, June 1906 to date. Author Lab- oratory reports Minnesota State Board 01 Health; contributor to technical journals, and societies on diphtheria, rabies cholera an- thrax, acute infectious diseases of animals, effects of sunlight on bact^iia. bacterial toxin.s, wandering cells of the intestine, medical education, embalming fluids, water, immunity ^^ver eta Member. American Public Health Association, President, 190o, f'la'irman Laboratory Section, IWl; Association of American Pliy- sictn^a^d American Association of Pathologists and Bactenolo- ists American Associatior. for the Advancement of Science fmenber of committee of One Hundred); American Physiological «Vociety- American Medical Association; Society of American Bac- teriologisVs Minnesota State Medical Society; Hennepin County M?dicTl Society; Minnesota Pathological Society; Pathological So- ^:?rof Great' 'Britain and Ireland; Pathological Section of^e RoN-al A-ademy 01 Medicine, London, Eng. ; member of the AdMs- mv Boa^-d of the U. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service; Vice President, Pathological Section of the International Congress on Tuberculosis; Minnesota Academy of Medicine; National Associ- ation foi- the study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, chairman. Pa- thological Section. 90G Fifth street southeast. WEST, Willis Mason. — Born November 16th, 1857, St. Cloud, Mi"n B A. University, 1879; superintendent of schools, Duluth, 18bl-81: Faribault 18S4-91; professor of history. University of North Dakota, 91-92; professor of history in University, since 189^. Author of Ancient History, to Charlemagne; Modern History; the Ancient World; History of the University of Minnesota. 1..14 Sixth street southeast. WESTFRMANN, William Linn.— Born September loth, 1873, Belleville II! High school, Decatur. 111., 1890; NeiDraska, A. B. 18S4- \ M ]89€; Berlin University, Ph. D., 1902. Taught two years in' preparatory department of the University of Nebraska; three years in high school, Decatur, 111.; four years instructor and assist- ant professor of history. University of Missouri; assistant professor of history. University, since 1906. Author of books reviews, Klei- tor-Polykieitos; Inter-state Arbitration in Antiquity. 827 University avtnue southeast. WH EATON. Charles A. — Professor of the principles and prac- tice of surgery, 1888-1902; emeritus professor of surgery, 1902 to date. Lowry Arcade, St. Paul. WHEATON, Robert A. — Clinical instructor in surgery, 1895-1S97. WHEELAN, Ralph. — Lecturer on the law of torts, 1889-91. WHEELER, William A.— Instructor in botany, 19'00-02; wood technology and diseases of wood. 1902-03. Graduate of the college of agriculture, class of 1900 and 1901. Afterward professor in the S. D. Agricultural college. Now in business at Mitchell, S. D. WHERLAND, H. L. — Assistant engineer, 1903-06. WHITE. Albert Beebe. — Born September 11th, 1871, East Ran- dolph now Holbrook, Mass. Boston Latin School, 1889; B. A., Yale." 1893; graduate work at Yale, 1895-98, Ph.D. 189'8; Three months at I'niversity at Leipzig. 1897. lectures on history and his- torical seminar: Taught in The .Siglar School, 1893-95, a private .school for boys at Newburgh, N. Y.: New Haven high school. 1897- 99. Instructor in history, University, 1899-1900; assistant professor, same. 1900-1907; professor, 1907 to date. Author of Book reviews. Phi Beta Kappa. 325 Sixth avenue southeast. 208 DICTIONARY OF THE WHITE, B. D.— Instructor in butter making, 1895-06. WHITE, S. Marx.— Born July 16th, 1S73, Hokali, M'inn. High school, Sandwich, 111. 18:)1; B. S., University of Illinois, 1896; M. D., Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, 1897. Interne Cook County Hospital, 1897-98. Graduate work in internal med- icine and pathology, Vienna, 1904. Junior demonstrator of pathol- ogy and bacteriology, 1898-1900; assistant professor, same, 1900-05; associate professor, same, 1905 to date. Tuberculosus Glomerulitis; The Pathology of Typhus Fever; Some side lights from recent literature on the pathology of pneumonia. Specialist in internal medicine and pathology; member of medical staff of Northwestern hospital; Pathologist of City and St. Barnabas hospitals. 704 Pills- bury building. WHITMORE, John— Born in 1864, at New Haven, Conn. He prepared for college at the New Haven high school and at Ithaca, N. Y. Graduated from Yale with the class of 1886. After teaching a year in the high school at Humboldt, Iowa, he came to the Uni- versity as instructor in physics, in charge of the department dur- ing the absence of Professor Jones in Europe, 1887-89. WHITNEY, Ellen M.— Secretary to the president of the Uni- versity, 1897 to date. WHITNEY, Nellie A.— Assistant in rhetoric since 1906. B. A., University, 1900. WHITRIDGE, Grace B.^Instructor in physical culture, school of agriculture, 1901 to date. WILCOX. Archa Edward. — Born November, 1876, Minneapolis. Minneapolis public schools; Minneapolis Academy; east high school; special student. University of Buffalo, N. Y. ; four years at the University of Pennsylvania; German Hospital, Philadelphia, three years. Quiz master, Hamline, anatomy, two years. Assist- ant in clinical surgery and quiz master in surgery, 1906 to date. Contributor to medical press. 340 Andrus building. WILCOX, Asa S. — Professor (homeopathic) diseases of women, 1894-95; Senior professor of practice of medicine 1900 to date. M'a- soiitc Temple. Vi/ILCOX, M. Russell. — Demonstrator of physiology, 1897-07; as- sistant professor of physiology 1907 to date. Pillsbury building. WILCOX, Van H. — Assistant in operative surgery, 1903-1906; Instructor in same, 1906 to date. Pillsbury building. WILDE, Norman.— Born June 12th. 1908, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. A. B. Columbia, ]889; A. M., same, 1S90; Ph.D., same, 1894; Uni- versity of Berlin, 1891-93; Harvard University, 1893-94. Assistant in philosophy, Columbia, 1894-98; Instructor in philosophy. Univer- sity, 189S-0O; As.=3istant professor, same, 1900-02; acting professor, 1902-03 ; professor, 1903 to date. Author of Ftiedrich Heinrich Jacobi, 1894; Various articles and reviews in various philosophical and psy- chological .iournais. Member of Phi Beta Kappa; Western Philo- sophical Association; American Philosophical Association. 901 Sixth street southeast. WILDER. Helen A. — Instructor in rhetoric, 1897-02. Since en- gaged in educational work and at present time teacher in the Girls' high school, Germantow.n, Pa. WILHOIT, A. D. — Assistant in chemistry, department of agri- culture, 1906-07; instructor in soils, 1907 ta date. WILKIN, Matilda Jane Campbell. — Born January 27th, 1846, HaiTington, Me. Public schools of Harrington; Washington Coun- UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 209 ty Academy, East Machias, Me.; Salem Normal School, Salem, Mass.; B. L., University, 1&77; studied at University CoUeg-e, lx>n- don, England, and at Gottingen. Germany, M'. L., University. Graduate work at the T^nivcrsity of Chicago. Taught Ave years in district school of Washington county. Me.; one term Wrentham, Mass.; three years in grades and one in hi^h schools of Minneap- olis; Intructor in (rerman and English, University, 1ST7-1892; as- sistant professor of German since 1S92. Author of English-Ger- man Idioms, 1899; revised edition, 19M. G18 Fifteenth avenue southeast. WILKINSON, Eleanor M.— Instructor in dietetics, 1899-01; also in physiclogy 1901 -04. WILL, Arthur B.— Lecturer on circumstantial evidence, 1894-&0. WILLARD, Charles A.— Lecturer on the law of bailments, 1888- 1900. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN PRIZE, THE— The Honorable William Jennings Bryan has given the University the sum of $200 for the encouragement of studies in political science. The annual income will be given as a prize to the writer of the best essay up- on a topic to be announced each year. The competition is open to ail students of the college of science, literature and the arts. In 1899, to C. W. Buttz; in 1905, this prize was awarded to Ellis A. Robinson. WILLIAMS Collection of Photographs and Photographic Nega- tives — Mr. Arus Williams, of Minneapolis has given to the Uni- versity his extensive collection of negatives and photographs. Dur- ing many years of active work as a photographer, he has collected a series of several thousand plates representing geologic and geo- graphic subjects, commercial views and historic scenes. These will prove of great value in illustrating the physical, commercial and. political history of the state. WILLIAMS, Charles Allyn.— Born June 4th, 1877, Iowa City, la. A. B. and A. M'., I'niversity of Iowa, Fellow In Germanics, Iowa, 1901-02.; at Cornell, 1902-03; Ottendorfer-Memorial Fellow (German- ics) New York University, 1903-04; Universities of Leipzig and Berlin. 19<)3-0'o. Taught in Upper Iowa University, 1901-02. In- structor in German, 1903 to date. Phi Beta Kappa; Modern Lan- guage Association. WILLIAMS, Henry L. Dr. Henry L. Williams came to the Uni- versity in the fall of IPOO, under a three year contract, to coach the football team; the renewal of his contract for various periods, since that time, has always been a matter of course and at the present time his contract has two years yet to run. Under his coaching Minnesota has not only turned out some wonderful scor- ing marhinos, but some won^Ierful teams, considered from any point of view. Sirice his coming Minnesota has always been neai- the head of the list of western teams, when not actually leading, and has never, until the season of 1907, lost more than one game any season. Dr. Williams has also V>eon connected with the college of medicine and surgery since 1901, holding' various titles, as follows: assistant in medicine, 1901-02; clinical instructor in diseases of women, 1902 to date. He ranks as a full professor on account of his rank as director of athletics. WILLIAMSON, Aionzo Potter— Born April 28, 1854, Philadel- phia. Scliolastic training-, — Gregory Classical Institute, Philadel- phia: M'. D.. Hahnemann Medical College & Hospital 1S7C; A. M., Hamilton College 1887 (Horn).; LL. B., University 3 894; LL. M., 210 DICTIONARY OF THE same. 1902. Lecturer on Insanity, Hahnemann Medical College & Hcspital, Philadelphia, from 1S87 to 1S90'; pi-ofessor of mental and nervous diseases and lecturer on skin and venereal diseases, 1890- 94; Dean and professor of mental and nervous diseases, University colleg-e of homeopathic medicine and surgery, 1S9-1-95; also medical jurisprudence, 1S9id-04; Interne, Ward's (N. G.) Island Homeopath- ic hospital 1876 to 1877; 1st assistant physician M'iddletown state hospital for insane, M.iddletawn, New York, 1877-78; Traveled in Europe examining and studying hospitals for the insane in Ger- many. France and England; Two semesters University of Vienna 1878-79; Pathologist Middletown state hospital, Middletown, New- York, 1879-80; Chief of staff. Ward's Island Homeopathic Hospital 3 880-83; First Assistant physician Middletown State Hospital, Mid- dletown. N. Y. 1883-90; Superintendent Fergus Falls State Hospital, Fergus Falls. Minn. 1890-92; General practice at Minneapolis 1892 to 1904; Author of numerous articles read before national, state, county and city medical societies; also a number of contributions to Medical Journals. Medical superintendeat Southern California State Hospital, Patton, California, 1904 to present time. WILLIS, Hugh Evander. Born February 27th, 1S75, Stratton, Vt., A. B.. Yankton, 1897; A. M., 1839; LL.B., University, 1901; LL. M., 1902. Quiz inaster, University, after graduation; assist- ant professor in law, 1906 to date. Author of various articles on legal topics, in the legal magazines of the country. WILLIS, John W.— Born July 12th, 1S54, St. Paul. B. A., 1877, and M. A., Dartmouth, 1886; admitted to bar 1879; district judge, 2nd district, 1892-98. Special lecturer on ancient, medieval and modern lawyers, college of law, 190'7 to date. Globe building, 92.3 Summit avenue. St. Paul. .WILLISTON, N. D. — The alumni living in this city have an or- ganization holding its annual meeting and banquet on the last Tuesday in Septtmbcr. Clarence Ellithorpe, 1896, president; A. J. Stafne, vice-president; Alinda M. Hougan, Law 190S, secretary; George A. Gilmore, Law, 1902, treasurer. WILSON. Archie Dell. — Born December 3d, 1875, Hastings, Minn. District scliool; iJniversity school of agriculture; B. Ag., University, 1905. Ten years practical farming experience; fore- man of the University farm for three years, 1900-02; instructor in school of agriculture, 1902 to date; instructor in farm management, college of agriculture, 1905 to 1907. Assistant in agriculture, 1905- 07. Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes, 1907 to date. Author of Experiment Station bulletin, 95, on "SVecds. 1466 Raymond avenue. St. Anthony Park. WILSON, Horace B., St. Paul — Regent cx-officio, as superintend- ent of public instruction, from August 1st, 1870 to April 3d, lS7o. WILSON, Louis B. — Senior demonstrator in pathology, 1898-04; assistant professor of bacteriology 1904-06; assistant professor of clinical pathologj-, 1906 to date. Pathologist St. Mary's Hospital (The Mayo's). Rochester, Minn. Member of the board of directors of the General Alumni Association. WILSON, Thomas, St. Paul — Appointed regent Septtember 6th, 1S9S, reappointed in 1903. Term expires March 1909. Born May 16t'h, 1827, in TjTone county, Ireland. Came to United States in 1W8. Allegheny College, 1852; LL.D., same, 1861; same Macalester College, 1902; admitted to bar, Pennsylvania, 1885; came to Winona. M'irm., 1S5S; moved to St. Paul, 1892; member of the constitutional convention, 1857: district judge, 1857-64; chief justice supreme UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 2H court, 1SG4-G9 (resigned); Minnt'sota House of Representatives, 1880-83; senate, 1883-85; Congress, 1887-89; general counsel C. M. Sc St. P. Ry., since 1892. Hotel Aberdeen, St. Paul. WILTGEN, Edwarcf W. — Instructor in military science and tac- tics, 1.S99-19U0, in charge of the department for a time. WINCH ELL, Newton Horace.— Born December 17th, 1839, North East, N. Y. Became connected with the Michigan geological sur- vey in 1S60; University of Michigan, 1SG6; superintendent of Adrian, Mich., schools, 1SG6-69; assistant state geologist, Michigan, 1SG9-70; assistant on geological survey of Ohio, 1870-72; state geologist of Minnesota 1873-00; instructor in geology and mineralogy, 1872-73; professor same, 1873-90. Member of the United States Assay Com- mission 1887; Fellow of the American Association for tlie Advance- ment of Science, and vice-president, 1884; president of the geologic- al Society of America, 1902; councillor of the IVIinnesota State His- torical Society; Sons of the American Revolution; Slociety de Min. Frangaise; New Y'ork Academy of Sciences; founder and three times president of the Minnesota Academy of Science; Societe Ge- ologiquft de Beige; National Geographical Society; American An- thropologica: Association; Quivira Historical Society; Lake Supe- rior Mining Institute; Washington Academy of Sciences; Founded and edited theAmerican Geologist, 1883-1905. Author of catalog of plants of the state of Michigan; Geological reports of the surveys of Oliio and Minnesota; the Iron Ores of Minnesota (with H. V. Winchell') ; and many papers for various geological and other mag- azines of the country. At present engaged upon tlie Archaeologj- of Minnesota, for the Minnesota Historical Society. 113 State street soutl'.east. WINSLOW, J. M., St. Anthony— Regent 1857-1860. WOMAN'S LEAGUE, The — An organization of the women of the University which was formed January 19, 1901. The object of the League is to promote the general social interests of the young wom.en of the University and to do what can be done for mutual helpfulness. The League was a large factor in secur- ing and helping to fi^rnish Alice Shevlin Hall. WOMAN'S MAGAZINE SOARD — This is an organization of young women who take charge of one issue each year of the Min- nesota Magazine. Each board is entirely independent of other boards chosen for the same purpose, by the Woman's League. WOOD, George W. — Professor of diseases of the nervous sys- tem and medical jurisprudence, 1S83-1887. WOODBRIDGE, Frederick J. E.— Born in "Windsor, Ontario, the twenty-sixth of March, 1867. The family removed to Kalamazoo, Michigan. Gradi'ated from the Kalamazoo high school, entered Amherst, and was graduated in the class of 1889 with the degree of A. B. Among other prominent positions which he held while in college, were Editor-in-Chief of Amherst Olio and member of the senate. The three years imr.aediately following his graduation were spent at the Union Tlieological Seminary in New York City. At the same time he also acted as lay-reader at the Church of the Ascension, of which Dr. Donald, who succeeded Phillips Brooks at Trinity Church. Boston, was then rector. In the summer his duties in connection witii the Fresh Air Fund led him among the tenement houses. The next two years he spent in Germany as a fellow of the Seminary, making a specialty of the history of philos- ophy, under Zeller, Paulsen, Ebbinghaus, Haniack and Pfleiderer. Called to the department of philoscpliy in 1894. Head of the de- partmenr until his resignation in 1-901 to accept a similar position m Columbia University.. 212 DICTIONARY OF THE WRIGHT; Charles B. — Clinical assistant in diseases of chil- dren. 1U07 to date. Andrus building-. WRIGHT, Franklin R.— Born June 15th, 1866, Canton, 111. Graduate in dentistrj , University, 1S90; M. D., same, 1894; lecturer on anaestheyia and chief of tlie anaesthetic clinic, 1895 to date. Instructor in dermatology and genito-urinary diseases, 190'0 tO' date. 713 Pillsbury building. WULLING, Frederick John.— Born December 24th, 1&6'6, Brook- lyn, N. y. educated in public and high schools of Carlstaat, N. Y., 1883; business college, 1884; Columbia University, 1884-88; New York College of Pharmacy, graduate 1887; Ph. D., 1893; L.L,. B., University, 1896: LU. M., same, 1S9S; pursued graduate work in Europe. Assistant and quiz luaster, in pharmacology, New Y''ork college of pharm.acy, lSSG-90; professor in organic pharmaco-diag- nosis, 1891-92; dean of the college of pharmacy and professor of pharmaceutical chemistry, since 1892. Member of the American Chemical Society; American Pharmaceutical Association; Brook- lyn Institute of Arts and Letters; Chemists Club, New York; fel- low of Society of Science (London); Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts; Author of M'edical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Evolu- tion of Botany; contributor to various technical journals. 3306 Second avenue south. WYMAN, James T., Minneapolis — Appointed regent February 18th, 1901 for a term which expired in 1902. Held office under the provision of "until successor shall be appointed" until March- 1907, when a special act of the legislature fixed his term as expiring March 1908. President ol board from date of death of Greenleaf Clark, December, 1904. Director of the Northwestern National Bank and member of the firm of Smith & Wyman, manufacturers of sash and doors. Term expires in March, 1908. WYMAN PRIZE, THE' — An annual prize of fifty dollars is of- fered by the Honorable James T. Wyman, of Minneapolis, through th" department of political science, for the best essay of three to five thousand words by an undergraduate student on a subject to be announced by the donor each year. Awarded, in 1902, to H. E. Peterson for an essay uii the "Small producer and the trust"; in 1903, to Allen R. Brown, for an essay upon "The trade union as a factor in production"; in 1904 to E. C. Parker, for an essay upon "The labor question in farming communities"; in 1906 no award; in 1906. was not awarded; in 1907, to Donald C. Babcock, for an essay upon "The influence of immigration upon the development of the northwest." XI PSI PHI — iCental fraternity. Phi chapter established in 1905. YALE, William H., Winona— Appointed regent August 9th, 1894 and served until he became member of the state senate in Janu- ary 1895. Born at New Haven, Conn., in 1831. Received a com- mon school education and engaged in business. Came to Minne- sota in 1857. and practiced law. Elected county attorney in 1860', and to the state senate in 18G6. Lieutenant Governor of Minneso- ta. 1S69-7]. YATTAW, William H.— Janitor 188G-1S93. YEAGER, Fred S. — Instructor in crown and bridge work, 1903 to date. Germania Life building, St. Paul. YOUNG. Alice--Instructor in English, 1895-1900. Graduate of the University, class of 1896. Now dean of women in the Univer- sity of Montana. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 213 YOUNG, George B.— Lecturer on the conflict of laws, 1S88 to date. Formerly associate justice of the supreme court of Minne- sota. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, The— This asso- ciation was organized February lith, 1SS7. It is aflSliated with the National orgranization. Its oliject is the promotion of "growth in gr.-ice and Cliristian feliowship among its memlbers and aggressive Chrisiian work by and for .students." This association rents the Students' Christian Association building and has it always open for the use of the student body. To further the ends of this as- sociation it maintains a general secretarj' who devotes his whole time to the work. The association's activities reach out and touch student life in almost every phase of University life. The boarding house bureau helps new students and old to secure com- fortable lodgings and assists in finding roommates; The employment bureau assists those students v.ho are o)3liged to make their own way through colkge to fisid work to help pay their way; Bible study is emphasized and hundreds of young men are induced to make a regular and systematic study of the Bible; Sunday after- noon services are held during the college year, the services are popular in character and are usually addressed by prominent men; Friday noon is the regular weekly prayer meeting; Mission study classes are maintained; during the Christmas holidays bands of students are sent out to do evangelistic work; Numerous socials are held, including the big opening reception to new students and th<-. post-exam jubilee; An educational bureau helps students with entrance conditions to make up such conditions and regular class- es are organized for this purpose; The information bureau is open and busy the year around for the benefit of any student who wants to know. Those who intend to attend the University are furnished any information desired about matters connected with the Univer- sity. The association, in cooperation with the Y. W. C. A. issues each y^ar a hand l50ok containing useful information for students. John F. Sinclair, '96, is the general secrctaiy. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, The— This as- sociation was organized in 1891. It is affiliated with the National organization. The purpose of this association is to bring together and to make effective the combined religious activities of all young women of the University, "to deepen spiritual thought in the Uni- versity woman, to environ her witli .a semblance of home, to bring to her friendship, assistance and sociability by stimulating fellow- ship, to give her personal help when necessary; thus developing in her the Christ ideal of culture in womanhood." To this end the association has beautifully furnished rooms in Alice Shevlin Hall, and provides two general secretaries, one to specialize in Bible and mission study work and the other, an assistant, to direct the office and committee work of the association. The general secre- tary for the year 1907-08, is Margaret Burton and the assistant is Katharine names. The association works in various ways, giv- ing frequent socials, informal teiis. Prayer meetings are held twice each week, a dozen circles meet each week for Bible study, a.nd frequent missionary meetings are held. The general secretary also docs what she can to help new students get settled and is al- way.r ready to answer the questions, by letter or in person, of young women who expect to to come to the Universit.v. This associa- tion, in cooperation with the Y. M'. C. A. publishes annually a hand book of useful information for students. This association started the movement which finally resulted in securing Alice Shevlin Hal', for the young ^\•Olnen of the University. 214 DICTIONARY OF THE 2ELENY, Anthony.— Boni April 20tli, 1S70, Racine, Wis. Hut- chinson higrli scliool, 18S7; B. S., University, 1892; M. S., 1893; Ph. D., 1907. Graduate work at Chicago, one summer semester, 1900. Taught in country schools, 1887-88; high scliool, 1893-95; scholar in physics. University, 1895-97; instructor in physics, 1897-06; as- sistant professor of physics, since 1906. Author of modifications of the M'arxwell-Rayleig-li and the Anderson methods for the mea- surement of the co-efficient of self-induction; On precision mea- surements with the moving coil ballistic galvanometer; The tem- perature of solid carbonic acid and its mixtures with ether and alcohol at different pressures; The capacity of mica condensers; United States and Canadian patents, 1902, galvonometer; Multi- plex electric thermiometer; 1903, Electric thermometer; Text book, A Manual of Physical Measurements, (With H. A. Erikson). Member of the American Physical Society; fellow American Asso- ciation Advancement of Science, Minnesota Educational Associa- tion; Sigma XI; Society for the Promotion of Engineering Educa- tion. 321 Church street southeast. ZELENY, John.—Born March 26th, 1872, Racine, Wis. Hutch- inson high school; B. S., University, 1893; Pb. D., same, 1906. Berlin University, spring semester, 1897; Cambridge University, England, 1897-98; 1898-99; B. A. (in research, 1899). Teacher of physics and chemistry, central high school, Minneapolis, 1892; in- structor in physics, 1892-1896; assistant professor of physics, 1896- 1900; associate professor of physics, ]9'00 to date. Author of va- rious researches upon physical subjects, including. Air electrifica- tioji by the discharging action of ultra-violet light; The ratio of the velocity of the ions; preduced in gases by Roentgen rays, and. som.e related phenomena.; Convection currents and the fall of po- tential at the electroder? in conduction produced by Roentgen rays; The velocity of ions produced in gases by Roentgen rays; The influence of temperature upon the photo-electric effect; Elec- trifications produced by gases that have been exposed to Roentgen rays; The vapor pressure of solid and liquid carbonic acid at low temperatures: The temperature of solid carbonic acid and its mix- tures with ether and alcohol at different pressures; The discharge of electricity from pointed conductors of different sizes. Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Fellow of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science; American Physical Society Associate of Cambridge Philosophical Society. 810 Sixth street southeast. 2ETA PSI — Alpha Beta chapter established in 1899. Founded at New York University in 1847. 200 Harvard street southeast. ZIMMERMAN, James. — Instructor in chemistry, 1907 to date. 1201 Fifth street southeast. ZOOLOGY MUSEUM, -All the material collected by the state zoologist; a collection of mounted Minnesota birds representing about one-tiiird of the species found in the State; a number of the mammals of the State and a few from the more western states; a collection of fishes, molluscan shells, corals and other foreign material. The ornithological room contains the excellent Thomas .S. Rob- erts and Fr.anklin Benncr collection of skins, nests and eggs of Minnesota birds. Other groups of animals are more or less nu- merously repres':^nted. and are receiving annual additions from the Zoological Survey. ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL CLUB, The — An organization of In- structor.s and advanced students of the department of animal bi- ology, who meet for the discussion of current zoological literature. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. 215 ZOOLOGICAL READING CLUB, The— This club meets even- ings at the homos of the professors of the department of animal biology and is for instructors and graduate students. Its purpose is the reading and discussion of philosophical works on zoolo^j'. Ferris Sr Grady College Man's Headquarters 321 14th. Jivenue Southeast Fine Candies, News, Laundry and Cigars LmA L 009 545 315 I" I H. i^ e es. W. F. Decker, Vice-Pres. J. E. Ware. Cashier. •At Yo S UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 324 594 Thr >t. Ant jiiy Falls Bank ' tal Rosoi es $1,600,000 one Dollar Opt.ns An Account 31 Cent Interest Paid on Savings Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Aaron Carlson W. F. Decker H. T. Eddy H. R. Chase DIRECTORS John F. Wilcox A. M. Hunter William Miller Hiram A. Scriver W. P. Washburn W. F. Webster H. W. Young Joseph E. Ware I •^1 I ■ ■••