V LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY A Classified Bibliography of Theological and General Religious Literature BY John Fletcher Hurst rTBRA ^ OF THE UNIVERSITY NEW YORK: HUNT & EATON CINCINNATI : CRANSTON & CURTS 1896 H ^ ^^NERAL Copyright by HUNT & EATON, 1895. Composition, clectrotyping, printing, and binding by Hunt & Eaton, 150 Fifth Ave, New Yorli. PREFACE. The following work is designed to be a Systematic and Exhaustive Bib- liography of the best and most desirable books in Theology and General Religious Literature published in Great Britain, the United States, and the Dominion of Canada. Accuracy, fullness, wide scope, and practical convenience have been sought above all other considerations. Where it has been possible to use the books themselves, the names and initials of the authors and the full titles of their works have been given. Thus each book-title is a transcript of the title-page. Where bibliographical jour- nals have been used, there has been some use of abbreviations ; for these journals do not always transcribe, but frequently condense. An entry does not imply that a book is now in circulation. The object is to enable the reader to see what literature in English is available on a given topic, this literature presumably being in the libraries of the large cities. No attempt has been made to reduce names, initials, and honorary titles to uniformity, for the very reason that authors themselves are far from uniform. The author in one book may place his full Christian and family name on the title-page, accompanied with his honorary titles, while in another book he may use only initials of his Christian name ; in another he may be sud- denly seized with an attack of indifference or modesty, and omit all his honorary titles ; and in still another work he may use a pseudonym or no- name at all. These humors are quite frequent, even in theology. In 1882 the author published his Bibli&theca Theologica. That work was never stereotyped ; only a limited number of copies was printed \ and it is now no longer in print. It became, however, the groundwork or sug- gestion of the present Life7-ature of Theology. New departments have been treated, many subordinate rubrics have been introduced, every title has been gone over anew, and, in recognition of the vast increase in theo- logical publications since 1882, many hundreds of new works have been supplied, and many undesirable works have been eliminated. The Literature of Theology is therefore a new work. It is believed that one of the most important of its qualities is the introduction of prices. This i 1 /^ ^ ^ O iv PREFACE. difficult and troublesome addition has been made with much misgiving, because of the apparent deviation from the general scientific purpose of the work. But it has been deliberately concluded that, for practical pur- poses, the increasing number of readers and students of religious and theological literature, now multiplying beyond any former time, would be greatly served by a knowledge of the actual cost of a desired book. This price is that at which the book was published. In case more than one edition has been issued the price of the last is given. No attempt has been made to follow the rise and fall of the market in the case of a book out of print. It gives me special pleasure to acknowledge the important service of Professor George W. Gilmore, of the Bangor Theological Seminary, in assisting in the preparation of the present work. This gentleman was in- vited at the first to give the benefit of his rich bibliographical experience and skill, and in all parts of the work he has labored assiduously to make the Literature of Theology a complete bibliography. He has given a fitting close to his labors by making the Index of Subjects. Special acknowledgments are due, also, to the Rev. Charles R. Gillett, A.M., Librarian of Union Theological Seminary, New York ; to Mr. Bull, Bursar and Librarian of the General Theological Seminary, New York ; to the Rev. J. H. Dulles, Librarian of Princeton Theological Seminary ; to Mr. Frederick Saunders, Librarian of the Astor Library ; to the Rev. Samuel Macauley Jackson, D.D., LL.D., for freedom of access to his most valuable and complete bibliographical library, and for advice and assistance, mak- ing available his large bibliographical knowledge and experience ; to the junior member of the firm of A. D. F. Randolph & Co. ; to the Hon. A. R. SpofTord, Librarian of Congress ; and to the Rev. Albert Osborn, B.D., of Washington, for assistance in reading all the proofs and for the prepara- tion of the Index of Authors. As to bibliographical journals, the following are only a few of those sources which have been freely used: The Publishers Circular, The Publishers Weekly, Theologtsche Liter aturzeitung. The Magazine of Christian Literature, and the British Museum Catalogue, so far as completed. Particular attention is invited to the Indexes. Books often cover two or more subjects, and to repeat the title in each rubric upon which it touches would have been to increase very largely the bulk of the book. In order to make the literature available great pains have been taken to' make the Index, of both Authors and of Subjects, very full. Consequently PREFACE. V a rubric, say the Commentaries on Matthew^ does not exhaust the litera- ture, but the entry " Matthew " in the Index should be looked up. A table of the principal abbreviations is prefixed. It is believed that all other than those mentioned in the table are self-explaining. That the average librar)'- of the Christian layman and of the minister of the Gospel is poor beyond words,, is a lamentable fact. Many of the books are of such inferior authorship as to unfit them for even storage in any home of people either intelligent or hoping to be intelligent. Such books have drifted in because they are radiant with glaring and realistic pic- tures, or are bound in captivating sheep or calf, or are presented by well- meaning friends, or have been bought in lots at auction under the hallu- cination of cheapness, or because of some other apology for the existence of the trash. If two thirds of the shelves of the typical domestic library were emptied of their burden, and choice books put in their stead, there would be reformation in intelligence and thought throughout the civilized world. A poor book is dear, and a good one cheap, at any cost. One's best book is that which treats best the subject on which one most needs light, and which one can get only by planning, by seeking, and often by sacrificing. One such book is worth more than all the diamonds of Gol- conda or the pearls of Tuticorin, and sweeter than all the perfumes of Araby the Blest. It is a friend for all seasons, and remains true to the eighties, and beyond, if they come. Better one shelf of such treasures than a ship- load of literary driftings from the dead pyramids of publishers who sell slowly and of authors who fail quickly. The author of the Literature of Theology dares not flatter himself that he can persuade many possessors of poor collections of books to reform them ; but if he can lead some of those who are forming their libraries, who are looking into the future for the possession of treasures in books, to select well, to buy only the best, and to make a wise search for special infor- mation in general libraries, the disappointments and agonies of at least one Friend of Books, and Friend of all who find Friends in Books, will not have been in vain. Washington, D. C, September 5, 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTS, PART I. INTRODUCTION. PAGE I. PROPEDEUTIC I II. BIBLIOGRAPHY 2 III. DICTIONARIES 7 A. Biblical 7 B. General Theological 10 PAGE C. Illustrative and Inciden- tal 13 IV. CARTOGRAPHY 14 V. COLLECTED WORKS 16 A. General 16 B. Periodicals 41 PART II. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. DIVISION I. CRITICAL APPARATUS. PAGE A. TEXTS 46 a. Polyglots 46 b. Old Testament 47 1. Hebrew 47 2. Greek 48 c. New Testament, Greek 49 d. Versions 51 1. English 51 2. Other than English and Greek 54 B. GRAMMARS 55 a. Hebrew and Aramaic 55 b. Greek 57 c. Arabic and Syriac 58 d. Other Languages 59 e. Comparative Grammar 59 f. Languages of the Bible .... 60 PAGE C. LEXICONS 60 a. Hebrew 60 b. Greek 61 c. Arabic and Syriac 62 d. Other Languages 62 D. SYNONYMS, GREEK 62 E. CONCORDANCES 62 F. INTRODUCTION 64 a. Whole Bible 64 b. Old Testament 66 1. As a Whole 66 2. Hexateuch 67 3. Psalms 67 4. Separate Books 68 c. New Testament 69 1. As a Whole 69 2. Gospels 70 3. Acts 71 4. Epistles 71 Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. DIVISION II. COMMENTARIES. PAGE A. THE WHOLE BIBLE 71 B. THE OLD TESTAMENT.. . 80 a. Entire 80 b. Pentateuch 81 c. Prophecies in General 82 d. O. T. Books in order 82 1. Genesis 82 2. Exodus 83 3. Leviticus 84 4. Numbers 84 5. Deuteronomy 84 6. Joshua 84 7. Judges 85 8. Ruth 85 9. Samuel-Nehemiah 85 10. Esther 86 11. Job 86 12. Psahns 87 13. Proverbs 90 14. Ecclesiastes 91 15. Song of Solomon 91 16. Isaiah 92 17. Jeremiah and Lamenta- tions 93 18. Ezekiel 94 19. Daniel 94 20. Minor Prophets 95 PAGE C. APOCRYPHA 96, 130 D. THE NEW TESTAMENT.. 96 a. Entire 96 b. Gospels 99 c. Epistles in General 100 d. Catholic Epistles entire loi e. N. T. Books in order 10 1 1. Matthew loi 2. Mark 102 3. Luke 103 4- John 103 5. Acts 106 6. Romans 107 7. Corinthians 109 8. Galatians no 9. Ephesians no 10. Philippians iii 1 1. Colossians iii 12. Thessalonians 112 13. Pastoral Epistles 112 14. Hebrews 113 15. James 114 16. Peter 114 17. Epistles of St. John 115 18. Jude 115 19. Revelation 116 DIVISION III. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Antiquities of the Bible 118 a. General 118 b. Bible Lands in General. ... 119 c. By Countries 120 1. Arabia, in General 120 (i.) Desert and the Ex- odus 120 (2.) Sinai 121 2. Armenia, in General. . . 121 (l.) Ararat 121 PAGE 3. Asia Minor in General. 121 (i.) Ephesus 122 (2.) Seven Churches. . . 122 4. Crete 122 5. Cyprus 122 6. Egypt 122 7. Greece 124 8. Mesopotamia 124 (i.) Assyria 124 (2.) Babylon 124 TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX PAGE (3.) Chaldsea 124 (4.) Nineveh 125 (5.) Persia 125 9. Moab 125 10. Palestine, in General. . . 125 (i.) Bashan 128 (2.) Dead Sea 128 (3.) Galilee 128 (4.) Jerusalem 128 (5.) Jordan 129 (6.) Lebanon 129 (7.) Samaria 130 11. Palmyra 130 12. Phoenicia 130 13. Syria, in General 130 (i.) Damascus 130 2. Apocryphal Literature 130 3. Apologetics, Biblical 134 4. Apostles, Training of the 134 5. Archaeology 134 6. Arithmetic of the Bible 134 7. Assyriology 135 8. Astronomy of the Bible 135 9. Authenticity of the Bible. ... 136 10. Authority of the Bible 137 11. Bible and Modern Discovery. . 137 12. Bible and Pagan Nations 138 13. Biblical History 138 14. Canon of Scripture 140 15. Chronology 141 16. Coincidences 143 17. Coins 143 18. Connection of Old and New Testaments 143 19. Connection of Sacred and Pro- fane History 144 20. Creation 144 21. Credibility of the Bible 145 22. Criticism of the Bible 146 23. Decalogue 149 24. Difficulties and Discrepancies. 149 25. Essenes 150 26. Ethnology of the Bible 150 27. Evidences, Biblical 150 28. Flood 152 29. Geography 152 30. Geology 154 PACK 31. Gospels 154 32. Harmonies 156 33. Hermeneutics 157 34. History of Versions 159 35. Hittites 160 36. Illustrations 160 37. Inspiration 161 38. Jews and Judaism 161 39. Johannean Problem 162 40. Legislation 162 41. Literary Characteristics and History of the Bible 163 42. Lord's Prayer 164 43. Manners and Customs 164 44. Messianic Prophecy 165 45. Miracles 166 46. Moabite Stone 167 47. Music of the Bible 167 48. Natural History of the Bible. . 167 49. Origin of the Bible 168 50. Parables 168 51. Pentateuch 170 52. Plagues 171 53. Poetry 171 54. Proper Names 171 55. Prophecy 172 56. Proverbs (Scripture) 173 57. Psychology of the Bible 173 58. Quotations 174 59. Rabbinical Literature 174 60. Revision (Bible) 175 61. Sacrifices and Worship 176 62. Sermon on the Mount 177 63. Structure of the Bible 177 64. Targums 17S 65. Temple and Tabernacle 178 66. Texts, Difficult, and Studies in Exegesis 178 67. Textual Criticism 1791 68. Theology of the Bible 181 a. In General 181. b. Theology of the Old Tes- tament r82> c. Theology of the New Tes- tament 183 69. Typology 1S4. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART III. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. PAGE I. INTRODUCTION TO STUDY OF HISTORI- CAL THEOLOGY i86 II; HISTORY OF THE- OLOGY 187 III. HISTORY OF CHRIS- TIAN DOCTRINE 188 IV. GENERAL CHURCH HISTORY 189 1. History of all Periods i8g 2. Ancient Period, 1-800. A. D. 192 a. As a Whole 192 b. Apostolic Age, i-ioo A.D. 193 c. Ante-Nicene Age, 100-325 A D 195 d. Post-Nicene Age, 325-800 A. D ig8 3. Mediaeval Period, 800-1517 A. D 198 4. Modern Period, 15 17-1894 A. D 199 5. Reformation 200 a. Forerunners 200 b. Reformers, Lives of 201 1. By Authors 201 2. By Subjects 203 c. General History of Refor- mation 203 d. Reformation by Countries. 205 1. Bohemia 205 2. England 205 3. France 207 4. Germany 208 5. Holland 208 6. Italy 209 7. Poland 209 8. Scotland 209 9. Spain 210 10. Sweden 210 11. Switzerland 210 e. The Counter Reformation. 211 9- 10. II. 12. 13- 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23- 24. 25- 26. PAGE SPECIAL CHURCH HIS- TORY, DENOMINA- TIONAL 212 , Introduction 212 Albigenses, Waldenses, and Vaudois 213 Baptists 214 Church of England and Col- onies 216 Congregationalists 219 Coptic Church 221 Friends 221 Georgian Church 222 German Reformed 223 Graeco-Russian Church 223 Huguenots 224 Independents 224 Irvingites 224 Jansenists 224 Jews 224 Lollards 227 Lutheran Church 227 Methodists 227 Moravians 231 Mormons 234 Nestorians 235 Presbyterian Church 235 Protestant Episcopal Church. 239 Quakers 241 Reformed Church in Ameiica. 241 Roman Catholics 241 a. Bibliography 241 b. History 241 c. Doctrines 243 d. Inquisition 245 e. Jesuitism 245 f. Temporal Power 246 g. Vaticanism, Ultramon- tanism 247 h. Anti-Romanist Writings. 248 i. Romanist Apologetics. . . 251 k. Popes, Lives of. 251 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI PAGE 27. Shakers 252 28. Swedenborgianism 252 29. Unitarianism 253 30. United Brethren in Christ. . 255 31. Universalism 255 32. Vaudois 256 33. Waldenses 256 34. Miscellaneous 256 VI. SPECIAL CHURCH HIS- TORY, NATIONAL. ... 256 1. Armenia 256 2. England and her Colonies.. 257 3. France 261 4. Germany, Netherlands 262 5. Greece 263 6. Hungary 263 7. Ireland 263 8. Italy 265 9. Russia 266 10. Scandinavia 267 1 1. Scotland 267 12. Spain 270 13. Syria 270 14. United States 271 VII. COMPARATIVE RELI- GION 275 1. General 275 2. African Religions 281 3. Buddhism 282 4. Chaldaea and Babylonia. . . . 283 5. Chinese Faiths 284 6. Egypt 285 7. Hindoo Faiths 285 8. Muhammadanism 287 9. Parsees 290 10. Serpent and Phallic Worship. 291 VIII. MISSIONS 292 1. Philosophy of Missions 292 2. Ethnology of Missionary Lands 293 3. General History 294 4. Catholic Missions 300 5. Woman's Missions 300 6. Africa 300 7. American Indians 303 ^ 8. Burmah 303 PAGE 9. Central and South America and West Indies 304 10. China and Tributary Nations 304 11. European Missions 306 12. India and Ceylon 307 13. Japan 309 14. Jews 310 1 5. Madagascar 310 16. Mexico 311 17. Oceanica 311 18. Persia 313 19. Siam 313 20. Turkish Empire 313 21. Biographies of Missionaries, Collective 314 22. Biographies of Missionaries, Individual 316 a. By Authors 316 b. By Subjects 324 23. Biographies of Converts .... 325 IX. SPECIAL TOPICS 325 1. Alliance, Evangelical 325 2. Antiquities 326 3. Apologetics, History of.. .. . 327 4. Arabs 327 5. Architecture 328 6. Arianism 329 7. Art 329 8. Athanasian Creed 331 9. Augustinianism 331 10. Bible Societies 332 11. Catacombs 332 12. Cathedrals 333 13. Celibacy of the Clergy 334 14. Ceremonies 334 15. Charity 334 16. Christian Endeavor 335 17. Christianity 335 18. Christianity and Warfare. . . 336 19. Chronology 336 20. Church and State 337 21. Civilization 339 22. Communism and Socialism.. 339 23. Corruptions of Christianity. . 340 24. Councils 340 25. Creeds 342 26. Cross 343 Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 27. Crusades 343 28. Deaconesses 344 29. Deism 345 30. Dervishes 345 31. Disestablishment and Dis- endowment 345 32. Dissent and Dissenters 346 33. Divorce 347 34. Druids 348 35. Education, Theological .... 348 36. Epw^orth League 349 37. Evangelical Revival 349 a. General Works 349 b. The Wesleys 350 c. Whitefield and Followers 351 d. Other Leaders 352 e. Leaders in the English Church 353 38. Fanaticism 354 3g. German Theology 354 40. Goths 354 41. Heresies 355 42. Huguenots 355 43. Hymnology 355 44. Image Worship 358 45. Infidelity 358 46. Institutional Christianity... 358 47. Liturgies 359 48. Manners and Customs 361 49. Marprelate Controversy .... 361 50. Martyrs 361 51. Miracle Plays and Mysteries. 362 52. Monastic Orders 363 53. Montanism 364 54. Morals 364 55. Music, Sacred 365 56. Mystics 365 57. Myths and Legends 365 58. Nonconformity 366 59. Nonjurors 366 60. Northmen 366 61. Old Catholic Movement. . . . 366 62. Paganism in Christianity. . . 367 63. Papacy 367 64. Patristics 367 65. Persecutions 371 66. Philosophy of History 371 67. Philosophy, History of 371 PAGE 68. Port Royalists 373 69. Prayer 374 70. Prayer, Book of Common.. . 374 71. Preachers and Preaching (History) 375 72. Preparation for Christianity. 376 73. Priesthood and Priestcraft.. 376 74. Prison Discipline and Reform. 376 75. Protestantism 377 76. Puritanism 377 77. Quietism 379 78. Rationalism and Unbelief. . 379 79. Religion and Civil Liberty. 380 80. Religion and Culture 380 81. Religion and Science 381 82. Revivals, History of 382 83. Revolution (French) and the Church 382 84. Ritualism 383 85. Sabbath 383 86. Saints 384 87. Samaritans 384 88. Saracens 384 89. Schoolmen 384 • 90. Seasons, Sacred 385 91. Secularism 386 92. Slavery 386 93. Spiritualism 386 94. Sunday School, History of. . 386 95. Supernaturalism 387 96. Superstition 387 97. Symbolism 387 98. Temperance 387 99. Toleration 388 100. Tractarianism 388 loi. Tubingen School 390 102. Union of the Churches 390 103. Witchcraft 390 104. Women in the Church 391 105. Young Men's Christian As- sociation 391 106. Miscellaneous Essays 391 X. BIOGRAPHY 393 I. Jesus the Christ 393 a. Life of Christ 393 b. Genealogy of Christ 398 c. Names of Christ 398 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI 11 PACK d. Temptation of Christ 399 e. Passion and Death of ClarisL 399 {. Resurrection and Mediation of Christ 400 g. Portraits of Christ 401 PAGE 2. Biblical Biography 401 3. General Biography 408 a. Collective 408 b. Individual 411 1. By Authors 411 2. By Subjects 435 PART IV. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. PAGE I. GENERAL DOCTRINAL 13. THEOLOGY 438 14. 1. Introduction to Systematic 15. Theology 438 2. Doctrinal Systems 439 16. 3. Theology Proper 443 17. a. The Divine Nature and 18. Attributes 443 19. b. Trinity 444 20. c. Fatherhood of God 445 21. d. Christology 446 22. 1. In General 446 23. 2. Divinity 447 24. 3. Incarnation 448 25. 4. Humanity 449 26. 5. Offices 450 27. 6. Messiahship 451 28. e. Holy Spirit 451 29. 30. II. SPECIAL DOCTRINAL 31. THEOLOGY 453 32. 1. Absolute Religion 453 33- 2. Advent, Second 453 34- 3. Analogy of Nature and Reli- 35- gion 454 36. 4. Angelology 455 37- 5. Annihilation 455 38. 6. Anthropology 455 39. 7. Apologetics 456 40. 8. Apostles' Creed 461 9. Apostolic Succession 462 41. 10. Arminianism 462 42. 1 1. Atheism 463 43. 12. Atonement -. 463 44. PAGE Baptism 466 Baptismal Regeneration .... 468 Calvinism and Calvinistic Theology 468 Christianity 469 Christianity and Philosophy. 470 ^ Church, Doctrine of the. . . . 471 Conditional Immortality.. . . 474 Conscience and Casuistry, . . 474 Conversion 475 Creation 475 Creeds and Confessions 476 Death 479 Depravity 479 Development 479 Devil and Demonology 479 Divorce 480 Eirenics 480 Episcopacy 481 Eschatology 481 Ethics 482 Evidences 487 Evil, Origin of '. 490 Evolution 491 Experience, Christian 493 Faith 493 Forgiveness of Sin 494 Free Thought 494 Future Life and Immortal- ity 495 Government, Divine 498 Hades 498 Heaven 499 Hell 499 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 45. Human Nature 499 46. Incarnation 499 47. Infant Salvation 499 48. Infidelity 500 49. Infinite 500 50. Inspiration 501 51. Justification 503 52. Kingdom of God 504 53. Law 504 54. Lord's Supper 504 55. Materialism 506 56. Middle State 506 57. Millennium 507 58. Miracles 507 59. Natural Theology 508 60. Nature and Naturalism 509 61. Nature and Revelation 510 62. Oaths 511 63. Orthodoxy 511 64. Pantheism 511 65. Perfection, Christian 512 66. Philosophy 513 67. Philosophy in Relation to Christianity. 515 68. Philosophy of Religion 516 69. Prayer 517 70. Predestination 518 71. Probation after Death 518 72. Prophecy 519 73. Providence 519 74. Psychology and Theology. . . 519 75. Punishment, Future 520 PAGE 76. Rationalism 521 77. Real Presence 522 78. Reason and Faith 522 79. Reasonableness of Christian- ity 523 80. Recognition in Heaven 523 81. Redemption 523 82. Regeneration 524 83. Religion 524 84. Religion and Science 525 85. Resurrection 526 86. Retribution 526 87. Revelation 526 88. Sabbath 528 89. Sacraments 529 90. Sacrifice 530 91. Sanctification 530 92. Science and Revelation.... 531 93. Sin 532 94. Skepticism 533 95. Slavery 534 96. Soul, The 535 97. Spiritualism 535 98. Supernaturalism 536 99. Symbolics, Comparative 536 100. Theism 537 loi. Theodicy 539 102. Theology and Literature. . . 539 103. Universalism 539 104. Will, Freedom of 541 105. Worship 541 106. Miscellaneous Essays 541 PART V. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY. PAGE L HOMILETICAL THEOL- OGY 546 1. Office and Work of the Min- istry 546 2. The Pastoral Office 548 a. In General 548 b. Functions of the Pastor. . 548 c. Conduct of Public Worship 550 d. The Parish 551 II PAGE 3. Preparation and Delivery of Sermons 552 a. General Works 552 b. Illustration and Anecdotes 555 c. Textuaries 557 d. Anthology and Miscellanea 558 e. Sermons 559 . SPECIAL SUBJECTS 579 I. Amusements 579 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Bible in the Public Schools. 579 21. Catechisms and Catechetics. 579 22. Ceremonies 580 23. Charity 580 24. Christian Endeavor and Ep- 25. worth League Movement. 580 26. City Mission Work 580 Consolation in Affliction... 581 27. Death 582 28. Devotional Works 582 29. Emblems 585 30. Faith 585 31. Faith-Healing 585 32. Family and Home Life 586 33. Heaven 587 34. Law, Ecclesiastical 588 35. Life, Higher Christian 590 36. Liturgies 591 37. Marriage 593 38. Missions, Hortatoiy Works 39. on 593 40. PAGa Pauperism and Crime 594 Penitence 595 Poetry, Religious 595 Polity and Discipline 599 Practical Religion 601 Prayer, Forms and Practical Treatment 605 Prayer Meeting, The 607 Psalmody and Music 608 Religion and Labor 608 Religion and the State 609 Revivals 609 Ritualism 610 Sabbath 610 Sociology 610 Sunday School 612 Temperance 613 Thanksgiving 614 Union of the Churches 614 Woman 615 Young People and Children. 6i6 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. Am. Tr. Soc. American Tract Society. Am. Libr. American Library. Bait. Baltimore. Bost. Boston. Camb. Cambridge. Chic. Chicago. Chr. Lit. Co. Christian Literature Company. Cine. Cincinnati. Clar. Pr. Clarendon Press. Cong. Un. Congregational Union. Cong. Bd. Pub. Congregational Board of Publication, Dubl. Dublin. Ed. Edition or Editor. Edinb. Edinburgh. Glasg. Glasgow, Hartf. Hartford. Lond. London. N. H. New Haven. N. T. New Testament. N. Y. New York. Oxf. Oxford. Pitts. Pittsburg. P. E. S. S. Un. Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union. Presb. Bd. Pub. Presbyterian Board of Publication. Pub. Ho. Publishing House. Ref. Ch. Bd. Pub. Reformed Church Board of Publication. Rel. Tr. Soc. Religious Tract Society, S. P. C. K. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. S. S. Un. Sunday School Union. San Fr. San Francisco. So. Meth. Pub. Ho. Southern Methodist Publishing House. Un. Pres. Bd. Pub. United Presbyterian Board of Publication. Unit. Pub. Ho. Unitarian Publishing House. Univ. Pr. University Press. Univ. Pub. Ho. Universalist Publishing House. Wesl. Conf. Off. Wesleyan Conference Office. Publishers are indicated by the first name in the firm at the time of publication when the firm name is a compound. Thus Brown, Jones & Robinson would be referred to as Brown. The full name of the firm can always be learned by reference to the English or American (as the case may be) Catalogue of Books. \S. RA OF THE UNIVERSITY LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. PART I. INTRODUCTION. I. PROP-^DEUTIC. Alexander, Joseph Addison, D.D. Notes on New Testament Literature and Ecclesiastical His- tory. Pp. 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, i860. Newed., 1875. $2. Bickersteth, Edward, Rev. The Christian Student. Designed to Assist Christians in General in Acquiring Religious Knowledge. With a List of Works Suitable for a Minister's Library. From the 2d Lond. ed. Pp. xiv, 369, i2mo. Bost. : Perkins, 1830. New ed., Lond.: Seeley, 1844. js., 75 cents. Blackie, John Stuart, Prof. On Self-Culture: Intellectual, Phys- ical, and Moral. A Vade Mecum for Young Men and Students. Pp. 116, i6mo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1874. Newed., 1875. $1. Also by Funk, 1880. Paper, 10 cents. Burder, George, M.A. Mental Discipline; or, Hints on the Cul- tivation of Intellectual and Moral Habits. Addressed particularly to Students in Theology. Pp. no, i2mo. Lond.: Tegg, 1822 ; Bost. : Croker, 1835. is. 6d., 50 cents. Cave, Alfred. An Introduction to Theology : its Principles, its Branches, its Results, and its Literature. Pp. 570, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1885. \2s, 2 Cogswell, William, D.D. Letters to Young Men Preparing for the Christian Ministry. Pp. 236, i6mo. Bost.: Perkins, 1837. $1. Crooks, George R., D.D., and Hurst, John F., D.D. Theolog- ical Encyclopaedia and Methodol- ogy. On the basis of Hagenbach. Pp. 596, 8vo. N. Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1884. New ed., 1894. $3.50. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. An Ad- dress to the Senior Class in Di- vinity College, Cambridge. Pp. 113-146 in Miscellanies. Bost.: Osgood, 1877. $1.50. Foster, John. An Essny on the Improvement of Time. Edited by J. E. Ryland, M.A., with a Pref- ace by J. Sheppard. Pp. 264, i2mo. N. Y.: Carter, 1863. $1.25. Godman, W. D. a Postgraduate Course of Study for Ministers of the Gospel. Pp. 32, 8vo. Cleve- land : Fairbanks, 1874. 25 cents. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The Intellectual Life. Pp. 477, i2mo. Bost.: Roberts, 1873. $2. McClintock, John, D.D. Lec- tures on Theological Encyclopae- dia and Methodology. Delivered at Drew Theological Seminary. Edited by John T. Short. With LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. an Introduction by James Strong. Pp. 202, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1873. $1.50. McClintock, Lowry, Rev. The Divinity Student's Manual; con- taining an Analysis of Scripture, a Summary of Prophecy and of Church History, with an Explana- tion of the Articles of the Church. . Pp. 170, i2mo. Dubl. : Orr, 1851. Maurice, Frederick Denison, Rev. The Friendship of Books, and Other Lectures. Edited with a Preface, by T. Hughes, M.P. Pp. xxxv'i, 384, i6mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1874. New ed., 1886. los. 6(1, $1.50. Pycroft, James, Rev., B.A. A Course of English Reading, adapt- ed to Every Taste and Capacity. American Edition, with Alterations, Additions, etc., by J. A. Spencer, D.D. Pp. 283, i2mo. N. Y. : Francis, 1854. 75 cents. Chapter IX is devoted chiefly to moral philosophy, and Chapter XI entirely to the study of the Scriptures. Rabiger,J. F.,Dr. Encyclopaedia of Theology. Translated with Addi- tions to the History and Literature, by the Rev. John McPherson, M. A. 2 vols., pp. 430, 431, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1884. N. Y. : Scribner. 21S., $6. SCHAFF, Philip, D.D., LL.D. Theological Propaedeutic. A Gen- eral Introduction to the Study of Theology, Exegetical, Historical, Systematic, and Practical, includ- ing Encyclopasdia, Methodology, and Bibliography. A Manual for Students. Pp. xii, 536, 8vo. With a Ministerial Library. Compiled by the Rev. Samuel Macauley Jackson, M.A. Pp. 60. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. $3. Schleiermacher, F. Brief Outlines of the Study of Theology. With Reminiscences of the Author by F. LUcke. Translated from the German by William Farrer. Pp. 236, i2mo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1850. 45. Weidner, Revere Franklin, M.A. Theological Encyclopaedia and Methodology. Based on Ha- genbach and Krauth. Part I. Introduction and Exegetical The- ology. Pp. viii, 184, i2mo. Phila. : Garner, 1885. $1.25. Part II. Historical and Practical Theology. Pp. 243. 1889. $1.50. WiNSHiP, A. E., Rev. Methods and Principles in Bible Study and Sunday School Teaching. Pp.227, i2mo. Bost. : Wilde, 1885. $1.25. II. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Abbott, Ezra. Bibliography of Works relating to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Human Soul. Pp. 238, 8vo. Separately, or appended to a Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life, by W. R. Alger. loth ed., Bost. : Roberts, 1880. $3.50. Allibone, S. Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Au- thors, Living and Deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the Mid- dle of the Nineteenth Century. 3 vols., pp. 3,140, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott. 1858-1871. $22.50. A Supplement to the above by John Foster Kirk. 2 vols., pp. x, 1,562, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1891. Sis- American Catalogue, THE. Un- der the direction of F. Leypoldt. Vol. I, Author and Title Entries of books in print and for sale (includ- ing reprints and importations), July I, 1876. Compiled by Lynds E'. Jones. Pp. 834, III, 4to. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1880. Vol. II, Sub- ject Entries. Pp. xx, 492. 1881. $25. American Catalogue, 1876- 1884. Books recorded . . . 1 876-1884. Compiled under the editorial di- INTRODUCTION. rection of R. R. Bowker by Miss A. I. Appleton. I. Author-and- Title Alphabet. II. Subject Alpha- bet, etc. Pp. xxix, 446 ; iv, 260, 4to. N. Y.: Pub. Weekly Off., 1885, $15. American Catalogue, i 884-1 890. . . . Pp. xxxii, 584; iv, 318, 4to. S30- The American Catalogue is also published as an annual, and from it the above are compiled. Bibles and Biblical Litera- ture, including the Best Works, Ancient and Modern, on the Criti- cism, Interpretation, and Illustra- tion of Holy Scripture. . . . [Stew- art's Sales Catalogue.] Pp. 406, i6mo. Lond. : Stewart, n. d. Bibles. For interesting and valu- able Bibliography, see Bible So- cietv Record. Vol. 28, Nos. 8-10, Vol'. 29, Nos. 4-8. Biblical Student's Assistant, The, containing References to Works on Doctrinal and Practical Theology, with Occasional Notes : together with an Index to Four Thousand Texts of Sermons by Eminent Divines. By Clericus. Pp. 122, 8vo. Edinb. : Oliver; Lond. : Simpkin, 1844. 5^. 6d. BOTFIELD, Beriah. Prefaces to the First Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics and of the Sacred Scriptures. Pp. Ixxxvi, 674, 4to. Lond.: Bohn, 1861. 105.9. Catalogue of Books for a Pas- tor's Library. Prepared by Professors (in the theological semi- naries) at Andover, New Haven, and Chicago. Pp. 14, 8vo. An- dover : Draper, 1872. 10 cents. Clarke, Adam, D.D.,and Clarke, J. B. B., M.A. A Concise View of the Succession of Sacred Liter- ature, in a Chronological Arrange- ment of Authors and their Works, from the Invention of Alphabetical Characters to the year of our Lord 1300, 2 vols. Vol. I by Adam Clarke, LL.D. ; Vol. II by J. B. B. Clarke, M.A. Pp. xvi, 502; xx, 770, 8 vo. Lond.:Tegg, 1830, 1831. I vol., i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1839. 15.?., $1.25. Cotton, Henry. List of Editions of the Bible in English. 1 505-1 850. Pp. xx, 430. 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1 82 1. 2d ed., corrected and en- larged, 1852. 7s. 6d., $2.25. Dana, Daniel, Jr. Bibliotheca Probata. Catalogue of Books, selected, examined, and arranged under the heads of Bibles, Prayer Books, Commentaries; Devotional, Family, Parish, Parish-School, Sunday-School, Academic, and School District, Library ; with full descriptive Titles, Characteriza- tion, and Prices. With a List for Library of a Parish Minister. Pp. xxxi, 234, i2mo. N. Y. : Dana, 1857. $1.25. Darling, James. Cyclopaedia Bib- liographica : A Library Manual of Theological and General Litera- ture and Guide to Books for Au- thors, Preachers, Students, and Literary Men. 2 vols. Vol. I, Authors, columns 3,338. Vol. II, Subjects, Holy Scriptures, columns 1,920. Royl 8vo. Lond. : Dar- ling, 1854-1859. 825. 6d. Decanver, H. C. Catalogue of W^orksin Refutation of Methodism from its Origin in 1729 to the Pres- ent Time. . 1 . Pp. 53, 8vo. N. Y. : 2d ed., 1868. Printed, not published. Delisle, Leopold. Incunabula Biblica ; or. The First Half Cen- tury of the Latin Bible, being a Bibliographical Account of the various Editions of the Latin Bi- ble between 1440 and 1500, with an Appendix containing a Chrono- logical List of the Sixteenth Cen- tury, by W. A. Copinger Lond.: Bernard Quaritch, 1892. Catalogue of the Copinger Collection of Edi- tions of the Latin Bible, with Bib- liographical Particulars, by W' . A. LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Copinger. . . . Privately printed. Manchester: 1893. 4to. Avec un frontispice et 9 planches. Par Leopold Delisle. Pp. x, 226, avec 54 planches ; viii, 39 ; et 17. 410. Paris : Imprimerie nationale. Dexter, Henry Martyn, D.D. Collections toward a Bibliography of the First Two Generations ot the Baptist Controversy. [Ap- pended to the True Story of John Smith, the se-Baptist.] 4to. Bost. : Lee, 1 88 1. Bibliography of Congregation- alism. See his " Congregational- ism of the Last Three Hundred Years" under Historical Theol- ogy, Congregationalis7n. DuYCKiNCK, Evert A. and George L. Cyclopaedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day ; with Por- traits, Autographs, and other Illus- trations. New ed., 2 vols., pp. xv. 692 ; xiv, 959, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1866. Last ed., Phila, : Davis, 1875. $33. Edwards, Bela B. Early English Version. Vol. II, pp. 234-281, of his Works, pub. in 2 vols., i2mo. Andover: Draper, 1858. $3. Pre- viously published, Bost. : Jewett & Co., 1853. $2.50. English Catalogue of Books, The. a list of books published annually in Great Britain and Ire- land. Lond. : Low, 5^. The yearly issues have been consoli- dated (with continuous alphabetical ar- rangements of authors and titles) in the English Catalogue of Books. 4 vols., with index volumes. Vol. I, 1837-1862, Vol. II, 1863-1872, Vol. Ill, 1873-1880, Vol. IV, 1881-1889. Lond.: Low, 1864- 1891. FiNOTTi, Jos. M. Bibliographia Catholica Americana. A list of Works written by Catholic Au- thors, and published in the United States. Part I, from 1784 to 1820. Pp. 319, 8vo. N. Y.: Cath. Pub. House, 1872. ^5. Fisher, J. A. A Select Bibliogra- phy of Ecclesiastical History ; compiled and annotated by J. A. Fisher. Reprinted from " Methods of Teaching and Studying His- tory." Edited by Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pp. ii, 339-391. Bost!: Heath, 1885. 25 cents. Fuerst, Julius. Bibliotheca Ju- daica. Bibliographisches Hand- buch der gesammten jtidischen Literatur, mit Einschluss der Schriften iiber Juden und Juden- thum und einer Geschichte der jtidischen Bibliographic. 3 vols., pp. 1,596, 8vo. Leipzig: Engel- mann, 1849-1863. 14 thlr. Gillett, C. R. See Appendix to Briggss Biblical Study, under in- troduction to Old Testament. Hall, Isaac H., A.M., LL.B., Ph.D. American Greek Testaments. A Criiical Bibliography of the Greek New Testament as published in America. With two facsimile Il- lustrations. Pp. 82, 8vo. Phila.: Pickwick, 1883. $1.50. Horne, Thomas H., B.D. A Manual of Biblical Bibliography. Comprising a Catalogue, method- ically arranged, of the principal Editions and Versions of the Holy Scriptures ; together with notices of the principal Philologers, Crit- ics, and Interpreters of the Bible. Pp. xii, 431, 8vo. Lond.: Cadell, 1839. 28i. Jackson, Samuel Macauley, Rev. a Bibliography of Foreign Missions. Appended to Vol. I of " Encyclopsedia of Missions," by Rev. Edwin Munsell Bliss. Bibliography of American Church History. In Vol. XII of American Church History Series. See under History, Special Church History, National, " United States." INTRODUCTION. Jackson, Samuel Macauley, Rev. a Ministerial Library. Ap- pended to " Theological PropcB- deuiic," by Philip Schaff, which see tmder PropcEdeutic. List of Printed Service Books, According to the Ancient Usages of the Anglican Churp h. Pp. 30, 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1850. 3^.6^/. Lowndes, W. T. The British Librarian ; or, Handbook for Students in Divinity. A Guide to the Knowledge of Theological Works in English, and in the Learned and other Foreign Lan- guages, classified under Heads. Parts I to XL Incomplete. Pp. xxxiv, 8vo, and col. 1,416. Lond.: Rodd, 1 839- 1 842. 7.-]$. 6d. Malcom, Howard, D.D. Theo- logical Index. References to the Principal Works in every Depart- ment of Religious Literature. Embracing nearly seventy thou- sand Citations, alphabetically ar- ranged under two thousand Heads. Bost. : Gould, 1868. 2d ed., pp. 488, 8vo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1870. $4. Morris, John Gottlob. Bibli- otheca Lutherana. List of Publi- cations of Lutheran Ministers in the United States. Pp. 139, i2mo. Phila.: Luth. Bd. Pub., 1876. 85 cents. Neubauer, Ad., M.A. Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and in the Col- lege Libraries of Oxford . . . and a few Samaritan Manuscripts, with forty facsimiles. Pp. xxxii, and col. 1,168. 4to. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1886. O'Callahan, E. B. a List of Edi- tions of the Holy Scriptures, and Parts Thereof, printed in America previous to i860. With Introduc- tion, Bibliographical Notes, and Facsimiles. Pp. liv, (10,) 41 $, roy. 8vo. Albany. N. Y. : Munsell, 1861. $8. Orme, William. Bibliotheca Bib- lica : A Select List of Books on Sacred Literature, with Notices, Biographical, Critical, Bibliograph- ical. Pp. xii, 491, 8vo. Edinb. : Black, 1824. I2s. OSBORN, George. Outlines of Wesleyan Bibliography ; or, A Record of Methodist Literature from the Beginning. Pp. xi, 220, 8vo. Lond. : Wesl. Conf. Off., Panzer, George Wolfgang. Annales Typographici ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD. . . . Vols. I-V ... ad annum MDXXXVI. Vols. Vl-XI. [Cata- logue of Incunabula.] 4to. No- rimbergas : Zeh, 1 793-1 803. Pastor's Library, The. Cata- logue of Books prepared by Pro- fessors of the Union Theological Seminary. Pp. 27, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1877. Printed, not published. Petzholdt, Dr. Julius. Biblio- theca Bibliographica. Kritisches Verzeichniss der das Gesammtge- biet der Bibliographic betreffender Litteratur des In- und Auslandes. In systematischer Ordnung bear- beitet. Mit alphabetischem Na- men und Sachregister. Pp. xii, 939, imp. 8vo. Leipzig : Engel- mann, 1866. 4 marks. While this is an " exhaustive catalogue of books about books,'' the theological de- partment is of special value, as it covers all the departments. Poole, W. F., LL.D, An Index to Periodical Literature. Pp. x, 532, 8vo. N. Y. : Norton. 1853. 3ded., brought down to January, 1882, with the assistance ... of WiUiam I. Fletcher. Pp. xxvii, 1,442, roy. 8vo. Bost. : Osgood, 1882. $15. First Supplement, 1882-Jan. i, 1887, by Poole and Fletcher. Pp. xiii, 483, roy. 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton, 1888. $8. Continued in " The Cooperative Index to Periodicals," issued quarterly, edited by W. 1. Fletcher. 1887-1892. LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Porter, Noah, D.D. Books and Reading ; or. What Books shall I Read? and How shall I Read Them? Pp. 402, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1871. New ed., 1881. $2. Potter, Alonzo, D.D. Hand- book for Readers and Students. Pp. 330, i6mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1847. 75 cents. Has gone through several editions. Prime, Wendell. Fifteenth Cen- tury Bibles : A Study in Bibliog- raphy. Pp. 94, 7, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1888. $1.50. Prince Library, The. A Cata- logue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts which formerly belonged to Thomas Prince, and was by him bequeathed to the Old South Church, and is now depos- ited in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Pp. 177, 8vo. Bost. : Mudge, 1870. Reading, The Best. A Classified Bibliography for Easy Reference. With Hints on the Selection of Books ; on the Formation of Li- braries, Public and Private ; on Courses of Reading, etc. A Guide for the Librarian, Bookbuyer, and Bookseller. Pp. 255, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1872. $1. This work appears in new editions at fre- quent intervals. Reuss, Edward. Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Graeci cuius editiones ab initio typographiae ad nostram setatem impressas. . . . Pp. viii, 314, 8vo. Brunswick: Schwetsch- ler, 1872. 6 marks. Roberts, W. H., D.D., LL.D. A List of Books Intended as an Aid in the Selection of a Pastor's Li- brary. Pp. 24, i2mo. Princeton: Robinson, 1885. 25 cents. Sabin, Joseph. A Bibliography of Bibliography ; or, A Handy Book about Books which Relate to Books. Pp. (2), vii-cl, 8vo, N.Y. : Sabin, 1877. $1.50. Shea, John Gilmary. A Biblio- graphical Account of Catholic Bibles, Testaments, and other Por- tions of Scripture translated from the Latin Vulgate, and printed in the United States. Pp. 48, i6mo. N. Y. : Cramoisy Press, 1859. Simpson, W. S. St. Paul's Cathe- dral Library. A Catalogue of Bibles, Rituals, and Rare Books, etc. 8vo. Lond.: Stock, 1893. 205-. Smith, Joseph. Bibliotheca Anti- Quakeriana; or, A Catalogue of Books Adverse to the Society of Friends, Alphabetically Arranged ; with Biographical Notices of the Authors, together with the Answers .... by Friends and Others. Pp. 474, 8vo. Lond. : Printed by the author, 1873. A Descriptive Catalogue of Friends' Books, or Books Written by Members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, . . . and Occasional Biographical Notices 2 vols., pp. i ,027, 984, 8vo. Lond. : Printed by the au- thor, 1867. Sonnenschein, William Swan. The Best Books. A reader's guide to the choice of the best available books (about 50,000) in every department of science, art, and literature, with the dates of the first and last editions, and the price, etc. A contribution toward systematic Bibliography. Lond.: Sonnenschein, 1887. 2d ed., pp. cix, 1,009, 4to. 1891. Lond. : Sonnenschein ; Bost. : Am. Libr. Bureau. 31J. 6^., $4. Spurgeon, Charles H. Com- menting and Commentaries. Two Lectures addressed to the Stu- dents of the Pastors' College, with Catalogue of Biblical Commenta- ries and Expositions. Pp. 200, 8vo. Lond.: Passmore, 1876; N. Y.: Carter, 1882. $1. Stevens, Henry. The Bibles in theCaxton Exhibition, 1877 ; or, A Bibliographical Description of INTRODUCTION. nearly i,ooo Bibles. Pp. 151, 8vo. N. Y.: Scribner ; Lond. : Privately printed, 1878. 7s. 6d. Thayer, Joseph Henry, D.D., Litt.D. Books and their Use. An address, to which is appended a list of books for students of the New Testament. Pp.94, i2mo. Bost. ; Houghton, 1893. 75 cents. Theologischer Jahresbericht. [Published yearly, Leipzig (Braun- schweig ; Lond., N. Y., etc.), 1881- 1894. Formerly edited by B. Piinjer, and afterward by R. A. Lipsius. Contains titles and sum- maries of works in English, as well as in other languages. 4 marks each year.] Tobler, Titus. Bibliographia Geographica Pala^stinae. Zunachst kritische Uebersicht gedruckter und ungedruckter Beschreibung- en der Reisen ins heilige Land. Pp. 270, 8vo. Leipzig : Hirzel, 1867. 2.20 marks. TowNLEY, James, D.D. Illustra- tions of Biblical Literature, exhib- iting the History and Fate of the Sacred Writings, from the Ear- liest Period to the Present Cen- tury ; including Biographical No- tices of Translators and other em- inent Biblical Scholars. 3 vols., pp. xiv, 530, 526, 550, 8vo. Lond., 1821. 2 vols., j)p. 602, 604, 8vo. N.Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1847. 42J., $3. Vincent, Marvin R., D.D. The Student's New Testament Hand- book. Pp. ix, 160, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. $1.50. Walchius, J. Georgius. Bibli- otheca Theologica Selecta. Lit- terariis annotationibus. 4 vols., pp. xliv, 992 ; vi, 1,183, and Index ; X, 890, and Index; xii, 1,171, and Index, 8vo. Jense : Croecker, 1757- 1765. Wheatley, Henry B., F.S.A. What is an Index }■ A Few Notes on Indexes and Indexers. Pp. 96, 8vo. Lond.: Sotheran, 1878. is. 4toed., lOi-. Wright, John, Rev., D.D. Early Bibles of America. Pp. vi, 171, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1892. $1.50. III. DICTIONARIES. A. BIBLICAL. Ayre, John. Treasury of Bible Knowledge. Being a Dictionary of Books, Persons, Places, Events, and other Matters of which men- tion is made in the Holy Scriptures. Fifteen full-page Engravings, fine colored Maps, and many hundred Woodcuts. Pp. xi, 943, i6mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1866. $3. Barnum, Samuel W., Rev. A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Bible. Mainly abridged from Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, but comprising Important Additions and Improvements, . . . illustrated with five hundred Maps and Engravings. Pp. viii, 1,219, Svo. N.Y.: Appleton, 1867. $5. See below, " Sviitlis Comprehen- sive Dictiojiary." Barr, John, Rev. A Complete Index and Concise Dictionary of the Holy Bible. Pp. 210, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1852. $1. Bastow, J. A. A Biblical Diction- ary ; being a Comprehensive Digest of the History and Antiquities of the Jews and Neighboring Nations; the Natural History, Geography, and Literature of the Sacred Writ- ings. Lond. : Hodder. 4th ed., 1877. \os. 6d. Bible Cyclopaedia, The ; or. Il- lustrations of the Civil and Natural History of the Sacred Writings, by Reference to the Manners, Customs. Rites, Traditions, Antiquities, and Literature of Eastern Nations. 2 vols., pp. 1,444, 4^0. Lond.: Parker, 1841. 50J. 8 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. BOURAZAN, F. A Sacred Diction- ary : an Explanation of Scripture Names and Terms, with brief Geo- graphical and Historical Refer- ences. Pp. 462, 8vo. Lond. : Nis- bet, 1 890. I js. 6d. Brown, John, Rev. A Dictionary of the Holy Bible : containing an Historical Account of the Persons ; a Geographical and Historical Ac- count of the Places ... of the Old and New Testament. Edinb. : 1768. 4th ed„ Lond.: Murray, 1797. Am. ed., from the 12th Edinb. ed., I vol., pp. XX, 534, 20, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1846. $1.75. Calmet, Augustine. Dictionary of the Holy Bible, with the Bibli- cal Fragments, by the late Taylor. Illustrated with numerous Maps and other Engravings. 5th ed., re- vised and enlarged. 5 vols., pp. xxiii, 796, 923, 776, 771, 4to. [Vol. V contains plates and maps.] Lond.: Holdsworth, 1829. New ed., Lond.: Bohn, 1847. 15^. Abridged by Buckley, new ed., 8vo. Lond.: Routledge, 1862. ^.6d. Cassell's Bible Dictionary. Il- lustrated with nearly six hundred Engravings. 2 vols, in i, pp. 1,159, 4to. Lond. and N. Y. : Cassell, 1866. Newed., 1869. |io. CONDER, F. R. and C. R. A Hand- book to the Bible : being a Guide to the Study of the Holy Scrip- tures ; derived from Ancient Monu- ments and Modern Exploration. Lond.: Longmans, 1879. 2d ed., 1880, pp. xviii, 439, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, n. d. [1880.] $2.25. Eadie,' John, D.D, A Biblical Cyclopaedia ; or. Dictionary of Eastern Antiquity. Geography, Natural History, Sacred Annals, and Biography, Theology, and Biblical Literature, Illustrative of the Old and New Testaments. With Maps and Illustrations. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1848. 14th ed., pp. vii, 690, 8vo. Lend. : Griffin, 1873. ys, 6d. Easton, M. G., M.A., D.D. Illus- trated Bible Dictionary and Treas- ury of Biblical History, Doctrine, and Literature. With numerous Illustrations and important Chron- ological Tables and Maps. Pp. 686, 8vo. Lond. : Nelson. Pp. xi, 728. N. Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 5.?., $1.50. Fairbairn, Patrick. The Im- perial Bible Dictionary, Historical, Biographical, Geographical, and Doctrinal ; including the Natural History, Antiquities, Manners, Customs, Religious Rites and Ceremonies mentioned in the Scriptures, and an Account of the several Books of the Old and New Testaments. Illustrated by nu- merous Engravings. 2 vols., pp. x, 1,007, i»i5i. Lond.: Blackie, 1866. 72s. Farrar, John. A Biblical and Theological Dictionary, illustrative of the Old and New Testaments. 3d ed., pp. 663, i2mo. Lond.: Mason, 1852. New ed., Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Off., 1889. y. 6d. Faussett,A. R. The Englishman's Bible Encyclopaedia. Lond. : Hod- der, 1878. i8.y. Republished with title, " Bible Cyclopaedia, Critical and Expository." Pp. vi, 753, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1891. $4. Granbery, John C, D.D. Bible Dictionary. Pp. 415, i2mo. Nash- ville: So. Meth. Pub. Soc, 1883. $1. Henderson, William, M.D. Dic- tionary and Concordance of the Names of Persons and Places, and of Some of the More Remarkable Terms, which Occur in the Scrip- tures of the Old and New Testa- ments. Pp. 699, roy. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1869. i8j-. Hitchcock, Roswell D. A New and Complete Analvsis of the Holy Bible. The Old and New Testaments arranged by Subjects on the Basis of M. Talbot, with IxNTRODUCTION. Indexes and Tables by N. West. With Cruden's Concordance, re- vised by J. Eadie. Pp. xlvii, 1,159. N. Y. : Johnson, 1870. $6.75. HoLLiDAY, F. G.. Rev., D.D. A Bible Handbook, Theologically Arranged : designed to facilitate the finding of Proof-texts. Pp. ix, 336, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1869. $1.50. Inglis, James, Rev. Bible Text Cyclopcedia. A Complete Classi- fication of Scripture Texts in the form of an Alphabetical Index of Subjects. Pp. 528, post 8vo. Lond. : Houlston, 1861. New ed., Rel. Tr. Soc, 1865. Cr. 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1877. 7^. dd., $2.50. Jones, William, M.A. The Bib- lical Cyclopaedia ; or, Dictionary of the Holy Scriptures. Lond. : Wightman, 1840. A new edition, carefully revised, with numerous Additions, Corrections, and Im- ]jrovements. Pp. xxii, 886, 8vo. Tegg, 1847. Revised 1873. 6s. 6d. KiTTO, John, D.D. The Cyclo- pcedia of Biblical Literature. Il- lustrated by numerous Maps and Engravings. loth ed., 2 vols., pp. XX, 884, 994, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1847. N. Y. : Ivison, 1854. 6oi-., $6. A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Lit- erature, originally edited by John Kitto, D.D. 3d ed., greatly en- larged and improved. Edited by William Lindsay Alexander, D.D. 3 vols., pp. XX, 881; XX, 877; XV, 1,219, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Lip- pincott, 1865, 1866. New ed., 1876. $18. This is the best edition of Kitto, and su- persedes all others. The Popular Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, condensed from the larger work by the Rev. John Kitto, D.D., assisted by Rev. James Taylor, D.D. Illustrated by numerous Engravings. Pp. viii, 800, roy. 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1851. New ed., Norwich, Conn.: Henry Bill Pub. Co., 1875. $4.50. Macpherson, John. The Universal Bible Dictionary. Based upon the latest authorities. Pp. 350, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1892. 6^. Malcom, Howard. New Bible Dictionary. Pp. vi, 330, i6mo. Bost.: Gould; N. Y. : Sheldon, 1852. $1.25. Rand, W. W. A Dictionary of the Holy Bible, for General Use in the Study of the Scriptures ; with En- gravings, Map.s, and Tables. Pp. 534, i2nio. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, n. d. [1859.] Rev. ed., pp. 720. 1886. $2. Rawson. a. L. The Bible Hand- book, for Sunday Schools and Bible Readers. 4th ed., pp. 256, 8vo. N. Y. : Thompson, 1870. Rice, Edwin W., D.D., editor. People's Dictionary of the Bible ; describing Persons, Places, Coun- tries, Customs, Birds, Animals, Trees, Plants, Books, Events, and many other things in Holy Scrip- ture. Pp. vi, 228, i2mo. Phila.: Am. S. S. U., 1893. 25 cents. Robinson, E. Dictionary of the Bible. i2mo. N. Y. : Worthing- ton, 1879. $!• Russell, Frank, Rev. What Jesus Says ; being an Arrange- ment of the Words of our Saviour, under appropriate headings, with a full index. Pp. 381, xii, i6mo. Kalamazoo: K. Pub. Co., 1875. Newed., 1888. $1.25. Sampson, Ezra. Beauties of the Bible ; selected from the Old and New Testaments, with various Remarks and brief Dissertations. Designed for the Use of Schools and the Improvement of Youth. Pp. 366, i6mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1847. %i. LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. SCHAFF, Philip, D.D., LL.D., editor. A Dictionary of the Bible ; including Biography, Nat- ural History, Geography, Topog- raphy, Archaeology, and Litera- ture. With twelve colored Maps and over four hundred Illustra- tions. Pp. 958, i2mo. Phila. :Am. S.S.U., 1880. 5th ed., 1890. $2.50. Simmons, Charles. A Scripture Manual. Alphabetically and sys- tematically arranged, designed to facilitate the finding of proof texts. N. Y.: Dodd, 1845. 6th ed., pp. 528, 121-no. 1851. $1. Smith, William, LL.D. A Dic- tionary of the Bible. Comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geogra- phy, and Natural History. 3 vols., pp. X, 1,176; vi, 1,008'; vi, 854; Appendix, cxvi, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1863. 105.?. 2d ed., 1893. Vol. I, in two parts, A-J. 42^. Revised and edited by Prof. H. B. Hackett, D.D., and Edward Abbott, LL.D. 4 vols., pp. vi, 3,667, 8vo. N. Y. : Hurd (now Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston), 1 868-1 870. $26. The same, abridged by the author. Last ed., N. Y. : Crowell, 1879. Revised by Rev. F. N. and M. A. Peloubet, I vol., pp. ii, 818, i2mo. Phila.: Porter, 1884. $2. Smith, W. Bible Dictionary. Acme ed., pp. 470, i2mo. N. Y. : Al- den, 1885. 50 cents. Smith's Comprehensive Dic- tionary OF THE Bible. With many important additions and im- provements from the works of Robinson, Gesenius, Flirst, Pope, Pott, Winer, Keil, and many other eminent scholars, commen- tators, travelers, and authors in various departments. Designed to be a complete guide in regard to . . . tilings concerning which infor- mation is needed for an intelligent and thorough study of the Holy Scriptures and of the books of the Apocrypha. Edited by Rev. Sam- uel W. Barnum. Pp. viii, 1,219, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1867, reissued. 1893. $5. Strickland, W. P., D.D. Man- ual of Biblical Literature. Pp. 404, 1 2 mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1853. $1.75. SwiNTON, William. Bible Word- Book. A Glossary of Scripture Terms which have Changed their Popular Meaning, or are No Longer in General Use. Edited by T. J. Conant. Pp. 106, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1876. $1. Treasury of Scripture Knowl- edge. Pp. 778, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1889. $2. Union Bible Dictionary, The. Prepared for the Am. S. S. Union. ... Pp. 622, 8vo. Phila. : Am. S. S. U., 1837. 45 cents. Watson, Richard. A Biblical and Theological Dictionary : Ex- planatory of the History, Manners, and Customs of the Jews and Neighboring Nations. With an Account of the Most Remarkable Places and Persons mentioned in Sacred Scripture ; an Exposition of the Principal Doctrines of Chris- tianity, and Notices of Jewish and Christian Sects and Heresies. With Maps, 8vo. N.Y.: Mason, 1832. New ed., revised and en- larged by T. O. Summers. 5th ed., pp. 1,113, Svo. Nashville: So. Meth. Pub. House, 1874. $7. Westcott, a., and Watt, J. Concise Bible Dictionary, a Sup- plement to " Book by Book." Pp. 164, 8vo. Lond. : Isbister, 1893. 2s. 6d. B. GENERAL THEOLOGICAL. Abbott, Lyman, D.D., and Co- nant, T. C. A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge, for Popular and Professional Use. Compris- ing full Information on Biblical, INTRODUCTION. II Theological, and Ecclesiastical Subjects, with several hundred Maps and Illustrations. Pp. 1,089, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. $6. Addis, William E., and Arnold, Thomas, M.A. A Catholic Dic- tionary containing some Account of the Doctrine, Discipline, Rites, Ceremonies, Councils, and Reli- gious Ordersof the Catholic Church. Pp. vi, 897, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc. Co., 1884. $5. 4th ed., revised with assistance of Rev. P. B. Scannell. Lond. : Paul, 1893. 2 IS. Benham, William, Rev., editor. Dictionary of Religion : an Ency- clopaedia of Christian and other Religious Doctrines, Denomina- tions, Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiasti- cal Terms, History, Biography, etc. Pp. w, 1,148, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y.: Cassell, 1887. 21s., $$- Benton, A. A., Rev., M.A., editor- The Church Cyclopaedia. A Dic- tionary of Church Doctrine, His- tory, Organization, and Ritual, and containing Original Articles on Special Topics, written expressly for this work by bishops, presby- ters, and laymen. Designed espe- cially for the use of the laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Pp. 810, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Hamersley, 1884. $5. Blunt, John Henry, D.D. A Dictionary of Doctrinal and His- torical Theology. By various writ- ers. Edited by Rev. John Henry Blunt. Pp. 825, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; Phila. : Lippincott, 1870. 2d ed., 1891. 42^., $10. A Dictionary of Sects, Here- sies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought. Pp. 648, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Long- mans ; Phila.: Lippincott, 1874. 2d ed., 1886. 36^., $10. Household Theology. A Hand-book of Religious Informa- tion Respecting the Holy Bible, the Prayer Book, the Church. i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1865. New ed., pp. 279, fcp. 8vo. 1886. 3^. 6d. Buck, Charles, Rev. A Theo- logical Dictionary, containing Def- initions of all Religious Terms : a Comprehensive View of every Article in the System of Divinity ; an Impartial Account of all Prin- cipal Denominations which have Subsisted in the Religious World from the Birth of Christ to the Present Day ; together with an Accurate Statement of the Most Remarkable Transactions and Events recorded in Ecclesiastical History. Enlarged by Dr. Hen- derson. Lond.: Tegg, 1847. Am. ed., revised and enlarged by George Bush ; with an Appen- dix, containing the History of Various Denominations in the United States. Roy. 8vo. Phila. : Desilver, n. d. 10^., $3. Burgess, G. A., Rev., A.M., and Ward, J. T., Rev., A.M. Free Baptist Cyclopaedia. Historical and Biographical. The Rise of the Free-will Baptist Connection, and of those General and Open Com- munion Baptists which . . . form one People, their Doctrines, Polity, etc. Pp. 724, roy. 8vo. Chic. : Free Bapt. Cyclop. Co., 1889. $5. Cathcart, William, D.D. The Baptist Encyclopaedia. A Diction- ary of the Doctrines, Ordinances, Usages, Confessions of Faith, Suf- ferings, Labors and Successes, and of the General History of the Bap- tist Denomination in all Lands. With Numerous Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Amer- ican and Foreign Baptists, and a Supplement. Pp. 1,366, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Everts, 1881. $12.50. Eadie, J. The Ecclesiastical Cy- clopaedia ; or. Dictionary of Chris- tian Antiquities and Sects. Pp. viii, 668, 8vo. Lond. : Griffin, 1847. New ed., 1875. Ss. 6d. 12 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Eden, Robert. The Churchman's Theological Dictionary. 2d ed., pp.404, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1846. New ed., 1859. 5^. Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge, The ; or, Diction- ary of the Bible, Theology, Reli- gious Biography. All Religions, Ecclesiastical History, etc. De- signed as a Complete Book of Ref- erence on all Religious Subjects. Rev. ed., pp. vi, 1,269, ^vo. Phila. : Claxton, 1870. Farrar, John. An Ecclesias- tical Dictionary, explanatory of the History, Antiquities, Heresies, Sects, and Religious Denomina- tions of the Christian Church. Pp. 564, i2mo. Lond.: Mason, 1853. Revised, 1871. 3^. dd. Gardner, James. The Christian Cyclopaedia ; or. Repertory of Bib- lical and Theological Literature. Pp. vi, 912, 8vo. Lond. : Groom- bridge, 1854. New ed., 1858. 15^. Herzog, J. J. A Protestant, Theo- logical, and Ecclesiastical Ency- clopaedia, being a condensed translation of Herzog's Real-Ency- clopadie, with additions from other sources, by Rev. J. H. A. Bom- berger, D.D., assisted by distin- guished Theologians of various Denominations. Vols. I and H. Pp. xii, 768 ; iv, 768, roy. 8vo. Phila.: Lindsay, 1858-1860. $10. This translation was never continued. Hook, Walter F., D.D. A Church Dictionary. Revised and adapted to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States, by a Pres- byter of said Church. Phila. : Butler, 1853. 7thed.,pp. 580, 8vo. N. Y. : Tibbais, 1875. $3.75. Jackson, Samuel Macauley, D.D., LL.D., Chambers, Talbot W., D.D., LL.D., and Foster. Frank Hugh, Prof., Ph.D. Concise Dictionary of Religious Knowledge and Gazetteer. 8vo, N.Y. : Christian Lit. Co., 1890,1891. 3d.ed.,N.Y.: Maynard,i893. $3.50. McClintock, John, D.D., and Strong, James, S.T.D. Cyclope- dia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. 10 vols., pp. vi, 947; viii, 933; vi, 1,048; viii, 1,122; vi, 958; vi, 997; vi, 1 ,003 ; vi, 1 ,086 ; vi, i ,083 ; vi, i , 1 20, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1867- 1881. $50. With supplement in two vols., pp. vi, 993; vi, 1,078, 8vo. 1890. $10. Marsden, J. B., Rev., M.A. A Dictionary of Christian Churches and Sects, from the earliest ages of Christianity. New ed., pp. 960, 8vo. Lond.: Bentley, 1857. \2s. First printed in 2 vols. Robinson, John. Theological, Bib- lical, and Ecclesiastical Dictionary, serving as a General Notebook and Illustrative Commentary of the Old and New Testament, and as a Cyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge. Pp. xx, 1,058, 8vo. Lond.: Whittaker, 1815. 4th ed., 1835. 28^. Sanford, Elias B., Rev., editor. A Concise Cyclopasdia of Religious Knowledge. Biblical, Biograph- ical, Theological, and Practical. Pp. 1,000, 8vo. N. Y. : Webster, 1891. $3.50. SCHAFF, Philip, D.D., LL.D., and Jackson, Samuel Macauley, Rev., A.m., editors. Encyclopce- dia of Living Divines and Chris- tian Workers of all Denominations in Europe and America, being a supplement to Schaff-Herzog En- cyclopedia of Religious Knowl- edge. Roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1887. Rev. ed., pp. viii, 296. 1891. Included in Schaff and Jackson s " The Religious Encyclopcedia" which see. ScHAFF, Philip, D.D., LLD., editor, and Jackson, Samuel Macauley, Rev., A.M., and Schaff, D. S., Rev., ass't editors. A Religious Encyclopasdia ; or, Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology. INTRODUCTION. 13 Based on the Real-Encyclopiiclie of Herzog, Plitt, and Hauck. 3 vols, [and supplement, see Schaff and Jackson, Encyclopaedia of Living Divines.] Pp. xlvii, 2,629, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Christian Lit. Co., 1882. 3d ed. N. Y. : Funk, 1891. $20. Tog-ether with an Encyclo- paedia of Living Divines, etc. See Schaff and Jackson. Shipley, Orby. A Glossary of Ecclesiastical Forms, containing brief explanations of words used in Dogmatic Theology, Liturgi- ology, Ecclesiastical Chronology and Law, etc. Pp. 522, p. 8vo. Lond. : Rivingtons, 1871. iSs. Smith, William, and Cheetham, S. A Dictionary of Christian An- tiquities. The History, Institutions, and Antiquities of the Christian Church, being a continuation of the " Dictionary of the Bible." 2 vols., pp. xi, X, 2,060, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 187 5- 1880. 73^. 6^. Bost. : Little, 1875-1880; and 2 vols., 8vo., Hartford, Conn. : Burr Pub. Co., 1 876-1 880. $7.50- Smith, William, and Wage, Henry. A Dictionary of Chris- tian Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doctrines : Being a continua- tion of the Dictionary of the Bible. 4 vols,, roy. 8vo, pp. xii, 814; xii, 928 ; x,i,oo4 ; xiii, 1,227. Lond. : Murray. Bost.: Little, 1877-1887. $16.50. Staunton, William, Rev. An Ecclesiastical Dictionary, contain- ing Definitions of Terms, Expla- nations, and Illustrations of Sub- jects pertaining to the History, Ritual, Discipline, Worship, Cere- monies, and Usages of the Chris- tian Church. 8vo. N. Y. : Prot. Ep. S. S. U., 1 861. $4. A Dictionary of the Church, containing an Exposition of Terms, Phrases, and Subjects connected with the External Order, Sacra- ments, Worship, and Usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church. With an Especial Reference to the Church in the United States. Pp. 473, 8vo. Phila. : Hooker, 1838. 2d ed., 1840. $1.25. Wolcott, Mackenzie E. C. Sa- cred Archaeology : a Popular Dic- tionary of Ecclesiastical Art and Institutions, from Primitive to Modern Times. Pp. xvi, 640, 8vo. Lond. : Reeve, 1868. 18^. Woodward, B. B., B.A., and Cates, Wm. R. L. Encyclopaedia of Chronology, Historical and Biographical. Pp. viii, 1.487, 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. : Lee, 1872. $15. C. ILLUSTRATIVE AND INCI- DENTAL. (See also under Practical Theology ^ Illustra- tion and Anecdotes.) Arvine, K., Rev., A.M. Cyclopae- dia of Anecdotes of Literature and the Fine Arts. Containing a Co- pious and Choice Selection of Anecdotes of the Various Forms of Literature, of the Arts, of Ar- chitecture, Engraving, Sculpture, Poetry, Music, Painting, etc. Pp. 901, roy. 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1852. $3. Cyclopaedia of Moral and Re- ligious Anecdotes. A Collection of Nearly Three Thousand Facts, Incidents, Narratives, Examples, and Testimonies, . . . with Co- pious Topical and Scripture In- dices. With Introduction by Rev. George B. Cheever, D.D. Roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Leavitt, 1848. New ed., pp. 895. N. Y. : Funk, 1890. $3.50. Bate, John. A Cyclopaedia of Il- lustrations of Moral and Religious Truths. Pp. 924, 8vo. Lond. : Jarrold, 1864. nth ed., with title. Six Thousand Illustrations, etc. Pp. 940. 1888. ^s. 6d. N. Y. : Scribner. $5. 14 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Bertram, R. A. A Homiletical Encyclopasdia of Illustrations in Theology and Morals. A Hand- book of Practical Divinity and a Commentary on Holy Scripture. Selected and arranged. N. Y. : Funk. 6th ed., 1882. Pp. iv, 892, 8vo. $2.50. Cyclopedia of Nature Teach- JNGS, A. Being a Selection of Facts, Observations, Suggestions, Illustrations, Examples, and Illus- trative Hints taken from all De- partments of Inanimate Nature. With an Introduction by Hugh Macmillan, LL.D.. F.R.S.E. Pp. xvi, 552, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1892. $2.50. Edwards, Tryon, D.D. A Dic- tionary of Thoughts, being a Cy- clopcedia of Laconic Quotations from the Best Authors, both An- cient and Modern, Alphabetically Arranged by Subjects. Pp. xii, 644. N. Y. : Cassell, 1891. $5. ElCHBAUM, F. A. G. The Preach- er's Scrapbook : A Collection of four hundred and twenty-four Short Stories and Pithy Sayings for the Use of Busy Clergy and Teachers. Pp. viii, 244, i2mo. Milwaukee : Young Churchman Co., 1892. $1. Foster, Elon, D.D. New Cyclo- paedia of Prose Illustrations, adapt- ed to Christian Teaching ; em- bracing Mythology, Analogies, Legends, Parables, Emblems, Met- aphors, Similes, Allegories, Prov- erbs ; Classic, Historic, and Re- ligious Anecdotes. Pp. 704, 8vo. N. Y. : Palmer, 1870. $5. • Same. Second Series. Pp. 791, Svo. N. Y. : Crowell, 1877. $5. New Cyclopaedia of Poetical Illustrations, adapted to Christian Teaching ; embracing Poems, Odes, Legends, Lyrics, Hymns, Sonnets, Extracts. Companion volume to New Cyclopaedia of Prose Illustrations. Pp. 696, 8vo. N. Y. : Palmer, 1872. $5. Same. Second Series, embrac- ing Poems Descriptive of the Scenes, Incidents, Persons, and Places of the Bible. Also Indexes to Foster's Cyclopcedias. Pp. 748, Svo. N. Y. : Crowell, 1881. $5. Hood, E. Paxton. The World of Moral and Religious Anecdote. Illustrations and Incidents gath- ered from the Words, Thoughts, and Deeds in the Lives of Men, Women, and Books. Pp. 776, cr. Svo. Lond.: Hodder, 1870. ios.6d. World of Anecdote, Historical and Biographical. Pp. 720, roy. Svo. Lond.: Hodder, 1869. ios.6d. Spence, H. D.M., Canon ; Exell, Josephs., Rev.; Neil,Charles, Rev. Thirty Thousand Thoughts, being Extracts Covering a Com- prehensive Circle of Religious and Allied Topics. ... 6 vols., Svo. N. Y. : Funk, 18S4. $21. Weld, H. H. A Dictionary of Sa- cred Quotations. Pp. 468, i2mo. Phila.T Lindsay, 1865. $3.50. IV. CARTOGRAPHY. Adams, Sebastian C. A Chrono- logical Chart of Ancient, Modern, and Biblical History, Synchro- nized ; with Maps of the World's Great Empires, drawn by Prof. J. A. Paine. N. Y. : Colby. 5th ed., revised, 1SS6. $10. (In book, map, or rolled form.) Atlas of Scripture Geography. Maps with Questions. Sm. 4to. N. Y. : Putnam, 1873. 75 cents. Bartholomew, J. Library Refer- ence Atlas of the World. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1890. $18. Bible Atlas and Gazetteer. Six Maps. Svo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1862. $1.2$. INTRODUCTION. 15 Bryce, J., AND OTHERS. Compre- hensive Atlas and Geography ; Modern, Historical, Classical, and Physical. Fo. N. Y. : Futnam, 1881. $25. Chronological Scripture At- las, containing a Complete Series of Maps elucidatory of the Sacred History. i2mo. Lond.: Bagster, n. d. 2s. 6d. Chronological School Atlas, containing a Complete Series of Maps elucidatory of the Sacred History, illustrating also the prin- cipal Epochs of the Ecclesiastical History of Christendom, and the Condition of the Holy Land from the Earliest Ages to the Present Day ; an elaborate Chart of Gen- eral History, and a Comparative Index and Concordance of all the Scripture Occurrences of the Races. With Descriptive Letter- press to each Map. 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1870. js. 6d, Clark, Samuel, M.A. The Bible Atlas of Maps and Plans to illustrate the Geography and To- pography of the Old and New Testaments, and the Apocrypha, with Explanatory Notes. Also a Complete Index of the Geograph- ical Names in the English Bible, by George Grove. Roy. 4to. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1868. 6s. 6d. Coleman, Lyman. Historical Text- book and Atlas. Pp. 330, fo. Phila. : Claxton, 1862. $2. COSMOGRAPHIC AtLAS OF POLITI- CAL, Historical, etc., Geog- raphy. N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. $8.40. Ethnographic Atlas. Detailed Explanations accompany each Map. 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1870. Freeman, Edward A., D.C.L. The Historical Geography of Eu- rope. 2 vols., pp. 650, 65, 8vo, and Maps. Lond. : Longmans, 1881. 31^. 6d. Gage, William L., Rev. A Mod- ern Historical Atlas. 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1869. $3.50. Hamilton, L. R. A Chart of Anglo-Saxon Church History ; containing Notices of the British Church. 4:0. Lond. : Longmans, 1868. js. Hughes, Edward. Hand Atlas, for Bible readers. 5th ed., 4to. Lond.: Varty, 1867. 2s. 6d. Hughes, William. Scripture At- las. i2mo. Lond. : Bagster, 1870. ys. 6d. Hurlbut, J. L., Rev., D.D., and Vincent, J. H., Rev., D.D. Manual of Biblical Geography : a Text-book on Bible History, es- pecially prepared for the use of Students and Teachers of the Bible, and for Sunday School In- struction, containing Maps, Plans, Review Charts, Colored Diagrams, and illustrated with Accurate Views of the Principal Cities and Localities known to Bible History. Pp. 158, 4to. Chic: Rand, 1884, revised, 1887. $375. Kampen, Albert Van, Dr. Atlas antiquus. Taschen-Atlas der al- ten Welt. [24 Colored Maps with List of Names.] Gotha: Perthes. 1893. i2mo. 2.60 mks. KOEPPEN, Adolph L. Atlas of Middle Ages. With copious illus- trative Text. 4to. N. Y. : Apple- ton, n. d. Labberton, Robert H. Historical Atlas, containing a Chronological Series of 100 Colored Maps, illustrating successive Periods from the Dawn of History to the Present Day. Phila. : Clax- ton, 1872. 14th ed., 1889. $1,25. Library Atlas, The, of Modern, Historical, and Classical Geogra- phy, consisting of 100 Maps, in- cluding 8 Railway Maps, and 4 Astronomical Charts. With full t6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. descriptive letterpress of Modern Geography by James Bryce ; of Historical Geography by William F. Collier ; and of Classical Geog- raphy by Leonard Schmitz ; and copious Indices. 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1875. $14. Menke, Theodor, Dr. Bibelatlas in acht Blattern. Fo. Gotha : Perthes, 1868, and often repub- lished. Outline Maps. Of the Bible Lands ; of Palestine ; Key for the above Maps. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, n. d. Rand, McNally & Co. New In- dexed Atlas of the World : His- torical and Descriptive. Fo. Chic. : Rand, etc., 1887. New ed., 1892. $10.75. Revell's Imperial Globe Atlas of Modern and Ancient Geography. N. Y. : Revell, 1889. $1. Robinson, Edward. Physical Geography of the Holy Land. Pp. 399, fo. Bost. : Crocker, 1865. $3-50- Robinson's Researches in Pales- tine, Maps of. Bost. : Crocker, 1858. 3d ed., 1868. Go with the main work. $10. Smith, William, and Grove. Classical and Biblical Atlas. Fo. Lond.: Murray, 1872. 21^. Spruner, Karl Von, Dr. His- torico-Geographical Hand Atlas, containing 26 Colored Maps. Lond. : Trlibner, 1861. Standard Classic Atlas, con- taining Maps of Classic and Bi- ble Lands. N. Y. : Ivison, 1885. $2.50. Stieler, a. Large Hand Atlas of Modern Geography. New ed. N. Y. : Westermann, 1877-1890. 32 parts, each, 55 cents. Tindall, E. H., Rev., Wesleyan Methodist Atlas. Sections i and 2, fo. Lond. : Bemrose, 1870. 555. Van De Velde, C. W. M. Map of the Holy Land. 8 sheets, fo. Gotha: Perthes, 1858. Lond.: Williams, 1859. 2d ed., 1865. 21s. Memoir to Accompany the Map of Holy Land. Pp. 359. 8vo. Gotha: Perthes, 1858. Lond.: Williams, 1859. Ss. 6d. Vincent, John H., D.D. Pictorial Bible Geography. 4to. N. Y.: Carlton, 1870. $1. Whitney, George H., D.D. Atlas for the New Hand Book of Bible Geography. Containing 32 maps. New ed. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1875. $2.50. WiLTSCH, J. E. Th. Kirchenhis- torischer Atlas, von den ersten Zeiten der Ausbreitung des Chris- tenthums bis zum Anfang des xvi. Jahrhunderts. Fo. Gotha : Per- thes, 1843. 3 mks. Wyld. J. A Scripture Atlas, contain- ing Thirty Colored Maps, in which will be found not only the places of well-defined Situation, but the other Localities of Historic Inter- est mentioned throughout the Sacred Scriptures, According to the Supposition of the Best Au- thors. With a Geographical Index. 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1848. 10^. 6. Vol. I. Pp. XX, 480. lor. 6d. Vol. VI. The Refutation of all Heresies, by Hippolytus. Translated by the Rev. J. H. Macmahon, M.A. With Frag- ments from his Commentaries on Various Books of Scripture. Translated by the Rev. S. D. F. Salmond. Vol. I. Pp. 508. lOJ. 6d. Vol. VII. The Five Books of Quintus Sept. Flor. TertuUianus against Marcion. Pp. XX, 496. loj. 6d. Vol. VIII. The Writings of Cyprian. Bishop of Carthage. Vol. I, containing the Epistles and Some of the Treatises. Pp. xxxi, J 58. \os. 6d. Vol. IX. Tlie Writings of Irenseus. Vol. II. 'i'ranslated by Rev. Alexander Robert-;, D.D., and Rev. H. W. Rambant, A.B. Pp. 218. The Writings of Hippolytus, Bishop of Portns. Vol. II. Translated by Rev. S. D. F. Salmond, M.A. Pp. 301. \os. 6d. Vol. X. The Writings of Orlgen. Trans- lated by Rev. Frederick Crombie, M.A. Vol. I. Pp. xiv, 425. 10s. 6d. Vol. XI. The Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. TertuUianus. Vol. I. los. 6d. Vol. XII. The Writings of Clement of Alexandria. Translated by the Rev. William Wilson, M.A. Vol. II. Pp. 550. los. 6d. Vol. XIII. The Writings of Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage. Vol. II, containing the Remainder of the Treatises. Togeth- er with the Writings of Movatian, Minu- cius Felix, and Some Anonymous Trea- tises. Translated by Rev. Robert Ernest Wallis, Ph.D. Pp. S4S. \os. 6d. Vol. XIV. The Writings of Methodius, Al- exander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexan- dria : together with the two Epistles concerning Virginity by Clement of Rome, and the Fragments of Theognos- tus of Alexandria ; Pierius of Alexandria; Malchion, a Presljyter of the Church of Antioch ; Anatolius of Alexandria; Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria ; Phileas, Bishop of Thmuis and Martyr; Pamphi- lus. Presbyter of the Church of Csesarea and Martyr, Translated by Rev. Wil- liam R. Clark. M.A., Rev. James B. H. Hawkins, M.A., Rev. B. L. Pratten, Rev. S. D. Salmond. Pp. x. 471. loj. 6d^ Vol. XV. The Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. TertuUianus. Vol. II. Trans- lated by Peter Holmes, D.D. Pp. 541. loj. 6d. Vol. XVI. Apocrj'phal Gospels, Acts, and Revelation. Translated by Alexander Walker, Esq. Pp. xxiv, 547. icj. 6d. Vol. XVII. The Clementine Homilies. Translated by Rev. Thomas Smith, D. D.» Peter Peterson, M.A., Dr. Donaldson. Pp. 340. The Apostrlic Constitutions. Edited, with notes, by James Donaldson, LL.D. Pp. 2S0. \os. 6d. Vol. XVIII. The Writings of Quintus. Sept. Flor. TertuUianus. Translated by Rev. S. Thelwali. Vol. III. With the- extant works of Victorinus and Commo- dianus. Translated by Rev. Robert Ernest Wallis, Ph.D. Pp. xix, 514. \os. 6d. Vol. XIX. The Seven Books of Arnobiusv adversus Gentes. Translated by Archb. Hamilton Bryce, LL.D., D.C.L., and Hugh Campbell, M.A. Pp. xix. 386. I or. 6d. Vol. XX. The Works of Gregory Thau- maturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria and Archelaus. Translated by Rev. S. D. F. Salmond, M.A. Pp.435. Syriac Documents attributed to the First Three Centuries. Translated by Rev. B. P. Pratten, B.A. Pp. 168. lor. 6d. i8 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Vol. XXI. The Works of Lactantius. Vol. I. Translated by William Fletcher, D.D. Pp. xii, 487. 10^. (>d. Vol. XXII. The Works of Lactantius. Vol. II. Translated by Rev. William Fletcher, D.D. Pp. 240. The Testaments of the Twelve Patri- archs. Translated by Rev. Robert Sinker, M.A. Fragments of the Second and Third Cen- turies. Clemens Alexandrinus on the Salvation of the Rich Man. Translated by Rev. William Wilson, M.A. Pp.223, ios. 6d. Vol. XXIII. The Writings of Origen. Vol. II. Origen contra Celsum. Books III- VIII. Translated by the Rev. Frederick Crombie, D.D. Pp. xxxviii, 579. 12*. Vol. XXIV. Liturgies and other Docu- ments of the Ante-Nicene Period : Early Liturgies, translated by William Mac- donald, M.A., George Ross Merry, B.A.. and James Donaldson, LL. D. ; Syriac Documents of the Ante-Nicene Period, translated by Rev. B. P. Pratten, B.A. ; Selections from the Prophetic Scrip- tures, translated by Rev. William Wil- son, M.A. ; Fragments of Clements Alexandrinus, translated by Rev. Wil- liam Wilson, M.A, Pp. 194. gs. Ante-Nicene Fathers. Trans- lations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A. D. 325. The Rev. Alexander Roberts, D.D., and James Donaldson, LL.D., editors. American reprint of the Edinburgli edition. Revised and Chronologically arranged, with brief Prefaces and occasional Notes, by A. Cleveland Coxe, D.D. 8 vols, and index. Buffalo (now New York) : Christian Literature Co., 1 886-1 888. Each $3. Index vol. $2.50. Vol. I. The Apostolic Fathers : Justin Martyr. Irenaeus, Pp. ix, 602. Vol. II. Fathers of the Second Century: Hermas, Tatian, Athenagoras, Theophi- lus, and Clement of Alexandria (entire). Pp. vii, 629. Vol. III. Latin Christianity : Its Founder, TertuUian, I. Apologetic; II. Anti-Mar- cion ; III. Ethical, Pp. vii, 745. Vol. IV. TertuUian, part fourth ; Minucius Felix ; Commodian ; Origen, parts first and second. Pp. vii, 6g6. Vol. V, Hippolytus, Cyprian, Caius, Nova- tian. Appendix, Pp. vii, 699. Vol. VI, Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysi- us the Great, Julius Africanus, Anatolius and minor writers, Methodius, Arnobius. Pp. vii, 572. Vol. VII. Lactantius, Venantius, Aste- rius, Dionysius, Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions, Homily, and Liturgies. Pp. vii, 503. Vol. VIII. The Twelve Patriarchs, Ex- cerpts and Epistles, The Clementina, Apocrypha, Decretals, Memoirs of Edes- sa and Syriac Documents, Remains of the First Ages. Pp. viii, 818. Index Volume: Bibliographical Synopsis. By Ernest C. Richardson, M.A. Cien- eral Index, by Bernard Pick, Ph.D. Pp. xiv, 266. Appleton, Jesse, Rev,, D.D., Works. With a Memoir of his Life aiid Character. 2 vols., pp. 552, 505. 8vo. Andover: Gould, 1836, 1837. $4. Arminius, James, The Works of. Translated from the Latin : Vols. I and II by James Nichols; Vol. Ill, with a Sketch of the Life of the Author, by Rev. W. R. Bag- nail, A.M. Pp. viii, 669; vii, 538; 565, 8vo. Auburn and Buffalo: Derby, 1853. $6. Arnold, Thomas, D.D, Miscella- neousWorks. 8vo. Lond.: Fellowes, 1845. 125. Am. ed. N. Y. and Phila. : Appleton, 1845, 2d. Am. ed., with ten additional essays, not in the English collection. Pp. 545. $2. Bampton Lectures : A Series of Lectures delivered in the Univer- sity of Oxford on the Foundation of the Rev. John Bampton, M.A,, Canon of Salisbury. [The prices given are the original quota- tions. Most of the volumes can be ob- tained now only at private sales and in secondhand bookstores, though sets are occasionally offered for about $200.] EXTRACT FROM THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, CANON OF SALISBURY, " I give and bequeath my lands and estates to the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford forever, to have and to hold all and singular the said Lands or Estate upon trust, and to the intents and purposes hereinafter men- tioned ; that is to say, I will and appoint that the Vice Chancellor of the Univer- sity of Oxford, for the time being, shall take and receive all the rents, issues, and profits thereof, and (after all taxes, repa- rations, and necessary deductions made) that he pay all the remainder to the en- dowment of eight Divinity Lecture Ser- mons, to be established forever in the said University, and to be performed in the manner following: " I direct and appoint that, upon the first Tuesday in Easter Term, a Lecturer be yearly chosen by the Heads of Col- leges only, and by no others, in the room adjoining to the Printing House, between the hours of ten in the morning and two INTRODUCTION. ^9 in the afternoon, to preach eight Divinity Lecture Sermons, the year following, at St. Mary's in Oxford, between the com- mencement of the last month in Lent Term and the end of the third week in Act Term. " Also I direct and appoint, that the eight Divinity Lecture Sermons shall be preached upon either of the following subjects : To confirm and establish the Christian Faith, and to confute all here- tics and schismatics ; upon the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures ; upon the authority of the writings of the prim- itive Fathers, as to the faith and practice of the primitive Church ; upon the Divin- i'.y of our L^rd and Saviour Jesus Christ ; upon the Div'nity of the Huly Ghost; upon the Articles of the Christian Faith, as comprehended in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. " Also 1 direct, that thirty copies of the eight Divinity Lecture Sermons shall be always printed, within two months after they are preached ; and one copy shall be given to the Chancellor of the University, and one copy to the Head of every College, and one copy to the Mayor of the cit}' of Oxford, and one copy to be put into the Bodleian Library ; and the expense of printing them shall be paid out of the revenue of the Lands or Es- tates given for establishing the Divinity Lecture Sermons ; and the preacher shall not be paid, nor be entitled to the revenue, before they are printed. '■ Also I direct and appoint, that no person shall be qualified to preach the Divinity Lecture Sermons unless he hath taken the degree of Master of Arts at least, in one of the two Universities of Oxford or Cambridge ; and that the same person shall never preach the Divinity Lecture Sermons twice." The clear income of Bampton's Estate amounted to about ;^i2o per annum. 1780. Bandinel, James, D.D. The Pe- culiar Doctrines of Christianity. Pp. iv, 309, 31. Oxf. : Prince, 1780. Sermon at the end : " A Vindica- tion of St. Paul from the Charge of wishing himself Accursed." 1781. Neve, Timothy, D.D. Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World and Re- deemer of Mankind. Pp. xvi, 237. Oxf.: Prince, 1781. 1782. Holmes, Robert, M. A. On the Proph- ecies and Testimony of John the Baptist, and the Parallel Prophe- cies of Jesus Christ. Pp. vii, 216. Oxf. : Prince, 1782. 1783. Cobb, John, D.D. An Inquirj' after Happiness, Natural Religion, the Gospel, etc. Pp. iv, 212. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., n. d. 1784. White, Joseph, D.D. A View for aComparisonofMahometanismand Christianity in their History, their Evidences, and their Effects. Pp. [8] 526, Ixxxvii. [Lend.] : Robin- son, 1785. A new ed., pp. [viii] 454. Lond. : Rivington, 181 1. 12s. 1785. Churton,Ralph, M.A. On the Proph- ecies respecting the Destruction of Jerusalem. Pp. iv, 263. Oxf. : Fletcher, 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793- 1796. 1797. 1798. Note, 1799, Croft, George, D.D. The Use and Abuse of Reason ; Objections against Inspiration Considered ; the Authority of the Ancient Fa- thers Examined, etc. Pp. 210. [Oxf.] : Clar. Pr., 1786. Hawkins, William, M.A. On Scrip- ture Mysteries, with Notes, illus- trative and critical. Pp. xi, 414. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1787. Shepherd, Richard, Rev., D.D., F.R.S. The Ground and Credi- bility of the Christian Religion. Pp. XX, 304. Lond. : Davis, 1788. Tatham, Edward, D.D. The Chart and Scale of Truth by which to find the Cause of Error. A new edition, revised, corrected, and en- larged from the Author's MSS., with a Memoir, Preface, and Notes by E. W. Grinfield, M.A. 2 vols., pp. li, 368; vii, 371. Lond.: Pick- ering, 1840. 21S. Kett, Henrj^ M.A. The Conduct and Opinions of the Primitive Christians, with remarks on Gib- bon and Priestley. 2d ed., with corrections and additions. Pp. 298, and Appendix, xliv. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1792. Morres, Robert, M.A. On Faith in God, etc. Pp. 242. Oxf. : Fletcher, 1791. Eveleigh, John, D.D. The Sub- stance, History, and Evidences of our Religion. 2d ed., with correc- tions and additions. To which are subjoined Five Sermons preached before the University of Oxford in the years 1791 and 1794. Pp. vii, 431. Oxf.: Cooke, 1794. Williamson, James, B.D. The Truth, Inspiration, Authority, and End of the Scriptures considered and defended. Pp. xi, 239. Oxf. : Cooke, 1793. Wintle, Thomas, B.D. The Expedi- ency, Prediction, and Accomplish- ment of the Christian Redemption Illustrated. Pp. xxiv, 276. Oxf. : Cooke, 1794. Veysie, Daniel, B.D. The Doctrine of Atonement Illustrated and Defended. Pp. viii, 239. Oxf. : Fletcher, 1795. Gray, Robert, M.A. On the Princi- ples upon which the Reformation of the Church of England was es- tablished. Pp. xii, 333. Lond. : Rivingtons, 1796. Finch, William, LL.D. The Objec- tions of Infidel Historians and other Writers against Ancient Christianity. To which is added a Sermon preached before the Uni- versity, Oct. 18, 1795. Pp. viii, 193. Oxf. : Fletcher, 1797. Hall, Charies Henry, Rev., B.D. Fullness of Time ; or, the Steps by which God Almighty gradually prepared the way for the Introduc- tion and Promulgation of the Gos- pel. Pp. viii, 277. Oxf. : Hanwell, 1799- — There is a 9th sermon at the end. Barrow, William. Answers to some Popular objections against the 20 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Necessity Christian Revelation, Pp 412. Lond. : Kivington, 1799. Credibility of the "■ xvi. 1800. Richards, George, Rev., M.A. The Divine Origin of Prophecy illus- trated and defended. Pp. 345. Oxf. : Hanwell, 1800. 1801. Faber, George Stanley, A.M. Horae Mosaicae : or, a View of the Mosaic Records, with respect to their Co- incidence with Profane Antiquity, their Internal Credibility, and their Connection with Christianity. 2 vols., pp. XX, 372 ; vi, 355. Oxf. : Hanwell, 1801. 24^. 1802. Nott, George Frederic, B.D. Reli- gious Enthusiasm Considered. Pp. XV, 502. Oxf. : Hanwell, 1803. 8s, 1803. Farrer, John, M.A. On the Mission and Character of Christ, and on the Beatitudes. Pp. v, 395. Oxf. : Cooke, 1804. 7J. 1804. Laurence, Richard, LL.D. An At- tempt to illustrate those Articles of the Church of England which the Calvinists improperly consider as Calvinistical. Pp. x, 460. Oxf. : Hanwell, 1805. 12^. 1805. Nares, Edward, M.A. A View of the Evidences of Christianity at the Close of the pretended Age of Reason. Pp. xi, 543. Oxf. : Cooke, 1805. I or. 6d. 1806. Browne, John, M.A. The Infancy of Human Nature. Pp. xv, 314. Oxf. : Parker, 1809. yj. 1807. Le Mesurier, Thomas, M.A. The Nature and Guilt of Schism con- sidered with a particular Reference to the Principles of the Reforma- tion. Pp. xxiv, 44:?. Lond. : Long- man, 1808. 10s. 6cl. 1808. Penrose, John, M.A. An Attempt to prove the Truth of Christianity from the Wisdom displayed in its Original Establishment, and from the History of False and Corrupted Systems of Religion. Pp. xv, 375. Oxf. : Cooke, 1808. 9^. 1809. Car^yithen, I. B. S., Rev,, M.A. A View of the Brahminical Religion, in its Confirmation of the Truth of Sacred History, and its Influence on the Moral Character, Pp. iii, 325. Lond. : Cadell, 1810. ray. 6d. 1810. Falconer, Thomas, M.A. Certain Principles in Evanson's "Dis- sonance of the Four generally received Evangelists," etc., Ex- amined. Pp. xix, 400. Oxf. : Univ. Pr., 181 1, los. 6d. 1811. Bidlake, John, D.D. The Truth and Consistency of Divine Reve- lation ; with some Remarks on the Contrary Extremes of Infidelity and Romanism. Pp. xix, 250. 2d ed., Lond. : Rees, 1813. Zs. 1812. Mant, Richard, M.A. An Appeal to the Gospel, or, an Inquiry into the Justice of the Charge, alleged by Methodists and other Objectors, that the Gospel is not preached by the National Clergy. 3d ed., pp. XV, 540. Oxf. : Parker, 1812. 12X. 1813. CoUinson, John, Rev., M.A. A Key to the Writings of the Prin- cipal Fathers of the Christian Church, who flourished during the first Three Centuries. Pp. xv, 353. Oxf. : Parker, 1813. 10s. 6d. 1814. Van Mildert, William, D.D. An In- quiry Into the General Principles of Scripture Interpretation. Pp. xi, 421. Oxf. : Parker, 1815. 10s. 6d. 1815. Heber, Reginald, M.A. The Per- sonality and Office of the Christian Comforter, asserted and explained in a course of sermons on John xvi, 7. 2d ed., pp. xxxii, 501. Lond. : Hatchard, 1818. 13J. 1816. Spry, John Hume, M.A. Christian Unity, Doctrinally and Histor- ically considered. Pp. ix, 465. Oxf. : Parker, 1817. \os. td, 1817. Miller. John, M.A. The Divine Au- thority of Holy Scripture Asserted, from its Adaptation to the real State of Human Nature. 2d ed,, pp. xxii, 238. Oxf. : Parker, 1819. 7J. dd. 1818. Moysey, C. A., Rev., D.D. The Doctrines of Unitarians Examined, as opposed to the Church of Eng- land. Pp. vii, 248. Oxf. : Parker, 1818. 1819. Morgan, Hector Davies, M.A. A Compressed View of the Religious Principles and Practices of the Age ; or, a Trial of the Chief Spir- its that are in the World, by the Standard of the Scriptures. Pp. xiii, 419. Oxf.: Parker, 1819. 12^^. 1820. Faussett, Godfrey, M.A. The Claims of the Established Church to ex- clusive Attachment and Support, and the Dangers which menace her from Schism and Indifference. Pp. vii, 379. Oxf. : Parker, 1820. lor. 6rf. 1821. Jones, John, Rev., M.A. The Moral Tendency of Divine Revelation, asserted and illustrated. Pp. xv, 431. Oxf. : Parker, 1821. \os. 6d. 1822. Whately, Richard, M.A. The Use and Abuse of Party Feeling in Matters of Religion. Pp. xxx, 274. Oxf. : Parker, 1822. 12s. 1823. Goddard, Charles, D.D. The Men- tal Condition Necessary to a Due Inquiry into Religious Evidence, stated and exemplified. Pp. xxvii, 264. Oxf. : Parker, 1824. 1824. Conybeare, J. J., M.A. An Attempt to trace the History, and to ascer- tain the Limits of the secondary and spiritual Interpretation of Scripture. Pp. xii, 331. Oxf. : Parker, 1824. 9^. 1825. Chandler, George, Rev., LL.D. The Scheme of Divine Revelation con- sidered, principally in its Connec- tion with the Progress and Im- provement of Human Society. Pp. xxviii, 300. Oxf. : Parker, 1825. %s. 1826. Vaux, William, B.D. The Benefits annexed to a Participation in the two Christian Sacraments, of Bap- tism and the Lord's Supper, con- sidered. Pp. X, 343. Oxf. : Parker, 1826. 9J. 1827. Milman, Henry Hart, M.A. The Character and Conduct of the Apostles considered as an Evidence INTRODUCTION. 21 of Chrlstlanily. Pp. xi, 363. Oxf.: Parker, 1827. 10s. 6d. 1828. Home, Thomas, B.D. The Reli- gious Necessity of the Reformation asserted, and the Extent to which it was carried in the Church of England, vindicated. Pp. xv, 310. Oxf. : Parker, 1828. 8s. 1829. Burton, Edward, Rev., D.D. An In- quiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age. Pp. xxxii, 600. Oxf. : Parker, 1829. 15s. 1830. Soames, Henry, M.A. An Inquiry into the Doctrines of the Anglo- Saxon Church. Pp. xxvii, 478. Oxf. : Parker, 1830. 13s. 1831. Lancaster, Thomas William, M.A. The Popular Evidence of Chris- tianity, stated and examined. Pp. xix, 369, Oxf. : Parker, 1831. 1 2 J. 1S32. Hampden, Renn Dickson, M.A. The Scholastic Philosophy consid- ered in its Relation to Christian Theology. 2d ed., with Intro- duction. Pp. xci, 548. Lond. : Feliowes, 1832. 13J. 1833. Nolan, Frederick, " LL.D., F.R.S. The Analogy of Revelation and Science Established. Pp. xx, 521. Oxf. : Parker, 1833. i^s. 1834. No appointment on account of re- pairs to the Bampton Estate. 1835. No appointment for same reason. 1836. Ogilvie. Charles A., M.A. The Di- vine Glory Manifested in the Con- duct and Discourses of our Lord. Pp. xxii, 283. Oxf. : Parker, 1836. ys. td. 1837. Vogan, Thomas S. L., Rev., M.A. The Principal Objections against the Doctrine of the Trinity, and a Portion of the Evidence on which that Doctrine is received by the Catholic Church, reviewed. Pp. xxiii, 416, Oxf.: Parker, 1837. I2f. 1838. Woodgate, Henry Arthur, B.D. The Authoritative Teaching of the Church shown to be in Conformity with Scripture, Analogy, and the Moral Constitution of Man. Pp. xi,384. Oxf. : Parker, 1839. lox. 1839. Conybeare, W. D.,M.A. An Analyt- ical Examination into the Char- acter, Value, and just Application of the Writings of the Christian Fathers during the Ante-Nicene Period. Pp. xiv, 524. Oxf. : Parker, 1839. ^^x. 3840. Hawkins, Edward, D.D. An Inquiry into the Connected Uses of the principal Means of attaining Chris- tian Truth. Pp. xviii, 365. Oxf.: 1840. loj. 6/^. 1841. No appointment. 1842. Garbett, James, M.A. Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King ; being a Vindication of the Church of England from Theological Novel- ties. 2 vols., pp. xxvi, 46*^^ viii, 503. Lond. : Hatchard, 1842. 24X. 1843. Grant, Anthony, D-C.L. The Past and Prospective Extension of the Gospel by Missions to the Heathen. 2d ed.j pp. xxvii, 420. Lond. : Rivingtons, 1845. lof. ti. 1844. Jelf, Richard William, D.D. An In- quiry into the Means of Grace, their Mutual Connection, and Com- bined Use, with Especial Refer- ence to the Church of England. Pp. XV, 397. Oxf. : Parker, 1844. lor. dd. 1845. Heurtley, Charles A., B.D. Justi- fication. Pp. XV, 343. Oxf ; Parker, 1846. <^. 6d. 1846. Short. Augustus, Rev., M.A. The Witness of the Spirit with our Spirit, Illustrated from the Eighth Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans ; and the Heresies of Montanus, Pelagius, etc., etc. Pp. viii, 237. Oxf. : Parker, 1846. ns.6d. 1847. Shirley, Walter Augustus, D.D. The Supremacy of Holy Scripture. To which are added two Sermons on the Influences of the Holy Spirit. Pp. vi, 198. Oxf. : Vin- cent, 1847. 6s. 1848. Marsh, Edward Gerrard, M.A. The Christian Doctrine of Sanctifica- tion. Pp. viii, 283. Lond. : See- leys, 1848. Zs. 6d. 1849. Michell, R., B.D. The Nature and Comparative Value of the Christian Evidences considered generally. Pp. xii, 358. Oxf. : Parker, 1849. I Of. 6d. 1850. Goulburn, Edward Meyrick, D.C.L. The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body, as taught in Holy Scripture. Pp. xv, 337. Oxf. : Vincent, 1850. los. 6d. 1851. Wilson, Henry Bristow, B.D. The Communion of Saints, an attempt to illustrate the True Principle of Christian Union. Pp. vii, 319. Oxf.: Graham, 1851. 9J. 1852. Riddle, Joseph Esmond, M.A, The Natural History of Infidelity and Superstition In Contrast^ with Christian Truth. Pp. vii, 519. Lond. : Parker, 1S52. 12J. 1853. Thomson, William, M.A. The Aton- ing Work of Christ, viewed in Re- lation to some Current Theories. Pp. viii, 311. Lond.: Longmans, 1853. 8f. 1854. Waldegrave, Samuel, Hon. and Rev., M.A. New Testament Millena- rianism; or, the Kingdom and Com- ing of Christ as taught by Him- self and his Apostles. Pp. xvi, 686. Lond.: Hamilton, 1855. \6s, 1855. Bode, John Ernest, M.A. The Ab- sence of Precision in the Formu- laries of the Church of England, Scriptural, and Suitable to a State of Probation. Pp. x, 291. Oxf.: Parker, 1855. 8r. 1856. Litton, Edward Arthur, Rev., M.A. The Mosaic Dispensation Con- sidered as Introductory to Chris- tianity. Pp. xix, 367- Lond. : Hatchard, 1856. 10*. 6d. 1857. Jelf, William Edward, B.D. Chris- tain Faith Comprehensive, not Partial ; Definite, not Uncertain. Pp. K, 266. Lond. : Parker, 1857- js. 6d. 1858. Mansel, Henry Longueville, B.D. Tlie Limits of Religious Thought 22 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Examined. 2d ed., pp. xix, 438. Lond.: Murray, 1858. 4th ed., 1859. 7^. (}d. 1859. Rawlinson, George, M.A. The His- torical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records, stated anew, with Special Reference to the Doubts and Discoveries of Modern Times. Pp. xix, 551. Lond. : Murray, 1859. 2d ed., 1&60. i4i. 186a Hessey, James Augustus, D.C.L. Sunday. Its Origin, History, and Present Obligations, with a copious index. Pp. xvi, 544. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1861. 5th ed., pp. 458, p. 8vo, Lond. : Cassel, 1889. 7,^. (>d. i86i. Sandford, John, B.D. The Mission and Extension of the Church at Home. Pp. xvii, 389. Lond. ; Longmans, 1862. 12^. 186a. Farrar, Adam Storey, M.A. A Critical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Re- ligion. Pp. ILx, 684. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1862. idr. 1863. Hannah, J., D.C.L. The Relation between the Divine and Human Elements in Holy Scripture. Pp. xix, 364. Lond. : Murray, 1863. \os. 6d. 1864. Bernard, Thomas Dehany, M.A. The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament. Pp. xx, 266. Lond. : Macmillan, 1864. 2d ed. 1866. a?. 6d. Republished, N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc.. 1891. $1. 1865. Mozley, J. B., B.D. Eight Lectures on Miracles. Pp. x, 390. Lond. ; Rivingtons, 1865. 2d ed., 1867. 10s. 6d. i866l Liddon, Henry Parry, M.A. The Divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pp. xix, 776. Lond. : Rivingtons, 1867. loth and nth ed., 1885. 5J. 3867. Garbett, Edward, M.A. The Dog- matic Faith. An Inquiry into the Relation subsisting between Reve- lation and Dogma. Pp. vi, 394. Lond. : Rivingtons, 1867. New ed., 1868. 5Jr. 1868. Moberly, George, D.C.L. The Ad- ministration of the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ. Pp. xi, 344. Lond. : Parker, 1868. New cd., 1870. js. 6d. 1869. Smith, R. Payne. Prophecy a Preparation for Christ. Pp. xxx, 415. Lond. : Macmillan, 1869. 2d ed., 1871. 6s. 1870. Irons, William J., D.D. Christian- ity as taught by St. Paul. To which is added an Appendix of the Continuous Sense of St. Paul's Epistles ; with notes and metale- fomena. 2d ed., pp. xx, 543. ,ond. : Parker, 1876. 9*. 1871. Curteis, George Herbert, M.A. Dis- sent in its Relation to the Church of England. Pp. xxiv, 448. Lond. : Macmillan, 1872. New ed., 1873. 7i. 6d. 187a. Eaton, John Richard Turner, M.A. The Permanence of Christianity. Pp. xix, 387. Load. : Rivingtons, 1873. las^ 1873. Smith, I. Gr^ory, Rev., M.A, Characteristics of Christian Mo- rality. Pp. vi, 121. Lond. : Parker, 1873. New ed., 1876. 3X. 6d. Leathes, Stanley, Rev., M.A. The Religion of the Christ : Its Devel- opment Considered as an Evidence of its Origin. Pp». xlix, 352. Lond. : 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 188a. Rivingtons, 1874. 55. Jackson, William, M.A., F.S.A. The Doctrine of Retribution. Pp. xi. 355. Lond. : Hodder, 1875. 3d ed., 1884. S.I". Alexander, William, D.D., D.C.L. The Witness of the Psalms to Christ and Christianity. Pp. xx, 312. Lond. : Murray, 1877. ^s. Row, C. A., Rev., M.A. Christian Evidences Viewed in Relation to Modern Thought. Pp. xvi, 480. Lond. : Norgate, 1877. S'^^ ^d., 1888. 7*. ed. Wright, Charles Henry Hamilton, B.D. Zechariah and his Prophe- cies, Considered in Relation to Modern Criticisms ; with a Critical and Grammatical Commentary and New Translation. Pp. Ixxv, 614. Lond. : Hodder, 1879. 14.S. Wace, Henry, M.A. The Founda- tions of Faith. Pp. XV, 399. Lond. : Pickering, 1880. x^s. Hatch, Edwin, M.A. The Organi- zation of the Early Christian Churches. Pp. xxviii, 216. Lond. ; Rivingtons, 1881. 3d ed., 1888. 5^. Wordsworth, John., Bp. of Salisbury. The One Religion, Truth, Holi- ness, and Peace, desired by the Nations and revealed by Jesus Christ. Pp. XX, 372, p. 8vo. Lond. : Parker ; N. Y. : Pott, 1882. 2d ed., 1887. ^s. 6d., $3.50. Medd, P. Goldsmith, Rev. The One Mediator. The Operation of the Son of God in Nature and in Grace. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1887. Pp. xxiii, 584, 8vo. Lond. : Riving- tons ; N. Y.; " $5.50. Pott, 1884. 17^. 6d., Fremantle, W.H., Rev. The Worid as the Subject of Redemption : being an attempt to set forth the func- tions of the Church, as designed to embrace the whole Race of Man- kind. Pp. 456, 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ingtons, 1885. i+r. Temple. Frederick, Rt. Rev., Bp. of Exeter. Relations between Re- ligion and Science. Pp. 252, i6mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1884. dr., $1. SOL Farrar, F. W., D.D. History of In- terpretation. Pp. lii,553, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan ; N. Y. : Dutton, 1886. 16.S., $3.50. Biggs, Charles, Rev., D.D. The Christian Platonists of Alexandria. Pp. xxviii, 304, i2mo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr. ; N. Y. : Pott and Macmillan, 1887. di., $1.50. Carpenter, W. Boyd, Bp. of Ripon. The Permanent Elements of Re- ligion. Pp. Ixiv, 148, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1889. js. 6d., $2. Bartlett, R. E., Rev. The Letter and the Spirit. Pp. xii, 214* Svo. INTRODUCTION. 23 Lond. : Rivingions ; N.V. : Young, 1S89. Ss. 6d., $2.75. 1889. Cheyne, T. K., Rev., D.D. The Origin and Religious Contents of the Psalter, in the Light of Old Testament Criticism and the His- tory of Religions. Pp. 552, 8vo. Lond. : Paul ; N. Y. : Whittaker, i8gi. idr,, $4. 1890. Watkins, Henry William, M. A., D.D. Modern Criticism Considered in its Relation to the Fourth Gospel. Pp. xxxix, 502, Bvo. Lond. : Mur- ray ; N.Y. : Dutton, 1890. i5J.,$5- 1891. Gore, Charles, M.A. The Incarna- tion of the Son of God. Pp. xx, 295, Bvo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. 5J., $1.50. 1892. Barry, Alfred. Bp. Some Lights of Science on the Faith. Pp. xvi, 848, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y.: Long- mans, 1892. 125. 6d., $3. 1893. Sanday, W., D.D. Inspiration: Eight Lectures on the Early His- tory and Origin of the Doctrine of Biblical Inspiration. Pp. xxiv, 464. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1893. i6j., $4. Barrow, Isaac D. The Works of ; to which are prefixed a Life of the Author, by Abraham Mill, and a Memoir, by James Hamil- ton, with the notes and references carefully revised ; and indices com- piled expressly for this edition. 3 vols., pp. lii, 628, 727, 607, 8vo. Lond.: Nelson, 1842. N. Y. : Riker, 1845. $7.50. The Works of. Compared with the Original MS.S., and en- larged with Materials hitherto un- published. A new edition, by A. Napier, M.A. 9 vols., pp. Ixxxviii, 551; viii, 566; viii, 526; viii, 523; viii, 522; viii, 536; vi, 528; xvi, 776 ; Iv, 806, 8vo. Camb. : Deighton, 1859. 94.?. 6d. Baxter, Richard. The Practical Works of. With a Life of the Author and a critical examination of his writings, by Rev*. Wm. Orme. 23 vols., pp. xvi, 820; xxiii, 576 ; xii, 636 ; xvi, 480 ; xx, 602 ; xxiv, 536; viii, 582; viii, 533; x, 582; x, 563; vii, 520; viii, 591; ix, 550; xiii, 594; viii, 544; vi, 538; iv, 604; vi, 611; vii, 655; viii, 522 ; vi, 594; iv, 540 ; iv, 575, 8vo. Lond. : Duncan, 1830. 252.?. Select Practical Writings ; with a Life of the Author, by Leonard Bacon. 2 vols., pp. 611, 598, 8vo. New Haven : Durrie, 1844. $4.50. Bellamy, Joseph, D.D. Works. With Memoir of his Life and Character. 2 vols., pp. Ixxiii, 613; V, 731, 8vo. Bost. : Doctr. Tr. & Bk. Soc, 1850. $6. Beveridge, William. The Works of. 7 vols., pp. xvii, 520 ; xi, 552 ; xi, 549; xi, 529; xi, 572; xi, 517. and Index volume ; xxiv, 398. 8vo. Oxf. : Baxter, 1817. Also another edition in nine volumes by T. H. Home. Lond.: Duncan. io8.y. Biblical Cabinet, The; or, Her- meneutical, Exegetical, and Philo- logical Library. 45 vols., i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1833-1844. Com- plete. 2oo.y. Bilroth's Commentary on the Corinthians. 2 vols., pp. 313. 353. 8j. ^ , . Calvin. The Epistles to the Galatians and Ephesians. Pp. 355. 4J. Calvin and Storr. Phslippians and Co- lossians. Pp. 443. as. Couard. Sermons on Church History. Pp. 301. 4^-. Ernesti. Institutes. 2 vols., pp. 319, 337. I2J. Gess. The Revelation of God in His Word. Pp. 304. \s. Krummacher. Cornelius and St. John. Pp. 348. 4.y. Lisco, F. G. The Parables of Jesus Ex- plained and Illustrated. Pp. 414. 5^. Lucke. St. John's Epistles. Pp. ^96. 6s. Neander. Planting of the Christian Church. 2 vols., pp. 761. 14J. Pareau. Principles of Old Tes,.ament In- terpretation. 2 vols., pp. 369, 319. 8j. Philological Tracts, g vols. 12J. Vol. I. Rossi and Pfannkuche, on the Language of Palestine in the Age of Christ ; Planck on the Nature and Genius of the Diction of the New Testament ; Tholuck on the Impor- tance of the Study of the Old Testa- ment ; Beckhaus on the Interpreta- tion of the Tropical Language of the New Testament. Pp. 323. Vol. II. Storr, on the meaning of " Kingdom of Heaven ; " Storr, on the Parables ; Storr, on the word «' nAHPi2M A ; " Hengstenberg, on Isaiah liii. Pp. 344. Vol. III. Ullmann, on Christ's Sinless- ness ; Ruckert, on the Resurrection of the Dead ; Lange, on the Resur- rection of the Body ; M. Stuart, on Future Punishment. Pp. 399. Planck. Sacred Philology. Pp. 300. 6s. Rohr. Historico-Geocraphical Account of Palestine in the Time of Christ. Pp. 348. 4-f- 24 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Rosenmuller. Biblical Geography. 3 vols., pp. 352, 342, 374. }2S. Botany of the Bible. Pp. 352. 4J. The Messianic Psalms. Pp. 443. 5J. Semisch. Life, Writings, and Opinions of Justin Martyr. 2 vols., pp. 368, 394. los. Steiger. Commentary on First Peier. 2 vols., pp. 614. I-2S. Stuart. Syntax of the New Testament, Pp. 348. 6s. Tholuck. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. 2 vols., pp. 374, 438. izs. Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. 2 vols., pp. 400, 339. i2.y. Life of St. Paul. Pp. 352. 6s. — — Hebrews. 2 vols., pp. 308, 304. 12J. Tittmann. New Testament Synonyms. 2 vols., pp. 288, 285. I2J. Exegetical, Critical, and Doctrinal Commentary on St. John's Gospel. 2 vols., pp. 474, 399. lOi. Umbreit. Exposition of the Book of Job. 2 vols., pp. 319, 337. %s, Wemyss. Clavis Symbolica ; or. Key to Symbolical Language of Scripture. Pp. 520. 5J. _ Witsius. Exposition of the Lord's Prayer. Pp. 394. i,S. BiCKERSTETH, EDWARD, REV. Works. 16 vols., pp. viii, 334; viii, 288 ; viii, 320 ; xii, 276 ; xi, 297 ; vi, 359; viii, 311 ; xv, 384; viii, 448 ; XV, 312 ; viii, 415 ; xxiv, 352 ; viii, 312; xxvii, 308; xxiv, 304; viii, 280, i6mo. Lond. : Seeleys, 1853. 56.9. Boston, Thomas, Rev. Whole Works, with Memoirs, written by himself. Edited by the Rev. Samuel McMillan. 12 vols., pp. 661 ; xi, 674; ix, 655; 550; ix, 632; 682; 650; 604; 620; 636; 411; 503, 8vo. Aberdeen: King, 1848. I26i-. Boyle Lecture Sermons in De- fense of Natural and Revealed Religion. " For Proving the Christian Religion against Notorious Infidels, namely, Atlie- ists. Pagans, Jews, and Mahometans." By appointment of the Bishop of Lon- don the Boyle Lectures are delivered at the Chapel Royal, Whitehall. The terms of the founder s will do not require the publication [printing] of the lectures, hence many of them nave not appeared in Print. The Lecture was founded in 1691, and Dr. Richard Bentley was the first preacher. A collection of the ser- mons preached between 1691 and 1732 was published with following title • 1691-1732. A Defense of Natural and Re- vealed Religion : being an abridg- ment of the sermons preached at the Lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle,Esq. Infourvolumes, with a general index. By Gilbert Burnet. Pp. 490, 483, 532, 413, 8vo. Lond. : Betiesworth, 1737. 1736-1738. Bisco, Richard. The History of the Acts of the Apostles confirmed from other authors. 2 vols. 1742. Republished, i vol., pp. 44c, 8vo, Oxf. : Parker, 1840. c^s. (id. 1739-1741. 'i'wells, Leonard. 'I'wentj'-four sermons preached at the Lecture founded by Robert lioyle, and eight sermons preached at that founded by Lady Boyer. 2 vols., pp. 245, 410, 8vo. Lond. : 1743. 6s. 1747-1749. Stebbing, Henry, D.D. Chris- tianity Justified upon the Scripture Foundation ; being a summary view of the controversy between Chris- tians and deists. Pp. 504, 8vo. Lond. : 1750. 4J. 1750-1752. Jortin, John, D.D. Included in his Remarks on Ecclesiastical His- tory. 5 vols, 8vo. Lond.: 1751-1773. 27J. Also 3 vols., 8vo. Lond.: 1805. Pp. xxviii, 477 ; xx, 443 ; xxiv, 390. 1756-1758. Newton, Bp. [Part of his'" Diss- ertations on the Prophecies " not published separately.] 2 vols. Lond. : Salters, 1804. 11s. 1763. Heathcote, Ralph, D.D. A Discourse upon the Being of God : against Atheists. In two sermons. Pp. iv, 4to. Lond. : 1763. [All that Dr. Heathcote published of his ser- mons.] 1766-1768. Worthington,William,D.D. The Evidence of Christianity deduced from Facts, and the testimony of sense, throughout all ages of the Church, to the present time, where- in is shown that, upon the whole, this is not a decaying, but a grow- ing evidence. 2 vols., pp. 450, 478, 8vo. Lond. : 1769. Zs. 1769-1771. Owen, Henry. Intent and Pro- priety of the Scripture Miracles. 2 vols., pp. 279, 285, 8vo. Lond. : 1773. New ed. Lond. : Riving- tons. I2J. iyS&mx^go. William.son, James. Comparison \«-\n«i._qi,o of Revelation with the Natural Operations of the Mind. Pp. 183, 8vo. Lond. : 1783. 2s. 6d. 1802-1805. Van Mildert, Bp. An Historical View of the Rise and Progress of Infidelity. 2 vols., pp. xxxi. 544 ; vii, 589, 8vo. Oxf. : Rivir.gtons, 1805. 5th ed., 1839. 24J. 1808. Repton, Edward. The Works of Cre- ation. No. I. [No more published.] Pp. viii, jHsyf'^'Lond. : Mawman, 1808. 2S. al,"! 1821. Harness, William, M.A. The con- nection of Christianity with Human Happiness. 2 vols., pp. viii, 348, p. 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1823. i5.s-. 1846-1847. Maurice, Frederic Denison. The Religions of the World and their Relations to Christianity. Pp. XX, 267, 8vo. Lond. : Par- ker, 1847. 4th ed. Pp. XX, 357, i2mo. Lond. : MacmiUan, 1862. 5*. 1857-1858. Humphrey, W. G. The Mira- cles. Pp. 129, 8vo. Lond. ; Par- ker, 1858. The Character of St. Paul. Pp. 133, 8vo. Lend.: Par- ker, 1859. Each 3^. INTRODUCTION. 25 1861-1863. Garbett, Edward, Rev. M.A. The Bible and its Critics ; an In- quiry into the Objective Reality of Revealed Truths. Pp. 496, 8vo. Lend. : Seeley, 1861. loj. dd. The Divine Plan of Revelation ; an Argument from Internal Evidence in support of the Structural Unity of the Bible. Pp. 582, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1864. \is. 1864-1865. Merivale, C. The Conversion of the Roman Empire. Pp. 267, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1865. %s. 6d., $1.50. The Conversion of the Northern Na- tions. Pp. 231. Lond. : Longmans; N. Y. : Appleton, 1865. 8.f. 6d., $1.50. 1866. Plumptre, E. H., M.A. Christ and Christendom. Pp. vii, 378, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1867. 12J. 1868-1870. Leathes, Stanley, M.A. The Witness of the Old Testament to Christ. [First series.] Pp. xxii, 300. Lond. : Rivingtons, 1868. The Witness of St. Paul to Christ, with nn Appendix on the Credibil- ity of the Acts. [Second series.] Pp. Hi, 334, 8vo, 1869. The Wit- ness of St. John to Christ. [Third series.] Pp. xx, 368, 8vo, 1870. Each, xos. 6d. 1871-1873. Hessey, James Augustus, D.C.L. Moral Difficulties Con- nected with the Bible. [First and second series]. Pp. xix, 219. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1872. 3^. [Third series.] Pp. xix, 276, i6mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., n. d. ^s. ^d. 1874-1875. Wace, Henry, M.A. Christian- ity and Morality ; or, the Corre- spondence of the Gospel with the Moral Nature of Man. Pp. xviii, 311, i2mo. Lond.: Pickering, 1876, 5th ed., 1882. df. 1876. Barry, Alfred, D.D., D.C.L. What is Natural Theology ? An attempt to estimate the cumulative evi- dence of many witnesses to God. Pp. viii, 327, i6mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., n. d. 2.S. 6d. 1877-1878. Barry, Alfred, D.D., D.C.L. The Manifold Witness for Christ. Part I. Christianity and Natural Theology. Part II. The Positive Evidences for Christianity. Pp. 22, 400, 8vo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Dutton, 1880. I2J., $3. 1879-1880. Maclear, George Frederick, D.D. The Evidential Value of the Holy Eucharist. Pp. xxiv, 322, cr. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1883. 6s., $1.75. 1884. Curteis, George Herbert, M.A. The Scientific Obstacles to Christian Belief. Pp. xxiv, 184, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1885. 6s. 1890. Bonney, T. G., Sc.D. Old Truths in Modern Lights. Pp. 306. 8vo. Lond. : Percival, 1891. 7^. 6d. 1891. Bonnej^ T. G., Sc.D. Christian Lectures and Modern Thought. Pp. XV, 175. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. 4J. 6^., $1.50. 1892-1893. Harrison, Alexander James. Ascent oi Faith ; or, the Grounds of Certainty in Science and Reli- gion, Pp. xiv, 302, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder ; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1894. 6j., $1.75. Bridgewater Treatises. On the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Creation. II vols, 8vo. Lond.: Pickering, 1832-1840. N. Y. : Scribner. Vol. I. Bell : The Hand as Evincing De- sign, ist ed., 1832. Pp. XXXV, 260. 7th ed., i860, los. 6d.y $2. Vols. II.— III. Kirby: Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God in the Creation of Animals. Pp. xii, 372 ; viii, 404. 1835. 30J., $4. Vol. IV. Kidd: Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man. Pp. xvi, 332. 1833. 9s., 6^., $1.50. Vol. V. W hewell : Astronomy and General Physics with Reference to Natural The- ology. Pp. viii, 328. 1S33. 6j., $1.50. Vol. VI. Chalmers: Adaptation of Exter- nal Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Condition of Man. Pp. xiii, 438. 1833. i6.r., $2. Vol. VII. Prout: Chemistry, Meteorology', and Digestion, with Reference to Natural Theology. ist ed., 1834. Pp- xxviii, 419. 4th ed., 1855. 15J., $2. Vols. VIII.— IX. Buckland: Geology and Mineralogy, with Reference to Natural Theology, ist ed., 1836. Pp. 527, 191, and plates. 4th ed., 1863. 35^-., $6. Vol. X.— XI. Roget : Animal and Vege- table Physiology, with Reference to Nat- ural Theology. 4th ed., pp. xxii, 466 ; xiv, 534.^ 1869. 30J., $5. Also published at nearly above rates by I-ittle, Brown & Co., of Bost. : and by Lippincott, Phila. British Reformers. Select Writ- ings. Relig. Tr. Soc, 1853. Each 3^.6^. 1st Am. ed, 12 vols, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub. 1842. Each $1.25. Becon. Pp. iv, 512. Bradford. Pp. xxvi, 456. Cranmer, Rogers, Saunders, Taylor, and Careless. Pp. iv, 288, iv, 219. Edward VI, Hugh, Catharine Parr, Anne Askew, Jane Gray, Hamilton, Balnaves. Pp. iv, 104, 68, 64, 36, 60, 24, iv, 120. Fox, Bale, and Coverdale. 46, 28. Hooper. Pp. iv, 480. Jewell. Pp. iv, 488. Knox. Pp. xxiv, 456. Latimer. Pp. ii, 436. Ridley and Philpot. Pp. ii, Tindal, Frith, and Barnes. Pp. xxxii, 394, 23s, IV, 204. Pp. iv, 356, 124. Wickliff, Brute, Thorp, Cobham, Hilton, Pecock, Bilney, and other.s. Pp. iv, 240, 284. Brooks, Thomas. Complete Works. Edited with Memoir by the Rev. Alexander Balloch Gros- art. [Nichol's Standard Divines.] RARF Of THE 26 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 6 vols., pp. Ixxxii, 468; viii, 534; viii, 504 ; vi, 446 ; 597 ; x, 502, 8vo. Edinb. : Nichol, 1866, 1867. 27^. Buck, Charles, Rev. Works. 1st Am. ed. 6 vols., pp. 288, 324, 324, 394, 384, 364, i2mo. Phila. : Woodward. 1822. $5. Bull, George, Bp., D.D. The Works of, and Life. Collected and Revised by Rev. E. Burton, D.D. 8 vols., pp. xliii, 468 ; xii, 493 ; vi, 318; xix, 316; xvi, 550; 431 ; 432-813; xix, 471. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1827. Newed. Lond. : Mac- millan, 1846. 49^. BUNYAN, John. Complete Works. Pp. 766, 8vo. Phiila. : Ball, 1850, $4. Also in II vols., 1 2mo. Phila.: Am. Bcipt. Pub. Soc. $12. Many editions and reprints. Also in 3 vols., pp. XX, 771 ; viii, 758; viii, 790. Roy. 8vo. Glasg. : Blackie, 1854. 54j:. Burton, Edward, D.D. Theo- logical Works. 5 vols., pp. 31, xii, 450, 23, 51,98; xix, 493, xvii, 151 ; xxxii, 600; 391 ; iv, 523, 8vo. Oxf.: Parker, 1837. 60^. Butler, Joseph, Bishop. The Works of. With an account of his Character and Writings, by Samuel Halifax, D.D. 2 vols., pp. Ix, 340; xxxii, 357, 8vo. Oxf.: Univ. Pr., 1849. us. N. Y. : Carter, 1852. i2mo. $1.50. Lond.: Tegg, 1879. 3^. 6d. Calvin Translation Society's Publications of the translations of the works of John Calvin. 53 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Calv. Trans. Soc, 1843-1855. COMMENTARIES. Genesis. Translated from the original Latin ... by the Rev. John King, M.A. 2 vols., pp. 584, 523. 1847-1850. 12S. [Exodus-N umhers.] The Four last Books of Moses, arranged in the form of a Harmony. Translated . . . by the Rev. Charles William Bingham, M.A. 4 vols., pp. 502, 472, 463, 436. 1852-1855. 24^. Joshua. Translated ... by Henry Bev- eridge, Esq. Professor Tholuck s Dis- sertation, etc. Pp. 500. 1854. 6s. Psalms. Translated ... by the Rev. James Anderson. 5 vols., pp. xlix, 596; 478; 506 ; 494 ; 514. 1845-1849. 30$-. Isaiah. Translated from the original Lat- in by the Rev. William Pringle. 4 vols., pp. 406, 482, 528, 504. 1850-1853. 24s. Jeremiah and Lamentations. Translated ... by the Rev. John Owen. 5 vols., pp._5o8, 496, 480, 647, 576. 1850-1855. 30J. Ezekiel. Translated ... by Thomas My- ers, M.A. 2 vols., pp. 415, 491. 1849, 18^0. 12s. Daniel. Translated ... by Thomas My- ers, M.A. 2 vols., pp. 479, 519. 1852, 1853. I2J. Minor Prophets. Translated ... by the Rev. John Owen. 5 vols., pp. 530, 513, 534i 41 11 712. 1846-1849. 30s. Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Commentary on a harmony of the evangelists. Trans- lated ... by the Rev. William Pringle. 3 vols., pp. xl, 477 ; 456 ; 448. 1845, 1846. i8j. St. John. Translation ... by the Rev. William Pringle. 2 vols., pp. 457, 346. 1846, 1847. I2S. Acts. Edited ... by Henry Beveridge, Esq. 2 vols., pp. 561, 472. 1844. 125-. Romans. Translated ... by the Rev. John Owen. Pp. 592. 1849. 6s. The same, edited from the original English transla- tion of Christopher Rosdetl, by Henry Beveridge, Esq. Pp. 437. 1844. dr. Corinthians. Translated ... by the Rev. John Pringle. 2 vols., pp. 474, 438. 1848, 1849. J2S. Galatians and Ephesians. Translated . . . by the Rev. William Pringle. Pp. 383. 1854. 6s. Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. Translated ... by the Rev. John Pringle. Pp. 490. 1851. 6s. Timothy, Titus, and Pliilemon. Trans- lated by the Rev. William Pringle. Pp. 398. 1856. 6s. Hebrews. Translated ... by the Rev. John Owen. Pp. 490. 1851. 6s. Catholic Epistles. Translated ... by the Rev. John Owen. Pp. 488. 1855. ^•^• Institutes of the Christian Religion. A new translation by Henry Beveridge, Esq. 3 vols., pp. cv, 542 ; 630 ; 662. 1845, 1846. Tracts relating to the Reformation. With life [of Calvin] by Theodore Beza Translated ... by Henry Beveridge Esq. 3 vols., pp. 352, 592, 521. 1844-185 18s. Letters, compiled from the original manu- scripts and edited with liistorical notes, by Dr. Jules Bonnet. Vols. I and II translated from the Latin and French by David Constable, Vols. Ill and IV by M. C. Gilchrist. 4 vols., pp. xxiv, 459; XV, 434 ; 491 ; 467. Vols. I and II, Edinb. . Constable, 1855-1857. 12s. Vols. HI and IV, Phila.: Presb. Bd. Pub., 1858. $2. Campbell, George, D.D., F.R.S. Works. 6 vols., pp. vi, 360 ; xx, 415; ix, 558; X, 562; 458; xii, 372, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1840. 42s. With .^ Jeza. I idge, 1 i8si. ^ INTRODUCTION. 27 Cecil, Richard, Rev., M.A. Works. With Memoir. Arranged and revised [in 2d ed.] by Josiah Pratt. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond. : See- ley, 1798-1801. 2d ed., 1816. Pp. 565; iv, 553; V, 613. 24s. Am. ed. 3 vols., pp. 348, 305, 283, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1847. $3. And Original Thoughts on Va- rious Passages of Scripture, being the substance of Sermons. Pp. 452, 8vQ. N. Y. : Carter, 1849. $1. Chalmers, Thomas, D.D. Origi- nal Works. 25 vols., i2mo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1849. Each 4^. Natural Theology. 2 vols., pp. 404, 420. Christian Evidences. 2 vols., pp. 395, 455. Moral Philosophy. Pp. 420. Commercial Dj^scourses. Pp. 377, ;ional Sermons. 402, 399 Astronomical Discourses, i'p. ^sS. Congregational Sermons. 3 vers., pp. 376, Sermons on Public Occasions. Pp. 462. Tracts and Essays. Pp. 408. Introductory Essays to Select Authors. Pp- 395- Polity of a Nation. 3 vols., pp. 431, 395, 444. Church Establishments. Pp. 356. Church Extension. Pp. 399. Political Economy. 2 vols., pp. 420, 394. Parochial System. Pp. 408. Lectures on Romans. 4 vols., pp. 426, 404, 417, 441. Posthumous Works. 9 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1848-1849. Each los. 6d. Daily Scripture Readings. 3 vols., pp. xlii, 422 ; 478, 426. Sabbath Scripture Readings. 2 vol.s., pp. vi, 436, 507. Posthumous Sermons. Pp. 518. Institutes of Theology. 2 vols., pp. 542, 515- Lectures on Butler, etc. Pp. 554. The same, edited by Rev. W. Hanna. 9 vols., i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1 849-1 853. $13.50. Channing, William E., D.D. The Complete Works of. 24th ed. 6 vols., pp. XXX, 387, 41 1, 398, 407, 440, 420, 8vo. N. Y, : Rout- ledge, 1874. $3. (Published also in I vol., pp. iv, 931, 8vo. Bost. : Am. Un. Pub. Soc, 1874. 4th ed., 1875. $1.) Charnock, Stephen, B.D. The Works of. With prefatory Dedi- cation and Memoir by Edward Parsons. 9 vols., pp. xxi, 595 ; iv, 644 ; iv, 599 ; iv, 608 ; iv, 684 ; iv, 642 ; iv, 636 ; iv, 628 ; iv, 536, 8vo. Lond.: Baynes, 1815, 1816. io8.y. Complete Works of : with In- troduction by the Rev. James McCosh, LL.D. (Nichol's Series of Standard Divines). 5 vols., 8vo. Edinb.: Nichols, 1861. 22s. 6d. Chillingworth, William, M.A. The Works of. 3 vols., pp. xxxiv, 412 ; 499 ; V, 450, 8vo. Oxf. : Univ. Pr. Lond. : Parker, 1838. 2X^.6^. Christian Library, The. A re- print of popular Religious Works. 6 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : George, 1836. Each $1.75. Vol. I. Lives of Wesley, Cowper, Spencer, Melanchthon, Pearce. Pp. viii, 416. Vol. II. Martha (by Andrew Reed), Pas- cal, Reed, Matheson, and Brougham. Pp. vi, 832. Vol. III. Jay, Pearson, Philip, Venn. Pp. 90, 185, 44, 96. Vol. IV. J. A. James, Dick, Thos. Wilson. Pp. 77, 63, 80, 160, 29. Vol. V. R. Spence Hardy, Dan. Wilson, A. F. Gardiner, Wm. Jowett. Pp. 86, 123, 105, 100. Vol. VI. Rob. Philip, John Locke, Wm. Cave, Cecil. Pp. 42, 50, 86, 156, 84. Clarke, Daniel A., Rev. Com- plete works, edited by his son. Jas. Henry Clark, M.D.,with Biograph- ical Sketch. ... By Rev. George Shepherd, A.M. 2 vols., pp. 480, 440, 8vo. N. Y. : Baker, 1842. $4. In I vol., pp. 915. N. Y. : Ivison, 1872. Congregational Lecture, The. [ 1 832-1 846. Uniform ed. 15 vols., i6mo. Lond. : Jackson, 1852-I855. Each SS-] Vol.1. Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. Christian Ethics ; or. Moral Philosophy on the Principles of Divine Revelation. Pp. xvi, 379. 1852. [ist ed., 1833.] Vol. II. Vaughan, Robert, D.D. The Causes of the Corruption of Christianity. Pp. viii, 316. [ist ed., 1834.] Vol. III. Gilbert, Joseph, Rev. The Christian Atonement ; its basis, nature, and bearings ; or, the principle of substi- tution illustrated as applied in the Re- demption of Man. Pp. xii, 391. 1852. [ist ed., 1836.] Vol. IV. Henderson, E., D.D. Divine Inspiration ; or, the Supernatural Influ- ence exerted in the communication of divine truth ; and its special bearing on the composition of the sacred Scriptures. Pp. xii, 428. 1852. [ist ed., 1836.] 28 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Vol. V. Redford, George, D.D., LL.D. Holy Scripture Verified ; or, the Divine Authority of the Bible confirmed by an appeal to facts of science, history, and human consciousness. Pp. xvi, 444. 1853. [ist ed., 1837.] Vol. VI. Smith, John Pye, D.D., LL.D., etc. The Relation between the Holy Scriptures and some parts of Geological Science. Pp. xii, 468. 1855. [1st ed., 1839I Vol. Vn. Alexander, William Lindsay, D.D. The Connection and Harmony of the Old and New lestaments ; being an inquiry into the relation, literary and doctrinal, in which these two parts of the sacred volume stand to each other. Pp. xvi, 432. 1853. [1st ed., 1841.] Vol. VIIL Bennett, James, D.D. The Theology of the Early Christian Church, exhibited in Quotations from the writers of the first three centuries. Pp. xii, 315. [ist ed., 1842.1 Vol. IX. Scott, Walter. The Existence of Evil Spirits Proved ; and their agency, particularljr in relation to the human race, explained and illustrated. Pp. xx, 368. 1853. [ist ed., 1843.] Vol. X. Halley, Robert, D.D. The Sac- raments. An Inquiry into the Nature of the Symbolic Institutions of the Christian Religion, usually called the Sacraments. Part I, Baptism. Pp. viii, 389. 1854. [ist ed., 1844.] Vol. XI. Payne, George, LL.D. The Doctrine of Original Sin ; or, the native state and character of man unfolded. Pp. xvi, 368. [ist ed., 1845.] Vol. XII. Hamilton, Richard Winter, LL.D., D.D. The Revealed Doctrine of Rewards and Punishments. Pp. xvi, 4S6. 1853. [ist ed., 1847.] Vol. XI 1 1. Davidson, Samuel, D.D. The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testa- ment unfolded, and its points of coinci- dence or disagreement with prevailing systems indicated. Pp. xix, 371. 1854. [1st ed., 1848.] Vol. XIV. Stowell, William Hendry, D.D. On the Work of the Spirit. Pp. xix, 360. 1854. [ist ed., 1849.] Vol. XV. Halley, Robert, D.D. The Sac- raments. Part II, The Lord's Supper. (See Vol. X.) Pp. vii, 411. 1855. 1854. AUiott, Richard, LL.D. Psychology and Theology ; or, psychology ap- plied to the investigation of ques- tions relating to Religion, Natural Theolog5% and Revelation. Pp. xi, 352, i6mo. Lond. : Jackson, 1855. 5J- 1859. Godwin, John H. Christian Faith: its nature, object, causes, and ef- fects. Pp. xiv, 347. Lond. : Jack- son, 1862. 6s. 1871 [3]. Rogers, Henry. The Superhuman Origin of the Bible inferred from itself. Pp. X, 465, Bvo. Lond. : Hodder, 1874. 2d ed., 1877. N. Y.: Scribner, 1874. 6s., $2. 1874. Reynolds, H. R., D.D. Johu the Bap- tist; A contribution to Christian Evidences. Pp. xxxii, 548, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Barnes, 1875. 2d ed., 1876. I2J., $4. 1875. Dale, R. W., M.A. The Atone- ment. Pp. xii, 503, i2nio. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Barnes, 1875. 7th ed., 1878. 6s., $2. 1876. Mellor, E., D.D. Priesthood in the Light of the New Testament. Pp. xi, 423, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; N.Y. : Barnes, 1876. 3d ed., 1877. 6j.,$2. 1877. Conder, Eustace R., B. A. The Basis of Faith. Pp. xvi, 451, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1878. 2d ed., 1881. 6s. 1881. Rogers, T. Guinness, B.A. The Church Systems of England in the Nineteenth Century. Pp. xii, 683, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1881. i2.y. 1888, Cave, Alfred, B.A. The Inspiration of the Old Testament inductively considered. Pp. xii, 468. Lond. : Cong. Un., 1888. 7s. 6d. Cranmer, Thomas, D.D. The Remains of. Collected and ar- ranged by the Rev. Henry Jen- kyns, M.A. 4 vols., pp. cxxxiii, 586; iv, 463; iv, 572; V, 467, 8vo, Oxf.: Univ. Pr., 1833. ^os. Current Discussions in The- ology. By the Professors of Chicago Theological Seminary. Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII. Pp. ix, 217; 324; 230; 336; 420; X, 473 ; xii, 410, 8vo. Chicago : Revell, 1885. Vols. I, II, each $1. Vols. Ill, IV, V, VI, VII, each $1.50. DiCK, Thomas, LL.D. Complete Works. 2 vols., pp. 153, 99, 147, 166, 98, 150, 140, 151, 153, 93. 47, 8vo. Cine: Applegate, 1855 ; N. Y.: Fetridge, 1855. $5. DoANE, George Washington, Bp., LL.D. Life and Writings. With a memoir by his son, Wm. Crosvvell Doane. 4 vols., pp. viii, 577, 134, 662, 586, 600, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1860,1861. $12. Doddridge, P[hilip], Rev., D.D. Works. 10 vols., pp. 616, 608, 654, 574, 610. 590, 595, 613, 622, 623, 8vo. Leeds: Baines, 1802- 1805. 90 J. Edwards, B. B., Prof. The Writings of, with a Memoir edited by E. A. Park. 2 vols., pp. 501, 504, i2mo. Bost. : Jewett, 1853. $2.50. Edwards, Jonathan, President, D.D. The Works of ; with valu- INTRODUCTION. 29 able Additions, and a copious General Index, and a complete In- dex of Scripture Texts. A Re- print of the Worcester Edition. 8th ed., in 4 vols., pp. 676, 641, 651, 714, 8vo. N. Y. : Leavitt, 1856; Carter, 1879. $6. The Works of ; with an Essay on his Genius and Writ- ings, by Henry Rogers. 2 vols., pp. Hi, 691 ; 510, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Bohn, 1865. 2^s. Edwards, Jonathan, D.D. (the younger). The Works of; with a Memoir of his Life and Character, by Tryon Edwards. 2 vols., pp. 558, 556, 8vo. Bost. : Jewett, 1852. $5. Emmons, Nathaniel, D.D. The Works of ; with a Memoir of his Life, by Edwards A. Park. Ed- ited by Jacob Ide, D.D. 6 vols., pp. 823, 850. 855, 853, 849, 815, 8vo. Bost. : Cong. Bd. Pub., 1861- 1863. $15. Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church, A Library of; ante- rior to the Division of the East and West. Translated by Mem- bers of the English Church, with Notices of the respective Fathers, and brief Notes by the Editors, where required, and Summaries of Chapters and Indices. Edited by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., the Rev. John Keble, M.A., the Rev. J. H. Newman. B.D. 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1848-1885. Vol. I. The Confessions of St. Augustine. Revised from a former Translation, by the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D. With Illus- trations from St. Augustine himself. Pp. xxxvi, 363. ys. Vol. II. The Catechetical Lectures of St. Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem. Trans- lated with Notes and Indices. Pp. xxxviii, 312. 8s. Vol. III. The Treatises of St. Caecilius Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, and Mar- tyr. Translated with Notes and Indices. Pp. xxvi, 318. 8s. 6d. Vol. IV. The Homilies of St. John Chrys- ostom. Archbishop of Constantinople, on the First Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Part I. Horn. I- XXIV. Pp. xxiii, 336. js. 6d. Vol. V. The Same. Part II. Horn. XXV- XLIV. Pp. 337-654. 6s. Vol. VI. Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians, and Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians, of St. John Chrysostom. Translated, with Notes and Appendices. Pp. XV, 401. loy. 6d. Vol. VII. The Homilies of St. John Chrys- ostom, on the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans. Translated, with Notes and Appendices. Pp. xvi, 530. lay. (>d. Vol. VIII. Select Treatises of St. Athana- sius, Archbishop of Alexandria, in Con- troversy with the Arians. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Part I. Pp. 280. 7J. 6d. Vol. IX. The Homilies of St. John Chrys- ostom on the Statutes. Translated, wuh Notes and Indices. Pp. xxxi, 399. 9^-. Vol. X. Tertullian. Translated by the Rev. C. Dodgson, M.A. Vol. I. Apolo- getic and Practical Treatises. Pp. xix, VoL'^XI."fhe Homilies of St. John Chrj's- ostom on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Part I. Horn. I-XXV. Pp. xii, 384. 8s. Vol. XII. The Homilies of St. John Chrys- ostom on the Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to Timothy, Titus, and Phile- mon. Translated, with Notes and In- dices. Pp. xvi, 383. 9J. Vol. XIII. Historical Tracts of St. Atha- nasius. Translated by Rev. Miles At- kinson, M.A. Pp. xxviii, 321. 8s. Vol. XIV. The Homilies of St. John Chrj-s- ostom on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessaloni- ans. Translated by Rev. W. C. Cotton, M.A., Rev. J. Ashworth, M.A., Rev. James Tweed, M.A. Pp. xix, 558. lu. -^d. Vol. XV. The Homilies of St. John Chrj's- ostom on the Gospel of Matthew. Trans- lated by Rev. Sir George Prevost, M.A. Pp. xi, 38^-79^- 9^- Vol. XVI. Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament, by St. Augustine. Vol. 1. St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke. Translated by Rev. R. G. Macmullen, M.A. Pp. xi, 485. \os. bd. Vol. XVII. The Epistles of St. Cyprian, with the Council of Carthage on the Bap- tism of Heretics. To which are added the Extant Works of St. Pacian, Bishop of Barcelona. Translated by Rev. H. Carey, M.A., and Rev. C. H. Collyns, M.A. Pp. xxxii, 422. 8s. 6d. Vol. XVI II. Morals on the Book of Job, by St. Gregory the Great. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Parts I and II. Pp. vi, 621. \rs. 6d. Vol. XIX. Select Treatises by St. Athana- sius in Controversy with the Arians. Translated by J. H. Newman, B.D. Part II. Pp. xiv, 281-596. -js. 6d. Vol. XX. Sermons on Selected Lessons of the New Testament. Vol. II. St. John, Acts, Romans, i Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, i Thessalonians, I Timothy, Titus, James, i John. Trans- lated by Rev. R. G. Macmullen, M.A. Pp. vii, 487-1,011. 10s. 6d. Vol. XXI. Morals on the Book of Job, by St. Gregory the Great. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Vol. II. Parts III and IV. Pp. iv, 597. iw. 3° LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Vol. XXII. Seventeen Short Treatises of St. Augustine. Translated by Rev. C. L. Cornish, M.A., and Rev. H. Browne. Pp. V, 670. I2S. Vol. XXIII. Morals on the Book of Job, by St. Gregory the Great. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Pp. viii, 360. The first part of Vol. Ill, Part V, and books xxviii, xxix. 11s. Vol. XXIV. Expositions on the Bock of Psalms, by St. Augustine. Translated partly by Rev. J. Tweed, M.A. In six volumes. Vol. I, Psalm i-xxxvi, pp. vii, 420. 6s. 6d. Vol. XXV. The Same. Translated partly by Rev. J. Tweed, M.A. Vol. II, Psalm xxxvii-lii, pp. 407. 6s. 6d. Vol. XXVI. Homilies on the (iospel ac- cording to St. John and his First Epistle, by St. Augustine. Translated by Rev. H. Browne, M.A. In two volumes. Vol. I. Horn. I-XLIII. St. John i-viii, pp. viii, t;86. ii.y. i.d. V6l. XXVI I. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Second Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. Translated by Rev. J. Ashworth, M.A. Pp. xvi, 363. 8j. Vol. XXVIII. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Gospel of John. Translated by Rev. G. T. Stupart, M.A. Part I, Horn. I-XLI. Pp. xv, 360. (^s. -^d. Vol. XXIX. Homilies on the Gospel ac- cording to St. John and his First Epistle, by St. Augustine. Translated by Rev. H.Browne, M.A. Vol.11. Horn. XLIV- CXXIV. John ix-xxi, and Hom. I-X, I John. Pp. iv, 587-1,288. ii.y. 3^. Vol. XXX. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, \>Y St. Augustine. Translated by T. Scratton, M.A. Vol. III. Psalm liii- Ixxv. Pp. 533. 7J. Vol. XXXI. Morals on the Book of Job, by St. Gregory the Great. Translated by Rev. J. Bliss, M.A. The second part of Vol. Ill, booicsxxx-xxxv. Pp. viii, 361- Q19. 11^. Vol. XXXII. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, by St. Augustine. Translated by T. Scratton, M.A., and Rev. H. M. Wilkins, M.A. Vol. IV, Psalm Ixxvi-ci. Pp. 406. 7^. Vol. XXXIII. The Homilies of St. John Chrj'sostom on the Acts of the Apostles. Translated by Rev. J. Walker, M.A., and Rev. J. Sheppard, M.A. ; and re- vised by Rev. H. Browne, M.A. Part I. Hom. I-XXVIII. Pp. xvi, 399. loy. 6d. Vol. XXXIV. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Gospel of St. Mat- thew. Translated by Rev. Sir George Prevost, M.A. Part III. Hom. LIX- XC. Pp. XV, 801-1,208. gj. Vol. XXXV. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Acts of the Apostles. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Part II. Hom. XXIX-LXXVIII. Pp. 740. \os. 6d. Vol. XXXVI. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Gospel of John. Part II. Pp. xvi, 361-838. qs.ri,d. Vol. XXXVII. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, by St. Augustine. Vol. V. Translated by H. M. Wilkins, M.A. Psalm cii-cxxv. Pp. 547. js. Vol. XXXVIII. The Festal Epistles of St. Athanasius. Translated from the Syriac by Rev. Henry Burgess, LL.D. Pp. xxvi, 163. 4J. 6d. Vol. XXXIX. Expositions on the Book of Psalms, by St. Augustine. Translated by Rev. H. Walford. Vol. VI. Psalm cxxvi-cl. Pp. iv, 548. -js. Vol. XL. Works of Justin the Martyr. Translated, with Notes and Indices. Pp. xxii, 285. 1861. 8j. Vol. XLI. Select Works of St. Ephrem the Syrian. Translated out of the original Syriac, with Notes and Indices. Pp. xviii, 449. Vol. XLII. Irenaeus. Translated by John Keble. Pp. viii, 594. 1872. 14^'. Vol. XLIII. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Com- mentary on St. John. Vol. I. Chap. i-ix. Pp. Ix, 684. 1874. z6s. Vol. XLIV. St. Chrj'sostom. Homilies on the Epistles to the Hebrews. Pp. xxiv, 423. 1883. js. Vol. XLV. Letters of St. Ambrose. Pp. xvi, 521. 1881. qs. Vol. XLVI. Later Treatises of St. Athana- sius. Pp. xiv, 231. i88r. 5^. Vol. XLVI I. St. Cyril of Alexandria against Nestorius. Pp. civ, 406. 188 1. 6s. VoL XLVI 1 1. St. Cyril of Alexandria. Commentary on St. John. Vol. II. Chap, ix-xxi. 1885. Pp. xvi, 732, Flavel, John, Rev. The Whole Works of. 2 vols., pp. 958, and Indexes, fo. Edinb. : 1731. Re- printed in 6 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Baynes, 1820. 63.?. Fletcher, John, Rev. The Works of. 4 vols., pp. 595, 669, 619, 589, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1833. $10. Foster, John. Critical Essays contributed to the Eclectic Re- view. Edited by J. E. Ryland, M.A. 2 vols., pp. 522, 536, 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1856. \os. Lectures Delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol. Edited oy J. E. Ryland, M.A. 2 vols., pp. 390, 411, 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1858. icy. FOSTERIANA. THOUGHTS, RE- FLECTIONS, AND Criticism of THE LATE JOHN FOSTER. Se- lected from periodical papers not hitherto published in a collective form, and edited by Henry G. Bohn. Pp. 560, 8vo. Lend.: Bohn, 1858. 5.f. FULLER, Andrew. The Complete Works of, and Life. Edited by his INTRODUCTION. 31 son. 9 vols., 8vo. Loncl.: Hall, 1853. 24s. Phila. : Anderson, 1820. New Haven : Converse, 1825. 2 vols., pp. 872, 924, roy. 8vo. Bost.: Lincoln, 1833. $7.50. Goodwin, Thomas, D.D. Works, with Memoir, by Robert Halley, D.D. [Nichol's series of Standard Divines.] 12 vols., pp. xxxiv, 564; xlviii, 467; XXX, 528; vi, 569; xii, 548; xiv, 522; vii, 576; xi, 593; vi, 514; vi, 567; vi, 546; 336, 8vo. Edinb.: Nichol, 1861-1866. $4^- Also Pleroma to Pneumatikon ; or, a Being Filled with the Spirit. Pp. X, 498, 8vo. Edinb. : Nichols, 1867. 6s. 6d. Graves, Richard. The Whole Works. Now first collected, with a Memoir of his Life and Writ- ings, by his son, R. H. Graves. 4 vols., pp. ccxxxvi, 240; xxxi, 486; 446 ; 703, 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1840. 28:r. Griffin, Edmund D., Rev. Re- mains, compiled by Francis Grif- fin, with Memoir, by the Rev. John McVickar, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xii, 455; 466, 8vo. N. Y.: Carvill, 1831. $3. Guthrie, Thomas, D.D. Com- plete Works of. II vols., i2mo. N.Y. : Carter, 1856-1874; newed., 1873-1876. $16. The Gospel in Exekiel. Pp. vi, 595. The Saints' Inheritance. Pp. viii, 344. The Way of Life. Pp. :!36. On the Parables. Pp. xl, 278. Man and the Gospel. Pp. vi, 472. The City and Ragged Schools. Pp. 479. Speaking to the Heart. Pp. 492. Out of Harness. Pp. 388. Studies of Character. Pp. 436. Autobiography ^nd Life. 3 vols. Hall, Joseph, Bp., D.D. The Whole Works, with some Ac- count of his Life and Sufferings, written by himself. A new edi- tion, revised and corrected, with considerable additions. A trans- lation of all the Latin pieces, and a Glossary, Indices, and Notes. 12 vols., pp. Ixviii, 571, 632, 591, 610, 596, 539, 549, 570, 454, 514, 527, 472, 8vo. Oxf. : Talboys, 1 837-1 839. \oos. Hall, Robert, Rev. The Com- plete Works, with a brief Memoir and Sketch of his literary character, by Sir J. Macintosh, LL.D., and a sketch of his character as a theo- logian and a preacher, by the Rev. John Foster. Published under the superintendence of Olinthus Greg- ory. 9th ed., 6 vols., pp. 528, 500, 495, 508, 573, 503, i2mo. Lond.: Bonn, 1846. i\s. The Same. 3 vols., pp. 546, 488, 504, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1832, and in 4 vols., 1857. $8. The last volume of the Harper edition contains some matter not found in the London edition. Hamline, Leonidas L., Bp., D.D. Works. Edited by Rev. F. G. Hibbard, D.D. 2 vols., pp. 432, 495, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1 869-1 871. $4. Henry, Matthew, Rev., V.D.M. Miscellaneous Works of. Pp. xxiv, 1,304 ; II 5, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Rob- inson, 1830, in 2 vols. 21J. N.Y. : Carter. 1855. $4. HiBBERT Lectures. 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1878- 1893. Each IO.S-. dd. N.Y. : Scribner. Each $3.50. 878. Muller, F. Max, Prof. Lectures on the Religions of India. 879. Renouf, P. LePage. Lectures on the Religion of Ancient Egypt. Pp. ix, 270. 880. Renan, Ernest. On the Influence of the Institutions, Thought, and Culture of Rome on Christianity, and the Development of the Catholic Church. Pp. viii, 206. 881. Davids, T. W. Rhys. Lectures on some Points in the History of In- dian Buddhism. Pp. vii, 262. 882. Kuenen, A., Prof. Lectures on National Religions and Universal Religions. Pp. xii, 365. 883. Beard, Charles, Rev. Lectures on the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in its Relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge. Pp. X, 451. 884. Reville, Albert, Prof. Lectures on the Ancient Religions of Mexico and Peru. Pp. x, 213. 885. Pfleiderer, Otto, Prof. Lectures on the Influence of the Apostle Paul on 32 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Development of Christianity. Pp. vii, 238. 1886. Rhys, J., Prof. Lectures on the Ori- gin and Growth of Religion as il- lustrated by Celtic Heathendom. 1887. Sayce, A. H., Prof. Lectures on the Religion of Ancient Assyria and Babylonia. Pp. vi, 558. 1888. Hatch, Edwin F., D.D. Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church. Pp. xxiv, 360. 1891. D'Alviella, Goblet, Count. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Conception of God as Illustrated by Anthropology and History. Pp. xvi, 296. 1892. Montefiore, C. G. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Hebrews. Pp. xxiv, 576. 1893. Upton, C. B. Lectures on Bases of Religious Belief. Pp. xii, 364. Hooker, Richard. Complete Works, with an Account of his Life and Death, by Walton, and Additions, arranged by Keble. 5th ed., 3 vols., pp. 511, 501, 617, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1874. 31s. 6d. 3d Am. ed., 2 vols. N. Y. : Appleton, 1857. $4. Hopkins, Ezekiel, Bp., D.D. Complete Works. First Ameri- can, from Pratt's London edition. Edited by Rev. Charles W. Quick. 2 vols., pp. 517, 516, 8vo. Phila. : Leighton, 1874. $4.50. Hopkins, Samuel, D.D. The Works of, with a Memoir of his Life and Character. 3 vols., pp. viii, 266, 534; viii, 770; vi, 798, 8vo. Bost. : Doct. Tr. and Bk. Soc, 1853. $6. Horne, George, B.D. Works. To which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life, Studies, and Writings, by William Jones, M.A. 4 vols., pp. clx, 466; xvi, 474; xii, 462; XXX, 656, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1 83 1. 42J. Horsley, Samuel, Bp., LL.D. Theological Works. 9 vols., pp. vii, 430; viii, 436; iv, 261; xxiii, 309; 325 xi, 419; 448; 391; 472; 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1830. 6gs. Howe, John, Rev., M.A. The Whole Works of. 8 vols., pp. Ixxix, 527. 538, 524, 508, 519. 516, 551, 650, 8vo. Lond. : Powell, 1810. 84J. The Same, with a General Preface, by Henry Rogers. 6 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1862. Works, with Memoirs of his Life, by Edmund Calamy, D.D.. complete in i vol., pp. lii, 1,272, and index. Lond.: Bohn, 1850. 2>os. Hulsean Lectures. Before the University of Cambridge. 1820- 1893. 1820. Benson, Christopher, M.A. On Evi- dences of Christianity. Pp. xvi, 471, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1820. 5lh ed., 1830. 12s. 1821. Franks, jas. Clarke. Evidences of Christianity, as they were stated and enforced in our Lord's Dis- courses. Pp. 529, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1822. 125'. 1822. Benson, Christopher, M.A. On Scrip- ture Difficulties. Pp. xii, 420, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1822. 4th ed., 1833. 125- 1823. Franks, James Clarke. On the Apos- tolical Preaching and Vindication of the Gospel to the Jews, etc., as exhibited in the Acts of the Apos- tles, the Epistles of St. Peter, and the Epistle to the Hebrews. Pp. xxiv, 452, 8vo. Lond. : Riving- ton, 1823. 12s. 1824-1825. No appointment. 1826. Chevallier, Temple. Rev., M.A. On the Historical Types contained in the Old Testament. Pp. xvi, 436, 8vo. Lond. : P^ivington, 1826. 12J. 1827. Chevallier, T. On the Proofs of Di- vine Power and Wisdom Derived from the Study of Astronomy, and on the Evidence, Doctrines, and Precepts of Revealed Religion. } p. viii, 408, 8vo. Lond. : Riviu,^- ton, 1828. I2J. 1828-1830. No appointment. 1831. Blunt, J. J. Rev. The Veracity of the Historical Books of the Old Testament ; from the conclusion of the Pentateuch, to the opening of the Prophets, argued from the un- designed coincidences, etc. Pp. viii, 256, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1832. 6s. 6d. 1832. Blunt, J. J., Rev. Principles for the Proper Understanding of the Mo- saic Writings stated and applied ; together with an incidental argu- ment for the Resurrection of our Lord. Pp. viii, 246, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1833. 6s. 6d. 1833. Rose, Henry John, B.D. The Law of MosesViewed in Connection with the History and Character of the Jews, with a Defense of the Bock of Joshua, etc. Pp. xxiv, 236, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1834. &■. INTRODUCTION. 33 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 184 1- 1843. 1844. 1845- 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. x8si- Howarth, H. Truth and Obligation of Revealed Religion with Refer- ence to Prevailing Opinions. Pp. 1853- xii, 134, i2mo. Lond. : Parker, 1836. 5s. dd. Howarth, H. Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ of God. Pp. x, 205, izmo. 1855- Lond. : Parker, 1837. 5J. td. Parkinson, Richard, Rev., B.D. Rationalism and Revelation ; or. The Testimony of Moral Philoso- phy, the System of Nature, and the Constitution of Man to the Truth of the Doctrines of Scripture. Pp. 1857. xlviii, 223, Svo. Lond. : Riving- ton, 1838. 12,?. Parkinson. Richard, Rev., B.D. The Constitution of the Visible Church. Pp. xxxvi, 260, Svo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1839. I2J. 1858. Smith, Theyre T. Man's Responsi- 1859. bility in Reference to his Religious Belief. Pp. xxvi, 242, Svo. Lond. : Fellowes, 1S40. -js. td. Smith, T. T. The Christian Religion in Connection with the Principles of Morality. Pp. xvi, 280, Svo. i860. Lond. : Fellowes, 1841. 7J. 6d. 1842. Alford, Henry, M. A. The Con- sistency of the Divine Conduct in revealing the Doctrines of Re- demption. 2 vols., pp. XX, 194 ; xvi, 160, Svo. Lond. : 1S42. \-^s. 1862. Marsden, John Howard. An Exam- ination of Passages in our Lord's Conversation with Nicodemus. Pp. viii, 143, Svo. Lond. : Pick- 1864. ering, 1844. ts. Marsden, John Howard. The Evils which have Resulted at Various 1865. Times from a Misapprehension of our Lords Miracles. Pp. viii, 148, Svo. Lond.: Pickering, 1845. dr. 1866. 1846. Trench, Richard Chevenix. I. The Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of 1867. Men. n. Christ the Desire of all Nations. 2 vols., Svo. Lond.: Parker. 1S46-1847. In i vol., pp. viii, 322, i2mo. Phila.: Hooker, 1868. iSso. 5th ed., Lond.: Macmillan, 1880. -js. 6d., $1. Wordsworth, Chr., D.D. On the 1869. Canon of the Old and New Testa- ment, and on the Apocrypha. Pp. xvi, 294, 88, Svo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1848. New ed., 1851. gj. 1870. Wordsworth, Chr., D.D. Lectures on the Apocalypse, critical, ex- pository, and practical. Lond. : Rivington, 1849. New ed., 1S53. 1871. Pp. XX, 396, Svo. Phila. : Mc- Cauley, 1S52. los. 6d., $2. Humphrey, William Gilson, B.D. The Doctrine of a Future State. 1873. Pp. xi, 285, Svo. Lond.: Parker, 1850. 8s. 6d. Humphrej', W. G. The Earl^ Pro- 1874. gress of the Gospel. Pp. xi, 216, Svo. Lond. : Parker, 1851. 7s. 1852. Currey, George. B.D. L The 1875. Preparation for the Gospel as Ex- hibited In the History of the Israel- ites. II. The Confirmation of Faith, by Reason and Authority. 1877. 2 vols., pp. xi, 255-; xi, 273, Svo. Lond. : Riving'on, 1851-1853. I5.S-. 6d. •1S54. Cowie, Morgan, M. A. Scripture Difficulties. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 220 ; x, 227, Svo. Lond. : Rivington, 1853-1855. Each js. 6d. -1856. Goodwin, Harvey. 1. The Doc- trines and Difficulties of the Chris- tian Faith. 11. I'he Glory of the Only Begotten ( f the Father, seen in the Manhood of Christ. 2 vols., pp. viii, 256 ; xi, 21S, Svo. Lond.: Bell, 1S55-1S56. gs. 6d., js. td. Swainson, Charles Anthony, M.A. The Creeds of the Church in their Relations to the Word of God and to the Conscience of the Christian. Pp. xii, 231, Svo. Lond. : Mac- millan, 1S58. gj. None. Klllcott, C. J., B.D. Historical Lectures on the Life of our Lord; Jesus Christ. Svo. Lond. : Park- er, 1S60. 2d ed., 1862. Pp. 382,, i2mo. Bost. : Gould. 1864. los. 6'. Pp. viii, 332. 1870. Vol. X. The Life of St. Anselm. By R. W. Church, M.A. Pp. xii, 303. 1870. Vol. XI. St. Francis of Assisi. By Mrs. Oliphant. Pp. xxiv, 304. 1871. Vol. XII. Pioneers and Founders : or, Re- cent Workers in the Mission Field. C. M. Yonge. Pp. xiv, 316. 1871 By SwiNNOCK George. M.A. Works. [Nichol's Series of Standard Di- vines.] In 5 vols. Pp. vii, 528 ; viii, 525 ;viii, 471 ; vii, 5o8;xv, 482, 8vo. Edinb. : Nichol. 1868. Each 3.?. 6d. Taylor, Jeremy, Bp., D.D. The Whole Works of : with a Life of the Author, and a Critical Exam- ination of his Writings, bv the Rt. Rev. Reginald Heber, D.D. 15 vols., pp. ccclix, 313; Ixxii, 465 ; viii, 542 ; X, 573 ; xiv, 600 ; vi, 625 ; xxviii, 511 ; vii, 532 ; vii, 512; vii, 534; vi, 522; viii, 499; viii, 616; ix, 507 ; ix, 695, 8vo. Lend. : Duncan, 1839. 157^.6^. The Same Edition Revised and Corrected by Rev. C. P. Eden, M.A. 10 vols., pp. X, 127, cccclxviii; viii, 730; X, 673; xvii, 455; viii, 669; ix, 670; x, 662; xi, 701 ; xvii, xxiii,704; xiii, 659. Lond.: Long- mans, 1 847-1 854. Each loj. 6d. Taylor, Nathaniel W., D.D. The Works. Containing his Prac- tical Sermons, Lectures on Moral Government and Revealed The- ology. 4 vols., pp. 432, 480, 417, 423, 8vo. N. Y. : Clark, 1859. S5-37. Thomson, Edward, Bp., D.D.. LL.D. W^orks. Educational Essays, Biographical and Inci- dental Sketches, Moral and Reli- gious Essays, Evidences of Reve- lation. 4 vols., pp. 412, 389, 374, 327, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1858. $3.60. Thornwell, James Henley. D.D., LL.D. Collected Writing=^. Edited by John B. Adger, D.D. 4 vols., pp. vi, 659. 622, 817, 640, 8vo. Richmond : Presb. Com. Pub., 1871-1873. $16. TiLLOTSON, John, Abp. Works; with Life of the Author, by Thomas Burch, M.A. 10 vols., pp. 531 ; iv, 464 ; iv, 576 ; iv, 567 ; iv, 580; iv, 572 ; iv, 576 ; iv, 624; 559, 8vo. Lond. : Priestley, 1820. 1055. Toplady, Augustus M., B.A. Works. 6vols., pp. vi, 138, xiv, 352; 455; 484; 484; 520; 432, liv, 8vo. Lond.: Bay nes, 1794. 54J. New ed., in i vol., pp. viii, 915, and Index. Lond.: Cornish, 1849. I2J. Traill, Robert, A.M. Works. In 4 vols., pp. 296, 298, 278, 242, 8vo. Edinb. : Ogle, 18 10. i8.y. Ussher, James, Abp., D.D. The W^hole Works; now first Collected, with a Life of the Author, and an 40 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Account of his Writings, by Charles R. Elrington, D.D. 17 vols., pp. viii, 324, Iccxx ; xi, 506; xiv, 595; iv, 617; viii, 544; vii, 624; iv, 622 ; iv, 605 ; v, 622; v, 598 ; V, 598 ; viii, 595 ; x, 606 ; iv, 523 ; ix, 560 ; xi, 601 ; xli, 284, 8vo. Loud.: Parker, 1 842-1 864. 204J. Ware, Henry, Jr., D.D. Works. 4 vols., pp. xi, 370; viii, 412; x, 444; iv, 445, I2M10. Bost. : Mun- roe ; Lond. : Chapman, 1 846-1 849. $3.50. Waterland, Daniel. Rev., D.D. The Works ; with a Review of the Author's Life and Writings, by William Van Mildert, D.D. ; with copious Indices. 6 vols., pp. xii, 663 ; 768 ; vi, 696 ; 807 ; viii, 776 ; 611, 8vo. Oxf.: Clar. Pr., 1843. New ed., Lond.: Parker, 1851. SIS. Watts, Isaac, Rev., D.D. Works. In 7 vols., pp. xxxii, 656 ; iv, ii, 660; xxxii, vi, 654; 609; 687; vi, 678; iv, 552, 8v^o. Leeds: Baines, 1800. 635. Wesley, John, Rev. Works of. Comprehending also Numerous Translations, Notes, and an Origi- nal Preface, etc., by John Emory. 7 vols., pp. 545, 568, 729, 759, 828, 795, 858, 8vo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, n. d. Cloth, $11.75. sheep, $15.75. WiNSLOW, OCTAVIUS. N. Y.: Carter, 1 840-1 { Works. 1. The Precious Things of God. i6mo. i860. $1.25. 2. Helps Heavenward. i8mo. i86r. 75 cents. 3. Midnight Harmonies. Pp. xi, 269, i6mo. 1851. $1. 4. The Glory of the Redeemer in his Person and Work. Pp. xii, 416, i2mo. i860. $1.50. 5. The Inquirer Directed to the Work of the Holy Spirit. Pp. xii, 423, i2mo. 1840. 75 cents. 6. Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul. Pp. xi, 337, i6mo. 1848. $1. 7. The Foot of the Cross and the Blessings Found there. i8mo. 1864. 75 cents. 8. The Man of God. i8mo. 1863. 75 cents. 9. The Sympathy of Christ with Man : its Teaching and its Consolation. i6mo. 1862. _$I.25._ 10. My Time in God's Hands. 32mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1864. 20 cents. 11. None Like Christ. 32mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1864. 20 cents. Witherspoon, John, Rev., D.D., LL.D. Works. To which i'; pre- fixed an account of the Author's Life ... by the Rev. Dr. John Rodgers. 4 vols., 2d ed., pp. 569, 586, 592, 475, 8vo. Phila. : Woodward, 1802. W^ODROw Society Publications. 28 vols., 8vo. Edinb., 1 842-1 864. Blair, Robert. Life. Autobiography, with Supplement to his Life, and Continuation of the History of the Times to 1680, by his son-in-law, Mr. William Row. Ed- ited by Thom McCrie, D.D. Pp. xxiv, 627. 1848. 7J. 6d. Bruce, Robert, Rev. Sermons. With Col- lections for his Life, by the Rev. Robert Wodrow. Edited by the Rev. William Cunningham, D.D. Pp. xxiii, 399. 1843. 1 5 J. Calderwocd, David, Mr. History of the Kirk of Scotland. Edited by the Rev. Thomas Thomson. 8 vols., pp. xxi, 590; xix, 579 ; xxiii, 785 ; xix, 732 ; xxv, 775 ; xviii, 827 ; xx, 638 ; xxxii, 311, 171, xxxvi. 60s. Ferme, Charles. Logical Analysis of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. Translated from the Latin by William- Skae, A.M. And a Commentary on the same Epistle by Andrew Melville, in the original Latin. Edited, with a Life of Ferme, by William Lindsay Alexander, D.D. Pp. 32, 520. i860. 7s. 6d. Knox, John. Works. Collected and ed- ited by David Laing. 6 vols., pp. xliv, 564 ; vi, 644 ; viii, 542 ; vii, 575 ; 536 ; Ixxxvii, 555. 1846-1864. 47^-. Melvill, James. Autobiography and Diary, with a Continuation of the Diary. Ed- ited by Robert Pitcairn, Esq. Pp. Ixxxviii, 841. 1842. 15J. Rollock, Robert. Select Works. Edited by William M. Gunn, Esq. 2 vols., 7 p. xcv, 559 ; xxiv, 705. 1844-1849. ^cs. Row, John. History of the Kiik of Scot- land, 1558-Aug., 1637. With continua- tion to July, 1639, by his son, John Row. Pp. Ixxix, 566. 1842. 7^-. 6d. To third series, by W. Robertson NicoU, pp. 63, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1890. \os. 6d. Lutheran Quarterly, The. Vols. IX-XXII, new series. Get- tysburg, 1 879-1 894. Edited, iSyg, by J. A. Brown, D.D., aided by M. Valentine, D.D., S. Sprecher, D.D.,C. A. Stork, D.D., A. C. Wedekind, D.D., J. H. W. Stuckenberg, D.D. ; 1880-1885, by M. Valentine, D.D., E. J, Wolf, D.'D., Prof. P. M. Bikle, aided by Drs. Sprecher, Stork, Wedekind, and Stuckenberg; 1882, Drs. Wedekind and Stuckenberg dropped out ; 1886-1889, by Drs. Wolf and Bikle, aided by Dr. Valen- tine ; i8qo. Dr. Bikle took charge, aided by Drs. Valentine, Wolf, Ort, and W. H. Wynn. This began as the Evangelical Re- view (1850-1862), was continued succes- sively as the Evangelical Quarterlj-^ Re- view (1862-1870), the Quarterly Review of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (1871-1878). With the last the numbering of the volumes is continuous. Mercersburg REVIEW, The. Pub- lished by the Alumni Association of Marshall College [afterward Franklin and Marshall College]. Vols.I-XXV. Mercersburg, 1849- 1852. Chambersburg, 1853-1861. Phila., 1867-1878. Edited, 1857-1861, by Rev. E. V. Gerhart, A.M., and Philip _ Schaff, D.D. ; 1862- 1866, the publication was suspended ; 1867, the name became The Mercersburg Review ; an Organ for Christological, Historical, and Positive Theology. H. Harbaugh, D.D., was editor. Edited, 1868-1874, by T. G. Apple, D.D. ; 1874, 1875, by T. G. Apple, D.D., and E. E. Higbee, D.D. ; 1876-1878, by T. G. Ap- ple, D.D. In 1879 the name was changed to The Reformed Quarterly Review (which see). METHODIST Quarterly Review. 66 vols. N. Y., 1819-1884. Ed- itors, 1 841-1848, George Peck, D.D. ; 1 849- 1 856, J. McClintock; 1857-1883, D. D. Whedon, D.D. ; 1884, D. D. Whedon, D.D., and D. Curry, LL.D. In 1885 this became The Methodist Review, with volumes numbered continuously. See The Methodist Review. Methodist Review, The. (Bi- monthly.) 74 vols, (continuing the Methodist Quarterly Review, which see). N.Y. and Cine. : 1885 (now current). Editors, 1 885-1 887, Dan- iel Curry, LL.D. ; 1888-1892, J. W. Mendenhall, LL.D.; 1893. 1894, W.V. Kelley, D.D. Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review, The. Ed- itors, Lyman H. Atwater, Henry B. Smith. 6 vols. N. Y. and Phila., 1872-1877. In 1878 this became The Princeton Re- view (which see). Presbyterian Quarterly Re- view. 12 vols. Phila., 1852- 1862. This, with The American Theological Re- view, became in 1863 The American Pres- byterian and Theological Review (which see). See also Princeton Review. Presbyterian Review, The. 10 vols. N. Y., 1880-1889. Managing editors, Archibald A. Hodge, Charles A. Briggs. Assoc, editors, Samuel T.Wilson, Francis L. Patton, James Eels, Ransom B. Welch, Talbot W. Chambers. In 1882 Thomas H. Skinner took the f>lace of Francis L. Patton, who, the fol- owing year, displaced Dr. Hodge as managing editor. 1885 there were added as associate editors William H. Jeffers, Robert Flint, Henry Calderwood, Wil- liam G. Blaikie, Thomas Croskery, and William Caven, while Samuel J. Wilson retired. In 1886 Llewellyn J. Evans and J. Munroe Gibson were added as associ- ated editors. In 1889 Benjamin B. War- field displaced Dr. Patton as managing editor. Princeton Review. N. Y., 1878- 1884. 14 vols. For predecessors of this famous magazine see Biblical Repertory, Biblical Rej^er- tory and Theological Review, Biblical Repertory and Princeton Review, Pres- byterian Quarterly Review, American Theological Review, American Presby- terian and Theological Review, Amer- ican Review, American Presbyterian Re- view, and Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review. Pulpit Treasury, The. J. San- derson, D.D., LL.D., editor. Vols. I-V. N. Y., 1 884- 1 888. In 1889 the name was changed to The Treasury for Pastor and People. Quarterly Review of the Evangelical Lutheran INTRODUCTION. 45 Church. Vols. I-VIII, new series. Gettysburg, 1 871-1878. Edited, 1871-1875, by J. A. Brown, D.D., and M. Valentine, D.D., aided by S. Spencer, D.D., C. A. Stork, D.D., A. C. Wedekind, D.D., J. H. W. Stuckenberg, D.D. 1876-1878, by J. A. Brown, D.D., assisted by the other gentlemen above named. The successor of the Evangelical Quarterly Review (which see); became in 1878 the Lutheran Quarterly (which see). The latter continued the numbering of the volumes. Reformed Quarterly Review, The. Vols. XXVI-XL. Phila., 1 879-1 894. Editor, 1879-1882, T. G. Apple, D.D.; editors, 1883 to date, T. G. Apple, D.D., and John M. Titzel. The numbering of the volumes is continuous with the Mer^ cersburg Review, which it continued, and which see. Southern Presbyterian Re- view, The. Conducted by an association of ministers. 36 vols. Columbia, S. C, 1877-1885. Treasury for Pastor and Peo- ple, The. J. Sanderson, D.D., LL.D., editor. Vols.VI-IX. N. Y.. 1 889-1 892. Continued from the Pulpit Treasury (which see). 46 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. PART II. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. DIVISION I. APPARATUS CRITICUS. A. TEXTS. a. POLYGLOTS. BiBLiA Hebraic A, Samaritana, Chaldaica, Syriaca, Grasca, Latina et Arabica, edidit Guido Mich, le Jay. 9 tomi in lo vols., pp. 'j'j'^^, 919, 548, 262, 643, 227, 140, 547, 791, 907, 771, 466, 799, 66. Paris: Vitre, 1628-1645. [Paris Polyglot.] BiBLiA POLYGLOTTA, Complecten- tia textus originales, Hebraicos, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicos, Grascos, Lat. Vulg., etc., . . . Opus totum edidit Bri- anus Waltonus. 6 vols., pp. 52, 102, 865; 889, 29; 447, 389; 149, 159. 390; 983- Vol. VI, paging not consecutive. Fo. Lond. : Roy- croft, 1657. [Walton's Polyglot.] BiBLlA POLYGLOTTA, Hebraica, Chaldaica, Graeca, et Latina ; nunc primum impressa . .. de mandato ac sumptibus Francisci Ximenes de Cisneros. 6 vols., fo., unpaged. Complutensi universitate, 1514- 1517. [Complutensian Polyglot.] Occasionally a copy is offered for sale for about $600. BiBLiA POLYGLOTTA, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Grsece et Latine ; cura et studio Benedicti Ariae Montani. 8 vols., pp. 743, 731, 679, 918, 501, 566. Vols. VII and VIII, apparatus criticus. Fo. Antwerp : Plantin, 1 569-1 573. [Antwerp Polyglot.] BIBLIA Sacra, Hebraice, Chaldaice, Grasce, Latine, Germanice, Italice, studio et labore Elias Hutteri. Fo. Norimbergae, 1599. Was never finished ; goes only through Ruth. In some copies the Italic is re- placed by the French, the Slavonic, or the Saxon. BiBLiA Sacra Polyglotta, tex- tus archetypos, versionesque praecipuas ab ecclesia antiquitatis receptas, necnon versiones recen- tiores Anglicanam, Germani- cam, Italicam, Gallicam, et His- panicam complectentia. Acce- dunt prolegomena. . . . Auctore Samuele Lee. Pp. 1800, fo. Lond. : Bagster, 1831. 45^. Cohn's Hexaglot ; comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the Original Tongues, together with the Sep- tuagint, Syriac, and Latin versions. Vol. I, The Pentateuch. Pp. 632, 4to. Lond.: Lev, 1868. Novum Testamentum Syriace, Hebraice, Graece, Latine, Ger- manice, Bohemice, Italice, His- panice, Gallice, Anglice, Danice, Polonice, studio et labore Elias Hutteri. 2 vols., fo. Norimber- gae, 1599. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 47 Scrivener. F. H. A. The Par- allel New Testament. See under Versions. Stier, Dr. R., und Dr. K. G. W. Theile, Polyj^lotten-Bibel zum praktischen Handgebrauch. Die heilige Schrift des Alten und Neu- en Testaments in libersichtlicher Nebeneinanderstellung des Urtex- les, der Septuaginta, Vulgata und Luther's Uebersetzung. 3te Au- flage. 5 Bande, pp. viii, 1,013; ^'i. ^77; 1,048; vi, 734; vii, 598, 8vo. Bielefeld : Velhagen, 1864. 40 7nk. Tischendorf, Constantine. Novum Testamentum Triglot- lum, Grasce, Latine, Germanice. Graecum textum addito lectionum variarum delectu recensuit, laiin- um Hieronymi notata Clementina lectione ex auctoritate codicum restituit, germanicum ad pristinam Lutheranae editionis veritatem revocavit Aenoth. F. C. Tischen- dorf. Ed. II, pp. xlviii, 930, 4to. Lipsiae: Mendelssohn, 1865. 20 mk. Triglot Bible, The; comprising the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in the Original Tongues; also the Septuagint, the Syriac (of the New Testa- ment), and the Vulgate Versions, Arranged in Parallel Columns. With a Complete Prolegomenon. Edited by several eminent biblical scholars. In 2 vols. Vol. I, Old Testament. [Hebrew, Greek, Lat- in.] Vol. II. New Testament. [Greek, Syriac, Latin.] Unpaged, 4to. Lond. : Dickinson, 1890. 2\s. b. OLD testament. I. Hebrew. BiBLiA Hebraica; cum quibus- dam variantibus lectionibus quae in Pentateucho paucissimas sunt, in caeteris libris frequentiores. 4 vols. Venetiis, Opera Dan. Bombergi. 5278 (15 18). 2d ed., edited by Jacob Ben Chayyim, 1524, 1525, and 5th ed., 1617-1619. Davidson, Samuel, D.D. The Hebrew Text of the Old Testa- ment, with a Synopsis of Readings Revised from Critical Sources'; being an Attempt to Present a Purer and more Correct Text than the " Received " one of Van der Hooght, by the aid of the best Existing Materials ; with the Prin- cipal Various Readings found in MSS., Ancient Versions, Jewish Books and Writers, Parallels, Quo- tations, etc. Pp. xvi, 238, fcp. 8vo. Lond. : Bagster, 1855. lO-^- Hahn, Augustus. Biblia Hebraica. Secundum Editiones Jos. Athise, Joannis Leusden, Jo. Simonis, Ali- orumque, imprimis Everardi van der Hooght recensuit Sectionum Propheticarum Recensum et Ex- plicationem Clavemque Mnsor- ethicam et Rabbinicam addidit Augustus Hahn. Editio stereo- typa C. Tauchnitzii quartum rec- ognita et emendata. Pp. xx, 1,415, 8vo. Lipsias, 1872. 6 ink. Hebrew and English Old Tes- tament. The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament ; Hebrew and English in Parallel Columns. 4to. Lond. : Bagster. 25^-. Jarrett, Thomas, Rev.. M.A. The Hebrew Text of the Old Cov- enant printed in a modified Ro- man Alphabet. Vol. I, The Text. Vol. II, Vocabularies, the gram- mar, etc. Pp. 1,086, 124, 8vo. Camb. : Deighton, 1882. Letteris, Meyer Levi. The Hebrew Bible. Revised and care- fully examined. With a Key to the Masoretic Notes, Titles, and Index, generally found in the Mar- gin of the Hebrew Bible. Trans- lated from the Latin of A. Hahn, with many Additions and Correc- tions, by Alexander Meyrowitz, A.M. Pp. 1,404, 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1872. $2.50. 48 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. MUEHLAU, Ferd., et Kautzsch, Aennt. Liber Geneseos sine punc- tis exscriptus. Pp. vi, 54, 8vo. Leipzig: Barth, 1868. \.\omk. [Old Testament Texts.] Tex- tum masoreticum accuratissime expressit, e fontibus masorse varie illustravit notis criticis confirmavit S. Baer. Prasfatus est edendi operis adjutor Fr. Delitzsch. 8vo. Lipsiae: Tauchnitz, 1 869-1 893. Genesis, pp. yiii, 96, 1869. 1.20 ink. Ex- odus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteron- omy, Joshua and Judges, pp. vi, 130, 1891. 1.50 ink. Ruth, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, pp. viii, 100, 1886. 1.20 nik. Samuel, pp. iv, i-je, 1892. 1.50 ink. Kings, Chronicles, pp. xiv, 146, 1888. 1.50 vik. Daniel Ezra, Nehemiah, pp. Ix, 136, 1882. 1.50 mk. [Contains paradigms, etc., of the Aramaic or Biblical Chaldaic] Job, pp. viii, 72, 1875. 1.20 ink. Psalms, pp. xii, 160, 1880. 1.50 mk. Proverbs, pp. XV, 67, 1880. 1.20 mk. Isaiah, pp. viii, 96, 1872. 1.20 mk. Jeremiah, pp. xvii, 147, 1890, 1.50 mk. Ezekiel, pp. xviii, 134, 1884. 1.20 mk. Minor Prophets, pp. xii, 102, 1878. 1.20 ink. [Rainbow Bible.] The Sacred Books of the Old Testament. A critical edition of the Hebrew Text, printed in colors, with notes, by eminent Biblical Scholars of Europe and America. Edited by- Prof. Paul Haupt. Part 17. Book of Job. Critical edition of the He- brew Text, with Notes by C. Sieg- fried. English translation of the notes by R. E. Briinnow. 4to. Leipzig : Hinrichs ; Lond. : Nutt, 1893. 3.y. dd. This series is in course of preparation. Theile, Car. Godofr. Guil. Biblia Hebraica ad optimas edi- tiones imprimis Everardi van der Hooght accurate recensa et ex- pressa. Curavit argumentique no- tationem et indices necnon clavem Masorethicam addidit. Pp. xviii, 1236. 8vo. Lipsiae: Tauchnitz, 1849. 6.50 W/^. Apocrypha. See under Apocry- phal Literature, Old and New Testaments, 2. Greek. Bibliorum Sacrorum Graecus Codex Vaticanus. Auspice Pio IX, Pont. Max. Collatus et Studiis Caroli Vercellone Sodalis Barnabit ex Joseph! Cozza Mona- chi Basiliani editus. 5 vols., fo. Romce : Propaganda, 1 868-1 872. Field, Fr., A.M. Origenis Hexa- plorum quae supersunt ; sive In- terpretum Graecorum in totum Vetus Testamentum fragmenta. Post Flaminium Nobilium, Dru- sium, et Montefalconium . . . emen- davit, et . . . auxit. 2 vols., civ, 806 ; 1,036, "JT, 4to. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1875. 79.y.(.?) Lagarde, Pauli de. Librorum Veteris Testament! Canonicorum pars prior Grasce. Pp. xvi, 544,, 8vo. Gottingce: Dieterich, 1883. 20 mk. Left uncompleted. It goes to Esther. Sacrorum Bibliorum Vetus et Novum Testamentum e Co- dice GrvECo Vaticano, 1209, phototype reprassentatum curante Jos. Cozza-Luzi. 5 vols., fo. Ro- mce : Bibl. Vaticana, 1890. Septuagint, The. Containing an Historical Account of the Septua- gint Version, and of the principal Texts in which it is current; the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, according to the Vat- ican Edition ; together with the real Septuagint Version of Daniel and the Apocrypha, including the Fourth Book of Maccabees. New ed. Pp. xvi, 942, 4to. Lond. : Bagster ; N. Y. : Wiley, 1879. i6.y., $4. Septuagint Version, The, of THE Old Testament, with an English Translation, and with va- rious Readings and Critical Notes. Pp. 1,140, 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1870. 24?. Swete, H. B. The Old Testament in Greek, according to the Septua- EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 49 gint. Vol. I, Genesis to IV. Kings, pp. 820; Vol. II, I Chron. to To- bit, pp. 866. P. 8vo. Lond. : Clay, 1887. Vol. I, 75. 6d.\ Vol. 11, 75. 6d. TlSCHENDORF,CONSTANTINE. Ve- tus Testamentum Grasce, juxta LXX interpretes Textum Vatica- num Romanum ed., argumenta et locos novi testamenti parallelos notavit, omnem lectionis varieta- tem codicum veterrimorum Alex- andrini Ephrgemi Syri, Friderico- Augustani subjunxit, prolegomenis uberrimis instruxit Const, de Tisch- endorf. 2 Torni, pp. cxxii, 684 ; 616, 8vo. Lipsias : Brockhaus, 1875. 12 ink. Vetus et NovUxM Testamentum ex Antiquissimo Codice Vaticano, edidit Angelus Maius, S. R. E., Card. 5 vols., pp. xxx, 475, 537, 400, 554, 502, fo. Romas: Spit- hover, 1857. Vetus Testamentum Gr^ce, cum Variis Lectionibus. Edi- tionem a R. Holmes, S. T. P., in- choatum continuavit J Parsons, S. T. B, Tomi V. No pagination. Fo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1798- 1827. 336^. Vetus Testamentum Greece, secundum LXX Interpretes ex auctoritate Sixti Quinti Pont. Max. editum . . . cura et studio Leandri Van Ess, S. T. D. Pp. iv, 1,022. 8vo. Lipsias: Tauchnitz, 1835. Can now be bought for about $ioo. C. NEW testament. I. Greek. See also Polyglots^ and Old Testament, Greek^ and also Harmonies. Alford, Henry, D.D. The Greek Testament ; with a criticallv re- vised Text ; a Digest of Various Readings ; Marginal References to Verbal and Idiomatic Usage ; Prolegomena; and a Critical and 5 Exegetical Commentary. For the use of Theological Students and Ministers. 4 vols., pp. civ, 924: Ixxxvii, 723 ; cxxix, 435 ; cclxxxviii, 750 ; 8vo. Lond. : Rivington ; Bost. : Lee, 1849. 7th ed., 1877. I02J-., $30. Greek Testament, with Eng- lish Notes, intended for the upper forms of Schools and for pass- men at the Universities. Abridged byB.H. Alford. Cr. 8vo. Lond.:. Rivington, 1868. \os. 6d. Analytical Greek Testament,. The Student's ; presenting at one view the Text of Scholz and a Grammatical Analysis of the Verbs, in which every occurring inflection of Verb or Participle is minutely described and traced to its proper Root. With the Read- ings, Textual and Marginal, of Griesbach ; and the Variations of Stephens, 1550; Beza, 1598; the Elzevir, 1633. Pp- 640. i6mo. Lond.: Bagster, 1874. New ed., 1879. 7-y- 6^- Bloomfield, S. T., D.D. The Greek Testament, with English Notes, Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. 2 vols,, pp. 629, 631, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Clark, Lippin- cott, 1868. $6. BUTTZ, Henry A., D.D. The Epistle to the Romans, in Greek ; in which the Text of Robert Stephens, 3d ed., is compared with the Texts of the Elzevirs, Lachmann, Alford, Tregelles, Tischendorf, and Westcott, and with the chief Uncial and Cursive MSS. Pp. 42, 8vo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1877. $1. Codex Alexandrinus. Novum Testamentum Giaece, ex Antiquis- simo Codice Alexandrinus a C. G, Woide, denuo accuratius, edidit B. H. Cowper. Pp. 507, roy. 8vo, Lond.: Williams, i860. 125'. Codex Vaticanus. 'h kainh AIAGHKH. Novum Testamentum 50 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Graece, ex Antiquissimo Codice Vaticano edidit Angelus Maius S. R. E. Card. Pp. 507, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1859; Andover : Dra- per, 1869. 12^., $3. Green, T. S., Rev., M.A. The Twofold New Testament. A newly formed Greek Text, with an accompanying new Translation into English. In Parallel Col- umns. Pj). 466, 4to. Lond. : Bag- ster; N. Y. : Wiley. 6s., $2. Greenfield, W. The Polymicrian Greek New Testament and Lexi- con. The Received Greek Text, with various Readings, Parallel References, Indications of the Roots, Maps colored, Engraved Tables of Greek Numerals, and of the Ligatures or Abbreviations in Ancient Greek MSS. and Editions. And Lexicon, in which the various senses of the words are distinctly explained in English, and author- ized by references to passages of Scripture. Pp. Text, vii, 565 ; Lex., vi, 254, 32mo. Lond.: Bagster ; N. Y. : Wiley, n. d. 8.?., $2. Griesbach, Jo. Jac. The New Testament in Greek. Griesbach's Text, with the various Readings of Mill and Scholz at foot of page, and Parallel References in the Margin ; with a Critical Intro- duction and Chronological Tables. Two Facsimiles of Greek Manu- scripts. 2 vols., pp. cxxxii, 555; xl, 684, 40. 2d ed. Lond. : Elms- ley, 1796- 1806. New ed. Lond.: Whittaker; Bost. : Little, 1841. 7s. 6d., $1.25. Hahn, Augustus. Novum Testa- mentum Grasce. Edited by Ed- ward Robinson. Pp. 536, i2mo. N. Y.: Leavitt, 1842. $1. Kerr, Alexander, and Tolman, Herbert Cushing. The Gospel of Matthew in Greek. Pp. xxv, 117, 8vo. Chic. : Kerr, 1893. $1. Lachmann, Car. Novum Testa- mentum Graece et Latine. Car. Lachmannus recensuit, Phil. Butt- mannus grascse lection is auctorita- tes apposiiit. Tom. I, II. Pp.776, 727, 8vo. Berolini: Reimer, 1832- 1850. 7 t/ilr., 15 s£-r. Novum Testamentum Gr^ce. Editio Hellenistica. 2 vols., pp. 793, 714, 8vo. Lond.: Pickering, 1843. 42s. Ornsby, Robert. Codex Vati- canus. The Greek Testament, from Cardinal Mai's Edition of the Vatican Bible. With Notes, Theological and Exegetical, a Harmony of the Gospels, etc. Pp. 609, i2mo. Dublin, 1865. ys. 6t^. Scrivener, F. H. A. Novum Tes- tamentum Graecum, Textus Ste- phanici, 1550. Accedunt varias lectiones editionum Bezae, Elze- viri, Lachmanni, Tischendorfii et Tregellessii. CuranteF.H. A. Scri- vener, M. A., LL.D. Pp. viii, 598, i6mo. Camb. : Deighton ; N. Y.: Macmillan, 1872. 4^. 6d., 90 cents. Same, with Lexicon, $2.50. Codex Bezje Cantabrigien- SIS. Edited with Prolegomena, Notes and Facsimiles. Pp. Ixiv, 453. 4to. Camb. and Lond. : Bell, 1864. 26s. A Full Collation of the Codex Sinaiticus with the Received Text of the New Testament ; to which is prefixed a Critical Introduction. Camb. and Lond.: Bell, 1863. 2d ed., revised, pp. Ixxii, 163, fcp. 8vo. . 1867. 5J-. New Testament in the Original Greek. Together with the Variations Adopted in the Revised Version. New ed., pp. 658, i2mo. Lond. : Camb. Wareh. ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. 4^. 6(/., $1.25. Spencer, J. A., Rev. Greek New Testament. The Four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek, with English Notes, Critical, Phi- EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 51 lological, and Exegetical, on the Gospels and Acts ; Maps, Indexes, etc., together with the Epistles and Apocalypse. Pp. xii, 612, i2nno. N. Y. : Harper, 1852. $1. TlSCHENDORF,CONSTANTINE. No- vum Testamentum Grasce. Ad antiquissimos testes denuo recen- suit apparatum crilicum omni studio perfectum apposuit com- mendationem isagogicam prastex- uit. Editio octava critica major. 2 vols., pp. 990, 1,048, 8vo. Lip- siae: Giesecke, 1864-1872. \07nk. Novum Testamentum Gr^- CE. Editio tertia stereotypa. Ad editionem suam VIII. criticam majorem conformavit, lectioni- busque Sinaiticis et Vaticanis item Elzevirianis instruxit. Pp. 451, 8vo. Lipsiae: Brockhaus, 1873. 4 ink. Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux. The Greek New Testament. Edited from Ancient Authorities, with their various Readings in full, and the Latin Version of Jerome. Pp. Ivii, 1,070, 4to. Lond. : Bag- ster, 1870. 63J. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., and Hort, Fenton J. A., D.D. The New Testament in the Origi- nal Greek. The text revised. In 2 vols. Vol. I, text. Pp. 580, i6mo. Camb., Lond., and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1881. An edition for schools, i8mo. $1. [Alsoj an edition with a new Lexicon by W. J. Hickie, M.A. $1.90. [The same.] The text revised by American Editor, with an In- troduction bv Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. 580. ^f. Y. : Harper, 1881. $2. Weymouth, Richard Francis, D.Lit. The Resultant Greek Testament. Exhibiting the text in which the majority of modern editors are agreed, and containing the readings of Stephens (1550), Lachmann, Tregelles, Tischen- dorf, Lightfoot, EUicott, Alford, Weiss, the Bale edition (1880), W^estcott and Hort, and the Re- vision Committee. With an In- troduction by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Worces- ter. Pp. xix, 644, i2mo. Lond.: Stock, 1886. 2d ed., Lond.: Stock; and N. Y. : Funk, 1892. Wordsworth, Christopher, D.D. New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Original Greek ; with Notes, Introductions, and Indexes. 3ded., 2 vols, in 4, pp. Hi, 366; iv, 171 ; xix, 488 ; xii, 277, 60, imp. 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1862. Zos. d. versions. I. English. Whole Bible and separate Books. See also under Harmonies. Abbott, Edwin A., D.D., and RUSHBROOKE, W. G, M.L. The Common Tradition of the Synoptic Gospels in the text of the Revised Version. Pp. xxxix, 156, i2mo. Lond. and N.Y. : Mac- millan, 1884. $1.25. Alford, Henry, D.D. The New Testament, newly compared with the original Greek, and Revised. Pp. 528, i2mo. Lond.: Strahan, 1869; new ed., 1870. is. 6d. and 3.f. 6d. [American Bible Union Edi- tions.] The Book of Job. The Common English Version, the Hebrew Text, and the Re- vised Version of the American Bible Union, with an Introduction and Philo- logical Notes,by Thomas J. Conant, D.D. Pp. XXX, 165, 4to. N. Y. : Am. Bib. Un., 1857. $3, The Psalms. The Common Version re- vised for the Am. Bib. Un., with an In- troduction and occasional Notes, by Thomas J. Conant. Pp. xxi, 210, 8vo. N. Y.: Am. Bib. Un., 1871. $1.25. The Book of Proverbs. Part I, Hebrew Text, Kin^ James' Version, and a Re- vised Version, with an Introduction and Critical and Philological Notes. Part II, The Revised Version, with an Introduc- 52 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tion and Explanatory Notes, by Thomas J. Conant. Pp. xxxiv, 141, 88, 4to. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1872. $4. Acts of the Apostles. Translated from the Greek, on the basis of the Common Eng- lish Version, with Notes. Pp. iv, 224, 4to. N. Y. : Am. Bib. Un., 1858. $4. II Peter, Epistles of John and Judas, and the Revelation. Translated from the Greek, on the basis of the Common Eng- lish Version, with Notes. Pp. x, 253, 4to. N. Y. : Am. P>ib. Un., 1854. $4. For Joshua-II Kings ^ see Conant^ Thomas J. Bible. New Testament. [Bible Union (Baptist) Version.] Im- proved ed. Pp. 590, i8mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. See, 1891. 40 cents, etc. Cambridge Paragraph Bible, The. Of the Authorized English Version, with the Text Revised by a Collation of its Early and other Principal Editions, the Use of tjie Italic Type made uniform, the Marginal References remodeled, and a Critical Introduction pre- fixed, by the Rev. F. H. Scrivener, M.A., LL.D. 2 vols., pp. 632, 846, cr. 4to. Lond. : Cambr. Ware- house, and Rivington, 1 870-1 871. 36J. Chronological, New Testa- ment, The. In which the Text of the Authorized Version is newly divided into paragraphs and sec- tions, with dates and places of transactions marked, marginal readings of translations, etc. Pp. viii, 310, sm. 4to. Lond. : Black- ad er, 1 85 1, 'js. 6d. Conant, Thomas J. The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings. The Com- mon Version revised, with an In- troduction and occasional Notes. Pp. XXV, 357, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc.,new ed., 1883. $2. Davidson, Samuel, D.D., LL.D. The New Testament. Translated from the Critical Text of vonTisch- endorf, with an Introduction on the Criticism, Translation, and Inter- pretation of the Book. Pp. 518, 8vo. Lond.: King, 1875. 2d ed., 1876. loi. 6d. Dickinson, Rodolphus. A new and corrected Version of the New Testament ; or, a minute revision and professed Translation of the original Histories, Memoirs, Let- ters, Prophecies, and other pro- ductions of the Evangelists and Apostles, to which are subjoined a few . . . notes. Pp. 499, 8vo. Bost. : Lilly, 1833. [DouAY Bible.] The Holie Bible. Faithfully translated into English out of the authenticated Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers languages ... by the English College of Douay. Old Testament. 2 vols., sm. 4to. Douay, Kellam, 1610. New Testament. With title, The New Testament of Jesus Christ faithfully translated into English out of the authen- tical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek and other editions in divers lan- guages ... by the English College then resident in Rhemes . . . set forth the second time by the same college, now re- turned to Douay. [This is the second edition.] Sm. 4to. Antwerp : Vervliet, 1600. Douay Bible. With Annotations, by R. Challoner. 410. N. Y. : Kelly, n. d. $5.5o-$25. With Notes, by Hay- dock and Challoner, revised under the stipervision of Cardinal Cullen. Fo. N. Y. : O'Shea, n. d. $2o-$6o. English Hexapla, The. Exhib- iting the Six Important transla- tions of the New Testament : Wiclif, 1380; Tyndale, 1534; Cranm.er, 1539; Genevan, 1557; Anglo-Rhenish, 1582 ; Authorized, 1611 ; (arranged in Parallel Col- umns, beneath the original Greek Text, by Scholz.) Preceded by a History of English Translations and Translators. 4to. Lond. : Bagster; N. Y. : Wiley, 1841. 42^., $12. Etheridge, J. W., M.A. The Apostolical Acts and Epistles, from the Peschito or Ancient Syr- iac; to which are added the re- maining Epi&tles and the Book of Revelation, after a later Syrian Text. Pp. 518, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1849. ys. 6d. Herbert, Charles, D.D. The New Testament Scriptures in the Order in which they were written ; EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 53 close Translation from the Text of i6i I, with Brief Explanation. The Six Primary Episiles of Thessalo- nica, Corinth, Galatia, and Rome. Pp. xii, 140. Lond. : Froude ; N. Y.: Nelson, 1882. $1.50. Holy Bible. Containing the Old and New Testaments. Translated literallyfromthe Original Tongues, by Julia E. Smith. Pp. 892, 276, 8vo. Hartf. : Am. Pub. Co., 1876. [Various prices.] Holy Bible, The, Containing the Old and New Testaments. Trans- lated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. N. Y. : Am. Bib. Soc. n. d. [Va- rious sizes and prices.] Mombert, J. I., Rev., D.D. Wil- liam Tyndale's Five Books of Mo- ses, called The Pentateuch ; a ver- batim reprint of the edition of 1530, compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, Luther, and Matthew's Bible, with various Collations and Prolegomena. Pp. cxlv, 635, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Bagster; N. Y.: Randolph, 1885. ys. 6d., $2. Murdoch, James, D.D. The New Testament ; or. The Book of the Holy Gospel of our Lord and our God, Jesus the Messiah. A literal translation from the Syriac-Peschi- to Version. Pp. ix, 5i5,8vo. N.Y. : Stanford, 1851. $2. New Testament, The, of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Trans- lated out of the Greek ; being the version set forth A. D. 1611, com- pared with the most ancient au- thorities, and revised A, D. 1881. Printed for the Universities of Ox- ford and Cambridge. Pp. xxii, 496, i2mo. Oxf.; Univ. Pr., 1881. Am. ed., with Introduction by Philip Schaff, D.D. N. Y. : Har- per, 1 88 1. $2. [Numerous editions, in Great Britaiu and the United States, with prices according to binding, etc.] With the readings and render- ings preferred by the American Committee of Revision incorpo- rated into the text by Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D. Pp. xxx, 496. N.Y.: Fords, 1881. $1. Baptist ed., Phila.; Am. Bap. Soc, 1882. Newcome, William, D.D. An attempt toward Revising our Eng- lish translations of the Greek Scrip- tures, or the New Covenant of Je- sus Christ ; and toward Illustrating the sense by Philological and Ex- planatory Notes. 2 vols., pp. vii, 622, 578, 8vo. Dublin: Exshaw, 1796. Corrected ed., Lond., 1808. 4th ed., 1 879. Am. ed., Bost., 1 809, 1 81 7, 1820. Norton, Andrews. A Transla- tion of the Gospels, with Notes. Vol. I, Text, pp. vii, 443 ; vol. ii. Notes, pp. iv, 565, 8vo. Bost.: Little, 1855. $4. Noyes, George R., D.D. A new Translation of Job, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles, with Introduc- tions and Notes, chiefly Explana- tory. Pp. 351, 8vo. Bost.: Unit. Ass., 1867. $2.25. [Also] Prov- erbs. $1.25. Paragraph Bible (The Large Print). 4 vols., 8vo, or 29 vols., or single books. Lond. : Bagster ; N. Y. : Wiley. [Prices according to the binding, etc.] Parallel New Testament, The, Being the Authorized Version set forth in 161 1, Arranged in Paral- lel Columns with the Revised Ver- sion of 1 88 1. Pp. xvi, 550, 8vo. Oxf.: Univ. Pr., 1881. Phila.: Porter, 1882. 4^. 6d., $3. Stu- dents' ed. 410. N. Y. : Nelson, 1882. $4.50. Parallel New Testament. Greek, and English Authorized Version, Revised Greek Text, and Readings displaced by the Revis- ers, in 4 parallel Columns. 8vo. Phila.: Nelson, 1883. $6. 54 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. [Revised Version.] The Holy Bible. Containing the Old and New Testaments translated out of the Original Tongues; being the Version set forth A. D. 1611, compared with the most ancient Authorities, and revised. Printed for the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Camb. : Univ. Pr., 1885. [Various prices.] Riverside Parallel Bible. Containing the Authorized Version and the Revised Version in par- allel columns. Pp. 1,800, 4to. Bost. : Houghton, 1885. $6. Savage, Leicester Ambrose. The New Testament, translated from the Original Greek, with chronological arrangement of the Sacred Books and improved divi- sions of chapters and verses. Pp. 423, 8vo. Bost. : Jewett, 1858. (Republished with title:) The Bible ; Analyzed, translated, and accompanied with critical studies, published in parts of books, single books, and collections of books, by — . New Testament. Whites- boro, N. Y. : Sawyer, 1891. Scrivener, F. H. A. The Par- allel New Testament, Greek and English. The New Testament, being the Authorized Version set forth in 1611, arranged in parallel columns with the Revised Ver- sion of 1 88 1, and with the Original Greek, edited by F. H. A. Scriv- ener, M.A. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1881. iSs., $4.50. Thomson, Charles. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Covenant, commonly called the Old and New Testament ; trans- lated from the Greek, by — . 4 vols., 8vo. Phila, : Aitken, 1808. Tischendorf, Constantine. The New Testament; the au- thorized English Version ; with Introductions and various Read- ings from the three most cele- brated Manuscripts of the Original Greek Text. Pp. xvi, 414, i2mo. Lond. : Low, 1869. is, 6d., etc. [Variorum Reference Bible.] The Holy Bible. Containing the Old and New Testaments, trans- lated out of the Original Tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. Edited with various Renderings and Readings from the best author- ities, by Rev. T. K. Cheyne. M.A., D.D., Rev. S. R. Driver, D.D., Rev. R. L. Clark, M.A., Alfred Goodwin, M.A., Rev. W. Sanday, M.A., D.D., LL.D. Pp. xxxiii,979, 329, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Eyre (new ed.), 1888. [Prices accord- ing to style, etc.] [Wycliffe's Bible.] The Holy Bible. Containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apoc- ryphal Books, in the Earliest Eng- lish versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers ; edited by the Rev. Jo- siah Forshall, F.R.S., etc., and Sir Frederick Madden, K.H., etc. 4 vols., pp. Ixiv, 687 ; 688 ; 897 ; 749, 4to. Oxf. : Univ. Pr., 1850. II 55. 6d. 2. Other than Efiglish and Greek. Anecdota Oxoniensia. Mediae- val and Modern Series. Part X. The Earliest Translation of the Old Testament into the Basque Language (a Fragment). By Pierre d'Urte of St. Jean de Luz, circ. 1700. Edited from a MS. in the Library of Shirburn Castle, Oxfordshire, by Llewelyn Thomas, M.A. Pp. 163, cr. 4to. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $6. Balg, G. H., Ph.D. The First Germanic Bible Translated from the Greek. By the Gothic Bishop Wulfila, in the Fourth Century: and other Remains of the Gothic Language. Introduction, Syntax, and a Glossary. Pp. xx, 469, 8vo. N. Y. : Westerman, 1891. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 55 Beza, Theodorus. Novum Tes- tamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. Interprete Theodore Beza. Pp. 291, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1848. New ed., 1873. $1.25. BoswoRTH, Joseph, D.D., F.R.S., and Waring, George, M.A. The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in parallel Columns with the Ver- sions of Wycliffe and Tyndale; Arranged with Preface and Notes. Pp. xxxvi, 584, 4to. Lond. : Smith, 1865. 12s. 6d. Bright, James W. The Gospel of St. Luke in Anglo-Saxon. Ed- ited from the Manuscripts ; with an Introduction, Notes, and a Cilossary. Pp. vi, 158, i6mo. Lond.: Froude; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. Greenfield, William. Book of the New Covenant, Translated from the Greek into Hebrew. [A Hebrew Version of the New Testament.] 8vo. Lond.: Bagsier; N.Y. : Wiley, 1831. [Latin Bible.] Biblia Sacra Vulgate. Editionis Sixti V. et dementis VHI, jussu recog- nita atque edita. Pp. 773, fcp. 8vo. Lond. : Bagster ; N. Y. : Wiley, passim. 3^. 6d., %i. Novum Testamentum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Latine. Secundum editionem Sancii Hie- ronymi rec. I. Wordsworth, S.T.P,, in operis societatam ad- sumto H. I. White. A.M. [In progress.] 4to. Lond. and N.Y. : Macmillan, 1887. Ease. I. Evangelium secundum Matthse- um. $3.25. Fasc. II. Evangelium secundum Marcum. $1.90. Fasc. III. Evangelium secundum Lucam. $3.25. Fasc. IV. Evangelium secundum Joannem. $3-25' Skeat, Walter W., Rev., Litt. D., LL.D. The Holy Gospels in Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian, and Old Mercian Versions, synop- tically arranged, with Collations Exhibiting all the Readings of all the MSS., together with the early Latin Version as contained in the Lindisfarne MS. [4 vols, in I.] Pp. xii, 258; xxxii, 144; xii, 252 ; XX, 197. Camb. : Univ. Pr., 1 87 1- 1887. 40J. N. Y. : Macmillan. $13. The Gospel of St. Mark in Gothic. Pp. Ixxv, 103, i6mo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr. ; N. Y. : Macmillan. $1. Studia Sinaitica. No. II. An Arabic Version of the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans, Corin- thians, Galatians, with Part of the Epistle to the Ephesians. From a Ninth Century MS. in the Con- vent of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai. Edited by Margaret Dun- lop Gibson. Pp. 136, 4to. Lond. andN. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $2.50. B. GRAMMARS. a. HEBREW AND ARAMAIC (CHAL- DEE). Ball, C. J.. Rev. An Elementary Hebrew Grammar; with Induc- tive Exercises and Readings from the Old Testament ; with Intro- duction by R. F. Weidner. Pp. 423. 8vo. N. Y. : Revel), 1893. $2.25. Brown, C. R. An Aramaic Method. Chic. : Am. Pub. Soc. of Heb.. 1884. Part II. Elements of Gram- mar. Pp. 96, i2mo. 1886. %i. Carrier. Augustus S. The He- brew Verb. A Series of Tabular Studies. Pp. ii, 23, 8vo. Chic. : Stern, 1892. 50 cents. Davidson, A.M., Prof., LL.D. An Introductory Hebrew Grammar; with Progressive Exercises in Reading and Writing. Edinb. : Clark, 1874. loth ed., pp. viii. 200, Svo. 1892. ys.6d. 56 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Driver, S. R., M.A. A Treatise on the Use of the Tenses in Hebrew. Pp. xvi, 320, i2mo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr. ; Lond. : Macmillan, 1874. 3d ed., 1892. 6s. dd. EWALD, Heinrich. Introductory Hebrew Grammar. Translated by J. F. Smith. Pp. 279, 8vo. Lond. : Asher, 1870. 6j. Syntax of the Hebrew Language of the Old Testa- ment. Translated from the 8th German ed., by James Kennedy, B.D. Pp. viii, 323, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1879. 8^. dd. Gesenius, F. H. William. He- brew Grammar. Translated by Benjamin Davies, LL.D., from Roediger's edition. Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged, on the Basis of the Latest edition of Prof. E. Kautzsch, D.D., and from other recent Authorities, by Edward C. Mitchell, D.D. Andover: Dra- per, 1880. $3. 2d Am. ed., Revised and Enlarged on the Basis of the 25th German edition of Prof. Kautzsch. Pp. X, xxxiii, 556, 8vo. Bost. : Bradley, 1893. Gesenius, Wilhelm. Student's Hebrew Grammar. From the 2 1st German edition of Gesenius's Hebrew Grammar as specially prepared and improved bv E. Roechger, Ph.D., D.D. Translated by B. Davies, Ph.D., LL.D. With Reading Book and Exercises by the translator. Third copyright ed., pp. XV, xxxii, 411, 8vo. Lond.: Cohn, 1876. Ts. 6d. Green, William Henry. An Elementary Hebrew Grammar ; with Reading and Writing Les- sons and Vocabularies. Pp. viii, 194, i2mo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1866. 2d revised ed., pp. viii, 194, i2mo. 1872. $1.25. A Grammar of the Hebrew Language. Pp. x, 400, 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1 861. 4th ed., 1890. $2. A Hebrew Chrestomathy ; or. Lessons in Reading and Writing Hebrew. Pp. vi, 261, 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1864. New issue, 1877. $2. Harper, William R., Ph.D. Ele- ments of Hebrew, by an Inductive Method. Chic: Am. Pub. Soc. of Heb., 1 88 1. 6th ed., pp. 182, 8vo. 1885. $2. Introductory Hebrew Method and Manual. Chic. : Am. Pub. Soc. of Heb., 1885. 2d ed., pp. 170. 73» i2mo. $2. Hebrew Student's Manual, The. Consisting of, I, A He- brew Grammar. II, A Series of Hebrew Lessons analyzed. Ill, The Book of Psalms with Inter- lineary Translation. IV, A He- brew and English Lexicon, con- taining ail the Hebrew and Chal- dee Words in the Old Testament Scriptures. Pp. viii, 722, 8vo. Lond, : Bagster ; N. Y. : Wiley, 1868. I4i., $4.25. Kennedy, J., Prof. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew, presenting Graduated Instruction in the lan- guage of the Old Testament. Pp. 322, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1888. 12S, Leathes, Stanley, D.D. Short Practical Hebrew Grammar. With the Hebrew Text of Gene- sis I-VI, and Psalms I-VI. Grammatical Analysis and Vocab- ulary. Pp. viii, 244, p. 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1868. 7s.6d. Mitchell, Edward C. An Ele- mentary Hebrew Grammar and Reading Book. Pp. 120, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1884. $1.25. Muller, August. Outlines of Hebrew Syntax; translated and edited by James Robertson, D.D. Pp. xiv, 143, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan ; Glasg. : Mac- lehose, 1882. 3d ed., 1888. 6.?., $1.60. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 57 NORDHEIMER, ISAAC, Dr. A Criti- cal Grammar of the Hebrew Lan- guage. 2 vols. (Vol. I, 2d ed.), pp. 212, 379, 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1842. $3.50. RiGGS, Elias, M.A. a Manual of the Chaldee Language ; contain- ing a Chaldee Grammar, Chresto- mathy, Vocabulary, etc. Bost. : Perkins. 1832. 3cl ed., revised, pp.152, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1866. $2. Strack, Hermann L. Hebrew Grammar, with Reading Book, Exercises, Literature and Vocabu- laries. Translated from the Ger- man by Arch. R. S. Kennedy, B.D., Professor, Aberdeen. Pp. xvi, 150, 115, 21. i2mo. Berl. : Reuther, 2d ed., 1889. Strong, James, LL.D. Epitome of Hebrew Grammar. Pp. 80, 8vo. Published by the author at Mad- ison, N. J., 1875. Stuart, Moses, D.D. A Gram- mar of the Hebrew Language. Andover: Gould, 1821-1838. 6ih ed., pp. 276, 8v'o. Tregelles. S. Prideaux, LL.D. The Heads of Hebrew Grammar. Pp. viii, 126, 8vo. Lond. : Bag- ster ; N. Y. : Wiley, 1852. 4s. 6^., $1.25. Hebrew Reading Lessons. Pp. vi, 70, 8vo. Lond. : Bagster : N. Y.: Wiley, n. d. 5^., $1.50. TuRPiE. David McCalman, M.A., D.D. A Manual of the Chaldee Language ; . . . a Gram- mar of the Biblical Chaldee and of the Targums ; a Chrestom- athy . . . with a Vocabulary. Pp. xxiii, 147, 52, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1879. 7^- Vtbbert, W. H., Rev., M.A. A Guide to Reading the Hebrew Text; for the use of Beginners. Pp.67, i2mo. Andover: Draper, 1852. New ed., 1876. $1.25. WiCKES, William, D.D. A Trea- tise on the Accentuation of the three so-called Poetical Books of the Old Testament, Psalms, Prov- erbs, and Job. With an Appendix containing the Treatise, assigned to R. Jehuda Ben-Bileam, on the same subject, in the original Ara- bic. Pp.xii, 119, 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1881. y.6d. A Treatise on the Accentuation of the twenty-one so-called Prose Books of the Old Testament, with a facsimile of a page ot the Codex as- signed to Ben-Asher in Aleppo. Oxf.: Clar. Pr.; N. Y.: Macmil- lan, 1887. Pp. xiv, 155, 8vo. $2.75. Winer, George Benedict, Dr. Grammar of the Chaldee Lan- guage, as contained in the Bible and the Targums. Translated by Prof. H. B. Hackett. Pp. 152, 8vo. N. Y. : Van Nostrand, 1845. Lond.: Triibner, 1863. y. 6d. New ed., 1851. 84 cents. Wolf, J. Robert, Dr. A Practi- cal Hebrew Grammar ; with Pro- gressive Constructive Exercises to every Rule. Pp. xiv, 204, 8vo. Lond. : Bagster, 1852. 6s. b. greek. Burton, Ernest DeWitt. Syn- tax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek. 2d ed., Revised and Enlarged, 8vo. Chic. : Univ. Pr. of Chicago, 1894. $2.50. Buttmann, Alexander. A Grammar of the New Testament Greek, authorized translation, with numerous additions and correc- tions by the author, by J. H. Thayer. 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1873. New ed., pp. xx, 474, 1878. $2.75. Greek New Testament. Hand- book to the Grammar of: together with a complete Vocabu- lary and an Examination of the chief New Testament Synonyms. 58 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Illustrated by numerous Examples and Comments. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. (n. d.), [1870.] 7s. 6d. Green, T. S., Rev., M.A. Treatise on the Grammar of the New Tes- tament Dialect. Pp. viii, 244, 8vo. Lontl.: Bagster, [1872.J js. J ELF, W. E. A Grammar of the Greek Language. 3d ed., enlarged and improved. 2 vols., pp. 517, 700, 8vo. Oxf.: Parker, 1861. 4th ed., 1866. 30J. SiMCOX, William Henry, M.A. The Language of the New Testa- ment. Pp. xii, 226, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y.: Whittaker, [1889.J 2s. 6d., 75 cents. The Writers of the New Testa- ment. Their Style and Charac- teristics. [Second Part of The Language of the New Testament.] Pp. xiii, 190, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder ; N. Y.: Whittaker, 1890. 2s. 6d., 75 cents. Stuart, Moses, D.D. A Gram- mar of the New Testament Dia- lect. Pp. 312, 8vo. Andover: Gould, 1834. Newed., 1841. $2. Frequent editions. Trollope, William. A Greek Grammar to the New Testament, and to the Common or Hellenic Diction of the Later Greek Writers; arranged as a Supplement to Butt- mann's Intermediate or Larger Greek Grammar. Pp. 257, 8vo. Lond.: Whittaker, 1841. 9^. 6d. Webster, William, Rev. Syn- tax and Synonyms of the Greek Testament. Pp. viii, 287, 8vo. Lend.: Rivington, 1864. 9^. Winer, George Benedict, Dr. A Grammar of the Idiom of the New Testament, prepared as a solid Basis for the Interpretation of the New Testament. 7th ed., enlarged and improved by Dr. Gottlieb Liinemann. Revised and authorized translation. New ed., pp. xviii, 728, 8vo. Andover : Draper, 1877. $4. — A Treatise on the Grammar of New Testament Greek, regarded as a sure Basis for New Testa- ment Exegesis. Translated from the German, with large additions and full Indices. 2d ed., by W. F. Moulton. 8th English ed., pp. xxix, 848. Edinb.: Clark, 1877. 15^. C. ARABIC AND SYRIAC. CowpER, B. H. Principles of Syriac Grammar, translated and abridged from the work of Dr. Hoffmann. Pp. XX, 184, 8vo. Lond.: Wil- liams, 1858. ys. 6d. Faris El Shidiac. A Practical Grammar of the Arabic Language, with Interlinear Reading Lessons, Dialogues, and Vocabulary. Pp. 151, i6mo. Lond.: Quaritch, 1855. 2d ed., i2mo, 1866. 5^. Jacob, George. An Arabic Bible Chrestomathy with a Glossary. Pp. iv, 54, i2mo. N. Y.: Wester- mann, 1888. 90 cents. MAR(i) Elia of Sobha. a Trea- tise on Syriac Grammar. Edited and Translated ... by Richard J. H. Gottheil. Pp. 71, 54. Ber- lin: Peiser ; Lond.: Triibner ; N. Y. : Westermann. 1887. $3. Nestle, Eberhard. Syriac Gram- mar ; with Bibliography, Chres- tomathy, and Glossary. From the German 2d ed. of the Brevis Linguae Syriacae Grammatica, by A. R. S. Kennedv. Pp. I95' i2mo. N. Y. : Westermann, 1889. $3. Palmer, E. H., M.A. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. Pp. xxiii, 414, 8vo. Lond.: Allen, 1874. i8j. The Arabic Manual ; com- prising a Condensed Grammar of both the Classical and Mod- ern Arabic Reading Lessons and EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 59 Exercises, with Analysis and a , Vocabulary of Useful Words. Pp. 304, i2mo. Lond.: Allen, 1881. 2ded., 1885. 7s. 6d. SociN, A., D.D. Arabic Grammar : Paradigms, Literature, Chrestoma- thy, and Glossary. Pp. xvi, 102, 191, sm. 8vo. Carlsruhe and Leip- zig : Reuther ; N. Y. : Westermann, 1885. $2.60. Stoddard, D. T., Rev. Grammar of the Modern Syriac Language, as Spoken in Oroomiah, Persia, and in Koordistan. Pp. ii, 180, 8vo. New Haven : Am. Or. Soc, 1855. $1.50. Syriac Reading Lessons : . . . copious extracts from the Peschito Version of the Old and New Tes- taments, and the Crusade of Rich- ard I, from Bar Hebraeus : . . . with the Elements of Syriac Gram- mar. By the author of The Analyt- ical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. Pp. xxxvi, 87, i6mo. Lond. : Bag- ster, 185 1. 5 J. Uhlemann, Max. Syriac Gram- mar. Translated by Enoch Hutchinson. With a Course of Exercises in Syriac Grammar, a Chreslomathy, and brief Lexicon, prepared by the Translator. First appeared, Andover : Allen, 1845. Pp. 367, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1855. $3-50. Wright, William. A Grammar of the Arabic Language. Trans- lated from the German of Caspari, and edited with numerous Ad- ditions and Corrections. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 351 ; XV, 484, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1 859-1 862. 2d ed., 1874. 28J. 6d. Arabic Chrestomathy, with Complete Glossary, Pp. xxiv, 208. Lond.: Williams, 1870. 7^.6^. d. other languages. Benfey, Theodor. a Practical Grammar of the Sanscrit Lan- guage for the Use of Early Stu- dents. Lond. : Triibner. 1863. 2d ed., revised and corrected, pp. vii, 295, 8vo. 1868. los. 6d. Bertin, George, M.R.A.S. Abridged Grammar of the Lan- guages of the Cuneiform Inscrip- tions ; containing L Sumero-Ak- kadian Grammars ; H. Assyro- Babylonian Grammar; HL Vannic Grammar; IV. Medic Grammar; V. Old Persian Grammar. Pp. viii, 117, p. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1888. 5^. Delitzsch, Frederic. Assyrian grammar, with Paradigms, Exer- cises, Glossary, and Bibliography ; from the German by A. R. S. Kennedy. Pp. xvi, 366, 80, i2mo. Lond. : Williams ; N. Y. : Wes- termann, 1889. 15^., $4. Lyon, D. G. An Assyrian Manual. Pp. 45, 138, 8vo. Chic: Am. Pub. Soc.ot Heb., 1886. $4- Sayce. a. H., Rev., M.A. An Assyrian Grammar for Compar- ative Purposes. Pp. xvi, 188, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1872. ys.6d. Lectures upon the Assyrian Language and Syllabary. Pp. viii, 1 57, sm. 4to. Lond. : Bagster, 1877. gs. 6d. e. comparative grammar. Bopp, F., Prof. A Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages. Translated by Edward B. East- wick, F.R.S., and edited by Prof. H. H. Wilson. Lond.: Williams, 1850. 3d ed., 3 vols., pp. 1,482, 8vo. 1862. 42J. Clarke, John C. C. The Origin and Varieties of the Semitic Al- phabet. Pp. 18, 20 plates, 8vo. Chic. : Am. Pub. Soc. of Heb., 1886. 75 cents. Wright, William, LL.D. Lec- tures on the Comparative Gram- 6o LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. mar of the Semitic Languages. From the papers of the late . Pp. xii, 288, 8vo. Camb. : Univ. Pr. ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1890. $3.50. f. LANGUAGES OF THE BIBLE. Delitzsch, Frederic, D.D. The Hebrew Language viewed in the Light of Assyrian Research. Pp. ii, 73, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1883. 4s. Roberts, Alex., D.D. Greek the Language of Christ and his Apos- tles. Pp. xvi, 510, 8vo. Lond. andN. Y. : Longmans, 1888. iSs., $6.50. C. LEXICONS. a. HEBREW. Brown, Francis, D.D., Driver, S. R., Briggs, C. a., D.D. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament based on the Lexicon of Gesenius as translated by Edward Robinson. [In press to be issued in parts.] Part I. Pp. xiii, 88, 4to. Oxf.: Univ. Pr.; Bost. and N. Y.: Houghton, 1891. Davidson, B. The Analytical He- brew and Chaldee Lexicon, con- sisting of an Alphabetical Arrange- ment of every Word and Inflec- tion contained in the Old Testa- ment Scriptures, precisely as they occur in the Sacred Text. Pp. 877, 4to. Lond. : Bagster ; N. Y. : Wiley. 2d ed., 1848. 12^., $4. Davies, Benjamin. A Compendi- ous and Complete Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Tes- tament ; with an English-Hebrew Index. Carefully Revised by E. C. Mitchell. Pp. xxxii, 752, '8vo. Andover: Draper, 1879. 3d ed., Lond.: Asher, 1880. $4.25, 12s. Fuerst, Julius, Dr. A Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament. 3d ed., improved and enlarged. Translated by Samuel Davidson, D.D. Pp. 1,547, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1 87 1. 4th ed., improved and en- larged, 1 87 1. 21^. Gesenius, F. H. William. The- saurus Philologicus Criticus Linguae Hebrasas et Chaldaeas Veteris Testamenli. Pp. 1,522, 4to. Leipzig: 1829-1853. ig m^. Hebrew Lexicon. Translated and Edited with Additions and Corrections, by S. P. Tregelles, LL.D. 4to. Lond. : Bagster ; N. Y.: Wiley, 1846-1852. 28^. 6^., $7. A Hebrew and English Lexi- con to the Old Testament, in- cluding the Biblical Chaldee. Translated by Edward Robinson. With Corrections and large Addi- tions, partly furnished by the Author in Manuscript, and partly Condensed from his larger The- saurus, as completed by Roediger. Bost. : Crocker, 1836- 1844. 20th ed., pp. ix, 1,160, 8vo. N. Y. : Houghton. $7.50. J. L. Potter has an English-Hebrew Index to the last-named book. N. Y. and Bost. : Houghton, 1872. $2. Girdlestone, R. B., Rev., M.A. Synonyms of the Old Testament ; their Bearing on Christian Faith and Practice. Pp. xiv, 548, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1871. iss. Hellmuth,J.,Bp. Biblical Thesau- rus ; or, A Literal Translation and Critical Analysis of every Word in the Original Languages of the Old Testament ; with Explanatory Notes in Appendices. Vol. I, Genesis. Pp. 370, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1884. 15J. Josephs, Michael. An English and Hebrew Lexicon. To which is added a Selection of Proper Names occurring in Scripture and in the Rabbinical Writings. Pp. xvi, 378, 8vo. Lond.: Wertheim, 1834. 21S. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 6i KOHUT, Alex., Rabbi, D.D., Ph.D. Arukh Completum, sive Lexicon vocabula et res quae in libres Tar- gumicis, Talmuclicis et Mid rash icis continentur explicans auctore Na- thane filio Jechielis, . . . cum septem Aruchinis veteribus manu- scripti bono cum animo facta comparatione corrigit, explet, cri- tice illustrat et edit, etc., etc ; also Hebrew title. Vienna, 1 878-1 892. 9 vols., sm. fo., nearly 4,000 double-column pp. Leipzig and Berlin : Koehler's Antiquarium. b. GREEK. Analytic Greek Lexicon to THE New Testament, The. Pp. 490, 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1868; N. Y. : Wiley, 1870. 15^., Si. 50. BULLINGER, E. W. A Critical Lexi- con and Concordance to the Eng- lish and Greek New Testament ; together with an Index of Greek Words, and several Appendices. Pp. 1,000, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1877. 2d ed., 1886. i^s. Cremer, Hermann, D.D. Biblico- Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek. Translated from 2d Germ, ed., by D. W. Simon, D.D. , and William Urwick, M.A. Pp. viii, 603, 4to. Edinb. : Clark, 1872. 3d Engl, from 4th Germ, ed., 1886. N. Y.: Scrib- ner. 255-., $13.50. Germ. ed. is now (1894) in the 7th ed. Greek Students' Manual, The. Containing: I. A Practical Guide to the Greek Testament ; n. The New Testament, Greek and English; HL A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament. Pp. 676, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Bagster, 1868. 14s. Green, T. S., Rev., M.A. A Pocket Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament. Pp. 208, i2mo. Lond.: Bagster, [1872.] 3J. 6d., 80 cents. Groves, John, Rev. A Greek and English Dictionary, . . . with the difficult inflections, ... in the Sep- tuagint and the New Testament. Pp. viii, 644, 8vo. Bost. : Hilliard, 1830. $2.25. HiCKiE, W. J. Greek-English Lexi- con to the New Testament. After the latest and best authorities. Pp. 212, i8mo. Lond. : Mac- mil Ian, 1893. 3^-. HoGUE, Addison. The irregular Verbs of Attic Prose, their Forms, Prominent Meanings, and Impor- tant Compounds; together with Lists of Related Words and Eng- lish Derivatives. Pp. xii, 268, i2mo. Bost.: Ginn. 1889. §1.60. Robinson, Edward, D.D. A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament. N. Y. : Har- per, 1836. New ed., pp. xii, 804, roy. 8vo. 1878. $6. Sophocles, E. A. A Glossary of Latin and Byzantine Greek. Pp. iv, 624,410. Lond.: Trlibner, i860. 42^. Republished and enlarged under title A Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods. Pp. xiv, 1,188. Bost. : Little, 1870. $10. New (memorial) ed. N. Y. : Scribner, 1887. Thayer, Joseph Henry, D.D. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti, translated, revised, and enlarged. Pp. XX, 726, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1887. Corrected ed. 1893. $5. Trench, Richard C, D.D. Syno- nyms of the New Testament. Pp. 250, i2mo. N. Y. : Redfield, 1854. 2d part, i2mo, pp. 214. Scribner, 1866. 9th ed., 8vo, pp. XXX, 405. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1880. 12^., $4. Wahl, Christ. Abr., Ph.D., D.D. Clavis librorum Veteris Testamen- ti apocryphorum philologica. Pp. 509, 8vo. Lipsiae: Barth, 1853. 12 m^. 62 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. C. ARABIC AND SYRIAC. Bar Bahlule, Hassan. Lexicon syriacum, voces syriacas graecas- que cum glossis syriacis et arabicis complectens e pluribus codicibus edidit et notulis instruxit Rubens Duval. Fasciculi 1-3. Pp. vi, 48, 1,208, 4to. Paris: Bouillon, 1892. i6/r. Castelli,Edmundi. Lexicon Syr- iacum ex eius Lexico Heptaglotto seorsim typis describi curavit atque sua adnotata adjecit Joannes David Michaelis. Pp. x, 980. Goettingcc: Dieterich, 1788. Catafago, Joseph. An English and Arabic Dictionary in two parts : Arabic-English and Eng- lish-Arabic. 2 vols., pp. 1,072, 8vo. Lond. : Quaritch, 1858. 40^. Freytag, G. W. Lexicon Arabico- Latinum ex opere suo magno in usum tironum excerptum. Pp. 694, 4to. Halis Saxonum, 1837. \6thlr. Lane, E. W. Arabic-English Lex- icon, derived from the best and most copious Eastern Sources ; comprising a very large Collection of Words and Significations omit- ted in the Kamoos. Roy. 4to. Lond.: Williams, 1867, sqq. (in progress : already issued, 8 vols., in parts at 25.?. each). Whish, H. F. Clavis Syriaca : a Key to the ancient Syriac Version called Peshito of the Four Holy Gospels. Pp. 590, 8vo, Lond. : Paul, 1883. 3 1 J. 6d. d. OTHER LANGUAGES. Brunnow, Rudolph E., Ph.D.. (Comp.) A Classified List of all Simple and Compound Ideographs occurring in the Texts hitherto published, with their Assyro-Baby- lonian Equivalents, phonetic Val- ues, etc. Pp. X, 596, [4,] 8, 4to. Leyden: Brill, 1887- 1889. Jastrow, M. a Dictionary of the Targumim. the Talmud, Babli, and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature in 12 parts. Parts I-X. N. v.: Putnams, 1886-1894, each part $2. In process of publication. NORRIS, Edwin. Assyrian Diction- ary, intended to further the Study of the Cuneiform Inscriptions of Assyria and Babylon. Vols. I-III. Pp. xvi, 1,068, 4to. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1 869-1 87 1. 84?. Williams, Monier, M.A. A San- skrit-English Dictionary Etymolog- ically and Philologically arranged, with special reference to Greek, Latin, Gothic, German, Anglo- Saxon, and other cognate and Indo-European Languages. Pp. xxiv, 1,186, 4to. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1872. 94?. 6d. D. SYNONYMS— GREEK. Girdlestone, R. B. See p. 60. Tittmann, John A. H., D.D. Re- marks on the Synonyms of the New Testament. Translated by Rev. Edward Craig, M.A. 2 vols., pp. xxxvi, 265; iv, 281, i6mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1833. 12^, Trench, R. C, D.D. Synonyms of the New Testament. See p. 61. W^EBSTER, William, M.A. The Syntax and Synonyms of the Greek Testament. Pp. viii, 287, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1864. 91^. E. CONCORDANCES. Bruder, Caroli Herrmanni. Tamieion . . . sive Concordantias Omnium Vocum Novi Testamenti. Pp. Hi, 886, lex. 8vo. Leipzig : Bredt, 1867. 4th ed., 1888. 20 ink. Cruden, Alexander. A Com- plete Concordance to the Holy Scriptures. 1st ed., Lend., 1737. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 63 Verified by Deodatus Bye, Lond., 1810; reprinted, Lond., 1824; and Phila., Perkins, 1 830. N. Y.: Dodd, 1870. $2.75. 52d ed., pp. 570, 8vo. Lond., 1890. ^s. 6d. Frequent issues ; f^w of them accurate. Davidson, B. Englishman's He- brew and Chaldee Concordance of the Old Testament. 2 vols., pp. 1786, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Bag- ster. 2cl ed., i860. 73.?. 6d. Eadie, John. An Analytical Con- cordance to the Holy Scriptures. Pp. Ixiv, 776, roy. 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1857. $3. Englishman's, The, Greek Con- cordance OF the New Testa- ment; being an Attempt at a Verbal Connection between the Greek and English Texts. Pp. v, 934, 14. roy. 8vo. Lend.: Tr. Soc, 1839. ' 2i.y. 8th ed., Lond., 1883. Pp. 882, 4to. N. Y.: Harper, 1848; new issue, 1879. $4. Englishman's, The, Hebrew AND Chaldee Concordance OF the Old Testament ; being an Attempt at a Verbal Connection between the Original and the En- glish Translation, with Indexes, a List of the Proper Names, and their Occurrences. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 1686, 78, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Bag- ster; N. Y'. : Wiley, 1843. 3d ed., 1874. 42^.. $25. Fuerst, Julius. Librorum Sa- crorum Veteris Testamenti Con- cordantiae Hebraicse atque Chal- daice . . . Pp. xii, 1,428, fo. Lip- si^e: Tauchnitz, 1840. 72 tnk. Can now be found occasionally in second- hand bookstoie.s, prices a.sked varying from $12 to $24. Gall, James. Interpreting Con- cordance of the New Testament, showing the Greek Original of Every Word. With a Glossary, explaining all the Greek Words of the New Testament, and giving their varied Renderings in the Authorized Version. Pp. 360, sq. 8vo. Edinb.: Gall, 1863. 7s. 6d. Handy Concordance of the Septuagint, giving Various Readings from Codices Vaticanus, Alexandrinus, Sinaiticus, and Eph- raemi, with an Appendix of Words from Origen's Hexapla, etc., not found in the above MSS. Pp. viii, 284. 8vo. Lond.: Bagster; N.Y. : Wiley (1887). 21J., $5. Hatch, Edwin, D.D., and Red- path, Henry A., and Others. Concordance to the Septuagint and other Greek Versions of the Old Testament (including the Apocryphal books). Lond. : Froude; N. Y.: Macmillan, 1892. To be is.sued in parts, each part 2i.f., $5. The entire work is in press. Parts I-III are out (1894). Hitchcock, Roswell D., Rev., D.D., LL.D. New and Complete Analysis of the Holv Bible ; or, The Whole of the Old and New Testaments arranged according to Subjects in tweniy-seven Books. On the Basis of Matthew Talbot, as improved . . .by Nathaniel West, D.D. Illustrated . . . together with Cruden's Concord- ance . . . revised by John Eadie, D.D., LL.D. . . . Pp. xlviii, 1,159, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Johnson, 1S69; new issue, revised, 1878. $6.75. Hudson, Charles F. A Critical Greek and English Concordance of the New Testament. Revised and Completed by Ezra Abbot. Pp. xxii, 510, i6mo. Bost. : Hast- ings, 1870. 7th ed., to which is added Green's Greek and English Lexicon. Pp. xxvi, 508, 208, 1885. $2.50. Strong, James, S.T.D., LL.D. The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: showing Every Word of the Text of the Common English Version of the Canonical Books, and Every Occurrence of each 64 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Word in Regular Order ; Together with a Comparative Concordance of the Authorized and Revised Versions, including the American Variations; also Brief Dictionaries of the Hebrew and Greek Words of the Original with Reference to the English Words. Pp. 1,340, 262, 128, 79, 4to. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1894. $6. Student's Concordance, The, to the Revised Version, 1881, of the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Com- piled upon an original Plan, show- ing the Changes in all Words re- ferred to. With Appendices of the chief authorized Words and Passages omitted. . . . Pp. xii, 447, sm. 4to. Lond. : Bemrose, 1882. js. 6d. Thomas, John Alexander. A Complete Concordance to the Re- vised Version of the New Testa- ment ; embracing the Marginal Readings of the English Revisers as well as those of the American Committee. Pp. 532, 8vo. Oxf. : Univ. Pr. ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. $2.50. Trommius, Abraham. Concor- dantiae Grsecae Versionis vulgo dictae LXX Interpretum . . . Leguntur hie prseterea Voces Graecae pro Hebraicis redditte ab antiquis omnibus Veteris Testa- ment! Interpretibus . . . Aquila, Symmacho, Theodotione, et alio. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 1,008 ; 716, 134,70, xxxvi, fo. Amsterdam, 17 18, Copies of this monumental work may oc» casionally be obtained for about $25 or $30. Young, Robert. Analytical Con- cordance to the Bible on an en- tirely new Plan ; containing Every Word in Alphabetical Order, ar- ranged under its Hebrew or Greek Original . . . exhibiting about 31 1,000 references, . . . etc. Pp. iv, 1,090. 4to. Lond.: Hodder, 1880. 36J. N. Y. : Funk, 1880. 4th ed„ 188!. $4. F. INTRODUCTION. a. whole bible. See also Introduclion to Hexateuch, Psaltns, Separate Books, New Testatfient, Gospels, Epistles, Acts, also in Commentaries for Special Introduciion. Angus, Joseph. The Bible Hand- Book ; an Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture. Edited by Francis S. Hoyt. Pp. 727, 8vo. Phila.: Claxton, 1865. New ed., [containing also] Short Illus- trated Sketches of Coinage and Money connected with the Scrip- ture Narrative, by F. W. Mad den. Pp. xvi, xi, 788. Phila. : Fagan, 1883. $3. Questions on above. Phila. : Claxton, 1 86-. 30 cents. Bible Remembrancer, The. Containing an Analysis of the Whole Bible, with an Introduc- tion to Each of the Books of the Old and New Testaments. Also ... a large Amount of Biblical Information. Pp. 208. N. Y. and Chic: Revell, [1893.] $1.25. Blake, S. Leroy, D.D. The Book ; or, When, and by Whom, the Bible was Written ; with an Introduction by M. B. Riddle. Pp. iv, 283, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. S. S, and Pub. Co., 1886. $1.50. Blunt, John Henry, Rev., M.A. A Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Holy Bible. i2mo. Lond.: Rixington, 1867. Pp. 154, i6mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1869. 2.y.6^.,$i- Book by Book. Popular Studies in the Canon of Scripture by the Bishop of Ripon, Archdeacon Farrar, Very Rev. H. D. M. Spence, Prof. W. G. M. Elms- lie, A. B. Davidson, Marcus Dods, Stanley Leathes, Canon Maclear, Rev. George Salmon, Prof. James Robinson, William Sanday, William Milligan. Pp. 570, p. 8vo. Lond. : Isbister ; EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 65 Phila. : Lippincott, 1892. js.Gd., $2.50. Studies, originally written as Introduc- tions to the several Books of the Bible in the " New Illustrated Bible," and now collected and published separately. Cambridge Companion to the Bible. Containing- the Structure, Growth, and Preservation of the Bible ; Introductions to the several Bool^s, with Summaries of Con- tents, History and Chronology, Antiquities, Natural History ; Glossary of Bible Words, Index of Proper Names ; Index of Subjects, Concordance, Maps, and Index of Places. Pp. 534, i2mo. Lond.: Clay. Pp. xii, 412. N.Y.:Macmil- lan, 1893. 3.y. 6d., $1.25. Carpenter, W. Boyd, Rev. My Bible. Pp. iv, 120, 24mo. N. Y.: Cassell, 1884. 40 cents. Comprehensive Helps to Bible Study. With a Concordance to the Holy Scriptures on a New and Improved Plan, and an Indexed Scripture Atlas. Pp. 290, 8vo. Lond.: Bagster, 1892. 2s. Dixon, Joseph, D.D. A General Introluction to the Sacred Scrip- tures ; in a Series of Dissertations, critical, hermeneutical, and histor- ical. 2 vols., pp. xii, 506 ; v, 442, Bvo. Dubl. : Duffy, 1852. Am. ed., 2 vols, in i, pp. 247,271, 8vo. Bait. : Murphy, 1853. $2.50. Ellicott, Charles J., D.D., (Ed.) Plain Introductions to the Books of the Bible. 2 vols., pp. vii, 358; iv, 342, i6mo. N. v.: Cassell, 1894. $2. Gardiner, Frederick. Aids to Scripture Study. Pp. xii, 277, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1890 [1891]. $1.25. Harm AN, Henry M. Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriptures. (Vol. I, of Library of Theological and Biblical Literature.) Pp. 762, 8vo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1883. $4. Helps to the Study of the Bt^ BLE ; with a General Index, a Dictionary of Proper Names, a Concordance, and a Series of Maps. Pp. vii, 578, i2mo. Lond.: Frovvde; N. Y. : Nelsons, 1884. y. 6d., $1.50. HiGGiNSON, Edward. The Spirit of the Bible ; or, the Nature and Value of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures Discriminated, in an Analysis of their several Books. 2 vols., pp. 1,060, 8vo. Lond.: Whitfield, 1853-1855. 2d ed., 1863. iss. Horne, Thomas H. An Intro- duction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. I St ed., 1803 (?) ; 13th ed., revised and corrected by J. Ay re and S. Tregelles. 4 vols., pp. xxiii, 624 ; XX, 934; XX, 475; xxvii, 801, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Pott, 1872. 42^., $20. Newton, R. Heber, Rev. The Right and Wrong Uses of the Bible. Pp. iv, 264, i6mo. N. Y. : Lovell, 1883. 20 cents. NiCHOLLS, Benjamin Elliott^ A.M. The Mine Explored ; or, Help to the Reading of the Bible. Lond. : S. P. C. K. New ed., 1862. Pp. 382, i2mo. Phila.: Am. S. S. Un., 1853. 2 J. 6(^., 75 cents. Randles, M. The Design and L^se of Holy Scripture. Being the twenty-second Fernley Lecture, delivered in Bradford, 1892. Pp. 267, 8vo. Lond.: Wesl. Bk. Room, 1882. y. Rice, Edwin W., D.D. Our Sixty- six Sacred Books : how they came to us and what they are. Pp. iv, 159, i2mo. Phila.: Am. S. S. Un., 1891. 2d ed., 1892. 50 cents. Talbot, R. T. Our Bible ; how it has come to us. Pp. 126, p. Bvo. Lond.: Isbister, 1894. is. 6d. 66 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Williamson, James, B.D. The Truth, Inspiration, Authority, and End of the Scriptures Considered and Defended. See under Col- lected Works, Bainpton Lectures for 1793. Wood, E. M., Rev. How the Bible was Made. Pp. 263, i6mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1883. $1. b. OLD TESTAMENT. \. As a whole. See also Introduction to Whole Bible, to Hexateuch, Psalms, and Separate Books. Barry, Alfred. An Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament. Part I, pp. xvi, 272, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1856. 6^. Bleek, Johannes. An Introduc- tion to the Old Testament. Edited by Adolph Kamphausen. Trans- lated from the 2d ed., Berlin, 1865, by G. H. Venables. 2 vols., pp. xviii, xii, 967, i2mo. Lond. : Bell, 1875. lOi-. Briggs, Charles Augustus, D.D. Biblical Study, its Principles, Methods, and History; together with a Catalogue of Books of Ref- erence. Pp. xvi, 506, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. $2.50. Bush, R. Wheeler, Rev. A Popular Introduction to the Pen- tateuch, i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1883. 2s. 6d. A Popular Introduction to Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. P. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1883. 2s. Chambers, Talbot W., D.D. A Companion to the Revised Old Testament. Pp.269, i2mo. N. Y.: Funk, 1885. %i. Cross, John A., Rev., M.A. In- troductory Hints to English Read- ers of the Old Testament. Pp. x, 336, p. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1882. 7s. 6d. Davidson, Samuel. An Intro- duction to the Old Testament, Critical, Historical, and Theolog- ical. 3 vols., pp. xii, 536 ; viii, 492 ; viii, 492, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1862. 42J. De Wette, W. M. L. a Critical and Historical Introduction to the Canonical Scriptures of the Old Testament. Translated and En- larged by Theodore Parker. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1843. New ed., 1850. Bost. : Lit- tle, 1843. 2d ed., pp. xxvi, 517; 570, 1858. 24-y., $7.50. Driver, S. R., D.D. An Introduc- tion to the Literature of the Old Testament. Pp. xxix, 522, 8vo. 2d ed., pp. xxxii, 543, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. $2.50. Havernick, H. a. Ch. a General Historico-Critical Introduction to the Old Testament. Translated by W. L. Alexander. Pp. 403, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1852. loj. 6d. Keil, KarlF. Manual of Historical Critical Introduction to the Canon- ical Scriptures of the Old Testa- ment. Translated by C. M. Doug- las. 2 vols., pp. 545, 444, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1869. 21s. Moorehead, W. G, D.D. Outline Studies in the Books of the Old Testament. Pp. 363, i2mo. N. Y.r Revell, 1894. $1.50. Phelps, Austin. Studies in the Old Testament. Pp. 333, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1879. $1.25. Price, Ira M. An Epitome of In- troduction to the Books of the Old Testament. Pp. v, 164, i6mo. St. Louis, Mo.: S. S. Assoc, 1892. 25 cents. Robertson, James, D.D. The Old Testament and its Contents. Pp. X, 162, i2mo. Lond.: Black; N. Y. : Randolph, 1893. 6d., 30 cents. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 67 Stearns, O. S., D.D. Introduction to the Books of the Old Testa- ment, with Analysis and Illustra- tive Literature. Pp. 148, i2mo. Bost. : Silver, 1888. $1. Taylor. Bernard C, Prof. Out- line Analysis of Books of the Bi- ble. The Old Testament. Pp. 191, i2mo. Phila. : Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1892. 75 cents. Wise, Isaac M. Pronaos to Holy Writ. Establishing on Documen- tary Evidence the Authorship, Date, Form, and Contents of Each of its Books, and the Penta- teuch. Pp. 193, 8vo. Cine: Clarke, 1891. $1.50. Wright, Charles Henry Ham- ilton. An Introduction to the Old Testament. Pp. 242, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder ; N. Y.: Whit- taker, 1 891. 2s. 6d., 75 cents. 2. Hexateuch and Pentateuch. See also Introduction to Whole Bible and to Old Testament^ and also under Special Subjects, Pentateuch. Addis, W. E. The Documents of the Hexateuch. Translated and Arranged in Chronological Order, with Introduction and Notes. Part I, the Oldest Book of Hebrew His- tory. Pp. 324, 8vo. Lond.: Nutt ; N.Y. : Putnam, 1892. \os. 6d., $3. BiRKS, Thomas Rawson, Rev., M.A. The Pentateuch and its Anatomists ; or. The Unity and Authenticity of the Books of Moses Vindicated and Confirmed. Pp. 326, i2mo. Lond.: Hatch- ards, 1869. 5^. Denniston, J. M. Exodus. An Autobiography of Moses, with the Four Following Books. Pp. 246, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Morgan, 1894. Gibson, John Munro. The Mosaic Era ; a Series of Lectures on Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Pp. xi, 359, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1881. New ed., 1887. %i. . Havernick, H. a. Ch. An His- torico-Critical Introduction to the Pentateuch. Translated by Alex. Thompson. Pp. 466, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1850. 10^. 6d. Kuenen, a., D.D., LL.D. An Historico-Critical Inquiry into the Origin and Composition of the Hexateuch (Pentateuch and Book of Joshua). Translated from the Dutch, with the Assistance of the Author, by Philip H. Wicksteed, M.A. Pp. xl, 344, 8vo. Lend.: Macmillan, 1886. 14.?. Macdonald, Donald. Introduc- tion to the Pentateuch. An In- quiry, Critical and Doctrinal, into the Genuineness, Authority, and Design of the Mosaic Writings. 2 vols., pp. 487, 489, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1 86 1. 21s. Rowland, A. J., Rev.. D.D. Bible Handbooks for Young People. I. The Pentateuch. Pp. 96, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1894. 25 cents. Spencer, F. E. Did Moses Write the Pentateuch after all,? Pp. 288, p. 8vo. Lond. : Stock, 1892. 6s. 3. Psalms. See also Introduction to Whole Bible and to Old Testament. Alexander, Wm., D.D., D. C. L. The Witness of the Psalms to Christ and Christianity. See under Collected Works, Bampton Lec- tures for 1876. Cheyne, T. K., D.D. See under Collected Works, Bampton Lec- tures for 1889. Davison, W. T. The Praises of Israel : An Introduction to the Study of the Psalms. (Books for Bible Students.) Pp. viii, 287, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Off., 1894. 2s. 6d. Forbes, J. Studies on the Book of Psalms : The Structural Connec- tion of the Book of Psalms, both 6S LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. in Single Psalms and in the Psalter as an organic whole. Edited by Rev. James Forrest. Pp. 276, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1888. 7s, 6d. Murray, Thomas Chalmers. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of the Psalms. Pp. viii, 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1880. $1.50. Van Dyke, Henry, D.D. The Story of the Psalms. Pp. vi, 259, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1887. $1.50. Vincent, Marvin R.. D.D. Gates into the Psalm Country. Pp. xii, 315, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1878; new ed., 1883. $1.50. 4. Separate Books. See also Introduction to Whole Bible, Penta- teuch, and Psalms. Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. The Genesis of Genesis ; a Study of the documentary Sources of the First Book of Moses, in Accordance with the Results of critical Science, illustrating the Presence of Bibles within the Bible; with Introduc- tion by George F. Moore. Pp. xxx, 352, 8vo. Hartf. : Stud. Pub. Co., 1882. $2.50. The Triple Tradition of the Exodus. A Study of the Struc- ture of the Later Pentateuchal Books, Reproducing the Sources of the Narrative, and further il- lustrating the Presence of Bibles within the Bible. Pp. Iviii, 382, 8vo. Hartf. : Stud. Pub. Co., 1894. $2.50. Blake, Buchanan, Rev., B.D. How to Read the Prophets. Being the Prophecies arranged Chrono- logically in their Historical Setting. With Explanations and Glossary. 4 vols., i2mo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1 892-1 894. Each 4J.. $1.50. Part I. Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Zechariah ix-xiv, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Ha- bakkuk, Obadiah, and Joel. Pp. 244. Part II. Isaiah i-xxxix. Pp. 189. Part III. Jeremiah. Pp. 287. Part IV. Ezekiel. Pp. 238. Cheyne, T. K., Rev., M.A., D.D. Aids to the Devout Study of Crit- icism. Part I. The David Nar- ratives. Part n. The Book of Psalms. Pp. viii, 397, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1892. $2.50. Job and Solomon ; or, The Wis- dom of the Old Testament. Pp. xiii, 309, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1887. $2.25. Deuteronomy, the People's Book ; its Origin and its Nature. A Defense. Pp. viii, 295, i6mo. Lond. : Daldy, 1877. 6s. Galloway, William Brown. Isaiah's Testimony for Jesus : a Series of Lectures on the Scope, Spirit, and Leading Connec- tions of his Prophecies. With an Historical Appendix. Pp. XX, 615, 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1863. 14^. Hengstenberg, E. W., Prof., D.D. Dissertations on the Genu- ineness of Daniel, and the Integ- rity of Zechariah. Translated by B. P. Pratten. Pp. 581, 8vo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1841 ; Edinb.: Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1858. I2J., $3. Treatise on the Book of Job. Treatise on the Song of Solomon. Treatise on the Prophet Isaiah. See Coi7iineniarzes on Ecclesi- astes. Kennedy, J. A Popular Argument for the Unity of Isaiah. With an Examination of the Opinions of Canons Cheyne and Driver, Dr. Delitzsch, Rev. G. A. Smith, and others. Pp. 146. 8vo. Lond. : Clarke, 1891. is. 6d. Latch, Edward B. Indications of the Second Book of Moses, called Exodus. Pp. 350, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1892. $1.50. Lewis, W. S. Threshold of Reve- lation ; or, Some Inquiry into the EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 69 Province and True Character of the First Chapter of Genesis. Pp. vii, 253, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Riving- ton, 1863. 6s. Newton, R. Heber. The Book of the Beginnings ; a Study of Genesis ; with an Introduction to the Pentateuch. Pp. xiii, 311, i6mo. N.Y. : Putnam, 1884. $1. Pearson, William L., Ph.D. The Prophecy of Joel ; its Unity, its Aim, and the Age of its Compo- sition. Pp. X, 154, i2mo. Leip- zig: Stauffer, 1885. $1. Renan, E. The Song of Songs. Translated from the Hebrew, with a Study of the Plan, the Age, and the Character of the Poem, done into English by William M. Thomson. Pp. 178, 8vo. Lond. : privately printed, 1891. IS. 6d. RuBiNKAM, Nathaniel J., Rev. The Second Part of the Book of Zechariah. With Special Refer- ence to the Time of its Origin. Pp. vii, 84, 8 vo. Basel: Reich, 1892. 2 7n^. Ryle, Herbert E. The Early Narratives of Genesis : a Brief In- troduction to the Study of Genesis i-xi. Pp. xi, 138, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 3^., $1. Sayce, a. H , Rev., M.A. Intro- duction to the Books of Ezra, Ne- hemiah, and Esther. P. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. 1885. 25.6^. Smith, W. Robertson. The Prophets of Israel and their Place in History to the Close of the Eighth Century, B. C. Pp. xvi, 444, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans; N. Y. : Appleton, 1882. ys. 6d., $175. Weidner, Revere Franklin. Studies in the Book: Old Testa- ment, 1st Series, Genesis ; Pre- pared for the Use of the Students of the Bible Institute, Chicago. Pp. 140, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. $1. C. NEW testament. I. As a whole. See also Introduction to Who've Bible and to Separate Books ^ Gospels^ Acts^ and Epistles. Alexander, Joseph Addison, D.D. Notes on New Testament Literature and Ecclesiastical His- tory. Pp. xvi, 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1863. $2. Alford, Henry, D.D. How to Study the New Testament. The Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles. Pp.358, i2mo. Lond.: Strahan, 1865. 3^. dd. The Epistles. (First section.) The Epistles, (Second section ;) and the Reve- lation. Pp. 341, i2mo. Lond.: Strahan, 1868, 1869. 3^. dd. Bleek, Fred. An Introduction to the New Testament. Translated by W. Urwick. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 448 ; xii, 426, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark ; N.Y.: Scribner, 1869, 1870. 2iJ.,$6. Davidson, Samuel. An Introduc- tion to the Study of the New Tes- tament, Critical, Exegetical, and Theological. Pp. 458, 495, 688, 8vo. Lond.: Bagster, 1848-1851. 3d ed., revised and improved, 2 vols. Lond.: Paul, 1894. 30J. Dods, Marcus, D.D. An Intro- duction to the New Testament. Pp. 247, i6mo. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y.: Whittaker, 1889. is.dd., 75 cents. Farrar,F.W.,D.D. The Messages of the Books ; being Discourses and Notes on the Books of the New Testament. Pp. xvii, 532, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1884; N. Y.: Dutton, 1885. i4y.,$3.5o. Gloag, Paton J., D.D. Introduc- tion to the Johannine Writings. Pp. xiii, 440, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y.: Scribner, 1891. los. 6d., $3. 70 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. GODET, F., D.D. Studies on the New Testament. Edited by Hon. and Rev. U. A. Lyttleton, M.A. Pp. viii, 398, i2mo. Lond. : Hod- der; N.Y. : Dutton, 1876. 2d ed., 1879. 7s. 6d., $2.25. Hug, J. L. Introduction to the New Testament ; translated by David Fosdick, Jr. ; with Notes by Prof. M. Stuart. Pp. 788, 8vo. An- dover: Newman, 1836; Lond.: Wiley, 1839. i8s., $3. Kerr, John H., A.M. An Intro- duction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament. With an introductory Note by Prof. B. B. Warfield, D.D. Pp. 333, 8vo. N.Y.: Revell, 1892. $1.50. LUMBY, J. R. A Popular Introduc- tion to the New Testament. Pp. 36a, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1883. 6s. McClymont,J.A.,Rev.,B.D. The New Testament and its Writers. Being an Introduction to the Books of the New Testament. Pp. 288, 8vo. Lond.: Black; N.Y.: Ran- dolph, 1893. $1.75. McWhorter, G. Gumming. Pop- ular Handbook of the New Tes- tament. Pp. X, 285, i6mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1864. $1. MiCHAELis, John David. Intro- duction to the New Testament, translated from the 4th Edition of the German and augmented with Notes, and Dissertation on the Origin and Composition of the three first Gospels, by the Right Rev. Herbert Marsh, D.D., F.R.S. Lond,, 1793. 4th ed., 6 vols., pp. xvi, 527; xii, 528; 529-910; xii, 341 ; iv, 409 ; xiv, 544, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1823. 63^. MiLLlGAN, W. Discussions on the Apocalypse. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. Pp. xv, 290, p. 8vo. 5^., $1.50. Published in 1886 as appendices to the Baird Lectures. Salmon, G. A Historical Introduc- tion to the Study of the Books of the New Testament. Pp. xxii, 692, p. 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1885. New ed., 1892. 9^. Schaff, Philip, D.D. A Com- panion to the Greek Testa- ment and the English Version. With facsimile Illustrations of MSS. and Standard Editions of the New Testament. Pp. xi, 616, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1883. 3d ed., revised, 1887. $2.75. Weiss, Bernhard. Dr. A Manual of Introduction to the New Tes- tament. Translated from the German by A. J. K. Davidson. 2 vols., pp. XV, 420 ; xi, 426, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1887. 1888; N. Y. : Funk, n. d. [1889.] iy.,$4. 2. Gospels. See also JVew Testament as a Whole^ and Separate Books, and also Special Subjects, Gospels, and Jakannean Problem. Marvin, W. Authorship of the Four Gospels from a Lawyer's Point of View. External Evidence. Pp. 142, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1886. 35-. 6d. Nast, William. The Gospel Records : Genuineness, Authen- ticity, Verity, and Inspiration. Pp. 373, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1878. $1.75. Schleiermacher, Friederich Ernst David, D.D. A Critical Essay on the Gospel of St. Luke, with an Introduction by the Translator. Pp. cliv, 320, 8vo. Lond.: Taylor, 1825. 13^. Westcott, Brooke Foss. Intro- duction to the Study of the Gos- pels, with Historical and Explana- tory Notes. With an Introduction by B. Hackett. Lond. : Macmil- lan, i860 ; N. Y. : 1887. Pp. 476, i2mo. Bost. : Gould» 1862. los. 6f. DIVISION II. COMMENTARIES. A. THE WHOLE BIBLE. See also Commentaries on Pentateuch, Proph- ecies, (). T. Books in order. New Testa- ment, Epistles, General Epistles, N. T. Books in order. Annotated Paragraph Bible; with Maps, Introductions to the various Books, Notes, Chronolog- ical Tables, Marginal References to Parallel and Illustrative Texts. Pp. 1,478, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1 854-1 860. 20^. Barth, C. G., D.D. An Exposi- tion and Practical Commentary on the Books of Scripture; ar- ranged in Chronological Order, forming a Handbook of Biblical Elucidation for the use of Families, Schools, and Students. With an 72 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Introduction by Rev. J. J. Car- ruthers, D.D. Pp. 1,040, roy. 8vo. Lend.: Nisbet, 1865. 12s. Benson, Joseph, Rev. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments according to the pres- ent Authorized Version, with Crit- ical . . . Notes, and the Marginal Readings of the most approved printed Copies of the Scriptures. 5 vols., pp. 953, 1,155, 1,088, 859, 808, imp. 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1839. $13.50. [Bible Commentary, The.] The Holy Bible according to the Au- thorized Version (A.D. 161 1), with an explanatory and critical Com- mentary and a Revision of the translation, by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Edited by F. C. Cook, M.A., Canon of Exeter. 10 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1872-1882. OLD TESTAMENT. Vol. I. Genesis-Deuteronomy. The Pen- tateuch. General Introduction W E. Harold Browne, D.D. Genesis. Intro- duction, commentary, and critical notes by the same. Exodus. Introduction, commentary', and critical notes on chap, i-xix, by F. C. Cook, M.A. Commen- tary and critical notes, chap, xx-xl, by Samuel Clark, M.A. Leviticus. Intro- duction, commentary, and critical notes, by Samuel Clark, M.A. Numbers. In- troduction by T. E. Espin, B.D. Com- mentary and critical notes, by T. E. Espin, B.D., and J. F. Thrupp, M.A. Deuteronomy. Introduction, commen- tary, and critical notes, by T. E. Espin, B.D. Pp. xii, 928. 1872. 30J., $5. Vol. II. Joshua-I Kings. Pp.624. 1873. Vol. III. II Kings-Esther. Introduction to Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, by George Rawlinson, M.A. Pp. 499. 1873. Vols. II and III. 36^., $10. Vol. IV. Tob-Solomon's Song. Job._ In- troduction, commentary, and critical notes, by F. C. Cook. M.A. Psalms. Introduction by F. C. Cook, M.A., com- mentary and critical notes by F. C. Cook, G. H. S. Johnson, and E. C. Elliott. Proverbs. Commentary and critical notes, by E. H. Plumptre, M.A. Ecclesiastes. Commentary and critical notes, by W. T. Bullock, M.A. Song of Solomon. Commentary and critical notes, by T. L. Kingsbury, M.A. Pp.702. 1874. 24i'.,$5. Vol. V. Isaiah-Lamentations. Isaiah. In- troduction, commentary, and critical notes, by W. Kay, D.D. Jeremiah and Lamentations. Introduction, commen- tary, and critical notes, by R. Payne Smith, D.D. Pp. 606. 1875. 20^., S5. Vol. VI. Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets. Ezekiel. Introduction, com- mentary, and critical notes, by G. Curry, D.D. Daniel. Introduction, commen- tary, critical notes, and excursus, by J. H. Rose and J. M. Fuller, M.A. Hosea. Introduction, commentary, and critical notes, by E. Huxtable, M.A. Joel. In- troduction, commentary, and critical notes, by Rev. R. Gandell, M.A. Oba- diah, by Rev. F. Meyrick, M.A. Jonah, by Rev. E. Huxtable, M.A. Micah, by Rev. Samuel Clark, M.A. Nahum, by Rev. R. Gandell, M.A. Habakkuk, by Rev. F. C. Cook, M.A. Zephaniah, by Rev. R. Gandell, M.A. Haggai, and Malachi, by Rev. W. Drake, M.A. Pp. 750. 1876. 25.y., $5. Apocrypha. By H. Wace, D D, Commen- tary, explanatory, and critical, and a re- vision of the translation. 2 vols., pp. 1,232. 1888. SOS., $16. NEW TESTAMENT. Vol. I. St. Matthew-St. Luke. Pp. Ixxii, 472. 1878. i8j., $5. Vol.11. St. John-Acts of the Apostles. St. John\s Gospel, by Rev. B. F. Westcott, D.D. Acts of the Apostles. Introduc- tion by Rev. F.C. Cook, M.A. ; com- mentary and critical notes by Rev. Wil- liam Jacobson, D.D. Pp. xcvii, 534. 1880. 2ar., S5. Vol. III. Romans-Philemon. Romans, by Rev. E. H. Gifford, D.D. I Corinthians, by the Rev. Canon Evans. II Corin- thians, by Rev. Joseph Waite. Galatians, by Rev. J. S. Howson. Ephesians, by Rev. F. Meyrick. Philippiaus, by Rev. J. Gwynn. Colossians, I and II Thes- salonians, and Philemon, by fWilliam Alexander] Bishop of Derry. Timothy and Titus. Introduction by Rev. H. Wace, M.A. Commentary and critical notes, by [John Jackson] Bishop of London. Pp. viii, 844. 1881. 28,^., $5. Vol. IV. Hebrews to Revelation. He- brews, by William Kay, D.D. James, by Robert Scott, D.D. I Peter, by F. C. Cook, M.A. II Peter and Jude. by T. R. Lumby, D.D. I, II, and HI John, by W. Alexander, D.D. Revelation, by William Lee, D.D. Pp. xvi, 844. [1881.] 2&y., $5. Blunt, John H. The Annotated Bible, being a Household Com- mentary on the Scriptures. The New Testament. 3 vols., pp.lxxx, 1,088,212,822,410. Lond.: Riving- ton, 1878. New ed., 1881. 21s. Vol. I. Genesis to Esther. Vol. II. Job to Malachi and Apocrypha. Vol. III. New Te.stament. BONAR, HORATIUS, D.D. Light and Truth ; or, Bible Thoughts and Themes. 5 vols., pp. 398, 430, 41 5, 444. 440, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1 867-1 87 1. 2SS. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 73 Cambridge Bible for Schools AND Colleges. General Editor : J. J. S. Perowne, D.D., Dean of Peterborough. Fcp. 8vo. Cambr. : Univ. Pr. ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1 879- 1 894. OLD TESTAMENT. Joshua, with Notes, Maps, and Introduc- tion, by the Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D. Pp. 228. 1880. 2S. 6a?., 60 cents. Judges, with Map, Notes, and Introduction, by the Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. Pp. 220. 1882. 3^. 6d., 90 cents. I Samuel; [also] II Samuel, with Maps, Notes, and Introduction, by the Rev. A. F. Kirkpatrick, M.A. 2 vols., pp. 251, 248. 1880, 1 88 1. Each 3^. 6^., 90 cents. I Kings; [also] II Kings, with Maps, In- troduction, and Notes, by the Rev. J. Rawson Lumby, D.D. 2 vols., pp. lii, 248 ; lii, 267. 1887, 1888. Each ss. 6. viii, 430. 1892. Philippians. By Robert Rainy, D.D. Pp. viii, 368. 1893. Colossians and Philemon. By Alexander Maclaren, D.D. Pp. viii, 493. 1888. Thessalonians. By Rev. J. Denney. Pp. iv, 404.. 1891. Pastoral Epistles. By Alfred Plummet, D.D. Pp. X, 435. 1889. Hebrews. By Rev. Thomas Charles Edwards, D.D. Pp. xii, 337. 1888. I and II Peter. By Rev. Lawson Lumby, D.D. Pp. xxiv, 374. 1894. I, II and III John. By W. Alexander, D.D. Twenty-one Discourses ; with Greek Text, comparative Versions, and Notes, chiefly exegetical. Pp. xvi, 309. 1889. St. James and Jude. By Rev. A. Plum- mer. Pp. x, 476. 1891. Revelation. By Rev. W. Milligan. Pp. viii, 392. 1889. [Books not given above are not yet published.] EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 75 Gray, James Comper. The Bib- lical Museum : a Collection of Notes, Explanatory, Homiletical, and Illustrative, on the Holy Scrip- ture, especially designed for the use of Ministers, Bible Students, and Sunday School Teachers. 15 vols., each pp. 384, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, n.d. $18.75. Henry, Matthew. An Exposi- tion of the Old and New Testa- ment ; wherein each Chapter is summed up in its Contents ; the Sacred Text inserted at large, in distinct Paragraphs, etc. Edited by the Rev. Edward Bickersteth. First published c. IJ06. 3 vols., pp. xii, 1,110, 1,378, 1,286, 8vo. N. Y. : Sleight, 1833. 6 vols.,4to. (No paging.) Lond. : Bohn, 1846. 73^. 6d. 5 vols., 4to, and 9 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1876. $25- $27. 3 vols., 4to. Lond. : Cassell, 1875. JOS. jAMiESON, Robert, D.D., Faus- SETT, A. R., Rev., and Brown, D., D.D. Bible Commentary : Critical, Explanatory, and Practi- cal, on the Old and New Testa- ments. 2 vols. Lond. : Collins, 1864. 145-. 2 vols, in I, pp. 742, 605, roy. 8vo. Hartf. : Scranton, 1871. $9. 4vols., i2mo. Toledo: Names, 1884. $8. Lange, John Peter, D.D. A Com- mentary on the Holy Scriptures. Critical, Doctrinal, and Homilet- ical, with Special Reference to Ministers and Students. Trans- lated from the German, and edited with Additions, original and se- lected, by Philip Schaff, D.D., in Connection with American Divines of various Evangelical Denomina- tions. 25 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1865-1880. Each $5. OLD TESTAMENT. Vol. I. Genesis, and a General Introduc- tion to the Old Testament. By John Peter Lange. Translated from the Ger- man, with additions, by Prof. Tayler Lewis, LL.D., and A. Gosman, D.D. Pp. viii, 665. 1868. Vol. II. Exodus and Leviticus. Intro- duction to the three middle Books of the Pentateuch, by J. P. Lange, D.D. Trans- lated by Howard Osgood, D.D. Exodus, by J. P. Lange, D.D. Translated by Charles M. Mead, Ph.D. Leviticus, by Frederic Gardiner, D.D. Pp. 50, 179, 206. n. d. (1876.) Vol. III. Numbers and Deuteronomy. Numbers, by J. P. Lange, D.D. Trans- lated and enlarged by Rev. Samuel T. Lowrie, D.D., and Rev. A. Gosman, D.D. Deuteronomy, by Rev. Fr. W. J. Schroeder, B.D. Translated and en- larged by Rev. A. Gosman, D.D. Pp. vi, 192, 272. (1879.) Vol. IV. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, by F. R. Fay. Translated from the German, with additions, by George R. Bliss, D.D. Judges and Ruth, by Paulus Cassell, D.D. Translated from the German, with ad- ditions, by P. H. Steenstra. Pp. iv, 188, 261, 53. 18/5. Vol. y. Samuel, by Rev. Dr. Chr. Fr. David Erdmann. Translated, enlarged, and edited by Rev. C. H. Toy, D.D., LL.D., and Rev. John A. Broadus, D.D., LL.D. Pp.616. (1877.) Vol. VI. Kings, by Karl Chr. W. F. Bahr, D.D. Translated, enlarged, and edited. Book I, by Edwin Harwood, D.D. Book II, by Rev. W. G. Sumner. Pp. vi, 260, 312. 1874. Vol. VII. Chronicles-Esther. Chronicles, by Dr. Otto Zockler. Translated and revised by James G. Murphy, LL.D. Ezra, by Fr. W. Schultz. Translated, etc., by Rev. Charles A. Briggs, D.D. Nehemiah, by Rev. Howard Crosby, D.D., LL.D. Pp. 278, 100, q6. (1876.) Vol. VIII. Job. General Introduction to the Poetical Books, by Philip Schaff. New Rhythmical Version of the Book of Job, by Tayler Lewis. Commentary', by Otto Zockler, D.D. Translated and edited by Llewelyn J. Evans, D.D. Pp. xxxvi, 218, 683. (1874.) Vol. IX. Psalms, by Carl Bernhard Moll. Translated from the German, with ad- ditions, by Rev. Charles A. Briggs, Rev. John Forsyth, D.D., Rev. James B. Hammond, Rev. J. Fred. IMcCurdy ; with a new version of the Psalms and philological Notes, by Rev. Thos. J. Co- nant,D.D. Pp. ii, 816. (1872.) Vol. X. Proverbs-Song of Solomon, by Dr. Otto Zockler. Proverbs, translated and edited by Rev. Charles A. Aiken, D.D. Ecclesiastes, edited with new metrical version, etc., by Prof. Tayler Lewis, LL.D. Translated by William Wells, A.M. Song of Solomon, translated . . . with additions, by Wm. Henry Green, D.D. Pp. v, 260, 199, 135. 1875. Vol. XI. Isaiah, by Carl W. E. Nagels- bach. Translated from the German, with additions, by Rev. Samuel T. Lowrie, D.D., and Rev. Dunlop Moore, D.D. Pp. 741- (1873.) Vol. Xll. Jeremiah and Lamentations, by Dr. C. W. Eduard Nagelsbach. Jere- miah, translated, etc., by Samuel Ralph Asbury. Lamentations, translated, etc., by William H. Hornblower, D.D. Pp. ii, 446, 196. 1871. Vol. XIII. Ezekiel and Daniel. Ezekiel, by Fr. W. J. Schroder, B.D. Translated, 76 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. etc., by Patrick Fairbairn, D.D., and Rev. William Findiay, D.D., assisted by Rev. Thomas Crerar, M.A., and Rev. Sinclair Mason, M.A. Daniel, by Dr. Otto Zockler. Translated, etc. , by James Strong, S.T.D. Pp. 492, 273. (1876.) Vol. XIV. Minor Prophets, by Paul Kleinert, Otto Schmoller, George R. Bliss, Talbot W. Chambers, Charles Elliott, John Forsyth, J. Frederick Mc- Curdy, and Joseph Packard. Edited by Philip Schaff, D.D. General Introduc- tion, by Charles Elliott, D.D. Pp. vi, 49, 100, 42, 62, 16, 40, 59, 38, 41, 38, 25, ii5i35- 1875. Vol. XV. The Apocrj'pha, by Edwin Cone Bissell, D.D. Pp. 680. 1880. NEW TESTAMENT. Vol. I. Matthew, by T. P. Lange, D.D. Translated, etc., by Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. xxii, 568. 1865, Vol.' II. Mark-Luke. Mark, by J. P. ge, D.D. Revised from the Edin- burgh Translation by William G. T. Shedd, D.D. Luke, by J. J. Van Ooster- zee, D.D. Translated, etc., by Philip Schaff, D.D., and Rev. Charles G. Star- buck. Pp. xiii, 167, 405. 1865. 3d ed., 1867. Vol. III. John, by J. P. Lange, D.D. Translated by Edward D. Yeomans, D.D., and Evelina Moore, with Homiletic Additions by E. R. Craven, D.D. Re- vised, etc., by Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. xiv, 654. 1866. New ed., 1875. Vol. IV. Acts, by Gotthard Victor Lech- ler, D.D., with Homiletical Additions by Rev. Charles Gerok. Translated, etc., by Charles F. Schaeffer, D.D. Pp. ix, 480. 1869. Vol. V. Romans, by J. P. Lange, D.D., and Rev. F. R. Fay, Translated by John F. Hurst, D.D., with additions by P. Schaff, D.D., and Rev. M. B. Riddle. Pp. vi, 455. 1869. Vol. VI. Epistles to the Corinthians, by Christian Friederich Kling, I Corin- thians translated, etc., by Daniel W. Poor, D.D. II Corinthians translated, etc., by Conway P. Wing, D.D. Pp. vii, 364, 220. 1868. New issue, 1875. Vol. VII. Galatians-Colossians. Gala- tians, by Otto Schmoller, Ph.D. Trans- lated by C. C. Starbuck, A.M. Edited by M. B. Riddle, D.D. Ephesians and Colossians, by Karl Braune, D.D. Trans- lated, etc., by M. B. Riddle, D.D. Philippians, by Karl Braune, D.D. Translated, etc., by Horatio B. Hackett, D.D. Pp. 161, 235, 76, 88. 1874. Vol. VIII. Thessalonians-Hebrews. Thes- salonians, by C. A. Auberlen and C. J. Riggenbach. Translated, etc., by John Lillie, D.D. Timothy, by J. J. Van Oosterzee, D.D. Translated, etc., by E. A. Washburn, D.D., and E. Harwood, D.D. Titus, by J. J. Van Oosterzee, D.D. Translated, etc., by George E. Day, D.D. Philemon, by J. J. Van Oosterzee, D.D. Translated by Horatio B. Hackett, D.D. Hebrews, by Carl Bemhard Moll. Translated, etc., by A. C. Kendrick, D.D. Pp. 163, 120, 24, 31 ; iv, 220. 1868. 3d ed., 1869. Vol. IX. James-Jude. James, by J. P. Lange, D.D., and J. J. Van Oosterzee, D.D. Peter and Jude, by G. F. C. Frow- miiller, Ph.D. John, by Karl Braune, D.D. All translated by J. Isidor Mom- bert, D.D. Pp. x, 148, 53, 201, 34. 1867. Vol. X. Revelation, by John Peter Lange, D.D. Translated by Evalina Moore. Enlarged and edited by C. R. Craven D.D. , with , . . Index to all the volumes of the New Testament by John H. Woods, A.M. Pp. vii, 446, 45. 1874, MiLLlNGTON, Thomas S. Testi- mony of the Heathen to the Truth of the Holy Writ. A Commen- tary on the Old and New Testa- ments, compiled from Greek and Latin Authors of the Classical Ages of Antiquity. Pp. xxxi, 648, imp. 8vo. Lond. : Seeleys, 1863. 21S. Parker, Joseph, D.D. People's Bible. Discourses upon Holy Scriptures. 25 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Hazell; N. Y. : Funk, 1885- 1893. Each 8.y., $1.50. OLD TESTAMENT. Vol. I. Genesis. Pp. xvi, 368. 1885. Vol. II. Exodus. Pp. viii, 328. 1886. Vol. III. Leviticus-Numbers xxvi. Pp. vii, 360. 1886. Vol. IV. Numbers xxvii- Deuteronomy. Pp. iv, 412. 1886. Vol. V. Joshua-Judges v. Pp. v, 360. 1887. Vol. Vl. Judges vi-I Samuel xviii. Pp. iv, 358. 1887. Vol. VII. I Samuel xviii-I Kings xiv. Pp. iv, 362. 1888. Vol. VlII. I Kings xv-I Chronicles ix. Pp. vii, 360. 1888. Vol. IX. I Chronicles x-II Chronicles xx. Pp. iv, 364. 1888. Vol. X. II Chronicles xxi-Esther. Pp. iv, 362. 1888. Vol. XI. Job. Pp. viii, 454. 1889. Vol. XI L The Psalter. Pp. iv, 464. 1890. Vol. XIII. Proverbs. Pp. viii, 456. 1891. Vol. XIV. Ecclesiastes-Isaiah xxvi. Pp. vii, 456. 1891. Vol. XV. Isaiah xxvii-Jeremiah xix. Pp. iv, 460. 1891. Vol. XVI. Jeremiah xx-Daniel. Pp. viii, 456. 1892. Vol. XVII. Hosea-Malachi. Pp. viii, 456. 1892. NEW TESTAMENT. Vol. XVIII. Matthew i-vii. Pp. x, 306. 1888. Vol. XIX. Matthew viii-xvi. Pp. vii, 375- 1888. Vol. XX. Matthew xvii-xxviii. Pp. vii, 373. 1889. Vol. XXI. Mark-Luke. Pp. iv, 460. 1893. Vol. X:XII. John. Pp. iv, 460. 1893. Vol. XXIII. Acts i-xii. Pp. viii, 353. 1891. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 77 Vol. XXIV. Acts xiii-xix. Pp. viii, 353. 1887. Vol. XXV. Acts xx-xxviii. Pp. viii, 353. Patrick, Symon, D.D. ; Lowth, William, B.D. ; Arnald, Rich- ard, B.D.; Whitby, Daniel, D.D. ; Lowman, Moses. A Crit- ical Commentary and Paraphrase on the Old and New Testament and the Apocrypha. Publication begun 1694. New ed., 4 vols. Pp. vi, 1,018; iv, I, on ; v, 1,162; iv, 1,238. Phila. : Carey; N. Y. : Wiley, 1 846-1 848; Lond.: Tegg, 1849. 6y. Pick, Bernard. Index to Lange's Commentary on the Old Testa- ment. Pp. X, 36, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1882. 50 cents. Poole, Matthew, Annotations upon the Whole Bible. 3 vols., pp. 1,030, 1,031, 1,008, roy. 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1863. New issue, 1880. $7.50. Pulpit Commentary, The. Ed- ited by the Rev. Canon H. D. M. Spence, M.A., and by the Rev. Joseph S. Exell ; with Introduc- tions by the Rev. Canon F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. ; Rt. Rev. H. CotteriU, D.D.. F.R.S.E.; Very Rev. Principal J. TuUock, D,D.; Rev. Canon G. Rawlinson, M.A. ; Rev. A. Plummer, M.A. 8vo. Lond.: Paul; N. Y. : Randolph, 1880. American edition uniform at $2. OLD TESTAMENT. Genesis. Introductions, by Rev. Canon F. W. Farrar, D.D. ; Rt. Rev. H. CotteriU, D.D. ; Rev. T. Whitelaw, M.A. Expo- sition and Homiletics, by Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, M.A. Homilies, by . . . Very Rev. J. F. Montgomery, D.D. ; Rev. W. Roberts, M.A. ; Rev. Prof. R. A. Red- ford, M.A., LL.B.; Rev. F. Hastings. Pp. xviii, xlvi, xviii, xii, 543, vi. 1880. Newed., 1881. 15J. Exodus. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. George Rawlinson, M.A. Homilies, by . . . Rev. J. Orr, M.A., B.D. ; Rev. D. Young. B.A. ; Rev. C. A. Goodhart, M.A. ; Rev. J. Urquhart ; Rev. H. T. Robjohns. B.A. 2 vols., pp. xxxix, 348 ; 405, ix. 1882. 5th ed., 1883. Each i6s. Leviticus. Introductions, by Rev. R. Col- lins, M.A. ; Rev. Prof. A. Cave, B.A. Exiwsition and Homiletics, Kev. F. Meyrick, M.A. Homilies, by . . . Rev. Prof. R. A. Redford. LL.B., M.A. ; Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. ; Rev. R. M. Edgar, M.A. ; Rev. J. A. Macdonald ; Rev. S. R. Aldridge, B.A., LL.B. Pp. xiv, xxxi, X, 435, vi. 1882. i^s. Numbers. Introduction, by Rev. Thomas Whitelaw, M.A. Exposition and Homi- letics, by Rev. R. Winterbotham, LL.B., M.A., B.Sc. Homilies, by . . . Rev. Prof. W. Binnie, D.D. ; Rev. E. S. Proat, M.A. ; Rev. D. Young, B.A. ; Rev. J. Waite, B.A. Pp. xxii, xvi, 461, iv. 1881. I2S. 6d. Deuteronomy. Exposition, by Rev. W. L. Alexander, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. C. Clemance, B.A., D.D. Homilies, by . . . Rev. J. Orr, M.A., B.D. ; Rev. R. M. Edgar, M.A. ; Rev. D. Davies, M.A. Pp. xliii, 577, viii. i88r. 2d ed., 1882. 15s. Joshua. Introduction, by Rev. A. Plummer, M.A., and Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. Ex- position and Homiletics, by Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. Homilies, by . . . Rev. E. de Pressense, D.D. ; Rev. J. Waite, B.A. ; Rev. R. Glover; Rev. W. F. Adeney, MA. ; Rev. S. R. Aldridge, LL.B., B.A. Pp. Iviii, xxxviii, 384. 1881. I2J. 6d. Judges and Ruth. Judges. Exposition and Homiletics, Rt. Rev. Lord A. C. Hervey, D.D. Homilies, by . . . Rev. A. F. Muir, M.A. ; Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. Ruth. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. James Morison, D.D. Homi- lies, by . . . Rev. W. M. Statham ; Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. Pp. viii, 214; iv, xviii, 72, i. 1881. jos. td. I Samuel. Exposition, by Very Rev. R. Payne Smith, D. D. Homiletics, by Rev. Prof. C. Chapman, M.A. Homilies, by . . . Rev. D. Fraser, D.D. ; Rev. B. Dale, M.A. Pp. xiv, 573, iv. 1880. 5th ed., 1883. 15J. II Samuel. Exposition, by Verj-- Rev, R. Payne Smith, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. Prof. C. Chapman, M.A., LL.D. Homi- lies, by various authors. Rev. B. Dale, M.A. ; .Rev. G, Wood, B.A. Pp. xi, 632, V. 1888. i5_J. I Kings. Exposition and Homiletics, Rev. Joseph Hammond, LL.B., B.A. Homilies, by . , . Rev. E. de Pressense, D.D. ; Rev. J. Waite, B.A. ; Rev. A. Rowland, M.A., LL.B. ; Rev. J. A. Mac- donald ; Rev. J. Urquhart. Pp. xvi, 564. 1881. 15J. II Kings. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. G. Rawlinson, M.A. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. C. N. Irwin, M.A. ; Rev. J. Orr, D.D. ; Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. Pp. xvi, 504, V. 1889. 15J. I Chronicles. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. P. C. Barker, M.A., LL.B. Homilies, by Rev. J. R. Thomson, M.A.; W. Clarkson, B.A. ; Rev. R. Tuck, B.A. ; Rev. F. Whitfield, M.A. ; and Rev. Richard Glover. Pp. xxii, 458, vii. 1884. \i,s. II Chronicles. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. Philip C. Barker, M.A. , LL.B. Homilies, by Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. ; Rev. T. Whitelaw, D.D. Pp. ii, 454. 1890. 15J. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. Ezra. Exposi- tion, by Rev. George Rawlinson, M.A. 78 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Homiletics, by Rev. W. D. Lewis, M.A, Homilies, by . . , Rev. J. A. Macdonald; Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. ; Rev. A. Mac- Kennal, B.A. ; Rev. J. S. Exell. Nehe- miah. Exposition, by Rev. George Raw- lin.son, M.A. Homiletics, by Rev. G. Wood, B.A. Homilies, by . . . Rev, Prof. R. A. Redford, LL.B., M.A. ; Rev. J. S. Exell; Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. Esther. Exposition, by Rev. George Rawlinson, M.A. Homiletics, by Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. Homi- lies, by . . . Rev. Prof. P. C. Barker, LL.B., M.A. ; Rev. Prof. D. Rowlands, B.A. ; Rev. W. Dinwiddle, LL.B. ; Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. ; Rev. F. Hastings. Pp. vi, 165, ii ; vili, 156, iii ; ix, 176, lii. 1880. 15s. _ Job. Exposition, by Rev. G. Rawlinson. Homiletics, Rev. T. Whitelaw, D.D. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. Prof. E. Johnson, M.A. ; Rev. Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A., and Rev. R. Green. Pp. xxii, 676, ix. 1892. 15J. [Psalms. Not yet published.] Proverbs. Exposition, by Rev. W. J. Deane, M.A., and Rev. S. T. Taylor- Taswell, M.A. Homiletics, bj^ Rev. Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A. Homilies, by Rev. Prof. E. Johnson, M.A. ; Rev. W. Clark- son, B.A. Pp. xxxiv, 610, viii. 1891. 15s. Ecclesiastes. Exposition, by Rev. W. J. Deane. Homiletics, by Rev. T. White- law. Homilies, by Prof. J. R. Thomson, Rev. W, Clarkson, Rev. J. Willcock. Song of Solomon. Exposition, by Rev. R. A. Redford. Homiletics, by Rev. B. C. Caffin. Homilies, by Prof. J. R. Thomson, Rev. S. Conway, Rev. J. D. Davies. Pp. 520. iSgj. 21.?. Isaiah. Exposition andf Homiletics, by Rev. Canon G. Rawlinson, M.A. Homi- lies, by Rev. Prof. E. Johnson, M.A. ; Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. ; Rev. W. M. Statham, Rev. R. Tuck. 2 vols., pp. xxxi, 579 ; ix, 501, viii. 1886, 1887. Each Jeremiah. Vol. I. Exposition, by Rev. T, K. Cheyne, M.A. Homiletics, by Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. Homilies, by va- rious authors, Rev. D. Young, B.A. ; J. Waite, Rev, S. Conway, B.A., and Rev. A. F. Muir, Vol, I, pp, xix, 598, viii, 1883. 15J. Jeremiah. Vol. TI, and Lamentations. Ex- position, by Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. Homilies, by various authors, Rev. D, Young, B.A, ; Rev. S. Conway, B.A. ; Rev. A. F. Muir, M.A. Pp. 322, v. Lam- entations. Exposition, by Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M.A., D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. Prof. J. R. Thom- son, M.A. ; Rev, D, Young, B,A. Pp. viii, 90, ii, 1885, 15J, Ezekiel. Vol. I. Introduction, by Rev. T. Whitelaw, D.D. Exposition, by Very Rev. E. H, Plumptre, D,D, Homiletics, by Rev, W. F, Adeney, M,A. Homilies, by various authors, Rev, Prof, J, R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev, J. D, Davies, M.A, ; Rev, W, Jones ; Rev, W. Clark- son, B,A. Vol. I, pp. xxxiii, 403, v. 1891. J2S, 6d. Ezekiel. Vol. IL Exposition, by Very Rev. E. H. Plumptre, D.D., and by Rev. T. Whitelaw, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev, Prof. W. F. Adeney, M.A. Homilies, by various authors, Rev. Prof. J. R. Thom- son, M.A. ; Rev. J. D. Davies, M.A. ; Rev. W. Jones ; Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. Vol. II, pp. 490, vi. 1892. 15s. [Daniel. Not yet published.] Rosea and Joel. Introduction, by Rev. W. J. Deane, M.A. Hosea. Exposition and Homiletics, Rev. Prof. J. J. Given, Ph.D., D.D. Homilies, by Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev. A. Row- land, B.A., LL.B.; Rev. J. Orr, M.A., B.D. ; Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. ; Rev. C. Jerdan, LL.B. Pp. xii, 462, v. Joel. Homilies, by Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev. A. Rowland, B.A., LL.B. ; Rev. D, Thomas, D.D, Pp. xii, 65, i. 1888. 15s. Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah. Amos. Exposition, by Rev. W. J. Deane. Homi- letics, by Rev. J. Edgar Henry, M.A. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev. A. Row- land, B.A., LL.B. ; Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. Obadiah. Exposition, by Rev. W. J. Deane, M.A. Homiletics, by Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. Homilies, by various authors, Rev. A. C. Thiselton, Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. Jonah. Exposi- tion, by Rev. W, J, Deane, M,A, Homi- letics, by Rev, Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. J. E. Henry, M.A. ; Rev. W. G, Blaikie, D,D., LL.D. ; Rev. G. T. Cos- ter; Rev. A. Rowland, B.A., LL.B.; Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. Micah. Ex- position, by Rev. W. J. Deane, M.A. Homiletics, by Rev. S. D. Hillman, B.A. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. E. S, Prout, M.A. ; Rev. A. Rowland, B.A. , LL.B. ; Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. Pp. viii, 196, iii ; xii, 42, ii ; xii, 102, ii ; viii, 136, ii. 15s. NEW TESTAMENT. [Matthew. Not yet published.] St. Mark. 2 vols. Exposition, by Very Rev. E. Bickersteth, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. Prof, J, R, Thomson, M.A. Homi- lies, by . . . Rev. A. Rowland, B.A., LL.B.; Rev. A. F, Muir, M.A. ; Rev. Prof. J. J. Given, M.A. ; Rev. Prof. E. Johnson, M.A. ; Rev. R, Green, Pp, xii, 371 ; 371, vi, 21J, St, Luke, Exposition, by Rev, H, D, M, Spence, D,D, Homiletics, by Rev, J. Marshall Lang, D.D. Homilies, by Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A., and Rev. R. M. Edgar, M,A, 2 vols., pp. xx, 360 ; iv, 303, iii. 1889. lay. 6d., los. St. John. Introduction and Exposition, by Rev. Prof. H. R. Reynolds, D.D. Homiletics, Rev, Prof. T. Croskery, D.D. Homilies, by Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev. George Brown, B.A. ; Rev. D. Young, B.A. ; Rev. B. Thomas. 2 vols., pp, clxi, 401 ; iv, 526, v. 1887, 1888. Each 15s. Acts, Exposition and Homiletics, by the Rt, Rev, Lord A, C, Hervey, D.D. Homilies, by Rev, Prof, P. C. Barker, M.A. ; Rev. Prof. R. A. Redford, M.A. ; EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 79 Rev, Prof. E. Johnson, M.A. ; Rev. R. Tuck, B.A., and Rev. W. Clarkson, B.A. 2 vols., pp. xxiv, 457, vi ; 345, xi. 1884. 21 J. Romans. Exposition, by Rev. J. Barmby, B.D. Homiletics, Rev. Prof. J. Rad- ford Thomson, M.A. Homilies, by va- rious authors. Rev, C. H. Irwin, M.A. ; Rev. S. R. Aldridge, B.A., LL.B. ; Rev. T. F. Lockyer, B.A. ; Rev. R. M. Edgar, M.A. Pp. xvii, 475, V. 1890. I Corinthians. Exposition, by Ven._ Arch- deacon Farrar, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. David Thomas, D.D. Homilies, by Rev. Donald Eraser, D.D. ; Rev. Ex- Chancellor Lipscomb, LL.D. ; Rev. E, Hurndall, M.A. ; Prof. J. R. Thomson. M.A. ; Rev. R. Tuck, B.A. ; Rev. T. Waite, Rev. H. Brenner. Pp. vi, 575, vii. 1883. 15s. II Corinthians. Exposition, by the Ven. Archdeacon Farrar, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. David Thomas, D.D, Homi- lies, by Rev. David Thomas. D.D. ; Rev. Donald Eraser, D.D,; Rev. Ex- Chancellor Lipscomb, LL.D. ; Rev. E. Hurndall, D.D., M.A. ; Rev, Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev. R. Tuck, B.A. Pp. iii, 332, V. 1885. lay. 6cl. Galatians and Ephesians. Galatians. Ex- position, by Rev. Prof. E. Huxtable, M.A. Homiletics, by Rev. T. Croskery, D.D. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. ; Rev. R. M, Edgar, M.A. ; Rev. R. Finlayson, B.A. Pp. v, 344 ; iii. 1885. 2T5'. Ephesians. Ex- position and Homiletics, Rev. Prof. W. G. Blaikie, D.D. Homilies, by Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. ; Rev, Prof, T. Croskery, D.D, ; Rev. W. F, Adeney, M.A. ; Rev, R, M. Edgar, M.A, ; Rev, R, Finlayson, B.A. Pp. ix, 298, iv. 1886, 21S. Philippians and Colossians. Philippians, Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. B. C. Caffin. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. ; Rev. R. Fin layson, B.A. ; Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. ; Rev. R. M. Edgar, M.A, ; Rev. Canon Hutton, M.A. ; Rev. T. Cros- kery, D.D. Colossians. Exposition, and Homiletics, Rev. G. G. Findlay, B.A. Homilies, by Rev. W. F. Adeney, 1\LA. ; Rev. T. Croskery, D.D. ; Rev. U. R. Thomas, D.D. ; Rev. R. M. Edgar, M.A. ; Rev, R. Finlayson, B.A, ; Rev. E, S. Prout, M.A. Pp. xiii, 199 ; iii, xv, 243. iii. I vol. 1892. 15J. Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Phi- lemon. I and II Thessalonians. Exposi- tion and Homiletics, by Rev. P. J. Gloag, D.D. Homilies, by various authors, Rev. Prof. T. Croskery, D.D. ; Rev. B. C. Caffin, M.A. ; Rev. W. F. Adeney, M.A. ; Rev. R. Finlayson, B.A. Pp. x, 137; iii, iv, 87, ii. I and II Timothy and Titus, Exposition and Homiletics, by Rt, Hon, and Rt, Rev, Lord A, C. Hervey, D.D, Homilies, by various authors. Rev. Prof, T, Croskery, D.D, ; Rev. R. Finlayson, B.A. ; Rev. W. M. Statham. Pp. xxiii, 141 ; iii, 77 ; ii, 60, ii. Philemon.* Ex- position and Homiletics, by Rev. S. J. Eals, M,A,, D.C.L. Homilies by vari- ous authors. Rev. Prof. T. Croskery, D.D., and Rev. W. M. Statham. Pp. xi, 18, i, I vol. 1887. 15s. Hebrews and James. Hebrews. Exposi- tion, by Rev. J. Barmby, B.D. Homi- letics, by Rev. C. Jerdan, M.A., LL.B. Homilies, by various authors. Rev. W. Jones, Rev. C. New, Rev. D. Young, B.A. ; Rev. J. S. Bright. James. Ex- position and Homiletics, by Rev. E. C. S. Gibson, M.A. Homilies, by various authors. Rev, C. Jerdan, Rev. J. L. Lockyer. B.A. Pp. xxi, 420; vi, xv, 90, ii. I vol. 1886. 15s. I and II Peter ; I, II, and III John ; Jude. I and II Peter. Exposition and Homi- letics, by Rev. B. C. Caffin, M.A, Homilies, by Rev. A. Maclaren, D.D. ; Rev. Prof. J. R. Thomson, M.A. ; Rev. C. New, Rev. U. R. Thomas, and Rev. R, Finlayson, B,A. Pp. xiv, 237 ; iii, xvi. 91, ii. 1889. 15J. I, II, and III John. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. A. Plummer, D.D. Homiletics, by Rev. C. Clemance, B.A., D.D. Homi- lies, by various authors, Rev. W. Jones and Rev. R. Finlayson. Pp. xii, 174 ; ii, 18 ; i, 16, i. Jude. Exposition and Homiletics, by Rev. S. D. F. Salmond, M.A., D.D. Homilies, by various au- thors. Rev. Prof. Croskery, D.D. ; Rev, T, S. Bright, D.D., and Rev. R. Fin- layson, B.A. Pp. ix, 44, i. I vol. 15^', Revelation, Introduction, by Rev, T. Randell, B.D. Exposition, by Rev. A. Plummer, M.A., D.D., assisted by Rev. T. Randell, B.D., and A. T. Bottman. Homiletics, by Rev. C. Clemance, B.A,, D.D. Homilies, by various authors, Rev. S. Conway, B.A. ; Rev. R. Green, and Rev. D. Thomas, D.D. Pp. xxvii, 585, V. 1890. I vol. i5.y. ScoTT, Thomas, The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Tes- taments according to the Author- ized Version, with Explanatory Notes, Practical Observations, and Copious Marginal References, also Author's last Corrections and Im- provements. 6 vols., pp. 756,654, 654, 904, 775, 807, 4to. Lond, : Seeley, 1823. Edited by Steb- bing. 3 vols., 4to. Lond i860. 6y. Sermon Bible, The. i2mo. Lond.: Hodder Armstrong, 1 888-1 894. 6^., $1.50. OLD TESTAMENT, Vol, I. Genesis to II Samuel. Pp. xvii, 500, 1888, Vol. II. I Kings to Ps. Ixxvi. Pp. iv, 520. 1889, Vol, III. Ps. Ixxvii to Song of Solomon. Griffin, 12 vols., N. Y. : Each ys. Pp.476. 1889. Vol, IV. Isaiah to Malachi, 1890. NEW TESTAMENT, Vol. I. Matthew i to Matthew xxi. Pp. iv, 390. 1890. 8o LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Vol. II, Matthew xxli to Mark xvi. Pp. iv, 389. 1800. Vol.111. Luke i to St. John iii. Pp. iii, 414. 1891. Vol. IV. John iv to Acts vi. Pp. iv, 396. 1891. Vol. V. Acts vii to I Corinthians xvi. Pp. iv, 394. T892. Vol. VI. II Corinthians to Philippians. Pp. iv, 360. 1892. Vol. VII. Colossians to James. Pp. iii, 376. 1893. Simeon, Charles, Rev., M.A. Horas Homileticas ; or. Discourses Digested into One Continued Series, and Forming- a Commen- tary upon Every Book of the Old and New Testaments, with Copi- ous Indexes prepared by the Rev. Thomas Hartwell Home, B.D. 1 1 vols., pp. 485 ; vii, 643 ; vi, 505 ; vii, 496 ; vii, 513; vii, 540; viii, 735; vii, 480; vii, 603 ; vi, 420, and Index, 8vo. Lond. : Cadell, 1819-1820. 21 vols. Lond.: Bohn, 1840. 8th ed., 1855. 147s. Speaker's Commentary. See Bible Commentary. Whedon, D. D., LL.D. Commen- tary on the Old and New Testa- ments. 12 vols,, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Conern, 1860- 1884, Each $2. OLD TESTAMENT, Vol. I. Genesis and Exodus. By Milton S. Terry, D.D., and Fales H. Newhall, D.D. Pp. 570. Vol. II. Leviticus, and Numbers. By Daniel Steele, D.D. Deuteronomy. By John W, Lindsay, D.D, Pp. 526. Vol. III. Joshua. ByD. Steele, D.D. Judges-II Samuel, By Milton S. Terry, D.D. Pp. 526. Vol. IV. Kings to Esther. By Milton S. Terry, D.D. Pp.534- Vol. V. Psalms, By F, G. Hibbard, D.D. Pp. 448. Vol. VI. Job. By J. K. Burr, D.D, Prov- erbs. By William Hunter, D.D. Eccle- siastes, Song of Solomon. By A. B. Hyde, D.D. Pp. 557. Vol. VII. Isaiah. By Henry Bannister, D.D. _ Jeremiah and Lamentations. By Francis D. Hemenwaj'^, D.D. Pp. 472. [Vol. VIII not out.] NEW TESTAMENT. Vol. I. Matthew and Mark. By D. D. Whedon, D.D. Pp. 422. Vol. II. Luke and John. By D. D. Whedon, D.D. Pp. 422. Vol. III. Acts and Romans. By D. D. Whedon, LL.D. Pp. 402, Vol, IV. I Corinth ians-I I Timothy. By D. D. Whedon, LL.D. Pp. 461. 1875. Vol. V. Titus-Revelation. By D. D. Whedon, LL.D. Pp. 483. WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER, D.D. The Holy Bible ; with Notes and Introductions. 6 vols, in 7. New ed,, pp. xlvi, 287; xx, 170; XV, 134; xxv, 384; xx, 104; xvi, 228; xvi, 154; xxii, 196; xix, 289; xxi, 62; xxviii, 167, 'fii, imp. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington. 1864-1871. 167.V. (id. B. THE OLD TESTAMENT. a. ENTIRE. See also Commentaries, on Whole Bible. Pen- tateuch^ and Old Testament Books in order. Anderson, J. What Saith the Scripture ? An Exposition and Analysis of the Pentateuch and Earlier Historical Books of the Old Testament ; with Explanatory and Practical Notes. Pp. 240, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1885. y. 6d. Ellicott, Charles John, D.D. An Old Testament Commentary for English readers. By various writers. 3 vols., pp. xxxii, 576; 510; 529, 4to. Lond: Cassell, 63J. N. Y. : Dutton. n. d. [1883.] $6. Faussett, a. R., Rev., and Smith, B. M., Rev. The Poetical Books of the Holy Scriptures, with a Critical and Explanatory Com- mentary. Pp. 250, i2mo. Phila. : Claxton, 1867. $1.50. Godet, F., D.D. Biblical Studies on the Old Testament. Trans- lated by Hon. Rev. W. H. Lyttel- ton. i2mo. Lond.: Parker, 1875. 4th ed., pp. 338, p. 8vo. Hodder, 1886. 7 J. 6d. Keil, C. F., D.D., and Delitzsch, F., D.D. Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. 25 vols., 8vo. Edinb, : Clark, 1864-1878. los. 6d. each. Vols. I-III. The Pentateuch. [By the Editors.] Translated from the German by the Rev, James Martin, B.A. 3 vols., pp. 501 ; 486 ; viii, 531. 1864, 1865. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 8i Vol. IV. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, [By the Editors.] Translated by the Rev. James Martin, B.A. Pp. viii, 494. 1865. Vol. V. The Books of Samuel. [By the Editors.] Translated by Rev. James Martin, B.A. Pp. viii, 512. 1876. Vol. VI. The Books of the Kings. By C. F. Keil. Translated by Rev. James Martin, B.A. Pp. viii, 523. 1872. 2d ed., 1877. Vol. VII. The Books of the Chronicles. By C. F. Keil. Translated by Andrew Harper, B.D. Pp. vii, 516. 1872. Vol. VIII. The Books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. ByC. F. Keil._ Translated by Sophia Taylor. Pp. viii, 380. 1873. Vols. IX, X. The Book of Job. By Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Translated by Rev. Francis Bolton, B.A. _ 1866. 2d ed., revised. 2 vols., pp. viii, 453 ; x, 462. 1872. Vols. XI-XIII. The Psalms. By Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Translated by Rev. Francis Bolton, B.A. 3 vols., pp. x, 428 ; iv, 420; iv, 420. 1871. 2d ed., 1877. Vols. XIV, XV. Proverbs of Solomon. By Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Translated by M. G. Easton, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xii, 372 ; vi, 350. 1874, 1875. Vol. XVI. The Song of Songs and Eccle- siastes. By Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Translated by Rev. M. G. Easton, D.D. Pp. xii, 442. 1877. Vols. XVII, XVIII. The Prophecies of Isaiah. By Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Translated bj: Rev. James Martin, B.A. 2 vols., pp. vii, 461 ; vii, 537. 1867. Vols. XIX, XX. The Prophecies of Jere- miah. By C. F. Keil, D.D. Translated by David Patrick, M.A. 2 vols., pp viii, 419; viii, 455. 1873, 1874. Vols. XXI, XXII. The Prophecies of Ezekiel. By C. F. Keil, D.D. Trans- lated by Rev. James Martin, B.A. 2 vols., pp. viii, 428 ; vii, 4:!4. 1876. Vol. XXII I. The Book of the Prophet Daniel. By C. F. Keil, D.D. Trans- lated by Rev. M. G. Easton, A.M. Pp. X, 506. 1872. Vols. XXIV, XXV. The Twelve Minor Prophets. By C. F. Keil, D.D. 2 vols., pp. vii, 515 ; vii, 475. 1868. Phelps. Austin, D.D. Studies of the Old Testament. See Ijttj-o- due Hon, Old Testatnetit. Preacher's Complete Homilet- iCAL Commentary on the Old Testament (on an origi- nal plan). With Critical and Ex- planatory Notes, Indices, etc. By various authors. 8vo. Lond.: Nis- bet, 1885-1891. N.Y.: Funk, 1892. Per vol., 'js. 6d., $3. Vol. I. Genesis. Chapters i to vii, by Rev. J. S. Exell, M.A. ; Chapters ix to 1, by Rev. T. H. Leale, A.K.C. Pp. xvi, 731- Vol. II. Exodus.^ By Rev. J. S. Exell, M.A. Pp. xxvi, 592. Vol. III. Leviticus. By Rev. W. Harvey Jellie and Rev. Frederick W. Brown. Pp. iv, 332. Numbers. By Rev. William Jones. Chapters i to xv. Pp. xv, 288. Vol. IV. Numbers. From Chapter xv Pp. 289-624, xxviii. Deuteronomy. By Rev. James Wolfendale. Pp. 422, ix. Vol. V. Joshua. By Rev. F. G. Mar- chant. Pp. 404. Vol. VI. Judges. By Rev. J. P. Millar, M.A. With Appendix on the Higher Use of the Book of Judges. Pp. 541, Vol. VII. Ruth. By Rev. Walter Baxen- dale. Pp. 183, iv. Samuel. By Rev. W. Harris. Pp. xii, 432, viii. Vol. VIII. Kings. By Rev. George Barlow. Pp. 654, X. Vol, IX. Chronicles. By Rev. James Wolfendale. Pp. 322, vii. Ezra. By Rev. William Jones. Pp. 191. Nehe- miah. By Rev. W. H. Booth, Rev. J. H. Goodman, and Rev S. Gregory. Chapters i to vi. Pp. 1-173. Vol. X. Nehemiah. From Chapter vi. Pp. 174-258. Esther. By Rev. W. Bur- rows, B.A. Pp. iv, 323, ii. Job. By Thomas Robinson, D.D. Pp. iv, 301,, Vols. XI, XII. The Psalms. By Rev. W. L. Watkinson, Rev. W. Forsyth, A.M., Rev. Joseph L. Exell, Rev. J. W. Bums, Rev. George Barlow, and Rev. William Jones. 2 vols., pp. 512, xxviii ; 465. XXX. Vol. XIH. Proverbs. By Rev. J. W. Harris. Pp. xli, 784. Vol. XIV. Ecclesiastes. By Rev. Thomas H. Leale. Pp. iv, 1S7. Song of Solomon. By Thomas Robinson, D.D. Pp. vii, 160, xii. Vols. XV, XVI. Isaiah. By Rev. R. A. Bertram and Alfred Tucker, with Ap- pendix, giving Modern Translations of Isaiah. 2 vols., pp. 496, 88, 687. Vol. XVII. Jeremiah. By Rev. W. M. Jellie. Pp. vi, 694. Vol. XVIII. Lamentations. By Rev. D. G. Watt, M.A., and Rev. George Ear- low. Pp. 148. Ezekiel. By Rev. D. G. Watt, M.A. , Rev. T. H. Leale, and Rev. George Barlow. Pp. 510. Vol. XIX. Daniel. By Thomas Robin- son, D.D. With Appendices. Pp. vi, 324- Vol. XX. Minor Prophets. By Rev. James Wolfendale. Pp. 743. Index vol., viii» 226. b. PENTATEUCH. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible^ Old Testament^ and O. T. Books in order. Blunt, Henry. A Family Ex- position of the Pentateuch. 3 vols., PP- 358. 35O' 352, 8vo. Lond. : Hatchards, 1844. New ed., i860. 1 8 J. Calvin. [Pentateuch.] See under Collected Works, Calvin Transla- tion Society. 82 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Commentary for Schools. 5 vols., i2mo. Lond. : Cassel, 1885. Genesis. Commentary and Introduction to the Pentateuch, by Rcy. R. P. Smith, and a General Introduction to the Old Testament, by Very Rev. E. H. Plumptre. Pp. 440. 1885. 3 J. dd. Exodus. By Rev. George Rawlinson. Pp. 360. 1885. 3J. Leviticus. By C. D. Ginsburg. Pp. 302. 1885. 3J. Numbers. By C. J. Elliott. Pp. 230. 1885. ■zs. td. Deuteronomy. By C. H. Waller. Pp. 226. 1885. 2 J. 6d. of Exodus ; a Revised Version, with Marginal References, and an Explanatory Commentary. Pp. 338, 8vo. Lend.: Isbister, 1872. Edersheim, Alfred, D.D. under Messianic Prophecy. See c. prophecies in general. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament^ and under Special Books. EwALD, H. Commentary on the Prophets of the Old Testament. Translated by J. F. Smith. 5 vols. Vol. I, Joel, Amos, Hosea, and Zechariah. Vol. II, Isaiah, Oba- diah, and Micah. Vol. Ill, Na- hum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Zech- ariah, Jeremiah. Vol. IV, Ezekiel, Isaiah. Vol. V, Haggai, Zecha- riah, Malachi, Jonah, Baruch, Dan- iel. Pp. viii, 333 ; vi, 343 ; vi, 302 ; vi, 244 ; vi, 326, 8vo. Lond. : F>ell, 1 87 5-1 88 1. Eachio.?. 6^. NOYES, G. R. New Translation of the Hebrew Prophets. With In- troduction and Notes. 3 vols in I. Pp. xii, 288, i2mo. Bost. : Am. Unit. Assoc, 1833. New ed., 2 vols., pp. xci, 271 ; 413, 1874. $2.50. Williams, Rowland. The Proph- ets of Israel and Judah during the Assyrian Empire. Pp. 450, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1866. los. 6d. Vol. I of a contemplated revised edition of the Prophets, d. old testament books in ORDER. I. Genesis. See also Commentaries on Whole Bidle, Old Testament, Pentateuch. Alford, Henry. D.D. The Book of Genesis, and part of the Book .2S. Boardman, George D., Rev., D.D. Studies in the Creative Week. Pp. 338, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1877. $1.25. BOHLEN, Peter von. Dr. Intro- duction to the Book of Genesis, with a Commentary on the Open- ing Portion. From the German. Edited by James Heywood, M.P., F.R.S. 2 vols., pp. xxxii, 335 ; iv, 298, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1855. 2d ed., 1862. 6s. Bush, George. Notes, Critical, and Practical, on the Book of Genesis ; designed as a General Help to Biblical Reading and In- struction. N. Y. : Newman, 1838. 26th ed., 2 vols., pp. XXXV, 338, 444, i2mo. ; Ivison, 1863. $3. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the First Book of Moses called Genesis. See p. 26. Candlish, Robert S., D.D. Lec- tures on Genesis. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Black, 1842. New ed., pp. ix, 470 ; vii. 374. Lond. : Nelson, 1868. 15^. Crosse, T. F. Lectures on Early Scripture : Genesis. Pp. ix, 288, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1863. Cumming, John, D.D. Sabbath Readings on Genesis. Pp. 190, i2mo. Lond.: Shaw, 1859. 4^-. Delitzsch, Franz, D.D. A New Commentary on Genesis. Trans- lated by Sophia Taylor. 2 vols., pp. vi, 412; 408, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1888, 1889; N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1889. 21s., $6. DODS, Marcus, D.D. The Book of Genesis. Pp. v,445, 8vo. N.Y.: Armstrong, 1888. $1.50. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 83 EXELL, J. S., Rev., and Leale, T. H., Rev. Homiletical Commen- tary on the Book of Genesis. Pp. xvi, 730, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1892. S3. Gibson, J. Monro. The Ages be- fore Moses. Twelve Lectures on the Book of Genesis. Pp. ii, 258, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1879. New ed., 1887. 75 cents. Hershon, Paul Isaac. A Rab- binical Commentary on Genesis. Translated from the Judaso- Polish, with Notes and Indices. Intro- duction by Archdeacon Farrar. Pp. 328, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1885. 7s. 6d. Kalisch, M. M., Ph.D. Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament, with a New Trans- lation. Genesis. Pp. viii, 780 ; 88, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1858. 1 8 J. Murphy, J. G., D.D. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis, with a New Translation. With a Preface by J. P. Thompson, D.D. 8vo. An- dover: Draper, 1866. New ed., pp. xvi, 535. 1873. $3-50- Osburn, William. Israel in Egypt ; or. Genesis and Exodus. Pp. 330, i2mo. Lond.: Seeley, 1853. 2d ed., 1856. 5^. Paul, William, Rev.. A.M. Anal- ysis and Critical Interpretation of the Hebrew Text of the Book of Genesis. Preceded by a Hebrew Grammar, and Dissertations on the Genuineness of the Pentateuch, and on the Structure of the Hebrew Language. 8vo. Edinb. : Black- wood, 1852. 18^. Practical Reflections upon Every Verse in the Book of Genesis. With a Preface by Rt. Rev. Edward King, Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Pp. xvi, 294, p. 8vo. Lond. and N.Y. : Longmans, 1892. 4^.6^., $1.75. Wright.Charles Henry Hamil- ton, B.A. The Book of Genesis in Hebrew, with a Critically Re- vised Text, Various Readings, and Grammatical and Critical Notes. Pp. xxxiv, 152 ; 114, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1859. 5^. 2. Exodus. See also Commentaries on Whole Bihle^ Old Testavtent^ Pentateuch. Alford, Henry, D.D. See p. 82. Bush, George. Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Exodus ; designed as a General Help to Biblical Reading and Instruction. 2 vols., pp. 300, 299, i2mo. N. Y. : Young, 1 841. $3. Clifford, H. M. Handbook to the Second Book of Moses, called Exodus. The Text annotated for Educational and Home Use. With Map ... Pp. 128, i2mo. Lond. : Frowde, 1890. is. 6d. Gumming, John, Rev. Sabbath Readings (Exodus). Pp. 400, i2mo. Lond.: Shaw, 1843. 4^. Exell, Joseph S., Rev. Homi- letical Commentary on the Book of Exodus. Pp. xxiv, 592, 8vo. N. Y.: Funk, 1893. $3. Jacobus, Melanchthon W., D.D. Notes, Critical and Explanator)-, on the Book of Exodus. From Egypt to Sinai, i2mo. Pp. 186, p. 8vo. N. Y. : Carter. 1874. $1. Kalisch, M. M., Ph.D. A Histor- ical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament, with a New Translation. Exodus. Pp. xxxii, 624, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1855. 1 5 J. MacGREGOR, J. Exodus, with In- troduction, Commentary, and Spe- cial Notes. Part I, The Re- demption ; Egypt. Part II, The Consecration. 2 vols., pp. 208, 178, p. 8vo. Edinb.: Clarke, 1889. Each 2s. 84 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Murphy, J. G., D.D. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus ; with a New Translation. Pp. 385, 8vo. An- dover : Draper, 1866. $3. Nevin, Alfred, D.D. Notes, Exe- getical, Practical, and Devotional, on the Book of Exodus. Pp. 381, i2mo. Phila. : Claxton, 1873. 3d ed., 1874. $1.50. Pentecost, G. F., D.D. Out of Egypt. Bible Readings on the Book of Exodus. Pp. vii, 214, i2mo. N. Y.: Funk, 1884. $1. 3. Leviticus. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible^ Old Testament^ and Pentateuch. CUMMING, John, D.D. Sabbath Readings on Leviticus. Pp. 180, i2mo. Lond. : Shaw, 1854. 45. BoNAR, Andrew A., Rev. A Commentar)% Expository, and Practical, with Critical Notes, on the Book of Leviticus. Pp. 513, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1851. New issue, 1859. $1.50. Bush, George. Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Leviticus. Designed as a General Help to Biblical Reading and In- struction. Pp. viii, 272, i2mo. N. Y.: Ivison, 1861. $1.50. Kalisch, M. M., Ph.D. A His- torical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament, with a New Translation of Leviticus. 2 vols., pp. xxxvi, 708, 18; viii, 640, 59, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1867- 1872. 27J. 6d. Murphy, J. G, D.D. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Leviticus, with a New Translation. Pp. 318, 8vo. An- dover: Draper, 1872. ^2.50. 4. Numbers. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible, Old Testament, Pentateuch. Bush, George. Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Numbers. Designed as a General Help to Biblical Reading and In- struction. Pp. vii, 468, i2mo. N. Y. : Ivison, 1863. $1.50. CUMMiNG, John, D.D. Sabbath Readings on Numbers. Pp. 334, i2mo. Lond.: Shaw, 1855. 45. Dunn, Louis R., Rev. The Gospel in the Book of Numbers. Pp. 268, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1889. $1. Howard, H. E. J. Numbers and Deuteronomy, According to the Version of the Seventy. Trans- lated into English . . . with Notes. Pp. 430, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1857. 10^. 6d. Kalisch, M. M., Ph.D. Bible Studies. Part I. The Prophecies of Balaam (Numbers xxii-xxiv) ; or. The Hebrew and the Heathen. Pp. viii, 312, 12, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1877. los. 6d. 5. Deuteronomy. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible, Old Testament, and Pentateuch. CuMMiNG, John, D.D. Sabbath Readings on Deuteronomy. Pp. 426, i2mo. Lond.: Shaw, 1856. AS. Howard, H. E. J. See above un- der Ntimbers. 6. Joshua. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Bush, George. Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Joshua. Designed as a General Help to Biblical Reading and In- struction. N. Y. : Saxton. 1851. 2d ed. Pp. xii, 209, i2mo. N. Y. : Ivison, 1862. $1.50. Calvin, John. Commentary on Joshua. See p. 26. Crosby, Howard, D.D. Exposi- tory Notes on the Book of Joshua. Pp. 236, i2mo. N.Y.: Carter, 1875. %\. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 85 CuMMiNG, John, D.D. Sabbath Readings on Joshua and Judges. Pp. 514, i2mo. Lond. : Shaw, 1857. 6s. Davies, J. Notes on the Book of Joshua. Pp. 56, i2mo. Lond.: Philip, 1871. IS. Johnson, G. E. The Book of Joshua. With Notes and Expla- nations. Pp. 104, fcp. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1892. IS. Lloyd, J. The Book of Joshua ; a Critical and Expository Commen- tary on the Hebrew Text. Pp. 368, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1886. 7s. 6d. Mackay, a. B. The Conquest of Canaan. Lectures on the first twelve Chapters of the Book of Joshua. Pp. 412, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1884. -js. 6d. Meyer, J. B. Joshua and the Land of Promise. Pp. 180, p. 8vo. Lond. : Morgan, 1893. 2s. 6d. 7. Judges. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testavietit. Cooke, G. A., Rev., M.A. The History and Song of Deborah (Judges IV and V). Pp. 57. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. 50 cents. Gumming, John, D.D. See above under Joshua. Davies, J. Notes on Judges, in- cluding Ruth. Pp. 72, i2mo. Lond. : Philip, 1871. \s. Faussett, a. R. a Critical and Expository Commentary on the Book of Judges. Pp. 348, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1885. \os. 6d. Gedge, J. W. The Story of the Judges ; its Lessons for To-day. Pp. 256, i2mo. Lond.: Cassell, 1893. 2s. 6d. Wiseman, LukeH., D.D. Men of Faith ; or. Sketches from the Book of Judges. i2mo. Lond.: Hod- der, 1870. 2d ed., pp. 362, p. 8vo. 1874. 3^. 6d. 8. Ruih. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Brown, R. Gleanings from the Book of Ruth; or, the Book of Ruth Opened Out by Comparison with Other Parts of the Scripture. Pp. 260, p. 8vo. Lond. : Partridge, 1887. 4J. Davies, J. See above under Judges. HORINE, M. C, Rev. Practical Reflections on the Book of Ruth. With an Introduction by the Rev. Eli Huber, D.D. Pp. iv, 122, i6mo. Phila. : Luth. Pub. Soc, 1892. 50 cents. Tyng, Stephen H., D.D. The Rich Kinsman ; or, the History of Ruth, the Moabitess. Pp. xvi, 395, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1855. $1. W^RiGHT, C. H. H. The Book of Ruth in Hebrew. With a Crit- ically Revised Text, Various Read- ings, Grammatical and Critical Commentary, Notes, etc. 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1864. ^s. 6d. 9. Samuel- Nehemiah. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Blaikie. W. G., D.D. The First Book of Samuel. Pp. v, 440, 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1888. $1.50. CONANT, Thomas J. The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I and II Kings ; the Common Version Revised, with an Introduction and occasional Notes. Pp. xxii, 358, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1884. $2. Gumming, John, D.D. Sabbath Readings on Samuel. Pp. 460, i2mo. Lond.: Hall, 1858. 55. 86 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Farrar, F. W., D.D. The First Book of Kings. Pp. xii, 503, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Armstrong, 1893. 7s. 6d., $1.50. 10. Esther. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Cassel, Paulus, D.D. An Ex- planatory Commentary on Esther, with Four Appendices, consisting of the second Targum translated from the Aramaic, with Notes, Mithra, the Winged Bulls of Per- sepolis, and Zoroaster. Trans- lated by Rev. Aaron Bernstein, D.D. Pp. XXXV, 400, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1888. 10.S. 6^., $3. Crosthwaite, J. C. Lectures on the History of Esther. Pp. 614, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1858. 8j. Davidson, A. B. Lectures, Ex- pository and Practical, on the Book of Esther. Pp. 322, lamo. Edinb. : Clark, 1859. 55. 6d: Haley, John W., Rev., M.A., edi- tor. The Book of Esther, a New Translation ; with Critical Notes, Excursuses, Maps and Plans, and Illustrations. By the Lowell He- brew Club. Pp. 196, 8vo. An- dover: Draper, 1885. $1.50. McCrie, Thomas, D.D. Lectures on the Book of Esther. Pp.311, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood : Lond.: Cadell, 1838. 5^. Tyng, Stephen H., D.D. The Captive Orphan : Esther, the Queen of Persia. Pp. 414, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. $1. Van Dyke, James S., Rev. From Gloom to Gladness. Illustrations of Life from the Biography of Esther. Pp. 269, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1883. $1. II. >^. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Barnes, Albert. Notes, Critical, Illustrative, and Practical, on the Book of Job. With a New Trans- lation and an introductory Disser- tation. 2 vols., pp. cxxvi, 311, 384, i2mo. N. Y. : Leavitt, 1857. New ed. Worthington, 1881.' $3. Bradley, George Granville, Very Rev. Lectures on the Book of Job. Pp. 320, 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1887. 2d ed., 1888. -js.dd. CONANT, Thomas J., D.D. The Book of Job. A Translation from the Original Hebrew ; on the Ba- sis of the Common and Earlier English Versions. With an In- troduction and Explanatory Notes for the English Reader. Pp. xix, 85. 4to. N. Y. : Am. Bib. Un. ; Lond.: Triibner, 1857. The Book of Job ; the Common Version, the Hebrew Text, and- the Revised Version of the Amer- ican Bible Union. With an Intro- duction and Philological Notes. Pp. XXX, 165, 4to. N. Y. : Am. Bib. Un. ; Lond.: Trubner, 1857. $3. CowLES, Henry, D.D. The Book of Job ; with Notes, Critical, Ex- planatory, and Practical, de- signed for both Pastors and Peo- ple. With a New Translation ap- pended. Pp. 298, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1877. $1.50. Cox, Samuel. A Commentary on the Book of Job. With a Trans- lation. Pp. xiii, 552, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1880. 2d ed., 1885. 155. Croly, George, Rev. The Book of Job. Pp.162, i2mo. Edinb.: Blackwood, 1863. 4^. Curry, Daniel, D.D. The Book of Job, according to the Revised Version. With an Expository and Practical Commentary, with Illus- trations from . . . Eminent Ex- positors and a Critical Introduc- tion. Pp. 302, 8vo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1888. $2. Davidson, A. B. A Commentary on Job, Grammatical and Exeget- EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 87 ical, with a Translation. Vol. I, pp. Iv, 203, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1862. 7s. 6d. Was never completed. But see his smaller Commentary in the Cambridge Bible for Schools, p. 73. EwALD, George Heinrich Au- gust, D.D. Commentary on the Book of Job, with Translation. Translated from the German by J. Frederick Smith. Pp. vii, 349, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1882. los. 6d. Froude, James Anthony. Short Studies on Great Subjects. (Vol. I, pp. 228-274.) N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. $3. Genung, John F. The Epic of the Inner Life. Being the Book of Job, translated anew, and ac- companied with Notes and an In- troductory Study. Pp. xi, 352, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1891. $1.25. Gilbert, George H. See under Poetry. Green, William H., D.D. The Argument of the Book of Job Un- folded. Pp. 369, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1874. $1.75. Latch, E. B. Indications of the Book of Job. Pp. 293, 8vo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1889. $1. NOYES, G. R., D.D. A New Trans- lation of the Book of Job, Eccle- siastes, and the Canticles. 2d ed. Best.: Munroe, 1838. 5th ed., revised. Pp. 351, i2mo. Bost.: Am. Unit. Assoc, 1874. $1.75. Raymond, RossiterW. TheBook of Job. Essays and a metrical Paraphrase, with an introductory Note by T, J. Conant, and the Text of the Revised Version pre- pared by Dr. Conant for the American Bible Union. Pp. 187, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton. 1878. $1.50. Renan, Ernest. The Book of Job. Translated from the He- brew, with a Study upon the Age and Character of the Poem, ren- dered into English, by A. F. G. and W^ M. T. Pp. 158, p. 8vo. Lond. : Thomson, 1889. 55. Umbreit, D. F. W. New Version of the Book of Job, with Exposi- tory Notes. 2 vols., pp. 316, 335, i2mo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1836, 1837. I2J. Wright, G. H. Bateson, M.A. The Book of Job. A new critically revised Translation, with Essays on Scansion, Date, etc. Pp. viii, 240, 8vo. Lond.: Williams 1883. 12. Psalms. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Alexander, Joseph Addison, D.D. The Psalms, Translated and Explained. 3 vols., pp. xvl, 436, 349, 316, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1850. 6th ed., 1866: also 3 vols, in 2 ; cheap ed., 1873. $5. Alexander, W. Witness of the Psalms to Christ and Christian- ity. See Bampton Lectures for 1^76, p. 22. Augustine. Expositions of the Psalms. Translated with Notes. 6 vols., 8vo. See Library of the Fathers, p. 30. Barnes, Albert. Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, on the Book of Psalms. Designed for Sunday School Teachers and Bible Classes. 3 vols., pp. xlvi, 374, 383, 343. i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1868, 1869. $4.50. BONAR, Andrew A. Christ and his Church in the Book of Psalms. Pp. xii, 457, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. $1.75. Bridges, Charles, Rev. Ex- position of Psalm cxix ; as Il- lustrative of the Character and Exercises of Christian Expe- 88 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. rience. Lond. : Seeley, 1827. Am. ed., from the 17th Lond. ed., pp. 296, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1887. $1.75- Butler, W. J. Meditations on tlie One Hundred and Nineteenth Fsalm. Pp. 192, 8vo. Lond.: Skeffington, 1894. 3^. dd. Calvin, John. See p. 26. Cheyne, T. K.. Rev., M.A. The Book of Psahtts Translated [with Introduction, Notes, and Remarks] . Pp. xxix, 256, i6mo. Lond. : Paul, 1883; N. Y. : Appleton, 1884. 6j., $1.25. The Book of Psalms ; or, the Praise of Israel. A New Trans- lation, with Commentary. Pp. vii. 413. 8vo. Lond.: Paul; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1888. 16^., $3. See also, p. 23, his Bampton Lectures for 1889. Coles, Abraham, M.D. A New Rendering- of the Hebrew Psalms into English Verse; with Notes, Critical, Historical, and Biograph- ical, including an historical Sketch of the French, English, and Scotch Metrical Versions. Pp. Ixix, 296, i2mo. N. Y.: Appleton, 1887. $1.25. CowLES, Henry, D.D. ThePsalms; with Notes. Pp. 554, i2mo. N.Y. : Appleton, 1872. $2.25. Delitzsch, Franz. Biblical Com- mentary- on the Psalms, from the latest Edition .... Translated by Rev. David Eaton. 3 vols., pp. 520, 520, 520, 8vo. Lond. : Hod- der, 1887, 1888. Each 7^.6^. De Witt, John, D.D. Praise Songs of Israel : a new Rendering of the Psalms. Pp. 217, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1885. $2. The Psalms. A New Trans- lation, with introductory Essay and Notes. Pp. xxxviii, 325, 8vo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1891. $2. EwALD, G. Heinrich A. von, D.D. Commentary on the Psalms. Translated by the Rev. E. John- son, M.A. 2 vols., pp. x, 339; vi, 356, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1880, 1881. 21J. Good, John Mason, M.D. The Book of Psalms ; a New Transla- tion, with Notes, Critical, and Ex- planatory. Edited by the Rev. E. Henderson, D.D. Pp. 547, 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1854. \os.6d. Hengstenberg, E. W., D.D. Com- mentary on the Psalms. 3 vols., PP- 539» 479. 647, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N.Y.: Scribner, 1 845-1 848. 3d ed., i860. 33^., $9. Hibbard,F.G.,D.D. ThePsalms, Chronologically Arranged, with Historical Introductions. Pp. 589, 8vo. N. Y. : Carlton, 1856. $3.56. HORNE, George, D.D. A Com- mentary on the Book of Psalms. 8vo. N. Y.: Carter, 1849. $1.50. New ed., 2 vols., i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1848. \os. 6d. Horsley, Samuel. The Book of Psalms, translated from the He- brew, with Notes. Pp. 415, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1845. 12S. JEBB, John. A Literal Translation of the Book of Psalms ; with Dis- sertations on the word Selah, and on the Authorship, Order, Titles, and Poetry of the Psalms. 2 vols., pp. 772, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1846. 21^. Jennings, Arthur Charles, and Lowe, W. H. The Psalms, with Introductions and Critical Notes. Books I, II, Ps. i-lxxii, pp. 410. 1875. 2d ed., 1884. Books III-V. Ps. Ixxiii-cl, pp. 390. 1877. 2cl ed., 1885. P. 8vo. Lond. and N.Y. : Macmillan. Each \os.6d., S3- Kay, W. The Psalms translated from the Hebrew, with Notes. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 89 Pp. 470, 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1864. 3d ed., Rivington, 1877. 12s. 6d. Ker. John, D.D. The Psalms in History and Biography. Pp. xiii, 219, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1887. $1. M ANTON, Thomas, Rev., D.D. One Hundred and Ninety Sermons on the Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm ; with a Complete Alpha- betical Table, directing to the Principal Matters contained there- in. 3 vols., pp. XXX, 585, 590, 540, 8vo. Lond.: Brown, 1840. 3d ed., 1845. 20^. Meyer, J. B. The Psalms. Notes and Readings. Pp. 306, 32mo. Lond.: Morgan, 1891. 2S. MOZLEY, F. W. David in the Psalms. With various Notes on the Psalter. Pp. 136, p. 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1890. 4^. 6d. Murphy, J. G. A Critical and Ex- egetical Commentary on the Psalms, with a New Translation. Pp. x,694, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1875. $4. Neale, John Mason. Rev., D.D. and Littledale, R. F., Rev., LL.D. A Commentary on the Psalms, from the Primitive and Mediseval Writers; and from the various Office Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Galilean, Greek, Cop- tic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. 4 vols., pp. xii, 618; xii, 612; iv, 533; ii, 511. p. 8vo. Lond.: Mas- ters, 1 860-1 874 ; N. Y. : Pott, 1874. 42s., 1 1 6. Newbolt, W. C. E. Penitence and Peace. Being Addresses on the Fifty -first and Twenty -third Psalms. Pp. viii, 151, p. 8vo. Lond.andN. Y.: Longmans, 1892. 2s. 6d., $1. NiSBET, Robert. Songs of the Temple Pilgrims : an Exposition, Devotional and Practical, of the Psalms of Degrees. Pp. 364, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1863. Re- duced, 1867. 2S. NOYES, G. R., D.D. A New Trans- lation of the Book of Psalms and of the Proverbs, with Introduc- tions and Notes, chiefly Explana- tory. Bost. : Munroe, 184-. 3d ed., pp. 421, i2mo. Bost.: Am. Un. Assoc, 1867. $1.25. Paterson, H. a. The Bard of Bethlehem: His Psalms andSongs. Translation in Meter from the Hebrew, with Annotations. Pp. 399, cr. 8vo. Edinb. : Elliott, 1894. 2s. 6d. Perowne, J. J. Stewart. The Book of Psalms ; a New Trans- lation, with Introduction and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1864- 1868. 5th ed. Pp. xxix, 595, 523. 1882. 21S. Plumer, William S., D.D., LL.D. Studies in the Book of Psalms ; being a Critical and Expository Commentary, with Doctrinal Re- marks on the entire Psalter. Pp. 1,211, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Lippin- cott, 1867. $6. Psalms, The. Chronologically ar- ranged. An Amended Version, with Historical Introduction and Explanatory Notes. By Four Friends. Pp. xiii, 464, 8vo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1891. $1.75. Psalms, The. Illustrated from Scripture ; being the Book of Psalms with Illustrative Scripture Passages, forming a Collection of nearly 2,000 Texts, Doctrinnl, De- votional, and Descriptive, with In- troduction by Rev. Horatius Bonar. Pp. 422, i6mo. N. Y. : Nelson, 1886. 75 cents. ROLLE, R. The Psalter, or Psalms of David, and Certain Canticles. With a Translation and Exposition in EngHsh. Edited from Manu- 90 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. scripts by Rev. H. R. Bramley. With Introduction and Glossary. 2 vols., pp. 920, 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1884. 21s. SIMMS, Edward, Rev., M.A. A Spiritual Commentary on the Book of Psalms, specially setting forth their Messianic Interpretation. Pp. vii, 588, 8vo. Lond. : Bell. 1882. 12s. 6d. Spurgeon, Charles H. The Treasury of David. Containing- an Original Exposition of the Book of Psalms, a Collection of Illustra- tive Extracts from the Whole Range of Literature, a Series of Homiletical Hints upon almost every Verse, and a List of Writers upon each Psalm. 6 vols. Vol. I, Ps. i-xxvi, pp. xii, 484; Vol. II, Ps. xxvii-lii, pp. xii, 484; Vol. Ill, Ps. liii-lxxviii, pp. xii, 484; Vol. IV, Ps. Ixxix-ciii, pp. xii, 476 ; Vol. V, Ps. civ-cxviii, pp. xvi, 352 ; Vol. VI, Ps. cxix-cxxiv, pp. xvi, 464. Lond.: Passmore, 1 878-1 882; N. Y. : Funk, 1882. 40^., $12. Stevenson, John, Rev. The Lord our Shepherd ; an Exposi- tion of the Tv^enty-third Psalm. Pp. xxvii, 212, i2mo. N. Y. : Car- ter, 1845. 60 cents. Tholuck, Augustus. A Transla- tion and Commentary of the Book of Psalms, for the Use of the Min- istry and Laity of the Christian Church. Translated from the German by Rev. J. Isidor Mom- bert. Pp. XV," 497, i2mo. Phila. : Martien, 1858. Thomas, David, D.D. The Book of Psalms Exegetically and Prac- tically Considered. Containing . . . Homiletic Sketches and . . . Sermonic Clippings. 3 vols., pp. xxix, 481; xxxii, 478; xxxii, 441, 8vo. Lond. : Dickinson, 1882. Each los. dd. Vidal, James H. Jesus, God and Man ; an Exposition of Psalms cxi and xcii. Pp. xiii, 171, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Hunt, 1863. y.6d. Waldenstrom, P. The Lord is Right. Meditations on the xxvth Psalm ; from the Swedish, . . . the Translation Revised, with Notes and Introduction by J. G. Princell. Pp.303, i2mo. Chic: Martenson, 1889. $1.25. Walsh, W. Pakenham, D.D. The Voices of the Psalms. Pp. xii, 332, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1890. 5.S., $1.25. 13. Proverbs. See also Commentaries on IVhole Bible and Old Testament. Arnot, William, Rev. Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. Illustrations of the Book of Prov- erbs. Pp. viii, 581, i2mo. Lond.: Nelson, 1869. js. 6d. Bridges, Charles, Rev., M.A. An Exposition of the Book of Proverbs. Pp. xi, 544, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1847. $2. Cowles, Henry, Rev., D.D. Prov- erbs, Ecclesiastes, and The Song of Solomon, with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. De- signed for Pastors and People. Pp. 363, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1870. $2. Ma LAN, S. C, Rev. Original Notes on the Book of Proverbs according to the Authorized Version. Vol. I, chaps, i-ix. Pp. 490, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1890. 12s. Miller, John. A Commentary on the Proverbs : with a new Translation, and with some of the original Expositions reexamined in a classified List. Pp. 651, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph (1872). $4. NOYES, G. R., D.D. See under Psalms, p. 89. Stuart, Moses. A Commentary on the Book of Proverbs. Pp. 432, EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 91 i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1852. New ed. Andover: Draper, 1870. $1.75. 14. Ecclesiasies. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Bradley, George Granville. Lectures on Ecclesiastes. Pp.120, p. 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1885. Bridges, Charles, M.A. Expo- sition of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Pp. 389, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. %i. Buchanan, Robert, D.D. Eccle- siastes ; its Meaning and its Les- sons Explained and Illustrated. Pp. 430, p. 8vo. Lond. and Edinb. : Blackie, 1859. ^s, 6d. CowLES, Henry, Rev., D.D. Ec- clesiastes. See p, 90. Dale, T. Pelham, Rev. Eccle- siastes. The Authorized Version, with a running Commentary and Paraphrase. Pp. 11 6,8 vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1873. js. 6d. FiNLAYSON, T. C. The Meditations and Maxims of Koheleth ; a prac- tical Exposition of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Pp. 276, 8vo. Lond. : Unwin, 1887. 6s. GiNSBURG, Christian D. Cohe- leth, commonly called the Book of Ecclesiastes : translated from the Original Hebrew, with a Commen- tary, Historical and Critical. Pp. viii, 528, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1861. i2>s. Hamilton, James, D.D. The Royal Preacher ; being Lectures on Ecclesiastes. Pp. xvi, 272, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1851. 3d ed., 1858. 3^. 6d. Hengstenberg, E. W.,Prof., D.D. Commentary on the Book of Ec- clesiastes. To which are append- ed : Treatises on the Song of Sol- omon, on the Book of Job, on the Prophet Isaiah, on the Sacrifices of Holy Scripture, and on the Jews and the Christian Church. Trans- lated by Rev. D. W. Simon. Pp. 488, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, i860. 95., $3. Macdonald, J. M., D.D. The Book of Ecclesiastes Explained, Critically and Popularly. Pp. 414, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1856. $1.25. Noyes, G. R., D.D. Seep. 87. Stuart, Moses. A Commentary on Ecclesiastes. Pp. 300, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1851. Revised byR. D. C. Robbins. Andover: Draper, 1862. New ed., 1864. $1.50. Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. Lec- tures, Expository and Practical, on the Book of Ecclesiastes. 2 vols., i2mo. Lond. : Fullarton, 1821. 10^. Pp. 431, 8vo. Phila. : Rentoul, 1868. Wright, Charles Henry Ham- ilton, D.D. The Book of Kohe- leth, commonly called Ecclesias- tes, considered in Relation to Modern Criticism and to the Doc- trines of Modern Pessimism, with a Critical and Grammatical Com- mentary and a Revised Transla- tion. Donellan Lectures for 1880- 1881. Pp. xxvi, 516, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1883. \2s. Young, L., Rev. A Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes. With Introduction by A. T. McGill and W. M. Jacobus. Pp. 276, 8vo. Phila.: Presb. Bd. Pub., 1866. $2.50. 15. Song of Solomon. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. BuRROWES, George. A Commen- tary on the Song of Solomon. Pp. 527, i2mo. Phila.: Martien, 1853. $1.25. CowLES, Henry, Rev., D.D. Song of Solomon. See p. 90. 92 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Daland, William C. Rev., A.M. The Song of Songs translated from the Hebrew with Occasional Notes. Pp. 50, i6mo. Leonards- ville, N. Y.: privately printed, 1888. Gill, John, D.D. An Exposition of the Book of Solomon's Song. Folio. Lond., 1728. (Not con- tained in the Author's Exposition of the Old and New Testament.) New ed., pp. 324, 8vo. Lond. : Aylott, 1854. 6s. GiNSBURG, Christian D. The Song of Songs, translated from the Original Hebrew, with a Com- mentary, Historical and Critical. Pp. viii, 191, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1857. 5^. Griffis, William Elliott, D.D. The Lily among Thorns : a Study of the Biblical l3rama entitled The Song of Songs. Pp. ii, 274, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1889. $1.25. LiTTLEDALE, R. F., REV., LL.D. Commentary on the Song of Songs. Pp. 412, i2mo. Lond.: Masters, 1869. 7s. Newton, Adelaide Leaper. The Song of Solomon compared with Other Parts of Scripture. Pp. 316. i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1867. $1.25. NOYES, G. R., D.D. Se^^. 87. Rainsford, M. The Song of Sol- omon. Pp. 256, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hoby, 1892. 4J. [Sermons.] Stuart, A. Moody, M.A. Exposi- tion, with Critical Notes on Song of Solomon. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, i860. 12^. Pp. 544, 8vo. Phila.: Rentoul, 1869. $3. Terry, Milton S., D.D. The Song of Songs. An Inspired Melodrama, Analyzed, Translated, and Explained. Pp. 64, sq. i6mo, Cine. : Methodist Book Concern. 1893. 25 cents. Thrupp, John Francis. The Song of Songs : a Revised Trans- lation, with Introduction and Com- mentary. Pp. viii, 284, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1862. ys. 6d. Withington, Leonard. Solo- mon's Song, Translated and Ex- plained. Pp. vi, 329, i8mo. Bost.: Tilton, 1861. $2. 16. Isaiah. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Alexander, Joseph Addison. The Prophecies of Isaiah. Trans- lated and Explained. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1847. Revised ed., edited by J. Eadie. Pp. 507, 482. N. Y. ; Scribner, 1869. $6.50. Barnes, Albert. Notes on Isaiah. 2 vols., pp. 386, 458, 1 2mo. N. Y. : Leavitt, 1857 ; Worthington, 1881. $3- Birks, T. R., Rev. Commentary on the Book of Isaiah, Critical, Historical, and Prophetical ; in- cluding a Revised English Trans- lation. With Introduction and Appendices on the Nature of Scripture Prophecy, the Life and Times of Isaiah, etc. 2d ed., re- vised. Pp. XV. 430, 8vo. Lond. andN. Y. : Macmillan, 1871. New ed., 1878. \2s. 6d., $4.50. Calvin, John. Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Translated from the Original Latin by the Rev. William Pringle. 4 vols., pp. 496, 482, 528, 504, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1850-1853. 24J. Cheyne, T. K., M.A. The Book of Isaiah Chronologically Ar- ranged. An amended Version, with Historical and Critical Intro- ductions and Explanatory Notes. Pp. xxxii, 241, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1870. 3d ed. under title The Prophecies of Isaiah. A New Translation, with Commen- tary and Appendices. 2 vols, in I. Pp. xi, 310; xii, 317. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1888. $4. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 93 Clemance, C. To the Light Through the Cross. Expositions of the Fifty-third Chapter of Isaiah and of other Scriptures bearing on the Sufferings of Christ and the Glory that should follow. Pp. 314, p. 8vo. Lond. : Dickinson, 1884. 5^. CowLES, Henry, D.D. Isaiah. With Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. Designed for both Pastors and People. Pp. 552, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1869. $2.25. Delitzsch, F. Biblical Commen- tary on the Prophecies of Isaiah. Authorized Translation from the Third Edition by Rev. James Denney. 2 vols., pp. vii, 520 ; v, 496, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Funk, 1890-1892. 15J., $5. Driver, S. R., and Neubauer, Ad. The Fifty-third Chapter of Isaiah according to the Jewish Interpreters. Vol. II. Transla- tions. With an Introduction to the Translations by Rev. E. B. Pusey. Pp. Ixxvi, 574, p. 8vo. Oxf. and Lond.: Parker, 1877. 12^-. For Vol. /, see Neubauer below. Henderson, Ebenezer, D.D. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Translated from the Hebrew; with a Commentary, Critical, Phi- lological, and Exegetical. Pp. 509, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1840. 2d ed., 1857. i6.y. Hengstenberg, E. W., Prof., D.D. Treatise on Isaiah. See Hengstenberg, p. gi. Keith, Alexander, Jr., A.M. Isaiah as it is ; or, Judah and Je- rusalem, the Subjects of Isaiah's Prophesying. Pp. 682, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1850. 9^. LowTH, Robert, D.D. Isaiah. A New Translation ; with a Prelim- inaiy Dissertation, and Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explan- atory. Pp. Ixxiv, 283, and In- dexes, 4to. Lond. : Nichols, 1778. 13th ed. Lond.: Tegg, 1842. In I vol., pp. Ix, 423, 8vo. Bost. : Hilliard, 1834. 4^. 6d., $2. Neubauer, Ad. The Fifty-third Chapter of Isaiah accordmg to the Jewish Interpreters. Vol. I. Texts. Edited froiii Printed Books and MSS. Pp. xxiv, 402, 170, p. 8vo. Oxf. and Lond.: Parker, 1876. 1 2s. For Vol. II, see Driver aiid Neubauer above. Orelli, C. von, D.D. The Proph- ecies of Isaiah Expounded. Translated by Rev. J. S. Banks. Pp. xi, 350, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1889. los. 6d. Strachey, Edward. Hebrew Politics. An Inquiry into the Prophecies of Isaiah. Pp. xvii, 442, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1853. 8j. 6d. 17. Jeremiah and Lamentations, See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Blayney, Benjamin, D.D. Jere- miah and Lamentations. A New Translation, with Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory. Lond.: Cadell (prior to 1827). 3d. ed., pp. 442, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1836. 12^. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah and Lamentations. See p. 26. CowLES, Henry, D.D. Jeremiah and his Lamentations, with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practi- cal. Pp.431, 1 2mo. N.Y.: Apple- ton, 1869. $2. Greenup, A. W., Rev. A Short Commentary on the Book of Lam- entations for the Use of Students. Pp. iv, 52, cr. 8vo. Hertford : Aus- tin, 1894. IS. 6d, 94 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Henderson, E., D.D. The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah, and that of the Lamentations. Translated from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary, Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. Pp. 336, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 185 1. i6s. Pp. 315. Andover: Draper, 1868. $3. Orelli, C. von. Dr. The Proph- ecies of Jeremiah Expounded. Translated by Rev. J. S. Banks. Pp. viii, 384, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, i88q. ios. 6d. Lond.: Hamilton, 1855; Andover: Draper, 1870. ioj., $2.25. Hengstenbeeg, E. W., Prof., D.D. The Prophecies of Ezekiel Eluci- dated. Translated by A. C. and J. G. Murphy. Pp. 545, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1869. lo-y- 6^M $3. Shrewsbury, W. J. Notes on Eze- kiel, Critical and Explanatory. Edited by his son. Pp. 190, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1863. y.6d. 18. Ezekiel, See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the First Twenty Chapters of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel. See p. 16, CowLES, Henry, D.D. Ezekiel and Daniel, with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. Pp. 472, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1867. $2.25. Fairbairn, Patrick. Ezekiel and the Book of his Prophecy : an Ex- position. Pp. xii, 448, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1 8$ I. \os.6d. Greenhill, William, M.A. An Exposition of the Prophet Ezekiel, with Useful Observations there- upon. Delivered in several Lec- tures. . . . Revised and cor- rected by James Sherman. Pp. xvi, 859, roy. 8vo. Edinb. : Nichol, 1863. 25^. Guthrie, Thomas. Gospel in Ezekiel. New ed., 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1857. js.6d. Pp. vi. 395, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1870, and Vol. V of Collected Works, 1873-1876. (II vols., $16.) Henderson, E., D.D. The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel. Translated from the original Hebrew, with a Commentary, Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. Pp. x, 228, 8vo. 19. Daniel. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Auberlen, Carl A. The Prophe- cies of Daniel and the Revelation of St. John. Viewed in their Mu- tual Relation. Pp. 458, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1856. -js, 6d. Barnes, Albert. Notes, Critical, Illustrative, and Practical, on the Book of Daniel, with an Introduc- tory Dissertation. Pp. 494, i2mo. N. Y. : Leavitt, 1852. New ed., Worthington, 1881. $1.50. Bevan, a. a., M.A. A Short Commentary on the Book of Dan- iel. Pp. 230, 8vo. Lond. : Frowde ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 8^., $2. BiRKS, T. R. The Four Prophetic Empires, and the Kingdom of Messiah : an Exposition of the First Two Visions of Daniel. Pp. 446, i2mo. Lond.: Seeley, 1845. 6s. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Daniel. See p. 26. CowLES, Henry, D.D. See under Ezekiel. CuMMiNG, John, Rev., D.D. Pro- phetic Studies ; or. Lectures on the Book of Daniel. Pp. xvi, 488, 1 2mo. Lond.: Virtue, 1850. y.6d. Sabbath Readings on Daniel. Pp. 220, i2mo. Lond.: Hall, i860. 3 J. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 95 HiNKLEY, WiLLARD H. The Book of Daniel. Its Prophetic Charac- ter and Spiritual Meaning. Pp. 191, i2mo. Bost., Mass.: New Church Un., 1894. $1.25. Murphy, James G., D.D. The Book of Daniel : or. The Second Volume of Prophecy ; translated and expounded, with a preliminary Sketch of antecedent Prophecy. Pp. vi, 206, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1884; Andover: Draper, 1885. 3^-. $1.25. PUSEY, E. B., D.D. Daniel the Prophet. Nine Lectures delivered in the Divinity School of the Uni- versity of Oxford. With Copious Notes. Oxf. : Parker, 1864. 2d ed., pp. 755, 8vo. N. Y. : Pott, 1868. los. 6d., $3. Pp. Ixviii, 519, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1885. $3. Rule, William Harris, D.D. Historical Exposition of the Book of Daniel the Prophet. Pp. 369, or. 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1869. 6^. Smith, R. Payne, D.D. Daniel : an Exposition of the Historical Por- tion of the Writings of the Proph- et Daniel. Pp. 338, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1886. Pp. iv, 335, i2mo. Cine. : Cranston, 1893. 6s., $1. Stuart, Moses. A Commentary on the Book of Daniel. Pp. viii, 496, 8vo. Bost. : Crocker, 1850. $2.50. Terry, Milton S., S.T.D. The Prophecies of Daniel Expounded. Pp. 136, i2mo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1893. 20. Twelve Minor Prophets : Ho- sea, Joel, Amos, Gbadiah, Jo- nah, Micah, Nahwn, Habak- kuk, Zepha7iiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible and Old Testament. Alexander, William Lindsay. Zechariah, his Visions and Warn- ings. Pp. 338. p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1885. ds. Barclay, P. Present Day Lessons from Habakkuk, in ten Lectures. Pp. 216, 8vo. Edinb. : Macniven, 1890. -^yS. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets. See p, 26. CowLES, Henry, D.D. The Minor Prophets ; with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. Pp. 435, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1866. $2. Drake, William. Notes, Critical and Explanatory, on the Prophe- cies of Jonah and Hosea, with a Summary of the History of Judah and Israel during the Period when the Prophecies of Hosea were de- livered. Pp. 188, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1853. 9.y. Ephr^m (the Syrian). The Re- pentance of Nineveh : or, a Metri- cal Homily on the Mission of Jo- nah ; with other Pieces from the Syriac, with Notes by Henry Bur- gess. Pp. Ix, 214, 8vo. Lond. : Heylin, 1853. 10^. FUNCKE, Otto. The School of Life ; Life Pictures from the Book of Jonah. Authorized Translation from the 5th German edition. Pp. 290, p. 8vo. Lond. : Kingsley, 1884. IS. 6d. Henderson, E., D.D. The Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets. Translated from the original He- brew ; with a Commentary, Criti- cal, Philological, and Exegetical. Pp. xxxi, 458, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1859. New ed., with Biographical Sketch of the Author, by E. P. Barrows, 1868. $3.50. Kalisch, M. M., Ph.D. Bible Studies. Part II. The Book of Jonah. Preceded by a Treatise on the Hebrew and the Stranger. Pp. xiv, 334, 6, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1878. los. 6d, King, Edward G., B.D. The Yal- kut on Zechariah ; translated, with 96 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Notes and Appendices. Pp. viii, 122, 8vo. Camb. : Deighton, 1882. 6^. Martin, Hugh. The Prophet Jonah : his Character and Mission to Nineveh. Lond. : Strahan, 1866. New ed., pp. 314, 8vo. Edinb. : Hunter, 1891. js. 6d. Mitchell, H. G. Amos : an Essay in Exegesis. Pp. iv, 209, 8vo. Chic. : Bartlett. 1893. $1.25. Mitchell, Stuart. Jonah, the Self-willed Prophet. A Practical Exposition of the Book of Jonah, together with a Translation and Exegetical Notes, Pp. 247, i6mo. Phila. : Claxton, 1875. $1.50. Moore, T. V., Rev., D.D. The Prophet of the Restoration ; or. Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. A New Translation, with Notes, Pp. vii, 408, 8vo. Carter, 1856. $2. Orelli, C. von, D.D. The Twelve Minor Prophets Expounded. Translated by the Rev. J. S. Banks. Pp. vii, 405, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893- $3. PUSEY, E. B., D.D. The Minor Prophets ; with a Commentary, Explanatory and Practical, and Introductions to the several Books. Five Farts. 4to. Oxf. : Parker, i860. New issue 1877. 31^. 6d. 2 vols., pp. 427, 504, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1885. $6. Redford, R. a.. Rev. Studies in the Book of Jonah : a Defense and an Exposition. Pp. 304, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1883. 5^. Van Eaton, John, D.D. Exposi- tory and Practical Lectures on Haggai and Zechariah. Edited by W. J. Robinson, D.D. Pp. x, 356. i2mo. Pittsb.: U. P. Bd. Pub., 1883. $1. Wardlaw, Ralph, DD. Lectures on Zechariah. (Posthumous Works, Vol. Vn.) i2mo. Edinb.: FuUarton, 1862. 5^. White, Wilbert W. Inductive Studies in the Twelve Minor Prophets. Pp. 114, i2mo. Chic: Y.M.EraPub.Co., 1893. 5ocents. Whitfield, F. " He whom God Remembers." Addresses on the Book of the Prophet Zechariah. Fp- 334. P- 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1890. $s. Wright, Charles H. H., B.D. Zechariah and his Prophecies, considered in Relation to Modern Criticism. . . . See p. 22. C. APOCRYPHA. See under Special Subjects, Apocryphal Literature. D. THE NEW TESTAMENT. a. ENTIRE. See also Commentaries on Whole Bible. Alford, Henry, D.D. The Greek Testament ; . . . , and a Critical and Exegetical Commentary. See p. 49. Barnes, Albert, Rev. Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the New Testament, Designed for Sunday School Teachers and Bible Classes, ist ed., 1832-1851. 25th ed., revised and corrected. 1 1 vols., i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1859. Each $1.50. Vols. I and II. The Gospels. Pp. 414, 413- Vol. III. The Acts of the Apostles. Pp. 356. Vol. IV. Epistle to the Romans. Pp. 328. Vol. V. First Epistle to the Corinthians. Pp- 357- Vol. Vl. Second Epistle to the Corin- thians, and to the Galatians. Pp. 398. pE]- • - • • "••• Vol. VIII. TJiessalonians, Timothy, Titus -p. 39a Vol. VII, Ephesians, Colossians, Philip- pians. Pp. 331 Philemon. Pp. 355. Vol. IX, Epistle to the Hebrews. Pp. 325, Vol. X, James, Peter, John, Jude, Pp. 459- Vol. XI, Book of Revelation, Pp, 506, Bengel, John Albert. Gnomon of the New Testament. 3d ed., edited by Faussett. 5 vols. ,pp.xii, 577; 732; 437; 502 ; xxxii, 455, 8vo. Edinb.: EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 97 Clark, i860. 3 1 J-. 6d. Same, ed- ited by Charlton T. Lewis and Marvin R. Vincent. 2 vols., pp. 925, 980, 8vo. Phila. : Perkinpine, i860. $5. Calvin. See p. 26. Cambridge Greek Testament FOR Schools and Colleges. General editor, J. J. S. Perowne, D.D. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press. i6mo. Camb. : Univ. Pr. ; N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1887- 1894. Matthew. By Rev. A. Carr, M.A. Pp. Ivii, 330. 4J. 6d. Mark. By Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D. Pp. xl, 236. ^s. 6d. Luke. By Ven. F. W. Farrar, D.D. Pp. li, 443. 6s. John. By Rev. A. Plummer, M.A., D.D. Pp. Ixiv, 382. dr. Acts. By J. Rawson Lumby, D.D. Pp. xliii, 472. 6s. I Corinthians. By Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A. Pp. xxxix, 204. 3J. II Corinthians. By Rev. J. J. Lias, M.A, Pp. xxix, 156. 2J. 6d. Hebrews. By Ven. F, \V. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. Pp. lix, 183. 3J. 6d. I, II, and III John. By Rev. A. Plummer, M.A., D.D. Pp. xcviii, 204. 4J. Revelation. By Rev. William Henry Simcox, M.A. Revised by G. A. Sim- cox, M.A. Pp. Ixxxi, 248. 4J. 6d. Cobb, Lyman, Rev.. D.D. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with Ex- planatory Notes and Practical Observations. Pp. xx, 687, 8vo. Bost. : The Commentator Office, 1865. $3.50. Critical English Testament, The ; being an Adaptation ot Bengel's Gnomon, with numerous Notes, showing the precise Re- sults of Modern Criticism and Ex- egesis. Edited by Rev. W. L. Blackley, M.A., and Rev. James Hawes, M.A. 3 vols., pp. 2,260, 8vo. Lond. : Isbister. 2d ed., 1868. iZs. Crosby, Howard, D.D. The New Testament, with Brief Explanatory Notes or Scholia. Pp. iv, 543, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1863. Si. 50. 8 Jesus ; His Life and Works as narrated by the Four Evangelists. Pp. 551, 8vo. N. Y. : Univ. Pub. Co., 1870. $4.50. Doddridge, Philip. The Family Expositor ; or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament. Pp. 1,242, 8vo. Lond.: Tegg, 1829. New ed., 1862. i^s. Ellicott, Charles John, D.D., Editor. The Handy Commen- tary. 12 vols. N. Y. : Cassell, 1883. $13. Matthew. Commentary by E. H. Plump- tre. Pp. ii, 448. Mark. Commentary by E. H. Plumptre. Pp. xiii, 679. Luke. Commentary by E. H. Plumptre. Pp. XX, 432. John. Commentary by Rev. H. W. Wat- kins. Pp. ii, 379. Acts. Commentary by E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Pp. ii, 478. Romans. Commentary by W. Sanday. Pp. ii, 194. Cormthians. First Epistle, Commentary by T. T. Shore ; Second Epistle, Com- mentary by E. H. Plumptre, D.D. Pp. vi, 138. Galatians, Ephesians, and Phiiippians. Commentaries by Revs. W. Sanday and Alfred Barry. Pp. ii, 311. Colossians, Thessafonians, and Timothy. Commentaries by Revs. Alfred Barry, A. J. Mason, and H. D. M. Spence. Pp. li, 354. Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, and James. Commentaries by Revs. H. D. M. Spence, Alfred Barry, W. F. Moulton, and E. G. Punchard. Pp. 320. Peter, John, and Jude. Commentaries by Revs. A. J. Mason, Alfred Plummer, and W. M. Sinclair. Pp. 308. Revelation. Commentary by W. Boyd Carpenter. Pp. 280. Humphry, W. G, Rev. A Com- mentary on the Revised Version of the New Testament for English Readers. Pp. xxii, 474, i2mo. N. Y.: Cassell, 1883. $1.75. Meyer, Heinrich August Wil- HELM. Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testa- ment. From the German, with the Sanction of the Author. 20 vols., 8vo. Edinb.: Clark; N.Y.: Scribner, 1 877-1 882. Each io.y. 6^., $3. Republished in 11 vols., with Preface, Notes, and Intro- ductions by several Eminent Amer- 98 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. ican Scholars, N. Y. : Funk, 1883- 1885. Each $3. Gospel of Matthew. [By the Editor.] Translated from the 6th German ed. by Rev. Peter Christie. Vol. I, Revised and Edited by Erederick Crombie, D.D. Pp. xliv, 451. 1877. Vol. II, Revised and Edited by William Stewart, D.D. Pp. 308. 1879. Gospels of Mark and Luke. [By the Edi- tor.! Translated from the sth German ed. by Rev. Robert iLrnest Waliis, Ph.D. Vol. I, Revised and Edited by William P. Dickson, D.D. Vol. II, by William Stewart, D.D. Pp. xvi, 348 ; ii, 371. 1880. The Gospel of John, [By the Editor.] Translated from the 5th German ed. by Rev. William Urwick, M.A. The Trans- lation Revised and Edited by Frederick Crombie, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xii, 347 ; xi, 412. 1874, 1875. 2d ed., 1876-1878. The Acts of the Apostles. [By the Edi- tor.] Translated from the 4th German ed. by Rev. Paton J. Gloag, D.D. The Translation Revised and Edited by W. P. Dickson, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 316 ; 325, 1877. The Epistle to the Romans. [By the Edi- tor.] Translated from the 5th German ed. by Rev. John C. Moore, B.A. 2 vols., pp. xl, 324 ; iv, 392. 1873-1876. The Epistles to the Corinthians. [By the Editor.] Translated from the 5ih Ger- man ed. by Rev. D. Douglas Banner- man, M.A., and Rev. David Hunter, B.D. The Translation Revised and Ed- ited by William P. Dickson, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 400 ; viii, 514. 1877-1879. The Epistle to the Galatians. [By the Editor.] Translated from the 5th Ger- man ed. by G. H. Venables. Pp. xv, 354. 1873. Epistles to the Ephesians and to Philemon^ [By the Editor.] Translated from the 4th ed. of the German by Rev. Maurice J. Evans, B.A. The Translation Re- vised and Edited by William P. Dickson, D.D. Pp. xvi. 383. 1880. The Epistles to the Philippians and Colos- sians. \_By the Editor.] Translated from the 4th German ed. by Rev. John C. Moore, B.A. The Translation Revised and Edited by W. P. Dickson, D.D. Pp. xi, 483. 1875. Epistles to the Thessalonians, By Dr, Gottlieb Liinemann. Translated from the 3d German ed. by Rev. Paton J, Gloag, D.D. Pp. XV, 254. 1880. Epistles to Timothy and Titus. By John Edward Huther. Translated from the 4th German ed, by David Hunter, B.A. Pp. 300. 1881. Epistle to the Hebrews. By Dr. Gottlieb Lunemann. Translated from the 4th German ed. by Rev. Maurice J, Evans, B.A. Pp. x, 495. 1882. Epistles of James and John. By Dr. J. E. Huther. Pp. vii, 528. 1882. Epistles of Peter and Jude. By John Ed- ward Huther, Th.D. Pp. vi, 440. 1881. Revelation of John. By F. Dusterdieck, D.D. Pp. viii, 494, 1882. NORRis, John Pilkington, B.D. The New Testament According to the Authorized Version, with Introduction and Notes. In 2 vols,, pp. vi, 344, 360, 8vo. N. Y. : Young, 1880, 1 88 1. $5, Olshausen, Hermann, Dr, Bib- lical Commentary on the New Testament. First Am. ed, by A. C. Kendrick, D,D., to which is Prefixed Olshausen's Proof of the Genuineness of the Writings of the New Testament translated by D, Fosdick, Jr, 6 vols., pp. 621, 624, 615, 586, 624, 624, 8vo. N. Y.: Sheldon, 1858. $12. Parker, Joseph, D,D. Homiletic Analysis of the New Testament. Matthew. Pp. 342, 8vo, Lond,: Hodder, 1869. ys. 6d. Rowe. G. Stringer. Alone with the Word : Devotional Notes on the Whole of the New Testament. Pp.424,8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1890. $2.25. Sadler, M. F., Rev. [Commentary on the New Testament.] 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1882-1893. N. Y. : Pott, 1887-1891. Each 'js. 6d., $2. Matthew. Pp. 512. Mark. Pp. 462. Luke. Pp. 634. John. Pp. 546. Acts. Pp. 522. Pp. 3<5 _ - ■ •■ "_ - Galatians-Philippians. Pp. 312. Colos- Romans. Pp. 398. Corinthians. Pp. 468. sians-Timothy. Pp. 345. Titus-Hebrews. Pp. 310. James-Jude. Pp. 320. Reve- lation. Pp. 330. SCHAFF, Philip, D.D. A Popular Commentary on the New Testa- ment, by English and American Scholars of various Evangelical Denominations. Edited by Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D. In four vol- umes, royal 8vo, profusely illus- trated. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879- 1883. $24. Vol. I. Matthew, Mark, and Luke, by Ph. SchafF andM. B. Riddle. Pp. 520. 1879. Vol. II. John, by W. Milligan and W. F. Moulton, and The Acts, by J. S. Howson and H. D. M. Spence. Pp.614. 1880. Vol. III. Romans, by Ph. Schaff and xM. B. Riddle ; Corinthians, by D. Brown ; Galatians, by Ph. Schaff ; Ephesians, by M. B. Riddle; Philippians, by ). R. Lumby ; Colossians, by M. B.^ Riddle ; Thessalonians, by M. Dods ; Timothy, by E. H. Plumptre ; Titus, by J, O. Dykes ; Philemon, by J. R, Lumby. Pp. 6a8, 1882. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 99 Vol. IV. Hebrews, by J. Angus ; James, by P. J. Gloag; Peter, by G. D. F. Sal- mond ; John, by W. B. Pope and W. F. Moulton ; Jude, by J. Angus ; Revela- tion, by W. Milligan and W, F. Moulton. Pp. 502. 1883. SCHAFF, Philip, D.D., (Ed.) In- ternational Revision Commentary on the New Testament, based on the Revised Version of 1881. 6 vols. [Series incomplete.] i6mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1 882-1 884. Matthew, by Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. xvi, 416. $1.25. Mark, by Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, D.D. Pp. xi, 243. 81. Luke, by Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, D.D. Pp. xiv, 369. $1.25. • by Pr and Prof. William F. Moulton, D.D.' John, by Prof. William Milligan, D.D., Pp. xliv, 443. $1.25. Acts, by J. S. Howson, D.D., and H. D. M. Spence. Pp. xxii, 421. $1.25. Romans, by Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, D.D. Pp. xxxiv, 256. $1.25. Schmidt, Paul Wilhelm, Prof., and HoLZENDORFF, Franz V., Prof., (Eds.) A Short Protestant Commentary on the Books of the New Testament : with General and Special Introductions. Trans- lated from the 3d ed. of the Ger- man by Francis Henry Jones, B. A. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1 882-1 884. 3i.f. 6d. Vol. I. Matthew-Acts. Pp. xx, 337. Vol. II. Romans-Galatians. Pp. vi, 320. Vol. III. Ephesians-Revelation. Pp. viii, 273- Valpy, E. The New Testament ; with English Notes, Critical, Phi- lological, and Explanatory. 5th ed., corrected and enlarged. 3 vols., pp. 493, 517, 420, 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1843. \os. Vincent, Marvin R., D.D. Word Studies in the New Testament. In three volumes. 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1 887-1 890. Each $4. Vol. I. Synoptic Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles of Peter, James, and Jude. Pp. xxiv, 822. Vol. II. The Writings of John: the Gos- pel, the Epistles, the Apocalypse. Pp. vii, 607. Vol. III. The Epistles of Paul: Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Co- lossians, Philemon. Pp. xli, 565. Webster, William, M.A., and Wilkinson, William Francis, M.A. The Greek Testament, with Notes, Grammatical and Ex- egetical. 2 vols., pp. xlvii, 714; xix, 884, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1855-1861. 44J. b. the gospels. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible and New Testament Entire. Aquinas, Thomas. Catena Aurea. Commentary on the Four Gospels, collected out of the Works of the Fathers. [Edited by Dr. Pusey.] 8 vols. Oxf. : Parker, 1841-1845. 38.9. dd. St. Matthew. ;j Parts. Pp. xiii, 900. St. Mark. Pp. vii, 349. St. Luke. 2 Parts. Pp. xvi, 795. St. John. 2 Parts. Pp. [iv,] 631. Brown, John, D.D. (of Edin- burgh). Discourses and Sayings of our Lord. 2 vols, in i, pp.646, 599, 8vo. Edinb. : (Hamilton ;) N. Y. : Carter, 1868. New ed., 1875. 2i.y., $3.50. Campbell, George, D.D. The Four Gospels, translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Disser- tations, and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. 2 vols. Lond., 1788. New ed.. pp. ix, 558; x, 562, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1834. Andover : Gould, 1837. i6j.,$4.5o. Jacobus, Melancthon W. Notes on the Gospels, Critical and Ex- planatory ; prepared to accompany the Questions of the American Sunday School Union. 3 vols., pp. 316, 320, 348, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1 848-1 856. Newed., 1871. 2 vols. $3. Norton, Andrews. A Transla- tion of the Gospels. With Notes. 2 vols., pp. vii, 443 ; iv, 565, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1855. $4. Oxenden, Ashton, Bp. Short Comments on the Gospels ; for Family Worship. Pp. 290, i2mo. N. Y. : Dutton, 1886. $1.25. Short Lectures on the Sun- day Gospels. 2 vols. (Vol. I, LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Advent to Easter; Vol. II, Easter to Advent.) Pp. 350, 296, i2mo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1869. 51^. QUESNEL, Pasquier. The Gos- pels ; with 'Moral Reflections on Each Verse. With an Introduc- tory Essay by Rev. Daniel Wilson, D.D. Revised by Rev. Henry A. Boardman, D.D. 2 vols., pp. 648, 646, 8vo. Phila.: Parry, 1855. $4. Ripley, Henry J. The Gospels, with Notes. 2 vols., pp. 297, 270, i2mo. Bost.: Gould, 1837. $1.25. Stier, Rudolph. The Words of the Lord Jesus. Translated from the Second Revised and Enlarged German ed. by Rev. William B. Pope, D.D, 8 vols., pp. 425, 429, 542, 484, 521, 522, 513, 460, 505, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1855-1858. Each loj-. 6d. The Same; together with the Words of the Risen and Ascended Lord, and the Words of the Angels, or Their Visits to the Earth, and the Messages They Delivered. Revised by James Strong, S.T.D., and Rev. Henry B. Smith, D.D. 2 vols. Vol. I, pp. xxxiii, 695 ; Vol. II, Part I, pp. xxviii, 516; Part II, pp. 517- 979, X, 74, 8vo. 4th Am. ed. N. Y.: Tibbals, 1875. $13. The Words of the Risen Sa- vior, and Commentary on the Epistle of St. James. Translated from the German by Rev. Wil- liam B. Pope, D.D. 8vo., pp. 505. Edinb.: Clark, 1859. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1859. \os. 6d. c. the epistles in general. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible and New Testament Entire. Beet, Joseph Agar. A Commen- tary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1877. 6th ed., pp. xx, 401, 8vo. 1887. 75. 6d., $2. A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians. Pp. XX, 542, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1882. 5th ed., 1885. N.Y.: Whit- taker, 1883. 10^. 6d., $2.50. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Pp. xxii, 232, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder ; N.Y. : Whittaker, 1885. 3d ed., 1891. 5^., $1.50. A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Ephesians, Philip- pians, Colossians, and to Phile- mon. Pp. 410, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1890. 7s. 6d., $2. CowLES, Henry, Rev., D.D. The Longer Epistles of Paul. Romans, I and II Corinthians. Pp.395, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1880. $2. The Shorter Epistles, namely, of Paul to the Galatians, Ephe- sians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon ; also of James, Pe- ter, and Jude. Pp. iv, 500, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1879. $2. Ellicott, Charles J. A Com- mentary, Critical and Grammati- cal, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon. Pp. 278, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1857. 5th ed., pp. 310. Lond. and N.Y. : Longmans, i8r~ los. 6d., $3.75. Jowett, Benjamin, Rev., M.A. The Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians, and Ro- mans, with Critical Notes, and Dissertations. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 514 ; vi, 632, 8vo. 2d and best ed. Lond.: Murray, 1859. 30^. 3d ed. Edited and Condensed by Lewis Campbell, M.A., LLD. (Vol. I, Translation and Commen- tary ; Vol. II, Essays and Disser- tations.) Pp. xvi, 434 ; ix, 409. 1894. Malleson, F. a. The Acts and Epistles of St. Paul. See under EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. lOI Historical Theology, Biblical Biography. Marston, Charles D., Rev., M.A. Expositions on the Epistles of the New Testament. Pp. 230, i2mo. Lond. : Shaw, 1865. 3^. Patterson, Alexander S., D.D. Commentaries on First Thessa- lonians, James, and First John. Pp. 392, i2mo. Edinb. : Hamil- ton, 1857. 4J. dd, d. THE CATHOLIC EPISTLES EN- TIRE. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible and the New Testament Entire. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles (First Peter, First John, James, Second Peter, Jude). See Collected Works, p. 26. Demarest, John T., D.D. A Commentary on the Catholic Epistles. [James, Peter, John, and Jude.] Pp. 650, 8vo. N. Y. : Ref. Ch. Pub. Bd.. 1879. Winkler, Edwin T., D.D., and OTHERS. Commentary on the Epistle of James ; [also,] on the Epistles of Peter by N. M. Wil- hams, D.D, ; [also,] on the Epis- tles of John by Henry A. Sawtelle, D.D. ; [also,] on the Epistle of Jude by N. M. Williams, D.D. Pp. 294, 8vo. Phila.: Am. Bap. Pub. Soc., 1889. $2. e. new testament books in ORDER. I. Matthew. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, New Testament Entire, and The Gospels. Adamson, H. T. The Gospel ac- cording to Matthew Expounded. Pp. 738, 8vo. Lond.: Low, 1871. \2S. Alexander, Joseph Addison, D.D, The Gospel According to Matthew Explained. Pp. 460, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. New (Sunday School) ed., 1873. $1.25. CONANT, Thomas J., D.D. The Gospel by Matthew. The Com- mon English Version and the Re- ceived Greek Text; with a Re- vised Version, and Critical and Philological Notes, Prepared for the American Bible Union. Pp, 278, 4to. N. Y. : Am. B. Un., i860. CuMMiNG, John, D.D. Sabbath Evening Readings. St. Matthew. Pp. 476, i2mo. Lond.: Hall, 1853. 5^. Ford, James, Rev., M.A. The Gospel of St. Matthew Illustrated (chiefly in the Doctrinal and Moral Sense) from Ancient and Modern Authors. Pp. 606, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1848, New ed., 1862. \\s. Gibson, John Monro, M.A., D.D. The Gospel of St. Matthew. Pp. viii, 450, 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1890. $1.50. Glover, R. A Teacher's Com- mentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew. Pp. 324, p. 8 vo. Lond.: S. S. Un., 1889. 4J. 6d. Maclaren, Alexander, D.D. The Gospel of St. Matthew. 2 vols., pp. vii, 255; vii, 238, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Arm- strong, 1894. 75., $2. Maldonatus, J. A Commentary on the Holy Gospels, Translated and edited from the Original Latin by George J, Davie. St. Matthew, chap, i-xiv, pp. 510, St, Matthew, chap, xv-end, pp.650, 8vo. Lond.: Hodges, 1 888-1 889. \i.s. MORISON, James. Practical Com- mentary on the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Pp. xx, 674, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1870. 6th ed,, 1887. 7th ed., 1890. i4f. Nast, William, D.D. A Com- mentary on the Gospels of Mat- I02 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. thew and Mark; Critical, Doctri- nal, and Homiletical, embodying . . . the Result of German and English Exegetical Literature, and designed to meet the Difficulties of Modern Skepticism. Pp. 760, 8vo. Cine. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1864. $6. Nicholson, Edward B. A New Commentary on the Historical Books of the New Testament. Vol. I, The Gospel according to Matthew. Pp. xxxi, 267, Svo. Lond. : Paul, 1881. 12s. Owen, John J., D.D., LL.D. A Commentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, with a Map, Synoptical Index, etc. Pp. 513, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1866. New ed., 1873. $1.25. Prescott, J. E. Every Day Scrip- ture Difficulties explained and il- lustrated. The Gospds according to St. Matthew and St. Mark. Pp. xvii, 348, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1863. 9^-. Rice, Edwin W., D.D. People's Commentary on the Gospel ac- cording to Matthew. Containing the Common Version, 161 1, and the Revised Version, 1881, with Critical, Exegetical, and Applica- tive Notes. . . . Pp. 316, i6mo. Phila.: Am. S. S. Un., 1 886. $1 .25. Spurgeon, C. H. The Gospel of the Kingdom. A Popular Expo- sition of the Gospel according to Matthew. With introductory Note by Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon, and textual Index of Sermons, etc., by C. H. Spurgeon on various Pas- sages in the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Pp. 27o,8vo. Lond.: Passmore, 1893. 6s. Am. ed., with Introduction by Arthur T. Pierson. Pp. viii, 502, i2mo. N. Y.: Baker, 1893. ^i-50- Valdes, Juan de. Commentary upon the Gospel of St. Matthew : now for the first time translated from the Spanish, and never before published in English. By John T. Betts. Pp. xi, 512, Svo. Lond.: Triibner, 1882. 7s. 6^. 2. Mark. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible^ New Testament Entire^ and The Gospels. Alexander, Joseph Addison, D.D. The Gospel according to Mark, Explained. Pp. xxiii, 444, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1857. New ed., 1870. $2. Chadwick, G. a. The Gospel according to St. Mark. Pp. 436, p. Svo. Lond.: Hodder, 1887. js. 6d. Cumming, John, D.D. Sabbath Evening Readings. St. Mark. Pp. 266, p. Svo. Lond.: Hall, 1S53. 3^. Ford, James, Rev., M.A. The Gospel of St. Mark, Illustrated (chiefly in the Doctrinal and Moral Sense) from Ancient and Modern Authors. Pp. 411, Svo. Oxf. : Parker, 1849. New ed., 1862. gs. Lindsay, Thomas M., D.D. The Gospel according to St. Mark ; with Introduction and Notes. Pp. 272, i6mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. $1. Maclaren, Alexander, D.D. The Gospel of St. Mark. Pp. viii, 247, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder; N.Y.: Armstrong, 1894. 3^. 6d., $1. Maclear, G. F. The Gospel ac- cording to St. Mark, with Map, Notes, and Introduction. Pp. 290, i2mo. Lond. : Camb. Wareh., 1883. 49. 6d. MORISON, James, D.D. A Com- mentary on Mark. Large Svo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1873. 145. A Practical Commentary on the Gospel according to St. Mark. Pp. Ixxx, 481, Svo. Bost. : Bart- lett, 1882. $3. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. T03 Nast, William, D.D. A Com- mentary on . . . Mark. See p, lOI. Owen, John, D.D., LL.D. A Com- mentary . . . on . . . Mark. See p. 1 02. Prescott, J. E. The Gospel ac- cording to . . . St. Mark. See p. 102. Robinson, Charles S., D.D. Studies in Mark's Gospel. Pp. 299. i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1888. $1.25. Solly, H. S. The Gospel accord- ing to Mark. A Study in the Earlier Records of the Life of Jesus. Pp. 246, p. 8vo. Lond. : S. S. Assoc, 1893. 3 J. 6d. Weidner, Revere F., M.A., B.D. Commentary on the Gospel of Mark. Embracing the Authorized Version of 161 1 and the Revised Version of 188 1. Pp. 309, 12 mo. Phila. : Luth. Bookstore, 1881. $1.25. 3. Luke. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible^ New Testantent Entire^ and the Gospels. Burton, H. Gospel according to St. Luke. Pp. 402, 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1890. $1.75. Cowles, Henry, Rev., D.D. Luke; Gospel History and Acts of the Apostles, with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, de- signed for both Pastors and Peo- ple. Pp. 493, i2mo. N. Y. : Ap- pleton, 1881. $2. Cumming, John, D.D. Sabbath Evening Readings. St. Luke. Pp. 538, 8vo. Lond. : Hall, 1854. 6s. Ford, James, Rev., M.A. The Gospel of St. Luke, Illustrated (chiefly in the Doctrinal and Moral Sense) from Ancient and Modern Authors. Pp. 688, 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1 85 1. New ed., 1862. 9^. Godet, F., D.D. A Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke. Trans- lated by E. W. Shalders, B.A , and M. D. Cusin. 2 vols., pp. xii, 441 ; viii, 462, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1875. lis. Jones, G. H. Higher Religious Teaching. Questions and Notes on the Gospel according to St. Luke. Pp. 82, p. 8vo. Lond. : Neil, 1892. \s. 6d. Lindsay, Thomas M., D.D. The Gospel according to St. Luke, with Introduction, Notes, and Maps. 2 vols., pp. 172, 94, p. 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1887. 2s., is. yi. Maclaren, Alexander, D.D. The Gospel of St. Luke. Pp. xi, 337, i2mo. Lond, : Hodder, 1892; N.Y.: Armstrong, 1894. 3^.6^., $1. Maurice, Frederic Denison. The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven : a Course of Lectures on the Gospel of St. Luke. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan. New ed., pp. xlviii, 368, i2mo, 1889-1894. 9^., $1.75. Owen, John J., D.D., LL.D. A Coinmentary, Critical, Expository, and Practical, on the Gk)spel of Luke. Pp. 400, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. $1.75. Robinson, Charles S., D.D. Studies in St. Luke's Gospel. 1st series, pp. 314, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1889. $1.25. Thomson, James, D.D. Exposition of Luke, in a Series of Lectures. 3 vols., pp. 524, 530, 530, 8vo. Edinb.: Black, 1849-1851. 31^.6^. Van Doren, W. H., D.D. Sug- gestive Commentary on St, Luke, with Critical and Homiletical Notes. 2 vols., pp. iv, 520, 558, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1881. 4, John. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible^ New Testament Entire^ and the Gospels. Bernard, Thomas Dehany, M.A. The Central Teaching of Jesus I I04 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Christ. A Study and Exposition of the Five Chapters of the Gos- pel according to St. John, xiii to xvii inclusive. Pp. x, 416. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. •js. 6d., $1.50. Bonnet, A. The Family of Beth- any ; or. Meditations on the Elev- enth Chapter of the Gospel ac- cording to St. John. Pp. 316, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1855. 14th ed., 1859. 3^.6^. i8mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1859. 40 cents. BOWEN, G. Love Revealed : Medi- tations on the Parting Words of Jesus with his Disciples in John xiii-xvii. Pp. 390, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Douglas, 1884. 5^. Brown, George J., M. A. Lectures on the Gospel according to St. John, forming a Continuous Com- mentary. 2 vols., pp. XX, 1,013, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1863. 21S. Bruce, W. Commentary on the Gospel according to St. John. Pp. 522, 8vo. Lond. : Speirs, 1891. js. Calvin, John. Commentary on the Gospel according to John. See p. 26. CuMMiNG, John, D.D. Sabbath Evening Readings. St. John. Pp. 536, i2mo. Lond. : Hall, 1855. 6.?. Deems, C. F., Rev., D.D. The Gos- pel of Spiritual Insight. Studies in the Gospel of John. Pp. xii, 365, i2mo. N. Y. : Ketcham, 1891. $1.50. Ford, James, Rev., M.A. The Gospel of St. John, Illustrated (chiefly in the Doctrinal and Moral Sense) from Ancient and Modern Authors. Pp. 794, 8vo. Lond. : Master, 1852. New ed., 1862. ly. Godet, F. Commentary on the Gos- pel of St. John, with a Critical Introduction. Translated from the 2d French edition : Vol. I, by Francis Crombie and M. D. Cusin. Pp. XX, 462. 1876. Vol. II, by M. D. Cusin and S. Taylor. Pp. 413. 1877. Vol. Ill, by S. Tay- lor and M. D. Cusin. Pp. xii, 366. 8vo. 1887. Edinb. : Clark. 31^-. 6^^. 3d ed., 2 vols. Edited by Timothy bwight, D.D. Pp. ix, 559; ix, 551. N.Y. : Funk, 1885. $6. Govett, R. Exposition of the Gos- • pel of St. John. 2 vols., pp. 920, 8vo. Lond. : Bemrose, 1887. 8^. Gregg, David, Rev., D.D. Studies in John's Gospel : the Gospel of Christ's Deity. Pp. 346, i2mo. N. Y. : Am.Tr. Soc, 1891. $1.25. Hengstenberg, E. W., Prof., D.D. Commentary on the Gos- pel of St. John. 2 vols., pp. viii, 546, 541, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1865. 21^. Hovey, Alvah,D.D. Commentary on the Gospel of John. Pp. 423, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1886. $2. Jones. J. Cynddylan, Rev. Studies on the Gospel according to St. John. Pp. 322, i2mo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1884. Toronto : Briggs, 1885. 5^., 1 1. 50. Keble, John, Rev., M.A. Studia Sacra. Commentaries on the In- troductory Verses of St. John's Gospel, and on a Portion of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. With other Theological Papers. Pp. 340, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1877. los. 6d. Lapide, C. a. Great Commentary. St. John's Gospel, chapters i and xi, and xii to xxi, and Epistles i, 2, 3. 2 vols., pp. 940, 8vo. Lond. : Hodges, 1886. 24J. Lockyer, T. F. The Gospel of John : an Exposition, with Crit- ical Notes. Pp. 324, p. 8vo. Lond.: Kelly, 1893. 2s. 6d. Luthardt, Christoph Ernst. St. John's Gospel described and explained according to its peculiar ^ OF THE EXEGETICAL THEOLO( \JNNERSITY Character. Translated by Caspar Rene Gregory. 3 vols., pp. xix, 339 ; X, 452 ; xxiv, 390, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1876-1878. 31J. 6d. MacEvilly, Archbishop of TUAM. An Exposition of the Gospel of St. John : consisting of an Analysis of each Chapter and of a Commentary, Critical, Exe- getical, Doctrinal, and Moral. . . . Pp. 384, roy. 8vo. Dubl. : Gill, 1889. 10s. 6d. Maclaren, Alexander, D.D. The Gospel of St. John. Pp. viii, 231, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder, 1893; N. Y. : Armstrong, 1894. y. 6d., • The Holy of Holies. Sermons on the I4th-i6th Chapters of the Gospel of John. Pp. xii, 379, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1890. 5^., $1.50. Maurice, Frederic Denison, M.A. The Gospel of St. John. A Series of Discourses. Pp. xvi, 501, cr. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1856. New ed., 1890. 6s., $1.50. Moule, H. C. G. Jesus and the Resurrection. Expository Studies on St. John xx-xxi. Pp. 214, i2mo. Lond.: Seeley, 1893. 25. 6d. NiCOLL, W. R. The Lamb of God. Expositions on the Writings of John. Pp. 130, i2mo. Edinb.: Macniven, 1883. 2s. 6d. » Peyton, William Wynne. The Memorabilia of Jesus, commonly called the "Gospel of St. John." Lond. : Black; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. Pp. x, 513, i2mo. los. 6d., $3.50. Rice, Edwin W., D.D. People's Commentary on the Gospel ac- cording to St. John, containing the Common Version, 161 1, and the Revised Version, 1881 (American Readings and Render- ings), with Critical, Exegetical, and Applicative Notes and Illus- trations. . . .. Pp. viii, 335, 8vo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un., 1891. $1.25. Ryle, J. C, Bp. of Liverpool. Bethany ; being Expository Thoughts, with Notes on the nth Chapter of St. John's Gospel. Pp. 114, sq. i6mo. Lond.: Hunt, 1889. IS. 6d. Tholuck, August, D.D. Com- mentary on the Gospel of John. Translated from the German by Charles P. Krauth, D.D. Pp. viii. 440, 8vo. Phila. : Smith, 1859. ys. 6d. Thomas, D. The Genius of the Fourth Gospel. The Gospel of St. John Exegetically and Practi- cally Considered. 2 vols., pp. 820, 8vo. Lond.: Dickinson, 1886. 21S. Thorne, H. Bible Readings on the Gospel of John. With Intro- duction, List of Authorities, etc. Pp. 312, p. 8vo. Stirling: Drum- mond, 1893. 2S. TiTTMANN, K. C. Sacred Medita- tions ; or, an Exegetical, Critical, and Doctrinal Commentary on the Gospel of St. John. 2 vols., pp. 398, 474, cr. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1844. lo-y- Van Doren, W. H., D.D. A Sug- gestive Commentary on the Gos- pel according to St. John, with Critical and Homiletical Notes. 2 vols., i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1870. $3. Van Oosterzee, J. J., D.D. John's Gospel. Apologetical Lectures. Translated, with Additions, by J. F. Hurst, D.D. Pp. xiv, 256, i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1868. 3^. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D. The Gospel according to St. John. The Authorized Version, with In- troduction and Notes. Pp. 402, io6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1882. New ed., 1884. 10^. 6d. Whitehead, J. H., Rev., M.A. The Gospel of Jesus the Christ, according to St. John. Edited with Notes and Explanations, with an Introduction by R. F. Weidner. Pp. 141, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. 60 cents. Whitelaw, Thomas, Rev. The Gospel of St. John. An Exposi- tion, Exegetical and Homiletical ; for the Use of Clergymen, Stu- dents, and Teachers. Pp. Ixi, 464, 8vo. Glasg. : Maclehose; N. Y. : Button, 1888. 14J., $4. 5. Acts of the Apostles. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible and NeiM Testament Entire. Alexander, Joseph Addison, D.D. The Acts of the Apostles Expounded. 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 462, 498, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1857. New (4th) ed., 1875. $4. Alford, Henry, D.D. Homilies on the Former Part of the Acts of the Apostles. Chaps, i-x, pp. 340, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1858. 8j. Arnot, William. The Church in the House. A Series of Lessons on the Acts of the Apostles. Pp. 546, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1873. §2.50. New issue, pp. 464, i2mo. N. Y.: Tibbals, 1891. $1.50. Calvin, John. Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles. See p. 26. Clark, George W., D.D. Har- monic Arrangement of the Acts of the Apostles ; arranged with Chronological and Explanatory Notes and valuable Tables. . . . Pp. 263, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1884. $1.25. Clark, George W., D.D. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles, Ex- planatory and Practical. Pp.415, i2mo. Phila.: Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1892. $1.50. Cowles, Henry, Rev. Acts of the Apostles, with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical, de- signed for both Pastors and Peo- ple. Pp. 223, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1883. $1. Denton, W., M.A. A Commen- tary on the Acts of the Apostles. 2 vols., pp. 516, 402, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1 874-1 876. 32^. Eadie, John, D.D., LL.D. Paul the Preacher ; or, a Popular and Practical Exposition of his Dis- courses and Speeches, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Pp. 470, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. $1.25. Ford, James, Rev., M.A. The Acts of the Apostles, Illustrated (chiefly in the Doctrinal and Moral Sense) from Ancient and Modern Authors, Pp. 799, 8vo. Lond. : Masters, 1856. New ed., 1862. 13^. Gloag, p. J., D.D. A Commentary, Exegetical and Critical, on the Acts of the Apostles. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 439; viii, 456, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y.: Scribner, 1870. 21^., $10. GouLBURN, Edward M., D.D. Acts of the Deacons ; being a Commentary, Critical and Prac- tical, upon the Notices of St. Stephen and St. Philip the Evan- gelist, contained in the Acts of the Apostles. Pp. 456, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1866. 2d ed., 1869. 6j. Hackett, H. B. a Commentary on the original Text of the Acts of the Apostles. Bost. : Gould, 1851. New ed., revised and great- ly enlarged, pp. 480, 8vo. 1866. Pp. 360. Andover: Draper, 1877. $3.50. Edited by Alvah Hovey. Pp. 345, 8vo. Phila., 1882. Jacobus, MelancthonW. Notes. Critical and Explanatory, on the EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 107 Acts of the Apostles. Pp. 430, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1865. $1.50. Lindsay, Thomas M., D.D. The Acts of the Apostles, with Intro- duction, Notes, and Maps. 2 vols., pp. 144, 158, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1884, 1885. Each is. 6d. LUMBY, J. R., Rev. The Acts of the Apostles, with Maps, Notes, and Introduction. Pp. 516, i2mo. Lond. : Camb. Wareh., 1885. 6s. McGarvey, J. W., A.M. New Commentary on Acts of the Apos- tles. Vol. II, pp. ii, 298, 8vo. Cine. : Standard Pub. Co., 1893. $1.50. Malleson, F. a. The Acts and Epistles of St. Paul. Pp. xx, 610, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1881. 12s. Peirce, B. K. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles ; designed for Sunday Schools, Bible Classes, and Private Reading. Pp. 371, i2nio. N. Y. : Lane, 1848. 65 cents. Ripley, Henry J. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles. With a Map, illustrating the Travels of the Apostle Paul, with a track of his Voyage from Caesarea to Rome. Pp. 334, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1843. 75 cents. New ed. Sheldon, 1868. $1.50. Thomas, D. Acts of the Apostles. Second Gospel of St. Luke Exe- getically and Practically Consid- ered. Lond.: Dickinson, 1869. New ed., pp. 570, 8vo. 1889. 10s. 6d. Vaughan, Charles J., D.D. The Church of the First Days. Lectures on Acts. 3 vols., pp. xiii. 336; viii, 338: x. 378, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1864, 1865. New ed., i vol., pp. 620, 8vo. 1890. los. 6d. 6. Romans. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, Neiv Testament Entire, and the Epis- tles in General. Abbott, Lyman, Rev. The Epis- tle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans; with Notes and Com- ments. Pp. 230, 8vo. N. Y. : Barnes, 1888. $1.75. Arnold, A. N., D.D., and Ford, D. B., Rev. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Pp. 328, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc. 1889. $2. Benecke, William. An Exposi- tion of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Translated from the German. Pp. 477, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1854. 10^. Benson, R. M. An Exposition of St. Paul to the Romans. Pp. 556. i2mo. Lond. : Masters, 1892. 6s. Brown, John, D.D. [of Edin- burgh]. Analytical Exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. Lond. : Hamilton, 1857. Pp. XX, 639, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1857. 14?.. $2. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul to the Romans. See p. 26. Dykes, J. Oswald, D.D. The Gospel according to St. Paul. Studies in the first Eight Chap- ters of his Epistles to the Romans. Pp. vi, 280, i2mo. Lond. : Nis- bet ; N. Y. : Carter, 1889. 6^., $1.75. Ferme, Charles. Logical Analy- sis of the Epistle ... to the Ro- mans. . . . Commentary ... by An- drew Melville. . . . See Collected Works, Wodrow Society, p. 40. Forbes, John, LL.D. Analytical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, tracing the Train of Thought by Parallelism ; with Notes and Dissertations on the Principal Difficulties in the Epis- io8 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tie. Pp. xvi, 479, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1868. los. 6d. Fry, John, Rev., A.B. Lectures, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. Pp. 502, 8vo. Lond. : Duncan, 1816. 2d ed., 1825. I2J. GODET, F., D.D. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Translated from the French by Rev. A. Cusin, M.A. 2 vols., pp. xii, 446 ; viii, 434, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1880, 1 88 1. N. Y. : Funk, 1883. 21J., $2.50. Godwin, John H. The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Romans. A new Translation, with Notes. Pp. xxvi, 408, i6mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1873. 6j. dd. Goodwin, John, M.A. An Expo- sition of the Ninth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans. With the Banner of Justification dis- played. To which is added EI- PHNOMAXIA : the Agreement and Distance of Brethren. With a Preface by Thomas Jackson. Pp. 542, 8vo. Lond. : Mason, 1835. Zs. Haldane, Robert. Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans, with Remarks on the Commenta- ries of McKnight, Stuart, and Tholuck. Pp. 752, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1870. $3. Heisch. J. G. Reflections, Exe- getical and Experimental, in St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Pp. 244, 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1 89 1. 3.9.6^. Hodge, Charles, D.D. Commen- tary on the Epistle to the Romans. Phila. : Martien, 18 — . New ed. Revised and in a great measure Rewritten. Pp. ii, 716, 8vo. N. Y: Carter, 1886. $3. Keble, John, Rev., M.A. See /. 104. LiDDON, H. P., Rev., D.D. Ex- planatory Analysis of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Pp. 300, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1893. 14^., $4.50. Macduff, J. R. St. Paul's Song of Songs. A Practical Exposition of the Eighth Chapter of Romans. Pp. xxiii, 222, i2mo. Lond.: Nis- bet; N. Y. : Revell, 1891. 3^. dd., $1.25. MORISON, James, D.D. A Critical Exposition of the Third Chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Ro- mans. A Monograph. Pp. xxii, 422, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1866. 1 2 J. 6d. St. Paul's Teaching on Sancti- fication. A Practical Exposition of Romans vi. Pp. 98, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1886. 4i-. dd. An Exposition of the Ninth Chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Pp. 580, 8vo. Lond.: Ward, 1869. 13.?. MOULE, Handley C. G, M.A. The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. Pp. xvi, 437, 8vo. N. Y.: Armstrong, 1894. $1.50. Owen, J. W. The Common Salva- tion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Notes of a Study of Ro- mans i, 17-viii, 39. Pp. 250, 8vo. Lond.: Patherick, 1891. 5^. Philippi, Friedrich Adolph. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. Translated from the 3d improved and enlarged Edition, by the Rev. J. S. Banks. 2 vols., pp. 421, 429, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1878, 1879. lis. Plumer, William S., D.D., LL.D. Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Romans, with an Introduction on the Life, Times, Writings, and Character of Paul. Pp. 646, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1871. N. Y. : Randolph, 1870. 14?., $4. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 109 Robinson, T., D.D. St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. A Sug- gestive Commentary, with Critical and Homiletical Notes on the original Plan of Rev. W. H. Van Doren, D.D. 2 vols., pp. 520, 390, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Dickinson, 1871. los. Shedd, William G. T., D.D. A Critical and Doctrinal Commen- tary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans. Pp. viii, 439, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879. $3. Stuart, Moses. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Andover : Gould, 1832. 3d ed., edited and revised by Prof. R. D. C. Robbins. Pp. 544, i2mo. Andover: Gould, 185 1. New ed., Andover : Draper, 1876. $2.25. Tholuck, Fred. Aug., D.D. Ex- position of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, with Extracts from the Exegetical Works of the Fathers and Reformers. Trans- lated from the original German, by the Rev. Robert Menzies. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1834- 1836. New ed., pp. xvi, 285 ; vii, 359. 1848. I2S. Turner, Samuel H. Notes on the Epistle to the Romans. Pp. 128, 8vo. N. Y. : Swords, 1824. Valdes, Juan de. Commentary upon St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans; . . . translated from the Spanish by John T. Belts ; ap- pended are the Lives of the Twin Brothers Juan and Alfonso de Valdes, by Edward Boehmer. In- troduction by the Editor. Pp. 330, 8vo. Lond.: Triibner, 1883. 6s. 7. Fzrs^ and Second Corinthians. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, New Testament Entire, and the Epistles in General. Calvin, John. Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. See p. 26. Cochrane, James. The Resur- rection of the Dead ; its Design, Manner, and Results, in an Ex- position of I Cor. XV. Pp. 412, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1869. 7s. 6d. Cross, Joseph, D.D. Pauline Char- ity : Discourses on the 13th Chapter of St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. Pp. vi, 285, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1883. $1.50. Edwards, ThomasCharles.M. A. A Commentary on the First Epis- tle to the Corinthians. Pp. xxxix, 491, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder; N. Y.: Armstrong, 1885. 2d ed., 1886. 145., $2.50. Ellicott, Charles J., D.D. St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corin- thians, with a Critical and Gram- matical Commentary. Pp. xxiv, 344, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1887. 16^., $5.50. GODET, F., Th.D. Commentary on St. Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians. Translated from the French by Rev. A. Cusin, M.A. 2 vols., pp. vii, 428 ; [vi,] 493, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1886, 1887. 21J. Gould, E. P., D.D. Commentary on the Epistles to the Corinthians. Pp. 226, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1888. $1.75. Hanna, William. The Resurrec- tion of the Dead. Pp. 196, 8vo. Edinb. : Edmonston, 1872. 2d ed., enlarged, 1877. 5^-. HODGE, Charles, D.D. An Ex- position of the First Epistle to the Corinthians. i2mo. N. Y. : Car- ter, 1857. New ed., pp. xxi, 373. i860. $1.75. An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Pp. 314, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. $175. Kay, W., Rev. Commentary on the Two Epistles of St. Paul to no LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Corinthians. Pp. vii, 145, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1887. 9^., $2.25. Lias, J. J. First Epistle to the Corinthians. With Notes, Map, Introduction, and Appendices. Pp. 242, i2mo. Lond.: Camb. Wareh., 1886. 3^. MiLLlGAN, W. . . . Exposition of I Cor. XV. See Systematic The- ology, Resurrection. Robertson, Frederick W. Ex- pository Lectures on First and Second Corinthians. i2mo. Lond.: Smith, 1870. 6^. Also in Har- per's ed. of Life, Letters, Lectures, and Addresses of the late — . Pp. 840. i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1870. %2. Stanley, A. P., D.D. The Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, with Critical Notes and Disserta- tions. 2 vols., pp. 356, 434, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1862. 5th ed., I vol., pp. xxii, 598. Lond. : Mac- millan, 1882. 18^. 8. Galatians, See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, New Testament Entire, and the Epistles in General. Brown, John. An Exposition of the Epistle of Paul to the Gala- tians. 8vo. N.Y. : Carter, 1853. $2. Drummond, J. The Episde of St. Paul to the Galatians Explained and Illustrated. Pp. 198, i2mo. Lond.: S. S. Assoc, 1893. \s. 6d. Eadie, John, D.D. Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians. Pp. Ixiii, 480, 8vo. Glasg. : Maclehose, 1869. los. 6d. Ellicott, C. J. Commentary, Critical and Grammatical, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Lond.: Parker, 1854. Pp. 183, 8vo. Andover : Draper, 1867. 5th ed., Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1884. 2>s. 6d., $3. Gwynne, George John. Com- mentary, Critical, Exegetical, and Doctrinal, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. With a revised Translation. Pp. xvi, 347, 8vo. Dubl. : Herbert, 1863. 12^. Lightfoot, J. B. St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. A Revised Text, with Introduction, Notes, and Dis- sertations. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1865. loth ed., 1890. Pp. 396, 8vo. Andover : Draper, 1870. i2s., $3.25. LoNGKiNG, Joseph. Notes on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians and Ephesians. Pp. 284, i8mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1863. 60 cents. Luther, Martin. A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Gala- tians. Pp. 575, 8vo. N. Y. : Car- ter, 1845. New ed., 1852. $1.50. Venn, J. Commentary on the Epis- tle of St. Paul to the Galatians. Pp. 318, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1878. 8j. 6d. Wood, W. S. Studies in St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. Pp. 176, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1887. 4J. 9. Ephesians. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, Nezu Testament Entire, and the Epistles in General. Candlish, Robert S., D.D. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians Ex- pounded in a Series of Discourses. Pp- 354' i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1875. 7 J. dd. Cocke, A. R. Studies in Ephe- sians. Pp. 137, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. 75 cents. Eadie, John, D.D. Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians. Lond. : Griffin. Pp. 556, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1861. 3d ed., Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. \os. 6d., $3.75. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. Ill Ellicott, Charles J. A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephe- sians. With a Revised Transla- tion. Lond. : Parker, 1855. New ed., Longmans, 1864. 8s. 6d. Pp. 190, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1862. New ed., 1872. $1.50. Hodge, Charles, D.D. A Com- mentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Pp. xx, 378, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1856. New ed., 1872. $1.75- LoNGKiNG, Joseph. Notes on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians and Ephesians. See p. no. McGhee, Robert J., Rev., A.M. Expository Lectures on the Epis- tle to the Ephesians. Pp. 640, 8vo. N.Y.: Carter, 1879. $3. Macpherson, John, Rev., M.A. Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. Pp. vi, 445, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. 105. 6d., $4. Pattison, R. E., D.D. Commen- tary on Ephesians. Pp. 244, 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1859. 85 cents. PULSFORD, John. Christ and his Seed, Central to all Things ; being a Series of Expository Discourses on Ephesians. Pp. 258, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1872. New issue, 1876. ds. 6d. Rainsford, M. The Mystery of His Will. Pp. 168, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1888. y. 6d. On the ist chapter of Ephesians. 10. Phzlippiaiis. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, Neiv Testament Entire., and the Epistles in General. Calvin, John. Commentaries on the Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. See p. 26. Eadie, John, D.D. A Commen- tary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians. Pp. xliv, 296, 8vo. Lond. : Grif- fin, 1858; N. Y. : Carter, 1859. 2d ed. by W. Young. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. \os. 6d., $3.75. HOYT, Wayland, D.D. Gleams from Paul's Prison ; or. Studies for the daily Life in the Epistle to the Philippians. Pp. 527, i6mo. N. Y. : Ward, 1883. $1. Hutchison, John, D.D. Lectures, chiefly Expository, on St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. W^ith Notes and Illustrations, Pp. 306, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1887. ys. 6d. LiGHTFOOT, J. B., D.D. St. Paul's Epi-tle to the Philippians. A Re- vised Text, with Introduction, Notes, and Dissertations. Pp. x, 346, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1868. 9th ed., 1886. 12^., 83-25. Moule, H. C. G. The Epistle to the Philippians. With Introduc- tion and Notes. Pp. 130, i2mo. Lond.: Camb. Wareh., 1889. 2s. 6d. Neander, Augustus, D.D. Scriptural Expositions. The Epis- tle of Paul to the Philippians, ist John and James. Practically ex- plained. Translated from the German by Mrs. H. C. Conant. Pp. xvii, 123, i2mo. N. Y. : Colby (now Sheldon), 1851. $3. Vaughan, C. J., Rev. St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, with Translations, Paraphrase, and Notes for English Readers. Pp. x, 124, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1885. 5^., $1.50. II. Colossians. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible., New Testament Entire., and the Epistles in General. Calvin, John. See p. 26. Eadie, John, D.D. A Commen- tary on the Greek Text of the P 112 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Epistle of Paul to the Colossians. Pp. xlvi, 303, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1855. 2d ed., 1884. los. 6d., $3.75. Ellicott, Charles J. A Com- mentary, Critical and Grammat- ical, on St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians. See p, \oo. LiGHTFOOT, J. B., D.D. St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. A Revised Text, with Introductions, Notes, and Disser- tations. Pp. viii, 430, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macinillan, 1875. 9th ed., 1890. \2s., $3.25. LiLLiE, John, D.D. Lectures on the Epistles of Paul to the Thes- salonians. Pp. 585, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. $2. Marsh, F. E. Flashes from the Lighthouse of Truth ; or, Bible Readmgs on the First Three Chap- ters of the Epistle to the Church at Thessalonica. Pp. 260, p. 8vo. Stirling: Drummond, 1893. 2j. 6d. Stevens,William Arnold. Com- mentary on the Epistles to the Thessalonians. Pp. 164, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1890. 12. Thessalonians. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible^ New Testament Entire^ and the Epistles in General. Calvin, John. See p. 26. Eadie, John, D.D., LL.D. A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. Edited by Rev. W. Young, M.A. With Preface by Rev. Prof. Cairns. Pp. 373, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmil- lan, 1877. I2.y., $3.50. Ellicott, C. J., B.D. A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Thes- salonians, with a Revised Trans- lation. Pp. 171, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1858. Andover : Draper, 1865. 4th ed., Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1880. 75. 6d., $2.75. Headland, Edward, and Swete, Henry B. St. Paul's Epistles. The Epistles to the Thessalonians. With an Introduction. Pp. 206, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1863. New ed., 1866. 35. 6^. Hutchison, John, D.D. Lectures chiefly Expository on St. Paul's First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians. With Notes and Illustrations. Pp. ix, 369, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. [1883.] 9.y., $3.75. 13. Pastoral Epistles: Tiinothy, Titus, and Philemo7i. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible., New Testament Entire., and the Epistles in General. Bartlett, W. a. The Profitable- ness of the Old Testament Scrip- tures. A Treatise Founded on II Timothy iii, 16, 17. Pp. 343. cr. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1884. 'js. 6d. Ellicott, Charles J., Rt. Rev., D.D. A Critical and Grammati- cal Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles, with a Revised Transla- tion. Lond. : Parker, 1861. New ed., 1864. ios.6d. Pp. xvi, 265, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1865. $2.50. 5th ed., Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1883. ioj. 6^., $3.75. Fairbairn, Patrick, D.D. The Pastoral Epistles. The Greek Text and Translation. With In- troduction, Expository Notes, and Dissertations. Pp. ix, 451, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1874. 7s.6d.,%2>-7S' Lightfoot, J. B., D.D. Seep. 100. Rowland, A. The First Letter of Paul the Apostle to Timothy; a Popular Commentary. Pp. 286, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1887. 6s. [The Same, with Title] Paul's Ideal Church and People ; a EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY, "3 Popular Commentary on the First Epistle to Timothy. Pp. xii, 287, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1893. $1. 14. Hebrews. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, New Testament Entire, and the Epistles in General. Brown, John, D.D. An Exposi- tion of the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews. 2 vols., pp. 451, 440, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton ; N. Y. : Carter, 1862. 18^. Calvin, John. Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews. See p. 26. CowLES, Henry, D.D. The Epis- tle to the Hebrews. With Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practi- cal. Designed for both Pastors and People. Pp. 244, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1878. $1.50. Dale, R. W. Sermons on He- brews. The Jewish Temple and the Christian Church. i2mo. Lond.: Jackson, 1865. 7th ed., pp. 310, p. 8vo. Hodder, 1886. 6^. Delitzsch, Franz, D.D. Com- mentary on the Epistle to the He- brews. Translated from the Ger- man by Thomas L. Kingsbury, M.A. 2 vols., pp. xii, 401 ; vii, 492, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1 868-1 870. 21J., $6. Ebrard, J. H. A., D.D. Biblical Commentary on Hebrews. Con- tinuation of Olshausen. Pp. 437, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1853. \os. 6d. Edwards, T. C. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Pp. 330, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hocider, 1888. 3d ed., 1889. 7s. 6d. [ELD, John Edward, M.A. I The Apostolical Liturgy and the Epistle to the Hebrews. Being a Commentary on the Epistle in 'its Relation to the Holy Eucha- rist, with Appendices on the Liturgy of the Primitive Church. Pp. xvi, 691, i2mo. Lond.: Riv- ington, 1882. 12^. GOVETT, R. Christ Superior to Angels, Moses, and Aaron. A Comment on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Pp. 506, 8vo. Lond. :. Nisbet, 1884. 7s. 6d. Haldane, James A. Notes In- tended for an Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Pp. 400, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, i860. 4^. 6d. Lindsay, W., D.D. Lectures on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Oliphant,. 1867. 21S. Lowrie, Samuel T., D.D. An Explanation of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Pp. viii, 539, 8vo. N. Y.: Carter, 1884. $3. Meyer, F. B. The Way into the Holiest. Expositions of the Epis- tles to the Hebrews. Pp. 238, p. 8vo. Lond. : Morgan ; N. Y. : Revell, 1893. 2s. 6d., %i. Owen, John, D.D. An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. With Preliminary Exercitations. 7 vols, (being Vols. X-XVI of the Works of John Owen). See p. 35. Rendall, Frederic. The Epis- tle to the Hebrews. With Critical and Explanatory Notes. Pp. vii, 182, i2mo. Lend, and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1883. 2d ed., 1888. 7s. 6d., $2.25. Sampson, F. S., D.D. A Critical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Edited from the Man- uscript Notes of the Author by R. L. Dabnev, D.D. Pp. xv, 475, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1856. New ed., 1866. $3. Steward, George. Rev. The Argument of the Epistle to the Hebrews. A Posthumous Work. Pp. xii, 444, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1872. 10^. 6d. 114 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Stuart, Moses. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 2 vols., pp. X, 288, 338, 8vo. An- dover : Gould, 1828; Lond. : Tegg, 1 85 1, ys. 6d. New ed., pp. 575, i2mo. Andover: Draper, 1876. $2.25. Tholuck, F. Augustus, Com- mentary on the Epistle to the He- brews. Translated by James Hamilton. 2 vols., pp. 297, 301, 8vo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1842. 12^. Vaughan, C. J., D.D. The Epis- tle to the Hebrews, with Notes. Pp. xix, 340, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1890. $2.25. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., D.C.L. The Epistle to the He- brews. The Greek Text with Notes and Essays. Pp. Ixxxiv, 504, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1889. 2d ed., 1892. 14J., $4. 15. James. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bibhy New Testament Entire, the Epistles in General, and the Catholic Epistles. Adam, John. An Exposition of the Epistle of James, with an Ap- pendix of Dissertations. Pp. 448, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1867. 9^. Deems, Charles F., D.D. The Gospel of Common Sense as con- tained in the Canonical Epistle of James. Pp. iii, 322, i2mo. N. Y. : Ketcham, 1889. $1.50. Johnstone, R. Lectures, Exeget- ical and Practical, on the Epistle of James. Edinb. : Gemmell, 1884. 2d ed., pp. 450, p. 8vo, 1888. -js. 6d. Manton, Thomas, Rev., D.D. [1620-1677.] A Practical Expo- sition of the Epistle of James. Delivered in Weekly Lectures at Stoke-Newington. Revised and corrected by Rev. James Sher- man. Pp. xxiv, 224, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Holdsworth, 1840. 55. Another ed., edited by Mac- donogh. Lond. : Dalton. 10^. 6d. Mayor, Joseph B. The Epistle of St. James ; the Greek Text. With Introduction, Notes, and Comments. Pp. 220, 248, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 145., $3.50. Neander, Augustus. The Epis- tle of James Practically Ex- plained. Translated from the German by Mrs. H. C. Conant. Pp. 115, i2mo. N. Y. : Colby (now Sheldon), 1852. 50 cents. Patterson, A. S., D.D. Com- mentaries on First Thessalonians, James, and First John. See p. loi. Roe, H. Lessons on the Epistle of St. James. Pp. 92, i2mo. Lond. : S. S. Inst., 1885. 6d. Stier, Rudolph. The Words of the Risen Saviour, and Commen- tary on the Epistle of St. James. See p. loi. Wardlaw, Ralph, D.D. Lec- tures on the Epistle of James. Pp. 380, 8vo. Edinb. : FuUarton, 1862. 4?. 16. Peter. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible, New Testament Entire, and the Catholic Epistles. Adams, Thomas, Rev. [c. 1633.I An Exposition upon the Second Epistle General of St. Peter. Re- vised and corrected by James Sherman. Pp. 899, roy. 8vo. Edinb. : Nichol, [Lond. : Nis- bet,] 1862. \os. Brown, John, D.D. Expository Discourses on the First Epistle of Peter. 3 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Oliphant, 1848. 2d ed., 2 vols, pp. 1,112, 1849. I vol.. pp. 802, 8vo. N. Y.: Carter, 1868. 185. $3.50. Parting Counsels. An Ex- position of Second Peter. First EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. "5 Chapter, with Four Additional Discourses. Pp. 330, 8vo. Edinb.: Oliphant, 1856. 8s. Demarest, John T. A Transla- tion and Exposition of the First Epistle of the Apostle Peter. Pp. 283, 8vo. N. Y.: Moffet, 1851. $1. A Commentary on the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter. Pp. 225, 8vo. N. Y. : Lloyd, 1865. $1.50. Johnstone, R. The First Epistle of Peter. Revised Text with In- troduction and Commentary. Pp. 416. 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1888. JOS. 6d. Leighton, Robert, D.D. A Prac- tical Commentary on the First Epistle General of Peter, with a brief Memoir of the Author. Con- tained in his " Whole Works " {see p. 34). Also published sepa- rately. 2 vols. Phila.: Presb. Bd. Pub., 1864. $4. Lillie, John, D.D. Lectures on the First and Second Epistles of Peter, with an Introduction by Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. xi, 536, 8vo. N.Y.: Scribner, 1868. New ed., 1869. $3.50. LuMBY, J. Rawson, D.D. The Epistles of St. Peter. Pp. xxiii, 374, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1894. $1.50. Meyer, F. B., Rev., B.A. Tried by Fire : Expositions of the First Epistle of Peter. Pp. 228, 8vo. Lend.: Morgan, 1890. is. 6d. 17. John, Epistles of. See also Commentaries on the Whole Biblf^ Neiv Testatnent Entire^ aud the Catholic Epistles. Calvin, John. See p. 26. Candltsh, Robert, D.D. The First Epistle of John Expounded. Pp. 548, 8vo. Edinb.: Black, 1866. New ed., 1870. \2s. Ebrard, J. H. A. Biblical Com- mentary on the Epistles of St. John. Translated by Rev. W. B. Pope, D.D. Pp. xxxii, 423, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, i860, \os.6d. Haupt, Erich. See under The- ology of the Bible. Lapide, C. a. Epistles of St. John. See p. 104. Lias, J. J., Rev. The First Epistle of St. John, with Exposition and Homiletical Treatment. Pp. 424, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet ; Chic: Mc- Clurg, 1887. 7J. 6^., $1.50. LuCKE, Fred. Commentary on the Epistles of St. John. Translated from the German by Thorleif Gudmundson Repp. Pp. vii, 384, i2mo. Edinb.: Hamilton, 1837. 6s. Morgan, James, D.D. An Expo- sition of the First Epistle of John. Pp. xiii, 528, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1865. 9J. Neander, Augustus. The First Epistle of John Practically Ex- plained. Seep. III. Patterson, A. S., D.D. Commen- tary on First John. See p. 10 1. Plummer, a. The Epistles of John, with Notes, Introduction, and Ap- pendices. Pp. 298, i2mo. Lond.: Clay, 1886. 45. Watson, C. First Epistle General of St. John. Notes of Lectures to serve as a popular Commentary. Pp. 530, 8vo. Eainb.: Maclehose, 1 89 1. 75. dd. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., D.C.L. The Epistles of St. John. The Greek Text with Notes and Essays. Pp. Ivi, 360, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1883. 3d ed., pp. 5 1 8. 1 892. 1 2s. 6d., $3. 50. 18. Jitde. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible and New Testavtent Entire. Gardiner, Frederic, M.A. The Last of the Epistles : a Commen- ii6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tary upon the Epistle of St. Jude. Pp. 275, i2mo. Bost. : Jewett, 1856. JENKYN, William, Rev., M.A. [161 2-1685.] An Exposition up- on the Epistle of Jude. Revised and corrected by the Rev. James Sherman. Pp. xv, 367, imp. 8vo. Lond.: Holdsworth, 1839. 10s. 6d. 19. Revelation. See also Commentaries on the Whole Bible and New Testament Entire. AUBERLEN, Carl A. The Prophe- cies of Daniel and the Revelation of St. John. See p. 94. Bleek, Friedrich, Dr. Lectures on the Apocalypse. Edited by Lie. Th. Hossbach. Translated from the German. Edited by Samuel Davidson, D.D. Pp. vii, 356, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1875. \os. 6d, Bronson, Alfred. A Key to the Apocalypse ; or, the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John in the Isle of Patmos. Pp. 215, i6mo. N. Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1881. $1. Brown, David, D.D., Principal. The Apocalypse; its Structure and Primary Predictions. Pp. 220, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1891. 5^. N. Y. : Christian Lit. Co. $1.25. Campbell, John McLeod, D.D. Thoughts on Revelation, with Special Reference to the Present Time. Pp. viii, 195, i6mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1862. 2d ed., 1874. Christie, T. W. The Book of Revelation. Showing the Fourth Beast of Daniel, its Carcass, its Millennial and Jewish Fables a Sign of the End. 2d. ed., enlarged. Pp. 590, 8vo. Liverpool : Howell, 1892. ys. CowLES, Henry, Rev. The Rev- elation of John ; with Notes, Critical, Explanatory, and Practi- cal. Pp. 254, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1871. New issue, 1876. $1.50. CUMMING, John, D.D. Apocalyp- tic Sketches ; or. Lectures on the Book of Revelation. Pp. 528, i6mo. Lond.: Hall, 1848. New ed., 1858. 6s. Elliot, E. B., Rev., A.M. Horae Apocalypticae ; or, a Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical, etc. 5th ed., 4 vols., pp. xxviii, 638 ; vii, 576 ; viii, 632 ; viii, 738, 32, 8vo. Lond.: See- ley, 1862. 56.9. Forrest, R. W. The Faithful Witness. Lectures on the Epis- tles to the Seven Churches. Pp. 336, 8vo. Lond.: Hunt, 1869. 6^. Fuller, S., D.D. The Revelation of St. John the Divine, self-inter- preted ; a Commentary for Eng- lish Readers. Pp. vii, 388, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1885. $2.50. Garland, G. V. The Practical Teaching of the Apocalypse. Pp. X, 498, 8vo. N. Y. : Longmans, 1890. $5. Glasgow, James, D.D. The Apocalypse Tianslated and Ex- pounded. Pp. XXXV, 611, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1872. New issue, 1878. 145. Graham, T. A Popular Commen- tary on the Book of the Revela- tion, with a Preface by the Bishop of Liverpool. Pp. 420, 8vo. Liverpool: Thompson, 1889. 8^. 6d. Grant, P. W. The Revelation of St. John ; an Exposition. Pp. 636, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1889. Harris, J. T. The Writings of the Apostle John ; with Notes, Critical and Expository. Vol. H, the Revelation. Pp. 350, roy. 8vo. Lend.: Hodder, 1889. 7s. 6d. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 117 Hengstenberg, E. W., D.D. The Revelation of St. John, Expounded for those who search the Scrip- tures. Translated from the Orig- inal by Rev. Patrick Fairbairn. 2 vols., pp. 487, 508, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1851, 1852. 21s. HUNTINGFORD, EDWARD, D.C.L. The Apocalypse, with a Commen- tary and an Introduction on the Reality of Prediction, the History of Christendom, the Scheme of Interpretation, and the Antichrist of St. Paul and St. John. Pp. xix, 281, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1881. 9^. Lord, David N. An Exposition of the Apocalypse. Pp. 542, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1847. $2. Macduff, J. R., D.D. Memories of Patmos; or, Some of the Great Words and Visions of the Apoca- lypse. With Frontispiece. Pp. 364, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1870. MclLVAlNE, J. H. The Wisdom of the Apocalypse. Pp. ix, 420, 8vo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1886. $2. Maurice, F. Denison. Lectures on the Apocalypse ; or. Book of the Revelation of St. John the Divine. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1861. 2d ed., pp. 368, i2mo. 1885. 6^., $2. Milligan, W., D.D. The Revela- tion of St. John. Pp. xix, 342, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1885. ys. 6d., $2.25. Lectures on the Apocalypse. Pp. xxii, 239, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 55-., $1.50. Newberry, T. Notes on the Book of the Revelation. Pp. 144, 8vo. Lond.: Shaw, 1887. 35. Newton, Bp. A Guide to the Apocalypse: being an Abridg- ment of Bishop Newton's cele- brated Work on the Revelation (1762). Pp. 176, p. 8 vo. Lond.: Kerby, 1891- 6s. Pond, Enoch, D.D. The Seals Opened ; or, The Apocalypse Ex- plained. Pp. xi, 211, i2mo. Port- land, 1871. $1.50. RossETTi, Christina G. The Face of the Deep : a Devotional Commentary on the Apocalvpse. Pp. 546, 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1892. 7J. 6d. Scott, T. L. The Visions of the Apocalypse and their Lessons. Being the Donellan Lectures for 1 891-1892, preached before the University of Dublin in Trinity College Chapel. Pp. 348, p. 8vo. Lond.: Skeffington, 1893. 6s. Shaw, Frederick, Rev., M.A. The Book of Revelation. A Course of Sermons. Pp. 553, cr. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $2.25. Smith, Justin A., D.D.,and Boise, James Robinson, D.D. Com- mentary on the Revelation. Pp. 317, 8vo. Phila. : Bap. Pub. Soc, 1884. $2. Stuart, Moses. A Commentary on the Apocalypse. 2 vols., pp. 504 ; iv, 504, 8vo. Andover : Allen, 1845. $2.25. Thom, David, Ph.D. The Num- ber and Names of the Apocalyptic Beasts, with an Explanation and Application. In two parts. Part I, The Number and Names. Pp. xxxix, 398, 8vo. Lond.: Lewis, 1848. 125. Trench, R. C, D.D. Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1862. 3d ed., 1866. 8^.6//., $3. Pp. 312, i2mo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1861. New ed., 1872. $1.50. Vaughan, C. J., D.D. Lectures on the Revelation of St. John. Lond.: Macmillan, 1863. 4th ed., 2 vols., pp. xiv, 301 ; viii, 290, i2mo. 1875. 9S. ii8 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Waller, C. B. The Apocalypse. Reviewed under the Light of the Unfolding Ages. Pp. 412, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1878. 12s. WiNDLE, H. E. Lectures on the Asia. Pp. 276, Nisbet, 1870. 4.J. i2mo. Lond.: Wordsworth, Charles, D.D. Lectures on the Apocalypse. . . . See under Collected Works^ Epistles to the Seven Churches of p. 33. DIVISION IIL SPECIAL SUBJECTS. I. Antiquities of the Bible. a. GENERAL. See also Coins, Illnstrations, Manners and Customs, and Bible and Modern Discovery. Babelon, Ernest. Manual of Oriental Antiquities, including the Architecture, Sculpture, and In- dustrial Arts of Chaldaea, Assyria, Persia, Syria, Judaea, Phoenicia, and Carthage. Translated and enlarged by B. T. A. Evetts, M.A. Pp. XX, 312, 8vo. Lond. : Grevel ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1889. \os. 6<^., $3. Bennett, Risdon, Sir. The Dis- eases of the Bible. Pp. 144, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1887. $1.25. Bissell, Edwin Cone, D.D. Bib- lical Antiquities : a Handbook for Use in Seminaries, Sabbath Schools, Families, and by all Stu- dents of the Bible. Pp. 420, 1 2mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un. $1.50. Cooper, W. R., F.R.A.S. An Archaic Dictionary, Biographical, Historical, and Mythological ; from the Egyptian, Assyrian, and Etruscan Monuments and Papyri. Pp. xvi, 668, 8vo. Lond.: Bagster, 1876. 15^. Cox, F. A., D.D., LL.D. Biblical Antiquities, with some Collateral Subjects, illustrating the Lan- guage, Geography, and early His- tory of Palestine. Pp. xii, 502, i2mo. Lond.: Griffin, 1852. ^s. 6d. Cox, J. C. Six Meditations on the Gardens of Scripture, together with a Sermon on Christianity and Archaeology, Preached at the University Church, Cam bridge, be- fore the Royal Archaeological In- stitute, August 14, 1892. Pp.218, p. 8vo. Lond.: Low, 1893. 5^-. EwALD, Heinrich. The Antiqui- ties of Israel. Translated from the German by H. S. Solly. Pp. 398, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1876. ITS. 6d, JAHN, John. Biblical Archaeology. Translated from the Latin by T. C. Upham. Andover: Gould, 1823. 5th ed., pp. xii, 573, 8vo. N. Y. : Newman, 1849. $2.50. Keil, Carl Friedrich, D.D. Manual of Biblical Archaeology. With Aherations and Additions furnished by the Author for the English Translation. Translated from the German (chiefly) by Rev. Peter Christie. Edited by the Rev. Frederick Crombie, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xii, 482 ; xii, 404, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1887,1888. 215. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 119 KITCHIN, J. G. The Bible Student in the British Museum. A de- scriptive Guide to the principal Antiquities which illustrate and confirm the Sacred History. 2d ed., altered and revised in accord- ance with the late Rearrangement of the Assyrian and Egyptian Rooms. Pp. 88, 8vo. Lond. : Cassel, 1892. IS. 4d. Nevin, John W. A Summary of Biblical Antiquities. For the use of Schools, Bible Classes, and Families. Pp.447, i2mo. Phila. ; Am. S. S. Un., 1873. $1.50. Palfrey, John Gorham, D.D. Academical Lectures on the Jew- ish Scriptures and Antiquities. 4 vols., pp. xxi, 511; xix, 435 ; xxxii, 503 ; xiv, 500, 8vo. Bost. : Mun- roe, 1838-1852. $10. b. BIBLE LANDS IN GENERAL. AiTON, John. The Lands of the Messiah, Mahomet, and the Pope ; as visited in 1831. Pp. 564, 8vo. - Lond.: FuUarton, 1852. i2mo, 1854. 5^. Bartlett, W. H. The Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles in Palestine, Syria, Greece, and Italy. Roy. 8vo. Lond.: Hall, 1851. New ed., pp. 250, 8vo. Bohn, 1862. ys. 6d. Buchanan, Claudius. Christian Researches in Asia. Pp. 275, i2mo. Phila.: Brown, 1813. Clifford, J. R. S. Home and Home Life in Bible Lands. Pp. 202, 8vo. Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Off., 1877. 2S. De Hass, Frank S., D.D. Buried Cities Recovered ; or, Explorations in Bible Lands ; giving the Results of recent Researches in the East, and Recovery of many Places in Sacred and Profane History long considered lost. N. Y. : Meth. Bk. Cone, 1880. 5th ed., pp. 600, 8vo. Phila. : Bradley, 1885. $3.50. Fish, Henry Clay. Bible Lands Illustrated. A pictorial Hand- book of the Antiquities and Mod- ern Life of all the Sacred Coun- tries. Pp. 920, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Pub. Co., 1876. $3.50. Gage, William Leonard. Stud- ies in Bible Lands. Pp. 237, 8vo. Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1869. $2.50. Hammer, Thomas. Observations on Divers Passages of Scripture in Books of Voyage and Travels in the East. 4 vols., pp. Ivi, 542 ; xii, 519; x, 553 ; X, 512, 8vo. Lond. : Lackington, 1776. Kinglake, W. Eothen ; or. Travels in the East. Lond. : Longmans, 1844. New ed., pp. x, 232, i2mo. Lond.: Harrison, 1871. 6s. McGarvey, J. W., Prof. Lands of the Bible. A geographical and topographical Description of Pales- tine, with Letters of Travel in Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, and Greece. Pp. 624, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1882. $3. Macgregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, and Red Sea. Pp. 464, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper; Lond.: Murray. 3d ed., 1870. $2. 50. MACLEOD, Norman. Eastward ; Travels in Eg}'pt, Palestine, and Syria. Pp. 310, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1866. New ed., 1870. 6s. Half Hours in the Holy Land. Travels in Egypt, Palestine, Syria. Pp. 344, 8vo. Lond. : Isbister, 1884. 3 J. 6d. Manning, Samuel, and Green, S. G. The Lands of Scripture, comprising Those Holy Fields, The Lands of the Pharaohs, Pic- tures from Bible Lands. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1879. 21^. Maspero, G. Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. Pp. xv, 376. I20 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. i2mo. Lond. : Chapman; N. Y. : Appleton, 1892. 55., $1.50. Olin, Stephen. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea.and the Holy Land. 2 vols., pp. 458, 478, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1843. $2.50. Phelps, Sylvanus Dryden. The Holy Land, with Glimpses of Europe and Egypt. Pp. 449, 8vo. New Haven: Chatfield, 1872: N. Y. : Ward, 1877. $1.25. Prime, S. Iren^eus. Travels in Europe and the East. 2 vols., pp. 405, 440, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1855. $3. Rawlinson, George, M. A. Egypt and Babylon from Sacred and Profane Sources. Pp. 430, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1884. Pp. viii, 329, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1885. $1.50. RiDGAWAY, Henry B. The Lord's Land. A Narrative of Travels in Sinai, Arabia Petrasa, and Pales- tine from the Red Sea to the entering in of Hamath. Pp. 744, 8vo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1876. $5. Robinson, Th. Wanderings in Scripture Lands : being a Tour of nine Months in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, and Greece, 1869- 1870. Pp. 428, 8vo. Lond.: Dickinson, 1872. 55. SCHAFF, Philip. Through Bible Lands : Notes of Travel in Egypt, the Desert, and Palestine. Pp. 413, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1879. $2.25. Wallace, Alexander. The Desert and the Holy Land. Pp. 400, i2mo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1867. 2d ed., pp. 338, 8vo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1882. 6^. Wilson, John. The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described. 2 vols., pp. 528, 797, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1847. 36^. C. BY countries. I. Arabia, in General. See also Desert and the Exodus. Burton, Richard F. The Gold Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midian Cities. A fortnight Tour in Arabia. Pp. xvi, 395, 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1878. 2d ed., 1882. i8.y. The Land of Midian Revisited. 2 vols., pp. xxviii, 338, 319, 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1879. y^^- Doughty, Charles M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 vols., pp. XX, 623 ; xiv, 690, 8vo. Camb. : Univ. Pr., 1888. 63.?. LowTH, George T. The Wanderer in Arabia ; or. Western Footsteps in Eastern Tracks. 2 vols., pp. 724, i2mo. Lond.: Hurst, 1855. 7.\S. Palgrave, W. G. Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 366 ; viii, 398, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1865. New ed., 1869. 6s. (i.) Desert and the Exodus. See also under Bible Lands in General, and Palestine, and Syria. Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine through Sinai, the Wil- derness, and the South Country. Pp. 555, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1879. $3.50. Bartlett, W. H. Forty Days in the Desert on the Track of the Israelites ; or, a Journey from Cairo to Mount Sinai and Petra. Pp. 210, 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1848. New ed., 1867. lay. dd. Brugsch Bey, Henry. The True Story of the Exodus of Israel, to- gether with a brief View of the History of Monumental Egypt. Edited by Francis H. Underwood. Pp. 260, i2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1880. 2d ed., 1 88 1. $12. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 121 FORSTER, Charles. Israel in the Wilderness; or, Gleanings from the Scene of the Wanderings. W^ith an Essay on the true Date of Korah's Rebellion. Pp. 319, i2mo. Lond. : Bentley, 1865. 6s. Hamilton, James. Sinai, the Hedjaz, and Soudan. Wander- ings around the Birthplace of the Prophet, and across the Ethiopian Desert from Sawakin to Chartum. Pp.430, i2mo. Lond. : Bentley, 1857. 10s. 6d. Palmer, E. H. The Desert of the Exodus. Journeys on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty Years' Wanderings. 2 vols. Lond. : Bell, 1 87 1. 28^. I vol., pp. 470, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1872. $3. Stanley, Arthur P. Sinai and Palestine in Connection with their History. N. Y. : Redfield, 1857. New ed., pp. 641, i2mo. Arm- strong, 1883. $2.50. Thayer, Alexander Whee- LOCK. The Hebrews and the - Red Sea. Pp. 140, i6mo. An- dover: Draper, 1883. 80 cents. Trumbull, Henry Clay, D.D. Kadesh-Barnea, its Importance and probable Site, with the Story of a Hunt for it. Including Studies of the Route of the Exodus and the Southern Boundary of the Holy Land. Pp. 478, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner ; Lond.: Hodder, 1884. $5, 21s. (2.) Sinai. See Desert and the Exodus. 2. Armenia, in General, See also under Asia Minor. Curzon, Robert. Armenia; a Year at Erzeroom. Pp. xiv, 226, i2mo. N. Y.: Harper, 1854. %\. Smith, Eli, and Dwight, H. G. O. Researches in Armenia, including a Journey through Asia Minor and into Georgia and Persia, with a Visit to the Nestorian and Chal- dean Christians of Oroomiah. 2 vols., pp. 348, 328, i2mo. Bost. : Crocker, 1830. Southgate, Horace. Narrative of a Tour through Armenia, Kurdistan, Persia, and Mesopota- mia, with an Introduction and Oc- casional Observations upon the condition of Mohammedanism in those Countries. 2 vols., pp. 702, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1840. Si. 50. (I.) Ararat. Freshfield, D. W. Visits to Ararat. [In his Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan, 1869.] Pp. 508, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1869. \Zs. Parrott, F. The Ascent of Mt. Ararat. Translated by W. T. Cooley. Pp. 389, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans; N. Y. : Harper, 1846. i\s., 45 cents. See also Frazer's Mag.^ Vol. XL., tSjg. 3. Asia Minor, in General. Fellows, Charles. A Journal written during an Excursion in Asia Minor, 1838. Pp. 358, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1839. New ed., 1852. 95. Hamilton, William J. Re- searches in Asia Minor, Pontus and Armenia ; with some Account of their Antiquities and Geology. 2 vols., pp. 1,069, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1842. 38 j. Leake, W. M. A Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor, with Comparative Remarks on the Ancient and Mod- ern Geography of that Country. Pp. 391, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1824. 18^. Smith, Eli, Rev. Researches of Rev. E. Smith and Rev. H. G. O. Dwight in Armenia. See above ^ Armenia. 122 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Van Lennep, H. J., D.D. Travels in Little Known Parts of Asia Minor. 2 vols., pp. x, 343 ; x, 330, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1870. 24s. (i.) Ephesus. Falkener, E. Ephesus and the Temple of Diana. Pp. xv, 346, 8vo. Lond. : Day, 1862. 21s. Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Eph- esus, including the Site and Re- mains of the Great Temple of Diana. Pp. xx, 285, 42, 20, 12, 10, 74, 20, 44, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1876. 63^. (2.) Seven Churches. Arundel, Fr. U. J. A. A Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia. Pp. 444, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1828. 155. CUMMING, John, Rev., D.D. Lec- tures on the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. Pp. vi, 593, i2mo. Lond. : Hall ; N. Y. : Virtue. loth ed., 1854. 5^., 75 cents. 4. Cre/e. Spratt, T. a. B. Travels and Researches in Crete. 2 vols., pp. 800, 8vo. Lond.: Van Voorst, 1865. 4.0s. 5. Cyprus. Di Cesnola, Louis P. Cyprus : its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Tem- ples. A Narrative of Researches and Excavations during Ten Years' Residence in that Island. Pp. xix, 456, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1878. $7.50- Loher, Franz von. Cyprus. Historical and Descriptive, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, with additional matter by Mrs. A. B. Joyner. Pp. vii, 324, 8vo. N. Y. : Worthington, 1878. $1.25. 6. Egypt. See also under Bible Lands in General. Bartlett, W. H. The Nile Boat ; or, GHmpses of the Land of Egypt. Lond.: Hall, 1849. New ed., Bohn, 1862. Pp. 236, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1851. ^s. 6d.,%2. Bezold, Charles. Oriental Di- plomacy : being the transliterated Text of the Cuneiform Despatches between the Kings of Egypt and Western Asia in the 1 5th Century before Christ, discovered at Tel el-Amarna. and now preserved in the British Museum, with a full Vocabulary, Grammatical Notes, etc. Pp. xliv, 124, 8vo. Lond.: Luzac, 1893. 2\s. 6d. Brimmer, M. Egypt. Three Essays on the History, Religion, and Art of Ancient Egypt. Pp. 86, 33 il- lustrations, 8vo. Bost. : Hough- ton ; Lond.: Gay, 1892. $5, 24^. Brugsch Bey, Henry. A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs, de- rived entirely from the Monuments. Translated from the German by the late Henry Danby Seymour. Edited by Philip Smith, B.A. 2 vols., pp. xlii, 526; xviii, 469, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner ; Lond. : Murray, 1879. New ed., 1881. 305., $12. New ed., condensed and revised by M. Brodrick. i vol., pp. 488, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1891. i8i\ Bunsen, Chr. K.J. Egypt's Place in Universal History. 5 vols., pp. lii, 739 ; xxxviii, 632 ; Ixv, 639 ; XX, 698 ; xviii, 943, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1 840-1 860. New ed., 1867. 174J. (id. Clark, Edward L. Lsrael in Egypt ; or, Egypt's Place among the Ancient Monarchies. Pp. 359. 8vo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1874. $5. De Leon, Edwin. The Khedive's Egypt ; or,, the Old House of Bondage under New Masters. Pp. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 123 435, i2mo. N.Y. ; Harper, 1877. $1.50. Edwards, Amelia B. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers. Pp. xviii, 325, 8vo. N.Y.: Harper, 1 891. $4. Egypt Exploration Fund, Me- moirs OF. 9 vols., fo. Lond. : Triibner, 1 884-1 891. 1. The Store-City of Pithom and the Route of the Exodus. By Edouard Naville. Pp. viii, 40. 13 plates, 2 maps. 1884. 3d ed., 1888. 25J. 2. Tanis. Part I, 1883, 1S84. By W. M. Flinders Petrie. Pp. viii, 63, and plates. 1885. 2SS. 3. Naukratis. Part I, 1884, 1885. By W. M. Flinders Petrie, with chapters by Cecil Smith, Ernest A. Gardner, B.A., and Barclay V. Head. Pp. viii, 100, and plates. 1886. 2d ea., 1888. 25s. 4. The Shrine of Saft el Heineh and the Land of Goshen (1885). By Edouard Naville. Pp. [vi,] 26, and plates. 1887. 25s. 5. Tanis. Part II, 1886. By W. M. Flin- ders Petrie and F. LI. Griffith. Pp. 116, and plates. 1888. 2^s. 6. Naukratis. Part II. By Ernest A. Gardner, M.A. With an Appendix by F. LI. Griffith, B.A. Pp. 92, and plates. 1888. 25^-. 7. The City of Onias and the Mound of the Jew. By Edouard Naville. 1890. 2SS. 8. Bubastis. (1887-1889.) By Edouard Naville. Pp. viii, 72, and 54 plates. 1891. 25J. Extra. Two Hieroglyphic Papyri from Tanis. I, The Sign Papyrus (a Syllabary). By F. LI. Griffith. II, The Geograph- ical Papyrus (an Almanack). By W. M. F. Petrie, with Remarks by Prof. Hein- rich Brugsch. Facsimiles and Introduc- tory Remarks. Pp. [iv,] 25, and plates. 1889. 5^. Harm AN, Henry M. A Journey to Egypt and the Holy Land in 1869, 1870. Pp. xii, 331, cr. 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1873. $1.75. Hawks, Francis L. The Monu- ments of Egypt; or, Egypt a Wit- ness to the Bible. Pp.' 256, 8vo. N. Y.: Putnam, 1849. $2.50. Hengstenberg, E. W. Egypt and the Books of Moses. Translated by R. D. C. Robbms. Pp. 312, i2mo. Lond.: Hamilton; An- dover: Allen, 1843; N. Y.: Carter, 1852. ys. 6d., 75 cents. Jones, J. Foulkes. Eg\'pt in its Biblical Relations and Moral As- pect. Pp. viii, 326, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, i860. 7s. 6d. Kenrick, John. Ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 427 ; viii, 448, 8vo. Lond. : Fellovves, 1850. 30?. Lane, E. W. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Mod- ern Egyptians. 2 vols., pp. xx, 418; viii, 429, i6mo. Lond.: Knight, 1836. 5th ed., enlarged, Lond.: Murray ; Bost.: Little, 1871. I2.f.. $5. Lepsius, RiC. Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Penin- sula of Sinai, 1842-1845. Edited with Notes by K. R. H. Macken- zie. Pp. 471, 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1852. P. 8vo. 1853. 5.?. OSBORN, H. S. Ancient Egypt in the Light of Modern Discoveries. Pp. 232, i2mo. Cine: Clarke, 1883. $1.25. OSBURN, William. The Monu- mental History of Egypt as Recorded on the Ruins of her Temples, Palaces, and Tombs. 2 vols., pp. 461, 643, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1854. 42.?. Palmer, William. The Egyptian Chronicles ; with a Harmony of Sacred and Egyptian Chronology. 2 vols., pp. 1,053, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1861. 36.?. Perrot, Georges, and Chipiez, Charles. A History of Art in Ancient Egypt. From the French. 2 vols. Translated and edited by Walter Armstrong, B.A. Pp. Ixiv, 444 ; xiv, 426, imp. 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1883. 42.?. Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Ten Years Digging in Egypt. 1881- 1889. With a Map and one hun- dred and sixteen Illustrations. Pp. 201, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. Si. 50. Prime, William C. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. Pp. 498, i2mo. N. Y.: Harper, 1857. $1.25. 124 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Rawlinson, George, M.A. His- tory of Ancient Egypt. 2 vols., pp. XX, 554; xiv, 567, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1881. 100s., $21. Robinson, Charles S., D.D. The Pharaohs of the Bondage and the Exodus : Lectures. Pp. vii, 199, i2mo. N. Y. : Cen- tury Co., 1887. 50 cents. Sharpe, Samuel. The History of Egypt from the Earliest Times till the Conquest by the Arabs, A.D. 640. 2 vols., pp. 628, 8vo. Lond.: Moxon, 1846. 5th ed., 1870. 18s. Trevor, George. Ancient Egypt : its Antiquities, Religion, and His- tory, to the Close of the Old Testa- ment Period. Pp. xvi, 400, i2mo. Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, n. d. [1864.] $1.10. Wilkinson, J. Gardner. Man- ners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. New ed., revised and corrected by Samuel Birch, LL.D. 3 vols., pp. XXX, 510; xii, 515; xi, 528, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1878. Bost.: Cassino, 1878. New ed., 1883. 84J., $18. ZiNCKE, F. Barham. Egypt of the Pharaohs and the Khedive. Pp. xii, 546, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1871. 14?. 7. Greece. Anderson, Rufus. Observations upon the Peloponnesus and Greek Islands. Pp. 334, i2mo. Bost.: Crocker, 1830. $1. Baird, Henry M. Modern Greece ; a Narrative of a Residence and Travels in that Country. With Observations on its Antiquities, Language, Literature, Politics, and Religion. Pp. xii, 380, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. $1.50. 8. Mesopotamia. (i.) Assyria. See particularly under Assyriology. Smith, George. Assyrian Dis- coveries ; an Account of Explora-; tions and Discoveries on the Sit< of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874, with Illustrations. Pp. xvi, 461 8vo. Lond.: Low; N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1875. 18.9., $4. (2.) Babylon. See Chaldeea. (3.) Chaldaea. LoFTUS, William K. Travels ii Chaldasa and Susiana. Lond. Nisbet, 1856. Pp.436, 8vo. N. Y. Carter, 1857. 12^., %i. McCausland, Dominick, LL.D The Builders of Babel. Pp. xi 339, i2mo. Lond. : Bentley, 1871 Newman, John P. Thrones and Palaces of Babylon from Sea to Sea. Pp. 455, 8vo. N. Y. : Har- per, 1876. $5. Perrot, George, and Chipiez, Charles. History of Art in Chaldaea and Assyria ; Translated and Edited by Walter Armstrong. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 398 ; xii, 420, 8vo. N. Y.: Armstrong, 1884. $15.50. Ragozin, Zenaide a. The Story of Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria, treated as a General Introduction to the Study of Ancient History. Pp. XV, 381, i2mo. Lond.: Un- win ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1886. 55., $1.50. Thompson, James Marshall, Rev. From Accadia to Mach- pelah ; or, the Homes and Jour- neyings of Abraham. Pp. iii, 319. i6mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1886. $1.15. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 125 (4.) Nineveh. Fergusson, J. The Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Restored ; an Essay on Ancient Assyrian and Persian Architecture. Pp. 384, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1851. i6s. Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Remains. 2 vols., viii, 326, 373, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1848,1849. 36^. Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, with Travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the Desert; being the result of a Second Expedition. Pp. xvi, 586, 8vo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Har- per, 1853. New ed., 1871. $is., $4. Abridged ed., 1867. 7s. 6d. Rich, C. J. Narrative of a Resi- dence in Koordistan and on the Site of Ancient Nineveh. 2 vols., pp. xxxiv, 398 ; viii, 410, 8vo. Lond. : Duncan, 1836. 305-. Vaux, W. S. W. Nineveh and Persepolis. An Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia, with an Account of the Recent Researches in those Countries. Pp.444, i2mo. Lond.: Hall, 1850. New ed., 1855. 3^. 6d. (5.) Persia. See also under Chaldcea. LoFTUS, William K. Travels and Researches in Chaldaea and Susi- ana. Pp. 436, 8vo. Lond. : Nis- bet, 1856; N. Y. : Carter, 1857. 125., %2. Porter, J. L. See p. 130. Smith, Eli, Rev. See under Asia Minor, p. 121. 9. Moab. CoNDER, Claude Reignier, R.E. Heth and Moab. Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882. Pub- lished for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Pp. xii, 436. Lond. : Bentley, 1883. \\s. Merrill, Selah. East of the Jordan. A Record of Travel and Observation in the Countries of Moab, Gilead, and Bashan, during the Years 1875-1877, with Illus- trations and a Map. With an In- troduction by Prof. Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D. Pp. xvi, 5 50, 8vo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1881. New ed., 1883. $2.50. Schumacher, Gottlieb, C.E. Across the Jordan : being an Ex- ploration and Survey of Part of Hauran and Jaulan, with Addi- tions by Lawrence Oliphant and Guy Le Strange. Pp. xvi, 342, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1886. ds. The Jaulan. Surveyed for the German Society for the Explora- tion of the Holy Land. Trans- lated, by Permission, from the Transactions of the German So- ciety. Pp. xii, 304. Lond. : Bent- ley, 1888. 65. Tristram, H. B. The Land of Moab: Travels and Discoveries on the East Side of the Dead Sea and the Jordan, with a Chapter on the Persian Palace of Mashita, by J. Fergusson. Pp. 416, 8vo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Harper, 1873. 1 5 J., $2.50. 10. Palestine, in General. See also under Syria. Alexander, J. H. The Mountains of Palestine. Pp. 202, 8vo. N. Y. : Ref. Ch. Bd., 1870; Richmond: Pres. Comm., 1871. 70 cents. Baedeker, Carl. Palestine and Syria. Hand Book for Travelers, with 17 maps, 44 Plans, and a Panorama of Jerusalem. 2d ed., i2mo, pp.cxx, 444. Leipzig, 1893. N. Y. : Scribner, 1894. 12 ink., $3.60. Bannister, J. T. A Survey of the Holy Land ; its Geography, His- 126 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tory, and Destiny. Designed to elucidate the Imagery of Scripture and demonstrate the Fulfillment of Prophecy. Pp. 588, 8vo. Bath : Marlborough, 1848. New ed., 1853. 10s. 6d. Bremer, Frederika. Travels in the Holy Land. Translated by Mary Howitt. 2 vols., pp. 660, 8vo. Lond. . Hurst, 1861. 21s. Campbell, William M. Foot- prints of Christ. Pp. 375, i2mo. N.Y. : Funk, 1889. $1.50. CoNDER, Claude Reignier, R.E. TentWork in Palestine. ARecord of Discovery and Adventure. Published for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, with Illustrations by J. W. Whymper. 2 vols., pp. xxvi, 381 ; viii, 352, 8v^o. Lond.: Bentley; N. v.: Appleton, 1878. 24s., $6. New ed., i vol., cr. 8vo. 1880. 7s. dd. Syrian Stone Lore ; or, the Monumental History of Palestine. Published for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Pp. xiv, 472, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1886. Ts. 6d. Dixon, William H. The Holy Land, with Illustrations. 2 vols., pp. 579, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman ; Leipzig: Tauchnitz, 1865. 3ded., 1867. los. 6d. Douglas, Hester. The Land where Jesus Christ lived. Pp. 304, 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1890. 2s. 6d. Field, Henry M., D.D. Among the Holy Hills. Pp. iii, 243, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. $1.50. Fulton, John, D.D. The Beauti- ful Land. Palestine, Historical, Geographical, and Pictorial, de- scribed and illustrated as it was and as it is now along the Lines of our Saviour's Journeys. Introduc- tion by Bishop Henry C. Potter, D.D. Pp. xii, 652, 4to. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1891. $3.75. Gage, William Leonard. Pales- tine, Historical and Descriptive ; or, the House of God's People. Pp. 560, 8vo. Lond. : Warne, 1887. js. 6d, Geikie, Cunningham. The Holy Land and the Bible, or Book of Scripture. Illustrations gathered in Palestine, with a Map. 2 vols., pp. 1,090, 8vo. Lond.: Cassel, 1887. 245-. Gray, A. Z. The Land and the Life, a Series of Sketches and Studies in Palestine, with Illustra- tions. Pp. 192, 8vo. N. y. : Ran- dolph, 1877. $1.50. Hodder, Edwin. On HolyGround; or. Scenes and Incidents in the Land of Promise. Pp. 326, i2mo. Lond. : Nimo ; N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1874. 5^., $1.50. Hull, Edward, M.A., LL.D. Mount Seir, Sinai, and Western Palestine. Being a Narrative of a Scientific Expedition, with Maps and Illustrations. Pp. xvi,227, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley (Pal. Exp. Fund), 1885. IOJ-. 6^. Jenner, Thomas. That Goodly Land and Lebanon : being the Narrative of a Ride through the Countries of Judaea, Samaria, and Galilee into Syria, in . . . August, 1872, in the Company of Youhan- nale-el-Karey of Nablus. Pp. 362, •8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1873. 2d ed., 1875. 5^. Keith, Alexander. The Land of Israel, according to the Cove- nant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Pp. 388, i2mo. N . Y. : Harper; Lond.: Longmans, 1851. $1.50, 9^. 6d. Le Strange, Guy. Palestine under the Moslems. A De- scription of Syria and the Holy Land. From A.D. 650 to 1500. Translated from the Works of the Mediaeval Arab Geographers. Pp. xxii, 603, 8vo. N. Y. : Houghton, 1890. $3. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 127 Manning, Samuel, LL.D. "Those Holy Fields." Pales- tine illustrated by Pen and Pencil. Pp. 223, sm. fo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. See, n. d. [1874.J 8^. Miller, W. The Least of all Lands : seven Chapters on the Topography of Palestine in Re- lation to its History. Pp. 240, p. 8vo. Lond.: Blackie. 1888. y.6d. Neil, James. Palestine Explored, with a View to its Present Natural Features, and to the PrevaiUng Manners, Customs, Rites, and Col- loquial Expressions of its People, etc. Pp. X, 319, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1882. New ed., 1887. N. Y. : Randolph, 1882. $1.50. Newman, John P. From Dan to Beersheba ; or. The Land of Prom- ise as it now appears. Pp. 485, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1864. New ed., Methodist Book Con- cern, 1893. $1.75. Olin, Stephen. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, and the Holy Land. 2 vols., pp. 458, 478, 8vo. ■ N. Y. : Harper, 1843. $2.50. Oliphant, Lawrence. The Land of Gilead ; with Excursions in the Lebanon. Illustrated with a Map of Palestine, and a Map of pro- posed Railways into the proposed Colony, and other Illustrations. Pp. 430. 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1881. $2. OsBORN, Henry S., Rev.. A.M. Palestine Past and Present. With Biblical, Literary, and Scien- tific Notices. Pp. 600, 8vo. Phila. : Challen, 1859. $5. Otts, J. M. The Fifth Gospel: The Land where Jesus Lived. Pp. 367, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. $1.50. Our Work in Palestine ; being a Complete Account of the Oper- ations of the Palestine Exploration Fund . . . (by Captains Wilson, Anderson, Warren, etc.) Pp. 320, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1872. y.6d, Palestine Exploration Fund. Twenty-one Years' Work in the Holy Land : (A Record and a Summary) June 22. 1865-1886. Pp. 232, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1886. 3^. 6s. RivifeRES, Philpin de. Holy Places, their Sanctity, and Authen- ticity. Pp. 338, '8vo. Lond.: W^ashbourne, 1874. 6s. Robinson, Edward. Biblical Re- searches in Palestine and in the Adjacent Regions. A Journal of Travels in the Year 1838. 2 vols., pp. XXX, 614 ; xiv, 600, 8vo. Bost. : Crocker, 1841. New ed., 1868. $10. Later Biblical Researches in Palestine and in the Adjacent Re- gions. A Journal of Travels in 1852. New Maps and Plans. New ed., pp. XXX, 664, 8vo. Bost. : Crocker, 1856-1871. $3. Robinson, George. Travels in Palestine and Syria. 2 vols., pp. 359, 452, 8vo. Lond. : Coulburn, 1837. New ed., Bohn, 1843. 6s. Rogers, Mary Eliza. Domestic Life in Palestine. Pp.436, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1865. $1.75. Staffer, E. Palestine in the Time of Christ. Translated by Annie Harwood Holmden. Pp. 520, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1887. 9^. Thomson, A. In the Holy Land. Pp. 376, 8vo. N. Y. : Nelson, 1874. New ed., 1882. $1.75. Thomson, William M. The Land and the Book ; or. Biblical Illus- trations drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land. 3 vols., 8vo. N. Y.: Harper, 1859. New ed. Vol. I, pp. xx, 592. 1880. Vol. II, pp. xxiv, 689. 128 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 1882. Vol. Ill, pp. xxxiii, 711. 1885. Reissue. 1886. $9. Vol. I, Southern Palestine and Jerusalem. Vol. II. Central Palestine and Phoenicia. Vol. III. Lebanon, Damascus, and Be- yond Jordan. TiLLOTSON, John. Palestine ; its Holy Sites and Sacred Story. Pp. 444, 8vo. Lond. : Ward, 1871. js. 6d. Tristram, H. B. Bible Places; or, the Topography of the Holy Land. A succinct Account of all the Places, Rivers, and Mountains of the Land of Israel Mentioned in the Bible. Pp. xvi, 367, 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 187 1. 8th ed., N. Y.: Pott, 1878. 4J., $1.50. Pathways of Palestine ; a de- scriptive Tour through the Holy Land. 4to. Lond.: Low, 1882. 31J. 6d. Wilson, Col. (Ed.) Picturesque Palestine, Sinai, and Egypt ; edited by , assisted by the most eminent Palestine Explorers, etc. . . . 2 vols. Lond.: Virtue, 1880. Pp. XX, 480 ; X, 475, 4to. 2d ed., N. Y. : Appleton, 1883, 1884. $20. Wright, Thomas. Early Travels in Palestine, comprising the Nar- ratives of Arculf, Willibald, Ber- nard, Saewulf, Sigurd, Benjamin of Tudela, Sir John Mandeville, Ue la Brocquiere, and Maundrell. Pp. 548, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1848. 5.?. (i.) Bashan. See particularly under Moab and under Palestine. Burton, R. F., and Drake, C. F. T. Unexplored Syria. 2 vols., pp. viii, 360 ; vi, 400, 8vo. Lond. : Tinsley, 1872. 32^. Freshfield, Douglas W. The Stone Towns of Central Syria, otherwise called the Giant Cities of Bashan. (In Vol. Ill of Illus- trated Travels: Record of Dis- covery, Geography, and Adven- ture. 6 vols., roy. 4to. Edited by H. W. Bates. N. Y. : Cassell, n. d. Each $7.50.) Porter, J. L., Rev. Giant Cities of Bashan, and Syria's Holy Places. Pp. V, 377, i2mo. N. Y. : Nelson, 1871. $1.50. See also Porter's Five Years in Damascus (p. 130) ; Schumacher's Across the Jordan (p. 125) ; Schumacher's The Jaulan (p. ' ; Merrill's Kast of the Jordan (p. ; Conder's Heth and Moab (p. 125) ; •inson's Researches (p. 127) ; Thomp- 125) ; Merrill's Kast of the Jordan (| 125) : Robii son's Land and the Book (p. 127). (2.) Dead Sea. Lynch, W. F. Narrative of the United States F^xpedition to the River Jordan and ihe Dead Sea. Pp. 516, 8vo. Phila. : Lee, 1849. $3. i2mo. $1. Saulcy, L. F. J. C. DE. Narra- tive of a Journey round the Dead Sea and in Bible Lands. 2 vols., pp. 968, i2mo. Lond. : Bentley, 1854. 30.?. (3.) Galilee. See also under Palestine and Syria. Merrill, Selah, D.D. Galilee in the Time of Christ. With an Introduction by Rev. A. P. Pea- body, D.D. Pp. 159. i8mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Co., 1 88 1. $1. Stuart, A. Moody. Capernaum as the Sphere of Christ's Miracles. With Map. Pp. vii, 376, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1863. New ed., 1864. ^s. (4.) Jerusalem. Barclay, J. T. The City of the Great King ; or, Jerusalem as it was, as it is, and as it is to be. Pp. 647, 8vo. Phila.: Challen, 1858. 7th ed. $5. Bartlett, W. H. Walks about the City and Environs of Jerusalem. Pp. 260, 8vo. Lond. : Hall, 1849. \os. 6d. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 129 Jerusalem Revisited. Pp. 202, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1854. New ed., 1862. 6^. Besant, Walter, and Palmer. E. H. Jerusalem ; The City of Herod and Saladin. Pp. viii, 492, 8vo. Lond.: Bentley, 1871. New ed., N. Y.: Scribner, 1889. 7^.6^., $3. Erret, Isaac. Walks about Jeru- salem. A Search after the Land- marks of Primitive Christianity. Pp. 2ii,8vo. Cine. : Chase, 1875 ; St. Louis, 1884. §1. Forbes, S. R. The Holy City Jeru- salem : its Topography, Walls, and Temple. A new Light on an ancient Subject. Pp. 80, 8vo. Chelmsford : Durrant, 1892. 55. Howe, Fisher. The True Site of Calvary, and Suggestions relating to the Resurrection, with an illus- trative Map of Jerusalem. Pp. 68, 8vo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1871. 50 cents. Lees, G. R. Jerusalem Illustrated, with a Preface by Rt. Rev. Bp. Blyth. and an Appendix illustrating the Models of Herr Baurath von Schick Ritter, with Descriptive Letterpress. Translated by Rev. J. E. Hanauer. Pp. 156, 8vo. Lond. : Gay, 1893. js. 6(1. Lewin, Thomas. Siege of Jerusa- lem by Titus, with a Journal of a Recent Visit to the City, and a General Sketch of its Topography. Pp. 510, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1863. 15J. MacGrigor, Alexander. Con- tribution toward an Index of Pas- sages bearing upon the Topog- raphy of Jerusalem from Writings prior to the Eleventh Century. 8vo. Glasg. : Maclehose, 1876. (Private circulation only.) PlEROTTi, E. Jerusalem Explored : being a Description of the Ancient and Modern City. 2 vols., pp. xii, 339 (Vol. II. plates), fo. Lond.: Bell, 1864. io5.y. 10 Thrupp, J. F. Ancient Jerusalem : a new Investigation into the His- tory, Topography, and Plan of the City, Environs, and Temple. Pp. 428, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1855. 1 5 J. Warren, Charles. Underground Jerusalem : an Account of some of the Principal Difficulties encoun- tered in its Exploration, and the Results obtained. P|). xx, 579, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1879. 21s. Warren, Charles, Col. Sir, and Conder, Claude Reignier, C APT., R.E. The Survey of West- ern Palestine. Jerusalem. Pp.vii, 542, 4to. Lond. : Pal. Exp. Fund, 1884. Pub. by subscription. Warren, Israel Perkins. Jeru- salem, Ancient and Modern. Out- lines of its History and Antiquities. Pp. 60, 8vo. Bost. : Elliott, 1873. S1.25. Williams, George. The Holy City. Historical, Topographical^ and Antiquarian Notices ot Jeru- salem. 2 vols., pp. 691, 629, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1845. 2d ed., 1849. 1 8 J. Wilson, A. E., and Warren, W., (Captains.) The Recovery- of Jeru- salem. A Narrative of Explora- tion and Discovery in the City and Holy Land, with Introduction bv A. P. Stanley. Edited by W. Mor- rison. Pp. xxiv, 459, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley; N. Y. : Appleton, 1871. 2is., $3.50. (5.) Jordan. See under Dead Sea. (6.) Lebanon. See also under Syria, Bashatty and Palestine. Burton, R. F., and Drake, C. F. T. Unexplored Syria. Visits to the Libanus, the Tulul el Safa, the Anti-Libanus, the Northern Li- banus, the 'Alah. 2 vols., pp. viii, 360 ; vi, 400, 8vo. Lond. : Tinslev, 1872. 32^. I30 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Churchill, M. C. A. Mount Lebanon, 1 842-1 852. 3 vols., pp. 1,200, 8vo. Lond. : Ouaritch, 1853. New ed., 4 vols., 1862. 25^. Porter, J. L. See below under Damascus. (7.) Samaria. Mills, John. Nablus and the Modern Samaritans. Pp. xii, 335, i2mo. Lond.: Murray, 1864. NuTT, John W. A Sketch of Samaritan History, Dogma, and Literature. Pp. viii, 172, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1874. 5^. Porter, J. L., D.D. Through Samaria to Galilee and the Jor- dan : Scenes of the Early Life and Labors of our Lord. Pp. 330, fo. Lond. : Nelson, 1888. \os. 6d. Samaritans, An Account of THE. Pp. 107, 8vo. Lond. : Wii- kins, 1714. Shelaby, Jacob Esh. Notices of the Modern Samaritans. Pp. 55, 4to. Lond. : Low, 1855. 2s.6d. 11. Palmyra, Myers, P. V. N. Remains of Lost Empires. Sketches of the Ruins of Palmyra, Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, with some Notes on India and the Cashmerian 'Himalayas. Pp. 531, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. $3.50. 12. PhcBnicia. WiLKiNS, Augustus S., M.A. Phoenicia and Israel. A Histor- ical Essay. Pp. xvi, 204, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1871. 5.?. 13. Syria, in General. See also under Palestine. Barker, B. B. Syria and Egypt, under the best five Sultans of Turkey, being Experiences during fifty years : chiefly from his Letters and Journals. Edited by his Son, Edward B. Barker. 2 vols., pp. 710, 8vo. Lond. : Tinsley, 1877. Ts. 6d. Burton, Isabel. The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. 2vols.,8vo. Lond.: King, 1876. 4th ed., I vol., pp. 520, 8vo. 1884. 6s. DURBIN, John P. Observations in the East, chiefly in Egypt, Pales- tine, Syria, and Asia Minor. 2 vols., pp. 358, 309, i2mo. N.Y. : Harper, 1845. $3. Jowett, William. Researches in Syria and the Holy Land. Pp. 469, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1822. Bost. : Crocker, 1826. los., 75 cents. Kelly, W. K. Description of Syria and the Holy Land; their Scenery and their People. Being Incidents of History and Travel, from the best and most recent Authorities. Pp. 459, 8vo. Lond*. : Chapman, 1844. 2>s. 6d. Napier, E. Reminiscences of Syria. 2 vols., pp. 774, 8vo. Lond.: Newby, 1843. 21s. (i.) Damascus. Castlereagh, (Viscount.) A Journey to Damascus, through Egypt, Nubia, Arabia Petraea, Palestine, and Syria. 2 vols., pp. 612, 8vo. Lond. : Colburn, 1847. I5.y. Porter, J. L. Five years in Da- mascus ; with Travels to Palmyra, Lebanon, and other Scripture Sites. 2 vols,, pp. 760, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1855. 21s. 2. Apocryphal Literature. Old and New Testaments. Texts, Commen- taries, and Treatises. Alexandre, C. Oracula Sibyllina .... Pp. xlviii, 419, 8vo. Paris: Didot, 1869. 9/r. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 131 Apocrypha. Greek and English in Parallel Columns. Pp. iv, 248, sq. i6mo. Lond. : Bagster, 1871. 7s. 6d. Ball, C J.. Rev., M.A. The Ec- clesiastical or Deutero-Canonical Books of the Old Testament com- monly called the Apocrypha. Ed- ited with various Renderings and Readings from the best Author- ities. [Variorum ed.] Pp. viii, 276, 8vo. Lond. : Eyre, n. d. [1892.] 7J. 6^. Baring-Gould, S., Rev., M.A. The Lost and Hostile Gospels : an Essay on the Toledoth Jeschu, and the Petrine and Pauline Gos- pels of the first three Centuries of which Fragments remain. Pp. xxxii, 306, i2mo. Lond.: Wil- liams, 1874. 7 J. dd. Barnes, W. E. Canonical and Uncanonical Gospels. With a Translation of the recently dis- covered Fragment of the Gospel of Peter, and a Selection from the Sayings of our Lord not found in the Four Gospels. Pp. 104, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1893. 35. 6d., $1. Bissell, Edwin Cone, D.D. Com- mentary on the Apocrypha. See p. 76. Bonnet, Max. Supplementum Codicis Apocryphi, I. Acta Thomae. Graece partim cum novis codicibus contuHt Pp. XXX, 220, 8vo. Lipsiae ; Men- delssohn, 1883. 5 7nk. Book of Tobit, The: A Chaldee Text from a Unique MS. in the Bodleian Library, with other Rab- binical Texts, English Translations and the Itala. Edited by Ad. Neubauer, M.A. Pp.xcii, 43, i6mo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1878. 6s. Bunsen, Ernest de. The Hidden Wisdom of Christ, and the Key of Knowledge ; or. History of the Apocr}^pha. 2 vols., pp. x, 479 ; vi, 515, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1865. 28^. Charles, R. H. The Book of Enoch. Translated from Pro- fessor Dillman's Ethiopic Text, amended and revised in accord- ance with hitherto uncollated Ethiopic MSS., and with theGizeh and other Greek and Latin Frag- ments, which are here published in full ; edited, with Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Indices. Pp. 380, 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1893. i6s. Churton, W. E. The Uncanon- ical and Apocryphal Scriptures. Additions to the Old Testament Canon, which were included in the ancient Greek and Latin Versions, the EngHsh Text of the Authorized Version, and additional Matter found in the Vulgate and other ancient Versions. Pp. 606, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Whittaker, 1884. 7s. 6d. Clough,W. O. Gesta Pilati. The Reports, Letters, and Acts of Pontius Pilate : being the official Records of Pilate as made to Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, concerning the Apprehension, Trial, and Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth ; translated chiefly from Tischendorfs MS. Acts, with In- troduction and Notes. Pp. 296, 3, 8vo. Indianapohs : Douglass, 1886. $2. Cotton, Henry, D.C.L. The Five Books of Maccabees in English, with Notes and Illustrations. Pp. xliv, 462, 8vo. Oxf. : Univ. Pr., 1832. los. 6d. Cowper, B.Harris. The Apocry- phal Gospels and other Documents relating to the History of Christ. Translated from the Originals, . . . with Notes, Scriptural References, and Prolegomena. Pp. ex, 456, i6mo. Lond.: Williams, 1863. 3d ed., 1870. 6s. 132 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Deane, William J., M.A. Pseu- depigrapha. An Account of cer- tain Apocryphal Writings of the Jews and early Christians. Pp. 338, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. 10^. 6d., $3. Sophia Salomon. The Book of Wisdom. The Greek Text, the Latin Vulgate, and the Authorized English Version; with an In- troduction, Critical Apparatus, and a Commentary. Pp. viii, 224, 4to. Oxf.: Clar. Pr., 1881. 12^. ^d. DiLLMANN, Aug. Ascensio Isaiae, yEthiopice et Latine, cum pro- legomenis, adnotationibus. . . . Pp. xviii, 86, 8vo. Lipsiae : Brock- haus, 1877. 3.50 mk, Etheridge, J. W., M.A. The Apostolical Acts and Epistles, from the Peschito, or Ancient Syriac : to which are added, the remaining Epistles, and the Book of Revelation after a later Syrian Text. Translated with Pro- legomena and Indices. Pp.x, 508, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1849. 7J-. dd. Fabricius, J. A. Codicis Pseudepi- graphi Veteris Testamenti. . . . 2 vols., pp. 1,174, 390, i2mo. Hamburg: Felginer, 1722, 1723. Fritzsche, Otto Fridolinus. Libri Apocryphi Veteris Testa- menti Grasce. Accedunt libri Veteris Testamenti pseudepigra- phi selecti. Pp. xxxviii, 760, 8vo. Lipsiae: Brockhaus, 1871. 16 mk. Giles, W., Dr. Codex Apocry- phus Novi Testamenti. The Uncanonical Gospels and other Writings, referring to the first Ages of Christianity in the original Lan- guages, collected together from the Editions of Fabricius, Thilo, and others. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 456 ; vi, 457-689, Ixxiv, 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1852. 7.1s. Gospel according to Peter : A Study. By the Author of Super- natural Religion. Pp. 140, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1894. 6j. Harris, J. R. A Popular Account of the newly recovered Gospel of St. Peter. Pp. 90, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1892. 2s. 6d. The Rest of the Words of Baruch : a Christian Apocalypse of the Year 1 36 A.D. Pp. 64, 8vo. Lond.: Clay, 1889. 5^. Harris, J. Rendel, and Gifford, Seth K. The Acts of the Martyrdom of Perpetua and Fe- licitas ; the original Greek Text now first edited from a MS. in the Library of the Convent of the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem. Pp. 73, 8vo. Lond.: Clay, 1890. 55. Hone, William. Apocryphal New Testament. Being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other Pieces now ex- tant, attributed in the first four Centuries to Jesus Christ, His Apostles and their Companions, and not included, by its Compilers, in the Authorized New Testa- ment, translated from the original Tongues. Lond.: Privatelyprinted, 1820. Republished, pp. xx, 291, i2mo. Bost. : Mussey, new ed., Colby, 1875. $i-25- Also see Vol. VIII of Anie-Nicene Library, p. 18. Jasher, The Book of ; referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel. Faithfully translated from the orig- inal Hebrew into English. Pp.xxiii, 266, 8vo. N.Y.: Noah, 1840. $1. Lawrence, Richard, LL.D. The Book of Enoch the Prophet, trans- lated from an Ethiopic MS. in the Bodleian Library by the late — . The Text now corrected from his latest Notes, with an Introduction by the Author of The Evolution of Christianity. Pp. xlviii, 180, p. 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1883. 5^. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. ^33 LIPSIUS, R. A. Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. Acta Petri, Acta Pauli, Acta Petri et Pauli, Acta Pauli et Tiieclae, Acta Thadd^i. Pp. cxii, 320, 8vo. Lipsiae : Men- delssohn, 1 891. 12 m)t. xMalan, S. C. D.D. The Book of Adam and Eve, also called the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan, a Book of the Early East- ern Church, translated from the Ethiopic, with Notes from the Kufale, Talmud, Midrashim, and other Eastern Works. Pp. viii, 255, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1882, 7s. 6d. Conflict of the Holy Apostles : An Apocryphal Book of the Early Eastern Church, from an Ethiopic MS. ; etc. Pp. 256, i8mo. Lond. : Nutt, 1 87 1. 5^. Murray. Edward, Rev. Enoch Restitutus ; or, an Attempt to separate from the Books of Enoch the Book quoted by St. Jude ; also a Comparison of the Chronology of Enoch with the Hebrew Com- putation. Pp. 208, S8, 116, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1836. ys. Neubauer, Ad., M.A. The Book of Tobit, a Chaldee Text from a unique MS. in the Bodleian Library, with other Rabbinical Texts, Eng- lish Translations, and the Itala. Pp. xcii, 44, i2mo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1878. 6s. Nicholson,Edward Byron,M.A. The Gospel according to the He- brews. Its Fragments translated and annotated with a critical Anal- ysis of the external and internal Evidence relating to iL Pp. xvi, 162, 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1879. gs. 6d. The Old Testament according TO the Authorized Version. With a brief Commentary by vari- ous Authors. The Apocryphal Books. I vol., unpaged, p. 8vo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1881. 4^. Esdras to Maccabees, I, II Esdras, Esther, by Rev. E. P. Eddrap, M.A. Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Baruch, by Rev. W. R. Clinton, B.D. Ecclesiastes, by the Lord Bishop of St. Andrews. I, II Macca- bees, by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Song of the Three Children, Susanna, Bel, and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, by the Rev. J. M. Fuller. Phillips, George, D.D. The Doctrine of Addai, the Apostle, now first edited in a complete Form in the original Syriac, with an English Translation and Notes. Pp. XV, 52, 53, 8vo. Lond. : Triib- ner, 1876. 7s. 6d. Robinson, J. Armitage, and Rhodes, James Montague. The Gospel according to Peter and the Revelation of Peter. Two Lectures on the newly recovered Fragments ; with the Greek Texts. Pp. 96, i2mo. Lond.: Clay; N.Y.: Macmillan, 1893. 2J. 6^/., $1.25. Ryle, H. E., and James, M. R. Psalms of the Pharisees, common- ly called the Psalms of Solomon. The Text newly revised from all the MSS. Edited, with Introduc- tion, English Translation, and Notes. Pp. 264, 8vo. Lond. : Camb. Wareh., 1891, 15.^. RZACH, Aloisius. Oracula Sibyl- lina. Pp. xxi, 321. 8vo. Lipsiae: Freytag, 1891. \2 ink. Samaritan Chronicle. The; or, the Book of Joshua the Son of Nun. Translated from the Arabic, with Notes, by Oliver Turnbull Crane, M.A. Pp. 178, i2mo. N. Y. : Alden, 1890, 50 cents. Schodde, G. H. The Book of Enoch ; translated from the Ethi- opic, with Introduction and Notes. Pp. viii, 278, 8vo. Andover : Draper, 1882. $1.75. SCHOLZ, Anton. Commentar zum Buche Tobias. Pp. viii, 171, 8vo. Wien, etc. : Worl, 1889, \mk. Contains the Texts of the Sinaitic and Vatican MSS., and the Vulgate. Texts and Studies. Contribu- tions to Biblical and Patristic Literature. Edited by J. A. Rob- 134 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. inson. Vol. II, No. 2. The Tes- tament of Abraham. The Greek Text now first edited, with an In- troduction and Notes by M. R. James. With an Appendix, con- taining Extracts from the Arabic Version of the Testament of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. By W. E. Barnes. Pp. viii, 166, 8vo. Lend. : Camb. Wareh., 1892. 5^. Thilo, J. C. Codex Apocryphus Novi Testamenti. E Ubris editus, . . . notisque . . . illustratus. Pp. xvi, 896, clx, 8vo. Lipsias: Vogel (1832). 6.12 thlr. Thomson, J. E. H. Books which influenced our Lord and his Apos- tles. Being a Critical Review of Apocalyptic Jewish Literature. Pp. 506, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. \is. 6d., ^4.20. TiSCHENDORF, CONSl^ANTINUS. Acta Apostolorum Apocrj'pha ex triginta antiquis codicibus Graecis. . . . Pp. Ixxx, 276, 8vo. Lipsias: Mendelssohn, 1851. 7 mk. Evangelia Apocrypha. . . . Pp. Ixxxviii, 463, 8vo. Lipsiae: Mendelssohn, 1853. 10 mk. Apocalypses Apocryphae Mosis, Esdraa, Pauli, Johannis, item Marise Dormitio, additis Evan- geliorum, etc. . . . Pp. Ixiv, 172, 8vo. Lipsiae: Mendelssohn, 1866. 3.50 w^. Wace, Henry. D.D. Commentary [on the] Apocrypha. In 2 vols., pp. xlvi, 534 ; vi, 648, 8vo. Lond. : Murray; N. Y. : Scribner, 1888. 50J., $16. Walker, A. Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelation. See Vol. VIII of Ante-Nicene Library, A 18. Wright^ W. Apocryphal Acts. Edited from Syrian MSS. 2 vols., 8vo. Vol. I, Syriac Text ; Vol. II, English Translation. Pp. ; XX, 298, 8vo. Lend.: Norgate, 1871. 25^. Contributions to the Apocry- phal Literature of the New Testa- ment. Pp. 63, X, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1865. ^s. 6d, Zahn, Theodor. Acta Joannis. [Text and Notes.] Pp. clxxii, 263, 8vo. Erlangen: Deichert, 1880. 10 ink. 3. Apologetics, BiblicaL See Evide7ices. 4. Apostles, Training of the. See full Literature under Historical Theology. Bruce, Alexander B. The Training of the Twelve ; or, Pas- sages out of the Gospels. Pp. 548, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y.: Arm- strong, 1871. 4th ed., revised, pp. x, 552, 8vo. 1888. \os. 6d., $2.50. Latham, H. Pastor Pastorum ; or, the Schooling of the Apostles by our Lord. Pp. 482, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1890. 6s. 6d. 5. Archaeology. See A ntiqtiities. 6. Arithmetic of the Bible. Computation of 666, and its Relation to Anti-Chris- tian Systems, but having Refer- ence to a Person, the Coming Anti-Christ, who is to be Over- thrown by the Sun of Righteous- ness. Pp. 406, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1 89 1, las. 6d. [J. W.] Arithmetic of the Holy Scriptures. Classical Journal. Vol. XXV, p. 29; Vol. XXVI. p. 13; Vol. XXVII, p. 253; Vol. XXVIII, p. 219; Vol. XXIX, p. 249; Vol. XXX, p. 321. Osborn, H. S. Biblical Tables. An Epitome of various important Statistics of the Scriptures. A complete Handbook of Reference. Pp. 69, 4to. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1871. $1.50. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 135 Samuell, R. Seven, the Sacred Number ; its Use in Scripture and its Application to Biblical Criti- cism. With a Chapter on the Bible and Science. Pp. 482, p. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1887. ios.6d. 7. Assyriology. Bezold, C. Oriental Diplomacy; being the transliterated Text of the Cuneiform Dispatches be- tween the Kings of Egypt and Western Asia in the 15th Cen- tury before Christ. See p. 122. Budge, Ernest A., M.R.A.S. The History of Esarhaddon (Son of Sennacherib) King of Assyria, B.C. 681-688, translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions upon Cyl- inders and Tablets in the British Museum Collection. Together with Texts, . . . Explanations, etc. Pp. xvi. 163, 8vo. Lond. : Triib- ner; Bost. : Osgood, 188 1. $4. Evans, George, M.A. An Essay on Assyriology. Pp. iv, 60, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1883. 5^. Harper, R. T. Assyrian and Baby- lonian Letters, belonging to the " K " Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Pp. 132, p. 8vo. Lond.: Luzac, 1892. 2^s. Laurie, Thomas, Rev., D.D. Assyrian Echoes of the Word. With Illustrations. Pp. 380, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1894. $2. Sayce, a. H., Rev., M.A. Baby- lonian Literature. Lectures de- livered at the Roj^al Institution. Pp. 86, 8vo. Lond. : Bagster, n. d. [1879.] 45-. Social Life among the Assyr- ians and Babylonians. P. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. ; N. Y. : Revell, 1893. 2s. 6d., %i. Schrader. Eberhard, D.D., Ph.D. The Cuneiform Inscrip- tions and the Old Testament. Translated from the second en- larged German Edition, with an introductory Preface by Rev. Owen C. Whitehouse, M.A. 2 vols., pp. xxxii, 310; xvi, 333, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1885- 1888. 21S. Smith, George. The Assyrian Eponym Canon; containingTrans- lations of the Documents, and an Account of the Evidence, on the comparative Chronology of the Assyrian and Jewish Kingdoms, from the Death of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar. Pp. viii, 206, 8vo. Lond. : Bagster, n. d. [1875.] 9^. The Chaldean Account of Genesis, containing the De- scription of the Creation, the Deluge, the Tower of Babel, the Destruction of Sodom, the Times of the Patriarchs, and Nimrod; Babylonian Fables, and Legends of the Gods ; from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Lond. : Low, 1875. i6s. New ed., thoroughly revised and corrected (with additions) by A. H. Sayce. Pp. xxiv, 338, 8vo. N. Y.: Scribner, [1881.] $3. Tel El-Amarna Tablets, The : in the British Museum with auto- type Facsimiles. Printed by order of the Trustees. Pp. xciv, 158, and 28 plates, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, etc., 1892. 8. Astronomy of the Bible. Brewster, D. More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher, and the Hope of the Christian. 8vo. Lond. : Murray. Pp. 265, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1854. New ed., N. Y. : Routledge, 1874. $2.25. Burr, E. F. Ecce Coelum; or. Parish Astronomy. Pp. 198, i2mo. Bost. : Lockwood, 1867. i6th ed., 1875. $1.25. Kurtz, J. H. The Bible and As- tronomy. An Exposition of the 136 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Biblical Cosmology and its Rela- tions to Natural Science. Pp. 527, i2ino. Phila. : Lindsay, 1857. Newed., 1861. $1.50. Mitchell, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible. Pp. 322, i2mo. N. Y. : Blakeman, 1863. $1.75. Plurality of Worlds, The. With an Introduction by Edward Hitchcock, D.D. Pp. 368, i2mo. Bost.: Gould, 1854. $1. Slaughter, W. B. Modern Gen- esis ; being an Inquiry into the Credibility of the Nebular Theory, of the Origin of Planetary Bodies, the Structure of the Solar System, and of General Cosmical Histoiy. Pp. 298, i2mo. N. Y. : Metho- dist Book Concern, 1876. $1. Stars, The, and the Earth ; or, Thoughts upon Space, Time, and Eternity. Pp. 88, i8mo. Bost.: Myer, 1874. 4th ed., 1875. 75 cents. Upham, Francis W. The Star of our Lord ; or, Christ Jesus, King of all Worlds, both of Time and Space, with Thoughts on Inspira- tion, and the Astronomic Doubt as to Christianity. Pp. 370, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1873. ^175. 9. Authenticity. See also under Introduction^ Gospels^ and Criticism. Elliott, Charles, D.D. A Vin- dication of the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch. Pp. 273, i6mo. Cine: Walden, 1884. $1. Evans, H. H. St. Paul, the Author of the last twelve Verses of the Second Gospel. Pp. 90, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1886. 2J. dd. Forbes, John, D.D. The Servant of the Lord in Isaiah xl-lxvi re- claimed to Isaiah as the Author, from Argument, Structure, and Date. Pp. 270, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1890. 5^. Garbett, Edward, M.A. The Bible and its Critics. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 25. Hervey, a. C, Bp. Authenticity of the Gospel of St. Luke : its bearing upon the Evidences of the Truth of Christianity. Five Lectures delivered at Bath, in the Autumn of 1890. 2d ed., pp. 156, i6mo. N. Y. : Young, 1892. Cloth, 80 cents. Hobart, William Kirk, Rev., LL.D. The Medical Language of St. Luke. A Proof from In- ternal Evidence that " The Gospel according to St. Luke," and " The Acts of the Apostles " were writ- ten by the same Person, and that the Writer was a Medical Man. Pp. xxxvi, 305, 8vo. Dublin : Hodges; Lond.: Longmans, 1S82. ids. Maher, M. Recent Evidence for the Authenticity of the Gospels. Tatian's Diatessaron. Pp. 84, i2mo. Lond. : Cath. Truth Soc, 1893. dd, Nast, William. See U7ider Gos- pels. Rawlinson, George, M.A. The Historical Evidences of the Truth of the Scripture Records. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 7.2. Taylor, Isaac. History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, together with the Process of Historical Proof ; or, a concise Account of the Means by which the Genuineness of Ancient Literature . . . and Authenticity . . . are ascertained. Pp. xii, 406, i2mo. Liverpool: Howell, 1859. New ed., 1879. 3^. dd. Tregelles, Samuel P. Historic Evidences of the Authorship of the New Testament. Pp. xxiv, 120, i2mo. Lond. : Bagster, 1852. y. 6d. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 137 10. Authority of the Bible. See also Credibility. Bailey, Gilbert S., D.D. The Word and Works of God. Pp. 255, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1883. SI. Bellairs, William, Rev. Our Inheritance in the Old Testament. Pp. I90,cr. Svo. Lend.: Sonnen- schein, 1894. 35. 6^. GiRDLESTONE, R. B. Doctor Doc- torum. The Teacher and the Book. With some Remarks on Old Testament Criticism. Pp. 190, p. Svo. Lond. : Shaw, 1892. y. 6d. Gladstone, \V. E. The Impreg- nable Rock of Holy Scripture. Revised and enlarged edition. Pp. 310, p. Svo. Lond. : Isbister, 1892. 35-. 6d. Hannah, J., D.C.L. The Relation between the Divine and Human Elements in Holy Scripture. See under Collected Works, p. 22. Leland, John. The Divine Au- ' thority of the Old and New Tes- tament Asserted. Pp. xxviii, 491. Lond., 1739. Republished, Svo. Lond.: Tegg, 1S37. 9^. Miller, John, M.A. Divine Au- thority of Holy Scripture. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 20. Redford, George, D.D., LL.D. Holy Scripture Verified ; or, the Divine Authority of the Bible. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 28. Sherley, Walter Augustus, D.D. The Supremacy of Holy Scripture. , . . The Influences of the Holy Spirit. See under Col- lected Works, p. 21. Stuart, A. Moody, D.D. The Bible true to itself. A Treatise on the Historical Truth of the Old Testament. Pp. viii, 511, i6mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1884. ^s. Vaughan, Kenelm, Rev. The Divine Armory of Holy Scripture. The American edition, revised. Pp. xxiii, 928, i6mo. N. Y.: Cath. Bk. Ex., 1894. Wage, Henry, B.D., D.D. The Gospel and its Witnesses. Some of the chief Facts in the Life of our Lord and the Authority of the Evangelical Narratives considered in Lectures. . . . Pp. xii, 211, p. Svo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Dutton, 1S83. 2d ed., 1884. 6s., $1.50. Wright, G.Frederick, D.D. The Divine Authority of the Bible. Pp. 241, i6mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1884. $1.25. II. Bible and Modern Discovery. See also under Antiquities, General, Antiq- uities by Countries, and Geography ; also under Hittites. Assyriology, Evidences, Chronology, Ethnology, Moabite Stone. (Bezold, C, and Budge, E. A. W.) The Tell El-Amarna Tablets in the British Museum, with Auto- type Facsimiles. Pp. xciv, 157, plates 24. Lond. : Br. Mus., 1892. 42J. Bliss, Frederick Jones, M.A. A Mound of Many Cities; or, Tell El Hesy Excavated, with Illustra- tions. Pp. 201, Svo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $2.25. City, The, and the Land. A course of seven Lectures on the W^ork of the Palestine Exploration Society, delivered in Hanover Square, in May and June, 1892. Pp. 226, p. Svo. Lond.: Watt, 1S92. Pp. 23S, Svo. N.Y.: Mac- millan, 1893. 35. 6d., $1.25. CONDER, C. R. The Tell Amarna Tablets Translated. (Palestine Ex- ploration Fund.) Pp. xi, 212, i2mo. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1893. $1.75. Dawson, J. W., Sir. Modem Science in Bible Lands. With Maps and Illustrations. Popular 138 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. edition, revised. Pp. 400, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1892. 6^. Emerson, George H., D.D. Ttie Bible and Modern Thought. Pp. 165, i2mo. Bost. : Univ. Pub. Ho., 1890. 50 cents. EvETTS, B. T. A. New Light on the Bible and the Holy Land. Be- ing an Account of some recent Discoveries in the East. Pp. 480, 8vo. Lond. : Cassell, 1892. 21s. Geikie, Cunningham, D.D. Hours with the Bible : or, the Scriptures in the Light of modern Discovery and Knowledge, 6 vols. Lond.: Partridge, 1880-1883. N. Y. : Pott, 1883. New ed.,with title: "The Bible by Modern Light," etc. Pp. XV, 487, 596, 550, 515,462,560. 1893. Each 6s., $1.25. Harper, Henry A. The Bible and Modern Discoveries. Pp. 432, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley (Pal. Exp. Fund), 1889. Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton. 4th ed., 1891. 16^., $4.50. Laurie, Thomas, Rev., D.D. Assyrian Echoes of the Word. See p. 135. Lepsius, Ric. See p. 123. NiCOL, T. Recent Explorations in Bible Lands. Pp. y6, i2mo. Edinb. : Young, 1892; N. Y. : Funk, [1893.] 5^., 50 cents. Osborn, H. S. See p. 123. Petrie, W. M. F. See p. 123. Sayce, a. H. Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments : a Sketch of the most striking Confirmation of the Bible from recent Discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Pal- estine, and Asia Minor. Pp. 176, 8vo. Lend.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1883. 2d ed., 1884. 3J. The Higher Criticism and the Verdict of the Monuments. See under Criticism. Walsh, W. Pakenham, D.D. Echoes of Bible History. Pp. x, 330, i2mo. Lond.: S. S. Inst.; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1887. 4^., $1.50. 12. Bible and Pagan Nations. Keary, a. The Nations Around. [Early History- of the Great East- ern Empires Surrounding Pales- tine.] Pp. viii, 332, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1870. 4?. 6d. Sayce, a. H., Prof. The Ancient Empires of the East. Pp. xxiv, 301, p. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan; N. Y.: Scribner, 1884. $1.50. 13. Biblical History. See also Chronology. Alexander, Archibald. A His- tory of the Israelitish Nation from their Origin. Pp. xv, 620, 8vo. Phila. : Martien, 1853. $2. Blunt, J. H. Companion to the Old Testament : being a plain Commentary on Scripture History, down to the Birth of our Lord. Pp. 448, fcp. 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1 88 1. 2d ed., 1883. 3^. 6d. Buxton, Sydney, Mrs. Side Lights upon Bible History. With Illustrations. Pp. viii. 299, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $1.50. CowLES, Henry. Hebrew History from the Death of Moses to the Close of the Scripture Narrative. Pp. 418, i2mo. N. Y. : Apple- ton, 1875. %2. Demans, Robert. Class Book of Scripture History. With Illus- trations. Pp. xi. 272, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Black, 1863. 2s.(id. Edersheim, Alfred, D.D. Bible History. 7 vols. Each, pp. 200, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. $1. Hausrath, a., D.D. A History of the New Testament Times. The Time of Jesus. 2 vols. Translated by Charles T. Poynt- EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 139 ing, B.A., and Philip Quenzer. Pp. xvi, 270 ; iv, 268, 8vo. Lond. : Williams. 1 878-1 880. 21s. Hengstenberg, E.W. History of the Kingdom of God under the Old Testament. 2 vols., pp. vi, 469; xlviii, 407, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1871, 1873. 21J. Humphrey, Edward P., D.D. Sacred History from the Creation to the giving of the Law. Pp. xiii, 540, 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1888. $2. 50. JAHN, John. The History of the Hebrew Commonwealth, from the Earliest Times to the Destruction of Jerusalem, A. D. 1872. Trans- lated bv Calvin E. Stowe. Pp. 610, 8vo. Oxf. : Talboys. 1839. I2S. Kurtz, John Henry. Manual of Sacred History ; a Guide to the Understanding of the Divine plan of Salvation according to its His- torical Development. Translated from the 6th German ed. by Charles Schaeffer, D.D. Phila. : k Lindsay, 1854. 15th ed., pp. xx, ^ 436, 8vo. Smith, 1875. $1.50. History of the Old Covenant. Translated and Annotated by Rev. Alfred Edersheim. 3 vols., pp. cxxx, 380, 329, 532, 8vo. Phila.: Lindsay, 1859; N. Y. : Scribner, $9. Translated by Mar- tin. Edinb. : Clark, 1859. ^is.6d. Lenormant, FRAN90IS. Begin- nings of History according to the Bible and the Traditions of Orien- tal Peoples. From the Creation to the Deluge. Translated, with an Introduction by Francis Brown. Pp. xii, 588, 8vo. Lond. : Low, 1893. 12S. McHardy, G. Scenes and Char- acters of the Early World. Pp. 216, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1885. Maclear, G. F. a Class Book of Old Testament History. With Maps. Pp. xii, 506, i8mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan. ist and 2d eds.. 1865. Last ed., 1889. 4J. 6d., $1.10. A Class Book of New Testa- ment History. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, i866. 4^. 6d., $1.10. Mills, Abraham. The Ancient Hebrews ; with an Introductory Essay concerning the World be- fore the Flood. Pp. 443, i2mo. N. Y. : Barnes, 1856. $1. Milman, H. H. The History of the Jews, from the Earliest Period down to Modern Times. 3 vols, in 2. Pp. 509, 497, 479, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1 88 1 . $3. Newman, Francis W. A History of the Hebrew Monarchy from the Administration of Samuel to the Babylonish Captivity. Pp. 333, 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1847. 2d ed., 1853. Ss.6d. Oort. H., Dr., Hooykaas, I.. Dr., and Kuenen, A., Dr. The Bible for Learners. Translated from the Dutch by Philip H. Wicksteed, M.A. 3 vols., pp. vii, 546 ; vii, 616; vii, 760, i2mo. Bost. : Rob- erts, 1878. $6.50. Osborn, H. S.. Prof., LL.D. A Class Book of Biblical History and Geography. With numerous Maps. Pp. 312, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1890. $1.25. P|NNOCK, W. H. An Analysis of Scripture History. Old Testa- ment. 15th ed., pp. 362, i8mo. Camb.: Hall, 1868. y. 6d. An Analysis of Scripture His- tory. New Testament. 9th ed., pp. 362, i8mo. Camb. : Hall, 1868. 4f. The Bible and Contemporarj' History ; an Epitome of the His- tory of the World from the Crea- tion till the End of the Old Testa- ment, based upon the inspired Record, and elucidated by Means 140 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. of the latest Scientific and Histori- cal Researches. 2 vols., pp. 820, 8vo. Lond.: Reeves, 1887. i8s. Ralph, Edith. Step by Step through the Bible ; a Scripture History for little Children. Part H, pp. 210, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1893. 2s. 6d. Renan, Ernest. History of the People of Israel till the Time of King David. [Also] from the Reign of David up to the Capture of Samaria. 2 vols., pp. xxviii, 362; xii, 455, 8vo. Bost. : Rob- erts, 1888, 1889. $5. Redford, R. a., Rev. Four Cen- turies of Silence ; or, From Malachi to Christ. Pp. 258, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 75 cents. Riddle, J. E. A Manual of the Whole Scripture History, and of the History of the Jews, between the . . . Old and New Testaments. Pp. xii, 476, i2mo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1857. 3d ed., 1858. 4s. Seidel, M. In the Time of Jesus : historical Pictures. Pp. 206, p. 8vo. Lond. : Kingsley, 1885. 3^. Sharpe, Samuel. History of the Hebrew Nation and its Literature. With an Appendix on the Chro- nology. Pp. 358, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1868. 3d ed., enlarged, 1875. 3s. 6d. SiME, James, M.A. The Kingdom of All-Israel : its History, Litera- ture and Worship. Pp. xvi, 621, 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1883. 15^. Smith, George. The Patriarchal Age ; or, History and Religion of Mankind ... to the Death of Isaac. Pp. 552, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1846. i2s. N.Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1848. $2. The Hebrew People ; or. The History and Religion of the Israel- ites. ... to the Time of Christ. Pp. 616, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans. 1849. i2s. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1850. $2. Smith, W^illiam. Student's Scrip- ture History. The Old Testa- ment. Pp.715, i2mo. Lond.: Murray, 1868; N. Y.: Appleton, 1866. js. 6d., $2.50. The Student's Scripture His- tory. The New Testament. Pp. 792, i2mo. Lond. : Murray, 1866; N. Y. : Appleton, 1867. 7s. 6d., $2.50. Wellhausen, Julius, D.D. Pro- legomena to the History of Israel. With a Reprint of the article Israel from the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Translated from the German by J. Sutherland Black, M.A., and Allen Menzies, B.D. With Preface by Prof. W. Rob- ertson Smith. Pp. xvi, 552, 8vo. Edinb. : Black, 1885 ; N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1888. 15^., $4. 14. Canon of Scripture. See also Inspiration. Alexander, Archibald, D.D. The Canon of the Old and New- Testaments ascertained, or, the Bible complete without the Apoc- rypha and unwritten Traditions. Pp- 359» i2mo. Princeton, 1826. 2d ed., Trenton : D'Hart, 1833. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub., (1851.) 75 cents. Buhl, Franz, D.D. Canon and Text of the Old Testament. Translated by Rev. John Macpher- son. Pp. viii, 259, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. -js, 6d., $3. Charteris, a. H., D.D. Canon- icity. A Collection of early Tes- timonies to the Canonical Books of the New Testament, based on Kirchhoffer's "Quellensammlung." Pp. 484, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1880. i8j. COSIN, Dr. a Scholastical History of the Canon of the Holy Scrip- EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 141 ture or the certain and indubitable Books thereof as they are received in the Church of England. Pp. [xxxvi,] 214, [40,] sm. 4to. Lond. : 1657. Davidson, Samuel, D.D., LL.D. The Canon of the Bible : its For- mation, History, and Fluctuations. i6mo. Lond. : Paul, 1878. 3d ed., pp. xii, 279. 1880. $s. Gaussen, L. The Canon of the Holy Scriptures examined in the Light of History. Translated from the French by Edward N. Kirk, D.D. Pp. x, 463. i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet ; Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1862. 10^. 6d., $1.50. Jones, Jeremiah, Rev. A New and Full Method of settling the Canonical Authority of the New Testament. To which is sub- joined a Vindication of the former Part of St. Matthew's Gospel, from Mr. Whiston's charge of Dislocations. In 3 vols., pp. 412, 392, 296, 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1827. 21 s. 6d. Keeler, Bronson C. a Short History of the Bible: being an account of the Formation and De- velopment of the Canon. Pp. ii, 126, i6mo. Washington : Farrell, 1881. New ed., 1883. 75 cents. McClelland, Alexander. A Brief Treatise on the Canon and Interpretation of the Holy Scrip- tures. Pp. 336, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, i860. 75 cents. Mullen, Tobias, Bishop. The Canon of the Old Testament. Pp. xxiv, 664, 8vo. N. Y. : Pustet, 1892. $3. Reuss, Edward (William Eu- gene). Histoiy of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures in the Chris- tian Church. Translated from the second French edition... by David Hunter, B.D. Pp. xii, 404, 8vo. Edinb. : Gemmell ; N. Y. : Dutton, 1883. 95., $3. Ryle, Herbert Edward, D.D. The Canon of the Old Testament. An Essay on the gradual Growth and P^ormation of the Hebrew Canon of Scripture. Pp. xx, 304, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1892. 6s., $1.75. Stuart, Moses. Critical History and Defense of the Old Testament Canon. N. Y. : Dodd, 1845. Pp. 454, i2mo. Andover : Draper, 1865. New ed., 1872. $1.75. Tregelles, S. p., LL.D. (Ed.) Canon Muratorianus ; the Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament. Pp. viii, 112, 4to. Oxf. : Clar. Pr. ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1867. lOj'. 6^., $2.75. Westcott, Brooke Foss. A General Survey of the Histor\' of the Canon of the New Testament. I vol.,pp. xxiii, 559, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1855. 4th ed., 1875. \os. 6d. The Bible in the Church ; a Popular Account of the Collec- tions and Reception of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Churches. Pp. xxiv, 316, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1864. Last ed., 1889. 4^. 6d. Wordsworth, Chr., D.D. On the Canon. . . . See under Col- lected Works, p. 33. 15. Chronology, Biblical. See also Biblical History. Akers, Peter, D.D. Introduction to Biblical Chronology ... to the Resurrection of Christ. Pp. 411, 8vo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1855. $1.50. Bliss, S. Analysis of Sacred Chronology, with the Elements of Chronology, and the Numbers of the Hebrew Text Vindicated. Bost.: Jewett, 1851. Revised ed., with Notes; [also.] The Peopling of the Earth ; or. Historical Notes 142 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. on the loth Chapter of Genesis, by Alonzo T. Jones. Pp. iv, 298, i2mo. Oakland, Cal. : Pac. Pr. Pub. Ho., 1888. $1.50. Boyle, W. R. A. . . .A Correc- tion of Profane and Adjustment of Sacred Chronology. See Sys- tematic Theology, Inspiration. Browne, Henry. Ordo Sascu- lorum. A Treatise on the Chronology of the Holy Scrip- tures, and the Indications therein contained of a Divine Plan of Times and Seasons. Pp. 719, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1844. 20^. Bunsen, Ernest de. The Chro- nology of the Bible, connected with Contemporaneous Events in the History of Babylonians, Assyrians, and Egyptians. With a Preface by A. H. Sayce, M.A. Pp. xiv, 138, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1874. 7^. dd. Galloway, W. B. Egypt's Rec- ord of Time to the Exodus of Israel, critically investigated ; with a Comparative Survey of the Patri- archal History and the Chronology of Scripture. Pp. 570, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1869. I5i'. Hales, William, D.D. New Anal- ysis of Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy, in which their Elements are attempted to be explained, harmonized and vin- dicated, upon Scriptural and Scien- tific Principles, etc. 4 vols., pp. xxiv, 469 ; xlvi, 603 ; vi, 659 ; xlvi, 552, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1809- 1812. 2d ed., pp. — . 1830. 63^. Jones, Joseph, Rev., MA. A Chronological and Analytical View of the Holy Bible, with Prefaces to the several Books, and Remarks on various Subjects. Pp. vii, 404, 8vo. Oxf. : Talboys, 1836. \os. 6d. Lagrange, M. C. The Great Pyramid by Modern Science an independent Witness to the Literal Chronology of the Hebrew Bible, etc. A short Note by C. Piazzi Smith. Pp. 276, p. 8vo. Lond. : Burnet, 1894. los. 6d. Lewin, Thomas. Fasti Sacri ; A Key to the Chronology of the New Testament. Pp. 495, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. 21s. Macdonald, Malcolm. Har- mony of Ancient History and Chronology of the Egyptians and Jews. Pp. 30i,8vo. Phila. : Lip- pincott, 1891. $2. Milne, D. The Years and Eras of the Life of Christ : a Demonstra- tion of Gospel Order and Consist- ency for Systematic Teaching, with a Synopsis of all the so-called Discrepancies. Pp. 60, i2mo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1892. i^. Nash, D. W. Pharaoh of the Ex- odus. An Examination of the Modern Systems of Egyptian Chronology. Pp. viii, 319, 8vo. Lond.: Smith, 1863. 12s. Page, W. M. New Light from Old Eclipses; or. Chronology corrected and the four Gospels harmonized, by the rectification of Errors in the received astronomical Tables ; with an Introduction by Rev. James H. Brookes, D.D. Pp. xv, 590, 8vo. St. Louis: Barns, 1889. I2.50. Rawlinson, George. The His- torical Evidence of the Truth of the Scripture Records Stated Anew, with special Reference to the Doubts and Discoveries of Modern Times. Pp. 454, i2mo. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1875. $1.75. Shimeall, R. C, Rev. Our Bible Chronology, Historic and Pro- phetic, critically Examined, and Demonstrated, and Harmonized with the Chronology of profane Writers : embracing an Examina- tion of the Theories of modern Egyptologists. Pp. 231, 5, imp. Svo. N.Y.: Barnes, 1859. $4.50. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 143 USSHER, James, [Usserius, Jacobus,] D.D. Annates Veteris et Novi Testament!, a prima mundiorigine deducta ad extremum Reipublicas Judaic! excidium. 2 vols., fo. Lond. : 1650-1654. [A transla- tion into English was published first 1658 in 1 vol. fo. A late edi- tion is found in his collected Works. Dublin. 1864.] Watson, C. F. Darius the Median Identified ; or, the true Chronology of the ancient Monarchies recov- ered, containing a complete and harmonious Arrangement of the Chronologies of the Monarchies of Judah, Israel, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Lydia, Media, and Per- sia, etc. Pp. 240, p. 8vo. Lond. : Lit. Soc, 1885. 7s. 6d. WiESELER, Karl. A Chronologi- cal Synopsis of the Four Gospels. Pp. 459, 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1864. 2d ed., 1878. 5^. 16. Coincidences. Blunt, J. J. Undesigned Coin- cidences in the Writings both of the Old and New Testaments, an Argument for their Veracity. Pp. 386, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1850. i6th ed., 1888. Introduction by T. Sanderson, D.D. N. Y. : Ketch- am, 1890. 6s., $1.50. Fausset, a. R. Studies in the CL Psalms, their undesigned Coin- cidences with the independent Scripture Histories, confirming and illustrating both. Pp. 320, 8vo. Lond. : Chr. Bk. Soc, 1877. 17. Coins. See also under Antiquities, General and By Countries. Coins of the Bible, illustrated with metal Facsimiles of the actual Money used in Jerusalem during the Ministry of our Lord. Pp. V, 38, 32mo. N. Y. : Scott, 1884. $1. Madden, F. W. History of Jew- ish Coinage, and of Money in the Old and New Testaments. With 254 Engravings of all the Jewish Coins mentioned in the Bible. Pp. 373, 8vo. Lond.: Quaritch, 1864. 2d ed., with title Coins of the Jews. With 279 Woodcuts and a Plate of Alpha- bets. Pp. X, 329, 4to. Bost. : Osgood, 1 88 1. Snowden, J. R. The Coins of the Bible and its Money Terms. Pp. 72, i8mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. of Pub., 1864. 25 cents. Williamson, G. C. The Money of the Bible. Illustrated by nu- merous Woodcuts and facsimile Illustrations. i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc; N. Y. : Revell, 1894. 2s. 6d. 18. Connection of Old and New Testaments. Alexander, William Lindsay, D.D. The Connexion and Har- mony of the Old and New Tes- taments. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 28. Alford, Walter. The Old and New Testament Dispensations Compared. Showing in what Re- spects they differ ; what Things are Peculiar to the Former ; and what are Common to both. Pp. 550, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1858. 2d ed., 1 86 1, -js. 6d. Curtis, Anson Bartie, B.D., Ph.D. Back to the Old Testa- ment for the Message of the New. An Effort to Connect more Close- ly the Testaments; to which is added a Series of Papers on Vari- ous Old Testament Books and Subjects. Pp. 325, i2mo. Bost.: Univ. Pub. Co., 1894. $1. Palfrey, John Gorham, D.D., LL.D. The Relation between Ju- daism and Christianity, illustrated in Notes on Passages in the New 144 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Testament containing Quotations from, or references to, the Old. Pp. xxi, 344, 8vo. Bost. : Crosby, 1854. $2. Skinner, J. Historical Connection between the Old and New Testa- ments. Pp. 90, iSmo. Edinb. : Clark, 1889. 6d. Smith, George. The Harmony of the Divine Dispensations. Pp. 319, 8vo. N. Y. : Carlton, 1858. $3. Wood, William Page, Sir (LATER, Lord Hatherly). The Continuity of Scripture as declared by the Testimony of our Lord and of the Evangelists and Apos- tles. Pp. xli, 128. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1867. 3d ed., 1879; cheap ed., 1870. 2s. 6d. 19. Connection of Sacred and Pro- fane History. See also Chronology. Blaikie, William G. Bible His- tory in Connection with the Gen- eral History of the World. Pp. 470, i2mo. Lond.: Nelson, 1859. Davidson, D. Connexion of Sacred and Profane History ; being a Review of the principal Events in the World, as they bear upon the State of Religion 3 vols. Lond.: Tegg, 1842. 3 vols, in i, pp. 287, 235, 274, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1849. 4?., $1.50. Prideaux, Humphrey. The Old and New Testaments Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations from the Declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ. 1st ed., 4 vols. Lond. : 1749. loth ed., Lond.: Payne, 1808. 34?. 2 vols., pp. 896, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1836. $4. New ed., revised, with Notes, Analyses, and Introductory Review, by J. Talboys Wheeler. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1865. \os, 6d. Russell, Michael. A Connec- tion of Sacred and Profane History from the Death of Joshua to the Decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. [Intended to Com- plete the works of Shuckford and Prideaux.] 2 vols., pp. 1,656, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1827. New ed., Lond.: Tegg, 1865. 8^. 6d. Shuckford, Samuel. The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, from the Creation, etc. 1st ed., 1727. Lond. : Parker, 1840. Pp. 208, 285 ; 261, 249. 4 vols. in 2. Phila. : Woodward, 1824. New ed., revised, with Notes and Analyses, by J. Talboys Wheeler. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1869. los. 6d. 20. Creation. See also under Systematic Theology, Baden-Powell, B. H. Creation and its Records : a brief State- ment of Christian Belief, with Reference to Modern Facts and Ancient Scripture. Pp. 246, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1886. 6^. Boardman, George D. Studies in the Creative Week. Pp. 338, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1878. $1.25. Cooper. Thomas. Evolution, the Stone Book, and the Mosaic Rec- ord of Creation. Pp. v, 188, i6rr:0. Cine: Meth. Bk. Cone, 1893. 60 cents. Dallinger, W. H., Rev. The Creator and what we may know of the Method of Creation. 17th Fernley Lecture. Pp. 84, 8vo. Lond.: Woolmer, 1887. is.dd. Dawson, J. W. Archaia; or. Studies of the Cosmogony and Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures. Pp. 400, i2mo. Mon- treal : Dawson, i860. Nature and the Bible. A Course of Lectures delivered on the Morse Foundation of the EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 145 Union Theological Seminary, 1874. Pp. 258, i2nno. N. Y. : Carter, 1875. $1.75. Gladstone, W. E., Huxley, T. H., and Others. The Order of Creation : the Conflict between Genesis and Geology; a Contro- versy. Pp. 178, i2mo. N. Y. : Truth Seeker Co., 1886. 75 cents. Hedge, Frederick H. The Prime- val World of Hebrew Tradition. Pp. 283, i2mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1869. $1.50. KiPP, P. E., Rev. Is Moses Scien- tific .^ First Chapter of Genesis tested by latest Discoveries of Science. Pp. 239, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. $1.25. Lewis, Tayler. The Six Days of Creation ; or, the Scriptural Cos- mology, with the ancient Idea of Time- Worlds in Distinction from the Worlds in Space. Pp. 416, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1879." $1.50. Macdonald, Donald. Creation and the Fall. A Defense and Ex- position of the first three Chap- ters of Genesis. Pp. viii, 494, 8vo. Edinb. : Constable, 1856. 12s. Morris, H. W. Work-Days of God ; or, Science and the Bible, illustrated. Pp. 406, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nicholson, 1888. 25. 6d. Perring, Philip, Sir. The Works and Days of Moses ; or, a Critical Dissertation on the first two Chap- ters of Genesis. Pp. 136, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1890. 35. 6d., $1.25. Reimensnyder, J. B., D.D. The Six Days of Creation ; the Fall and the Deluge. Pp. 368, i2mo. Phila. : Luth. Pub. Soc, 1886. $1.25. Reusch, F. H. Nature and the Bible. Lectures on the Mosaic History of Creation in Relation to Modern Science. Translated from the 4th ed., by Kathleen Lyttel- 11 ton. 2 vols., pp. 828, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1886. 2is. Williams, Charles. First Week of Time ; or. Scripture in Har- mony with Science. Pp. vii, 304, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Jackson, 1863. Winchell, Alex. Sketches of Creation : popular View of some Conclusions of the Sciences in Reference to the History of Mat- ter and of Life. Pp. 459, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1870. $2. 21. Credibility of the Bible. See also Authenticity z.nA Authority. Archibald, Andrew W., Rev. The Bible Verified. With intro- ductorv Note by Prof. Ranson B. Welch; D.D., LL.D. Pp. 252, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1891. 75 cents. Bisco, Richard. History of the Acts of the Apostles confirmed. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 24. Blunt, J. J., Rev. The Veracity of the Historical Books of the Old Testament. . , . See under Col- lected Works, p. 32. Borrows, J. H., Rev. Seven Lec- tures on the Credibility of the Gospel Histories. Introduction by F. E. Clark, D.D. Pp. x. 146, i2mo. Bost.: Lothrop, 1891. 75 cents. Faber, George Stanley, A.M. Horse Mosaicae ; a View of the Mosaic Records. . . . their Credi- bility. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 20. Kinns, S. Graven on the Rock; or, the historical Accuracy of the Bible Confirmed by Reference to the Assyrian and Babylonian Mon- uments in the British Museum and Elsewhere. Pp. 710, 8vo. Lond.: Cassell, 1891. I2i'. 6^. Lardner, N. Credibility of Gospel History. [See his collected works. 146 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Vols. I-V. 1 05 J. Loncl: Ball, 1838. Rose, Henry J., B.D. The Law of Moses viewed in Connection with the History and Character of the Jews. . . . See under Col- lected Works, p. 32. Trench, R. C. Fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the Spirit- ual Life of Man. . . . See under Col- lected Worksop. 33. Varley, H. The Infallible Word. A Criticism of Rev. R. F. Hor- ton's Book Inspection and the Bible, the Historical Accuracy of the Book of Kings and Chronicles Vindicated. An Upgrade Criti- cism. Pp. 148, i2mo. Lond. : Holmes, 1892. \s. Wordsworth, Charles, D.D., D.C.L. Primary Witness of the Truth of the Gospel. A Series of Discourses and also a Charge on modern Teaching on the Canon of the Old Testament. Pp. xl, 333, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1892. 6^., %i. 22. Criticism of the Bible. See also under htiroduction, Canon^ Penta- teuch^ and Authenticity, Abbot, Ezra. The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel and other Crit- ical Essays ; selected from the unpublished Papers of the late Ezra Abbot. Pp. 501, 8vo. Bost. : Ellis, 1889. $3.50. Addis, W. E. The Documents of the Hexateuch. Translated and ar- ranged in chronological Order,with Introduction and Notes. Part I, The Oldest Book of Hebrew His- tory. Pp. 324, 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1892. los. 6d. Arnold, Matthew. St. Paul and Protestantism; with an Introduc- tion on Puritanism and the Church of England. Pp. xlii, 182, l2mo. Lond. : Smith ; Bost. : Osgood, 1870. 3d ed., 1875. 4f.6^.,$i.75. God and the Bible. A Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma. Pp. 329, i2mo. Lond. : Smith, 1876. Pop. ed., 1884. Bost.: Osgood, 1876. 2s. 6d., $1.50. Literature and Dogma. An Essay toward a better Apprehen- sion of the Bible. Pp. 316, i2mo. Lond. : Smith ; Bost. : Osgood, 1873. 5th ed., 1877. 9^., $1.50. Essays in Criticism. P. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan ; N. Y. : Holt. 3d ed,, 1875. 95., $2. Beach, D. N., Rev. The Histori- cal Value of the First Eleven Chapters of Genesis ; with some Discussion of the New Criticism ; with Introduction by Edwin B. Wel)b, D.D. Pp. XX, 66, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. S. S. Pub. Soc, 1884. 75 cents. Berry, T. S. Holy Scripture : Hu- man, Progressive, Divine. i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1893. 2s. BissELL, Edwin Cone. Genesis printed in Colors. Showing the original Sources from which it is supposed to have been compiled. With an Introduction. Pp. xiv, 59, 8vo. Hartf. : Belknap, 1892. $1.25. Bloomfield, Bishop of Col- chester. The Old Testament and the New Criticism. Pp. 182, p. 8vo. Lond.: Stock, 1893. 55. Boyce, William B. The Higher Criticism of the Bible, Pp. xvi, 473, i2mo. Lond. : Wes. Conf. Off., 1880. 9^. Carlton, J. C. The Bible of our Lord and His Apostles ; The Sep- tuagint considered in its Relation to the Gospel, in its History, and as an Interpreter of the Old Tes- tament. Pp, 98, i2mo. Dubl,: Hodges, 1888. 2s. 6d. Cheyne,T,K.,D.D. AidstotheDe- vout Study of Criticism. Part I, The David Narratives. Part II, EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 147 The Book of Psalms. Pp. 396, 8vo. Lond. : Unsvin, 1892. 7s. 6d. Founders of Old Testament Criticism : Biographical, Descrip- tive and Critical Studies. Pp. 370, 8vo. Lond.: Methuen ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 7s. 6d., $2. Clark, Edson L. Fundamental Questions, chiefly relating- to the Book of Genesis and the Hebrew Scriptures. Pp. vi, 217, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1882. $1.50. CONYBEARE, W. D. Criticism of the Bible. See under Hermeneu- iics. Crooker, Joseph Henry. The New Bible and its New Uses. Pp. 286, i2mo. Bost. : Ellis, 1893. $1. Evans, H. H. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel. Pp. xii, 132, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1888. Fripp, E. I. The Composition of the Book of Genesis, with English Text and Analysis. Pp. 196, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1892. 4?. Gerard, Gilbert, D.D. Institutes of Biblical Criticism ; or, Heads of the Course of Lectures on that Subject. Am. ed., pp. xi, 435, 8vo. Bost.: Cummings, 1823. Girdlestone, R. B. The Founda- tions of the Bible: Studies in Old Testament Criticism. Pp. 220, 8vo. Lond.: Eyre, 1890. y. 6d. Doctor Doctorum. Seep. 137. GODET, F., D.D., HOWSON, J. S., and Others. The Higher Criti- cism : being six Papers selected from the Living Paper series. Pp. 330, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. $1. Green, William Henry, D.D. Moses and the Prophets : the Old Testament in the Jewish Church, by Prof. W. Robertson Smith; The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel, by Dr. A. Kuenen ; and the Prophets of Israel, by W. Robert- son Smith, LL.D., reviewed. Pp. 370, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1883. $1. The Hebrew Feasts in their Relation to recent Critical Hy- potheses concerning the Penta- teuch. Pp. 329, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1885, $1.50. Halcombe, J. J. Gospel Difficul- ties ; or, the displaced Sections of St. Luke. Pp. 204, 275, i2mo. Lond. : Clay ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1886. 2d ed., 1888. 6^., $3. Hervey, a. C, Lord. D.D. The Books of Chronicles in Relation to the Pentateuch and the " Higher Criticism." Five Lectures deliv- ered before the " Society for Pro- moting Higher Education " at Wells, in the Spring of 1892. Pub- lished under the direction of the Tract Committee. Pp. 175, i2mo. N. Y. : Young, 1892. 80 cents. Horsley, S. Biblical Criticism on the first fourteen Books of the Old Testament ; also, on the first nine Prophetical Books. 4 vols. Lond.: Longmans, 1820. New ed., 2 v^ols., pp. 484, 511, 8vo. 1884. ^os. Johnston, Howard Agnew, Rev., Ph.D. Moses and the Pentateuch. A Popular Statement of the Theo- ries of the So-called Higher Criti- cism, together with some of the Reasons for not Accepting Them. Pp. 120, i6mo. Cine: Elm St. Pr. Co., 1893. 50 cents. Knowling, J. R., Rev. The Wit- ness of the Epistles. A Study of modern Criticism. Pp. xii, 451, 8vo. N.Y. : Longmans, 1892. $5. KONIG, F. E. The Religious His- tory of Israel. A Discussion of the chief Problems in Old Testa- ment History as opposed to the Development Theories. Trans- lated by the Rev. Alexander J. Campbell. Pp. I92,p. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1885. 3^. 6d. 148 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Lias, J. J. Principles of Biblical Criticism. Pp. 268, p. 8vo. Lond.: Eyre, 1893. 3^. (>d. Marsh, Herbert, D.D., F.R.S. Lectures on the Criticism and In- terpretation of the Bible, with two preliminary Lectures on Theologic- al Study and Theological Arrange- ment, [and] two Lectures on the History of Biblical Interpretation. Pp. xvi, 523, 8vo. Lond.: Riv- ington, 1828. New ed., 1838. Zs. Mead, Charles Marsh, Ph.D., D.D. Christ and Criticism. Pp. xi, 186, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1893. 75 cents. Mill, W. H., D.D., F.R.A.S. Ob- servations on the Attempted Ap- plication of Pantheistic Principles to the Theory and Historic Criti- cism of the Gospel. Edited by the Rev. Benjamin Webb, M.A. Camb. : Deighton, 1855. 2d ed., pp. xvii, 367, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1 861. 14^. Moss, J. J. Criticism, Exegesis, and Interpretation of Scripture and Scripture References. Pp. iv% 261, 8vo. Cine. : Stand. Pub. Co., 1887. Munhall, L.W., Rev.,M.A., (Ed.) Anti-Higher Criticism ; or, Testi- mony to the Infallibility of the Bible. By Prof. Howard Osgood, D.D., LL.D. ; Pres. W. Henry Green. D.D.,LL.D.; Prof. William G. Moorehead, D.D. : Talbot W. Chambers, D.D., LL.D.; James H. Brookes, D.D.; George S. Bishop, D.D. ; B. B. Tyler, D.D. ; Prof. Ernst F. Stroeter, Ph.D.; Prof. James M. Stifler, D.D. ; William Dinwiddle, D.D. Pp. iii, 354, 8vo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1894. $1.50. Rainy, Robert. The Bible and Criticism. Four Lectures. Pp. viii, 214, i6mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1878. 5 J. Rishell, C. W., Rev., A.M., Ph.D. The Higher Criticism. An Out- line of Modern Biblical Study, with an Introduction by Prof. Henry M. Harman, D.D., LL.D. Pp. 214, i2mo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 75 cents. Rogers, Arthur Kenyon. The Life and Teachings of Jesus : a critical Analysis of the Sources of the Gospel, together with a Study of the Sayings of Jesus. Pp. v, 354, i2mo.' N. Y. : Putnam, 1894. $175. Rust, C. T. The Higher Criticism. Some Account of its Labors upon the primitive History (The Penta- teuch and the Book of Joshua). Pp. 32, 8vo. Norwich : Grose, 1889. 6^.. Savage, 'Ninot J. Jesus and Modern Life. With an introduc- tion by Prof. Crawford H. Toy. Pp. 229, 8vo. Bost.: Ellis, 1893. $1. Sayce, a. H., Rev. The " Higher Criticism " and the Verdict of the Monuments. Published under the direction of the Tract Committee. Pp. x, 575, 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. ; N. Y. : Young, 1894. $3. Schmauk, Theodore E. The Negative Criticism and the Old Testament : an all-around Sur- vey of the Negative Criticism from the Orthodox Point of View, with some particular Reference to Cheyne's " Founders of Old Testament Criticism." Pp. 232, i2mo. Lebanon, Pa. : Aldus Co., 1894. $1. Smith, W. Robertson. The Old Testament in the Jewish Church. Lectures on Biblical Criticism. Pp. xii, 446, i2mo. Lond. : Long- mans ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1881. 2d ed., Lond. : Black, 1892. los.dd., $1.75. Smyth, J. P. The Old Documents and the New Bible. An easy Les- son for the People in Biblical Criticism. The Old Testament. Pp. 228, 8vo. Lond. : Bagster, 1890. N.Y.: Pott,i89i. 2s. (id,, $1. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 149 Studia Biblica. Essays on Bib- lical Archasolo^^y and Criticism and Kindred Subjects. By Mem- bers of the University of Oxford. Vol. I, pp. viii, 264. los. 6c/. Vol. II, Studia Biblica et Ec- clesiastica. Pp. viii, 324. 12^. 6d. Vol. Ill, pp. viii, 322, 1891. 16^. 8vo. Oxf. : Univ. Pr., 1885-1891. Watts, Robert, D.D. The Newer Criticism and the Analogy of the Faith. A Reply to Lectures by W. Robertson Smith, M.A., on the Old Testament in the Jewish Church. Edmb. : Clark, 1881. 3d ed., pp. xxiv, 326, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1882. $1.25. Wedgwood, Julia. The Message of Israel in the Light of Modern Criticism. Pp. 310, 8vo. Lond. : Isbister, 1894. 7s. 6d. 23. Decalogue. BOARDMAN, George Dana. The Ten Commandments. Lectures. ...Pp. 378, i2mo- Phila. ; Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1889. $1.50. Crosby, Howard. Thoughts on the Decalogue. Pp. 164, i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. of Pub., n. d. 90 cents. Dale, R. W. The Ten Command- ments. Pp. 258, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder ; Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1871. 2^. 6d., $1. Haven, Erastus O. Pillars of Truth. Lectures on the Decalogue. Pp. 240, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1866. $1.25. Matthew, J. The Law of Jehovah: Lectures on the Ten Command- ments of the Decalogue. Pp. 220, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1883. 4s. 6d. Maurice, F. D. The Command- ments Considered as Instruments of National Reform. Pp. xxiv, 152, 8vo. Lond.: Macmilian, 1866. 4^. 6d, SCHENCK, F. S., Rev. The Ten Commandments in the Nineteenth Century. Pp. 139, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1890. $1. Senior, W. God's Ten Words : a Course of Lectures on the Deca- logue preached in St. Thomas's Church. Pp. 374, p. 8vo. Lond. : Dickinson, 1886. 4^. Washburn, E. A. The Social Law of God. Sermons on the Ten Commandments. Pp. xiv, 212, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1875. New ed., 1892. $1.50. Wordsworth, Elizabeth. The Decalogue. Pp. 248, p. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1893. 4J. 6d. Addresses. 24. Difficulties and Discrepancies. See also Criticism. Atkins, Frederick A., (Ed.) Bible Difficulties and How to Meet Them. Pp. 114, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. 50 cents. Benson, Christopher, M.A. On Scripture Difficulties. See under Collected Works, p. 32. Cowie, Morgan, M.A. Scripture Difficulties- See under Collected Works, p. 33. Haley, John W. An Examination of the Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible. With an Introduction by Alvah Hovey, D.D. Pp. xii, 495, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1873. 3d ed., 1876. Lond. : Dickinson, 1875. $2.25, 6j. Hessey, James Aug., D.C.L. Moral Difficulties connected with the Bi- ble, See under Collected Works, /. 25. Tuck, R. A Handbook of Biblical Difficulties; or. Reasonable Solu- tions of Perplexing Things in Sa- cred Scriptures. Pp. vi, 566, 8vo. Lond. : Stock, 1887. N. Y. : Whit- taker, 1890. Ts. 6d. $2.50. I50 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. OLDER AUTHORITIES. Althamerus, Andreas : Conciliationes loco- rum Scripturse qui specie tenus inter se pugnare videntur. Nuremb., 1528. Manasseh ben Israel : Conciliador, o de la conveniencia de los lugares de la S. Escript, que repugnantes entre si pare- cen. Francof., 1632, et Amst., 5041. Latin Trans., 1633 ; English, by E. H. Lindo. 2 vols., pp. xxxii, 312 ; iv, 336. Lond. : Duncan, 1842. 20s. Mayer, H. : Manuale Biblic. (contradicti- ones apparentes). Frib., 1654. Ohenheimius, Cbristoph. : Locorum N. Test., pugnantium expositio, Basiliae, 1563. Rabus, Ludov. : Conciliationes locorum S. Scripturae in specie pugnantium. Norib., 1561. Scharpius, Job. : Symphonia Prophetarum et Apostolorum in qua ordine chronolo- gico loci Sacrae Scripturse specie tenus contradictiones conciliantur. Genevae, 1635. Streat, William : The Dividing of the Hoof ; or. Seeming Contradictions throughout Sacred Scriptures, distinguished, re- solved, and applied. Lond., 165^. Walther, Mich. : Harmonia Biblica, sive brevis et plana Conciliatio locorum V. et N, T. adparentur sibi contradicentium. Strasburg, 1626. 25. Essenes. De Quincey, Thomas. The Es- senes. (In Works, vol. VI, pp. 268-310; Vol. IX, pp. 253-300.) 14 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Black, 1862. Each 49. 6d, GiNSBURG, C. D. The Essenes: Their History and Doctrines. Pp. 245, 8vo. Lond. : Longn^ans, 1864. 2S. See also Reuss, Hist. Christ. Theology in Apost. Age, p. loo ff., under Hist. 0/ Theology. 26. Ethnology of the Bible. Cabell, J. L., M.D. The Testi- mony of Modern Science to the Unity of Mankind. Being a Sum- mary of the Conclusions ... in fa- vor of the specific Unity and com- mon Origin of all the Varieties of Man. Pp. 341, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1859. $1. Featherman, a. The Social His- tory of the Races of Mankind. Fifth division : Aramaeans. Pp. 630, 8vo. Bost.: Osgood, 1881. $5. Fontaine, Edward, Rev. How the World was Peopled. Ethno- logical Lectures. Pp. 341, i2mo. N. Y. : Appieton, 1872. $2. McCausland, Dominick, LL.D. The Builders of Babel. See p. 24. Adam and the Adamite ; or. The Harmony of Scripture and Ethnology. Pp. xii, 312, i2mo. Lond.: Bentley, 1864. 2d ed., 1867. 6j. Patteson, S. R. Gospel Ethnol- ogy. Pp. vii, 224, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1 89 1. $1. Perry, Rufus L., D.D. The Cush- ite ; or, the Descendants of Ham as found in the Sacred Scriptures and in the writings of the ancient Historians and Poets from Noah to the Christian era. i2mo. Brooklyn: Perry, 1894. $1.25. Sayce, a. H. Fresh Light on Bib- lical Races. 6 vols. Vol. I, Fresh Light from Ancient Monu- ments, pp. 160. Vol. II, The Races of the Old Testament, pp. 180. Vol. HI, Assyria; its Princes, Priests, and People, pp. 166. Vol. IV, Social Life among the Assyrians and Babylonians, pp. 127. Vol. V, The Hittites, pp. 150. Vol. VI, The Life and Times of Isaiah, pp. 96, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. $6. Smyth, Thomas, D.D. The Unity of the Human Races proved to be the Doctrine of Scripture, Reason, and Science. Pp. viii, 408, p. 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1850; Edinb.: Johnstone, 1851. 1 1.2 5, 75. 6^. 27. Evidences, Biblical. See also Flood, Geography, and Geology. Also under Systematic Theology, Apologetics^ and Evidences. Ackland, T. S. a Short Summary of the Evidences for the Bible. Pp. 258, i8mo. Oxf. : Parker, 1866. 3^. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 151 Adams, C. C, S.T.D. The Bible ; a Scientific Revelation. Pp. 176, i6mo. N.Y.: Pott, 1882. 75 cents. Allibone, S. Austin. The Union Bible Companion. Containing the Evidences of the Divine Origin, Inspiration, etc., of the Holy Scrip- tures. Pp. 315, i2mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Union, 1871. $1.25. Allix, Peter. Reflections upon the Books of the Holy Scriptures to establish the Truth of the Christian Religion. Pp. 503, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1822. 8^. 6d. AUBERLEN, Carl A. The Divine Revelation ; an Essay in Defense of the Faith. Translated by the Rev. A. B. Paton. Pp. 441, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1867. los. 6d. BiRKS, T. R. The Difficulties of Belief in Connection with the Cre- ation and Fall. Pp. viii, 188, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1855. 2d ed., 1876. 4y. 6d. Horse Evangelicas ; or, the In- ternal Evidence of the Gospel His- tory. Pp. 560, i2mo. Lond.: Seeley, 1851, los. 6d. The Bible and Modern Thought. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1861. New ed., 1863. With Ap- pendix. 4.9. Pp. 436, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1864. $1.75. CUMMINGS, E. C, Rev. Nature in Scripture ; a Study of Bible Veri- fication in the Range of Common Experience. Pp. 348, 8vo. Port- land, Me.: Hoyt, 1885. Pp. xii, 357. Bost. : Cupples, 1887. $1.75. Devvar, Daniel. Divine Revela- lion ; its Evidences, External, In- ternal, and Collateral. Together with its Canonical Authority and Plenai-y Inspiration. Pp. 700, p. 8vo. Lond.: Houlston, 1851. 2d ed., Ward, 1854. 5^. Green, W. H. The Pentateuch Vindicated from the Aspersions of Colenso. See tmder Penta- teuch. Greenleaf, Simon. An Exami- nation of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists, by the Rules of Evidence administered in Courts of Justice, with an Account of the Trial of Jesus. Pp. 543, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1846. New ed., N. v.: Cockroft, 1874. Lond.: Maxwell, 1847. $5, -js. 6d. Hessey, James A. Moral Difficul- ties Connected with the Bible. Including Prayer and Recent Difficulties about it. See tinder Collected Works, p. 25. HOOLE, C. H. The Classical Ele- ment in the New Testament con- sidered as a Proof of its Genuine- ness. With an Appendix on the Oldest Authorities used in the Formation of the Canon. Pp. 146, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1888. loi". 6d. MOZLEY, J. B. Ruling Ideas in Early Ages, and their Relation to Old Testament Faith. Lond. : Rivington, 1877. 3d ed., pp. 311, 8vo. iQs. 6d. Norton, Andrews. Evidences of the Genuineness of the Gospels. 3 vols., pp. 558, 500, 433, 8vo. Camb. : Owen, 1846; Lond.: Chapman, 1847. Reduced, 1849. I2s., %6. Abridged ed. under title Internal Evidences of the Genu- ineness of the Gospels. Pp. 325, 8vo. Bost.: Little, 1855. New ed., 1867. $1.50. Paley, William. Horas Paulinas ; or, the Truth of the Scripture His- tory of St. Paul Evinced. Lond. : 1790. 1st Am. ed., pp. 235, i2mo. Camb. : Hilliard, 1806. Numer- ous reprints, e. g., N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1 85 1. With Notes by Archbp. Whately. Lond. : Parker, 1859. 9^., 60 cents. Rawlinson, George. The His- torical Evidences of the Truth of 5- LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Scripture Records stated anew. See utider Collected Works, p. 22. Redford, George. Holy Scrip- tures Verified ; or, the Divine Au- thority of the Bible Confirmed, by an Appeal to the Facts of Science, History, and Human Conscious- ness. See under Collected Works, p. 28. Rogers, Henry. The Superhuman Origin of the Bible Inferred from Itself. Pp. X, 465, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1874. $2. Savage, M. J. Beliefs about the Bible. Pp. 206, i6mo. Bost. : Ellis, 1883. %\. Savile, B. Wrey. The Truth of the Bible ; Evidence from the Mosaic and other Records of Creation ; the Origin and Antiquity of Man ; the Science of the Scrip- tures. Pp. 326, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1870. 'js. 6d. Tregelles, S. P. Lecture on the Historic Evidence of the Author- ship and Transmission of the Books of the New Testament. Pp. xxiv, 120, i2mo. Lond. : Bagster, 1852. y. 6d. Trench, R. C. The Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of Men. Christ the Desire of all Nations. See under Collected Works, p. 33. 28. Flood. Harcourt, L. Vernon, Rev. The Doctrine of the Deluge ; vindicat- ing the Scriptural Account from the Doubts which have recently been cast upon it by Geological Speculations. 2 vols., pp. xi, 519 ; vii, 644, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1838. 36^. Hasskarl, G. C Rev. The Ter- rible Catastrophe ; or, Biblical Deluge, illustrated and corrobo- rated by Mythology, Tradition, and Geology, to which is added a brief Interpretation of the Creation, with Notes from Theologians, Philoso- phers, and Scientists. Pp. 376, i2mo. Phila. : Henry, 1885. $2. Reimensnyder, J. B., D.D. The Deluge. See his Six Days of Creation, p. 145. 29. Geography. See also, under Antiqtiities^ Palestine ^yeru- salem^ Moad, and elsewhere. Armstrong, George, (Comp.) Names and Places in the Old and New Testament and Apocrypha, with their Modern Identifications. Revised by Colonel Sir Charles W. Wilson and Major Conder. Pp. vi, 190, 24, p. 8vo. Lond.: Watt, 1889. 3^. 6d. Burt, N. C. The Land and its Story ; or, the Sacred Historical Geography of Palestine. Pp. 381, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1869. $1.75. Coleman, Lyman. An Historical Text-book and Atlas of Biblical Geography. Phihi.: Claxton, 1854. New ed., pp. 330, 8vo. 1870. $2. Henderson, A. Palestine: Its Historical Geography. 2d ed., re- vised, pp. 224, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark. Pp. ix, 227. N.Y.: Scrib- ner, 1893. 25. 6^., $1. Hood, E. Paxton. The Villages of the Bible; Descriptive, Traditional, and Memorable. Pp. 346. i2mo. Lond. : Hodder ; Phila. : Lippin- cott, 1874. 7s. 6^., $1.25. HORNE, T. H. Scripture Geography and Antiquities. New ed., 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1856. See Vol. Ill of his Introduction to the Scriptures, 1862. 18.?. Hughes, Edward. Outlines of Scripture Geography and History, Illustrating Historical Portions of the Old and New Testaments. Pp. 355, i2mo. Phila. : Blanchard, { EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 153 1853 ; Lond. : Longmans. New ed., 1856. $1, 4s. dd, Hull, Edward, LL.D. Memoir on the Geology and Geography of Arabia Petrcca, Palestine, and ad- joining Districts, with special Reference to the Mode of Forma- tion of the Jordan-Arabah Depres- sion and the Dead Sea. Pp. x, 145. 4to. Lond. : Bentley (Pal. Exp. Fund Soc), 1886. i\s. HURLBUT, J. L., D.D. Manual of Biblical Geography : a Text-book on Bible History, containing Maps, Plans, review Charts, colored Dia- grams, etc., with Introduction by J. H. Vincent, D.D. Pp. 1 58, 8vo. Chic. : Rand, 1884. $3.75. KiTTO, John. The Land of Prom- ise ; or, A Topographical Descrip- tion of the Princip;il Places in Pal- estine and of the Country East of the Jordan. Pp. 334, i2mo. N. Y. : Lane, 1852. 60 cents. Scripture Lands, Described in a Series of Historical, Geograph- ical, and Topographical Sketches. Pp. xi, 276, 95, i2mo. Lond. : Bohn, 1850. 5^-. Meen, Joseph A. A Geography of Palestine ; Historical and De- . scriptive. P[). 263, i2mo. Lond.: S. S. Un., 1 861. New ed., 1865. 2s. OSBORN, H. S. A Manual of the Entire Geography of Scripture ; with Notices of Discovery to the present Time. Pp. iii, 83, i6mo. Oxford, O. : Oxf. Map Pub. Co., 1886. 50 cents. Rawlinson, George. Bible To- pography. Pp. 142, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1886. IS. 6d. RiTTER, Carl. The Complete Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula. Translated by W. L. Gage. 4 vols., pp. 465, 413. 407, 417, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Appleton, 1866. New ed., 1870. 32.?., $14. Robinson, Edward. Physical Geography of the Holy Land. Pp. 399, 8vo. Bost. : Crocker, 1865. $3-50. Rohr, John Fred. An Historico- Geographical Account of Palestine in the Time of Christ. See Biblical Cabinet, p, 23. Rosenmuller, J. G. The Biblical Geography of Central Asia. See Biblical Cabinet, p. 24. Saunders, Trelawney. An In- troduction to the Survey of West- ern Palestine : its Waterways, Plains, and Highlands. Accord- ing to the Survey conducted by Lieutenants Conderand Kitchener for the Palestine Exploration Fund. Pp. xiv, 268, 8vo. Lond.: Bent- ley, 1 88 1. 7 J. dd. SCHWARZ, Joseph. A Descriptive Geography and Brief Historical Sketch of Palestine. Translated by I. Leesher. Pp. 525, 8vo, Phila., 1851. $3. Smith, G. A. The Historical Geog- raphy of the Holy Land, especially in Relation to the History of Israel and of the Early Church. Pp. 710, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1894. 15^. Survey of Western Palestine. 4to. Lond.: Pal.Exp. Fund, 1881- Memoirs of the Topography, Geography, Hydrography, and Archaeology. By Lieut. C. R. Conder, R.E., and Lieut. H. H. Kitchener, R.E. Edited with ad- ditions by E. H. Palmer and Waher Besant, M.A. 3 vols. Vol. I, Galilee. Pp. X, 420. 1881. Vol. II, Samaria. Pp. viii, 445. 1882. Vol. Ill, Judaea. Pp. viii, 450, 1883. Jerusalem. By Col. Sir Charles Warren, R.E., and Capt. Claude Reignier Conder, R.E. Pp. viii, 542. 1884. Special Papers on Topography, Archae- ology, Manners, and Customs, etc. Con- tributed by Wilson, Conder, Kitchener, etc. Pp. viii, 362. 1881. Fauna and Flora. By H. B. Tristram, D.D., LL.D. Pp. xxii, 455. 1888. Arabic and English Name Lists Collected during the Survey. By Lieutenants Con- der and Kitchener. Transliterated and Explained by E. H. Palmer, M.A. Pp. vi, 438. 1881. 154 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. A General Index to the Memoirs, etc. Compiled by Henry C. Stewardson. Pp. iv, 164. 1888. [All published by subscription.] Tristram, H. B. The Land of Israel. See M7ider Natural His- tory. Whitney, George H. Handbook of Bible Geography; containing the Name, Pronunciation, and Meaning of every Place, Nation, and Tribe mentioned in both the Canonical and Apocryphal Scrip- tures. Pp. 495, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1870. New ed., N. Y., 1876; Lond., 1877. Ts. 6d., $2.25. 30. Geology. See also Geography. Dawson, J. W., Sir. Modern Science in Bible Lands. Pp. xii, 606, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1888 ; N. Y. : Harper, 1889. gs., %2. The Story of the Earth and Man. Pp. 417, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1873. New ed., 1874. $1.50. Harris, John. Man Primeval ; or, the Constitution and Primitive Condition of the Human Being. Pp. xvi, 480, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1849. New ed., 1870. $1.25. The Pre-Adamite Earth ; Con- tributions to Theological Science. Pp. 300, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1849. 5th ed., 1857. %i. Hitchcock, Edward. Religion of Geology and its Connected Sciences. Pp. 592, i2mo. Bost. : Phillips, 1859. Religious Truth : illustrated from Science in Addresses and Sermons on special Occasions. Pp. 422, i2mo. Bost. : Phillips, 1857. $1.25. KiNNS, Samuel. The Harmony of the Bible with Science ; or, Moses and Geology. Pp. xxiii. 508, 8vo. N. Y. and Lond. : Cas- sell, 1882. $3. McCausland, Dominick. Ser- mons in Stones; or. Scripture Con- ^ firmed by Geology, with a Memoir of the Author. Pp. 246, i2mo. 4 Lond.: Bentley, 1857. 4.9. Maurice, F. D. The Claims of the Bible and of Science. Pp. viii, 183, p. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1863. 4J. 6d. Miller, Hugh. The Testimony of the Rocks ; or, Geology in its Bearing on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. Pp. 511, i2mo. Lond.: Hamilton; Bost.: Gould, 1857. New ed., N. Y. : Carter, 1870. The Footprints of the Creator. Lond.: Hamilton, 1849. New ed., 1 86 1, ys. 6d. Pp. 380, i2mo. Bost.: Gould, 1850. New ed., N. Y. : Carter, 1870. $1.50. Pendleton, W. N. Science a Wit- ness for the Bible. Pp. 350, i2mo. Phiia. : Lippincott, i860. $1. RiGG, A. The Harmony of the Bible with Experimental Physical Science. Pp. 116, i8mo. Lond.: Bell, 1869. 2s. 6d. Smith, John Pye. Geology and Scripture; or, the Relation be- tween the Holy Scriptures and Geological Science. Pp. 364, i2mo. Lond. : Jackson ; N. Y. : Apple- ton, 1840. ys., $1.25. Thompson, Joseph P. Man in Genesis and Geology; or, the Biblical Account of Man's Crea- tion Tested by Scientific Theories of his Origin and Antiquity. Pp. 149, i2mo. N. Y.: Wells, 1869. $1. 31. Gospels. See also Introduction, Criticism, and Johan- nean Problem. Alexander, William, D.D. The Leading Ideas of the Gospels. Five Sermons preached before EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 155 the University of Oxford, 1870, 1871. Pp. viii, 192, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1872. New ed., pp. xxxi, 330, cr. 8vo. Lond. and N.Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 4J. 6d., $1.75. Bate, G. How did Christianity and the Gospels Originate } An An- swer for Minds perplexed with Difficulties. Pp. 186, p. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1891. 2s. 6d. BiRKS. T. R., Rev. (Ed.) Hor^ Evangelicas ; or, the Internal Evi- dence of the Gospel history : being an Inquiry into the Structure and Origin of the four Gospels and the characteristic Design of each Narrative. Pp. 420, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1892. Pp. xxvii, 461, 8vo. N. Y. : Macmillan. los. 6d., $4. Bruce, Alexander Balmain. The Galilean Gospel. Pp. viii, 232, i6mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1883. $1.25. Carpenter, J. Estlin. The First Three Gospels, their Origin and Relations. Pp.406, i2mo. Lond.: S. S. Assoc, 1890. 3^. 6d. Conder, Eustace R. Outlines in the Life of Christ. A Guide to the Study of the Chronology, Har- mony, and Purpose of the Gospels. Pp.280, i2ino. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1 88 1. 3^. 6d. Cone, Orello, D.D. Gospel Criti- cism and Historical Christianity. A Study of the Gospels and of the History of the Gospel Canon dur- ing the Second Century. With a Consideration of the Results of Modern Criticism. Pp. xii, 365, 8vo. N. Y.: Putnam, 1891. Si.75- Ebrard, J. H. A. The Gospel History. A Compendium of Crit- ical Investigations in Support of the Historical Character of the Four Gospels. Translated by James Martin. Pp. 602, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1869. los. 6d. Falconer, Thomas, M.A. Cer- tain Principles in Evanson's •' Dis- sonance of the Four . . . Evangel- ists "... Examined. See u?tder Collected Works, p. 20. Halcombe, J. J., Rev. The His- toric Relations of the Gospels. Pp. 360, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1890. -js. 6d. Gospel Difficulties. . . . See p. 147- What Think ye of the Gospels } A Handbook of Gospel Study. Pp. xii, 128, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1894. 3^. 6d. JOLLEY, A. J. The Synoptic Prob- lem for English Readers. Pp. 120, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 3^., $1.25. Jukes, Andrew. The Character- istic Differences of the Four Gos- pels considered as Revealing Various Relations of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pp. viii, 167, i6mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1853. 4th ed., 1867. 2s. 6d. Lange, John P. The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ ; a complete Critical Examination of the Ori- gin, Contents, and Connection of Gospels. Translated from the German, and edited with addi- tional Notes by Marcus Dods. 6 vols. Edinb.: Clark, 1864. New ed., 4 vols., 1872. Pp. viii, 544; viii, 504; viii, 512; x, 502, 8vo. Phila.: Smith, 1872. 28.9., $12.50. LiGHTFOOT, Bp. Biblical Essays. Pp. xiv, 459, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. I2.y., $3. Mill, W. H., D.D. Application of Pantheistic Principles to the Gos- pels. See p. 148. Nast, William. The Gospel Rec- ords ; their Genuineness, Au- thenticity, Historic Verity, and In- spiration. Pp. 373, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1868. $1.75. iS6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Norton, Andrews. See p. 149. Sanday, W., M.A. The Gospels in the Second Century. An Ex- amination of the Critical Part of a Work entitled " Supernatural Re- ligion." Pp. xiv, 384, p. 8vo. Lend. : Macmillan, 1876. \os.6d. Taylor, C, D.D. The Witness of Hermas to the Four Gospels. Pp. viii, 148, 8vo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $1. TiSCHENDORF, CONSTANTINE. Origin of the Four Gospels. Pp. 287, i6mo. Lond. : Jackson; Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1868. 3^. 6d., $1.25. Trench, R. C. Studies in the Gos- pels. Pp. ix, 334, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 2d ed., 1867. N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. \os. 6d., $2.50. Upham, Francis W. Thoughts of the Holy Gospels. How they came to be in Manner and Form as they are. Pp. 378, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1881. $1.25. 32. Harmonies. Broadus. John A., D.D., LL.D. A Harmony of the Gospels in the Revised Edition. With some New Features. The Notes at the end of the volume by A.T. Robertson, D.D. Pp. xvii, 264, 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1893. $1.50. Clark, George W. A New Har- mony of the Four Gospels in Eng- lish, according to the Common Version. With an Introduction by T. J. Conant. Pp. 376, i2mo. N. Y. : Green, 1870. New ed. Arranged with explanatory Notes. Designed for popular Use and adapted to Sunday Schools. Pp. 302, i2mo. Phila. ; Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1892. $1.50. Da Costa, Isaac, D.D. The Four Witnesses, being a Harmony of the Gospels, on a New Principle. Translated by Scott. Pp. xx, 480, 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1851. 12s. Gardiner, Frederick. A Har- mony of the Four Gospels in Greek, according to the Text of Tischen- dorf ; with a Collation of the Tex- tus Receptus, and of the Texts of Griesbach, Lachmann, and Tre- gelles. Pp. Iv, 268, 8vo. Ando- ver: Draper, 1871 ; new ed., 1873. Edinb. : Clark, 1871. $2, los. 6d. Same, in English. Pp. 287, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1871 ; new ed., 1873. Edinb.: Clark, 1 87 1. $2, CfS. Greswell, Edward. Disserta- tions upon the Principles and Ar- rangement of an Harmony of the Gospels. Oxf. : Parker, 1834. 2d ed., 4 vols, in 5, pp. 618, 654, 708, 930, 8vo, 1837. Gy. Harmony of the Gospels in the Words of the Authorized Version. With an Account of Ancient Man- uscripts and of the various Trans- lations of the Holy Scripture. Pp. vii, 509, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1863. 6s. Hill, J. H. The Earliest Life of Christ ever Compiled from the Four Gospels. Being the Diates- saron of Tatian {cz'rca A. D. 160). Literally Translated from the Ara- bic Version, and Containing the Four Gospels Woven into One Story. With an Historical and Critical Introduction, Notes, and Appendix. Pp. 376, 8vo. Edinb. ; Clark, 1894. icy. 6d. James, C. C. A Harmony of the Gospels, in the Words of the Re- vised Version, with copious Refer- ences, Tables, etc. Pp. 282, p. 8vo. Lond. : Cambr. Wareh. ; N. Y. ; Macmillan, 1892. 5^., 90 cents. Macknight, James. Harmony of the Gospels, with Paraphrase and Notes. Lend., 1756. 5th ed. 2 EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 157 vols., pp. xvi, 520; 632, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1819. 21s. MiMPRiss, Robert. The Gospel Treasury and Treasury Harmony of the Four Evangelists. Lond. : Varty, 1833. 3^. • Pp.419, i2mo. N.Y.: Dodd, 1869. $1.75. Newcome, W. Harmony of the Gospels in Greek. Dublin, 1778. Reprinted. Pp. xvi, 424, 188, 8vo. Andover: Gould, 1814. New ed., 8vo, 1834. Si. 67. Also under title. " Harmony of the Evangel- ists." Phila. : Hunt. $1.20. Pettenger, William, Rev. The Interwoven Gospels, and Gospel Harmony. The four Histories of Jesus Christ blended into a com- plete and continuous Narrative in the words of the Gospel, with a complete interleaved Harmony. According to the Revised Version of 1 88 1, with the Readings and Renderings preferred by the Amer- ican Committee of Revision incor- porated into the Text by President Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D. Pp. XXV, 245, i6mo. N. v.: Alden, 1 89 1. 50 cents. New ed., Fords, 1893. $1. Robinson, Edward, A Harmony of the Four Gospels in Greek, ac- cording to the Text of Hahn. Bost. : Crocker, 1845. Revised ed., giving the Text of Tischendorf, and various Readings, . . . with ad- ditional Notes by M. B. Riddle, D.D. Pp. xxvi, 273, 8vo. Bost. andK. Y. : Houghton, 1888. $2. Same, in English. Bost. : Crock- er, 1846. Revised ed., with Foot- notes from the Revised Version of 1881, and additional Notes by M. B. Riddle, D.D. Pp. xx, 205. 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton, 1889. $2. Stevens, William Arnold, and Burton, Ernest De Witt. A Harmony of the Gospels. For Historical Study. An Analytical Synopsis of the Four Gospels, in the Version of 1881. Pp. x, 237, 4to. Bost.: Silver, 1894. $1.50. Strong, James. Harmony of the Gospels, in Greek, of the received Text, for the use of Students. Pp. 406, i2mo. N. Y. : Riker, 1854. $1.50. A New Harmony and Exposi- tion of the Gospels, consisting of a Parallel and Combined Arrange- ment, on a new Plan, of the Four Evangelists, according to the Au- thorized translation. Pp. 569, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1852. $5. Compendium of the Gospels, according to the Arrangement of the Author's Harmony and Expo- sition of the Gospels. Pp. 253, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1853. 40 cents. Stroud, William. A New Greek Harmony of the Four Gospels, comprising a Synopsis and a Dia- tessaron. Pp. 602, 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1853. 24^. Tatian. The Earliest Life of Christ ever Compiled from the Four Gospels. See p. 156, /////, Waddy, S. D. a Harmony of the Four Gospels in the Revised Ver- sion. Arranged Chronologically in Parallel Columns. Pp. 244, p. 8vo. Lond. : Woolmer, 1887. White, W. S. The History of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Being the Four Gospels combined in one continuous Form in Chron- ological Order, verbatim, accord- ing to the Authorized Version : nothing being omitted but identi- cal Repetitions. Pp. 202, p. 8vo. Lincoln: Akrill, 1884. i^-. dd. 33. Hermeneutics. Bartlett, R. E., Rev. The Let- ter and the Spirit. See under Collected Works, p. 22. 158 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Blunt, J. J., Rev. Principles for the Proper Understanding of the Mosaic Writings stated and ap- plied. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 32. Chase, F. H. Chrysostom : a Study in the History of Biblical Interpre- tation. Pp. 208, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1887. 6^. CONYBEARE, J. J., M.A. An At- tempt to trace the History, and to ascertain the Limits of the Second- ary and Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture. See under Collected Works, p. 20. CONYBEARE, W. D. An Elemen- tary Course of Lectures in three parts. I. On the Evidences of Re- ligion, Natural and Revealed. II. On the Criticism and Interpreta- tion of the Bible. III. On the Peculiar Doctrines of Christianity. Pp. xxiii, 509, i2mo. Lond.: Sherwood, 1836. 2>s. Davidson, Samuel. Sacred Her- meneutics, Developed and Ap- plied ; including a History of Biblical Interpretation from the Earliest of the Fathers to the Ref- ormation. Pp. 760, 8vo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1843. 2\s. Doedes, J. J. Manual of Herme- neutics for the Writings of the New Testament. Pp. 141, i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1867. 35-. Duncan, D. R. Hermeneutics : a Text-book. Pp. xv, 400, i2mo. Cine: Stand. Pub. Co., 1888. $1.50. Ernesti, J. J. Principles of Bibli- cal Interpretation. See Biblical Cabinet, p. 23. Fairbairn, Patrick. Herme- neutical Manual ; or. Introduction to the Exegetical Study of the New Testament. Pp. 492, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1858. 10s. 6d. Farrar, F. W., D.D. History of Interpretation. See under Col- lected Works, p. 22. Immer, a. (Dr.). Hermeneutics of the New Testament. Translated from the German by Albert H. Newman. Pp. xvii, 395, 8vo. An- dover : Draper, 1877. New ed., 1880. $2.25. McClelland, Alexander. See p. 141. Maitland, Charles. Apostles' School of Prophetic Interpreta- tion, with its History to the Pres- ent Time. Pp. 472, 8vo. Lond, : Longmans, 1849. 12s. Planck, J. G. Introduction to Sacred Philology and Interpreta- tion. See Biblical Cabinet, p. 23. Seiler, George Frederic, D.D. Biblical Hermeneutics ; or, the Art of Scripture Interpretation. From the German, with Notes, Strictures, and Supplements from the Dutch of J. Heringa, D.D. Translated, . . . with additional Notes and Observations, by the Rev. William Wright, LL.D. Pp. xxvi, 652, 8vo. Lond. : Westley, 1835. 14.?. Spurgeon, C. H. Commenting and Commentaries. Lectures addressed to the Students of the Pastor's College, Metropolitan Tabernacle, with a List of the best Biblical Commentaries and Ex- positions. . . . Pp. 324, i6mo. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1876 and 1882. $1. Strong, James, S.T.D., LL.D. The Students' Commentary. A Complete Hermeneutical Manual of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Pp. xl, 144, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. $2. Stuart, Moses. Hints on the In- terpretation of Prophecy. Pp. 194, i2mo. Andover: Allen, 1842. 67 cents. Terry, Milton S., S.T.D. Bib- lical Hermeneutics. A Treatise on the Intei-pretation of the Old EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. T59 and New Testaments. Pp. iv, 781, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1883. $4. Van Mildert, William, D.D. . . . General Principles of Scrip- ture Interpretation. See under Collected Works, p. 20. Weidner. Revere Franklin. Exegetical Theology : based on Hagenbach and Krauth. Pp. 183, i2mo. N. Y. and Chic: Revell, 1887. %\. 34. History of Versions. See especially in Introductions^ and also Re- vision. Anderson, Christopher. The Annals of the English Bible. Abridged and Continued by Rev. S. I. Prime. Pp. 549, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1849. $1.75. Bayly, Mrs. The Story of our English Bible and what it cost. Pp. 232, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1883. 3^. 6d. Bible of Every Land, The. A History of the Sacred Scriptures in every Language and Dialect into whichTranslations have been made. Illustrated by Specimen Portions in Native Characters. Pp. 543, 4to. Lond. : Bagster, 1851-1861. 42J. Blunt. J. H. A Plain Account of the English Bible from the Ear- liest Times of its Translation to the Present Day. Pp. 125, i2mo. N. Y. : Dutton, 1869. Lond.: Rivington, 1870. $1, 3^. 6d. CONANT, H. C Mrs. The Pop- ular History of the Translation of the Holy Scriptures into the Eng- lish Tongue, with Specimens of the Old English Versions. Pp. xi, 284, i2mo. N. Y. : 1856. CONDIT. B. History of the Eng- lish Bible, Extending from the Earliest Saxon Translations to the Present Anglo-American Revision. Pp. 469, 8vo. 1882. $2. N. Y. : Barnes, Eadie, John, D.D., LL.D. The English Bible. 2 vols., pp. xx, 440 ; xi, 504, 8vo. N. Y. : Mac- raillan, 1876. $8. Edgar, Andrew, D.D. The Bibles of England : a plain Account for plain People of the principal Ver- sions of the Bible in English. Pp. 404, 8vo. Lond.: Gardner, 1889. 7J. 6d. Freeman, James M. A short His- tory of the English Bible. Pp. 82, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1879. 50 cents. LovETT, Richard, Rev. The Printed English Bible, 1 525-1885. Present Day Primers. i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc. ; N. Y. : Re- vell, 1894. \s., 40 cents. Mayor, John E. B. The Latin Heptateuch, published piecemeal by the French Printer, Wm. Morel (1560) and the French Benedic- tines, E. Marline (1733) and J. B. Pitra (1852), critically reviewed. Pp. Ixxiv, 268, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y.: Macmillan, 1889. $3. Mombert, J. I., D.D. A Hand- book of the English Versions of the Bible, with copious Examples illustrating the Ancestry and Re- lationship of the several Versions, and comparative Tables. Pp. xxi, 509, i6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1883. $2.50. Moulton, W. F. The History of the English Bible. Pp. 234, i2mo. N. Y. : Cassell, 1878. $2. Pattison, T. Harwood. The History of the English Bible. Pp. 281, i2mo. Phiia. : Am. Bapt. Soc, 1894. $1.25. Scrivener, F. H. A., D.C.L., LL.D. The Authorized Edition of the English Bible (1611), its subsequent Reprints and modern Representatives. Pp. viii, 312, i6o LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. i2mo. Camb. : Univ. Pr. ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1884. 55., $2.25. Stoughton, John. Our English Bible. See Revision, Westcott, Brooke Foss. A General View of the History of the English Bible. Pp. xvi, 428, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1868. 2d ed., 1872. \os. Westwood, J. O. Palseographia Sacra Pictoria, being a Series of Illustrations of the Ancient Ver- sions of the Bible. 4to. Lond. : Bohn, 1 843-1 845. Reduced, 1849. 70^. Unpaged. 35. Hittites. Campbell, John. The Hittites. Their Inscriptions and their His- tory. 2 vols., pp. vii, 399 ; vi, 349, 8vo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1891. $6. CoNDER, Claude Regnier, D.C.L. Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hittite Inscriptions. Pp. xii, 248, p. 8vo. Lond. : Watt (for Pal. Expl. Fund), 1887. New ed., 1889. 5 J. Fradenburgh, J. N., D.D. Old Heroes : the Hittites of the Bible. Pp. 166, i2mo. N. v.: Methodist Book Concern, 1889. 75 cents. Wright, William, B.A., D.D. The Empire of the Hittites. With Decipherment of Hittite Inscrip- tions by Prof. A. H. Sayce, LL.D. A Hittite Map by Col. Sir Charles Wilson and Capt. Conder, R.E., and a complete Set of Hittite In- scriptions revised by Mr. W. H. Rylands. Pp. xx, 200, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. 1 7 J. dd., $6. 36. Illustrations. See especially Dictionaries and Antiquities. Bonar, H. Days and Nights in the East ; or. Illustrations of Bible Scenes. Pp. 385, i2mo. Lend.: Nisbet, 1865. 3^. 6d. Burder, Samuel. Oriental Cus- toms applied to the Illustration of Scripture. 2 vols., pp. 431, 418, 8vo. Phila. : Woodward, 1807; Lond.; Tegg, 1822. Abridged ed., i2mo, Longmans, 1847. ^s- 6d. Bush, George. Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures. Pp. 656, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1836. $2. Fradenburgh, J. N., Rev. Wit- nesses from the Dust ; or, the Bible Illustrated from the Monu- ments. Pp. iii, 467, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1886. $1.60. Gage, William Leonhard. Studies in Bible Lands. 8vo., pp. 237. Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1869. $2. Hackett, Henry B. Illustrations of Scripture; suggested by a Tour through the Holy Land. Pp. 340, i2mo. Bost. ; Heath, 1855. $1. Hornby, T. Gleanings in many Fields. Notes on the New Testa- ment. 2 vols., pp. 998, 8vo. Liverpool: Howell, 1893. 12s. Jacox, Francis, B.A. Side Lights on Scripture Texts. Pp. viii, 376, p. 8vo. Lond.; Hodder, 1877. ys. 6d. KiTTO, John. Daily Bible Illustra- tions. Being Original Readings for a Year on Subjects from Sacred History, Biography, Geography, Antiquities, and Theology. Edinb.: Oliphant, 1851. New ed., revised and edited by J. L. Porter. Edinb. : Oliphant, 1867. 8 vols., pp. 407, 440, 438, 418, 419, 428, 433. 438, i2mo. N.Y.: Carter, 1855. 48^., $8. Knight, A. E. Gleanings from Bible Lands. Being Chapters on Eastern Cities, their Dwellings, Furniture, etc., and the Dress and Occupations of the Inhabitants. Over 500 Passages of Scripture Illustrated. Pp. 192, 8vo. Lond.: Passmore, 1891. 2s. 6d. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. i6i Paxton, George. Illustrations of Scripture ; from the Geography, Natural History, and Manners and Customs of the East. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 623; vi, 616, and Index, 8vo. Edinb. : 0»le, 1819. 3d ed. re- vised by R. Jamieson. 4 vols., 1862. 1 8.9. Rawlinson, George. Historical Illustrations of the Old Testament. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1871. Pp.159. i2mo. N. Y. ; Methodist Book Concern, n. d. is. 6d., 60 cents. Taylor, W. C. Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Eo^vpt. Pp. xvi, 200, i2mo. Lond.: Tilt, 1838. 6s. 6d. Trumbull, Henry Clay, D.D. Studies in Oriental Social Life, Gleams from the East on the Sacred Page. Pp. xviii, 437, 8vo. Phila. : Wattles, 1894. $2.50. 37. Inspiration. See under Systematic Theology. 38. Jews and Judaism. See also Biblical History. Crosby, Howard, Rev. The Bible View of the Jewish Church, in thirteen Lectures, delivered 1 888. Pp. 211, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1888. $1. Da Costa, Isaac. Israel and the Gentiles. Contributions to the History of the Jews, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Pp. 632, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1850. N.Y.: Carter, 1855. 7J. 6^. Delitzsch, Franz, D.D. Jewish Artisan Life in the Time of Jesus ; depicted after the most ancient Sources ; from the German by Rev. P. C. Croll. Pp. 116, i6mo. Phila.: Luth. Pub. Soc, 1883. 40 cents. Fenton, John. Early Hebrew Life : a Study in Sociology. Pp. 13 xxiv, 102, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1 880. 5 J. Fleury, Claude. Manners of the Ancient Israelites. Edited by A. Clarke. Pp. 207. Lond. : Baynes, 1809. 6thed., 8vo. Lond .: Tegg, 1845. 3 J. 6^/. Graves, Richard, D.D. Lectures on the Four Last Books of the Pentateuch ; designed to show the divine Origin of the Jewish Reli- gion, chiefly from Internal Evi- dence. In three parts. I. The Authenticity and Truth of the History. II. The Theological, Moral, and Political Principles of the Jewish Law. III. Review of the Effects of Judaism, as prepara- tory to Christianity. (Donellan Lectures.) 4to. Dubl. : 1788. 5th ed., pp. xxxii, 486, 8vo. Dubl. : Curry, 1839. 9^. Knappert, J. The Religion of Israel, a Manual ; translated from the Dutch by Richard A. Arm- strong, B.A. Pp. viii, 283, i6mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1878. $1. Mackay, R. W. Progress of the Intellect in the Religious Develop- ment of the Hebrews. 2 vols., pp. 1,030, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1850. 24y. Maimonides (Rabbi). The Laws of the Hebrews relating to the Poor and the Stranger. Trans- lated by James W. Peppercorne. 8vo. Lond.: Richardson, 1841. 5J. 6d. The Reason of the Law of Moses. With Notes, Disserta- tions, and a Life of the Author, by James Townley. Pp.451, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1827. \os.6d. Myers, Emanuel Moses. The Jews : their Customs and Cere- monies. Pp. 112, i2mo. N. Y. : Worthington, 1878. Stanley, Arthur P. Lectures on the History of the Jewish l62 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Church. 3 vols., pp. xl, 572 ; xxx, 656 ; 549, 8vo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1 863-1 876. 36^., $7.50. Strauss, Frederick. The Glory of the House of Israel ; or, the Hebrew's Pilgrimage to the Holy City. Pp. 480, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, i860. $1.25. Warburton, William. The Di- vine Legation of Moses Demon- strated. To which is prefixed some Account of the Life, Writ- ings, and Character of the Author, by Richard Hurd. 3 vols., pp. 526, 518, 512, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1846. TJS. 39. Johannean Problem. Abbot, Ezra, D.D., LL.D. The Authorship of the Fourth Gos- pel : External Evidences. Pp. 104, 8vo. Bost. : Ellis, 1880. 75 cents. Clarke, James Freeman. The Fourth Gospel : the Question of its Origin stated and discussed. Pp. 70, 24mo. Bost.: Ellis, 1886. 50 cents. Evans, Howard Heber, B.A. St. John the Author of the Fourth Gospel. Pp. xii, 132, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1888. 6s, Gloag, Paton J., D.D. Introduc- tion to the Johannine Writings. Pp. xvii, 4.40, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. \os. 6d., $3. GODET, F. The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel. Pp. 64, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1884. Luthardt, Chr. Ernst. St. John, the Author of the Fourth Gospel. Revised, Translated, and the Literature much Enlarged, by Caspar Ren 6 Gregory, Leii')zig. 3 vols., pp. xix, 339; X, 452; xxiv, 390, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1875- 1879. 2)^s.6d. New ed., 1885. Marvin, W. See p. 70, Sears, Edmund H. The Fourth Gospel, the Heart of Christ. Pp. viii, 551, i2mo. Bost.: Noyes, 1872. 4th ed., Lockwood, 1874. $2.50. Tayler, John James, Rev. An Attempt to ascertain the Char- acter of the Fourth Gospel, es- pecially in its relation to the three first. Pp. 204. 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1869. 2d ed., 1870. 5^. Watkins, Henry William, M.A., D.D. Modern Criticism consid- ered in its Relation to the Fourth Gospel. See, under Collected Works, p. 23. Wright, Arthur, Rev. Seep.yi. 40. Legislation. Benny, Philip Berger. The Criminal Code of the Jews accord- ing to the Talmud Massecheth Synhedrin. Pp. x, 133, i6mo. Lond. : Smith, 1880. 4^^. 6d. Bissell, Allen Page, Ph.D. The Law of Asylum in Israel, histor- ically and critically Examined. Pp. 84, i2mo. Leipzig: Stauffer, 1884. 1.50 jnk. Edersheim, E. W. The Laws and Polity of the Jews. Pp. xiv, 188, i6mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d., [1883.] 2s. 6d. Fairbairn, Patrick. The Reve- lation of Law in Scripture ; con- sidered with Respect both to its own Nature, and to its Relative Place in Successive Dispensations. Pp. 484, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1868. 10^. 6d. Leathes, Stanley. The Law in the Prophets. Pp. 320, p. 8vo. Lond.: Eyre, 1891. 3^.6^^. Lorimer, James. The Institutes of Law ; a Treatise on the Prin- ciples of Jurisprudence as deter- mined by Nature. Pp. 592, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 2d ed., 1880. i8j. ( EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 163 Mackintosh, R. Christ and the Jewish Law. Pp. 312, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1885. 6s. Mendelsohn, S. The Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient He- brews. Compiled from the Tal- mud and other rabbinical Writ- ings, and compared with Roman and English penal Jurisprudence. Pp. 280, 8vo. Balto. : Curlander, 1891. $2.50. MiCHAELiS, J. D. Commentaries on the Law of Moses. Translated from the German by Alexander Smith, D.D. 4 vols., pp. Ixiii, 502; xxviii, 514; xxiv, 489; xxiv, 508, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1814. 48J. Wines, E. C. Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews. Pp. 640, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1852. $2.50. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub. $2. 41. Literary Characteristics and History of the Bible. See also under Introduction^ Canon^ and Crit- icism. Bowen, Francis. A Layman's Study of the English Bible consid- ered in its Literary and Secular Aspects. Pp. iv, 145, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1885. $1. Charteris, a. H., D.D. The New Testament Scriptures: their Claims, History, and Authority. (Croall Lectures for 1882.) Pp. xii, 227, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1882. $2. CONDER, JOSIAH. Literary History of the New Testament, comprising a Critical Inquiry into the Author- ship, Chronological Order, Char- acteristic Features, Internal Evi- dence, and General Scope of the Sacred Documents. Pp. 624, 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1845. \\s. Cook, Albert S. (Ed.) The Bi- ble and English Prose Style : Se- lections and Comments. With In- troduction. Pp. Ixx, 61, i2mo. Bost. : Heath, 1892. 55 cents. Demaus, Robert, Rev., M.A. See his " IVilliam Tyndale " under General Biography. GUILLEMARD, WiLLIAM HENRY, D.D. Hebraisms in the Greek Testament. Exhibited and Illus- trated by Notes and Extracts from the Sacred Text. With Specimens of (i) the Influence of the Septua- gint on its Character and Construc- tion ; (2) the Deviations in it from pure Greek Style. Pp. xv, 120, 8vo. Cambr. : Deighton, 1879. 8j. 6d. Halsey, Le Roy. The Literary Attractions of the Bible. Pp. 440, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1859. $1.25. JEBB, John, D.D., F.R.S. Sacred Literature ; comprising a Review of the Principles of Composition laid down by Robert Lowth, B.D., . . . and an Application of the Prin- ciples ... to the Illustration of the New Testament. Lond. : Duncan, 1820, New ed., pp. xiv, 471, 8vo, 1831. \2S. Meade, William. The Bible and the Classics. Pp. 560, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1861. $1.50. Reuss, Edward [William Eu- gene]. History of the Sacred Scriptures of the New Testament. Translated from the 5th . . . Ger- man edition ... by Edward C. Houghton, A.M. 2 vols., pp. x, 286; 353, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; Bost.: Houghton, 1884. 15^., $5. Robinson, Edward, D.D. [Ed.] Bibliotheca Sacra ; or. Tracts and Essays on Topics connected with Biblical Literature and Theology. Pp. vii, iii, 575, 8vo. N. Y. and Lond. : Wiley, 1843. [Only i vol. published.] Stackhouse, Thomas. History of the Holy Bible. New Edition, with Notes, Dissertations, and In- dexes. Pp. 1,217, 8vo. Glasg. : Blackie, 1838. New ed., 2 vols., 1850. 35^. 164 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 42. Lord's Prayer. Blyth, Frederic Cavan, Rev., M.A. Thoughts on the Lord's Prayer. Pp. 384, i2mo. N. Y. : Pott, 1882. $2. BOARDMAN, G. D. Studies in the Model Prayer. Pp. 201, i2mo. N. Y.: Appleton, 1879. $1.25. Gumming, John, Rev., D.D. Teach Us to Pray ; being Experimental, Doctrinal, and Practical Observa- tions on the Lord's Prayer. Lond. : Shaw, 1 861. Pp. 303, i2mo. N.Y. : Carleton, 1862. 3^. 6^., $1.50. DODS, Marcus, D.D. The Prayer that Teaches us to Pray. Pp. iii, 176, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 60 cents. [Seven discourses.] Eyton, R., Rev. The Lord's Prayer: Sermons. Pp. 238, p. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1892. 3^'. dd. Farrar, F. W., D.D. The Lord's Prayer : Sermons in Westminster Abbey. Pp. 282, p. 8vo. Lond.: Isbister. Pp. iv, 279. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1893. 3^. 6^., $1.50. FooTE, Henry Wilder. Thy Kingdom Come. Ten Sermons on the Lord's Prayer. Pp. iv, 232, i2mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1891. $1. Gladden, Washington. The Lord's Prayer. Seven Homilies. Pp.192, i2mo. Bost.: Houghton, 1881. $1. Grou, N. J. The Christian Sancti- fied by the Lord's Prayer; from the French [by Ellen M. Fogg]. Pp. vi, 118, 24mo. Lond.: Masters ; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1885. \s., 50 cents. [An Expo- sition.] Hall, Newman, LL.B. The Lord's Prayer : a practical Medi- tation. Pp. xii,463, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1883. 2d ed., pp. 386, i88q. 6s. Hutton, Henry. Sermons on the Lord's Pra)er. With a Me- moir of the Author by Thomas Dale. Pp. xlviii, 281, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Dal ton, 1863. js.6d. Hyde, Annie L. (Comp.) Our Father ; Illustrations of the Lord's Prayer from Saints of every Name and of all Times. Pp. iii, 185, 24mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1887. $1. Karney, G. Pater Noster: Studies on the Lord's Prayer. Pp. 180, sq. i6mo. Lond. : Hunt, 1889. 2s. 6d. Maurice, Frederick Denison. The Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Commandments : A Man- ual for Parents and Schoolmasters. Pp. xxviii, 170, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1870. is., 50 cents. Simpson, W. J. S. Pater Noster. Addresses on the Lord's Prayer. Pp. 150, p. 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1893. y. 6d. Stolz, a. The " Our Father." Translated and abridged from the 15th German edition by J. C. H. H. E. Pp. 178, p. 8vo. Lond. : Masters, 1893. 35-. 6d. Van Dyke, H. J. The Lord's Prayer. Pp.194, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1871. New ed., Tibbals, 1891. $1. Williams, William R. Lectures on the Lord's Prayer. Pp. 258, i2mo. Bost.: Gould, 1851. 85 cents. N.Y.: Carter. $1.25. 43. Manners and Customs. See also Illustrations, A ntigutties, Jews and Judaism. Cox, F. A. The Manners and Cus- toms of the Israelites, in Relation to their Religion and Civil Polity. Pp. 140, i2mo. Lond.: Griffin, 1852. 2J. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 16: Fleury, Claude. Manners of the Ancient Israelites. See under Jews and Judaistn. Freeman, James M. Handbook of Bible Manners and Customs. Pp. 515, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1874. $2.50. JAMIESON, Robert. Eastern Man- ners, Okl and New Testament. 3 vols., i8mo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1838. Pp. 311, i2mo. Phiia. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1841. New ed., 2vols., i2mo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1859. 95., 70 cents. Lewis, W. G. The Trades and In- dustrial Occupations of the Bible. Pp. viii, 283, i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. 4^-. PiEROTTi, Ermete. Customs and Traditions of Palestine, illustrating the Manners of the Ancient He- brews. Translated by T. G. Bon- ney, M.A. Pp. 288, 8vo. Lond. : Bell. 1864. 9J. Tristram, H. B. Eastern Customs in Bible Lands. Pp. 260, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1894. 55. Van Lennep, Henry J. Bible Lands. Their Modern Manners and Customs, illustrative of Scrip- ture, with Maps and Woodcuts. Pp. 832, 8vo. N. Y.: Harper, 1875. $5. Wemyss, Thomas. Job and his Times ; or, a Picture of the Patri- archal Agi^e during the Period between Noah and Abraham, as regards the State of Religion and Morality, Arts and Sciences, Manners and Customs, etc. Pp. xiv, 382, 8vo. Lond. : Jack- son, 1839. 9^. Wilkinson, J. G. See p. 124. 44. Messianic Prophecy. Adeney. Walter F., M.A. The Hebrew Utopia: a Study of Mes- sianic Prophecy. Pp. xi, 374, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1879. ^^' Baring-Gould, A. Outlines of Messiah's Kingdom; or, the Tes- timony of Some of the Psalms to " The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Gathering together unto Him," 2 Thess. ii, i. With an Introduction by the Dean of Ripon. 2d ed., revised, pp. 116, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Gilbert, 1894. \s. Baron, David. Rays of Messiah's Glory ; or, Christ in the Old Tes- tament. Pp. 274, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1891. $1.50. Briggs, Charles Augustus, D.D. Messianic Prophecy. The Pre- diction of the Fulfillment of Re- demption through the Messiah. A critical Study of the Messianic Passages of the Old Testament in the Order of their Development. Pp. XX, 519, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1886. $2.50. Delitzsch, Franz, D.D. Mes- sianic Prophecies in Historical Succession. Translated by Sam- uel Ives Curtiss. Pp. xii, 232, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. $1.75. Dewart, Edward Hartley, D.D. Jesus the Messiah in Proph- ecy and Fulfillment. A Review and Refutation of the negative Theory of Messianic Prophecy. Pp. 256, i2mo. Cine: Meth- odist Book Concern, 1891. 90 cents. Drummond, James, B.A. The Jewish Messiah. A critical His- tory of the Messianic Idea among the Jews from the Rise of the Maccabees to the Closing of the Talmud. Pp. xx, 395, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1877. \^s. Edersheim, Alfred, D.D. Proph- ecy and History in Relation to the Messiah : the Warburton Lectures for 1880-1884; with two Appen- dices on the Arrangement, Anal- ysis, and recent Criticism of the i66 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Pentateuch. Pp. xx, 391, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Ran- dolph, 1885. 12s., $2.50. New ed., 1891. $1.75. Faber, George Stanley, B.D. Eight Dissertations on certain connected Prophetical Passages of Holy Scripture, bearing more or less upon the Promise of a Mighty Deliverer. 2 vols., pp. xxxix, 447 ; xv,392, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1845. 21s. Gloag, Paton James, D.D. The Messianic Prophecies, being the Baird Lecture for 1879. Pp. xv, 368, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1879. 7s. 6d. JUDAH and Israel; or, the King- dom of the God of Heaven as it is now : and the Kingdom of the Son of David as it will be. Being a careful Study and Comparison of all the prominent Passages of Scripture bearing upon the coming of a Messiah. . . . Pp. xvi, 353, 8vo. San Fr. : Bancroft, 1888. $1.50. Orelli, C. von, D.D. The Old Testament Prophecy of the Con- summation of God's Kingdom, traced in its historical Develop- ment. Translated by Rev. J. S. Banks. Pp. viii, 472, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1885. los. 6d. Riehm, Edward. Messianic Proph- ecy : its Origin, History, Character, and Relation to New Testament Fulfillment. Translated by Rev. John Jefiferson. i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1875. 2d ed. translated from the German by Lewis A. Muirhead, D.D. ; with an Intro- duction by Prof. A. B. Davidson, 1 89 1. Pp. XX, 247, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. ys. dd., $2.50. Stearns, O. S. A Syllabus of the Messianic Passages in the Old Testament. Pp. ii, 79. Bost. : Bartlett, 1884. Wolfe, J. R. The Messiah as predicted in the Pentateuch and Psalms ; being a new Translation and critical Exposition of these ancient Oracles. Pp. Ixxxiv, 156, 8vo. Lond.: Griffin, 1855. ios.6d. 45. Miracles. Belcher, T. W., D.D. Our Lord's Miracles of Healing considered in Relation to some Modern Objec- tions and to Medical Science, with Preface by Archbishop Trench. Pp. 168, i2mo. Lond. : Parker, 1872. 2d ed., 1890. 35. 6d. Buck, Daniel Dana, D.D. The Law and Limitation of our Lord's Miracles ; a Semi-centennial Dis- course. Pp. 76, i6mo, N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1888. 20 cents. Burnton, N. S., D.D. Christ's Acted Parables : a Study of the Miracles. Pp. 256, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1893. $1. Cumming, John, D.D. Fore- shadows. Lectures on our Lord's Miracles. Lond. : Hall, 1851. Pp. 378, i2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1856. 3x 6d., 75 cents. Dover, T. B. The Ministry of Mercy : thirty-three devotional Studies on the Gospel Miracles. Pp. 216, 8vo. Lond. : Sonnen- schein, 1883. 3d ed., 1888. 2s.6d^ HOWSON, J. S. Meditations on the Miracles. Pp. xii, 276, i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1871. 3^. Second Series. Pp. viii, 280, i6mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc., (1877.) 3^. Humphrey, W. G. The Miracles. See p. 24. Hutchinson, John, D.D. Our Lord's Signs in St. John's Gospel. Discussion chiefly exegetical and doctrinal on the eight Miracles in the Fourth Gospel. Pp. ix, 237, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. $3. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 167 Irons, Wm. J. The Bible and its Interpreters. Miracles and Proph- ecies. Pp. 180, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hayes, 1865. 2d ed., 1869. 6s. Laidlaw, John. The Miracles of our Lord : Expository and Honi- iletic. Pp. 378, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1890. Pp. iv, 384, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1892. 7s. dd., $1.75. Macdonald, George. The Mir- acles of our Lord. i2mo. Lond. : Strahan, 1870. New ed., pp. 262, p. 8vo. Longmans, 1887. 3^. 6d. Maguire, Robert, M.A. Miracles of Christ. Expositions : Critical, Devotional, and Experimental. Pp. xxvi, 241, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Weeks, 1863. i^. 6d. Marsden, John Howard. The Evils which have resulted . . . from a Misapprehension of our Lord's Miracles. 5^^?/. 33. Mozley, J. B., D.D. Eight Lec- tures on Miracles. See p. 22. Owen, Henry. Intent and Pro- priety of the Scripture Miracles. See p. 24. Taylor, William M., D.D., LL.D. The Miracles of our Sav- iour, Expounded and Illustrated. Pp. vi, 449, 8vo. N. Y. : Arm- strong, 1890. $1.75. Trench, R. C. Notes on the Mir- acles of our Lord. Lond. : Parker, 1846. Pp. 375, 8vo. N. Y. : Ap- pleton, 1858. loth ed. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1874. I2j., $4.50. 46. Moabite Stone. GiNSBURG, C. D. The Moabite Stone; a Facsimile of the Orig- inal Inscription, with an English Translation, and an Historical and Critical Commentary. Pp. 58, 4to. Lond.: Reeves, 1871. io^\ 6d. King, J. Moab's Patriarchal Stone ; being an Account of the Moabite Stone. Pp. 164, 8vo. Lond. : Bickers, 1878. 3^. dd. Walsh, W. Pakenham. The Moabite Stone. Pp. 94, i2mo. Dubl. : Herbert, 1872. New ed., 1873. \s. 47. Music of the Bible. Hutchinson, Enoch. The Music of the Bible ; or. Explanatory Notes upon all the Passages of the Sacred Scriptures relating to Mu- sic. Pp. 513, 8vo Bost. : Gould, 1864. $3.25. Jacox, Francis, B.A. Bible Mu- sic: being Variations, in many Keys, on Musical Themes from Scripture. Pp. viii, 330, i2mo. Lond. : Dickinson, 1871. Newed., 1877. 3^. ed. Stainer, John, Sir. The Music of the Bible. With an Account of the Development of Modern Mu- sical Instruments from Ancient Types. N. Y. : Novello, 1890. $1. 48. Natural History of the Bible. Callcott, Maria. Scripture Herb- al. Pp. 568, 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1842. \os. 6d. Catlow, Maria E. Popular Scrip- ture Zoology : containing a famil- iar History of the Animals men- tioned in the Bible. Pp. 350, i2mo. Lond.: Routledge, 1852. ys. 6d. Harris, T. M. The Natural His- tory of the Bible. Pp. xl, 476, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg ; Bost. : Wells, 1820. 7s. 6d., $1.50. OSBORN, Henry S. Plants of the Holy Land, with their Fruits and Flowers. Pp. 174, 8vo. Phila. : Challen, i860. $3.50. Tristram, H.B.,D.D., LL.D. The Survey of Western Palestine. The Fauna and Flora of Palestine. Pp. xxii, 455, 4to. Lond. : Palestine i68 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Exploration Fund, 1884. Published by subscription. The Land of Israel, a Journal of Travels in Palestine undertaken with Special Reference to iis Phys- ical Character. Pp. 671, 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1865. 2d ed., 1866. 2 IS. The Natural History of the Bi- ble ; being a Review of the Phys- ical Geography, Geology, and Me- teorology of the Holy Land. Pp. viii, 518. i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K. ; N. Y. : Pott, and Am. Tr. Soc, 1867. ys. 6d., $1.50. Wood, J. G. Wild Animals of the Bible. Pp. 270, p. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1887. 3^. 6{/. Bible Animals; being a De- scription of every living Creature mentioned in the Scriptures, from the Ape to the Coral. Pp. 652, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1869. Lond.: Longmans, 1876. New ed., 1883. $5, io^\ 6d. 49. Origin of the Bible. See also Gospels and Pentateuch ; also Intro- duction and Canon. BiSSELL, E. C. The Historic Origin of the Bible. A Handbook of Principal Facts from the best re- cent Authorities, German and Eng- lish. With Introduction by R. D. Hitchcock. Pp.455, i2mo. N.Y. : Randolph, 1873. $2.50. BURGE. Lorenzo. Origin and For- mation of the Hebrew Scriptures. Pp. V, 132, i2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1890. $1. Gladden, Washington, D.D. Who Wrote the Bible ? A Book for the People. Pp. iii, 381, i2mo. N. Y. : Houghton, 1891. $1.25. Ladd, George T., D.D. What is the Bible .^ An Inquiry into the Origin and Nature of the Old and New Testaments in the Light of modern Biblical Study. Pp. xi, 497» i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1888. $2. The Doctrine of Sacred Scrip- ture. A Critical, Historical, and Dogmatic Inquiry into the Origin and Nature of the Old and New Testaments. 2 vols., pp. 783, 778, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner; Edinb. : Clark, 1883. $7. Manning,]. M., D.D. Not of Man, but of God. Pp. X, 191, i2mo. Bost.: Lothrop, 1883. $1.25. Rogers, Henry. The Superhu- man Origin of the Bible inferred from itself. See p. 28. Simon, D. W. The Bible an Out- growth of Theocratic Life. Pp. 220, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1885. 4?. dd. Stowe, Calvin E. Origin and His- tory of the Books of the Bible, both the Canonical and the Apoc- ryphal. Part I. New Testament. Pp. 583, 8vo. Hartf. : Hartf. Pub. Co., 1867. S3. 50. Vos, Geerhardus. The Mosaic Origin of the Pentateuchal Codes : Introduction by William H. Green, D.D. Pp. vii, 263, i2mo. N.Y. : Armstrong, 1887. $1.50. 50. Parables. Arnot, W., Rev. The Parables of our Lord. Lond. : Nelson, 1864. Pp. xii, 520. 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1872. 7 J. (id., $2.50. The Lesser Parables of our Lord, and Lessons of Grace in the Language of Nature. With Bio- grai)hical Notice by Canon Bell. Pp. 486, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1883. 4^. 6d. Barry, Bp. The Parables of the Old Testament. Pp. 260, p. 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1889. 4^. Bruce, Alexander Balmain, D.D. The Parabolic Teaching EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 169 of Christ. A, systematic and crit- ical Study of the Parables of our Lord. Pp. xii, 515, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder; N.Y. : Armstrong, 1882. 2d ed., 1886. I2J., $2.50. Calderwood, Henry, LL.D. The Parables of our Lord, inter- preted in View of their Relations to each other. Pp. xv, 443, i6mo. Lond.: Macmilian, 1880. 6^. Gumming, John, D.D. Foreshad- ows. Lectures on our Lord's Parables. Lond. : Hall, 1852. Pp. 379, i2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1863. y. 6d., 75 cents. DODS, Marcus. The Parables of our Lord, ist series. The Para- bles recorded by St. Matthew, Pp. 276. 1883. New ed., 1886. 2(1 series. The Parables recorded by St. Luke. Pp. 222, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Macniven, 1885. Each 3s. 6d. Dover. T. B. The Hidden Word : Thirty devotional Studies of the Parables of our Lord. Pp. 200, i2mo. Lond. : Sonnenschein, 1888. 2s. 6d. Drummond, D. K. T., Rev., B.A. The Parabolic Teaching of Christ ; or. The Engravings of the New Testament. Pp. 440, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1855. ^1.50. GOEBEL, Siegfried. The Parables of Jesus : a methodical Exposition. Translated by Professor Banks. Pp. X, 460, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1883; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. 10s. 6^., $3. Greswell, Edward, B.D. An Exposition of the Parables and of other Parts of the Gospels. 5 vols, in 6. Pp. xiv, 485; iv, 575; iv, 604 ; iv, 514 ; XV, 580 ; iv, 478, 8vo. Oxf. : Rivington, 1834. 72^^. Guthrie, Thomas. The Parables, read in the Light of the Present Day. Pp. 278, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1866. %2. Keach, Benjamin. Gospel Mys- teries Unveiled ; or, An Exposition of all the Parables. 4 vols. Lond. : Higham, 181 5. i vol., pp. 904, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Collingridge, 1856. I2s. 6d. Kirk, Edward N. Lectures on the Parables of our Saviour. Pp. 522, i2mo. N. Y. : Craighead, 1857; Edinb.: Blackwood, 1859. 3J. 6d. Lisco, Friedrich Gustav. The Parables of Jesus Explained and Illustrated. By P. Fairbairn. Pp. 406, i2mo. Edinb. : Daniels, 1853. Nevin, Alfred. The Parables of Jesus. Pp. 503, i2mo. Phila.: Presb. Bd. Pub., 1881. $1.50. Richey, Thomas. The Parables of our Lord, according to St. Matthew. Pp. 405, 8vo. N. Y. : Young, 1888. $2. Salmond, Prof. The Parables of our Lord. Pp. 120, i8mo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 8^., 25 cents. Taylor, William M., D.D. The Parables of our Saviour; Ex- pounded and Illustrated. Pp. vii, 445. 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1886. $1.75. Trench, R. C. Notes on the Para- bles of our Lord. Lond. : Parker, 1841. 9th ed. Pp. 425, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1858. nth ed. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmilian, 1870. 12^., $4. Whately, Richard. Lectures on Some of the Parables. i2mo. Lond. : Parker, 1859. 4.?. Whittemore, Thomas. Notes and Illustrations of the Parables of the New Testament, arranged according to the Time in which they were Spoken. Bost. : Univ. Pub. Ho., 1832. Rev. ed. Pp. 381, i2mo. 1856. 4.y., $1.25. 170 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 51. Pentateuch. See also under Criticism and Introduction. Addis, W. E. Seep. 146. BiRKS, T. R. The Pentateuch and its Anatomists ; or, Moses Vindi- cated. Pp. 326, i2mo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1869. ^s. BissELL, Edward Cone, D.D. The Pentateuch; its Origin and Structure. An Examination of recent Theories. Pp. vi, 484, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1885. $3. Briggs, Charles Augustus, Rev., D.D. The Higher Criti- cism of the Pentateuch. Pp. xii, 259, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. COLENSO, John William, D.D. The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically Examined. 7 parts in 7 vols. Pp. xxxvii, 160 ; xxxvii, 161-390; xlvi, 391-632; xlviii, 327 ; lii, 320, 320 ; xl, 644, 174; xxxvi, 528, 216, V, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1 862-1 879. Pt. i, 6j. ; pt. ii, ^s. 6d. ; pt. iii, %s. ; pt. iv, io.y. 6d. ; pt. v, i8j. ; pt. vi, 24.?. ; pt. vii, 24.?. People's ed. of above [very much abbreviated]. Pp. 428, i2mo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1878. COWLES, Henry. The Pentateuch in its Progressive Revelations of God to Men. Pp. 414, 12 mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1874. $2. Curtiss, Samuel Ives, Jr., Ph.D. The Levitical Priests; a Contri- bution to the Criticism of the Pen- tateuch. With a Preface by Prof. Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Pp. xxix, 254, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark; Leip- zig: Brockhaus, 1874. 5^. Deutsch. Emanuel. The Samari- tan Pentateuch. [In his Literary Remains. Pp. xx, 465, 8vo. N. Y. : Holt, 1874. $4.] Edwards, B. B. Authenticity and Genuineness of the Pentateuch. [In his Writings. Vol. II, pp. 281-363. 2 vols.-, i2mo. Bost. : Jewett, 1853. $2.50.] Elliott, Charles. A Vindication of the Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch. Pp. 273, i6mo. Cine, and N. Y. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1884. %\. Fowler, C. H. Fallacies of Co- lenso ; a Review of the Bishop of Natal. Pp. 139, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1864. 75 cents. Fripp, E. I. The Composition of the Book of Genesis. With Eng- lish Text and Analysis. Pp. 194, i2mo. Lond. : Nutt, 1892. 4^. Moses and the Prophets. See p. 151. Green, W. H. The Pentateuch Vindicated from the Aspersions of Bishop Colenso. Pp. 195, i2mo. N. Y.: Wiley, 1863. $1.25. Kingsley, Charles. The Gospel of the Pentateuch. Parish Ser- mons. Pp. xviii, 285, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan. ist and 2d eds., 1864. 4^. 6d., $1.25. Mahan, M., D.D. The Spiritual Point of View ; or, The Glass Re- versed. An Answer to Bishop Colenso. Pp. 114, i6mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1863. 75 cents. Moore, Daniel, M.A. Divine Authority of the Pentateuch Vin- dicated. Pp. xix, 258, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Bell. 1863. 6s. 6d. Porter, T. L. The Pentateuch and the Gospels : a Statement of our Lord's Testimony to the Mo- saic Authorship, Historic Truth, and Divine Authority of the Pen- tateuch. Pp. 104, i2mo. Lond. : Nelson, 1864. Reduced, 1865. 2s. Quarry, John. Genesis and its Authorship: two dissertations. I. On the Import of the introductory Chapters of the Book of Genesis. II. On the Use of the Names of God in the Book of Genesis, and on the Unity of its Authorship. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 171 Pp. xii, 635, 8vo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1866. 21S. Stebbins, Rufus p. A Study of the Pentateuch for Popular Read- ing. Being an Inquiry into the Age of the so-called Books of Moses, with an Introductory Ex- amination of recent Dutch Theo- ries, as represented by Dr. Kue- nen's Religion of Israel. Pp. 233, i2mo. Bost. : Ellis, 1881. $1.25. Taylor, Isaac. Considerations of the Pentateuch. Pp. 70, i2mo. Lond.: Jackson, 1862. 3d ed., 1863. 2s. 6d. 52. Plagues. Bryant, Jacob. Observations upon the Plagues inflicted upon the Egyptians. Pp. 400, 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1810. 9^. 53. Poetry. Gilbert, George H. The Poetry of Job. Pp. iv, 224, i6mo. Chic: McClurg, 1889. $1. GiLFiLLAN, George. The Bards of the Bible. Pp. 378, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1851. 35 cents. Heilprin, Michael. The His- torical Poetry of the Ancient He- brews, translated and critically Examined. 2 vols., pp. 243, 213, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1879, 1880. $4. Herder, J. G. The Spirit of He- brew Poetry. Translated from the German by James Marsh. 2 vols., pp. 293, 320, i2mo. Bur- lington, Vt. : Smith, 1833. $1.25. LowTH. Robert, D.D. Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the He- brews. Translated from the orig- inal Latin by G. Gregory, F.A.S. [Originally published in Latin, I753-] New Am. ed., with Notes by Calvin E. Stowe, A.M. Pp. xxiii. 464, 8vo. Andover: Crock- er, 1829, and often. $2. Taylor, Isaac. The Spirit of He- brew Poetry. Pp. xvi, 347, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1861. Pp. 386, 8vo. N. Y. : Rudd, 1862. los. 6d., $2. 54. Proper Names. Dictionary of Scripture Prop- er Names, with their Pronuncia- tions and Explanations. Pp. 42, i6mo. Chic. : Fairbanks, 1877. 25 cents. Eastwood, J., and Wright, W. A. The Bible Word-Book : a Glossary of Old English Bible Words. Pp. 575, i6mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1866; N. Y.: Tibbals, 1874. 5^. 6d., $1.50. Farrar, John. The Proper Names of the Bible ; their Orthography, Pronunciation, and Signification. Lond.: Mason, 1844. loth ed. Pp. 251, i8mo. Wes. Conf. Office, 1866. 2S. Jones, Alfred. The Proper Names of the Old Testament, Ex- pounded and Illustrated. 4to. Lond.: Bagster, 1868. 15^. Jukes, Andrew. The Names of God in Holy Scripture : a Revela- tion of his Nature and Relation- ship. Pp. 226, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans ; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1888. 4^.6^., $1.50. Macvvhorter, Alexander. Yah- veh Christ ; or, The Memorial Name. Pp. 179, i6mo. Bost. : Gould, 1856. 63 cents. Morris, John Payne. The Gene- alogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptures, according to every Family and Tribe, with the Line of our Saviour Jesus Christ. . . . Pp. 48, sm. fo. Lond. : Groom- bridge, 1837. 2Ii'. Proper Names of the Old Tes- tament, The. Arranged Al- phabetically from the original Text, with Historical and Geo- graphical Illustrations, for the use 1^2 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. of Hebrew Students, etc. Pp. 230, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1859. ys. 6d. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., D.C.L. The Revelation of the Father : Short Lectures on the Titles of the Lord in the Gospel of St. John. Pp. xix, 188, i6mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1884. 6s. 55. Prophecy. See also Messianic Proj>kecy. Bellett, J. C. God's Witness in Prophecy and History : Bible Stud- ies on the Historical Fulfillments of Jacob's Prophetic Blessings on the Twelve Tribes, contained in Genesis xlix. With a supplemen- tary Inquiry into the History of the Lost Tribes. Pp. 350, p. 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1883. 6s. BiRKS, Thomas Rawson, M.A. Thoughts on the Times and Sea- sons of Sacred Prophecy. With a Preface by Edward Bickersteth Birks, M.A. Pp. xii, 130, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1880. is.dd. ^— Outlines of Unfulfilled Proph- ecy. Being an Inquiry into the Scripture Testimony respecting the " Good Things yet to come." Pp. viii, 378, i6mo. Lond. : Seeley, 1854. 5^. Brown, R. Outlines of Prophetic Truth, viewed Practically and Ex- perimentally in the Light of the Divine Word : from Creation to Redemption. Pp. 798, 8vo. Lond.: Partridge, 1884. \2s. Churton, Ralph, M.A. On the Prophecies respecting the Destruc- tion of Jerusalem. See uttder Col- lected Works, p. 19. Clissold, Aug. The Prophetic Spirit, in its Relation to Wisdom and Madness. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1870. 7 J. 6d. CoLLYER, William Bengo, D.D. Lectures on Scripture Facts and Prophecy. 2 vols. Lond. : Kings- bury, 1809. 2 vols, in I, pp. 307, 252, 8vo. Phila. : Grigg, 1835. 14J., $2. Cross, J. Coming Eschatological Events; or, The Future of the British Empire, Russia, the Papa- cy, the Jews, and Christendom, as Revealed in the Pages of Holy Writ. Pp. 410, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1894. 6s. CUMMING, John. Destiny of Na- tions, as Indicated in Prophecy. Pp. X, 334, sm. 8vo. Lond. : Hurst, 1863. -js. 6d. Davison, John. Discourses on Prophecy ; its Structure, Use, and Inspiration. [Warburtonian Lec- tures.] Pp. 530, 8vo. Oxf. : Par- ker, 1845. New ed., 1856. 9^. Dollinger, J. J. I. Prophecies and the Prophetic Spirit in the Christian Era. An Historical Es- say. Translated by A, Plummer. Pp. 254, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1873. io.y. 6d. Fairbairn, p. Prophecy Viewed in Respect to its Distinctive Na- ture, Special Function, and Proper Interpretation. Pp. 524, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1856. New ed., 1864. 10^. 6d. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1866. $3. GiFFORD, Edward Hamilton, D.D. Voices of the Prophets. Twelve Lectures ... on the Foun- dation of Bp. Warburton, 1870- 1874. Pp. xxiv, 264, p. 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1874. 5^. Gloag, P. J. The Messianic Proph- ecies. Being the Baird Lecture fori879. Pp. 368, i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1879. ys. 6d. Guinness, H. Grattan, Mr. and Mrs. The Divine Programme of the World's History. Pp. viii, 455, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1888. ']s.6d. Hoffmann, W., D.D. The Proph- ecies of our Lord and his Apostles. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 173 A Series of Discourses. Trans- lated . . . by Maurice J.Evans, B.A. Pp- X, 363, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1869. js. 6d. Holmes. Robert, M.A. On the Prophecies and Testimony of John the Baptist, and the Parallel Proph- ecies of Jesus Christ. See under Collected Works, p. 19. Keith, Alexander. The Signs of the Times as denoted by the Fulfillment of Historical Predic- tions, from the Babylonish Captiv- ity to the Present Time. i2mo. Edinb., 1832. 8th ed., 2 vols., pp. 558, 452, i2mo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1847. ids. Harmony of Prophecy; or. Scriptural Illustratians of the Apocrypha. P. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1 85 1. Pp. 440. Am. ed. N. Y. : Harper, 1851. 7^. dd., $1.50. Kellogg, S. H., D.D. The Jews; or. Prediction and Fulfillment: an Argument for the Times. N. Y. : Randolph; Lond.: Nisbet, 1883. New ed., with Appendix, pp. xxii, 329, i2mo. 1888. $1.25,4^.6^. KiRKPATRiCK, A. F. The Doc- trine of the Prophets : the War- burtonian Lectures for 1886- 1890. Pp. 540, p. 8vo. Lond. : Mac mil- Ian, 1892. 6s. KUENEN, A., D.D., LL.D. The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel. An historical and critical Enquiry. Translated from the Dutch by the Rev. Adam Milroy, M.A. With an Introduction by J. Muir, D.C.L. Pp. Ivi, 593, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1877. 215'. Lee, Samuel, D.D. An Inquiry into the Nature, Progress, and End of Prophecy, in three Books : I. On the Covenants ; II. Exposi- tion of the Visions of the Prophet Daniel ; III. Exposition of the Visions of the Revelation of St. John. . « . Pp. cxxviii, 529, 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1849. 14^. McCaul, a. Lectures on the Prophecies. Pp. viii, 188, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1846. -js. Maurice, F. D. Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. Pp. 480, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1853. 2d ed., 1855. 10^. 6d. Pember, G. H. The Great Prophe- cies concerning the Gentiles, the Jews, and the Church of God. Lond.: Hodder, 1881. 3d ed., pp. 474, 8vo. 1887. ']s. 6d. Redford, R. a., Rev., M.A. Prophecy : its Nature and Evi- dence. Pp. 301, i6mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc. (1882). 55. Richards, George, Rev., M.A. The Divine Origin of Prophecy. . . . See ujider Collected Works, p. 20. Smith, R. P. Prophecy : a Prepara- tion for Christ. See tinder Col- lected Works, p. 7.1. Smith, W. R. The Prophets of Is- rael and their Place in History, at the close of the Eighth Century B.C. 8vo. Lond.: Black, 1882. 7^. dd. Trench, R. C. Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spirit- ual Life of Man. See p. 1 52. Williams, Rowland. The Proph- ets of Israel and Judah during the Assyrian Empire. Pp. 450, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1866. New ed., 1 87 1. 22J. 56. Proverbs, Scripture. Jacox, Francis. Scripture Prov- erbs. Illustrated, Annotated, and Applied. Pp. 618, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1874; Dickinson, 1878. 57. Psychology of the Bible. Beck, Johann T. Outlines of Biblical Psychology. Pp. xvi, 170, i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1877. 4.?. 174 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Delitzsch, Franz. A System of Biblical Psychology. Translated by R. E. Wallis. Pp. 6oi, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1865. 2d ed., 1867. I2S. Ives, Charles L., M.D. The Bi- ble Doctrine of the Soul ; or, Man's Nature and Destiny as Revealed. Pp. 334, i2mo. Phila. : Claxton, 1878. 75 cents. 58. Quotations. GOUGH, Henry. The New Testa- ment Quotations, Collated with the Scriptures of the Old Testa- ment, in the Original Hebrew and the Version of the LXX, and with the other Writings, Apocryphal, Talmudic, and Classical, cited or alleged to be so. 8vo. Lond. : Walton, 1855. 16s. Scott, James, Rev., M.A., B.D. Principles of New Testament Quo- tation established and applied to Biblical Criticism. . . . Pp. 169, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1875. 4s. Toy, Crawford Howell. Quo- tations in the New Testament. Pp. xliv, 321, i2mo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1884. $3.50. TuRPiE, David McCalman, M.A. The Old Testament in the New. A Contribution to Biblical Criti- cism and Interpretation. The Quo- tations from the Old Testament in the New classified according to their Agreement with, or Vari- ation from, the Original ; the vari- ous Readings and Versions of the Passages added. . . . Pp. xxxi, 279, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1868. I2S. 59. Rabbinical Literature. Barclay, Joseph, LL.D. The Talmud. [Translations from — .] Pp. xii, 389, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1878. 14s. Etheridge, J. W., M.A., Ph.D. Jerusalem and Tiberias ; Sora and Cordova. A Survey of the Reli- gious and Scholastic Learning of the Jews ; designed as an Intro- duction to the Study of Hebrew Literature. Pp. xii, 508, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1856. ys. 6d. Ginsburg, Christian D., LL.D. The Kabbalah : its Doctrines, De- velopment, and Literature. An Essay. Pp. vi, 163, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. ys. 6d. The Massorah. Compiled from MSS. alphabetically and lexically arranged. 3 vols. Vols. I, II, fol. Lond. : Privately printed, 1880, 1885. \6os. Vol. Ill not yet printed. Hershon, Paul Isaac. The Pen- tateuch according to the Talmud. Genesis, with a Talmudical Com- mentar)^ Translated by the Rev. M. Wolkenberg. With an Intro- ductory Essay by the Rev. H. D. M. Spe'nce. Pp. 552, 8vo. Lond.: Bagster, 1883. icy. Treasures of the Talmud, be- ing a Series of Classified Subjects . . . compiled from the Babylonian Talmud and translated. With Notes and Indexes, and an intro- ductory Preface by the Rev. H. D. M. Spence, M.A. Pp. xv, 330, 8vo. Bost. : Houghton, 1881. Lond.: Nisbet, 1882. $4.50, 12s. 6d. Joshua ben Joshua ben Meir, Rabbi. The Chronicles of, trans- lated from the Hebrew by C. H. F. Bialloblotzky. 2 vols., pp. xx, 400, 528. Lond. : Bentley (for Or. Transl. Fund), 1835. 24s. Kalisch, I. Sketch of the Talmud, the world-renowned collection of Jewish traditions. i2mo. N.Y. : Frank, 1877. $1. Levita, Elias. The Massoreth Ha-Massoreth of, being an Ex- position of the Massoretic Notes on the Hebrew Bible, or the ancient critical Apparatus of the Old Testament in Hebrew, with EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. 175 an English Translation, and crit- ical and explanatory Notes. By Christian D. Ginsburg, LL.D. Pp. viii, 307, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1867. 21s. Lowe, W. H. The Mishna, on which the Palestinian Talmud rests. Edited . . . from the Unique MS. preserved in the University Library at Cambridge. Pp. 246, 8vo. Lond. : Camb. Wareh., 1883. 21^. Mathers, S. L. MacGregor. Kabbala denuo data. Kabbala unveiled : containing the fol- lowing Books of Zohar : i. The Book of concealed Mystery ; 2. The greater Holy Assembly; 3. The lesser Holy Assembly; trans- lated into English . . . and collated with the original Chaldee and Hebrew Text. Pp. 359, 8vo. N.Y.: Scribner, 1887. $4.20. Pick, Bernhard, Rev. The Tal- mud : what it is, and what it knows about Jesus and his Fol- lowers. i6mo. N. Y. : Alden, 1888. 50 cents. Poland, H. Selections from the Talmud. Being Specimens of the Contents of that ancient Book . . . also brief Sketches of the Men who made it and commented upon it. Translated from the Original. Pp. 382, 8vo. Phila. : Claxton, 1876. Newissue, pp. x, 359, i2mo. Stuart, 1884. $1.50. Sekles, S. The Poetry of the Tal- mud. Pp. V, 146, 8vo. N. Y. : Publishedbythe Author, 1880. $1. 60. Revision, Bible. See also History of Versions and Textual Criticism. Anglo-American Bible Revi- sion. By Members of the Ameri- can Revision Committee. Printed for Private Circulation. Pp. 192, i2mo. N.Y. : Bible House, 1879. Burgon, John William, B.D. The Revision Revised. Three Articles. . . . i. The New Greek Text. 2. The New English Ver- sion. 3. Westcott & Hort's new textual Theory. To which is added a Reply to Bishop Ellicott's Pam- phlet in Defence of the Revisers and their Greek Text of the New Testament. . . . Pp. xlii, 549, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1883. 14^. Chambers, Talbot W. Compan- ion to Revised Old Testament. Seep. 65. Cook, F. C, M.A. The Revised Version of the First Three Gos- pels considered in its Bearings upon the Record of our Lord's Words and of Incidents in his Life. Pp. viii, 250, 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1882. 95. Davidson, S. On a Fresh Revi- sion of the English Old Testament. Pp. 170, p. 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1873. 55. Eadie, John. The English Bible : an External and Critical History of the various English Transla- tions of Scripture, with Remarks on the Need of Revising the Eng- lish New Testament. 2 vols., pp. XX, 440; xii, 504, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1876. 28^. Goodwin, Daniel R., Rev. Notes on the late Revision of the New Testament Version. Pp. 2 1 2, 8vo. N. Y.: Wniittaker, 1883. $2. Kennedy, B. H., D.D. Ely Lectures on the Revised Version of the New Testament, with an Appendix containing the Chief Textual Changes. Pp. xxiv, 165, i6mo. Lond.: Bentley, 1882. 4^. Lightfoot, J. B., Trench, R. C, Ellicott, C. J. Revision of the English Version of the New Tes- tament. With an Introduction by Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. xlix, xix, 195, 193, 178, 8vo. N. Y. : Har- per, 1873. $3. 176 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Moon, George Washington. The Revisers' English, etc. ; a Se- ries of Criticisms showing the Re- visers' Violations of the Laws of Language. Pp. 145, i2mo. Lend.: Hatchard, 1881. 2d ed.. 1883. 3.y. 6d. Revision. For interesting and valuable list of works on Revision, see Bible Society Record, April-August, 1884. RiGGS, Elias. Suggested Emen- dations of the Authorized Eng- lish Version of the Old Testament. Pp. 130, i2mo. Andover : Draper, 1873. $r. Suggested Modifications of the Revised Version of the New Tes- tament. Pp. 94, i2mo. Ando- ver: Draper, 1883. 75 cents. Roberts, Alexander, D.D. Old Testament Revision : a Handbook for English Readers. Pp.viii, 280, i6mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1882. 2d ed., 1883. $1.40. Companion to the Revised Version of the New Testament, explaining the Reasons for the Changes made on the Authorized Version. Pp. viii, 213, i2mo. N. Y. : Cassell, 1881. 75 cents. Samson, G. W., D.D. The Eng- lish Revisers' Greek Text shown to be unauthorized, except by Egyptian copies discarded by Greeks. Pp. 132, i6mo. Cam- bridge, Mass.: King, 1882. 50 cents. Schaff, Philip, D.D. Historical Account of the Work of the Amer- ican Committee of Revision of the Authorized English Version of the Bible, prepared from the Docu- ments and Correspondence of the Committee. Pp. 75, i6mo. N.Y. : Scribner, 1885. 50 cents. A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Ver- sion. Pp. X, 613, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1883. 3d ed., revised, 1887. $2.75. Storrs, R. S. John Wycliffe and the First English Bible : an Ora- tion. Pp. 85, 8vo. N. Y. : Ran- dolph, 1880. 50 cents. Stoughton, John. Our English Bible : its Translations and Trans- lators. Pp. vi, 310, i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. [1878.] -js. Trench, Richard Chenevix. D.D. On the Authorized Version of the New Testament in Connec- tion with some recent Proposals for its Revision. Pp. iv, 224, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1858. 2d ed., 1859. Pp. 188, i6mo. N. Y. : Redfield, 1858. 7^., 75 cents. Young, Robert. Contributions to a New Revision ; or, A Critical Companion to the New Testa- ment. Pp. 390, i6mo. Edinb. : Young, 1 88 1. 55. 61. Sacrifices and Worship. Batchelor, H. The Christian Fulfillments and Uses of the Levit- ical Sin Offering. Pp. 170, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1887. 5^. Cave, Alfred. The Scriptural Doctrine of Sacrihce. Pp. 524, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1877. New ed., pp. 546. 1890. 10.?. 6d., $6. Edersheim, E. W. The Rites and Worship of the Jews. Pp. 176, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1891. $1. Gaston, Hugh. Collections : a Scripture Account of the Faith and Practice of Christians. Pp. 336, 8vo. Phila. : Hogan. i860. Kurtz, J. H., D.D. Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament. Translated by James Marlin. Pp. 456, 8vo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1863. \os. 6d. Maurice, Frederick Denison. The Doctrine of Sacrifice deduced from the Scripture. See System- atic Theology , Atonement. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. ^77 Murphy, J. G. Sacrifice as set forth in Scripture. Carey Lec- tures, 1888. Pp. 252, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1889. 5^. OORT, H., Dr. The Worship of Baalim in Israel. Based upon the work of Dr. R. Dozy. Translated . . . with Notes and Appendices by John William Colenso, D.D. Pp. vi, 94, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. 4-y. 6d. Richard. J. W., Rev., D.D., and Painter, F. V. N., Rev., A.M. Christian Worship : Its Principles and Forms. Pp. viii, 358, 8vo. Phila. : Luth. Pub. Soc, 1893. $1.50. Seiss, Joseph A., D.D. The Gos- pel in Leviticus ; or. An Exposi- tion of the Hebrew Ritual. Pp. 403. i2mo. Phila.: Lindsay, 1859. 3d ed. Smith, 1875. $1.50. Stewart, A. The Mosaic Sacri- fices ; Notes of Lectures. Intro- duction by Alexander Beith. Pp. 312, i2mo. Edinb. : Macniven, 1883. 3^. dd., Willis, E. F. The Worship of the Old Covenant, considered more especially in Relation to that of the New. Pp. 250, p. 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1887. 55. 62. Sermon on the Mount. Dykes, J. Oswald. The Manifesto of the King ; an Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. Pp. viii, 644, i2mo. N. Y. ; Carter, 1882. Luther, Martin. Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. Translated by Charles A. Hay, D.D. Pp. 506, i2mo. Phila.: Luth. Pub. Soc, 1893. $1.50. Tait, a. The Charter of Chris- tianity : an Examination in the Light of Modern Criticism of our Blessed Lord's S».»*mon on the 13 Mount, and its Ethical Precepts compared with the best Moral Teaching of the Ancient World. Pp. 706, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1886. \2S. Tholuck, a. Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. Trans- lated from the 4th Revised and Enlarged German Edition, by the Rev. R. L. Brown. Pp. 451, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, i860. \os. 6d., $3. Trench, Richard Chenevix, D.D. Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount, drawn from the Writings of St. Augustine, with ... an Essay on his Merits as an Interpreter of Holy Scripture. Pp. XX, 320, 8vo. Lond. : Mac- millan, 185 1. 3d ed., enlarged, 1869. los. 6d. Studies in the Gospels. Pp. vii, 326, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan ; N. Y. : Scribner. 4th ed., 1878. \os. 6d., $3.50. 63. Structure of the Bible. See also Literary Characteristics of the Bible. Garbett, Edward. The Divine Plan of Revelation : an Argument from Internal Evidence in Support of the Structural Unity of the Bible. See under Collected Works, A 25. Leathes, Stanley. The Struc- ture of the Old Testament ; a Se- ries of Popular Essays. Pp. vi, 198, i6mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1873. 4J. Liber Librorum: its Structure, Limitations, and Purpose. Pp. 232. i6mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. $1.50. Maurice, F. D. The Unity of the New Testament. A Synopsis of the First Three Gospels, and the Epistles of St. James, St. Jude, St. Peter, and St. Paul. Pp. 536, 8vo. Camb. : Parker, 1854. 14^. 178 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Saphir, a. The Divine Unity of Scripture. Pp. 356, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1892. 6^. [Lectures.] Shutter, Marion D., D.D. Wit and Humor of the Bible. A Lit- erary Study. Pp. V, 219, i2mo. Bost. : Arena Pub. Co., 1893. $1.50. 64. Targums. Crane, Oliver T. The Targums on the Booi'. Pp. 89. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 5^., $1.40. On the Origin of the Ferrar- Group : A Lecture on the Genea- logical Relations of NewTestament MSS. delivered at Mansfield Col- lege, Oxford, on Nov. 6th, 1893. Pp. 27, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1 894. u. 6^/., 35 cents. Four Lectures on the Western Text of the New Testament. Pp. 96, Svo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1S94. $1.25. Hatch, Edwin, D.D. Essays in Biblical Greek. Pp. x, 293, Svo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1S89. \os. 6d., $2.75. Jeremiah, The Text of ; or, A critical Investigation of the Greek and Hebrew. Introductory No- tice by Franz Delitzsch, D.D. Pp. 395, Svo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1889. $3.60. Lenorm ANT, Francois. The Book of Genesis : a Translation from the Hebrew, in which the constit- uent Elements of the Text are separated ; to which is added an attempted Restoration of the orig- inal Documents used by the latest Reviser. Translated from the French. . . . Pp. 356, Svo. Lond.: Longmans, 1S86. los. 6d. Malan, S. C. a Plea for the Re- ceived Greek Text, and for the Authorized Version of the New Testament. Pp. 222, i2mo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1868. 4^. 6d. Miller, Edward. A Guide to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. Pp. 147, i2mo. Lond.: Bell, 1886. 45. Milligan, Wm., and Roberts, Alexander. The Words of the New Testament as altered by Transmission and ascertained by Modern Criticism. Pp. 262, Svo. Edinb., 1873. 4J. 6d. [Orme, William.] Memoir of the Controversy respecting the Three Heavenly Witnesses, i John v, 17. Including critical Notices of the principal Writers on both Sides. Lond.: Holdsworth, 1830. New ed., with Notes and an Appendix, by Ezra Abbot. Pp. xii, 2 1 3, 1 2mo. N. Y. : Miller, 1866. 6s., 70 cents. Porter, J. S. Principles of Textual Criticism. Pp. 538, Svo. Lond. : Simons, 1S48. 16^. Scrivener, F. H. A. A Plain In- troduction to the Criticism of the New Testament. Lond. : Bell, 1S61. 3d ed., pp. xxxix, 712. Camb. : Deighton, 18S3. 4th ed., 2 vols. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $10. Six Lectures on the Text of the New Testament, with Facsimiles EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. from MSS. Load. : Bell ; N. Y. : Macmillan. 6s., $1.75. Adversaria Critica Sacra, with a short Explanatory Introduction. Pp. 170, 8V0. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $2.50. Spurrell, G. J., M.A. Notes on the Hebrew Text of the Book of Genesis, with two Appendices. Pp. xii, 380, p. 8vo, Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1887. 10:?. 6d. Taylor, J. The Massoretic Text and the Ancient Versions of the Book of Micah. 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1891. ^s. Tregelles, S, p. An Account of the Printed Text of the Greek New Testament ; with Remarks upon its Revision upon Critical Principles. Pp. 374, 8vo. Lond. : Bagster, 1854. io.f. 6d. Warfield, B. B., D.D. An Intro- duction to the Textual Criticism of the New Testament. Pp. Hi, 225, i6mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1887. 75 cents. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., and Hort, Fenton J. A., D.D. The New Testament in the Origi- nal Greek. The Text Revised by [In 2 vols. Vol. II con- tains] Introduction and Appendix. Pp. xxxii, 324, 188. N. Y.: Har- per, 1882. $2. Whitney, Samuel W., Rev. The Revisers' Greek Text. A Critical Examination of certain Readings, Textual and Marginal, in the Original Greek of the New Testament adopted by the late Anglo-American Revisers. 2 vols., pp. 361, 350, 1 2 mo. BosL : Silver, 1892. $5. Workman, George Coulson, Rev. The Text of Jeremiah; or, A Critical Investigation of the Greek and Hebrew, with the Vari- ations of the LXX Retranslated into the Original and Explained, with an Introductory Notice by Prof. Franz Delitzsch. Pp. xliv, 398, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1889. gs., $3.60. 68. Theology of the Bible. a. IN general. Alexander, W. L. A System of Biblical Theology. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1888. 21s. Beet, Joseph Agar. Holiness as Understood by the Writers of the Bible. A Bible Study. Pp.7o,8vo. Lond. : Hodder. 2d ed. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1881. I J. 6^., 35 cents. Brown, R. Outlines of Prophetic Truth. Viewed Practically and Experimentally in the Light of the Divine Word. From Redemption to the Final State. Pp. 660, 8vo. Lond.: Partridge, 1890. 12s. Candlish, James S., D.D. The Kingdom of God Biblically and Historically Considered. The Tenth Series of the Cunningham Lectures. Pp. x, 423, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1884. los. 6d. Cheever, Henry Theodore, Rev. Biblical Eschatology; its Relation to the Current Presby- terian Standards and the Basic Principles that must underlie their Revision. Being a Review of the Writings of the Presbyterian Divine, L. C. Baker. Supple- mented by an occasional Thesis by Mr. Baker on the Eschatology of the Church of the Future. Pp. xiv, 241, i2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1893. Si. EwALD, [G.] Heinrich [A. v.], D.D. Old and New Testament Theology. Translated from the German by Rev. Thomas Goadby, B.A. Pp. X, 458, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 18S8. los. 6d., $3. 1 82 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Revelation ; its Nature and Record. Translated from the German by Rev. Thomas Goadby, B.A. Pp. X, 482, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1884; N. Y. : Scribner, 1885. los. 6d., $3. Fairbairn, Patrick, D.D. The Revelation of Law in Scripture. Considered with Respect both to its own Nature and to its relative Place in successive Dispensations. Pp. 484, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1 868. \os. 6d. Laidlaw, John, Rev., M.A. The Bible Doctrine of Man. (Cun- ningham Lectures.) Pp. 398, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1879. los. dd. Lewis, George, Rev. The Doc- trines of the Bible developed in the Facts of the Bible. With an Ap- pendix. Pp. xi, 428, i6mo. Edinb.: Constable, 1854. 5^. Reubelt, J. A. The Scripture Doctrine of the Person of Christ. Freely Translated from the Ger- man of W. F. Gess. Pp. 456, i2mo. Andover: Draper, 1870. $2. Simmons, Charles E. The Bible Doctrine of Prayer. Pp. 122, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. 75 cents. Smith, G. Vance. The Bible and its Theology as Popularly Taught. A Review, Comparison, and Re- statement ; with more especial Reference to certain Bampton Lectures, and Recent Works on Atonement and Inspiration. Pp. xvi, 371, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmil- lan, 1893. $1.75. Storr, Theophilus Christian, and Flatt, C. C. An Elementary Course of Biblical Theology. Translated, with Additions by S. S. Schmucker, A.M. 2 vols., pp. 481, 408, 8vo. Andover: Gould, 1826. 2d ed., 1836. $3. Townsend, G. F. Jehovah-Jesus, the Divine Appearances under the Patriarchal, Levitical, and Chris- tian Dispensations. Pp. 296, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1890. 5^^. b. theology of old testament. Delitzsch, Franz. Old Testa- ment History of Redemption. Translated from Manuscript Notes by Samuel Ives Curliss. Pp. XV, 213, i6mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1 88 1. 4^. dd. Duff, A. Old Testament Theol- ogy ; or. The History of Hebrew Religion, from the Year 800 B.C. From 800 B. C. to Josiah, 640 B.C. Pp. 35o,8vo. Lond.: Black, 1891. \05. 6d. Foster, R. V., D.D. Old Testa- ment Studies : an Outline of Old Testament Theology. Pp. 370, i2mo. N. Y. and Chic. : Revell, 1890. $1.50. Hengstenberg, E. W. Christol- ogy of the Old Testament, and a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions. 4 vols., pp. 523, 474, 410, 410, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1854-1859. Each 10^. 6^/. KiRKPATRiCK, A. F., D.D. The Doctrine of the Prophets. The Warburton Lectures for 1886- 1890. Pp. xvii, 540, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. $1.75. Moore, R. Braden, D.D. Old Tabernacle Theology for New Testament Times. Pp.440, 8vo. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub. and S. S. Work, 1894. $3. Oehler, Gustav Friedrich. Theology of the Old Testament. Vol. 1, translated by Ellen D. Smith ; Vol. II, translated by Sophia Taylor. 2 vols., pp. xii, 428 ; viii, 497. Edinb. : Clark, 1874. A Revision of the above, with the Additions of the 2d Ger- man edition, an Introduction and Notes, by George E. Day. i vol., pp. xix, 593, 8vo. N. Y.: Funk, 1883. $3. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. '83 SCHULTZ, Hermann, D.D. Old Testament Theology. The Re- ligion of Revelation in its pre- Christian Stage of Development. Translated from the 4th German edition by Rev. J. A. Paterson, M.A. 2 vols., pp. X, 435; vi, 470, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. 18^., $6. TiTCOMB. J. H., Rev., M.A. Rev- elation in Progress from Adam to Malachi. A Series of Bible Studies. Pp. 510, p. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. [1871.] 55. Weidner, Revere Franklin. Biblical Theology of the Old Tes- tament ; based on Oehler. Pp. 240. i2mo. Chic: Revell, 1887. $1.25. c. theology of new testament. Adeney, Walter F. The Theol- ogy of the New Testament. (The- ological Educator.) Pp. vii, 248, or. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder ; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1894. is. 6d., 75 cents. Bernard, T. D. The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament. See under Collected Works, p. 22. Bruce, Alexander Balmain, D.D. The Kingdom of God ; or, Christ's Teachings according to the Synoptical Gospels. Pp. 320, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark. i2mo. N.Y.: Scribner, 1889. 7^. 6d., $2. Clarke, James Freeman. The Ideas of the Apostle Paul, trans- lated into their Modern Equiva- lents. Pp. xiv, 436, i2mo. Bost.: Osgood, 1884. $1.50. Cone, Orello, Rev., D.D. The Gospel and its Earliest Interpre- tations. A Study of the Teach- ing of Jesus and its doctrinal Transformations in the New Tes- tament. Pp. viii, 413, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1893. $3. Dale, R. W. The Epistle to the Ephesians: its Doctrine and Ethics. Pp. 448, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1882. 6th ed., 1892. Ts. 6d. Davidson, Samuel, D.D., LL.D. The Doctrine of Last Things con- tained in the New Testament com- pared with the Notions of the Jews and the Statements of Church Creeds. Pp. 170, i2mo. Lond. : Paul, 1882. 3^. 6d. Du Bose, William Porcher, M.A., S.T.D. The Soteriology of the New Testament. Pp. vi, 391, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 7s. 6d., $1.50. Everett, Charles Carroll. The Gospel of Paul. Pp. xiii, 307, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton, 1893. 6s., §1.50. Gebhardt, Hermann, Pastor. The Doctrine of the Apocalypse, and its Relation to the Doctrine of the Gospel and Epistles of John. Translated from the Ger- man by the Rev. John Jefferson. Pp. xvi, 424, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1878. los. 6d. Haupt, Erich. The First Epistle of John. A contribution to Bib- lical Theology. Translated, with an Introduction by W. B. Pope, D.D. Pp. 385. 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1879. los. 6d. Irons, William J., D.D. Chris- tianity as taught by St. Paul. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 22. Matheson, George, Rev. Land- marks of New Testament Morality. Pp. 266, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1889. $1.50. Pfleiderer, Otto, D.D. Paulin- ism : a Contribution to the History of Primitive Theology. Translated by Edward Peters. Vol. I and II. Exposition of Paul's Doctrine. Pp. viii, 276; iv, 253, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1877. Each \os. 6d. Sabatier, a. The Apostle Paul. A Sketch of the Development of 1 84 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. his Doctrine. Translated by A. M. Hellier. Edited, with an ad- ditional Essay on the Pastoral Epistles, by George G. Findlay. Pp. 492, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Pott, 1 891. 7s. 6d., $2. ScHMiD, Christian F. Biblical Theology of the New Testament ; translated by G. H. Venables. Pp. 558, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1871. loj-. 6d. Thomson, J. P., D.D. The The- ology of Christ from His own Words. Introduction by W. M. Taylor, D.D. Pp. 310, i2mo. N. Y. : Treat, 1885. $1.50. Van Oosterzee, J. J. The The- ology of the New Testament. A Handbook for Bible Students. Translated from the Dutch by Maurice J. Evans, B.A. Lond. : Hodder, 1871. Pp. xii, 446, i2mo. N. Y.: Dodd, 1876. 6^.. $1.75. Weidner, Revere Franklin, D.D. Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Vol. I, Part i. The Teaching of Jesus; Part 2, The Petrine Teaching. Pp. xx, 238, 8vo. N. Y.: Revell, 1891. $2.50. Weiss, Bernhard, Dr. Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Translated from the 3d revised edition by Rev. David Eaton, M.A. 2 vols., pp. XV, 489 ; ix, 450, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1882. Each \os. 6d. Wendt, Henry, D.D. The Teach- ing of Jesus. Translated from the German by the Rev. John Wil- son. In 2 vols. Vol. I, pp. 408, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. io.y. 6d., $2.50. Vol. II, pp. viii, 427. 1892. lay. 6d., $2.50. 69. Typology. Abbott, Lyman. Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Truths. Pp. 213, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1870. $3. Adams, W. Sacred Allegories. i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1862. New ed., p. 310. Lond. : Long- mans, 1 891. 3^. 6d. Beveridge, J., Rev. The Baptism of the Soul. Edited by Rev. H. F. Hoyt. Pp. 533, i2mo. Rich- mond : Whittet, 1885. $1.25. The Typical Character of the Old and New Dispensation. Edited by Rev. H. F. Hoyt. Pp. 533, i2mo. Richmond : Whittet, 1885. $1.25. Burns, David. Sayings in Symbol : Essays Suggested by Bible Figures of Speech. Pp. 200, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1894. 3^-. 6d. Chevallier, Temple, Rev. On the Historical Types in the Old Testament. See under Collected Works, p. yi. Fairbairn, Patrick. The Typol- ogy of Scripture, viewed in Con- nection with the whole Series of the Divine Dispensations. 2 vols., pp. 420, 484, 8vo, Edinb. : Clark, 1 845-1 847. New ed. N. Y. : Scribner, 1853; N. Y. : Tibbals, 1880. 1 8.9., %\o. Eraser, Donald, D.D. Meta- phors in the Gospels : a Series of short Studies. Pp. vii, 375, i2mo. N. Y.: Carter, 1885. $1.50. Frev, Joseph Samuel C. F., Rev. A Course of Lectures on the Scrip- ture Types. 2 vols., pp. 306, 312, i2mo. N. Y. : Fanshavv, 1841. $1.50. HowsoN, John S. The Metaphors of St. Paul and Companions of St. Paul. Lond. : Strahan, 1868. [Am. ed.] With an Introduction by Prof. H. B. Hackett. D.D. Pp. v, 91, 211, i6mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1872. y. 6d., $1.50. EXEGETICAL THEOLOGY. i8S Keach, Benjamin. Tropologia : a Key to open Scripture Metaphors, in Four Books. Pp. xxiv, 974, 4to. Lond. : Pesham, 1729. New ed., pp. 1,031. Lond.: Aylott, 1855. Colli ngridge, 1856. 12s. 6d. Leighton, J., D.D. The Jewish Altar : an Inquiry into the Spirit and Intent of the Expiatory Offer- ings of the Mosaic Ritual ; with Special Reference to their Typical Character. Pp. iii, 127, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1886. 75 cents. Newton, Richard. The Jewish Tabernacle and its Furniture in their Typical Teachings. See p. 178. Osborne, Edward. The Saviour King : Instructions to Children on Old Testament Types and Illus- trations of the Life of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pp. vii, 311, 241110. N. Y. : Young, 1888. $1.25. i86 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. PART III. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. I. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. Blunt, J. H., Rev., D.D., editor. A Key to the Knowledge of Church History (Ancient). Pp. 170, i6mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1869. Newed., 1872. IS. 6d. A Key to the Knowledge of Modern Church History. Pp. 192, fcp. 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1883. 2s. 6d. BUNSEN, C. C. J. Christianity and Mankind. 7 vols., pp. Ix, 505 ; xxxii, 443; xiv, 521 ; xvi, 488; iv, 414; [iv,] 520; viii, 427, 8vo. Lond.; Longmans, 1854. 105^. Signs of the Times ; or, The Dangers to Religious Liberty in the Present State of the World. Pp. xii, 440, T2mo. Lond. : Smith ; N. Y. : Harper, 1856. 5^., $1.50. God in History; or, The Progress of Man's Faith in the Moral Order of the World. 3 vols., pp. xxvi, 416; xiv, 516; xii, 366, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1 868-1 870; N. Y.: Scribner, 1870. 42^., $21. Campbell, George. Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. Pp. 462. 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1840. 5^.6^. Clarke, J. F. Events and Epochs in Religious History. [Lowell Lectures for 1880.] Pp. xx, 402, i2mo. Bost. : Osgood, 1881. $3. Coxe, a. Cleveland, Bp. Insti- tutes of Christian History : an In- troduction to Historic Reading and Study. Pp.vii, 328, i2mo. Chic: McClurg, 1887. $1.50. DOWLING, John G. An Introduc- tion to the Critical Study of Eccle- siastical History. Pp. 324, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1848. Ss. Farrar, F. W. The Witness of History to Christ. See under Col- lected Works, p. 33. Freeman, Edward A. The Meth- ods of Historical Study: Eight Lectures at Oxford, with the inau- gural Lecture on the Office of the Historical Professor. Pp. vi, 335, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmil- lan, 1886. \os. 6d., $2.50. Gervinus, G. Introduction to the History of the Nineteenth Century. Pp. 137, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1853. IS. Goddard, Charles, D.D. The Mental Condition necessary to a due Inquiry into Religious Evi- dence. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 20. Jarvis, S. F. a Chronological In- troduction to the History of the Church. Lond.: Cleaver, 1844. 2is. Am.ed., pp. 634, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1845. $3. [Matheson, George, B.D.] Aids to the Study of German Theology. Pp. vii, 184, i6mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1 874. 2d ed.. 1 876. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1874. 7s. 6d., %2. SCHAFF, Philip. What is Church History? A Vindication of the HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 187 Idea of Historical Development. Pp. 128, i2mo. Phila. : Lippin- cott, 1846. 50 cents. Slater, W. J. The Faith and Life of the Early Church. An Intro- duction to Church Histoiy. Pp. 416, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1892. 7s. Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the Study of History. Delivered in Oxford, 1859-1861. To which is added a Lecture delivered before the New York Historical Society in December, 1864, on the Univer- sity of Oxford. Pp. 269, i2mo. Lond.: Parker, 1861. New ed., 1865. 3J. 6d. N. Y.: Harper, 1866. $1.75. Smyth, Egbert C. Value of the Study of Church History in Minis- terial Education. A Lecture de- livered to the Senior Class of An- dover Theological Seminary. Pp. 31, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1874. 30 cents. Stanley, A. P. Three Introduc- tory Lectures on the Study of Ec- clesiastical History. 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1857. 2s. 6d. These Lectures are republished as an In- troduction (pp. 27-80) to the American edition of Stanley s History of the East- ern Church. N. Y. : Scribner, 1862. New ed., 1867. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., Bp. The Gospel of Life. Thoughts introductory to the Study of Chris- tian Doctrine. Pp. xxiv, 306, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. $1.75. WiLTSCH, J. E. T. Handbook of the Geography and Statistics of the Church. Translated by John Leitch, Esq. With a Preface by Rev. F. D. Maurice. 2 vols., pp. 560, 466, i2mo. Lond.: Bos- worih, 1 8 59- 1 869. 19J. 6d. II. HISTORY OF THEOLOGY. Allen, Alexander V. G. The Continuity of Christian Thought : a Study of Modern Theology in the Light of its History. Pp. xviii, 438, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1884. $2. Bairstow, J. O. Sensational Re- ligion in Past Times and in the Present Day. Pp. 108, 8vo. Lond.: Stock, 1890. 2s. Bennett, James, D.D. The The- ology of the Early Christian Church. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 28. Cunningham, William. Histor- ical Theology : a Review of the Principal Doctrinal Discussions in the Christian Church since the Apostolic Age. 2 vols., pp. 647, 614, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1862. New ed., 1864. 21^. DORNER, J. A. History of Protes- tant Theology. Particularly in Germany, viewed according to its Fundamental Movements, and in Connection with the Religious, Moral, and Intellectual Life. Translated by Rev. G. Robson and Sophia Taylor. 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 4zi4; 511, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1 87 1. 2\s. Hunt, John. History of Religious Thought in England, from the Reformation to the End of the last Century. 3 vols., pp. xxi, 471 ; xxix, 468 ; xxvi, 445, 8vo. Lond. : Routledge, 1870-1873. 58^. Hurst, John F. Our Theological Century : a Contribution to the History of Theology in the United States. Pp. 70, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1877. 75 cents. KUENEN, A., D.D., LL.D. The Re- ligion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State. Translated from the Dutch by Alfred Heath May. 3 vols., pp. xii, 412, 307, 345. Lond. : Williams, 1874. 31J. dd. Pfleiderer, Otto. The Devel- opment of Theology in Germany since Kant, and its Progress in Great Britain since 1825. Trans- lated. . . by J. Frederick Smith. i38 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Pp. xii, 403, 8vo. Lond. : Son- nenschein ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1890. los. 6d. Paulinism : a Contribution to the History of Primitive Chris- tian Theology. See p. 183. Reuss, Edward. History of Chris- tian Theology in the Apostolic Age. Translated by Annie Har- wood. With Preface and Notes by R. W. Dale, M.A. 2 vols., pp. xxviii, 424 ; viii, 548, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1872- 1874. 24J. Robertson, J. The Early Religion of Israel, as set forth by Biblical Writers and Modern Critical His- torians. Baird Lecture for 1889. Pp. xii, 524, p. 8vo. Lond. : Black- wood ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1892. \os. 6d., $3. Toy, Crawford Howell, Prof. Judaism and Christianity. A Sketch of the Progress of Thought from Old Testament to New^ Tes- tament. Pp. xvii, 456, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1890. $3. Westcott, Brooke Foss, D.D., D.C.L. Essays in the History of Religious Thought in the West. Pp. vi, 399, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1891. Ts.dd., $1.75. III. HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES. Bernard, Thomas Debany, M.A. The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament. See under Col- lected Works, p. 22. Bossuet, J. B. The History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches. Translated from the last French ed. 2 vols., pp. 432, 424. Dubl. : Duffy ; Lond. : Dol- man, 1829. New ed., 1845. 'js. Christian Doctrine and Prac- tice IN THE Second Century. Pp. 122, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1845. 3-y- 6^- Christian Doctrine and Prac- tice in the Twelfth Cen- tury. Pp. 128, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1849. 3^. 6d. Cook, K. The Fathers of Jesus ; a Study of the Lineage of the Chris- tian Doctrine and Tradition. 2 vols., pp. 810, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1886. 28J. Crippen, T. G., Rev. A Popular Introduction to the History of Christian Doctrine. Pp. xiv, 357, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1883. 9^. Donaldson, James. A Critical History of Christian Literature and Doctrine, from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Coun- cil. 3 vols., pp. 319, 344, 286, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1864-1866. 31J. 6d. Dorner, J. A. History of the De- velopment of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ. With a Review of the Controversies on the Sub- ject in Britain since the Middle of the Seventeenth Century. Trans- lated by W. Lindsay Alexander, D.D., and D. W. Simon, D.D. 5 vols. Division I, pp. xviii, 467 ; viii, 544. Division II, pp. 456 ; viii, 462 ; xxviii, 502, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1 861-1864. 52^. 6d. Fulton, John. D.D., LL.D. The Chalcedonian Decree ; or, Histor- ical Christianity, misrepresented by modern Theology, confirmed by modern Science, and untouched by modern Criticism. Charlotte Wood Slocum Lectures. Pp. vii, 213, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1892. $1.50. Hagenbach, K. R. a Text-Book of the History of Doctrine. The Edinburgh Translation of C. W. Bush. Revised, with large Addi- tions from the 4th German edition, by Henry B. Smith, D.D. 2 vols., pp. 478, 558, 8vo. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1861-1862. $6. From the 5th HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 189 and last German edition, with Ad- ditions from other Sources. With Introduction by E. H. Plumptre, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xxvii, 438; xii, 466. Edinb. : Clark, 1880. 215. Harnack, Adolf. Outlines of the History of Do^ma. Translated by Edwin Knox Mitchell. Pp. x, 567, 8vo. N. Y.: Funk, 1893. $2.50. Herbert, Charles, D.D. The Lord's Supper: Uninspired Teach- ing. 2 vols. Vol. I. Clement of Rome to Photius and the Fathers of Toledo, 74-891. Vol. II. Alfrick to Canon Liddon of St. Paul's, 969- 1875. Pp. xxxii, 642 ; xl, 826, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1879. 285. Hitchcock, E. A. Christ the Spirit: an Attempt to State the Primitive Views of Christianity. 2 vols., pp. xl, 452 ; xxviii, 452, i2mo. N.Y.: Miller. $2.50. Luthardt, C. E. History of Chris- tian Ethics before the Reforma- tion. Translated from the German by W. Hastie. Pp. 420, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1889. 10^. 6^. Mackintosh, William, M.A., D.D. The Natural History of the Christian Religion : being a Study of the Doctrine of Jesus as devel- oped from Judaism and converted into Dogma. Pp. 607, 8vo. Glasg.: Maclehose ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. 10s. 6d., $3.75. Neander, a. Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas. Translated by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols., pp. 356, 264, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1858. 7s. 6d. Rainy, Robert. Delivery and Development of Christian Doc- trine. The Fifth Series of the Cunningham Lectures. Pp. xv, 409, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1874. 10s. 6d. Reville, Albert. A History of the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ. From the French. Au- thorized English Translation. Pp. 180, p. 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1870. 3^. 6d. RiTSCHL, Albrecht. A Critical Histor)'' of the Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation. Translated from the German, with the Author's Sanction, by John S. Black, M.A. Pp. xvi, 605, 8vo. Edinb. : Edmonston, 1872. \2s. Shedd, William G. T. A History of Christian Doctrine. 2 vols., pp. viii, 412; vi. 508, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1863. 3d ed., 1869. $5. Sheldon, H. C. History of Chris- tian Doctrine. 2 vols., pp. vii, 41 1 ; iv, 444, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, [1885.] $3-50. Stoughton, John, D.D. An In- troduction to Historical Theology : being a Sketch of Doctrinal Prog- ress from the Apostolic Era to the Reformation. Pp. viii, 464, i2mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. 6s. 6d. TUTHILL, C. A. H. The Origin and Development of Christian Dogma : an Essay in the Science of History. Pp. 168, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1888. 3^. ed. IV. GENERAL CHURCH HIS- TORY. I. History of all Periods. Allen, Joseph Henry, D.D. Christian History in its Three Great Periods. 3 vols. Vol. I, Early Christianity; Vol. II, The Middle Age; Vol. Ill, Modern Phases. Pp. xxviii, 284; iv, 316; iv, 308, i6mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1883. Each $1.25. Outline of Christian History, A.D. 50-1880. Pp. vii, 151, i6mo. Bost.: Roberts, 1885. 75 cents. Alzog, John. Manual of Universal Church History. Translated, with Additions, from the 9th German 1 9© LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Edition, by Rev. F. J. Pabisch and Rev. Thomas S. Byrne. 3 vols., pp. 801, 1,1 10, 1,116, 8vo. Cine: Clarke, 1 874-1 878. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1878-1879. New ed.. 1 888-1 890. $20, 30J. Backhouse, E., and Taylor, C. Witnesses for Christ: Memorials of Church Life from the Fourth to the Thirteenth Century. 2d ed., pp. 430, 8vo. Lond. : Simp- kin, 1894. 49. 6d. BiRKH^usER, J. A., Rev. History of the Church from its First Es- tablishment to our own Times. Pp. 804. 8vo. N. Y. : Pustet, 1891. $3. Blackburn, W.M. History of the Christian Church, from its Origin to the Present Time. Pp. 719, 8vo. N. Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1879. $3. Butler, Clement M. An Ecclesi- astical History, from the First to the Nineteenth Century. 2 vols., pp. 615,628, 8vo. Phila.: Claxton, 1868-1872. $7. Bollinger, J. J. I. A History of the Church. Translated by E. Cox. 4 vols., pp. 287, 375, 351, 245, 8vo. Lond.: Dolman, 1840- 1842. 34y. Edwards, Jonathan. A History of the Work of Redemption. Com- prising an OutHne of Church His- tory. I St ed., 1774. Newed., pp. 444, i6mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1838. 55 cents. Fisher, George Park, D.D. His- tory of the Christian Church. Pp. xiii, 701, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1887. $3.50. FOULKES, E. S. A Manual of Ec- clesiastical History, from the First to the Twelfth Century inclusive. Pp. 470, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1851. 1 2 J. GiESELER, John C. L. A Text- Book of Church History; trans- lated from the 4th Revised Ger- man Edition, by S. Davidson, LL.D., and J. W. Mull, M.A. 5 vols. Lond. : Hamilton, 1846- 1855. 52^. dd. New American Edition, Revised and Edited by H. B. Smith. 4 vols., pp. 602, 636, 549, 601, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1868-1879. $11.25. GiRDLESTONE, CHARLES. Chris- tendom, sketched from History in the Light of Holy Scripture. Pp. 208, i2mo. Lond. : Low, 1870. 3^. GuERiCKE, Henry E. F. A Man- ual of Church History. Trans- lated from the German by William G. T. Shedd. Ancient Church History, comprising the First Six Centuries. Mediaeval Church, A. D. 590-1073. 2 vols., pp. 433, 160, 8vo. Andover : Draper, 1857- 1870. Newed., 1872. $3. Hase, Carl. A History of the Christian Church. Translated by C. E. Blumenthal and C. P. Wing. Pp. xxviii, 720, 8vo. N. Y. : Ap- pleton, 1855. $3.50. Hurst, John Fletcher, D.D. Short History of the Christian Church. With Maps. Pp. xxxv, 672, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1893. $3- James, C. Curiosities of Christian History Prior to the Reformation. Pp. xiv, 522, p. 8vo. Lond. : Me- thuen, 1892. 7j. 6d. Jennings, A. C, Rev. A Manual of Church History. 2 vols. Vol. I, From the First to the Tenth Century. Vol. H, From the Tenth to the Nineteenth Centuiy. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Whitta- ker, 1 887-1 888. 5^., $1.50. Jones, William. The History of the Christian Church, from the Birth of Christ to the Eighteenth Century ; including the very inter- esting Account of the Waldenses and Albigenses. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Duncan, 1812. 2 vols, in. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 191 pp. xxiv, 607, 8vo. N. Y. : Gray, 1824; Phila. : Pomeroy, 1826. 24-y., $4.50. Knight, A. E. A Concise History of the Church, from the Apostolic Era to the EstahHshment of the Reformation. Pp. 570, p. 8vo. Loncl. : Partridge, 1888. 5^. Kurtz, J. H. Text-Book of Church History. 2 vols., pp. xl, 494; 465, l2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1868. loth ed. New translation in 3 vols. Pp. xxiv, 550; xviii, 478 ; xvi, 544, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Hurd; N. Y. : Funk, 1890. 22^. 6rtr., $6. MiLNER, Joseph. The History of the Church of Christ, continued by Rev. I. Milner. 5 vols., 8vo. Lond.: 1794-1809. With Addi- tions and Corrections by the late Rev. Isaac Milner. A New Edi- tion, revised and corrected through- out by the Rev. Thomas Grantham. 4 vols., pp. xxiv, 616, 597, 583, 644, 8vo. Lond. : Bohn, i860. 21^. MoFFATT, James C, D.D. Church History in Brief. Pp. 492, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1885. $1.75. MosHEiM, John L. Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern. Translated, with copious Notes, by James Murdock, D.D., and Henry Soames, M.A. Edited and brought down to the present Time by William Stubbs, M.A. 3 vols., pp. 650, 608, 745, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1863. New cheap ed., pp. 1,500, 8vo. Bost. : Hastings, 1892. 45 j., $4. Neander, Augustus. General History of the Christian Religion and Church. Translated from the 2d German Edition, by Joseph Torrey. 9 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1851-1855. 51^. (id. Am. ed., 5 vols., pp. 763, 807, 656, 679, 440, 8vo. Bost. : Crocker, 1859. New ed., 6 vols, and Index. Bost. : Houghton, 1881 - 1882. $23. Nye, G. H. F. The Church and Her Story, in three Parts: i. An- cient ; 2. Mediaeval ; 3. Modern. With Illustrations. Pp. 214, 8vo. Lond.: Griffith, 1892. New ed., Simpkin, 1894. is. Palmer, W^illiam. A Compendi- ous Ecclesiastical History, from the Earliest Period to the Pres- ent Time. Pp. 242, i2mo. N. Y. : Swords, 1841 ; Pott, 1875. $1.25. Pond, Enoch. D.D. A History of God's Church from its Origin to the Present Time. Pp. 1,066, 8\o. Phila.: Ziegler, 1871. $4.50. Riddle, J. E. Ecclesiastical Chro- nology; or. Annals of the Chris- tian Church, from its Foundation to the Present Time. Pp. 510, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1848. 15^. Robertson, J. Craigie. History of the Christian Church, from the Apostolic Age to the Reforma- tion, 1 5 17. 4 vols., pp. 607, 743, 664, 714, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1858-1873. New ed. Revised, 8 vols., pp. xxiii, 445 ; xii, 446 ; xi, 479 ; xii, 468 ; xii, 440 ; xii, 478 ; XV, 496 ; xiv, 488, i2mo. N. Y. : Pott, 1874. 48.?., $18. Russell, John. Essays on the Rise and Progress of the Chris- tian Religion in the West of Eu- rope ; from the Reign of Tiberius to the Council of Trent. Pp. xvi, 348, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1873. 3.y. 6d. Schaff, Philip. History of the Apostolic Church ; with a General Introduction to Church History. Pp. 698, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1853. New ed., 1874. $3.75. Histoiy of the Christian Church, from the Birth of our Lord to Gregory the Great. 2 vols., pp. 548, 1,054, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 192 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 1858-1867. New ed,, 3 vols, in 2, 1873. $7.50. History of the Christian Church. New ed., thoroughly revised and enlarged [above continued]. Vol. I, pp. xiii, 871. Vol. II, xiv, 877. Vol. Ill, XV, 1,049. Vol. IV, xiii, 799. [Vol. V, not yet out.] Vol. VI. xvii, 755. Vol. VI, xviii, 890. 1 884-1 892. Each $4. Smith, Henry B. History of the Church of Christ in Chronological Tables. Pp. 93, fo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1859. New ed., revised, 1875. $6.75. Smith, Philip. The Student's Ecclesiastical History. Parti. The History of the Christian Church during the first ten Centuries, from its Foundation to the full Estab- lishment of the Holy Roman Em- pire and the Papal Power. Pp. xxxvi, 618, i2mo. N.Y. : Harper, 1879. S1.75. Part II. The His- tory of the Christian Church during the Middle Ages ; with a Summary of the Reformation, Centuries XI to XVI. Pp. xiii, 699, i2mo. $1.50. Spanheim, Frederick. Ecclesi- astical Annals from the Commence- ment of Scripture History to the Epoch of the Reformation. Trans- lated by Wright. Pp. 557, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1840. 2d ed., 1859. 6s. Stone, James S., D.D. Readings in Church History. Pp. 584, i2mo. Phila. : Porter, 1889. $1.50. Stoughton,John. Ages of Chris- tendom Before the Reformation. Pp. XX, 46 1,8 vo. Lond. : Jackson, 1857. 7s. 6d. Townsend, George. Ecclesiasti- cal and Civil History ; from the Ascension of our Lord to the Death of Wicliffe, philosophically Considered. 2 vols,, pp. xxx, 520 ; XX, 731, 8vo. Lond..- Rivington, 1847. 32J. Waddington, George. A His- tory of the Church, from the Earli- est Ages to the Reformation. 3 vols., pp. 479, 441, 447, 8vo. Lond. : Soc. for Diffus. of Useful Knowl., 1833. 2d ed., revised, 1835. 30J. Same, pp. 578. N. Y. : Harper, 1878. $2. White, James. The Eighteen Christian Centuries ; with a Copi- ous Index. Pp. 538, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, i860. $2. 2. Ancient Period. [1-800 A. D.] a. AS a whole. See also in histories under History of all Periods. Blunt, J. H. A Christian View of Christian History, from Apostolic to Mediaeval Times. Pp. 304, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1866. -js. Cheetham, S., D.D. A History of the Christian Church during the First Six Centuries. Pp. 459, 8vo. N.Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $3. Duff, David, D.D., LL.D. The Early Church : a History of Chris- tianity in the First Six Centuries. Edited by his Son, David Duff, M.A., D.D. Pp. 623, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. $4.50. EuSEBius (Pamphilus). Ecclesias- tical History. Translated from the original, with an Introduction, by C. F. Crus6, and an Historical View of the Council of Nice, by Isaac Boyle. Pp. 564, 8 vo. N. Y.: Stanford, 1856. Translated from the German by C. F. Crus6. Phila. : Lippincott, i860. $2.50. See also under Collected Works, p. 38. EVAGRIUS. History of the Church, A. D. 431-594. See Theodoret, Greek Ecclesiastical Histori- ans, The, of the First Six Centu- ries of the Christian Era, including HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 193 Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius. 6 vols. 1 843- 1 847. See under the several names. KiLLEN, W. D. The Old Catholic Church ; or, The History, Doc- trine, Worship, and Polity of the Christians, traced from the Apos- tolic Age to the Establishment of the Pope as a Temporal Sover- eign, A. D. 755. Pp. XX, 411, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1871. 9^. The Ancient Church : its His- tory, Doctrine, Worship, and Con- stitution traced for the tirst three hundred Years. Pp. 646, 8vo. Lend.: Nisbet, 1889. I2j. Mahan, Milo. Church History of the First Seven Centuries, to the Close of the Sixth General Coun- cil. Vol. I of Mahan 's Works. Pp. 629, 8vo. N. Y. : Pott, 1873. $4. MOEHLER, WiLHELM, DR. HistOiy of the Christian Church, A. D. 1-600. Translated from the Ger- man by Andrew Rutherford, B.D. Pp. xii, 545,8vo. Lond. : Sonnen- schein ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 15^., $3.75. Neander, Augustus. Memorials of Christian Life in the Early and Middle Ages. Including Light in Dark Places. Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland. Pp. iv, 538, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn ; Bost. : Little, 1852. 3J. 6d., $1.25. Philostorgius. Ecclesiastical His- tory. A. D. 324-425. Published 'with Sozomen, which see. Socrates. Ecclesiastical Histor)'; from the Accession of Constantine, A. D. 305, to the Thirty-eighth Year of Theodosius II, including a Period of 140 years. With the Notes of Valesius. Pp. 469, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1853. \s. See also under Collected Works, p. 38. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical His- tory of. Pp. xvi, 448, 8vo. Lond. : 14 Bagster, 1846; Bohn, 1855. 55. See also under Collected Works, A 38. Theodoret and Evagrius. Ec- clesiastical Histories, A Histor}' of the Church, from A. D. 322, to the Death of Theodore of Mop- suestia, A. D. 427, by Theodoret ; and from A. D. 431 to A. D. 594, by Evagrius. Pp. 494, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1854. 5^. See also tinder Collected Works, p. 38. Wordsworth, Christopher. A Church History to the Council of Nicaea, A. D. 323. Pp. 514, p. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington ; N. Y. : Pott. 1 88 1. %s. 6d. [Above continued.] A Church History to the Council of Chalce- don, A. D. 441. Vol. II. Contin- uation to the Council of Con- stantinople. Pp. XX, 347. Lond. : Rivington; N. Y. : Pott, 1882. Vol. III. Continuation from the Council of Constantinople, A. D. 381. Pp. vii, 308. 1883. 2d ed., 1885. 6s. Vol. IV. Continuation to the Council of Chalcedon, A. D. 451. Pp. iv, 327. 1883. 2d ed., 1885. 6s. b. apostolic church, [i-ioo A. D.] See also in histories under History of all Pe- riods and A ncient Periods. Acts of the Apostles : An Ac- count of the First Age of the Christian Church. With chrono- logical Appendix. Pp. 136, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. 80 cents. Anderdon, W. H. Fasti Apostol- ici : a chronological Survey of the Years between the Ascension of our Lord and the Martyrdom of Sts. Peter and Paul. Pp. xvi, 184, sm. 4to. Lond.: Paul, 1883. 2d ed., 1884. 5 J. Baumgarten, M. The Acts of the Apostles ; or, The History of the Church in the Apostolic Age. Translated from the German by 194 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Rev. A. J. W. Morrison. 3 vols., pp. 461, 459, 383, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1854. 27^., $9. COLMAN, Lyman. Ancient Chris- tianity Exemplified in the Private, Domestic, Social, and Civil Life of the Primitive Christians, and in the Original Institutions, Offices, and Rites of the Church. Pp. 645, 8vo. Phila.. 1853. Cox, H. The First Century of Christianity. Pp. 450, 8vo. Lend. : Longmans, 1886. 12^. CUTTS, Edward L., D.D. Notes of Lessons on the Church, in the New Testament. Pp. iv, 159, i2mo. N. Y. : Young, 1892. $1. Davidson, Samuel, D.D. The Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament. . . . See under Col- lected Works, p. 28. Everts, W. W., D.D. The Chris- tian Apostolate : its Principles, Methods, and Promise in Evan- gelism, Missions, and in Social Progress. Pp. 534, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1 891. $1.50. Farrar, F. W., D.D. The Early Days of Christianity. Pp. xvii, 664, 8vo. Lond. : Cassell ; N. Y. : Dutton, 1882. $2. FouARD, Constant, Abbe. Saint Peter and the First Years of Chris- tianity. Translated from the sec- ond Edition, with the Author's Sanction, by George F. X. Griffith. With an Introduction by Cardinal Gibbons. Pp.xxv, 422, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. 9^., $2. Hinds, S., and Newman, J. H. History of the Christian Church in the First Century. Pp. xvi, 336, 8vo. Lond. : Griffin, 1853. New ed., 1862. 3.y. dd. Humphrey, W. G. The Early Progress of the Gospel. See un- der Collected Works, p. 33. LiGHTFOOT, Bishop. Dissertations on the Apostolic Age. Reprinted from Editions of St. Paul's Epis- tles. Pp. 440, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 145., $4. Merivale, L. a. Christian Rec- ords. A Short History of the Apostolic Age. Pp. 440, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1857. 'js.dd. Neander, Augustus. History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles. Also his Antignostikus, or Spirit of Tertullian. Translated from the German by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols., pp. 559, 559, i2mo. Lond. : Bohn, 1 85 1, 'js. In I vol. Revised by Prof. E. G. Robinson. Pp. xxviii, 547. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1865. $6.50. Newman, F. W. Christianity in its Cradle. Pp. 132, i2mo. Lond. : Triibner, 1884. 2s. Paul of Tarsus. An Inquiry into the Times and the Gospel of the Apostle to the Gentiles. By a Graduate. Pp. 401, i2mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1872. $1.50. Pfleiderer, Otto, D.D. The Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity. See under Collected Works, p. 31. Renan, Ernest. The History of the Origins of Christianity. 7 vols., . p. 8vo.' Lond.: Mathieson, 1888. Each 2s. 6d. Book I. The Life of Jesus. Pp.372. 1889, Book II. The Apostles. Pp.240. 1888, Book III. St. Paul. Pp. 353. 1889. Book IV. The Antichrist. Pp. 31a 1889. Book V. The Gospels. Pp. 290, 1888. Book VI. Hadrian. Pp. 308 1888. Book VII. Marcus Aurelius. Pp 378. 1888. Rendall, Frederic. Theology of the Hebrew Christians. Pp. 162, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1886. SiMCOx, William Henry, M.A. The Beginnings of the Christian Church. Pp. xii, 428, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1881. js. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 195 Stanley, A. P. Sermons and Es- says on the Apostolic Age. Pp. 399, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1847. 3d ed., 1874. ys. 6d. Thatcher, Oliver J. A Sketch of the History of the Apostolic Church. Pp. 312, i2mo. Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton, 1893. $1.25. Vedder, H. C. The Dawn of Chris- tianity; or, Studies of the Apos- tolic Church. Pp. 208, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1894. 90 cents, Watson, J. A Course of Sunday School Lessons on the Church History of the New Testament. Pp. 204, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nat. Soc, 1885. IS. 6d. Watson, R. A. In the Apostolic Age : The Churches and the Doc- trine. Pp. 268, 8vo. Lond. : Kelly, 1894. 2s. 6d. Weizsacker, Carl von. The Apostolic Age of the Christian Church. Translated from the Second and Revised Edition, by James Millar, B.D. Pp. x, 405, 8vo. Lond. : Williams ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1894. $3.50. c. ante-nicene church. [1-325 A. D.] See also under History o/ all Periods and An- cient Period. Addis, W. E. Christianity and the Roman Empire. Pp. 228, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hare, 1893. 3^. 6d. Backhouse, E. Early Church History to the Death of Constan- tine. Edited and enlarged by Charles Tyler. Lond.: Hamilton, 1884. 2d ed., with an Appendix containing the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. Pp. 610, 8vo. 1885. i6s. 3d ed., 1892. y.6d. Bartlett, J. Vernon. Early Church History : a Sketch of the First Four Centuries. Pp. iii, 160, i6mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1894. 40 cents. Baur, Ferdinand. The Church History of the First Three Centu- ries. 3d ed. The Translation from the German, edited by the Rev. Allan Menzies. 2 vols., pp. xii, 256 ; xii, 300, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1878-1879. 21s. Bigg, Charles. The Christian Platonists of Alexandria. Pp. xxvii, 303, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1886. 6^.. $1.50. Blunt, J. J. History of the Church During the First Three Centuries. Pp. 318, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1857. 3d ed., 1 86 1, js. 6d. Burns, Islay. The History of the Church of Christ : v^nth a Special View to the Delineation of Chris- tian Faith and Life (from A. D. i to 313). Pp. 335, i2mo. Lond. : Nelson, 1862; N. Y. : Nelson, 1886. 5J-., $1.25. Burton, Edward. Lectures upon the Ecclesiastical History of the First Three Centuries. 2 vols., 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1831-1833. New ed., 8vo, 1855. 125-. Also Vols. IV and V of his Theolog- ical Works. See under Collected Works, p. 26. History of the Christian Church, from the Ascension of Jesus Christ to the Conversion of Constantine. i2mo. Lond.: Par- ker, 1836. New ed., 1850. Pp. 407, i2mo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1839. 5^., $1.25. CocQUEREL, Athanase. First Historical Transformations of Christianity. Translated by E. P. Evans. Pp. 264, i2mo. Bost.: Spencer, 1867. $1.50. Dollinger, John J. Ign. von. Hippolytus and Callistus ; or, The Church of Rome in the first Half of the Third Century. With special Reference to the Writings of Bun- 196 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. sen, Wordsworth, Baur, and Gies- eler. Translated, with Introduc- tion, Notes, and Appendices, by- Alfred Plummer. Pp. xxiv, 360, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1876. 95. DOLLINGER, J.J. I. The First Age of Christianity and the Church. Translated from the German by R.ev. H. Nutcombe Oxenham. 2 vols., pp. xxxii, 350 ; viii, 378, 8vo. Lond.: Allen, 1866. 3d ed., 1877. 12^. 6d. The Gentile and the Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ. Translated by N. Darnell. 2 vols., pp. 489, 437, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1862. 21 s. Giles, J. A. Apostolical Records of Early Christianity, from the Date of the Crucifixion to the Middle of the Second Century. Pp. 440, 8vo. Lond. : Reeves, 1886. los. 6d. GwATKiN, Henry Melville, M.A. Selection from Early Writ- ers. Illustrative of Church His- tory to the Time of Constantine. Pp. ix, 167, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 5^., $1.25. Hardy, E. G. Christianity and the Roman Government. Pp. xi, 208, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1894. 55., $1.50. Hatch, Edwin, M.A. The Or- ganization of the Early Christian Churches. See under Collected Works, p. 12. Heron, J. The Church of the Sub- Apostolic Age : its Life, Worship, and Organization in the Light of the Teaching of the Twelve Apos- tles. Pp. 306, 8vo. Lond. : Hod- der, 1888. ds. Hurst, John F., D.D. Short His- tory of the Early Church. Pp. vi, 134, i6mo. N. Y. : Chautauqua Pr., 1887. 40 cents. Jackson, F. J. Foakes. History of the Christian Church from the Earliest Times to the Death of Constantine, A. D. 337. With Chronological Tables, etc. Pp. 346, 8vo. Camb. : Hall, 1891. 6^. Jackson, George A. The Apos- tolic Fathers and the Apologists of the Second Century. [In Early Christian Literature Prim.ers.] Edited by Professor George P. Fisher, D.D. Pp. 203, i6mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1879. 60 cents. Jeremie, James Amiraux. His- toiyof the Christian Church in the Second and Third Centuries. Pp. viii, 206, i2mo. Lond. : Griffin, 1852. 9^. [Kaye,] John, D.D., Bishop of Lin- coln. The Ecclesiastical History of the Second and Third Centu- ries, illustrated from the Writings of Tertullian. Lond.: 1824. 3d ed., pp. xxxix, 548, 8vo. Lond., Rivington, 1845. 13^. Some Account of the External Government and Discipline of the Church of Christ during the first three Centuries. Pp. vii, 190, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1855. 5^. Kett, Henry, M.A. The Conduct and Opinions of the Primitive Christians, with Remarks on Gib- bon and Priestley. See under Col- lected Works, p. 19. Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia ; or, ; New Foes with an Old Face. \ [Historical Romance.] 2 vols., xxiv, 324; iv, 378, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1853. New ed., 1879. Frequently reprinted in cheap form. Lamson, Alvan. The Church of the First Three Centuries ; or. No- tices of the Lives and Opinions of some of the Early Fathers, with special Reference to the Doctrine of the Trinity ; illustrating its late Origin and gradual Formation. Pp. 352, 8vo. Bost. : Fuller, i860, $3. Maitland, Chas. The Church in the Catacombs. A Description HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 197 of the Primitive Cluirch of Rome. Illustrated by its Sepulchral Re- mains, Pp. 396, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1847. Mant, Richard. Primitive Chris- tianity. Exemplified and Illus- trated by the Acts of the Primitive Christians. Pp. 508, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1842. 125. Maurice, F. D. Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First and Second Centuries. Pp. xii, 401, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1854- los. 6d. Merivale, C. Four Lectures on Some Epochs of Early Church History. Pp. iv, 212, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1879. 5J., $1.50. MiLMAN, Henry H., D.D. The History of Christianity from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 vols.,8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1840. New ed., 1864. 36J. 3 vols, in 2, pp. 485, 478, 507, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1881. $4.50. MOSHEIM, John L. Historical Com- mentaries on the State of Chris- tianity during the first three hun- dred and twenty-five Years from the Christian Era ; being a Trans- lation of " The Commentaries on the Affairs of the Christians be- fore the Time of Constantine the Great." Edited by Rev. James Murdock. 2 vols., pp. xxvi, 437, 524, 8vo. N. Y. : Converse, 185 1. $6. Newman, John Henry. Callista ; a Sketch of the Third Century, [Historical Romance.] Pp. x, 382, i2mo. Lond.: Burns, 1873. "^s.dd. Historical Sketches. 3 vols., pp. [viii,] 421 ; xvi, 487 ; xiv, 446, i2mo. Lond.: Pickering, 1872- 1873. 3d ed., 1876. i8j. The Arians of the Fourth Cen- tury. i2mo. Lond.: Lumley, 1833. 5th ed., xix, 474. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1888. 6^., $2.25. PiNNOCK, W. H. An Analysis of Ecclesiastical Histor)- ; from the Birth of Christ to the Council of Nice, A. D. 325, with Questions and Examination Papers. Lond. : Whittaker, 1852. 5th ed., pp. 296, iSnrio. Camb. : Hall, 1859. -^s.hd. Plummer, Alfred, D.D. The Church of the Early Fathers; Ex- ternal History. i6mo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1887. IS. 6d.y 80 cents. Pressense, E. de. The Early Years of Christianity. Translated by Annie Harwood. 4 vols. Vol. I, The Apostolic Era, pp. 536; Vol. II, Christian Life and Prac- tice in the Early Church, pp. xvii, 528; Vol. Ill, The Martyrs and Apologists, pp. viii, 654 ; Vol. IV, Heresy and Christian Doctrine, pp. viii, 479, i2mo. N. Y. : Nelson, 1 873- 1 878. Each $1.7 5. Pye, H. J. A Short Ecclesiastical History; from the Conclusion of the Acts of the Apostles to the Council of Nice, A. D. 325. Pp. 171, 1 8 mo. Lond.: Masters, 1854. \s. 6d, Ramsay, W. M. The Church in the Roman Empire before A. D. 170. With Maps and Illustra- tions. (Mansfield College Lec- tures, 1892.) Pp.494, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder. Pp. xv, 493. N. Y. : Arm- strong, 1893. I2J., $3. RiviNGTON, Luke, Rev., M.A. The Primitive Church and the See of Peter. With an Introduction by the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster. Pp.482,8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1894. $5. SoRLEY, William Ritchie. Jew- ish Christians and Judaism ; a Study in the History of the First Two Centuries. 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1 88 1. 4J. 6d. 198 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Tayler, W. Elfe. Hippolytus and the Christian Church of the Third Century. With a copious Analysis of the newly-discovered MS. ; and a Translation of all its important Parts, from the original Greek. Pp. viii, 245. i2mo. Lond. : Hall, 1853. i^. 6d. Taylor, Isaac. Ancient Chris- tianity, and the Doctrines of the Oxford Tracts for the Times. 2 vols., pp. xii, 550; Ivii, 510, 8vo. Lond.: Jackson, 1839. 4th ed., Bohn, 1844. 155. Taylor, W. Cooke. History of Christianity ; from its Promulga- tion to its Legal Establishment in the Roman Empire. Pp. vii, 351, p. 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1844. 6s. 6d. Wordsworth, Chr., D.D. St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. From the newly- discovered " Refutation of all Her- esies." Lond. : Rivington. 2d ed., pp. ix, 319. 1880. 7s. 6d. d. POST-NICENE CHURCH. [325- 800 A. D.] See also under History of all Periods and A ncient Period. Allies, Thomas William. Peter's Rock in Mohammed's Flood. Pp. 530, 8vo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1890. $2.80. Backhouse, E., and Tylor, C. Witnesses for Christ, and Memo- rial of Church Life from the Fourth to the Thirteenth Century. A Se- quel to " Early Church History." 2 vols., pp. 1,030, 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1887. 2i.y. Bright, William. A History of the Church, from the Edict of Milan, A. D. 313, to the Council of Chalcedon, A. D. 451. Pp. 447, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, i860. 10s. 6d. Fleury, Abbe. The Ecclesiastical History of , [from 381-456.] Translated with Notes. 3 vols.. pp. cxx, 400; viii, 468; vii, 471, 8vo. Oxf.: Parker, 1842- 1844. 1 5 J. MiLMAN, Henry H. History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. 6 vols. Lond. : Murray, 1855. New ed., 9 vols. 1864. 84y. 8 vols, in 4. Pp.554, 551. 525, 555, 530, 539, 570. 561, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1 881. $6. Stephens, W. R. W., Rev., M.A. Sketch of the Church ... in the Fourth Century. See his Saint Chrysosto7n, under General Biog- raphy. Ullmann, Carl. Gregory of Nazianzen. A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century. Translated by G. V. Cox. Pp. 333, i2mo. Lond. : Parker, 185 1. 6j. 3. Mediaeval Period. [800-1517 A. D.] See also under History o/ ail Periods. Bryce, James. The Holy Roman Empire. 3d ed. Pp. xxvii, 479, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmil- lan, 1870. 7th ed., 1877. 7^. 6^., $2. Busk, W., Mrs. History of the Mediaeval Popes, Emperors, etc. A. D. 1125-1268. 4 vols., pp. 450, 452, 444, 452, 8vo. Lond. : Hookham, 1 854-1 856. 425. DURUY, Victor, of the French Academy. The History of the Middle Ages. Translated from the twelfth Edition by E. H. and M. D. Whitney. With Notes and Revisions by George Burton Adams, Professor of History in Yale University. Pp. xxvi, 588, i2mo; 13 maps. N. Y. : Holt, 1 891. $1.60. Greenwood, Alice D. Empire and Papacy in the Middle Ages. An Introduction to the Study of HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 199 Mediaeval History for Use in Schools. Pp. 220, p. 8vo. Lond. : Sonnenschein, 1892. 4s. dd. Hallam, Henry. View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 3 vols., pp. 498, 409, 488, Svo. Lond.: Murray, 1854. \Zs, N. Y. : Armstrong, 1880. Each $1.25. Frequent issues. Hardwick, Charles. A History of the Christian Church during the Middle Ages. From Gregory the Great to the Excommunication of Luther (A. D. 575-1517). Pp. xvi, 481, p. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1853. 3d ed. by William Stubbs. i2mo. 1872. loj. 6d, Hurst, John F., D.D. Short His- tory of the Mediaeval Church. Pp. vi, 120, i6mo. N. Y. : Chautau- qua Pr., 1887. 40 cents. KoEPPEN, Adolphus L. The World in the Middle Ages. 2 vols., pp. 458, 411, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1856. $2. Lea, H. C. Superstition and Force. Essays on the Wager of Law — The Wager of Battle— The Ordeal — Torture. Pp. 492, Svo. Phila. : Lea, 1866. 2d ed., revised, 1871. $2.75. Maclear, G. F. Apostles of Medi- aeval Europe. Pp. vi, 332, p. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1869. \s. 6d. Maitland, S. R. The Dark Ages. A Series of Essays intended to Il- lustrate the State of Religion and Literature in the 9th, loth, nth, and 1 2th Centuries. Pp. xxiii, 520, Svo. Lond.: Rivington, 1844. 3d ed., 1853. I2J-. MljATOViCH, C. Constantine, the Last Emperor of the Greeks ; or. The Conquest of Constantinople by the Turks (A. D. 1453), after the latest historical Researches. Pp. 234, p. Svo. Lond. : Low, 1892. 7s. 6d. MOELLER, W. History of the Chris- tian Church in the Middle Ages. Translated from the German by Andrew Rutherford. Vol. I, pp. 574; Vol. II, pp. vii, 561, Svo. Lond.: Sonnenschein ; N.Y. : Mac- millan, 1893. Each 15^., $3.75. Nasmith, D. Makers of Modern Thought; or, Five Hundred Years' Struggles (1200 A. D. to 1699 A. D.) between Science, Igno- rance, and Superstition. 2 vols., pp. 556, p. Svo. Lond.: Philip, 1892. 12S. PtJTZ, WiLHELM. Handbook of Mediaeval Geography and History. Translated from the German by Rev. R. P. Paul, M.A. Pp. 223. i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1850. 75 cents. Still, C. J. Studies in Mediaeval History. Pp. 474, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1S82. 2d ed., 1888. $2. Trench, Richard C. Lectures on Mediseval Church History ; being the Substance of Lectures deliv- ered at Queen's College, London. Lond.: Macmillan, 1S77. 2d ed., 1879. Pp- 444' ^^'o- N- Y- • Scrib- ner, 1878. 12s., $3. Wyse, J. A Thousand Years ; or. The Missionary Centers of the Middle Ages. Pp. 186. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1872. 2s. 6d. 4. Modern Period. [1517-1894 A.D.] See also under History 0/ all Periods. Blunt, John H. A Key to the Knowledge of Church History (Modern). See p. 185. Chastel, Etienne. Christianity in the Nineteenth Century. A Re- ligious and Philosophic Survey of the Immediate Past, according to the Spirit of Jesus. Translated by J. R. Beard. Pp. xiii, 238, i2mo. Lond.: Williams, 1S75. 5^. 200 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hagenbach, K. R. History of the Church in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Edinb. : Clark, 1858-1859. 21^. Trans- lated, with Additions, by John F. Hurst. 2 vols., pp. 516, 493, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1869. $6. Hurst, John F., D.D. Short His- tory of the Modern Church in Eu- rope. Pp. vi, 126, i6mo. N. Y. : Chautauqua Pr., 1888. 40 cents. Johnston, James, Rev. A Cen- tury of Christian Progress and its Lesson. Pp. 214, 8vo. N. Y. and Chic: Revell, 1889. $i. Kurtz, J. H. History of the Chris- tian Church, from the Reforma- tion to the Present Time. Trans- lated from the German. Pp. ix, 447, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1863. ys. 6d. QuiNET, Edgar. The Religious Revolution of the Nineteenth Century. Pp. 104, i2mo. Lond. : Triibner, 1881. i^. 6^. Stebbing, Henry, D.D. History of the Christian Church, from the Diet of Augsburg, 1530, to the Eighteenth Century. Originally designed as a Continuation of Mihier's History. 3 vols., pp. viii, 520 ; iii, 504 ; vi, 502, 8vo. Lond. : Cadell, 1842. New ed., 2 vols., i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1850. I2J. Williamson, A. Aspects of Faith and Religion in the Seventeenth Century. Pp. 156, 8vo. Lond.: Gardner, 1892. 3^. td. 5. Reformation. a. forerunners. BONNECHOSE, E. DE. The Reform- ers before the Reformation. The Fifteenth Century, John Huss, and the Council of Constance. Trans- lated by Mackenzie. Pp. 374, 8vo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1851. 5^. Burrows, Montagu. Wiclif's Place in History. Three Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford in 1881. Pp. 135, i2mo. Lond.: Isbister, 1882. New ed., 1884. 3^. dd. Gillett, E. H. The Life and Times of John Huss ; or. The Bo- hemian Reformation of the Fif- teenth Century. 2 vols., pp. 632, 651, 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1863. $7. Hodgson, William. The Lives, Sentiments, and Sufferings of some of the Reformers before, since, and independent of the Lutheran Ref- ormation. Pp.465, 1 2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1867. $2. LeBas, Charles Webb. The Life of Wiclif. Pp. xviii, 395, i6mo. Lond., 1832 ; N. Y. : Harper, 1832. Lechler, Prof. John Wicklif and his English Precursors. Trans- lated from the German, with Ad- ditional Notes, by Peter Lorimer. 2 vols. Lond. : Paul, 1878. New ed. in i vol., pp. xvi, 551, 8vo. 1881. \os. 6d. Oliphant, Margaret, Mrs. The Makers of Florence : Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their City. Pp. 422, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1876. New ed., 1891. los. 6d. Pennington, Arthur Robert. John Wiclif : his Life, Times, and Teaching. i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1884. 3^. ROSSETTI, G. Disquisitions on the Antipapal Spirit which Produced the Reformation. Translated by Miss Ward. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 287 ; iv, 259, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1834. i8j. Shirley, Walter W. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. Pp. 644, 8vo, Oxf. : Eng. Text. Soc, 1858. Prefixed is an account of Wyclif and his work. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 20I Ullmann, C. Reformers before the Reformation ; principally in Germany and the Netherlands. I, John of Goch ; II, John of Wesel ; III, The Brethren of the Common Lot and the German Mystics; IV, John Wessel. Translated by Rev. Robert Menzies. 2 vols., pp. xxv, 416; xiv, 636, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1855. 21S. b. REFORMERS, LIVES OF. I. By Authors. Adams, Emma H. Savonarola, the Florentine Martyr. Pp. vi, 160, i2mo. San Fr. : Pac. Pr., 1890. 50 cents. Bayne, Peter. Martin Luther, his Life and Work. 2 vols., pp. xi, 5 1 8 ; ix, 583, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Cassell, 1887. 24^., $5. Bexrath, Karl. Bernardino Ochino. See under Reformation in Italy. Bersier, Eugene. Coligny. The Earlier Life of the great Reformer. Translated by Annie Harwood Holmden. Pp. xxxvi, 351, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1884. 7^. dd. Blackburn, William M., Rev. Ulrich Zwingli, the Patriotic Re- former. A History. Pp. 324, i2mo. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub., 1868. $1.30. British Reformers, The Lives OF the. [Paging not consecu- tive.] i2mo. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub., 1844. $1.25. Brook, B., Rev. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Cart- wright, B.D., the distinguished Puritan Reformer; including the principal ecclesiastical Movements in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Pp. vi, 489, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1845. 5^. Bungener, Felix. John Calvin: his Life, his Labors, and his Writings. Translated from the French. 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1862. %s. 6d. BUNSEN, C. C. J. Life of Martin Luther. See under Biography. Christoffel, R. Zwingli. See under Reformation in Switzer- land. Clark, W. R. Savonarola, his Life and Times. Pp. viii, 390. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1878. 35. 6d. Pp. ii, 352, i2mo. Chic. : McClurg, 1890. $1.50. Dalton, H. John a Lasco : his Earlier Life and Labors. See under Reformation, General His- tory. Demans, R. William Tyndale. A Biography. His Life and Charac- ter as Shown in his Correspond- ence and W^orks. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Smith, 1873. 21J. DOWDING, W. C. George Calixtus. German Theology during the Thirty Years' War. The Life and Correspondence of George Calix- tus. Pp. xii, 350, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1863. Zs. 6d. Drummond, Robert Blackley, B.A. Erasmus, his Life and Character as shown in his Corre- spondence and Works. 2 vols., pp. xi, 413 ; vii, 380, i2mo. Lond. : Smith, 1873. 21J. Dyer, Thomas H. The Life of John Calvin, compiled from Au- thentic Sources, and particularly from his Correspondence. Pp. xi, 458, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1850. $1.50. Ellis, James, Rev, Hugh Latimer. See under Biography. Gosse, R. W. Ulric Zwingle. Pp. 160, p. 8vo. Lend.: Nisbet, 1892. IS. 6d. GuizOT, F. P. G. Great Christians of France. Saint Louis and Calvin. Pp. vi, 364, i2mo. Lond.: Mac- millan, n. d. (1868.) ^.6d. 202 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hare, Julius Charles. Vindica- tion of Luther against his Recent English Assailants. Pp. iv, 308, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1855. 7s. Henry, Paul. Life and Times of Calvin. Translated by Henry Stebbing. 2 vols., pp. xxvi, 519 ; vi, 456, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1851. $3. Holt, Emily S. John de Wycliffe, the First of the Reformers, and what he did for England. Pp. iii, 217, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1884. $1.25. HOTTINGER, J. J. The Life and Times of Ulric Zvvingli. Trans- lated from the German by Rev. Prof. T. C. Porter. Pp. vii, 421, i2mo. Harrisburg: Scheffer, 1856. $1.25. KosTLiN, Julius. Life of Luther. With Illustrations from authentic Sources. Translated from the German. Pp. xvi, 587, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans: N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. 16^., $2.50. Ledderhose, Charles Fred- erick. The Life of Philip Me- lanchthon. Translated from the German by the Rev. G. F. Krotel. Pp. 364, i2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1855. $1. Lewis, John. The History of the Life and Sufferings of John Wick- lif, D.D., etc. Pp. 389, 8vo. Oxf. : Payne, 1820. los. 6d. LORIMER, Peter, Rev. Patrick Hamilton, the First Preacher and Martyr of the Scottish Reforma- tion. An historical Biography . . . , with an Appendix of. . . . Letters. Pp. xvi, 267, i6mo. Edinb. : Con- stable, 1857. New ed., 1862. 3^.6^. John Knox and the Church of England. His Work in her Pulpit and his Influence upon her Lit- urgy, Articles, and Parties. A Monograph founded upon several important Papers of Knox never before published. Pp. xii, 317, 8vo. Lond.: King, 1875. 12^. Loserth, Johann. Wiclif and Huss : from the German, by the Rev. M. J. Evans, Pp. xxxiv, 366, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. 7s. 6d., $2.50. McCrie, Thomas, D.D. Life of John Knox ; containing Illustra- tions of the Reformation in Scot- land : with biographical Notices of the principal Reformers. . . . Edinb.: Blackwood, 1 811. 5th ed., 1 831. js. 6d. Am. ed., pp. 579, 8vo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., n. d. %2. The Early Years of John Cal- vin. A Fragment. 1 509-1536. Pp. [vi,] 199, 8vo. Edinb. : Doug- las, 1880. 6s. MiCHELET, Jules. Life of Luther. Translated by William Hazlitt. Lond. : Bickers, 1857. New ed., pp. XV, 477, i2mo. Bohn, 1862. y. 6d. Motley, J. Lothrop. The Life and Death of John of Barneveldt. 2 vols., pp. vii, 475 ; xv, 389, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1879. $4. Rae, John. Martin Luther : Stu- dent, Monk, Reformer. With Six Illustrations. Pp. xiii, 486, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1893. js.Gd. Reformers, The: Lectures deliv^- ered at St. James's Church, Pais- ley, by Ministers of the United Presbyterian Church. Pp. viii, 470, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1885. 6s., $2. Rogers, Charles, Rev., LL.D., editor. Three Scottish Reform- ers, Alexander Cunningham, . . . Henry Balnaves, and John David- son of Prestonpans, with their poetical Remains and Mr. David- son's " Helps for Young Scholars in Christianity. " Pp. iv, 168, 8vo. Lond. : Lond. Repr. Soc, 1874. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 203 Sample, Robert F., D.D. Beacon- lights of the Reformation ; or, Romanism and the Reformers ; with Introduction by Rev. John Hall, D.D. Pp. vii, 452, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1889. $1.50. Sears, Barnas, D.D. The Life of Luther; with Special Reference to its earlier Periods and the opening Scenes of the Reformation. Pp. 486, i6mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un., 1850. $1.50. Seebohm, Frederic. The Oxford Reformers, John Colet, Erasmus, and Thomas More. Being a His- tory of their Fellow Work. Pp. xiv, 55i,8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1867. 3d ed., 1887. 14s. Strauss, D. F. Life and Times of Ulrich von Hutten. Pp. 394, 8vo. Lond. : Daldy, 1874. ios.6d. Tauler, John (of Strasburg). History and Life. Translated by Susanna Winkworth, and a Preface by Rev. Charles Kingsley. 4to. Lond.: Smith, 1856. With Introduction by Roswell D. Hitch- cock, D.D. Pp. xxxix, 481, i6mo. N.Y.: Wiley, 1858. 7s. 6d., $1.50. Taylor, W. M., D.D. John Knox. Pp. vi, 217, i2mo. N. Y. : Arm- strong, 1885. $1.25. TULLOCH, John. Leaders of the Reformation. Luther, Calvin, Lat- imer, and Knox. Pp. 309, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood ; Bost. : Gould, 1859. 2d ed., i860. 6s. 6d., $1. Vaughan, Robert, D.D. John de Wycliffe. A Monograph. Pp. iv, 583, sq. 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1853. 12S. Villari, Pasquale. History of Girolamo Savonarola. See p. 209. Wiffen, Benjamin B. Life and Writings of Juan de Valdes. other- wise Valdesso, Spanish Reformer of the Sixteenth Centruy. With a Translation of his hundred and ten Considerations, by John T. Betts. Pp. xiii, 590, 8vo. Lond. : Qua- ritch, 1865. 14^. Worsley, Henry. The Life of Martin Luther. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 396; viii, 419, 8vo. Lond. 2. By Subjects. The following is only a finding list for the preceding Bibliography of lives of the Re- formers. For full titles see preceding rubric. Balnaves. Henry, by Charles Rogers. Barneveldt, John of, by J. Lothrop Mot- ley. Calixtus, George, by W. C. Dowding. Calvin, John, by Felix Bungener, F. P. G. Guizot, Paul Henry, Thomas Mc- Crie, John Tulloch. Cartwright, T., by B. Brook. Cunningham, Alexander, by Charles Rog- ers. Colet, John, by Frederic Seebohm. Davidson, John, by Charles Rogers. Erasmus, by Robert B. Drummond, Fred- eric Seebohm. Hamilton, Patrick, by Peter Lorimer. Huss, John, by E. H. Gillett, Johann Loserth. Hutten, Ulrich von, by D. F. Strauss. Knox, John, by Peter Lorimer, Thomas McCrie, W. M. Taylor, John Tulloch. Lasco. John 6, by H. Dalton. Latimer, Hugh, by James Ellis, John Tulloch. Luther, Martin, by Peter Bayne, J. C. Hare, Julius Kostlin, J. Michelet, J. Rae, Barnas Sears, J. Tulloch, H. Wors- ley. Melanchthon, Philip, by Charles F. Ledder- hose. More, Thomas, by Frederic Seebohm. Ochino, Bernardino, by Karl Benrath. Savonarola, by Emma H. Adams, W. R, Clark, Pasquale Villari. Tauler, John, Anonymous. Valdes, Juande, by Benjamin B. Wiffen. Wycliffe, John de, by Emily S. Holt, John Lewis, fohann Loserth, Robert Vaughan. Zwingli, Ulrich, by William M. Blackburn, J. J. Hottinger, R. W. Gosse, R. Christ- offel. C. GENERAL HISTORY OF THE REF- ORMATION. Beard, Charles, B.A. The Ref- ormation of the Sixteenth Cen- tury in its relation to Modern Thought and Knowledge. See under Collected Works, p. 21. Cunningham, William. The Re- formers and the Theology of the Reformation. Edited by his Lit- erary Executors. Pp. vi, 616, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1862. loj. dd. 204 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Dalton, H. John A. Lasco : his Earlier Life and Labors. A Contribution to the History of the Reformation in Poland, Germany, and England. Translated from the German by Rev. Maurice J. Evans. Pp. 376, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1886. js. 6d. D'AUBIGNE, J. H. Merle. History of the Great Reformation of the Six- teenth Century in Germany, Switz- erland, etc. 5th ed., 8vo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1848-1852. 5 vols., i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1856. $6. In I vol., 8vo. 1875. $3. New ed., I vol., 4to. Lond. : Collins, 1874. 21 s. History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. Translated from the French. 8 vols., pp. 451, 493, 492, 522, 498, 546, 605, 484, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1880. $8. Fisher, George P. The Reforma- tion. Pp. xxxiv, 620, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1873. New ed., 1875. $2.50. Fletcher, C. R. L. Gustavus Adolphus and the Struggle of Prot- estantism. Pp. XV, 316, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1890. $1.50. Gaillard, Thomas. The History of the Reformation in the Church of Christ; continued from the Close of the Fifteenth Century. Pp. XV, 557, 8vo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1847. $2.50. Guinness, H. Grattan. Roman- ism and the Reformation, from the Standpoint of Prophecy. Pp. 402, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1887. Hardwick, Charles. A History of the Christian Church during the Reformation. Lond.: Bell, 1856. 3d ed., revised by William Stubbs. Pp. xi, 424, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y.: Macmillan, 1873. los. 6d., $3. Hausser, Ludwig. The Period of the Reformation. 1 517-1648. Translated by Mrs. G. Sturge. 2 vols., p. 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1873. I vol., pp. 725, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1874. New ed., 1884. i2>s. $2.50. The same, edited by W. Oncken. Pp. 710, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Gemmell, 1885. js. 6d, Hurst, John F., D.D. Short His- tory of the Reformation. Pp. iv, 125, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1884. 40 cents. Krauth, Charles P. The Con- servative Reformation and its The- ology. Pp. 855, 8vo. Phila.: Lip- pincott, 1 87 1. $5. Le Mesurier, Thomas, M.A. The Nature and Guilt of Schism . . . with. . . . Reference to the Principles of the Reformation. See under Collected Works, p. 20. Luther, Martin. First Principles of the Reformation; or, The Nine- ty-five Theses and the Three Pri- mary Works. Translated into En- glish, edited, with theological and historical Introductions, by Henry Wace and C. A. Buchheim. Pp. 330, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1884. \2S. Martyn, W. Carlos. [The Great Reformation. 5 vols.] i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, (1866-1868.) $7. Vol. I. The Life and Times of Martin Lu- ther. Pp.550. Vol. II. The Dutch Ref- ormation : a History of the Struggle in the Netherlands for Civil and Religious Liberty in the Sixteenth Century. Pp. 823. Vol. III. A History of the Hugue- nots. Pp. 528. Vol. IV. A History of the English Puritans. Pp. 496. Vol. V. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England : a History. Pp. 432. Moore, A. C. Lectures and Papers on the History of the Reformation in England and on the Continent. Pp. 536, 8vo. Lond. : 1890. 'js. 6d. Mori SON, John. The Protestant Reformation in all Countries ; in- cluding Sketches of the State and Prospects of the Reformed Churches. Pp. xx, 527, 8vo. Lond.: Fisher, 1843. Reduced, 1846. 6s. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 205 POCOCK, Nicholas, M.A. Records of the Reformation. The Divorce, 1 527-1 533. . . . Collected and ar- ranged by — . 2 vols., pp. Ixxxviii, 592 ; 684, 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1870. 36^. Ranke, Leopold. The Popes of Rome : their Ecclesiastical and Political History during the i6th and 17th Centuries. Translated from the German by Sarah Aus- tin. Lond. : Murray, 1840. 4th ed., 3 vols., pp. 385, 414,481, 8vo. 1866. 305. Seebohm, Frederic. The Era of the Protestant Revolution. With Notes on Books in English, Relating to the Reformation, by George P. Fisher. With Maps. Pp. 265, i6mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1874. 2d ed., 1875. $1. TULLOCH, John. Leaders of the Reformation : Luther, Calvin, Latimer, and Knox. See p. 7.0'^. ViLLERS, Charles. An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation of Luther. Prize Essay. Translated by James Mills^ and Abridged by Rev. W. Marsh. Pp. iv, 187, i6mo. Phila. : Key, 1833. Lond. : Holdsworth, 1836. 55 cents, 4^. dd. Waddington, George. A History of the Reformation on the Conti- nent. 3 vols., pp. 439, 402, 403, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1841. 36^. Ward, Adolphus William. The Counter-Reformation. Pp. ix, 203, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans; N. Y. : Randolph, 1889. 2S. 6d., 80 cents. d. reformation according to countries. I. Bohemia. See also under General History of the Refor- mation. Gillett, E. H. Life and Times of John Huss. See p. 200. Krasinski, Valerian. Sketch of the Religious History of the Sla- vonic Nations. Bohemia. Pp. xxiv, 118, 8vo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 1 85 1. IS. (yd. [PeschecK. C. a.] Reformation and Anti-Reformation in Bohemia. 2 vols., pp. xii, 443 ; iv, 442. 8vo. Lond.: Houlston, 1845. 185. Whately, E. J., Miss. The Gos- pel in Bohemia : Sketches of Reli- gious History. Pp. 236, 8vo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1877.^ 2s. 6d. 2. England. Also see Lollards, and the General History of the Reforvtation. Blunt, John Henry. The Refor- mation of the Church of England : its History, Principles, and Results (A. D. 1 514-1547). Part I, pp xi, 567, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington 1868. 4th ed., 1878. N. Y. :Pott 1874. \6s., $4.50. Part II, pp xi, 622, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington; N. Y.: Young, 1882. 15^., $4. Blunt, J. J. Sketch of the Refor- mation in England. i8mo. Lond.: Tegg, 1835. New ed., 1848. Am. ed., pp. 298, i2mo. Phila.: Mar- shall ; N. Y.: Hooker, 1837. '>^s.td., 75 cents. Burke, S. H. Men and Women of the English Reformation, from the Days of Wolsey to the Death of Cranmer. 2 vols., pp. 384, 390, i2mo. Lond. : Washbourne, 1871. 13J. Historical Portraits of the Tudor Dynasty and the Reforma- tion Period. 2 vols., pp. xii, 534; xii, 546, 8vo. Lond. : Hodge. 1879. 30J. Burnet, Gilbert. The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. With the Collection of Records and an Index. Re- vised and Corrected, vvithadditiona I Notes, by the Rev. E. Nares. 206 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 4 vols., pp. xlviii, 592 ; xxxv, 652 ; xliii, 543 ; 622, 8vo. Lond. : Scott, n. d. Same, new ed., by Pocock, 7 vols., 8vo. Macmillan, 1865. 84^-. Church, The, in the British Isles. See under Special Church His- tory, National, England. Fitzgerald, W. Lectures on Ec- clesiastical History, including- the Origin and Progress of the Eng- lish Reformation from Wickliffe to the great Rebellion. Edited by the Rev. William Fitzgerald and John Quarry. With Memoir of the Author's Life and Writings. 2 vols., pp. 580, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1885. lis. Geikif, Cunningham. The English Reformation. How it Came about, and Why we should Uphold it. Pp. xviii, 512, i2mo. Lond.: Strahan, 1878. N. Y. : Appleton, 1879. 1^' 6^M $2. Gray, Robert, M.A. On the Principles upon which the Refor- mation of the Church of England was Established. See under Col- lected Works, p. 19. Heylyn, Peter. Ecclesia Res- taurata ; or, The History of the Reformation of the Church of England, with the Life of the Au- thor, by John Barnard. Edited by J. C. Robertson. 2 vols., pp. 531, 506, 8vo. Lond.: Eccl. Hist. Soc, 1849. iO-^« 6^' Horne, Thomas, B.D. The Reli- gious Necessity of the Reformation asserted, and the Extent to which it was carried in the Church of England vindicated. See under Collected Works, p. 21. Marshall, W. Wycliffe and the Lollards. Pp. 126, i2mo. Edinb. : Oliphant, 1884. \s. Masstngberd, F. C. History of the EngHsh Reformation. Pp. 525, i2mo. Lond.: Parker, 1844. 3d ed., 1857. 6j. Pennington, A. R. God in the History of the Reformation in Germany and England, and in the Preparation for it. Pp. 304, 8vo. Lond. : Macintosh, 1869. 55. Perry, George G. History of the Reformation in England. Pp. xii, 222, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y.: Randolph, 1886. 2s. 6d., 80 cents. Sander, Nicholas, D.D. Rise and Growth of the Anglican Schism. Published 1585, with a Continuation of the History, by the Rev. Edward Rishton, B.A. Translated, with Introduction and Notes, by David Lewis, M.A. Pp. cxlvii, 380, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1877. 145. Shaw, W. Hudson. Introductory Lectures on the Oxford Reform- ers, Colet, Erasmus, and More, delivered in Philadelphia in 1893 under the Auspices of the Ameri- can Society for the Extension of University Teaching. Pp. 83, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Soc. Ext. Univ. Teaching, 1893. 50 cents. SOAMES, H. History of the Refor- mation of the Church of England. 4 vols., pp. xvi, 518 ; viii, 647 ; viii. 768 ; xvi, 750, 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1 826-1 827. 66^. Williams, John, Bp., D.D. Studies on the English Reformation. [Pad- dock Lectures.] Pp. 288, i2mo. N.Y. : Dutton, 1881. $1.25. Wirgman, a. Theodore. The English Reformation and the Book of Common Prayer, 1531- 1662 : with Preface and additional Notes by Rev. William J. Gold. • Pp. ii, 100, i6mo. Milwaukee : Y. Churchm. Co., 1887. 50 cents. Worsley, H. The Dawn of the English Reformation : its Friends and its Foes. Pp. 392, 8vo. Lond.: Stock, 1890. io.y. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 207 3. Frattce. See also General History of the Reformation. Agnew, D. C. a. Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV ; or, The Huguenot Refugees and their Descendants in Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols., 4to. Lond. : Reeves, 1871. 14-y. 3d ed., pp. [viii,] 457; [vi,] 548, fo. 1886. (For private circulation.) Baird, Charles W. History of the Huguenot Emigration to America. 2 vols., pp. xix, 354; xi, 448, 8vo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1884. $3-50- Baird, Henry M. History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2 vols., pp. xxvii, 577; xxvi, 681, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879. New ed., 1883. $3.50. The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vols., pp. xxii, 458 ; xvii, 525, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1886. $3. Blackburn, W. M. Admiral Co- ligny and the Rise of the Hugue- nots. 2 vols., pp. 384, 394, i2mo. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub., 1869. $3. Browning, W. S. A History of the Huguenots. A New Edition, continued to Present Time. Pp. 452, 8vo. Phila. : Lea, 1845. $1. Bungener, L. F. The Priest and the Huguenot ; or, Persecution in the Age of Louis XV. Translated from the French. 2 vols., pp. 408, 480, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1854. $2.25. D'Aumale, Le Due. History of the Princes de Cond6, in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. From the French, by Robert Brown Borth- wick. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 411 ; xiii, 448, 8vo. Lond.: Bentley, 1872. 30J. Delmas, Louis. The Huguenots of La Rochelle. ... An Historical Sketch. Translated from the French by George L. Catlin. Pp. xiv, 295, i2mo. N-Y. : Randolph, 1880. $1.75. Hanna, William. Wycliffe and the Huguenots. Pp. 280, 8vo. Edinb. : (Hamilton,) i860. 5^. Wars of the Huguenots. Pp. 327, i2mo. Edinb. : (Hamilton,) 1 87 1. i6mo. N. Y. : Carter. 5^., $1.25. Marsh, M. A., Mrs. The Protes- tant Reformation in France ; or, History of the Huguenots. 2 vols., pp. XV, 327 ; vii, 306, i2mo. Phila.: Lea, 1 85 1. $2. Martyn, W. Carlos. A History of the Huguenots. See p. 204. Masson, Gustave. The Hugue- nots : A Sketch of their History from the Beginning of the Refor- mation to the Death of Louis XIV. Pp. 192, i2mo. N. Y. : Cassell, 1882. 50 cents. Parkman, Francis. France and England in North America. Part I. Bost.: Little, 1865. i6th ed., pp. xxii, 427, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1879. $2.50. Part I, pp. 1-162, is on the Huguenots in France. Poole, Reginald Lane. A His- tory of the Huguenots of the Dis- persion at the Recall of the Edict of Nantes. Pp. viii, 208, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1880. ds. Smiles, Samuel. The Huguenots in France, after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. With a Visit to the Country of the Vau- dois. Pp. xii, 436, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1874. $2. The Huguenots: their Settle- ments, Churches, and Institutions in England and Ireland ; with an Appendix Relative to the Hugue- nots in America. Pp. 44^, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1868. $2. Strack, C. Renata of Este. A Chapter from the History of the 208 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Reformation in France and Italy. Translated by Catherine E. Hurst. Pp. 252, i6mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1873. $1.25. Weiss, C. History of the French Protestant Refugees, from the Rev- ocation of the Edict of Nantes to our own Days. From the French, by H. W. Herbert. 2 vols., pp. 382, 420, i2mo. N. Y. : Stringer, 1854. $2.50. White, Henry. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Preceded by a History of the Religious Wars in the Reign of Charles IX. Pp. 497, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1868. $1.75. 4. Germany. See also General History of the Re/ormation. Beard, Charles, B.A. Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany until the Close of the Diet of Worms. Edited by J. Frederick Smith. Pp. 468, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1889. 16^. Good, James I., Rev., D.D. The Origin of the Reformed Church in Germany. Pp. 507, i2mo. Read- ing: Miller, 1887. $1.50. Hagenbach, Karl R. History of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland Chiefly. Trans- lated from the 4th Revised Edition of the German, by E^velina Moore. 2 vols., pp. xi, 422 ; xii, 436, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1878, 1879. 2 1 J. Pennington, A. R. See p. 206. Ranke, Leopold. History of the Reformation in Germany. Trans- lated by Sarah Austin. 3 vols., pp. 564, 540, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1 845-1 847. In I vol., pp. 453, 8vo. Phila.: Lea, 1844. 48J., %\. Scott, John. Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. 2 vols., i8mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1833. New ed., pp. 692. 1848. $1.50. Seiss, Joseph A., D.D. Luther and the Reformation : the Life- springs of our Liberties. Pp. 206, i2mo. Phila.: Porter, 1884. $1. Sleidan, John. The General His- tory of the Reformation of the Church from the Errors and Cor- ruptions of Rome, Begun in Ger- many by Martin Luther. 1517- 1556. With a Continuation to the Council of Trent, 1562. From the Latin. Pp.638, 100, fo. Lond.: 1689. 5. Holla7td. See also General History of the Re/ormation. Brandt, Gerard. The History of the Reformation in and about the Low Countries: from the Begin- ning of the Eighth Century down to the famous Synod of Dort, in- clusive. 4 vols., pp. 481, 590, 492, 553, fo. Lond. : 1720. [Charles, Elizabeth.] The Mar- tyrs of Spain and Liberators of Holland. 8vo. Lond. : Nelson. New ed., 1869. 5^. Martyn, W. C. The Dutch Refor- mation. See p. 204. Motley, John Lothrop. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. A History. N. Y. : Harper, 1861- 1868. New ed., 3 vols,, pp. ix, 579, 582, 664, 8vo. 1879. S6. History of the United Nether- lands : from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce — 1609. With Portraits. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. New ed.. 4 vols., pp. xii, 532 ; vii, 563 ; x, 599 ; vii, 632, 8vo. 1879. $8. The Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland. With a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of the Thirty Years' War. 2 vols., pp. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 209 xii. 389; vii, 475, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1879. $4. Van Pelt, Daniel, Rev. A Church and her Martyrs. Pp. 336, i6mo. Phila. : Presb. Bd. Pub., 1889. $1.15. 6. Italy. See also under General History of the Refor- mation^ ajid Aldigenses, Waldenses, and Vaudois. Benrath, Karl. Bernardino Ochi- no, of Siena ; a Contribution to- wards the History of the Refor- mation. Translated from the Ger- man by Helen Zimmern. With Introductory Preface by William Arthur, A.M. Pp. xv, 304, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1876. 9J. Clark, William R. Savonarola ; His Life and Times. See p. 199. COMBA, E. See p.2\\. Dinwiddie, William. Times Be- fore the Reformation ; with an Account of Fra Girolamo Savon- arola, the Friar of Florence. Pp. vi, 381, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1880. $1.25. IMcCrie, T. Progress and Suppres- sion of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century ; with a Sketch of the Reformation in the Grisons. P. 8vo. Edinb. : Black- wood, 1827. Pp.412, i2mo. Phila.: Presb. Bd. Pub., 1856. 6.y., $r. Oliphant, Margaret, Mrs. The Makers of Florence. Dante, Gi- otto, Savonarola, and their City. Pp. XX, 396, 8vo. Lond. : Macmil- lan, 1876. Latest ed., 1889. ios.6d. Rule, William H. Savonarola; with Events of the Reign of Pope Alexander VI. Pp. 272, i2mo. Lond. : Mason, 1855. $s. 6d. Savonarola, Girolamo. The Life and Times of — ; illustrating the Progress of the Reformation in Italy during the Fifteenth Cen- tury. Pp. xxiv, 420, i6mo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1843. 6s. 6d. 15 Savonarola, Jerome. The Tri- umph of the Cross. Translated from the Latin, with Notes and a Biographical Sketch, by O. T. Hill. Pp. xlviii, 258, i2m'o. Lond. : Hodder, 1868. 5^. Stoughton, John, D.D. Foot- prints of the Italian Reformers. Pp. vi, 308, sm.4to. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. ^s. Strack, C. Renata of Este. See p. 207. Symonds, John Addington. Re- naissance in Italy : the Catholic Reaction. 2 vols., pp. xii, 430 ; vi, 433, 8vo. N. Y. : Holt, 1887. $7. ViLLARi, P. The History of Giro- lamo Savonarola, and of his Times. Translated from the Italian, by Leonard Horner. 2 vols., pp^ xU. 359; viii, 401, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1863. i8j. New ed. Lond. : Unwin ; N. Y. : ScrLbner, 1889. 32.f., $10. Young, M. The Life and Times^ of AonioPaleario; or, A History of- the Italian Reformation in the Six- teenth Century. Illustraited by original Letters and Unedited; Documents. 2 vols., pp;. vi,. 588 ; xi, 650, 8vo. Lond. i Bell,, i860. 7. Poland. See also under General History of the Raf ord- ination. D ALTON, H. See p. 204. Krasinski, Valerian. Histor- ical Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of the Reformation in- Poland. 2 vols., pp.. xxi, 415;. xxiii, 573, 8vo. Lond..: Murray,, 1838. 21J. 8. Scatlaud. See also under General History of the Refor- mation. Cook, George.. Histor)^ of the Reformation in Scotland ; with an Introductory Book>, and. an Ap^ 2IO LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. pendix. 3 vols., pp. xvi, 398 ; xii, 420; cii, 316, 8vo. Lond. : Hurst. 2d ed., 1 819. 36J. Hetherington, W. M. History of the Church of Scotland, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Period of the Disruption, May 18, 1843. 2 vols., pp. xxxiv, 502, 576, 8vo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 1 841. 7th ed., 1853. I2s. Keith. R. History of Affairs in Church and State in Scotland, from 1527 to 1568. See Collect- ed Works, p, 38. Lorimer, Peter, D.D. The Scot- tish Reformation : a Historical Sketch. Pp. vii, 264, sm. 4to. Lond. and Glasg. : Griffin, i860. \os. 6d. Scott, J. M. The Martyrs of An- gus and Mearus : Sketches in the History of the Scottish Reforma- tion. Pp. 296, p. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1886. 5^. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland, delivered in Edinburgh in 1872. Pp. xiv, 207, 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1872. 2d ed., 1879. N. Y. : Scribner, 1872. Cheap ed., 1877. ys. 6d., $1.50. Tercentenary Book, The. Com- memorative of the Completion of the Life and Work of John Knox, of the Huguenot Martyrs of France, and the Establishment of Presbytery in England. See un- der Presbyteria7t Church. 9. Spain. See also under General History 0/ the Re/or. mat ion. BOEHMER, E., editor. Spanish Re- formers of Two Centuries. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Trlibner, 1 874-1 883. Castro, A. De. History of Reli- gious Intolerance in Spain. Pp. 240, 8vo. Lond. : Bennett, 1853. 4J. 6d. [Charles, Elizabeth.] The Mar- tyrs of Spain and the Liberators of Holland. See under p. 208. McCrie, Thomas. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Six- teenth Century. Pp. viii, 424, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1829. \os. 6d. Prescott, William H. History of the Reign of Philip II. 3 vols., 8vo. Bost. : Phillips, 1855. New ed., pp. xxxvi, 618; xvii, 610. Phila. : Lippincott, 1882. $4.50. Stoughton, J., Rev., D.D. The Spanish Reformers : their Memo- ries and Dwelling Places. Pp. 340, 4to. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1883. Wylie, J. A., Prof. Daybreak in Spain : its New Reformation. Pp. 424, 8vo. Lond.: Cassell, 1870. 6^. 10. Sweden. See also under General History of the Refor- mation. Anjou, L. a. History of the Ref- ormation in Sweden. Translated from the Swedish by Henry L. Mason, D.D. Pp. 608. i2mo. N.Y.: Sheldon, 1859. $1.50. Butler, C. M., D.D. The Refor- mation in Sweden ; its Rise, Prog- ress, and Crisis, and its Triumph under Charles IX. Pp. iv, 259, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1883. $1.25. 1 1 . Switzerland. See also under General History of the Refor- mation. Blackburn, W., D.D. William Farel : the Story of the Swiss Reformation. Pp. 360, i2mo. Edinb.: Oliphant, 1867. ^s.dd. Christoffel, R. Zwingli ; or. The Rise of the Reformation in Switzerland. A Life of the Re- former, with Notices of his Times and Contemporaries. Translated HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 211 from the German by John Coch- ran, Esq. Pp. vii, 462, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1858. Reduced, i860. 6s. Hagenbach, Karl R. Seep. 208. Willis, R. Servetus and Calvin. A Study of an Important Epoch in the Early History of the Refor- mation. Pp. xvii, 541, 8vo. Lond. : King, 1877. i6s. e. THE COUNTER-REFORMATION. Beard, Charles. Port Royal: a Contribution to the History of Re- ligion and Literature in France. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1861. New ed., 1873. 12s. Bossuet, J. B. The History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches. Translated from the last French edition. 2 vols., pp. 432, 424, 8vo. Dublin, 1829. N. Y. : Sadlier, n. d. $3. Buckley, Theodore A. The Canons and Decrees of the Coun- cil of Trent. Literally translated into English. Pp. xiii, 399, i2mo. Lond.: Routledge, 1851. 6s. History of the Council of Trent, compiled from a comparison of Various Writers ; with a chrono- logical Summary. Pp. xxxi, 549, i2mo. Lond.: Routledge, 1852. 6s. Bungener, L. F. History of the Council of Trent. From the French. Edited by John F. Mc- Clintock. Pp. xlii, 546, i2mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1852; N. Y. : Har- per, 1855. 7s. 6d., $1.50. Campbell, Arabella. The Life of Fra Paolo Sarpi, Theologian and Counsellor of State to the most Serene Republic of Venice, and Author of the History of the Council of Trent. From original MSS. Pp. vii, 253, 8vo. Lond. : Molini, i"869. 3^. 6d. CoxE, William. History of the House of Austria from the Foun- dation of the Monarchy by Ru- dolph of Hapsburgh to the Death of Leopold II, 1 218-1792. 4th ed., 3 vols., pp. xvi, 528 ; xii, 522 ; viii, 592, 8vo. Lond. : Bohn, 1847- 1853. Continuation of same to Revolution of 1848. By W. K. Kelly. Pp. cxxvii, 468. 1853. New issue, 1889. Each 3^. 6d. Daurignac, J. M. History of the Society of Jesus from its Founda- tion to the Present Time. Trans- lated by James Clements. 2 vols., pp. xvii, 421; 399, 8vo. Bait.; Murphy, 1878. §4. Gardiner, S. R. The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648. Lond.: Longmans ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1874. 3^. 6d., $1. GiNDELY, Anton. History of the Thirty Years' War. Translated by Andrew Ten Brook. 2 vols., pp. xxi, 456 ; vii, 456, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1886. N. Y. : Putnam, 1884. 24s., $4. Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. Pp. ix, 302, i2mo. Lond. : Heinemann ; N. Y.: Scribner. Last ed., 1892. 7s. 6d., %\. Neale, J. M. History of the so- called Jansenist Church of Hol- land, with a sketch of its Earlier Annals, and some Account of the Brothers of the Common Life. Pp. X, 411, 8vo. Oxf. : Rivington, 1858. 10^. 6d. Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the Seven- teenth Century. Pp. Ixxxix, 463, 8vo. Bost. : Brown, 1867. New ed., 1891. $2.50. Ranke, Leopold. The History of the Popes. Their Church and State in the Sixteenth and Seven- teenth Centuries. Translated by W. K. Kelly. 2 vols. Lond.: Bohn, n. d. Pp. 503, 50?. 8vo. Phila.: Lea, 1841; N. Y. : Scrib- ner. $2.50. Often reprinted. 212 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Schiller, J. F. The History of the Thirty Years' War. Trans- lated by A. J. W. Morrison. Pp. iv, 370, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1846. $2.50. Steinmetz, Andrew. History of the Jesuits. 3 vols., pp. xii, 510; 514; 636, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley; Phila. : Lea, 1848. 45^., $6. Stephen, James, Sir. Loyola. [In Essays in Ecclesiastical Biog- raphy. Pp. 663, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1875. ys. 6d.'\ Taylor, Isaac. Loyola and Jesu- itism in its Rudiments. Lond., 1849. New ed., 1863. Pp. iv, 416, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1852. $1.25. Tregelles, S. p. The Jansenists : their Rise, Persecutions by the Jesuits, and Existing Remnant. Pp. xii, 98, i2mo. Lond.: Bag- ster, 1 85 1. 2s. 6d. Trench, R. C. Gustavus Adol- phus, and Other Lectures on the Thirty Years' War. Pp. 114, 8vo. Lond., 1865 : N. Y. : Macmiilan, 1872. $1.50. Ward, A. W. The House of Aus- tria in the Thirty Years' War. Two Lectures, with Notes and Il- lustrations. Lond. : Macmiilan, 1869. 2s. 6d. The Counter-Reformation. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Put- nam, 1 88- 2s. 6d.,%i. W^ATERWORTH, J. The Canons and Decrees of the Sacred and (Ecumenical Council of Trent, celebrated under the sovereign Pontiffs Paul III, Julius III, and Pius IV. Pp. ccxiii, 326, 8vo. Lond.: Burns, 1848. los. 6d. V. SPECIAL CHURCH HIS- TORY—DENOMINATIONAL. I. Introduction. Allen, Joseph Henry. Three Phases of Modern Theology : Cal- vinism, Unitarianism, Liberalism. Pp. iii, 70, i2mo. Bost. : Ellis, 1880. 35 cents. American Christian Record, The: Containing . . .the History, Confession of Faith, and Statistics of each Religious Denomination in the United States and Europe. ... Pp. 696, i6mo. N. Y. : Clark, i860. $1.25. Beecher, Thomas K. Our Seven Churches (Lectures). Pp. viii, 167, i6mo. N. Y. : Ford, 1870. $1. Belcher, Joseph, Rev. The Religious Denominations of the United States, their History, Doc- trine, Government, and Statistics. 8vo. Phila.: Potter, 1854; Indian- apolis: Stearns, 1856. $5. Blaikie, Alexander. The Phi- losophy of Sectarianism ; or, A Classified View of the Christian Sects in the United States, etc. 8vo. Lond. : Low, 1854. Pp.362, i2mo. Bost.: Phillips, 1855. 6s. 6d., $1.50. Blunt, John H. A Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Religious Thought. See_/>. 11. Davis, Tamar, Mrs. A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches : embracing Accounts of the Armenian, East Indian, and Abyssinian Episcopacies, Walden- ses, Semi-Judaisers, Sabbatarian Anabaptists . . . with the Seventh- Day Baptist Denomination. Pp. 255, i6mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1851. 75 cents. Marsden, J. B. Dictionary of Christian Churches and Sects from the Earliest Ages of Chris- tianity. See p. 12. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Chrisli Americana; or. The Ec- clesiastical History of New Eng- land, 1 620- 1 698. Lond., 1702. Reprinted, 2 vols., 8vo. N. H. : Andrus, 1820 and 1853. $5. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 213 Rupp, I. Daniel. History of the Religious Denominations in the United States. Pp. 734, 8vo. Phila. : Humphreys, 1844. $3.50. SCHEM, A. J. The American Ec- clesiastical Year Book ; contain- ing : I, The Present Religious Statistics of the World. H, A Brief Religious History of all Denominations in all Countries during the Past Year. Pp. 237, i2mo. N. Y. : Dayton, i860. $1. 2. Albigenses, Waldenses, and Vaudois. Arnaud, Henri. The Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys, with a Compendious His- tory of that People, Previous and Subsequent to that Event, by Hugh D. Acland. Pp. cxix, x, 239, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1827. New French ed., Paris : Grassart, 1879. 30^. Authentic Details of the Waldenses, in Piedmont and other Countries ; with Abridged Translations of Bresse's and Ar- naud's Histories. Pp. 464, 8vo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1827. 12s. COMBA, Emilio, D.D. History of the Waldenses of Italy from their Origin to the Reformation. Translated by T. E. Comba. Pp. xiii, 345, 8vo. Lond. : Truslove ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1889. 7s. 6d., S2.25. Faber, George Stanley. His- tory and Theology of the Walden- ses. Pp. 596, 8vo. Lond. : See- ley, 1838. I2.y. GiLLY, W. S. Narrative of an Ex- cursion to the Mountains of Pied- mont, in the Year 1823, and Re- searches among the Vaudois and Waldenses. Pp. xxiii, 284; Ap- pendix, Ixxxv, 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1825. iSs. Same, and Waldensian Re- searches during a Second Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont, with an Introductory Inquiry into the An- tiquity and Purity of the Walden- sian Church. 2 vols., pp. 560, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1825- 1831. 21s. Henderson, E. The Vaudois ; comprising Observations made during a Tour to the Valleys of Piedmont in 1844. together with Remarks Respecting the Origin, History, and Present Condition of that People. Pp. xii, 262, i2mo. Lond. : Snow, 1845. New ed., 1858. 4s. Macduff, J. R. The Exiles of Lucerna ; or. The Sufferings of the Waldenses during the Persecution of 1686. Pp. 160, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1851. 5th ed., 1871. 2s. 6d. Melia, Pius. Origin, Persecution, and Doctrines of the Waldenses. Pp. 360, 8vo. Lond. : Toovey, 1870. los. 6c/. MONASTIER, A. History of the Vaudois Church, from its Origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont, to the Present Day. Pp. xii, 432, i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1848. N. Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1849. 75 cents. MUSTON, Alexis. The Israel of the Alps. A History of the Per- secutions of the Waldenses. Translated by William Hazlitt. Pp.vii, 312, i2mo. Lond.: Ingram, 1852. The Israel of the Alps. A complete History of the Walden- ses and their Colonies, prepared in great part from unpublished Documents. Translated by the Rev. John Montgomery, A.M., with a documentary Appendix on the Origin of the Waldenses, by the Translator. 2 vols., pp. xxx, 478 ; xvi, 540, 8vo. Glasg. : Blackie, 1875. 21s. SiSMONDI, J. C. L. SiMONDE DE. History of the Crusades against 214 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY, the Albigenses, in the 13th Cen- tury. With introductory Essay by the Translator. Pp. xl, 266, 8vo. Lond. : Wightman, 1826. Ss. Smiles, Samuel. Visit to the Country of the Vaudois. See p. 207. Todd, J. H., D.D. Books of the Vaudois : Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Pp. 260, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1865. ds, WiLLYAMS, Jane L. A Short His- tory of the Waldensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont. With a Preface by W. S. Gilly. Pp. 328, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1855. 5^. WORSFOLD, J. N. The Vaudois of Piedmont : Visits to their Valleys. With a Sketch of their History to the Present Date. Pp. 146, p. 8vo. Lond.: Shaw, 1873. New ed., 1885. 3^. 6d. 3. Baptists. Armitage, Thomas, D.D. A His- tory of the Baptists traced by their Vital Principles and Practices, from the Time of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the Year 1886. With an Introduction by J. L. M. Curry, D.D. Pp. 900, 8vo. N. Y.i Bryan, 1886. $6. Backus, Isaac. A History of New England ; from 1629 to 1804. With particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. 2d ed., with Notes by David Weston. 2 vols., pp. x, 538 ; ix, 584, 8vo. Newton, Mass., 1 87 1. 90 cents. First published 1777-1784, abrid^red 1804, which last was tne ist ed. of above work. Bailey, James, Rev. History of the Seventh-Day Baptist General Conference : from its Origin, 1802, to its 53d Session, 1865. Pp. 322, i2mo. Toledo: Bailey, 1866. $1.50. Benedict, David. General His- tory of the Baptist Denomination in America, and other Parts of the World. 2 vols., pp. 606, 556, 8vo. Bost.: Lincoln, 181 3. N.Y.: Colby, 1848. In I vol., pp. viii, 970. 1850. $3.50. Fifty Years among the Baptists. Pp. 437, i2mo. N. Y. : Sheldon, i860. $1. Burrage, Henry S., D.D. A His- tory of the Baptists in New Eng- land. Pp. 317, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1894. $1.25. Burrows, J. L, D.D. What Bap- tists Believe. Pp. 320, i6mo. Bait. : Woodward, 1893. 60 cents. Cook, R. B., D.D. The Story of the Baptists in all Ages and Countries. Pp. 416, i6mo. Bait.: Wharton, 1885. $1.50. Cox, F. A., and HOBY, J. The Baptists in America ; a Narrative of the Deputation from the Bap- tist Union in England to the United States and Canada. Pp. 476, i2mo. N. Y. : Leavitt ; Phila. : Perkins, 1836. $1. Cramp, J. M., D.D. Baptist His- tory. From the Foundation of the Christian Church, to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. Pp. 598, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1869. $2.25. Cutting, S. S. Historical Vindica- tions. A Discourse on the Prov- ince and Uses of Baptist History ; with Appendices containing His- torical Notes and Confessions of Faith. Pp. 224, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1859. $1. Dexter, Henry Martyn, As to Roger Williams, and his Banish- ment from the Massachusetts Plantation ; with a few further Words Concerning the Baptists, the Quakers, and Religious Lib- erty : a Monograph. Pp. vi, 146, 4to. Bost.: Cong. Pub. Soc, 1876. $2. The True Story of John Smith, the Se-Baptist, as told by Himself HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 21 and his Contemporaries. With an Enquiry whether Dipping were a new Mode of Baptism in Eng- land in or about 1641. . . . With Collections toward a iiibliography of the first two Generations of the Baptist Controversy. Pp. viii, 106, 4to. Bost. : Lee, 1881. Ephrata Society. Chronicon Eph- ratense : a History of the Com- munity of Seventh-Day Baptists at Ephrata, Pa., by Lamech and Agrippa ; from the original Ger- man by J. Max Hark, D.D. 8vo. Lancaster, Pa.: Zahm, 1859. $2.50. Evans, B. Early English Baptists. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Heaton, 1862- 1864. 20s. Everts, W. W., D.D. Baptist Layman's Book : A Compend of Baptist History, Principles, Prac- tice, and Institutions. Pp. 180, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1887. 75 cents. Haynes, D. E., Rev. The Baptist Denomination : its Origin, Rise, and Identity with the Primitive Church. i2mo. Charleston : Smith, 1856; Bost.: Brown, 1875. $1.50. IviMEY, J. History of the English Baptists. 3 vols., pp. 572, 620, 614. and Index, 8vo. Lond.: Holdsworth, 1811-1823. 2>^s. Jarrel. W. a., D.D. Baptist Church Perpetuity ; or. The Con- tinuous Existence of Baptist Churches from the Apostolic to the Present Day, Demonstrated by the Bible and by History. Pp. 479, i2mo. Dallas, Tex.: the author, 1894. $2. Jeter, Jeremiah B. Campbellism Examined. Pp. 369, i2mo. N. Y.: Sheldon, 1854. Campbellism Reexamined. Pp. 94, i2mo. N.Y.: Sheldon, n. d. %i. Lard, Moses E. A Review of Rev. J. B. Jeter's Book entitled Campbellism Examined. With an Introduction by Alexander Campbell. Pp. 297, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1857. $1. Lorimer, George C. The Bap- tists in Histor)'. With an Intro- duction on the Parliament of Reli- gions. Pp. 117, i2mo. Bost.: Silver, 1893. 75 cents. Millet, Joshua, Rev. A History of the Baptists in Maine; together with brief Notices of Societies and Institutions. Pp. 472, i2mo. Port- land : Day, 1845. Moss, Lemuel, editor. The Baptist and the National Centenary. A Record of Christian W^ork, 1776- 1876. Pp. 310, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1876. $1.50. Semple, R. B. History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists in Virginia. Revised and enlarged by Rev. G. W. Beale. Pp.' x, 536, i2mo. Richmond: Pitt, 1894. Si. 50. Stewart, J. D. The Histor>- of the Freewill Baptists for Half a Century. Pp. 479, i2mo. Dover, N. H. : Freewill Bap. Print. Es- tab., 1862. $1.50. Underhill, Edward Bean. Confessions of Faith and other Public Documents, illustrative of the History of the Baptist Churches of England in the 17th Century. Edited for the Hanserd KnoUys Society. Pp. xv, 360, 8vo. Lond. : Haddon, 1854. los. 6d. Vedder, Henry C. A Short His- tory of the Baptists. Pp. 245, i2mo. Phila.: Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1892. $1. Wayland, Francis. Principles and Practice of Baptist Churches. Pp.336, i2mo. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1858. Si. W^eishampel, J. F., Jr., editor. His- tory of the Baptist Churches in Maryland connected with the Maryland Baptist Union Associa- 2l6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tion. Pp. 220, 8vo. Bait, printed, 1885. $1.50. priv. Whitsitt, William H., D.D., LL.D. Origin of the Disciples of Christ (Campbellites). A Contri- bution to the Centennial Anniver- sary of the Birth of Alexander Campbell. Pp. [iv,] 112, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1888. $1. Williams, A. D. Memorials of the Free Communion Baptists. 8vo. Dover, N. H. : Freewill Bap. Print. Estab., 1873. $1. Rhode Island Freewill Baptist Pulpit. Pp. 398, i2mo. Dover, N. H. : Freewill Bap. Print. Estab., 1852. Bost. : Gould, 1853. $1. Williams, William R. Lectures on Baptist History. Pp.359, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, (1877.) $1.75. Wood, J. H. A Condensed History of the General Baptists of the New Connexion. Preceded by Histori- cal Sketches of the Early Bap- tists. Pp. xvi, 376, i6mo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1847. 5^. Wright, Stephen. History of the Shaftesbury Baptist Association, 1781-1853 ; with some Account of the Associations formed from it Pp. 464, i2mo. Troy: Johnson, 1853. 4. Church of England and Colo- nies. Anderson, J. S. M. The History of the Church of England, in the Colonies and Foreign Dependen- cies of the British Empire. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1844- 1855. 2d ed., pp. xl, 512; xix, 582; XX, 654, 1 2mo. 1856. 24s. [Blunt, John Henry, Rev., M.A., editor]. Doctrine of the Church of England, The, as stated in Eccle- siastical Documents set forth by Authority of Church and State in the Reformation Period, 1536- 1662. Pp. xvi, 220, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1868. ys. 6d. Bode, John Ernest, M.A. The Absence of Precision in the For- mularies of the Church of Eng- land, Scriptural and Suitable to a State of Probation. Se^ under Collected Works, p. i\. Boultbee, T. p. a History of the Church of England. Pre-Refor- mation Period. Pp. 459, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1879. 15.^. Theology of the Church of Eng- land. Pp. xxxii,3io, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1871. 65. [Capes, John Moore, M.A.] Rea- sons for Returning from the Church of Rome to the Church of England. Pp. 233, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1871. ^s. Cardwell, Edward. Documen- tary Annals of the Reformed Church of England. Being a Col- lection of Injunctions, Declara- tions, Orders, and Articles of In- quiry, from 1 546-1 7 1 6. 2 vols. Oxf. : Parker, 1839. New ed., pp. xxiv, 471, 464, 8vo. 1844. i8i-. Synodalia. A Collection of Ar- ticles of Religion, Canon, and Pro- ceedings of Convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from 1547 -1717; with Notes, Historicaland Explanatory. 2 vols., pp. xxxv, 857, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1842. 19^. Carwithen, J. B. S. The History of the Church of England to 1688. With a Memoir of the Author. 3 vols. Oxf. : Parker, 1830-1833. 2d ed., 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 582, 614, i2mo. 1849. I2J- Cattermole, R. The Literature of the Church of England, indicat- ed in Selections from the Writings of Eminent Divines. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 492 ; vii, 501, 8vo. Oxf. : Par- ker, 1844. 2 5 J. J HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 217 Church of England, The, in the Reigns of the Tudors, with Preliminary Notices of the Ecclesi- astical History of our Country from the Earliest Times. Pp. 252, i6mo. Lond. :i85i. 2s. 6d. CUTTS, E. L. A Dictionary of the Church of England. Pp. 660, p. 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1887. 7s. 6d. Dansey, William, M.A. Horae Decanicce Rurales. An Attempt to Illustrate, by a Series of Notes and Extracts, the Name and Title, the Origin, Appointment, and Functions, Personal and Capitular, of Rural Deans. With . . . Re- marks on the Rise and Decay of Rural Bishops 2 vols., pp. xliv, 328, [iv,] 563, sm. 4to. Lond.: Rivington, 1834. 2d ed., 1844. 249. Days of Queen Mary, The ; or, Annals of her Reign, Containing Particulars of the Restoration .of Romanism, and the Sufferings of the Martyrs during that Period. Pp. xiv, 382, i2mo. New ed. N. Y.:Revell, 1892. $1. Debary, T. History of the Church of England. Pp. 490, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, i860. 145. Dictionary of the English Church. Ancient and Modern. Pp. 479, 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1 88 1. 7s.6d. Diocesan Histories. 8 vols., i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K. ; N.Y.: Pott. Each 2s. York. By George Ormsby, M.A., F.S.A. Pp. 440. n. d. Oxford. By the Rev. Edward Marshall, M.A., F.S.A. Pp. iv, 301. 1882. Peterborough. By George Ayliffe Poole, M.A. Pp. viii, 247. n. d. Canterbury. By Robert C. Jenkins, M.A. Pp. 428. 1880. Salisbury. By William Henry Jones, M.A., F.S.A. Pp. 287. 1880. Durham. By J. L. Low, M.A. Pp. [vi,] 340. 1881. Selsey-Chichester, the South Saxon Dio- cese. By W. R. W. Stephens. Pp. vii, 282. 1881. St. Asaph. By D. R. Thomas. Pp. 136. i£88. Dixon, R. W. History of the Church of England from the Abo- lition of the Roman Jurisdiction. Vol. I. Pp. 540. 1877. Vol. II. Pp. 606. 1880. Vol. III. Edward VI, A.D. 1549-1553- Pp- 606. 1885. 8vo. Lond. : Vol. I, Smith & E., Vols. II and III, Rutledge, 1877-1885. Each i6j. Eaton, Arthur Wentworth, B.A. The Church of England in Nova Scotia, and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution. Pp. xiv, 320, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1891. 81.50. Faussett, Godfrey, M.A. The Claims of the Established Church to Exclusive Attachment and Sup- port. See under Collected Works ^ f. 21. Gibson, E., Bp. Codex Juris Ec- clesiastici Anglicani, or Statutes, Constitutions, Canons, Rubrics, and Articles of the Church of England Methodically digested, with a Commentary, historical and judicial. Appendix, etc. 2 vols., fo. Lond.: Savoy, 1713. New ed., Oxf., 1 761. Hore, a. H. History of the Church of England for Schools and Fam- ilies. Pp. xxiv, 544, p. 8vo. Lond.: Parker; N. Y. : Dutton, 1893. New ed. 5.?., $1.50. JEBB, John. Pastoral Instructions on the Character and Principles of the Church of England. Pp. 380, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1831. New ed., 1844. 6.9. Jennings, Arthur Charles, Rev., M.A. Ecclesia Anglicana: a History of the Church of Christ in England from the Earliest to the Present Times. Pp. 570, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1882. $2.25. Joyce, James Wayland, M.A. Acts of the Church 1 531-1885. The Church of England her own Reformer as testified by the Rec- ords of her Convocations. With Appendix containing legal Instru- ments ancient and modern. Pp. 2l8 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. xvi, 383, 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1866. los. 6d. Lanstry, J., Rev., M.A., D.C.L. Colonial Church Histories. His- tory of the Church in Eastern Canada and Newfoundland. Pp. vi, 256, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. $1. Lathbury, Thomas, Rev., M.A. A History of the English Episco- pacy; from the Period of the Long Parliament to the Act of Uniform- ity ; with Notices of the Religious Parties of the Times, and a Re- view of Affairs in England from the Reformation. Pp. xv, 363, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1836. 12s. Lee, Frederick George, D.D. The Church under Queen Eliza- beth. An Historical Sketch. With Introduction on the present Position of the EstabUshed Church. 2 vols., pp. Ixiv, 326; xii, 411, p. 8vo. Lond.: Allen, 1880. 21s. Lewis, J. The Reformation Settle- ment ; being a Summary of the public Acts and Official Docu- ments relating to the Law and Ritual of the Church of England, 1 509-1666. Pp. 504, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1885. 12s. 6d. Meyrick, F., Rev. The Doctrine of the Church of England on the Holy Communion restated as a Guide at the Present Time. Pref- ace by the Lord Bishop of Win- chester. Pp. 224, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1885. 2s. 6d. Molesworth, William Nassau, M.A. History of the Church of England from 1660. Pp. xx, 426, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1882. ys. 6d. Oldham, A. L. Why we are Churchmen : Seven Plain Reasons. With a Preface by Edgar C. S, Gibson. Pp. 238, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1894. 2s. 6d. Overton, John H., D.D. The English Church in the Nineteenth Century, (i 800-1 833.) Pp. viii, 350, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1894. $4.50. Palin, William, M.A. The His- tory of the Church of England, from the Revolution to the last Acts of Convocation, 1688-17 17. Pp. xxviii, 427, i6mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1851. Ss. 6d. Perry, George G. The History of the Church of England, from the Death of EHzabeth to the Present Time. 3 vols., pp. xv, 664 ; xvi, 691 ; xii, 628, 8vo. Lond. : Saunders, 1 861-1864. 63^. Same, with Appendix con- taining a History of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the United States, by J. A. Spencer, D.D. Pp. xiv, 690, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1879. $2.50. A History of the English Church, from the Planting of the Church in Britain to the Accession of Henry VHI. Pp. xi, 571, p. 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1881. 7^.6^/. A History of the English Church from the Accession of Henry VHI to the Silencing of Convocation in the i8th Century. Pp. xiv, 621, p. 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1878. ys. 6d. Vox Ecclesiae Anglicanae on the Church, Ministry and Sacraments. A Selection of passages from the writings of the Chief Divines of the Church of England. . . . Pp. xvi, 344, i6mo. Lond.: Riving- ton, 1868. 6s. Short, Thomas V., Bp. Sketch of the Church of England, to the Revolution, 1688. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1832. 8thed.,8vo. Long- mans, 1870. ys. 6d. Am. ed., pp. xxviii, 352. Phila. : Campbell, 1843. $1.50. SOAMES, Henry, M.A. . . . The Doctrines of the Anglo-Saxon Church. See under Collected Works, p. 21, HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 219 Treble, E. J., Rev. Plain Teach- ing about the Church of England : A Brief General Explanation of Her Position, Doctrine, and Ritual. Pp. ix, 187, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Grif- fith, 1894. 2s. 6d. Trotter, E. B. The Church of England: her Early History, her Property, and her Mission. Five Lectures. . . . Pp. 202, p. Svo. Lond.: Longmans, 1887. 5^. Tucker, H. W. The English Church in other Lands; or. The Spiritual Expansion of England. Pp. 228, p. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1886. 2s. 6d., 80 cents. TwYSDEN, R. Vindication of the Church of England, in Point of Schism. Edited by George Corrie. Pp. xvi, 244, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1847. [Camden Soc. Pub.] 7s. 6d. Weir, Archibald, and Mac- lagan, William Dalrymple, editors. The Church and the Age. Essays on the Principles and Pres- ent Position of the Anglican Church. Pp. xii, 499, Svo. Lond. : Murray, istand2ded., 1870. 14J. Whittuck, Charles A., M.A. The Church of England and Re- cent Religious Thought. Bv Charles A. Whittuck, M.A. Pp. xii, 308, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. ; Macmillan, 1893. 7s. 6d., $2. 5. Congregationalism. See also under Dissent and Dissenters. Bacon, Leonard. The Genesis of the New England Churches. Pp. xvi, 485, Svo. N. Y.: Harper, 1874. $2.50. Historical Discourses, on the Completion of Two Hundred Years, from Beginning of the First Church in New Haven, Conn. Pp. viii, 400, Svo. N. H. : Durrie, 1839. Bost. : Maltby, 1849. $1.50. Bradford, Amory H., D.D. Andover Lectures on Congrega- tionalism. The Pilgrim in Old New England. A Review of the History, Present Condition and Outlook of the Independent (Con- gregational) Churches in England. Pp. xvii, 344, Svo. N. Y. : Fords, 1S93. $2. Browne, John, B.A. History of Congregationalism and Memorials of the Churches in Norfolk and Suffolk. Pp. iv, 627, Svo. Lond. : Jarrold, 1S77. Clarke, Dorus. Orthodox Con- gregationalism and the Sects. Pp. 169, i2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1871. 2d ed., 1872. 50 cents. Coleman, Thomas. Memorials of the Independent Churches in Northamptonshire ; with Bio- graphical Notices of their Pastors, and some Account of the Puritan Ministers who labored in the Country. Pp. xii, 392, i2mo. Lond.: Snow, 1853. 4-y. Dale, R. W., D.D., LL.D., editor. The International Congregational Council. Lond., 1891. Author- ized record. Pp. xxxiii, 41 8, Svo. Lond.: Clarke, 1S91. Dexter, Henry M. Congregation- alism. What it is ; Whence it is ; How it Works ; Why it is Better than any other Form of Church Government, and its Consequent Demands. Pp. 338, Svo. Bost. : Nichols, 1865. 4th ed., revised and enlarged, i2mo. Bost. : Lockwood, 1S76. $2. The Congregationalism of the last Three Hundred Years, as Seen in its Literature. With a Bibliographical Index. Pp. xxxviii, 326, 4to. N. Y. : Harper, iSSo. $6. Dunning, Albert E., Rev., D.D. Congregationalists in America : a Popular History of their Origin, 220 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Polity, Growth, and Work. Pp. 550, 8vo. N. Y. : Hill, 1894. $2.75. Fletcher, Joseph. History of Independency in England, A.D. 1 588-1828. With an Introducto- ry History of the Development of the Principles of Independency in the Earliest Times. 4 vols., pp. XX, 284 ; xii, 291 ; xvi, 284 ; xv, 296, i2mo. Lond. : Snow, 1 847-1 849. New ed., 1862. 4^. Hambury, Benjamin. Historical Memorials relating to the Inde- pendents, or Congregationalists ; from their Rise to the Restoration of the Monarchy, A. D. 1660. 3 vols., pp. XX, 588 ; xvi, 583 ; xvi, 652, 8vo. Lond. : Cong. Un. of Eng. and Wales, 1839. 31^. 6d. Hawes, J. Vindication of the Con- gregational Churches. See under United States. Huntington, G., Rev. Outlines of Congregational History. Pp. viii, 201, V, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. S. S. and Pub. Co., 1886. %\. Ladd, George T., D.D. The Principles of Church Polity. Pp. xxiv, 433, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1882. $2.50. Magoun, George F., D.D. Asa Turner, a Home Missionary Patri- arch and his Times ; Introduction by A. H. Clapp. D.D. Pp. 345. i2mo. Bost.: Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1889. S1.75. " A History of Congregationalism in its Early Days." MlALL, James G. Congregational- ism in Yorkshire. A Chapter of Modern Church History. Pp. viii, 395, 8vo. Lond.: Snow, 1868. Ts. 6d. Potter, William James. The First Congregational Society in New Bedford, Mass. : its Histoiy as Illustrative of Ecclesiastical Evolution. Pp. 151, 8vo. New Bedford, Mass. : Lawton, 1889. 50 cents. PUNCHARD, George. A View of Congregationalism ; its Principles and Doctrines, the Testimony of Ecclesiastical History in its Favor, its Practice and its Advan- tages. Pp. 331, i2mo. Andover: Ward well, 1844. New ed., with Introduction by R. S. Storrs. i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc. $1.25. History of Congregationalism, from about A. D. 250 to the Pres- ent Time, in Continuation of the Account of the Origin and Earli- est History of this System of Church Polity contained in " A View of Congregationalism." i vol., pp. 388, i2mo. Salem : Jew- ett, 1841. 4vols., i2mo. Bost.: Cong. Pub. Soc, 1 865-1 880. 2d ed. of first 3 vols., 1867. Religious Republics. Six Es- says on Congregationalism. Pp. 280, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1869. Ss. 6d. Reynolds, H. R., editor. Eccle- sia. Church Problems Considered. Essays. 2 series, pp. 600, 412, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1 870-1 871. 14J. Ross, A. Hastings. The Church Kingdom : Lectures on Congre- gationalism delivered on the South- worth Foundation in the Andover Theological Seminary. Pp. xxii, 386, 8vo. Bost.: Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1888. $2.50. SiBREE, John, and Caston, M. Independency in Warwickshire ; a Brief History of the Independent or Congregational Churches in that County, containing Biograph- ical Notices of their Pastors... Pp. viii, 424, 8vo. Lond. : Ward, 1855. 5^. Slate, R. A Brief History of the Rise and Progress of the Lanca- shire Congregational Union; and of the Blackburn Independent Acad- emy. Pp. vii, 148, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1840. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 221 Uhden, H. F. The New England Theocracy ; a History of the Con- gregationalists of New England to the Revivals of 1740. Trans- lated from the German by H. C. Conant. Pp. 303, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1858. 81. Waddington, John, D.D. Sur- rey Congregational Histor}'. Pp. xiv, 400, i6mo. Lond. : Jackson, 1866. 5 J. Congregational History. First Series, 1 200-1 567, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1869. Second Series, 1567- 1700, 8vo, 1874. Third Series, 1700-1800, 8vo, 1876. Fourth Series. 1 801-1850, 1878. Fifth Series, 1 850-1 880. Pp. xxvii, 748 ; xxiv, 710 ; xvi, 720 ; xv, 656 ; XV, 636, 8vo. 1st Series, Lond.: Snow, 1869. 2d-5th Series, Lond. : Longmans, 1880. 76.?. Walker, Williston, Prof. A History of the Congregational Churches in the United States. Pp. xii, 451, 8vo. N. Y.: Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. Contains a Bibliography of Congregation- alism. 6. Coptic Church. Butler, A. J. The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt. 2 vols., pp. 800, 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1884. 30J. Describes the Present Condition of the Coptic Churches. Denton, William C. E. The An- cient Church in Egypt. Pp. 24, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1883. dd. EVETTS, B. T. A. Rites of the Coptic Church. 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1888. IS. Lane, Edward W. An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians. Seep. 123. Malan, S. C. Original Documents of the Coptic Church. 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1872-1875. \\s. 6d. Includes : The Divine Liturgy of St. Mark the Evangelist. Pp. 63. The Calendar of the Coptic Church, Pp. 91, A Short Histor>' of the Copts and their Church. Pp. 115. The Holy Gospel and Versicles, as used in the Coptic Church. Pp. 82. The Divine Euchologion, and the Divine Liturgy of S. Gregory' the Theologian. Pp. 90. Sharpe, Samuel. Eg}^ptian My- thology, and Egyptian Christian- ity. With their Influence on the Opinions of Modern Christen- dom. With Illustrations. Pp. xii, 216, roy. i2mo. Lond. : Smith, 1863. 35. 7. Friends. Applegarth, Albert C. Quak- ers in Pennsylvania. (Johns Hop- kins University Studies, Tenth Series, Nos. 8, 9.) Pp. iii, 84, 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1892. 75 cents. Barclay, J. Diary of Alexander Jaffray, and Memoirs of the Quak- ers in the North of Scotland. Pp. XXX, 592, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1833. New ed., 1856. loj. 6d. Bates, E. The Doctrines of the Friends, or the Principles of the Christian Religion, as held by the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers. Pp. viii, 304, i2mo. Lond. : Bennett, 1843. 2j. Brownie, W. C. A Careful and Free Inquiry into the True Nature and Tendency of the Religious Principles of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. 2 parts, pp. 349. Phila., 1824. Christmas. Henry, Rev., M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A. A Concise His- tory of the Hampden Controversy, from the . . . Commencement in 1832 to the Present Time. With all the Documents . . . and a brief Examination of the " Bampton Lectures" for 1832, and of the " Observations on Dissent." Pp. viii, 172, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1848. 45. 6d. Clarkson, T. a Portraiture of Quakerism, taken from a View 222 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. of the Education and Discipline, Social Manners, Civil and Political Economy, Religious Principles and Character of the Society of Friends. 3 vols., pp. xl, 329, 390, 379. Phila. : Friends' Bookstore, 1806. New issue, 182-. $2.50. Cunningham, J. The Quakers from their Origin. Pp. 320, 8vo. Edinb. : Menzies, 1868. Newed., 1 87 1. 3^. dd. Evans, Thomas. Exposition of the Faith of the Religious Socie- ty of Friends, commonly called Quakers, in the Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Reli- gion. 8vo. Phila. : Kimber, 1828. 5th ed., pp. 395, 8vo. Phila. : Friends' Bookstore, 1878. 75 cents. GouGH. John. A History of the People called Quakers, from their First Rise to the Present Time. Compiled from Authentic Records and from the Writings of that People. 4 vols., pp. 542, 551, 526, 573, and unpaged index in each volume. 8vo. Dubl., 1790. Hallowell, Richard P. The Quaker Invasion of Massachu- setts. Pp. vi, 227, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1883. $1.25. Hodgson, William. Select His- torical Memoirs of the Society of Friends. Being a Succinct Ac- count of their Character and Course during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Pp. 420, i2mo. Phila. : The author, 1844. 2d ed., Lippincott, 1867. The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth Century : a Historical View of the Successive Convul- sions and Schisms therein during the Period. 8vo. Phila. : Smith, 1876. Janney, S. M. History of the Friends to 1828. 4 vols., pp. 483, 456, 504, 347, 8vo. Phila. : Davis, 1 8 59- 1 867. $6. Maule, Joshua. Transactions and Changes in the Society of Friends, and Incidents in the Life and Experience of Joshua Maule ; with a Sketch of the original Doc- trine and Discipline of Friends ; also an Account of the Travels and Work of Hannah Hall, of Ohio. Pp. 384, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1886. $1.50. Michener, E. a., M.D. a Retro- spect of Early Quakerism. i2mo. Phila.; Zell, i860. $1.50. Rowntree, John S. Quakerism, Past and Present ; being an In- quiry into the Causes of its De- cline in Great Britain and Ireland. Pp. viii, 189, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1859. 55. Sewel, William. The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People called Quak- ers, intermixed with several re- markable Occurrences. ... To which is prefixed a brief Memoir of the Author. ... 2 vols, in i. Pp. xxiii, 422 ; 465, 8vo. N. Y. : Baker, 1844. $3-50- Smith, Joseph. Catalogue of Friends' Books. See p. 6. Thomas, Allen C, Prof., A.M.. and Thomas, Richard H., M.D. History of the Society of Friends in America. In Vol. XII of American Church History Series. Pp. x, 519, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. Turner, F. S. The Quakers : a Study, Historical and Critical. Pp. 406, 8vo. Lond.: Sonnen- schein, 1889. ds. Wagstaff, W. R. a History of the Society of Friends ; compiled from its Standard Records, and other Authentic Sources. Pp. Ivi, 400, 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1845. $2. 8. Georgian Church. Joselan, p. a Short History of the Georgian Church. Translated HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 223 from the Russian, and Edited with Additional Notes, by Rev. S. C. Malan. Pp. xiii, ix, 208, 8vo. Lond. : Saunders, 1865. 6s. 9. German Reformed. Harbaugh, H., D.D., and Heisler, D. Y., Rev., A.M. Fathers of the German Reformed Church. [Vol. Ill, edited by Heisler, Vols. IV and V, continued by him.] 5 vols., pp. xxix. 394; 408; 493; 504; 427, i2mo. N. Y. : Ref. Ch. Pub. Board. Vols. I-IV, Lancaster: Westhaeffer, 18 57-1 872. Vol. V, Reading: Miller, 1881. $10. Mayer, Lewis. The History of the German Reformed Church, to which is prefixed a Memoir of the Life of the Author, by Elias Heiner. Vol. I, pp. xvi, 461, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1851. 10. Graeco-Russian Church. BjERRiNG, Nicholas, Rev., editor. The Offices of the Oriental Church, with an Historical Intro- duction. Pp. xxxi, 189, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, (1884.) $2. Blackmore, R. W., Rev., B.A. The Doctrines of the Russian Church. Pp. 316, 8vo. Lond. : Masters, 1845. los. 6d. Eckardt, Julius. Modern Rus- sia. Pp. 388, 8vo. Leipzig : Dunker; Lond. : Smith, 1870. los. 6d. Gayarin, R. C. The Russian Clergy. Translated from the French by Ch. du G. Makepiece. Pp. 240, 8vo. Lond. : Bums, 1873. Heard, A. F. Russian Church and Russian Dissent ; Comprising Orthodoxy, Dissent, and Erratic Sects. Pp. 320, i2mo. Lond. : Low ; N. Y. : Harper, 1887. 16s., $1.75. Holy Eastern Church (The) : A Popular Outline of its History, Doctrines, Liturgies, and Vest- ments. By a Priest of the Eng- lish Church. Preface by the Rev. Dr. Littledale. Pp. no, 8vo. Lond.: Hayes, 1870. y.6d. Howard, George Broadley, Rev. The Schism between the Oriental and Western Churches : with special Reference to the Ad- dition of the Filioque to the Creed. Pp. viii, 118, 8vo. N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. $1.25. King, Jonas. The Oriental Church, and the Latin. Pp. 134, ]6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1865. 75 cents. Krasinski, Valerian, Count. Lectures on the Religious History of the Slavonic Nations. Pp. xxiv, 332, 8vo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 1850. i6mo, 1869. $s. 6d. MOURAVIEFF, A. N. History of the Church of Russia. Translated by Rev. R. W. Blackmore. Pp. xix, 448, 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1845. los. 6d. Neale, J. M. History of the Holy Eastern Church. 5 vols., pp. xxvi, 1,243 ; xvi, 322 ; vii, 477 ; Ix, 229, 8vo. Lond.: Masters (4 vols.) ; Riv- ington (i vol.), 1 850-1 873. 66^. Voices from the East. Docu- ments on the Present State and Working of the Oriental Church. Translated from the Original Russ, Slavonic, and French, with Notes. Pp. 227, 8vo. Lond. : Masters, 1859. 5J. Romanoff, H. C. Historical Nar- ratives from the Russian. Pp. 266, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1871. 6s. Sketches of the Rites and Customs of the Grasco-Russian Church. Pp. xiv, 429, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1868. ys. 6d. Stanley, Arthur P. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church : with an Introduction on 224 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Study of Ecclesiastical History. Pp. xxiv, 551, 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1 861. 4th ed., 1869. N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. New ed., 1875. 12s., $2.50. TozER, Henry Fanshawe, Rev., M.A. The Church and the East- ern Empire. Pp. x, 198, 12010. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Ran- dolph, [1888.] 2s. 6d., 80 cents. Williams, George. The Ortho- dox Church of the East in the Eighteenth Century ; being a Correspondence between the East- ern Patriarchs and the Nonjuring Bishops. With an Introduction on Various Projects of the Re- union. Pp. Ixxii, 180, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1868. ys. dd. II. Huguenots. See under Reformation in France. 12. Independents. See Congregationalists and Dissent, 13. Irvingites. Andrews, Samuel James, Rev. God's Revelations of Himself to Men. Pp. xiv, 391, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1886. $1.25. Irving, Edward. See under Collected Works, p. 34. Miller, Edward, M.A. The His- tory and Doctrines of Irvingism, or of the so-called Catholic and Apostolic Church. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 436 ; viii, 420. Lond. : Paul, 1878. 25^. 14. Jansenists. See also under Counter-Reformation. Neale, John Mason, Rev. His- tory of the so-called Jansenist Church in Holland. i2mo. Lond.: Bagster, 1851. With Sketches of its earlier Annals, and some Ac- count of the Brothers of the Com- mon Life. Pp. xii, 412, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1858. \qs, 6d. Tregelles, Samuel P. The Jan- senists : their Rise, Persecutions by the Jesuits, and Existing Rem- nant. Pp. 98, 8vo. Lond.: Bagster, 1851. 3^. 6d. 15. Jews. Benisch, Abraham. Judaism Sur- veyed : a Sketch of the Rise and Development of Judaism from Moses to our Days. i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1874. 5^-. Bettany, G. T. a Sketch of the History of Judaism and Chris- tianity, in the Light of Modern Research and Criticism. With many Illustrations. Pp. 458, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Ward, 1892. y. 6d., $1.50. Cassell, D. Manual of Jewish His- tory and Literature, preceded by a Brief Summary of Bible History ; translated by Mrs. H. Lucas. Pp. xvi, 258, i6mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1884. 75 cents. Conder, Claude Reignier, D.C.L., LL.D., &C. Judas Mac- cabaeus and the Jewish War of Independence. New ed., pp. 218, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1894. $1.25. Daly, George P., LL.D. The Settlement of the Jews in North America. Edited, with Notes and Appendices, by Max J. Kohler, A.M., LL.B. Pp. xviii, 171, 8vo. N. Y. : Cowen, 1893. $1.50. Disraeli, Isaac. Genius of Juda- ism. Pp. iv, 266, 8vo. Lond. : Moxon, 1833. js. 6d. Edersheim, Alfred. History of the Jewish Nation after the De- struction of Jerusalem under Titus. Pp. xii, 197, i2mo. Edinb. : (Hamilton,) 1867. 45. Etheridge, J. W. Jerusalem and Tiberias: Sora and Cordova: A Survey of the Religious and Scho- lastic Learning of the Jews; de- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 225 signed as an Introduction to the Study of Hebrew Literature. Pp. xi, 507, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1856. 7s. 6d. EwALD, J. H. A. The History of Israel. Translated from the Ger- man. Edited by Russell Marti- neau, M.A., and J. E. Carpenter, M.A. 8 vols., pp. XX, 450; viii, 458 ; xii, 343 ; viii, 332 ; viii, 528; xii, 462; viii, 624; x, 441, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1869- 1876. 60s. Friedlander. M. The Jewish Re- ligion. Pp. 522, p. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1 89 1. 5 J. Geiger, Abraham. Judaism and its History. Translated from the German by Maurice Mayer; with an Appendix, " Renan and Strauss." Vol. I, pp. x, 343, i2mo. N. Y. : Thalmes- singer; Lond. : Triibner, n.d. $2, los. 6d. GOSSE, Philip H. The History of the Jews, from the Christian Era to the Dawn of the Reformation. Pp. 316, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1 85 1. 5^. 6d. Graetz, H., Prof., Dr. Histor>' of the Jews, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Spe- cially revised for this English Edi- tion by the Author. Edited and in part translated by Bella Lowy. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Nutt, 1890. 21S. Vol. I, pp. 538 ; Vol. II, pp. 652 ; Vol. Ill, 675, 8vo. Phila. : Jew. Pub, Soc, 1891- 1894. Each §3. Vol. Ill carries the history down to 1291. Hannah, J. HoUowness. Narrow- ness, and Fear ; Warnings from the Jewish Church. Pp. 48, i2mo. Oxf. : Parker, 1869. 2s. Harper, H. A. From Abraham to David. The Story of their Country and Times, with Illustrations by the Autlior. Pp. viii, 234, p. 8vo. Lond. : Percival ; N. Y. : Percival, 1892. 2s. 6d.,%i. IG HOSMER, J. K. The Story of the Jews. Pp. xix, 381, i2mo. Lond.: Unwin ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1886. 5^., $1.50. HowLETT, Thomas Rosling. Rev. Anglo-Isrnel and the Jew- ish Problem. Pp. x, 158, i2mo. Phila.: Spangler, 1892. $1. Hudson, E. H. A History of the Jews in Rome, B. C. 160- A. D. 604. Pp. viii, 390, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hod- der, 1882. 7s, 6d. Huidekoper. Frederic. Judaism at Rome, B. C. 76 to A. D. 140. Pp. xiv, 610, i2mo. N. Y. : Miller,. 1876. $2.25. Hunter, P. Hay. After the Exile. A Hundred Years of Jewish His- tory and Literature. Part I. The Close of the Exile to the Coming of Ezra. Pp. xxx, 320, 8vo. Edinb. and Lond. : Blackwood, 1890. 5^. Jewish Question, The, and the Mission of the Jews. Pp. iii, 335, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1894. 8175. Jonil:. Charles Colcock, Rev., D.D. The History of the Church of God during the Period of Reve- lation. Pp. 558. 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1867. $3.50. JOSEPHUS, Flavius. The Jewish War of — , with his Autobiog- raphy. A new Translation by the late Rev. Robert Traill, D.D. Edited, with Notes, by Isaac Tay- lor, Esq. Illustrated. Pp. xxiv, 510, ccix, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Houl- ston, 1868. 2$s. LiNDO, E. H. The History of the Jews of Spain and Portugal, from the Earliest Times to their Final Expulsion. Pp. 398, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1848. 125. McCaul, Alexander. The Old Paths : a Comparison of the Prin- ciples and Doctrines of Modern Judaism with the Religion of Mo- ses and the Prophets. 8vo. Lond.: 226 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Wertheim, 1837. 2d ed„ pp. xii, 660. 1846. 10^. McCuRDY, Jos. Frederick, Ph.D., LL.D. History, Prophecy, and the Monuments. Vol. I. To the Downfall of Samaria. Pp. xxiv, 425, 8vo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $3. Magnus, Katie. Outlines of Jew- ish History from B. C. 586 to A. D. 1890. Revised by M. Friedlander. Pp. xiv, 388, i2mo. Phila. : Jew. Pub. Soc, 1890. $1.25. Malan, S. C, Rev. An Outline of the Early Jewish Church from a Christian Point of View. In two Books. Book I. The Patriarchs. Book n. The Church in the Wil- derness. Pp. xi, 493, 8vo. Lond.: Saunders, 1867. 18^. Mendelssohn, M. Jerusalem : a Treatise on Ecclesiastical Author- ity and Judaism. Translated by M. Samuels. 2 vols., pp. x, 330 ; 371, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1838. 20s. Palmer, E. H. A History of the Jewish Nation, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Pp. 328, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1874. 5^. Raphael, Morris J. Post-Biblical History of the Jews, from the Close of the Old Testament till the De- struction of the Second Temple in the year 70. 2 vols., pp. 40$, 486, i2mo. Phila. : Moss, 1856 ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1866. $4. Redford, R. a., Rev. Four Cen- turies of Silence ; or, From Mala- chi to Christ. Pp. v, 258, i2mo. Chic. : Jansen, 1886. $1.50. Rothschild, Clementina de, and A. DE. History and Litera- ture of the Israelites, according to the Old Testament and the Apoc- rypha. 2 vols., pp. viii, 637 ; viii, 332, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1870. 2d ed., 1 87 1. i2s. 6d. Rule, W. H. History of the Kara- ite Jews. Pp. 240, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1870. Js. 6d. Samuel, Sydney Montagu. Jewish Life in the East. Pp. x, 199, i2mo. Lond. : Paul, 1881. 35. dd. Schurer, Emil, D.D., M.A. A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ. Being a second and revised Edition of a " Manual of the History of New Testament Times." 6 vols, [in- cluding Index,] 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1885- 1891. 53.9., $12. Div. I. Political History of Palestine, B. C. 175-A. D. 135. Translated by Rev. John Macpherson, M.A. Vol. I, pp. viii, 467. i8go. Vol. II, pp. viii, 407. 1891, Div. II. Vols. I-III. The Internal Con- dition of Palestine and of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ. Pp. xii, 379 ; viii, 327 ; viii, 387. 1885-1886. Index vol., pp. xiv, 339. 1891. 5^., $1.50. Shaw, Duncan. The History and Philosophy of Judaism ; or, A Crit- ical and Philosophical Analysis of the Jewish Religion. 8vo. Edinb., 1787. Smith, George. The Hebrew Pt^ople ; or. The History and Reli- gion of the Israelites, from the Origin of the Nation to the Time of Christ. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 409, 361, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1850. I2.y. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church. See p. 161. Strauss, Frederick. The Glory of the House of Israel ; or. The Hebrew's Pilgrimage to the Holy City ; a Picture of Judaism in the Century which preceded the Ad- vent of our Saviour. 2 vols., i2mo. Bost. : Wells, 1825. i vol., pp. 480, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1859. $1. Zangwill, I. Ghetto Tragedies. Pp. 236, i8mo. Lond.: Maclure, 1893. IS. [Short sketches of Jewish life.] HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 227 16. Lollards. See also Re/ormaiion in England. Lollards (The). Some Account of the Witnesses for the Truth in Great Britain from A. D. 1400 to A. D. 1546. Pp. 372, i2mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1843. 3^. Maitland, S. R. Essays. [Pp. 203-230,] 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1852. 55. Wyckliffe, John de. Apology for Lollard Doctrine, attributed to Wicliffe ; with Introduction and Notes, by J. H. Todd. Pp. xiv, 206, 4to. Lond. : Camden Soc, 1842. 3^. 17. Lutheran Church. Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Distinctive Doc- trines and Usages of the General Bodies of the Evangehcal Luther- an Church in the United States. Pp. 193, i2mo. Phila. : Luth. Pub. Soc, 1893. 75 cents. Hazelius, Ernest L. History of the American Lutheran Church, from 1685 to 1842. Pp. 300, i2mo. Zanesville, O. : Church, 1846. HuTTER, Leonard. Compend of Lutheran Theology. A Summary of Christian Doctrine, derived from the Word of God and the Symbolical Books of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church. Translated from the Latin by Rev. H. E. Jacobs and Rev. G. F. Spieker. i2mo. Phila. : Luth. Bk. Store, 1875. $1.50. Jacobs, Henry E. The Book of Concord ; or. The Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Vol. I. The Confession. Pp.671, 8vo. Phila.: Frederick, 1882. $6. See also under Sys- tematic Theology, Creeds. A History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States. In Vol. IV of American Church History Series. Pp. xiv, 539, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1893. §2.50. Remensnyder, Julius B., D.D. The Lutheran Manual. With an Introduction by Joseph A. Seiss, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D. Pp. vi, 225, 8vo. N. Y.: Boschen, 1893. Roth, J. D. Handbook of Luther- anism. Pp. xvi, 471, 8vo. Utica : Y. Luth. Co., 3d ed., 1892. $1.50. SCHAFFER, C. W. Early History of the Lutheran Church in America to the Middle of the Eighteenth Century. Pp. 143, i2mo. Phila. : Luth. Bd. Pub., 1857. New ed., 1868. 80 cents. SCHMID, H. Doctrinal Theology of the Lutheran Church, Exhibited and Verified from Original Sources. 8vo. Phila. : Luth. Bd. Pub., 1875. 2d Eng. ed., revised according to the 6th German ed., by Charles A. Hay, D.D., and Henry E. Jacobs, D.D. Pp. 691. 1889. $4. SCHMUCKER, S. S. The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally, and Practically De- lineated. Springfield, O., 185 1. 5th ed., pp. X, 286, i2mo. Phila. : Miller, 1852. Seiss, Joseph A. Ecclesia Luther- ana. A Brief Sur\^ey of the Lu- theran Church. 3d ed., pp. 276, i2mo. Phila.: Luth. Bd. Pub., 1867. $1.25. Strobel, p. a. The Salzburgers and their Descendants : being the History of a Colony of German Lutheran Protestants. . . . Pp. 308, 8vo. Bait., 1855. Wolf, E. J., Rev. The Lutherans in America. 8vo. N. Y. : Hill, 1889. $2.75. 18. Methodists. Alexander, Gross, Prof., D.D. History of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South. In Vol. XI of American Church History Series. Pp. xii, 487, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. 228 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Andrews, Edward G., Bp., editor. Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1892; with an Appendix, Pp. xvi, 352, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1892. 35 cents. Archibald, F. A., D.D., editor. Methodism and Literature: a Series of Articles from several Writers on the Literary Enterprise and Achievements of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. . . . Pp. 427, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1883. $1.50. Atkinson, John, D.D. Centen- nial History of American Metho- dism, inclusive of its Ecclesiastical Organization . . . under Francis Asbury, etc. Pp. 559, i2mo. N. Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1884. $2. Baker, Osman C, Bp. A Guide in the Administration of the Dis- cipline. Revised ed., by Bishop Harris. Pp. 253, l2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1876. $1.25. Bangs, Nathan. A History of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 4 vols., pp. 371, 464,448,461, i2mo. N. Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1838. $6. Bassett, Ancel H. a Concise History of the Methodist Protes- tant Church, from its Origin, etc. With an Introduction by William Collier, D.D. Pp. 424, i6mo. Pittsb. : Robinson, 1877. 3d ed., 1887. $2. Bond, Thomas E. The Economy of Methodism Illustrated and De- fended. Pp. 391, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1852. $1.75. Chandler, G. W.. Mrs. Metho- dist Episcopalianism. Pp. iii, 134, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1889. 65 cents. Clarke, J. O. A. Wesley Memo- rial Volume ; or, Wesley and the Wesleyan Movement, judged by nearly one hundred and fifty Writ- ers, living and dead. Pp. 744, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, COLHOUER, T. Sketches of the Founders of the Methodist Protes- tant Church and its Bibliography. With an Introduction by the Rev. J. T. Ward. Pp. xii, 466, i2mo. Pittsb., 1880. Cornish, George H. Cyclopaedia of Methodism in Canada, contain- ing Historical, Educational, and Statistical Information, dating from the Beginning of the Work in Several Provinces of the Domin- ion of Canada ... to the Annual Conferences of 1880, Pp. 850, 8vo. Toronto: Briggs, 1881. Crane, J. T. Methodism and its Methods. Pp. 395, i2mo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1876. $1.50. Crook, W. Ireland and the Cen- tenary of American Methodism. Pp. XX, 263, i2mo. Lond. : Ham- ilton, 1866. 4s. Crookshank, C. H. History of Methodism in Ireland. Vol. I. Wesley and his Time. Pp. 496. Vol. II. The Middle Age. Pp. 488, 8vo. Belfast: Allen, 1885- 1886. 12s. ClTMMiNGS, A. W. Early Schools of Methodism. 8vo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1886. $2. CuRTiss, George L., M.D., D.D. Manual of Methodist Episcopal Church History, showing the Evo- lution of Methodism in the United States of America. For the use of Students and general Readers. Pp. V, 373, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. $1.75. Arminianism in History ; or. The Revolt from Predestination- ism. Pp. 237,1 2mo. Cine: Metho- dist Book Concern, 1 894. 90 cents. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 229 Dixon, James. Methodism in America : with the personal Nar- rative of the Author, being a Tour through a Part of the United States and Canada. Pp. 509, i2mo. Lond. : Mason, 1849. 6s. Dorchester, Daniel, D.D. The Why of Methodism. Pp. 182, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1887. 70 cents. Elliott, Charles. History of the Great Secession from the . Methodist Episcopal Church in the year 1845, eventuating in the Organization of the New Church, entitled the " Methodist Episcopal Church, South." Pp. xxix, 1,143, 8vo. Cine. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1855. $2.50. FiNLEY, James B., Rev. Sketches of Western Methodism : Biograph- ical, Historical, and Miscellaneous. . . . Edited by W. P. Strickland, D.D. Pp. 551, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1854. $175. Goss, C. C. Statistical History of the First Century of American Methodism. Pp. 188, i6mo. N.Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1866. $1. Green, R. The Mission of Metho- dism : 20th Fernley Lecture. Pp. 234, 8vo. Lond. : Wesl. Conf. Off., 1890. 2S. Hagood, L. M., Rev. The Colored Man in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 327, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1890. $1.25. Harris, W. L., Bp. The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1844: with an Aj)pendix. Pp. 424, 24mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1884. 25 cents. Hawley, Bostwick. Manual of Methodism ; or. The Doctrines, General Rules, and Usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 204. i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1868. $1. The Methodist Episcopacy Valid, considered in the Light of the Scriptures, the Apostolic Fa- thers, and of History. Pp. ii, 64, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1892. 20 cents. Heustis, G. O., Rev. A Manual of Methodism : being Outlines of its History, Doctrines, and Dis- cipline. Pp. 208, i2mo. Toronto : Briggs, 1885. 60 cents. History of the Organization OF THE Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Comprehend- ing all the Official Proceedings of the General Conference, etc. Pp. 267, 8vo. Nashville: Cameron, 1845- Hyde, A. B. Story of Methodism. i2mo. N. Y. : Hazen, 1889. $2.75. Jones, John G. A Complete His- tory of Methodism as Connected with the Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Vol. I, 1 799-1 8 1 7. Pp. 461, 8vo. Nashville : Redford, 1887. Lednum, John. A History of the Rise of Methodism in America. Containing Sketches of Methodist Itinerant Preachers, 1 736-1 785, etc. Pp. 434, i2mo. Phila. : Lednum, 1859. McGee, James. The March of Methodism from Epworth around the Globe. Outlines of the His- tory, Doctrine, and Policy of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; with an Introduction by Bishop James N. FitzGerald. Pp. v, 147, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893- 60 cents. McTyeire, Holland N. A His- tory of Methodism. Comprising a View of the Rise of the Revival of Spiritual Religion in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century 230 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. With some Account of the Doc- trines and Polity of Episcopal Methodism in the United States, and Means and Manners of its Extension down to A. D. 1884. Pp. 688, 8vo. Nashville : So. Meth. Pub. Ho., 1886. Merrill, S. M., D.D. A Digest of Methodist Law ; or, Helps in the Administration of the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 277, i6mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1885. $1. Neely, Thomas B., D.D. His- tory of the Origin and Develop- ment of the Governing Conference in Methodism, and especially of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 452, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. $1.50. Orwig, W. W., Rev. History of the Evangelical Association. Vol. L From the Origin to the End of the Year 1845. Translated from the German. Pp. 404, 8vo. Cleveland: Hammer, 1858. $1.25. Pierce, W. Ecclesiastical Princi- ples and Polity of the Wesleyan Methodists: a full and impartial Account of all their Ordinances, Institutions, Laws, Regulations, etc. See under Practical Theol- ogy, Polity and Discipline. Porter, James, Rev., D.D. The Revised Compendium of Metho- dism : embracing the History and present Condition of its various Branches in all Countries ; with a Defense of its doctrinal, govern- mental, and pnidential Peculiari- ties. Pp. 506, p. 8vo. N. Y.: Methodist Book Concern, (1875.) $1.75' Originally issued 1851. Comprehensive History of Meth- odism. Pp. 601, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1876. $1.75. Potts, J. H. Pastor and People; or, Methodism in the Field. With an Introduction by Rev. J. M. Reid, D.D. Pp. 278, i2mo. N.Y.; Methodist Book Concern, 1879. $1.25. Redford, a. H., D.D. Western Cavaliers : embracing the History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kentucky, 1832-1844. Pp. 552, i2mo. Nashville : So. Meth. Pub. Ho., 1876. $2. RiGG, James H. The Connexional Economy of Wesleyan Meth- odism in its Ecclesiastical and Spiritual Aspects. Pp. xvi, 224, i2mo. Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Off., 1 879. 1$. 6d. Scudder, M. L., Rev. American Methodism. Hartf. : Scranton, 1867. $3.50. Sherman, David. History of the Revisions of the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 422, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1874. $2.50. Sibley, Hiram L. The Organic Law of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. vi, 93, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1894. 50 cents. Simpson, Matthew, Bp. A Hun- dred Years of Methodism. Pp. 369, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1876. $1.75. Cyclopaedia of Methodism. Pp. 1031, 4to. Phila. : Everts, 1876. Rev. ed., 1882. $10. Slater, W. F. Methodism in the Light of the Early Church. Pp. 162, 8vo. Lond. : Woolmer, 1885. 2s. 6d. Smith, George. History of Wes- leyan Methodism. 3 vols., pp. xii, 748 ; xii, 698 ; xxiv, 769, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1 859-1 862. 4th ed., 1865. 21J. Southey, R. Life of Wesley and the Rise and Progress of Metho- dism. Edited by Rev. J. A. At- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 231 kinson. Pp. 616, p. 8vo. Loncl. : Warne, 1893. 2s. Stevens, A[bel], Rev., A.M. Memorials of the Introduction of Methodism into the Eastern States : comprising biographical Notices of its early Preachers, Sketches of its first Churches. . . . 2 vols., pp. 490, 492, i2mo. Bost. : Pierce, 1848- 1852. $2. The Centenaiy of American Methodism : a Sketch of its His- tory, Theology, practical System, and Success. Pp. 287, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1866. Si. 50. The History of the Religious Movement of the Eighteenth'Cen- tury, called Methodism, considered in its different Denominational Forms, and its Relation to British and American Protestantism. 3 vols., pp. 480, 520, 524, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1858-1861. $5.25. History of the Methodist Epis- copal Church in the United States of America. 4 vols., pp. 423, 511, 510, 522, i2mo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1864. $7. Taylor, Isaac. Wesley and Meth- odism. Pp. 328, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1852. $1.50. Tefft, B. F., Rev., D.D., LL.D. Methodism Successful, and the In- ternal Causes of its Success. With a Letter of Introduction bv Bishop Janes. Pp. 588, i2mo. 'N. Y. : Derby, i860. $1.25. Todd, Rob. W., Rev. Methodism of the Peninsula ; or. Sketches of notable Characters and Events in the History of Methodism in the Maryland and Delaware Penin- sula. Introduction by Rev. John F. Hurst, D.D. Pp. 336, i2mo. Phila.: M. E. Bk. Room, 1886. $1.50. Wakeley, J. B., D.D. Lost Chap- ters Recovered from the Early History of American Methodism. N. Y., 1858. New ed., with Memoir of the Author, by Rev. William E. Ketcham. Pp. x, 635. 8vo. N. Y. : Ketcham, 1889. $2. Wedgwood, Julia. John Wesley and the Evangelical Reaction of the Eighteenth Century. Pp. 412. i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1870. 8s. 6d. Williams, William. Rev. Welsh Calvinistic Methodism. A Histor- ical Sketch. Pp. xix, 243, i6mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1872. y.6d. Wood, E. M. Methodism and the Centennial of American Independ- ence : with a brief History of the Various Branches of Methodism, and full Statistical Tables. Pp. 412, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1876. 90 cents. Wright, J. A. People and Preach- ers in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 314, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1886. $1.25. Year Book.The Methodist. Pub- lished annually. N. Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Concern. locents. Young, D. The Origin and His- tory of Methodism in Wales and the Borders. With an Introduc- tion by H. P. Hughes. Pp. 758, 8vo. Lond.: Kelly, 1893. 10^. 19. Moravians. Benham, Daniel. Notes on the Origin and Episcopate of the Bo- hemian Brethren. Pp. 148, p. 8vo. Lond. : Walton, 1867. 2s. 6d. Bost, A. History of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren. Pp. iv, 428, i2mo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1834. New ed., 1863. is. Buchner, J. H., Rev. History of the Mission of the United Breth- ren to the Negroes in Jamaica, 1754-1854. Lond.: Longmans; Bethlehem: Clauder, 1854. 35. 6d., 50 cents. Concise Historical Account of the Present Constitution of the 232 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Protestant Church of the United Brethren, adhering to the Confes- sion of Augsburg. From the fifth German edition. Pp. 72, i8mo. Phila.: McCarty, 1833. Cranz, David. The Ancient and Modern History of the Brethren. Translated from the German with Notes and Emendations, by Ben- jamin Latrobe. Pp. 726, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1780. Gradin, Arvid. a Short History of the Bohemian-Moravian Protes- tant Church of the United Breth- ren. In a Letter to the Archbishop of Upsal, Primate of Sweden. Pp. 64, 8vo. Lond.: Hutton, 1743. Henry, James. Sketches of Mo- ravian Life and Character. Pp. 316, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1859. $1.75. History of the Mission of the Church of the United Brethren in LalM-ador for the past Hundred Years. With a Map. Reprinted from the ** Pe- riodical Accounts." Pp. 52, 8vo. Lond. : Mallalieu, 1871. Js. History of the Moravian Mis- sion among the Indians of North America. With a preHminary Account of the Indians. By a Member of the Brethren's Church. Pp. 322, i2mo. Lond. : Allman, 1838. 4?. History of the Moravians from their First Settlement at Herrn- haag in the County of Budingen, down to the Present Time ; with a View Chiefly to their political Intrigues. Collected from the Public Acts of Budingen and other authentic Vouchers. Translated from the German. Pp. 214, 8vo. Lond.: Robinson, 1754. Holmes, John B. History of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. 2 vols., pp. xxi, 430; 398, 8vo. Lond. : Mallalieu, 1825 ; Bethlehem : Clauder, 1 830. 1 2s., $5. Historical Sketches of the Mis- sions of the United Brethren for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen from their Com- mencement to the year 18 17. Pp. 478, 8vo, 2d ed. Lond. : Mallalieu, 1827. 7s. 6d. Journal of the Preparatory Provincial Synod of the North- ern District of the American Province of the Moravian Church of the United Brethren, held at Hope, Ind., 1878, with Appendix and Index. Pp. 192, 8vo. Bethle- hem: Clauder, 1878. Journals of the Provincial Synod of the Northern District of the American Province of the Moravian Church of the United Brethren. 1864- 1876. Pp. 640, 8vo. Bethlehem : Clauder, 1877 (?). Krasinski, v. Religious History of the Slavonic Nations. Pp. xxviii, 481, i2mo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 1 85 1. los. 6d. Latrobe, C. J. Journal of a Visit to South Africa in 181 5 and 1816, with some Account of the Missionary Settlements of the United Brethren, near the Cape of Good Hope. Pp. 414, 4to. Lond.: Seeley, 181 8. 14^. Latrobe, James, Bp. Historical Sketch of the Church of the United Brethren or Moravians. Pp. 32, 24mo. Bath : Gibbs, 1850. Lawrence, J. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Day- ton, O.: United Brethren Pub. Co., n. d. $2.50. LosKiEL, George Henry. History of the Mission of the United Breth- ren among the Indians in North America. Translated from the German by Christian Ignatius La- trobe. Pp. 658, 8vo. Lond. : 1794. Martin, J. M. Historical Sketch of Bethlehem and the Moravians. Bethlehem: Clauder, 1873. $3. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 233 Memorial Days of the Renewed Church of the Brethren. Trans- lated from the German. Pp. 222, 8vo. Ashton under Lyne: Cun- ningham, 1822. Messenger, The; a Magazine of the Church of the United Breth- ren, 17 vols., 8vo. 1 864-1 881. Lond. : Mallalieu. Miller, R. H., Rev. The Doc- trine of the Brethren Defended : Faith and Practice of the Breth- ren proven by the Gospel to be true. i2mo. Huntingdon, Pa.: Brumbaugh, 1876. §1.60. Moravian Atlas : Comprising Statistics of the Church of the United Brethren to 1853. 4to. Bethlehem: Clauder, 1853. $1. Moravian Schools and Cus- toms, by the Author of "Some Oxford Customs." P. 8vo. Lond. : Sonnenschein, 1889. 6^. Provincial Digest. Supplemen- tary to the Results of the General Synod of 1879. Ordered by the Provincial Synod of the Northern District of the Province of the Moravians, held at Bethlehem, Pa., 1 830-1 88 1. Bethlehem : Mo- ravian Pub. Office, n. d. Reichel, Edward H. Historical Sketch of the Church and Missions of the United Brethren, commonly called Moravians. Pp. 104, 8vo. Bethit.iem : Held, 1848. Reichel, Levin T. History of the Moravians in North Carolina. Pp. iv, 206, i2mo. Bethlehem: Clauder, 1857. 50 cents. Reichel, W. C. Memorials of the Moravian Church. Pp. xvi, 366, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1870. $3.50. Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society. Vol. I, 1859- 1876. With Appendix, contain- ing Historical Sketches of Naza- reth Hall, a Boarding School for Boys, founded 1785 ; and of the Moravian Seminary for Young Ladies at Bethlehem, Pa, Pp.455, 59, 8vo. Bethlehem, Clauder, 1876. Results of the Synod of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum : Held at Herrnhut in the year 1869, Translated from the Ger- man. Pp. 132, 8vo. Lond. : Mal- lalieu, 1879. 2J- 6^- Risler, Jeremias. Select Narra- tives from the History of the Church known by the Name of Unitas Fratrum, or United Breth- ren. Part I. Ancient History. From the German. Pp, 132, 8vo. Lond.: McDowell, 1806. Ritter, Abraham. History of the Moravian Church in Philadel- phia, from its Foundation in 1742 to the Present Time. Pp, xx, 281, 8vo. Phila. : Hayes, 1857. $1,50. Schweinitz, Edmund de. The Moravian Manual, containing an Account of the Protestant Church of the Moravian United Brethren. i2mo. Bethlehem, Pa. : Clauder, 1859. 2d ed., pp. xi, 207, 1869. |i. The History of the Church known as the Unitas Fratrum ; or. The Unity of the Brethren founded by the Followers of John Hus. the Bohemian Reformer and Martyr. Pp. xxii, 693, 8vo, Bethlehem, Pa.: Mor. Pub. Off., 1885. $2.50. The Life and Times of David Zeisberger, the Western Pioneer and Apostle of the Indians. Pp. 748, 8vo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1838. New ed., 1870. $3.50. Seifferth, B., Bp. Church Consti- tution of the Bohemian and Mo- ravian Brethren. The Original Latin, with a Translation, Notes, and Introduction by Bishop Seif- ferth. Pp.200, 8vo, Lond.: Mallalieu; Bethlehem: Clauder, 1866. $2.50. Shuey, W. J. Doctrine and Dis- cipline of the United Brethren. 8vo. Dayton, O. : United Breth- ren Pub Co., n. d. 30 cents. 234 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Spangenberg, a. G. An Account of the Manner in which the Prot- estant Church of the United Brethren preach and carry on their Missions among the Heathen. From the German. Pp. 140, 8vo. Lond. : Trapp, 1788. An Exposition of Christian Doctrine, as taught in the Protes- tant Church of the United Breth- ren, or Unitas Fratrum. Written in German. With a Preface by Benjamin Latrobe. Pp. 494, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1784. [Stebbing, Beatrice.] An Eng- lish Girl's Account of a Moravian Settlement in the Black Forest. Edited by the Author of " Mary Powell." Pp. 320, i2mo. Lond.: Hall, 1858. 6s. Talvi [Mrs. E. Robinson]. His- torical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations. Pp. 328, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1850. $1.25. Tennent, Gilbert, Rev. The Principles of the Moravians. Pp. 48, 8vo. Lond. : Mason, 1743. Twenty-one Discourses or Dis- sertations UPON THE Augs- burg-Confession, which is also the Brethren's Confession of Faith. To which is prefixed a Synodal Writing on the same Subject. Translated by F. Okeley. Pp. 344. Lond.: Bowyer, 1753. Whately, E. Jane. Sketches of Bohemian Religious History. Pp. 190, 8vo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, 1876. 2s. 6d. 20. Mormons. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. His- tory of the Pacific States of North America. Vol. XXI, Utah, 1540- 1886. Pp. xlv, 808, 8vo. San Fr. : Hist. Co., 1889. $4.50. Beadle, J. H. Life in Utah ; or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mor- monism. Pp. 540, 8vo. Phila. : Nat. Pub. Co., 1870. $2.75. Beers, R. W., Rev. The Mormon Puzzle, and how to solve it. Pp. ii, 195, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1887. $1. BONWICK, J. The Mormons and the Silver Mines. Pp. iv, 425, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1872. ys. 6d. Book of Mormon, The. An Ac- count written by the Hand of Mor- mon upon Plates taken from the Plates of Nephi. By Joseph Smith, Jr. Pp. cap. vi, 590, Palmyra [New York] : Grandin, 1830. $25. CODMAN, J. A Solution of the Mor- mon Problem. Pp. iii, 25, i2mo. N.Y.: Putnam, 1885. 25 cents. Ferris, B. G., Mrs. Mormons at Home, with some Incidents of Travel from Missouri to Califor- nia, 1852, 1853. Pp. 299, i2mo. N. Y. : Dix, 1856. 75 cents. Gregg, Thomas. The Prophet of Palmyra. Mormonism. Together with a Complete History of the Mormon Era. Pp. xiv, 522, i2mo. N. Y. : Alden, 1890. $1. Gunnison, J. W. The Mormons; or. Latter Day Saints in the Val- ley of the Great Salt Lake : a His- tory of their Rise and Progress, peculiar Doctrines, present Condi- tion and Prospects, derived from personal Observations. Pp. iv, 165, i6mo. N. Y. : Lovell, 1884. 15 cents. Hyde, John, Jr. Mormonism : its Leaders and Designs. Pp. 335, i2mo. N.Y.: Fetridge, 1857. $1.25. Kennedy, J. H. Early Days of Mormonism ; Palmyra, Kirtland, and Nauvoo. Pp. vi, 275, i2mo. Lond. : Reeves ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1888. 4s., $1.50. Kidder, Daniel P. Mormonism and Mormons : a Historical View of the Rise and Progress of the Sect self-styled Latter-l3ay Saints. Pp. 342, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1852. 35 cents. Lamb, M. T., Rev. The Golden Bible ; or, The Book of Mormon : HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 235 is it from God? Pp. xiii, 344, i2mo. N. Y. : Ward, 1886. $1. Lee, John D. Mormonism Un- veiled ; or, The Life and Confes- sions of John D. Lee. Also, the True History of the Mountain Meadow Massacre. Pp. 390, i2mo. St. Louis ; Bryan, 1877. $2.25. LiTTLEFIELD, LYMAN OMER. Reminiscences of Latter-Day Saints. Giving an Account of much individual Suffering endured for reUgious Conscience. Pp.208, 8vo. Logan, Utah: Journal Co., 1888. 75 cents. Ludlow, Fitz Hugh. Heart of the Continent ; with an Examina- tion of the Mormon Principle. Pp. vi, 568, 8vo. N. Y. : Hurd, 1870. $3.75- Lyford, C. p. The Mormon Prob- lem : an Appeal to the American People. Pp. 323, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1886. $1. Robinson, P. Sinners and Saints : a Tour across the States and round them, with three Months among the Mormons. Pp. 376, p. 8vo. Lond. : Low, 1883. New ed., 1892. 3^. dd. Stenhouse, T. B. H., Mrs. Rocky Mountain Saints : History of the Mormoi s. Pp. xxiv, 761, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1873. $5. " Tell it All : " Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism ; with an Introduction by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Pp. xxx, 623, 8vo. Cine: Queen City Pub. Co. ; Hart. : Worthington, 1874. $3. Thomas, W. H. Mormon Saints. (A Study of Mormonism.) Pp. 190, i2mo. Lond.: Houlston, 1890. IS. Tucker, Pomeroy. Origin, Rise, and Progress of Mormonism. Pp. 302, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1867. $1.25. TuLLiDGE, Edward W. Life of Joseph the Prophet, Pp. xii, 827, 8vo. Piano, 111. : Bd. Pub. Latter- Day Saints, 1880. %\. 21. Nestorians. Badger, George Percy, Rev. The Nestorians and their Ritual ; with the Narrative of a Mission to Mesopotamia and Koordistan in 1 842- 1 844, and of a late Visit to those Countries in 1850. [Also] Researches into the Present Con- dition of the Syrian Jacobites, Papal Syrians, and Chaldeans. 2 vols., pp. XXV, 448 ; xiii, 426, 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1852. 36^. CURZON, Robert. Armenia, a Year at Erzeroom, and on the Frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. Pp. xiv, 226, i2mo. N. Y.: Harper, n. d. $1.25. Etheridge, J. W. The Syrian Churches: their Early History, Liturgies, and Literature. With a literal Translation of the four Gospels, from the Peshito, etc. Pp. 538, i2mo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1846. Grant, Asahel. History of the Nestorians ; or. The Lost Tribes ; containing Evidences of their Iden- tity, an Account of their Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies. Pp. 385, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper: Lond.: Theobald, 1841. 3d ed., 1855. 81, 3«y- Laurie, Thomas. Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians. Pp. 418, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1853. 4th ed., Lothrop, 1874. $1.50. Perkins, Just. Missionary Life in Persia. See under Missions, Per- Z2. Presbyterian Church. See also under Scotland. Adair, P. See under Ireland. Alexander, Samuel Davies. History of the Presbyterian Church 236 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. in Ireland. Condensed from Reid and Killen. Pp. 376, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1859. $1. Alexander, W. A., Rev. A Di- gest of the Acts of tile General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U. S., from its Or- ganization to the Assembly of 1887, inclusive. . . . 8vo. Richmond : Pres. Comm. Pub., 1888. $4. Baird, Samuel J. A History of the New School, and of the Ques- tions involved in the Disruption of the Presbyterian Church in 1838. Pp. xii, 564, 8vo. Phila. : Claxton, 1868. $2. Collection of the Acts, Deliver- ances, and Testimonies of the Su- preme Judiciary of the Presbyte- rian Church ... to the Present Time. 8vo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1855. Beard, Richard, D.D. Biograph- ical Sketches of the Early Minis- ters of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church. 2 vols., 8vo. Nash- ville : Cumb. Pres. Pub. House, 1867. Blaikie, Alexander. A History of Presbyterianism in New Eng- land. Pp. 512, i2mo. Bost. : Moore, 1882. $2. Blake, T. C. Old Log House: History and Defence of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church. i8mo. Nashville: Cumb. Pres. Pub. House, 1878. 75 cents. Bowen, L. p. The Days of Make- mie ; or. The Vine planted A. D. 1680-1708. Pp. ii, 558, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1885. $1.75. On the life of Francis Makemie,iPioneer of Presbyterianism in Maryland. Breed, William P., Rev., D.D. Presbyterianism Three Hundred Years Ago. Pp. 237, i6mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., (1872.) $1. Presbyterians and the Revolu- tion. Pp. 205, i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1872. 75 cents. Briggs, Charles Augustus, D.D. American Presbyterianism ; its Origin and early History, together with an Appendix of Letters and Documents, many of which have recently been discovered. Pp. xviii, 373, cxliii, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1885. $3. Brown, Isaac V., Rev., A.M. An Historical Vindication of the Ab- rogation of the Plan of Union by the Presbyterian Church. Pp. 325, 8vo. Phila. : Martien, 1855. $1. Centenary Memorial of the Planting and Growth of Presbyterianism in West Pennsylvania, etc. Historical Discourses. Pp. 400, 8vo. Pittsb. : Waters, 1876. $2.50. Crisman, E. B. Origin and Doc- trines of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. 2 parts, pp. iv, 150, i2mo. St. Louis: Perrin, 1877. 75 cents. Davidson, Robert, Rev., D.D. History of the Presbyterian Church in the State of Kentucky, with a preliminary Sketch of the Churches in the Valley of Virginia. Pp. 371, 8vo. N. Y.: Carter, 1847. Division of the Presbyterian Church (A History of) in the United States, by a Committee of the Synod of New York and New Jersey. Pp. vii,278, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1852. 75 cents. Drysdale, a. H. History of the Presbyterians in England: their Rise, Decline, and Revival. Pp. 644, p. 8vo. Lond., 1889. ys. 6d. EwiNG, R. C, Judge. Historical Memoirs : containing a brief His- tory of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church in Missouri, and Bio- graphical Sketches. ... Pp. 428, i2mo. Nashville : Cumb. Pres. Bd. Pub., 1874. $1.50. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 237 FOOTE, W. H. Sketches of Vir- ginia, Historical and Biographical. Pp. vii, 568, 8vo. Phila. : Lippin- cott, 1850. $2. Second Series. Pp. 596. 1855. $2. Foster, R. V., Prof., D.D. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In Vol. XI of American Church History Series. Pp. xii, 487, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. Fowler, P. H., D.D. Historical Sketch of Presbyterianism within . . . the Synod of Central New York. [Also] The Presbyterian Element in our National Life and Story. By Prof. J. W. Hears, D.D. Pp. vii, 755, 31, i2mo. Utica: Curtiss, 1877. $1.75. GiLLETT, E. H. History of the Presbj'terian Church in the United States of America. 2 vols., pp. xxiv, 576; xii, 605. i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1864. $5- Halyburton, Thomas, Rev. Memoirs, with . . . Account of the [Free] Church of Scotland. See under Gejieral Biography. Hays, George P., D.D., LL.D. Presbyterians. A Popular Narra- tive of their Origin, Progress, Doc- trines, and Achievements. With special Chapters by various Au- thors, and Introductions by the Rev. Joiin Hall, D.D., LL.D.. and the Rev. William E. Moore, D.D., LL.D. Pp. xxiv, 544, 8vo. N.Y.: Hill, 1892. $3.50. Hetherington, W. M., D.D., LL.D. History of the Westmin- ster Assembly of Divines. Fourth edition, . . . edited by Rev. Robert Williamson. Lond. : Johnstone, 1843. Pp. XX, 480, 8vo. Edinb. : Gemmell, 1878; N. Y. : Ketcham, 1888. 6s., $3. 25. Heyly>j, Peter, Dr. History of the Presbyterians ; containing the Beginnings, Progress, and End- ings of that active Sect ; their Opposition to Monarchical and Episcopal Government ; their In- novations in the Church, and their Imbroylment in the pursuit of their Designs from 153610 1647. Fol. Oxf., 1670. 2d ed., fol. Lond., 1672. Hill, William, D.D. A History of the Rise, Progress, Genius, and Character of American Presby- terianism : together with a Review of " The Constitutional Histor\- of the Presbyterian Church . . ." by Charles Hodge, D.D. Pp. xv, 224, 8vo. Washington : Gideon, 1839. Hodge, Charles. The Constitu- tional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. 2 vols., pp. viii, 256; xii, 516, 8vo. Phila.: Martien, 1839-1840. Howe, George, D.D. History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina. Vol. I, pp. 708, 8vo. Columbia: Duffie, 1870. $4. Vol. II, 1883. Irwin, C. H. A Historj' of Presby- terianism in the South and W^est of Ireland. Pp. 364, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1890. 6j. James, T. S. History of the Liti- gation and Legislation respecting Presbyterian Chapels and Charities in England and Ireland, 1816- 1849. Pp. xl, 872, 12, 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1867. 14J. Johnson, T. C, Prof., D.D. The Presbyterian Church, South. In Vol. XI of American Church History Series. Pp. xii. 487, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ, Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. Levi, Leone, LL.D., F.S.A. Digest of the Actings and Proceedings of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, 1 836-1 876. Pp. XV, 340, 8vo. [Lond.;] Pub. Com., 1877. M'Crie, Thomas. Annals of Eng- lish Presbytery. Pp. xii, 324, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1872. ^s. 238 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. McDONNOLD, B. W., Rev. History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 8vo. Nashville: Cumb. Pres. Pub. Ho., 1888. Miller, A. B., D.D. Doctrines and Genius of the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church. Pp. vii, 320, 8vo. Nashville : Cumb. Pres. Pub. Ho., 1892. $1.50. Mitchell, Alexander F., D.D., and Struthers, John, Rev., LL.D., editors. Minutes of the Sessions of the Westminster As- sembly of Divines while engaged in preparing their Directory for Church Government, Confession of Faith, and Catechisms (Nov., 1644, to Mar., 1649). Pp. Ixxxviii, 556, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1874. 21 s. The Westminster Assembly, its History and Standards : being the Baird Lecture for 1882. Pp. xxiv, 519, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. 10^. 6d., $4.20. Moore, W, E. Presbyterian Digest: Compend of Acts and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. 8vo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1835. New ed., pp. xxxii, 633. 1886. $5. Nevin, Alfred, D.D., LL.D., assisted by Eminent Ministers of the Church. Encyclopsedia of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America : including the Northern and Southern Assem- blies. Pp. 1,248, roy. 8vo. Phila. : Pres. Encycl. Pub. Co., 1884. $5. New Origin and Doctrines of THE Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church. i2mo. Nashville: Cumb. Pres. Pub. Ho., 18—. 75 cents. Norton, A. T. History of the Presbyterian Church in Illinois. Pp. xiii, 735, 8vo. St. Louis: Bryan, 1879. $2.50. [Presbyterian Alliance.] Re- port of Proceedings of the First General Presbyterian Council con- vened at Edinburgh, July, 1877. With Relative Documents bearing on the Affairs of the Council, and the State of the Presbyterian Churches throughout the World. Edited by Rev. J. Thomson, A.M. Pp. viii, 382, 8vo. Edinb. : Con- stable. 1877. Report of Proceedings of Sec- ond General Council convened at Philadelphia, Sept., 1880. Edited by J. B. Dale and R. M. Patter- son. Pp. 933, 8vo. Phila. : Pres. Pub. Co., 1880. $2. Alliance of the Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian System. Minutes and Proceed- ings of the third General Council, Belfast, 1884. Edited by George D. Mathews, D.D. Pp. xvi, 543, 154, 8vo. Lond., Belfast, and Edinb.: Pres. Pub. Off., 1884. Presbyterian Church of Eng- land, The. a Memorial of the Union, June 13, 1876. Pp. vii, 208, sq. i6mo. Lond. : Nisbet, [1876.] 6s. Presbyterian Church Throughout the World : Historical and Biographical Sketches. Pp. xiii, 792, 8vo. N. Y. : Lent, 1875. $4. Presbyterian Reunion : A Memorial Volume, 1837-1871, with Map, in separate vol., origi- nally published in N'e'w York Evangelist. Pp. viii, 568, 8vo. N. Y. : Lent, 1870. $3.50. Reid, James. See under Ireland. Reid, W. J. United Presbyterian- ism. i2mo. Pittsb. : Un. Pres. Bd. Pub., 1882. 60 cents. Scouller, James B., D.D. The United Presbyterian Church. In Vol. XI of American Church History Series. Pp. xii, 487, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 239 Smith, James, Rev. History of the Christian Churches, including a History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. i2mo. Nash- ville : Cumb. Pres. Pub. Ho., 1835. Manual of the United Presby- terian Church of North America. 8vo. Pittsb. : Un. Pres. Bd. Pub., 1888. $2. Smith, Joseph. Old Redstone; or, Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism. Pp. 459, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1854. $2. Tercentenary Book, The. Commemorative of the Comple- tion of the Life and Work of John Knox, of the Huguenot Martyrs of France, and of the Establish- ment of Presbytery in England. With Introduction by the Rev. Henry C. McCook. Pp. 232, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., (1873.) $1.25. United Presbyterian Church ; Confession of Faith. Containing Confession, Catechisms and Tes- timony, Discipline, etc. Pp. 564, i2mo. Pittsb.: Un. Pres. Bd. Pub., n. d. $1. Webster, Richard. A History of the Presbyterian Church in America, from its Origin until the Year 1760 with Biographical Sketches of its Early Ministers. Pp. 720, 8vo. Phila. : Wilson, 1857. $3. Witherow, Thomas. Historical and Literary Memorials of Presby- terianism in Ireland, 1623-1731. First series, pp. xii, 363 ; xi, 356, p. 8vo. Lond. and Belfast: Mul- lan, 1 879- 1 880. 5^. 23. Protestant Episcopal Church. Beardsley, E. E. The History of the Episcopal Church in Con- necticut, from the Settlement of the Colony to the Present Time. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y.: Hurd, 1865. 4th ed., pp. XXX, 470 ; xxx, 465. Bost. : Houghton, 1883. $6. BoHNER, William Brevoort, Rev. The Church and the Faith ; a Philosophical History of the Catholic [Prot. Episc] Church. Pp. iii, 392, 8vo. N. Y. : Young, 1887. $3. Bolton, Robert. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the County of Westchester, from its Foundation, A. D. 1693 to A. D. 1853. Pp. xxiii, 749, 8vo. N. Y.: Stanford, 1855. S2.50. Burgess, G. List of Persons Ad- mitted to the Order of Deacons in the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, 1 785-1 857. Pp. 48, xvi, i2mo. Bost. : Wil- liams, 1874, $1. Caswall, H. America and the American Church. Pp. 398, 8vo. Lond.: Mozley, 1851. js. Chapman, G. T. Sermons upon the Ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Pp. 312, 8vo. N. Y. : Dutton, 1828. 7th ed., 1867. 75 cents. COLTON, Calvin. The Genius and Mission of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States. Pp. 306, i2mo. N. Y. : Stanford, 1853. $1. Dalcho, Frederick. An His- torical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Caro- lina from the First Settlement of the Province to the War of the Revolution. Pp. vii, 613, 8vo. Charleston, 1820. Documentary History of THE Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Vermont, including the Journals of the Conventions, 1790-1832. Pp. 418. 8vo. N. Y. : Pott, 1870. Dorr, Benjamin. The Church- man's Manual : an Exposition of 240 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Doctrines, Ministry, and Wor- ship of the Protestant Episcopal Church, U. S. A. Pp. 304, i2mo. Burlington : Powell, 1835. New ed., Phila. : Peterson, 1850. 50 cents. Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the U. S. A. See tinder United States. Hodges, George, D.D. The Episcopal Church : its Doctrine, its Ministry, its Discipline, its Worship, and its Sacraments. Pp. 95, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1892. 25 cents. Hoffman, M. A Treatise on the Law of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Pp. 480, 8vo. N. Y. : Stanford, 1850. New ed.. Pott, 1872. %\. Hopkins, J. H. The Primitive Church compared with the Prot- estant Episcopal Church of the Present Day. Pp. xx, 392, i2mo. N. Y.: Stanford, 1836. $1. Lectures, Historical, Exposi- tory, AND Practical, on the Communion Offices of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in the United States, by a Presbyter of the Church. Pp. 273, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1864. $1.25. Lord, Samuel. A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. Pp. 357, i2mo. N. Y. : Stanford, 1849. McConnell, S. D., Rev., D.D. History of the American Episcopal Church. Pp. 392, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1890. $2. Perry, William Stevens, D.D., editor. A Half Century of Legis- lation of the American Church. Journals of General Conventions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S., 1785-1835. 3 vols., pp. 655, 736, viii, 528, 8vo. Clare- mont, N. H. : Claremont Mfg. Co., 1874. $7.50. A Handbook of the General Convention of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, giving its Histor)' and Constitution, 1 785-1 880. Pp. 365, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1881. $1.50. Papers Relating to the History of the Church in Virginia; and, in Pennsylvania, See under United States. The History of the American Episcopal Church, 1 587-1883. 2 vols., pp. XX, 665 ; xiii, 696, 4to. Bost. : Osgood, 1885. $15. The General Ecclesiastical Constitution of the American Church. 8vo. N. Y. : Whit- taker, 1 891. $1.50. PiNNOCK, W. H. An Analysis of the History of the Reformation, with the Prior and Subsequent History of the Enghsh Church. With Questions for Examination. Pp. 460, i8mo. Camb. : Hall, 1849. 6th ed., 1870. d^.dd. Recent Recollections of the Anglo-American Church in the United States. By an English Layman. ... 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 318; iv, 302, i2mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1861. i8j. Shinn, George W., Rev., D.D, A Manual Concerning the Episco- pal Church. Pp. vi, 180, i2ino. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1892. 25 cents. Sparks, Jared. Letters on the Ministry, Ritual, and Doctrines of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Pp. 268, i2mo. Bost.: Munroe, 1820. 84 cents. Staunton, William, Rev. See P' 13- White, William. Memoirs of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Pp. xiv, 474, 8vo. N. Y. : Stan- ford, 1836. 2d ed. Edited with Notes by Rev. B. F. De Costa. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 241 Pp. Ivi, 474, 8vo. N. Y. : Dutton, 1880. $4. WiLBERFORCE, S., Bp. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. Pp. xvi, 456, i2mo. Loncl.: Burns, 1844. New ed., Rivington; N. Y. : Pott, 1856. Ss., $3.50. Wilson, James Grant, and oth- ers. Centennial History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York, 1785-1885. Pp. 460, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1886. $4. 24. Quakers. See under Friends. 25. Reformed [Dutch] Church in America. Brinkerhoff, Jacob. History of the True Dutch Reformed Church of the United States of America. Pp. 139, i2mo. N. Y. : Ref. Ch. Bd. Pub. Centennial Discourses. A Se- ries of Sermons delivered in the Year 1876, by order of the General Synod of the Reformed [Dutch] Church in America. Pp. 601, 8vo. N.Y.: Ref.Ch.Bd.Pub., 1877. $3. Centennial of the Theo- logical Seminary of the Reformed Church in Amer- ica, 1784-1^4. Pp. 526, 8vo. N. Y. : 1885. Corwin, E. T., D.D. a Manual of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in America. i2mo. N. Y.: Ref. Ch. Bd. Pub., 1859. 3d ed., pp. xiv, 676. 1879. $2. Demarest, David D. History and Characteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. Pp. xxviii, 221, i2mo. N. Y. : Ref. Ch. Bd. Pub., 1856. 4th ed., 1889. $2. Hansen. Maurice G. The Re- formed Church in the Nether- lands, from 1340 to 1840, in short Historical Sketches. Pp. 332, 17 i2mo. N. Y. : Re'f. Ch. Bd. Pub., 1884. $1.50. Russell, George B. Creed and Customs : a popular Handbook, treating on the Doctrines and Practices of the Reformed Church in the United States. Pp. 467, i2mo. Phila. : Ref. Ch. Bd. Pub.. [1867.] $2. 26. Roman Catholicism. a. BIBLIOGRAPHY. FiNOTTi, Joseph M. Bibliographia Catholica Americana ; a List of Works by Catholic Authors and Publishers in the United States. 1784-1820. Pp. 318, 8vo. N. Y.: Cath. Pub. Ho., 1872. $5. GiLLOW, Joseph. Dictionary of English Catholic Biography and Bibliography [1534-1884]. 6 vols. [?], 8vo. Lond., 1887-1894. Each 155. Index Expurgatorius. An Ex- act Reprint of the Romaa Index Expurgatorius. Edited, with a Preface, by Richard Gibbings. Pp. Ixxxv, 608, i2mo. LoncL: Bohn, 1837. \2s. 6d. Jones, T. R. Catalogue of Tracts- for and against Popery,, irt the Manchester Library. Vols. 48 and 64 of Chetham Soc. Publications. Pp. xii, 256 ; X, 257-525, 4to. Lond.: Chetham Soc, 1859-1865. Mendham, J. The Literary Policy of the Church oi Rome, exhibited in an Account af her Damnatory Catalogues or Indexes, both Pro- hibitory and Expurgatory. With v^arious illustrative Extracts, An- ecdotes, and Remarks. Pp. xxxvi, 445, 8vo. Lond. : Duncan, 1830- 1843. 19J. b. history. See also Jesuits and Italy. Amherst, W. J. The History of Catholic Emancipation and the 242 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Progress of the Catholic Church in the British Isles (chiefly in England) from 1771 to 1820. 2 vols., pp. 660, 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1886. 24s. Balmes, J. L. Protestantism and Catholicity Compared. . . . See tt7ider Froiesiantz'sfjt. Bellesheim, a. History of the Catholic Church of Scotland, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Present Day. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Blackwood, 1888. 25^. Brady, W. M. Annals of the Catholic Hierarchy in England and Scotland. Roy. 8vo. Lond. : Stark, 1885. 7s. 6d. Butler, C. Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics since the Reformation. 4 vols., pp. XV, 514; X, 456; xi, 516; xii, 553, 8vo. Lond.: Mur- ray, 1822. 56J. Cox, George W., Rev., M.A. Latin and Teutonic Christendom. An Historical Sketch. Pp. xii, 257, i6mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1870. 4^. 6d. Creighton, Mandell, M.A. A History of the Papacy during the Period of the Reformation. 5 vols., pp. xxiv, 453 ; XX, 555 ; xvi, 307 ; xii, 314; xvi, 380. Lond.: Long- mans; Bost. : Houghton, 1882- 1894. Vols. I and II, $10; Vols. Ill and IV, $7.50; Vol. V, $4. Darras, J. E., L'Abbe. a General History of the Catholic Church ; from the Commencement of the Christian Era until the Present Time. First American from the last French edition, with Introduc- tion and Notes, by Archbishop M. J. Spalding. 3 vols., pp. xlv, 630, 627, 666, 8vo. N. Y.: O'Shea, 1 865-1 866. $12. De Courcy, Henry. The Catho- lic Church in the United States : Pages of its History. Translated and enlarged by John Gilmary Shea. Pp. 591, i2mo. N. Y. : Dunigan, ist and 2d ed., 1856. $1.50. Bowling, John. History of Ro- manism, from the Earliest Corrup- tions of Christianity to the Present Time. New edition, with Supple- ment containing the History from the Accession of Pope Pius IX to thePresentTime, A. D. 1853. Pp. xxiv, 814, 8vo. N. Y.: Walker, 1855. Later edition, revised and enlarged, 1871. $5. GiLLOW, J. A Literary and Bio- graphical History, or Bibliography, of the English Catholics from the Breach with Rome in 1534 to the Present. 3 vols,, pp. xxi, 612 ; xii, 557; \}] , i2mo. N.Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1885. $4. Guettee, Abbe. The Papacy. Translated with a Biographical Notice of the Author. Introduc- tion by Bishop Coxe. i2mo. N. Y.: Carleton, 1867. $1.75. Ingram, T. Dunbar. England and Rome. See under England. Lambing, A. A. History of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. 8vo. N. Y. : Benziger, 1880. $3. Manning, H. E., Card. The Centenary of St. Peter and the General Council. Pp. 16, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1867. 2s. 6d. England and Christendom. Pp. 282, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1867. los. 6d. Murphy, John Nicholas. The Chair of Peter ; or. The Papacy considered in its Institution, De- velopment, and Organization, and in the Benetits which, for over eighteen Centuries, it has con- ferred on Mankind. Pp. x, 574, 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1883. New ed., 1888. 6,y. Murray, J. O. A Popular History of the Catholic Church in the HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 243 United States. Pp. 619, 8vo. N. Y. : Sadlier, 1876. $2.50. Neligan, William, Rev. Rome: its Churches, its Charities, and its Schools. i2mo. N. Y. : Dunigan, 18—. $1. Newman. John H., Card. The Reformation of the Eleventh Cen- tury. [Pp. 249-335 of Vol. II of Critical and Historical Essays. 2 vols., pp. X, 424 ; iv, 463, 8vo. Lond. : Pickering, 1871. 6^.] The Protestant Idea of Anti- Christ. [Pp. 112-185 of Vol. II of Critical and Historical Essays.] See above. Lectures on the Present Posi- tion of Catholics in England. Pp. xvi, 416, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1851. 5th ed., 1870. \7.s. An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent. Pp. viii, 485, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1851. 2d ed., 1870. Zs. Apologia pro Vita Sua. Pp. xxiv, 394, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1873. New ed., 1880. 6^. NOETHEN, Theodore. A Compen- dium of the History of the Cath- olic Church, from the Commence- ment of the Christian Era to the Ecumenical Council of the Vati- can. Pp. 58 , i2mo. Bait. : Mur- phy, 1870. 2d ed., 1871. $1.25. Pennington, A. R. Epochs of the Papacy, from its Rise to the Death of Pope Pius IX, in 1878. Pp. xiv, 496, p. 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1881. 10^. 6d. Reichel, Oswald J. The See of Rome in the Middle Ages. Pp. xxxvi, 669, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1870. \Zs. Riddle, J. E. The History of the Papacy to the Period of the Ref- ormation. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 408 ; ix, 414, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1854. 2\S. Shea, John Gilmary. Catholic Churches in New York City, with Sketches of History and Lives of Present Pastors. 4to. N. Y. : Goulding, 1879. $10. Catholic Church in Colonial Days. 8vo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1887. SS- History of the Catholic Church in the United States [down to Second Plenary Council of Balti- more, 1866]. 4vols.,8vo. N. Y. : Shea, 1886-1892. Trollope, T. Adolphus. The Papal Conclaves, as they were and as they are. Pp. xviii, 434, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1876. \6s. Webb, B. J. The Centenary of Catholicity in Kentucky; a His- tory of the Catholic Church in Kentucky ; also Details of Cath- olic Emigration to the State from 1785-1814, and Sketches of the more prominent Colonists and early missionary Priests. Pp. 600. Louisville, Ky. : Rogers, 1884. $3. Wylie, J. A., Rev. The Papacy; its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects: being the Evangelical Alliance First Prize Essay on Po- pery. Pp. XV, 558, 8vo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 185 1. Newed., Lond. : Hamilton, 1889. 7.s. 6d. c. doctrines. Allies, Thomas W., M.A. St. Peter, his Name and his Office, as set forth in Holy Scripture. Pp. xvi, 286, 8vo. Lond. : Richard- son, 1852. js. Berington, Joseph, Rev., and Kirk, John, Rev. The Faith of Catholics confirmed by Scripture and attested by the Fathers of the First Five Centuries of the Church. Edited by Right Rev. T. J. Capel, D.D. 3 vols,, pp. xl, 468 ; 505 ; 491, 8vo. N.Y. and Cine. : Pustet, 1885. 244 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Bridgett, T. E. History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain. Vol. I. Britons, Picts, Scots, and Anglo-Saxons. Vol. II. Anglo- Normans, later English and Scotch. Permissu superiorum. Pp. vi, 257 ; iv, 336, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1 88 1. i8s, Butler, Alban. The Movable Feasts, Fasts, and other Annual Observances of the Catholic Church. Pp. 530, 8vo. Dubl. : Wogan, 1807. i2mo. N. Y. : Strong. $1.25. Capper, S. The Acknowledged Doctrines of the Church of Rome. Pp. xvi, 608, 8vo. Lond. : Gilpin, 1850; Bennett, 1851. 24s. Cathcart, William. The Papal System : from its Origin to the Present Time. A Historical Sketch of every Doctrine, Claim, and Prac- tice of the Church of Rome. Pp. 478, 8vo. Phila. : Cathcart, 1872. $2.50. Devine, a. The Creed Explained : or. An Exposition of Catholic Doc- trine, according to the Creeds of Faith and the Constitutions and Definitions of the Church. Pp. 462, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Wash- bourne, 1892. 6s. Elwin, W. Confession and Abso- lution in the Bible : a Study of the Evidences of Holy Scripture upon the Doctrine of Penance, its Progression, Revelation, and sub- sequent Practice. Pp. 460, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hayes, 1883. gs. Kenrick, Francis Patrick, Bp. The Primacy of the Apos- tolic See Vindicated. Pp. xii, 488, 8vo. Phila.: Fithian, 1845. 4th ed., 1855. $1.50. Lasteyrie, C. p. de. Count. The History of Auricular Confes- sion, Religiously, Morally, and Politically Considered among Ancient and Modern Nations. Translated ... by Charles Cocks, B.L. 2 vols., pp. xix, 260 ; vi, 282, i2mo. Lond. : Bentley, 1848. 3d ed., 1850. 21S. Livius, Thomas, Rev. Mary in the Epistles ; or, The Implicit Teach- ing of the Apostles concerning the Blessed Virgin contained in their Writings. Illustrated from the Fathers and other Authors. With Introductory Chapters. Pp. viii, 292, 8vo. Lond.: Burns, 1891. 5^. Manning, H. E., Abp. Sermons on Ecclesiastical Subjects. 2 vols., pp. vi, 245, 236, i2mo. Lond.: Burns ; N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1 863-1 87 1. New ed., 1873. 12s., $6. On the Unity of the Church. Pp- 373' 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1842. 2d ed., 1845. lo-^- 6^- The Temporal Mission of the Holy Ghost ; or, Reason and Rev- elation. Pp. 274, i2mo. Lond. : Burns; N. Y. : Appleton, 1866. Ss.6d.,$i. QuiGLEY, Richard F. Mary the Mother of Christ in Prophecy and its Fulfillment. Pp. viii, 493, 8vo. N. Y. and Cine. : Pustet, 1893. $2. Schulte, John, D.D., Ph.D. Ro- man Catholicism, Old and New, from the Standpoint of the Infal- libility Doctrine. Pp. 350, i2mo. N. Y.: Worthington, 1877. $1.50. Ullathorne, Bp. The Immacu- late Conception of the Mother of God. An Exposition. Pp. vi, 229, i6mo. Lond.: Richardson, 1855. 35. 6^. Wiseman, N., Card. Lectures on the Principal Doctrines and Prac- tices of the Catholic Church. 2 vols., pp. ix, 334 ; 244. Lond. : Dolman, 1836. New ed., 1847. y. dd. 6th ed,, 2 vols., i2mo. Bait.: Kelly; N. Y. : O'Shea, 1862. $3. Wright, T. St. Patrick's Pur- gatory, an Essay. Pp. 192, 8vo. Lond!: Smith, 1843. 6s. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 245 d. INQUISITION. ACHILLE, G., Rev. Dealings with the Inquisition ; or, Papal Rome, her Priests and her Jesuits. With Important Disclosures. Pp. 351, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1 85 1. Dellon, C. History of the Inqui- sition at Goa. 2d ed., pp. viii, 187, i2mo. Lend.: Baldwin, 1875. Bost. Pub. Soc, 1825. Gordon, Janet. The Spanish In- quisition : Its Heroes and Mar- tyrs. Pp. 280, i2mo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1870. 3^'. 6d. Lea, Henry Charles, LL.D. Chapters from the Religious His- tory of Spain. Pp. xii, 522. Phila. : Lea, 1890. $2.50. A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. In three vol- umes. Pp. xiv, 583 ; X, 587 ; x, 736, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1888. 89. Llorente, Juan Ant. History of the Inquisition of Spain from the Time of the Establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand VII. 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1826. Pp. 208, 8vo. Phila. : Campbell, 1843. 15^., 75 cents. Mackenna,B. Vicuna. Francesco Moyen; or, Tie Inquisition as it was in America. Translated from the Spanish by James W. Duffy. Pp. 206, 8vo. Lond. : Sotheran, 1869. 7^. 6d. MOCATTA, F. D. Jews in Spain and Portugal and the Inquisition. i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1877. Rule, William H. History of the Inquisition, in every Country where its Tribunals have been es- tablished, from the Twelfth Cen- tury to the present Time. Lond.: Mason, 1856. New ed., pp. xii, 367 ; iv, 360, 8vo. Lond. : Wesi. Conf. Off., 1868. New ed., 1874. Zs. 6d. e. JESUITISM. Carlyle, Thomas. Jesuitism. [In Latter-day Pamphlets.^ P. 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1850. pi-. Pp. 259-485 of Vol. II of his Works. Bost. : Estes, 1885. 20 vols. $15. Cartwright, W. C, M. P. The Jesuits : their Constitution and Teachings. An Historical Sketch. Pp.xix, 238, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1876. 9^. Dalton, Edward. The Jesuits: their Principles and Acts. Pp. iv, 290, i6mo. Lond.: Dalton, 1843. Daurignac, J. M. S. History of the Society of Jesus. Translated by J. Clements. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 471; 372, i2mo. Cine: Walsh, 1865. $3. Foley, H. Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus. 8 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Quaritch, 1 877- 1 883. 180J. Griesinger, Theodor. The Jesu- its. A complete History of their open and secret Proceedings from the Foundation of the Order to the present Time. 2 vols., pp. viii, 439 ; vii, 383, 8vo. Lond. : Allen, 1883. 2d ed., 1885. N. Y. : Putnam, 1883. \os. 6d., $6. Hughes, Thomas, Rev. Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. Pp. 302, 8vo. Lond. : Heineman, 1892. 5^. Joly, Cretineau. The Poor Gen- tlemen of Liege: being the His- tory of the Jesuits in England and Ireland for the last Sixty Years. Edited by R. J. M'Ghee. Part I. Pp. xxxii, 265, 8vo. Lond. : Shaw, 1863. ys. 6d. Law, Thomas Graves. An His- torical Sketch of the Conflicts be- tween Jesuits and Seculars in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, with a Reprint of Christopher Bagshaw's 246 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. " True Relation of the Faction begun at Wisbich," and illustra- tive Documents. Pp. 324, 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1889. 155. Leone, A. The Jesuit Conspiracy. Pp.318, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1848. 10^. dd. Maynard, L'Abbe. The Studies and Teaching of the Society of Jesus at the Time of its Sup- pression, 1 750-1 773. Translated from the French. Pp.261, i2mo. Bait.: Murphy, 1855. |i. Michelet, J., and Quinet, E. The Jesuits. Translated from the French. Edited by C. Edwards Lester. Pp. v, 225, i2mo. N. Y. : Gates, 1845. i6mo. Translated by Cocks. Lend.: Longmans, 1846. 14J. Nevin, W. The Jesuits : and other Essays. 8vo. Lond. : Wash- bourne, 1874. IS. 6d. NiCOLlNi, G. B. History of the Jesuits : their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs. With Portraits of Loyola, Lainds, Xa- vier, Borgia, Acquaviva, P^re la Chaise, and Pope Ganganelli. Pp. xxvi, 514, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1854. 55. Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the Seven- teenth Century. Pp. Ixxxix, 463. Bost. : Little, 1867. 13th ed., 1879. $2.50. Pioneers of France in the New World. Pp. xxii, 427, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1865. i6thed., 1879. $2.50. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great W^est. Pp. xxv, 483, 8vo. Bost.: Little, 1870. nth ed., 1879. $2.50. Parvissen, C. Principles of the Jesuits. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, i860. 6s. Pascal, Blaise. The Provincial Letters. A new Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes. By Rev. Thomas McCrie. Edited by O. W. Wight, A.M. Lond. : Groombridge, 1852. Pp. 470, i2mo. N. Y.: Derby, i860, \s.6d., $2.25. Pollard, A. F. The Jesuits in Poland. The Lothian Essay, 1892. Pp. 98, p. 8vo. Oxf. : Blackwell, 1892. 2s. 6d. Rose, Stewart. Ignatius Loyola and the Early Jesuits. Pp. iv, 548, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1871. i6s. Seymour, M. H. Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. Pp. 237, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1849; Lond.: Seeley, 1852. js. Steinmetz, Andrew. History of the Jesuits, from the Foundation of their Society to its Suppression by Pope Clement XIV ; their Mis- sions throughout the World ; their Educational System and Literature ; with their Revival and Present State. 2 vols., pp. 468, 479, 8vo. Phila. : Lea, 1848. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. xii, 510, $14, 636. Lond. : Bentley, 1850. $2', 245. The Novitiate ; or. The Jesuit in Training. Being a Year among the English Jesuits. 8vo. Lond. : Smith; N. Y. : Harper, 1862. 2d ed., pp. xxii, 296. 1847. 2s.6d., 50 cents. Stephen, James. The Founders of Jesuitism. [Pp. 100-188 of Es- says in Ecclesiastical Biography. ^ Lond. : Longmans, 2 vols., 1850. New ed., i vol., pp. xvi, 663. 1875. Ts. 6d. Taylor, Isaac. Loyola ; and Jesuitism in its Rudiments. Pp. 416, i2mo. N.Y.: Carter, 1849. $i- Thompson, R. W. The Footprints of the Jesuits. Pp. 509, 8vo. N. Y. : Crowell, 1894. $1.75. f. temporal power. Allies, Thomas William. The Holy See and the Wandering of the Nations from St. Leo I to St. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 247 Gregory I. Pp. xviii, 368, 8vo. Lond. : Burns ; N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1888. los. 6d., $2.80. DOLLINGER, J. J. I. The Church and the Churches ; or. The Papacy and the Temporal Power. Pp. 480, 8vo. Lond.: Hurst, 1862. 155. GossELiN, Jean E. August. Power of the Pope During the Middle Ages ; or. An Historical In- quiry into the Origin of the Tem- poral Power of the Holy See. 2 vols., pp. xxxvi, 342; XV, 411, 8vo. Lond. : Dolman, 1853. 14s. Greenwood, Thomas, M.A. Cathedra Petri. A Political His- tory of the Great Latin Patriarch- ate. 14 books in 6 volumes. Pp. xvi, 509 ; xxviii, 540 ; xxiv, 576; XX, 700; XX, 695 ; xiv, 578. Lond.: Thickbroom, 1859-1872. 65.. HUGHEY, G. W. Political Roman- ism ; or, The Secular Policy of the Papal Church. Pp. 287, i6mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1872. $1. HusSEY. Robert. Rise of the Papal Power, traced in three Lectures. Pp. xxiii, 209, i6mo. Lond.: Mac- millan, 1851. 2d ed., 1863. 4s. 6d. Kellett, F. W. Pope Gregory the Great and his Relations with Gaul. Pp. 118, p. 8vo, Lend.: Camb. Wareh., 1889; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1890. 2s. dd., 90 cents. Lea, Henry C. Rise of the Tem- poral Power. [In Studies i7t Church History, pp. 13-167.] i2mo. Phila. : Lea, 1869. $2.75. Legge, Alfred Owen. The Growth of the Temporal Power of the Papacy. Pp. xvi, 316, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1870. Zs. 6d. McClintock, John. Temporal Power of the Pope. Pp. 154, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1855. 45 cents. Manning, H. E., Card. The Temporal Sovereignty of the Popes. Pp. 80, 8vo. Lond. : Knowles, i860, is. The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Christ. Pp. 330, 8vo. Lond.: Burns, 1862. New ed., 1880. 5J. Thompson, R. W. The Papacy and the Civil Power. Pp. 750, 8vo. N. Y.: Harper. 1876. $3. TONDINI, C. The Pope of Rome and the Popes of the Oriental Churches. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1 87 1. 6^. g. VATICANISM and ULTRAMON- tanism. Badenoch, G. R., editor. Ultra- montanism. An Authentic Re- port of the Speeches and Proceed- ings of the Meetings held in St. James's and Exeter Halls to ex- press Sympathy with Germany in its Struggle against Ultramontan- ism. Pp. 638,8vo. Lond.: Hatch- ards, 1874. js. 6d. DOLLINGER, J. J. I. The Pope and the Council, by Janus (Pseud.). Pp. xxviii, 346, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington ; Bost. : Roberts, 1869. 7s. 6d., $1. Fessler, J. True and False Infal- libility of the Popes. Pp. ii, 162, i6mo. N. Y.: Cath. Pub. Soc, 1875. 50 cents. Gladstone, William E. The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance : a Political Expostulation. To which are added : a History of the Vatican Council ; together with the Latin and English Texts of the Papal Syllabus and the Vatican Decrees, by the Rev. Philip Schaff, D.D. Pp. 168, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. 60 cents. Vaticanism : an Answer to Re- proofs and Replies. Pp. 96, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. 40 cents. 248 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Speeches of Pope Pius IX. 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. These three Pamphlets, separately or to- gether, under the general title of '"' Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion." Pp. 190, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. 81.75. The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance, with the Replies of Archbishop Man- ning, Lord Acton, and Mons. Capel. Bvo. Lond. : Murray ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1874. 2s. 6d., 25 cents. Hergenrother, J. Anti-Janus : An Historico-Theological Criti- cism of " The Pope and the Coun- cil," by /amis (Dollinger, J. J. I.). Translated from the German by J. B. Robertson, Esq. Pp. xlviii, 292, 8vo. Dubl.: Kelly, 1869. 6s. Lyons, Daniel, Rev. Christian- ity and Infallibility — Both or Nei- ther. Pp. ix, 254, i2mo. N. Y. : Longmans, 1891. $1.50. Manning, Henry E., Abp. The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance. Pp. 179, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans ; N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1875. 2s. 6d., 25 cents. Newman, John Henry. A Letter Addressed to His Grace, the Duke of Norfolk, on occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Expostulation. Pp. 171, i2mo. Lond. : Pickering, 1874 ;N.Y.: Cath. Pub. Soc, 1875. IS., 50 cents. Pressense, Edmond de. Rome and Italy at the Opening of the (Ecumenical Council, depicted in Twelve Letters written from Rome to a Gentleman in America. Translated by Rev. George Pren- tice, A.M. Pp. 327, i2mo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1870. $1.50- Puller, F. W. The Primitive Saints and the See of Rome. With a Preface by the Bishop of Lincoln. Pp. xxi, 428, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1893. 7s. 6d., $2.25. Tondini, C. 5^^;^. 245. Weninger, F. X., D.D. On the Apostolical and Infallible Author- ity of the Pope when teaching the Faithful, and on his Relations to a General Council. Pp. 364, i2mo. N. Y.: O'Shea, 1868. $1.50. Whittle, J. L. Catholicism and tlie Vatican. With a Narrative of the Old Catholic Congress at Mu- nich. Pp. 112, Bvo, Lond. : King, 1872. 4!?. 6d. h. anti-romanist writings. About, Edmond. The Roman Question. Translated by Mrs. Annie T. Wood, with an Intro- duction by Rev. E. N. Kirk. Pp. 308, i2mo. Bost. : Appleton, 1859. 60 cents. Barnum, S. W. Romanism as it is ; an Exposition of the Roman Catholic System, for the Use of the American People. Pp. xviii, 753, Bvo. Hartf. : Conn. Pub. Co., 1871. New ed., 1876. $3.50. Barrow, Isaac, D.D. A Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy ; to which is added a Discourse con- cerning the Unity of the Church. [Originally printed 1685.] New ed., pp. xii, 561, 8vo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1851. gs. 6d. Beecher, Edward. The Papal Conspiracy Exposed, and Protes- tantism Defended, in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture. Pp. 432, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1855. $1.25. Brinckman, a.. Rev. Controver- sial Methods of Romanism. Pp. 216, p. Bvo. Lond.: Sonnen- schein, 1B8B. 3^. 6d. Brogden, James, M.A. Catholic Safeguards against the Errors, Corruptions, and Novelties of the Church of Rome ; being Dis- courses and Tracts, selected from the Writing of Divines ... who HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 249 lived during the Seventeenth Cen- tury. 3 vols., pp. viii, 615; [vi,] 621 ; XX, 690, 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1849-185 1. 36.?. Brownlee, W. C. Letters on the Roman Catholic Controversy. Pp. 360, 8vo. Phila. : Wetham, 1834. $!• Butler, W. Archer. Letters on Romanism, in Reply to Dr. New- man's Essay on Development. Edited by Thomas Woodward. Dublin, 1850. 2d ed., revised by Archdeacon Hardwick. Pp. xxviii, 391, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1858. 10^. 6d. Cairns, John. Romanism and Rationalism as Opposed to Pure Christianity. Pp. 60, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1863. i.y. Clark, Rufus W. Romanism in America. Pp. 271, i6mo. Bost. : Tilton, 1859. 64 cents. D'AuBiGNE, J. H. Merle. Au- thority of God ; or. The True Bar- rier against Romish and Infidel Aggression. Pp. 290, i2mo. Lond.: Griffin, 1854. /[s. 6d. De Sanctis, L., D.D. Rome, Christian and Papal ; Sketches of its Religious Monuments and Ec- clesiastical Hierarchy, with Notices of the Jesuits and the Inquisition. Pp. 262, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. $1.50. Dixon, A. C. The True and the False. [** The Truth as it is in Jesus," and " A View of Roman Catholicism in the Light of the Bible."] Pp. ii, 173, i2mo. Bait.: Wharton, 1890. $1. Edgar, Samuel. The Variations of Popery. Revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Rev. C. Sparry. Pp. xxiv, 606, 8vo. N. Y. : Craig- head, 1849. $1. Elliott, Charles. Delineation of Romanism, drawn from the Authentic and Acknowledged Standards of the Church of Rome. 2 vols., pp. 492, 491, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1851. S3. Gallagher, Mason, Rev., D.D. Was the Apostle Peter Ever in Rome.'' A Critical Examination of the Evidence and Arguments Presented on Both Sides of the Question. Introduction by Rev. John Hall, D.D. Pp. xvi, 249, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1894. $1. Gavazzi, H. The Lectures Com- plete of Father Gavazzi, as Deliv- ered in New York, corrected by himself, with his Life by J. B. Nicolini. Pp. 393, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1854. 75 cents. Hare, Julius Charles. The Contest with Rome ; a Charge to the Clergy. [In Vol. Ill of Charges to the Clergy. . . . 1840- 18 54. 3 vols., pp. Ixxii, 388; ii, 460; ii, 362, 8vo. Camb. : Macmillan, 1856. 30J. 6^.] Haskins, Thomas W., Rev., M.A. Is the Papacy in Prophecy ? Pp. vii, 99, 8vo. Oakland, Cal. : Pac. Pr., 1890. 50 cents. Hopkins, John Henry, S.T.D. Articles on Romanism, Mon- signor Capel, Dr. Littledale. Pp. 200, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1890. $1. HowiTT, W. History of Priestcraft. Pp. 260, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Wilson, 1833. New ed., 1846. 55. Littledale, Richard F. The Petrine Claims : Critical Inqui- ry. Pp. xvi, 363, i6mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K. : N. Y. : Young, 1889. 6j., %2. Massy, Dawson. The Secret His- tory of Romanism. Enlarged. Pp. 544, i2mo. Dublin, 3d ed., 1855. Lond. : Hamilton, 1869. 3^. dd. Mattison, Hiram. Romanism: its General Decline, and its Pres- 25° LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. ent Condition and Prospects in the United States. Pp. 91, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1870. 50 cents. Maurice, F. D. The Religion of Rome and its Influence on Modern Civilization. Pp. xxiv, 350, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1855. 3^.6^. MiCHELET, J. Priests, Women, and Families. Translated by Cocks. Pp. iv, 66, 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1846. 9^. i6mo, IS. 6d. MiDDLETON, CONYERS. A Letter from Rome, showing an exact Conformity between Popery and Paganism. Lond., 1729. New ed. With introductory Essay and Notes by John Dowling, D.D. Pp. 194, 24mo. N. Y. : Am. and For. Chr. Un., 1854. 50 cents. i8mo, Lond. : Tegg, 1868. is. 6d. Montagu, R., Lord. The Sower and the Virgin. Pp. 426, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1887. 7^.6^. Against the dogmas of Immaculate Con- ception and Infallibility of the Pope. Murray, N. (" Kirwan.") Letters to Bishop Hughes. Revised and enlarged edition. Pp. 382, i2mo. N. Y. ; Leavitt, 1852. 63 cents. Romanism at Home. Letters to the Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States. Pp. 272, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1852. 75 cents. Notes of the Church, as laid down by Cardinal Bellarmine, Examined and Confuted in a Series of Tracts written by sev- eral Bishops. Pp. 374, 8vo. Lond.: Holdsworth, 1840. New ed., 1868. ys. 6d. Preuss, Edward. The Romish Doctrine of the Immaculate Con- ception Traced from its Source. Translated by George Gladstone. Pp.vii, 219, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1867. 4s. Rice, N. L., D.D. Romanism not Christianity: a Series of popular Lectures, in which Popery and Protestantism are contrasted ; showing the Incompatibility of the former with Freedom and free Institutions. Pp. x, 364, i2mo. Cine: Moore, 1847. $1. Romanism the Enemy of Free Institutions and of Christianity. i2mo. Cine. : Moore, 1851. $1. RoussELL, Napoleon. Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared in their Threefold Relations to Wealth, Knowledge, and Moral- ity. Pp. 330, 8vo. Bost. : Jewett, 1855. $1.50. Thompson, R. W. The Papacy and the Civil Power. Pp. 750, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1876. $3. Townsend, G. Accusations of History against the Church of Rome. Pp. 456, i8mo. Lond.: Dalton, 1826. New ed„ 1845. 4^. Truth of God against the Papacy, The : being a Course of Lectures on Popery, delivered in Edinburgh, 1851, at the Request of the Scottish Reformation So- ciety. Pp. xxiv, 570, i6mo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 185 1. 4^. Tyler, J. E. Primitive Christian Worship ; or. The Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Church against the Invocation of Saints and the Virgin Mary. 8vo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1840. New ed., pp. xii, 415. 1847. 6s. The Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome Contrary to Holy Scripture, and to the Faith and Practice of the Church of Christ. Pp. xx, 435, 8vo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1844. New ed., 1847. 6s. Van Nortwick, W. H. Anti-Papal Manual : Book of Ready Refer- ence for American Protestants. i2mo. N. Y.: Holt, 1876. 25 cents. Whately, Richard. Errors of Romanism traced to their Origin HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 251 in Human Nature. 8vo. Lond, : Parker, 1830. New ed., pp. viii, 380. 1856. 7s. 6d. White, J. Blanco. A Letter to Charles Butler, Esq., on his Notice of the " Practical and Internal Evi- dence against Catholicism." Pp. 131. 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1826. New ed., 1835. 9J. 6d. Wordsworth, Christopher, D.D. Letters to Mr. Gordon, on the Destructive Character of the Church of Rome, both in Religion and Policy. Pp. viii, 335, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1847. js. 6d. i. ROMANIST APOLOGETICS. See particularly under Doctrine Baluffi, Abp. of Lmola. The Charity of the [Rom. Cath.] Church ... a Proof of her Divinity ; from the Italian, with an Introduc- tion by Dennis Garagan. Pp. xxxii, 448, i2mo. Dubl. : Gill; N. Y.: Cath. Pub. Soc, 1885. 6s., $2. Berington, J., Rev., and Kirk, J., Rev., compilers. Faith of Catho- lics : confirmed by Scripture and attested by the Fathers of the first Five Centuries of the Church. See p. 241. Kenrick, Francis Patrick. The Primacy of the Apostolic See Vindicated. See p. 242. MORiARTY, James J., Rev. The Keys of the Kingdom ; or. The Un- failing Promise. Pp. iii, 389, i2mo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1885. $1.25. Perrodin, J. C, Rev. Catholicity vs. Protestantism : Conversations of a Catholic Missionary with Americans. Pp. 338, i2mo. Mil- waukee: Hoffman, 1890. $1. Rivington, Luke, Rev. The Primitive Church and the See of Peter ; with an Introduction by the Cardinal Archbishop of West- minster. Pp. xxxiii, 488, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1894. $5. Treacy, James J. Tributes of Protestant Writers to the Truth and Beauty of Catholicity. Pp. 400, i2mo. N. Y. : Pustet, 1885. $1.25. Zahm, J. A., Rev. Catholic Science and Catholic Scientists. Pp. iii, 217, i2mo. Phila. : Kilner, 1893. 75 cents. k. popes, lives of. BowDEN, John William, M.A. The Life and Pontificate of Greg- ory the Seventh. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 374; xii, 411, 8vo. Lond.: Riv- ington, 1840. 21s. Bower, Archibald. The History of the Popes from the Foundation of the See of Rome to 1758. With an Introduction and Continuation to the present Time by Rev. Sam- uel Hanson Cox. D.D. 7 vols. Lond., 1 7 50-1 766. 3 vols., pp. 12, XX, 520; 602 ; 515, 8vo. Phila.: Griffith, 1844. $6. Gavazzi. Alexander. My Rec- ollections of the Last Four Popes. Pp. 290, 8vo. Lond. : Partridge, 1858. 3^. 6d. HuBNER, Baron. The Life and Times of Sixtus the Fifth. Trans- lated from the original French by Hubert E. H. Jerningham. 2 vols., pp. viii, 444; vi, 411, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1872. 245. Legge, a. O. Story of the Life of Pius IX. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1875. 32J. Mendham, Joseph, Rev., M.A. The Life and Pontificate of Saint Pius the Fifth. Subjoined is a Re- impression of a Historic Deduc- tion of the Episcopal Oath of Allegiance to the Pope, in the Church of Rome. Pp. xx, 325, 21, 8vo. Lond. : Duncan, 1832. io.y. 6d. 252 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Meyrick, T. Lives of the Early Popes. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Wash- bourne, 1 878- 1 880. 10s. Platina, B. The Lives of the Popes, from the Time of our Saviour Jesus Christ : Written originally in Latin and Translated into English. Edited by Rev. W. Benham. Pp. 274, 8vo. Lond. : Griffith, 1888. IS. Lives of the Popes, from the Accession of Gregory VII to the Death of Paul II. Edited by Rev. W. Benham. Pp. 316, 8vo. Lond.: Griffith, 1888. New ed., 1893. is. Ranke, Leopold. The Popes of Rome: their Ecclesiastical and Political History during the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated by Sarah Austin. Lond.: Murray, 1840. 4th ed., 3 vols., pp. xxviii, 357 ; vii, 407 ; vi, 475, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1866. 30J., $9. Frequent editions by various editors. ROSCOE, William. Life and Pon- tificate of Leo X. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1846. 15^. Lond. : Bohn, 1886. 7s. Shea, J. G. The Life of Pius IX, and Events of his Pontificate. i2mo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1878. $1.50. Snow, Abbot. St. Gregory the Great: his Work and his Spirit. Pp. 390, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodges, 1892. 3^. 6d. Stephen, James, Sir. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. Pp. xvi, 663, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1850. New ed., 1867. 7s. 6d. Essay I is on Hildebrand. Trollope, T. a. Life of Pius IX. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Bentley, 1877. 26s. Villemain, a. F. Life of Gregory VII. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Bent- ley, 1874. 26s. WiLKS, G. A. F. The History of the Popes, from Linus to Pius IX. 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1851. 9^. 6d. Wiseman, N., Card. Recollec- tions of the Last Four Popes, and of Rome in their Times. Pp. 542, 8vo. Lond.: Hurst, 1858. New ed., 1859. N. Y. : Donohoe, 1859. 5 J., $1. 27. Shakers. Brown, Thomas. An Account of the People called Shakers. Pp. 372, i2mo. Troy, N. Y. : Parker, 1812. Evans, F. W. Shakers. Com- pendium of the Origin, History, Principles, Rules and Regulations, Government, and Doctrines of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Coming. Pp.189, i6mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1859. 75 cents. Autobiography of a Shaker, and Revelation of the Apocalypse, etc. Pp. 162, 8vo. Mt. Lebanon, N. Y. : The Author, 1869. 75 cents. Millennial Church, A Sum- mary View of the ; or, The United Society of Believers, commonly called Shakers, comprising the Rise, Progress, and Practical Order of the Society. Pp. 320, i2mo. Al- bany : Packard, 1823. Robinson, C. E. A Concise His- tory of the Shakers. East Canter- bury : The Author, 1893. 75 cents. 28. Swedenborgianism. Barrett, B. F. Lectures on the New Dispensation ; to unfold and elucidate the leading Doctrines of the New Church. i2mo. Phila. : Claxton; N.Y. : Privately printed, 1842. $1.25. Catholicity of the New Church. Pp. 312, i2mo. N. Y. : Mason, 1863. $1. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 253 Clissold, Aug. Practical Nature of Swedenborg's Writings. Cr. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1838. Pp.245. Best. : Clapp, 1839. 6s. Creeds of Athanasius, Sabel- lius, Swedenborg, compared with each other. i2mo. Lond.: Long- mans. 2d ed., pp. xvi, 243, i2nio, 1873. 4s. Clowes, J. Outlines of Sweden- borg's Doctrines. New ed., Lond. : Longmans, 1873. y. 6d. Noble, Samuel. An Appeal in Behalf of the New Jerusalem Church. i2mo. Lond.: Hodson, 1838; Bost. : Clapp, 1845. 2d ed., pp. 538. Bost. : Carter, n. d. gs., 75 cents. Pond, Enoch. Swedenborgianism Revised. Pp. 250, i6mo. Port- land: Hyde, 1846. Revised ed., 1 86 1. 80 cents. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Providence. Translated from the Latin by R. N. Foster. From the last London edition. Pp. 321, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Swed. Print, and Pub. Co., 1873. $1.25. Economy of the Animal King- dom, considered anatomically, physically, and philosophically. 2 vols., 8vo. Cine. : Mendenhafl, 1858. $3. Divine Attributes : Including also the Divine Trinity, from the "Apocalypse Explained." i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1866. 2 vols., pp. 307, 246, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Swed. Print, and Pub. Co., 1886. $2. The Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church, Signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revela- tion ; being those concerning the Lord, the Sacred Scripture, Faith, and Life. Pp. 247, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Swed. Print, and Pub. Co., 1873. $1. Heaven and its Wonders : The World of Spirits, and Hell ; from Things Heard and Seen. Trans- lated from the Latin by the Rev. S. Noble. Pp. xxxvi, 375, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Swed. Print, and Pub. Co., 1872, $1.25. Arcana Coelestia : The Heav- enly Arcana contnined in the Scriptures Unfolded. 10 vols., pp. 568, 576, 515, 557, 607, 624, 627, 542, 607, 569, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Swed. Print, and Pub. Co., 1873. Each $1.50. Miscellaneous Theological Works. Pp. 526, 8vo. N. Y. : Am. Swed. Print, and Pub. Co., 1871. $1.50. The True Christian Religion : Containing the Universal Theol- ogy of the New Church, foretold by the Lord in Dan. vii, 13, 14, and in Rev. xxi, i, 2. Pp. xvi, 613, 8vo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1872. $2.25. Ware, Mary G. Death and Life. Pp. 174, i2mo. Phila.: Lippin- cott, 1864. 87 cents. Thoughts in My Garden. Pp. 268, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1863. $1. Worcester, J., Rev. Lectures upon the Doctrines of the New Church ; delivered in Newton- ville, 1885. Pp. iv, 97, i6mo. Bost.: New Ch. Un., 1886. 50 cents. 29. Unitarianism. Allen, Joseph Henry. Our Lib- eral Movement in Theology, chiefly as shown in Recollections of the History of Unitarianism in New England. Being a closing Course of Lectures given in the Harvard Divinity School. Pp. vi, 220, i6mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1882. S1.25. An Historical Sketch of the Unitarian Movement Since the 254 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Reformation. Pp. vi, 254, 8vo. N. Y.: Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $1.50. Beard, J. R. Unitarianism Exhib- ited in its Actual Conditions : Consisting of Essays by several Unitarian Ministers and Others ; illustrative of the Rise, Progress, and Principles of Christian Anti- Trinitarianism in different Parts of the World. Pp. 354, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1846. js. 6d. The Progress of Religious Thought, as illustrated in the Prot- estant Church of France ; being Essays and Reviews. Pp. li, 383, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1861. js. 6d. Bellows, Henry W. Restate- ments of Christian Doctrine (Ser- mons). Pp. viii, 434, i2mo. Bost.: Am. Unit. Assoc, 1859. New ed., 1870. $1. Bonet-Maury, G., Prof. Early Sources of Unitarian Christianity in England. 8vo. Lond. : Unit. Assoc, 1884. 5^. Brooks, Charles T. Channing. A Centennial Memorial. Pp. 259, i2mo. Bost.: Roberts, 1880. $1.50. Channing, William E. The Works. See p. 27. Clarke, James Freeman. Steps of Belief; or. Rational Christian- ity maintained against Atheism, Free Religion, and Romanism. Pp. viii, 311, i6mo. Bost.: Am. Unit. Assoc, 1870. 5th ed., 1874. $1. Orthodoxy : its Truths and Errors. Pp. xi, 512, i2mo. Bost.: Am. Unit. Assoc, 1866. nth ed., 1874. %i. Events and Epochs in Religious History. Pp. xx, 402, 8vo. Bost. : Am. Unit. Assoc, 1881. $3. Clarke, James Freeman, D.D., Allen, Joseph H., and oth- ers. Modern Unitarianism : Es- says and Sermons. Pp. iii, 218, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1886. $1.25. Dana, M, S. B., Mrs. Letters ad- dressed to Relatives and Friends, chiefly in Reply to Arguments in Support of the Trinity. Pp. xii, 285, i2mo. Bost. : Munroe, 1846. 63 cents. Ellis, G. E. Half Century of the Unitarian Controversy. Pp. xxiv, 285, 8vo. Bost. : Am. Unit. As- soc, 1857. Lond. : Whitfield, 1858. $1.50, 5J. Farley, F. A. Unitarianism De- fined. Scripture Doctrine of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Pp. 272, i2nio. Bost. : Walker, i860. New ed.. Am. Unit. Assoc, 1873. 60 cents. Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. Boston Unitarianism, 1 820-1 850. . . . See tmder Biog- raphy, General. Transcendentalism in New England : a History. Pp. ix, 395, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1876. $2.50. Lindsey, Theophilus. Memoirs and Progress of Unitarian Doc- trine. Edited by T. Belsham. 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1873. S-^- Metcalf, R. Letter and Spirit. [Winchester Lectures.] Pp. xii, 186, i6mo. Bost. : Am. Unit. Assoc, 1870. New ed., 1880. 60 cents. MURCH, JERONIS. A History of the Presbyterian [Unitarian] and General Baptist Churches in the West of England ; with Memoirs of some of their Pastors. Pp. XX, 579, 8vo. Lond. : Hunter, 1835. I2.y. Orr, John. Unitarianism in the Present Time ; its more important Principles, its Tendencies, and its Prospects. Pp. viii, 270, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Whitfield, 1863. 9^. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 255 Peabody, a. p. Christianity the Religion of Nature : Lectures delivered before the Lowell In- stitute. 2d ed,, revised. Pp. 256, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1864. $1.50. Priestly, Joseph. History of the Corruptions of Christianity. See imder Corruptions of Chris- tianity. Religious (The) Aspects of THE Age : Addresses by Osgood, Sawyer, Frothingham, Chapin, Bellows, and others. Pp. 179, i2mo. N. Y. : Thatcher, 1858. 25 cents. Unitarianism : its Origin and History : ... 16 lectures. . . . Pp. xxvii, 394, i2mo. Bost.: Am. Unit. Assoc, 1890. %i. Unitarianism Confuted. Lec- tures at Liverpool, 1839. Pp. xi- xxxiv, 162, 208-767, 8vo. Liver- pool: Perris, 1839. \os. Unitarianism Defended. J. H. Thorn, J. Martineau, H. Giles. Lectures at Liverpool, 1839. 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1839. 15^. Wallace, Robert, F.G.S. under Biography, General. See Ward, Humphrey, Mrs. Uni- tarians and the Future. Pp. 72, i2mo. Lond.: Green, 1894. is. Ware, William. American Uni- tarian Biography. See under Bi- ography, Ge7ieral. Wilson, John. Unitarian Princi- ples Confirmed by Trinitarian Tes- timonies ; selected from the Works of Theologians belonging to Or- thodox Churches. Pp. xv, 504, i2mo. Bost.: Am. Unit. Assoc, 1855. loth ed., 1876. $1.25. Scripture Proofs and Illustra- tions of Unitarianism. Pp. 346, 8vo. Bost. : Munroe, 1847. $1.50. Abridged ed., 38 cents. 30. United Brethren in Christ. Berger, D., Rev., D.D. History of the United Brethren in Christ. In Vol. XII of American Church History Series. Pp. x, 519, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. Lawrence, J. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 2 vols, in i. 8vo. Day- ton : U. B. Pub. Co., n. d. $2.50. Spayth, Henry G. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Pp. 344, i2mo. Circle- ville, O. : Conf. Off., 1851. $1.50. Weaver, J., Bp., D.D. Practical Comment on the Confession of Faith of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Pp. xv, 185, i2mo. Dayton : U. B. Pub. Ho., 1892. 75 cents. 31. Universalism. Adams, John G., D.D. Fifty Not- able Years. Views of the Minis- try of Christian Universalism dur- ing the last half Century. With Biographical Sketches. Pp. 336, 8vo. Bost.: Univ. Pub. Ho., 1882. $2. Eddy, Richard, D.D. Universal- ism in America : a History. Vol. I, 1636-1800. Pp. vi, 554, i2mo. Bost.: Univ. Pub. Ho., 1884. $1.50. Vol. II, 1801-1886. Pp. vi, 634, i2mo. 1886. $2. Universalism in Gloucester, Mass. Pp. 245, i2mo. Bost.: Univ. Pub. Ho., 1888. $1.50. History of Universalism. In Vol. X of American Church History- Series. Pp. xii, 506, Svo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. George, N. D. Universalism Not of the Bible. Pp. 458. i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1873. $i-75- Hatfield. Edwin F. Universal- ism as It Is ; or, Text-book of 256 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Modern Universalism in America. Pp. 341, i2mo. N. Y. : Newman, 1841. $1. Maurice, F. D. The Ground and Object of Hope for Mankind : Four Sermons. Pp. vi, 99, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1868. y,6d. Power, John H. An Exposition of Universalism ; or, An Investigation of that System of Doctrine which proposes Final Holiness and Hap- piness in Heaven to all Mankind. Pp. 311, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1850. 60 cents. Skinner, O. A. Universalism Il- lustrated and Defended ; being a System of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity. . . . Pp. 356, i2mo. Bost. : Tompkins, 1839. Whittemore, Thomas. The Modern History of Universalism : Extending from the Epoch of the Reformation to the Present Time. Consisting of Accounts of Individ- uals and Sects who have believed that Doctrine, . . . and Notes, His- torical, Explanatory, and Illustra- tive. Bost.: The Author, 1830. Reissued, pp. 408, i2mo. Bost.: Tompkins, i860. $1.50. 32. Vaudois. See under Albigenses. 33. Waldenses. See A Ibigenses. 34. Miscellaneous. Aycrigg, Benjamin. Memoirs of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Pp. Ixvi, 373, 8vo. N, Y. : The Author, 1875. 5th ed., 1880. Ellis, Franklin, and Evans, Samuel. History of Lancas- ter Co., Pa., with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men. Chapter xxvii, Churches of the Mennon- ites, Dunkers, Reformed Mennonites, River Brethren, and Amish. Funk, John F. The Mennonite Church and her Accusers. Elk- hart, Ind.: Mennonite Pub. Co., 1878. LONGAN, G. W. Origin of the Dis- ciples. i2mo. St. Louis : Christ. Pub. Co., 1889. Musser, Daniel. The Reformed Mennonite Church : its Rise and Progress, with its Doctrines and Principles. Lancaster, Pa. : Inq. Print, and Pub. Co., 1878. Orwig, W. W., Rev. History of the Evangelical Association. Vol. I. . . . To the end of 1845. From the German. Pp. 404, 8vo. Cleve- land : Hammer, 1858. $1.25. Summerbell, N., Rev. A True History of the Christians and the Christian Church from 4004 A. M. to 1870 A. D. 8vo. Dayton, O. : Christ. Pub. Assoc; Cine: 1871. $1.50. Tyler, B. B. Peculiarities of the Disciples. i2mo. Cine. : Stand. Pub. Co., 1890. 25 cents. History of the Disciples. In Vol. XII of American Church History- Series. Pp. X, 519, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit, Co., 1894. $2.50. Yeakel, R. Jacob Albright and his Colaborers. Pp. 329, i2mo. Cleveland, O. : Lauer, 1893. History of the Evangelical As- sociation. Vol. I, i2mo. Cleve- land, O. : Lauer, 1892. VI. SPECIAL CHURCH HIS- TORY—NATIONAL. I. Armenia. See also under Denominational. CURZON, Robert. Armenia. See p. 121. DwiGHT, H. G. O. Christianity in Turkey; or, Armenian Reforma- tion. Pp. 368, 8vo. Lond.: Nis- bet, 1854. 5 J. J HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 257 Malan, Solomon Cesar. Life and Times of St. Gregory the Il- luminator, Founder of the Arme- nian Church. Pp. XV, 238, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1868. ios.6d. Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church of St. Gregory. Pp. 60, 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1870. is. 6^. Smith, Eli, and Dwight, H.G. O. Ssep. 121. 2. England and Colonies. Abbey, C. J., and Overton, John H. The English Church in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols., pp. xix, 621; xiv, 551, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1878. 365-. New ed., I vol., pp. 480. Baxter, John A. The Church History of England : from the Introduction of Christianity into Britain to the present Time. 2 vols., pp. xix, 336 ; 460, 8vo. Lond. : Hatchard. 2d ed., 1849. iSs. Bright, William. Chapters of English Church History. Pp. xi, 460, 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1878. I2S. Browne,G.F. The Christian Church in these [British] Isles before the Coming of St. Augustine. Three Lectures. Pp. 156, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K.. 1894. IS. 6d. Cathcart, William, D.D. The Ancient British and Irish Church. Pp. 347, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1894. $1.50. Charles, Elizabeth, Mrs. The Early Dawn; or. Sketches of Christian Life in England in the Olden Time. By the Author of the " Schonberg-Cotta Family." Pp. 397, i6mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1864. i2mo. Lond.: Nelson, 1866. $1, 6^. dd. Diary of Kitty Trevelyan : a Story of the Times of Whitefield and the Wesleys [Romance]. Pp. 18 304, i2mo. N.Y. : Dodd, 1864; Lond.: Nelson, 1865. $1, ^js. Christianity in Great Britain. An Outline of its Rise, Progress, and Present Condition. A Series of Articles contributed to ihc Daily Telegraph. Pp. 156. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1874. 2s. 6d. Church, The, in the British Isles. Sketches of its Continu- ous History, from the Earliest Times to the Restoration. Lec- tures delivered in 1889 under the Auspices of the Church Club of New York. Pp. x, 258, i2mo. N.Y.: Young, 1890. New cheaper ed., 1892. 50 cents. [Contents: The Celtic Church, by the Rt. Rev, W. C. Doane, D.D. ; The An- glo-Saxon Church, by the Rev. S. Hart, D.D, ; The Norman Periorl,by the Rev. Alex, V. G. Allen, D.D. ; The Reforma- tion Period, by the Rt. Rev. H. G. Kingdon, D.D. ; The Puritan Reaction, by the Rev. Thomas F, Gailor.] Churton, E. The Early English Church. Lond.: Pickering, 1841. Newed., pp. 406. p. 8vo, 1887. 4^. CoiT, T. W. Lectures on the Early History of Christianity in England : with Sermons on Several Occa- sions. Pp. X, 334, i2mo. N.Y. I Dana, 1859. $1. Collier, Jeremy. An Ecclesias- tical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England from the First Planting of Christianity to the End of the Reign of King Charles II. With a Brief Account of the Affairs of Religion in Ireland. 9 vols., pp. Ixxxvii, 555; xv, 637; xii, 459; xxviii, 439; xi, 525; xi, 650 ; xi, 452 ; viii, 504 ; vii. 559, 8vo. Lond.: Straker, 1840-1841. New ed., 1846. 94,9. 6d. Compendium of English Church History, from 168S TO 1830. With Preface by J. Rawson Lumby, D.D. Pp. viii, 21 6, p. 8vo. Camb. and Lend.: Bell, 1883. 6s, 258 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. ESQUIROS, AlPHONSE. Religious Life in England. Pp. 368, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1867. 9^. Ffoulkes, E. S., Rev. History of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford. The University Church from Domesday to the Installa- tion of the late Duke of Welling- ton, Chancellor of the University. Pp. xvi, 504, 8vo. Lond. and N.Y. : Longmans, 1892. 10s. 6d., 83.50. Flanagan, Very Rev. Canon. A History of the [R. C] Church in England from the Earliest Period to the Re-establishment of the Hierarchy in 1850. 2 vols., pp. XX, 633 ; X, 549, 8vo. Lond. : Dolman, 1857. iZs. Fuller, Thomas. The Church History of Britain from the Birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVni. With the last Corrections of the Author. Fo. Lond., 1655. New ed. by Rev. J. S. Brewer. 6 vols., pp. Iviii, 442.; vii, 511, 556, 472, 573, 586, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1845. 39^-. Geikie, Cunningham. The Eng- lish Reformation. See p. 206. Goodman, G. The Church in Vic- toria during the Episcopate of Rt. Rev. Charles Perry, first Bishop of Melbourne. Pp. 490, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1892. 10s. 6d. Hart, Richard, Rev., B.A. Ec- clesiastical Records of England, Ireland, and Scotland, from the Fifth Century till the Reforma- tion ; being an Epitome of British Councils, the Legative and Provin- cial Constitutions. 2d ed., pp. xxxii, 408, 8vo. Camb. : Mac- millan ; Lond. : Bohn, 1846. 6s. Hook, W. F. Lives of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury from St. Augustine to Juxon. See under Biography, Getieral. HORE, A. H., Rev., M.A. The Church in England, from William HI to Victoria. 2 vols., pp. 1,076, p. 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1886. 153-. Eighteen Centuries of the Church in England. Pp. xxiii, 679, 8vo. Oxf. and Lond. : Parker, 1881. 15^-. HOWLEY, M. F., D.D. Ecclesias- tical History of Newfoundland. Pp. 426, 8vo. Bost. ; Doyle, 1888. $2.50. Hunt, John. History of Religious Thought in England, from the Reformation to the End of the last Century. 3 vols., pp. xxi, 470; xxix, 468 ; XXV, 445, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1870-1873. 585-. Hunt, William. The English Church in the Middle Ages. Pp. XV, 224, i6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, [1889.] 80 cents. Inett, J. Origines Anglicanas ; or, A History of the English Church. 2 vols., pp. 400. Vol. I, Lond., 1704. Vol. n, Oxf., 1710. New ed., 3 vols., 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1856. 31J. 6d. Ingram, T. Dunbar. England and Rome : a History of the Relations between the Papacy and the Eng- lish State and Church, from the Norman Conquest to the Revolu- tion of 1688. Pp. xxii, 430, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. 14J., $4.50. Jones, D. The Welsh Church and Welsh Nationality. Pp. 142, p. 8vo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1893. is. Joyce, James Wayland. The Civil Power in its Relations to the Church. See under Church and State. ■ England's Sacred Synods. A Constitutional History of the Con- vocations of the Clergy from the Earliest Records of Christianity in Great Britain to the Date of the Promulgation of the Present Book of Common Prayer. Pp. 751, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1855. 27^. \ HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 259 Langtry, J. History of the Church in Eastern Canada and Newfound- land. With Map. Pp. 256, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1872. 3^. LiNGARD, J. History and Antiqui- ties of the Anglo-Saxon Church. 2 vols., pp. XV, 427; 481, 8vo. Lond.: Dolman, 1845. New ed., 1858. 10^. McClure, Edmund, Rev. Chap- ter in English Church History : being the Minutes of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowl- edge, 1 698- 1 704 ; together with Abstracts of Correspondents' Let- ters during Part of the same Period. Pp. 376, 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1888. 5^. MacNaughton, S. The Gospel in Great Britain, from St. Patrick to John Knox and John Wesley. Pp. 338, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Hunter, 1884. 2d ed., 1892. y. dd. Mant, Richard, M.A. An Appeal to the Gospel ; or. An Inquiry into the Justice of the Charge . . . that the Gospel is not preached by the national Clergy. See under Col- lected Works, p. 20. Martineau, Arthur. Church History in England, from the Earliest Times to the Period of the Reformation. Pp. 551, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1853. 6^. Miall, Edward. The British Churches in Relation to the British People. Pp. 319, 8vo. Lond.: Hall, 1849. New ed., 1853. 4J. MuscuTT, Edward. The History of Church Laws in England, A.D. 602-1850. Pp. iv, 253, 8vo. Lond.: Gilpin, 1 85 1. 10^. dd. Post-Restoration Period of THE Church in the British Isles. Lectures Delivered in 1890 under the Auspices of the Church Club of New York, in continuation of the Series of 1889. Pp. xiv, 224, i2mo. N. Y. : Young. New cheaper edition, 1892. 50 cents. [Contents : Settlement of 1662, by the Rt. Rev. W. Stevens Perry ; Ascendency of Erastianism and Latitudinarianism, by the Rev. Alfred G. Mortimer: Metho- dism and the Evangelical Movement, by the Rev. T. Richey ; The Oxford Move- ment and the Catholic Revival, by the Rev. W. E. McLaren ; Ceremonial Re- vival and the Church of the Present Day, by F. P. Davenport, D.D.] Proby, W. H. B. Annals of the Low Church Party in England, down to the Death of Archbishop Tait. 2 vols. Vol. I, pp. 530, 8vo. Lond.: Hayes, 1888. I2.y. Pryce, John, M.A. The Ancient British Church. A Historical Es- say. Pp. xi, 292, p. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1878. 6^. Ravenstein, E. G. Denomina- tional Statistics of England and Wales. Pp. 32, 8vo. Lond. : Stan- ford, 1870. i.y. dd. RiGG, James H. Modern Anglican Theology : Chapters on Coleridge, Hare, Maurice, Kingsley, and Jow- ett, and on the Doctrine of Sacri- fice and Atonement. Pp.viii, 552, 8vo. Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Off., 1857. 3d ed., 1880. 6s. 6d. Rogers, T. Guinness, B.A. The Church Systems of England in the Nineteenth Century. See under Collected Works, p. 28. RoosE, Edward Mahon. Eccle- siastica ; or, The Church, her Schools, and her Clergy. Pp. xv, 448. Lond.: Hatchard, 1842. icy. 6d. Ryle, J. C, Bp. Facts and Men ; Being Pages from English Church History between 1553 and 1683. Pp. 410, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hurst, 1882. -js, 6d. Smith, George. The Religion of Ancient Britain, Historically Con- sidered ; or, A Succinct Account of the Several Religious Systems which have obtained in this Island 26o LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. from the Earliest Times to the Norman Conquest. Pp. xi, 488, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1844, 1846. 3d ed., 1865. 7s. 6d. SOAMES, H. Latin Church during the Anglo-Saxon Times. Pp. xvi, 512, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1848. 14^. The Anglo-Saxon Church : its History, Revenues, and General Character. 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1844. 4th ed., pp. 295, p. 8vo, 1856. js. 6d. Stillingfleet, Edward, Bp. Origines Britannicas ; or, Antiqui- ties of the British Churches, by Pantin. Oxf., 1685. New ed., 2 vols., pp. cxlii, 581, 183, 8vo. Oxf.: Parker, 1842. 14?. Stoughton, John. History of Religion in England, from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the End of the Eighteenth Cen- tury. 6 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Hod- der, 1867-1878. i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1881. 52^., $15. Contents: Vol. I. The Church and the Civil Wars, pp. xiv, 528. Vol. II. The Church and the Commonwealth, pp. viii. 497- Vols. Ill and ly. The Church of the Restoration, pp. ix, 504 ; viii, 454. Vol. V. The Church and the Revolution, pp. viii, 464. Vol. VI. The Church in the Georgian Era, pp. viii, 475. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Seven Bishops Imprisoned in 1688. See under Biography, General. Sydney, Wm. Connor. Social Life in England from the Resto- ration to the Revolution, 1660- 1690. Pp. 463, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $2.50. Tayler, J. J. A Retrospect of the Religious Life of England ; or, The Church, Puritanism, and Free Inquiry. Pp. xii, 563, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1845. New issue, 1853. 'js. 6d. Thackeray, Francis. Research- es into the Ecclesiastical and Po- litical State of Ancient Britain un- der the Roman Emperors. 2 vols., pp. xxiv, 335 ; 290, and General Index, 8vo. Lond.: Cadell, 1843; Bohn, 1846. icy. 6d. TiMPSON, T., Rev. British Eccle- siastical History, including the Religion of the Druids, the Intro- duction of Christianity into Great Britain, and the Rise, Progress, and Present State of every Denom- ination ... in the British Empire. Pp. xiv, 659, i2mo. 2ded., Lond. : Aylott, 1847. New ed., 1849. 3.?. TuLLOCH, John, D.D., LL.D. Movements of Religious Thought in Britain during the Nineteenth Century. St. Giles Lectures. Pp. xi, 338, i6mo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1885. icy. 6d., $1.50. Rational Theology and Chris- tian Philosophy in England in the Seventeenth Century. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 463 ; 500, 8vo. Edinb. : Black- wood, 1872. New ed., 1874. 28^. Uhden, PI. F. The Anglican Church in the Nineteenth Cen- tury : indicating her Relative Po- sition to Dissent in every Form, etc. Translated from the German by W. C. C. Humphreys. Pp. 254, 8vo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1843. 7.y. 6d. Vaughan, Robert. English Non- conformity. Pp. "xi, 486, 8vo. Lond. : Jackson, 1862. 7.y. 6d. Religious Parties in England. Pp. li, 186, i2mo. Lond.: Ward, n. d. [1839.] 5^. Revolutions in English History. 3 vols., pp. 640, 8vo. Lond. : Par- ker, 1 8 59- 1 862. 305. Wakeman, H. O. History of Re- ligion in England. Pp. 140, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1885. is. 6d. The Church and the Puritans. 1 570-1660. Pp. x, 208, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1886. $1.50. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 261 Woods, R. A. English Social Movements. Pp. 280, p. 8vo. Lond.; Sonnenschein, 1892. 4s.6i/. Wordsworth, Christopher, Bp. Ecclesiastical Biography. See un- der Biography, General. Yeowell, James. Chronicles of the Ancient British Church an- terior to the Saxon Era. Lond. : Gladding, 1840. New ed., pp. xvi, 196, sm. 4to, 1847. 5^. 3. France. Beale, S. Sophia. The Churches of Paris : from Clovis to Charles X. With Illustrations by the Author from original Sketches, Photo- graphs, and Engravings. Pp. 330, p. 8vo. Lond.: Allen, 1893. ^s^^d. Beard, John R., editor. The Progress of Religious Thought, as Illustrated in the Protestant Church of France ; with an Intro- ductory Essay by the Editor. Pp. li, 383, i2mo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1 86 1. -]$. 6d. Bonar, Horatius. The W^hite Fields of France ; or. The Story of Mr. M'AU's Mission to the Work- ing Men of Paris and Lyons. Pp. vi. 336, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1873; N. Y. : Carter, 1879. 3^.6^., $1.25. Brewer, E. Cobham. The Po- litical, Social, and Literary His- tory of France to the Present Year. Pp. xviii, 463, p. 8vo. Lond. : Jar- rold, 1864. New ed., 1878. S-^- Carlyle, Thomas. History of the French Revolution. 3 vols., pp. ix, 359 ; vii, 378 ; vii, 440, 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1837. 31^. 6s. Lee, H. F., Mrs. The Huguenots in France and America. 2 vols., pp. XX, 336; vi, 302, i2mo. Camb. : Owen, 1843. New ed., Bost.: Munroe, 1852. $1.50. LoRiMER, John G., Rev. An His- torical Sketch of the Protestant Church of France, from its Origin to the Present Times. With par- allel Notices of the Church of Scotland during the same Period. Lond. : Groombridge, 1840. Pp. 514, i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1842. 45. 6d., $1.30. Pressense, Edmond de. Religion and the Reign of Terror ; or, The Church during the French Revo- 262 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. lution. Translated by J. P. La- croix. Pp. 416, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1868. $1.75. The Church and the French Revolution. A History of the Re- lations of Church and State, from 1 789 to 1802. Translated from the French by John Stroyan. Pp. xxxi, 515, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1869. 9^. Smedley, E. History of the Re- formed Religion in France. 3 vols., pp. 347, 310, 299, i8mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1834. New ed., 1855. $2.25. Stephen, James, Sir. Lectures on the History of France. 2 vols., pp. viii, 520; iv, 501, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1846. New ed., 1857. 24s. Tylor, C. The Huguenots in the Seventeenth Century, including the History of the Edict of Nantes from its Enactment in 1598 to its Revocation in 1685. Pp. 322, p. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1892. ^s.6d. Waddington, W. H. The Prot- estant Church and Religious Lib- erty in France. [In Cambridge Essays, 4 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 185 5-1 858. Each 7s. 6d,] 4. Germany and the Netherlands. Baring-Gould, S., Rev. The Church in Germany. Pp. 416, p. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner ; N. Y. : Pott, 1 891. 6j., $2. Baur, William. Religious Life in Germany, during the Wars of Inde- pendence. In a Series of Histor- ical and Biographical Sketches. 2 vols., pp. xii, 362 ; vi, 330, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1870. idy. Brewer, Cobham. The Political, Social, and Literary History of Germany to the Present Day. Pp. xlv,329, i2mo. Lond.: DelaRue, 1881. s^' Dewar, Edward H. German Protestantism, and the Right of Private Judgment in the Interpre- tation of Holy Scripture. A Brief History of German Theology from the Reformation to the Present Time. Pp. vii, 231, i2mo. Oxf. : Parker, 1844. 5^. Ditchfield, p. H. The Church in the Netherlands. P. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1893. 6^. DwiGHT, Henry E. Travels in the North of Germany in the Years of 1825 and 1826. Pp. 454, 8vo. N. Y.: Carvill, 1829. $1.88. GOSTWICK, Joseph. German Cul- ture and Christianity : their Con- troversy in the Time 1 770-1 880. Pp. xvi, 503, 8vo. Lond.: Wil- liams, 1882. 15^. Hawkins, Bisset. Germany : the Spirit of her History, Literature, Social Condition, and National Economy. Pp. xx, 475, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1838. los, 6d. Heine, H. Religion and Philoso- phy in Germany : a Fragment, translated by John Snodgrass. Pp. 186, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1882. 6^. Kahnis, Ch. Fred. Aug. Internal History of German Protestantism since the Middle of Last Century : translated from the German by Rev. Thomas Meyer. Pp. 328, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1856. ^. 6d. Lewis, Charlton T. A History of Germany from the Earliest Times. Pp. 799, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1874. $2.50. Lichtenberger, F. History of German Theology in the Nine- teenth Century. Translated and edited by W. Hastie. Pp. xl, 629, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1889. 12s. 6d., $5. Lloyd, Julius, Rev. Sketches of Church History in Germany. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 263 i2mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1882. IS. 6d. Menzel, W. History of Germany, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Translated from 4th German ed., by Mrs. G. Hor- rocks. 3 vols., pp. iv, 556, 530, 477, p. 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1848- 1849. 10^. 6d. SCHAFF, Philip. Germany : its Universities, Theology, and Re- ligion ; with Sketches of Neander, Tholuck, Olshausen, etc. Pp. 418, i2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1857. $1.25. Stael-Holstein, a. L. G. N., Madame de. Germany ; with Notes by O. W. Wright. 2 vols., pp. 408, 437, i2mo. N.Y.: Der- by, 1861. $3. Steffens, Heinrich. The Story of my Career as a Student a Frei- burg and Jena, and Professor at Halle, Breslau, and Berlin. Trans- lated by W. L. Gage. Pp. 284, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1863. $1. 5. Greece. See also Gmco-Russian Church. Baird, Henry M. Modern Greece : A Narrative of a Residence and Travels in that Country ; with Ob- servations on its Antiquities, Lit- erature, Language, Politics, and Religion. Pp, xii, 380, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. Si. 25. Felton, C. C, LL.D. Greece, An- cient and Modern. 2 vols., pp. 511, 549, 8vo. Bost. : Ticknor, 1867. $5. Jebb, R. C. Modern Greece. Pp. vi, 183, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1880. 5J. Oman, C. W. C. The Story of the Byzantine Empire. Pp. xiv, 364, i2mo. Lond.: Unwin ; N. Y.: Putnam, 1892. 5^., $1.50. See also Curzon, Monasterieso/the Levant^ under Monastic Orders ; and Lewin, Life and Epistles of St. Paul^ under Biblical Biography, 6. Hungary. GODKIN, Edward L. The His- tory of Hungary and the Magyars : From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Late War. Pp. iii, 380., imp. 8vo. Lond. : Cassell, 1853. 5-y- 6^. History of the Protestant Church in Hungary to 1850. Translated by Rev. J. Craig, D.D., with an Introduction by J. H. Merle D'Aubigne, D.D. Pp. xxviii, 464, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1854. los. 6d. Krasinski, V. Religious History of the Slavonic Nations. Pp. xxviii, 481, i2mo. Edinb. : John- stone, 1 85 1. 10^. 6d. 7. Ireland. Adair, P. Rise of the Presby- terian Church in Ireland. 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1866. 5^. Ball, J. T., Rt. Hon. The Re- formed Church of Ireland. [1537- 1886.] 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1887. 7s. 6d. Blackburn, William M., Rev., D.D. See his Saint Patrick, tin- der General Biography. BONWICK, J. Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions. 8vo. Lond. : Law, 1894. 6s. Brash, R. R. Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture of Ireland to the Close of the Twelfth Century. Pp. 174, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1874. 21s. Brenan, M. J., Rev., O.S.F. An Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, ... to the Year 1829. New ed., pp. viii, 682, 8vo. Dubl. : Duffy, 1864. 10s. Brooke, R. S. Recollections of the Irish Church. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1877. 4s. 6d. Cathcart, William, D.D. p. 255. See 264 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. De Vinne, Daniel. History of the Irish Primitive Church, to- gether with the Life of St. Patrick, and his Confession ; in Latin, with a Parallel Translation. Pp. 228, i2mo. N. Y. : Tibbals, 1870. $1.50. Fallow, T. M. The Cathedral Churches of Ireland. See under Cathedrals. Gibson, William, Rev. The Year of Grace : a History of the Re- vival in Ireland, 1859, with Intro- duction by Rev. Baron Stow. Pp. 464, i2mo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1859; Bost. : Gould, i860. 5^., $1.25. GODKIN, J. Ireland and her Churches. Pp. 656, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1867. i6s. Hall, J. Chapters in Anglo-Irish History relating to Romanism and Protestantism. Pp. I39,fcap. 8vo. Lond. : Kelly, 1892. is. 6d. Healy, John. The Ancient Irish Church. Pp. 192, i2mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. ; N. Y. : Revell, 1892. 35., $1.20. KiLLEN, W. D. The Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, from the Ear- liest Period to the Present Times. 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 440 ; xix, 592, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1875. 25^. Lanigan, J., Rev. Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. [To Begin- ning of 1 3th Century.] 4 vols., 8vo. Dubl.: Duffy, 1822. Malone, S., Rev. Church History of Ireland : from the Anglo-Nor- man Invasion to the Reformation. 2vols.,8vo. Dubl.: Gill, 1880. 16^. Manx, Richard, Bp. History of the Church of Ireland, from the Reformation to the Revolution. 2 vols., pp. XV, 809; 844, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1839-1841. 34^1 MORAN, P. F., Bp. History of the Irish Church to 1800. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1874. i6s. Essays on the Origin of the Early Irish Church. 8vo. Dubl. : Duffy, 1864. 6^. 6d. Historical Sketch of the Perse- cution of the Catholics of Ireland under Cromwell and the Puritans. 8vo. Dubl.: Gill, 1865. New ed., 1884. 3J. 6d. Morris, W. B., Rev. Ireland and St. Patrick : a Study of the Saint's Character and of the Results of his Apostolate. Pp. xxxi, 307, i2mo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1892. $1.30. Murray, Richard. Ireland and her Church. Pp. 413, i2mo. Lond. : Seeley, 1840. 2d ed., en- larged, 1845. los. 6d. O'Curry, Eugene. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. Edited by W. R. Sullivan. 3 vols., pp. 40, Introduction, dcxliv, xix, 392 ; xxiv, 711, 8vo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1873. 42J. Pooler, L. A. A Short History of the Church of Ireland. Pp. 174. 8vo. Belfast : 01 ney, 1890. 1^.4^'. Prendergast, J. P. The Crom- wellian Settlement in Ireland. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. New ed., 1870. i8j. Primer of the History of the Holy Catholic Church of Ireland ; from the Introduction of Christianity to the Formation of the Modern Irish Branch of the Church of Rome. 4th ed., 2 vols., and Supplement. Pp. xv, 845 ; xxvii, 846-1,537, i6mo. Dubl.: McGlashan, 1868. Reeves, William, Dr. Ecclesi- astical Antiquities of Down, Con- nor, and Dromore. 4to. Lond.: Longmans, 1847. 21s. Reid, James. History of the Pres- byterian Church in Ireland. 3 vols., pp. xix, 542; XV, 515; vii, 553, 8vo. Lond. : Whittaker, 1853. 24?. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 265 Sanderson, Joseph, D.D., LL.D. The Story of St. Patrick, Embrac- ing a Sketch of the Condition of Ireland before the Time of St. Patrick, during his Life, at his Death, and immediately after it. [Also] Ireland and the Irish : Their Christianity, Institutions, Missions, Mission-Fields, and Learning. From the Earliest Times. Pp. 563, imp. 8vo. Bost. : Richard- son ; N. Y. : Ketcham, 1894. $4. Seddall, H., Rev. The Church of Ireland : an Historical Sketch. Pp. 370, p. Svo. Dubl. : Hodges, 1885. 6s. Smiddy, R. Essay on the Druids, the Ancient Churches, and Round Towers of Ireland. Dubl., 1871. Lond. : Slmpkin, 2d ed., 1873. 4s. Stanley, A. P., D.D. The Three Irish Churches. 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1885. is. Stokes, G. T. Ireland and the Celtic Church. Pp. 362, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1886. 3d ed., 1892. 6s. Ireland and the Anglo-Norman Church. Pp. 398, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1889. 2d ed., 1892. 6s. Stokes, Margaret. Early Chris- tian Architecture in Ireland. With 52 plates. Pp. viii, 160, imp. Svo. Lond.: Bell, 1878. 21s. Walsh, R. Fingal and its Church- es: an Historical Sketch of the Foundations and Struggles of the Church of Ireland in that Part of the County Dublin which lies to the North of the River Tolka. Pp. 300, p. 8vo. Dubl. : McGee, 1888. 6s. Warren, F. E. The Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church. Pp. xix. 291, 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1881. 14s. Wordsworth, Chr., Bp. The Church of Ireland : her History and Claims. P. 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1869. 6s. History of the Church of Ire- land. P. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1869. 6s. 8. Italy. See also A nti-Romantst Writings. Arthur, Willi a.^l Italy in Tran- sition, Public Scenes and Private Opinions in the Spring of i860 ; illustrated by Official Documents from the Papal Archives of the Revolted Legations. Pp. 429, i2mo. Lond. : (Hamilton ;) N. Y. : Harper, i860. 6^., $1.50. The Pope, the Kings, and the People, a History of the Move- ment to make the Pope Governor of the World, etc. 2 vols., pp. xxxii, 424 ; viii, 526, Svo. Lond. : Mullan, 1877. 25^. Baird, Robert. Sketches of Prot- estantism in Italy, Past and Pres- ent ; including a Notice of the Origin, History, and Present State of the Waldenses. Pp. 418, x, i2mo. Bost. : Perkins, 1845. 2d ed., 1847. $1.25. Burn, Robert. Old Rome. A Handbook to the Ruins of the City and the Campagna. Maps and Plans. Pp. xii, 266, Svo. Lond.: Bell, 1879. los. 6d. Butler, C. M., D.D. Inner Rome, Political, Religious, and Social. Pp. xvi, 351, i2mo. Phila.: Lip- pincott, 1866. $2. Castelar, Emilio. Old Rome and New Italy. Translated by Mrs. Arthur Arnold. Pp. 302, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1873. $1.75. Farrall, H. H. Italy Struggling into Light ; or, A Record of Prom- inent Events in its Civil, Religious, and Literary History. Pp. xvi, 826, Svo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1880. $4.50. Hall, Newman. The Land of the Forum and the Vatican : or. 266 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Thoughts and Sketches during the Eastern Pilgrimage to Rome. Pp. 389, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 185 1. 2d ed., 1867. 3^. dd. Hare, Augustus J. C. Walks in Rome. 2 vols., p. 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1871. Pp. xxi, 678. 2d American ed., N. Y. : Routledge, 1871. IIS., $3.50. Hemans, Charles J. History of Mediaeval Christianity and Sacred Art in Italy. See U7ider Art. La Gattina, F. P. de. Rome and the Papacy in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Translated. Pp. 317, i2mo. Phila. : Peterson, 1872. $1.50. Machiavelli, N. The History of Florence, and of the Affairs of Italy, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnifi- cent. Pp. XX, 402, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1870. Mahoney, S. J. Six Years in the Monasteries of Italy, and Two Years in the Islands of the Medi- terranean and in Asia Minor. Pp. xii, 382, i2mo. Phila.: Biddle; Bost. : Jordan, 1836. New ed., Hartf. : Andrews, 1848. 75 cents. MiLEY, John. History of the Papal States. 3 vols., pp. 1,094, 8vo. Lond.: Newby, 1850. 42^. Religion (The) of Rome. De- scribed by a Roman. Translated by M. Howitt. 8vo. Lond. : Bail- li^re, 1873. 8^. Rome as it was under Pagan- ism, AND AS it became UN- DER THE Popes. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 349 ; 343. 8vo. Lond. : Madden, 1843- 5^. Talmadge, W. Letters from Flor- ence on Religious Reform in Italy. Pp. 208, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1866. 6^. ViLLARI, PASQUALE. Niccolo Machiavelli and his Times. Trans- lated by Linda Villari. 2 vols., pp. XX, 353 ; viii, 359, i2mo. Lond.: Paul, 1878. i\s. Whiteside, J. Italy in the Nine- teenth Century. 3 vols., pp. 1,246, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1849. New ed., i860. \2s. 6d. Wylie, J. A., Rev., LL.D. The Awakening of Italy and the Crisis of Rome. Pp. 364, p. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. ; N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1866. 5J. 6d. 9. Russia. See also Grceco-Russian Church and Scandi- navia. Gayarin (Father). The Russian Clergy. Translated from the French by Ch. du G. Makepiece. P. 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1872. 5^. Heard, Albert F. The Russian Church and Russian Dissent ; comprising Orthodoxy, Dissent, and Erratic Sects. Pp. ix, 310, i2mo. Lond.: Low; N. Y. : Harper, 1887. i6j., $1.75. Krasinski, V. Religious History of the Slavonic Nations. See un- der Hungary. Lutteroth, Henri. Russia and the Jesuits, from 1 772 to 1 820. Pp. 88, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1858. 2s. Patriarch (The) and the Tsar. Translated from the Russ by Wil- liam Palmer. 3 vols., pp. xl, 674 ; Ixxviii, 554 ; Ixvi, 558, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1 871- 1873. Each 12s. Rambaud, a. The History of Russia from the Earliest Times to 1877. Translated by L. B. Lang. Illustrations. 2 vols., pp. x, 456 ; vi,45i,8vo. Lond.: Low, 1879. 385. Talvi [Mrs. Edward Robinson]. Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Na- tions. Pp. xv,4i2, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1850. S1.25. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 267 10. Scandinavia. See also Reformation in Siveden and Church in Russia. Brace, C. L. The Norse Folk ; or, A Visit to the Homes of Norway and Sweden. Pp. 516, i2mo. Lond. : Bentley ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1857. 9^., $1.25. Crichton, Andrew, and Wheaton, Henry. Scandina- via, Ancient and Modern ; Being a History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway ; Comprehending . . an Account of the Mythology . . Religion, Literature, Arts, and Commerce. 2 vols., pp. xvii, 373 X, 403, i6mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1872. $1.50. Pratt, J. B. Letters on the Scan- dinavian Churches. Pp. 176, 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1865. 35.6^. SiNDiNG, P. C. History of Scandi- navia. Pp. 429, i2mo. N. Y., 1859. $3. zi. Scotland. See also under Presbyterian Church, ACTON, John, Rev. See under General Biography, his Life and Times of Alexatider Henderson. Acts of the General Assembly OF the Church of Scotland, 1 638- 1 842, Reprinted from the Original Edition, under the Super- intendence of the Church Law So- ciety. Pp. Iviii, 1 ,208, 8vo. Edinb. : Smith, 1843. 32^. 6d. Index to, by J. Wilson. Edinb. : Black- wood, 1863. 5 J. Anderson, James. Ladies of the Covenant : Memoirs of Distin- guished Scottish Female Charac- ters, Embracing the Period of the Covenant and the Persecution. Glasg. : Blackie, 1850; N. Y. : Redfield, 1851. New ed., pp. 494, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1880. 7s. 6d., $1.50. Ladies of the Reformation. Memoirs. 2 vols., pp. 670, 682, sq. i6mo. Glasg. : Blackie, 1856. 21S. Anderson, Joseph. Scotland in Early Christian Times. 2 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Douglas, 1881. 24^. Annals of the General Assem- bly OF the Church of Scot- land, from the Final Secession in 1739 to the Origin of the Relief in 1752. Pp. viii, 404; xii,423, i2mo. Edinb.: Johnstone, 1838, and Whittaker, 1840. 5^. Bayne, p. The Free Church of Scotland : Her Origin, Founders, and Testimony. Pp. xiv, 346, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 2d ed., 1894. 6s., S2.25. Bellesheim, a.. Rev. History of the Catholic Church of Scotland. 4 vols., 8vo. Edinb.: Black, 1 888- 1 889. 50J. Brown, J. W. The Covenanters of the Merse : their History and Sufferings as found in the Records of that Time. Pp. 260, p. 8vo. Lond.: Oliphant, 1893. 2s. 6d. Brown, Thomas, Rev., F.R.S.E. Annals of the Disruption : consist- ing Chiefly of Extracts from the Autograph Narratives of Minis- ters who left the Scottish Estab- lishment in 1843. Selected and arranged. 2 parts. Edinb. : Mac- laren, 1876- 1877. Printed to- gether. Pp. viii, 208 ; vi, 235, 8vo. 1878. [New ed.,] pp. xviii, 841. 1884. 5 J. Buchanan, Robert. Ten Years' Conflict : History of the Disrup- tion of the Church of Scotland. 2 vols,, pp. xvi, 487 ; XV, 488, cr. 8vo. Glasg.: Blackie, 1849. Re- duced, 1852. 12S. Calderwood, David. History of the Kirk of Scotland. See under Collected Works, p. 40. Chambers, W., and others. The Scottish Church, from the Earliest Times to i88i. [St. 268 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Giles Lectures, ist series.] Pp. Ixiv, 384, i2mo. Edinb. and Lond.: Chambers; N. Y. : Worthington, 1881. 5^., $2. Cunningham, J. The Church History of Scotland, from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time. Edinb. : Thin, 1859. 2d ed., 2 vols., pp. 1,002, 8vo. 1883. 16s. DOWDEN, Bp. The Celtic Church in Scotland : being an Introduc- tion to the History of the Chris- tian Church in Scotland down to the Death of St. Margaret. i2mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1894. 3^. 6d. Edgar, Andrew, D.D. Old Church Life in Scotland : Lectures on Church-Session and Presby- tery Records. Pp. xii, 367, 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1885. ys. 6d, The same. Second series. Pp. xi, 416, 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1886. ys. 6d. Forbes-Leith, William, S. J. Narratives of Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart and James VI. Now first printed from the original Manuscripts in ... the Vatican and other Collections. Pp. vii, 377, 8vo. Edinb.: Paterson, 1885. \2s. 6d. Gordon, J. F. S., Rev., D.D. Ec- clesiastical Chronicle for Scotland. 4 vols., pp. 616, 532, 580, xviii,648, 4to. Glasg. : Tweed, 1867. Vol. I and II, Scotichronicon : comprising Bishop Keith's Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, enlarged ; with Reeves's and Goodalls' Treatises on the Culdees. Vol. Ill, Monasticon : an Account (^based on Spottiswoode's) of all the Abbeys, Priories, Collegiate Churches, and Hos- S'ltals in Scotland at the Time of the eformation. Vol. IV, Journal and Appendix to Scotichronicon and Mo- nasticon. Grub, George. An Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, from the In- troduction of Christianity to the Present Time. 4 vols., pp. 1,600. Svo. Edinb.: Clark, 1861. 42J. Halsey, Leroy J., D.D. Scot- . land's Influence on Civilization. Pp. 256, i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1885. $1. Hetherington, W. M. History of the Church of Scotland, from the Introduction of Christianity to the Disruption, May 18, 1843. See p. 210. Innes, a. T. Studies in Scottish History, chiefly Ecclesiastical. Pp. 340, p. Svo. Lond. : Hodder, 1892. ^s. Innes, Cosmo, Prof. Scotland in the Middle Ages. 8vo. Edinb.: Edmonston, i860. 28j. Johnston, C. N. Handbook of Scottish Church Defense. Pre- pared at the Request of the Church Interests Committee of the Church of Scotland. Pp. 198, p. Svo. Edinb. : Thin, 1892. 2s. Keith, D. A History of Scotland. Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Earliest Times to the Death of David I, II 53. 2 vols., pp. 660, p. Svo. Edinb.: Paterson, 1886. 12s. 6d. Ker, John, D.D. Scottish Nation- ality, and Other Papers. Pp. vi, 25i,i2mo. N.Y.: Carter, 1887. %i. Kinloch, M. G. J., Miss. A His- tory of Scotland, chiefly in its Ec- clesiastical Aspect, from the In- troduction of Christianity to the Fall of the Old Hierarchy. Pp. 320, iSmo. Edinb. : Edmonston, 1873. 2s. 6d. Lawson, John Parker, M. A. The Episcopal Church of Scotland from the Reformation to the Rev- olution. Pp. iv, iv, 880, Svo. Edinb.: Gallie ; Lond.: Burns, 1844. History of the Scottish Epis- copal Church from the Revolution to the Present Time. Pp. xl, 588, Svo. Edinb. : Gallie, 1843. 2 vols., 1844. 1 2 J. Lee, John. Lectures on the His- tory of the Church of Scotland, HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 269 from the Reformation to the Rev- olution Settlement. With Notes and Appendices from the Author's Papers. Edited by the Rev. Wil- liam Lee. 2 vols., pp. xii, 406; viii, 424. Edinb. : Blackwood, i860. 21S. Leighton, Alexander. The Churches of the United Kingdom. Vol. I. The Scottish Church. Pp. xii, 283, i2mo. Edinb.: Tait, 1845. 5^- Lindsay, Professor ; McCrie, Charles G., Rev.; Blair, Rev. Dr.; Landels, Rev. Dr.; Walk- er, Norman L., Rev. Religious Life in Scotland, from the Refor- mation to the Present Day. Pp. 312, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1889. 2s. 6d. Lockhart, W. The Church of Scotland in the Thirteenth Cen- tury : the Life and Times of David de Bernham of St. Andrew, 1239- 1253. 8vo. Lond. : Blackwood, 1889. 6s. LUCKOCK, H. M. The Church in Scotland. With Maps. Pp. 384, p. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1893. 6s. McCrie, C. G. Scotland's Place and Part in the Revolution of 1688. Pp. 248, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Elliott, 1889. y. 6d. The Public Worship of Pres- byterian Scotland Historically Treated. Cunningham Lectures, 14th series. Pp. xxii, 464, 8vo. Lond.: Blackwood, 1892. ios.6d. McCrie, Thomas, Rev. Sketches of Scottish Church History; em- bracing the Period from the Ref- ormation to the Revolution. Pp. 583, i2mo. Edinb.: Johnstone, 1 841. 3d ed., 1843. 5-y- McKerrov/, John, Rev. History of the Secession Church. 2 vols. Edinb. and Lond. : Fullarton, 1841. New ed., i vol., pp. xvi, 956, 8vo. 1848. i6s. MACKINNON, D. A. Some Chap- ters in Scottish Church Histor}^ : a Souvenir of the Jubilee of the Free Church of Scotland. Pp. 250, p. 8vo. Edinb.: Hunter, 1893. 3^. 6d. McLaughlan, Thomas. The Early Scottish Church ; the Ec- clesiastical History of Scotland from the First to the Twelfth Century. Pp. vii, 450, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1864. \os. 6d, Moffat, James C, Rev. The Church in Scotland. A History of its Antecedents, its Conflicts, and its Advocates ... to the first Assembly of the Reformed Church. Pp. 447, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., (1882.) $1.75. MONCREIFF, H. W., Sir. The Free Church Principle ; its Character and Histor}'. Pp. 352, 8vo. Edinb. : Macniven, 1883. \os.6d. Peterkin, Alexander. Records of the Kirk of Scotland, contain- ing the Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies from . . . 1635 ; . . . with Notes and His- torical Illustrations. Pp. 634, roy. 8vo. Edinb.: Brown, 1843. 14J. Row, John. History of the Kirk of Scotland. See U7ider Collected Works, p. 40. Russell, M. History of the Church of Scotland. 2 vols., pp. xii, 379 ; xii, 412, i2mo. Lond.: Riving- ton, 1834. \2s. Ryley, G. B., and McCandlish, J. M. Scotland's Free Church. A Historical Retrospect and Memorial of the Disruption, with a Summary of Free Church Prog- ress and Finance, 1843- 1893. Pp* 406, 4to. Lond. : Constable. Pp. xiv, 392. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 105.6^., $2.50. ScoTT, William. . . . The State and Government of the Kirk of ijo LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Scotland. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 40. Skene, W. F. Celtic Scotland. Vol. II : Church and Culture. 8vo. Edinb. : Douglas, 1880. New ed., 1886. 15J. Spottiswoode, John, Abp. His- tory of the Church of Scotland. With Notes by the Rev, M. Rus- sell. See under Collected Works, /. 40. Stanley, Arthur P. Lectures on the History of the Church of Scot- land. See p. 210. Stephen, T. History of the Church of Scotland, from the Ref- ormation to the Present Time. 4 vols., pp. iv, 656 ; iv, 701 ; iv, 666 ; iv, 667, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1848. lis. Stevenson, Andrew. The His- tory of the Church and State of Scotland, from the Accession of King Charles I to . . . 1625. . . . 2d ed., pp. 621, 8vo. Edinb.: Jack, 1844. Stewart, R. M. The Church of Scotland from the Time of Queen Margaret to the Reformation. With Supplementary Chapter dealing with Scottish Ecclesias- tical Affairs to the Presbyterian Settlement of 1690. Pp. 402, 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1892. Ts. 6d. Thomson, Andrew. Historical Sketch of the Origin of the Seces- sion Church; and the History of the Rise of the Relief Church, by Rev. G. Struthers. Pp. 341, i2mo. Edinb. : Fullarton, 1848. 25. 6d. Turner, A. The Secession of 1843. i2mo. Edinb. : (Hamilton,) 1859. 7s. 6d. Walcott, M. E. C. Scoti-Monas- ticon, the Ancient Church of Scot- land. History of the Cathedrals, Conventual Foundations, and Hospitals. Pp. 428, 4to. Lond. : Virtue, 1874. A'^s. Walker, James. The Theology and Theologians of Scotland ; chiefly of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Being the Cunningham Lectures for 1870- 1871. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1872. 2d ed., pp. 214, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1887. 35. 6d. Wordsworth, Charles, D.C.L. A Discourse on Scottish Church History from the Reformation to the Present Time. Pp. 105, p. 8vo. Edinb. and Lond. : Black- wood, 1 88 1. 2s. 6d. 12. Spain. See also Inquisition. Borrow, George. The Bible in Spain ; or. The Journeys, Adven- tures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to Cir- culate the Scriptures in the Penin- sula. 3 vols., pp. 393, 406, 399, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1843. New ed., 1 86 1. 35. 6d. Meyrick, Frederick, Rev. The Church in Spain. Pp. 454, p. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner ; N. Y. : Pott, 1892. 65., $2. Watts, Henry Edward. The Christian Recovery of Spain. Being the Story of Spain from the Moorish Conquest to the Fall of Granada. (711-1492 A. D.) Pp. xxvii, 31 5, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1894. $1.50. Wylie, J. A., Prof. Daybreak in Spain; its New Reformation. 8vo. Lond. : Cassell, 1870. 6^. Yonge, Charlotte M. The Stoiy of the Christians and Moors in Spain. Pp. 290, i6mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1878. 4?. 6d. 13. Syria. See also under Nestorians. Chasseaud, G. W. Visits to the Druzes of the Lebanon. Pp. XV, 422, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1854. 14J. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. COWPER, B. H. Sects in Syria ; or, Notices of the Different Forms of Religion Professed by the Inhab- itants of Syria and Palestine. i2mo. Lond. : Tresidder, i860. SOUTHGATE, H., Bp. Narrative of a Visit to the Syrian Church of Mesopotamia. Pp. xvi, 275, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1844. $1. See also p. 21. WORTABET, G. M. Syria and the Syrians. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 354; viii, 340, p. 8vo. Lond. : Madden, 1856. lis. 14. United States. See also under the denominations. Adams, Brooks. The Emancipa- tion of Massachusetts. Pp. vi, 382, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1887. $1.50. The Puritan Commonwealth and its relation to the sects. Adams, Charles Francis. Three Episodes of Massachusetts His- tory. The Settlement of Boston Bay. The Antinomian Contro- versy. A Study of Church and Town Government. In two vols. Pp. vi, 532 ; iv, 533-1067, 8vo. Bost. ; Houghton, 1892. $4. American Church History. A History of the Methodist Church, South ; the United Presbyterian Church ; the Cumberland Pres- byterian Church ; and the Pres- byterian Church, South, in the United States. By Prof. Gross Alexander, D.D. ; James B. Scouller, D.D. ; Prof. R. V. Fos- ter. D.D. ; and Prof. T. C. John- son. D.D. Vol. XI of the American Church History Series. Pp. xii, 487, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $2.50. American Church History Series. Consisting of a Series of Denominational Histories pub- lished under the Auspices of the American Society of Church His- tory. General Editors : Philip Schaff, H. C. Potter, George P. Fisher, John F. Hurst, E. J. Wolf, Henry C. Vedder, Samuel M. Jack- son. 12 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1 893-1 895. Each $2.50, by subscription. Vol. I. The Religious Forces of the United States, H. K. Carroll, LL.D. Vol. II. Baptists, Rev. A. H. Newman, D.D., LL.D. Vol. III. Congregationalists, Rev. Williston Walker, Ph.D. Vol. IV. Lutherans, Rev. H. E. Jacobs, D.D,, LL.D. Vol. V. Methodists, Rev. J. M. Buckley, D.D., LL.D. Vol. VI. Presby- terians, Rev. Robert Ellis Thompson, D.D. Vol. VII. Protestant Episcopal, Rev. C. C. Tiffany, D.D. Vol. VIII. Re- formed Church, Dutch, Rev. E. T. Cor- win, D.D. ; Reformed Church, German, Rev. J. H. Dubbs, D.D.; :\Ioravian, Rev. J. T. Hamilton. Vol. IX. Roman Cath- olics, Rev. T. O'Gorman, D.D. Vol. X. Unitarians, Rev. J. H. Allen, D.D. ; Universalists, Rev. Richard Eddy. D.D. Vol. XI. M. E. Church, So., Rev. Gross Alexander, D.D. ; Presbyterians, South, Rev. Thomas C. Johnson, D.D. ; United Presbyterians, Rev. James B. Scouller, D.D. ; Cumb. Presbyterians, Rev. R. V. Foster, D.D. Vol. XII. Disciples, Rev. B. B. Tyler, D.D. ; Friends, Prof. A. C. Thomas, R. H. Thomas, M.D. ; United Brethren, Rev. D. Berger, D.D. ; Ev, Association, Rev. S. P. Spreng; The Sources of American Church Historj', Rev. Samuel Macaulej' Jackson. Backus, I. Church History of New England, from 1620 to 1804. See p. 11 i^. Bacon, Leonard. The Genesis of the New England Churches. See p. 219. Baird, Robert. Religion in America; or. An Account of the Origin, Relation to the State, and Present Condition of the Evan- gelical Churches in the United States. With Notices of the Un- evangelical Denominations. Pp. xvii, 696, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. Beardsley, E. E. Episcopal Church in Connecticut. See p. 237. Belcher, Joseph. The Clergy of America. Anecdotes Illustrative of the Character of Ministers of Religion in the United States of America. Pp. 478, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1849. New ed., 1869. S1.50. 272 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Blaikie, Alex. Presbyterianism in New England. See p. 234. Bolton, Robert. Protestant Episcopal Church in Westchester. Seep. 237. BOWEN, L. P. The Days of Ma- kemie. See p. 234. Burgess, G. Deacons of Protes- tant Episcopal Church, U. S. A. Seep. 237. Carroll, H. K., LL.D. The Re- ligious Forces of the United States. Enumerated, Classified, and De- scribed on the Basis of the Gov- ernment Census of 1890. With an Introduction on the Condition and Character of American Chris- tianity. Pp. Ixii, 499, 8vo. N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1893. $2.50. Centennial Historical Dis- courses delivered in the City of Philadelphia, June, 1876, by Ap- pointment of the General Assem- bly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Pp. 300, 1 2mo. Phila. : Presb. Bd. of Pub., 1876. $1.50. Contributions to the Eccle- siastical History of Con- necticut; prepared under the Direction of the General Associ- ation, to Commemorate the Com- pletion of One Hundred and Fifty Years since its First Annual As- sembly. Pp. 578, 8vo. N. H.: Kingsley, 1861. $3. Craighead, J. G. Scotch and Irish Deeds on American Soil ; the Early History of the Scotch and Irish Churches, and their Relation to the Presbyterian Church in Amer- ica. Pp. 348, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1879. $1. Davidson, Robert. Presbyterian Church in Kentucky. See p. 234. Davis, Emerson. The Half-Cen- tury : History of Changes and Events, chiefly in the United States, i8cx>-i85o. With an Introduction by Mark Hopkins, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 444, i2mo. Bost.; Tap- pan, 1851. $1.25. Dorchester, Daniel, D.D. Chris- tianity in the United States, from the First Settlement down to the Present Time. Pp. 795, 4to. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1888. $4.50. Ewing, R. C. Cumberland Presby- terian Church in Missouri. See P- 234. Felt, Joseph B. The Ecclesias- tical History of New England ; Comprising not only Religious, but also Moral and other Rela- tions. 2 vols., pp. 664, 721, 8vo. Bost.: Cong. Lib. Assoc, 1855. FiSKE, John. The Beginnings of New England ; or, The Puritan Theocracy in its Relations to Civil and Religious Liberty. Pp. xv, 296, p. 8vo. (i2mo.) Bost.; Houghton ; Lond. ; Macmillan, 1889. %2, js. 6d. Fowler, P. H. Presbyterianism in New York. See /. 235. Frothingham, O. B. Transcen- dentalism in New England : a History. Pp. ix, 395, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1876. ^2.50. Gambrall, Theo. C, D.D. Stud- ies in the Civil, Social, and Eccle- siastical History of Early Mary- land: Lectures Delivered to the Young Men of the Agricultural College of Maryland. Pp. iii, 240, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1893. $1.50. GORRIE, P. D. History of the Churches and Sects of the United States. Pp. 240, i2mo. N. Y.: Colby, 1850. 75 cents. Halstead, William R. Future Religious Policy of America. A Discussion of Eleven Great Living Questions. Pp. 218, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1877. $1.50. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 273 Hawes, J. A Tribute to the Mem- ory of the Pilgrims, and a Vin- dication of the Congregational Churches. Pp. viii, 226, i2mo. Hartf. ; Burgess, 1830. Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States of America. Vol. I, A Narrative of Events connected with the Rise and Progress of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Virginia. To which is added an Appendix, containing the Journals of the Conventions in Virginia, from the Commencement to the Present Time. Pp. xvi, 17-286, 332. Vol. II. History of the Prot- estant Episcopal Church in Mary- land. Pp. 524, 8vo. N. Y. : Har- per, 1836-1839. $2.50. Hazelius, E. L. American Lu- theran Church. See p. I'Tj. JOBSON, Frederick J., Rev. America and American Metho- dism. With prefatory Letters by the Rev. Thomas B. Sargent, D.D., and the Rev. John Hannah, D.D. Pp. xvi, 399, p. 8vo. N. Y. : Vir- tue, 1857. $1.50. Jones, J. W., D.D. Christ in the Camp ; or. Religion in the South- ern Army : with an Introduction by Rev. J. C. Granbery, D.D. Pp. 650, 8vo. Richmond, Va.: John- son, 1888. $2.50. Lang, John Dunmore, D.D. Re- ligion and Education in America : with Notices of American Unitari- anism, Popery, and African Colo- nization. Pp. viii, 474, i2mo. Lond. : Ward, 1840. 4^. 6d. Lauer, Paul E. Church and State in New England. Pp. 106, 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1892. 50 cents. Johns Hopkins University Studies, loth series, Nos. 2, 3. McIlwaine, Henry R. The Struggle of Protestant Dissenters for Religious Toleration in Vir- 19 ginia. Pp. iv, ()'], 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Pr., 1894. 50 cents. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Chris- ti Americana ; or, Ecclesiastical History of New England, from 1620 to 1698. With Notes and Translations by Robbins and Rob- inson. Fo. Lond., 1702. 2 vols., pp. 626, 682, 8vo. Hartf. : An- drus, 1820. New ed., 1853. $5. Meade, William. Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Vir- ginia. With numerous Illustra- tions. 2 vols., pp. 490, 495, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1858. $5. MiKKELSEN, Michael A. The Bishop Hill Colony : A religious Communistic Settlement in Henry County, Illinois. Pp. ii, 80, 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1892. 50 cents. Morton, Nathaniel. New Eng- land's Memorial. With numerous Marginal Notes and an Appen- dix. Cambr., New England, and Lond., 1669. Pp. xxii, 515, 8vo. Bost. : Cong. Bd. of Pub. 6th ed., 1855. $3. MusiCK, John R. Saint Augustine. A Story of the Huguenots in Amer- ica. Pp. vii, 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1892. $1.50. Columbian Historical Novels, No. 3. Deals with Saint Augustine, Florida, and events centering there. Noble, W. F. P. A Century of Gospel Work. 8vo. Phila.: Watts, 1876. $3.50. Palfrey, John G. History of New England during the Stuart Dynas- ty. 4 vols., pp. xxxi, 636 ; XX, 640 ; xxii, 659 ; xxiv, 604, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1858-1877. New ed., Os- good, 1884. $6. Parkman, Francis. The Pio- neers of France in the New World. Pp. xxii, 427, 8vo. Bost. : Little, 1875. $2.50. 274 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Perry, W. S., Bp. Papers Relating to the History of the Church in Virginia, A. D. 1650-1776. Pp. xviii, 585, 4to. N. Y. : P. E. S. S. Un., 1870. $9.75. Same, in Pennsylvania, A. D. 1680-1778. Pp. xxii, 607, 4to. N. Y.: P. E. S. S. Un., 1871. S10.50. Same, in Massachusetts. Pp. xxvi, 720, 4to. Hartf. : Clar. Pr., 1873. $12. Same, in Maryland and Dela- ware. Pp. xii, 370; viii, 151, 4to. No place, 1878. $10.50. Petrie, George. Church and State in Early Maryland. Pp. iii, 50, 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Pr., 1892. 50 cents. Johns Hopkins University Studies, loth series, No. 4. Pond, Enoch. Sketches of the Theological History of New Eng- land. Pp. 102, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1880. 75 cents. Redford, a. H., D.D. Western Cavaliers. Methodist Episcopal Church in Kentucky. See p. 230. Reed, Andrew, and Matheson, James. A Narrative of the Visit of the American Churches, by the Deputation from the Congrega- tional Union of England and Wales. 2 vols., pp. 336, 363, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1835. $1.30. Reichel, L. T. Moravians in North Carolina. See p. 272. RUPP, I. Daniel. An Original History of the Religious Denomi- nations at Present Existing in the United States. Pp. vi, 734, 8vo. Phila. : Humphreys ; Hartf. : Andrus, 1844. $3-50- Schaff, Philip. A Sketch of the Political, Social, and Religious Character of the United States of North America, in two Lectures. Pp. 291, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1855. $1. SCHAFFER, C. W. Lutheran Church in America. See p. 227. SCHMUCKER, S. S. American Lutheran Church. See p. 227. Sprague, William B. Annals of the American Pulpit ; or, Com- memorative Notices of Distin- guished American Clergymen of various Denominations, with His- torical Introductions. 10 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1856-1868. New ed., 9 vols., 1 865- 1 873. $36. Contents: Vols. I, II. Trinitarian Con- gregationalists, pp. xxviii, 723 ; viii, 778. 1857. ^°^?- ^^^' ^^' Presbyterians, pp. xvii, 6j2 ; vi, 829. Vol. V. Episcopalians, pp. XXI, 822. 1859. Vol. VI. Baptists, pp. xxiii, 85o. 1865. Vol. VII. Methodists, pp. xxvii, 848. 1861. Vol. VIII. Uni- tarians, pp. XXV, 578. 1865. Vol. IX. Lutheran, Reformed Dutch, pp. xii, 853. Vol. X. American As.sociate, Associate Reformed, Reformed Presbyterian, pp. X, 135 ; xii, 172 ; ix, 91. 1869. Stevens, Abel. Methodism in the Eastern States. Centenary of American Methodism. See p. 22,0. Storrs, R. S. The Early Amer- ican Spirit, and the Genesis of it. Pp. 74, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1875. $1. Thompson, Joseph P. Church and State in the United States. With an Appendix on the Ger- man Population. Pp. 166, i6mo. Bost.: Osgood, 1873. $1.50. The United States as a Nation. Lectures on the Centennial of American Independence, given at Berlin, Dresden, Florence, Paris, and London. Pp. xxvii, 323, 8vo. Best.: Osgood, 1877. $2.50. Thornton, J. W. The Pulpit of the American Revolution; or, The Political Sermons of the Period of 1776. With an Historical In- troduction, Notes, and Illustra- tions. Reprints, 8vo, pp. xxxviii, 39-537, 8vo. Bost.: Lothrop, 1876. $2.50. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 275 Todd, Robert W., Rev. Meth- odism in Maryland and Delaware. See p. 231. Vermont. Church in. See Docu- jneniary History, p. 237. Wakeley, J. B., D.D. Early His- tory of American Methodism. See p. 231. Waylen, Edward. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. Pp. 516, 8vo. N. Y. : Wiley, 1846. $2. Weeks, Stephen Beauregard. The Religious Development in the Province of North Carolina. Pp. ii, 68. 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1892. 50 cents. Johns Hopkins University Studies, loth series, Nos. 5 and 6. Church and State in North Carolina. Pp. ii, 65, 19, 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Pr., 1893. 50 cents. Johns Hopkins University Studies, nth series, Nos. 5, 6. White, William. Protestant Episcopal Church, U. S. A. See p. 238. Wilberforce, S. Protestant Epis- copal Church in America. See A 238. Wilson, J. G. Protestant Episco- pal Church in New York. See p. 239. [Winebrenner, John, editor.] Religious Denominations of the United States. Their Past His- tory, Present Condition, and Doc- trines accurately set forth in Fifty-three carefully prepared Ar- ticles, written by eminent Clergy- men and Lay Authors connected with the respective Persuasions. Pp. 626, 8vo. Harrisburg : Wine- brenner, 1849; Phila. : Desilver, 1871. $5- Wise, John, A.M. A Vindication of the Government of New Eng- land Churches, and the Church's Quarrel Espoused ; or, A Reply to certain Proposals [of Cotton Mather]. Bost. (?), 1717. 4th ed., pp. xxi, 245, 8vo. Bost. : Cong. Bd. Pub., i860. $1.25. VII. COMPARATIVE RELI- GION. I. General. Aryan Sun-myths. The Origin of Religions ; with an Intro- duction by Charles Morris. Pp. ii, 192, i2mo. Troy: Nims, 1889. $1.25. Bacon, T. S. The Beginnings of Religion ; an Essay. Pp. 536, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1887. 155. Baring-Gould, Sabine. The Origin and Development of Reli- gious Belief. Part I, Polytheism and Monotheism; Part II, Chris- tianity. Lond.: Rivington, 1870 ; N. Y. : Pott, 1878. New ed., 2 vols., pp. xvi, 422 ; XX, 388, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. 7^., $2.50. Barrows, John Henry, D.D., ed- itor. The World's Parliament of Religions. An Illustrated and Popular Story of the World's First Parliament of Religions, held in Chicago in Connection with the Columbian Exposition of 1893. 2 vols., pp. xxiv, 1,600, 8vo. Chic. : The Parliament Pub. Co., 1894. $10. Bettany, G. T., M.A. The World's Religions. The Religious Creeds and Customs of the Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Chinese, Australians, Indians, Eskimos, etc., reviewed and explained. With Introduction by Rev. John Hall, D.D., LL.D. Pp. xii, 908, 8vo. N. Y.: Christ. Lit. Co., 1891. $5. Bible Myths and their Paral- lels IN OTHER Religions : be- ing a Comparison of the Old and 276 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. New Testament Myths and Mir- acles with those of heathen Na- tions and Antiquity, considering also their Origin and Meaning. Pp. 650, 8vo. N. Y. : Bouton, 1883. $4. Bibles of Other Nations: be- ing Selections from the Scriptures of the Chinese, Hindoos, Persians, Buddhists, Egyptians, and Mo- hammedans, with an Introduction to the Ethnic Scriptures by J. M. Hodgson ; to which is added The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles and Selections from the Talmud and Apocryphal Gospels. Pp. 252, p. 8vo. Manchester : Brook, 1885. y. 6d. BiERBOWER, Austin. The Morals of Christ : Comparison with Con- temporaneous Systems. Pp. 200, i2mo. Chic. : Kerr, 1892. 50 cents. Brace, C. Loring. The Unknown God ; or, Inspiration among Pre- Christian Races. Pp. xii, 336, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; N. Y. : Armstrong, 1890. 12s., $2.50. BUNSEN, E. DE. The Angel Mes- siah of Buddhists, Essenes, and Christians. Pp. xii, 383, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1880. los. 6d. BURNOUF, E. The Science of Re- ligions. Translated by Julie Liebe. Preface by E. J. Rapson. Pp. 276, 8v^o. Lond. : Sonnenschein, 1888. 7s. (yd. Burr, E. F., D.D. Universal Be- lief : or. The Great Consensus. Pp. 312, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1877. $1.25. BuRRELL, David James, D.D. The Religions of the World : an Out- line of the Great Religious Sys- tems. Pp. 332, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1888. $1.25. Child, L. Maria. The Progress of Religious Ideas through Suc- cessive Ages. 3 vols., pp. xi, 450 ; vi, 437 ; iv, 478, 8vo. N. Y. : Francis, 1855. $4. Clarke, James Freeman. Ten Great Religions : an Essay in Comparative Theology. Pp. 528, 8vo. Bost. : Osgood. Part II. A Comparison of all Religions. Pp. 408, 8vo. Bost. and N. Y. : Houghton, 1883. $3. New ed., 1886. Each vol. %2. Clodd, Edward. The Childhood of Religions: embracing a Simple Account of the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends. Pp. viii, 288, i2mo. Lond. : King ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1875. 5-f-. $1.25. COBBE, Frances Power. Prehis- toric Religion. Religions of the World, etc. [In her Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays.] Pp. 400, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1872. 5J. Cocker, Benjamin F. Christian- ity and Greek Philosophy. Pp. viii, 531, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875- $2.75. Conway, Moncure D. Sacred Anthology: Book of Ethnical Scriptures. 8vo. N. Y. : Holt, 1874. New ed., 1875. $4. Cook. F. C, M.A. The Origins of Religion and Language Consid- ered in five Essays. Pp. xiv, 481, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1884. 15J. Cox, George W. The Mythology of the Aryan Nations. New ed., 2 vols., pp. XX, 460 ; XV, 397, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1870. New ed., 1878. 7.Zs, DODS, Marcus. Mohammed, Bud- dha, and Christ. Four Lectures in Natural and Revealed Religion. Pp. 226, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1874. 4th ed., 1887. 3J. 6d. DoLLlNGER, J. J. I. The Gentile and Jew in the Courts of the Temple of Christ. Seep. 195. DORMAN, RuSHTON M. Origin of Primitive Superstitions and their HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 277 Development into the Worship of Spirits and the Doctrine of Spiritual Agency Among the Aborigines of America. Pp. 398, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1881. $3. DUNLAP, S. F. Vestiges of the Spirit History of Man. Pp. vi, 404. N. Y.: Appleton, 1858. $3.50. Edkins, Joseph. The Early Spread of Religious Ideas, espe- cially in the Far East. Pp. 144, i2mo. N.Y. : Revell, 1893. $1.20. Ellinwood, Frank F., D.D. Ori- ental Religions and Christianity : a Course of Lectures delivered . . . before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1 891. Pp. xviii, 384, i2mo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1892. $1.75. Faber, G. S. Origin of Pagan Idolatry. 3 vols., pp. Ixxx, 496; xxii, 504 ; xxviii, 683, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1816. 135J. Faiths of the World, Thf. [St. Giles Lectures.] [By Principal Caird, Dr. Matheson, Rev. John Milne, Dr. Dods, Dr. McGregor, Dr. Burns, Dr. Lang, Dr. Taylor, Dr. Lees, and Dr. Flint.] Pp. vi, 364, i2mo. Edinb. : Blackwood; N. Y. : Scribner, 1882. 5^., $1.50. Fancillon, R. E. Gods and He- roes ; or. The Kingdom of Jupiter. Pp. xii, 292, i2mo. Bost. : Ginn, 1893. 60 cents. Farrar, Fred. W., Canon, and OTHERS. Non-Biblical Systems of Religion : a Symposium, by Archdeacon Farrar, Rev. Canon Rawlinson. Rev. W. Wright, Rab- bi G. J. Emanuel, Sir W. Muir, and others. Pp. viii, 243, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet ; N. Y. : Whit- taker, 1887. 6s., $1.50. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 90 cents. Fradenburgh, J. W. Living Religions ; or, The Great Religions of the Orient, from Sacred Books and Modern Customs. Pp. iv, 508, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1888. $1.50. Frazer, J. G. Totemism. Pp. 96, p.8vo. Edinb.: Black, 1887. 3.^.6^/. The Golden Bough. A Study in Comparative Religion. 2 vols., pp. 806, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1890. 28 J. Friese, Philip C. Semitic Philoso- phy : showing the Ultimate Social and Scientific Outcome of Origi- nal Christianity. Pp. 247, i2mo. Chic. : Griggs, 1890. $1. Gardner, J. The Faiths of the World. 2 vols., pp. 992, 930, 8vo. Edinb.: Fullarton, 1858-1860. 48^. GOODSIR, J. T. Seven Homilies on Ethnic Inspiration. Pp. 326, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1871. js. 6d. Grossman, Louis, Rabbi, D.D. Some Chapters on Judaism and the Science of Religion. Pp. vii, 190, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1888. $1.50. Hardwick, Charles. Christ and other Masters : an Historical In- quiry into some of the chief Par- allelisms and Contrasts between Christianity and the Religious System of the Ancient World. 4 parts. Lond.: Parts I-III, Bell and Daldy ; Part IV, Macmillan, 1855-1858. 4th ed., edited, with a Memoir, by Francis Proctor. Pp. xviii, 592, 8vo. Lond. : Mac- millan, 1875. los. 6d. HuRD, William. A New Univer- sal History of the Religious Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs of the Whole World ; or, A Complete and Impartial View of all Reli- gions down to the Present Time. Pp. 912, 4to. Lond.: Evans, 1815. JACOLLIOT, L. The Bible in India : Hindoo Origin of Hebrew and Christian Revelation. Pp. xiii, 380, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1870. $2. 278 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Johnson, S., Rev^ Oriental Reli- gions and ttieir Relation to Univer- sal Religion. Pp. viii, 802, 8vo. Bost. : Osgood, 1872. $5. Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. A Chorus of Faith as Heard in the Parlia- ment of Religions held in Chicago, September ioth-27th, 1893. With an Introduction by Jenkin Lloyd Jones. Pp, 333, i2mo. Chic. : Unity Pub. Co., 1894. Religions of the World. I, Moses : The Hebrew Lawgiver. Pp. 32. H, Zoroaster : The Proph- et of Industry. Pp. 29. Ill, Con- fucius : The Prophet of Politics. Pp.32. IV, Buddha: The Light of Asia. Pp. 32. V, Sokrates: The Prophet of Reason. Pp. 35. VI, Jesus : The Founder of Chris- tianity. Pp. 32. VII, Mahommed : The Prophet of Arabia. i2mo. Chic: Unity Pub. Co., 1894. Keary, C. Francis. Outlines of Primitive Belief Among the Indo- European Races. Pp. xxii, 534, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1882. $2.50. Kellogg, S. H., Rev., D.D. The Genesis and Growth of Religion. The L. P. Stone Lectures for 1892 at Princeton Theological Semi- nary, New Jersey. Pp. xiii, 275, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $1.50. The Light of Asia and the Light of the World : a Compari- son of the Legend, the Doctrine, and Ethics of the Buddha, with the Story, the Doctrine, and Eth- ics of Christ. Pp. 380, p. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1885. ys. 6d. Kuenen, a., D.D., LL.D. Natural Religions and Universal Religions. See p. 31. Lang, Andrew. Custom and Myth. Pp. 312, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1885. $1.25. LiLLiE, A. The Influence of Bud- dhism ; or, Primitive Christianity. Pp. viii, 180, p. 8vo. Lond. : Son- nenschein ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 2.S. 6d., $1. Mackay, R. W. Progress of the Intellect, as exemplified in the Re- ligious Development of the Greeks and Hebrews. 2 vols., pp. 1,030, 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1850. 24J. Massey, G. The Natural Genesis ; or, Second Part of a Book of the Beginnings, containing an At- tempt to Recover and Reconstitute the lost Origins of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace. 2 vols., pp. 1,080, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1883. 30J. Matheson, George, Rev. The Distinctive Messages of the Old Religions. Pp. vi, 342, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1893. $1.75. Maurice, F. D. The Religions of the World and their Relations to Christianity. i2mo. Lond.: Mac- millan, 1846. 5th ed., 1876. Pp. 262, 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1854. 5^-., 60 cents. Moffat, James C. A Compara- tive History of Religions. 2 vols., i2mo. Vol.1. Ancient Scriptures. Vol.11. Later Scriptures, Progress, and Revolutions of Faith. Pp. viii, 250; V, 316, i2mo. N.Y. : Dodd, 1873-1874. $3.50. MOLLOY, J. F. The Faiths of the Peoples. 2 vols., pp. 468, 8vo. Lond.: Ward, 1892. 21^. Montefiore, C. G. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Reli- gion as Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Hebrews. • See p. 32. Moor, Edward. Oriental Frag- ments. Pp. vii, 537, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1834. \os. dd. Muller, F. Max. Lectures on the Science of Religion, with a Paper on Buddhist Nihilism, and a HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 279 Translation of the Dhammapada ; or, " Path of Virtue." Pp. iv, 300, 8vo. Loncl.: Lonjrrnans, 1873; N. Y. : Scribner, 1877. 10^. 6d., $2.50. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as Illustrated by the Religions of India. See P' 31- Anthropological Religion : Lec- tures delivered before the Univer- sity of Glasgow in 1891. Pp. xxviii, 464, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. \os. 6d., $3. Parks, Leighton. His Star in the East. A Study in the Early Aryan Religions. Pp. 292, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1887. $1.50. Peckover, E. Josephine. Fore- shadowings of Christianity. With Preface by Anne W. Richardson. Pp. 226, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1888. s^- Petiscus, a. H. The Gods of Olympos ; or. Mythology of the Greeks and Romans. Translated and edited from the Twentieth Edition by Katherine A, Raleigh. With a Preface by Jane E. Harri- son. Illustrated. Pp. xv, 271, 8vo. N. Y. : Cassell, 1893. $2. Pressense, Edmond de, D.D. The Religions before Christ : be- ing an Introduction to the History of the first three Centuries of the Church. Translated by L. Cork- ran. With Preface by the Author. Pp. 268. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1862. 7s. 6d. The Ancient World and Chris- tianity. Translated by Annie H. Holmden. Pp. xxv, 479, 8vo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1888. S1.75. Rawlinson. George. The Con- trasts of Christianity with Heathen and Jewish Systems. Pp. 287, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1861. 95. The Origin of Nations. In two Parts, on Early Civilization, on Ethnic Affinities. Map. P. 8vo. Lond. : Rel.Tr. Soc, 1877. Pp. xiv, 283, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1878. 4^. 6^., $1.50. The Religions of the Ancient World, including Egypt, Assyria, and Babylonia, Persia, India, Phoenicia, Etruria, Greece, Rome. Pp. xiv, 249, i6mo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1883. $1. Reid, J. M., Rev., D.D., LL.D., ed- itor. Doomed Religions : A Se- ries of Essays on Great Religions of the World ; with a preliminary Essay on Primordial Religion, and a supplemental Essay on Lifeless and Corrupt Forms of Christianity. Pp. 455, i6mo. N. Y. and Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1884. S1.50. Contents : Primordial Religion, by Dr. Reid. Mohammedanism, by Ram Chan- dra Bose. Brahmanism, by Dr. T. J. Scott. Parseeism, by Dr. J. M. Tho- burn. Buddhism, by Dr. E. Wentworth. Taoism, by Dr. V. C. Hart. Shintoism, by Dr. R. S. Maclay. Confucianism, by Dr. S. L. Baldwin. Lifeless and Cor- rupt Forms of Christianity, by Dr. C. H. Fowler. Religious Systems of the World : National, Christian, and Philosophic. A Collection of Ad- dresses delivered at South Place Institute, 1888-1889. Revised . . . by the Authors. Pp. xx, 554, 8vo. Lond.: Sonnenschein, 1890. Js. 6d. Vol. II, 2d ed., with several new Articles. Pp. viii, 324, 8vo. Lond. : Sonnenschein ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $4.50. Renouf. P. Le Page. The Origin and Growth of Religion as Illus- trated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt. Seep.^x. Reville, Albert, D.D. Prolegom- ena of the History of Religions. Translated from the French by A. S. Squire. With an Introduc- tion by Prof. F. Max Miiller. Pp. xiv, 230, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1884. loj. dd. The Native Religions of Mex- ico and Peru. See p. 31. 'So LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Rhys-Davids, T. W. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as Illustrated by some Points in the History of Indian Buddhism. See p. 31. Sacred Books of the East. Translated by various Oriental Scholars and edited by F. Max Miil- ler. First and Second Series. Oxf.: Clar. Pr. ; N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1 879-1 894. Chinese Literature. The Sacred Books of China. The Texts of Confucianism. Part I. The Shu King ; the religious Por- tions of the Shih King. The Hsiao King. Vol. Ill, pp. XXX, 492. 1879. I2J. 6^., $3.25. Part II. The Yi King. Vol. XVI, pp. xxi, 448. 1882. \os. 6d. $2.75. Part III. The Li Ki. I-X. Vol. XXVII, pp. xvi, 484. 1885. I2J. 6s. 6d. Bose, Ram Chandra. Brahmo- ism ; or. History of Reformed Hinduism from its Origin in 1830, under Rajah Mohun Roy, to the Present Time; with . . . Account of Babu Keshub Chunder Sen's Connection with the Movement. Pp. iii, 222, i2mo. Lond. : Hunt ; N. Y.: Funk, 1884. 6j., $1.25. Hindu Philosophy Popularly Explained : The Orthodox Sys- tems. Pp. x, 410, i2mo. Lond.; Hunt; N.Y.: Funk, 1884. 6j.,$i.5o. Capper, John. The Three Presi- dencies of India. With an Ac- count of their Government, Reli- gion, Manners, Customs, Educa- tion, etc. Pp. xii, 492, 8vo. Lond. : Ingram, 1853. 6s. Carwithen, I. B. S., Rev., M.A. A View of the Brahminical Reli- 286 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. gion, in its Confirmation of the Truth of Sacred History. . . . See p. 20. COLEBROOKE, H. T. Miscellaneous Essays, with Life of the Author, by his Son, Sir T. E. Colebrooke. 3 vols., pp. vii, 493; ix, 543; vi, 519, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1873. 42J. Craufurd, Q. Researches con- cerning the Laws, Theology, Learning, Commerce, etc., of An- cient and Modern India. 2 vols., pp. vi, 353, 378, 8vo. Lond. : Ca- dell, 1817'. 9^. Crawfurd, J. Histor}^ of the In- dian Archipelago, containing an Account of the Manners, Arts, Languages, Religions, Institutions, and Commerce of its Inhabitants. 3 vols., pp. 520, 563, 554, 8vo. Edinb. : Constable, 1820. $2j. 6d. DowsoN, John, M.R.A.S. A Classical Dictionary of Hindu My- thology and Religion, Geography, History, and Literature. Pp. xix, 411, 8vo. Lond.: Triibner, 1879. i6^- Fergusson, James, and Burgess, James. The Cave Temples of India. 98 plates. Pp. xx, 536, imp. 8vo. Lond.: Allen, 1880. 42^. Gangooly, J. C. Life and Reli- gion of the Hindoos, with a Sketch of my Life and Experiences. Pp. XXX, 306, 8vo. Lond. : Whitfield, i860; Bost. : Crosby, 1861. ds. 6d. Jacob, G. A.. Maj. A Manual of Hindu Pantheism. The Vedan- tasara, translated, with copious Annotations. Pp. x, 129, 8vo. Lond.: Triibner, 1881. 2s.6d. Jennings, H. The Indian Reli- gions ; or. Results of the Mys- terious Buddhism. Pp. 278, 8vo. Lond. : Redway, 1889. is. 6d. Johnson, Samuel. Oriental Reli- gions and their Relation to Uni- versal Religion. Vol. I, India. Pp. viii, 802, 8vo. Bost. : Osgood, 1872. $5. Lyall, a. Natural Religion in In- dia. Rede Lecture. Pp. 64, 8vo. Lond.: Camb. Wareh., 1891. i^. Martin, R. M. The History, An- tiquities, Topography, and Statis- tics of Eastern India. 3 vols., pp. xiii, 560; V, 1,019 (30) » xxxii, 712 (53)»8vo. Lond. : Allen, 1838. 21^. The Progress and Present State of British India. Pp. xi, 308, i2mo. Lond.: Low, 1862. los. 6d. Maurice, Thomas. Indian An- tiquities ; or. Dissertations Rela- tive to the Geography, Theology, Civil Laws, Commerce, and Liter- ature of Hindostan, etc. 6 vols, in 3, pp. cxxii, 1,091 ; xv, 370. Lond., n. d. New ed., 7 vols., 8vo. Lond. : White, 1800. 73^. 6d. MiJLLER, F. Max. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Religions of In- dia. See p. 31. Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution, March, 1894. Pp. vi, 173, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1894. $1.75. Rhys-Davids, T. W. Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Reli- gion as illustrated by . . . the his- tory of Indian Buddhism. See Rice, Henry, Rev. Native Life in India, Sketches of the Social and Religious Characteristics of the Hindus. Pp. ix, 160, i2mo. Oakland: Pac. Pr. Pub. Co., 1891. 60 cents. Roberts, J. Oriental Illustrations of the Sacred Scriptures, collected from the Customs and Literature of the Hindoos. Pp. 602, 8vo. Lond.: Tegg, 1843. 12s. Seelye, Julius H. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Lectures HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 287 to Educated Hindus. Pp. 146, i2mo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1873. Sl Sen, Baboo Keshub Chunder. Brahmo Somaj : Four Lectures. Pp. 124, i2mo. Lond. : Allen, 1870. 2S. Lectures and Tracts. Edited by Sophia D. Collet. Pp. 288, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1870. 5^. English Visit. An Authorized Collection of his Principal Ad- dresses delivered in England. Edited by Sophia D. Collet. Pp. 634, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1 87 1, gs. Small, George. A Handbook of Sanskrit Literature ; with Appen- dices, Descriptive of the Mythol- ogy, Castes, and Religious Sects of the Hindoos. Pp. xix, 207, i2mo. Lond. : Williams, 1866. 6^. Thomas, E. Jainism ; or, The Early Faith of Asoka. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1877. ys. 6d. WiLKiNS, W. J. Modern Hindu- ism : an Account of the Religion and Life of the Hindus in North- ern India. Pp. xii, 494, 8vo. Lond. : Unwin ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1887. 16^., 85.25. Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Puranic. Pp. xvi, 41 1, 8vo. Lond. and Calcutta: Thacker, 1882. 10^. 6d. WILLL4MS, MONIER, M.A., D.C.L. Hinduism. [Non-Christian Reli- gious Systems.] Pp. ii, 238, i6mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1877. 2s. 6d. ■ Indian Wisdom ; or, Examples of the Religious, Philosophical, and Ethical Doctrines of the Hin- dus ; with a Brief History of the Chief Departments of Sanskrit Literature. Lond. : Allen, 1875. 3d ed., pp. xlviii, 542, 8vo. 1876. 15^. Hinduism. Pp. 238, i8mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K.. 1877. 6th ed., 1878. 2s. 6d. Religious Thought and Life in India. An Account of the Reli- gions of Indian Peoples, based on a Life's Study of their Literature, etc. Part I. Vedism, Brahman- ism, and Hinduism. Pp. xii, 520, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1883. i8s. Wilson, Horace Hayman. Es- says and Lectures chiefly on the Religion of the Hindoos. Col- lected and edited by Dr. Reinhold Rost. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 399 ; vi, 416, 8vo. Lond.: Triibner, 1861. 21s. Vishnu Purana : a System of Hindoo Mythology and Tradition. Translated from the Original Sanscrit, and Illustrated by Notes derived chiefly from other Puranas. Edited by Fitzedward Hall. 5 vols., pp. cxl, 200, 344, 344, 346, 352, i8mo. Lond. : Triibner, 1864- 1877. 60s. 8. Muhammadanism. See also under Comparative Relig^ion^ Gen- eral. Ahmed, Syed Khan Bahador, C. S. I. A Series of Essays on the Life of Mohammed, and Subjects Subsidiary thereto. Pp. xxiv, viii, 118; iv, 19; iv, i9;iv, 40; iv, 16; iv, 56; iv, 59 ; iv, 12; iv, 12; iv, 28 ; iv, 35 ; iv, 25, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1870. 30J. Ali, Meer Hassan, Mrs. Obser- vations on the Mussulmans of In- dia, 2 vols., pp. xix, 395 ; viii, 427, 8vo. Lond. : Parbury, 1832. 2\s. Ali, Syed Ameer, M.A., LL.B. A Critical Examination of the Life and Teachings of Mohammed. Pp. xvi, 346, i6mo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1873. C)S. The Life and Teachings of Mohammed ; or. The Spirit of Islam. Pp. 676, 8vo. Lond. : Allen, 1 68 1. \Zs. Arnold, John Muehleisen. Ishmael; or, A Natural History 288 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. of Islamism and its Relations to Christianity. Pp. 530, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1859. 10^. 6d. The Koran and the Bible ; or, Islamism and Christianity. Pp. 340, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1866. ds. Bettany, G. T. Mohammedanism and other Religions of Mediter- ranean Countries: being a popular Account of Mahomet, the Koran, modern Islam ; with Description of the Egyptian, Assyrian, Phoe- nician, and also the Greek, Ro- man, Teutonic, and Celtic Re- ligions. Pp. V, 322, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Ward, 1892. is. 6d., $1. {World's Religions series.] BowEN, Herbert C. Muhamma- danism : its Present Condition and Influence in India. [The Le Bas Prize Essay for 1872.] Pp. iv, 54, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1873. 2^. Brown, John P. History of the Dervishes ; or, Oriental Spiritual- ism. Pp. 414, 8vo. Lond.: Trlib- ner; Phila. : Lippincott, 1867. 14^., $3.50. Clark, Edson L. The Arabs and the Turks. Their Origin and His- tory, their Religion, their Impe- rial Greatness in the Past, and their Condition at the Present Time, with Chapters on the other Non-Christian Tribes of Western Asia. Pp. 326, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1876. $1.50. Deutsch, E. O. M. Islam. [Lit- erary Remains. Pp. 59-134, 8vo. Lond.: John Murray, 1874. I2.y.j Freeman, Edward A. The His- tory and Conquest of the Saracens. Six Lectures. Pp. xxx, 203, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1856. Newed., 1880. 3J. 6d. The Ottoman Power in Eu- rope : its Nature, its Growth, and its Decline. Pp. xxii, 315, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1877. is. 6d. Hughes, T. P. A Dictionary of Islam ; being a Cyclopaedia of the Doctrines, Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, together with the Tech- nical and Theological Terms of the Muhammadan Religion. Pp. 750, roy. 8vo, Lond.: Allen, 1885. 42J. Notes on Muhammadanism. Pp. xvi, 208, i2mo. Lond. : Al- len, 1875. 3d ed., 1894. 6s. Johnson, F. E. Muellakat : the Seven Poems suspended in the Temple at Mecca; translated from the Arabic, with an Intro- duction by Shaikh Foizallabhai. Pp. 262, 8vo. Lond. : Luzac, 1894. 7s. 6d. KOELLE, S. W. Mohammed and Mohammedanism Critically Con- sidered. Pp. 560, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1889. 155. Koran. See Qtiran. Lake, J. J. Islam : its Origin, Genius, and Mission. Pp. 122, 8vo. Lond. : Tinsley, 1878. 5^. Lane, E. W. Selections from the Kuran. Pp. 280, 8vo. Lond. : Madden, 1843. New ed., Triib- ner, 1879; Bost.: Houghton, 1880. 9^., $3.50. Lee, Samuel, Rev., A.M. Contro- versial Tracts on Christianity and Mohammedanism. By the late Rev. Henry Martyn, and some of the Most Eminent Writers of Per- sia. Translated and explained. Pp. cxxxii, 584. Camb. : Smith, 1824. \Zs. Lees, James C. Mohammedanism. [In the Faiths of the World. N. Y.: Scribner, 1882. $1.50.] Macbride, J. B. Mohammedan Religion Explained. Pp. 244, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1857. 75. dd. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 289 Merrick, James L., translator. The Life and Religion of Moham- med, as contained in the Sheeah Traditions of the Hyat-ul-Kuloob. Translated from the Persian. Pp. XV, 483, 8vo. Bost. : Phillips, 1850. $1.50. Muhammad, Life of. See, under Biography, Irving, W. ; Muir, W., Sir; Swnmers, T. O. Also, see below, Stobart, J. W. H„ Is- lam and its Founder, MuiR,WiLLiAM, Sir, LL.D., D.C.L. Annals of the Early Caliphate, from Original Sources. Pp. xx, 470, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1883. 16^. The Caliphate : its Rise, De- cline, and Fall. Pp. 612, 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. 2d ed., 1892. \os. 6d. The Koran : Its Composition and Teaching, and the Testimony it bears to the Holy Scriptures. Pp. 239, i8mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K.; N. Y. : Pott, 1879. 2j. 6d., $1.25. Mahomet and Islam : a Sketch of the Prophet's Life, from Orig- inal Sources, and a Brief Out- line of his Religion. Pp. iv, 256, i2mo. N. Y. : Nelson, 1884. $1.75. Neale, F. a. Islamism : its Rise and Progress ; or. The Present and Past Condition of the Turks. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 365, 325, 8vo. Lond.: Madden, 1854. 21J. Osborn, Robert D., Major. Islam under the Arabs. Svo. Lond. : Longmans, 1876. \2s. Islam under the Khalifs of Baghdad. Pp. xii, 406, Svo. Lond. : Seeley, 1878. los. 6d. Palgrave, W. G. Essays on East- ern Questions. Pp. x, 349, Svo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1872. los.Gd. Contents : Three Essays on Mahommetan- Ism in the Levant ; the Mahommetan " Revival ; " the Turkomans and other Tribes of the North. East Turkish Fron- tier ; Eastern Christians ; the Monastery 20 of Sumelas ; the Abkhasian Insurrection ; the Poet 'Omar ; the Brigand, Ta'abbet Shurran. Palmer, E. H. The Qur'an, trans- lated. 2 vols., pp. cxvii, 268 ; x, 362, Svo. Oxf. : Univ. Pr., 1879- 1882. 21^. [Sacred Books of the East, Vols. VI and IX.] Penrice, John, B.A. A Diction- ary and Glossary of the Koran, with copious Grammatical Refer- ences and Explanations of the Text. Pp. viii, 167, sm. 4to. Lond.: King, 1873. 21s. Pool, J. J. Studies in Mohamme- danism, Historical and Doctrinal. With a Chapter on Islam in Eng- land. Pp. 430, p. Svo. Lond. : Constable, 1892. 6s. Poole, Stanley Lane. Studies in a Mosque. Pp. viii, 28S, Svo. Lond.: Allen, 1SS3. 12s. Qur'an, Translations of. See ^ Sale, George ; Rodwell, J, M. ; Palmer, E. H. ; Lane, E. W. Rees, J. D. The Muhammadans^ 1001-1761 A. D. With 3 Maps. Pp. 1 88, iSmo. Lend.: Long- mans, 1894. 2s. 6d. Rodwell, J. M., Rev., M.A. The Koran : Translated from the Ara- bic. The Suras arranged in Chronological Order; with Notes and Index. Pp. xxviii, 659, Svo. Lend.: Williams, 1861. los. 6d. Sale, George. The Koran, com- monly called the Alcoran of Mo- hammed ; Translated into Eng- lish from the original Arabic, with Explanations. Lond. : Tegg, 1844. New ed., 1857. js. 6d. Pp. xx, 670, Svo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1876. $2.75. • Sell, Edward. The Faith of Is- lam. Pp. xiv, 270, Svo. Lond.: Trubner, iSSi. 6s. 6d. Smith, R. Bosworth. Moham- med and Mohammedanism. Lee- 29© LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tures delivered at the Royal Insti- tution of Great Britain in 1874. i2mo. Lond. : Smith, 1874. 2d ed., 1876. 8^. 6d. The same, with an Appendix containing Emanuel Deutsch's Ar- ticle on " Islam." Pp. 388, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. $i-50- Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its Founder. Pp. 254, i8mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K.: N. Y.: Pott, 1877. 6th ed., 1878. IS. 6d., $1.25. Taylor, W. C. History of Mo- hammedanism and its Sects. Pp. 302, i2mo. Lond.: Parker, 3d ed., 1851. 4J. Webb. Mohammed Alexander Russell. Islam in America. A brief Statement of Mohammedan- ism and an Outline of the Ameri- can Islamic Propaganda. Pp. 70, 8vo. N. Y: Oriental Pub. Co., J 893. 50 cents. Weil, Gust. The Bible, the Ko- ran, and the Talmud ; or, Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. Pp. 252, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Harper, 1846. 7s. 6d., $1. Wherry, E. M., Rev., M.A. A Comprehensive Commentary on the Qur'an : comprising Sale's Translation and preliminary Dis- course, with additional Notes and Emendations. Together with a complete Index to the preliminary Discourse and Notes. 4 vols., pp. 391; 407; viii, 414; V, 340, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner ; Bost. and N. Y.: Houghton, 1 882-1 886. 42^., $17.50- WOLLASTON, H. N. Half-Hours with Muhammad. 8vo. Lond.: Allen, 1886. 6s. 9. Parsees. ' ' See also under Comparative Religion, General. Avesta : The Religious Books of the Parsees ; from Professor Spie- gel's German Translation of the Original MSS. By Arthur Henry Bleeck. 3 vols, in i,pp.xxiv, 156, 141, 214, 8vo. Hartf. : Printed for Muncheyee Hormusjee Cama ; N. Y.; Scribner, 1864. $10.50. Geiger, W. Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in Ancient Times, with an Introduction on the Avesta Religion. Translated from the German, with a Pref- ace, Notes, and a Biography of the Author, by Darab Das- tor Peshotan Saujana. Vol. I. Pp. 302, 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1885. 12S. Haug, Martin. Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis. 2d revised ed. Edited by Dr. E. W. West. Vol. XI of English and Foreign Philosophical Library. Pp. xvi, 427, 8vo. Bombay, 1862. 2d ed., Lond.: Triibner ; 'Bost. : Hough- ton, 1878. 16^., $4.50. Johnson, Samuel. Oriental Reli- gions, and their Relation to Uni- versal Religion ; with an Intro- duction by O. B. Frothingham : Persia. Pp. xliii, 783, 8vo. Lond. : Trubner ; Bost. : Houghton, 1884. 18^., $5. Karaka, Dosabhai Framji, C.S.I. History of the Parsis, in- cluding their Manners, Customs, Religion, and Present Position. 2 vols., pp. xxxiv, 332 ; viii, 350, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1884. 36.?. Ragozin, ZiiNAiDE A. The Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia ; including a Study of the Zend- Avesta or Religion of Zoroaster, from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War. Pp. xviii, 447, i2mo. Lond. : Unwin ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1888. 5^., S1.50. Shea, David, and Troyer, An- thony. The Dabistan, or School of Manners, translated from the original Persian, with Notes and Illustrations. Edited, with a pre- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 291 liminary Discourse, by the Latter. 3 vols., pp. cc, 382 ; 460 ; 387, 8vo. Paris and Lond. : Allen, 1843. Upham, Francis W., LL.D. The Wise Men : who they were and how they came to Jerusalem. Pp. V, 253, i2mo. N. Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, (1873.) 81.25. Wilson, John. The Parsi Religion, as considered in the Zand-Avesta, and Propounded and Defended by the Zoroastrians of India and Persia, unfolded, refuted, and con- trasted with Christianity. Pp. 610, 8vo. Bombay and Lond. : Allen, 1843. 16^. 10. Serpent and Phallic Worship. See under Comparative Religion^ General. BOURKE, J. G. The Snake Dance of the Moquis of Arizona, with a Chapter on Serpent Worship. 8vo. Lond. : Low, 1884. 2\s. Clarke, H., and Wake, C. S. Serpent and Siva Worship in America, Africa, Asia. 8vo. Lond.: Triibner, 1877. \s. Deane, John Bathurst, Rev. The Worship of the Serpent traced throughout the World. Pp. 476, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1830. New ed., 1833. [25^.] Fergusson, J. Tree and Serpent Worship ; Mythology and Art in India. Pp. xvi, 247, 4to. Lond. : Allen, 1869. 105^. Forlong, J. G. R., Gen. Rivers of Life: Sources and Streams of Faith in all Lands. 2 vols., pp. xli, 565 ; vi, 622, 4to. Edinb. : Turnbull, 1883. 126J. Inman, Thomas. Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y. ; Bouton, 1868, 1869. New ed., 1873. $20. On the universality of Phallic worship. Ancient Faiths and Modem. 8vo. N. Y. : Bouton, 1876. $5. Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism. 8vo. N.Y. : Bouton, 1870. New ed., 1884. $3. Jennings, Hargrave. Phallicism : its Connection with Rosicrucians and Gnostics, and its Foundation in Buddhism. 8vo. Lond. : Red- way, 1882. 3 1 J. 6d. The Rosicrucians, with a Chap- ter on Serpent-Worshipers. 8vo. Lond.: Chatto, 1870. New ed., 1879. 7 J. dd. Knight, R. Payne. Discourse on the Worship of Priapus. 4to. N.Y.: Bouton, 1878. $35. Contains an " Essay on the Worship of the Generative Powers " supposed to have been written by Thomas Wright and J. C. Hotten. The Masculine Cross : a De- scription of the Sex-Worship of the Ancients. 8vo. Lond.: Red- way, 1886. 7J. dd. Massey, Gerald. The Natural Genesis : an Attempt to Recover the Lost Origin of Myths. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1883. 30^-. Squier, Ephraim George. The Serpent Symbol and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America. Pp. xvi, 11, 254, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 185 1. $2.25. Val d'Eremao, J. P. The Ser- pent of Eden. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1888. 4^. 6d. Wake, C. Staniland. Serpent Worship, and other Essays. With a Chapter on Totemism. Pp. 292, 8vo. Lond. : Redway, 1887. 10^. 6d. The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid. P. 8vo. Lond. : Reeves, 1883. 2s. 6d. Westropp, H. M. Primitive Sym- bolism as Illustrated in Phallic Worship. With Introduction by J. G. R. Forlong. 8vo. Lond. : Redway, 1885. ys. 6d. 292 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Ancient Symbol Worship and the Phallic Idea. Illustrated. 8vo, N. Y. : Bouton, 1875. $3. VIII. MISSIONS. I. Philosophy of Missions. For full Bibliography of Missions see end of Vol. I of Cj'clopaedia of Missions, edited by Rev. Edwin Munsell Bliss. Anderson, Rufus. Foreign Mis- sions : their Relations and Claims. Pp. xiv, 363, i2mo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1869. 3d ed., Bost.: Cong. Pub. Soc, 1870. $1.50. Blyden, E. W. Christianity, Is- lam, and the Negro Race. Pp. 432, 8vo. Lond. : Whittingham ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1887. 2d ed., with Introduction by the Hon. Samuel Lewis. Pp.440, 8 vo. 1889. 7s, 6^., $3. Bullock, W. T. Sermons on Mis- sions. Pp. 404, i2mo. Lond.: Ball, 1879. 5 J. Carpenter, C. H. Studies in Mis- sion Economics. i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bapt. Pub. Soc, 1886. $1. Clarkson, William. Missionary Encouragements in India. Pp. 138, i8mo. Lond. : Snow, 1850. IS. dd, Christ and Missions : Facts of Evangelism. Pp. 400, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1858. 7^. Dorchester, Daniel. The Prob- lem of Religious Progress. Pp. 603, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1881. $2. Douglas, H. A., Bp. Missions in India: The religious Education of Unbelievers. Pp. 74. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1877. 2s. 6d. Gordon, A. J. The Holy Spirit in Missions. Six Lectures. Pp. 236, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Revell, 1893. y. 6d., $1.25. Grant, Anthony, D.C.L. The Past and Prospective Extension of the Gospel by Missions to the Heathen. See under Collected Works, p. 21. Hamilton, R. W. Missions, their Authority, Aim, and Encourage- ment. Pp. 442, 8vo. Lond. : Al- lan, 1846. 8^. Harris, John. The Great Com- mission ; or, The Christian Church Constituted and Charged to Con- vey the Gospel to the World. Pp. 396, i2mo. Lond. : Ward ; Bost. : Gould, 1842. New ed., 1852. Ts. 6d., %i. JESSUP, H. H. The Mohammedan Missionary Problem. Pp. 138, i6mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1879. 75 cents. Johnston, James. A Century of Christian Progress, and its Les- sons. Pp. 214, 8vo. Lond. : Nis- bet, 1888. y. Laurie, Thomas, D.D. The Ely Volume ; or. The Contributions of our Foreign Missions to Science and Human Well-being. Pp. ix, 532, 8vo. Bost. : A. B. C. F. M., 1881. 2d ed., 1887. $3. Liggins, John, Rev. The Great Value and Success of Foreign Missions : with an Introduction by Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. Pp. xi, 237, i2mo. N. Y. : Baker, 1889. 75 cents. Lowe, J. Medical Missions : their Place and Power. Introduction by Sir William Muir. Lond. : Unwin, 1886. New ed., pp. vi, 292, p. 8vo. 1887. N. Y. and Chic: Revell, 1891. 5^?., $1.50. LOWRIE, J. C. Missionary Papers. Pp. 419, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1881. $1.50. Morris, J. B. An Essay toward the Conversion of the Hindoos. Pp. 402, Svo. Lond. : Rivington, 1843. 12 J. Pierson, Arthur Tappan, D.D. The Divine Enterprise of Mis- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 293 sions. A Series of Lectures de- livered at New Brunswick, N. J., before the Theological Seminary. . . . Pp. 333, i2mo. N. Y. : Baker, 1891. $1.25. Evangelistic Work in Principle and Practice. Pp. 340, i2mo. N.Y.: Baker, 1887. $1.25. RuGG, Henry W., D.D., editor. Our Word and Work for Missions. A Series of Papers Treating of Principles and Ideas Relative to Christian Missions. Prepared with special Reference to the Univer- salistChurch. Pp. xiv, 254, i2mo. Bost. : Univ. Pub. Ho., 1894, $1.50. Sandford, John, B.D. The Mis- sion and Extension of the Church at Home. See under Collected Works, p. 21. SOMERVILLE, A. Lectures on Mis- sions and Evangelism. Pp. 394, 8vo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1874. 6j. Strong, Josiah, D.D. The New Era; or, The Coming Kingdom. Pp. xviii, 374, i2mo. N. Y. ; Ba- ker, 1893. 75 cents. Walsh, W. Pakenham, Bp. Christian Missions. [Donellan Lectures, 1861.] Pp. 288, 8vo. Dubl. and Lond. : Hatchard, 1862. 6s. Warneck, Gustav. Modern Mis- sions and Culture: their Mutual Relations. Translated from the German by Thomas Smith. Pp. xi, 415, cr. 8vo. Edinb.: Gem- mell, 1883. Pp. xxiv, 375, 8vo, N. Y. : Ketcham, 1888. 4^. 6^/., $2.50. Young, R. The Success of Chris- tian Missions. Testimonies to their Beneficent Results. Pp. 270, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1890. ^s. 2. Ethnology of Missionary Lands. Bancroft, H. Native Races of the Pacific States of North Amer- ica. Sq. 8vo. San Fr. : Bancroft, 1875. S4.50. Barras, J. On the Natives of India. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1889. IS. 6d. Bellew, H. W. J. The Races of Affghanistan. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1880. js. 6d. BiDDULPH, J. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1880. 15.?. Brace, C. L. Races of the Old World: a Manual of Ethnology. 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1863. 6s. Bray, Charles. Manual of An- thropology. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1871. 6j. Brown, Robert. The Peoples of the World. 6 vols., 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Cassell, 1882-1886. Each 7s. 6d. The Races of Mankind. 4 vols, in 2, 4to. Lond.: Cassell, 1873-1876. 21S. Burton, R. F. Sindh, and the Races of the Valley of the Indus. Svo. Lond. : Allen, 185 1. 12.S. Clark, E. L. Races of European Turkey. Svo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1878. $3. CURR, E. M. The Australian Race : its Origin, Language, Customs, Places of Landing in Australia, and the Routes by which it spread itself over that Continent. 3 vols., Svo. Atlas, 4to. Melbourne, 1888. 42J. CUST. R. N. Sketch of the Modern Languages of Africa, with Lan- guage Map. 2 vols., Svo. Lond. : Triibner, 1884. 25J. The Races and Languages of Oceanica. Svo. Lond. : Triibner, 1888. 2s. 6d. Dalton, Edward T. Descrip- tive Ethnology of Bengal. 4to. Lond,: Triibner. 1882. 126s. 294 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Drake, S. G. Aboriginal Races of North America. 8vo. Phila. : Desilver, 1833. New ed., 1852. $4. Ellis, A. B. The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa : their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language, etc. 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1887. I ay. dd. Featherman, a. Social History of the Races of Mankind. 5 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1 881-1888. 1 27 J. 6^. Heckewelder, John. History, Manners, and Customs of the In- dian Nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania, etc. 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1876. $3.50. Houghton, R. C. Women of the Orient. i2mo. See p. 298. JESSUP, H. H. Women of the Arabs. i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1873. $2. Children of the East. i6mo. Bost. : Cong. S. S. and Pub. Co., n. d. 90 cents. Leland, C. Godfrey. Gypsies. i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1882. $2. Lewin, T. H. Wild Races of Southeastern India. 8vo. Lond. : Allen, 1870. \os. 6d. Matthews, Washington. Eth- nology and Philology of the Hi- datsa Indians. 8vo. Lend. : Triib- ner, 1882. 3^. 6d. Missionary Picture Gallery. Illustrations from British Amer- ica, Mohammedan Countries, Af- rica, and New Zealand. 4to. Bost. : Houghton, n. d. 50 cents. Painter, J. T. Ethnology : a His- tory and Genealogy of the Human Race. i2mo. Lond.: Bailliere, 1880. y. 6d. Pattison, S. R. Gospel Ethnol- ogy. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1887. 2d ed., 1888. 25. 6d. Pickering, Charles. Races of Mankind. 8vo. Lond. : Bohn, 1849. New ed., 1850. 7^. 6d. Races of Mankind and their Geographical Distribution. i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1876. $2.25. Simpson, Walter. History of the Gypsies ; with Specimens of the Gypsy Language. i2mo. N. Y. : Miller, 2d ed.. 1878. $2. Topinard, Paul. Anthropology. With Preface by P. Broca. Trans- lated by R. T. H. Bartley. 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1878. $2. Watson, J. F., and Kay, J. W. Races and Tribes of Hindostan. 4 vols., 4to. Lond. : Allen, 1868- 1870. 180J. Williams, G. W. History of the Negro Race in America, 1619- 1880. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y.: Put- nam, 1882. $7. Woods, J. D. Native Tribes of South Australia. 8vo. Lond. : Woods, 1879. i6s. Yeatman, J. P. Shemitic Origin of the Nations of Western Europe. 8vo. Lond.: Burns, 1879. $s. 3. General History. AiKMAN, J. Logan. Cyclopedia of Christian Missions : their Rise, Progress, and Present Position. Pp. xviii, 360, i2mo. Lond. : Griffin, i860. 2d ed., i86i. 3^. 6d. American Board of Commis- sioners FOR Foreign Missions. Memorial Volume to First Fifty Years. Pp. xix, 462, 8vo. Bost. : Am. Bd. Miss. Ho., 1861. 75 cents. Anderson, RUFUS. History of the Missions of the American Board. 5 vols., 3d ed., i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1 870-1 874. Each S1.50. To the Oriental Churches. 2 vok., pp. xxiv, 426 ; xvi, 53a. To India, i v«J., pp. xvi, 443. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 295 To the Sandwich Islands, i vol., pp. xxiv, 408. Hawaian Islands: their Progress and Conditions under Missionary Labors. I vol., pp. 450. Arnold-Forster, Frances E. Heralds of the Cross ; or, The Ful- filling of the Command ; Chapters on Missionary Work. Pp. xvi, 540, 8\-o. Lond. : Hatchard, 1881. New ed., 1885. los. 6d. Bainbridge, W. F. Along the Line at the Front : a General Survey of Baptist Home and For- eign Missions. Pp. 310, i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1882. $1.50. Bible Conquests in Many Lands. Striking Experiences of Distributors and Pioneers. Pp. 296, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1885. 3.f. 6d. Bliss, Edwin Munsell, Rev., editor. Encyclopaedia of Mis- sions. A Thesaurus of Facts, Historical, Statistical, Geograph- ical, Ethnological, and Biograph- ical ; with Maps, Bibliography, and Statistical Tables. 2 vols., pp. 1,340, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1891. $12. Blumhardt, C. T., Rev. Chris- tian Missions ; or, A Manual of Missionary Geography and His- tory. Edited by the Rev. C. Barth, D.D. 2 vols., pp. 318, 338, 24mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. [1846.] Each 2s. 6d. Bonar, a. R. Incidents of Mis- sionary Enterprise. Pp. xv, 342, i6mo. Edinb. : Nelson, 1842. y. 6d. Boyce, W. B. Statistics of Prot- estant Missionary Societies, 1871- 1873. Pp. xxviii, 184, 8vo. Lond.: Nichols, 1874. Briggs, F. W. Missions, Apostolic and Modern : an Exposition of the Narrative of St. Paul's first Missionary Journey, in Relation to the Protestant Missions of the present Century. Pp. 340, 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1864. y.6d. Brightwell, C. L., Miss. So Great Love : Sketches of Mission- ary Life and Labor. Pp. 314, 8vo. Lond.: Snow, 1874. y. 6d. Broomhall, B. The Evangeliza- tion of the World : a Missionary Band, a Record of Consecration, and an Appeal. Pp. 242, roy. 8vo. Lond.: Morgan, 1888. 3.y. 6d. Brown, William. The History of the Christian Missions of the Six- teenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. 2 vols. Lond. : Longman, 18 14. Am, ed., with title " History of the Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen since the Reforma- tion." 2 vols., pp. 514, 528. 8vo. N. Y.: Low, 1816-1821. 3d ed., 3 vols., 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1864. 26s. Carroll, H. K. The World of Missions : the Societies, Fields, Agencies, and Successes of Prot- estant Missions. Pp. 69, 24mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1881. 10 cents. Charles, Rundle, Mrs. Early Christian Missions of Ireland, Scot- land, and England. Pp. 422, p. 8vo. Lond.: S. P.C. K., 1893. 4^. Choules, J. O., and Smith, Thomas. The Origin and His- tory of Missions. 2 vols., pp. xxii, 622 ; xiv, 610, 4to. Bost. : Gould, 1842; N. Y. : Carter, 1 85-. $3. Christlieb, Theodor. Protes- tant Foreign Missions. Trans- lated from the 4th German ed., by David Allen Read. Pp. 264, i6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1880. 75 cents. Church Revived, The. A Sketch of Parochial Missions in England, Canada, and the United 296 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. States ; [also] Incidents of Travel, at Home and Abroad. Pp. xxxix, 709, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1886. $2. Croil, James. The Missionary Problem : a History of Protestant Missions in some of the principal Fields of Missionary Enterprise ; with a historical and statistical Account of the Rise and Progress of Missionary Societies in the 19th Century. Pp. v, 224, i2mo. To- ronto : Briggs, 1884. $1. Dennis, James S., Rev., D.D. Foreign Missions after a Century. Students' Lectures on Missions, Princeton Theological Seminar3^ 1893. Pp. 368, 8vo. N. Y. : Re- vell, 1893. $1.50. Dobbins, F. S. A Foreign Mis- sionary Manual : Geographical, Synoptical, Statistical, and Bio- graphical. Pp. 203, i6mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1881. Ellis, Harriet Warner. Den- mark and her Missions. Pp. 268, fcap. 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1863. 3^. 6d. Ellis, William. History of the London Missionary Society. Vol. L Pp. 596, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1844. \os. 6d. Fruits of Toil of the London Missionary Society. Pp. 76, sm.4to. Lond. : Snow, 1869. 6s. Gammell, William. A History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, from their Earliest Com- mencement to the Present Time. Pp. 371, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1849. 75 cents. General Conference, Proceed- ings of, on Foreign Missions, held in Mildmay Park, London, 1878. Pp. viii, 434, 8vo. Lond. : Shaw, 1879. Grubb, G. C, Rev. What hath God Wrought? An Account of the Mission Tour of — — , 1889- 1890, chiefly from the Diary kept by E. C. Millard, one of his Com- panions in Ceylon, South India, Australia, New Zealand, Cape Colony. Pp. 390, 8vo. Lond. : Marlborough, 1891. ^s. Harrison, W. P. The Gospel among the Slaves. A short Ac- count of Missionary Operations among the African Slaves of the Southern States. Pp. ii, 394, i2mo. Nashville: M. E. Ch., South, Pub. Ho., 1893. $1.25. Hassell, Joseph. From Pole to Pole. A Handbook of Christian Missions. Pp. 451, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1866. 5 J. Hervey, G. Winfred, Rev. The Story of Baptist Missions in For- eign Lands, from the Time of Carey to the Present Date ; with an In- troduction by Rev. A. H. Burling- ham, D.D. Pp. 868, 8vo. St. Louis: Barns, 1885. $3. Hodder, Edwin. Conquests of the Cross. A Record of Mission- ary Work throughout the World. Vol. i. Pp. 570. Lond. : Cassell, 1890-1891. Each 9^. Holden, W. C, Rev. History of Methodism, and its Missions in South Africa. See p. 299. Hole, C. Early Missions to and within the British Islands. Pp. 250, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1888. 2S. Home Missions in ihe Early Mediaeval Period. Pp. 164, i2mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1889. is. 6d. Holmes, John B. Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren to 1817.- Pp. viii, 472, 8vo. Dubl. : Napier, 1818. 2d ed., Lond.: Mallalieu, 1827. 7s. 6d. HOOLE, E. The Year Book of Mis- sions, containing a Comprehen- sive Account of Missionary So- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 297 cieties, British, Continental, and American. Pp. vii, 423, 8vo. Loncl. : Longmans, 1847. 8s. House, Edwin. The Missionary in Many Lands. Pp. 300, 8vo. Lond. : Hogg ; N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1861. y. 6d., 80 cents. Hunter, R. History of Missions of Free Church of Scotland in India and Africa, with prefatory Note by Rev. Charles J. Brown. Pp. 396, 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1873. y. dd. Japp, a. H. Master Missionaries : Chapters on Pioneer Effort throughout the World. Lond. : Unwin, 1880. New (3d) ed, pp. 400, p. 8vo. 1883. N. Y. : Car- ter, 1 88 1. 3^. 6d., $1.50. Johnston, James, Rev. Mission- ary Points and Pictures. Pp. 159, i2mo. N. Y.: Revell, 1892. 75 cents. Jubilee, The Missionary: An Account of the Fiftieth Anniver- sary of the American Baptist Mis- sionary Union, at Philadelphia, 1864. Pp. 500, 8 vo. N.Y.: Shel- don, 1865. %\. KiNGSLEY, C, Bp. Round the World. 2 vols., pp. 344, 32$, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1868. $2,50. KiNGSMILL, J. Missions and Mis- sionaries. Historically Viewed from their Commencement. Pp. viii, 534, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1853. Reduced, 1854. \os. 6d. Lansing, George, Rev. Egj^pt's Princes, a Narrative of Mission- ary Labor. Pp. 426, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1865. $1.50. London Missionary Society, Fruits of Toil in the. Pp. 72, 4to. Lond.: Snow, 1870. 6s. Lowrie, J. C. A Manual of the Foreign Missions of the Presby- terian Church in the United States of America. Pp. 359, i2mo. N. Y. : Rankin, 1868. $1.25. Maclear, G. F. a History of Christian Missions during the Mid- dle Ages. Pp. xxi, 466, 8vo. Camb. ; Macmillan, 1863. ios.6d. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1869. 4?. 6d. Marshall, T. W. M. Christian Missions : their Agents and their Results. 2 vols., pp. 644,479, xxxvi, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Sadler, 1863. 4th ed., pp. vi, 644; vi, 479, XXXV, 8vo. 1888. 24?., $4. Marvin, Enoch Mather, Bp. To the East by Way of the West ; with memorial Sermon and Life of Bishop Marvin, by Bishop McTyeire : Introduction by T. O. Summers. Pp. 606, i2mo. Nashville: M'Ferrin, 1879. $2. Mason, G. E., Rev. Round the Round World on a Church Mis- sion. Pp. vi, 379, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1892. $1.50. [Relates principally to Australia.] Merivale, C, editor. Conversion of the West. 5 vols. I. The Conti- nental Teutons, by C. Merivale. Pp. 180. II. The Celts, by G. F. Maclear. Pp. 189. III. The Eng- lish, by G. F. Maclear. Pp. 186. IV. The Northmen, by G. F. Maclear. Pp. 202. V. The Sclavs, by G. F. Maclear. Pp. ii, 202, i6mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1878. N. Y. : Pott, 1879. Each 2s., 75 cents. The Conversion of the Roman Empire. See wider Collected Works, p. 25. The Conversion of the North- ern Nations. See under Collected Works, p. 25. Missionary World, The. An Encyclopasdia of Information, 298 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGV?'. Facts, Incidents, Sketches, and Anecdotes Relating to Christian Missions in all Ages and Coun- tries, and of all Denominations. Pp. 576, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1873. $2.50. Missions, Conference on, held IN i860 AT Liverpool. Pp. x, 428, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, i860. 2s. 6d. Mitchell, J. M. Foreign Mis- sions of Protestant Churches ; their State and Prospects. Pp. 116, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1888. IS. MoiSTER, W. History of Wesley- an Missions in all Parts. 8vo. Lond.: Stock. 2d ed., 1870. 6^. MuLLER, F. Max. On Missions. A Lecture delivered in Westmin- ster Abbey, on December 3, 1873. With an Introductory Ser- mon by A. P. Stanley, D.D. Pp. 77, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1874. $1. MUTCHMORE, S. A., D.D. The Moghul, Mongol, Mikado, and Missionary. Essays, Discussions, Art, Criticisms, etc. 2 vols., pp. ix, 553; vii, 325, i2mo. N. Y. : Ward, 1 891. $2.50. Net Cast in Many Waters. Sketches from the Life of Mission- aries. Pp. 192, 8vo. Lond. : Bemrose, 1886. 2s. Newcomb, H. a Cyclopaedia of Missions : containing a Compre- hensive View of Missionary Op- erations throughout the World. Pp. vi, 784, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1854. $3. Paton, J. B. The Inner Mission : Four Addresses. Pp. 144, i8mo. Lond. : Isbister, 1888. M. PiERSON, Arthur T., D.D. The Miracles of Missions; or. The Modern Marvels in the History of Missionary Enterprise. Pp. viii, 193, i2mo. N. Y.: Funk, 1891. $1. The New Acts of the Apostles ; or. The Marvels of Modern Mis- sions. Pp. xxii, 451, i2mo. N.Y. : Baker and Taylor Co., 1894. $1.50. Pitman, Emma Raymond. Cen- tral Africa, Japan, and Fiji : a Story of Missionary Enterprises, Trials, and Triumphs. Pp. vi, 296, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder ; N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1883. 5^., $1.50. Reid, John M. Missions and Mis- sionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 2 vols., pp. 462, 471, i2mo. N. Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1879. $3. Robson, John, Rev. Outlines of Protestant Missions. Pp. 92, i6mo. Edinb. : Hamilton, 1885; N. Y. : Scribner, 1891. 6^., 25 cents. Samuel, Jacob. Missionary Tour through Arabia to Bagdad. Pp. 338, i2mo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1844. 8j. 6d. Seelye, J. H. Christian Missions. Pp. 207, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1875. $1.25. Smith, F. The Origin and History of Missions, compiled and ar- ranged from Authentic Docu- ments. 2 vols., pp. xxii, xl, 622 ; xiv, 610, 4to. Bost. : Gould, 1842. Smith, George. Short History of Christian Missions, from Abraham and Paul to Carey, Livingstone, and Duff. Pp. 226, i6mo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. 2s. 6d., $1.25. Smith, S. F. Missionary Sketches : a Concise History of the Work of the American Baptist Union. Pp. 358, i6mo. Bost. : Corihell, 1879. Newed., 1883. Smith, Thomas. Mediaeval Mis- sions. Pp. ix, 279, i2mo. Edinb.: Hamilton, 1880. 4^. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 299 Stevenson, William Fleming, D.D. The Dawn of the Modern Mission ; with a prefatory Note by the Rev. A. H. Charteris, D.D. Pp. ix, 188, i2mo. Edinb. : Macniven ; N. Y. : Armstrong, 1888. 2s. 6^., 90 cents. Storrow, E. Protestant Missions in Pagan Lands : a Manual of Missionary Facts and Principles Relating to Foreign Missions throughout the World. Pp. 184, p. 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1888. 35. 6d. Stowell. W. H. The Missionary Work of the Church; its Principles, History, Claims, and Present As- pects. Revised and enlarged by E. Storrow. Pp. 240, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1873. 5-^- Strachan, J. M. From East to West ; or, Glances at the Church's Work in Distant Lands. Pp. 266, 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1882. 2d ed., 1888. 3^. 6d. Thompson, Augustus C. Mo- ravian Missions : Twelve Lectures. Pp. 508, p. 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1882. $2. Thomson, E., Bp. Our Oriental Missions: India, China, and Bul- garia. 2 vols., pp. 267, 281, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1871. $3. Todd, Elbert S., D.D. Christian Missions in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. Pp. ii, 174, i2mo. N. Y. : Hunt, 1890. 75 cents. Tupper, H. a. Foreign Missions of the Southern Baptist Conven- tion. Pp. 512, 8vo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1880. $3.50. A Decade of Foreign Missions, 1 880- 1 890. Continuation of a Work entitled " Foreign Missions of So. Baptist Convention." . . . Pp. 954, 8vo, Richmond, Va. : For. Mis. Bd. S. B. C, 1891. S3.50. Walrond, T. F. Christian Mis- sions before the Reformation. Pp. 240, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., 1873. 2S.6ill. Warneck, Gustav. Outline of the History of the Protestant Mis- sions from the Reformation to the Present Time. A Contribution to recent Church History. Reprinted, with Additions, from the Real- Encyklopadie. Translated from the 2d ed. by Thomas Smith, D.D. 8vo. Edinb. : Gemmell, 1884. 3^. 6d. Warren, W. These for Those: Our Indebtedness to Missions. Pp. 409, i6mo. Portland, Me.: Hoyt, 1876. $1.50. Wheeler, C. H., D.D. Odds and Ends ; or, Gleanings from Mis- sionary Life. Pp. X, 202, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1888. $1.25. Wise, Daniel, D.D. Our Mis- sionary Heroes and Heroines; or. Heroic Deeds done in Methodist Missionary Fields. Pp. 291, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1884. $1. Wyse, John. A Thousand Years ; or, The Missionary Centers of the Middle Ages. Pp. 186, i2mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1872. y. YONGE, C. M. Pioneers and Found- ers ; or. Recent Workers in the Mission Field. Pp. xiv, 316, 8vo. Lond. and N.Y. : Macmillan, 1871. Reprinted, 1884. 4^. 6d., $1.75. Young, Robert. Modern Mis- sions : their Trials and Triumphs ; with Introduction by James H. Wilson, D.D. Pp. xvi, 420, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Cassell, 1883. Ss., $2. Light in the Lands of Dark- ness : a Record of Missionary Labor among Greenlanders, Es- kimos, Patagonians, etc., with In- troduction by the Earl of Shaftes- bury. Pp. xi, 426, i2mo. Lond.: Unwin; N. Y. : Cassell. 1884. 6s., $2. 300 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 4. Catholic Missions. Burke, O. J. The History of the Catholic Archbishops of Tuam from the Foundation of the See to the Death of the Most Rev. John MacHale, 1881. Pp. 426, p. 8vo. Dubl. : Hodges, 1883. 3^. 6d. Caddell, Celia M. History of Roman Catholic Missions in Japan and Paraguay. Pp. 250, i2mo. Lond. : Burns ; N. Y. : Sadlier, 1856. 2s. 6d., 75 cents. Hawley, C. Early Chapters in Cayuga History. Jesuit Missions in Goi-o-Gouen, 1656-1684: also Sulpitian Mission among Cayugas about Quinte Bay, 1668. Pp. 106, 8vo. Auburn: Ivison, 1879. %^- Herbert, Lady. Abyssinia and its Apostle. Pp. 200, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1868. 6s. Mission of St. Francis of Sales in the Chablais. Pp. 166, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley ; Phila. : Lippin- cott, 1868. 6s., $2.50. Hough, James, Rev. The His- tory of Christianity in India from the Commencement of the Chris- tian Era. 2 vols., pp. xxxi, 479 ; XX, 691, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1839. 21^. Kip, W. I., Bp. The Early Jesuit Missions in North America. i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Wiley, 1847. New ed., pp. xiv, 325. N. Y. and Albany : Munsell, 1873. 7^'^ $1.50.' Historical Scenes from the Old Jesuit Missions. Pp. ix, 375, i2mo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1875. $1.75. Shea, J. G. History of Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, from A. D. 1529 to A. D. 1854. N. Y. : Strong, 1854. Pp. 514, i2mo. N. Y. : Dunigan, 1857. $2.50. Strickland, W. Catholic Missions in Southern India to 1865. Pp. 306, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. 5J. 5. Woman's Missions. Daggett, L. H., Mrs. Historical Sketches of Woman's Missionary Societies. Introduction by Miss Isabel Hart. Pp. 143, i6mo. Bost.: Mrs. L. H. Daggett, 1879. New ed., pp. 205, 1883. 75 cents. Gracey, J. T., Mrs. Woman's Medical Work in P'oreign Lands. Pp. 191, i6mo. Dansville, N. Y., 1881. Houghton, R. C. The Women of the Orient. Pp. 492, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1877. $2. Phillips, J. E. Woman's Work in Foreign Missions. 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1865. 6d. Webb, A. B., Bp. Sisterhood. Life and Woman's Work in the Mis- sion Field of the Church. Pp. 90, 8vo. Lond. : Skeffington, 1883. 2s. 6d. Weitbrecht, Mrs. Letters on Female Missionaries in India. Pp. 162, i8mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1843. 2S. Wheeler. M. S., Mrs. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. Pp. 346, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, i88i. $1.50. 6. Africa. Arnot, Frederic S. Garenganze; or. Seven Years' Pioneer Mission- ary Work in Central Africa ; with Introduction by Rev. A. T. Pier- son, D.D. Pp. 290, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1889. $1.25. Barber, M. A. S. Sweet Childhood, and its Helpers in Heathen Lands ; being a Record of Church Mis- sionary Work among the Young in Africa, the East and Prince Rupert's Land. With Illustra- tions. Pp. XI, 324, fcap. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1863. New ed., 1866. 3 J. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 301 Bruce, Bp. (of Mashonaland). Journals of the Mashonaland Mis- sion, 1888 to 1892. Edited with Introduction by L. K. B. Pp. 106, 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1892. Carlyle, J. E., Rev. South Africa and its Mission Fields. Pp. x, 325, 8vo. Lend.: Nisbet, 1878. 5^. Charlesworth, M. C, Miss. Africa's Mountain Valley: the Church in Regent's Town, W. Africa. Pp. 270, i2mo. Lond.: Seeley, 1856. 8th ed., 1863. 3^. 6d. CUST, Robert Needham. Africa Rediviva. Or, the Occupation of Africa by Christian Missionaries of Europe and North America. (Appendices.) Pp. x, 1 18, 4 Maps, sq. i2mo. Lond. : Stock, 1891. 35. Davies, E., Rev. The Congo Mis- sion. See his" Bishop of Africa" under Biography of Missionaries. Flicktnger, D. K. Ethiopia ; or. Twenty Years of Missionary Life in Western Africa. Pp. 240, i2mo. Dayton, O. : U. B. Pub. Co., 1877. 3d ed., 1885. 90 cents. Fox, William. A Brief History of Wesleyan Missions in the West- ern Coast of Africa, including bio- graphical Sketches of the Mission- aries who have died in that im- portant Field of Labor. Pp. 640, 8vo. Lond.: Aylott, 1851. ios.6d. Gardiner, A. F. Narrative of a Journey to the Zulu Country in South Africa. Pp. iv, 412, 8vo. Lond.: Crofts, 1836. 20s. GOBAT, Samuel, Bp. Journal of a Three Years' Residence in Abys- sinia. Pp. xviii, 480, i2mo. N. Y.: Dodd, 1850. $1.25. Grout, Lewis. Zulu Land. Pp. 351, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1864. $2. Guinness, H. Grattan, Mrs. The New World of Central Africa. With a History of the first Chris- tian Mission on the Congo. Pp. xix, 535, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1890. 6s. HOLDEN, W. C. History of Metho- dism and its Missions in South Africa. Pp. 516, 8vo. Lond. : Wesl. Conf. Off., 1877. los. 6d. Hughes, W. Dark Africa and the Way Out; or, A Scheme for Civilizing and Evangelizing the Dark Continent. Pp. 1 54, p. 8vo. Lond. : Low, 1892. 2s. Isenberg, C. W., and Krapf, I. L. Missionary Journals in Abys- sinia. (1839-1842.) Pp. 558, 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1843. I2j- Jewett, S. a. W. Livingstone in South Africa. (1840- 18 56.) Pp. 301, i6mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1868. $1.25. Johnston, James, Rev. Mission- ary Landscapes in the Dark Con- tinent. Pp. 264, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1892. $1.25. Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt: its People and its Products. With a Prefatory Notice by Dr. George Schweinfurth. Pp. xii, 408, i8mo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1878. $3. Lansing, G. Egypt's Princes. See p. 295. Livingstone, David, and Charles. Narrative of an Ex- pedition to the Zambezi and its Tributaries, etc. (1858-1864.) Pp. xxi, 639, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1865; N.Y.: Harper, 1866. 6j.,$5. Livingstone, David. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. Lond.: Murray, 1857. New ed., 1861. Pp. 779, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1858. 6^., $4.50. Last Journals in Central Africa, from 1865 to his Death. Edited by H. Waller. Pp. 541, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, new ed., 1880. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. 155., $5. 302 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Macdonald, Duff, Rev., M.A. Africana ; or, The Heart of Hea- then Africa. 2 vols. Vol. I. Native Customs and Beliefs. Vol. H. Mis- sion Life. Pp. xvi, 302; xii, 371, 8vo. Edinb. : Simpkin, 1882. 21s. Malan, C. H. Rides in the Mis- sion Fields of South Africa. Pp. 154, i2mo. Lond. : Morgan, 1873. South African Missions. Pp. 312, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1876. 35. 6d. Moffat, R. Missionary Labors and Scenes in Southern Africa. Pp. xii, 406, 8vo. Lond. : Snow ; N. Y. : Carter, 1842. 14th ed., 1888. i2s., $1.25. MoiSTER, W. Memoirs of Mis- sionary Labors in West Africa and the West Indies. Pp. 348, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1842; Lond.: Mason, 1850. 4s., 90 cents. Pictorial Africa : its Heroes, Missionaries, and Martyrs. Pp. 400, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1890. $2.50. Probert, Herbert, Rev. Life and Scenes in Congo. Pp. 192, i2mo. Phila.: Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1889. 90 cents. Ramseyer, F. a., and Kuhne, J. Four Years in Ashantee. Pp. 320, i2mo. N.Y.: Carter, 1875. $1.75. Robertson, H., Mrs. Mission Life among the Zulu Kaffirs. Memori- als of Henrietta Robertson. . . . Edited by Anne Mackenzie. Pp. 390, 8vo. Lond. : Bemrose, 1866. 2d ed., 1875. 3^. 6d. Rowley, Henry. Twenty Years in Central Africa : Story of the Universalists' Mission. 8vo. Lond.: Gardner, 1 88 1. 2d ed., 1885. y.6d. Seddall, H. Missionary History of Sierra Leone. Pp. 256, i2mo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1874. 2d ed., 1875. 3-^- 6^^- Shaw, William. The Story of my Mission in South Eastern Africa : comprising some Account of the European Colonists, with Notices of the Kaffir and other native Tribes. Pp. 570, 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, i860. 6s. Stock, Sarah Geraldina. The Story of Uganda and the Victoria Nyanza Mission. With fifteen Illustrations. Pp.223, i2mo. N.Y.: Revell, 1892. $1.75. Taylor, W. Christian Adventures in South Africa. Pp. 557, i2mo. Lond.: Jackson, 1867. New ed., N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1880. 6s. 6d., $1.50. Thomson, J. To the Central Afri- can Lakes and Back. 2 vols., pp. 320, 323, i2mo. Bost. : Hough- ton, 1 88 1. $6. Tucker, C, Miss. Abbeokuta : Origin and Progress of the Yoruba Mission. Pp. 278, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1858. 3^. 6d. Tyler, Josiah, Rev. Forty Years among the Zulus. Pp. iii, 300, i2mo. Bost.: Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1891. $1.25. Walker, S. A. Missions in West- ern Africa. Pp. xix, 572, 8vo. Dubl. : Curry, 1845. 12s. The Church of England Mis- sion in Sierra Leone. Pp. xlviii, 589, 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1847. 12s. Wilson, J. L. History, Condition, and Prospects of Western Africa. Pp. 527, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. $1.25. Young, R. Trcrphies from African Heathenism. With Map. Pp. 226, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1892. 3^. 6d. [Missionary sketches.] Young, S. A. Missionary Narra- tives of the Triumphs of Grace as seen in the Conversion of Kafirs, Hottentots . . . and other Natives of South Africa. i8mo. Lond. : Mason, 1855. is. <)d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 303 7. American Indians. Batty, Beatrice. Forty-two Years amongst the Indians and Eskimo. Pictures from the Life of the Rt. Rev. John Horden, first Bishop of Moosonee. With Map and Illustrations. P. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1893. 2s.6d, Benson, H. C. Life among the Choctaws. Pp. 314, i2mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, i860. $1.75- Brown, R. C. Klatsassan and other Reminiscences of Mission- ary Life in British Columbia. Pp. 200, i2mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1873. 2d ed., 1876. IS. Caswell, Harriet S., Mrs. Our Life among the Iroquois Indians. Pp. xiii, 321, i2mo. Bost. and Chic: Cong. Pub. Co., 1892. 81.50. Eells, M., Rev. Ten Years of Mis- sionary Work among the Indians at Skokomish, Wash. Ten, 1874- 1884. Pp. i, 271, i2mo. Bost.: Cong. S. S. and Pub. Co., 1886. $1.25. History of Indian Missions on the Pacific Coast, Oregon, Washr ington, and Idaho. With Intro- duction by Rev. G. H. Atkinson, D.D. Pp. 270, i2mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un., 1882. $1.25. Finley, J. B. Life among the In- dians. Pp. ,548, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1857. $1.75. HiNES, G. A History of the Ore- gon Mission, and Notes of Several Years' Residence on the Plains, bordering the Great Pacific Ocean. Pp. iv, 437, i2mo. Buffalo: Der- by, 1850. $1.25. Hunt [Jackson, Helen,] (H. H.). A Century of Dishonor : a Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with some of the Indian Tribes. Pp. x, 457, i2mo. N.Y. : Harper, 1881. $1.50. Jackson, Sheldon, Rev., D.D. Alaska, and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. Pp. 327, i2mo. N. Y.: Dodd, 1880. $1.50. LosKiEL, George Henry. His- tory of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. In three Parts. Translated from the German by Christian Ignatius la Trobe. Pp. xii, 159, 234, 233, 8vo. Lond.: U. B. Soc, 1794. Pond, S. W., Jr. Two Volunteer Missionaries among theDakotahs ; or. The Story of the Labors of Samuel W. and G. H. Pond. Pp. xii, viii, 278, i2mo. Bost.: Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1893. $1.25. RiGGS, Stephen R., D.D., LL.D. Mary and I. Forty Years with the Sioux. With an Introduction by Rev. S. C. Bartlett, D.D. Pp. 437, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1882. New ed., 1887. $1.50. Shea, J. G. History of the Cath- olic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529- 1854. See under Catholic Mis- sions, p. 298. Wellcome, Henry S. The Story of Metlakahtla. Pp. xx, 483, 1 2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Saxon, 1887. Ts. 6d., $1.50. Wright, J. M., Mrs. Among the Alaskans. Pp. 35i,i6mo. Phila.; Pres. Bd. Pub., 1883. $1.25. 8. Burmah. Baillie, John. Rivers in the De- sert ; or. The great Awakening in Burmah. 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1858. New ed., 1861. 5^. Brockett, L. p., M.D. The Story of the Karen Mission in Bassein, 1830-1890; or, The Progress and Education of a People from a de- graded Heathenism to a refined Christian Civilization. Pp. xx, 160, 304 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. i2mo. Phila. : Am. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1891. 90 cents. Carpenter, C. H. Self-support, illustrated in the History of the Bassein Karen Mission, 1840- 1880. Introduction by Alvah Hovey, D.D., LL.D. Pp. XX, 426, 8vo. Best.: Rand, 1883. $1.50. Richards, William C. The Apostle of Burma : a Missionary Epic in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Birth of Adoni- ram Judson, Pp. xii, 146, i2mo. Bost.: Lee, 1889. p. TiTCOMB, J. H., Bp. Personal Rec- ollections of British Burmah and its Church Mission Work in 1878- 1879. Pp. 104, 8vo. Lond. : Gard- ner, 1880. 2s. 6d. Wylie, McLeod, Mrs. The Gos- pel in Burmah. Pp. 519, i6mo. Lond.: Dalton, 1859, 5^. 9. Central and South America, and the West Indies. Brett, W. H. Indian Missions in Guiana. Pp. 300, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1851. 5^. Indian Tribes of Guiana. Pp. 352, 8 Plates, i6mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1852. $1.50. Mission Work Among the In- dian Tribes in the Forests of Guiana. 8vo. Lond. ; S. P. C. K., 1 88 1. 35. Buchner, J. H. The Moravians in Jamaica. History of the Mis- sion of the United Brethren's Church in Jamaica, from the Year 1754 to 1854. Pp. 175, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1854. 35. Clark, J., Dendy, W., and Phil- lips, J. M. The Voice of Jubi- lee : a Narrative of the Baptist Mission in Jamaica from its Com- mencement, with Biographical Notices of its Fathers and Found- ers. Pp. 380, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1865. 6s. Coan, Titus, Rev. Adventures in Patagonia. A Missionary's Ex- ploring Trip. Introduction by Rev. Henry M. Field, D.D. Pp. xiv, 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1880. $1.25. Crowe, Fred. The Gospel in Cen- tral America. Pp. xii, 588, I2m0' Lond. : Gilpin, 1850. ys. 6d. Duncan, Peter. Narrative of the Wesleyan Mission to Jamaica. Pp. 412, 8vo. Lond.: Partridge, 1849. 1^' ^^' MOISTER, W. ... Missionary La- bour in the West Indies. See un- der Africa, p. 300. Samuel, Peter. Wesleyan Mis- sions in Jamaica and Honduras. Pp. 326, 8vo. Lond. : Partridge, 1850. 10^. Veness, W. T., Rev. Ten Years of Mission Life in British Guyana. Being a Memoir of Rev. Thomas Yoncl. Pp. 136, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K., [1875. i-y- 10. China and Tributary Nations. Bryson, M. J., Mrs. Home-life in China. Pp. iii, 314, i2mo. N. Y.: Am. Tr. Soc, 1885. $1,25. Days of Blessing in Inland China, being an Account of Meet- ings held in the Province of Shan- Si, etc., with Introduction by J. Hudson Taylor. Pp. 199, i2mo. Lond. ; Morgan. ist-2d ed., 1887. I.y. dd. Campbell, W., Rev. Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa. 8vo. Lond.:Trub- ner, 1889. loj. dd. Dean, W. The China Mission : Embracing a History of the Vari- ous Missions of all Denominations among the Chinese. Pp. 396, i2mo. N. Y. : Sheldon; Lond.: Triibner, 1859. $1, 6j. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 305 DOOLITTLE, J. Social Life of the Chinese; with Account of their Religious, Governmental, Educa- tional, and Business Customs and Opinions. 2 vols., pp. 549, 590, i2mo. N.Y.: Harper, 1876. $4. Edkins, Jane R. Chinese Scenes and People. With Notices of Christian Missions and Missionary Life in China. Pp. vii, 307, fcap. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1863. y.6d. Edkins, Joseph. Religious Con- dition of the Chinese. i2mo. Lond.: Routledge, 1859. 2s. 6d. See also p. 280. General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China, Record of the, held at Shanghai, May, 1877. Pp. 492, 8vo. Shanghai: Pres. Miss. Pr., 1878. Gibson, Otis. The Chinese in America. Pp. 403, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1879. $1.50. Gill, W. The River of Golden Sand. A Narrative of a Journey through China and Eastern Thibet to Burmah. 2 vols., pp. 420, 450, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1881. 30J. GiLMORE, George W., Rev., M.A. Korea from its Capital. With a Chapter on Missions. Pp. 328, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1892. $1.25. GiLMOUR, James, Rev., A.M. Among the Mongols. Pp. xv, 382, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, n. d. [1883.] $1.50. Griffis, William Elliot, D.D. Corea the Hermit Nation. I. Ancient and Mediaeval His- tory. IL Political and Social Corea. IIL Modem and Recent History. Pp. xxviii, 462, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner. 1882. 2d ed., 1885. $3.50. 21 Guinness, Geraldine. The Far East : China illustrated ; Letters of — edited by her Sister, with Introduction by the Rev. A. J. Gordon. Pp. 138, 4to. N. Y. : Revell, 1889. %\. Henry, B. C, Rev. The Cross and the Dragon ; or, Light in the Broad East ; with an Introductory Note by Joseph Cook. Pp. xxi, 483, i2mo. Lond.: Partridge; N.'Y. : Randolph, 1885. 6j., $2. Hue, E. R., Abbe. Christianity in China. Translated from the French. 3 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 18 57- 1858. 31J. dd. Travels in Tartar)% Thibet, and China. Translated. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Ingram, 1 844-1 846. New ed., Lond. : Longmans, 1855. N. Y. : Harper, 1855. 2s. 6d., %2. Kesson, J. The Cross and the Dragon ; or, Christianity in China. Pp. 300, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1853. es. Legge, James. The Religions ot China. Seep. 282. Ljungstedt, Andrew, Sir. An Historical Sketch of the Portu- guese Settlements in China and. of the Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China. Pp. x, 323, xviii, 8vo. Bost. : Munroe, 1836. Lockhart, W. The Medical Mis- sionary in China : a Narrative of Twenty Years' Experience. Pp. xi, 404, 8vo. Lond.: Hurst, 1 861. 15^.. Macgowan, J. Christ or Confucius, Which } or. The Story of the Amoy Mission. Pp. 210, p. 8vo.. Lond. : Snow, 1889. 2s. Marshall, T. W. M. Christian-^ ity in China, a Fragment. Pp. 190, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1859. 5^. 6d. Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese r their Education, Philosophy, and 3o6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Letters. Pp. 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1880. $1.75. Medhurst, W. H. The Foreigner in Far Cathay. Pp. 204, 121110. Lond. : Stanford. 1872; N. Y.: Scribner, 1873. 6s., $1.50. China : its State and Prospects, with especial Reference to the Spreading of the Gospel. Pp. 598, 8vo. Lond. : Snow, 1866. 5^. MiCHlE, A. Missionaries in China. Pp. no, 8vo. Lond. : Stanford, 1 891. 3^. 6^?> XXV, 464, 8vo. Edinb. : Johnstone, 1849. 8j. 6d. Underhill, Edward Benn, Life of the Rev. John Wenger, Mission- ary in India, and Translator of the Scriptures into Bengali and San- scrit. Pp. 274, p. Svo. Lond. ; Bap. Miss. Soc, 1886. 2s. 6d. Vermilyea, Elizabeth B. The Life of Alexander Duff. Pp. 129, 8vo. Chic. : Woman's Pres. Bd. Miss., 1 891. 75 cents. Waldmeier, Theophilus. Au- tobiography of, Missionary : Being an Account of Ten Years' Life in Abyssinia and Sixteen Years in Syria. Pp. 344, 8vo. Lond. : Partridge, 1886. 5^. Walters, W., Rev. Life and La- bors of Robert Moffat, D.D., Mis- sionary in South Africa, with addi- tional Chapters on Christian Mis- I sions in Africa and throughout the World. Pp. 336, i2mo. N. Y.: Carter, 1883. $1.25. Warner, Anna. A Servant of the King : Incidents in the Life of the Rev. George Ainslie. Pp. iii, 60, i6mo. N.Y.: Ireland, 1889. 15 cents. Missionarj' among North American In- dians. Waterbury, J. B. Memoir of Rev. John Scudder, M.D., Thirty- six Years Missionary in India. Pp. 307, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1870. $1.75. Wayland, Francis. A Memoir of the Life and Labors of the Rev. Adoniram Judson, D.D. 2 vols., pp. 544, 522, i2mo. Bost. : Philips, 1853. N. Y.: Sheldon, 2 vols, in r. $2.25. Weitbrecht, J. J. Memoir of, Comprehending a History of the Burdwan Mission. Compiled by his Widow. Pp. xxii, 612, 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1854. New ed., 1857. js. 6d. Whittington,Fred.T. [Memoirs of] Bishop Augustus Short. The Story of a Thirty-four Years' Epis- copate. Pp. 320, 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1888. js. 6cl Wilberforce, S. Journal and Let- ters of Henry Martyn. 2 vols., pp. 527, 407, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1837. Pp. 465, i2mo. Phila. : Leighton; N. Y. : Dodd, 1851. 2is., $1.25. Williams, Frederick Wells. Life of Samuel Wells Williams. Pp. vi, 490, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1888. $3. Wilson, Rev. Dr. Life of John Eliot. (American Indians.) i8mo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1853. is. 6d. Wray, Samuel, Rev., and Ste- phenson, Robert, Rev. W. O. Simpson, Methodist Minister and Missionary. Early Life and Life in the Home Work, Mission Life (by R. S.), Edited by Rev. Joseph I3ush. Pp. viii, 520, p. 8vo. Lond. : Woolmer, 1886. s^- Wyeth, Walter N., D.D. Ann H. Judson : a Memorial. Pp. ii, 230. Sarah B. Judson : a Memo- rial. Pp. 179. Emily C. Judson : a Memorial. Pp. 179. The Wades. Jonathan Wade, D.D.; Deborah B. L. Wade: a Memo- rial. Pp. 193. A Galaxy in the Burman Sky: a Memorial. Pp. 196. i2mo. N.Y.: Ward, 1892. Each 75 cents. [Missionary Memorials, 1-5. They were first published by the Author, 1888-1891.] Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Life of John Coleridge Patteson, Mis- sionary Bishop of the Melanesian Islands. 2 vols., pp. xii, 570; iii, 690, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1873. New ed., 1894. 12^., $3- Zeisberger, David. Diary of—, Moravian Missionary among the Indians of Ohio ; translated from the original German j\IS. by Eu- 324 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. gene F. Bliss. 2 vols., pp. xxxii, 464 ; ii, 535, 8vo. Cine. : Hist, and Phil. Soc. of O.. 1885. $6. b. BY SUBJECTS. The following is simply a finding-list for the preceding list of missionary biographies. The full titles are to be looked for under the preced- ing rubric. Ainslie, George, by Anna Warner. Barclay, Joseph, anonymous. Barker, Fred., Bp., by W. M. Cowper. Bennett, Cephas, by R. W. Ranney. Bennett, Stella K., by R, W. Ranney. Boardman, G. D., by A. King. Brainerd, David, by Jonathan Edwards. Brainerd, John, by Thomas Brainerd. Bretennieres, Just de, by Mgr. Hulst. Brett, W. H., by F. P. L. Josa. Bridgman, E. C, by E. J. G. Bridgman. Burns, William C., by Islay Burns. Calvert, James, by G. S. Rowe. Campbell, J. A., by R. Ferguson and A. M. Brown. Carey, William, by J. Belcher, J. Culross and George Smith. Carlile, Warrand, anonymous. Chalmers, J., by William Robson. Claver, St. Peter, by J. R. Slattery. Coan, Titus, by Mrs. L. B. Coan. Auto- biographj'. Coke, Dr.,byS. Drew. Colen-Hoffmann, C, by G. T. Fox. Colenso, J. W., by G. W. Cox and F. Greeg. Damien, Father, by Father Pamphile. Davis, Richard, by J. N. Coleman. Dodds, G. T., by H. Bonar. Dwight, Mrs. E. B., by H. G. O. Dwight. Duff, Alexander, by George Smith and E. B. Vermilyea. Ellis, Wm., by J. E. Ellis. Eliot, John, by Dr. Wilson. Elmslie, William J., by Mrs, Elmslie and William Burns. Edwards, John. Autobiography. Fisk, Pliny, by A. Bond. Fiske, Mrs. Fidelia, by W. Guest. Fliedner, T., anonymous. Fox, H. W., by G. T. Fox. Geddie, John, by George Patterson. Gilmour, James. See under Gilmour. Gobat, Samuel, anonymous. Gollmer, C. A., anonymous. Goodell, William, by E. D. G. Prime. Gordon, G. M., by Arthur Lewis. Gould, Emily Bliss, by L. W. Bacon. Grant, Dr., by T. Laurie. Grant, Mrs. J. S., by H. G. O. Dwight. Gray, Robert. See Gray. Grellett, Stephen, by F. A. Budge. Hannington, James, by E. C. Dawson. Heber, Reginald, anonymous. Hebich, Samuel, anonymous. Henderson, J., anonymous. Hinderer, Anna. Autobiography. Hislop, G., by George Smith. Hunt, Rev. J., by G. S. Rowe. John, Griffith, by William Robson. Judson, Adoniram, by H. Bonar, Edward Judson, and Francis Wayland. Judson, Ann H., by W. N. Wyeth. Judson, E. C, Mrs., by A. C. Kendrick ; by W. N. Wyeth. iudson, S. B., by W. N. Wyeth. 'eith-Falconer, L, by Robert Sinker. Leacock, H. J., by H. Caswall. Livingstone, David, by W. G. Blaikie. Lowrie, W. M., anonymous. Lunn, H. S. Autobiography. Lyman, Henry, anonymous. Macdonald, John, by W. K. Tweedie. McDougall, F. T., by C. J. Buny McGregor, W. M., by L. Munro. inyon. McHale, John, by B. O'Reilly. Mackay, A. M., anonymous. Mackay, John, by James Culross. Mackenzie, Annie, by Francis Awdry. Mackenzie, C. F., by Francis Awdrj'. Mackenzie, J. K., by Mrs. M. F. Bryson. Makemie, Francis, by L. P. Bowen. Marchand, Joseph, by J. B. S. Jacquenel. Martyn, Henry, by Charles D. Beil ; by Jesse Page ; by John Sargent, Jr. ; by George Smith ; by G. Wilberforce. Metcalfe, Charles, by J. W. Kaye. Milman, Robert, by F. M. Milman. Milne, John, by H. Bonar. Moffat, Mary, by J. S. I\Ioffat. Moffat, Robert, by D. Deane ; by J. S. Moffat ; by W. Walters. Morrison, Robert, by W. J. Townsend. Muller, George, by Mrs. Muller. Murray, A. W. Autobiography. Nelson, John, by A. E. Keeling. Nesbit, Robert, by J. M. Mitchell. Nobel, R. T., by J. Nobel. Paton, John G., by James Baton. Autobi- ography. Patteson, John Coleridge, by Francis Awdry; by J. Halcombe; by C. M. Yonge. Phillips, J. G., anonymous. P.att, A. T., by G. F. Herrick. Ragland, T. G., by T. T. Perowne. Rhea, S. A., by D. W. Marsh. Richter, C. N.,by S. L Prime. Robertson, Mrs. H. Autobiography. Ruthquist, A. Mackay, anonymous. Sandeman, David, by Andrew A. Bonar. Schaufifler, W. G. Autobiography. Schneider. E. M., by L N. Tarbox. Schneider, J. H., by L N. Tarbox. Schofield, R. H. A., by A. T. Schof^eld. Schwartz, C. F., by H. Pearson. Stoddard, D. T., by J. P. Thompson. Scudder, D.C., by H. E. Scudder. Scudder, John, by J. B. Waterbury. Selwyn, George A., by H. W. M. Tucker. Sherwood, Mrs., by Sophia Kelly. Short, Augustus, by F. T. Whittington. Simpson, W. O., by S. Wray and R. Stephenson. Steere, Edward, by R. M. Heanley. Stern, H. A., by A. A. Isaacs. Stoddard, D. T., by J. P. Thompson. Taylor, W., by E. Davies. Thomas, John, by C. B. Lewis. Titcomb, J. H., by A. T. Edwards. Tyrrell, William, by R. G. Boodle. Tucker, J. T., by George Pettitt. Venables, A. R. P., by W. F. H. King. Wade, Deborah B. L., by W. N. Wyeth. Wade, Jonathan, by W. N. Wyeth. Wakefield, R., Mrs., by R. Brewin. Waldmeier, Theophilus. Autobiography. Weitbrecht, J. J. See under Weitbrecht. Wenger, John, by E. B. Underbill. Williams, John, by John Campbell ; by J. J. Elhs ; by E. Prout. Williams, S. Wells, by F. W. Williams. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. Wilson, Daniel, by Josiah Bateman. Wilson, John, by George Smith. Wray, John, by Thomas Rain. Zeisberger, David, (Diary), by E. de Schweiniu- 23. Biographies of Converts. Bird, Isaac. Asaad Esh Ahidiak, the Martyr of Lebanon. i6mo. Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc. 1864. 80 cents. Brittan, Harriett G., Miss. Shoshi, the Hindoo Zenana Teach- er. Pp. 222, i6mo. N. Y. : Whit- taker, 1873. $1.25. BULU, Joel: The Autobiography of a Native Minister in the South Seas. Translated by a Mission- ary. Pp. 126, i8mo. Lond. : Woolmer, 1881. 2d ed., 1884. is. Comber, Thomas J. Missionary Pioneer to the Congo. Pp. 168, p. 8vo. Lond.: Partridge, 1888. IS. 6d. Dall, Caroline Healey, Mrs. The Life of Dr. Anandobai Joshee. Pp. 187, i2mo. Bost.: Roberts, 1888. $1. Davis, J. A., Rev. Choh Lin ; the Chinese Boy who became a Preach- er. Pp. ii, 320, i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd- Pub.. 1885. $1.15. Krishna Pal, the First Convert of Carey in India. i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., . 40 cents. Marau, C. Story of a Melanesian Deacon. Translated by R. H. Codrington. Pp. 80, i2mo. Lond.: S. P. C. K.. 1894. IS. Mason, Francis. The Karen Apostle ; or, Memoirs of Ko Thah Byn. Pp. 124, i8mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1846. 15. Naruse, Jinzo. a Modern Paul in Japan. An Account of the Life and Work of the Rev. Paul Sawa- yama. By Jinzo Naruse. With an Introduction by the Rev. Alex- ander McKenzie, D.D. Pp. 178, i2mo. Bost. and Chic. : Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1893. $1. Nestorian Biography. Sketches of pious Nestorians who have died at Oroomiah, Persia. By Mem- bers of the Nestorian Mission. Pp. ix, 284, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Co., 1857. $1.25. Ollivant. J. E. Hine Moa, the Maori Maiden. Pp. 264, i2mo. Lond.: Mowbray, 1879. y.6d. Padmanji Baba. Once Hindoo, now Christian, The early Life of . An Autobiography. Ed- ited by J. Murray Mitchell. Pp. 166, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1890. N. Y. : Revell, 1891. 2s., 80 cents. Page, Jesse. Samuel Crowther, the Slave Boy who became Bishop of the Niger. Pp. xii, 160, i2mo. Lond.: Partridge, 1888; N. Y. : Revell, 1892. IS. 6d., 75 cents. Ram Krishna Punt, the Boy of Bengal. Pp. 40, i8mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un., 1866. 40 cents. Wang, Old, the First Chinese Evangelist in Manchuria. A Sketch of his Life and Work, with a Chapter on Native Agency in Christian Missions. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1889. 15. White, W. S. The African Preach- er. i8mo. Phila- : Pres. Bd. Pub., . 40 cents. Whitehead, C. Sketch of Anto- nio Bishallany, a Syrian of Mt. Lebanon. i8mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1863. 45 cents. IX. SPECIAL TOPICS. I. Alliance, Evangelical. Christianity Practically Ap- plied: the Discussions of the International Christian Conference held in Chicago, Oct. 8-14, 1893. in Connection with the World's Congress Auxiliary of the World's Columbian Exposition and under the Auspices and Direction of the Evangelical Alliances for the United States. 2 vols. Vol. I. 326 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. The General Conferences, pp. vii, 517. Vol. II. The Section Conferences, pp. x, 509, 8vo. N.Y. : Baker, 1894. $4. [Evangelical Alliance, Re- ports OF Meetings of.] Evangelical Alliance. Report of the Pro- ceedings of the Conference, held . . . London, Aug. 14-Sept. 2, 1846. Pp. viii, 510, xcviii, 8vo. Lond. : Partridge, J847. 2J. 6d. The Religious Condition of Christendom, exhibited in a Series of Papers prepared at the Instance of the British Organiza- tion of the Evangelical Alliance. Edited by Rev. Edward Steane, D.D. (London Session, Aug. and Sept., 1851.) Pp. vii, 628, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1852. 8j. 6d. Same. Prepared at the Instance of the French Branch. (Paris Session, 1855.) Pp. xvi, 589, 8vo. Lond. : Office Evang. All., 1857. 7*. 6d. Same. Prepared at the Instance of the German Branch. (Berlin Session, 1857.) Pp. xvi, 704, Svot Lond. : Office Evan^. AH., 1859. 9-^- Proceedings of the Geneva Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in Sept., 1861. Edited by the Rev. Gavin Clarke, A.M. Pp. xiv, 335, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1862. 5J. ! Proceedings of the Amsterdam Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in Aug., 1867. Edited by the Rev. Edward Steane, D.D. Pp. xxxi, 752, 8vo. Lond. : Office Evang. AIL, 1868. loy. History, Essays, Orations, and other Documents of the Sixth General Con- ference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in New York, Oct. 2-12, 1873. Edited by Rev. Philip Schaflf, D.D., and Rev. S. Irenseus Prime, D.D. Pp. iv, 773, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1874. $6. The Religious Condition of Christendom, described in a Series of Papers presented to the Seventh General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in Basle, 1879. Edited by the Rev. J. Murray Mitchell LL.D. Pp. xTi, 488, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1880. js. 6d. ; The Religious Condition of Christendom, Described in a Series of Papers presented to the Eighth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held in Copen- hagen, 1884. Edited by the Rev. Lewis Barrett White, D.D. Pp. xi, 452, 8vo. Lond. : Evang. All. Office, 18S5. 6s. These voiumes are the best sources ex- tant for contemporary Historical Theol- ogy. The German Edition of the Basle Session. Pp. 1,054, 8vo. Basle: (C. Detloff) contains much matter omitted firom the English. 2. Antiquities. See especially under Dictiimories^ General Theological. Andrews, W. Curiosities of the Church. Studies of Curious Cus- toms, Services, and Records. Pp. xvi, 196, 8vo. Lond. : Methuen, 1890. 2d ed., 1 891. 65. AUDSLEY, W., and G. Handbook of Christian Symbolism. Pp. 145, 8vo. Lond.: Day, 1865. i2j. 6d. Bates, William. College Lec- tures on Christian Antiquities, and the Ritual of the English Church, etc. Pp. xii, 502, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1845. New ed., 1852. 6.y. dd. Bennett, C. W., D.D. Christian Archaeology ; with an Introductory- Notice of Ferdinand Piper. Pp. XV, 558, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, .888. $3.50. Bingham, Joseph, Origines Ec- clesiasticae ; or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church. With Two Sermons and Two Letters on the Nature and Necessity of Absolu- tion. Edited by Rev. R.Bingham. 10 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1855. 1 055. Also in 7 vols, in Complete Works of Bingham. Lond.: Straker, 1843, io8i-. In 2 vols., pp. liv, 1,296. Bohn, 1865. Coleman, Lyman. Ancient Chris- tianity Exemplified in the Pri- vate, Domestic, Social, and Civil Life of the Primitive Chris- tians, and in the Original Institu- tions, Offices, Ordinances, and Rites of the Church. Lond. : Wiley, 1 841; Ward, 1842. Pp. 645, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1853. 55. 6^., $2.50. Dayton, Edwin W. Scarabs : the History, Manufacture, and Reli- gious Symbolism of the Scarabzes in Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia, Sar- dinia, Etruria, etc. i2mo. N.Y. : the Author, 1894. $1.75- Dunker, Max, Prof. The His- tory of Antiquity. From the Ger- man, by Evelyn Abbott. 5 vols., pp. xiii, 581 ; vi, 528 ; iv, 459 ; vi, 557; vi, 393, 8vo. Lond.: Bent- ley, 1877-1881. Each 21.S. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 327 GUERICKE, H. P. F. A Manual of the Antiquities of the Church. Translated by A. J. W. I^Iorrison, B.A. Pp. viii, 288, i2mo. Lend.: Parker, 1851. 5 J. 6d. Henry, C. S. A Compendium of Christian Antiquities. Pp. 332, 8vo. N. Y. : Stanford ; Phila. : Wetham, 1837. $1.50. Hervey, Thomas K. The Book of Christmas ; Descriptive of the Customs, Ceremonies, Traditions, Superstitions, Fun, Feeling, and Festivities of the Christmas Season. Lond.: Nisbet, 1841. Pp. ix, 220, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1845. New ed. Illustrated by R. Seymour. Pp. iv, 356, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet ; Bost. : Roberts, 1888. 75. 6d., $2. Neale, John Mason, Rev., B.A., and Webb, Benjamin, Rev., B.A. The Symbolism of Churches and Church Ornaments. A Trans- lation of the First Book of the Rationale Divinorum Officiarum. Written by William Durandus. With Introductory Essay and Notes. Pp. cxxxv, 209, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. $2.50. Parker, John Henry. The Ar- cheology of Rome. 9 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1872-1880. Church and Altar Decorations, \o5. 6d, Egyptian Obelisks. 5J. Forum Romanum and Via Sacra. lor. 6d. Plan of Ancient Rome. 7.^. 6d. Primitive Fortifications. 21s. The Aqueducts. 15J. The Catacombs. x~,s. The Colosseum, los. 6d. Tombs, and Mythology in Scripture. 15J. Perrot, G., and Chipiez, C. Art in Egypt. Art in Chaldasa. See p. 123 and p. 124. Riddle, Joseph Esmond. A Manual of Christian Antiquities ; the Constitution, Ministers, Wor- ship. Discipline, and Customs of the Early Church ; with a Com- plete Analysis of the Works of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Pp. xv, 857, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1839. 2d ed., 1843. \Zs. Woodward, John, F.S. A.Scot., LL.D. Ecclesiastical Heraldry. Pp. xvi, 580, 36 Plates, 8vo. Lond.: Ward; N. Y. : Christ. Lit. Co., 1894. $10. 3. Apologetics, History of. Bolton, W. J. The Evidences of Christianity, as exhibited in the Writings of its Apologists down to Augustine. Pp. 237, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1854. 75 cents. MacGregor, James, D.D. Apolo- gy of the Christian Religion his- torically regarded, with Reference to Supernatural Revelation and Redemption. Pp. 544, 8vo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1892. $3.75. Patrick, J. The Apology of Ori- gen in Reply to Celsus. A Chap- ter in the History of Apologetics. Pp. 340, p. 8vo. Lond. : Black- wood, 1892. 7J. 6d. PURVES, G. T.. D.D. The Testi- mony of Justin Martyr to Early Christianity : Lectures ... at Princeton. Pp. ix, 302, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph ; Lond. : Nisbet, 1889. Si.75.7>y-6^. Watson, Frederick. The Ante- Nicene Apologies. Their Char- acter and Value. Pp.212, i2mo. Camb. : Johnson, 1870. 35. dd. 4. Arabs. See also Saracens and Mohammedanism^ also under Exegetical Theology ^ An- tiquities 0/ the Bible^ General, and A rabia. Clark, Edson L. The Arabs and the Turks. Their Origin and His- tory. Their Religion, their im- perial Greatness in the Past, and their Condition at the Present Time. Pp. 326, 8vo Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1876. $1.25. Houghton, R. C. Women of the Orient. Pp. 496, i2mo. N. Y.: 1878. $2. 32S LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. JESSUP, H. H., Rev. Women of the Arabs. Pp. x, 372, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1873. $2. Lane, Edward William. Ara- bian Society in the Middle Ages. Studies from the One Thousand and One Nights. Edited by his Grandnephew, Stanley Lane- Poole. Pp. xvi, 283. Lond. : Chatto, 1883. ys. 6d. Palgrave, W. G. a Narrative of a Year's Journey through Cen- tral and Eastern Arabia, 1862- 1863. Maps, Plans, etc. 2 vols., ]>p. xiv, 466 ; viii, 398, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1865. New ed., i vol. 1883. 6s. 5. Architecture. Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesi- astical Architecture, with an Ex- planation of Technical Terms and a Centenary of Ancient Terms. Together with Notices of the in- ternal Arrangement of Churches. . . . Lond. : 1829. nth ed., 2 vols., pp. xviii, 322 ; v, 324, i2mo. Lond. : Bell, 1882. 225-. 6d. Companion [to above], being a Brief Account of the Vestments in Use in the Church. . . . Pp. v, 403, i2mo. Lond.: Bell, 1882. 7s. 6d. Bowler, George. Select Speci- mens of Gothic Architecture. Fo. Bost. : Jewett, 1856. $10. Brash, R. R. Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture of Ireland. See under Jrelatid, p. 263. Butler, A. J. See p. 221. Caveler, William. Select Speci- mens of Gothic Architecture, yy Plates, 4to. Lond. : Taylor, 2d ed., 1839. 63^. Close, T. Church Architecture, scripturally considered, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. Pp. 112, i2mo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1844. 3^. dd. CORROYER, E. Gothic Architecture. Edited by Walter Armstrong. With 236 Illustrations. Pp. 386, p. 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 1892. 6s. Eastlake, C. L. History of the Gothic Revival : an Attempt to show how far the Taste for Medi- aeval Architecture was retained in England during the last two Centuries, and has been re-devel- oped in the Vresent. Pp. xvi, 427, 8vo. Lord.: Longmans, 1871. 31^.6^. Ferree, Barr. Christian Thought in Architecture. A Paper read before the American Society of Church History. . . . 1891. Pp. 32, 8vo. N. Y.': Reprinted, 1892. 50 cents. Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Pp. viii, 144, and 400 Woodcuts, 8vo. Lond. : Tilt, 1836. 2d ed., 1838. -js. 6d. Handbooks to the Cathedrals OF England and Wales. See tender Cathedrals, p. 333. Hopkins, John H. Essay on Gothic Architecture, with various Plans and Drawings for Churches. Pp. 46, Plates 13, 4to. Burling- ton, Vt. : Goodrich, 1836. $2.50. JOBSON, F. J. Chapel and School Architecture as appropriate to the Buildings of Nonconformists. Pp. 191, 8vo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1850. 8^. Kendall, John. An Elucidation of the Principles of English Ar- chitecture, usually denominated Gothic. Pp. 50, and Plates, 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1842. 5^. Norton, Charles Eliot. His- torical Studies of Church Build- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 329 ing in the Middle Ages. Venice, Siena, Florence. Pp. vi, 331, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1880. $3. Parker, John Henry. A Concise Glossary of Terms used in Gre- cian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Pp. 335, i6mo. Lond. : Parker, 1875. 3d ed., 1888. Js. 6d. Introduction to the Study of Gothic Architecture. i2mo. Lond.: Parker, 1873. New ed., 1877. 5^. Poole, George Ayliffe. His- tory of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England. Pp. 415,8^0. Lond. : Masters, 1848. 12s. PUGIN, A. Welby. The Present State of Ecclesiastical Architec- ture in England. Illustrated. Pp. 158, 8vo. Lond.: Dorman, 1843. 9^. Examples of Gothic Architec- ture. 3 vols., 4to, with Plates. Lond.: Bohn, 1850. 126^. The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture. Pp. 51, 4to. Lond. : Weale, 1853. 15^. Scott, G. G, Sir. An Essay on the History of English Church Ar- chitecture Prior to the Separation of England from the Roman Obe- dience. Illustrated. Pp. 195, 4to. Lond.: Simpkin, 1881. 2>^s.6d. Lectures on the Rise and De- velopment of Mediaeval Architec- ture. Illustrated. 2 vols.," pp. xv, 365 ; xvi, 347, 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray, 1879. 42J. Sharpe. Edmund. Seven Periods of English Architecture, Defined and Illustrated. Pp. xv, 37, r, and 22 Plates, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1851. 2d ed., Spon, 1871. 15^, Smith, T. Roger. Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance. Pp. xxxix, 236, i2mo, Lond.: Low, 1884. 5^. Stokes, Margaret. Early Chris- tian Architecture of Ireland. See under Ireland, p. 265. Street, G E. Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. Pp. 527, 8vo. Lond.: Street, 1869 . 30J. Willis, Robert, Rev., M.A. The Architectural History of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Pp. viii, 167, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1849. 9^. 6. Arianism. Athanasius. The Orations of St. Athanasius against the Arians. With an Account of his Life. By William Bright. Pp. xcviii, 258, 8vo. Oxf.: Clar. Pr., 1873. 9^. GwATKiN, Henry Melvill, M.A. Studies of Arianism, chiefly re- ferring to the Character and Chronology of the Reaction which followed the Council of Nicaea. Pp. xxviii, 303, 8vo. Camb. : Bell, 1882. \os. 6d. The Arian Controversy. Pp. vii, 176, i2mo. Lond. : Long- mans ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1889. 2s. 6d., 80 cents. Maimbourg, M. The History of Arianism ; showing its Influence upon Civil affairs : and the Causes of the Dissolution of the Roman Empire. To which are added two introductory Discourses, . . . with an Appendix containing an Account of the English Writers in the Socinian and Arian Con- troversies. By William Webster, M.A. 2 vols., pp. vii, 306 ; vii, 358, 160, and indices, sm. 4to. Lond.: Roberts, 1728-1729. Newman, John Henry. The Arians of the Fourth Century. Pp. xix, 477, i2mo. Lond.: Lumley, 1855. 4th ed., 1876. 6s. 7. Art. See also und&x Antiguzties and Architecture. Audsley, W., and G. Handbook of Christian Symbolism. See under Antiquztzes, p. 326. 330 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Birch, Walter de Gray, and Jenner, Henry. Early Draw- ings and Illuminations. An Intro- duction to the Study of Illustrated Manuscripts ; with a Dictionary of Subjects in the British Museum. Pp. Ixiii, 310, 8vo. Lond. : Bag- ster, 1879. 16s. Clement, Clara Erskine. A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art, with descriptive Illustrations and Complete Index. Pp. X, 510, i2mo. N. Y. : Hurd, 1871. New ed., edited by Kath- erine E. Conway, with title; "A Handbook of Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints as illus- trated in Art." Pp.349, 8vo. $1.50. Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, and their Works. A Handbook, with many Illustrations and Monograms. Pp. xii, 681, 8vo. N. Y. : Hurd, 1873. 6th ed., 1881. $3.25. Cole, Timothy. Old Italian Mas- ters. Engraved by — . With historical Notes by J. W. Stillman, and brief Comments by the En- graver. Pp. xxi, 282, 8vo. N. Y. : Century Co., 1892. $10. Cutts, Edward Lewes. History of Early Christian Art. Pp. xvi, 368, 8vo. N. Y.: Young, 1894. $2.50. Davies, D., Rev. Sacred Themes and Famous Paintings. Pp. 100, p. 8vo. Lond.: Alexander, 1885. 2s. 6d. (Sermons.) DiDRON, A. N. Christian Iconog- raphy ; or, The History of Chris- tian Art in the Middle Ages. Translated from the French by E. J. Millington, and completed, with Additions and Appendices, by Margaret Stokes. Pp. 520, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1851. Pp.440, 8vo. Bell, 1886. 5 J. Hammerton, p. G. Man in Art. Studies in religious and historical art Portrait and Genre. With 46 Plates in line Engraving, mezzo- tint Photogravure, Hyalography, Etching, and Wood-engraving. Pp. xxvi, 344, fo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. 73«y. 6d., $30. Hemans, Charles J. A History of Ancient Christianity and Sacred Art in Italy. Pp. 599, i2mo. Florence: Cellini, 1866. ys. 6d. A Histor}' of Mediaeval Chris- tianitv and Art in Italy. 2 vols. Vol. 1, A. D. 900-1350. Pp. 615. Florence: Cellini, 1869. Vol. II, A. D. 1 350-1 500. Pp. viii, 664, i2mo. Lond. : Williams, 1872, i8s. Jameson, Anna, Mrs. Legends of the Madonna. Pp. Ixxv, 344, sq.Svo. Lond.: Longmans, 1857. New ed., 1863. 28^-. Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 vols., pp. XXX, 818, sq. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1848. New ed., 1863. i6mo, Bost. : Houghton, 1886. 3 1 J. 6d., $2.50. , and Eastlake, Lady. The History of our Lord as Exempli- fied in Works of Art ; with that of his Types : St. John the Baptist ; and other Persons of the Old and New Testament. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 398 ; XV, 462, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1864. 42^. Lindsay, Lord. Sketches of the History of Christian Art. 2 vols., pp. 795, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1886. $9. LUBKE, WiLHELM, Dr. Ecclesi- astical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages. Translated from the 5th German edition, with Ap- pendix, by L. A. Wheatley. Pp. X, 299, 8vo. Lond. : Cassell, 1870. 2i.y. Outlines of the History of Art : A new Translation, from the 7th German edition. Edited by Clar- ence Cook. 2 vols, in 4, pp. xvii, i HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 331 571 ; xiv, 695, 4to. N. Y. : Dodd, 1878. $14. MiDDLETON, J. H. Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Me- diaeval Times: their Art and their Technique. Pp. 294, imp. 8vo. Lond. : Camb. Wareh., 1892. 21 s. Parker, John Henry. Photo- graphs of Early Christian Art. 4to. Lond. : Stanford, 1879. 42^. Stokes, Margaret. Early Chris- tian Art in Ireland. Pp. x, 210, i2mo. Lond.: Chapman; N. Y. : Young, 1888. 4^., $1.50. Tyrwhitt, R. St. John. The Art Teaching of the Primitive Church ; with an Index of Subjects, Histor- ical and Emblematic. Pp. 304, p. 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1872. 7s. dd. Walcott, M. E. C. Sacred Ar- chaeology: A Popular Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Art and Institu- tions, from Primitive to Modern Times. Pp. 640, 8vo. Lond.: Reeve, 1868. 18^. 8. Athanasian Creed. Brewer, J. S. The Origin of the Athanasian Creed. Pp. 140, 8vo. Lend.: Rivington, 1872. 3^. dd. The Athanasian Creed Vindi- cated, from the Aspersions of Dean Stanley and other Members, of the present Version. Pp. xi, 100, i6mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1 87 1. 35. 6d. Edeer, B. The Athanasian Creed ; Facts and Suggestions, including a New Translation. Pp. 62, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1872. i^. Ffoulkes, E. S., Rev., B.D. The Athanasian Creed ; by whom writ- ten, and by whom published ; with other Inquiries on Creeds in Gen- eral. Pp. [vi,] 375, 157, 8vo. Lond. : Hayes, 1872. 9^. Heurtley, C. a. a History of the Earlier Formularies of Faith of the Western and Eastern Churches; to which is added an Exposition of the Athanasian Creed. Pp. 162, 8vo. Lond., 1892. Irons, W. J. Athanasius contra Mundum; being a Letter to the Convocation on the Athanasian Creed. With the Greek of the Creed. Pp. 118, 8vo. Lond.: Hayes, 1872. 3^. dd, Lee, F. G. Abohticn and Rejec- tion of the Athanasian Creed. Pp. 40, 8vo. Lond. : Hodges, 1872. 6d. Lee, W. The Athanasian Creed : a Sermon. Pp. 36, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1872. 6d. Maccoll, Malcolm. The " Dam- natory Clauses " of the Athana- sian Creed rationally explained in a Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Pp. 230, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1872. 6s. RadcliFF, J. The Creed of St. Athanasius, illustrated from the Scriptures, by Parallel Passages from the Greek and Latin Writers of the first five Centuries, and the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. Pp. 510, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1844. 14^. Stanley, A. P. The Athanasian Creed. With a Preface on the General Recommendations of the Ritual Commission. Pp. xviii, 105, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1871. 7.s. Waterland, Daniel. A Critical History of the Athanasian Creed. Pp. xviii, 318, 8vo. Camb. : 1723. Lond. : Parker, 1850. New ed., Revised and Corrected by J. R. King, M.A. i8mo. 1870. 5^. 9. Augustinianism. MOZLEY, J. B. A Treatise on the Augustinian Doctrine of Predesti- nation. Pp. 429, 8vo. Lond. : 332 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Murray, 1855. 2d ed., 1878. N.Y.: Dutton, 1878. 9^., $2.25. WiGGERS, G. F. An Historical Presentation of Augustinism and Felagianism, from the Original Sources. Translated from the German ; with Notes and Ad- ditions, by Rev. Ralph Emerson. Pp. 383, 8vo. Andover: Gould, 1840. 10. Bible Societies. Browne, George, Rev. History of the British and Foreign Bible Society, from its Institution in 1804 to 1854. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 543; ix, 559, 8vo. Lond. : Br. and For. Bib. Soc, 1859. I2s. Pike, G. Holden. Bible Conquests : a jubilee Memorial of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Pp. 296, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1885. 3^. 6d. Strickland, W. P. History of the American Bible Society, from its Organization in 1816 to the Present Time. With an Introduc- tion bv Rev. N. L. Rice. Pp. 526, 8vo. "N. v.: Harper, 1849. New ed., 1856. $2. TiMPSON, Thomas. Bible Tri- umphs : a Jubilee Memorial for the British and Foreign Bible Society. Pp. viii, 480, i2mo. Lond.: Par- tridge, 1853. 7s. 6d. Warren, Henry White, S.T.D. The Bible in the World's Educa- tion. Pp. ii, 320, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. $1. II. Catacombs. Kip, W. Ingraham. The Cata- combs of Rome : as illustrating the Church of the First Three Cen- turies. N. Y. : Redfield, 1854. 4th ed. Pp. 212, i2mo. N. Y. : Prot. Episc. S. S. Un., n. d. $1. Lanciani, Rodolfo. Pagan and Christian Rome. Pp. viii, 374, 8vo. Best.: Houghton, 1892. $6. Seven chapters on the transformation of Rome from a pagan into a Christian city, temples, churches, pagan cemeteries, catacombs, tombs of emperors, and tombs of popes. Maitland, Charles. The Church in the Catacombs : a Description of the Principal Church of Rome. Illustrated by its Sepulchral Re- mains. Pp. 396, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1846. 2d ed., 1847. 14^. Marriott, Wharton B. Th( Testimony of the Catacombs an( of other Monuments of Christian^ Art, from the Second to the Eight- eenth Century, concerning ques- tions of Doctrine now Disputed in the Church. Pp. vi, 223, 8vo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1870. 9^. McCaul, John, Rev., LL.D. Christian Epitaphs of the First Six Centuries. Pp. xxviii, 72, 8vo* Toronto. : Chewett ; Lond. : BellJ 1869. 5^. Northcote, J. Spencer, Rev., D.D. Epitaphs of the Catacombs^ or Christian Inscriptions in Rom< during the First Four Centuries Pp. xii, 196, 8vo. Lond.: LongJ mans, 1878. los. Northcote, J. Spencer, am Brown LOW, W. R. Roma Sot-i terranea, or an Account of th< Roman Catacombs, Especially o^ the Cemetery of St. Callixtus, Com- piled from the Works of de Rossij Par/ First, History. Part Secont Christian Art. 2 vols., pp. xxviiiJ 520 ; xvi, 368, 8vo. Lond. : Longi mans, 1879. s6s. Parker, John Henry. The Cata-j combs, or Ancient Cemeterie^ of Rome. With 24 Plates an< Plans. Pp. xxii, 200, plates an( descriptions, 8vo. Oxf. : Parkei 1877. iSs- Pitman, EmmaR. Vestina's Mar^ tyrdom : a Story of the Catacombs Pp. 375. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder 1869. js. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 333 Scott, B. Contents and Teachings of the Catacombs at Rome. Pp. 156, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1858. 2d ed., i860. 2s. 6d. Shahan, Thomas J., D.D. The Blessed Virgin in the Catacombs. Pp. ii, 80, i2mo. Bait. : Murphy, 1892. $1. WiTHROW. W. H., D.D. The Catacombs of Rome, and their Testimony Relative to Primitive Christianity. Pp. 560, i2mo. N.Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1874. $3. Valeria ; the Martyr of the Catacombs : a Tale of early Christian Life in Rome. Pp. 243, i2mo. N. v.: Methodist Book Concern, 1885. $1. See also closing chapters of General Wal- lace's Ben-Hur. 12. Cathedrals. See also under Architecture and Antiquities. Fallow, T. M. The Cathedral Churches of Ireland. 8vo. Lond. : Bemrose, 1894. 2^. dd. Farrar, Frederick W., D.D., F.R.S., and Others. Cathedrals of England. Profuselv Illustrated. Pp. 351, 8vo. N. v.: Whittaker, 1893. $1.50. Freeman, E. A. History of the Cathedral Church of Wells, as Illustrating the History of the Cathedral Church of The Old Foundation. Pp. xvi, 200, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1870. -i^s. 6(L GOULBURN, E. M. The Principles of the Cathedral System Vindi- cated, Sermons. Pp. 196, p. 8vo. Lond.: Ri\ington, 1870. 5^. Handbook to the Cathe- drals OF Wales. Llandaff, St. Davids, St. Asap, Bangor. Pp. ^'x, 334, i2mo. Lond.: Murray, 1873. i5-^- Handbooks to the Cathedrals OF England. 7 vols., i2mo. Lend.: Murray, 1869-1879. Northern Division. Part L York, Ripon, Carlisle. Pp. vi, 227. 1869. Part IL Durham, Chester, Manchester. Pp. ix, 228-435. 1869. 2i.r. Southern Division. Part L Winchester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells. Pp. xii, 375, 1876. Part IL Canterbury, Rochester, Chichester, St. Albans. Pp. 376-790. 1876. 245-. Saint Paul's. Pp. viii, 228. 1879. lo^- 6r/. Western Division. Gloucester, Hereford, Worcester, Bristol, Lichfield. Pp. ix, 351. 1865. New ed., 1874. 16s. Eastern Division. Oxford, Peterborough, Ely, Norwich, Lincoln. Pp. x, 410. i8j. HOWSON, J. S., editor. Essays on Cathedrals. With an Introduc- tion. Pp. 372, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1872. gs. LOFTIE, W. J. The Cathedral Churches of England and Wales : their History, Architecture, and Monuments. With 29 Plans. Pp. 268, i2mo. Lond.: Stanford. 1892. 55-. Longman, W. The Three Cathe- drals dedicated to St. Paul in London ; their History from the Foundation of the First Building in the Sixth Century to the Pro- posals for the Adornment of the Present Cathedral. Pp. xii, 226, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1873. 21s. Milman, H. H. Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral, from the Ro- mans to the Funeral of W^elling- ton. Pp. xiv, 540, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1869. i8.y. Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, Dean. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. With Illus- trations. Pp. xliii, 580, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1867. 4th and revised ed., 1876. 155'. Historical Memorials of Can- terbur)% with Illustrations. Pp. 304, i2mo. Lond. : Murray. 9th ed., 1880. 7s. 6d. Historical Memorials of West- minster Abbey. Vol. I. The Foundation of the Abbey, the Coronation, the Royal Tombs, the Monuments. Vol. II. The Monuments (continued) before 334 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. and since the Reformation. Pp. xliii, 335 ; ix, 422, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1891. $7-5o. Storer, James. History and Antiq- uities of the Cathedral Churches of Great Britain. With upwards of 250 Plates. 4vols., 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1814. 150^'. Van Rensselaer, Schuyler, Mrs. English Cathedrals. Can- terbury, Peterborough, Durham, Salisbury, Lichfield. Lincoln, Ely, Wells, Winchester, Gloucester, York, London. Illustrated with one hundred and fifty-four Draw- ings by Joseph Pennell. Also with Plans and Diagrams. Pp. 378, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Unwin, 1892. Pp. xxix, 395, 8vo. N. Y. : Century Co. 25.?., $6. Walcott, M. E. Traditions and Customs of Cathedrals. P|x 159, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1872. 6^. Cathedrals of the United King- dom : their History, Architecture, Monuments, and Traditions, with short Notes. Pp. 367, i6mo. Lond. : Stanford, 1858. New ed., i860. 55. Winkles, B. Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches of England and Wales ; the Drawings made from Sketches taken Expressly for this Work by Robert Garland, Arch. ; with Descriptions by Thomas Moule. With 175 Plates. 3 vols., pp. XX, 144; viii, 140; xii, 160, 8vo. Lond. : Wilson, 1836. Reduced, 1851. 48^. 13. Celibacy of the Clergy. See also under Monastic Orders. Corbet, R. St. J. The Celibacy Question, Church and Wife. 3 vols., 8vo, Lond. : Tinsley, 1872. 3 1 J. dd. Lea, H. C. An Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Chris- tian Church. Pp. xvi, 516, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1867. 2d ed., pp. 682. Bost. : Houghton, 1884. $4.50. 14. Ceremonies. See also under Antiquities and Women in the Church. Lacroix, Paul. Military and Re- ligious Life in the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renais- sance. Pp. XX, 504, 8vo. Lond. : Chapman, 1873. New ed., 4to, 1879. 3i-^- 6^- PiCART, Bernard. The Cere- monies and Religious Customs of the various Nations of the known World, abridged by Robert Huish. 7 vols., xvi, 450; vi, 364; xii, 495; xviii, 514; iv, 470; vi, 222; vi, 162, fo. Lond.: Jackson, 1733- 1737. Newed., Williams, 1839. 42^. Spencer, Herbert. Ceremonial Institutions : being Part IV of the Principles of Sociology. Pp. iv, 237, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1879. N. Y. : Appleton, 1880. 7^., $1.75. 15. Charity. See also Deaconesses. Booth, C. The Aged Poor in England and Wales : Condition. Pp. 520, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. 8j. 6d., $3.50. Chaffanjon, Abbe. The Work of the Women of Calvary and its Foundress. Translated from the P>ench. Pp. 192, i2mo. N. Y. : Benziger, 1894. 50 cents. Chastel, Stephen. The Charity of the Primitive Churches. His- torical Studies upon the Influence of Christian Charity during the First Centuries of our Era, with some Considerations touching its Bearings upon Modern Society. Translated by G. A. Matile. Pp. 359, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott. 1857. $1.25. De Ltefde, John. Six Months among the Charities of Europe. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 335 With illustrations. 2 vols., pp. xi, 421 ; vi, 490, 8vo. Lond. : Stra- han, 1865. 22^. DUMVILLE, H. R. Low's Hand- book to the Charities of London. Pp. 252, i2ino. Lond.: Low, 1894. i^. 6d. Oilman, Daniel C, editor. The Organization of Charities : being a Report of the Sixth Section of the International Congress of Charities, Correction, and Philan- thropy, Chicago, June, 1893. Ed- ited, with an Introduction. Pp. xxxii, 400, 8vo. Bait. : Johns Hop- kins Pr., 1894. $1.50. Lonsdale, Margaret. Doro'hy W. Pattison, Sister Dora. A Bi- ography. Pp. vii, 257, i2mo. Lond. : Paul, 1879. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1880. 6j., $1.25. MuLLER, George. The Life of Trust. Being a Narrative of the Lord's Dealings with George Miil- ler. Edited by Rev. H. Lincohi Wayland. Pp. 476, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1861. Si. 75. Stevenson, William F. Praying and Working; being an Account of what Men can do when in Ear- nest. Pp. 411, i6mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1863. $1.25. Uhlhorn, Gerhard, D.D. Chris- tian Charity in the Ancient Church. Translated from the German with the Author's Sanction. Pp. viii, 424, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1883. 6^., $2.50. Una and Her Paupers. Memo- rials of Agnes Elizabeth Jones. With an Introduction by Florence Nightingale. Pp. xlvi, 496, i2mo. Lond. : Routledge, 1872. New ed., 1879. V' ^^' 16. Christian Endeavor. Christian Endeavor in Cleve- land. Pp. 105, i6mo. Cleve- land, O. : Rogers, 1894. 30 cents. Clark, Francis E., D.D. Chil- dren and the Church, and the Young People's Society of Chris- tian Endeavor. 3d ed., rev. In- troduction by C. L. Goodell. Pp. 116, i2mo. Bost.: Cong. S. S. and Pub. Co., 1888. 75 cents. Ways and Means. For the Young People's Society of Chris- tian Endeavor. Pp. 340, i2mo. Bost.: Lothrop, 1890. $1.25. Cowan, J. F. The Mother of the King's Children. A Story of Church Blessings through Chris- tian Endeavor. Pp. ii, 433, i2mo. N. Y. : Crowell, 1892. $1.50. McCauley.W. F. How. A Hand- book of Christian Endeavor Meth- ods. Pp. iv, 131, 24mo. Cine. : Standard Pub. Co., 1893. 50 cents. Pratt, Dwight M., Rev. A Dec- ade of Christian Endeavor, 1881- 1891. Pp. 177, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1 891. %i. 17. Christianity, Bandinel, James, D.D. The Pe- culiar Doctrines of Christianity. See U7ider Collected Works, p. 1 9. Booth, Abraham. Reign of Grace, from its Rise to its Consummation. With an Introductory Essay by Dr. Chalmers. Pp. 317, i'2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1861. Pp. xxxii, 454, fcap, 8vo. Edinb. : Taylor, 1863. \5. 6d. BOURDALOUE, Pere. Sermons and Church Discourses on the Important Duties of Christianity. Pp. 515, 8vo. Dubl. : Duffy, 3d ed., 1855. 6s. Brace, Charles Loring. Gesta Christi ; or, A History of Humane Progress under Christianity. Pp. xvi, 496, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder; N. Y. : Armstrong, 1882. js. 6d. 4th ed., with new Preface and 33^ LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. supplementary Chapter. Pp. xxiv, 520, 8vo. 1884. 7s. 6d.y $1.50. Evelyn, John. The History of Religion. A Rational Account of the True Religion. Edited with Notes by the Rev. R. M. Evanson, B.A. 2 vols., pp. xl, 443 ; vi, 386, 8vo. Lond.iColburn, 1850. js. GUIZOT, F. P. G. Meditations on the Actual State of Christianity, and on the Attacks which are now being made on it. Pp. 390, i2ino. Lond. : Murray, 1866. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1867. New ed., Scribner, 1870. los. 6d., $1.75. Meditations on the Essence of Christianity and on the Religious Questions of the Day, First Series. Pp.357, i2mo. Lond.: Murray, 1864. N. Y. : Scribner, and Methodist Book Concern, 1864. New ed., 1870. 9^. 6d., $1.75. Hebberd, S. S. The Secret of Christianity. Pp. 210, i6mo. Bost. : Lee, 1874. $1.50. Kennedy, C. M. The Influence of Christianity upon International Law. Pp. xvi, 1 58, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1856. 4^. Lindsay, A. W. C, Lord. Pro- gression by Antagonism, a Theory. Pp. 122, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1846. 6s. Matheson, George. Growth of the Spirit of Christianity from the First Century to the Dawn of the Lutheran Era. 2 vols., pp. xx, 375, 400, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1877. 2\S. Peabody, a. p. Christianity the Religion of Nature. Lectures de- livered before the Lowell Institute. Pp. xii, 256, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1864. $1.50. Savage, Minot J. The Evolution of Christianity. Pp. iv, 178, i2mo. Bost. : Ellis, 1893. %i. [Twelve discourses.] Thompson, Hugh Miller. The World and the Kingdom. Pp. 145, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1888. 75 cents. Whately, Richard. A General View of the Rise, Progress, and Corruptions of Christianity. With a Sketch of the Life of the Author, and a Catalogue of his Writings. Pp. 288, T2mo. N. Y. : Govvans, i860. Tii>balls, 1876. $1.50. 18. Christianity and Warfare. Bethune-Baker, J. F. The In- fluence of Christianity on War. Pp. 148, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1888. 5^. HacKFTT, H. B. Christian Memo- rials of the War ; or. Scenes and Incidents Illustrative of Religious Faith and Principle, Patriotism, and Bravery in our Army. With Historical Notes. Pp. 256, i2mo. Bost.: Gould, 1864. $1.50. 19. Chronology. See also under General Church History, and particularly under Exegetical Theology, Chronology^ Biblical. Anderdon, W. H. Fasti Apos- tolici : A Chronological Survey of the Years between the Ascen- sion of our Lord and the Martyr- dom of SS. Peter and Paul. Pp. xvi, 184, sq. i6mo. Lond. : Panl, 1884. 5^. BiCKERSTETH, A. The Harmony of History. Lond.: Low, 1893. 4to. IS. 6d. Chronological Tables of History, B. C. 1000-322. Blair's Chronological Tables REVISED and enlarged. Com- prehending the Chronology and History of the World from the Earliest Times to . . . 1856, by J. Willoughby Rosse. Pp. 7^^^ i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1856. los. Chronological Tables : com- prehending the Chronology and History of the World from the HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 337 earliest Records to the Close of the Russian War. 2 vols., pp. 690, i2mo. Lond. : Griffin, 1857. 10s. Hawes, S. Synchronology of the Principal Events in Sacred and Profane History from the Creation of Man to the Present Time. Pp. 320, 8vo. Bost. : Lee, 1869. 3d ed., 1 87 1. $4. Haydn, Joseph. Dictionary of Dates relating to all Ages and Nations, for Universal Reference. Lond.: Moxon, 1841. 14.?. 19th ed., to end of 1889, by Benjamin Vincent ; with an American Sup- plement, containing 200 additional Pages, by George P. Putnam. Pp. 1,094. 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1889. $5. JARVIS, S. F. A Chronological Introduction to the History ot' the Church. Pp. 634. 8vo. N. Y.: Harper, 1845. $3. Lewin, Thomas. Seep. 142. Riddle, J. E., Rev. Ecclesiastical Chronology : or. Annals of the Christian Church, from its Foun- dation to the present Time ; con- taining a View of General Church History and the Course of Secular Events ; . . . Pp. xii, 499, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1840. New ed., 1848. 15^. Rosse, J. WiLLOUGHBY. An In- dex of Dates. Comprehending the principal Facts in the Chronology and History of the World, from the earliest to the present Time. Alphabetically arranged. 2 vols., pp. iv, 942, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1858. lOS. Smith, Henry B., D.D. History of the Church of Christ in Chrono- logical Tables. See p. 192. Woodward, B. B., and Cates, W. L. R. Encyclopaedia of Chronol- ogy ; Historical and Biographical. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1872. 42J. 23 YoNGE, Charlotte M. Book of Dates: with an Outline of Uni- versal Histoiy. 8vo. Lond. : Deacon, 1888. 3^. 6d. 20. Church and State. See also Religion ami Civil Liberty. Balzani, Ugo. The Popes and the Hohenstaufen. Pp. vi, 261, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans; N. Y.: Randolph, 1889. 2s. 6d., 80 cents. Birks, Thomas R. Church and State; or, National Religion and Church Establishments, consid- ered with Reference to present Controversies. Pp. xiv, 422, 8vo. Lond. : Hatchards, 1869. ys. 6d.. Coleridge, S. T. On the Consti- tution of Church and State. Pp. XXX, 430, 8vo. Lond. : Pickering, 1839; Moxon, 1852. 5^. Vol. VI (pp. 528) of Works, 7 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1856. Com- plete, $12. Cotterill, Henry. The Genesis^ of the Church. Pp. 633* 8vo.. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1872- i6s^ Croly, G. Church and State. In, his " Historical Sketches, Speech- es, and Characters." Pp* xiii,, 356). 8vo. Lond.: Seeley»i842. ios.6d. Elliot, Arthur, Hon., M.P. The State and the Church. (The English Citizen : his Rights and; Responsibilities.) Pp. vi, 170, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1882. 4s., §1. Ernshaw, J. The Catholic Church and Civil Government; ar. The Church's Right. Pp. rii, fcap. 8vo. Lond.:- Washbourne, 1883. 2S. Gladstone, W^illiam E. The State in its Relations with the Church. Pp. xl, 344 ; 406, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1838. New ed., 2 vols., 1841. i8j. See also Macaulay's review of same in Mis- cellaneous Works, Vol. II, pp. 551-613. N. Y. : Harper, i-SSo. Iriatso. 33^ LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. HOVEY, A. Religion and the State. Pp. 175, i6mo. Bost. : Estes, 1874. $1.25. Innes, Alexander Taylor. M.A. The Law of Creeds in Scotland. A Treatise on the Legal Relation of Churches in Scotland estab- lished and not established, to their Doctrinal Confessions. Pp. xvi, 495, 8vo. Edinb. and Lond. : Black- wood, 1867. 1 5 J. Church and State : a historical Handbook. Pp. 275, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 3 J. Joyce, James Wayland. The Civil Power in its Relation to the Church, Considered with Special Reference to the Court of Final Ecclesiastical Appeal in England. Pp. xii, 400, 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1869. 10^. 6d. Keith, R. See zmder Collected Works, p. 38. [Marsh, Leonard, M.D.] The Shadow of Christianity ; or, The Genesis of the Christian State. A Treatise for the Times. Pp. 167, i2mo. N. Y. : Hurd, n. d. [186-.] $1.25. Mill, John Stuart. State In- terference with Church Property. [In his Dissertations and Dis- cussions, Political, Philosophical, and Historical. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1859-1875. 5 vols., pp. X, 425 ; 415 ; 391 : 407 ; 294, Svo. N.Y. ; Holt, 1873-1875. 46J. 6d., ^12.50.] MoNCREiFF, Henry Wellwood, Sir, D.D. A Vindication of the Free Church Claim of Right. Pp. XV, 298, i6mo. Edinb. : Maclaren, 1877. ds. Noel, B. W. An Essay on the Union of Church and State. Pp. 442, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1849. $1.25. Schaff, Philip, D.D. Church and State in the United States ; or. The American Idea of reli- gious Liberty and its practical Effects : with official Documents. Pp. iii, 183, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1888. %\, Stanley, A. P. Essays, chiefly on Questions of Church and State, from 1850 to 1870. Pp. 646, 8 vo. Lond.: Murray, 1870. 155. Address on the Connection of Church and State. Pp. iii, 48, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1868. \s. Stoughton, John. Church and State 200 years ago : a History of Ecclesiastical Affairs in England from 1660 to 1663. Pjx XV, 467, i2mo. Lond. : Jackson, 1862. 7^. dd. Thompson, Joseph P. Church and State in the United States, with an Appendix on the German Population. See under United States, p. 274. Townsend, G. Ecclesiastical and Civil History Philosophically con- sidered. 2 vols., pp. XXX, 250; XX, 731, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1847. 32.?. Vinet, Alexander. Church and State. [In his " Outlines of Phi- losophy. ' Pp. 347-404, Svo. Lond.: Strahan, 1865. 2d ed., 1870. 6^.] An Essay on the Profession of Personal Religious Conviction and upon the Separation of Church and State, considered with Reference to the Fulfillment of that Duty. From the French by Charles T. Jones. Pp. XV, 508, 8vo. Lond. : Jackson, 1843. 5^-. Wirgman, a. Theodore. The Church and Civil Power ; or. The Relations of Church and State Historically Considered. With Special Reference to the Restoration of Primitive Church Principles in the Constitutions and Canon Law of the Amer- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 339 ican, Irish, Scottish, and Colonial Churches. Pp. xvi, 176, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Bemrose, 1894. 3^-. 6d. 21. Civilization. Adams, George Burton. Civil- ization During the Middle Ages : Especially in Relation to Modern Civilization. Pp. viii, 463, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1894. S2.50. Balmes, James. European Civili- zation :. Protestantism and Ca- tholicism compared in their Ef- fects on the Civilization of Europe. Pp. 452, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1 849. 9^-. Buckle, Henry Thomas. His- tory of Civnlization in England. 3 vols., pp. xlii, 505 ; xii, 597 ; xvi, 548, i2mo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1864, 1867. New issue, 1878. i\s. Draper, John W. A History of the Intellectual Development of Eu- rope. N.Y. : Harper, 1863. Re- vised ed., 2 vols., pp. xii, 438 ; ix, 435, 8vo, 1876. $3. GuizoT. E. P. G. The History of Civilization from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution, Translated by Wil- liam Hazlitt. 3 vols., p. 8vo. Lond, : Bohn, i8$6. io,f. 6d. 4 vols., pp. 316,424, 414, 391, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1859. %(i. [Frequent reprints.] HiTTELL, John S. A History of the Mental Growth of Mankind in Ancient Times. In 4 vols. Vol. I, Savageism, pp. 382; Vol. II, Heathen Barbarism, pp. 376 ; Vol, HI, Judea and Greece, pp. 398 ; Vol. IV, Rome and Early Christianity, pp. 404, 8vo. N. Y. : Holt, 1894. $6. Lubbock, John, Sir. The Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Condition of Man : Mental and Social Condition of Savages. Pp. 430, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1870. Pp. viii, Appleton, 1870. i8.f., $5. 380. N. Y. : 4th ed., 1 88 1. M'COMBIE, William. Modern Civilization in Relation to Chris- tianity. A Series of Essays. Pp. 128, 8vo. Aberdeen : King, 1863. 3^. 6d. MACKINNON, W. A. History of Civilization. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 388 ; xii, 402, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1846. lis. Weir, Samuel, Rev. Christianity as a Factor in Civilization an Evi- dence of its Supernatural Origin. Pp. 115, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 50 cents. Williams, John, Bp., D.D. The Bedell Lecture for 1881. [Also] The World's Witness to Jesus Christ : the Power of Christianity in developing Modem Civilization. Pp. 79, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1882. $1. 22. Communism and Socialism. Hitchcock, Roswell D. Social- ism. Pp. Ill, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1879. 75 cents. Kaufmann, M. Utopias ; or. Schemes of Social Improvement. From Sir Thomas More to Karl Marx. Pp. xii, 267, i2mo. Lond,: Paul, 1879. 5 J. Socialism : its Nature, its Dan- gers, and its Remedies Considered. Pp. XV, 315, i2mo. Lond. : Paul, 1874. js. 6d. Nordhoff, Charles. The Com- munistic Societies of the United States : from Personal Visit and Observation, etc. Pp. 439, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. $4. Woolsey, Theodore D. Com- munism and Socialism, in their History and Theory. Pp. vii, 309, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1880. $1.50. k 340 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY 23. Corruptions of Christianity. See also Paganistn in Christianity. Biggs, Charles, D.D. The Christian Platonists of Alexandria. See under Collected Works, p. 22. Priestley, Joseph. A History of the Corruptions of Christianity, with Notes. Birmingham, 1782. 2 vols., pp. 245, 316. Bost. : Spotswood, 1797. Newed., 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1871. 2s. 6d. Vaughan, Robert. The causes of the Corruption of Christianity. See under Collected Works, Con- gregational Lectures, p. 28. Whately, Richard, M.A. The Use and Abuse of Party Feeling in Matters of Religion. See un- der Collected Works, p. 20. A General View of the Rise, Progress, and Corruptions of Christianity. See under Chris- tianity. 24. Councils. Arthur, William. The Pope, the Kings, and the People. 2 vols., pp. xl, 424 ; viii, 526, 8vo. Lond.: Mullan, 1877. 255. One of the best histories we have of the Council of Trent. Bright, W. Notes on the Canons of the First Four General Councils. Pp. vii, 215. 8vo. Lond. and N.Y.: Macmillan, 1882. 2d ed., 1892. 7^. dd., %2. Brownlee, W. C. The Doctrinal Decrees and Canons of the Coun- cil of Trent. Translated from the first Edition with a Preface and Notes. Pp. 119, i6mo. N. Y. : 1857. Buckley, Theodore A. A His- tory of the Council of Trent, com- piled from a Comparison of Various Writers ; with a Chrono- logical Summary. Pp. xxxi, 549, i2mo. Lond.: Routledge, 1852. ds. The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. With a Sup- plement, containing the Condem- nations of the Early Reformers, and other Matters relating to the Council. Pp. xxhi, 399. i2mo. Lond.: Routledge, 1851. 4^. 6d. Bungener, L. F. History of the Council of Trent. From the French. Edited from the 2d London Edition, with a Summary of the Acts of the Councils, by John McClintock. Pp. 552, i6mo. Edinb. : Constable, 1854. Pp. xlii, 546, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1855. 5^., $1.50. Rome and the Council in the Nineteenth Century. Translated from the French. Pp. xx, 323, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1870. 5^'. Cardwell, E., D.D. Document- aiy Annals of the Church of Eng- land. [A History of Conferences : Synodalia.] 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Gardner, 1 839-1 842. New ed., 1844. 18^. Chrystal, James, M.A. Authori- tative Christianity. The Decisions of the Six Sole Oecumenical Councils, that is, the only De- cisions of the Whole Church, East and West, before its Division in the Ninth Century. Vol I, Nicsea in Bithynia, all the undisputed Re- mains, in Greek and English ; the English Translation. Pp. xvi, 483, 8vo. Jersey City : the Author, 1 891. $4. There will be 19 volumes. The series, $3 each volume, by subscription. Council of Trent, A Review of THE. Wherein are contained the several Nullities of it : with the many Grievances and Prejudices done by it to Christian Kings and Princes, etc., etc. First written in French, by a learned Roman Catholic. Now translated into English, by G. L. Sm. fo. Oxf. : 1638. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 341 Dale, Alfred W. W., M.A. The Synod of Elvira, and Christian Life in the Fourth Century. Pp. xxviii. 354, 8vo. Lond. : Mac- millan, 1882. 10s. dd. Fulton, John, D.D., LL.D. In- dex Canonum. The Greek Text, an English Translation, and a Complete Digest of the Entire Code of Canon Law of the undi- vided Primitive Church. With a Dissertation on the Seventh Canon of Ephesus, and the Chalcedonian Decree of Doctrinal Liberty. Pp. XXX, 393, 8vo. N. Y.: Pott, 1872. 3ded.,N.Y.: Whittaker, 1892. $4. Hammond. William A. The Definitions of Faith and Canons of Discipline of the Six CEcumen- ical Councils : with the remaining Canons of the Code of the uni- versal Church translated, with Notes. To which are added the Apostolical Canons. Pp. 2 1 6, 8 vo. Oxf. : Rivington, 1843. 7^. dd. Hardouin, Joannes. Acta Con- ciliorum et Epistolae Decretales, ac Constitutiones summorumPon- tificum. 12 vols., fo. Paris, 181 5. [Next in importance to Mansi.] Hefele, Charles J. A History of the Councils of the Church, from the Original Documents, to the Close of the Council of Nicaea. A. D. 325. 3 vols. Vol. I. Translated and edited by W. R. Clark. Vol. II. and Vol. III. By Henry N. Oxenham. Pp. xii, 502 : xvi, 503 ; xii, 480, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark. 1871-1876. New ed., 1882-1883. 24J. Kaye, John. Some Account of the Council of Nicasa, in Connection with the Life of Athanasius. Pp. 313, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1853. Zs. Landon, E. H, Manual of the Councils of the Holy Catholic Church. Pp. iv, 736, izmo. Lond. : Rivington, 1846. 12s. Leto, Pomponio. Eight Months at Rome during the Vatican Coun- cil. Impressions of a Contempo- rary. Pp. vii, 340, 8vo. Land. : Murray, 1876. I2i-. Mansi, Joan. Domin. Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et amplissima CoUectio. 31 vols., fo. Florence and Venice, 17 59-1 798. Comes down to 1509, The best collection. Perry, S. G. F. The Second Synod of Ephesus, together with certain Extracts relating to it, from Syriac MSS. preserved in the British Mu- seum and now first edited. Pp. 459, 8vo. Dartford. Eng., 1881. Polano, Pietro Soave [Father Paul Sarpi.] The History of the Council of Trent. Translated by Nathaniel Brent. Pp. 889, 4to. Lond. : 1676. POPOFF, Basil. The History of the Council of Florence. Trans- lated from the Russian. Edited by Rev. J. M. Neale. Pp. 180, 8vo. Lond. : Masters, 1862. ^s. Pusey. E. B. The Councils of the Church, from the Council of Jeru- salem, A. D. 51, to the Close of the Second General Council of Constantinople, A. D. 381. Pp. 367, 8vo. Oxf.: Parker, 1857. New ed., reduced, 1878. 6^. QUIRINUS. {Pseud:) [DOLLINGER, J. J. I.] Letters from Rome on the Council. Authorized Trans- lation from the "Allgemeine Zeitung." Pp. xxii, viii, 856, i2mo. Lond. : Rivington ; N. Y. : Pott, 1876. $2. Rule, W. H. Councils, Ancient and Modern ; from the Apostol- ical Council at Jerusalem to the Oecumenical Council of Nicaea, and the last Papal Council in the Vatican. Pp. 92, i8mo. Lond.: Hodder, 1870. i^. 6d. Six (Ecumenical Councils (The) of the Undivided 342 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Catholic Church. Lectures delivered in 1893 under ihe Aus- pices of tiie Church Club of New York. Pp. iv, 316, 121110. N. Y. : Young, 1894. 50 cents. Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884. Bvo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1885. $5. Trollope, T. Adolphus. The Papal Conclaves, as they were and as they are. Pp. xviii, 434, 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1876. 16^. Waterworth, J., Rev. The Canons and Decrees of the Sa- cred and (Ecumenical Council of Trent, ... to which are prefixed Essays on the External and Inter- nal History of the Council. Pp. ccli, 326, 8vo. Lend.; Dolman, 1848. 105. dd. 25. Creeds, History of. See Athanasian Creed, and also under Sys- tematic Theology, Coniparaiive Symbolics. Baron, J. The Greek Origin of the Apostles' Creed. Illustrated by Ancient Documents and Recent Research. Pp. 100, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1885. \os. dd. Cambridge (Mass.). Platform of (Congregational) Church Disci- pline, 1648 : Confession of Faith, 1680; Platform of Ecclesiastical Government, by N. Emmons. Pp. ii, 20-84, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1855. 38 cents. Christian Book of Concord ; or, Symbolical Books of the Evan- gelical Lutheran Church. Trans- lated from the German and Edited by S. Henkel. Pp. viii. 780. 8vo. New Market, Va. : Henkel, 1852. 2d ed., 1854. $3.50. Crisman, E. B. Origin and Doc- trines of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. Pp. 191, i6mo. Nashville : Cumb. Pres. Pub. Ho., 1875. New ed., St. Louis: the Author, 1880. 75 cents. Discipline, Articles of Faith AND SYNODICAL CONSTITU- TION, as adopted by the Evan- gelical Lutheran Synod of South Carolina and adjacent States. . . . Pp.264,i2mo. Bait.: Pub. Rooms (Ev. Luth. Ch.), 1 841. DOCTRINE OF THE RUSSIAN Church ; being the Primer or Spelling Book, the Shorter and Longer Catechisms, and a Treatise on the Duty of Parish Priests. Translated from the . . . Originals by the Rev. R. W. Blackmore, M.A. Pp. xxviii. 288, 8vo. Aber- deen : Brown, 1843. Zs. Hardwick, Charles. A History of the Articles of Religion ; to which is added a Series of Docu- ments from 1536 to 161 5, together with Illustrations from Contempo- rary Sources. Pp. xx, 420, 8vo. Camb. : Bell, 1851. 3d ed., re- vised by R. Proctor, 1876. Pp. 366, 8vo. Phila. : Hooker, 1852. I2s., $1.75. Harvey, William W. The His- tory and Theology of the Three Creeds. 2 vols., pp. xv, 348, 352, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1854. 14^-. Heurtley, C. a. a History of the Earlier Formularies of Faith of the Western and Eastern Churches ; to which is added an Exposition of the Athanasian Creed, being the Substance of a Course of Lectures. Pp. 162, p. 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1892. 4,5. 6d. Jacobs, Henry E. The Book of Concord ; or, The Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lu- theran Church. With historical Introduction, Notes, Appendices, and Indices. 2 vols. Vol. I, the Confessions. Vol. II, Historical Introduction, Appendices, and In- dices. Pp. 671, 429, 8vo. Phila.: Fredericks, 1882- 1883. $10. Jenkins, R. C. Romanism ; a doc- trinal and historical Examination HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 343 of tlie Creed of Pope Pius IV. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1882. 5^. Katharine, Lady Lechmere. Synopsis; or, a Synoptical Collec- tion of the Daily Prayers, the Lit- urgy, and Principal Ofifices of the Greek Orthodox Church of the East. Translated with Assistance from the Original, and edited by — . Introduction by J. Gennadius. Pp. 180, 32mo. Lond.: Griffith, 1 891. 6^. King, Peter, Sir. The History of the Apostles' Creed, with Critical Observations on its several Arti- cles. Pp. 415, i2mo. 4th ed. Lond., 1729. Am. ed., pp. 340. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1804. LUMBY, J. Rawson. The History of the Creeds. I, Ante-Nicene ; II, Nicene and Constantinopoli- tan ; III, The Apostles' Creed ; IV, The Quicunque, commonly called the Creed of St. Athanasius. Pp. xi, 286, 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1873. 2d ed., 1880. ys. 6d. SCHAFF, Philip. The Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical Notes. 3 vols., pp. xiii, 941 ; vii. 557 ; vii, 880, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1878. $15. • The Harmony of the Reformed Confessions, as related to the Pres- ent State of Evangelical Theology. An Essay delivered before the General Presbyterian Council at Edinburgh, July 4, 1877. Pp- 70. i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1877. 60 cents. Stuckenberg, J. H. W. The His- tory of the Augsburg Confession, from its Origin till the Adoption of the Formula of Concord. Pp. 335, i2mo. Phila. : Luth. Pub. Soc, 1869. $1.75. SWAINSON, C. A.. D.D. The Ni- cene and Apostles' Creeds. Their literary History ; together with an Account of the Growth and Re- ception of the Sermon on the Faith, commonly called " The Creed of St. Athanasius." Pp. xvi, $42, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1875. i6s. Svvete, H. B., D.D., LiTT. D. The Apostles' Creed : its Relation to Primitive Christianity. Pp. no, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y : Macmil- lan, 1894. 5^., $1. Tercentenary Monument in Commemoration of the three hundredth Anniversary of THE Heidelberg Catechism. Pp. Ixxiii, 574, 8vo. N. Y. : Ran- dolph, 1863. $3. Westminster Confession of Faith, The. With Introduction and Notes by the Rev. John Mac- pherson, M.A. Pp. 171, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1881. 2s. 26. Cross. AUDSLEY, W. and G. Hand-Book of Christian Symbolism. Pp. viii, 145, 4to. Lond.: Day, 1865. I2s. 6d. Crosses. Three Articles in Ecclesi- ologist. Vols. VIII-IX. Lond. : Prime, William C. A History of the Invention, Preservation, and Disappearance of the Wood Known as the True Cross. i6mo, pp. N.Y.: Randolph, 1877. $1. Sherwood, James M. The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne ; or, The History of the Cross. Pp. 525, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1883. $2. Ward, H. D. History of the Cross ; the Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image. Pp. viii, 88, 8vo. Lond. : Nist3et, 1 87 1. 3.y. 6d, TTj. Crusades. Cox, George W. The Crusades. Map. Pp. XX, 228, i6mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879. $1. I 344 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Douglas, Amand M. The Heroes of the Crusades. See under Gen- eral Biography. DUTTON, W. E. History of the Crusades ; with Preface by Wil- liam Denton. P. 8vo. Lond. : Hodges, 1877. ds. Frith, H. In the Brave Days of Old : the Story of the Crusades. Pp. xii, 301, i2mo. N. Y. : Rout- ledge, 1885. $2. Gibbon, Edward. History of the Crusaders [1095-1261]. 8vo. Lond.: Warne, 1880. is. Gray, George Z. The Crusade of the Children in the Thirteenth Century. Pp. xiii, 238, i2mo. N. Y.: Hurd, 1870. $1. Keeling, Annie E. The Nine Famous Crusades of the Middle Ages. Illustrated, 8vo. Lond. : Woolmer, 1889. is. 6d. Merrill, George E. Crusaders and Captives. A Tale of the Children's Crusade (Thirteenth CenturjO- Pp. 299, i2mo. Bost. : De Wolfe, 1890. $1. MiCHAUD, Joseph F. History of the Crusades. Translated by W. Robson. Lond.: Routledge, 1852. New ed., with Preface and Supple- mentary Chapter by Hamilton G. W. Mabie. 3 vols., pp. xxvi, 509 ; viii, 493 ; viii, 558, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1881. 15^., $3.75. Mills, Charles. The History of the Crusades for the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land. 2 vols., pp. cxiii, 414; X, 486, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1828. 25^. Neale, J. M. Stories of the Cru- sades. Pp. 350, i2mo. Lond.: Masters, 1848. 2d ed., i860. 3^. Pears, Edwin. The Fall of Con- stantinople : being the Story of the Fourth Crusade. Pp. xiv, 422, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1886. $2.50. Perry, G. G, Canon. History of the Crusades. i2mo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1865. New ed., 1872. i.f. 6d. Porter, Whitworth. A History of the Knights of Malta ; or. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Pp. 744, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1883. 21^. Sybel, H., von. History and Lit- erature of the Crusades. Edited by Lady Duff Gordon, Pp. viii, 356, i2mo. Lond.: Chapman, 1861. los. 6d. WiNSLOw, Margaret E. The Fate of the Innocents : a Ro- mance of the Crusades. Pp. 336. i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1889. $1.25. On the Children's Crusade, 28. Deaconesses. See also Charity and Women in the Church. Bancroft, Jane M. Deaconesses in Europe, and their Lessons for America ; with Introduction by E, G, Andrews. Pp. iv, 264, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1889. $1. HOWSON, J. S. Deaconesses ; or. The Official Help of Women in Parochial Work, and in Charitable Institutions. Pp. xxii, 258, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1862, 5^. The Diaconate of Women in the Anglican Church. Five Chapters on the present Atti- tude of the Question. With a short biographical Sketch by his Son. Pp. 120, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1886. IS. Ludlow, John Malcom. Wom- an's Work in the Church; being Historical Notes on Deaconesses and Sisterhoods. Pp. 330, i2mo. Lond. : Strahan, 1865. 5^. Potter, Henry C. Sisterhoods and Deaconesses at Home an Abroad : History of their Rise and J \ HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 345 Growth in the Protestant Episco- pal Church ; with Rules for their Organization and Government. Pp. 357, i6mo, N. Y. : Button, 1873. $1.50. Stephen, Caroline Emelia. The Service of the Poor: an In- quiry into the Reasons for and against the Establishment of Reli- gious Sisterhoods for Charitable Purposes. Pp. viii, 343, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1871. 6s. 6d. Thoburn, J. M., Bp. The Deacon- ess and Her Vocation. Pp. vi, 127, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1893. 60 cents. Sermons and Addresses. Wheeler, Henry, Rev. Deacon- esses, Ancient and Modern. Pp. ii. 315, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1889. $1.25. 29. Deism. Leland, John. A View of the Principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in England during the last Two Centuries, with Ob- servations upon them, and some Account of the Answers that have been published against them. With Appendix by W. L. Brown, D.D., and Introduction by C. R. Edmonds. Pp. xlviii, 730, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1837. 12s. Leslie, Charles. A Short and Easy Method with the Deists. Pp. 169-196, 8vo, in Volume published by Society for Diffusion of Church Knowledge. N. Y. :i835. Pub- lished separately, ist Am. ed., pp. 168, i2mo. Windsor, Vt. : 1812. 75 cents. The same volume contains Watson's Apology for Christianity, pp. 5-135 ; Dick, Essays on Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, pp. 197-304 ; Soame Jenyns' Internal Evidence of the Christian Reli- gion, pp. 304-340 ; Lord Lyttleton, Con- version of St. Paul. pp. 341-378 ; Robert Hall, Modern Infidelity Considered, pp. 379-411 ; and HaJyburton, Rational In- quiry into the Principles of the Modem Deists, pp. 413-480. Stebbing, Henry, D.D. Chris- tianity Justified upon the Scripture Foundation. See under Collected Works, p. 24. 30. Dervishes. See also under Muhammadanism. Brown, John P. History of the Dervishes ; or, Oriental Spiritual- ism. Pp. 423, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1868. I3.50. 31. Disestablishment and Disen- dowment. See also Church and State. Freeman, E. A. Disestablishment and Disendowment : What are they ? Pp. 76, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1874. 2d ed., pp. 54, 1885. IS. Fuller, M. Our Title Deeds: a Defense of the Church against Disendov/ment. Being a Reply to Mr. Miall's Book, " Title Deeds of the Church of England to her Endowments." Pp. 400, p. 8vo. Lond.: Griffith, 1890. js.6d. Harwood, G. Disestablishment : or, A Defense of Principles of a National Church. Pp. iv, 414, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1876. i2.y. Hughes, Thomas. The Old Church : what shall we do with it? 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1876. 12S. Joyce, James Wayland, M.A. The Doom of Sacrilege and the Results of Spoliation. Pp. 142, p. 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1886. 4^. Reid, Andrew, editor. Why I would Disestablish : a representa- tive Book by representative Men. Pp. 286, p. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1886. 2s. 6d. Richard, H., and Williams, J. C. Disestablishment. Pp. 152, 8vo. Lond. : Sonnenschein, 1885. i.y. Selborne, Earl. Defense of the Church of England against Discs- 34<5 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. tablishment and Disendovvment. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1887. New ed., 1888. 2s. 6d. Shuttleworth, H. C, editor. Some Aspects of Disestablish- ment : Essays by Clergymen of the Church of England. Pp. 190, 8vo. Lond. : Innes, 1894. 3^. 6d. Wilkinson, J. F. Disestablish- ment (Welsh and English). 8vo. Lond. : Clarke, 1894. is. 32. Dissent and Dissenters. See also Congregationalists and Puritanisvt. Bennett, James, D.D. The His- tory of Dissenters, 1 808-1838. Pp. xi, 603, 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1839. lis. Continuation of Bogue and Bennett's History. Bogue, David, and Bennett, James. The History of the Dis- senters, from the Revolution (1688, to the year 1808. 4 vols., pp. xliv, 435; viii, 472; viii, 496; viii, 512). 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1808. 2d ed., by J. Bennett, D.D. Lond. : Westley, 1833. 24^. Calamy, Edmund, D.D. The Nonconformist's Memorial : . . . the Lives, Sufferings, and printed Works of the 2,000 Ministers ejected from the Church of Eng- land . . . 1666. Abridged, cor- rected, etc., by Samuel Palmer. (Originally published, 1775.) 3 vols., pp. xvi, 434; 479; vi, 528, and Index, 8vo. Lond. : Batton, 1 802- 1 803. 3 1 J. 6d, Coleman, Thomas. The Two Thousand Confessors of Sixteen Hundred and Sixty-two. Pp. XV, 204, i6mo. Lond. : Snow, i860. 3 J. The English Confessors after the Reformation to the Days of the Commonwealth. Pp. viii, 376, i6mo. Lond.: Snow, 1862. 4^.6^2'. CuRTEis, George Herbert, M.A. Dissent in its Relation to the Church of England. See under Collected Worksop, 22. Davids, T. W\ Annals of Evangel- ical Nonconformity in the County of Essex, from the Time of Wyc- liffe to the Restoration ; vviih Me- morials of the Essex Ministers who were ejected or silenced, 1660- 1662. Pp. XV, 641, 8vo. Lond.: Jackson, 1863. io^\ 6d. Documents Relating to the Settlement of the Church OF England by the Act of Uniformity of 1662. With an Historical Introduction (English Puritanism : its Character and History. By Peter Bayne, Esq., A.M.) Pp. vi, 516, 8vo. Lond.: Kent, 1862. ds. Doel, W. Twenty Golden Candle- sticks ; or, A History of Baptist Nonconformity in Western Wilt- shire. Pp. 244, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1891. 35'. 6d. Fletcher, Joseph. Histoiy of Independency in England, A. D. 1 588-1828. Seep. 218. Free, R. W. Church and Dissent : Sunday Evening Lectures at St. Michael's Mission Church, North Kensington. Pp. 146, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Stock, 1894. 2s. 6d. Grosart, a. B. Representative Nonconformists : with the Mes- sage of their Life-Work for to-day. Pp. 416, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1879. 6s. Halley, R. Lancashire: its Pu- ritanism and Nonconformity. 2 vols., pp, 970, 8v^o. Lond. : Hod- der, 1869. 2d ed., 1872. los. 6d. Hammond, J. English Noncon- formity and Christ's Christianity. Pp. 282, p. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner. 1893. s^- Attempt to prove that separation from the English Church is unlawful. Hunter, Joseph, Rev., F.S.A. See, under Biography, hzs ''Rise of Old Dissent Exemplified." HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 347 James, John Angell. Protestant Nonconformity : a Sketch of its History. Pp. 300, i2mo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1849. 35. Martineau, James. Why Dis- sent ? An Address. Pp. 48, Svo. Lond.: WilUams, 1871. is. MclLWAiNE, Henry R. See un- der United States, p. 273. MlALL, Edward. The Noncon- formist's Sketch book ; a Series of Views, of a State Church and its attendant Evils. Pp. vii, 300, i2mo. Lond.: Aylott, 1845. New ed., 1867. is. Pike, Godfrey Holden. An- cient Meeting Houses ; or. Me- morial Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London. Pp. xvi, 477, i6mo. Lond.: Passmore, 1870. 7^. dd. Price, Thomas. The History of Protestant Nonconformity in Eng- land from the Reformation under Henry VHL 2 vols., pp. xii, 559 ; xvi, 647, 8vo. Lond.: Ball, 1836- 1838. 24.9. Rees, T. History of Protestant Nonconformity in Wales, from its Rise in 1633 to the Present Time. Lond. : Snow, 1861. 2d ed., re- vised and enlarged, pp. 534, p. Svo. 1883. -js. 6d. Skeats, H. S. History of the Free Churches of England, A. D. 1688-1851. 8vo. Lond.: Miall, 1868. 2d ed., pp. XV, 638. 1869. I4i-. TiMPSON, Thomas, Rev. Church History of Kent ... to the year 1858. Comprising: I. . . . Christianity in Kent ... to the Reformation. H. Memoirs of the Kentish Protestant Martyrs. HI. Memorials of the Kentish Non- conformist Confessors. IV. Rec- ords of the Independent Churches in Kent. Pp. vi, 560, p. Svo. Lond.: Ward, 1S59. 6s. TOULMIN, Joshua, D.D. An His- torical View of the State of the Protestant Dissenters in England, and of the Progress of Free En- quiry and Religious Liberty, from the Revolution to the Accession of Queen Anne. Pp. xxxvi, iv, 592, Svo. Lond.: Hurst, 1814. 12s. Urwick, William, M.A. Non- conformity in Herts. Being Lec- tures upon the Nonconforming Worthies of St. Albans, and Me- morials of Puritanism and Non- conformity in all the Parishes of ...Hertford. Pp. xi, 875. Lond.: Hazell, 1884. i2s. 6d. Editor. Historical Sketches of Nonconformity in the County Palatine of Chester. By various Ministers and Laymen in the County. Pp. Ixix, 504, Svo. Lond. : Kent, 1864. los. VauGhan, Robert. English Non- conformity. Pp. xi, 486, Svo. Lond.: Jackson, 1862. js. 6d. Wilson.Walter. Histoiy and An- tiquities of Dissenting Churches. 4 vols., pp. xxi\% 536; iv, 608; iv, 572; vi, 615, 8vo. Lond.: Button, 1 804- 1 808. 50J. 33. Divorce. See also under Systematic Theology. LuCKOCK, Herbert Mortimer, D.D. The History of Marriage, Jewish and Christian, in Relation to Divorce and Certain Forbidden Degrees. Pp. 327, cr. Svo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1894. ds., $1.75- Wilcox, Walter F., Ph.D. The Divorce Problem. A Study in Statistics. [In Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Ed- ited by the University Faculty of Political Science of Columbia Col- lege. Vol. I, pp. 396, Svo. N, Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $2.50.] 348 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. WOOLSEY, Theodore D. Divorce and Divorce Legislation. Pp. 308, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1869. 3d ed., 1885. $175. Wright, Carroll D. A Report on Marriage and Divorce in the United States, 1867 to 1886; in- cluding an appendix relating to Marriage and Divorce in Certain Countries in Europe. Pp. 1,074, 8vo. Washington, D. C, 1891. [Part of the census reports.] 34. Druids. BONWICK, J. Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions. Pp. 330, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Griffith, 1894. 6s. Davies. Mythology and Rites of the British Druids. Pp. xvi, 642, 8vo. Lond. : Booth, 1809. i8s. HiGGiNS, Godfrey. The Celtic Druids, or an Attempt to show that the Druids were the Priests of Oriental Colonies who emi- grated from India, were the In- troducers of the First or Cadmean System of Letters, the Builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, and other Cyclopean works. 4to. Lond. : Longmans, 1829. 6oi-. Nash, D. W. Taliesin; or, The Bards and Druids of Britain. Pp. 341, 8vo. Lond.: Smith, 1857. 14s, Pratt, J. B. The Druids, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1 861. is.6d. Rust, James. Druidism Exhumed. Pp. xvi, 312, i2mo. Edinb. : Ed- monston ; Lond.: Hamilton, 1871. 4s. 6d. Smiddy, R. Essay on the Druids, the Ancient Churches and Round Towers. See p. 264. See also Francis Thackeray's Ancient Britain. Vol. I, pp. 10-102. 2 vols. Lond.: Longmans. Also, Bohn, 1846, \os. 6d. Williams, J. (Ab Ithel), M.A. Barddas ; or, a Collection of orig- inal Documents, illustrative of the Theology, Wisdom, and Usages of the Bardo-Druidic System of the Isle of Great Britain. With trans- lations and Notes. 2 vols., pp. Ixxxv, 425, 168, 8vo. Vol. I. Lond. : Longmans, 1862. Vol.11. Lond.: Quaritch, 1874. 35. Education, Theological. Bradley, J. P. Historical Dis- course at the Centennial Celebra- tion of Rutgers College, June 21, 1870. 8vo. Albany : Munsell, 1870. Si. Centennial of the Theolog- ical Seminary of the Re- formed Church in America (formerly Ref. Prot. Dutch Church,) 1784-1884. Pp. 526, 8vo. N. Y. : Bd. of Publ. of Ref. Ch., 1885. $3. COMPAYRE, G. Abelard and the Origin and Early History of the Universities. Pp. 326, p. 8vo. Lond. : Heinemann. Pp. xiii, 315. N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 5^., $1.25. CuRRY, Daniel, Rev. Christian Education : five Lectures deliv- ered before the Ohio Wesleyan University on the Merrick Foun- dation. Pp. 131, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1889. 70 cents. Dorchester, Daniel, D.D. Ro- manism versus the Public School Svstem. Pp. 351, i2mo. N. Y, : Methodist Book Concern, 1888. $1.25. Foster, Frank Hugh. The Seminary Method of Original Study in the Historical Sciences ; illustrated from Church History. Pp. ix, 129, i2mo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1888. $1. Halsey, J. Leroy, D.D. History of the McCormick Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church. Pp. 537, 8vo. Chic. : McCormick Seminary, 1893. $3. Memorial, (A) of the Semi-Cen- tennial Celebration of the Found- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 349 ing of the Theological Seminary at Andover. Pp. 250, 8vo. An- dover: Draper, 1859. MozLEY, Thomas, Rev. Remi- niscences. Chiefly of Oriel Col- lege and the Oxford Movement. 2 vols., pp. xxvi, 450; XXV, 448, i2mo. ist-2d ed. Lond. : Long- mans, 1882. 185. Paulsen, F. Character and His- torical Development of the Uni- versities of Germany. Translated by E, D. Perry, Professor in Co- lumbia College. With an Intro- duction by N. M. Butler, Professor in Columbia College. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. Prentiss, George L., D.D. Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York : Historical and Biographical Sketches of its First Fifty Years. 8vo. N. Y. : Ran- dolph, 1889. $2. Vail, S. M. Ministerial Educa- tion in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 262, i2mo. Bost. : Magee, 1853. Wallace, George R. Princeton Sketches : The Story of Nassau Hall. With an Introduction by An- drew F. West, Ph.D. Pp. xvi, 200, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1893. $2. Wells, J., editor. Oxford and Ox- ford Life. Pp. 186, p. 8vo. Lond. : Methuen, 1892. y. 6d. Papers by the editor and others. Woods, Leonard, Rev., D.D. History of the Andover Theolog- ical Seminary. Pp. 638, 8vo. Bost. : Osgood, 1885. $3.50. See also Fifty-eighth Annual Report of American Education Society ; and Sev- enth of American College and Educa- tion Society. Bost. : Marvin, 1882. 36. Epworth League. Berry, Joseph F., D.D. Four Wonderful Years. A Sketch of the Origin, Growth, and Working Plans of the Epworth League. Introduction by the Rev. W. I. Haven, M.A. Pp. 121, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1893. 75 cents. Doherty, Robert Remington. Three Years of the Epworth League : Journals of the Cleve- land Conference ... in 1889, and of the Meetings of the Board of Control ... in Chicago, February, 1890, and in St. Louis, May, 1891. Pp. 54, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1892. Ferguson, Wilbert P.. B.D. Practical Hints on Junior League Work. With an Introduction by Rev. J. F. Berry, D.D. Pp. 106, i6mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1892. 20 cents. Martin, W. W.. M.A. The Ep- worth Catechism of Christian Doctrine as Taught in Methodism. Pp. 113. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1894. 30 cents. Parkhurst, Frederick S., B.D. Work and Workers. Practical Suggestions for the Junior Ep- worth League. With an Intro- duction by Rev. Edward A. Schell, Ph.D. Pp. 85, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern. Rev. ed., 1893. 40 cents. Price, Jacob Embury. Epworth League W^Drkers. Pp. 218, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern. Rev. ed., 1895. 60 cents. Schell, Edwin A., D.D., and Steel, Samuel A., D.D. Ep- worth League Bible Studies. Pp. 59. N. Y. : Methodist Book Con- cern, 1895. 15 cents. 37. Evangelical Revival, Eight- eenth Century. See also under Revivals. a. GENERAL WORKS. Abbey, Charles J., and Overton, John H. The English Church in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols., pp. xix, 621 ; xiv, 551, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1878. 36^. 350 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hunt, John. Religious Thought in England from the Reformation to the End of the Last Century. A Contribution to the History of Theology. 3 vols., pp. xxxi, 471 ; xxix, 468; XXV, 455, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1873. 21s. Lecky, William E. H. A His- tory of England in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1878-1879. 4 vols., pp. xix, 626; xvi, 669; xii, 591 ; XV, 606, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1 878-1 882. 36^., $9. Overton, J. H. The Evangelical Revival in the Eighteenth Century. Pp. xi, 208, i2mo. Lond.: Long- mans; N. Y. : Randolph, 1886. 2s. 6d., %i. Ryle, J. C. Christian Leaders of the Last Century ; or, England a Hundred Years Ago. 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1868. 7s. 6d. Stephen, Leslie. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Centur}\ 2 vols., pp. xv, 466 ; xi, 469, 8vo. Lond. : Smith ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1876. 2d ed., 1880. 28^., $8. Tyerman, Luke. The Oxford Methodists : Memoirs of the Rev. Messrs. Clayton, Ingham, Gam- bold, Hervey, and Broughton. . . . Pp. viii, 416, 8vo. Lond.: Hod- der; N. Y.: Harper, 1873. io.f. 6d., $2.50. b. THE WESLEYS. Clarke, Adam. Memoirs of the Wesley Family, collected princi- pally from Original Documents. 2 vols., i2mo. Lond. : Tegg, 1836. I vol., pp. 659, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1846. 7s., $1.75. Clarke, Eliza. Susanna Wes- ley. Pp. vii, 301, i6mo. Lond. : Allen ; Best. : Roberts, 1886. New ed., 1891. y. 6d., %i. Dobbin, O. T. Wesley the Worthy, and Wesley the Catholic. With an Introduction by Rev. William Arthur, M.A. Pp. xii, 129, i8mo. Lond.: Ward, 1852. 2s. 6d. DODD, Thomas J. John Wesley. A Study for the Times. Pp. 152, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1891. 75 cents. Dove, John. A Biographical His- tory of the Wesley Family, and more particularly its Earlier Branches. Pp. iv, 299, i2mo. Lond.: Richards, 1833. Nev^ ed., 1840. 3 J. Ellis, James J. John Wesley. Pp. XV, 228, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, Hampson, John. Memoirs of the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., with a Review of his life and Writings. ... 3 vols., pp. viii, 221, 216, 235, i8mo. Sunderland, 1791. Jackson, Thomas. The Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., comprising a Review of his Poetry : Sketches of the Rise and Progress of Methodism. ... 2 vols., pp. xvi, 591 ; viii, 578, 8vo. Lond. : Mason, 1841. i vol., pp. XV, 500. 1862. 5 J. Janes, Edward L. Wesley his own Historian. Illustrations of his Character, Labors, and Achievements. From his own Diaries. Pp. 479, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1870. $1.50. Kirk, John, Rev. The Mother of the Wesleys. A Biography. Pp. XX, 351, 8vo. Lond.: Jarrold, 1864. 4th ed., 1866. Pp. 398, i2mo. Cine: Methodist Book Concern, 1867. 5^., $2. Lelievre, Matthew. John Wes- ley. His Life and his Work. From the French, by Rev. A. J. French. Pp. xii, 274, i2mo. Lond. : Wesl. Conf. Off., 1871. 3^. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 351 Moore, Henry. The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., in which are included the Life of his Brother and Memoirs of their P'amily. etc. 2 vols., pp. xxiii, 467, 482, 8vo. N. Y.: 1825. Priestley, Joseph. Original Let- ters by Rev. John Wesley and his Friends, Illustrative of his Early History, with other Curious Papers communicated by the late Rev. S. Babcock, to which is prefixed an Address to the Methodists. Pp. xv, 170, 8vo. Birmingham, 1791. RiGG, James H. The Living Wes- ley, as he was in his Youth and in his Pri;r.e. With an Introduction by John F. Hurst. Pp. 269, i2mo. Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Off.; N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1875. 3s., $175. The Churchmanship of John Wesley, and the Relations of Wesleyan Methodism to the Church of England. Pp. 120, i2n-io. Lond.: Wesl. Conf. Ofi., 1879. 2s. 6d. Stevenson, George J. Memo- rials of the Wesley Family, includ- ing Biographical and Historical Sketches, together with a Gene- alogical Table of the Wesleys. Pp. xxiii, 562, 8vo. Lond. : Part- ridge, 1876. 12^. Telford, John. The Life of John Wesley. Pp. xvi, 363, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1890. $1.50. Tyerman, Luke. The Life and Times of Rev. John Wesley, M.A., Founder of the Methodists. 3 vols., pp. xii, 564; xi, 618; vii, 675, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1870- 1871 ; N. Y. : Harper, 1872. 36^., $7.50- The Life and Times of Rev. Samuel Wesley, M.A., Rector of Epworth and Father of the Revs. John and Charles Wesley, the Founders of the Methodists. Pp. xvi. 472, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1866. 7s. 6d. Urlin, R. Denny. John W^es- ley's Place in Church History de- termined with the Aid of Facts unknown to or unnoticed by his Biographers. Pp. xiv, 272, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1870. ^s. 6i/. Watson, Richard. The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., some- time Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, and Founder of the Meth- odist Societies. Pp. viii,485, i2mo. Lond.: Mason, 1851. New ed., 1 86 1. 3^-. 6d. Wesley, Charles, Rev., M.A. Journal, to which are appended Selections from his Correspond- ence and Poetry. With an Intro- duction and Occasional Notes by Thomas Jackson. 2 vols., pp. xlvi, 466; vi, 494, i2mo. Lond.: Mason, 1849. ^o-^- Wesley, John, Rev., M.A. Jour- nal. 4 vols., pp. 546, 480, 491, 555. Lond.: Mason, 1829. 325-. Later editions are, by Mason, 1840, and N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1837. $6. Wesley his own Biographer. Selections from the Journals of the Rev. John W^esley, A.M., some- time Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford. W^ith the original ac- count of his Death. Pp. 640, 8vo. Lond., 1 891. Whitehead, John. The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. Selected from his private Papers and printed Works . . . with the Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 500, 507, 8vo. Lond.: 1793-1796. Repub- lished, N. Y. : Riker, n. d. $2. c. whitefield and his follow- ers. Belcher, Joseph. George Whitefield. A Biography with special Reference to his Labors 352 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. in America. Pp. 514. i2mo. N.Y.: Am. Tr. Soc, 1857. $1.25. Gillies, John. Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. George Whitetield, late Chaplain to the . . . Countess of Huntingdon. Pp. xvi, 357, 8vo. Lond. : 1772; Hartf. : Par- sons, n. d. $1.75- Gledstone, James Paterson. The Life and Travels of George Whitefield, M.A. Pp. xii, 533, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1871. 14^-. Hay, David. George Whitefield, or Consecrated Eloquence. Pp. vii, 71, i8mo. Lond., 1867. Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon. By a Member of the Houses of Shirley and Hastings. 2 vols., pp. xxii, 488 ; xxxiv, 544, 8vo. Lond.: Painter, 1840; Bohn, 1844. 14s, Philip, Robert. The Life and Times of the Rev. George White- field, M.A. Pp. ix, 554, 8vo. N. v.: Appleton, 1838. Tyerman, Luke. The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, of Pem- broke College, Oxford. 2 vols., pp. X, 561 : viii, 645, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1877. 245. Wakeley, Joseph B., Rev. The Prince of Pulpit Orators : Portrai- ture of George Whitefield. i2mo. N. Y.: Methodist Book Concern, 1871. $1.25. Anecdotes of the Rev. George Whitefield. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1879. 3^. 6d. d. other leaders. Benson, Joseph. The Life of the Rev. John W. de la Fl^chi^re. Compiled from the Narrative of the Rev. Mr. Wesley, the bio- graphical Notes of the Rev. Mr. Gilpin, . . . Pp.357, i2mo. Lond. : Blanchard, 1804. Edited by T. O. Summers. Nashville : So. Meth. Pub. Ho., 1857. $1. Blanchard, Thomas W. The Life of Samuel Bradburn, the Methodist Demosthenes. Pp. xi, 292, i2mo. Lond., 1870. Bradburn, Eliza Weaver. Me- moirs of the late Rev. Samuel Bradburn. Consisting principally of a Narrative of his Early Life written by himself, and Extracts from a Journal. . . . Pp. xi, 237, i2mo. Lond.: Edwards, 1816. 5^. 6d. Broome, E. Rev. Rowland Hill: Preacher and Wit. i2mo. Lond. : Cassell, 1883. IS. Charlesworth, V. J. Rev. Row- land Hill : his Life, Anecdotes, and Pulpit Sayings. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1876. New ed., 1879. 2s. 6d. Clarke, J. B. B.. editor. An Ac- count of the Infancy, Religious and Literary Life of Adam Clarke, LL.D., etc. Written by one who was intimately acquainted with him from his Boyhood to the six- tieth Year of his Age. 3 vols., pp. xxxviii, 327 ; xxiv, 414 ; xxvii, 482, 8vo. Lond.: Clarke; N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1833. 28^., $1.25. Coke, Thomas. Extracts of the Journals of the Rev. Dr. Coke's Three Visits to America. Pp. vi, 120, i2mo. Lond., 1790. Drew, Samuel. The Life of the Rev. Thomas Coke, LL.D., . . . his . . . Travels and Missionary Exertions in England, Ireland, America, and the West Indies. . . . Pp. xix, 391, 8vo. Lond. : Mason, 1817. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1818. Zs., 75 cents. Etheridge, J. W. The Life of the Rev. Thomas Coke, D.C.L. Pp. viii, 450, i2mo. Lond.: Mason, i860. 6s. Everett, James. Adam Clarke Portrayed. 3 vols., pp. xiv, 348 ; iv, 344; iv, 503, i2mo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1 844-1 849. ids. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 353 Macdonald, Frederick W. John W. Fletcher, of Madeley. Pp. viii, 196, i2mo. Lond. : Redder, 1885 ; N. Y. : Armstrong, 1886. IS. 6d., 75 cents. Treffry, Richard. Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Benson. Pp. viii, 363, i2mo. Lond. : Mason, 1840. 5^. Tyerman, Luke. Wesley's Des- ignated Successor ; the Life, Let- ters, and Literary Labors of the Rev. John WilHam Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, Shropshire. Pp. xvi, 581, 8vo. Lond. : Rodder, 1882. I2.y. The Oxford Methodists : Me- moirs. 8vo. Lond. : Rodder, 1873. los. 6d. e. leaders of evangelicalism IN the ENGLISH CHURCH. AvELiNG, Thomas W. Memorials of the Clayton Family, with un- published Correspondence of the Countess of Huntingdon, Lady Glenochy, Rev. John Newton, A. Toplady, etc. Pp. xii, 516, 8vo. Lond.: Jackson, 1867. 125-. Cadogan, William Bromley. Life of the Rev. William Romaine, M.A. In Vol. I of Romaine's Works. See p. 37. Cecil, Richard. Memoirs of the Rev. John Newton, . . . with Gen- eral Remarks on his Life's Con- nexions and Character. Pp. 322, i2mo. 3d ed. Lond.: Seeley, 1808. 2s. 6d. Hardy, R. Spence. William Grimshaw, Incumbent of Ha- worth, 1 742- 1 763. Pp. vii, 286, i2mo. Lond. : Mason, i860, y. Milner, Mary. The Life of Isaac Milner, D.D.. F.R.S., Dean of Carlisle, President of Queen's College. . . . 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1842 ; Seeley, 1850. 55. Myles, William. Life and Writ- ings of William Grimshaw, B.A., 24 Minister of Raworth in . . . York. Pp. v, 199, i8mo. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 1806. Newton, John, Rev. Letters, to which are prefixed Memoirs of his Life by Rev. Richard Cecil. Pp. vi, 380, 8vo. N. Y., 1845. Memoirs of the Late Rev. Wil- liam Grimshaw, A.B., Minister of Raworth in . . . York, with Oc- casional Reflections in Six Letters 10 the Rev. Henry Foster. Pp. 159, i8mo. Lond.: Hamilton, 1 8 14. 3J. Pratt, Josiah. Memoir of Rich- ard Cecil, prefixed to his Works. See p. 27. Roberts. William. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. 2 vols., pp. iv, 484, 479, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1835. Si. 50. Scott, Thomas. Letters and Pa- pers, never before published. With occasional Observations. Pp. xii, 324, i2mo. Bost. : Crocker, 1825.. 63 cents. Seeley, Mary. The Later Evan- gelical Fathers, John Thornton, John Newton, William Cowper, Thomas Scott, Richard Cecil,, William Wilberforce, Charl'esSim- eon, Henry Martyn, Josiah Pratt. Pp. 356, 8vo. Lond.:. Seelev, 1879. s^. Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. Pp. 128, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : r^Iacmillan, 1886. \s. 6d. Temple, Richard. Memoirs of the Rt. Ron. John Lord Teign- mouth, . . . First President of the- British and Foreign Bible Society. Pp. vi, 348, i2mo. N. Y., 1859. Venn, Henry. Life, and a Selec- tion from [his] Letters. The Me- moir of his Life drawn up by the late Rev. John Venn, M.A. . . . Pp. xvi, 594, 8vo. Lond. .- Hat-eh- ard, 1853. J Si. 354 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. WiLBERFORCE, ROBERT, ISAAC, and Samuel. The Life of Wil- liam Wilberforce. 5 vols., pp. x, 396, 464. 568, 397, 412, 1 21110. Loncl.: Bohn, 1839. 21^. 38. Fanaticism and Imposture. See also Mohavimedanisvi and Dervishes. Baring-Gould, S., Rev. Freaks of Fanaticism, and other Strange Events. Pp. 360, 8vo. Lond. : Methuen, 1891. 6j. Cooper, W. M. Flagellation and the Flagellants : a History of the Rod in all Countries, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Pp. 540, p. 8vo. Lond. : Reeves, 1870. New ed., 1887. 7J. 6d. Madden, R. Phantasmata ; or. Illusions and Fanaticisms. 2 vols., pp. xlii, 504 ; iv, 588, 8vo. Lond. : Newby, 1857. 28^. NoTT, George Frederic, B.D. Religious Enthusiasm. . . . See tinder Collected Works, p. 20. Taylor, Isaac. Fanaticism. Pp. viii, 515, i2mo. Lond.: Holds- worth, 1833. 6s. Natural History of Enthusiasm. Pp. viii. 320, i2mo. Lond. : Holds- worth, 1 83 1. 55-. Taylor, Meadows. Confes- sions of a Thug. 3 vols., p. 8vo. Lond.: Bentley, 1839. New ed., I vol., pp. xix, 452, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1879. ts. 39. German Theology. DOWDING, W. C. German Theol- ogy during the Thirty Years' War. The Life and Correspond- ence of George Calixtus. Pp. xii, 350, 8vo. Oxf. : Parker, 1863. Zs. 6d. Mackay, R. W. The Tubingen School and its Antecedents. A Review of the History and Present Condition of Modern Theology. Pp. XV, 390, i2mo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1863. los. 6d. Matheson, George. Aids to the Study of German Theology. Pp. vii, 218, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1877. 45. 6d. SCHAFF, Philip. Germany : its Universities, Theolo.uy, and Reli- gion. See ttnder Germany, p. 262. 40. Goths. Bradley, Henry. The Goths : with Maps and Illustrations. 8vo. Lond.: Unwin ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1888. 5^., $1.50. CuRTEis, A. M., Canon. History of the Roman Empire from the Death of Theodosius to Char- lemagne, 395-800. With Maps. i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1875. 3^. dd. Freeman, E. A., Prof. The Goths at Ravenna. [In his Essays, Se- ries III. Lond. : Macmillan, 1880. 125'. J Gibbon, Edward. [In his His- tory of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.] In many editions. Lond.: Murray, 1854; N. Y. : Harper, 1880. 6oj., |i2. HoDGKiN, Thomas. Theodoric the Goth, the Barbarian Cham- pion of Civilization. Pp. xvi, 442, 8vo. N. Y., 1891. Ostrogothic migrations and struggle be- tween Arianism and Catholicity in Italy. Italy and her Invaders. 4 vols., pp. 408, 672, 727, 798, 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1 880-1 885. 685. Vol. I. Visigoths. Vol. II. Huns and Van- dals. Vols. Ill, IV. Ostrogothic King- dom, The Dynasty of Theodosius : 80 Years' Struggle with the Bar- barians. 8vo. Oxf. : Clar. Pr., 1889. 6s. Paton, a. a. The Goth and the Hun. 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1851. I4.y. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 355 » Ramsay, W. M. and C. D. The Gothic Hand-book. A History of the Goths. Cr. 8vo. Lond. : Gardner, 1889. 6s. 41. Heresies. Burton, Edward, D.D. An In- quiry into the Heresies of the Apostolic Age, See under Col- lected Works, p, 21. King, C. W. The Gnostics and their Remains. 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1864. 2d ed., pp. 468, roy. 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1887. 21J. M ANSEL, Henry L. The Gnostic Heresies of the First and Second Centuries. With a Sketch of the Author's Work, Life, and Charac- ter, by the Earl of Carnarvon. Edited by J. B. Lightfoot. Pp. xxxii, 288, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1875. \os. 6d. Short, Augustus, Rev., M.A. . . . The Heresies of Montanus, Pelagius, etc. See under Collect- ed Works, p. 22. See also Lightfoot's Commentary on Colos- sians, and Schaff's History of the Chris- tian Church, I, pp. 221-251. 42. Huguenots. See, especially, Special Church History^ France, and United Utates. Baird, C. W., D.D. History- of the Huguenot Emigration to Amer- ica. 2 vols., pp. ii, 354; 448, 8vo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1884. $5. Claude, Jean. Cruel Persecutions of the Protestants in the Kingdom of France. First American Re- print of the English Translation published in London in 1707. With a biographical Sketch of the Author by Narcisse Cyr. Pp. xiv, 212, i6mo. Bost. : Cyr, 1893. $1. Martin, J. A. The Spirit, Prin- ciples, Faith, and Worship of the Huguenots in their Day ; as op- posed to the Spirit and Doctrines of Rome. Pp. 238, i8mo. Lond.; Nisbet, 1885. IS. WiLLERT, p. F., M.A. Henry of Navarre, and the Huguenots in France. Pp. v, 478, i2mo. He- roes of the Nation Series. Edited by Evelyn Abbott, A.M. N. Y.: Putnam, 1893. $1.50. 43. Hymnology and Hymn Writ- ers. Anglo-Saxon Hymnarium, from MSS. of the Eleventh Century. (Surtees Society.) Pp. x, 171, 8vo. Lond.: Whittaker, 1852, ids. Belcher, Joseph, D.D. Historical Sketches of Hymns, their Writers, and their Influence. Pp. 415, i2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, 1859. $1.25. Biggs, Louis Coutier, Rev., M.A. English Hymnology. Pp. viii, 135, i6mo. Lond.: Mozley, 1873. 4^- Burrage, Henry S., D.D. Bap- tist Hymn W^riters and their Hymns. Pp. xi, 682, 8vo. Port- land, Me.: Thurston, (1888.) $3. Butterworth, Hezekiah. The Story of the Hymns; or. Hymns that have a History. An Account of the Origin of Hymns of person- al religious Experience. Pp. 295, i2mo. N. Y. : Rel. Tr. Soc. n. d. (1875.) $2. The Story of the Times. For Home Reading, Praise Meetings, and Lectures on Sacred Music, illustrated with Anecdotes. Pp. 257, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, n. d. (1890.) $1.75. [Charles, Elizabeth, Mrs.] The Voice of Christian Life in Song; or. Hymns and Hymn-writers of many Lands and Ages. Pp. viii, 303, i6mo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1858. 4th ed.. Nelson, 1888. N. Y. : Carter, 1859 and 1864. 2d ed., 1865. 5^., 75 cents. Christophers, S. W., Rev. The Epworth Singers and other Poets of Methodism. Pp. viii, 520, i6mo. N. Y.: Randolph, (1874.) $3. 356 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hymn Writers and their Hymns. i2mo. Lond.: Partridge, 1866. 3d ed., pp. 380, p. 8vo. 1886. 3^. td. Coles, Abraham. The Life and Teachings of our Lord in Verse, being a complete harmonized Ex- position of the Four Gospels. 2 vols, in I. The Evangel. The Light of the World. The Evan- gel, Illustrated. Pp. xiv, 385 ; xxxi, 378, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, Latin Hymns with Original Translations. Edited by A. Coles. 3 vols., 8vo. Also 3 vols, bound in one. Pp. xxxiv, 76, 35, 25, ']']. N. Y. : Appleton, 1882. $3. Contents : Dies Irse ; 13 original transla- tions ; Stabat Mater Dolorosa ; Stabat Mater Speciosa ; Old Gems in New Set- tings. Crafts, Wilbur F., Rev. Tro- phies of Song. Articles and In- cidents on the Power of Sacred Music. . . . With an Introduction by Dr. E. Tourjee. Pp. 310, i6mo. Bost. : Lothrop, (1874.) $1.25. Creamer, David. Methodist Hymnology ; comprehending No- tices of the poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley. Show- ing the Origin of their Hymns in the Methodist . . . Collections, . . . with critical and historical Observations. Pp. 470, i2mo. N. Y. : privately printed, 1848. DuFFiELD, Samuel Willough- BY. English Hymns : their Au- thors and History. Pp. vii, 675, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1886. $2.50. Gadsby, John. Memoirs of the Principal Hymn-writers and Com- pilers of the 17th, i8th, and 19th Centuries. Lond. : privately printed, 1855. 4th ed., pp. 157, i6mo. 1870. IS. Gaisford, Frances. Hymns and their Associations. Pp. 91, 24mo. Lond.: Stock, 1889. \s. 6d. Glass, H. A. The Story of the Psalters: a History of the Met- rical Versions of Great Britain and America, 1 549-1 885. Pp. 214, p. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1888. 5^. Grant, Alexander H., M.A. Half-Hours with our Sacred Poets. With biographical Sketches. Pp. 374, i6mo. Lond. : Cassell, 1863. New ed., 1871. 3^. 6d. Hatfield, Edwin F., D.D. The Poets of the Church. A Series of biographical Sketches of Hymn- writers ; with Notes on their Hymns. Pp. iv, 717, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1884. $3. Hemenway, F. D., D.D., and Stuart, Charles M., B.D. Gospel Singers and their Songs. Pp. 195, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1891. 80 cents. Hildebert. The Hymn of — , and other Medieval Hymns, with Translations by Erastus C. Bene- dict. Pp. xi, 128, 8vo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1867. $1.50. HORDER, W. G. The Hymn Lover : An Account of the Rise and Growth of English Hymnody. Pp. xvi, 530, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hod- der, 1889. js. 6d. Hutchins, Charles L., Rev., M.A. Annotations of the Hym- nal : Consisting of Notes, bio- graphical Sketches of Authors, Originals and References. Pp. 206, sq. i6mo. Hartf. : Mallory, 1872. $1.50. [Rare, out of print, and plates lost.] Julian, John, editor. A Diction- ary of Hymnology. Setting forth the Origin and History of Chris- tian Hymns of all Ages and Na- tions, with special Reference to those contained in the Hymn- Books of English-speaking Coun- tries and now in common Use ; together with biographical and critical Notices of their Authors and Translators and historical HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 357 Articles on national and denomi- national Hymnody, Breviaries, Missals, Primers, Psalters, Se- quences, etc. Pp. 1,632, 8vo. Lond. : Murray; N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. 42s., $10. King, J. Anglican Hymnology: being an Account of the 325 Standard Hymns of highest Merit, according to the Verdict of the whole Anglican Church. Pp. 338, p. 8vo. Lond.: Hatchards, 1885. 6s. Lewis, H. Elvet. Sweet Singers of Wales. A Story of Welsh Hymns and their Authors, with original Translations. Pp. 160, i6ino. Lond.: Rel. Tr, Soc, n. d. 2s. Long, Edwin M., Rev. Illustrated History of Hymns and their Au- thors. Facts and Incidents of the Origin, Authors, Sentiments, and Singing of Hymns. . . . Pp. 559, sq. i2mo. Phila. : Jaggars, (1875.) $3.50. Macdonald, George, LL.D. Eng- land's Antiphon. Pp. viii, 332, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, n. d. [1868.] 4s.6d, Miller, Josiah. Singers and Songs of the Church : Being Bio- graphical Sketches of the Hymn Writers in all the Principal Col- lections. Pp. xviii, 617, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans. 2d ed., 1869. 10s. 6d. Mitchell, Alexander F., D.D. The Wedderburns and their Work; or, The Sacred Poetry of the Scottish Reformation in its historical Relation to that of Ger- many. Pp. vi, 88, sm. 4to. Edinb. and Lond.: Blackwood, 1867. 2s. 6ci. MooRSOM, Robert Mande, Rev., M.A. A Historical Companion to ^' Hymns Ancient and Modern ; " containing the Greek and Latin, the German, Italian, French, Danish, and W^elsh Hymns, . . . Notes and Dates. Pp. xxiv, 383, i8mo. Lond. : Parker, 1889. 5^. Morrison, D. The Great Hymns of the Church ; their Origin and Authorship. Pp. 270, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1890. 6s. Nutter, Charles S., Rev. Hymn Studies : an illustrated and anno- tated Edition of the Hymnal of the M. E. Church. Pp. 475, 8vo. N- Y. and Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1884. $2.50. Historic Hymnists. A Portrait Gallery of great Hymn Writers. Pp. 208, 8vo. Bost.: privately printed, 1893. $1.50. Page, David, editor. Life-lights of Song. Songs of God and Na- ture. Pp. xvi, 304, fcap. 8vo. Edinb. : Nimmo, 1 863. 3^. 6d. Parker, William H., Rev. The Psalmody of the Church, its Au- thors, Singers, and Uses. Pp. 269, 4to. N. Y-: Revell, 1892. $1.50. Pick, Bernhard, Rev. Luther as a Hymnist. Pp. 178, i6mo. Phila.: Luth. Bk. St., 1875. $1.25. Prescott, J. E. Christian Hymns and Hymn Writers : a Course of Lectures. Pp. 230, p. 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1883. 5^. Prime, William C. editor. O Mother Dear, Jerusalem. The Old Hymn, its Origin and Gene- alogy. Pp. 92, i2mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1865. $1.50. Robinson, Charles Seymour, D.D. Annotations upon Popular Hymns. For Use in Praise Meet- ings, Pp. 58i,8vo. N.Y.: Meth- odist Book Concern, 1893. $2.50. Saunders, Frederick. Even- ings with the Sacred Poets : a Se- ries of Quiet Talks about the Singers and their Songs. Pp. 574, i6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1869. Revised ed., 1885. $2.50. 358 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Selborn, Earl. Hymns. Their History and Development in the Greek and Latin Churches, Ger- many and Great Britain. Pp. 2IO, i2mo. Lond. : Black, 1892. Song Victories of "The Bliss AND Sankey Hymns," being a Collection of one hundred Origi- nal Incidents in regard to the Origin and Power of the Hymns con- tained in " Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs." With introduc- tory Letter by Rev. George F. Pentecost, D.D., and an Ap- pendix containing biographical Sketches of Mr. Ira D. Sankey and Mr. P. P. Bliss. Pp. 156, i6mo. Bost. : Lothrop, (1877.) 75 cents. Stevenson, George J. The Meth- odist Hymn Book and its Asso- ciations. With Notes by the late Rev. W. M. Bunting, and an in- troductory Poem by Beiyamin Jouch. Pp. ix, 420, i6mo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1870. 6^. The Methodist Hymn Book. Illustrated with Biography, His- tory, Incident, and Anecdote. Pp. viii, 628, p. 8vo. Lond.: Part- ridge, 1883. 6s. Stockbridge, John C. The An- thony Memorial. A Catalogue of the Harris Collection of American Poetry, with Biographical and Bibliographical Notes. Pp. xxii, 320, 8vo. Providence, 1886. Thompson, Robert Ellis, editor. The National Hymn-l)ook of the American Churches. Comprising the Hymns which are common to the Hymnaries of the Baptist, Con- gregationalists. Episcopalians, Lu- therans, Methodists, Presbyteri- ans, and Reformed, with the most usual Tunes. Pp. 188, i2mo. Phila. : Wattles, 1893. 60 cents. TiLLETT, Wilbur F., Rev., D.D. Our Hymns and their Authors. An annotated Edition of theHymn- Book of the M. E. Church, South. Pp. 439, 8vo. Nashville: M. E. Ch., So., Pub. Bd., 1890. $2.50. Trench, Richard Chenevix, M.A. Sacred Latin Poetry, chiefly lyrical, selected and arranged for Use; with Notes and Introduction. Pp. XX, 316, i6mo. Lond. : Parker, 1849. 7-y. Welsh, R. E., Rev., M.A., and Edwards, F. G. Romance of Psalter and Hymnal; Authors and Composers. Pp. xii, 352, i6mo. N. Y. : Pott, 1879. $1.75. Winkworth, Catherine. Chris- tian Singers of Germany. Vol. VI of Sunday Library for Household Reading. Pp. xiv, 340, i2mo. Lond. rMacmillan, 1869. 4?. 44. Image Worship. See also A nti-Romanist Writings. Tyler, J. Endal, B.D. The Image Worship of the Church of Rome, proved to be Contrary to Holy Scripture. Pp. 283, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1847. 9^. 45. Infidelity. See Raftonalism and Ske^iicism^ also under Systematic Theology. Van Mildert, W., Rt. Rev. . . . Rise and Progress of Infidelity. See under Collected Works, p. 24. 46. Institutional Christianity. See also Charities and Deaconesses. Coleman, Lyman. Ancient Chris- tianity Exemplified in the Private, Domestic, Social, and Civil Life of the Primitive Christians, and in the Original Institutions, Offices, and Rites of the Church. Pp. 645, 8vo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1853. $2.50. Cunningham, J. The Growth of the Church in its Organizations ViX\(\ Institutions. Pp. 316, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1886. 9^. Hardern, T. B. Church Discipline. Its History and Present Aspect. Pp. 100, 8vo. Camb. : Hall, 1892. 3i-. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 359 Hatch, Edwin, Rev., D.D. The Growth of Church Institutions. Pp. xvi, 227, 8vo. Lond. : Rod- der; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1887. 5^., $1.50. Phillips, L. F. March. Ordi- nances of Spiritual Worship ; their History, Meaning, and End considered in a Series of Essays from the Writings of E. T. M. Phillips. Edited by his Daughter. Pp. xxii, 286, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1863. js. 6d. Restarik, H. B., Rev. Lay Read- ers, their History, Organization, and Work. Pp. vii, 269, i2mo. N. Y.: Whittaker, 1894. $1. RiGG, J. H. A Comparative View of Church Organizations, Primi- tive and Protestant : with a sup- plementary Chapter on Methodist Secessions and Methodist Union. Pp. 290, 8vo. Lond. : Woolmer, 1887. 5^. Stanley, A. P. Christian Institu- tions. Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects. Pp. 396, 8vo. Lond. : Murray; N.Y.: Scribner, 1881. 12^. Cheap ed., 75 cents. 47. Liturgies. Adam OF St. Victor. The Litur- gical Poetry of. From the Text of Gautier. With English Trans- lations in the original Metres, Notes, etc., by Digby S. Wrang- ham. 3 vols., pp. xxviii, 280 ; vii, 264; vii, 277, i2mo. Lond.: Paul, 1881. 21S. AlTKEN, R. Prayer-book Unveiled in the Light of Christ ; or, Unity without Liturgical Revision. Let- ters for Nonconformists, Exposi- tory of the Church's Teaching, etc., addressed to the Rev. T. Binney. Pp. xxi, 355, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Macintosh, 1863. New ed., 1867. 4.?. 6d. Baird, Charles W. A Chapter on Liturgies : Historical Sketches. With an Introductory Preface, and an Appendix by Rev. Thomas Binney. Pp. xxxi, 328, i2mo. Lond. : Knight, 1856. 3^. 6d. Borovnitsky, Ivan. Origin and Composition of the Roman Catho- lic Liturgy, and its Difference from that of the Orthodox Church. Translated by Basil Pojjoff. Pp. viii, 57, 8vo. Lond. : Masters, 3d ed., 1863. 2s. Brogden. James. Illustrations of the Liturgy and Ritual of the United Church of England and Ireland during the Seventeenth Century. 3 vols., pp. xvi, 535, 551, 568, 8vo. Lond, : Murray, 1842. 2JS. Chrysostom, John, and Basil THE Great. The Divine and Sacred Liturgies of — . Edited, with an English Translation, by J. N. W. B. Robertson. Pp. 212. i8mo. Lond. : Nutt, 1886. 5^. 6d. Chrysostom, St. John. The Divine Liturgy of — . By H. C. Romanoff. Pp. vii, 97, i6mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1871. ^.6d. EUTAXIA ; or, The Presbyterian Liturgies : Historical Sketches. By a Minister of the Presbyterian Church. Pp.260, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1855. 75 cents. Field, John Edward, M.A. The Apostolical Liturgy and the Epis- tle to the Hebrews. See, under Exegetical Theology, Commen- tary on Hebrews, p. 113. Hall, Peter, editor. Reliquae Li- turgicas Anglicanae. Documents connected with the Liturgy of the Church of England. 5 vols., pp. Ixxii, 139, 245, 135, 164, 315, i6mo. Bath (England) : the Author, 1847. 28.?. Fragmenta Liturgica. Docu- ments illustrative of the Liturgy of the Church of England, etc. 7 vols., pp. Ixxiv, 178, 140, JIG, 190, 336, 306, 164, i6mo. Bath : Binops, 1848. 360 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hammond, C. E. Liturgies. East- ern and Western : being a Reprint of tlie Texts, either original or translated, of the most representa- tive Liturgies of the Church, from various Sources. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and a litur- gical Glossary. Pp. Ixxxiv, 392, p. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1878. 10s. 6d. Liturgies, The Two, A. D. 1549 and A. D. 1552: with other Doc- uments. Reign of Edward VI. Edited by J. Ketley. See under Collected Works, p. 36. Liturgies and Occasional Forms of Prayer. Reign of Queen EHzabeth. Edited by W. R. Clay. See tinder Collected Works, p. 36. Maskell, William. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England according to the Uses of Sarum, Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the Modern Roman Liturgy. Pp. clxi, 237, 8vo. Lond. : Pickering, 1847. 15-y. Neale, J. M. Essays on Liturgi- ology and Church History. With an Appendix on Liturgical Quo- tations from the Isapostolic Fath- ers, by J. Moultrie. Lond. : Saun- ders, 1862. 2d ed. With a Pref- ace by R. F. Littledale. Pp. 527, 8vo. 1867. i8j. Palmer, W. Origines Liturgicae ; or, Antiquities of the English Ritual. 2 vols., pp. vi, 363, 341, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington. 3d ed., 1832. 4th ed., 1845. 18^. Proctor, Francis. A History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a Rationale of its Offices. With an introductory Chapter on the History of the American Liturgy. By William Stevens Perry. Pp. xl. 502, i2mo. 15th ed. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1 88 1, los.dd., S2.50. Selborne (Lord). Notes on some Passages in the Liturgical History of the Reformed English Church. Pp. viii, 85, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1878. ds. Sprott, George W., D.D. The Worship and Offices of the Church of Scotland ; or, The Celebration of public Worsliip, the Adminis- tration of the Sacraments, and other divine Ordinances, accord- ing to the Order of the Church of Scotland. Being Lectures. . . . Pp. xii, 274, i2mo. Edinb. and Lond.: Blackwood, 1882. 6^. SWAINSON, C. A., D.D. The Greek Liturgies. Chiefly from Original Authorities. With an Appendix containing the Coptic Ordinary Canon of the Mass from two Manuscripts in the British Muse- um. Edited and Translated by Dr. C. Bezold. Pp. 440. 4to. Lond. :Camb. Wareh., 1884. 15^. Trollope, W\, Rev., M.A. The Greek Liturgy of St. James, edited with an English Introduction and Notes; together with a Latin Ver- sion of the Syriac Copy, and the Greek Text restored to its origi- nal Purity and accompanied by a literal English Translation. Pp. xi, 164, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1848. 4^. Wheatley, Charles. A Ration- al Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. Pp. xii, 532, i2mo. Lond.: Tegg, 1848. Edited by Dr. Corrie. Lond. : Hamilton, 1858. \2S. 6d. Wilson, H. A., M.A. The Gala- sian Sacramentary. Liber Sacra- mentorum Romanae Ecclesias. Edited with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Appendix. With two Facsimiles. Pp. 400, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $4.50. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 361 48. Manners and Customs. See A ntiquities. 49. Mar-Prelate Controversy. Arber's, C Prof. Reprints (Lond.: Arber, 1879-1882), as follows: C[oopei], T[homas]. Admonition to the People of England. [Reply to.] 1589. 8vo. 1882. IS. 6d. Epistle, The : printed oversea within two furlongs of a Bounsing Priest. 1588. 8vo. 1880. \s. 6d. Udall, John, Rev. Diotrephes : State of the Church of England laid open. 1588. 8vo. 1879. IS. 6d. Introductory Sketch to the Mar- prelate Controversy. 8vo. Lond.: Arber, 1879. is. 6d. Dexter, Henry Martyn. Con- gregationalism as seen in its Lit- erature. Pp. 131-202. See under Congregationalisin, p. 219. Law, William. Defence of Church Principles : Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor, 1717-1719. Edited by J. O. Nash and Charles Gore. 2d ed., pp. 340, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Griffith, 1894. y. 6d. Wholly for God the True Chris- tian Life : A Series of Extracts from the Writings of William Law. Selected, and with an Introduc- tion by the Rev. Andrew Murray. Pp. xxxii, 328, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1894. 5^. [Martin Marprelate. Tracts, edited by J. Petheram.] Reprinted. i2mo. Lond.: Petheram, 1842- 1846. An Epistle to the Terrible Priests of the Confocation House. [Full page title follows.] Pp. 76. 1842. An Epitome of the first Book of Dr. John Bridges' Defence of the Government of the Church of England, and Ecclesias- tical Matters. Pp.64. 1843. Pap with a Hatchet ; being a Reply to Mar- tin Marprelate. Pp. 52. 1844. Hay any Worke for Cooper ; a Reply to the " Admonition to the People of England." Pp. 84. 1845. An Almond for a Parrot ; being a Reply to Martin Marprelate. Pp. 60. 1846. Maskell, W. History of the Mar- tin Mar-prelate Controversy in the Days of Queen Elizabeth. Pp. viii, 224, 8vo. Lond. : Pickering, 1845. 8j. 50. Martyrs. Annals of Christian Martyr- dom. Ancient Martyrs. By the Author of " The Lives of the Popes." Pp. 407, i6mo. N.Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1856. 80 cents. Bloomfield, C. An Old Roman City. A Memorial of the Mar- tyrs. Pp. 188, 8vo. Lond., 1892. 2s. 6d. Butler, Alban. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other Prin- cipal Saints, Compiled from Orig- inal Monuments and Authentic Documents. New ed. 12 v^ols. Lond. and Dubl. : Duffy, 1866. 24y. 4 vols., roy. 8vo. Bait. : Murphv ; and 9 vols, in 3. Pp. 685, 760, 808. N. Y. : Sadlier, 1850. $8. Charles, Elizabeth. The Mar- tyrs of Spain and the Liberators of Holland ; or, the Story of the Sisters Dolores and Costanza Ca- zalla. Pp. 456, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1 861 ; Nelson, 1869. 6s. 6d. D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. Mar- tyrs of the Reformation ; with an Introduction by the Rev. C. H. A. Bulkley, D.D. Pp. 510, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1883. $1.75. Eusebius. History of the Martyrs in Palestine. Edited and Trans- lated by W. Cureton. Pp. xi, 86, 52, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1861. los. 6d. Fox, John. The Acts and Monu- ments of John Fox. A new and complete Edition, with a Prelimi- nary Dissertation, by the Rev. George Townsend. Originally pub- lished, fo. Lond., 1563. Edited by the Rev. Stephen Reed Cattley. 8 vols., 72, pp. ix, [24,] 918, 920, 860, 772, 800, 740, 752, 754, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1 843-1 849. Best ed., 1853. 96.?. Book of Martyrs. Being a His- tory of Christian Martyrdom from 362 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. the Earliest Times, with Notes, by Rev. W. Bramley Moore. With Engravings. 4to. Lond. and N. Y. : Cassell. Also 9th ed., pp. 432, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Chr. Un., 1855. $1.25. The same abridged from Mihier's edition by T. A. Buckley. Pp. 493, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Routledge, 1892. 3^. dd. GiLFiLLAN, Edward. Martyrs, Heroes, and Bards of the Scottish Covenant. Pp. 264, i2mo. Lond.: Hall, 1852. 2s. 6d. O'Reilly, Myles, B.A., LL.D. Memorials of those who Suffered for the Catholic Faith in Ireland in the i6th, 17th, and i8th Cen- turies. Pp. 459, 8vo. N. Y. : Cath. Pub. Soc, 1869. $2.50. Pressense, E. DE. Martyrs and Apologists. [In his Early Years of Christianity.] Pp. viii, 654, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1871 ; Metho- dist Book Concern, 1873. $1.75- Rule, W. H. Martyrs of the Ref- ormation, a History of Martyr- doms, Confessions, and Sufferings, from the Dawn of the Reformation to the Nineteenth Century. 8vo. Lond. : Wesl. Conf. Off., 185 1. 8^. Tayler. C. B. Memorials of the English Martyrs. Pp. 395, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1833. %i. Walker, John. An Attempt towards Recovering an Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of England, in the late Times of the Great RebelHon. Pp. lii, 436, fo. Lond. : 1 7 14. New ed., i2mo. Lond. : Macintosh, 1863. 3^. 51. Miracle Plays and Mysteries. Bates, Katherine Lee. The English Religious Drama. Pp. iv, 254, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 6s., $1.50. Blades, W. An Account of the German Morality Play, entitled " Depositio Cornuti Typographi- ci, " as performed in the 17th and i8th Centuries, with a rhyth- mical Translation of the German Version of 1648. . . . Pp. 126, 4to. Lond. : Triibner, 1885. js. 6d. Hase, K. a., D.D. Miracle Plays and Sacred Dramas : an Historical Survey. Pp. 280, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1880. 9^. Hone, William. Ancient Mys- teries Described, especially the English Lyrical Plays, founded on Apocryphal New Testament Story. Pp. X, 300, 8vo. Lond. : Howe, 1823. los. 6d. Jackson, John P. Album of the Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau. Introductory Chapters on the Rise, Development, and Decline of the Religious Drama. Pp. iv, 194, 4to. Munich : Albert, 1873. i-5o ^«>^- MacColl, Malcolm. Ober-Am- mergau Passion Play. [With In- troduction on the Origin of Mir- acle Plays.] Pp. 84, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1870. New ed., 1890. 3^. 6d. Marriott, William. A Col- lection of English Miracle Plays or Mysteries ; containing ten Dramas from the Chester, Coven- try, and Towneley Series, with two of Later Date. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1843. Pp. Ixiii. 271, 8vo. Basel: Schweighauser, 1858. 8j. [Miracle Plays in Series.] Chester Plays : A Collection of Mysteries, edited by Thomas Wright. 8vo. Lond.: Shakspeare Soc, 1843. Republished, 1847. Coventry Miracle Plays : Edited by J. O. Halliwell-Phillips. Bvo. Lond.: Shak- speare Soc, 1841. Digby Miracle Plays: Edited by W. Sharpe. 4to. Lond.: Abbotsford Club, 1835- Towneley Mysteries : Edited by Rev. J. Hunter and J. Stevenson. 8vo. Lend.: Surtees Soc, 1831. i^s. York Plays : in the Fourteenth and Six- teenth Century. Edited with Introduc- tion and Glossary by Lucy Toolmin Smith. Oxf.: Clar. Pr., 1886. 2\s. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 36^ OxENHAM, Henry Nutcome, M.A. Recollections of Ober- Ammergau in 1871. Pp. x, 80, i2mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1880. 2s. dd. Stead, William T. The Passion Play as it is played to-day at Ober- Ammergau in 1890. German and English Text in parallel Col- umns. Pp. viii, 130, 8vo. N. Y. : Merrill, 1890. %\. 52. Monastic Orders. Ancren Riwle. a Treatise on the Rules and Duties of the Mo- nastic Life. Edited and trans- lated from a Semi-Saxon Manu- script of the 13th Century by James Morton, B.D. Pp. xxviii, 478, 4to. Lond. : Camden Society, 1853. Archbold, W. a. J. The Somer- set Religious Houses. Pp. xii, 407, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $2.50. BuNKLEY, Josephine M. The Testimony of an Escaped Novice from the Sisterhood of St. Joseph, Emmetsburgh, Maryland. Pp. 338, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1855. $1.50. Currier, Charles Warren. Carmel in America. A Centen- nial History of the Discalceated Carmelites in the United States. Pp. XV, 435, 8vo. Bait.: Mur- phy, 1890. $3.50. CuRZON, Robert. Visit to the Monasteries of the Levant. Lond. : Murray, 1849. 6th ed. With Illustrations. Pp. xx, 373, i2mo. 1 88 1, ^s, 6d. Day, Samuel P. Monastic Insti- tutions : their Origin, Progress, Nature, and Tendency. Pp. xv, 295, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1855. 5^. Drane, Augusta Theodosia. The History of St. Catherine of Siena and her Companions. Pp. xxiii, 655, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1880. I2^\ 6d. Dugdale, William. Monasticon Anglicanum. 8 vols., pp. li, 642 ; x, 643 ; X, 640 ; XX, 691 ; xii, 747 ; xxiv, X, xiii, 1851, fol. Lond. : March, 1817-1830. New ed., 1849. ^25. Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley. British Monachism ; or, Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England. 4to. Lond. : Nichols, 1802. 3d ed., with addi- tions. Pp. 428, 8vo. Lond. : Nat- tali, 1843. i6.y. Fox, Samuel, M.A., F.S.A. Monks and Monasteries; being an Ac- count of English Monachism. Pp. xxiv, 434, i2mo. Lond. : Burns, 1845. 5 J. Gasquet, F. a. Henry VIH and the English Monasteries : an At- tempt to Illustrate the History of their Suppression. 2 vols., pp. 510, 146, 8vo. Lond. : Hodges, 1888- 1892. I4y. Hardy, R. Spence. See under Buddhism, p. 283. Hill, O'Dell T. English Mo- nasticism : its Rise and Influence. Pp. 548, 8vo. Lond. : Jackson, 1867. 15^. Jameson, Anna, Mrs. Legends of the Monastic Orders, as repre- sented in the Fine Arts. Pp. xlvii, 461, sq. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1850. 6th ed., 1880. 32mo. 285. Bost. : Osgood, 1880. $1.50. Sisters of Charity, Catholic and Protestant. Pp. 118, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1855. Reduced, 1859. Bost.: Ticknor, 1857. 2.S., 75 cents. jEssopp, Augustus, Rev. The Coming of the Friars, and other Historic Essays. Pp. v, 344, i2mo. N. Y.: Putnam, 1889. $1.75. 3^4 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. KiNGSLEY, Charles, Rev. The Hermits : their Lives and Works. Pp. vi, 335, i2mo. Lond.: Mac- millan, 1868. Last ed., 1885. 4s. 6d. MONTALEMBERT, COUNT DE. Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. 5 vols., pp. xii, 515: X, 548; viii, 471; viii, 361 ; viii, 483, 8vo. Lond.: Blackwood, 1861-1867. Each 10^. 6d. Murphy, John Nicholas. Terra Incognita ; or, The Convents of the United Kingdom. Pp. 760, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1873. New ed., 1876. 6s. NORTHCOTE, J. S. Celebrated Sanc- tuaries of the Madonna. Pp. 330, p. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1868. 6s. 6d. Richardson, Eliza. Personal Experience of Roman Catholi- cism, with Incidents of Convent Life. i8mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1869. $1.25. Ruffner, Henry. The Fathers of the Desert ; or. An Account of the Origin and Practice of Monk- ery among Heathen Nations. 2 vols., pp. X, 302; vi, 313, i2mo. N. Y. : Baker, 1850. $2. Smith, I. G. Christian Monasti- cism from the Fourth to the Ninth Centuries of the Christian Era. Pp. 354, p. 8vo. Lond. : Innes, 1892. 145. Stephen, James, Sir. The French Benedictines. [In Essays in Ec- clesiastical Biography. Pp. 233- 278.] Lond. : Longmans, 1850. 4th ed., i860. 14J. Whitney, L. G., Mrs. Burning of the Convent : Narrative of the Destruction by a Mob of the Ur- suline School on Mt, Benedict, Charlestown. i8mo. Bost. : Os- good, 1877. $1. Wright, T., editor. Three Chap- ters of Letters relating to the Sup- pression of Monasteries. Pp. xvi, 304, 4to. Lond.: Camden Soc, 1843. On English Monasteries, consult the pub- lications of the Camden, Chetham, and Surtees Societies, and also the Rolls Chronicles. 53. Montanism. Cunningham, W., Rev. The Churches of Asia: Sketches of the Second Century. 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1880. 6s. De Soyres, J. Montanism and the Primitive Church. Hulsean Prize Essay, 1877. Pp. viii, 167, 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1878. 6s. See also Tertullian against Marcion, in Ante-Nicene Christian Library ^ p. i8. 54. Morals. On Ethics in general, see under Systematic Theology. Blackie, J. S. Four Phases of Morals. Pp. vii, 354, i2mo. Edinb. : (Hamilton,) 1871. New ed., 1874. N. Y. : Scribner, 1871. New ed., 1875. 5^., $1.50. Lecky, W. E. H. The History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne. 2 vols., pp. xviii, 498 ; x, 423, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1869. 3d ed., 1877. i6s., $3. Plutarch. Morals. Translated from the Greek by several Hands. Corrected and Revised by W. W. Goodwin, Ph.D., with Intro- duction by Ralph Waldo Emer- son. 5 vols., pp. xxxi, 516; xiii, 507 ; xi, 508 ; xiv, 508 ; xiii, 532, 8vo. Bost.: Little, 1 87 1. $15. Taylor, H. The Morality of Na- tions: a Study of the Evolution of Ethics. Pp. 314, p. 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1888. 6s. Whewell,William. Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy. See, U7ider Systematic Theology, Ethics. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 36; 55. Music, Sacred. Daniel, R. B., Rev. Chapters on Church Music. Pp. xii, 216, 8vo. Lond. : Elliott, 1894. -js.^d. Davis, L. S. Studies in Musical History. Pp. v, 164, i6mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1887. $1.25. Dickson, W. E. Fifty Years of Church Music. Pp. 80, 8vo. Lond.: Simpkin, 1894. is. Gould. Nathanael D. History of Church Music in America ; its Peculiarities at different Periods ; . . . with Criticisms, cursory Re- marks and Notices relating to Composers, Teachers, Schools, Choirs, etc. Pp. 240, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1853. 75 cents. 56. Mystics. Du Prel, Carl, Dr. The Phi- losophy of Mysticism. Translated from the German by C. C. Mas- sey. 2 vols., pp. 626, 8vo. Lond. : Red way, 1888. 255. Herrick, S. E. Some Heretics of Yesterday. 8vo. Lond.: Low, ■ 1884. 8^. Dr. Tauler and others. Lillie, Arthur. Modern Mys- tics and Modern Magic. Contain- ing a Full Biography of the Rev. William Stainton Moses, Together with Sketches of Swedenborg, Boehme, Madame Guyon, the II- luminati, the Kabbalists, the The- osophists, the P'rench Spiritists, the Society of Psychical Research, etc. Pp. vi, 172, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1894. $1.50. Martensen, H. L., Bp. Jacob Boehme, His Life and Teaching ; or. Studies on Theosophy. Trans- lated from the Danish by T. Rhys Evans. Pp. 352, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1885. -js. 6d. Overton, J. H., Canon. William Law. See under General Biog- raphy, Palmer, Edward Henry. Ori- ental Mysticism. A Treatise on the Sufristic and Unitarian The- osophy of the Persians. Cr. 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1867. 3^. 6d. TULLOCH, John. Christian The- osophy and Mysticism. [In Ra- tional Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the Sev- enteenth Century. Pp. 303-409.] Lond.: Blackwood, 1872. New ed., 1874. 28.y. Ullman, C, Dr. Reformers before the Reformation. See p. 201. Vaughan, Robert A. Hours with the Mystics. A Contribution to the History of Religious Opin- ion. Lond.: Parker, 1856. 3d ed., 2 vols., pp. xxxix, 372 ; x, 383, i2mo. Lond.: Strahan. 1879. 6th ed., 1893. N. Y. : Scribner. 245., $2.50. 57. Myths and Legends. Baring-Gould, S., Rev., M.A. Le- gends of Old Testament Charac- ters ; from the Talmud and other Sources. 2 vols., pp. xii, 238 ; viii, 228, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1871. 16^., $2. Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets, current at the East. Pp. XV, 366, cr. 8vo. N. Y. : Holt, 1872. $2. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. With Illustrations. . 2d Series. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1867. New ed., i vol., pp. x, 660. 1869. 6s. Legends of the Patriarchs and Prophets and other Old Testa- ment Characters, from various Sources. Pp. xvi, 366, p. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1871 ; N. Y. : Holt, 1872. i6.y., $1. Cox, G. W., and Jones, Eustace HiNTON. Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. Lond. : Longmans, 1871. 2d ed., pp. viii, 514, i2mo. Lond.: Paul, 1880. 6s. 366 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. DOLLINGER, J. J. I. Fables respect- ing the Popes of the Middle Ages. Together with Dr. Bollinger's Essay on the Prophetic Spirit and the Prophecies of the Christian Era, translated, with an Introduc- tion and Notes, by H. B. Smith. Pp. xxiv, 463, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1872. $2.50. GOLDZIHER, IGNAZ, Ph.D. Mythol- ogy among the Hebrews and its Historical Development. Trans- lated from the German, with Ad- ditions, by Russel Martineau, M.A. Pp. XXXV, 457, 8vo. Lond. ; Long- mans, 1877. i6s. Spencer, Herbert. [In his Prin- ciples of Sociology, Chapters 10-26. Lond.: Williams, 1888, 21S.] TiELE, C. P., Prof. [In his Out- lines of the History of Religion. Seep. 281.] TyloR, E. B., D.D. [In his Primi- tive Culture. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1873. 24s.] 58. Nonconformity. See under Dissent. 59. Nonjurors. [Anderdon, J. L.] The Life of Bishop Ken. By a Layman. 2 vols., pp. 540, 8vo. Lond. : Isbis- ter, 1851. New ed., 1854. 14^. D'Oyly, G., Rev., D.D. The Life of Archbishop Saucroft. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1 82 1, ^s. HiCKES. G., D.D. [Treatises on.] The Christian Priesthood and the Dignity of Episcopal Orders. [Re- printed in Library of Anglo-Cath- olic Theology. See p. 17.] Lathbury, Thomas. A History of the Nonjurors : their Contro- versies and Writings, with Re- marks on some of the Rubrics in the Book of Common Prayer. Pp. xiv, 530, 8vo. Lond. : Pickering, 1845. New ed., Smith, 1862. 6^. Law, William. Character and Characteristics of — . Nonjuror and Mystic. Selected and ar- ranged with an Introduction by Alexander Whyte. Pp. 350, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1892. 9^. Overton, J. H. William Law, Non- juror and Mystic. See under Gen- eral Biography. Plumptre, E. H., Dean. Life of Bishop Ken. See under General Biography. W^ILLIAMS, George. ... A Cor- respondence between the Eastern Patriarchs and the Nonjuring Bishops. See under Grcsco- Russian Church, p. 223. 60. Northmen. Keary, C. F., M.A. The Vikings in Western Christendom, A. D. 789 to A. D. 888. Pp. xi, 571, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1891. Keyser, Rudolph. The Religion of the Northmen. Translated by Barclay Pennock. Pp. 346, i2mo. N. Y. : Norton, 1854. $1.50. Vaughan, Robert. See under Collected Works, p. 27. 61. Old Catholic Movement. Hyacinthe, Pere. [C. J. LOY- son.] Catholic Reform : Letters, Fragments, etc., with Preface by Dean Stanley. Pp. 48, 234, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1874. ^s.dd. Meyrick, F., Canon. The Old Catholic Movement. 8vo. Lond.: Gardner, 1877. is. [MuLLiNGER, J. Bass.] "Theo- dorus." The New Reformation : the Old Catholic Movement from 1870. Pp. 293, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1875. 12^. SCARTH, A. M., Rev. Story of the Old Catholic and Kindred Move- ments. Pp. 230, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1883. 3.?. dd. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 367 62. Paganism in Christianity. Farrar, J. A. Paganism and Christianity. Pp. xviii, 256, i2mo. N. Y. : Holt, 1892. $1.75. Lewis, Abram Herbert, D.D. Paganism Surviving in Christian- ity. Pp. xvi, 309, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1892. $175. Wood, C. J. Survivals in Christian- ity : Studies on the Theology of Divine Immanence : special Lec- tures delivered before the Episco- pal Theological School at Cam- bridge, Mass., in 1892. Pp. viii, 317, p. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 6s., $1.50. 63. Papacy. See under Rotnan Catholicism^ History, 64. Patristics. See particularly, under Collected Works, Ante-Nicene, and Nicene and Post- Nicene Library. Aristides. Newly Recovered Apol- ogy of—. Edited by J. Rendel Harris, with Appendix by J. Armi- tage Robinson, B.D. Pp. vi, 118, 28, 8vo. Camb. : Univ. Pr., 1892. 5^. N. Y. : Pott, 1894. 55., 50 cents. Augustine, St. The City of God. (Part of the Works of Augustine.) Edited by Marcus Dods, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 557 ; vi, 574, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1881. lis. Augustine, The Confessions OF. Edited, with an Introduction, by W. G. T. Shedd, D.D. Pp. xxxvi, 417, i2mo. Andover : Draper, i860. $1. Basil, Saint. The Book of — , the great Bishop of Caesarea in Cappa- docia, on the Holy Spirit, written to Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconi- um, against the Pneumatomachi. A revised Text, with Notes and Introduction, by C. F. H. John- ston. Pp. 224, p. 8vo. Lond. : Frowde, 1892. 'js. 6d. Bennett, J. The Theology of the Early Church, as Exhibited in Quotations from the Writers of the First Three Centuries. Pp. xii, 315, i2mo. Lond.: Jackson, 1852. 5^. Blakey, R. Lives of the Primitive Fathers. Being a Faithful His- tory of the Acts and Sufferings of those Eminent Men who lived in the Early Ages of the Christian Church : with Copious Lists of their Writings. Pp. 302, 8vo. Lond. : Edwards, 1842. 3^. 6d. Blunt, J. J. Lectures on the Right Use of the Early Fathers. Pp. 650, 8vo. Lond.: Murray, 1857. 3d ed., 1869. 1 5 J. Bright, William. Select Anti- Pelagian Treatises of St. Augus- tine, and the Acts of the Second Council of Orange. Pp. Ixviii, 399, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1877. New ed., 1880. 9^. Brooke, A. E. The Fragments of Heracleon. (Texts and Studies. Contributions to Biblical and Pa- tristic Literature. Vol. 1, No. 4. Edited by J. A. Robinson.) Pp. vii, 112. 8vo. Camb.: Univ. Pr., 1891. 5J-. BURKITT, F. C M.A. The Rules of Tyconius. [Vol. Ill, No. i, of Texts and Studies. Contributions to Biblical and Patristic Litera- ture. Edited by J. Armitage Rob- inson, Ph.D., D.D.] Pp. 114, 8vo. Camb. : Univ. Pr. ; N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1894. 6^. 6d., $1.60. Burton. The Apostolic Fathers. Part I : the Epistles of SS. Cle- ment of Rome, and Barnabas, and the Shepherd of Hermas. With an Introduction, comprising a History of the Christian Church in the First Century. Pp. 290. Part II : the Epistles of St. Igna- tius and St. Polycarp. Pp. 266, 8vo. Lond.: Griffith, 1 888-1 890. Each IS. Burton, Edward. Testimonials of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the 368 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Divinity of Christ. Pp. xvi, 504, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1829. igs. Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity, and of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost. Pp. xx, 151, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1831. $s. 6d. See also Vol. II of his works (under Col- lected Works). Gary, Henry. Testimonies of the Fathers of the First Four Centu- ries to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church of England, as set forth in the Thirty-nine Articles. Pp. 433, 8vo. Lond. : Bohn, 1835. CoLLiNSON, John, Rev., M.A. A Key to the Writings of the Principal Fathers of the Christian Church, who flourished during the first Three Centuries. See, under Collected Works, p. 20. CONYBEARE, W. D., M.A. . . . The Character, Value, and . . . Ap- plication of the Writings . . . during the Ante-Nicene Period. See, under Collected Works, p. i\. COTTERILL, J. M. Peregrinus Pro- teus : an Investigation into cer- tain Relations existing between De Morte Peregrini, the two Epis- tles of Clement to the Corinthians, the Epistles to Diognetus, the Bib- liotheca of Photius, and other Writings. Pp. xvi, 359, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1879. \is. Cruttwell, C. T. a Literary History of Early Christianity, in- cluding the Fathers and the Chief Heretical Writers of the Ante- Nicene Period, for the Use of Students and General Readers. 2 vols., pp. 696, 8vo. Lond. : Griffin ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1893. 21J., $6. Cunningham, W. St. Austin and his Place in the History of Chris- tian Thought. Pp. vi, 283, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1886. $3.50. Daille, John A. Treatise on the Right Use of the Fathers in the Decision of Controversies exist- ing at this Day of Religion. Translated from the French and Revised by T. Smith. Re-edited and amended, with Preface, by G. Jekyll. Pp. xxiv, 359, p. 8vo. Lond.: Bohn, 1841. 2d ed., 1843. 5:^. Douglass Series of Christian Greek and Latin Writers. For Use in Schools and Colleges. Edited by F. A. March, LL.D. 5 vols., i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1874-1877. Each $1.75. Vol. I. Latin Hymns. Pp. xii, 334. 1874. Vol. II. The Ecclesiastical History of Euse- bius. With Introduction by A. Ballard, and Explanatory Notes, by W. B. Owen. Pp. viii, 279. 1874. Vol. III. The Select Works of TertulHan. Introduction by Lyman Coleman. pp. 250. 1876. Vol. IV. The Select Works of Athenagoras. Explanatory Notes by W. B. Owen. Pp. 262. 1875. Vol. V. Apologies of Justin Martyr. To which is appended the Epistle to Diog- netus. Introduction and Notes by Basil L. Gildersleeve. Pp. xli, 289. 1877. Harris, Helen B. The Newly Recovered Apology of Aristides : its Doctrine and Ethics. W^ith Ex- tracts from the Translation by Prof. J. Rendel Harris. Pp. 104, p.8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1891. 2s.(id. Harrison, John. Whose are the Fathers ? or, The Teaching of certain Anglo-Catholics on the Church and its Ministry, contrary alike to the Holy Scriptures, to the Fathers of the First Six Cen- turies, and to those of the Re- formed Church of England. Pp. ix, 728, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1867. i6.y. Hoole, C. H. The Apostolic Fa- thers: the Epistles of S. Clement, S. Ignatius, S. Barnabas. S. Poly- carp, together with the Martyr- dom of S. Ignatius and S. Poly- carp. Translated into English, with an introductory Notice. Pp. 310, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1885. 5.9.6^. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 369 The Didache. 8vo. Lond. : Nutt, 1894. IS. 6d. Ignatius of Rome. Polycarpi, Patrum Apostolicorum, quse su- persunt. Accedunt S. Ignatii et S. Polycarpi Martyria. Ad fidem codicum recensuit, adnotationibus variorum et suis illustravit, indi- cibusinstruxit G. Jacobson. Editio Quarta. 2 vols., pp. 850, 8vo. Lend.: Parker, 1863. 21J. See also edition by Lightfoot. Irenaei Sancti. Libros quinque adversos Hasreses textu grasco . . . versione Latina . . . tVag- menta necnon Graece, Syriace, Armeniace, commentatione per- petua. . . . Edidit W. Wigan Har- vey, S.T.B. [Introduction in Eng- lish.] 2 vols., pp. clxxx, 388 ; iv, 570, 8vo. Camb. : Univ. Pr., 1857. 36 J. IRENAEUS. The Third Book against Heresies. With short Notes and a Glossary, by Henry Deane. Pp. iv, 115, i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1874. New ed., 1880. 5^. 6d. Jackson. George A. The Apos- tolic Fathers and the Apologists of the Second Century. Pp. 203, i8mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1879. 60 cents. Vol. I of Early Christian Literature Prim- ers. The Fathers of the Third Cen- tury. Pp. 211, i8mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1 88 1. 60 cents. Kaye, John. Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement of Alexandria. Pp. 476, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1835. 12^. Some Account of the Council of Nicaea, in Connection with the Life of Athanasius. See under Councils, p. 341. Some Account of the Writings and Opinions of Justin Martyr. Pp. 222, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1829. 3d ed., 1853. 7J. dd. 25 KiLLEN, W. D., D.D. The Igna- tian Letters entirely Spurious. A Reply to the Rt. Rev. Dr. Light- foot. Pp. ix, 90, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1886. 2s. 6d. Lightfoot, J. B., D.D. [The Apostolic Fathers. Vol. I.] S. Clement of Rome. The two Epis- tles to the Corinthians. A revised Text with Introduction and Notes. Pp. 220, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1869. 8^. 6d. S. Clement of Rome. An Ap- pendix containing the newly re- covered Portions. With Introduc- tions, Notes, and Translations. Pp. 221, 470, 8vo. Lond.: Mac- millan, 1877. 8j. 6d. Editor. The Apostolic Fathers. Part I. St. Clement of Rome r a revised Text, with Introductio^n, Notes, Dissertations, and Transla- tions. 2 vols., pp. 1,030, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : MacnMUan,, 1890. $10. The Apostolic Fathers. Com- prising the Epistles (genuine and spurious) of Clement of Rome, the- Epistles of S. Ignatius, the Epistle of S. Polycarp, the Teaching of the- Apostles, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Shepherd of Hernias, the Epistle to Diognetus, the Frag- ments of Papias, the Reliques of the Elders preservetl in' Irenseus,. Revised Texts with short Intro- ductions and English Translations. Edited and Completed by J. R. Harmer. Pp. xii, 568, 8vo. Lond.. and N. Y. : Maemillan, 1891. i6s., $4. ScHAFF, Philip. The Oldest Church Manual called the Teach- ing of the Twelve Apostles. The Didache and kindred Documents in the Original, with Translations and Discussions of post-apostolic Teaching, Baptism, Worship, and Discipline, and Illustrations. . . . Pp. viii. 300, 8vo'. N. Y. r Funk, 1885. $2.50'. 370 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Semisch, Charles. Justin Mar- tyr: his Life, Writings, and Opin- ions. From tlie German, by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols., pp. xx, 348 ; xvi, 387, i6mo. Eciinb. : Clarke, 1843. 10^. Shepherd of Hermas, The. Translated into English, with In- troduction and Notes. By Charles H. Hoole, M.A. Pp. xxxi, 184, i6mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1870. 4^. dd. Taylor, C. D. The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, with Illus- trations from the Talmud. Two Lectures on an ancient Church Manual discovered at Constantino- ple. Pp. viii, 136, 8vo. Camb. : Deighton, 1886. ds. Teaching of the Twelve Apos- tles, recently discovered and published by Philotheos Bryennios, Metropolitan of Nicomedia. Ed- ited with a Translation, Introduc- tion, and Notes by Roswell D. Hitchcock and Francis Brown. N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. New ed., pp. cxv, 85. 1885. %2. — — Text and Translation, together with critical and illustrative Papers by eminent Scholars. Reproduced from the Journal of Christian Philosophy. (Text, by Bryennios. Translation by Prof. S. Stanhope Orris, Ph.D. Genuineness, Priority, Source, and Value of the Teaching, by J. Rendel Harris. The Phrase- ology of the Teaching as an In- dex of its Age, by Isaac H. Hall, LL.B., Ph.D. Comments on the Teaching, by Elijah R. Craven, D.D.) Pp. 84. 8vo. N. Y. : Paine, (1884.) 40 cents. A Translation with Notes ; and Excursus (I-IX) illustrative of the " Teaching ; " and the Greek Text. By Canon Spence, M.A. Pp.183, P« ^^''O- Lond. : Nisbet, 1885. Zs. ed. Newly edited, v;ith facsimile Text and a Commentary, for the Johns Hopkins University, Balti- more. From the MS. of the Holy Sepulchre (Convent of the Greek Church), Jerusalem, by J. Rendel Harris. Pp. viii, 107, and plates, 4to. Bait. : Johns Hopkins Univ.; Lond. : Clay, 1887. 2U., $5. For other editions and discussions of the Teaching, see above, Hoole, SchafF, and Taylor. Tertullianl De Prcescriptione Hasreticorum ad Martyras : ad Scapulam. Edited, with Introduc- tions and Notes, by T. Herbert Bindley, B.D., Merton College, Oxford. Pp. 180, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmilian, 1894. 81.60. Tertullian's Apology for the Chrlstians. Translated, with Introduction, Analysis, and Ap- pendix containing the Letters of Pliny and Trajan respecting the Christians, byT. Herbert Bindley. Pp. 176, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1890. 3^. 6d. Tertullian's Apology. Trans- lated and Annotated by W. Reeve and the Meditations of the Em peror Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Translated by Jeremy Collier. Pp 280, 8 vo. Lond.: Griffith, 1889. \s Tertullian, and Marcus Au relius Antoninus. Apology Translated and annotated by W, Reeve ; and the Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius An- toninus. Translated by Jeremy Collier. Pp. 294. 8vo. Lond. : Griffith, 1894. \s. Watson, F. The Apostolic Fa- thers. Pp. 229, i6mo. N. Y. : Pott, 1879. 75 cents. West, Andrew Fleming. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools. Pp. V, 205, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. $1. Wynne, T. R., D.D., Barnard, J. H., D.D., and Hemphill, S. The Literature of the Second Century. Pp. 270, i2mo. N.Y. ; Pott, 1891. $1.25. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 371 65. Persecutions. ?)G& aXso Reformation in France, Inquisition^ and Martyrs. BUNGENER, L. F. The Priest and the Huguenot. . . . See tinder Reformation in France, p. 207. Castro, A. de. See tinder Refor- mation in Spain, p. 210. Lollards, The. See under Lol- lards, p. iz^j. Macduff, J. R. . . . The Suffer- ings of the Waldenses during the Persecution of 1686. See under Albigenses, p. 213. Mason, Arthur James, M.A. The Persecution of Diocletian. A Historical Essay. Pp. xii, 379, 8vo. Camb. and Lond. : Bell, 1876. 10^. 6d. Melia, Pius. Origin, Persecution ... of the Waldenses. See tinder Albigenses, p. 213. MooREHOUSE, James, Rt. Rev. The Dangers of the Apostolic Age. Pp. xii, 226, 8vo. Man- chester : Fargi^ ; N. Y. : Whit- taker, 1891. IS. 6d., $1.25. MORAN, P. F., Rt. Rev. Historic Sketch of the Persecutions of the Catholics of Ireland under Crom- well and the Puritans. 8vo. Dubl.: Gill, 1865. Newed., 1884. 3^. 6d. MusTON, Alexis. The Israel of the Alps . . . Waldenses. See under Albigenses, p. 213. Shoberl, Frederic. Persecutions of Popery. Historical Narratives of the Most Remarkable Persecu- tions occasioned by the Intolerance of the Church of Rome. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 349, 393, 8vo. Lond. : Bentley, 1844. New ed., 1850. 21s. SiSMONDi, J. C. L. S. . . . The Crusades against the Albigenses. See under Albigenses, p. 213. Tregelles, Samuel P. The Jan- senists, . . . their Persecutions by the Jesuits. . . . See under Jan- senists, p. 224. Uhlhorn, Gerhard. The Con- flict of Christianity with Heathen- ism. Edited and Translated from the 3d German ed., by Egbert C. Smyth and C. J. H. Ropes. Pp. 508, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879; Lond. : Low, 1880. $2.50, ios.6d. 66. Philosophy of History. Flint, Robert. Philosophy of History, in France and Germany. Pp. xxii, 609, 8vo. Edinb. : Black- wood, 1874; N. Y. : Scribner, 1875. 15^., $6. Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the Philosophy of History. Translated from the 3d German ed., by J. Sibree, M.A. Pp. 447, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1857. 5^. Schlegel, Frederick von. The Philosophy of History. By Rob- ertson. 2 vols. Lond. : Saunders, 1835. 6th ed., I vol., pp. 498, i2mo. Bohn, 1852. y. 6d. Shedd, William G. T. Lectures upon the Philosophy of History. Pp. 128, 8vo. Andover : Draper, 1856. New ed., 1873. 75 cents. The Nature and Influence of the Historic Spirit. [In Theolog- ical Essays.] Pp. 53-120. N. Y. : Scribner, 1877. $2.50. 67. Philosophy, History of. Benn, Alfred William, The Greek Philosophers. In two Vol- umes. Pp. xxxii. 402 ; xii, 430, 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1882 [1883]. 28^. BowEN, Francis, A.M. Modern Philosophy, from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. Pp. X. 484, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1877- $3- Burt, B. C. A History of Modern Philosophy (from the Renaissance to the Present). 2 vols., pp. xii, 368; viii, 321, 8vo. Chic: Mc- Clurg, 1892. $4. 372 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Butler, William Archer. Lec- tures on the History of Ancient Philosophy. Edited by Williain H. Thompson. 2 vols., pp. vi, 430, 415, 8vo. Camb. : Macmil- lan, 1856. New ed., 1879. 12s. Chalybaus, Heinrich Moritz. Historical Survey of Speculative Philosophy from Kant to Hegel ; designed as an Introduction to the Opinions of the recent Schools. Translated from the fourth Edi- tion of the German by Alfred Tulk. Pp. xvi, 397, p. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1854. 3^. 6d. Cousin, Victor. Course of the History of Philosophy. Trans- lated by O, W. Wight. 2 vols., pp. viii, 452, 439, 8vo. N. Y. : Ap- pleton, 1852. $3. Drummond, James, LL.D. Philo- Judaeus ; or, The Jewish Alexan- drian Philosophy in its Develop- ment and Completion. In two volumes. Pp. viii, 359; iv, 355, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1888. 21s. Epitome of the History of Philosophy. From the French, with Additions, by C. S. Henry. 2 vols., pp. vi, 276; xii, 311, i8mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1841. 90c. Erdmann, Johann Eduard. a History of Philosophy. English Translation, edited by Williston S. Hough, Ph. M. In three Volumes. Vol. I. Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy. Vol. II. Modern Philosophy. Vol. III. German Philosophy since Hegel. Pp. XX, 736; xvi, 719; iv, 357, 8vo. Lond. : Sonnenschein ; N. Y. : Macmillan, 1890. $10.50. Falckenberg, Richard. History of Modern Philosophy. From Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time. First American from the second German edition. Trans- lated with the Author's sanction, by A. J. Armstrong, Jr. Pp. xv, 655, 8vo. N.Y.: Holt, 1893. $3.50. Fischer, Kuno. History of Mod- ern Philosophy. Descartes and his School. Translated from the third and revised German Edition by J. P. Gordy, Ph.D. Edited by Noah Porter, D.D., LL.D. Pp. xviii, 589, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1877. $3.50. Flint,Robert, D.D., LL.D. His- tory of the Philosophy of History. Historical Philosophy in France and French Belgium and Swit- zerland. Pp. xxvii, 706, 8vo. N.Y. : Scribner, 1894. $4. Lewes, George Henry. The His- tory of Philosophy, from Thales to Comte. Lond. : Cox, 1845. 3d ed., 2 vols., pp. cxv, 407, 663, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1867. 4th ed., 1 87 1. 32J. McCosh, James, LL.D., D.D. The Scottish Philosophy, Biographical, Expository, Critical, from Hutche- son to Hamilton. Pp. viii, 481, 8vo. N. Y.: Carter, 1874. New ed., 1880. $4. Mackintosh, James, Sir. Dis- sertation on the Progress of Eth- ical Philosophy chiefly during the Sev^enteenth and Eighteenth Cen- turies. With a Preface by Wil- liam Whewell. Pp. 299, 8vo. Phila. : Lea, 1845. $1.50. Masson, David. Recent British Philosophy : A Review with Criti- cisms. Pp. 335, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan; N. Y. : Appleton, 1865. New ed., 1867. 6.9., $1.25. Maurice, Frederick D. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. Vol. I, Ancient Philosophy from the 1st to the 13th Centuries. Vol. II, 14th Century to the French Revolution, vvath a Glimpse into the 19th Century. 2 vols., pp. xlv, 675 ; X, 720, 8vo. Lond. : Mac- millan, 1872. Newed., 1873. 25^. Mayor, Joseph B. A Sketch of Ancient Philosophy from Thales to Cicero. Pp. xvi, 254, i2mo. Camb.: Univ. Pr., 1881. y.6cf. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 373 MORELL, J. D. A Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nine- teenth Century. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Theobald, 1847. i vol., xviii, 752, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1 85 1. 24s., $3. RiTTER, Heinrich, Dr. The His- tory of Ancient Philosophy. Trans- lated from the German by Alex- ander J. W. Morrison, B.A. In 4 vols. Pp. xxii, 606 ; xii, 472 ; xiv, 658 ; xiv, 709, 8vo. Oxf. : Talboys, 1838- 1846. 42s. SCHWEGLER, ALBERT. A History of Philosophy in Epitome. Trans- lated from the Original German by Julius H. Seelye. Pp. 365, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1856. 5th ed., 1875. $1.50. Tennemann, W. G. Manual of the History of Philosophy. Trans- lated by A. Johnson. Pp. xii, 532, i2mo. Lond. : Bohn, 1833. Nev/ ed., revised, enlarged, and cor- rected by J. D. Morell, 1852. 5^. Ueberweg, F. History of Philos- ophy from Thales to the Present Time. Translated from the 4th German ed. by George S. Morris; with Additions by Noah Porter. With a Preface by Henry B. Smith and Philip Schaff, and an Appendix on Italian Philosophy, by Vincenzo Botta. Pp. xv, 487, 561, 8vo. N. Y. : Scriijner, 1873. New ed., 1876. $5. WiNDELBAND. W., D.D. A His- tory of Philosophy. With Es- pecial Reference to the Formation and Development of its Problems and Conceptions. Authorized Translation by James H. Tufts, Ph.D. Pp. xiii, 659, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1893. 20s., $5. Zeller, E., Dr. A Histor)' of Greek Philosophy from the Ear- liest Period to the Time of Socra- tes, with a general Introduction. Translated from the German with the Author's Sanction by S. F. Al- leyne. In two vols. Pp. xvi, 642 ; viii, 542, p. 8vo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1 88 1. 30J. Plato and the Older Academy. Translated with the Author's Sanction from the German by S. F. Alleyne and Alfred Goodwin, M.A. Pp. xiv, 630, p. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1876. i8s. The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. Translated from the German by Oswald J. Reichel, B.C.L. and M.A. Pp. xx, 548, p. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1870. 14s. A History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy. Translated from the German with the Au- thor's Sanction by S. F. Alleyne. Pp. viii, 383, p. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1883. los. 6d. Socrates and the Socratic Schools. Translated from the German by Oswald J. Reichel, B.C.L. and M.A. Pp. xiv, 350, p. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1868. 8s. 6d. Outlines of the Historj'of Greek Philosophy. Translated by S. F. Alleyne and E. Abbott. 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1886. 10^.6^. 68. Port-Royalists. Baynes, Thomas S. The Port- Royal Logic : Translated from the French, with Introduction, Notes, etc. Pp. xlvi, 430, i2mo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1851. 2d ed., 1854. 4s. Beard, Charles. Port-Royal, a Contribution to the History of Re- ligion and Literature in France. 2 vols., pp. 980, 8vo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1 861. Cheap ed., 1873. 12^. Neale, J. M. History of the so- called Jansenist Church of Hol- land. See p. 224. 374 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Pavillon, NIC, Bp. Further Me- mories of Port Royal. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1869. 6s. SCHIMMELPENNINCK, M. A., MrS. Select Memoirs of Port-Royal. 3 vols., pp. xxxiv, 324 ; viii, 334 ; iv, 327, Svo. Lond. : Longmans, 4th ed., 1834. 5th ed., 1858. 21s. Stephen, James. The Port-Roy- alists. [In Assays in Ecclesias- tical Biography. Pp. 279-336.] See under Monastic Orders, p. 364. Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux. The Jansenists : their Rise, Per- secutions, and existing Remnant. Pp. xii, 98, i2mo. Lond. : Bagster, 185 1. 3^. dd. 69. Prayer. See also under Practical Theology. Goodrich, C. A. Bible History of Prayer, with Practical Reflections. Pp. 384, 1 2mo. Andover : Draper, 1847. New ed., i86i. $1.25. Prime, S. Iren^eus. The Power of Prayer. Tllustrated in the Won- derful Displays of Divine Grace at the Fulton Street and other Meetings in New York and else- where in 1857-1858. Pp. 418, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1866. New ed., 1873. $1.50. Fifteen Years of Prayer in the Fulton Street (N. Y.) Prayer Meeting. Pp. v, 345, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1872. New ed., 1873. $1.50. Five Years of Prayer, with the Answers. Pp. 375, i2mo. N.Y. : Harper, 1864. $1.50. 70. Prayer, Book of Common. See also under Liturgies. Blunt, John H. The Annotated Book of Common Prayer ; being a Historical, Ritual, and Theologi- cal Commentary on the Devotional System of the Church of England. Svo. Lond. : Rivington, 1867. New ed., pp. 750, 4to. 1885. 21.?. Book of Common Prayer, from the original Manuscript attached to the Act of Uniformity of 1662, and now preserved in the House of Lords. Pp. 550, 8vo. Lond. : Eyre, 1892. 'js. dd. Cardwell, Edward. A History of Conferences and other Proceed- ings connected wdth the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, 1558-1690. Pp. 476, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1849. ']s. 6d. The Two Books of Common Prayer, set forth by Authority of Parliament in the Reign of Ed- ward the Sixth ; Compared with each other and edited. Pp. xlii, 434, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1852. 7s. 6d. Dix, Morgan. Lectures on the First Prayer Book of King Ed- ward VI. Pp. 103, i2mo. N. Y. : Young, 1 881. 35 cents, Gasquet, F. a., and Bishop, E. Edward VI. and the Book of Com- mon Prayer : an Examination into its Origin and early History ; wdth an Appendix of unpublished Documents. Pp. 466, Svo. Lond.: Hodges, 1890. 2d ed., 1891. I2J. Huntington, William Reed, D.D., D.C.L. A Short History of the Book of Common Prayer, together with Certain Papers Il- lustrative of Liturgical Revision, 1878-1892. Pp. 235, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1893. $1. LucKOCK, Herbert Mortimer. Studies in the History of the Book of Common Prayer. The Angli- can Reform. The Puritan Inno- vations. The Elizabethan Re- action. The Caroline Settlement. Pp. xxxii, 247, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1882. $1.50. Proctor, Francis. A History of the Book of Common Prayer, with a Rationale of its Offices. Pp. xii, 451, Svo. Camb. and Lond. : Macmillan, 1855. nth ed., re- vised and enlarged, 1872. ios.6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 375 Treat, John Harvey. Notes on the Rubrics of the Communion Office : illustrating the History of the Rubrics of the various Prayer Books, and their Bearing on the use of Vestments, Altar Lights, the Eastward Position, . . . and Observations on Modern Ritual- ism. Introductory letter by the Rev. Morgan Dix, S.T.D. Pp. xviii, 278, 8vo. N. Y. : Pott, 1882. $2. Troubles Begun at Frank- fort, a Brief Discourse of, in the year 1554, about the Book of Com- mon Prayer and Ceremonies. Re- printed from the Black Letter ed. of 1575, with Introduction by J. P. Pp. ccxv, i2mo. Lond. : Petheram, 1845. 6s. Supposed to be written by Whittingham. The best authority for the controversy between the Knoxites and Coxites, after- ward transferred from Frankfort-on-Main to England and all Christendom. 71. Preachers and Preaching (His- tory). Blaikie, William Garden, D.D., LL.D. The Preachers of Scot- land from the Sixth to the Nine- teenth Century. Twelfth Series of the Cunningham Lectures. Pp. xviii. 350, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1888; N. Y.: Scribner, 1889. 7s. 6d., $3. Bloom, J. H. Pulpit Oratory in the Time of James the First, consid- ered and beautifully illustrated by Original Examples, A. D. 1620- 21-22. Pp. viii, 243, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1831. 6s. Broadus, John A. Lectures on the History of Preaching. Pp. 242, i2mo. N. Y. : Sheldon, 1876. $1.50. Classic Preachers of the Eng- lish Church. The Lectures at St. James's Church in 1877. With an Introduction by John Edward Keinpe, M.A. Pp. xxiv, 192, i2mo. N. Y. : Button, 1877. $2. Dansey, William. Horse Deca- nise Rurales. History of the Ru- ral Deans. See p. 217. Davies, George J., Rev. Success- ful Preachers. Being Biographical and Critical Sketches of eminent Preachers. Pp. x, 491, i6mo. N. Y. : Button, 1884. $2. Fish, Henry C. History and Re- pository of Pulpit Eloquence. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 613; vi, 622, 8vo. N. Y. : Bodd, 1856-1857. $9. Supplement vol. contains Pulpit Eloquence of the 19th century, with biographical and descriptive Sketches, and introduc- tory Essay by E. A. Park. Fowler, Henry. The American Pulpit : Sketches, Biographical and Bescriptive, of living American Preachers. Pp. 515, 8vo. N. Y.: Fairchild, 1856. $2. Ker, John, B.B. Lectures on the History of Preaching ; edited by Rev. A. R. MacEwen ; Introduc- tion by Rev. William M. Taylor. Pp. xiv, 407, 8vo. N. Y. : Arm- strong, 1889. $1.50. LiTTLEjOHN, A. M., B.B. The Christian Ministry at the Close of the Nineteenth Century. Pp. xiii, 422, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1884. $2.50. Memorial (A) of the Semi-Cen- tennial Celebration of the Found- ing of the Theological Seminary at Andover. Pp. 242, 8vo. An- dover : Braper, 1859. Neale, John M. Mediaeval Preach- ers and Mediaeval Preaching. A Series of Extracts, translated from the Sermons of the Middle Ages, Chronologically arranged, with Notes and an Introduction. Pp, 417, i2mo. Lond. : Mozley, 1856. 7 J. Thompson, Joseph P. The Early Witnesses ; or. Piety and Preach- ing of the Middle Ages. Pp. 103, i6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1859. 75 cents. 376 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Thornton, John Wingate, A.M. The Pulpit of the American Revo- lution ; or, The Political Sermons of the Period of 1776. With a his- torical Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations. Pp. 537,8vo. Bost. : Gould, i860. $2.50. Turnbull, R. The Pulpit Orators of France and Switzerland. Pp. 341, i2mo. N. Y.: Carter, 1848. $1. Wallace, Francis H. Witnesses for Christ ; or, A Sketch of the History of Preaching. Pp. 154, i2mo. Toronto: Briggs, 1885. 35 cents. 72. Preparation for Christianity. Breed, David R., D.D. A History of the Preparation of the World for Christ. Pp. 478, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. $2. Currey, George. The Prepara- tion for the Gospel. . . . See under Collected Works, p. 33. Fisher, George P. The Begin- nings of Christianity, with a View of the State of the Roman World at the Birth of Christ. Pp. 601, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1877. $3- Frothingham,OctaviusB. The Cradle of the Christ. A Study in Primitive Christianity. Pp. xi, 233, p. 8vo. N. Y. : 1877. $1.75. Hall,CharlesHenry,Rev.,D.D. Fullness of Time ; or, The Steps by which God Almighty gradually prepared the Way for the Intro- duction and Promulgation of the Gospel. See under Collected Worksop. 19. Litton, Edward Arthur, Rev., M.A. The Mosaic Dispensation Introductory to Christianity. See under Collected Worksop. 21. Powell, Baden. Christianity without Judaism. Pp. 276, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1857. 7^. 6d. Pressense, E. de. See p. 279. Smith, R. Payne. Prophecy a Preparation for Christ. See under Collected Works, p. 22. 73. Priesthood and Priestcraft. See also Roiiianisjn and Episcopacy. Carter, T. T. The Doctrine of the Priesthood of the Church of Eng- land. Pp. 286, 8vo. Lond. : Mas- ters, 1857. New ed., 1863. 4^. Denney, Edward, M.A. Angli- can Orders and Jurisdiction. Pp. xi, 237, i6mo. N. Y. : Young, 1894. $1.25. [Farrer, Henrietta Louisa.] The Revival of Priestly Life in the Seventeenth Century in France. A Sketch. P. 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington, 1873. 3-^- ^^i- New edition, in Lear's Christian Biogra- phies., which see under Biography., Gen- eral. Gresley, W. Priests and Philoso- phers. Pp. 310, 8vo. Lond.: Masters, 1873. 3^. 6d. HowiTT, William. History of Priestcraft. Pp. 260, i2mo. Lond.: Wilson, 1833. New ed., 1846. ^s. Knox-Little, W. Sacerdotal- ism, if rightly understood, the Teaching of the Church of Eng- land: Being Four Letters Origi- nally addressed, by Permission, to the late Very Rev. William J. Butler, Dean of Lincoln. Pp. 346, cr. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1894. 6s., $1.75. Mellor, E., D.D. Priesthood in the Light of the New Testament. See under Collected Works, p. 28. Newboldt, W. E. C, Rev., M.A. Speculum Sacerdotum ; or. The Divine Model of the Priestly Life. Pp. viii, 321, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1894. $2. 74. Prison Discipline and Reform, and Penology. Altgeld, J. P. Our Penal Machin- ery and its Victims. Pp. 151, 8vo. Chic: McClurg, 1886. 50 cents. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 377 Baker, T. B. War with Crime. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1889. 1 2.9. 6d. Beccaria, C. B. Essay on Crimes and Punishments. Translated from the Italian. i2mo. N. Y. : Little, 1872. $3. Bentham, Jeremy. The Ration- ale of Punishment. 8vo. Lond. : Hunt, 1830. 14J. Brace, Charles Loring. The Dangerous Classes of New York, and Twenty Years' Work among Them. Pp. 448, 8vo. N. Y. : Wynkoop, 1872. $1.50. Carpenter, Mary. Suggestions on Prison Discipline. Pp. 80, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1867. \s. Reformatory Prison Discipline, as developed by the Rt. Hon. Sir Walter Crofton, in the Irish Convict Prisons. Pp. xv, 143. i6mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1872. IS. 6d. Our Convicts. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1864. 14J. Cox, E. W. Principles of Punish- ment as applied in the Adminis- tration of Criminal Law. 8vo. Lond. : the Author, 1877. js. 6d. DuCane, E. F., Col. Punishment and Prevention of Crime. 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1885. y. 6d. DUGDALE, R. L, The Jukes: A Study in Crime, Pauperism, Dis- ease, and Heredity. i2mo. N.Y.: Putnam, 1877. New ed., 1886. $1. Farrar, J. A. Crimes and Punish- ments. P. 8vo. Lond. : Chatto, 1880. 6s. Hill, Micaiah, and Cornwallis, C. F. Two Prize Essays on Juve- nile Delinquency. Pp. xii, 431, 8vo. Lond.: Smith, 1853. 6.y. Peirce, B. K. a Half-Century with Juvenile Delinquents; or, The New York House of Refuge and its Times, Illustrated. Pp. 384, sm. 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1869. $1.25. Warner, C. Dudley, Collin, C. A., and OTHERS. Papers on Penology. Pp. 112, i6mo. El- mira : Reform 'y Press, 1886. On Prison Management, Reformatories, etc. Wines, E. C, and Dwight, T. W. Report on the Prisons and Refor- matories of the United States and Canada. Pp. xxviii, 547, 8vo. N.Y: 1867. 75. Protestantism. Arnold, Matthew. Protestant- ism and St. Paul. Pp. 216, p. 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1870. 2d ed., 1871. 45. 6d. Balmes, J. L. Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in their Effects on the Civilization of Eu- rope. Pp. xxiv, 501, 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1849. Bait.: Murphy, 1851. 9^>, $3. Dale, R. W. Protestantism : its Ul- timate Principles. Pp. 112, i2mo. Lond. : Hodder, 1874. Reduced, 1875. 2s. 6d. Olmstead, Dwight Hinckley. The Protestant Faith ; or. Salva- tion by Belief: an Essay upon the Errors of the Protestant Church. Pp. ii, 77, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1885. 50 cents. 76. Puritanism. Bardsley, Charles W. Curiosi- ties of Puritan Nomenclature. Pp. xii, 262, i2mo. N. Y.: Worthing- ton, 1880. $2.25. Bayne, Peter, Dr. The Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. 8vo. Lond.: Clarke, 1878. 12s. Brook, B. Lives of the Puritans. 3 vols., pp. xxviii, 452 ; viii, 507 ; 378 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. X, 556, 8vo. Lond. : Black, 1813. 36^-. Also see, titider Biography, General, his Me?noir of Tho77ias Cariwright. Campbell, Douglas. The Puritan in Holland, England, and America. An Introduction to American His- tory. 2 vols., pp. xlix, 509 ; XX, 588, 8vo. N.Y.: Harper, 1892. $5. COIT, ThOxMAS W. Puritanism ; or, A Churchman's Defence against its Aspersions, by an Appeal to its own History. Pp. 527, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1845. $1. Cooke, Parsons. A Century of Puritanism, and a Century of its Opposites ; with Results contrast- ed to enforce Puritan Principles. . . . Pp. 444, i2mo. Bost.: Whip- ple, 1855. %\. Deverell, W. The Pilgrims and the Anglican Church. Pp. 326, p. 8vo. Lond. : Remington, 1886. loj. dd. Ellis, G. E. The Puritan Age and Rule in the Colony of the Massa- chusetts Bav, 1629-1685. Pp. xix, 576, 8vo. Bost. ; Houghton, 1888. $3.50. Goodwin, John A. The Pilgrim Republic : An Historical Review of the Colony of New Plymouth. Pp. xli, 662, 8vo. Bost. : Ticknor, 1888. $4. Grey, Zachary. An Impartial Examination of vols. 2-4 of Mr. Neal's History of the Puritans. 3 vols., pp. 434, 404, 143, 427. 176, 8vo. Lond. : 1 736-1 739. Hall, Edwin. The Puritans and their Principles. Pp. 440, 8vo. N. Y. : Baker, 1844. 3d ed., 1847. $2. Hopkins, Samuel. The Puritans; or. The Church, Court, and Par- liament of England, during the Reigns of Edward VI and Queen Elizabeth, with an Introductory Note by M. Hopkins. 3 vols., pp. xiv, 549; xii, 539; 675, 8vo. Bost. : Gould, 1859-1861. 2d ed. N. Y. : Randolph, 1875. $7.50. Marsden, J. B. The History of the Early Puritans ; from the Refor- j mation to the Opening of the a Civil War in 1642. Pp. xv, 426, a 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1850. \os. 6d. The History of the Later Puri- tans, from the Opening of the Civil War in 1642, to the Ejection of the Nonconforming Clergy in 1662. Pp. viii, 474, 8vo. Edinb. and Lond. : Hamilton, 1852. los. 6d. Martyn, W. Carlos. The Eng- lish Puritans. The Pili^rim Fathers of New England. [Vols, IV and V of the Great Reformation. 5 vols., i2mo.] Seep. 204. Merriman, T. M., Rev. The Pil- grims, Puritans, and Roger Wil- liams Vindicated : And his Sen- tence of Banishment ought to be Revoked. Pp. xii, 312, i2mo. Bost.: Bradley, 1892. $1.50. Mitchell, Alexander F. The Westminster Assembly : its His- tory and Standards. Baird Lecture for 1882. Pp. 519, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1883. 10^. 6d. Deals principally with Puritanism. Musick, John R. The Pilgrims. A Story of Massachusetts. Pp. ix, 368, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1893. $1.50. Myers, Ernest. The Puritans. i2mo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1869. 2s. 6d. Neal, Daniel. The History of the Puritans ; or, Protestant Noncon- formists, from the Reformation in 1 517 to the Revolution in 1688; comprising an Account of their Principles, their Attempts for a further Reformation in the Church, their Sufferings, and the Lives and Characters of the most consider- HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 379 able Divines, reprinted from the Text of Dr. Toulmin's Edition, with his Life of the Author, etc. Revised, corrected, and enlarged. 3 vols., pp. liv, 637; iv, 704; iv, 636, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1837. With Notes by J. O. Choules. 2 vols., pp. 534 ; iv, 564, 8vo. N, Y. : Harper, 1844. New issue, 1863. $4. Storrs, Richard Salter, D.D. The Puritan Spirit : an Oration. ... Pp. 72, 8vo. Bost. : Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, 1890. 7$ cents. Stoughton, John. Spiritual He- roes. See under Biography, Gen- eral. Stowell.W. H.,REV.,andWlLSON, D., F.S.A., Scot. History of the Puritans in England, and The Pil- grim Fathers. (Former by Rev. W. H. Stowell, latter by D. Wilson.) In one Volume, pp. 508, i2mo. N.Y.: Carter, 1850. Newed.,pp. xiv, 508, 8vo. Worthington, 1887. I1.75. TULLOCH, John. English Puritan- ism and its Leaders. Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, and Bunyan. Pp. 501, i2mo. Edinb. : Blackwood, 1 86 1, js. 6d. Rational Theology and Chris- tian Philosophy in England, in the Seventeenth Century. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 463 ; 500, 8vo. Edinb. : Black- wood, 1872. New ed., 1874. 28^. TwiTCHELL. Joseph Hopkins, ed- itor. Some Old Puritan Love I.et- ters. John and Margaret Win- throp. 1618-1638. Pp. xviii. 187, 8vo. N. Y.: Dodd, 1893. $2. Wakeman, Henry Offley. The Church and the Puritans, 1570- 1660. Pp. X. 208, i2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1877. 2s. 6d. Young, Alexander. Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Col- ony of Plymouth from 1 620-1 630. 2 vols., i2mo. Bost.: Little, 1841, 1846. $5. 77. Quietism. BiGELOW, J. Mohnos, the Quietist. Pp. vi, 127, i2mo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1882. $1.25. 78. Rationalism and Unbelief. See also Philosophy ^ History of. Cairns, J. Unbelief in the Eight- eenth Century as Contrasted with its Earlier and Later History. Cunningham Lectures for 1880. Pp. iii, 216, i2mo. Lond. : Long- mans ; Edinb. : Black ; N. Y. : Harper, 1881. 10^. 6d., 60 cents. Farrar, Adam Storey. A Crit- ical History of Free Thought in Reference to the Christian Reli- gion. See Milder Collected Works, p. 22. Fisher, George P. Essays on the Supernatural Origin of Christian- ity. Pp. xii, 586, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1866. Newed., 1875. $3. Faith and Rationalism, with short Supplementary Essays on Related Topics. Pp. 188, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879. $1.25. Gasparin, Agenor de. Count. The Schools of Doubt and the School of Faith. Translated by Robert R. Watson, B.A. Pp. 395, p. 8vo. Edinb.: Constable, 1854. 5^. Hagenbach, K. R. German Ra- tionalism in its Rise, Progress, and Decline. Edited and translated by Rev. William Lombard Gage and Rev. J. H. W. Stuckenberg. Pp. xix, 405, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1865. 9^. Hedge, Frederic Henry. Rea- son in Religion. Pp. iv, 458, 8vo. Bost. : Walker, 1875. $1.50. Hurst, John F. A History of Ra- tionalism ; embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology, with an Appendix of Literature. Pp. xix, 623, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1865. 9th ed., 1875. $3-5o- 38o LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Lecky, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols., pp. XXX, 447 ; xi, 449, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. New ed., 1867. N.Y.: Appleton, 1866. i6s.,$6. Parkinson, Richard. Rational- ism and Revelation ; or. The Tes- timony of Moral Philosophy, the System of Nature, and the Consti- tution of Man, to the Truth of the Doctrine of Scripture. See under Collected Works, p. 33. Plumptre, E. H. General Sketch of the History of Pantheism. 2 vols., pp. viii, 395, 347, 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1881. i8j. Movements of Religious Thought. Three Sermons Preached before the University of Cambridge in the Lent Term, 1879. Pp. viii, 126, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1879. 3^.6^. PUSEY, E. B., M.A. An Historical Enquiry into the Probable Causes of the Rationalist Character lately Predominant in the Theology of Germany. Pp. xv,435, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1828. 19^. Saintes, Amand. a Critical His- tory of Rationalism in Germany, from its Origin to the Present Time. Translated by Beard. Pp. x, 379, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1849. \os. 6d. TULLOCH, John. See under Puri- tanism. 79. Religion and Civil Liberty. See also Church and State, BUNSEN, C. J. Signs of the Times : Letters to Ernst Moritz Arndt on the Dangers to Religious Liberty in the Present State of the Worid. Pp. xii, 440, i2mo. N. Y. : Har- per, 1856. %\. Mathews, J. M. The Bible and Civil Government ; in a Course of Lectures. Pp. 360, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1850. $1. Spear, S. T., D.D. Religion and the State. Pp. 393, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1876. $1.50. Taylor, Isaac. Spiritual Despot- ism. Pp. 363, i2mo. N. Y. : Leavitt, 1835. 6^ cents. Thompson, Joseph P. The United States as a Nation. Lectures on the Centennial of American Inde- pendence, given at Berlin, Dres- den, Florence, Paris, and London. See under United States, p. 274. 80. Religion and Culture. Abbey, C. J. Religious Thought in Old English Verse. Pp. xiii, 456, p. 8vo. Lond. : Low ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1892. \os. 6d., $2.50. [Ranges from C^edmon to end of 1 8th century.] Allen. A. V. G, D.D. Religious Progress. i6mo. Bost.: Hough- ton, 1894. $1. Alviella, G. de. Count. The Contemporary Evolution of Reli- gious Thought in England, Amer- ica, and India. Translated by J. Moden. Pp. 354, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1885. los. 6d. Arnold, Matthew. Literature and Dogma. See p. 146. God and the Bible. Seep. 146. Brooke, Stopford A. Theology in the English Poets, Cowper, Cole- ridge, Wordsworth, and Burns. Pp. vii, 339, i2mo. N. Y. : Apple- ton, 1875. $2. Fairbairn, a. M., D.D. Religion in History and in the Life of To- day. Pp. viii, 182, i6mo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1885. 75 cents. Hatch, Edwin, Rev., D.D. The Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church. Edited by A. M. Fairbairn. Pp. 366, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1890. los. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 381 Lindsay, J. The Progressiveness of Modern Christian Thought. Pp. 174, p. 8vo. Lond. : Black- wood, 1892. 6s. Renan, Ernest. Lectures on the Influence of the Institutions, Thought, and Culture of Rome on Christianity and the Develop- ment of the Catholic Church. Translated by Charles Beard. Pp. 208, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1880. 3d ed., 1885. 2s. 6d. Schmidt, C. The Social Results of Early Christianity. Translated by Mrs. Thorpe. Preliminary Es- say by R. W. Dale. Lond. : Is- bister, 1885. 2d ed., pp. 500, p. 8vo. 1888. 7s. 6d. Shairp, J. C. Culture and Reli- gion in some of their Relations. i2mo. Edinb. : (Hamilton,) 1870. 35. 6d. Pp. ix, 197, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1880; N. Y. : Funk. 15 cents. 81. Religion and Science. See also under Systematic Theology^ Apolo- getics. Argyll, Duke of [G. D. Camp- bell]. The Reign of Law. Pp. xxvii, 462, 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1866. People's ed., 1871. N. Y. : Routledge, 1866. Pp. 282, i2mo. Alden, 1885. 3^. 6d,, $1. Christmas, Henry. Echoes of the Universe : The World of Spirit. Pp. 396, i2mo. Lond.: Partridge, 1850. 5^. Cook, Josiah Parsons. Religion and Chemistry. A Restatement of an Old Argument. Pp. viii, 331, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1864. New ed., 1880. $1.50. Dawson, J. W. Nature and the Bible. Pp. 257, i2mo. Lond.: Low ; N. Y. : Carter, 1875. 1^- 6^-. $1.75. Farrar, Adam Storey. Science in Theology. Sermons Preached in St. Mary's, Oxford. Lond. : Murray, 1859. Pp. xiii, 350, i2mo. Phila.: Smith, i860. 9^., 85 cents. Lewis, Tayler. The Light by which We See Light ; or, Nature and the Scriptures. (The Vedder Lectures. Delivered before the Theological Seminary and Rut- gers' College, New Brunswick, N. J.) Pp. vi, 246, i2mo. N. Y. : Bd. Pub. Ref. Ch., 1875. $1.25. Lubbock, John. Pre-Historic Times, as Illustrated by Ancient Remains and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. Pp. 642, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1872. $5. Murphy, J. J. The Scientific Basis of Faith. Pp. xliv, 474, 8vo. Lond. : Macmillan, 1873. 145. Sewall, J. B. Evenings with the Bible and Science. Pp.151, i6mo. Bost.: Crosby, 1864. $1. Shields, C. W. Religion and Science in their Relation to Phi- losophy; suggested by Tyndall's Address at Belfast. Pp. 69, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1875. 75 cents. Thompson, Joseph P. Man in Genesis and Geology. See under Exegetical Theology, p. 1 54. Tullidge, H. Triumphs of the Bible. Pp. 439. i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1863. $2. WiNCHELL, Alexander. Rec- onciliation of Science and Reli- gion. Pp. xvi, 403, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1877. $2. Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal. Twelve Lectures on the Connec- tion between Science and Re- vealed Religion, delivered in Rome. Pp. xii. 404, 8vo. Lond. : Gould, 1837; Dolman, 1851. 8j. Wythe, Joseph H. The Agree- ment of Science and Revelation. Pp. 290, i2mo. Phila.: Lippin- cott, 1872. $1.75. 382 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 82. Revivals, History of. BUSHNELL, Horace. Building Eras in Religion. Pp. 459, l2mo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1881. $1.50. Clark, Rufus W. The Work of God in Great Britain under Messrs. Moody and Sankey in 1873-1875. Pp. 371, i2mo. N.Y.: Harper, 1875. 1 1.50. Everett-Green, Evelyn. Tom Heron of Sax. A Story of the Evangelical Revival of the Eight- eenth Century. The Oak Leaf Series. Pp. 320, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1893. $1.50. Gibson, William. The Year of Grace : a History of the Revival in Ireland, A. D. 1859. With an Introduction by Baron Stow. Pp. 464,12010. Bost. : Gould, i860. $1.25. Gillies, John. Historical Col- lections Relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the Gos- pel. With a Preface by H. Bonar. Pp. xvi, 582, roy. 8vo. Kelso : Rutherford; Lond. : Nisbet, 1845. loi'. 6d. Hood, Edwin Paxton. Vignettes of the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century ; with a sup- plemental Description of the Revival in America. Pp. 329, i2mo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1880. Phila. : Am. S. S. Union, 1882. 4^., $1.25. Humphrey, Heman, Rev., D.D. Revival Sketches and Manual. Pp. 476, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1859. 50 cents. Jones, Charles J., D.D. From the Forecastle to the Pulpit ; fifty ■ Years among Sailors ; contain- ing an Account of a wonderful Revival upon the Sea ; with Intro- duction by W. P. Strickland, D.D. Pp. iii, 528, i2mo. N. Y. : Tib- bals, 1884. $1.50. Moody, Dwight L., and Sankey, I. D. Narrative of Labors in Great Britain and Ireland ; with Addresses and Lectures. Pp. 125, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1875. 50 cents. Overton, J. H. The Evangelical Revival in the Eighteenth Century. Pp. ix, 208, i2mo. Lond. : Long- mans ;N. Y. : Randolph, 1886. IS, 6d., 80 cents. Porter, E. Letters on the Religious Revivals which Prevailed about the Beginning of the Present Cen- tury. Pp. iv, 174, i2mo. Bost. : Cong. Pub. Soc, 1858. 50 cents. Porter, James, Rev. Revivals of Religion. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1877. New ed., 1878. $1.25. Swallow, S. C. Camp Meetings : their Origin, History, and Util- ity; also their Perversion. i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1878. 30 cents. Tracy, Joseph. The Great Awakening : a History of the Re- vival of Religion in the Time of Edwards and Whitefield. Pp. 451, 8vo. Bost.: Tappan, 1842. $2. Tyler, Bennet, D.D. New Eng- land Revivals, as they existed at the Close of the Eighteenth and the Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries. Pp. 378, 1 2mo. Bost.: Mass. S. S. Soc, 1846. Van Cott, M. N., Mrs. The Har- vest and the Reaper: Reminis- cences of Revival V/ork. 8vo. N. Y. : Tibbals, 1876. $1.50. Vincent, J. H., Bp. History of the Camp Meeting and Grounds at Wesleyan Grove. i6mo. Bost. : Lee, 1869. $1. 83. Revolution (French) and the Church. See panicularlj' under Special Church HiS' tory^ National^ France. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 383 84. Ritualism. See also under Systematic Theology^ Epis- copacy. Berry, Grove. Ritualism, an En- quiry. Chiefly suspended upon one of its Phases now almost Ob- solete in Britain. 2 Parts and Sequel. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1868-1872. 10^. 6d., \os. 6d., gs. BiNNEY, Thomas. Micah the Priest-Maker : a Handbook on Ritualism. Pp. viii, 240, i2mo. Lond. : Jackson, 1867. 5^. Cargin, James, Rev. Ritualism, Romanism, and the New Testa- ment. Pp. iv, 188, 8vo. London- derry: Bib. Soc, 1890. 2s.6d. Conversations on Ritualism. Pp.77, i6mo. N.Y. : Hurd, 1867. 50 cents. Garbett, Edward. Voices of the Church of England against Modern Sacerdotalism. Pp. 140, 8vo. Lond. : Hunt, 1869. 3J. Hall, C. H. True Protestant Rit- ualism : a Review of " Law of Ritualism." Pp. 210, i6mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1867. $1.50. Harrison, John. Whose are the Fathers ? or. The Teachings of certain Anglo-Catholics on the Church and its Ministry. See under Patristics, p. 368. Malan, S. C. On Ritualism. Pp. 134, 8vo. Lond.: Saunders, 1867. d^s. Miller, John. Fetich in Theol- ogy ; or, Doctrinalism akin to Rit- ualism. Pp. 261, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1874. $1.25. Vaughan, Robert. Ritualism in the English Church, in its Rela- tion to Scripture Piety and Law. Pp. 174, i2mo. Lond.: Jackson, 1866. \s. 6d. Walker, Charles. The Ritual . Reason Why. Pp. 244, i2mo. Lond. : Hayes, 1867. 4^. 85. Sabbath. See also under Systematic Theology. Christian Sabbath, The. Its History, Authority, Duties, Bene- fits, and Civil Relations. Pp. 271, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1862. $1.25. Crafts, Wilbur F., Rev. The Sabbath for Men : a Study of the Origin, Obligation, History, Ad- vantages, and Present State of Sabbath Observance ; with special Reference to the Rights of Work- ingmen, based on Scripture, Lit- erature, and especially on a Sym- posium of Correspondence from Persons of all Nations and De- nominations. Pp. 640, i2mo. N. Y.: Funk, 1885. New ed., 1892. $1.50. Fisher, W. L. History of the In- stitution of the Sabbath Day, its Uses and Abuses. With Notices of the Puritans, Quakers, etc. Pp. 194, i2mo. Phila. : Pugh, 1845. 2ded., 1859. Gurney, Joseph J. Brief Remarks on the History, Authority, and Use of the Sabbath. i8mo. Lond.: Gilpin, 1831. 23J. With Notes by Moses Stuart. From the 2d London ed. Pp. 120, i8mo. An- dover: Gould, 1833. 2s. 6d., 2^ cents. Hamilton, Thomas, D.D. Our Rest-Day : its Origin, History, and Claims, with special Refer- ence to present-day Needs. Pp. xiv, 185, i2mo. Edinb. : Gem- mell ; N. Y. : Ketcham, 1886. New ed., 1888. i^. 6d., 75 cents. Harris, George E. A Treatise on Sunday Laws. The Sabbath — the Lord's Day, its History and Observance, Civil and Criminal. Sabbatum-Dominicum. Diesnon juridicus. Pp. xxiii, 338, 8vo. Rochester, N. Y. : Lawyers' Co- op. Pub. Co., 1892. $3.50. 384 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hessey, James A. Sunday: its Origin, History, and Present Ob- ligation. See under Collected Works, p. 22. Kingsbury, H. The Sabbath : a Brief History of Laws, Petitions, Remonstrances, and Reports, with Facts and Arguments relating to the Christian Sabbath. Pp. xii, 379, i2mo. N. Y. : Saxton, 1840. $1.50. Lewis, A. H., D.D. A Critical His- tory of Sunday Legislation from 321 to 1888. Pp. X, 279, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1888. $1.25. Lord's Day and the Holy Eu- charist. Treated in a Series of Essays by various Authors. With a Preface by Robert Linklater. Pp. 226, p. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1892. 5^. Rice, N. L.. and others. The Christian Sabbath: its History, Authority, Duties, Benefits, and Civil Relations. Pp. 271, i2mo. N. Y.: Carter, 1863. $1.25. Schwab, J., Rabbi. The Sabbath in History. Pp. iii, 320, 8vo. St. Joseph, Mo., 1890. $1.25. 86. Saints. Baring-Gould, Sabine. Lives of the Saints. 12 vols, in 15. Pp. xvii, 472; iv, 456; iv, 518; iv, 382 ; iv, 430 ; iv, 500 ; viii, 788 ; viii, 404; viii, 464; viii, 732; vii, 675; viii, 425, i2mo. Lond. : Hodges ; N. Y.: Pott, 1 873-1 877. Each 7^., $2.50. Butler, Alban. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other Saints. 12 vols., 24mo. Lond.: Duffy, 1866. Each 2s. First American edition. 12 vols., 32mo. N. Y. : Dunigan, 1846. $5. Bait. : Mur- phy, 1850. $7. 9 vols, in 3. Pp. 685, 700, 808. N. Y. : Sadlier, n, d. $14.75- Crosthwaite, J. C. Modern Ha- giology. 2 vols., pp. xxiv, 308 ; viii, 305, i2mo. Lond. : Parker, 1846. 9^. McLaughlin, H. Sketches of An- cient Irish Saints. Pp. 240, 8vo. Lond. : Hunt, 1874. 5^. Neale, J. M. Annals of the Virgin Saints. i2mo. Lond. : Masters, 1846. 75. 6d. Rees, W. J., Rev. Lives of the Cambro-British Saints of the Fifth and immediately succeeding Cen- turies. Pp. xxiv, 5-636, 20, 8vo. Llandovery, 1853. [40^.] 87. Samaritans. See under Exegetical Theology^ Samaria. 88. Saracens. See under Turkish Empire^ Arabia, Mu- hamviadanism^ and Arabs. CONDE, J. A. History of the Do- minion of the Arabs in Spain. Translated from the Spanish, by Mrs. Foster. 3 vols., pp. xii, 511 ; XV, 493; xi, 475, 8vo. Lond. : Bohn, 1 854-1 85 5. 31J. 6d. Freeman, E. A. The History and Conquests of the Saracens. Six Lectures. Pp. xxx, 204, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1856. 3d ed., with a New Preface. 1870. 2s. Oilman, Arthur. The Story of the Saracens from the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad. Pp. xvii, 493, i2mo. Lond. : Unwin ; N. Y. : Putnam, 1887. 55., $1.50. Ockley, Sim. History of the Sar- acens, Revised and Completed. With a Portrait. Pp. xxviii, 512, i2mo. Lond.: 1708-1718. Re- issued, Bohn, 5th ed., 1848. 3^. dd. 89. Schoolmen. Church, R. W. Life of St. An- selm. Pp. xii, 303, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1870. 2d ed., 1888. 4y. 6d. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 385 Hampden, Renn Dickson, M.A. The Scholastic Philosophy Con- sidered in its Relation to Christian Theology. See under Collected Works, p. 21. Hasse, F. R. Life of St. Anselm. Translated from the German, and abridged by William Turner. Pp. 260, p. 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1850. 6s. Kettlewell, S., Rev. Thomas i\ Kempis and the Brothers of Com- mon Life. 2 vols., pp. XV, 449 ; viii, 484, 8vo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1882. $8. Lorenz, Frederick, Dr. The Life of Alcuin. Translated from the German by Jane Mary Slee. Pp. vi, 284, i2mo. Lond.: Hurst, 1837. 6^. Malan, Solomon C^sar. Life and Times of St. Gregory the Illu- minator. See under Armenian Church, p. 257. Morrison, James C. The Life and Times of Saint Bernard, A. D. 1091-1153. Pp. X, 498, 8vo. Lond.: Macmillan, 1863. New ed., 1868. Neander, Augustus, D.D. The Life and Times of St. Bernard. Translated from the German by Matilda Wrench. Pp. xxiv, 557, i6mo. Lend.: Rivington, 1843. 7^. dd. Prichard, James C, Rev., M.A. The Life and Times of Hincmar, Archbishop of Rheims. Pp. vii, 566, i2mo. Littlemore: Masson ; Lond. : Parker, 1849. Zs. 6d. Rule, Martin, M.A. The Life and Times of St. Anselm. 2 vols., pp. xiv, 438 ; vii, 425, 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1883. 32J. Sergeant, Lewis. John Wiclif : Last of the Schoolmen and First of the English Reformers. Pp. ix, 377, i2mo. N. Y. : Putnam, 1892. $1.50. 26 Storrs, Richard S. Bernard of Clairvaux, the Times, the Man, and his Work : an historical Study in eight Lectures. Pp. xiii, 598, 8vo. N.Y. : Scribner, 1892. $2.50. [Bernard inspired the crusade of 1144.] Townsend, W. J. Great School- men of the Middle Ages. An Account of their Lives and the Services they rendered to the Church and the World. Pp. 361, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder, 1882. ys. 6c/. Vaughan, Roger Bede, Very Rev., O.S.B. The Life and Labours of S. Thomas of Aquin. In two vols. Pp. xxiv, 808 ; xiv, 928, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1871. 25J. West, A. F. Alcuin and the Christian Schools. See u?tder Patristzcs, p. 370. 90. Seasons, Sacred. Grant, Alexander H. The Church Seasons, Historically and Poetically Illustrated. Pp. 387, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, ist-2d ed., 1881. Si. 50. Hervey, Thomas K. The Book of Christmas ; Descriptive of the Customs, Ceremonies, ... of the Christmas Season. See under Antiquities, p. 327. Hitchcock, E. Resurrection : Christian Reflections on the Four Seasons. Pp. 180, 8vo. Lond.: Blackwood, 1857. New ed., 1871. IS. Ho BART, J. H., Bp. Festivals and Feasts. i2mo. Lond. : Griffith, 1887. 5^. Kip, W. Ingraham. The History, Oiiject, and Proper Observance of the Holy Season of Lent. Pp. 228, i6mo. Albany, 1843. nth ed., i2mo. N.Y.: Pott, 1875. $1.25. 386 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. 91. Secularism. See also Slavery. McCann, J. Anti-Secularist Lec- tures. Pp. 366, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1867. 5^. Stuart, Charles. A Memoir of Granville Sharp. Pp. 156, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Anti-slav. Soc, 1836. WiLBERFORCE, ROBERT I., and Morris, Casper. The Life of William Wilberforce. Pp. viii, 549, i2mo. Phi la. : Perkins, 1839. $2. 92. Slavery. See also under Practical Theology. Hague, William. Christianity and Slavery : a Review of Drs. Fuller and Wayland on Slavery. Pp. 54, i8mo. Bost. : Gould, 1852. 13 cents. Matlack, L. C. Anti-Slavery Struggle and Triumph in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Pp. 379, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1881. ^i. WiLLEY, Austin, Rev. Anti- Slavery History in State and Na- tion. Pp. 503, i2mo. Portland, Me.: Thurston, 1886. %i. Wilson, Henry. History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. 3 vols., pp. xxiii, 670; xxiv, 774 ; xxii, 720, 8vo. Bost. : Osgood, 1872-1877. $15. 93. Spiritualism. See under Systematic Theology. 94. Sunday School, History of. Alexander, James W. The American Sunday School and its Adjuncts. Pp. 342, i8mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un., 1856. 80 cents. Bullard, Asa, Rev. Fifty Years with the Sabbath Schools. Pp. 336. i2mo. Bost.: Lockwood, 1876. $1.75. Duncan, R. S., Rev. History of Sunday Schools. Pp. 303, i2mo. Memphis: So. Bap. Pub. Soc, 1876. $1. The Bible and the Sunday School : Outlines of Lectures and Addresses, edited by Rev. W. F. Crafts. Pp. 167, i2mo. Toronto : Miller, 1876. Gilbert, Simeon. The Lesson System : the Story of its Origin and Inauguration. Pp. 96, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1879. 60 cents. Gray, James C. The Sunday vSchool World : an Encyclopsedia of Facts and Principles. Illus- trated by Anecdotes, Incidents, and Quotations, etc. Pp. 439, i2mo. Lond. : Elliot, 1 87 1, li^s.^d. Gregory, Alfred. See his " Rob- ert Raikes" under General Bi- ography. Hale, M. P. Leaves from Sunday School and Mission Fields. Pp. 130, i6mo. Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1876. 75 cents. Ogden, Robert C, and Miller, J. R. Sunday School Teaching : Two Addresses. Pp. ii, 55, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1894. 35 cents. Pardee, R. G. The Sabbath School Index : pointing out the History and Progress of Sunday Schools, with Approved Modes of Instruction. Pp. 256, i6mo. Phila.: Garrigues, 1868. $1.25. Power, J. C. The Rise and Prog- ress of Sunday Schools : a Biogra- phy of Robert Raikes and Wil- liam Fry. i6mo. N.Y.: Sheldon, 1863. %i. Pray, Lewis Glover. History of Sunday Schools and of Religious Education from the Earliest Times. i6mo. Bost. : Crosby, 1847. 75 cents. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 387 Trumbull, Henry Clay. The Sunday School, its Origin, Meth- ods, and Auxiliaries. Pp. xii, 415, 8vo. Phila.: Wattles, 1888. $1.50. Tyng, S. H., Rev. Forty Years' Experience in Sunday Schools. i8rno. N.Y.: Sheldon, i860. 60 cents. 95. Supernaturalism. See, chiefly, under Systematic Theology. HowiTT, William. The History of the Supernatural in all Ages and Nations, and in all Churches, Christian and Pagan, demonstrat- ing a Universal Faith. 2 vols., pp. 519, 500, i2mo. Phila.: Lippin- cott, 1863. $3. 96. Superstition. See also Witchcraft. KiNGSLEY, Charles. [In his Health and Education.] Pp. viii, 412, i2mo. Lond.: Daldy ; N. Y.: Appleton, 1874. New ed., Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1879. ^-^^ $1.75- Lea, Henry C. Superstition and Force. See p. 198. Maitland, S. R. False Worship, an Essay. Pp. 336, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1856. 5^. 6d. 97. Symbolism. See also under Cross. Audsley, W. and G. See under Cross, p. 343. Browne, C. A Lecture on Sym- bolism and its Connection with Church Art. Pp. 48, i6mo. Lond. : Masters, 1855 ; N. Y. : Pott, 1865. 75 cents. Dudley, John, M.A. Naology; or, A Treatise on the Origin, Progress, and Sacred Import of the Sacred Structures of the most eminent Nations and Ages of the World. Pp. x\% 646, 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1846. \y. Field. W. Stones of the Temple ; or, Lessons from the Fabric and Furniture of the Church. i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1873. $2.50. Hulme, F. Edward. The His- tory, Principles, and Practice of Symbolism in Christian Art. Pp. 230, p. 8vo. Lond. : Sonnen- schein, 1891. y. 6d. Inman, Thomas. Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names ; or, An Attempt to trace the Religious Belief, Sacred Rites, and Holy Emblems of Certain Nations by an Interpretation of the Names given to Children by Priestly Au- thority. 2 vols,, pp. xliv, 792 ; xvi, 1,028, 8vo. Lond. : Trlibner, 1869. Newed., 1872-1873. N.Y.: Bouton, 1876. 60s., $5. Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism Exposed and Explained. With Illustrations. Pp. XVI, 689. 8vo. Lond. : Triib- ner; N. Y. : Bouton, 1870. $^.,$3. Lundy, John P. Monumental Christianity ; or. The Art and Sym- bolism of the Primitive Church, as Witnesses and Teachers of the One Catholic Faith and Practice. N. Y.: Bouton, 1875. 2d ed., pp. xviii, 453, 4to. 1882. $7.50. Thomson, J. Radford, M.A. Symbols of Christendom : an Ele- mentary and Introductory Text- book. Pp. viii, 115, 1 2mo. Lond.: Longmans, 1867. 2s. For Symbolism as comparison of confes- sions, see, under Systematic Theology, Symbolics, Comparative. 98. Temperance. Bourne, F. W. Brief Memorials of Mrs. S. M. Terrett, Founder of the White Ribbon Gospel Tem- perance Army. Pp. 164, cr, 8vo. Lond. : Bible Christian Book Room, 1893. IS. 6d. Burns, D. Temperance History : a Consecutive Narrative of the 388 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Rise, Development, and Extension of the Temperance Reform, with an introductory Chapter. Pp. 464, 8vo. Lond. : Nat. Temp. Dep., 1889. 5 J. Clark, George Faber. History of the Temperance Reform in Massachusetts, 1813-1883. Pp. xi, 268, i2mo. Bost. : Clark, 1888. $1. CouLiNG, Samuel. History of the Temperance Movement in Great Britain and Ireland, with biographical Notices of departed Worthies. Pp. 370, 8vo. Lond. : Tvveedie, 1862. 55. Cyclopaedia of Temperance AND Prohibition. A Reference Book of Facts, Statistics, and general Information on all Phases of the Drink Question, the Tem- perance Movement and the Pro- hibition Agitation. Pp. vi. 671, 8vo. N. Y. : Funk, 1891. $1. Daniels, W. H. The Temperance Reform and its Great Reformers. Pp. xi, 612, 8vo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1878. $3. Field, Leon C, A.M. Oinos: a Discussion on the Bible Wine Question. With Introduction by H. W. W^arren, D.D. Pp. vi, 162, 8vo. N. Y. and Cine. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1883. $1. Hargreaves, William. Our Wasted Resources ; the Missing Link in the Temperance Reform. Pp. 201, i2mo. N. Y. : Nat. Temp. Soc. and Pub. Ho., 1881. 75 cents. McKenzie, F. a. Sober by Act of Parliament. Pp. 200, i2mo. Lond.: Sonnenschein, 1894. y.6d. Compares the liquor laws of various countries. Martyn, Carlos. John B. Gough. The Apostle of Cold Water. Pp. xiv, 333, 150, i2mo. N.Y. : Funk, 1893. $1.50. NOTT, Eliphalet. Lectures on Biblical Temperance. With an Introduction by Tayler Lewis. Pp. xxiv, 268, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1863. 6s. Samson, G. W. The Divine Law as to Wines. Established by the Testimony of Sages, Physicians, and Legislators. Pp. 326, i2mo. N. Y. : Nat. Temp. Soc. and Pub. Ho., 1880. New ed., Phila. : Lippincott, 1884. $1.50. Stearns, J. N., editor. Temper- ance in all Nations. History of the Cause in all Countries of the Globe, together with the Papers, Essays, Addresses, and Discus- sions of the World's Temperance Society in Chicago, 111., June, 1893. Pp. 434, 583, 8vo. N. Y. : Nat. Temp. Soc. and Pub. Ho., 1893. $2.50. Wakeley, James B. The Ameri- can Temperance Cyclopedia of History, Anecdote, and Illustra- tions. Pp. 246, i2mo. N. Y. : Nat. Temp. Soc. and Pub. Ho., 1875. $2. Wheeler, E. J. Prohibition : the Principle, the Policy, and the Party. Pp. ii, 227, i2mo. N. Y. : Anderson, 1889. 50 cents. YOUMANS, Letitia, Mrs. Cam- paign Echoes. The Autobiogra- phy of the Pioneer of the White Ribbon Movement in Canada. Written by Request of the Pro- vincial Woman's Christian Tem- perance Union of Ontario. Intro- duction by Miss Frances E, Wil- lard. Indorsed by Lady Henry Somerset. Pp. xvi, 311. i2mo. Toronto: Briggs, 1893. $1.50. 99. Toleration. See Religion and Civil Liberty ; also, Union 0/ tlte Churches. 100. Tractarianisra and the Tracta- rians. Abbott, Edwin A. The Anglican Career of Cardinal Newman. 2 vols., pp. X, 415; xii, 480, 8vo. Lond., 1892. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 389 Beamish, H. H., Rev., M.A. Truth Spoken in Love ; or, Ro- manism and Tractarianism Re- futed by the Word of God. Pp. xvi, 474, i6mo. Lond. : Shaw, 1853. 6s. Bricknell, W. S. The Judgment of the Bishops upon the Tractarian Theology. Pp. viii, 752, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1845. los. 6d. Browne, Edward George Kir- wan. Annals of the Tractarian Movement, from 1842 to i860. 3d ed. Pp. 682, 8vo. Lond.: privately printed, 1861. Butler, William Archer. Let- ters on Romanism, in Reply to Dr. Newman's Essay on the De- velopment of Christian Doctrine. See Special Chicrch History, p. 249. Church, R. W. The Oxford Movement. Twelve Years, 1843- 1855. Pp. xiii, 358, 8vo. Lond. andN. Y.: Macmillan, 1891. New ed., pp. XV, 416. 1892. 6j., $1.50. Coleridge, J. T., Sir. A Memoir of the Rev. John Keble. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 278; iv, 279-620. Lond.: Parker, 1869. 2d ed., 1874. 6s. Collette, Charles Hastings. Dr. Newman and his Religious Opinions- Pp. xvi, 200, 8vo. Lend.: Shaw, 1866. 5^. Hampden, Henrietta. Some Memorials of Renn Dickson Hampden, Bishop of Hereford. Pp. xiii, 284, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1 87 1. \2S. Hare, Julius Charles. The Contest with Rome. See p. 249. Lock. Walter. John Keble, a Biography. . Pp. 245, i2mo. Bost., 1893. MozLEY, Anne, editor. Letters and Correspondence of John Henry Newman, during his Life in the English Church. 2 vols., pp. 496, 513, 8vo, Lond., 1 891. Mozley, J. B. Remains of Rich- ard Hurrell Froude. 4 vols., 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1 838-1 839. 45^. Mozley, T. M. A. Reminiscences, Chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement. 2 vols., pp. 450, 448, i2mo. N. Y. and Bost. : Houghton, 1882. $3. Newman, John H. The Catho- licity of the Anglican Church, [and Note on Essay IX, in Vol. n of Critical and Historical Es- says. Pp. x, 424 ; iv, 463, 8vo. Lond.: Pickering, 1871. 6^.] Tract Number Ninety. Re- marks on Certain Passages in the Thirty-nine Articles. With Notes, by Frew. Pp. 134, 8vo. Lond. : Hope, 1855. 2s. 6d. N. Y. : Du- rand, 1865. $1.25. Apologia pro Vita sua. See p. 243. OVERBECK, J. J., D.D. Catholic Orthodoxy and Anglo-Catholi- cism, a Word about Intercommun- ion between the English and the Orthodox Churches. Pp. viii, 200, 8vo. Lond.: Trlibner, 1866. ^s. Palmer, William. A Narrative of Events connected with the Pub- lication of the Tracts for the Times. Pp. x, 115, 8vo. Lend.: Rivington, 1843. y. 6d. Pattison, Mark. Memoirs. Pp. vi, 334, i2mo. Lond. : Macmil- lan, 1885. 85. 6d. Pridham, J., Rev., M.A. The Church of England, as to her Ex- cellencies and Defects : with a Plan of Ecclesiastical Reform in her Spiritualities and Temporali- ties. . . . Pp. xl, 669. Lond. : Seeley, 1842. los. 6d. PUSEY, E. B. [Eirenicon. Parts I-IIL] The Church of England, a Portion of Christ's one Holy Catholic Church. [Part I of] An Eirenicon, in a Letter to the Author of " The Christian Year." Pp. xiii, 409, 8vo. Lond. : Parker, 1866. 7J. id. 390 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Eirenicon, Part II. Letters to the Very Rev. J. H. Newman in . . . regard to . . . the Doctrine of the Immaculate Concep- tion. Pp. xiii, 520. Lond. : Parker, 1896. js. dd. Eirenicon. Is Healthful Reunion Impos- sible ? A second Letter to the Very Rev. J. H. Newman, D.D. Pp. xi, 354. Lond.: Parker, 1870. 7^. dd. Taylor, Isaac. Ancient Chris- tianity, and the Doctrine of the Oxford " Tracts for the Times." See U7ider General Church His- tory y p. 198. Tracts for the Times. By Mem- bers of the University of Oxford. 6 vols. (Each tract separately paged.) 8vo. Lond. : Rivington, 1 833-1 841. 405-. Index to same. 8vo. Lond. ; Rivington, 1842. 5^. TULLOCH, John. Movements of Religious Thought in England. See p. 260. Ward, Wilfrid. William George Ward and the Oxford Movement. Pp. xxix, 462, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan. 1889. 2d ed., 1890. I4J-., $4. William George Ward and the Catholic Revival. Pp. xlvi, 468, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmil- lan, 1893. 145-., I3. loi. Tubingen School. Discussions on this subject are to be found mainly in Introductions to the Neiv Testatnent and to the Pauline Epistles. Mackay, R. W. The Tubingen School and its Antecedents. A Review of the History and Present Condition of Modern Theology. See under Germa7t Theology. See also under Apologetics^ Fisher^ Super- natural Origin, of Christianity. 102. Union of the Churches. See also Evangelical Alliance^ and also under Practical Theology. Dollinger, J. J. I. Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches. Translated, with Preface by Henry Nutcombe Oxenham, M.A. Pp. xliv, 165, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington ; N. Y. ; Dodd, 1872. 55., $1.50. Essays on Christian Union. Pp. xvi, 522, 8vo. Lond. : Hamil- ton, 1845. ds. Lindsay, A. W. C, Lord. (Ecu- menicity in Relation to the Church of England. Four Letters. Pp. 190, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1870. 6 J. Reusch, Fr. Heinrich, Dr. Re- port of the Union Conferences, held Aug. 10-16, 1875, at Bonn, under the Presidency of Dr. Von Dollinger. Translated by Samuel Buell. Pp. 200, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1875. $1. SCHAFF, Philip, D.D. The Prog- ress of Religious Freedom as shown in the History of Toleration Acts. Pp. vi, 126, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1889. $1.50. Spry, John Hume, M.A. Chris- tian Unity, Doctrinally and His- torically Considered. See under Collected Worksop. 20. 103. Witchcraft. Calef, R., and Mather, Cot- ton. Salem Witchcraft. W^ith Notes and Explanations by S. P. Fowler. 4to. Best. : Veazies, 1865. $5. Drake, Samuel G. The Witch- craft Delusion in New England : its Rise, Progress, and Termina- tion. With Preface, Introduction, and Notes. 3vols.,4to. Albany: Munsell, 1866. $15. Linton, E. Lynn. (Collector.) Witch Stories. Pp. iv, 428, 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1861 ; Bohn, 1862. 55. Mather, Cotton, ' D.D. The Wonders of the Invisible World. Being an Account of the Tr)'als of several Witches lately executed in New England. To which is added a farther Account of the Tryals of the New England HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 391 Witches. By Increase Mather, D.D. [Reprint.] Pp. xvi, 291, i2mo. Lond. : Smith, 1862. 5^. MUDGE, Z. A., Rev. Witch Hill: a History of Salem Witchcraft. Illustrated. i2mo. N.Y. : Meth- odist Book Concern, 1870. $1.25. MusiCK, John R. The Witch of Salem ; or, Credulity Run Mad. Illustrations by F. A. Carter. Pp. viii, 389, i2mo. N. Y.: Funk, 1893. $1.50. Nevins, Winfield S. Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1892. To- gether with some Account of other Witchcraft Prosecutions in New England and elsewhere. Pp. 273, i2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1892. $1.25. SiNCLAR, George. Satan's Invisi- ble World Discovered. Reprinted from the original Edition, Edin- burg, 1685. Pp. liii, 220, x, i2mo. Edinb. : Stevenson, 1871. Upham, Charles W. Salem Witchcraft ; with an Account of Salem Village, and a History of Opinions on Witchcraft and kindred Subjects. 2 vols., pp. xl, 469; 553, 8vo. Host.: Wig- gin, 1867. $7.50. Williams, Howard, M.A. The Superstitions of Witchcraft. Pp. xi, 278, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. ys. 6d. 104. Women in the Church. See also Charity. BURDETT - COUTTS, BaRONESS. Woman's Mission. A Series of Congress Papers on the Philan- thropic Work of Women. By eminent Writers. Arranged and edited, with a Preface and Notes. Pp. xxiv, 485, 8vo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1893. $3-50- Chaffanjon, Abbe. The Work of the Women of Calvary. See under Charity. Jameson, Anna, Mrs. See under Mo?tastzcism. Landels, William. Woman's Sphere and Work Considered in the Light of Scripture. A Book for Young Women. Pp. 240, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1859. 7th ed., 1866. y. 6d. Smith, Eva Munson. Woman in Sacred Song. A Library of Hymns, Religious Poems, and Sacred Music, by Woman. Pp. xxviii, 883, 8vo. Bost. : Lothrop, 1885. $3.50. Welsh, William. Women Help- ers in the Church ; their Sayings and Doings. i2mo. Phila. : Lip- pincott, 1872. $1.50. 105. Young Men's Christian Asso- ciation. NiNDE, H. S., Browne, J. T., and Uhl, Erskine, editors. A Hand- book of the History, Organization, and Methods of W^ork of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tions. Pp. xii, 448, i2mo. N. Y. : Y. M. C. A. International Com- mittee, 1892. $2.25. 106. Miscellaneous Essays. Alford, Henry. Essays and Ad- dresses on Church Subjects. Pp. 206, 8vo. Lond.: Strahan, 1869. 7s. 6d. On Special Education of the Clergy, Preaching, Christian Conscience, Union of Christendom, Charity, Requisites of Education for the Ministry, the Church of the Future. Blackie, John Stuart. The Ideal of Humanity in Old Times and New. Pp. iii, 201, i2mo. N. Y.: Revell, 1893. $1. Bright, William, D.D. Way- marks in Church History. [Es- says.] Pp. vi, 436, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1894. $2. De Quincy, Thomas. Theological Essays. [Vol. VII of Works. 392 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. i6 vols., pp. vi, 352, i2mo. Edinb.: Black, 1863. Each 4^. 6^.] DODS, Marcus, D.D. Erasmus and other Essays. Pp. 370, p. 8vo. Lond, : Hodder, 1891. 5^. Fisher, George R, D.D., LL.D. Discussions in History and Theol- ogy. Pp. X, 555, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1880. $3. Contents : Massacre of St, Bartholomew ; Influence of Roman Spirit on Latin Christianity; Temporal Kingdom of the Popes ; Councils of Constance and the Vatican ; Office and Choice of Pope ; Relation of Protestantism and Romanism to Modern Civilization ; Relation of Church of England to other Protestant Bodies ; Jonathan Edwards's Philosophy; Channing ; Dr. N. W. Taylor's System ; Original Sin ; Future Punishment; Ra- tionalism ; Atheism ; Paul ; The Four Gospels. Foster, John. Critical Essays. Edited by J. E. Ryland. 2 vols., pp. 528, 545, i2mo. Lond.: Bohn, 1856. los. An Essay on the Evils of Pop- ular Ignorance. Pp. xxiv, 544, 8vo. Lond. : Holdsworth, 2d ed., 1821. 5^. Freeman, Edward A. Historical Essays. First and Second Series. Pp. 412, 346, 8vo. Lond.: Mac- millan, 1871-1873. First series, 2d ed., 1872. 2is. Hedge, F. H. Martin Luther, and other Es.says. Pp. iii, 326, i2mo. Bost.: Roberts, 1888. $2. Lawrence, Eugene. Historical Studies. Pp. 508, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1876. $3. Contents : The Bishops of Rome ; Leo and Luther; Loyola and the Jesuits; Ecu- menical Councils; The Vaudois ; The Huguenots; The Church of Jerusalem; Dominic and the Inquisition ; The Con- quest of Ireland ; The Greek Church. Lea, Henry C. Studies in Church History ; the Rise of the Temporal Power, Benefit of Clergy, Excom- munication. Pp. xiii, 518, 8vo. Phila. : Lea, 1869. 2d ed., pp. xvi, 603, i2mo. 1883. $2.50. LiDDON, Henry P., D.D. Essays and Addresses. Pp. 202, p. 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1892. ^s. Lectures on Buddhism, St. Paul, and on Dante. Lipscomb, A. A., D.D. Studies in the Forty Days between Christ's Resurrection and Ascension : a Se- ries of Essays for the Times. Pp. 363, i2mo. Nashville : So. Meth. Pub. Ho., 1884. $1. Maitland, S. R. Eight Essays on Church History, etc. Pp. 520, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1852. On Mystical Interpretation of Scripture ; Sacred Art, Music, and Painting ; The Waldenses, Vaudois, and Lollards, etc. Manning, Henry E. Essays on Religion and Literature. By Various Writers. Edited by H. E. Manning. 2 vols., pp. ix, 381 ; 510, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1 865-1 867. 24s. 6d. Mozley, J. B. Essays, Historical and Theological. 2 vols., pp. 442, 452, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1878. 24s. OxENHAM, H. N., Rev., M.A. Short Studies in Ecclesiastical His- tory and Biography. Pp. x, 402, 8vo. Lond.: Chapman, 1884. 12s. Renan, E. Studies of Religious History. Pp. 276, p. 8vo. Lond. : Heinemann, 1892. ys. 6d. [A re- publication.] 2d series, pp. 256, p. 8vo. 1893. 7s. 6d. Shairp, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Philosophy. Pp. 443, i2mo. Edinb. : Edmbndston, 1868. 2d ed., 1872. N. Y. : Hurd, 1872. 6s., $1.50. Stanley, A. P., D.D. Christian Institutions : Essays on Ecclesias- tical Subjects. 8vo. Lond. : Mur- ray ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1881. New ed., 1884. 12^., $2.50. Baptism and the Eucharist, Absolution, Ecclesiastical Vestments, the Basilica, the Clergy, the Pope, the Litany, the Roman Catacombs, the Creed of the Early Christians, the Lord's Prayer, the Council and Creed of Constantinople, the Ten Commandments. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 393 Wainwright, S. The Question of Questions : *' What Think Ye of Christ ? " Pp. 342, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 1892. 7s. 6d. What the Jew Thinks, The Higher Criti- cism, Stones Crying Out, The Historical Question, etc. Williams, William R. Eras and Characters of History. Pp. iv, 286, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1882. $1.50. ZocKLER, Otto. The Cross of Christ : Studies in the History of Religion and the Inner Life of the Church. Translated by Rev. Maurice J. Evans, B.A. Pp. 474, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1877. 12s. X. BIOGRAPHY. I. Jesus the Christ. a. LIFE OF CHRIST. Abbott, Lyman. Jesus of Naza- reth : His Life and Teachings ; Founded on the Four Gospels, and illustrated by Reference to the Manners, Customs, Religious Beliefs, and PoUtical Institutions of his Times. Pp. 522, 8vo. N.Y. : Harper, 1869. $3.50, New issue, pp. 534, i2mo. 1882. $1.75. Anderson, John. The Life of Christ from the Cradle to the Cross, in which the Words and Works of our Lord are considered in Connection with Time and Place. 8vo. Lond. : Hamilton, 1862. ys. Andrews, Samuel J. The Life of our Lord upon the Earth : con- sidered in its Historical, Chrono- logical and Geographical Rela- tions. N. Y.: Scribner, 1863. A new and wholly revised edition, pp. xxvii, 651, 8vo. 1892. $2.50. Baillie, John. Christ our Life; or. Scenes in our Lord's Passion and Ministry. Pp. vi, 400, fcap. 8vo. Lond. : Shaw, 1863. 55. Beecher, Henry Ward. Life of Jesus, the Christ. Vol. I. Earlier Scenes. Illustrated. Pp. 518, 8vo. N. Y.: Ford, 1871. $3.50. Vol. II. Pp. X, 370. 8vo. N. Y.: Bloomtield, 1891. $2.50. Bernard, Henry Norris, Rev. The Mental Characteristics of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pp. x, 314, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet; N. Y. : Whittaker, 1888. 6^., $1.50. Blunt, Henry. Lectures upon the History of our Lord and Sa- viour Jesus Christ. 3 vols., pp. 293» 307, 249, i2mo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1835. New ed., 1862. i6s. 6d. Boardman, George Dana. The Divine Man, from the Nativity to the Temptation. Pp. 306, i2mo. N.Y.: Appleton, 1888. $1.50. Bonaventure, S. The Life of Christ : Translated and edited by the Rev. W. H. Hutchings. Pp. xxxii, 337, i2mo. N. Y. : Young, 1881. $1.75. Brown, Howard N. A Life of Jesus for Young People. Pp. 183. 39. i2mo. Bost. ; Unit. S. S. Soc, 1884. 40 cents. Unitarian, Butler. J. Glentworth, D.D. The Fourfold Gospel. The Four Gospels, consolidated without Al- teration in a continuous Narrative, presenting the Life of Christ in Order of its Events. Pp. 209, i2mo. N. Y. : Funk, 1890. 75 cents. Cadman, James P. Christ in the Gospels: or a Life of our Lord, composed of every Statement of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in exactly the Words of the American Revision of 1881, and so arranged as to indicate clearly from which Evangelist each Ex- pression is taken ; with self-inter- preting Scripture and Maps show- ing Christ's Journeys, critical 394 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Notes, and an Introduction, by P. S. Henson, D.D. Pp. 382, i2mo. Chic: Am. Pub. Soc. of Hebr., 1885. $1.50. 'Caspari, Ch. Ed. A Chronologi- cal and Geographical Introduc- tion to the Life of Christ. From the Original German Work. Re- vised by the Author. Translated, with additional Notes, by Maurice J. Evans, B.A. Pp. xxxii, 314, map, 8vo. Edinb.: Clark, 1876. 9^. Chadwick, John W. The Man Jesus : a Course of Lectures. Pp. 258, i2mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1882. $1.25. Clarke, James Freeman. Life and Times of Jesus as related by Thomas Didymus. Pp. xiii, 448, i2mo. Bost.:- Lee, 1887. New ed., 1888. $1.75. Clodd, Edward. Jesus of Naza- reth ; Embracing a Sketch of Jewish History to the Time of his Birth. Pp. 386, i2mo. Lond. : Paul, 1880. 6^. COOLEY, W. F. Emmanuel, the Story of the Messiah. Pp. viii, 546, i2mo. N. Y. : Dodd, 1890. $1.50. Cooper, C. D. Last Days of Our Saviour. Pp. 105, i8mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1867. $1. Crosby, Howard. Jesus : His Life and Work ; as narrated by the Four Evangelists. Pp. 551, 8vo. N. Y. : Univ. Pub. Co., 1870. $4.50. CUTTS, E. L. A Devotional Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pp. vii, 563, i2mo. N. Y.: Young, 1882. $1.50. Dalman, G. Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash Zohar, and the Liturgy of the Synagogue. Texts and Translations, together with an introductory Essay by Heinrich Laible. Translated and edited by the Rev. A. W. Streane. Pp. 106, 8vo. Lond.: Bell, 1894. 5J. Deems, Charles F. Jesus. Pp. 756, 8vo. N. Y. : U. S. Pub. Co., 1872. $4. Delapryne, Charles. The Life of Christ. An Eclectic Gospel from the Old and New Testaments, arranged on a New Principle, with Analytical Tables. Pp. 215, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1865. ^s. DiDON, H., Pere. Jesus Christ : our Saviour's Person, Mission, and Spirit ; from the French, by Bernard O'Reilly, D.D. ; with Introduction by James, Cardinal Gibbons. 2 vols., pp. Ixxxiii, 490; vi, 481, 8vo. Lond. : Paul ; N. Y. : Appleton, 1 89 1. 3 1 J. 6^., $7.50. Dodd, John Theodore. Say- ings Ascribed to our Lord by the Fathers and other Primitive Writers, and Incidents in His Life narrated by them, otherwise than found in Scripture. Pp. 128, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1874. 3.9. Drew, G. S. Human Life of Christ and the Order of the Universe. See under Collected Works, p. 33. Eddy, Zachary, D.D. Immanuel ; or. The Life of Jesus Christ our Lord, from his Incarnation to his Ascension. With Introduction by Richard S. Storrs, D.D. Pp. 752, 8vo. Springfield : Holland, 1868. $3.50. Edersheim, Alfred, M.A., D.D., Ph.D. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. 2 vols., xxxii, 695 ; xii, 822, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans ; N. Y. : Randolph, [1883.] 42.?., $6. Jesus the Messiah. Being an abridged edition of [the above]. Pp. 654, p. 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1889; N. Y. : Randolph, 1894. 7J. 6^., $1.75. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 395 Ellicott, C. J. Historical Lec- tures on the Life of our Lord Jesus Christ. See under Collected Works, p. 33. EWALD, H. The Life of Jesus Christ. Translated and edited by O. Glover. Pp. 376, 8vo. Camb. : Bell, 1865. 95. Fairbairn, a. M. Studies in the Life of Christ. Pp. viii, 359, i2mo. Lond. : Rodder, 1880. 2d ed., 1881. N. Y. : Appleton, 1881. 9J., $1.75. Farrar, F. W. The Life of Christ. 2vols., 8vo. Lond.: Cassell, 1874. 28th ed., 1880. 24J. With an American Appendix. Introduc- tion by Prof. Tayler Lewis, D.D. Pp. xxxii, 480, 516, 8vo. N. Y. : Button, 1874. With an Appen- dix, giving the translation of non- English matter. With an Intro- duction by Tayler Lewis, D.D. 8vo. N. Y.: Tibbals, 1876. $6. In I vol., 1875. $2.50. The Witness of History to Christ. See under Collected Works, p. 33. Fleetwood, John, Bp. The Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, together with the Lives of the Apostles, John the Baptist, and the Virgin Mary. Lond. : Cooke, 1768. New ed., pp. 430, p. 8vo. Lond.: Virtue, 1883. IS. 6d. Fowle, T. W. The Divine Lega- tion of Christ. Pp. 330, p. 8vo. Lond.: Paul, 1879. ys. FURNESS, W. H. Jesus. Pp. 223, i2mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1870. $1.50. The Veil partly Lifted, and Jesus becomes Visible. Pp. 301, i2mo. Bost. : Ticknor, 1864. $1.25. Gardiner, Frederick. Diates- saron : The Life of our Lord in the Words of the Gospels. Pp. viii, 259, i6mo. Andover : Draper, 1871. $1. Geikie, Cunningham. The Life andWords of Christ. 2 vols. Lond,: King, 1877. New ed., Strahan, 1878. Pp. xii, 588; iv, 670, 8vo. N.Y. : Appleton, 1877. New ed., 1884. 30J., I1.50. I vol., pp. 738, 8vo. Lond. : Cassell, 1887. 7s. 6d. GiLMORE, J. R. The Life of Jesus. Pp. 297, i2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1867. Si. 50. Greg, Samuel. Scenes from the Life of Jesus. 8vo. Lond.: Ham- ilton. 2d ed., 1869. 2>^. 6d. Griswold, Rufus W., editor. The Life of the Saviour, by the Poets and Painters. Pp. 240, i2mo. Phila.: Carey, 1845. $1.50. Gurney, Augustus. The Home Life of Jesus of Nazareth. Pp. 200, i2mo. Lond. : Rivington, 1872. 5.y. Hamilton, J. The Mount of Olives, and a Morning Beside the Lake of Galilee. Pp. 320, i8mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1862. New ed., 1863. 2s. 6d. Lessons from the Great Biog- raphy. Pp. 319, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1857. $1.25. Hanna, William. Our Lord's Life on Earth. 6 vols., i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1870. New ed., 3 vols., 1886. $3. Contents : Vol. I. The Earlier Years. Pp. vi, 400. Vol. II. Ministry in Gali- lee. ^ Pp. 360. Vol. III. Close of the Ministry. Pp. vi, 351. Vol. IV. Passion Week. Pp. vi, 344. Vol. V. Last Days of our Lord's Passion. Pp. 379. Vol. VI. Forty Days after the Resurrection. Pp. 324. Hart, BuRDETTE, D.D. Studies of the Model Life. Essays on the Various Aspects of Christ. Pp. 300, i2mo. N. Y. : Treat, 1893. $1.25. 396 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Hase, Carl. Life of Jesus. Trans- lated from the German, by James Freeman Clarke. Pp. xxiii, 267, i2mo. Bost. : Walker, i860. 75 cents. Important Bibliography of the Life of Jesus, pp. 241-267, Haweis, H. R., Rev. The Picture of Jesus (the Master). Pp. 271, i2mo. Lond. : Burnet; N. Y. : Crowell, 1886. 5.y., $1.25. Haygood, a. G. The Man of Galilee. Pp. 150, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1890. 80 cents. HiGGiNSON, E. Ecce Messias; or, The Hebrew Messianic Hope and the Christian Reality. Pp. 464, 8vo. Lend.: Williams, 1871. los. 6d. Hyde, T. Alexander, Rev. Ecce Orator! Christ the Orator; or. Never Man spake like this Man. Pp. ii. 212, i2mo. Bost.: Arena Pub. Co., 1893. $1.25. Jarvis, S. F. a New Inquiry into the True Date of the Birth and Death of Jesus Christ. 8vo. Lond, : Cleaver, 1844. Jesus, His Opinions and His Character: The New Testa- ment Studies of a Layman. Pp. viii, 471, i2mo. Bost.: Ellis, 1883. $1.50. Johnstone, J. Boston. Life of Jesus Christ. Arranged from the Four Gospels into one Connected Narrative, with Chronological arid Biographical Notes. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1875. 3J. 6d. Keim, T. History of Jesus of Naz- ara. Considered in its Connec- tion with the National Life of Is- rael, and related in Detail. Trans- lated by Ransom and Geldart. 6 vols., pp. vi, 386; viii, 404; xii, 408; viii, 346; vi, 343; xviii, 449, 8vo. Lond.: Williams, 1873- 1883. Each vol. lOi. 6d. Krummacher, Frederick W. Christ and His People. Translated by Samuel Jackson. Pp. iv, 379, i2mo. Lond. : Seeley, 1855. 5-^- Lange, J. P. The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. A Complete Critical Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels. Edited with additional Notes by Rev. Marcus Dods. 6 vols., pp. 437, 449, 490, 434, 432, 487, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1864. New ed., 1871. 4 vols. 28s. Phila. : Smith, 1872. $12,50. Lehmann, E. Scenes from the Life of Jesus : Lectures, translated by Sophia Taylor. Pp. 230, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1884. y. 6d. Logan, Algernon Sydney. Jesus in Modern Life. Pp. 299, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1888. $1.25. Lorimer, George C. Jesus, the World's Saviour : Who he is. Why he came, and What he did. Pp. ii, 351, i2mo. Chic: Griggs, 1883. $1.50. The Galilean ; or, Jesus the World's Saviour. Pp. 448, i2mo. N. Y., Bost., and Chic, 1892. $2. Maas, a. J., Rev. Life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel History. Pp. xxxiv, 621, i2mo. St. Louis: Herder, 1892. $1. Malleson, F. a. Jesus Christ, His Life and Work. Pp. xii, 375, i2mo. Lond.: Ward, 1880. 5.?. Mercier, Lewis. Outlines of the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 vols., pp. 374, 342, 8vo. Lond. : Low, 1 87 1 -1 872. iss. Merrill, George E. The Rea- sonable Christ. A Series of Stud- ies. Pp. 215, i2mo. N. Y., Bost., and Chic: Silver, 1893. $1.25. Naville, Ernest. The Christ. Seven Lectures. Translated by T. J. Despres. Pp. 247, i2mo. Lond, : Simpkin, 1880. 4^. 6^, HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 397 Neander, Augustus, D.D. The Life of Jesus Christ in its Histor- ical Connexion and Historical De- velopment. Translated from the 4th German ed. by John McClin- tock and Charles E. Blumenthal. Pp. 450, xlviii, 8vo. N. Y. : Har- per, 1848. $2.50. NiCOLL, W. R. The Incarnate Saviour : a Life of Jesus Christ. Pp. 360, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1881. $1.25. Parker, Joseph. Ecce Deus: Essays on the Life and Doctrine of Jesus Christ ; with Controver- sial Notes on " Ecce Homo." 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1867. 4th ed., 1870. Pp. 363, i2mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1867. 5^., $1.50. Patton, W. W. Jesus of Nazareth : Who was He, and What is He Now.? Pp. 320, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1879. $1-25. Pick, Bernhard, Rev. The Life of Jesus according to Extra-Ca- nonical Sources. i6mo. N. Y. : Alden, 1887. 50 cents. / Pressense, Edmond de. Jesus Christ: His Times, Life, and Work. Pp.xii, 496, i2mo. Lond.: Hod- der, 1866. New ed., 1871. N. Y. : Scribner. 5^., $3.75. Renan, Ernest. The Life of Jesus. Translated from the origi- nal French, by Charles Edwin Wilbour. Pp. 376, i2mo. N. Y. : Carleton, 1864. Lond.: Triib- ner, 1867. New ed., 1871. $1.75, I OS. 6d. Row, C. A . The Jesus of the Evan- gelists : His Historical Character Vindicated. 8vo. Lond. : Wil- liams, 1868. 10s. 6d. Salmond, S. D. F. Life of Christ. Pp. 107, i6mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1888. 8^. SCHENKEL, Daniel. The Char- acter of Jesus Portrayed. A Bib- lical Essay ; with an Appendix. Translated from the 3d German ed., with Introduction and Notes, by W. H. Furness. 2 vols., pp. xxvi, 279, 364, i2mo. Bost.: Little, 1866; Lond.: Longmans, 1869. $4.50, I2S. SCRYMGEOUR, WiLLIAM, ReV. Lessons on the Life of Jesus. Pp. iv, 232, i2mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1883. 2s. 6d. [Seeley, J. R.] Ecce Homo : Sur- vey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ. Lond. : Saunders, i860, nth ed., Macmillan, 1873. Pp. 355, i2mo. Bost. : Roberts, 1881. 6^., %\. Skene, W. F. The Gospel History. Being Lectures on the Life of Christ, delivered to the Senior Class in a Sunday School. Pp. 380, p. 8vo. Edinb,: Douglas, 1892. 2s. dd. SOUTHGATE, Henry. Christus Redemptor : being the Life, Char- acter, and Teachings of Our Lord. Illustrated in many Passages from the Writings of Ancient and Modern Authors. 4to. Lond. : Cassell, 1875. 1^- 6^- Stalker, James, Rev. The Life of Jesus Christ ; with an Intro- duction by Rev. George C. Lor- imer. Edinb.: Clark, 1879; N. Y.: Sumner, 1880. New issue. Pp. 166, i2mo. Am. Tr. Soc, 1889. 60 cents. Imago Christi : the Example of Jesus Christ. Introduction by William M. Taylor, D.D. Pp. iii, 332, i2mo. N. Y. : Armstrong, 1889. $1.50. Stephen, George, Sir. The Life of Christ. Pp. 330, 8vo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1871. ds. Strauss, David F. The Life of Jesus for the People. Authorized Translation. 3 vols. Lond.: 398 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Chapman, 1846. 2d ed, 2 vols., pp. xxii, 440 ; iv, 439, 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1879. 24^. A New Life of Jesus. 2 vols., pp. 440, 439. Lond. : Williams, 1865. 24s. Taylor, Jeremy. Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A revised edition, with Notes by the Rev. Robert Philip ; also the Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles, . . . Lives of the Two Evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke, by William Cave. Pp. 705, 4to. Lond.: Virtue, 1840. i8s. Thayer, E. W., Rev. Sketches from the Life of Jesus, Historical and Doctrinal. Pp. viii, 548, 8vo. N. Y. : Revell, 1891. $2.50. TiDBALL, Thomas A., D.D. Christ in the New Testament. With an Introduction by S. D. McConnell, D.D. Pp. ix, 357, i2mo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1891. $1.25. Thompson, Joseph P. Jesus of Nazareth ; His Life for the Young. Pp. xviii, 438, 8vo. Bost. : Os- good, 1875. $5. Upham, Francis W., LL.D. Saint Matthew's Witness to Words and Works of our Lord ; or, Our Sav- iour's Life as revealed in the Gos- pel of his earliest Evangelist. Pp. vi, 415, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1891. $1.20. Vallings, J. F. Jesus Christ, the Divine Man : his Life and Times. Pp. vii, 226, i2mo. Lond.: Nis- bet; N. Y. : Randolph, 1889. 2s. 6d., 75 cents. ViCKERS, J. The Real Jesus. A Review of his Life, Character, and Death from a Jewish Standpoint. Pp. 350, p. 8vo. Lond. : Williams, 1891. 6^. [Theistic] Wage, Henry, D.D. Some Cen- tral Points of our Lord's Ministry. Pp. 356, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder ; N.Y.: Whittaker, 1890. 6j.,$i.25. Weiss, Bernhard, D.D. The Life of Christ. Translated by John Walter and M. G. Hope, M.A. 3 vols., pp. xvi, 393; vi, 403 ; viii, 428, 8vo. Edinb. : Clark, 1883 ; N. Y. : Scribner, 1883-1884. 31J. 6^., $9. Who Was Jesus? Pp. 711, 8vo. N. Y.: Tibbals, 1867. $3. Wickes, Thomas. The Son of Man. Pp. 382, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1868. $1. Wise, Daniel. Our King and Saviour; or. The Story of our Lord's Life on Earth. Pp. 367, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1875. $2. Wyld, G. Life, Teaching, and Works of the Lord Jesus Christ. 8vo. Lond. : Oxf. Wareh. 2d ed., 1888. 2s. Wynne, F. R. Fragmentary Rec- ords of Jesus of Nazareth. Pp. 142, i2mo. Lond.: Hodder, 1887. 3^. 6d. Young, John. The Christ of His- tory. Pp. 260, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1872. $1.25. b. genealogy of CHRIST. Hervey, Arthur. Genealogies of our Saviour, from Matthew and Luke. Pp. 390, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1853. los. 6d. C. names of CHRIST. DowLiNG, William. The Names and Titles of our Lord, as given in the New Testament. Pp. 258, 8vo. Lond.: Macintosh, 1865. 2s. 6d. Macwhorter, Alexander. The Memorial Name. Pp. vi, 179, i2mo. Bost.: Gould, 1863. Serle, Ambrose. Horas Solitaria;? ; or, Essays upon some Remarkable Names and Titles of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, occurring in HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 399 the Old and New Testaments. Pp. 920, 8vo. Lond. : Simpkins, 1848. New ed., Washbourne, 1850. 9^. d. TEMPTATION OF CHRIST. Barrett, G. S. The Temptation of Christ. Pp. 244, i2mo. Edinb. : Macniven, 1883. 3^. 6d. MACLEOD, Norman. Thoughts on the Temptation of our Lord. Pp. 250, i2mo. Lond.: Strahan, 1872; N. Y. : Routledge, 1873. 5j.,$i.25. e. passion and death of CHRIST. Benson, R. M. The Final Pass- over : a Series of Meditations upon the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Vol. I. The Rejection. Pp. 604, i2mo. Lond.: Hayes, 1884. 5 J. Blackburn, C. H. The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Point of View. Pp. ii, 68, i2mo. Cine: Clarke, 1890. 60 cents. BUDDICOM, R. P. Emmanuel on the Cross and in Gethsemane. Pp. 224, i2mo. N. Y. : Baker, 1844. 75 cents. Cooper, C. D. The Last Days of Our Saviour : the Life of Our Lord from the Supper in Bethany to his Ascension ... in Chrono- logical Order, and in the Words of the Evangelists. Pp. 105. i6mo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1867. %i. Devine, Arthur, Rev. History of the Passion : Being the Gospel Narrative of the Sufferings of Christ and the Dolours of Mary. With Notes and Comments. 2d ed., pp. ix, 292, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Burns, 1894. 3^. Durer, Albert. The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ Portrayed. Edited by Henry Cole. Unpaged, sm. 4to. Lond. : Bell, 1870. 1 2 J. 6^. Gould, S. Baring. The Passion of Jesus. First Series. Seven Discourses for Lent. Pp. 99, i2mo. Lond.: Skeffington, 1885. 2s.6d. [Griffin, George.] The Sufifer- ings of Christ. By a Layman. Pp. 372, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1845. 2d ed., 1846. 50 cents. Hanna, William. The Last Day of Our Lord's Passion. Pp. 379, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1862. $1.50. Hook, Walter Farquhar, D.D. Last Days of Our Lord's Ministry ; a Course of Lectures on the Prin- cipal Events of Passion Week. Pp. viii, 307, fcap. 8vo, Lond. : Bell, 1837. Newed., 1863. 35. 6d. Knox-Little, W. J. The Wit- ness of the Passion of Our Most Holy Redeemer. Pp. 173, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1884; N. Y.: Young, 1884. y. 6d., $1. Krummacher, F. W. The Suffer- ing Saviour ; or, Meditations on the Last Days of Christ. Pp. 474, i2mo. Bost. : Gould, 1857. $1.25. Lamb, John. The Seven Words Spoken against the Lord Jesus. See under Collected Works, p. 33. Steinmeyer, F. L., Dr. The His- tor}'- of the Passion and Resurrec- tion of our Lord, Considered in the Light of Modern Criticism. Trans- lated by Rev. Thomas Crerar, M.A., and Rev. Alexander Cusin, M.A. Pp. xii, 398. Edinb. : Clark, 1879. 105. 6d. Stout, A. P. The Trials and Cru- cifixion of Christ. Pp. 158. i2mo. Cine. : Stand. Pub. Co., 1886. %\. Stroud, William. A Treatise on the Physical Cause of the Death of Christ, and its Relation to the Principles and Practice of Chris- tianity. Pp. 508, i2mo. Lond.: (Hamilton,) 1846. Pp.422. N.Y.: Appleton, 1 87 1. Zs. 6d., $2. 400 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Tyler, Bennet. The Sufferings of Christ Confined to His Human Nature. A Reply to a Book en- titled The Sufferings of Christ, by a Layman. Pp. 233, i2mo. Hartf. : Woodford, 1847. 75 cents. Veith, J. E. Words of the Ene- mies of Christ during his Sacred Passion. Translated from the German by Rev. E. Cox, D.D. Pp. 260, i6mo. Lond. : Burns, 1855. y. 6d. Williams, Isaac. The Gospel Narrative of Our Lord's Passion harmonized with Reflections. Pp. 181, 8vo. From the 3d London ed. N. Y. : Stanford, 1849. 75 cents. f. resurrection and mediation OF CHRIST. Boardman, G. D. Epiphanies of the Ristn Lord. Pp. 289, i2mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1879. $1.25. Brown, James Baldwin. The Risen Christ, the King of Men. Pop. ed. Pp. 368, 8vo. N. Y. : Whittaker, 1888; Lond.: Unwin, 1890. 3 J. 6d., $2. Farrer, John, M.A. On the Mis- sion and Character of Christ, and on the Beatitudes. See under Collected Works, p. 20. FuRNESS. William H., D.D. The Story of the Resurrection of Christ told once more : with Re- marks upon the Character of Christ and the Historical Claims of the Four Gospels. Pp. 151, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1885. %\. Krummacher, F. W. Risen Re- deemer : the Gospel History from the Resurrection to the Day of Pentecost. Translated from the German by J. T. Betts. Pp. viii, 298, 8vo. Lond. ; Nisbet, 1862. 2d ed., 1863. ^s. Landels, William. The Sepul- cherin the Garden ; or. The Buried and Risen Saviour. Pp. 355, \ i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1865. 4^. dd. Macpherson, Robert. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. With an Examination of the Spec- ulations of Strauss in his " New Life of Jesus," etc. Pp. 515, 8vo. Edinb. : Blackwood, r867, 95-. MiLLiGAN, William. The Resur- rection of our Lord. [Croall lec- ture for 1 879-1 880.] Pp. xiii, 304, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y.: Macmil- lan, 1 88 1. 9^., $2.75. Morrison, Charles R. The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection, from a Lawyer's Standpoint. Pp. 155, 8vo. Andover: Draper, 1882. $1.25. NOTT, Eliphalet. The Resur- rection of Christ ; Discourses, with Introduction and Notes, by Tay- ler Lewis. Pp. 157, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1872. $1.50. Steinmeyer, F. L., Dr. See un- der Passio7i, p. 399. Symington, W. Messiah, the Prince ; or, The Mediatorial Do- minion of Jesus Christ. Pp. cviii, 354, i2mo. N. Y. : Nelson, 1881. $4. West, Gilbert. Observations on the History and Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pp. 455, 8vo. Lond., 1747. Williams, Isaac. Our Lord's Resurrection. [Being Vol. VHI of his " Devotional Commentary on the Gospel Narrative." New ed. 8 vols., p. 8vo. Lond. : Riv- ington; N. Y. : Pott, 1873. Each 5J., $1.25.] Also separately. Pp. X, 428. Lond. : Rivington, 1855. New ed., 1870. 5^. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 401 g. PORTRAITS OF CHRIST. Eastlake, C. L. Representations of the Saviour. [In Vol. II of his Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. With Memoirs of the Author, and Selections from his Correspondence.] By Lady Eastlake. Lond. : Murray, 1848. New ed., 2 vols., 8vo. 1870. 24s. Farrar, Frederick W., D.D„ F.R.S. The Life of Christ as Represented in Art. With nu- merous Illustrations and Frontis- piece. Pp. 507, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Macmillan, 1894. $6. Heaphy, T. The Likeness of Christ ; being an Inquiry into the Verisimilitude of the Received Likenesses of our Blessed Lord ; edited by Wvlie Bayliss. Pp. [vi,] 80, 4to. Lond. : S. P. C. K. ; N. Y. : YounsT, 1880. New ed., 1886. 6^., $1.50. Jameson, A. M., Mrs., and East- lake, C. L., Lady. The History of Our Lord as exemplified in the Works of Art, with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other Persons of the Old and New Testament. Commenced by the late Mrs. Jameson. Continued and completed by Lady Eastlake. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 398, 462, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1864. 2d ed., 1865. 42^. Van Dyke, Henry. The Christ- Child in Art : a Study of Interpre- tation. Pp. xiii, 236, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1893. $4. 2. Biblical Biography. Adams, Nehemiah, D.D. The Friends of Christ in the New Testament. Thirteen Discourses. Pp. 295, 8vo. Bost. : Whipple, 1853. $1. Bainton, G. The Life of Joseph : its Lessons for To-day. Pp. 230, i2mo. Lond.: Cassell, 1893. 2s. 6d. 27 Baldwin, G. C. Representative Men of the New Testament. Pp. 338, i2mo. N. Y. : Phinney, i860. $1. Barnes, C. R., Rev. Hand-Book of Bible Biography. Pp. iii, 546, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1885. $2.25. Baur, Ferdinand Christian, D.D. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ, his Life and Works, his Epistles and Teachings. A Con- tribution to a critical History of Primitive Christianity. 2d ed., by Dr. E. Zeller. Translated from the German. 2 vols., pp. viii, 382 ; x, 348. Lond.: Williams, 1873-1875. 21^. Besser, W. F.. D.D. St. Paul the Apostle : a Biblical Portrait and a Mirror of the Manifold Grace of God. Translated by Frederic Bultmann. Introductory Notice by Rev. J. S. Howson, D.D. Pp. XV, 210, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet ; N. Y. : Carter, 1864. 5.?., 50 cents. BiRKS, H. A. Studies of the Life and Character of St. Peter. Pp. 290, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1887. 3^. 6d. Blaikie, William G David, King of Israel ; the Divine Plan and Lessons of his Life. Pp. 390. cr. 8vo. Lond.: (Hamilton,) 1856. 2d ed., Nisbet, i860. 5^. Heroes of Israel. Illust. Map. Pp. xi, 480, cr. 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Nelson, 1893. 5^., $1.50. Blunt, Henry. Lectures on the History of Elisha. i2mo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1862. 5^. 6d. Twelve Lectures on the His- tory of Abraham. i2mo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1856. 5^-. 6d. Lectures upon the History of St. Paul, delivered during Lent, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Upper Chelsea. 2 vols., i2mo. 402 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Lond.: Hatchard. New ed., 1858. First American from the Seventh London Edition. Pp. 382, i2mo. Phila. : Hooker, 1839. lis., $1. [All three vols, in one, pp. 328, i2mo. Phila.: Hooker, 1857.] Lectures upon the History of St. Paul, delivered during Lent at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Up- per Chelsea. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1890. New ed., 1858. Lectures upon the History of St. Peter. 2 vols., i2mo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1837. i vol., pp. 366. Phila.: Hooker, 1839. New ed., 1 860. gs. Breed, D. R., D.D. Abraham: the Typical Life of Faith. Pp. 214, i2mo. Chic: Revell, 1887. $1. Burr, E. F., D.D. Long Ago ; as interpreted by the Nineteenth Century. Pp. 388, i2mo. N. Y.: Am. Tr. Soc, 1888. $1.50. [Lives of Bible Characters.] Butler, C. M. St. Paul in Rome ; Lectures delivered in the Legation of the United States of America, in Rome. Pp. 295, i2mo. Phila.: Lippincott, 1865. ys. 6d. Campbell, S. M., D.D. Across the Desert : a Life of Moses. Pp. iii, 342, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1886. $1.50. Caulfield, S. F. a. The Lives of the Apostles, their Contempo- raries and Successors. With In- troduction by S. Baring-Gould. Pp. 304, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hatch- ard, 1886. 6s. Caunter, J. H. An Inquiry into the History and Character of Ra- hab. Pp. 379, 8vo. Lond.: Long- mans, 1850. los. 6d. Cave, William. Antiquitates Apostolicag ; or. The Lives, Acts, and Martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of our Saviour. To which are added, Lives of the two Evangelists, St. Mark and St. Luke. With an Introductory Es- say by Henry Stebbing. 2 vols., pp. xliv, 294, 331, i6mo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1836. Edited by Cary. Lond.: Tegg, 1839. 8s. Chandler, S. A Critical History of the Life of David. Pp. xiv, 588, 8vo. Lond.: Parker, 1853. 8s.6i^. Cheyne, T. K., Rev., D.D. Jere- miah : his Life and Times. Pp. viii, 205, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet ; N.Y.: Randolph, 1889. 2s. 6d., $1. The Hallowing of Criticism. Nine Sermons on Elijah. . . . Pp. 208, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1888. 5 J. CONYBEARE, W. J., and HOWSON, J. S. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul, comprising a complete Biography of the Apostle and a Paraphrastic Translation of his Epistles. 2 vols., 4to. Lond. : Longmans, 1853. 2 vols, in i.pp. xxvi. 459; vii, 556, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1875. $3- New (cheap) ed., I vol., pp. xxii, 850, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Longmans, 1892. y.6d., $1.2^. Deane, H. Daniel : his Life and Times. Pp. vi, 203, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1889. 2s. dd., %\. Deane, W. J. Joshua : his Life and Times. Pp. 212, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet; N. Y. : Randolph, 1889. 2s. 6d., %i. David : his Life and Times. Pp. vi, 222, i2mo. Lond.: Nis- bet; N. Y.: Randolph. 1889. 2s. 6d., %i. Samuel and Saul : their Lives and Times. Pp. 208, p. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet ; N. Y. : Randolph, .1888. 2s.6d.,%i. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 403 — Abraham Pp. vii, 179, bet; N. Y. 2s. 6d., $1. his Life and Times. i2mo. Lond. : Nis- Randolph, (1888.) DoDD, Philip Stanhope. A View of the Evidence, afforded by the Life and Ministry of St. Peter, to the Truth of the Christian Rev- elation. Pp. 415, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1837. 10^. 6d. Driver. S. R., Rev., D.D. Isaiah : his Life and Times, and the Writings which bear his Name. Pp. vii, 214, i2mo. Lond.: Nis- bet; N. Y. : Randolph, (1888.) 2s. 6d., $1. Duncan, William C. The Life, Character, and Acts of John the Baptist ; and the Relation of his Ministry to the Christian Dispen- sation. Based upon the Johannes Der Taufer of L. Von Bohden. Pp. 261, i2mo. N. Y. : Cornish, 1853. $1. Dykes, J. Oswald. Abraham, the Friend of God. A Study from Old Testament History. Pp. 352, 8vo. N. Y. : Carter, 1877. $1.50. Ephraem Syrus. The Repent- ance of Nineveh, a Metrical Hom- ily on the Mission of Jonah. Trans- lated, with an Introduction and Notes, by Henry Burgess. Pp. 274, i2mo. Lond. :'Heylin, 1853. 10^. Farrar, F. W., Canon. The Life and Work of St. Paul. 2 vols., 8vo. Lond.: Cassell, 1879. New ed., 1880. i vol., pp. xx, 781, 8vo. N. Y. : Dutton, 1880. 24J., $3. Solomon : his Life and Times. Pp. viii, 217, i6mo. Lond. : Nis- bet; N. Y. : Randolph, 1888. 2s. 6d., $1. The Minor Prophets. Pp. vii, 245, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1890. 2s.6d.,%i. Floy, James. Literar}^ Remains. Vol. n. Old Testament Charac- ters Delineated and Illustrated. Pp.355, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1866. $1.75. Forbes, S. Russell. The Foot- steps of St. Paul in Rome : an His- torical Memoir from the Apostle's Landing at Puteoli to his Death, A. D. 62-64. Pp. 92, i2mo. Lond.: Nelson; N. Y. : Nelson, 1888. 2de d., 1889. 2s., 80 cents. FouARD, Constans, Abbe. St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity. See p. 193. St. Paul and His Missions. Translated with the Author's Sanction and Cooperation by George F. X. Griffith. Pp. 431, 8vo. Lond. and N. Y. : Long- mans, 1894. (^s.. %2. Fremantle, W. R. From Athens to Rome. Six Lectures on St. Paul's Visit to the Chief Cities of the Roman Empire. Pp. 94, 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1869. 2s.6d. Gloag, Paton J., Rev., D.D. The Life of St. John. Pp. vi, 96, i8mo. Edinb.: Clark, 1892; N.Y.: Scrib- ner. 8d., 25 cents. Gordon, William R. Particular Providence, in distinction from General, necessary to the Fulfill- ment of the Purposes and Promises of God : Illustrated by a Course of Lectures on the History of Joseph. Pp. 492, i2mo. N. Y. : Wynkoop, 1856. 3d ed., 1868. $1.25. Green, Rufus S., D.D. Both Sides ; or, Jonathan and Absalom. Pp. iv, 304, i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1888. 85 cents. Guthrie, Thomas, D.D. Studies of Character from the Old Testa- ment. Pp. 436, i2mo. Lond. : Strahan, 1866. New ed., 1868. N. Y. : Carter, 1872. 3^. 6d., $1.75- Hamilton, James, D.D. Moses the Man of God. A Course of 404 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Lectures. Pp. viii, 380, i6mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1870; N. Y. : Car- ter, 1871. 5^., $1.50. Harper, Henry A. From Abra- ham to David : the Story of their Times and Country, illustrated by the Author. Pp. viii, 235, i2mo. N. Y. : Macmillan, 1892. $1. Hastings, Frederick. The Back- ground of Sacred Story. Life Les- sons from the less-know^n Charac- ters of the Bible. Pp. 236, p. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1886. 3^. dd. Haweis, H. R., Rev. Christ and Christianity: the Picture of Paul (the Disciple). Pp. xix, 283, i2mo. Lond. : Burnet ; N. Y. : Crowell, 1887. 5^., $1.25. Hills, O. A., Rev. Companion Characters : a Series of Studies in Biblical Biography. Pp. 308, i6mo. N.Y.: Randolph, 1884. $1.25. Hodder, Edwin. Simon Peter: his Life, Times, and Friends. Pp. vii, 324, i2mo. N. Y. : Cassell, 1884. $1.50. Houghton, Ross C, D.D. John the Baptist, the Forerunner of our Lord : his Life and Work. Pp. v, 372, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1889. $1.50. HowsoN, John S., D.D. Hor^e Petrinae ; or. Studies in the Life of St. Peter. Pp. xii, 164, p. 8vo. Lond.: Rel. Tr. Soc, n. d. (1883). 3^. The Character of St. Paul. (Hulsean Lectures.) Pp. 314, i2mo. Lond. : Longmans. Nev^ ed., 1864. N. Y. : Dodd, 1873. 9J., $1.75- The Metaphors of St. Paul and Companions of St. Paul. Seep.\Z\. Scenes in the Life of St. Paul. 8vo. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc. ; Bost. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1866. 6j., $i. The Companions of St. Paul. Pp. 211, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1893. $1. Published in 1872 with " The Metaphors of Paul.' Hunter, Henry. Sacred Biog- raphy ; or, The History of the Patri- archs. To which is added the His- tory of Deborah, Ruth, and Han- nah, and also the History of Jesus Christ. Pp. 596, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1844. $1.75. Hunter, P. Hay. The Story of Daniel : his Life and Times. Pp. 366, p. 8vo. Edinb. : Gemmell, 1883. 2d ed., 1884. 5,9. Kellogg, Alfred H., D.D. Abra- ham, Joseph, and Moses in Egypt ; being a Course of Lectures Deliv- ered before the Theological Semi- nary, Princeton, N. J. Pp. 175, 8vo. N. Y. : Randolph, 1887. $1.50. Kirk, Th. Samson : his Life and Work. Pp. 246, p. 8vo. Lond. : Simpkin, 1892. 3^. dd. Krummacher, Frederic W., D.D. Life of St. John the Evan- gelist. i2mo. See Biblical Cabi- net, p. 23. David, the King of Israel: a Portrait drawn from the Bible His- tory and the Book of Psalms. Translated by M. G. Easton. Lond.: (Hamilton,) 1867. Pp. 518, i2mo. N. Y.: Harper, 1868. 'js, 6d., $1.75. Elijah the Tishbite. i8mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1847. Pp. 707. Lond. : Rel. Tr. Soc, 1850. y., 40 cents. Elisha. Translated, with Intro- ductory Remarks, by E. Bicker- steth. Pp. 408, 32mo. Lond. : Nelson, 1850; N. Y. : Whetham, 1840. 2s. 6d., 75 cents. Lang, John Marshall. Gideon and the Judges : a Study. Prac- tical and Historical. Pp. 201, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1890. 2s. 6d., %i. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 405 Lee, Alfred. The Life of the Apostle John, in a Series of Prac- tical Discourses. Pp. 326, i2mo. N. Y. : Stanford, 1852. 75 cents. Life of the Apostle Peter. Pp. 351, i6mo. N. Y. : Stanford, 1852. 75 cents. Lewin, Thomas. The Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 2 vols. Lond.: Rivington, 1858. 4th ed., pp. xxxiv, 414; xxii, 487, 4to. Bell, 1878. 5th ed., Lond.: Bell, 1890. 42s. McCausland, D. The Builders of Babel. Pp. xii, 303, i2mo. Lend.: Bentley, 1874. ys. (>d. McCooK, H. C, D.D. The Women Friends of Jesus : a Course of popular Lectures based upon the Lives and Characters of the holy- Women of Gospel History. Pp. vii, 466, i2mo. N. Y. : Fords, 1885; Lond. : Hodder, 1888. $2, 5^. McCuLLAGH, Archibald, D.D. The Peerless Prophet; or, The Life and Times of John the Bap- tist. Pp. 146, i2mo. N. Y.: Randolph, 1888. $1. Macdonald, James M. The Life and Writings of St. John. Edited, with an Introduction, by J. S. Howson, D.D. Roy. 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1877. New ed., 1880. Pp. xxxvi, 436, 8vo. N. Y. : Scrib- ner, 1877. \os. 6d., $5. Macduff, J. R. The Healing Waters of Israel ; or. The Story of Naaman. An Old Testament Chapter on Providence and Grace. Pp. 300, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet ; N. Y.: Carter, 1873. As.6d.,%i.2S. St. Paul at Rome ; or, The Teaching, Fellowship, and Dying Testimony of the Great Apostle in the City of the Caesars. Pp. 354, i2mo. Lond. : Nisbet; N. Y.: Carter, 1871. New ed., 1876. 4J. 6d., $1.25. The Footsteps of St. Paul. Lond. : Nisbet, 1855. New ed., 1857. Pp. 428, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1855. 5^., $1.50. Footsteps of St. Peter. Pp. 420, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1876. New ed., 1877. N. Y. : Carter, 1876. 5^., $2. The Prophet of Fire ; or. The Life and Times of Elijah, with their Lessons. Pp. iv, 351, i2mo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1863. New ed., 1878. N. Y.: Carter, 1872. 3J-. 6d,, $1.50. Maguire, R. St. Peter Non-Roman in his Mission, Ministry, and Mar- tyrdom. Pp. 176, 8vo. Lond.: Seeley, 187 1. 2s. 6d. March, Daniel, D.D. The First Khedive : Lessons in the Life of Joseph. Pp. iv, 432, i2mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., 1887. $1.50. Martin, S. A., Rev. The Man of Uz : Lessons for Young Christians from the Life of an Ancient Saint. Pp. ii, 125, i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1892. 50 cents. Matheson, George, Rev. The Spiritual Development of St. Paul. Pp. vi, 324, i2mo. N. Y. : Whit- taker, 1890. Newed., 1891. $1.75. Maurice, Frederick D. The Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament. Lond. : Macmillan, 1852. 3d ed., 1871. 10s. 6d. Pp. xiv, 466, 8vo. Bost. : Crosby, 1853. I OS. 6d., $3.50. The Patriarchs and Lawgivers of the Old Testament. Pp. 359, i2mo. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1867. 3d ed., 1 87 1. 5^., $2. Meyer, F. B., Rev. Moses the Servant of God. Pp. 190, i2mo. N. Y.: Revell, 1893. $1. Milligan, W., Rev. Elijah, his Life and Times. Pp. 204, i6mo. Lond. : Nisbet ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1888. 2S. 6d., $1. 4o6 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. MONOD, Adolph. St. Paul : Five Discourses. Translated from the French by J. H. Meyers. Pp. 191, i2mo. Andover: Draper, 1859. New ed., 1876. 90 cents. Moody, D. L. Bible Characters: embracing the Lives of Daniel, Lot, John Baptist, Joseph of Ari- mathea, and Others. Pp. 142, i6mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1888. 60 cents. OXENDEN, ASHTON, Bp. Story of Ruth. Pp. 112, i2mo. Lond. : Hatchard, 1862. New ed., 1873. IS. dd. Portraits from the Bible. 2 vols., i2mo. Vol. I, Old Testa- ment Series; Vol. II, New Testa- ment Series. Pp. 272, 280, 8vo. Lond.: Hatchard, 1863,1865. 6^. Parrott, Maryanne. Holy Wom- en of Old. Pp. vii, 244, i2mo. Lond.: Macintosh, 1863. 25. 6d. Pearse, Mark Guy. Elijah, the Man of God. Pp. iii, 120, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1 891. 50 cents. Porter, T. C, Mrs. Simon-Bar- Jona. The Stone and the Rock ; or, St. Peter and his Confession. Pp. 221, 8vo. Phila.: Ref. Ch. Pub. Ho., 1893. Rawlinson, George, Rev., M.A. The Kings of Israel and Judah. Pp. xi, 238, i2mo. Lond.: Nis- bet; N. Y.: Randolph, 1889. $1. Isaac and Jacob: their Lives and Times. Pp. 194, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet; N. Y. : Randolph, 1890. 2s, 6d., $1. Moses : his Life and Times. Pp. viii, 205, i6mo. Lond. : Nis- bet ; N. Y. : Randolph, 1888. $1. Ezra and Nehemiah : their Lives and Times. Pp.180. Lond.: Nisbet; N. Y. : Randolph, 1891. 2s. 6d., $1. Reed, Charles E. B., M.A. The Companions of the Lord. Chapter on the Lives of the Apostles. 2d ed., pp. viii, 344, p. 8vo. N. Y. and Chic. : Revell, 1891. $1. Renan, Ernest. Saint Paul. Translated from the Original French, by Ingersoll Lockwood. Pp.422, i2mo. N.Y. : Carleton, 1869. P. 8vo. Lond. : Trlibner, 1867. 8vo, 1 87 1. $1.75, los. The Apostles. Pp. 353, i2mo. N. Y. : Carleton, 1866. Lond.: Triibner, 1869. $1.75, 7 j. 6^. Robinson, Charles S., D.D. From Samuel to Solomon. [Sam- uel, Saul, David, and Solomon.] Pp. 310, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1889. $1.25. Simon Peter : his Early Life and Times. Pp. 309, i2mo. N.Y : Am. Tr. Soc., 1889. $1.25. Scott, C. A. The Life of Abra- ham. Pp. 84, i8mo. Edinb. : Clark, 1 891. Zd. Shakespeare, Charles. St. Paul at Athens: Spiritual Chris- tianity in Relation to some As- pects of Modern Thought. Pp. xii, 167, i2mo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1879. $1.25. Smith, James. The Voyage and Shipwreck of St. Paul, with Dis- sertations on the Life and Writ- ings of St. Luke, and the Ships and Navigation of the Ancients. Lond.: Longmans, 1848. Fourth edition. Revised and Corrected by Walter E. Smith, with a Pref- ace by the Bishop of Carlisle, and Memoir. Pp. xlviii, 293, i2mo. 1880. 7s. 6d. Stalker, James, Rev. The Life of St. Paul. Pp. 149, i6mo. Edinb.: Clark; N. Y. : Scribner, 1884. New ed., 1892. 35-. 6d., 75 cents. Pp. 183, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc. 1888. 60 cents. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 407 Stanley, A. P. Scripture Portraits and other Miscellanies. Pp. viii, 454, i2rno. Loncl.: Strahan, 1870; Lend. : Bogue, 1880. 6.?. Stone, C. J. Christianity before Christ ; or, Prototypes of our Faith and Culture. Pp. 330, p. 8vo. Lond. : Triibner, 1885. -js.dd. Stuart, A. Moody. The Three Marys. Pp. xii, 410, cr. 8vo. Lond.: Nisbet, 1862. New ed., 1863. 5^. Symington, Alexander Mac- Leod, B.A. The Apostles of our Lord : Practical Studies. Pp. vi, 236,121110. Lond. : Hodder, 1880. 3^. dd. Tate, James. The Horae Paulinas of William Paley, carried out and Illustrated in a Continuous His- tory of the Apostolic Labors and Writings of St. Paul, on the Basis of the Acts. Pp. xix, 219, 8vo. Lond.: Longmans, 1840. 13^. Taylor, William M. David, King of Israel : his Life and its Lessons. Pp.444, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1875. $1.50. Elijah, the Prophet. Pp. 217, i2mo. N. Y.: Harper, 1876. $1.50. Moses the Law-Giver. Pp. iv, 482, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1879. $1.50. Paul the Missionary. Pp. iv, 470, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1881. $1.50. Peter the Apostle. Pp. 371, i2mo. N. Y.: Harper, 1876. $1.50. Daniel the Beloved. Pp. 245. i2mo. N.Y.: Harper, 1878. $1.50. Joseph, the Prime Minister. Pp. 242. i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1886. $1.50. Paul the Missionary. Pp. 500, 8vo. N. Y.i Harper, 1892. |i 50. Ruth the Gleaner and Esther the Queen. Pp. 269, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1891. $1.50. The above works of Dr. Taylor are repub- lished, Lond. : Burnet, 1892-1894. Uni- form at 3^. td. Tholuck, F. Aug. G. The Life, Character, and Style of the Apos- tle Paul. In Selections from German Literature (pp. 1-72). translated by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park. Pp. iv, 472, 8vo. Andover: Gould, 1839. TOMKINS, H. G. Life and Times of Joseph in the Light of Egyptian Lore. Pp. 191, i2mo. N. Y. : Revell, 1 891. $1. Tuck, R. Revelation by Character. Illustrated by Old Testament Lives. Pp. 300, p. 8vo. Lond. : Stock, 1892; N. Y. : Ketcham, 1893. 5^., $2. Tyng, Stephen H. The Rich Kinsman ; or. The History of Ruth. Seep.Z^. The Captive Orphan : Esther, the Queen of Persia. See p. 86. ViCKERS, John. The History of Herod ; or. Another Look at a Man Emerging from Twenty Cen- turies of Calumny. Pp. xxvii, 361, i6mo. Lond. : Williams. 1885. 65. Walsh, A. S., D.D. Mary, the Queen of the House of David. Pp. 626, i2mo. Hartford : Scran- ton, 1886. $2.25. Wemyss, Thomas. Job and his Times. . . . See p. 165. WiLBERFORCE, SAMUEL, Bp. He- roes of Hebrew History. Pp. 368, p. 8vo. Lond. : Strahan, 1870. New ed., 1892. i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1870. 5.^., $2. Willett, William M. The Life and Times of Herod the Great, as connected Historically and Pro- phetically with the Coming of Christ. Pp. X, 384, i2mo. Phila. : Lindsay, i860. $1. 4o8 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Wiseman, Luke H. Men of Faith ; or, Sketches from the Book of Judges. Pp. 362, i2mo. Loncl.: Hodder, 1870. 5^-. 3. General Biography. a. COLLECTIVE. Many of the best biographies in theological literature constitute the initial volume, or part of the same, of ihe Collected Works of the authors, as in the case of Tillot- son, John Howe, and others. Sprague, " Annals of the American Pulpit, ' is the best biographical authority for American theologians and preachers. Biographies of missionaries are given wTiA^x Missions^ and of reformers, under Reformers. Anderson, Jam is. Ladies of the Covenant ; and. Ladies of the Ref- ormation. Memoirs. See p. 267. Ladies of the Reformation. See p. 267. Anglican Pulpit of To-Day, Forty Short Biographies and Forty Sermons of Distinguished Preach- ers of the Church of England. Pp. 474, p. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1886. -js. 6d. Barry, Alfred, D.D., editor. Mas- ters in English Theology : being the King's College Lectures for 1877. Pp. xxiv, 240, i6mo. Lond.: Murray; N. Y. : Dutton, 1877. 7s. 6d., %2. Bayne, Peter. Essays in Biog- raphy and Criticism. Pp. 392, i2mo. Bost.: Gould; N. Y. : Young, 1858. $3.50. ^ The Christian Life : Social and Individual. Pp. viii, 528, 8vo. Bost. : Gould ; N. Y. : Young, 1857. $1.75. The Life and Letters of Hugh Miller. 2 vols., pp. 43 1 , 497, 1 2mo. Bost.: Gould; N. Y. : Carter, 1871. S3. Six Christian Biographies : John Howard, William Wilberforce, Thomas Chalmers, Thomas Ar- nold, Samuel Budgett, John Foster. Pp. 300, p. 8vo. Lond. : Bayne, 1887. 5.?. Benson, A. C, and Tatham, H. F. W. Men of Might : Studies of Great Characters. Pp. 296, p. 8vo. Lond.: Arnold, 1892. y. 6d. Socrates, Mahomet, St. Bernard, Savon- arola, Michael Angelo, Fcnelon, Wesley, Dr. Arnold, Gordon, etc. Blaikie, W.Garden, D.D. Lead- ers in Modern Philanthropy. Pp. iii, 296, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, 1885. $1.25. Howard, Wilberforce, Eliz. Fry, Chal- mers, Z. Macaulay, Grellet, Sturge,And. Reed, Guthrie, Livingstone, William Burns, John Patterson, Salt, George Moore, Agnes Jones. Blakey, R. Lives of the Primitive Fathers. Seep. 367. Bright, William, D.D. Lessons from the Lives of three Great Fa- thers. With Appendices. Pp. xxviii, 319, 8vo. N. Y. : Long- mans, 1891. $2. Brook, B. Lives of the Puritans. Seep. 377. Buoy, Charles Wesley, D.D. Representative Women of Meth- odism. Pp. xii, 476, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1892. $1.25. Cave, William. Lives of the most Eminent Fathers of the Church that Flourished in the First Four Centuries, etc. Edited by Henry Gary. 3 vols., pp. 485, 478, 448, 8vo. Lond. : Tegg, 1 840. 24s. Christopher, S. W. The Ep- worth Singers, and other Poets of Methodism. Pp. 528, i2mo. N.Y.: Randolph, 1874. $3. Clarke, R. H. Lives of the De- ceased Bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States. 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y. : O'Shea, 1872. Rev. and enl. ed. 3 vols., 8vo. N. Y.: Clark, 1888. $8. Gumming, James Elder. Holy Men of God from St. Augustine to Yesterday. Pp. viii, 314, cr. 8vo. Lond. : Hodder, 1894. 55. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY. 409 Dixon, W. H., M.A. Fasti Ebor- acenses : Lives of ihie Archbishops of York. Edited and enlarged by James Raine. Vol. I, pp. xxiv, 496, 8vo. Lond. : Long- mans, 1863. 15J. Douglas, Amand M. The Heroes of the Crusades. Pp. ii, 349, 1 2mo. Bost. : Lee, 1889. $1.50. Dupix, Louis E., D.D. A New History of Ecclesiastical Writers, from the First to the Sixteenth Centuries, containing an Account of the Authors of the several Books of Old and New Testa- ments, of the Lives and Writings of the Primitive Fathers and their Works ; . . . also a compendious History of the Councils, etc. 16 vols., fo. Lond., 1693. Re- printed in 3 vols., fo. Dublin, 1722--1724. Evans, E. J., B.A., Ph.D., and HURNDALL, W. F., M.A.. Ph.D. Pulpit Memorials. Photographs and Specimen Sermons of twenty Congregational Ministers, with Brief Memoirs by several Friends. Pp. xxiii, 469, 8vo. Lond. : Clarke, 1878. 1 5 J. EwART, H. C. Leaders Upward and Onward : brief Biographies of Noble Workers. Pp. 366, p. 8vo. Lond. : Isbister, 1887. Farrar, F. W. Seekers after God. The Lives of Seneca, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius. Pp. 350, i2mo. Lond.: Macmillan, i868. 4^. 6r/. Fathers of Independency in Scotland; or. Biographical Sketches of Early Scottish Con- gregational Ministers, 1 798-1 851. Pp. vii, 468, i2mo. Edinb. : Ful- larton, 1851. 3^. 6^. Fowler, Henry. The American Pulpit : Sketches, biographical and descriptive. . . . Seep. 375. GiDDiNGS, Edward, Rev. Ameri- can Christian Rulers ; or. Religion and Men of the Government. Comprising Sketches in American History of Men of Christian Faith and Experience who have had Connection with the National and State Government. . . . Pp. xix, 590, 8vo. N. Y. : Broomfield, 1890. $3- [Grant, James.] Metropolitan Pul- pit, The ; or. Sketches of the most popular Preachers in London. Pp. 416, 8vo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1839. Greeves, Edith. From the Cradle to the Pulpit, being Sketches of the Youthful Days of some Wesleyan Methodist Ministers. Pp. 254, p. 8vo. Lond.: Kelly, 1892. 2s. 6d. Grosart, a. B. Representative Nonconformists. See p. 346. Home, G. Milne. First Successors of the Holy Apostles : Memorials and Writings. Pp. 256, p. 8vo. Lond.: Smith, 1885. ^s.dd. Hook, W. F. Lives of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury, from St. Augustine to Juxon. 12 vols., 8vo. Vols. I to 5, pp. XX, 530 ; xviii, 761 ; XV, 518; xi, 535; xiv, 524. New series, vols, i to 6, pp. viii, 509 ; vi, 419; V, 447 ; xiii, 592 ; xvi, 307 ; xviii, 436. Index, vol. 7, pp. vii, 258. Lond.: Bentley, 1860-1876. Each \^s. Index vol., 7.\s. Jackson, George A., Rev. The Post-Nicene Greek Fathers. Pp. 224, i6mo. N. Y. : Appleton, 1883. 60 cents. Japp, a. H. Good Men and True : Biographies of Workers in the Fields of Beneficence and Benevo- lence. Pp. 438, p, 8vo. Lond. : Unwin, 1889. 6^. Norman Macleod, Edward Denlson, Arnold Toynbee, John Conington, Charles Kings- lev, Bishop Hannington, Dean Stanley, Thomas Guthrie, Titus Salt, Samuel PlimsoU. 4IO LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. Jones, O. Some of the Great Preachers of Wales. Pp. 558, p. 8vo. Lond. : Passmore, 1885. 6s. 6d. D. Rowlands. R. Roberts, C. Evans, John Elias, W. Williams, Henry Rees, John Jones. Jones, William, M.A. Christian Biography : a Dictionary of the Lives and Writings of the most distinguished Christians of all De- nominations, . . . from the Re- vival of Literature to the Present. Pp. iv, 452, i6mo. Lond. : Tegg, 1829. 9^. Kavanagh, Julia. Women of Christianity, Exemplary for Piety and Charity. Pp. 460, 8vo. Lond. : Smith, 1851. New ed., 1859. 5>y. Knight, Helen C, Mrs. Lady Huntington and her Friends; or, The Revival of the Work of God in the Days of Wesley, Whitefield, etc., in the last Century. Pp. 292, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, (1853.) $1.10. Newton, Richard, D.D. Heroes of the Early Church. Pp. 292, i2mo. Phila. : Am. S. S. Un., 1888. Piper, Ferdinand, editor. The Lives of the Leaders of our Church Universal ; from the German edi- tion, with added Lives by American Writers, by H. M. MacCracken. Pp. XXV, 874, 8vo. Pittsburg : Un. Pres. Bd. Pub., 1879. $3- Ryle, J. C, Rev., B.A. The Chris- tian Leaders of the last Century; or, England a Hundred Years ago. Pp. 432, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nelson, 1869. 7s. 6d. St. Giles' Lectures. Third Series, 1883. Scottish Divines, 1 505-1 872. Knox — Melville — Rutherford — Leighton — Erskine — Robertson — Irving — Chalmers —Robertson — Ewing — Lee— Mac- leod. Pp. viii, 460, i2mo. Edinb.: Macniven, 1883. 5 J. The Lectures are l)y the Rev. Malcolm C. Taylor, Rev. Colin Campbell, Rev. Pear- son McAdam Muir, the Very Rev. John Tulloch, Rev. James Mitchell, Rev. F. L. Robertson, Rev. R. Herbert Story, Rev. Donald Macleod, Rev. George Wilson, Rev. James Cameron Lees, Rev. John Cunningham, Rev. Robert Flint, Seeley, Mary. The Later Evan- gelical Fathers. See p. 338. Sherman, D., Rev. Sketches of New England Divines. Pp. 443, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, i860. $1. Smith, G. B. Eminent Christian Workers of the Nineteenth Cen- tury. P. 8vo. Lond. : S. P. C. K., 1893. S^' Archbp. Tait, Bp. Patteson, Earl of Shaftesbury, Bp. Daniel Wilson, Dr. Arnold, Bp. Wilberforce, George Moore, Bp. Hannington, and Bp. Selw^yn. Smith, John, A.M. Our Scottish Clergy : Fifty-two Sketches, bio- graphical, theological, and critical, including all Denominations. Sec- ond Series : Fitty-six Sketches. 2 vols., pp. 400, 400, 8vo. Edinb. : Oliver, 1 848-1 849. Each 7.?. 6^. Stephen, James, Sir. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. 2 vols., pp. viii, 520; iv, 501, 8vo. Lond. : Longmans, 1849. 4th ed., i860. I4y. Stoughton, John. Spiritual He- roes ; or. Sketches of the Puritans. Pp. 404, i2mo. Lond.: Snow, 1848. 2d ed., 1850. ^s. 6d. Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Seven Bishops Imprisoned in 1688. Pp. iv, 393, 8vo. Lond. : Bell, 1866. io,y. 6d. Taylor, William M.,D.D., LL.D. The Scottish Pulpit from the Ref- ormation to the Present Day. Pp. iv, 287, p. 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1887. $1.50. Thomas, Reuben. Leaders of Thought in the Modern Church. Pp. ii, 191, i6mo. Bost. : Lothrop, 1892. |i. Edwards, Channing, Newman, Chalmer^;, F. W. Robinson, Swedenborg, Bushnell, and F, D, Maurice. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 411 TULLOCH, John. English Puritan- ism and iis Leaders. See p. 379. Turner, Samuel H., D.D. Bio- graphical Notices of some of the most Distinguished Rabbis, and Translation of Portions of their Commentaries and other Works, with illustrative Introductions and Notes. Pp. xi, 245, i2mo. N.Y. : Stanford, 1847. 75 cents. Tyerman, Luke. The Life and Times of John Wesley, the Found- er of the Methodists. 3 vols., pp. xii, 564; xi, 618; vii, 699, 8vo. N. v.: Harper, 1872. $7.50. The Oxford Methodists ; Me- moirs of the Rev. Messrs. Clay- ton, Ingham, Gambold, Hervey, and Broughton, with Biographical Notices of Others. Pp. viii, 416, 8vo. Lond. : Hodder; N. Y. : Harper, 1873. $2.50, \os. 6d. The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield. 2 vols., pp. 561, 647, 8vo. N.Y. : Randolph, 1878. S4. Wallace, Robert, F.G.S. An- titrinitarian Biography : Sketches of the Lives and Writings of dis- tinguished Antitrinitarians . . . from the Reformation to the Close of the 17th Centur}% . . . and a History of Unitarianism in England. 3 vols., pp. Ixxx, 461, 590, 638, 8vo. Lond. : Whitfield, 1850. 425. Ware, William. American Uni- tarian Biography. Memoirs of Individuals who have been dis- tinguished by their Writings, Character, and Efforts in the Cause of Liberal Christianity. 2 vols., pp. 406, 462, i2mo. Bost. : Monroe, 1850. $2. West, Robert A. Sketches of Wesleyan Preachers. Pp. 400, i6mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1848. $1. WiLMOTT, Robert Aris, Rev. Bishop Jeremy Taylor, his Pre- decessors, Contemporaries, and Successors. A Biography. Pp. XX, 307, i6mo. Lond.: Parker, 1847. 2d ed., 1848. 5^. Wise, Daniel. Vanquished Vic- tors. Sketches of Distinguished Men who overcame the Obstacles in their W^ay of Fame. Pp. 295, i6mo. Cine. : Methodist Book Concern, 1876. $1.25. Wordsworth, Christopher (Sr.). Ecclesiastical Biography ; or. Lives of Eminent Men con- nected with the History of Reli- gion in England, etc. 4 vols., pp. xxiv, 672, 680, 683, 747, 8vo. Lond.: Rivington, 1853. 54J. Zirndorf, Henry. Some Jewish Women. From the German. Pp. vii, 280, 8vo. Phila. : Jewish Pub. Soc, 1892. Si. 50. b. individual. I. By Authors. See also Reformers. Lives of and Missionary Biog7-aphies. Abbott, E. A. The Anglican Ca- reer of Cardinal Newman, 2 vols., pp. 910. Lond. and N. Y. : Mac- millan, 1892. 25^., $10. Abbott, Lyman, D.D., and Hal- LiDAY, S. B., Rev. Henry Ward Beecher : a Sketch of his Career ; with Analysis of his Power as a Preacher, Lecturer, Orator, and Journalist, and Incidents and Rem- iniscences of his Life. Pp. 670, 8vo. Hartford: Am. Pub. Co., 1887. $3. Adamnan. Life of St. Columba, Founder of Hy. Written by Adamnan, 9th Abbott of that Monastery. Edited bv William Reeves. D.D.. M.R.'l.A. Pp. clxxxiv, 385, 8vo. Edinb. : Ed- monston, 1874. 35. (>d. AiKiN. John, M.D. The Lives of John Selden,Esq., and Archbishop Usher ; with Notices of the Prin- 412 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. cipal English Men of Letters with whom they were connected. Pp. xiii, 430, 8vo. Lond. : Matthews, 1812. 14^. (id, AiTON, John, Rev. The Life and Times of Alexander Henderson, giving a History of the Second Reformation of" the Church of Scotland, and of the Covenanters, during the Reign of Charles. Pp. XX, 674, 8vo. Edinb. : Smith, 1836. 14^. Alcock, John (Archdeacon of Waterford). Walking with God : a Memoir of — . By his Daughter. Pp. 454, p. 8vo. N. Y. : Hodder, 1887. Ts. 6d. Alexander, H. C. The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander. 2 vols., pp. xii, 480, 481, i2mo. N. Y.: Scribner, 1870. $5. Alexander, James W. The Life of Archibald Alexander. Pp. xi, 700, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner, 1854. $2.50. Forty Years' Familiar Letters ; Constituting, with the Notes, a Memoir of his Life. Edited by the Surviving Correspondent, John Hall. 2 vols., pp. viii, 412, 379, 8vo. N. Y. : Scribner. i860. $3. Alexander, William Lindsay, D.D. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Ralph Wardlaw, D.D. Pp. xvii, 519, 8vo. Edinb. : Black, 1856. 12S. Alford, Henry, D.D. Life, Jour- nals, and Letters. Edited by his Widow. Pp. vii, 528, i2mo. Lond.: Rivington, 1872. 3d ed., 1874. 9^. Pp. viii, 542, 8vo. Phila. : Lippincott, 1873. $5. Allen, Alexander V. G., D.D. Jonathan Edwards. Pp. ix, 401, i2mo. Bost. : Houghton, 1890, [1889.] $1.25. Allen, Frank G. Autobiography and Selections from his Writings. Edited by Robert Graham. Pp. xi, 259, 8vo. Cine. : Guide Pr. Co., 1887. %i. Allen, William, D.D. Memoir of John Codman, D.D., with Reminiscences, by Joshua Bates, D.D. Pp. 408, 8vo. Bost. : Mar- vin, 1853. $1.50. Allon, Henry. Memoir of Sher- man, James : including an unfin- ished Autobiography. Pp. xv, 468, p. 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, i860. 2d ed., 1863. 7s. 6d. Anderson, John, Esq. Reminis- cences of Thomas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. Pp. vi, 409, 8vo. Edinb. : Nichol, 1 85 1. 7s. 6d. Appel, Theodore, D.D. The Life and Work of John William- son Nevin, D.D., LL.D. Pp. 776, 8vo. Phila. : Ref. Ch. Pub. Ho., 1889. $3. Arnot, William. Life and Writ- ings of James Hamilton, D.D. Pp. 600, 8vo. Lond. : Nisbet, 3d ed., 1870. 7s. 6d. Arthur, William. The Success- ful Merchant. The Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett. Pp. 418, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1852. 50 cents. ASBURY, Francis. Journals. 3 vols., pp. 524, 492, 502, i2mo. N. Y. : Methodist Book Concern, 1851. $5. Ashwell, a. R. Life of Right Rev. Samuel Wilberforce. Vol. I, pp. 555, 8vo. Lond. : Murray, 1880. iss. Ayres, Anne. Life and Works of William Augustus Muhlenberg. Pp. xiv, 524, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1880. $3. [Cheap ed., Randolph, 1884. $1.50.] Baillie, John, Rev. St. Augus- tine : a biographical Memoir. Pp. 305, i2mo. N. Y. : Carter, 1859. 75 cents. HISTORICAL THEOLOGY 413 Baird, Henry M. The Life of Robert Baird. Pp. 347» 8vo. N.Y.: Randolph, 1866. $2.25. Baker, William M., Rev. The Life and Labours of the Rev. Daniel Baker, D.D., Pastor and Evangelist. Pp. 573, 8vo. Phila. : Martien, 1858. $1.25. Barrows, John Henry, D.D. Henry Ward Beecher. The Shakespeare of the Pulpit. Pp. xvi, 541, i2mo. N. v.: Funk, 1893. $1.50. Beardsley, E. E. Life of Samuel Seabury, First Bishop of Connecti- cut, and of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Pp. 514, 8vo. Bost. : Houghton, 1 88 1. Pp. 377. Lond. : Hodges, 1884. $4, 6s. Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography and Correspondence. Edited by Charles Beecher. 2 vols., pp. 563, 587, i2mo. N. Y. : Harper, 1864. $5. Beecher, William C, Scoville, Samuel, Rev., and Beecher, Mrs. a Biography of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Pp. 713, 8vo. N. Y.: Webster, 1888. $3. Belcher, Joseph, D.D. George Whitefield : a Biography, with special Reference to his Labors in America. Pp. 514, i2mo. N. Y. : Am. Tr. Soc, n.d., [1857.] $1.25. Benson, A. C. William Laud, some- time Archbp. of Canterbury: a Study. Pp. 244, p. 8vo. Lond. : Paul, 1887. 6s. Bersier, Eugene, D.D. Coligny : the earlier Life of the great Hugue- not. Translated by Annie Harwood Holmden. Pp. xxxvi, 351, 8vo. Lond.: Hodder, 1884. 7s. 6d. Besant, Walter, M.A. The Life and Achievements of Edward Henry Palmer. Pp. xi, 450, i6mo. Lend.: Murray, 1883. 12s. Bickersteth, Montagu Cyril. A Sketch of the Life and Episco- pate of the Rt. Rev. Robert Bickersteth, D.D,, Bp. of Ripon. By his Son, with Preface by his Cousin, Ed. H. Bickersteth, Bp. of Exeter. Pp. xiv, 314, i2mo. Lond. : Rivington ; N. Y.: Dutton, 1887. 12s., $3.50. BiGELOW, J. Molinos, the Quietist. See under Quietism, p. 379. Birch, Thomas, D.D. The Life of Dr. John Tillotson, Archbp. of Canterbury. Compiled from his original Papers and Letters. Pp. vii, 469, and Index, 8vo. Lond. : 1752. 2d ed., 1753. BiRKS, Thomas Rawson, Rev., M.A. Memoir of the Rev. Ed- ward Bickersteth, late Rector of Walton. With an Introduction by Stephen H. Tyng, D.D. 2 vols., pp. xiii, 398 ; vi, 409, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1851. $1.75. Blackburn, William M., Rev., D.D. Saint Patrick, and the Early Church of Ireland. Pp. 240. i6mo. Phila. : Pres. Bd. Pub., (1869.) 80 cents. Blair, Robert, Mr., Minister of St. Andrews. Autobiography. See Collected Works, p. 40. BoNAR, Andrew A., Rev. The Life and Remains, Letters, Lec- tures, and Poems of the Rev. Rob- ert Murray McCheyne. Pp. 556, 8vo. Edinb. : Johnstone. i2mo. Phila.: Pres. Bd. Pub., 1844. N. Y. : Carter, 6th ed., 1849. New ed., pp. 652, 8vo. Lond. : Oliphant, 1892, 5^,, $1.50. Bonner, Edmund, Bp. of Lon- don. The Life and Defence of the Conduct and Principles of the Venerable and Calumniated — . In which is considered the best Mode of again Changing the Re- ligion of this Nation. By a Trac- 414 LITERATURE OF THEOLOGY. larian British Critic. Pp. xxv, xiv, 382, 8vo. Lond. : Seeley, 1842. los. 6d. Bourne, H. R. Fox. The Life of John Locke. 2 vols., pp. xvi, 488 ; xii, 574, 8vo. N. Y. : Harper, 1876. $5. BOWEN, L. P. The Days of [Fran- cis] Mal