PROCLAMATIONS E LIBRIS EGRANT 1695 ^^ .^ OM't. . BEING A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE SEVENTY PRINTED BETWEEN THE YEARS 1550 AND 1597. En ti)c possession of George Baniel, of Canonbnrn. ■ Oidoongs, old Talci, and or. old Jc; Our stomachs easiliest digest." TWENTY-FIVE COPIES PBESTED ONLY FOR PRIVATE CIBCL'LATION LONDON, 1806. ^jj£6^:.^0-*>-»^^'N-H-<-^ , INTEODUCTION. If any portion of our literature be more generally interesting than another it is ancient ballad lore. How many events historical and domestic do we owe the knowledge of to this source. Battles have been fought, and heroes immortalised in its expressive and inspiring strains ; and the sports, pastimes, manners, customs, and traditions of our forefathers have received from it some of their most important and curious illustrations. Scholars, critics, and antiquaries have rendered good service to literatiire by snatching from oblivion those precious relics of legendary poetry which would have been lost to posterity but for their well directed labours of love. They have made us familiar with the thoughts, sympa- thies, and language of our ancestors. We follow them to the tour- nament, the border foray, the public hostelrie, and the domestic hearth. We glow with their martial spirit and revel in their rude festivities ! The chief characteristics of an ancient ballad are simplicity and force. With the minstrels of the olden time the impulses of the heart were the inspirations of the muse. Yet in this absence of study and polish, thoughts of exquisite beauty, felicity of expres- sion beyond the reach of art, and rare pathos surprise and delight ivi6368S7 US at every turn. Many ballads quoted by Shakespeare, Beaumont and Fletcher and Samuel Rowlands {''dew of Kind Gossips") extend not beyond a single verse, yet how suggestive are they! Many (as if to tantalise bibliographical curiosity !) are limited to a line. It was such penny broadsides that composed the marvellous " bucch " of the military mason of Coventry, and that stocked the pedlar's pack of Autolicus ; and their power of fascination may be learnt from the varlei's own words when he laaghiug'y brags how nimbly he lightened the gaping villagers of their purees while chanting to them his merry trol-my-dames ! We delight in a Fiddler's Fling full of mirth and pastime ! and revel in the exhilarating perfume of those odoriferous chaplets gathered on sunshiny holidays and star-twinkling nights bewail- ing how beautiful maidens meet with faithless wooers, and how fond shepherds are jilted by deceitful damsels. How despairirg Corydons hang, and how desponding Phillidas drown themselves. How ghosts haunt and iafliet vengeance. How disappointed lovers go to eea, and how forlorn lasses follow them in jackets and trousers ! Sir George Etheridge, in his comedy of " Love in a Tub," says, " Expect at night to sea the old ican with his paper lantern and crack'd spectacles, singing you woeful tragedies to kitchen-maids, and cob^ilers' apprentices." Aubrey mentions that his nurse could repeat the his'ory of England, from the Conquest to the time of Charles I. in haUads. In Walton's Angler, Piseator having caught a chub, conducts Venator to " an honest alebcuse where they would find a cleanly room, lavender in the windows, and twenty ballads stuck about the wall." " When I travelled," says The Spectator, " I took a particular delight in hearing the songs and fables that are come from father to son, and are most in vogue among the common people of the countries through which I passed." A'erse sweetens toil however rude the sound. We would not part with those primitive " moralities" " Goody Two- Shoes," " Mother Bundi," md " The Cruel Uncle" that charmed our childhood for all the dry, hard, husky essays on political economy that utilitarianism ever penned I Listen to mee, my lovely Shepherd's joye. And thou shalt beare with mirth and muokle glee, Some pretie tales, which, when I was a boye. My toothlesse grandame oft hath told to mee. In these " very proper ditties " and " pleasant posies " theladje- love was extolled, the Popish priest lampooned, the rebel reviled, the sovereign deified, the shrew shewn up, the hen- pecked husband pilloried, and the most rare monster on two legs and on four moralised as a judgment upon the nation, and a warning to the wicked ! Winding up with a prayer for the Queen ! Even Tyburn's noose had its muse. The Britons, from an early period, were a ballad-loving people. The ancient English Minstrels who succeeded the Troubadours sang songs of their own composing to the sound of the harp- These were, in part, if not wholly, French or Proveo gal. Eichard I., who was himself a minstrel, wrote verses in that tongue, some of which are extant. For many ages " trumpeters, Inters, harpers, singers, &c.," contributed to the national amusement. No state ceremony or religous festival, no castle or tavern was complete without them. The art of printing was a heavy blow 1o extem- poraneous lyrics chanted by wandering gleemen to hum-drum tunes. Such careless compositions— though ihey might satisfy the ear, would not bear the critical ordeal of the press ; and a better sort of ballad-mongers and ballad-singers superseded them. " The Downfall of Thomas Lord Cromwell," in 1540, is quoted by Kitson as the oldest printed ballad known. It has been repriated by Dr. Percy, and we believe is now in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. Itinerant vocalism had its pains and penalties. In 1537 one John Hogon was arrested for singing publickly a political ballad contrary to the proclamation of 1533 for the suppression of "fond Looks, ballads, rhymes, &c." And ten years af'erwardd, owing to their increasing circulation, the legislature passed an act against " printed ballads, plays, rhimes, songs and other fantasies." The government of Edward VI. was tolerant to this popular literature ; but Queen Mary, a month after her accession to the throne, re- opened the penal fire, and " printers and stationers " with " an evil zeal for lucre, and covetous of vile gain " were warned by royal edict to abandon their unlawful calling. Propitious to the Smithfield Muse was the reign of Elizabeth ! Ballad singing was in all its glory ! Then flourished Tarleton, Antony Munday, Johnson, Delony, and Elderton. The latter lyrist was wont to "arm himself with ale when he ballated," and upon him was written the following epitaph; — Hie situs est sitiena atque ebrixis Elderfonus, Quid dioo, hiu situs est? hie potius sitis est. Which iH thus translated by Oldys : — Dead drunk here Elderton dolh lie : Dead as he is, he still is dry : So of him it may well bi; said. Here he, but not his thirst is laid. Skelton, at an earlier period, had kept the press alive with his merry ballads, but these sweet singers literally inundated it. So profitable was their calling, that Henry Chettle, in his "Kind Hart's Dreame,' circa 1592, says, " There is many a tradesman of a worshipfuU trade, 'yet no stationer, who after a little bringing uppe apprentices to singing brokerie, takes into his shoppe some freshmen, & trustes his olde servautes of a two months standing with a dossen of ballads. In which, if they prove thriftie, ha makes them prety chapmen, able to speed more pamphlets by the state forbidden, than all the booksellers in Loudon." Nicholas Breton (" Pasquil's Night-Cap," IGOO) advises prose- men to take up the m^re thriving trade of writing penny ballads. Every London street had its vocalist ; and Essex (where Dick and Wat Winibars two celebrated trebles are said to have got twenty shillings a day by singing at Brain treofair) and the adjoining coimtiea 'twould seem in particular to have patronised this " upstart genera- tion of ballad-singers." This peripatetic harmony however had its jarring notes of discord, Philip Stubbes the puritan, in his " Ana- tomy of Abuses," denounces fiercely " Songs, filthy ballads, and scurvy rhymes." Bishop Hall (see Virgedemiarum, 1597) lashes the " drunken rimer " (probably the " peerless Elderton " !) who Sees his haudselle have such fdire successe. Sung to the wheel, and sung uato the pajle. . Chettle gives no quarter to certain licentious ballads, viz., *' Watkins Ale, The Carmans Whistle, Chopping Knives, and Frier Fox-taile," and Shakespeare has his satirical hit at " metre balladmongers." The Carmen of ancient times made "the welkin dance," and "rouzed the night-owl" with their uproarious catches, which Justice Shallow, " ever in the rear-ward of the fashion," palmed upon "the over scutcht huswives" as his own "fancies, or his good nights." The Spinsters and the knitters in the sun, and the mOk-maids were chanters of ancient ballad?. So too were the weavers. In Deloney's History of Jack of Newbery the Weavers song is thus introduced: "Then came his highness? (Henry VIII., who was upon a visit to Jiick) where he saw a hundred looms standing in one room, and two men worldng in every one, who pleasantly sung in this sort," Whether tQe carmen of the present day are as musical as of yore we know not. But this we know that the song of the spinster, the milkmaid, and the knitter, "pillow and bobbins all her little store," is still to be heard in the remote, retired and rural village that the lailrcad has not yet invaded, and in daisy-dappled fields respited for a season from a brick-and-mortary end ! In the succeeding reign " halluoi-hroliiiry " contiBued in lull bearing ! Koighls aiiddiimes, urJ goblius hairy, Qiauts rude aud guutle fairj, were as plentiful and as popular as ever. Eut in process of time the old metre-men passed away, and when Charles I. became King a new race succeeded to their titlsf*, though they maintained very indif- ferently their honors. The most prolitic of these was Martin Parker a Grub-street scribbler, to whom our much-abused friend i' fonda Elderton " was a Swan of Helicon to a Tailor's Goose- And in his wake followed an inferior fry (Price, Wade, Climsel, and Guy) to whom even Martin himself was a Triton of the min- nows ! In fecundity they kept pace with their predecessors, and poured forth merry medicines for melancholy. Daring the Usur- jation, the people^ who had been arbitrarily deprived of their ainusfments by the iron harjd of treason and fanaticism, found rtic/c Lane and its " kindred cobwebs," The Eing in Little Britain, The Three Bibles, and the Black Boy on London Bridge, and The Golden Ball in Pie Corner were the Heliconian founts whence poured their inspirations which made old London vocal and Be&ing'd the walls of Bedlam and Soho. The accomplishments of the bygone ballad-singer are graphically described by Brathwaito in his " Whimsies.^' " Now he counterfeits a natural base, then a perpetual treble, and ends with a counter- tenure. You shall heare him feigne an artfall straine through the nose, purposely to insinuate into the attentionof the jjtirer brother- hood." And in a rare tract, " Nimble and Quick, Pick and Chiise vjhere yoit, tvill," without date, we have a quaint specimen of his phraseology, " I love strong beer twice in the year, that is sum- mer and winter. Ballad-singers have the most honest trade in the world f jr money : it is also an ancient and honorable calling, for Homer also was one." Ben Jonson, in his "Bartholomew Fair," introduces ^Nightingale a ballad-singer, who asks Cokes whether ho shall sing his ballad to the tune of Paggington's (J,c. Packingt( nS) "Pound," The street ballad-singers of the present day are no imprcvemen . upon their predecessors^ The elaborate blackguardism ard gin- and-fog voices of these excruciating screech-owls speak little f-T the boasted march of intellect. Than old ballad lore nothir g is more coveted or more rare. A bunch of broadside Elizabethan ballads is a prize that the owner of the choicest lilriry would ride " booted to the groin " to add to hia bibliographical treasures ! Kitson bears testimony to their uncommon scarcity. "Very few," he remarks, "exist of an earlier date than the reigns of James, or even of Charles I. Being printed only on single sheets, which would fall chiefly into the B hands of the vulgar, who had no better method of preserving their favourite compositions than by pasting them upon the wall, their destruction is easily accounted for." Is it too much to believe that the cosey spirit of Captain Cox might have hovered over the very few that are still extant, and saved them from the cook who " hissing hot ! " would have pinned them to the Michaelmas Goose to keep it from singeing, or the simple sempstress who would have metamorpho&ed them into thread papers? The five volumes of old ballads bequeathed by the locomotive inquisitive, sight-seeing Samuel Pepys to the University of Cam- bridge are chiefly of the reigns of Charles I. and II. They are thus classed in the precise and perpendicular caligraphy of the collector. " Heroic, Eomantic, Hunting, Love pleasant. Love unfortunate." A few are very ancient, and were put forth by the well-beloved Richard Lant, of black-letter memory, and that " courteous dame " the celebrated "Widow Toye, The Eoxburghe collection in three large volumes folio (now in the British Museum) contain some ballads printed before 1600; but the far greater number are of a more recent date. In the year 1820, when the last part of Mr. Bindley's wonderful library was sold, four lots of old ballads and broadsides printed between 1640 and 1088, and collected by Narcissus Luttrell, produced the startling sum of Seven hundred and eighty-one pounds! The Rawlinson collection, a considerable one, is worthy of its far-famed depository, the Bodleian library. The Pociety of Antiquaries possess a goodly number, garnished with a few of the sixteenth century. The Rev. Dr. Bandinel of Oxford, Sir Frederic Madden of the British Museum, Mr. J. P. Collier and Mr. Ilalli- well have a covetable sprinkling. The late Mr. Heber rejoiced in the largest number of Elizabethan broadsides that were ever sold by public auction. They formed part of that bunch which came into the prsseseion of the writer through a private source, and who disposed of them to the late eminent bookseller Mr. Thorpe for a very large sum. They are chiefly of a religious aud moral charac- XI ter and insufferably tedious and dull. Mr. Thorpe sold them to Mr. Heber, at whose death Mr. Miller (now also no more !) pur- chased them; and they " stick fiery off indeed" iuhis magnificent library, -which we understand is destined one day to become the property of some national institution The following collection consists of Seventy Elizabethan Black- Letter Ballads published between the years 1559 and 1597, all of which editions are presumed to be unique. But a very few of them have been reprinted, and these with important variations, consequently they are as rare as manuscript. Among them are " The Crow sits upon the wall,^' written by Tarleton the Court Jester who " undumpished" Queen Elizabeth. It is quoted by Msilvolio in " Twelfth Night." The first and second parts of " The faire Widow of Watling Street," upon which is founded the play attributed to Shakespeare — "A New Ballade of a Lover ExtoUinge his Lady," 1568, with the music. " Mother Watkins ale" aaathematised by Chettle ! " Tlie true discription of a mar- vellous siraunge Fishc" that formed one of the multifarious items in the pack of Autolicus — and " The Daunce and Song of Death" particularly referred to by Mr. Francis Douce in his last beautiful edition of The Dance of Death. That eminent antiquary in suinmer days when leaves were green would take a trip to Canon- bury and discourse most eloquently upon these marvels of the muse, which, from their perfect and spotless condition would seem to have been carefully rolled up and Iccked up for more than two hundred years! To those who can appreciate them it would be superfluous to enlarge upon their curiosity and value ; while to those who have no taste for such recondite and rare relics it would be uselets. To the writer they are precious indeed ! Ancient Ballad lore was his early, constant, most delightful study. And now Age cannot wither it> nor custom stale Its infinite variety. B 2 The ■writer caDnot concludo this brief introduction without acknowledging how much he is indebted to two literary friends, Mr. Staunton and Dr Eimbault, for their kind assistance in ascer- taining the dates of many of the Ballads, by the printer's name. To them tliis laborious task has, in truth, been a labour of love. GEORGE DANIEL. Canoubury, June 14, 1856. AN ELIZABETHAN GAELAND, BEING A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF euentp 93lacfe = JLetter 3SallaD0, FEINTED BETWEEN THE YEARS 1659 & U97. a llchje tSallatre. Fiiiis. Quod. B.M. 1559. The " metre-ballad-monger " warns Elizabeth against the " forked cap " (the Pope) ; bringing before her the example of her " Progmitours." Ihe burden of the song is very ancient, viz., " Lady, Lady, moste dere Lady. • (A copy of this " newe baUade," is preserved among the broadsides in the library of the Society of Antiquaries. Query— Was " R. M." Richara Mulcaster ?) €'^t SSaontins of ©iifllantt. 1559. Finis. Q. L A. Imprinted at London by John Awdeley. Alluding to the death of Edward VI. ; the accession of Mary to the throne ; the restoration of the Roman Catholic religion in England ; and its fall, on the accession of Queen Elizabeth. (One of the numerous productions, in " ballad lore." 'of the rhyming printer John Awdeley.) 14 III. ^ Irtscrtption of a monstrous dtf^^XUt, borne at Cl^gcftesln' in g»u6sri, t]&e xxiiii. trage of iHas- 1562. ^Tj^is teing t^e berg Iengt]& anlr tggnes of t^c same. Quod. Jhon. D. Imprinted at London, by Leonard Askel for Fraunces Godlyf. In the yeare of cure Lorde. 1562. [Woodcut of a child at the top. Verse and Prose.] (Tn the Stationers' Registers, under the date 1561-2, is preserved this putry. " Kd. of Fraunces Godlyfe, for his lycense for pryntinge of the picture of a monsterus chylde wch was bowrne in Suffolke " [no sum]. Probably the clerk, by mistake, wrote " Suffolk " for " Sussex." " John D." we believe to have been John Demyll, author of " A merry prognostication," licensed to W. Pickering in 1566 7.) IV. ^ lieto Ijallalr against Santjrifts. Finis, Quoth W. F. Imprinted at London at the long Shop adjoining unto Saint Mildreds Chuiche in the Poultry, by John Aide. (Entered in the Stationers' Books in 1561 2. " W. F." was, in all pro- bability, William Fulwood, the author of the " Supplication to Elderton," and many other broadsides.) V. C^e Stiape of, 2 /Bosters. 1562. Amen. q. "W. F. Imprinted at London at the Long Shop in the Pultry by John Aide. LWoodout at the top of t^vo pigs, inclosed in a plain border. Prose and Verse.] (" W. F." §Mery— William Fulwood ?) VI. €^e tme reporte of tfie forme antr sfiape of a monstrous c^inrc. tome at fHucl&e fl^orfeeslrjje. a btUage tfiree mgles from €ol= cficstcr, in tfic Countge of dSmx, tf)t 21 trage of aprgU in tftis Vitavt. 1562. O, prayse God and blesse his name His mightye hand hath wrought the same. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete nere to S. Dunstons church by Thomas ^ [Wooacutof achildatthe top. Verse and Prose.] VII. Cfte licsfriptiott of a monstrous |Jig, tfjc tofiirfi teas farrotorlt at ?ijamstc& tcsgtre ilontion. tftc 16. tray of ©ctotrr tl&ts present geare of our ILov'O ©olr 1562. Imprinted 'at Lo)idon by Alexander Lacy for Gaiat Dewes, dwellyng in Ponies church yarde, at the East end of the Church. CWoodeut of a pig, the fore part anil Ihc back part, at tho top. Prose.] (John Aide had a license to print " the picture of a monsterus pigge, ' in 1661-2, which was piobably the " llampHttad rig, above dcfcribed ) VIII. CDe true trwcription of a moiistefoiia ci&Bllre mmt in m He of mxiqi)t in tW pveseiit Brate of oufc ILortr OSotr 1564, tf)c montf) of ©rtobn-, after tfjis forme, toitfi a rlustev of long fieare atout tfte tiabell. Cfje fatftcfs name is ^James IJoTjnsun, ill tl&e parse of jfrestoater. Fiiiis quod John Barkar. Imprynted at London in Fletestrete : at the Sygne of the ^aucmi, by W3 1- liam Gryffith, and are to be solde at his Shop in Samt Dunston's Churchyaide, in the west of London, the 8. day of November. [Woodcut of the lower parts of a child, and another of the chUd itself at the top. Verse and rrose.] ( The entry of this ballad in the Stationers' Books is curious :-"Rd. of William Greffeth, for his lycensefor pryntinge of a pycture of a chylde borae in the He of Wyghte with a cluster of grapes about ye navM, mj. IX. a most pleasant ISallatt of patient Orissell. To the tune of the Brides good morrow. [Woodcut border— top, bottom, and end.] rThe original ballad of " The Bride's Good-morrow," which furnished the tune for the present ballad, is reprinted in Mr. J. P. Collier's volume of " Roxburghe Ballads." Owen Rogers had a license in 15(,5-G, to print " the sounge of Facyente Gressell," which may probably be the one in our list ; but the subject was a common one.^ Cj&e if antasifs of a troutleU mannes fjeatr. Finis. T. C. (Alexander Lacy had a license to print this ballad in 1505 (j. Its author was probably Thomas Churchyard.) a S)trife tettoeen appelles antr l^igmalian. ( WiUiam Griffith had a license to print " A ballad of A ppelles and Tyg- malyne, to the tune of the fyrst Apelles," in ]5(, Th.8 was undoubt- edly the one in our Catalogue. A song 'to the tune of Apell's, is n Barnaby Googe's " Poems," printed in 1563. It was therefore an estab- lished favourite.) aimig]&tB (SoU I prag. I&is ^olg spirite to senlr : Cf)e just mannrs tiart stetrfast to staj). nnti toicfeeft Ubes to menu. Imprinted at London, witlwut Aldersgate, iu little BriUin : by Alex. Lucy, the 10. of August, 1566. IG XIII. Cfjr true Iriecriptton of a (StUliss toitft Kuffcs totuc m Ifjf jjaris^ of iHtrfjffjain in tje ©ontie of ^urreg in t^c grrrc of ovr HorD I06G. The for part and the back part. Finis, q. H B. Imprinted at London hy John Aide and Eicharde Johnes and are to be solde at the Long Shop adjoining unto S. Mildreds Churohe in the Puitris and at the litle .shop adjohiing to the Northwest doore of Paules Churche. Anno domini 1566 the 20, of August. [VVooJcut rif a child (the fore part nnrl thp back parf) inclosed in a plain border at the top Prose and Vergo. The whole of iho above is repeated on the other side.] (A popular ballad of the seventeenth century, " Pride's Fall, or a Warning to all English- Women," gives us a similar instance of mon- Btioslty : — About his neck & flaunting ruff. It now had gallantly,' Starched witli wliite and blew, Seemlj- unto the eye : With laces long and broad. As now are womens bands. Thus heavy, wanton pride First in God's anger stands. In 1587, Henry Carre had a license to print "a nevre balled, iatituled " Stowp gallant," concerning a child borne with great Ruffes. ') a (!^oliii) Jjallatr Ucrlaring tg t^e STripttires tfie plap?s tftat tabe insurlr tujofflromj;. Finis. A. T. Imjniiiled at London at the long Shop adjoining unto Sainot Mildreds Church in the Poultrie bj' Jolm Aide. Anno Domini 1566. Xoveiobris 25. XV. Cfjc Inic iifsrription of ttoo monstrous r^iltrren, latofuili) if- gotten licttDfrnc OScorgc S'trbcns antr JHargeric fjis ffiSapfr, anir iorjic \\\ tfjc parisfi of Slwantnrne in ISurfepngfiamsfiijrf. t^c 4 of aprill. anno IBomini. 156G. tfjr ttoo rf)titrrnt Jjabrng botf) tfjfir brlics fast jojjnctr togrtl&cr, anti imtirarwug one an otfjrr hiitfj tfifir annrs : tofjicft cfjilUren lucr botft a l\)bc tij t^e spare of fialf an fjolucr, an& \&n t^aptijcir ani» namrir X%t one JJofin, aiiD tfjf otfjer Joan. Finis, q John Mellys Nov. Imprinted at London by Alexander Lacy, for William Lewes : dwellj-ng in Cow Lane, above Holborne cundit, over against the signe of the Plough. [Woodout of two children at the top, inclosed in a plain border. Plain border all roatid Verso. J (In tlie previous year Thomas Colwell printed " The true description of two monsterouB chyldrcn, bonie at llcrno, in Kent, the 27 dale of Augusts ill the year of our Lord 1565. They were booth women ehyldrt-D, and were chrystened and ly ved half a daye. The one departed before the other almoste an howre." It is entirely prose, with a woodcut of the two chil- dren, united at the stomach.) XYI. a ^roprr ilcto fialaU of tljc Brgfter dBtffmt. Taken out of the fourth booke of Kinges the V. Chapter. To the tune of Kynge Salomon. Finis Q. George Mali. Imprinted at London in Fletestreate beneath the Conduit, at the Signe of S. John Evangelist, by Thomas Colwell. [Woodcut border in the centre. J (This ballad was licensed by the Stationers' Company in 15G6-7. The story of Gehazi is in what we now call the Second Book of Kings. " A Ballett of Kyng Salomon," probably the original of the tune here referred to, was licensed in 1-559-60.) XVII. Sl&c forme anlr sO'ipf of a IHonetrous il^inr, toruc at ifWaijtrgtonc in Stent, tfje 24. of ©rtotcv. . 1568. As ye this sliape abhorre So flee such Vices farre In body for to have : As might the Soule deprave. In gods power To fashion even all flesh stands as he wyll, As the clay in the In good shape Potters hands. or in yll. Imprinted at London by John Awdeley, dwellyng in little Britain Streete without Aldersgate. The 23. of December. LWoodcut of acliiia, the fore part and the back part, inclosed in a woodcut border. I'lain border all round, i'rose and Verse.] (John Sampson (rt!ia5 Awdely), the printer, was probably the author of this production. It is net named in Smith's " Bibliotheca Cantiana.") XVIII. HLfit HJaunce avits Song of II3eat1D- [A Woodcut with twentj- figm-es, and five verses In black-letter.] sa iiletoc ISallatie of a Hober ©itoUinge W tiatrar. To the tune of Damon and Pithias. Finis. Q. M. Qsb. - Imprinted at London, in Fletstrete at the signe of the Faucon by Wylliam Gryffith. 1568. A very passionate and beautiful ballad ; the burden of wliich is, " Or els for love I die." [Music at the top-plain border all round— border, with figures in the centic. j (This ballad was licensed to Thomas Colwell in 1562-3. The tunc is unknown.) }S a Bsio iSallaire intgluIcJ) 0ootf jFpIIoIdcs must go Ipatne to Banntc. Imprinted at London ; in Flete Streete at tlie Sigiie of the Faucon, by Wylliam Gryffith, and are to be solde at his shoppe inS. Dunstoues Churchyarde. 1569. [With a^oodcut of prood follows drinking aad dancinp:; ricli border in thn centre, &c.] (Entered on the Stationers' Books in 15G7-8.) XXI. % proper nctD ialaU tn praise of mg ILitik JWarqucs, ioljosc licat^ is liciaailcO. To the tune of new lusty gallant. Finis Q. W. Elderton. Imprinted at London in Fletestreat beneath the Conduit, at the signe of S. John Evangelist, by Thomas Colwell. [Rich woodcut border of saints, &c , at the top; woodcut at the bottom.] (Entered on the Stationers' Books in 1568-9. The tune is contained in William Ballet's Lute Book, MS. in Trinity College, Dublin.) (Tliis lady was probably Elizabeth, daughter of Sir AVilliam Capel, lit.. Lord Mayor of London, and wife of William Paulet, first Marquis of Wincbester.) XXII. ©f tfft fiorvibh ani tooful iSegtruction of Soltomc aifj ^ornotra. To the Tune of the nine Muses. Imprinted at London by Richard Johnes for Henrie Kyrkham, dwellyng al llie signe of the blacke Boy : at the middle North dore of Paules ChurJu. [Pliiin border all round, woodcut burdtr in the c ntre.] (Alexander Lacy had a license to print a ballad upon the same subject in 1568 9. 'Jhe tune of " The Nine Muses" is mentioned in Robinson's " HandefuU of Pleasant Delitee," 1581, but it is not known at the present day.) XXIII. 2Cf)f tnir tJisn-tption of tftis marfaetlous gtraungs .iFisJ^c, bljirfj inas tafefii on t^ursIraB teas eenntgfjt, tfje 16. aag of Jfmir. tljis pwgent inontft, tn tfjc scare of our ILorir iick's Delight on the Cithren," 1666 ) XXVIII. an ©pitap]& on tfte ircatft of tfft bet'ttious iHatrone, tf)t JLaiiie Maiou^u, late Ingfe to tl&c rtgl&t p^onoratle ilorire S^Ifiaitiifr saitenct, aorlJ Maiov of tjc €itte of ilontron, tojo tifcrnscii m VM UU of ijulg 1570. Post Funera vivit virtus. Quoth John PhUlip. Imprinted at London by Eicharde Johnes. [Woodcut border all round. Initial letter with device.] (John Phillip is mentioned by Ritson as the author of the " Cleomenes and Juliet," 1577 ; but he knew nothing of the present ditty. Heber had a ballad by the same writer, entitled " A Cold Pye for the Papistes." His name occurs more than once in our Catalogue.) a netoe ISallalte intttulctr, against IJetcIIious aiitr false iSumotirs. To the newe tune of the Blacke Almaine, upon Scissillia. Finis. Q. Thomas Bette. Imprinted at Loudon, in the Fletestreat at the signe of the Faucon by Wyllittiu Gryffith, and are to be sold at his Shoppe in Sainct Dunstones Chtirch- yaide. 1570. Alluding to France " spoyled in Kuth and feare," whence " Flemmingea fled from Tirantes hands," and to false forebodings of " much trouble in the laud." (England). [\Voodcut device at beginning and end — Woodcut border with figures in the centre. ( The author of this ballad is not named, by any bibliographer. 1 hi.-t is the earliest notice of a tune that will be mentioned again in our Catalogue.) XXX. a BallaiJ rf jaasjingc tftt solraine fall, ©f Kftcis tfiat ti^ousiSt to ItfbolDer iiB all. Imprinted at London, in Fleeto streete, by William How, for Henry Kirkham, and are to be solde at his shop at the middle North dooro ot Panics Churclie. In reference to the rebellion of the Earls of Westmorland and Northumber- land, and their papistical doings : — The Bibles they did rend and teare, like Traytours to the Crowne. [I'lnin border under the title, and in the centre.] (Entered on the Stationers' Books in 1570. Kirkham'e ear lie8t publica- tion, recorded by Ilerbtrt, is dated 1573) 21 Cftc brainelffj tlrssing of f^z ISuII Cfjc l&ontcs, t$e l^ca&s atitr all. iltgl&t on t^eir sptnt egetr Bfeonses full CSat fiotoctfj tl^tr Btipcs to ISall. Imprinted at S. Katherina beside the Tower of London, over against tlic Bcare dannce, by Alexander Lacie. An epistle to the Pope, abusing him and his Bulls, and the Koman Catholics in general. [Plain border nil round. Devices at beginning nnd end ] (Entered in the Stationers' Books in 1570 1. The Bull here alluded to was that which Felton placed on the gate of the palace of the Bishop of ]-ondon, May 20, 1570, and for which he was afterwards executed ) HLfft pope in W furj) Uotfj ansstocr retnnic, Co a Icttfr ge tolfttc^ to Home is late eome. Finis. S. P. Imprinted by Alexander Lacie for Henry Kyrliham, dwelling at the Sipie of tlie black Boye, at the middle North dore of Paules Church. A supposititious and satirical answer from the Fope to " The brainless blessing," letting out the secret that of the said " Blessing " the famous sweet singer of Grub-street, Wylliam Elderton, was the author. Of this once notorious ballad-monger the following is a description by a contemporary, 1582. See "Reports of the Death and Martyrdome of M. Campion, Jesuit, &c." : — Fond EUerton, call In thy foolish rhime, Thy scmill balates are to bad to sell; Let good men rest, and mende thyself in time ; Confess in prose, thou hast not metred well ; Or if thy folly cannot choose but fayne Write alehouse toys, blaspheme not in thy vain. [Plain border all round.] (Stephen Peele (supposed to be the fether of George Peele, the dra- n\ati8t) was the author of the present ballad. Another effusion of his on the same subject, entitled " A letter to Kome to declare to the Pope John Felton his friend is hang'd in a rope ; And farther, a right his grace to enforme. He dyed a papist and seem'd not to turne," was in the Heber Collection. It has been reprinted in Mr. Payne Collier's " Old Ballads from Early Printed Copies." Percy Society, 1840, p. 65 22 XXXIII. CJc, 25, ©r&fvs of jFooIcs, Finis, q. T. G. Imprinted at London by Alexander Lacie, for Hem-ie KjTkhaiDi'dwell3'ng at the Signe of the blacke Boye : at the middle North dove of Paules Church. [Plain border all round; devices in the ceutre.] (" The XXV Orders of Knaves," forms a division of Awdely's '• Fra- ternitie of Vacabondes," printed in 1560. In 1570, Henry Kirkham had a license to print " A Ballad intituled the XX Orders of Fooles," which is undoubtedly the one in question. T. G. was probably Thomas Gibson, a well-known writer of such productions.) XXXIV. a pleasant poste, or S'tofft iloscgai) of fragrant emrllang ;^IotDrr3 : gatSffrtr iu tfjr ©arirm of l&cabcnig pleasure, tfte tiolg antr tlcssftr ISiblf. To the tune of the Black AlmajTie. Finis. John Symon. Imprinted at London, by Richard Johnes : dwellyng in the upper end of Fleet lane. 1572. [Plain border all round.] (The name of John Symon is nowhere mentioned as a ballad writer. The " Black Almayne " was a popular tune, but it has not been pre- served.) XXXV. a ISallatr IntitnlelJ, a i^rtoc todl atiap, as plagnc niaistrr ^Papist, as Donstabic toaye. Finis W. E. Imprinted at London in Fleetstrete beneatli the Conduit, at tlie signe of S John Evangelist, by Thomas Colwell. Alluding to the rebellion in the north (1584). The burden of this ballad is : — Well a daye, well a daye, well a daye woe is mee Syr Thomas Plomtrie is hanged on a tree. [Woodcut border in tho centre, and all round. Tailpiece.] (A was granted by the Stationers' Company for the printing of " the seconde Well-a-daye," in 1566-7, so the title must have been com- mon. Shakspeare mentions the tune of Welladay. W. E. was, of course, that prolific ballad-monger William Elderton.) XXXVI. anc nfto tallct srt out tie ane jfugittbc Scotttsman tftat flett out of ??art6 at tfjis lait ftturtl&er. Finis Quod Simpell. Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpriuik, Anno. Do. 1572. This ballad is written on the massacre of St. Bartholomew, and names C'atharine de Medicis as the guilty cause of it. The " ane Fugitive " tlm« counsels Elizabeth : — Now wyse Quene Elizabeth l«ik to your self Uispite them, and wryte them, ane bill of defyance. XXXVII. ane Complaint upon jf ortonn. Finis, quod Sempill. Imprintit at Edinburgh be Eobert Lekprewicke, dwelling at the Netherbow. (Kobert Semple, the writer of this and the precxding ditty, was the author of a number of very interesting ballads on Scottish history. Many are preserved in the library of tlie Society of Antiquaries. Mr. J. P. Collier is about to reprint them.) XXXVIII. Mn (JFpttapfj on tffz treaty of t^e Ktgl&t tonoralilc anti bcrhtous ilortJ i^rnry 21i21rislej), tfie notle e name of " Mau ilin tlie Merchant's Daughter ; " and Las been reprinted, from a comparatively modern copy, in Mr. CoUier't volume of Koxburghu Ballads. The tune is uukuown ) 27 Lll. ©f (ffibsU tongues. Finis. Q- T. Canand. Zm f ou iFotoer. li i^elpe gou MM to tour Migfit I dFeeJst t)ou jfotow. 5 lliM 8?ou ^11. Marke well the effect, pui-treyed here in all : The King that rules, the Lawyer in the hall, The Prelate with his dignities renowne, The Harlot and the countrey toyling Clowne. Howe and which way together they agi-ee. And what their talke ;\nd conference might be. Eacli to then- cause, lor guard of their degree. And yet death is the couquerour you see. [Woodcut colourea, representi-.g the BUhop, the King the Harlot, the La«7er, the Country ^ ' Clowu, and Uentn.J LIV. © marbdous tptij)ngcs tot^ saaontrrra ©lU atitr flrto fffir jacbgU is mtrttcD gf maiiB wni's toorlrw be tru. Printed by Cornells Woltrop dwellj-ng at Saynt Antonies. [Woodcut at the top] LV. mfitx tfjus it is : or tfius it si&oun>c b«. Imprinted at London without Aldersgate, in little Brittaine by Alexander Lacy. Congratulating England that " The Golden World is now come a^yne,' and that " Kynges and Princes, doe Gods laws advaunce ; that Maijes- traes and officers; Bishops and Ministers; Judges, Justices, and Gen- tlemen -Mayours and Bayliffes ; Lawyers, &c " do their duty, " each one lu his degree." That the " Commons feare God, and obey the Queene (.'//; that " Parents doe bryng up their children godly, and that subjects faith- fully pray for their Queene." [Plain border all round. Device at the beginning] LVI. Sapartons alarum, to all surt) as tro l^farc C^c name of tf)c true fjouttriers, in englautr, or els ls3?jrarc. Finis. John Saparton. Imprinted at London, in Fleete Strcete, by William How for Ricliard Johues, and are to bo soldo at his Shoppo under the Lottcrie House. (Saparton is a new name iu ballad literature.) LVII. ®f STriist antJ HLviaU. Finis. B. C. (" B. C." was probably Bartholomew Chappell, celebrated for his coutro- versy with Thomas Camell.) LVIII. a ^allatr. The first verse runs thus : — Loe here the pearle, Whom God and man doth love : Loe here on earth, The onely starxe of hght : Loe here the Queene, Whom no mishap can move : To chaiinge her mynde, From vertues chief delight. [With a coloured Woodcut Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, with Crown, Sceptro, and Ball.] (Giffoid says, " In Jonson's time, scarcely any ballad was printed with- out a woodcut illustrative of its subject. If it was a ballad of ' pure love,' or of ' good life,' which afforded no scope for the graphic talents of the Grub-street Apellee, the portrait of ' good Queen Elizabeth,' magnificently adorned, with the globe and sceptre, formed no imwelcome substitute for her loving suljects.") LXIX. as pleasant a &ittte as gour l&art can bjislft, ^^clDing tntat mifeinlruegs hettU fij) a Mmc. At Loudon printed for T. P. [Rich woodcut, border top and bottom.] a tala&c of a prctst tfiat lostc ID is nose jFor saginge of ifiassc as 5 suppose. Finis. God save the Quene. A caustic satire against " Olde Syr Jolm the Vycar of Lee, which rayle.s at God's boke and reeles at hia Masse ;" and whose " smeller is smitttu cleaue from his face " for so doing. LXI. a mers iiala&e, Soto a toife tiitrratelr ]&rr l^usftanlr to tfahe Ijn- oiDne b)gU. Finis. Quod T. W. T. Imprinted at London by Alexander Lacy. A ludicrous dialogue between a "yong man und his wife," only amontli or more married ! touchiugdrtss.pleusurc taking, and domestic economy. 29 The lady asks for " one thyng," viz., to have the use of her " toung, ey ther to chy de, or els to sing," with a few supplementary trifles. The gentleman replies somewhat ungallantly, Ko wyfe I ani your head Wherefore I pray you my counsell take, And let such tricks in you be dead Least that for it your bones doe ake : Therefore learne betime to brue and bake. 4:c. [Plain border all round. Woodcut dovice at the end, Death and the Lady.] LXII. ^ mittB ncto Ibong fioto a iSruer meant to mafee a (ffoopn rucfeollt, antr l^otD Ireerc tfjc ISrticr pailr for tfte iargainc. To the time of In Somertime. [Woodcut at the top. Woodcut border in the centre.] (The tune here mentiqnrd is preserved in " The Courte of Vertue," by John Hall, 1565.) a meric netoe ISallatr ttttitiil£& t^^c piniiyug of tfie iSasfeet: And is to bee songe to the tune of the doune right Squire. Imprinted at Loudon for Hemie Kirkham, and are to be sold at his shop, at the litile North doore of Paules, at the signe of the blacke Boye. The comical humours of a " Joyner's man, of a chandler (' a quiet man!'), and his shrewish wife." The burden is " Tantara, tantara, tantara." [Woodcut border all round ] (" Down ri«ht Squire, or Gibeon's Tantara," is one of the tunes referred to in " The Ilaudefull of Pleasant Delitee," 1-584. It is not known ) a prcttif iietD ISallalr, intgtulelr : Cte Cvotoe etts upon t^c toall, lipase one antJ plcafic all. To the tune of. Please one and please all. Finis. E. T. Imprinted at London, for Henry Kyrkham, dwelling at the httle Norh doore of Paule's, at the Signe of the blacke Boye. [Woodcut of a lady with a fan of feathers at the top, plain border all round.] (This interesting Shakespearian ballad been reprinted, by the per- mission of Mr. Daniel, in the first number of " Memorabilia." It is written by Tarle'on, and quoted by M*lvolio in ' Twelfth Night." 30 a IBtttsf &digljtfun of mother toatfeins ale ai tDarntng fajrll iDagetr, tftpng^ countetr a talc. The existence of this ballad has been questioned. " Mother Watkins ale " was supposed to have been the Title to a " Round" qr Country dance; the music, ivithout the words, having been discovered among the papers of Dr. Pepusch, who set the songs in the " Beggar's Opera." Before this copy appeared it was unknown. [Woodcut border top and bottom.] (This ballad is mentioned in a letter with the signature of T. N. to his good friend A. M. [Anthony Munday], prefixed to the latter's translation of " Gerileon of England," 1592. " I should hardly be perswaded, that anie professor of so excellent a science (as printing) would be so impudent to print such ribauldrie as IVntkin's Ale, The Carman's Whistle, and sundrie such other." The tune is ])rejerved in Queen Elizabeth's Virginal Book in the Eitzwilliam 3Iu.^eum, C imbridge.) a iicli) bala&e cutitulclr as folotoct^, €o sticft as toritc in JHetres, I icrite ©f small matters an exportation, 138 reatigng of isf)itf) men inau treltte Jn suet as te toortts commentration. MV: bt^rse also it tatj relation Co sucj as print, tftal tl^ej) &oc it toell, Cte tetter tljeg sJ&all tfteir JHetres sell, sanli tol^en toe fialie Itoen al tl^at eber toe can, net ns neber seeS prayse at t^e mouftf of man. Finis by K. B. Imprinted at S. Katherins besyde the Towre of London, by Alexander Lacie. [Plain border aU round.] (" R. B." was the author of " The Plowman's Complaint," and of several other broadsides printed about 1580.) sa lUalalre Ireelarging ]&otu nei)bourf)£& lobe, antt treto Irealyng is gone. Qd. Jhon Barker. Imprinted at London by Richard Lant. Where shall one fynde a man to trust, Alwaye to stands in tyme of neede ; Thee most parte nowe, they are unjust — Fayre in wordes, but false in deede : Neibourhed nor love is none trew dealpig now is fled and goite. (John Barker has hitherto only been known as the author of a ballad on the destruction of Jerusalem, printed by Colwell in 15G8, a copy of which 31 (probably unique) 1b preBcrved In the Miller Collection. His name occurs several times in the course of our Catalogue.) LXVIII. S3 ilctDc Sbecte of jFrtars rallci (ffapirfiini. A fierce invective against " These newe, freshecome Friars, sprong up of late, that doe nowe within Andwarpe (Antwerp) keepe their abidinge." [Woodcut of two friars at the top, coloured.] a nierbaBlous atraungc trcfonnclr Stogtip. Finis. T. P. Imprinted at London by William How, for Eichard Johnes : and are to be solde at his Shop joyning to the Southwest doore of Paulas Churche. [Woodcut of a swine, inclosed in a plain border, at the top. Prose and Veree.] (" T. P." was, perhaps, Thomas Proctor, the author of many " pretty pamphlets.") jFtanftlins jFarelDclI to tt\c 3123orllr, ^IkUtlj 5ts (Hfiristian Contrition in $)rison before ^is Dfatft. Printed at Loudon for Henry Gosson. [A very rich woodcut border all round.] (This ballad, the last of the series, relates to James Franklin, who was extcuted for his share in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury. H. Gosson was a celebrated ballad-printer In the reign of James I. He died in 1630, when his stock was purchased by Coles, Vere, and "Wright.) 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. Mnv 26 196524 REC-P NOV22'65-10AM 4Wi ^4A963^^ RECElVFn JAN 27 -69 Bum mOAN DhPV, H£C'DiD APR5in7t,3p M4 APR 2 6 1971 8.^ LD 21A-60m-3,'65 (F2336sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley